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To THK Editor: In writing down oon- ■oientioaa conviotionB in the heat of a political contest it wonld be nnwise to ex- pect that parties who oppose yon can a^ree with yon in year statements. This differ- ence of opinion sometimes springs from consciencioufl motives, and sometimes from personal and selfish ones. Any way, hard knocks are to be expected, bat the writer has got so used to this, some of which, however have gone past a joke : bat I have the satisfaction of knowing that nnsorapaloas and unfair criticism, whether in hydraalics, meobanica or politics, de- feats the objects the writers have in view. In my last letter I described the state of basiness when the present Dominion gov- ernment came into power. I im sure that any person not blinded by politior.l or party prejudice will acknowledge tbe n'.r<2eration of my portraiture. Let me see bow mat- ters are now. To begin with tbe dwelHugs already bnilt in this city and about to be built for occupation by the workingmen are of a much more comfortable and sub- stantial class than those in use nine years ago. Hundreds of snch dwellings have been bnilt within the last tour or five years, and many more are projected. These houses are occupied as soon as they are fit to reside in, and large numbers of them are either purchased entirely by tbe occupants or are held for payment on the instalment plan. Others have been built by the workingmeti them- selves without the aid of middle- men. Farther, the acoamnlated sav- ings of the industrious classes in the saving banks have enormously increased since 1877, all of which goes to show the material progress made since that time. There can be no doubt but that in all mat- ters in connection with the mate.- iai, moral and educational position of the working classes great progress has been made ; and no wonder, as they only have kept pac>> with tbe remarkable increase in the pro- ductive energies of the city and country. I will just mention a few industries that were not in operation in 1877 : We had no cotton mills, we have now two, one being enlarged ; wo baa a rolling mill standing idle, we have now two, making every kind of merchant bar iron ; our forging works was idle, it is now double the size and runs night and day ; the iron pipe factory, then doing little, is now and has been busy for years, making tbe highest quality of pipes ; our tool works was doing nothing, it is now a large iron bridge building works; Beck- ett's deserted foundry is now the site of one of tbe large cotton mills ; the Burling- ton glass works, then idle, is now in full blast; Webster's sewing machine factory, then idle, is now the immense works of R. M. Wanzer ; Zingsbeim's cabinet factory, also new built; the Hamilton marble works, then idle, now Hore A Bon's im- mense wheel and carriage stuff works ; Osborne KtUey's machine shop, boiler shop and foundry, and the Osborne scale works, erected ; the Hamilton sower pipe company's new and extensive works, erected on the site of the deserted locomomotive works of Mr. Ounn ; the Meriden Britannia metal works, erected and equipped; Bowes, Jamieson & Co.'s extensive new foundry and stove works ; the Hamilton Canning company's exten- sive works and two other canning factor- ies ; Meakins' new and extensive brash works, also the new Dominion brush works and the Dominion Hat works ; large new nsil, rivet and spike faotory; Yoang Broth- ers' new chandelier, radiator and general fancy work foundry ; Williams' extensive new foundry and stove works ; Skimmsn's new foundry ; Greening's new and exten- sive Victoria wire mills ; Macpherson's ex- tensive new shoe factory ; Morgan Broth- ers', Snider, Bailey & Co.s, and Robson's new roller flour mills, converted from stone mills ; Leitoh & TornbuU's elevator works ; large new O. T. B. foundry ; Wilson's agricultural works ; large additions to nearly all tbe stove foundries ; Fearman's and 'Thomas Lawry A Son's new packing houses ; Copp's new machine and boiler shop, in connection with the stove foundry ; Hamilton Electrio Light company's works, on the site of the c>ld Wanzer factory ; an extensive tack factory is projected or in- tended to be built or set in operation here. All the industries enumerrted have been called into operation since the inaugura- tion of the National Policy. Further, the piers and approaches to Hamilton bay were in a most dilapidated condition. When the Reformers were in power the attentien of the government was repeatedly called to their condition as they were falling into decay and nearly useless. Not one cent was spent on them until the Conservatives got into power. They were then made a tirst-class job of, and the canal tolls were removed. The Conservatives also ordered the building of our new government public building— a magnificent pile — and they are about to brild a new drill shed. It may be said they are built with pah- lie monev. This is true ; but none of it came onr way when the Reformers were in power. They did noth- ing for Hamilton when they were in power and would injure it where most vulnerable if they were there again. Workingmen, Elace the Reformers in power and you will ave reason to be sorry for it until you have the chance of patting them out. The writer is neither a boodUr nor politician ; never asked for nor got a favor from poli- ticians to the extent of one cent in the 23 years I have been in this city. He can therefore speak without fear or the expectation of favor. The writer has beeu in the districts princi- pally inhabited by workingmen in Liver- pool and the manufacturing towns of Lancashire, Yorkshire nnd Staffordshire. All the advantages to be derived from free trade ought to be visible there in its entirety, as England is par excellence the' model free trade nation of the world. I am constrained to say that the position of the workingclasses in protected Canada is infinitely superior to their position tn the English manufacturing towns in the mat- ter of d^rellings, food, clothing, furniture, educational advantages and savings, for emergencies that may take place any time. They have also social, political and moral advantages that are not so easily acquired there ; yet in England these are ia ad- vance of many parts of the continent of Europe at tbe present time. I do not think that any part of the earth is in ad- vance of Canada in its material and moral interest. It is thejefore necessary that we should be extremely cautions in our politi- cal changes as commercial panics are easily precipitated, but are long in getting over, and irepariable damage may be done be- fore the opportunity comes of relieving them. I am perfectly satisfied that my view of what will transpire in the future will be fulfilled to the letter shoald a change in the present position of parties he re- ■olved apon. J. H. Kiluit.