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 JiyiWA HILL« $A.$K.« pAMi 
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 i^ionnv of Chinese ^lissions 
 Crnerai Secretary of the Meihodnt Men. Conne.rion Mis.icar,. Socu-ty 
 A.-TwoR OP "The Grrat Sckoolmen of thr MinoLB Agrs." 
 A. G. WATSON, Manager. 
 Cimvn 8vo., \G0 pares, viauy Jlliistratiom, cloth extra, 
 \s, M. each. 
 William Carey, the Shoemaker wholhecame a Missionary. By 
 Kev. J. 15. MvRRs, Association .Secretary, liaptist Missionary 
 Robert Moffat, the Missionary Hero of Kuruman. l!y David j. 
 Dbank, Author of "Martin Luther, the Reformer," "John WicHfTe, 
 the Morning Star of the Reformation," etc. 
 James Chalmers, Missionary and Explorer of Rarotonga and 
 New Guinea. By William Rodson, of the London Missionary 
 Bishop Patteson, the Martyr of Melanesia. By Jesse Pagb. 
 Griffith John, Founder of the Hankow Mission, Central China. 
 By William Rohson, of the London Mi.ssionary Society. 
 S. W. Partridgr & Co., 9, Paternostbr Row. 
 rriHE \viu".ly-extended interest now being manifested 
 J- in the v^vangelisation of tlie Chinese Empire 
 makes this a favourable opportunity for issuing a 
 brief memoir of the first Protestant Missionary to 
 th:i country, and of diffusing a knowledge of his 
 noble life and character, especially amongst the 
 young of our Churches and Sunday Schools. May 
 his spirit of earnest devotion rest on the youth of 
 this generation. 
 The Author has been indebted for the materials of 
 this volume to the following works : " A Memoir of 
 the Life and Labours of Rev. E. Morrison, D.D.," 
 compiled and published by his widow ; " A Retrospect 
 of the First Ten Years of the Protestant Mission to 
 China," by Dr. W. Milne, but chiefly compiled from 
 a M.S. written by Dr. Morrison; "The Life and 
 Opmions of Rev. W. Milne, D.D.," by Robert Philip ; 
 and, " China, its State and Prospects," by Dr. W 
 H. Medhurst. 
 The Author also expresses his fervent thanks to his 
 revered friend, the Eev. J. C. Bruce, D.D., for having 
 kindly allowed him the use of several letters written 
 by Dr. Morrison, which have not previously been 
 published, and for having permitted him to extract 
 a few facts of interest from an unpublished lecture on 
 " Morrison and Chinese Missions," given by him in 
 Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1859. 
 While Newcastle has not been backward in honour- 
 ing the memory of several of its great townsmen, it 
 IS astonishing that it has never erected a statue or 
 even a tablet, or, better still, established a benevolent 
 institution as a memorial of the name and character of 
 Eobert Morrison. What citizen of the good old town 
 has better deserved such honour? 

 I. Introductory 
 II. Childhood and Youth 
 III. Preparation for the Great Work 
 IV. Initial Life and Work in China . 
 V. Persecution.— Dk. Milne 
 VI. Visit to Pekin.— Malacca College . 
 VII. Bible Comi'letb.— Death of Milne 
 VIII. Work in England.— Return to China 
 IX. Renewed Labour.- Closing Scenes 
 X. What Hk was.— What He did 
 "It is Christ alone who can lead iu the gloiious dawn of the Chinese 
 renaissance ; the new birth of a mighty nation to liberty and right- 
 eousness, and an ever-exijanding civilisation,"— G. Johns. 
 OROCK, rock, when wilt thou open?" exclaimed 
 the apostolic Xavier, as he lay burning with 
 fever on an island off the coast of China in 1552. 
 Similar ardent longings have stirred the souls of con- 
 secrated Christian workers during many periods of 
 the Church's history. But China remained a sealed 
 rock to Christian effort until about the middle of the 
 present century. No one can be surprised that it has 
 attracted to itself a variety of interest, and especi- 
 ally that it should enkindle the enthusiasm of the 
 Christian missionary. The tenacious life which has 
 prolonged itself for upwards of four thousand years, 
 and has survived the tempests of time— which have 
 carried down into utter destruction the great empii-es 
 of antiquity, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, 
 and Eome— stamps the Chinese as a peculiar people, 
 and invests them with a halo of romance well calcu- 
 lated to fire the imagination of the adventurous spirit 
 Their hoary systems of religion and philosophy, their 
 attamments in various sciences, their skill and pro- 
 ficiency in many arts and manufactures, and the 
 mmeral wealth of their country, have all tended to 
 attract the attention of the student, the merchant, 
 and the statesman. But the enormous population,' 
 long reckoned at the inconceivable number of four 
 hundred millions, and recently ascertained to be 
 about three hundred and ninety millions, in a low 
 degraded moral condition, might well stimulate the 
 benevolent impulses of the philanthropist, and rouse 
 the enthusiasm of the Christian, whose soul vibrates 
 m response to the command, "Go ye into all the 
 world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." 
 One insuperable difficulty prevented for centuries 
 Christian efi^ort being put forth for the conversion 
 of the empire of China. The nation has been rootedly 
 andperseveringly opposed to intercourse with foreign- 
 ers, especially with such as would attempt to pro- 
 selytise from the accepted religions of the people. 
 Therefore it has hermetically sealed itself at every 
 point against the Christian propagandist. The result 
 was that, up to the commencement of the present 
 century, no evangelical teacher of truth had been 
 able to enter the country; and, until the middle of 
 the century, no real foothold for the Gospel had been 
 It is true that upwards of a thousand years ago 
 an attempt was made to enter China by Christian 
 missionaries. The Nestorians, in the sixth or seventh 
 century, sent out messengers to China; and an inte- 
 resting relic of their labours remains in a monument 
 at Se-ngan Fu. This monument contains a short 
 history of the Nestorian sect from the year 630 to 
 781, and also an abstract of the Christian religion. 
 Scarcely a trace remains of the work done through 
 this movement. When Eoman Catholic missionaries 
 entered the country in the fourteenth century, they 
 found the Nestorians swaying considerable influence 
 both amongst rich and poor; and it may be reasonably 
 hoped that, through the eight centuries of their his- 
 tory m this land, great numbers of the Chinese were 
 brought under the sanctifying power of the Gospel. 
 Ihe sect eventually lost its simplicity of faith and 
 became extinct, any lingering remnant becommg 
 absorbed in the Eomish Church. 
 In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries an 
 ardent longing sprang up in the Eoman Catholic 
 Church to draw China into its fold. John de Corvino 
 a man of remarkable boldness and zeal, went to 
 I'ekin m 1293. He was created an archbishop, and 
 numerous bishops and priests were sent out to aid 
 him. The enterprise was not successful. It was soon 
 abandoned, and for two hundred years China and the 
 western world were cut off from all intercourse with ^ 
 each other. In 1652, Francis Xavier made an attempt 
 to enter the country. He was smitten with fever, and 
 died on the island of Sancian, within sight of the 
 coast. But in 1581, Matteo Eicci, a Jesuit of great 
 learnmg and acuteness-one who combined intense" 
 zeal with prudent caution-reached Canton in the 
 garb of ca Buddhist priest. He was successful in 
 preserving a residence, and in IGOl made his way to 
 Pekin, assuming the garb of a literary gentleman 
 He acquired considerable influence amongst the 
 learned orders and ruling powers; and, as th^ result 
 of the labours of himself and his companions, many 
 churches were established. Since that time Eoman 
 Cathohcism has maintained an existence in China, in 
 the face of much persecution and opposition. 
 ^ One result of the great evangelical revival of the 
 eighteenth century was the intense desire for the 
 conversion of the heathen which possessed Pro- 
 testant Christendom. As the result of that desire 
 and through the agency of chosen instruments,' 
 modern missionary societies arose, and the great 
 evangelistic movement of the present century came 
 into bemg. It was impossible that, in the urgent 
 desire to scatter the Gospel amongst the nations still 
 given up to superstition and idolatry, China could 
 be overlooked, or that it should fail to absorb to 
 Itself much prayerful attention. Its antiquity, its 
 exclusiveness, its peculiar civiHsation, its overwhelm- 
 ing population, made it at once the most interesting 
 the most difficult, and the most extensive field opene'd 
 out for conquest by the Church for the Lord Jesus 
 Christ. The Apostles themselves had no grander 
 or wider sphere opened before them, as they went 
 out m faith to attack the strongholds of sin in the 
 Eoman empire. The faith, zeal, and unction required 
 by them m their great work, were also imperatively 
 demanded of the men who should undertake the task 
 of attackmg this hitherto invulnerable fastness of 
 To briefly trace the career of the first modern 
 apostle to China, who. witli indomitable and perse- 
 vering zeal, went forth to tliis giant enterprise, is the 
 object of these pages ; and it is earnestly hoped that 
 the narration of this story will fire many hearts 
 with a generous and Divine enthusiasm in aid of the 
 great work for the conversion of this enormous nation 
 comprismg one-fourth of the world's population. The 
 motto of every Christian just now should be— 
 China for Christ, and in this Generation. 
 •j^^^^^S-- J 
 Childhood and Youth, 
 " J>'air boy ! the wanderings of thy way, 
 ft iff not mine to trace, 
 Throngli buoyant youth's exulting day, 
 Or manhood's nobler race. 
 " AA'hat discipline thine lieart may need. 
 What clouds may veil thy sun, 
 Ihe eye of God alone can read, 
 And let His will be done." 
 EGBERT Morrison was born on January 5th 1782 
 at Buller's Green, ^ in the little VcturesnS 
 town of Morpeth, Northumberland. His father Jam s 
 Mornson, was a farm-labourer, who removed, when 
 Robert was three years old, to Newcastle-upon-Tyne 
 where be established a business as a last and boot-tree' 
 rrn^"?"?' '^, *^' ^r^ ^^'^'^- T^^ P^^^e where 
 he and his family resided was long called by the name 
 of "Morrison's Close," in remembrance of his famous 
 son Here he employed several workmen, earned a 
 eight children m the fear of God. 
 The house was in existence till loef van,. r\^ ■\t i -., . 
 it was razed to the ground ^ "'''' ^^'''' ^^^^' 
 He was a Scotchman by birth, his wife was a North- 
 iimbrian and both of them were people of fervent and 
 consistent piety. They became members of an old 
 Presbyterian church in the High Bridge, the entrance 
 to which was through a public-house yard. Mr Mor 
 rison was held in high esteem by the church, and 
 an old inhabitant, who knew him and his son Eobert 
 we.l, and who was a member of the same church 
 over which the Rev. J. G. Potter now presides, us d 
 to tell her pastor that the father was a most worthy 
 old man, highly respected, and that, though not an 
 elder, yet no elder in the church was bo highTy 
 esteemed, nor so worthy as he to be one Thl 
 minister at that time was the Eev. John Hnffnn ! 
 man faithfully devoted to the interests of h^th„r;h 
 and one who exercised a healthful and powerfulTnflu: 
 ence on the mmd of the subject of this Vemol 
 Eobert was sent to a school kept by James Nichol 
 Tnts" itT:' ""^^n^-- ^f respectable Sfn 
 ments. Here he received a sound elementary edu 
 cation. For some time he showed great slowness in 
 learmng, and has been ranked amon^.f +L ;n f • 
 dunces of history; but aftertrl h'el ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 manifested great delight in his studies, and Se lanfd 
 and satisfactory progress. ^"* 
 He was also carefully trained in Scripture know 
 ledge and re igious duties by his pastor, Mr HutZ" 
 who frequently catechised him, both at ho^P «.] "' 
 public, after the fashion long in vogue 'n^'n 'S 
 and in the North of England THp Jf° • T °*^^"d 
 to further test his memory, the pastor exercised him 
 on different parts in various wayn, the boy passing 
 through the ordeal without a single error. 
 On leaving school at the age of fourteen, he was 
 bound apprentice to his fatlicr, and wrought at his 
 trade with great diligence and industry. I'or a brief 
 period he seems to have been led into evil courses by 
 careless companions ; but in 171)8 he relinquished his 
 bad habits, separated himself from all friends that 
 were evil or doubtful, and became soundly converted 
 to the service of God. Tlie great change seems rather 
 to have been the outcome of long previous training, 
 and of healthful religious influences around himi 
 than of any special instrumentality ; but he at once 
 sought union with the Church, and joined a meeting 
 for prayer which assembled in his father's workshop 
 on Monday evenings. He also began a course of 
 devotional reading, chiefly of the Scriptures ; drew 
 out a plan for the regulation of his time, which he 
 carefully observed; and even learnt a system of 
 shorthand to facilitate his studies. He formed an 
 intimacy with a young mn,n at Shields of kindred 
 religious fervour, and they met almost daily for prayer 
 and pious conversation. They also visited together 
 the sick poor, and engaged in work for God in various 
 ways as they had opportunity. 
 Gradually his soul became more deeply engrossed 
 with rehgious subjects. In 1800 he removed his bed 
 into the workshop for the sake of greater privacy, and 
 often till one or two o'clock in the morning was 
 engaged reading Eomaine's "Life of Faith," or 
 Hervey's " Meditations," or Marshall on " Sanctifica- 
 tion," but most of all searching the treasures of 
 Matthew Henry's incomparable "Commentary." This 
 workshop remained till lately in much the same con- 
 chtion as It WHS in those days. In I85i) a lecture on 
 China and Dr. Morrison was delivered in Newcastle-on- 
 lyno, m reply to an address hy Hev. li I. AVilberlbrce 
 ni which a rude attack had been made on Dr. Morri' 
 «on It was given by the Hey. J. (j. ]^ruce D D 
 and contains the following passage :— ' ' " 
 v;«r"^l'?, '^''^' ''/'* P'''"'- "''^^^l^^^^ ^y ^ joiner. I 
 visited the room last week in company with my friend 
 ^^ John Fenw ck. The place is in a somewhat fraii 
 state and its whole aspect is such as rather to depress 
 than to excite any noble elevation of soul. My friend 
 oil entering, felt himself carried back fifty years' 
 He pointed to the bench where he had scores of times 
 seen Morrison at his work, and told me that he 
 generally ound him with a book lying open before 
 Inn^"' r ^"''^^' ''''^^'^°i^ ^''^ °^ iNorthumber- 
 land s greatest men must frequently have met- 
 Kobert Morrison and George Stephenson. The fami- 
 lies ol each were mutually acquainted. Mr. Stephen- 
 son when a young man, filled up his spare time with 
 makmg shoes. He made his own lasts, and boasted 
 12 P^^'^^^-^f ^^^f in this way. On one occasion 
 Stephenson entered mto competition with a fellow, 
 artist, and, in order to exclude the possibility of pre- 
 ndre on the part of the umpire, obtained le'ave 
 ducTion.'' """ " '®' ^^''' '*"^P *^ ^"« P^-o- 
 Young Morrison also rented a little garden in Pan- 
 vbU f' ^^1^^^-^ing suburb of Newcastle, but 
 which has now disappeared beforp fho march of 
 aS"^S ^nd commei-ce. Here he often repaired for 
 quiet meditation and prayer ; and, even when at 
 vioiPV, the Bible or some oiiin' book was open bolbro 
 him, in order that his heart and mind might be re- 
 freshed while his hands were busily occupied. On the 
 Sabbath he regularly attended the services of the 
 church, and his soul became intently earnest in seek- 
 ing the conversion of his kindred and friends. He 
 appealed to one young relative — a sailor — with such 
 pertinacity, imploring him to seek the Lord, that the 
 young man said his words were never out of his ears, 
 and he was led to come to Jesus. Thus from his 
 earliest Christian life he manifested those profound 
 convictions of duty, that intensity and fixedness of 
 purpose, and that desire for the salvation of souls, 
 which characterised all his future course. 
 His early Christian life is very interestingly de- 
 scribed in a letter he wrofu to the Committee of 
 Hoxton Academy, when, in 1802, he ofi'ered himself 
 for the work of the ministry. In it he states as 
 follows : — 
 "In the early part of my life, having enjoyed the 
 inestimable privilege of godly parents (a blessing for 
 which I ever desire to be thankful), I was habitu- 
 ated to a constant and regular attendance on the 
 preached Gospel. My father was ever careful to keep 
 up the worship of God in our family, and e^l atod 
 me in the principles of 'he Christian reJig. 'i> 
 When farther advanced in life, I attended tl c \>\\hYu:, 
 catechising of the Eev. John Hutton, from whose 
 instructions I received much advantage. By these 
 n '^jns (under the good hand of God) my conscience 
 wa., '••aiowhat informed and enlightened, and I was 
 kepi OLJ ri^aning Lo that excess of riot to which 
 miuiv p:«?jiiB in a" unregenerate state do, though 
 as vet 1 lived witLout Christ, without God, and 
 witliout hope ill the world. I was a stnui-er to the 
 plague ot my own heart ; and, notwithstanding that 
 I often telt remorse and the upbraiding^ of coiiHciencc. 
 yet r < .atered myself that somehow I should have 
 peace though I walked in the ways of my own heart. 
 It was about live years ago that I was much 
 awakened to a sense of sin, though I cannot recollect 
 any particular circumstances that led to it, unless it 
 was that at that time I grew somewhat loose and 
 pro aiie, and more than once, being drawn aside by 
 wicked company (even at that early time of life) I 
 became intoxicated. Reflection upon my conduct 
 became a source of much uneasiness to me, and I was 
 Inought to a serious concern about my soul. I felt 
 tilt dread of eternal condemnation. The fear of 
 death compassed me about, and 1 was led to cry 
 nightly to God that He would pardon my sin, that 
 He would grant me an interest in the Saviour, and 
 that He would renew me in the spirit of my mind 
 hill became a burden. It was then that I experienced 
 a change of life, and, I trust, a change of heart too. 
 1 broke oft from my former careless company, and 
 gave mysel to reading, to meditation, and to prayer. 
 It pleased God to reveal His Son in me, and at that 
 time I experienced much of ' the kindness of youth 
 and the love of espousals ; ' and, though the first flash 
 aftection wore oft', I trust my love to and knowledge 
 01 the Saviour have increased. Since that time (soon 
 alter I joined in communion with the Church under 
 the Eev. John Hutton, my present pastor, and like- 
 wise became a member of a praying society) the Lord 
 has been gradually pleased to humble and prove me • 
 and, though I have often experienced much joy and 
 peace in believing, I have likewise experienced much 
■m, , 
 opposition from the working of indwelling sin—' the 
 flesh lusting against the spirit, and the spirit against 
 the flesh '—and these being contrary the one to the 
 other, * I could not do the thing that I would.' I have 
 gradually discovered more of the holiness, spirituality, 
 and extent of the Divine law, and more of my own 
 . vileness and unworthiness in the sight of God, and 
 the freeness and richness of sovereign grace. I have 
 sinned as I could ; it is ' by the grace of God I am 
 what I am.'" 
 In 1801 he began to entertain definite ideas as to 
 entering the Christian ministry, and prepared to study 
 systematically with this object before him. The fol- 
 lowing passage from his diary indicates his state of 
 feehng at this time : — 
 " Friday, June 19.— This day I entered with Mr. 
 Laidler^ to learn Latin. I paid ten shillings and 
 sixpence (the entrance money), and am to pay one 
 guinea per quarter. I know not what may be the 
 end— God only knows. It is my desire, if He jjlease 
 to spare me in the world, to serve the Gospel of 
 Christ as He shall give me opportunity. Lord, my 
 God, my whole hope is in Thee, and in Thee alone. 
 God be merciful to me a sinner through Christ my 
 Saviour, and grant Thy blessing with this attempt, if 
 it please Thee. Amen." 
 This extract plainly shows the direction of his 
 thoughts, and he arranged all his movements ac- 
 cordingly. He wrought at his trade from six to six, 
 save that from nine to ten he waited on Mr. Laidler. 
 He arranged his meals so as to facilitate his studies, and 
 nightly he was at work with his books when the rest 
 ' A minister resident in Newcastle. 
 Of the household had retired to sleep. So assidu- 
 onsly did he cultivate knowledge that, eighteen 
 months afterwards, when he entered Hoxton Academy 
 as a student, he had not only a fair knowledge of 
 Latin but had also acquired the rudiments of Greek 
 and Hebrew. 
 In 1802 he lost his excellent, pious mother. She 
 Avas a woman of great strength of character and 
 religious fervour, and, like many other great men, 
 Itobert Morrison seems to have inherited many of the 
 qualities which made him great from his mother. He 
 showed her great filial devotion, and received her last 
 blessing as he closed her eyes in death. 
 Preparation for the Great Work. 
 " Great offices will have 
 Great talents, and God gives to every man 
 The virtues, temjier, understanding, taste. 
 That lifts him into life and lets him fall 
 Just in the niche he was designed to fi]l."_CowrKn. 
 A s Mr. Morrison laboured diligently in his prepara- 
 XX tions, his purpose became more definite and settled 
 The way into the ministry of the Presbyterian Church 
 was not open, and his thoughts were directed to the 
 Congregational Theological Institution, then known 
 as Hoxton Academy, afterwards as Highbury College. 
 The two following extracts indicate the yearnin^^'of 
 his soul both as to progress in the Divine life, and a 
 ministerial course : — 
 " blessed Jesus, long have I sought for rest to 
 my immortal soul, at one time in the gratification of 
 ' the lusts of the flesh,' and at another ' of the mind.' 
 When very young I was a companion of the drunkard, 
 the Rabbath-breaker, the profane person ; but in these 
 my heart smote me, I had no rest. Then I made 
 learning and books my god ; but all, all, are vain. 
 I come to Thee : ' Come unto Me, all ye that labour 
 and^ are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' 
 Fatigued with unsuccessful pursuits after happiness, 
 and burdened with a sense of guilt, Jesus, Thou Son 
 of God, I come to Thee, that I may be refreshed and 
 my burden removed. 
 ' ' Jesus, my Lord ! Thou art possest 
 Of all that fills the eternal God ! 
 Oh ! l)ring my weary soul to rest, 
 Remove my guilt, that ponderous load." 
 On September 25th, 1802, he wrote thus :— 
 " This day I wrote to desiring to know some 
 things respecting the Hoxton Academy. What shall I 
 say on this day now closing? Lord, pardon my 
 sms, and make me Thine in that day when Thou 
 raakest up Thy jewels ; in ' that day when God shall 
 judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.' 'Have faith 
 m Jehovah with thy whole mind; but lean not to 
 thme own understanding. In all thy ways acknow- 
 ledge Him, and He will direct thy paths.' ' Thou shalt 
 love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with 
 all thy mind, and with all thy thought. This is the 
 first and great commandment.'" 
 On November 24th, he made formal application for 
 admission to the Academy. His letter deals at great 
 length with his early religious impressions and his 
 conversion to God, and then proceeds in the following 
 sentences to refer to his doctrinal sentiments and his 
 call to the ministry : — 
 "As the compass of one letter will not suffer me to 
 enlarge with respect to my principles, it will perhaps 
 be sufficient to observe that being educated in the 
 doctrmes of the Church of Scotland, as contained in 
 the Westminster Confession of Faith, so far as I have 
 been enabled to examine them as yet, I liave espoused 
 them from pnnciple. Hence also my views with re- 
 spect to the ordinance of baptism will be known. 
 " As to the motives that induce me to wish to be a 
 mmister, they are these, viz. :— An earnest desire of 
 bemg mstrumental (under the good hand of God) in 
 turnmg sinners from darkness to light, and from the 
 power of Satan unto God-of being instrumental in 
 biuldnig up the Church-being zealous of spiritual 
 gitts, I seek that I may excel to the edifying of the 
 Church. I covet to prophesy, for he that prophesieth 
 speaketh to men to edification, to exhortation and to 
 comfort ; and I would moreover observe that these 
 passages not only express my motives, but also con- 
 tarn what I considered a warrant for my present 
 undertaking, as they come from the apostle to the 
 Church of Corinth in the form of an exhortation, 
 beek that ye may excel.' ' Covet to prophesy,' 
 "However, I would willingly resign myself to the 
 direction of my heavenly Father. He knows best, and 
 will choose and use what instruments He seeth meet 
 His will be done." 
 He was immediately accepted by the Committee 
 and summoned to London, where he arrived on 
 January Gth, 1803. 
 Hoxton Academy was then under the care of the 
 Eevs. Dr. Simpson andW. Atkinson, and amongst the 
 students he found congenial spirits in men known 
 aftemirds as Eevs. H. F. Burder, D.D., of Hackney, 
 J. Llume, LL.D., of Manchester. J. Fletcher DD 
 of Stepney, and G. Payne, LL.D., of Exeter, with ail 
 of whom ho maintained a firm friendship, and with 
 the two former a close intimacy until his death, 
- i ial i W^ 
 He had scarcely settled at the College before a trial 
 came which deeply moved his spirit. His father's 
 health had been feeble for some time, and the business 
 had been largely dependent on the exertions of Robert. 
 His father grew worse, and an urgent and affectionate 
 summons came for his son to return home and resume 
 his former position. His heart was too fixed and his 
 enthusiasm for his new calling too imperative to permit 
 him to do so, and he wrote a reply which, whilst 
 brimming with tenderness and filial piety, yet expressed 
 his unalterable purpose to pursue his sacred calling. 
 ^ February 5, 1803. 
 'Honoured father, brother and sisters, 
 "I received your letter on the 19th ult. 
 The account of my father's leg growing worse and 
 worse concerns me ; but what can I do ? I look to my 
 God and my father's God. ' He doeth all things well*' 
 and He will make all things work together for good 
 to those that love Him. My father, my brother, my 
 sisters, I resign you all and myself to His care, who I 
 trust careth for us. Are not our days few? Yet I 
 desire if the Lord will, that He may grant you 
 wherewithal to provide things honest in the sight of 
 all men during the few days of your pilgrimage. I 
 trust He will; and may the Lord bless you with rich 
 communications of saving grace and knowledge. You 
 advise me to return home. I thank you for your kind 
 intentions : may the Lord bless you for them. But 
 I have no inclination to do so ; having set mv hand 
 to the plough, I would not look back. It hath pleased 
 the Lord to prosper me so far, and grant me favour 
 m the eyes of this people." 
 His family were still not satisfied with his decis 
! i 
 i i p 
 and it was a painful subject for him to write about ; 
 l)ut he never swerved for a moment from wliat ha 
 firmly believed to be a sacred duty, and both his 
 father and brother and sisters lived long enough to 
 recognize that he had been led by Divine Providence 
 in his chosen path. 
 He had not been 1-ng in the Metropolis before he 
 presented himself to Eev. Dr. Waugh, a minister of 
 fervent piety and affectionate spirit, who then presided 
 over a large church in Wells Street, Oxford Street. 
 He was received into membership, and shortly after- 
 wards preached his first sermon in St. Luke's Work- 
 house, and from that time he became a frequent 
 preacher in the villages around London. He also 
 found many opportunities to visit the poor and sick, 
 after the habit he had formed at Newcastle. 
 He pursued his studies at Hoxton with untiring 
 assiduity, and his fellow students above referred to 
 have left glowing testimonies as to his fervid pursuit 
 both of mental and spiritual attainments. Dr. Clunie 
 suras up a very full description of his student life in 
 these words : " Others possessed more brilliant talents, 
 a richer imagination, a more attractive delivery, or 
 more graceful manners,— but I trust I may be per- 
 mitted to say that there was no one who more happily 
 concentrated in himself the three elements of moral 
 greatness,— the most ardent piety, indefatigable diH- 
 gence, and devoted zeal in the best of all causes." 
 After he had been a f^hort time at College a desire 
 for foreign Missionary work, which had occasionally 
 arisen within him at home, became a definite and 
 ruling purpose of his soul. He made this known to 
 the tutors and treasurer of the Institution. They 
 represented to him the arduous nature of the work 
 and the special opportunities he had for great iisc- 
 fiihiGss in the home field, and offered him the privi- 
 lege of a training at one of the Scotch Universities. 
 They advised him to carefully pray and think ahout 
 the matter. This advice he readily adopted, with the 
 result that his purpose became greatlv strengthened ; 
 and on May 27, 1804, he wrote to the Directors of the 
 London Missionary Society, offering himself for labour 
 in a foreign sphere. His letter has been often referred 
 to as a model one. It briefly records the facts of his 
 conversion, of his desire to enter the ministry, and of 
 his growing interest in mission work. He says :— 
 " My first wish was to engage as a missionary. " This 
 was tha burden of my prayer. I avowed this design 
 to my friends. I frankly own it was the wish of my 
 heart when I came to Hoxton ; and had the question 
 been asked of me I should have professed it. I had 
 no design to conceal it ; but I then considered myself 
 unfit, and believed learning necessary. I knew nothing 
 of a missionary academy. I still cherished the desire 
 of being a missionary, but thought it premature to 
 come to a determination, and therefore entered upon 
 the foundation at Hoxton." 
 In coming to this decision he had a painful struggle 
 with his home relatives, who were strongly opposed to 
 it. He pleaded the case most tenderly and affection- 
 ately with his father, offering to desist from his 
 purpose, " If my father or other friends can give such 
 reasons why I should not take this step as will satisfy 
 my mind on a dying bed." No such reasons were 
 forthcoming; but the struggle of mind he endured 
 may be imagined from these words, extracted from, a 
 letter he addressed to his very intimate companion 
 Cuthbert Henderson : "My brother Thomas has sent 
 a letter which grieves me very much. Ho represents 
 the situation of my father's affairs in sucli a distress- 
 ing hglit . . . and then charges me with wilfulness 
 that I can help them, and won't. Shall I see my 
 father's house thus thrown into confusion ? I myself, 
 my dear hrother, wander from day to day, mournin^' 
 an ahsent Lord. I M'ander under the hidings of my 
 Father's countenance, under a sense of my own ignor- 
 ance and weakness. What can I do? For years 
 past I liave desired and prayed and lahoured night 
 nnd day for that whicli the Lord has heen pleased to 
 hnng ahout ; and now when my wishes are gratified, 
 my prayers are answered, shall I turn hack ? my 
 God, I lift my soul to Thee. How shall I stand 
 before Jesus in the day of judgment, should I now 
 forsake Him and His work when a difficulty arises ? 
 my friend, pray that the Lord may remove all my 
 sins, that He may make my way plain before me, 
 that He may be near to my precious and immortal 
 soul ; pray for my brother and father, I entreat thee, 
 my good iriend, go often to see them ; and may the 
 Lord bless thee and keep thee througl^ faith unto 
 eternal salvation." 
 On Monday, May 28th, he appeared before the 
 Missionary Board. The interview was so satisfactory 
 that the usual cusfom of a second examination was 
 dispensed with. He was accepted at once, and ordered 
 to proceed to the Missionary Academy at Gosport 
 then presided over by the venerable Dr. Bogue. 
 He prepared to obey the order at once. His fellow 
 students affectionately commended him to " the special 
 grace of God," in a meeting for united prayer ; and on 
 the Wednesday following his acceptance, he proceeded 
 to Gosport, where he received a warm welcome from 
 the Governor of the Institution. His stay there was 
 but a short one ; his fitness and preparedness for the 
 work being soon demonstrated; and arrangements 
 were quickly made for his appointment to a spliere of 
 labour. For some time he was in uncertahity as to 
 his destination, and writing to his friend Mr. Clunie, 
 on July 31st, he says : — 
 "My future destination is altogether unknown to 
 me. It is in agitation to send a mission to China. 
 Mr. Bogue seems quite fond of it. I have had some 
 thoughts of going into the interior of Africa, to Tim- 
 buctoo. I give up my concerns to the Lord. I hope 
 He will open a door of useful missionary labour in 
 some part of the world, and give me souls for my hire." 
 At the same time al^'o he wrote to his sister 
 Hannah : "It is in agitation to send me on a mis- 
 sion to China ; however, it is altogether uncertain as 
 yet. I have thought of going to Timbuctoo, in Africa. 
 I hope the Lord will carry me out to some situation 
 where He will make me abundantly useful to the 
 souls of men." 
 The references to Timbuctoo may be ex^jlained by 
 the tact that the brave but unfortunate traveller, 
 Mungo Park, was at this time contemplating the 
 formation of an English settlement there. It was in 
 deliberation to send a medical gentleman, Mr. Ander- 
 son, to Africa, and a clerical missionary with him. 
 Mr. Morrison seems to have been anxious to go ; but 
 the Committee of the Society designed him for other 
 work, and at first were disposed to send him to Prince 
 of "Wales' Island, in the Malacca Straits. 
 ^ He was not left long in uncertainty as to his des- 
 tination, but was appointed to China, and directed to 
 turn his attention to gaining an elementary know- 
 lodge of the Chinese language, with the object of 
 (inahfynig himself to .translate the Bible into that 
 tongue. Mr. Morrison ever firmly b Ueved that the 
 appointment to China was providential. He had made 
 his appointment a matter of special and prolonged 
 prayer, and had even poured out a supplication that 
 lor^ lofty ^ self-forgetfulness was truly apostolic— viz., 
 " That God would station him in that part of the 
 missionary field where the difficulties were the 
 greatest, and, to all human appearance, the most 
 insurmountable." The sequel seems to show that 
 this prayer was certainly answered. 
 _ The idea which was in the mind of the Committee 
 in making the appointment was that the a^ent 
 selected should proceed to China, either seekin- a 
 residence in the country itself, or finding a r- fnge^'on 
 one of the adjacent islands, and should there obtain 
 a knowledge of the language, and proceed with a 
 translation of the Bible. More than this was not 
 contemplated just then; when it was accomplished, 
 the next step was to be considered. 
 The design of the Committee also included the 
 appointment of two or three others to accompany Mr 
 Morrison ; and a son of the celebrated Eev. Dr. John 
 Brown, of Haddington, was actually selected, but he 
 declmed the invitation. Then Dr. Vanderkemp was 
 requested to leave Africa, and proceed to China to 
 supermtend the mission. This also came to nothing. 
 Evidently Providence was directing the movements of 
 the bociety by unrecognisable means. As we look 
 backwards from our standpoint to-day, it seems quite 
 evident that if a company of agents had gone to 
 Caina, they ^^ould have drawn towards themselves 
 the virulent opposition of the ruling powers, and 
 rendered all efforts to obtain an introduction for the 
 Gospel unavailing. The appointment of Mr. I^Iorrison 
 tlierefore remained, no companion bc'ng found to 
 share with him the trials and responsibilities of the 
 In August, IbOr, he left Gosport, and proceeded to 
 London, that he might gain some useful knowledge 
 in astronomy and medicine, and also th, t he might 
 gather up as much knowledge of the Chinese lan- 
 guage as was there practicable. He walked St. Bar- 
 tholomew's Hospital, and attended a course of 
 lectures on medicine given by Dr. Blair. He went 
 to Greenwich, and studied astronomy under Dr. 
 Hutton. He resided in Bishopsgate Street, and 
 M'alked to and from Greenwich, carrying his various 
 mathematical and other instruments, and reading 
 the whole of the way. He also engaged the services 
 of a Chinese teacher then residing in London, called 
 Yang-Sam-Tak. This man was possessed of some 
 learning, but was of a most impetuous, passionate, 
 and proud spirit. Mr. Morrison was greatly tried by 
 his fierce and domineering temper ; but he bore with 
 him with marvellous patience, for the sake of attain- 
 ing his great object, and also for the sake ot the man 
 himself, whose spiritual welfare he greatly coveted. 
 On one occasion Mr. Morrison burnt a piece of 
 paper on which Sam had written some characters. 
 He had committed them to memory, and had no more 
 use for them ; but such was his teacher's indignation, 
 that for three days he refused to continue his instruc- 
 tions ; and to avoid similar offence, his pupil after- 
 wards wrote on a piece of tin, from which he could 
 rub out the characters whc 
 len they 
 needed. It is gratifving to know that S 
 no longer 
 am was so far 
 \von by the kiiulness anil patienco of liis pupil, as to 
 jom lum in reading tlu; Hcriptures, and also to unite 
 in the worship of the hoiisehold-a thing he had pre- 
 viously regarded with seorn. He afterwards obtained 
 through Mr. JMorrison's inlluence an excellent situa- 
 tion HI the warehouse of a merchant at Hong Kong. 
 In the Uritish Museum a manuscript had been dis- 
 covered by the llev. W. Moseley, Congregational 
 mnnster ot Long liuckby, Northamptonshire, which 
 contained the principal portion of the New Testa- 
 ment translated into the Chinese language. It was 
 a loho volume, and by mistake had been lettered, 
 Eviitujdia Qnatuor Sinicc. On a blank leaf at the 
 begnnnng of the volume is this note :— " This tran- 
 script was made at Canton m 17^7 and 1738, by 
 order of Mr. Hodgson, who says it has been collated 
 with great care, and found very correct. Given to 
 him by Sir Hans Sloane, Bart., in 1731)." Mr. Mose- 
 ley was incited by this discovery to publish a treatise 
 on " the importance and practicability of translatino- 
 and publishing the Holy Scriptures in the Chinese 
 language." After Mr. Morrison had acquired some 
 lamilianty with Chinese cliaracters, he commenced to 
 transcribe this MS., and also a MS. Latin and Chinese 
 Dictionary, which was possessed and lent to him by 
 the Royal Society. By extraordinary appHcation, he 
 copied these MSS. m the few months of his residence 
 in London, besides pursuing with ardour the other 
 studies previously mentioned, and engaging in many 
 works of practical benevolence. Speaking of these 
 endeavours to prepare himself for his work. Dr. Milne 
 says : " What was acquired of the language proved 
 afterwards of trifling utility. The Dictionary and 
 the Harmony of the Gospels were more useful. These 
 IlKAT WdltK. 
 were oriRhmlly the work of sorao of the Romish rais 
 Bjonancs .n China. Ijy ,vl„u i„,livi,|„„l„, „r at what 
 time thcHo wcijis wore compiloil lian not been asccr- 
 tinned ; hut Providenco ha» prcsem!,! thorn to bo 
 ««o ul and tho j„.st raorit of thoii- authors will 
 doubtless one day bo reckoned to thorn " 
 Dnrius this period of preparation, his mind was 
 deeply conoernod for tho salvation of his hrotirer 
 and ,.ster», and their ohildren. He wrote mZ 
 otters thorn ovorflowins with affection and dos re 
 for then- >velfaro. He paid a farewell visit to hem 
 'L"l'- ,"'■' "■"'"'"^ «""'«■«' '-o^nd him, and man" 
 fosted such > acbment to him as greatly to try h , 
 esolufon, although without in any degree shakta^ 
 t Ho spent a fortn ght amongst them, preaching 
 thn-teon tnnes, and visiting all his friends and a" 
 quamtances, gomg down also to Edinburgh and filn, 
 gow Then he returned to London, and !« fo 
 IS departure. On October 23rd, ho wrote to hi 
 ather : I met the Directors on Tuesday last, who 
 t was agreed by tl,e Committee that I should proceed 
 hy ho first conveyance to Madras, thence pass on to 
 Malacca there leave my luggage, and pay^^. visS to 
 Canton, o see whether or not I can settle there If I 
 can, I will send to Malacca for my hooks • and if n„t 
 I shall return and take up my re'idon ^11 lace ' 
 wdiero there are a few thousands of Chinese and 
 where I shall endeavour to learn the language an ' 
 also as soon as I can preach the Gospel to the Mal'ays ' 
 Agam, on December 23rd, he wrote to his brXr 
 have been so ; but owing to the indisposition of 
 Messrs. Hardcastle and Cowie, the necessary steps 
 were delayed. You must understand that none of our 
 missionaries can go out to India in an English vessel, 
 without the express leave of the East India Company. 
 Their leave was solicited for the Baptist missionaries, 
 who are now at Serampore, near Calcutta, and they 
 refused it. Our missionaries who are now in India 
 went out in foreign neutral vessels. Our Society never 
 asked their leave, but now think of doing it for me." 
 The permission, however, could not be obtained. A 
 passage was secured for him and two fellow students 
 —Messrs. Gordon and Lee— who, with their wives, 
 were about to proceed to other portions of the mission 
 field, in the good ship Remittance to New York, whence 
 he would proceed to Canton direct or by way of India, 
 as might seem most fitting on his arrival in America. 
 His feelings at the near prospect of bidding fare- 
 well to home and fatherland may be judged by the 
 following words from his journal under date January 
 2nd, 1807 :— 
 " This is one of the most important periods of my 
 life. Lord ! * except Thy presence go with me, 
 carry me not up hence.' May the blessing of God 
 Almighty accompany me. May the angel of His pre- 
 sence go before me. I feel not much cast down. I 
 endeavoured this evening to recollect some of the pro- 
 mises on which I hope. • Fear not, for I am with thee,' 
 came into my mind ; and again, ' Fear not, thou worm 
 Jacob.' I hope to be enabled to lean always and only 
 on the arm of God ; none else can hold me up." 
 He was ordained and consecrated to his sacred and 
 apostoUc work on January 8th, 1807, in the Scotch 
 Church, Swallow Street, in company with the two 
 missionaries above named. Prayer, reading of the 
 Scriptures, and exhortation, were conducted by the 
 Kev.^ T. Townsend ; questions were proposed to the 
 missionaries by the Eev. G. Burder, D.D. ; the band of 
 missionaries made a confession of the solemn truths 
 they thei;eby undertook to teach the heathen, and 
 then a dedicatory prayer was offered by the venerable 
 and venerated pastor of Mr. Morrison, the Eev Dr 
 Waugh, accompanied by the laying on of hands ; then 
 the Eev Dr Nicol delivered an affecting charge from 
 Acts XX. 17, 27, and the Eev. C. Buck concluded with 
 prayer. It was a deeply touching and impressive 
 service and was long remembered by those present, 
 not only because of the memorable addresses and 
 prayers of the venerable brethren, but even more bv 
 the simple and natural statement by Mr. Morrison of 
 his experience and faith. 
 His letters to his father, his brothers, and sisters, 
 on bidding farewell to England, overflow with affec- 
 tionate feeling, especially regarding those who had 
 not become Christians. Thus he wrote to his sister 
 Hannah : My dear, dear Hannah, do think of your 
 soul now, set heaven and hell and a dying Saviour 
 before you My brotherly love to your dear partner ; 
 tell him these thmgs from me. Bow down together, 
 and call upon God with tears, and for the sake of 
 Jesus ask for mercy. I hope to go to-morrow, or 
 Wednesday mormng at the latest, to Gravesend, to 
 embark for New York. I am in good health, and am 
 no depressed ; I sorrow to leave you all, but I do hope 
 aiid pray (oh, God grant it !) that we shall in a httle 
 time be brought to glory everlasting. But, dear sister 
 Hannah, I stand m doubt of you lest you should be in 
 an unconverted state. Forgive me, forgive me ; it is 
 not m harshness but in love for your precious soul 
 u. u 
 that I speak. Come to Jesus ; come to Jesus. There 
 is nothmg worth attendmg to till that be done." The 
 i'ltensity of this pleading shows the spirit of a true 
 evangelist and missionary'. 
 In his farewell letter to his father he gives the 
 following particulars as to the arrangements made for 
 his voyage and settlement : " I have letters of intro- 
 duction to a great many Christian friends in New 
 York who will endeavour to obtain for me a residence 
 in the American Factory in Canton. The Society puts 
 into my hand i;l50 in dollars, which I am to keep 
 untouched till I arrive in China, as I have my passage 
 paid. I have, moreover, ,i'20 for current expenses. 
 They give me likewise letters of credit to the amount 
 of .i'200 on persons in Canton, Malacca, and Prince of 
 Wales' Island. I am instructed to act very much as 
 circumstances may arise, and to provide either in 
 whole or part for myself if I possibly can. Thus you 
 see that there is not any care wanting, but every pre- 
 caution that can be is taken." 
 Mr. Morrison proceeded to Gravesend, and em- 
 barked in the ship which was to convey him across 
 the Atlantic. His feelings were profoundly stirred. 
 He wrote : " I am alone ; to go alone. Oh, that I may 
 not be alone ; but that the good hand of my God may 
 be upon me, and the angel of His presence go before 
 me. What is my object in leaving friends and country ? 
 My object was at first, and I trust still is, the glory of 
 God in the salvation of poor sinners. Oh, for faith in 
 God ! Oh, for strong confidence in the great and 
 precious promises ! " 
 On Saturday, January 31st, he went on board, and 
 sailed out'of the river on his way to his chosen sphere 
 and calling. 
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 Initial Life and Work in China, 
 " There i. no «ub.tiiute fur thorough-going, ardent and sincere 
 earnestness. '— Dickens. 
 A FTER leavmg Gravesend, the ship Remittance, con- 
 ■Ly. tammg Mr. Morrison and his fellow-missionaries, 
 who were bound for the mission-field in India, was 
 detamed in the Downs waiting for a fair wind. On 
 February 7th, 1807, a tremendous storm raged, which 
 occasioned great destruction of shipping, so that a 
 number of vessels were sunk, and many driven on the 
 shore Out of a large fleet which was anchored in 
 the Downs, the Remittance was the only one that was 
 able to pursue the voyage. Ifc was indeed a serious 
 time. Mr. Morrison wrote as follows concerning it on 
 the 19th : — 
 " God has preserved us. Yesterday morning I 
 hoped to have sent this letter on shore by the pilot 
 l>at the gale came on so suddenly that he could not 
 %■ !■ 
 !i !' 
 leave the ship. Before daylight our anchor snapped 
 m two, our mizen and fore sails split, and we scudded 
 down the Channel under bare poles. The sea ran 
 mountains high, and the atmosphere was so thick 
 with snow that we could not see the length of the ship 
 around us. In the midst of our extremity, an alarm 
 was raised that the ship was on fire owing to the 
 bursting of sorje bottles of vitriol. The pilot and 
 one of the men leaped into the mizen-chains in order 
 to jump overboard— which was to cast themselves 
 mto the arms of death— as they preferred death in 
 that form to being burnt to death. Happily, however, 
 the other men had courage enough to seize the bottles 
 and push them overboard. My mind, in the midst of 
 this, was only exercised in casting my burden upon 
 the Lord." 
 ^ After a long, tedious, and trying voyage, Mr. Mor- 
 rison at length reached New York on April 20th, and 
 at once took steps to secure a passage to Canton. He 
 obtained intercourse with several of the leading Chris- 
 tian ministers and laity of the city, and then pro- 
 ceeded to Philadelphia, in order to obtain, if possible, 
 from the Government the interest and protection of 
 the United States Consul at Canton. There he found 
 friends, who used their utmost influence at Washing- 
 ton, and succeeded in obtaining a letter from Mr. 
 Maddison, then Secretary of State, addressed to Mr! 
 Carrmgton, the Consul at Canton, requesting him to 
 do all he could, consistently with the interests he 
 represented, to further the designs of the mission. 
 The gentleman at whose house Mr. Morrison was 
 entertained in New York communicated, many years 
 afterwardR, a paper to the Observer, which narrated 
 many interesting particulars in reference to this v'isit. 
 A few extracts from this paper will throw further light 
 on the character of Mr. Morrison, and the spirit in 
 which he anticipated entering upon his work. The 
 writer says : — 
 "I shall never forget the evening on which the 
 missionary company was brought to my house by 
 Dr. Mason. The appearance of a missionary of the 
 cross then was a lare thing, and that of a company of 
 missionaries still more so. The countenance of Mor- 
 rison bore the impress of the effect of grace on a 
 mind and temperament naturally firm and somewhat 
 haughty. His manner was civil rather than affable, 
 serious and thoughtful, breathing a devoted piety. 
 The interview was solemn, but pleasant In a day 
 or two after Mr. Morrison was seized with sudden 
 indisposition. As I sat by his bed, he took my hand, 
 and, adverting to the uncertain issue of the attack, 
 expressed, in language which told of a mind at ease 
 and prepared for every event, his resignation to the 
 Divine will. After urging me to greater devotedness 
 to the cause of Christ's glory, he closed with these 
 ^yords, which, I afterwards found, were ever on his 
 lips, • Dear brother, look up, look up ! ' 
 "As the notice had been very short, he was placed 
 for the first night in our own chamber. By the side 
 of his bed stood a crib, in which slept my little child. 
 On awaking in the morning, she turned, as usual, to 
 talk to her mother. Seeing a stranger where she ex- 
 pected to have found her parents, she roused herself 
 with a look of alarm ; but, fixing her eyes steadily 
 upon his face, she inquired, ' Man, do you pray to 
 God?' 'Oh, yes, my dear,' Mr. Morrison replied. 
 ' every day. God is my best friend.' At once reas- 
 sured, the little girl laid her head contentedly on her 
 t i 
 h 'I ! 
 ■ r If 
 pillow and fell fast asleep. She was a great favourite 
 with him ever after. 
 ''There was nothing of pretence about Morrison. 
 An unfriendly critic might have said he was too proud 
 to be vam; a Christian would more willingly have 
 said he was too pious to be proud. Nothing could 
 be more plain, simple, and unceremonious than his 
 manners. His fellow-missionaries looked up to him 
 as a father, resorted to his room for prayer, and took 
 his advice in all their movements. He exhibited less 
 ot the tenderness of the Christian than they did; his 
 piety had the bark on, theirs was still in the green 
 shoot. His mind stood fom, erect, self-determined ; 
 theirs clung to it for support, and gathered under its 
 shadow for safety .... I will only add a brief notice 
 ot the partmg scene as he left us for his destination. 
 On the morning he sailed, his missionary companions 
 assembled in his room, and there had a most solemn 
 mterview-their last in this world. Poor Gordon was 
 completely overwhelmed. Morrison was <-mposed 
 and dignified. He reproved the excessive grief of his 
 brother, and conducted their parting devotions with 
 great firmness and self-possession. We then set out 
 together to the counting-house of the shipowner, pre- 
 vious to his embarkation. I cannot forget the air of 
 suppressed ridicule which lurked in the merchant's 
 features and in his speech and manner towards Morri- 
 son, whom he appeared to pity as a deluded enthusiast, 
 while he could not but secretly respect his self-denial, 
 devotion, courage, and enterprise. When all business 
 matters were arranged, he turned about from his desk, 
 and, with a sardonic grin, addressing Morrison, whose 
 countenance was a book wherein men might read 
 strange things, said, 'And so, Mr. Morris°on, you 

 really expect that you will make an impression on 
 the idolatry of the great Chinese empire ? ' « No sir ' 
 said Morrison, with more than usual sternness ; ' I 
 expec God will.' We soon left the man of money 
 and descending to the wharf, took our last farewell 
 of the future apostle of the Chinese, as he stepped 
 into the stern-sheets of a hoat that was to carry him 
 to the ship that lay off in the hay. He said little, he 
 moved less ; his in.,>osing figure and solemn counte- 
 nance were motionless as a statue. His mind was 
 evidently full, too full for speech: his thoughts were 
 ^^lth (rod and he seemed regardless of all around 
 nm. By the return of the pilot I received an affec- 
 tionate note." 
 He sailed for his destination in the Trident about 
 he middle of May, and arrived at Canton on Sep- 
 tember 8th, 1807. Many difficulties surrounded liii 
 He first went ashore at Macao, an island on the 
 Chinese coast, about ninety miles from Canton, then 
iui 1 
 I f 
 under the Portuguese Government. Here the East 
 India Company had a Factory, and on landing he was 
 surprised to find there Sir George Thomas Staunton, 
 the President of the Select Committee of the East India 
 Company. He also met Mr. Chalmers, chief of the 
 Factory at Macao, and presented to him a letter of in- 
 troduction he had brought from Mr. Cowie, one of tlie 
 Directors of the Missionary Society. Mr. Chalmers 
 welcomed him heartily, and wished him success, but 
 said, " The people of Europe have no idea of the diffi- 
 culty of residing here or of obtaining masters to teach." 
 He told Mr. Morrison that the Chinese were pro- 
 hibited from teaching the language under penalty of 
 death. He also promised to talk the matter over 
 with Sir George and Mr. Eoberts, the chief of the 
 English Factory at Canton. Then Mr. Morrison 
 waited on Sir George, and presented a letter of intro- 
 duction from Sir Joseph Banks, the President of the 
 Eoyal Society. Sir George also spoke seriously as 
 to the difficulties of the enterprise, stating that the 
 East India Company forbade anyone to stay there, 
 save on account of trade; but' eventually he promised 
 that he would do all hi his power to promote the 
 object Mr. Morrison had at heart. Sir George was 
 supposed to be the only Englishman living who had 
 a proficient acquaintance with the Chinese language. 
 He was a gentleman of noble spirit, and this intro- 
 duction ripened into a life-long and ardent friendship 
 between hit i and the missionary. 
 On his arrival at Canton, Mr. Morrison sought an 
 interview with Mr. Carrington, the United States 
 Consul, and presented Mr. Maddison's letter. He 
 receiveu a cordial WGlcomc, and was offered a room iii 
 the Consul's house, which he gratefully accepted. 
 But as this house was thronged with visitors, he soon 
 removed to another, occupied by Mr. Mihior, where 
 he was more retired and able also to live at less 
 expense. This house was part of the old French 
 l^aciory at Canton, then in charge of Mr. Milnor and 
 his partner Mr. Bull, as super-cargoes. He received 
 great kmdness from these gentlemen, and as an 
 American citizen he remahicd under their protection. 
 As an Englishman he dared not be known 
 From Canton he wrote to Sir George Staunton, as 
 loilows :— Sir George is most respectfully informed 
 • 7^ ^^f'T'' *^'^^ ^^ ^^'^^ ""^ l^^e^ent an apartment 
 in the old French Factory at Canton. If Sir George 
 thmks any particular line of conduct necessary for 
 Mr Morrison to pursue, in order to his being per- 
 mitted quietly to reside in Canton, to communicate 
 It will be rendermg Mr. Morrison an essential service. 
 Mr. Morrison will wait the arrival of Sir George at 
 Canton, before any attempt be made to procure 
 assistance m learning the language." 
 When Sir George came to clnton, he at once in- 
 troduced Mr. Morrison to Mr. Roberts, the chief of 
 the English Factory, and also obtained for him a 
 teacher. This was Al I Yun, a Roman Catholic 
 Chinese from Peldn; and from this time he devoted 
 himself with extreme diligence to learning the Ian- 
 guage. It is scarcely possible for us to realize the 
 cautious prudence required from Mr. Morrison at this 
 point in his career. One false step must have pre- 
 cipitately closed his career in China, but the difficulties 
 which gathered round him only seemed to fire his 
 zeal and develop the resources of his nature In 
 writing to the Society, he detailed his various move- 
 ments at great length, and gave utterance to the deep 
 Icelin^r within his breast, in words us follows : " It is 
 a hazjirdous hut not a doul)tful enterprise on which 
 we enter, doubtful, I moan, whether we be right or 
 wrong. We shall not have to reproach ourselves for 
 having pul)lished the truth of the Gospel amongst 
 ignorant, deluded, guilty men. The missionary "of 
 Jesus will have cause to reproach himself that he 
 served not his Lord more fully, but not that he was 
 a missionary. Calvary, Calvary, when 1 view 
 the blood of Jesus streaming down thy sides, I am 
 amazed at my coldness of affection towards the Lord, 
 of my slothful performance of the duties which the 
 authority of God, but shall I say, which the love of 
 Jesus moro strongly imposes upon ^ne. Yes, 
 Father, Thy love in sending J.jsus, and my Savio-r, 
 Thy love in giving Thyself for me, and Thine, Holy 
 Spnit, in applying the salvation of Jesus to my guilty 
 conscience, unitedly overcome me, and con-'rain me 
 to live not to myself but to Thee." 
 He gives also an account of the opportunity opened 
 to him of le irning the language, a work that must 
 necessarily precede any other step in the direction of 
 the accomplishment of his great task. 
 " There are two Chinese who will, I hope, be useful to 
 me ; at present, however, they are so. The name 
 of one is Le Heensang. He possesses considerable 
 knowledge of Chinese, writes an excellent hand, and 
 havmg obtained one degree as a man of letters, is not 
 so afraid as sbme of the tradespeople are. The other 
 person, Abel Yun, was sent to me by Sir George. 
 Abel is here the agent of the liomish missionaries at 
 Pekin, a native of Shan-si, wdiere the Mandarin 
 language is generally spoken. A great part of his 
 life (he is about thirty years of age) has been spent 
 I '! 
 with the missionaries at Pekin. They have taught 
 him the Latin language, wliich he speaks fluently. 
 He came to me to-day, accompanied by another 
 Christian. Being the Lord's Day I could not receive 
 instruction from him. The Vulgate translation of the 
 Scriptures was lying on my table. On his looking at 
 it we entered into conversation respecting its contents. 
 1 turned to the fourth Commandment in Exodus, and 
 to the closing verse of the 58th of Isaiah. He read 
 them, explained them to his Chinese friend, and if I 
 understood him rightly, said he had hitherto erred 
 respecting the Sabbath. He alluded with readiness to 
 the discourse of our Lord respecting the Sabbath, when 
 some said that He profaned it by healing on that day." 
 Mr. Morrison's position was a trying one, because 
 of its isolation and uncertainty. He knew that 
 at any moment he might l)e ordered to leave the 
 country, and his expenses were very great. His rooms 
 in the Factory cost him 850 dollars a year. His 
 board 400 more. He had to keep [i boy, which cost 100 
 dollars. Then he had the expense of . i teacher, candles, 
 furniture, books, and other necessaries, besides which 
 he on several occasions became a prey to the merci- 
 less and deceitful covetonsness of the natives. He 
 employed a Chinese to buy him a few books in the 
 city, and this person bribed the boy to aid him in 
 defrauding his master, which he succeeded in doing 
 to the amount of thirty dollars. His early impres- 
 sions of Chinese superstition and idolatry he wrote 
 to bis friend Cuthbert Henderson, at Nevcastle, thus : 
 " By the Lord's good hand upon mo 1 am preserved 
 in health amidst very close application to the Chinese 
 language, s. iiavi; Bome oppoiiunities of saying a few 
 things concerning Jesus in private conversation, but 
 cannot make myself understood for want of words. I 
 find much difficulty in speaking of God, for the Chinese 
 have no proper idea of one livinp; and true God, and 
 , ■„ fi 
 I. 'I'll . ' ; '' 
 h'' -ij _«] 
 It. ., 
 consequenlly have no words to express such an idea. 
 Your heart, dear Cuthbert, would be grieved to see thciu 
 falhng down prostrate, or on their kn. cs, touching the 
 earth with their foreheads, before large figures in the 
 form of men. Sometimes, instead of a graven image, 
 they have a painting of a man. The person worship- 
 ping kneels, and on his knees, keeps the body erect a 
 short time, then bends forward, and placing his hands 
 on the floor to support his body, brings the forehead 
 into contact with the stones or earth, of one or the 
 other of which their floors generally are. He again 
 raises his body erect, and again bends forward three 
 times. He then stands up for a short time, after 
 which he kneels and goes over the same number of 
 prostrations a second and a third time. To what a 
 low state has sin reduced man ! Why this external 
 adoration of a lifeless image ? Blessed book the Bible, 
 which reveals to man the true God, and which reveals 
 man to himself. Blessed Jesus, who was in the bosom 
 of the Father, and who has declared Him to us." 
 The rooms which Mr. Morrison occupied were called 
 in Canton *' a go down." They were, in fact, simply 
 a basement story, and had been commonly used as 
 warehouse rooms. In these he studied, ate, and slept. 
 In order that he might attract less attention, he 
 adopted the dress, food, and habits of the natives. 
 He wore a pig-tail and loose dress, he ate with chop- 
 sticks, he allowed his nails to grow long. So closely 
 did he devote himself to study, and so little did he 
 oat, that in a short time his health failed, and his 
 life was in serious peril. Without questioning the 
 excellence of his intentions, the wisdom of some of 
 these steps he himself afterwards doubted, as the 
 following lines from Dr. Milne's Betrospcct of the First 
 Ten Years of the Chinese Mission,^ which was mainly 
 prepared from an account written by Mr. Morrison 
 himself, will show : — 
 1 Pages G4-5. 
 " At first he supposed it would greatly facilitate his 
 object to live in the manner of the natives ; and under 
 this idea he supplied himself with such articles as are 
 commonly used by the Chinese in dress and at meals ; 
 but he shortly perceived that the idea was erroneous. 
 To make himself remarkable in external appearance 
 would have been proclaimi-q to the Chinese that he 
 was not in circumstances • nilar to those of other 
 foreigners at Canton, and thu- he had objects different 
 from those of commerce, which is the only one sanc- 
 tioned by the local and general authorities. Again, 
 as religion does not consist in the form or colour of 
 one's dress, he not only declined assuming a native 
 dress, but also did not make a point of being always 
 dressed in black ; the white jacket and straw hat were 
 worn, as other Europeans do in warm climates. What- 
 ever may be becoming in other countries, in those 
 places where the Governments are averse to the dif- 
 fusion of Christianity, all external distinctions of this 
 kind had much better be laid aside by missionaries ; 
 let piety towards God and benevolence towards men 
 be the characteristics which distinguish them. 
 " At first, as above observed, he ate in the Chinese 
 manner, and dined with the person who taught him 
 the language. His mode of living was rigidly eco- 
 nomical. A lamp made of earthenware supplied 
 him with light ; and a folio volume of Matthew 
 Henry's Commentary, set up on its edge, afforded a 
 shade to prevent the wind from blowing out the light. 
 He did not find, however, that dining with a native 
 increased his knowledge of the language ; in the time 
 of taking a hasty meal little advantage was gained. 
 The same reason which led him to pare his nails, cut 
 off his hair, and give away his Chinese dress, induced!^ 
 him to desist from being singular in his manner of 
 eating also. His nails were at first suffered to grow 
 that they might be like those of the Chinese. He 
 had a tail (i.e., a tress of hair) of some length, and 
 became an adept in the use of chop-sticks. He 
 walked about the Hong with a Chinese frock on, and 
 with thick Chinese shoes. In this he meant well ; 
 but, as he has frequently remarked, was soon con- 
 vinced that he had judged ill." 
 Soon after his settlement in Canton he attempted 
 to hold public worship in his rooms, and invited a 
 few American and English gentlemen to attend. He 
 had much discouragement and disappointment in the 
 effort. In order to conciliate some who were members 
 of the Church of England, he made use of the 
 ^Liturgy; but ho found to his sorrow that residence in 
 a heathen land too often fostered indifference to 
 li » 
 Divine worship, rather than imparted a greater desire 
 As Mr. Morrison became more accustomed to his 
 position, he removed from the small and unhealthy 
 u^'TL' ''^''^ ^' °^^"Pi^^' ^^^^ ^-ented a building 
 called "The Factory," which had been occupied by 
 the Irench, but which was offered to him by Mr 
 Parry. He had here more room and convenience' 
 and here he resided till he was obliged to leave 
 Canton by reason of failing health. 
 His character and pursuits began to draw towards 
 himself the attcition and friendship of the lead- 
 ing foreign a Canton. Mr. Roberts, the chief 
 01 the E .%... Factory, showed increasing dis- 
 position to further both his literary studies and 
 missionary aims ; Mr. Ball, another leading employe 
 of the East India Company, also offered him con- 
 siderable sympathy; the Hon. J. Elphinstone sent 
 him a present of a Latin-Chinese Dictionary, valued 
 at ^50 ; and Dr. Pearson, the medical attendant of 
 the Company, offered to him and his family the most 
 ethcient and considerate attention for twenty-five 
 years. Above all. Sir George Staunton showed himself 
 a friend indeed, and in every need, as long as he hved 
 The anxieties of his situation, and his unremitting, 
 apphcation to study without sufficient air and exercise" 
 so told upon his strength that he was unable to walk 
 across the room. His physician advised a change of 
 air, and by the agency of the gentlemen just referred 
 to, a residence was obtained for him at Macao, where 
 he removed on June 1, in a condition of great mental 
 depression. There is no doubt that his desire to 
 economise the funds of the Society led him to 
 exercise a measure of self-denial that must have been 
 ;:. ^ 
 injurious o the strongest constitution. But as to his 
 mission he maintained a firm spirit, and ** bated not 
 one jot of heart or hope, but still held on most bravely." 
 He remained at Macao till the end of August, 1808, 
 studying with his Chinese assistants, and his health 
 improved so much that he was able to return to 
 Canton. In November political difficulties arose, 
 which led to all Englishmen being commanded to 
 leave the city. He remained for a brief period on 
 board shiri, and then returned to Macao, where he 
 took up his residence in his old quarters. A few 
 days afterwards Low Heen, one of his teachers, 
 ventured also to Macao, but he was in great peril 
 from his countrymen, who were strongly opposed to 
 any Chinese residing with foreigners. 
 A few days after Mr. Morrison's arrival at Macao, a 
 young gentleman called upon him to say that his 
 father. Dr. IVIorton, had a letter for him from the Eev. 
 Mr. Loveless, a" e-'ent which had a very serious in- 
 fluence upon his luture. He invited Mrs. Morton and 
 family to come to his house, and unite with him in 
 social prayer. On the following Sabbath the whole 
 family spent the day with him, and united in Divine 
 worship. The young man, William Morton, mani- 
 fested great desire for the salvation of his soul, and 
 Mr. Morrison entertained hopes that he might be 
 induced to give himself to missionary work altogether. 
 The loneliness of his position was greatly relieved by 
 intercourse with this Christian family, and between 
 Miss Morton and himself there soon sprang up a 
 warm attachment, which, by-and-bye, culminated in 
 their marriage. She was led by Mr. Morrison to give 
 herself entirely to God's service, and he thus became 
 the instrument of her salvation. 
 I i 
 Meantime difficulties as to his continued residence 
 as a missionary at Macao, or in any part of China, 
 mcreased around him so seriously that he resolved to 
 leave his residence and proceed to Penang, and there 
 continue his study of the language until his way to 
 re-enter China was open. He made preparations for 
 his departure, when Providence interfered to arrest 
 his flight. The opposition arose from the jealousy of 
 the Chinese and the enmity of the Eoman Catholic 
 missionaries combined, and in addition to this decided 
 opposition was displayed by some of the chief em- 
 ployes of the Factories. What, therefore, must have 
 been his surprise when, on the very day of his mar- 
 riage to Miss Morton, February 20th, 1809, he received 
 a request to become the official Translator of Chinese 
 for the East India Company, at a salary of ^'500 per 
 annum. If any fact could testify to his proficiency in 
 the language and to the prudence and consistency of 
 his character, this does so in the most ample way. 
 This offer decided his destiny, and to a great extent 
 the future of Christian missions in China. There was 
 no need now to embark for Penang ; Macao or Canton 
 were both open to him for residence and for pursuing 
 the great enterprise of his life. 
 Mr. Morrison had so far succeeded in obtaininc^ a 
 knowledge of the language, that he had prepared a 
 Chinese Vocabulary, made considerable progress with 
 his Anglo-Chiiiese Grammar and Dictionary, besides 
 havmg given much attention to the translation of the 
 JNew Testament, which he was slowly preparing. He 
 was, however, greatly troubled by the capriciousness 
 and ill-temper of his Chinese assistants. One of them, 
 when Mr. Morrison was alone one evening, tore his 
 coat from his back, and was proceeding to assault 
 K It > 
 I . 
ij ■!• 
 him, when his master called some gentlemen in the 
 neighbourhood to his assistance. Yang-Sam-Tak, who 
 had come out to China, and had been engaged to teach 
 him, sent away his other two helpers, and gave him 
 intense distress by his violent temper and his high- 
 handed doings. Still he did not venture to resent 
 this ill-treatment, or he might have been left without 
 a teacher altogether. On the contrary, he bore with 
 them, prayed with them, expounded the Word of Life 
 to them, and yearned night and day for their salva- 
 tion. Then his house was a miserable one. The roof 
 fell in ; but he would still have clung to it, only the 
 landlord raised the rent by one-third, because his 
 house, he said, had been turned into a chapel. There- 
 fore Mr. Morrison had to seek another residence. So 
 afraid was he of being noticed by the people of Macao 
 that he never walked out, much to the injury of his 
 health. The first time he ventured to walk into the 
 fields, skirting the town, was on a moonlight night, in 
 company with his two teachers. Indeed, his standing 
 in Macao was so precarious that he was strained with 
 continual anxiety lest by any step he should bring 
 about his dismissal. This severe mental tension 
 occasioned a renewal of tortuiing headaches, to which 
 he was constitutionally prone, and subjected him to 
 other attacks of illness. His marriage with Miss 
 Morton also added to his other trials, as her health 
 began to fail shortly after their union, and she became 
 a permanent invalid. One more disappointment also 
 tried him. His brother-in-law, William Morton, was 
 obliged to relinquish his studies, give up the calling 
 of a missionary, and seek a more favourable climate 
 by reason of his delicate health. 
 The offer which came to him from the Ea. '. India 
 Company was undoubtedly a great relief to his mind. 
 In accepting it he had the full approval of the Directors 
 of the London Missionary Society. There are some 
 who have blamed him for accepting an office of a civil 
 character, and the functions of which were outside of 
 his sacred calling as a missionary of the Cross. But 
 •^uch do not seem to thoroughly grasp the difficulties 
 of his situation. In eDf..ring on these duties Mr. 
 Morrison saw at once that he would have new facili-" 
 ties afforded him of becoming familiarized with the 
 language, that he would be able to remain in the 
 country, and that he would not be burdensome to the 
 Society; whilst he would be able to discharge fully 
 his duties to the Company, and still give the major 
 portion of his time to the work of his life. The course 
 of events fully ju;^ tilled tlie step taken. By becoming 
 an employe of a great wealthy company, he would be 
 protected at once from the hostility of the natives 
 and the Eomish emissaries. 
 The steps he took to make known the Gospel to the 
 Chinese were necessarily of the most quiet and limited 
 character. Indeed, to preach publicly had never been 
 the purpose of the Society until the conditions of 
 things should entirely alter in China. Still Mr. 
 Morrison could not rest without doing something to 
 make known the way of salvation to the heathen 
 around him. His own teachers and servants were his 
 first hearers. On the Sabbath, the Harmony of the 
 Gospel in Chinese, which he had taken out with him, 
 was read. The enormous difficulties to an English- 
 man of learning the language, made it for a long time 
 impossible for him to give any fair view of Chris- 
 tianity, or to argue with the Chinese as to their false 
 systems. But the effort was made; one or two, 
 ..' I' 
 sometimes from four up to ten Chinese would be 
 gathered in an inner apartment and the door securely 
 ocked; then the opportunity would be afforded to 
 the missionary of declaring his message. For a long 
 time this was done without any cheering result to 
 encourage or reward his faith. 
 At the end of 1810, he wrote to his friend the Rev 
 follows^"''' ''"''"^"'^ ^'^' l'''°Si-es. and position as 
 " I have experienced since I wrote to you a con- 
 siderable snare of affliction ; not indeed in my own 
 person, but in the person of my dear Mary A 
 nervous disease strongly agitates body and mind ; she 
 IS, 1 thank the Lord, now somewhat better, and I hope 
 will recover her former health and peace. Affliction 
 m a foreign land lies doubly heavy, no kind relatives 
 to assist, no Christian friend to cheer. The mind in 
 perfect peace will, I know, sustain any deprivation, or 
 merely bodily calamity, but a wounded spirit who can 
 hear ? My daily occupations are the same as when I 
 ast wrote to you in the beginning of this year. I 
 believe I was then in Canton. I continued there till 
 March, carrymg on a discussion with the Chinese 
 government respecting the alleged murder of a China- • 
 man I obtained great Mat by the public exnmination 
 ot the witnesses ; everybody was astonished that in 
 two years I should be able to write the language and 
 converse m the Mandarin and vulgar dialects. In 
 consequence of that, three of the Company's servants 
 determmed to begm the study of the Chinese language 
 and I have during the summer been a regular Chinese 
 tutor. In addition to these three, a gentleman who 
 has been twenty years in the country attended ; these 
 remained two hours every day, and my fifth pupil 
 a Dutch youth, remained all the day. Through the 
 summer I have had much translation to do for the 
 t^ompany, and frequent conferences with the Man- 
 darms ; neither the one nor the ot ier, I am sorry to 
 say, was amicable. The Mandarins are extremely 
 haughty, overbearing and clamorous, sometimes three 
 or our of them will speak at the same time, and as 
 loud as if they were all scolding. My tutor Ko Seen- 
 sang yet continues with me, and also my assistant 
 Low Heen I employed him to get 1000 copies of the 
 Acts of the Apostles printed in Chinese, and he 
 connived at my being charged twenty-five or thirty 
 pounds more than the proper price. He told me so 
 this evemng, and confessed his fault. It grieves me 
 very much, as I cannot now trust him. It is very 
 desirable to have persons in whom we can place entire 
 confidence, but that is not the case with the Chinese 
 A want of truth is a prevailing feature in their charac- 
 ter ; hence mutual distrust, low cunning, and deceit." 
 It was shortly after this that the translation of the 
 Acts of the Apostles just referred to was published. 
 Une thousand copies were printed. The charge for 
 printing was exorbitant, amounting to about half a 
 dollar per copy, the price at which the whole of the 
 New Testament was afterwards printed. But, as it was 
 considered to be a prohibited book, some risk was in- 
 curred by the printers, and they expected to be propor- 
 tionate y compensated, besidesthatthe Chinese thought 
 themselves at liberty to impose .1 any way open to 
 hem upon the foreigner. Three ambassadors from the 
 islands of Lekyo, who had come with tribute to China 
 had copies presented to them, on their landing, and the 
 book was cautiously circulated at every opportunity. 
 Mr. Morrison next prepared a tract, called Shin- 
 ■ '1'"' 
 Mi* I 
 . *'• 
 ■ -fill 
 taou, or the Divino doctrine concerning the Redemp- 
 tion of the World. This was printed, and 1000 copies 
 issued. Then he translated the Gospel of St. Luke, 
 which was also printed. He also composed a Catechism 
 to put into the hands of inquirers. At this time the 
 authorities of China evidently bt;gan to be disturbed 
 at the promulgation of other religious views than 
 those long established in the empiro, and an imperial 
 edict was issued prohibiting the teaching of Chris- 
 tianity, and four Roman Catholics were expelled from 
 Pekin. These steps rendered Mr. Morrison addi- 
 tionally cautious as to his next movements. 
 ^ His Chinese Grammar had been ready for some 
 time, but he found it dilficult to obtain its publication. 
 He submitted it to Sir George Staunton, who wrote 
 his most cordial approval of it in these words :— 
 "I return you the Chinese grammar with many 
 thanks for the perusal. I am happy to congratulate 
 you on a work which will prove both in regard to its 
 plan and its execution a most valuable acquisition to 
 the student of the Chinese language. He will no 
 longer be under the hard necessity of working his way 
 through the ponderous volumes of Fourmont, Boyer 
 and others; and which, after all, are often very 
 inaccurate and defective. I hope therefore you will 
 soon proceed to the press." 
 The Grammar was sent by Mr. Roberts to Lord 
 Minto, the Governor- General of India, in order that 
 it might be printed. For some reason, never explained, 
 it was kept back nearly three years ; then it was 
 printed at the Serampore press, in 1815, at the 
 expense of the East India Company, and was of signal 
 service to many who hitherto had found the acquisi- 
 tion of the language a task too difficult for them. 
 Persecutio'n.-a Fellow-Labourer, 
 — «- — 
 " He holds no parley with unmanly fears ; 
 Where duty bids, he confidently nteera, 
 Faces a thousand dangers at, her call, ' 
 And, trusting in his God, surmounts them all." 
 ^^j, COWPER. 
 Qevebal important events in relation to Mr Mor- 
 U rison's domestic and family affairs transpired in 
 the year 1812. His good and pious father died ; two 
 of his brothers also passed away ; and he was cheered 
 by the birth of a daughter, and the prospect of im- 
 proved health to his afflicted partner. 
 As Sir George Staunton had been withdrawn from 
 Chma, Mr. Morrison's official duties becnme much 
 more responsible, and his salary was increased to 
 a thousand pounds per year, with allowances for 
 teachers, a place at the public table, and other privi- 
 leges. His services were represented as being of the 
 highest valup, inrl f,ho TTr>r>nn""i-i- P ^ -e-r^- 
 when asked to sanction the appointment which had 
 been made by the Select Committee, gave "a kind of 
 ;; I 
 ; n 
 consent to it." Tlie meaning of this apimrontly tardy 
 cor ent was that the Directors of the East India 
 Company, both in England and in China, considered it 
 a visionary enterprise to attempt the conversion of the 
 Chinese to Christianity, and also feared that such 
 efforts might be opposed to the commercial interests 
 of the Company. But the prudent and unostenta- 
 ^tious, though invaluable labours of Mr. Morrison, 
 Von their esteem and admiration, and led them to 
 treat him with great confidence. 
 He now gave himself with renewed enthusiasm to 
 the preparation of the Anglo-Chinese Dictionary— a 
 formidable undertaking, which involved an acquaint- 
 ance with Chinese classical literature such as no 
 Englishman or European had ever possessed. 
 Three copies of his translation of the Acts of the 
 Apostles, which he forwarded to England, aroused 
 the deepest interest in the minds of the lovers of 
 missions. The Directors of the London Missionary 
 Society presented one copy to the British and Foreign 
 Bible Society, which liberally voted £500 towards the 
 printing of the whole Bible in Chinese, when the 
 translation should be complete ; another copy was 
 unstitched, and its leaves distributed amongst the 
 friends of the Society in various parts of the United 
 Kingdom. It seemed to them to be the first demon- 
 strated step towards the eventual conquest by the 
 Gospel of the whole heathen empire, and they re- 
 joiced accordingly. In the same letter that told him 
 of the welcome reception of his translation, the glad 
 tidings were communicated that at last, in response 
 to his frequent and earnest pleadings, a helper had 
 been appointed to come and share his labours. This 
 was Mr. William Milne, a young man of most devoted 
 piety, and of perfect fitness for the work to which he 
 was designated. 
 Mr. Morrison's apprehensions were now painfully 
 excited by an edict against Christianity issued by the 
 Emperor. The following extract from his letter to the 
 Society, dated April 2nd, 1812. will hIiow at once his 
 danger and his calm resolutf ui :— 
 "By the last fleet, which Dailed al -ut a month ago, 
 I wrote and enclosed you a royy of i. y translation of 
 the Gospel by Luke, and a Gb^r^fim Lract on the Way 
 of Salvation, which I hoped svould reach you in safety. 
 I now enclose you a translation of a Chinese edict by 
 which you will see that to print books on the Chris- 
 tian religion in Chinese is rendered a capital crime. I 
 must go forward, however, trusting in the Lord. We 
 will scrupulously obey governments so far as their de- 
 crees do not oppose what is required by the Almighty. 
 I will be careful not to invite the notice of Govern- 
 ment. I am, though sensible of my weakness, not 
 discouraged, but thankful that my own most sanguine 
 hopes have been more than realised. In the midst of 
 discouragement, the practicability of acquiring the 
 language in no very great length of time, of trans- 
 lating the Scriptures, and of having them printed hi 
 China, has been demonstrated. I am grateful to 
 the Divme Being for having employed me in this 
 gooa work ; and should I die soon, it will afford me 
 pleasure in my last moments." 
 Mr. Morrison was working with great diligence at 
 his work of translating the Scriptures and compiling 
 his Dictionary. He had printed most of the Epistles 
 and also thp Gnsnpl nf Sf T n1'- .1.."-^,-- - T . ' 
 , , , . -~~- ~-~r- ---. i-iUixc aiiuady rererred to: 
 but he found the preparation of the Dictionary a task 
 which severely tested his patience and his resources. 
 1' if 
 > < 
 To the Grammar, which still lay in the hands of the 
 Company, waiting for their decision as to printing, he 
 added a volume of Dialogues. 
 He was also painfully anxious to see some visible 
 result of his efforts to affect the hearts of those 
 natives to whom he had access, and was greatly 
 cheered by being informed that the life of one per- 
 son, a Chinese police orderly in Canton, had been 
 reformed through reading the tract published by him 
 on the Way of Salvation, which tract this orderly had 
 taken up by chance from the table of a relative. He been a notoriously bad man— too bad in the esti- 
 mation of the person who had distributed the tracts 
 to receive one. The reform in his life was marked 
 by many, but did not result m his becoming a 
 Mr. Morrison regularly held service m his room, 
 with a number of boys and his Chinese helpers and 
 attendants. One man, A-Fo, cheered him by apparent 
 earnestness in his inquiries after Scripture doctrine. 
 Ko Seen-sang manifested growing interest in sacred 
 subjects ; but the young boys gave him most pleasure 
 and encouragement. One day A-Fo brought him 
 some idols to look at. He desired that his country- 
 men might not be told he had brought them, because 
 they would be extremely angrj if they knew of it. 
 They were greatly opposed to selling or parting with 
 thoir idols, lest they should be insulted. " For my 
 part," said A-Fo, "I believe in Yay-soo (Jesus), and 
 hearken to what you say of the vanity of worshipping 
 wooden, clay, and other images." On November the 
 8th, 1812, A-Fo inquired about baptism, and declared 
 his willhigness tc be baptized if his brother might 
 not know of it. Mr. Morrison endeavoured to explain 
 to him that if his motive was a prudential one, in 
 order to avoid drawing the attention of the civil 
 authorities to himself, it was allowable ; but if he 
 was ashamed to be known as a Christian, it was not. 
 He remained with the missionary after the others had 
 gone for further instruction. 
 The Eoman Cathohc Bishop at Macao issued an 
 anathema against any who had intercourse with Mr. 
 Morrison, or received his books, or suppHed him with 
 Cliinese books; but it had no appreciable effect ni his 
 work. He reports as to his efforts for the conversion of 
 the natives thus : ** I have endeavoured to communi- 
 cate to a few, by oral instruction, the knowledge of the 
 truth. (Here follow the names of eleven persons.) 
 These have attended with the utmost seriousness and 
 the utmost decorum. In Macao every Sabbath day I 
 conducted worship with the above persons. I began 
 by prayer, next read a portion of the Scriptures, some 
 part of that which I have already printed, or some 
 portion translated for the occasion. These I endea- 
 voured to explam and enforce, and then concluded by 
 prayer and singing a psalm or hymn." 
 Mr. Morrison's time was now spent about equally 
 at Macao and Canton. His wife and baby resided at 
 the former place, and he was under the painful neces- 
 sity of being separated from them half of the year. 
 Her health was much worse when she was in Canton, 
 and improved by residence in Macao. 
 It is impossible to adequately realise the delight of 
 Mr. and Mrs. Morrison when, on July 4th, 1813, 
 being the Sabbath, and just as they were sitting down 
 at the Lord's table, a note arrived with the news that 
 Mr. Milne, the brother missionary, long promised and 
 expected, had arrived with his wife at Macao. A more 
 : I', 
 ' i: 
 V Mi 
 ■■ '*! 
 welcome or admirable fellow-labourer never entered 
 he mission field. It may be convenient at this po n 
 L vt '" ' 'ri ''°''""'=' ^°°'^"™g concerning S 
 eaily days and training for the great work. 
 TTif IT ''Tl" t^^"^"^"^^"^-^' i" Scotland, in 1785. 
 His father died when he was six years old and his 
 mother gave him ouch education as was common to 
 boys m humble life. Soon after his father's death he 
 was put under the guardianship of a relative who 
 neglected his morals, until he' became no orionsly 
 wicked, especially as a profane swearer. But he was 
 not long to be given up to sin. In his early years h' 
 attended aSabbath evening-school, which waftaugW 
 m the neighbourhood of his residence. Here his 
 knowledge of evangelical truth increased, and its value 
 was impressed upon his mind. Sometimes he Liked 
 home from the school alone, about a mile over the 
 brow of a hill, praying all the way. At this time he 
 began to conduct family worship in his mZi^s 
 house ; and he also held meetings for prayer wtth hi 
 sisters and other children in a barn that belonged to 
 the premises. ^ ''" 
 When removed from his home, he was placed in a 
 situation near a very poor man who was rich in f^th 
 and hohness. He often went to his house at the W 
 for fami y prayer, and united in the worship. Afte • 
 readmg the Scripturo., this man was in the habi of 
 expoundmg them for the instruction of the childi^n 
 and ns remarks deeply interested young Milne and 
 greatly helped to increase his affecfion L the BiWe 
 Religion was presented to him in this household in 
 such an attmctive manner, that he was led to make a 
 full and ddiberate choice of Christ as his Saviour and 
 Friend. The family in which he lived were not on"y 
 ^^ I] ' clAAjiaa^ ^ ■ -^ 
 irreligious themselves, but derided the youth for his 
 piety, making his position most uncomfortable. The 
 only place obtainable for meditation or prayer was a 
 sheep-cote where the flock was kept in the winter, and 
 here, surrounded by animals, he often knelt m prayer, 
 on a piece of turf kept for that purpose. Many hours 
 were thus spent on winter evenings, and here he often 
 had sweet refreshment while the members of his 
 master's household were contriving some fresh morti- 
 fication for his spirit. He read some books at this 
 time which greatly influenced him, especially The 
 Cloud of Witnesses, and Boston's Fourfold State. He 
 became a member of the Congregational Church at 
 Huntly, saying on his reception, " What a wonder am 
 I to myself! Surely the Lord hath magnified His 
 grace to me above any of the fallen race." Hours 
 were spent by him every day in prayer for the con- 
 version of the world to Christ ; but it was not till he 
 was twenty years old that he consecrated himself for 
 mission work, and then he had many obstacles in his 
 path. ^ He spent five years in hard labour to make 
 provision for his widowed mother and sisters; and 
 when this object was accomplished he at ' on'-o 
 offered himself to the local Committee of the London 
 Missionary Society. 
 On his appearance before the Committee at Aberdeen, 
 he seemed so rustic and unpromising that a cautious 
 member took Dr. Philip aside and expressed his doubts 
 whether he had the necessary qualificatioLs for a 
 missionary, but he added that he would have no 
 objection to recommend him as a servant to a mission- 
 ary, provided he would bo willing t<^ engage in that 
 capacity. " At the suggestion of my worthy friend," 
 says Dr. Philip, " I desired to speak with him alone. 
 - 1 
 ■f ■ 
Wi i 
 [l i 
 ROr.EHT M()ni!lS(lN. 
 Having stated to him the objection which had been 
 made, and asked liim if he would consent to the pro- 
 posal, he replied ^Yithout hesitation, and with the most 
 signilicft'it and animated expression of countenance, 
 * Yes, sir, most certainly ; I am willing to be anything, 
 so that I am in the work. To be a hewer of wood 
 and a drawer of water is too great an honour for me 
 when the Lord's House is buildina.' " 
 He was then accepted by the Committee, and 
 directed to Gosport, where he went through a regular 
 course of training under Dr. Bogue. In July, 1812, 
 he was ordained to the work of the ministry, and 
 dedicated to the service of Christ among the heathen. 
 Shortly afterwards he married Miss Cowie, daughter 
 of Charles Cowie, Esq., of Aberdeen. She wa^. an 
 eminently pious and prudent woman, and contributed 
 greatly to his happiness and usefulness unti^ her 
 death, in 1819. 
 A month after his ordination, they embark, a at 
 Portsmouth for China, and having touched at the 
 Cape of Good Hope and the Isle of France, were 
 warmly welcomed at Macao by Mr. and Mrs. Morrison. 
 Mr. Morrison says : " I went down immediately to the 
 tavern, about ten minutes walk from our residence. 
 On the way I lifted up my heart in prayer to God for 
 His blessing and direction in all things. After we 
 recognised each other, Mrs. Milne was sent home in 
 a palanquin, and brother Milne and I called on the 
 Minister and Governor according to. the custom of the 
 place. They both received us with civility, - ^\ 
 offered no objection to Mr. Milne at the moment. 
 " The next day I called on Mr. to state il. _i 
 Mr. Milne had arrived, and asked his pcrmi;si;ion to 
 allow him to remain. He demurred for soiae time, 
 ,%■ I 
 alleging that no person is allowed to como hero-thii 
 ho object of the English hero had been Mty „tate. 
 be pure y morcantile-that the Chinese wonld chs 
 allow a rcl,g,ous establishment, etc. He finally con- 
 Tmt^° A°-'""« '"''^'y- He would consider 
 Ml. Afilno a Chmcse student." 
 The following prayer was entered in Mr Morrison', 
 Journai.-..l,„, far (blessed be the s^ui:^: 
 of events) the door has bi;en opened. Oh, that the. 
 Lord's servant may be spared in health, may soon 
 acquire tlie language of the heathen, and be a faith- 
 ful missionary of Jesus Chri, I." 
 When the news circulated as to Mr. and Mrs. Milne's 
 arrival, there was excitement both amonpat tiie Eng- 
 lisli and Portuguese. Hostility at once broke forth. 
 The Roman Ct»' holies appealed to the Governor, the 
 Senate met, arid il was decreed in full council " that 
 Mr. Milne shonld \iot remain." In a few days a 
 messenger from slia Governor waited on Mr. Mori 'son 
 with a message, ior him to go up to his hoase. 
 When the missionary arrived, he was coolly receir-d. 
 The following conversation took place. "Does rhe 
 Padre," said the Governor, "at your house purpose 
 to remain here ? " " Please your Excellency for the 
 present, if you please," was the answer. " It is," said 
 the Governor, " absolutely impossible, he must leave 
 in eight days." Mr. Morrison entreated him on one 
 knee not to persist in this order, but to at least 
 extend the term. The Governor said his orders were 
 not to allow people to remain, that the Senate and the 
 Roman Catholic Bishop had required him to act, that 
 he had been appealed to against Mr. Morrison for pub- 
 lishing books in Chinese at Macao, but from motives 
 of friendship he had forborne to act. Finally, he 
 extended his permission for Mr. Milne to remain 
 eighteen days. All further efforts in the same direc- 
 tion proved fruitless. 
 On July 20th, Mr. Milne left Macao in a Chin; -n 
 fast boat. He could get no legal conveyance, i(i,-i 
 therefore had to p:. -^eed by stealth to WTpm' ,, 
 thence taking ship t i ,nton. This treatmer ; :m :,'.ie 
 part of the authorities at Macao greatly grit, \, • Mr. 
 Morrison, the more so as an intimation was given 
 him that he ought to surrender 
 his mission work and devote 
 himself exclusively to the affairs 
 of the Company. But they had 
 not properly understood the man 
 if they thought such a thing 
 possible. Mr. Morrison was a 
 missionary first and essentially ; 
 he was a servant of the East 
 India Company for its conveni- 
 ence and his own. 
 A few days later he went to 
 Canton, where he found Mr. 
 Milne well, busily engaged with 
 his studies, but in very uncom- 
 fortable quarters. Thence he 
 returned to Macao; and on 
 September 30th, again arrived at 
 Canton, having just finished the 
 translation of the New Testament 
 in Chinese. Ho now devoted 
 himself increasingly to the 
 Anglo-Chinese Dictionary, which 
 severely taxed his powers and 
 resources. In the midst of 
 these labours, his position was 
 rendered the more trying by 
 the death of Mr. Roberts, the 
 chief of the English Factory, 
 who had proved a warm friend 
 to him since his arrival in 
 The year 1814 opened with fresh opposition from 
 mm ^ 
 THR lord's PRAYRR 
 , nil 
 1 1 ^3 
 -;■ "I 
 • i 
i ' H 
 tl e Chinese aii honties. The Viceroy had reported Mr. 
 Morrison to the Government as becoming fully ac- 
 quainted with the language and customs of the country 
 and as being the translator of all English official dociu 
 ments which were received by the Government. The 
 tVZ'ZT^ f^^* ^ ^^°^"^^^^'"* denouncing in harsh 
 eims all ^yho were concerned in imparting to 
 l"m a^^:^ ^^^P "^ the composition of official des- 
 patches, and the Viceroy issued an order for their 
 jipprehension. Ko Seeng-sang and his son were 
 herefore dismissed and sent to a place of safety. 
 But on the other hand, the New Testament was 
 printed and ready for circulation, so that there was 
 the prospect of good being done through its finding 
 a way into the homes of many of the people. Two 
 housand copies were frst printed, which were 
 taken fi-om wooden blocks. From these blocks one 
 hundred thousand copies might have been printed 
 without material damage being done to them. Mr 
 Morrison also issued simultaneously ten thousand 
 copies ot a tract containing an outline of the Christian 
 system, and five thousand copies of a Catechism. 
 It was soon found that Mr. Milne would not be 
 permitted to remain at Canton, and that he must 
 look out for a residence elsewhere. The earnest 
 attention of both missionaries was directed to the 
 hnding of a place which might be considered the 
 head-quarters of the Mission, where means could be 
 taken for extending the work, and which might be, 
 It needful, a resting-place for the agents of the 
 bociety in declining years. It was therefore settled 
 tha Mr. Milne should go through the chief Chinese 
 settlements in the Malay Archipelago with the fol- 
 lowmg objects in view : first, to circulate the New 
 Testament and tracts just published amongst the 
 tens of thousands of Chinese who lived in those 
 islands; secondly, to seek a quiet and peaceful 
 retreat, where the chief seat of the Chinese mission 
 could be fixed and its lal)Ours pursued without the 
 harassing persecution of a bigoted and exclusive 
 Government; thirdly, to gather up such informa- 
 tion as to populations, etc., as might afford good 
 grounds for deciding as to the best means of pur- 
 suing mission work among them ; and fourthly, to 
 ascertain what opportunities there were of printing a 
 volume of dialogues in Chinese and English to assist 
 other t.rrents in the acquisition of the language. 
 With the purposes of his voyage thus defined, Mr. 
 Milne proceeded to visit Java, Malacca, Penang, and 
 other places. 
 During Mr. Milne's absence Mr. Morrison proceeded 
 with his work of publication. He issued in Chinese a 
 pamphlet in which he traced a concise outline of 
 Old Testament history, chiefly relating to the 
 Creation, Deluge, Exodus, giving of the Law, and 
 principal events of the kingdom of Israel. He also 
 translated and printed a selection of Hymns to be 
 used in Divine warship; consisting mainly of psalms 
 rendered frojn the Scotch version, and tlie hymns of 
 Watts, Cowper, and Newton, in most general use at 
 So many copies of the New Testament had been 
 required by Mr. Milne for distribution on his travels 
 that a new edition was quickly called for. The book 
 had been prin;".;. in large octavo form, and Mr. 
 Morrison decidi . to print it in duodecimo, as being 
 more generally convenient. Besides, inthg critical 
 condition of the Mission, it was of importance to 
ii. i 
 i'obua' ututRisoN. 
 have two sets ofMocks, to be kept in different places, 
 o lie 1 might be m reserve. New woocD.locks were 
 ^!:^"I"T1' u \'''' '' ' ^ ^^^--^ Spanish 
 dollais besides half-a-doHar each copy for pointing 
 ott. But this cost was -reatly increased by the dist 
 ^Z t^' ''-''-'' ^^^- ^^ ^^-^-ris^i 
 con?." •^''^^';^^""''' ^i^tionary now approached 
 comp taon. Immense labour had been spent upon 
 It, and fcs pubhcation became a matter of extreme 
 anxie y o Mr Morrison. It wouki have been com- 
 paiatively useless to have remaine 1 in manuscript. 
 The expense of transcribing it for the use of other 
 missionaries or the employes of the Con.pany w u d 
 ha e been immense. To copy the Dictionary pre- 
 paiet previously by Eomisli missionaries had cost 
 wo hundred Spanish dollars, and it was only one 
 sixth the size of this prepared by Mr. Morrison, 
 iho expenses mcurrcd already in gathering un 
 ma enals for its composition had 1 .en very freat 
 and the cost of its p.Micati n was .like beyond the 
 means of the author and of the Missionar/society 
 It was, therefore, with thnnkfulness and a sen.n of 
 gracious relief that Mr. Morrison, after much nego- 
 tmtion obtamed from the Company a promise to 
 imt It at Its expense. At once the Sel :i Committee 
 made arrangements, and shortly ^terwards Mr. P 
 1 . Thoms was sent out from En; ad China, with 
 presses types, and all requisite, for the work, to 
 supovmtend its publication. 
 The translation of the Old Testeni.ent was then in " 
 progress, and Mr. Morrison finished the Book of 
 > Theu valued at five sliillings per dollar. 

 I'lilKBUWION-A ratLOW-LAlloUlitU. 7a 
 Genesis, which was printed separately at the be- 
 gmmng of 1815. ' 
 In the moautime Mr. Milne returned from his 
 travels. He liad visited Java, and received mudi en 
 couragement and help in his enterprise from tl"o 
 enhglitened and truly Christian Governor, Z- T 
 card tt n"- ^''"l "^"'■"' ">"'- "'-» ^0 
 laiiuhai, tlc.Ec.sK.ent and Commandant, with -reat 
 he :"\ ^]"f, «'""-»» showed much interest in 
 " n ;r >, " ™'-'o"™-. a-t proved a warm 
 fuend to hem m tlu ,r future operations. On Mr 
 H.lne s return to Canton, it was deci.led blveo a 
 .Ir. Morr,son and himself that Malaca sho he 
 nmv t "' 1"'' "'*"'™"'' '""' ''^ ""^ "^-^ of a 
 new mission. The reasons for this choice were 
 seve. and very weighty. Mala, .a was nea o 
 Det«eeu it all the islands in the Eastern \rchi. 
 pe ago, where the Chinese resided in large nnmhers • 
 . lay convenient to Cochin-China, Siam, and Prnang ■ 
 It was .„ ro„tc between India and Canton, and ships' 
 No I'll 'r'" ""■".'t"^ ""1«™"^ exiled thtf 
 No other place pres nted such advantages for mter- 
 va"heai; "'"r'""'" °' l-oo'-- etc. She clSiate 
 desh^l P ^'-f ''/ '"''"'°" '''"«°" it«ouIdbea 
 deuable residence for any agents who were ill or m 
 fai Img health. Then it was a ndet place th^ 
 anthorit ies were friendly. Colonel Farquhaf eo dia^ 
 ^0, and here could he established a missionary sett e^ 
 ment where children could be . ducated, nativ. ag nts 
 ni'^.v?. Piepar- ana pabiished, the languages 
 1^ t. "T ,*' ^i^-°"--^« coming out^to L 
 ^voik, and, m the largeness of Mr. Morrison's soul, 
 1 -^ 
 -: - 
 tho Idea was tosterod. Jiat hero might bo maintained 
 a retreat for aged and disabled missionaries or their 
 widows and also an institution for the education of 
 then- children. 
 This was a large programme. How much of it lAfr 
 Morrison and his faithful coadjutor were able to carry 
 out, we shall see hereafter. 
 The year 1814 brought to Mr. Morrison what was 
 the greatest joy he had hitherto experienced in his 
 arduous work. For seven years he had hoped, prayed, 
 scat ered the seed of the kingdom, yearning that it 
 might lall into good ground and bear fruit ; but time 
 seemed to pass by only to try his faith and patience 
 moi-e severely. But at length he was to be refreshed 
 by having one convert to his prolonged ministry. 
 Ihis was Isae-Ako, one of his early teachers, and 
 bro her ot A-IIeen, still employed by him, who now 
 made application for baptism, giving the following 
 confession of faith :— ^ 
 " Jesus making atonement for us is the blessed 
 sound Language and thought are both inadequate 
 to exhaust the gracious and admirable goodness of 
 the intention of Jesus. I now believe in Jesus, and 
 rely on His merits to obtain the remission of sin I 
 have sms and defects, and without faith in Jesus for 
 the remission of sins should be eternally miserable. 
 Now that we have heard of the forgiveness of sins 
 through Jesus, we ought, with all our hearts, to rely 
 on His merits. He who does not do so is not a good 
 man. I by no means rely on my own goodness. When 
 Jfii!'^'''''^ '^''''^^^" '^^''^^^■' ^ perceive that from 
 chi dhood until now I have had no strength, no merit, 
 no learnmg. Till tliis, my twenty-seventh yeai I have 
 done nothmg to answer to the goodness of ^od in 
PEHSECUTION-A raLl.,>W-LAli„i;K,i«. 75 
 1 have not rcccmponaoa the kindness of my friend" 
 ay parents, my relations. Shall I repine? Sim 11 
 S •• """ °'' '" "°"''"' "'""' '"° ""'Holy 
 corfvtt'to n" f r",> ■*''•• "°'"»''" °f "- «-' 
 n" "A, f,^^ ''•'"'''»"' ■"''«''°»'' i» """■■est- 
 1; f • 7,'''" ,'"■ ™'' ', he eame to my 
 ouse and heard „,e talk o( Jesus, but says he Z 
 not understand well what I meant. That was my 
 "pctkitt':'"?' n""^ ^■^"'•^ ""-•' «he"T:„"j 
 speak better and eould write, he understood better • 
 Z ^,"'"8 ?7'°y«l by his brother in superh.tendi, g 
 the l\ew Testament for the press he savs th«t S 
 s^rall m"" *""n"'^ "^'-"^^^ ''^ "- »" 
 "His natural temper is not good. He often dis 
 agreed with his brother and other domestie and I 
 thought. t better that he should retire from my " L- 
 vice. He however, eontmued, whenever he was withu, 
 a few mdes, to eome to worship on the Sabbatirdav 
 He prayed earnestly morning and evening, and S 
 av, rr T "'.r''^'^^ '" *'"' Catechism. He 
 tuends he saw h.s great and manifold errors, that his 
 he' "d Z Jmn^'iT^V""' ''''' ™J-'' -""^ 
 or o b»rt,;n Fi^'lf^V- '" "-^-'■•''■oth--. 
 hmU^7i\ , i!- • "'o«'««g«. of course, is very 
 hm ted, and his views perhaps obsenrej but I hope 
 that lus farth m Jesus is sincere. I took for my guide 
 • 1 
 '4' (, 
 I 1 
 what Philip said to the eimuch— ' If thou beHevest 
 with all thine heart, thou mayest be baptized.' Oh, 
 that at the great day he may prove to be a brand 
 phicked from the burning ! May God be gloritied in 
 his eternal salvation ! " 
 In his journal, under date July 16th, 1814, Mr. 
 Morrison thus recorded the baptism :— 
 "At a spring of water issuing from the foot of a 
 lofty hill by the seaside, away from human observa- 
 tion, I baptized, in the name of the Father, Son, and 
 Holy Spirit, the person whose name and character have 
 been given above. Oh, that the Lord may cleanse 
 him from all sin by the blood of Jesus, and purify his 
 heart by the influences of the Holy Spirit ! May he 
 be the firstfruits of a great harvest— one of millions 
 who shall come and be saved." 
 Tsae-Ako adhered to his profession of the Gospel 
 until his death, which took place from consumption 
 in 1819. Mr. Morrison was not with him at his 
 death ; but he never doubted as to his faith in the 
 Lord Jesus in the last moment. 
 Visit to Pekin.-College at Malacca, 
 " Every great and commanding movement in the world is the triumph 
 of enthusiasm." — Emerson. 
 rriHE apprehensions which Mr. Morrison had felt as 
 X to the firmness of his position were fully justified 
 by the reception of a letter from the Select Committee 
 of the East India Company, dated October 14th, 1815, 
 which contained the following paragraphs :— 
 ^ ^ We feel it necessary to acquaint you that the Hon. 
 Court of Directors, having been informed that you have 
 printed and published in China the New Testament, to- 
 gether with several tracts translated into the Chinese 
 language, and having further understood that the cir- 
 culation of these translations has been effected in defi- 
 ance of ah edict of the Emperor of China, rendering 
 the publisher of such works liable to capital punish- 
 ment, are apprehensive that serious mischief may 
 possibly arise to the British trade in China from these 
 translations, and have in consequence directed that 
 your present connection with the Honourable Company 
 i ! 
 should be discontinued. The Honourable Court re- 
 mark at the same time that they nevertheless enter- 
 tani a very higli respect for your talents, conduct, and 
 character, and are fully sensible of the benefits derived 
 from your services ; in consideration of which they 
 have dn-ected us to present you with four thousand 
 dollars on the occasion of carrying the orders into 
 "Notwithstanding the tenour of these orders, which 
 we have implicitly communicated to you, we are under 
 so strong an nnpression of the importance of your 
 services to the affairs of our honourable employers 
 and so well assured, from our personal knowledge and 
 past experience of your prudence and discretion in 
 orbearing to place yourself in a situation which may 
 be calculated to implicate the national interests 
 through your connection with the Factory, that we 
 have resolved to postpone giving effect to any part 
 ot the above instructions until we receive further 
 orders upon the subject." 
 Explanation and vindication on Mr. Morrison's part 
 were offered by him in a voluminous correspondence, 
 m wiiich It became apparent that the local officials of 
 the Company were loath to carry out the decision of 
 the Chief Board ; and in a few weeks such complica- 
 tions arose between the Chinese Government and the 
 Company, that an embassy, headed by Lord Amherst 
 as Ambassador Extraordinary, was despatched from 
 England to the Court at Pekin to accommodate and 
 arrange the matters in dispute. Mr. Morrison's ser- 
 vices as secretary and translator to such an embassy 
 could not be dispensed with, and he was requested to 
 accompany the Ambassador to Pekfn. 
 For a considerable time Mrs. Morrison's health had 
 caused her husband and friends much anxiety, and 
 her medical adviser strongly urged that she should try 
 a sea voyage and change of climate as means to benefit 
 her. Her husband's presence in China at the par- 
 ticular juncture of circumstances was deemed too 
 important to be dispensed with, and therefore without 
 him, but with her two children, Mrs. Morrison em- 
 barked for England, on -January 21st, 1815. 
 One more trial was in store for Mr. Morrison during 
 this year. The spirit of religious intolerance was so 
 fully aroused that the type-cutters engaged in prepar- 
 ing the blocks for the Dictionary were arrested, and, in 
 alarm, the blocks which had just been completed for 
 the fresh edition of the New Testament and the Book 
 of Genesis were destroyed by the printers to prevent 
 discovery. This was a deep disappointment to the 
 indefatigable and dauntless labourer ; but he at once 
 took heart of grace, and set about the preparation of 
 new types. Very soon the intelligence reached him 
 that the British and Foreign Bible Society had made 
 a grant, as liberal as it was timely, of one thousand 
 pounds, which enabled him to have blocks cut, not 
 only for the duodecimo edition of the Testament, but 
 tor the Book of Psalms, the translation of which was 
 J ust complete. In writing to inform him of this grant 
 the Eev. J. Owen, secretary of the Bible Society, said — ! 
 , .1?'°"^^ y^^^' translation be on the whole a 
 taithtul image of the sacred original, and the under- 
 standing of the Chinese be opened by its Divine 
 Author to understand and admire it, what an honour 
 ^vl be conferred on your labours, and what blessing 
 will you have been called upon to inherit ! Desirous of 
 participating in that honour and that blessing the 
 British and Foreign Bible Society has furnished' you 
 •1 1 
 from time to time with contributions of pecuniary 
 aid, and you may assure yourself that it will continue 
 to assist you in the prosecution of an undertaking so 
 congenial with the object of its appointment and'the 
 wishes of its conductors." 
 It may bo mentioned here that a short time before 
 this an English merchant had died in China, and had 
 left Mr. Morrison one thousand pounds for the purposes 
 of his mission, which sum had been devoted to the 
 printmg of the New Testament and other Christian 
 Lord Amherst and his attendant officials arrived at 
 Canton in the Alceste on July 13th, 1816, and took on 
 board Sir George Staunton and Mr. Morrison ; then 
 the vessel proceeded on its way, till, on July 28th it 
 anchored at the mouth of the river Peiho. On August 
 13th they were entertained in the city of Tien-tsin at 
 a great banquet given by two Imperial Commissioners 
 m the name of the Emperor. Mr. Morrison gives an 
 mterestmg description of the reception and entertain- 
 ment. The Imperial Commissioners and the English 
 Ambassadors and Commissioners sat on very low 
 cushions raised about six inches from the ground 
 while the suite of the Emperor sat on the ground, on 
 which a red cloth had been placed. 
 On August 20th they all arrived at Tung-chow a 
 day s journey from Pekin. Here eight days were 
 spent in disputing a question of ceremony. It was 
 required of the English Ambassador that, on bein^ 
 brought before the Emperor, he should perform what 
 is called m China '' The Ceremony," or San Kwci 
 Keiv Row, rendered in English, " Three kneelings and 
 nine knocks of the head." The mode of performing 
 18 that the person introduced to the Empero - kneels 
 on the ground, places his hands when bowing forwards 
 on the floor, and strikes his forehead against the 
 earth thrice ; then the person rises, and, again kneel- 
 mg down, repeats the performance; and then, rising 
 once more, repeats the whole a third time. Thus it is 
 the Chinese worship their gods— some by three knocks, 
 others by six, and others by nine, according to the 
 veneration in which they are held. Lord Amherst 
 was not very likely to go through such a foolish and 
 degrtiding ceremony, and, after prolonged disputes, 
 the Chinese nobleman professed to waive the require- 
 ment. On the 29th the company arrived at the 
 Imperial Palace. The hour appointed by the Em- 
 peror for giving audience had arrived. The Ambas- 
 sador and his suite had travelled all night, were 
 unwashed and unrefreshed, and ill-prepared for the 
 interview with royalty. His lordship therefore pleaded 
 with the nobleman who received him that the fatigues 
 of the night had been so great that he must beg His 
 Majesty to defer the reception until the following 
 morning. To effect this the messengers went into the 
 ] :- iperor and told him the Ambassador was so ill that 
 he could not stir a step. The Emperor graciously 
 permitted him to retire to his lodging, and sent his 
 physician to attend him. The physician did not find 
 Lord Amherst ill, and no doubt made a representation 
 to the Emperor that did untold harm. His Majesty 
 thought he had been imposed upon. A special meet- 
 ing of the Cabinet was called. No one dared to 
 explain the real facts of the case, and an order was 
 issued that the Ambassador should depart immedi- 
 ately. The order was obeyed. The whole party left 
 Pekin the Ramc afternoon, and, after incurring a" 
 journey of 50,000 miles there and back. Lord Amherst 
 Hi. » 
 ft m 
 had to report a reBult of nothhr,/ The Emperor 
 afterwards chscovered the real facts of the case and 
 degraded froin office those who could have placed 
 them before him ; but his false pride would not 
 permit him to offer any explanation, or retract hi 
 treatment of the Ambassador. 
 Although_ the object of the Embassy had thus 
 iailed, the journey gave Mr. Morrison a few months 
 of relaxation which his health greatly craved He 
 was able to extend his knowledge of the country and 
 the people, and especially he was able to gather un 
 some knowledge of the various dialects of the pro- 
 vinces through which he passed, which was of g -eat 
 service to him afterwards. During his absence a 
 ^olume of Dialogues in Chinese and English, which 
 he had prepared, had been carried through the press 
 Mr. Milne and his family had left China and taken 
 up their residence m Malacca, to carry out the great 
 sclieme so long a day-dream with Mr. Morrison? bu 
 which was now about to become, in great part i 
 reality by the agency of his faithful fellow-labourer 
 M. Milne had collected Chinese books, printing Ze' 
 and other needful materials, secured a teachei ofThe 
 \f.fT' u"^""^'"^ ^vorkmen, and sailed on April 17th 
 1815, for his new home. On the voyage his famil^ 
 was increased by twins ; and, after thirty-five days' 
 sail,^ he i^ached^ his destination, and was cordially 
 receivecl by Major Farquhar, who proved himseff 
 to be a friend indeed. 
 The scheme indicated previously in regard to the 
 mission at Malacca had been carefully formulated bv 
 Messrs. Morrison and Milne, presented to the London 
 I , 
 Missionary Society, and fully.approved and sanctioned 
 by it. The programme was an ambitions one, and 
 whilst successful to a degree which fully justified the 
 outlay of its founders, it did not realise all that 
 their faith and enterprise merited. According to the 
 plan sketched out, a portion of land was to be pur- 
 chased, on which buildings could be erected suitable 
 tor the purposes contemplated and intended. A free 
 school was to be established as a preparation for a 
 more advanced seminary, in which native minipiers 
 might be trained and educated. A monthly magazine 
 m Chmese was to be issued. A printing-press was to 
 be set up, and kept at work, for the purpose of issuing 
 the Scriptures in Chinese and for the diffusion of Chris- 
 tian hterature generally. An English periodical was 
 to be issued also, with the view of promoting unity and 
 co-operation among Missionary Societies in the East 
 Divine services were to be held, and places of worship 
 to be erected as quickly as practicable. The whole 
 scheme was to be called " The Ultra-Ganges Mission " 
 as denominating the scene or area of the enterprise ' 
 Mr. Milne quickly began the attempt to realise the 
 scheme A small house in the British compound, 
 which had formerly been used as a stable, was fitted 
 up as a school. Notices in Chinese were posted up in 
 the town, announcing the commencement of a school 
 for the children of the poor. Great unwillingness was 
 at first shown by the people to send their children 
 and when the school opened on August 5th, only five 
 scholars had been obtained ; but, by sedulous effort 
 and wise caution, the number increased, until by the 
 end of the first year the number in daily attendance 
 was fourteen, who receivfid the ordi"""" -i ^^- - 
 Chinese education. By-and-by the Catechism pre- 
■ 1 ■ 
 I I 
 ■ i 
 pared by Mr. Morrison was introduced, and the chil- 
 dren were familiarised with the leading words of 
 religious character, such as God, Creation, Soul, 
 ]:>cath, and many others. Then the teacher and 
 children were drawn to attend divine worship. 
 Great prudence was required here. First, a few 
 domestics brought from Canton were drawn to attend 
 and then the school teacher and his pupils were in' 
 duccd to follow them. Thus very slowly had Mr 
 Milne to take step after step towards the attainment 
 of his great object. A email church of Dutch Chris- 
 tians in Malacca was at this time without a pastor 
 and they invited Mr. Milne to occupy the vacant 
 place. This he declined, on the ground that he was 
 commissioned for another purpose ; but he undertook 
 to conduct divine service for their benefit once a week 
 For about a year no land was obtained for the erection 
 of the meditated buildings; but at the beginning of 
 1816 Mr. Milne obtained a grant of land from the 
 l^nghsh Governor at Penang, subject to approval 
 from the Dutch authorities. This was a considerable 
 distance from the town, and not suitable for the pur- 
 poses of the mission. It was therefore exchanged for 
 a smaller piece near the city gates, a sum of about 
 two hundred pounds being paid as a further recom- 
 pense to the vendor. Thus was a site obtained in a 
 most eligible situation. It has been mentioned that 
 workmen as printers had accompanied Mr. Milne 
 from China. He now procured a printing-press, 
 founts of English and Malay types, and all neces- 
 sary apparatus for setting to work. In order to keep 
 f if ?, -7^-^'""' ^^ ^'''''^^^ '^^^^ edition in English 
 of Doddridge's Eise and Progress of ReUyion in the 
 bold, and Bogue's Essay on the Truth of the Christian 
 pS'T' ^-^r'. ''''' r^'^ '' ^^«*"buteci amongst the 
 i^nghsh residents and a.lventurors in Ch.iia, India 
 and in the wide Archipelago of the East. 
 On Mr MorriHon resuming his work at Canton, he 
 was qu.Hdy tried by fresh difficulties which beset him. 
 A quarrel broico out among his workmen at the press • 
 TJ 7^;^^' *° .'"^^^"S^ himself on others, took a 
 sheet of the Dictionary to the Tso-tang, a district 
 magistrate. This official was only too 'glad of an 
 occurrence which seemed to aiibrd an opportunity of 
 extortmg money, and sent his police runners to seize 
 the prmtmg materials, and the natives who were en- 
 nrfnMr n" "^'f '""'^ '^ "^^^^^^"^ ^^^eigners to 
 punt the Chinese anguage. Sir Theophilus Metcalf, 
 the Enghsh Chief of the Factory, interfered with 
 great iirmness, mvl prevented the presses and types 
 bemg impound( ..L The Viceroy of Canton issued 
 prompt ordei-, ihut no natives should aid foreigners 
 m prmtmg the Chinese character; the names of Mr. 
 Morrison s teachers and transcribers were recorded 
 lor arrest ; Ivo Seen-sang al)sconded, while Sam-Tak, 
 A-J^o and A-Heen were in great apprehension. The 
 result was that Portuguese workmen had to be in- 
 structed to cut the Chinese characters on wood blocks 
 tor the printing of the Dictionary. 
 Besides his incessant labours on the Dictionary 
 usually occupying six or eight hours a day, Mr. 
 Morrison translated and published the morning and 
 evening prayers, as they stand in tiie Book of Com- 
 mon Prayer also Hor^ Siniccc, a series of transla- 
 tions from Chinese classics, and a Chinese Primer, all 
 of which, with other works already recorded, prove a 
 zeal and diligence of application that must have tried 
 the most patient mind and tested the strongest con- 
 stitutioh, The progress the translation of the Bible 
 was making is indicated in the following letter to the 
 Bible Society, under date Novemher 24th, 1817 :— 
 '' During the ensuing ycur Mr. Milne and I* hope 
 to hnish a translation of the ^vhole Bible, 't- has 
 completed Deuteronomy and Joshua. Th< ,k of 
 Genesis has been printed some time. I have inade a 
 irst draught of the Br )k of Exodus and the Book of 
 Ituth. The Psalms I have finished, and they are now 
 in the press. -The Book of Isaiah is about one-half 
 translated. Several type-cutters are engaged to go 
 down to Malacca for the purpose of printing Deutero- 
 nomy, Joshua, and an edition of the Psalms in duo- 
 decimo ; that which I am perfecting here is smaller 
 than our duodecimo New Testament." 
 A letter from America at this time informed Mr. 
 Morrison that a young Chinaman, about twenty-six 
 years of age, from Macao, who had settled in New 
 York, had been led, through the reading of the Chinese 
 New_ Icstament, to profess faith in Christ, and was 
 manilesting the utmost earnestness and consistency. ' 
 ihese tidings, amidst the dry, monotonous grind of 
 translation work, were peculiarly refreshing to his soul. 
 Mr. Morrison's labours now began to excite atten- 
 tion and interest in all parts of Great Britain, and 
 also m many parts of Europe and America. He 
 received letters from some of the most learned pro- 
 lessors in Germany and France, most warmly recog- 
 nismg his eminent attainments and services. Dr 
 Vater, Professor of Konigsberg University, and M. 
 Bemnsat, Professor of Chinese, etc., in the Eoyal 
 College of France, one of the most erudite men in 
 Europe, with others, frankly and cordially congratu- 
 lated him upon the thorough and varied knowledge he 
 . > 
 .1 . 
 1 1 
 Uli 12.2 
 IL25 II 1.4 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 a I 
 vei-ri V of n!^ ^™'""' ^-""demicus of the Uni- 
 tlie Ji^nghsh merchants, years of sevprp «.,^ J 
 £;,rsi7.=zf. Sis - 
 rpRiilfa nf +u^ X KtrengtU. And certamlv the 
 me luture. Aa amiJe knowledge of the mo,t AM,.„u 
 anguage a^d the most obscure litoratureW be! «" 
 tamed. Large plaoit of prmt>n,,o,re,oe. tv",-- 5" 
 Mocks, and other material, had been acrJSdTone" 
 large edition of the New Testament in Chinese had been 
 printed and circulated ; another edition of 9000 copies 
 was nearly pnnted off ; a Chinese grammar, a volume of 
 tianslations from Chinese classics, a psalter, a book of 
 prayers, several small publications on Christian doc 
 tune and histoiy, had also been issued as the result 
 the Ol^T T 'f'T' "'* *" ^i^^^k «f *i^^ ^«oks of 
 hpl fi''^''' .^^''^^^ translated, and some of 
 them printed, awaiting the completion of the whole 
 before passing into circulation. Besides this must be 
 taken into account the help given to Mr. Milne in his 
 acquisition of the language, and the establishment o 
 the_ mission in Malacca. All this was accomplished, 
 besides the invaluable services rendered by Mr 
 Morrison to the East India Company as its official 
 translator and secretary. 
 Nor had the ten years been utterly fruitless as to 
 the mam work of the Christian missionary-the con- 
 version of souls to God. Two persons at least had 
 given up Idolatry and professed faith in Christ; one of 
 sion, and the other was givmg promise , f such growth in 
 Chritian knowledge and piety as to warrant his recep^ 
 Ztl P'' T ""f"'' '''''' ^^^ -P---es of other 
 to T M '^"''^ missionaries had been far different 
 dan^ ;« r^''" '• ^^'^ ^'^ ^^''^ g^-^-t^r risks and 
 dangers from savages and barbarians, they had passed 
 Wad'f "1 adventures and romanti'c trlr: 
 they had also been cheered and inspired by great 
 successes; and it may be doubted whether any of fh m 
 lad shown greater calmness in presence of dange^ 
 m spite of repeated disappointments, than had be n 
 manifested by Robert Morrison during this period 
 , ; .1 1 
il t 
 ''« I, 'f 
 3R ss . Jj 
 If ' i II 
 Chinese Bible Completed, -Dr. Milne's Death. 
 "Great men Btaml like .solitary towens in the City of God, and secret 
 pa««ages, running deep beneath external nature, give the r Zu 'hi 
 tliem, and of ^Much the labourers on the surface do not even dream." 
 •-*-■ • 
 An November 10th, 1818, the foundation-stone of 
 \J the Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca was laid 
 Tcf'riTi ^' ^^y^^^^^^-' i^ the presence of the Hon. 
 J. S T. Thyson (the Governor), Hon. J. J. Erskine 
 (Judge of Penang), the members of the College of 
 Justice, and many other distinguished persons. Mr. 
 Mih,e represented Dr. Morrison, and delivered a suit- 
 able address. The object was announced as the reci- 
 procal cultivation of Chinese and European literature • 
 aiid tjie machinery was to comprise a library fui lished 
 with books treating on the language, history, science, 
 etc., of European and Oriental nations. European 
 f> in 
 ■ *i 
 i ;ii 
 i . f ! 
fl t1 
 professors of tlic Chinese language, aided by native 
 Chinese tutors, were to impart knowledge; a printing- 
 press was to be made use of in divers manners, and it 
 was also mtended soon to form a botanic garden, so as 
 to have in one focus the plants of the Eastern Archi- 
 pelago. To the advantages of the institution Euro- 
 peans were to be admitted, to be fitted and prepared 
 for missionary, commercial, scientific, or official pur- 
 suits in the East, and also youths from Chinese- 
 speaking countries, who desired to be trained for ser- 
 vice under Europeans or in the Christian Church 
 Dr. Morrison contributed one thousand pounds to- 
 wards the establishment, and promised a hundred 
 pounds a year for five years towards its maintenance, 
 ile otherwise, especially in respect of the library, con- 
 tributed largely towards . ac College. Another gentle- 
 man gave the sum of four thousand Spanish dollars 
 t. wards the building, the London Missionary Society 
 gave five hundred pounds, and European residents in 
 Canton five hundred pounds. One friend wrote : 
 *;i confess that the plan far outstrips my expectations. 
 It IS benevolent and liberal to a degree ; it is extensive 
 also, and so ought our donations therefore to be I 
 shall be obliged to you to draw on me at any time you 
 hke for 420 dollars, that being equal to 100 guineas. 
 " ' In faith and hope the world will disagree, 
 But all mankind's concern is charity : 
 Thus God and nature linked the gen-.^ial frame, 
 And bade self-love and social be the same.'" 
 No words can describe the bright visions of useful- 
 ness which Dr. Morrison entertained as to the results of 
 this institution. Malacca was to be not the Athens 
 only, but the Jerusalem of the East. Streams of 
 knowledge and spiritual grace were to flow from 

 thence until the Chinese world was sanctified thereby 
 For some time there was great disappointment in the 
 mmds ot the promoters, as the natives refused to 
 send their children, until Mr. Milne was obliged to 
 offer a small weekly payment to each child to induce 
 Its attendance. As the natives became familiarised 
 to the presence of the College, and understood better' 
 the spirit of Its conductors, they became more trust- 
 tul, and the school prospered. Pupils and students 
 were trained, during Mr. Milne's life, varying in num- 
 ber from twenty up to sixty at one time ; and of these 
 several were converted and became consistent Chris- 
 tians. Books-some of them of great importance- 
 were poured forth from the press, periodicals were main- 
 tained, aid vigorous methods taken to make Malacca 
 the centre of Christian propagandism on a large scale. 
 Several volumes of the Dictionary were now com- 
 pleted and issued, but any estimate of it must be 
 reserved until its completion shall be recorded. Ifc 
 was the unutterable pleasure of Dr. Morrison to be 
 able to write to the Directors of the London Mis- 
 sionary Society, on November 25th, 1819, conveying 
 the information that the whole of the Bible had been 
 translated into Chinese. He, of course, had by far 
 the larger share of the great work ; but Mr. Milne 
 had given most effective and willing service since his 
 acquamtance with the language had enabled him to 
 t r*. ^^\,^^°.l^ «^ the New Testament was the 
 woi-k of Dr. Morrison, the Chinese MS. found in the 
 ,1^ n^.r^^^"""^ ^^'""^ ^ ^^^'^ foi* a part of it ; and of 
 the Old Testament he had done, the whole, with the 
 exception of the Books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, 
 Judges Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, 
 and Job, which had been translated by Mr. Milne. In 
 his letter to the Society, Dr. Morrison expressly dis- 
 owns any claim to perfect correctness, and only 
 professes to have laid a foundation for other and 
 more perfect translations in after years. A few 
 extracts from the letter will be interesting. He says : 
 If Morrison and Milne's Bible shall in Chma at 
 some subsequent period hold such a place in refer- 
 ence to a better translation as Wickliff's or Tyndale's 
 now holds in reference to our present English version. 
 Tlf ''^V'iV''^^' ^'^''' ^^^^ ^^^- *h^ attempt; and 
 neither the Missionary Society nor the Bible Society 
 will ever regret the funds they have, or shall yet 
 expend, m aid of the object. 
 " It is not yet 500 years since Wickliff's bones were 
 dug up and burnt, chiefly because he translated the 
 bcriptures ; and it is not yet 300 years since Tyndale 
 was strangled by the hands of the common hangman 
 and then burnt, for the same cause. The alleged 
 inaccuracy of Wickliff's and of Tyndale's translations 
 was the ground of cavil with all those who were 
 adverse to any translations of the sacred Scriptures ; 
 and It IS but 277 years since the English Parliament 
 decreed that all manner of books of the Old and New 
 Testaments, of the crafty, false, and untrue transla- 
 tions of Tyndale, be forthwith aboliohed and forbidden 
 to be used and kept.' If such things occurred so 
 recently, more modern translators need not be sur- 
 prised if their works are censured and condemned. 
 King James' translators were fifty-four in num- 
 ber, and rendered into their modern tongue in their 
 native country under the patronage of their prince. 
 Our version IS the work of two persons, or at most of 
 three (mcludmg the author of the MS.), performer! in 
 a remote country, and into a foreign and newly- 
 acquired language, one of the most difficult in the 
 and the least cultivated in Europe. The candid luci 
 of men s works will not forget these circumstances. 
 ^ m my translations I have studied fidehty, per- 
 «picuity, and simplicity. I have preferred common 
 woids to rare and classical ones. I have avoided 
 technical erms which occur in the pagan philosophy 
 Inf "JT- i' ^'"'^ ^^^^^^ ^« deemed'inelegant 
 than hard o be understood. In difficult passages I 
 have taken the sense given by the general consent of 
 ^hnTri'T'^ ^'''''' '"^^ ^'^'^ ^^«^^*™ divines to 
 wnom 1 had access. 
 ''To the task I have brought patient endurance of 
 long labour and seclusion from society; a calm and 
 unprejudiced judgment, not enamourecfof noveUy and 
 eccentricity, nor yet tenacious of an opinion merely 
 ratTmnd "" ^^ '}']'. '^^'^.'^^^e, somewhat of an accu- 
 late mode of thmking, with a reverential sense of the 
 awful responsibility of misinterpreting God's word. 
 Such qualifications are, perhaps, as indispensable as 
 theTbt' "^ ^ translating such a book as 
 rJ'-? ^^^^.Mose^' David, and the Prophets, Jesus 
 Christ and His apostles, using their own words, and 
 thereby declaring to the inhabitants of this land the 
 wonderfu works of God, indicates, I hope, the speedy 
 mtroduction of a happier era in these parts of Ihe 
 world, and I trust that the gloomy darkness of pagan 
 scepticism will be dispelled by the Dayspring from on 
 high and that the gilded idols of Buddha, and the 
 numberless images which fill the land, will one dav 
 assuredly fall to the ground before the force of God% 
 word, as the idol Dagon fell before the ark. 
 " Tyndale, while he was being tied to the stake 
 3 'I 
 ■ ! 
 said, with a fervent and loud voice, in reference to 
 Henry VIIL, 'Lord, open the King of England's 
 eyes ; ' and his prayer seems to have been heard and 
 answered. Let us bo as fervent in a similar petition 
 in reference to the Sovereign of this Empire. 
 '' In the Apostle's words I conclude this letter :— 
 ' Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the 
 Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it 
 is with you.' " 
 The joy entertained by the friends of Christian mis- 
 sions throughout Europe and America on the accom- 
 plishment of this great work was intense. Congratula- 
 tions to Messrs. Morrison and Milne poured upon them 
 from many quarters, the University of Glasgow con- 
 ferred the degree of D.D. on Mr. Milne, and fervent 
 gratitude was expressed to the bsneficent Providence 
 which had presided over their labours. The Rev. G. 
 Burder, D.D., secretary to the London Missionary 
 Society, wrote : 
 •' The herculean task is at length completed. To 
 Him alone who gave the power to effect this great 
 work, and who alone can render it effectual for its 
 intended purpose— the illumination and renovation of 
 human minds— to Him alone be the glory now and 
 evermore. But, my dear friend, we ought not, we 
 will not, we do not, forget the laborious agents whom 
 He has been pleased to employ for this great end. 
 We thank Him for you and for your helper, Mr. 
 Milne. We bless God, who has continued your lives 
 in a sultry climate, maintained your mental and cor- 
 poral powers, and spared you to see the completion of 
 your great labour Never mind what opponents 
 say. The work is done, and God will bless it ; nor will 
 He forget this work of faith and labour of love when 
 W- u 
 He shall render to every man according to his works 
 Blese God. my dear sir. that ever you were bor^lnd 
 born again, and enabled to effect this great work You 
 have hved to good purpose in havinglived o jtbhsh 
 a Chmese B.ble Thank God, and take courage." 
 The Committee of the British and Foreign Bible 
 Society wrote m a similar strain of thanksgiving and 
 oongratula ,on. and granted a fresh sum of one thou 
 sand pounds m aid of the multiplication and circula- 
 tionof copies of the translation. The Committee of 
 the American Bible Society presented Dr. UoZm 
 with a copy of the best edition in octavo of the Kble 
 in splendid binding, as an expression of its elteem 
 and approbation, and the American Beard of Commis- 
 sioners or Foreign Missions wrote offering their most 
 cordial thanks and congratulations. Befides thes 
 Sir George S aunton and many other eminent schola.^ 
 wrote m similar strain, giving proof of the intend^ 
 of interes felt throughout the Christian world in the 
 great achievement. 
 Dr. Morrison pursued his labours with unwearied 
 assidmty. The Eev. Dr. Baud, principal of Ata' 
 deen UiCTersity. had written to hi. .eeWng informa- 
 tion as to the poor of China. Ihis lecl him .„ 
 connection with Dr. Livingstone, the surgeon of the 
 East India Company m Canton, to give attention to the 
 normous numbers of destitute poorand sick people who 
 mfest all Chmese towns afld cities. The blind the 
 ame the leprous, often filled the highways, and 'their 
 condition excited little concern or compassion Th" 
 melancho^. condition of these sufferers was onlv 
 equalled by the gross ignorance that prevailed as o 
 luedicaJ science. In the public streets and markets 
 might be seen here and there a stall on which dried 
 vegetable substances were exposed for sale, these 
 being sold for any, and some for every, complaint, 
 without an attempt at discrimination. To meet this 
 crying evil. Dr. Morrison opened a dispensary for 
 supplying the poor with advice and medicines, super- 
 intending it himself for one or two hours daily, and 
 being assisted in its management by Dr. Livingstone. 
 Ho also purchased a Chinese medical library, consist- 
 ing of upwards of 800 volumes, with a complete 
 assortment of Chinese medicines, and engaged a 
 respectable Chinese physician and apothecary, with 
 the occasional attendance of a herbalist (whose com- 
 plete stock he purchased for Dr. Livingstone's 
 analysis), to explain the properties of the various 
 herbs he collected and sold. 
 The afflicted Chinese of Canton and the adjacent 
 districts crowded to this dispensary, and in a few 
 months thousands of cases had been under treatment 
 with^ gratifying success. This institution must be 
 considered as the forerunner of a crowd of similar 
 institutions, which have been established in connection 
 with Christian missions in the East, and which are 
 increasingly vindicating their claim to be considered 
 an integral part of Christian propagandist enterprises. 
 On April 23rd, 1820, Mrs. Morrison, in much im- 
 proved health, embarked with her two children in 
 the Marchioness of Ely, to rejoin her husband in 
 China. On August 23rd he had the great happiness 
 of receiving them at Macao, and of spending a few 
 weeks of blessed home enjoyment in their society. 
 Then he had to leave them, to undertake again his 
 official duties in Canton. In the following spring he 
 returned again to IVfacao, and he o-lyes a "lo\vin«^ pic- 
 ture of the holy family life he enjoyed : "My beloved 
Ic, those 
 neet thin 
 isary for 
 8, super- 
 lily, and 
 gaged a 
 ry, with 
 3se com 
 n a few 
 nust be 
 tiich are 
 [ich im- 
 dren in 
 jand in 
 g a few 
 ;ain his 
 ring he 
 ;ng pic- 
 Mary, horn the last time of her arrival in China 
 enjoyed remarkably good health, seldom re^uh^g 
 medical aid. We were pleasantly situated, and h d 
 a piece of ground before our house by the easkle 
 Macao, where we and the children walked h^'pi^ 
 together every evening. We then, after family prayers 
 sa down round a table, all occupied in somcSrg 
 useful or amusing. My Mary was occupied inno 
 ccntly and pleasantly in making clothi orTr 
 expected babe, and got all her house in order mo 
 comfortably; yet amidst this she never wen o 
 onsTi ^^ '''''r' '''''''^ considerable por- 
 lons of her Bible, and since she came out to China 
 he read, believe, the whole of Milner's Church Z 
 Mas suddenly taken lii, and notwithstanding that 
 doctor, husband and friends did all that human skill 
 01 affection could devise, she died in her husband's 
 arms on bunday evening, the 10th. Dr. Morrison 
 wished to bury her by the side of her little son 
 but the Chmese would not suffer the grave to be re 
 opened The lioman Catholics refused to aUow^^o 
 fw f %^^'^J,^^^'^"^ t° i-epose in their cemetery, and 
 therefore the Committee of the English Factory pur- 
 chased a piece of ground, worth about a thousand 
 pounds, as a Protestant burying-place, and here the 
 remams of Mrs. Morrison were reverently placed. 
 _ Ihe blow was so sudden and afflictive to Dr. Mor- 
 rison, and the desolation was so awful, that he 
 spiiits suffered for a considerable time ; and while 
 he dihgently fulfilled his official duties, aiid wrong 
 with undiminished ardour for the completion of h s 
 \ <i 
 Dictionary, his correspondence, generally so varied 
 and multitudinous, was limited to his nearest relatives. 
 When his duties required his presence in Canton, he 
 took his son with him, leaving his daughter in the 
 care of his kind friends, Dr. and Mrs. Livingstone, 
 at Macao, intending to send both children to England 
 as soon as a convenient opportunity occurred. 
 His skill and tact as an interpreter and diplomatist 
 were to bo very severely tested on his arrival at Can- 
 ton, in consequence of a fracas which broke out 
 between the English and Chhiese authorities. Some 
 men irom an English frigate had gone ashore at the 
 island of Lmtin, adjacent to the Chinese coast, for 
 the purpose of obtaining water. Although they were 
 unarmed, a party of Chinese attacked them, and 
 S3veral_ were wounded. A .ompany was sent from 
 the ship to defend them, and in the struggle two 
 v^hinamen were killed. Th. local government de- 
 manded that the murderers, as they were called, 
 should be given up, to be executed according to law. 
 ihe English denied that there was any murder in 
 the case, and refused the demand. Both parties 
 lirmly maintained their ground, and as a result trade 
 was mterfered with, the relations of the two nations 
 were strain .d, the English Factory at Canton was 
 closed, Its employes and stock were put on board ship, 
 and an mifriendly attitude was taken up. Some of 
 the Chinese merchants deeply regretted the affair, 
 and did their best to end the unfortunate quarrel by 
 seeking to induce the English to accommodate matters 
 somewhat. They even suggested to the officers of the 
 rigate that they should say that two of their men 
 had fallen overboard, and that, as these were the 
 murderers, they could not be given up. They would 
 have been content to allow the matter to blow over 
 on such a wild story as this ; but their pride would 
 not allow them to acknowledge the plea that the men 
 had been killed by the English in self-defence. The 
 English would not concede any point, and especially 
 would not give up the men to be strangled to death, 
 as they certainly would have been, if surrendered. 
 Ihe result was that two months were spent in weary- 
 ing and vexatious correspondence, ending at last in a 
 compromise to the effect that friendly relations were 
 to be re-estabhshed and trade resumed, on the condi- 
 tion that the English Government would cause full 
 examination to bo made into the circumstances of the 
 melee Mr. JVIorrison's services in the discussion were 
 invaluable, and on its conclusion a report was drawn 
 up by Sir James Urmston, in which the following 
 IZlr^-'' r^;T" *^^ l^^'^Si-ess of this affair, 
 which had involved the East India Company's repre- 
 sentatives in one of the most serious, vexatious, and 
 harassing discussions they had ever been engaged in 
 with the Chinese, the zeal and exertions of Dr 
 Morrison were unremitting. His extensive and 
 indeed ex raordmary knowledge of the Chinese lan- 
 guage, both written and colloquial, and of the system 
 character, and disposition of the Chinese Government' 
 enabled him clearly and fully to comprehend its senti- 
 ment, views, and meaning, as well as to detect the 
 sophistry, duplicity, and even falsity, which but too fre- 
 quently marked the official documents of the ^ocal au- 
 thorities, as well as the language and arguments of the 
 Hong merchants; the latter being always the vehicle 
 of communication between their Government and 
 -„-i„H. inin CiOae ami correct maight into the 
 Chmese documents proved of the utmost importance 
 to the Select Committee, who were enabled thus to 
 frame their correspondence and communications with 
 the Chinese in a form, language, and spirit, suitable to 
 meet and to resist the arrogant language and preten- 
 sions and the unjust demands of the Viceroy of Can- 
 ton and his colleagues. These communications were 
 translated into such perfect Chinese by Dr. Morrison 
 as to render it impossible for the Chinese Government 
 to misunderstand, or even to affect to misunderstand, 
 the feelings, sentiments, and determination of the 
 East India Company's representatives ; and this cir- 
 cumstance is at all times of immense importance in 
 negotiations or discussions with the Chinese. Dr. 
 Morrison's invaluable talents and services were fully 
 understood and appreciated by those whose vast and 
 important interests he had on this, as well as on 
 various former occasions, so essentially benefited." 
 _ The Company's ships returned to their usual sta- 
 tions, the trade resumed its course, and Dr. Morrison 
 arranged for his children to return to England. His 
 daughter sailed in the good ship Kent, in the care of 
 Mr. and Mrs. Maloney, from whom she received 
 almost parental kindness ; the little boy sailed in 
 the A this, under the protection of Mr. Dill, the sur- 
 geon. In writing to his brother, announcing their 
 departure, Dr. Morrison said : "I desire that my 
 children may be taken good care of, and be brouglit 
 up in a plain way ; but above all things be taught to 
 ' fear the Lord betimes '—that is wisdom." 
 Dr. Morrison now retired to his desolated home at 
 Macao, and devoted himself with renewed application 
 to his missionary duties and the completion of his 
 Dictionary. He was, however, alarmed at the intel- 
 ligence which speedily reached him as to the failinfr 
 I ■ 
I ! 
 V t 
 S« m','"' T''"°" °' "'^ •'^'"-O fellow- 
 dearest earthly friend Dpp+i. i, T i . *^ ^^^ 
 on"hirii' '7;;~dVo?r '-^^''"^ ""^""^ 
 cernc nf +1, • • ^^^^^^^ ^^ two years the con- 
 lets Jr hl'ni * V """ ^°"''8''> ''-anslated pamph- 
 He had th. h ' ^"'' '•''8'"''''-'y P^^^^ed the Word 
 Lean.' Aft !!rr''' °' '"'P"^»'8 'h" "ative tntor 
 Manlrt :;ro; 1,"""^ ^""'^ ""'■■""•™<' »- Ch.I' 
 his wo k in We „ tl' ? ''?«'"'' P"-«evered in 
 and i»,n;iri' nt hL ; rthefl T''.'^' ^f "'«'"«' 
 evangelist, and ™ ^pWd' by the Z' >''Tr 
 fi onary Sociefv rj,.f n ^K , ^ ^ London Mis- 
 Chinese or English not less thir fiff.->. / 7 
 inff frnm f «« ? ' i " nitCL-n tracts, vary- 
 mg fiom ten to seventy Jeaves each, besides a Ml 

 1 m 
 1 t '' 
 commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians, and an 
 elaborate work in two volumes, called Essay on the 
 Soul. Some of his tracts published in Chinese are 
 unequalled for their acceptability and their adapta- 
 tion to particular cases. Amidst his manifold labours 
 his health failed ; he had many premonitions of 
 danger, followed by partial recovery. Profuse spit- 
 ting of blood indicated disease of the lungs ; but it 
 was afterwards ascertained that the liver was the 
 seat of his complaint. He took a voyage to Penang 
 hoping thereby to recruit his health ; but deriving no 
 benefit from the change, he returned, utterly worn 
 out, to Malacca, only anxious to die at his post. 
 Then he passed peacefully to his rest and reward, 
 being thus re-united to his faithful partner, and 
 eavmg four children utterly orphaned and cast desti- 
 tute on the Fatherhood of God. He had written to 
 his recently-widowed friend. Dr. Morrison, from 
 Penang, and on June 3, 1822, the following reply was 
 penned: "I have received your letter from Penang 
 and deeply regret the afflicting news which it con- 
 tarns Oh that God may spare your life and restore 
 your health ! I am going on mourning all the day— 
 an unprofitable servant ; Lord, pity me ! 
 " Aheen has written to me from Canton, saying 
 that he is convmced of sin, and desiring to be washed 
 therefrom by the Saviour of the world, in token of 
 which he asks if he may be baptized. The lad Asam 
 the younger, seems to understand the outline of the 
 Gospel, and says he believes it. I really hope Aheen 
 ''•f TT~^' ^^« ^IWB too proud, as well as a con- 
 ceited Tuh-shoo-jm (a literary person), to say now 
 that he was convinced of sin and wanted salvation, if 
 It had not some reality in it. He is a man of few 
 words and naturally cold-hearted. If indeed be now 
 looks to the Saviour, God be praised for givin- to 
 worthless me some fruit of my feeble labours ! Alas ' 
 I write this fearing you are already beyond the reach 
 of letters. 
 He was indeed beyond the reach of letters ; on 
 June 2nd, he had been called to the eternal home. 
 His character was summed up by Dr. Morrison in 
 these fittmg words: "Dr. Milne appears to have 
 possessed .naturally a very ardent, impetuous, deter- 
 mined mmd, yet softened by mildness of manner • 
 and after it was converted, turned from Satan to God' 
 it retained its natural ardour and impetuosity, but 
 directed to new and very different objects from what it 
 previously was. He was now fully convinced that the 
 cause of missions was the cause of heaven, and neither 
 lire nor water could impede his onward course. He 
 served with courage and fidelity ten years^ and then 
 wn out by useful toils and hard service, died at 
 his post." 
 Dr. Morrison was at this time meditating a journey 
 to England in order to visit old friends and kindred, 
 and to enjoy a well-earned furlough. But on the 
 news of Dr. Milne's death, he gave up for the present 
 all thought of a holiday, and resolved to repair to 
 Malacca to arrange for the future working of the 
 Mission and the College. With characteristic bene- 
 vo ence also he resolved to adopt as his own son, 
 httle Robert Milne, named after himself, and to pro- 
 vide for his maintenance and education with his own 
 In November of this year, a fire broke out on the 
 west side of Canton, about a mile north of the 
 European Factories. It raged furiously for several 
 clays, and burnt every building westward frr a mile 
 and a half, and indeed did not cease to burn till no 
 buikhngs were left. Thousands of Chinese shops and 
 houses were destroyed, and millions of pounds worth 
 of property was lost. The East India Company's loss 
 was estimated at one million ; and the loss of life 
 through the fire, terror, trampling to death, and attacks 
 of cruel banditti was awful and horrible. This was an 
 additional trial to Dr. Morrison, as he lost much 
 property by the fire, and especially a hundred pounds 
 worth of paper he was about to send to Malacca for 
 a fresh edition of the New Testament. 
 On January 17th, 1823, Dr. Morrison left Canton 
 for Malacca, and on the 29th of the same month 
 landed at Singapore, then a newly-formed English 
 settlement in the Malayan Archipelago. He°was 
 received by the Lieutenant Governor, Sir T. Stamford 
 Eafiies, with great friendliness. They were men of 
 sympathetic feeling ; and earnest conference on several 
 subjects for promoting the welfare of the colony and 
 the Malays occupied the period of the visit. The 
 result of the interview was the resolve to establish at 
 Singapore an institution similar to that at Malacca 
 and as the latter settlement was under the Dutch 
 Government, to unite both under one management 
 with .he title of - The Singapore Institution." A 
 meetmg of the principal inhabitants of the settlement 
 was summoned, and the proposal laid before them. It 
 was decided to adopt the scheme : the College at 
 Malacca to be carried on as at present with its special 
 departments, and the new institution to take up 
 branches of knowledge and science which the older one 
 had not been ^hh to embrace. A liberal subscription 
 followed ; Dr. Morrison was appointed Vice-President 
"r a mile 
 rn till no 
 shops and 
 ids worth 
 my's loss 
 ss of life 
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 i pounds 
 lacca for 
 ) month 
 He was 
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 special up 
 ier one 
 and subscribed upwards of fifteen hundred dollars, 
 besides spending much more in the clearing of a site 
 of land which he obtained as a grant from the Govern- 
 ment. On February Ist, he arrived at Malacca. He 
 found everything in a healthy and hopeful condition. 
 He says : " The College and the native students gave 
 me great satisfaction. The Chinese youths sang the 
 hundredth Psalm to Luther's tune. It was composed 
 in Chinese by my former assistant, Ko-Seen-sang. 
 Finding the good use which had been made by my 
 dear William of my books in Chinese, and of my funds, 
 and the freedom of worshipping God without Man- 
 darin interference, altogether produced on my mind 
 a most pleasing effect. Oh! how grateful should I 
 be." He filled up the vacant post of principal of the 
 College by the appointment of the Eev. David Collie, 
 who had been sent out by the London Missionary 
 Society in 1822, and who had shown remarkable 
 aptness in gaining acquaintanceship with the Chinese 
 language. Mr. Collie fulfilled the duties of the office 
 with great ability up to the time of his death in 1828. 
 The year 1823 was a memorable one in the life of 
 Dr. Morrison, owing to the publication of the Anglo- 
 Chinese Dictionary, which must be considered as the 
 great work of his life. He had been engaged upon it 
 sixteen years, and in connection with its composition 
 he had accumulated a library of about ten thousand 
 Chinese volumes. It was now issued at a cost of 
 twelve thousand pounds by the East India Company. 
 It filled six large quarto volumes, each equalling in 
 size a family Bible ; it contained four thousand five 
 hundred and ninety-five pages, and recorded forty 
 thousand words expressed by the Chinese character. 
 Having accomplished so marvellous a work, it was not 
 wonderfu that his name became universally famous 
 Tes monies as to the value and importan'^.e oToie 
 publication came from all sides. Di- Montucci of 
 Dresden, an erudite Oriental scholar, said " 'am 
 ree to assert that Dr. Morrison within these ten ve™ 
 has published volumes by far more usefulo tTm 
 enturt •• M ^ °"«™™"'i^ i" the course of the last 
 century. M. Eemusat, o. :r',-,,r;s, said : " The Ando- 
 Chmese Dictionary by Dr. Morrison is incomparabi: 
 superior to every other." The book is indeed^ 
 as much an encyclopaedia as a dictionary; biORi-aphies, and notices „f national custom , cefZnfes 
 and systems abound, makuig it a reporter; of infant 
 tion on aU matters touching Chinese life and htera ur . 
 18?.f: =^Xr°",,"'"' "'"''^'' ^^^' November 10th 
 uiZi Afa, whom our dear Milne baptized has led 
 his wife to embrace Christianity, and proposes to brn« 
 w/ott "Trdav?' "tr"-" ^'"''^^ ^Otli h? 
 wiote. To-day Leang Afa, our Chinese fellow discinle 
 brought his son Leang-tsin-trh (entering on v iS' 
 and had hun baptized in the name of God the Fathe ' 
 mav'belb "'"'■ ") ' "'^' "™ small Christian famS; 
 The time had now come when Dr. Morrison felt he 
 might gratify his long-deferred desire of visaing his 
 native land and associating once more for a brie 
 period with his beloved distant friends. He therefore 
 wrote to the Select Committee of the East Ind a 
 Company: "Having spent sixteen years hi CWnl 
 subjected to sedentary occupation, in translatZ' 
 writing the Chinese Dipimn»n' -n-" -'V ,^*''"S: 
 now feelmg indications of my constitnMon beil^g 
 aflected by the want of bodily exercise, I have deter- 
 mined to avail myself of the liberal permission granted 
 l>y the Honourable the Court of Directors to visit 
 England, with certain allowances. I intend going in 
 the Wateiiuo, with Captain Alsager. Thus I shall 
 leave China in the end of December, 1823. In the close 
 of December, 1824, I purpose to quit England and 
 return to China, via Bengal ; by which means I hope 
 to resume my duties in the Factory in August, 1825. 
 " For the benefit of Chinese literature in England, 
 I purpose taking thither and leaving there my Chinese 
 library, consisting of several thousand volumes, to 
 ship which on board the Waterloo I request the 
 Committee's permission. And if the Committee can 
 authorize me to draw such part of my allowance 
 during absence as they may see fit, in England, on my 
 arrival there, it will be a great accommodation to mc, 
 and will be considered a favour." 
 The Select Committee willingly granted all he 
 desired. He sailed in the Company's ship Waterloo 
 early in December, 1823, and arrived in England in 
 March, 1824, accompanied by a Chinese servant who 
 had lived with him for several years, and had made a 
 consistent profession of Christianity. One deep regret 
 he had in leaving China, that he was unable to leave 
 behind him a missionary to continue his work in 
 Canton or Macao. He had urgently besought the 
 Societies of England and America to appoint a helper, 
 who might be his successor in the event of his death, 
 but no provision had yet been made. He therefore 
 ordained Leang Afa to the office of Evangehst. He had 
 maintained a good confession for eight years, and he was 
 now commissioned to carry on spiritual work amongst 
 his countrymen in Canton as opportunities allowed. 
f . 
 •• The true a,„l,iHou there Hl,.nere«i,le., 
 ^V .CMC ju.uce vindicate. „„,Uvis.k.a guides. 
 Where,,uUiebWug.. ,.uh,ic,,,.ai^la^:^• 
 Where glo.^- iH our .notive, not ..ur end 
 B^ave .en .ou,d aeUhough .and^ t:;l:^;r;:,,,, 
 T"i.7^"l'"" r'"* "'■• '^^'"■"■«°" had won for him 
 J- belt, tor his devotion as n r^i,v,-c+- . . 
 and his erudition as a Airio^it" ^^^d kZT7' 
 arnva in EnLrlnnJ o x •. • ^^^"^®" "ini, on his 
 persons o all rS Lfl^'"'^ ""^"«°" <">^ 
 and learned so ie ies ClT ""T^ Phila^Uhropio 
 ever, attended hi. 'J^-H-al rt f e„S J^ ""' ''°"- 
 Clnnese library he had brougl tTt him TIT' 
 to lea-mg China ho hnri ci T i . -^^^^evious 
 authoritief his otjeet" i:;^^ ^^ ," ,f^, British 
 :' fhior:* ■" '^r ' "/° -™ p«-^«c°ns1«!S' 
 cdleotionof ,;. mI^T'^'^' ."™» a valuable 
 D-. . J-tonj "f ..cui had been Obtained 
 rr™ '-: T-^p-^^-at reel.";: 
 Dr. .vioi rison had been upwards of f wn n , 
 anZv 1"T '""''' "1'™ ""^ occui-ronce it seem" 
 » paltry method of treatijig a liberal offpr w T 
 pnbhc good,.o insist on a°tax, sti'y btant tt 
 benevolenee is the act of „„ individif ratW til 
 an association of individuals unde'Tl'o'^' ^ f.^ 
 ^ZeTZZlu" "'"Z™"' ''' Geo '«: Stafnt; 
 t^re dTposited i?°^^ were allowed to pass free, and 
 were aeposited m a room on the premispq nf ih^ 
 London Missionary Society until they eouM be L 
 toorUy disposed of. This matter settled, no le str' 
 honour was to be offered to Dr. Morrison fbl T T 
 veyea tne news to him "> ^b- — ^ *'__ 
 has very handsomely -agreed trpr;:nr;o'u htasTt'o 
 the King on Wednesday, and to consult wtth Mr. Petl 
 I 1 
 about the best mode of laying before His Majesty 
 your translation of the Scriptures, Under these cir- 
 cumstances it might not be necessary for me to go ; 
 but as you are a stranger, Mr. Wynn wishes me to 
 accompany you in order to ensure your finding him, 
 and putting you at the proper moment into his hands, 
 and this I shall be happy to do, and shall therefore 
 as before settled, call for you in Berners Street, on 
 Wednesday, at half past one." 
 At the appointed time, Dr. Morrison accompanied 
 Sir George Staunton to the Levee ; and on being 
 presented to the King, His Majesty recognised him in 
 a manner which showed he was well acquainted with 
 his merits and the value of his public services. He 
 very graciously accepted a copy of the translation of 
 the Bible and a map of Pekin, which were acknow- 
 ledged in the following letters, the first from the 
 Et. Hon. Sir E. Peel, then Home Secretary, and after- 
 wards Prime Minister, and the other from Dr. 
 Sumner, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury ; — 
 " To Sir George Staunton, Bart., etc., etc. 
 "Whitehall, April 12th, 1824. 
 *' My dear Sir, — In laying before His Majesty the 
 Chinese Biolc> I have not failed to mention to His 
 Majesty the very singular and meritorious exertions 
 which have been made by Dr. Morrison to promote 
 religion and literature in the East. 
 " His Majesty has commanded me to convey through 
 you to Dr. Morrison, the exj)ression of his marked 
 approbation of that gentleman's distinguished and 
 useful labours. 
 '* I have the honour to bo, my dear Sir, 
 "Your most faithful and obedient servant, 
 "EoBERT Peel." 
 I Majesty 
 these cir- 
 e to go ; 
 es me to 
 ling him, 
 is hands, 
 street, on 
 on being 
 id him in 
 ited with 
 ices. He 
 slation of 
 Prom the 
 md after- 
 rom Dr. 
 ■T ;— 
 jesty the 
 n to His 
 r through 
 hed and 
 c Peel." 
 " To the Eev. E. Morrison, D.D., etc. 
 "Carlton Palace, April 14ih, 1824. 
 " Sir,— I have received His Majesty's commands to 
 convey to you His Majesty's acknowledgments, and 
 to express his sense of your attention in presenting 
 through Mr. Peel, a copy of your Chinese Bible. 
 "His Majesty has been pleased to direct me to take 
 it into my particular care, as an important and 
 valuable addition to his library. 
 " I have the honour to be, Sir, 
 " Your obedient and faithful servant, 
 " Charles E. Sumner, Librarian." 
 The Select Committee of the East India Company 
 also introduced Mr. Morrison to the Court of Directors 
 in the following flattering words, showing how ground- 
 less had been all the fears entertained that his official 
 connection with the Company would be inimical to 
 its commercial interests : — 
 " Dec. 5th, 1823. We cannot permit Dr. Morrison 
 to depart from the situation he has held for sixteen 
 years in this establishment, with eminent advantage 
 to the interests of the Honourable Company, without 
 expressing the strong sense we entertain of the im- 
 portance of his services, and of the perfect satisfaction 
 we have derived from his abilities and general de- 
 portment during his residence in this country. We 
 trust, therefore, we may be permitted to introduce 
 Dr. Morrison to the notice of your Honourable Court 
 as a gentleman meriting your best attentions." 
 This was signed by all the members of the Select 
 Commit^^^ee, and consequently from the Directors as a 
 body, and from many of them personally he received 
 attentive courtesy. The Court allowed him half his 
 income while on furlough, and he was invited to a 
 public dinner given in his honour by the Directors, 
 where he formed acquaintance with some of the most 
 distinguished persons of the time. Public engage- 
 ments crowded upon him, leaving him no opportunity 
 for rest, or for enjoying private fellowship with his 
 friends. As soon as he could tear himself from 
 pressing engagements in London he went down to his 
 native county, Northumberland, and in Newcastle 
 found himself again amongst many friends and 
 relatives, who accorded him an enthusiastic reception. 
 He arrived on the 18th of April, and on the Sabbath 
 preached to crowded congregations, hundreds being 
 unable to gain admission. He proceeded, on the 
 23rd, to Edinburgh, to visit his daughter, and ac- 
 companied by her, returned to Newcastle, en route to 
 Manchester, in order to take with him to London his 
 son, to be present at the meetings of the various 
 benevolent and religious Societies in May. He was 
 waited upon by the civil authorities, and invited to a 
 public dinner given in honour of his visit. One 
 gentleman still survives who recollects, with great 
 distinctness, this visit to Newcastle. The venerable 
 and much-esteemed Hev. J. C. Bruce, D.D., LL.D., 
 etc., etc., remembers ])r. Morrison paying a visit to 
 his father's house, and says of his appearance : "As 
 I remembor him, he was a well-formed man about 
 middle size, with dark and rather curly hair." Dr. 
 Bruce also possesses a copy of his translation of 
 the Bible and the Anglo-Chinese Dictionary. 
 In reference to this visit he wrote to Sir G. 
 Staunton : «' My reception in this town is as kind as 
 I could possibly wish. It is interesting to rac to 
 revisit the streets and fields where I lived happily as 
 a poor bashful boy, thirty years ago." His experiences 
 the most 
 ! engage - 
 with his 
 elf from 
 ivn to his 
 nds and 
 ds being 
 on the 
 and ae- 
 ro?/ fe to 
 iidon his 
 He was 
 ited to a 
 t. One 
 h great 
 visit to 
 e : "As 
 n about 
 ■•" Dr. 
 i/tion of 
 Sir G. 
 kind as 
 > me to 
 opily as 
 in revisiting old haunts, he afterwards described in 
 writing to his niece on his return to China : " I felt 
 deep interest in travelling over again the walks of my 
 boyhood ; St. John's Church, the Forth, Maiden Lane, 
 the riverside, once so lovely to me ; noWj the dirty new 
 coal shaft has disfigured all the high bank healthy 
 walks, with the river between and the windmill hills 
 opposite. At four or five in the morning, winter and 
 summer, have I sallied forth to the walks I have now 
 alluded to— but ah ! how changed the circumstances. 
 Holy Scripture, prayer, the Sabbath and the assembly 
 of God's people, were then my delight, days never to 
 return. But there is a better country, Hannah, and 
 in China, I am as near to it as in England." 
 He was overwhelmed with solicitations from all 
 parts of England, to preach and speak on behalf of 
 various Missionary and other Societies, and he was 
 obliged to appeal to his friends to be more considerate 
 of his strength and ability. Wherever he went his 
 presence was hailed with overflowing and devout 
 enthusiasm, and the claims of China to the Gospel 
 more fully acknowledged. He attended the May 
 Meetings of several of the leading religious Societies, 
 especially those of the London Missionary, the British 
 and Foreign Bible, the Eeligious Tract, the Prayer 
 Book and Homily, and the Port of London Societies, 
 with all of which he had become closely associated 
 by his work in China, and which bonds were drawn 
 the closer the longer he lived. In all these meetings 
 the references to Dr. Morrison and his work were so 
 eloquent, and were received with such enthusiastic 
 applause that his retiring modesty was very much 
 tried. One interesting incident was afterwards re- 
 corded by the Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, in relation to the 
 r il^ 
 Anniversary Meeting of the Bible Society. He says : 
 •' The day had been signalised by Dr. Morrison having 
 presented to Lord Teignmouth, the President, before 
 a crowded and distinguished auditory, the Chinese 
 version of the Bible, executed jointly by himself and 
 the late Dr. Milne. The undertaking was said to 
 have been the result of nearly twenty years' laborious 
 toil and study, and justly considered to be an extraor- 
 dinary monument of Christian piety and perseverance 
 Never shall I forget the deep interest of that im- 
 pressive occasion. Dr. Morrison appeared in the 
 front of the platform, holding the precious volume in 
 his hand. Beside him stood his youthful son, brought 
 forward as it were, like another Hannibal, not indeed 
 to stand pledged against his country's foes, but to be 
 consecrated, on the altar of the Bible Society, against 
 those of his Eedeemer, and to share with his father 
 m the honour of extending His everlasting kingdom. 
 ...... Mr. Butterworth stated the following fact ; 
 • It is now many years ago, that in visiting the library 
 of the British Museum, I frequently saw a young 
 man, who appeared to be deeply occupied in his 
 studies. The book he was reading was in a language 
 and character totally unknown to me. My curiosity 
 was awakened, and apologising to him for the liberty 
 I was taking, I ventured to ask what was the language 
 that engaged so much of his attention.' * The Chinese,' 
 he modestly replied. 'And do you understand the 
 language?' I said. 'I am trying to understand it,' 
 he replied, ' but it is attended with singular difficulty.' 
 'And what may be your object,' asked Mr. B., 'in 
 studying a language so proverbially difficult of attain- 
 ment, and considered to be even insuperable to 
 European talent and industry?' 'I can scarcely 
He says : 
 on having 
 nt, before 
 i Chinese 
 mself and 
 s said to 
 1 extraor- 
 that im- 
 i in the 
 ohime in 
 , brought 
 ot indeed 
 3ut to be 
 •, against 
 is father 
 ing fact; 
 e hbrary 
 a young 
 i in his 
 e Hberty 
 ;and the 
 tand it,' 
 B., 'in 
 f attain- 
 able to 
 define my motives,' he remarked; ' all that I know is 
 that my mind is powerfully wrought upon by some 
 strong and indescribable impulse ; and if the language 
 be capable of being surmounted by human zeal and 
 perseverance I mean to make the experiment. What 
 may be the final result, time only can develope. I 
 have as yet no determinate object in contemplation, 
 beyond the acquisition of the language itself.' ' Little 
 did I think,' said Mr. B., * that I then beheld the germ 
 as it were of this undertaking, the completion of 
 which we have witnessed this day, that such small 
 beginnings would lead to such mighty results, and 
 that I saw before me the honoured instrument, raised 
 up by the Providence of God, for enlightening so large 
 a portion of the human race, and bringing them under 
 the dominion of the truths of the Gospel.' " 
 The remainder of the year was spent in visits to 
 France, Ireland, Scotland, and all parts of England, 
 with a view to excite deeper interest in tlie spiritual con- 
 dition of China and other Oriental nations. With an 
 entire disregard of his own ease. Dr. Morrison power- 
 fully advocated the claims of the heathen, urging the 
 various Christian churches to renewed efforts to 
 evangelise the far-distant and ancient countries of the 
 East. In crossing over to Calais, he met with Lord 
 William and Lady Bentinck, who offered him great 
 attentions, taking him to their own hotel, and pro- 
 curing for him the services of an agreeable guide and 
 interpreter while he was in Paris. Lady Bentinck 
 entered most sympathetically into his views for the 
 enlightenment of the lands of the East, and when after- 
 wards her husband was Governor-General of India, she 
 fervently strove to use her influence in encouraging 
 efforts for the diffusion of knowledge and religion. 
 ROBEliT MdlllllSON. 
 In Paris, ho hail interviews with, and received mnM, 
 courtesy from Baron Humboldt M. «em„Tat M 
 lUaproth, Baron ,Ie Stael, M. de Sac another 
 of !.e leadmg literary men of France. He was n 
 he ht T,L Y "'""""^ '" ^"Sland satisfied that 
 he had produced a deep impression on many minds 
 farouraWe to efforts for the moral elevation oHhe eTs] 
 Jle7T:^" i""' ''\ "™'"»8 tour in S oUa'd 
 he went to Aberdeen, for the purpose of seeinc the 
 orphan eh,ldren of Dr. Milne, in whom he toot an 
 affectionate interest, and earnestly enjoined upon Z 
 ownohildi^n toeherish towards thema fratei™ relrf 
 Scotland, lie Paris and Dublin, which he hadaS 
 ™s ™;r""f °"' '""'"^^ "*"'- of admS'ttn fo^ 
 Ins voik; and amongst many invitations from distu, 
 gmshed persons, was one from Sir WalterTcott 1 
 questing him to visit him at Abbotsford. This courtesv' 
 liowover, with many others, he was-obliged o deeS' 
 He was ^-eatly encouraged by a gift of fifteen Tun 
 SoSteCoT ^'"•Vr^''"''"«" '-'"^» 'he 
 of ? 1 1 , ^ '^Se, and also three hundred volumes 
 of valuable books for the library of the Colle™ S 
 George Staunton also contributed two hundred pounds 
 institution The British and Foreign Bible Society 
 vo^ed a further ™m of a thousand pounds to aid hTmn 
 the circulation of the Scriptures, and authorised him o 
 to them, to be usefully engaged in such work. Much 
 other encouragement and help was volunteered for tte 
 of h s vast ?r'"f ? ''°™"' "' '° "'^ destination 
 01 his vast accumulation of Chinese books, which lay 
 in the meantime in the premises of the London Mis- 
 sionary Society. He had hoped to have induced one 
 ot the great national Universities toestabhsh a Chinese 
 1 rofessorship, and to have accepted the library in 
 connection therewith. This hope was not to be realised 
 or at least two generations. The learned and religious 
 mind of England was as yet but little prepared to 
 adopt or embody the broad views of the large heart 
 "\\^hinese missionary as to the future of China, 
 and the disposition of the Hbrary became a difficult 
 problem. Ultimately it was presented to the Council 
 of University College, London, and called " The 
 Mon-ison Library," on the condition that it might be 
 used by students of any denomination free of charge 
 _ Another arduous and well-meant effort by Dr Mor- 
 rison to promote the evangelisation of the East, 
 but which, like some other grand projects, was before 
 Its time was the establishment of what was called, 
 rhe Language Institution." The object of this 
 effort was .^ated as a plan -for a more extensive 
 diffusion of Divine truth, by means of a Society which 
 should promote the cultivation of all the languages 
 of mankind, and afford to those benevolent persons 
 who leave their native country with a view of im- 
 parting to the heathen the knowledge of Christianity, 
 every degree of assistance before they quit their native 
 county He was urged to write an appeal on this 
 project by the London, the Church, the Baptist, and 
 the Wesleyan Missionary Societies, and the Society 
 was launched under the high patronage of Earl Roden, 
 Loi-ds ^althorpe and Bexley, Sir George Staunton, 
 W. VVilberforce, and many other distinguished philan- 
 thropists. A suitable building was taken in Holborn 
 and the business of the Society set on foot. Dr 
 Morrison granted the Society the use of his hbrary 
 and museum and opened the Chinese department 
 by a course o lectures extending over three months, 
 rhnteen students attentively followed him through 
 this course, lour of whom were dedicated as Christian 
 missionaries m Malacca and the Indian Archipelago. 
 Dr. Morrison s services M'ere so eagerly sought, and 
 were deemed so important, that he was induced to 
 piolong his stay m England for another year, a-id 
 he formed classes of young men and women, to ^-hom 
 he gave instruction on subjects relating to mission 
 hfe among the heathen. He entertained the strongest 
 conviction that women could never be elevated Ind 
 sanctified m eastern countries, except largely through 
 the agency of Christian women. ^ 
 This institution did not long continue after his 
 return o Chma; but through its instrumentality 
 during Its brief existence, till 1828, several eminen 
 missionaries were partially prepared and fitted for 
 their great work. The Eev. Samuel Dyer, for sixteen 
 S -fi \ fw u ^"^ ^"'^^e^^f"! missionary in Penang, 
 iectuies of such advantage, that they were able to 
 converse wih tlie people in six or seven weeks aft r 
 then arrival, and that Mr. Dyer then preached in the 
 language so as to be understood 
 In consequence of Dr. Morrison's determination to 
 emam a longer period in England, he removed to a 
 quiet house m Hackney, attending however thrice a 
 week to lecture at the Institution, and on the other three 
 days teachmg a class of ladies at his own house, who 
 were studying the language with a view of .nine; into 
 the mission-field. He also fulfilled many publ7c en- 
 was muclJty'Tll Tl- u"'""?? ""'"'^ 
 apprehensions Z hU heZ h" '"'"'', "'T" 
 sidence, was the longest interval of Zf f^f , 
 .tr,,"" £'"'«• ':;■= ?'■" ~'t o ;:- 
 MMVUbe.- force andtoEev. C. Simeonf at C m It^ 
 1826, he prepared to return with her and his children 
 s" crsso^s TcT' '" f r ^"- "-'- ™^ " hS 
 successors in China. Letters of farewell and bene 
 diction poured upon him from distinguished schoar 
 and philanthropists, and benevolent Societieshed 
 ztv^:rr'. ■^^ '° «°^. »d°:rx. ' m 
 the Wtr„f ?,*tr'"' S°'"'-"'"- 0™ "'"'■■act from 
 the letter of Dr Adam Clarke, the Commentator muS 
 he Xf- ' Commentary on the Holy S.riptures, 
<-; I 
 I H' 
 One thing you must indulge 
 will iiut mo to pain. I 
 mo in, otherwise you 
 , , - ^'^^' Hoi"o time I have purposed 
 to beg your acceptance of a copy of this woi:: for your 
 own ibrary. I am sorry it is not a la,yc paper copy 
 but there ,s not one of them left, they have lonr, been 
 out o prmt. I present this, out of high respect for 
 your labours, and affection for your person. I have 
 ordered It m good hoaHs, for it could not (a few parts 
 excepted) be bound without being spoiled ; as the ink 
 ot the latter parts, not being sulhciently dried, would 
 set-off. ^ Your prayer for me, at the conclusion of your 
 note, IS worth a thousand copies of my work I re 
 turn you mine, in your own words : 'May the power 
 Christ ,r.^ upon your person, your family, and your 
 t'il fi ''?r-' ''"^ ^^"^ '''' ''^'^'y ^^^^'-' J 
 hmk the finest I ever saw. I have carried them on mv 
 knees, kissed them often, and have borne them in my 
 arms. It is many years since I saw them, and thev 
 can have no remembrance of me : please to tell them 
 however, that they have an old man's blessing and 
 bis heartiest prayers. When you sail, may His 
 presence go with you, and give you rest. Amen " 
 According to usual etiquette. Dr. Morrison notiiied 
 to the Court of Directors of the East India Company 
 his mtention of returning to China, requesting that 
 he might be permitted to resume his duties at the 
 Factory, and that his family might be allowed to 
 accompany him. He waited before making final ar- 
 rangements for the voyage, until he received an official 
 answer o his application, not, however, anticipating 
 any hesitation m granting his request. He was, there- 
 lore, much surprised on being informed that he was 
 permitted to return in the CompnnVo cc>.vice "for 
 the term of three years," but that his two children 
 were not permitted to return with him. Dr. Morrison 
 submitted witli as much grace as possible to this 
 ungracious refusal, contenting himself with sending 
 a memorial to tlie Directors, recalHng the services he 
 had rendered to the Company in China for sixteen 
 years, and expressing his disappointment that so small 
 a lavour had been refused. 
 A valedictory service, held in Hoxton Chapel, and 
 attended by many eminent ministers, the venerable 
 ^r. Waugh amongst them, was profoundly affecting. 
 Dr Morrison gave a powerful address, concluding 
 with the words : " Let us look to Christ-to Christ in 
 all His love and mercy and mediatorial work. Let 
 this over dwell in our hearts. So shall we be cheered 
 in every bereavement, and find ourselves at home in 
 every clime. Farewell ! " 
 On April the 21st, 1820, he and his partner and little 
 baby, accompanied by a party of friends, went down 
 to Gravesend. He intended to sail by the Orwell 
 a ship m poor repute with seamen, on account of its 
 inferior accommodation ; but the captain was a re- 
 hgious man, and Dr. Morrison preferred congenial 
 company to creature comforts. His friends gathered 
 round him for parting prayer, and left him. The 
 vesse , however, was detained at Gravesend until 
 May 1st As he was waiting to sail, he was greatly 
 pleased receive from his tried and proved friend, 
 bir G. btaunton, the present of a beautiful and valu- 
 able inkstand, which he acknowledged in these words • 
 1 have received the beautiful inkstand which you 
 have sent me, and done me the honour to inscribe 
 with your own name. In China a,nd in England you 
 havefor twenty years condescended, I may say (con- 
 sidering my humble circumstances), to favour me 
'! ; 
 With .your iriendshii). Tli's last token of voiir kfnrl 
 w you, goodncs , to mo. Accept, dcai Kir Goorw nf 
 .«y smceroly grateful tl,„„I« o- all your Wu Ino," 
 and for your substantial aid to the cauL of 2 Mv 
 «li«.o„, through ,„c. its humble servant! indlcce^ 
 my best thanks for this parting expressio" of yet 
 God our' S "■'™"!'""- '"'^ ">■= l*'™" W-'i'g 
 t-od our Saviour rest upon you ' " 
 On July 24th, as the ship pursued its cnnr.. o 
 «er.„us mutiny occurred on board. Tit mo, ™ le ge d 
 they had been treated with harshness a^ yranny 
 and some bold spirits had enticed their co,nSns 
 to swear an oath on the Jjible to stand by eacho ,er 
 A plot was laid to resist the officers, a,,d'^ont.e first 
 L ^"ie *'-'=<I <^i «ie'«. it was arranged tha evo,T 
 man should draw his knife and rush on his supe nors 
 either to murder or overpower them iZ "'*"°"'' 
 was called l.„ ti,„ "-'i;'"'*" tnem. A consultation 
 accido,it or design onUf themThfttetdtgter^^ 
 foot, which was afterwards amputated. Dr MorZn 
 the tSe:™" '""J P"™-™" '» 80 and ^eal':^ h 
 t.r fXnT '' 
 :Mp' 'tC i:n''^7 '° obey-oSsrdtSe 
 weapon in the chief officer's face L °" 
 attend. He was -od"::; u^I. d^Cgrd"";"! 
 three others who camo to assisf their leadTsLared 
 the same fate, and wore then put in irons tL™ 
 be no doubt but that the co,nnor,."™ d -d'! "*" 
 ™„ Of Dr. Morrison on the oc'casron pStellttd'mrch 
 loss ot life. As lie fearlessly approached the aiva-y 
 mutineers, they showed him no resistance, hut lis 
 tened witli the utmost respect as he appealed to their 
 better feelings, and urffed them to return to their 
 duty. He had great reward for his efforts in the con- 
 version of one of the sailors. He says • " The 
 gunner has been awakened to the most serious con- 
 cern lor the salvation of his soul, and is, I hope, a 
 true penitent. I have visited, prayed with, and read 
 good booL-s to him daily, at his own desire. He has 
 seen many wicked companions cut off in their sins 
 and, although he has lost a leg, blesses God that he 
 was no shot dead on the spot. The blessed Saviour's 
 tull and free salvation, ' without works,' has afforded 
 peace to his mind." 
 On August 20th, after a trying voyage of nearly 
 five months, Dr. Morrison and his family landed at 
 bmgapore, and were hospitably entertained by Cap- 
 tain ihrt^ the brother-in-law of Sir T. Stamford 
 Kaffles. Here they stayed about a fortnight, and Dr 
 Morrison took the opportunity of ascertaining how 
 tar the plans put into operation by Sir T. S. Eaftles 
 and himself had been carried out. He was bitterly 
 grieved and disappointed at the res:ilt. He found 
 that the large funds had been nearly all expended in 
 the erection of buildings which were not half finished, 
 while the Malayan Professor was drawing his salary 
 without attempting to discharge any duty. A large 
 tract of land granted by the late Governor, and on 
 which Dr. Morrison had laid out large sums of money 
 had been entirely neglected by the agent in charge of 
 It, and the various measures taken by Sir Stamford to 
 improve the moral atmosphere of the settlement had 
 been allowed to fall into neglect. The work seemed 
 to require entire reorganisation. Dr. Morrison secured 
 the assistance of the Eev. Robert Burn, chaplain 
 to the settlement, a man of piety and ability, and 
 who entered warmly into the scheme. He became 
 a trustee of the Institution, and manifested the 
 deepest interest in its success. Dr. Morrison pur- 
 chased at his own expense a portion of land near the 
 Chinese quarter, to be occupied as a mission station. 
 He proceeded with his family to Macao, and here 
 experienced further disappointment. He found his 
 house and furniture in such a state of dilapidation as 
 to require the former to be virtually rebuilt, and the 
 other to be renewed. His books also were found to 
 be almost utterly ruined by white ants and other 
 insects, which abound in Eastern climes. As quickly 
 as possible he made arrangements for the comfortable 
 settlement of his family, and then proceeded to Can- 
 ton, entering upon his duties there in October. 
 Dr. Morrison wrote to the London Missionary 
 Society a very cheering and interesting account of 
 Leang Afa, whom he left in charge of the religious 
 work of the mission : "On the 6th of September we 
 left Singapore, and on the evening of the 19th landed 
 at Macao. All my former native domestics and my 
 old Chinese teacher were waiting to receive me. The 
 next day the native Christian, Leang Afa, made his 
 appearance, and in social prayer we returned thanks 
 to God our Saviour for His kind preservation of our 
 lives, and that our minds were still kept looking to 
 Jesus. The following Sabbath I recommenced the 
 religious services in which we formerly used to engage. 
 " Afa presented me with a small Chinese volume, 
 containing explanatory notes to the Book of Hebrews, 
 which he had composed during my absence. It is 
 designed to communicate to pagans those views of 
 religion which he derived from the late lamented 
 Milne. I have read a part of it, and considering the 
 few advantages Afa has had, the work evinces that he 
 has made the Bible his study, although some parts of 
 his composition receive a shade of colour in the 
 phraseology from his recent paganism. He wrote 
 also a small essay in favour of the Christian religion, 
 which he entitled The True Principle of the World's 
 Leang Afa had been most faithful and diligent in the 
 discharge of the important duties with which he had 
 been entrusted. Dr. Morrison found also that in the 
 hearts of otliers the truths he had imparted to them 
 had taken firm hold, and especially so in the case of 
 the person who first assisted him in writing out the 
 Chinese New Testament for the press. 
 The gentlemen of the Factory at Canton gave him 
 a cordial welcome, and, unsolicited, made a subscrip- 
 tion in behalf of the College at Malacca, which 
 amounted to upwards of five hundred pounds. 
 Acting upon the instructions he had received from 
 the Bible Society, he arranged for the Eev. W. H. 
 Medhurst (afterwards D.D.), who was then at Java, 
 to take a tour throughout the Indian Archipelago, 
 visiting Borneo, Siam, and other places, to distribute 
 copies of the Scriptures and various religious tracts 
 and treatises. The mission press at Malacca was 
 kept busily at work for this purpose, and many 
 thousands of pages of Christian literature were 
 thrown oft' by it. Than Mr. Medhurst, no one more 
 suitable for such a work could be found ; he had been 
 ten years in the mission field, and had extraordinary 
 knowledge of the Chinese language. 
n i 
 Renewed Labour.— Closing Scenes. 
 "There is a book 
 Ly BorapliH writ with beams of heavenly light, 
 Oil which the eyes of God not rarely look, 
 A chronicle of actions just and bright." — Cowpeb. 
 DR. MoRKisoN speedily settled down to his various 
 duties and engagements in his chosen sphere. 
 He spent half the year at Canton in attendance at the 
 Factory, as his official duties required, from the arrival 
 of the Company's ships in August until the last was 
 despatched in February or March ; and then he went 
 to Macao to rejoin his family. He had a busy life. 
 He commenced the gigantic work of preparing a Com- 
 mentary on the Bible in Chinese, and laboured at it 
 with all the marvellous patience and assiduity of 
 which he was capable. He conducted public and 
 private worship with as great frequency as he could 
 induce either Europeans or Chinese to attend, and he 
 was in daily demand when in Canton to execute com- 
 missions for missionaries and friends at Pcnang, 
 Malacca, Singapore, and many other places, who were 
 obliged to send to Canton for domestic articles of 
 I various 
 se at the 
 e arrival 
 last was 
 he went 
 usy life. 
 I a Corn- 
 red at it 
 duity of 
 jlic and 
 tie could 
 , and he 
 Lte com- 
 ,'ho were 
 tides of 
 nearly all kinds. Then he had to obtain all printing 
 materials, books, teachers, and workmen, and keep all in 
 active employment. Missionaries on the other stations 
 in the East applied to him for advice and direction in 
 every^ matter of difficulty or intricacy, and his long 
 experience and excellent judgment made him an in- 
 valuable counsellor on every question of Eastern 
 mission work. 
 As the East India Company was without a chaplain 
 in Canton at this time, and usual prayers were there- 
 fore not read on the Lord's Day, Dr. Morrison offered 
 to read the prayers and preach without any pecuniary 
 reward until another chaplain could be obtained. He 
 stated that unwillingness to see pubhc worship dis- 
 continued was the sole reason of his offer. He 
 received the following answer from Sir W. Eraser, the 
 President of the Select Committee :— 
 " I have mentioned to my colleagues the purport of 
 your note, and they coincide in opinion with me that 
 we are not authorised to accept your kind offer, which 
 I am well assured was only made from the best 
 motives and wishes for our welfare." Dr. Morrison 
 remarks : "It is a lamentable state of religious or 
 irreligious feeling, that, in the true spirit of Popery, 
 under no circumstances (except readmg prayers over 
 the dead) will they have communion with any who 
 will not bow down to absolute authority, and yield an 
 implicit uniformity. If such persons * believe; they 
 don't act upon the article in the Creed, * communion 
 of saints.' " Under these circumstances a European 
 gentleman offered his room to Dr. Morrison, and 
 collected as many as he could for Divine service. 
 ^ About twenty attended, and very refreshing spiritual 
 fc meetings were held. 
 At the beginning of 1827 a fire occurred in his 
 neighbour's rooms at Canton, and burnt into his 
 apartments. All his books and many valuables were 
 destroyed or rendered useless. A friend comforted 
 him by saying it was a judgment upon him for 
 being so vain of beautiful bindings. 
 A new periodical, called the Canton Register, was 
 commenced, to circulate in the British settlements of 
 the East ; it was chiefly a commercial paper, but Dr. 
 Morrison was asked to contribute to it regularly, and 
 to this he agreed on the condition that he should be 
 fully at liberty to express his opinions on the moral 
 and religious subjects it was the object of his life to 
 piomote. This opportunity was granted him, with 
 an ofifer of 300 dollars a year to be bestowed on any 
 benevolent institution he chose. To this paper he 
 contributed regularly till his death. 
 He was greatly cheered and encouraged by learning 
 that in response to his frequent appeals to the 
 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- 
 sions, two agents, the Eev. David Abeel and the Eev. 
 E. C. Bridgman, had been appointed to China, and 
 were likely soon to arrive. They reached the Flowery 
 Land in 1829, and were welcomed by Dr. Morrison 
 with great joy. The service they rendered to the 
 cause of Christianity in the East will preserve their 
 names in undying fragrance. 
 Christian sentiment in England at this time on the 
 subject of liberal giving to the cause of God was not 
 very elevated. Dr. Morrison published a tract en- 
 titled Christian Devotedncss, in which he urged strongly 
 the propriety of all property and riches being con- 
 sidered as from the Lord, and to be used in refere. ce 
 to Him; in fact, of being devoted for Him and to 
 ed in his 
 into his 
 ibles were 
 him for 
 ister, was 
 iments of 
 , but Dr. 
 arly, and 
 hould be 
 be moral 
 is life to 
 im, with 
 I on any 
 )aper he 
 to the 
 ign Mis- 
 the Eev. 
 ina, and 
 I to the 
 ve their 
 3 on the 
 was not 
 ract en- 
 ng con- 
 Bfere. ce 
 and to 
 Him. The Eclectic Revmv fiercely criticised the pro- 
 duction, and said the man who wrote it could have no 
 children and no living mother. Concerning this Dr. 
 Morrison says : " But I have a wife and children, and 
 yet I am a good deal of an anti-carth-treasure-hoarder. 
 But my principles go to ' lending to the Lord '— * He 
 will provide.' ' Yes,' say the others, * by your instru- 
 mentality;' and so carping and caring becomes a 
 duty imposed by Providence. * Jehovah -jireh,' says 
 the Bible. 'Yes,' says the commentator ; 'the Lord will 
 enable you to provide ; you are not to look beyond 
 yourself for any provision.' Now, I ask, does not this 
 reasoning convict itself? for, trusting Providence, 
 according to it, only means trusting to one's-self ; and 
 the word of God is made just to mean nothing at all." 
 About the same time also the Quartcrhj Review 
 made an attack upon him as to the imperfections of 
 his Translation of the Bible. It taunted him with 
 being " self-instructed," and that his " humble pre- 
 tensions in any other case should have disarmed 
 criticism." It also severely blamed almost every step 
 hitherto taken by the Bible Society. It was a need- 
 lessly cruel attack. No one was ever more ready to 
 admit the drawbacks of his translation than was Dr. 
 Morrison, and all he ever professed to have done by it 
 was to have laid a foundation on which others could 
 build a more perfect superstructure. He felt this 
 attack, therefore, most keenly, and wrote a reply to it, 
 which was not published, but contained the following 
 paragraph: "What good scholar ever existed who 
 was not in a great degree ' self-taught '?.... But 
 putting this aside, who was to instruct the modern 
 missionaries in Sanscrit, or Chinese, or Otaheitean, 
 but the individuals themselves? There had been 
 * regularly educated ' civilians and commanders, and 
 chaplains, too, in India, and commercial agents in 
 China, long before the English missionaries were 
 born ; but had they learned or had they provided 
 means to teach those languages ? England had drunk 
 Chinese tea, and raised millions of revenue from it, 
 for a century ; but England had not furnished one 
 page, nor established a single school to teach Chinese, 
 till a • self-instructed ' English missionary did it." 
 Such a reproach came with ill grace from a period- 
 ical which at the very time was edited by a man, 
 who, however much to be condemned for narrowness 
 and asperity of spirit, was yet greatly to be com- 
 mended for having raised himself from a shoemaker's 
 bench to a high position in scholarship and author- 
 Dr. Morrison was destined also to experience much 
 disappointment through the failure of two institutions 
 he had been the principal instrument of esta.>lishing. 
 The Language Institution was dissolved in England 
 for want of an enthusiastic spirit to keep it alive. 
 But indeed it was before its time by fifty years. Then 
 the Singapore Institution also failed entirely through 
 the mismanagement of persons who were entrusted 
 with the carrying out of the project. Thus the bene- 
 volent intentions of Dr. Morrison, who had spent 
 about six thousand dollars upon it, and of Sir Stamford 
 Eafiles were frustrated. On the other hand, he was 
 cheered by the success of the Anglo- Chinese College 
 at Malacca ; and the Select Committee of the East 
 India Company drew up a memorial to the Honourable 
 Court of Directors in Ensland. settin0 forth vpw nlooriTr 
 the good it was doing, and the excellent influence it 
 was likely to exercise on the interchange of commerce 
 between the nations, by facilitating intercourse with 
 China and extending to Europeans the knowledge of 
 the Chinese language. The memorial, which was signed 
 by Sir W. Fraser, the chief of the Factory, and the 
 other members of the Committee, adds : " It is but 
 justice to Dr. Morrison to state, that (,he College en- 
 tirely owes its origin to him, and its continuation to 
 his exertions ; and he has thus added to pre-eminent 
 success in Chinese literature his unremitting exer- 
 tions for the diifusion of useful knowledge." 
 A few weeks later, he had the sorrow of losing by 
 death, a firm friend in Sir W. Fraser. He was buried 
 in the cemetery at Canton, the service being read by 
 Dr. Morrison. 
 So carefully was he observed by the Eoman Catholics 
 on the one hand, and Chinese officials on the other, 
 that he was entirely shut out from preaching or teach- 
 ing the Gospel to any, save the few Chinese in his own 
 employ, and occasionally one or two who might be 
 induced to join them. He was therefore compelled, 
 almost exclusively, to make attempts to reach the 
 heathen through the press, and for this purpose he 
 laboured incessantly and devotedly. He persevered 
 in the preparation of his Chinese Commentary ; and, 
 in order to train native inquirers into clearer views 
 of Divine truth, he prepared a system of reference 
 to each book, chapter, and ver3e of the Bible, with 
 chronological, historical, and literary notices. He 
 also commenced a Dictionary of the provincial dialect 
 of Canton, which was then coming into use almost 
 equally with the Mandarin dialect. He employed 
 many means of disseminating the Bible and religious 
 tracts, and succeeded in sending large quantities to 
 Gorea, Cochin China, Siam, the Islands of the Archi- 
 pelago, and by means of traders, into the very heart 
 of the mterior of China. ^ 
 The native teacher, Leang Afa, meantime laboured 
 assiduousy for the benefit of his countrymen a 
 opportunity permitted. He went up the X'.trv 
 his or^amif "^t "^^"-"^^"^^^ ^ ^- ^"^^^ 
 " The people are all deceived and sunk in Btupiditv 
 specljng va.n idols. Although I take the tn,"h ani 
 Ion th?R,m-/ '"''™'' '""""8 *e seventh 
 oTti; t^r^ k" t"'"'"^ "'" P'^°l"^ ^ythe rites 
 ot the Yu Ian shmg hwuy. Every family, without 
 exe tri;"r''V'r' '' '^ "'^^"'"'^'■^ nec;ssay 
 exeit the r utmost strength in burning multitudes of 
 paper before the tablets of their ancestors, and also 
 burn some m the streets, that destitute gl^st com? 
 ng a,K gomg, as well as the spirits of their ancestors 
 o we, ' T^ ''"""'" "'''° *'""«''• ^"'1 l"^ve elothes 
 o wear and money to spend in the other world If 
 these thmgs be not done, the hearts of the pool are 
 anclT;- "°' 'V'° " '^ ^°"^'"-«' - ™" pie y 
 and affection and virtue. When I look on such stun d 
 nonsense I am exceedingly grieved, and at a loss S 
 to do. I can only meditate and attend to my own 
 onduct night and day; carefully and firmly adheri™ 
 the truth, and look up and pray to the Lord on 
 high to convert the hearts of men, and turn theh fee 
 ato the straight road which will lead th m f™, 
 everhistmg misery." 
 A curious testimony as to the vahie of Dr. Morrison's 
 iterary labours occurred at this tim. bein- rofbTL 
 less than the translation of his enorm^urDic W? 
 into Japanese. He was also informed that the pre- 
 vaihng fashion in Japanese fans, was to have them 
 covered with extracts from the Dictionary, arranged 
 alphabetically and written with extraordinaiy neatness. 
 At the close of the year 1828, he was called to 
 attend two young officers on the ship Orwell, by which 
 he had come out from England after his visit, and 
 |i ■« 
 the most tender an<l careful attention, and was rc- 
 8ouls ''" '''''"''=^' '" ""^ '"l™-!"" of llieir 
 The Sunday evening meetings previously referred to 
 cmit,n„ed. and grew in interest and importa, o D 
 ?^2r°"Tr^' •"' "r' ""''^'- 'l-'o^anuary Is i 
 1829 : The anion winch takes plaee in my room a 
 Canton of pious books and pious persons of all coun 
 Dr. Morrison next appears as the savour of an 
 mnocen man from the hands of the -xe utle. 
 The captam, crew, and passengers of a French e"i 
 hound to Manilla, when within a short distance fri 
 Mac«>, were all, save one, murdered hy a n„mbe" 
 of Chinese, whose cupidity had been excited by the 
 timsure on board. The survivor supported himself 
 on a plank when he was taken up by a fishin" boa 
 and brought to Macao. He deposed to tto awft l' 
 crime before the Portuguese authorities, and info 
 mation was forwarded to .he Chinese officials ai 
 he'tkenl:. 'thr'"' *^' '"""'P' measures sh^u 
 ue taken foi the apprehension of the murderers 
 They were traced, captured, tortured, tried aid 
 condemned to be executed ; but before b inVso thev 
 Piinnoi of the murdered crew, The ceremony took 
^vod them 
 ! was re- 
 :lio naniG 
 of their 
 ferred to 
 ce. Dr. 
 Eiiy 1st, 
 room at 
 ill coun- 
 n called 
 he had 
 of an 
 I vessel 
 e from 
 by the 
 ils at 
 [i the 
 I'lnco in tlio Ifoiif; Mcvliai.K' 7r„ii i 
 i'y many f„,.„i«„„".„, a .X-tl "'■"'«:" """'"'"' 
 pied a front position TL^.^ »f"m.son oecu- 
 ftiid on nnpli no«> . "*''^^'^' ^cgs, and wrists 
 offend r a, thf .'T '"'""'"'^ "'« '»'»« of the 
 onoman ,va, bron°Tf °V'"™' "'"' '""'of all 
 attention He wa an T"1-''''? ""™'^'^'' Senera 
 fifty year, of age a"d thn '"^"'°p'''"« ""»"' '^''°»' 
 was on the ca^c He i !™ T'w' fr-'""'«-<''"'o.., 
 ^«t was nnabfe io ^tS ^^^Z'T'^'H 
 his own countrymen nrn«nnf « i ''. ^^'^'^ood. Isone of 
 ho .spoke tI,o fS afee" vMm '7^"' 'f ''»»' »» 
 the Canton. Dr. Crhon r °™ ""''''y ''■"»' 
 and conver,sed wi 1, 1,,?' !"■" ™" f°"™'-<I 
 «hare in tho a,vf„ or e wi 1" '""T,"" "^ •''"y 
 Court on behalf o tl,l "'™ •'"''h-™sed tho 
 rcmandednti mo, ir" •" '""''''j' "'^' he was 
 with the res" that n '?"'?' '";"'' ""^ """""od, 
 at Dr. Morrison' ho l/r' ^^' ' """" '"•"«"•« 
 tucie to hinr asr "crX^i^r ^S' r' «n 
 Chinese were loud in fi, • ■•■"' resident 
 who thus p,:S t'esTr ;",.? "f '''■"^" 
 their countrymen '"'"^'"J 'o'' the hfe of one of 
 in 'ttonrSeV?n,tt"'^',r'?' ''''•' "^ '"» 
 Morrison, „ th two ofZ n "'"' P™'™' »f »>•• 
 was engr;vod at t elpe'se of":r; "1f"'^' ">'* 
 Factory, in testimony'of that esteomtT °' ""^ 
 impressions of the picture „L,,, " ■""■ ™'' 
 of the Coll».e a "1- » ' '^°'' ">' ''™oflt 
 "-„e at .Ua.acca (see JmnlispieeeJ. 
i attended 
 isoii OCCll- 
 ot 8it up. 
 ikI wrists, 
 e of the 
 m. The 
 !ast of all 
 • general 
 n> about 
 JO court, 
 None of 
 ' Jiim, as 
 3ly from 
 lie was 
 of any 
 •sed the 
 he was 
 'l)eared • 
 one of 
 J then 
 3f Dr. 
 )f the 
 , and 
 a wicked superstition, and seeking to sell iTs coun "v 
 to foreigners. He was obli<.ed therlrn T !/ 
 refuge at Macao with Dr. Mor^^on."'' '' *''^" 
 The duties of Dr. Morrison at the Factory now 
 became more ardnn7i« n^^A te • -^ acioi} now 
 always been unconge™:.,'" t tZ^,J!7 ''^^ 
 <liligently di.eharg«Uhe;, tcato only CwT' 
 preserved a foothold in the country and bt' lu Y 
 pursue hi« mission «ori without -e^d^.?" '° 
 pense fi-om the Missionary Society 2 ^T' 
 death nf q;.. w t-. -^ ^^ut-iccy , but smce the 
 more arbitrary than he could bear. Ho iZLt 
 tl-relore, to resign his office, and devotl hireJto 
 !«' li T 
 higher wort, although it might necessitate his con 
 finmg himself to Macao or Malacca. With this v^X" 
 wrote a letter to the Select Committee, giving UB his 
 position Very suddenly and unexpectedr* chant 
 Zrlr t It"" "' "^^ ^-Pany.'aaVa^r 
 tieman-Mr. J. F. Davis-was afterwards appointed 
 Lieang Afa left hun in December to go and nrint 
 two tracts which he had prepared, and by She 
 hoped, as his school had been broken up, to circulate 
 a knowledge of the Gospel. Dr. Morrison says tf 
 him: -His prayer m partmg was very appronrLe 
 and shows clearly that his heai-t is in his woricTs Cell 
 pravet'Tfld. "' '^f ' °'P-y»«- He dtC'h 
 blesstg." ^ "''' ^''^ ™^ ""*^ bim a 
 In the beginning of 1880 Dr. Morrison had the 
 happiness of baptising another Chinese, and receive 
 hiru as a member of the chnrch. This was Kew a Z.^ 
 Until h^ mtroduction to Dr. Morrison he had led an 
 Idle and unprovident life, neglecting to provide for 
 his wife and children, whom he had entirely forsaken 
 and not settling to a^y regular occupttion But 
 from the moment the truths of the Gospel touched his 
 spin he became as anxious for the happiness of h 
 family as before he had been careles^T t He 
 learnt the art of printing from Leang i/a and 
 worked dihgently at it; meantime receivig Srtiuc 
 tion from Dr. Morrison, until he maaifestrrteadfls ' 
 if.™ - ■''"'; ''' ''""8 '"»P"^«'J ^^ became 
 the .u^ijanion of Leang Afa in the distribution of the 
 Bible, religious books, and tracts. 
 I t 
 te his con- 
 his view he 
 ing up his 
 ^ a change 
 and a gen- 
 and print 
 which he 
 ) circulate 
 fi says of 
 'k, as well 
 esires the 
 ithful till 
 ce him a 
 had the 
 id led an 
 )vide for 
 •n. But 
 ched his 
 3S of his 
 it. He 
 ia, and 
 ism as a 
 n of the 
 Messrs. Abeel and Bridgman arrived in Canton in 
 March, and were most joyfully received by Dr. Morrison. 
 He at once furnished them with books for the study 
 of the language, procured a teacher, and gave them 
 personal help and instruction. The American Board 
 most gratefully acknowledged his kindness to them, 
 and most warmly did he ^ "oice that at last he had 
 fellow labourers in the fi , and that now it was 
 likely that, though he should be shortly removed, 
 there would never cease to be earnest witnesses for 
 the gospel of Christ in China. 
 His eldest son, John Eobert, although only sixteen 
 years of age, now joined his father at Canton. He 
 was appointed as Chinese translator to the British 
 merchants there. It may be stated that he succeeded 
 his father as Translator to the East India Company, 
 and became a member of the Legislative Council in 
 the British settlement of Hong Kong. He died of 
 fever in 1845, and was buried by the side of his father 
 and mother in the cemetery at Macao. 
 Dr. Morrison was not allowed to proceed for any 
 long period in hij work without being assailed by 
 some calumnious or offensive criticism. Towards 
 these he generally maintained a patient and silent 
 reserve, satisfied with the purity ot his motives, and 
 believing that time would preserve his reputation from 
 any ultimate misunderstandings. A French philologist 
 of eminence, M. Klaproth, in the year 1830 proposed to 
 a gentleman in the Company's service, and afterwards 
 Chief- Superintendent of His Majesty's Commission in 
 China, that he should become the enemy of Dr. 
 Morrison, in which case he undertook to laud him in 
 the public press. Mr. J. F. Davis, the gentleman in 
 question, was celebrated as one of the most learned 
 men ol his day in Chinese literature as well as Western 
 erudition, and he had a heart as honourable as a mind 
 well informed. He returned the following answer to 
 this insidious offer: — 
 " I cannot help regretting that you should indulge 
 in such hostility to Dr. Morrison, concerning whom I 
 must declare (and I could not without the greatest 
 baseness do otherwise), that I agree with Sir^Geo^e 
 Staunton m considering him as 'confessedly the first 
 Chinese scholar in Europe.' It is notorious in this 
 country (England) that he has for years conducted on 
 the part of the East India Company a very extensive 
 eorrespondence with the Chinese, hi the written cha! 
 lacter ; that he writes the language of China with the 
 ease and rapidity of a native; and that the natives 
 themselves have long since given him the title of ' Le 
 Docteur Ma.; This testimony is decisive, and the 
 position It gives him is such, that he may regard all 
 Ji^uropean squabbles concerning his Chinese knowledge 
 as mere Batrachomyomachia, battles of frogs and mice " 
 The year 1881 opened with the happy tidings that 
 Leang Afa had baptized three persons. These were a 
 ather, in his sixty-second year, and his two sons, one 
 twenty-two and the other seventeen. The father was 
 hifW T'^ education, and his sons had been 
 hithei to employed in native literature. The son of 
 Leang Afa was placed under the care of Mr. Bridgman 
 tLTitTh " "' *^'' ^"^^''^ ^''''^''^^' ^''^ "^ ^^'''• 
 Up to the present time the English Government of 
 lenang had made an allowance of one hundred dollars 
 a month to the Anglo-Chinese College at! 
 This was now withdrawn in connection with a system 
 of retrenchment carried out by Lord W. Bentinck. The 
 Select Committee of the East India Company at 
 Canton, with its usual liberality, at once made a grant 
 of an equal sum, under " the firm conviction of its 
 excellence," saying, " We believe it to be eminently 
 calculated to diffuse the light of knowledge and cf 
 useful instruction through the most remote possessions 
 of Great Britain, and to assist in removing those 
 prejudices which have so long fettered the public 
 mind in this country." 
 Another missionary, to the joy of Dr. Morrison, 
 now arrived at Canton from America. This was the 
 Rev. Edward Stevens, who came in a vessel named 
 the il/orm t'ter the subject of this memo- r. Its 
 owner wa Olyphant, a devoted Christian and a 
 faithful fnend to the missionary, who opened his 
 Factory in Canton, for Christian worship and service 
 at any time. 
 Dr. Morrison's "Domestic Instructor," and " Scrip- 
 ture Lessons," were now printed and published. He 
 himself gave two hundred pounds towards the printing 
 of the former ; which was issued in four octavo volumes. 
 The two works were intended to afford an historical, 
 doctrinal, and practical view of the Christian religion, 
 and they were widely circulated by the agents now 
 being employed for that purpose. 
 His generous sympathies were daily aroused to- 
 wards all cases of individual necessity and of public 
 objects of benevolence. The claims on his practical 
 liberality were endless, nor were any refused that 
 seemed to merit assistance. Especially his desires 
 were drawn out towards the English sailors, who, 
 when at liberty from their duty on board ship, became 
 the victims of Chinese land sharks, who supplied them 
 with distilled spirits, rendering them liable to shame- 
 ful Gxtortic ., and exciting them to riot and outrage. 
 In order to do something to preserve such from over- 
 indulgence and robbery, Dr. Morrison engaged a 
 respectable native to take charge of a " coffee shop ; " 
 and had handbills printed inviting sailors to partake 
 of the cheap and refreshing beverage provided for 
 them there, and warning them against the poisonous 
 and fiery liquids sold by the natives for the purpose of 
 robbing them. 
 He gave 'he English Service on the Lord's Day 
 into the hands of Mr. Bridgman, and devoted himself 
 to the Chinese. He was greatly cheered in having to 
 baptiae the Mandarin teacher at the Anglo-Chinese 
 College. His name was Choo-siJen-sang, and he had 
 been an earnest student of the Christian system for a 
 long time, but had for a period resisted conviction on 
 account of opium smoking. At length he was able to 
 break off the habit, a^id professed to believe with all 
 his heart in the Lord Jesus. In his testimony he 
 stated that "he believed Jesus to be the Son of God, 
 that he believed what He taught, obeyed what He 
 commanded, and hoped for what He promised." In 
 sailing from Malacca to Canton he had been nearly 
 shipwrecked, and thus was led to see his wickedness 
 in not professing Christ, after he had become con- 
 vmced of His truth. Leang Afa also had the 
 happiness of baptizing several others, making seven 
 in all who had professed conversion through his 
 teaching. At the beginning of 1832, Dr. Morrison 
 wrote : — 
 " There is now in Canton a state of society in 
 respect of Chinese totally different from what I found 
 m 1807. Chinese scholars, missionary students 
 English presses, and Chinese Scriptures, with public 

 worship of God, have all grown up since that period. 
 I have served my generation, and must— the Lord 
 knows when— fall asleep." 
 A very important change in his prospects was now 
 threatening. The charter of the East India Com- 
 pany in China was soon to terminate, and the 
 condition of all in the English Factory at Canton 
 would be greatly a£fected thereby. No one more so 
 than Dr. Morrison. He had served the Company 
 twenty years, and the Select Committee had sponta- 
 neously^ sought to induce the Court of Directors to 
 grant him a pension in consideration of the important 
 services he had rendered. To this appeal no answer 
 was made, and he had, therefore, before him the 
 alternative of either seeking some secular employ- 
 ment, or of having recourse to the Missionary 
 Society, to which he had given such splendid 
 gratuitous service for the period in which he had 
 been employed by the Company. He resolved to 
 wait the unfolding of the Divine Will, but of the two 
 paths undoubtedly to choose the latter, in order that 
 he might still devote his powers to the evangelising of 
 the^ heathen. To the uncertainty of his pecuniary 
 position was added also the sorrow of being separated 
 from his family. The health of Mrs. Morrison had 
 for some time been poor, and a voyage home was 
 necessary for her restoration. And to crown his 
 anxieties at this time, he received a letter from the 
 Select Committee of the East India Company in- 
 forming him that the Portuguese governor of Macao 
 had been appealed to by the Soman Catholic digni- 
 tary of the diocese, as to some of his publications, 
 which were alleged to be opposed to the Eomish faith, 
 and stating that the use of a printing-press was pro- 
 hibited in the Portuguese territories, except under 
 previous censorship, and that the press must be 
 discontinued. The Select Committee, therefore, re- 
 quested Dr. Morrison to suspend the issue of any 
 further publications from the press at Macao. 
 This was an ungenerous and annoying act of in- 
 tolerance ; but as there was no appeal from the 
 decision, Dr. Morrison had to content himself with 
 onenng a strong expostulation, and to obey. Still 
 he did not abate any energy in the circulation of the 
 many publications from the pens of himself. Dr. 
 Milne, Leang Afa, and others, which were now ex- 
 tensively distributed, and many of which had 
 penetrated as far north as the ancient wall. He 
 devoted himself with increasing zeal to preparing his 
 Commentary; he continued his public service on 
 Sabbath mornings ; and, as the habit had sprung up 
 in Macao among the foreigners of spending the 
 Sabbath evenmg in recreation and amusement, he 
 strove to draw them to a higher enjoyment by com- 
 mencing an evening lecture. At the close of the 
 raormng service for the foreigners he conducted one 
 tor the Chinese. In this he ever took great delight 
 never omitting the singing, although he often had it 
 all to himself. In the intervals of worship he was 
 occupied in reading, or in hearing his children repeat 
 hymns and Holy Scripture. At these times he used 
 to resort to a retired terrace in the front of his resi- 
 dence beyond which lay the Bay of Macao, encircled 
 by bi Is. The terrace was shaded by beautiful flower- 
 ing shrubs, and bordered with western plants and 
 flowers. Here, accompanied by the whole of his 
 family and attendants, a favourite Newfoundland dog 
 being always present, most happy hours of con/erse 
 were spent. Often after a Sabbath's labours, in- 
 volving five or six hours standing and speaking, has 
 he sat thus conversing on the blessings and mercies 
 of life. And if sometimes asked whether he was not 
 tired, his reply would be, " Yes, tired in the work, 
 but not of it. I delight in the work." 
 Symptoms began to appear that his constitution, 
 so strong and wiry, was l^eginning to fail. A sensa- 
 tion of weight in the top of his head, sleeplessness, 
 loss of appetite, pain in the right side, and great 
 prostration of strength, caused him and his partner 
 serious apprehension. He consulted a doctor, who 
 appeased his fears by stating it was an affection of 
 the liver, and that it was only an apparent and not 
 a real loss of strength, and that when the excitement 
 caused by the departure of his family to England 
 was past he would be quite restored. With these 
 assurances he returned to Canton, in order to conduct 
 a correspondence having reference to an affray on 
 board one of the opium ships, in which a Chinese had 
 been killed. Here he remained until within a fort- 
 night of his family leaving Macao. Then the Com- 
 mittee accepted the services of his eldest son, and he 
 returned to his family. Arrangements were made for 
 them to sail on Dec. lOth, 1838, and they were to 
 embark at Lintin, a safe anchorage eighteen miles 
 from Macao. On that day, therefore, he and his 
 family, save Mr. J. R. Morrison, who was to remain 
 at Canton, sailed in a small passage-boat to Lintin, 
 and arrived after a painful passage, the whole com- 
 pany being cold, sick, and dejected. The party was 
 taken on board the ship Luilis, prayers were offered, 
 farewells were taken, and the family separated, never 
 again to meet in this world. 
 In the uncertainty of his future prospects, Dr. 
 The exchange of the East India Company's rcaime 
 EnM„ ." "' "" '^'Jministration by the Governmen of 
 England gave rise to much and prolonged difficulty 
 noir tn ". ''[^ "^"^ «™8 *e Government 
 power to do much as it pleased in carrying out a 
 system of commercial interchange, customs, el. and 
 fCi- Tf ;™' "PP""'^'' *'■<' «">'«' AmbLsador of 
 East S r?"-,^''"?- '^^^^'" •"'"'"^- "f '1- 
 i^-ast India Council strongly urged upon him and his 
 smte to secure the valuable services of Dr. Morrison 
 ^ter'^l ft '""' T*"'^ '° "'<' ^»'«'«^y- But 
 after all the worse than coolness which had been 
 manifested by the English Government towS 
 Zr b " '^T^T' ™'"""y 'hat a niJoZZ 
 should be employed by it for the transaction of 
 business so important and delicate as must attach to 
 tntilthe" T; ,N° "^'-'"'"'y «o„ld be attained 
 until the arrival of Lord Napier and his attendants. 
 . On May Is , 1834, Dr. Morrison wrote this entiy 
 n his journal: "On the 28th of this month, U is 
 Mr. Hardcastle's countmg-house, at the end of the 
 old London Bridge. Eowland HUl was there and 
 asked me if I looked upon the heathen as angts'^ ? 
 As I did not know the mind of angels, of course I 
 could not say ' Yes.' " b . oi course i 
 1 "^"/"'^ ^^"^ '"' ™°'o fro™ Macao : " Lord Nanier 
 anded yesterday about 8 p.m. The frigate S a 
 Salute when he left the ship, and the Portuguese fired 
 "- when he reached the shore. I went d^wn to the 
 Chinese custom-house, where he landed, and handed 
 one of his daughters from the boat to my chair, in 
 which she went up to D's. I introduced myself to 
 him in going upstairs. He took me oy the hand, and 
 said he was glad to make my acquaintance. He was 
 dressed in naval uniform. Lady Napier rose from 
 her chair and walked towards me to shake hands, 
 with a smiling countenance and civil speech, saying 
 she seemed to have been long acquainted with me, 
 being so familiar with my name. 
 "At noon to-day a meeting of all the Factory 
 people was summoned at Lord Napier's to hear the 
 King's commission read. That which concerns you^ 
 and our beloved children I will tell first. I am to be 
 styled 'Chinese Secretary and Interpreter,' and to 
 have £1,300 a year, without any allowances whatever 
 for domine, house-rent, or anything else. I am to 
 wear a vice-consul's coat with King's buttons, when 
 I can get one. Government will pay one hundred 
 dollars a month to the College, instead of the Company. 
 His lordship asked whether I accepted of the appoint- 
 ment or not. I told him at once that I did. He then 
 said he would forthwith make out my commission. . . 
 Pray for me that I may be faithful to my blessed 
 Saviour in the new place I have to occupy. It is 
 rather an anomalous one for a missionary. A vice- 
 consul's uniform instead of the preaching gown." 
 On July 20th, Lady Napier wished him to preach in 
 the Company's chapel at Macao, and he prepared to 
 preach a sermon he had just composed from the 
 words, *' In My Father's house are many .mansions," 
 John xiv. 2 ; but an objection was raised by Some 
 narrow-minded sectarian, and no service at all w«s 
 ^ Addressed to his wife. 
 considered better than one conducted bv a minister 
 who was not propcrlij ordained. 
 On the 23rd he accompanied Lord Napier to Canton 
 his presence being necessary in any interview between 
 the Ambassador and the Chinese Government officials. 
 He suffered frightfully on the voyage. He quitted the 
 irigate at the Bogue, and remained all night in an 
 open boat exposed to the extreme heat and a storm 
 ot rani. He was, therefore, utterly spent when he 
 h-mded and had the prospect of exciting and anxious 
 negotiations before him. On the 25th he writes • " In 
 wa lung through the hot sun to-day from this house 
 to the Company's, where Lord Napier is, I was like to 
 (h-op m the streets, and have been groaning on my 
 couch ever since, being now past eight in the even"- 
 T^\ .u ''^''^ '^""^ ^'^ attended the Council from 
 ten to three, occupied in the work of translating letters 
 On Sunday, the 27th, he conducted service with the 
 Chinese, having, perhaps, the largest congregation he 
 had been privileged to see, and he was cheered l)y old 
 Le who had long transcribed for him, telling him 
 that he had been led to believe in Christ Jesus. The 
 day before, his name had been published with those of 
 the officers of the King's Commission, being placed 
 above those of the surgeons, chaplains, and private 
 secretai-y. On the following day he dragged himself 
 his official duties, and had a wearisome time, with 
 tlie squabbles between the native and English officers 
 and then his earthly labours were over. He spent a 
 wretched night on the Tuesday, and on Wednesday a 
 surgeon was sent for. Everything that doctors or his 
 son or attendants could do was attempted, but a fever 
 raged withm him that apparently nothing could 
 assuage. Leave of absence from Canton was ^iven 
 liim, but he was too feeble to be removed. On I^riday 
 evening the doctors in attendance tried other means 
 for his relief ; but he was rapidly sinking, and at about 
 (Krum 11 ilniwiiiK by CiUHNEnv.) 
 ten o'clock in the evening he closed his eyes and slept. 
 It was the sleep of the righteous, from which he awoke 
 m glory. He passed thus quietly into the mansion in 
 the Father's house, prepared for him by the Saviour, 
 and concpining which, as if prophetically, he had pre- 
 pared his last discourhe. 
 He wns buried by the side of his first wife, in the 
 resting-place for the dond at Macao. His remains 
 weio attended from the house to the place of em- 
 barkation by Lord Napier, and all the Europeans, 
 Americans, and Asiatic British subjects then in Can- 
 ton. Several gentlemen accompanied them to Macao 
 and the service was read by the Eev. E. Stevens! 
 Seamen s Chaplain at Canton. 
 The following inscription was placed upon his tomb : 
 (Satrtb to iht memorg xif 
 Where aftn- a service of twcnty-seven year» chetrfnlb, spent in cxtendhn 
 tkek.n,d<nn of the blessed Rmr^r.Mm, durln, Jhick ^od he co^iM 
 and published 
 founded the Anglo-Chinese CoUege at Malacca, 
 and for several years laboured alone on a Chinese version of 
 Which he was spared to see completed and widdy circulated 
 amon<r those for whom it was destined, 
 he sjveet/y slept in Jesus. 
 He was born at Moi-peth, in Northuviberlaml, 
 January 5th, 1782. .as sent to Chinu by the London Missionary 
 Society in 1807, 
 was for tu-enty.Jive year. Chinese translator in the employ of 
 The East India Company, 
 and died at Canton, Augmt \st, 1834. 
 "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from hencefm-th : 
 Y(a, saitk the Spirit, 
 that they may rest from their labours; and their works dofollmc thcm^ 
 What he Was and »^^it<\T h^ Did. 
 '"Who sow good seed with tcara shall reap in joy.' 
 So thought I as I watched the gracious rain, 
 And deemed it like that silent sad employ 
 Whence sprung thy glory's han-est, to remain 
 For ever. Ood hath sworn to lift on high 
 AVho sinks himself by true humility." Kkdlk. 
 rpiiE intelligence that so great and good a man had 
 1. passed away from this life produced a profound 
 sensation, not only in China and in England, but hi 
 every part of Christendom. The religious Societies 
 of England, America, and even of the Continent of 
 Europe, were prompt to express the lofty esteem in 
 which they held his character and the work he had 
 sought to perform. The London Missionary Society 
 appointed a public service commemorating his long 
 devotion to the mission causp, at which a sermon was 
 preached by the Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Stepney, to an 
 overflowing and much impressed audience. The per- 
 sonal friends of Dr. Morrison in China, very numerous 
 and influential, promptly resolved to establish a me- 
 morial institution by which a portion of his work 
 could be permanently conserved, and the public es- 
 teem in which he was held could be suitably expressed. 
 A liberal subscription was opened, by which about 
 two thousand pounds were collected, and, in 1835, 
 "The Morrison Education Society" was established 
 and put into operation. 
 His life was an unbroken course of self-sacrificing 
 effort for the attainment of the great end he had scl 
 before him at the beginning of his student course— 
 the salvation of the heathen. His attainments in 
 philology were all consecrated to this, the civil and 
 official duties he discharged through so many years 
 were only undertaken and fulfilled for the sake of the 
 opportunity afforded of maintaining a standing in the 
 country, and of being permitted to pursue his higher 
 work unmolested, and yet they were discharged so 
 efficiently as to merit and receive the most flattering 
 and grateful acknowledgments of the wealthy and 
 influential Company that employed him. The large 
 salary he for a time received, enabled him to live 
 without drawing on the funds of the Missionary 
 Society for his personal support, and to give with 
 even princely liberality, considering his means, to 
 promote the work of education and religion in the 
 East. By the learned and distinguished personages 
 with whom he came in contact he was treated as 
 an equal, because his own extensive attainments in 
 learning, and his natural dignity, diminished all sense 
 of distance which might otherwise have been felt on 
 account of their different social positions ; and by his 
 Chinese, Portuguese, and Enghsh dependents, he was 
 revered as a friend whom they could approach without 
 fear and confide in with assurance. The work he 
 accomplished will ever remain as a monument of 
 indefatigable an- 1 patient industry. The translation 
 of the Scriptures, carried out mainly by his own 
 agency, has long since been surpassed by others, more 
 perfect in their renderings, and more idiomatic in 
 style, but this does not detract from the praise due to 
 his untiring labour in having laid a foundation on 
 which others have nobly built. The Anglo-Chine°o 
 Dictionary was a miracle of plodding and sagacious 
 diligence, prolonged through many years, and for its 
 proportions and encyclopaedic character stands perhaps 
 unrivalled in human literature as the' work of one 
 man. The catalogue of his other works camio.. be 
 enumerated; but books of doctrine, history, educa- 
 tion, catechisms, prayers, hymns, etc., flowed from 
 his unceasing pen until the list is contemplated with 
 amazement. Dr. Medhurst, in Chma, its State and 
 Prospects, says that no fewer than 751,763 copies of 
 tracts and books were poured forth from the Chinese 
 mission presses from 1810 to 183G. A very large 
 proportion of these came from the pen of Dr. Morrison, 
 and indeed Dr. Medhurst declares that his list making 
 up that number was by no means complete. 
 To his literary labours must be added also the time 
 and effort consumed in establishing and aiding to 
 carry on the various benevolent and religious institu- 
 tions which owed their origin to his energy and zeal. 
 The Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca occupied much 
 of his thought, and to its welfare he devoted time and 
 money ungrudgingly. It accomj)lished much good, 
 although it came far short of the idea of its founder. 
 It was afterwards removed from Malacca to Hong- 
 Kong, where in partial form it still exists. That it 
 did not accomplish more, and that the Singapore 
 Institution and the Language Institution failed, was 
 in no sense due to Dr. Morrison, but rather to the 
iV :i 
 unfaithfulness Of agents in the one case, and the slow- 
 ness of the Christian sense of England to appreciate 
 the possible benefits to be derived from the other 
 His character presents many features and qualities 
 which must command fervent admiration. He had 
 an ardent thirst for knowledge ; he cultivated a fine 
 sensitiveness of nature as to moral uprightness ; he 
 manifested unswerving conscientiousness ; he had an 
 inexhaustible genius for patient, persevering, plodding 
 industry ; and, as an internal fire, there ever glowed 
 withm him the steady flame of love for Christ and 
 zea for His glory, which lighted with lambent glow 
 all he quahties of heart and mind which made up a 
 noble personality. He was precisely fitted to the 
 position he was called to fulfil. His caution, his 
 common sense, his soundness of judgment n)ver 
 failed him and the result was that he never had to 
 take a backward step. If he baptized few converts, 
 he had great reason to rejoice that those who were 
 received mto the Church by baptism gave him no 
 cause to mourn over their defection or apostacy ; and 
 If be gathered no crowds to hear him preach the 
 (:rospel, It must be remembered that his conditions 
 and circumstances forbade him exercising such public 
 ministrations, and forced him to adopt the only other 
 way open to him of reaching the Chinese intellect by 
 Sd bnf r"f .?' 'T'' ^'' ^^''''''' ^^« «^^-^rely 
 tiled, bu his faith m . he ultimate success of the work 
 anrhitr'' 'r""! '''''' ^^^^^^^^ *^ persecution, 
 and his life was threatened by imperial edict, but his 
 cheek never paled nor his heart palpitated with appre- 
 hension. He did all that he could, and what few men 
 could have done, and he lives to-day in the deep and 
 growing mterest in the Chinese Empire, and in the 
 the slow- 
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 intense enthusiasm which is being manifested for its 
 conversion. The influence of such a life and character 
 can never die, but must extend and diffuse itself in 
 ever widening fragrance and blessedness, wherever 
 his name is known, or his deeds are recorded. 
 The veteran apostle of China passed to his rest and 
 reward in 1834, and for some years the policy of 
 exclusion was rigorously observed by the Chinese 
 authorities towards both Christian missionaries and 
 foreign merchants. Therefore, little progress was pos- 
 sible as to the conversion of the heathen population. 
 A door, however, was opened in 1842, when by virtue 
 of a treaty made at the conclusion of a war with Chma, 
 five ports. Canton, Amoy, Foo-chow, Ningpo, and 
 Shanghai, were opened to foreigners, and Hong Kong 
 was ceded to us as a British settlement. Each of 
 these places was filled with a vast population, and 
 by their commercial importance formed avenues to 
 the interior. At once various Missionary Societies in 
 England, America, and Germany, prepared to occupy 
 these providential openings, and many agents were 
 despatched to bear testimony in them for the Lord 
 Jesus. They met with much encouragemeiit in their 
 In 1858 the English Government found occasion to 
 ask for a revision of this treaty, and also for an apology 
 for certain grievances which had occurred on the part 
 of Chinese authorities in the South. These demands 
 being refused, war was commenced, the Taku forts 
 were taken, and the Chinese army was driven to bay. 
 The English forces were joined by the French, and 
 pushed their way to Tientsin and thence to Pekin, 
 and there dictated a treaty, which was signed. This 
 treaty virtually laid open the whole of the Empire for 
 the entrance of the Christian missionary. Prom that 
 time the propagandism of the Gospel has been vigor- 
 ously prosecuted in China ; one province after another 
 has been entered uy the Christian agent, until the 
 name of Jesus has been proclaimed in all the eighteen 
 provinces of the Empire. And now, it is our happiness 
 to know that there are at work in this enormous field 
 not less than thirty-seven Missionary Societies, and 
 others are preparing to share in the great work. 
 These various Societies are represented by four 
 hundred and forty-nine foreign male agents; three 
 hundred and eighteen married ladies, and one hundred 
 and fifty-eight single ones, are also labouring with 
 them ; making a total of nine hundred and twenty-five, 
 sent forth from various lands to evangelise China. 
 Besides these, there are one hundred and twenty-thrr-^ 
 ordained native helpers, one thousand three hundre i 
 and sixty-five unordained native helpers, twenty- eig> o 
 thousand five hundred and six communicants, and 
 eleven thousand three hundred and seventy-five pupils 
 in schools. Every mail brings reports from China, 
 informing the churches that openings for successful 
 uission work are occurring there on every hand, and 
 that from all parts of the country is heard the 
 Macedonian cry 
 Come ovex anb Ipelp us." 
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