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Meps, piatee. charts, etc.. mey be filmed at different reduction ratloa. Thoee too large to be entirely Included In one expoaure are filmed beginning In the upper left hend comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many framee aa required. The following dlagrama iiluatrata the method: Lee cartea, planchee. tablaeux. etc., peuvent Atre filmAe i dee taux do rMuction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saui clichA, ii eat film* i partir da I'angle supMeur gauche, do gauche A drolte. et do haut en bee. en prenant la nombre d'Imeges nicessaire. Las diagrammas solvents illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TO Bl OBSERVED IN PRIVATE LODGES or TBI lotga^l ^tmp §mtMim Of BRITISH AMERICA. .:-.% O>^::jir^e them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil : for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and^ ever. — Amen, The Matter thall then tay. I declaae this Loyal Orange Lodge, Number- ORANOE ORDXR. , open in due form, strictly proliibiting any language or conduct that may tend to disturb the harmony of the Brethren. God Save the Qneen. *♦» The Brethren shall then resume their seats, and the business of the Lodge shall he proceeded with in the following order: The Lecture to be repeated. Minutes of former Meeting read. Members to be initiated. Candidates proposed. Public business connected with the principles, honor or pros- perity of the Institution considered. Lecture repeated. Dues collected. Lodge closed with Prayer, -g^^^^l^S- FORMS OF THir RITUAL OF mmODUCTION. •^•♦^ Tlio Candidate fbr admlMion shall be introduced between two Brethren, each carrying in one hadd an Orange Rod, decorated at the top with Orange Ribbons, one of whom should bo his proposer or seconder, who shall carry in his hand the Holy Bible, with the Book of Regulations thereon; and on their coming to the fiM)t of the table, opposite the Master, the Brethren all sitting, (strictly silent), in their places— the Master shall say: Master. — ^Brethren, whom do you introduce ? Introducer. — A. B., a worthy friend. i/aai^ of good character. The newly elected Ifaster shall then tivke his leat, and admlnlBtw the Oath to the other Officers, saying to each, as he swears them in :— Master. — ^Tou have heard the duties which I have asumed for the sake of this Lodge. The like duties must you assume be- fore you can be duly installed. Do you consent, bs I have done, that these virtues and obligations shall be your guide ? Answer,'—'! do. obligaticxS^pTdb^ I, A, B.J swear that I do not undertake the office of Deputy Master for any private or personal emolument or advantage ; that I will use the authority with which I am invested as De- puty Master, to keep proper behavior and sobriety in the Lodge over which I am to preside,, to cause a due observance of the Rulesi and Regulations of the Society, by all the Members of my Lodge; and lastly, I swear that I will not certify for any person, without having first proved him, and being satisfied) in my conscience, that he is a person of good character. OBLIGA^Qll OF A rCI^ABUBEB. I, A, B.y do swear that I will faithfully preserve all the Monies or other Property, that I may receive for the use of my Lodge, and that I will fairly account for, and pay over the same, when reques#d so to do by the Master and Officers of the Lodge. OBLIGATION OF A SECBETABY. I, A. JB.j do swear that I will faithfully preserve the Papers and all other documents of the Lodge, that may be committed 16 FORMS OF THB OBANQB ORDER. to my charge ; that I will not myself, sign, or seal, or canse to be signed, or sealed, nor lend the Lodge seal so that it may be affixed to any forged paper or irregular Orangeman s Certificate; and lastly, that I will deliver up all the property of the Lodge when, requested by the Worshipful Master and the other Officers of the Lodge so to do, OBLIQATION OF A COMMITTEE-MAN. I, A. B.f do solemnly swear that I will exercise the priyileges, functions, and duties of a Committee-man faithfully, conscien- tiously, and impartially ; that I will use whatever influence I may possess for the benefit of my Lodge particulary ; and g^en- erally for the interest of the Order, to the best of my skill, knowledge and cunning. » (The (Committee may he all sworn together.) Chaplain. — Father of mercies Iqpk down upon us with grace, and unite us still closer in the bond of union by which we are united as one family, give us wisdom to know thy ways, and a heart to love one another for our Saviour's sake. . *< Behold how good a thing it is for Brethren to dwell toge- ther in unity ! It is like the precious Ointment upon the Beard, even Aaron's Beard, that went down to the skirts of his gar- ment ; as the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion ; for there the Lord commanded the blessings even life for evermore." — Fsalm cxxxi.