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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reprodult en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche 6 droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^cu\/enir proorexmhAG f he Jjupnikre ^ (^arpet |J^tal)H^l|ment OF THE DOMINION. . I9ont F*ail to Visit our Ne>v Warehouse, Novi niiA \mum co„ I'ld, SucCESSO/fS TO A. STEPHEN NOVA SCOflX ufal [xiitioo AND INDUSTRIAL FJ{IR. ■ ♦ ■ - THE PROVINCIAL SHOW OP LIFE STOCK. Agricultural and Horticultural Products, Arts and Manufactures, AT THE Boyal Extiibition Building £ Grounds, halFfax, n. s. September 2Sth, 26th, 27th •• 28th, 1 Under Authority of the Provincial Parliament, and •Corporation of the City of Halifax. Office of the Commissioners CITY HALL. Kl='JL17ia03:TS. His Excellencj^ General Montgomery Moore, Commander- in-Chief ot" the Forces in British North America. His Excellency Admiral Sir John Hopkins, Commander-in- Chief of the North American and West India Stations.* His Honor Malachy Bowes Daly, Lt.-Gov. of Nova Scotia. A GI\AND REfI\ESENTATIOf( OF THK- Agricultural, Industrial and Mineral Resources OF NOVA SCORIA, • THE LARGEST EXHIBIT OP HORSES, THE FINEST DISPLAY OF Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultr/, And the Greatest Collection of Agricultural, Horticulturalpid .Dairy Products, Machinery, Implements, Carriages, Apiary Products and Appliances, Women's and Children's Work, Manufac- tures and Latest Inventions of all kinds, together wi|pa Splendid progpairinie of gpecial Jtlraction.^ EVER BROUGHT TOGETHER IN THIS PROVINCE. Tior( 'osouroes lA, SES, ultr/, oducts, liary s OE. AMOHC THE ATTRACTIONS n'lsm'vv"",'','^' •""' ""'""• «'"ii.i'ls, will iH. the M,„„ Ii,„I,|i„„ ,„„i M,uhin..,.y il Jl liar.t ill,„„„„a,.,I l>ii.vwle „f Bicyclist" 0..m.s..„ A,.tille.y, St.' PuCk-s^-'a^k^'-fi't'! t..K.ah,„. will ^ 1, . irnVw "T'T' Kngine. '''"'"'S"''''"»K with the Chen.ica" youngS-ol^:""""""- ''^''- ^^ — « the -A. ^%.|IM THE CITV- Among the attractions will hp •, p^axtt. .fn^/i^^vV!" ^'""•^''^ ^-^""«'^y the A^m? the^Arde* fyrM^;;-^«V^ «— ." at^^,'?;^l'.ff ^i^--£f'»''^«- with bril- Ki^NoXfaCs' ^""'"™ «^^- -t the And other iittractions being arranged. A. E. McManus, piFje 5ailorir>^. ""<^'.\V*" •'V.-^^* MOLLIS STREET, CORNER SACKVILLE, HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. r©grelPFiFFl©. MONDAY, Sept. 24th. Preparation Day.— On this day all the pre- liniiiiary ananj^onionts f'>r tho Exhihition inust he completed in readiness for the open- i^^,^ The Grounds and Buildings will he open only to exhihitors, caterers and others con- necte^. W eight for age : Thoroughbreds, 7 lbs. extra. Entrance, $5. 2.4s CLASS FOR TROTtERS. Purse, $125. THF OyPORn PTTOcp X7-I..- »— And a sweepstake of $2 p. p., of which $15 to second lu)rae. Handicap for ponies 14. 1 and under. Top weight, 161 lbs. Seven furlongs on the flat. Gentlemen riders. I RAYMOND & DOHE]RTY, -^v Proprietors. <:^ King Street, * I I Public Archives of No\g HALfF,AX. N. S. ;rty, % Bi. I 1 I I KYENING, 8 o'clock. Bands of 63rd and St. Patrick's at Exhibi- tion Building and Groimds. • Second Series Electric Light Bicycle Spoi'ts. i Mile Race. i Mile, Boys under 14. 1 Mile, Handicap, Time limit, 2.15. Obstacle Race. 2 Mile, Handicap. 1 Mile, Invitation. * ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 8 P. M. '' Joshua Simpkins," Produced on a Magnificent Scale with Special Scenery and Wonderful Mecbanical Effects. SEE? Ihk TiiniLLiNG Saw Mh.l Scene ! The Many Pleasing Specialties ! The Special Sceneky ! Grand Promenade Concert, a large and magnificent display of Fire-works at Public Gardens. THURSDAY, Sept. 27th. Every Department of the Exhibition will be open froin 8 a. ni. till 10 p. m. All the Horses and Cattle will be in the Rings, and Judging in progress. All Industrial Deport- ments, Machinery and Implements in full oT)(»ration. The Dog Show, Poultry, Natural c Archives of No^^^^'jiji:;;/-'^';;';^^^ Exhi.,.*, Fiower HAUF,«(, N. S. \J Visitors to the Exhibition are invited to call at *• RENTS* fc & Kilcta Fumisliiiij Depot, 31 BARRIIVGTON ST., To examine the largest and best assort- ment of AND— - Cook ({anges Ever exhibited in the city. ALSO, THE BEST STOCK OF Tinware, Kitchen Furnishing Goods & Novelties AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. .1 ' contin j()|tf?mg of Horses and Oattle, etc., will be MORNING. Gr,na Milita,/ ^^^^^ ^l^l^Z J soldiers an^ .^"^^ Admiral Sm John, under the chrection ^^^-^TmmKUY Moore. Hopkins and General Mv • ^ ^^le Common Ihe men will be march«a ,ivres will eni- at 9.8(J o'clock, and the nuino -.r.iiine- Pist brace Gun Drill, Cutlas Drill, Ma. *^ ^ ' ' ' Sham Fight, etc., etc. AFTERNOON. Music in Building and Grounds by . Patrick's and 6::5rd Bands. St. Trottingr & Runni&sr Races, Biding Grounds. THE FLIGHT STAKES. Value, $40. Handicap for ponies 11.1 and under. (Jourse, twice round the Polo field, over six flights of hurdles, and finish .} mile on track, about one mile. Top weight, 161 lbs. Gentle- men riders. Entrance, $2. 2.36 CLASS FOR TROTTERS. Purse, $150. THE ACADIA PLATE. Value, $125. For horses owned in Maritime Provinces. First horse, $75; Second, $:S(); Third, $20. One mile and one furlong on the flat. Weight for age. Entrance, $5. FREE-FOR-ALL FOR TROTTERS. Purse, $250. XHtr CVUTOTTTr\M DTTDCC For all hoi'ses. One mile on the flat. The first horse, $100; Second, $50; Third, $25. Weight for age : Thoroughbreds, 7 lbs. extra. Entrance, $10. ^tJame^'gilliarajTall ENGLISH AND AMERIGAN BILLIARD & POOL TABLES. ^ AMERIGAN BOWLING ALLEYS AND SHOOTING GALLEKY English A'es aqd Porter oq Draught. CHOICEST W,NES. PZNEST HAVANA CIGARS. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT. l^ r>r nr HolliB Srreet. [fall .LEYS KY. LUght. GARS. 'JB. EVENING. H. G. A and St. Patrick's Bands in Huild- mj,^and on Gicunds. FFHEMi.Lv'sT(»ii(-,,Li t HKinj< all then- handsonio Htoam Kuu-inos ( honucal Ii:ngino, Hosc' ( ^airia^^os. etc d old-tnno Hand Kn^n-nos, illnstTv-rtinj^ t ' Fi re A paratus ot tlie i,ast and present, and o,. clnding AVithanuKk fire, to l,e cxt ngnisle I i^ad^ny^:;^^^- «— ^^ Fcm^ at thd ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 8 P. M. "Joshua Simpkins," Produced on a Magnificent Scale with Special Scenery and Wonderful Mechanical Effects. CCC 'fill': l,"'*"'V.^^* ^'^^"^ ^fi"^ Sf^KNK ! ^*-*- J HK bi'EuiAL Scenery ! « w FRIDAY, Sept. 28th, Among the Special Features of the day ^^ill he a Special Parade and Review of all of the Country on the Grounds at 3 p. m affording one ot the grandest Displays otLive Stock to he seen at any one time in this Provmce. Also, Special Parade of Draft f^rpSes."^" '" ^^^ '^^^ ^'"^ Dartmouth! This Avill he the last, hut one of the hest OTortunities to view the Greatest and Best ^iir and Exposition of the Year. EverytW^S that has heeu on view any day durliie- the Fair will he there on this day. "^ ^ ^^ MEM__MMmiBir. Autumn stock OF jine ^py QoQd% NOW COMPLETE. Special Show Days during Exhibition Weel^ OF Ladies' & Shildi^en's ffcmtles. SPECIAL VALUE IN DRESS GOODS. EXTRA DISCOUNT DURING EXHIBITION. Barnstead & Sutherland, 145 - BafPington Street, h 147 ^ " ^Opp. South End Grand Parade. The great Dog Show, all th(^ SjMU'ial Exhibits and Featiuvs, Machiiu'ry and nnple- nients, etc., will be on view tlie entire day. The Kings and 66th Bands will l>e present in the Aftt'trnoon. The Parade or Pi'ize Animals takes place at 3 p. ni. ; and I*ri/A\s have becm offered for Shetland Pony and Donkey Races. The H. G. A. and St. Marj^'s Bands will \m in attendance in the evening. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, 8 P. M. "Joshua Simpkins," Produced on a Magnificent Scale with Special Scenery and Wonderful Mechanical Effects. SEE The Thrillino Saw Mn.L Scene ! The Many Pleasing Specialties ! The Special Sceneky ! •••MiMl^niMm- SATURDAY, Sept. 29th. Removal of Exhibits. " Johhua Simpkins" at Academy, Afternoon, and Evening. Many other features will be added to the above between the time of issuing this Pro- gramme and the opening, of the Exhibition. We have endeavored to ^ive in this book only an outline, as far as possible, of what visitors will be likelv to see at the Fair^ It is expected that on Thursday af ternpon a football match will be played on the grounds bef/ween the old favorites, Djaihousie and the Wsiiwierer^ GORDON & KEITH, DEALERS m- Furniture, Carpets, House Furnisliings, PIANOS, ORGANS & MUSIC. '^"~^* " ESTABUSHU 1822. BRANCHES:] i.--^o.N's IN-, Glasgow, N. S. 41 to 45 ; arr? gton Street, 15 ^ », 1822. \. S. now TO KKACII TIIK fiKOUNDS. ai t« tt it «« t( li(' (lardcns, on (lie line ot Street Jl;iil\\.iy. Passen^^ers from Railroad l)ej)ot. aixl also from principal paits of (he city, can riMi'lj tlie (ilrounds by Stre<^t C-'ar every si ven niinntes; Fare, live cents. The h'ccuised hackney carriages of t he cit y •e handsome and comfoitahle vehicles, while th<» tariff is extremely reasonable. The followinj^ are the For Ciich pornon for any diHtuiicc up to 1 niilo, 25 cents. U '* »> " 2 " 40 " 2i " 45 " 3 " 50 " One-half of the above rates to be paid if n^tm-ning in the sanu^ carriage. For ev(^iy fift(^en minutes after the first fifteen minutes, 15 cents extra is allowt^d. For all hacks or cabs liired by the hour, the charge shall be : — For a Olio horse carriage per hour ^.75 For a (wo hor-sc carriage per hour i,(K) And a iik? piopoi'tion for every fraction of a.) hoin\ Persons eng^iiging a licensed hack or cab !)y the hour, to state the same at the time of hiring. To or from any steamer b#^£MiHsengor vessel, to or from any liotel or dwetmiy-honso to iinv sbiire dfffci!, railway station or other place with h cwt. ' of luggage ". 50c. Ah above with everj- additional half cwt. of luggage. 10c. And in like proportion for all other dis- tances and additional luggage. l/ietoria jioiise. 82 & 84 Granuille St, aMaff4s, M, i do Meals at all l(ours.. Oysters Served in ^M^r^ style. -^- Salads a Specialty. S. L. FLAWlN^, ' Proprietor. jse. i, i ^9 le. lecialty. rietor. Children under one year old, free; over one year and under twelve, half fare. For employment in the nij^ht time hetvveen 12 o'clock midnight and « a. ni., in sunnner, and 12 o'clock midnight and 7 a. m. in the winter, the fare shall he as parties may agree, not however to exceed douhle fare. — ■—■■!■ m 1^1 Ml iiii M ■ — Places of Interest in and about the City. Puhlic Gardcuis, Spring Gardtni Road. The Cntadel. H. M. Dockyard, Water Street. Legislative Halls, HoUis Street. Point Pleasant. Lieut. -Governor's Residence, Pleasant Street. City Hall and Grand Parade. Post Office, Hollis Street. Academy of Music, Pleasant Street. Provincial Museum, Post Office Building. ('ity Engine Houses. Masonic Temple, Salter Street. Court House, Spring Garden Road. The North- West Arm. Melville Island Military Prison. The Dingle, North- West Ann. Bedford Basin. McNah's Island. Prince's Lodge, 6 miles. C'ow Bay, 11 miles^ The Rocking Stone, 6 miles. '(/hain Lakes and Waterworks, .S miles. Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron Cluh House, Pleasant Street. Railway Depot, North Sti-eet. Admiralty House, Gottingen Street. Dalhousie College and University, Rohie.' St. School for the Blind, Moiris Street. ♦ Victoria General Hospital, Morris Street. Dry Dock, Lockman Street. N Academy of Music, H, B. CLARKE, - Lessee and Manager. S NIGHTS COMMENCING •^TUESDAY, Sept. 25tU.^ Wednesday and Saturday, 2.30 p. m., RBNO & FORD'S REALISTIC RURAL COMEDY " Joshua .Simpkins," Produced on a Magrnificent Scale with Special Scenery and Wonderful Mechanical Effects. SEE THE THRILLING SAW MILL SCENE I THE MANY PLEASING SPECIALTIES! THE SPECIAL SCENERY I As Many Laughs as Grains in a Bushel of Wheat. J:xcollcnt Dancing, Pleaning Singing, Charming Music. Finest Band and Orchestra Travelling Look out for the Great Parade at Noon. Eyeningr Prices, - . 75c., 50c., 25c. Matinee Prices, Adults, - - - 50c Children under 12 Years, - - 26ci f sie, Managrer. 'UbllC Ai o i I I 'J -J kJo uud Fewing& JjilaltingGo. 5tln.<- ) p. m., s ns, 91 >ecial Fects. SCENE I ALTIE8 ! I'harining ravelling. C*f 25c. 60c. 25c. !! SUCCESSORS TO S. OliAfiD, SONS 6t CO. BREWERS OF Iqdia Pale XX and XXX ^les,. :and -Extra Stout \f\ Casks & Bottles. Head Office, - - 243 Hollis Street, HA I nrnfM. ^f m.. ^ RRANf^H '■'■■[ I'St. John, N. B., 44 Water St. Chaulottetovvn, p. E.I., 51 Water St. Oi^ h IC Eh: Kixostox, .Jamaica Bridoetovvn, Barhadoes. % life JJv^ -^ of "rt^e Me.rjtir[\e pro\/ip\ce5. BiWilj ii©S.f p .IJ Fl^ us s(^ ornef? MORTH EN w U Qf^MNVJLLt 5 UiteJI-S