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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s 6 des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 6tre reprodult en un seul cliche, il est filmi d oartir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 y/ ,/ /• < ■' L 7 r dC l» ri TllC ^ tPPEll CANADA AX.MANAC, ANP ^^ PROVITVCIAL CALENDAR, roil THE YEAR OF OIR LORD /fca t*/^ «"^^ »" '' / UE/XC T//E r///R/) AFTER TifSSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR. AND THE EIGHTH YEAR OF THE R?:fr.N OF HIS MAJESTY k.- £0RC;E the FOURTH. THE CALCULATIONS FOR THE MERIDIAN OF YORK^ North Lat „....43o 38' 10" "VVt'stLong 79 3G' 0°" B7 JAMBS o. cRstxnaw. PhiVo. Math's, I'tJBLISHED ^y FiOBERT STANTOIf,. ^m I'KINCIPLE ARTICLES OK THE AL3IANAC OF 1827. tllRONOL oaiCAL CYCLES. Doiiiinicul Letter , G Lunar Cycle, or tiolden ) ^ iNunilwr, ^ K|)f»ct r> JSoiar Cycle, 16 lionian liuliction 15 Julian Peciod G540 EMBER DAYH. March, 7, 9, and 10, June, 6 8, and 9, September, 19, 21, anp SC; December, 19, 21, and 22/ MOVEABLE FEASTS. 11 Feb. 25 Septuap[esima Sun., ay, Feb Qiiiuipia^es or Sliroye Siniday, Ash Wed. m- 1st day , p of Lent S ftlid. Lent Sunday. March 25 Falm Sunday , April 8 KAsri!;u Dav April 15 Low Sunday,. . . , , , ..April Ru^^ation Sunday May Ascension Oay, or ) j^ Holy Thursday, ] ^^ Whit Sunday, June Trinity Suuday June Advent Sunday,. . , . . , Dec. TERMS. Hilary begins, Janyuary Is, and tnds .Tanuary 18th, Kaster bes^ins April 23d an«i ends Mav 5th Trinity begins June ISth and ends July 3()th, Michuelmas begins November 5th and ends November 17tk. LFGNS OF THE ZODIAC. First, cp « Aries Taurus I 3, n Ceniini, 2 4, 25 Cancer L.O, V'irffo, 3 4 6, 1 7, :^ Libra, (o*-) », ^ Scorpio, 7 y, t Sa/iritarius, 8 0, V5' Capricornus, 9 1, A(piariu8 10 2. K Pisces. U 22 20 24 2S 10 2 / TABLE OF THi: SOLAR SYSTKyL N AMKS. riu' Sun crrmv \ t'UlH riic KarJli riic IMuon Miirs VcstJl .linio I'lll.lS ' ipitor S itiini Ufischrl DivMKiK IN !.McaiMli.-.liiii(t' iiiiir t)i' rota, 'lime ol' i(V(»\ \',\(i. Mii,F>l iVuin the Sun loM ilicir Ax'«< iiuiiul llicSun 8S3.LMr, 3,2:24 7.<',<>7 7.iH-2 i-MTO 4.1S'J 1238 ir><> IK) 7i»<M2 3.->,li>2 •2.v/ Wit K-,-) Ov' 37,'MM),»HHr;i4 12 » 5 N (■)S,(XKJ,<HH» O 123 ::(» .VI «JH,<H»C>,(XJ«»| 1 (» O <».').( KHMMH) i21> 17 44 3 144,«HN>,«HM» 2«)'>,(MHMMH> l2«>3,«MHMMKt 2r».>.( H H >.( I( K I 4i»(>,tMM».(MM» O 124 3l» ±2 i> > > 31 il h in 87 '1\ l'>43 2J4 It". It! lo 3«)> <) i> I;; 0S(> 23 30 3") 1703 nns <i • • • • 4:;3-2 I 127 Kt; 30737 18 O Tiu' Star which at prcsrnt is nearest ihc Nortli Pole is Alrucnihti/i, a Star of the sfcnntl nLii" .-.iMnle, and llie hist in the coni^tt lalion nl' L isa Minor; (In- l.jniOid.' .il .iiis Mar is <><»-' 4' 43" and llie mean Longi- tude, at *Iie l)e;;iii:ii».'^ •)/■ I800, wa; bV*-' 4(V lO" Now tljc nearest a;i- ^rt)acli ol'this Stir to th" '*ole will be, when it is in th(> first «)!' Cancer — which accoidijcly liappen^ in the year 2l'>3, at which time itsdi>.tancc from til roni tlu; pole uiil he ahor» •'.!) o<> . And snice tlie fixed Stars eoni- plefe a rexdution al»or.t the axis of tlie ecliptic in 2.')8!rt years, there- lore, any given fixed Siar will p<Mt"oiin iialt'the re\olution in half that time ; and eonsciiuently, il that Star was before at its \u f.ri st appidse to the pole, it will now he ilu- most remote I'rom it possible; tlieie'ore, 12i»(j8 years after the year 2103, that is, in the year l.'>oll, the present pole ;Uar will be 45" 33' 5" ilistant from the pole. About 23(k» b<'fore the connnon acc<tmit of the commencement ol the Cliiistian wra, the star Draconis was the polar star, beiny thenwitlii<» ton mi- nutes of the pole. Mean place of the pole star from tiie first January 1827, is W W 50", and its true place the fir.-t .lanuary, 1^27, is i^ iiO' 20" , and tk- creases yca;ly at the rate of l*j"' 1>. i SOLAR AXD LUNAR ECLIPSES, IN Tin: VKAR 1827. April 2H — The Sun Eclipsed, invisihle, (i^ at i>h 44m. eveninir. O "'"'^ becentridly Kclipsed oji the Meridian at lOh. 22ni. eviMiini:, m Longitud-j 124*^ o\} Kast, aud Latitude ST-' 30 North. i M. liic ()!' icvii'.s iiiul tiir Sun // h m f\ 87 '2:i |.-> •iM 21 1(1 Il» Id irt (') •J 1;: • • • • t • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • ■ 1 t • .'i'2 IIL'7 loi :v.» I .-)! n 7M7 18 O Alrncrnfifth, lioM ni' L rsii n'aii liOii'^i- >r<'an«t'r — iis di^fimcc Scars coiti- <'<'IIS, (liMc- I iiiilt'tii;it ^f Hpjuiisc tln'H'.'orr, ■•1<K» yc;!iv t'iirisjiiiii '1 ten mi. is w n»r ' . and dt- Hf<7y 11.— Ti»o Mi>on FrlipsrH, Vtsihlc. — KrpinninQ oltlio r.rlipsc 1ft I iil»ni. nioinmi;. — Midillr. Sh. 'Jl^in. — Krliplic ^ 3n. 7m. — I End of the Kclip«, 4li. a.>ni.— I)iuit« Kriipstd, IW 471-2 on ilio ^,'s Southern Lind),iii- tiuin the Nurtl:ern*'sidcot' the Q'.s shailow. October 20. — The Sun Lrlipsed inrisihU, d nf \0h. 20ni. in Longi tude 6' 2r)'=' 28 3-4m. ^ l.»it 483-4 S«.uih.— Q will he ecnlrHJly Eclipsed in the iMei'idian at I Hi. Itni. morning, in Lnnpitude 6o 14 West, and Eat. <>D" 44»' South, ovembtr 3. — 'llu Moon EclipRed, i/ir/.T»7»/e — Bep^inninju ofthr Eclipse lOh. 2l*m n.orn. ^'s upper Einib rises llh 2<>m. — >lid- dlr, llh. 24ni. — Eeliptie § llh. 6oni. — End of Eclipse, Ih. 27ui al'lernnon. — Dibits Eelips«><l 10*^ Ho in the ^'s Noitliern Limb or I'roni the Soulhvra side of the Eartli's sljuduw. The Planet I'cmis will be Morning Star till the 9th October, and E* veniufj Star for the rest of the year. Planet Jupiter, Evening Star till the 3(>th March; Morning Star till the lUth Ociober, und Evtuing Star for the rest of the year. Eiplanation of the Characters used in the Almanac THE PLACETS AND THEIR RELATIONS. ^ Mars 21 Jupiter Jp Saturn i^ Georgian Q e n 8 G The Sun Q^ The Moon ^ Mercury ^ Venus 1 he Eartli A Planet's Ascending Node, Tlie Descending Node, Conjunction, or Planets situated in the same Longitude, Quadrature, or Planets situated in Longitudes dilleringSsigns from each other, Opposition or Planets sitnated in opposite Longitudes or dilleiiu^ 6 signs from each other, N. North. Inf. Inferior. Im. Immersion. S. South. Sup. Superior* Em. Emersion, evenin:,'^. Vijith. V V rtv v^ ♦ > •**. •t Jr. .TJnuuaii?, Virst <iinrfir, lili, TIi. 21m. r.v< m. l-'ull Mo«.ii. l.'Jili. <'h. -Mm. M..IH. f,;isf (^Min)( r. 'Jitfli I Ih .'KMn M(.iii N» w Mwfiu, liTih. -III. ilSiii. M.irii T) I)' .\si'Kr irt. i loi.v Ii \\ s. \nsi\ i;|(- (f 1 •! O 1 O f » '» M w. .s\K|J>, W KMHKU, U.r. N;r«'. I'lU 1st; Si'l f:iM Silv 1 M ('ir<-umsi«.!r.n. Ililiu \ '1 iii !j« i;'"*. 5 1 ^^/ 7 rj<; 4 24 y ,'• 9 47 1 Vu. s|(t\v, el. 'mii. fi •> ^ tf :{t.!4 21 10 1. 10 1 : \v. 0<l«<l--*^ •''"'"• ^- f ''"" 7 K 7 i}.V,4 2.> 11 1 1 ' I 1 114: 1 111. 5? dr. F.. loiifr. Moilt r(ilr,fiill H ry, 7 :{,"/ 4 2-, II 11 morn ."> Fi 11 T!i.i'»Tiii. of S)n,ii\ ;» T 1 J4 4 2'> 11 ;;r. 1., G Sii Ki'ii'Mwv. fl irniirs p) T 4 27 \. 15 1 1. 7 a. ht. Si N. Arrr.n r.rii'M. L'olihr. 11 « ^ (1 1 I 27 i;; 2 : K .M. I.ii(-iiii), (^ ill \|in. \i '6 ^ :J2 4 2!; 1 V) \\ A '> Til. 5? ilrrl. Vii*-' oj' S. Soil' v!i III- u II :ii 4 2!« < 1 (; ;] 5. 10 \^. 5 Lonff. 8 2«> ric* ».•■;//< 14 n 7 :j() 4 :{() (> 53 4 5. 1 • 'Ih. (J |•||ll^ lii':!i. Ii'vh i:> -,7 2ft 4 .]1 .{ 45 5 4.-, iv' Kr )^ i.ut. r. M.S. /IV.y.'.s-. i.'i Tr 7 2f» 4 M \ 40 G 2" l.{ .Sa $ Statiou'y. Ilirv.Tciin •mis, 17 ffi'7 2!! 4 .;2 '} .il» 7 1. 11 r,'. 2(1 Suv. AFTKU Krii'ir. 77/* nir K5 •( 7 i>7 4 :j,{ () 4! 7 4: I.-, .M. Oi\rc\. 2\^ l.Mil. S. isJiUcl I'J ■■.1" 2t 4 ,{4 7 51 R i; \*i T.I. ^ (l»n-l. I;F 'J«» .S. "?'//// 'iO "i 25 4 3.-, 1 » 4!; 9 1 17 W. ri| Lat.4^';i-lri. >/<//. 21 IT ' 21 4 \m fJ 4.J 9 i:. l>- Th. I'uisc A, Lxtriinilij 22 nr 7 2:5 4 37 10 15 9 5.- IJ» Fr V^ Lon;:. .'i« 0' 4', O;/'/.' 23 -J^: 7 <>.) ^ ^ 4 Jfj n 49 11 H JO Sa G *"•><• ox <>li. fili>» P- ■*'• *>""" 24 ^^ 7 4 Xfi 11 34 iiifci-T 1 r;. ."iit Si \. at'. Fpiph. Af;ins nhoul 2.> ^i 7 21 4 :]y inoi'ii. 1 2: > > M. VlN( KNT. ® in a, this 20 \\{ 7 20 1 40 7 2 •"*!' J 5 r... Q <!(rl Jl>^ .'■{■Jm. S. //•//f. 27 ; 7 11' 4 41 57 3 37 >\ w. ^ runs low, (^ ill IN-r- jl/^/v 2» 7 7 1!: 4 42 1 5;] 4 41 J.> 4 CovvtKMov ol Si'. V\{-i.,mH(f. 29 b' 7 17 4 43 2 54 5 50 :*> Kr Qsl()\v,rlk. loin. Lnnk nvf 1 Vy 7 lt> 4 44 4 G 32 ,«« Sa Diiko of SiLs.sox born /'o/' alitlli' 2 15 4 4.i 5 9 « 2 > :{ a 4tli Si NUAY aftt'i- I'liMi'H. mon 3 7 IJ 4 4G 6 U4 7 3(i .'!> M l\. CiKu. IV. \rci:«<. 182<». .<??o//' 4 X 7 12 4 48 7 42 « {; ;() Tu. K. C'ha'.si. iMariyr, nboul lluse 5 X 7 11 4 A'J 8 35 » 47 ;i W. K. (»K.<». IV. l*rorli»imp(i iUtii» 6 T 7 11 4 4') 9 4 9 50 Thk kiM-ncr tcnipf'^ts ri.=io ; ami fuming' dun From all the livid East, or pirrcin^;- jXortli, Tliit'k cMouds ascnd ; in rapacious womi) A vai)orv d(4n?:e lit's, to snow ronjjcal'd— Hos»v V iIk'v roll their floecv world aloncr, j\nU Iho sky saddens with the gathcriiii; storm, * / f f &» "Trii/r /« / • ftiJ^ t-t^^ r'<<JZ8i5#t.€^ I KI-. .fFcDrnavi?. \\U:U)m M,M, 1. iiSni. M,„ ,1 ,.* '• Ki^r S(f> y '« 9 IT 10 J V 10 1 ; il ! ! 1 1 4 II 1 IIKllll N :j'i 1., ^ 1 > 1 1. <» i;:| J : 1 ]f> ;{ 4 ■J (> ;} 5: 2 50 4 5. ;j -l.Ol -, .j;, t l(»| G i2" .0 .;«» 7 L <5 -I ! 7 4: 7 .',1 R 1! I > ..J , , 9 1 ^i A3 9 |;,| ir> 5.: « 4 'J 11 K 1 31 lifer T lorii. 1 r> 7 2 f>u ) .37 .J .-J 1 I 53 4 41 i 54 5 50 1 ;{J » 7 fj] ! '3A 7 :j<; 4;J « ;; 35 a 47 4 9 .■■■)(( J"ii-i (jiiiMi< I ;m, :iii. isiii r.\( t ii!l Momi, I'j^t, 5!). Am. r,\rii I.;«,| (^nl•h•|• iHlli. 7Ii. '•-in .\iu Modii, 'J'»ili, 4h. '>(»ui. r.vrll. livfii. i i ' ! •' \^i'K( I'. MDi \ i»\v«.. Anm\ h;- '# -«| C G (C> r,^ i M l'_ o\i:ii ', \\ 1 X 1 III H. ^wf. \i;.-. I'i'Kix.' ^.l. Kl-.' i t 1 >.i. 1 ii. ' ■ .Let i:-' \ i ".(» S. I' < rf\l |<i 1 .-«»l «.» 11 lu 1 ^ 1 . I'l f;in. ..ri',. W .MvfM. /o/- //; S t ,7 i' 1 51 IM 1 1 1 5-. !Mj«illS. OM liini . <>t Till ir. 11 /I.SIiU. «» 7 Hi 5:j lo .'{<) niiM'ii • ) '/ 'ilhSls. «il' r.l'll'H. "^ in 17 ''/" lu .>-• 7 <i 1 54 II 1:' U .'Kl v, \i',iill.,i. '^ in Ajx). <•//</ /■«- II ;ilT r. 1 5'. II 55 1 1- » \ln. ^ iuii> liiirli rn'f'.Hs nrt/ IJ li|7 4 1 5.i a il.' 2 :{!" T w. c ) slow rlorl., !4iii .'{(is. iin'i/i. l.i ll!7 2 4 5S 1 :n ;< :{t • I>, ,■ I, at. l! (»i S(Mitti, 77/' 1 1 .-,7 1 I 5H o ^.•, 4 i: ' r. 1? f.nn'.. I(» 8 -Is' </'V/"' r. -X '<; .v.>5 1 .i -Ji 5 1 It •';i '^ I. at. h" •'>;•, 5 .'), Soiiili, tsrim hi 1 4 lM 5 41 1 . 'r' ^KiTi \<.i siM \ '^^Ml\^ , ;//((/( 17 ■;) ••> .57 '» .'* 5 -J.^ r. I.: 1 M. - I.Miij. <»^ .-| J 4 mi/if I.S I': «) .Vi!'» 5 ♦i .••{.•{ «) !<. I . fit ? Lai. 1 5n .\ori!i, ///,•/' in 'T rt .>.i5 : 7 :•{!» 7 IT 1 : \v. \ \!.|:VT1NK, J'!'(IS(lllt. :.•<• W'J ♦» 5l»!'> •'^ H i: 7 IT 1 ill Qiltrl. |2*^.')<l' Soiitli. I'i(lr>iiin '1\ ./v. ♦> .501 5 lu S .')<! H 4 1 11 K. *.!()«. riork 1 III). -iK. I'mnlii I'l -«. r, 49 5 1 1 9 25 9 .'Ki 17 i 1 il t=^ ',^1 l-nii- ;»^"ji;" '4 // 13 '1 .) 4.s;5 L> lu tt II 5 »• ^• M .xaiir.'iiiia Sim. (^ in ,<7l /^'' '1\ i. «) 4«>5 14 10 5o :<rt lli II'.M Q ciitrrv y^ 41i iiiorn v'niil h 115 / »> 4') 5 15 11 4 1 1 2«i I'l ^ Siiji ^^ , form l/ir i2t> ./ »> 44 5 hi mitni. 2 2S "J ' W 3 in V^•r. '^ rnn>< lt>\^ , Xinlh •J 7 ^ «) 4J|5 Ls o 4 -J :i 2.S » , ■j'n. "^ Lai. '4- 4(»;i-0 .N. nr \. E. ilH !C <i 41|5 ill 1 41 4 2<i Ki 3 $ .ocnilt. Proh(th!i/ a :.".» ■t^- (5 4n!5 i2it 2 5<i 5 h 1 1 "^a "^1. ?»Iattiii \«. O.C'ainl). h.irrml :<(» -r\_ ♦i .•i.s'5 I'J '.\ r,^ 5 4«i i.'.". <;. •^1 IM{r\r. K«1M \ ,'^ISMAY, lllllir 1 X «; .s«; '» 2-1 5 5 r, L>;j >^i M- !') (Ii'cl. S*^ .Soulh, nitutit k> y. r> .'r> 5 Z'i 5 51 (i i] M T .. >H(:(>\ K 'J'l r>n\v, ////'v .S X () 'M 5 LV; 7 8 7 1 3 i ,i ■ \\ VsH \Vki>vk..?'\v. I'lwr. 4 ^ l> .'{J ■) L»' 7 57 jj — How tin' wnn(!>{ Bou llif'ir hoar lirful ; an«l cri' llip lang'uid Sua Faint from the Wost rmit.s hi> Pv«Miiii«r rav, Kaiths miivrvsal t'ncv. <i.'fp !.!<!. and chill, % Is one \\'u\o (la/./liii«r waste, tliut buries wide 'I'hc w(jrks of man. r/ J;J:K. JHarcI). i; (I In ■ I ) H (P 1" )i I'loi «iu;Mft'r. Tuli, l!i. IMii. Kvcii. 1 nil .M'xni. 13th, (ill. .')liii. iMiM'ii. N<>m AI >oii, 'JTtli, till. 4 4iii. iVloni L:i>t i^iiar(< r, jOili, '.i'\. -i.n. Mirii. 1) • > 1 »1 w 1 ill ■ » ^ 1 •■» a. •) w. «. r.. « V. h 1 M '.» I'l »•' s., il ''/. IJ M. l.i Ill 1-4 w. lo I'll 10 Fr i; S;i IfS fi. »!> M. 2w T.i :.' i W. .>._! I'll .:.S F. •J-i ^:| St ','. :J(> VI. 2, In :i»^ w. 2J Th I' "r * ' '^ » \.si'K.i;rs Hoi.- I)\ s, Awivku- SAIUKX. \\ KVTH.IM. kc. Si. Diviil, Ip stati.i'v. It rltniils Cliiul. 9 tlfct. 4^ Ins. up for 5> in "(j" V •'"♦• '""S ^- '*»"""•• l«i .Si \it\v ill I.KNT, /V///jr «y slow elk. I liil lb' (§ ill A«)|». ^ nins iiigli, Snow. JN'rpotiiu. //'ir/' 0<1«m:I. -W4'0 3;>" S. ninth ^ '2 a. 23. t'7i»r/< j> LhI. 5 5 2 South, drift Ihi -lull SuvDAY ill hKNT, Snoii'vcri^ <irvc;ovy, Miirtvr, hmily, f \- '?l ^ Lonlr (»^' •»•»> 11"' .S>- ' (li'<-l. K^' li>' N. »•( /v/v r«/f/. slow riork 2 !»i'«'. Pltiuvtnt 'i r3T) N. r/m/.s- icnifr/ils rr. l*.\rriicK. (Jin Q '^ia INt. M SiTv ill liK.N V, but rather 5 runs low, too (.'ohl. f? n Hect. 2 2° '•»"» N. Xow f.r- Htnoiliot Qciit. ff- perl a sevre 9 8 y? «noni. ///rtw fi/yo«/ § Lat 5 t) 8 North, thcxc dnt/s docl. P 13 61 North, W'/j/r/» Ith Sun in Lent, Mid T^ Sun An V stationary oh [olB, V. Marv ? Lat. t>, 47' North, tcill spoil ^ 5 till 42»n. morn, thr s!rijr/i. ,^ ^ Lat. 14' ItiN. iiifr fortius ^ in ^, sedJion. K:isi clock 1m l")s. M'ltfrrntr # • Al'v. ?'t '» J- ti ^ 7 ;-^ H b i» n 111 u 11 >^ 12 ^5; 13 ■A 14 Q 1.) ^, IH rrp 17 n? IH -fs. li) -/^. 20 Ml 21 ni o.> r ^a* 23 / 21 V5 2'» Vf 2(i o? /vv <^< A^ 28 2!) X 30 X 1 T o T 3 T 4 .s' 5 'J Kisr Si't ; Ris. 21-. 2.-1' ■» > 2T 2.-I V» 21 23 21 24 » 18". It; i; U\:> 12 5 11 !» 8 ('> 4 .3 o ')8 31 32 Mi 3') 3«i 3; 3!» 4' 42 4 1"> 4t 4h I!' 01 5'^ 54 5«'. r.T 58 o o o.)|rt r,4,t> 530 5l'ti 5o;t? 48irt 47;r> 4<>lr> i 9 10 12 13 II 37 13 8 H 9 9 .1 > 10 3; II if. 1 .» a* 3 4 ■> t» 27 lii 13 13 18 21 27 «■*■ 5.-. 3,-) l.-i 57 4 8 8 <► 47 ;o 44 II 45 Horn 6o I 3 4 5 5 () 6 7 7 54 1 (') 10 58 10 41 is 5o D 3s 10 ^1 11 3: <noi-ii 31 1 2 4 2 II 2 5: 3 37 4 1-. 4 \( 5 21 5 1 1 t\ 3.S 7 17 8 5.-) 10 11 2.1 af. 2" 1 2^ 2 23 3 8 3 4 s 4 23 4 5(1 5 2ti (> 4S 7 3J 8 a- S» 32 III \l<> Muttering', the winds at eve, witli blunted point, Blow hollosv — blustering from the South. Subdu'd The frost resolves into a trickling thaw. Spotted the monntain.s shine ; loo.<e sleet desrcmis Aii.l lloods the country rouuU. The Rivers swell luipatieut of their buuds. r^ii D 4 6 f> t i- «i I- I:-: II i I. i: I- 1' 2. 2; 2i: 2h ,1 I 4 rr. :^mi' V\. 4,11, .Mmii. I. 4^111. Ahnu 2 2.M Fli t 'i.Mt. r. -lib, *»li. 7m. >l<»ni. I^il' .Moiiii. Mill «>|i Tin. l'.\(Mi. I.Msi <^iint(>i. IHil), loll. till. .Mom .Niw .\I. Mill. J.",!!!. •.»!!. -Mill. r\tMi V h \>i'. I I «, 111! > l)\\> \nm\ l.i; I (jj At W I 8AIIIK': W IM III U. <w:t'. \\iif I fi '. \l ['. 1 .1 4 >\ 6'l'li «!»•!■ !< M. 1< in I \N. 1 I >:i l.-v ti. I»; \1. IT In lull. 2 Si. 2i' ^'. 2i: M. 2"4 I II 26,ih 2: I I '&< s.i 2!. •;. •')i!i >i V ill I.KNr, ni.sif^n : nlil>\ .']^t^m^ l<>« . ({J in \|»«». v,tuhii\ lti(-h:ir«l '!;». olCliicli. sinur *! XinliiiiNr. vii'ni ' O «I"I. •> .'»■;< -J- 1 Noi-'l:. ir///,' i Q IjisI rjiirk -Jiii. JT*. simi' . \ r. r" ft. A/; 3 I. ill .•.>• IJ ;{u" r, (iili M •.. ill 1,1 \ I. I'jilin Si ijIhx 3 'I 9 I-MiiM. u' I !. .'Jl' ' fur ? h' '2 r .N. /Ar ,s((,rf;*(. [^ a 't'. '^ iiriii-.-t npproiwli. f' Lilt. 0»»' ".^S S. 'I'/n ii-'ftHin < io'iM I'liiD \\ . "^ ill T; pv,f/vv _i f.oni:. «> 7 11* irdrini r lui Ka'TKI'. Dav ^ niiis low . //7*/// ;K\:rKU MtiMiAV. ni'Jils^ I !'. \ i I Ki: 'I'l I «•> \K /' r .'••'.</,'.■ /M [;] '»li oTiii r!\»ii. A »nv' it \ \\\<\n".\v f^ l.iit..V |;V.j'" >'oni O <'M(.is ;-; 111 \\l I'. M. .s/,./.' }i\ l.niii; y L'H 1* dJ irnnn i^ \>{ Slv. ill" l'.A«ri:i;. Ldw Sun. jSt (il (). K. (il.n. iV I). «la\ krpf. ! [ f i« rii) liryiiiN St. Mark. 1). ofdioii. I). 0<'«'if>- /^. ill ^ F;, drch'v'^oO .N. /oifir'/ 'CJ)<I"-I I •'<•<" . i:\:ih!ur', ^ I, at 2 |.'» H.'i S IV rv i' i:rm. ■J.t Siv. ulKvsTKit rj> runs iii^l Q C. >t « Ik Niii I A i|, \|„ o,.,.. h: II I -J l:{ I • r» Ki 17 IS ll» •j;t :!l J I :'•> •J 7 •js I :i 4 I', Ui.-i'lSM. Illis.' n •» ' !■') I ^ r ! I I'Mi ll'!«i 41 411 .".!» M7|«} :ii;.i :{<> ') 2s!t» -•:'<> 'J I •» IS,.> ir>!ii Hj<i I I A\ |or> 7!(» nit) 4|() Ml,; IT Is Set. H :{i> 1 1 -J I lo 'J<l||IIOI. i!oll LMiaf .>.i l!> II •27 • ><) :{< .Si! ;«> 4n 4-' 41 4<; 47 4!i .".( <*>■. .Y,i ■'),'* ■*». (» I t (I .-.: IJ| I ::.'H 14 2 IJ joj -J -!>• ;:! ;i i«ii I I »> mm :i 4 I .'» «i ti 4 s «» In II in .>.- .» •» .-{ 4 .'i S ( i> i: i > • >. 4 4 4 I*. .V.I Mfl II 4--. 1 1 '2'< ■Iti.lf "JT 1 hi l! II 2 ;{(: ;i : .'! .'I 4 II r> I.- i> •: 7 iJ'ii s -Jf. !» -2 -2 10 .X Id '.s lo .') L»l 40 IJ IT Is And see where surly ^\lVlKR pa.sses olV, Far t<» tin; ,\(»rlli, :uul chIIs iiis riiUiiiii His lilasts ol)t\ , and (jnit tin- liowliiij. hill, \N liile ^ol'tt-r ;;alis snccccd, at wiiost- kind tonrli, l)is-(4> ii;; su«i\vs in li\id t<jrrenl> lost, i i:e moMutaiiH lii"i il.cir -rcca i.cad^ to the skies. !fF I-' ir' : 10 First Quarter, 4th, 2h. 7m. Morn. Full Moon, 1 1th, Hh. 7m. Morn. Last Quarter, 17th, 5h. 41m. Kviii New .Moon, iioth, Ih. 22ni. Even Di 1). AsPECT.S,IIOI.Y Davs, A.nmvek- (» ■3 (3> (^ M 1, \V. Tu SAUIES, WeATHKR. kc. Afrj.. PI Km Set . Rise. Set. St. Philip i^ St James, Culitwilh i 5 S 6 57 9 11 11 31- 2 W. ^ Gr. Klons-ation. freqatnl 8 25 5 2 6 58 10 8 morn 3, Ih Invention of the Cross, .shower^ 9 :i 5 7 11 5 H ^1 Kr J^i Stationary, of rain. 10 a 4 59 7 1 if 3 51 '» Sa 3 Lat 50 8 51, S Easter T. en<ls It CI 4 58 7 2 1 4 1 2^ a. 'id Sun. al'KAs. St.Io'n Ev. Ante 12 w 4 57 7 3 2 9 1 5^ • M. (§2^ ^ tied. 21 45. [Fort L 13 ^^ 4 55 7 5 3 2 2!' ^ lu Q decl. Irt*^ 57 5 N. // irroirs 14 -^ 4 5S 7 3 34 3 Itl 9 w. Q last clock 3ni 55s. var.i; •, 15 -/r- 4 5;i 7 i 4 10 4 2*^^^ !•• Th 0)in^ « (led ♦^•2<J>J..1 ///./( ir> ^ 4 52 7 8 4 52 5 3^ 11 I'r (^ Eclipsed, \'isible. //jo/c 17 n 4 51 7 9 5 43 6 54 12 Sa (^ runs low, (^ in Perigee rai:i 18 X 4 49 7 11 (> 39 8 \> 13 a 4ili SiJNDAV alley Eastek, hut 19 / 4 48 12 7 4*> 9 1-. 14 .M. 9 Lonjr. oi* 28' 39" the innlhcr 20 V5' 4 47 7 J 3 8 44 10 M 1') Tu (§ 5> y9 ? Lat. 1051 fiicill bt 21 V5 4 45 7 15 9 51 11 l-l u\ \V. decL 18" 59 2 North much 22 4 44 7 16 10 5(» 11 57 i: Th (f Lat 5« 15" 37" N. billcrforU 23 4 43 7 17 11 51 af 24 IH I'r Q fast elk. 4in. &- reiritation 24 K 4 42 7 18 morn 1 2:^ \9 Sa l/unstan. jr/7/ />« reny rnpid. 25 y. 4 42 7 18 1 1> 1 3: •10 G. 5th Sun. af Eas. Roijation Sun. 26 K 4 41 7 19 1 57 2 11' 21 M. Qcnt. n9h.3hn. Ev. There 27 cp 4 40 7 20 2 36 3 1:! 22 lu Prs. of Homhurjr h. uiltbc much 28 T 4 39 •» / 21 3 5 4 l.H 2;^ W. 11 Lonf? 6^' 4' 33 rain 29 ^ 4 38 7 22 3 37 5 i:^ 24 Th Ascen Day, Holy Thursday (J 30 « 4 38 7 22 4 10 6 12 25 Kr Ip Lilt. 22*^ 49' N. [in IJ the In^l 1 d 4 37 7 23 4 51 7 2H 2t) Sa Aujj 1st A hp of Cant. (^ in Apo n 4 37 7 2.S 5 24 8 t^ 27 G. Si'N. af Ascen day (^ runs iiii'li 3 n 4 36 7 24 6 13 8 5.') 2H M. decl 21» 42" 4'"' North of this 4 ^ 4 35 7 25 7 3 9 3^ Hi Tu Kinf? Cha's. n. restore<l, mouth 5 .n. 4 34 26 7 58 10 IS ■ ]{) VV. fust clock 3in. if 1 mistake a Q 4 34 7 26 8 54 !0 .->4 •■i\ Tl. r® Lat. 5' I'Ar^] South, not. 7 il 4 33 t 27 9 52 11 -2' First! Fall Joyous til' impatient bushandman perceives Relentine^ nature, and his lusty Steers Drives from Mieir stalls, to where the well us'd plough Lies in the fun-ow loosened from the frost. There, unrefusinjr, to the harness'd yoke Thi'v lend tlieir shoulder, and bcjjin the toil, Checr'd by the simple song, and soarinjf laik. M 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 < 11 12 18 14 15 16 n 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 26 2dTu 27 W. 28 Th 29 Er 130 Sa G 11 1. 41m. Kvfii , 22ni. Evt'ii TX. 3^itit. Kise. 9 11 10 H Set. First Quart' r, 3d, 3!) 25m Kvon Full Moon {U\. lOh. 32in. IVIorn. ] Last Quarter Ifitli, 3h. 9in. Morn. New Moon 24th 4h. 4(>in. Morn. II if 1 2 3 3 34 4 10 4 r>2 5 43 <» 39 7 40 8 44 9 51 10 50 11 51 morn 1 9 1 57 2 3ti 3 5 3 37 4 10 4 51 5 24 r> 13 7 3 7 58 8 54 9 52 !1 31- morn \t\ 51 1 2s 1 o^ 2 2!" 3 It 4 2t'< 5 3^ f) 54 8 ^ 9 10 II II 1- It I. 5'< af 24| 1 1 2 3 2:^ r. Ill I:! a 7 8 8 9 10 |0 II I |:-i 12 2H >^ 5.') 39 IS :>4 3 4 6 6 I). W Asi'FCTsi. Hoi.v Days Anmvdu- s.vRiEs, Weather, &:c. Ho (j. M. Tu 11 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 28 24 26 1 Fr .Nironu.'dc. 21 stationary /V//V 2 Sa Q (led 22"^ 7" 44" North, and O. Whit Slnday. jilrasnni M. Whit Monday. irtnlhrr Tu Whit Tu. Boniface D. of Ciun h. w o f»''* ^■•»<^>^ •'"• •''*<'^- "/>«"' Th (^ in 1^ 5 dee! 23 3 N. this 8Fr (5 runs low >} sup (^ time. Sa ^ Lat 1" 15' North, Kxi>cvt Trinity Sun. (^ iti Vvr.frefiueut St. Barnabas, s/inutrs d (9 Vf* V Lon? 2° 26" 5fi'. 18|>V (J Lat 5' 11' 7' N. wifh hcavi/ Th $ decl 17''20' North, claps nf Q <lecl 23 18 9 North, Ihumltr, ^ clock time the same Plea- 1st Sin af Tr. St Alban sant, Trinity Trrm begins, uealher, U Lon«r 6 4 57, North. 20|Vy'4qVa of F.d K. of W Sax ralhcr Thir(J $ 21» F.veniup: f/n/. O enters 03 oh 4m Morn expect (Jp runs hip:h (^ in Apo, more 2d Si N. af Tr Nat of St .Ino Bp 6 $ b f<tl I.at0» 33' N. mm 2d Tu O ''low clock 2m 15s irhich 27 TV . (9 Lat. 50 5' 2 1 ' S. u m ueh 28 Th Q decl 23^ 19 35 North xnmled fe9Er St Peter at this 130 Sa ("^ C] Trinity Term eutLs. time. Fr Sa a. M. Tu Fr Sa G. M. (9 Ai;f' 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ir> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 o 3 4 5 t> 7 8 I'l Rise I Set. Rise Pi ^1 V5 n n Or 2c 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 27 4 2<) 4 2« 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 33 ;i3 32 32 31 31 3(» 29 29 28 28 28 28 27 25 25 2(> 2r. 27 27 28 27 10 52 11 53 4 28 4 28 4 28 4 28 4 28 28 2S 29 29 30 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 31 34 35 ^5 34 7 34 7 33 33 32 32 32 32 32 32 af 1 o 2 3 4 5 6 •»•* 5t> 30 4 40 25 1<> 13 19 30 8 29 9 51 10 54 11 58 morn 54 1 3 1 32 2 fi 2 40 3 20 4 4 4 49 5 50 r> 45 7 24 S 42 9 43 10 40 (i 1 S( •t. 11 58 morn | 27 58 <i 3 10 4 2r> 5 39 C^ 32 8 4 8 57 9 45 10 41 11 3 1! 36 af 8 54 2 •' 3 < 4 ' 5 < 5 5<) 6 48 7 31 8 12 8 49 9 2 9 52 10 21 10 .54 lough From the moist meadow to the withcr'd hill, Led by the breeze, tiic vivid verdure runs, And swells, and deepens, to the cherish'd cyo. Tl\e hawthorn whitens; and the juicy eroves Put fortli their buds, imfoldiuf^ by deg'recs, Till tlie whole leafy forest stands display'd In.full luxuriance.yto tliejsighino; irales. < •-< Cm Pi VM Jttln. II ;i M j'iist Qu.irtir "2(1, lli. ".i>iii. .Moui. I'ull .Vlooii Fill, oh. I'J'M. liv. n. ; LilSt -^IClM! >' l-'>lll, •'!)). 17lU. i'.Vi j ,\rw ,M(>«);i 'J.'J'I, 7li. li'iiii. Cvfii Kljisi. !>l.. 4!iri. iMoni. r ■) tl 8 l» !•:» II 12 \.i II IT) Ki 17 !!^ 11» •20 21 22 28 21 2'> 2r) 27 28 29 .SO 31 !>. \V. ■ ». M. Ill vV. rii «• r Sa r;. M. Tn VV. I'h K.- S:i a M. r.i VV. Til Kr Sa a. M. Tu W. Th Fr Sa Cf. M. Tm .\x|'f;( ' , 1 Ion l).\ I ^..vs .i\ i.:i-; sMUKS \Vk \ riir,;i.ii>:'-. j OJ 3il 8iM)AV alU'r'J'/t. /iV/(// iri'Ji Vist. of li. V. Marv, fninr rraiisl of Sf .Mailiii, Ihinitkr. Q <lrcl 22^^ ->! 38 North, fair ^ run'? low, rnj^/ Q slow riock -^in 21s ph itsiinl 4<li Sln afTn (^ in I'or. wcnllv r ^ Lat o^ 3 15 North, //mc, 5 Lonjr 4" 15' 23' .v//// ^ Lat 1«>" 10', picnsftuf. O slow dock oU' 12s. /;;// rn- 9)}i ^ tleol irw 3!)', Ihcr loo .'»th SfN. afTu Switliin warm, O <lccl21o 18' 59" North, dn/. :^ f.ouff 3^ 23 52', Look K. (lEO. IV crowni'il 1821. out Marg-arct, ^ runs hisl>. /o** H) n ^^ <le<''- 2 1 29 S TO/nc /te«rj/ 0th Sun afTu iMajjdr.l. showers O enters ^ 1 Ih 55ni Morn in f) Lat 5« 0' 14' South some St. James, places St. Anne. wiV/i f) in ^ ? i^ecl 22° 53 N Jfomc O slow clock 6m 2s. Viunder 7*h Sunday after Trimtv, not Q (led 18° 40' 5" N. sof'-cquent i) in Q, ¥ H^ Asr 9° 5( here. 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ir. 17 18 19 20 21 o.> 23 24 25 2C> 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 h: (J :ry!i -ji. -^-^4 3 1 -jvll .Si '11 iJ 3i|7 f !■» •'^"'b ; 'i 32;: 31 U se 11 12 11 .3ti 1 1 53 ijvi \ 31 7 yo 4 .32 Vjil 32 ';X|4 33 'i^il 33 4 .*N 4 34 4 35 4 SC, op'A •^'^ « I » SI « i+ 37 n 1 '^ n4 39 ni4 40 S 4 41 02 4 42 29 29 2S 2S .SOJaf 31 1 9 1 5<> 2 49 lY cite 7 2S! 4 57 a ^^1? '1^ W 4 43 4 44 4 45 4 46 4 47 4 48 4 40 1 5( 7 28 7 27 • 27 2t) 26 25 24 7 24 7 23 7 23 7 22 7 21 7 20 7 19 7 18 7 17 7 16 7 15 6 15 7 23 8 34 9 41 10 31110 10 59 111 O 1 3 4 5 6 I, 14 13 12 11 10 11 29 morn 1 37 1 15 1 59 2 45 3 36 4 28 5 6 6 36 7 38 8 30 9 21 9 52 10 21 11 2 11 ;if I 2 3 4 T) (i f) t 7 9 8 9 in 11 Half in a blush of clustering roses lost, Dew-<lropping Coolness to the shade retires ; There on the verdant turf, or flowery bed, By gelid founts, and careless rills to muse; While tyrant Heat, dispreading thro' the sky, "With rapid sway, his burning influence darts Ou man, and beast, and herb, and tepid stream. Fv La M 71 8 9 n 22 23 24 26 26 27 13 TJ^K): ^UUUSt. 1. 2«tiji. Evc.i 111. ■J an Sc, 11 i->'ii 30'ifir 31] <» •2«jl 1 i>, 1 ■' 2S 2 4V> 2S| 3 52 2S! 4 Tu 28 27 27 2t» 3 4 •> r» () 1- 7 23] H 8 34 S 1> 41! <> 2rt 10 31 10 [ 2.'> 10 oil lit 24 11 2'J 11 24}moin 23 1 23 37 if 22 1 15 3 21 1 59 4 20 2 45 5 11) 3 36 () 18 4 28 fi 17 5 6 < 16 6 36 t 15 7 38 g 14 8 30 8 13 9 21 9 12 9 52 111 11 10 21 11 10 11 2 ;lli f\ili Aiocm 7ilt, Oh. 22ii!. .Moru- ItSsi (iuartrr Nth. »)li. 3i>i;i. Morn .New .Moon 2- . ;' . i")in. .Morn. I'ir^t <^i;ii((M- 2'.»;h. 41i. 3nj. Kv.'ii. I). KM u. 1 \\. 2 11) 3 .\.>i'K( is-, Hoi.v l).\^ s, Xwivi.ii- I I >ii 'i. M. In \ r Sii 9 111 10 n ISM. 14 111 16|\V. leiTh Ill II ssa 24 25 20 n u. Th Sa a. M. Tn 1^ jl.animns Day, Sov tun ;Q slow flofk Gill 5os. or tint I 1^ rims low. for// O •l«''-l 17"' 24' 29" Nor. // />/,/, Sill Si;>i)AV iitt( iTfi. r^ in 1% r. riaii>jlfr (.four 1.(11(1. ^ Lat 5 Name ol".lc>ns [tr3 N. I'.rjKrt $ Kt. Asc. 9in 3 Is frtqutnt \"-' 42" North slnjicii\s St. Law rciicc. ahoul ^ fill" (J, 7h 57m K\rn. Ihrst 9ih SiNafTii K Cito iv li I7«">l2 #;in ?3 >? I.r.n l^2r35 f/^n/.v. Os'"w rIo(k4ni I9«i tli> UKitlttr «<i^cl 14^ IV 42'" N. /.v lion- l>iil»p of York born, very ^ runs lii^li, (?5 in Apo. uarni 11 Kat P 9 N(»ith. and sultn/ lOtli SiNDAY nfn-r 'I'immtv, ^ Lat 5^ (»' lo"' Sontli /rf- Diiku of CiariMicc born, (fuoil V .stationary, rains (tiiil G t liters ni"<-.h 24ni Kvcn /«ir.y. .>t }>arth(.loiiM \v. This K (if'rl22* 2' North, seitynn 1 lih Sin DAY. after 'In. v ill ht f in Ci •'<»!. O" 40' South. ///K St Aniiiistiiie. for Indidii Si .Ino Bap biliead'd ^ runs lo. slow clock 24.S. Corn. Oflecl8"5r7"North. Fnlr. '0 t n O O ^ 1 v.... Kise Set. 7 9 Hi^,•. 10 1 51 11 46l 11 ; 4 52 7 8 11 57 12 ; 4 53 / 4 af 32 13 v^ 4 55 7 5 2 35 14 r 4 56 7 4 3 4l> 15 A^ 4 57 7 3 4 56 16 />v 4 5S 7 2 6 8 IT K 1 51- 7 1 7 21 IS 5 1 6 59 8 3< 19 7V 5 li (■) 5s 9 20 T- » 4 -> 1 6 5() 9 3(1 21 ^'r 5 5 6 5.-. lo H 22 rt 5 (■) 6 54 10 3s 23 « 5 7 6 5;i 11 13 24 D 5 8 ♦) 52 11 59 25 U 5 9 6 51 morn 26 n 5 lo ♦i 50 43 27 Tj 5 11 t» 49 1 32 28 ffi 5 12 ♦ ) 4S 2 20 29 ,Q 5 13 6 47 3 30 30 ( 5 14 6 4r> 4 17 1 5 ir» <) 44 5 43 o Iff 5 17 (> 43 6 33 3 ir^ 5 19 6 41 7 26 4 _^ 5 2(1 6 40 7 56 5 ./^. 5 22 6 38 8 31 6 ^^I 5 23 6 37 9 6 1^ i ni 5 26 6 .34 9 48 8 '11 5 28 ♦» 32 lo 38 9 / 5 29 6 31 11 29 10 1. 5 30 <> .30 aft 29 Soon as the morning trembles o'er the sky, Ami. miperceived, unfolds the spreadiiii:; day ; Before the ripea'd fields the reapers stand, In fair arraj' — At once they stoop and swell the lusty sheaves, While thro' the cheerful land, the rural jost Hi« s liarmless, to deceive the tedious time. And steal unfelt the sultry hours away. • Set. O ,''iS 2 3 33 4 14 5 13 6 2 6 4S 7 24 7 5l< 8 3o 9 31 lo 40 11 31 (» 42 1 3S 2 31 3 23 4 10 4 4S 5 42 6 7 6 40 6 .5«; 7 3<; 8 40 9 45 10 50 It 5h mom. 1 4 2 9 VOX. 14 * 11 i I j:X. cSrptcmiirr, Fi.;i Mu(.ii..jtli <>1). iHm. Morn. ;| Now Moon, 'J«»tl). lOli. l.i.ii. Kv.: Last ^^l;M(P!, l3tli,ol». )l(\m. MornM I'iist Qiiitcr, 27lli, 'Jli. ritim. I \.i I) W Ml M. Ill W Til i" I- H|Srt 1» <'/. KtiM. AspKc i>. Hoi.v Haas Annivkk- SAKIKS: \\ K »THKK, ice. cil O I O .Sf. tiilf's, (^ in [Vi i/r. irial/irr. 12th Sun mT i r I. oh. l.inut !«)♦)(> J5 I, at. a 3 -Is INdrJl), More rain O '"^< !•» iii' .siTonds, avo/ O <l«'cl. rt 31) 19 North, hut no Knarchus. /Vosf, Nativity of B. V. M. I'rry 13th SrN.nCrH (^ Q vnnn ^ <Iecl ll^'iTiN. vrnthtr, Hi Tu I'^ runs hit;h, More Ih Fi ITiM. Is^Tu 1!»U. •li-i'Vh 2\\Vr a. M. h ma. l-A ^ Lat 1*^ 24' North, mm, O fast 4ni. 13s. Plensnnt Holy Cross, (^ in Apo iwhrii (^ Lat 5 10 Soiitii, (tnd 14th Si .si>\Y alter Tk. b( comes liambert, ]irdt}f O<locl 2 4 58 North, dry. U LoMfi. «')" IS' 28" Lool{ out 5? O 11]^ Lat. 1 44, for (t threat St. Alatthfw, .storm 'P <..'d oW uO' South, f^y* 15 Sin alTn §} ent :>5r 2h 4-<ni O's decl is Soutli, [af §) in ^ ^ inns low, rain nl)ont St. Cypiiini, these ^ Lat 1° 15' N. (^ in Per, days Qfastihn 22s. otherwise I have St Michael, Q. of Wert b. notrnl- ItUhSuN af Tr StJei oine culntcd II 12 13 14 1') It) X 17 h V5 18 l!» 20 21 22 23 24 2) 2<> 27 28 21» 1 2 3 4 5 6 »^ / 8 9 1(1 11 n n 2c 25 n in t V5 V5' 5 ;tl H 21> .-> :-{;f(> 27 > 3-1 1»'. 2o <> 21 • i 23 ti 22 «i 2<» «> Il» > 3f> ■) .S7 ■") 38 .'> 40 .-, 41 Kis f . ") 4o ) 47 » 48 .') r>(» ') o ■) 52 > 53 5 54 5 55 5 5fi 5 57 5 58 5 5i» 5 43 <i 1 7 »i 15 rt 13 rt 12 rt 1(1 () t> ('. 8 (> ^ (> () (> r> (> > 57 6 l(t ♦> 11 6 13 5 55 5 53 5 52 > 5(t 1 34 2 44 3 o.) 5 8 (> Irt 7 7 37 8 lo 8 44 1> 2(1 1(> 8 10 4.- 11 33 morn 2(i 1 2(t 2 l(i 3 12 4 1(> 5 15^ rt 35 <) 31> 7 14 7 57 8 42 9 35 10 33 11 3t) ^1 1. 4s 6 49 af 1 7 5 47 I 37 ■i 4 4 t\ d 7 2^ s-j 9 ;<4| 10 :c 11 > I J- 2 I 2 3 4 4 5 5 () L ■!'■ 8 0' 10 I 11 > inori I 1 !:• 2 - Now Autumn basks ; with fruit empurpled deep ; Presents the downy peach — the shining^ pluni^ Tlie ruddy fragrant nectarine ; and dark Beneath his ample leaf, the lucious fig. The vine too here her curling tendrils shoots, Hangs out her clusters, glowing to the south: And scarcely wishes for a warmer sky. Fill & 25 37 .Z^ |. I' ,1 oil. IMiii. Kvd Uli. 5tim. I \ti 1 (3U >':i& . Kisr. 3 \i l» 1 .S4 T 2 44 4 : o .S 5.') 4 4^ •1 •> 8 .') 2: a «i Irt ♦» : '2 7 T) •i .'-VJ o 7 37 7 2- i» 8 lo s t*. T 8 44 i» \i^ .') l» 20 lo ;;: 'S lO 8 11 -A- 2 10 4r, .0" i;i 11 3.S 1 J- 1> morn. 2 1.: 8 2«i 2 .It' 7 1 20 3 :-;4 i\ 2 Ki 4 1: ■> li 12 4 :.< 4 4 1() ■> 1- S 5 li^ ') -i^' 2 rt 8o «) :i, 1 <> .'ii> 7 J- > 7 14 S 0' r 7 57 10 i i 8 42 11 ' i 9 .'■15 inon I 10 3;i 1 Ml 3rt 1 l> )af 17 2 ' 'l 1 37 2 '2' t 4 is \\ (r>ctof:rr. Full Ml- n.4li:,!M!. I;ii. Kven. i, N.-s .Mo.m, 2ti;li. I'-ii. 20iii. M.);ri Lb^i (iii.irif r, 12Mi.7li. 'il'i:!. Kvi'iT • I'i: >« »iirini i , 27i!i.-i!i.30in. Mi'Mi. \>r; ( I - Hoi. !>/ - \;;n,^, W i \ ri( i u, ^c . \nni\ i-..';-j ^ . ^[ I (^ '^ •» !;!...• w 1 «i 3 4 6 h ;iUMn;t;iu ■§ I., If. o^ (»' 3J:" >. . j(j .ii'«-l. 2 .")'.» 4 -(.ii h. r/i..//'. .i'3 ^''iSt'vOi'U i"in ..>T- /..('y','// 1 I fit ^l;.ti^•ll.^!■J^ , /, .'-7. I '^ X ,'/. '^^ //'::/// {!■' !.•• I, "^ u -"i, kill (III "ii;- . 1 1 in, Mn. ill 1 M. ;;< II hi r rim s . I i^ ^^ 9 »irr. ll*-' 42' S. is. ijhi r "t l)«' i\ s, r;^ rims J.iMh, <7if^'- V Lat.'o-' iiV S. /^</./r.v. Vtl^ 12 \'r |<» 1 "i •"> 4'> 2 ^s 13 'yU\ !:.-» 43' 4 (1 1 1 'v!<; |',>.-, 41 "> s j;^ l.> /"i" i> 2 ' •) li; icy-'*) 21 -i IT I r i<> 23 > 3: 1 ♦> r>() .3i»' »i 2i) iTiijlX '''^'- l*"" -1" •'^'- 15l I" Aop. ;/V(7 <t |l'"M. Iriiii!^!. oTK. I'aW, . ('(.iif. /(//i iHtli Si N.iO'l'Kv'JJ Lat..')lti.S ^, ? I|, H lie ir App. I'ltcsnid 1^1 111 CO (l.'rl.8 42 KJ S. ///<;/(//< r i:ii.. irrdii. (tnd (tu i.r- i.*-j'h St J.nUr. if ^ ).l n crl/riit |i' !•> $ Ko.iii. <i^' 28' 2S" liinr h, P'l^^'i eriipstul. iiivisil)l(\ r'nir h\ <i. I l-»ili .S(;\. iifTK. :J) 111 ,0^ /o„^r, kM. ;^ runs loNv , Ji>nrnii/.i, 28|lu 0<'nt Il[ loll. 18iu. Kn.Ii irtirm 24 W. 7 rr^ r^ln reriyco. ivuilhcr 111 'Crispin, ;;///< :'i j'jti l-at. 21 47 Soutii, some ■!a : 3, •' 17 22 North, rii/i \ U. J2oili Sin. at' Ik St Simon ic St :M. 10 tiLsi elk. HJinSs Tht [.hide jTnl 9 Ht Asc lyi'.i 27si. ivinlhcr .'0:l»!rl 13^" 'u' 4 1" .S. 'jrniU'S is !•> 2<» 21 2^ 23 24 2'» •1(S ■21 28 21) .3(t 1 :<> 2 1 .'> H-] «> li- :i-> 8 S, 3 2; 4 h I •» 2' ♦5 2;i 7 2'. 8 .ii 9 .3 «) 2:,.> 3o': 8 47! I- 1 2!> »> 28;.-| .Suj »> .31 *'. .SOi:*) o<i|iO 2.'> <> 3I'.'i 2: '111 2(1 t» 32 ') 28iiii(irii 1;'; 1 13 rr U (i 34 .', 21". .) I j«» ;<."»'.') 2 ' ■'a Hi 37;"> 2:> , > 3;»'.'i - ; j''l'Ui 40 5 20 jt^j«> 42') [8 'ifliti 4-r.> itv 3 imU; 4ti -» 14 :iu" '> ! / 7 8 i> lo 11 12 V. TV 2 li 3 l.{ 4 l.-> 4 57 5 3:-{ 5 5(5 ti 2 (> 47 5 |3i 7 3;^ »•, 48!.> 12| 8 32 H 5, 5 |<! «» 3r. o 52:5 8 10 4t) «) 5.3|5 7 1 1 47 r> 54i5 ♦) ;; f .45 !•» 55t5 5 2 3 ') 57 i5 3 3 6 ti 59 5 1 3 4h li :J3 af. l;{ »» .'/.» 1 ys ■■ I 2 4:i 3 .; ■1 ..•» 5 •. ei 25' 7 54 <> 2 10 'I 11 10 iiior:i 5 i M 1 3H 2 I 2 4H o >> Hut ,soe the tadiii? manycolor'd woods. Siiado doi'priiiiis^ over sliado, the counti-y round Imbiown; a crowded uinhrjsje, dnsk, and dim, O*" every hue, from wan tieclining- f;reeii To sooty dark. These now the ion''<oiiie muse, Lou wiiisperino. into thnr h'ir-.strc\vu nulks, AuU g^ive the SJeusou in its latest \\c\y. / id 1(5 XJ:. 'XoDcmOcr. I' I I- I. •! f (.1 ,*i Full .M(»oii 3(1. nil. .')(iin. Morn, j] New .Moon iSf'i loh. \m. !>rii. Fulll La.'st Quarter 11th, 3h. Aim. V.\en..< First Qimrtor, 2o;li Ih. Oni. Evt,- Lu^ 1)1 1). M, w 1 Th o l"r Sa -1 (J M. (> In < W c: rii O; Fr lOSii 11 r;. 1-2 M. i;.i In i-i \V 1-. Th i<> I'r 17 Sa 18 r;. li) -M. 2(t rii •I\ w .>.) Th •i.S I r 2! Sa >o (A 2ti M. 27 i'u 2h u\ ."; Th ■}< Fr Vsrtc IS, lloi.v 1)a\s SAJJts, Wk.^tukk. ice. C9 i« 1 o Ml J^iiints. Ml S lU OUiS, Fp Stat CO lonarv, s)wu- Vi\ Soph'a l>. (^ cclips'd iiivis. 21vt SiNDAY alter I I'.iMTY, rontlrr I'lot lo<r>, .Midilin'.s T Lconanl, [lionrins. ri^ runs hii;h Q dccl 2«>" y 1" ^uiith, Noir I^r's .\nj;'a Soph'a h. 'U in Apo 0'^»!'t<'ll^ l'>n»4.'>s A<:;iuJi In.'in '^ Fat. (> IT)' <»■' S. " ?rar/n 22ii(l Sln. af'Tn c;t .Marlii: /'cji^- ^ (,\^ (lerl 2 1^^ 89" S. iri/ Jh !;int:ii.s ? Lat2c;}r' N. .vf 'm-^/ ? T!| ? Loiii;(W 7' 57" '%.v. Maehuu'.s, Jii^k O <<«st clock 14ni. 'kVs. Kinds Hui;h Bp. of Lin<'<)!n. .Mirhaei- 2.'-{dSi;N af Tr. [puis T. '.nds, QiU'ci \*J 22 lOSi.uth, dear Milin. K &: Maviv'r rjid 111 Lat 0^ 82 Soulh, phfnmni, ( coiiia, O * "^^'''^ I 7h-l2mFv. Si Clinu'Ut, (% ,9 Y?^'>^'' /''''•' (J) Lat 5 1.> 1 iNortl^ out 24th Sun. aC, Tr. C'aih for ^ ^ fij ^ Lat 1^" l;iN. ■?•':•;; O'iist chuk 12in. Is. nhoiit '5 X ^ ^'<'*"1 -i-'-^F S. tills O iii.'cl2l 2.') 12 S. Unit ISr An;)!;i.\v. ''J) in "| >< int" -l 13 14 Ifi 17 18 ID 20 21 .)■) 24 25 20 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 r* 7 H 10 11 12 13 T c 7 2 7 4 II 7 U 7 .-.ri 7 G Set. 1 r,;) 4 OS 1 r>7 1 3 Kiso 7 7 1» 7 11 12 1 I V^ h> 17 18 1!> 11 ; w X 4 •> ' 4 r,.', 1 '»2 1 ol 4 4S> 4 4^ 4 4C. 4 4;-) 4 44 4 43 4 42 4 41 t 7 7 7 •^ t 7 7 7 2oJ4 4o 7 21 4 3';. 7 22| 1 3H / -.4 3< < _-»i4 oti 7 i^">:i 3.) 7 2r).i 84 4 14 4 r,4 .J 2<') (> 47 7 31» S 21 y 7 10 4 10 .',2 11 :>\ morn 1 1 2 < T 3 25 4 I 4 41 o 6 l!'| 7 22| y 3H; 10 20' 7 ^Til 33ill 52! 7 ^--^4 32 7 :'V'4 31 7 .304 31 » 7 30 4 ,30 314 :>= if 57 1 4\> 2 20 2 51: 3 2£ ^i5 Set. i) ■-'. <) 1 i v.. H -J' <) I 10 1- 10 : 11 ; ;if .: I 1 ;: 1 I- •> •' 3 4 !■ 5 r. (> ::» 7 ■'' 5 .V 9 .' ;o -)• 11 ;r )l " iiio'r A' 1 i" 2 3 4 ' Ficfl is the l)las;o«l verdure of the fields; And shrunk into th.eir beds, the tlowrry rare 'J'iie'r sunny rohes rcsi-^n. F.vt'Ji wliat reiiiainM Or.stroMf^er fruit falls troui tJi;? naked tre«", And vvooiis, fields, c:ardens, ojvliards, uli aroun i T.hf do<'.;!ate'-l pruipeci thrilla ;hc s:)u!. D M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 29 30 |31 [H 17 XXX. Dccrmljcr. Hi. Im. I>ni, Full M(M»ii. M. "ill, M-'in. Morn. ,1 .Nr« Moon, iStli. 8li. 47m. Mdiii. 1 Ih. Owl. Kv(, Lait'iuiirtt I. Iltli. lull.. 'mi. Main. ! I'irsl liuiirtiM. 'J'ltii.Oh. 2Uin M an ') r^J A. lliso ">'.» 4 14 ')S 4 r,4 '^'i o 2«'. Jti (> s ')') r> 47 ->l 7 3<» y.. S :>l '>■! 9 7 ")l 10 4 W) lO .VJ 4*- 11 .-^4 u: morn \:s 1 1 \A i2 < v.^ '1 r,i \i 8 2') \\ 4 1 h) 4 41 5':. r, \A 6 l!»! 'H)i Sill ol' - it" 57 1 4!» 2 'Ih 2 Gu Um2 1'^ 8h H •:■ 9 I 10 1- 10 .' II t ;if ^ 1 1 .; i I- •> ■' :i 4 ' 5 ]-. <) :;* t -I H .V i> : ;o -j- 11 :r 11 .'• -!■' 1 i' 2 ■• 3 '- 1 D M 1 2 3 I) \\. S.. o M. Asi'Kf IS, Hoi.v Days. Annjvek SVItlF.S. WK.MHKri, <C<-. 4|Tii W Th 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 2o 26 27 28 29 30 31 F. Sa 9 10 M Tu j \I»VKST ?91NI»AY, (tint I 2/ 'v? ii I<i»t i" 6" N i.lntsant r^ runs lii:;li for ti'-t) 17; (1.(122 iJK'jO South, or three .N'icliola-. "^ in \|n>i;«'«'. </itt/.f, ^ '>*^ ".• 13' .Soutii tiro'is < Onccpt, of B. v. .Mar\ . rolil, 2n(l Suv. in Advk.nk. ^ stati. 9 / Lousr H*-' 32' .')7' .S//o(/' Q <l.'»l. 22>-' .')S' 22' S. mui/ b, ^ ^ V([ nS «l«'<'l 21 2(> S ' 9 " ••* "^' ex 1\\\{a\c\. ^- Kat2 42.\. perlnl, i'l 'O '^^' <'"^ ■^'"- ■''"''* ('fiil(\i^ii'i)iil.\ Sa |(f ni Q^ f|i LjU O" 31" S. Looks Li. 3tl Sun in Anv. O Sa|)ioiJtia/jA'' M. I ^ <Iih:I 1H^ 33' S. rn'ni, hut will ^^ nuis low, ^ in Vor prohffhli/ '^ (Jr. Klontr. f«<'/ in snow, ^ Lat .'> 5 3t> North «y)o;i //{( St Tlionia.". trholt we O enters "/^, 7h 13ni Morn futvr 4th SuvDAV in AnvKsr. hail art O <i«-''l- 23 26 42 South, /.rrt/- CvMusTMAs Day, Itnt year St.Stkphkn, k,Jiuc rrojhs, Th ,Sr. John, Lc/ its keep these Fr j I N soc Kxrs //"/.'/ ilciji with S.I , O'*''*" -'"• 34s. juv<ililii(ie (i. jlsi SunhIChmst. dJruns hiifli I.. jSilvrster, fownrd.s God. Tn Th Fi Sa G M. Tu # M o G ,t (0 A^r. \'> Kis Set. Kis*- S,M. 14 ;i 1, 4 32 4 2.-^ 3 oh 5 lo 1.-, rt 32 4 2.S 4 37 (> S 16 J 7 32 1 2S .') 2< 7 5 17 n 7 33 4 27 6 H 7 5K IS 7 :u 4 27 <5 r,7 S 47 11) s 1 3.3l4 27 7 52 !» 2H 2o i3 i 34 4 2(i H 4r> 1(F 6 21 ' ' 4 3.-) 4 2r> 9 44 10 42 22 Q't 3r» 4 24 lo 42 11 12 23 ;r';7 3«i 4 24 11 4o n 40 24 tr^i7 3; 4 23 morn af 10 2") irp{7 37 4 23 37 O 41 26 -7 3S 4 22 1 S 1 44 27 -7 3S 4 2.' 1 4<) 2 44 2S 'ti 7 3!» 4 21 2 IH 3 5rt o^» ni 7 39 1 21 3 i 5 5 "(» ; 7 44» 4 20 3 50 6 16 1 ? 7 40 4 20 4 47 7 23 o W? i 4«> 4 2(» 5 54 8 20 3 ^^^ 7 4o 4 2u 7 H 9 8 4 7 4o 4 20 8 22 9 56 5 7 4(' 4 20 9 34 10 28 (i >{ 7 3'» 4 21 10 44 11 2 7 K 7 39 4 21 li 32 11 5" H T 7 3S 4 22 O' 12 UM). II y T 7 38 4 22 O 32 4t; 10 T' 7 3S 4 22 1 13 1 -.s 11 ^ 7 37 4 23 1 46 2 FA 12 « 4 37 4 2:s .> ).> y, -is 13 n 7 37 4 23 3 •) 4 4'-. 14 1^ *. rf 3»» ♦ 24 3 -.1 » .4i» Be.hjld fond See liere thy pirfnr" I life ! pass some tew voars mun some y floHerint,- sini.ijr— thy summer's ardent slrtMigtb. T'ly sober Auluin.i fidi-Ji i.Mi:i ■Age — And i'.ile conclu.iing 'vVmiui- comes at last And slmis the scene. 1 1 ri (.1 J I'l: w «'AlJLi:s OF illV. '^'nmu ^'^im ^j» OF ENGLAND. ■•••• SIS IB-AJ-ESTV'S MHTIS-EBRS. AXD THK MINISTRY OF IRELAND. I Pi, ( . K ! I I,'; i I :l 20 SOV:0B.BXONS FROM TBS COHTQUTSST. KIV<ix SAME. MK.(.\N I'll KIR RKION. KKKlNtl). Y. M. n. iNOKMVN FAMILV. y\ . ('oii«|!n.'ror, |(»i<) ()( t. II 20 |(» Jfi W. Kiiliis, I0H7 Sept. *J 12 IM 21 fli>iu;> I, IKK) \^|^^ 2 .'i-» i 2l» i?t»'|)lHMI, ll:r> D.r. 1 Irt 10 24 AOK. ! \Vlit'n'Biiii«Hl 43 ♦57 4'J Ciirn. \N iiiclicsjor. Kratliii;;. I*'rv»'isli;iin. Hcmy 2, ili<liiii(i 1, Joint, Henry 3, FMward I, E<Kviinl 2, f'Mwani li, Hit'li.inl 2, rm: swon li.nk kksiohkd. I ivi ()<t. 2r> IIH9 .liilv 6 IU»(» April 10 12k) Oct. l!> 1272 Nov. I«i 1307 .liilv 7 1327 .laii. 25 1377 .lim.> 21 34 9 17 ->r» 34 19 H II 9 O «) 13 O 28 7 21 H 18 4 27 3 S THi: KA.MII.Y OF I.A.NCASTKK. 5.-) F(»ntt'vraiih 43 ditto. 5(> Worcfstcr. 6-> Wrsliniustci rt7 ditto. 43 (ilolK'l'StJT. ♦>.-) Wcstmiiistt'; 33 ditto. H»'iiry 4, Henry 5, Henry <n, 1.399 Sep. 29 1413 Mar. 20 1422 Xiiir. 31 13 9 38 5 20 5 II fi 4 46 49 i Cjinterhnry Westininstci W'ndsof. THK l< AMILY OF YOKK. Edward 4, 1461 Mai. 4 22 1 5 Kdvvard >, 1483 \pril 9 O 2 13 Rirhard 3, 1483 l.iiie 22 2 2 41 12 42 W'iiid.sor. Tower. Ijeicrcster. Henry 7, Henry 8, Ea.vatd 6, Q. Vla.y, t^. Kli/,al)eth, thf: fa.mii.ies imifd. 1485 AiiR. 22 , 23 8 o lo(>9 April 22 1547 Jan. 28 15.'>3 July 6 |.")5S \ov. 17 37 5 9 6 4 4 6 8 II 7 52 % 15 42 69 I Westminster I Windsor. Wesuniustcr dirto. ditto. HOUSE OF STUART. Jar.ies 1, Ctiai les I, Cii iries 2, James 2, \ViMi;im&tMary, Q. Anne, I603 Mm. 1625 Mar. 1649 Jan. 1685 Feb. 1689 Feb. i7>i2 Mar. 24 27 30 6 13 8 22 .3 58 Westminster 23 10 3 48 Winlsoi . 36 7 54 Wesiuinster 4 7 67 Puiis. 13 23 32 NVestininsici 12 4 24 49 ditto. George 1, G< oree 2, Gero (T,. 2, Geori;*' ', HOUSE OF yUELPH. 1714 Auf?. 1 12 10 10 1727 June li 33 4 14 1760 Oet 1820 Jan. 25 29 59 3 5 Cr'd. July 67 I Hanover. 77 j \Vi'stniuistt'r 82 I WijKisor. 9, 1826, Vivat fJex. ixrosT. iVIierrBm n: Tin: FMIKSKNT KO\AL FAMILY OF (JUEAT BRITAIN. Cam. Wimlu'sror, |'rvci«ili.lin. Ftnitfvrault (iitto. Worii'stcr. Wcstiniiistci ditto. (i|onc«'si<-r. Wcstmiustt t tiitto. rHUt«'rlMiry, VVcstiniiislci W'll(l:<or. Windsor. ToWlT. I.ciccstor. \Vc><t minster \Vimls(»r. West minster ditto. ditto. Wt'stminster Winlsoi . Wrsiiimstw Paris. Westminsici «iitt(>. Hanover. Westminster Windsor. Vivat fiex. ^ Tin: Ki.Nc;. Hi« '»^>-t r\rr!lpnt M. ..;»":> (Jkoikt.. rnKfiKKU. IV. ol* lli«- I'nifrd Kin^ '"I.; «.| (iiiai Hritaiu -ii..! Ir.-land, kin:., lUlVndi-r i.t' th-' I'aitl'. Duke ot I.iinc '-f' r and ('MinwiiM. iiiid «>f !1(iI!imi^ in S«ufl.ind. Didic and I'liit* •• tit Minii»\M<H !-iiiicid)iir^4, Kiii'; '»(' M.mkv*'! anil \.< !,-'l'rcjt- surer ol tinlIilN r.onwin Knipiiv. So\«'rL'ij;ii INot. rt«M- (•!" tin' Iniird Stalev < f tlw I.MH.'M Inland'. SovtMrl^n of lli<' Oidfrs nl tli< (Jartcr, Bath. 'I iii^ll". S.. I'atricl.. and llie I huuncri'iii UiU-lphir t)i<l< i. Kn lilil ofthr Oidrrs nftlio U..|\ (Jl o^t ol" rt.inro, (ioldni il«( «•.•, .Mai ia I lu.'- regR. ( li;irl( s 111. yfili • IIon al Ordti.s of Tot tii-ral. I'.'.M-k Katilc i»l T- 1 s- %iti, I I I ol" |)<"iniri k. aii'l m:»u\ othns. KuiU August 1'2, l'i&2. Biiii' D.iv k.'pt on ^:«l. (icoij;*' s i)iiy. \]iiil '2-i. Dukr of V'f'k, Pij). orOsn.ibui;;li. Ildr itpjinnul,. Vnunsit !<>.. lTfi'5 Duki ''T < laKiwT, \ii;:n>t *ll . . ITd.'j Quet :i Dow :i'.'cr ot' \\ irtiMuhnir I^i |>'» ndirr 2!*. . 17'>o I'rin' • ' Sii ,ii.'.;a ^oj)l;;a .Novcjiibtr y..l7<"»S Prio< s of HrsM" IJ ludM-r^-- .May --.. ITTO Duki I'f (^'iiinlx'i laud lone fi. . 1771 Duke o!" >n».rx Janiifwy 27. . 177'J Duk*' oi' ('a!nl)iid<^«» Fclim iry i24. . 1774 Duel • • • ot ( iloM( t>t(r, Api :1 2"». . I T7«> Prin< '• » ^ii|.iiia .Nu\ rnd)ir S. . 1777 Duclu'- f.iriuK ii« !•, August i:^.. I7l>2 DucIk .« ol Kt lit \(i^n-t 17.. 17H<» Duch' (CmidjerliMid .M.Mch ii<'.. 1 7SS Duchr— ol r.tiii'.>rid'j<', Iidy 2'>.. 171)7 Tht.' I'risunipiivr Htirt'ss to flic Biilisjlj ThrouL*, in the fn'>t « olhtti ral iiiancii is TheJ'rilircs Ar.K\AM)I{IV\ V ICIOKIA, of Kt tit. ?,, ^4 loirw .toi.^c.liuru J-^K^ 2-1.. 1819 CMidit n ol* the l.i'.tc IUlk«'OfC«H*l'«.'i:s!KR, \\ lio w^p I >ti,K to His I'rrscnt ;M,\.)\ . 'fhe l'iiitM>j SonriA Matih.a, Horn May 29.. 1773 J'rlii^L' W M. i liEDERic, Duke ol'CiLot CKsriii?,.. ..Ia;iuary 1">.. 177ti HIS MAJESY'S MINISTERS, OF THE CAUlM/r loil orFLi'ON — Lord IlicH Chancellor. Ell of IJAtutouBi — Lortl High President n IT' i il, 'i 22 V-ntI <>r I,ivr»Tpoor . K. (I. — First t.ord (\)inin'r. of the Ticmuicr. F.. rl of \VKH^^;oI!^•.f .\Ni», K. B.— Lonl I'livy rtoal, Hifilit Hoiiouiubli; UoBtnr 1*ekl — Secrctury of btutr for the Home Di I 'I iiicnt. Ri:, I ll(»notirHhle (ibuKCiic Canning — Secrttury of State for tlu- Fo- reign l> itarlinciit. Kiirl IUtiii i{sT, K. O. — SccrolHiy of State for tfir War Dti'irtiiuii Duke (»f WK.iJ.lNGrov, K. (i. C. li. 6n'. — Miister Uenerul of iheOrd nniiee. Hl'^-lit llunoralile F.J. Robinsov— fMiaurellor of the F.xehe(jner. Viscount Mki.lvim.k — First Lord of the Admiriihy. T«!;^ht lliinorahle ('»f\jii.Ks, WArKivs, William \> vnnk — Presideiu of the Board of Control. l»iy:ht lloiiorahle C. B. Batui fisr — Trejisurer of t e Navy. f^i^'ht Honorable Lord BKxmv — Chancellor of the Duchy of Laiv casitr. Right Honorable Thomas Wallace — Master ofthe Miat. NOT OF THE CABINKT. Right Honorable Lord Viscount Palmkhstov, M. V. — Secretary ai War. Rit^ht Honorable Sir C. LoNc;, G. C. B. — Paymaster General of tli( Force.s. iVl.irnul.s of SvLLSBURY, K. G. ? n . n/i ^ /x , r , I. »t > Post-Master Generals. Lord Frkdkkick Movtagijk, ) Riifht Honorable Sir T. Plumkh, Kt. — Master of the Pvolls. Sir I. S. Coi'LKV, Kt. M. P. — Auorney Gciural. Sir CuAhLEs W K THJiUELL, Kt — Solicitor General. MINISTRY OF IRELAND. Lieutenant. The Most ^Joble the Marquis of Wkllksley, K. G. iic. iic. Grand Master of the Most Illus- trious Order of Saint Patrick — Kii;ht Honorable Thomas Lord Manners — Lord ni<:^h Cliancelloi Right Houorable Henry Gollboukn — Chief Secretary. IS- > Lord i; CIVIL LIST or VPrXSR CANADA. A LIST OF TIIR LIEUTEi\A\T GOVEU^OKS, PKKSIDKNTS, AM) ADMIMSTRATORS OF UPPER CANADA. Vr.OM TIIK DIVISION OF THK PROVINCES IN THK YKAll 17l)l TO TJIK I'UKSKNT TIMK. .NV.MKS. nTLi:s. r<il(>iu'l John Cjkwk.s Simcok TIh> iloi)oral>lc I'etkf' Hisski rjcntPiinnt (MMicral Petkk Huvtkr.... Tin' Munonthlc \i,kx\M)kr CJkant His F'.xrollenry Fn\NCis (ioRK M ijor General Sir Isaac Brock, IVl.ijor Gen'l. Sir H. Haik Shkaffk, Bt. M.ijor fJen'l F. Baron <ie HoTTE\Bt'R(in Lii'ut.Gen. Sir Gordon 1)ri'MMond,G. k. B. lArut. Gen'l. Sir Gkorok Murrav, Bt... -Miijor General Sir Fredkrick Phi- ) « IPSK RoBINSO.V, K ('. B ^ His r-xcellency Francis Gork, J he Honorable Samuel Smith I -Major Gen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, ) K. C. B S The Honorable Samuel Smith liMajorGen. Sir Peregrine Maitland, ) K.C. B , y r/ient. Gdv. Prr«.i<Ieii», Lieut, (lov. President, liieut. (iov. President, President, Prfjident, Prov f.t. Gov. Prov. Lt. Gov. Prov. Lt.Gov. Lieut. Gov. Xduiinistrator Lieut. Gov. Adniinistratoi Lieut. Gov. I'rriiitl itf Ac <:ks^ion. .fnlv H i:i)2 .July 21 I7;»6 Vu«f. 17 i:«n» Sept. I I |HU5 Auif. 2.'> iHOft Sept. HO IS II Oct. 20 1.^12 Fune ll> ISI.*? Dec. 13 IHI.S April 25 1815 July 1 1815 Sept. 25 1815 ■lune 11 1817 Vu-. 13 1818 March 8 1820 lune Hi) lb20 ii.i J J A' It J ■ ' I I . , I (.if 1(.i 'ii if' ' I i III n * I Ml * III s 24 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. His Excfllencv Sir Peueorine iMaitlant), Knisbt Coiniuanih^r of »i,- Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Knjolit of the Ru^si.iiij Order of St. George, and of tlic Order of William in the Netljcrlanii?, iic. &ic. k,c. Aifl-deCamp, nwl Private. Sfn-f/rrry— Major Hillikr, 74th Regiment Extra Ai'l-dc-Camp, — Captain Maitland. GOVERNMENT OFFICE. r.DWAnn \tACMAHO>f, Esquire — Chief Clerk. Mr. Psalteni Givens, ) f i,.jj<^^- Mr. Warren Claus, S Kfieper — Isaac Pilkington. Mesievgers — I. Pilkington and William M' Bride. »•#•< MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCII. Tlie Honorable Wir.i jam Campbki.t., Chief Justice — Speaker. The Honorable and Right Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Quebec, s ^ The Hon. &: Ven'ble. Dr. Stracliaii The Hon. W. D. Powell, James Babv, John MGifl, Thomas Taibot, Thomas Ciark, William Dickson, Neil M'Lean George Crookshaiik, ^ f f f '^ ^ * ^ D. D. Archdeacon of Yoia Angus M'Intosh, Joseph Wells, Duncan Cameron, George H. Markhm ', John H. Dunn, Thomas Kidout, William Allan. John Powell, Esquire — Cfrrfc. The Reverend W illiam Macaulay — Chnplain. D'Arcy BoiUton, Juu'r. Esquire — Master in Chancery, attending I'l Lei:istaiivc Council. William Lee, Esquire — Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod: Hugh Carfrae — Door Keeper. Thomas Bright — Messenger. 25 HOUSE OF ASSEiMBLY AND OFFICERS. The Hono»"al>U' John \Vii.?ov — Spenhcr. 11 MKMUEKS FOR WHAT PLACE. RKSIDENCE t\tkiiJ«on, James {nniliain, Zaccheus Jtardslcy, B. C. till ike, Geo. Thew inasloy Richard Jidwoll, M. S. Bal.y. P. 'lark,. John iiiiRTon. Puncan Oieinan, Thomas 'i yslcr John, rnnnninjj, John tiMithergill, Charles Liordon, James Hamilton, Gcorg^e llonior, Thomas IngersoU, (.'harles lloiies, Jonas iTones Charles Ifonesj, David Lyons, James .(•flerty, John J. W'Lean Archibald ^lorri.s, Wm. yicDonell, Alexander kIcCall, Duncan ^liUthews, John McDonald, Donald VkBride, Kdward I'ciorson, Paul IVny Peler Pliiyter, Ely Robinson, John B. I't'xlall, Robert lt<>'ph, John Mick William IhoMison, Hui^h C. "Iionipscm, William 'aiiKoutjhnet, P. Wiihh, V. L. White, Reuben Uilson, James ^Vilson, John U'iilker, Hamdt«m ^Vilkiusou, Alexander Frontenac. iNorthumberland, Lincoln, Carlton, Malton. F ennox &i Addington, Essex, IJncoIii, Cilent^arry, %^ Hastinjxs, Dundas, v^ Town of Kingston, Durham, Kent, Wentworth, Oxford, Oxford, Cirenviile, Leeds, Leeds, Northumberland, Lincoln, Stormont, Lanark, filen^^^airy, Xorlolk, Middlesex, Prescott &. Russel, T«)wn of Nia^^ara, Prince Edward, Lennox k. Addington, Vork ii Simcue, Town of V^ork, Lincoln, Middlesex, Malton, Erontenac, York i^ Simcoe, Stormont, Norfolk, Hastings, Prince Edward, Weinwortli, (Jrenville, Essex, C. Kingston, Amherst, Niagara, Richmond, Burlington, Bath, Sandwich, St. Catharine;?, Williamstown, Belleville, Crysler s Eanu, Kingston, Port Hoi)e, Amherstburg, Hamilton, Bur ford, Oxford, Brockville, Brockville, Brockville, Carrying Place, Stamford, Cornwall, Perth, Cornwall, Victoria, Lobo, Ottawa, Niagara, JLillowell, Frederi«:kshurgh. Yongc Street, York, Queenston. \'ittoria, Wateiloo, Kingston Toronto, Cornwkdl, Vitfoiia, Belleville, Prescott, SaltSieet, Prescott. Sandwich, ' lii y 26 (jlrant Powell Ksquiro — Chrk. 'llic Kt'v. Hubert Adtlisun — Cintplain. Samuel P. Jarvis, lilsquire — Cltrk of the Crowi in Chancery, Mr. Allan iVlcNabb — Strgrant ai Arms. WilUaiti Knott — Ijuor Kcijicr, John Kilev — Messenger. i j )k: MEAIBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The l^Ion \Vm. Campekm,, Chief Justice — Chairman. TlieRt. Ilev. Charles, Lord Bishop olQuebec. The Hon. James Baby. The lion. Peter Koliinson, iiii Venerable Arch-deacon \ J. B. IMacaulav, J. Strachan, D. O, t^ Joseph Wells.' George H. Markland, John Small Ksqnirc" — Clerk oflht Council. John Beikie Esquire — ConJiUcntiul Clerk. J!' u'n'^'' t'' ""''' I (^'l^rks in the Council OJJke. JMr. \y illiam Lee, \ ^ Hugh Carfrae — Door Keeper and Messenger. Airs Anne Bailey — House Keeper^ Lxecutive Council Office ) York, 23, March, 1S26. ] NOTICE is hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Lioutcnanil Governor in Council, that in future, the Eirst Wednesday in every mouth will bo a regular Council Day. JOHxN SMALL, Crk, Lx. Councill PUBLIC OFFICES. RECEIVER GENERAL'S OEFICE. Receiver General, — The Hon. John Henry Dunx. ^. . K Mr. George Hamilton, and ^'^'" " \ Mr. R. \V. Prentice. OCT The Mililia Pensions are paid at the lieceicer GeneraVs Office, INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. Inspector General of Proiincicd Accounts, — The Hon. James Bary. p., . ( J. Scarlet l^squire, a ' Lieri:s,<^ Mr. Andrew Warfie. and OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR. i>rcretarij and liegistrar, — The Hon. D. Cameron. Clerk. — Mr. William Jarvis. SnU'KVOT? nEM'RAL'S PF-P \rxT"\!K\ T. Suriij/ur (ii'ucnd. — Iho Hon. i'n()MA>) Kiooi r. and C/iirJ L!i:r'c, S > ^ v Assislniit Driiffmuiu. — M<'. .1. CJ. CuK^VKTr, Sccoiul Clerk, — Samiki. [IjD.ti t. !-s(iuire, ^,. , ( Mr -Ijliii K,'<1. iilmist, ■ I Mr. B. 'rsir'i'uiMil, Extra Chrl:. — .Mr. .1. r'pCMc;,'-, Deputy Surveyor of U'ooth, — Ihomas i*iti;aiT r require. I LICKN Wii.r.iAM Chlw Burwcll, Mahloii Hootii, .fohii Bmcli. Jolm I^', Kichiird F.mvvoll, Lewis Browne William Bostwick, John licnsou, Samuel M. Black, Hiisrli Birdsall, Kicharci Biut John B()v\ «^r, Thomas T. Cockrell, Richard Cong^'^r, Wilson Caldwell, Thomas Clicwott, James G. Cattanacli, Angus Carrie, Robert Campbell, William Cleaver, James Ceiiison. John Kvcritt, Daniel living, Henry Kliiiore. Publius V. EiTun. Michael Fortune, Joseph Traser, William I airfield, William S. CED DEri'l'Y SURV ETT, Esfinire, is Senior Fraser, Th«niias (riHiiv, r.ewis Galbraith, John (ioci^snian, John Hudson, John H. IFirris, John Huston, John Huijhes, CInistoplicr Hall, .fames Jones, Augustus K<'nedy Charles, Kiiborn, William H. Kirkj)atrifk. James Landan, Asa Loimt, (jiabriel liount, (ieorge McCarthy, Jeremiah Mailet, A<lrian McDonell, Duncan Mount, Koswell McDonell, William Malcolm, Eliak McNaugaton, John McDonell. .Neil Miller, Andrew McDtmald, John S. Merriman, Isaac EVORS. Deputy Surveyor. Mr Donahl. .foi.n .Mclnlosh. Alexandev .Mr(iiliis, John .Ni( kail. .Fami'S Park, Shu!).d Preston, f(uoen Pennock, John Quinn, Owen Ridout, Sanmcl Rider, .(ohn Ryckman. Sanmcl Ritchie, Josias Rankin, Charles Richardsc n, Sanmcl Rykert. (ieorge Smith, Thomas Smith, Ffcnry Smith, Sanuiel Shaw, Claudius Swalhvell, .Vnthony Smyth, John Stcrrett, James B. TilVaity, (ieor<;e S. \N ihnot, Samuel S. White, John E. Wrijiht, Richard West, James l! Government Ifoii<!n York, 9, June, 182<>. THE undermentiont^d Oerttlcmen are appointed the Agents of the Surveyor General in the several Districts, lor issmng^ to persons desi- 28 nniH i ■!! rous of receivini!^ g^ranls of the wastelands of the Ciov, under the ro gulalions recently established by order of His Majesty s (jovernmeiit the forms prescribed under tlie Order in Council of the 2ist >'ovenibei 1825, and the furtlier requisite information. Eastern District. Donald IM'Donell Es(i.— Cor«MY///. Oltaua District. Alex. M'Donell Esq. — Hawkesbury liathurst District. Thomas hadenhurst — Perth. George Lyon — Jiichmond. Charles Shorifie, Esq'rs. — Fitzroy. Johnstown District. Adiel SherA\ood Esq. — Brorkvillc. Midland District. James H. Samson — litlleville, David Hankin, Esquires — Kingston Newcastle District. Edward J. Boswell — Cof)ourg. Thomas A. Sluart, Esq'rs — Douro Gore District. John Burwell, Esq. — Ancaster. Niagara District. John Crooks, B'^sq. — Niagara. London District. Mahlon BurweW,— Port Talbot James Mitchell, Esq'rs.— I 'i//orifl, iyester7i District. Charles Askin Esq. — Sandwich. Auditor General of Land Patents, — Stephen Heward, Esquire, Agent in London for paying Salaries of > ^^ ^ ^ j. Civil ({ffic'jrs. 5 Pi inter to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, — Robert Stantox, Esq LAW DEPARTMENT. ;i!i!t I 'II COURT OF king's BENCH. Chief Justice,— The Hox. William Campbell, Puisne Judges. ^ D'A^cv Bol-ltov, Esqmrc, '^ ( Levius p. Sherwood, Esquire, Attorney General. — .Tohn B. Robi.vsov, Esquire, Solicitor General, — Henry J. Boultomt, Esquire, Reporter to the Court of King's Bench, — Thomas Taylor, Esq. Keeper, James Bridgeland — Usher, John Riley. CROWN OFFICE. Clerk of the Crown and Common P^rr/v,— Charles C, Small, Esq. Deputy Clerk of the Crown, — Mr. James M. Cawdkll. 29 DISTRICT DEPUTY CT.ERKS OF THE CROWN. Eastern District ) ^. , K„A^..a..,> Ottmva, \"" C.corgc Andc.son. Johnstown, Adicl Sl.crwood, Bnthurst, AIexan(!er Fraser, Midlmid Alexander Prinjjle. Newcastle Elias Jones, Gore, Andrew Stevens Niagara, J. B. Clench, London, James Mitchell, Wtslern, Charles Askiu — Esquires. LIST OF BARRISTERS. J. B. Robinson, Attorney General, H, J, BouLTON, Solicitor General, William Dickson, sen. John Powell, Allan McLean W. W. Baldwin William Elliot D'Arcy Boulton jun. Tliomas Ward Hamilton Walker B. C. Beardslcy John Tenbroeck Samuel Sherwood James Woods Junas Jones Cicorg'e Ridout C. A. Hagerman Archibald McLean David Jones, Samuel P. Jarvis Daniel Jones jun'r. John Breakenrid^je Thomas Butler George S. Boulton D. Sheek Win. Z, Cozens Francis Rochleau Thomas Taylor Benjamin Fairfield S. Washburn Robert Dickson James E. Small M. S. Bidwell Alexander Stewart George Rolph A. N. Buel John Rolph Robert Bcrrie James B. Macaulay George Macaulay Wm. Dickson jun'r George S, Jarvis Daniel McMartin Donald Bethune James H. Samson Daniel Farley M. F. Whitehead David Wm. Smith Samuel Merrill -*♦*•#•■*•*• ATTOK.Mi:S. Isaac B. Sheek Alexander Wilkinson James Nickalls, lan'r. Tiiomas Radenliurst Charles C. Small Henry Cassidy jun'r. George Mallock James Boulton R.>l>ert Cline Richard Robi'ison Marcus Burritt Alexander C'hewett Robert Baldwin John Boswell John Cartwright Joseph McLean Charles Richardson Allan N. McNabb Alex. Wilkinson John Lyons. Robert E. Burns William Notman [Esquires. Richard P. HoUiam David L. Fairfield I . II A"i:'T? 30 Thomas Wanl Tliomas .S|)ai'liam Pi'trt La Force \V. W Baldwin John Fn-frnson Donald IMcnerniid Jamos Mitchell Walter Nirhol Stephen Heward Charles Canvreau Joscpli Fortune NOTARIES PUBLIC. John fiircli \V Elliot Alexis Maisonville Amos McKcnney Jonas Jones Hamilton Walker Daniel Jones John W, Ferguson P. F. Hall Jo;in Clark John McFarhine Benjamin Delisle Simon Waihburn Robert Smith Rcibert Stanton John Bnrwell Josepli K. Hartwell oheri Dickson Allan McNabb Henry Smitii [Esquires COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS In (he. Courl of Kins' s Bench. Enslern District. Alexander Wilkinson Archibahl McLean Guy C. Wood Peter Le Roy Wm. Z. Cozens George Anderson. D. C. C, Joseph Anderson Philip VanKoughnett Sanuiel Anderson George Cline John Crysler IVillimmburi^h, John P. Crysler Peter Shaver George S. Jarvis, — Esquires. Bnthurst District. George Hume Read George T Burke James Boulton Charles Sache ThouMs Radenhurst, Perth Samuel Ormsby, Richmond George Lvon do A Eraser*, D. C. C. Pfir///— Esq'rs Johnstown District. Jon MS Jones E. Hubble Dauifl Jones Hum I Won Wnlker William Morris Alexander Thum Roderick Matheson ^Villiam Jones Joseph K. Hartwell Thomas D. Campbell Alpheus Jones Joel Stone James Burrett John P Crysler Andrew N. Buell George Mallock Jolm Weather head — ^Esijuires. Midland District. John \y. Ferguson James Nickalls, jun'r. Philip F. Hall George Macauiay Thomas Pnrker John Ferguson James H. Samson Rob.rt Smith Joshua B. Lockwood John M'Cuaig Andre\s Deacon Simon M^icaulay S nnuel Mfirill John Lowe John R. V Douell Willi >'-.Kirk|.atrick H'H'v J. she" Wm. J. F'lirheld M. S. BidnoU 111 n 31 Archihiild McDonell H. (". Kobisoii. Thdinas O'Farroll, Ki)ii2;.ifon (JtMtiijo MrKen/.ip, liilhvUIr .la's. (i. DemorosJ — Ksquircs. Stwrnstlt District. Ji.Ini Peters Thomas Ward (uor-re S. Boulton .lotiii Burn I'-lias J<»HCS, I). C. C. (rcdi'^'e Deacon Robert ('. Wilkins John Boswell M. V. n'hitehcad James Black AVilliani H. Draper — Esquires. Home District, .Tames B. Macauluy >imon Washburn Bobert C'Imrles Home ^Villia^) B. Robinson Donald Bethune .lames King James E. Small George S. Boulton Thomas Taylor Ja's M. Cawdell John Scott ^Villiani Parsons— Esquires Gore District. Tliomas Taylor 'norge Kolph James Crooks Robert Berrie John Law Allan N. iVlcNabb James Durand jun'r. Andrew Stevens. I). C. C. .John Biirwell, Ancmter, Thomas II. Taylor — hlsquircs. XioiXfira District. .Tames Muirhead Ralph Clench Thomas McCormitk Robert Dickson Samuel Street ) affidavits Hon. Tho's Clark. ^ only. Hon Wm. Dickson Jos B. Clench. D. C. C. Alexander Hamilton, Qiteemfov, Wm. H. Merrill. St. Catharines, Jacob Keefer, Thorold, C. Richardson — Es<juires. London District. James Mitchell, D. C. C. John Rolph Mahlon Burwell Thomas Hornor John B. Askin James Hamilton Allan N. McNabb — Esquires, IVesteni District. J. B. Bal)y William El iott Joseph O. Dell, Westminster, John Tenbrocck, do. — Es(iuires ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT. CLERGY OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. i^' li 1 ;! EASTERN DISTRICT. Co/uua//.— The Rev. J. S. Mountain, A. B. Chaplain to the Lord Bishop, Mntilda.—Tbc Rev. F. Myers, fi'illiamsburgk &.C.— TheRev, J. G. Weagant. t 32 . ,.,'1 )^!' JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT. Jifockville . &ic. — Th.? Rov. J. Wenhaiti, Bcverli/, &ir. — The Rov. R. films, Prescott, 6u:. — The Rev. R. Blakcy. BATIIURST DISTRICT. Perth, &tc.— The Rev. M. Harris, A. M. Richmond. — The Rev. J. Byrne. MIDLAND DISTRICT. Kingston, — The Rev. G. O. Stuart, Archdeacon of Kingston, Erneslown, iLr. — The Rev. .1. Stou^hton, Adoljihnstown, &w. — The Rev. J. Deacon. BdkvUle he.— 'Vac Rev. T. Campbell, Carryin^ Place ( Township \r^.-^ . ^. of Murray) Uc. ^ ^ ''*' "^^ ' "' " ^"^*^' NEWCASTLE DISTRICT Cobourg, k.c. — The Rev. Wm.Macaulay, Cnvan, kr. — The Rev. T. Thompson, Peterborough, he. — The Rev. S. Armour, HOME DISTRICT. York, — The Hon.&i Rev, J. Struchan, D. D. Archdeacon of York, The Rev. T. Phillips, D. D. Master of the Royt' Grammar School h District School. GORE DISTRICT. Ancaster h Barton, — The Rev. R. Leeming, Missionary to the Mohaivks > ^j^^ j^ ^^ „ on the Grand River ^ >=> * NIAGARA DISTRICT. Niagara, U''. — Tlie Rev. R. Adilisou, A. M. Assistant Missio7iary at Niagara. — Tlie R-jv. T. Creen, Grimsf)y, hr. — The Rev. A. N. Bethuue, Chippnwn, hr. — Tlie Rev. W. Leeming, Waterloo, Fort Erie he. — The Rev. J, Leeds. LONDON DISTRICT. SI. Thomas (Kettle Creek) he. — The Rev. A Mackintosh, WESTERN DISTRICT. Anherstburgh. he. — The Rev. R. Rolph, Sandwich, he. — The Rev. R. Short, Chatham, he. — The Rev. T. Motley. CHAPLAINS TO THE FORCES. Kingston, — The Key. R. Tunn-,;y, York, — The R^ v. .f. Hu-i.-on, \. M. Fort George, ( acting )^'l'hQ Rov. T. Ilundcock, A. B. CO I Thol :iERG^ i n J ( J 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 23 CORPORATION FOR SLTERrNTCNDING AND MANAGING THK CLERGY RESERVES. The Lord Bishop, The Establishoil Clerfjy, Tl'.e Inspector General of Provincial Accounts, The Surveyor General, bfrreinn/ — Slejihen Ileward, Esq. A<j;rnls, — The Resident Clergy in tlie several Districts, The Meetings of the lioard are held lour times in tlie Vear at York— tn I i» 111 St Tuesday in the months of February — May — August— and suvcnibcr. IS. B. A General Meeting is he d in February. ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGY IN UPPER CANADA. The Right Reverend Alex. MeDonell — Bishop of Riiuesina, Gleiif^amf — The Rev. Angus McDonell, Ftrth,—'\'hv Rev. .John MeDouell, 6.'. Andrncs lii. Cornivnll, — The Rev. Jolm O'Mara, Kilifrslon, — The Rev. \V. Eraser, Pclerburough, — Tlie Rev. J. McCrowley, Sandioicfi, — The Rev. M. Crevier. :leroy in communion with the established church of scotland rksident in upl'kk canada. Williamslown. — The Rev. .1. Mckenzie, Lovhie!, — Tiie Rev. .1. McL.iurin, Cornwall, — The Rev. U rquhart. SURROGATE COUaX. Official Principal, — Grant Pibweil Esquire. Registrar, — Stephen Heward Esquire. DISTRICT. Eastern Ollnwa Johnstown B'llhurst Midland Newcastle Home Gore Niagara London Western SURROGATE. Hon. N. McLean David Pattie Jonas Jones Jonas Jones Alexander Fisher Thomas Ward W. W. Baldwin Thomas Taylor Alex. Hamilton J. Mitchell REGISTRAR. Archibald McLean R. P. Hotham George Mallock Henry Bradfield George Macaulay M. F. Whitehead W illiam Chewett George Rolph Ralph Clench F. L. Walsh •■! ■ ' iii f^ I : i u Wm. Hands— Esquires. Cha's Askin— Esquires. ' I' 3-i !'l II C0'TMI=i«5»nvrT^«; rMVr< \rT.S 0' ^vnT.IAMENT. tiKi*' A ■•■ ■> uK\ iz:;»: m t. Thr CliM.I Ju.Mii. .— lie H i Vv'.lll.uii f'.iniplR'lI, '11... !»..; ,. . I . i 't '^ A; cv Kwiiton Ksnuirt.-, I l.rvius 1'. ^hi'iNvnod, hH(|nire. I'liC Hon. &. ucv. Dr. .Srracli.iii, Hon Tlioinas Iii«l(«ut, J;iino< JJ i»»y. .F. li. Macaulay, L'lcr/c Julin Beikie Esquire, rOMMlSSIONRS I NDKR 58. GEO. III. C 12. Vesting the Eslntes of certain I'ntilor.i, anil also of persons declared Aliens in His Majesty. The Hon .Tames Baby, Tlie Hon, Win. Allan, GfMtrj^e Crookshank, (Jrant J'owcU, Kscj. 1*. ii(jl>insi)n, C'hrk, .J. B. M.icaulay, V.fn]. Special liecciver, Hun. .losejjh Wells. Note — The Coniini.s.sioncrs Meet the; First Tuesday in the Months oi January, April, .July, and November. iprilj Jdiltl >'allia| K. W. Pitkin i\iit;u} Clunl lianii Aiitlio Jl. L COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED TO ADMINISTER THE OATH ■' ' I I Eastern District. Hon. Neil McLean Joseph Anderson Alex. McMartin Guy C. Wood Ja's Prins^le, Esquires. Ottawa District. George Hamilton Alexander Grant Jno M'Donell, Esq'rs. Johnstown District. Joel Stone H imilton Walker Adiel Sherwood VVm. .loncs, Esquires. Bathnrst District. George T. Burke William iMarshall WiUliam Morris OF ALLEGIANCE. C. H. Saciie, Esquires, Midland District. Thomas Markland Thomas Parker Cha's. Hayes, Es(|'rs. Neweaste District. Walter Boswell Elias .lones Zaccheus Burnham C. Hayes, Es^quires. Home District. John Sni.iU Grant Powell W. B. Robinson Ja's. Black, Esquires. Gore District. James Crooks Abraham Nelles Tlio's. Taylor, Esq'rs. Niagara District. Tiiomas Dickson James Kerby John Warren Warner Nelles, Esq'rs. London District. Hon. Tliomas Talbot James MitcJH.'ll Geo. C. Salmon Mahlon Burwell John Backhouse C. In£jersoll, Esq'rs. IVestern District. Hon. Ang-us Macintosh John Bapliste Baby William Duff James Gordcm John Dolson, Esquire? H H }i }] .1. C on. (HI, on. , .1. I B. F lark P.J o HE OATH 35 MEDICAL BOARD, l'M)KR 08 &: '/J fJllO. III. Cliristtiplirr Widnicr, (iiaiit I'owcll, \\ illiaiii Lyons, J.inics S.iin>on. Will. \N iirrcn buUUviii, R. I'. Ilorin-. Ksquiics. Secretary, W illiam L«'o, Ksquirf. "Suit — The Boiiid inet'ts at York, 011 tlie first Mtiiulay in .Lumary, ipril, July, and Ortolii r. LinnlinUs passed In/ l/ic Board and allowed to practice. Armstrong Jiiliii (iilrhrist Nalliani.'l Bril v.. W ritkini; liiosl Auijiislns .Miller (harlrs Duncoiiih liiiriiianus Smith Aiitlmny Morlaiid (lioryc Baker U. L. Cockvolt flirain Weeks Llam Sti-inson Sanuiel Tlirorkniortou .Matthew ('. dilehrist John \'anderp«)ol C'hamieey Beedle (). (i. TitVany Alexaiuh r huinside J. Adainson Horace ^'eoman Andrew Austin Freeinau Kiddle Samuel (iilehtitit Samuel \\ oodruir Thomas I). Morrison S. U . Aviiy l)a\id .1. Bowinun W. Brme Tliomas Moore A. Van l\\ck, Cicnt'n. PUBLIC IiNSTITUTIONS. BANK OF UPPER CA.NADA. (Cliarlcred by Act of Parliamiut.) The Honorable \\ illiam Alla.v, President. DIRECTORS. Hon. James Baby, John Monro, Hun. (ieorge Crookshank, ^^illiam Proudfoot, Htm. Joseph W ells, D. Boulton, Junr. H. J. Boulton, Solicitor General, Hon. J. H. Dunn, fieccivtr General* J. B. Robinson, Attorney General, Robert C Anderson, riiarJes C Small, John J. Daly, S. P. Jarvis, J. S. Baldwin, Esquires, Thomas Gibbs Ridout, Esquire, Cashier, Mr, JosKPH VVe.nham, Book Keeper^ R C. Hoti.NE, Esquire, Teller, Mr. Francis Ridout, Dis^t. Clerk, John Mosloy — Messenger . Office at Kingston — ^Joh.v Macaulay, Fsqnirc, Cashier, Office at Niagara— J Ho>i\s JVPCormick, Esquire, Cashier, \. ,:»! If 1 f. ' ;v:i; I!. 36 WELLAND CANAT. TOMPANY. (Chnrlti'cil.) The HonoruMt' John Hknio Dln.v. Vnaithut, Tlic lluiiurnbk' Wii.i.i AM Ai.i-.\n, Via J'rtxtiltnt, l»IUKCT(H;s. J. B. Il(tliinsoi), (MM»rt;o Kcvfrr, Jl« nr\ J. Houlton, >Viliiuin H. Mt-rritt, Khqiiirce. Julin Clark, \\ illiain Hamilton Mtrritt, l'.fn\i\\rc—Agtnt. Mr. .I()s«i>h \\ iiiiiain, — Srrrclanj. DKSJAIIDLNS (ANAL COMPANY, (Cfinrtrrp(i) Tho TIonoral)lc J. B. MArAUi.w. DIrrrlnr &i Prcxitlcnt. .Iamks Duuam), J:^s<|Mir(.'. nirertor i>L lice Prt.iidtnl, DIRECTORS. flrant Powrll, Ak'.xmulor Chowett, Esquires. William Applfg'arth, James Durand, jun'r. Ks(niirc, Ht.rrttnry. TRU.STEES OF THE GENERAL HOSPITAL OF U. C. Tlic Hon. The Chief Justice, The Hon. John H<nrv Dunn, James Jiaby William Allen, &, Kev. Dr. Strachan, J. B. Robinson, Esquire. George H. Marklaiid, SOCIETY FOR RELH:F OF STRANGERS IN DISTRESS Ai YORK. Palron — His Exckllexcv The Lieutenant Governor Sir P. Maiti.and, President — The Hon. Chief .Iustice Campbell, risilors — Hon. Col. Wells, — Hon. J. U. Macallvv, Trcasiinr — Hon. \Vm. Allan, Srrrtlnrij — James Fit/Gibbon, Esq. Dislribulor of t lie Funds — Alexander ^Vooo, Esq. — -QO^^- DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS. iPrt.t/frn.. Donald MrDonell, 0/ /''/«"«.. Alex. McDonell, .Bfr//<f/rA/.. James W. Powell, Johnsiou'n.,3o\\\\ Stuart, Midlnnd.,.)ohn McLean, JS'ciccastk . ..Tohn Si)cnccr. SHERIFFS. Home . , Samuel Ridout, 6?orc.. William M. Jarvis, A7ft;jfflfrfr .. Richard Leonard, 7^o7u/o«,. Abraham A. R;>i)eljo, U'isltrn, . William Hands, Esquire«. f, nt. squires. ihnl. Hi, quires. U. C. 3(11111, J/ f-dslprn, ., ,, H-' ^-st;,:; ;^ '■•'•■■'-«".. • A. II.,o,, ,,„.,„ > ^'^'t'r'.pj>j I, , ' ■^''•'^- ''isiuT, ( .... ^'"^ : ?.""""s ua„,; ' . ^'"/v,,;;;;; /;h;>nK,s Tavw, f-/'<'«ar.j, m'K, /; -liu' •SS n, riii *,t! TRE\SIREKS OF DISTRICTS. Eastern, Hon. iNeil McLean }loinc, J Ion. William AUao^ Otlauu, riK)ui.;s Mears Uore, Cieoit^e Ha.-, liion. J( 'tisloivn, ,.m. Adiel Sherwood, jSinanra, .... T. Mcl'ormick, hnlhursl, John Watson, Lo)tiioii John Hinris, Midltnid, Tho's. Markland, llenltni, .... VV.Hiruis. NtwcastlCf .. . Z. burnhaiu, Esquues. r INSPECTORS OF BEEF AND PORK. Eastern George Grant, (Jliinva ~— — — Gore, W. Dufl" Miller Niagara,,.) I'. Bcrcier, ( .-. Muirhead, JiilinsUnvn, .. Oliver Everts, Mtdlnnd, ... Henry Murney, J. ii. Lockwood, iJ«//t, London, .... Heniy V. Allan, Newcastle, ,. litstern, ... JosepuC. Lewis, Home, .... INSPECTORS OF FLOUR, POT, AND PEARL ASHES. William Dufl' Milk v < William Dufl' ^^»g"ra,..'^j Muirhead, Ensiern .... Ottawa, .... Jo/j'it/ow'jj... Bartholomew Carley, Gore, Midland .,.. Henry Murney, London ... ^cucastie, .. William Sowden, H'tsteru, .• Joseph C. Lewis, Home, ..... ■ — ^ COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. Riviere aux liaisin Connvall,.,,. Prtscott, liivckrille,.,, . Giinanoqui,,, Kingston,,,.. Hidlowell,,, ,, JidkviHt Net east ie, ... Furl Jivj^ie,,. . York Johu Cameron, John Crysler, Alpheus Jones, \\ illiain Jones, Joel Stone, C A. Hagerman, Andrew Deacon. Robert Smith, VV m. M. Bullock, JNl. F. Whitehead, Hon. Wm. AUau, Burlington Day John Chisholra,! Niagara Tho's McCoriiii| (^ueenston,., . Robert Grant, Chippawa,,. . Robert Kirkpatrj Fort Erie,.... John W^arren, CharlolteviUe, J. Mitchell, Dover, ...... G.J. Ky erse, Fort Talbot, Mahlon Burwcl!] Ainhersthurgh John Wilson, Handwich,,.. Wm. Hands, Drwti'd Island T. G. Andeisonl EsquJn'ii H Oil John 59 3PECT0RS OF SHOP, STILL, AXD TAVFRN LICKXCL^, itrrn,. . . IN OH (lira, . . Jolnislotvn, }l:;hursf, . Mid.'i'iul, [on. Nei'; McLean, (jorr, ,u n Wil son, Thomas Mcars, Olive. Emts, Antiior.y !jf\s.>l)c John Cuiiimui!: Lo III/ all,. It'cslrrn, t'dO ?5V..1V7.t\ ino> Mitchell, Williiuii tlii'.i(i»', .1 W'fl^i It,, . Elias .Jonp.s, a' Drum d Islaud, T, Home ■ • • • • • Williuni \ll;.n. \r:.unson. ijuircs. REGISTRARS OF COUXTIi: FOR DEKDS oF BAFlGAIN AND sVLK. Prpsrntt, and fhisscll • •••••••< H. v., Gh iM'trrij Tohii .MoDom!!, Slor'iiont and Duudas, Arciiihaid >li-Leaii, L'tii ii'h (it'(irf;e, T. li;ir'.;e, Grt nritlt, A. P.^lu n, Lt' Is D. JoM'^S Citrlion Alex.'uid.':)' McMillan. Frontenar, Pr Edward, HnsUnga ) Lninux and Add'ni3:'on. s Allun M<;L('at h'»r'h>nnherland Georfr*.' S. Bouitou, Dii'-h'tm , Thoinns Ward, York nnd Simcoc, . • ••*•••» Stei I'm .f-.irvis It't'ittivort/i and llalUm, Tame* Durinid, Liiir. In L)hi; Powt'll, Orfird T'loiiKt.- Muldlesrx M I'l.ii nor. Biii'ucU, Nur/ollc r L. Walsli LV.'iv.r , lohn Haivis Ktnl, .Tiis. Richardson — Esquires EOVRD FOll THE GEN' RAf. SUPERfNTENnVNCE OF EDI CATION IV I PPI:R CANADA Hon ^ Venerable Dr Strachan, D D I1(>m. Thomas Ridout, Joseph Wells, Rev. Robert A Idison, Gcorg^t H. M.irkland, John B. Robinson. Esq. ROYAL GRXMMAR SCHOOL AT YORK Head Master. — The Rev. T ■ mas Phillips, D. D. BOARD OF iiOLCATION. Eastern District. Johns.'own District: Donald McDonald, The Rev. I ul.'.ey, Archibald McLean, Esquires, Ottawa Dis'rict. John McDoucU, Esquire, f^hifihoi! Hiibblc, J .li.i .1 .vs, K. Buttum. '«|i I "!!;. iii!;i . .11 ^ I , "I:/!' M 1' I i; ;|'. .vP'i' I : ; > • I ('ill' 5«;' r li I; ( II I .1', n ,in Joel Stonp. — T!squirp«. ii iiiiu:-^'. Uinrlcl. Tli(? Rev. IM. Haiiis, W ili. lai Morris, Anthoiis' Lesslie, Altxiuiilcr McMillan, Ceofge II. ilead, — Fl-q<iire3. _ Midland Dhtrid. The Rev. Archdeacun Smart, C A ILigtMniin, .1; nics .Saniusun, Alexan<ie. Fisljor, Tiioiims DoilanH, — Esquires. l{nine Di.tlrid. Grant Powell, Esquire, 49 The fTon. L, Rev. Dr Strachau, Hon. Uilliain Aiinn, Gore District. Elija'i SeconI, Daniel OTicilley, — E^qaires. London District. John Backhouse, Jol'iii Roiph. J. a. Askin, James Mitchell, George C. Salmon, Esquires. Hester It lAslrict. The Hon An^us Mcintosh, ^Villiani Hands jun'r. Esquires. CENTRAL SCHOOL OF UPPER CANADA. PATi;(JN. His Excklle.ncy the Eikl'tevavt (jovervok, Major GevkhalSir P. Maitland, K. C. B. cic. i>:-c. &:c. TRUSTEES. • The Hon. Lieutenant Colonel Jos(>ph ^V» lis. The Hon. Thom-is Ridout Surveyor Gi ncritl, John Beverly iiobinson Esquire, Altormy Civncrnl, TRUSTEES or PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Hon. &. Rrv. Dr. Strachan is appointed a Trustee of the Public Sciioois in every District throughout the Province. Eastern Diitrirt. E. !n)ttum, Esquires. Ja's. Sampson, Esq'rs. The Rev. S. Mountain, Tlie Hon. .N. MJ.ean, S.iruucl Anderson, .lusej;h Amlerson, .](»i;ii (^vsler. A. M'Mi'llan, Esq'rs. Oftnwa District. Alexander M Dondl, (J" i-gt! Ilanii.ton, Ch.M !n^ ShrrriiV, R. P. Hotham, Jo'ii Keariis, Es(|'r.«. Johnstowu Hi strict. T!-e H'n . .L Bhdvcy, Eiaathan Hubbeil, •.•onas .loue.s, Neivcndh District. W.dti V Bosuell, ZaiT^K'u'! FJurnhiim, R(,'.frS lionry. District Jrmes H. Powell, George T. Hoike, Willmnj Mar^i.all, WillMam Morris, Eliji.- .^ ^nvi, H. <.Jraham, Esquires. John P.,te'\s, Tlie Ilev. Mr. !larris. Leonard Soper, Midland District. Asa Barnum, All:u» .M'Loan, Thoniiis Miirkiand, Ali'xander Fislier, Thomas Dorhiud, Ell. IS Smith, Jolni Bleeker, Esq'rs. Petcrtmro''. Thonias .\. Stewart, Hon. G. H. MirlJand, Cliarles Rubri Ige, The Rrv.G.O Stuar(, Ro!)ert Read, Es<|'rs. John MacKu'oy, Tiic Rev. J. Crn^^n^y, C. A. Hagi'rman, .G. 11. Reade, Esquire > 4 DAI Thf TlK The J. B. D.B<| Jamc Home District. D' \\ry Boulton, Sen'r. .lolai Sinull, Esq'rs. T hf Hon. D. Cameron, Thf Hon. J. Biiby, Til'- Hon. L Rev. Dr. Striichan, The H 'P. T. Piidout, .1. B. Robinson, D. BouUon, .I'r. Esq'rs Gore District. .Tames Crooks, 41 James Racey, .lohn Wilson, Matthew Crooks, Thomas Taylor, William Kllis, Esq'rs. Niai^arn District. The Hon. W. Dickson, The Rev. R. Adihiisou. Tlte Rev. W. LcfMiiing-, Richard Leonard, Thomas CWimming's, James Muirhcad, Ralph Clench, Esq'ii London District. Mahlon Harwell, John Bostwick, Joseph Rversou, J. Mitrh.'ll. John Rolph, J. Harris, Esquires. IVcslcrn District. The Hon. .Fames Baby. The Hon. A. M'latosh, Alex. DutV, Esquire. DISTRICT SHOOLMASTERS. Er>.'ifprn.,.,The Rev. — Urcjuhart, Home 'I'he Rev. Dr Phillips. Oltnwn .... The Rev. J. M'Laurin, Gore .\I. Law, Johnstown.. JVmi^arfl . ..The Rev. i\I. Creen, Bttlinrst . . . The Rev. .John Stuart, London .... (J. J. Ryerson, Midland . . . Geor;Te Baxter, Itcstern . . . D. Robertson, Esquires. Xciccastle . . The Rev. W. Mucaulav, AGENTS FOR ISSUING York Andrew Mercer, Qnecnston .... Thomas Dickson, Kinirston John Cumming^, Cornwall loseph An'lerson, Sandwich ^Vi]liam Hands, IVll I inmshur»;h ..lohn Crysler, Brockville .... MARRIAGE LICENCES. Frcderirlcsfiurgh . John Clarke, Port Hope Thomas .Ward, Pcrt/i , \Villiam Morris, Ancastcr Matthew Crooks, Grimsby Henry Nelles, Bath William M'Kay, BdleviUt Thcmas Parker. iil; ^ilii COMMISSIONERS OF THE PEACE FOR THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS. The, Judges and Members of the Legislative and E.tecutive Councils, in each and every District. Eastern District. Jeremiah Ftench Allan M'Donell Alexander M'Millan S;nnuel Anderson All m M'Doneli David Sheek Ja;<>b Weaj^er William Fraser John Corbett John M'Intire John M'Donell John Stewart Peter Lc Roy Juhn Crysler Donald M Aulay Joseph An lerson Laurence M'Kay Benjamin French All)ert French Alexander M'Kenzic Abraham Marsh John Cameron John Waldroff W^illiam Morpfan Alexander M'Martin Duncan M'Donell it I if. 42 liii ir, .... it: II'- :i:! iJuyC. Wooa Aloxaixler Rose CJcorjio Hamilton Joiiii iM'DonclI Ambrose Blacklock Allan Cameron Alexander Cliisholm Alexander Fraser •Tolm M'Gillivray Alexander Wilkinson •lames Prin£;]e D. 'rhomjjson, Eifj'rs. Ollaivri District. Joh.. M'Doufll G<'or<je Hamilton David Pat lie Alexantler CI rant Josoi)!: Kellogfj Philo Hall Peter F. LeRoy .fol-.n Brush, Siuuni Van Kleek Cliauiicey Johnson Jolm Chesser David M'Doncll Rov Aiiel Waters Charles Waters Cliarles Shorrill' .Iove])h Cass Elihu Cass Josepli Cluulcs John Paston Jolm Kearns A. Landrieau, F-sfps Joh nsto wn Dislric! . Joel Stone Gideon Adams Trufman Hicock St» pheu Burritt Charles Jones William Jon.s David Breakenridge Richard Arnold Ihi Srhovill Phillip Phillips 1-ewis Grant Silvester Wrieht Benjamin R. Munsell Hi* hard D. F'raser Heman Latidon Thomas Fraser Alexander Thorn ^Villiam Marshall Ah'xander iVIorris ^Valter F. Gates Thon^as D. Camphojl Rnlns C. FIen<ierson William Wells Adiel Sherwood Abrahant Dayton Alexander M'Alillan Alexander M\Millan of Antsusla, Podoriek Ka ;ton Gcon^e T. Burke (reor<;e ,1. Joynt W illiam B. Hradlrv Jiime., D. Weatlieihy James P(i\v(>l! Andrew Donaldson Knrtholomevv Carley \\ illiam Morris John B Monk Joseph Maxwell Ilerhert \\ hitmaish Jdsias Taylf)r Sewcll Onnsby Benjamin Street Franeis T. f.elievre Roderiek Matthesoa John Watson John M'Kay Alexander Fraser Anthony Lesslie Donald Fraser John Alston Thomas Consitt Georrje F. Flliott \\ illiam H. Bottum Trueman Herd Jlenry Burrit Phillip Dnlmaufc Terence Smith Jonathan Fulford. jun. J. Weatherliead, jun. Justus S. Mirwin Archibald MLean Cliarles aM- Donald Alpiieus Jones Benjamin De Lisle Cliarles Saehe James Graham Henry Joiiea of r,rr>rkv!!h\ Fbiathan Hu!»l)le Francis H. Cumminc^ And'w. Wilson, I -s(|'rs. Bdlhursl District. Alexander Thom ^Vil!iam Morris W Illiam Marshall Georj^e T, Bnike Jonas Junes Georere H. Read Alexander M'Millan (ii.()i-..o G. Jo\ lit Wiiiirin H. Biatiley Jame;> D. \\ eafh.erby John B. Monk Joseph M.'.xwell Heiljert Wliitmarsh Jnsias Taylor Scweli Oini'by Francis T. Leiicvre John Wat'ion Ri^doiick Matth.eson Joiai !\Mvay Alexander Fraser Anthony Lesslie Jiihn Alston Thomas Consift (ieorge F. F.'liott Benjamin De Lisle Charles Sache Henry Graham Fi-ancis IL Cnmming; Andrew Wilson Jonas Jones George H. Read Christopi!er Bell Andrew Donaldson Robert Stevens, Fsq'rs. Midi ami District. R.ihert Clarke lexani > iiniiel Cliristoj (oiiiilh Charles M B. ."S 'Ciiaik's , All,in 1\] ; Jaiiu's & Aiithonj Joli.) M, AlexaiKJ ^ihioon •■'>ii!i (je 43 icvre >tt -le iinni; II ;on id. ArrtiibalH M'Doncll Dtiia'i \Vrii,dit W illiaiii .lolinsoii ]\u\nn WilliHiiis Alt'xaader Fisher John Kinbiiry .IdIiii StinflOn, jnu'r. Th.'inas Markland John Cuinnung William Craw lord Jiiool) H. Chamberlain St( phcn Congrr Corn Van Alstine Huirctt Dyor Jaiui'S Colter Ihiiry M'DonoH ]{..!)trt C. W ilkins Janus Vouny Si)lon)on Hazloton Aiitlrcw Kiimiiorly William Bell Jiihn Carsciillon, scii'r. J.Kob \V. Meyers Matlliew Clarke Tii(;nias Empey I'lioinas Dorland Kviiljen Hedell A'u'\andor T. Dohbs Thonia«5 Sparhani Bmijamin Fairfield N lae Fraser J hn Church Siaats Sagcr Jw«. Piini^le ?» iiniiel Doriand ('liri«toplier Gorman Ciiiiiiih Howell Cliarles Havc^ M B. McHds Charles Anderson Allan MThersou James Sampson Anthony Marshall [John Macaulay [Alexander Fringle j^iinoon Washburn •Toiiii Ciernian Asa AVorden Janus Uongall Ciwilliam Demorrr-t Thi^mas W illiams Colin M'Konzic George Ham Robert Smith Robert RicharHson Allan M'Fherson, jun Henry Dinginan Alexander M'Donald Riciiard Lowe Robert Stanton John Tiunbull. Fsq'rs, Nrucnsflc Dii>trict. Kiias Jones Richard Lovekin Alexander Fletcher Joel Mcrriman Richard Hare Zacchens Burnhani John D. Smith Robert C. VV ilkins James Young Charles Fothergill John Pratt Robert Henry Henrv Ruttan W. Boswell Charles Hayes F. B. Spilsl)ury Samuel S. Wilmot Archibald M'Donell John Fraser Charles Rubridgc James G. Bethune Benjamin Cumming Ja's. R'chardson, jun. John Taylor John Hutchinson John VV. Bannister William Huston Siieldon Hawley John Covert John Williams James Black William Sowc'cn David Smart William Falconer J. M. Balfour John Brown \V illiam Shaw John \\ ell.sttad Joseph A. Keeler John Lester Thomas A. Stewart' Robert F«eed. Fs<piircs. Home District. John Small AN illiam Allan Alexander W(.od A!exan<ler INI'Dimell Alexander Fletcher Thomas Ritlout William Chewett Grant Fowell Stephen Jarvis A\ illiam Thonipson Feter Robinson William Tyler D'Arcy j'oulton, jun'r James Miles Wm. Smi<h. Pickering. Samuel Ro!)erts James Fit/Ciibbon Thomas Selby IMichael Sloot Francis Hewson Frcdeiiek S. Jtrvis Robert C. Home John Beikie William B. Robinsou John Scott Guy C. \\ ood John Blacklock Robert G. Anderson Oiarles Caldwell William Parsons Christ'tpher Widmer AVilliam Lyons John S. Baldwin Augustus W. Baldwin Ja's. O'Brien Bouchier Charles Fothereill ^' ni » I 44 l! M mm\i mHti' lilf^ WH '■ i ^;:;|| ili James Black, Esq'rs. Gore District. William Crooks Rt)l)»'rt Nollcs Abraham Nelles Jamos Crooks Henry Hagle John Wilson Levi Lewis James M'Bride Ilujh Wilson William Ellis James Racey Matthew Crooks Daniel ORielly Joint Secord Pliilip Sovereign Manuel Ovcrfield James Hamilton William M. Jarvis William Proctor Tliomas Lepard William G. Wolcott Thomas Smith Peter M'TJregor William Milne W^illiam Holme Elijah Sicord Alex. Wishart, Esq'rs. Niagara District. Thomas Dickson John Ball Ruhert Addison James Muirhead Robert Nelles John Warren Crowell Wilson William Crooks Robert Grant Peter Ball Samuel Street George Adams Abraham Nelles George Kcefer Thomas M'Cormick James Kerby Alexander Hamilton Thomas Racey James Cummings James Macklem John Powell John D. Servos William H. Merritt Warner Nelles George Ball John Usher Samuel Wood James Jackson Robert Hamilton Henry W^arren Ely Bradshaw J. B. Clench John Crooks Daniel M'Dougal M. Crysler, Esq'rs. London District.. Peter Teepic Thomas Hornor Daniel Springer James Mitchell Willliam Hutchinson Joseph Ryerson Thomas Bowlby Mahlon Burwell John Backhouse George C. Salmon James Hamilton JamcK Grahaai George llyetsou Daniel Ross Charles IngersoU Francis L. Walsh James Racey David Secord John Matthews Joseph Defields Leslie Patterson Ira Schoffield, Esq'rs. Western District. Ebenezer Reynolds William DulT Francis Baby Jean Baptiste Baby Robert Richardson George Jacob John M'Gregor John Dnlson Alex. Mackintosh William M'Crea William M'Cormick David Mitchell Jean Baptiste Bart he William Jones William M'Kay John Gaft" Thomas G. Anderson Michael Bailey George Mitchell James Gordon Israel *^mith Claude ^j>ouin James Bell Samuel Osborne Joseph Hamilton Geo. Jacob, jr. Esq'rs Bin,! O'lihi i Dnlh Iluhn \ y<'i!r.i ; M. ri! Un:>, '/ 1^' '•'"■': I'url It. : ' l> liilu' II .v'. TMTEE POST MASTERS IN UPPER CANADA. Lancaster 1. J. Dunlap, Martin Town . . Alex. M'Martin, Lorhifl James Burton, Matilda George Brouse, }i"ii'kesburi/ . . .Thomas Mears, Prescolt ...... Alpheus Jones, Hull Charles Symme*, Brockville .... Henry Jones, Cornwall Guy C. Wood, Bastard J. K. Hartwell, Williamsburgh.J. Crysler, Perth ........ Josias TayloFo 45 )n Esqrs irtiu, l>use, Ines, Ivcll, l^iihmnnd . . . . H. Whitnnrsh, (,nh!itut/ui . ...f. ■i:. ( . MiJuii.ihl, hiv'^s'.oii I(»l!n INI"' '.(liiny, V,nlh R. W. \V:irti»\ I .]'l<,lp!ii's!ow)i..Lieor<::;r linglies, / llulointt ■ yrii,:i t'f A. M'I'Ik vson, I I', lli.rille 'I' Parker, ■ Mi. r mora \ . », , { , M ' / ••'*• Alan ilian, \ yiurr.iij Charles Bii:^g^ar, i Criiiii'ihe I. A. Koeier, C'''ii:'i'iS '• ^i- HcthiirK.', /'(>,/ //../"' .,.l)a\i(l Sinurl, ^ i)' rlliii^lou. ...lamps Black, ntii.ih./ f. B. \\'ar.«'i), 1,-A'! \Viii;,.m, LV II i)>:rkcl. ..y* . H. Il()l)iii^on, \Ti"j(i'gin'. ... A. I'loudlbot, DmuJa" Xutiidrr Anrftsl'f (l:ictn'oi) , . . CUipt-iii-a..., Fort ' .i-ir , , . . St. ("'■■■Ih.'trincs Gt im: !ii/ JUiirftifil Or/i'fl / ll!'>: in JJtiauurt .... Porl Tiilbot . . I!.'llrii!^/l Ai'ifti is/lninj^li. fi.niihi'i h . ... llrintljurii. ... WattrJ'ord,,.. .J. < ronks, \!t v. H.uiiilton, W. Kirki)atrick, .lam.'s Kt , l.y , 1. \\. M.-nitt, \\ illinm CiMoks, (i. \V. Whitt'lioad, Cliarli's In^eisoli, Dr.iiirl Ross, R. Mount, iMalilou HinweH, Williaiii M'Crae, John \\ iNon, W . Hands, v.. Burton, J. \V. Towell, Esq'rs. |rMTED FRATERNITY OK FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. TROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE For the Province of Upper Canada, Sj.!on McGu,ijvray, Esq.R W. Pv'l G- M. R. W. .John Beikie, Esq. D. P. G. M. S. G. \\ . Stephen Yarwood, Esq. .1. G. W. F. T. Billhigs, Fsq. G. Chaphiin, Rev. Robert Addison, G. Treasurer, Thomas G. Ridiait, F.:q. G. R'r. Honorable Thomas Ridout, ri o X • S BcV'n. Turquand, if,. . _.^ G. Se< tines, < r i r» >l' squires ' ( John Dean, S G. D. C. James G. Chewett, Esq. S. G. D. Mr. Alexander J. Ferns, J, G. D. Joseph K. Haitue;!, Rsq. G S'd. C. Mr. lol - M > .re, G. Tvler. Mr. Peicr McPnail. m '■ ! IV I: i:l;i I'll MILITIA OF UPPER CANADA, GENERAL STAFF. Adjutant General, — Colonel Nathaniel CofiTni, AfsislatuiU AdJutaiU Cfcnera/,— Colonel Juines Fiiziiibbot^^ LiM of Officers who served on the Militia Staff from the commencement (f the late war with the United states of America, and whose servuci were discontinued at the peace : — ADJUTANT general's DEPA'tTMENT. Assistajits with the iiank of Captaii'. Patrick Corbett, John Clark, John Johnston, Archibald iNlcDonell, — Esquiref. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S DEFAR'^ENT. Assistants with the Rank of Captain. Francis Baby, William Giikinson, Kaipli Clench, R. D. Kraser, — Esquires. William Jarvis, PAYMASTER GENERAL's DEPARTMENT. Deputy Paymaster General, — Alexander ivlcDouell, Esq. District Paymasters. Home, Andrew Mercer, Eastern aiid } .,.,01. Ninmra i '^'*'"''- ^cCormick Johmtown,, ] ^^'^' Shenvood, ^ S >««^ Kobert Grant, London, John Rolph, Midland Kobert Richardson, Western Ja's Gordon, Esqr^. UEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Surgeons. James Muirhead, Grant Powell. PROVINCIAL AIDES DE CAMP. i I Colonel James Giving, Lieut. Colonel Duncan Cameron. Colonel C. A. Ha^erman, Appointed in March 1816, dis- continued in Juue 1817. 'i>i % M' '■i r' i ii; I III 'Ml 1 1( ll,' Hi' 1 1 )iii„ C«/..Miiiii .MoDoiiiil Ll I ol CiLo Hamillon Ahijor Tlios Mruis C'(H>I (lilts. ,1 Ilorrigitn Alex (iiant I' F. Lv lioy Jiio Keariis Adjt. Alex t'auHTo;! Doiiiilil Al( Donald Flijali bioua .L/.i. I loo .lanit's Molloy Ciaiuiicoy Johnson Joliii t'lu'sser LirnlcniiiUs. Pliilo Hall William Siu'i-nian ^Viuulnl.J<)lMl^on ^V;HianlComn Ki>niu'i!i MrKaskul K i) McDuuell (' A l.ow AVllliiiu Jamo.voff John BiK'Inuaii Chalk's ^Vyleis En.tiuiis. .T(>hi\ Brush Joiui McCrae G J H M* Djudl \Vni Yj CoKins Guy Chesscr A iuhI Cho<;s('r Kaiquhur Uobertson Joi.u (ihiss J(ilu) Ko«', jun'r S S Wliitecouib Ai{i J no Kearns Capt. Qr~ Mr S. Warren S./iiTfou I. GLEXGARtlY. Col Alex. Fraser /w Ccl A Grant iHyor AM.- M.athi Capl-.ihis Moxan.l»!i' Mo«;e AiexuuJcr Giant 4h J(»hn Corbet John CatTicroH iMurd iMclMiorson UuuaM Fraser Alrv M.-Gillis Donald Mi IMirrson J)(tiiahl McLcm Lewis ("hislioh.i Lit ulaiii/its. Alex M. Donell Jerennah rjnyder Honald Gunn I'eler Fergus m •lohn Keiifdy James MrDonell Donald h'risi-r .lohn McKe.i/.ie A<IJ Wm I liiuliart Alex MctiiuiT Liiyiirns. Alex M.Do.ipill Doihild MelMierson Alcvander Fraser Dn.K an Alc(iiilis Donald .'»lc \rtluir \Vm MeKcj'.zic .John AicDoncU I'e;cr Gran( A.ex MeD..n(ll Donald I'l-asor Adj J no iMeKenzie Lt Q> Ml- J McLeinna S,irp;coii, ll. <^I.r.NGARKY. Cu! D. McDonell L! Co! D. AUDoneil Major J . INI cl nty i e Captains. Alex MeKen/ie \^■illialn McLeo«l Donald McMiUin John McDonald Alexander (irant Angus Kennedy Donald MiDomll P. M v.- In tyro • Wiik-nson Alexander McDoneil Litulrvnui^ Alex. \l( I), o. li I'el. r ( aiiK run Donald AicM.irtit) Alex. Mel) ,ne;i lionaid All Do ,( 11 Alex. AkDi,:M 11 Anpns Mel)oiiell J{oderiek McLeod John .MeDiMK.-ll John McAlanni Donald Chihliohn Donald Jfel'tKiul John Jfclnlv le D. MrD nell A,ljl Ai\i,uj iHeI)i;iieii 3/aleolm MvYi uiiu Alex. Keniiedy Neil Melntosli Hoderick MeDonoll JohnMe(Jilhs Kod<':iek jl/cDonell John Fraser Adj 1). AlcDon. II Em. qr Mr\i. il/eDonell iSnr,ifon JU. GLENGAPJIV. Cot Alex. Ghisholni J A Cut Gny C. W jud Miijor D. Ga!n>'iou Cuptdiiis. Donahl J/eLeod Aniens ;1iVD(iiK:il Evv j;i Caniei(\u Liculeiiaits, Allan Cameron Areh'd TViTcCJillis Dnnean jWeGillivray Thonias Dnnean Keinieih A'loKenzio Allan K. MeDonell Eiisiirns. Petev AleDooell S.tmael Thompson Kwin .M ''Mill-in DiMK ,tn Ml Lei)d Adialant — — . i I I. Col .li L' OM I vi'! v'" \% Ml .irtit) L-;i . u 11 xll I. oil [.11 (ill lolin as. Kllil IC noli Vi (1 liu Iv ii Do.icll Uimcll )rnM Ens. [).>«.(11 ;\RRV. i^liolin W joJ |i.v. oil |u::i ill ils, 11 lis llivraj itii Inzio I>I1C 11 ;on (^,- }fn.tfer I STORMONT. ICol Josoph Ainlerson [7,/ Col Alb Fn'ncli 49 Cliiiilc's C. Farrt'ii Ci«() Aiulcrson Adjt, Win McKaiiaiie Joseph Balkiis t. ^f,// Drniahl IMcDoneU UilUam Brown Cnj>lahis. \nsus Fraser Arrhibald McDoncll ,1. VanKoughnctt _f ilium Fiasrr j.Iohn I). Campbell |.Ii)tin Mcintosh iMox. McDtmell, Uitliur Burton Adj» 1 Licutennnts. Iriiilip Em|>ey- \rcliibahl McD^micll ^hicli Mrr)cr\^ tl)imcun Scott |Ri»nal(l McDoncll |\lfx McDoncll |\'illiain Bruce ipohn Barnhurt toiiah) McDoncll John Cameron Ensigns. Julin McGibbon tTdlm McDonell Aiihur Burton ^ ,\ll;ui McDoncll Miitin McMartin W illiaui Mcintosh ^ll('l)ael Link \ViHiam Kay I'hilip Eamar \\ 111. McGlonghlin fAilj. A. Burton Capt i^r Mr A. McDoncll II. STORMONT. Adam Dixon McKenzie Morjjan Lit iilennnts, Henry Stuart Joiin Ault Alcxand(>r Cameron Georj^p Morjjan Murdoch Stuart Henry Shaver Alexander Bruce Isaac Sheek Peter Chesley Jacob W. Einpry Eiwi^ns. George Robertson Gerslian French William Cline Austin Shaver James McAulay William Loucks Nelson Cozens David Chesley John P. Empey AilJ G. Anderson Cap. i^r Master iiiirscon,^ I. DUNDAS Col John McDonell Lt Col Henry Merkloy Major R D. Fraser Captains. Jacob VanAllan George Merkley Henry Merkley James McDonell John Crysler U ilhain Lonrka LitHlimtnls. Jacob Coons Jacob .Meekley Jacob N. Shaver David Robin><oii *Miclia«'l Brousr * George Aidt John Doren Sevcnis Cassleman Nicholas Shaver Jacob Merkley Peter Boulton .lohn Ault Kusi<i}i5. Andrew Snyiter Daniel Meyers *Jacob Brouse Philip Monro Nicholas Wart William Shaver John Shaver James Adams Huffh McDouirall ol Arch'd McLean p Col P VanKoughnett *Peter Shaver Mnj Benjamin French Alex Rose Captains. James McDonell onald McAulay Jacob Dt)ren Miilip P. Empey John Weagar W iiliam Cassleman AiiJ .1. Dick, Lieut (^r Master - ■ ■SM/geon, Alex. Wylie * Officers of Cavalnj I. GKEiNVlLLEi Col E, P. Kingsbuiy Lt Col Hugh Monroe Major Philip Dulrnage Captains. Peter Grant * Walter F. Gates Samuel Adams Gideon Adams John Fraser sen'r. J. Fraser jun'r. AdJ Thomas Hughes Alexander McDonell John Lawrence David Fraser John Adams Dunham Jones ill LUuiennnls. }h\ >ron n ans .1 Olll) Will iani» it ii (, hi ' K ;» '••^.'l: 'fli'! Ill 1; .1 Tl •1 ,1 ,Mr( i< aiuHr \\ iii.^ciii^^ jiiiii^-« H(><siii;>loii Liiiis (I .!< .s>U]) I); nil' tc mas /: Justus 5J. Alivwy ^\ iliiani jlAi^in't-n Miion 'J\)V\slry II Jol 1 ii.fiifiiJi. 11 Mnpinan r <!(()>{;«' I'. Mttnro <i(>()ri;«> DniiitiiioiKl Siiiiin B. TrastT Simon F'rascr Joseph Aclams (ifur/;*' Loulloii I? ly I iii>er V\ ii .am fioach houcrt Millar *titorgv Jrssiij) ■Roswcll Cook J(j!in l)«-iiant Jaiiirs MclliMoyl Sti'plini I'rUTS Ciiitis Adams jim'r Mat»lu'w Link A:rx:\n<ior MfQnct'n ^^.iIiam Moneilly I.t'viiis ( hurrh Maiilon Beach yl///'Johii Fiasrr Cap. QrM'r Olivn Lvots Sur^cfjJi ^^ m. F. Sfoit '* ()Q\rtrsnf Cava/ri/ 11. i;RK.NViij.fc:. Col. Dann! Burriit /./. Cot. 11am. W alk.T Major, Henry Bunitt Caplainn. Alitjor Bunitt Ti I mas I). Camj.hcll V\ illiam II. Boftuin St< i»lu'n Collins l'«'namd Bnrritt Tl.«ima.4i MtCuH M' lli.'un Jl/erritk T'oman Hurd 7 l( M. Phillips KeubiM Laiidon LieuttJiaiits, Klisha Coller Guv C. Keud J II. I)a\is Danitl tlariis Abi'l .\()ani.s Barnalias .Nuttlcton iVarriih Bnrritt (i(r)ri(f' L. Bnrritt Jol.irl It. riiillips James Diniiinin James IVlailland A)!Jl James Jesynp Daniel II. Bnrritt Donald MeLeod Chth B. Stevens Jc^epli W rif^lu A(fjl. J. Maitlan*! Fm (Ir. Mr. Jacob Hick i»l</-. B. C Henderson I ^:ds. JJ. Col. .hum Stuart Miijvr, Ad. Sherwood Cnpln'nis. Bcnjaniiii H. Mnnsell Areiiil/iild McLean J o h rilitUm^'^f brd JWhvT'lMc Lean Peter Cole Peter Pui vis \\(;\. Mclean Alex. Morris Alex. Grant Adjt. Sanniel Shijuian TriuU;v Butler Lieutenants. John Pni vis Vk m. Bnf 11 jnnr. Daniel Mil/artiu George Bates John \\ hite John Booth Mittthew Howard Wni. Dunuarn nomas inrviii IN Seunniii 1'. Moore .locob Smith S. rnlford C. Booth Wxw. Kverts Jiussid I'ield Atljt. Alex. Grant (V, qr. Mr. '. Suriftmi, i 11. LKLDS. Col. Cluirh's J((nes /</. C'/"\Vni. Jones MnJ. .1. Weatlierl)ea(l Cftplnins. . Joseph \\ dtsce Le\i Soper J«'r« miali Day IVieholas BresoP TlK.pias F. 1 low land John Slrnllers Charles ilk; Donald Samuel Poad NathiMi Hirok J< ><'pii K. Hart well Archibald Denny AdjI. Lltutniftnh, Janios Kilboru Sanjuel Halliday Walter Davis Wlliam Kobertsou Ephraim Web.ster Arzy Judd Folic rt Cheetham Jaries L. Schoffield Allan Sweet Samuel Kelsey Enugns. Bichard Joinison Philbp Shook James Howard John O'Connor Colin JMcDonalH' I'lia J,ii:i' F.lija I'.ie John ♦^ A'lj. Qr V Col . I.', c wijur Jl I'iiiniotliy Cliumbors J. line's WcatliMlu'iul f'.liirili Cliainlx'rlaii) JdIiii Oixoii A'lj. Arch D.iiniy C'lijitnin. Qi' Mr. Cliuda Parti li "ill.' LF.KDS, To/ .l()H;»!< Jour-; /,'. Col. Oi'o H. Ri'rt.l Cftplains, D.inicI Jones J'uufs Morri.s J(»hn Kilboni i\;itliairH!l [I. Jliom-is \UA \Vrii;ht Thomas D.maldson Tlioiiias McLean LirAittnnnfs JdIim Campbell Jidin Cox I) ivid Donald.son Will. Brookr-, Atljl. Fiisii^ns. ./inos Finny Poti'r Nichol Alex. MoFarlane AI'-K. Cameron Adjl. Win Brooke, Ll. Qr. mV. E. McDonoil bitrgr.on IV LECDS. Col. Barth'w Carlev U Col Syl Wright Major, D-u'id ./ones Cnptains. .hA\n McNish Thomas Frocl r»iincan Carley Richard Carley Ej)hraim Dunham A!»r'm. Davton S. T. Beach B.irfh'w. Carley juu. Stephen Caswell An.h.w .\. Bucll fjinih )Ulllts, Elwai'd Howard Ailam Diicaloii Arch'd. Fh'tchcr (icorgc Malloch (Jcor;j»' M inhart William B.yant ./amt's (lihson (icor^e Clardijcr ./,lll)C<i II.'lll licnj n. W.irron Ailjt. f'lisiisilt. Cioorpc I' ficorai-o Purvis SHmufl Peaiiocli Elijah Adaiui IJonjainin Tackaberry Nioh'.s. lIoiMon J.spph p. Bu'll n«;nry Sh(!r\vood Jona> HM!)bel SttMliiig Dt'min'*' A'fil. lic.i). Wairan U q.\ MV. M. n.)otio Suriif'on I. LA.NVIIK. Cj!. J. U. P.nvcll, /.,'. Col. A. M'MiUan, M'ljor C. H. Sache. Citplnins. Andrew W. Play fair Henjauiin De l<isle Fran"is II. Cummiitg John F. Eliott Henry Graham Joseph Kvcgg I>. Kinmar William Graham Alex. Matheson, Aflft Jolin Powell John M. Mason, Arfy Francis Willock. Licalcnnnls. John Baldersou James Younac Joseph T. Pitt Alex. Cameron P'Ciiami'i Iloiiiwell J<ii)>i l',(l!<ick (torsjc Pounder Pt'ftr (' imphrll ^^ illiam Harvey, Arl't/ ^^ dliaui I, lines. . r.ii.uiins. .lo!in V'lains.Hi .Foicph Lc'j^iry Ivicli.ird l{ o.^'rson John I'.jrkcr J oil I) Nu.liall Jain^s .Morris James .M Poni'Il Jam M Q'lail, Art'i/. U.Mijainii) \vciy Edward Henderson, .hlj't \. .M;itIieson, ('))'( Qr )rv S. GoodliaM, Surjreon n. LA.Wfllv. Col. Wm. .Marshall /./. C)l. Wm. M .rri« .Mijor A. MatuesoM C'tpfiiiiu. ./■(»hn McKay John Alston John Wai-ion Matthew Leaoli Alex. Fer^'usou James Shaw J. A. M irdoch ITiMiry Glass John Finlayson John Ilichey Luutcnnnfj. Alexander Morris Henry Lelicore NV'm. Eraser Henry Bradfield J(»sias Hichey Wm Matheson, Adjt. James Richey John Feri^uson Georg'e Tennant Geor<»'e Gould Alex. Mc Vicar t ilf >; U 11 II lipiij if. I I li I » I l:o 'lii !! I'-H 71 1. i)ona1d Buchaaau Wm. Gould Robert Campbell Wm. Kirkpatrick Robert Muirhead James McNice James Hall George Tliorn George W. Parks Thomas Ireton, Adft W. iMatliePon, Lt QV M'r John Jackson Surg. James Wilson. III. LANARK. Col Josias Taylor, Lt Col U. FitzMaurlcc Major Donald f raser. Caplnius. Thomas Glendonning John Robertson William Naughty John Ferguson Julius Lelirvre %Vellesley Rlchey, Adj. Thomas Wickhiim George Ncsbitt Duric;tn Fisher Lieulcnnnts. Robert Ferguson Israel Webster .vames JM'Farland John Cram Jolin Fulford William Baird Peter M'Grigor Ensigns. John Nosbitt Alexandei Dewar Man) y Nowlan Daniel Ferguson Joseph Fullam Peter Fullam Owen Quinn John Donogho Adjt W. Richey, Capl, Q'r M'r D. M'Mann, iiurgeon, 52 I. CARLTON. David Rankin Col George T. Burke, Ow en McDougatt Ll Col Wm. B. Bradley, Samuel Shaw Major Sewell Ormiiby. Benj'n. Fairfield Cap tains. George Lyon George R. Landel Joseph Maxwell James Davidson ]-<hvard S. Bradley .laiiies Reed Thomas Sproule Edward Loggan Joseph S'inpson Michael Biuke Litalcnants, William (irilliith Andrew Joynt John Sjjroule Jo:-ihua Smith Clement Bradley Lieutenants. Thomas Dalton Hugh McDonell Ja>iies Nickalls Hugh C. Thomson .A)hn Moore, Adfl Thomas Murphy Alex. McDos.U John Watkins James Atkinson Alex. McLeod Wm. Stennet Ensigns. rran<;ois»Rocheleau David Brass Uobt Walker, QriM'r Arcli'd. McDonell Syl'r. Dem|>sey, Adjt, Jacob Herkmcr Henry Edwards James Meagher Francis Davidson James McFarlanc Edward Log^yan, jun'r Robert Deacon James Wilson Andrew Hill Ensigiis. Garret FitxGerald ^Villiam Thomson Grnrge K. Burke D M'l^arren Hugii Rwnan Edward Mallock Charles Thomson Adjt S. Deirtpsey, Ll. Q'r M'r James Fallon, Surgeon, I. FRO.NTEN AC. Henry Smith John Low Adjt J. Moore Lt. QrM'rR. Walker, Em Surgeon, 11. F RON TEN AC. Col. John Cumming Lt Co/ Hon G.H.Mark- land Major Philip F Hall Fiances Raynes Captains. Tiiomas Sparham Peter Grass Col. Tliomas Markland Richard Ellerbeck Lf. Col. John Kirby Alexander Prinj^le Major C. Anderson Captains. Robert Richardson David J. Smith Neil McLean ./ohn Str mge Henry VV. AVilkinsoa Hugh McGregor Banjamin Whitney Elijah Beach Robert Talbot Samuel McCrca Lieutenants. Daniel Evciitl He •^'' i)o Peter Switzer Albeit McMichael Lewis Wartinan John Sliibley George F Corhett Josepii A. McLean William Baker Francis Baby Willi am M Kenzic Miclmel AsseUtiiio David L Fairfield ** Lewis Fralick Joseph N. Amey I'eter Asselstine Edward Howard John Howard Denis F.Mahoney^4r7/7 * Martin Fralick ' Joseph Herchmer Eiwgiis. Henry Cassidy jun'r. James Baby ./,)hn Cambell Micnjah Fnrdy Erisigjit. Jonathan Parrott Coleman Bristol Peter Davey Williai.j Fairfield hillip Ham f. M'Vrthnr Qr Master Lucas Sharp D;miel Ainsley Williim L Fairfield John Grass Lfiwrence Flerchmer R)l)ert McLean Duncan VanAlstine B;irnabas Wartmrin Adjt Goo. Ham, Cnpt. Qr .W. George Finkle, Surgeon. Tho's Moore. 11 ADDl.\GTON. Co! Win. ./. McKay Thomas Underill Q,r.Lf Cot — McKei>zic Master Major Gi-o Macaulay Alii O. F. Mahoncy Lt Captains. Qr Vr ./ M' Arthur /^»Oehiel H iw'ey ^Ir }fr. Tliomas Under-Joseph Amey hill. Cornet D:ivid P.«rry Surgeon, A Morton Robert Clark AdJ I. ADDINGTOV. * Samuel Clark Col .\I itthew Clark, Lt Col Isaac Fvaser, Major J. C. Clark. Captains. H'Mjry Davey J(>!pi Kichards ./o!iii Siiarp Abraham Amey George Miller George Hiim, Adjt. Jivcoh .Miller Peter Ham Benjamin Booth, '' Thomas Dcmiisou Lieulenants. J. B, Lockvvood Matthew Clark, Jun'r Philip Daley John Asselstine John Piercy Gasper B-nver Johnson Hawley JjifjOenants. Win IL Clark Ca'ivia W^Mteler Lf'wis Si over H.Miry Comer Suinu 'I Clark Isaac Briscoe Qr M'r John .Millar Mill's Shorey Cv*'u< II nv'\v * lohn G Switzer * Senj Ay Ic'* worth t.nsigas. Richard WarOe Mil'on Fisk W in Caton Geo Carscallen Peter Finpey * Dn.iiel Neville Jacob KainbdUgh William Fraser Adj Robt Clark Cnpt Qr Mr I Briscoe, Lt 6urge.on Gfo Baker I. L E.N.N OX. Co/ William Cra.vford. rj Col Tiio's Dorland, Major Captains. ■ * John Trumpour Duncan Bell (ieorge CurscfillcB John Clark Samtiel Dorland Hugh M'D.iiild Pct'T W. Iluttan \Villiain Pruyn JdIui G. Cuite Peter V. D >rlaud John .XudT^on Lieutenants. * Samue: Casey * Joini Clfijip John Ch;irch Duncan MKenzie Samu<'l Harlovv Re.llord C. Roiiinfi Joseph B Ellis John Boll A-aliel Phillips ^Vi!'iam Spencer H<'arv Davis Aiexaiider t^aiupbell Ensigns. Archibald C'umpbell Bur'^er Hykc liii'vc C<\ -ictllen J.)'uj V. D"tlor Edward Carscallen I ; ' ..- i :! li' 'I T^^ M, i!.!^ lllii' llV I' I,' li'lli if!,l|l> "IW ir ilii'! 'ill. I'l 54 Captains -lamcs Cotter John Allan Henry M'Doncll Peter D. Conger Simeon Wasliburn Peter Barnhart John Young Andrew Embury Boltus Shueman William Sills, Adjt Qr ilfV. J. Van Dyck, Hiklchrand Valoc iSurgeon, Guillnume Dcmerish 11. LENNOX. Samuel Blakcly Co/Chris'rHagerman, Benjamin Way Lt Col John Macaulay, Farrington Ferguson Major A. M'Phcrson, William Blakcly, Ailjt Henry Dingmau Licuiena7its Thomas Howard Richard Gardner Guv H. Young Caleb Piatt Joshua Hicks John Wright John M'Intosh John Young John Richards Aaron Carnahan Ensigns. John Stinsou Isaac Cole David Goldsmith John Bfnson Baptiste Preno Richard Davern Mark Develiu John Ellison Jaspei Dingman Joim Stinson Ha/.leton Richards Adjt. W. Blakely Capt. Qr I\rr. R. Ferguson Surgeon II. PR. EDWARD. Col. Owen Richards Captains. Andrew Kimmerly Joseph Pringle James M'Gregor George H. Detlor Archiba' 1 M'Donald Rirhard Lowe David Secord George M'Kenzie Andrew Kimmerly Lieutenants. James Fraser John Cliambcrlain Jsaac Carscallen Archibald Caton Archibald McNeill Jolm Kimmerly William Bowcu Henry M'Larren Ensigns. Job i el Hawley l.vaac Fraser David Kimmerly James Demorest John Empey Fletcher Euipey Simeon Pringle William Sager, Arfjt Qr TfVG. Chamberlain Lt Col. James \oung Surgeon, I. PR. EDWARD. Cid. Arch. M'Donell /./. Col. D. Wright Mnjur C. Vanalstiuc Major, David Segar Captains. *John M'Quaig Jacob German William ^Valbridge James Pearson John Babcock John Young Andrew Deacon Lieutenants. ■ Charles Biggar, Adjt. John W. Way Peter Dempsey Edmund Marsh Thomas Clapp William Stapleton Thonias Flagcr * Benjamin Kichards Ensigns. Peter Segar Joseph Young John German Enoch Bedle Neal M' Arthur Thomas Young Obadiah Simson * Reuben Young Adjt. Chas. Biggar, Lt. Qr. Mi: David Walt Surgeon, Pirkin Gross. 1. HASTINGS. Col. W iliiiun Bell Lt Col. Alex. Chisolm Major Thos. Coleman Captains. John Thompson William Ketcheson Archibald Ciiisholm Abel Gilbert William Zwick Henry Hagerman Th(»mas Ketcheson Robert D. Liddie Benjamin Ketcheson Alexander O'Petrie Lieutenants. Elijaii Ketcheson Ruswell Leavens Charles O'Brien, Adjt. Hugh Fletcher Isaac Stimers Robert Smith James Ketcheson Thomas O'Petrir 55 :m 11 ^son irie Adjl, Kiindal M'Michael Thomas Parker Donald M'Lelland James H. Sampson Ensigns. James M'Nabb Donald Murchisoa Gi'oi|2;e Bleeker David Roblin Tol)ias Bleeker John Smith Jacob Finkle J„l)n VV. Mayby Phillip Zwick Ad. Clir. O'Brien, Lt. Qr JIV. E. Lawrence iursieon, G. N. Ridley il. HASTINGS. Col. U Col Miij Anthony Manahan Captains, j James H. Samson Cliarles Willard Tiiomas Parker (Uitliam DriscoU jJoseph Hagerman. Lieutenants. jRdhert Parker hViliiaiu Robertson iTii mas Fleming- piiiicl Johns llvlward Fidler IMicliael IMorau, Adjt. Ensi<j;ns, jSoiomon Johns iJoliii llealy limes Crt^wford lU'iltiain Campion lltoliert Maserif, lA'ljt M. Moran, Lt. \qr MV. [6)(/;i,'-^on, 1. NORTHUMBER- LA.ND. \Col John Covert, >l Col Zac. Burnham, lihijor Wm. Falkner. Captains. John Grover John Burnham Thomas m. Spalding John Kelly Sanuicl Brock Wm. H. Draper, Adjt. Benjamin Ewing Ebenezer Perry Jeremiah Scripture James Ewing. Lieutenants. E. Barnham W F. H. Kelly Gabriel Wade James Young E. Doolittle Caleb Mallory Benjamin R. Williams. Ensigns. X. Andrews Alexander Nobles C. Powers A. Elseworth William Ewing Robert Rogers John Kirby. A<tj \\. H. Draper, Cn;?, Qr M'r. Jno. Wilcocks, Surgeun, J Gilchrist. II. NOSITHLMBER- LAND. Cul Arch'd AI'Donald, Lt Col John M. Balfour, Major Ja's G. Bethune. Captains. Alex. M'Donell, John Welsteed William Sowden Richard Birdsall Francis Pai^e Benjamin lUnnming. Lieutenants. Elias Welsteed John Srott John Cresc Boswell Tlioinas Owsfen Charles Jones Adjt. William KobisoH. Ensigns. Zachariah M'Callum John Lee Francis Dawson James Elliott George Boswell. vl^//" A.M'Donell, Cap. Qr3rr. Walter Scott, Surg. J. Hutchenson. III.' NORTHUMBER- LAND. Col Henry Ruttan, Lt Col .lohn Eraser, Major J. A. Keeler. Captains. Adam H. Meyers James Lyons John Singleton Thomas l). Sanford Ozem Strong Sheldon Hawley. Lieutenants. Eliakim Squier John R Bleeker D. MR. Peters William m. Bullock John V. Murj>hy James D. Goslee Christopher Bullock Josiah Proctor. Ensigns. RichardfSpencer, Adjt. B. Davidson, Qr Mr. Richard Stephens Henry Melville Elijali Smith Robert Wcller Feleg Wood Rufus Wells, Adjt R. Spencer, Ens (^r J/ V B.Davidson," burgeon, I. DLRIIAM. Col .lames Black Ll Col Thomas Ward- Major, i' M I H ; I 66' M, • ! r ■• ! .* mn Cftptnina. John Bunj Jolm T lylor Jornmiah Britton M. F. Whiteliead Drtvid Smart Grorge Shaw Jolin Fletcher John Burke Erasmus Fowke Lieulennnls. Ganlnor Gilford Mynderf Harris Ebonpzer Beobee David Bedford Cornelius Webster John I. Taylor James Trull Ensigns. Allan Willmot Andrew Fletcher Job Fowke Samuel VVelby James Hawkins James Strickland llobcrt Fairburn, Adjt Qr M'r William Beard, Sunrcon, II. DURHAM Colonel, Ll Col Robt Henry Major Geo S. Boultou Caplaim. John Lister John Huston Adjt Chrst'r Knowlson Lieultnants. John Thompson William Lawson David Armstrong P.i trick McGuire David Hu«>f(ins Charles Stowe James Bailey Robert Gruiiam Ensii';ns Joseph Thompaon Alex Brown Edward McCamus William C )iman Tho's Mitchell jun'r. William Fee James Laidley Atlj John Huston Cap Qr Master, Surgeon I. EAST YORK. Col S. Heward Lt Col J. B. Alacaulay Major E. McMahon Captains. Daniel Brooke Audrevy Mercer Andrew W. Warffc Thomas Cooper Robt. G. Anderson James E. Small Geor^^e Du^-^a i Adj John Gamble A. S. Thompson Georj^e Hamilton Wm B Jarvis Lieutenants. Richaid Brooke Wm Proud foot John Monro Georg-e ftlonro Richard Robinson E. Playter James Nation C. C. Small H. Ridout Wm. Campbell Ensigns. David Stegman Wm. Notman Francis Ridout James S. Heward C. M. K. Baty Ramond Baby H. Sullivan John Stuart James Dovle Wm Baldwin Adj Geo Duggan Cap Qr Mr Thos MoorH Surgeon, II. EAST YORK. Cul John B. Robinson Lt Col Geo Ridout Major Jno. Radenhurjt Captains. Hugh Richardson Wm Smith John Kerr Francis Leys Thomas Kirkpatrick John B. Warren Benjamin Thorn Joseph Wenham Lawrence Hey den Lieutenants. Wm Warren Peter Matthews Calaghan Holmes Wm Gamble John S, Cartwright John Farquharson Charles R. Heward John G. Spragg Ensigns. John Ridout William King Robert Sullivan George McGill Charles Ridout Adjutant, — Qr Master Surgeon, — L NORTH YORK Co/ The Hon J H Ouiitl Lt CoIDWj cy Boulmnf Major, Captains. John Arnold James Mustard * John Button James Fenwick James Miics G.M)r2^e Mustard George Shultz James M. CawdelLf' hieuteuanls. <Lu( An( Htii MV Rob John .luhn Davi liUtlowick Wcidmaa Andrew Thompson Henry Pringle * Wiltiain Marr Robert Buldwin John Smith John Dug^an David Bridgford Enifigiis. Wm. Wilson Thomas Wilson Junies Marsh " Francis Button Adj J as M Cawdoll Qr Master Suri!^co7i K C Home 11. iNORTHYORK. LI Col S. P. Jarvis Major W. B. Robinson Captains. Jeremiah Travers Niith. Gamble Wm. Macklem Alex. Smalloy Alex. Borland William Roe Asa Sinalley Rich. Graham, Adjt. John H. Wilson Lieutenants. Aaron Playter Ti(us Wilson William Kennedy Jnsepii Graham Silas Ernes Ensigns. Erastes Sn^alley John A. Boulton Williitm Sclby Jacob Wells James Gamble Eilijar Stiles Pot. 1 Tyler, Qr OTr. Ailjt. R. Graham, Capt k< M r P. Tyler, Ens. ^'i.r^eon, SlF I. WEST YORK. Ensigns. Col. James Givins Charles Baby Lt Cot. John Beikic James A. Smith Major Wm. Thompson Captains. .,-. John Scarlet r^K'it' v a. i • Or m r. — — r.b. Jarvis j> ^_ James «• ^hewett, Art. "Jf" ^VEST YORK. William Birdsali p , Daniel Brooke -w i r> i * George iJemson ». • Edward W. Thompson •' Thomas Denison John Beatty John Lyons Ber. Turquand A(tjt. Lieutenants. Peter M'Dougall Allan Robinette Aaron Silverthorn James Farr Lambert F. Brooke Tliomas Fisher Thomas Merrigold Josepli Price Charles Richardson James Givins Art. Ejisigns. Amos Merrig )ld * Samuel Price William Lee James Boyes Warren Claus Samuel Price William Mattice J. B. Spragge David MNabb Adjt. B. Tur(|uand Co/j/ceorge Gurnett. Adjt Q/- M r. J. Murchison Lieutenants, burgeon, Wm. Lee j^hn Pehie 11. WEST YORK. William Sturges Lit Cot. Ihomas Racey \ Trowel! Major S. Washburn Captains. Lieutenants. Knsigns. Adjt. Qr MV. Surgeon, L GORE. Col James Crooks, Lt Col Jamrs Racy, Major Captains. John Wesll>»-ook John W. M'Intyre D-iniel Showers Frederick Y-.^onard Matthew Crooks G"<)>'gc Rdlph Philip Rymal John Aikman Alexander Aikman Enas Bunnel Captains. Lieutenants., C. A. Foster William Kerby John Burwell John Findlay James Corbet Peter U<>rnin^ i ; : 1 1 i t.(| :i ■! M, •I ■ U lll:''!^ 4 nil I J fi I 1 1^ ii ? m f :r ■1:11 1 lU : ! Ill '1 !/■ „;V, lit '1I ( I'M , K ■hi ;-l' Hobert Berrie Elisions William Sliarkelton John D. M'Kiiy Alpxander Westbrook John Howcl) Kicliard Hat James Durand Milcha Files Jolm Shaver Andrew Kdie William Robertson Adjt G. Gurnett, Cnpt, Qr M'r E, Vaudcrlip, Surgeon, J. Hamilton 11 GORE. Col T. G. Simons, H Col Major J. K. Simons, Capfnins William MK( rlie Gi orge Chishohn Duncan M'^^noon Alexander Brown * Alexander Robertson George King John Lawrason CImrles Bigs^ars James Thompson, Lituttiiants Abncr Everitt William Nevilles John M'Collum Jolm M'Carty William M'Kay B. Mulhollan, Qr M'r, George Notman William Young James Lafferty Andrew Steven George Chalmers Alexander Proudfoot Ensigns Samuel Mullatt Henry J. Kerr John Keagy John W. Howell George Durand 5S Andrew Van Every Qr M'r B. Mulhollan, E; Hurgton, Nath'l Bell, HI. GORE. Col Thomas Taylor ht Co/ W. Lottridgc Major Robert Land Captains. Ephraim Land Joseph Burney David Kripps Abel Land David Kerns William Davis Elijah Secord Daniel K. Servos John Secord Peter Hamilton Lieutenants. Jacob Springstead Henry Young Jonathan Pcttit Simon Brant D.ivid Almost William Rymal John Depue \dam Young Thomas Choat Abraham K. Smith Henry Beasley W. B, Van Every Adjt W. B. Sheldon Qr M'r. Ensigns Thomas H. Taylor Daniel Lewis Ashman Pettit Michael Aikman Robert Wm. Taylor John Schnyder James Wilson James Lewis Adjt. W. B. Van Every Lieutejiant Qr M'r W. B Sheldon Lieiittnant Surgeotif — — — — IV GORE. Col John Chisholna Lt Col Wm Chisholm Major Captains Thomas Smith William Ellis Alexander Chewett Thomas Lucas Ward Smith Robert Murray W. G. Woolcot Luke V Spurr John Thorner, Adjl. Lieutenants Jacob Cochenour Aaron D. Vroomaa Peter Van Every William Coulson John Holme John Van Home Thomas Graham John Beaty Ensigns James Jones Zephania Sexton Cliarles Van Every Al))heus Smith Richard Ferguson Samuel Smith Henry NcUes William Van Allen Adjt J . Thornor, Capt, Qr M'r J. M. Cameron, Surgeon, V, GORE. Col .... •••• L^ Col Tho's. Atkinson Mflyor Captains. Peter M'Collura Henry Trout William K«nt Thomas Stevens George Thompson Lieutenants James M'Njibb George Trout 59 Aloxandcr Campbell Elias S. Adams Gillian. Campbell \iiaiu Stull htus'igns. William Trout MoxandtT M'Nabb Tliumas Fyfe Arcliibalcl Atkinson j?t« plicn MCollum Afljt •• Qr Mr . • . . .... ',iiru;eo>i I l.INCOLIN. Cnl Kirhard Leonard )./ Col John Servos ]\I(iJor John Clark Captains John C, Ball William Servos 111 uiy F. Pawling Gi'or;,''e Ad.'vms A I nn Brown WiMiam L. Smith P. V. S'.'cord ' .!(»hn Clans .loM'ph Clement I'eter Warner Licnttnnnts. John Robertson Vv ilier Butler (ioorge Fields ^\ illiam Wooderuff Jiiines Wilson IvUvard IVrBrido John Clendenning " Hubert Dickson Kobert Kay AJjt. lii^orge Shaw Rii'hard Woodrufle James B. Jones Ensipis. Peter T. Pawling Joseph Butler Peter Ten Broek F. fi. Swazey Jiunes Mulrhead, junr Driiiel Fields ' Walter Dickson Micking James M't'ariane Suruicon. Juhn J. Lcf* Wdliam Addams leily Elias Durham Hi i.lNCOLN. John Cleii'.ent Col .lolm W arren, Ailjt Robert Kay, L/. /-/ Col Samuel Sire-^f, Q/MV. J^aniei Secord Mnji),' U iljiam Powell. bm-'^fon J. Muirhead Captains II. LLN'COL.N James Cnmmings Col Jjunes Kirby \Vdliam D. Miller 1./ Co/ Robt Il.imilton John Pntm.'.n Major Hobeit Ciant O/ias Buchner Cnp;ains. James Cooper Geort^e Keel'or An<lrew Borback AnthoL^' I'pper 'i'haddeus Davis Lewis Clement John MriNlicking John Mcl^idlan Abraham Bowman Div'kI 'J'hompson Davul Davis Jacob CJander Henry Weishum Samuel M'Afe Abner D'Cow Edmond Ryslay, Adji l.ieuitmants James Thomson Beujaniin Learn lliiani Humphrey Dell \Vm. Richardson Adjt Daniel Buchner Peter Miller Willson Haun Henry Fitch John Hebnes George Myer«, l.nsit^ns Lindf.nants. Jacob J. Ball John Meisner John Couck \Vm Hepburne Garrcit V^anderbarrack James Tht)mf»son Jacob Cppcir Robert Kirkpatrick Henry C Ball John Street Ensigns. Hall Davis George Rowe Hugh Rose Amos Bradshaw^ .Tames E^vart Carleton Leonard Samuel Street Wm. Mc Leila n Collen McNeIledf:e Levi Doan Edij!;eworth Usher Richard Yokham John M'Eown Jacob Willson John B. VVintemute \Villiam Wintemute Jacob Miller Lewis Palmer Cyrenus Hall A'djt E. Rvslav, Capt, Qr MV W'i'lliara Buck, Surseon, B. P. Hall, IV. LLNCOLN. Col. Robert Nellcs Adj W Richardson Capi,l Col Ab'm Nellcs Qr. Maser Gilbert Mc- Major Ed Pilkington M I ''iff' ^1 60 \h 11 > '1 Cnptains. Henry Nnles James Dcdrick Henry Mickson .lohn Henry AVm Chisholm Adam Simmernian Peter Hare Walter Detlrick John Moore L?eM/enflH/*. Jacob Vauhan Wm R Nelles, Ad George Brooke John Kennedy Edmond Hodges Mathias Simmerman Philip Dean John D. Beamer Robert Waddle Thomas Bingle Thomas Waddle Ensigns . Robert ISixon Samuel Kitchen Daniel Palmer Charles Anderson William Taylor Adam Conkel Joseph Simmerman Johnson Butler Henry Root John Patterson Adj Wm R iNelles Lt. Qr Mr Wm Nixon Surgeon C Sumner I HALDIMAND. \^0l •••• •••• Lt Col William Nelles, Major Warner Nelles, Captains. Henry W. Nelles Joseph Young William W Nelles William M Ball Andrew T Kerby George Runchoy George Hill Sheehan Licntenantu Warner H Nelles John L Nelles Robert Anderson Benjamin Wilson Denisi Keely, Ailjl, Edward Burton Ensigns John Y Nelles Mathias Wilson Peter B Nelles John Crokcr George H Dockstider James M Sheehan Adjf, Denis Keely, Lt, QrMV John I Nelles, Surgro7i, 1. NORFOLK. Col Joseph Ryerson Lt Col Abr. A Rapelje Major Daniel M'Call Captains. Duncan M'Call Samuel Ryerson Reuben Ri<'l.ardson Jacob Potts Daniel Ross John Kirkpatrick Francis L. Walsh hieuteriants. John Dedrick William Dell Matthew Tisdale Walter Anderson Peter W, Rapelje Jacob Powell Samuel Wood Ensig7is Daniel Fisher James Brown David Hunter Rowland Gilbert John M'Nelly Daniel M'Call Adam Balby Joseph Tisdall Adji Samuel Tisdale v(i' jyir. !••> ••*• Snrgeon Jas. Graham II NORFOLK. Col George C Salmon, Lt Col Isacc Gilbert Major Captains M'Farland Wilson William Gordon Wm T Salmon, Adjt, George I Ryerse William Wilson Edward Evans Lifutcnants Jacob Lemon John Slaght Philip Austin Rvnard Poits William M'Cool Duncan Campbell Ebenezcr Gilbert Abraham Massicav Zebulon Landon Ensigns Denis Shaw Richard Wilcox Thomas Helmer Job Massicar Joseph Culver Edward Ryerse Adj W r Salmon, Capi . fir M 'r Joseph Lemon, Surgeon, 1 OXFORD. Col Thomas tiornor, Lt Col Cha'slngcrsoll, Major Sikes Towsley, Captains B B. Brigham Henry Carroll J H Throckmorton ./ames Carroll George W Wliitthead John Kelly Daniel Brown Robert Alway Lieutenants William Reynolds George Nichols Lai iiel iinl Jlnl CaH Aie; Uil Jacc Prfe .fdsej fanu ArchI ./.ime U iJlif IVillii S.'as mt!;h M !is. Grahaui RFOLK. e C Salmon, cc Gilbert • • • • • • tains Wilson ordon >non, Adjt, yerse ilson a us 'Hauls t n ^ool npbell ilbert assicnr idon pis :ox iner r se ion, Capi. > Lemon, • • • • • RD. iornor, ngcrsolJ, I'owsley, IS Gi '^•''•ry Danid jj'"''''^ Harris ;'".-'• Malcolm ^'J^., ^^/*a^lano, Lt ii.omas /„^er.ol] Z,,^/^' «• Reynolds; Aiexander AJ'Grrgor rJ'vf'ff '^'^''•^SKX.' ^ '"'am Land ^ /ff/^"'^^^" Bur«oll ^^ illiam Land ^acobGobIe,.J,/y/. T'« <or Martin •;<'^t'pj, U'oodrow 'ainps O'Brien ^'Jiibald Burtci. . .iincs InfTcrsoU niJIiam Iran 'ccinard K( ru "'■as VViJJianis Iff TV*"" "urwc 5. C (tplaius. •^amuol Kd,son V '" Saxtoi, • ;'f Ph Defioid ;J.'' '»• Rackhousc /'tU8HiJlia,„,'" '>aac Diaper ^)'»drew Dobbit^ "^''" V Baekhous,-, ^'"^ulenuuts. ;J'(// J. Goble, /,/e;./ t.-M- ''""^'^^nunh. f -I'r W. xM'Carr^v Gi f '^'".^""""^rs • • • . ^^/ Hon T T 11 \i; Cnptnhis i "'man Wijso,, [^'slie Patterson J V^^-^i'iian lAlexander Boss I aiiies M'Qu,oen l'"in Warren . '<^''ib«iJd GiJJes P''^'i M'Cowan Fames AI'Kinlay f-imttnatUa '.''"lam Bird hi'on liflany f nomas M'Call iimuei iVl'Cnlj .''''» GiJies h 'd Davis F •J"''n Summers •;^""es Hutchinson H^»ry House ' • •'«"'<^s Summers Alexander Saxton i^n signs, Gforse Dobbie Alexander Sunnner, •'//i". Beimer ' 5^.".^!" «• Kennedy ,V;"'^''«^Mntoi JererDe Field J^Ij^-a. Edison, Jun'r. ^'i/'^'-, David sec;:;^ J>an.ei Bapelje «e/uamm VViJson .'aines iVevilUs Jo^M Conrad 'l"-cph Smith •Joseph L. Odoll •''''*'» C (ioodhue \'^;^ '♦''chael \pt ... , , War ^'y^^iftnts. " ''nam Orr •J'^s^e /avitz •'/^'I'l Mariatf '••••rdmerMerrirk •!«"«s Barnes \; ;? ''• ^'""'^ '>athan Gri/fiti,, i^awranrp n.., ^'-Master . Ll Col """"''en, •'-'se„/,s'''H'"'- ' f^ i'" o. Harrison fj^^^velj Mo,,^,^ '*"" ;^»can M'Aenzie ;,^'^¥f'l Talbot ;?«n'ei Hine Ldvvard K. sy V'CI Doty ' l^clvvard E. Talbot '-'iculetianti' •fajnos Fi,i,e,. " -/^/'n Siddali »V'iham Grav 1(1 Fi 1; MrM: %\ Y ■ 11 ft I G2 i ( iNath.iniel Jacobs II<Miry B. Warren Lawrence Laurason Daniel Campbell Thomas H. SumnuTs Grorpe Robinson Williiim Burj^ess riiili{> Harding .faints i'arkinson .lolin Talbot -dk'liL •••• •••• ^/' MV >Surgcn7i, I. ESSEX. Col E. Uoynolds, U Col. .lames Gordon, Major W. iVI'Cormick, CaplahiH. John Wilson John Little Francis Caldwell Matthew Elliott James W. Little .folm M'Cormick Charles Berczey Lewis G. Gordon John Eerris Micliael Fox Lieutenants. .Tohn Caldwell Wm. Ambridgc, Adjt.. Theodore Marlotte William Wright Henry Lipps Joseph Malotte Peter Young' Alexander Duff Alexander M'Cormick Matthew M'Cormick AVilliam Mickle Ejisigns. Antoine Bezer Daniel Fisher John Palton Ilobert Ironside Thomas Wright Leonaril Wigle John Brush Alexander Clark Nelson Warren A(/jl W. Ambridge, f.f. Qr.lfV.Cha'sForticr, 6'M/•^•t7»M, II. ESSEX. Co/. William Elliot Lt. Col. James Askin Major, T, Maisonvillo, Ca/)tihis. Thomas Reaume J. B. Labodie Alexander M'Kee J. it. Petre J. %. Macon John Gentle Adjt. Charles Smith Jolin Watson Antoine Soumandre Tliomas Martin Lieufcnnnts. Pierre T. Reaume Francis Petremoulx Alexander M'Gregor Georpe Nelson John Hands Loins A. Macon Jactjues Parrent Chrysostom Pajot Antoine Onillettc Ensigns. Samuel liabodie Antoine Gouyenr Collat Parrent Alexis Parrent Joseph Lewis Narcise Tourneaux John Jacob James Woods .losrph Woods Tiiomas Smith Adj. .John Gentle Capl. qr. MV. Ben. Lavalie Sur^cou, Henry Haskiii I. KENT. Col. Hon. James Baby Lt Col. •' Major, John Dolson Captains. William Jones Claude Gouin Isaac Dolson Christopher Arnold (Jeorge Jacob jun'r. Hugh M'Cullum Israel Smitli \Villiam Cidl Hector M'Dougall Lieutenants. Francis Lee Sunmel Osborne John Traxter .Teremiah De Clutc Jonas Crafts Francis Drake .Toim Williams .lessc Cull John Arnold Thomas Shaw EnMgns. Joseph Wood John Butler John M'DougaH Thomas .lackson Daniel M'Gregor John Shaw James Richardson Matthew Dolson (Jeorgc Hartley William Desmond Adjutant, Qr Master, Surgeon * Denotes Officers o<" Cavahy. Note. — Those Regiments which appear not filled up, have their co^ clement of men. but the Olficcrs have not yet been appointed. 63 ji ♦ MILITARY STAFF OP UPPER CANADA. lIisF.xcET.r.F.vcT Major CEVERAr. Sin PEnKr.KiNE M\rrr.\Nn Knirrht C'omiiiamU'r of t lit' Most llonorablo Military Oidt r < i" llie Huth. k.c. &LC. &ic. Coimnnndinp tlir Forcos in Upper CuiJutl.i. Aiif-dt-C(tmp, Miij«»r IlilKtr, T-\/h hh^imevt, r.xlrn Aid-dt-Camp, f'aptaiii Maitlaiul, h p. A^sisUtvt Adjutnitl Ocneral. i\Iaj(»r Lorinjf. /*. /). As.s-iaUnit (^unrler Mn.ittr Criurnl, Li. ut, (.'oltmel Li<;}»tfo'>t. C B./i. p Town Major of Khv^slon, J-H'utcnaiu Patrick CorbH*, I'. V. B. Vorl Adjulant of Druininund Island, .lames Keating. CHAPLAINS TO THE FORCES. Tlio Reverend li. W. Tuiuiy, KingsioUt The Reverend Jos. Hudson, York. ACTING CHAPLAINS TO THF. TPtOOPS. The Kovrrentl H. Rolpli, Atnhernthvnah, Tlie Reverend Tlionms Ha«idcock, Furt George. MILITARY AND CIVIL BRANCH OF THE ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT IN UPPER CANADA. , KINGSTON ENGINEER BRANCH. Li'-utenant Colonel J. R. Wright — Cumiiianding in U. C. Isr Captain, J. R. Bonyt^astle, Lieutenant Henrv Briscoe, H. .J.'W ulf. Clerk of ll'urks — Mr. Samuel Shaw, Clerk of Stores — Mr. J. Gass, Acting, ARTILLERY BRANCH. Major W. Robort — Commanding in U. C. Brevet Major P. Wallace — Fire Master, " J. Petley, (in England) 64 'h 2(i Captain, Henry Dilton, *^ " William Urciotcn, (in EnglaniT) 1st Lieutenant, Grorgf H.iro, " S. A. Severne, (in En^l.-inii) William Furncaux, (at Qurhor) Hu;;!i Morjfan, {hi Ki»i;lHn<i) 2d Lieutenant, H'mhv O'Brien, Adjutant, W. Ai. Smith. \\ I } I.' > CIVIL Br» wcu Richard Penn — Onlntinre Sloickccptr, CM. Hen ham — t'int Clerk, J.)lin Ciurdon — Si cowl Clerf:, Tiinmas Hart — Wnrrnnttd IVheehr, William Mi<hael — ff'rtrrnnlrd Armourer. BARRACK BRANCH. Francis Raynes — Bnrrnck Muster, D. Benson, } n i c- • i SunmclGray, I Barrack Serjeants, YORK ENGLNEER BRANCH Lieutenant J. Walpole. BARRACK BRANCH. iLurioU Hartney — Barrack Master. FOPf GEORGE ENGINEER BRANCH. 2il Captain, George Phillpotts, Clerk of Works — George Houghton, BARRACK BRANCH. George Garrett — Barrack Master, Lieutenant, h.p. 41s.' liegiment. » Barrack Scrjeniit. AMHERSTBURCIT. William Dufl* — Barrack Mc.-trr. DRUMMOND ISLAND. tSentlow Rawson— Bar. Y/cA; Master. FORT WJilLLINGTON. A. Patten— Barrack Muslnr. Qj COMMISSARIAT i)i:i'AUTMn.\'t. C'ommm«ry (icncrnl, Peti.k TirruiiUNU, (^nrbcc. DKPUrY AsSLSTANl CdMMIS.sAllV (IkVKRAI.S. Kinirslon — Thomas Hill, KiiiKslon — ArnoM, Amhcrstbur^h—M'ic\mo\ Bailey, Dnnnmntul hfand—J. BlacUbunu' do. William Stanton, Vork—l'\ V. Billin<rs. Fort G'eor^'e— James Wickcus, KingstQu — Charles Morgan. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Inspetor of Hopi tals — Dr. Bonk, Kingston, James Gcddcs, Hopital Asssistant — Kh)f>;ston Huston, do. Ainherslhtiriih, O'Brien do. Dniirmuiul Island, INDIAN DEPARTMENT OF UPPER CANADA. I Uniform Olive Green, and Gold Lore. NAMES, RANKS, STATION. Maj. Gen. Darlinfj ^ Uepf.Supt. tJeii. ic I Dept. Insp. Goii. 1 \ Quebec. Jos. B. Clench, Esq. Cl'k of Indian aflairs Fort George, Esq. Sur;^eon, • ••••• ••••#• Mr. Fairchild, Interpreter, • t**«« ••••#• 4uron Dokuf^h'tciisoro S(thooImastcr, Grand River, James Givins, Esq. Superintendant, Vork, Georp^e Ironside, Esq. Roh, Richardson, Esq. A iiilip rctKiirtr Surgeon, •••••■ •••••< Mr. G. Ironside jun'r Interpreter, •••••• ■••••# Rev. Mr. Crevior Missionary Sandwich, \Vm. M'Kay, Esq. Superintendant, DrumiMond h.l ind, T. CJ. Andcrsoii, Esq. Clork ^ Interpreter, • ••••• »«*••• David Mitchell, Esq. Surijeon, • ••••• •••••• Lewis Johnson, Lieutcnani, • ••••• •••••« Mr. St. German, Interpreter, • ••••• •••••• Mr. Solomon, Chief Assi<(cnnack, James Farling, Armour, tfttta •••»•• I' I I ' '! F' M in I I I. ' 11 it- tf; I T' 'I 11 .;.(,; ill. if i' n • 6(> REGIMENTS OF THE LINE, SERVIiVG !N UPPER CANADA. 68lh DLRHAM LIGHT LNFAiMRY. Colonel, Sir Henry Warde, K. C. B. (LituUnant General.) Lieutenant Colonel, J. P. Hawkins. * Majors. William Gibson, d. Jamos Winnett, James Mitchell Jolin Recti. D. Mac Donald, d. Caplabis. John Blood, r. N. Glcdstancs Cilffl/or^ James Duff, Adjutant, James M'GillStraciian, W. i\(jith Harry Smyth Paymaster, H. fiemX, w. Lancelot Bayly, rf, Jos. North A. M. Wool house Hon. Robert Bovio S. Kennedy, d. Robert Mellville G. McDonald John Parker, s. James Menzies, d. WiJiiam Smyth R. Jackson, d. H. R. Ferguson. Lieutenants. William Mendham, d. James Carson William Smith Peter Bernard Allan M'lNabb R. W. Huey. Ensigns. William Foster, d. Evan MacPhcrson T'hilip Diirnford A. Maclean H. Mac^eley Adjt. J. Duff, Lieut. Qr. M'r. G. M'Boa'.h, Surf^eon, Jamcr; Keid, Asst. Hify. R. Williams, M D. Asst, 'Jar. James Craw- ford, M. D. d Facings, bottle green — Lace, Silver. Al is. Greenwood iii. Co. 70th (OR SURREY), Colonel, R. A. Lord Hoavart) of Effmgham, G. C. B. (JAtut. Gen'l.) Lieulcnant Colonel, Charles M'Grigor. Majors. G. Goldfrap, Dep. Pm. Tho's. Evans;* Lt. Col. J , Samson, Adjutant, Richard Greene, d Captains. g. Trrdennick Do. lit id Mackay Joseph Kelsall, d. James F. Sweeny, d Joseph De la Uayo, Thomas Reed Ogden Cieighton, d. Robert Kirk Edwav'l X. White, d. James Laing. / ulenants, E. Stevenson, William Taylor, S imuel Wbyte, d. James Gnston John Brown James Flccsou Gabriel Tuustall J. S. DaljL'^ety M. K. Atherlcy, d. - M. B. G. Iteed Edward Kirwan, d. Ensigns. J. V» illiamscu T. B. ^ eean, w. G, L. Harvey C. DuP. Egerton P. W. Braham Benjamin Swan George Diirnford. Paymaster, J. J.John- ft./.ie. Captain, Adjt. .1. Samson, Lf. Qr Mudcr, J. Wilson, Snrg. G.Garrett, M.D, Asst. Surg. J. Robert- son, M. D. d. Ast. Sur. P. Robertson. Facings, black — Lace, gold. Ag'ts, Greenwood ^ Co * kiij^lits CompaTiions of the Tiath. ('. Detached — s Slaff-^r. Rpcvuiting — w. Waterloo, 0. 67 ""''''f'> serving in Canada. r KINGSTOV fonim.ssionor Robert R • 6 «J, ivir. Robert Adams. "• ^ C. Douglas, i,'.««, Mr. C. C. Todd, • Ortlinai'v, J ^-'^*^iitenant, H n r rv' Wrdi GRAND RIVER, LAKE ERIE ^^ >*fN I : ilM Wl I ' !i ;■{ , tf ..^■. N '^ 68 ''I , MISCELLANEOUS [ AND USEFUL INFORMATION RELATING TO UPPER CANADA. " h Hi: i kihu 'i tl 'f 'Ifm : II. '"111' 'ill! 1i jm A Table of the Latitudes and Longitudes of the following Places, reckoned from Greemmch. Placks. ] North Y West Remarks. ' Latitud E. LiiMTUDE. i Deg . Mill. Sec. Detr . Min. Sec. 1 Sandwich 42 20 10 83 9 30 Port Talbot 42 39 59 81 24 8 Vlttoria 42 45 19 80 37 5 Vnrt Erie 42 52 20 79 8 16 Fort Goorg^e, (Niagara) .... 43 17 37 79 16 ••- York 43 43 38 56 10 79 78 36 32 Part Hope P Mnt Charles, Determined h\' (Rice Lake),,. 44 9 45 78 19 45 Cap.Oweu, U..N Cobonrg- 43 65 78 20 1 Prosq' Isle Bay. .. +4 ■ 10 77 54 1 Belleville 44 11 10 77 35 B i«h 44 44 13 14 16 17 76 76 56 42 . Kiupi'siou ! Perth 14 45 51 12 76 76 2(; 14 , The whole of '''rrink lowii these calculiir Ftirninond 43 10 — 75 55 — ons, (exccptiii.' Mouth of the Ri- the one relative. ver Kide;ui .... 45 24 75 53 to Point Char!i« Gunanoqui River . 44 24 76 19 onthcRiceLali' ■ B»-ockville 44 34 51 are mean of M Prescott , 44 41 75 40 number niado m Crys'er's Faiin . 44 53 75 16 the vears 18l:'l CoinwuU c 45 1 30 74 54 30 13-14, and I'r I Pt. ail Bainlet,/// (Siprned) 1 Hounif^nf li>ic,. 15 13 ^:i 74 29 15 J. G. rHKWKrri K3( 03 ho *Oj ii|s Si c^ ^3 Ooi '^Jontre 03 W NS K3 lowing «ABRS. iweu, U ^ wbole of] calculat I (escoptii'il nc relativ?! lint cum ;RiceLiiU lean oi' [cr made | l-eai's l^'- j, ana IV jgnetl) 8 to to o 4^ to 03 OS to to to to to 00. to to to to to to o 00 03 to 03 4:» 03 to, to o to to 03 00 to t;) to to to O 4^ to 03 to -1 to 03 to to; to 4>>i to 03 00 to I— ' to O to H- K* v to o 03 to o;i oo 03 o on to 03 4:^ to 00 0.^ 00 OS 00 03 on 00 00 00 to 03 4^ to 4:>> 03 --4 to --1 4^ O 03 o to o 03 Or« 00 oo Ci 00 00 Ci 00 Ci O! 00 Ci 00 00 4^ rii 4». Ci 00 4^ to' H- Cii oo' O on to Cil *^ Ci' 4^1 I-* on 03 4^ I-*! C^ 4^ 03 to 03 o 03 Oi toi 031 Ci 4^ 03 4^ »— » on on 03 03 on 03 4:^ to 03 00 00 O 00 o Ci Ci 00 -4 Ci to 00 % 4^ 4^ ^ ^ lo to 03 o;^ 0;^ Pr on O O o to w« oo Ci 4^ 03 Ci o o 00 00 03 to 00 oo 4^ Ci 00 on Ci 00 00 03 Ci Ci on on O to o;* O 4^ 03 00 03 on 00 to 00 to to c^ o 00 o 03 00 03 to 03 Ci on to to to Cn River Belleville Bath, Kingston, Gannanoqui Brockviile, g Matilda, Osnabruck, Cornwall, M Lancaster, Pt. au Baudot, Coteau du LaC) Montreal. w O 03 03 g to 03 to to 03 to 4^ 03 to to 00 to I— ' 00 OO o 00 ool to 00 to SgjYork, to 03 to to to to 03 to to to o 00 4^ to 00 O to g 4^ 4>. 03 to to to Darlington, to to 1— • to c to 03 to to o 03 00 03 00 to 1-* o 00 00 0» O 03 00 to to on ^ Port Hope, GO CO to 03 OS to t4) .91 o -4 4:>> 00 OS 03 to to 00 Cobourg, »0 CO' bO 03 to to to to o 03 1— 00 00 00 4^ S 09 00 to OS t-* 4^ ^ Grove's, H to to •-* 00^ to •-* 0.T 00 03 4^ § 00 4ik S! to 00 ^ Keelers, > f w o »«3 NO to to to — — to p 00 00 o;» 03 to O ^ -^ ^ to 1-^ O Cramah^, to to 03 to o 4u 03 o 00 00 OO O to River Trent, 2 H >o to o o 00 03 OS 03 03 1— ' 00 4^ 03 00 Belleville, > n O to on I— 1 to O W 00 o 00 OS 00 Bath, 00 *•- 4^ OS to t— » ^ ■^ ^ "^ to o 00 Kingston, o • CO I-* to o 03 00 03 to Gannanoqui i V2 00 4^ ^1 to to Brockville, g to 00 OS to 4^ OS ^ Pr escort, o h3 00 t 03 4^ g Matilda, W >- 00 03 03 o 4^ Osnabruck, 00 oo 4^ to 03 Cornwall, ■ iO oo ^ Lancaster, ■ ^ ■ ^ Pt. au Baudot, 1^ Co tea ud ul jM ► iontreal. I j York, arlington, Hope, > r w o ♦«3 CO to 1>S to Oil *. to lU to 00 to o Fort Erie, Falls, QueenstOD, j^ I Niagara, 12 Mile Creek, 40 Mile Creek, ^ Stony Creek, O 5 ^ OS tol 03; ^ O 00 o to 00 to o K3 03 O o o •-I W to to ::^ to to O to (-» ts to u to o to O OS to 00 00 03 to 09 03 01 o 03 «0' Cji 00 ^ -^ to o C5 o to o 00 4^ 00 O 03 Ci 00 O ^ ^ C?i 0« 4;^ oof 00 O 05 o 03 o 4^ 03 03 to 00 OS Hamilton, 4^ 0^ O 03 03 to oo 03 to to 0;^ 03 to 03 03 ^ to 03 O lO to 03 York, Humber, Trafalgar, 12 Mile Creek, Dundas, Ancaster, Grand River, Burford, to 00 00 00 fc o Oxford, Delaware, Chatham, Sandwich, Amherstburgh. § O *H B > B sr o (A c c -1 en; > r w o p ■3^ .. - I : "J :i 4 ^ _'-,C *;• H) /2 ijiiiifl I I 72 LIGHT HOUSE DUTIES. Imposed by the Provincial Parliament^ 7 Geo. 4, Chap. 9. For defraying^ the charge of the Light House on Gibraltar Point, and for crecring other Huusos in tlie Province. FaVABLK to Tllii Coi.LKCTOU OF THE CuSTOMS AT YoRK. Currency. Decked Vessel of more than 15, and less than 50 Tons,.... JtO 7 6 Above rA) Tons, 12 6 Packets trading to und from York, once at least in each and every week, may oblain a Licence for the Season for..'. 15 The Duties to be paid within 24 hours after entry at the Port, or the . Vessel liable to seizure and forfeiuire. %4 I c TABLE DISCOUNT PER CENT. 2\ per cent, is Os. M. in a£ 17i per cent. is 3s 6J. in a £ 5 1 20 . 4 7i 1 6 22i 4 6 10 2 25 6 12.^ 2 6 30 6 16 3 -i 35 7 TABLE TO CHANGE CURRENCIES. To change Sterling at 4s. 6d. into Currency, .... add To change Currency into Sterling at 4«. 6d. .. , deduct ,\ To change Sterling at 4s, 4d, into Currency, .... add /^ To change Currency infb Sterling at 4s. 4d, ... deduct To change Army Pay at 4s. Sd, into Currency, . . add To change Currency into Army Pay at 4s. 8c?. deduct y\ VALUE QF GOLD COINS, IN UPPER CANADA. English, Portuguese, and American Ohld, at the rate of 89*. per oi French and Spanish Gold, at the rate^of 87s. 8^ per oi Payments over £20 may be made in bulk at the foregoing raij deducting half a grain for each piece. If paid in smaller Sums, the following shews their weight aij value :— 73 . TABLE. freight and value of Gold Coins, when paid in single pieces. Dkxomination. British, Portuguese, and American. A Guinea, Half do Third do A Johannes, Half do A Moidorc, An Eagle, Half do French and Spanish. A Doubloon Half do A Louis D'or, coined before 1793, . .. A Pistole, do. ... Weight. (Iwts. 5 2 1 18 9 <i 11 5 17 8 5 4 grs. 6 15 18 i) 18 6 15 12 4 4 Valuk. Currency. £ 1 4 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 s. 3 11 7 10 10 5 14 17 2 18 4 8 .0 a 3 8 3 2 1-4 is allowed for t.ery grain, over or under, on British, Portu^icse» and American Gold, and 2 1-5 for every grain, over or under, ou French and Spanish Gold. SILVER COINS. Denomination. British Crown, British Shilling, The Sum of 17« 4rf, British Silver and Copper Money Dollar, Pistareen, French Crown, Coined before 1793,... American Dolkr, . , . , , Val'jk , Currency. £ s. d. 5 ^^ 1 ' 1 oj 5 1 5 6 5 By Provincial Statute, 7 Geo. 4 C. 5. -!>» ''m.: _^-!- 1) |: i j t: \m I li w . ! ; .if ' Hi jlv i! Ir* '^' ax] 1 -...'- '^1 Tabic of interest at Six per Cent t 1 Wtok. 1 Month, j 3 M uiiths rtM unths 1 Year. | .». d. q s. (/. V- A. d. y- s. ./. 7- s. d. r,.\ 1 41 it 1 31 2 1 (» 3 u 1 21 ^ -^ i) 2 1 2 u| o 4 (► 2 1 1 2 31 1 3 1 3 3 2 ; K fi 1 1 2 4 1 i ^ 7 (► 1 1 1 2 2 5 V 5 2 H 2 1 1 2 3 V P 2 1 2 3 (» 6 7 2 10 2 1 3 3 o 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 o 1 7 1 2 2 4 'A 8 3 2 10 3 1 9 2 3 7 r. 4 1 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 4 9 II ; 1 2 r> 1 (> 3 6 '. 't 6 1 3 7 1 9 2 3 7 7 2 ^ 7 2 (» s 1 2 1 4 2 8 4 H 2 1 9 2 o 4 3 4 9 2 9 7 9 2 2 10 3 2 8 1 5 4 <) 10 9 10 3 1 3 6 (» 12 £ s. d. jC s. d. £ s. (I £ s. d. £ a. >l. 4 20 6 2 6 12 1 2 3() 9 3 9 18 1 ir> S 40 1 4 12 1 4 2 8 § 50 1 3 6 15 1 10 3 f^ m 1 6 6 18 1 16 3 12 o /O 1 9 T 1 1 2 2 4 4 « 80 2 8 1 4 2 8 4 16 (» a 90 2 3 9 1 7 2 14 5 8 ^ 100 2. 6 10 1 10 3 6 1000 1 5 5 15 30 6(» o % N far. ■ y- I 31 2 4) h\ ol I Lii ii (.■ o| rl. (.» 0| (*l (*l (i! (»j ADDENDA. fJiof/at Charter.) nohert Bidduir],. Richard Blanshard, Robert Downie, M P •»ohn Easthope Kdward EUicc/ M.P. fobn Fullarfon, J harles David Gordon """•""""-Charles Bos,„„„e, p • 'iiiiaiijg, [..sqiurc, i\l.r>. . directors. •John Ho(f!.son, •'ohn lluUon, [}!irt Lo;7an, Simon M^Giiliwav •James M'KiJIop ' ' ^VilLam n.bbert, J«., £,^„j,^^ ^^-.u, Tnckor Snn>,, Thomas Starling Ben.on ^^"(^'/j>rs. Ihomas Pounder, jun. ' f^^^'^^Y ^Vilson. M P i*itssrs. Masterman & Co • nn.i \r «idffe, and fi'dduIpL "'"• ""'''''> ^■^^<^^- AT KINGST0\-.^/-; , , ' /'mirfew/-John R. Glover F. • '^ohn Kirby, directors. Mn Marks', -^ohn Maraulv S'cretar, a„a Trea.>r?;^uToTc- ^""""^ "^^ ^ *• CorbeU. I\Ir ^ r . ° °>^ Commissary Gemra] ^ Lawrigon is Po««»., "^ '"^'^' i 1 . I "I •I ■rJ. i f^' M •lis 1^" M HH'i B 76 Note.^n the compilation of the Calendar, the i'uhiUher haii used every meant within big power to obtain correct infurntation. Notwith- standiuj^, some errors will no doubt, be found in it. (.'oircrtions will be thankfully received and attended to in a future Edition, which may be addressed to him (post paid) at the Gazette Office, York. In the Table of the Divisions, Population, &c. of U.C. the coi met* ness of the number of the Population may be questioned. Great diffi- culty has been found in giviiig this as corr> .tly as could be desired, in consequence of the want of attention fn making up the returns in some of the Districts. In a subsequent Edition of this work, the Pub' lisher will endeavor to give a list of the Townships in the Province, with the population of each. ROBERT STANTON. f I «^v? \ INDEX. Almauuc, .....*'* 6 As&embly, House of 25 Agents, Surveyor General's. ..27 A|;eiit Provincial in London. ..28 Auditor Gen'l. of Land Patent!, 28 Attorney General, 29 Attornies, 29 Barristers 29 Bunk of Upper Canada 35 Qironological Cycles, 3 Characters used, explanation of 6 Civil List of U. C 23 Council days, ,K 2t> Court of King's Bench,**. 28 Crown Office, 28 Commissioners for Affidavits, K. B 30 Commissioners for Heir and Devisee Act, 34 Commissioners for 68 Geo. 3,.. 34 ' for administer- ing Oath of Allegiance, .... 34 Commispt^ >s of the Peace, ..41 Clev ,y jf Lhi . lished Church, 31 Ch.\, airr, <- th.» Forces, 32 Clc'^y ^*««K'r -s, Corporation 33 CK-i'i:: Roii! Catholic 33 rv.r5' ^'i.Tch of Scotland ..33 Coroners, 37 Clerks of the Peace, 37 Coli'^ctors of Customs, ....... 38 Cuinmissariat Department, .... 65 Currency, Table to change . ..72 Deputy Survf^ors, 27 Deputy Clerk* of the Crown,.. 29 Desjardin's Canal Company ... 36 District Courts, iudges and Clerks of 37 Distances, Tables of 69 Divisions and Puipulation of U. C. Table of 71 Digcouat per Cent, Tabla of . ..72 Ember dayt, . « .".".'. « « V, '.,*,,,. 3 Eclipses, 4 Executive Council 26 Education, Board of General Supcrinteudt-nce 39 Education, District Boards of 39 Feasts, moveable 3 Free Maions 45 Government Office, 24 Gazette Office, 28 Grammar Schoul, Royal 39 Gold Coins, value of 72 " weights of 73 Inspector General's Office, ....26 Lispectors, Beef and Pork, ...38 •' Flour, Pot, and Pearl Ashes, 38 Inspectors, Shop, Still, and Tavern Licences, 39 Indian Department, <)5 Interest, Table of. 74 Kings and Quecus of England, 20 Legislative Council, 24 Latitude and Longitude of cer- tain places, 68 Light House Duties, 72 Ministers, His Majesty's 2! Ministry in Ireland, 22 Medical Board and Licentiates, 35 Marriage Licences, Agents for issuing, 41 Militia, 47 Military Staff in U. C 63 Medical Department in U. C. ..65 Miscellaneous information, . ... 68 Notaries Public, 30 Ordnance Department in U. C. 63 ^ 1 [! 11 ' ! (ii) PoftMMters, 44 Boyal Family of Great Britain, 21 Receiver Genet al's Officii . . . • « 26 Bvgittnurs of Countieg, 39 BegimedtB of the Line in U. C. 66 Boyal Navy in U.C. .........67 Solar System, 4 Secretary & Registrar's Office, 26 Surveyor General's Department 27 Solicitor General, ....... ....29 Surrogate Court, 33 Socie^ for the relief of Stran- gers tn distress, 36 Sheriffs, 36 School, Central of U. C 40 Schoolmasters, pistrict 41 Silver Coins, value of 73 Terms, King's Bench 3 Trustee8,General Ho8pital,U.C. 36 Treasurers of Pistricts, .38 Trustees of Public Schools, . ..40 Welland Canal Company, .... 36 Zodiac, Signs of ...... ...... 3 ^ i \ ^ • • « * '*i\- L i fl 1^ *: »-.'j-- .ft^ r-. • » • • t « • . . 3t) 36 • C 40 •ct 41 f. ....... 73 ■V ••••«••• 3 pitai,U.C.36 »•» ••«••• 3$ hools, ...40 any, ...,36 3 : '' '•\,' ' "t ( f if '"f f4