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Tous les autras axamplairas originaux sont fiim^s an commandant par la prenfiiAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impression ou d'illustration at en tarminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle emt^reinte. Un dee symboies suivants apparaitra sur la demi^re image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: le symbols — *>signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmto d dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmd i partir do Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'Images n^cessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I le^©. TOWNSHIP HULLETT f COUNTY OF HURON. List of Peusons entitled to vote at Municipal Elec TioNs AND Elections to the Legislative Assemble. Sub-Sectton 4 of Section 2, of tfte Act to consolidate and amend the Law respecting Voters^ Lists: 4. The Sheriff shall, immediately upon receipt of his copies, cause one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Court House; the Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted in a consjiicuous place in his office; every Public or Separate School Head Master or Mistress shall in like manner put up one on the door of the school house; and every Postmaster shall put up one of his copies in his Post Office. —39 v., C. II, S. 4, S. S. 2. iUitttfrt i\X the |tm (^v» (Office, (['Httton. '^, "^Jtrj VOTERS^ LIST - 1879. i V MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HI^^lM SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES. I — LONDESBOROUCH. 2 CONSTANCE. 3 BANDON' 4 — HARLOCK. 5 AUBURN 6 CLINTON. 7 SEAFORTH. 8 \WALTON. 9 — BLYTH. 10 — CODERICH. I I DUNGANNON. 12— KIPPEN. 13 VARNA. TOLLING SUH-DIVISIUN NO. 1 -(^)inprUing all that part of the said Township within the following boundaries, that is to say :— bounded on the south bythe Town Line of Hullett and Tuckersmith ; on the east by the Town Line of Hul- lettand McKillop; on the north by the Blind Line between concessions seven and eight ; and on the west by Side-Line fifteen and sixteen. Part, 1— Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. ^^ No. ON KOLL. 187 J 278 .1 302 303 304 909 .1 104 .1 115 220 221 J 275 J 276 J 279 280 J 902 .1 66 11 12 .r 21 J 97 .1 189 J 231 J 232 233 J 272 .1 273 897 919 .1 281 190 3 J 24 J 55 .1 186 J 193 NAME. Abbey, Bhadrach Adams, Thompson N. Armstrong, William, sr Armstrong, Robert Armstrong, William, jr Abbey, Shadrach Bramfield, Joseph Bruntnell, John C. Brown, William H. Brown, George A. Britton, John Bowes, George Bell, Hugh, sr. Bell, Hugh, jr. Brown lee, George Biggin, John Clark, Reuben, sr. Clark, Reuben, jr. Crich, James Carter, Charles Clark, George Coates, Robert Coates, John do Colclough, Henry Coldwell, William E. Clark, Daniel Cameron, Hugh Cole, Sedgworth Clark, John Dale, Christopher Downie, Richard Dale, George Dale, John Day, John LOT. S part 6 12 1 1 1 GH W I 9 WH5 3 3 7Eil 8 W^S 13 13 Part 6 SH5 7 7 Ei 12 3 N part 6 7 8 9) Part 6 J EM S E part E J 8 Wi8 W J3 4 72 73 Part 5 14 N part 6 7 8 9 ( Part 6 5 Ei2 13 11 ^ ] N i8| 12 CONCESSION. 5 7 7 7 7 Kiuburn 3 8 6 6 7 7 7 7 Kinburn 2 1 1 1 8 Post Oftice ?} 6 6 6 7 7 Alma 7 7 5) U 1 1 Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 2 2 2 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 6 Ow ner 6 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 6 Owner 7 Farmer's son 7 Owner 6 Owner 7 2 2 2 2 2 7 2 2 Farmer's son 2 7 6 6 2 2 POLLING 8UB-DIVI8ION NO l-Continued. No. ON ROLL. I 277 900 77 47 48 60 61 98 99 117 243 44 10 NAME. Dale, Christopher, jr. Donavan, John Emerson, Thomas Fowler, Francis Fowler, Charles Fowler, James A. Freeman, Henry Freeman, Joseph Fowler, Thomab Fowler, John Flintoff, George Ferguson, David Fowler, William Gibbine;8, William ^3 Glew, Charles .1 45 Gillespie, William 159 Gibbings, John 912 Granger, Charles 920 Grieve, Robert 5 Hughill, John J 9 Hobson, Allen 19 Holland, William J 20 Holland, James 50 Hamell, •Villiam 94 Hawthorn, Bobert J 95 Hawthorn, Peter J 270 Hinchley, John J 905 Hinchley, George .1 7 Irvin, Robert J 8 Irvin, George J 100 Irvin, Thomas J 101 Irvin, Josiah J 110 Irvin, James .T 13 Jamieson, Alex., ar. 14 Jam. ;son, Gavin Jas. 15 Jamiefeon, Alex., jr. 16 Jaraiebon, William J 17 Jamieson, James R. J 185 Jamieson, William J 102 Kettle, Francis 49 Livingstone, Thomas J 116 Latta, Gilbert J 236 Leitch, William, sr. Leitch, William, jr. 237 J 241 242 906 Lawson, Anthony Lawflon, William Lindsay, Robert LOT. 9 10 11 4 5 7 N W part 10 t\ 6 5 N part 12 1 Eil3 ) N part 12 ) Eil3 S 5 part 4 8 part 5 W J 13 14 1 2 E part 6 \ EiN J9^ WH2 \ N part 12 ) 1 N * N J 9 2 10 11 6 8 N part 6 11 11 7 1 1 2 CD EJ5 Wi 5 Ei6 Wi6 W J12 8 8 8 E}9 Wi9 Wi4 7Eil4Ei81 Si8 I 8 part 6 \ 8 E part 10 f WH5 E i 11 N J 16 > NUO 5 E J 11 N i 15 ? NilO S 13 13 E F CONCESSION. 7 Alma 4 w 2 2 2 8 2, 1^ 8 8 6 2 w 1} 2 4 Kinburn 7 1 1 1 1 2 8 8 7 Kinburn 1 1 8 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 5 l\ 1} 3 6 5 6 t\ Pont OfOoe 2 7 6 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 7 Farmer's son 7 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Owner Kinburn Farmer's son Owner Farmer's son Owner 7 7 6 2 7 Farmer's son 6 7 6 2 2 7 7 6 6 2 7 7 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 Owner Tenant 9 Owner 2 2 POLLING SUB-DIVIHION NO. i— Continued. g-LL"* NAME. 916 Lennox, Robt. Joseph 53 MulhoUand, JamcH, sr. 54 MulhoUand, James, jr. .1 103 Morrison, William J 106 MulhoUand, William J 107 Monk, Robert .1 108 Monk, William 111 Miller, Johti 112 Miller, William J 154 Morton, Sidney .1 235 Mills, Thomas J 239 Mills, Thomau, sr. 240 Mills, Thomas, jr. .1 282 Medd, John H. J 913 *Milson, David J 18 McDermid, Angus J 96 McMichael, Robert LOT. C 10 10 W i 8 K i 5M 8i9 ; W i 10 11 11 W J 14 W } 14 S A 10 9 10 12 12 15 3 4 10 2 p 1 lO ) J 109 McKnight, John E | 12 j 113 McMullen, William 114 McMullen, Hamilton .1 148 McMichael, William 146 McMichael, rilbert, sr. 147 McMichael, Gilbert, jr. J 153 McGregor, Daniel J 158 McDonald, Charles .1 182 McMillan, John 183 McMillan, Walter 184 McMillan, Robert .1 218 McMichael, James 922 McDonald, Alexander .J 64 Peacock, Robert 65 Peacock, John J 238 Petrie, John 148 Rands, Leitchfield 149 Rands, William J. 150 Rands, Josiah J 151 Rinn, William, sr. 152 CONCESSION. Kinburn 2 2 Rinn, William, jr. .! 160 Rod way, Edward W. J 225 Rinn, Adam 911 Riley, William .r 25 Shipley, John 26 Shipley, William J 155 St. John, James J 180 Sutherland, James, sr, 181 Sutherland, James, jr. E J 16 ^ 5 i 15 i E i 15 Si 15 1 3 3 6 7 N J13 23Ei4l Si2 I 2 3 E i 4 I Si2 i 2 3 E A 4 ) Si2 f Part 1 Part 6 14 N i 15 14 N H6 WHU W J IM 4 4 4 5 N part 4 N part 5 5 N part 4 N part 5 W J 14 Part 5 12 14 14 11 ,1 1 w 8 8 8 8 8 4 6 6 6 7 Kinburn 1 8 w 'I 4 4 4 4 6 5 2 5 6 5 6 6 7 2 2 4 4 4 1 t\ Foal Ofllo« Tenant % Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 1 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner ^ Owner ^ Farmer's son 6 Owner 7 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 7 Owner 7 4 3 5 6 Kinburn 1 1 4 6 6 Owner Owner 6 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 6 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 2 Owrer 2^^ Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 6 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Owner 8 Farmer's son 6 Owner 7 Owner 7 Farmer's »on 7 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 1-Continued. ROLL. NAME. LOT. J 222 223 J 229 234 J 271 274 J 899 Snell, William Snell, Thomas J. Stephenson, George Snell, James Snell, John A. Snell, James Steel, James 4N i 2 4Ni2 7 9 10 Ei8 Part 5 E part 6 J 903 910 917 J 4 J 228 Stanley, Thomas Stanley, James Stanley, George Thompson, Balph Tyreman, Aaron Part 6 } M part 6 ) A B 6 W J2 8 part 6 27 Van Egmond, Edward J^g^ { J 84 J 61 Walker, Thomas Walker, Archibald E J 14 W j 10 E i 8 62 J 68 105 J 144 J 146 Walkingshaw, Jas., sr Walkingshaw, Jas., jr WarwicK, Thomas Wilson, William, sr. Wilson, William, jr. .13 . 13 E part 10 2 2 J 914 Williams, John C 1 A Bf 907 J 1 2 918 Willieson, James Young, Simon Young, William M. Young, John I 1 1 S part 6 S W part 6 CONCESSION. « 6 6 6 "} Kinbu. . Kinburn 1 6 1 } Alroa ^ 6 t! 2 2 8 4 4 Kinburn ) Kinburn ) Kinburn 1 PORt oniM Owner f Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner S Owner I Owner 2 Tenant 7 Tenant a Owner Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 7 Owner 8 Owner • Owner 6 Owner % Owner • Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 2 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 7 Farmer's son 7 Owner 2 PART 2— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 896 Grummett, Daniel 70 71 Alma Owner 7 PART 3— Persons entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly only. NONE. / ■ VOTERS' LIST - 1879. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2 -Comprising all that part of the said T^^^^ within the (-..llowing b' undaries, that is to say -.-bounded on the «outh by the Blind Line between concessions seven and eight; on he ^^f. ^hej*'^!" ^^^^^^^ of HuUett and McKillop ; on the north by the Town Line of Hullett and xVlorns , and on the west by Side-Line fifteen and sixteen. Part l-Versons entitled to vote at both 3Iunicipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assemhlv. No. ON KOLL. NAME. LOT. CONCESSION. J 302 Armstrong, Wm. sr 303 Armstrong. Robert 304 Armstrong, Wm. jr. 305 Armstrong, John J 308 Anderson, Richard 386 Allen, James 387 Allen, John J 435 Allen, George J 554 Amos, Thomas J 639 Atkinson, Thomas 640 Atkinson, Cyrus 642 Allen, Henry 440 Bedford, Richard 479 Beattie, Thomas 492 Best, William 493 Best, George Thomas 495 Best, William 561 Brigham, William 736 Broadbent, Jolin 737 Broadbent, Wm., jr. 739 Broadbent, Wm,, sr. 740 Broadbent, James 759 Bryant, George 761 Brigham, John 319 Crich, Francis 320 Cole, William 321 Cole, John George 323 Carter, John 360 Cowan. William 365 Campbell, John G. 366 Campbell, Colin J 378 Cole, William J 421 Campbell, Walton 422 Campbell, William 423 Campbell. Robert J 424 Coleman, Timothy T. J 549 Crosbie, John .r 559 Campbell, Angus .1 560 Campbell, Alexander J 748 Cowan, William J 375 Dunlop. William, sr. N ^ S H ^ ^ S H 2 N ^ S H S ^ S U 2 N ^ S U S ^ S 4 1 2 N i S J 1 S .} S H 2 5 NU5 NU& ■ W.}8 EJ7 EM3 EM3 5 11 12 EjNil 10 10 S W part 2 14 S part E part 4 S .} S J 5 N iSH N i S J 5 E i N H5 8 part 15 S pt W i 14 E JIO 11 12 13 W iU 1 3 3 Wi9 EM EO EU WH SJ-5 1 N i 5 f N ni EM2 W .} 12 N E part 13 N part 10 ^ ! Si8 [ 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 12 18 18 13 10 11 11 11 18 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 8 3 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 12, 11 ' 12 12 14 9 10 P08» OfflOA Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 8 Occupant 3 Owner 2 Owner 4 Owner 4 Farmer's son 4 Owner 4 Tenant 1 Owner 4 Owner 1 Farmer's son 4 Tenant 4 Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Tenant 4 Owner 9 Owner 9 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 7 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 4 9 2 N( i' « J i J ( J { J i J i J ■ .J J J J J r J J J J J J J J J J J POLLING SUB-DiVIBION NO. 2-Continued. No. ON ROLL. NAME. LOT. 376 Dunlop, William, jr. 377 Dunlop, Robert 649 Diamond, William J 812 Fisher, Hiram f 382 Farnham, Allen 503 Foster, Christopher J 635 Flaiinery, Michael J 651 Fisher, Allen J 325 Grummett, Daniel J 372 Gagen, Richard J 384 Grasby, James .T 443 Grasby, James 444 Grasby, Joseph .J 494 Gilpin, Thomas ,1 550 Grieve, William J 556 Gaw, Robert J 638 Gilpin, Thomas J 738 Garrett, Joseph 3 425 Gouinlock, William C. .1 324 Hughes, Anthony 326 Hughes, Joseph .1 427 Harrison, William .; 441 Hazlewooc^, Mathew 442 Hazlewood, George N. J 445 Hamilton, Gavin J 548 Hettle, Peter J 546 Hannah, Walter J 491 Jenkins, William J 555 Knox, George J 557 Knox, William J 658 Knox, Robert J 747 Keating, James 363 Lowrie,. William J 364 Lowrie, Charles 367 Lowrie, William, sr. J 368 Lowrie, William, jr. J 485 Lillicrap, George J 650 Little, Thomas J 428 Leip«r, John J 741 Milli, John i 397 Martin, Joseph 315 Mann, Robert J 317 Martin, John .1 371 Mason, John J 374 Mann, JrfntH J 385 Mann, Geurge J 498 Medd, Henry 600 Medd, Emanuel J 652 Murphy, Walter J 653 Murphy, William J 654 Murphy, Walter J 655 Murphy, Wiliiaiu W W W W 14 ' 13 I S W part 13 ) 13 ! 8 W part 13 \ Part 12 part Part 12 part Part 13 Part 13 OONCESdION. 9 ) 10 I 9 \ 10 f 13 8 9 11 13 13 8 9 9 10 10 18 12 12 18 14 10 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 11 12 12 12 14 9 9 9 9 11 18 10 14 8 8 8 9 9 9 11 12 11 12 i:^. 13 13 13 13 Post Oftloe Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 2 Farmer's son 4 Owner 2 Owner « Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner ^ Tenant 8 Owner 2 Tenant 8 Owner ^ Farmer's son 3 Owner 4 Owner ^ Owner 4 Owner * Tenant 4 Owner 7 Owner « Owner 3 Owner 4 Owner 1 Farmer's son 1 Owner 3 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner * Owner 4 . Tenant 9 Owner 2 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Tenant 2 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 8 Owner ^ Farmer's eon 1 Tenant Tenant Owner Owner 4 4 4 4 t • POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO 2-Continue(l. No. ON ROLL. NAME. LOT. .T 746 J 754 .J 490 J 306 J 731 J 732 553 362 J 480 J 757 J 316 499 Medd, Edward J 373 McGill, Jamea J 482 Mcintosh, Hugh J 463 Mclutosli, Williair J 481 McliiUwh, A-lexander J 501 McVitlie, Simon, 8r. 502 McVittie, Elisha J 504 McVitlie, Simon, jr. J 637 McKay, John J, 733 McOavin, Daniel J 734 McGavin, John J 743 McDoiiild, Dougald Mclntyre, Jamea McDonald, Alexander McGregor, John Nott, Thomas, sr. Nolan, Timothy Noble, Francis Neilans, Thomas Patterson, John Patterson. George Pate, Robert Riley, John J 430 Rapson, John J 431 Rogerson. Solomon J 436 Reid, Alexander J 437 Reid, Archibald J 438 Reid, Jamea J 481 Reid, Robert J 496 Reid, John J 545 Reid, David 552 Reid, Samuel 641 Robinson, Alexander J 656 Ruddell, Walton J 730 Rowland, Michael J 760 Richmond, Robert J 383 Stavley, James J 426 Staples, John J 429 Stapf, John .y 478 Smith, Ro..-"' J 543 Smith, Alexa- der J 544 Stevens, Joseph J 547 Stewart, John J 735 Searl, John J 758 Smith, Robert J 636 Smith, William J 309 Taylor, Abraham J 310 Taylor, Henry 311 Taylor, James 313 Taylor, Robert 314 Taylor, Hunry J 432 Taylor, Ueury, sr. 13 ] S W part 13 j Ei7 Wi3 EH W .U 14 S i>art 15 14 S part 15 N part 15 e|2 Ei3 Ei3 W^S Ni9 Part 12 8 3 N part 1 Ei 2; W ^ 6 W ?. 7 Part 1 Ei2 Ei 14 W^9 5 6 9 9 10 W J 2 E J 3 11 3 Part E part 6 W H 14 S part 1 W i N i 15 12 13 Ei2 E*3WH S i 1 W i N i 1 N dl 2 4 N i 3 N part E part N part W i 14 Sil I SiSM) 6 EJ9} 7 ' EJ 9^ E J9 Ei9 CONCESSION. lU 12 i 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 11 8 14 14 12 9 11 14 8 Post Office 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 I 14 14 13 12 8 8 9 8 9 8" 8 10 Farmer's son 1 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Ov/ner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Farmer''* son Owner . Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Ownei: Owner Owner 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 8 8 9 13 9 2 2 8 8 4 2 4 9 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 8 9 6 4 2 4 4 4 4 8 9 4 2 2 Farmers son 2 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 2 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 2-CoDtinued. No. ON ROLL. ,433 434 .1 486 J 488 489 J 497 .r 643 J 322 J 318 J 369 370 .1 379 380 381 .) 439 J 464 .1 64f .1 646 NAME. Taylor, Henry, jr. Taylor, William Taylor, Joseph Trewin, William Trewin, Samuel Taylor, Anthony Torrenco, John Tyreman, Andrew Warwick, John Willison, Thomas Williaon, Walter Warwick, John, sr. Warwick, James Warwick, John, jr. Wallace, Hugh Watt, Alexander, jr. Watt, John Watt, Alexander, sr. J 647 Watt, George J 742 Watt, John J 744 Wells, Jame« 746 Wells, William J 752 Watson, Robert 753 Watson, William J 487 Wilson, Robert J 749 Young, James A. .1 750 Young, John 751 Young, William 756 Young, James H. 756 Young, John A. LOT. CONCESSION. 7 7 EH 7 7 12 6 Ei 14 WilO E J5 E}6 10 10 10 11 12 7 8 9 >?} 6 EJ9 Ei9 Part 11 part 12 E i Part 11 part 12 E i Wi6 13 E part 11 • E part 11 13 13 10 10 11 11 11 11 18 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 18 18 18 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14 14 14 POBt Office Farmer's son 2 Farmer's sou 2 Owner 4 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner 8 Tenant 8 Owner 2 Farmer's son 2 Owner 3 Farmer's son 3 Farmer's son 3 Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 9 Farmer's son 9 Owner 9 Farmer's son 9 Owner 2 Owner ^ Owner 9 Farmer's son 9 Owner •' Farmer's son 9 PART 2-Per8on8 entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. NONE. PART S-Persons entitled to vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly only. NONE. I F VOTERS' LIST - 1879. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. tlieTown of Clinton. Part l-PersoHH entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly, go.^oK NAME. .J 123 Aikens, William J 124 Autterfon, John J 126 Aikens, William J 127 AikenH, William .r 128 Aikens, James 41 Brown, James 42 Brown, Samuel 43 Brown, Alexander .T 78 Brxkenden, John J 79 Brickenden, Edward 129 Bayley, William H. 130 Bayley, Richard J 192 Brennan, Peter LOT. CONCESSION. Poat OfllCA J 206 Brownlee, William .r 207 Brownlee, Thomaa 250 Brown, Thomas 251 Brown, Michael J 288 Blake, Richard 289 Bielby, Richard ,1 290 Bielby, Thomas J 71 Cook, Robert 138 Churchill, John 139 Churchill, Benjamin .1 258 Corbett, Thomas .1 287 Cook, William H. .1 89 Dayment, John 77 Emmerson, Thomjis J 171 East, Thomas 172 East, Henry 80 Ford, John 81 Ford, Mathew .T 82 Fitzsimons, Sarauei 83 Fair, James J 117 FlintoflF, George .1 166 Farran, William W J 168 Farquhar, William ■ 169 Farquhar, William .1 170 Farquhar, Johu 195 Flinn. John J 265 Flyson, Owen J 291 Fear, Thomas EJ 19 W il9 Ei 20 W J 20 W J40 22 22 22 Si 21 E J 22 21 21 181 18} E part 24 Wi24 W i 20 Wi20 23 24 24 Wil7 8 part 25 S part 26 24 25 22 N part 26 . N A 21 21 21 W J22 Wi22 N i 23 SJ23SWpt24Ept SH6 . SU6 N part 24 N part 26 H. N part 24 N 1 art 26 Spart24Spait26 20 25 8 3 3 8 8 1 1 1 2 2 8 8 •^1 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 2 8 3 6 7 2 2 7 7 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 7 26 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 G 6 6 6 6 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner g Tenant Owner 6 Owner *i Owner ^ Farmer's son ^ Owner *> Owner 6 Tenant J Tenant 6 Owner <> Farmer's son 6 Owner ^ Owner 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner ^ Owner ^ Owner » Owner " Owner ^ Farmer's ^on 6 Owner ^ Owner o Owner " Owner *^ POLLING BUB-DIVIRION NO 3-Continued. No. ON ROLLu NAME. 120 248 167 208 87 137 131 .r 133 74 75 .1 J 84 J 116 J 125 J 40 .r 88 J 282 J 284 J 286 J 72 .r 201 204 205 256 ,1 257 J 158 J 68 T 118 J 119 J 73 .T 249 285 37 161 162 166 166 J 167 J 194 196 197 198 199 200 202 24o 246 247 Ginn, Andrew Garvie, Uavid Henry, Simon Hill, Tboinas Johnson, George Johnson, Richard Kilty, Albert Kilty, John Liddicot, William Liddicot, Alfred Lepier, John Latta, Gilbert Love, James Mason, Charles Miller, James Medd, John H. Morrison, Mathew Morrison, James McMuUen, John McGowau, John McDonald, Robert McDonald, John Mcintosh, John P. Mcintosh, Charles McDonald, Charles Noble, Thomas Noble, Thomas Noble, Jerrit Pope, George Quigley, Thomas Quiglev, Michael Rands^>rd, Henry Reynolds, John Reynolds, Dominick Reynolds, John Reynolds, Patrick Reynolds, James Reynolds, John Reynolds, Dominick LOT. W i 17 18 8^16 26 N J25 W part 24 Ei 22 W J 22 N i 20 N J 20 N part 24 I £ part 24 ) Ni 16 Wil9 21 N part 26 Wil6 17 N }20 W il8 Ei 20 23 23 23 23 17 S J 19 N i 17 16 E}17 EJIT N part 19 19} 18} Ei 19 E part 19 Si 20 ] Wi22; SJ20 ) Wi22i £i 22 EM2 Wr22 19 19 Part 21 19 20 19 ) Reynolds, Patrick p^^^. 21 \ 19 1 Reynolds, Dominick, jr p^^^.^, gj | 19 1 Reynolds, Owen p^^^ 2I ) Reynolds, Dominick E j 20 Reynolds, John 22 iienaer, nenry i/ Render, George 17 Reeve, John 18 CONCESSION. 8 6 4 5 2 8 8 8 3 8 2 8 8 8 1 2 6 7 7 2 6 6 6 6 6 4) 6[ 2 8 8 2 ?! 7 \\ t\ 4 4 4 5 ^1 t\ t\ t\ 6' 5 6 6 6 Post Offlo* Owner 6 Tenant 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 2 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Farmer's son 6 Farmer's son 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Tenant 6 Owner ' 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Occupant 6 Tenant 6 Owner 6 Farmer's ffcn 6 - M 6 ? IT fit's son 6 . uer 6 Owner 6 Owneir o Farmer's son 6 Farmer's son Farmer's son Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner 6 6 6 2 2 6 POLLING 8UB-D1VI810N NO. 3 -Continaed. SSll" name. 28 Sly, Robert 29 Sly, E 3 9 8 POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. 4-Contini,.d. go. "N NAME. J 328 Stewart, William J 331 Snell, Humphrey J 392 Scales, George ., 393 Smith, John .) 395 Stevens, \\ ilham ., 664 Sanderson, William J 576 Sanderson, Robert .1 664 Shobbrook, Thomas J 506 Shobbrook, John 770 Sloan. William J 856 Sterling, John J 510 Scott, Robert LOT. CONCESSION . J 342 J 389 .1 509 .1 565 566 569 J 570 571 854 J 871 ,1 335 .1 457 887 ..r 572 573 J 836 J 839 840 J 843 J 849 J 851 Thompson, John Tighe, Edward Tamblyn, Francis A. Tamblyn, John, sr. Tamblyn, John, jr. Taylor, Alexander Taylor. Andrew do Thompson, John C. Taylor, Alexander A Weymouth, William Woodman, Arthur do Willis, Andrew Willis, John Witts, Charles Walker, John Walker, Joseph Walters, William Whitley, William Woodman, Samuel Si 16 Wi20 S part 20 W part 20 W i 22 18 NU8 N part 24 E il8 . 19 S part 21 C part 21 S E part 22 S part 73 221 22) 25 18 21 19 20 8 8 9 9 9 12) n] 13 13 11 23 Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Post Office ^ 9 Londesboro Owner 19 20 23 23 24 72 S part 1 22 N E part 2ft N part 25 N part 25 N part 25 18 11 3 31 33 34 2ft 28 S^2 6 74 66 11 10 8 9 11 12 12 12 12 12 1 } Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's son Owner Tenant Owner Londesboro Tenant Londesboro Tenant g Owner ".1 Owner 12 Owner J 2 Farmer's son Londesboro Owner Londesboro Tenant Londesboro Owner Londesboro Tenant Londesboro Owner Londesboro Owner 10 PART 2-Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. 827 Moggridge, Thomas 852 Huber, Ephraim 20 72 Londesboro Owner Londesboro Owner 1 1 NONE. MU POLl V t t Far BO I 21 I 21 .T 3C J 4] 1^ r 1 J 21 2 J 2 J 3 .T A J .. .1 I t J ( J ' .T J .T J J J J .1 J .1 J J J VOTERS' LIST - 1879. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT. pa. LING SUB-DIVISION'^^rrCompriBing a» of the -"id T«n.U^^ SSlu name. J 214 Archer, Thomas J 215 Archer, Hugh .T 301 Armstrong, George J 884 Ames, James .1 412 Baker, Henry A. 176 Brownlee, James 177 Brownlee, William H 178 Batty, Christopher J 20f) Brownlee, Robert 297 Bingham, William J 298 Barr, Samuel J 348 Brown, Richard J 462 Brown, Francis 519 Braithwaite, James 520 Braithwaite, John T 521 Brigham, Richard J 577 Barr, Alexander 578 Barr, Isaac .T 694 Brunsdon, William J 705 Bruce, Robert .1 783 Barr, James, jr. 784 Barr, James, sr. J 785 Barr, Samuel .1 885 Bell, John J 140 Collins, John r 179 Cornish, James 260 Crossman, George J 399 Crawford, William ,, 400 Crawford, John , 401 Crawford, Edmund J 402 Crawford, Jonathan J 405 Carter, Rjchard T 415 Cunningham, James ', 417 Christopher, George ', 461 Campbell, James J 468 Cole, Robert 525 Cole, Richard I 528 Cole, Samuel LOT. CONCESSION. J 583 Crisp, Thoma-s .1 584 Cottle, Henry 588 < part 34 Part 28 Part 28 part 29 S W part 29 Part 26 S part 26 S part 27 29 27 S part 26 S part 26 S part 26 S part 26 27 W^33 8^35 Part 26 E part 32 30 C part 31 33 W J 29 I 6 I W i 29 1 31 ^ S part 30 I N part. 30 \ XT i — ♦ QA 5 5 7 10 9 4 4 4 5 7 7 8 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 10 3 4 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Post OfBoe 6 6 6 1 I 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 Lons' 12 12 13 1 131 18 121 12) Farmer's son 6 Owner ^ Owner ^ Owner » Owner ^ Tenant 1 Owner | Owner }■ Farmer's son 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Farmer's son 1 Tenant 1 Owner 1 Owner ^ Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner ^ Tenant o Owner » Owner }■ Owner l Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner | Owner j Owner >- Owner 1 Owner 1 ] Owner 1 boro) Tenant 1 Tenant Owner Farmer's sou 1 1 J J .) J \ POLLING SUB-DIVISION NO. ^-Continued. No. oM ROLL J 697 698 .1 699 J 861 .r 881 .1 213 216 J 89 .1 799 .1 171 NAME. Cunningham, Walter Cunningham, George Crozier, John Cole, William Cottle, James Cord, George Cottle, James Payment, John Dyer, Martin Eaat, Thomas 172 East, Henry Ewing, Alexander Eno, George Fitzsimons, Samuel Farquhar, Thomas Gorrell, Alexander Gorrell, Thomas Govier, John H. Granger, William Granger, George Gavrett, John \ .1 175 J 473 J 173 J 212 J 358 359 .1 532 J 589 590 680 ■r 779 J 782 .1 262 J 294 458 459 526 .) 591 592 J 594 J 595 J 596 J 859 J 346 Gillespie, James Glazier, John Hoggart, David Hopkinson, James Huber, David Huber, Ephraim Hill, Thomas * Howson, Joseph Howson, John L. Hunking, Rundell Hunking, Henry Hunking, John Hagget, John Jackson, Richard Jamieson, Andrew LOT. Part 33 part 34 8 W part 33 S W part 34 N part A S D N 1 S i A 1 2 3 7 8 9 C Ei28 S part 30 E part 2 N part 35 S i 26 } S part 26 i Si 26 ■ S part 26 j 27 35 N part 26 27 S part 35 S part 35 35 32 E it 33 32 E i 33 N part 26 I S part 26 \ . N part 26 Part 27 Wi28 1 S E part 29 j 28 S part 25 part 26 S part 25 part 2b S E part 31 W <^ 33 34 W \ 33 34 W i35 E i 35 \ S part 35 S Ei3 S*GP 28 CONCESSION. ,o Owner jg Owner ■ig Owner \ M I LonVboro ) Q^ner i Lon'»boro ) Londesboro Owner 463 464 Jamieson, Arthur 682 Jackson, James J 878 Jenkins, W. R. 894 Johnston, John I 414 Jackson, David r 524 Loigman, George T 678 Lyon, Joseph, sr. 678 Lyon, Joseph, jr. 679 Lyon, George 695 Lawrence, Henry I 696 Lawrence, Isaac 1 778 Little. Francis J 798 Lockie.. Alexander ,T 877 Lashman, John 28) 28 5 28 ( 28 i 28 N part E 3 32 PartWi2« „. E i 27 C part 2b E * 27 C part 26 E I 27 C part 26 Eh 33 Ei33 N part 26. S part 35 N part E 6 5 2 14 4 10 4 5 8 8 11 12 12 13| 14: 14 14 ?1 7 . 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 12 } Owner Owner 'ienant Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's son Tenant Owner Tenant 1 6 6 «; 9 6 6 1 6 r> 6 6 I 1 1 9 9 Londesboro Owner g Owner Owner G 6 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 Farmer's son 13 Owner Londesboro Tenant Summerhill Owner 9 11 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's sou Farmer's son Owner Tenant Owner Owner Londesboro Owner 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 687 ,1 684 68.' .1 68( 791 .1 79 .1 86 .1 30 J 2€ 2( .1 2( 2( 21 2 .1 3 .1 4 A i J ' .) < .1 .S ,1 J J .T J .1 POLUSO aUB-DlV1810N NO r-Co.UnueJ. NO. ON NAME. 1*^88*" Milder, James 217 MiUer, Robert .1 357 Mftir, Oilbert 1 403 Mason, John , 416 Mair, WUharo ■' 466 Manning. Edmund 467 Manning, John 470 Morria, William 471 Morris, James 472 Morris Enoch ,522 Mogridge. Thoma« ., 527 Manning, Edmund J 587 Manning, Thomas ) 684 Millin, Solomen 685 Millin, George ., 686 Moore, George 790 Mains, George ., 791 Mains, James J 860 Meyer, Charles C 29 , 300 Miller, ThoT^a- T 264 McBrien, VVilliam 265 McBrien, John ., 266 Mcllveen, James 267 Mcllveen, Thomas, sr. 268 Mcllveen, Thomas, jr. 269 Mcllveen, ^^ancis .T 343 McCaughey, Jno. JOS. ', 406 McCool, James •'S7 McCool, William 408 McCool, Jonn T 420 McBrien, Jonathan ', 683 McClpuharty, John •',691 McConnell, Raymond "f 692 McConnel, James J 380 Nott,Thoma^,jr J 780 Newcombe, Jonn s 781 Nairn, Alexander J 91 Peckett, George I 92 Peckett, Joseph *, 93 Peel ett, John 704 Platzer, John , 792 Platzer, Conrad J 797 Platzer, John I 174 Quinlin, Michael ;, 465 Radford, Hugh 469 Radford, Hugh .) 579 Radford, John J 581 Radford, WilUam ' ?89 Roberton, Thomas 864 Rose, Ezekiel A. K. .1 85 Spooner, Charles 210 Spindler, Wi »*• "^ T 211 Smithson, William J 259 ttnell, James r 263 Southcombe.Rich.Jas, 7 292 Snell, Humphrey LOT. E part 26 N part 30 N part 35 8 part 26 34 31 31 34 34 34 E4 32 31 K S, S part 29 S part 29 N part 29 S part 30 ^ part «0 S Jart 30 ^f part 30 K 4 56 10 1112 1 K part 33 N part 31 30 :S part 31 30 S part 31 32 32 32 26 29 30 29 30 29 30 ^ .^, S part N part 6o 28 31 N part 32 31 N part 32 Part 28 part 29 C part 26 Part 27 S part 26 Part 26 if E part 26 M part 35 N part 31 34 N part 26 29 33 W part 32 Part 28 Part 28 part 29 C part 30 N iA N part 27 Ni26 Si 26 26 29 26 27 ;0NCE8810N. 2 6 8 !» 9 10 10 10 10 10 u Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Farmer's eon Farmer's son Owner Owner Pom 6 U 12 I Owner Lons'boro ) ift owner to Farmer's son ij Owner r: Owner j;j Tenant Londesboro Owner Londesboro Tenant Owner 6 ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 9 9 9 13 18 18 12 14 14 2 2 2 18 14 14 4 10 10 12 12 14 Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son Owner Owner I'^armer's son Farmer's son Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Occupant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 11 w"»— Londesboro Owner q Owner 5 Tenant 5 Owner g Owner g Owner J Owner 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 9 9 6 6 6 1 9 9 6 1 I 1 1 9 1 6 ft 6 6 6 6 Ni). «>N NAME. *S3 Snell, William 845 Bundercock, Thoman ., 349 Snell, George 850 Snell, Edward H. 351 Snell, James ,, 404 Bundercock, John J 474 Snell, Ephraim 586 Bhobbrook, John J 586 676 .r 687 .1 786 788 862 .1 676 J 141 .1 142 529 530 531 .T 580 J 702 703 J 352 .1 90 .1 295 .1 296 .1 299 J 347 J 460 .) 575 .1 681 .1 796 796 J 858 .1 863 J 879 J 889 891 892 .1 883 J 793 J 794 Bhobbrook, James Spindler, Josenh Bhobbrook, WHliam Bpuhl, William do Bundercock, Richard Sanderson, Robert Tiplady, William Tiplady, David Taylor, John Townsend, Richard Townsend, Elijah Taylor, Richard Troop, John Troop, Thomas Vodden, John Wade, William Westacott, George Wallace, Thornton Wallace, William Watson, James Wallace, Hugh Willis, Andrew Webster, James Walpier, August Walpier, Adam Woodman, William Whenham, James Wilson, Thomas Watson, William Watkins. James Whitley. Jeremiah Wallace, William. Youngblut, Jacob Youngblut, Warner LOT. 26 27 27 30) 3U 30) 3M 30 I 3M N part 26 ) S part 26 ) NpariNi35 N part 31 1 30 I N part 31 ) 30 ) S part 26 B part 30 B part 31 1 C part 31 ) Pari F O S J26 Part 25 26 Part 26 27 Ei34 \ S part 32 ) Wi34 W J34 Part 28 C part 35 C part 35 32 N W part 26 W part 29 30 W i 32 S E part 29 30 C part 26 AB Ni26 Wi27 33 33 HA DC P E 4 5 6 10 11 12 S W part 26 20 18 19 Part 26 Ei 32 Wi32 Farmer's Farmer's Owner Fariner'% son Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Ownei Owner Tenant Londesboro Owner I Earner 33 12 3 3 13! 11 11 12 13 13 8 2 7 7 8 10 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Tenant Owner Farmer's Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner \ Owner son son 9 6 Lons'boro j ^2 Owner jg Owner 14 • Owner 14 Farmer's Londesboro Owner Londesboro Owner Londesboro Owner ^l Owner Summerhill Owner Bummerhill Owner l^Q Owner 14 Owner 14 Owner son 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 9 9 1 1 11 11 6 6 1 9 9 6 6 ungblut, Warner w * o. ^^^^ PART 2-Persons entitled to vote at ^^^^^^'P^^^^^^^.^iowner 895 Beacom, Henry }7 Summerhill Owner PART 8-Pe-«.". entitled to ,ote a. deH.o^- for m { .T xrn i\ Comprising all that part ot tne ^h-west by — ftpd on the soutu- ",'-'-- -- ;;« Maitond ;>"« ji^X.ftve and .l.irty-»« ; and on the trro'fH«"andK.t Wa«ano.h. ^,^„,,.,„ „„. NO. ON BOLL.. J 475 J 633 994 807 NAME. Askwilh, Thomas Askwith, George Armstrong, Jame« Arthur, Andrew irmstrong, William 539 Ball, William 606 Ball, John J 613 J 618 540 J 601 619 J 620 J 630 J 652 J 811 945 418 J 621 J J .) J Bear, Cornelius Butt, Lionell Cottle, James Cottle, Henry Carey, Lucas Con, James CuUis, John CuUis, Richard Clark, John Caldwell, Samuel Dodsworth. Anthony Davment, Petfr 622 Dayment 624 Day,WilUam 800 Dear, John, sr. 801 Dear, John, jr. 813 Errat, Robert T. 816 Elkin, Eneas T iu\'\ Farrow, Henry •J 631 Ffemming, Morton 933 Ferguson, John J 940 Fowler, John J 532 Govier, John H. .T 603 Govier, John 604 Govier, Joseph LOT. S E part 5 N part 41 19 29 30 39 40 W i 39 Part 40 41 S \ 39 ) S part c6 [ 42 ^ ^ S par' 40 1 S part 1 y ^^^39 \ SM 12 Part 41 ;N part 40 11 11 CONCESSION. 93 1 >J W part 5 S part 42 37 38 92 77 Ni33 10 10 10 C part 36 C part 36 1 K part 36 I f part 45 C part 15 1 21 to 75 > 37 N W part 5 83 84 89 901 8180 17 18 27 28 35 I N i S i 36 i 41 I 41 .\ N part 9 ) 41 \ XI r.«rt, 9 \ '' 1 Tenant Tenant Owner • Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant ■ Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant • Tenant Owner Owner 1 6 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 10 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 Farmer's son Ii I No. o> BOLL. 605 0( 804 G 358 G 359 G 536 i ,1 612 i J 709 \ 710 1 J 594 ] .r 395 '. J 396 .1 806 .J 713 714 J 614 611 .T 809 J 812 J 798 J 623 J 476 533 534 J 61( J 62J 62 J 71 .1 81 9^ J 7 ,ouA^o^^^^^!Z^r:^^::^ NAME. 605 Govier, Henry Huuking, Henry Honking. Job" Irwin, Bichard .1 612 J 709 710 J 594 .1 395 J 396 .1 806 .1 713 611 J 809 J 812 J 798 J 623 J 476 533 534 J 610 J 628 629 J 715 J 810 Lawson, John ^^^^^ Laudenschiager, ^ 41 ] 41 r :N part 9 ) 38 36 36 37 87 37 w h ^ y^^ E i K i 36 Ei39 Part 39 Part 39 3 Lockie, Alexander Leitcb, John Moore, Lawson Mountain, Thomas Mountain, David Marriott, Thomas Morgan, Jonn Morgan, Miles H. iS part 42 S part 36 10 S^38 fiSi36 36 S i S i 36 S E part o S part 6 S part 6 14 8 8 11 MB 13 18 12 12 12 14 13 13 MB MB 14 14 14 MB 10 ) 11 1 1 Montieth, Alexander ^ part 89 «.,v« Thomas -V \lair Gilbert "-m MorrWn. Robert ,719 Murdock,John '94? Miller, Tbomas \lair William Sien. Jonathan McBrien, Hugh do .1 419 .1 420 J 615 617 616 J 814 J 815 934 937 711 .1 712 J 808 i3 ijt** ** N part 42 le 94 36 „ Part 39 S E part 40 94 :s i36 MB MB MB 131 12 1 14 Farmer's son Owner Owner Farmer's son Farmer's son 'j en ant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner ()wner Farmer's son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Farmer' Owner Owner 5 6 6 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 6 5 ;oi» 14 yj\s,i^- Manchester Owner Manchester owner ^ Owner ^„ Tenant \% Tenant fanch«.>.Te.a";, S part 36 ^ pa^t > >^%6^part7) XT .'Aort S * Mcbnen, ""&- ^ part » do . r^.r. N i 6 ^ part ( McBrjen, " "— McDonald, John McDonald, Andrew McBrien, Jeremiah Orr, Alexander Patterson, Pff^i Patterson, William 808 Plat-^'^'^Sui , 043 Patterson, Douaiu • i^ Quigley, Jam^^^ s part 39 '600 »ai^^»^y:,%xander IJ part 40 •'^7^1 '^berton. Boberc. sr. ^ « • - 44 44 82 91 16 37 38 40 81 80 17 IH '^ -^^ 35 9 MB) MBS MB 14 14 Owner Owner Tenant Farmer's son Owner Owner 5 5 6 6 5 1 5 1 1 Manchester Owner |ancbesU.Tenant ]i Tenant \l Owner Manchester Owner ManchesterOwne; h Tenant 13 Owner 5 5 5 5 5 i 1 5 5 5 1 1 6 NO. ON 722 Robe 725 Tiat,c 726 B.a*^ 942 Bod« 474 Snei 598 Sbe 599 She* J 607 SP^ fiOS Spi J 609 Spi 706 fec' 707 Sc 708 Sc a 727 |1 J 728 S J 729 fe .T 805 fc J 477 > J 527 538 J 597 J 627 3 716 J 625 , 626 948 817 187 of tl ii C01?CE88101<- BOLL.- . part -to 42 42 78 79 , or 55 part do Ei38 ",725 TiatcUffe, Dan J •^ 706 Scott, James ,^f. Tenant ^8 Tenant 13 Tenant ^? v,P«teT Tenant ^Unchester ^^^^^ a 727 |p;S'Ro^«^ J 729 K;^;Franc\8 •^if. ^rtson. Edward .f9 W:SerJo-f S? Wagner, Joif^" •'Sfa Weltherst^ne, S E part 4(i C part 46 ^8 „ NI^38 38 38 37 ' 948 Young, Ro^^^^ 10 12 12 MB MB MB 13 13 18 13 13 13 14 10 11 11 12 MB 13 MB M B f) o 1 1 ^ Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's ^'on Owner Owner Farmci s 90» Farmer's son Owner Owner . Owner Tenant t)wner Owner Farmer's son Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner b 1 1 1 :> f) 5 r>. Si B v^Jwu^'^ ing"'"-> heorge ^H"^" ^ ^^'^^ ®* , angWut.^eorg ^^ , viections only. P^^' S part 45 ., r ..i.lative A'*'^'^ Leitcb, George 1 1 1 5 5 6 5 5 p^KT 2-Bersons enuu. ^, .. ^^^^ S part 45 eeislative Asstui j 8"- .-re inert of H'l^^'"'pO JAMI® BRAITHWAITE, Uert^„de,toro P.O.