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 Oiraon CnTiians. 
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 ii: In.-.! riiiiiiiiiiuir,ili'.ii>. r('-<ivi'(l IV 
 inistiiiii Id till* Iiiiliii.' 
 Is \U'Sl 111 ilk 
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 \n\:\ loiLsly to iIidsl' iuserlod licro, 
 were dated in Fcbrunrv 1637, aud were in»cri- 
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 Mr. Sf 
 thoii'Tli ill 
 from tlio I 
 anro of i 
 niiiiilior (1 
 Catlli! :ili(l 
 Itio flcM o 
 •bout ;<,5 
 kesules ni: 
 liouA Ollll 
 kindly liiri 
 buslicli of 
 •f oxen an 
 iiiig his iu 
 tos; l)etii(i 
 COmrurt ut 
 Oregon Indians.' — Letter from Doct. Ifhxtmaih 
 I Wriiiu;; nifain on tlio 15lh of Mnrnh, in.?3, 
 I Mr. S|i;il<liii(;, rcf(!rrinj; lo llic >ainr journey, 
 illlil tlic lllliri it of lliil linli:ilis iu lli< I'lis-idll, 
 I A few day? buforc 1 let>. Colvillo, iho 
 Ptiiulnrays urrivcil in ^rrcat iiiimhi'M In 
 I I^M't u sijilit !it tilt! "liliu'k co;i(," nuii f'ol- 
 , lowrd iiiO on my rcliirn two diiyn, many 
 nil foot, fo hffir mo sjicak at ni','lit. Two 
 cliitjfs from iho vicinity of Ukaiiafrnii, 
 , nif-'iitionod in a former loUor, ANitii s(!v- 
 ' 'Till of tliuir pi.'opli.', a('(:oiii[iiini(,'d mo 
 linmi', nnd rtmininod Komo \v(;ck.~, cvi- 
 dciit'y iiiiich lu'Mi.'liUpd l)y ij{:ri|)tnrf.' citd 
 .Iii'y roccivcd Jfiht aiimmor. Such Jo'ir- 
 ncys of Home wcokn or montlis, mado 
 frcMjunntly Ihronn^h tlio country, would 
 d(nd)t!ess rosull, in good. Thousandj 
 would hoar of the Savior for tlie tirwt, 
 c<l !\\ p. 497 of iho laiil volume. Tlio station of 
 Mr. y[>aliliii;j, il will l^c n-iTiPnilx-rcd, is almut 
 Dili' liuiiilriMl mile- almvc \\'.ill.i«.<lla, or Uii) 
 miles u|) tlic Coluiiiliin iVuiu llio i/ccaii. Col- 
 villi', K tra<iiii'.; fort lo wliirli he liii'.l |)rorcc(lc>l 
 lo oliiaiii (lour ^uhI oiIut su|)|>lic-<. uliere liir- 
 fdllowiiiy U'llcr wa.s wriiifit, is .)(K) niilcs furllit-r 
 up the rivir. Il inubt Ijc lioriie in niiml dial 
 tliu only mode of rouvcyiii;^ heavy nrticlc* lion 
 llii; Iwckst of linrsLS, and Ihai liii.Ke animals, 
 West of Ihe inoMiilaiiis, are rxiremciv .-iliuiid- 
 aiil, and lilllc more expeiisixo lli.iii sliecp are 
 iu the United StalcM. 
 Ihsire of the Inilians for Instruction — 
 Culvillc — Favorable Vror-puts. 
 I lefl home AujiistOPtli, witli Hcvrnty- 
 fivfi horses nnd nineteen men, and arriv- 
 ed at this fort September l.st, five days and perhaps the last time, and ^ho can 
 from hnmo. Timi)er was plenty the la.st 1 tell how much liiihl is neeesaary to snl- 
 threo daya, ineliidiiifr dilfiirent kinds ofi vution. I lel>. Cnlville on the .'ilh of 
 pine and hemlock. Some spots of ap- j, September with elfccLs specified in my 
 parently nral»le land were traversed bo- letter from that |)laee and readied iiomo 
 tween this nnd Spoknn. Indi'ins were [ the l^th, travelin;/ tlio two hundred 
 found in trreat ;i Miidance; multitudes I "liles in six days, nnd found all \linvr-i 
 came upon the rou" to see the "black 'i safe. 
 cont," havinir word T his cominir. Ofi The last winter bepan onrlier nnd con- 
 course I must preach i\ery nifrht,thouirii ; tinii ^ later tlian the winter before, 
 hard ilny's ride, of some forty or fifty ', thousrli there were several weeks in the 
 miles, left me more inclined to take rest, , months of December untl January, of 
 tlian to sminuon up my whole soul to ; warm weather, diiriiif; winch, the ot.ihs 
 make a first Pi)eech to a new tribe al- ; was fresh and o^rowi no-. My animals arc 
 most every cnmp. Multitudes Iiave l)cen j all in fToi'J plight this sprini.'. 
 cominjr into this place since my arrival, i I hav<; notliin<.r to add ia relation to 
 We had a jrreat meeting yesterday. God this jieople us a tribe, but would repeat 
 efrnnt that sopm i,'ood niay hnve been |i ^^'l'"* I '"ivc heretofore said, with moro 
 done in the name of .lesu.s. Surely these 1 confidence, and invito our christian 
 fields are wliite for the harvest. I shall i friends to unite with us in jiraising CJod 
 probably be followed by hundrcd.s, and I for his continued troodness to us, in con- 
 perhaps thousands, for several days on 
 my way home, to hear somethinij about 
 Jcsns Christ every ni^'ht. 
 Mr. Spaldina: states that around Colvillc, 
 thou^li in the depth of Ihe wihlcrni-^is. fiOO miles 
 from the I'arific, there is niueh of the .ippear- 
 Mce of industry and civili/aiion. Bi'>ides a 
 puinlier of dwelling hoiijes. there is a hlaek- 
 iniilh-shop and a tlour-nnll. l,ar^;e herds of 
 fatlle ami swine are al.so found iheie; an I from 
 Ihe field of the su|)eriiil( iidont, Mr. !MrI»onold, 
 •bout 'MiW bu.shels ol fjrain were hiirve-ited, 
 besides an ci|ual (|uantu> of potatoes, nnd \ii- 
 lious other ariirles of proihire. Mr. Mel). 
 IKndly fiirnishod Mr. .Spalding with tliirty-livt? 
 bushel* of !;rnin, l,2(Klnii^hi of Hour, a yoke 
 tf oxen and three swine, to aid him in lie-^in- 
 ling his new establislnnent among the Ne?, I'cr- 
 Ms; besides numerous other urtielu^ lor the 
 comfort ul hit family. 
 tiiuiin{]f us our lives and health, and for 
 .the increasinjrly frvorable prospects of 
 ' our feeble undertakinfrs. 
 I I have completed an alphabet in tho 
 i Nez Perces lanfrtiajre, and a spellini;- 
 book with some sixty or seventy scnp- 
 i tnre and animal cuts explained, whicli I 
 shall send to the Sandwich Islands to 
 , bo printed, by the first oi)portunity. I 
 hope to complete a small elementary 
 \ work to accompany it, and a lartro one 
 \ during the year to be printed at Uoaton. 
 MAUcii \% 18;J8. 
 I The sla'ion of Docl. Whitman, among tho 
 Kaynsi!s, is aboui iwonty-five miles from Wal- 
 lawulla. After giving an tiecount of a journey 
 j whirli he made lo tho station of .Mr. t^palding, 
 ' duriu|( uhieh he lel'l the iniisiou prcmiSKs. with 
 , tho Ktoi'k and pnuluix:, etc. at tho utalion, al- 
 Orceon ImUiinsi — T.dtcr from Darl. h'liihnon. 
 inoxt .iilirr-ly wiiljfiiii ]irott.'cii<'ii, lull still fnuiMl My pl'Mi t"cr ti'in''iii"' fliP children is) 
 all .sail! on Ills rt'liirii. I Iiut to tiiko tliflll to h ;inl, liiit 1ft tliciii 
 live v.iili tir'ir |)iiri'iits •iml coino for 
 (icneral line of tin- Lahore at tin iii-:tni(ti<'n. W'in'ii tln'ir |i;iri'iit-< iirc to 
 ^lutiim. j lio <T()ii.! lor ;i slmrt tiiii"' I \r\\\ ^rivc 
 ' fiiciii t'ooil iiml let lliciii IoiIl'''' !iiiil cook 
 Dnrin? tlio ^viutnr wo li!iv<> lic'ii m my Imlum room iiii'il tln'ir [nin-iil.-? 
 rretitly tavored liy Inviin/ !i i"i'w \<'ry p'turii. Somi' of tln' |i!irt!ils lic^jfiii to 
 kind in(iin)is rii'Jir iih, so fli;it we hiivc Im im\\il!iM'_r ii lie iilxciit Immhiiso it 
 Jind a Hcliool (>r tVoiii lit'tci'ii to tnpiity t.ik''-^ tlicir cliildnn otV tVoui Ipariiiiii,' 
 sclioliirs, iiiiiiiy oi' mIiomi lri\i> iiifidf ti'ood to ri';id. 'I'lio \nmi'^ Isavusc, ulio liiid 
 proticif'Mcy in l''iiriiirii;- to read the |-!n:r- l)i'"ii a!)out srvrn vi'aiv at tlic Iliiulisii 
 li.sli lap'ii ,.j-(-. 'I'liosc ulio have I'citi iiiissiun srIiMcil at Iti'd I! i\ or, died alioiit 
 rwny for tlif uiiitcr Imiit ar<' iio\r rr- ji vcar simc, just as lie »as alioiil to 
 tiiriK.'d, and tlio |)n'SHnt niiiidn'r of idiild- return to \\\^ itcoplc. Wi- harl looked Tor 
 ron is nini'ji o-rcatcr than wt- have lionk-^ jiis rpfiirn with icnicli intrrcst, as he had 
 or al)ility to tcacli. 'J'lio only lioo|,s \\c liccri iicro on a visit and iu'liavrd very 
 have for t<;a<'liinir wow kindly and ^na- well. |}iit i'ro\ idcnci- has rcniovt'd liini 
 tiiifously furnished us Ity our Methodist • •Voni either c/ood or harm in this lite, 
 brethren of till- Willamette mission. i nv farther than his iieo|i!u reniendier 
 TIk! disposition of tin; Indians appears his i;Mod advice. 
 much nioro friendly ami acconmiodatin^r \\'e Inive now seen two winters in 
 than last year, hut still T need not tf.-ll , this cliuiate, and I thiidi f can say it in 
 you wo have many pf;rverse dispositions, as tine as one could desire. Our ain- 
 to encounter, for which we ol'ten feel we ^ maj.s wititerod in <.rood order in the 
 Inck wisdom, nnd should he discouraL^ed ])l,iins. We have no want of provi- 
 wert! it not for the premises ot' <Iod sioiis and seeds. f)r the Indians; and ( 
 to bo with lid to etiliL'hten and sustain hav(^ Ix'cn emihled to Inrnish Mr. Spald- 
 us. inir with considerahh; corn ami potatoes. 
 The Indians are niakinir arraiv:renient-' ;nid also t-- ,, lurn, in a small deirree, tho 
 for [)lanlinLS and I am in ho[)Cs they will kindijess of our neiM-hhors at Walla- 
 do much. Jiut thiMr I'ear that other walla. 
 Indians will steal frotu them is a irreat Indians from a distance are contin- 
 hir^drancn to them, and all are anxious nallv comin^- I'm- seed to plant, ami as ( 
 to plant where I c;in watch their cinps; am not strai'iliteued it atiiirds me jjreat 
 for, ns they say. tho Indians t'ear mo, but pleasure to ijive them. I'here st>ems to 
 do not fear them. bea;i'eneral intere-t amon!/ the iieiiih- 
 Our sy.stem of rr liLri'ins instruction in berint:' Indians to plant. I am anxious 
 much as when I wrote in the fall. Wo to cultivate |ar;relv as I expect we may 
 have two mei'tiuffs for Indians on the hav(^ associates and p(>!haps some (jf onr 
 {Sabbath, and in the eveniriLT what w(! call friends frmu the Siinduicli Islands may 
 n Sab!)ath .school tor the rhiidren and spend s(jme time with us for health, 
 youth. Tho attention to rfdiLfi'His in- ( )iir sitmitioii renders it neci ssary lo en- 
 .struction i-J sjood and solenm. Worshij) terlain man) iVietids and passinir stran- 
 is strictly maintained in tho principal n:ers. 
 lods^-es niorni.i;r and eveniuL'". It has seemed important to inak" n. 
 Lately I have been explainiiiLT the ten heuiMmuL'' that woulii onconrajre tho 
 Connnaiidmeiits and our Savior's tirst and Indians at the out'et, that wo miirl't the 
 f^'reat commaiidnierit, to w hich they listen sooner ;:i'ain access to them and try tho 
 Avitii strict attention: and from their in- inlluence of cultivation and a more 
 •piirie.s I think they nnderstaml them, settled manner of life; not lortrettinj,'' 
 They say they do not worsliip idols, hut that it is the j>'os|)e| which wo coim; 
 stilll thiidc many of their trailitions arc to brinir, and that our ^Toat- business 
 evidences ot' idolatrous worship of some is with the mind ami not the liody. 
 nniinals and birds. One [)roniineiit iVe/. Ibit whih' we acipiire their lan^iiiaire, 
 I'erces told me they did formerly wur- and are preparinu;- to instruct tluMu, they 
 ship t!ie pnnrie wolt" who i- the subject nre not idle spectators. They nmst ho 
 of many traditions, and to whom they directed in tlie must nsefid habits. 
 ascribe many wonderful chainres in na- I'lverv thins* seems onconrao-ino- in 
 ture, and e\en tiie f.innation of tho our pi.ispects, hoih as to iii-t'-m tion 
 world. 'J'heir tndition is that former- anil cultivation. Mav tla: Lord bless 
 ly ho was a superior being, but is iiuw , u>. and direct our eifurts iu tiio best 
 fallen. i wa). 
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