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 Descriptive Sketches of a Missionary Journey through 
 Egypt, Palestine, India, Burmah, Malaysia, 
 China, Japan, and the Sandwich 
 Rev. a. B. SIMPSON 
 ly/ri/ OVER TWO hundred illustrations 
 NEW YORK S^/^f^ J 
 692 Eighth Avknub 
Entered Recording to the act of Congress, in the yea. .893. by 
 I „ the office of the Librarian of Congress, at WaBhingtoB. 
 134 WKST 2&TH 8T., H"W TO»K 
 Thk following pages contain the substance of a number 
 of missionary letters, written from the East in the winter 
 and summer of 1893, with careful revisions and considerable 
 These letters were written in the course of a very rapid 
 journey ; and, while they had the advantage of the freshness 
 and inspiration suggested by the immediate presence ot the 
 scenes and incidents described, yet they may bear the marks 
 of haste, and they make no pretension whatever to literary 
 Under ordinary circumstances, their publication in per- 
 manent form would scarcely b"vo been justified ; but in this 
 case, a large constituency oi .xrsonal friends was kind 
 enough to insist upon the privilege of preserving, as a perma- 
 nent memorial, those messages from abroad, which they were 
 pleased to value at the time with an appreciation which we 
 cannot help crediting to their personal affection for the 
 writer, and their deep interest in the mission fields and work 
 described in these letters, rather than to any pre-eminent 
 value in the papers themselves. 
. , .^.*.MiwM*ii jfiJ liiUlmtillU'miW^ 
 ' f 
 With a profound sense of this feeling on their part, the 
 author and publishers have endeavored to set these sketches 
 in as attractive a frame work as possible, and they sincerely- 
 trust this volume will be accepted by thousands of hearts, as 
 a loving memorial of the affectionate prayers that sustained 
 the author in his long journey with an intense and delight- 
 ful consciousness of a fellowship in Christ, stronger than 
 the barriers of space and time ; and that it will be con- 
 sidered a grateful acknowledgment of the loving co-operation 
 which these dear friends are still giving to him in the great 
 object of his life— to hasten the evangelization of the world 
 and the preparation of our Lord's return. 
 To promote this great end v as the object of his journey 
 abroad and the purpose which inspired these pages If the 
 reading of these sketches and the examination of the many 
 beautiful pictures accompanying them shall inspire a deeper 
 interest iu heathen lands in the hearts of even a few, and 
 shall lead the people of God to a more intelligent, self-deny 
 ing and heaven-baptized consecration to the one great desire 
 of the Master's heart, and the special work for whose ac- 
 complishment His coming waits— the world's immediate 
 evangelization— we shall greatly rejoice, and feel that the 
 labor bestowed on this modest message has not been in vain. 
 Once, it is said, a desert wanderer found a crystal spring 
 of surpassing freshness. The water was so pure that he felt 
 unworthy to drink it himself, and, after barely satisfying his 
 thirst, he filled a leathern bottle with the crystal liquid and 
 bore it across the desert as an offering to his chief. 
 fc, the 
 Is, as 
 I con- 
 If the 
 iT, and 
 se ac- 
 it the 
 L vain, 
 lie felt 
 d and 
 Days passed beneath the desert sun before he reached 
 the palace, and when he brought in his offering and laid it at 
 the feet of his master, it had become corrupted and putrid. 
 But the king would not let his faithful subject oven imagine 
 that the water was unfit for use. He tasted the water with 
 expressions of gratitude and delight, and sent back the loyal 
 heart filled with joy and gladness. 
 After he had gone, the princes asked to taste the water, 
 and expressed their intense disgust and surprise, that the 
 king could even pretend to enjoy it. 
 "Ah"! said the king, "it was not the water I tasted, 
 but the loyal love that prompted the offering, and made it a 
 most delightful draught, from the heart's crystal spring." 
 So our offering, like all that man can do, is marked by a 
 thousand imperfections ; but we believe our Master accepts 
 the motive, and we trust that He will make this message a 
 draught of blessing to His household. 
 At His feet we dedicate it, and to His name be all the 
 glory I 
 Thb Winter Sea 
 Days in England 
 On The Continent 
 On The Blue Mediterranean 
 First Impressions of Egypt - ■ 
 First Glimpses op Palestine 
 Days in Palestine 
 Under The Shadow of The Pyramids 
 IsMAiUA to Bombay 
 Our Work in Berar 
 Berar to Nellore and Madras 
 Madras to Bombay 
 Bombay to Benares ... 
 From The Himalayas to The Hooghly 
■ • 
 Leaving India 
 Calcutta to Bubmah 
 • • 
 Among The Malays 
 First Impressions of Southern China 
 Missionary Work in Southern China 
 Shanghai and its Missionary Work 
 On The Yangtse 
 Down The Yangtse . 
 To The Northern Capital 
 Last Glimpses of China 
 The Missionary Outlook in China 
 First Glimpses of Japan - 
 Across Japan by Rail - 
 Last Days in Japan 
 The Situation in Japan 
 Home Coming 
 The Missionary Outlook 
 Palms and Pyramids 
 Port Said and the Northern End ok the Canai.. 
 Ships ok the Desert. ... 
 Jakka krom the Sea. 
 Donkey and Veiled Lady. ... 
 Calvahy. --.•-- 
 Jerusalem and the Mount ok Olives. 
 Bethany. -...-- 
 Gethsemane. - . - - - 
 Bethel. - - - - • 
 The Nile and the Pyramids. 
 The Sphnix. . . . . - 
 Interior ok Moslem UNivERi^iTY ok Cairo. 
 Victoria Street, Bombay. 
 A Groups at Igatfuri. 
 (A Kodak Photograph). 
 - 45 
 - 58 
 .. 72 
 - 78 
 \* ^,~i ' i.^^^^r*m f 
 I ^ 
 The Girls' Orphanagk. 
 The Christian Alliance Convention, Akola. 
 A Roadside Scene. - - ^ ' 
 r\. j!^Kjn.uz, ^^ Kodak Photograph). 
 Mr. Simpson and Coolie Cart. ^ - .' 
 lYiK. vjx™ .:. ^^ Kodak Photogfraph). 
 Bangalore. - - ■ " * 
 On the Road to Mahabalashur. - 
 VJJN 1 nn J>.w ^^ Yio&aii. Photograph). 
 On the Road to the Ghauts. ^ . ' 
 Kjss i.B.j^ >■ (A Kodak Photograph). 
 The Gospel of Healing, in Marathi. - 
 John iii: i6, in Marathi. 
 In the Garden of the Taj^^^ ;,„,„,„;,, 
 Side View op the Taj. ^^ ^-^^^ p,„,;^,p,, " 
 The Taj, Agra. - - * * 
 T?TioNT View op the Taj. ' ,.» * " 
 TROWl Viivvy (A Kodak Photograph). 
 Benares. - - - - 
 Darjeeling. --"'*' 
 Palms in Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. 
 The Image of Gautama, Rangoon. 
 ShwEE-da-gone Pagoda, Rangoon. 
 Shwee-da-gone Pagoda. . - - • 
 A Malay Coffee Plantation. 
 The Traveller's Palm. . - - 
 A Malay Village. . - - - 
! i 
 The Girls' Orphanagk. 
 The Christian Alliance Convention, Akola. 
 A Roadside Scene. - " ^ . Ix 
 ri. ivw^ .3 ^^ Kodak Photograph). 
 Mr. Simpson and Coolie Cart. ^ - .' 
 i»ijx.. wxi a (A Kodak Photograph). 
 Bangalore. - - " ' * 
 On the Road to Mahabalashur. - 
 ^^ (A Kodak Photograph). 
 On the Road to the Ghauts. ^ . * ^ 
 ^^ * (A Kodak Photograph). 
 The Gospel oe Healing, in Marathi. - 
 John hi: i6, in Marathi. - - ' 
 In the Garden of the Taj. - - 
 J.IN ixi« v^ (A Kodak Photograph). 
 ^TDP View of the Taj. - " ^v ' 
 OIDl!, V liiw wr J ^^ vioAt^V Photograph). 
 The Taj, Agra. - - ' " 
 I^RONT View op the Taj. - • 
 r KU« ± V i» ^^ Kodak Photograph). 
 Benares. - " " ' 
 Darjeeling. - - " ' ' 
 Palms in Royal Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. 
 The Image of Gautama, Rangoon. 
 Shwke-da-gone Pagoda, Rangoon. 
 Shwee-da-gone Pagoda. - - • 
 A Malay Coffee Plantation. 
 The Traveller's Palm. . - • 
 A MalavVillage. 
 A MAI.AY Family. - . • • 
 Hong Kong. . - - - 
 Thk Temple of Five Hundred Gods, Cantow. 
 Chinese Lady Embroidering. - - 
 ^ Reproducedfrom a Chinese Painting. 
 Chinese Priest and Temple. - - 
 Reproduced from a Chinese Painting. 
 Gate of Woosung Fort, Shanghai. 
 Chinese Idols, Shanghai. - - 
 Pagoda, Shanghai. . - - • 
 A Group of Chinese Missionaries. 
 Temple at Hankow. - - - • 
 The "Little Orphan," Yangtse River. 
 Ching Kiang. 
 Reproduced from a Chinese Painting. 
 Chinese Buffalo Carts. - - 
 (^ « ir< nao u Reproduced from a Chinese Painting. 
 The Temple of HEA^^N. - 
 Chinf.se Sawing Lumber. - " . ., * 
 V-tn« r.OD w. Reproduced from a Chinese Painting. 
 A Chinese Family. - - ■ 
 Interior of a Mandarin's Apartments. 
 Chinese Punch and Judy. - - 
 ^" Reproduced from a Chinese painting. 
 Japanese Travelling AT Night. - • 
 J fYrft.« iw Reproduced from a Japanese Painting. 
 Image of Kuradani, Kyoto. 
 Temple of Three Thousand Gods, Tokio. • 
 ■- WMlWttJ-'W WI^ 
 1 ii 
 IT would not have seemed quite consistent if the "Servia" 
 had started on time. So she sailed half an hour behind 
 time, and our friends were critical enough to say it was 
 because we were on board. 
 For more than a month we had been getting ready to go 
 away, and in order to gain a little on the already full 
 schedule time, we had been obliged to work from sixteen to 
 twenty hours a day. The last few nights we had scarcely 
 dared to trust ourselves to a good sleep, and so it was a 
 strange sensation to find ourselves oo the "Servia" with an 
 hour, nay, a week, perhaps, of actual leisure. 
 We cannot thank the Master enough for the delightful 
 courtesies amid which we were permitted to begin our lonely 
 journc> . The. farewell meetings in the Tabernacle were full 
 of the Spirit of God and the simple, hedrt-felt kindness of 
 His people. Thinking of twelve years ago, we felt like 
 Jacob, when he said : "With my staff I passed over this 
 Jordan ; and now I am become two bands." 
 We were permitted to leave quietly, only about a dozen 
 .- ' ^ f^/ asTgii/^if?*r*'tf^i«i_'-' ,". ■7'ii' '(■-^ r ."■ 
 «-.»*,»',K^;W»^»-V<-' -r- 
 friends breaking through our request and accoinpanyiug us 
 to the ship. We felt the sharp strain of many thousand heart- 
 strings, but a eweet sense of God's approval and the unity 
 and sympathy of all our dear friends in the purpose of our 
 We left New York amid bitter cold, and our ship cut her 
 way all the way down the Bay through thick and heavy ice. 
 But when we got out to sea, we found the waves still and 
 calm, and a mighty Presence seemed walking on the waters. 
 It is blessed to go forth encompassed by such a cloud of 
 Before twenty-four hours had passed, however, we had 
 a taste of the winter sea ; and our second night on board was 
 so rough that the trunks went crashing in all directions in 
 the tossing ship, and few slept much. It was the effect of 
 an old storm that had passed ere we came to sea. For 
 twenty-four hours the sea ran very high, and we all kept 
 quiet. By the evening of the third day the waters calmed, 
 and we were able to do some work again. 
 On Wednesday we sailed into the Gulf Stream, and 
 Thursday was almost like a summer day— the south wind 
 laden with balm, and the sky clear and bright. 
 Most of our passengers are English people. It is a good 
 school for character study. How comfortable and self-com- 
 placent some people are ! It was refreshing to see a middle- 
 aged Englishman knock his head against the hanging frame 
 full of wine glasses, and smash some of them, and then 
 summon the steward, and ask, with immense dignity, how 
 « this extraordinary thing could have happened.' We shoiUd 
 have been covered with confiiwon and apologies, and ready 
 to pay for the broken glasses ; but this comfortable gentle- 
 man seemed to expect an apology from the steward, and 
 even from the wine glasses for hitting his head, or being 
 there at all. Well, there are people and people. How some 
 people waste their time ! What would they not give at the 
 end for a Uttle ? And yet they throw years away at the be- 
 ^'°The fai-ther we get from the hallowed influences of 
 home, the more do we feel the need of Christian fellowship 
 and prayer, and the more do we thank the blesse<l Comforter 
 for the bonds of communion that cross all seas and conti- 
 nents, and flash their messages of love and sympathy from 
 land to land. The chronometer of our ship has gamed 
 nearly four hours since we left New York, but the clock of 
 the heart keeps time to a second from heart to heart all 
 around the world. 
 Yesterday was our Friday Meeting m .\ew York. But 
 we needed no calendar to tell us when it was three o'clock 
 on Friday afternoon. The very cloud of the Sanctuary 
 gathered round us, and we were held for three blessed hours 
 hi the innermost chamber, and at the very gate of heaven 
 We could almost feel the breath of those holy prayers, and 
 for hours afterwards the sweetness hngered like the twilight 
 after sunset, or the fragrance of a spice-laden ship from 
 some tropical isle. 
 And so we are taking our dear readers with us as we go 
12 LARci h' orri.ooKS ox nrrssioyAKV i.ANPS. 
 forth in their name and yis to look over a lost world, and 
 seek to find some yet wiser way to win it for His crown. 
 Perhaps they will forgive these simple, personal lines 
 that have come to us as we have thought of those we love, 
 and longed for their sympathy and prayei- : 
 All around the world I journey, 
 Over many a land ; 
 Bearing forth the great comniisBlon, 
 At the Lord's oominand. 
 Many a danger lies around me, 
 Many a dart is hurled, 
 But I know His love will guard me 
 All around the world. 
 There are cables underlying 
 Every ocean wide, 
 Chords of lo*e and prayer are stronger 
 Than the Atlantic's tide. 
 There's a ladder up to heaven, 
 Everywhere we roam ; 
 And the gates of prayer can never 
 Find us far from home. 
 Hold me closely every moment 
 In the arms of prayer ; 
 Lfct me feel your fragrant oenserB 
 ' With me everywhere. 
 Let rae know, as ever onward 
 I am swiftly whirled, 
 Hosts unseen are marching with me 
 All around the world. 
 Brothers, let us stretch our heartstrings 
 Wide as human woe, 
 All around this world of sorrow, 
 Let our blessing go. 
I .1 
 Over every land and nation 
 Be HlH flag unfnrlod ; 
 • Send the goHiM>l quickly, quickly, 
 All around the -world. 
 With early dawn on Sabbath morning, Jannary 21, we 
 sighted Fastnet Lighthouse, Ireland'H first landmark. We 
 had sailed along an invisible pathway across tlu» unmarked 
 Bea and the unerriug compass had guided us within an mch 
 of our aim. The navigator's faith had located that promon- 
 tory there, and lo ! the vision of actxial sight found it real. 
 So our faith in God should sail in trackless waters and find 
 the soUd reality answer to our trust. 
 We had scarcely come abreast of the shore line when 
 the fog-whistle began to soimd, and we were enveloped in a 
 cloud as sudden as it was dense. But it lifted as quickly as 
 it came, and in a hour we were steaming up to Queenstown 
 Harbor in a blaze of warmth and sunlight worthy of the na- 
 tional character. It seemed as if old Ireland was smiling all 
 over in token of the welcome she was giving to the pastor 
 and associate of some of her children in America. 
 A loveher day we had never seen. After the cold winter 
 sea it was indeed most cheering, and our inmost spirit kept 
 whispering all day, "Then they are glad because they be 
 quiet, so He bringeth them to their desired haven. ' We 
 just caught the " Etruria" in time to send our mails back to 
 New York by her. Had we been an hour later our friends 
 would have had to wait a week longer for their letters 
 from us. , X ^ 
 We waited at Queenstown only long enough to send 
 I..iNUl:h- Of n.OOhS i>.\ J//XV/OA /A')- f.AMKS. 
 urthore » '^-w i>usHengers, and wvon hundred mail bags from 
 all wenteiu lands, including a great lot from China and 
 Japan, and then we steamed away to LiveriK)ol. 
 ( )ur own guoenstown mail brought uh kind letters of 
 welcome from England and Sweden, with enough invitations 
 to kw'p u« from feeling lonesome in London. 
 Midnight brought us to Holyhead. Long and late .ve 
 lingere<l on deck watching the fascinating play oi the lights 
 along the shoren of old England. The system is a i)erfect 
 alphabet of naval signals. Some were red, some yellow, 
 some white, most of them Hash lights, but with such differ- 
 ent kinds of flashes ! Some would disappear altogether for a 
 minute, then return ; others would wink three times in quick 
 succession and then blaze away for two or three minutes ; 
 and othei-8 hide their torches at regular intervals of ten sec- 
 onds. We could see how a pilot could easily read the very 
 names of every station along that bold and dangerous shore. 
 Oh, that each of us might have a light so definite, so dis- 
 tinct, so clear and intelligible, that both earth and heaven 
 might read it every moment, and others sail by it on life's 
 dangeroxis sea ! And happy might we be, if, like these lights 
 on the coast of Wales, even our very moments of obscura- 
 tion and trial might only give to our shining a more em- 
 phatic and vivid glory and significance, so that our dark- 
 ness and our light might 'ooti- dil'e glorify our Father in 
 heaven, and bless and heir onv fv 5'>^v men. 
8 from 
 la and 
 tens of 
 ate W6 
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 1 differ- 
 er for a 
 n quick 
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 ten sec- 
 he very 
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 , 80 dis- 
 on life's 
 36 lights 
 lore em- 
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 ather in 
 MONDAY uioiuing, quite early, we wove sent ushoiv 
 Liveri)ool, on the Cunard tender. We werr met 
 the dock by our kind and attt'iitive English agentb 
 and they showed us every courtesy, helped us through the 
 custom house, sent off our telegra ns and letters, and saw us 
 to the train for London. Mr. Mili^ gave us very interesting 
 information about our, recent missi niary parties. He spok- 
 especially of dear Clara Stromberg of the Congo party, and 
 h(.w she had endeared herself to niMiy friends in Liverpool. 
 Her face and voice were the last and brightest memor- 
 ies of the large party that had saileci out of Liverpool last 
 summer for the Congo. Dear Clara swept swiftly tluough 
 her heavenly orbit, but it was a ver. bright one, and now 
 she is shining and singing over yonder 
 Liverpool was thick with fog as Q leenstown was bright 
 with sunshine. We asked a young mai in the hotel if it was 
 often thus. He said he had not seen the ^un for four months ; 
 bat he added, with a cmel bit of selfish omfort, it was noth- 
 ing to London. It was Dean Ramsay, e believe, who told 
 of the Scotchman who, when asked by disgusted traveler 
 "if it always rained thei-e," good naturedly answered: 
 "Na, na ; it sometimes snaws." 
 Well, rain or snow, beautiful England is beautiful all the 
 same ! Here, in January, as we ride through the valleys and 
 l)lains of Derbyshire, the fields are almost as green as sum- 
 mer ; the farmers are plowing, the sheep and cattle are graz- 
 ing in the pastures, the ground is covered with crows ; there 
 is no frost nor snow, and even the hedges have just been 
 pruned, and are waiting to send out their fiist buds and 
 branches in a little while. 
 What causes all this general f ruitfulness ? We are far 
 north of the latitude of New York. It is the Gulf Stream 
 from the tropics, that bears a perpetual tide of balm and 
 blessing to these ocean isles. Oh, if our spiritual lives could 
 only abide in the great Stream of Life and Love that comes 
 flowing down from the Summer Land beyond the unseen 
 sea, what a temperature we should enjoy, what fniitful lives 
 we should have ! 
 " There'd be no sorrow in our song, 
 No -winter in our year." 
 We reached London on exact time, and found friends 
 waiting to welcome us. The home of dear Mr. and Mrs. 
 Brodie is a home indeed, and has been the hospitable resting- 
 place of all our outgoing missionarios. Words cannot express 
 the obligations of the Alliance for the kindness of these dear 
 friends, who combine the second and third epistles of John 
 in very deed, and are the Gains and the Elect Lady of our 
 precious work. We found that dear Peter Scott had left and 
 passed us on the way, returning on the ' ' Germanic. " 
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 We found our friends in Jjondon had arranged to make 
 the most of om- time, and we are having a busy and blessed 
 Monday night we had the pleasure of addressing a meet- 
 ing at the Friends' Meeting House, and met some choice 
 Tuesday found us in the City, busy enough, at our agents, 
 our shipping office, and many other places. We were per- 
 mitted an interview with the Honorable Secretary of the 
 Church Missionary Society, and obtained some most valua'-;l'. 
 information i-especting the Soudan, and especially the Niger 
 and Binnue Rivers. We were able also to make satisfactory 
 arrangements with Messrs. John Snow & Co., Ivy Lane, 
 London, for a full supply of our Alliance books, tracts, and 
 weekly papers to be kept in London. 
 In the evening a very kind reception had been arranged 
 for us through the courtesy of Miss Gurney and others. 
 The meeting was held at the Hall, Adam Street, Strand, and 
 was attended by many of the Christian workers of London, 
 and those especially who had become interested in our work. 
 It was a touching surprise and we trust a blessing to many. 
 The Lord ""/vras present in great power, especially in the after 
 meeting for prayer, which was one of the most blessed and 
 solemn we have ever felt. The Lord permitted us to speak 
 a little of the work, and more of Himself, and we were con- 
 scious of a delightful sympathy and fellowship of heart. 
 Among those present were Miss Gurney, Rev. Evan Hop- 
 kins, Rev. F. B. Meyer, Rev. Mr. Mantel, Mr. and Mrs. 
 'l-'^?^^*l^»£=!''^"«^ -ITB*'..-. 
 Eeader Harris, Mrs. J. Hudson Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, 
 Prof. Bartlett, Miss Fannie Gregson, of Ceylon, and many 
 others. Their loving sympathy was a breath of cheer on our 
 long, lonely journey to the East. 
 We have just heard from our Swedish party, and they 
 will be here to-morrow, 7). T., on their way to Southampton 
 and China. We had the pleasure to-day of calling at Fins- 
 bury Square, where our India party of missionaries stayed, 
 and we were rejoiced to hear the gracious words of the Super- 
 intendent and others respecting the blessing tbey left behind 
 them. They are now on their way to India, and the last 
 section will arrive about February 1. 
 Wednesday morning fomid ns at our business agents, 
 our bankers and the Foreign Office, arranging for passports, 
 vises, etc., in order to be able to go to Egypt and Palestine. 
 In the afternoon we went to Bethshan, and met many 
 dear old friends. We felt the cloud of blessing as we turned 
 the corner, and we knew God was still there. Mrs. Baxter 
 was there, and led the meeting. Mi-s. Boardman was also 
 ]»resentwith her quiet, triumphant spirit, after all the changes 
 and trials of eight yeai-s. Mrs Brodie has also become a reg- 
 ular worker at Bethshan, although this afternoon she was 
 called out to attend a meeting of Jewesses in another room. 
 Miss Murray is at present in Sweden, although she still re- 
 tains her relation to the work. The Wednesday meeting is 
 regulariy kept up at Bethshan HaU, and God still owns the 
 work and testimony by His healing power. 
 But the Bethshan Home has been changed, and is now 
 ■f 1.1 
 re. Brodie, 
 and many 
 eer on our 
 , and they 
 g at Fins- 
 ies stayed, 
 the Super- 
 eft behind 
 id the last 
 3SS agents, 
 I Palestine, 
 met many 
 , we turned 
 [rs. Baxter 
 n was also 
 the changes 
 come a reg- 
 3n she was 
 •ther room. 
 3he still re- 
 meeting is 
 U owns the 
 and is now 
 used not for gu^ :<ts who come to seek for healing, but as a 
 Training Institute for Missionaries. The friends in charge 
 felt that the various local homes indifferent parts of England 
 were meeting the need which it has supplied, at least in some 
 measure, and that more could be accomplished for God, for 
 the present, at least, by using it to meet the increasing needs 
 of the missionary training work. 
 This work has grown steadily and substantially. Mr. 
 and Mrs. Mueller, the former superintendents, have them- 
 selves gone out to India as superintendents of the mission in 
 Berar that has grown out of this Institute ; but a Christian 
 worker, formerly in Ceylon, has taken their place, and, as- 
 sisted by Mrs. Baxter and others, is carrying on a most excel- 
 lent work, and has a school of about twenty-five students. 
 We have one of them, Mr. Bannister, in our work in Akola, 
 and he is doing good service. We met one or two others 
 who may yet be used of God in the Alliance mission work. 
 The Wednesday meeting at Bethshan was large and 
 blessed, and many kind greetings cheered us on our way, and 
 our important and most responsible journey was committed 
 to God in solemn and believing prayer, for the wisdom and 
 blessing we should so nmch require. 
 Among the many kind friends who came a long distance 
 to meet us were our dear old friends, the Rivoltas, formerly of 
 Blackheath, and Rev. Mr. Gregson, formerly of India, and his 
 daughter, dear Miss Fanny Gregson, of Ceylon, whose little 
 journal of brave and independent mission work has been 
 coming to us for a good while, with bright words of testimony 
 and experience. We hope to meet her later in Ceylon. Mr. 
 Gregson has some very strong convictions on the subject of 
 Holy Ghost mission work, derived from his experience in 
 India, and is one of the few men who fully realize that the 
 evangelization of the world must pass out of the hands of 
 man into the hands of thelivingGod if this generation iseven 
 to hear the gospel. We are glad to learn that the Keswick 
 and other great spiritual Conferences are becoming more m- 
 tensely aggressive and missionary. 
 One of our most valuable mornings was the one spent 
 with good Hudson Taylor, who so courteously gave us that 
 • » IJI« I LM I B I U«I I WI» l lll H i»"« l' '" l ''"' l liWTI 
 , and, as- 
 ost excel- 
 in Akola, 
 "^o others 
 I work, 
 large and 
 way, and 
 sdom. and 
 g distance 
 )rmerly of 
 ia, and his 
 hose httle 
 has been 
 rlon. Mr. 
 subject of 
 terience in 
 ,e that the 
 s hands of 
 ion is even 
 e Keswick 
 ; more in- 
 one spent 
 ve us that 
 precious thing whose value we ho fully appreciate — his time 
 — without stint. We need not say how much we were helped 
 and how fully this honored leader of the most successful mis- 
 sionary work of our time was both able and willing to meet 
 the many practical questions we are called to face, with his 
 modest counsel and long experience. 
 There is no country in the world where missionary work 
 Jias to meet more difficulties and to be can'ied on with more 
 humble, holy wisdom than China. The mistakes of one mis- 
 i^ionary not only hurt his own work, but may cripple a hun- 
 dred other missionaries by the reflex action. A riot incited 
 in one city by the act of a missionary has been known to lead 
 to the destruction of life and property hundreds of miles away. 
 There are things which cannot be done in China that may be 
 done anywhere else. We need to pray much for all the 
 workers in that land that they may ever have the very miud 
 of Christ. We have always had the hearty sympathy and 
 co-operation of the authorities and missionaries of the China 
 Inland Mission, and we were mvich cheered by Dr. and Mrs. 
 Taylor's kindness. 
 One of our chief objects in staying a few days in England 
 was to meet the outgoing Swedish missionaries. Phis also 
 we were permitted to do, much better than if we had gone to 
 Sweden. We found, as we expected, that they had been in 
 England for some time. Three of them came to London to 
 meet us, and we went down to Southampton to meet the rest, 
 and spent Thursday afternoon and evening with them. It 
 was a meeting of great importance, enabling us to get per- 
 i<B?*t*'fegt-.-i"»:-,^.'?r-i5?' ' 
i pUJ" 
 sonally and quite well acquainted with each of the party, and 
 judge, as we never could have done otherwise, of the wisest 
 course to advise in connection with this important move- 
 We have been very much touched to find the wider and 
 deeper interest in our Alliance work which expresses itself 
 from many quartere. We could spend a month very profita- 
 bly in England, Scotland, and Ireland in meeting the calls 
 that so kindly come. There is a blessed fellowship of prayer, 
 love, and mutual help and service. We are sorry we cannot 
 stay now, but will return, if the Lord will. 
 We left London Friday afternoon, after a few busy, 
 blessed days, by a limited express train, with a view, D.V., 
 to catch the Mediterranean steamer at Brindisi. It was a real 
 pain to pass dear friends who had written us from Geneva, 
 Bale, and Rome, to tarry with them by the way. It was very 
 hard to give up the proffered pleasure and blessing of meet- 
 ing that great and good man of God, Stockmeyer, at Bale, 
 but we could not do so without missing a week on the Medi- 
 terranean, and having to leave out a few brief days, if the 
 Lord will, at dear Jerusalem. 
 Our last hours in London were by no means idle. Some 
 gddd friends came in to meet us in English fashion at break- 
 fast and morning prayers, .and a party of missionary candi- 
 dates from Scotland were waiting later, whom we were glad 
 to meet. Then an hour or two with our stenographer-a 
 great lot of letters of importance •, an hour or two in the city 
 with our agents and business correspondents, and we were 
 ready to go to our special train. 
 )..u„>mauuJiiJ^4i. | |i. Hn 1 1 . ■ 
irty, and 
 he wisest 
 it move- 
 nder and 
 3ses itself 
 y profita- 
 the calls 
 5f prayer, 
 ire cannot 
 'ew busy, 
 ew, D.F., 
 was a real 
 I Geneva, 
 t was very 
 ; of meet- 
 ir, at Bale, 
 , the Medi- 
 ays, if the 
 lie. Some 
 I at break- 
 lary candi- 
 were glad 
 grapher — a 
 in the city 
 id we were 
 We cannot sufficiently praise God for the wonderful help 
 given us in our very short visit to London, in enabling us to 
 meet every one of the engagements we had counted upon, and 
 accomplishing so much that was upon our heart. Even at 
 the last moment He graciously interposed to prevent our 
 missing our train. We had got through all our work and 
 left in good time, with twenty minutes to spare, at the Cannon 
 Street Station; but, unfortunately, our kind agents, who had 
 taken such constant trouble with us, and arranged everything 
 so satisfactorily about our tickets and passages, had sent us 
 to the wrong station, and we found, at twenty minutes to 
 three, that we had yet to go all the way to Channg Cross, in 
 the West End, more than two miles distant, or miss our train, 
 and with it our steamer at Brindisi, and lose a whole week. 
 Our kind friends who were with us thought it impossible, 
 but we lifted our heart to God in a quiet prayer, and told our 
 driver to rush to Charing Ci-oss, promising him an extra 
 shilling if he got us there in time. We felt at rest, and knew 
 that if we missed our train God would have something better. 
 To make it more evident that God always loves to use the 
 weak and foolish things of this world, our hoi-se was old and 
 stiflf, and even the prospect of an extra shilling did not seem 
 to put much new life into him. But God was equal to the emer- 
 gency, and we got to Charing Cross with just three minutes 
 to register our baggage for Italy, get our ticket stamped, 
 hasten our things on board, say a hurried but loving good-bye 
 to dear Mr. and Mrs. Brodie, and get off with an infinite sense 
 of His quiet and loving care, while we learned with sorrow^ 
 that a dear lady was left behind notwithstanding the impor- 
 tunities an.l entreaties of her friend, who only got the answer : 
 *' We are going all the way to Sidney, Australia, and we can- 
 not stop for anyone." 
 English officials in such an emergency are invaluable. 
 There is a man with brass buttons for almost every conceiv- 
 able thing you want, and a sixpence will accomplish wonders. 
 Upon the whole, the railway service of England and Lon- 
 don is most excellent and convenient. Constant express 
 trains run on all the leading railways, and, if you know the 
 city, you can go almost anywhere in a very short time. Om- 
 nibuses go everywhere, and for a penny you can ride a long 
 distance. There is no better way to enjoy the streets of Lon- 
 don than from the top of an omnibus. But the hansom is a 
 convenience and luxury too little known in America. For a 
 shilling you can go anywhere within reasonable distance at 
 a very quick pace, for they all drive fast, and their simple 
 form enables them to thread streets and crowded passages 
 where a carriage could not go. Then, you can find one al- 
 most anywhere. We saw the number 15,000 on one, and 
 there are more even than that number in London. For a few 
 shUUngs one can accomplish more business a a day in London 
 than you could do in New York in two. 
 As if to enable us to see much in a little, we had the 
 opportunity of seeing a real London fog the day we left. 
 There was much of what we would call fog every day ; but 
 when we asked our friend if that was a London fog, he 
 D.I ) .V /A' ENGLAND. 
 e impor- 
 answer : 
 I we can- 
 and Lon- 
 b express 
 know the 
 ne. Om- 
 ie a long 
 bs of Lon- 
 nsom is a 
 !a. For a 
 istance at 
 3ir simple 
 nd one al- 
 i one, and 
 For a few 
 in London 
 <?e had the 
 y we left. 
 ' day ; but 
 )n fog, he 
 But that morning, as we got down into tlie heart of the city, 
 there was something we could feel as well as see. The air 
 was literally thick, the smell of escaping coal gas was every- 
 where, the lamps, gas jets, and electric lights were all lighted 
 both inside and out ; and as we looked up into the sky, a 
 strange yellow glare, like mud, seem to hang overhead, giving 
 everything such a lurid look. " This is a London fog," said 
 our friend ; "but we often have it much worse than this." 
 Keally it was not a fog at all, we believe, for it was bright 
 ar-d clear all around London ; but the smoke of the soft coal, 
 and the dust of the streets, was held somehow in suspension 
 by a peculiar condition of the atmosphere, and forced back 
 into people's eyes and throats. 
 Notwithstanding all this, we must say the climate of 
 :Engic;nd, even in winter, is delightful. Even in southern France 
 we passed through six inches of snow, and London was almost 
 as warm as early spring all the time we were tiiere. It is a 
 wonderful little isle, and has much good within its rock-bound 
 .shores, although one feels the lack of that freedom and spring 
 jou are conscious of in our American atmosphere. 
 Most English audiences are a little heavier and less respon • 
 isive than ours. And yet we must say we have rarely felt deeper, 
 fuller tides of power and blessing than in the meetings we were 
 j)ermitted to take part in Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 
 in London. At the last moment we had a very pleasant mis 
 sionary surprise in being permitted to meet, just on the eve 
 of their departure for the field, the two dear missionaries of the 
 new Soudan mission, Mr. White and his asso.'-te, who, for 
 two yeai-fl, have been trying to penetrate? the Soudan, and 
 reach Lake Tchad, from Tripoli or Morocco, on thi^ coast, 
 by the caravan route that passes through the desert to l^vKe 
 Tchad and the Sokoto and Bornu country, They have now 
 abandoned that el ort, and are on their way to the Niger, with 
 a view to attempt to reach the Soudan by the very route 
 that our dear young friends, Mr. Gowans, Mr. Robb, and 
 others desire to attempt. We had a Uttle convereation witli 
 them amid the hurry of departure, xnd they have promised 
 to write us fully. They seem to be young Englishmen of the 
 right sort of stuff for pioneers. They are attempting the 
 most hazM-douB journey of modern missions. 
 We had an hour's conversation with the Hon. Secretary 
 of the Church Missionary Society on this very subject. After 
 two years or more of the most indefatigable and wise effort, 
 on the part of Mr. Wi'nv)t Brooke and several others, to es- 
 tablish a base of operations at Lakoja, at the mouth of the 
 Binnue, the result so far is that Mr. Brooke has sacrificed hi& 
 life, his English associates have either died or returned ; and 
 there is not a single white man at Lakoja, and but few at the 
 mouth of the Niger or anywhere on it. They are reinforcing 
 at present their Niger force, and a party of Englishmen is 
 going out soon, but they do not advise, at present, any at- 
 tempt to go further into the interior, nor have we been able, 
 as yet, to advise our dear young brethren in America to as- 
 cend the iJinnue at present, but rather to wait developments 
 in connection with the movement already on foot there. 
 We are the more confirmed in this view since meeting 
ian, and 
 lo coast, 
 to Tiiike 
 ave now 
 ^er, with 
 ry route 
 M), and 
 lion with 
 en of the 
 sting the 
 t. After 
 se effort, 
 srs, to es- 
 ith of the 
 rificed his 
 rned ; and 
 :ew at the 
 ishmen is 
 t, any at- 
 jeen able, 
 rica to as- 
 e meeting 
 this party, who are on their way to this very spot, and from 
 whom we liope to hear in tlie spring. We beUeve that if any 
 persons can find such an enterprise practicable they can. 
 They are men of true and bold faith, and havti already had a 
 valuable experience with the people of North Africa, besides 
 having the language. We shall be glad to follow on as God 
 clearly otiens the way, but we do not feel that we are called 
 upon to inaugurate what really must prove a great and haz- 
 ardous enterprise of missionary exploration. But this move- 
 ment on the part of these bold pioneers deserves our warmest 
 sympathy, and we shall be glad to know, ere very long, that 
 the way is open for our direct co-operation. 
 OUR route lay from Loudon to Dover, and Dover to Calais. 
 We found, for once, the English Channel as still as a mill- 
 pond, and were able to walk the deck and watch for the 
 headlights of France. The flash light at Calais is a maguift- 
 cent revolving light, sending out great ribbons of electric 
 brilliancy that seem as if they might reach a hundred miles. 
 We found ourselves at Calais in something more nearly 
 resembling an American Pullman train than anything we 
 have yet seen abroad. It has a dining car and a sleeper, with 
 very considerable comfort. The train ran through, with- 
 out change, in forty-eight hours to Brindisi, and is a great 
 convenience. »■ 
 Twenty-four hours from London brought us to Modane, 
 at the entrance to the Mont Cenis tunnel. It is now just 
 twenty-three years since we crossed these Alps the first time, 
 and stopped also at Modane, on oui way from Turin. But then 
 it took us nearly an entire day. To-day we passed through 
 the tunnel in twenty-five minutes and reached Turin within 
 four hours. At that time we crossed the mountains by the 
 little zizzag railway that ran over the tops of the passes. 
 We could still see the old track and telegraph poles to-day, 
 but we suppose it is never used except, perhaps, for mountain 
;o Calais. 
 as a mill- 
 h for the 
 ; electric 
 ed miles, 
 re nearly 
 ;hing we 
 per, with 
 h, with- 
 is a great 
 now just 
 irst time, 
 But then 
 . through 
 in within 
 19 by the 
 le passes. 
 Bs to-day, 
 views, which are veiy fine. The tunnel under Mont Cenis 
 had just been completed that year, 1870, but was not opened ; 
 but we saw the works on the French side, and were told how 
 wonderfully the engineers of both countries had succeeded 
 in excavating and tunneling up an incline from each side, so 
 as to let the water run oflF, and yet meet in the centre in 
 perfect line. The tunnel is a great success, and enables the 
 express train to go through from Pa is to Turin in nineteen 
 hours, and from London to Brindisi in forty-eight hours, 
 thus bringing Bombay within seventeen days of London, 
 instead of two months, as it used to be before the days of the 

 Tunnel and the Suez Canal. The tunnel is nine miles long, 
 and we passed through it without the slightest discomfort,— 
 indeed, taking our lunch all the way through. 
 We found snow all through France; and, indeed, it 
 would seem to a passing traveler, to be a thousand miles 
 north of England, so different was the climate. The favored 
 British Isles lie in the warm current of the Gulf Stream, and 
 have, indeed, an exceptionally mild climate. Snow con- 
 RBWffifc'«W»^lW.r «t""- 
 miles long, 
 (comfort, — 
 indeed, it 
 usand miles 
 The favored 
 Stream, and 
 Snow con- 
 tinued until we reached Bologna. Indeed, this has been a 
 bitterly cold winter in Europe, and there must be great 
 At Ancona it began to grow spring-like, and after Fog- 
 gia, for the last 120 miles, we were in the summer land of 
 Southern Italy. The 
 route lay along the 
 shores of the Adri- 
 atic, and its blue 
 and placid waters 
 were covered with 
 white sails. We 
 could count more 
 than twenty at one 
 time from our car 
 window. The towns 
 and villages are 
 very old and pic- 
 turesque. These 
 plains and valleys 
 have heard the 
 march of eighty 
 generations. The 
 houses are mostly pure white, some being highly tinted, but 
 all artistic. The Italian cannot make a cabin or railway 
 station without putting beauty and dignity into the lines. 
 Some towns, like Ostuni, for example, stand on the very 
 summit of a bold and precipitous hill, and with their white 
 towers and domes are very striking. The Italian people are 
 always most interesting. Still the soldier is to be seen on guard 
 at nearly every station, and the lazzaroni, with their countless 
 devices for getting a few centesimi. The women do not seem so 
 picturesque in their head-dresses as they used to be ; we sup- 
 pose Italy is getting modernized, like every thing else. The 
 shepherds were in the fields, all over Southern Italy, with 
 their sheepskin coats and ancient cloaks, and their great 
 flocks. We saw one little boy, of about ten, herding a flock 
 of more than a hundred lambs, and we thought of something 
 even the children can do for Christ. If they cannot work 
 like older people, they can be a blessing to one another. 
 The gardens, orchards, and vineyards were luxuriant. 
 Thousands of acres were covered with olive trees, and their 
 leaves were, of coui-se, green. There were orange trees and 
 some fine groves at Brindisi, but they vre mostly found ia 
 Sicily, a little further south. 
 ■ -*i^r 
 1 people are 
 eu on guard 
 sir countless 
 not seem so 
 3e ; we sup- 
 else. The 
 Italy, with 
 their great 
 iing a flock 
 I something 
 annot work 
 ae another, 
 s, and their 
 ;e trees and 
 tly found ia 
 WE reached Brindisi in good time for our steamer, 
 which had come round from London, by way of 
 Gibraltar and Malta, and been over ten days on her 
 route already. We had to wait for the late mail from Lon- 
 don, and stayed up to get some important letters which we 
 expected. We had dictated a very large mail to our stenog- 
 rapher ia London, but, like most Enghshmen, we could not 
 hurry him, so we had to come away without our letters, and 
 have tb<jm sent on after us, for us to sign and dispatch on 
 the way. 
 That evening at Brindisi was worth remembering. It 
 let us see a little both of Italian and English wickedness in a 
 seaport town. Boys not ten years old were running about 
 as agents for the most infamous places, and women and 
 children, dancing on the streets to their rude music, by 
 scores. Brindisi has a fine harbor and is the great rendezvous 
 for several great lines of steamers to the East. The Austrian 
 Lloyd's, of Trieste, have several lines to Alexandria, Con- 
 stantinople, and other points, and the P. & 0. Company have 
 two lines calling here. It is on the great high-road to the 
 East, and, indeed, for ages it has been one of the landmarks 
 of the Mediterranean. We are on historic ground, but we 
 m. i 
 would rather tread in one of Paul's footsteps than walk in 
 triumph with all the Caesars. 
 We walked the deck for hours, and saw the same stars 
 we had watched for years go down over the distant West, 
 where our heart was lingering in love and prayer. Again 
 the Master walked upon the waters, and the blue Mediter- 
 ranean was literally as still as glass. It was very interesting 
 in the warm sunlight and crisp air of the next morning to 
 see the coast of Italy disappear, and sail by Corfu and the 
 Turkish Islands with their snow-crowned heights beyond, 
 that seem over 0,000 feet high. We were on "the Great 
 Sea " of ancient ages and Bible times ; but it is a little sea 
 to-day beside the great Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. And 
 yet it ha? been the Mediterranecfn, or middle sea, in the 
 sense that it has been the centre of the world's history for 
 more than three thousand years. 
 Our crew is an interesting study. Most of them are 
 Hindus from Bombay. So that we are already in the heart 
 of Asia. They are as dark as negroes, but have Hindu 
 features. But how they ever live in this northern climate 
 with their scant cotton clothing we cannot comprehend. 
 They are nearly all barefooted, and none of them have more 
 than a thin cotton blouse and linen pants. And yet last 
 night these barefooted fellows ran up and down the gang- 
 plank carrying the mail bags up for more than two hours, 
 chattering and screaming like monkeys, playing all kinds of 
 tricks on each other, racing down after each o her like chil- 
 dren let loose, and keeping warm by good nature and fun. 
 ban walk in 
 same stars 
 stant West, 
 yer. Again 
 lue Mediter- 
 r interesting 
 morning to 
 rfu and the 
 ;ht8 beyond, 
 "the Great 
 is a httle sea 
 ceans. And 
 sea, in the 
 i history for 
 )f them are 
 in the heart 
 have Hindu 
 [lern climate 
 a have more 
 aid yet last 
 n the gang- 
 a two hours, 
 J all kinds of 
 ler like chil- 
 ire and fun. 
 Here they are to-day, by the dozen, walking about the deck 
 barefooted and half naked, and we are glad to have our fur 
 overcoat buttoned up to the chin in the sharp wind of the 
 sea. Well, surely there is everything in getting used to 
 But our cabin passengers are a greater study. Some of 
 them are business men going to India ; and a number are en 
 route to Syd- -. „ - ney and Mel- 
 good many 
 going out to 
 or seek their 
 East; two are, 
 see merchants 
 and quite a 
 East. Two of 
 copal clergy- 
 number are 
 are young men 
 fill t;itTiation8 
 fortunes in the 
 probably, Par- 
 from Bombay 
 number are 
 going to the 
 these are E pis- 
 men, and a 
 young lady liqhthouse, mediterranean sea. 
 On Sabbath evening we had service on board, and we 
 were so glad, after seeing so much ungodliness on shipboard, 
 to have an opportunity to worship God. The service was led 
 by one of the Episcopal missionaries. He was evidently a 
 graduate of the University, and we doubt not an earnest 
 young minister of a little more than the average type, with a 
 strong ecclesiastical tint. "W e enjoyed the hymns and pray- 
 ers very heartily, but when it came to the sermon we had a 
 very nice Httle essay on " What is the failure of life ? " with 
 not even tlie formality of a text, and then a little of the 
 gospel, in its weakest form, followed by the following ^i-ac- 
 tical applications which we give almost verbatim : "Are we 
 then to give up the pleasm-es of hfe as Christians ? Why 
 should we ? Are we not commanded to rejoice ? It was Mr. 
 Spui-geon that said he could smoke a cigar to the glory of 
 God. And why cannot we play cricket, lawn tennis, etc., 
 and enjoy the pleasures of life to the glory of God ? " 
 We looked around with interest to see the faces of the 
 listeneiT,, and some of them were lighted up with radiant ap- 
 proval. Well, there are worse things than luwn tennis and 
 cricket, but the idea of sending out missionaries to preach 
 and practice such things was sad enough. One would think 
 that if a person wishes to live that kind of a life, the right 
 thing would be to stay at home and enjoy life like the world. 
 But can we wonder if the type of missionary life abroad is 
 no higher than the Christian life at home ? A pleasure-lov- 
 ing church will develop a self-indulgent ministry, and the 
 foreign fruit- will be like the parent tree. We have not come 
 abroad to criticise the workers in the field. We are much 
 more grieved with the spirit of the church at home. But we 
 may have to see and state facts as we tind them, and shall do 
 so kindly and fairly. 
 At late supper we saw some of the fruit of the sermon 
 we had been hearing. One of the young ladies was helping 
 herself to wine, in the midst of a little party that were evi- 
 dently disposed to have the rejoicing type of Christianity 
 that had been recommended, and she remarked amid a gen- 
 ,tle of the 
 wing ^rac- 
 : " AiH we 
 m ? Why 
 It was Mr. 
 le glory of 
 ennis, etc., 
 aces of the 
 radiant ap- 
 tennis and 
 !s to preach 
 rould think 
 e, the right 
 ) the world, 
 e abroad is 
 ry, and the 
 v^e not come 
 ''e are much 
 le. But we 
 and shall do 
 the sermon 
 was helping 
 at were evi- 
 amid a gen- 
 eral laugh: "This is not the way the China Inland would 
 think about it I"' Well, we hope that the China Inland 
 missionaries are not ashamed of the reproach, and we are 
 sure ours are not. 
 But we are glad to find that we have a real party of China 
 Inland missionaries on board, and dear, good girls they are. 
 There are eight of them, all ladies, on their way to their dis- 
 tant field, and we are quite at home with them already. They 
 are just like some of our own girls, and are glad to meet us, 
 as they know a good deal of our work. They are watching 
 for opportunities of service on board, and are wise and earnest 
 soul winners. We had the pleasure of spending an hour, the 
 last day we were on board, in a bless'ed little Bible-reading 
 with them in the saloon from 11 to 12, and the Master came 
 near to all our hearts and cheered us on our way. We formed 
 many common ties, and trust they, as well as we, received a 
 blessing. On the evening of our arrival at Port Said, they 
 gave a little account of their work in a public meeting on 
 board, and nmch good was done in a quiet way. 
 We have been reading the story of Paul's voyage to Rome 
 over this winter sea. We are crossing his very pathway, but 
 how different to-day ! And yet that lone man, with neither 
 Society, steamboat nor modern civilization behind him, ac- 
 complished more in a life-time for the evangelization of the 
 world than any whole generation since. The conditions of 
 human life are different to-day, and God would have us adapt 
 oui-selves to them in sending his Gospel to the world. Oh, 
 that we might ever catch His thought and meet His expecta- 
 tion for our generation ! 
iit iw t iir' 'AilK 
 The second night we sailed past the Grecian Isles in 
 glorious moonlight, and the following day we were nearly all 
 day long within two or three miles of the coast of Crete. 
 Candia is its modern name, but to us it has a sweetci nterest 
 as the parish of Titus, the friend of St. Paul, and one of the 
 early scenes of Apostolic Christianity. Its long western 
 shore is bold and barren looking, and but few human beings 
 seem to live on this rock-bound coast ; but, we doubt not, be- 
 hind these naked hills is many a sweet valley, and many a 
 throbbing human heart. The Cretianb did not have a very 
 high reputation when Paul wrote his letter to Titus, and they 
 have not improved it in modern times. But it is one of the 
 places we have claimed for Him who made all these scenes 
 for Himself, and shall yet cover them with his grace and 
 The blue Mediterranean is, indeed, as blue as it can be 
 painted or described. We have been wondering what could 
 possibly give these watei-s their exquisite hue. But we have 
 found the cause : it is as simple as it is beautiful, and it is 
 full of instruction. It all comes from the clear blue sky 
 above. It is just the reflection of the heavens above from the 
 calm bosom of the sea below ; and as these skies are clearer 
 and bluer than in our murky West, so these waters, likewise, 
 give back the glory they receive. 
 Surely, we need not interpret the figure. Would we have 
 in our lives the heavenly glory we must also receive it from 
 above. Our holiness is just the reflection of His Face. The 
 Mediterranean is nearer the central zone and under the more 
 ian Isles in 
 re nearly all 
 at of Crete. 
 }tei interest 
 one of the 
 ng western 
 man beings 
 mbt not, be- 
 and many a 
 have a very 
 lis, and they 
 I one of the 
 these scenes 
 8 grace and 
 18 it can be 
 what could 
 Jut we have 
 ul, and it is 
 ar blue sky 
 ove from the 
 J are clearer 
 3rs, likewise, 
 ould we have 
 eive it from 
 i Face. The 
 ier the more 
 direct reflection of the 8un and sky, and so it receives the 
 light of a brighter sky. And so the nearer we come to the 
 very centre of His Presence, the more richly will we give 
 back the glory of His life and light 
 May God keep us "beholding, as in a glass, the gloiy of 
 the Lord, to be changed into the same image from glory to 
 glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord 
 THERE are moments which we never forget. Such a 
 moment was that in which we caught the first glance 
 of the lighthouse at the mouth of the Nile. It seemecl 
 to bridge over forty centuries, and to bring us into touch 
 with the days of Abraham, Joseph, and the exodus of ancient 
 Israel. Right over yonder we could almost see the young 
 slave lad going down to the house of Potiphar, the little baby 
 floating among the reeds of the Nile, and the holy Babe and 
 mother passing down from Bethlehem to Egypt, very much 
 as we have seen the peasants to-day, traveling along on their 
 little donkeys or on the backs of their camels. There are 
 things that speak to the heart beyond the power of words. 
 There are realizations of things that no amount of reading can 
 ever give, and these two short days in Egypt have photo- 
 graphed upon our hoart and soul the strange life of this 
 unchangeable East, as first impressions are indelibly photo- 
 graphed, and as no words of ours, we fear, can reproduce 
 them to others. 
 The first Ught was Damietta, and, about two hours later, 
 the flash light of Port Said burst upon us, and an hour or 
 two afterward, we steamed in between the great bi'eastworks 
 that run two miles out into the Mediterranean, and were 
3t. Such a 
 I first glance 
 I. It seemed 
 into touch 
 IS of ancient 
 » the young 
 le little baby 
 ly Babe and 
 , very much 
 ong on their 
 There are 
 3r of words, 
 reading can 
 have photo- 
 life of this 
 sUbly photo- 
 1 reproduce 
 hours later, 
 an hour or 
 a, and were 
 anchored in the midst of a dozen other great ocean steam- 
 ships, in the mouth of the Suez Canal. 
 It is about a quarter of a century since this stupendous 
 triumph of modern engineering skill was opened, and it has 
 revolutionized the trade of the East. It cost about one hun- 
 dred million dollars, but is worth it. It has brought India 
 within little more than a fortnight of England, and the vol- 
 ume of trade that has already poured through may be esti- 
 mated by millions. The man, to whom more than any other 
 its success was due, was M. De Lesseps, of France, who, to- 
 day, stands before a Paris ti'ibunal with a sullied reputation, 
 and charged, along with others, with the grossest dishonesties 
 in connection with the Panama Canal enterprise. 
 He was backed in his enterprise chiefly by English gold, 
 and the British government has made this, in part at least, 
 the occasion for the military occupation of Egypt, as a guar- 
 antee for the payment of the interest on the enormous 
 national debt which has been increased by this and other 
 great public works. In fact, Egypt is almost in the position 
 of a British colony. This was made very plain the other day, 
 when the young and headstrong Khedive got angry with his 
 cabinet, and dismissed them summarily, without consulting 
 the English minister. He was requested by the British 
 government to reinstate them again in twenty-four hours, and a 
 contingent of British troops, within a few hours, had landed 
 at Suez to follow up the demand, if necessary, by prompt 
 action. The only concession made to him was to allow him 
 to appoint a new premier, but all the other members of the 
 an steani- 
 md it has 
 b one hun- 
 ght India 
 d the vol- 
 ly be esti- 
 any other 
 !, who, to- 
 jlish gold, 
 b at least, 
 15 a guar- 
 and other 
 8 position 
 other day, 
 y with his 
 16 British 
 Durs, and a 
 lad landed 
 )y prompt 
 allow him 
 ers of the 
 Egyptian government, we believe, wei-e replaced. In fact, 
 most of the chief officers of the Egyptian army are English, 
 and England intends to hold the country with a strong hand. 
 The little breeze has already blown past, and the tone 
 of public opinion seems to be with England. The only 
 Egyptians we have talked with have condemned the Khedive 
 as a foolish and hot-headed young fellow, who needed the 
 sharp lesson he received. 
 We found on reaching Port 8aid, that we should have to 
 wait two days for our steamer to Jaffa, and so we resolved 
 to take a quick trip up the canal to Ismalia and Cairo, leave 
 our heavy baggage there and return in time for the Saturday 
 steamer. This has given us an opportunity to see a little of 
 Egypt in passing, and on our return we shall have a few days 
 more to wait, in which we shall hope to see much more of 
 this wonderful old land. Wonderful, indeed, it is, a world 
 as different from ours, as if it were another planet ! 
 Here we are steaming slowly up the canal, while the 
 half -naked children are running along the bank keeping up 
 with the steamer, caUing out for "backshish," and picking 
 up. with eager delight, the oranges and pennies the people 
 throw to them on the sand-banks. The blessed children are 
 the same everywhere, — simple, happy, and beautiful ! The 
 faces of these little bronze Egyptian boys and girls are most 
 interesting, and some of them quite handsome, especially the 
 boys. They have learned the art of smihng to perfection. 
 When they want to sell you something, or get some "back- 
 shish" from you, they will look in your face as if you were the 
 dearest friend they had on earth. Sometimes you will stop 
 and look hard at a turbaned fellow who is smiling as if he 
 had known you for years, and you will stare at him and 
 wonder where you have met him before ; but, as you fail to 
 respond with something more substan*' xl, he will pass on, 
 with a look of disappoint- 
 ment, and tiy his fasci- 
 nating manners on some 
 one else. 
 Yesterday at Ismalia, 
 in the west quarter, wo 
 saw a butcher standi' j 
 beside a sheep he haa 
 just dressed and hungup 
 in the shambles, and it 
 was a perfect study to 
 see his face, as he stood 
 rubbing it down and pat- 
 ting it all over, and with 
 eyes lifted up to heaven, 
 was calling out "Allah, 
 Allah," and telling the 
 crowd what wonderful meat it was. He seemed quite 
 overcome with his emotions, and we could hardly tell 
 whether he was smiling or weeping, so deeply moved 
 was he about the quality of that sheep. His fine acting 
 was not thrown away, for the old women were gathering 
 round, and, as we left, he was beginning, with much con- 
 1 will stop 
 ig as if he 
 it him and 
 you fail to 
 ill pass on, 
 p- his fasci- 
 ;rs on some 
 at Ismalia, 
 juarter, wq 
 ir standi! 
 Bp he hiia 
 nd hung up 
 bles, and it 
 :t study to 
 as he stood 
 fu and pat- 
 r, and with 
 to heaven, 
 ut "Allah, 
 telling the 
 imed quite 
 hardly tell 
 )iy moved 
 fine acting 
 much con- 
 descension, to cut off little pieces, and let them have some of 
 that celestial mutton at exorbitant prices. 
 Here is a caravan of a dozen camels, with half a dozen 
 families, the women on the backs of the camels, the men 
 walking in stately fashion beside, and the children trotting 
 along behind. There, on our left, is a company of Arabs 
 and camels, starting out from Kantarah along the road that 
 leads to Syria. Here again are flocks of millions of birds, 
 flamingoes, ducks, geese, literally covering the water. Here 
 are stately palms as high as our forest trees ; and, on every 
 side, are great iieaps of desert sand, and away to the right 
 and left the great billowy desert, as far as the eye can reach. 
 We never saw such a color in the clouds. It seemed a sort 
 of reflection from the desert sand. And the sunset over 
 these western sand plains has a iniddy glow and a lingering 
 glory we have not seen before 
 It took our steamer nearly twelve hours to steam slowly 
 up from Port Said to Ismalia. There we disembariced in a 
 steam launch, and the ''Masiiilia" sailed on to India and 
 Australia, while the dear missionaries stood waving their 
 handkerchiefs from the deck in loving farewell, imtil we 
 should meot again, if the Lord will, in China. 
 We had a few hours at Ismalia before the train left for 
 Cairo, and we took a long walk through the town. The long 
 avenues of acacias were very solemn and beautiful. The 
 house of M. de Lesseps was here, and the headquarters of 
 the canal works. But the Arab quarter was the most inter 
 eating. The kind and obliging dragoman of Messre. Cook & 
 Son took US through the narrow streets and bazaars, and we 
 got a good view of genuine Arab life which we shall not for- 
 There are three or four thousand Arabs in this quarter of 
 the town, and among them were almost all other nationali- 
 ties, and, on very familiar terms, numerous families of goats, 
 donkeys, dogs and camels. These people live just as they 
 did in the days of Abraham. One gets a very vivid realiza- 
 tion of Patriarchal life by looking at them. Here are the 
 earthen pitcher, and water pots ; here are the people with 
 their beds of mats spread on the sidewalk, and sleeping all 
 night on the pavement, and in the morning taking up their 
 bed and going their way. Here are a. hun<?red things that 
 make the Bible real. But there is not much of Christ. One 
 or two natives that we have met are interested in these 
 things. The Custom House officer received us veiy cor- 
 dially, and told us he belonged to the American Mission, 
 Here, at Port Said, Mr. Locke has a good Mission work 
 among the sailors, and at Cairo the American Presbyterians 
 have a most excellent Mission, both of which we expect, D. 
 v., to see before we leave. The majority of the people are 
 Mohammedans. They are the most self-satisfied ^ unimpress- 
 ible people in the world. 
 We passed, in our hurried journey to Cairo, the battle- 
 field of Tel-el Kebir, where the British troops, under General 
 Woolsey, decided the fate of Egypt, a few years ago. The 
 next station to this is very interesting as being the site which 
 the latest explorers have identified as Ancient Pithom, one 
aars, and we 
 jhall not for- 
 lis quarter of 
 er nationali- 
 lies of goats, 
 just as they 
 '^ivid realiza- 
 lere are the 
 people with 
 sleeping all 
 ing up their 
 things that 
 Christ. One 
 ted in these 
 IS veiy cor- 
 dission work 
 ^e expect, D. 
 le people are 
 I J unimpress- 
 3, the battle- 
 ader General 
 •s ago. The 
 le site which 
 Pithom, one 
 of the great treasure cities the Israelites built for old 
 Eameses. This is the veritable land of Goshen, and while 
 the desert lies now close up to it on one side, yet, on the 
 other, the fields seem as fertile as ever in leeks and garlic 
 and all sorts of vegetable^. The land is rich and green. 
 Even in winter the peach trees are in blossom, and the 
 oranges are hanging from the trees, and they are deliciously 
 sweet, and can be bought, even from the exorbitant fruit 
 boys, for a cent apiece. The palms are magnificent, and the 
 dates are sold at the car windows in great quantities, and are 
 larger and finer than we get at home. 
 But from all these things • the Master turns our hearts 
 with a certain impatience to the things that are so much 
 more to His heart. The great world rushes to see these 
 things, and yet what does it care for Him ? There is no per- 
 son more thoroughly selfish than the modern traveller. 
 Cook's agent here was teUing us to-night of a party he took 
 lately to Palestine, and they all began complaining about 
 the inferior accommodations they were crowded into, until 
 he, himself, although not a believer in Christianity, b3gan to 
 preach to them and say to them, " Here you are all going to 
 the Holy Land, and professing to be drawn there by the love 
 of the Saviour, who lived and died there, and yet the poor 
 Mohammedan will put up with privations of every kind for 
 months, on his wearj- pilgrimages to the shrine of his 
 prophet, and even a heathen wiU bear anything to honor his 
 god, while you Christians are all angry, becauso, for a few 
 hours, you have an inferior room on account of an unusual 
 We should not want to be found long in the company of 
 the sight-seeing crowd. God is pressing on our heart the 
 need of this lost world, and we take a few brief days, as we 
 hurry past these interesting scenes, to learn a little from 
 their actual contact to enable us to make His word and His 
 work more real to others. 
 But God is not much interested in Luxor, Karnak, 
 Memnon, Thebes, or even Pithom He is not living in the 
 past, but in the future. The one event for which His heart 
 is waiting and longing is the coming of His Son, and the 
 redemption of the world for which He died. I^et us go forth 
 with Him in deeper earnestness, prayer and effort to claim 
 company of 
 nr heart the 
 days, as we 
 little from 
 )rd and His 
 or, Karnak, 
 living in the 
 ch His heart 
 Jon, and the 
 t us go forth 
 ort to claim 
 it. The most disheartening thing ahout these people is their 
 utter content with their false religions. Our guide at 
 Ismalia yesterday, as he smoked his chebook, and leisurely 
 drew the tobacco fumes through the long tube, and the ves- 
 sel of water that cooled and moistened it, looked the picture 
 of self-complacency. He told us he was a Mohammedan, 
 and that Mohammedans did not drink or lie, or do anything 
 gross or wrong. He, himself, had already been fasting for a 
 month in the great Rammadan, or three months' fast, and he 
 thought they were as perfect as people could be. Such 
 people ai-e sealed against the truth. Only the omnipotence 
 of God can reach them. But, one by one, He is drawing a 
 few, and we hope to have some fruit, even from the land 
 of Noph. 
 IT would seem aH if God had not intended Palestine to be a 
 commercial country, for it possesses no harbor on its 
 It is often impossible for ships to land passengers at 
 Jaffa at all, and within the last few weeks it has happened 
 more than once that the steamer has had to sail past this 
 port with all the passengers to Beirut, and then send down 
 by the next steamer, and then find they could not land after 
 all, and they had to take them back to Port Said. The only 
 approach to a harbor is a ledge of rocks lying about a quar- 
 ter of a mile from shore, parallel with the coast. On this 
 the surf beats wildly, but inside there is comparatively calm 
 water for small boats. But the entrance to this haven is 
 narrow, and only a lifeboat can make it, and then only with 
 a moderate sea running. When the waves are very high, no 
 boat can cross this bar. Only a month ago a boat was 
 swamped in trying to come in, and thirty passengers per- 
 ished. We saw the remains of the wrecked Russian steamer 
 to-day, from which our friends Messrs. Stacey and Sanford 
 so narrowly escaped a year ago. It was lying on the rocks 
 near the shore, still beating to pieces in the surf. 
 Therefore as we drew near Jaffa, qu Sabbath morning, 
stine to be a 
 arbor on its 
 issengei-s at 
 as happened 
 lil past this 
 1 send down 
 3t land after 
 1. The only 
 bout a quar- 
 jt. On this 
 atively calm 
 lis haven is 
 m only with 
 ery high, no 
 a boat was 
 sengers per- 
 3ian steamer 
 ind Sanford 
 m the rocks 
 bh morning, 
 February 5th, after a somewhat unpleasant night, we cam© 
 early on deck to see how things looked. Tt was just six 
 o'clock, and tlio sun was that moment rising out of the hills 
 of Judea, behind the rocky heights and bold, striking houses 
 of Joppa. The flouds were glorious, the background grand, 
 and the foreground superb. Tt was, indeed, the "city set on 
 a hill which cannot be hid," a worthy gateway to a great and 
 glorious land. 
 But the sea in front was rolling heavily, and the surf 
 was dashing high agunst the reef of rocks. Wo had just 
 anchored about two uules out. We could see boats moving 
 about inside tlie breakeis, but they did not seem willing to 
 venture out. At last, after about an hour, they began to 
 appear around tl("« point, tossing like waifs upon tho,billows. 
 But they manfully breasted the waves, and soon a dozen of 
 them were alongside our ship, and a hundred turbaned Arabs 
 contending for our baggage. We put ourselves under the 
 care of Messrs. Cook & Son, and their sturdy boatmen soon 
 had us all on board, and we rowed away to the shore. 
 By the blessing of the dear Lord we reached land in 
 safety. Some of our party were a little frightened, and 
 one corpulent American expressed himself more than satis- 
 fied with traveling, and said he was going straight to New 
 York as soon as he could get away from this sort of thing. 
 It was very interesting to see how skillfully the boatmen 
 watched the great waves, and rowed up and down their sides 
 80 as to escape their heaviest swell. The boatswain stood 
 behind and gave orders. When he saw a great billow in 
 t, we camo 
 UH just nix 
 of the hilU 
 king houses 
 )Uiul givand, 
 'city Bet oil 
 a groat and 
 nd the surf 
 Vo had just 
 )ats moving 
 1 willing to 
 ;y hegau to 
 the, billows, 
 1 a dozen of 
 )aned Arabs 
 9 under the 
 )atmen SQon 
 hed land in 
 [itened, and 
 than satis- 
 jbt to New 
 rt of thing, 
 ihe boatmen 
 n their sides 
 swain stood 
 at billow in 
 front, he would hold up his rowers until it nuuted down, and 
 wlien lie saw one coming up behind, he would shout out 
 "ruach ! rnach!" which we cuppose means rn.sh, and they 
 would fly like the wind. 
 One could scarcely imagine what a necessuty and import- 
 ant institution the Tourist office is, abroad, 'it u more than 
 worth all it costs, in the saving which it swui*;;' !;■> the trav- 
 i/io ^ of infinite inconvenience and trouble. We heard to-day 
 of an ridependent Englishman, who declared he could *laud 
 ^'t Jopj A for a franc, and refused all Cooks' services. The re- 
 H'llt W'-vd, that before he got his baggage through the CiPioms 
 *.ad at his hotel, he declared it had cost him several pounds. 
 They, certainly, are very kind and obliging, and although 
 we have only used their tickets for landing and short jour- 
 neys, aside from our main route, they could not have been 
 more courteous and attentive if we had given them thousands 
 of dollars. 
 Well, after we once got ashore, we were repaid for all 
 our trouble. Our first act was to get alone in our room, and 
 on our knees thank God for His great goodness, and then 
 ■claim this glorious land for Christ. Then, after breakfast, it 
 was a perfect luxury to sit down in the garden, back of the 
 hotel, and take in the whole situation. 
 Here, in midwinter, we were sitting in air as balmy as 
 May, with flowers of every tint blooming all about us, acres 
 of orange groves heavy with their Langing ripe fruit just 
 over the walls, birds singing in the branches, and a strange 
 ineffable sense of sweetness and sacredness all around ; and 

 over all else, the delightful consciousness that this was the 
 laud where He lived and died, and to which He so soon was 
 coming back again. 
 It was like a delight- 
 ful dream. 
 The morning ser- 
 vice in the English 
 Church called us 
 from these thoughts 
 to worship God, for 
 the first time, in Pal- 
 estine, and it was a 
 great privilege to be 
 able to do so even in 
 this special form of 
 In the afternoon,, 
 we took a walk ta 
 call on a friend in. 
 the Enghsh Hospital, 
 and met a number of 
 delightful Christian 
 ladies there, and had 
 an opportunity to see 
 this well-managed 
 Institution where 
 quite a number of Syrian and Arab patients were becom- 
 ing acquainted with the humane side of Christianity, and 
 opening their hearts to Christ. 
lis was the 
 o soon was 
 (ack again. 
 :e a delight- 
 oming ser- 
 ihe English 
 called us 
 se thoughts 
 ip God, for 
 ;ime, in Pal- 
 id it was a 
 vilege to be 
 so even in 
 ;ial form of 
 a walk to 
 a friend in 
 ish Hospital, 
 a number of 
 il Christian 
 ere, and had 
 tunity to see 
 on where 
 svere becom- 
 stianity, and 
 One of the workers told us that there was a real move- 
 ment among the Mohammedans of Syria and Palestine 
 toward Christianity, but few of these had the courage to 
 come out boldly, as the persecutions were very bitter, some 
 being liable to ass-ssination by their friends, others to be 
 drafted into the army and thus got out of the way. She 
 said they were, however, laying a train of powder under the 
 enemies' walls, and, some day, the great explosion was 
 coming to this r stem, and then their work would tell. 
 We found, in talking with the intelligent dragomans and 
 others, that there is a universal dislike to the Turkish govern- 
 ment, which is the one obstruction to the progress of this 
 glorious land. The Turk simply holds it to extort money 
 from the people. The taxation is so heavy that it hardly 
 pays to attempt any industry. An English lady lately offered 
 $180,000 to bring pure water from Hebron to Jerusalem, but 
 the Turk only tried to get her money, and she was wise 
 enough to refuse it unless she was permitted to construct the 
 works, and this was refused. Jerusalem and Palestine are 
 trodden down of the Gentiles, but the iron heel is lifting, and 
 the day of deliverance is surely nigh. 
 We next went, of course, to see the house of Simon, the 
 Tanner, and climbed up to the roof where Peter saw the 
 vision from heaven and got his Jewish prejudices broadened. 
 The building i^, probably, no older than the time of the 
 Crusaders ; but the site is most likely the same as Peter's real 
 home. We found it a good place, at least, to look up to the 
 si;:.me heavens whence God gave him the first commission of 
 the gospel for the Gentiles, and on this, our first Sabbath in 
 the Holy Land, ask for a renewal of our commission to give 
 the gospel to the Gentile world. 
 Walking through the thronging streets, even on this holy 
 day, we could not help seeing the strangest scenes. The 
 bazaars were crowded with every sort of ware. The market- 
 place was a living swarm of Arabs, Turks, Syrians, men, 
 women, children, fowls, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and every 
 sort of ware and vender. 
 As we turned to go down to Simon's house, a long 
 funeral procession was just coming out of the Greek Church. 
 It was most striking. A young man of wealth and influence 
 had just died. The young men of the town were carrying 
 the bier on their hands, high up above their heads, and chant- 
 ing a plaintive cadence, about his goodness and his loss. The 
 women were robed in pure white and were following close 
 behind, screaming in a wild, piercing way, that almost 
 sounded like acting. We were told by our attendant that 
 they were not hired mourners, but his sisters and friends. 
 As we came back, half an hour later, they were gathered 
 around the grave in the cemetery, still making the same 
 strange cries intermingled with the dirges of the men. We 
 waited awhile, and the sad, wild notes still went on. We 
 felt sad for the hopeless sorrow of the world. We asked 
 our guide, who was a Greek Christian, if there was any hope 
 in it, and he said, "No," — it was all sorrow and gloom. He 
 said, in Syria, they often kept up the mourning until some 
 of the relatives died of grief within a few days after. 
 Sabbath in 
 lion to give 
 on this holy 
 3enes. The 
 ?he market- 
 rians, men, 
 , and every 
 jse, a long 
 3ek Church, 
 ad influence 
 »re carrying 
 \, and chant- 
 is loss. The 
 owing close 
 hat almost 
 Bndant that 
 ind friends, 
 re gathered 
 g the same 
 } men. We 
 at on. We 
 We asked 
 as any hope 
 gloom. He 
 until some 
 As we turned homeward from this scene, we overtook a 
 Moslem marriage procession. A little girl was walking in 
 front carrying a long wax candle, to be presented by tbe 
 bride to the bridegroom. A lot of women in white, heavily 
 veiled, were walking behind, chanting, or rather screaming, 
 some bridal song. But the notes and tones were just the 
 same as the ciies we had heard at the funeral procession- 
 shrill, feminine shrieks, in a high key, and we could only 
 hope that this was not a specimen of the tones in which the 
 hride was to address her husband for their future life. Here 
 our attendant told us that the marriage ceremony would be 
 performed that night by tbe Sheik, and this taper would be 
 kept burning all ni>i-ht while the wedded pair would sleep all 
 the first night with s -(;rd and a copy of the Koran between 
 them, separating them first unto Allah, before they should 
 he united to each other. 
 What absurd scenes meet one at every turn ! Here is an 
 Arab whose horse is running away. The Arab is sitting on 
 liis back, without bridle or rein, pulling fiercely at the horse's 
 mane and trying to stop him, while he is calling out pite- 
 •ously, oce, oce, oce which means v/hoa ! whoa ! whoa ! and 
 calling on everybody to stop the animal. But the hoise 
 keeps on, leaping past the numerous Arabs that try to head 
 him off, until he and his rider are lost in the distance in a 
 cloud of dust. The Arab seemed determined not to lose his 
 horse even if he lost his life. 
 Here is a little boy driving a donkey along the road. He 
 is a very small boy and a very obstinate and shrewd donkey. 
 The boy is crying bitterly because the donkey won't go, but 
 will insist on stopping at the nice bits of grass that grow by 
 the hedge and having a leisurely breakfast. The boy is, evi- 
 dently, afraid of the donkey, and the donkey, evidently, 
 knows it. Every few minutes the boy, in a whimpering tone, 
 goes up pretty near the donkey, tells him to go on, pre- 
 tends to strike him, but keeps far enough off just to graze 
 his tough back. And the donkey in the most amusing 
 fashion just turns his hind legs in a threatening manner, 
 which seems to say more loudly than words, " Now, you just 
 look out ! " The animal does not mean to hurt him, for they 
 are harmless little creatures not much bigger than sheep, but 
 only to scare him, and this he has already done most thor- 
 oughly. At last, the boy does the most sensible thing in his 
 power, he appeals to a big Arab, who takes the club out of 
 tho boy's hands, gives the donkey such a thrashing as he will 
 not soon forget, and sends him on his way a more penitent 
 and willing donkey than would have been possible any other 
 Well, there is one thing we can all do when our enemies 
 are too strong for us. If we have not courage to face them 
 ourselves, we can call on One that is stronger than we or 
 they. The devil is not afraid of us, but he is of Him. 
 We have met some very excellent Christian people. 
 Just before leading Port Said we called on the excellent mis- 
 sionary of the Sailor's Rest, Mr. Locke, a former Salvation 
 Army worker of Toronto: He is carrying on a work of 
 faith, for the sailors of all nations, who crowd that port. 
I't go, but 
 it grow by 
 boy is, evi- 
 3ring tone, 
 o on, pre- 
 t to graze 
 t amusing 
 g manner, 
 ir, you just 
 n, for they 
 sheep, but 
 most thor- 
 ling in his 
 lub out of 
 J as he will 
 •e penitent 
 any other 
 ir enemies 
 face them 
 lan we or 
 m people, 
 lellent mis- 
 • Salvation 
 a work of 
 it port. 
 We met at the same place a brave pioneer missionary, 
 who IS laboring upon Karak Moab. This is, perhaps, the 
 ancient Ku-, mentioned so often in Isaiah. He is far beyond 
 the hmits yet reached by other missions in Palestine, and is 
 now on his way to a very bold, exploring journey, in com- 
 pany with a friend, to cut his way through the heart of 
 Arabia, from the Persian Gulf, and see if he can open a line 
 for missionary work into that yet unoccupied land. We 
 ha/e just met at Jaffa the Missionary Secretary of the Y M 
 C. A. or England, who has been planting branches of the Y 
 M. C A. at Gibraltar, Malta, Cairo, and other eastern points 
 and has formed a fine branch in Jerusalem. 
 So God is girdling the- earth with points of light, and 
 preparing to gather His people out of all nations and kindred 
 and peoples and tongues for His coming. 
 THEY have not been many — only seven — but they have 
 been memorable. We came from Egypt to Canaan, 
 only a week ago, and now we go forth from Jerusa- 
 lem, as the Lord may enable us, to the uttermost parts of 
 the earth. This is surely the divine order ; may it be in the 
 fullness of the divine blessing ! 
 It never occurred to us, until we reached Jerusalem that 
 we were beginnmg our visit to the heathen world at Jerusa- 
 lem, exactly according to the apostolic plan. We are very 
 glad it has been so arranged, in the wise and precious provi- 
 dence of God, for it has enabled us to looh at the field, we 
 believe, from the Master's standpoint, and from the true cen- 
 tre of all Chrislian work. 
 We left Jaffa for Jerusalem on Monday, Feb. 6th, by the 
 new railway. It seemed almost a desecration to hear the 
 locomotive whistle among the sacred hills of Judah, but 
 after one has travelled ten hours by carriage or horseback 
 over a modern Palestine road, be will vote for the railway 
 every time he has an opportunity. We are very glad to 
 know that two more are under way, farther north, connect- 
 ing Haiffa, Beyrut, Noblous, Damascus, and the Persian 
 Gulf, and we pray that they may be hastened 
 60 • 
 they have 
 5 Canaan, 
 n Jenisa- 
 ; parts of 
 be in the 
 ilem that 
 it Jerusa- 
 s are very 
 )U8 provi- 
 field, we 
 true cen- 
 th, by the 
 hear the 
 idah, but 
 e railway 
 Y glad to 
 , connect- 
 The new road to JeruHaleni leads across the famous and 
 fertil(3 ])]ain of Sharon, where we gathered a few of the 
 beautiful scarlet flowers, of the anemone family, that were 
 out in carpets of bloom, and which some have called "the 
 Rose pf Sharon, " 
 . 1 left we could see Bethhoron, where Joshua fought his 
 great battle, and Gibeon and Ajalon, and wh. he commanled 
 the sun and moon to stand still and prolong tht day, until his 
 victory should be made complete. 
 Th'^ ^ '"v.'^ows a natural wady or stream in the moun- 
 tains, and really has no serious engineering difticultios to 
 t;ontend with. It climbs the moimtains by an easy grade, 
 twenty-seven hundred feet, to the level of Jerusalem. The 
 valley through which it runs is a fine sample of thousands of 
 others in this wondrous land, and the moment we saw it 
 we understood the secret of ancient Israel's prosperity and 
 teeming population. 
 These hills have all, at oih' time, been terraced fr< ii val- 
 ley to bi>nimit in narrow ledges, built up like steps of stairs, 
 eacii little terrace supported by : wall of stone and covered 
 above with earth, and then planted with vines, fig >, and olives 
 In ancient times it must have been a 'beautiful sif'ht tt 
 these lo , and winding valleys, reacn.ng away up to the 
 clouds, and covere<i with their thick, rich terrac< gre^a 
 an J. bloom. 
 The effect of the hills was, )f course, to multiply the c. 
 tent ar size of the land many times over, and reallv give the 
 counti^ an area and extent greatly xceeding its appai< nt 
 size A Scotchman once said to a bo. sting Englishman that 
 if the hills of Scotl nd were all flattened out it vould make 
 two England?. The same is really t "ue of Palestine. Many 
 of the terrrr^es are in ruins, much ' the soil has washed 
 .aw ', anf^ few of the vines, t gs and olives arw to be seen ; 
 fought his 
 r, until his 
 ;he moun- 
 icUltit38 to 
 asy j-^rade, 
 lem. The 
 rmsands of 
 we saw it 
 perity and 
 fr( ii val- 
 1 of stairs, 
 id covered 
 and ohves. 
 j;ht t( <\ 
 up to the 
 aly the c. 
 ily give the 
 s apparn r 
 hman that 
 ould make 
 ne. Many 
 as washed 
 be seen ; 
 but one can see from the niins what the past must have lx)en. 
 There is much desolation in this Innd ; tliousands of hills 
 and valleys, once green ai). itful, are but heaps of stones ; 
 >ut there is not as much desolation as we expected. Again 
 an< again have we seen beautiful plains, like Sharon, fer- 
 tile as a garden, lovely vineyards and olivj-vanla, like thewe 
 of Ranialeh, Breroth and Hebrf)n, where \y>v acres, and al- 
 most miles, there was nothing but luxuriant trees and plants, 
 and the amplest evidence that, with proper industry i»nd 
 cultivatinii, and the blessing of God, the laud could soon be 
 restored to its former prosperity. 
 Most of the numerous (Colonies planted in Palestine by 
 Kothschild, Hirsch and others, have been completely success- 
 ful. Many of them have to-day the most flourishing vineyards, 
 oliveyards, orchards and industries of v; lious kinds, and are 
 fully paying all expenses and a good d.al more. The oranges 
 of Jaffa, the grapes of Hebron, and the tigs and olives of the 
 whole land aie ecjual, if not superior, to any in the world. 
 The rains are truly returning to the country. The very 
 best authorities, pt rsons that have lived here for more than a 
 quarter oL a century, have assured us that the climate is, in- 
 deed, hanging, doubtless fronv the direct blessing of heaven, 
 and partly irom the natural effect of increasing cultivation. 
 The greatest hindrance is the wretched government. It does 
 all it can to keep back western progress and improvement, 
 and to hold the people down by the yoke of taxation and 
 every kind of selfish, depressing [wlicy, Th effect of this is 
 to discourage a people naturally indolent, apathetic and in- 
 different. A more industrious, intelligent and aggressive 
 people vsrould soon make Palestine a land of prosperity. One 
 need only look at the roads where travelling is dangerous from 
 the heaps of stones that, 1 tally, lie piled on every path, 
 when a very trifling amount of labor would clear the tracks 
 , like these 
 •leH, and al- 
 and plants, 
 idustry ;iiid 
 lild Hoon bo 
 *ale8tiiio by 
 ely success - 
 ^ vineyards, 
 ids, and are 
 The oranges 
 lives of the 
 e world. 
 . The very 
 more than a 
 imate i&, in- 
 j of heaven, 
 snt. It doe» 
 axation and 
 ft of this is 
 letic and in- 
 l aggressive 
 jerity. One 
 gerous from 
 every path, 
 r the trackii 
 /'./)-.v /A' r.u./:sTf\/:. 
 and make splendid macadami/cd roads, for the foundations 
 are ius solid m rocks, ever since the days of the Honuins who 
 built them. 
 Many of tlie helds are just as bad, literally [Kicked witli 
 rocks, and yet a lazy Moslem will go in with liis crooked 
 stick tbat ho calls a plough, and scratch up the soil a little, 
 and throw in some grain among the rocks, and let it come up 
 and grow the best it can, and he calls this farming ; while a 
 little farther on, a thrifty (J reek oi- foreigner lias gathered out 
 the rocks, built a nice fence with them along the side of the 
 field, and has a beautiful and bountiful harvest. 
 But we have reached the suburbs of Jerusalem. On our 
 left is the German colony, which has been growing \i\) for 
 fifteen years, and now looks like a prosperous city by itself, 
 with its new well-built stone houses and good streets. A few 
 scattered houses stand in other directions, and in the distance 
 a straggling point or two of mosque and minaret tell us that 
 over the edge of yonder hill lies— Jerusalem. 
 Wo step from the car. Our dear friends. Miss Robertson 
 and Miss Dunn, are waiting to welcome us; and, indeed, it 
 feels like home. Of course, we walk to their home. This 
 first vision of Jerusalem must not be shut out by carriage 
 windows. And so, giving our baggage to an Arab, and send- 
 ing our dear sisters on by the short road home, we accept the 
 kind invitation of a good missionary brother to walk with us 
 aroun I the wall, homeward, and get, at least, a partial view 
 of the City of Ages. 
 Ah ! there it is at last. We have reached the brow of the 
 hill, and, lo ! it lies at our feet. 
 That is the valley of the Gihon, running into the valley 
 of Hinnoni, just below us. Right across it is the height of 
 Zion and the tower of David. Farther away, on the other 
 side of the City, the great valley of Jehoshaphat runs down 
 to meet Hinnom, and about where they meet is Aceldama ; 
 and then it sweeps on, away down to the Dead Sea and the 
 valley of the Jordan, whose great, black, rocky walls rise 
 yonder at the end of Jehoshaphat's Vale, apparently only two 
 or three miles away. Across the valley of the Jehoshaphat 
 is another mountain with a tall tower on its summit; that is 
 ..,,ii HjF;jp:i 
 the valley 
 le height of 
 1 the other 
 runs down 
 Aceldama ; 
 ea and the 
 walls rise 
 rly only two 
 nit; that is 
 — Olivet. Farther to the right is the Mount of Offence, and 
 away to the left are the white houses of crowded Jerusalem. 
 We walk through the Jaffa Gate and the Street of David, 
 and through a lot of dark, overarched lanes thronged with 
 Arabs and their children, and their sheep, and their dogs, and 
 their wares, past great ecclesiastical buildings and streets, 
 and sc-enes that call up a thousand associations, out the 
 Damascus Gate on the north, and on through the new city 
 that has grown up outside its northern walls, untir We reach 
 an iron gate and a pleasant house front. We cross the thres« 
f !s;J>^ iVAj I- # SijsE 
 hold, and we are at home in Jerusalem, in the house of our 
 dear Martha p id Mary, only both are Marys ; and the Lord 
 is also there. 
 They were days like a dream, — busy, bhssed, sacred, 
 useful we trust — God-touched we know, and impossible to 
 describe or reproduce to our readers we fear, but never- to be- 
 forgotten days in dear Jei'usalem. 
 The least part of the interest and blessing of those days 
 was the opportunity of seeing the city and the land. And 
 yet this was a great pleasure and opportunity, even in the 
 limited time we had, and we were enabled to see much, and 
 understand and realize what years of study, at a distance, 
 could never have made so real. Of course, the time at our 
 disposal would not pemiit our going to Northern Palestine, 
 and so we confined ourselves to a few of the chief scenes of 
 interest within twenty miles of Jerusalem. 
 Jerusalem must ever be the centre of interest for every 
 Christian traveler in Palestine. There are many things there 
 which chiefly interest the antiquarian and archaeologist. 
 For us, there were three or four spots which overshadowed 
 all else. We cared little for the Church of the Holy Sepul- 
 chre, for we were quite sure it was not the scene of our Sa- 
 viour's death and resurrection, and all its clouds of incense, 
 priestly mummeries, and splendid decorations only wearied 
 and disgusted us. We took no interest in the mosaics and 
 carvings and splendid stained glass windows of the Mosque 
 of Omar, and only wanted to see the place where Abraham 
 offered his sacrifice, and David and Solomon reared the Tem- 
 w mma& 
 ouse of our 
 ul the Lord 
 sed, sacred, 
 iipossible to 
 never- to be- 
 l those days 
 land. And 
 even \i\ the 
 ( much, and 
 a distance, 
 time at our 
 n Palestine, 
 ef scenes of 
 3t for every 
 things there 
 Holy Sepul- 
 3 of our Sa- 
 j of incense, 
 nly wearied 
 mosaics and 
 the Mosque 
 sre Abraham 
 •ed the Tern- 
 through which most probably He passed that Wednesday 
 night as He went out to Bethany, and delivered His predic- 
 tions respecting His second coming. John xiv ; xv ; xvi. 
 We were interested, of course, in visiting the tower of 
 David and the place of his tomb on Mount Zion, and seeing 
 in one of the deep excavations some remains, probably, of 
 the very masonry erected by the Jebusites, from whom Joab 
 captured the stronghold, three thousand years ago. Many a 
 Greek and Latin and Armenian structure we saw commem- 
 orating some supposed scene of sacred history, the Via Dolo- 
 ■flwufrar^Mi »imA% ■ ^mtMK\ m ii 
■ ,1 „».''l« * # " >i 
 His predic- 
 :v ; xvi. 
 le tower of 
 and seeing 
 )robably, «>f 
 whom Joab 
 o. Many a 
 V commeni- 
 e Via Dolo- 
 rosa, the Judgment Hall, the Pool of Bethesda ; all these 
 were interesting in their way. 
 But there were three places that were all-absitrbing. 
 The first was "the place called Calvary." At a glance it 
 was evident that it could not have been the spot where 
 Greeks, Latins and Armenians have contended for centuries 
 for preeminence, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, for that 
 is far inside the walls of Jerusalem, and must ever have been 
 so. But outside the Damascus Gate, or rather St. Stephen's 
 "There is a green hill far away, 
 Beside a city wall," 
 and even a glance impi-esses one almost instinctively that 
 this must have been the place. It is the -very shape «»f a 
 skull, as Golgotha was. And right beside it is a garden, and 
 under its brow an unfinished tomb, where only one seems 
 ever to have lain, and where can be dimly traced a sign of 
 tht .ross ; and here the enlightened scholarship of the last 
 few yeaxj has almost unanimcrisly located the scene where 
 J'3sn.^ died and rose again. 
 It iT no-v\ a Moslem burial place, covered with tombs. 
 There is one great rock in it, all torn to pieces, as if by a vio- 
 lent earthquake. There are no offensive Greek and Latin 
 churches and superstitious rites, but all is simple, natural, 
 plain, and indeed bare, and almost desolate-looking, as be- 
 fits the true significance of His cross. We lingered awhile, 
 looked into the locked tomb, where, perhaps, John had once 
 gazed, gathered some hyssop from the wall, and ]»assed on. 
 Our heart was not as deeply touched as it was later. He 
 was not there. Every instinct pressed us forward to a more 
 sacred si)ot. 
 A little walk took us to the Kedron and the gardens that 
 cover quite a considerahle area around tlie place where He 
 must have crossed. The Latins have enclosed one of these 
 spaces and called it 
 Gethseniane, and all 
 around these walls 
 have set up their 
 graven images and 
 painted representa- 
 tions of the various 
 scenes. They have 
 also a chapel of the 
 Virgin,and her tomb. 
 There are many olive 
 trees, and one that 
 is at least one thou- 
 sand years old. We 
 got a few leaves 
 from it through the kindness of the monk in charge. We 
 could but wish that some of the more quiet i)laces around 
 were the trut places. The English Christians are fond of 
 going a little farther out to an unmarked garden and praying 
 there in remembrance of His night of agony. 
 But our hearts were not able to rest even here. On- 
 ward with our guide, a Christian gentleman and a mission- 
later. He 
 to a more 
 rdens that 
 where He 
 le of these 
 [i called it 
 ne, and all 
 hese walls 
 up their 
 nages and 
 ,he various 
 Ihey have 
 ipel of the 
 i her tomh. 
 many olive 
 I one that 
 i one thou- 
 s old. We 
 iw leaves 
 large. We 
 ices around 
 ire fond of 
 ,nd praying 
 here. On- 
 a mission- 

 aiy, residing in Jerusalem, we passed near where He had 
 passed, up the side of nin t, which we found much n arer 
 thau we ha'.l supposed, not hal > mile awa} Half way up 
 the mountain we got a grand vew of Jerusalem, wlr '> is 
 the best point of view by tar. Absalom's tomb Rtan<i . in 
 the forej^round in the valle) with i few old ob c irees, and 
 across tlie valley of Jehoshapl.at on the walls of Moriah and 
 the Mosque of Omar, where the Temple stood. Ba< k ot this 
 lies the great city with its many ^ uildings, almost eveiy one 
 visible having some strange story. 
 But this was little to us. We > I sed on untii w<- 
 reached the summit of the Mount, o. i climbed the hij^ 
 tower, from which we could see the whole land and the d* 
 valley of the Jordan, and the Dead ^-a .a the west. Prom 
 the Greek Church near by a distinguished funeral procession 
 was passing. We paused a little and still pressed on,~on to 
 Bethany, which lay round the mountain on the north side 
 and beyond a second little hill-top. It was to this our heart 
 was pressing forward— the Mount of Ascension. Yes, this 
 was the cUmax of all our journey, and all His, too. " He 
 led them out as far as to Bethany, and He lifted up His hands 
 and blessed them. And it came to pass, while He blessed 
 them, He was parted from them, and carried up into 
 There on the rocky hillside we sat down, with the little 
 town at our feet, and the higher mountain top above us, just 
 hiding the great city from view, and a deep divine, imspeak- 
 able sweetness fell upon cfur spirit. We were so glad there 
re He had 
 iich I arer 
 alf way up 
 a, whi li is 
 » fltan«l- ill 
 irees, an<l 
 VIoriah and 
 a( k of this 
 , ev» sv one 
 »n until w<' 
 \ the hig' 
 id the de< 
 est. From 
 on, —on to 
 north side 
 8 our heart 
 Yes, this 
 too. " He 
 ) His hands 
 He hlessed 
 d up into 
 h the little 
 3ve us, just 
 e, ujispeak- 
 glad there 
 J). I ) .s /.v P.U./:STl.\E. 
 •was no clnircli to mark the spot. We were ho ^lad the great 
 city was shut off from view. We w«re so glad the noisy 
 Arabs, with their cries of "backshish," came not there. We 
 were i^lad that (iod had k«»pt tliis holy place from the 
 swinging censers, and noisy chants, and tumultuous proces- 
 sions, that have desecrated almost every sacred spot in Jeru- 
 8al< 111. There was no one near us but the Christian friend 
 \,y our side, and the Presence that brought back all the Past, 
 and filled the mountain-side with living forms again. 
 We gave up our whole heart to the luxury of that mo- 
 r..iRG/:R ocTf.ooKS ox Affssfox.iRY i.Ayns. 
 iiieut. Wo know He had niet iH. Wo realized iu the depths 
 (.f our being that He wiis our Living, Everlasting and Pres- 
 ont Lord. We felt He had gathered us into the Company of 
 the Ascension ones, and with us a great and glorious com- 
 l)any of many dear ones away across two seas, whom He 
 made so real, in that moment, to oiu- att'oction ; and together 
 He took us into the Heavoidy Places, and the Ascension 
 Life, and we knew that we should he gathoied on that sacred 
 spot once more, ere long, when He shall comr again, "and 
 His feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives." 
 It was one of those moments that setMu to focus a life- 
 time and all we have ever known and felt and hoped into 
 one instant of intense and divine realization. Hours after- 
 ward, the deep, sweet thrill lingered above every thought or 
 sensation, and it lingers still, and forever will linger— a 
 mountain-top of memory, hope and love. 
 Sweet OHvet, sweet Bethany, 
 My heart shall oft remember thee ; 
 Where Jesus left for heaven alwve, 
 With hands outspread in parting love, 
 And whnre some glorious d'<y He'll come 
 To bring His scitt'-red children home. 
 Sweet Olivet, sweet Wethany, 
 Sweet Lord, I will remember Thee. 
 We made a pleasant missionary call at Bethany on alone 
 and faithful worker, and found that there was a good deal 
 of interest among the Moslems of the place in her work. 
 This dear sister, Miss Crawford, of England, has built a 
 house here, and is living at her own expense, and workirig 
 among the people with a good deal of encouvagemi .it. 
 the (lopths 
 and Pres- 
 ompany of 
 riouH com- 
 whoiii Ho 
 id togother 
 that sacred 
 f;ain, '*and 
 3CU8 a life- 
 hoped into 
 [ours after- 
 thought or 
 11 linger — a 
 ny on a lone 
 a good deal 
 I her work, 
 has built a 
 md working 
 // 'AS' 
 IB Kb 
 1.4 IIIIII.6 
 WEBSTER, t4.Y. M580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 
 Another English lady, Miss Atley, has also a mission 
 home and work on the sunmiit of Ohvet. Our limited time 
 did not permit us to meet her, hut we had very delightful 
 fellowship with her excellent father, who usually resides and 
 lahors with her, hut whom we met at Jaffa, where he is at 
 present supplying a post of service temporarily. 
 The walk home took us along the Jericho road, and the 
 veiy route, no doubt, that Jesus traversed when He came 
 down from Bethpage and Bethany, on the little colt, and 
 met the multitude, and afterwards entered Jerusalem in the 
 triumphal procession. There is a point where the road 
 makes an abrupt turn around the mountain, and the city 
 comes fully into view. It was here that Jesus wept over 
 Jerusalem, and predicted its speedy and utter overthrow. 
 Luke xix : 41-4-i. . 
 We reached our home about two o'clock, having lived 
 vears in one brief, eventful morning. The afternoon was 
 'spent in visiting many objects of deep interest i«i the city, 
 and the evening found a dehghtful company of Christian 
 workers and missionaries gathered together at the home ox 
 our dear hostesses to welcome us, and h.ar some message 
 from the Master, whose presence seemed so near. 
 Blessed "City of our God, and mountain of His hoh- 
 ness Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is 
 Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the City of the Great 
 King Walk about Zion, and go round about her ; tell the 
 towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her 
 palax^s ; that ye may tell it to the generation following. 
 a mission 
 imited time 
 y delightful 
 ■ resides and 
 fieve he is at 
 sad, and the 
 3n He came 
 tie colt, and 
 saleni in the 
 re the road 
 md the city 
 IS wept over 
 • overthrow. 
 having lived 
 'ternoon was 
 t in the city, 
 of Christian 
 i the home of 
 ome message 
 1 of His holi- 
 rhole earth, is 
 ' of the Great 
 i her ; tell the 
 , consider her 
 ion following. 
 Hh will be our Guide 
 For this is our God foiever and ever 
 even unto death." 
 Nay rru)r.. : •• For they that trust in the Loi-d shall he as 
 Mount Zion, which cannot he removed, hut ahideth forever." 
 '•As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the J.ord 
 is round about His people from henceforth, even forever." 
 Psa. xlviii : 1, 2, 12 U; cxxv : 1, 2. 
 One very pleasant day of our short stay in Jerusalem 
 was spent in a horseback journey to the North. Rising be- 
 fore daylight, a party of four started as soon as we could get 
 off, along the road that leads up the hill of Scopus, and out 
 towards Nablous, Tiberias and Damascus. 
 The first point of special interest was the old town of 
 Anathoth. It had for us an intense interest as the home of 
 Jeremiah, and the scene of that beautiful incident, Jer. 
 xxxii: 8 .. where the prophet, in Jerusalem's darkest days, 
 when the Chaldeans occupied the land and the city was 
 about to fall, was commanded to take a bold, and apparently 
 unreasonable step of faith, by investing his money, perhaps 
 all that he had, in a field in Anathoth, as a guarantee that 
 the land was coming back again to the people of God. Often 
 has the old story taught us the secret of faith, and the ne- 
 cessity of stepping out in advance of all seemings, and tnist- 
 ing God in the dark. 
 It was very interesting to stand for a little on the echo- 
 ing hill-side tHat looks down upon the deep valley of the 
 Dead Sea and the Jordan, and hear across twenty-six cen- 
 turies the echo (for that is what the word Anathoth means) 
 of the same old faith, which has ever heeu the watchword of 
 God's host ; and, we tnist, we were enabled to echo back 
 again the words, "I will trust." 
 Returning to the main road, we passed on by Mob, 
 tj\ >x<JU,^Ca#^' 
 I Sam. xxi, xxii ; Gibeah of Saul and Micmash, I Sam. xiii. 
 xiv . Ramah, the home and burial place of Samuel, and many 
 other places teeming with sacred associations. This was the 
 highway of the Assyrian and Chaldean armies, when they 
 marched against Jerusalem; Isaiah has given a most vivul 
 vatchvvord of 
 to echo ba(.k 
 on by Nob, 
 sh, I Sam. xiii. 
 nuel, and many 
 This was the 
 lies, when they 
 n a most vivid 
 picture of this whole region, in his dramatic panorama of tho 
 Assyrian March, Isaiah x : 2S-n2 : "He is come to Aiuth, 
 he is passed to Migron ; at Micmash he hath laid up his car- 
 riages ; they are gone over the passage ; they have taken up 
 their lodging at Geba ; Kamah is afraid ; Gibeah of Saul is 
 fled. Lift up the voice, daughter of Gallim ; cause it to bo 
 heard with Laish, poor Anathoth. , . . As yet he shall 
 remain at Nob that day : he shall shake his hand against the 
 mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem." 
 And so, in succession, the eye of the seer beholds the con- 
 queror's approach, amid scenes of terror, through the villages 
 that mark this road. Our objective point, however, was 
 Bethel, the place of Abraham's altar and Jacob's Ladder, and 
 the symbol of Jehovah's Covenant with His people in all tho 
 generations. Often liad we sung and prayed — 
 *'0 God of Bethel, by whose hand 
 Thy people still are fed, 
 Who through this weary pilgrimage 
 Hast all oi:r fatheis led, 
 Our vows, our prayers, we now present, 
 Before Thy throue of grace ; 
 God of our fathers, be the God 
 Of their succeeding race. 
 "Through each perplexing path of life 
 Our wandering footsteps guide ; 
 Give us each day our daily bread 
 And raiment tit provide ; 
 O spread Thy covering wings around, 
 Till all our wand<r rings cease. 
 And at our Father's loved abode 
 Our souls arrive in i)eace. " 
 The i)i'omiso that lias bet'u sustaining us all through this 
 journey was the gracious word spoken to Jacob at Bethel : 
 "Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all i)laces 
 whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land ; 
 for I will not leave thee until I have done all that I have 
 8i)oken to thee of. " It was very blessed to receive it afresh 
 at Bethel, perha])s on the very sjiot where Jacob's eyes beheld 
 the Mystic Ladder, and found the house of God and the Gate 
 of Heaven. Hosea says, "He found Him at Bethel, and 
 there He spoke with us." And so again He spake with us, 
 aud we i-ealized that 
 " Thore's a ladder up to heaven 
 Everywhere we roam, 
 And the gates of prayer can never 
 Find us far from home." 
 The modern village of Bethel is of considerable size, and 
 its olive and fig orchards are very flourishing. A little way 
 off are the ruins of the ancient site, and there wo encamped 
 and took oxxv lunch. Back of the ruin is a lofty hill, where it 
 is said Abraham looked out over the land, when God said, 
 "Lift up now thine eyes, northward, and southward, and 
 eastward, and westward ; for all the land which thou seest, 
 to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever." "Arise, walk 
 through the land in the length of it and in t^ie breadth of it ; 
 for I will give it unto thee." 
 From this point it would not be hard for Lot to see the 
 beautiful valley of the Jordan, But Abraham saw farther, 
 and got much more, including even all that Lot so selfishly 
 1) through this 
 ob at Bethel : 
 3 in all i)lace8 
 into this land ; 
 1 tliat I have 
 3eivo it afresh 
 b's eyes beheld 
 1 and the Gate 
 t Bethel, and 
 ipake with us, 
 rahle size, and 
 A little way 
 I we encamped 
 f hill, where it 
 hen God said, 
 3uthward, and 
 ich thou seest, 
 ''Arise, walk 
 breadth of it ; 
 Lot to see the 
 n saw farther, 
 ot 80 selfishly 
 chose. ( )ttcn had wo taken Abraham's look of faitli, hut, to- 
 day, wo asko.1 tho Lord to let us boo a good deal farther even 
 than this fair vision. 
 In later centuries Bethel hecamo tho seat of Jeroboam's 
 calf-worship, and one of tho towns of Israel's Kingd.miof the 
 Ten Tribes. It nuist have been tho southern boundary. 
 Our dear sisters in Jerusalem have taken it as tho name 
 of their Home, and wo trust that the Jerusalem Betiiel may, 
 indeed, ever bo "tho House of (lod and the very Oate of 
 We noticed, as wo have often read, that the terraced hiUs 
 at Bethel seemed just like great steps of stairs loading up to 
 heaven, and we can easily imagine how the last sight Jacob's 
 eyes beheld, as he fell asleep, should suggest tho beautiful 
 vision of his dream, a great, white stairway leading up to tho 
 We passed a large cave at Bethel, where it would seem 
 tho most natural thing for him to sleep that lonely night, and 
 wo brought away some memorial vines from its walls. 
 The road back led through the Christian village of Ra- 
 maleh, where there is scarcely a Moslem family. We found 
 a most prosperous little town, and all around, the rocky hill- 
 sides were in the very highest state of cultivation, with splen- 
 did vineyards and comfortable homes, showing what Pales- 
 tine could become with proper culture and people. We had 
 the great pleasure of meeting with the American missionaries 
 there, the Leightons, of the Friends' Mission. We spent half 
 an hour very pleasantly with them, and saw their little 
 til, l)Ut,, to- 
 ither evfii 
 tlotiiof the 
 tho name 
 t^tlicl iiuiy, 
 My Gate of 
 srraced hills 
 Ltling up to 
 igl it Jacob's 
 le beautiful 
 igup to the 
 kvould seem 
 y night, and 
 lage of Ra- 
 We found 
 i rocky hill- 
 , with splen- 
 what Pak's- 
 e. We had 
 ''e spent half 
 their little 
 JJ.l iS J A' rALiisriNE, 
 school of about thirty bright children, whom we had the priv- 
 ih'ge of addressing. It gave us quite a home feeling to see 
 one of our little hymns, "Himself," translated into Arabic, 
 and we promised to send them the nmsic for it. We found 
 them on intimate terms with our dear workers ; and, indeed, 
 we were pleased and surprised to find the very friendly rela- 
 tions existing among all the missionaries. 
 We got home about dark, enjoying a very fine view of 
 the city from the hill Scopus, just north of Jerusalem, and 
 noticing the rapid and remarkable growth of the city in this, 
 direction, where a new city has grown up outside the walls 
 in the past five or six years. This is supposed by many to be 
 the very district described by Jeremiah in his wonderful pre- 
 diction of the future growth of Jerusalem, Ch. xxxi : aS-40 : 
 "Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that the city shall be 
 built to the Lord from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate 
 of the corner, and the measuring line shall yet go forth over 
 against it upon the hill Gareb, and shall compass to Goath. 
 And the whole valley of the dead bodies (and this very valley- 
 is full of ancient tombs), and of the ashes, and all the fields 
 unto the brook of Kedron, unto the corner of the horse gate 
 toward the east, shall be holy unto the Lord ; it shall not be 
 plucked up, nor thrown down any more forever." 
 This is the part of Jerusalem where nearly all the Protes-^ 
 tant mission work is located, and where our little mission is, 
 and already it has been made " holy unto the Lord," and is. 
 rapidly filling up with houses and people. Let us take hold 
 with our dear ones for a glorious blessing ! 
 Already in a quiet, humble, but very clear, wise and 
 marked way the blessing has begun. Our dear friends have 
 been led by the Master in much prudence and faith, and tlie 
 it. We found 
 •s ; and, indeed, 
 ■y friendly rela- 
 ?ry fine view of 
 Jerusalem, and 
 the city in this, 
 utside the walls- 
 d by many to be 
 3 wonderful pre- 
 h. xxxi : ;iS-40 : 
 the city shall be 
 1 unto the gate 
 Bt go forth over 
 upass to Goath. 
 I this very valley 
 nd all the fields 
 f the horse gate 
 ; it shall not be- 
 ly all the Protes- 
 little mission is, 
 le Lord," and ia 
 liCt us take hold 
 clear, wise and 
 ear friends have 
 id faith, and th« 
 Lord has already given them a very blessed place in the con- 
 fidences of the other workers, and in the beginning of Jeni- 
 salem's restoration. 
 The Christian work in this city must be very quiet or the 
 jealousy of the Turkish authorities will be excited, and some 
 times the work suppressed. It is not best even that rte 
 should say too much about it i)ublicly, or attract undue atten- 
 tion to it from its enemies. But we can speak most hopefully 
 and thankfully. We have no doubt that the Lord has led 
 our sisters to come here, and has guide ■" them every step of 
 their way. We have not felt at lil)erty iiitherto to encourage 
 any considerable number of new workers to come to this land, 
 in view of the limited oj)portunities and population of the 
 land. But we are satisfied that there is room for a few more 
 laborers, even at this time ; but they should bo of the highest 
 kind, and ^.now the Lord so well that they will be saved 
 from rashness and serious mistakes. 
 We believe the work in Jerusalem might l)e greatly 
 strengthened by the addition of a man able to conduct public 
 religious services, and gather around this little nucleus the 
 spiritual elements that are wanting, and gradually establish 
 a strong centre on simple, Scriptural and Pentecostal lines. 
 Never before have we been so much impressed with the 
 place of Jerusalem in the plan of the world's evangelization 
 This was the Master's command, and it is still in force. We 
 believe that this means not only the people, but the place, 
 and we are somewhat strongly impressed, thai from this 
 centre the Lord wants very powerful spiritual impulses and 
 influences to go forth, in this last great missionary movement, 
 for the evangehzation of the world. None t)f us may quite 
 understand all He means by it, but we are impressed that 
 there should be a strong centre there, and that the Master's 
 heart is still looking out upon the whole world from Jeru- 
 salem as a centre more than we, perhaps, have dreamed. 
 "When the Most High divided to the nations their in- 
 heritance, He set the bounds of the people according to the 
 number of the children of Israel." Deut. xxxii : 8. And 
 still He is working according to that rule. Men may pcorn 
 the Jew, but he is the key to the problem of history. 
 As we spent our first night in Jerusalem, we were glad 
 that God had permitted us to begin our missionary journey 
 and visit our first missionaries at Jerusalem. And we could 
 not but feel that this little beginning was yet to be felt in all 
 lands. We were glad to receive from our dear Lord this pre- 
 cious promise for workers in Jerusalem: "There shall be 
 an handful of corn in the earth on the top of the mountains ; 
 the fruit thereof .sliall shake like Lebanon : and they of the 
 city shall flourish like the grass of the earth." Psa. Ixxxii : 
 We were agreeably surprised to find a little company of 
 Christian workers and missionaries waiting for us at Bethel 
 Home, oiu- missionary home, on Tuesday evening, and as we 
 talked of our work, and all that was upon the Master's heart 
 for Jerusalem, Jesus Himself drew near, and we were all re- 
 freshed and comforted. There were Presbyterians, and Epis- 
 copalians; and almost all the missions were represented. 
 5 may quite 
 •ressed that 
 he Master's 
 from Jeru- 
 IIS their in- 
 ding to the 
 ii : 8. And 
 I may gcorn 
 e were glad 
 ary journey 
 lid we could 
 >e felt in all 
 ord this pre- 
 ;re shall be 
 mountains ; 
 tliey of the 
 Psa. Ixxxii : 
 company of 
 IS at Bethel 
 ;, and as we 
 ister's heart 
 were all re- 
 is, and Epis- 
 On the following evening we were invited to meet the 
 workers in another Home, and here we had the i)leasure of 
 meeting with a still larger company, including several of the 
 ministers and missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, 
 the oldest society and the largest in Jerusalem ; also some 
 from the Moravian and London Jews' Society. The spirit of 
 loving, humble and most brotherly unity was most cheering, 
 and we were so glad that our dear workers had come into 
 this pleasant atmosphere so soon. In many hearts there was 
 a real longing for deeper spiritual life, and the baptism of the 
 Holy Spirit. Of course there Avas not quite the freedom that 
 we so happily enjoy wheie all restrictions are removed ; but 
 theie was much more than we expected, and we believe God 
 is preparing a little company in Jerusalem, in many of the 
 missions, through wliom He can accomplish much for the 
 The two leading societies are the Church Missionary So- 
 ciety and the London Society for the Jews. The former has 
 seven central stations and forty outstations in Palestine, and 
 the latter is also doing an extensive work. The Moravians 
 have also a special Mission to the Lepers, and a Home for 
 them. We had a special commission given us for this class, 
 and we have met many of them on the road to Olivet, and 
 endeavored to fulfill our truct to the best of our ability. We 
 foimd many of them professional beggars, and not the most 
 honest people in the world. But their cries were distressing 
 and their need great. They are still outcasts — without the 
 city gates. But the government has provided a Home for 
 a -u : 
 all who will go, and the Moravians have anotlier, and there 
 is no need that any of them should be in utter distress. 
 The cry for "backshish" is one of the nuisances of this 
 land, and the mendicants are often unworthy. One old ras- 
 cal met us in rags at the Jaffa gate with outstretched hands, 
 and our guide told us that he owned one of the finest estates 
 in the country, 
 "We spent one pleasant day visiting the country south of 
 Jerusalem. Abraham removed from Bethel to Hebron im- 
 mediately after his separation from Lot ; and so we also' 
 passed on the following day from Bethel to Hebron. Theie 
 31', and thei'e 
 ances of this 
 One old ras- 
 tched hands, 
 finest estates 
 itry south of 
 1 Hebron ini- 
 1 so we also 
 bron. There 
 D.ns I.X r.lf.ESTINE. 
 is a fine carriage road, and the distance from Jerusalem is 
 eighteen miles. It is a ride of about five hours each way. 
 The road leads near to Bethlehem, and passes directly 
 through the valley of Eschol It was there that the spies 
 found the enormous grapes which two men had to i;arry on a 
 pole. The valley is still highly cultivated and filled with 
 vineyards, and the grapes are said to be as fine as ever. 
 Hebron is a 
 fine city of 
 sand inhabi- 
 tants . It 
 seems to be 
 most prosper- 
 ous. We saw 
 them making 
 the famous 
 skin bottles 
 out of goat 
 skins, which 
 are tan ned 
 and sewed together so that they look exactly like a stuifed 
 goat. We looked into one of the Moslem schools, and saw the 
 dominie sitting in the corner cross-legged, on a plank, which 
 one of our party called the school Board, and a dozen little 
 Arabs around him repeating and reading, from a tin slate, 
 passages of the Koran. We tried to buy one of the slatep» 
 but they said it was a sin, as the Koran was written on it. 
 However, money always prevails with an Arab, and a six- 
 pence secured an old cne, which we have for our missionary 
 museum. The Pool of David was there, and the tomb of 
 Abraham and Sarah, in Machpelah's cave. The plain of 
 Mamre is there, and an oak, at least one thousand years old, 
, and a six- 
 .he tomb of 
 le plain of 
 i years old, 
 /?./)'.v /x r.u.f:si/\j-:. 
 no doubt just like the one where Abraham sat with the angels 
 and the Lord. The hills are there tliat Caleb won for his in- 
 heritance from the Anakim. 
 We found two dear missionaries there who are working 
 in sympathy with the Alliance, and are members of the 
 "Bible Correspondence School," in New York. They are 
 Mr. and Mrs. Murray, worthy Scotch people, and are doing 
 an excellent work, and have much access to the Mos- 
 lems, often being permitted to sit for hours in the vine- 
 yards and read to them the Word of God. We also had the 
 great privilege of assisting in the opening of a new Mildmay 
 Mission and Hospital at Hebron under the cliarge of Mrs. 
 Bowie of England and other workers ; and it was very sweet 
 to sit th(!r(> with a little company of about a dozen, and read 
 the old story of Caleb and Hebron, and claim a great blessing 
 upon the work. 
 There seems to be a l)etter opening in Hebron at this time 
 than in any i)art of Palestine. One reason is, jnerhaps, that 
 the Greeks and Latins have never got into the place, and the 
 Christians are not (mis) represented by them as they are in 
 so many other ])laces. 
 On our way home we stopped at Bethlehem, looked at the 
 Shepherd's Plains, the well of David, and the little limestone 
 cave in the Church of the Nativity, Avhich is probably the 
 birthplace of the Lord of glory. At least it spoke to our 
 heart, in the Sj .rit, as Calvary and Bethany had done, and 
 we are glad it was the last holy place we should have time to 
 see in Palestine, for it left, as our last thought— that which 
 Avas our Christmas message, and has become more and more 
 the sweet watchword of our simple life—" as a httle child." 
 How much there is in this wondrous land that speaks of 
 the Master and the Bible ! The little sparrows are still here, 
 of which He taught. The birds of the air are here that one 
 can still see devouring the seed as it falls by the wayside. 
 The flowers are everywhere, and they grow without care 
 where nothing else will live. The children are still sitting in 
 the market place ; and how one little fellow on Olivet did re- 
 mind us of the Master's words, "We have piped unto you, 
 ew Mildmay 
 irge of Mrs. 
 s very sweet 
 ^n, and read 
 reat blessing 
 1 at this time 
 erhaps, that 
 aco, and the 
 they are in 
 •oked at the 
 lie limestone 
 probably the 
 poke to our 
 id done, and 
 have time to 
 —that which 
 re and more 
 ittle child." 
 at speaks of 
 re still here, 
 lere that one 
 the wayside, 
 vithou't care 
 till sitting in 
 •livet did re- 
 d unto you, 
 />.ns y.v /'.//. /•;.s/7.\7-; 
 and y<' have not danced ; wo have mom-ncd unto you, and ye 
 have not lamented." The little Arab wanted backshish very 
 ba<lly. He began by asking it directly, and my friend, who 
 ■>^2v ^tWl 'am\ If 
 could speak Arabic, tried to reason him out of it as a bad 
 thing for good boys. He became very good all at once and 
 followed us half an hour without opening his mouth. But, 
 96 L.lh'(./:h' OITLOOKS OX M/SS/OX.lh'V J..IXDS. 
 as lio Hiiw this did not bring any backshish, h«! began to " pipe " 
 to us. Ho went througli the gi-eatt'st lot of tricks and antics, 
 laughing, dancing, and telling us how ho loved us. This was 
 all unavailing. And then he b(>gan to mourn to us ; ho 
 showed us hifi ragged clothes, ho wailed most piteously, h(^ 
 entreated, implored, until at last, after ho had walked half 
 round 01iv(>t, wo relented, and we gave him a little coin, not 
 mu<di, but enough to send him liom(> happy, and, as our 
 friend said— spoiled. 
 Hero are men plowing in the field, contrary t(^ the 
 Mosaic law, with a donkey and a heifer. And they all liold 
 the little crooked stick of a plow with one lutiid, and the 
 oxgoad with the other. It is just as Ho said, " He that put- 
 teth his lidiid to the plow and looketh l)ack is not tit for 
 the kingdom of God." There is only one hand at it, and it 
 must uever lot go or the woi-k is ruined. 
 Here are the two women grinding at the mill, for the big . 
 millstones are too heavy for one. One pushes the crank halt 
 round, and then the other pushes it the rest of the circle. 
 Here are the sandals, the waterskins, the little gate, called 
 Needle's Eye, and a thousand things that bring one into the 
 very atmosphere and native element of the Bible, and make 
 one feel what a marvelous teacher Jesus was, to fit His para- 
 bles and discourses so wondrously into the conuuon life of 
 the people, and make them alive with the images which ex- 
 pressed their daily life and experience. 
 What is the actual condition of Jerusalem and Palestine, 
 and the so-called Jewish movement ? There is no doubt 
 nto "pipo" 
 1 and iiutics, 
 s. This was 
 to us ; lio 
 )itoously, lie 
 walked lialf 
 ;le coin, not 
 and, as our 
 •ary to the 
 hoy all hold 
 id, and tlm 
 lo that put- 
 } not lit for 
 at it, and it 
 I, for the big . 
 B crank hak" 
 f the circle, 
 gate, called 
 )ne into the 
 }, and make 
 fit His para- 
 niion life of 
 )S which ex- 
 id Palestine, 
 is no doubt 
 />.i }s /.v /'. //./;.s//,\7f. 
 that there is a inovetnent, a forward movement, and a re- 
 markable one. Uf coui'se, compared with other counti'ies, 
 ralestin(! is yet, in many respects, a disappointment and a 
 desolation. The land and ev«'n the roads are still cov«'red with 
 barren rocks and desolati; ruins. But, compa'-^d with itself 
 a quaiter of a century ago, or even fifteen years ago it is 
 making extraordinary progress. 
 Tliere is now a railway running from Jerusalem to Jaffa, 
 and three more are under way in Northern Palestine. Jerusa- 
 lem is a city of nearly 70,000 people, and Nablous,— ancient 
 Shechem~-100,oOO, and both growing rapidly. Jaffa, Haiffa, 
 Nazareth, Hebron, Beyrut, Damascus, are all prosperous. 
 Inside of five years, the great mail route from P:ngland to In- 
 dia will most probably pass through Northern Palestine, and 
 will save over seven days on the time now occupied by the 
 Sue/ Canal. We were not able to visit Galilee, but were told 
 by gentlemen just from there that it is in every way far in ad- 
 vance of Southern Palestine, and most of the soil good and 
 productive. The Jewish colonies have been most successful, 
 and the foreign capital and enterprise that have been invest- 
 ed in the country have paid well, where wisely directed. 
 What about the Jewish movement ? Undoubtedly it is 
 making all the progress it can. There are 40,00o Jews, at 
 least, in Jerusalem, several thousand in Tiberias, and a good 
 m ny in the colonies and at other points. There would have 
 been far more if they had been allowed. Just after the 
 Russian persecution they began to arrive in whole shiploads. 
 The Turks and others at Jerusalem became alarmed and sent 
 a |»elinon to the SuUan, ami tho whole movoment was 
 i^wpped, ami no rnoi'e Jews jxTmif ted to land. Thin, |)oilia|»s, 
 wfitf p/' 'deal ill, as such rniml"* '-^ would have hroiight 
 plagiu' jiiid starvation if they had <'«>iitiniu'd. But they aro 
 still coiniiig in, more '|ui(>tly. 
 Tho Sultan has hitely passed a tirniiui forhidding Jinvs to 
 huy any nuuv propei-ty in Palestine. Hut this cannot last. 
 There was nuich destitution among the Jews in Jerusalem a 
 year ago, and tliere still is among some of the ])oorer classes ; 
 hut many of them are engaged in industry and trades, and 
 whole streets are occupied with their shops. There is also 
 a v(>ry large fund contrihuted hy Jews in all j)arts of the 
 woi'ld for tlieir jmor hrethren in Palestine. 
 What are \\w ])i'ospects of Christian work among them ? 
 Much of the Christian work in Palestine is among the Mos- 
 lems and Greeks, and the prospects among the former are 
 more hopeful than in any other land. But there is also much 
 good work among the Jews, and some result. 
 We talked with a very earnest yoimg Hebrew at one of 
 the meetings, who was just about ready to confess Christ, 
 and seemed most sincere and intelligent. One of the mis- 
 sionaries speaks of a movement even among the Rabbis. At 
 least the door is open to give them the message, and this is 
 our business,— the rest is the Lord's. 
 L pon the whole, wo are much more favorably impressed 
 with Palestine, with the spirit of the workers, and with the 
 prospects of Christian work there than we expected to *>'. 
 We looked for greater desolation than we found, and \vt. 
 lovement was 
 This, |)»>rhMi>s, 
 havt' hrouKht 
 But tlioy are 
 iddiug Jews to 
 s cannot last, 
 n JcriiHalcMn a 
 )()orer classes ; 
 1(1 trades, and 
 There is also 
 1 parts of the 
 among them ? 
 long the Mos- 
 he former are 
 e is also much 
 rew at one of 
 onfess Christ, 
 e of the mis- 
 e Rabbis. At 
 ;e, and this is 
 ibly impressed 
 and with the 
 icpected to bo. 
 bund, 'tnd we 
 n.ns fx r.iLiiSr/XE. 
 found much greater signs of life and progress than we ex- 
 Let us pray mightily for tlH> breaking of the Turkish 
 yoke, the influx of a new population, and the i)reparati(.u of 
 the way for the return of the best classes of the Jewish i)eo- 
 ple, the true "Kings of the p:ast." 
 And, above all, let us plead for *' the Spirit of grace and 
 supplication to be poured out upon the house of David and 
 the inhabitants of Jerusalem," and a bap' ism of heavenly 
 power in the Holy Ghost on all who labor for the Jews. 
 When we were at Hebron they showed us the Pool of 
 David, and remarked that it was full this year, and there 
 would be a good and piosperous year, for the rains had been 
 abundant, and the crops would be good. The Pool of David 
 Avus the criterion of the rainfall and prosperity of the 
.1 1 ■■ . in T-'t - 
 There is another pool,— the hlessed Holy Ghost, 0, 
 when that is full in every heart, and every mission field, the 
 harvest of the world will be all right. That is the need of 
 Jerusalem, of Palestine, of the heathen world, of the 
 churches and land at home. For this, let us cry "until the 
 Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wildernesa 
 be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a 
 forest." Isaiah xxxii : 1"). 
 Awake, awake ; O Zion, 
 Arise, Jerusalem ; 
 Shake olT thy chains and sackcloth. 
 Put on thy diadem. 
 Thy night is almost over, 
 Thy dawning draweth near, 
 Thy day of Promise basteth,— 
 Thy King will soon appear. 
 Long hath thy midnight lasted, 
 Hard hath thy bondage been ; 
 Cruel the shame and anguish 
 Thy weeping eyes have seen ; 
 But lift thine eyes, O Israel, 
 Forget thy Wailing Place ; 
 Once more thy King is coming 
 In glory and in grace. 
 Thy sons are crowding to thee, 
 Thy wastes are tilled once more, 
 Thy latter rains returning. 
 As in the days of yore ; 
 Thy vineyards and thy olives 
 Once more the mountains crown. 
 And 'neath their vine and flg-tree 
 Once more thy sons sit down. 
'}' LANDS. 
 /KDS /.V I'AI.rSTlXE. 
 Holy Ghost. 0, 
 mission field, the 
 at is the need of 
 I world, of the 
 us cry "until the 
 id the wilderness 
 je counted for a 
 Once more the grapes of Eschol 
 In Hebron's vale are seen ; 
 Onoe more the plain of Sharon 
 Ih clothed in ricliest fjreen ; 
 The orange groves of Jaffa 
 Hang rich with harvests rare, 
 And hill and valley blossom 
 With flowers sweet and fair. 
 Thy streets and walls are spreading 
 With many a structure fair ; 
 Thy thoroughfares are crowded 
 With tranic t'verywhiM-e ; 
 Thy limits stretching northward 
 Fulfill the sacred sign, 
 And soon thy walls will cover 
 The Prophet's measuring line. 
 And many a town and hamlet 
 Is growing o'er the land, 
 The harbinger of progress. 
 And brighter days at hand. 
 And many a little circle 
 Of Israels sons has come, 
 And In thine ancient valleys 
 11 as found a prosperous home. 
 And now the engine's whistle 
 Is heard on Sharon's plain, 
 And Judah's mountains echo 
 The rushing railway train. 
 Yes, and o'er Syrian railways. 
 They tell us soon will ixmr 
 The trade of western nations 
 To India's distant shore. 
 The messengers of Jestis 
 Are gathering at thy gates, 
 And many a faithful watchman 
 In Zlon works and waits ; 
 Once more from Zion's threshold 
 The stream begins to How, 
 Whose deeper floods of blessing 
 To all the lands shall go. 
 From many a crue' nation 
 Thy suffering children flee, 
 Not knowing God is planniug 
 To drive them home to thee. 
 Thy strange, pathetic story, 
 Men cannot understand ;— 
 A land - without a people,— 
 A race— without a land. 
 But Israel shall be gathered. 
 From every race and clime, 
 On Zion's holy mountain 
 In God's apiKjinted time. 
 But first, the chosen "remnant" 
 Their Saviour mutt receive. 
 The "firrit fruits" of the nation 
 The gospel must believe. 
 And then, from Gentile nations 
 The Lord mutt bring His own. 
 And "unto ever creature 
 The witness be made known. 
 Then, He hath surely promised. 
 The glorious end shall come ; 
 The King shall come to Zlon 
 An I Israel gather home. 
 We hail that glorious morning ; 
 All things in « arth and sky, 
 And even in scatter* d Israel 
 Proclaim its advent nigh. 
 Awake, awake ; O Zion, 
 Thy day begins to dawn ! 
 Lord, haste its glad appearing,-- 
 Help us to speed it on. 
 ALTOGETHER we have spent a week in Egypt, and al- 
 jr\^ thongh yet it has been mucli broken, it has been 
 enough to give a very vivid, and perhaps fairly correct, 
 impression of tliis oldest country of the world. Three days 
 have been spent in Cairo—which is not only the centre and 
 capital of Elgypt, but, in a sense, a miniature of the world, 
 for almost all nations and religions are represented in its curi- 
 ous and motley crowds. Our business at this time is not 
 sight-seeing, but the higher business of the Master. We ha\ e 
 had time, incidentally, to read many pages from that mar- 
 vellous book of time and history, which so strangely empha- 
 sizes and confirms in every line the grander Book of Ood, 
 Cairo, even as a modern city, isi ntensely interesting. It 
 is the second city in the Turkish Empire, and the largest in 
 Africa. It has a population of nearly 400,000, of whom L'O,- 
 000 are Europeans, and the rest are Egyptians, Abyssinians, 
 Arabs, Turks, Syrians, and re])resentatives of almost every 
 country in Western Asia and Northern Africa. The streets 
 around the new hotels and the ICsebekeyah Gardens are quite 
 modern and very handsome. Three or four of the hotels are 
 very fine, large and fashionable; and, at this season, are over- 
 crowded with English and American travellers. 
 The most interesting portion of Cairo is the older city, 
 which dates back to the time of the Calii)hs and Saracens. 
 Its streets are very iian-ow, crociked, and crowdcMl with 
 l){vzaars of every kind, where every ten feet an Arah, or Turk, 
 or some other curious-lookin^i? man is sitting cross-legged at a 
 little hole in the 
 wall, like a little 
 prairie dog at his 
 den. and surround- 
 ed hy his special 
 wares. Most of them 
 hav(> factory and 
 warehoiise all in one 
 small space. In Cai- 
 ro each trade has a 
 separated )azaar, and 
 so you will find the 
 shoemakers and 
 slipper vendoi's on 
 one alley making 
 and selling theii' 
 wares at the same 
 time. A little farth- 
 er on is the hrass 
 hazaar, and there 
 you can find the 
 workers in hrass, 
 making and chasing with their fine tools their vases, coffee pots, 
 candlesticks, urns, and all sorts of hrass goods. The goldsmiths 
 have a (luarter, the rug and carpet dealers, the silk emhroid- 
 •owdod Avitli 
 ral), or Turk, 
 is-l«^ggo(l at a 
 liolc in the 
 like a little 
 (log at his 
 lul siui'ound- 
 his special 
 Most of them 
 factory and 
 space. InCai- 
 1 trade has a 
 tehazaai', and 
 I will find the 
 iiakers and 
 • vendors on 
 dley making 
 selling their 
 at the same 
 A little farth- 
 is the hrass 
 1-, and there 
 3an find the 
 srs in brass, 
 es, coffee pots, 
 'he goldsmiths 
 silk einbi-oid- 
 erers, the dealers iu prints, etc., and one's eyes are dazzled 
 and bewildered by the most glaring colors, and his ears al- 
 most deafened by the jargon of many tongnes and ci-ies of 
 eager vendors and bargain makers. If you want to pnichase 
 anything you may always count on a reduction of from 50 to 
 <i() per cent., and althougli the Arab will stoutly assure you 
 that he has only one price, yet the sight of the money, and 
 your back as you turn to go away and really mean it, always 
 brings him to terms, and he consents to let >jou have it for 
 that low price, anrl then you may l)e |»r('tty suit", in most 
 cases, that he has the hest of the har^ain. 
 The view of Cairo from the citadel i« surpassingly beauti- 
 ful. The elevatiou is quite high and commands a wide and 
 striking panorama. All around you is historic ground. The 
 balcony on which you are standing is i)art of the most beau- 
 tiful moscpie in Cairo, perhaps in the world, the Mosque of 
 Mohammed Ali, whose graceful minarets and magnificent 
 dome are but indexes of the exquisite interior, surpassing, we 
 think, except only in its windows, the interior of the Moscpie 
 of Omar at Jerusalem. 
 At our feet Cairo lies spread, a brilliant panorama of 
 houses, streets, minarets and domes. More than three hun- 
 dred mosipies are in the picture, a forest of graceful spires 
 and minarets, imequalled for striking beauty of design by 
 anything in the world. At night the tops of many of these 
 minarets are lighted all round the narrow windows which sur- 
 mount their graceful summits, and they look like lamps 
 suspended from the skies. To the left, lies old Cairo. Away 
 in the distance the Nile runs, like a silver thread, as the 
 western boundary of the modern city. Across the Nile 
 rise the massive Pyramids, about five miles distant. Fring- 
 ing lines of acacias and palms stretch giacefully along 
 the river, and fields clothed in living green spi'ead away off to 
 the right — down to the luxuriant Delta,---vvhile beyond the 
 Pyramids to the west, the sandhills and plains of the desert 
 stretch out till they meet the distant horizon.. 
 Looking up the Nile to the left you see the outlines 
 of other pyramids, sharply cut against the sky — about ten or 
lie, in most 
 it<;ly beauti- 
 a wide and 
 •ouiul. Thn 
 } most beau- 
 Mosque of 
 [•passing, we 
 the Mos(iue 
 •anorama of 
 three hun- 
 iceful spires 
 >f design by 
 any of these 
 s which sur- 
 like lamps 
 airo. Away 
 read, as the 
 ss the Nile 
 ant. Fring- 
 jfully along 
 away off to 
 beyond the 
 f the desert 
 the outlines 
 about ten or 
 uxi)/:r rm: snAimw of thi: rvRAMins. 
 twelve miles away. Tliis is Sakkara, the site of ancient 
 Memphis, once tlie capital of lower Egypt, and the seat of 
 the Pharaohs, where still arc to be seen many wonderful 
 monum<'nts and tombs. 
 You are looking on tlie relics of fifty centuries. The 
 well beside you is called the well of Joseph ; the pyramids 
 before you were there when Abraham entered the land. 
 The little island of Roda, yonder beside old Cairo, is said to 
 be the place where Moses was found, but this is more than 
 doubtful. But yonder ruins at Memphis doubtless mark the 
 site of the splendid court where he might have reigned ; and 
 had he not refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daugh- 
 LARCER orr/.OOh'S ox MISS/O.WIRY L.ixns. 
 tor, his muniniy W(»ul(l probably to-day lie foiin«l in tbo 
 royal company that stand hi a row in the famous nuiscuni 
 yonder that wo visited to-day. WoU, Moses had a grander 
 tomb on Nt'bo's lu'ight, and he stands to-day in tlio glory 
 Avliirli shone out for a jnonient on the Transfiguration night, 
 Avitii a body wliich pool' old Rameses would give all Egy])t to 
 jtosaess and beside wliich all the obsolete grandeur of Mem- 
 l)his, Thebes, Zoan, Luxor and Karnak are poor and con- 
 temptible indeed. 
 Of course we went to the Pyramids. It is a delightful 
 drive of about two hours, over a splendid road built by old 
 Ismail Pasha, the Khedive Avho gave Egypt nearly all her 
 Avondorfnl imi)i()vements ; and, in oi-der to do it, loaded her 
 with the enoi-mons debt that has brought in the English 
 army of occu])ation, to guarantee the interest to the English 
 capitalists who hold the bonds. This has reduced Egypt to 
 the condition, i)ractically, of a British jirovince. It is said, 
 the old Khedive, after visiting Paris, resolved to make his fair 
 capital a second Paris ; and so he went on cutting boulevards, 
 laying out gardens, planting avenues, building ])alaces, and 
 rearing mosques, until he had realized his fond ambition, and, 
 at the same time, reduced his country to udnkrupt(-y, as the 
 price of his beautiful dream. 
 The road to tht^ Pyramids is lined with fine acacia trees, 
 and thronged with long lines of loaded camels, donkeys, and 
 women coming into market. The camels carry more than 
 half a ton on their immense backs ; the donkey, about one- 
 sixth of the size, has nearly half as big a load. After seeing 
 11(1 in tho 
 s iimscum 
 a grander 
 11)0 glory 
 tion night, 
 11 Egy])t to 
 V of Mem- 
 r and con- 
 del iglitfnl 
 •uilt by old 
 rly all her 
 loaded lu'r 
 lie English 
 ;he English 
 fl Egypt to 
 It is said, 
 ake his fair 
 alaces, and 
 lition, and, 
 toy, as the 
 nacia trees, 
 nkeys, and. 
 more than 
 about one- 
 fter seeing 
 r'NDF.K Till': siiAPow or i iii: rvkWMins. 
 the donkeyy of Palestine and Egypt, we shall never again joke 
 nor Hiiflfer others to joke about the noble ass. 
 Our horse in Palestine stumbled and fell on us ; but our 
 donkey in Egyi)t carried us about Avilh luxurious ease, and 
 all the arts of horsemanship wen; (juitf* unncc<'ssary. You 
 have only to sit in the c(Mnfoitable saddle, and let him trot 
 or c£inter along as he jileases, while your donkey boy runs 
 behind, goading and guiding liim whither he will. He always 
 manages to go right, and gets through i)laces no other creat- 
 ure ever could. He can go on stony jjaths or mountain 
 passes, or crowded thoroughfares, or narrow passages, with 
 perfect coolness and safety ; and stands with a patience, 
 which many a Christian might well imitate, hardships and 
 cruelties which have often made us feel ashamed of the 
 master and jiroud of the soulless hrute. They beat him, 
 sometimes they half starve him, tliey load him down till his 
 knees fairly tremble, and he just goes on his way fulfilling 
 his useful course with a i)atience worthy of a higher nature. 
 Some one in Palestine asked an Arab how long a donkey 
 would live. "If you feed him," replied the Arab, " he will 
 live forever." One would think so, when you see how long 
 they live with their present treatment. No Moslem nor 
 Arab ever feels insulted when you call him an ass. You can 
 hardly pay him a higher compliment. 
 But there is another burden bearer in the train. It is the 
 Egyptian woman. Everywhere you can see her with her big 
 basket .or earthen pitcher on her head, walking erect as a 
 statue, and carrying it without a quiver, and without even 
 touching it with one of licr lingi'is. Wo saw ji woman yes- 
 tenhiy trying to take up a hurdi-n wliich sho could not Hft to 
 licr licad, but liad to get a nuui to lielpher to load it up ; hut, 
 when onc(> she got it on the littlo cushion upon thu crown of 
 her head, she started olT as ciisily as if sht> liad only an ostrich 
 feather there. 
 Most of their faces are coveied, except Ine eyes and 
 brow, and a great many wear a hideous brass ornament be- 
 tween their eyes, that gives them an outlandish exjjression. 
 The one thing lacking in all these scenes is the face and pres- 
 ence of a true woman. One sees the dear children every- 
 Avhere, in all their simplicity, fi-eedom and real beauty, but 
 we look and long in vain for the women we ai'c accustomed 
 to see in our Christian civilization. Woman is left out of 
 oriental society, and life is withered and blighted by the un- 
 natural omission. The higher classes are shut away in idle, 
 luxurious isolation ; the lower are almost beasts of burvlen for 
 their lords and mastei-s. The softening, refining, elevating 
 influence of woman's society is wholly lost. 
 Some of the missionaries told us what a surprise it was 
 when they invited Moslem gentlemen in to spend a social 
 evening, to find they could sit and talk on social terms with 
 women. It was to them a new, and, we are glad to believe, 
 to many a delightful world, and gave them an attractive view 
 of the sweet, human side of Christianity. Little does w^oman 
 know what she owes to Christianity, and little does man 
 realize how much w^oman's elevation has Senefited him, and 
 lifted up his life and happiness. 
 woman yes- 
 Id not lift to 
 :1 it np ; but, 
 [>e crown of 
 ly an ostrich 
 lie (ivcs and 
 rnamcnt bo- 
 ,ce and pios- 
 dron every- 
 boauty, but 
 left out of 
 1 by the un- 
 vvay in idle, 
 f buivlen for 
 g, elevating 
 pi'ise it was 
 ■nd a social 
 terms with 
 to believe, 
 ractive view 
 :loes woman 
 ) does man 
 }d him, and 
 Immmn ijiMHi i » i n-. ' aii» i i w 
 rxn/:K rm: sii.inow of the rvK.iMnis. 
 I II 
 Olio boautinil picture we must give. It was on that Hame 
 road to the I 'y nvinids Among many others, wo met a woman 
 carrying a great load upon lier liead. But in her arms nho 
 also lu'Id a babe ; and we noticed that she liad hotli her arms 
 about lier child, and trusted the burden to her skill and 
 strength, but held \wv ])recious child in a mother's loving 
 arms. It was the mother heart triumphing over even the 
 thought of her material interest. It reminded us of Him 
 who carries the government upon His shoulders, but He holds 
 His children in His arms ! 
 But we have got to the Pyramids. Yes, there they are ! 
 "These mighty Pyramids of Htone, 
 That wedgelike ch'ave the deMert aire, 
 When nearer seen and better known 
 Are hut gigantic steps of stairs. " 
 But what enormous stairs they are ! Four hundred and 
 seventy feet high, and twice ns> wide at the base. And the 
 steps are great stone Ijlocks, about a yard high, so that you 
 have to be pulled up by thi'ee stout Arabs, and coming down, 
 held by a long turban tied around your waist to keep you 
 from falling down headforemost. 
 We n'jed not stay to give their history. They are great 
 tombs built by one of the oldest of the Egyptian kings — 
 Cheops — before the time of Abraham. The interior consists 
 of a long passage downward, for a while at an angle of forty- 
 five degrees, and then upward, followed by a level passage, 
 ending at last in a lai-ge gallery, called the King's Chamber, 
 under which is a smaller one called the Queen's Chamber. 
 Here were found the sarcophagi and mummies. Tlie passages 
 are ventilated by air shafts from above. 0, what a waste of 
 toil and treasure for a transient tomb ! 
 In keeping with this was the skill and expense bestowed 
 upon the embalming of the dead. The Egyptians built the 
 houses of the living of perishable brick, and the houses of tlie 
 dead of enduring granite. Was it the fear of death that 
 made them struggle so hard to resist its ravages ? Was it 
 the idea of immortality that made them long to keep the 
 very dust from perishing ? Or was it their strange idea that 
 while the body lasted, the spirit continued to exist in Para- 
 dise ; but if the earthly frame should vanish, the spirit-life 
 would forever fade away ? Poor things ! how vain their tre- 
 mendous fight with death ! How ghastly and ineffectual the 
 triumphs of all their splendid mortuary architecture ! How 
 easily faith leaps at a bound from yonder open grave at Jeru- 
 salem into the glorious reality which all these mummies, 
 tombs an 1 pyramids only shadowed faintly and afar off ! 
 Oh, how we thank Him who "has abolished death and 
 brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel." 
 Many of our readers know that a very elaborate effort 
 has been made by such writers as Piazzi Smith, Dr. Seiss, 
 and others, to prove that the internal passages and chambers 
 of the great Pyramid are prophetic of the future ages. They 
 have found in the scales of measurement, and the relative di- 
 mensions of the passages, and many other most interesting 
 particulars, a sort of diagram of the course of time up to the 
 Lord's return; also they believe that the "pillar on the 
 . Tlie passages 
 ^'hat a waste of 
 pense bestowed 
 ptiaiis built tbe 
 he houses of tlie 
 • of death that 
 vages ? Was it 
 )ng to keep the 
 trange idea that 
 > exist in Para- 
 1, the spirit-Ufe 
 .V vaiu their tre- 
 1 ineffectual the 
 litecture ! How 
 sn grave at Jeru- 
 hese mummies, 
 Y and afar off ! 
 shed death and 
 1 the Gospel." 
 elaborate eifort 
 mith, Dr. Seiss, 
 BS and chambers 
 ;ure ages. They 
 i the relative di- 
 most interesting 
 f time up to the 
 "pillai* on the 
 border of Egypt," mentioned by Isaiah, is nothing nlse than 
 this old Pyramid of Ghizeh. 
 The argument is certainly very plausible, and the coinci- 
 dences strange; but to many it is probably somewhat strained, 
 and, at best, a system of very extraordinary correspondences. 
 Happily, we have "a more sure word of i)rophecy "' than old 
 Pharaoh's necropolis. 
 The Arabs, donkeys and camels were almost as interest- 
 ing to us as the Pyramids. They (the Arabs) had a great 
 fight for half a piastre, which one had failed properly to share 
 with the others. There were screams and blows, and, for a 
 while, nearly all the crowd took a hand in it, but nobody was, 
 hurt. The coin in question is only about three cents. 
 The Sphinx is wonderful. It stands ({uite near the great 
 Pyramid. The actual view of that face of stone is very 
 touching. The expression of calm repose and gentleness 
 is not imaginary. It seems Hke old Father Time, looking 
 down on one hundred and fifty generations of his children, 
 and smiling at 
 "Their clalmH of long descent" 
 What children we all are under the shadow of that face 
 of nearly five thousand years ago ! But even thou, ancient 
 Sphinx, art but a shadow of the "Rock of Ages,'— that 
 Blessed One who is "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for- 
 ever,' with whom " a thousand years are as one day, and 
 one day as a thousand years," and whose heart has been 
 "our dwelHng-place in all generations." 
 The most wonderful Museum in the world now stands 
 midway between the Pyramids and Cairo. It is the famous 
 Museum of Egyptian antiquities, establislied through the 
 labors and researches of Mariette, Brugsch Bey, and other 
 Egyptologists, and contains nearly all the best results of the 
 explorations and discoveries of the past few years. It was 
 formerly at Bulak, but has now been removed to the old 
 pabce of the Khedive. The building is most magnificent, 
 and the gardens luxuriant beyond description. 
 One gets some idea, from looking at this palace and 
 grounds, of the selfish indulgence of oriental despots. 
 Grottoes, fountains, walks, bridges, hanging gardens, sum- 
 mer houses, trees, shrubs, flowers of every kind, make it like 
 a dream of beauty. The very walks, for miles, are mosaics of 
 inlaid stones, and the garden walls are built of stucco and 
 coral, with niches in the masonry for the trees and flowers, 
 and all so wound together as to look like natural rocks and 
 pine -covered terraces of tropical luxuriance. And all this 
 was supplied by the toil and suffering of a whole nation for 
 the indulgence of one selfish man, and, perhaps, three or four 
 hundred poor women, whom he held in luxurious slavery in 
 this and half a dozen other similar palaces. What a farce the 
 government of this world is, and how we long for the true 
 King ! 
 The interior of the palace is still more splendidly deco- 
 rated. But it is now put to a better use, as the repository of 
 the treasures of Egypt's tombs. The only defect about it is 
 the lack of proper i)rovision in case of fire. A single hour 
 might destroy, by sudden conflagration, treasures which could 
 not be bought for hundreds of millions. 
 is the famous 
 [ through the 
 5ey, and other 
 results of the 
 years. It was 
 red to the old 
 i magnificent, 
 is palace and 
 mtal despots, 
 [gardens, sum- 
 3, make it like 
 are mosaics of 
 of stucco and 
 9 and flowers, 
 iral locks and 
 And all this 
 lole nation for 
 3, three or four 
 ous slavery in 
 hat a farce the 
 y for the true 
 Dlendidly deco- 
 le repository of 
 ect about it is 
 A single hour 
 es which could 
 We were informed that no less than one million dollars 
 we^e offered hy some parties in the United States for the 
 privilege of exhibiting the mummy of old Rameses in the 
 United States for a short time. Of course, it was refused ; 
 and many millions could not buy it. We were surprised at 
 the great number of 
 monuments that are 
 preserved from the 
 fourth and fifth dynas - 
 ties, — long before the 
 time of Abraham. 
 The amount of costly 
 and t xquisite jewelry 
 found on the mum 
 mies, and preserved in 
 tbe Museum, shows 
 how advanced the fine 
 arts were in the ear- 
 liest periods. 
 Of course, the great 
 object of our interest, 
 and the centre of at 
 traction to all the 
 visitors, wa^ the great 
 Central Chamber 
 where the royal mummies are on exhibition. There the 
 centre of interest was the great Rameses II., the oppressor 
 of the Israelites, and his face and head were even more ex- 
 RAM eses II. 
 pressive of character and forco than even the excellent 
 photograph that most of us have seen. There was ^his 
 father Scti, and most of his successors for a long time, with 
 the strange exception of his son and successor, Meneptah, the 
 Pharaoh of the Exodus. Where is his body ? Why do we 
 not have his mummy ? Will it yet be found, or is it in the 
 bottom of the Red Sea 'i Strange, the i-evenges of history and 
 Providence ! 
 We should think that every Jew would like to go and 
 look at that hdlpless face. The man that cast little Mosea 
 into the Nile, and ground the lives of three millions of people 
 to the dust, is not terrible now. The humblest Hebrew caa 
 look in his face and laugh him to scorn. So will all our terri- 
 ble foes be some day. Only wait ! 
 The story of the finding of these mummies was very won- 
 derful, and was surely one of those providences which are so 
 strangely making the ages meet in the last age of time, and 
 causiuj^ the recoi'ds of nature to confirm God's Holy Word in 
 the face of man's proud infidelity. It was this : 
 Up at ancient Thebes, which was the faA-^orite capital of 
 old Rameses, they had his tomb and the tombs of many of 
 the preceding and succeeding kings, and there was no doubt 
 of the identification ; but they could not find the sarcophagus 
 or the mummy. All the tombs, indeed, were empty. They 
 searched in vain, and it seemed as if the mystery woidd never 
 be unsealed. But, one day, it was found that an Arab was 
 selling some costly relics that evidently belonged to these 
 tombs. Mr. Mariette, one of the leading Egyptologists, 
 le excellent 
 cro was his 
 g timo, with 
 eneptah, the 
 Why do we 
 is it in the 
 f history and 
 :e to go and 
 I little Mose& 
 )ns of people 
 Hebrew can. 
 all our terri- 
 asvery wou- 
 which are bo 
 3f time, and 
 [oly Word in 
 te capital of 
 1 of many of 
 'as no doubt 
 iipty. They 
 would never 
 an Arab was 
 ged to these 
 learned of it, and found him out. A large sum was demanded 
 for the secret— $2,500— and it was instantly granted ; and, 
 indeed, was but a fraction of the real value— millions would 
 "be given to-day. And the secret was divulged. A secret 
 passage was found, which this man had accidentally discov- 
 ered, leading down to a large subterranean <;hamber, very 
 plain and simple, to which, in a time of threatened war and 
 danger, the care-taker of the tombs had removed all the royal 
 munmiies for safety. And there, in that lone gallery, Ram- 
 eses and his family of kings were found lying in silence and 
 obscurity, waiting God's hour for them to come forth and 
 attest the truth of His ancient story. 
 No wonder that the great Brugsch Bey, when he stood 
 in that royal chamber of the silent dead, raised his hands and 
 said, "Have I lived to see this day if " 
 The interest and profit of our visit to this Museum, even 
 for one brief afternoon, was greatly increased by the presence 
 of a friend who resides in Cairo, one of the American mis- 
 sionaries, who had given much intelligent study and consid- 
 erable research to this most interesting field. 
 One of our most interesting and memorable visits was to 
 the great Mohammedan University of Cairo, the famous 
 Mosque of El Azhar. It is the largest university in the world, 
 and the principal Mohammedan school. 
 Of course, we had to get a permit, and <;p enter the sacred 
 enclosure with sandaled feet. They used to require the Chris- 
 tians to put off thoir shoes, but now, by a sort of whitewash- 
 ing process, they put on a ])air of holy sandals over your shoes 
 — foi- the consideration of a few piastres. 
 We have seldom been more touched than by the scene in 
 this old Mosque. In a vast enclosure, filled with pillars and 
 corridors, were scores of groups like the classes of a great 
 Sunday School, all sitting crosslegged on the door, each group 
 gathered round a teacher, who was sitting' among them and 
 teaching them with all his might something from the Koran. 
 They are said to teach everything here ; not only Moslemism 
 and the Koran, but also other branches. 
 What touched us was the intense earnestness of both 
 teachers and students. The adults v/ere all men, and they 
 seemed to be men of one idea. Many of the teachers wore 
 the green turban, showing that they had been to Mecca and 
 had accomplished the Pilgrimage so sacred to Moslems. 
 There are said to be 10,000 to 12,o00 students in attendance 
 always at this school, almost all preparing for missionary 
 work throughout the world. We saw no such number as 
 this, but there were a good many hundred. We saw enough, 
 however, to let us realize the intense earnestness and power 
 of this system based on one book, and interweaving that book 
 with all their higher and lower education, and making it the 
 chief text book in all their schools. If Christianity had 
 treated the Bible as Mohammedanism the Koran, it would 
 long ago have become the religion of the world. 
 There is one thing of which we need have no doubt— and 
 that is, the intense and entire satisfaction and enthusiasm 
 with which Moslems regard their rehgion, and the contempt 
 with which they regard all others. They look upon Christi- 
 anity as a religion from which tliey have taken all that is 
 the scene in 
 I pillars and 
 s of a great 
 [•, each group 
 ig them and 
 [1 the Koran. 
 r Moslemism 
 ness of both 
 en, and they 
 eachers wore 
 o Mecca and 
 to Moslems. 
 II attendance 
 r missionary 
 h number as 
 saw enough, 
 ;s and power 
 ing that book 
 uaking it the 
 istianity had 
 ran, it would 
 o doubt — and 
 i enthusiasm 
 the contempt 
 upon Christi- 
 an all that la 
 worth keeping, and have addea the lugher lovelation of Mo- 
 liammed. Tliey have heen through Christianity and got be- 
 yond it. 'J'liey accept Abraham, Moses, Christ, hut Moham- 
 med is beyond them all, the last and greatest of thi^ ])r()phet8. 
 Our dragoman said to us yesterday, in the Moscpie of Mo- 
 hanuued Mi, "They teach us in the miiversity that (iod is 
 one, only one. He has no Father, no Mother, no Son." And 
 lie looked as if he had a self-evident truth. 
 They regard all Christians as believing that Mary is the 
 Mother of God, and they hate it. Nothing has so hindered 
 Christianity in the world and in the East as the absurd cari- 
 catures of the Roman and Greek Churches. 
 During our visit to Cairo the Roman Carnival was ob- 
 served. The whole day was given n\) to processions and pan- 
 tomimes, just like the Mardi (Iras of New Orleans. The 
 Avhole thing was a lmrles(iue and a farce. But everybody 
 went out to see it, and the day was a public holiday. It was 
 considered by the Moslems as the beginning of the Oiristian 
 season of fasting and i.rayer, and the missionaries were con- 
 gratulated all round on the Christian feast, and wishes ex- 
 tended to them for a year of blessing. What but the power 
 of God, and a real and living Christianity, can ever meet and 
 counteract this awful caricature ! 
 Unfortunately too many of our English and American 
 Christians leave an influence but little better. But few of 
 them ever find out the missions or the missionaries, and 
 their influence among the natives reminds one of the prayer 
 of the little Sunday Schoolgirl in Brooklyn, one night, just as 
 I ,'I 
 ,ion of Mo- 
 uld v^oi be- 
 lut Moham- 
 et ])r()pyiet9. 
 (jiu" of Mo- 
 :luii (iod is 
 Son." Aud 
 Vlary is the 
 so hindered 
 ibsurd cari- 
 val was ob- 
 )ns and pan- 
 leans. The 
 t everybody 
 lay. It was 
 le Christian 
 (s were con- 
 1 wishes ex- 
 t the power 
 er meet and 
 d American 
 But few of 
 ouaries, and 
 F the prayer 
 light, just as 
 they were preparing to go to the coimtry for tlie summer 
 vacation. Slie knelt down at her little cot-side, and was 
 lieard to say, "Dood-bye, l)()d, wc's goin' to the country." 
 But there is a most excellent missionary work being done 
 in Kgypt. 
 The pleasantest incident of our visit to Cairo was our 
 visit to the American Mission coimected with the United 
 Presbyterian Church of this country. We were most cour- 
 teously received, and foimd tlu; Mission in a most flourishing 
 condition. There are now stations in all the f^gyptian prov- 
 inces, and a large and growing work is going forward. 
 There are over :?()(» pupils in the .school in Cairo, and nearly 
 4.(MK» communicants in all Egypt. There are a few Moham- 
 medan converts, but the work is chit^fly among the Copts, the 
 old National Christian Chuich of Egypt, but one that has 
 more degent>rated than perhajjs any of the oriental churches. 
 AVe hear, however, of important changes that are taking 
 place, and some look forward toward reform. 
 We cannot too highly express our api)reciation of the 
 kindness received from some of the members of the Mission- 
 ary Home in Cairo, and oiu* gratitude to God for the work 
 that has been acconii)lished. 
 But little work is done by any other Society. The Churcli 
 Missionary Society of England lias a few laborers. And yet, 
 after all, the Egyptian nation with its millions of Moslems 
 has been but lightly touched, and we need to pray much for 
 How wonderfully God has fulfilled prophecy in this old 
 laud 1 It is, indeed, " the basest of kingdoms," and the pres- 
 ence of English soldiers evcuywhero makes one feel how 
 truly God has remembertid His ancient word r(>apecting it, 
 and held it in a place; of subjection and humiliation. 
 But there is hope for Egypt yet, in the same prophetic 
 Word. The plan of the ages has linked Egyi)t with Israel 
 in the promises of the Millennial Age. Lord, hasten that 
 longed-for day 1 
 nd tho pres- 
 10 feci how 
 specting it, 
 o prophetic 
 with IsriK'l 
 lastc'ii that 
 AVPiRY slow and tcnHous railway lido of soveii hours, 
 which, according to tho schedulo time, should only 
 havo hoeu three hours and a half, took us from Cairo 
 to Ismailia ahout one o'clock in the morning, and at five -we 
 were awakened hastily to meet our steamer for India. Our 
 Aral) attendant had promised exuberantly, tlu; night before, 
 to awake us an hour before the time for starting, but when 
 the morning came, he forgot to call us until tho tender was 
 about ready to start ; and we got a gooil illustration of the 
 necessity of being " always ready " for the Master's call. 
 Wo were glad we had everything packed tht^ previous 
 night and had not nuich di-essing to do. "VVo found tho 
 "Oceana" a very fine boat, (pn'tc equal to car best Atlantic 
 steamers. Down the R< ' a slm has made faster time than 
 the "Servia" did, attaining about 375 miles a day. 
 We have a most deiigiitful party of passengers, including 
 quite a number of ministers and missiouari(?s going to the 
 East. Every mv uing at ten thej'o is a daily prayer-meeting, 
 which is a time uf refreshing, and there is less drinking than 
 we have yet seen on any steamship. 
 The second class saloon accommodation is sub'^<;uitially 
 as good as the first class on the Atlantic steamers. Tliis is 
 not true, however, of niany of the steamers. 
 We are sorry, in one sense, that we have to leave her at 
 Aden and take a smaller steamer for Bombay, as the 
 "Oceana" goes on 
 direct to Culombo 
 and Australia. But 
 we shall keep a few 
 of our passengers, 
 who are going also 
 to India, and, we 
 doubt not, our dear 
 and mindful JMaster 
 has prepared even 
 better things for us 
 there. His good- 
 ness to us in this 
 whole voyage is be- 
 yond the power of 
 words to express. 
 We have been con- 
 scious every mo- 
 ment of a cloud of 
 ceaseless prayer en- 
 compassing us, and His Presence has been real, restful 
 and comforting as never before. Truly He has tra\elled 
 with us all the way, and we love to commend Him to 
 lonely hearts. Like a little child we go on, not knowing 
 mei's. Tliis is 
 ;o leave her at 
 nibay, as the 
 ?ana" goes on 
 t to Colombo 
 \.ustralia. But 
 iiall keep a few 
 Lir passengei's, 
 are going also 
 iidia, and, we 
 t not, our dear 
 nindful ]\Iaster 
 prepared even 
 ■r things for us 
 ;. His good- 
 to us in this 
 e voyage is be- 
 [ the power of 
 Is to express, 
 have been con- 
 is every mo- 
 t of a cloud of 
 iless prayer en- 
 n real, restful 
 s has tra\elled 
 imend Him to 
 , not knowing 
 much before, and we find all the way prepared, and are ever 
 conscious of His interposing and protecting love. 
 On our journey in Palestine from Jerusalem to Bethel our 
 horse gave a sudden spring, and the next moment he was 
 down on his side, falling on our right leg. It seemed inevit- 
 able that we must be injured. But we rose and walked along 
 awhile to get our joints adjusted, and looked up to Him with 
 thanks and trust, aud found, that beyond a little sprain in 
 one hand, a scratch on the other arm, and a little bruising of 
 the muscles of the leg, we were not injured at all, and even 
 the little touch of pain He quite took away — in a little while. 
 Our friend urged us to exchange horses and let him take ours ; 
 but we felt it would really be distrust, and would look like 
 depending on the other horse rather than upon God, and so 
 we simply watched our pony more carefully, and kept look- 
 ing to the Lord^ and got through the day delightfully. 
 The next day, as we were driving to Hebron, our Arab 
 driver got very cold, and jumped from the seat, and ran be- 
 hind the carriage awhile to get warm. The carriage blinds 
 were down, and we did not see him or know exactly what he 
 was doing, when, suddenly, we heard a cry, and found the 
 wheel had gone over a steep embankment ; the carriage was 
 just holding by the axle, which was fiat on the ground. We 
 leaped out and thanked the Lord for keeping us from going 
 over. Then we helped the poor fellow, who was white with 
 fear, to draw the carriage back on the road by turning the 
 team across the road, and pulling hard ; and we went on 
 trusting and watching. We do not mean at all to encourage 
 carelessness. We endeavor to be wise and watchful, but all 
 our watching cannot anticipate the ten thousand perils that 
 are ever around us, and it is so blessed to know and con- 
 stantly find that He is, indeed, our Keeper, and v-hal He 
 never slumbers nor sleeps. 
 We find the sun in this Eastern world has a strange and 
 dangerous power. Even when the air is so chilly that you 
 have to keep on a heavy overcoat, you must not let the direct 
 rays of the sun strike your head, or you are conscious of a 
 very curious sensation, and would soon become ill. We are 
 fitted out with pith hats, and learn to use white umbi^llas 
 The promise has a very real meaning: "The Ijord if thj 
 Keeper ; the Lord is thy shade on thy right hand ; the sun 
 shall not smite thee by day. " The Arabs all cover their heads, 
 both from the cold and heat. Their turbans consist of a 
 very long piece of muslin folded over and over again, and, 
 although they look so hot, they really shield the head from the 
 sun, and keep it in a wholesome perspiration. In the cold- 
 est weather the Arab's feet and legs are usually quite bare ; 
 but, if he can get his head muffled up, he feels quite com- 
 How the customs of the country constantly speak to us 
 about the Bible ! For example, riding the other day through 
 the crowded streets of Cairo, with our donkey boy running 
 behind us, we did not need to think about our road, so long 
 as he was silent, but just went on without anxiety ; but 
 when we heard his voice we knew there was something to be 
 done — either a turn or a halt. How it recalled the words : 
 atchful, but all 
 land perils that 
 know and con- 
 ', and v,hal He 
 s a strange and 
 chilly that you 
 ot let the direct 
 i conscious of a 
 ne ill. We are 
 hite umbi'^llas 
 he liord if th^ 
 hand ; the sun 
 ver their heads, 
 QS consist of a 
 ver again, and, 
 e head from the 
 1. In the cold- 
 ally quite hare ; 
 3els quite com- 
 bly speak to us 
 er day through 
 By boy running 
 r road, so long 
 b anxiety ; but 
 omething to be 
 lied the words : 
 "Thou shalt hear a voice behind thee, saying, This is the 
 way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand and to the 
 left." It is only when we have to turn, that we may need to 
 hear the voice. God is not always speaking to us, but we 
 may be sure we shall hear it when we come to the crisis 
 hours of life, and need to turn round or take any serious new 
 step. When we have His silence and peace, let us go on 
 with simple trust and confidence. Then we noticed that the 
 voice was always b^hind us. And so God leads us and speaks 
 to us out of the quiet moments of recollection, when we take 
 time to hear His gentle voice. 
 The skies and sunsets of this land are wonderful. The 
 after glow that follows sunset is beautiful and glorious 
 After the sun goes down over the desert, full-orbed and almost 
 crimson-hued, you can see the stars in the zenith in a few 
 seconds. Last night we saw the first star less than three 
 minutes after sunset. And then begins, on the horizon, the 
 most beautiful series of metamorphoses. First, there ia 
 usually a moderate glow in the East, reaching up, perhaps, 
 twenty degrees from the horizon, and rather deeply tinted 
 in amber and gold. But this soon fades, and in the west, 
 right over the place where the sun went down, there hangs a 
 halo of many-tinted glory for some time, changing its varied 
 and blended hues, from pink to crimson, lilac and gold, and 
 at times making you really feel that you are gazing at some 
 superb illumination. 
 The other night in Cairo, more than an hour after sun- 
 set, when it was perfectly dark, and all the stars were out ia 
 every part of the sky but this, the fiery cloud hung for a 
 long time, and we felt, for a time, that there must be a 
 great fire in the city. But it gradually faded away, and we 
 knew that it was just "the after-glow." Last night, over 
 the shores of the Red Sea and the mountains of Abyssinia, it 
 lingered until, at least, three hours after sunset, making one 
 think of the glory that followed the setting of the Sun of 
 Righteousness, and the light that is shining still over the 
 place where He died and rose again, and ascended to shine in 
 other skies, until He shall return some brighter morning, and 
 we shall see in yonder East the Aurora of the Eternal Dawn. 
clerful. The 
 id glorious 
 d and almost 
 ith in a few 
 than three 
 horizon, the 
 :st, there is 
 up, perhaps, 
 leeply tinted 
 in the west, 
 here hangs a 
 ng its varied 
 nd gold, and 
 zing at some 
 ir after sun- 
 j were out ia 
 I hung for a 
 •e must be a 
 way, and we 
 t night, over 
 Abyssinia, it 
 making one 
 f the Sun of 
 itill over the 
 3d to shine in 
 morning, and 
 ternal Dawn. 
 But we have a gladder, grander pleasure even than this. 
 We have just been permitted to see the beginning of the skies 
 of the southern hemisphere, and the beautiful Southern 
 Cross, which is to the sailor of the southern seas very nuich 
 what the Pole Star is to the navigator of the north— the Pole 
 star of his sky. 
 To us it was the much more beautiful and significant 
 symbol of our blessed Redeemer. All nature was made for 
 Him and speaks for Him, and, surely, the four crimson stars 
 which form this celestial cross may be permitted to bear wit- 
 iiess to Him Avliom His own disciples have so little made 
 known to these southern lands. 
 As we, on the Red Sea, watched its appearence for the 
 first time, we had no interpreter but the voice in our own 
 heart. The hour was late, the passengers were asleep, and 
 we seemed to feel that we had God all to ourselves on this 
 side of the world at least, for, on the other, our blessed Friday 
 meeting was at that very hour going on, and about reaching 
 its close. Up to this time we had been too far north to see 
 this constellation. But now we felt we must be near the 
 ])lace of its appearing, and so we sat upon the deck, in the 
 balmy air that floated over from the Arabian plains, and 
 Avatched the south-eastern sky, as star after star that we had 
 never seen before slowly rose from the sea, floated over a low 
 curve, and sank again into the sea a little farther west. We 
 need not tell our readers that the stars on the southern hori- 
 zon describe a very short course till they disappear. 
 At last a cluster appeared, of about a dozen, out of which 
 gradually we were able to frame a cross, by picking out the 
 brightest and not seeing the others. For a while this seemed 
 to us to be the famous constellation. But it appeared too 
 large, the stars were too mixed and there were too many 
 stars around it that did not form the cross, to satisfy us, and 
 we waited on until it had begun to fade away to the west. 
 Then there came another c(jiistellation, composed mostly 
 of great patches of nebute brighter than the milky way, and 
 looking like a great procession of lamps before some royal 
 pageant. And then there began to rise from the sea three 
 SO little made 
 arence for the 
 ce in our own 
 3re asleep, and 
 rselves on this 
 blessed Friday 
 ibout reaching 
 ir north to see 
 st be near the 
 18 deck, in the 
 ian plains, and 
 :ar that we had 
 ated over a low 
 ;her west. We 
 ) southern hori- 
 m, out of which 
 picking out the 
 nile this seemed 
 it appeared too 
 were too many 
 ) satisfy us, and 
 ^ to the west, 
 omposed mostly 
 milky way, and 
 Eore some royal 
 n the sea three 
 stars of ruby tint, that formed the head of a cross, much 
 smaller than the first we had seen, and, as it rose and rose, 
 the fourth star at length came up below, and lo ! the cross 
 was complete ! 
 There could bo no doubt about this ; it was the tnie 
 Cross— the other but a counterfeit, that had gone before. It 
 had far fewer stars in it. Indeed, all but these four were 
 smaller stars ; these were of the first magnitude. The figure 
 was almost perfect. The right hand horizontal bar was a 
 little higher and shorter than the left, but, with this excep- 
 tion, it was a real cross ; and, as it rose higher and higher, it 
 stood out with bold outline and brilliant glory against the 
 It was but a fancy, a correspondence, but it spoke to us 
 of much. The first cross lepresented the false religions that 
 nave gone before and perplexed and deceived mankind. The 
 nebulae that preceded the true Cross were fine illustrations 
 of the light of proi)hecy and promise that ushered in the 
 great redemption. And the ruby stars (as the astronomers 
 tell us they appear in the telescope) that formed that simple 
 cross proclaimed the precious blood by which we have been 
 redeemed, and the plan of salvation through the sacrifice of 
 Jesus, that bears its own evidence and vindication to all who 
 are willing to look at it fairly. 
 One thing more we noticed. When it first arose, the 
 cross was slanting, as if ready to fall ; but, as it moved on, it 
 grew erect and passed out of view with its glorious head lifted 
 up to heaven, telling surely of the glorious gospel which be- 
 gan ill weakness, but is marching on to its full meridian 
 glory, when " the head that once was crowned with thorns" 
 shall wear the glory of all lands and ages. 
 And yet once more. Looking a second time at this cluster 
 of stars, wcuioticed that by putting together the smaller stars, 
 they formed a second cross that seemed to lie back of the 
 other, and in a horizontal position. How it spoke to us of 
 the cross Avhich Christ has laid down at our feet for us to 
 take up and carry ! He had His cross, we have ours, too ; 
 and the very badge of discipleship is to be willing to carry it 
 gladly for His dear love. 
 And so we turned away from the glorious sky, willing to 
 be numbered among the star-gazers, too, if through these 
 jewelled windows we may but see a little more of the beauty 
 of our wondrous King, in His crimson Cross and His coming 
 It was two o'clock. A blessed company were just retir- 
 ing from their hallowed meeting in the Tabernacle, at C P. 
 M. ; their day was ending, -and ours ? And we lay down and 
 slept for six blessed hours within the arms of His love, and 
 prayers of His people, and the very curtains of His holy hab- 
 itation. And when the morning dawned our vision of the 
 night before had become a little song, which we give to our 
 readers on another page. 
 We have some comic things, too, and the Lord lets 
 us have an innocent laugh, many a time. While we were 
 lying at anchor for half-an-hour in Suez to receive the mails- 
 and some other things, a lot of Arabs came on board with 
 :.ir-nfniin "' 
 ull meridian 
 with thorns" 
 it this cluster 
 inialler stars, 
 hack of the 
 oke to us of 
 .^et for us to 
 ve ours, too ; 
 iig to carry it 
 ky, willing to 
 hrough these 
 of the l)eauty 
 (I His crmiing 
 ■re just retir- 
 •nacle, at C P. 
 lay down and 
 His love, and 
 His holy hah- 
 vision of tlie 
 e give to our 
 [;he Lord lets 
 ^hile we were 
 ;eive the maili* 
 on hoard with 
 JSA/.I//./.1 JO nOMJl.lY. 
 their various wares. Among them was a conjuror, who 
 seemed to he in the special employment of the devil. Ho had 
 a little rahbit, some tin cups, eggs, etc., and at once seated 
 himself on the deck in the centre cf a group of passengers 
 near us, and began his tricks. He proceeded to bleat for 
 a time like a goat, and then uttering a sort of invocation 
 to the devil, " Come on, debble, come on, debble," and then 
 his arch-master having come to his aid, he began to do the 
 most extraordinary things. The people laughed and won- 
 dered, and, as long as their money continued to flow, he went 
 on. We stayed long enough to see that he was in the devil's 
 /..■ia'(7/:a' o/t/.ooa's ox A/issfox.iA'V f.ixns. 
 business, and then we tui lu'd awjiy as iar as we could, but 
 could n()tosca[)o noticing the sequel. 
 Suddenly the ship began to move, and the Arab started 
 to get off, but he was too late. His dhow or hoat was off a 
 buiidred yards, and all the tenders had move<l away; then a 
 most amusing and i)aintul scene began. The sweat rolled 
 down his face, he cried and lamented, run to the stern, 
 screamed to the dhow to come on and keep up, rushed franti- 
 cally aiound the deck, tried to get i\m big ship to stop, but 
 the captain did not even see him. Alas, the '• debble " could 
 not do nmch for him now ! His mastei' seemed all at once to 
 have failed him. We could not help thinking of the magi- 
 cians of Egypt and the narrow limits of their power. Fort- 
 unately for him, the ship had to turn round after a little in 
 the roadstead, and during this time, only a minute or two, 
 his boat came up, he seized a rope and swung himself over 
 the side of the great ship, the boat caught him below as he 
 swung in mid air, and he dropped on board, panting and 
 sweating, while a great cheer went up from his friends, and 
 he seemed hardly to know whether he was dead or alive. 
 He, certainly, was the most frightened creature we ever saw, 
 and we could not help thinking of the difference between the 
 two Masters. 
 We have been passing through the lands of the Hegira and 
 the Exodus of Israel. Somewhere on the Une of this canal is 
 the spot where Moses stretched his rod across the deep, arid 
 Pharaoh's hosts were buried in the Red Sea. Somewhere on 
 these shores the Pillar of Jehovah's Presence lighted up the 
 ve could, but 
 Arab started 
 out was off a 
 iway; then a 
 sweat rolled 
 the stern, 
 ushed franti- 
 ) to stop, but 
 ebblo" could 
 all at once to 
 of the niagi- 
 povver. Fort- 
 'ter a little in 
 inute or two, 
 himself over 
 1 below as he 
 panting and 
 3 friends, and 
 lead or alive, 
 we ever saw, 
 9 between the 
 he Hegira and 
 f this canal is 
 the deep, aiid 
 omev.here on 
 lighted up the 
 darkness of the night, as this sunset glow now shines along 
 the West. Soniewliere over yonder ar«! Marah and F.lini, 
 Rephidini and Sinai. Perhaps no one yet knows. Unigsdi 
 Bey suys, the site of the crossing is away down at Kantara on 
 the other side of Isniailia. Hut this can hardly 1m?. It is too 
 far from Goshen and Kameses, which have been identified 
 near Tel-el-Kebir. The old tradition says -Sue/. Hut this 
 seems too far on this side of Kameses. A good many have 
 located it at Slialouf, a few miles abovc^ Suez, and they believe 
 that the Red Sea then reached nnich larther north, and took 
 in the present Bitter Lakes and Lake Timsah on which Is- 
 mailia stands. This is, perhaps, most probable. 
 We saw, a short distance to the East, the probable site of 
 EUm, still known as the Wells of Moses, where we could see 
 the palms growing around a few houses on the oasis. Away 
 beyond stretch the desert sands where they wandered, and in 
 the distance, rise the peaks of Horeb and Sinai. Many a 
 weary journey has been made to trace their footsteps. We 
 have little interest in the mere processes of anticpiarian re- 
 search; we are content to accept the b' A, results, and get as 
 quickly as possible to the practical lessons of their history. 
 For us they trod these wastes and lived and died, and failed 
 to enter in, that we might escape their failures and inherit 
 their promises. " Let us, therefore, fear lest, a promise being 
 left us of entering into His rest, any of us should seem to 
 come short of it." 
 The Red Sea looks like a narrow strip on . -ur maps, and 
 one would almost expect to see from shoi-e to shore. But 
 •, < 
 wlien yoi! got upon it you tiiid a great sea moiv than a thou- 
 sand miles long, and over two luindn'd bioad, down which 
 it takes a swift steamer between three and four days to sail. 
 Its waters have been like a summer pool. In the wak(> of 
 oui- ship, flash the i)hosphorescent creatures that might be 
 called t he glowworms of t]\o deep. An army of scores of im- 
 mense sluu ks swam past us to-day. The Southern terminus 
 is the strait of Bab-el- Mandeb, and the town of Aden, a Brit- 
 ish possession, commands the entrance to the canal, and is an 
 Arab town of less than •?(»,()<)(» peopl(>. Across rises the high 
 coast of the Somali Country, where a few brave Swedish mis- 
 sionaries ar(^ laboring. 
 Arabia is yet an unevangelizedland, only one or two work 
 lug chiefly in British territory. Some efforts are about to be 
 made to enter it. In His Name we will claim it for Christ iu 
 His own mighty way. How little is all that we can do against 
 this great host ! But He is All-sufficient, and, in tliose days, 
 as wo realize moi-e than ever the immensity and difficulty of 
 the field, wo are falling back on Him, and giving ourselves 
 more than ever to prayer, not only for a blessing on our own 
 work, but, infinitely beyond it all, for His own infinite, direct 
 and almighty working. 
 A foolish dance is going on upon deck this evening, and, 
 driven from our usual walk, we have just spent a very pleas- 
 ant hour with the chief cook on the lower deck, and he has 
 told us the story of his wonderful conversion, six years ago, 
 on this ship, through one of the China Inland Missionaries. 
 He is one of the stalwart sort of Christians, and stands alone 
than a thou- 
 lowii which 
 (lays to Hail. 
 the wake of 
 at might be 
 scoroH of irn- 
 Mii terminus 
 \.{Vm, a Brit- 
 al, and is an 
 isos tlu) high 
 >W(>(lish iriis- 
 3r two v\'i )i'k 
 3 about to be 
 for Christ in 
 n do against 
 1 those days, 
 difficulty of 
 ng ourselves 
 ; on our own 
 itinite, direct 
 vening, and, 
 a very pleas- 
 and he has 
 X years ago, 
 stands alone 
 on this ship against all the mixtures and compromises that 
 so dishonor Dirist, and confound Christianit} with more 
 worldliness. It i.s refreshing to find once in a while such hid- 
 den ones in all sorts of unexpected (piarters. 
 But wo have just passed the lights of Perimand the Strait 
 of Bah-el Mundob, and must get ready to tranship for Uom- 
 The approach to Aden is wild and grand. It stands 
 upon a rocky peninsula, whose jagged cliffs must lise at 
 least 2,000 feet above the sea. It is situated about eighty 
 miles east of the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeh, and commands the 
 entrance of the Red Sea. It is an English colony, strongly 
 fortified, and of immense strategic importance, giving Eng- 
 land the command of this mighty gateway to the East. The 
 town lies back from the harbor a few miles, and has a popu- 
 lation of about L'(t,000. 
 ; <j- 5*w-.**^^^ 
 '•k.^-^ %iif\ 
 ii -iv'-to^-: 
 We find some interesting traces of the ancient greatness 
 of this old Arabian town. It is mentioned, in Ezekiel xxvii : 
 23, as one of the cities with which Tyre carried on an impor- 
 tant commercial traffic. Tradition places the home of the 
 Queen of Sheba at Saba, just north of it. In the time of Cou- 
 stantine it was an important church centre. In the middle 
 ages it was a great city , and a prize for contending armies. 
 It has been held successively by the Turks, Arabs, Portu- 
 guese, French and English. It is now a part of the Bombay 
 Presidency, and one of the most important military posts of 
 the British empire, and known as "the Gibraltar of the 
 There are a few missionaries from England laboring 
 here, the only workers that have yet been really planted in 
 Arabia. So far they are chiefly employed within the British 
 territory, but it is, at least, an important starting point, and 
 we join hands Avith them in faith and prayer, -^nd put the 
 sole of our foot down on Arabia and claim it also for Him, in 
 His own great and mighty way, even in the face of appar- 
 ently insuperable difficulties. 
 Arabia is the land of Ishmael and Hagar, of Moses and 
 the Law, of the wanderings of Israel, and the sojourn of Ehjah 
 and Paul. These people are the seed of Abraham, and, at 
 least, the cousins of Israel ; and they, too, have an inherit- 
 ance of promise. They are a most attractive people, simple, 
 affectionate, intelligent and capable. Our heart bleeds to see 
 them under the blight of Mohammedanism. 
 A great work has begun for them m connection with the 
 Qcient greatness 
 1 Ezekiel xxvii : 
 ed on an impor- 
 he home of the 
 the time of Cou- 
 In the middle 
 tending armies. 
 , Arabs, Portu- 
 t of the Bombay 
 nihtary posts of 
 jribraltar of the 
 ngland laboring 
 :-eally planted in 
 ithin the British 
 rting point, and 
 rer, '^nd put the 
 also for Him, in 
 le face of appar- 
 ar, of Moses and 
 sojourn of Elijah 
 Lbrahani, and, at 
 have an inherit- 
 e people, simple, 
 eart bleeds to see 
 mecfcion with the 
 American Mission in Syria, in the publication of the Bible 
 and other books in their beautiful language ; and the Bible 
 Societies are distributing these leaves of the Tree of Life 
 among them with a fair measure of success. Work has to 
 be cai-ried on among them with great wisdom. Anywhere, 
 under the Turkish government, any very public agitation is 
 sure to lead to the suppression of the work. The work car- 
 ried on by the North African Mission, from Damascus among 
 the Bedouins east of the Jordan, has been stopped, and Mr. 
 Van Tassel has returned home. The best work we can do 
 for Arabia is to pray that God Himself will somehow send 
 the pioneers whom He alone can prepare to go foi th with the 
 Gospel to its neglected millions, if it be nothing more than to 
 proclaim the witness before the coming of the Lord. 
 But we got a glimpse of another race during the four or 
 five hours we stayed in Aden,— the African tribes on the op- 
 posite shore. We had no sooner anchored than our ship was 
 surrounded with scores of Somali lads, entirely nude, except 
 a towel around their loins. Tliey floated around like sea-fowl, 
 climbed on deck, and tried in various ways to get "back- 
 shish" or sell tl^iir wares. They were as black and shining 
 as polished ebony, with curly African hair. Their figures were 
 finely developed, and they were really handsome, and veiy 
 smart and intelligent. They were perfectly at home in the 
 water. Many of them had their own canoes, just big enough 
 for one, and hewn out of a log The sea washed in, but they 
 sat in the bottom paddling, and just bailed it out with their 
 hands. You could not drown them. They were more than 
 half the time in the water, swimming abcut like fishes — able 
 to stand erect in the sea, and laugh and talk, and dart about 
 among the tug-boats and steamers without the slightest fear 
 of being run over. Their greatest delight was to have a pas- 
 senger throw them a ])onny or sixpence. They would leap 
 from their boats and catch it long before it got to the bottom, 
 and invariably bring it up in their mouths. Poor little fel- 
 lows, what beautiful Christians they would make ! 
 At length we are loaded with mails and freight for Bom- 
 bay, the signal gun is fired and we are off. As we clear the 
 harbor, we look south, and the "Oceana," the ship we have 
 just left, is leaving for Colombo and Sydney, on her long 
 voyage of four weeks more These great Australian ships 
 only make three trips a year. Compared with one of these 
 great voyages, an Atlantic trij) is like crossing a ferry. 
 The sail over the Arabian Sea from Aden to Bombay was 
 very delightful. The sea was as calm as glass, wuth the ex- 
 ception of the last few hours, and pleasant breezes kept the 
 air delightfully cool. On the glassy waters floated myriads 
 of beautiful sea anemones, a sort of jelly fish spreading out 
 just like a great flower, with petals of lilac and heart of crim- 
 son and purple. Flying fish would often dart across the 
 waves, flutter a minute or so in the air, flying, i)erhaps, a 
 Imudred feet, and then drop into the water. At a distance 
 they looked like little birds, but close at hand they were seen 
 to be little fish about a foot long, with wings just like a black 
 This sea is not always so gentle. In the monsoon season, 
 from June to September, it is, perhaps, the roughest sailing 
 fishes — able 
 d dart about 
 lightest fear 
 ) have a pas- 
 T would leap 
 • the bottom, 
 ;)or little fel- 
 jht for Bom- 
 we clear the 
 ship we have 
 on her long 
 ;ralian ships 
 one of these 
 Bombay was 
 Avith the ex- 
 izes kept the 
 ited myriads 
 preading out 
 eart of crim- 
 t across the 
 ?, perhaps, a 
 \i a distance 
 ey were seen 
 > like a black 
 isoon season, 
 ^hest sailing 
 ISM AIL 1. 1 TO nOMIiAY. 
 in the world, and the sailors and officers told us how in the 
 last monsoon, the chief officer of the " Assam," one of the 
 two steamers that sail between Aden and Bombay, was swept 
 off the deck by a great wave, and never seen again. This, 
 however, is the calm season and is unusually calm. 
 All our stewards are Hindus, and the Post Office clerks 
 also. Most of them speak English perfectly, and, but for 
 their brown faces, you would take theni for Enghshmen. 
 The crew are all Hindus, and it is a sight not to be forgotten 
 to witness one of their meals. Last night we watched them 
 at supper. A great tin pan of rice, about a yard in diameter, 
 and holding at least five gallons of boiled rice, was brought 
 by one of them to the forecastle deck, and then nine or ten of 
 them squatted round it, k:;ving first all carefully washed their 
 Then they began to squeeze the rice to make it s-^ft and 
 sticky, any or all of them sticking in their hands at \, •.. re, 
 until they had worked it up to the proper consistency. Then 
 a little basin or pot was brought, containing some curry 
 sauce, and this was poured over the rice, and again their 
 hands were plunged in and the rice and curry mixed up until 
 it had become properly colored and flavored. The process of 
 eating then began, and each one, with his hands, plunged 
 into the great dish until the dish was empty. Then he would 
 look round at some other httle company, and, if there was 
 another dish not yet finished, he might join that party. They 
 were all squatted around these dishes, and looked not unlike 
 a little pen of animals getting their rations in a trough. But 
 they are gentle, inoffensive, quiet people, good servants, and 
 T- ', :<'^;'^i^^^^^^^^^^mifm^^fmmmmm^mm^^$^^mmt^M4-^& s- 
 like simple, happy children. They are rather timid, and 
 bear in thoir faces and manners the marks of a subject race. 
 We reached Bombay about ten o'clock on Saturday even- 
 ing, February 25. The harbor is large and fine, and is guarded 
 by bold, high shores. We had just got our baggage on the 
 steam launch of the P. cSc O. Company, and were arranging 
 to go to a hotel, when our good brother Fuller arrived, with 
 a cordial welcome, and took us to a delightful Christian 
 household, where we remained during our stay in Bombay, 
 and met some lovely Christian friends. We remained in 
 Bombay until Tuesday morning, and then left by train to 
 visit our dear missionaries in Berar. We shall speak of them 
 and our missionary work later. 
 Our first act on stepping upon the shores of India was to 
 get alone on the landing, and, while our friends were having 
 our baggage attended to and securing a carriage, we just 
 looked up into the skies and heavens, beyond the glorious 
 stars, and claimed this place, on which the sole of our feet at 
 length rested, for Christ and His gospel. 
 And we believe that He gave us more than our eyes shall 
 <^ver see at this time, for the evangelization of this wondrous 
 land and mighty people,— the most open and interesting mis- 
 sion field in the world, and the great inheritance and trust, 
 not only of the British nation, but also of all the English- 
 speaking people of the world. 
 One of our first impressions of India was the noises of the 
 night. The air was literally wild with the cries of innumer- 
 able birds, especially crows, which were flying about all the 
 night, lighting upon our window sills and impudently put- 
ther timid, and 
 ■ a subject race. 
 I Saturday even- 
 e, aud m guarded 
 baggage on the 
 were arranging 
 er arrived, with 
 ;htful Christian 
 5tay in Bombay, 
 Ve remained in 
 left by train to 
 II speak of them 
 of India was to 
 ds were having 
 rriage, we just 
 ud the glorious 
 le of our feet at 
 II our eyes shall 
 this wondrous 
 nteresting mis- 
 mce and trust, 
 .11 the Enghsh- 
 he noises of the 
 3s of innumer- 
 ; about all the 
 apudently put- 
 ISM A 1 1. 1 A TO nOMBAY. 
 ting their noses and their noises into everything. As the 
 Hindu does not believe in killing anything lest he might haply 
 kill his grandfather in some new form of transmigration, it is 
 the paradise of birds, beasts and insects. 
 Our next decided impression was made by the American 
 mosquito who was here in force. Fortunately, if they do 
 not kill him they fence him off, and so we got under our bar 
 as speedily as possible, and stayed there till daylight cleared the 
 air. Everybody in India keeps doors and windows open, and 
 the word draught is unknown in this land. We found the 
 nights cool and pleasant, and the days hot, but not nearly so 
 hot as we expected at this season. 
 Perhaps our next impression was the dress or rather un- 
 dress of the people. The men und women of the lower cla^-ses 
 dress ahout alike. The limhs are scarcely covered, one gar- 
 ment being fastened around the loins, and anothrr usually- 
 over the shoulders. 'J'he turban is always to bo seen on th- 
 elaborate. The 
 men, and is very 
 women gracefully 
 a corner of the loose 
 the shoulders. These 
 carry i tig great l)ur- 
 their heads. i t 
 almost to tears to 
 among rough meii 
 borers on the public- 
 the mortar for the 
 carriers. As we saw 
 bodies trembling 
 hods and babkets of 
 we asked what wa- 
 aud they told us : "In 
 cents a day — in the 
 And for this these 
 day in the hot sun, 
 throw over the head 
 robe, that falls ovei- 
 won)eu can be seen 
 dens constantly on 
 touched our heart 
 see them engaged 
 as the lowest la- 
 buildiugs, carrying 
 masons like on r hod 
 their frail, half- dad 
 under these gieat 
 brick and mortar, 
 ges they received, 
 Bombay about eight 
 country much less." 
 women toiled all 
 and went home to 
 feed themselves and their children on a little lice and 
 curry, and often this was a luxury they could not afford. 
 We thanked God for what the Gospel had done for our 
 Christian womea, and we longed that our redeemed sisters 
 might be awakened to do more for the toiling and de- 
 )r rather un- 
 lower cla; >-(?s 
 red, one g \r- 
 >thf !• usufi'iy 
 seen on th • 
 rate. Th.> 
 )ver the head 
 lat fills ov.?i- 
 L can be seen 
 Dnstanily on 
 i our heart 
 urn engaged 
 i lowest la- 
 gs, cariying 
 .like our hod 
 ail, hah-; lad 
 these gieat 
 ind mortar, 
 ey received, 
 y ahout eight 
 ,^ much less." 
 toiled all 
 mt home to 
 le rice and 
 not afford, 
 lone for our 
 emed sisters 
 ing and de- 
ISM. 1 1 I.I.I TO iio.un.iv. 
 graded wonu'ii of India. Many of tlu'se toiling woni»ni woif 
 young girls of liftwn to twenty, and many of th.-m nioth.-is 
 with children. Think of then), girls and mothers of America ! 
 The first sunrise we saw in India was upon (Jod's h(dy 
 day. We found many friends waiting to welcome us to the 
 vineyard, and we were only too glad to respond. We liad the 
 privilege of preaching throe times on that day : at 11 A. M., 
 and and 8 P. M. The first two services were in the Ameri- 
 can Methodist Episcopal Churcli, where we found a large and 
 earnest English congregation, consisting largely of Europeans 
 in India, and English-speaking natives. The later services 
 were held at the Sailor's Rest, where we found a nice com- 
 pany of Scotch and Enghsh sailors, and we heheve that sev- 
 eral precious souls were saved. 
 The Superintendent of the Mission is our dear hrothei-, 
 Mr. Madden, lately of New York, who, with his dear wife 
 used often to attend our Tabernacle services in >'ew York, 
 and called upon us there less than three years ago, to consult 
 about entering upon foreign n)issionary work. We were 
 glad to hear from many quarters that this work is most suc- 
 cessful, and he is very highly esteemed among our Christian 
 workers here, and beloved by the sailors. The Pastor of the 
 M. E. Church, where we also preached, is a successful Amer- 
 ican Pastor who has recently come to India from a western 
 city, so that we feel a good deal at home in such congenial 
 surroundings. The spirit of many of the workers was most 
 earnest, simple, catholic and aggressive. This is one of the 
 self-supporting churches founded by Bishop Taylor many 
 years ago, and is, indeed, n mcmument to Iub zeal and wis- 
 dom. It is a blessod cHUtie ol ii 'ly Christinn life and wurk. 
 On Tlonday mui viwMr v, - It -d tlie pleuHuro of breakfasting 
 witli M •. Dyer, jti iprietor of the BomUwj (fuanlinn, and 
 meeting other diar friends there. He has been most kind to all 
 our outgoing missionaries, and has usually given them a pub- 
 1 ic wel- 
 at his 
 did not 
 f o r g e t 
 t o call 
 at the 
 f rit nd 
 now in 
 I^Iiss Helen Richardson, rind had the pleasure ol sc^eing two 
 of her assistants and some of her work. One of them is 
 Miss Carter, of Brooklyn. Miss Eid . rdson is laboring for the 
 unfortunate girls of ludia, especi .11^ those who have been m- 
 veigled into sin after coming from other lands, by bad men. Her 
 work is a much-needcr. vne, and we :n-e sure h.r return wiU 
 be the occasion for renewing it with fresh courage and power. 
 •» zeal and wis- 
 I life and work, 
 of breakfasting 
 (fuanlian, and 
 most kind to all 
 en them a pub- 
 1 ic wel- 
 c o m e 
 a t his 
 ISMA/L/A ro nOMIlAY. 
 3 ot seeing two 
 One of them is 
 ? laboring for the 
 tio have been in- 
 by bad men. Her 
 3 her return will 
 irageand power. 
 In the evening we were invited to take part in the first 
 public meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 
 in Bombay, and it was a good and spirited meeting, and the 
 work is beginning with a lot of live and loving women be- 
 hind it. 
 Most of 
 Monday was 
 spent, very 
 busily, in 
 Bombay, vis 
 iting business 
 offices. lo< ik- 
 ing for our 
 mail, finding 
 about sa. ing 
 «)f steamers, 
 aul seeing a 
 httle of this 
 great an 
 city a nd. 
 We ^ 'iall not 
 at this time, a, aii to describe it further than to say that 
 Bombiiv is the commercial metropoHs of India, and the 
 setond city in the British Empire. It is worthy of its high 
 position, at least so far as appearance is concerned. It re- 
 min<U one of what ancient Epn sus must have been. ae 
 magnificent capital of the Orieni it is, indeed, a superb 
 and 8i)lendi(l city with a iioimlation ftf wavXy a million, and a 
 luxuriance of architeituie and vegetation worthy of the 
 glorious East. A short visit to the magnificent market gave 
 one an idea, that nothing ^'Ise could, of the wealth of natural 
 resources which surrouml^ it. All the fruits of the northern 
 zones were there, and nuiltitudes of varieties of tiopical 
 flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables which we cannot even 
 take time to name. 
 India is, iideed, a great and wondrous world. And her 
 two hundred and eighty million souls are our great inheri- 
 tance, and sacred trust. God is laying her intensely on our 
 hearts, and we roll the burden on thousands of other hearts 
 to whom God is waiting to give the greatest privilege and 
 honor of the Ages, viz. , the -riving to her yet neglected mil- 
 lions of the glorious invitation, perhaps for the last time, to 
 the Marriage of the I.amb. 
 Stars of the Southern heaveUB, 
 I greet you in His name, 
 Who hung your torches yonder 
 And lit your glowing flame. 
 Oft in the northern midnight 
 I've seen Orion shine, 
 The brightest constellation 
 Of yonder arch divine. 
 The silvery light of Slrius, 
 The wond'rous Pleiades, 
 The never-changing Pole star,— 
 Oft have I gazed on these ; 
 iiillion, at\(\ a 
 >rthy of the 
 imuket gave 
 th of natural 
 the northern 
 8 of tropical 
 cannot even 
 Id. And her 
 great inheri- 
 snsely on our 
 other hearts 
 privilege and 
 leglected niil- 
 [3 last time, to 
 iSMAiLiA TO r.o.\rnAy. 
 But I have Iuok«<I to Mt<e thee, 
 Pair Hoiithern (V«)hs, arlne ; 
 Th« niystlo Hijfn of Jemis 
 Engraven on the iikiea. 
 Sliine on, thou wond'rou'i Hifjnal, 
 Bright lianip from ht'avtMi above, 
 Tell out o'pr «'arth and oncan 
 The niymcry of HIh love. 
 O'er Australaalan iMlands, 
 Ami Afrln'H buininff saiiilM, 
 O'er India's teeniinf^ nilllioiiH, 
 And all the Christlesta landn ; — 
 Tell how the Lord of Heaven 
 Gave up His Son to die, 
 Till men Hhall cat(di the nieaninf; 
 Of Ciirist and 0*1 vary. 
 The Church liaH lon>f nejflected 
 'J'o make the uiehHa^e known ; 
 But God haw huiij? thy Signal, 
 To tlaHk It from the Throne. 
 They say its stars are tinted 
 Like Oalvary'H criuiHou hue ; 
 The very heavens confesH Him 
 Who died for me and you. 
 The Southern Cross is hang^in^ 
 Low in the Eastern sky ; 
 I almost long to grasp it 
 And lift it up on high. 
 But there's a cross, () Master, 
 That e'en our Imnds can bear, — 
 We can lift up Thy gosiiel 
 And tell it everywhere. 
 Yon glorious constellation 
 Ts slowly travelling on, 
 And lo ! erect it standeth, 
 Long ere the night is gone. 
 Yes, and the Cross of Jesus 
 Is rising evermore ; 
 And soon its light and glory 
 Will shine from shore to shore. 
 Amid yon starry cluster 
 Two Crosses I can see : 
 One is the Cross of Jesus, 
 And one— is left for me. 
 One stands erect to Heaven ; 
 'Tis His, who suffered there, 
 And one is prostrate lying 
 For us to take and bear. 
 I lift Thy Cross, O Jesus, 
 O'er every heath* n land ; 
 And mine I take and carry 
 At Thy divine command. 
 ■ *^ 
 WE spent a delightful week with our missionaries 
 in Berar, and had a season of much mutual 
 The Province of Berar lies directly north of the Nizam's 
 Dominions and the large District of Hyderabad. It begins 
 about three hundred miles east of Bombay and extends about 
 one hundred and seventy miles from east to west and one 
 hundred and fifty from north to south. It contains a popu- 
 lation of nearly three millions of people. 
 It lies in a vast plain, and is bounded on the north by a 
 long range of hills called the Sappuro Hills. It is one of the 
 richest agricultural districts of India, and is especially noted 
 as a cotton producing district. There are large cotton mar- 
 kets all along the railway, and many cotton gins and presses 
 with some cotton factories. During the American war a 
 great impetus was given to this trade. The soil and climate 
 seem especially adapted to it. 
 It has very dense population, averaging in some districts 
 two hundred and fifty to the square mile. Its principal cities 
 are Amraoti, Akola, Ellichpur, and Bassim, but there are a 
 great many towns of from five to ten thousand inhabitants, 
 aiTd, at least, four thousand smaller towns and villages. 
 It is not a district much visited by strangers and travel- 
 lers, for it has no romantic scenery nor striking histoiic asso- 
 ciations. And it has been strangely neglected y\ the occupa- 
 tion of India by missionaries. For fifteen or t.venty years a 
 few pioneers have been i)reparing the way : Mr. Ward at 
 Ellichi)ur ; Miss Sisson, Miss Drake and Miss Wlieeler at 
 Bassim ; and later, under her new name, Mrs. Moore with her 
 good husband, Brother Moore, and our own dear Mr. and 
 Mrs. Fuller at Ellichpm-, Akote and Akola. Much faithful 
 work Avas done, much suft'ering endured, and nauch prayer 
 stored up in heaven by these lone laborers, and at last the 
 harvest has begun to appear. 
 A few years ago Miss Bates and Miss Dawlly, from our 
 own work, joined them at Akola, and, about the same time, 
 Mr. Eogers from America began to found the Industrial 
 School for the training of native boys in mechanical and 
 skilled work. Miss Ca&e and Miss Walker followed about a 
 year and a half ago. Gradually these links drew the older 
 workers into closer contact with the Alliance, and the result 
 was the consunmia^ion of a union which has led to the send- 
 ing out of the four parties that have so rapidly followed each 
 other during the ])ast six months, making an aggregate of 
 forty-thr6e Alliance missioiiaries now on the field. 
 To visit these beloved workers was one of the chief ob- 
 jects of our journey to India. As soon, therefoi-e, as we could 
 get off from Bombay, we were on our way to Berar, by the 
 \ and travel- 
 tiistoiic asso- 
 I the occupa- 
 enty years a 
 Ii-. Ward at 
 Wheeler at 
 ore with her 
 ear Mr. and 
 ^ucli faithful 
 iiuch ])rayer 
 [ at last the 
 ily, from our 
 i same time, 
 le Industrial 
 c'hanical and 
 wed about a 
 ew the older 
 id the result 
 to the send- 
 oUowed each 
 aggregate of 
 ;he chief ob- 
 ;, as we could 
 Berar, by the 
 great railway which leads through the Central Provinces from 
 Bombay to Calcutta. We met the first section of our mis- 
 sionary party at the mountain village of Igatpuri, sometime 
 before we got to Berar. Here, at the summit of the western 
 Ghauts— the literal "Gates" to the great central plain of 
 India, —we found eight of our dear friends very pleasantly set- 
 tled, and faithfully studying the hnguage ard getting ready 
 for work. 
 We need not say it was a joyful meeting, and we found 
 them all exceedingly well and happy, and looking better than 
,i?i. :n^ 
 ever. They had aheady made very fair progress with the 
 language, and were carrying on a Uttle woi'k in the native 
 village close by. One had given hei- first little message to the 
 natives in Marathi the previous Sabbath, and they were all 
 much encouraged. 
 There are many Europeans and English-speaking natives 
 at Igatpuri, which is a great railway centre, and we had the 
 great pleasure of preaching in the evening to an excellent 
 congregation in the Methodist Chapel, and pressing upon them 
 the claims the heathen have upon the native Chiistians of 
 India, When we got home we were glad to find a line young 
 fellow who had been at the service, and was under deep con- 
 viction of sin and wished to talk with us. He was a native 
 and an employe of the railway. We had a blessed season of 
 prayei', and thanked God for fruit from our first missionary 
 meeting in India. He went away professing to give himself 
 fully to the Lord, and promising to attend the meetings at the 
 Mission Home. 
 Igatpuri is only a temporary residence for our workers 
 while studying. It is already occupied by other missionaries, 
 but was an excellent place to receive, and, for a time, settle 
 part of our large company, till they could be permanently lo- 
 cated ; and it is a cool and delightful summer home, quite 
 high, and, except in the rainy season, more pleasant than 
 Berar. In the monsoons, ho\ ever, from June to September, 
 the rainfall on all the mountains is enormous, reaching some- 
 times several hundred inches in a single season. 
 Taking both househo! '- along with us, to attend a Con- 
 58 with the 
 the native 
 jsage to the 
 ley were all 
 :ing natives 
 we had the 
 ,n excellent 
 ; upon them 
 hiistians of 
 tine young 
 1" deep con- 
 as a native 
 i season of 
 ive himself 
 tings at the 
 lur workers 
 time, settle 
 lanentiy lo- 
 liome, quite 
 ;asant than 
 Aing some- 
 end a Con- 
 's -Kfi 
 A "Kndak" photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 OUR WORK i.\\nr:R.iR. 
 vention of all our workers, which had heen called for Thurs- 
 day and Friday, March 2 and :;, we found most of the others 
 there n our arrival the next afternoon, and we liad a very 
 joyful welcome, and felt very much as if we had got home 
 again to the old Tahernacle meetings. 
 We had feared that the large parties of new mission- 
 aries, who had come out in succession since last September, 
 would greatly strain the accommodations our friends were 
 able to count upon, and we hastened our journey in order to 
 assist in getting our friends settled. But we found to our 
 surprise that everything was already arranged in the most 
 quiet and satisfactory manner, and every one was happy and 
 contented. The Lord has very wonderfully aided our dear 
 friends in this whole matter, and given His own wisdom and 
 grace to the Snperintendent and all the missionaries in a very 
 special manner, so that we found them not only thankful for 
 all the people that had come, but glad to welcome still more, 
 as soon as the way was clear to send them. 
 We were met it the Akola depot by all the missionaries 
 and most of the boys x t ' .le Mission. We found the approach 
 to the city very imposing, the Enj, .ish quarters being hand- 
 somely laid out with broad avenues and lines of handsome 
 shade trees. It is a city of about tweuty-fr-'e thousand in- 
 habitants, and consists of two tow„js, one European and the 
 other native. It ic the capit-d of one o "' the five districts of 
 Berar, and the residence of a number of English offit^ials. 
 There is an English church aiad chaplaincy, and there are a 
 number of handsome bungalows on the main avenue, where 

 156 LARGER orr/.ooKs ox i\r/ss/oxARy lands. 
 they live. The Mission bungalow is in the English quarter, 
 and is a substantial building with a fine approach. 
 There is also on the ground another excellent house, 
 sh quarter, 
 ent house, 
IIR Mt^KK IX lll.RAK. 
 whit;h Miss I tuvs 11 .'rected fur thtMnpluinage work m (here. 
 The two togethtM ;iccommodate about seventeen persons. 
 ThiMi there are the girls' and the boys' Home on the same 
 site, w'h<ro thtie an boitt fourteen girls and seventeen boys. 
 Mr. and Mrs. Fuller live just at the edge of the native 
 town, in a neat, simple bungalow, about half .1 mile from the 
 mission promises. The Lord has been K»aciou 'v providing 
 till., vahiuble property during the waiting y " '^^^ '"om- 
 mencement of this great work, and we m ilow up 
 with a faith and com-age worthy of what 1 'iie. 
 Wo found Tuostof the party quite well s. Fuller had 
 just a few weeks previously risen from h»>r i, and another 
 nttle missionary had joined the family circle. It was, indeed, 
 wonderful 1 ^ Ood had carried her through the double strain, 
 and we nev her so bright, victorious and happy. It is 
 enough to say Uiat Brother Fuller was '^as aforetime ■,"' and 
 so we expect ever to find him till the Master comes. Two of 
 the dear ones were unwell, but improving. 
 On the following morning we gathered together at eight 
 o'clock for the first Convention of the Christian Alliance in 
 India. It was a season forever to be remembered by us all. 
 As some of us looked back ten years in America to the begin- 
 ning of the work there, and others to the lonely days of wait- 
 ing in India, and saw this company of more than fifty work- 
 ers gathered, in one spirit, in this field, there were feelings 
 too deep and full for utterance. There were a few others 
 present with us, besides our own missionaries, but all were of 
 one heart to win Berar for Jesus. 
 Our Bethshan friends from London have taken the city 
 of EUichpur for a centre, and several of them were present. 
158 LARGER orrrooRs ox nr/ssroxARV /..txns. 
 Mr. Moore, from Hassim, rpprosenting an independent work 
 (•(•nnected with Dr. Cullis, was present with Pliihp, hisevau- 
 gehst. The P'ree Metliodists luive also a mission at Yeotmal, 
 in the south-west of the province, and their two missionaries 
 were present. There is only one other mission in the prov- 
 ince, and that is the Scotch Mission at Amraoti, hut they 
 have no European missionaries there, and were not rt^pre- 
 sented in the conference. We might truly say that all the 
 foreign Avorkers in Berar were represented. Our dear sister, 
 Miss Hattie Bruce, from the American Marathi Mission, was 
 also present. 
 It was a season of great spiritual blessing. It is enough 
 to say that the mornings were spent in the study of the 
 Scriptures and i)rayer, the afternoons in looking at the work 
 and the field, and hearing reports from the workers, and the 
 evenings in services of a moie general character, fitted to in- 
 terest tlu' natives, many of whom attended. 
 All the missionaries were heard from, and all had grown 
 very much since we last saw them. The one sentence, "I 
 am so glad I am in India, and I have not had a.i unhappy or 
 lonely day since I lauded," came to be expected as the intro- 
 duction to almost every testimony. Of course, very much in 
 the way of work or results could not be expected in the short 
 time they had been here, but it was wonderful how much 
 they had accomplished. All had learned something of the 
 language. Almost all had been at work, selling books in the 
 bazaars, singing Marathi hymns, which most of them had 
 already learned, and speaking in broken sentences or reading 
RM.. &m 
 eiulcnt work 
 lip, *iis ovan- 
 at Yeotmal, 
 in the [)rov- 
 )ti, but they 
 e not repre- 
 that all the 
 f dear sister, 
 Mission, was 
 It is enough 
 tudy of the 
 at the work 
 ers, and the 
 , fitted toin- 
 11 had grown 
 entence, "I 
 unhappy or 
 IS the intro- 
 ery much in 
 in the short 
 1 how much 
 thing of the 
 books in the 
 )f them liad 
 )8 or reading 
 i g;?g!tS»" ' %isi fi! ^<.fifj!^? ^ 
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 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
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 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de k.iicroreproductions historiques 
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 OL'Ji! irOA'A' LV BERAR. 
 simple texts in the language. Some of them had most inter- 
 esting reports to make of how God used their hroken efforts, 
 and how some precious souls had already been won. Of 
 course these results have to be proved, but one could not fail 
 to see how mightily God had indeed, already been working 
 and using the weak and foolish things to confound the wise 
 and mighty. There are several remarkable testimonies of 
 God's healing, especially among the native children, some of 
 them very clear and striking. 
 One of the greatest privileges we had was the opportu- 
 nity of speaking to the educated natives. We received a very 
 courteous invitation from a number of influential Hindus, in- 
 cluding lawyers, physicians and public officials, all able to 
 underst.*. ' English, requesting us to lecture to them in the 
 Public Library. This we gladly consented to do on Saturday 
 evening, March 4th. There was a violent storm at the time, 
 which prevented some from coming, but the hall was full, 
 and after we had answered a few questions about education 
 in America, ar he Ik^uor traffic, on both of which we 
 had to speak with oii me, we frankly talked to these gentle- 
 men about Jesus. We took as our theme the cry of the 
 Greeks : " Sir, we would see Jesus," and we endeavored, in 
 the power of the Spirit, to tell these men of a crucified and a 
 living Christ. As we looked into those noble faces, our heart 
 was filled with love, and "we were willing to impart to them 
 not only the gospel of Christ, but our own souls also." We 
 believe many were touched and blessed, and one of the lead- 
 ing gentlemen afterward sought a personal interview with 
 I ': 
 There are great difficulties in the way of these men ; but 
 God is working on their hearts, and when they break down, 
 there will be a great break. We can now understand how 
 Mr. Pentecost and Mr. Varley have been able to preach to 
 large audiences of them for weeks in Poona, Madras and 
 other places. We could wish for no higher joy, for a time at 
 least, than to be able to spend six months among them tell- 
 ing them of the hving Christ. The lives of our missionaries 
 among them during the past ten years, here in Akola, have 
 made a profound impression upon them, and, at the close of 
 our address the other night, the Chairman let out the secret 
 by saying that a religion which could produce such lives 
 could not be a had religion. 
 On Sabbath afternoon we saw the great weekly bazaar 
 in the public market. There must have been, at least, ten 
 thousand people present from all the country round, selhng 
 their various wares, in all the costumes you could miagine. 
 This is the time our missionaries got out to work among 
 them. It was an interesting sight to see Brother Fuller, 
 Brother Phihps and a lot of our missionaries, standing in the 
 centre of a great crowd, and preaching to them in Marathi 
 with an animation not usual in English, and, as one and 
 another would reply from the crowd, the missionary would 
 turn the tables on the questioner until he was glad to retire. 
 The faces of the people showed deep interest, and the audi- 
 ence lasted as long as the speaker had strength to speak. 
 Betwoen the addresses the stirring Marathi hymns would be 
 sung to their beautiful melodies, and the people seemed 
 always glad to hear them. 
 ese men ; but 
 y break down, 
 derstand how- 
 to preach to 
 Madras and 
 , for a time at 
 ig them tell- 
 1 Akola, have 
 t the close of 
 ut the secret 
 ce such lives 
 i^eekly bazaar 
 , at least, ten 
 :ounfl, selling 
 •uld imagine, 
 work among 
 other Fuller, 
 anding in the 
 n in Marathi 
 , as one and 
 ionary would 
 lad to retire, 
 and the audi- 
 th to speak, 
 ins would be 
 (ople seemed 
 A "Kodak " photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 This delightful Convention closed with a conununion ser- 
 vice on Sabbath afternoon, and an anointing service on Sab- 
 bath night, in which the spirit of the old Tabernacle meetings 
 seemed to fall upon all ; and at length we parted in the very 
 fullness, joy and victory in the Holy Ghost. We need not 
 add that the children were as happy as any other members of 
 the party, and little Georgie Fuller is one of the best gospel 
 singers and preachers in Marathi that go to the bazaars. 
 On Monday we started with Mr. Fuller to visit the vari- 
 ous towns of Berar, partly to see our missionaries in theix* 
 homes, and partly to look over new fields, with a view to the 
 placing of other missionaries. In most of these towns we 
 have found a number of people who can speak English, and 
 have had several pleasant and profitable services in English. 
 Among others, we visited the capital of the province, Am- 
 raoti, a fine city of thirty thousand inhabitants, and found it 
 without a single English missionary. It is a very interesting 
 place. There are many English officials at the camp, about 
 two miles outside the town, and an English chaplaincy with 
 a native pastor of a little branch of the Free Church of Scot- 
 land ; but in the heathen city of Amraoti itself there is no 
 English or American missionary. 
 We got a tonga and irse to drive around the city, and 
 we had a most interesting t me. It would have been a fine 
 subiect for a sketch to see us two missionaries on that cart, 
 trying t(» go forward and see the town, and in front of us 
 the native driver, and a wicked little horse that would only 
 go in one direction, and that was backward. Sometimes the 
 driver would beat him, but it only mad«! him go a little faster 
 the wrong way. Sometimes he would pet and pat him on 
 the back, l)ut it only made him stop and refuse to go at all. 
 Sometimes Mr. Fuller would assist by poking him vigorously 
 with his umbrella, but it made no impression— except on the 
 umbrella. Sometimes the driver would get in front and pull 
 liim along by main strength, and sometimes he would get 
 behind and push the cart and horse forward in spite of his 
 resistance, until we were reminded of the man that ciarried 
 his horse to town. 
 Sometimes the pony would vary the performance by 
 kicking backward with all his might, but fortunately the 
 bottom of the cait was iron. Occasionally he would take a 
 notion and go a little way, but he always stopped when he 
 came t<» a temple, and insisted on going exactly contrary to 
 the way the driver wanted him. The street boys laughed at 
 us, and we laughed at oui-selves until we were tired. Finally, 
 when he had backed us arouna for about two hours, we 
 liappily came upon another driver, and gave ours up amid 
 the i)rotestations of the driver that he would be all right 
 now, and took the other. As we drove out to the camp with 
 the second pony, which was an excellent one, our former 
 driver followed us and passed us at a springing i)ace, to let 
 us see that his horse was all right. And so indeed he was. 
 It must have been his dislike for missionaries, or perhaps the 
 low price at which his master was carrying ns. Two can 
 ride nearly a whole day for two rupees or about sixty cents. 
 We got more than the worth of our money in a real honest 
 go a little faster 
 md pat him on 
 use to go at all. 
 him vigorously 
 — except on the 
 1 front and pull 
 s ho would get 
 d in spite of his 
 an that carried 
 )erformance hy 
 fortunately the 
 e would take a 
 opped when he 
 ctly contrary to 
 )oyp laughed at 
 tired. Finally, 
 two hours, we 
 ) ours up amid 
 lid he all right 
 ) the camp with 
 me, our former 
 ing jjace, to let 
 indeed he was. 
 , or perhaps the 
 I \i8. Two can 
 ut sixty cents. 
 a a real honest 
 laugh, and would have given a good deal for a photograph 
 of the scene. 
 Wo witnf'sned in one of the great temples of Amraoti no 
 A "Kodak '• photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 less than four child marriages. In one of these the bride 
 was about eight and the groom twelve. Both were very 
 handsome. The pecuUarity of the ceremony was the tymg 
mn^ ' im n mmvmmmK^mmam^mmmmm mm- ' Ami^m-iw mi^^ 
 ot their robt's toKetlior in a knot, and then the Hinearin^ of 
 a yellow and crimson powder over both of tlienj. Tlic rest 
 of the ceremony was inside the sacred portion of the temple, 
 which we wero not permitted to ' ter. Poor, little, pretty 
 thing ! if she sbonld become a w idow how sad her fate 
 wonld be, and there are millions of such widows in India. 
 We trust ere long this fine old city will be the scene of a 
 gladder sjjectacle, and that many a littl« one shall be wedded, 
 within its walls, to that husband who will never cause her 
 heart a sorrow. We trust that it will be opened as a mission 
 station of the Alliance before the close of the year. 
 We found some Christian people here. The presence of 
 English-speaking people and C hristian natives in so many of 
 the cities of India is a wonderful preparation for the Gospel, 
 giving a nucleus for the work in each place, and not unlike 
 the little companies of Jews the apostles found wherever 
 they went. Then there are excellent roads, and, in most 
 cases, fair houses can be obtained. Besides, there is a 
 strong English government, affording the best protection to 
 life and property. In most towns there is a public inn at the 
 depot, maintained by the government, where the traveller 
 can get comfortable shelter. 
 The roads are superb, and the best of public conveyances 
 can almost always be obtained, and a little money will go a 
 great way. Railway travelling is very cheap. Money is 
 worth more than twice as much as in America. A coin, the 
 sixth part of a cent, will buy a good deal. And a rupee, 
 thirty cents, is pmctically woith nearly a dollar. Roast beef 
 iteififtnr •f-t^lWInfiili 
 ^ liiii^giSliiii^ 
le 8mearing of 
 lem. The rest 
 of tho toiuple, 
 r, littlo, pretty 
 sad luM- fate 
 WH ill India, 
 the scene of a 
 lall be wedded, 
 3ver cause lier 
 id as a mission 
 lie presence of 
 in so many of 
 'or the Gospel, 
 nd not imlike 
 >und wherever 
 and, in most 
 ;s, there is a 
 fc protection to 
 iblic inn at the 
 3 the traveller 
 ic conveyances 
 oney will go a 
 ip. Money is 
 . A coin, the 
 And a rupee, 
 r. Roast beef 
 Oth' IIOA'A' /X /.'AV./A'. 
 costs three cents a pound, and oranges much superior to ours 
 half a cent apiece. 
 The land is most wondrously prepared for the gospel. It 
 is lying at our feet, for us to go in and occupy it, and it will 
 be an everlasting shame if all its villages and hamlets are 
 V^^ WTfi 
 not taken possession (»f foi- Christ by the end of the nine- 
 teenth century. 
 And yet what have we done ? Let this one province of 
 Berar speak for others. Until six months ago, out of twelve 
 great counties in the district which we have taken as our field, 
 containing a population of about two million v^^pl©* ^J^^ ^^ 
 least twenty-five thousand villages, only one city had been 
 permanently occupied by any English missionary. For 
 nearly two hundred miles you pass along the great railway 
 line between Bombay and Calcutta, from Bhusawal almost to 
 Nagpur, through scores of cities which are great cotton 
 marts ; cities that are in the centre of dense populations ; 
 cities that iiave English officials and residents, and every ac- 
 companiment of modern civilization, and yet in all this great 
 stretch of country, until six months ago, there was but one 
 city, Akola, which had a single voice to tell of Jesus. 
 God has laid this great land, out for us, and crossed and 
 recrossed it with a thousand open ways. We have scarcely 
 begun to occupy it yet. Our present force will be distributed 
 along one hundred miles of this railway line by the end of 
 I his year ; but it will still take thousands to occupy the rest 
 of India even as )nuch as this, with a station every ^wenfcy- 
 five or fifty miles. 
 We do thank God for the glorious beginning we have 
 seen. In eveiy way it far exceeds our expectations. But, 
 in eveiy way, the need that still remains as far exceeds our 
 highest conception hitherto. Let us send a thousand mis- 
 sionaries to India in the next five years. 
 city had been 
 issionary. For 
 e gieat railway 
 sawal almost to 
 e great cotton 
 ie populations ; 
 i, and every ac- 
 in all this great 
 ■re was but one 
 I Jesus. 
 ind crossed and 
 ) have scarcely 
 1 be distributed 
 e by the end of 
 )ccupy the rest 
 every ^wenty- 
 inning we have 
 ctations. But, 
 'ar exceeds our 
 thousand mis- 
 TWO more days were spent in visiting our stations west 
 of Akola. Wednesday we went to Khamgaon, a 
 beautiful town of about ir>,0(M) inhabitants, lying a 
 few miles south of the main i-ailway line, and reached by a 
 little branch line. 
 We have seen few mission fields in India as accessible by 
 railway as the Berar country. It is easily reached from Bom- 
 bay by missionaries on their arrival, and almost all our prin- 
 cipal stations are on the great trunk line of railway which 
 runs from Bombay to Calcutta, and has several trains daily. 
 And even towns like Amraoti and Khamgaon that lie off the 
 main line are reached by branches. After one has travelled 
 over land in a cart fifty or a hundred miles, as many of our 
 missionaries have to, to reach their field, they fully appreciate 
 this advantage. 
 Khamgaon is among the prettiest of the Berar towns. Its 
 people are of the better class, its streets are cl«^au, its stores and 
 bazaars have quite a city look, and everybody seems to have 
 a certain amount cf leisme, and to be in easy circum- 
 We drove about the town in the afternoon in the bullock 
 cart, and visited the Public School and High School, and had 
 a very interesting talk with the principal and several of the 
 teachers, one of whom is the pundit or teacher of some of 
 oui missionaries in the study of the language. We found 
 thoni very friendly, and willing to talk freely. They are 
 Brahmins, representing the highest caste. But they did not 
 hesitate to say to us : " The caste superstition is dying out," 
 and when we called their attention to the remark, they did 
 not try to explain it aAvay, but repeated the same remark a 
 little later. 
 In the evening we had a meeting in the Educational 
 Hall, attended by a considerable number of the educated 
 natives. There were over sixty present, with a few Euro- 
 peans. \>'e spoke, with great freedom, of the power of the 
 gospel, and pressed it home upon their consciences and hearts 
 in the consciousness of the Holy Spirit's power and working. 
 We saw much of the same feeling here that we have already 
 refened to at Akola, a very frank and open spirit and a dis- 
 position to listen to the gospel with interest and fairness. 
 Many of them seem to be under deep conviction, but none 
 have as yet broken through in full decision for God. It will 
 cost them nuich to do this, for behind them lies not only the 
 awful bond of caste and the certainty of being henceforth out- 
 casts from all they love, but also a network of sin and wrong 
 which it would w^reck every earthly prospect to confess, and 
 take all they possess to rectify. 
 in the bullock 
 ;hool, and had 
 several of the 
 er of some of 
 B. We found 
 ly. They are 
 t they did not 
 is dying out," 
 lark, they did 
 ime remark a 
 e Educational 
 the educated 
 a few Euro- 
 power of the 
 ces and hearts 
 and working. 
 e have already 
 lit and a dis- 
 and fairness, 
 ion, but none 
 • God. It will 
 5 not only the 
 enceforth out- 
 sin and wrong 
 J confess, and 
 The nucleus of tlie future chui-ch at Khamgaon, at pres- 
 ent, consists of two native Christians, — Lakshan and Sarah — 
 a husband and wife, the family servants of the Missionary 
 Home. It was very interesting to sit down at night and hear 
 from them the story of their conversion, and commend them, 
 and all that shall yet be gathered with them, to the blessing of 
 A ' ' Kodak ' ' photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 the great Shepherd, who already knows them all by name 
 before they are born. 
 » The next morning we left early, in Miss Bates' bullock 
 cart, for Shegaon, eleven miles distant. On our way we 
 passed the grave of Mr. Scott, a faithful missionary, who 
 came out in connection with the work of Dr. Cullis, and laid 
 down his life for Jesus here, eight years ago. We love to 
 recognize the worth of those who have gone before, and to 
 believe that much of the blessing, that is now coming upon 
 this fair city, is in answer to the dying prayers of this servant 
 of God and othei*s who have labored here before. 
 We have a beautiful missionary home circle at Kham- 
 gaon, and could oiu- friends at home look for a few moments 
 at the sweet picture that met our eye in the bungalow, with 
 dear Carrie Bates in the midst of the little household, they 
 would not think it such a melancholy thing to be a. mission- 
 They all accompanied us to Shegaon, and theirs were 
 among the last faces we saw as we left Berar. God bless the 
 little flock at Khamgaon ! 
 We found the friends at Shegaon waiting to receive us. 
 We all had breakfast together and found the little bungaloAV 
 fairly comfortable, but not quite so suitable as some of the 
 others. It was the very best that could be obtained under 
 the circumstances, and Mr. Fuller was only too glad to get it 
 in the pressure of the large arrival of missionaries. But the 
 house is too far from the native village, and not suitable for 
 the permanent Missionary Home. It will be difficult to ob- 
 tain a good house here, and if oui work is to be continued in 
 this important centre we shall have to build them a little 
 Home. After breakfast we went out and saw the town and 
 ■ yj t J ■ 'j W W WB M l W g J 
 our way we 
 lUis, and laid 
 We love to 
 )efoie, and to 
 coming upon 
 •f this servant 
 :\e at Khara- 
 few moments 
 ngalow, with 
 usehold, they 
 be a missiou- 
 1 theii's were 
 God bless the 
 to receive us. 
 ttle bungalow 
 1 some of the 
 )tained under 
 glad to get it 
 •ies. But the 
 t suitable for 
 ifflcult to »jb- 
 } continued in 
 them a little 
 ;he town and 
 the site that had been suggested for a Home, and by faith we 
 took possession of it. 
 Shegaon is an important city on the G. I. P. Railway, the 
 principal railway in India. It is about forty miles west of 
 Akola, and an important cotton market. We visited an im- 
 mense cotton press here that gives employment to a large 
 number of people. It is a County Seat, and is the centre of 
 about one hundred and fifty thousand people, who must re- 
 ceive the gospel from this centre. 
 Our friends will see that we have already our mission- 
 aries stationed at four important centres in Berar, viz., Akola 
 in the centre, Badnera in the east, and Khamgaon and She- 
 gaon in the west. Besides these there are seveial other im- 
 portant County Seats where we hope to have stations planted 
 before the close of the year, and Mr. Fuller is already arrang- 
 ing for buildings. 
 If these points can be occupied during the present year, 
 the province of Berar will be as fully occupied by missionary 
 centres as any district of India, and the gospel may be 
 preached to all its people before the end of the century. 
 But, after this is done, there is still a long chain of cities on 
 the same railway for one hundred miles west of Berar, unoccu- 
 pied. These are all Marathi people, speaking the same lan- 
 guage as the people of Berar. The total Marathi population 
 of India is not less than 15,000,000, and it is doubtful if one- 
 half of them are yet within reach of the gospel. 
 There is a great Marathi population in Khandesh and the 
 western part of the Nizam's Dominions, which can be easily 
 reached from our present centres in Berar, and there is an 
 equally large population in the northern and north-eastern 
 ]»art of this Dominion, where there are yet no missionaries, 
 speaking partly Marathi and partly Telugu, and these can be 
 reached from our eastern Berar stations, so that we have yet 
 room in connection with the Berar Mission to send out at 
 least one hundred more missionaries before this field can be 
 even fairly occupied in its great centre of population. With 
 this force we can reach about eight millions of people who 
 are still without the gospel. 
 We finally left our friends in Berar on Thursday, March 
 9th, just twelve days after landing in India. It was a little 
 like leaving home as we looked into their dear faces once 
 more, and thought of the years till we should meet again. 
 We were so glad they were all photographed on our heart 
 and His. We almost envied our brother Fuller — with that 
 blessed company. Accompanied by Mr. Fuller, who has 
 kindly given us his precious time for a fortnight, to look over 
 the larger field in the interests of our common work, we 
 started again on our journey. 
 Indian railways are not like American. There are no 
 sleeping cars, and a continuous journey of two or three 
 weeks is not a perfect luxuiy. You take your travelling rug 
 and pillow with you and just lie down at night on your seat, 
 if there is room, and the car is not too crowded. Every two 
 or three days you can stop over somewhere long enough to 
 get a good bath, and you feel that whatever water is in other 
 countries it is a necessity of life in India. 
 1 there is an 
 these can be 
 we have yet 
 send out at 
 I field can be 
 ition. Witli 
 people who 
 •sday, March 
 t was a little 
 ir faces once 
 meet again, 
 )n our heart 
 r — with that 
 jr, who has 
 , to look over 
 )n work, we 
 rhere are no 
 wo or three 
 ravelling rug 
 )n your seat. 
 Every two 
 g enough to 
 er is in other 
 The first i)oint we desired to reach was Nellore, the head- 
 quarters of the Telugu mission of the American Baptist Mis- 
 sionary Union. This is the wonderful work whi.h (Jod has 
 so greatly honored in the past ten years by the ingathering 
 of tens of thousands of souls from among the heathen. 
 Our journey took us through Ahmednagar, the seat of 
 the American Marathi Mission, and a portion of the Nizam's 
 Dominions. As we approached the east coast we found quite 
 a different climate and country. While Berar was almost in 
 midsummer and all the fields were withered and the crops 
 harvested, the country near Madras was yet in much of the 
 freshness of spring — the jewaree and rice were wiving in the 
 rich, green fields, and the country was in many places very 
 lovely. The eastern rains come later than the western, and 
 the vegetation is two months later. 
 Nellore, the seat of the Telugu jnission, is a district 
 ahout as large as Berar, lying north of Madras, on the coast. 
 The Telugu people are a Dravidian race numbering about as 
 many as the Marathi—1 0,000,000 people. 
 The student of Indian missions should understand the 
 languages of India or he will never be able to iniderstand its 
 mission work. In the north and west of India there are 
 seven great Aryan languages ; viz., the Hindi spoken by one 
 hundred million, the Bengali by about eighteen millions, the 
 Punjaubi by twelve millions, the Marathi by fifteen millions, 
 the Sindi by about three millions, the Oria by five millions, 
 and the Gujerati by about six millions of people. 
 In Southern India there are four principal languages be- 
 longing to the Dravidian people, an inferior race, who were 
 pushed south by their Aryan conquerors. These are : the 
 Telugu, spoken by sixteen millions in eastern India, near 
 Madras ; the Tamil, spoken by twelve millions, on the south- 
 east coast, below Madras ; the Cannerese, spoken by seven 
 millions, in Mysore chiefly ; and the Malayallin, spoken by 
 about three millions of the people of south-western India. 
 Our work is among the Marathi people, and the Baptist 
 work among the Telugus. The mission was planted in 
 Nellore, about fifty years ago, by Drs. Jewett, Day and other 
 pioneers. But for a long while it seemed so fruitless that 
 the Board was again and again on the eve of abandoning it, 
 and many a prayer went up to the Throne, and many a tender 
 western, and 
 is a district 
 on the coast, 
 •ing about as 
 iderstand the 
 nderstand its 
 dia there are 
 poken by one 
 I millions, the 
 teen millions, 
 five millions, 
 languages he- 
 .ce, who were 
 hese are : the 
 a India, near 
 on the south- 
 icen by seven 
 n, spoken by 
 tern India, 
 d the Baptist 
 s planted in 
 Day and other 
 fruitless that 
 bandoning it, 
 nany a tender 
 A "Kodak " photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 appeal for tlie "Lone Star Mission," as it was called. At 
 length the showers of blessing began to fall, and in the last 
 twenty y«'ars more than thirty thonsand have been baptized 
 and gathered into the various churches in and around Nell- 
 ore, Ongole, etc. We need not say that it has been a great 
 joy and blessing to us to visit this blessed work, even for a 
 single Sabbath. 
 We reached Xellore at noon on Saturday, March 1 I , and, 
 after a kind welcome from the dear missionaries there, and 
 a visit to the various homes and schools, we determined to 
 go out, if possible, to Ongole for the Sabbath ; and if not, at 
 least to Rampatam the seat of their Theological Seminary. 
 Our journey was quite a romantic one, and a very labo- 
 rious one. Ongole was seventy-three miles distant, and 
 there was no railway or even mail-coach. Horses could not 
 be obtained anywhere, and bullocks would take days for the 
 journey. So we accepted the advice of the missionaries, and 
 took not a mail coach, but literally a mule coach ; that is to 
 say, we engaged a dozen Hindus, called Coolies, aiid two ox- 
 carts, and our Coolie boys just harnessed themselves to the 
 carts and started off at a springing pace. After running ten 
 miles they would stop on the road and shout awhile at a 
 country village until a dozen new Coolies gathered, and these 
 were engaged as. a fresh team for the next stage, and the 
 others walked back. We gave each of them about a cent a 
 mile, and they considered it good pay. The carts were 
 pretty rough, and had no springs nor seats ; we just lay 
 down on the bottom on the straw covered with a mat and a 
 rug, and were pretty well shaken up by morning. 
 1 I 
BPi^ l Myj.r''Wipi|R44J:-#}:v;J:-%|l#li^^ 
 And so we started off, Mi- Fuller ui one cart and we in 
 the other, and our ("ot)lit' bos: inad<! the air rinj? with their 
 noisy cries as they dashed away. We started at 4 P.M., and 
 ♦ill sunset the road led through a lovely country, green with 
 rice fields, and lined with noble pahns and banyarjs. The 
 sun went down, and still we rattle<l on, hour aftei" hour, un- 
 til at 4 A.M., after twelve hours' riding, we cmiH to a 
 We could not get fresh Coolies for sou.e hmirs, and so, 
 finding that we could not reach < )ngo)«' until too late for the 
 Sabbath morning service, and that vve, would nearly lose our 
 day, we felt the Lord would have us stay at Rainpatani, 
 where wo then were. So we turned our Coolies up the lane 
 that led to the Mission, and were soon inside the beautiful 
 Mission Compound, and welcomed by Di-. Bog^s and his kind 
 wife, at that early morning hour, as if we lad been old 
 We had a most delightful day, and learn erl almost as 
 much of the Telugu work as if we had got to Ongole. 
 We attended the native service in tlv morning, and heard 
 them sing their weird Telugu hymns. At the close of the 
 morning service Dr. Boggs announced that we would preach 
 in the evening through an interpreter, and he said a few 
 kind words about our work and our dependence upon the 
 Holy Ghost, and begged them to come prepared to receive a 
 great blessing. 
 This seemed to +ouch a deep spring in their hearts, for just 
 after service one oi Tin r. rive Christians, one of their most 
 cart niul wo in 
 rinjjC with theii' 
 at 4 P.M., and 
 try, greon witli 
 banyans. Tlic 
 aftoi- lu)ur, iin- 
 we camH to a 
 > hmtrs, and bo, 
 ;oo late for tlie 
 nearly lose our 
 at Ram pa tarn, 
 ies up the lane 
 e the beautiful 
 ;gs and his kind 
 e »ad been old 
 vn&\ almost as 
 ■uing, and lieurd 
 he close of the 
 e would preach 
 he said a few 
 [lence upon the 
 •ed to receive a 
 'hearts, for just 
 e of their most 
 JiiWM*- i^M i ta t maMi 111 * 11 I B ji ,j l u iii 
 A " Kodak " photograph taken >y Mr. Simpson. 
 earnest teachers and also physician nd one of their leading 
 men, came over to the bungalow, and, with a face streaming 
 with tears, and a look we shall neve forget, asked us all to 
 pray for him that he might receive i e baptism of the Holy- 
 Ghost. Never shall we forget that fa e and the cry that fol- 
 lowed, as, with liis face on the floor, he begged God to give 
 liim His greatest gift. We spoke a few words and pointed 
 him to the precious promises in the beginning of Isaiah xliv., 
 and he went away comforted. '"* 
 We found that a most remarkable movement had just 
 broken out in this Mission, from which greater results are 
 lioped than even the revival of the past ten years. It seems 
 that the more earnest missionaries have been feeling very anx- 
 ious for some time lest the work among great masses of their 
 people should prove shallow and wholesale. There has been 
 much j:>rayer for a deeper Christian life among the people, 
 and especially the preachers. God has begun to answer the 
 prayer in a very strange way. A few months ago one of their 
 most prominent native preachers,— indeed, the man most 
 honored and trusted for piety and abiUty,— publicly confessed 
 to many things in liis life since becoming a Christian, that 
 deeply touched the whole Mission, and then with deep humil- 
 ity he asked God's mercy, and gave himself n.p for a deeper 
 consecration, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Since then 
 he has been used of God to lead many of their people into a 
 similar experience, and the mission is going through a blessed 
 breaking uj) that would alarm many if they did not under- 
 stand God's way of convincing His own people of sin that He 
 may wholly sanctify them. 
 For ourselves we cannot but regard this as a most hope- 
 ful divine movement, intended to teach both missionaries and 
 people the absolute need of a deeper work of grace, if the 
 converts are to retain even their first blessing. The coming 
 "^y LANDS. 
 ;ged God to give 
 /ords and jwinted 
 igof Isaiaii xliv,, 
 vement had just 
 eater results are 
 years. It seems 
 feeling very anx- 
 it masses of their 
 There has been 
 long the people, 
 m to answer the 
 s ago one of their 
 [, the man most 
 )ublicly confessed 
 a Christian, that 
 with deep humil- 
 iip for a deeper 
 pirit. Since then 
 eir people into a 
 ;hrough a blessed 
 y did not under- 
 )le of sin that He 
 i as a most hope- 
 missionaries and 
 : of grace, if the 
 ig. The coming 
 <M»BiaW H I .IWLk ! lJ* S UftJXJ.it::Jg> ' l ! gl f5a LJi gM 
 of this dear physician to us was just in this line. In the 
 evening service we tried to speak to these dear people through 
 the voice of Dr. Boggs. and although we felt the awkward- 
 ness of not being able to touch them directly in their own 
 tongue, yet we believe there was much blessing, and at the 
 close every hand was raised to ask and receive this blessing, 
 and Di-. Boggs announced a continuance of the services on 
 Monday evening. We left them claiming a gi-eat outpouring 
 of the Holy Ghost upon these people. 
 We had a blessed English sei-vice afterwards with the 
 missionaries, and all our hearts together received a great 
 uplift. Many precious hours were spent during tb;* «iay in 
 blessed converse with these dear servants of Christ, whose 
 spirit was more tender, humble and full of holy unction than 
 we have often met, and we learned much respecting the work 
 of God among the Telugus, and the yet unoccupied regions 
 where they are scattered. 
 We left at 10 P. M. for the return journey, and reached 
 Nellore in twelve hours, and found our dear missionary 
 friends waiting breakfast for us. After breakfast, most of 
 the members of the Nellore Church were gathered in the 
 church to hold a service for us here. We both spoke to these 
 dear people through an interpreter, and then theii- native 
 pastor asked them if they had any message to send back to 
 America. Never shall we forget the dignity and the tender- 
 ness with which Julia, one of the oldest converts of the mis- 
 sion, arose and said : 
 "I want to thank the dear friends that have spoken to 
 US to-day, and to ask them to thank the dear friends in Amer- 
 ica that have sent us the gospel which has saved us from oin* 
 heathen idolatry, and brought us cleansing through the pre- 
 cious blood of Jesus, of which we have heard to-day. I was 
 one of the first converts of the Mission and know of the 
 labors of Mi\ Jewett, Mr. Day and others, who stood firmly 
 by us and urged the Board to stand by us in the discouraging^ 
 days when they were tempted sorely to give it up. Remem- 
 ber us to all the friends in America, and ask them to do all in 
 their power to send the gospel to our perishing people." 
 This is a little of what Julia said, and said in as good 
 grammar as we have used and almost in these very words. 
 But no words could express the fervor and earnestness with. 
 ids in Amer- 
 us from our 
 jgh the pre- 
 ■day. I was 
 enow of the 
 stood firmly 
 ■ i«0 
 ip, Eemem- 
 m to do all in 
 id in as good 
 3 very words. 
 lestness with 
 which she stood there and spoke for the 30,000 Telugus that 
 have given their hearts to Christ in the past twenty years. 
 We can give our readers no better idea of it than by reminding 
 them of one of good Mrs. Bruce's testimonies in the Taber- 
 nacle at some of the Friday meetings. She was followed by 
 he»- husband, also an old convert of the Mission, and his re- 
 marks were most dignified, sensible and earnest. Could our 
 friends in Am- 
 erica have seen 
 these dear peo- 
 ple, they would 
 have felt re- 
 paid for even 
 years of wait- 
 ing and work- 
 ing for mis- 
 The native 
 pastor also 
 spoke very well and told us that he was now entirely sus- 
 tained by his own church. His native membership exceeds 
 seven hundred. One can scarcely realize the joy with which 
 we grasped the hands of these dark-skinned Telugus, and 
 saw in them the types of the precious ones we yet expect to 
 greet from our own work in Berar and elsewhere, "if we 
 faint not." 
 Among our pleasant surprises at Nellore was our meet- 
 ing with Seetama, a dear Hindu woman whom we had met 
 in New York in the Tabernacle a few months ago, and who, 
 while studying in America, had often come to our church. 
 It seemed like home to see the "Alliance" on her table, 
 and we were delighted to learn that she is the wife of Veras- 
 wamy, the native preacher whom God is using so graciously 
 in deepening the spiritual life of the Telugus. 
 We left Nellore in the afternoon and reached Madras 
 early the next morning. We found ourselves in a grand 
 Oriental City, nine miles long, and containing a popxilation 
 nearly as great as Bombay. It has a much more Oriental 
 look than Bombay. It is widely spread out over a vast 
 We had occasion to make some purchases and went to 
 two or three of the largest stores. As we drove in at the 
 splendid gateway we found ourselves in a magnificent com- 
 pound like the grounds of a villa ; and back from the streets, 
 like an elegant mansion, stood the store, a vast establishment 
 like Arnold's or Macy's inside, but outside just hke some 
 aristocratic residence and grounds. The Elphinstone Hotel, 
 where we stayed, was like an old paliace with an appearance 
 of faded grandeur. The residences of the wealthy Europeans 
 are usually very pretty bungalows, with large verandahs 
 surrounded by rich and luxuriant grounds full of magnificent 
 tropical trees and plants. The colors of the houses are gen- 
 erally quite rich— pink, blue and white, with much decora- 
 tion. The Hindu quarters have all the squalor of other India 
 cities. The streets are picturesque with all colors of dress 
 and all kinds of people. 
 igo, and who, 
 ) our church, 
 on her table, 
 wife of Veras- 
 8o graciously 
 ached Madras 
 js in a grand 
 a population 
 more Oriental 
 t over a vast 
 s and went to 
 ove in at the 
 ;nificent coni- 
 m the streets, 
 ust like some 
 nstone Hotel, 
 m appearance 
 thy Europeans 
 'ge verandahs 
 )f magnificent 
 3uses are gen- 
 much decora- 
 of other India 
 olors of dress 
 The women of eastern India are much less dressed than 
 in the west ; but they make up for it by brilliant colors, 
 usually wearing a bright red scarf, loosely thrown over one 
 shoulder and gathered closely round the loins and reaching 
 to the knees. The women of the western and central provinces 
 carry their robe over the entire body and throw it, also, very 
 gracefully over the head. The eastern people are nuich 
 darker than the western, but they have the same European 
 features, and the children are all beautiful. 
 Here in Madras we saw, for the first time, the Coolies 
 drawing the ox-carts in the streets, and acting instead of 
 oxen or draught horset; in canying most of the freight and 
 merchandise through the city. It seems so strange to see 
 men, barefooted and almost naked, drawing a great cart filled 
 with bales of goods, perhaps a ton in weight, along the 
 Prices are extremely low. For a few shillings we got a 
 carriage for a whole day and 8a^■■ a great deal of the city. 
 There are fine gardens and an excellent museum, containing 
 specimens of the animal and vegetable life of the whole coun- 
 try, and especially of Southern India, and also many inter- 
 esting works of art from the ancient temples. There was a 
 tremendous tiger, and one could well believe that the strong- 
 est lion is a plaything before his superior strength. These 
 lordly and dangerous brutes are still sometimes met with, 
 even by our missionaries, in the hills, and we have heard 
 already some personal testimonies from missionaries here, of 
 their providential escapes. There were endless varieties of 
 monkeys and other animals, and plants and trees in great 
 One of the most touching sights of the day was a drive 
 to the place of burning, where the Hindus cremate the bod- 
 ies of their dead. It is a great cemetery, where we saw pile 
 after pile on which the mounds of earth and ashes of calcined 
 bones were still smoking. As we came out we met a funeral 
 procession just entering. The father was carrying his dead 
 baby in his arms. A lad was going before, whistling through 
 a shell the most weird and mournful dirge. There was a 
 little company of boys and men following behind. There 
 were no women. They were at home. 
 That father would lay that little body on one of these 
 reat cart filled 
 ht, along the 
 ings we got a 
 1 of the city, 
 m, containing 
 9 whole coun- 
 ) many inter- 
 There was a 
 at the strong- 
 jngth. These 
 les met with, 
 e have heard 
 laries here, of 
 is varieties of 
 trees in great 
 f was a drive 
 nate the bod- 
 3 we saw pile 
 les of calcined 
 met a funeral 
 ■yiug his dead 
 tling through 
 There was a 
 jhind. There 
 one of these 
 mounds, on a pile of wood, then they would heap up over the 
 body a pile of sticks and dried manure (their fuel here), and 
 then they would set it on fire and sit and watch till a loud re- 
 port proclaimed that the skull )iud burst and the work of dis- 
 solution was begun. Then they would go home to their 
 cheerless hut without a ray of our glorious hope. We turned 
 away so sad and yet so glad ; so sad for them, so glad for 
 Jesus and our hope in Him. 
 The Parsees have a yet sadder funeral rite. At Bombay 
 they take you to their "Towers of Silence," where they ex- 
 lJillJ)liaUUI ' 4.W.!»i l '--'MfatWJlj^JHt.« '< 
 — ail 
 pose the bodies of their dead to be dev.nu-ed by the vultures 
 and other birds of prey. They worshi]) the elements — air and 
 fire - and they believe that the decomposing bodies of the dead 
 defile them. And so they carry them to a lone tower, where 
 the priests receive them and carry them aloft while the friends 
 return to their homes. Tlie vultures are always waiting; to 
 do their dreadful work. Think of these sad sights, beloved 
 Christians of America, and while you thank God for the light 
 and love that Christianity has gathered around the toml) — 
 pray— 'pray — pray for poor India, 
 We saw a few of the missionaries and learned something 
 of the Christian work of the city. We dined at the American 
 Baptist Mission, meeting three of their dear workers who are 
 engaged respectively in the English, Telugu and Tamil work 
 in Madras. We took afternoon tea with the good missionary 
 of the Methodist Church and his good wife. We found them 
 in the midst of a precious revival. We were glad to learn 
 that our dear brother, Kev. Henry Varley, of England, had 
 just closed his special services in the Tent formerly used by 
 Dr. Pentecost, amid great blessing, the audiences having in- 
 creased up to the end. 
 We found, as we expected, two das^ os of missionaries 
 and two kinds of work. The one is spiritual and evangelistic 
 and the other educational, secular, conservative, and not un- 
 like the worldly element in the church at home. We have 
 been glad to find much more of the former cla!;s than we ex- 
 pected, and to find it most catholic, humble, earnest, hungry 
 for a deeper spiritual life ; and aggressive and evangelistic in 
 its work. We have come less in contact, as might be ex- 
 " the vultures 
 ents — air iin«l 
 esof the(l«'H(l 
 tower, where 
 lie the friends 
 5^8 waiting to 
 ghts, beloved 
 for the light 
 1 the toml) — 
 ed something 
 :he American 
 kers who are 
 I Tamil work 
 •d missionary 
 ^ found them 
 glad to learn 
 ^^ngland, had 
 iierly used by 
 es having in- 
 1 evangelistic 
 , and not un- 
 e. We have 
 I than "we ex- 
 •nest, hungry 
 vangelistic in 
 might be ex- 
 BEPAK TO XF.I.r.OR/-: .l.\'/> M.WRAS. 
 pected, with tlw other element, but have heard mueb alxnit 
 it and its injurious influences upon the missionary work «>f 
 It is represented in Madras by the ( 'hristiau College. This 
 is a splendid Univei-sity, presided over by a minister and f(»r- 
 mer missionary of the Seotch Presbyterian Church. It has 
 nineteen hundred students, not only from European families 
 but the leading Hindu families. It easily leads all the educa- 
 tional institutions of the East in its high literal y standing. It 
 is tlu^ development of the educational work which the Scottish 
 church has always made so prominent, and in which such 
 gi-eat and good men as Drs. Duff and Wilson labored so suc- 
 But what is it doing for Missions ? It is purely secular, 
 teaching the liible. it is true, but only as a literary work, and 
 carefully guarding against anything that could give offense to 
 its Hindu c;onstituency. It has even been said that the con- 
 version and i)ublit; confession of one of the students would be 
 regardi'd as an embarrassr .ent, ^<\. might break up the con- 
 stituency that supports it. Its aim seems to be to bring the 
 Hindus into European culture, and then hope that by a sec- 
 ond stage— .sometime later— they may come into Christianity. 
 One of the missionaries characterized it as ''non-sectarian 
 and non-relujiovs:' This is not a high compliment for a 
 Christian College. 
 Thank God, this is not the work for which Christ has 
 sent our missionaries to India. And thank Him still more 
 that this is not the purpose and work of very many of ihe 
 best missionaries of India, 
 THE Hist iinpulso that comes to you when you look at a 
 hoautiful or interesting object is to shaio your pleas- 
 ure with some one else. How often have we wished, 
 since we have been in India, t^iat we could take all our friends 
 along with us I 
 A thoroughly satisfactoi-j visit to India and its mission- 
 aries would require at least a year. A rapid journey of five 
 weeks through a country as large as the United States^ east 
 of the Mississippi River, can only include its larger cent'-es, 
 and enable oven the most attentive observer to form first im- 
 pressions. But, I'ke true instincts, these have a certain value 
 that later study and observation will only confirm, especially 
 if we have learned to look at things in some measure with 
 the Lord's eyes and with reference to His work and His 
 Leaving Madras at sunset we awoke next morning in the 
 beautiful cantonment of Bangalore. 
 This is considered tlie most beautiful city of Southern 
 India. It has many English residences, and is full of handsome 
 bungalows occupied by wealthy army officers and other for- 
 eigners. These bungalows are built in thoroughly Hindu style, 
you look at a 
 le your pleas- 
 ve we wished, 
 all our friends 
 d its inission- 
 ^urney of five 
 id States, east 
 irger cent"es, 
 form first im- 
 i certain value 
 rin, especially 
 measure with 
 vork and His 
 lorning in the 
 '■ of Southern 
 I of handsome 
 nd other for- 
 r Hindu style, 
 with low, tiled roofs, wide verandahH, colossal ])illais, rich 
 colors on walls and roofs, ii.ngnillccnt a|){)roaclu'S through 
 Bplendid {^rounds lillod with palms, hanyans, mango troos and 
 all tho affluence of trojjical flowers and i)lants. The po[)ula- 
 tion of the city is nearly 200,000, hut it covers n great space. 
 The streets are wide and tho private grounds around tho va- 
 rious hungalows are spacious. The Government offices and 
 the Rajah's Palace are very handsome huildings. 
 Bangalore is tho chief city of Mysore, a large independ- 
 ent state of India. There are several of these great native 
 states. Their rulers were loyal to the English during times 
 of trouhle in tho past, and they have been allowed to retain 
 the sovereignity of their states under the oversight of an 
 English resident, who exercises somewhat tlie same relation 
 to the native Government that the British Resident does to 
 the Egyptian Khedive. 
 Among the largest of these native Principalities are 
 Hyderabad, the Nizam's Dominions, Mysore, Baroda, Guzerat 
 and Rajpootana. Mysore is a very fine country. Its popu- 
 lation cannot be less than eight or ten millions. Its chmato 
 is very fine. It is never very hot xt Bangalore, and, of 
 course, it is never very cold. We had very fine raspbomes 
 for breakfast at the Baptist Mission at Bangalore, and we be 
 lieve they have them all the year round. The altitude is very 
 high, the whole plain being several thousand feet above the 
 "We got into touch with the Christian work of the city. 
 We visited the Methodist and Baptist Mission and saw the 
 Baldwin Boys' School which had over one hundred hoys in 
 attendance ; also the Girls' Home, presided over by Mrs. 
 Baker. We met several missionaries at the American Bap- 
 tist Mission, including Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Maul- 
 main, whom we had met on the way. Dr. McLaurin has 
 charge of the Baptist work, and especially of the Literary and 
 Publishing Department. We need not say that we met the 
 same large-hearted Christian hospitality here which we had 
 already experienced at Nellore and Rampatam. 
 At the home of the English Baptist missionary we had 
 the pleasure of meeting again our dear brother. Rev. Henry 
 Varley, of England, who had just closed his special services 
 in Madras, and was beginning similar meetings in Bangalore. 
 He had been much encouraged with the results of the Mad- 
 ras work. The tent formerly used by Dr. Pentecost had been 
 crowded every night, and much deep and spiritual interest 
 had been manifested. Many of the students had come to 
 talk with him, and some of the wealthy Hindus had contrib- 
 uted toward the expenses of the meetings in such a way as 
 to show their deep interest. He hopes to return next year 
 and continue his work. His meetings are attended by many 
 Europeans and Eurasians, and also by many Hindus. 
 There is among the educated natives a very great willing- 
 ness to attend Enghsh meetings, and it would not be difficult 
 at any time in many of the larger cities to get several hun- 
 dred of them to come together for many nights, to listen to 
 an interesting speaker on the truths of Christianity. Nor 
 can there be any doubt that they are often much moved, and 
 many of them very seriously considering the claims of Christ 
 ' MJliji i u^i-iia-aJMii. 
 adred boys in 
 over by Mrs. 
 Lmerican Bap- 
 ong, of Maul- 
 McLaurin has 
 e Literary and 
 t we met the 
 which we had 
 onary we had 
 r, Rev. Henry 
 pecial services 
 in Bangalore. 
 5 of the Mad- 
 jcost had been 
 'itual interest 
 had come to 
 3 had contrib- 
 ;uch a way as 
 u'n next year 
 aded by many 
 great willing- 
 lot be difficult 
 several hun- 
 s, to listen to 
 jtianity. Nor 
 ;h moved, and 
 lims of Christ 
 vm&imiis:S !m<i? 9S^!!S >& 
 upon their own hearts. In a few cases they have yielded to 
 the strong considerations which God has been pressing upon 
 them, and come out unreservedly on the side of Christ, bear- 
 ing to the end the heavy cross which it involves for them. 
 But, notwithstanding all this, the fact remains, as an old 
 missionary said to us this week : " The solid wall of Hindu- 
 ism has not yet been even shaken." 
 Most of the converts have been from the outcast races, 
 the Pariahs of India. The great castes have not been broken 
 through, or to any great extent brought under the influence 
 of tho Gospel. But Mr. Varley's meetings have reached 
 many of these people with a kind of truth they have not very 
 often heard. 
 They are quite familiar with Christianity as a religious 
 system, and have heard much of its principles and philoso- 
 phy. But we are glad to say that Mr. Varley is meeting 
 them in quite a different fashion from the average lecturer 
 and literary writer. With the boldness of a true minister of 
 Jesus Christ, he is telling these proud men to their faces of 
 the supreme claims of the Son of God, and ridicuHng the 
 idea of, for a moment, comparing them with the unholy 
 pretensions of their so-called Incarnations of the Deity. He 
 is bearing down upon their conscience with the great ques- 
 tions of sin and accountability, and presenting the living 
 truths and facts of evangelical Christianity in the power of 
 the Spirit, and many of them are, no doubt, deeply im- 
 We believe God will send many more sach messengers to 
 the people of this land, and that there will yet be a breaking 
 down of great numbers which will fill the hearts of God's pray- 
 ing and believing children with great joy. What the people 
 of India need most is spiritual power. There has been much 
 intellectual work, and they can match our culture with cul- 
 ture, too. But they cannot resist the power of conscience 
 and the Holy Ghost, the living facts of a holy life, and a tes- 
 timony which carries with it the conviction of divine reality 
 and power. 
 From Bangalore we passed through the Mysore country 
 the influence 
 have reached 
 have not very 
 as a rehgioua 
 and philoso- 
 ey is meeting 
 ;rage lecturer 
 le minister of 
 their faces of 
 ridiculing the 
 1 the unholy 
 le Deity. He 
 le great ques- 
 ig the living 
 the power of 
 t, deeply im- 
 nessengers to 
 be a breaking 
 Df God's pray- 
 at the people 
 as been much 
 ure with cul- 
 of conscience 
 fe, and a tes- 
 divine reality 
 '^sore country 
 l ll i lK W WiiiiWiBgaWliillia i MMI^^ 
 A " Kodak " photograph takeu by Mr. Simpson. 
 and then up through the South Marathi country to Watiar, 
 a station in the Krishna Valley, ahout one hundred miles 
 south of Poona. Here we left the train and took a pony 
 tonga for forty miles up into the Western Ghauts, tor the 
 purpose of visiting some dear friends at the lovely mountain 
 retreat at Mahabelashur, which the American ^')ard has 
 selected as a summer home for all their missionaries during 
 the hot season. This delightful spot is situated at the sum- 
 mit of the Western Ghauts, about 5,U00 feet above the sea. 
 In the hot season of India, which lasts three months— from 
 the middle of March to the middle of June, — it is a very de- 
 lightful residence, the temperature seldom rising above SO 
 degrees, and the air being most bracing and invigorating. 
 We cannot agree, for our work at least, with the policy 
 of planning for a regular suspension of w^ork every hot sea- 
 son, and surrendering to the heat on merely natural princi- 
 ples. We believe the power and life of Christ can carry our 
 dear workers, who trust Him, through hot weather as well 
 as other trying circumstances, and we feel, while not criticis- 
 ing the action of other missionaries or societies, that, for our 
 workers, feeling and believing as they do, it would be losing a 
 great blessing to make up their minds to the necessity of a 
 vacation every hot season. At the same time we should have 
 some cool and quiet place where, in special cases, those who 
 really need it and are not able to i*ise above the pressure, can 
 go for a short time. 
 We' found the drive to Mahabelashur very delightful. 
 We started at 4 A. M. from the railway station, and, as the 
 suu rose, we crossed the beautiful river Krishna, and looked 
 down a long line of temple spires lining its banks, and telling 
 of the idolatry of heathenism. We found, on calling at the 
 home of the missionary who occupies this field, that it was, 
 indeed, the very stronghold of Brahmanism ; but the light of 
 the Gospel is beginning to penetrate some of the homes. As 
 we ascended the Ghauts, the vegetation grew more and more 
 luxuriant. Tlie wild ioses grew in great festoons along the 
 roadside and climbed up over the trees, hanging in clusters 
 of a dozen together like great bouquets of pink and crimson. 
 The highest point is quite thickly wooded with very beauti- 
 ful trees, and the views are superb. 
 Our friends took us out to Sidney Point, and we found 
 ourselves on a narrow promontory of naked rock running out 
 like a sharp tongue several hundred feet, and not more than 
 tv/elve wide at the point. On each side was a deep gorge at 
 least 2,000 feet deep, and on one side it was a perpendicular 
 cliff; on the other it was almost perpendicular. It made one's 
 head dizzy to look down those almost fathomless gorges. 
 We could easily understand how the story might be true that 
 a young and foolhardy Englishman once presumed to drive his 
 dog cart out on that narrow ridge one day, and the horse, be- 
 coming nervous, dashed over the precipice with his reckless 
 driver into the abyss below. On a clear day you can see the 
 Indian Ocean across the plain which is about fifty miles wide. 
 We found our dear friends, the Bruces, in a very pleas- 
 ant home, and spent some very delightful hours with them. 
 Mr. Bruce, besides having charge of the great district of Sat- 
A')- LANDS. 
 fishna, and looked 
 banks, and telling 
 on calling at the 
 1 field, that it was, 
 I ; but the light of 
 >f the homes. As 
 iw more and more 
 estoons along the 
 -nging in clusters 
 pink and crimson, 
 with very beauti- 
 nt, and we found 
 rock running out 
 id not more than 
 LS a deep gorge at 
 5 a perpendicular 
 ir. It made one's 
 ithomless gorges, 
 light be true that 
 3umed to drive his 
 ind the horse, be- 
 with his reckless 
 T you can see the 
 t fifty miles wide. 
 , in a very pleas- 
 liours with them, 
 it district of Sat- 
 A " Kodak " photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 '- fBKES^fflC i^SKf^: - 
 tara, with a million souls in it, has also a special work of pub- 
 lication on hand. He has issued many excellent tracts and 
 books, and has been especially happy in his series of Gospel 
 leaflets in Marathi. We hope to give our friends, later, a sam- 
 ple of one of these. It is the verse John iii : 16, in Marathi, 
 and our missionaries are indebted to him for many thousands 
 of these, which they distribute freely, as well as many other 
 tracts and illustrated leaflets which he gratuitously distrib- 
 Miss Bruce is assisting her father in this and other liter- 
 ary work, and is now about to undertake a fiu-ther task in 
 connection with a monthly Sunday School paper in Marathi, 
 connected with the work in India. We were delighted to 
 find her hands and heart so full of bright and blessed work 
 for God. In addition to her ordinary work, she has just com- 
 pleted, with the assistance of a friend, a translation of the 
 "Gospel of Healing " into Marathi. 
 We found a number of other missionaries also at this 
 place of rest, and in the evening we had a i^leasant and profit- 
 able missionary meeting. There were ten members of the 
 Presbyterian Marathi Mission from the Kolapur field, includ- 
 ing some old friends. Miss Jefferson, late of the City Mission 
 at home, and Mr. W^ilder, who is so well known in America 
 among the Student Volunteers. He has been working among 
 the students of India and is now in infirm health and resting 
 at Mahabelashur. We had a blessed meeting and many re- 
 ceived new inspiration for life and work. 
 There was much conference respecting the needs of the 
 t »at»CV.'ylTS-^'OJ»Cl.-;Uifc:£lta..^i^«--^ 
 ?if?? 'f^ ^5^"^/ ^irt"? %HT} ^Jirflif 3Jr4l ^I'nfti w^ ^tRJifru: 
 s^iRT ^i4»WM 3rnn^ jijw ^ »Tw'?if vjfri^n''^ <r»rr- 
 Bi j 8J.j„la^Ai4J.k»;.!.qtt.s 
 field, especially the Marathi country, and we found that there 
 were yet many great districts even in the south and west, 
 scores of towns and hundreds and even thousands of villages 
 tiuit have never yet been visited hy a missionary. Even where 
 old missions have heen planted for thirty or forty years in 
 some central city, yet many villages and districts at a dis- 
 tance from this centre have never been visited. We believe, 
 after careful inquiry, that of the 15,()()(),()()(> of Marathi people 
 in Western India, at least one- half are yet beyond the reach 
 of any means of hearing the Gospel, and we fear this is true 
 of almost all other parts of India. 
 We left this lovely mountain top on Saturday morning 
 at daylight, and after a tonga ride of seven houis and a rail- 
 way journey of seven more, we reached the beautiful city of 
 Poona on Saturday evening. We were met at the depot by 
 Mr. Robinson of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, and Mrs. 
 Fuller who had come on from Akola for one more season of 
 fellowship and conference before we left South India. 
 Mr. Robinson welcomed us most kindly, and we had the 
 pleasure of addressing his English congregation morning and 
 evening, and the Native Church in the afternoon through an 
 interpreter. The Native Church is under the charge of Mr. 
 Fox, a veteran missionary, and the Boys' School under the 
 charge of Rev. Mr. Brewer. Mr. Robinson has also charge of 
 the Wm. Taylor School for the education of English children, 
 and is, besides, Presiding Elder of the District. He has a fine 
 English congregation, and the Native Church is very inter- 
 esting. It was a gi-eat joy to preach the Gospel to these 
 Hindus and to see some souls decide for Christ. 
 There are two or three other missiotiH in Poona, th«f Eng- 
 lish Church, the Free Church, and the EtitahUshed Church of 
 (Scotland ; hut the great heatlien city w still but lightly 
 touched. It is a city of 12<>,0()<' people, and has many EnghMli 
 residents, besides many natives who understand Englisii. 
 Both Mr. Pentecost and Mr. Varley held meetings here for 
 Bome time which were well attended and nmch interest 
 shown. Our time did not permit us to meet the native jhjo- 
 ple, but we were assured that it would not be difticidt at any 
 time to obtain a good audience, willing to listen to an earnest 
 address on the Gosi)el. 
 Poona was the home of one of our former missionaries. 
 Miss Helen Dawlfy. Many of our friends will remember that 
 Miss DawUy came out to India in connection with the 
 Alliance about five years ago, and carried on for some time 
 an Orphanage in Akola. She was a woman of very strong 
 and simple faith. When she left Buffalo for India, she bad 
 only enough money to take her to Liverpool, but she had her 
 trunk labelled " Bombay," and before she left New York no 
 less than two people were competing for the privilege of sus- 
 taining her in India. 
 About t wo years ago she removed her home to Poona 
 and resolved to carry on her work indei)endently of the 
 AiJJANX'E as a work of faith. She did this in the kindest 
 spirit, and wa.s always on the most friendly terms with our 
 missionaries. But she felt the Lord was leading her to tru'^l 
 Him directly for her means of support in the work. During 
 her residence in Poona she endeared herself to very many, 
 8l4iujU»M|iua,ltS;< l iBiWfei-»g -^''^^HI 
 )onsi, tho Eng- 
 hotl Church of 
 II but lightly 
 many Eiighvsh 
 >tan<l English, 
 tings here for 
 much interest 
 lie native peo- 
 lifticult at any 
 1 to an earnest 
 ' missionaries, 
 emember that 
 ion with the 
 for some time 
 3f very strong 
 India, she had 
 ut she had her 
 New York no 
 •ivilege of sus- 
 ome to Poona 
 idently of the 
 in the kindest 
 erms witli our 
 ig her to tni^i 
 vork. D^ ring 
 to very many, 
 and exercised a most blessed Clifistian influence. Hut alK)ut 
 ten days before we reached India th«? Mast(?r called her to 
 Himself. Her last illness was very painful ; but, from the 
 first, she seems to have rxpected to go home, and so ex- 
 pressed herself to all about her. Hhe passed away in faith 
 and victory. 
 Thi lady, whom she sent for to England to assist her in 
 the work, arrived just three days after her death, and so in 
 God's wise Providence the work was able to go on. 
 Poona is one of the favorite residences of India. It is on 
 a high altitude and is never very hot. And during the rainy 
 season, it is far ■ iumgh from the mountains to escape a heavy 
 jiniik i i,ij,ii i iii i u i ,uaar»'^'»« p 
 rainfall, so that it has an exceptionally fine dimate, and, like 
 Bangalore, it is the chosen residence of many foreigners. 
 The Enghsh (juarter is handsomely built, with wide 
 streets and spacious grounds, and all the characteristic fea- 
 tures of an English Canto-inient. 
 We could not help saying to these de^r English-speaking 
 people that it was a very awful ]-esponsibility to know the 
 Gospel and the Saviour, alnd be so near to these multitudes 
 who know him not. It was our prayer, as we spoke to these 
 hundreds of young ]>eople, that a score of missionaries might 
 come out of that company, and that all the rest might live 
 such lives that from them would " sound out " the Gospel 
 to all the heathen multitudes of Poona. 
 We left Poona by daylight Monday morning, and by 
 eleven o'clock found ourselves once more in Bombay. The 
 day was spent very busily in getting through a two weeks' 
 mail, and preparing for another journey that night to North 
 India. After the days' work was over, and we had taken 
 Mrs. Fuller to the train for Akola, and once more said 
 " Good-bye " to our Berar work through her, we had an hour 
 to spare before sunset, and so we drove along the shore to the 
 famous Malabar Hill where the wealthy Bombay merchants 
 This is the most magnificent drive in the world. For two 
 or three miles it skirts the Indian Ocean, and then follows the 
 crest of the hill which is a high peninsula between two arms 
 of the sea, so that it is constantly exposed to the breeze and 
 never can be hot. The view from the hill, out upon the sea, 
 late, and, like 
 It, with wide 
 act eristic fea- 
 ' to know the 
 >se multitudes 
 spoke to these 
 onaries might 
 st might live 
 " the Gospel 
 ling, and by 
 ombay. The 
 a two weeks' 
 ight to North 
 i^e had taken 
 36 more said 
 ? had an hour 
 e shore to the 
 ay merchants 
 rid. For two 
 3n follows the 
 en two arms 
 e breeze and 
 upon the sea, 
 >!Hi«M«ll| l lllM! 
>l<>i»WWWWB!BljHpw ;j]t,,,.^... -.-..4-^1 
 across the harbor to the Colabba, and theli across tlie plain 
 over the great city with its superb buildings and its forests 
 of acacias, palms, banyans, i)lantains, and a wealth of lux- 
 uriant vegetation, crowded with picturesque houses and 
 teeming with moving human beings of almost every nation, 
 and dressed in almost every hue cannot be surpassed by 
 anything which we have ever seen or expect to see. 
 As we drove dow n the hill on oiu* way back to the city, 
 we passed the " Towers of Silence,*" where the rich Parsees 
 expose their dead, and as we remembered liow much of the 
 wealth of Bombay is in their hands, and then realized their 
 end, and saw the very vultures sitting on the trees around 
 ready for their prey, we felt how little all the pomp and 
 grandeur of the world was worth without God, and the pre- 
 cious hopes of the gracious Gospel. 
 We found the missionary circles in Bombay deeply 
 stirred with a great controversy. 
 In P*^ > . 'ler last the Decennial Missionary Conference of 
 India was ..leld in Bombay, and attended by several hundred 
 missionaries from various parts of India. 
 At that Conference much disappointment was felt because 
 the leaders of the meeting managed to prevent the Confer- 
 ence from passing any bold or positive resolutions protesting 
 against the three most crying evils of the land, viz., the 
 Liquor Traffic, the Opium Traffic, and the Licensing of Social 
 Meetings were held of an informal character to show 
 the facts respecting these glaiing evils, but the Convention 
 ■P " ! 
 was not allowed to record any definite protest under the pre- 
 text that these subjects were not included in the programme 
 laid out at the beginning, and, also, because it was under- 
 stood that no subject should bo presented about which there 
 was not perfect unanimity of opinion. By some skillful par- 
 liamentary management the Conference was led to decline, 
 by a vote of 105 to 102, to pass any resolutions or express any 
 opinion upon these questions. 
 Their action has awakened a storm of criticism all over 
 the Christian world, and the missionaries of India are feeling 
 themselves betrayed into a false position, and a great deal of 
 strong feeling is being expressed on every side. 
 der the pre- 
 program me 
 was under- 
 which there 
 skillful par- 
 te decline, 
 express any 
 3ni all over 
 I are feeling 
 reat deal of 
 A "Kodak" photofrraph taken by >lr. Simpson. 
.yfAPR.lS TO liOMliAY. 
 Mr. Dyer, the editor and proprietor of the Bombay (fuar- 
 dian, was one of the advocates of a bold and uncompromising 
 stand at the Conference. 
 Wo beUeve the storm will clear the air, and compel all 
 true men to speak out on these and all such questions with a 
 voice which will be felt at the very throne of India and Enj;- 
 land, and in the heart )f every missionary that is afraid of 
 offending man more than God, if there l)e such in India, 
 which may God forbid ! 
 But if there is any difference of opinion among the mis- 
 sionaries of India on either of these three great questions— 
 the Liquor Traffic, the Opium Traffic, or the Licensing of 
 Social Impurity in India, the sooner it is known by the 
 churches at home the better. 
 We need not say there is no doubt about tiie attitude of 
 our dear missionaries on these (piostions, or of any other mis- 
 sionaries we have met in India. 
 "^"^ jTK were able to spend the last two weeks of our brief 
 W visit to India in the Northwest and Northern Prov- 
 inces. One object was to see a fesv of the ancient 
 and characteristic cities, such as Delhi, Agra, I^ucknow, 
 Cawnpore and Benares, and another was to see something of 
 the mission work in which God has been so marvelously 
 pouring out His Spirit in these northern fields. 
 We selected the western route through the independent 
 states of Baroda, Guzerat and Kajpootana, passing through 
 the famous cities of Ahmedabad, Baroda, Ajmeer and Jey- 
 pore. As we got farther north we found the season much 
 later than in Central and Southern India. The fields were 
 green with waving harvests of wheat, and other grains, and 
 the reapers had only begun, in a few instances, to cut down 
 the grain. The air became cooler and the nights, indeed, 
 cold, so that the heaviest covering was needed. Tlie fall of 
 snow in the northern mountains has been unusually heavy, 
 and in the whole of India the hot season is a month later than 
 usual, so that we have almost entirely escaped the oppressive 
 weather we expected. We cannot sufficiently thank God for 
of our brief 
 •thern Prov- 
 the ancient 
 , Lucknow, 
 amething of 
 ing through 
 er and Jey- 
 \'ison much 
 fields were 
 grains, and 
 o cut down 
 lits, indeed, 
 The fall of 
 ally heavy, 
 h later than 
 9 oppressive 
 ink God for 
w ;''.P''-^^^ 
 A " Kodak photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
His extraordinary goodness 
 in thus answering prayer, 
 and enabling us to accomplish so much work without hind- 
 ^»' ;^,, 
MM(SiJ'.''!j«B'a'B''*' "'^' ' '*»*! 
 Tho Native Princen of India are very st lict in their laws 
 for the protection of animals, in some cases jirohihiting the 
 shooting of game and oven the slaughtering of animals for 
 food, and so, throughout the great State of Iiiij[)ootana, ani- 
 mal life was very abundant and interesting. Scores of mon- 
 keys weie hanging from the trees or gamboling over the 
 ground. Many beautiful birds were constantly appearing, 
 ■ >ii^.. 
 wild peacocks with magnificent tails, great cranes and adju- 
 tant birds as tall as a man, green parrots, pelicans, jiigeons, 
 beefsteak birds, immense buzzards, and many pretty little 
 birds of bright plumage. We saw many herds of deer, and, 
 occasionally, a wolf or a fox, on the great plains. 
 Our first considerable stop was at the old city of Agra. 
 in their laws 
 roliihiting tlio 
 •f Jiiiinials for 
 jpootana, ani- 
 cori'8 of nion- 
 ling over the 
 ly ni)pearing, 
 les and adju- 
 ans, pigeons, 
 pretty little 
 of deer, and, 
 city of Agra. 
 jioArniY TO lu-y.tK'Ks. 
 ThiH wuH one ..f the <apitalH of tlm great Mogul rulers of In- 
 dia, and is tiie seat of some of their granch-st mo.mniental 
 huihliugs. The thre.* most famous are the 1<' .:'t, the Palar.- 
 and the Ta j Mahal. The Fort is an immet. se enclosure of red 
 sandstone of the most beautiful and massive proportions. 
 The Palace of the Emperor, Shah Jehan, is within the Fort 
 and contains the apartments of his harem, and also the Moti 
 Musjud or White Mos<iue, of pure white marble. It would 
 be idle to attempt to give an)- descrijjtion of these immense 
 collections of stately columns, arches and carvings. 
 The gem of Agra and India, however, is the Taj Mahal, 
 which stands on the Jumna, about a mile above Agra, and 
 was built by Shah Jehan, as a monument and tomb for his 
 favorite wife. It is of pure white marble elegantly propor- 
 tioned and exquisitely carved. It stands in the midst of a 
 magnificent garden filled with luxuriant trees and flowers, 
 and adorned with artificial tanks and ponds filled with water. 
 It has been called a " Dream in Marble, "and its exquisite and 
 dazzhng beauty has not been overstated. It took seventeen 
 years to build it, and it cost §0,000,000. All it contains is 
 two beautiful marble toml)s, those of Shah Jehan and his fa- 
 vorite wife, Arimand Banu, for whom it was reared. There 
 is a touch of romance about it that lights up a little the 
 cruelty and selfishness of this Mogul tyrant. He must have 
 had some kind of a heart to devote so many years of his life 
 and such millions of treasure to one he loved. And yet, it 
 was a sensual and selfish love, for you can see the gorgeous 
 palace he also built for his Hindu wives, and the gorgeous 
 apartments in another part of the Fort for his Mohammedan 
 queens, with all their separate establishments and mosques 
 for worship. 
 The blot on all this grandeur is the fact that scarcely any 
 of this costly work was ever paid for, the poor natives never 
 having received more than a mere pittance of their promised 
 wages. It was surely a just retribution for this proud and 
 splendid despot, that he spent the last seven years of his life 
 Bse immense 
 3 Taj Mahal, 
 e Agra, and 
 tomb for his 
 ntly propor- 
 le midst of a 
 and flowers, 
 with water, 
 xquisito and 
 k seventeen 
 . contains is 
 1 and his fa- 
 ired. There 
 a little the 
 3 must have 
 rs of his life 
 And yet, it 
 le gorgeous 
 he gorgeous 
 id mosques 
 icarcely any 
 itives never 
 sir promised 
 1 proud and 
 '8 of his life 

 iiwwiwwwi iftiMii i itwiftWMijytw^ '• 
n t gg0^ l^ mi t^ ^^fM ll i t ^'s ,t t/f ,,l.. 
 as a prisoner in his own palace,nnder th(3 cruel orders of liis son . 
 They showed us the marble cage where he used to sit looking 
 out over the valley at the beautiful Taj, where the only thing, 
 which, perhaps, he had ever loved, lay buried, and where he 
 himself ere long lay down by her side. 
 More magnificent, however, even than Agra, are the 
 ruins and monuments of Delhi, which we were permitted to 
 visit two days later. Delhi was the real capital of the great 
 Mogul Empire, and when the Reformation was beginning to 
 dawn in Europe, the great Mohammedan conquerors of India 
 were building- up an empire here as splendid as Babylon ever 
 The fort and palace of Delhi are similar to those of Agra, 
 but much more magnificent. The Pearl Mosque, the Hall of 
 Audience in the Emperor's Palace, and the great drawing- 
 room in the Queen's apartments contain a wealth of marble, 
 gold and precious stones perfe Jy bewildering. The decora- 
 tions are gorgeous beyond description, but the design is so 
 simple and beautiful that nothing seems overdone. The ceil- 
 ings are finished in marble and gold, the pillars are each one 
 piece of marble, as smooth as alabaster, and carved in the 
 IS Babylon ever 
 those of Agra, 
 jue, the Hall of 
 great drawing- 
 alth of marble, 
 ;, The decora- 
 be design is so 
 lone. The ceil- 
 rs are each one 
 . carved in the 
 finest designs The marble is inlaid with rare precious stones 
 representing scroi:3, flowers, birds, animals and Arabic verses 
 from the Koran. Between the apartments are screens repre- 
 senting the finest lace, all cut in marble, each stitch of the 
 lace work costing one doUar to carve. It was of this exqui- 
 site chamber that the Persian poem was composed, the refrain 
 in English being : 
 "And oh, ir mere db au jai^siu^* ^a v^.».., 
 It is this, It is this." 
 And yet as we turned away, and thought of the wretched 
 builder now, and all the deceived companions of his luxurious 
 pleasures, we could honestly say that we have seen some 
 Hindu huts of clay which we would not exchange-with 
 .«^8!SW*»»W '" 
 their humble, happy ( Jhristiau liearts- for all his splendor, 
 even for a hundred Ijfetivaes, 
 But the most in ferttvlinp part of Delhi is its ancient 
 ruins. South of. the irsodern city tiu tlu^ ruins of no less than 
 se-ven ancient cities, 
 extending twelve 
 miles south along the 
 Jumna, and covering 
 an area of nearly fifty 
 square miles. We 
 drove out eleven miles 
 to the famous Kutub 
 Minar, and all along 
 the way there was 
 nothing to be seen but 
 the ruins of temples, 
 tombs, and ancient 
 fortifications ; some 
 of them — for example, 
 Asoka's column and 
 the famous Wrought 
 Iron Pillar — g o i n g 
 back to a period even before the time of Christ. Delhi has 
 been well called the Rome of Asia, and it also reminded us, 
 not a little, of ancient Memphis with its tombs and monu- 
 ments of ancient kings and departed grandeur. 
 The most remarkable of all these ancient monuments is 
 the famous Kutub Minar, or Tower of Victoiy. It stands 
 '^^'^'^'i M^.MaifeakHafiBMBa^Jaa s B^^ 
 his splendor, 
 3 its ancient 
 ' no U'ss than 
 iciont cities, 
 i n g twelve 
 ith along the 
 md covering 
 f nearly fifty 
 miles. We 
 eleven miles 
 mens Kutub 
 id all along 
 there was 
 be seen but 
 of temples, 
 nd ancient 
 ons ; 8 o m e 
 for example, 
 column and 
 us Wrought 
 lar — g o i n g 
 . Delhi has 
 eminded us, 
 and monu- 
 lonuments is 
 f. It stands 
 A " Kodak" photograph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
i i iiiniiJiuiii. i i' i »i*Mi'iULMaiun i 
 elm-pii milos Houth of inodcru Delhi, at the southoni end of 
 this great plain of ruins. It was the first great niouunieut 
 built by the Mogul con(iuerors of India, and goes back to the 
 sixteenth century. It is in almost perfect preservation. It is 
 an inunense tower of several stories, 47 feet in diameter at 
 the base, and rising 24(> feet high. To our eye it is more im- 
 l)ressive than the Pyramids, and very beautiful in its design 
 and execution. 
 There is a stair- _ > - -- 
 way leading to 
 the top and the 
 view is very 
 In the even- 
 ing we drove 
 ve r all the 
 scenes of the 
 Indian Mu- 
 tiny. Wo stood 
 on tlie famous 
 ridge where 
 the British siege lines were posted. We entered the Cashmere 
 Gate, where the storming party of English soldiers broke 
 through the walls and planted the flag of victory, where 
 fifty out of every seventy-five fell bleeding and dying under 
 the murderous fire of the foe, and the noble leader, Gen. 
 Nicholson, was carried back to die just as he had won the 
 costly victory which saved India. We gazed on the splendid 
 monument coinmemomting these lieroic achievements, and 
 tolling how nion th.m :],0o(> brave men fell m this desperate 
 struggle. And we thought how much it Juid (;o9t England 
 to gain India, and how greatly the obligation wart enhanced 
 to make the mont 
 of this great trust 
 for God. 
 In the same circle 
 of ( ities we also in- 
 ( 1 u d e d Cawnpore 
 and Lucknow. Both 
 the^ cities have a 
 pathetic interest in 
 connection with the 
 Mutiny. Cawnpore 
 was the scene of 
 the most awful 
 tr.igedy of modern 
 war. viz., " " las- 
 sacre of th< I'liish 
 garri ' by the in 
 earn ohend Nann 
 MEMORIAL AT CAWNPO; SahlU, aft ^i" 
 had surreudereU « 
 hi.' issuranr of protection. After he had mi dered all the 
 men, he took the women and chil en capti i' f ' ir a fate more 
 cruel than death, and when he found that tli' city was about 
 to Ic recaptured, he murdered them also, and cast the bodies 
 vements, aud 
 this desperate 
 (^ost England 
 ^•art enhanced 
 ike the mont 
 8 great trust 
 le same circle 
 38 we also in- 
 e d Cawnpore 
 icknow. Both 
 cities have a 
 jic interest in 
 ition with the 
 y. Oawnpore 
 the scene of 
 most awful 
 [y of modern 
 n-i.., ''^" las- 
 >f tht i'iiish 
 by the in 
 e hend Nana 
 afl 'i8y 
 dered all the 
 >r a fate more 
 ity was aboiit 
 ast the bodies 
 liOMIiAY TO lit: S ARKS. 
 of the dead and the living together into a great well, where 
 a Memorial now stands with this inscription : "Sacred to 
 the perpetual niemory of a great conjpany of Christian peo- 
 pie, chiefly women 
 and children, who 
 near this spot were 
 cruelly massacred 
 by the followers of 
 the rebel, Nana Sa- 
 hib, and cast, the 
 dying with the 
 dead, into the well 
 below, July 15, 
 Lucknow stands 
 about seventy miles 
 north of Cawnpore. 
 It is the largest city 
 of Northern India, 
 except Calcutta, and 
 well called —"Beau- 
 tiful Lucknow." It 
 is, indeed, a most 
 charming city. The 
 English section, 
 known as the "Residency Hill," is very handsome, and even 
 the native city is pretty and picturesque. Seen from the old 
 Residency Tower, it is a great sea of green trees and fields set 
2i6 i.ARai.R orri.oois ox ynssioxARv lands. 
 with white «lome8, roofs, and iiiinaiots, fur miltvs and niiloB. 
 U is full of niosqiu.'H and tempi. h. But -aftor its MisHionH— 
 its most interesting s,ene8 are those connected with the Mu- 
 ( )ur kiii.l friends took us over all th. ground, so familiar 
 to us in our boyhood, thirty six years aj^o, when these events 
 were thrilling our hearts, where Lawrence, Havelock and Sir 
 Colin Cam pl)ell so nobly fought for the "K.<lief of Lucknow," 
 where the brave defenders-a few hundivd m.n-so grandly 
 held their ground against an aimy of tens of thousands of 
 Sepoys with batteries of artillery, whom they themselves had 
 drilled and taught. 
 ile« and miloB. 
 ita Mi.sHions — . 
 with tho Mu- 
 id, HO familiar 
 n these events 
 ^elock and Sir 
 3f Luck now," 
 II— so grandly 
 thousands of 
 leniselves had 
 .nayfe^ji ' . 
 /t0.t//l.n- TO HEN.IRF.S. 
 The old Hi'sideney, which wuh their fortific.t'i; n and de- 
 fence, 18 now a Park, and the old ImildingH stand an they 
 ■were, at the dose of the Mutiny, a mass of battered ruins. 
 It was simply awful co look at those great towers and walls, 
 literally torn to pieces hy shot and shell, and realize that two 
 or three regiments of soldiers, with a lot of women and chil- 
 dren, had lived behind those walls for months during the fiery 
 heat of an India Sumrnei-, and under a ceaseless rain of fire 
 from hundreds of guns. 
 We saw the cellar where General Lawrence was mor- 
 tally wounded by a shell. We saw the other cellar where all 
 the children and women huddled together foi- months. They 
 nhowed us the hole by which their meals were handed down, 
 and another hole a foot in diameter where a cannon ball had 
 entered even that cellar and sunk itself in a brick pillar out 
 of sight, and a poor woman sitting near had died of fright. 
 The tower above was literally perforated with balls. 
 Most touching of all were the figures telling how out of 
 :^,000 men that begun that awful summer only 830 survived 
 when the victory was won. These, indeed, were heroes. 
 Why may not the missionary, annals have greater heroes ? If 
 brave men suffered so to win India for England, let us not be 
 afraid to suffer in order to win India for Christ. 
 Well, we are glad to say that Lucknow has something 
 better than the old Residency and the memorials of 1857. It 
 has a glorious missionary work, and is the headquarters of 
 that Mission of our own laud on which God has so won- 
 drously be on pouring out His Spirit during the past four 
 We were very cordially received by Rev. Dr. Parker and 
 the members of the Mission, and afforded every opportunity 
 to see the work and learn the methods which God has so 
 richly blessed among them, during recent years. We have 
 not yet found a more thoroughly organized missionary sys- 
 tem, or one more vigorously and efficiently worked. The sys- 
 tem is true to the genius of Methodism, and yet it has a cer- 
 tain apostolic simplicity and catholicity of spirit which may 
 well commend it to the study of every missionary who is in- 
 telligently seeking for the best methods, and willing to learn 
 from every wise and true pattern. 
 At the head of the whole work is the Bishop, or general 
 I ball had 
 sillar out 
 3f fright. 
 >w out of 
 e heroes, 
 eroes ? If 
 us not be 
 1857. It 
 larters of 
 ; so won- 
 past four 
 ,rker and 
 )d has so 
 We have 
 nary sys- 
 The sys- 
 as a cer- 
 lich may 
 'ho is in- 
 to learn 
 r general 
 overseer of the whole field. Then over each District is a Pre- 
 siding Elder, who exercises a more special superintendence 
 over all the workers in that field. Under him, the various 
 American or English workers have their respective depart- 
 ments. Some are Pastors of the P^nglish Church in the Dis- 
 trict. Some are Superintendents or Professors in the Train- 
 ing College or Seminar3^ Some are teachers in the High 
 School for boys or girls. Some have charge of an Orphanage 
 or a Home. And some are evangelists, at large, to preach 
 the gos])el in ^'arious places. But each has a special depart- 
 ment. And .vhen they are scattered about in various cen- 
 tres, one of them is usually local Superintendent of all the 
 work in that city and section. 
 Then come the native workers. And this is the right 
 arm of the Methodist Mission. There are, comparatively, 
 few American workers even in the great Provinces of Oude 
 and Rohilcund and amongst a church of more than fifty 
 thousand native Christians. Most of the work is done by 
 hundreds of native brethren, and the American worker is 
 chiefly a superintendent. There are several classes of these 
 native workers. One or two have been found worthy to be 
 made Presiding Elders. Many of them are Native Pastors, 
 having charge, in almost all cases, of the native churches. 
 Some of them are Evangelists, preaching the gospel in the 
 villages. The Native Pastors receive a moderate salary of 
 about |r)0 to ^75 per year 
 But there is another class of native workers which more 
 than any other seems to us to be a recovered link in the great 
 chain of personal work, and this is the agency to which more 
 than any other, it seems to us, that, under God, the extra- 
 ordinary success of this Mission is due. They are what they 
 call " Pastor teachers," a sort of intei'mediate link between 
 the Native Pastor and the heathen people. They are hum- 
 I the Train- 
 n the High 
 !, to preach 
 cial depart- 
 .^arious cen- 
 t of all the 
 s the right 
 es of Oude 
 than fifty 
 is done by 
 worker is 
 es of these 
 jrthy to be 
 i^e Pastoi's, 
 ! churches, 
 spel in the 
 e salary of 
 i^hich more 
 n the great 
 v'hich more 
 the extra- 
 vvhat they 
 k between 
 T are hum- 
 ble men, of limited abiUty and experience, but sincere Chris- 
 tians full of zeal and new-born love. And they are set to 
 work in hundreds of places, with a very small allowance of 
 115 to -«^20 a year, as teachers in hundreds of little country 
 The place they 
 hold their school in 
 is a little hut (and 
 we saw some of 
 them), that can be 
 rented for a mere 
 trifle. It has, per- 
 haps, no windows 
 and only a clay 
 floor and mud walls. 
 But in this place the 
 teacher opens a lit- 
 tle school for the 
 boys and girls, and 
 begins to teach 
 them all he knows 
 He is not very 
 far on, but he is a good way beyond them. And his 
 principal class is the Bible, and the Gospels. And so he 
 teaches, and when he can get some of the parents to come 
 in, he preaches to them, and his simple kindness wins the 
 confidence of old and young, and before long there are in- 
 quirers, and conversions, and baptisms. 
 This simple network of schools and native evangelists 
 has gradually spread over all the Northwest Provinc! o^ 
 the LTof :f "' 'l"" """ """^ •"*" ^^^»- «Pi-"«aliCo 
 «.e part of the workers, and a very real outpouring of the 
 Holy Ghost on many hearts. The result is that during the 
 pas two or three years there has been a great ingatheringo 
 uls and more than fifty thousand have been added to the 
 church by baptism. The additions have not been so sudden 
 Zlu\ ""t ™"«" '^^•'^' ""' t"" -™^- ha" 
 fs like^t!'™ '" " T ^""'' '™ *" '"'^''^^"-^ -- that it 
 s hkely prove, not a special and sporadic movement, but 
 IZ : r'^f"""""""'^'' "'^'^ ™^ agencies 'th^ 
 are hkely to contnme bnnging forth sue,, fruit without in- 
 rrupfon. We were glad to find that similar revivals IZ 
 still gomg on m many of the churches 
 Another interesting feature of this Mission is the impor. 
 t^t,on of the Camp Meeting into the heathen field. ZZ 
 .t was here before, but they have consecrated it to a higte 
 and hoher use. The heathen a.. ve,y fond of holding whl 
 they cab Malas or rehgious festivals, and gathering iL.'a 
 crowds ma g™ve to celebrate the p^ses of some god The 
 m,ss>ona„.s have be.n holding their ^a^o., too, and as many 
 as two thousand people have sometimes attended them t 
 cudmg many heathen, and there have been great numC 
 of conve:.,o„s, just as in our g..at meetings ft home Wl 
 were very much pleased to find these simple, troe and agJL 
 B.ve methods in this good work, and we ax^e sure thaTfTb 
 work must be blessed and can only pray that God m2y ^^ 
 tiply it more and more. ^ 
 ^Q evangelists 
 Provinces of 
 spirituality on 
 During of the 
 it during the 
 igathering of 
 added to the 
 3n so sudden 
 imbers have 
 8 are that it 
 )vement, but 
 tgencies that 
 '> without in- 
 evivals were 
 s the impor- 
 Id. Indeed, 
 i to a higher 
 olding w^hat 
 ing in great 
 e god. The 
 nd as many 
 'd them, in- 
 at numbers 
 lome. We 
 ind aggres- 
 3 that such 
 1 may mul- 
 Of course, these friends have the advantage, that we do 
 not yet possess, of a strong force of native converts to draw 
 their workers from. This is the result of an experience of 
 more than forty years. Until we can raise up this force from 
 among our own converts, we must depend chiefly upon our 
 American missionaries as pioneers ; but, as their work is 
 blessed, we are sure that they will not be ashamed to copy 
 the example of our friends in their grand use of every kind 
 A native material, even the very humblest. While we hope 
 to see the churches of America still pour thousands of vi'orkers 
 into this land, yet the real work of v^inning and holding 
 India for Jesus must ultimately be done by the people of 
 India themselves. 
 We spent a deligatful day with Dr. Parker and the mis- 
 sionaries at Lucknow. We learned much of the history and 
 geography of the field, and the methods of the work. We 
 saw most of the leading workers at Lucknow, and more de- 
 voted and large-hearted men and women we do not know. 
 We visited the excellent High School and College. We had 
 the pleasure of addressing the English Church in their com- 
 modious building, and meeting Rev. Mr. Osborne, who was 
 holding revival services there. Mr. Osborne is a native of 
 India and a man of much spiritual power. 
 On the following Saturday and Sabbath at Bareilly, we 
 saw still more of the work. At the hospitable home of Dr. 
 Scott, we learned much from his experience as an old pioneer 
 on the frontiers of the field. We met the students of the 
 Theological Seminary of vrhich he has charge, and were de- 
 lighted with these sixty-five native young men who reminded 
 us so much of our own work at home. We visitt-i tlie girls' 
 Ori)hanage and Schools, and hrighter, sweeter faces we never 
 saw than these two Imndred dear Rohilcund girls. 
 We had the joy of preaching the gospel through an in- 
 A ' ' Kodak " photogrraph taken by Mr. Simpson. 
 terpreter, and of seeing two souls come out and receive bap- 
 tism. And on Sabbath evening, our last Sabbath in India, 
 we spoke once more for the Master to the English congrega- 
 tion in Bareilly, and although the company was not a great 
 one, the Lord was present, and souls were, we beUeve, blessed 
 and brought very near to Him. It was a blessed day, indeed 
 lo I'eininded 
 f '1 the girls' 
 es we never 
 ceive bap- 
 i in India, 
 ot a great 
 re, blessed 
 ly, indeed 
 a blessed series of days— our visit to the M. E. Mission of 
 Lucknow and Bareilly. 
 Nor must we forget Delhi, or the dear missionary that 
 came to see us and spent an hour wuth us before wo left, and 
 told us with mutual joy of the five hundred souls that he had 
 been permitted to gather from among the heathen during the 
 past year. 
 We were so glad to leave our India work and our brother, 
 Mr. Fuller, in touch with this blessed Mission, and we were 
 also much gratified to be able to gain much valuable informa- 
 tion respecting openings on the frontier of Nepaul and Thibet 
 —one of the chief objects for which we had come to North 
 India. But we shall speak more fully of this again. 
 It was a disappointment not to meet our dear friend and 
 former guest, Miss Anna Buddin, but her field is so remote, on 
 the frontier of Nepaul and Thibet and six days' journey from 
 Bareilly. that there was not time for her to get down ; but 
 we heatd many cheering things of her brave and blessed work, 
 and had a very kind telegram from her. We were glad to be 
 assured that should we be led to send our workers to these 
 frontier fields, the old standard bearers at <^he front woukl be 
 gli>,a Ic greet them and cheer them on their way. 
 There are other excellent Missions in Northern India. 
 Tht Presoyi;iiiians are in the Punjaub and Rajpootana. But 
 i; -u as impossible for us, in the short time at our disposal, to 
 go there also. 
 We left Bareilly for Benares early Monday morning, and 
 spent most of the day in the old capital of Hinduism. Be- 
 I, ' 
 ■ 4 
 Ir- -- -- 
 nares is the ancient home of the founder of Buddhism, and 
 the Sacred City of the Hindus. We had read niuch of the 
 Gauges and its temples, and we expected nmch that would, at 
 least, interest us. But never did we meet with a more heart- 
 sickening disa])pointment. Some one has said tlie place to 
 read "The Light of Asia" is Benares. We should think it is. 
 If any one 
 v/ishes to see the 
 hoUowness, fool- 
 ishness and filthi 
 ness of Hinduism 
 and heathenism, 
 let him look 
 through the Ben- 
 ares temples on 
 the Ganges. 
 There are hun- 
 dreds of them, 
 and we saw the 
 most of them and 
 the hest of them 
 but they were all 
 disgusting. The 
 first was their 
 famous " Golden 
 Temple," but it 
 was full of filthy mosque of aurunqzub, benares. 
328 LAfiGiiR orn.ooKs o,y uissioiv.i/^y lands. 
 cows, and naked prio^ts, and obscene images and foi ! Brnell*?, 
 and the wtr.Hjts arouj I i( were crowded with bazaars BolUnJ 
 thousands of objects of re ious worship, that n< lecent man 
 or woman could touch or 1< )k at. 
 The next was th. famous ^^ ikey Temple, ai 1 it was 
 Httle bntter. The 
 god and i^fviipss at 
 the ontrui. ; are 
 obj(cifc, of terror, 
 and the monkeys 
 that (tirouged it 
 and fed on the 
 weetmeats ( iTered 
 the worslsippers 
 were by far 
 best looking 
 best dressed people 
 The next was 
 the Nepaulese Tem- 
 ple, the gift of a 
 Prince of Nepaul, 
 and the carvings 
 were too vile and 
 obscene to look at, 
 far less describe. 
 The cattle were al- 
 lowed to frequent 
 <1 foil fimells, 
 azaars selling 
 o decent man 
 0, ail it was 
 better. The 
 id gf) ""'less at 
 ntran* (3 are 
 > of torror, 
 le monkeys 
 thronged it 
 ed »n the 
 leats oifered 
 :)y far 
 essed people 
 3 next was 
 )aule8e Tem- 
 gift of a 
 of Nepaul, 
 le carvings 
 oo vile and 
 to look at, 
 3 describe, 
 le were al- 
 io frequent 
 noMn.iY TO iU':N.iA'f-:s. 
 the temples a i objects of worship, and even the manure 
 that pollutrd 1 1 -loor was treasured as a satred thing. The 
 l^eople were bathing in the Ganges, but, side by side, others 
 were wasliing their dirty clothes in the same stream they 
 worshipped. The river front did not even have the merit of 
 architectural beauty. It is an old tnmble-down atlnir. with 
 a f'"^' striking old towers and spires. 
 i t this - 
 was vi- 
 this VI. vvor- 
 ing down. 
 Pilgrims are 
 tinually t o 
 nable shrines, 
 men, women 
 are worship- 
 a tyi)eof Hin- 
 g 1 a d the 
 is breaking 
 alas ! there 
 deuce that 
 ship is break - 
 Thousands of 
 coming con- 
 these abomi- 
 Millions o f 
 and children 
 ping as divine 
 cent and ob- 
 scen(> things. The very instincts uf nature seem to have been 
 perverted and destroyed, and they take pleasure in things 
 that seem to us to have no interest or charm, but are utterly 
 depressing, revolting and hideous. This is the saddest thiu^ 
 about heathenism. It is so lost that it does not even know 
 how lost it is. Well, we are glad we saw Benares and Bareilly. 
 One is the heaven side of India, the other the side that takes 
 hold on hell. God help us speedily to lift this sunken laud 
 from liell to heaven 1 
 LKAVINO Bonares at sunset, a n,l„ „f WKhteen hours 
 took „„ „„w„ the valley of the (iangex to Sahehgange 
 fl„„f ?' " ™''^ *""""''"' "*■• ""'' '«• «» through th„ 
 finest cou„t,.y «■„ have yet see,, i„ l,„„a. The whole fandl 
 irr.^te,l, and it looks like a tropical gai-den. 
 The fields a,e cut up into little sections about flftv feet 
 square ,epa,-ated by a little ridge of sand to hold th, wate^ 
 btr^il'TV''™^' '■''''"• ''*™'"*'"''-«-'^"'- 
 gold Some of the harvests were while and wavinst like 
 great baune,,ot gold. Many were green and of ever; sha 
 Th,ckly dotted .n every di,-ection, and often clustered in pi 
 u,esque groups, we.« myriads of ,„ango fee.,, their foliage 
 so nch and dense that no sunbea,n can .strike through, i^! 
 ests of the hnest palms waved on every side 
 U. H*^"*r '"' ™"" "^ * -nagniflcent banyan .spreading wide 
 ft^t ,« • " ""T'^ ""■"'«'>' "P '"'» "•« "«» Bky with 
 Its tuft of wav,ug b,anches gathered at the ton. It is 1 
 St th '! °' "' '"'°^™- '" «"- "o""- with the ^nt 
 nght^u, the boson, of its vast t,.nnk, the banyan liteLly 
 igliteen hours 
 ) Haht'hgange. 
 H through th.- 
 whole land is 
 )out fifty feet 
 d t ho waters ; 
 ;reat chocker- 
 >f greon and 
 waving Hke 
 every shade, 
 tered in pic- 
 their fohage 
 "ough. For- 
 reading wide 
 nk a stately 
 lue sky with 
 op. It is a 
 th the pahn 
 'an literally 
 .._ .rfjlB*- 

 Ui|2£ |2.5 
 L50 '"^ 
 L25 IIIU I .6 
 %^"^ '^%^' 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 
 throwing its arris around it and embracing it in its bosom— 
 a sublime tigure of loveliness in the arms of strength, or gen- 
 tleness combined witli power. 
 The shade trees of India are made for the climate. Then- 
 foliage is impenetrable by the fiery sun, and every field has 
 its natural protection from the deadly stroke of that heat 
 which no one can understand who has not felt it. The ban- 
 yan is one of the finest, and often sends down its branches 
 to form dozens of new trunks and take fresh root in the soil. 
 mango is 
 not only 
 a tree of 
 sur p a s s- 
 ing beau 
 t y and 
 g r a c e , 
 much like 
 our rock 
 maple, but much finer ; it also bears a splendid fruit— 
 the typical fruit of India, and one unsurpassed by any in 
 the world, combining, perhaps, the best qualities of the 
 psi^ch and the pear, but much richer than either. The fig 
 tree grows everywhere, especially on the hills, and the fruit 
 is now in its perfection. One variety of it is " The People 
 Tree," which is worshipped everywhere. Then there are 
 plantains, guavas and scores besides, bearing excellent fruit. 
 j.ARaF.n orri.ook's ox j\/rsswxAF?y lands. 
 The bananas of India are much superior to ours. The small 
 ones have a i)fculiar flavor as if tliey had been cooked and 
 sweetened, and liave none of tlie dryness and harshness of 
 the American fruit. 
 But the queen of 
 India's trees is the 
 palm, Tln-ee varieties 
 grow heie. The date 
 palm is quite common. 
 The cocoanut palm is 
 seen in considerable 
 quantities in Bombay, 
 Madras and elsewhere. 
 The most common is 
 the Palmyra palm, 
 which the natives tap 
 to make an intoxicat- 
 ing drink called 
 toddy. You can see 
 an earthen pot hang- 
 ing from the to]) of 
 most of tliem, and a 
 native climbs the tree 
 night and morning to 
 gather and replace the pots. The tree is always beautiful 
 and makes almost any scene a picture of grace and loveliness. 
 At Sahebgange we left our train and sailed up the 
 Ganges for an hour or more, to connect with the train run- 
 The small 
 cooked and 
 larshness of 
 queen of 
 ?es is the 
 ee varieties 
 The date 
 te commcn. 
 lut palm is 
 in Bombay, 
 I elsewhere, 
 common is 
 yia palm, 
 natives tap 
 1 intoxicat- 
 \k called 
 )u can see 
 pot hang- 
 the top of 
 lem, and a 
 lbs the tree 
 morning to 
 >^s beautiful 
 1 loveliness, 
 led up the 
 train run- 
 iiing northward to our destination in the Himalaya :iTo'tn- 
 It was an interesting sail on the ancient river, with its 
 sandy shores audits broad expanse, diversified here and there 
 by the strangest looking old ships we ever saw, drawn by 
 Cooli(>s on the banks by means of a long rope from the mast- 
 head. At length Ave disembai'ked and took the train north- 
 ward to Siliguri at the base of the Himalaya Mountains. 
 Then began an eight hours" journey which we shall ever 
 remember with intense vis^idness and !)leasure. It was the 
 ascent of tlie Himalayas by rail. It was not a long ride, 
 only fifty miles, but it took us all day to go these fifty miles, 
 and, at no time, could the engine exceed seven miles an hour. 
 In these fifty miles we ascended nearly S,(»00 feet, or more 
 than a mile and a half, and the grade, at some points, was 
 as steep as one foot in twenty. We have had a good many 
 mountain climbs and mountain \iews, the Alps, the Kes- 
 wick liills, Ben Lomond and the Scottish Mountains, the 
 Whi+e Mountains, the peaks and passes of the Itockies, the 
 '■■ .rras, and the beautiful Coast Range, and yet more lately 
 the terrific gorges of the Ghauts at Mahabelashur and Sidney 
 Point,— and we have often accepted the old refrain as indis- 
 imtable : 
 " Mont Blanc is the monarch of mountains ; 
 They crowned him long ago 
 On a throne of rock 'noath a dome of cloud, 
 With a diadem of snow." 
 But Mont Blanc must yield the diadem to Kinchin junga, 
 and the old Himalayas claim the unapproachable i)re-emi- 
 nence. Never before have we been quite satisfied with a 
 mountain view. It has always been to us a httle less than 
 our ideal. We have always been looking for something that 
 was really above the clouds. 
 But as we stood the following morning, nearly 8,000 feet 
 above the sea, at Ghoom, and looked down into the abyss a 
 mile and a half below us, and then up to the snow-crowned 
 peaks that towered /our w?7e.s' aftore even the heights where 
 we were standing, we were satisfied ; imagination and mem- 
 ory had fovmd a resting place at last for the vision of earthly 
 majesty. Some day we hope to gaze upon the Hills of God 
 and the Throne above the clouds, but earth can have few 
 led with a 
 5 h'ss than 
 Jthing that 
 ' 8,000 feet 
 le abyss a 
 ;hts where 
 and meni- 
 of earthly 
 :ills of God 
 have few 
FROM Till: IllMAL. I )'- /> TO Till. IIOQi.lll Y. 
 suLlimer visionH than these majestic depths of mist, and 
 domes of eternal snow. Kinchin junga and Everest, the two 
 highest peaks visible from Darjeeling, are about 'J!>,()0() feet 
 high, or more than two miles liigherthan Mont Blanc, or the 
 peaks of the Rocky Mountains— or even the Sierras. 
 The most remarkable featuie of these vast mountains is 
 the abrui)tness of their rise. You are approaching the; Rocky 
 Mountains for miles, and when their peaks come into view 
 you are already 5,000 feet above the sea, and they are only 
 about 10,000 above you. But the Himalayas rise like a great 
 perpendicular wall directly from their base. You travel 
 along a level plain right up them, and their great, huge 
 shoulders begin to emerge from the horizon before you have 
 reached an elevation of 50O feet. Ghoom itself, which is 
 nearly S,000 feet high, is not twenty-five miles in a straight 
 line from the plain, although it takes fifty miles of winding 
 through the valleys to reach it. 
 The objective point of our journey was Darjeeling, a hill 
 station, and the terminus of the Darjeeling and Himalayan 
 Railway. It was built as a military station and summer 
 health resort, and is removed far above the heat of the India 
 sum' 'r. The railroad has been open for ten years and it is 
 a marv. 1 of engineering skill. It is interesting to watch its 
 windings around the hills and its zig-zags up the mountain 
 sides. Sometimes it runs round the same hill in a spiral, as- 
 cending course several times ; sometimes it reverses and 
 switches back and then forward several times in a zig-zag 
 course up the hill-side. Talk of the famous " Horseshoe 
 /../A'o7;a' 0/ 7 /.(>() a:s ox m/ss/ox.ia')' r.A.vns. 
 Ciirvt)" of i\w Allf'ghcnies. why, this little track somotimes 
 runs round a i)orf»'(;t circle of loss than a hundred feet, and 
 (losses itself, until the front and rear cars form a semicircle. 
 The ganj;(! is only two feet wide and twists about like an 
 elastic little sei-jjent. 
 Of course, the views as you ascend are vtny fine. Often 
 you look down a pei'ijendicnlar cliflf into a gorge one thou- 
 sand feet dee]). N'alley after valley si)reads out before you as 
 you a s- 
 cend, and 
 the d i 8- 
 t.int plain 
 and the 
 rive r 
 w i n d 
 thro ugh 
 it until all 
 are lost in 
 the dim 
 distance ; while above you new heights tower up, and each 
 elevation is only a foot-hill for some grander peak. 
 Tlie vegetation is very fine. After we had got uj) a few 
 hundred f(>et we got into the first forests we had seen in India. 
 The thing most noticeably absent in this land is forest tree^'. 
 There are plenty of small trees, but the great giants of the 
 forest— trees from sixty to one hundred and fifty feet high— 
 we have nowhere seen, except in the Himalayas. But here 
 they are in all their glory, vying with the hills for immensity,— 
 : Koniotimos 
 (1 foot, a!ul 
 imfc like an 
 ine. Often 
 s one thon- 
 ifoie you as 
 y o 11 as- 
 cend, and 
 <li(; d i 8- 
 tant plain 
 and t li e 
 rive r 
 w i n d 
 it luitilall 
 are lost in 
 the d i ni 
 p, and each 
 )t uj) a few 
 ion in India, 
 'crest treef*. 
 ants of the 
 feet high— 
 . But here 
 iimensity, — 
 great t o a k 
 trees with 
 leaves a foot 
 in diameter, 
 tr(!es, the sil- 
 ver ilex, the 
 hanyan and 
 others we did 
 not know. 
 Then the 
 vinos and 
 creepers were 
 still fi n o r. 
 parasites like 
 grape vines 
 ran up the 
 trunks of the 
 trees for one 
 hundred feet, 
 and then 
 threw down a 
 whole n e t- 
 w o r k o f 
 streamers and vines, and covered the forest with a wealth of 
 foliage and bloom. Sometimes they would be interlaced 
 around the tree in a thousand cross lines until it looked like 
 a web of white lace acrosp a clotli of ^rccn. Sometimes one 
 groat vine, with ir inoiiBe pahii like leaveH, would wiiul itself 
 aiound a tje«' in regulai- spiral ciiive all the way up. until it 
 litoked like some great pillar deeurate<l with a wreath oC palm. 
 Sometitnes the creeper would throw a great string of im- 
 mense white blossoms and fasten it to some more distant tree, 
 until it hung like a great festoon of flowers, as if for some 
 high festival. 
 Many of the trees were in bloom. There is one very 
 beautiful tree in the India foi'c^sts, that has no leaves but is 
 c()V(;red coin|)letely ovei' with immense scarlet flowers, and it 
 looks just like a blaze of flame. There are many of these in 
 the Himalayan valleys and they light up the landscape with 
 great pictures(pienoss. There are many fine ferns all along 
 the road, and after we reached the 4,oo() feet line we found a 
 great many innnense tree ferns of exceeding grace and beauty, 
 some of them twenty to thirty feet high. 
 But the prettiest things were the tea plantations. There 
 were a few at the base, but as we reached an elevation of 
 4,0()(» to 5,000 feet they covered all the hillsides with their 
 beautiful rows of brilliant green. The plant has a hard and 
 brilliant leaf of dark green with a very close compact habit 
 of growth, and looks very much like the boxwood w^hich we 
 use for garden borders. It grows as a compact little bush, 
 about two feet high. They are planted in rows about two 
 feet apart, and a dozen plantations spread over several miles 
 of hills and valleys. With the long rows stretching up the 
 mountains, winding like emerald rings around the hilltops, 
 ornotimes one 
 lid wind itsolf 
 ly lip, until it 
 icath ol' palm, 
 string of im- 
 e distant tree, 
 18 if for some 
 e is one very 
 leaves but is 
 luvvyrs, and it 
 ly of those in 
 indscape with 
 iins all along 
 le we found a 
 :!e and beauty, 
 itions. There 
 1 elevation of 
 les with their 
 as a hard and 
 ompact habit 
 ood which we 
 ct little bush, 
 V8 about two 
 several miles 
 ching up the 
 i the hilltops, 
 iRo.y I III: HIM. II.. n . is /< > i iii: inn x.iii. y. 
 and tlu' wliite zig/Jig i)aths cut ihiough tlwui up and down 
 llu' mouiitaiiiK, whilf hove and tli<Mc, at the prettiest points, 
 llu' white, artistic tea houses ar«* dotted through the picture, 
 ]ik(* white pearls in an emerald setting— the effect is very 
 There are 110 less than 400 tea plantations in the Darjeel- 
 ing valley and vicinity, most of them owned and carried on 
 by ICnglishmen. The business is aVery profital)le one. The 
 tea is the finest in the world, -ind he that has once tasted the 
 genuine " Pekoe Dust " ir. spoiled for any other that we have 
 yet seen or tasted. It is ■ ; illy one of God's boons to the peo- 
 ple of India. 
 At every railway station restaurant, and they are very 
 numerous and very well managed, you can get your " Cha,"' 
 and it is always good, and always cheap, and is really a sub- 
 stitute with very many for the alcoholic stimulants used so 
 nmch in England and America. It is most harmless and 
 wholesome, and, like the curry, seems especially suited for the 
 climate of India. We drank it in the morning, and could 
 work on it ; we drank it at midnight, and could sleep on it just 
 as comfortably. 
 But much more interesting to us than either the moun- 
 tains or their luxuriant vegetation were the people we met. 
 We had come to the Himalayas not to look at the snowy 
 heights or the green valleys, but because we had felt, for a 
 long time, that this was, perhaps, for us the Gateway into 
 that mysterious and long-closed land — the last citadel of 
 heathenism — Thibet. 
 To reach this land our Missionary Alliance was really 
 organized six years ago. It has been the object of ceaseless 
 prayer with many that God would open its doors to the Gos- 
 pel. A brave party of pioneers left us, a year ago, to attempt 
 to enter it from Cliina, and, with the Chinese language 
 already acquired, they are now waiting our arrival at Wuhu, 
 to go forward, as the Lord may open the way to the borders 
 of the Mountain Land". Since they left for China the Lord 
 has laid it much on our heart that there must also be a mis- 
 sionary gateway to Thibet from India, and one of the objects 
 of our journey was to see if it could be found. With this in 
 view we had made much careful inquiry at Bareilly, and 
 . they are very- 
 it your " Cha," 
 is really a sub- 
 lulants used so 
 t harmless and 
 ly suited for the 
 ling, and could 
 i sleep on it just 
 ;her the moun- 
 people we met. 
 at the snowy 
 had felt, for a 
 3 Gateway into 
 last citadel of 
 nee was really 
 ect of ceaseless 
 3ors to the Gos 
 ago, to attempt 
 iuese language 
 •rival at Wuhu, 
 '■ to the borders 
 China the Lord 
 it also be a mis- 
 e of the objects 
 . With this in 
 t Bareilly, and 
 found tliat their was a good deal of iiitercouiso witli Thibet- 
 ans, by way of Pittlioragurh (Miss Buddiii's Mission) and the 
 country just west of Ne])aul. But that field is well occujiied 
 by the Methodist Mission, and they are ready to enter the 
 first opening. They have also half a dozen stations along the 
 southern border of Nepaul, ready to enter that country, which 
 is also unoccupied, at the earliest opening. 
 As we have prayed about it, the Lord has laid it upon our 
 I I 
 n ^ 
 lieart that for lis the nearest and most availahle gateway was 
 through tlie country just east of Nepaul and west of Bhotan, 
 hoth of wliich are still uuevangehzed, and so would he also 
 within reach of such a station. But, more important than 
 this, the point we have; indicated is the nearest point on Eng- 
 lish territory to Thihet, and on the direct roads to its chief 
 mountain pass, and only four day's journey, or less than one 
 hundred miles from the fiontier, and it was natural to sup- 
 pose that a good many Thihetans would he found in the val- 
 leys outside the horders. 
 We have not heen disappointed in our hopes. Not only 
 did we find Darjeeling nearer the horders of Thihet than any 
 other accessible point on English territory, but we also found 
 that Thibet had begun to come to Darjeeling. From the 
 moment we began to ascend the mountains we found our- 
 selves among an entirely new race. Their faces were utterly 
 different from the Hindus. They were short and thickset, 
 with high cheek-hones and fat faces, and a good deal like the 
 Chinese, but much brighter and better-looking. All the way 
 lip we met them on the road, many of them carrying great 
 bundles, and whole families of them in the villages sitting 
 together with their wives and children. The children looked 
 so cunning with their round, flat faces and little almond 
 eyes. They all speak Thibetan. We fell in love with them 
 right away. They seem en to be our own people. The Lord 
 laid them strangely on our hearts, and we felt it would be a 
 joy to live among them and love them into Christianity. 
 We believe God is yet going to let us have a great and 
 '-.- ' ■i w w. wWPj^B.ana Miwg 
 )le gateway was 
 west of Bhotan, 
 ,0 would be also 
 important than 
 it point on En^- 
 oads to its chief 
 or less than one 
 ; natural to sup- 
 ound in the val- 
 lopes. Not only- 
 Thibet than any 
 it we also found 
 ling. From the 
 IS we found our- 
 ices were utterly 
 rt and thickset, 
 :ood deal like the 
 ig. All the way 
 m carrying great 
 e villages sitting 
 B children looked 
 nd little almond 
 a love with them 
 Bople. The Lord 
 felt it would be a 
 have a great and 
 blessed work among these i)eoi)le. As we came to meet some 
 of them we found them a bright and happy pe()i)le. The mis- 
 sionaries at Darjeeling say they are " the joiliest" people they 
 ever met. Most of them live eight to twelve thousand feet 
 above the sea, and tlie bracing air makes them bright and 
 energetic. They seem to be nnich more lively than the 
 Chinese, although, of course, the latter race possesses (luali- 
 ties of strength and 
 to all other nations. 
 a^ least, one thous- 
 ing in the Darjeel- 
 reach of missiona- 
 there, and, we be- 
 them that we may 
 and receive Christ, 
 their people as her- 
 One native is worth 
 an evangelist to a 
 we can do nothing 
 of Thibetan work- 
 open, we shall not 
 endurance superior 
 There are now, 
 and Thibetans liv- 
 ing valley, within 
 ries who might labor 
 lieve, God has sent 
 lead them to know 
 and then go back to 
 aids of the Gospel, 
 four foreigners, as 
 new people, and if 
 else but train a band 
 ers until Thibet is 
 spend the time in 
 But we believe we 
 vain, even if we have to wait for years 
 shall not have to wait, but God will open the doors of Thibet 
 the moment we are ready to enter. 
 The country is closed at present to foreigners. It is said 
 to be fifty years since a European visited Lhassa, the capital. 
 There is special jealousy, at present, of English influence. 
 There are good reasons for it. The Thibetans think England 
 has a political object in send- 
 ing these missionaries. Their 
 idea is — the missionary first, 
 and then the soldier. England, they say, has conquered 
 India and annexed Burmah, their two southern neighbors, 
 and will be sure to annex them if they let her in. 
 This jealous feeling has been very much increased by 
 some recent occurrences. There is a little state just north of 
 DarjeeUng called Sikkim. It lies on the southern border of 
 Thibet. Owing to some political troubles with its Eajah, 
 England has recently annexed this State, and put the Eajah 
 in prison. It happens that his wife is a Thibetan, and many 
 of his people also. Of course, the sympathy of the Thibetans 
 FROM '/'///■: HI MAI.. lY.lS TO I III'. HOOCIII. Y. 
 bject in send- 
 naries. Their 
 ssionary first, 
 has conquered 
 ern neighbors^ 
 1 increased by 
 e just north of 
 hern border of 
 ith its Eajah, 
 put the Rajah 
 tan, and many 
 the Thibetans 
 is with him, and there is much feeling against England. A 
 few years ago the Indian govcrnnK^nt tried to send a dejjuta- 
 tion to Thibet to o]ien connneroial relations between the two 
 countries, but the Thibetans refused them entrance, and they 
 had to turn back fi-om the border. 
 A Conference is being held at this very time at Kenc^hin- 
 jung, a place inside the Thibetan border, between the English 
 conmiissioners and the Thibetan government, and it is hoped 
 the i-esult will be the opening of trade relations between 
 Thibet and India. If this is done, the missionary will follow 
 in due time. 
 We found more woik at I )arjeeling than we expected. 
 The Scotch Established Church has a mission and is building 
 a new church. They have a good many native workers and 
 several hundred mmnbtn-s in Sikkim, the annexed district, 
 but they an; working chieHy among the Nepaulese and peo- 
 l)lo of Bhotan, who live on British territory. There is really 
 no mission yet directly in either Nepaul or Bhotan, but a 
 good many of the i)eople of both these countries ai-e being 
 reached on theii- holders. 
 We ai-e also glad to find a little party of Swedish mis- 
 sionaries at Darjeeling. Al)Out a year ago, through the in- 
 strumentality of Mr. Franson, a good many missionaries 
 were sent out by the Swedish churches of America. Nine of 
 these came to Darjeeling with a view to reaching Thibet. 
 They had but little pi-eparation for their work and were utter 
 strangers to the field and the people. But God has guarded 
 theni very graciously and led them through many dangers. 
 /../A'c/r/v' orr/.ooKs ox Mrzsiox.iA'v /..ixns. 
 1 ■ 
 We were most providentially led to them and received nmch 
 kindness from them, and, wo trust, were made a blessing to 
 We found three young gentlemen living at Darjeeling, 
 and four of the young ladies at Ghoom, a laige village about 
 four miles away. Both towns are full of Thibetans. Wo 
 found them studying the language bravely, and some of them 
 able to talk considerable Thibetan. They were a little dis- 
 couraged at the obstacles that had been thrown in their way 
 by the refusal of the British Government to let them enter 
 Sikkim. But we encouraged them to persevere and promised 
 them that, as soon as we could, W(^ should send out some 
 workers to this field to help them. Tliey assured us of a most 
 hearty welcome, and full co-operation. Indeed, they met us 
 very much as did our missionaries, and we believe received a 
 new inspiration for their work fi'om the Lord. 
 But we believe God will soon give this land to His Church, 
 and Thibet seems many thousand miles nearer us since we 
 have looked over upon its mountain heights, and gazed upon 
 the faces of its dear peo])le. 
 We met with some very interesting people in the home 
 of our dear Swedish friends. One of them was a learned Ben- 
 gali Pundit, who had lived many years in Thibet, and has 
 written much about it. He is the owner of the house in 
 which our friends live, and has called the house Lhassa. after 
 the capital of Thibet. He will prove a useful friend to the 
 work. We shall be glad to publish some of his interesting 
 papers on this strange land. 
 I received much 
 ,de a blessing to 
 j; at Darjeeling, 
 ^0 village! about 
 Thibetans. Wo 
 d some of them 
 ere a little dis- 
 vn in their way 
 I let them enter 
 •0 and promised 
 send out some 
 ed us of a most 
 sd, they met us 
 lieve received a 
 L to His Church, 
 rer us siuce we 
 and gazed upon 
 pie in the home 
 i a learned Ben- 
 Thibet, and has 
 if the house in 
 30 Lhassa, after 
 ul friend to the 
 his interesting 
 F/^oM THE Himalayas to thf. ikhhuii. y. 
 Another whoni we met was the teacher of our friends. 
 He is a bright, young Thibetan scholar, and wrote his name 
 in Thibetan in our journal, and promised to write and let us 
 know when lie became a Christian, that we might send him 
 a Bible. Another was their servant, a handsome and bright 
 Thibetan lad. One of the most interesting of all was an old 
 Lama, aged seventy-four. We found him busy at his 
 prayers about six o'clock in the morning, and he received 
 us very kindly, but kept praying away while we talked. He 
 sang his prayers aloud, and between the notes every few sec- 
 ondj; he would ring a bell sharply to call the attention of the 
 gods, ih) said he first worshipped the Buddhist Trinity, and 
 the.i, after he got their permission, he made his offerings to 
 the earth gods. His offerings were rice and water, which he 
 kept placing, with a spoon, in a sacred vessel, singing and 
 ringing away as he poured it in. He expressed a great desire 
 to have an American inkstand, and we gave him the only ink 
 bottle we had, a rather nice one, done up in a leather case, for 
 travelling. He expressed himself as nmch pleased, and gave 
 us, in return, some incense papers for our Museum. We ex- 
 pect to find our ink bottle again, "after many days," in some 
 Thibetan valley, and to learn that it has borne more fruit 
 than if it had been used to write missionary letters. 
 The most interesting sight of all was a score of Thibetan 
 children whom we met at the Ladies' Home at Ghoom. They 
 formed the classes in their Sunday School. We had a photo- 
 graph taken of them, and we claimed them as the first fruits 
 of Thibet. 
 We had the jilcjisiui' <if iiicctiii}; ^li'. Tunibull, Supeiiii- 
 t('ii(l(>ut of the Scotch Mission, and his excellent wife, and 
 also Mr. and Mrs. lirown, in charge of the Union English 
 Church. We liad a good view of the beautiful town of Dar- 
 jeeling, and next morning went over to Ghoom to see tho 
 A " Kodak" photograph takeu by Mr. Siiupsou, 
 ladies of the Mission. The gentlemen accompanied us, and 
 we spent two blessed hours at the feet of Jesus, putting 
 down the soles of our feet vei-y firmly upon Thibet, and feel- 
 ing very sure that God has given it to us. 
 As we came down from the mountain we felt that our 
 iihiill, Suporiu- 
 Uciit wife, and 
 Union J'^iiglisli 
 il town of Dar- 
 )om to st'c the 
 panied us, and 
 Jesus, putting 
 ibet, and feel- 
 felt that our 
 Fh'^)^r I III'. iiiM.u f y. is to riir. iioociii. v. 
 A-isit to India was about linished. In a most veniaikable 
 mannei- God liad led us to the places that had been laid on 
 our hearts, and made them mean much more to us than wo 
 had over hopcul. The seeing of the country itself has had 
 little interest to usapai't from its connection with the Master's 
 work and kingdom. 
 Twenty-four hours brought lis to Calcutta, and although 
 we had a little while to spare in that stately capital of the 
 great Indian Empire, and felt impressed with its superb mag- 
 nificence as we drove through the spacious streets and al- 
 most boundless parks and gardens, yet we felt that we were 
 not needed here, and were glad that we wei-e to pass on so 
 I H 
 250 /.AHaiiiA' oi'TLoohs o.Y A//ss/o.\\iA'} /..i.vns. 
 soon to other lands, where God is bidding us lift up our eyes 
 on the liarvests that are white also. 
 We called at the beautiful Methodist Parsonag*^ and heard 
 of the good work of our brethreii in the oity ; also of the 
 Woman's Union work, and several English and S(X)tch Soeie- 
 1 -.~:F^^^^S!'~-iiJf^:iV>tl 
 b up our eyes 
 ig(>uM(l lieard 
 ; also of tlio 
 Scotch Socie- 
 FROM riiE HIM. If. I » /> /<> i">' Hoo<;in. v. 25 1 
 Wo went to tilt' Itoyal Hotiiiiicnl (^aniens, four iiiilrs 
 below the <-ity ..11 the other side of the Hooglily, Juul saw the 
 wondeiful Hanyan Tree of which every school hoy has read, 
 which cov«'rs with its hram^hes a space of L'C.o fe«!t in diam- 
 eter, or ino.e than a whole city block. We walked down th.» 
 double avenue of palms which stand twenty feet a]. art, a 
 double line of glorious lullars along an avenue r.uO feet long. 
 It was the grandest piece of architiM'tnre we ever saw. 
 Straight as an arrow, unifoim in size and height, these glo- 
 rious white columns rose for fifty feet, and then all, at pre- 
 cisely the same height, terminated in a crown such as no 
 architect could carve. This garden, a mile long, contains, per- 
 haps, the finest collection of tropical vegetation in the worM. 
 On our way home we took a boat and had a genuine sad 
 on the Hooghly. It would have made our readers laugh till 
 they cried if they could have seen us. The boat was big 
 enough to hold fifty nuui, but it was the smallest we saw on 
 the river. They are all great, monstrous, outlandish lookmg 
 252 J..-iR(;rR or-r/.noA-s ox .vrssrox.wy a^ixdm: 
 tliiiip;.s. It has a givat h'n^ cabin covrivd with a pjeco of 
 Lamhoo inattiiiK, as a roof, ami, of coin-se, m-raiigcd for ('vory 
 ono to Hit croKHlcggcd on the floor, thn only way a Hindu 
 knows how to sit. Well, wo got in tho old rickoty thing and 
 Kit down, and then two half-naked Coolies la^gan to propel 
 it, whilo one stt'cn'd. But tho i»ro|HHing apparatus ! Well, 
 it consisted of two long haniboo poles, about thirty feet long, 
 which they stuck down inlo iln bottom (.f th(> river, one on 
 each Hide, and pushed the boat with, and when they had pushed 
 tho boat's l(>ngth they would race forward, stick the judo down, 
 and give another long push, and so back ward and forward these 
 two half-naked Coolies trotted, pushing us along tho shallow 
 edge of tlu* liver until tho sun went down over Calcutta, and 
 the lanij/s flashed out along its avenues and streets. Our last 
 view of India life Avas siu-ely an original one. But every 
 day and hour brings otTt 'some new side of their siniple and 
 primitive life. Poor tinngs ! Without Christ their life is 
 very bmall, and we were wondering, to-day, whether they or 
 tlie birds that flutter about them have most to live for. 
 •^ iiil 
 »'ith a piece of 
 iiiK<'<l for every 
 • way a Hindu 
 ■k(!ty tiling and 
 ('K^'i to propel 
 iritUH ! Well, 
 lirty feet long. 
 liver, one on 
 bey had pushed 
 the polo down, 
 1 forward these 
 ng i\m shallow 
 " Calcutta, and 
 Bets. Our last 
 e. But every 
 eir simple and 
 ist their life is 
 hether they or 
 live for. 
 EXACTLY Ave weeks ago to-day we landed in Bombay, 
 and now we are leaving India. A few hours ago 
 we waved the last farewell signal to dear Brother 
 Fuller on the Mackinnon Ghat, C.Vcutta ; and now we are 
 passing out into the Bay of Bosrtu, and the low, marshy 
 shores of Sagar Island, with their tiger-haunted jungles, are 
 disappearing from view. 
 It is a good time to pause and take one more look at this 
 great land, and gather up some of the lessons and impressions 
 which even this short visit has brought us. 
 First, we want to thank God for His wonderful goodness 
 in all our journeyings. Unavoidably compelled to come to 
 India in the month which is usually regarded as the beginning 
 of the hot season, many of our friends thought that we were 
 running considerable risk in attempting much travelling in 
 March. But God has very graciously, and, in a most unusual 
 measure, moderated the weather, and given us His strength, 
 so that we have not lost an hour on acc^ount of the weather, 
 or been compelled to suffer in any extreme way. 
Ij ill 
 We, especially, wish to thank God for the amount of 
 work we have heen enahled to accomplish. In thirty-five 
 days we have travelled r),2(;!> miles by rail, and more than 300 
 by carriage or cart. We have spent twenty-one nights on 
 railway trains and only fourteen nights in a bed. And the 
 railways of India have no Pullman sleepers, but you just lie 
 down on the seat in your clothes and cover yourself with 
 your rugs and go to sleep. But we are as fresh and well as 
 when we began our journey, and the Lord has kept us from 
 exhaustion and harm. 
 We have, also, l)e«m permitted to see a good deal of the 
 country. We have i; a veiled through a considerable portion 
 of each of tiie three Presidencies : Madras, Bombay and 
 Bengal, and also the Northwest Provinces, and even touched 
 the Punjaub We have passed through the native states of 
 Hyderabad, Mysore, Baroda, Guzerat, Rajpootana, and the 
 borders of Nepaul and Bhotan. We have had the privilege 
 of seeing something of the greatest cities of India, — Bombay, 
 Calcutta, Madras, Bangalore, Poona, Baroda, Delhi, Agra, 
 Cawnpore, Lucknow, Bareilly, Patna. We have seen some 
 of India's rivers— the Ganges, the Nerbuddah, and the 
 Hooghly. And we have crossed or climbed some of its 
 famous mountains — the Ghauts, the Vindhyas and the Him- 
 We have been able to visit a few of the Missions, and 
 have had the jirivilege of meeting personally about one huu- 
 dred and fifty of he missionaries. Especially do we thank 
 God that He has permitted us to caiTy out most of His plans 
 the amount of 
 In thirty-five 
 (1 more than 300 
 yr-one nights on 
 bed. And the 
 )ut you just He 
 'r yourself with 
 esh and well as 
 s kept us from 
 ood deal of the 
 iderable portion 
 ,s, Bombay and 
 id even touched 
 native states of 
 ootana, and the 
 ad the privilege 
 ndia, — Bombay, 
 a, Delhi, Agra, 
 have seen some 
 iddah, and the 
 led some of its 
 as and the Him- 
 e Missions, and 
 about one huu- 
 Uy do we thank 
 lost of His plans 
 j./:.irixi; /.\7>/.i. 
 ig, and has not 
 which were laid u[K)n our heait before coniii 
 disai)p()inted us in any way, or permitted us to miss a single rail- 
 way connection, or fail to reach a single appointment. We 
 liave had the joy of visiting those Missions, especially where 
 God has so wonderfully poured out His Holy Spirit and we 
 have been enabled to see some of the best results of modern 
 missionary work, as well as some of the most destitute and 
 neglected heathen fields. 
 We have had much to thank God for in the companion- 
 ship of our dear brother, Mr. Fuller, in these rapid journey- 
 ings. His knowledge of two languages of India, the Marathi 
 and Hiiidustaiii, lias carried us almost cvcrywliere, and hi* 
 experience of the country has greatly facilitated all our plans ; 
 while, on the other hand, he has gained a knowledge of the 
 country, and an extended acquaintance among the Missions, 
 wliich will he of the greatest value t<> liim in directing our 
 work in India. 
 Wevvisli, also, to thank our missionary friends in the 
 various Missions for their hospitality and kindness every- 
 where. We have found it very difficult to get to a hotel any- 
 where, and the simple hospitality of Christian homes in India 
 cannot well he exaggerated. Besides, one can see and under- 
 stand the country so much hetter under the guidance of those 
 who live in it. 
 Our object in coming to India was threefold, viz.: first, 
 to see our own missionaries, cheer and counsel them in their 
 work, and find out new openings for the further extension 
 of the work in other parts of India ; secondly, to visit other 
 missions, especially those that have had the marked seal and 
 blessing of God upon them ; and thirdly, so far as time and 
 opportunity allowed, subordinately to these first two objects, 
 to see and learn as much as possible about India and its 
 people. < 
 Reversing the order of these points, we will now endeavor 
 to STimmarize the results of what we have learned. 
 First, as to India and its people. Cut out of the United 
 States the country east of the Missouri River, and multiply its 
 population of about 40,000,000 by 7 and you will have the size 
 and population of India. These people all live in cities, towns 
 vhevo, and his- 
 'dull our plans ; 
 owledj^e of tlie 
 g tho Missions, 
 1 directing our 
 friends in the 
 dndness over)'- 
 ; to a hotel any- 
 honies in India 
 see and under- 
 idance of those 
 Fold, viz.: first, 
 :\ them in their 
 "ther extension 
 , to visit other 
 larked seal and 
 XV as time and 
 •st two objects, 
 t India and its 
 1 now endeavor 
 of the United 
 md multiply its 
 ill have the size 
 in cities, towns- 
 /./r.//7.\v,' rxnr.i. 
 and villages. Tliere are no farm houses in India. There are, 
 at least, a score of great cities with over 1()(\0(hi inhabitants. 
 There are twice as many between 5<),00(> and loO,000, and 
 there are, probably, a quarter of a million smaller towns and 
 villages scattered all over the land. In many cases the popu- 
 latlou is as high as three hundred to the square mile. Of 
 India's 283,000,000, at least 50,000,000 are Mohammedans, 
 and most of the balance are Hindus. 
 The Hindus are of various castes. The Brahmins are the 
 Mghest, and they are very proud and exclusive. There are, 
 nominally, four {;i'eat castes, but leally they are much more 
 numerous. The lowest caste, is, perhaps, the sweepers — 
 really the scavengers of the cities and houses, and how low 
 this work is only one can understand who has lived in India, 
 But the lower one's caste is, the more rigid is he in sticking 
 to it; and making the most of his little hit of self-import- 
 Politically, India is divided into a few great sections for 
 the purpose of government. The most populous is the Ben- 
 gal Presidency ; next, the Madras Presidency ; then, the Bom- 
 hay Presidency. Besides the three Presidencies there are 
 several other sections not included in them, viz., the Central 
 Provinces, the Northwest Provinces and Oude, the Punjaub, 
 Sinde, and Assam. Over each of these there is a Lieutenant 
 Governor, and suj^reme over all — a Viceroy or Governor 
 General. Besides, there are a number of independent native 
 states under British protection, such as Hyderabad, Mysore, 
 etc., aggregating about 60,000,000 of people. In each of these 
 there is a British President, an officer representiiftg the Eng- 
 lish government, who holds a sort of supervision over the 
 affairs of tlie state in conjunction with the Rajah or native 
 The government of India is probably the most perfect in 
 the world. It is an absolute monarchy, but it moves like a 
 great machine, and even the natives acknowledge its infinite 
 superiority to anything they ever knew. One is overwhelmed 
 at the thoroughness of this enormous piece of machinery. In 
 every District is a little army of officials representing every de- 
 are much more 
 ;he sweepers — 
 3, and how low 
 lived in India, 
 he in sticking 
 of self-import- 
 eat sections for 
 lous is the Ben- 
 then, the Bom- 
 ncies there are 
 iz., the Central 
 e, the Punjaub, 
 is a Lieutenant 
 y or Governor 
 ipendent native 
 ;rabad, Mysore, 
 w each of these 
 intijftg the Eng- 
 vision over the 
 Rajah or native 
 most perfect in 
 I it moves like a 
 edge its infinite 
 is overwhelmed 
 machinery. In 
 anting every de- 
 partment of administration, the government providing every- 
 thing to the people— judiciary, water sui)ply, irrigation, 
 telegraphs, roads, medical attendance, police — everything. 
 Every fruit tree is numbered and registered, so that if a man 
 should cut a branch off one, it would be reported in the sta- 
 tion that a branch had been cut from tree No. — , and the 
11 if 
 LAPcr.R outlooks: ox missionary 1.1 xns. 
 oflfcnder would he traced to the remotest corner of India. 
 Every palm tree is taxed by number, every man, woman and 
 child is known and registered, and every government official 
 is listed in a published volume, and all the steps of his record 
 in the public service are printed in the public register. 
 So exact and inflexible is this system of absolute oversight, 
 that Dr. Norman McLeod said, when he saw an official cutting 
 a number in the bark of a tree : "o India, the very hairs 
 of thy head are all nimibered ! " 
 There are splendid government roads in all directions, 
 and at most towns public houses of entertainment provided 
 by the government. And yet this immense system of admin- 
 istration is carried on at one twenty-fourth what it costs per 
 head to govern France, one-twelfth that of England, and one- 
 sixth that of Russia. It is difficult for corruption to get in, 
 for every part is so arranged as to be a check on every other 
 part, and nothing can escape detection. The public officers 
 are paid large salaries, and are expected to be men of the 
 highest capacity, and after twenty-five years' service are pen- 
 sioned on an ample allowance. We have seen or heard of 
 nothing that compares with the thoroug^ness of the admin- 
 istration of this great Empire of more people than Cyrus or 
 Cajsar ever ruled. God Himself has arranged it as a frame- 
 work and preparation for the preaching of the Gospel in every 
 part of this land. 
 The people of India speak about fourteen regular lan- 
 guages in the various districts, and about half as many ab- 
 original dialects. The regular languages are Urdu or Hin- 
 i j i - uiiMJwiiwmijsiiBiaMwiBm i H 
 / r.u/xc fxnrA. 
 1*116 !• of India. 
 11, woman and 
 •nmont official 
 s of his record 
 il)li{; register, 
 lute oversight, 
 official cutting 
 the very hail's 
 all directions, 
 nient provided 
 teni of admin- 
 lat it costs per 
 ;land, and one- 
 )tion to get in, 
 311 every other 
 public officers 
 be men of the 
 tirvice are pen- 
 en or heard of 
 of the admin- 
 than Cyrus or 
 [ it as a frame- 
 rospel in every 
 n regular lan- 
 f as many ab- 
 Urdu or Hin- 
 i ^it^^i^iiii^ijmt'miamKmiA^.iih-n 
 dustani, Hintli, Bengali. Nciiaiili, I rya, Maratlii, 'I'diigu, 
 Guzerati, Punjaubi, Sindi, 'raniil. Malayalliii, ('anarese and 
 About one-fourth of the pcopU' are farmers. Many more 
 are simply laborers, and a good many have various trades 
 It is interesting to see them in the bazaars working at their 
 trades— in brass, blather, weaving, etc. 
 The chief product of India is cotton. Tben <H)mes opium, 
 we are sorry to say, and then various grains. It is a great 
 wheat and rice country, but the other grains are far more 
 numerous than in our Western land. Among tbe most com- 
 mon grains are doll and jewaree which form much of the food 
 of the people. 
 The most touching thing that we have seen in India is 
 the ])()verty of the people. The average income of every per- 
 son in England "is over -*l'0() a year; in America over -^lOo ; 
 in India $10. Millions of the people never get mo e than one 
 meal a day. Ten cents a day ic ;^ood wages for a man, and 
 five cents for a woman. You can see thousaiu. f women 
 carrying brick and mortar for the builders, or breaking stones 
 on the streets or roads for five cents a day, all the year round. 
 Their lowest stamped coin is the sixth part of a cent, but in 
 the bazaars they use shells to represent a still lower coin, 
 ecjual to less than the fiftieth part of a ctMit. 
 There are some clauses for their jjoverty, which might be 
 prevented. They waste a great deal in their idolatrous festi- 
 vals, and they sink a great deal in jewels and gold. There is 
 aio gold coin in India, for all the gold is immediately turned 
 into jewels. There are more goldsmiths than blacksmiths in 
 India, and nearly all the wealth of the p(>oplo is carried ou 
 their persons in precious gems. Perhaps the chief cause of 
 their poverty is their ignorance of skilled labor. The best 
 carpenters in the country are Chinese, they g(!t four or five 
 times the wages of a Hindu Coolie. One of the best things 
 our Missions can t(>ach 
 their converts is skill 
 in industrial work. 
 The seasons in In- 
 dia are three. There 
 is, first, the cool sea- 
 son, lasting from Nov- 
 ember to March, when 
 the climate is very 
 pleasant, at times 
 cold, and the cold, es- 
 pecially at night, is 
 more penetrating than 
 in America. We have 
 actually suffered in 
 Egypt and India, from 
 piercing cold, when 
 we had to have an um- 
 brella over us to pro- 
 tect our head from the 
 fiery sun, and yet our 
 A HINDU RELIGIOUS BEGOAR. ^ody aud fect wero 
 blacksmiths in 
 is carried on 
 chief cause of 
 jor. The best 
 j(>t four or five 
 he best things 
 sions can teach 
 )nvert8 is skill 
 strial work. 
 i seasons in In- 
 three. There 
 , the cool sea- 
 ting from Nov- 
 o March, when 
 iniate is very 
 t, at times 
 id the cold, es- 
 ' at niglit, is 
 nietrating than 
 irica. We have 
 f suffered in 
 md India, from 
 ; cold, when 
 to have an um- 
 WGV us to pro- 
 • head from the 
 m, and yet our 
 nd feet were 
 /./■:. n'/\(: /a/'/./. 
 Jiching with cold, even un<U'r tho weight of a fnr ovtucoat. 
 We have often lain down at night in ii train to sleep, perspir- 
 ing with heat, and awakened at three o'clock so cold that all 
 the mg8 wo could put over us would not keep us warm. 
 The next is the hot season. It lasts through part of 
 March and all Ai)ril and May, and sometimes till the middle 
 of June ; and tlien it is hot sometimes l-'5 in the shade, hot 
 both day and night, so hot that even the breeze i3 lik(! a 
 breath of fire. 
 Then comes the wet season. 1 1 lasts from the middle of 
 Juno until September. It is lalled the time of the Monsoons. 
 And then it does rain. On the mountains the lainfall often 
 reached four hundred inches, jui average of three or four 
 inches a day. < hi the plains it is about thirty to forty inches. 
 This is not an uni)leasant season, although it is somewhat 
 feverish. Then the land grows rich and luxuriant. After the 
 rains, the cool season (-omes again for, at least, six months. 
 Upon the whole, India is not an unhealthy climate or a 
 very trying one. The hot season is very hard to endure, but 
 it is not very long, and there are mountain stations near al- 
 most all parts of India, where its severity can be broken for 
 a time. There is no extreme heat ui.on the hills of India. 
 Such places as Darjeeling, Ooteeannmd, Mahabelasbur and 
 Simla are a paradise all summer, and are «.nly trying in the 
 rainy season. 
 The life of the Europeans in India is adapted to the cli- 
 mate. They wear light Hannel or linen clothing, and have 
 houses especially constructed for the country. Theii' meals 
 ar« adjiistiHl so jiH t(» k«'i>]) them indoors in I lie lioat of tho 
 diiy. Thti niorninj^ begins about <• o* clock with a single cup 
 of tea and a slice of toast, which they call *' Chota hazry " or 
 •' little breakfast. ' Then they work till breakfast time. This 
 is the best |)ait of the day. 
 Tile Publico S(!hools begin at <i o'clock and close at noon. 
 In I'oona w«! prc'ached to tluf Sabbath morning congi(>gation 
 at 7.;'t» A. M. Then comes breakfast, usually about 10 to 1 1 
 o'clock, compelling people to stop and rest. After breakfast 
 the time is spent indoors for several hoius. The midday sun 
 is very hot and dangerous. Dinner usually closes the time 
 of rest, at, i)erhaps, 4 o'clock, and then the cool evening is 
 free. With others there is a Titlin or lunch at 2, and then 
 after an hour's re.st an evening of work till 7.150, when dinner 
 closes the day. 
 The natives take their principal meal «•( I night. Many of 
 them work all day on an empty stomach, chewing the betel 
 leaf, or a little pai-ched grain, and coming home at night to 
 ])repare a little curry and rice, or, if too poor for ritie, some 
 cheai)er grain, and then go on with nothing else till tho next 
 Their homes are very poor. We were in a good many 
 of them. They are built of clay or mats. There is one room 
 - soriieiimes an extra one for cooking. There are often no 
 windows. The fire is kindled of dried manure in a little open 
 space in the corner, and the smoke disappears somewhere as 
 best it can. They all lie on the floor. Their beds are carried 
 with them. They are mats and cheap rugs. They all lie 
 down togetner on the floor, wrapjied up in their luigs. 
 JjJ.flM,i!IBUII, ' JlllUW>J)l^, i llUji.tt!R-W 
' . f \'A<?. 
 I i.avim: i\n/.i. 
 le heat of tho 
 1 a 8ingl(! cup 
 lotJi hiiziy " or 
 'uat timo. This 
 closo at noon. 
 J congicgatiou 
 ivbout 10 to 11 
 .ftor breakfast 
 ho midday sun 
 loses the time 
 ool evening is 
 at '2, and then 
 ), when dinner 
 gilt. Many of 
 wing the betel 
 le at night to 
 for ri<!e, some 
 ie till the next 
 a good many 
 (re is one room 
 3 are often no 
 in a little open 
 somewhere as 
 eds are carried 
 They all lie 
 ir i-ugs. 
 Tlieir dress is very simple. The lab(»ring men have sim- 
 l)ly a pretty full doth wrapped several times around tlu^ loins. 
 Tlie poor women and girls wear little more. In Central and 
 .Northern India they have a i)iece of bright clolh about si.v 
 yards long, and they wind it several times gracefully around 
 the body and carry it ov«;r 
 one side of ihe head, but in 
 Madras the ])easant women 
 have nothing over their 
 Tiie children are almost 
 always beautiful ; but after 
 twenty-five years of ago they 
 look worn. Early marriage 
 lias been a physical and social 
 curse to India. We noticed 
 the ditTerence among the na- 
 tive Christians at Lucknow. 
 The girls kept their beauty, 
 and brighter faces you could 
 not see than the young ladi(^s 
 of eighteen to twenty-four in 
 the girls' school. 
 But the girls of heathen India ai'O almost all wives at 
 twelve years of age. A young lady you never see. Even the 
 little girls you meet on the street are nearly all married to 
 somebody, and 20,ooo,0(io of them are child widows— t)ie 
 saddest lot in the world. 
(,r — 
 'H i, 
 All that India needs to lift her dear ])eople out of their 
 depression and degradation is Christianity. 
 The heathenism and idolatry of India is most depress- 
 ing. It has nothing attrac- 
 tive about it. The temples 
 have some architectual gran • 
 deur, but, inside, everything 
 is repulsive?. The gods are all 
 objects of fear rather than 
 love. The object of worship 
 is to keep them from doing 
 the people liarm. Tliink of 
 a smallpox god, and a cholera 
 god, that have to be propiti- 
 ated and appeased. The idea 
 of divine love is unknown. 
 We saw a good many 
 temple worshippers, but they 
 all depressed and oppressed us 
 with the foolishness, and emp- 
 tiness of the performance. 
 The worshipper would go in 
 and ring a bell to wake up the 
 god, and then walk seven 
 times around the hideous image and pass on. The priests 
 are a revolting looking lot of rascals, more intent on getting 
 money than anything else. Some of the exercises are very 
 filthy. At one of the great feasts they sprinkle manuro 
 9 Mii>4 ' ,, 
 lie out of their 
 most depress- 
 othing attrac- 
 The temples 
 litectual gran- 
 ie, everything 
 'he gods are all 
 • rather than 
 ect of worship 
 111 fi'om doing 
 •m. Think of 
 I, and a cholera 
 ! to b«^ jjropiti- 
 sed. The idea 
 8 unknown. 
 a good many 
 ipers, but they 
 id oppressed us 
 uiess, andenip- 
 r would go in 
 to wake up the 
 I walk seven 
 II. Tilt? priests 
 ent ou getting 
 rcises are very 
 rinkle manure 
 I.E. wise ixniA. 
 over the crowd, and every one is eager to get under the filthy 
 shower. At Benares we saw cows living in the temples and 
 turning the house of the gods into a beastly and filthy stable. 
 On the Ganges many corpses were lying with theii- feet 
 in the sacred river, and priests were vaking the half-burned 
 bodies of the dead into the sacred stream where others were 
 bathing in holy ecstasy. There is a filthy god to whom mothers 
 often devote their baby girls, in return for some great favor, 
 and the service of this god is a life of promiscuous shame 
 for this poor child, in which even she has no right of choice, 
 but is the common property of the abominable temple and 
 all its worshi])pers. 
 Little children are brought up from their infancy in hor- 
 rible familiarity with all kinds of evil. There is no privacy in 
 the home and no reserve in the talk of the family. The little 
 ears and eyes are i)olluted before they know the difference 
 between right and wrong. Unnatural crimes and vices are 
 not uncommon, and men are often lower than the beasts. 
 And yet, upon the whole, the Hindus are a far more 
 promising race than we expected to find It is a wonder that 
 heathenism has not left a deeper blight. Even the present 
 generation is a thousand times worth saving. They are a 
 civilized people. They are an affectionate people. They are 
 a bright, intelligent people. They are our own race and have 
 our own features and hearts. They make beautiful Chris- 
 tians. They are Christ's peoplt? for whom He died. 0, let us 
 go to save them ! 
 But we must pass from the country to its Missions. 
 What has been done to evangelize India? In ITOO, mission- 
 ary work was begun in the Madras Presidency by Schwartz 
 and others, and in isiio, Carey went to Serampoor, near Cal- 
 cutta. The evangelization of Western India b(^gan in LSI;?. 
 To day there are nearly one hundred missionary societies 
 laboring in India with seven hundred male missionaries and 
 over twelve hundred foreigJi laborers altogether, counting 
 botli men and women. The Bible is circulated in all the lan- 
 guages of India, and the missionaries have ])enetrated every 
 province except Nepaul and Bhotan in the extreme north. 
 In nearly all th(! leading cities missionaries aie ])laced, and 
 there arc, ])rol)ably, half a million communicants in the vari- 
 ous Missions, and, perhaps, two million native adherents al- 
 It would have been a great pleasure to visit all these Mis- 
 sions, but it would have taken a year to do so. As it was, we 
 visited a few of those that God has most signally blessed in 
 recent years. We saw a good deal of the Methodist and Bap- 
 tist work, and something of the American Board and Pres- 
 byterian Missions. We met, ])ersonally, more than one hun- 
 dred of the missionaries of other societies than our own, and 
 we made very careful incjuiry respecting many that we could 
 not visit, and we are glad to say that we have a very high 
 opinion of the missionaries and the mission work of India, 
 upon the whole. When we think how very little has been 
 done by the churches at home, we can only wonder that God 
 lias made so very nmch out of it already for India. 
 There are two sides to the missionary enterprise. One is 
 ItOO, rnission- 
 y by Schwartz 
 poor, near Cal- 
 l)('gan in 1S1,'5. 
 )nary societios 
 ssionarios and 
 thcM', counting 
 in all the lan- 
 netrated every 
 xtrenie north, 
 ire ])laced, and 
 its in the varf- 
 I adherents al- 
 it all these Mis- 
 As it was, we 
 ally blessed in 
 lodist and Bap- 
 )ard and Pres- 
 than one hun- 
 our own, and 
 ■ that wo could 
 ^^e a very high 
 k'ork of India, 
 ittle has been 
 >nder that God 
 ri)rise. One is 
 /./-:. 1 17\(' /.\7)/.i. 
 the home side and the other is the foi-eign ; and we must say 
 --as representing the fonner,--that it is very far Ixihind the 
 other. We have not sent our missionaries to India to teach 
 the other workers, far less to criticize them, but to help them, 
 to supplement them, and to vie with them in holy service. 
 It is true there are two classes among the missionaries of 
 India, as there are tvt-o kinds of Christians at home, and the 
 proceedings of the late Conference have given much cause for 
 regret that there was not a bolder and more evangelical tes- 
 timony. But we are glad that we have met the other typo of 
 men and women, and there are enough of them to bring a 
 great blessing to India, and to encourage the church at home 
 to uphold their hands and reinforce their numbers as never 
 But after all that has been done in and for India, the fact 
 remains that there is still only one foreign laborer, including 
 both men and women, to 300,000 people ; and while the great 
 cities are, in a measure, occupied, yet there are immense 
 spaces between them, extending sometimes to even hundreds 
 of miles, where there are no laborers. We can count thou- 
 sands of towns and tens of thousands of villages where the 
 Gospel has never been preached. 
 Besides, very much of the work of the other Societies in 
 India is either educational or the raising up and training of 
 native evangelists. Most of the American missionaries in 
 nearly all of the fields we visited are simply superintendents 
 of work. They expect the natives to do the evangelistic work 
 and to go out as pioneers and jn-eachers. This is, no doubt, 
 !, H 
 an excellent plan— if only we had native preachers enough. 
 But there are no more to be had, and unless we send out 
 men and women from America to do this work of evangeliz- 
 ing, it will not be done. 
 In this respect our missionaries are undertaking 0. work 
 that is but little done by foreigners in India, and a work in 
 which there is room for thousands more, the work of preach- 
 ing the Gospel to the present generation before it shall have 
 passed away. 
 We have taken pains to collect exact information respect- 
 ing the unoccupied fields of India, and we believe that wc 
 shall find that more than half the population of the land is 
 yet beyond the reach of the Gospel. 
 But much of our interest in India must, of course, be in 
 our own missionary work. W ha, e already spoken very fully 
 of it, and it is only necessary for us to sum up a few general 
 1, God has given us, in India, the most open field in the 
 world. It is a civilized country under an excellent govern- 
 ment, with railroads and highway leading in every direction, 
 perfect security for life and property, and enough English- 
 speaking people to open our way to every place in the land. 
 2. It is the most economical field in the world. The pur- 
 chasing power of money is three or four times as great as in 
 most other countries, and our missionaries can be sustained 
 on less than one half what it must cost in Japan, South 
 America and other fields, and, we believe, much less than even 
 in China and Africa. 
 icheis enough. 
 IS we send out 
 c of evangeliz- 
 taking work 
 and a work in 
 '^ork of preach- 
 3 it shall have 
 nation respect- 
 elieve that wc 
 of the land is 
 )f course, be in 
 >ken very fully 
 a few general 
 ten field in the 
 lellent govern- 
 jvery direction, 
 ough English- 
 ) in the land. 
 3rld. The pur- 
 as great as in 
 n be sustained 
 Japan, South 
 \ less than even 
 3. Its languages have been thoroughly acquired, and an 
 amj)lo Christian literature can be obtained and distributed in 
 all of them, at a low price. 
 4. God lias given us an adroirable field for our work. 
 The great province of Berar lies all along one of the leading 
 railways of India, is easily rearbod from Bombay, has but one 
 language, and is left for us, unoccupied by other Societies — a 
 precious inheritance of faith and service. 
 5. The field has been long prepared. For twenty years 
 faithful pioneers have been going over it preaching, praying 
 and preparing for the harvest, and winning for oin* workei-s 
 in the leading towns a kindly welcome and an open door. 
 6. God has given us an invaluable Superintendent, a man 
 of God, who thoroughly understands the field and has 
 labored in it for ten years, who is in perfect sympathy with 
 aU the principles of our work, who stands in the kindest 
 relationship with other Societies and missionaries, who has 
 the confidence and love of our missionaries, and who has, 
 also, an intelligent and large-hearted view of the whole 
 neighboring field, and is able to give a most necessary and 
 valuable ojiprsight of all our work in India. 
 v. And God has given us as the nucleus of our future 
 vfork a most blessed band of missionaries, men and women 
 of entire consecration, zeal, faith and power in the Holy 
 Ghost, and whose spirit of unity and devotion must exercise 
 a great and permanent influence on all others who may 
 join them, and upon all other missionaries who come in con- 
 tact with them. 
 i--^s^-L ' "*£ ^^^~K.e^iJi.^'^%1■;:;i(i,,^i^^^|^^:^^ 
 (';•,! M 
 What are some of the results that we trust havf5 hoeii 
 gained for our work hy these five weeks in India ? 
 1. We liave gained a conception and realization of the 
 field, the woik and its needs, which nothing else (;ould give, 
 and we trust to be able to reproduce it upon the minds and 
 hearts of our ])eople at home. 
 2. We have found room to place in India as many more 
 missionaries as we can wish to send for the next two or 
 three years, at least. 
 3. We have been able to settle nmtually and in perfect 
 harmony the methods and principles of the work with re- 
 .-pect to all the unsettled points, relating to the distribution 
 of the workers, the erecting of new buildings, and the re- 
 ception and training of the missionaries in the field. 
 4. Our missionaries on the field have received a mighty 
 inspiration for their work, in the blessed Convention we have 
 been able to hold together. 
 5. We have learned very much of the best methods and 
 results of mission work by our visits to the other Missions. 
 G. Our work has been brought into very blessed relation 
 and the most affectionate fellowship with all the ^ ighboring 
 Missions and with some of the best Missions in other parts of 
 Y. Through Mr. Fuller's visits along with us, he and our 
 missionaries in India have come into touch with several other 
 Missions among the most advanced and successful in India, 
 and the relationship thus formed will be of the greatest value 
 to our work in India, and, we trust, not without correspond- 
 ing blessing to these Societies and workers. 
 rust liave Iw'eii 
 (lia ? 
 ilizution of tlie 
 E?lso could give, 
 the minds and 
 as many more 
 le next two or 
 ' and in perfect 
 work with ra- 
 the distribution, 
 gs, and the re- 
 i field. 
 ■civcd a mighty 
 rention wo have- 
 (st methods and 
 ;her Missions, 
 blessed relation 
 the m ighboring 
 n other parts of 
 us, he and our 
 ith several other 
 :essful in India, 
 e greatest value 
 out correspond- 
 8. We trust that our simple messages to the native Chris- 
 tians, the heathen, the various theological si uools addressed, 
 and the companies of missionaries we have met, have not 
 been without fruit, and we have nuicli cause to believe tiiat 
 many have been stimulated to holier, stronger service for 
 Christ and India. 
 9. Besides our work in Berar, God has shown us, we be- 
 lieve, some new fields for the extension of our work in Cen- 
 tral and Western India, where hundreds of laboiers, starting 
 from our common centre, can occupy new and unoccupied 
 ground in two new languages for Christ. 
 10. And more precious, perliaps, than any other purpose 
 that He has been pleased to lay upoii our heart. Ho has, we 
 believe, shown us a door to Thibet, for the evangelization of 
 which our Alliance was originally formed. So that if we 
 had seen nothing else come out of our long journey, we have 
 been amply repaid for the 17,000 miles of travel we have 
 already had over land and sea, by the blessed results which 
 we trust are to come for dear India. 
 And now, India, dear old India, for the present — fare 
 well. Thou art ever lying a living picture, with thy hun- 
 dreds of thousands of Christless villages, upon our heart. 
 God engrave thee upon the heart of His dear people, and some 
 day lot us see thee covered with the light and glory of the 
 Gospel, and crowned with the harvests, whose early seeds we 
 have humbly helped to sow ! 
 IT WOULD not have been for our highest good if we had 
 been permitted to leave India, after five weeks of unin- 
 terrupted blessing, without some trial of our faith and 
 patience. And so, when we reached Calcutta, and prepared 
 to embark for Burmah, we found that our trunk, and also a 
 valuable parcel, which we had left to be shipped at Bombay 
 so as to meet us in Calcutta, were not to be found. On mak- 
 ing inquiry we found that they had been shipped from Bom- 
 bay by a freight train and might not arrive for a week or two. 
 This was somewhat serious, as we were now on our way, 
 "by rapid stages, by a number of different steamship lines, and 
 it would be hard for our baggage to overtake us. But we felt 
 that it was, doubtless, one of our Father's ways of proving 
 His all-sufficient grace to us, and giving us some new testi- 
 mony for Him. And so we drove to the freight office and 
 asked the company to telegraph for it, and have it sent on by 
 a passenger train if it could be found, and forwarded after us 
 by the next steamer to Rangoon in the hope that it would 
 overtake us during the four days we were to wait there. 
 And so we went to the bazaars and got a few necessary arti- 
 cles of apparel, and went on, minus our baggage. 
 st good if we hact 
 re weeks of iinin- 
 of our faith aud 
 itta, and prepared 
 trunk, and also a 
 lipped at Bombay 
 found. On mak- 
 lipped from Bom- 
 for a week or two. 
 } now on our way, 
 oamship lines, and 
 :e us. But we felt 
 3 ways of proving 
 18 some new testi- 
 freight office and 
 have it sent on by 
 forwarded after us 
 ope that it would 
 Bre to wait there, 
 few necessary arti- 
 The next steamer came in while we were waiting at Ran- 
 goon, but our things wore not on board, but a dispatch came 
 instead, telling us that they would be on the next boat, nearly 
 a week later, and would be sent on to Singapore. It seems 
 l)robable that we shall have to leave Singai)ore before that 
 steamer can arrive, and so the ])rosent prospects are that we 
 may not receive our trunk before we reach Hong Kong or 
 Shanghai, nearly a month hence. 
 But, with perhaps a little lonely feeling, we just trusted 
 our Father again with it all, and felt that He would take care 
 of it. And as we told the little story of our trial and our 
 Master's grace for it, wo found that it did the missionaries 
 more good than anything else we said ; for it is in just these 
 little things that our faith and love and joy break down. 
 And we are glad to be permitted to triumph even in this. It 
 may seem a small thing at home to lose a trunk, but 15,000 
 miles away it is like the loss of a companion ; and, besides, it 
 is not always easy, in these circumstances, to get the things 
 you need in native bazaars. But the dear Lord has arranged 
 everything, and in due time we shall, doubtless, meet our old 
 companion, and, no doubt, get many blessings out of it all. 
 Our reason for taking the route from Calcutta to Singa- 
 pore was that we might have the opportunity of visiting Bur- 
 mah, and seeing a little of the wonderful work which God 
 has wrought among the people of that land through the 
 American Baptist Mission. 
 We took passage on the "Pentakota," of the British 
 India Steamship line. We had a nice and a good captain, 
376 LAPcnn outlooks o.v MfssroN a /.n- /..txns. 
 but some very frivolous passengers on board, like too many 
 of tbo English and Americans that wo meet abroad. Tho 
 only themes of conversation were races, dances, dresses, and 
 lotteries ; and we felt more truly alone than among the 
 heathen. Our Sabbath was si>ent lying at anchor at the 
 mouth of the Hooghly Kiver, waiting for the tide to take us 
 over the dangerous sands, but there was no reUgious service 
 or recognition of God, and we found our way to the "little 
 sanctuary" which He has promised to be to us in far-off 
 lands, and there we met with Him and the divir ones at 
 home, and had .. peaceful and blessed day. 
 The navigation of this river is very dangerous. There 
 is an immense amount of sand carried down the stream, and 
 bars and quicksands are always forming, so that pilots have 
 to be most careful in entering and leaving tho port of Cal- 
 cutta There is one point where vessels have been known to 
 strike the bar, and then be swept over by the strong current, 
 and Pink in the quicksands, disappearing utterly m a few 
 minutes. , . ., au 
 We got safely out to sea, and after two days sail on the 
 Ba> of Bengal, which was smooth and pleasant, ^^e cast 
 anchor iu the mouth of the Irrawaddy, and again waited for 
 the tide to take us up to Rangoon. This was also providen- 
 tially arranged, and on AVednesday morning, a little after sun- 
 rise, we sailed up to the landing jetty of the capital of Bur- 
 The view of Rangoon from the river is very attractive. A 
 good deal of luxuriant foliage and many fine buildings line 
)■ L.'ixns. 
 il, liko too many 
 ut't ahrojul. The 
 ices, dresses, and 
 than among the 
 at anchor at the 
 le tide to take us 
 ► religious service 
 way to the "Uttlo 
 J to us in far-off 
 the dear ones at 
 hvngerous. There 
 n the stream, and 
 a that pilots have 
 ; the port of Cal- 
 Lve been known to 
 ;he strong current, 
 ; utterly in a few 
 o days' sail on the 
 pleasant, "vv^e cast 
 d again waited for 
 was also providen- 
 g, a little after sun- 
 :he capital of Bur- 
 very attractive, A 
 r fine buildings line 
 the river for two or three miles, and, in the backgiound, 
 immbers uf Burmese pagodas, with that jjeculiar and striking 
 form that you see nowhere else, giv»; the whole scene a most 
 ])i(;tures(iuu appearance. Kangoon is a largt^ commercial city 
 of over It »i»,()00 inhabitants, and is full of Fnglish merchants 
 and stores, and has a more English appearance than any 
 other city we have seen in the East. The streets are very 
 wide, the buildings large and far apart, and there is an ai)i)ear- 
 iince of great spaciousness and considerable style. 
 Burmah is now a province of the Indian Empire-, and has 
 a population of about eight millions, including I' pper Bur- 
 mah and the other dependencies. Our readers will i-emem- 
 ber that a few years ago the ruler of Upper Burm.ih, old 
 Thebau, hccatim ho outrageous that England sent an army, 
 captun'tl Mandalay, hist cai»ital, and annexed liis territory. 
 He is now a royal prisoner in Katnagary, a British tort south 
 of Bombay. Ho was a modern Herod, and when he came to 
 the throne he killed all his relatives. They tell strange stories 
 of his brutality. His wife, however, seems to have been the 
 nding spirit, and the Jezebel and instigator of his crimes. 
 They tell a grim story of her : that while she was confined 
 —a state i)risoner in Madras, a nunvber of people wont to 
 see her, as a public curiosity. Among them were some ladies 
 who laughed very heartily at some things she said and did. 
 This so annoyed her Majesty that she siunmoned the oflicer 
 of the prison, and said very excitedly to him : "Take those 
 women out and cut their heads ott'." This was, evidently, 
 her old way of settling annoying people, and she could not 
 see why the English authorities should object to it. 
 Burmah is a rich countiy, and is (piite distinct frotn India 
 in many of its features. It is, largely, a rice producing 
 country. They call the raw grain " paddy," and tb.wi hie 
 delta of the Irrawaddy is one immense "paddy iicld." In 
 the wet season the whoU- land is flooded, and the people 
 travel about on elevated roads, which are built about four 
 feet above the ground. As soon as the ground is wet enough, 
 they turn in with their buff aloes and rude plows, and work up 
 the mud. about three feet deei), and ihey then j)lant the rice 
 in these mud fields, and the water remains till it ripens, and 
 then dries up and allows them 'o harvest it. Wo went out 
 into the country and saw these paddy fields. It was the dry 
y f.ANDS. 
 soiit Jill army, 
 d bin U'lritory. 
 ritisli fort Houtli 
 i^lu'U ho camo to 
 II strange stories 
 havo been the 
 r of his crimes, 
 le was conflned 
 people went to 
 kvere some ladies 
 le said and did. 
 oned the officer 
 : "Take those 
 1 was, evidently, 
 d she could not 
 t to it. 
 itinct from India 
 rico producing 
 " and th(- whole 
 »addy ueld." In 
 and the people 
 built about four 
 id is wet enough, 
 iws, and work up 
 lMi plant the rico 
 ill it ripens, and 
 ■,. W«? went out 
 It was the dry 
 cAi.crrrA rn m rmaii. 
 Btmson and the rico had all been harvested, and the land was 
 one plain of cracked and dusty clay. The houses are all 
 built on posts about foui- feet above the ground, so as to 
 escape the inundation. 
 Burmah is, nlso, a groat timber country, and the teak 
 tree grows here in its perfection. It is a most valuable and 
 beautiful wood, hard and enduring as oak, and coloring fine- 
 ly to the tint of black walnut. We have never seen prettier 
 wood carvings than the natural teak wood after it has sea- 
 soned They do not even oil it, but it grows nearly as black 
 as ebony and it lasts for centuries. The inside woodwork of 
 their houses is very pretty in simple teak wood. The trees 
 Ji ''i^ 
 of Burmah are much larger than in India, and the vegetation 
 looks more luxuriant. The rai)is come a month earlier, and 
 the liot season is sliorter and more moderate. 
 As we sailed up the river, the native boats were very- 
 pretty. They have a very picturesque shape, with a high, 
 ])ointed prow, like the point of a Turkish slipper, and the 
 stern is round 
 and nicely 
 carved. T li e 
 hoats are about 
 the shape of a 
 mason's trow- 
 el, with the 
 point raised 
 very high. 
 The boatman 
 stands and 
 rows hy push- 
 ing his oars 
 and propelling 
 the boat in 
 front of him. 
 We found ourselves at once among a new race. These 
 were not Hindu faces. They are much I'ounder and flatter, 
 and have a distinct Mongolian touch. Many of them are 
 quito •^ood-looking. They are much better dressed than the 
 HinduSo The men and women dress very much alike. There 
 is a very bright and pi-etty skirt, usually of brilliant checked 
 the vegetation 
 til earlier, and 
 its were very 
 , with a high, 
 pper, and the 
 r race. These 
 ler and flatter, 
 f of them are 
 essed than the 
 1 alike. There 
 ■illiant checked 
 or tartan cloth or silk, tied around tlu^ waist and reaching to 
 the feet, and, over this, a jacket, usually white ; the head 
 dress is a pretty hand of pink or scarlet tied around the brow 
 and hanging loosely behind. Their dress is quite picturesque, 
 and at least decent, winch 
 people have a Hh^B^^HI^I W^^^^\ inde- 
 pendent and ^^H|P^|3|^|^B ^^^P^^'^^^^' ^^'^^' 
 There none ^^^^pi^^B^HH| <>f the appear- 
 pov- HHB^^^^^^l ^^'^^' ^^"^^ 
 caste here, and |^^i^^fl^^B| "" lower o r- 
 more' money HH^^H^^H ^^^^'^' "'^'^^^^ ^^'^ 
 or three other H^B^^BI^^^H ^^^^'^ "^ ^^^^' 
 m a h — t h e Hf^^^^^^^^^H ^^^'^"^' ^ ^^ ^ 
 eral others, H^^PJH^M^^B who are abo- 
 riginal people, * ^"■'""^^ '^°^- somewhat like 
 our Indians, and like the hill tribes of India, and on these the 
 Burmans look down, and formerly i)ersecuted them. The 
 Karens number over half a million, and the other tribes about 
 half as many. It is among these aboriginal tribes, as we 
 — ^■1 
 shall immediately see, that the Gospel has achieved its grand- 
 est triumphs. 
 'rhe Burmese are Buddhists. At once one is impressed 
 with the entirely different character of their religious woi- 
 ship and buildings. Here you see none of the hideous and 
 found in 
 temple, but 
 there is but 
 peated in ten 
 forms and 
 marble, a la- 
 brass and 
 ways the 
 tured, rather 
 little like a 
 who is won- 
 er she is a girl 
 It is old Gua 
 Burman Bud- 
 has no other 
 tion ho certainly is decent and harmless, a great improve- 
 ment on the l)estial and devilish forms of the Hindu temples. 
 Everywhere he is enshrined in fine pagodas, and both he 
 and the pagodas worshipped devoutly. These pagodas are 
 not temples, but monuments and shrines to Guatama. An 
 image of him is at the base of each pagoda ; indeed, usually a 
 idols to be 
 every Hindu 
 every where 
 one face re 
 place s -i n 
 baster, wood, 
 gold, but al- 
 same quiet, 
 g o o d - n a- 
 insipid face, a 
 dreamy girl 
 or a woman, 
 tarn a, the 
 dim, and if he 
 id its grand- 
 s impressed 
 'ligious wor- 
 hideous and 
 lols to be 
 vevy Hindu 
 very where 
 ne face re 
 h o u 8 a 11 d 
 lace s— in 
 aster, wood, 
 old, but al- 
 amo quiet, 
 ; o o d - n a- 
 asipid face, a 
 reamy g i i' 1 
 r a woman, 
 a ma, the 
 [ha, and if he 
 ;at impx'ove- 
 ndu temples, 
 and both he 
 pagodas am 
 latama. An 
 )ed, usually a 
 great number of images. Some of them are of immense size 
 and finely carved. The pagodas are often very fine. The 
 great one near Rangoon known as Shwee-da-gone, is over 
 three hundred ^'eet high, and jnore than one hundred feet in 
 diameter at the base. Tlie sbape would be very hard to 
 "''''wwi!^ aSjM!teHMt^"'^*^^ '^y^^sa^8^^'SBg^^ss^at^fa;<ja-g^^ 
 describe. It must be seen. It is a good deal like a bell with 
 the handle running up to a fine ornamental point. The top 
 is an umbrella of fine gold, and often set with the most 
 ])rei;ious stones. This inunense pagoda stands on a high hill 
 approached by splendid stei)s and colonnades, and containing 
 an immense enclosure, at least one thousand feet square. In 
 the centre stands the Great Pagoda, and, in the S])ace, innu- 
 merable other artistic figures, columns, pagodas, idol houses 
 with ])icturesque roofs and turrets, and the finest carving m 
 wood, brass, stone and stucco work. 
 The place was thronged with priests with their shaved 
 heads and rather handsome flowing robes of jmre yellow. 
 Each priest was followed hy a crowd of boys carrying his 
 offerings and parcels. This is regarded by the boys as a 
 meritorious work and will bnng them a great reward in the 
 future life. Everything in the Buddhist system is merit. 
 Whatever good thing we do goes to the account of merit, and 
 will count so much in our favor in the next stage of our ex- 
 And what is this next stage ? It is transmigration. It 
 is to be born in the form of some beast or bird, through age 
 after age, until at least we come to the Buddhist's heaven — 
 Nirvana, which just seems to mean— annihilation. So that 
 the brightest hope of the future, and the best thing our works 
 of merit can bring us, is to come back next time in some 
 higher animal form, some more fortunate crow, or snake, or 
 beetle, or, perhaps, some sacred brute, like a monkey, or a 
 cow. Well, God have mercy on their poor, blind hearts ! Is 
 it not heart-breaking ? 
 ?*'»•» . JOj^ ^^X- 1 <~ -i^BWJigK?* 
 a, boll with 
 ;. The top 
 the most 
 a high hill 
 (juare. In 
 I)aco, innu- 
 dol houses 
 carving m 
 leir shaved 
 ire yellow, 
 irrying his 
 boys as a 
 'ard in the 
 1 is merit. 
 merit, and 
 of our ex- 
 ;ration. It 
 1 rough age 
 's heaven — 
 1. So that 
 ; our works 
 10 in some 
 )r snake, or 
 )nkey, or a 
 hearts ! Is 
 SgpS^^pHS^p- JP 
CALCrTTA TO inh'.^f.ur. 
 28 T 
 Theso pagcclas are being ronstantly (lecoratiHl uiul v- 
 gilck.l by nu'U Nvbo gladly give tbeir gol.l and tbeir tnue to 
 tbis work, in tbo liopo of laying up a littlo stock of merit. 
 Truly the god of tbin world is leading men captive at bia will, 
 and making fools of tbose who wen^ created in tbe image of 
 God Tbe disbonestyof the whole system is glaring. On 
 account of their idea that every animal is just tbe incarna- 
 tion of some man that once lived, they do not believe in kiU- 
 in«' animals. And yet they get round it very comfortably. 
 They let some one else kill it, and they buy it and eat it. 
 Or they say they simply took the fish out of tbe water and 
 it died -they did not kill it ; but they do not hesitate to eat it. 
 The idea lying back of Buddhism is self-denial; but, practi- 
 cally their priests are said to be notoriously immoral, and 
 they have some specious way of excusing everything by some 
 evasion or subtility. 
 There is another race in Burmah, whom we expect soon 
 to meet in their own land, but already they have made them- 
 selves felt in Burmah. They are the Chinese. Next to the 
 English they are the most wealthy and prosperous people m 
 Rangoon. Some of them are quite rich. Wherever he goes 
 in Southeastern Asia the Chinaman leads the native. He has 
 elements of character-mechanical skill, business enterprise, 
 persistence, thriftiness and endurance, which make him easily 
 master in the race with the Malay, the Burman and the 
 Hindu They are the greatest of the Asiatic races. God 
 help us to give them the Gospel ! We were glad to hear of 
 several Chinese Christians even in Burmah. 
 But wo liavo said enough about the land and the people. 
 C)ur Kpocial object was to see the work of God amongst them. 
 Jt is just eighty years since Adoniram Judson entered 
 Rangoon as the fust missionary of the American Baptist Mis- 
 sionary Union, Six years later, the first Burmese convert 
 was baptf.^ed. Twenty years later the Scriptures were trans- 
 lated into Burmese by Mr. Judson, and, a few years later, the 
 Karen Bible was also finished. To-day the Baptist Missions 
 contain a native community of over seventy thousand, and 
 more than : hirty thousand actual communicants. There are 
 no less than five hundred Karen churches. Many, indeed 
 most of these, are already self-supporting ; and, besides sus- 
 taining their own pastors, these churches have formed a 
 Home Missionary Society, and are sustaining Missions and 
 evangelists among the destitute villages of their own people. 
 They have always been more ready than the Burmese to re- 
 ceive the Gospel, and, in some respects, have made greater 
 progress in Christianity than any other people among whom 
 the Gospel has been preached in modern times. 
 These Karens are, apparently, an exotic race. They 
 speak an entirely different language from the Burmese, and 
 are a distinct people. They live in their own villages and 
 often move in whole villages, especially when pressed or per- 
 secuted by their Burmese neighbors. In some respects they 
 are like our American Indians, and in many, like the hill 
 tribes of India. They have some strange traditions, among 
 others an account of the Creation, and the temptation of our 
 first parents, almost identical with the Bible narrative. They 
 the people, 
 ongst them. 
 Ison entered 
 Baptist Mis- 
 loso convert 
 I were ti-ans- 
 irs later, the 
 ist Missions 
 ousand, and 
 There are 
 any, indeed 
 besides sus- 
 e formed a 
 fissions and 
 own people, 
 •mese to re- 
 lade greater 
 Tiong whom 
 race. They 
 urmese, and 
 villages and 
 jssed or per- 
 Jspects they 
 ike the hill 
 ions, among 
 ation of our 
 tive. They 

 have, evidently, touched tlu* Jewish people at some point in 
 their history. They liad, also, a tradition that some day- 
 teachers were !<' come to them from the West, and so, when 
 the missionaries canu) to them from Western lands, many ac- 
 cepted the Gospel, and whole villages, in many instances, 
 embraced Christianity. 
 It was a great pleasun^ to be permitted to visit this inter- 
 esting Mission. More tlsa;. one Imndred American Mission- 
 aries, including ladies, mc i.itoring in Burmah, and over two 
 hundred native preachers. We si)ent nearly five days among 
 them, and had the privilege of meeting no less than thirty- 
 seven of the American Baptist missionaries, besides a number 
 of workers in other Societies, and a few of the native preach- 
 ers. We were invited to address a number of meetings 
 among the missionaries, and found a deep spiritual hunger 
 and an earnest longing for more of that blessing which God 
 is pouring out upon the Telugu Mission through the Holy 
 We could not have been more cordially received by our 
 own workers than we were by these dear friends. Several of 
 them we had known in America, and there were not a few 
 whom God has been calling for a good while very near to 
 Himself, and fitting by a special anointing for great useful- 
 ness. We were the guest of Prof. Gilmore, son of a very 
 dear friend in the ministry in the United States ; and he and 
 bis beloved wife and baby made our stay a real taste of home. 
 A number of the workers came in from Maulmain, Bassein 
 and other points. The season was a little unfavorable, being 
 ags'- ' fej^^jfe'^-j^!^'-''''''** ' '''* 

 the vacation time in all the schools ; but we saw most of tho 
 teachers and school premises, and got a very good conception 
 of this part of the work. 
 Our most interesting experience, and one which our 
 friends planned for us with special thoughtf ulness, was a visit 
 to a Karen village in the 
 country. Riding out by train 
 to the station of Mhawbee, 
 v.'e were met by the Karens 
 with their carts, and driven 
 across the paddy fields to 
 their villages in the jungle, 
 where we spent a day and a 
 night, and saw them in all the 
 simplicity of their native 
 The good pastor gave up 
 his house to us, and wo just 
 took possession, bringing our 
 own provisions and cook, and 
 making ourselves at home. 
 Every missionary in India, 
 who travels in the jungle and 
 goes out itinerating, has a serv^ant who is accustomed to this 
 sort of cooking. And you would have been surprised at the 
 nice dinner and breakfast our "boy" gave us. G e one of 
 these natives a little rice, a chicken and a few spl^e/.,..a,nd it 
 is amazing how many dishes he will \ o you. 
 w most of the 
 3od conceptioa 
 lie which our 
 ess, was a visit 
 k^illage ill the 
 3g out by train 
 of Mhawbee, 
 by the Karens 
 ;s, and driven 
 ,ddy fields to 
 in the jungle, 
 nt a day and a 
 them in all the 
 their native 
 lastor gave up 
 s, and wo just 
 1, bringing our 
 , and cook, and 
 Ives at home, 
 lary in India, 
 the jungle and 
 istomed to this 
 urprised at the 
 s. G e one of 
 ^ splv.e:f.,..a,ndit 
 After breakfast we were met in the chapel where the 
 people had assembled to greet us. There was a congregation 
 of over seventy, notwithstanding the short notice. We, of 
 course, were invited to preach to them, and we did, the best 
 we could, through a native interpreter. We have found that 
 the only way to reach these people is to give them simple 
 illustrations. They hstened .ery attentively, and when we 
 . ,ot through, they came up, one by one, and began to respond. 
 One after another they would squat down, Indian fashion, in 
 front of us, and looking up into our face like very children 
 would talk out all that was in their heart. 
 Oue of their preachers made quite a speech, asking us to 
 thank the American Christians for sending them the Gospel, 
 and saying how poor and weak they yet were as Christians, 
 and not able to understand all the deep things of God. This 
 was one of his simple illustrations : "One hen," he said, 
 "can cover ten chickens with her wings, but ten chickens 
 cannot cover as much as one hen. We are the ten chickens,, 
 the American Church is the hen." Several of them brought 
 us money, but, of com .% we handed it over, with a little 
 added to it, as a contribution towards the new chapel they 
 are about to erect. 
 After the meeting wo had some hours of leisure, and 
 walked through their jungle and a neighboring village. 
 The men and women all smoke, and we got some of the 
 girls to f sent us two or three of their cigars as specimens. 
 They ^.i made of corn husks, very thick and large, and 
 many of them a fo-'HUong. What would you think of your 
 young lady friend taking from her mouth something like a 
 small stick of timber, and then deliberately sending in your 
 face an immense cloud of tobacco smoke ? Well, at least they 
 are consistent in letting the women smoke, for if it is good 
 for the one sex it is surely as good for the other. They only 
 laughed merrily when some of us attempted to raise the ques- 
 tion of the right and wrong of smoking. They had not got 
 this far yet. 
 Later, we visited the neighboring Burman village. It 
 was a long, winding "^treet, with houses on both sides, and 
 about three dogs to a house ; and as we passed along, these 
 wolfish-looking dogs watched their chance, on each side, to 
 dash at us with a yell and a snap, and only the vigorous use 
 of some stout bamboo rods kept us from their teet^. In pro- 
 portion to the density of its heathenism, we found, is the 
 number, the meanness and the manginess of tb« dogs a 
 Burman village possesses. 
 The native pastor of the Karen village went with us 
 around the country villages. We found him a very remark- 
 able man. He is the pastor of a church of three hundred 
 members in this and several other Karen villages in the vicin- 
 ity. During the past year he has baptized one hui ired and 
 twenty persons, and is to baptize thirty more next Sabbath 
 evening. The American missionary who superintends the 
 Karen work in the Rangoon District was along with us, but 
 he has one hundred churches and six thousand members to 
 oversee, and he can only give a general supervision, and has 
 to trust all the details to these men. Such native pastors are 
 totnething like a 
 sending in your 
 /"ell, at least they 
 for if it is good 
 ther. They only 
 to raise the ques- 
 hey had not got 
 man village. It 
 both sides, and 
 ssed along, these 
 on each side, to 
 the vigorous use 
 r teef^. In pro- 
 ive found, is the 
 s of tb" dogs a 
 e went with us 
 J a very I'eniark- 
 »f three hundred 
 iges in the vicin- 
 me hui ired and 
 re next Sabbath 
 mperintends the 
 mg with us, but 
 md members to 
 jrvision, and has 
 ative pastors are 
 of great value, and they have been the chief instruments in 
 the, great work which God has done among the Karens. 
 We slept that night in the jungle, and heard the "tok- 
 ter" calling near our bed through the night, with his loud 
 call, " tok-ter." He is a great lizard, morq than a foot long, 
 with a voice louder than that of a frog. But we let him call, 
 for they told us he kept away the snakes, and there are some 
 of them in Burmah's jungles. But we slept in peace, and 
 awoke in safety, to find men and women, indiscriminately, 
 walking in and out of our room in perfect innocence of the 
 fact that we had to make our toilet. We looked out on the 
 village street, and the men and women, indiscriminately, 
 were taking their morning bath. They did it in the most in- 
 genious way. A woman would take a pail of water from the 
 well, and with her thin fold of cotton around her, would pom* 
 i^ ovp>^ her head, again and again, and then she would dex- 
 tvii. \j slip a dry robe over her head, and let the old wet 
 one drop off, under the other, and she was dressed for the 
 day— no need of towels or looking-glass. And another would 
 come along and take n similar douche, and the dirty water 
 would iust soak down and back into the well again, and the 
 dear pe. pie would draw it up in buckets and drink it ; as in- 
 nocent, as a babe just born, of all our modern notions about 
 sewers and filters and civilized sensitiveness. 
 The good native pastor could not understand < n<' use of 
 the filter we brought with us. He thought it was it of 
 drinking cup. We found one very pure and rein -,hing 
 drinking cup about which we need have no qualms. It was 
 the great bunch of cocoanuts the good people brough'j us, 
 just ready to pour out their crystal draught of aci^-ulous 
 water. Upon the whole we greatly enjoyed our Karen visit, 
 and felt we had a glimpse of primitive life that few visitors 
 to Burmah or India ever get. Above all, we saw, with all its 
 simplicity and crudeness, what God is able to do for heathen 
 souls, and in it we beheld the promise of the harvest which 
 is surely coming to our own field. Judson labored six years 
 in Burmah before he saw the first convert, and, to-day, there 
 are tens of thousands. Praise the Lord for what we yet hope 
 to see ! 
 On our return to Rangoon, we had the pleasure of meet- 
 ing, at lunch, the president of the Karen Theological Semi- 
 nary, and also his excellent and accomphshed wife. He told 
 us that ho had one hundred students in training for the min- 
 istry, and a graduating class of nearly twenty. This is the 
 best hope of the Karen churches. 
 We also visited the yet unfinished Memorial Hall, which 
 the Karens are erecting at their own expense, as a monument 
 of God's goodness to their people. It is one story high, as 
 yet, and covers a large area, and when completed will be one 
 of the most striking missionary buildings in the world. 
 Their means are hmited, but their hearts are large, and, we 
 trust, they mry soon be able to complete this most interest- 
 ing memorial. 
 Many American friends will be glad to know that God is 
 greatly blessing and using our dear sisters. Miss Ranney and 
 Miss Phinney, whom many of our people will remember 
 I brought us. 
 of aciaulous 
 r Karon visit, 
 it few visitors 
 w, with all its 
 lo for heathen 
 liar vest which 
 ored six years 
 , to-day, there 
 it we yet hope 
 asure of meet- 
 lological Semi- 
 .vife. He told 
 g for the min- 
 yT. This is the 
 al Hall, which 
 s a monument 
 story high, as 
 ted will be one 
 in the world, 
 large, and, we 
 most interest- 
 meeting at Round Lake and the New York ' Tabernacle, 
 besides many others whom we should be glad to name if it 
 were proper. 
 But we must leave Rangoon and Burmah. God bless 
 this land and this .vork ! Here, too, wo have placed " the 
 sole of our foot," and c'iaimed it for Christ and His coming. 
 Our Baptist friends have nobly pieempted it and very 
 fairiy occupied it. At least, we believe that ere long they 
 will occupy the entire field, and it would seem to be a pity to 
 divide the thougJit of these simple people, who know nothing 
 of sectarianism, by sending any rival churcli there. But 
 there is need, even iu Burmah, for one hundred more mis- 
 sionaries. May God r.;)eedily send them from the Baptist 
 churches of America to ihe unoccupied villages of Burmah ! 
 It was very hot in Burmah -a real taste of tropical sum- 
 mer. And it was a relief to stand onco more on tlie cool deck 
 of the "Pentakota" r.nd cai! down the coast of Arracan in 
 tlie face of the old Southern Cross, and toward the shores of 
 Sumatra and Singapore. 
 3W that God is 
 ss Ranney and 
 vill remember 
 ■iKm9m!(^ifitji^^yn^!SmimuiKid Km 
 r. YC THING could have been more delightful, so far as 
 '^ physicTil conditions are concerned, than the sail down 
 th .' Bay of Bengal, from Rangoon to Singapore. It 
 occupied seven days, and followed the coast of Burmah, 
 Tanasserim and the Peninsula of Malacca. The weather 
 was extremely pleasant, with a hot sun, but a delightful 
 breeze night and day. We had few passengers and plenty 
 of v om, and lived on deck both night and day, only going 
 down to the cabin long enough to take our meals. At night 
 the steward made our beds on deck and we slept in the cool 
 breezes until he brought us our " chotahazry," or cup of tea, 
 at G A. M., and awoke us for our salu water bath and simple 
 We were able to do unbounded literary work through 
 the long hours of the breezy day, and to conic somewhat near 
 overtaking an enormous mass of accumulated correspond- 
 ence and other writing. It certainly was not a pleasure sail, 
 although a very pleasant one, and, like all our other days 
 abroad, we asked the Lord to let these days, which He made 
 so calm and still, count the very utmost for His work and 
 tful, so far as 
 t the sail down 
 Singapore. It 
 t of Burmah, 
 The weather 
 t a delightful 
 5rs and plenty 
 ly, only going 
 als. At night 
 ipt in the cool 
 or cup of tea, 
 ith and simple 
 work through 
 omewhat near 
 3d correspond- 
 a pleasure sail, 
 ur other days 
 hich He made 
 His work and 
 As we got farther south, and nearer the equator, the 
 Pole Star sank lower and lower, until at last, a good while 
 before we got to Singapore, it disappeared altogether, and, at 
 the other side of the heavens, the Southern Cross rose higher 
 and higher toward the zenith with a great train of glorious 
 new constellations behind it, making the midnight sky a 
 galaxy of glory. t ^ 1 
 The climate underwent the most marked change. Instead 
 of the long dry season of India, we soon sailed into the zone 
 of showers. Every night the horizon would be illuminated 
 by brilliant lightnings, and nearly every day there would be 
 rain, frequent and heavy, although short showers, much like 
 our American summer thunder storms. Along the equator it 
 rains all the year round, and the hottest day is almost sure 
 to be cooled by a few hours of moisture. In consequence of 
 this the vegetation is most luxuriant, and every island and 
 shore was wooded to the water's edge and rich with glorious 
 forests and flowers. 
 Animal life, too, began to grow exuberant. Our cabins 
 swarmed with red ants, and they walked over us at all hours 
 of the day and night without asking leave before they 
 lunched off us. Their bite is not as bad as that of the mosquito, 
 but it is not a tropical luxury. One morning we found a colony 
 of them in one of our pockets whei-e something edible had 
 attracted them. Occasionally, one would hear a female 
 scream, and the disturbing cause would usually prove to be 
 a great, and, perhaps, hitherto unknown species of cock- 
 roach or beetle. Our good-natured Scotch cp.ptain told us 
 B HiaMuawt'-t 
 ■■ ■ ' ims^ s ^sm^ii^isiiXiui^mimiiiiii^ 
 that his cockroaches swarmed Sundays and Wednesdays, 
 and then came out of the recesses of the sliip to exhibit. We 
 are afraid, however, that ours did not always keep regular 

 1 Wednesdays, 
 o exhibit. We 
 rs keep regular 
 ,IA/0\(' THE MALAYS. 
 Oil our way down tlir l».iy w«' jtassed far to the west the 
 Andaman Ishiuds, which form the Penal Colony of India, 
 and where the worse criminals are transported for life. The 
 natives of these islands are said to he the most degraded type 
 of human beings on the face of the globe, and nnich lower 
 i'veii than the aborigines of Australia. We stopped a day 
 at the Island of Penang, which is an English Colony and 
 part of the Straits Settlements. We had time to land at the 
 pretty city of Georgetown and send off about fifty letters 
 by the India and English mail, just leaving. Then, in the 
 afterno^n, we took a jinriksha and rode out several mil(^8 
 through avenues and forests of palms to the B(jtanical (lar- 
 dens and the waterfall which comes down from a mountain 
 about 2,500 feet high. We found ourselves not only in a 
 new- British Colony, but surrounded by new- laces. The Chi- 
 nese were everywhere and the Malays now began to appear. 
 We will not stop to speak of the beauty of the ride or the 
 Gardens, (>xcept to observe that it was a scene, all the way, 
 of tropical luxuriance. The grass grows here as, of course, 
 it cannot in India, especially in the dry season ; and the 
 ground was one rich carpet of verdure covered with a luxuri- 
 ance of palms, banyans, plantains, and many etpially beauti- 
 ful trees covered with orchids and other parasites in profu- 
 sion, and, often, richest bloom. The Gardens, with the orchida 
 and fern houses, must be seen to be realized. Many beautiful 
 islands surround Penang, and the city is most picturesque as 
 seen on entering and leaving. 
 We reached Singapore two days later, and here found 
 f iimsmmfsmMmm . 
 T} u.$ S B),^mM*m!»jm--mfAh'^,-^» ,K- 
 KviKmrn- -' ' •-."fi'r 
 ourselves in tli metropolis of English Malaysia, and all that 
 we could say u. other poi its can be still more truly said of 
 lia, and all i at 
 re truly s;i of 
 Jtm "^ 
 .iMox(.- ri:i: .u.i/.ns. 
 this. The appronch through the "NewHarhor" is exceed- 
 ingly pretty. The straitH are (piite naiiow, and many beauti- 
 ful and tliickly wooded islands dot the lovely harbor, while 
 ships of all nati .us, . iid war vessels hearing many different 
 'flags, lie at anchor in tlu quiet waters. 
 We were met at the wharf by our dear hrother, Mr. Lela- 
 cheur, and were glad to find him looking exceedingly well 
 after a year of heavy pressure both in toil antl suffering. Most 
 of our readers know that, accompanied hy M ' . Anderson, he 
 came out to Hong Kong and Singapore f(« th. nurpose of 
 finding an ni)i)r()ach to one of the group of islands in the 
 South Seas, vvheri! God seemed to be leading us to attempt to 
 plant a Mission, tiie island of Yai», th«^ most western of the 
 Caroline Islands. 
 After reaching Singapore it was found (hat Mr. Ander- 
 son had left New York, without the knowledge of the Board, 
 in a somewhat advanced stag*? of consiunption. In this 
 damp climate it developed very rapidly, and Mr. Lelacheur 
 found himself under the necessity of devoting nnich of his 
 time to the care of his suffering hrothei-, and deferring his 
 journey to the Islands until this great responsibility should, 
 in some way, be relieved. Meanwhile, however, ho gave as 
 much time as possible to the study of the Malay language, 
 and with so much success, that, already, even at his age, our 
 brother can speak it fairly, and has already given some 
 ,1 J. :-es to the natives. 
 . few weeks ago Mr. Anderson's illness terminated 
 in hh> u.;ath, and Mr. Lelacheur had the satisfaction of know- 
 ing— a satisfaction in which wo all deeply shar*' -that noth- 
 ing was n('jj;lerte(l that fis necessary t<» the comfort of our 
 dear young hrother. During our stay in Snigapore, we 
 visited Richaid Anderson's grave in the English cemetery, 
 and took a few leaves from thohorder of ])retty flowers grow- 
 ing around it ; and we gave orders for the erection of a sim- 
 ple stone to mark the sacred spot where another precious life 
 is laid on tlie great altar of Moriah, as the phulge of another 
 land for God, through our dear Alliance. Many such graves 
 are already on the Congo, and many in the dark Soudan. 
 Surely there niust be a mighty harvest from such a costly 
 sowing. Two moic are on the Yang-tse River ; one lies in 
 loneliness at Kobe, in Jajjan ; one sleeps in btnvutiful Poona ; 
 one, beneath the ])alms of Singapore, claims the Malay 
 Peninsula for Jesus. 
 Dear young Richard Anderson was worthy to be a mis- 
 sionary martyr. He was a bright and earnest young Scotch- 
 Irish lad, whose call we remember v/ell. He had begun to 
 succeed la his httle business in New York, when the Lord 
 came to him and asked for all his heart, and then called him 
 to be a missionary. A few of us knew how much he sacri- 
 ficed to be able to affoi i to attend the College ; and when it 
 was found out that he was living in a cold and cheerless 
 room, and doing without the necessaries of life that he might 
 gain his object, it was no longer allowed, but measures 
 were taken for his assistance. He gave a very bright, and, 
 indeed, brilliant address at the College Commencement in 
 May, just a year ago, and was selected by the unanimous 
 r i.ANns. 
 are— that noth- 
 comfoit of our 
 Sinj^apore, we 
 iiglisli cometory, 
 ty flovvtu-a grow- 
 roction of a sirn- 
 her precious life 
 Itulgo of another 
 any such graves 
 10 (lark Soudan, 
 ni such a costly 
 vor ; (juo lies in 
 eautiful Poena ; 
 inis the Malay 
 •thy to ho a rais- 
 3t young Scotch- 
 [e had hegun to 
 , wheii the Lord 
 then called him 
 ' much he sacri- 
 ge ; and when it 
 id and cheerless 
 fe that he might 
 d, but measures 
 '^ery bright, and, 
 mmencement in 
 the unanimous 
 vote of his fellow students for this honor. A good deal was 
 expected from his bright, young mind, his heroic and en- 
 thusiastic spirit, his deep piety and (Consecration, and his 
 stirring faith in Ood. But (Jod calls some to the plow and 
 some to the altar. The motto of the Knglish Baptist Mis- 
 sionary Society is an ox standing between an altar and a 
 plow, with the words inscribed on a scroll, "Ready for 
 either or both." 
 Before he passed away, Richard Anderson said to his 
 brother and companion that ho believ(ed that (Jod had re- 
 ceived from his life all the service for which He had called 
 him ; and, although he could not understand all His deahngs 
 with him, he could fully trust. 
 The only mistake he made, it seems to us all, was in not 
 frankly telling us his actual condition of health before he al- 
 lowed us to send him away to such a cUmate. Had we known 
 it we should not have sent him. Another case came before 
 us at the same time that he was appointed,— a lady who de- 
 sired to go to India but was physically unfit to go. She 
 desired, however, to trust the Lord for her healing, and she 
 was accepted on condition that she should be actually healed, 
 and be really in a condition to go before the time came. She 
 was in a far worse condition than our broOier, but she took 
 the Lord for it, and months before she needed to snil she was 
 thoroughly healed, and is now one of our healthiest, happiest, 
 and most promising missionaries in India. We trust that our 
 candidates will always be perfectly frank with us, and enable 
 us to counsel and help them, and avoid all needless risks. 
 g'7-ji i^»'p^-i»*^ --*■., 5 «.-^4?rtl 
 M ^ .i j' j ar . ' !.' gr*! ?r:Pivy yyw' f y i.k ■ ■ ' jj-u^« t i'(M-"jg<]^ ' i^*J4 '* y.*»H' !i g. ' ^- ' y^ ' 
i ii!i 
 We know that Mr. Anderson was perfectly sincere and can 
 did in his purpose. He really meant that, trustinj^ God for 
 his healing, he should not recognize the disease or symptoms. 
 It is true that we should steadily believe above our symptoms, 
 but it is also true that these symptoms should be actually re- 
 moved before we go to the field, and will be if we steadfastly 
 trust God. Faith in God is not only a " make believe," but 
 it also brings direct and definite results, and if God wants us 
 for a field He will surely give us the strength to go in such a 
 sense and measure as t(» satisfy every reasonable inquirer. 
 We spent three very pleasant days in Singapore, and saw 
 a good deal of the city, the people, the Christian and mission- 
 ary work of the country and, above all, the needs of the field 
 and the work to which the Lord is calhng us theie. 
 The first day was a Sabbath, and we were permitted to 
 preach in the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal Chapels, 
 and on Monday evening again in the latter place. The M. E. 
 Church of America has a Mission here, chiefly educational 
 and English, but with a work among the Chinese, and a Pub- 
 lishing and Printing Department, which has a Malay Branch. 
 We had the pleasure of meeting good Bishop Thoburn here, 
 whom we had missed in Calcutta. We saw a good der.l of him, 
 and thanked God for the wise, humble and thoroughly earn- 
 est, practical and capable man whom they have in charge of 
 their great work in India. It is a shame if such a church, 
 with such a work and such a leader, does not back himself in 
 a manner compared with which all they are doing now is but 
 as child's play. 
lincere and cau 
 rusting God for 
 iseor symptoms. 
 3 om* symptoms, 
 d be actually re- 
 if we steadfastly 
 ke believe," but 
 if God wants us 
 1 to go in such a 
 ible inquirer, 
 gapore, and saw 
 ian and mission- 
 leeds of the field 
 ere permitted to 
 •iscopal Chapels, 
 ace. The M. E. 
 efly educational 
 aese, and a Pub- 
 a Malay Branch, 
 p Thoburn here, 
 ;ood der.l of him, 
 horoughly earn- 
 ave in charge of 
 I such a church, 
 back himself in 
 ioing now is but 
 HJUIJ.U ' l ' ilU.I'H ' V"g" 
 We also met about a dozen of the missionaries ^f the 
 Methodist Episcopal Mission, and found them all busy for 
 Christ. They have several fine schools, a good English con- 
 gregation, and an excellent work among the Chinese. The 
 brother in charge of this, Dr. Luring, has given much assist- 
 ance to our missionaries, and is a man of rare gifts and char- 
 acter. He is a fine scholar, knowing Sanscrit, Malay, and 
 Chinese, besides other languages, and has the greatest sim- 
 plicity and singleness of heart. He has already translated 
 some of our Alliance tracts into Malay, and thus enabled Mr. 
 Lelacheur ^o preach to the Malays with our literature. Be- 
 sides the Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal work, there 
 are no other missionaries here except our own. 
 On the following days we saw something of the city and 
 country. Singapore is a large and flourishing commercial 
 city, with a population of over 100,000, and an immense ship- 
 ping trade with all the world. It is just half way round the 
 world from New York, the difference in time being twelve 
 hours and ten minutes. It stretches out its arms in one 
 direction to xndia, Burmah, England and Europe-in another 
 to Australia and the islands, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Celebes, 
 New Guinea, the Phihppines, and the thousands more which 
 cover the Archipelago, with their immense trade in all tropi- 
 cal productions ; and, in yet another direction, the trade 
 reaches away to Hong Kong, Saigon, Bankok, Shanghai, the 
 whole China Coast and Japan. 
 No city in the world has such a central location as Sing- 
 apore between East and West, as a sort of rendezvous for the 
 ships of all nations. It is full of English and Scotch people, 
 and they are merchant princes, and live in great luxury. It 
 is full of Chinese, and their houses and stores crowd hun- 
 dreds of streets. And it is surrounded by Malays, the real 
 natives, of whom we shall speak shortly. There are great 
 numbers of Hindu Coolies from Madras and Bengal. There 
 are Dyaks from Borneo and from Celebes, and people from 
 all the Islands. And there are a good many Germans and 
 Dutch, who are the lords of Sumatra, Java, Celebes, and 
 Borneo, and have much trade passing through Singapore. 
 The climate is peculiar. Lying on or very near the 
 equator, it has, of course, the direct rays of the sun, and a» 
 you hold up your umbrella at noon, the shadow falls directly 
 at your feet and covers your whole person. We did not dare 
 to look up to see that fiery sun, which no European eye can 
 defy with impunity. But it is not nearly so hot as Northern 
 India, thirty degrees farther north, is in the hot season. It 
 is seldom one hundred degrees— indeed, rarely above ninety- 
 five in the shade. But it is always warm. There is no win- 
 ter, autumn or spring, but one everlasting monotony of heat, 
 just like our July weather continued forever. And then it is 
 moist heat— we would call it sweltering weather. The air is 
 saturated with vapor. It rains almost every day, and you 
 are in a steam bath all the time. We do not remember an 
 hour in Singapore when we were not in a profuse perspi- 
 ration. The rainfall is between sixty and seventy inches a 
 year, and in Berar, only between thi-ty and forty, notwith- 
 standing the heavy Monsoon rains in the lattei place. Such. 
 id Scotch people, 
 ;reat luxury. It 
 )res crowd hun- 
 Malays, the real 
 There are great 
 Bengal. There 
 md people from 
 ly Germans and 
 a, Celebes, and 
 ;h Singapore, 
 very near the 
 the sun, and as 
 ow tails directly 
 We did not dare 
 iropean eye can. 
 hot as Northern 
 hot season. It. 
 y above ninety- 
 riiere i» no win- 
 >notony of heat, 
 And then it is 
 her. The air is 
 Y day, and you 
 3t remember an 
 profuse perspi- 
 eventy inches a 
 forty, notwith- 
 Bi place. Such 
 ; . imauw wwwgg ^Tgi.iiaf.'v a 
 a climate produces glorious vegetation, but involves a heavy 
 strain upon human life. 
 Cholera and small- pox are frequent visitors, and the 
 former v^as very bad at the time of our visit, and we had to 
 take the Lord to guard us from its breath. It had just car- 
 ried off the leading judge of the island, and we saw two 
 graves in the English cemetery where a husband and wife 
 had lain down within a few days of each other. Dear Brother 
 Lelacheui had a fierce attack of it while worn with waiting 
 on Mr. Anderson, and only the power of God carried him 
 through the great struggle. And yet Singapore is not an ex- 
 ceptionally unhealthy place, and, as compared with any 
 oriental city we have seen, it has some peculiar attractions. 
 The drive to the Botanical Gardens was very pleasant! 
 Perhaps nowhere in the world is there to be found such a col- 
 lection of tropical vegetation in its own native soil. Here 
 they are all classified and named and can be studied at leis- 
 ure. For example, in one section there is a group of all the 
 varieties of palms. Our readers w ould scarcely realize that 
 of these alone there were more than a scoix* wholly distinct. 
 We had alreaiy become familiar with the date palm, the 
 cocoanut palm, and the Palmyra palm ; but here were many 
 new ones. For example, we saw, for the first time, the 
 *' Travellers Palm," the most beautiful object ni a tropical 
 garden. It is just an immense fan, the handle growing up 
 about twenty or thirty feet, and then the branches spreading 
 out flat, like a great fan, often twenty feet in diameter, and 
 beautifiil beyond description. The leaves form a lot of little 
 cups, and are always found full of water, so that ^''e tired 
 and thirsty iwlgrini always rejoices when lie hees a 'i .reveller's 
 Then the Sago Palm is not only most beautiful but in- 
 valuable. They cut it down and split it open, and make out 
 of the pith and fibre a nourishing and delicious article of food. 
 A single tree will produce sago enough to feed a man a year. 
 There is another palm whose stems are of the most brilliant 
 crimson, with leaves of green, and it is a most picturesque 
 Many of the trees are covered with orchids. They climb 
 and creep over the tree in every direction, and hang with the 
 most lovely blossoms. A visit to the orchid house in the Gar- 
 dens revealed hundreds of varieties. They have a strange 
 peculiarity in Singapore. All the orchids of a certain variety 
 bloom on the same day. The day of our arrival we saw great 
 quantities of a beautiful white blossom shaped just like a 
 white dove. Our friend told us it was the " Pigeon Orchid," 
 and every one of them on Singapore Island was blooming to- 
 day, and to-morrow there would not be one to be seen, — 
 until, perhaps, two months later, when the next blooming day 
 would come, and so on all the year around. Then, he said, 
 in Java all the orchids of a certain kind would have their day 
 of bloom, and so, all over the Archipelago, on every island, 
 they had different days to bloom, and then the forests would 
 be hanging with their bright streamers and festoons. 
 There was no end to the niaf2;nificent ferns, the leaves of 
 some of them being nearly two yards long. Indeed, days 
 SO that *'ie tired 
 e sees a '1/'- seller's 
 , beautiful but in- 
 en, and make out 
 ous article of food. 
 Peed a man a year, 
 the most brilliant 
 , most picturesque 
 ;hids. They cUmb 
 and hang with the 
 I house in the Gar- 
 ey have a strange 
 3f a certain variety 
 rrival we saw great 
 shaped just like a 
 i "Pigeon Orchid," 
 i was blooming to- 
 one to be seen, — 
 next blooming day 
 id. Then, he said, 
 )uld have their day 
 JO, on every island, 
 1 the forests would 
 d festoons, 
 ferns, the leaves of 
 ong. Indeed, days 
 A.VO.\'(; Tin: MALAYS. 
 might have been spent in studying the curious and beautiful 
 works of God in this rich clime. In one corner of the Gar- 
 dens we found 
 a collection of 
 English roses, 
 c a V n a t ions, 
 ])inks and ver- 
 benas ; but 
 they looked 
 lonely a n d 
 miserable, and 
 seemed like 
 exotics and 
 exiles far 
 from home, 
 and wo were 
 sorry to see 
 such a carica- 
 ture of our 
 humble and 
 welcome vis- 
 itors placed in 
 such humili- 
 ating contrast 
 with their 
 Southern sis- 
 30S LAKcr.R ocTr.ooKS OX Mfssrox.iK r..4.\'h 
 Bu • want to speak of tho Mulu> ^ i)l»'. Wo had 
 visited tli. liom* of a new rac" Wo need not toll our readers 
 that the Malay po -plo form the fifth of tFi races >f mankind, 
 and aro essentialiy different from tao Mongolian, the Cauca- 
 sian, the :..'; .. id the Tndian. 
 Thin vi\v\', with its various fan\ii)i'S, numhers, we beliove, 
 about til irty inillionn, and ofcnpioa the Peninsula of Malacca, 
 and the • In- mLs lying south and east. They are usually su))- 
 posed to include th( Papuans or people of New Guinea and 
 the Australian Islands. They ai-e nearly all Mohammedans, 
 although 801. of them are of a niud*n-at.^ type. They speak 
 a good raanv difporent iguages ; thi; Sumatrans, the Javan- 
 ese, the Dyaks of Bo.ueo, the people o^ Celebes, the inhab- 
 itants of the Phihi)i ■ nes, Timor and N(- inea, each having 
 their distinct d riled. The Malay language proi)er is spoken 
 on the Malay Peniu ula, and the small islands lying contigu- 
 ous, and by many Malay villages that have been planted 
 along the shores of many of the larger islands. 
 Wo drove out into the country a few miles to see a genu- 
 ine Malay village. We had often heard of these people, and 
 of the strange way they built their houses over the water, 
 but we had always supposed a Malay village meant a filthy, 
 swampy settlement, where no one else could live in the damp, 
 unhealthy atmosphere. It was a genuine surprise to find that 
 a Malay village is constructed on the most perfect sanitary 
 principles, and may be the healthiest place in the world. 
 They select the side of a stream washed by the tide, and thev 
 build their houses on posts, about four feet above the ground. 
 (pU». W(> had 
 tell our readers 
 ceH of I mankind, 
 Ian, the Cauca- 
 ers, we beliove, 
 lula of Malacca, 
 ire usually suj)- 
 Few Guinea and 
 )e. They speak 
 rans, the Javan- 
 ebes, the inhab- 
 lea, each having 
 .roper is spoken 
 s lying contigu- 
 .^e been planted 
 Bs to see a genu- 
 hese people, and 
 over the water, 
 meant a filthy, 
 ive in the damp, 
 prise to find that 
 perfect sanitary 
 ;e in the world, 
 iie tide, and they 
 bove the ground. 

 •^'. " a- ,i -. , JW ii. 
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 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 
 enough to be al)Ove 
 floor is soniewliat 
 sweepings and 
 © r j n s t 
 high tide. The 
 open, and all the 
 drainage just fall ^|p^^^H^^H ii^^<^> the water be- 
 low. And then ^B^^SflH|^^| tAvice a day, wheir 
 the tide rises, Old ^^,- \^^^^^K Neptune comes, 
 witliout the sliglit- ^^Hlpi^'^^^^H est ex]>ense to the 
 family. and washes ^^^' '^^^^^^ all the filth and re- 
 fuse away and ^^B ^^jK^^^^R leaves the neigh- 
 borhood as sweet ^^I^^^^^^^H ^^^^ clean r... the 
 strand. ^^K^^^l^l^l ^^^^' walked a- 
 I'ound a lot of these ^^^^^^^HIH houses at low tide 
 and found the ^^|^^^^^^^H ground clean and 
 dry, and covered ^^^^^|^^^^| 
 All the ^^^^^^^^BIh houses of the 
 ]age are connected H^^^H||H^| ^.V P^^uk walks or 
 X)osts as high as the a Sumatra woman. houses, so that you 
 can walk from house to house even at full tide. In short, it is a 
 sort of Venice in miniature. Our local friends told us that it was 
 decidedly the best way to build a house in a Malay town, and 
 that they would recommend our missionaries always to live 
 in just such houses. A very fine Malay house of this kind, 
 of native materials, and with I'oom for three or foui' persons, 
 can bo built for less than S'200 in gold, which is certainly very 
 cheap, much cheaper than anything we can build in India, 
 even with its low ])rices. 
 We were informed by Dr. lairing, who has given much 
 study to the people who speak the Malay language propor, 
 there fa at present no missionary work whatever unto a 
 ftXlnt sUty. The Methodist work in Sn.gapore .s not 
 ^'hatever under a 
 L Singapore is not 
 ./j/OAv/ '/■///■; .y.ir.ivs. 
 among thoni, but is confintMl to Englisli and Chinese. The 
 (German and Dutch societies are laboring on Sumatra, Java, 
 and Celebes, but these people do not speak Malay, but a local 
 dialect. And so this great people and tongue are wholly 
 r.eglected at the present time, and calling to ns to send them 
 the Gospel. It is true that Malacca has been a Mission centre. 
 It was here that all the Chinese societies began. But it has 
 always been a centre for points beyond itself. It was the 
 base of operations where the missionaries learn(>d the Cliinese 
 language, and then, on the opening of the Chinese ports, 
 poured their workers into China, and left the Malays; still 
 This really does seem to be an open and a needy field. 
 Our dev. biotlier, Mr. Lelacheur, has learned this language 
 and has this people nuuh upon his heart. He and Dr. Lur- 
 ing told us of many points that could at once bo occupied at 
 very moderate expense. There are three Malay villages 
 a few miles from the city of Singapore. There is a cluster of 
 Malay villages • ut fourteen miles down the Straits. Then 
 there is th(^ lar^. - '■ v,^ state and city of Jahoreo occupying, 
 perhaps, two hnndred miles along the gulf, and whose Sultan 
 is a graduate of a Missimi school, and friendly to Missi.ms. 
 This whole state- which is under British protection, and the 
 chief ofUcerof which is himself a Christian, is without a mis- 
 sionary. These are but some of the Malay openings in the 
 immediate vicinity of Singapore, while on Sumatra and the 
 other islands, there iire many Malay-speaking villages that 
 have no voice to tell them of Jesus. 
 This does seem to us, after prayerful consiaeration, to be 
 (.ne of the fields to which we should send u few Avorkers very 
 Tlien, from Singapore, it is but a short distance, with 
 direct comuuxnicatiou by steamer, to the great Kingdom of 
 Anam with its twenty millions of people without a single 
 nussionarv. Singapore is the natural centre for this, also, at 
 l)i'csent at least. We weiv repaid for our whole journey by 
 learning, we think without doubt, that Anam is really open 
 for our missionaries. A young Spanish colporter has recently 
 sold Bibles along the whole coast, and has stated that he has 
 the fullest liberty to labor within the whole kingdom. V7e 
 trust that as little time as j.ossible will be lost in getting 
 even a small beginning in Saigon, the capital of Anam. 
 But what about the Islands of the Sea, and especially the 
 Caroline Islands, which were the direct goal for which we 
 went to Singapore ? Well, this has not been lost sight of, 
 and. we l)elieve, will also be reached from Singapore. 
 Our brethren Avere hindered by Mr. Anderson's illness 
 from attempting the long voyage necessary to reach these 
 Islands: but, meanwhile, careful investigations have been 
 going on. and it is believed that a direct line of monthly 
 steamers has been found from Siugapti-e to the Sulu Islands, 
 from the Sulus to Mandinao. and from Mandinao to Yap, 
 which is the island we have aimed to reach. But in reaching 
 it, we niay also be able to reach two other groups near to it, 
 and that are as destitute and uuevangelized as Yap is. 
 Mr. Lelacheur has had an excellent local work in Singa- 
ration, to be 
 vorkers very- 
 stance, with 
 Kingdom of 
 out a single 
 tliis, also, at 
 e journey by 
 s really open 
 has recently 
 [1 that he has 
 ngdom. We 
 st in getting 
 especially the 
 foi- which we 
 lost sight of, 
 arson's illness 
 o reach these 
 IS have been 
 e of monthly 
 Sulu Islands, 
 iinao to Yap, 
 ut in reaching 
 ups near to it, 
 Yap is. 
 vork in Singa- 
 port' among the En^lisli-speaking people. His life and testi- 
 mony among tlie English Christians and missionaries have 
 heen true, manly, and most hlessed. He has won for himself 
 and (jur work the respec;t and conftdenee of all the other 
 workers. Amid trying circumstances he has stood consist- 
 ently and bravely, and (rod has given us in him a leader of 
 tried faith, deep convictions, practical wisdom and experi- 
 ence, and fearless courage, such as we cannot always find, 
 and greatly n(>ed in such new fields. 
 He has had a most excellent work among a luimher of 
 young men and women, who meet with liim in evangehstic 
 street meetings, and are doing glorious work for God. 
 The need of English work is very great in Singapore. 
 Our friends took us one night down Malay Street, and we 
 would not dare to describe too vividly the scenes we saw, 
 and yet it is good for us to know something of this world's 
 dark side. Every house in the long street, on both sides, was 
 crowded in the open fronts with abandoned women of every 
 nation under heaven, and they not only stood and sat on the 
 open verandas, but swarmed in the middle of the street, 
 taking hold of every i)asser-by, and, literally, almost drag- 
 ging them to their der They were in all the costumes of 
 all the races, and they »!. oated and shrieked, in nearly all the 
 languages under heaven, their calls to the passer-by And up 
 and down, and in and out, were passing hundreds of Euro- 
 pean men— sailors and soldiers, officers, low and even high, 
 without shame or eifort at concealment. 
 On this street our brother holds a Gospel meeting every 
 week u.ul with his voice of thun.l.r he pvoclai.ns the Wor.l 
 of God to these wicked men, and points his finder at thcnv m 
 the Bight of all the people, as the men that are nuikin^ th. 
 name of Christianity to he .Icspised among the heathen. He 
 tedls lis that the street is usually .leared within a few nun- 
 utes after he hegins, an,l these scou.ulrels are glad to get 
 away from the sound of his voi.-e. G..dhlesshim n. lushravu 
 and dithcult work, and let not a morhid sensitiveness make 
 us afraid to see and meet these awful needs. 
 But we saw a sadder sight in 8ingapon> than evn 
 Malay Street. Our good nussiouary friends t..ok us to see 
 the Chinese opium dens. En- 
 tering an onhnary slio^) door, 
 we were ushered into a room, 
 ahout thirty feet long and 
 tifteen feet wide, with a long 
 tahle on each side running 
 the whole length of the room, 
 and a iJassage hetvveen, ahout 
 a yard wide. Th«>s(> long ta- 
 hles were covered with cheap 
 mats, and <.n these the China- 
 men win'e lying- snmking or 
 sleeping. Our friend could 
 talk to them in Chinese and 
 we got a very good idt>a of 
 the way these poor fellows 
 felt ahout it. They were (piite 
 s the Word 
 ■at thorn in 
 iiiiikiiit; the 
 athcn. Ho 
 ji few iniii- 
 ^l:i(l tit gft 
 in hiH bravo 
 eness luako 
 B than even 
 V us to see 
 willing to talk, and received us kindly, and i>tfercd ns 
 tea. They seemed to re-spect him very nmeh, and let him 
 talk freely to them. W(* asked them many (|ueHtinns through 
 him, and they were jierfectly frank and opt'ii in their an- 
 Here are some cjuestions and answers: 
 " How nuichdoyou siM-nd on opium ;" •" Ahout seventy 
 cents a day." " How much do you earn C "\ sj.-nd all [ 
 earn ! " Another said he earned thirty cents a day. and spent 
 forty on opium. Another, who spent all his income on it, 
 said he did not save anything for food. We asked him if he 
 was married. He said he had a wife and fanuly Ikmv. He 
 did not make any provision for them. 
 Wt> asked another if it mado him luqtpy. He laughed 
 bitterly and said -''No," he could not afford to huy enough 
 to make him happy. He was just able to drown a littl<; of his 
 misery. He asked them how long they stayed in tli.'se 
 places. They said, "All night."' They just smoked till they 
 fell asleep and then lay there till morning, often they 
 awoke in the night, and had to get more, so they had to stay 
 there whei-e they could get it. We asked them if they would 
 like to give it up, and they all said " Yes,' if God would give 
 them the power to do it, l)ut they did not have the courage. 
 Our friend jireached the Gospel to them, and they listened 
 with earnest, kind faces, that made our very hearts bleed, 
 and when we got through they just went on smoking again, 
 and seemed to sink back into di'spair. We asked him how 
 many of the Chinese of Singapore indulge in this habit, and 
 lu. Hiiid at least oighty out of I'vevy huiuliod. We were 
 iippnlUHl. And w«» fi'lt that tlu' do- ^ was an awful master, 
 and tho power of Omnipotence alone could break this chain. 
 Many of the men hlamed our governnjent for providing 
 opium, and their feeble voices were but echoes of God's 
 tn'm.'ndous judgment, when some day the ([Uestion shall be 
 asked, " Who sU'W tliese souls t" 
 \V(> looked at their emaciated bodies andgaimt faces, and 
 thought of hou- it would all end. and we asked them how it 
 was going to end. And they said they believed they would 
 go to heaven, for fhvii ahraijs imid for the opium then used! 
 Poor, lost, human souls ! Oh, let us pray for the heathen. 
 How we wislu'd we could speak to tliein ! How we longed to 
 take them in our arms, and make them feel the love and 
 ].ower of the One that alone can save the slave of opium and 
 the captive of Satan. 
 And this is only the beginning of China. Away beyond 
 these stretch the mighty plains, where four hundred millions 
 of these bright, strong, capable minds and hearts are bound 
 in yet stronger chains of darkness and despair. 
 Lord, hel)) the heathen ! Lord, haste Thy coming ! 
 Wo were 
 fill master, 
 tliiH cluiin. 
 • pioviding 
 ?8 of God's 
 ion shall bo 
 it faces, awd 
 lu'iu how it 
 thoy would 
 I thci/ used ! 
 he heathen, 
 ve longed to 
 he love and 
 oi)iuni and 
 way beyond 
 Ired niillions 
 ;8 are bound 
 ning ! 
 WK HAVE just spent about ten days in Southern 
 Cliina, chiotly in llong Kong, Canton and vicinity, 
 and have met many of the missionaries and a 
 number of other persons interested in and a((|iiainted with 
 this field. Wo have given mu' li careful study to this vast 
 region, with its distinct dialect, its numerous great cities and 
 its three provinces, containing a population of over ;}i»,O0U,- 
 U()0, and we are beginning to have some adequate conception 
 of its needs as a mission field, and its claims upon the church 
 of Christ. 
 We had a slow and somewhat tedious voyage of nearly a 
 week from Singapore on one of the oldest ships of the P. & 
 0. line. They only run their best ships, as a rule, to Bombay 
 and Colombo, and transfer their passengers for China to in- 
 ferior boats. We had n good many passengers, including 
 some very pleasant Chiistian friends, among others Kev. Dr. 
 Ridgeway, President of the Methodist Episcopal Theological 
 Seminary, Evanston, and his wife, Col. and Mrs. Waller, of 
 India, and Rev. Dr. West and family, of Singapore Metho- 
 dist Episcopal Mission. 
 We had a daily Bible reading in the ct*bin and Sabbath 
 services. On Sabbath e%-ening we had the opportunity of 
 ^])eakir,g a few words for Christ, and at the close of the ser- 
 vice we got a good introduction to a class of men wliom we 
 had met a good many times already in the East, raid who 
 form a verv distinct and influential class in the seaport towns 
 of China and Japan. They are the English abroad, and, we 
 are sorry to say, that many of them are the worst people m 
 the East, and the worst enemies of Christianity and Chris- 
 tian Missions. 
 We had spoken <iuite plainly in our address on Sabbath 
 evening, and as we left tlie saloon we were a.;<-osted by a 
 crowd of men, all first-class passengers and supposed to be 
 gentlemen, with a lot of insulting (juestions about Christians 
 and missionaries. Some of them were young men on tlien- 
 way to business and official appointments in China ; others 
 were older men in business in the East. One of them was a 
 man between fifty and sixty years of age, the father of two 
 very nice looking voung ladies, who were travelhng as i)as- 
 sengers on the steamer. He was the rudest and loudest of 
 all the crowd. 
 They began by denouncing missionaries as the worst 
 men in China, charging them with the basest crimes, as well 
 as selfish luxury and all sorts of things, and they said that 
 they were universally hated by the Chinese and the English, 
 and other foreigners wherever they lived. We ventured to 
 suggest, amid the loud words of the crowd, that, perhaps, 
 the reason the missionaries were hated so much by the for- 
 eigners and English, was because they told them some plain 
 iportunity of 
 e of the sei'- 
 en whom we 
 ast, and who 
 seaport towns 
 foad, and, we 
 rst people in 
 ty and Chris- 
 es on Sabbath 
 acf.'osted by a 
 ipposed to be 
 )ut Christians 
 men on their 
 China ; others 
 f them was a 
 father of two 
 eUing as i)as- 
 md loudest of 
 as the worst 
 L'riraes, as well 
 :hey said that 
 d the English, 
 re ventured to 
 that, perhaps, 
 ich by the for- 
 em some plain 
 Ffh-ST /M/'A'F.SSIO.\S OF SOI TlfFA'X (7//.V.1. 
 ,i.^ o Minmnti.lilii 
 Veifrt o/(, Gobi 
 2i aA '^•''^!:^ — ilTS.Canton y'^yi--- -':.■■' 
 /*^-: ■ -■ ■ . ■ . ;, •■ 
 truths about the shaniefid way they lived among the heathen, 
 and we told them that we had seen a good many Englishmen 
 (in Malay Street, Singapore, in very bad comi)any. 
 Tlien th. y 
 laughed in 
 nur face, and 
 told us that 
 they them 
 selves were 
 there, and 
 ( t-ybody 
 went, and it 
 Avasall right 
 to go, and 
 the old man, 
 partic u 1 a r 
 ly. boasted 
 that he had 
 a perfect 
 right to go ; 
 lie was made 
 with these 
 appe t i t e s, 
 and it was 
 intended :hat he should indulge them. We asked him what* 
 he would tViink of his daughters doing so, and suggested that 
 if it was all right for a man it was just as right for his wife 
 S ^ i 
 and his child. He said of course it was, and his daughters 
 had the right to do the same if they wanted to. We were so 
 disgusted that, after trying in vain to say some earnest 
 words to this crowd of first-class ruffians, who literally gloried 
 in their shame, we turned away with a few words of solenm 
 warning, and got alone undei- the stars of heaven to talk 
 to God ahout something worse than even heathenism in 
 China. This is the element amid which, with, of course, 
 some heautiful exceptions, many of our missionaries have to 
 commend Christ and Christianity to the people of China 
 with these object lessons before their eyes. 
 On Monday morning we found ourselves in the harbor of 
 Hong Kong. This island, with the beautiful city of Victoria, ' 
 forms one of the most striking harbor views in the world, and 
 as you go ashore and visit the various points of the island 
 your first impressions are confirmed in every way. 
 The heat is moderate, never approaching tlie summer 
 temperature of India, and seldom exceeding ninety degrees 
 in the hottest weather, or going below forty-five degrees in 
 the cold season. The vegetation is very rich, and, while not 
 nearly so tropical as Singapore, yet it is quite luxuriant, and 
 the hills and valleys are a mass of Uving green. The streets 
 and roads that wind about the hills are beautifully shaded 
 with avenues of fine trees, and the ferns literally swarm on 
 every hillside. There are over one hundred varieties of ferns 
 indigenous tc the island, and the moisture of the climate 
 keeps them ever fresh and beautiful. 
 Immediately back of the landing wharf and the city, the 
» t u rn 
 lis (laughters 
 We were so 
 lonie earnest 
 orally gloried 
 ■ds of solemn 
 aven to talk 
 iathenism in 
 h, of course, 
 laries liave to 
 pie of China 
 the liarhorof 
 y of Victoria, ' 
 ,he world, and 
 of the island 
 the summer 
 linety degrees 
 ve degrees in 
 md, while not 
 iixuriant, and 
 . The streets 
 tifuUy shaded 
 illy swarm on 
 ieties of ferns 
 if the climate 
 d the city, the 
/■VA'sv i.vrRESsrojWs of southf.rx i inx. i. ^21 
 Peak I'ises to a lieijjjht of 2,000 feet, and It'sscr lulls surrouiiil 
 it on every side, but the nearness and boldness of these hills 
 give them a greater apparent heij:,ht, and they staiul like 
 gigantic shoulders in tlu; backgroinid. At their base and np 
 their sides many handsome buildings rise in teri'aces of 
 H- i 
 streets, presenting a line appearance. The architecture is 
 well adapted to the climate and scenery. Government House 
 is half way up the hill, and the Botanical Gardens, with some 
 fine trees and plants, a little higher up. There is a tramway 
 leading almost to the summit, and the view from the Peak 
 over the harbor and islands is superb. The view from below, 
 322 J.Ah'CI-.l'! OfTl.OOKS OX .irfSSfOWl RV r.AXDS. 
 at night, Avheii tiers upon tiers of light encircle the gigantic 
 hill almost to its sunnnit, is extremely grand. 
 The population is about i;40,000, of whom H,5(Kiare Euro- 
 ])eans and Amei-icans, and ll(),f)Of» Chinese, and the rest of 
 them Asiatics. The trade is enormous, exceeding ^-JoOjOOO,- 
 000. The ])oimlation has increased one-third in the last ten 
 years, and the business of the place is evidently extremely 
 prosperous. Its shipping and telegraphic conmiunications 
 touch almost every part of the world, and, like Singapore, it 
 is a sort of rendezvous for the commerce, l)oth of the eastern 
 and western nations. It is the eastern boundary of Great 
 Britain's wonderful Empire, and one of her most beautiful 
 and prosperous colonies. She has held the island since 1841, 
 and it is the base of hei- military and naval movements in 
 the East, and the point from which she is able to enforce 
 upon the haughty Ch.inese the observance of their treaties, 
 and the rights of British and other foreign citizens abroad. 
 Hong Kong, while not directly a missionary field, at least 
 in the same sense as Canton, is a missionary centre, and the 
 headquarters of many of the missionary societies for South- 
 ern China, especially the Church Missionary Society, the 
 Basil Missionary Society, and the London Missionary Society, 
 some of which we had the privilege of visiting. 
 But our objective point was not Hong Kong, but In- 
 terior China. And so, the day following our arrival at Hong 
 Kong found us on board the fine steamer, " Hankow," sail- 
 ing through a multitude of beautiful islands at the mouth of 
 the Pearl River, and then up that fair river to Canton. The 
 ! .- ^i^MHWnti-anjii) 
■ L.tXDS. 
 I 8,5(H)aroEuro- 
 and the rest of 
 edinj? ,^-J<)(»,000,- 
 1 in the last ten 
 ently extremely 
 ike Singapore, it 
 ,h of the eastern 
 mdary of Great 
 r most beautiful 
 sland since 1S41, 
 il movements in 
 able to enforce 
 )i their treaties, 
 itizeiis abroad, 
 ary field, at least 
 y centre, and the 
 lieties for South- 
 ary Society, the 
 issionary Society, 
 ig Kong, but In- 
 r arrival at Hong 
 "Hankow," sail- 
 ; at the mouth of 
 to Canton. The 
 picture was a pretty one. The islands and shores were 
 clothed with ridiest green — the finest shades we have seen 
 in the East. The entrance is through the Tiger Pass, be- 
 tween two promontories which the Chinese have crowned 
 with tw(j i)ag()das to keep tlie strong current of the river 
 from carrying the good luck it bears from the interior out 
 to the sea, and so losing thes(! jjrecious influences to the 
 country. Undulating plains and distant hills, with many 
 intersecting canals and streams, and waving fields of young 
 rice of the most brilliant green, spread out on either shore. 
 Here and there a handsome pagoda rises, some as high as 
 nine stories ; and, occasionally, a sfpiare tower is seen, de- 
 signed to bring good luck and success to the literary candi- 
 dates from this village or neighborhood. Myriads of graves 
 cover many of the hillsides, every one being located on wliat 
 the Chinese oracles had pronounced a " lucky " spot ; for to 
 be buried in "a lucky grave,'' and to be worshi])])ed by his 
 children and posterity, is one of the highest ambitions of a 
 Chinaman. The scenery of the Pearl River from Hong Kong 
 to Canton is not unlike the Hudson, and in some respects is 
 quite as pretty. 
 A sail of eighty miles brings us to Canton. An immense 
 forest of masts ; miles of small boats of every size and 
 shape, roofed over with matting and filled with families of 
 women and children, who live in them all their lives ; a great 
 expanse of low-roofed houses stretching along the river front 
 and reaching back to the hills beyond ; one or two English - 
 looking church spires ; a lofty native pagoda in the distance ; 
 a few nine-story, sciuare buiMings, ovoi-topping the rest, anrl 
 standing out all over tin; city like the new Chicago castles in the 
 air ; and there, at the landing, a great swarm of Chinesci men, 
 women and children, and one familiar face, waiting on the 
 jetty to w(>lcome us -this was our first view of Canton, the 
 capital of (^uan-tnng Province, the metropolis of Southern 
 China, and almost the largest <ity in the Chinese Empire. 
 What its population actually is no one can .accurately tell. 
 Those who have the best right to know estimate it at between 
 one and two millions at least. 
 Perhaps one-fourth of the popidation live always on the 
 water. Their houses are little boats, roofed with matting, 
 and arranged with a simi>le kitchen in the rear, a little cabin 
 in the front, where the family live and die, eat and deep, and 
 find both their residence and means of livelihood. The front 
 cabin is a sleeping place at night, and during the day a place 
 for passengers to sit while they are ferried l)y the Chinese 
 family, for a few cents, across or up and down the river or 
 These boats all have a i)lace to moor at night, and this is 
 theirs by right, and the only local habitation they ever know. 
 They may go ashore to labor, and the father often does dur- 
 ing the day, but they nuist live on the water. The little girl 
 that is born on the water must die on it. She dare not marry 
 a shoreman, or ever leave this class of river people. She may, 
 and indeed does, many some Chinaman, but it must be a 
 river man, who will take her to live on some other little boat. 
 The female members of the family do most of the row- 
the rest, antl 
 Chinosii men, 
 Liiting on the 
 I Canton, the 
 of Southern 
 ncse Empire, 
 curutc'ly tell. 
 3 it at between 
 iilways on the 
 with matting, 
 , a little cabin 
 and Bleep, and 
 h1. Tlie front 
 lie day a place 
 - the Chinese 
 n tho river or 
 ,lit, and this is 
 ley ever know, 
 ften does dur- 
 The little girl 
 laie not marry 
 pie. She may, 
 t it must be a 
 ther little boat. 
 5t of the row- 
 FfRST lArPRKSSfOXS OF So/ ■/•///: A'X I7//X.I. 
 ."." . 
 ,;-'^- 1 
 ing AN'e had to cross on these boats inany times whihMii 
 Canton, hut it was seldom that we could j;<'t a man ; usually 
 an old woman stood in the stern and worked the scull oars, 
 and two or three young girls in front pulled tho other oars, 
 ■while two or three of 
 us sAt in the cabin, 
 and watched tlu>ir 
 pleasant faces and 
 firm muscles as they 
 jmlled the oars with 
 the strc^ngth of men. 
 Thousands— yes, tens 
 of t h o u s a n d s — of 
 these boats line the 
 shores of the river 
 and its numerous 
 canals, and a high 
 official told us that 
 perhaps one-fourth 
 of the peoi)le liv(>d in 
 It was a great 
 pleasure once more 
 to meet our dear nus- 
 sionaries, Mr. and ]Mis. Keeves, and their native assistant, 
 Fung W5n, and to find them well and happy in their new 
 field. We spcnit nearly a week in their hosjiitable little 
 home, and had manv hallowed sea.sons of conference and 
326 LARcr.R orr LOOKS ox AffssroxARV i.Axns. 
 prayer respecting thi' great Wi.rk for which th.'y luul come, 
 and also many opportunities of nu'.'ting the other mission- 
 aries in Canton, and of seeing the city an.l surroumUng 
 We sluill tirst give a few sketches of th(! country and 
 people, and then refer to the missionary work. • 
 Our first visit was to the foreign quarter. This is a 
 pretty little island called " Shameen," which is detached from 
 the native city and assigned io the English, French, Ameri- 
 cans and other foreigners for their residence. It was fitted 
 up hy the Chinese Imperial authorities at a cost of nearly a 
 quarter of a million dollars. It is very neat and pretty, and 
 free from the odors- and other disagreeahle things that infest 
 all Chinese citi(>s. Here are the foreign consulates and th.^ 
 homes of most of the Missions, including our own. We had the 
u'y hiul come, 
 )th<'i- niission- 
 l smroundiiif; 
 9 country and 
 er. This is a 
 mletachcd from 
 French, Anieri- 
 ■. It was fitted 
 ;ost of nearly a 
 and i)rotty, and 
 ings that infest 
 isulates and tht^ 
 wii. We had the 
 /■//,".s •/■ /.i//7.7;.W(^\.s- <>/■' .sof ////■AX < /// \ . '. 327 
 pleasure of meeting tlio American Consul here, a gentleman 
 who haH Hpent tt-n years in Canton in olVuial service, and 
 whoso removal at this tini.' wnnld 1... deeply rcKiott.'d l.v .dl 
 th«i missionari(>s. 
 It is a most critical time in China. The reckless course 
 of the American Congress in their Anti-Chinese legislation 
 is at length heginning to react in China, and only a few days 
 ago, here in Canton, a native pai)er holdly advocated tli.' 
 policy of retaliation, and proposed that if America expelle.i 
 the Chinese, China should undouhtedly expid every American 
 from her shores. At such a time it is easy for a popular dis- 
 turhance to arise at any moment ; and, therefore, the pres- 
 ence in China of an American representative of Mr. Sey- 
 mour's experience and high standing with the Chinese 
 officials, is of much more value and importance than any 
 question of political expedienc-y incident to a change of par- 
 ties at the White House. 
 Our next visit was to the native city. The first impres- 
 sion a stranger has of the streets of Canton is the thronging 
 crowd. What myriads of human heings, i)ushing, jostling, 
 shouting, tramping on-on-<.n, with their curious, various 
 loads and costumes and faces, through those narrow, c-rowdi'd 
 passages evermore. Go where you will, it is ever the same 
 dense, teeming crowd. You can gather a moh of thousands 
 in any part of Canton inside of three minutes. You have 
 but to stand on the street, and they are around you so thick 
 that you can scarcely move. You have hut to enter a store, 
 and you have a score to witness youi' bargain and in^p(>ct 

 /..if?f;/-A' orn.ooks ov .VAsvArv.//.-)' /..;.v/'.9. 
 your punlmsc. V<mi have hiii {n look ai'ouiid. aiul voic*!^ are 
 iiMuir, " rikslia." "cliair," "Coolie," which nicaurt. "Do you 
 want fi jiiuiksha, or a Sedan ehair, or a Coolie i" 
 And what strange niixtnres are in that crowd! Here 
 i-onie three hearers carrying a Sedan chair, with a lady in- 
 Hide, carefnlly curtained fioin view. Ih-re conici a water 
 carrier, with his two great vessels of wal'M- l>nlan<evl on Ji 
 hanihoo ])ole over liis shoulders. Here is another man. with 
 two haskots similarly halanced, containing a nice fat dog in 
 one and several cats in the other ; ol ••ourse. they aie for the 
 cat and dog market, which we will soon reach. Hero are 
 two Chinamen carrying an enormous pig in a hasket, hung 
 from a long hamhoo pole. And as they all go dashing on, 
 they are shouting and screaming to clear the way, and eveiy 
 l-edestrian is expected to make Avay. The first time we went 
 through the streets, we, too. had a chair, and our ruiuiers 
 screamed as loudly as the others, and the ix.'ople tuined aside 
 and made room, and then stood a moment, and said, one to 
 the other, "Foreign devils!" At othjr times we walked 
 more leisurely, and let the strange scenes slowly fix tlunn 
 shelves on our imagination. 
 Then one is struck with the narrow streets. We liave 
 seen narrow streets in Jerusalem and Cairo, hut never such 
 .streets as these. Why, some places they are not more than 
 four feet wide, and we need not say that no wlu'eled vehidis 
 not even the nan.w jinriksha, ever ])assed through these 
 Then the s.'m.Js. Tiu-y are ot all sorts. There are re- 
 iuid v<)ic«w aie 
 ■aurt. "Do you 
 riowd 1 ]U'Vii 
 ith a liuly iii- 
 Diiio* a watiT 
 Kilaiic**! (»n a 
 lor man. with 
 ico fat (loK ill 
 ley are for the 
 ih. Hore are 
 I haskot, hung 
 ;o (lashing on, 
 'ay, and t-vcry 
 thjic Nvt^ wont 
 1 our runners 
 le tuined asido 
 lid said, one to 
 OH wo walked 
 wly fix tlieni- 
 ets. Wo have 
 lut novor suoh 
 not inoro tlian 
 hoolod vehicle, 
 through these 
 Tlicro are re- 
 liginus smells, from inct'iise tapers and burning papers, and 
 there are the most vicious odors conceivable from foul ac- 
 cumulations and fetid markets, and decaying fish and veget- 
 ables, and crowded shops and tenements. And yet the worst 
 8t]'eet in Canton is a i)aradise to one of the temples of 
 Of course we went to the " Temi)le of the Five Hundred 
 Gods," and saw the coarse and jovial-looking deities in brass ; 
 images which looked much more nKw a crowd of jolly Dutch- 
 men in a lagor beer saloon than anything divine or even 
 Chinese. Two of the five hundred wore near the entrance, 
 and they had their arms full of babies, and they seemed to 
I ill 
 be the favorites, for their shrines were full of burning in- 
 cense, pl.'uxMl there by their worshippers. 
 At the "Temple of Longevity" there were several huge 
 deities in brass, who nuist have lived a long time to grow so 
 big, but they all had the same jovial look of coarse animal 
 enjoyment, showing the Chinaman's liighest ideal of a supe- 
 rior being in a very humbling light. At this temple the crowd 
 was very rough, and two of us received slight blows from 
 some young rascal in tho mob, but no serious injury. We 
 had a lady with us, and she was the occasion of most of the 
 excitement and curiosity. For a lady to appear publicly on 
 the streets of C'l.ina is very unusual, and the fi-eedom of 
 Europeans always attract;: much attention. 
 The "Temple of Horrors" is also one of the sights of 
 Canton. It contains a number of representations t)f future 
 punishment, that are vivid enough to make even a Chinaman 
 sober. Each little chapel contains certain representations of 
 the torments of the dannied. In one they are being boiled 
 in oil, in another encased in a hollow tree and sawn asunder 
 down the whole length of the timber, and so on through a 
 dozen different progressions of every conceivable torture. In 
 each scene the god of the lower world is represented in some 
 horrible form, and the poor culprits who are waiting for 
 their turn are standing in the background with nuich con- 
 cern and terror depicted on their faces. This temple is 
 farmed out every year to a speculator who pays a large rent 
 for it, and receives all the offerings of the worshippers m re- 
 turn, and, it is said, always makes a fortune out of it. The 
. LV/)S. 
 ' burning in- 
 sov(3ial huge 
 le to grow so 
 oarse animal 
 ;al of a supe- 
 ple the crowd 
 t blows from 
 . injury. We 
 f most of tlie 
 ir publicly on 
 le freedom of 
 the sights of 
 ons of future 
 n a (Hiinaman 
 esentations of 
 > being boiled 
 sawn asunder 
 vn through a 
 le torture, lu 
 iented in some 
 e waiting for 
 th nuich cou- 
 'his temple is 
 ys a large rent 
 ■shippers in re- 
 .utof it. The 
 F//^sT i.vrR/:ssio\s ( >/■• sorrHr.h'X c his A. 33 1 
 practical Chinaman is not unwilling tonmke money even out 
 of a subject so horrible. The place was full of nmney 
 cha.^'ers'and various professions and offices, and seemed a 
 strange mixture of sordid avarice an ^ ghastly superstition. 
 The public execution grounds were not much less revolt- 
 ing Here is an open triangular piec ; of vacant ground, with 
 a number of large crosses leaning against the wall, where not 
 less than three hundred persons every week, on an average, 
 are publicly executed. 
 One of the execution- 
 ers, a brutal-looking 
 creature, wanted to 
 show us the swords 
 they use, but we c(Hild 
 not stand this. Here, 
 men and women are 
 tortured to death at 
 the rate of ir),<'(>o a 
 year, in the name of 
 justice. They are 
 sometimes fastened to thes(^ crosses and hacked to pieces as 
 they hang there ; sometimes sliced into a dozen pieces and 
 slowly tortured to death, and sometimes more mercifully 
 beheaded or strangled at once. 
 In China anv man may be arrested on suspicion and 
 lodged in jail, and when hi. trial comes off there is no lawyer 
 to defend him ; lawyers are unknown in China ; but he must 
 plead his own cause before a magistrate, who is always open 
 T^T,! i.ARcr.R (wn Diik's OX .u/ssrox.iRY L.ixns. 
 to luibeiy, and from wlioso docisioii Ihoic is no appeal. 
 Every accused i)Oison is l>(>uiid to prove his innocence, and, 
 milike English law, is assujninl to he jiuilty, unless he can do 
 so. Unless an accused ])erson has money he rarely escapes 
 (ondenniatiou. Tliousands of innocent i)ersons languish in 
 ])riso;i without a hearing, or die on the execution grounds as 
 hrutes, and there is none to help or i)ity. and the great crowd 
 rushes on and misses them not. If Solomon had seen Canton 
 lie could not liave given a h(>tter account of it than his sad 
 refiaiu over human wrongs : '"So 1 leturned, and considered 
 all the oppi-essions that are done under the sun : and behold 
 the teai'S of such as Avei-e op])ressed and th(^y had no com- 
 forter ; and on the side of tlieir oppressors there was power, 
 ])ut they liad no comforter. Wherefore, I praised the dead 
 whicli ai-e already dead, more tliau the living which are yet 
 Our circuit led us out througli tlie city gate to a lofty 
 lull on which stands tlie Five Story Pagoda, and from the top 
 of this we got a good view of the great city below us, Avith 
 its almost countless houses, apparently built in one solid 
 ma.ss, with just a nai-row path between them. These high 
 buildings, that I'ise here and there to eight or nine stoi'ies, are 
 the pawn shops, and in their ui)per stories are the accumu- 
 lated pledges of years, on which money has been loaned at 
 exorbitant interest, and, in almost every case, they become 
 at last the property of the money lender. These men are the 
 millionaires of China, and in these odd tower-like places are 
 treasiu'es of great value. 
 I a!JWIUllli,l.>(llWIULJt.JJW.i » • 
 /■VA'SV /.U/'A'/.SS/O.VS (>/' SiU-f/f/.hW < /f/\.i. 
 1 '^ -^ 
 no appeal, 
 ocence, and, 
 !ss ho can do 
 ri'ly escapes 
 laiif^uish in 
 a j^rounds as 
 great crowd 
 seen Canton 
 ;han Lis sad 
 d considered 
 : and behold 
 had no com- 
 ) was power, 
 ed the dead 
 liich are yet 
 te to a lofty 
 from the top 
 low us, with 
 in one solid 
 These high 
 16 stories, are 
 the accuniu- 
 jen loaned at 
 they become 
 ! men are the 
 ke places are 
 Yonder, in the distance, is the Roman CathuUc church, 
 with two great spires ch^aving tlic sky. wliich have been a 
 constant offence to the C'liinese, vvlio hate any sharp point in 
 the air, because, they say. it obstructs the Dragon as he flies, 
 and makes him angry. Tliey would have torn down the old 
 Cathedral long ago had it not been for foreign i)rotection. 
 Here, just under us, are far-extended hillsides covered 
 with the graves of many generations. On several of them 
 we can see the fires burning where incense has just been 
 offered, and ])aper money burned, that it may go to tliem in 
 smoke and become^ currency for them in the other world. On 
 others there are great offerings of rice, or sometimes a fowl 
 or a piece of meat, whicli the poor Chinaman really needs for 
 himself, but offers instead to his deceased father, and expects 
 the spirits to carry it off that night, and give it to him. It 
 usually does disappear before morning, but it is into the 
 mouth of some hungry Chinaman or wandering Pariah dog. 
 They also burn over the graves suits of ])aper clothes for 
 their departed friends to wear. You can buy these suits in 
 the stores, but you nuist not be surprised if the trousers have 
 only one leg and the tunic one side. As it is only a spiritual 
 transaction, the Chinaman believes that half a coat will rep- 
 resent a suit as well as a whole one, and there is no harm in 
 saving even that nuich tissue paper. Indeed, they have an 
 idea that they can cheat the gods ; and so we heard, the other 
 day, of a little girl that had a boy's name, and the mother 
 said in explanation, "You know the gods don't like little 
 girls, and so we want tliein to think this is a little boy, and 
 they won't know the difference." Poor, groping heathenism, 
 —strange they will not consider ! 
 As we afterwards passed more leisurely through the nar- 
 row streets, we had a hetter chance to see the shops and 
 stores. Some 
 of them are 
 rather fine, 
 with a good 
 deal of costly 
 carving and 
 gilding. They 
 are all on the 
 same pattern 
 witli a counter 
 on one side and 
 a set of nicely- 
 carved seats or 
 benches on the 
 other side for 
 the customers 
 to sit down ; 
 for bargaining 
 is a leisurely 
 business in 
 China, and the 
 merchant wall 
 take any a- 
 mount of trou- 
 KHJl-'.'i.-J-'i'fflfJH ' J ' 'J' ' Ml 
 ■««!eu"«'!JLiij!i». m- 1-"' 
 ) 1 ?^, i » l- JjL- - j.^;b J- " :^. 'i! ,-.,■ J l}.i ^ 
 f lieatheuism, 
 •ough the nar- 
 lio shops and 
 itores. Some 
 )f them are 
 rather fine, 
 tvith a good 
 Seal of costly- 
 carving and 
 gilding. They 
 are all on the 
 same pattern 
 with a counter 
 on one side and 
 a set of nicely- 
 carved seats or 
 benches on the 
 other side for 
 the customei-s 
 to sit down ; 
 for bargaining 
 is a leisurely 
 business in 
 China, and the 
 merchant will 
 take any a- 
 mount of trou- 
 Kipiociiiclioii Inini m Chinese I'aiiUitijj. 
 . i nn I mmmmm 
j'lh'ST fMPh'/<ss/o.\s oi' SOI 7/ //■:/.■ \ C/I/X.t. 
 1,1«' for you, and kUkIIv show you all \w has, whctlu'r you pur 
 .haso auythiMK <»i' "«)t. Th(> class of goods to he soon is very 
 ordinaiy and exceedingly monotonous. There is little of the 
 ex(iuisite fancy work and infinite variety of novel, ingenious 
 and attractive things to ho seen in a Japanese store. One 
 can walk the streets for hours, in Canton, without s<>eing 
 anything that he c-ares to huy, even as a novelty. The Chinese 
 mind is intensely practical and rather common place. Their 
 finest work is emhroidery and silk weaving. 
 We went through one of i\w silk factories. We saw the 
 whole i)roit'ss, from the spinning of the silk thread to the 
 completion of the weh. Every part of it was hy liund, and 
 our surprise was to see the heautiful and perfect work that 
 came out of such crude machinery. The hand looms are 
 very simple, hut the work was perfect, and the long pieces 
 of pure white silk shone with almost metallic splendor. We 
 asked the j.rice, and found it was sold wholesale at thirty 
 cents a Chinese foot, which would he less than fifty cents a 
 yard in English measure and money. The silkworms are 
 produced in great quantities in the silk country, which is only 
 a few miles southwest of Canton, and is the wealthiest and 
 most anti-foreign district of the Province. 
 The fan palm country is adjoining, and myriads of fans 
 are also to he seen in the stores of the dealers ; for everyhody 
 here deals in specialities, and you have to go to one store to 
 get your paper, another to get your ink and pens, and a third 
 to get your books. The writing is all done with a camel's 
 hair brush, on rice paper and with India ink, made in long 
 In I. 
 i il 
 Sticks like scaling wax. There is also much lacquer work to 
 be seen, and a great deal of jade-stone jewelry, which is the 
 national ornament and very costly, singl.^ sets selling for 
 hundreds of dollars, hut showing little artistic beauty Tlu; 
 comnsh.ns are very numerous, and men who can altord it 
 payimm. use sums for aconiuof certain kiudsof wcod which 
 are especially "lucky." 
 But the restaurants and butcher shops are the most 
 characteristic. Here we find all numner of creatures, dead 
 and alive. Here are fish ana creeping things for sale, junks 
 of pork and other kinds of meat, live rats hanging by the tail, 
 and here are the cats and dogs we met on our j(jurney,- all 
 ready for lunch. The black cat is a special luxuiy. And 
 there is one restaurant where they keep nothing else, and 
 where you can see on the signboard this tempting bill of 
 fare: ''Nice, pure, black cat always ready inside." The 
 signs are great,' long boards, hanging down perpendicularly 
 from the second story in front of the stores, with great red 
 characters running down in columns, proclaiming the adver- 
 tisement of the goods inside. These hang so thick along the 
 narrow street that you can scarcely see anything else as you 
 pass along. 
 We spent a day in a country village up the river, and saw 
 something of the raral or village life of the people. A small 
 party of us got a boat, and up the interminable creeks and 
 ^•^nals they rowed us until we were quite out into the coun- 
 tiy. Southern China is the city of Venice multiplied by one 
 hundred. It is a collection of tens of thousands of cities 
 [•qiior work to 
 , whicli is the 
 t^H selling for 
 beauty- Tho 
 can altoi'd it 
 lit wcod which 
 are tho most 
 features, dead 
 'or sale, junks 
 in^ by the tail, 
 • journey,- all 
 luxury. And 
 hing else, and 
 nipting bill of 
 inside." The 
 with great red 
 ling the adver- 
 hick along the 
 ng else as you 
 ) river, and saw 
 ople. A small 
 ible creeks and 
 into tho coun- 
 ultiplied by one 
 .sands of cities 
 /••/A'.s /• /.I// 'A7;.s.s7( >\s ( >/■ .sv >/ ■/■///■• A'A' < /f/\. I. 337 
 towns and villages, all built on tlie water. Creeks and cnnals 
 run everywhere. Kven as you sail up and down the great 
 river, you can see boat-sails all over the country, windingabout 
 among tho network of wateiy j)a.ssages that go in all direc- 
 tions. Vou can reacli almost any place by water. We found 
 the country almost wholly covered with young rice, growin 
 in the water, and looking wondi-ously beautiful with its tints 
 of light, brilliant green. Every few hundred yards we came 
 upon another village. Th(;se villages have from five hundred 
 to five thousand people in them, and tliey form an almost 
 continuous city over the whole land. There are no isolated 
 ■" 52t=3!^ ^i?KE^-"« 
 }.AKc:r.R orri.ooKS ON .vrssfox.iRV i..i\J)S, 
 houses in China ; all tlio people live in villagos, and g" to the 
 tields to work l.y day, retiu-ninK to the adjoinit.K village at 
 As we lauded at one of these villages, ahoiit six miles 
 from Canton, wv. weiv astonished to find that wo were as 
 strange to these people as if we had eoujo from another 
 world. The children ran screaming into the houses, and tho 
 jnothers were afraid to let ur. look inside lest we should 
 " frighten the children " It war; evident that some of them, 
 at least, had never seen a foreigner before. Soon, however, 
 they began to crowd around us, and erelong we were march- 
 ing through the town with more than five bundled men, 
 women and boys i.i our train. Aft<'r we bad scattered a few 
 bits of sugar-cane in the crowd, which is their favorite sweet, 
 they considered us (juitesafe, and perhaps even popular, and 
 they showed us around. 
 Tho great sight of this village was the duck house. Here 
 the ducks are incubated by artificial heat, and we saw great 
 •trays and boxes full of thousands of duck eggs in all stages 
 of hatching. When tho ducks are old enough, they are taken 
 out to feed in great flocks. A duck boat is quite large and 
 will hold numy thousands of them. They simply sail up a 
 little creek, and lay a plank to the shore, and the ducks just 
 march out at call, and scatter in little companies over tho nee 
 fields, and spend the day in feeding on all the bugs, worms 
 and insects to be found. They are very welcome visitors, for 
 they destroy the pests that injure the crops, and the farmers 
 and ducks are great friends. When evening comes, the duck 
 y /..t.\7>s. 
 m, aw\ go to the 
 oinitig villayt' at 
 about nix miles 
 liiit wo wcro as 
 10 from another 
 J houses, and the 
 lest we should 
 \t some of them, 
 Soon, however, 
 ; wo were march- 
 e hundred men, 
 d sfuttercd a few 
 if favorite sweet, 
 (ven popular, and 
 lick house. Here 
 lud we saw great 
 ;ggs in all stages 
 gh, they are taken 
 i quite large and 
 r simply sail up a 
 nd the ducks just 
 anies over the rice 
 the bugs, worms 
 Icome visitors, for 
 s, and the farmers 
 ig comes, the duck 
 F//!Sr /A/PA'/iSS/OXS or SOCTllF.RX CIUXA. 
 shepheid calls in his flock, and they come <piacking along as 
 sensibly as well-trained slioep, and walk across the gang- 
 j»lank to the ship, and each Hock knows and goes to its own 
 cabin or sleeping place, without tlie slight<'.st trouble. Tlic 
 driver has a ]ongwhii>, and they say tluu'e is great excitement 
 when the ducks come to end)ark, for they know that the 
 tardy ones and the last one will get a thrashing, and so they 
 .scramble and scream to got in first. 
 The first tiling we saw at every village landing was the 
 ancestral tenijile, or hall, where worshij) is ivgidarly j)aid to 
 the i)arents of the '.arious hf>us(>holds. Indeed, we found 
 that usually each village belonged to a single; family, all being 
 rt latcil to one another and bcariu!"; the same name for count- 
 less generations. The village we landed at was La, and all 
 were the children of La and successive Las, and so all assem- 
 bled at the same shrine and burned their tajiers to the same 
 ancestors. We went into the temple and saluted the score 
 or two of head men and others that were there, and as we 
 looked at the countless tablets with the names of all their 
 fathers, we began to feel something o.^ the age and conserva- 
 tism of China. 
 In one of the villages opposite Canton we went into a 
 number of Chinese flower gardens, and laughed again and 
 again at the odd sliapes into which they had dwarfed and 
 twisted every sort of plant and tree. Some were like drag- 
 ons, others like men, women and gods. Some were comic, 
 others religious ; others, again, beautiful imitations of moun- 
 tains, valleys and landscapes, with grottos, jiagodas and 
 houses here and there on the mountain side. But all were in 
 miniature. Here were orange trees with fruit and flowers, 
 and the trees were less than a foot high ; forest trees, many 
 years old, as big as rose bushes ; boxwood plants cut to look 
 like a great fat Buddha, or brother Jonathan, tall and lank, 
 with an umbrella in his hand and his hat on one side of his 
 head. c w f 
 In another village was a gieat Buddhist temple full of 
 lazy priests and sacred pigs and hens. Here is a regular pig- 
 pen with gigantic swine, so fat that they can scarcely move, 
 which some one has rescued from the butcher's hands and 
 dedicated to the gods, and here they are fed by all the 
 But all were in 
 lit and flowers, 
 [•est trees, many- 
 ants cut to look 
 I, tall and lank, 
 Q one side of his 
 ist temple full of 
 •e is a regular pig- 
 an scarcely move, 
 tcher's hands and 
 re fed by all the 
 KipiiuliictiDii Iniiii :i Cliim.-se I'aiuUnj; 
FIRST /MI'h-l-:SS/OXS ( '/■• SOI T/lEh'X CJ/IN. I. 34 1 
 pious worshipptns who come, until their troughs are run- 
 ning over with rice and onions, and tliey are ready to die 
 of corpulence. Here they live in peace till they die of old 
 age— worthy types of the bestial degradation of blind and 
 Christless heathenism, or Matthew Arnold's "Light of Asia."' 
 But the saddest sight we saw that day, and tlie one that 
 will live longest in our memory as a sort of Monograph of 
 heathenism in its cruel horrors, was a httle dead baby girl, 
 floating with downward face on the water of the canal. All 
 around were hundreds of boats, little family boats, full of 
 men and women and children rowing and paddling about in 
 the canal, but no one seemed to notice or care for her. Not 
 a yard away was the boat from which, perhaps, she had fal- 
 len, but her little heli)less hands had been stretched out to 
 them in vain, and her little cries had been stilled by the 
 waters of death ere they resi»onded. She V((,s onli/ a girl! 
 It was ''her fate'' to fall over, and why should they inter- 
 fere ? So our friends told us the Chinese really believed and 
 acted. They assured us that if we were to fall into that 
 canal, probably not a single hand would be moved to save us. 
 It was our business, and why should they interfere ? If we 
 chose to drown, they were not going to hinder lis ; and if we 
 chose to swim, why— all right. 
 Indeed, the captain of our river steamer told us that 
 only a few nights ago he heard a splashing in the water near 
 his ship as she lay at the wharf. There were mt>n around, 
 but nobody moved, and he could not possibly have got near 
 without going ashore, and taking ten minutes to get round 
 the pier to the spot. Next morning he asked one of the 
 men, who had been standing by, and he said it was, a China- 
 man who had fallen in, and they let him die. It was his 
 business,— why should they interfere? And there, sure 
 enough, when the tide went down, lay his dead body in the 
 low water, and the people came down all day to wash their 
 — !fHE 
 isked one of the 
 1 it was, a Chimv- 
 die. It was his 
 ^nd there, sure 
 dead body in the 
 lay to wash their 
 hiNST iMrRFSSioxs OF sorTH/:/^.\ < II IS A. 343 
 rice and fill their water vessels-right beside him and no 
 one noticed or seemed to care for that pooi', lif(>lessforni that 
 died because there was none to help. 
 And so our little baby girl lay fioathig in the river, and 
 no one lifted her out or s<.ught for her a binial robe <>.• 
 * ' lucky grave. ' * There she would lie till she lloated out with 
 the tide to the dt^ep sea, or the river shore, to b .evoured by 
 the fishes or the dogs. If she had been a little boy, perhaps 
 more would have been done for her, for we noticed that all 
 the little boys on the river-boats had life preservers, ma<le of 
 gourds, tied on their backs, but they never tie them on little 
 girls and so she had to die because she was only a little gul, 
 and 'to lie, unburied, unpitied and unremembered, because 
 she had the sad lot to be born with the face and form ot a 
 little daughter of Eve in cruel, heathen China. 
 Poor, little, dead, Chinese baby girl, speak-speak to the 
 women and girls of Christian lands, as thou hast spoken to 
 our heart, until there shall be enough of pity, love and 
 power to reach and save the other poor, sad '.vomen and girls 
 of China, whose sorrows we never see ! 
 Onlya little baby girl 
 Deail by the riverside. 
 Only a little Chinese chiUl 
 Drowned in the lloating tif^e. 
 Over the boat too fur she leaned 
 Watching the dancing wave,— 
 Over the brink she fell and sank, 
 But there was none to save. 
344 i-.-iR(;/:/^' t^'v/.ooAs o.v Ar/ss/()x.iA'}' r.iXDs. 
 If she had only been a bo}', 
 Tliey would have heard her cry ; 
 But she wiV8 juxt a b»by girl, 
 And she was left to die. 
 It was her fate, i)erliai)H they said, 
 Why should they interfere ? 
 Had she not always been a curse ? 
 Why should they keep her here ? 
 So they have left her little form, 
 Floating upon the wave ; 
 Hhe was too young to have a sonl, 
 Why should she have a grave ? 
 Yes, and there's many another lamb. 
 Perishing every day. 
 Thrown by the road or the riverside, 
 Flung to the beasts of prey. 
 K' ■' 
 Is there a mother's heart to night. 
 Clasping her darling child. 
 Willing to leave these helpless lamV)s, 
 Out on the desert wild ? 
 la there a little Christian girl, 
 Happy in love and home, 
 Living in selfish ease, while they 
 Out on the mountains roam ? 
 Think as you lie on your little cot, 
 Smoothed by a mother's hand, 
 Think of the little baby girls 
 Over in China's land. 
 . V'l iimwMOTii 
 j-rr.'ST /.yrK/:ssfo\s of soctn/:rx cii/yA. 
 Ask if there 1b not Hom«»thin>< more, 
 Even a child (lan do ; 
 An<! if perhaps In China's laud 
 JetUB has need of yoii. 
 Only a little baby girl, 
 Dead by the riverside. 
 ( )nly a little Chinese child 
 Drowned in the lloating tide. 
 Hut it has brouglit a vision vast, 
 Dark as a nation's woe ; 
 O.i ! has it left some willing heart, 
 Answering "I will go." 
 IT IS a fact not generally known that Southern China is 
 a distinct and once isolated section of that grivit Middle 
 Kingdom, and has only hren incorporated in it since the 
 Second f'enturv, while the northern i)()rtion of the Empire 
 lo,.k', ba.-,k ages heyond this period. It is divided l.y a range 
 ,^f mountains from the great provinces of Kweichow and 
 Hunan, It has a distinct river system, wateiing the South- 
 ern Provinces and emptying into the sea hy the many mouths 
 of the Pearl River. And the language is (piite distinct, a Can- 
 tonese heing as unahle to understand a Mandarin-speaking 
 resident on the Yaugtse, as his dialect would l.c- miintelligible 
 to the northern Chinaman. 
 Southern China properly includes the provinces of C^uan- 
 timg, (^uangsi and Yunnan. 
 Quantung has a population <.f about 22,000,0.»), Quangsi 
 of S OOO.OOO, and Yunnan of about 3,0O(),00n. The latter 
 province, although in the latitude of Southern China, belongs 
 by altitude, properly, to the north . It is separated by a lof ly 
 range of hills from Quangsi. and sj.eaks the diaUict of the 
 north-the Mandarin and is being reached by missionaries 
 from the Yangtse rather than the Pearl River, and may yet 
 u^rn CJIiina is 
 j^iciit Middle 
 ill it since the 
 if th(* Empire 
 led by a range 
 [weichovv and 
 iig the South- 
 many mouths 
 listinct, a Can- 
 i luiintelUgible 
 inces of (.^uan- 
 K),Ouo, Quangsi 
 )0. The latter 
 China, helongs 
 rated hy a lof ly 
 dialect of the 
 by missionaries 
 !!•, and may yet 
 MfSSfO\.\/y'y U'Ok'K /V SO/ ///I hX C/l/WA. 
 be also reached from Anam and Toncpiin hy the new highway 
 of commerce which French enterprise is opening up through 
 the Red Kiver of Toiuiuin. 
 It is, at ])resent, an almost whoHy-nnoccni.ird Mission 
 field, and may well claim our most earnest tlu.nglit an.l 
 prayer. Our chief in<|uiries, at present, however, have liad 
 to do with the two provinces of (,)nantnng and (,)uangsi, which 
 speak the same language and really constitute <.ne geograph 
 ical section and one Mission field. 
 These two provinces togethcihavc a jiopulation nearly as 
 large as Great Britain, and more llian half as large as th.' 
 United States. It is very dense, in some i-lm^es exceeding: 
 TOO to the scpiare mile. All the people live in towns and vil- 
 lages, and they lie so close together as almost to form one 
 continuous city, for many miles. In tlie silk <-ountry, soutli 
 of Canton, from one single cluster of towns and cities, cover- 
 ing a few miles, and all connected, no less than ;5()(),()0n 
 fighting men could he furnished for military duty. The 
 entire population must have nund)ered over a milli. .n. From 
 one low hilltop in the Delta 3r.o villages (;an he counted, aver- 
 aging at least 2,(>oo persons. 
 Canton, itself, has anywhere between one and two mil- 
 lion people ; and, only fifteen miles farther up the river, the 
 city of Fat-Shan has 5n(i,(iti(» people, and between the tw.. 
 cities there are many villagers. We went ui) among these 
 villages five or six miles, in boats, and they seemed endless. 
 It is°probable that within a limit less than the distance from 
 New York to Yonkers, there is a i)opulation in and around 
 Canton nearly as j^ivat as tlif city of London, whih^ in many 
 otlicr parts of tlio i)iovinc«* you still find tlu* sanm teeming 
 crowds around other centres. 
 The accessihility of this vast population is one of the 
 peculiar H'atures of this i)art of the country. The whole 
 coiuitry is one inteiininahle network of rivers and canals, 
 and nearly every place of inipoi'tance in these two pi-ovinces 
 is citiier on a river or else within a few hours of it. 
 These rivers ai'e traversed hy hoats of every description. 
 There ar<> a few steam launches ^'oin^' regulaily to several 
 points in tlu- interior, and a still larger numher of native 
 " l)assag(^ boat?," going almost everywhere and carrying great 
 lunnhers of passengers, but these are so uncomfort J)le for 
 Europeans that few missionaries use them if they can go 
 anv other way. The most comfortable way is to take your 
 own boat. If you are in a great hurry you can take a "Slip- 
 per boat," the "Chinese express," a boat that looks just like 
 a slipper, and is propelled by four strong rowers, and can 
 make, under ])ressure, from seven to ten miles an hour, it is 
 said. If you wish to go more slowly and cheaply, the ordi- 
 nary "sampan" can be had, with crew, for about a dollar a 
 The most comfortable boats are the House boats, with 
 acconmiodatiou for several people, where a missionary party 
 or family could live for months if necessary, and preach from 
 l)lace to place along the numerous streams. The boatman 
 can be got for about twenty-five cents a day, and the river is 
 a much safer i)lace in the event of a mob than the land. In- 
 lilo ill many 
 nie toeming 
 (tne of the 
 Tho wliole 
 and canals, 
 \ro provinces 
 y to several 
 er of native 
 Trying great 
 iforl .ble for 
 they can go 
 to take ycur 
 akea "SHp- 
 loks just like 
 LM's, and can 
 xn hour, it is 
 [)ly, the ordi- 
 )ut a dollar a 
 i boats, with 
 nonary party 
 ])reach from 
 T\w boatman 
 id the river is 
 he land. In- 
 ,1//.V.S7().\. //>'»■ //"A'A- /\-.SV'/ //// AV\ <7//.V./. 
 deed the great n.aj..rity ..f those thirty millions of p.-ople 
 ,ould be evangelized, at least, so far as the rapi.l pubhcati.m 
 of the (Jospeliscomvn.e.!. by passing up and down these 
 stnan.s, and spending a few days at ,-..h point, and then 
 passin- ..n. Of «ourse. this is not all that needs to be done, 
 but tlds would be s..mething; it would b.- nmch, and the 
 planting, of eours.-, would ne,..l t.. hr afterward caretuUy 
 watered and husbanded. 
 Let us look for a 
 moment at the river 
 system of these prov- 
 inces. First, we have 
 th(> Delta of tho Pearl 
 Kiver. This begins 
 about one hundred 
 miles from its mouth, 
 a little above Canton, 
 and spreads o u t 
 toward the sea like a 
 great fan about fifty miles wide at the wide or c - .a end. 
 This section is cut up by many rivers and canals, and is 
 a re-ion of great wealth, and containing, literally, scor.'s of 
 grea't cities and many millions of prosperous and enterpnsmg 
 people This is the region of the silkworm a.ul the fan palm ; 
 and the anti-foreign feeling is so strong, that in many of the 
 towns missionaries cannot yet enter. But the most avadable 
 centres have been already occupied by the Presbyterians and 
 Next is tlu' liver HyHtem of tlu* interior. Some distance 
 above Canton, tho P.-ail Ilivri' begins to spivad ont into its 
 numorous fet^bTS or brandies. Tb(^ piiiieipal of tliese are 
 tbo East Kiv(M-, ilio Nortb Kiver and tbe West River. 
 'Pbe P'lst Kiverwateis (be country nortli-east of Canton, 
 and its valleys are tbiekly populated and oecupied by some 
 of tbe most sucn-essful mission stations in tbe whole prov- 
 ince. Tbe Nortb River runs down from tbe mountains tbat 
 border Hunan and Kweicbow, and it fornis a waterway for 
 tbe whole northern section of tbe i)rovince. The country at 
 its beudwattsrs is said to be most beautiful ; and tb(> mountain 
 scenery of IJencbow, a t;ity near its headwaters, is said by 
 those who have travelled much to be unequalled by any iu 
 the world. 
 The West River is the longest of the three, and drains 
 tbe most extensive country. As we ascend it, we find it 
 branching out into three great lines, and sjnvading over the 
 whole of West(;ru Quantung, and most of Quangsi. One 
 branch nms up north to Kweic;bow, the capital of Quangsi. 
 Another stretches away many hundreds of miles through 
 Central Quang'-i till it reaches the mountains of Yunnan. 
 And another sweeps down to tbe south of that province and 
 Jlows on a fine, navigable stream, with cities and towns all 
 along its shores— to the western border. 
 Such, then, is the i)bysical frame of this great field. 
 Along these water lines God has distributed tbe people and 
 taught them to use them as the avenues of connnunication. 
 And along them the Gospel must be carried to their teeming 
 Somi^ distance 
 11(1 out into its 
 1 of thew! are 
 ast of Canton, 
 iipicd by some 
 le whole prov- 
 jountains that 
 I waterway for 
 rho country at 
 \ the mountain 
 ters, is said by 
 \\V'(\ by any iu 
 •ee, and drains 
 it, we find it 
 ading over the 
 (^uangsi. One 
 bal of Quangsi. 
 miles through 
 ns of Yunnan, 
 it province and 
 's and towns all 
 his great field, 
 the people and 
 ;o their teeming 
 MISSIONARY U JA'A' fJV SOL'rm:A\V (///.VA. 351 
 To a ci'itaiii extent this has been doiir for eighty-six 
 Eighty six years ago, a solitary missionary sailed in an 
 Anujrican sliip from New York to tho port of Macao, for tho 
 j.urpose of preaching tho Gospel to the Chinese. As ho 
 started on his new and apparently hopeless mission, a scepti 
 cal \raerican said to him : "So you expect to convert the 
 Chinese, do you ? " " No," he answered. " I expect God to 
 do that." That man was Robert Morrison. He waited 
 seven years before he saw the first Chinese convert baptized, 
 and twenty-seven more before he saw China opened to allow 
 tho preaching uf the Gospel in Canton and other ports ; but 
 could he look down from heaven to-day he would see over 
 G,0()(i (converted Clvineso in the province at whose gates ho 
 spent liis hfe, apparently in vain, and nearly 4(t,000 more 
 scattered all ovei- China. 
 His work was foundation work, and every other mis- 
 sionary has reaped the fruit. He translated the Scriptures 
 into Chinese, and prepared a dictionary of the Chinese lan- 
 guage, hotli of which great works were the hasis of all the 
 literary work that has since improvtMl upon his ditHcult but 
 valuable b-:-ginning. 
 In 1S41, the treaty ports of China were thrown open to 
 foreigners and missionaries, and inmiediately a number of 
 the leading missionary societies began operations in Canton. 
 Gradually, during the past forty years, these operations have 
 been extended over the province, until now there is a force 
 of nearly 100 European and American laborers, nearly 200 
 native laborers, and over 7,000 native Christians in the prov- 
 ince of Quantung. 
 In the extreme northern corner of the i>rovince, the city 
 of Swatow is the centre of the work of the American Baptist 
 Missionary Union, where Dr. Ashmore, Miss Fielde, and 
 many others have been laboring successfully for many 
 years. Miss Fielde's work for women, through native Bible 
 women, has had phenomenal success, and, although she her- 
 self has returned to America, her work is still going on suc- 
 Here, also, the English Presbyterians have a good work, 
 founded originally by that apostolic man and missionary, 
 William Burns, of Scotland, and still bearing tlie seal which 
 I lose gates ho 
 r 4(»,000 more 
 ■ry (^th(;i' rnis- 
 tlu; Scriptures 
 3 Chinese lan- 
 isis of all the 
 ■s ditUcult hut 
 brown open to 
 a numher of 
 3ns in Canton, 
 perations have 
 :here is a force 
 ?rs, nearly 200 
 ns in the prov- 
 ivince, the city 
 lerican Baptist 
 ss Fielde, and 
 illy for many 
 y\\ native Bihle 
 liovigh she her- 
 going on suc- 
 e a good work, 
 nd missionary, 
 tlie seal which 
 Mrss/ox.ih'v iioA'A' /.v so r 77/ /■: A' y dffx.i. 
 his devout and lofty spirit left upon it. We had the pleas- 
 ure of meeting, in Shanghai, dear Mr. McKenzie, one of their 
 oldest missionaries, and a sweeter, humhler and more Christ 
 hke spirit we have rarely met ; and some of tlie incidents he 
 mentioned of the working of the Holy Spirit among the 
 native people reminded one of the df^ys of the founding of 
 In Canton and vicinity the strongest force of workers is 
 connected with the Presbyterian Mission, whi( ;. is well-organ- 
 ized and manned, so far, at least, as the forces at its com- 
 mand will allow. The venerable Dr. Happer is now in Amer- 
 ica, but he has succeeded in obtaining a large endowment for 
 the Chinese Christian College which is in contemplation for 
 the higher education of Christian boys. Dr. Henry is the 
 best known of the workers in the field, and his two remark- 
 able books, "The Cross and the Dragon," and "Lingnau" 
 (among the very best of the many volumes we have read in 
 China), not only give a most clear and vivid view of Southern 
 China and its Mission work, but also afford a striking glimpse 
 of the aggressive spirit and missionary labors of the man. 
 His work is entirely evangelistic and ini&oionary, and i:i the 
 course of his intensely active life he has penetrated almost 
 all portions of the province, and explored and opened to the 
 world the interesting island of Hainan, which is now tha 
 scene of one of their most successful Missions. 
 Mr. Fulton is also engaged chiefly in itinerant, evangel- 
 istic work in his missionary boat. He spends weeks along 
 the rivers of the interior, and has had the honor, we believe> 
 of being driven out of the West River country, wliich we 
 have ah-eady refarred to as the field our workers hope to oc- 
 cupy. In this department of missionary work there are 
 several chapels in Canton, and elsewhere, where daily evan- 
 gelistic services are held, and the floating crowd ever surg- 
 ing by, drop in, one by one, 
 to hear the Gospel. 
 No man ever had a more 
 honored and successful min- 
 istry in this connection than 
 Mr. Preston, of Canton, who 
 for more thai, a quarter of a 
 century preached from day 
 to day, in this great city, and 
 was permitted to sow seeds in 
 tens of thousands of hearts as 
 they passed by from all parts 
 of the country, many of 
 whom have since, from time 
 to time, come out into full 
 confession, and told how they 
 received their first impres- 
 sions through his words. He is now in a better world, 
 but we had the pleasure of meeting his daughter, who is the 
 wife of a missionary in Canton, and is still carrying on his 
 good work. Her husband, Mr. Wiesner, is in charge of the 
 Boys' School, which we visited, and which is the nucleus of 
 the Chinese Christian College about to be established or i-e- 
 Reproduced frota a Chiuese Painting. 
 ii :!(Hil 
 ntiy, wliich we 
 ;ers hope to oc- 
 work there are 
 here daily evan- 
 rowd ever surg- 
 )ta a Chinese Painting. 
 L a better world, 
 ighter, who is the 
 ill carrying ou his 
 8 in charge of the 
 1 is the nucleus of 
 3 established or i-e- 
 modelled. Rev. Dr. Noyes is the Superintendent of the The- 
 ological Seminary where a number of Chinese are preparing 
 for the ministry. 
 There is a very well organized hospital and medical work 
 in connection Avith this Mission, under the charge of Dr. 
 Kerr (now in America), Dr. Swan and Dr. Niles. Through 
 the extreme kindness and hospitality of Dr. Swan and the 
 other workers, we saw much of the work, and have reason to 
 believe that great numbers of the natives are reached and in^ 
 terested in the Gospel while coming in touch with the hos- 
 Tens of thousands of persons visit the hospital every 
 year, and while waiting for treatment as out-patients, or re- 
 maining under treatment in it, they always hear the Gospel, 
 and more or less impression is made upon them. As they 
 return to their homes they have a grateful and friendly feel- 
 ing toward the missionaries, and are used by God to open 
 doors in th. c -,. lor. The Presbyterians have a strong medi- 
 cal work, wuich, we believe, they are honestly using as a 
 handmaid and auxihary to direct missionary work, and we 
 have not met a more true or earnest missionary spirit than 
 Dr. Swan, the gifted head, at present, of the Canton Hospital ; 
 but we are sure that he and others feel that the greatest need 
 to-day is more time and men to do the direct missionary and 
 evangelizing work for which the other is merely preparatory, 
 and without which it would only be simply a waste of time 
 and a perversion of money, which is given not for scientific or 
 humane, but directly missionary purposes. We believe that 
 there is opportunity in Southern China for some medical mis- 
 sionary work, but we are sure that even the medical mission- 
 aries recognize the necessity for direct evangeUzation as par- 
 Among the many whom it was a great joy to meet, and 
 whom wo cannot stop to name, was Dr. Ceattie, of Toronto, 
 and his dear wife, who were about to open a new station in 
 the western part of the province, south of Canton, and who 
 are well known to many of our dear students and friends 
 from Toronto, and are in full sympathy with our work. 
 We had the opportunity of visiting the Girls' School, un- 
 der Miss Cutler and Miss Lewis, and seeing some of the little 
 Chinese women of the future. Over a hundred bright girls 
 are here preparing to be native Bible women, wives of native 
 preachers, and the wives and mothers of the native Christians 
 in their various callings. 
 A certain amount of educational work seems to be neces- 
 sary, as the native schools compel their i)upils to learn and 
 practice heathenism, but the aim of the missionary church 
 will have to be, as soon as possible, to lay this upon the 
 native Christians themselves, and not require the home church 
 to maintain in China an expensive and gratuitous system of 
 secular schools. This the Karens have already done in Bur- 
 mah, and this the Southern Baptists have, in a measure, done 
 in Canton, where they have a boys' school for the higher 
 education of native Christians, initiated and carried on by the 
 native Christians themselves, aided by the missionaries, and 
 working successfully. 
 lie modical niis- 
 ncdical niission- 
 elization as par- 
 oy to meet, and 
 ;tio, of Toronto, 
 a new station in 
 Canton, and who 
 ents and friends 
 1 our work. 
 Hrls' School, un- 
 lonie of the little 
 idrcd bright girls. 
 , wives of native 
 native Christians 
 aenis to be neces- 
 jpils to learn and 
 lissionary church 
 ay this upon the 
 ) the home church 
 tuitous system of 
 jady done in Bur- 
 a a measure, done 
 lol for the higher 
 carried on by the 
 missionaries, and 
 jV/ss/ox.ia')' iroA'A' /.y sorri/Ek'S c//fx.i. 
 Time and space will Jiot allow us to follow our Presby- 
 terian brethren through their interesting work down the 
 Delta and uj) the North Kiver to Lienchow. We met several 
 of their native pastors, and attended one of their native ser- 
 vices, on Sabbath morning, conducted by a brother, who 
 came to Canton from among the Chinese in California. The 
 men sat on one side and the women on the other, with a high 
 board i)artition between, which Chinese etiquette requires. 
 Had not this wall been there the same rigid eticpiette would 
 have prevented the men or women being allowed even to 
 look across at eacli other. This is one of tlie things that our 
 young missionaries are slow to realize, and sometimes try to 
 ignore and disregard ; but the free intercourse of the sexes, 
 as it would be innocently regarded with us, is impossible 
 here not only among the natives, hut also the nxissionaries. 
 The time will doubtless come, when the native Christian 
 -community will be strong enough to establish more simple 
 and natural habits and customs ; but, at present, it would be 
 an unwise struggle with long-established customs, and would 
 turn the thoughts of the people to a mere side issue, and 
 awaken prejudices and suspicions which we may easily avoid 
 by a little prudence and self-denial. 
 We saw in the Canton Hospital a specimen of foot-bind- 
 ing. The patient had come for treatment, and was sulTering 
 from her feet. She was very unwilling to let us see them, 
 but Dr. Niles kindly insisted, and unbound tlie poor crippled 
 lumps of twisted bones and muscles, and wf? saw the cruel 
 mutilation which every Chinese woman who expects to be 
 /,./av;/;a' ory/.ooAS ox .i//.v.s7rJ.v./A'>- /../.v/^.v. 
 fashionable must endure. There is nothing' more sad than to 
 see the poor laboring women who have submitted to this 
 cruel custom, in their <hildhood, in the hope, no doubt, of 
 h.'inK ladies, hut who have now to toil for a living and drag 
 themselves about on these stumps of mutilated feet. We 
 were glad to see that many of the humble and laboring classes 
 do not require their children to undergo this outrage, but 
 they are able to run about on sound limbs and enjoy their life 
 in freedom. 
 We also had the privile}?e of meeting the principal work- 
 ers of the Southern Baptist Mission. Dr. Graves, the vener- 
 able father of the Mission, who has grown gray in its ser- 
 vice, was most kind and courteous, and with characteristic 
 Southern politeness offered us all the assistance in his power, 
 an offer which we value very highly as we expect to labor m 
 the field where they alone have obtained a footing. We also 
 met Mr. McCloy, who had just returned from the West River 
 and the borders of Quangsi, and brought a good deal of en- 
 couragement ; and ha<l nmch pleasant Christian fellowship 
 with other members of this thoroughly efficient Mission, 
 which has a high record in Southern China. 
 The American Board, the English Wesleyans, the Lon- 
 don Missionary Society and the American Swedes are also 
 laboring in Canton and vicinity, and we had the privilege of 
 meeting their workers and knowing something of their work. 
 The Church Missionary Society has a few laborers in Quan- 
 tung. They have two missionaries at Pakoi, an open Cus- 
 tom's Port in the southern cormn- of the province, and have 
 ' /..Ly/)s. 
 lore sad thun to 
 ibinitted to this 
 le, no doubt, of 
 living and drag 
 lated feet. We 
 . laboring classes 
 [lis outrage, but 
 d enjoy their life 
 ; principal work- 
 ■aves, the vener- 
 gray in its ser- 
 th characteristic 
 ace in his power, 
 xpect to labor in 
 aoting. We also 
 i\ the West Kiver 
 good deal of en- 
 •istian fellowship 
 efticient Mission, 
 sleyans, the Lon- 
 Swodes are also 
 d the privilege of 
 ing of their work, 
 laborers in Quan- 
 koi, an open Cus- 
 rovince, and have 
 teen trying from tins point to enter Quangsi for many years. 
 We met good Bishop Burdon, of Hong Kong, and were much 
 touched by the heartiness of the good bishop and his desire to 
 encourage any movement to reach that province on which 
 his heart has long been set. He told us that he himself had 
 taken the tour which onr missionary is about to take up tlie 
 West Kiver through t^iangsi overland to the coast, and 
 found it open. It is beautiful how we find that on the great 
 field our small denominational differences melt away, and all 
 hearts are one in the desire to meet the awful need of a lost 
 The Continential Societies are also laboring in Quantung. 
 The Rhenish, the Berlin and the Basel Mission are all repre- 
 sented The latter has a long chain of stations up the East 
 River, and is said to have an ideal Mission work. Tliey have 
 avoided the great cities and have planted their stations m the 
 villages, and have a compact and well organized work cover- 
 ing a large chain of villages in Northern Quantung. Our 
 time would not allow us to go up to see them, but we heard 
 on every side of the wisdom and efficiency of then- work. We 
 found the same reports of their great work in Southern 
 India These Continental people have a patience, a thought- 
 fullness and practical wisdom, as well as faith, which we 
 may well study and enudate. 
 We had some service in Canton. On tl;e uight of our 
 arrival we found a most intererting body of young men as- 
 sembled in Mr. Reeves' parlors, gathered from tlie Custom 
 House workers in the city, and we spoke to them in the vlas- 
 i.ARcr.R oi-n.ooKs ox mssrox.iA'r /..ixns. 
 t('i"s nariKN and believe tliere was blessing. On Sabbatb wo 
 had two services. In the (evening one was in the I'resbyterian 
 Compound, and tlu' missionaries of all denominations Avere 
 pi-esent. and God was pleased to bless the service to many 
 hearts in a deeper baptism of the Holy Ghost. Even mission- 
 aries need to be (piickened and consecrated, and we have never 
 met hungri(>r hearts, <>i- mon; open doors, than among the 
 missionaries abroad. We had the i)rivilege of meeting about 
 forty of the workers in Canton, and deem it a great i)iivilege 
 to know these dcnir standard-bearers and be counted as fel- 
 low workers with them. 
 Our own work, we need hardly say, had only begun, but 
 already, through the modest worth and wisdom of our dear 
 workers, it had become established in the atf ection and con- 
 fidence of other nnssionaries. We believe the time has come 
 when we may send ai)artyof workers to reinforce our friends 
 in Southern China. Tbey went to this part of the Empire 
 chiefly to see what openings there were still unoccupied in 
 this oldest of the China Mission fields. But they found such 
 destitution and need that we could easily employ hundreds 
 (jf laborers. 
 After nmch careful and prayerful inquiry, we believe the 
 Master would have our AlHance endeavoi' to occupy the neg- 
 lected i)rovince of (^uangsi. It lies just west of Quantung. 
 It has a population of eight millions of people, and, with th«^ 
 exception of one or two little stations, recently planted by 
 the Southern Baptists on the West River, is entirely unoccu- 
 pied. The Presbyterians attempted to occupy it a few years 
 )n Saljbiitli wo 
 iiinutions were 
 rvice to many 
 Even niission- 
 vve have never 
 lan among the 
 meeting ahont 
 great ]>rivilege 
 counted as fel- 
 )uly begun, but 
 3m of our dear 
 ction and con- 
 ! time lias come 
 orce our friends 
 of the Empire 
 unoccupied in 
 hey found sncli 
 iploy hundreds 
 , we beheve (lie 
 3ccui)y the neg- 
 t of Quantung. 
 e, and, with tlie 
 iitly ])lanted by 
 entirely unoccu- 
 ly it a few years 
 M/ss/ox.iAT ;/'(M'A'/.v .s< >/•/■///; A'.v <7//Av;. 361 
 ag(.. l)ut were driv(>n out; but tli.> Baptists persevered, and 
 have a small but solid footing, and rei)()rt that the pe(»ple 
 have beanne more friendly ; and now the Presbyterian 
 brethren, we believe, regret that they hav(^ not the force to 
 occupy it at ])resent. 
 This is siu'ely the "regions bt^yond " of Southern China. 
 With (me exception— Hunan— it is the most unoccupied and 
 destitute field in the Empir(>. T.. reach it is an .uubition 
 worthy of the bravest heart. To claim its eight millions for 
 Christ w^ould be to our hearts an inspiriug hope if we were 
 ourselves free to go. Most of its people live along the shores 
 of the great river that flows past Canton, and its various 
 tributaries and headwaters. Every pai-t of it can be easily 
 approached from Canton by boat. 
 A party, if need be, could live in a boat for months and 
 evangelize along the river shore. We wish there was a score 
 of siuai (lospid boats along the rivers of guangsi, and we be- 
 lieve there will be, ere long— at least, we hojie there will be- 
 at least half a score of i)ioiieers ready to go before the close 
 of the year and take this region for Christ. 
 But let no one think that this is a work that can be done 
 by inexperienced enthusiasm. No held so much iuhkIs the 
 best men as this. A false step in China may easily pi'ove 
 fatal to all the work. China is not India, a land all open to 
 the (lospel, and a people who meekly give place to the Eng- 
 lishman. In China you are the inferior, and you enter and 
 stay only on sufferance. Undoubtedly, the secret purpose of 
 the Chinese nation is, as soon as they can afford it, and can 
 manage it, to get rid of the foreigner. 
 You cannot ko where you like or .lo as you pleaso l>.«rr. 
 You ran do nothinj,' without their goo.l will aiul confidence. 
 Every sl.'p you take you will I.e watched hy a suspicious 
 crowd. They cannot holieve that you have conu^ then^ with- 
 out some selfish and mt r.^enary motive. If you go otT alone, 
 it is ivported that yov. have gone o(T to find some fal.l.'d 
 golden pig that is concealed in a cave in the valley, and that 
 you are carrying <.«' the good fortune of the place with you. 
 If you put up a Chapel, you are sure to get some corner of 
 it wrong, so that it hinders the progress of the dragon as he 
 flies through the air. In Swatow the missionaries had to 
 give up the property they had secured, hecause it was found, 
 on consulting their oracles, that the land was located right 
 ou the dragon's tail. Only a few weeks ago, tlu^ Baptist 
 Chapel, in this very i)rovince of Quangsi, was ahout to be 
 torn down because they said it was keeping back the rain ; 
 and if the Christians had not prayed, and the Lord sent the 
 rain within four days, the Mission would, undoubtedly, have 
 bee; I expelled. 
 If you are going to Quangsi you must go expecting, per- 
 haps, to be stoned and driven out after you have spent 
 months in establishing your work. What are you going to 
 do about it \ Why, as a good missionary said m Southern 
 China lately : " Just go back again and if they drive you out 
 a second time go back once more, and they will respect you 
 for it." And when they see that you have decided to stay 
 they will let you alone, as they have done already more than 
 once in the case of noble, indefatigable men, who counted 
 not thci' lives dear unto themselves. 
 il! )U|t 
 il conlidtnice. 
 a suspicious 
 \i\ tluM-o with- 
 i go off aU)ii<', 
 some fabh'd 
 .h?y, and that 
 ace with you. 
 )m(' corner of 
 dragon as he 
 naries had to 
 it was found, 
 located right 
 3, the Baptist 
 ,s about to be 
 l)ack the rain ; 
 Lord sent the 
 oubtedly, have 
 ?xpe(tting, per- 
 iu have spent 
 3 you going to 
 id in Southern 
 yr drive you out 
 ill respect you 
 lecided to stay 
 iady more than 
 1, who counted 
 If then> are such m.'u in Auierica waiting for a call, 
 Quangsi is tlu- place for them, espe.-iuily if they will take the 
 Lord to give them His wisdom, courage an<l all suftLiency. 
 \ny degree of talent, capacity and holy energy will find 
 ample scope in this great arena. Why, these nussion tields 
 aro imperial realms, and the men and women that are now 
 taking them for God will be the prim-es and the crowned 
 ones of the Coming Kingd..m. May Go,l .>pen the eyes of 
 Home of His loved ones who are wasting their lives at home, 
 <„■ oidy getting Go.Vs Better instead of God's liest for the 
 solenm, precious life that each of us can only live but once ! 
 WK saik'd Iroiu Hong Kdu- to Shangliai on "Tho 
 Km press of India," of th(^ Canada racific Itailway 
 Company. She is on«^ of throo great "Empress" 
 steanisiiips, which are, dou\)tless, the finest in Eastern 
 Avaters, and only surpassed, perhaps, by the new Cunard 
 liners, recently placed on the Atlantic. The others are " The 
 Empress of CHiina" and "The Empress of Japan." They 
 are painted pure white, and in contrast with the black hulls 
 of most ocean steamships, present a most queenly appear 
 ance on the water. The young Canadian colony has good 
 reason to be proud of her vessels. We had expected to con- 
 tinue our journey on them all the way, at a later date, to 
 Vancouver, but found afterwards that it would be necessary 
 to part witli our tickets and leturu from Japan, via San 
 Fiancisco, in order to be home in time for the Old Orchard 
 Convention, of whose earlier date we bavc^ just heard. 
 We cannot speak too highly of the comfort of the-e 
 great steamships, and the courtesy of their ofiicers, as well 
 as the exceptionally high class of passengers who usually 
 l)at)onize them. They make the voyage from Japan to 
 America in twelve days, and reduce it, almost, to an Atlantic 
 ini on 
 v\i\c Kiiilway 
 in Eastern 
 now Ciinard 
 icrsave "The 
 I pan." They 
 10 black hulls 
 xMily appear 
 my lias good 
 )ected to con- 
 lator date, to 
 be necessary 
 pan, via San 
 > Old Orchard 
 J hoard. 
 I fort of theie 
 fticers, as well 
 5 Avho usually 
 oni Ja]ian to 
 to an Atlantic 
s/rA.\(;ir.ii axp its missions RV n'ORK. 
 On the way we had the privilege of meeting the vener- 
 able Bishop Burden, of Hong Kong, and learning mn.h 
 from him about Quang-si. We also met sonae other faithful 
 missionaries and esteemed acquaintances. 
 On the third morning we entered the vast mouth of the 
 Yan--tse River, and were soon anchored at Woosung, and a 
 little^ater, steaming up the river in the launch to Shanghai, 
 fourteen raile^^ further up. 
 We were not prepared for our first view of Shanghai. 
 We expected a foreign settlement-a number of^ streets, 
 banks and English stores,-but this splendid and imposing 
 foreign ci.y, stretching for miles along the river with is 
 parks, gardens, splendid warehouses, offices and hotels quite 
 took us by surprise, and made us wonder if we were not in 
 Calcutta, Rangoon or Bombay. Shanghai is, indeed worthy 
 of comparison with any of the great foreign capitals of the 
 East ; and we found afterwards, as we often traversed its 
 fine Uvements, and passed up and down its magmficent 
 streets, that our impressions were not disappointed 
 There are three distinct quarters, all succeeding each 
 other, on the river front, viz., the American, British and 
 French, but the British is the most substantial and imposing^ 
 In these Concessions most of the foreigners live, and most of 
 the missionary and business houses are erected. Back of 
 this lies the native city, which has a population of about 
 125 000, densely crowded into its close and narrow streets, 
 very much like any other Chinese city. The foreign popula- 
 tion of the European Concession in Shanghai is between 
 4,000 and 5,000, and the native population about 200,000 in 
 the foreign city, and 125,- xtO in the native— or a total of 
 829,000 altogether. The trade of Shanghai exceeds $1,600,000 
 annually, and the actual value of property in the foreign 
 city is $70,000,000. 
 We were kindly welcomed and most hospitably enter- 
 tained by our dear brother, Mr. Stevenson, at the China 
 Inland Mission Home, Woosung Road. Here we met a num- 
 ber of the missionaries of this model society, and realized 
 much of the spirit of their work. We felt very much at 
 home among these dear young hearts who reminded us of our 
 own young people in America at the College Home. The 
 Shanghai Home is a beautiful and commodious building, ac- 
 commodating, we should think, nearly one hundred persons, 
 and is, we believe, the gift of one of their own workers. 
 The spirit of the Home is most hallowed. Every meal is 
 closed with prayer, and every day has its special fields for 
 prayer and intercession. The Missionary Man is part of the 
 decoration of the wall, and as the places are called out for 
 special prayer, the long pointer moves along the map and all 
 eyes and hearts meet over the place where some lone heart 
 is standing as a witness for Christ. The work of the China 
 Inland Mission covers the whole Empire, and it is most in- 
 spiring to realize the grasp of China which God has given this 
 great missionary movement, after the toils and trials of thirty 
 years, comprehending so many of the strategic points of this 
 mightiest Empire on the globe. 
 At the missionary prayer meeting it is usual to read ex- 
 mt 200,000 in 
 or a total of 
 eds $1,600,000 
 n the foreign 
 spitably enter- 
 at the China 
 ve met a num- 
 , and reahzed 
 very much at 
 nded us of oxu* 
 3 Home. I'he 
 18 building, ac- 
 ndred persons, 
 Every meal is 
 ecial fields for 
 is part of the 
 called out for 
 he map and all 
 >me lone heart 
 : of the China 
 it is most in- 
 d has given this 
 I trials of thirty 
 c points of this 
 3ual to read ex- 
 tracts from the letters that are ever coming from the field, 
 and telling of the triumphs as well as the trials of the work. 
 We are so glad to say that the former were far in the ascen- 
 dent at all the meetings that we attended, and that many of 
 the incidents that were given from Yunnan and Kwcichow, 
 from Kiangsi and Szchuen of the things that had been hap- 
 pening the previous week, were thrilling and truly apostolic. 
 God is working to-day, especially in North China, in the 
 hearts of the Chinese, and especially through many of the 
 native preachers, in a way that fills our hearts with hope 
 and joy. 
 We had the opportunity of witnessing for Christ on 
 Sabbath morning and evening to large English audiences 
 containing many missionaries, and we were the recipients of 
 many personal kindnesses and courtesies. Among these were 
 not a few old workers and missionaries. It was a great pleas- 
 ure to meet dear Anna More in her Presbyterian Home, and 
 to find a little More added to her life and happiness, as well 
 as home circle. Her husband. Rev. Mr. Silsby, has an excel- 
 lent work at South Gate, Shanghai. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are 
 doing a good and useful work in their Missionary Home and 
 Agency. Mr. and Mrs. Fitch are connected with the Presby- 
 terian Publishing House. Dr. Farnham is in Mission work in 
 Shanghai. Miss Fannie Smith has become Mrs. Dr. Woods, 
 and is up on the Grand Canal in her husband's field. Mr. 
 Ferguson, of Nanking, who was the host and friend of some 
 of our early missionaries, was in Shanghai. We also met Dr. 
 Corbett, of the Presbyterian Mission in Chefoo, which God 
 ■ UW' 
368 L.ih'cF.R or'Ji.oohs ox i\f/ss/ox.ih'y /..i.\/)S. 
 has so richly blessi;'i, dear Mr. McK<)izie, of Swatow, with 
 whom we had hallo ved foUowsliip, ami a good many whom 
 we had previously ksiovii or wnh wltoin we had some special 
 Ou Tuesday afternoon a large gathering, including most 
 of the missionaries in Shanghai, and a number who happened 
 to be in the city at the lime, assenibled in the chapel of the 
 China Ir lind Mis.' ion to extend to ris a welcome in behalf of 
 our missionary 'Aork. This v/as an unexpected kindness, 
 and it was most courteccsly and heartily given. It was in 
 response to an invitation from our host and friend, Mr. Stev- 
 enson, whose kindness wo canno"^ too gratefully acknowl- 
 After the usual English cup of tea and sandwiches, we 
 were glad to hav* the opportunity of explaining the object 
 and plan of our work, and laying it upon the hearts of th'^se 
 dear workers for China. There had been some misunder- 
 standings, especially in connection with the sending out of so 
 great a number of Swedes at one time. It was feared by 
 many that so largo a number could not well be received and 
 properly located at one time, and that any mistake in this 
 direction might unfavorably affect missionary work in other 
 parts cf China. As our readers kuow, we had already antici- 
 pated those dangers before leaving England, and since our 
 arrival in China had been very busy arranging the details 
 of this great undertaking, and we were able to assure om* 
 missionary friends that every precaution had been taken, 
 and still would be, to guard against anything that could 
Swatow, with 
 I many whom 
 ,(1 some special 
 ncluding most 
 who liappenocl 
 3 chapel of tho 
 ne in behalf of 
 3ted kindness, 
 en. It was in 
 end, Mr. Stev- 
 ully acknowl- 
 andwiches, we 
 ling the object 
 hearts of th'^se 
 )nie misunder- 
 iding out of so 
 was feared by 
 )e received and 
 nistake in this 
 - work in other 
 already antici- 
 and since our 
 ing the details 
 ) to assure our 
 id been taken, 
 ling that could 
ip ■, ; ' 
sir.ixcir.ir AXf> its .v/ss/ox.ia'v uork. 
 inimTil this work or i.tejuako the work of utlu-rs. We 
 were also glad to tell our f-iends of the profound nussionary 
 movement which God was stirring up in the hearts of so 
 many at home, and the enlarged hopes lie was givn>g us of 
 the evangelization of China and the world in this g.nerat.<,n 
 At the close of the message W(> receivinl a very kn.d wel- 
 come in the name of the missionaries present, from the ven- 
 eral.le Dr. Muirhead, of the London Missionary Society, the 
 senior missionary in Shanghai, and the companion and suc- 
 cessor of Dr. Medhurst, and the early founders of nnss.onary 
 work in China. We were deeply touched as this dear old 
 man recalled his early experience, and reminded a later gen- 
 eration of the changes which he had seen in China, and then 
 welcomed us to a share in its mission work and told us hat 
 it was the great mission field of the world, and one which 
 would repay, in ahundant measure, all the efforts expended 
 ""^'"it^was a great privilege to meet this great hody of men 
 and women who had been standing face to face with the 
 needs of China, some of them for more than forty years ; and 
 we were encouraged in the name of the Christians of Anwica 
 to take a new hold with them for the evangelization of China, 
 in the remaining years of this century. There was an attend- 
 ance of more than one hundred and fifty, of whom the large 
 proportion were missionaries. We have been impressed with 
 the earnestness of the missionaries in Shanghai, and their 
 catholic and united spirit. 
 We had the pleasure of meeting at this gathering, Epis- 
 copal (li.ujnitaijos, ni<l Imniblo lay missi< uuies sido by Hide, 
 Nt.rthcMii and Southciii I'losbytorians, Mitbodista and Bap- 
 tists, and men of <»ther natncs, all imited in love for Christ 
 and China. We saw much in the ai)irit of the niiHsionaries 
 we met in Shanghai to fill us with Btiong hope for the pro- 
 gross of Christianity in China in the next seven years. There 
 ha» becai mu<'h prayer for the outpouring of the Holy (ihost, 
 and most of the missionaries wo have met in Cliina are look- 
 ing, we believe, in the right direction for the blessing which 
 China needs to-day. 
 Many of the great societies are strongly represented in 
 Shanghai. Here the China Inland Mission have their receiv- 
 ing home and their Central Offices and stores for the enor- 
 mous business connected with the directing and supi.iying a 
 force of over five hundrtul missionari's in all parts of China. 
 Here, also, those great pioneer and auxiliary missionary 
 agencies, the British aa i American Biblo Societies, have their 
 headipxarters for China, and n stafif of strong ; nd levoted 
 v-.rkers. Here tlio old Loi 1 Missionary Si.< i(>ty has a 
 j^ood local work, and a nun'ber of laborei The Northern 
 Presbyteriu, '^'hurch ha- a number of lab-ters in hanghai, 
 and a large printing and publishing depart men. Mi .no 
 luudred employes, under the superintendence ot our be- 
 u)ved br<ther. Rev. Geo. F. Fitch. The Sort hern Methodists 
 have a very strong work and . ine edm itional establishment, 
 under the care of Dr. Young Allen, now at home. The 
 Church Missionaiy Society 's represented !)y Venerable Arch- 
 deacon Moule; and the Prott tant Episc pal Church of Amer- 
)• LANDS. 
 ics side by side, 
 lodists and Bap- 
 1 lovo for Christ 
 tho missionaries 
 u>pe for tho pro- 
 ven years. There 
 the Holy Ghost, 
 I diina aro look- 
 \i blessing which 
 r represented in 
 avu t lieir receiv- 
 es for the enor- 
 and supplying a 
 . parts of China, 
 iary missionary 
 neties, have their 
 mg iud vlevoted 
 •y So< jfity has a 
 The Mt)rthem 
 ei-s in 'Shanghai, 
 Irnen, *h aie 
 lemo of <i 'le- 
 •hern Methodists 
 lal estal>Ushment, 
 at home. The 
 Venerable Arch- 
 Church of Amer- 
 ica l.y Vonerahle Archdeacon Thompson. Tho Southern 
 Baptists, the American Church of tl. IMsciplos and the 
 Seventh 1 )ay Baptists have each several laborers in Shanghai. 
 The Woman's Union Missionary S- doty of New York, found- 
 ed by Mrs. Dorenms, has an excellent h.' pital and Bov.>ral 
 missionaries. There is a Chinese Tract Society, a Seaman 8 
 Mission, a Mission for the ^ 
 Japanese, a V/oman's ' ^^^ ' 
 Christian Temperance Un- 
 ion, and a Christian Vernac- 
 ular Society. There are 
 two Union Churches, with 
 services in English, one 
 meeting in Masonic Hall 
 and the other in the Union 
 Church edifice. " The 
 Chinese Recorder " is pub- 
 lished monthly by the Pres- 
 byterian Tress, and the 
 "Chinese Messenger" by- 
 Rev. Timothy Richards. 
 The first two parties of 
 our Swedish Missionaiies 
 had already arrived, and 
 through the wonderful 
 goodness of God, bad been 
 provided for and coudu t* d 
 safely on their way, wiih- 
 out any w-rious luisadveutuiv. P.iit l.a<l a largor muuber 
 come at i-ivHcnt, «.f Iwul there bt'cu u pi -siKJct of srveral ad- 
 (litional parties c-oiuing thin r,.>as<)n. it wcmM Iimvo Ix^eii 
 attemkd with nericus (lithculty and inconveuience, and 
 would have been theocasiou of miieh concern on the i>art 
 of other missionaries. 
 We cannot thank Go<l enough, both f..r wliat has and 
 what has not been done. As it is, a body of forty-live new 
 missionaries, making, >vith their superintendents, over fifty, 
 have gone to Northern Shansi, and are preparing for nnssion- 
 ary labors in Northern China, under the most hopeful aus- 
 spices. Tins alone is a very lar-o body of missionaries, as 
 large, perhaps, as the nuniber of any other society in China, 
 except the China Inland Mission. Their training will engage 
 the utmost -are and capacity of their overseers, and their 
 nund)er will be sufficient to occupy very fairly the large and 
 populous district assigned to them. As soon as they shall 
 have been properly introduced to their work and assigned to 
 their stations, and their uccess shall have shown the entire 
 practicability of the arrangements here, another party can 
 follow them with the opening of next season,— a larger party 
 if the circumstances justify it ; and fVo work can be indefi- 
 nitely multiplied, if the Lord shall continue to provide the 
 means, agencies and openings. 
 It is simply a debt of justice and an obligation of the 
 barest courtesy to say that we owe very much, indeed, of the 
 facility with which the transit and location of our Swedish 
 friends has been effected, to the kindness and wise coopera- 
 tion of Rev. W. I. Stevenson and the China Inland Mission. 
 larger luunber 
 of several ad- 
 ild havo l)(!eii 
 ivt'uien<-<>, and 
 )ru on tho part 
 • wliat has and 
 forty-tivo now 
 ents, over fifty, 
 iiig f(ir mission- 
 st hopeful aus- 
 niissiouaries, as 
 ociety in China, 
 ling will engage 
 ■seers, and their 
 y tho largo and 
 )n as they shall 
 and assigned to 
 iiown tho entire 
 other party can 
 ,— a larger party 
 k can be indefi- 
 3 to provide the 
 obligation of the 
 3h, indeed, of the 
 of our Swedish 
 ,nd wise coopera- 
 % Inland Mission. 
 .^aiiiiiftywM - 
 Tli<" Suporintendent of tho Mission is Mr. l-lniaruiel Ols- 
 sen. Mr. Ulssen is tho son of a proniin-'nt Swedish gentlo- 
 nian, and has gladly devoted himself to a self denying mis- 
 sionary life for his Master's sake. He has bee.i in China bo- 
 t\v(H>n two and three years, and has ac(iuired the language 
 and become a((|uaint(«d with th(> peoi>le. He is very nnuh 
 encouraged in his work, and already the Lord has put His 
 seal upon it in Northern China. 
 The field they havu taken is Northern Shansi. It lies 
 outside tho great wall, and is occupied by a vast population 
 of simple, agricultural i.eople, who are very kindly disposed 
 toward them, and a good many already are in(iuiring into 
 the Gos])el. 
 The field reaches tho borders of M(mgolia, and sonie of 
 them, no doubt, will be led of the Lord to that great people, 
 among whom, there is, asy^t, no single voice to tell of Jesus 
 and salvation. 
 We thank God for the hopeful connnencemont of the 
 Alliance Mission North Shansi- -and commend it to God 
 and tho prayers of His i)eople. 
 This movement, if wisely directed, will become a great 
 blessing to China and prove tho beginning of a wide-spread 
 system^of evangelization on simple and deeply spiritual linos. 
 These dear people have a simplicity of faith and capacity 
 for self.lenia], hardship and endurance which are much 
 needed in China, and will prove a most helpful inspiration 
 foall the other workers. There is no sort of doubt about 
 their being able to live and do good work in Northern China 
 for the modest sum which they themselves have proposed. 
 We feel sure that both they and their leaders are men and 
 women of deep piety, and filled with the Holy Ghost, and 
 that they will have the direction and blessing of God and the 
 constant prayers of all our people, and that ere long the first 
 stage of their work will be so fully established that the way 
 will be open for sending them larger reinforcements. 
 -TS-^-i— ? , 
 T'" ".ISfi ' 
 ave proposed, 
 are men and 
 )ly Ghost, and 
 •f God and the 
 long the first 
 that the way 
 FIVE great rivers compete for the queenship of the 
 waters,— the Nile, the Mississippi, the La Plata, the 
 Amazon and the Yangtse. Two of these we have not 
 seen, hut certainly none of the others pour such a volume of 
 water to the sea as the noble Yangtse. ^Xq have spent three 
 weeks upon its hosom, passing up and down, and it grows 
 upon us day by day in its immensity and impoi Wnce. More 
 like an inland sea than a river, in many places, so broad is its 
 tide that our ship rolled and pitched in its current like a vessel 
 in the ocean, as far as three hundred miles f re m the sea ; and 
 even at Hankow and Wuchang, six hundred miles from its 
 mouth, so rough were its waves the day we left Hankow that 
 it was deemed scarcely safe, one part of the day, for the large 
 ferry boats to cross, and they told us that they were often 
 upset in the heavy sea and swift current. There, even, it is p 
 mile wide, and the great tea-ships, drawing nearly thirty feet 
 of water, were lying at anchor in its waters ready to start to 
 London direct with their first fresh cargoes. Up and down 
 its teeming waters pass thousands of Chinese boats, ]>lying 
 their busy trade, and the ships of all nations can be recog- 
 nized at the vario" is ports. 
 Several lines of fine passenger steamers run from Shang- 
 hai to Hankow, and there are sometimes two or three daily. 
 They look just like our American river boats, and while 
 owned by Chinese companies, are run by European officers. 
 Above Hankow there is r(>gular steam navigation several 
 times a Aveek, nearly four hundred miles farther to the city 
 of Icliang ; and above Ichang, the river is navigable for 
 steamboats for six hundred miles farther, all the way up to 
 Chung King, the metropoHs of Sz-chuen ; but the Chinese 
 authorities, with their usual conservatism, have, as yet, re- 
 fused to allow the foreigner to run liis engines up these sacred 
 channels. As a sample of their ridiculous policy of obstruc- 
 tion, it is seriously reported that when the question of allow- 
 ing steamers on the upper Yangtse was referred, some time 
 ago, to the Mandarins, they reported gravely that it would 
 not be well to attempt it as the monkeys in the gorges of the 
 Upper Yangtse were exceedingly fierce, and would throw 
 stones down upon the ships and injure them. 
 This part of the river is now ascended by cargo boats, 
 which are pulled up the strong current by trackers, who walk 
 along the bank. At this season, when the current is strong 
 and the river high, it takes our missionaries a month lo go 
 from Ichang to Chung King, a distance which can be accom- 
 l^lished down the river in two days, so swift is the descending 
 tide. No wonder they hope and pray for the day when the 
 fear of these dreadful monkeys will be overcome, and the 
 whistle of the engine will be heard in the Yangtse gorges. 
 Dur time woidd only allow us to go as far as Hankow. 
 11 from Sliang- 
 or three daily. 
 its, and while 
 opean officers, 
 gatioii several 
 ler to the city 
 ]iaviji;able for 
 the way up to 
 ut the Chinese 
 ivc, as yet, re- 
 Li]) these sacred 
 icy of ohstruc- 
 jstion of allow- 
 red, some time 
 { that it would 
 le gorges of the 
 1 would throw 
 hy cargo boats, 
 ;kers, who walk 
 rrent is strong 
 a month lo go 
 1 can be accom- 
 ; the descending 
 e day when the 
 rcome, and the 
 Ligtse gorges. 
 Far as Hankow. 
 OX 77 n- VAXGTSn. 
 It would have required a month or two longer to penetrate 
 the heart of Sz-chuen, and so we could only look upward 
 from the mouth of the Han, and borrow the eyes of others 
 whom we met, who had traversed these upper streams and 
 explored the vast interior of China. 
 Although this river ])asses through the most densely- 
 populated section of China, yet there is little sign ui.on its 
 shores of the teeming myriads that cover all these regions as 
 thickly of ien as seven hundred to the square mile. In Amer- 
 ica such a river would be lined with bright and busy towns. 
 But here all is loneliness. A few cities appeal- upon the 
 banks ; with some striking landmarks, such as Wuhu, Ku- 
 kiang and Hankow, with their foreign houses standing out in 
 bold relief ; but most of the native towns are so low and flat, 
 or surrounded with dead vvjills that are scarcely noticeable. 
 And so we passed such world- renowned places as Nanking, 
 without anything unusual to attract our attention, and Wuhu 
 was really the first point of striking interest, at which we 
 touched and tarried. 
 The approach to Wuhu is quite picturesque. A good 
 many hills overlook the town, and a number of foreign build- 
 ings stand out in bold relief. The most imposing of these is 
 the Methodist Episcopal Mission, on a high promontory over- 
 looking the river, and about a mile above the town. The 
 British Consulate, the Commissioner of Customs and the 
 Eoman Catholic Mission occupy prominent and elevated situ- 
 ations. Wuhu is a Treaty Port, and a place of considerable 
 commercial importance. It is said to have the largest export, 
 trade in rice in the Empire. The population is about 100,000, 
 and it is altogether a place of much more importance than 
 we supposed, ra^^king with any of the river cities, except 
 Shanghai or Hankow. It is the chief city in the Province of 
 Ghanwhei, and its river system connects it with most of the 
 inland towns very easily and directly. The province had, be- 
 fore the rebellion, a population of about thirty millions, equal 
 to one-half the United States, but it is now much reduced. It 
 lies north and south of the Yangise River, in a very central 
 position, and is very thicky settled. Almost all the land is 
 capable of cultivation and is fully occupied. 
 IS Wuhu, Ku- 
 tanding out in 
 ) low and flat, 
 ely noticeable. 
 s as Nanking, 
 ion, and Wuhu 
 I, at which we 
 ;que. A good 
 foreign build- 
 Qg of these is 
 montory over- 
 le town. The 
 ;toms and the 
 I elevated situ- 
 if considerable 
 largest export 
 about 100,000, 
 iportance than 
 cities, except 
 he Province of 
 ;h most of the 
 ovince had, be- 
 millions, equal 
 ich reduced. It 
 a very central 
 all the land is 
 m-r~rr-"W*j ' ; 
 We found our dear missionaries at Wuhu waiting for us 
 on the hulk where the steamers land, and we had a joyful 
 meeting They were all there except Miss Murray, who is 
 temporarily at Nanking, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, who 
 are at Tatung, about fifty miles further up the river. They 
 were all well, and we spent two or three days with them m 
 much conference and prayer respecting the work. The party 
 at Wuhu consists, at present, of four ladies and ten brethren. 
 They are hving in three houses ; the ladies in one, and the 
 gentlemen in the other two, in a sort of Bachelor's Home 
 style. , , 1 • 1 
 While at Wuhu we were the recipient ot much kmdness 
 from Dr. and Mrs. Stuart of the M. E. Mission. We also had 
 the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Longden, of the same 
 Mission. Mr. Drysdale, of the China Inland Mission, proved 
 a valuable friend in some important business transactions, in 
 which his Chinese experience was very generously placed at 
 our service. 
 We had several public services, which were attended by a 
 good many of the foreign residents, and we believe o«<^ or 
 two r-ecious souls were led to fully decide for Christ. 
 We found our young men carrying on a good work 
 an ong the English and American oflkials of the Customs 
 .P ^Ice After a few days' stay, we hastened on up the river, 
 intending to complete our visit here on our return. Half a 
 dav's sail brought us to the pretty town of Tatung, on the 
 same side of the river. Here Mr. Johnston was waiting to 
 welcome us, and an hour's sail from the landing, in a sampan. 
 brought us to his house. Here we met liis wife and two 
 childreu, and another missionary laboring with him at pres- 
 ent, and we tarried two days looking over the field with him, 
 and endeavoring to plan for the best interests of the work. 
 Mr. Johnston left the Tabernacle in New York ten years 
 ago, to prepare for missionary work, and about six years ago 
 came to Cliina, in connection with the C. I. M. Three years 
 ago he left their service, and, one year later, he joined our 
 Mission. Tatung seems to be a very promising field. Oppo- 
 site Tatung is an island, containing a large city of nearly 'JO,- 
 OOO peoide, and Tatung, itself, has nearly as many people. 
 They are very friendly, and almost all seemed to know Mr. 
 Johnston, and to look upon him quite kindly. It was the 
 only place in China where even the dogs did not once bark at 
 us. And this is a very fair sign of the friendly disposition of 
 their masters, and their familiarity with foreigners. 
 Mr. Johnston has an excellent native worker, and carries 
 on a constant chapel service every day and evening, and has 
 some hopeful inquirers. 
 There seems to be a fine opportunity for work here. 
 Back of the town is a hill commanding one of the finest 
 views in China, which would make a beautiful site for Mis- 
 sion premises, and all around is a large, unoccupied country, 
 accessible by the innumerable waterways of Central China. 
 Mr. Johr ston has a fine command of the Chinese language, 
 and gets on well with the people. 
 He wears the Chinese costume, and we havo no doubt 
 ■that this is, by far, the best way for interior work. In the 
.- liffliiro'iBjfCTffl — 
 ^vife and two 
 1 him at pros- 
 icld with him, 
 )f tlio work, 
 fork ten years 
 t six years ago 
 Three years 
 , he joined our 
 y field. Oppo- 
 r of nearly 20,- 
 \ many people. 
 1 to know Mr. 
 y. It was the 
 :)t once hark at 
 \f disposition of 
 ier, and carries 
 '^ening, and has 
 'or work here, 
 e of the finest 
 All site for Mis- 
 cupied country. 
 Central China, 
 inese language, 
 havo no doubt 
 r work. In the 
 ox rnr. vAXcrrsr.. 
 treaty ports it does not make much ditference, and we have, 
 as yet, no rigid rule on the subject. But, in the interior, it 
 is, no doubt, much preferable in every way. If there was 
 no other reason, the difference that it maker, in the ex- 
 pense of travelling on the river steamers woubl bc> sufficient 
 to decide the question. 
 By wearing this dress 
 one can travel in Chinese 
 style, which is not at all 
 uncomfortable, as we 
 can testify from a little 
 experience. You can got 
 a cabin on the upper deck 
 by a little management, 
 and a seat at the private 
 table of the compador or 
 Chinese steward, and 
 thus have a fair measure 
 of privacy. And the dif- 
 ference in price is simply 
 out of all proportion to 
 the difference in comfort. 
 A regular English passenger will pay about $30 f^'om Shang- 
 hai to Hankow, and the fare in Chinese cabin, is less than %,3. 
 As to the comfort and convenience of the costume, there 
 is great disparity of opinion. Our unbiased ju^S-ent is that 
 most of those not wearing this costume dislike it And the 
 great majority of those who wear it, prefer it for all purposes. 
 , Jl,J-,;,i,,i_4y^i-ja>i!Jy-nB»»ili!"«!«-.-" 
 ! jajlW!.;J.;m:'v-:.;jarfkt«!.^..fk,*w'A^ 
 It has some disaava.itagc for la<lies. It has nc provision for 
 a covering for the head, so needed in this climate, and the 
 umbrella is scarcely >mrient. lUit many now n-ear liats 
 with it. The shoes are also rather uncomfortable, and the 
 shaving of tbe head is an av kward necessity for ni-ii. But, 
 upon the whole, it is -asx , cemtortable, very gra^ etui and 
 liandsome, cool in sum <'r. i id in winter .susceptible of any 
 amount of padding and \. armtli. 
 We would not advise any lady to go to China for interior 
 work who is not prep. 1 red < wear this costume without ob- 
 jection or prejudice, and those who ' » not wear 1: should, 
 as a rule, stay in the older cent res \ work on the more 
 conservative hues of the older Mi sions. It is not, ' 'uy 
 means, contined to the China Inland Mission, but is ^' '^y 
 many of the Presbyterian, Lo.id*, , and other missionaries 
 in their interior work. 
 From Tatung we went on up the river to Gangking, the 
 capital of the province of Ghanwhei. This is the seat of the 
 China Inland Receiving Home, where the gentlemen who 
 come out as missionaries remain for six months studying the 
 language, and getting their first introduction to Chinese life. 
 This home is under the care of Mr. Bailer and wife, and it 
 was a great privilege to meet these choice spirits, and td 
 spend a day with them and nearly twenty of their students. 
 It is needless to say that they are pecuharly adapted to their 
 work. Mrs. Bailer is a born mother, and no young man 
 there is allowed to feel that he is far from home, and she is 
 just as able, with her tender, spiritual wisdom, to minister to 
 their souls as to look after their darning and their dining. 
 provision for 
 irnate, ;ui<i the 
 ovv ""ear liuts 
 rtabio, and the 
 for ni'm. But, 
 y gra( etui and 
 ,ceptil)le of any 
 lina for interior 
 me '^'ithoul ob- 
 wear 1 should, 
 'k oil the more 
 is not, ' 'uy 
 but is ^' y 
 ler missionaries 
 » Gangking, the 
 s the seat of the 
 gentlemen who 
 ths studying the 
 1 to Chinese life, 
 and wife, and it 
 ) spirits, and tO 
 f their students, 
 adapted to their 
 no young man 
 home, and she is 
 m, to minister to 
 [ their dining. 
 Mr. Bailor la a tine Chinese scholar and an experienced 
 missionary, possessing that peculiar combination of (lualities 
 which iitH one to shape the lives and characters of others 
 without seeming to control them. It is the hand of iron and 
 the touch nf velvet. Such helpers are a great boon to a home, 
 and N ahoui them a hr.meisof doubtful value. But under 
 such liapnv !' OS it is a great hcli) to a young missionary, 
 on i,i fi in a strange laud, to have the privilege of 
 learniir nguage and preparing for his future work in 
 such a . . a and helpful atmosphere. The first half year 
 of a m, nary's life, and sometimes the first week, decides 
 his future missionary career, and gives a life-long impulse or 
 check to all his life work. The most serious mistake any 
 work can make, is to send single missionaries abroad before 
 the work is piepared, or the superintendence provi.led, with- 
 out which much of their nn vk and even tb. ir most ddigent 
 study is apt to be ill-directed, and perhaps wasted. 
 We had much delightful fellowship and profitable con- 
 ference with the friends at Gangking. In the afternoon we 
 walked around the city, just outside the walls, and saw it on 
 every side. Nothing so touched our heart as the great field 
 of human graves that stretched away for miles all along the 
 north side. It was, indeed, the City of the Dead. It seemod 
 as if millions must be sleeping there, and they all looked a. if 
 they were reproaching us because we had let them die in 
 C uristless darkness. It was the only part of China that we 
 had seen without living people. Many of these had been 
 slain during the Taiping Rebellion. At that awful time, of 
 w mt*«'iji*«Hrj«s ' ; * : ^ if ' f^f%^-P:^^l^ix^^^^^ ?^) 
 LARGER Orrf.OOk'S ON MfSSfOX.lRY /..IX/)S. 
 which wt> shall speak again, tho Taii)iiigs hud captured tho 
 city, and iimi(lered all who would not accept their rule and 
 creed. And afterwards, when tho IniiJerialists reoccupitMl it. 
 they beheaded all who had been rebels, so that between tho 
 two lir(-s the poor Chinaman had a hard chance for his life. 
 We left Gangking at sunset, and our friends escorted us 
 outside tho city walls, and then returned, as the gates had to 
 be shut at night. In a little native inn, on tho river bank, Ave 
 waited for our steamer till three o'clock in the morning- 
 alone. It was a little taste of life in tho interior. It would 
 have been nothing if we had known the language. But we 
 could not speak a word of Chinese, and they could not speak 
 a word of English. 
 But wo got on very well and did not feel a touch of lone- 
 liness or fear. We had a single native Christian with us and 
 he kindly helped us to i^nbark, although he knew not a word 
 of English. But his face shone with holy intelligence. At 
 length the steamer came along and stopped out in the river, 
 till our native boat took us out, and they tumbled us and our 
 baggage on board and we steamed away to Hankow. Our 
 old native Christian parted with us with much afl\'ction. 
 A party of seventeen soldiers also came on board with a 
 poor prisoner in charge, whom wo went down, with the cap- 
 tain, the next day to see. He was a pitiful sight. His hands 
 and feet were chained, and around his neck was a great ox- 
 chain fastened to a straight bamboo pole at his neck. The 
 heavy chain crushed his neck. His posture was most pain- 
 ful, and his face was white with fear, as these seventeen sol- 
 "mj' i'lipi 
 captured tho 
 tlicir rule :uul 
 i rcoccupieil it, 
 t between tlio 
 a for liislife. 
 ids escorted us 
 10 gates liad to 
 river bank, we 
 tbe morning — 
 rior. It would 
 [uaj^e. But we 
 ould not speak 
 I toucli of lone- 
 iau with us and 
 new not a word 
 itelligence. At 
 it in the river, 
 bled us and our 
 Hankow. Our 
 h afV<'ction. 
 »n board with a 
 n, with the cap- 
 ght. His hands 
 »vas a great ox- 
 his neck. The 
 was most pain- 
 \e seventeen sol- 
 U 11.6 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 /716) 872-4S03 
 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques 
 diers stood around him with spears poiuted and carbines 
 loaded. He was charged with being a member of the pohti- 
 cal society known as the ^^ Ko-loa-ivhei,^'' which is said to 
 have incited the riots of two years ago. They are taking 
 him up to Wuchang before the Viceroy, for trial and execu- 
 tion, but we could not help asking God somehow to spare the 
 poor fellow's life, and we trust in eternity to find that it was 
 not in vain 
 All along this rivei-, at that time, from Ichang to Nan- 
 king, it was a time of terror and danger. Wuhu was the 
 chief centre of violence, and there the Roman Catholic build- 
 ings were destroyed and all the missionaries compelled to 
 flee. At the peaceful little town of Wusui, near Hankow, an 
 English missionary, Mr. Argent, was murdered, and a Cus- 
 tom's officer cut to pieces. At Wuchang a rising was ex- 
 pected, and the foreign gunboats were ready at a signal to 
 shell the town if it was attempted, and a place upon the 
 walls preconcerted where the missionaries should meet incase 
 of danger. Very few people now believe that there was any 
 political society back of these riots, or anything worse than 
 the crookedness and meanness of ihe Mandarins themselves, 
 who are said to hate the foreigners, and, while professing 
 friendship, are really the secret inciters of many a disturb- 
 ance and the greatest obstacle in tho way of sending the Gos- 
 pel to the interior towns. 
 No one who has not lived in China can understand this 
 official crookedness. The Chinese Mandarin is said to be a 
 man with a mask. In the same city will be often seen a 
 public proclamation against foreigners anonymously circu- 
 lated by the runners of the Official, and, at the same time, 
 another proclamation signed by the Official condemning all 
 these anonymous proclamations, and declaring that they are 
 circulated by bad and unworthy people. The former is to 
 promote anti-foreign feeling, the latter to keep up an appear- 
 ance of uprightness and good behavior. 
 At the same time we feel it due to say that while this was 
 the general opinion among the missionaries of the older soci. 
 eties in Central China, we have heard some very different 
 statements from the most experienced workers of the China 
 Inland Mission in the interior. Indeed, they have assured us, 
 and shown us letters to prove that often the Mandarins are 
 their best friends, and honestly endeavor to protect them, and 
 do the very best thing they can for them in the face of the 
 strong anti-foreign prejudices of the scholars and gentry. 
 Upon the whole, we have concluded that the shield has two 
 sides, and both statements are true, under varying circum- 
 We reached Hankow on Saturday morning, and spent 
 "three days in this great metropolis of interior China. It is a 
 very fine city indeed. Its foreign Bund or settlement is only 
 less imposing than Shanghai. The native city is three times 
 as large, and much finer in every way, while two other great 
 cities— Hanyang and Wuchang— lie right across the Han 
 and Yangtse rivers, whose waters here meet. The three 
 cities together have over a million inhabitants. 
 Wuchang is the capital of the two Provinces of Hupeh 
 onymously circu- 
 t the same time, 
 il condemning all 
 ing that they are 
 The former is to 
 eep up an appear- 
 hat while this was 
 of the older soci. 
 me very different 
 •kers of the China 
 ly have assured us, 
 ihe Mandarins are 
 protect them, and 
 n the face of the 
 olars and gentry, 
 he shield has two 
 r varying circura- 
 orning, and spent 
 ior China. It is a 
 settlement is only 
 city is three times 
 ile two other great 
 ; across the Han 
 meet. The three 
 rovinces of Hupeh 

 and Hunan, and a fine city of more than a quarter of a million 
 people. Its houses are of a better class that any city we have 
 seen in China. It is largely inhabited by official people. 
 Hanyang is the smallest of the three, and lies between the two , 
 on the promontory formed by the meeting of the Han and the 
 Yangtse. Hankow is the commercial capital, and has many 
 fine streets and stores,— that is, for China. It is the Empo- 
 rium of the trade of nine great provinces, containing among 
 them two hundred millions of people. It is, in a word, the 
 Chicago of China, while Shanghai is the New York of the 
 There are several strong Missions here ; the oldest and 
 strongest is the London Society. Rev. Griffith John is its 
 oldest and best-known representative. We had met him in 
 America, and were sorry to find that he was absent in the 
 country on a tour, but we received the greatest kindness 
 from his family, and from all the other members of the Mis- 
 sion. We had a good opportunity of seeing their work, and 
 a good and substantial work it is. Its methods are conserv- 
 ative and careful, but its results are solid, if somewhat slow. 
 We saw two of their native congregations on the Sabbath, 
 and it was very inspiring to see that body of two or three 
 hundred native Christians, mostly men, and to remember 
 that they had been gathered, one by one, from heathenism. 
 They have three chapels in Hankow, where daily services 
 are held, and a few stations in the country, in the vicinity. 
 They have about a dozen English and as many native mis- 
 sionaries. This is the result of thirty years of hard and 
 j.APnnm orri.ooKS on missionary lands. 
 faithful work. When we asked one of their workers about 
 the prospect of multiplying their workers, this was his 
 answer: "If our Board wei-e to send us seven or eight 
 more missionaries, we should welcome them ; if they were 
 to send us twenty, we should not know what to do with 
 them." This well represents the conservative method of 
 Missions in its best and most successful form. No wonder 
 we asked, " When are you going to reach all the millions of 
 China at this rate?" And no wonder missionaries, who see 
 no larger possibility for China, are led to believe in a 'larger 
 hope," and some second chance for these lost millions in a 
 future world. Thank God there is a better way. Notwith- 
 standing the wise and honest convictions of such honored 
 workers, we believe there is room in China for not only 
 twenty more, but for men enough to occupy all her centres 
 of population before the close of the present centuiy. And 
 we believe that, by the gra^^e of God, it shall be done. 
 We spent some pleasant hours with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 
 Foster, of the London Mission, in whose home Miss Stowell, 
 of Boston, once associated with our Alliance, spent two years. 
 We had one very interesting hour in the Hankow Hospital 
 with Dr. Gillison, witnessing his treatment of thirty or forty 
 outdoor patients, and seeing some samples of Chinese dis- 
 eases, and the nature and value of Medical Missions. We 
 had the privilege of teaching a Chinese Bible class through 
 an interpreter, and seeing their bright, responsive minds. We 
 were permitted to preach to the English congregation on Sab- 
 bath evening, and trust the Lord was pleased to bless Hi» 
 ir workers about 
 rs, this was his 
 19 seven or eight 
 sm ; if they were 
 what to do with 
 ative method of 
 )rni. No wonder 
 ill the millions of 
 iionaries, who see 
 lievein a ** larger 
 lost millions in a 
 r way. Notwith- 
 of such honoi-ed 
 ina for not only 
 py all her centres^ 
 nt century. And 
 ill be done. 
 .'. and Mrs. Arnold 
 ome Miss Stowell, 
 ;, spent two years. 
 Hankow Hospital 
 j of thirty or forty 
 >8 of Chinese dis- 
 cal Missions. We 
 Jible class through 
 onsive minds. We 
 Qgregation on Sab- 
 leased to bless Hi» 
 We visited the two Swedish Missions, respectively in Han- 
 kow and Wuchang, and also met the workers of the China 
 Inland Mission, who have a business station here for the sup- 
 ply of all their interior stations, and are now erecting now 
 premises for stores and offices. We crossed the rough river 
 to Wuchang, and visited several of the Missions there, and 
 looked at some premises with a view to opening a station here 
 for our own future work. This is, necessarily, the point of 
 transition for all interior stations, and, if we are going to go 
 farther West, it will be necessary for us to have a branch of 
 our work here. It is, especially, tl>.e starting point for 
 Hunan, the great unoccupied province of Central China, and 
 sustaining the same relation to it as Qnangsi to the South, 
 and Thibet to the West. 
 So far the Hunanese have suifered no foreigner to settle 
 in their province. Many have visited it, but only to be 
 treated harshly and driven out. But God is working for 
 Huuan, and it is soon to be opened to the Gospel ; if not by 
 foreigners, at least by natives. 
 Of late there have been many remarkable tokens of a 
 rising of the native Christians to evangelize their own land. 
 While we were calling at the Londor ^.'ssion in Hankow, we 
 were delighted to meet two natives who were just returning 
 from a missionary tour through that province. We had 
 their story translated to us, and it was thrilling in its simple, 
 apostolic interest. 
 One of them is an old man, a voluntary evangelist, who 
 receives no salary and is under no Society, but simply a mem- 
390 LARGER orrr.ooKs ox mtssioxary r..txns. 
 ber of tlie Wualeyaii Mission. The other is a coolie, who was 
 called by the Spirit to accompany the other and carry his 
 books and baggage, and who went without pay. Each re- 
 ceived liis call apart from the other. Both had l)een praying 
 for Hunan, in their homes—about nine miles apart. After 
 praying awhile, the Spirit said to them, " What is the use of 
 your i)raying unless you do something yourself to answer 
 your prayer ? Why don't you go to Hunan ? " They thought 
 of their weakness, and the difficulty and danger of the field, 
 but God told them that He woidd be their Strength and Pro- 
 tector ; and so they told the Wesleyan missionary, Mr. 
 Warren, of their plan, and he and his people approved it, and 
 had a meeting to send them forth, and gave them a collection 
 of $8.00; and, with this as their capital and outfit, they 
 started on foot for the capital of Himan, and when we saw 
 them they were just returning from their first missionary 
 journey. It was not unlike Paul's, in some ways. They had 
 many perils and persecutions, but God had graciously de- 
 livered them and used them, and they were now going home, 
 with glad and grateful hearts, to tell the story of His good- 
 ness, and go forth again with more books and ti-acts for a 
 more extensive tour. 
 The older man was a fine sample of a native worker, full 
 of deep, solid earnestness and holy simplicity, and the rough, 
 uncultured country coolie v.-as just as interesting, his face 
 fairly shining as he told how he had been taken to the 
 "Yamen," before the magistrate, and forbidden to sell any- 
 more of these books or preach the Gospel, and how, when be 
 coolio, who was 
 • and carry his 
 l>iiy. Each re- 
 1(1 been praying 
 !s apart. After 
 iiat is the use of 
 iself to answer 
 They thought 
 ger of the field, 
 length and Pro- 
 nissionary, Mr. 
 approved it, and 
 liem a collection 
 Lud' outfit, they 
 d when we saw 
 first missionary 
 i^ays. They had 
 I graciously de- 
 ow going home, 
 ry of His good- 
 uid tracts for a 
 tive worker, full 
 , and the rough, 
 (resting, his face 
 n taken to the 
 Iden to sell any 
 id how, when he 
 ox Tin-: YANGTSE, 
 got hack to his friend, they went on as before, and the Lonl 
 had preserved them, and the very men who had opposed and 
 cursed them became their friends and b :>ught their books. 
 This is but a typo of the great movement which C'hina 
 needs for its full evangelization, and which God is already 
 preparing. Let us pray, let us work, let us believe, and wo 
 shall see the glory of God. It seemed like a voice from 
 heaven to us to meet this incident at the very moment of our 
 arrival in Central China, and we conunend our two dear 
 brethren, Chang-I-Tzu and Li-Quang-Ti, or, as we might ab- 
 breviate it, Chang and Li, to the pi-ayers of all who love to 
 remember China. 
 We would have been glad to go up to Ichang, the head of 
 steam navigation on the Yangtse, but it would have taken a 
 week longer and our time was already overrun. So we con- 
 tented ourselves with a good talk with our friends who had 
 been there, and especially Mr. Broomhall, who had just re- 
 turned from Ichang ; and then, amid the kind leave-takings 
 of many dear friends who " accompanied us unto the ship," 
 we started down the great river for Wuhn, Nanking and 
 Just before we sail let us take one ])arting glance up 
 these two mighty rivers to the vast fields that lie beyond. 
 Soufl of us lies the Province of Hunan, with a pop- 
 ulation gieater than all the Atlantic States combined, 
 without a single missionary ; and north, lies Honan, as large 
 and nearly as needy. Up the Yangtse we might travel thiity 
 days and reach Chung King, the commercial capital of Sz- 
 <lm«'ti, a provinco as populous as tlu' wholo of Franco, and just 
 iK'^Munin^Mo l)(.M'vanj;i'li/»Ml witliin tlu; i>ast few years. A 
 month still lartlu'rupthosanic river, lies Chontau, tho provinc- 
 ial capital of Sz-chuen, where our old friend, Mr. Hart, and a 
 lunnhcr of other missionaries have recently oi)enod stations. 
 It takes these dear workers two mouths from Shanghai to 
 reach their fields, and three months to get their letters from 
 Still farther from Chung King to the southwest, is the 
 beautiful and mountainous province of Kwoi-chau, v^here the 
 China Inland Mission have i)lanted a few pioneer stations. 
 Up the Han to the northeast lie Shensi and Kansuh, with 
/. ;.v/>.s. 
 ox Till-: YANGTSE. 
 'i-anco, and just 
 few years. A 
 uu, lIjo provinc- 
 [r. Halt, and u 
 ijH'iK'd stations. 
 m Shangliui to 
 leir letters from 
 iuthwest, is the 
 chau, v'here the 
 )ionoer stations, 
 i Kansuh, with. 
 tea millions of people most friendly and open, and with lum- 
 drcds of cities that are not yet entered, and where living is 
 fio clieap that one smiles when they hear the fiKures at which 
 houses can he rented and |)rovisions hought. 
 And in these vast jyrovinces, as yet only a little handful 
 cf jtionee'-s have placed the 
 soles oi' their feet. There are 
 empires of glorious ()i)poi- 
 tunity waiting for Faith and 
 Courage to contiuer. Were 
 we youngcn- and freer, how 
 our heart would spring to 
 claim them 1 Comi)ared with 
 them, how trifling the great- 
 est Held at home ! Ai'd we 
 wonder that even the niis- 
 eionary ahroad can he wil- 
 ling to settle down on some 
 comfortahle preserve, pre- 
 pared hy the toil and suffer- 
 ings of another, content tc 
 "build upon another man's 
 foundation." and not reach out to these " regions beyond " 
 where Cod is waiti)ig to give him a kingdom of sovds that 
 shall he forever, through the grace of Jesus, all his own. 
 Let us go forth, beloved, and claim our kingdom while 
 we may. The possibilities of Mission work in interior China 
 are immense, imperial. Millennial, and glorious indeed. 
 il • 
 THE journey down the great river is much more rapid 
 than the ascent. The swift current adds, at least, five 
 or six miles an hour to the tune the steamers make 
 going down. And so we reached Wuhu, from Hankow, in 
 about thirty hours. 
 We were in Hankow in the height of the tea season. It 
 is the great mart for China tea, and so the river was full of 
 tea ships, loading and leaving for London. These are splen- 
 did steamers, great ocean racers which compete for the quick- 
 est passrvge and the earliest cargoes of fresh tea for the Lon- 
 don market. One was just leaving with eleven million 
 pounds on board, -a cargo worth several million dollars. 
 The tea from all the surrounding country comes mto 
 Hankow, and here it is assorted, packed and shipped. The 
 tea business employs many hands, and a specific profession, 
 known as ' ' tea-tasting, " has grown up, which affords a lucra- 
 tive business to many foreigners. The " tea-taster " usually 
 receives a very large salary for his services during the tea 
 season, of about two months, and is a gentleman of leisure 
 for the rest of the year, residing at Shanghai or London or 
 wherever he pleases. His business is to test the teas that are 
;h more rapid 
 s, at least, five 
 iteaniers make 
 11 Hankow, ia 
 tea season. It 
 'er was full of 
 lese are splen- 
 > for the quick- 
 afor the Lon- 
 eleveii milium 
 on dollars. 
 :ry comes into 
 shipped. The 
 ific profession, 
 affords a lucra- 
 ;aster" usually 
 during the tea 
 iman of leisure 
 i or London or 
 he teas that arc 
 DOWN rm: yangtse. 
 offered, and they are assorted and hranded according to his 
 inspection. The tea production of China is quite different 
 from that of India Here it is all raised on small farms, by 
 the natives, and brought to market in small iiuantities by 
 innumerable sellers ; whereas, in India, it comes in large 
 quantities from great estates, which are all carried (m by 
 English planters. 
 The Hankow teas are usually black, and are of a superior 
 quality, although we are disposed to think that they are in- 
 ferior to the best India teas. 
 The tea u aiy drunk in China by the natives is green 
 tea. Tea-drinking is universal. The tea houses are every- 
 where, and, for less than a cent, you can always get a cup of 
 tea, in Chinese fashion. They put a few grains of tea in the 
 bottom of your cup, and pour boiling water over them and 
 then cover the cup and let it infuse. After two or throe min- 
 utes it is fit to drink. To put cream or sugar in it would 
 seem as strange to a Chinaman as it would to a Scotchman to 
 put sugar in his oatmeal porridge. They drink this univer- 
 sally, and think it very delicious and wholesome. 
 A Chinaman never drinks cold water, and thinks it 
 strange and dangerous for Europeans to do so. It is a great 
 mercy that this is so, for the habits of the people are so filthy 
 that were they to drink the raw water of their ponds and 
 rivers, the whole population would certainly be swept away 
 by cholera and other epidemics. The boiling of the water, in 
 the form of tea, is certainly a wise and providential arrange- 
 ment. As to the deliciousness of the tea, our experience was 
 too brief to reach a favorable conclusion. Our friends told us 
 we should soon come to prefer it to all other, but for the pres- 
 ent, at least, we have about the same opinion of it as we 
 should have of the Scotchman's porridge without the sugar. 
 We were not surprised to learn that the China tea trade 
 is suffering frt)m the competition from India. But it is still 
 an immense business, and has made Hankow a great city, 
 its trade last year, through the foreign customs, reaching 
 nearly $50, 000, 000. 
 We passed through some very beautiful scenery below 
 Hankow. The hills of Wusui are quite pretty, and the "Lit- 
 tle Orphan" is a picturesque island standing alone in the 
 river in romantic loneliness. The hills at Kui-Kiang, over- 
 hanging the Poyang Lake, and rising four or five thousand 
 feet high, are rather fine, and afford a superb location for a 
 summer hill station. The heat in July and August is said to 
 be very great, and some of the workers occasionally need a 
 change. Most of the missionaries find their best vacation in 
 their country touring. A trip in a house-boat among the 
 country villages, would be our favorite summer vacation. So 
 far as heat is concerned, we have, so far, found none in 
 China, and have suffered more from the cold than the heat 
 up to this date, the beginning of June. But the sun is very 
 strong, we believe, in the later summer, although bearing.no 
 sort of comparison with India. 
 We reached Wuhu on Wednesday morning, and spent 
 three days with our brethren of the Alliance Mission in very 
 important sessions for conference and prayer, and when we 
 ^ LANDS. 
 f friends told us 
 )ut for the pres- 
 iou of it as we 
 lout the sugar, 
 ^hina tea trade 
 But it is still 
 w a great city, 
 tonis, reaching 
 [ scenery below 
 r, and the "Lit- 
 [ig alone in the 
 Lui-Kiang, over- 
 )r five thousand 
 rb location for a 
 lUgust is said to 
 asionally need a 
 best vacation in 
 oat among the 
 ler vacation. So 
 found none in 
 id than the heat 
 b the sun is very 
 ough bearing.no 
 ning, and spent 
 Mission in very 
 jr, and when we 
 closed the conferences at the Table of our Lord on Friday 
 night, and finally parted at the steamer hulk, on Saturday 
 morning, we all felt that much had been accomplished, and 
 that our Mission work in China was about to enter on the 
 second chapter of its history, with nuich hopefulness and 
 Our Mission in China has passed through peculiar trials, 
 commencing with the death of Mr. Cassidy on his way to the 
 field as its first pioneer and leader, and continuing from year 
 to year, through some difficulties, chief of which has been 
 the want of an experienced leader and a permanent organiza- 
 tion. But we believe that God has carried our beloved friends 
 safely through the early trials inseparable from every new 
 work and that the Mission will now go forward, under well- 
 matured plans and experienced leadership to sohd work and 
 steady growth. 
 We have now a party of sixteen American missicuanes 
 in Central China, all of whom have more or less fully acquired 
 the language and are ready to begin work. We have been 
 able to arrange for their organization and distribution m such 
 a manner as not only to provide for their highest usefulness, 
 but also for the opening of the way for others who may fol- 
 low them to the field in the immediate future. 
 One of the very first necessities of the work is the ap- 
 pointment of a capable and experienced Superintendent, not 
 only for this field, but for all our work in China, and this has 
 now been arranged to the satisfaction of all concerned ; and we 
 rejoice tohope that henceforth our work in China will be, under 
 God, under the direction of a wise and strong hand, able to give 
 to it the care it requires and desires. Such leaders God has 
 given us in all our other fields, and without the most compe- 
 tent oversight on the field, our work in China cannot be 
 carried on successfully. The success of the China Inland 
 Mission is largely due, under God, to the wisdom, faith, and 
 personal administration of men like Mr. Taylor, Mr. Steven- 
 son, Mr. Bailer, and others whom God has specially fitted for 
 these great trusts. 
 The way is also opening for the distribution of our work- 
 ers in a number of new stations. Two of our brethren are 
 preparing to open a station south of Wuhu, and four of them 
 have two new fields in view on the north side of Wuhu, in 
 San-Ho, a city in the vicinity of Luchau-fu, on the Chow 
 Lake, and Han-San-Hsien, a city farther east in the province. 
 All these points have been visited by them and work begun, 
 and they are most important centres of vast and yet unoc- 
 cupied regions with millions of people. 
 It would be premature to say that certain cities will be 
 occupied ; for the opening of a new city in China is a very 
 different matter from what it is in India. In the latter coun- 
 try you can locate where you please, under British protection, 
 and all you have to do is to go and rent or build a house. But 
 in China it is a very different matter. You cannot go where 
 you please. You cannot go anywhere without the good will 
 of the people and the consent of the officials. You can visit 
 a town and be well received, but when you come to rent a 
 house, your difficulties begin. Many of the people might be 
 y LANDS. 
 hand, able to give 
 I leaders God has 
 the most compe- 
 China cannot be 
 he China Inland 
 isdom, faith, and 
 lylor, Mr. Steven- 
 ipecially fitted for 
 ition of our work- 
 : our brethren are 
 , and four of them 
 side of Wuhu, in 
 -fu, on the Chow 
 5t in the province. 
 and work begun, 
 ast and yet unoc- 
 ftain cities will be 
 in China is a very 
 In the latter coun- 
 British protection, 
 build a house. But 
 u cannot go where 
 hout the good will 
 lis. You can visit 
 ffou come to rent a 
 le people might be 
 willing to rent to you, but they are afraid. You might be 
 turned out and the house destroyed by a mob. In some cases 
 a man has been severely beaten by the Mandarin for renting 
 a house to a foreigner. The present attitude of the Chinese 
 officials is to allow as few stations to be occupied by foreign- 
 ers as possible. Much tact, wisdom, and patience are neces- 
 sary in opening new stations. 
 The Canadian Presbyterians have been five years in get- 
 ting two small stations opened in Honan, and in that time 
 they have had several disturbances. The Swedes, near Han- 
 kow, were escorted out of a city they had rented a house in, 
 the other day. The Norwegians, on the Han River, had just 
 been ordered to stop the erection of their new Mission house 
 the week before we were in Hankow. The building of a 
 foreign house in a new station is simply out of the question. 
 It will be a great thing to get a native house leased, and we 
 must not, therefore, be discouraged if our dear friends are 
 a little while in getting settled in San-Ho, Luchau-fu and 
 Han-San, and if they get marched out again more than once 
 after they do get in. 
 But they are going to put the sole o': their foot down on 
 new ground, and we shall back them up oy our earnest pray- 
 ers. The province of Ghanwhei, where they are settled, is 
 a large and populous one. It is the least occupied by mis- 
 sionaries of any of the Central Provinces of China. It had 
 34,000,000 people before the rebeUion, and may now have 
 20,000,000. It has five great Fu cities, of which only one, 
 we believe, is occupied by missionaries. The Fu city is the 
 capital of a great provincial district. Next come the 
 H'schien cities, like our country towns. Tliere are more 
 than fifty of these in Ghanwhei, and not over half a dozen 
 of them have missionaries. Besides, there are innumerable 
 market towns of from ten to twenty thousand people, usu- 
 ally the best places for a missionary centre. 
 The field in Ghanwhei is about six times as great as the 
 whole ])rovince of Berar, in India, and it will bo seen that 
 there is ample room for many scores of laborers within it. 
 The people are fairly friendly, and the means of communica- 
 tion are very easy,— creeks and canals running past nearly 
 all the towns, and enal)ling the missionary to reach the field 
 and almost all his stations by boat. In this province we be- 
 lieve God would have us concentrate for the present nmch of 
 our China work, and aim, as in Berar, to occupy it fully, and 
 provide for the speedy evangelization o'f all its towns and 
 Wuhu is its principal commercial city — its best centre of 
 operations. Here we shall have our headquarters, and from 
 hence distribute our workers over the province. 
 Here we propose to build a Receiving Home for new 
 missionaries, where they may come immediately on their 
 arrival, and spend six months in the study of the language 
 and preparation for their future work. We were fortunate 
 in being able, we believe, to secure a site for such a Home, 
 and we trust, ere long, to have a plain and suitable building. 
 Besides our work in this Province of Ghanwhei, the 
 Lord has shown us that we must also prepare, on a moder- 
^ i.A^ins. 
 nou'.y THE vAscrsn. 
 '^ext comn the 
 riiere are more 
 er half a dozen 
 ire innumerable 
 ind people, usu- 
 s as great as the 
 nil 1)0 seen that 
 borers within it. 
 3 of communica- 
 ling past nearly 
 reach the field 
 province we be- 
 present much of 
 npy it fully, and 
 11 its towns and 
 its best centre of 
 arters, and from 
 ; Home for new 
 idiately on their 
 of the language 
 e were fortunate 
 r such a Home, 
 luitable building. 
 ' Ghanwhei, the 
 )are, on a moder- 
 ate scale, for future expansion to the interior and the farther 
 West. God is very plainly loading some of our missionaries 
 to the great closed field of Thibet, and Ho expects us iu faith 
 and hope to begin to prepare a highway to that land, and all 
 along that way to have a local work for China. Tlie way to 
 Thibet, we believe, is two-fold : first, by way of Northern 
 India, as we pointed out in our letter from Darjeeling ; and, 
 secondly, through China, as recent events, which we shall 
 immediately refer to, have perhaps shown. 
 With a view to the opening up of work iu tlu^ West and 
 the Northwest, and also of preparing a Une of communica- 
 tion to the Western frontier, we have arranged for a station 
 in Wuchang where the opportunity of securing a Home waa 
 offered. Two of our brethren v/ill immediately occupy this 
 great centre, and hold it for future developments. It is the 
 natural centre of Interior China, and a grand strategic point, 
 either for a movement westward along the Yangtse, toward. 
 Shansi, Ichang or Sz-chuen ; or northwestward up the Han, 
 toward Shensi and Kansuh, the great unoccupied provinces 
 of the Northwest, and the hne of approach to Thibet ; or to 
 the great province of Hunan in the South— the Gibraltar of 
 China, and the one province in which no foreigner has yet 
 been permitted to reside 
 Our sisters in China will remain at Wuhu for the pres- 
 ent, and engage in work for women. As soon as a country 
 station shall have been opened, two of the young ladies have 
 bravely decided to remove to it, and begin real evangelistic 
 work. It is a little premature for many single ladies to go to 
 China, until the way is somewhat prepared by men. 
 At the nsk of seeming uncomplimentary, wo nniHt say- 
 that we question whether many of our Atnerican young 
 ladies are as well fitted for real pioneer work in new fields as 
 their Enghsh sisters of the China Inland Mission, It involves 
 very great privation and requires espc cial courage and train- 
 ing to engage in tliis work, and the average Americriu 
 woman is not equal to it, and will shrink from it when 8h(> 
 gets to China. 
 There are two kinds of work for lady missionaries in 
 China,— one, in the treaty ports, where they can wear the 
 European costume and live in European houses or good native 
 ones, and have most of the comforts of life that they have 
 heen accustomed to at home,— the other, in the interior, 
 where they will he expected to wear the native dress, to 
 travel native style, to sometimes eat native food, to face 
 curious, impertinent and often rude crowds of men and boyc, 
 and to live in houses where many of the odors are disagree- 
 able, and such a thing as a fire in your room is unknown and 
 We must say, from real investigation, that many of the 
 ladies of the China Inland Mission do all these things, and 
 undergo all these privations without complaint, and are con- 
 sidered by those most f amiUar with the work of that Society, 
 to be often the most successful and efficient pioneers in even 
 the newest and hardest fields. 
 All honor to these brave, self-denying women. We know 
 they have been criticised, we know the wisdom of their 
 course has been questioned by many, we know the com- 
 wa ^ ifefe-. ' ■' 
 ary, we must Bay 
 American young 
 rk in now fielda as 
 ission. It involves 
 courage and train- 
 average Americnu 
 from it when 8h<' 
 dy missionaries in 
 they can wear the 
 ouses or good native 
 hfe that they havo 
 jr, in the interior, 
 he native dress, to 
 ative food, to face 
 Is of men and boyc, 
 odors are disagree- 
 )m is unknown and 
 I, that many of the 
 ill these things, and 
 plaint, and are con- 
 ork of that Society, 
 nt pioneers in even 
 women. We know 
 e wisdom of their 
 kve know the com- 
 plaints of a few are often unjustly charged upon the many, 
 hut after all we have heard and seen, we are satisfied that 
 many of them are doing this sort of work and doing it well. 
 But, at the same time, wo believe that no woman should at- 
 temi)t it without fully understanding it, accepting all its con- 
 ditions, and being specially j)repared for it and called to it. 
 And we are bound to say that comparatively few of our 
 American girls will be found equal to it, and none without a 
 very real struggle and a very direct sense of the Master's call. 
 The single item of winter fires will bring a test at the be- 
 ginning. Many American girls are accustomed to a warm 
 room heated to 00 or 70 degrees. The English girl is used to 
 a cold room, and simply pads her Chinese dress a little thick- 
 er and never minds. Then she is inured to long walks of 
 miles, and can stand any amount of physical hardship to 
 which her western sister has nevor been trained. 
 These are, simply, facts that we have to look at either 
 after we go to the field or before. At present our work in 
 China is pioneer work. We are not far enough in to have 
 many places prepared, so that our ladies can follow up the 
 work of men. Our workers must go, like the men of 
 Ephraim, into the thick wood and cut down for themselves. 
 And, therefore, until we have opened up a number of new- 
 stations and cleared the way for easier work by women for 
 women, the great need of our work in China is men,— young 
 men, unmarried men— men that love bold, aggressive 
 work— men that expect to remain single, at least until 
 they have cut their way through the earlier difficulties 
 404 LAh'(.''f,* nf'TLOOK'S OX MfSSIOX.tny I.AXPS. 
 f their field, and after, i)eihaiw, a fiw years' campaign 
 have won their Jerichos and Hchrous, and Bucceeded in 
 opening; u s. Uion on virgin soil ; not by "IniildinK on an- 
 other man's fonndation," hut hy reaching out into "the 
 regions heyond " and conijuering a kingdom all their own. 
 These are the men wo want in China to-day. May God give 
 us a hand of them ! 
 And if there are any women, who, counting the cost, will 
 dare to compete with them, and claim the honors ;uid prizes 
 of such ])ioneer work, wo will not dare to forbid nor discour- 
 age them. But we will frankly say that mdess they are pre- 
 pared gladly and without (piestion to adopt the native dress, 
 to forego many things that they have considered almost ne- 
 cessities, and to press out into i)ioneor work as soon as they 
 have acquired the language, they had better wait, or ask the 
 Lord to lead them to India or some other field where the dif- 
 ficulties in a woman's way are less formidable. 
 There is another course, viz., to go out under one of the 
 other Societies that are working in China, in older cities and 
 centres, and have openings for woman's work, free from the 
 disabilities and disagreeabilities which we have described. 
 This is one of the temptations that will meet our girls on 
 arriving in China. They will find many lady missionaries 
 working for the heathen amid circumstances of comfort and 
 social refinement, and they will wonder why they should be 
 expected to fare differently. 
 They may forget that there places of servif nxQ in old 
 Missions that have been long opened bj the self-sacrifice and 
 • I./IXPS. 
 years' campaign 
 !i(l fiucceedod in 
 building on an- 
 ; out into "the 
 I uU tlu'ir own. 
 May God give 
 ing tho cost, will 
 onoi-s and prizes 
 [bid nor discour- 
 es9 they are pre- 
 the native dress, 
 dered almost ne- 
 as soon as they 
 wait, or ask the 
 d where the dif- 
 mder one of the 
 I older ciuies and 
 rk, free from the 
 have described, 
 noet our girls on 
 lady missionaries 
 s of comfort and 
 y they should be 
 lervii-o nre in old 
 self-sacrifice and 
 toil of oth 'S, Our work is not to go in and it up the fruit of 
 their toil in the easy i)lacos. Our calling, as a S(»ciety, is to 
 go to "the ri'gioi s beyond," "wIum' Christ bus m»t been 
 named." And, unless we are prepared to face the risks of 
 tbis kind of work, we are not W(»rthy of our trust. There- 
 fore, we ai«4 calling for brave men who are willing to give 
 themselves to this sort of work ; and, therefore, wo feel we 
 should not impose it ui)<)n our sisterw, save in those excep- 
 tional cases where a Deborah nrises to i^ut a Barak to shaine, 
 and show that the weakness of (iod and of woman is stnug- 
 «r than men. 
 Sucha voman has just passed through China, and also 
 America, on lier way to England. \^ o were two or three 
 days behind her, and failed to meet h'>r personally, but we 
 have heard her story from others who 1 ave had long inter- 
 views with her. We had heard of her i lonths ago, at Dar- 
 jeeling, and her friends then were expe( ting her to appear 
 on the frontier of Thibet at the time w. were there. We 
 refer to Miss Taylor, who has just emerged from Thibet aft.'r 
 spending ten months in that long closed land. For many 
 years this brave little Englishwoman has lad Thibet upon 
 lier heart, as a great burden of faith and prayer, and she has 
 felt that it never would be occui)ied until su-ae one had faith 
 enough to " put the soles of their feet " upoi it and actually 
 claim it in the name of Jesus. This she sas successfully 
 done. , ni • 
 Nearly a year ago. Miss Taylor passed th )Ugh Chma to 
 the Western border of Kansuh, one of the Northwestern prov- 
 inces, and took her station on the border to watch her chance 
 to get over into Thibet. Two or three times she was baffled 
 by the vigilance of the authorities, but, hke a woman, she 
 stuck to her purpose, aad, at last, one day, when the guards 
 were sleeping, she slipped in. She was accon^panied by a 
 Thibetan and a Chinese servant. She travels with these men 
 as a female merchant, wearing the Thibetan costume. She 
 found no difficulty from the Thibetans, whom she describes 
 as very friendly, especially to the Enghsh. The only enemies 
 she had to fear were the jealous Chinese officials, and, to a 
 certain extent, the lamas or priests. Her purpose was to 
 reach Lhassa, the capital, and pass through it into India at 
 Darjeeling. This she thinks she might have done if she had 
 not been betrayed by her Chinese servant, who, perhaps from 
 fear of punishment in case she was detected, gave notice to 
 the authorities of her character and plans, and a company of 
 soldiers was sent to escort her back to China. But she had 
 already succeeded in spending nearly a year in the country, 
 and preaching the Gospel in many of its towns and villages. 
 She believes that Thibet is open, and has just returned to 
 England to raise a company of volunteer missionaries to go 
 at once to Darjeeling, and prepare to enter from the side of 
 India, which she agrees, with our formerly expressed opmion, 
 in regarding it as the most hopeful side We trust our Thib- 
 etan volunteers in America are getting ready, and that God 
 will «oon give us also-as well as this brave woman-the de- 
 sire of our heart. 
 )rth western prov- 
 ,vatch her chance 
 s she was baffled 
 ke a woman, she 
 when the guards 
 ccon^panied by a 
 Is with these men 
 m costume. She 
 tiom she describes 
 The only enemies 
 officials, and, to a 
 r purpose was to 
 ;h it into India at 
 VQ done if she had 
 vho, perhaps from 
 :ed, gave notice to 
 and a company of 
 ina. But she had 
 ar in the country, 
 owns and villages. 
 s just returned to 
 missionaries to go 
 er from the side of 
 expressed opinion, 
 Nq trust our Thib- 
 tady, and that God 
 TQ woman — the de- 
 Our two dear brothers, Messrs. Christie and Simpson, 
 who came to China to prepare for entering Thibet, went down 
 to Shanghai, and had a long interview with Miss Taylor. She 
 encouraged them in their purpose to persevere in seeking to 
 enter from China, while others, at the same time, are enter- 
 ing from India. She strongly advised them to go to Peking 
 and study Thibetan there, where numbers of Thibetans reside. 
 We have encouraged them in this plan, and they will imme- 
 diately remove to the capital, and with their fine knowledge 
 of Chinese, will be able to do much good work, and, we trust, 
 estabhsh a permanent station while spen(Mng the necessary 
 time-about a year-in acquiring the Thibetan language. 
 And so God has, in a most gracious and providential man- 
 ner, fitted this also into our journey, and enabled us, in His 
 light, to see light more and more clearly respecting His will 
 for this great, closed land of Thibet, whose opening gates 
 touch so clearly the portals of His coming. Praise the Lord ! 
 Wo trust to find, when we reach home, that God has 
 been speaking to some other brave and believing men about 
 entering Thibet, both from the India and China side. We 
 would be glad to have a score of the right kind of mission- 
 aries, some for the India and some for the China baud. 
 We have dwelt thus Trlly upon the plans and arrange- 
 ments of our missionary work in China, that our dear people, 
 who are our partners in all this work, may understand the 
 situation fully, and be able to co-operate with intelhgence 
 and profound interest, 
 God is giving as five fields in this great land, viz. : first, 
 the great unoccupied province of Quangsi in the south; 
 second, the large province of Ghanwhei, in the centre ; third, 
 Wuchang as the point oi approach for tho west and the north- 
 west ; fourth, Peking in the northeast, where oar sisters are 
 laborii g ; and fifth, Shansi in the extreme north, where the 
 Swedes are settling. And now, in connection with oui- Thib- 
 etan work, we hope that the friends from Wuchr.ng and the 
 friends from Shansi will yet meet, by converging li cs, away 
 in distant Kansuh, and open two great highways, both from 
 tlie west and the north, to the borders of Thibet ; liighwaya 
 which w^e trust will yet be lined with Mission stations for the 
 great cities of interior China all along the way. This is the 
 vision. May the Lord Himself fulfill it, and hasten it in His 
 time ! 
 We took some walks into the coimtry around Wuhu. 
 One of the first was to the little cemetery where William 
 Knapp and Susie Beals lie sleeping, as pledges of China to 
 Christ. It is a neat little enclosure, and we ordered two mod- 
 est stones to be reared for those honored and loved ones. 
 The whole country is one immense rice field. It is.extra- 
 ordinary how much these Chinese get out of thtir land. They 
 raise three crops a year off all their fields, and keep the soil 
 literally saturated with manure. The cultivation of rice is 
 very interesting. First, they flood the land, and while it is a 
 great morass of mud and mire, they turn in their buffaloes 
 and plows and harrows, and just mix it up into a perfect 
 quagmire. Then the women wade in and plant the rice 
 stalks, about six inches long, which had previously been 
 '^ w i ijiJM! 
 )' LANDS. 
 i in the south ; 
 ho centre ; third, 
 >st and the north- 
 e oar sisters are 
 north, where the 
 m with our Thib- 
 i^'uchcng and the 
 •ging h' GS, away 
 ways, both from 
 hibct ; highways 
 n stations for the 
 /^ay. This is the 
 I hasten it in His 
 Y around Wuhu. 
 J where William 
 dges of China to 
 ordered two mod- 
 d loved ones, 
 fteld. It is.extra- 
 thtir land. They 
 md keep the soil 
 ivation of rice is 
 , and while it is a 
 in their buffaloes 
 up into a perfect 
 lid plant the rice 
 I previously been 
 raised in a little nursery, and set them in rows in the mud, 
 about six inches ai)art ; and so it grows until it ripens as the 
 water gradually dn^s. A growing rice field has the most ex- 
 quisite light green tint imaginable, and when the country is 
 covered with these fields it is very pretty. As soon as the 
 rice is harvested, they plant some other grain. Most of the 
 rice fields we saw 
 had been planted 
 just after the har- 
 vesting of their 
 wheat and l)arley. 
 We saw one 
 very novel sight. 
 It was a battle with 
 an army of locusts. 
 These pests are very 
 numerous, and were 
 as yet only half 
 grown. As we 
 walked through the 
 fields we trod upon 
 billions of them, as 
 they literally strewed the ground and hopped about in clouds. 
 They were about the size of small grasshoppers. The 
 people were getting alarmed about them, and, one day, we 
 saw a little army of men and boys stretched out in a long 
 row, just like a regiment, and with long switches beating the 
 ground before them, and moving forward in a solid line and 
 5 si 
 driving the locusts in myriads in front of them. A httle 
 distance in front they had dug a trench, and lighted a fire 
 at the bottom of it, and into this trench the locusts were 
 being driven where they would, of course, be burned to death. 
 But it would take a great many trenches and great many- 
 Chinamen to exterminate all the locusts we saw that day. 
 Poor people, we pray God they may be saved from a locust 
 famine this summer. 
 We took a Chinese passage from Wuhu to Nanking, and 
 some of our dear missionaries accompanied us. The accom- 
 modation for Chinese passengers is very good and the fares 
 We spent two very pleasant days in Nanking. It is the 
 old Imperial Capital, and is great, even in its ruins. Its im- 
 mense walls enclose a space more than thirty miles around, 
 and two-thirds of this vast space is occupied by market gar- 
 dens and graves. The present native city is not one-fourth 
 its former size, although it is still a city of three hundred 
 thousand inhabitants. Just beyond the city are the Tombs 
 of the old Ming Dynasty, approached by an avenue of colos- 
 sal elephants, carved out of single blocks of stone. Outside 
 the gates also stood the beautiful porcelain pagodas, which 
 were the wonder of Chinese architecture, but of which there 
 remains scarcely a crumbling fragment. 
 The city was, for thirteen years, the capital of the Tai- 
 ping Ilebellion, and at the fall of that great movement, as well 
 as at its inception, the destruction of human life was enor- 
 '•niii)»!ifc*;<i. ' 
 them. A little 
 ad lighted a fire 
 ,he locnsta were 
 burned to death, 
 and great many 
 e saw that day. 
 ed from a locust 
 to Nanking, and 
 us. The accom- 
 )d and the fares 
 oking. It is the 
 s ruins. Its im- 
 I'ty miles around, 
 I by market gar- 
 s not one-fourth 
 )f three hundred 
 y are the Tombs 
 avenue of colos- 
 I stone. Outside 
 II pagodas, which 
 it of which there 
 ipital of the Tai- 
 iiovement, as well 
 lan life was enor- 
 One of the most extraordinary movements of human 
 history, that strange episode of Chinese history, over and 
 over again, comes back to one in China witli profound inter- 
 est and wonder. 
 It was almost contemporaneous with our own American 
 rebelUon. It originated with a Christian inquirer in Southern 
 China. This man was well known to the early missionaries, 
 and at one time asked baptism at their hands. This was de- 
 ferred, as it was Mt that he needed instruction. He had a 
 fau- knowledge of Christianity, and incorporated its leading 
 doctrine as the basis of liis system, although ho doubtless 
 included, along with mu/h crude Christian truth, a great 
 mass of fanatical notions :.nd i)orsonal revelations. Feeling 
 the injustice of the op)08ition an<"' persecution offered to 
 Christianity, and also to himself, h(> resorted to force in 
 self-defence, and gradually gathering around him a band of 
 enthusiasts like himself, ho boldly took up arms in defence 
 of his claims, i^s his cause increased in strength, his fanati- 
 cal claims grew more and more exalted, until, at length, he 
 proclaimed himself the "Son of Heaven," and demanded im- 
 plicit subjection to his authority as the official representative 
 of God.' All who did not accept him and the new faith were 
 put to the sword. Like a second Mohammed, he swept over 
 Southern and Central China, and left behind him, everywhere, 
 a track of blood and a holocaust of graves. He had a sort of 
 Christian creed, and his armies marched to battle singing the 
 Christian Doxology. His alternative was the Creed or the 
 Sword. All who did not accent the Trmity, the Saviour and 
 the Son of Heavon wore put to death. It was the strangest 
 caricature of tho Glospel jh;Vu iV^e world ever saw. 
 Ho alwayc professed ic be the frien<'' of the missionaries, 
 and, again and again, beggod them to join him. One of thorn 
 told us that when his army was encamped outside of Shang- 
 liai, and his soldiers surrounded the mission property, and 
 had free access to their deserted premises for weeks, not a 
 thing was injured ; and on their return, after his troops re- 
 tired, not even the smallest thing was missing. This extra- 
 ordinary movement swept over all Southern and Central 
he doubtless 
 truth, a great 
 ions. Feeling 
 'on offered to 
 ed to force in 
 liim a band of 
 'nis in defence 
 ;th, his fanati- 
 I, at length, he 
 demanded ini- 
 lew faith were 
 he swept over 
 n, everywhere, 
 [e had a sort of 
 X\e singing the 
 le Creed or the 
 he Saviour and 
 s the strangest 
 e missionaries, 
 >. One of them 
 tside of Shang- 
 property, and 
 r weeks, not a 
 r his troops re- 
 g. This extra- 
 a and Central 
 China, carrying everything before it, and at length estab- 
 lishiKl itself at Nanking, the old capital of a former dynasty. 
 The imperial power was helpless before it, and to-day China 
 would have been under its rule and have become a sort of 
 mongrel Christian emi)ire, hud it not been for the great pow- 
 ers of Europe which combined to suppress it, and especially 
 for Chinese Gordon, who at last was the instrument by whom 
 its power was broken and its capital was taken. Nanking 
 bears the most tragic marks of the awful drama. It seems 
 very strange, after thirty years, that half an empire should so 
 quickly have recovered the doctrines of a Christianity which 
 to-day it so detests. No doubt much of its success was duo 
 to force. But that strange spectacle of the native accepting 
 Christianity at the bidding of fanaticism is, at least, a figure 
 and a foreglimpse of the day when China shall accept the 
 Gospel at tnc invitation of the Meek and Ijowly One, the true 
 Son of Heaven, whose only weapon is the Bible, and whose 
 sole compulsion is the sweet constraint of love. 
 Some have almost wished that the powers of Europe had 
 not interfered, and that the Taipings had been allowed ta 
 No, — God is wiser than men. A counterfeit Christianity 
 would be worse than a blind and cruel Paganism. Christ can 
 never accept a homage won by blood and tears, or a triumph 
 gained by any other power than His own grace and love. 
 The curse of Mohammedanism to-day is that it has incorpor- 
 ated enough Christianity with its abominable fanaticism, ta 
 seal the hearts of its votaries effectually against the Gospel. 
 Thank God, China has escaped the curse of a second Islam, 
 and is still open to a pure Christianity. 
 There is very much interesting and attractive Christian 
 work in Nanking. It was opened many years ago by one of 
 tho old veterans of the China Inland Mission, Mr. Duncan, 
 who long lived and l:i')ored at tho most famous of its gates, 
 tho Drum Towor. But this Mission has moved onto less- 
 occupied fields, and the mission work of Nanking is all of a 
 somewhat conservative type. We do not mean by this that 
 it is not earnest, aggressive and thoroughly alive, for we have 
 not met more congenial spirits and rr.oro earnest workers 
 anywhere, but that it is of that type usually found in fields 
 that have for some time been occupied, and where the work 
 is carried on chiefly by the older societies and methods. 
 Wo met with all the missionaries, visited several of their 
 schools, hospitals and homes, and saw some of the native 
 congregations. We listened vith delight to a rousing Chinese 
 sermon by our dear brother, Mi. Ferguson, and felt it, if we 
 did not understand it, and we could not fail to see the re- 
 sponse on the faces of his hearers. We had the pleasure of 
 preaching a little to them through ai\ interpreter, and we 
 were permitted to address the missionaries on Sabbath even- 
 ing, and to feel the deep response of their earnest hearts to 
 our simple message about the supreme need we had of God 
 Himself in all our life and work for Him. 
 The Northern Presbyterians have an excellent work here, 
 with a fine chapel and native congregation and several out 
 stations. The Northern Methodists have also a beautiful 
 y LANDS. 
 a second Islam, 
 •active Christian 
 .rs ago by one of 
 on, Mr. Duncan, 
 lous of its gates, 
 lovod on to less- 
 nking is all of a 
 lean by this that 
 live, for we have 
 earnest workers 
 [y found in fields 
 where the work 
 d methods. 
 \ several of their 
 ne of the native 
 rousing Chinese 
 and felt it, if we 
 ail to see the re- 
 d the pleasure of 
 erpreter, and we 
 )n Sabbath even- 
 sarnest hearts to 
 d we had of God 
 ellent work here, 
 and several out 
 also a beautiful 
 nOirJV 77/A" VAXGTSE. 
 work, and our kind host and friend, Mr. FtTguson, showed 
 us through their handsome now buildings, one of them the 
 noble gift of our dear friend, Mr. Blackstone, and told us 
 how his splendid school of more than sixty bright boys had 
 all grown up in four short years. This Mission was once 
 under the superintendence of Mr. Hart, at one time a si^cre- 
 tary of our Alliance Mission. His pla(;e is now filled by 
 Rev. Mr. Stevens, who has only been two or three years in 
 China, and his success shows how a consecrated and judi- 
 cious man, with a j)ractical training and experience at home, 
 may be transplanted to the foreign field at once, and be 
 greatly used of God in the administration of the work there, 
 even in the absence of a long experience in the field. More 
 and more we have learned, as wo have looked out upon the 
 mission work of many fields, that a good superintendent i^ 
 worth a score of workers, and is indispensable in any aggres- 
 sive work. The Methodists have also a fine hospital under 
 the care of Dr. Beebe and others. 
 The Disciples have also a good work in Nanking, and 
 our dear sister, Ella Saw, formerly Ella Funk, who has joined 
 them, was there with her good husband to welcome us, and 
 we found she made a very good little Disciple. She was 
 happy in her home and her work, and had the same bright 
 girl-face as of yore. God bless her, and make her a blessing 
 to these dear brethren and to China I 
 The Friends of America have also a Mission in Nanking 
 under the care of Miss Butler — now in America. We felt at 
 home as we saw the familiar face of our beloved brother. 
 P^BBBS'w«"t«»*''"=' • 
 Asahol Hussey on tlio aviiU, and wore delighti'd to llnd that 
 the beautiful building was bis noblo gift to the Mission. Our 
 dear Bister, Miss Murray, was visiting ibis bomo at the tinio 
 of our corning to Nanking, and bdping, temporarily, to till 
 tbo place of Miss Butler. Wo visited ber large class of native 
 women, and beard tbem repeat, witb astonisbing readiness, 
 most of tbo fourteentb cbapter of Jobn in Cbinese. Tbeso 
 Chinese bave astonisbing memories. Tbeir Bcbolara know- 
 most of tbeir classical books by beart, and are astonisbed 
 wben tbo missionaries cannot repeat tbo wbole Bible without 
 the book. 
 Altogether we bad a very pleasant visit at old Nanking, 
 and were well repaid for our tramp of four or five mile» 
 through the mud the next morning to reach our steamer for 
 • Shanghai. The chief fault of Nanking is that it takes so long 
 to get to it from the steamboat landing, and at this season, 
 especially, there is almost constant slush and rain. 
 On our way down we stopped at Chin-Kiang, the most 
 beautiful city on all the river. Our stay was long enough to 
 call on a dozen of the China Inland Missionaries at their 
 Bweet Christian Home under the oversight of Dr. Cox, and 
 also to meet some dear Southern Presbyterian brethren on 
 their way to the interior. We could not help taking a long- 
 ing look up the Grand Canal toward the distant home of our 
 dear former student, Fannie Smith, now Mrs. Dr. Woods, 
 but our time would not allow the long journey that it would 
 take to reach her. But we were comforted at hearing from 
 many old friends of her bright and blessed life in China, the 
/ txns. 
 ted to find that 
 lO Mission. Our 
 imo at tho time 
 iiporarily, to ftU 
 50 class of native 
 shing readiness, 
 Chinese. Those 
 V (scholars know 
 are astonished 
 lie Bihlo without 
 at old Nanking, 
 ur or five miles 
 , our steamer for 
 it it takes so long 
 I at this season, 
 1 rain. 
 Kiang, the most 
 3 long enough to 
 ionaries at their 
 of Dr. Cox, and 
 rian brethren on 
 lip taking a long- 
 tant home of our 
 kirs. Dr. Woods, 
 ley that it would 
 . at hearing from 
 [ife in China, the 
 land, indeed, of her birth. Neither could ve tarry to visit 
 the Ladies' Home of the C. I. M.. at Vangchow, as wo had 
 hoped, but we received a kind letter, on our way down, from 
 the lady in charge, and met at Chin-Kiang some of the dear 
 girls with whom we had crossed the Mediterranean, five 
 months ago. We have heard nuxrh of this hallowed place, 
 and believe that to its influence is largely due, imder God, 
 the wonderful vv ork which the ladies of this Mission are able 
 to accomplish in the difficult fields of the interior. 
 We took on board at Chin-Kiang some dear Norwegian 
 brethren who came on with us to Shanghai, and with whorii 
 we had Christian fellowship in the things of Christ and His 
 work. Mr. Stevens, of Nanking, was also on board, and we 
 had a short and pleasant sail under the care of the most ac- 
 complished and agreeable Christian captain that we have 
 met for many a day. And so, once more, we reached 
 Shanghai, and were soon in the hands of hosts of friends and 
 settled again in our little chamber in the blessed Home at 
 Woosung Road, hurrying through our letters for the nett 
 mail, and preparing for our next journey to the far North. 
 We had been just three weeks up and down the Yangtse, 
 and had got, at least, a glimpse of the great heai-t of China. 
 OUK northern journey was delayed and almost pre- 
 vented by an nnexpected detention in Shanghai 
 through tlie serious illness and derangement of one 
 of our Swedish brethren. We were glad to be there at this 
 critical time, and that the responsibility was not left to fall 
 wholly upon others, who had, perhaps, no right, save that of 
 common discipleship and humanity, to bear it. 
 The climate of Northern China is exceedingly trying to 
 persons subject to nervous and brain diseases, and much care 
 should be exercised in the selection of missionaries for this 
 ' At length, after a delay of four days, we wore again at 
 Be». in one of the many steamships that run between Shang- 
 hai and Tientsin. We were on the Yellow Sea ; and, for at 
 least a certain part of its course, it was worthy of its name. 
 The outpouring of the Yangtse and the Yellow rivers have 
 given its waters the tint of yellow mud, at least near the 
 estuaries of these streams. It was moderately favorable 
 weather, although bitter cold. We had some very congenial 
 Scotch friends on board, missionaries of the China Inland 
 Mission on their way to Chefoo, with their little children. 
 One of the brethren was going to take charge of the excel- 
 md almost pre- 
 )n in Shanghai 
 mgement of one 
 ) be there at this 
 IS not left to fall 
 ight, save that of 
 jdingly trying to 
 s, and much care 
 isionaries for this 
 Bve wore again at 
 \ between Shang- 
 Sea ; and, for at 
 'thy of its name, 
 illow rivers have 
 at least near the 
 erately favorable 
 ne very congenial 
 ;he China Inland 
 ir little children, 
 irge of the excel- 
 lent Boys' School at Chefoo, and the other, with his family, 
 to take a season of rest at the China Inland Mission Sani- 
 tarium there. We had a quiet Sabbath service together, and 
 nmch i)recious Christian fellowship. 
 Two days' sail brought us to the bold promontory of 
 Shantung, and on Monday morning early we anchored in 
 the harbor of Chefoo, and saw the pretty hills rising on every 
 side of the lovely harbor, with many foreign buildings and 
 missionary compounds and premises crowning their slopes. 
 Away to the right we could see Temple Hill, the headquar- 
 ters of the American Presbyterian Mission of North China, 
 where Dr. and Mrs. Nevins has just invited us to visit them 
 and their work, and whence Dr. Corbett had just returned 
 to America to tell of the great blessing which God had been 
 pouring out upon that most successful and substantial work. 
 To the left was the hospital of the China Inland Mission, 
 under the care of Dr. Eandall, formerly so well known to our 
 people in New York. Just behind the bold hill, on the shore, 
 were the Schools and Sanitoi-ium of the China Inland Mission. 
 Their school boat, manned by a band of noble-looking boys 
 from the school, was already coming oui to meet us, and soon 
 our feet had touched the beautiful sandy beach and entered 
 their hospitable doors. 
 We had only time, while our steamer tarried, to sit down 
 with a blessed company of missionaries to breakfast, and then 
 to spend all the time we could with our two precious AlUance 
 lambs,-Mabel and Bertha Cassidy, who are here at school. 
 It was a mutual joy to meet them, and to find them happy, 
 contented and making excellent progress in their studies^ 
 while their record for good conduct was simply perfect. 
 Mabel was as wise as a little mother, and Bertha was so like 
 her own mother as to make the resemblance in her sweet 
 little face almost anmsiug. Their dear mother is to spend 
 her vacation with them here, and it will be a well-earned joy 
 to all of them. This admirable school is a great privilege 
 and advantage, not only to the families of the China Inland 
 Mission, but to the children of all the missionaries in China. 
 There are two distinct sections for girls and boys, and both 
 are admirably conducted and highly appreciated by the whole 
 missionaiy comnmnity. 
 Chefoo is, probably, the healthiest place in China. It is 
 a great summer resort for all the Europeans in the country. 
 It is situated on a bold promontory, and open to the breezes 
 of the ocean. It stands on a considerable elevation, and has 
 pretty scenery and a beautiful sandy beach, reminding one 
 of our of^ean resorts at home. Its native name is Yent-ai, 
 and by this it is known on most of the maps. It is a treaty 
 port, and famous as the place where one of our most import- 
 tant treaties with China was signed. Its population is not 
 large, perhaps 40, 000, and its foreign trade about $12,000,000 
 We were obliged to defer our visit to the Presbyterian 
 and other Missions at Chefoo until our return trip from the 
 North, and hurry again on board our steamer for Tientsin. 
 Another day along the pretty shore of Shantung brought 
 US to the mouth of the Peiho River. Getting happily over 
 I their studies^ 
 simply perfect, 
 tha was so like 
 le in her sweet 
 her is to spend 
 well-earned joy 
 great privilege 
 le China Inland 
 laries in China. 
 hoys, and both 
 ;ed by the whole 
 the bar without delay, we had a seven hours' sail up the 
 marrow and crooked river to the great Northern Port of 
 Tientsin. There is a railway, the first in China, running be- 
 tween Taku, at the mouth of the river, and Tientsin. But the 
 ■oc(!rn steamers go up to the city, about sixty miles distant. 
 The water is shallow, the channel is narrow, and the difficul- 
 ties of navigation are very considerable. On our way down 
 we ran ashore, and had to wait nearly half a day for the tide 
 in China. It is 
 in the country, 
 to the breezes 
 jvation, and has 
 , reminding one 
 lame is Yent-ai, 
 It is a treaty 
 ur most import- 
 opulation is not 
 bout 11 2,000, 000 
 he Presbyterian 
 rn trip from the 
 r for Tientsin, 
 lantung brought 
 ng happily over 
 to rise and hft us off. Sometimes the ships have to wait 
 much longer. But the Chinese will do little to remedy these 
 «vils. It was a great thing for them to suffer this much of a 
 railway to be built at all, but very much of the trade still 
 comes by the old and crooked river, and the difficulties in 
 getting from the train to the steamer at Taku are so great 
 that most of the passenger traffic comes through direct by 
 steamer. Chinese railways are yet in a very immature in- 
 fancy. There is one other being constructed on the Yangtsd 
 by the Viceroy of Wuchang, to carry iron from a great 
 mine, for the purpose of constructing railway ties ; and some 
 day it is expected that a line will connect Peking with Han- 
 Notwitlistamling the many things that strike a foreigner 
 as very far behind our Western Civilization, yet it must be 
 recognized that this part of China has made gigantic- progress 
 in a single generation. There is ahnost a daily line of ocean 
 steamships between Shanghai and Tientsin, and many of 
 them are owned by native Chinese merchants. There is one 
 man in China who has given a greater impulse to Chinese 
 progress than all others. That man is Li-Hung-Chang, the 
 Vicei-oy of the Province of Chih-li, and the most inHuential 
 statesman and business man in China. He is a very rich man, 
 and owns large interests in all the ships and trading (!om- 
 panies on the coast. He is the conti.lential adviser of the 
 Emperor, and intimate with all the leading foreigners ia 
 Li-Huug-Chang seems to be an enigma, like everythmg 
 Chinese, and we have heard very opposite opinions about 
 him and his attitude toward foreigners and Christianity ; but 
 from all we have heard, we have no doubt that lie is an as- 
 tute and most gifted Chinaman, who fully appreciates the 
 value of foreign ideas and improvements, and desires to make 
 all out of the foreigner he can for himself and his country, 
 and at the same time give him as little power as he can help. 
 By some who know him personally and intimately, we have 
 been assured that he is not specially unfriendly to Chris- 
 tianity, as he has been represented to be, and that Lady Li, so 
 intimately Unked with the life and work of Dr. Mackenzie 
 and Dr. Howard, in Tientsin, was undoubtedly at heart a sin- 
 cere inquirer, and, it is believed by tlose who know her best, 
 a disciple of Jesus Christ. 
 ■ 31 
 i s 
 r.ARCF.R nr'Tf.ook's ox .v/.ssmx.tR}' /..ixp.'j. 
 1 1 
 P.ut wliile we liave been digressing and discnssing, we 
 have got almost I'p the Peiho, to our destination. Yonder 
 are the high, smoking (chimneys of Tientsin. Before we get 
 there, let lis look about us, a moment, at the country through 
 which we are passing. We are ascending a narrow serjten- 
 tine stream, not more tliaii one or two hiuidred yards wide, 
 and continually doubling on itself. Now it is north, now 
 east, now south, and again due west, in its sinuous course. 
 The country through which we are ])assing, is wholly differ- 
 ent from anything we have yet seen. It is a purely farming 
 district, strongly resembling a western prairie, when all the 
 crops are gre?n. Oi-eans of verdure swee]) away to the hori- 
 zon, millions of acres of wheat, barley, millet, Indian corn, 
 beans, sweet potatoes, interspersed with peach trees in great 
 profusion, and other foliage. It is really a pretty sight, and 
 makes one think of home. The climate is very similar to 
 that of one of our northern states, only a little hotter in sum- 
 mer, aiad a little colder in winter. 
 There aie thousands of villages all along the river bank, 
 all neatly built of mud or brick, and usually roofed with tile. 
 The people literally swarm, and they all have a fairly com- 
 fortable look. The country peojjle of Shantung and Cbih-li, 
 are usually a thrifty, industrious class of farmers, not un- 
 Avortbv of comparison Avith the peasanty of many European 
 But here we are at Tienisiu, and again we recognize the 
 foreign Bund, with the handsome European buildings, and 
 its long front of business offices and warehouses. Probably 
/..I. YDS. 
 (liscnissing, we 
 ition. Yonder 
 Before we get 
 )untry through 
 narrow Herjien- 
 red yards wide, 
 is north, now 
 f<inuou8 course. 
 3 wholly differ- 
 purely farming 
 i, when all the 
 .^ay to the hori- 
 >t, Indian corn, 
 h trees in great 
 •etty sight, and 
 very similar to 
 hotter in sum- 
 the river hank, 
 oofed with tile. 
 re a fairly com- 
 ng and Chih-li, 
 irmers, not un- 
 iiany European 
 e recognize the 
 buildings, and 
 ises. Piobably 
 Reproduction from b Chiiiest I'iiiiiliiiK 
TO nil: .Si>Niiii:K.\ i .irrr.u.. 
 it ranks tliitd aftHi- Haiikou and Hhangliai as a Treaty Port 
 and (toinnu'rcial contn!. . Its fonMgn trade, as estimated by 
 tlie Customs' returns, amounts to ^:17,(>oo,0(K), and tlie vast 
 native (ntv lias a population of 5oo,(mmi. It is the homo of 
 Li-Hung-Chang, and wo passed his palace, which is simply 
 a large collection of low, plain-looking buildings, enclosed 
 behind a high wall. He is said to live in great simplicity, 
 and requires his sons to do the same, while he has several 
 luxurious apartments furnished in foreign style for his nu- 
 merous visitors. 
 We wore met by Mr. Clark, of the China Inland MiHHion, 
 and very hospitably entertained. Wo shall lf>ng retain the 
 roost delightful reiiollectiona of TientHin and its blessed mis- 
 sionaries. We had a two-fold opixtrtunity of meeting them, 
 both on our way to and from Peking. 
 Ou these occasions we had two delightful publitt meet- 
 ings with them, and several opportunities of seeing them 
 I)er8onally, and we found much reason to tliank God for their 
 spirit and their work. This is the business centre (»f the 
 China Inland Mission for Northern China, and will have to 
 be ours also if we are to carry on much work in the Northern 
 Provinces. Tientsin in the North, and Wuchang or Han- 
 kow in the West, are the natural headquarters and jjoints of 
 departure for the great northwest, the most unoccupie<l sec- 
 tion of China, and our ])rospective mission fields. 
 For the present, \mtil we can send a proper business 
 agent, Mr. A. J. Bostwick, of the American Board, is kindly 
 representing our work, and acting as a channel of cotnmuni- 
 cation with our Swedish friends in Shansi, forwaiding mails 
 and money, and puichasing and foi-warding supplies. He 
 has been very kind and helpful, and his valuable busin«!S8 
 experience and counsel are fully appreciated. 
 Mr. Clark is an all-round man of atfairs, who has been 
 over much of China, and is the able business manager of 
 tbo China Inland Mission in Tientsin. He has a big heart, 
 and ready hand, and has been of invaluable service to our 
 Swedish friends on their journey north. 
 Among the Missionary Societies represented in Tientsin, 
 ■--mmmmir -, »!iiBBi!i" 
y /..1.VDS. 
 1 Inland MiHwon, 
 long rotitin the 
 \ its blessed inis- 
 f nu'eting them, 
 ,ful public; nieet- 
 (»f seeing them 
 ink God for their 
 SH centre of the 
 and will have to 
 c in the Northern 
 'uchang oi- Han- 
 ters ard jtoints of 
 i unoicnj)ied sec- 
 L proper business 
 I Board, is kindly 
 mel of tunimuni- 
 forwarding mails 
 ing sui)plies. He 
 valuable business 
 irs, who has been 
 liness manager of 
 e has a big lieart, 
 t)le service to our 
 ented in Tientsin, 
 r<y rill-: son rniKX capita i.. 
 the work of the Lond«»n So<-iety holds \\ prominent place. It 
 18, perluum, l)est knowji to the Christian world through the 
 life and labors of Di'. Matken/if, whose biography has been 
 go ably written by Mr. Brys(»n of this place, and whose re- 
 markable and intimate <H)nnection with the Vio«'roy, Li- 
 Hung-Chang, and Lady Li. formed so important an entering 
 wedge in the eaily days of Medical Missions in China. It 
 will be remembered by our readers that in gratitude t.)r tho 
 healing of his wife, Li-Hung-t hang founded a hospital in 
 Tientsin, and gave it up to the exclusive charge of Di'. Mac- 
 kenzie. Indeed, it was always regarded as given to the Mis- 
 sion. But, on the death of Dr. Mackenzie, a few years ago, 
 the Viceroy claimed the property, and the Mission had to 
 give it back, with all the furniture, and a large amount of 
 money, which Dr. Mackenzie had ace lunulated from the hos- 
 pital funds for the i>uri)ose of hosi)ital improvement . 
 It was found that Dr. Mackenzie had never secured 
 proper papers conveyin- the i)roperty. and the Viceroy sue- 
 ceeded in oatablishin^ his claim to it, although it was re- 
 gariied as an act of great injustice and seltishness by many. 
 It is still carried on as a Chinese Hospital under native phy- 
 sicians employed In- the Viceroy. The London Society has 
 built a new hospital, and we were glad to learn that a nmcli 
 larger number of patients come to it than go to the native 
 hospital across the street. 
 Dr. Mfickenzie was a most remarkable man in every way, 
 and the sweet savor of his life lingers in Tientsin on every 
 side. He was an extraordinary physician, but a more extra- 
 ordinary missionary. His medical work was distinc-tly sub- 
 ordinate to tlie great work which insi)ired his heart, — the 
 evangehzation of China. We are glad to say that God has 
 raised up a successor worthy of him. Dr. Koberts, of the 
 London Mission of Tientsin, and the associate and successor 
 of Dr. Mackenzie, is one of the most remarkable men we 
 have met abroad. Surely he had found his predecessor's 
 mantle, and he has filled his place, even in the estimation of 
 those who most admired Dr. Mackenzie. Without dispara- 
 ging any of the many devoted medical missionaries we have 
 met in China, nor the higher value of the Lord's own heahng, 
 we cannot help saying that the practical value of such a mis- 
 sionary is beyond computation. His .gentle, humble spirit, 
 his fervid piety and unction, his love of souls, his magnetic 
 enthusiasm for the glorious work of missions, are far more 
 noticeable than his distinguished ability as a physician, and 
 he values his profession as an agency for interestin;; the 
 Chinamen in Christ and the (xospel. 
 He has a valuable associate in Mrs. King, of the same 
 Mission, formerly so well known as Dr. Howard, of the M. 
 E. Mission of America. It was she who attended Lady Li, iu 
 lier illness, and she was as signally used in that remarkable 
 providential opening, i>erhaps, as even Dr. Mackenzie. We 
 were glad to have the opportunity of meeting this dear 
 worker and spending a little time at her home. She is 
 now the wife of one of the most prominent missionaries of 
 the London Society. Mr. King, of Tientsin. We are so glad 
 that her humble, self-denying piety and devotion are more 
 )' /..l.\7KS: 
 ,s distinctly sub- 
 l his lieart,— the 
 lay that God has 
 Roberts, of the 
 ite and successor 
 larkable men we 
 liis predecessor's 
 he estimation of 
 Without dispara- 
 iiouaries we have 
 rd's own healing, 
 ue of such a mis- 
 e, humble spirit, 
 uls, his magnetic 
 ons, are far jnore 
 ) a physician, and 
 r intorostin;;^ the 
 Cing, of the same 
 oward, of the M. 
 ended Lady Li, in 
 1 that remarkable 
 Mackenzie. We 
 leeting this dear 
 er home. She is 
 lit missionaries of 
 We are so glad 
 ievotiou are more 
 conspicuous than even her professional success. She has en- 
 tire charge of what is knowji as Lady Li's Hospital for 
 Women, and this, we are glad to say, is still the hospital of 
 the Mission, having been erected happily on Mission ground. 
 We were glad to be able to ask her many things about the' 
 distinguished family she had such opportunities of knowing, 
 and it was a great gratification to hear her say that while 
 Lady Li had not formally professed Christianity before she 
 died, yet she expected some day to meet her in heaven. 
 We had the opportunity of attending a Sabbath morning 
 service in the London Mission, and saw one of the brightest 
 and most interesting native congregations we have yet wit- 
 nessed. We are afraid we looked more at the costumes of 
 the ladies than we recommend our people to do at home, but 
 the headdresses of the women were so different from any we 
 had seen, that we must ho)je to be, at least, leniently judged. 
 The girls, of course, as elsewhere, all have a braided cue 
 hanging behind. But the married women have their hair 
 tied in a knot behind, and then an extraordinary curved fig- 
 ure, like a great sweeping plume, or more like the tail of a 
 pheasant, sweeping behind and giving their heads the av>pef tr- 
 ance of a splendid bird in flight. Brilliant rosettes or flowers, 
 and a great profusion of jewelry, finished the picture, and 
 made these women a sight sufficient to turn the head of an 
 American daughter of fashion. We are afraid the daughters 
 of Tientsin are not yet up to the apostolic standard on the dress 
 question, but they say that a Chinese woman would feel as 
 much disgraced if she went without her jewelry, as she would 
 without her clothes. 
 We had the pleasure of speaking a Uttle to this audience, 
 through an excellent interpreter, and with a good interpreter 
 we found that, by using a simple line of thought, and some 
 striking incident or illustration, we could always be fairly 
 understood, and meet bright, responsive faces and hearts. 
 Among the other missionary societies represented in 
 Tientsin are the American Board, the M. E. Church of 
 America, and the New Connexion Methodist Church of Eng- 
 land. We visited them all and were received with the great- 
 est courtesy, and learned of nmch encouraging work in their 
 midst. Indeed, the work in North China is in a more hope- 
 ful condition than in any other section. Our space will not 
 permit us to speak particularly of all. We were invited to 
 meet with the missionaries of the various societies, and ex- 
 plain the principles and methods of our work. There has 
 been naturally much misunderstanding about our Alliance, 
 and especially in connection with the large parties of Swedes 
 that have recently passed through Tientsin on their way 
 northward. W^e were glad to have the opportunity of ex- 
 ])Ounding our principles and methods, and receiving the cor- 
 dial assurance of their sympathy and co-operation. Rarely 
 have we felt more unity of spirit or received greater kindness. 
 When they found that we were to leave the following 
 day for Peking, and had not yet secured a Chinese interpreter 
 for the long overland journey which would be so difficult for 
 one who could not speak a word of Chinese, two of the mis- 
 sionaries at once offered to leave their work and come with 
 us, and our business man offered to send his office boy. We 
 i to this audience, 
 a good interpreter 
 bought, and some 
 always be fairly 
 :es and hearts. 
 es represented in 
 M. E. Church of 
 st Church of Eng- 
 ed with the great- 
 ging w^ork in their 
 is in a more hope- 
 Our space will not 
 rVe were invited to 
 } societies, and ex- 
 work. There has 
 ibout our Alliance, 
 3 parties of Swedes 
 tsin on their way 
 opportunity of ex- 
 i receiving the cor- 
 operation. Rarely 
 (d greater kindness, 
 eave the following 
 Chinese interpreter 
 d be so difficult for 
 3e, two of the rais- 
 )rk and come with 
 his office boy. We 
 accepted the otter of one of these dear brethren, Rev. Dr. 
 Bryson, of the London Mission, and we soon found what a 
 *' friend in need, and a friend indeed," he was, and how well- 
 nigh impossible it would have been for us to get on without 
 Wednesday morning, at daybreak, found us on our way 
 to Peking. Our outfit consisted of two Chinamen, four 
 mules, two carts without seats or springs, a roll of bedding, 
 and a basket of provisions for a two days' journey. That 
 ride ! WeU, we will not be able to describe it. We had rid- 
 den forty-five miles at a stretch, and as much back again the 
 next night, in a Coolie cart in India. But that was on a road 
 as smooth as a floor. But this Peking road was unlike any 
 road we have ever known or seen described, or imagined. It 
 led sometimes through great pools of water, up to the hubs, 
 and again over stone roads broken up into gieat lioles two 
 feet deep, through which our cart tluimped and bumped like 
 blows from a maul ; and yet again more f recpiently it was 
 cut into deep ruts down literally to the hubs. It seemed as 
 if all the generations of China had gone before us in these 
 ruts. And with a strange fascination the driver would insist 
 on always keeping the wheels right in the bottom of the rut. 
 Often there was a smoother i)lace beside it, but -oh ! no, it 
 would never do for a Chinaman to get out of the rut his pre- 
 decessor had gone in before. We came soon to look on our 
 mule driver and our journey as typical of the Chinese nation 
 and Chinese history-C/i/na in a rut ! That is just what has 
 been going on for four thousand years. China is doing what 
 it always has done. The same sort of carts, with the same 
 sort of mules, and the same sort of Chinamen, have been go- 
 ing in the same sort of roads in the same sort of way since 
 before the time of Abraham. The Chinaman never wants to 
 change anything. If a bar is at the mouth of a river it must 
 stay there ; if a house is abandoned it must be left to faU 
 down at its pleasure ; if a man falls into the river he must 
 not be disturbed or interfered with ; if a road was good 
 enough for your father it is good enough for you ! 
 Well, we started. There was nothing for it but to prop 
 yourself up as well as possible with pillows in the bottom 
 of the cart and try to find a Roft spot somewhere. And so it 
 began to bump and thump, from side to side, until first our 
 back seemed on the point of dislocation, and then our insides 
 to be shaken like buttermilk in a churn, and then our head 
 great lioles two 
 and bumped like 
 f reciuently it was 
 bs. It ^5eemed as 
 efore us in these 
 river would insist 
 )ottoni of the rut. 
 t, but— oh ! no, it 
 [)i the rut his pre- 
 )n to look on our 
 he Chinese nation 
 it is just what has 
 lina is doing what 
 rts, with the same 
 len, have been go- 
 sort of way since 
 lan never wants to 
 1 of a river it must 
 ust be left to fall 
 the river he must 
 a road was good 
 for you ! 
 ; for it but to prop 
 )ws in the bottom 
 jwhere. And so it 
 nde, until first our 
 nd then our insides 
 and then our head 
 KcprocUiclion IVom a CliilH'--t I'liinliiig 

■Jll Tin: .VOKTZ/KK-V CA/'ITAI.. 
 that L c„v,l,l not think ,:lea,-ly. m„l th. .uu«- os "« " ' "^^ "^ 
 of ,„„■ neck a,hea a» if th.y luul been V-^^'^^, '"^ 
 ana, inde«,l, our whole sy.ten> felt exactly hke a .a n st 
 feel after he had been shaken by a temer. lalk ot sea^^uk 
 ;;:;! It is abed ,.f down to a Peking .cul and as„ell of .a.t 
 "*"weU, we had twenty miles of it befo.e-' tiffin," and a 
 .e,.ysmaUan.ountof cooking sumeed to -t.sfy onv ..^W 
 ItoL-hs and then we had twenty .niles n.ore after t.Biu 
 : tU w .'eached the Chinese inn about dark, .here wo were 
 to dine and rest for the night. It w.« a very fa.v .nn much 
 letter than we expected, an,l we got out our baske and 
 infused our tea and cooked our eggs and nee, and ti.cdto 
 el : r "ten ;orized dinner, and then lay down on our 
 Te Iding on the Chinese benches they call beds. But oh -. the 
 ::r„;:fingbraiu.andthe,,.— ^^^^ 
 rfon T lite And at length we fell .«leep praismg pmymg, 
 gfonsuch journeys for twelve and twenty days at a fme 
 into the vast interior. 
 We were awakened, after four hom-s of sleep, at two 
 o'clock in the morning, to begin another day of sundar travel^ 
 "inf We got off a good while Wore dayhght, and about 
 fou; o'Ick we were cheered by a glorious sunnse. All day 
 \\ %.>\^ 
 fi! if 
 long we rattled on, btopi)ing only for lunch, until about sun- 
 set we saw before us the gigantic walls of Peking, and knew 
 that our long journey of eighty miles and thirty hours of 
 cart traveUing was almost ended. The second day wo were 
 not nearly so tired. Our system seemed to have got used to 
 it, and we felt that after a few days, with a good deal of 
 grace and patience, one could get inured even to a Chinese 
 But as we looked at that splendid Capital, we felt that it 
 AVfxs an (Hitrage that the metropolis of tlie greatest Empire 
 on earth should liave such an approach to it. 
 The country through wliich we had passed was most 
 interesting. It was puiely a farming district. But such 
 farming ! We wish some of the fossil farmers of the west, 
 who have worn out their land by ignorance and stupidity, 
 could only come and see one of these so-called barbarians till 
 the soil. Every scpiare inch of ground for miles, and hundreds 
 of miles, is covered with the most beautiful and luxuriant veg- 
 etation. Every sort of grain and vegetable is raised in the 
 greatest profusion and perfection. Not a weed is to be seen 
 nor an inch of waste or neglected ground. Between the 
 rows of wheat and corn something else is planted,— melons, 
 pumpkins, beans, sweet potatoes, or some other vegetable to 
 come on when the other is cut down. Three splendid crops 
 a year are raised even in this far northern climate — the lati- 
 tude of our northern States -and yet the land is not exhaust- 
 ed. It is all most carefully fertilized, and every crumb of 
 manure is gathered and put back into the soil. The culture 
 \T f.ixns. 
 li, until about sun- 
 Poking, and knew 
 lul tliirty liours of 
 cond day we were 
 ,0 have got used to 
 ith a good deal of 
 even to a Chinese 
 ital, we felt that it 
 e greatest Empire 
 passed was most 
 listrict. But such 
 ■mers of the west, 
 mce and stupidity, 
 ailed barbarians till 
 niles, and hundreds 
 and luxuriant veg- 
 ible is raised in the 
 weed is to be seen 
 und. Between the 
 s planted, — melons, 
 } other vegetable to 
 liree splendid crops 
 •n climate — the lati- 
 land is not exhaust- 
 rid every crumb of 
 e soil. The culture 
 is mostly by hand, and the whole land looks like a luxuriant 
 garden We saw no trees except orchards till we reached 
 the neighborhood of Peking, and then we began to find some 
 groves of forest trees. There were a good many wild flowers 
 along the wayside, especially daisies of many colors, a few 
 prinxroses and a great many varieties of the dwarf convolvu- 
LAKCER Of^Tr.OOk'S O.V .1f/SS/0\'.fUV rANPS. 
 Tho poasantry seeme<l to be a quiet, industriouB atid in- 
 offennivc people. Wo listened to many c-onversatious that 
 were tranHlate.1 to us, and we consider the Chinese farn.er an 
 bright and intelligent as nuiny of our own worknig people, 
 and a good deal more so than the laboring classes m many 
 distric^ts of Englan.l and Germany We beg to assure our 
 readers that these pi'uple are wortL saving, and that it will 
 need a very sensible, shrewd, and wide-awake man or woman 
 to win their respect and c;onfldence. 
 The walls . -f Peking are magnifies nt. They are, at least, 
 forty feet high and forty feet wide at the top. We went up, 
 and walked on them partly round the city, and found the top 
 of the walls was a finely paved way, on which you could go 
 round the whole city. The angles of the walls at c.-rtain 
 points are crowned by lofty superstructures, like massive 
 towers, carried up, perhaps, fifty or sixty feet above 
 the walls, and -iving an appearance of great magnificence 
 from a distance. Peking, at least in its frame and general 
 plan, is worthy of its imperial importance, and has about it 
 a certain air of majesty. And even when you get inside and 
 fairiy examine it, you feel it is unique among all other cities, 
 and certainly greatly superior to any other place m China. 
 It is usually divided into three cities, viz.: the Chinese, 
 the Tartar, and the Imperial. The latter, however, is hardly 
 a city, but rather a Palace Enclosure, detached from the 
 Tartar city. The Chinese city is on the south side, enclosed 
 by separate walls, covering a space of, perhaps, five by three 
 miles, and a population of between a quarter and half a 
ustrious and in- 
 iversjitions that 
 lilies*' farin«r as 
 working ix'ople, 
 classes in many 
 >g to assure our 
 and that it -will 
 ( man or woman 
 hey are, at least, 
 ). We went up, 
 nd found the top 
 ich you could go 
 walls at ceitain 
 •es, like massive 
 xty feet above 
 eat magnificence 
 ranie and general 
 and has about it 
 '^ou get inside and 
 ig all other cities, 
 place in China, 
 viz. : the Chinese, 
 lowever, is hardly 
 (Hached from the 
 )uth side, enclosed 
 tiaps, five by three 
 uarter and half a 
 million. The Tartar <ity is on the north side, and is much 
 larger than theCiiineso. with a population of nearly a million. 
 The streets an* wide and the buildings nnuh suin'rior i<i Cen- 
 tral and Southern Chinese cities. They are nearly all of 
 — »-».»■"■'. 
 brick and roofed with tiles. The roofs have a pretty, concave 
 form, and the eaves and cornices are often ornamented and 
 highly colored in imitation of green, red and many colored 
 tiles. There are a good many temples, and some of them are 
 somewhat handsoni.- Kv.-rywhoro theio ato ovidcncoH of 
 thoir boli.'f iiitlH. (>m<a<y of tlu-ir supoistition^. Wo pasHod 
 ai iinnu'nse shiino coveml with native inscriptioiiH, tclHngof 
 prayei-H that had been answered thoiv. On a great tal)let was 
 insrrihed tlio sentence: "If y(ni ask you shall surely re- 
 ceive "' Tlie day of our arrival it was annou need that the 
 Emperor had that morning visite.l the Tempi.- of Heaven 
 and juayed for fair weather. 
 Our visit was short, hut busy and deeply interesting. 
 Only two nights could we venture to stay without risking 
 our return to Shanghai in time to catch our steamer for 
 Japan. But we were able to accomplish nmch of what was 
 on our heart. We had come this journey of a fortnight not 
 to see a Chinese capital, but to visit our dear missionaries, 
 and come into touch with the other dear workers in the same 
 vineyard. Very little time did we spend in sight seeing. We 
 took our walk on the walls in com[.any with a missionary 
 friend, and we were able to look southward over the vast 
 Chinese city, away to the Temple of Heaven on the extreme 
 Bouthern Ixnder. and to learn that there was but one Mis- 
 sionary Chai.fcl for all this vast populati.-n. We were able to 
 look northward over the Tartar city, th.' wall on which we 
 stood intersecting the two cities, and see its vast extent. At 
 our feet were pointed out the various foreign Legations, and 
 we look right down on the handsome compounds of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Society at our feet, and farthei- in the 
 distance, located the Presbyterian, London and A. B. 0. F. M. 
)• I ,wns. 
 If ovi<lencoH of 
 ions. W«) passed 
 iptions, tolling of 
 ^ti'iit tablet was 
 Bhall Burely re- 
 iioiiiued tliat tho 
 nipU' of lloavt'U 
 't'ply intereatiiiK- 
 without riskiiiK 
 oiii' Hteamer for 
 mil of what wan 
 [ a fortnight not 
 ear n)i8sionaiieH, 
 irk(Ms in the sarno 
 sight seeing. We 
 ith a missionary 
 ird over the vast 
 n on the extreme 
 was but one Mis- 
 W»' were able to 
 wall on whicli we 
 3 vast extent. At 
 gn Legations, and 
 ompounds of the 
 lid farther in the 
 and A. B. 0. V. M. 
" h 
jLMin— nrnrrmi 
 We walked about a mile along the wall until we came 
 right over the Imperial city, and could see the Palace build- 
 ings within the enclosure. Here the Emperor lives in soli- 
 tary grandeur. He is young and feeble- looking, judging by 
 his photograph. He seldom goes o\it of these <iuarters ex- 
 ' 1 
 • >\i's.-^'V^,'^'^*ft'nvr-^ 
 ! 1^ 
 440 /-'A'6Y:A' m'Tf.oohs OX MfSsroxAh'v f.A.wns. 
 cept to prayer \n the temples, and then all the cross streets 
 opening into the line of his niarcli are boarded up that no 
 eye^ may he permitted to desecrate his sacredness hy an un- 
 hUlowed gaze. He has a lake and a steam yacht and a little 
 railway to a.uuse himself with, and a great household who 
 minister to his pleasure. They say he does not love his Em- 
 press, and, perhaps, there are no sorer hearts in Chma than 
 those that ache behin.i those Imperial walls. A veil of deep, 
 impenetrable mystery surrounds him. Few foreigners now 
 ever enter this Imperial City, and so we saw as much of it as 
 most people ever will. We were glad we could look down 
 lip ai it from above. We felt that day that we were a great 
 way above that poor little sickly king and all his silly, sacred 
 We found our dear missionaries waiting to welcome us. 
 l^Iiss Duow had recently purchased the premises which she 
 had been renting for some time. It certainly was a wise 
 purchase. Think of getting an enclosure in the heart of 
 Peking, containing nearly an acre of ground, and covered 
 with many courts, buildings and chambers, with, at least, 
 ov.>r twentv different apartments, for the sura of !i^l,400, land 
 and all. We should have thought it ridiculously cheap at 
 '$U,00«>, and in New York it would easily bring $1+0,000. 
 They had fixed it up neatly and simply, and altogether it 
 was as comfortable and suitable a Mission Home as we had 
 seen in China. It was, formerly, the residence of the Epis- 
 copal Bishop. 
 Miss Funk had recently returned to America, but Miss 
')■ f.A.\'DS. 
 the cross streets 
 aded up that no 
 edness hy an un- 
 yacht and a little 
 it household who 
 not love his Eni- 
 ■ts in China than 
 \. A veil of deep, 
 w foreigners now 
 V as much of it as 
 could look down 
 ■j we were a great 
 all his silly, sacred 
 ig to welcome us. 
 remises which she 
 tainly was a wise 
 B in the heart of 
 ound, and covered 
 )ers, with, at least, 
 sum of ^1,400, land 
 iiculously cheap at 
 ily bring $1+0,000. 
 ^, and altogether it 
 )n Home as we had 
 idence t)f the F.pis- 
 . America, hut Miss 
 TO Till-: .\ORTlir.KS lA/'/T.ir.. 
 Duow, Miss Gowans and Miss Myers wciv well and happy. 
 They I'lad all grown ptMce|)til)ly, and Miss Duow ai)peai-ed to 
 great advantage with her former experience, her knowledge 
 of the language and people, and the excellent business quali- 
 ties which her responsible situation had required her to de- 
 velop. Tlie younger ladies had fairly acquired the language, 
 and Miss Gowans was teaching an interesting class of girls, 
 and having a meeting of women, both of which were hope- 
 ful, while Miss Myers was taking charge of the Home, and 
 doing what work she could in her leisure hours. Miss Duow 
 has an excellent meeting of CJliinese v/onien, and we were re- 
 joiced to hear that a lady-the wife of an official, and her 
 daughter -had lately been baptized, and that another old lady 
 desired baptism and she believed was truly converted. Even 
 such fruits as these, in so short a time, mean a great deal in 
 China. There is room for two or three more ladies in this 
 work, and Miss Duow is an anging for their coming. 
 Our dear friends are nmch respected and beloved by the 
 other missionaries, and on the second evening of our visit we 
 had the pleasm-e of meeting nearly all the missionaries of 
 Peking in their home, and, after some pleasant social fellow- 
 ship, of explaining to them our work and aims. This was 
 especially necessary in Peking, as there had been a good deal 
 of concern respecting the Swedish missionaries and nmch 
 misunderstanding. We cannot thank God enough for per- 
 mitting us to visit China at this very time, and enabling us 
 to remove the most serious misapprehensions from the minds 
 of the best of men, and bring our woi-k and workers into a 
 place of the most blessed confidence and sympathy on the 
 l»art of so many whose fellowship is so invaluable. 
 Tlie Spirit of God was present in our meeting, ar.d all our 
 hearts were touched and drawn together in Him, and we felt 
 that God had given lis precious and lasting friends in that 
 great Imperial capital. But, better far, we felt that together 
 we were able to look out on all that vast Empire with one 
 faith and one heart, and put down the soles of our feet upon 
 it and claim it all for Christ, and that its evangelization 
 should soiuehow be prepared before the generation should 
 have passed away. 
• /..I. VPS. 
 ind we were re- 
 aflficial, and lier 
 another old lady 
 inverted. Even 
 a great deal in 
 •e ladies in this 
 1 beloved by the 
 ^ of our visit we 
 niissionarieg of 
 mt social fellow- 
 aims. This was 
 been a good deal 
 aries and much 
 enough for per- 
 and enabling us 
 3 from the minds 
 I workers into a 
 iynipathy on the 
 eting. and all our 
 Him, and we felt 
 r friends in that 
 felt that together 
 Empire with one 
 of our feet upon 
 ts evangelization 
 ;eneration shoidd 
 TO HIE \oN ini:KS CAPirAi.. 
 In this little company were our dear brethren of the 
 American Presbyterian Missica ; the Methodist Mission repre- 
 sented by Dr. Lowrie, Superintendent; the American Board, 
 represented by the venerable Dr. Blodgett ; and the London 
 Mission- all the Societies laboi-ing in Peking. 
 We had greatly desired to meet good Dr. Blodgett, the 
 oldest missionary in this part of China, and were rejoiced ti> 
 find him waiting for us on our arrival at Miss Duow's, and 
 also to have the pleasure of spending some time at his own 
 hospitable home the following day, and learning much that 
 we could not otherwise have learned of Peking and Northern 
 i^ IT inn 
 We were able to mak.? arrangements for tlie coming to 
 Peking of our Thibetan missionaries for the study of that 
 language, and we found that there was a Thibetan temple at 
 the North Gate, with a number of Lamas, among whom it 
 would not be difficult to obtain a teacher. 
 We had as much conference with our own beloved work- 
 ers as the time would allow, and left much encouraged about 
 their future work. It was but a brief day, but. like the 
 Transfiguration hour, its light will linger all the days of toil 
 and time, and when time and Peking, too, shall have passed 
 away. , , , i 
 The following morning found us up at three o clock, and 
 after a loving leave-taking, on our way on two superb don- 
 keys to the City gates. AVe found them open with the day- 
 light, and we hastened on with our donkeys fourteen miles 
 to Tung-chow. We had resolved to change our route return- 
444 I.ARCKR OCTf.OOk'S OX /l//SS/OX.'1 AT L.hV/)S. 
 ing,and take a boat at Tung-chow down the river to Tientsin, 
 believing that with the downw-^ard current and the wind in 
 our favor, we could make better time, and by travelhng day 
 and night, reach Tientsin in time to catch the next morning's 
 .steamer for Shanghai. 
 Four hours brought us to Tuiig-choAV. As we passed out 
 a>L >x 
river to Tientsin, 
 ; and the wind in 
 l)y travelling day 
 le next morning's 
 As we passed out 
 of the Peking g-.tes we nu>t Imndreds of men hurrying in 
 with their inuuense loads of vegetahles on their l)ac-ks, .larried 
 in two great l)askt>ts halanet-d on a hamhoo pole. They were 
 trotting along under their inuuense loads, and the sweat pour- 
 ing down their faces. We felt they vvere, indeed, the sons of 
 Adam and the children of toil. Little wonder that from such 
 toil even " John Chinaman " sometimes shrinks, and that Pek- 
 ing is a city of beggars. We saw a bridal procession on the 
 streets of Peking, in which three hundred beggars, dressed in 
 gaudy robes of blue and crimson, over filthy garments and 
 unwashed persons, were carrying magnificent presents, be- 
 hind a band of music, to the home of a fashionable bride. 
 They got a few cash for the occasion, and found it easier than 
 honest work. 
 A friend in Peking told us that a situation was obtained 
 for one some time ago, and he went to work for a few day 
 at good wages, but soon after he was found back at his old 
 station on the "Beggars' Bridge." When asked if he had 
 lost his job, he said " No." He had given it iip ; and when 
 l)ressed for the reason, he replied: -'I can stand cold and 
 heat, I can bear luniger and rain, but there is one thing I can- 
 not Jndure,and thatis-to be tired." It is said that 17,000 of 
 them died of cold and starvation last winter in Peking, but 
 so vast was the mnnber that they were not even missed. 
 We reached Tung-chow at eight o'clock, and had the jdeas- 
 ure of breakfasting with our friend, Dr. Sheffield, and meet- 
 ing Miss Andrews, sister of one of our dear Alliance workers 
 in Cleveland, Ohio-beside others. We received a very cor- 
 dial note of welcome from Dr. Goodrich, another honored 
 laborer of the A. B. C. F. M. here, who was absent at the 
 hills We could not tarry to visit the college and other build- 
 ings here, but were glad to hear of their great prosperity. 
 We had to hurry on the way. And so, good Dr. Sheffield 
 took us down to the river, where we found our baggage wait- 
 ing US-sent on the previous day from Peking by cart, and 
 a boat already secured. Making a bargain in Chinese style, 
 and agreeing wi1;h our boatman to give him so much more if 
 he got us in ahead of time, and requiring him to take on four 
 extra rowers, we got into our little cabin, and clearing the 
 shore, and saying "Good-bye," we were soon off on the 
 Peiho River. 
 Our boat was a small affair with a roof of mat tmg about 
 six feet wide and twelve long, and just high enough to stand 
 ■ - v»»«V?S*TiX*iM*'»'. ■^ 
oik for a few day 
 lul back at his old 
 X asked if he had 
 1 it ui> ; and when 
 m stand cold and 
 is one thing I can- 
 said that 17,000 of 
 ter in Peking, but 
 , even missed. 
 , and had the jdeas- 
 leffield, and rueet- 
 r AlHance workers 
 ::eived a very cor- 
 i, another honored 
 was absent at the 
 ;ge and other build- 
 great prosperity, 
 good Dr. Sheffield 
 I our baggage wait- 
 iking by cart, and 
 in in Chinese style, 
 m so much more if 
 him to take on four 
 , and cleai'ing the 
 re soon off on the 
 )of of matting about 
 gh enough to stand 
 7< > Tin: M >h' rHEKX < . / /'/ /• / /. . 
 lip in But it was a good dt'al easier than oui I'ekijig cart. 
 The current and thf wind were both in our favor. And ho, 
 with our sail up we dashed on, sometimes at the rate of 
 weven or eight miles an houi'. Hut the river was very crooked, 
 so that a distance of sixty-five miles, in an air line, took us 
 over one Inmdred and thirty miles by the river's tortuous 
 course. ('onse(iuently. we often found ourselves running 
 against the wind, and obliged to take down (»ur sail and get 
 our men at the oars. Hut we really got on very well, and ac- 
 corapli.shed a voyage, which usually takes two or three days, 
 in twenty-tw«) hours, and we both felt that it was "the good 
 hand of our God upon us.'" 
 Chinese boats are always interesting. In Central China, 
 especially those that come from Ningpo, they usually have 
 two great eyes at the head of the bt»at, which is shaped like 
 the head of a fish or dragon. The Chinaman's explanation 
 in pigeon English is, " If he no have eyes, he no can see, he 
 no can walk." Our boat had no eyes, but its captain and 
 crew kept their eyes open and rowed and sailed night and 
 day. A few extra cash will make a great dill'eience in the 
 amount of work a Chinaman can do. 
 It was very interesting to sit on the little deck that night, 
 as the stars came out and the little boat swept down that lit- 
 tle winding stream in Northern China, and listen to our 
 friend as he talked to these simple-hearted men about the 
 Lord. When the wind was favorable, and they did not have 
 to row, they would sit, Chinese fashion, and listen with open 
 mouths and eyes and ears, and expressions of w onder and de- 
 ^^siyiff^ssET^—^-'^'- ' 
 hARci'.R ofrr.ooh's ox .u/ss/ox.ia'v /..i.vds. 
 Ijf'' « tc.ia them of th. Loi'l Tesus walking on the sea 
 .^M HtmirK the tonipeHl . When th.' win.l wont .h.wn it was 
 aiuuHing to h..ivi- thnn wlnstHng to it, Uke an Kngh^h tar, 
 and trying to make it come, and when he explain., lo them 
 that the wind rould not hear them, th.y listened and won- 
 dered, hvit 8till kept whistling all the same. As we looked 
 into their giv lact., ». r wished we could speak Chinese, and 
 we asked that somehow they might he enahled to understand 
 the (Jospel of Christ. 
 But their minds are very dense ; the power of old super- 
 stition is very strong, and it has to he "line upon line and 
 precept upon precept. ' ' 
 Sometimes these hoat journeys are very dangevou . < >nly 
 this week a lady missionary told us how she and a friend hul 
 lately been attacked by river pirates at night, and while a 
 sword was hehl to .nich of their throats, their persons and 
 trunks had been rifled and robbed .f all their valuabli ., and 
 their lives had only l>een saved by complete and instant sub- 
 mission. Most of the interior rivi'i s are infes* ' with pin. os. 
 They seldom at ack a boat with foreigners in ii, as they fe 
 foreign fire-arms ; but it usual for missionaries to an 
 at nig!.t beside one of the nativ^. gunboats that, w are . ''1. 
 are to be foun- all along the river shores. 
 \ad ye« aese nicive gunboals are rather laughaM". 
 They havJ only one gun, and it is a fixtui in the si m, so 
 f^,r^ it has to be sighted by turning the boat round toward 
 the object to bo aimed at, and holding it steadily by mea.is of 
 the oars. Indeed, they say they seldom sh .t anythm^ more 
r /..IXVS. 
 IkiuK on t>i<' sea 
 »nt down it v« aH 
 an Kngli^h tar, 
 I)laim'' i(»theni 
 skned and won- 
 As we looked 
 ?ak ChinjiHe, and 
 ?d to \it\«l«'r8t;ind 
 ver of old Hnper- 
 10 upon line and 
 dangor<ni- < >nly 
 and a friend h.ul 
 ght, and while a 
 t,heir persons and 
 Bir valnabii ;, and 
 and instant sub 
 with piruies. 
 in u, as they f ea • 
 ionaries to an .^ 
 that, w<' are uoJd, 
 rather langhahle. 
 1 in the si m, so 
 lOut round toward 
 mdily by mestiis of 
 )t any thin tr more 
m f 
 11 ^i 
 ■ ■;Si^\«G9i£*e««!»-TiT™'«'^ 
TO TIN. XORTnihW (.triTAL. 
 teriihlo than a l.i^^ liiv .ru.tker. 'I'lwy aiv. l.ow..vei-, very iiu 
 inercniH, himI sullicimit to givu fair piutwtion to life and 
 'I'iifouKli tlie protection of a Stroiigor Arm. we safoly 
 rea(lu'<l our ileHtination so early that our Tientsin friendH 
 could scarcely believe that we had been to Peking an<l baric 
 in four days, and had spent two nights and a day there. 
 We thoroughly enjoyed the society of our dear brother, 
 who is a devoted Christian, as well as a distuiguisbed minis- 
 ter and missionary of many y.-ars' experience, and whoso ex- 
 treme kindness in leaving his work and taking that ti7ing 
 journey for the accommodation of a stranger, we could not 
 too highly appreciate and can only ask the Master to reward. 
 The steamer for Shanghai had left two hours before our 
 arrival, but this only gave occasion for another example of 
 God's care and the kindness of Christian friends. 
 A Christian gentleman in Tientsin, interested in the 
 steamship lines, hearing of our desire to get off to Shang- 
 hai, at once arranged to have one .)f his steamers leave early 
 on Monday morning, and, although she was a freight boat, 
 and had no regular accommodations for passengers, yet they 
 kindly airanged a "shakedown" for us in the cabin used 
 by the officers as a saloon and dining room, and wo got on 
 delightfully, and were able to have a Sabbath of rest in 
 Tientsin, and to get off early on Monday morwing and reach 
 Shanghai, with a day to spare for matters of great import- 
 ance there. 
 Our only regret was that our steamer did not stop at Che- 
 f oo on her way downward and our expected visit to Dr. Nevins 
jr*\ ■jW'lilNl ' 
 1 li 
 I ! 
 and the Presbyterian Mission there had to be abandoned. 
 We had met Dr. C^orbett, of this Mission, in Shanghai, and 
 heard with much joy of the great blessing that God has been 
 pouring out in the past year on all the work in Shantung. 
 This is the district where so much famine relief was distrib- 
 uted during the past few years, and the effect of it has been 
 to open the hearts of the people and awaken their confidence 
 in the missionaries, and they are earnestly sowing the seed 
 in the deeply-plowed soil, and reaping quick and glorious 
 By far the most encouraging results of mission work in 
 China, duiing the past year, have been in this province of 
 Shantung, and some of the best of them have been in the 
 Presbyterian Mission. We have received the admirable re- 
 port of the Mission, and shall be glad to i)ublish some ex- 
 tracts from it soon. Dr. Corbett has just gone to America, 
 and we hope our people may be able to hear him tell of the 
 glorious work in North China. 
 We were deeply grieved, while at Tientsin, to hear from 
 many private letters the harrowing details of the famine 
 which is now ravaging Shansi, the field of our Swedish mis- 
 sionaries. Missionaries there write of destruction so ten-ible 
 that men v/ere working a whole day for a single cash, the 
 tenth part of a cent, and selling their wives and children as 
 slaves, for a few do . ars. Young girls were being sold for three 
 dollars each, and sent southward, in carts, by the score. In one 
 village sixty-three girls had passed through that week from the 
 famine district. We need not say that these giris were 
 bought for the most infamous purpose, and taken from their 
 to be abandoned, 
 a, in Shanghai, and 
 •• that God ha8 been 
 work in Shantung. 
 } rehef was distrib- 
 iftect of it has been 
 :en their confidence 
 tly sowing the seed 
 quick and glorious 
 of mission work in 
 in this province of 
 n have been in the 
 d the admirable re- 
 ;o publish some ex- 
 ist gone to America, 
 lear him tell of the 
 entsin, to hear from 
 etails of the famine 
 of our Swedish mis- 
 estruction so terrible 
 )r a single cash, the 
 ives and children as 
 *e being sold for three 
 I, by the score. In one 
 ^h that week from the 
 lat these girls were 
 and taken from their 
 homes for enforced lives of shame, on the proceeds of which 
 multitudes of Chinese people live and grow rich Indeed 
 we saw in the tea houses of Shanghai scores of girls who 
 wore the absolute property of men and women who lived 
 upon their earnings, and these children knew no better than 
 to be the victims and the tools of their avarice. 
 Out of these famine horrors, and the blessed mfluences 
 that come from their relief, God prepares thesoil of Northern 
 China for the seed of the Gospel. We are so sorry that be- 
 fore our people at home will have time to reach these suffer- 
 ers, the horrors of the present crisis will be over-and the 
 new crops will have ripened. Our dear missionaries write us 
 that God has sent abundant rains, and by these our new mis- 
 sionaries have been commended to the confidence of the peo- 
 ple, and the temptation to blame them for the drought has 
 thus been prevented. 
 But we must hasten on our jouvney. Three days of 
 pleasant saihng brought us to the end of our twelfth^a 
 voyage since leaving home, and our sixty-fifth oay on ship- 
 board We reached Shanghai, with a little over a day to 
 spare before our steamer left for Japan. Our letters just 
 brougnt us the particulars of the burning of our Mission and 
 publishing rooms in New York, and the wonderful and gra- 
 cious way in which the loss of the publishing company has 
 been met, and once more - we thanked God and took cour- 
 age" as we felt how His mighty and faithful hands were 
 guiding and upholding us and our dear ones on the other 
 side of the world. Blessed be His Holy Name for ever and 
 evermore *. 
 NEARLY two days, after our return from the north, 
 were all that were left us to take leave of Shanghai 
 and China. A lot of business matters, an enormous 
 mail, several calls and callers, two public services and sev- 
 eral quieter ones left little unoccupied leisure. At length we 
 found ourselves, on Saturday, the 17th of June, on the steam 
 launch for Woosung, where the "Empress of China "was 
 waiting, fourteen miles down the river, to bear us to Japan. 
 A kind party of missionaries and friends accompanied us 
 unto the ship, and after a brief leave-taking, we were on our 
 way to another missionary land. 
 As we look back once more at these receding shores, let 
 us gather up some of the results of these eight weeks of 
 Chinese travel and observation. 
 These sixty days in China have been full of labor and 
 thought, and our head is literally aching with the strain of 
 an almost unconscious effort, day and night, to grasp the 
 tremendous Chinese situation. 
 We have seen something of this immense land, perhaps 
 as much as if a visitor to America should spend a few days^ 
 at New Orleans, St. Louis, Washington, New York, Buffalo,. 
 ■11 from the north ^ 
 i leave of Shanghai 
 itters, an enormous 
 ic services and sev- 
 5ure. At length we 
 June, on the steam 
 )ress of China " was 
 o bear us to Japan, 
 inds accompaniea us 
 ing, we were on our 
 receding shores, let 
 lese eight weeks of 
 een full of labor and 
 g with the strain of 
 night, to grasp the 
 mense land, perhaps 
 lid spend a few days- 
 New York, Buffalo, 
 Cleveland, Chicago, St. Paul, Toronto, Montreal and Bos on 
 We have visited the seven most important of the eighteen 
 provinces, and the fourteen most important of the fourteen 
 hundred walled cities of China. Such ceiitres as Canton, 
 Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nanking, Hankow, Wuchang, (xank- 
 ng Chin-kiang. Hu-kiang, Tientsin, Chefoo, Peknig, and 
 Tmig-chow give one a fair conception of the south, he 
 .entre and the north of China, and yet beyond these he the 
 immense western provinces of Bz-chuen, Yunnan, Kwei-chau, 
 Kansuh, and Shensi, just as Texas, Colorado, Dakota, Nevada 
 .md Arizona lie beyond, what we used to ^all, the Great West, 
 in America, and what now is scarcely the centre. 
 One can form some conception of the immensity and in- 
 accessibiUty of interior China, when we say that beyond he 
 most western point we reached, a point corresponding to the 
 situation of Chicago in the United States, there a- mission 
 stations to which it takes nearly three months or their mail 
 to come, even from Hankow. This is not merely on accoum 
 .f distance, which is not so great as our West, but partly the 
 difficulty of communication. ,, , , 
 We have tried to look at China with our Master s eyes, 
 and while we know these are only first impressions, yet we 
 are glad to reproduce the imperfect vision, for all ^t^^ worthy 
 for the benefit of those who may only be able to see it through 
 our eyes. . , 
 China proper consists of eighteen provinces, each aver- 
 aging a population about as gre^t as New York, Pennsylvania 
 and all of New England. These provinces have each a sort 
 of local government, under a Viceroy, who resides at the 
 Provincial Capital. All these eighteen provinces, of course, 
 form one great Empire, under the absolute rule of the em- 
 peror at Peking. There is an Imperial system of Customs, 
 in v^'hich the government is greatly assisted by foreign ofii- 
 cialB. The whole system is under the direction of Sir Robert 
 Hart, who has, probably, more influence over the emperor 
 and his poUcy than any other foreigner in China, and who 
 has raised the Customs' revenue five-fold in twenty-five years. 
 There is also a large standing army and a fine navy. China 
 has a fleet of some of the best gunboats in the world, and as 
 we paesed down the river we saw five of them lying at 
 anchor, as handsome and as powerful as any in the British 
 or German navy. 
 Each of the great provinces is divided into larger and 
 smaller districts. The larger include the less. Each of the 
 larger districts is governed from a " Fu " city, and the smaller 
 are like ou'- counties, and the county-seat is called a 
 "H'sein" (sheyn) city. These "Fu" and "H'sein" cities 
 are all walled, and they number nearly fifteen hundred in the 
 whole Empire. There are, besides these, thousands and hun- 
 dreds of thousands of unwalled towns and villages. The 
 i^eople all live in villages or towns, and go to the fields to do 
 their farm work, returning to their village home at night. 
 Isolated country houses are unknown in China. 
 What is the population of China ? It is very difficult to 
 j-nswer this (luestion, but w.e believe it has been overesti- 
 mated. We have always accepted the estimate of 400,000,- 
.iA')' LANDS. 
 Nho resides at the 
 rovinces, of course, 
 ute rule of the em- 
 system of Customs, 
 5ted by foreign offi- 
 iction of Sir Robert 
 over the emperor 
 in China, and who 
 a twenty-five years. 
 I fine navy. China 
 n the world, and as 
 ! of theiu lying at 
 ^ any in the British 
 ded into larger and 
 e less. Each of the 
 ;ity, and the smaller 
 y-seat is called a 
 ind " H'sein" cities 
 teen hundred in the 
 thousands and hun- 
 and villages. The 
 yo to the fields to do 
 lage home at night. 
 It is very difficult to 
 , has been overesti- 
 estimate of 400,000,- 
 LAST (:/A.uPSf:s or cin.x. i. 
 wan-ant so large a figure. Ih.s, « i.«w . ^^^ 
 nearly twenty-five million for each of tl.e r.ovmc,.-. 
 Zw that many of them have "<>' "-'y ~^j;«t' 
 ana the ve., largest „. '^em^- ... ov„^^^^^^^ 
 while Yunnan, ^i^'"^;^^"':^Z^,. .„,,0«.V.e0 a 
 millions each. Upon the xMioit., wc 
 very full estin.ate, and shall not u. future P-^f * f ^^^ 
 ChL is, probably, Just about as populous as Ind.a, and not 
 nf it Her progress in a single generation has been vei) 
 and the \ angise. j- ^^ ^^^^^ j.^. 
 "- T' 'c:" r.,r.:.;»";.i..".«- 
 from the mme to the m ei, ^^ Peking. The 
 ^isfor a yet longer "'« ^^ "^^ ..^ I !.hv,«ly 
 railway that now runs from iaRu 
 f.jh'ar.h' ofrr/.ooA's ox Ar/ssmx.iA'V /..ixns 
 being extended further north, apd will ultimately connect 
 with the Russian lines, which are fast being completed to the 
 Pacitic coast. 
 Should this all come about, the entering wedge will have 
 gone too far to recall, and it will not he long till it will open 
 up the great western pi-ovinces, and give us direct railway 
 communication from China to Loudon in twelve days. 
 And yet it must not be supposed that any of these indi- 
 cations of Chinese progress He very near the surface. It 
 seems, indeed, to a general observer the slowest country in 
 the woi-ld. It is dreadfully conservative. A map of China, 
 prepai-ed and published by the Chinese, is the funniest sight 
 imaginable. The Celestial Country occupies about two feet 
 square. Then along the edges are little strips about an inch 
 long and a quarter of an inch wide, representing the other 
 countries that lie somewhere beyond "the Great Desert," or 
 "the Great Sea." 
 We tried to persuade a native a* Tatung that we had 
 been traveUing east for five months, and after going on in 
 the same direction about two months longer we should reach 
 the point from which w^e started, and we explained it by the 
 statement that the world was round. He looked at us with 
 an amused expression and then turned away, as nmch as to 
 say . " Well— you don't expect me to beheve that, do you ? " 
 To one who is looking for the picturesque and beautiful 
 it is very disappointing. There are places to be found ex- 
 ceedingly beautiful, and even grand. But most of China is 
 commonplace and monotonous. Even the pagodas and pretty 
)■ /..ixns 
 iiniately connect 
 completed to the 
 ; wedge will have 
 g till it will open 
 IS direct railway 
 ;^elve days, 
 luy of those iiidi- 
 the sui'face. It 
 owest country in 
 A map of China, 
 he funniest sight 
 s about two feet 
 ps about an inch 
 senting the other 
 Great Desert," or 
 ;ung that we had 
 after going on in 
 r we should reach 
 splained it by the 
 looked at us with 
 ly, as much as to 
 ; that, do you ? " 
 que aud beautiful 
 5 to be found ex- 
 most of China is 
 jagodas and pretty 
 ' I I 
 '■ -alL'^L. 
L.isrcL/.urs/:s of c///.v.i. 
 tea-houses you see in your picture books are few and far be- 
 twe*; a China. Most of the teiuph^sare very ordhiary look- 
 ing. And most of the cities are just great masses of low, 
 •common looking buildings, so (;losely crowded together that a 
 bird's eye view from a tower or a hill presents nothing but 
 a mass of roofs. 
 The chief interest of China is in its immensity, its an- 
 tiquity, its vast natural resources, and its strange, unchang- 
 ing, and strongly-marked people. 
 For the people of China are, doubtless, the leading race of 
 Asia. Wherever they meet the other Asiatic races on mid- 
 dle ground they always come out in the ascendant. In India 
 the Chinaman earns twenty-five cents a day, and the Hindu 
 eight or ten. In Singapore and Penang he rides in his car- 
 riage in the Gai'dens, and is the money-lender, the merchant 
 and the millionaire, and the Malay fades befoi-e him. And in 
 China he has stood for four thousand years like a colossal 
 and immovable buttress against all the billows of Time and 
 Change, surviving amid destructive conditions and influences 
 which, surely, no other race could stand. The Hindu has 
 <^ver been a conquered race ; the Malay and the Polynesian is 
 a fading race. The Chinese, notwitlistanding poverty, over- 
 crowding, poisoned water, filthy smells, unhealthy houses, 
 extremes of heat and cold, and the competition for existence 
 of as many, sometimes, as seven hundred to the square mile, 
 and, above all other curses, the awful curse of opium, is tho 
 most populous and vigorous race on earth to-day. 
 If there ever was an illustration of the principle called 
 ■I ! 
 i.AKt:iiH iirruwKs on Mi^sionmk^ i.jnds. 
 " the suvvival of the tittesl, ' pert-.,.. y «re. The »t™K- 
 de tor existem-e U so sharp that only th- «tro„Ke»t can sur 
 Vive, and «> we see a nafon to-day "-^.f "-"Vlt t 
 oxen, that can run with a "rik l.a l.ke h..„«., that > a 
 Zr „p under suifenn^ a.ul pain Hke .to, ., and yet do all 
 these things on a diet of ri,c and a (e^^ sr-vos. 
 The women are as hanly as the ., 'i Mr. W alker gives 
 it as his opinion that the rea»<,n the , ..«ans are dyj 
 out is because the mother, have to work so hanl, and then 
 offspring is stnnted and injur,.!. But the women of Oh ma 
 ..o,k much harder in the fields and thebur. -n bearm, ot the 
 roads. And even during n.atern.ty, it is .he.dtul 1 ■> they 
 are neglectcl and expec.ed to keep up the,, ' J ""« ^ 
 keep step with others in the dread march ot hi. o 1^ And 
 yelthev stand it, and their children stand ■' a.d the race 
 lives and grows, and l«,ks down with a hoary and .m- 
 ^vearied age on the younger generations ot time. They a,e 
 the most remarkable race on earth, phys.cally. We have 
 o£ten looked at the " riksha" men of Hong K,,ng and Shang- 
 tai their limbs like great trees or immense pdlars of stone, 
 a'd they will run inthe hot sun for hours until U makes one 
 weary to see them. mu^,r 
 But these people are more than splend.d brutes. They 
 are men of keen intellect and shrewd common sense. Ot^n 
 have we listen«l to the talk of the common PeoL te ™ the 
 boats, in the country, n> the inquiry meetmg, and had then 
 ..ords interp>*d to us, and we hav,. been •'^''^h^l witMh^r 
 keenness of observation, their discernment of character, 
 ' UI. 
 re. The strug- 
 Mi^est <;an sur 
 carry loads like 
 lors^es, that an 
 'i«l yet do all 
 . alkei' gi' 
 sianH are "lying 
 hanl. and their 
 vonit'u of China 
 11 bearing of the 
 ■ea/lful 1 '^ they 
 gir 1 -, and to 
 htt toil. And 
 7+ and the race 
 hoary and un- 
 time. They are 
 cally. We have 
 Konj.; and Shang- 
 ; pillars of stone, 
 intil it makes one 
 ilid brutes. They 
 non sense. Often 
 ion people on the 
 ing, and had their 
 lelightetl with their 
 jnt of character, 
 LA SI c.i 
 then 8ly humor, their ton ,-ss for talking, theirgoo<limturo, 
 and tiieir ability to reason .'vtui on dc-p religious and philo- 
 Rophical questions. 
 Their power of memory is prodigious. Their scholars 
 know almost all their classical books by heait, and these 
 books contain many large volumes. Their officials are all 
 men of education. Tn China, all political positions are won 
 by study, and while their method of education does not de- 
 velop the y ghest intellectual (juaHties. yet it is said that the 
 State pn rs of their public men are often mai-ked by great 
 ability, and their leading statesmen are men of rare insight, 
 tact and capacity. 
 j!ni )i |i w ; w « 
 S^^^g^'f^v;^ ^. 
 460 i-.'^P^r.R orTLOoK-s ox Mrssms-.tRY r.^.vns. 
 W« have xxu'i a few officials, and more graceful a.ul dig 
 nifled n.ann.rs we have never ...>. Even the l-^^t Coohe. 
 before he drinks hiB tea or eats his n.e. will offer ,t to you, 
 and we have often felt our Anplo-Saxon hluntness put to 
 .hame hy the manners of these heathen. ,,..,,„„ 
 Their poverty has often been referred to, hut beais no 
 cnnparison to the poverty of the Hindu. True, .n fanune 
 aisticts and seasons, they are often reduced to ahjeet des^^ 
 tution, hut ordinarily you see no sueh want m Cluna a w^^ 
 saw all .>ver India. Most China.nen can earn ten to t^«»ty- 
 five cents a day. and buy all the rice he wants. Mdhc^s o^ 
 Hindus never eat rice, and their average niconie ib ten dollars 
 \' Chinese native house is, as a rule, far superior to a 
 Hindu home, and we have seen many that are greatly supe- 
 rior to the usual dwellings of the laboring classes m Europe 
 What is the attitude of these people toward foreigners 
 There is no doubt that it is most unfriendly. The lowest 
 Chinaman is taught by every instinct and tradition that he is 
 immeasurably superior to the highest foreigner. He looks 
 down upon him as an inferior and an intruder, and it is 
 counted a great thing by our missionaries, in the niteriois 
 .hen the people l,egin to condescend to notice them upon the 
 street, bid them good morning or consent to rent them a 
 They don't want the foreigner, and would be glad to get 
 rid of him if they could. This is especially true of the higher 
 classes and the officials. Step by step the foreign i«i«aonary 
 -»#»'„' SH*^ , 
•aceful and dig 
 e lowest Coolui, 
 offer it, to you, 
 untn«'SH put to 
 ;o, l)ut iK'iirs no 
 Tiut', iu famine 
 i to abject desti- 
 ; in China as we 
 n ten to twenty- 
 nts. Millions of 
 nie ia ten doUai-s 
 ar superior to a 
 are greatly supe- 
 !las8(!8 in Europe, 
 ward foreigners 1 
 cUy. Tlie lowest 
 •adition that he is 
 signer. He looks 
 itruder, and it is 
 }, iu the interior, 
 ice them upon the 
 it to rent them a 
 )uld be glad to get 
 true of the higher 
 toreigu miflfliouary 
 l^|28 |2.5 
 ^ m 
 ^ 1^ 12-0 
 L25 11.4 IIIIII.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) ?72-4503 

 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductlons / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques 
 and trader han ^ot into city after city, and the treaties have 
 established his right to stay, bnt there is, no douht, a fixed 
 determination to Uniit this as much as possible, and to pre- 
 vent it going any further. It is exceedingly difficult to get a 
 house to rent in a new town, and to build a foreign house m 
 the interior would be impossible until the people had become 
 famiUar with the new comers by a few years' residence. It 
 has been tried several times, but the building has been always 
 pulled down and the owners turned out. 
 The riots which break out from time to time are the best 
 evidence of this feeUng. It is difficult to say whether the 
 officials OB the common people are most to blame for this an- 
 tagonism. The two provinces of Quangsi and Hunan are the 
 most unfriendly, and in the latter no Protestant missionary 
 has yet been allowed to .ettle. One reason for this is the fact 
 that the Hunanese compose a large part of the Chinese army, 
 and they had a very active part in putting down the Taipmg 
 Rebellic u, which was nominally a Christian movement. Con- 
 sequently the very name of Christian is especially odious to 
 them But in all the provinc . i« exceedingly difficult to 
 open a new station, and even since we have been m China 
 there have been several outbreaks, and the work of the mis- 
 sionaries has been stopped in several places. The church 
 cannot too fully realize that China is the most difficult mis- 
 sion field in the world, and only the very wisdom, patience, 
 faith, and providence of God can open it fuUy to the Gospel. 
 What are the chief obstacles to mission work m China ? 
 Well, the first is the difficulty of getting settled at all in the 
 Then conies the prejudice and opposition of the people to 
 the doctrine. The Chinaman is naturally opposed to any 
 change. But to change from heathenism to Christianity is 
 peculiarly unnatural. His old religion is bound up with all 
 that is dearest to him. The strongest thing in Chinese idol- 
 atry is ancestral worship. And this takes hold of everything 
 that is strong and sacred in the human heart. To abandon 
 this is an outrage upon every human feeUng. 
 Then the Christian conception of God is hard for a China- 
 man to grasp. To him either nature is God, and he cannot 
 distinguish between heaven and its Creator, or there are 
 many gods, in the form of deified men ; and he has no diffi- 
 culty in accepting the deity of Christ, but how He can be the 
 Supreme and only God, is all new and foreign. Besides, the 
 whole structure of the Christian Scriptures is new and strange 
 and unintelligible to hirn. Much has to be explained before 
 he can even grasp the fundamental idea of the Gospel, and 
 the missionary has to become a patient teacher, and "line 
 upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a lit- 
 tle," prepare the very elements of thought and gently lead 
 him to grasp the primary truths of the Bible. 
 For this reason, the Scottish Bible Society has recently 
 issued, after much discussion, an annotated Bible for the 
 Chineae, explaining such terms as God, the Sabbath, and 
 many allusions and references which are absolutely unintel- 
 ligible to the Chinese mind. 
 What has been accomplished already in China ? Chinese 
 missions are only two generations old, and yet much has 
 R(l)ri«Uu-tion from a Chinese I':iinliiiK- 
 been done. Looking at it, nuniorically, it seems very Btnall 
 to talk of 40,uu.! converts out of three hundred nnUion8,-one 
 in 7 500 Still smaller do."S it look when you go into a vast 
 city'like Canton, l>eking or Hankow and see the swarmnig 
 millions on the Sabbath day, pouring out through the busy 
 streets in pursuit of gain, and in ignorance of God, and then 
 find your way to a little chapel or two, where a handful ot 
 saved men and women are worshipping the true God amid 
 this great mass of ungodliness. 
 But there are other standpoints from which it appears 
 anything but small. 
 It is no small thing that, in all the great cities of China, 
 notwithstanding the bitter antagonism of the nation, strong 
 mission centres have been planted, and native congregations 
 have been gathered, which stand continually before the 
 eyes of the natives as demonstrations of the fact of a living 
 Christianity and samples of its blessed character, influences 
 and power, as well as distributing centres from which the 
 truth is going out, not only from the Uving voice, but also 
 from the printed page, to thousands. 
 It is no small fact that, by dint of faith, patience and holy 
 tact more thanone hundred great strategic points in the in- 
 terior have been secured and opened in missionary centres, 
 from which every province but one can be re. ; ed, and in 
 fact at least evangelized. These are trains alonf, which the 
 heavenly dynamite is boing scattered, but the laying of a 
 train is often half the battle, and God may, in a single hour, 
 flaah all along these lines the fire of His heavenly power, and 

 encircle tlic cnipin; with His glory. The uiowt difficult tiling 
 for a general is to get a good position, and in China it is a 
 great thing to get any ])osition at all. But as we look over 
 the map of China, we shall find that tlie hest centres in most 
 of the provinces have heen given to the army of ('hrist dur- 
 ing th(5 past (juarter of a century. 
 It is hut a few years since more than half the provinces 
 of China were wholly unoccupied. Within a little more than 
 a decade the immense province of Szchuen, witli nearly thirty 
 millions of people, has heeii occupied, in some of its i)rincipal 
 centres, by half a dozen societies. The two provinces of 
 Yunnan and Kvvei-chow, in the Southwest, have been occupied 
 in a number of places l)y that brave pioneer Society which 
 has done more than all others to open interior China, —the 
 China Inland Mission. The same Society has pushed its sta- 
 tions into Shensi and Kansuh, which constitute the North- 
 western frontier of China, and now another society has joined 
 them in Shensi. Within the same time Honan and Shansi, 
 in the North, have been ])lanted, with several stations, and 
 already we may say that that missionary army has been able 
 to place its outposts on the salient points of all the Western 
 provinces but Hunan. This is, indeed, a great deal, and only 
 one who has been in China and seen the difficulties of getting 
 a single outpost can fully understand it. 
 Then it is no small matter that a native church has been 
 gathered in many various centres, and has given to the world 
 a loving demonstration of what the Gospel can <1() for Chi- 
 nese men and women. The first Chinese convert that, after 
 LAST (./J.vpsj-s or r ft ISA. 
 cult thirty 
 lina it ik a 
 look over 
 es irj most 
 'hrist dur- 
 more than 
 Lilly thirty 
 ■4 principal 
 Dvinces of 
 n occupied 
 ety which 
 tiina, -the 
 led its sta- 
 he North- 
 has joined 
 lid Shansi, 
 itions, and 
 t l>een ahle 
 e Western 
 I, and only 
 of getting 
 1 has heen 
 the world 
 for Chi- 
 that, after 
 seven years of waiting, n^warded the faith of Rohert Morri- 
 son, was the pledge of all the rest. Tiie first forty thousand 
 converts that, after two generations, have rewarded the faith 
 of the church, ar«i the patterns and the pledges of the millions 
 that God can as easily gather from the land of Sinini. 
 When a man wants to manufacture a valuahlti machine, 
 he first makes a mod(>l, and he takes a good while to i»erfect 
 it. Years often are spent in tests and improvements, until 
 at last his model is ready and his patent is issued. Then it is 
 easy to multiply it hy millions. 
 During these years God has been preparing His patterns 
 in China. He has been waiting, piahaps, for a higher type 
 of native Christians. And when He gets them He can easily 
 multiply them by millions. In the churches at home we 
 have often quantity enough ; what we want is (juality, — a 
 higher, nobler, diviner type. 
 Thank God, some of these have be«ni rising up in China. 
 We have met some noble specimens of native Christians. 
 There is an old man in one of the cities on the Yangtse, 
 whose elder brother threatened to bury him alive if he did not 
 conform to the native custom and have his mother buried 
 with idolatrous rites. He stood firm, and told his family that 
 it was a rare privilege to be permitted to suffer persecution 
 for Jesus' sake. He would have stood unto death, had not 
 God delivered \\h by laying His hand on that wicked brother 
 and taking him us of the world. 
 There are two men in China, who, a few months ago, 
 when Mr. and Mrs. Turner were to be beaten in Western Sz- 
 chuen. t.> api>eaHe the l.«ople, offered to take the punishment 
 theiuHelves, an<l now, instead of wanti..^ syn.pathy, they are 
 said to be the happi<!Ht men in China. 
 Tlieie is an old native pastor in Shansi, whose 8i...ple 
 faith in God has brought help and healing to th<.usands and 
 who teaches his people to trust God Just as Pastor Blumhardt 
 i„ Germany, Dr. Hoardn.an in I.ondon. Dr. Culhs n. Boston 
 and others. There are thousands of native Christians m 
 Shantung, who, according to the testimony of Dr. ^evln8 
 believe in the unchanged power of the Son of God to cast out 
 devils, and who, in thousands of cases, have claimed ttie de- 
 liverance of Satan's captives, and seen the power of God, as 
 in the days of old. 
 And s.) God has been preparing the forces and posting 
 them at the great strategic points, not so much with refer- 
 ence to the mere preliminary results which we have yet seen, 
 but preparatory to the great advance which He is abou to 
 make, we earnestly believe, with a view to the evangehzatioa 
 of the whole of this mighty Empire. 
 Hi punishment 
 athy, they are 
 whose Hii.iple 
 housands, and 
 tor Bhimhardt 
 lUis in Boston, 
 3 Christians in 
 of Dr. Kevins, 
 Ood to cast out 
 ilainied the de- 
 Avor of God, as 
 i;ea and posting 
 uch with refer- 
 B liave yet seen, 
 He is about to 
 THE London Missionary Society is one of the oldest— in- 
 deed, thi! oldest society in Cliina. Under its auspices, 
 Morrison, Mcnlhurst and Marshman came as the first 
 l)ionoers to the closed gates of Canton. It is still one of the 
 strongest and most successful agencies in the empire. We 
 had the plea.^ure of meeting its missionaries at their central 
 stations in Canton, Shanghai, Hankow, Tientsin and Peking, 
 •and seeing nmch of its substantial work. It is one of the 
 most conservative societies in China, and believtis in doing 
 good and solid work, and taking time to do it well. Its mis- 
 sionaries are well paid and, as a rule, well qualifte<l and some- 
 what highly educated. Its work in Hankow is, perhaps, the 
 best type of its methods and success. Rev. Griffith John, 
 the head of that Mission, is a man of great strength of per- 
 sonal character, and his influence :s strongly felt throughout 
 .the whole Mission, and, indeed, the whole of China. The 
 special feature of the Mission is the concentration of the 
 forces at the centre and the building up of a strong work 
 there, without attempting too wide a (drcle. The London 
 Society has done grand service in all its great centres, but 
 only aims directly to occupy a limited field, and it represents 
 the idea of concentration rather than wide-spread distrihu- 
 At the other extreme stands the China Inland Mission,, 
 representing the idea of a universal and ever-aggressive evan- 
 gelism for the whole of China. Its history is an inspiring 
 and instnu^tive lesson. It hegan with the personal work of 
 its founder, Mr. Hudson Taylor, nearly thirty years ago, and 
 has grown up in a generation to be the largest missionary 
 agency in China and in the world. 
 Its great distinctive purpose has ever been to send the- 
 Gospel to the unoccupied portions, and, especially, the in- 
 terior of China. It has so far succeeded in this glorious ob- 
 ject that its stations are now planted in all but four of the- 
 provinces of China, and its evangeUsts have preached in all,, 
 we believe. It is the only society laboring in a number of 
 the interior provinces, viz., Yunnan, Kwei-chow andKansuh, 
 and it was the first to enter Sz-chuen, Shensi, Shansi and 
 Honan, where others have since followed, and are building 
 on the foundations laid by these brave pioneers. It has also 
 many stations in the provinces of Che-Kiang, Kiang-su, 
 Kiangsi, Ghanwhei, Shantung, Chih-li and Hupeh, where the 
 older societies are chiefly grouped. Altogether it has more 
 than five hundred missionaries, and occupies over one hun- 
 dred stations in the best strategic points throughout the em- 
 Its government is Episcopal, the whole work being under 
 a director, and each point of the field governed by a superin- 
 tendent. Its missionaries are characterized by much sim- 
 )iea(l distribU' 
 nland Mission,, 
 s an inspiring 
 reonal work of 
 years ago, and 
 est missionary 
 in to send the 
 icially, the in- 
 lis gloi'ious ob- 
 ut four of the- 
 reached in all, 
 1 a number of 
 w andKansuh, 
 Lsi, Shansi and 
 d are building 
 s. It has also 
 ang, Kiang-su, 
 ipeh, where the 
 er it has more 
 over one hun- 
 ighout the em- 
 )rk being under 
 i by a superin- 
 by much sim- 
 r///r MISSION Ak'V outlook in china. 
 plicity, self-denial and consecrated zeal. Its methods are ag- 
 gressive and economical. Its history is a record of faith, 
 providence and the power of the H »ly Ghost. Its unwritten 
 record, every week, is full of incidents, revealing the spirit 
 of true sacrifice and heroism and the mighty working of God 
 in many parts of China. Doubtless, it has the imperfec- 
 tions of all human things, but in its chief aims, as an aggres- 
 sive, economical and far-reaching effort to evangelize China 
 by humble, consecrated and Scriptural agencies, it has so far 
 been successful in an extraordinary degree, and it is as yet 
 only at the threshold of holy career. 
 Between these two societies, a great number of others 
 may be ranked as they partake more of the peculiar charac- 
 teristics of either. 
 The Presbyterian Missions are located in most of the 
 great centres. The Northern Presbyterians are .strongly es- 
 tablished in Canton, Shangliai, Nanking, Chefoo and Peking. 
 Their most suc-cessful Mission is in Chefoo, and is represented 
 by such names as Drs. Nevius and Corbett. 
 The Southern Presbyterians are working along tiie Grand 
 Canal in the province of Kiang-su. The Canadian Presby- 
 terians, after a brave fight, have won a good position in Ho- 
 nan. The English Presbyterians have a noble work in Amoy 
 and Swatow, founded by Wm. Burns. The Irish and United 
 Presbyterians have a fine work in Neuchang and Manchuria, 
 ii northern province, just outside of China proper. 
 The Baptists have a most successful Mission in Swatow, 
 and have recently entered the great province of Sz-chuen. 
 I i 
 The Southern Baptists have a good work in Canton and 
 vicinity, and also in Shanghai. The Enghsh Baptists are 
 in Shantung, the Canadian Baptists in Shensi, and the 
 Seventh Day Baptists in Shanghai. 
 The Methodists have a strong work in China. The Eng- 
 lish Methodists are very strong in Canton, Hankow, and 
 vicinity, and Tientsin. The Canadian Methodists have found- 
 ed a strong Mission in Sz-chuen, under Mr. Hart, formerly 
 of our Board. The Southern Methodists have a good work 
 in Shanghai and vicinity, and the Northern Methodists have 
 strong Missions in Foochow, Nanking, Ku-Kiang, Wuhu, 
 Chin-Kiang, Tientsin and Peking. As in India, their meth- 
 ods are well planned and strongly carried out, and while a 
 good deal of their work is educational, yet it is pervaded by 
 a most earnest and aggressive spirit, and baptized with the 
 Holy Ghost. 
 The American Board has a good work m Canton, m 
 Shantung, in Peking, and in Shansi. 
 The American Episcopalians are posted along the Yang- 
 tse at Shanghai, Wuchang, and other points. The English 
 Episcopalians are at Peking, Suchow, Ningpo, Shanghai, 
 Hong Kong, and several other points. The Disciples are 
 working in Central China at Nanking and Wuhu. The Quak- 
 ers are at Nanking. Several Swedish and Norwegian Socie- 
 ties are working at Wuchang and Hankow. Several German 
 Societies are very strongly estaWished in Quantung and Hong 
 Kong. The Woman's Union Missionary Society have an ex- 
 cellent school and hospital in Shanghai. And the great Bible 
 Cauton and 
 [Baptists are 
 isi, and the 
 I. The Eng- 
 [ankow, and 
 have found- 
 irt, formerly 
 a good work 
 hodists have 
 ang, Wuhu, 
 , their meth- 
 aud while a 
 \ pervaded by 
 ized with the 
 n Canton, in 
 mg the Yang- 
 The Enghsh 
 50, Shanghai, 
 Disciples are 
 lu. TheQuak- 
 fwegian Socie- 
 jveral German 
 ung and Hong 
 ty have an ex- 
 bhe great Bible 
 ■/■///: jf/ss/(hVAA'yor77.ooA-/xc//L\'.-i. 471 
 Societies of England, Scotlan.l, an.l America are working in 
 all parts of the empire. 
 This is but a general a.ul imperfect view of the distribu- 
 tion of the chief batallions of the missionary army < )ur 
 own youthful and humble work, as we have already sliown. 
 is establishing itself in five different centres : Quangsi in be 
 south, Ghanwhei in the centre, Wuchang in the west, 1 e- 
 king in the northeast, and Shansi in the far -rtb and aims 
 to pursue lines and methods similar to those of the China 
 Inland Mission. . 
 We have seen many methoas of missionary work m 
 China. There is much e-lucational work, and it has a certam 
 value, especially where it is utilized to prepare workers for 
 the evangelistic field, but we Mieve the convct.on is gen- 
 eral that the greatest need of China is evangelism rather than 
 education. There is also nmch n.edical mission work, an, 
 we have examined it with great interest and seen a good deal 
 ot the hospital and dispensary system in Canto.,, Nanking, 
 Shanghai Wuhu. Hankow and Tientsin, and we have a high 
 !pp:^r ion of its value under proper conditions. There can 
 Tno doubt of its utility in attracting the atten ion and 
 toterest of the natives and opening their minds to listen to 
 he Gospel. In the various mission hospitals of China, more 
 hanhdf a million ,.eople ai-e annually brought into direct 
 ZLt with Christianity and Christian teachers, who wou^d 
 stably be cached in no other way. They come t,^th^ 
 hospitals and dispensaries for treatment, and all of hem 
 stay long enough to hear th,. Gospel once, and some of them 
 stay for weeks mikI are taught as regularly as they are pre- 
 scribed foi'. Their successful ti'citnieiit inspii-es them with 
 giatitude. and a measure of confidence in the missionary, and 
 they are, at least, more ready to hear his message. Only- 
 one who knows something of the intense indifference and 
 contem])t which the ordinary Chinaman feels for Christian- 
 ity and the foreigner can appreciate even this advantage. 
 Now. if this could he thoroughly followed up in every case, 
 and wholly turned to missionary account, it would be of 
 mucli greater value. Often, we feai-, through the over- 
 pressure of the medical staff, the service rendered is chiefly a 
 luofi'ssional one. and there is not time or workers sufficient 
 to follow every case to his or her house, and make these im- 
 l)ortant beginnings links in a thorough system of evangehsm ; 
 and so much is lost. The staff ought to be strong enough to 
 enable every medical missionary to give, at least, half his 
 time to evangelistic work. Where he is simply a successful 
 surgeon, and his record shows how many difficult operations 
 lie has performed in the year, and Ikhv much suffering and 
 mortality he has prevented, he had better remain at home 
 and practice his profession under more favorable circum- 
 stances than he can find in China. Medical missions have no 
 value save as an entering wedge for the Gospel, and as such 
 they have still, if properly directed and guarded, a real 
 utility in China, especially in the opening of new fields where 
 the prejudice against Christianity and foreigners is so great 
 that the ordinary missionary would not be permitted to enter 
 or reside. 
 hey are pre- 
 ? them with 
 siouary, and 
 sage. Only 
 Terence and 
 )r Christian- 
 L every case, 
 vould be of 
 li the over- 
 i is chiefly a 
 irs sufficient 
 ke these ini- 
 evangelisni ; 
 g enough to 
 ast, half his 
 a successful 
 t operations 
 iffering and 
 lin at home 
 ible circum- 
 ions liave no 
 and as such 
 •ded, a real 
 fields where 
 5 is so great 
 tted to enter 
 7///; .1//.V.SA).V./A")- OI'TI.OOK IS' CHfSA. 
 We have no sympathy with the objection which is some- 
 times nia<h^ by the friends of Divine healing, and which has 
 been sent to us by tlie last mail from Australia in a folio of 
 many j.ages, viz., that such missions are contrary to the 
 Scriptures and the principles of Divine healing. We do not see 
 this. Divine lu-aling is f..r God's c-hildren who know how to 
 trust Him. But medical missions are for poor heathen who 
 4o not know anything of the T.ord. an<l who must first be 
 brought to listen to the truth and learn t<. trust the Saviour 
 for themselves. 
 So far as method is concerned, we umst frankly say that 
 we have seen much good under all methods, and while, doubt- 
 less, all things being equal, the best results will be obtamed 
 under th,> best modes of working, yet much more depends 
 upon the spirit of the worker, an.l a man full of the Holy 
 Ghost and the hn-e of souls will be blessed with fruit under 
 any St'riptural system. 
 Undoubti^dly, the most valuable agency in China is the 
 native woikers themselves. They can reacli their country- 
 men as the foreigner never can. Especially in the strongly 
 anti-foreign provinces like Hunan and (^langsi we must rely 
 chietly upon them to introduce the Gospel. The great diffi- 
 culty "is to procure them. God is slowly raising up a small 
 army of native preac-bers who are of inestimable value. 
 Money cannot obtain them-indeed. it often spoils them. God 
 only can i)roduce an.l prepare them. Let us pray the Lord of 
 the harvest to send forth many of these laborers mto His 
 ! :i 
 Through all these various agencies, now having;;, perhaps, 
 1,500 foreign missionaries and twice as many natives, there 
 are in the whole of China several hundred centres of Gospel 
 influence and j (reaching, and about 4<»,000 members gathered 
 into the various native churches. 
 When we consider all the difficulties of the situation, this 
 18, as we have said, iimch, — very much. The points that have 
 been occupied represent great centres of work, and great pos- 
 sibilities of future expansion and great victories over almost 
 insuperable difficulties. 
 But when we compare even this with the yet iinoccupied 
 field, we shrink appalled from the spectacle of China's desti- 
 If we take even the provinces that are most fully occu- 
 pied, the yet neglected wastes are simply immense. Qnan- 
 tang is the oldest missionary field in China, and is ordinarily 
 regarded as a fairly evangelized province. And yet, within 
 five miles of Canton, we visited villages where a foreigner 
 was an absolute novelty, and Dr. Henry tells us in his volume 
 that if he had them he could place more than one hundred 
 missionaries along the lines that have been opened up by the 
 Presbyterians alone in that single province. 
 The province of Kiang-su. in Central China, is one of the 
 best occupied in the empire. It is the province in which the 
 great centres of Shanghai, Nanking, Su-chow, Hang-chow, 
 Yang-chow and Chin-Kiang are situated with their strong 
 missions. It is also one of the coast provinces, and not in 
 the interior at all. The groat Yangtse River runs through 
 tig, perhaps, 
 itives, there 
 !S of Gospel 
 ^rs gathered 
 tuation, this 
 its that have 
 id great pos- 
 over almost 
 lina's desti- 
 fuUy occii- 
 ose. Quan- 
 s ordinarily 
 yet, within 
 a foreigner 
 I his volume 
 ne hundred 
 d up hy the 
 8 one of the 
 II which the 
 their strong 
 and not in 
 >ns throngrh 
 ■n//-: .v/ss/OA-.i^'y ofr/.ooA- ix cnrsA. 
 it in one direction and the Grand Canal ,n anothe. And yet 
 n^issionaries who have been through the ^^^^^^^ 
 ince during the past year, told us o vdlage afte -Hag. and 
 citv after city, and cities great and populous, too, that ha.l 
 : fd ne/e'r have had a single voice to teU the.. ..Jesu. 
 The great province of Ghanwhei is m the h(^art of China. 
 The great highway of national travel runs through its midst 
 T^:^ of acceL, lying on hoth sides .. the Yaiigts. and 
 not more than four hundred miles from the coast. It had a 
 population before the rebellion as large as France. It ha 
 !ow nerhaps twenty millions. In it there are several great 
 Tu^' dZ 'which'are capitals of districts, and there are 
 nearly sixty walled county towns or ''H'sien^' eities. as they 
 a e cllled, besides hundreds of great market towns and hcni- 
 sands -yes, tens of thousands- .>f populous villages and yet, 
 ut :; an this population and out of all tl-e ^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 to-day less than ten separate points occupied in all tins prov 
 nee and if our Alliance missionaries are counted out, there 
 T'aW a dozen foreign missionaries, all told, among all 
 the^p tens of millions. . 
 And what shall we s..y of the „-eat interior pvovmce. 
 Hunan, with perhaps fifteen millions of inhabitants, has not 
 Tsing.; missionary. Kwei-ehow ami ^nnnan - the «.u h 
 west have just a few pioneer stations of *« Chma In 
 Cd Mission The same is true of Kansuh and Shensnn the 
 "est. And Quangsi, in the south, is yet v.rgnr so,l In 
 :S^hTna there 1 about ,,..>0 of these •■H's.en c,t,es o. 
 f unty towns, and each of then, represents a population o£ 

 ■ iiiHv iiMittteaif>a-« I - 
 nearly a (luaitor of a inilliou souls. It is not too much to 
 say that proljably l,40(» of them are yet without a niissiou- 
 aiy. The <lestitution is, indeed. apj)aUing. 
 And the ditficulties are very great. Each new city that 
 is occupied re]»resent8 months and sometimes years of patient 
 tact, beUeving prayer and heroic hai'dship. As an angler 
 would catch a fish, so nnist the missionary catch, "with 
 guile," this unfiiendly race. First, the town must be visited, 
 perhaps again and again, by the evangelist, as he pioneers 
 and feels his way. Then a native worker nmst go for a time 
 and slowly win his way into the confidence of some of the 
 ])eople. Then a house must, if possible, be rented, and often 
 this is imjwssible. The pm-chasing of land or building of a 
 house is out of the question for at least five or ten years. It 
 is a great thing if you can get a lease of a native house. And 
 when you do, you must not alter it so as to attract any atten- 
 tion, or you will cross some of their superstitious prejudices. 
 After you have moved in and settled down, it is quite possi- 
 ble you may be diiven out by an anti -foreign mob before a 
 month, and the man that rented you the house beaten by the 
 authorities for letting you in. Or, if they let you stay, it is 
 simply on sufferance. E^ ery dog on the street growls at you 
 as an offense. Every buffalo on the road snuffs at you as an 
 intruder. Every small boy is apt to call you a "foreign 
 devil." And you may feel highly complimented if, after two 
 years, the neighbors deign to nod to you on the street or bid 
 you good morning. 
 That is about the story of the opening of an ordinary 
 much to 
 I rnission- 
 T city that 
 of patient 
 an angler 
 ;h, ''with 
 be visited, 
 3 pioneers 
 for a time 
 me of the 
 and often 
 Iding of a 
 years. It 
 )use. And 
 any atten- 
 uite possi- 
 b before a 
 ten by the 
 stay, it is 
 kvls at you 
 you as an 
 ' ' foreign 
 after two 
 reet or bid 
 I ordinarv 
 THF. M/SSIO\.lKy OUTLOOK' /.V ClirNA. 477 
 Chinese town. And when you think of the fourteen hun- 
 dred municipal cities that are yet to be entered, and the more 
 than a million villages ytto be evangelized, it will be inam- 
 fest, we think, how real a task lies before the Church of Go<l 
 and how stirring the challenge that is summoning our faith 
 and courage to prove our God to the uttermost these last 
 years of the Century and the Dispensation. 
 What can be done to meet this need more effectually ? 
 1 Make the most of the existing centres and hues of 
 operation. They have cost much. Utilize them to the ut- 
 most Support every existing mission in China with all the 
 backing it can receive. If we could persuade a thousand mis- 
 sionaries to go to China, and a thousand people to support 
 them in connection with all the existing boards and agencies, 
 we would just as gladly do so as through our own. Only as 
 many missionaries can be used in China as there are open^ 
 ings for, and when these openings have been already prepared 
 at great strategic points, man them, and man them to the 
 uttermost. The force at all the existing stations in China 
 might probably be doubled, and every station could, without 
 the least difficulty, take care of the duplicates and find su- 
 perb openings for them as soon as they are ready. Indeed 
 at one of the great mission centres in China, some of the old 
 missionaries of the other boards offered to take a number of 
 our young men and women and keep them for three years, 
 teaching them the methods of mission work and receiving 
 their help in many ways in which even a junior missionary 
 could assist. We wish we could reach the ear of the churches 
 „, .,„„... ..a „.,..a wuh t.-e,„ to se„a « w„„u. ..^ at 
 „„«, t,. .-..info™ the lorn. "^ P-^-' ,^ -;„, „„„ „„„ared 
 ^„ wish. ->»-^ •_, ;^ J:„ „t,Uo,«whKhth« China 
 ment<.»ui.|.lom...itth.M,.u,lm « ^^ 
 ''""f 4l"r a, ne.- agencies a,v concerned, and onr own 
 2. So «•" "' "*^'' /^ ^„„,e conditions peculiar to 
 r' ':hrsrc!w.;a itthoiLihiiityoenn-itiplyingthe 
 China, <"- «""^^ ^^„^.,. ,„„„tries. Wecannot send men 
 forces as rap.dly >« ' "' „„^ ^ ,«„„ o£ money 
 at will to any part of t hm. . " „„,t be 
 -"'"rf::":: d try :r::":,«t fro™ Uesai. 
 ^'T nel A net min without the language cannot 
 ready opened. A .c« ^..^^ j,^^ ,^„. 
 "'^""'':/n::\::cri o, lanewandanti-foreigncity. 
 ,,ist or an "P"---— --::::;. ^^^ iX and 
 prejudice, preach the (.ospu ^_^^ ^^_^^^ 
 ^,«, a while secure premises. " '*«;j ^,„.^,^ ^3 
 J. * Ua firt^t, centres and its expen^""^" 
 time to get its fitst centr ^ .^..^ion must neces- 
 ::^7h:r::htgri:i.*x\he muUucationo.»pia.t 
 e hundred 
 1 the Chma 
 (ry |)art of 
 reinforce - 
 ini\y rnain- 
 ,he work of 
 at it is not 
 or HiB dear 
 lid our own 
 I peculiar to 
 Itiplying the 
 tot send men 
 on of money 
 ,vay must be 
 111 centres al- 
 ;uage cixnnot 
 A-ith the lan- 
 .-foreign city. 
 I native evau- 
 j way, disarm 
 >ll books, and 
 mission some 
 I workers and 
 1 nmst neces- 
 tion of a plant 
 '/•///; ;J//.s.s/(^V./A')- OUTLOOK IN CHINA. 479 
 from a single root. The more centres it can have the better, 
 if they are sufficiently eonnected to secnr. united woi-kmg 
 and mutual support. Therefore, we hav. planted already m 
 China a nund.er of central stations in different sections, and 
 in each of these we have begun to scatter the workers ^^^ 
 parties ..f two, to their mM>arate stations just as fast as they 
 lave the language and can obtain oiKunngs. In this ^v^ we 
 are preparing posts for new recruits, and after a while we 
 ZIZ. a doL>n <.r a score of centi.s, to each of which a 
 ittle band of reinforcements can go, and from which hey. 
 in their turn, can start new centres which shall, in their turn, 
 nudtiply yet more widely until all the field is covered. 
 In the province of Ghanwhei already there is room for 
 at least, a hundred such centres, and each of these should 
 have f om two to five missionaries. Wuchang, our latest 
 centre looks out to the south, the west and the north on 
 n ot than half a dozen great provinces, each of which needs 
 at least, one hundred centres, and three hundred men as fas 
 as the openings can be found and the men placed. Oui 
 Swedish friends in Northern Shansi hope to «i;;-d -e long 
 through Shansi and Kansuh, but the forty who have just 
 gone ai. as many as can be profitably located now, and as 
 ?hey become established they will move forwai^ and prepare 
 the way for others. In Quangsi, in the south, a party o 
 half a dozen can be immediately utihzed, and as they plant 
 the soles of their feet upon the land, P-^^aps a dozen^^^^^^^^^ 
 can join them, and they, in turn, can double until this 
 Tglited field shall be planted with a hundred points of 
 light It is thu« that the w„rk nuist «o on i.. ( lii.u., by a 
 wise' proK., .>Bion, accrf.vating .s it «>•.,«», untU, ,„ a ej 
 year, then, n,,-! be - a^ly any lin.it to t ... nu.nber of 
 .Kencie, that may b,. .i, «rihute,I a..,l .•"M*)y«l- 
 Of course, the ai,n of all ..ur foreign aKenaen .« to ra.»e 
 • „,, an arn,y of native worke,. an.l train th,.,n to ,lo th.K work 
 themnelve,. Bnt this ,,roce,s is -"■"•'«''»' ;'''"' •;"',' V™ 
 present generation of China is to be evangeh/..Hl ,t ,n«st 1« 
 Ey I'y foreign agency. Foreign . vangelism .« n.ore sue. 
 ceLl in China than in n.ost other fields. In In.ha very 
 Zy of the missionaries are chietly superintendents anU 
 train the natives to do n.ost of the ,„oneer work. Bntm 
 China the most successfnl „,ission,mes are »'-"-" 
 persistent evangelists. Men like Dr. Henry, of Cant«D 
 O if^th ..ohn, of Hankow, Dr. Corbett, of Si,antung, and 
 many mo., sioh well-known ,.a,.u.s, with all the.r g,eat ex- 
 Itive and litera.y ability, delight to go o„t a..,ong the ,«». 
 pie on long and perilous evangelistic tours and ,,r^»h the 
 Cl in their language fron. village to village a,„. house to 
 houL And we are glad to be able to say that he C toese 
 language is not nearly such a Je.icho as .t seemed. Ihl.gen 
 toe Ilmost any diligent and faithful student can do much 
 useful work within a year, and can do Bometh.ng ,n s.x 
 Znths. It is not half so difRolt as Japanese a.,d we judge 
 TrTt much harder than the languages of Ind,a ,n Burmah. 
 F.^egn children pick it ..p more quicklv than Enghsh. Ite 
 ;Lb »re as simple a..d monc«yllab.c. ■, ■ .■'. charaae,« 
 la KlJfSSfflS^ 
 „j,„e5«t-S.»i'^S=«-**'^^'~"-"-' ^ 
( hiiiji, by a 
 il, in a ft'vv 
 number of 
 iH Ik to raise 
 lo thiH work 
 , and if the 
 , it mxiBt ho 
 is nu»ro suc- 
 i India very 
 eudents, and 
 ork. But in 
 ccessful and 
 of Canton, 
 lantung, and 
 leir {^reat ex- 
 iiong the peo- 
 d preach the 
 1 and house to 
 t the Chinese 
 led. Diligent 
 vsonably short 
 b can do much 
 lething in six 
 , and we judge 
 ia or Burmah. 
 1 Enghsh. lis 
 jf'i characteiB 
 ■nn: .^nssrox.ARy ocn.ooh' r.\' riirs'.i. 481 
 pictorial, giving a vivid and ocular image of the thing .h'tin.d 
 Of course, it tak.^ . ^xny years fo acpiire perfect :hien. y ami 
 accurate co.unnuul of the langu.g.. But no one need de- 
 spair of oven this within a re,.Ho,uihle time, and -. kn.Avev.n 
 young missionaries like Mr. Johnston an.l Mr. Stanley Smith, 
 who siieak it with won.lerful froed..rn and ix)WPr. 
 For our own work in e'hina, the innnediate if>eds that 
 have been pressing upon our heart and mind during these 
 busy months have been : " 
 1 A thorough organization and .ompetent superintend- 
 ence of the whole field an<l work. This, we are glad to say, 
 has been granted us in the good providence of God, and as 
 we leave the Eastern Hemisphere our good brother, Mr. Lela- 
 chenr, has already reached his post at Wuhu, ar-d, in eonfer- 
 ence ^ith our brethren there, is getting ready lor the great 
 2 A judicious and comprehensive plan, provi- mg tor the 
 needs of our work for the next few years, and adapted to 
 reach the most needed of the neglected fields, and a-comphsh 
 the utmost possible for the evangelization of China durmg 
 the present generation, at least through the mean^ and re- 
 sources at our command. This, we trust, GckI has .lao been 
 directing us to do, and our forces are already being di tnbuted 
 along a number of concerted lines of operation, an<i accoTd- 
 ing to a prayerful and intelligent plan. 
 Z The distribution of our workers in as many iistmct 
 fiekte as can be judiciously opened. And this also ha. V.egun 
 aud within a month, even since we left China, .we ha e had 
 the most encouraging .epovt. of o,«ning. that have been 
 foil ana are being occnpied in new and most important sta- 
 """4 A n.issionary home where our new missionaries can at 
 once be received and cared for while they are Btudymg the 
 :„guage during the first six or twelve months nn , defim 
 openings can he found for them in special fields This, also is 
 in p"«ess. And we trust, before the close of the yearsuch a 
 hoL .ill be ready on the Yangtse at Wuhu, to be fohowed, 
 perhaps, by others, if need be, in other parts of the field. 
 '^ 6 i number of bauds of consecrated men ard women 
 but es,«cially men, to prepare for work in the mtenor of 
 Ch „a We do rrot feel, at present, that the time has come 
 to- much woman's work in connection with our work m 
 China except a small number of married women to go w.th 
 tte,r husbands, and a few such unmarried women as are 
 X and thoroughly fitted, and intelligent w.nmg for the 
 hardships and privations of pioneer work m the mtenor. % e 
 d* ant any woman to go to China mrless she knows 
 ■ust what this means and chooses it uncompromismgly and 
 unreservedly by the Lord's own leadmg. 
 But we do want several companies of young men, men 
 of the highest calibre, men of gi-eat intelligence, much prac- 
 ticll w^om, fair education, deep piety, strong courage, real 
 eW dluM and such spiritual resources that they are not go- 
 :' to gSlonesle and unhappy when cut off h-om human 
 coCntship andsympathy. Moreover, they should bemon 
 ^Ivtely caSed to the work, and so utterly given up to.t. 
 lat have been 
 important sta- 
 ionaries can at 
 5 studying the 
 i, until definite 
 s. This, also, is 
 the year such a 
 to be followed, 
 )f the field, 
 en ard women, 
 the interior of 
 time has come 
 h our work in 
 men to go with 
 women as are 
 willing for the 
 ihe interior. We 
 iiless she knows 
 promisingly and 
 y^oung men, men 
 mce, much prac- 
 )ng courage, real 
 they are not go- 
 off from human 
 ley should be men 
 ly given up to it. 
 that they are wilhng to abandon all thought of marriage, and 
 go out to a real pioneer soldier life for at loast four or five 
 years, until they have cut their way through all their early 
 difficulties and won a permanent station and home where, if 
 the Lord leads them, they may then begin to think of a more 
 settled home-life and work. We want half a dozen such 
 men for Quangsi, in the south ; a dozen, at least, for Central 
 China ; and half a dozen for Wuchang and Western China 
 besides others for Thibet and Northern China. Only God 
 can give these workers. Let us pray the Lord of the Harvest 
 to send them. ,,. t. , 1 
 6 We need a few reinforcements for Miss Duow s work 
 in Peking, but these are already arranged for, we believe. 
 7 We hope to be able to send more Swedish missionaries 
 as soon as the present large party in Shansi shall have become 
 properly disposed of, and estabhshed in their work, so that 
 others can take their places or join them in their work. 
 8 And wfc need a few married couples, at certain points, 
 to form the heads of homes, and take charge of necessary 
 executive departments of the work. 
 9 We greatly need native helpers. These are difficult 
 to obtain, and have usually to be raised up out of our own 
 work God has given us a few. Let us ask Him for many 
 more and for the wisdom needed to provide for the traimng 
 of this most essential class of helpers. We shall soon need, 
 doubtless, a training school for native evangelists. 
 10 Above all, we need the working of His mighty Prov- 
 idence* and the power of Hi. Holy Spirit. Nothing can be 
 aw ^wiu-M Mig WB*' — " 
! ' I 
 done in China without On,!. The work is transcendently 
 difficult and n,ust he all Divine. For this reason we ha™ 
 mXr class of missionaries in China such as we have found, 
 Tot: Lme degree, in no other «eld ; n,en and --n^d-^ y 
 conscious, as a ml.., of their utter ^^^^^'^^l' T^f^^^l 
 us pray for them, let us pray for our own breth.en uncea. 
 Lly that they may be strong in the Ix>rd and the power " 
 Z might, for they wrestle not against flesh and blood but 
 Slinst principalities and powers, against the rulers of the 
 rrls'of this world ; against spiritual wicke.lness m hjgl 
 nlaces " Put on, therefore, the whole armor of God that 
 ylTay be able to withstand in the evil day and havmg 
 LTall to stand. . . . Praying always wth all praye 
 ^d supplication in the spirit, and with a" pe.-ver»c» fo. 
 Ssainte" . . that all utterance may be given them to 
 ^reir mouths boldly for the Gospel for which they are 
 ambassadors in bonds. 
 son we have 
 5 have found, 
 romen deeply 
 on God. Let 
 ;hren unceas- 
 the power of 
 nd blood, but 
 rulers of the 
 idness in high 
 of God, that 
 , and having 
 ith all prayer 
 rseverance for 
 given them to 
 k^hich they are 
 WE had scarcely got out of the Yau^•tse when we no- 
 ticed the extraordinary speed at which the steamer 
 was going. Every fibre fairly quivered with tl^e 
 strain of her tremendous engines. All that day and the next 
 s c flirly Hew over the sea of Japan, until the spray dashed 
 ^hc tairiy n^ slackened her pace 
 in fine ram over our taceb, ana sne ue 
 until at svu.set. the next night, we saw before us the high 
 rocks that guard the entrance to the ^^-'•^^«^-^^^^;2^^;^ 
 We soon learned the cause. We were flyn.g fro m a t) - 
 phoon,one of those tremendous cyclones that strike the east- 
 er "L in summer like a lightning breath, and m an mstant 
 Lto nbbons the stoutest sail, and strong enough to enable 
 he vessel to sail and steer by the bare mast, when even tha 
 not torn away by the terrihc gale. Even the strongest 
 lamship has all she can do even to hold her course m the 
 te^h of the tvphoon. A friend of ours was caught m one 
 1 summer, h! one of the great ships of the French Mail Lme 
 rurfmest/perhap., in the East. For three days he says 
 they were all locked down stairs, while the great slnp was 
 hterally lifted up and dashed down again -f^g^';- ^.^^^ f 
 plavthing in the grasp of a giant, untd it would seem as if it 
 must be pounded to pieces, and at the eud of the storm they 
 found that they had hardly moved a mile on their course 
 And so it was a little exciting to know that a telegram 
 had come to Shanghai that a typhoon had just left the for- 
 mer port that day, travelling northward, and that we might 
 get out of its course by swiftly speeding across the line of its 
 march before it reached us. We saw no sign of its commg 
 but we knew that these visitors come without notice, and 
 that the sky, this moment bright and clear, might the very 
 next be dark with the dreadful hurricane. 
 But we quietly trusted and prayed, and the next night 
 as we entered the harbor of Nagasaki, we knew that through 
 God's goodness we had escaped it. The third day, as we sailed 
 out of that harbor and rounded the coast to enter the Inland 
 Sea, we were caught in its tail, and the slight shaking we got 
 gave us a very faint idea of what its clutches would have 
 ^''' These tremendous storms usually start at the Philippine 
 Islands, and travelling in a narrow course with a revolving 
 spiral motion, sweep on to Hong Kong and then up the Chi- 
 nese coast, usually passing out to sea a little distance above 
 Shanghai Thev mow a swath of desolation on land and sea, 
 and many of th; hapless wrecks they leave are never known. 
 The harbor of Nagasaki is said to be the prettiest m the 
 Fast We do not consider it as fine as Hong Kong, which 
 still remains, in our judgment, unapproached if not unap. 
 proachable for picturesque grandeur. ,u,,„„h 
 But the picture is exceedingly fine. You enter through 
FIRST c;Lnrps/:s oi-japax. 
 a storm they 
 ir course. 
 it a telegram 
 left the for- 
 lat we might 
 Lhe line of its 
 if its coming, 
 t notice, and 
 light the very 
 te next night, 
 ' that through 
 y, as we sailed 
 ter the Inland 
 baking we got 
 }s would have 
 the Phihppine 
 th a revolving 
 len up the Chi- 
 distance above 
 n land and sea, 
 3 never known, 
 prettiest in the 
 ig Kong, which 
 id if not unap- 
 u enter through 
 ure, hke a Scotch Uke ^ ^^ ^,, „„,,,,„„d. 
 The 1" effeiive angles, by some pvetty Ughthou^e or hand- 
 1 of +Ho ViPfld of the little harbor, 
 the native uty, w J ^ handsome bungalows, and 
 green look like carvmgs and chasmgs on tne 
 frame of the mirror that flashes below. 
 ji^^i,w-"''i)riii ' n' wr^ 
 \mong these hillB are the rocks where, more than two 
 hundred years ago, the Martyr Christians of Japan wei-e 
 liurled to death. , 
 In these waters, too, was found that wonderful copy of 
 the Bible, a quarter of a century ago, that led a whole vdlage 
 to Christ, and formed one of the beautiful providential Imk. 
 in the oi.ening of niodern missions in Japan 
 Monday morning we began coaling, and we had a good 
 opportunity to study native character. The ^V^^- ^^^^ 
 up alongside, and a great crowd of boys and gn-^s unloaded 
 these into the steamer. It was a curious sight to see those 
 long chains of mere girls, as they seemed, standing one above 
 another up the ladders on the sides of the ship a..d dow to 
 the holds of the coal barges, passing m and out the full and 
 eniptv baskets, with songs and shouts of merriment. \\ hat 
 a little people, and what a joyous and cheerful people they 
 ""'^ A "riksha" ride through Nagasaki showed us the great 
 Buddhist temple with its silly priests and performances, and 
 V.retty stores and streets, so clean and so different from the 
 nithy scenes we had just left in China. 
 In the Afternoon we sailed out again, and after a little 
 tumbling in the open sea, we entered, at length, the beauti- 
 ful "Inland Sea," through which the rest of our voyage t« 
 Kobe passed. 
 The "Inland Sea" is the jewel of Japan. It has been 
 compared to English, Swiss and Scottish lakes, and our own 
 -Thousand Isles" of the St. Lawrence, or Lake George and 
 3 than two 
 fai)au were 
 •ful copy of 
 hole village 
 lential links 
 had a good 
 liaiges came 
 rls unloaded 
 to see those 
 ig one above 
 and down to 
 , the full and 
 iient. What 
 1 people they 
 I us the great 
 rniances, and 
 lent from the 
 a after a little 
 ,h, the heauti- 
 our voyage to 
 It has been 
 , and our own 
 ke Geox-ge and 
 its isle-adovned bosoni. It is a sea of islands much larger 
 than any of these expaiisos, and combining many elements 
 of interest thev lack. It is about three hundred miles long, 
 and varies in width from five to fifty miles. 
 A sheet of light green water, at least three hundred 
 miles long inside the ocean breakwaters, its surface as 
 rmt>th as glass, save when its fair face dimples at the touch 
490 i.^/^^^^ orTLOOA-s ox .//.vv/oav/a'>- l.lxds. 
 t Hu Umoni dotted with innuiner- 
 able .sluiuls ">" S- y',;^ '^ ' ,„„, „„„„, »„„„ a tVw n,iU« 
 and low, corneal a»^ '» ; ^ «,,^ „„ ,,,a,„t „„,, Vautiful •. 
 and son.o '^ ^'^'^ /''',,'''„.,„, „£ Ught grey simd to ligl.t 
 uptheu daik ^ue ^^^^ ^^^^^.^ ^^^^^ ^^,^^^ j^^^ 
 into a ^^-";^-^^/"^;!°Jj,i^ islandB 
 jewels cut by gigantic hands in many . .,,„^^,^.,gp,i ^itli 
 iove^a with patches 0.. la... r«^ 
 menaced '>-"^^;'^ jtjet^^ village nestling hy the 
 green and »'";;;;, ,ig^,„„„,, with its snow white 
 «ea ; here and the.. ^ P ^"^ ^ ^ ,,„„« ,„,Uy islet ; here 
 tower and w.i.d.ng sta... """"""^ .„„^ a heautiful 
 and thereaflshin. ^"^'^ZZ^Z:^^^"^'^ -Hh 
 r^'^TiXlf e::r .' l-Tlnd „ers„eetive new a,.d 
 tays »'\'" ^';. n,',' hU a ga.,len-everyMcagen» 
 strangely heant.tul ■^■"^'y „ ,„,^^,„, s,a.- 
 and la,.ds elevated into ™>»"ta...s -.n la^ .at ^ . 
 Lawrence widened into a ^^^^^ ^ a .ine-clad sho-es 
 banks of the H-'-" -;;';';; '^X^.™'-'^ »'"^ -- 
 of the Rhine c, ^M-' ;,:^^ ' ,l„uf as Wi,.der„.ere or 
 s:::::— "^tLtsU^co...^^^^ 
 I innuiner- 
 iliuulrt high 
 I few iniU'tf 
 beautiful *, 
 iinl to hght 
 tht'ir fronts 
 ey look like 
 118 -, islands 
 persed with 
 i „f lij^hter 
 tling by tlio 
 snow white 
 T islet ; here 
 , a beau tif til 
 ulfutt'd with 
 ve nev^ and 
 ry isle a gem 
 er and set in 
 li their shores 
 m-s of the St. 
 It is the high 
 le-dad shores 
 anels and cir- 
 rindermere or 
 or Maggion;. 
 ery charm as 
 \ hold them all 
 FIRST aLi.-irrslis of jAr.w. 
 nut together, with the Tlu.usand Isles and Lake George 
 tlvtn n We sailed through it for thirty hours, and our 
 on yU was that nua-h of its lovehness -- l-t -^^e 
 veil of mist and clouds that rested upon M. But it was 
 ;:etty enough to enable us to veali.e what .t nmst ho unde. 
 a brilliant sun, and a clear, transparent sky. 
 Tuesauy night toma "» ''""»« '"'" t**" '''"■''"'' "' '^°'*' 
 a„.., „e.xt moving, our good fnend Mr. GuUok c.me ou 
 board early and took us ashore to breakfast at Mrs. BalUid , 
 peasant missionary hon.e, just outside the town, under tho 
 '"■^lotlsilhandson.o ci.y of ....>,"00 inhahitants, and 
492 /-tAv-v-A' orn.oo^-s ox >v/ .fOX-U-y i.axos. 
 the Becona ..poH in Japan, .on.pHin. -ry Jauly^tl. 
 Yokohan^afo.. the luvg. shippm, trade o ^^-^ '^^ J ^^ 
 • 1 ia Tt is tiuelv Bituate.1 in an niegular frame ot lufca 
 iBlauds It I. f "•^ y '^ ; ^,, ,,.,i, ,,„„„itH with terraced 
 whi.h:u-.. |n'.-»l..-.' "? J='2'- " lil. a pointed rnlar. But 
 ' . 1 
 •^ t. 
 tbe pine t,ve ..£ Japan, eithe,- bom natural habit or fiomlong 
 tr^in ng, i» a spveadins ti«, giving low, and dwarf shaped, 
 often nt ove' twenty feet high, and oxtendn,g U. w,de 
 trchos out ou evevy side with thick and •"— "'- ^ 
 often more than fifty or even a hundred feet. I'"''"!' "»;« 
 i, one groat pine in Japan nearly twee as bmad a. he 
 ;:l Banyan at Calcutta, whose wide extended branches 
 ■ "^^s^»^m!^?SSS3h 
iron Avith 
 of higli 
 ilinr trees 
 and per 
 lar. But 
 FIRST <;/./.yrs/:s o/' j.iP.-ty- 
 r from long 
 arf shaped, 
 ig its wide 
 iant foliage, 
 ideed, there 
 •oad as the 
 led branches 
 eo.cra.pa.-e of hu„,.ml« of f.^t i" ,lm„>..t...-, an,l ar. .«,- 
 oorted by scores of artirtnul ]»oHts. 
 •"' TL'efTect of the.e lot.,., fe^ U y-y «-• -^^ . 
 green tints of tho hill™!-" ..■.• ".".■- vano,! th.u. - 
 noticed anywhere else. . nuj^a and 
 Mr,. Ballanl wa» fon,«,ly a n,isK,ona.T n> Ch na, and 
 has -v most intulligunt and .'amest missionary «1> mt. H" 
 horn; i-teat convenience to travelling misaionane,, ami a 
 real centre of Christian hfe and love. 
 We went to the cemetery dxuing the day, and found the 
 wewennut f^Hu. Kiflt Or WihiamOvHHidy, 
 CTaveofourfirstmi8SionaiTtotheh..i8t,iM ;,.„< five 
 ^^Ilaid down his hfe at Kobe, on his way to Chuuv, just five 
 t'Got nf died of --".-.'•—::;:: 'xCas 
 ,o„me, across t- -i- -,c e — J^ ^^^ ,^ 
 '-°«.'-"e:r:nX:*.^b;r:ni™wn nana, l».l 
 bloommg «'« ■*;/'"'^;'''"^ vvrehope some of onr friends 
 rrn^rnr.r-nlJotKer .nely ... o. 
 ^';r.:t'":.n>.o«se near .y ^ purcW a «^ 
 vlantH, una hu.l the.n plant.-l over hi« lu-ad u.id foet. They 
 ;,re pretty evergreens, and they will continue to speak of 
 the love that is keeping his memory green by following up 
 Lis laborn for the worLVs evangelization. Couhl he see he 
 .ighty misHionaries to China and J apan that have followed m 
 his train, he would n..t think that his life had been wasted or 
 his death in vain. 
 It was very ri<li(^ulous to notice the way the Japanese 
 gardener acted. We had often hea.d that the Japanese pec. 
 pie were in the habit of laughing at funerals, but tins fellow 
 ust laughed and laughed until it was simply absurd and em- 
 Wassing. He laughed when we asked him the pnce of the 
 flowers, and he laughed when he planted them and he 
 laughed when we paid hhn ; and, indeed, he laughed so much 
 that we could hardly get him to do anything else but laugh 
 We suppose he was trying to make us feel cheerful and tha 
 he was simply expressing his idea of sympathy -^ comfo 
 in affliction He was evidently a tramed laugher, but he 
 "uif^verdid his business this time, and his conduct seemed 
 "^"'^Ourtrst missionary meeting in Japan was with our 
 Swedish friends, who can.e out to Japan about two years 
 ago from the Scandinavian churches of America, through 
 the efforts of Mr. Franson. 
 There were eighteen of them assembled at Kobe, holding 
 a conference about their work in Japan, and they received 
 us very affectionately in their little upper room, and told us 
 the story of their work since coming to Japan, while we, m 
8 with our 
 b two years 
 ica, through 
 obe, holding 
 ley received 
 , and told us 
 while we, in 
 ot. They 
 speak of 
 lowing lip 
 le Boe tho 
 olio wed in 
 . wasted or 
 I Japanese 
 anese peo- 
 thiH fellow 
 id and em- 
 )rice of the 
 m, and he 
 ed so much 
 hut laugh, 
 il, and that 
 nd comfort 
 her, but he 
 uct seemed 
 riRsr (.rjMPSics or j a pas'. 
 turn, gave them some words of encouragement, andtold them 
 of their brethren whom we liad met along the way as told tis 
 at home. 
 Their leader, Mr. Seaholm, had succeeded Dr. Ludlow in 
 the Seaman's Mission at Kobe, for a while, and at the time 
 applied to us to be received as a missionary of the Alliance, 
 but we hesitated to receive him simply because we doubted 
 the expediency of continuing that work under the Alliance. 
 These Scandinavians are good and true men and women, and 
 are fairly started in a good work in Japan. They have had 
 some heavy trials. Their allowance for support and work is 
 not sufficient, and they are re Uy crami)ed for means. Japan 
 is a very different country from China, and v/hile two hun- 
 dred dollars in gold is ample for the support of a Scandinavian 
 missionary in Northern China, it is not more than half enough 
 in any part of Japan and will not go half as far. 
 They have also had some severe sickness, and one of 
 their ladies died of smallpox in Tokio, under distressing cir- 
 cumstances, having nobly offered to nurse another mission- 
 ary who had the disease, and paying her own life as the 
 costly sacrifice. 
 We wish their Scandinavian friends would do a little 
 more for these brave and worthy laborers. We believe, as 
 our readers know, in economical missions, but we do not 
 mean by this a scale of support which will involve hardship, 
 privation and inabiUty to secure proper buildings, chapels, 
 etc. In countries like India and China, the rates which we 
 have found sufficient for plain and comfortable living are 
 •» i!J4|!w;»'W!t«» W|IMaM^l l U I |M,>tlU . -: 
 equivalent to more than twice as much in Japan. We are 
 sure that there is much room, even in Japan, for an example 
 of missionary economy and simplicity of living, but it must 
 not he pushed to an extreme which will cramp and cripple 
 the woi-kers and drive them into secular teaching in order to 
 eke out a living. 
 We met our Scandinavian fiiends again at Kyoto and 
 Tokio, and were glad to learn that already their work had 
 begun to bear fruit. They are distributed in about ten cen- 
 tres, and, during the past year, they have had over twenty 
 conversions in their various stations. 
 It is not necessary in Japan to wait until one has ac- 
 quired the language before beginning work, but through a 
 good interpreter a missionary may do much useful work 
 from the very beginning. During our short visit to Japan 
 we addressed more than a dozen native audiences, and, al- 
 though it was, of course, far less satisfactory than the direct 
 contact of the vernacular, yet it became much more «asf 
 and effective than we had found it in India or China. There 
 are some missionaries that have never acquired the language, 
 but prefer to use an interpreter ; but this is much less com- 
 mon than we had heard, and we are prepared to deny the 
 statement which we have read in a high authority recentty 
 published on Japan misMons, to the effect that there are ojdf 
 about a dozen missicmaries in the countiy that speak Japan- 
 ese feiently, and use it ordinarily in their work. Und<ml»»- 
 edly it i» tiie most difficult of the oriental languages to »c- 
 (jerire perfectly, and there are con*paratifvely few who ea& 
Ff/fST (./.IMPSKS OF JAP.I.y. 
 u. "We are 
 an example 
 but it must 
 and <;iipple 
 in order to 
 1 Kyoto and 
 ir work had 
 out ten cen- 
 over twefity 
 one has ac- 
 it through a 
 useful work 
 sit to Japan 
 nces, and, al- 
 an the direct 
 h more easf 
 hina. There 
 ;he language, 
 ich less eom- 
 t to deny the 
 [)rity recentty 
 ;here are onJy 
 speak Japftn- 
 k. UndooM- 
 guages to ac- 
 few who 
 speak it like an educated native. But the great nuijority of 
 the missionaries learn it and use it effectively, and no one 
 who expects to do permanent work sliould think of settling 
 down to the roundabout and indirect conununication to whitb 
 one is limited through an interpreter, or "interrui)toi." as 
 Joseph Cook so happily called him. 
 In the afternoon we addressed a meeting of the mission- 
 aries in the Southern Methodist chapel, and afterwards had 
 some interesting and valuable conversation with several of 
 them, and learned nmch of the present condition of mission 
 work in this section of Japan. The American Board and the 
 Southern Methodists have the principal work in Kobe. The 
 native churches in this section of Japan, especially in connec- 
 tion with the American Board, have become quite strong and 
 independent, and are beginning to detach themselves from 
 the leading strings of the mother church and prepare to stand 
 alone. Indeed, they have given some very broad hints al- 
 ready that they think the time has come when the Ameri- 
 can churches sliould give them the money and let them do 
 and direct the work . To a great extent this has already been 
 done, and more than one American missionary told us that 
 he was really preparing for the not far-distant time when 
 they would all be expected to take their leave and resign the 
 work to the native churches exclusively. 
 We visited the large educational work of the American 
 Board, and found that many of theii- workers in Japan were 
 engaged in this class of work. Their schools in Kobe are 
 wholly for giris and seem to be very efficient and well sus- 
498 T.ANcr.K orri.ooKs ox MfssrosAh') lands. 
 taiurd. TIh'v told us tliat the Japanese national schools only 
 gave girls a ])i-imaiy education, and that higher female edu- 
 cation had to he sui>i)lied hy foreign niissior. schools. They 
 said the giils, were very hright. and really had to he held hack 
 from study. In comiection M'ith this school a handsome and 
 elahorate science hall was going up. which was to be fur- 
 nished with superior laboratories and museum. All this was 
 very lovely, and the missionaries who kindly showed us 
 through the buildings were most gifted and sincere Christian 
 workers, and enthusiastic in their work ; but we could not 
 help feeling that the connection with the evangehzation of 
 the world, and with C'hrist':^ last conmiission, was somewhat 
 indirect and remote, and that it did not very materially differ 
 from high school work at home. We, at least, should not 
 feel at lilierty to invest missionary funds in such beautiful 
 mstitutions as this, while the great masses and most of the 
 lower classes of Japanese are yet unsaved. 
 We have too much love for even the most indirect effort 
 to evangelize the world, and too tender a regard for the be- 
 loved missionaries we met abroad to be critical or severe, but 
 we were pained to see so very nmch educational w ork in 
 Japan engrossing the strength and time of foreigners whom 
 the Loid could so well employ in direct missionary work. 
 We heard of our dear friends. Dr. and Mrs. Ludlow, who 
 had spent two or three years in Kobe, in connection with the 
 Alliance, and, of course, we found that they had left a deep 
 imi)ression by their Christian character and life on the com- 
 munity. But we found no permanent lesults from their for- 
 schools only 
 female edu- 
 lools. They 
 be hold back 
 mdsonie and 
 IS to be fur- 
 All this was 
 ' showed us 
 jre Christian 
 ;e could not 
 gelization of 
 IS somewhat 
 ierially differ 
 ;, should not 
 ch beautiful 
 most of the 
 idirect effort 
 ■d for the be- 
 r severe, but 
 nal AN ork in 
 ^neis whom 
 try work. 
 Ludlow, who 
 tion with the 
 id left a deep 
 > on the com- 
 oni their for- 
 j-VA'ST ^/./.^//'^/•'.v <v'y. //'./A'. 
 eigu missionary work. Their time had been wholly given to 
 work among foreign sailers, in which they were nuich 
 blessed, but they bad not even learned the .Japanese language 
 <.r established any permanent work among th«- natives. And 
 even the s.«anum's work which ihey carried on so rarnestly 
 has now passed into the bands of the American Episcopalians, 
 liibappily nuuh of our work in Japan has been allowed to 
 inn in channels aside from direct evangelism, and we are 
 only now getting down to our proper work for the preaching 
 of the Gospel to the heathen in the intericjr. W(; trust our 
 l)eople will never again let anything divert them from this 
 great trust. All else must be transitory and unsatisfactory. 
 This only is our calling and mission as an Alliance, and in 
 this only can we have Gcxl's full and pei-fect blessing. Dr. 
 Eudlow worked hard and faithfully in bis special line, and 
 sufl'ered very seriously in bis health through the elTects of 
 the climate and his arduous labois, and we are glad to learn, 
 since his r«'tnrn to America, is steadily recovering. 
 On the following day we had the peculiai- pleasure of 
 visiting an interior town and seeing a type of Japanese work 
 which filled us with peculiar encouragement. It was a visit 
 to the Orphanage of Mr. Ishii at Okyama. This city is situ- 
 ated on the Inland Sea, about two hundred miles west of 
 Kobe, and is the centre, also, of an excellent and successful 
 mission of the American Board, under the charge of Rev. Mr. 
 Pettee, a warm friend of Mr. Ishii, and the author of a brief 
 biography of him. Mr. Isbii is a very remarkable man, and 
 the type of a new class (.f workers whom we trust God is 
 about t(, raise up in this extraordinary land, as a spiritual 
 balance wheel, amid the extreme intellectual a.-tivity ot tlm 
 new age. , . . ^i 
 He is still a youuK man, only about thirty, but has the 
 quiet gravity and poise of a nuich .>lder man. He has learned 
 to wait on the Lord, and suffer in silence, and he knows the 
 great secret of listening to His voice and trusting His word. 
 He has been called the (4eorge MuUer of Japan, and his work 
 has beer inspired to a great degree by the example and testi- 
 mony of that venerable patriarch of faith. A few years ago 
 Mr MuUer visited Japan, and the story of his work had a 
 powerful influence in the heart of Mr. Ishii, who, at the time, 
 was about to study medicine and become a physician. He 
 was led to adopt a helpless child, and so to begin his great 
 life-work. He has no less than two hundred and seventy five 
 children under his care, fifty of whom are at another town - 
 Nagoya- and so far they all have been cared for by the Lord 
 without any direct human dependence. 
 He has various industrial departments in connection with 
 the school, and is multiplying them as fast as the means will 
 allow He has a barber shop run by the l>oys, which makes 
 a little money daily for the Orphanage. He has a printing 
 establishment which turns out good work, of which we have 
 some specimens. He has others learning to gin and spm and 
 weave cotton, and if he had a few hundred dollars more he 
 could purcbase a lot of spinning wheels and put a number 
 more to work profitably. Everything is most simple and eco- 
 nomical, and all the affairs of the Orphanage are open as the 
 ,V-).V.VAvVtfi^l|l>S-^W^fe*ta iJl 
a spiritual 
 ivity of tlic 
 but has tlu^ 
 has learned 
 i knows the 
 g His word. 
 11(1 his work 
 le and testi- 
 w years ag( > 
 work had a 
 at the time, 
 ^sician. He 
 ;in his great 
 seventy five 
 »ther town — 
 by the Lord 
 nection with 
 e means will 
 k\'hich makes 
 IS a printing 
 liich we have 
 and spin and 
 liars more he 
 ut a number 
 n])le and eco- 
 e open as the 
 day. With great simplicity lit^ told the little ones, the day 
 we were there, that they had begun the day with two yen, 
 and the expenses had been nineteen yen, and just eighteen 
 yen had come in, so they had just one yen to begin another 
 day, and so they all were taught to look to the Lord together 
 for their daily bread. Ho came over to see us the following 
 week at Nagoya, and we had a long interview and became 
 very deeply attached to the simple-hearted child-like man of 
 God. He accM.pted most fully all the truths of the Fourfold 
 Gospel, and told us that we should some day hear more fully 
 from him, if God sj>ared us both, when he should have tried 
 and proved more fully these precious truths. He told us, 
 with great simplicity, that he had been hindered for a day in 
 coming to visit us at Nagoya, by the want of means, but the 
 next day a man called and brought him eight yen, saying 
 that he waked in the night dreaming that Mr. Ishii needed 
 eight yen and was in distress, and in the morning he obtained 
 exactly this sum and brought it to him, and it proved to be 
 the very sum he needed. This good man took a great hold 
 of our heart, and we believe God is going to use him more 
 than any other agency in Japan to teach His people true piety, 
 and to begin through the Spirit of the Lord, and through the 
 native people themselves, a spiritual and missionary move- 
 ment which will reach all Japan with the true Gospel in its 
 simple apostolic power. His young wife is in full sympathy 
 with him, and his helpers, numbering twenty, aie all volun- 
 teers, giving their time without compensation and in simple 
 dependence upon God for all their needs. They all seem to 
 be men and women of like mind with himself. Mr. Ishii has 
 received into his branch Orphanage at Nagoya the little 
 orphans wliom Miss Kinney had gathered as the nu(;leus of 
 an Orphanage work in connection with the Alliance, and 
 we had the pleasure of visiting them a few days later at the 
 Home. Miss Howard very wisely handed them over to Mr. 
 Ishii, as our Alliance is not called to this kind of work directly, 
 and Mr. Ishii is much hotter able to care for it. 
 We believe that many of our people will be led to take a 
 personal interest in the work of this beloved brother, and to 
 cheer him in his work of faith and labor of love, which is an 
 object lesson for Japan of much more value than even its 
 direct benefit to the many he'.|>ers or plans under his care. 
 Our journey to Okyania, as also, later, to other pomts, 
 was rendered very pleasant, and saved us from nnich incon- 
 venience by the kindness of our good friends, Dr. and Mrs. 
 Gulick, of Kyoto, who met us at Kobe and made most of 
 the arrangements for our rapid visit to Japan. 
 These dear friends have since undertaken the oversight 
 of our missionary work in Japan, and we trust, in coming 
 days, will become much better known to all our readers and 
 friends. Dr. Gulick belongs to an honored missionary family, 
 which has still several members in the mission field. Much 
 of his life was spent in the Sandwich Islands. For many 
 years he has resided in Japan, and has been chiefly engage.l 
 as a professor in the government schools. He has just re- 
 signed his position in the principal government college at 
 Kyoto, and will now give his life exclusively to missionary 
[•. Ishii has 
 , tho littlo 
 nucleus of 
 iau(e, and 
 later at the 
 Dver to Mr. 
 rk directly, 
 'd to take a 
 her, and to 
 which is an 
 an oven its 
 his care, 
 ther points, 
 nuch incon- 
 »r. and Mrs. 
 ide most of 
 F/J^sr cLr.\fi's/:s orj.ir.i.y. 
 work. He is widely known in Japan, and is univ«.isally re- 
 spected and heloved as a humhle and devot.Ml Christian 
 worker, and a leader in every earnest spiritual nu.venient. 
 We trust his experience and high Christian (jualities will 
 make him a groat blessing to the work, and that his dear 
 wife may 1)0 richly hlessed and strengthene.l f<.r her fellow- 
 ship of service. 
 le oversight 
 i, in coming 
 readers and 
 nary family, 
 field. Much 
 For many 
 efly engaged 
 has jubt re- 
 lit college at 
 1 missionary 
 TIIKRK ate already several thousuud iniU-H of railway in 
 Japan, opening tip almost every part of the country 
 by oasy conununication. The longest and most un^ 
 portant of these lines runs from Kobe to Yokohama and 
 Tokio. a distance of three hundn-d and sixty miles. 
 First, we had to secu.e passports at the consul s office, 
 l^nnitting us to travel in the interior beyond the Treaty 
 ports -for scientific <.bservation or the beneht of our 
 health •• We did not have to answer any questions on these 
 1 or we might have been embarrassed. Our passports 
 had verv kindly been secured for us, and we accepted them 
 without denmr. We suppose, had we been aj-^^-^^' T 
 rid have said, with Miss Kinney, that it was for the ben ftt 
 f ,.ur health to obey the Lord and go -^-e ^e s..t u. 
 The truth is, as we learned from the authonties the leal 
 !^i and interest of these passports is to prevent foreignex. 
 ' oing into the interior to trade, and so long as tins is honest- 
 iv avoided, the spirit of the Treaty is not infnnged 
 ' We w^re sm^ised to find how much easier it is than we 
 had supposed, to obtain passports, not only to visit but also 
 Tveside in the interior, and that by a little tact every por- 
: railway in 
 ;he country 
 lid moat ini- 
 [ohama and 
 nsul'H office, 
 1 the Treaty 
 letit of our 
 ions on these 
 iir passports 
 cepted them 
 lestioned, we 
 or the benefit 
 ; He sent us. 
 ties, the real 
 ent foreignei-8 
 this is honest- 
 L- it is than we 
 visit but also 
 act every por- 
I EillK! 
 i If 
.icffOs.sj.^r.i.v ity hwii. 
 tion of tho interior nmy be viHited and .'vaiiKclizod ; h.kI, in- 
 dml, there in Hcarcely a i)roviii(e whrie niiHsioiiaries are not 
 now to he fnnnd, and whrre flourishing^ Htations are not 
 growing np. 
 0»ir Hrst stop was at Osaka, the second city in Japan ni 
 population, and the fhst in real wealth and commercial im- 
 portance. It has a population of half a million, and it hears 
 every indication of wealth and influence. We tried to count 
 its lofty smoke sta<;ks as we entered, hut tlu-y numhered hun- 
 dreds. Its hridges are said to exceed l,4.M», and they are very 
 substantial and pretty, leading across the various branches 
 of the rivers that intersect the town, almost hke anotluT 
 Venice. The manufactures of Osaka are very extensive, and, 
 its trade draws constant visit.n-s from every section of the 
 empire. Its commercial nniseum is a vast and imposmg 
 structure, containing samples of its various wares, and not 
 unworthy of Glasgow or Liverpool. 
 We were kindly entertained by the Kev. Mr. Gulick, of 
 the American Board, and found a n)eeting arranged for us in 
 the largest nativ- . unrh, Rev. T.^a Gowa, past.)r, Avhere we 
 were expect. o preach to a native audience with the pastor 
 asinterpivter. Thisgentlemanisoneof theleading ministers 
 of the native chuich of Japan, and a very goo.l sample of an 
 educated Christian native. He has a strong physique for a 
 Japanese, and an expression of rugged force and strong exec- 
 utive ability. His head is round and massive ; his beard 
 thick and strong ; his shoulders broad and powerful ; his eye 
 keen and his manner crisp and full of decision and energy. 
 ^.SP' J'T^'^T'^'^rt 
5o6 l.ARCr.R OUTLOOKS ox .V/SS/ON.-iRV LANnS. 
 He impressed us as a man more keenly intellectual than 
 deeply spiritual. He is said to be the best interpreter in 
 Japan. When Joseph Cook was here he translated his 
 lectures for him, and Avas able to reproduce whole para- 
 graphs, five or ten minutes long, without omitting -n- muti- 
 lating a shade of thought. 
 He is the leading spirit of the Kumai churches which 
 have grown u]» out of the missionary work of the American 
 Board, and are pressing so strongly for an independent native 
 church. The first part of the meeting was devotional, and 
 he led it by the aid of a little hell, keeping time as sharply 
 as Mr. Moody would have done. 
 We spoke for about half an hour, and he interpreted for 
 us with great facility. We notiiXHl that nobody in the audi- . 
 ence looked at us, but all gazed on the flo<n' or in the empty 
 space, and we would have thought that they were utterly 
 uninterested in what we said had we not been told that it is 
 not etiquette in Japan to look at a speaker, or show the 
 slightest emotion or interest, but good form recpiin^s one to , 
 keep a blank face devoid of all feeling. We felt like explod- 
 ing all their good form and getting them either t(j laugh or 
 cry, or say, "Hallelujah," or something, and we succeeded 
 once or twice, before we left Japan, in seeing some imjiression 
 made on these set, studied faces of stone. 
 Mr. Mya Gowa told us that there were fifteen native con- 
 gregations in Osaka, and that his own church was entirely 
 self-supporting, paying him his salaiy, and, indeed, carrying 
 on some missionary work besides. 
 ctvial than 
 erpreter in 
 islnted his 
 Iiolo para- 
 g '»!• muti- 
 ?\\es which 
 3 Aint^rican 
 [lent native 
 •tional, and 
 as sharply 
 'vpreted for 
 li the audi- . 
 the empty 
 ^ere utterly 
 i that it is 
 ir show the 
 lires one to, 
 like explod- 
 t<j laugh or 
 > succeeded 
 > impression 
 native con- 
 ras entii'ely 
 ?d, carrying 
 We also had the privilege ot meeting a numher of the 
 EugUsh and American missionarifs at Osaka and speaking a 
 few spiritual words about the Holy Ghost, tlie one theme on 
 which we have almost always spoken abroad. There is a 
 very pleasant Foreign Quarter in Osaka, wliere the mission- 
 aries reside, and several of the great societies are well repre 
 sented, especially in the American Board, the Northern and 
 Cumberland Presbyterians and the Baptists, and the English 
 Church Missionary Society. We were especially delighted to 
 meet some of the workers of this latter society who were con- 
 nected with Mr. Buxton's work, and to receive a very cordial 
 letter of welcome from Mr. Buxton himself. This dear 
 brother has lately come to Japan as the representative of a 
 missionary spirit which will meet, we know, with a very 
 cordial response in all our people's hearts. He is a descend- 
 ant of an old and honored English family, Sir Thomas Fowell 
 Buxton ; is possessed of ample means to sustain the Mission 
 he represents, and yet is working loyally under the noblest 
 of English societies, the Church Missionary Society. He is 
 a thoroughly consecrated Christian, believing with all his 
 heart in the Lord as a Healer and Sanctifier, and standing out 
 in unoompromising separation from all the inconsistencies 
 and follies of the religious world. So true is his testimony 
 that even missionaries sometimes think him and his party of 
 workers extreme. They have no time for receptions, picnics, 
 Shakespearean readings and idle sight-seeing, and no heart for 
 aught save the one thing the L(n-d has sent them to do. 
 Their lives are simple, econonncal and elevated. They have 
 ! J 
 gone straight to the unoccupied fields of the interior, and al- 
 ready God has begun to greatly bless their work. Our f nends 
 will be glad to know that it is among these good missionaries, 
 and on the borders of the great unoccupied field they have 
 entered, that we have decided to organize onr missionary 
 work in the interior of Japan. 
 Here we again received the same assurances which we 
 had already heard at Kobe, of the strong independent move- 
 ment 0,1 the part of the native churches, and their desire to 
 throw off the foreign control and take the entire direcion of 
 all the missionary work in Japan. We found nmch less of 
 this in some of the other societies, and we believe it has been, 
 for various causes, most decided in the churches of the Amer- 
 ican Board. ,, . 
 The Cumberland Presbyterian Church has an exceUent 
 work in Osaka, and we had some V-cious fellowship w.th its 
 good nussionaries,remindingusof the olddaysatlortWorth^ 
 One of their lady evangehsts, now in America has been 
 greatly blessed iu establishing a large circle of stations and 
 thurcL in the vicinity of Osaka ; and, we believ-e, she was 
 able to .10 all this excellent and substantial work through an 
 interpreter and without speaking a word of Japanese 
 From Osaka we next went to Kyoto, the ancient capital 
 of Japan. It is not as large as Osaka, numbering about a 
 quarter of a million inhabitants. But it is a most beaiitiful 
 city full of quaint old temples, and surrounded with a frame 
 of picturesque hills on every side. This was for centuries the 
 spiritual capital, where the Mikado resided in sacred isola- 
 ior, and al- 
 ;3ur friends 
 [ they have 
 !S which we 
 ident move- 
 dr desire to 
 direction of 
 luch less of 
 it has been, 
 )f the Amer- 
 au excellent 
 ship with its 
 Fort Worth, 
 -a, has been 
 stations and 
 ieve, she was 
 c through an 
 icient capital 
 ning about a 
 lost beautiful 
 with a frame 
 • centuries the 
 I sacred isola- 
 tion as tlie religious head of tJie nation, while, the Daimios or 
 nobles ruled at Tokioand swayed the tenii)oral power hy mili- 
 tary force. 
 Forty years ago all this was changed, and Japan emerged 
 out of Feudalism aud Superstition to become, in a single gen- 
 eration, the 
 most progres- 
 sive of Asiatic 
 and, almost, 
 of modern na- 
 tions. Since 
 then the cap- 
 ital has been 
 transferred to 
 Tokio, and 
 Kyoto is but a 
 monument of 
 Old Japan. 
 But for one 
 who has time 
 to study it, it 
 is an interest- 
 ing relic. We 
 had neither 
 heart nor leis- 
 ure to spend 
 more than a 
 few hours in the bell tower, kyoto 
 looking .t tl,e must int«.«tin« , I' its anoieut te,n,.l.« and 
 \22 S„n,.. „£ tl,e,» are ver, .ostly. tl.e.r altavs and 
 brines iH-ing cove^d with gold and precions »tones and 
 h " Uns nni„no and wholly Japanese. The s.tes of most 
 then, a,.e s„„e,„. and tl.oi,- grounds spacons and finely 
 nlauted as all gionnds are in Japan. The great Bdl o 
 Ittm^le is 'one of the largest in the world and Us 
 tone is singu- 
 larly SWtM't 
 and far reach- 
 ing, sounding 
 over the hill» 
 for many 
 miles. Kyoto 
 is a city of 
 distances, and 
 the suburhs 
 that reach on t 
 on every side, 
 along the 
 slopes of the 
 exquisite hills 
 to a distance 
 of many miles 
 a r e covered 
 with striking 
 uipleB and 
 altars and 
 tones, and 
 tes of most 
 and finely 
 ^at Bell of 
 Id and its 
 ACROSS J. IP. I. y /.)' /,•///,. 
 ^^_£. - :^S£^ 
 Tlitj (Tovciiuiiciit Cullej;(', wlicir oiii' host lias Ih'cii teach- 
 ing, is a fine huilding with several hnndted students. To 
 Americans the most interesting institution in Kyoto is the 
 Doshisha nr Christian College, founded by Dr. Neeissima, 
 who was, perhaps, tlie most gifted and distinguished native 
 Christian that has arisen from the .Japanese church. The 
 halo that his life has left beliind it, even y(^t in Tapan, gives 
 evidence of the power of this gcjod man's life. He was a 
 man of singleness of imrpose, nmch faith and a great force 
 of character. His great life-work was to found the Doshisha, 
 and leave it as a heritage to his beloved Japan. It is a strong 
 and well-enuipi)ed colleg(N embracing a theological school, 
 and designed to give a higher education under Christian in- 
 fluence to the youth of Japan, and especially to train those of 
 them for the Christian ministry who are willing to d(!Vote 
 thetr lives to that high calling. Tliere are several hundred 
 students in attendance, and we had the privilege of being 
 asked to address them twice. We found them veiy bright 
 and responsive, and took the opportunity to ))ress home upon 
 their hearts the need of spiritual rather than ])urely intellec- 
 tual culture as the true secret of power and the great need of 
 Japan. Everywhere we go in this land we feel it inoro and 
 more — the smartness of the people is their bane ; and their 
 great need — the only thing that will stead)' them fully and 
 give them jM'rmanence is spiritual depth and power. We tried, 
 as best we could, through an interpreter, to impress upon 
 them Paul's great argument, in I. Cor. ii., for the spiritual 
 rather than the psycliical element in heavenly wisdom, illu- 
 mination and power. And wliile to many it was no doubt 
r..,m;r^ ofTLOOJ^s ox M/ss/ox.iuy 
 L.p..h.™iW.., yet we ecu,,, see an,, ... that . , .""«=r 
 f..i.n.ls may see hi.n .luring the suniiue.. He is .. 
 lVa::™rla;;i..eaU.-M.>.t .„ t,™ta„ evHn.e,„.a,. 
 — t;r:::^e.o„«,e^«,at.^.--K>™w 
 •... „ll (1,P forei.'ii missionaries-about a h<ore, ami 
 ^onewithal the oe„,^ ,„,,,, .leligMf,.: 
 the otluTS with nativi., amUeiiu s. ,.„,eiv«l with 
 fenowship with the ""— rr.^; „ ^t the need of 
 cordial kind„.«, ana .„u. « '°"« ";7;",^,„„^ ..^^^ev than s„ 
 theSu^rnatuvai ^-;;; ,^';« 1 _ i«eived with a 
 much of our own cullu.^ am ^^^^, 
 heartiness that greatly *««f " .. ^^^^neni or missionary 
 Ho«rapher of ^>— ^''j';' ^ ^l J, ,he Hoiy Ghost 
 uablo insight into the condition of I 1'"*™; \,„ 
 ,.„„. his pi.cious «--j'j-7 " tow'l tdependence 
 have met, he also sees the stionfc ^^^^ ^_^_j^_. 
 iuthe native Church, -''j ■^''; ':'^,., ^„.„™,„, intel- 
 .tands the ''-f ^^I'tf "^^^^.e have already referred 
 r'"tr :: irrtu If hope for «« future, and 
 to; but he is a ^^.^^^ ^^^.^^g^ 
 yet been scarcely touched in this country. 
 ^,>o(\ tuany 
 it America, 
 ;v. He is a 
 t vangelit-al, 
 nt at Kyoto 
 \ score, and 
 }i (loliglitfii 
 i^eived with 
 the need of 
 ,her tlian ho 
 eived with a 
 le friend and 
 .!■ missionary 
 > Holy Ghost 
 IS much val- 
 ork in Japan 
 the others we 
 ixn, he under- 
 darism, intel- 
 i-eady referred 
 future, and 
 true foreign 
 r, and in hum- 
 native Church, 
 ;, who have as- 
 ACROSS J. I P.I r<! ji y rail. 
 We luul tlu' plt'uisuio ttf forming the aniuainlanco of 
 anol lun- luitivo puHtor, Urv. Mi. Knwa, ami of preaching to his 
 lH'0|)h'. He belongs to the same body as Mr. Mya Oovva of 
 Osaka, and has a laige and interesting congregation. We 
 cannot stop to speak of all tht> itleasant and profitable ac- 
 (luaintances or asso( iations of these three days in old Kyoto. 
 We jvere sorry to learn afterwards that we had ])assed by the 
 very room in the hospital in which our bel(>v<'d fellow tiav- 
 eller, Kev. Dr. Kidg* vay, of rhi<;ago, was lying dangerously 
 ill with tyi)hoid fever, and we knew not until we were one 
 hundred miles from Kyoto that he was even there. We 
 were glad, however, ere we left Japan, to receive a letter from 
 his wife stating that he was much better, and we could not 
 thank our own dear Father enough for the faithfulness and 
 lovc! that had not permitted us to lose a single hour with 
 sickness or pain during all the long months of our dangerous 
 journey. Blessed be His dear and gracious name ! 
 From Kyoto wo went on alone to Nagoya, about one hun- 
 dred and tw(»nty miles farther east on the I'okaido or great 
 road to Tokio. Nagoya is the fourth city in the empire, next 
 in population to Kyoto, and a commercial centre of great im- 
 portance. It is the great Buddhist metropolis, and their hos- 
 tility to Christianity is very determined. Tt is also the cen- 
 tre of the Earthquake District, and they tell very thrilling 
 stories of the scenes of three years ago, when this whole sec- 
 tion was devastated and many lives wei-e lost. The great 
 rents in the ground are still to be seen in the country round 
 Nagoya, where the earth was cleft asunder. It was just a 
 J iKG/h' oiTf.oohs o.\' Ar/ss/i>\.iA'y / ixns. 
 litth- after HUi..is....in.ltlM', pU- l.a.l nut y.t left tl.eir homes 
 wlH.ii in a mcnont. tl.py lu-ar.! a slrauK'', cmshinK souml, 
 and tlH> kind H.'(M.u'(l KiasiK-tl as in a ^'iaiit hand Jind as a 
 wildb.'ast ^vould shako its i.rcy, till -tho houHes were Inulcd 
 fiom thHr 1 oindations, tho tih-s came turnhhiiK fvom the 
 roofs, and the i)eople lied from thcii- doors to he crushed by 
 the faUing tiles and timber. 
 The little children, now in Mr. Ishii's Orphanage, atN^go- 
 ya, were mostly refugees, left homeless by that catastrophe. 
 For nearl V a month afterwards there were constant shocks, bUt 
 Llu'ir honu's, 
 hiuK Hoinul, 
 d and as a 
 were liuilcd 
 g ftom tho 
 e crusliod by 
 age, at Nago- 
 it shocks, hut 
 U/^OSSJ.I/>,IX /.')• A'./// 
 after the fiiNt they were coniixifativfly h.iniih'ss. Kuith- 
 qiiakos are V ry common in Japan, an<l tlic people slt'cp with 
 thcii- doDiH so ( oiivcniciitly fastoiicd that lln\ could open 
 them and fly out at a njoment's alarm. 
 Nagoya in also a miswionaiy centie. Here we found the 
 8()uth( in T'reshyterians, and weie UKtsI liospitahly enter 
 taiiiod hy our good brother, Mr. Cummings, one of their mem- 
 hers; also hy tin* Methodist Protestants, one of whoso hright 
 and gifted missionaries, Miss Do For«;st, is canying on a 
 hrave, aggressive \v'o>kin the Japanese theaties in tlie face of 
 a strong Buddhis: op{)o' }*-um. The Northern Methodists liave 
 an excellent wo; k, uid u had the piivile^e of pn-aching in 
 their large chap 1 i > u s ry good congregation of natives. 
 There is also an ex. ■ Uoai young mission here from Wyckliffe 
 College, Canada, carried on by a consecrated band of Cana- 
 dian p]piscopalians, and having nmch of the best spirit of the 
 Church Missionary Society peojde we have met abroad. 
 Here, also, some of our own missionaries have settled for 
 the present, and we sjjent two days in frecpient fellowship 
 with our dear sisters. Miss Baines and Miss Howard, at their 
 pleasant Japanese cottage in Nagoya. Miss Barnes is in good 
 health and has made fair jjrogress with the language. She 
 will remain in Nagoya for the sununer, and in the autunui 
 will join Dr. and Mrs. Gulick in the interior. Miss Howard 
 lias devoted herself chiefly to the orphans who were, for a 
 time, under her special care, after the return of Miss Kinney, 
 hut have been transferred to Mr. Ishii's native Orphanage. 
 She feels led to return to America, and we have encouraged 
 \wi; in view of all the present circumstances, to do so. Two 
 very bright young Japanese ladies were also living and work- 
 ing with them, Knoyesan and Shigimat/u, and a little 
 Eurasian girl, named Mar- 
 ion, whom Miss Howard 
 has adopted. 
 We had nmch earnest 
 confereiice, - and learned 
 from them the story of 
 their trials and victories, 
 and endeavored to counsel 
 and help them all we could. 
 We felt that Kagoya 
 was too much occupied by 
 other workers to need us, 
 and our workers were only 
 too glad to have the pros- 
 pect of getting out and 
 into the regions beyond. 
 A good deal of the 
 work at ^^agoya is educa- 
 tional. There are two la- 
 dies' schools, one under the 
 Methodist and the other the 
 Presbyterian Mission. The girls, as usual, looked verjr 
 sweet and bright. It was Commencement Day in one of the 
 P-hools, and we ]^eard their exercises and were struck with 
 the grace and modesty of the graduates. We were asked to 
 lo SO. Two 
 g and work- 
 md a little 
 ■»* ' %K 
 looked very- 
 in one of the 
 e struck with 
 were asked tiO 
 ACh'ossj.ir.iy iiv rail. 
 address thcni. and we saw some tears in tlieif eyes as we 
 talked of Jesus and His love. 
 We had a pleasant visit at Nagoya, and received nuich 
 kindness from all the other missionaiies as well as our own 
 workers. But Dr. and Mrs. GuUck came on for us after the 
 second day, and taking leave of our own and several 
 •<ither missionaries at the station, we hastened on to I'okio. 
 It was a long ride of fourteen hours, hut much of it lay 
 through a beautiful country. About foiu" o'clock we passed 
 the base of the famous Fujiyama, Japan's beautiful moun- 
 tain M fivst it seenie.l as if we should not see it. for the sky 
 wo.'thick with mist. But (lod was mindful of even this ht- 
 tie wish and prayer, and before the sun went down, tlie 
 tul parted, Ll the mists which had obscured tu> beauti- 
 ful mountain, became a crown of glory upon its lot ty brow, 
 teachiuK us that the things that often seem to hmder us, 
 shall if we but trust and wait, not only be cleared from our 
 pathway, but will leave a gUn-y and blessing which we could 
 never have known if they had not come. 
 Fujiyama is the pride of Japan. It is, indeed, a beau i- 
 ful mountain, nearly 13,ooo feet liigh, about as high as the 
 Rockies and ML Blanc ; and, standing in lonely isolation, with 
 its perfec-t cone, is the chief glory of the Sunrise Kingdom, 
 ard the beautiful cloud-capped signal, seen first upon her 
 shores, as the voyager looks out from the long waste of 
 waters for the first sight of land. 
 Later we passed through the lovely Hakone country, with 
 its soft green hills and its lake away up on the mountain 
 side all reminding one bo much of the scenery of England, 
 which Japan, indeed, so much resembles 
 We reached Tokio at ten o'clock that night, and had a 
 warm welcome from our host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. 
 Brand of the American Baptist Mission, two brave, true- 
 hearted missionaries, full of faith and the Holy Ghost aiul 
 standing for Christian whole-heartedness, Scriptural methods 
 and aggressive missionary work in the midst of the many 
 mingled currents of the religious life and work of Japan. 
 The following week we returned a second time to their 
 1 1 
for tho sky 
 ven this 1 it- 
 down, the 
 tho beauti- 
 lofty brow, 
 hinder us, 
 ed from oui" 
 ch we could 
 ed, a beauti- 
 high as the 
 olation, with 
 se Kingdom, 
 st upon her 
 ng waste of 
 country, with 
 ,he mountain 
 f of P^.ngland, 
 ;ht, and had a 
 Mr. and Mrs. 
 ) brave, true- 
 tly Ghost, and 
 tural methods 
 ) of the many 
 of Japan. 
 1 time to their 
520 j.ARf'i'K orri.ooKs ox flrrssroxARV /..tyos. 
 liospitable liome, to meet tlie missionaries of Tokio in their 
 <;hapel, and dnring onr brief visit to Tokio we were much 
 rheered by their fellowship and kindness. They belong to a 
 class of missionaries which we rejoice to find increasing in 
 the foreign field, and through whose closer fellowship and 
 united testimony a deeper spiritual life and a stronger type 
 of faith and holy character are yet to come to the workers 
 abroad. We rejoice to believe that the movement ^ill be in- 
 aiigurated to bring about an annual conference of those of 
 like mind in some central place in Japan for mutual encour- 
 io in their 
 v^ere much 
 aelong to a 
 creasing in 
 wship and 
 Tonger type 
 tlie workers 
 it iJ^ill he in- 
 > of tliose of 
 tnal encour- 
 ACROSS J. If. IX /{)' A\l/f.. 
 agemeiit and th.t; promotion of faith, hohnessand true spiiitual 
 ])Ower on the ))art of both native anu foreign Chi-istian work- 
 During tJie two or three days spent in Tokio, we had the 
 opportunity of seeing a httle of the great city and renewing 
 many pleasant old ac(piaiutances as well as of forming some 
 new ones. 
 Miss Finch had spent several months in Tokio, and had 
 already made excellent progress in the language, and enjoyed 
 some opportunities of missionary service through an inter- 
 l)reter. Vv e saw nuich of her both here and afterwards in 
 Yokoliama, and were able to arrange with her the plan of her 
 future work. She has had some severe trials, but the way 
 is now clear and plain, and We are sure her work will be 
 blessed, and Japan prove to her the field of the Master's 
 We called on our old friend, Mr. John Ballagh, of the 
 Meiji Gaukin, or Presbyterian Collage, and we found that 
 the term had just closed and the students scattered to their 
 home.s. lie is ba])py in bis work, and surrounded by a new 
 and bright family circle in his lovely home. He received us 
 with nmch kindness, and came down afterwaids twice to Yo- 
 kohama to show his brotherly interest in us, and at last to 
 see us off. His old American friends Avill be glad to see him 
 back in the United States next year. The college at Tokio is 
 very nuich like the Doshisha at Kyoto— an educational estab- 
 lishment for the higher training of the Christian yimng men 
 of Japan, and especially for the theological training of candi- 
 dates for the ministry. 
 m m Mm 
 LARGER orri.ooKS OX M/ss/ox.i/^') /..ly/is: 
 There arc not Meaily so many studeuts as at Kyoto- 
 about two Imndied m all, we believe, and a l.tir i ropox'tii.n 
 of these are theological students.- Tlie colletAL' buildings are 
 very handsome and the site is superl). 
 We found the same tendenry in Tokio that m- have al- 
 ready referred to, looking towards (lieindepeudent c of the na- 
 tive churches ; and it setriis prokibic that the foreigti workers 
 in the college may be reduced. Indeed, som- of them have 
 already gone t. America and may not return to .TiipuM. 
 W.- had {.vieat pleasure in meetinj.^ Miss Anaa Perry, 
 forme' v r-.r X.'vv York, and hearing some of the facts re- 
 spectJnj.>; h>i j-tost ijitoresting and successful work. She has 
 opened hi' own home for her meetings, and she told us how 
 eagerly the peop\<? of all classes thronged the i-ailors, and 
 hciw numyof them were truly led toC'hrlH!. -She has now 
 nearly a <lozen different centres of work, led l.y various bands 
 of native workers, and over six hundred children attend- 
 ing her schools. There have been some beautiful in- 
 stances of the grace and power of God. She told us how a 
 policeman lately met a noted criminal in the rooms, and as 
 they recognized each other, the former remarked to the 
 other: "This is the right place for you to be." Not long 
 ago, a fisherman came in to some ot the meetings, and hear- 
 ing the secret of trusting God, he began to pray foi- his busi- 
 ness, and th(^ Lord answered his prayers in such an extraor- 
 dinary manner, by tilling his net with fishes, that he actually 
 left his boat and work and came into Tokio t<. rendej' thanks 
 to God for His goodness. 
.IC/fO.SS /.ir.l.V /;)■ RAIL. 
 As if to (louhlf tilt' iih'iisnic of our visit, w«> U'urned by 
 tlie mail timt icaduMl Tokio wliilc we were tlii'ir. that ht r 
 dear sister, Miss Faiiiiy IN'ii y. ol' New York, so loii^ aftlictcd 
 witli the most distressing of all diseases, had Ixrome jH-rfectly 
 We had several very cordial iiivitations to visit tln' Metho- 
 dist Conference in Tokio. which was just assend)ling as we 
 left Japan, hut our time would not permit more than a brief 
 dro|» in for an hour to hear Bishop Foster give a lectnre on 
 astronomy at the opening u-ception. We did not (juite 
 see the connection of the subject with the occassioii, 
 although the lecture was a good one, and wehad no doubt 
 the Conference would jirove a time of blessing. There 
 are about twenty missionaries and as many native 
 preachers in the Methodist Episcopal Mission in Japan. It is 
 not on<' of the largest missions, but it is a good one. Wo 
 met a nund)er of the missionaries and presiding elders, and 
 found them good men and tiue, with hearts reaching out for 
 deeper spiritual things. Dr. Daniells, whom we had known 
 in America, had been spending a year in Tokio. and by his 
 earnest preaching in the jiovver of the Holy Ghost, had been 
 a means of inspiration and <piickening to the members of the 
 Mission. He kindly called upon us and speiit an evening 
 with us, and we found his heart full of the spirit of the 
 We were invited to address the missionaiies, and a num- 
 ber of them came to our meeting on Tuesday evening, and 
 we spoke to them the old simjde message of God and His all- 
 sufficiency and power. Our heart's cry all thi'ough these 
524 l.Ah'<:i'R OUTLOOKS ox ynSSTOSANY i.Axns. 
 niisHioiLiry IuihIh has overl.cou that hoth we and othors may 
 know Him lu c.Mitiii^l ^ ith all ou- woaknoss, uii.I ovn- aKainst 
 all our ii;iHciil«i" . Wstaclos and nisuiH-rahle taHks. 
 One of the moHt interesting men we met in Tokio, and 
 one of the wisest friends of Christian Missions in Japan, is 
 T)i. \V).itnev, of the Ameriean Legation. Tokio. He is in 
 deep Rynipathy with all tbnf iu ^ >st in mission and Christian 
 work, and throngh Ins connection with the consnlar office 
 has rendered invaluahle service to all nnssionaries. He has 
 fcndered nnu-h help to the Swedish missionaries, and is m 
 deep sympathy with their hnmhl.', self-denying spirit and 
 work. We leceived some useful snggestions (nmi him, and 
 before we saile.l were glad to have a message from him com- 
 mending to <.ur missionary consideration a great unoccupied 
 field of islan.ls, Iving off the east coast of Japan. 
 There are a great many missionaries in Tokio, almost one 
 hundred, and almost all . arieties of methods are represented. 
 The American Episcopal Church is at present .ei>iesented by 
 liev. Mr. i'age. one of the sweetest spirits we hav met 
 abroad The American V .tists have a strong work a ^ev- 
 eral foreign lal.orers. Mr. and Mrs. lirand's work, especially, 
 U much bl.'ssed, jind constantly re, civ ing accessions. The 
 Canadian Methodists, un.ler Mr. Eby, have a great popular 
 1 ibernarVs and are tryii • to draw the i>eople by the methods 
 usual in American ci as-popular lectures and illustrated 
 Gospel addresses. We have already referred to the men- 
 can Fresh Mevians ami Methodists. Our Swedish friends m 
 Tokio are biUTowing awav .h.wn among the lowest masses,, 
 I otluTH may 
 [ ov»>r against 
 n Tokio, and 
 in Japan, is 
 io. Ho is in 
 md (UniHtian 
 L)nsular office 
 I'it^s. Ho has 
 ics, and is in 
 n^ spirit and 
 loin him, and 
 orn him com- 
 it luioccupied 
 io, ahiiost one 
 e represented. 
 e[)resented by 
 ■vve hav' met 
 work . ^ev- 
 )rk, esp«*cially, 
 cessions. The 
 great popular 
 )y the methods 
 and illustrated 
 to the nieri- 
 ;lisli friends in 
 I owes* masses, 
 j4C/fOs /.l/'.rV l!Y KAIL. 
 and their labor is not in vain. We went to visit one of their 
 chapels, and they showed us the narrow streets smd lanes all 
 around, where dozens of families Imddled together fis cloH<>ly 
 as in the dives of New Yoik. 
 An effort was made last winter by Mrs. Morris, of liil, 
 <! 'iia, to reach the high class ladies, and some of them at- 
 t( nd« 1 her Bible readings and showed some interest. It is 
 doubted by the best and most experienced missionaries 
 whether anyt' ng can be gained by i di»-e<,t appeal to the 
 high class feeling in Japan. What the uatio? \ost needs is 
526 I.AK-aiK Ol'TLOOKH OX nisyiosMtv i.Anms. 
 M.„„-.,u,h bun,bUn« „l tl,.. f,.,.totJ™u,,unahone„tolTort 
 ;,,......, .,1, ,!.»»... ana .,,«iany th., low,.,- -^l--'. » 
 ,.,„nm,>n l..v,.l „t lo»t and «nf,.l l,„...amty ,m«tmto at tl.,. 
 ;::;::ri>,v M...,,-, »„,. accptm, ^^^ 0„m,nn„Salvat,on 
 AVithout rosp^'ct ..f l»'lSOnS. f ,...nrlnVK iu 
 Tokio i» an unniense city, w o spt m i •' 
 a,.ivi„« about it i„ -Jinrik.has,- and itUterally t-''-^-" 
 to ,ret anywhere. It seemed as lai-ge as l.ond.«. It .s ^a.d 
 t, b 7ght mile, e«:h way, o,- about sixty on,- mae, 
 lal, We thought Nanking an immense e,K-losu,-e ; but 
 Toir is twiee as la,-ge. It has a population of more '^"l^; 
 :-monanaac„arter. There are many -^^^^^^^^ 
 ings. The National University, tl,e Eoyal Pala^, the 
 jonest ofTort 
 18808, on the 
 itrato at the 
 on Salvation 
 I two days in 
 y took us hours 
 i(>ii. It is said 
 cty-four miles 
 enclosure ; but 
 of more than a 
 gniftcent build - 
 Palace, the for- 
 I i 
.iCA'OSsy.iRix nv rail. 
 eign hotel, the Sliiba Templt-s, and the great Moat around 
 the t'ortner citadel, are striking erections. The prettiest 
 thing about it is the natural situation. It is really a collec- 
 tion of villages, the one running into the other with a rustic 
 freedom nowhere else to he found. You ride along for a 
 while dcwn a great business street, with American horse cars 
 running down the middle of it. and, by-and-by, you branch 
 off into a nar- 
 r o w street 
 w h i c h soon 
 becomes a 
 winding lane 
 lined with the 
 lovehest ever- 
 green hedges, 
 neatly cut like 
 a living wall, 
 and hiding be- 
 hind them a 
 pretty villa, or 
 little cottage. You pass along through a perfect network of 
 these pretty lanes, until you i-each a hilltop, where you get a 
 view of another hill beyond you covered with similar streets 
 and houses and hedges. And so you pass on from village to 
 village, over undulating hills, through pretty valleys aud 
 ravines, and occasionally through a business street, until you 
 wonder if it will ever end ; and, at length, after you have 
 been run for several hours through all these interminable 
 roads, you reach your destination, and begin to wonder when 
 you will ever get back. 
 We know no place just like it, so metropolitan, yet so 
 rural ; so romantic yet so substantial and great. It is as unique 
 as Peking-^ the worthy capital of the most curious, mixed- 
 up and clever littlepeople on the faceof the globe,-thepeople 
 of New Japan. 
 . ■f^j y^ki: ■ ■ I ' .^^Wl ' --■,-•■> '" *». — 
onder whftu 
 itan, yet so 
 is as unique 
 oug, mixed- 
 — the people 
i^ i . 
 WE spent our last week in Yokohama. It was a 
 strange luxury to look on our old wayworn bags 
 and bundles, and try to realize that we had only 
 to pack and unjjack them once more before we should be 
 homeward bound. But much yet remained to be done ere 
 we could bid the great Orient good-bye, and we needed to 
 make the most of every moment that yet remained. 
 Services had been arranged for Sabbath and Monday 
 evenings in connection with the Union Church. Dr. Meacham 
 is the earnest pastor of this church, whose membership con- 
 sists largely of missionaries. Such honored names as Hep- 
 burn, Loomis, Ballagh, Booth, and many more as widely 
 'known, make up the constituency of this influential parish. 
 We had the piivilege of meeting most of the missionaries in 
 Yokohama, not only at the services on Sabbath and Monda}- 
 evenings, but also personally. 
 Good Mrs. Pierson, the senior missionary of the Woman's 
 Union Missionary Society, and for many years the warm 
 friend of all our missionaries, and herself a member of our 
 Alliance, received us most kindly and invited us to address 
 her eighty Bible women the last night we were in Japan. 
 , 1 
 530 i^;.<T«'«A'r/.00A-5 0A'..//«/avw^r/...A™. 
 Mi,8 Crosby her associate fvom the beginning in the work, 
 ■mi one of the best informed men «i Japan on a 
 t 1 with the r»li.-ioua life of the nation, called and 
 Z^M ns tl e ,ate An>:i..an papers, and gave us nrr.h va - 
 'Ile'infornuvtion abont Christian -vU in t e e„P^e^ ^ 
 Ja,nes Ballagh, of ^^^^^^^ t Misln- 
 "■" r"* -" S—t, "okohama, kindly attended to our 
 busmessforus,a„d.sthe^^^ any forwarding busi- 
 other nnssionaiy 01 t'^\""' „y (,ie„d of many 
 ness in Yokohan.a. M,ss f;";";™'^^,^ her seventieth 
 year, ago, was here, t«o, »* -«j;*J,^" ^^ has a large 
 birthday, but was lo*mgf-''y»^ ^,, 
 missionary home and «<>«"'"' ^ir-^ionary under 
 Goodell, who lately came f"'" Tex^ f ! '^^^ ^j^^ '^er for 
 ,be An-c-vas^-ifr^^^^^^^^^^ Miance mis- 
 ""ires tas in YotoLma, and had .,een for about a year 
 s,onanes was m ^ ^^^^_^^ ,_^^ ^^^,^ ^,„a. 
 ''"s'^d *: le*; — ^ to her. Miss Pratt has made e. 
 nossandisdi^piy .^ ^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^,^^3 
 cellent pvogi-ess ■" *« "'"^ « ^u, g^^day school of 
 «"'• r 'I^M-i- Mashing village, down by the 
 over fifty children ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^.^^^^ „£ 
 ':l*ir WH, *ewas\eaching the youngand unkempt 
 ill the work, 
 ^eminai-y, the 
 rkers, showed 
 Bible Society, 
 n all matters 
 )n, called and 
 i us much val- 
 empire. Mr. 
 s devout spirit 
 f the Mission- 
 ittended to our 
 same for any 
 i-wavding busi- 
 riend of many 
 [ her seventieth 
 She has a large 
 ,f guests. Mr. 
 tif^ionary under 
 ae with her for 
 ur Alliance niis- 
 f or about a year 
 her much kind- 
 itt has made ex- 
 light and gifted 
 Sunday school of 
 re, down by the 
 ower stratum of 
 Ling and unkempt 
 little crowd in front, the rest of the family were drinking 
 their tea, cooking and eating their rice, and winding and un- 
 winding their nets in the back of the room. But the little 
 faces were earnest and bright, and certainly kept much better 
 order than the usual crowd of American street boys would 
 have done at home. It v.. probably the only httle ray of 
 heavenly light that ever .".ils on those dark and neglected 
 httle lives. . 
 We saw all we cared to of Yokohama. Jt is the chief 
 port of Japan. It has a population of about 120,000, and a 
532 lahcer ovti-ooks on m.'^sfox.iny lands. 
 large foreign trade. Uh foreign Bun.l is large and well built 
 and compL favorably with other Oriental c.t,e^ although 
 it is interior to Shanghai, Calcutta and Bon>bay. Most of the 
 fomgners reside on the Bln«, which in a bold and handson.e 
 elevation, running out between the harbor of VoVohama and 
 the larger Bay of Tokio. It affords a magnificent s,te fo 
 private houses, i,eing cool and retired, and connnand.ng good 
 views of the harbor and bay. Here the vdlas are most 
 luxurious, and the grounds spacious and eleg.ant. Like the 
 lotus-eaters of old, the missionary who stays too long he,c 
 may find his strength paralysed and bis spun enervated f o. 
 the sacrifices and hardships of the interior. ^ o do not say 
 hat there are not trne, loyal and self-denymg nnss.onanes 
 Iven in these luxurious surroundings, bnt they need to 
 "watch and pray, lest they enter into temptation 
 Among the foreign residents here we we>-e glad to meet 
 our old friend, Mrs. Jennie Bramhall, formerly of B™*ly», 
 Td sister of Mrs. Frances Barrett, of the Gospel Tabernacle 
 New York. We visited her in her elegant home, and found 
 heTtiying to bring up her httle family in the fear of God^ 
 Her hnsblnd represents a wealthy Now York sdk house, and 
 S business gives employment to n>any tens ot thousands of 
 Japanese. She has been very kind t» some of our mrssion- 
 aries, and her house has been for them a welcome home. 
 One of the missionaries took us out one evenmg late fo. 
 a night view of this heathen city. We had seen Shanghai 
 and Singapore by gashght, but Yokohama far exceeds them 
 all in shameless sin. 
 d well built, 
 es, althouglt 
 Most of thi' 
 d handsonio 
 Vohama and 
 cent site for 
 landing good 
 as are most 
 it. Like the 
 00 long here 
 ■nervated for 
 e do not say 
 hey need to 
 glad to meet 
 of Brooklyn, 
 i\ Tabernacle, 
 lie, and found 
 i fear of God. 
 ilk house, and 
 [ thousands of 
 f our mission- 
 ime home, 
 ^rening late for 
 seen Shanghai 
 exceeds them 
 . ,,. ^p|pM| l pup^^yJ^ pj^ 
/..isr D.ns r\ J 
 ' ilooded, so brastly, 
 ,i> (iveiy true humau 
 ide sutticient to freeze 
 most degraded Imiuan 
 T^iere in no indelicacy in descrihii it, for it is open to 
 fver> ye, an<l almost every foreigner drives through this 
 street, liut it is an awful sight to see those foui- thousand 
 puulic li« utiiitea of vice and criine, dressed in their gorgeous 
 robes, and sitting there, in view of luindreds, behind the 
 open rasenients. through blofk after block of great buildings 
 111 that public tboi'oughfart , lookii - like irattie in th(> stall, 
 ♦lecked for the shanddes. It \va- ^ 
 so coarse, so ghastly, so utterly 
 frelinp;, that one would think th 
 the very pulses of vice in all 1 
 No wonder that Yokohama bears the name of being, so 
 ' at least, as its foreign i)o|)ulation is coMccrned, the wick- 
 city even in wicked Japan. 
 Some of the streets were full of tht atres, open to the 
 public gaze, wiiere the dreary, monotonous sliow got s on for 
 hour after hour before the ])atient sjjectators. Others were 
 crowded with archeries and various shows, and all were full 
 of people, surging past in countless throngs, till far into the 
 night, all apparently happy, careless, gay, and free from 
 (>very thought of the morrow. It was a good picture of one 
 phase of the nation- jolly, laughing, boyish, young Japan. 
 Sometimes the ludicrous comes up in bright Japan. 
 They are not a people to be laughed at, but they do some 
 laughable things. Here is an advertisement on the front of 
 an artist's store : " Want <'d -An Order. Your Picture — wiU 
 he made cheap on seiv^ iiis photograph." 
 L.lh'Cr.h' OUTLOOKS ON MfSS/O.y .1 h'V LANDS 
 The 8hop8 are full of toys of every kind— flying fish, 
 birds that inflate and float in the air, boxps of miniature ani- 
 mals, gods, cities, and every conceivable thing. The children 
 are everywhere, and the streets are full of tlieir jollity, fun 
 and happy freedom. 
 The native stores are much cheaper than the foreign. 
 There are many of the 
 latter, where costly 
 curios are sold to ex- 
 travagant travellers at 
 great prices. The 
 same things can us- 
 ually be bought in the 
 Japanese stores for 
 half the price or less. 
 The principal art- 
 icles that foreigner.-; 
 generally indulge in 
 are bronzes, silks, em- 
 broideries, lacquer 
 work, tortoise shell, 
 photographs, and thi^ 
 very pretty engraved 
 pictures on their rice 
 paper, which they 
 hang on screens and 
 banners with such 
 A JAPANESE PEDDUER. l^^^^V effeCt. But WO 
N -^J 
 ._, i,^4 
 flying fish, 
 liaturo aiii- 
 Iie children 
 jollity, fun 
 ho foreign, 
 nany of the 
 ere costly 
 sold to ex- 
 .ravellers at 
 ces. The 
 '^H can us- 
 ught in the 
 stores for 
 ice or less, 
 •incipal art- 
 indulge in 
 s, silks, eni- 
 toiae shell, 
 lis, and the 
 :y engraved 
 n their rice 
 'hich they 
 screens and 
 with Bucli 
 ct. But we 
 m dm^&^mmjm-m ^- ■ 
 _jQ BW (fflaESE 
 1^ 12.2 
 — 6" 
 %'^> ^> 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 
 (716) 872-4503 
 Collection de 
 Canadian Institute for Hbtorical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de nricroreproductions historiques 
 Krproduction froin a Japanese Painting. 
 '"""^"^ ' '""""""''^'"'"'nffii -w 
 have learned too well the value of money for higher purposes 
 to be strongly tempted even by these extraordinary bargains. 
 We had much earnest work to ilnish in Yokohama. 
 Scores of letters had accumulated, and many matters affect- 
 ing our missionaries in India, Malaysia and China, as well as 
 Japan, had to bo settled by correspondence before we left the 
 great Eastern Hemisphere. 
 We had been waiting nearly a week for our good brother, 
 Mr. Lelacheur, to come from Singapoio to consult with us 
 about our whole work in China and the Straits Settlements 
 and Islands. So important had this seemed, that we liad even 
 felt justified in calling him from his important work in Sing- 
 apore, and a proposed journey to the Caroline Islands, for the 
 purp ' of conferring with him about the larger superintend- 
 ence of the whole work in China, including also t!ie Malaysian 
 coast and islands. For this i)Uipose he had arranged to come 
 to Yokohama to meet us before we should sail, that we might 
 together go over all the plans of the work, and then separate 
 to our resp /e fields, he to Shanghai and we to the west- 
 ern world, to i;l> our people to sustain him and his felloM-- 
 workers by our prayers, counsels and contributions. 
 For days we had no word from him, and it seemed as if 
 he might not be able to make the necessary connection. But 
 at length he arrived, just one day before we were to sail, and 
 those last hours, incluchng most of the night, were spent in 
 earnest, prayerful conference and arrangements. Our beloved 
 brother had come without a moment's delay, and with all his 
 heart met our suggestions and requisitions. How we thanked 
 God for liis spirit and for his valuable experience and train- 
 ing ! He was just the man our work needed at this critical 
 stage in these immense fields. And we were able to commit 
 to him all that God had been laying on our heart in those 
 vast oi^'iiings, and all that He had been permitting us in 
 some lnunble measure to begin during these past days — with 
 the confidence that it would be faithfully, loyally, and cour- 
 ageously carried out, in so far as the will of God should per- 
 mit and the power of God should enable. 
 We thanked God for the rest with which we were able 
 to hand over all this great trust, which had been absoi-bing 
 us night and day. After all these long months of perplexity 
 and toil, we felt we could turn our faces homeward, with the 
 delightful consciousness that the threads were all knitted to- 
 gether, and ih«> moorings all made fast in the hands of God, 
 and the humble, faithful stewardship, which is a pait of His 
 Then, too, we had much earnest thought and responsi- 
 bility for the work in Japan. 
 We had come to these beautiful islands, after the heavy 
 strain of two hai'd months in China, with something like a 
 sense of repose. We had felt somehow that we had got 
 through our birdest tasks on the mission field, and that we 
 should have three weeks of comparative ease in looking over 
 ■ this smaller field, and arranging the simpler and easier ques- 
 tions of our mission in Japan. 
 But never were we more mistaken. Never had we been 
 called to meet, in so short a time, so many trying, perplexing 
I and tiaiu- 
 this critical 
 to commit 
 irt in those 
 ttiiig us in 
 ilays — with 
 , and cour- 
 should per- 
 e were able 
 d, with the 
 knitted to- 
 ds of God, 
 part of His 
 d responsi- 
 the heavy 
 hing Hke a 
 e had got 
 nd that we 
 oking over 
 asier ques- 
 id we b«en 
 matters, whicii weighed down our spirit night and day, and 
 held us every moment in conscious dependence on that very 
 Mind of Christ for the wisdom, without which we would be 
 so sure to err. 
 They were questions of which we cannot speak in the 
 public ear ; but He who knows all hearts knows well how 
 hard, how delicate, how important, how varied, how perplex- 
 ing they were, and how they arose in new forms from day to 
 day, and how gentle and gracious and wonderful the way in 
 which He guided, overruled and worked for us and for His 
 work, and out of much that seemed confusing at length 
 brought, we lielieve, His own wise and simple plan and 
 order, through which, although it may be small as a germ of 
 mustard seed, and humble as the company of fishermen- 
 apostles, we believe He is yet to bring great and lasting 
 blessing for Japan. 
 When, at last, we got through the tangled mazes, and 
 had nothing left but to mail our bundle of letters, roll up our 
 rugs, and send our baggage on board the ' ' Oceanic, " w^e had 
 but one regret left, and that was that we had not some of 
 our Tabernacle friends at hand to shout with us, " Blessed be 
 the name of the Lord ! " 
 On Friday morning, July Tth, accompanied by half a 
 dozen true friends, we stepped on board the steam launch at 
 Yokohama, and in half an hour were in our cabin on the 
 "Oceanic," commending our beloved fellow -workers, in a 
 parting prayer, to the care of Him whose Presence covers 
 land and sea. and knows no dividing space or time. 
 In a few minutes we were mutually waving our affec- 
 tionate adieue as they .ailed back in the stean. launcl. arul 
 then we were cIT. Th. fluttering signals, the ruo s of Yoko^ 
 hama, the shores of Japan receded from view, and our great 
 Bhip was sweeping homeward. 
 Six months of intensely busy travel were abotit to end, 
 and we began to xealize how nmch cause we had for gratitude 
 and praise to Him who had s.> graciously gmded and so w.m^ 
 drously guarded us through all these changn.g scenes, and 
 ^rfkindly kept the great trusts that we had Je t at .me 
 Just before we sailed, our cup was made f ulle, by letters 
 from India and China, telling of good news fron. all om- 
 work God had already opened one new station in Cential 
 China and given us a house at Han San H'sien. And from 
 Shanghai came the tidings of the great impi-ovement, am it 
 was hoped recovery, of the dear Swedish missionary we had 
 ^ft in uch distress there. From India came the tidings of 
 two other open fields of service, and God's help U. our dear 
 n^issionaries through all the terrible ^^^^^^^ f ""^^"^'^^^^ 
 son Along with this came the message from deai Mi s. Fuller 
 hat her dfrling babe had been taken out of this furnace of 
 summer heat to the home where the sun shall not light on 
 them nor any heat ; but with it came a letter so brave, . • 
 trrhearted, sounselflsh, so full of thought for others that 
 we could only thank God, with humbled heart, for her heroic 
 spirit, and the victory that faith can bring. 
 From across the great seas came also the message that 
 our own dear mother had just gone to join our revered and 
[)uv affec- 
 Linch, and 
 1 of Yoko- 
 onr great 
 it to end, 
 • gratitude 
 id so won- 
 cenes, and 
 t at home. 
 ■ by letters 
 .tu all our 
 ill Central 
 And from 
 lent, and it 
 iry we had 
 ! tidings of 
 ;o our dear 
 he hot sea- 
 Mra. Fuller, 
 ? furnace of 
 i(»t light on 
 so brave, i' ) 
 others, that 
 )r her heroic 
 Message that 
 revered and 
 LAST D.iVS f\' JAP.IN. 
 honored fatber in the home above. We thanked our Fatber 
 for her fourscore years, and the sweet memory of her life 
 and love, and for that dear and v«Mierable father, wlio, at 
 eighty-four, had just a little while ago passed on before, and 
 we felt that they bud not gone very far away. How nnuii 
 of this rich bh^sing that has crowded onr life is due to their 
 faithful prayers ! Tliank God for their precious lives and 
 everlasting memorial. 
 And from our home in New York there were so many 
 cheering messages of synipatliy and remembrance and prayer, 
 and the record of the generous kindness that had met the loss 
 of our publishing bouse through the recent fire, that our cup 
 was filed to overflowing, and we were made to feel utterly 
 unv/orthy of all this goodness, and utterly unable adequately 
 to express our grateful praise. 
 How faithful G(.d has been to all our dear flock and our 
 dear work at home ! 
 We have had nothing but notes of praise from the work 
 in the TaOernacle, Berachah Home, the College, Hebron, the 
 Orphanage, the publishing work, the Door of Hope, and 
 the Missionary Board. The presence of the Holy Ghost has 
 been constantly "ith our beloved people. The spirit of unity 
 and love has pre . c led. The means for our great niissionaiy 
 work have continually been supplied by onr Father's bounty 
 and His people's faithfulness. How can we sufficiently bless 
 Hib gracious Name and thank His beloved people ! May His 
 richer grace enable us to be worthier of all His love. 
 BKF< )RE wo get beyond the shore-line of Jiiimn, let us 
 try to gather up the mingled iini)ression3 that have 
 he«Mv growing into something like a ])icture of this 
 interesting people, as we have passed through their midst 
 these twenty days. 
 If anything that we may write should go hack to Japan, 
 as doubtless it will, we tiust that the picture will be recog- 
 nized as the sketch of a friend. We cannot, even to avoid 
 criticism and i.ain, be false to our convictions ; and yet we 
 tmst that we niay not exaggerate an eccentricity or a fault, 
 or fail to give full credit to every real merit. 
 Of course, like the sketches of our little kodak, these are 
 all flash picture's, taken at sight, and not pretending to be 
 elaborate' and studied drawings ; we simply give them for 
 what they may he worth. 
 The people are always the first thing y*)U see. 
 How shall we describe a Japanese? A little, dark, 
 thick-set man, always reminding you of a boy, with round 
 head, flat features, and an immense growth of thick, black 
 hair.'that usually is cut short and stands on ends like a 
I»uii, let us 
 that liave 
 re of this 
 hoir midst 
 t to Japan, 
 be recog- 
 '11 to avoid 
 ind yet we 
 or a fault, 
 t, these are 
 iding to bo 
 e them for 
 ittle, dark, 
 with round 
 thick, black 
 ouds like a 
 THi'. siTr.\rio\ I\' I IPAS. 
 young forest of underbrush. This was our hrst iiripression 
 of a Jap. If ho is a coolie, ho weais a blous*; ovtT his back, 
 a cloth around his loins, and a pair <»f straw sandals on 
 his feet. If he is a "riksha" man, he mayhaveona sijit of 
 navy blue, consisting of a loose blouse coat, skiiitiglit, blue 
 drawers, straw sandals, 
 and a white hat. like 
 an inverted wash basin, 
 « on his head. If he is 
 a gentleinati, lie liiis a 
 loose robe, like a ilress- 
 inggown. called a " ki- 
 mono," gathered about 
 his i»(»ison, reaching t<» 
 his feet, and fastened 
 with a sash, and on bis 
 feet a pair of wooden 
 sandals, raised about 
 three inches from the 
 ground by w o o d e n 
 cleats oi- props, to keej) 
 him above the mud, 
 and perhaps add to his 
 height and supi»lement 
 the defect of nature in completing his stature. If he is a 
 little more Americanized than his fellows, he is dressed in 
 a foreign suit, usually with short sack coat, punts, shoes and 
 hat, and looks a little strange and out of place in his foreign 
t4» LAKc.F.R orri.ook's OS mss/os/ipy lands. 
 dre8B,-0on.ething lik. a K,>m<.»uuan ,.r u IN.le, but nmch 
 darker fiiul Hhortt'r. 
 Tho labor. ,., a.,d enpecially ...o " riksha" men, are very 
 nmssive in their build, and tb<.ir lind.s are bko groat pdlar.. 
 my run bko horacH. and go all over the land on tremendous 
 '""Many of the educated nu-n have very bright, intelligent 
 ^ faces, and a manly b(>arnig ; 
 and while few Japanese men 
 aie fine-looking, their extra- 
 ordinary politeness, and their 
 easy and charming manners, 
 make them always attractive 
 and interesting. 
 A Japanese woman is a 
 pretty study. She is almost 
 always small. Indeed, they 
 all seemed to us like girls of 
 thirteen or fourteen. Their 
 dress is very like that of tne 
 men,— a loose robe, with im- 
 A JAPANESE QiRL. monso slceves that hang down 
 like wings. This robe is folded around her person, left quite 
 too oTen at the bosom, and fastened around the wa.st wjth a 
 sash which terminates over her loins in a g-at square bow, 
 X a cushion, and n.aking one feel tempted to thn.k that she 
 arries it to sit down upon when tired. Her face .s round 
 and fuU, always pretty, and all faces very much ahke. One 
 but much 
 n, are very 
 'OJit pillivra. 
 , iutelligeut 
 ly bearing ; 
 puiiese men 
 tb(Mr oxtra- 
 5S, and their 
 ig manners, 
 /» attractive 
 woman in a 
 ,l\o is ahnost 
 Indeed, they 
 like girls of 
 rteen. Their 
 e that t)f tne 
 ^be, with im- 
 at hang down 
 son, left quite 
 i waist with a 
 t square bow, 
 think that she 
 face is round 
 ;h alike. One 
 '/•///■: s/Tf : I /vox i\ japan. 
 would think it must be very dithcult t»» pick out one's friundt) 
 in Japan, the faces seem all so uniform. Her complexion is 
 generally rosy, her eyes small andalnuMul-Hhaped, but brij^ht 
 iind playful, 
 her expr<>«sion 
 kin<l, frank 
 and refined. 
 Her hair is 
 black as a coal, 
 and usually 
 combed up in 
 front in a sort 
 of Pompadour 
 fashion, and 
 tied behind in 
 a glossy roll, 
 orna m e n t e d 
 with flowers, 
 ribbons and 
 combs, vari- 
 ously shaped 
 accordingly as 
 she is married 
 or single, of 
 high or low 
 station. Her figure is usually plump and graceful, and she 
 is mounted on a high pair of stilts oi sandals, raising her 
 about three o^' four inches above the ■ ound, on which she 
 L^iRci^N orri.ooKS on Mfssmx.iA-y 
 544 . J 1 
 hobbles about with studied shuffle, which i« conside^d K«od 
 .Japanese how i..thi„g neve, to he|o,.^u.^«.;^^^^^ 
 ladies approach each 
 other in a room, and 
 l„>w low, till their 
 foreheads touch the 
 ground, and repeat the 
 ceremony two or three 
 times until you won- 
 der if they are ever go- 
 ing to speak. Much 
 of it, of course, is 
 mere form, and back 
 of it may lie a heart 
 full of hppocrisy and 
 hate. 'But it is often 
 very pretty, although 
 a good deal overdone. 
 Their mental 
 characteristics are 
 Frenchy. They re- 
 . ..PANEse MAN. mind you irresistibly 
 of the poUshed race ^^^^^Z^^^ 
 They are very bright, .mck^.n^ell^-^^^^^^^ 
 of change, superficial,lackmg m teeung 
THE srif A-rrox ixjirAX. 
 loi-ed good 
 1(1 studied. 
 It is quite 
 to see two 
 •oiich eacli 
 room, and 
 till their 
 touch the 
 d repeat the 
 wo or three 
 1 you won- 
 are ever go- 
 eak. Much 
 ' course, is 
 n. and hack 
 lie a heart 
 ppocrisy and 
 it it is often 
 ty, although 
 eal overdone, 
 ir mental 
 •istics are 
 They re- 
 al irresistibly 
 of the world, 
 lious, intense, 
 isive, hut fond 
 iriDg strength. 
 They have far outstripped the Chinaman at the start, but ' 
 perhaps the Chinaman will win the race. , , , 
 Yet their mental faculties are not to be undervalued. 
 Everything must he judged by facts and fruits and the 
 progress of Japan in a generation is phenomenal and un- 
Te. yea,. n.o we thou«.,t - ];-; ^^t:!*" 
 had to begin our studies ane\N 
 "°11nTl:1lt:Lpi.. ,yin« .out,, o, Corea and 
 Jai.an s an ^.^^^ ^ terntory of 
 about Ave •"'""^; ;;„„„«„„ „„ U„ge a, Germany. 
 J (50,000 square nnleb, ana a y \ 
 "T— "ofrera. U,«e islands and a great many 
 It cons,st8 ot ^ _^^^j^j^ government : one 
 BmaU o,>es ^™ »ff ' j„ ^^, the sup.^rae head, dweU- 
 «pmtua., "V!''\tta a^Kyotorand a.mo;t worshipped ; the 
 i„g in sacred isolat.",! at Kjot ^ ^^^^^ 
 othertemporal «,.d -- to 'eu ^^ ^„^ j^^p„^, 
 ■J^L^rS:"--- a, it wasca„ed,_andits 
 n^eX'aXoe -^:- -jrrBar::; 
 -''-^'Ttl'f^lttte farr-chants. etc. 
 or gentry, and then ,nm , ^^. ^^^^ ^^„ 
 ^'*tr ^'Ay o — nt, patriotic and determined 
 ''' Itol c^ghtened oligarchy, havi.>g carefully studied 
 men, a soit ot enug".. modern civihzation, 
 ■ »* ''^^'^r "m^roTlTtir country steadUy for 
 have pressed th«' ''"'P« j^j ,e™lution so complete that 
 wardint«apol.t,caland ^a ^^_^ ^j_^^^ „^ i^ 
 the customs and t'''^'*'™^;' ^ ^^.^ ^ united monarchy, 
 a single generatoon ^-^^^^^^eM English I^rda and 
 ;h of this land 
 ouud that we 
 n, has revolu- 
 of Corea and 
 a territory of 
 B as Germany, 
 a great many 
 '^ernment : one 
 ne head, dwell- 
 ■orshipped ; the 
 lilitary system, 
 >f the temporal 
 called,— and its 
 castes of India, 
 ne the Samurai 
 merchants, etc. 
 ings have been 
 and determined 
 carefully studied 
 dern civilization, 
 atry steadily for- 
 30 complete that 
 en thrown off in 
 imited monarchy, 
 nglish Lords and 
 presentatives, and 
 RcproducUon from a Japanese Painting. 
 I vi 
 a franchise much more wisely regulated than our universal 
 suffrage in America ; and along with the new political con- 
 stitution has come a national system of Customs. Post,- 
 offices, railways, telegraphs, telephones, police, and com- 
 mon school and higher education almost as complete as in 
 the western countries. 
 A weekly Sahbath has been appointed, and is kept as a 
?he Na«,.,K,. M,nt at ^ TTJ^ .^. «u„boats, 
 and camum, ami V e ,v .th . K.^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^^^ 
 ished, and 
 r. Native 
 sof Krupp 
 ins to-day, 
 ,t. The great 
 students, and 
 g up to it, and 
 buted through 
 hiurch nfiedstc* 
 seud medical missionaries to Japan or even to teach them 
 liigher education. They are imitating every western in- 
 vention, and even the modern bicycle is manufactured m 
 Japan, and sold at one-half the price it costs in America. 
Thei. Ship..., t,.aa» i« K;"--,t:-^„^':for: ^d 
 i8 worthy of all praise. country. The first 
 wo have »Vok''" « " i tCty.' » U a very 
 thing 'hat 'mp-^se^ t « «^^ ^^ ^ ^^^.^„„^ ■ 
 oflreon, its dwarf pines .t, nee « f/""! ,,a Inland 
 Sea,itBHakoneI^lceanaN.kkoMo ^__^ 
 of comparison wth any other la"". J 4 ^^^ 
 rrrs:::iitr:rnrst:;^^^^^^^^^^ an „h,et oe 
 Ch "r— inter^t. Its str^t. as a ruie, are Oean. 
 ana its houses attractive and pleasant, 
 A Japanese house is a perfect .deal of ta te 
 For a summer residence •' -""V?^ ha. no pa^al ^_^_^^ 
 Jor winter use it must he often « J^d. " comfortable 
 modification before a f''™«";^ ";.,■: f^euine^ 
 home. But in sunnner .t .s » P " ^^ » j^j^^, «, ad- 
 S^hrror::;; ::;r :h:^" ^"--e -— '' 
hey run 
 rea, and 
 hey are 
 e do not 
 rhe first 
 is a very 
 jeeling in 
 tains and 
 ty. It is 
 ;t3 shades 
 :e mosaic 
 nd Inland 
 re worthy 
 laint and 
 e it t^ the 
 object of 
 are clean, 
 nd beaaty. 
 I, although 
 leeds much 
 !8S, with its 
 ons, its ad- 
 itH pivtty paper windows. an<l its stiitVcd niiittinK Hdois, soft 
 a» I'UsliioiiH, oil which tlu'y Hit without <hairs, and no one 
 ever ti-eads except with unshod feet. You always leave 
 your shoes outside a Japanese house, and the floors are 
 always clean. We noticed that even in the farm cottan.'S 
 the r()(jnis were neat and tidy, and the hoiu«' \\W of tlif p»'o- 
 ple seemed somewhat refined and comfortable. 
 Coming out of China to Japan seemed likt^ coming out 
 of a cellar into a garden of suushine. And to (-hange the 
 ttgure, China seemed like a great Colossus, always looking 
 backward ; Japan, like a bright steed, looking ever forward 
 and leaping out into the future in the face of the sunrise. 
 And yet China has taken hold of our heart, and we be- 
 lieve of the hearts of most Christian workers, as Jajjan never 
 can, and ins{)ir«'8 a confidence and expectation for the -e- 
 moter future which we beheve will be realized when Jai)iu 
 shall have swept through all the stages of her more ephemeral 
 and precocious growth, and have begun to show the reaction 
 of premature age. 
 There is one subject of which we nuist speak plainly 
 before we refer to the religious situation. We mean the 
 morals of Japan. We fear they are a frightfully irnrnor:.! 
 people. The dress of their women is very inimoilest ; and of 
 their men, often outrageous. 
 Their habits and customs in public baths are said to be 
 grossly improper, and their laws and ideas in regard to the 
 regulation of vice woi-se than even in India. The dress of 
 the people is not intended to be immodest. The worst thing 
o,-rr.ooK's ox ia/.vs/oa./a')- /../.\7;5. 
 .,„,. .... ...« ,».t of a -;>«"• •^- " ve\v..n.utt,.,-.y »h,K.U«l 
 .,„., una »l...ul,l in .11 .-.v.!.";' ». ;'^,„.,i„„« ,.,.nted « 
 ,. . ,;f,. t„ „.,,..v.. h..r f..tl e t"^^ „ t and 
 morals. tvinoug til'' i>'»"^* ' 
 ana vice. awaifea aiul defective 
 We Lave been t<M ha tl. ^^ _^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ 
 ^^y^^'^^-'''X:\Z^Zn.^. the nation has pasHed. 
 ,,^..Hof nnnm.aht> ^^'""^ ^^ j, A.noHtevery Japanese 
 We are strongly ten^.ted to ^^^^- ,^, j, ,Uape, 
 and hears the niatws 
 ancestoi-s. i,.riuential native Christians 
 We rejoice to k.u.w ^"•"*7"7*: "; .^ ,,,„,^i ,etorm as 
 .irintr in hr nn Jihout sucn a nioi.vi 
 are bravely working ^^»;'»'"^ the Mikado to the meanest 
 ^iU sweep all the way down ^-'^ ^«J^ ^.^ ^^^^ ,,ierated 
 -He, and will a^oU^h l^ X.-.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^_ ,,^, ,. .^ 
 immorality m e • - >;rn . ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^, ^„„^,,,. 
 permanently gv . - ^^ ^^^^^^^.^^ ^^,,,. i,,„,,s. 
 hood, punfy '^^'^ .i.annu.,u. 
 Tin: sin .1 Tfox /\ / mix. 
 it, and 
 it. Tn- 
 nil lift'. 
 ^nu«^ it 
 years to 
 i-es3, and 
 poet and 
 irt f«'asta 
 B live in 
 3 tone of 
 to laxity 
 lue to the 
 IS passed. 
 r Japanese 
 r in shape, 
 tiou ill his 
 [ reform as 
 ihe meanest 
 u\ tolerated 
 hope to he 
 her woman- 
 ^^oinK on to 
 irts .f the 
 Tl'.opulilKuUitua-ion in .l««i, us it uffe<tH foreiKiiers, 
 is brietly this: Tlnougli the la..t tr«.atics with foreign natioiis, 
 certain cities in the "mpire are <.|H,n for foreiKH trade, uiid in 
 all other placew foreign' is «'an only reside luuUi sptuiial pass- 
 ports. These passports ar»' of two kinds; vi/., travelling 
 l)assports, wl»ith have to l^e renewed every few nmnthH, and 
 ivsich'nce passports, which are only givn t« foreijcnnrs who 
 ^o to tea<h in the interior in Japanese schools. 
 These restrictions have greatly hainpt 
 work in the interior, and an agitation ha. he. 
 Hecure treaty revision and free access i. al 
 On the other hand, the Japanes*^ are much .1 satisfied 
 with some clauses in 1 .e treaty, notably one rehi to cus- 
 toms, giving a decuh I advantage to foreignei mother 
 allowing all foreigners i i Japan to live under i\v , .sdiction 
 of their respective consu s, and to he tried in all juti '^ial pro- 
 cesses before consular i mrts instead of native t .inals. 
 This, the Japanese feel, !• Us their own people to gn disad- 
 vantage in all issues with foreigners. And there hoen 
 growing up. for some tim -, considerable political ai. anti- 
 foreign feeling, until, two ears jig... it reached the i mt of 
 real irritation, which oc. asionally broke out in act of 
 There has been, doubtl. s, in the past two years, a strong 
 and favorable reaction, and a real friendliness between the 
 government of Japan and t e western nations, which is ut- 
 terly different from the nati. nal sentiment in China. 
■ , 1 1,^ been copying wholesale the best ideas 
 J-l-";"*''on^ ltd flly acknowledges hev obliga- 
 of the western nations a^.d y ^^^^^.^^ ^^,„,a to 
 tions to them bhe sent a y ^^^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ 
 study the institutions o£ '^e We* » the laws and jurjs. 
 — "rCeT — : a:T'indust.al .^,.^^- 
 Ta^:: t;:^- aid .aUe it tho..ugh,y national and a 
 sort of paragon and pattern to the worM. ^^ 
 ^at;r ;= --* r." -- »- 
 world in the New D-P--^^^ ,,^ ^^ ,„, ^^ dependent 
 ^a so she ao<. — hjo^;;^^ ,,;„„ „„» everything 
 on foreigners, bhe is giau »- 
 „„st be subservient to *« Japanese^ ^.^_^^^.^_^ 
 r ^'VrtTerT irthXry o, the opening ot 
 We need "» ^ere re ^^ ^.^^^^ __^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^„„ 
 foreign missions in Japan, .missionaries and 
 ation,the«. are to-day ^fT^^^X i^-^»^--^- Ahont one- 
 forty thousand native "^•^f ^"J '" ' ^^^^ Presbyterian 
 quarter of these Chri^*-; tlel— Board, and the 
 churches, about one-quaitf. to the A ^^^ 
 rest are divided among a ««- «-«™ organized native 
 thousand Christians, however, -P-Bont au g ^^^ ^ 
 force ,u.te out o' P-VK.*on * a„^*-f^,^^.^ . ^ ^^^^^ 
 India ov China. Many ot them a. , k 

 (pening of 
 n a gener- 
 laries and 
 ^bout one- 
 id, and the 
 'hese fotty 
 lized native 
 we find in 
 in native 
 churches, which are entirely self-supporting, and are min- 
 istered to by their native pastors, and the fcneign mission- 
 aries aie simply overseers of the work or teachers in the 
 schools. Indeed, very many ot the foreigners are not even 
 recognized as overseers ; for the native churclies have as- 
 sumed the diiection of the entire work, and tht^ foreigners 
 aresimply advisory committees and friends, and the native 
 church takes the direction of the evangelistic and missionary 
 operations, as well as the pastoral work of the settled 
 The United Presbyterian Church has adopted an entirely 
 new creed as the basis of its imion, founded si i b-tantially on 
 the Apostles' Creed. It does not even recogni.-e the Western 
 Confession of Faith, but is bound together by a declaration 
 as simple and catholic as the constitution of our own Gospel 
 Tabernacle. In its Presbyteries, which control the entire 
 work of the church, the native pastoi-s and elders have seats, 
 and the foreign missionary has not even a vote unless he is 
 either a pastor or an elder, and very few of them are native 
 pastors, so that it can be easily seen an independent native 
 church has been growing up which is very rapidly getting out 
 of the hands of the Foreign Missionary Board. 
 In the American Board churches, which rank next in 
 number and influence to the United Presbyterian Churches, 
 there is even a stronger movement toward independence, and 
 the American missionaries are more and more feeling it, and 
 preparing for the hour when their presence will be no longer 
 needed. Indeed, very strong expressions of this kind have 
live and the con,pav.t.vely - -H «P™^» ° ,„„ .„ ,a, while 
 A teeiP'"*^'""'':''^''** ;r ™ two hundred yen- 
 . native V^^ -^^^ ^^Z^ f^<^^^ '^ ."-f 
 whichiaonlyabout*l...-.ng> ji^,„,t to see how the 
 „„daly at '""*'•'■ ""llonKuig fov independence, desiring to 
 growing native church. '»■«:"*: ', ^„ ^^ke the most 
 Leioparea, ^'^^X^^^^^^'"' ^"■"^"™^ 
 „t all the money. »* ^ ^^i;,,, „„,i,,,e to fully understand 
 ,„.an that ■^-;S:;:t;.cun,stances in which the for- 
 :tT::UWrsh:u,d he temped to .ay. ■^«ive us your 
 --•-"::;r:— -e'»pro,.a.^ 
 In view ot all these ^^^^^ g^^.^. 
 ,.^.t time ^ -^ -tr— Jl foreign element hy 
 »«-^°*'7:;, ^trff'a gradual transfer of the work to 
 degrees and 1-P;« f^^^^ ,,, g„i„g home and some may 
 native hand. A good y^_^ ^^.^„„,„,mw „y these sue- 
 not return. But even i j : jjfy their with- 
 ,«rf„l missions is not yet '*"!^^^; ^ J, ,, /et only 20,000 
 drawal. Together these t«o ""^'"''l^^^J^'ovk has but 
 converts out of forty million peo,^. and ^h«r ^^ _^^^ 
 begun. 0«1 must ha.. -- ^^^;X hear from some of 
 ing this difficulty. ^;'\;; ;:; J„„,ries the assurance that 
 the oldest -<•--;;'*„ he done by foreigners in Japan, 
 there was tuucU woik yet 
 e-iSTSST s-''' t"-«$rf-i-r' 
 it times 
 -n some 
 id, while 
 ,d yen- 
 how the 
 'Siring to 
 the most 
 I the for- 
 . us yom- 
 bly at the 
 older soci- 
 iiement by 
 »e work to 
 soine may 
 these suc- 
 their with- 
 only 20,000 
 ,rk has but 
 ay of meet- 
 om some of 
 turance that 
 rs in Japan, 
 THE sni-.rj/ox ixj.iPAX. 557 
 and undiminished need for their presence, counsel and in- 
 The other missions and churches do not seem to have 
 felt so strongly or at all seriously tliis ultra independent 
 spirit. Perhaps there are reasons in their own methods of 
 work which will account for this. As we have looked at the 
 whole situation in Japan, we have had the following consider- 
 ations deeply impressed upon us as they affect the present 
 needs of the work in this land. 
 1. There is need for a deep si.iritual movement. Much 
 of the progress of Japan has been educational and intellectual. 
 Much of the work, even of the missionaries themselves, has 
 been to develop a young giant of philosophical culture and 
 theological smartness, who is in danger of growing too strong 
 for them. We could not help feeling almost everywhere m 
 Japan this sense of intellectuahsm and the cry our heart 
 was for the deeper, humbler, diviner strength c . ae spiritual 
 life, which crucifies the strong-headed will, v .ich lays ec- 
 clesiastical ambition in the dust, which baptizes with tender- 
 ness and love, and which brings the power, not of strong and 
 self-sufficient men, but of the Spirit of the living God. We 
 are sure that this and this alone will save the churches of 
 Japan from a great crisis, and that it must come upon the 
 missionaries as much as upon the native churches. 
 All over China we found the cry for this blessing on the 
 part of the missionaries. We have met a good many in 
 Japan of the same spirit, but not nearly to the same extent 
 as in China. Our heart's cry for this land is a deep spint- 
 ,^1 movement, a aeepening of spiritual life, a separation 
 ual ^««^^"^^ l^. f„, ,,onal holiness and near- 
 frnm the worul, <i beeK-iiig ■< i i „4. ;+ 
 .1 Ld as well as power and success. Lord, grant it 
 ZlTJ.^^rZ and'the Christians oi Japan. We are 
 s:mehol in,pressed that the,* has hecn --l-a.^'^ 
 '"''Ch:v:X'^d'at home that the only t™e source of 
 Ifulmistions is a spiritual movement in the church A 
 :;S^r hrrZrch wm p«>duce ItseU ab«>ad. And a 
 nd near- 
 grant it 
 We are 
 rely little 
 I. There 
 ies whose 
 eiy clear, 
 id united 
 c opinion 
 help and 
 the mis- 
 9tudy, but 
 and such a 
 ■sin South- 
 ^ the older 
 8 Mr. Ishii, 
 lers we met 
 any other 
 scatter the 
 le source of 
 e church. A 
 )ad. And a 
 worldly church will have like cliildivii in heathen lands. It 
 is not very strange that when many of the Japanese students 
 came to America, and found at Harvard and Yale a cold and 
 indifferent type of Christian life, and a very broad and 
 liberal theology, they went back to Japan to tell their people 
 that they had been practicing too rigid a religion, and that 
 the high-toned Christianity of America's best circles was a 
 very much freer and easier style of thing. Is it any wonder 
 that the Japanese mind became saturated with such ideas, 
 and a fruitful soil was prepared for the rationalism, the 
 Unitarianism, the higher criticism and the indifferentism 
 and worldliness that h ave- alas !- made much headway 
 already in this bright new land. How were these children 
 to know the difference ? 
 The remedy for all this is going to be found in the Holy 
 Ghost. We rejoice to believe that a strong, united and un- 
 compromising party of men and women is being gathered 
 by the Holy Ghost from all the missionaries in Japan. This 
 is the spirit of Mr. Buxton and his workers in the north- 
 west, and his brave, true testimony has been made a great 
 bles^ng already to the missionaries ad well as to the natives. 
 This, we trust, will ever be the spirit of our missionaries 
 in Japan'. And this has been the testimony of many others 
 whom, perhaps, it would be invidious to name, but whom, 
 we believe, God would unite heart to heart and hand in 
 hand to seek for Japan her greatest blessing— the enduement 
 of power from on high. 
 2. Along with this, the next greatest need of Japan is a 
. • +Vi« fioKDel to the \uaoc- 
 bold aggressive n>ovo,nent to g.ve the Go«,.eI 
 o„piedfleld» and the neglected cUsBe. ^^^ ^ ^^ 
 Ve.y much has '--' .*™ J\!, had sup,K,»ed. We 
 evangelism in ^='^7 ' ^^ to«ns and villages in all 
 we,, delighted to "-J™^°a the Ueaty ports, had 
 parts ol the empire, a d ai bey ^^^^^^^ .^ ^^^^ 
 been occupied successfully. Thue ^^^^ ;„ 
 world nearly so ->' -^t f^ thout nJonaries, and 
 Japan. ''^^--J^"';: Tlhvvest coast, that we hope 
 it is to some ot these, on tn^ 
 immediately ';«-':t::,::tt\t:^^^^ been cached at 
 But there is one eiemoi anomaly 
 aU, and that is "« ^iX a ^afnot been given to 
 amo»«— to hfientT-the samurai class-and the 
 the. poor, but to t^e gent ^ „„evangeh.ed. There are 
 common people are yet manuy ^^ ^^^^ 
 W- ».«.-o» yi»'.™« ';^-; :„^Cdo„r to the betU,r 
 have been reached «°f *"* Xly entered it. But He .s 
 classes, .f *«*:;* trllsionary movement which 
 calUng to-day, «e believe, tor a Japanese 
 wm go wider and 'o--.-™ ^ teaching them to go 
 themselves an unspeakable "'*»«»« Christianity and 
 to their humbler brethren in the spirit 
 lead them by thousands to Jesu^ ^^^ty i, japan (or 
 3. We believe there is a special opp ,^_^^ ^^ 
 '"^ "'^^''%'e' ::::: "rirstVe number is Umil.^ 
 i vmoc- 
 d. We 
 es in all 
 •rts, had 
 in the 
 even in 
 ries, and 
 we hope 
 Bached at 
 I given to 
 -and the 
 There are 
 V of these 
 the better 
 But He is 
 lent which 
 r Japanese 
 them to go 
 ,tianity and 
 II Japan for 
 r is limited, 
 ssionaries in. 
 India or China would shout for joy if they could conunand 
 them. We believe God is going to raise up and ])repare a 
 great many more, and send them out by hundreds and thou- 
 sands as the future evangelists of Japan. We trust our own 
 work in Japan may be able very largely to utilize and em- 
 ploy these laborers. And it is our prayer that the work of 
 Mr. Ishii may become largely a missionary work, and may 
 train and send forth large numbers, not only of his own boys, 
 but of others, baptized with his own spirit, to preach the 
 Gospel in the power of the Holy Ghost in all the unoccupied 
 regions of Japan. 
 4. And wo believe that God is calling His people in Japan 
 to simpler methods cvn.d lives of humbler, holier separation 
 from the world. Our herrts are too full of love to our dear 
 brethren r.broad, and wc> b: ve too deep an appreciation of 
 their trials, iiardship,:; r.nd unsellish purposes, to criticize 
 their methocis of li\ ing. Bui, we boliove tlmt the fact that 
 there have been inch criticisms, hof-h from the natives and 
 from other novices, -ho Jd mc.kc> uo all wilhng to learn any 
 lessons God has for ns, and to set such an example of sim- 
 plicity, economy and separation irom the world as will make 
 the line of demarcation abroad as sharp as it ought to be at 
 home between the humble follow :r of Jesus and the fashion- 
 able friend of the world. 
 We have already said that the t;ost of living in Japan is 
 much higher than in most other mission fields, and we are 
 wiUing to concede all that is reasonable and necessary for 
 comfortable and healthful homes, foreign food, winter fires 
. . „llin.. Eveiv true mtasionaiy should to kept 
 and extra traveUing. ''^^'', ,, . „„ K„t eleaant man- 
 f ran. all need or c:are about these ""»«; J"' '^^ ^„,,,, 
 lonj! summer vacations, ana boi,. 
 unnecessary. j^^^g „( mission- 
 We have no doubt ^at 'here a. j,, temptations 
 aries he.., a. elsewhere and p«^^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ 
 a„a the freer social We o£tta-^^^^^ ^^„,^„,,i„„ 
 ^„,e farther across ">« Ch..st,a„ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^^ .„ 
 ^''""r'ratror Xrinate'cHticisms, but in the 
 sweeping chaiges or m ^^^. • ^ example of the niea 
 „^est. consisi^nt -^™— Hrfntatlnd to live a 
 ,„d women whorn God h-.™. brethren and before the 
 true missionary Me ''f'°'" '".,,,„ j,i,,„ to prove to the 
 heathen. We '*'-'» "'^V^f "^V^^t and, at the same 
 .orld that ^«*;"t:,r^^ar"'ia Jalpan asweUas 
 ttae. econom^a^woiU «>.n^ca ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ 
 i„ India or China^ A ^_ ^^^^ ^.^^^ „^t,,. 
 Boards said to us, only a ^^^ ^^^^^ 
 preachers could be sustained fo the amou^ ^.^^ 
 Uives asasalary,and th t^ --;^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ 
 lUm whether he ought not oie^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^_^^ ,„^.. 
 could not be done by the^gh^ ^_^^ ^^^^^ ^_^^ 
 eigner. ^«f;,-"^X "^Wch botU classes can be em- 
 method should <« ^ "'""^^ *" ^thout the sacrifice of 
 ployed, and yet the ut-^ — ^^^ .^ u,,ble is 
 1 be kept 
 int man- 
 is courts, 
 urely are 
 : inission- 
 1 have led 
 e found in 
 )ut in the 
 of the men 
 d to live a 
 before the 
 »rove to the 
 ; the Bame 
 a as well as 
 one of the 
 sight native 
 lich he alone 
 lestion with 
 : more good 
 the one for- 
 ut that some 
 8 can be em- 
 le sacrifice of 
 practicable is 
 Let us pray 
 that their experiment maybe so successful that the result 
 will be full of encouragement for the future work of foreign 
 laborers in Japan. 
 What is the prospect of the evangehzation of Japan? It 
 seems brighter than that of any other foreign country. With 
 tact and wisdom almost every part of the interior can now 
 be reached. The truths of Chiistianity are fairly understood 
 by the reading portion of the nation. The sentiment of the 
 people is not so anti-Christian as it is anti-foreign. A native 
 Christianity is fairly popular. Buddhism, Shintooism and 
 the ancient faiths have lost much of thoir power. There is 
 none of the Caste difficulty we meet in India. There is none 
 of the desperate antagonism we find in China. There is a 
 fair disposition to listen to the truth almost everywhere. 
 Converts are much more quickly won than in all the other 
 fields Much can be done through an interpreter while the 
 language is being acquired ; and yet we would advise all 
 missionaries to learn it and use it as soon as possible. Na- 
 tive workers can be obtained more easily than in any other 
 field At present our advice would be to send comparatively 
 few new foreigners, and only those of the very highest class, 
 and ever to utilize native workers as much as possible, and 
 by judicious oversight scatter them widely through the yet 
 unoccupied districts of the land. 
 We believe Japan will be evangeUzed before the end of 
 the century, and that a blessed missionary movement ^ill go 
 forth from its people, which God will use to reach the mil- 
 lions of Corea, and the vaster myriads even of interior China 
 with the light of the Gospel. 
 All her 1.1.-. ar« »J^^^!°^m t,„ chlKlron ..n ».-. 
 ■^Blie «o»ia r«ln °"*"'''f *,Ve,briBl>»«t«"l'»" 
 . „„.v vhat a charm there linger* 
 Land of wondrous ^;*"^y;;;;*Jower and tro. ! 
 Over every landscain-, ^^^'^ ^ ^^on thte 
 But . brlsbt^r «^-y - t^xnt^Jn, o^thy Inlan.l Sea. 
 Tl. ^n thy cloud-capped moun ^^^ 
 •Tis ine Father's «^^Z^Xleemine Love ; 
 ,TiB the blessej^^to;y^«4«^^^^^^^^^ wfavenly Bunri- ; 
 ^£etCn ^e%r;ehfnioK fro. ahove. 
 At the gates of Asia, ^^-ZVl^7J^oZ^^-'^ 
 God has Beth^X tS and Corea's mUlions 
 China's teeming «^y' ff^;^ ^o the Bon of Man. 
 Wait for her to 1««^*{ *f J^J^ ^^ claim thy calling, 
 Rise to meet t^^ '"'«tn;Sing on the van ; 
 ,Mid Mlllenn al "^^^^ Jthe^Coming Kingdom, 
 First to -"^t^h the Bunrise o^ ^^^^ , 
 Islands of the Morning, oe" 
 THE voyage across i\w Pacific lasted nineteen days, and 
 was broken almost niidw..y by a short' stay at Hono- 
 Inlu, in the Sandwich Islands. Oni- stoainship was the 
 "Oceanic" of the Oriental and Occidental Line, San Francisco. 
 She is fairly comfortable, but by no means a quick boat, and 
 our greatest speed only slightly exceeded three hundred miles 
 ji day. She was the first of the o(u^an racers of the White Star 
 Line, but her engines have been greatly reduced in power 
 And she is now chiefly a cargo boat. 
 The ships of this line are net coini)arable with the splen- 
 <lid ocean queens of the Empress Line, and we should cer- 
 tainly advise all our fiiends bound for th«^ Orient to take the 
 Canadian Line, if possible. They make the trip in about a 
 week less than the San Francisco boats, and all the arrange- 
 ments are in » measurably supiirior. We had about fifty pas- 
 sengers on bouid, including seven or eight Japanese gentle- 
 men. The weather was only moderate, and the Pacific 
 Ocean did not maintain its reputation for pacific qualities, 
 l)ut tossed and squalled a little worse than we have usually 
 .seen in the Atlantic, especially in summer, but we had almost 
 sot used to the sea, in a journey, nearly half of which was 
5**** 1 tVi.. leisure f()r oiir 
 highest. Throe Sabbath, ^"^'^^fj^.^^.^o.. «<rvteo until 
 tife m.t, no effort wa, "!«'« "^ ^^ ,;, J, to permit u« to 
 the evening, wl>en we ^'J'L, hu* "o more than two 
 gather a little company m the saloo , ^^ ^^^ ^^„^„^ 
 "or three ot the t»-"«"" * nW ot ^^ J'>P»-" "" '""'• 
 and the audience oons.rted ma.nly ,.--i^-ft. 
 8pon«e to our earneet apl«". ' , ^^ g„t m used, 
 I the Sunday cricket «'''"J;'>";Xbbath in this way, that 
 J San Francisco, t» speudmg the ^ ^^ ^^^_^ _^^^^^^^^^ 
 h« did not see any harm u.^^^^^ ^^^ ^,,^ ^„^„,, ,„d th. 
 in the long story oi vii« » 
for «mr 
 [w very 
 and oil 
 [;o until 
 it UH to 
 tian two 
 n board. 
 lin, purser 
 mg cricket 
 \xe evening 
 , and in re- 
 ted to give 
 got BO vised, 
 is way, that 
 ther chapter 
 liah and thft 
 Americans abroad, and as we looked ut that little <N„npan>r 
 of Japanese devoutly worshipping God in the midst of 
 American ungodliness, we thought the day might indeed 
 come wheu we should see companies of Japanese and Chinese 
 missionaries coming to America to preach the Gospel to the 
 heathen of this land. 
 Our stay at Honolulu was very pleasant. The day w is 
 charming, and the climate of the islands is, indeed, superb 
 It IS, probably, the finest in the world. The thermometer 
 ranges from seventy to eighty most of the year. It is never 
 cold and it is never disagreeably warm. The trade winds 
 continually blow across the islands, and maintain a perpetual 
 breeze which is most refreshing. The vegetation is tropical 
 and luxuriant, very much likt. Hong Kong, and almost as 
 rich as Singapore. 
 We took a drive to the mountain behind the town, and 
 looked over the brilliant panorama of valley, hill and shoiv 
 The picture was a very prett> one. At our feet the city lay 
 embowered in palm groves ; and, just beyond, the water was 
 gently breaking over the coral reef which surrounds the 
 island, and which looked like a beautiful necklace of dia- 
 monds, while the lagoon between the reef and the shore was 
 the richest green ; and, beyond, the waters of the grtjat 
 Pacific sparkled in the glorious sunshine in every tint, from 
 the deepest blue to purple and crimson, at the far-off horizon 
 Une where the ocean met the sky, and the exquisite bhie of 
 the glowing firmament was fretted and chased with many- 
 colored clouds. 
:;68 i..4KaKK o,:Ti.onh-s o,v MissroN.iK-yrAKDS 
 Two imndi-ed miles »outh of Honoluh., on »"»«'« *^- 
 ,a„d, is the g.anae,t volcano in the ««*V — J ^^ 
 ,«,.ty stopped off to visit it. .ml we heavd »»>« "-' ^™ 
 descriptions of its majesty and gx^ndem- I* ^. "^; 
 lake of «.e, and its h.rid light illummates the n.ght with tei 
 """ We found the islands agitated alK>ut the question of an_ 
 nexation to the United States. We had the opportunity of 
 sp^ng with some of the leading >.sidents on the govern- 
 mS side, and we have also met a nmnher of members o^ 
 he opposition party. We believe the £o.^.gn .-esidents are 
 rgl in favor of annexation, but there is a considerable 
 plrty even of these, who are opposed to it, and neariy aUthe 
 C' planters rega.-d it as likely to p.-ove fatal to the bus.^ 
 ,et! of the islands, as it will exclude the Japanese a^d 
 " htoese laborer on whom they enth-ely depend for the cult.- 
 ta^ of the plantations. We hav. no doubt that annexa- 
 Z under the Geary law. which ^^'^^-^^^^^'^ l^^^. 
 tion would he fatal to the prosperity of the islands ; but .£ 
 that' outrageous act we,-e abolished, and the restncfon upon 
 t e in«,mh,g of the Japanese and Chinese removed we be- 
 : would be to the interest of the islands to ,o.n he 
 rmerican republic, and we ar. sure it would g,ve t^ the 
 t "ited States an influence in the East wh.cb would be of 
 immense advantage. j + „„ 
 It is impossible for oxxe who has not gone abroad to ap- 
 preciate the value to Great Britain of her colonial posses- 
 n A chain of miUtary stations hterally girdles the 
 ►ther is- 
 l of our 
 erally, a 
 mth ter- 
 >n of an- 
 bunity of 
 3 govem- 
 mbers of 
 ients are 
 rly all the 
 the busi- 
 mese and 
 the culti- 
 t annexa- 
 ds ; but if 
 3tiou upon 
 ed, we be- 
 o join the 
 ive to the 
 ould be of 
 •oad to ap- 
 lial posses- 
 girdles the 
 world, and gives to Great Britain a connnanding influence 
 among the Oriental nations which can scarcely be exagger- 
 ated, and which to a great extent constitutes the glory of the 
 British Empire. The American abroad is constantly made 
 conscious of the absence of all these on the part of his own 
 country, and the opportunity afforded in the Sandwich Isl- 
 ands, at present, for the United States to hold the key to the 
 Pacific Ocean is one that ought not lightly to be thrown away. 
 We found the desire for annexation on the part of the Amer- 
 ican people very intense, and the feeling of disappointment 
 at the coolness with which the proposal was received at 
 home is very strong and painful. 
 We believe the American government is giavely weigh- 
 ing the whole situation, and we have reason to hope that 
 they will act with fairness and wisdom. No words can too 
 strongly express the outrageous excesses of the late dynasty, 
 and the thoroughly corrupt queen who was dei)osed last 
 January through the storm aroused by her own despotic and 
 reckless course. 
 All the islands put together, however, do not amount to 
 very much, numerically at least. The whole population does 
 not reach to 100,000, and as one looks over the Blue Book 
 there seem to be almost as many officials as there are citizens. 
 The resources of the islands are, however, considerable. 
 Sugar is the principal product, and \^Y^\or to the recent tariff 
 system, immense fortunes were made by the planters. 
 The principal value of this little country is its strategic 
 position as the key to the great Pacific Ocean, and the island 
 «o,M To Great Britain it woulA be a point of vast import^ 
 ::. and i, She «et. the "P.— ^: ^X^ tZ\^ 
 will not be slow to improve it To th« '••'^«"; ^^^^^ 
 paradise, and if ^"'> ^:;^];^Z^,^Z^^^ -^ 
 Mmy air and gaze on glorious veg j j 
 tain a ve.7 pleasant existence on «-« "J^";^, ^^ 
 even Honolulu soon grew tiresome to ^^'^^^J^l^ l^, 
 when the hour came to take o„r ^ave ^^^^^^^^s 
 The most ,,leasant nrcdent ot «";^?' ^7 „ b„^m 
 hospitality of the hind "—»-"- irhJTand took us 
 who received us most c.n-d,ally *-^h«u home 
 "T ""^^S:irJ^— .:. Thereis'als„ag«,d 
 work among the Chinese oi n ^^ ^^^^ 
 -^ among tHe f ;-^^^^^^^^^^ 
 'Ifnrit::'^^^^^^^^^^ -more thriUing story oC 
 extmct. Iherc is ^^^ evangehzatiou 
 modern missions than the account 
 of the Sandwich Islands and the laboi. of th. 
 can missionaries. ^nlendid mce, and tlie 
 These islande,. ~f ::^'„ ^j':; physical' develop- 
 "^i:""Jn a,: tT^antic Itm^. and the women 
 r: Of g1: si.. It is said that the e..,y .«.ns met by 
 '•'^ t:rrarH::^'::i:":rmad: .. st.. 
 ^r.A thnir morals are simply mdebcnbaoie. j 
 ^;::u,"pe.>pK and when the time came for onr 
 em, she 
 an ideal 
 t main- 
 33. But 
 ere glad 
 in Board 
 I took us 
 so a good 
 } are fast 
 •obably bo 
 story of 
 st Ameri- 
 e, and the 
 i\ develtip- 
 le women, 
 ms met by 
 ;ht, and we 
 , the state- 
 ler a coarse 
 They are a 
 me for oiir 
 steamer to leave, the send-ott" was characteristic. The 
 wharf was crowded with hundreds of ]»eople, and everything 
 had a gala appearance. 
 A band of music was playing the liveliest airs, and 
 every one who came on board was garlanded with the most 
 gorgeous wreaths of flowers, and amid music and brightness 
 we were sped on our journey by these genial and hospitable 
 people. It seemed as if their heart was turning homeward, 
 and they were caUing to their mother-land to receive them 
 and recognize them as her children. Swarms of naked boys 
 followed in the wake of our ship as we left the harbor, diving 
 for pennies like the little African urchins that we had seen 
 at Aden. At length we were off again, and before sunset 
 the bold heights of Diamond Head had disappeared beyond 
 the horizon, and the blue waters of the Pactific Ocean were 
 again surrounding us on every side. 
 Eight days more brought us to the Golden Gate, and our 
 hearts were strangely moved as we gazed on the Seal Rocks 
 at the entrance of the harbor, and at length rounded the pro- 
 montory and saw just before us, lying in a beautiful basin, 
 the teriaced streets of San Francisco. 
 We had just an hour to catch the eastern-bound train, 
 but again the kind Providence of God assisted us, and as the 
 sun went down we found ourselves sweeping homeward 
 through the Sacramento Valley, while that beautiful Ameri- 
 can sunset seemed like a smile of welcome. And as we rode 
 for six days aero? ■! the mighty continent we wondered how 
 the world had done so long without America. 
■ w« brok. o,u- journey tor an hour or two, in Chicago to 
 T 1 UM,- Moody and other friends to arrange fo. the 
 meet with Mi . Moooy Ji t A„„„flt inth We spent 
 e„n,ing International Convenfon o£ ^^^^'^^ J, „„ 
 the Sabbath in Canada, m our od "^■"'''f "!>",„ ,,^„d, 
 .he following Monday we ':-^:^^^^^Z. them 
 '"'' UZtr::^':^ ... that we haveheen just two 
 — "-n nf\S'r: rro-Th^dr- 
 ,„.e„ thousand nnle. of winch mo ^^ ^^.^ 
 l«.n on seas and ^'"''''"'•''^^'J^^,^ ,,tffe„„t vessels ■, have 
 boani, and a ,»»senger .m t^o"*^ ^^ „,; j^ ^Hh 
 passed through fourteen great "''*'°"; J" 'J^^^j fifteen 
 seas and oceans ; have crossea n ,v , ^„ 
 three hundred and «=;'>• <';/;:::;;™ u^^o the North 
 through almost eve,-,- .hmate, '™' "^ j^ ,„i,3i„„. 
 Temperate zone and ''•^ '""^jf^^f^L representing a 
 ,,es and P--~f^j;t :,::aand flfty'milUons, or 
 population o£ moie tj-"" *■' ^ ^^ i„ „u these changing 
 one-half the populafon of '^ fob- J^ ^ „,. 
 scenes and circumstances, '■"'""; ""^^^.^ „, even to 
 permitted us to 'o-. ->;;-*::l"w:Lnot thank 
 miss a single -— ,^^^- ™^ ^l, ,„,, not only over 
 rb::tfrt:!"ends and precious interests that 
 were left in His hands in tho homeland. 
 go, to 
 )r the 
 md on 
 I them 
 e than 
 st two 
 is have 
 i ; have 
 }d with 
 I fifteen 
 ude and 
 ve been 
 le North 
 enting a 
 Uions, or 
 ed us or 
 • even to 
 lot thank 
 only over 
 i-ests that 
 OIj, may Hn lit'li» us both toguthor to )>r«'ss on to Ktill 
 greater things for this lost world, wliich He h;is porinitted 
 US to see only that we nught make these needs nu»re real to 
 the hearts of His people at home, and help them mo o faith- 
 fully to fulfill their sacred trust for its evangelization and for 
 the hasting of that glorious hour when this wonderful and 
 beautiful world shall be redeemed from the curse that rests 
 upon it, and realize the glorious i)urpose for which it was 
 created and redeemed ! 
 One of the strangest incidents of our journey is the gain 
 oi a day in the circuit of the world. In our (")ri«nital diary 
 we reached home on Tuesday, but by the Western Calendar 
 it was only Monday. Somewhere out on the Pacific Ocean 
 we had to drop a day. Wo had overtaken the sun and 
 gained a day, and so wo had two Thursdays in one week. It 
 is quite an unusual thing for us, in our busy life, to have a 
 day to spare, but we trust we shall henceforth be found not 
 behind time, but at least a day in advance. It won't hurt 
 our self-importance as Americans to remember that our 
 friends in China and Japan, that we think so slow, are 
 nearly a day ahead of us in the march of Time, and while it 
 ib night here it is morning there. 
 We wish the Christians of America o<juld realize how 
 very small a portion of the world lies within the circumfer- 
 ence of their little circle. 
 Beloved, let us enlarge oui- vision ; let us see this great 
 world as God sees it ; and in the arms of our intelligent faith 
 and His infinite love, let us claim it all for Him. 
 Brothers, let ub ntretoh our lieart-etrJngH. 
 Wide as human woe ; 
 All around thli world of sorrow 
 liOt our blessing go. 
 Dver every land and nation 
 B* His flag unfurled ; 
 Send the (Joepel quickly, widely, 
 All around the world. 
._,j.m.LUi ' i" 
 HOW does the world appear to one who has endeavored 
 to look at it with the Master's eyes, and in the larg- 
 est vision of faith and hope ? 
 Well, it certainly looks very dark, and if we were work- 
 ing for its salvation under the existing agencies, we should 
 say, very hopeless. 
 There is no part of it which looks more hopeless than 
 what we call Christian lands. After centuries of pi-eaching 
 and teaching, America and England are farther from a 
 spiritual millennium than they have been for a century. 
 Doubtless very much. In one hundred years it has been 
 estimated that perhaps as many as ten millions of souls in 
 heathen lands have come under the influence of the gospel, 
 and nearly half that number have perhaps been saved. 
 The most important centres in India, China, Japan, 
 Burmah, Siam and Polynesia have been occupied, and many 
 of the most difficult and remote regions of Central Africa 
 have become missionary centres. 
An arn.v of seven thoum.nrt foroiK.. intaio.mri.^ prfl" 
 the «*r, "na ton, tho„»a„a native a,..U„t« a„. wo*,n. 
 ""Vh™iu.a,o» of Cluist give annually *>.. ;-""- 'W» 
 work :,:.! nearly two hundn„l »o..,ietie, a.e w,.Un„ to evan- 
 """ Thtir:!. in.ee<i, if we ,.„,e,„l.e,- the ,on,.ition of 
 tHi„r«:tone huna,.. --X:":.':--" «' ^^ 
 «„t n>i«sionarie., «">"' ""'^^ ;„ beneficence. 
 ■ aeln which have marked the progress of the century, the 
 hS^rP evidential and Pentecostal story of Mada^scar, 
 Tahiti Fil the New Hebrides, and the Sandw.ch Islands ; o 
 M^aU Uvingston, McKay and McCanU the story of the 
 Zlt^. trmger the Con«o, and the African Lake m.s. 
 t^s of the Telegus, the Tamils, and Northern „d.a ; of 
 Zmah and Siam;ot Morrison, Medhurst, and the Chma 
 M™d Mission ; and last of all, the marvelous transformation 
 ^lanan in a single generation ; truly it may be weU 6a,d 
 IX'e hav: be'en no fa.ts since apostolic times so stert- 
 ter of the nineteenth centuiy. 
 And yet, when we look at the other side of the picture, 
 tv,«rfi is nothing on earth 80 dark. , . « 
 * MohammeLnism has increased more than tl.nty md- 
s girdleff 
 It for this 
 ; to evan- 
 ulition of 
 ne of the 
 on of $60 
 I incidentfl 
 Qiury, the 
 slands ; of 
 »ry of the 
 Lake mis- 
 i India ; of 
 the China 
 well said 
 es so start- 
 )nary cliap- 
 tht picture, 
 thirty mU- 
 THF. A/ISSIO.y/tJ^y orTLOOK. 
 lions in one hundred years, wl.ile it i. doubtful if C hr.st.an.ty 
 has won one thouHand souls from itn ranks in all tins period. 
 Heathenism has gained two hundred n.ilHons m the cen- 
 tury while Christianity has won ten millions from its ranks 
 Christian lands have grown in wealth and power, hut 
 have made ecpial progress in wickedness and worWliness ; so 
 that to-day the most fearful examples of immorality and 
 vice in heathen lands, and the most powerful obstacles to the 
 progress of missions are to be found in the lives and influ- 
 ence of our own people in these countries. 
 Notwithstanding the progress of modern missions to 
 day, the destitution of the best evangelized foreign lands is 
 appalling Even India has hundreds of thousand, of villages 
 that have never heard the gospel. The interior provinces of 
 China are only yet manned by little bands of half a dozei. 
 lone workers. . . 
 Two vast provinces in China hav- no missionaries what- 
 ^""^^hil "t, Anam, Nepaul, Bhotan, the PhiUppine Islands, 
 most ', Borneo and New r: linea are in utter darkness. 
 The vast Soudan, with its 90,000,00.) of people, is only 
 fringed with less than a score of missionaries, and thousands 
 of tribes throughout Central Africa have never seen the face 
 of a white man, or heard of Christ. 
 We have just passed through lands which contain a 
 population of '750,0(K),000 of heathen souls, and no language 
 can describe the immensity of the destitution and the con- 
 f +hP utter vvreck of this falleu world which 
 sciousness of the utiei xmc^-"^ 
 everywhere oppresses one. 
 A hundr'^d thousand souls a day 
 Are passing, one by one, away 
 la Christless guilt and gloom ; 
 Without one ray of hope or light, 
 In darkness deep as endless njght, 
 They're pabslng to their doom. 
 We should certainly count upon centuries if we were 
 .oinrfoxt-ith the hope of bringing all men to recede the 
 fo'Tjesus as their Saviour and King, and we should be very 
 strongly tempted to begin with the rising generation, and 
 through the cLdren prepare for influencmg future genera- 
 "^ ::redtational missions as the natural audlo^- 
 .. nf a belief in the final conversion o£ aU the 
 "^' rth-^l! the chn,.h and the establishment o£ a 
 ■ B"* "«/" "!* andit we are to do effective work, we 
 rl^lXd— and work in harmony with the plan 
 of our great Leader. 
 human race under the f^^^ J ^y ^he tribes of 
 irld which 
 if we were 
 ( receive the 
 ould be very 
 3ration, and 
 bure genera- 
 ral and logi- 
 a of all the 
 hment of a 
 ptural stand- 
 ve work, we 
 vith the plan 
 of the whole 
 ut rather the 
 1 the tribes of 
 he nations, of 
 the company of Christ's elect so speedily that the Lord's 
 coming may be immediately hastened, and the promised 
 kingdom brought in which will accomplish for the world 
 in a single generation more than all our work could do in a 
 hundred centuries. 
 If this be the true standpoint of missions, we are not 
 called to build up great educational institutions, and aim 
 slowly to spread in the minds of heath n peoples the princi- 
 ples of Christianity, and lead them gradually up to the Gos- 
 pel. But our business is to strike once for the present gener- 
 ation of men and women in whom God's Holy Spirit has al- 
 ready been preparing by His secret touch for the reception of 
 the Gospel. 
 Thoughtful missionaries tell us that there are such people 
 to be found among all heathen nations ; men and women like 
 Cornelius, who are "devoutly seeking God and feeling after 
 Him, if haply they might find Him," and when the Gospel 
 comes they recognize it as the voice of the unknown God 
 whom they ignorantly worshipped. 
 We know not the number that shall compose "the full- 
 ness of the Gentiles," but we know God has a people among 
 all nations, and that He is gathering out the first fruits in 
 this dispensation : and when the Master comes the full har- 
 vest will be gathered in, and the great Feast of Tabernacles 
 will celebrate the glorious end through the happy millennial 
 That this is the true Scriptural conception of missions, 
,80 ...-- ovr,.oo.s OS- M,ss,on.<.v .as.. 
 '" *:r:f t" « v« the ae,.ne. .. U.e out ot 
 them a peovlo to «*- "^™';; ., j„, ^^e .pedal purpose ot 
 This is just a Ms>t, am j^ ^ temporary 
 taking out o£ «'-' ^tu « "ea -"* the Apostle Paul 
 aispensation. It - '"^J^in Komans, chapters ix to 
 expresses '" J-^-t^l^eL in part has happene.! unto 
 ri, where he says ^^ ^^^^ ,„ 
 Israel unt.1 the tUuess of ^ ^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^^ ..Jerusalem 
 And so the Loid Je.u. ^^^^^.^ ^^^^ ^.__^^ , „^ 
 shall be trodden down of the Wen 
 Gentiles be tuWlW-' ^^.^^^^^ .^pWly for- 
 Hence «e find the »="5 ^ ^ ..^ the regions be- 
 ward in a P^^' ^f^^^ Z^Tli,^ a rapidity that has 
 -f;si:ercf>r.^'-— -'^^ 
 "1;;: r=r.ir h::itinct,y tou .. . «» Bivme 
 plan in the next chapter. ^^^ tabernacle 
 1 bI^:- --- -^^^^^^^^ 
 nt: is the ,— ion of ^^;-^^^--z:st^ 
 rr^ato^r.— ;::fr..HLse,f. 
 out of 
 i-pose of 
 tie Paul 
 ers ix to 
 led unto 
 pidly for- 
 sgions be- 
 that has 
 ;s of their 
 the Divine 
 \e breaches 
 lit people — 
 i, and to be 
 So the Apostle Paul has also said : "And so all Israel 
 shall be saved ; for it is written, I will send unto Zion a De- 
 liverer, and He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." 
 But there is still another stage of development in this 
 great plan. 
 James has also sketched it with a bold, clear hand, where 
 he adds "that the residue of men might seek after the Lord, 
 ijud all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called, saith the 
 Lord, who doeth all these things. Known unto God are all 
 His works from the beginning of the world." (Acts xv, 
 verses U to 1>.) 
 This last section unfolds ihe great hope of the world and 
 its universal salvation. It tells us of the time when the resi- 
 due of men and all the Gentiles shall come to the Lord. That 
 is not to be until the tabernacle of David is rebuilt and the 
 Lord Himself has come. 
 Tf therefore, we would hasten the universal salvation of 
 on. d*.., and the restitution of our globe to its long-lost 
 peace and righteousness, there is but one way to do it,— to 
 call out of the Gentiles, as quickly as possible, the people 
 for whom Christ is waiting, and so hasten His return, and 
 with it the blessings which His advent will bring, and which 
 we never can anticipate without His iiersonal presence. 
 Now this plan is practicablc\ and inmiediately bo. 
 The conversion of the world is beyond our power, but 
 the evangelization of the world, so as to bring the Gospel 
in oar grasp. Anrt whUe .n «»'"'' ^^ „, ^ movement 
 been waiting. , -limine at the less ; 
 ^awhile we can.^0 ^"^^ „„,i,,a attack upon a sin- 
 line successfully, we may, "J 
 gle strategic point, carry the -hole nv^ ^^^^ „, 
 The veal strategic po.nt « tt-'^"' „f the Bride 
 «.e Lord, and the gathering ou^o-U lands^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ 
 „£ Jesus, the flndmg out "^^^^^Iv ot His chosen ones 
 to caU, the completmg o *h;nun^b;j His own return, 
 among the nations, »<>*";" .J.t „„ that distinct and 
 AU this throws a ^°^^'°^ '« j Himself mad- 
 unmistakable promise wh;^ Jta L" ^^ the Kingdom must 
 t!he:^arr:uthe"orld,ar a witness among anna. 
 tions, and then shall the end "me^ ^^^ j,^,^ 
 Under this banner, and »». ™' " . „^, „hich repre- 
 0.ostisto.daym^<.ringthem^s.nar^^^^^^^ ^, ^^_^ 
 ^„t the blessed hope "* '"l^Xe in a wise, concerted and 
 cherish this hope umte » **-» >"^^ ■;^ hope to see the 
 .holly consecrated moven^^^^^^^^^^ l^ ^^^ ^^^^^, 
 consummation o£ the gianaehi 
 hope of all the ages. 
is with- 
 Beem a 
 I larger 
 B of the 
 las long 
 the less ; 
 on a sin- 
 oming of 
 ,he Bride 
 3 waiting 
 )sen ones, 
 itinct and 
 self made 
 dom must 
 ng all na- 
 the Holy 
 hich repre- 
 Bt all who 
 Lcerted and 
 ; to see the 
 B sublimest 
 To accompUsh this will involve tremendous efforts, even 
 in a single generation, but we believe it is not impracticab e. 
 India, for examples which represents one-th.rd of the 
 unevangelized people of the globe, could easily be evangelized 
 in ten years. 
 Within two years, our own humble work will have 
 planted missionary stations, we believe, in every centre of 
 the province of Berar, so that there will be a missionary for 
 every one hundred thousand people, or a missionary party 
 for every county in that province, and every human being 
 can be made fairly acjuainted with the Gospel withm a 
 decade or less. , ^ ^, 
 Now if this can be done in Berai, with fifty mission- 
 aries, what could be done in India with five thousand mis- 
 sionaries ? And these five thousand missionaries could more 
 easily be sent by all the churches of Amenca than the fifty 
 that we have sent by the little company of Christians who 
 are standing back of them. . , ^ • 
 There are over twenty powerful Societies laboring m 
 India If each of these would send two hundred and fifty 
 missionaries into the field within the next five years-that is, 
 fifty a year-India would have a force of five thousand move 
 missionaries at the end of five years ; and wisely distributed 
 in the unoccupied fields, these would be sufficient to plant 
 the standard of the cross in every strategic point ot that vast 
 ^""^This is not impracticable, or even difficult, with a church 
 half in earnest. 
 ""■"Lt us pray that the Holy Ghost will open the eyes and 
 , ^? uiiis of His people to an enten-nse commen- 
 '■ r^ h h! vl ess of the opportanity and the hope. 
 "1 a more difficult field, and we need to go mo^ 
 laige du jiefflected centres. 
 -''iwjrnr :Lt;sru a„d its — -«ua 
 Atiica 1 ^^ before His 
 ra^'^dmsp^id^^ h- oi«-d the way in advance 
 f T ! l!h !nd we ave sure that it a great concerted 
 «esteT;":ie. if Uod. people would honestly face rt 
 and rise to its grandeur. 
 The greatest lack in the missionary -^ov«"^«" ^'ifthe 
 . fit foreign but the home end of the work. If the 
 "'' " t Swe have witnessed abroad among the mis- 
 same spnit which ^« *^^ ^^^^.^ ^^,,,,^ i,, the churches 
vor to 
 do the 
 res and 
 ;o more 
 fields in 
 lialf as 
 is still a 
 'ore His 
 •r Africa, 
 have sug 
 ly face it 
 to-day is 
 k. If the 
 g the mis- 
 e churches 
 •y speedily 
 T ///-: MISSION A RV Of TI. OOk\ 
 It seems a great deal to say that the churches of America 
 gave five million dollars last year for foreign missions. But 
 how much did they keep \ The hest autliorities tell us that 
 the actual increase in the wealth of American Christians is 
 five hundred million dollars every year. What are five 
 million dollars <,ut of five hundred millions \ Our people 
 could give two Hundred times as nmch as they are giving, 
 and yet not draw a single dollar upon their principal. 
 Instead of seven thousand missionaries, we should then have 
 a million and a lialf . 
 This would give one missionary to every seven hundred 
 of the heathen world ; and this would he just the proportion 
 in which this land is supphed with ministers. 
 Our Christian churclies have one Protestant minister to 
 every six or seven hundred of our people. We send one mis- 
 sionary to every five hundred thousand heathen. That is to 
 say we do nearly seven hundred times as much for the 
 evangelization of America as we do for the evangelisation 
 of the heathen world. 
 We laugh at the egotism of China, when it makes its 
 map of the world with China in the centre, and other nations 
 lying in httle strips along the edge. But in the sight of 
 heaven, our map is more grotesque, for the needs of America 
 occupy nearly all the centre, and the fringes are given to the 
 myriads of unevangehzed lands, which represent twenty 
 times the population of our own country. 
 How is this state cf things to be remedied > 
, t+inir the tnie missionary 
 ,..t of an. .. ;;^>j- '^.r ""nt: ,: a„a th. Chris- 
 idea into the hearts of the L, mi 
 ""S:'a.y. By getting CU*.»t™e,.. an ... eva„ge«.- 
 tion upon the hearts of Hispeope^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ p^^_ 
 The intelligent, understanding ot „,i^„„ary 
 posewillhe of immense value m dnect u ^^^^_,^ 
 work of all the churches =u<l so met ^^^^_^^^ ^^ ^^_^ 
 rerror^ras^rt— - — - 
 •"^TWrdly we nray lay the responsihiUty of thiswor.upon 
 todividuals. -*";^^;';X*::Uas said, "Go ye in.. aU 
 It is to each of us that i^ creature.' 
 the world, and preach ^^^ ^^^^^^rld some one in our 
 Wo can go )ust as really ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^,^^^^,,,, 
 place, we behove *at the"J ^„„^ ., „„„„ t, an un- 
 „eu and women m th>s and ^^„^,,, ,„,, ,( our 
 speakable blessing to «-f "",""; their work as to give to 
 Missionary Societies could so ad3U.t^t_^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ „j 
 our people this opportunity, a ^_^.,^,^ ^,,,„^ 
 the Support of the "-'--;'', *:tians of this land who 
 there would be thousa^sot^^^^^^^^^^ 
 would gladly accept this iesp< 
 ir than 
 ight of 
 ad pur- 
 of the 
 ition as 
 ;)rk upon 
 into all 
 ne inoiu' 
 DC an un- 
 and if our 
 to give to 
 al cost of 
 sible sum, 
 land who 
 7 ///; M/ss/o\.iA' y or'T/.oor. 
 In our own work we have found this to he a great inspira- 
 tion, and wo believe the two hundicd already employed can 
 be increaaed indefinitely as the work grows. 
 Fourth. We must cease to be surprised at the large 
 gifts which the rich are bestowing, and we nuist expect that 
 they shall do nmch more. 
 We must not be surprised when men give millions, in- 
 stead of thousands, but the standard of our expectation must 
 be so raised that men's conception of duty will be enhanced to 
 something like the Master's ideal of His people and His work. 
 If David, at a single offering, gave nearly one-hundred mil- 
 lion dollars for the erection of the temple, because he loved 
 the Lord and His house ; how much more becoming that we, 
 with far greater wealth and vaster opportunities, should give 
 as grandly for the erection of the more enduring temple of the 
 coming Kingdom. 
 There are individuals who, out of their own means, 
 could evangelize whole nations, so far as the cost is con- 
 cerned ; and we ought to claim for these last days of the 
 Christian dispensation a consecration as magnificent as the 
 opportunities which God has given to us. 
 Fifth. We must expect a higher class of missionaries. 
 The day is past for supposing that anybody will make a mis- 
 sionary, and we must keep our best talent at home. 
 God wants the strongest men for the foreign field. 
 There are no such opportunities for glorious service to be 
 found at home. We want to expect large numbers of our 
 most gifted and conseciated men and women to choose these 
^ (• f.iith and love, to claim 
 L„„.e ,1,.. WO.W .^ living ■■-■'''• ;f^.^,MUe,s of ChriBt 
 „t home to xacriftce a. much a» tte m ^^^^^^^ 
 We wan, the day to '<>'"<'.;'';"' J ,„„k „t » i„ the 
 .„d .na„,ge„ce ««. ^'^^^^l^^ ,.„. the Hood of 
 '•^" 1 'r:::;r Xm :!.:«■ -eve,- sought to »ave. 
 — ir ;-e -' ^ r ' ihra:"!.. do fo. 
 „. he. and gve^te. H.«. » -^Ltio... . the min- 
 telli«e,>t faith and divine de«.re j„,. j„^ ^„„. 
 T„is,i. the *'«7 •,:';;';;; ,j,„a I will give thee 
 t'h:X,f fo'th;rin.,e,.ita„ce. and the uttermost ,.a* of 
 ''- ';?•* ::",rtii:x:::he i... ,. «» ha..ve.t, ^.t «« 
 .end forth lal,o.ers into His havv^t- ^^^^^ ^^ _^^^^^^^ 
 The,-e is nothing "'•« »^;':,f ,^^tn in the opening of 
 missions than answeml,>.a>e. ■^^ „. ,„ea„s and 
 hearts of the heathen. 
 I liiim 
 J who 
 id set 
 il, and 
 t in the 
 )lood of 
 n do for 
 he min- 
 itof ia- 
 Ji accom- 
 rive thee 
 b i)arts of 
 , i,l\at He 
 ,f modern 
 opening of 
 neans and 
 t upon the 
 May wo 1k' penniltod to mention a fow. in order tc .11- 
 courage and inspire our friends to larger outlooks at tJio 
 Some years ago, a few women met in a New England 
 city to pray that Clod would send large gifts of means. In 
 that town there lived a very wealthy man who was not partic- 
 ularly friendly to foreign missions. A few months later he 
 died, leaving one of the largest hequests to one of our nus- 
 sionary Boards which had ever been made by a single indi- 
 vidual. It was afterwards found that he had made his will 
 just at the very time when these sisters were i>raying in that 
 town. He never knew whence came the touch that mov«.'d 
 his heart to give that numificent bequest for the worlds 
 evangelization. But in the day when all things shall be 
 revealed, those simple women shall be credited as much as 
 he, with that enormous gift. 
 A few months ago, the writer was speaking ,.1 a West- 
 ern meeting on missions, and telling how much seven mil- 
 lion dollars would do U>v the immediate evangelization of the 
 world. He noticed a very remarkable face in his audience. 
 It was a dear sister in a Quaker bonnet. 
 She grasped him warmly by the hand at the close, and 
 quietly said : " I think Vvc got it." '' Got what ? " he said. 
 "Oh, that seven miUion dollars" "Oh," h< tsked, "you 
 mean by faith?" "Yes," she said, "what better way is 
 there to get it ? But I will write you when 1 am sure." 
 A few weeks later he received a letter from her, written 
 with as much importance as if she had sent him a check 
 for th« seven million dollars, and she Huitl : " Now I am 
 sure, and you may ivly upon the Lord to w.t.d yo.i that 
 inoney for the evangelization of tho world." 
 Wo are not ashamed to Hay that wo felt quite as much 
 encouraged as though we had receivtnl a large chock from a 
 In the Btory of Finney's lif( there are very many extra- 
 ordinary examples of the power of believing prayer. His 
 greatest helper was an old saint who had been miraculously 
 baptized of tho Holy Ghost, and who, when he prayed, be- 
 lieved. In his i;ist days he kept a diary of his prayers, and 
 a re<;ord of tin {.laces f'n- which he had prayed, and after his 
 death his diary was published, and compared with tho 
 records of the religious press, and it was found that special 
 times of blessing had followed the very order of his prayers, 
 and the Holy Ghost had been poured out in an extraordinary 
 manner in the places for which he had prayed. That man, 
 from his little closet, had been able to sweep the world with 
 the power of God's almighty hand. 
 While in India, tho wi iter met a very beautiful girl, the 
 wife of a native preacher, and learned that she was one of a 
 class of five who many years before were heathen girls filled 
 with all the degradation and misery of a heathen training. 
 So discouraged had their teacher become that she was 
 almost on the point of abandoning her work. She wrote to 
 a Christian friend in Ohio and asked him to pray for them. 
 One Saturday night, he came home from his work and 
 went into his closet and spent the evening in prayer for those 
 THE A//SS/(^X. Iff y OCTLOOK. 
 Now I am 
 I you that 
 ito fus much 
 uH;k from a 
 laiiy oxtra- 
 rayer. His 
 prayed, be- 
 )rayei-s, and 
 ,n(l after his 
 I with the 
 that Bpecial 
 his i)rayer8, 
 That man, 
 ) world with 
 iful girl, the 
 was one of a 
 an girls filled 
 a training, 
 hat she was 
 She wrote to 
 T for them, 
 his work and 
 lyer for those 
 girls. At the doHo he felt that lie had Injen answered, and 
 ho rose frr)m his knees and wrAte to his friend that God 
 would save those girls. 
 That Saturday inKht was Hubbath morning in India, and 
 at the very hour when he was piaying for them, those girls 
 we«) gathering with their teacher in the class. She was sur- 
 l)rised that their whole manner was changed, and at the close 
 of the class they came to her :ind asked her to forgive them, 
 and prorjiised to live a Christuj' life. They kept their word, 
 and all of them have become Ci- i^itian women. 
 Could we have seen what heaven witnessed that day, we 
 would have beheld a flash pass upward from that little closet 
 until it reached the heart of Christ ; and then, after linger- 
 ing a moment, borne onward by the Hi ly Ghost, continue its 
 circuit until it fell, with the morning sunlight, in the centre 
 of India, where it breathed the living love and peace of 
 heaven uj)on those heathen souls. Oh, beloved, thus may 
 we all be missionaries. 
 Not less mighty is the jwwer of prayer to remove diffi- 
 culties. 8om(> iime ago, in Qnangsi, the Southern Baptists 
 had established their first station in that difficult province. 
 After awhile, the drought began to disturb the minds of the 
 people, and their priests told them it was because the dragon 
 was offended on account of the foreigners, and they must 
 drive them out. 
 They gave them four days to leave, and told them that if 
 within that time the rain did not come, they would have to go. 
 They gathered together for prayer, and waited unceas- 
 j A!-**-"" 
 ingly upon the Lord. Before the end of the stipulated time, 
 the clouds gathered, the rains fell, the mission was saved, 
 and the heathen were compelled to acknowledge the hand of 
 the living God. 
 These are some of the things that prayer can accom- 
 Prayer can send laborers into the harvest, and the right 
 kind of laborers. There is nothing more important or diffi- 
 cult than the securing of the right kind of missionaries. 
 Many of the most promising candidates are liable to fail 
 when they reach the field. The Holy Spirit alone can select 
 the workers who can endure the pressures of climate and 
 circumstances, and who possess the qualities of mind, body 
 and heart which will perfectly fit them for this difficult 
 work. One heaven-sent missionary is worth a dozen of 
 mere human selection. 
 God can take men from every class of society in answer 
 to prayer. A few years ago, in a most wonderful manner, 
 while friends in London were praying for God to raise up 
 missionaries from among the educated young m-n of Eng- 
 land, a spontaneous movement at that very time sprang up 
 among the Cambridge students, and while the Board meet- 
 ing in London was praying, a telegram came to one of the 
 secretaries, asking the committee to meet and pray for young 
 men who were waiting upon the Lord about their call to the 
 foreign field. 
 Prayer can raise up workers from among the natives 
 who will become like Sheshadri in India, Neeissima in Japan, 
}' LANDS. 
 stipulated time, 
 ;sion was saved, 
 3dge the hand of 
 ayei' can accom- 
 5t, and the right 
 iportant or diffi- 
 of missionaries, 
 ire hable to fail 
 ; alone can select 
 s of climate and 
 es of mind, body 
 for this difficult 
 orth a dozen of 
 society in answer 
 »nderful manner, 
 God to raise up 
 mg m'-n of Eng- 
 f time sprang up 
 the Board meet- 
 me to one of tlie 
 id pray for young 
 t their call to the 
 Bong the native* 
 seissima in Japan^ 
 and Rabinowitch in Russia, instruments in the hand of God 
 to call their own people unto Christ. Oh, may the Holy 
 Ghost call some of us as definitely to this ministry as He 
 has called others to the field ! 
 This is a special priesthood to which God will ordain 
 willing and consecrated hearts who stand continually in the 
 holy F- 'ce, and hold the incense in believing prayer. 
 Of such men He says : " I have chosen you and ordained 
 you that you should go and bring forth much fruit, and that 
 your fruit should remain, and that whatsoever ye shall ask 
 the Father in My Name, He may give it you." 
 The ordination is unto prayer as nmch as for fruit-bear- 
 ing. Oh, for men who have been set apart for the special 
 purpose of getting answers to their prayers ! 
 We read in the Book of Revelation that when the in- 
 cense of prayer had been presented before the throne by the 
 ministering angel, " there was silence in heaven by the space 
 of half an hour." Everything above was hushed, that the 
 whisper of prayer might be heard. Then we read, "the 
 censer was filled with coals of fire that were poured out upon 
 the earth, and there were voices and thunderings, and a 
 great earthquake." 
 And so, when we are true to this mighty priesthood, and 
 send up through the ministering hands of our ascended 
 Lord, our believing intercession, the waiting heavens will 
 listen, the mighty forces of Providence will begin to move, 
 and the trembling earth will reverberate with the echoes of 
 His mighty working and the tread of myriad feet, as the 
 procession of the advent heralds moves forward to meet the 
 Master's coming. 
 Above all other blessings, prayer \v'ill uphold the lone 
 workers on the field, and give us a hallowed partnership in 
 their toils, trials and recompenses. 
 They have gone there to represent us, as well as Him. 
 Let us not for a moment rail to uphold them, and to be the 
 channels of life and blessing to their hearts as they go down 
 amid the awful depths of heathen darkness. 
 Down amid the depths cf heathen darkness 
 There are heroes true and brave, 
 Shrinking not from pain, and toil and danger, 
 They liave gone to help and save. 
 But we hear them calling, ' ' Do not leave us 
 Mid these dreadful depths to drown ; 
 Let us ever feel your arms beneath us, 
 Hold the ropes, as we go down." 
 So beneath the billows of the ocean 
 Divers plunga for treasures rare, 
 But through hands that hold tLe ropes above them 
 Still they breathe the upper all 
 Seeking precious pearls of richer value. 
 Braver hearts have dared to go ; 
 But our faithful hands must every moment 
 Hold the ropes that reach below. 
 Who can understand the awful darkness 
 Of these realms of Sin and Death ? 
 Even the very air is scorched and poisoned 
 With the Dragon's fetid breath. 
 But across the widest ocean billows 
 Love can reach to heathen lands, 
 And beneath the deepest, darkest surges 
 Prayer can hold a brother's hands. 
 Di'ward to meet the 
 11 uphold the lone 
 i^ed partnership in 
 IS, as well as Him. 
 hem, and to be the 
 ts as they go down 
 id danger, 
 eave us 
 Think yon was it only for our brotlier 
 JeHUS epaite His last conimands ? 
 Is tliere nothing left for you to suffer 
 In these dark and heatlien lands ? 
 If you cannot go yourself to gave them, 
 There are those that you can send. 
 And with loving arms strtrtched out to help them 
 Hold the roiJes, as they descend. 
 Let us hold the ropes with hands more loyal, 
 Let us pray with ftith more strong ; 
 I^et the love that never fails nor fa'ters 
 Faint not, though the strife be long. 
 Let us lay our treasures on the altar. 
 Let us give our children too ; 
 There's a part for ea''.h io this great l>attle. 
 And the Lord has need of you. 
 es above them 
 ;i ' 
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