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 AMic Guide 
 Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, (fee. 
 -» <•» 
 496 St. James Street, Montreal, 
 Publishers, Booksellers, and General Railway Nt 
 Incomparably the best Hotel in the 
 A Home for the Traveller, built, equipped and 
 conducted on the best New York Models. 
 Its airy site on Dominion Square makes it a 
 whilst within easy walking distance of the chief 
 points of interests in the city. 
K::> ' 
 One hour by Grand Trunk R. R. from Montreal. 
 Richelieu Co. Steamers leave Montreal twice a we k for St. Hilaire. 
 H Dellglitfyl and Popular Canadian Summer Resort. 
 The House is capable of accommodatinjr over 400 guests, and ofTers exceptional 
 ^/dvantages to Montreal business men Its proximity, easy and cheap access to and 
 from the city, enable them to go in and out daily, whilst the unlimited area of 
 grounds belongmg to the Hotel makes it like a perfect park, and ofters rare advan- 
 tagcs for delicate people to recuperate their health and enjoy themselves. 
 .u ^u * ^°T'o?J%'?^/^ ^^ '''7- In-d"or amusements have been provided for in 
 %^i^<^% u^ BILLIARDS and BOWLING ALLEYS. Two large BATH 
 HOUSES have been erected a few yards from the Hotel, supplied by a rushing 
 stream of crystal water from the " Iroquois Lake." ' 1 h J " '"=>■""« 
 The following is the Scale of Prices : 
 Per Month, from $30 to $60, according to location of Room. 
 Per Week, from $10 to $16, " << « 
 Per Day, from $2 to $2.50 and $3 " " •« 
 T vw*'"'^ ^J ""?""' ^"' business men, called to the city daily, including Railway 
 1 icket in and out, carriages to and from Hotel and R. R. Station, from $46. 
 Reasonable rates for children and servants. For further informatibn apply to 
 n.u^fi^ul^^ o ^Y St. Hiliiirc Park on the River Richelieu, opened this season, is 
 Zlll^ " — '' **"'' T. ^^'^ !•"« «f tne G. T. R'y. It is the largest pleasure ground 
 in the Dominion, and is ov/ned by Lt. Col. B. F. Campbell. 
 ',^- <! 
 SSk^v ' '■ JmC^v ■ life ' . 

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 1 , 
 aggage Transfer C 
 Will call for and deliver baggage at a 
 lence in the city. 
 Agents await the arrival of all trains and steamers. 
 Perfect organization, first-class equipment^and^o^<^' 
 leaper rates than by any oth^r^^U® ^J^ 
 . Special facilities for the transfer 8^o*^mgr^fal,,^ 
 fravellers and Theatrical Companies' "g^ft^^^gjjzP 
 HI. E,, ^M:.A.CG-REG-OieJ 
 P. O. BOX 1165. 
 TELEPHONE No. 1225. 
 ^9 ESTABLISHED 1834. %^ 
 Prize MedalsLondon and Paris 
 — ALSO — 
 Gold Medal awarded at Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, 
 1879, for Beat Collection of Furs. 
 '"••^=>j^g g^s ^g ^ as: 
 Hatters and FaTvieT'sl 
 Tourists are invited to call and examine our stock, on view during the 
 Summer, embracing all the finest classes of 
 All manufactured on the premises in the best manner and latest styles. 
 English, F. eneh and American Hats of all kinds received from 
 the he&t makers weekly. 
 \ "Within two s 
 'INDSOR HOUSE, Ottawa. 
 S. DANIELS, Proprietor. 
 I ^ItWa two ainates Walk of the Parllaaent Building., Pest Offlee and ToUgraph Ofllcoi. 
 OmnlbMdi meet all Boats and Trains. 
 T/-Mj^T .r, ^,^ Vice- Pregident li- Man. Director. 
 JOHN S YOUNG, Sec.-Trens. 
 'madi Fap 
 ^hite and Tinted Flat Writings, Envelope and Cover Papers, 
 Papers Book, News and Poster Papers, Bleached and 
 Unbleached Bag, Hosiery and Manilla Papers, 
 Brown Wrapping, Roofing Felt, &c., &c. 
 »78, 680 & 582 CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. 
 WORKS: Windsor Mills and Spnng^•ale Mill. 
 271 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, 
 Hatters and Furriers, 
 For Furs from the Dominion of Canada. 
 "We specially invite Strangers to visit our brilliantly. lighted 
 Show Rooms, ■where a large assortment of Furs 
 is constancy on view. 
 Also, the Largest Stock of IMPORTED ENGLISH and 
 FRENCH HATS to be found in the City. 
 Kartin Is Sa&gstar's Vmbreilu, Water Proofs and Bubbtr Ooods. 
 'he Finest and Purest 
 Toilet Soap in the World. 
 lade entirely from vegetable oils, and containing lo per cent 
 Highly recommended by leading physicians and chemists. 
 Cures all skin eruptions, removes sunburns, makes the skin 
 3ft and smooth, and wonderfully improves the complexion 
 By its medicinal and- disinfectant properties, it is 
 Invaluable for the Childrens' Bath. 
 TRAVELLERS should always carry it. 
 ^hose going to the country should take it with 
 them or obtain it. 
 [old l)|f Druggists Evefjwhere and by fIrst-Class Grocers, 
 or sample Tablet mailed free to any address upon receipt 
 of IS cents. 
 ' i Proprietors and Manufacturerg. 
 Trade supplied by any Wholesale Druggist or Grocer. 
 1790 & 1760 Kolre Dame k 35 St. John Streets, MOXTREIIL, 
 10c. each to $1.80 
 10c. each to $3.00 
 MODEL SNOWSHOES, - ISc. each to $3.S0 
 lOc. each to - - $2.00 
 Wail Papers, - 5c. and upwards 
 Baskets, • - 3c. " 
 Hammocks, - 75c. " 
 G. fi. MOLLAND, 
 , MONTREm, 
 ch to $1.80 
 ;h to $3.00 
 5h to $3.30 1 
 Goods and 
 Manufactures & Importers 
 —OF — 
 Fish Hooks, 
 'PORTING \ Fishing \ Tackle. 
 — ALSO — 
 ■ '-^-w-r^^ now shoes. Toboggans & Moccasins. 
 A good stock always on hand from best Indian makers. 
 IPTION.B ^"tJ a large variety of GENERAL SPORTING GOODS. 
 §hotagrafiheris to the §mm, 
 17 Bleury St, Montreal, 
 3. 7.8 
 ♦ ♦ 
 Our New Instantaneous] Process 
 quite a marvel "^fn 
 Photo grapJEy. 
 CARTES, - . $2.00 to $4.00 Per Doz. 
 CABINETS, - , $4.00 to $8.00 « 
 A feature worthy of notice is the Parlor, No. ii6, at the 
 Windsor Hotel, east end of the Grand Corridor. 
 nil ^^^ 
 6g and 71 St. John Street, 
 Fine's Paper and Envelopes^ Stationery of all 
 kinds, Novels, " Seasides," " Franklin 
 Squares," Juveniles, Gift Books, 
 &c., &e., &e. 
 First-Class Pianos and Organs. 
 lllvheat Honorn wherever exhibited. Internittfonnl Mednla 
 and DlplomaH of Honor at Philadelphia, 1H7«: Sidney, 
 Australia, 1877: Parla, France, 187S; and over 50 
 First Prlaea In Canada and different parts 
 of the Witrid. 
 ^^Two of our instruments, an Organ and a Piarip, have been 
 selected for Rideau Hall, Ottawa, for the special use of the Gov- 
 ernor General, I.adj Lansdowne, and Lady Melgund. 
 Jnsti^uments for^rtists a Sfeciai*ty. 
 Square and Upright Pianos, 
 Parlor, Students, Chapel and Church Organs, 
 Organs with Two Manuals and Pedal Bass. 
 PRICES FROM $50.00 to $1,00000. 
 ENGLAND, London and Manchester; GERMANY, Hamburg: SOUTH 
 AMERICA, Georfjetown; AUSTRALIA, Sidney and Ade&ide. 
 NEW ZEALAND. Auckland. 
 L. B. N. PRATTE, General Agent. 
 Wholesale and Retail Salesrooms, (the finest in the Dominion), 
 1676 Kotre Dame Street, Montreal, 
 ^S»Where we keep in stock over loo Instruments of all descriptions at Factor%' 
 tions at Factorj' 
 Running between rewlBton, NlAirara itn<l Toronto, In direct connection 
 with I rams on the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, and Canada 
 ^i" r**^'" Hallway, giving the Tourist and Business Traveller a delightful 
 sail of Forty Miles across Lake Ontario, connecting at Toronto with Royal Mail 
 1 Line for Thousand Islands, Rapids of St. Lawrence, Ac. 
 TICKETS on sale at all Ticket Offices of the N. V. C, & H. R. R. R., and Royal 
 Mail Line, or to •' 
 Manager. ;,5 Yonge Street, Toronto- 
 HilLTW OUKtLE, Tflll 
 Str. Sontkru Belle and Grand Trunk Ry. 
 Hamilto; '^->at and retu n by any train, or vice wrsa (good 
 one day), *i. ^o. do. (good three days), $1.75 ; Saturday to 
 Monday, excii.„ boat and return bv a.m. train, or vice versa , 
 $1.25. Steame? Milloy's Wharf daily at 5 p.ui. 
 G. T. R. R. 
 Man. Str. Southern Belle. 
 HAMILTON, .... Single, 75c.; Return, $125 
 Saturday and Wednesday Excursions. 
 Classified Index to Advertisers xix-xx 
 Index to Maps 
 Index to Places "^^'*i.''*'';;*;; xvii-xix 
 Introduction „ 
 Hudson River Route, via People's Lino or Day Line of 
 Steamers ; or, via New York, West Shore & Buffalo Ry. , 1-31 
 Pittsfield and Western Massachusetts, via Boston & A Ibany 
 „ ^- ^ 31-39 
 Hudson River and Troy 39-43 
 Albany, Troy, Scranton, Binghamton, Cooperstown, 
 Sharon Springs and Schenectady, via Delaware and 
 Hudson Canal Co. R. R 43-64 
 Saratoga Springs, via Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. R.R. 64-103 
 Fort Edward Station, Glen's Falls, Fort William Henry, 
 and Lake George, via Branch of Delaware and Hudson 
 Co. R. R 102-108 
 f?;*"^-" 108-111 
 Albany to Trenton Falls, Watkins Glen, Seneoa Lake, via 
 West Shore Route and Rome, Syracuse and Rochester 
 R. R., Utica and Canandaigua, or via New York, Lake 
 Erie and Western, Elmira, Seneca Lake 111-112 
 Niagara Falls, via New York, Lake Erie & Western R. R., 
 To Suspension Bridge ' 112-I52 
 Detroit and Chicago, via Great Western Division Grand 
 Trunk Railway and Michigan Central R. R., Hamilton, 
 Lomlon, Detroit, Jackson and Michigan City 152-162 
 Chicago, As It Was, and As It Is 162-185 
 Chicago to Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minneapi)iis, via 
 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R 185-193 
 Milwaukee to Grand Haven, viaGoderich Line of Steamore, ' 
 and to Detroit, via the Detroit, Grand Haven and Mil- 
 waulcee R. K 2^3 
 Detroit to Suspension BridRe, via Great Western R. R. . . . 193 
 Suspension Bridge to Toronto, via Great Western R. R., or 
 by Steamer (-liicoru from Lewiston and Niaj?ara 193-200 
 Toronto 200-206 
 Toronto to Montreal, via Can. Pac. Ry., Ontario Division ; 
 or by Grand Trunk R. R. to Kingston, and Richelieu 
 & Ontario Navigation Steamers, or by R. and O. 
 Steamers, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Thousand 
 Islands, Brockville, Rapids of the St. Lawrence 206-226 
 Montreal to Ottawa, via Can. Pac. Ry ; or Ottawa Nav. 
 Go's Steamers, St. Annes, Lake of Two Mountains, 
 Carillon, L'Orignal, Caledonia Springs 226-230 
 Ottawa , 230-233 
 Montreal 233-2.56 
 Montreal to Belunl Mountain, via Grand Trunk R. R., Vic- 
 toria Bridge and St. Hilaire 256 
 Montreal to Quebec, via Grand Trunk R. R. ; or Richelieu 
 and Ontario Navigation Co., Sorel and Three Rivers ; 
 or by North Shore R. R 257-263 
 Quebec 263-274 
 Quebec to the Lower St. Lawrence, and Saguenay River, 
 via St, Lawrence Steam Navigation Co., Murray Bay, 
 Tadousac and Ha ! Ha ! Bay ; or by Intercolonial R. R. 
 to Rivi6re du Loup and Cacouna, and St. Lawrence 
 Steam Navigation Co. up the Saguenay 274-290 
 Quebec to White Mountains, via Grand Trunk R. R., Rich- 
 mond, Island Pond, and Gorham, or by Grand Trunk 
 • R. R. Co. to Sherbrooke, and Passumpsic R R. to 
 Newport, Vt, thence by Passumpsic R. R. Boston, 
 Concord & Montreal R. K 290-317 
 White Mountains to Portland, via Grand Trunk R. R. . . . 317 
 Portland ^ gj y^wi 
 Portland to White Mountains, via Portland and Ogdensburg 
 R. R., North Conway, Crawford's or Fabyan's 324-328 
 Portland to Harriston and return, via Sebago, Portland and 
 Ogdensburg R. R. and steamer on Lake Sebago; 
 Sebago, Mount Pleasant and Lake Station 328-330 
 rortlaiul to Now York, via The Maino StonuiHliip < o. . . . . 
 l*ortlaii(i to Boston, via Bt»8ton & Maine R. R, rortsnioiitli, 
 Salem, Lynn, or via the Portia n 1 Steam I'aeket Ht<^amerH.. 
 Portland to New York, via I'ortiaml an<l UocheHter R. R. 
 Worctister and Nashua R. R., Norwich and Worcester 
 R. R., Now London and Northern R. R., and Norw ich 
 line of Steamers from New liondoii 
 Montreal to New York, via the Central Vermont R. R.,St. 
 Albans, Missiscinoi Park, Burlington, Albur^'h Springs, 
 Wau^rbury, Vt., Wiiite River Junction, Rutland, Troy 
 or Springfield, or via the Delaware and Hudson Canal 
 R. R., Rouse's Point, Plattsburg, Whitehall and Al- 
 bany ; or by mil to Rouse's Point and Piatthburg, and 
 the Chauiphiin Transi)ortation Co. to Burlington and 
 Ticonderoga, thence by R. R. us before to Albany 
 Montreal to New York and Bcston, via South Eastern R. R., 
 to Newport, Lake Memphrenmgog; Passumpsic R. R.., 
 to White Mountiiins, Boston, Concord and Montreal 
 R. R. to Lake Winnepesaukee, Portland, Old Orchard 
 Beach, Boston and the Now England sea-sido resorts ; 
 and to New York, via Wells River and White River 
 JVinction, and Connecticut River R. R. to Springfield 
 and New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railway to 
 New York 
 Lake Champlain Route, via Grand Trunk Railway, Dela- 
 ware and Hudson Canal Co. Railway to Plattsburg, and 
 Champlain Transportation Co., Port Kent, A usable 
 Chasm, Burlington and Ticonderoga 
 New York to Long Branch, Atlantic City, Ocean House 
 and Cape May, via the New York an<l Long Branch 
 Division of New Jersey Central R. R., or via steamer 
 to Sandy Hook, and New Jersey Southern Philadelphia 
 & Pennsylvania R.R., or Philadelphia & Reading R.R. 
 New Y''ork to Long Island, Coney Island, Rockaway, Man- 
 hattan Beach, West Brighton, via Steamer, or New 
 York and Brighton Beach R. R., the Brighton R. R., 
 Manhattan R. R., Prospect Park and Coney Island R. 
 R , Sea Beach R. R., and Long Island R, R 
 New York 
 Afton.N. Y 61 
 Albany. N.y 108-110 
 Albion. Mioh 160 
 Alburgh Springs, 
 Vt 361-362 
 Alexandria Bay, 
 N.Y ! 
 An Arbor, Mich. . 
 Antlesea. N. J 
 Anthony'8 Nose, 
 Arethusan Streams, 
 Ashbury Parli.N. J 
 Ashley Lake, Mass 
 Atlantic City. N.J. 
 Audubon Park, 
 Au.4able Chasm, 
 Bainbridge.N. Y. 
 Ball Head Cliff, Me 
 Balance Rook, 
 Mass — 
 B«ll8ton,N. Y... 
 Barnegat Inlet, 
 Barrytown, N. J.. 
 Batiitcan, Que 
 Beach Haven, N.J 
 Beacon Hill, N.Y. 
 Belceil Mountain, 
 Belleville, Ont. . 
 Bellowi? Falls, Vt. 
 Berry Pond, Ma^-s. 
 Blood>' Pond, N.Y 
 Boston, Mns3 
 Roterbergh, N.Y. 
 Brandon, Vt 
 Breakneck, N.Y.. 
 Brock's Monu- 
 ment, Ont 196 
 Bunker's llill.Bos 
 ton. Mass 
 BuHington, Vt. .. 
 Burning Spring, 
 Niagara Falls. . 
 Buttermilk Falls, 
 N. Y 
 Cacouna, Que 
 Caledonia Springs, 
 Ont .. 
 N. Y 
 Camp DQuglaa.Wif . 
 Cape Eteraity .Que. 
 Cape Say, N J.... 
 Cape Trinity. Que. 
 Carillon, Que 
 Catskill Fiills.N.Y 
 Catskill Mountains, 
 N. Y 
 Cedars. Que 
 Central Bridge, 
 N.Y .. 
 Chaudi^re Falls, 
 Cherry Valley, N.Y 
 Chicago, III .... 
 Clayton, N.Y 
 Chin, The, Vt 
 Chryslers Farm, 
 Clove, The, N.Y. . 
 Cobleskill.N. Y.. 
 Cobourg, Ont 
 Colliers. N.Y 
 oncord, NH ™„ 
 Coney Island. N.Y. 389-391 
 Convent of Mount 
 St. Vincent.N.Y 
 Cornwall, Ont 
 Coteau du Lac, 
 Que 221 
 Coxsackle,N. Y.. 
 Crawford Notoh, 
 V H 
 Crownest, NY.. . 
 Cruger's Island. 
 Crum Elbow, N.Y. 
 Crystal Lake. N.Y 
 Cushing's Island, 
 Dearborn, Mioh. . 
 Detroit. Mich. ... 
 Devil's Danskam- 
 mer, N.Y 
 Devil's Hole, Nia- 
 gjira Fall's 
 Dickinson's Land- 
 ing, Ont.. 
 Dobb's Ferry, N.Y 
 Dundas, Ont. 
 Dunderberg, Mt., 
 Ememld Pool.N.H 
 Fabyans, N.H 
 Fishkill Landing, 
 N.Y ". 
 Flume. The, NH. 
 Fort Ashley ,Masf. 
 Fort Clinton, N.Y. 
 Fort Edward Sta- 
 tion, N.Y 
 Fort George, Lake 
 Fort Lee. N.Y... . 
 Fort Montgomery, 
 Fort Xiagara, N.Y 
 Fort f^nelling.Min. 
 Fort Wa.shington, 
i i 
 Franc <t)iaNotch,N.H. 313 
 Oangvoo.S N.Y 102 
 Genese.. River Falls, 
 N.Y 114 
 Glens Falls. N.Y 103 
 Glen Ellis Falls, N.H. 295 
 Greenpoint, L.I 392 
 Grosse Isle, Que 280 
 Gorham.N. H 2t)l 
 Grimsby, Ont 153 
 Ha! Ha! Bay, Que.... 284 
 Haverstraw, N. x H 
 Hamilton, Ont 153-154 
 Hampton Beach, Con. 335 
 HavanaGlen, N .Y.113-120 
 Howe's Cave, N.Y.. 61-62 
 Hudson. N.Y .. 31 
 Island of Orleans, je . 279 
 Isle of Shoals, 334 
 Jackson, Mich 159 
 Jay Peak .371 
 Kalamazoo, Mich- ••' 160 
 Kennebunk, Me 33^^ 
 Kensington, III 161 
 Kingston, Ont. 2<t8 
 KiJbourn City, Wis... 187 
 La Crescent Minn 188 
 La Crosse, Wis 188 
 Lach in e Rapids, Que. 225 
 Lake Champlain. 3:5-382 
 Lake George, N. Y. 
 101, 105-107 
 Lake Minnetonka, 
 Minn 192 
 Lake Memphremagog, 
 Que 372-376 
 LaRe Oconomowoo. . . . 187 
 Lake Onota, Mass. ... 39 
 Lake Pepin, Wis 189 
 Lake Pewaukee 187 
 Lake St. Charies.Q... 276 
 LaKe .St. Francis.Q. ■ . 221 
 LakeSt. Peter, Que.. 259 
 Me 369 
 Lanesboro's Hill,Mass 39 
 Lebanon, Mass •'^9 
 Lewiston, N. Y....... 194 
 Longbraneh, N. J. .384-386 
 London, Ont 155-156 
 Long Sault Rapids, 
 Ont .....217-219 
 Luna Island, Ont 148 
 Littleton, N. H. 316 
 Long Beach, L.I 396 
 L'Original, Que 229 
 Lula Cascade, Mass.. 339 
 Lynn, Mass 336 
 Mount Willard, N.H. 299 
 Mount Webster, N- K. 299 
 Mount Franklin, N.H 300 
 Mount Kearsage, N.H 298 
 Mount Clinton. N.H. 300 
 Marshall , Mich 160 
 Maplewood Institute. 
 Alass 34-38 
 Massena Springs. N.Y 217 
 Michigan City, Mich. 164 
 Milwaukee, Wis.... 186 
 Minneapolis.Min.. 191-192 
 Minnehaha Falls, 
 Minn 191 
 Missisquoi Park, Vt., 
 Montreal, Que 233-256 
 Montpelier, Vt 3&3 
 Montmorency Falls, 
 Que... 276 
 Mount Desert, Me.... 324 
 Mount Elephantis, Q. 374 
 Mount Orford.Q ..... 374 
 Mount Mansfield, 
 Vt 3^5-366 
 Mount Washington, 
 N. H 292 
 Mount Lafayette.N.H 313 
 Mount Pleasant, Me.. 330 
 Mountain Honsc.N.Y. 28 
 Mount St. Vincent, 
 N.Y 13 
 M urray Bay, Que 289 
 Na< tasket Beach. 
 Mass -351-355 
 Newfeurg, N. Y 23 
 N'ewburyport, Mass.. 336 
 Newport, Vt 372-373 
 New York 398 
 Niagara, Ont 196-19^ 
 Niagara Falls, Ont.122-152 
 Niles. Mich 16> 
 Nineveh.N.Y 48 
 North Conway, N.H. . 328 
 Ocean Beach, N. J. . . . 397 
 « >cean Grove, N.J — 3^7 
 Ogden.«burgh, N.Y.. 215 
 Oka, Que 228 
 Old Orchard Beach, 
 Me 333 
 Oneonta, N.Y il 
 Ottawa, Ont 229 233 
 Otego,N.Y 51 
 Otsego Lake.N.Y 53 
 Owl's Head, Que 374 
 Palisades, N.Y 12 
 Portage City, Wis.... 187 
 Porta«e,NY 114 
 Peekskill, N.Y 17 
 Perry's Peak, Mass ... .39 
 Pinkham Notch, N.H 298 
 Plattsburgh, Vt 376 
 Port Hope, Ont 207 
 Portland, Me 319-?23 
 Portsmouth, Mo 3-31 
 Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 26 
 Prescott, Out 216-217 
 Preston. Minn 188 
 Profile Rock, N.H.... 310 
 Prospect Park, Nia- 
 gara Falls 125-127 
 Pittsfield, Mass .... 32-34 
 Pontoosuc Lake, Mass. 39 
 Queen City Park.Vt.. 360 
 Quebec 263-275 
 Qveenston, Ont 195 
 I Redwood. N.Y 214 
 i Rhinebeck Landing, 
 N.Y . 27 
 ! River Marguerite 288 
 I Riviere du Loup, Q. . . 281 
 Richmond, Que 289 
 I Rockaway, N. J 390 
 I Rutland, Vt 370 
 1 Richfic.d Springs, 
 I ,\ . Y 53 
 I Rockland Lake, N.Y. 16 
 Hound Lake.N.Y.... 45 
 i RyeBeach.N.H 335 
 I Saco. Mo 333 
 : Sandy Hill, N.Y 102 
 St. Anne, (jjue... 227 
 St. Anne's Falls.Q.... 279 
 Saguenay River, 282-288 
 Salem , Mass ,336 
 Salisbury. Mass ;i35 
 Sandy Hook, N J.... 384 
 Seabrook, N. H. 335 
 Sebago Luke, Me. .326-329 
 Seneca Lake, N.Y.lil-122 
 Sherbrooke, Que 289 
 Silver Cascade, N.H. . .314 
 Songo Kiver, M.E.'. .. 327 
 Sorel, Qio ., 259 
 Springfield, Mass 370 
 Stowe, Vt 361-367 
 St. Albans, Vt. .. .355-356 
 St. Paul, Minn....l90-l'Jl 
 St. Regis, Quo 221 
 Saratoga, N.Y 65-99 
 Saratoga Lake, N.Y. . 100 
 Saw-Mill River, N.Y. 13 
 Scranton, N.Y 49 
 Schenectady, N.Y .... 64 
 Shaker Village 39-40 
 Sharon Springs, N.Y.57-tO 
 Shawangunk Hills, 
 N.Y 24 
 Sydney.N.Y 51 
 Sing-Sine, N.Y 16 
 t-leepy Hollow, N.Y.. 16 
 South Beacon Hill, 
 N.Y 24 
 .Spirit Rock, Lake 
 Ohamplain 381 
 Spuyten Duyvil.N.Y. 11 
 Stoney Point, N.Y... . 17 
 St. Catharines.Ont — 152 
 St. Hilaire.Que 256 
 Swampscott, Mass — 336 
 Tarry town, N. Y ..13-14 
 Thompson's Falls, 
 N. H •. 300 
 Thorold, Ont 152 
 Three Sisters' Nia- 
 gara Falls • 141 
 Three Rivers, Que. ... 261 
 TadousacQue 282 
 Thousand Islands. .210-214 
 Ticonderoga 381 
 Toronto. Ont 200-206 
 Trenton Falls,N.Y. 
 Troy.N.Y 4243 
 TivoH.N.Y 27 
 Tuckerman's Ravine, 
 ^N.H .; 302 
 Tunnel Station, N.Y. 48 
 Two Mountains, Que. 228 
 Unadilla. N.Y 51 
 Victoria Bridge, Q. .252-254 
 Vaasar I'ollegre. N.Y.. 26 
 Verplank'3 Point.... 17 
 I Wahconah Falls, Mass 39 
 I Waterbury.Vt ,363 
 iWatkin's Glen, N.Y. 
 l^xr . T. . 115-118 
 I West Point 20 
 I Whirlpool Rapids, Ni- 
 „Mnra Falls 136-141 
 I White River Junction, 
 Vt 369 
 I Windmill Point, Ont.. 216 
 «, , .. PAGE 
 Waddington, N.Y.... 217 
 Wavzata, Minn 192 
 Wells, Mass 334 
 West Point, NY.... 19-20 
 White Mountains, 
 N. H 290-317 
 Worcester, N.Y 57 
 York Beach, Me 334 
 Ypsilante, Mich 158 
 SrargT"!.^''^'"'"™""" "'''"■ Facing Page ii 
 Niagara Falls •••■••■.••••"..".'....!!!............'."."' •« i^ 
 Lower St Lawrence and Saguenay River .< 079 
 White Mountains ".!!!*.".,'.'.'.'.";! •' 372 
 Montreal Baggage Transfer Company ... 
 „ „ BOOKS, Etc. 
 W. Stanley, Quebec 
 J. W. Tester & Co., Montreal 
 Ostell & Co.. Montreal ^"^^^"^^ "^^^^K^' ^^^- 
 _,. ^ GUIDE BOOKS. 
 Ihe International Railway and Steam Navigation Guide 356 
 Henderson, J. & Co., Montreal 
 Lanthier & Co., Montreal ......,.*.'..*... *'^. 
 Renfrew, G. R.& Co., Quebec : •. T' 
 Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Crossman's, C. Crossman & Son Panorama 
 Beloeil Mountain . Iroquois House, Campbell Bros . panorama 
 Boston, Mass., Hotel Vendome, Col. J. W. Wolcot "... ". •"' oA' 
 Montreal, Richelieu Hotel, L B. Durocher Tn.>i,il*Wi r. 
 " Qf Ta.^,^^ TT 11 -r"^'""^ Inside Back Cover 
 St. Lawrence Hall, H. Hogan Tn„:H« w,„„t f,„ 
 Windsor Hotel Inside Front Cover 
 Newport, Vt., Memphremagog House, W. F. Bowman Q79 
 Niagara, Queen's Royal Hotel, McOaw & Winnett '.'. 107 ^qo 
 Ottawa,Ont., Windsor Hotel, S.Daniels 
 Portland, Me., United States Hotel, W. H. McDonald!!.'..'.*.' .".".".'.*"].''.'.'* 331 
I i 
 Quebec, Can., St. Louis Hotel, Willis Russell Back cover 
 St. Albans, Vt.f American House, S. I. Stroud 361 
 White Mountains, Profile House, TaflFts <fe Greenleaf G05-308 
 C C. Holland, Montreal viii 
 Canada Paper Company, Montreal y 
 W. Notman & Son, Montreal r 
 Dominion Organ and Piano Co., Bowmanville, Ont xii 
 Luther Bros., Pri>vidence, R.I j^^jj 
 Geo. Rose & Co., Toronto, Ont xxiii 
 Boston & Montreal Air Line Back of Map of White Mountains 
 Canadian Pacific 208 
 Niagara Nav. Co ;, xiii 
 Richelieu & Ontario x'f avigation Co xxi 
 Southern Belle, Toronto xiii 
 Ness & Co., Mortreal , . . , . yjj 
 Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co., 
 Between Toronto, Kingston, the Thousand Islands, the ftir- 
 fbmed Rapids of the St. Lawrence Biver, Montreal, 
 Quebec, the Saguenay River, and Intermediate P jrts. 
 This Magnificent Line is composed of the trllowing first-class powerful side.wheel 
 Steamers, between 
 CORSICAN Capt. Sinclai 
 TROIS RIVIERES....Capt. CoUette 
 CHAMBLY Capt. Geo. Nelson 
 TERRK BONNE Capt. Laforce 
 BERTHIER .Capt. Jodoin 
 BOHEMIAN Capt. A. J. Baker 
 CULT I VATEUR Capt. Cameron 
 And several other Steamers. 
 Leave Toronto daily (Sunday excepted) a.oo p.m., on arrival of steamers and pas- 
 seneers from NIAGARA FALLS, and from the various railways West and North 
 calling at PORT DARLINGTON (Bowmanville), PORT HOPE. COBOURG 
 y[{^J;-y<P^s^*nsii^ro\igh the romantic scenery of the THOUSAND ISLANDS bv 
 DAYLIGHT, hnth hv t-hp CanaAian antt A .».>.../...« OU.. l„ ; _.. .,■' 
 w.^„....-.o, ....V v^jjij-uc^ ituu j-nKt'y Li\.e./\L,,- iransterripg passengers for 
 quebec, leaving at 7.00 p.m., and arriving at Quebec next morning at 6.w a m 
 connecting with steamer for River Saguenay, forming one of the longest line's of 
 inter-water communication oh the Continent, and which for grandeur and variety 
 ■of scenery cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the world. 
 On or about Tune ist, for the convenience of Tourists, the steamer " ST. LAW- 
 RENCE " will run between Cape Vincent and Alexandria Bay, leaving the former 
 place on arrival of the trains from New York and Niagara Falls; calling at Clayton. 
 Round Island, and Thousand Island Park. Connecfions made at Clayton to and 
 from Gananoque by steamers of the Rathbun Company. (Sundays and Mondays 
 TICKET AGENTS, where Information may be obtained : 
 E. P. BEACH, 271 Broadway, New York. 
 AV. C. TALLMAN, 280 Washingitm Street, 
 „ Boston, Moss. 
 T. D. SHERIDAN, cor. Exchaiijro ami V/H«h- 
 iiigtoii Sfs., Buffalo, N V. 
 \j. BARBER. Niagara Falls, N.Y. 
 OEO. COLBORN, Clifton Home, 
 Niagara Falls, Can. 
 CORNWALL BROS., Alexandria Bay, iJ.Y. 
 <JRAND TRl^NK RAILWAY, cor. Jetteraon 
 and W .lodward Aves., Detroit, Mich. 
 J. H. WHITMAN, 97 Randolph St. Chicago, III 
 N. VAN HORN, 830 Chestnut Street, 
 ' Philadelphia, Pa. 
 DONALD MILLOY, Toronto, Ont. 
 C. K. HATCH, Kingston, Ont. 
 R. A. uICKSON, m St. James Street, 
 Montreal, Que. 
 E. BROUSSEAIT, Richelieu Pier, 
 Montreal Can. 
 J. J. McCONNlFF, Windsor Hotel, Montreal, 
 A. DESFORUES, Agent, Quebec, Que. 
 AI.EX. MILLOT, Traffic Manager. J. W. BEA VDRY, Sec. and Trea s 
 jr» B* EiARF.IjLE, General Manager. 
 Company's General omce-S28 St. Paul Street, Montreal. 
 I^UTHER Brothers, 
 Largest Manufacturers in the World 
 — OK — 
 Ladies' Sets, 
 Shawls Pins, 
 Gents' Sets, 
 Collar Buttons, 
 Scarf Pins, &c. 
 Campaign Badges, 5 & 10c. Jewelry. 
 ^RizK Y^<ommkm and fi^AiR Jewei^ry. 
 The Rose - Belford Publishing Co. 
 Of 26 Wellington St., Toronto, 
 Would respectfully call vour attention to their choice and well- 
 selected LIST of BOOKS, by the most Celebrated Authors? 
 which are sold by the News Agent on all Trains and 
 Steamers at less than one-half the American Prices. 
 REV. E. P. ROWE. 
 A DAY OF FATE.-CIoth. extra, and paper covers. 
 fA^¥. BALLADS.— 8vo., cloth, black and eold 
 ^^^^ LgG-ENDS.-Svo. cloth black and fold 
 FARM FESTIVALS.-Svo.. cloth, black an^ gold. 
 ■ *^^II[^J^ANTO.V.-Cloth, extra, and paper covers 
 A^WlFW^A'^P^r^^^'-??''^''' «-t?H.'^nd7ape; covers. 
 WXt ,U,r r TRAGEDY.— Cloth, extra, and p.aper covers 
 POLICY AND PASSION.-Clo'th, extra, an^ f aper ccve'rs. 
 M?T DHKn 8'"~^''?".u'°k'' ^'^'='S''nd gold, and paper covers 
 FORHF-?H?TT°fi£^'''"l' ^^^''^ and sold, and paper covers. 
 CHATEaTt n^nl^T^''"'! ''u^b ''V*' T'^ ?"'''' ^"^ paper cove 
 QUEENIE^HFThF«T^^1°"*<J *"''' '', ^'l'^,¥^,' ""'^ paper covers. 
 HUiiiiJNlli Hl!,THERTON.-Svo., cloth, black and gold, and pai 
 paper covers. 
 gold, and paper covers. 
 ™ TEI?S wSSd^-^'°- f m"'*, i^'^'f "^ ^T^ ^°'''- ^"'J P^P-^r -vers. 
 w Ai^liiK S WORD.-Svo., cloth, black and gold, and paper covers. 
 BETWEEN TWO LOVES.-Cloth. extra, and paper covers. 
 And Books by all other leading Authors. 
 For sale by all booksellers, and on all trains and boats, or sent 
 post paid on receipt of price, by the publishers, ' 
 ' I 
 G. R. RENFREW & CO., 
 Opposite The Basiuca, 
 ^A^ill offer during the Travelling Season their i-arge i , i 
 Valuable Stock of 
 -A.13 TJ3rLTi.s-cLa.?^Xy Lo-x*^ :E»3:?±oes. 
 The Finest Collection of DEER and BUFFALO HEADS and 
 HORNS in the Dominion. 
 Extrnetfrom an article in th", " London Graphic'' 
 Auffust Hi, 18H4, by the Most Hon. the Marquis 
 of Lome, K. G., «£<?., rfv., f.overnor-General of 
 Canada : 
 " There are interesting institutions and good shops to be seen in 
 Quebec, notably the fur store of Renfrew & Co., where a souvenir 
 of Canada in the shape of a ' robe ' or article of any kind of fur 
 may be obtained at a reasonable price." 
 The All-round Route AxNd Panoramic Guide 
 OF THE St. Lawrence, and Western Tourists' 
 Guide, in its new form, has far exceeded in success 
 the most sanguine anticipations of the proprietors, and 
 they feel that their desire to publish such a book as 
 would meet the requirements of the American traveller, 
 in making the popular tours described therein, have 
 bqen fully appreciated. 
 They feel certain that the present edition will prove 
 still more useful and attractive than all previous ones, 
 advantage having been taken of suggestions made in re- 
 gard to alterations, additions and improvements. 
 Every attention has been given to securing accuracy 
 of detail so as to make this work a most reliable 
 and valuable Guide to Tourists, and the publishers, 
 therefore, hope to secure a continuance of support and 
 patronage. They still solicit suggestions which may 
 tend to benefit the work in future editions, and all 
 favours will be duly ackn wledged, and, whenever 
 practicable, made use of. 
! '- i 
 Panoramie Guide 
 IROBABLY no other river in the world presents 
 so great a variety of views as the Hudson. 
 Throughout its whole extent there is a combina- 
 tion of the finest views, and each turn in its course 
 reveals fresh pictures which serve to illustrate some of 
 the best scenery of the Old Worid. Some travelers 
 have pronounced the Hudson grander than the Rhine. 
 Certainly the unprejudiced opinion of tourists will agree 
 with that of Thackeray, who has given to this noble 
 river the verdict of Beauty. 
 The distance from New York to Albany is 1 50 miles, 
 and to Saratoga, the most fashionable watering-place in 
 America, about 180 miles. Several routes present 
 themselves to the tourist. In order to better view the 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 5 
 scenery, it is necessar that the trip up the grand old 
 Hudson be taken by oaylight, and we take pleasure in 
 recommending to the notice of our readers the splendid 
 steamers of the several lines which present themselves to 
 the tourist's consideration, commencing with The Day 
 Line to Albany, comprising the elegant steamers 
 ^' Albany," lately built by the line, and the " Chauncey 
 Vibbard," which has recently been remodelled. 
 These steamers are indeed floating palaces ; for the 
 construction and appointments of the vessels, and the 
 luxurious fittings of the saloons, are not surpassed by 
 any other line of boats on the continent. 
 The "Albany," built of iron in 1880, is the latest 
 addition to the line, and is all that skill, experience and 
 money can make her. These steamers are sister boats, 
 and have three boilers below deck, each with a separate 
 smoke stack, being the first steamers ever constructed in 
 this manner. The dining-saloons are on the main deck, 
 and everything is so arranged that passengers can enjoy 
 every comfort. Leaving New York daily, except Sun- 
 day, these steamers make all the important landings 
 along the Hudson River, arriving in Albany in the 
 evening in time to make direct connection with all trains 
 north and west. During the Saratoga season a special 
 day boat express is run between Albany and Saratoga, 
 making direct connection with the boats. 
 The only thoroughly comfortable and enjoyable way 
 of traveling between New York City and Albany during 
 the summer and fall months is by steamboat on the 
 Hudson— the Rhine of America. The picturesque 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 fi I 
 ! I i 
 scenery of the Hudson, with its palisades, high-lands, 
 and ever changing panorama of beautiful sights has 
 made traveling by steamboat, between the Capitol and 
 the Metropolis, the popular route. The advantages of 
 traveling by steamboat over a ride by rail are numerous. 
 By the former way pure, fresh air and comfort are 
 enjoyed, and dust, cinders, heated cars, and over-crow^d- 
 ing are avoided. Nowhere in the world are there 
 such palatial steamboats employed in the passenger 
 traffic as sail upon the waters of the Hudson. The 
 majestic steamers of the People's Line, including the 
 famous " Drew," " St. John," and " Dean Richmond," as an 
 extra boat, are undoubtedly the most popular passenger 
 vessels plying the Hudson. The " Drew " is a magnifi- 
 cent steamer, and is the pride of the fleet of the 
 People's Line. "The "Drew" is of 2,500 tons bur- 
 den, and has sleeping accommodations for nearly one 
 thousand passengers ; though, as far as safety is con- 
 cerned she can carry twice that number. In addition 
 to the spacious cabins there are 2^4 state rooms, 
 arranged in double tiers, sumptuouslj'' furnished with fur- 
 niture of the most elaborate description, and lighted with 
 gas. The grand saloon is superbly furnished, brilliantly 
 lighted, glittering with mirrors and adorned with w^orks 
 of art, presenting a picture of refined and unequalled 
 luxury. The appointments are made with the sole aim 
 to make this river-palace comfortable in every respect, 
 and a journey up and down the river thoroughh'^ enjoy- 
 able, and it must be admitted that tiiere is no room to 
 make any improvements. What is true of the " Drew " 
 applies with equal force to her sister steamboats. These 
 vessels possess remarkable speed, and they frequently 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 7 
 make a trip between Albany and New York, a discance 
 of one hundred and fifty miles, in nine hours. These 
 magnificent steamers leave New York daily, from foot of 
 Canal street, Sundays excepted, at 6 p.m. and pass the 
 beautiful scenery of the Palisades before dark, arriving at 
 Albany at 6 a.m., in time to connect with ^rains north 
 and west. 
 The Citizens' Steamboat Company of Troy 
 leave New York from Pier 49, foot of Leroy street, daily, 
 Saturdays excepted, at 6 p.m. This line comprises 
 the new and swift steamers "Saratoga" and 'City of 
 Troy," which arrive in Troy the following morning, in 
 time to connect- m ith through trains north. 
 On the Sunday-night trip ♦^he Troy boats stop at 
 Albany to leave and take on passengers, the two lines 
 thus forming a daily line between New York and Albany. 
 The New York Central and Hudson River 
 Railroad, leaving Grand Central Depot, New York, 
 corner of Forth-second Street and Fourth Avenue, 
 affords another route up the Hudson. 
 The trip by rail can be made in five and one-half 
 hours. During the season, special Saratoga expresses, 
 composed of through Wagner drawing-room cars, leave 
 New York twice daily, excepting Sundays. These, in 
 addition to the numerous other trains, afford a frequent, 
 speedy, and pleasant trip to the great watering-place, 
 While many suppose that both sides of the Hudson 
 River present equal attractions— and it would be hard 
 to decide which is the more beautiful— it is a curious 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guiae, 
 fact that all, or nearly all, the noted summer resorts for 
 which the country adjacent is famous, are located on its 
 western bank. Thus, starting; from New York and fol- 
 lowing up the West Shore Route, we find the Palisades, 
 Tappan, Rockland Lake, Stony Point, Cranston's, West 
 Point, Cornwall, Lakes Mohonk and Minnevvaska, the 
 Catskills, Saratoga, Mount McGregor, and the Adiron- 
 dacks (in which the great river rises) all on the same 
 side, and all easily accessible by the New York, West 
 Shore and Buffalo Railway. In addition to these, the 
 magnificent cars of this route convey the traveler to 
 Lake George, Lake Champlain and Montreal, on the 
 north ; Sharon Springs, Cooperstown, Richfield Springs, 
 Niagara Falls, Buffalo and Chatauqua Lake, and make 
 close connections for all the White Mountains and 
 Eastern resorts, for the Thousand Islands, Watkin's 
 Glen and the lake region of Central New York. It is 
 thus emphatically the tourist route of the north, and, 
 realizing this fact, its projectors and managers have 
 done everything in their power to render it attractive to 
 this constantly increasing and most fastidious class of 
 While traversing the most picturesque portions of a 
 State noted for its scenery, this railway is almost com- 
 plete in all details of construction and equipment of 
 any in this country. It is a double track, steel rail line, 
 with an unusually wide space between tracks, running 
 north from Jersey City along the west shore of the 
 Hudson to Albany, and thence through the fertile Val- 
 ley of the Mohawk and across Central New York, touch- 
 ing at Utica, Syracuse, and Rochester, to Bufialo and 
 Niagara Falls. 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide 9 
 The entire passenger equipment of the road was 
 especially designed and built by the Pullman Palace 
 Car Company, and is the most complete in all details 
 pertaining to elegance of finish, comfort and safety in 
 the world. The station houses erected along the entire 
 route from New York to Buffalo are architectural gems, 
 harmonious in color and design with the beautiful and 
 picturesque scenery through which the road passes. 
 The New York terminus of this great railway is at 
 Weehawken, opposite the heart of the great city, and 
 close beneath the height on which Alexander Hamilton 
 fell before the pistol of Aaron Burr. It extends for 
 more than a mile along the river front, and, with its 
 numerous docks and piers, presents nearly six miles of 
 working space, in which vessels of every description may 
 receive freights. From liere commodious and elegantly 
 appointed ferry-boats run to the handsome up-town pas- 
 senger station at the foot of Forty-second Street. As 
 the Express trains of the West Shore Route are also 
 despatched from the depot of the Pennsylvania Rail- 
 road in Jersey City, they are accessible from the foot of 
 Desbrossesor Cortlandt Streets in New York, and from 
 the foot of Fulton Street, Brooklyn. The passenger 
 from New York has thus an option of starting from any 
 one of half a do/en points, a great convenience when 
 one considers the peculiar position and length of the 
 city. Passengers are cautioned to consult official time- 
 tables in the Company's publications, or in the leading 
 newspapers, with the view to ascertaining just what 
 trains leave from and arrive at Jersey City station. All 
 trains leave from and arrive at the up-town station, foot 
 of West Forty-second sircet. 
 All-Ronud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 I! '1. 
 \ I 
 %l I i^ 
 Leaving New York by any of the popular lines pre- 
 viously mentioned, the steamer, the first twelve miles of 
 our upward journey, skirts along the Island of Manhat- 
 tan, upon which the city of New York is built. One of 
 the first objects of interest we see on the right hand, is 
 the handsome stone edifice of the New York Orphan 
 Asylum, where nearly 200 children of both sexes are 
 clothed, fed, taught, and ultimately assisted to find 
 respectable employment. The happy and contented 
 looks of these poor children are, perhaps, the most satis- 
 factory proofs of the success of this inestimable institu- 
 tion, which, founded in 1806, by several benevolent ladies, 
 has gradually progressed until it now occupies the stately 
 and comfortable house whose gardens stretch down to 
 the very edge of the water. 
 On the opposite side of the river, we pass by the yet 
 picturesque villages of Hoboken and Weehawken. We 
 say j^et picturesque, as their close proximity to that great 
 city which is daily traveling onwards would make one 
 imagine that the villas and street palaces of its merchants 
 would mar their rural beauty ; but this is not so. How 
 long this state of things may remain it is impossible to 
 conjecture, as large beer saloons, pleasure gardens, and 
 restaurants are daily being erected here. 
 Just above Manhattanville, a small village, and one 
 of the suburb? of New York, chiefly occupied by the 
 poorer classes of people, is Trinity Cemetery, where, 
 among many others, lie the remains of Audubon, the 
 celebrated naturalist, whose name has been given to a 
 small village, of about twenty or thirty acres, where 
 he used to live, but which, since his death, has been cut 
All'Round Route aiid Panoramic Guide. 
 up into building lots, and still retains the aristocratic 
 name of Audubon Park. Just beyond this park, 
 building, surmounted by a cupola, and having 
 the south-west angle, may be descried amoni 
 This is the New York Institution for th( 
 Dumb, incorporated 1817, which is probably) 
 by any similar establishment in America, 
 its own grounds of thirty-seven acres, and 
 upon which the buildings (five in number, arranged^Tn*a " 
 quadrangle) are erected, is one hundred and thirty feet 
 above the river. This institution alone accommodates 
 four hundred and fifty patients, and is only one instance 
 of the open-handed liberality and discriminating fore- 
 sight of those in the State of New York, who do their 
 best to alleviate distress in whatever form it may appear 
 among their fellow creatures. 
 We here approach, on the same side, Fort Washing- 
 ton, or Washington Heights, as it is sometimes, and per- 
 haps more appropriately called. The residence of the 
 late James Gordon Bennet is built near the site of the 
 Old Fort. The ground is from five to six hundred feet 
 above the river, and the view from this spot is exceed- 
 ingly fine, the eye being able to trace the windings of 
 the Hudson River northward for many miles, whilst 
 southward the great city we have just left, with its 
 suburbs of Brooklyn and Jersey City, can be plainly seen, 
 though ten miles off. 
 We now leave the Island of Manhattan behind us, 
 having by this time passed abreast of the Spuyten 
 Duyvil Creek, which separates the Island from the rest 
 of the State of New York. The Hudson River Rail- 
 road crosses the creek by a long bridge laid upon piles. 

 12 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 and a station called after the name of the inlet, is 
 ^r- immediately on the other side of the bridge. On the 
 opposite shore of the river that singularly beautiful for- 
 mation of rock called " The Palisades," commences. 
 From the summit of the Palisades a magnificent view 
 is obtained. High up upon the crest of the great 
 escarpment, one may stand, and look far away into the 
 west, and see the most glorious sunsets that ever changed 
 the sky to gold or fire. To the north lie the highlands 
 we are soon to pass, stretched out in the noblest panorama 
 for our view, and to the south the river flows on in a 
 broader stream, until on the eastern side the City of 
 New York begin-^, and the stream changes its aspect, and 
 passes between the crowded shores that send out across 
 it the noisy thunder of their busy life ; and palisades 
 and rocky hilk, ana long reaches of still stream, and green 
 pleasant banks, make a sudden end as the Hudson 
 sweeps grandly and quietly down to the sea. 
 The Palisades were known to the early settlers as the 
 Great Chip Rock. These rocks are from three to six 
 hundred feet high, and present the same bold front to 
 the river that the celebrated Giant's Causeway does to 
 the ocean. They extend abont 1 5 miles from Fort Lee 
 to the hills of Rockland county, and form a separating 
 hne between the valley of the Hudson and that of the 
 Hackensack, and such an effectual barrier do they pre- 
 sent, that the Hackensack River flows side by side with 
 the Hudson, but at a higher level, for thirty miles, and 
 at a distance of within two or three hundred yards. 
 The rock is that known as the Basaltic trap rock, one of 
 the oldest geological formations. 
 About two miles and a half above Spuyten Duyvil, the 
All- Round Rouie and Panoramic Guide. 15 
 tourist will perceive a handsome stone castellated build- 
 ing. This was erected by Mr. Edwin Forrest, the emi- 
 nent tragedian, as a residence, and is called Fonthill. It 
 has now changed hands, and is a portion of the building 
 belonging to the Convent avd Academy of Mount St. 
 Vincent, as the surrounding neighborhood is called, hav- 
 ing a station on the Hudson River Railway. Two miles 
 higher up, we come to the flourishing village of Yonkers. 
 Near the river stands an old building, a portion of which 
 was erected in 1682 as a manor house, in which may be 
 seen a curious fire-place, formed of tiles illustrating Scrip- 
 ture subjects, 100 in all, and still retaining their fresh 
 appearance. The whole interior of the building serves to 
 mark the quaint, yet tasteful styL of house decoration 
 in early times. This building (with additions) is now 
 used as a town hall. Near the village, the little Sawmill 
 River runs into the Hudson. The whole valley through 
 which the Sawmill River runs is very beautiful, and the 
 angler will find the stream well stocked with fish. 
 Four miles more steaming through a strikingly pic- 
 tu:esque country, brings us to Hastings and Dobb's 
 Ferry, at both of which places the railroad, which runs 
 along the river, has stations. The division between the 
 States of New Jersey and New York strikes the river on 
 the left bank, just opposite Dobb's Ferry, and henceforth 
 our journey is entirely through the State of New York. 
 At this point the Palisades may be said to end. 
 We now approach a part of the river full of interesting 
 associations to both the American and British nations, 
 for it was about Tarrytown and Tappan, on the opposite 
 side of the nver, during the American revolution, that 
 Major Andre, of the British Army was hanged as a spy. 
 All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 1 i 
 t ■ill! 
 after having been made fully acquainted with plans by 
 which West Point could be seized by the British troops ; 
 Arnold of Washington's Army, having turned traitor to 
 his cause. Major Andr^, who to the last maintained a 
 character for personal bravery, terminated his life as a 
 spy, whilst Arnold, after doing his best to deliver his 
 country into the hands of its enemies, escaped death by 
 placing himself under the protection of the British flag. 
 Major Andre's body, after lying interred near the scene 
 of his sad fate for forty years, was at last given over to 
 his countrymen, and now finds a resting place among the 
 great and the good men of Great Britain in Westmin- 
 ster Abbey. 
 The neighboring districts of Tarrytown and Irvington 
 are rich in associations of that greatest of American 
 authors, Washington Irving. About half a mile above 
 Irvington, on the right hand side of the river, may be 
 seen, peeping through the bower of trees that nearly 
 hides it from view, the charming stone cottage called 
 ^' Sunnyside," the home of Washington Irving, and the 
 place where most of his novels were written. The cot- 
 tage was from time to time enlarged and improved, 
 whenever Irving had the means to do it, and it has now 
 become naturally one of the chief objects of interest in 
 the neighborhood. Many other beautiful estates are to 
 be seen around, and if time is a matter of no moment, 
 we can well advise the traveler to stop here, and spend 
 some hours. 
 Half way between Irvington and Tarrytown, and 
 quite close to the river, we pass by a conspicuous house 
 of white marble, built by the late Mr. Philip Paulding, 
 from the design of Mr. Davis, an architect of some merit 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Another mile and a half brings us to Tarrj'town, twenty- 
 nine miles from New York, seeming to invite the tourist, 
 with its white villas snugly perched on the hill-side, to 
 ^arry for a moment in the town. This vicinity possesses 
 I i ft 
 1 6 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 much historic interest, being on the debatable ground of 
 the Revolution, whence, arose the two orders of border 
 chivalry known, as Cow-Boys and Skinners. Andr^ was 
 here captured by Paulding, Van Wurt, and Williams, the 
 American Militia-men. A monument has been erected 
 to commemorate the spot. Sleepy Hollow, made famous 
 by the writings of Washington Irving, is a short distance 
 above the old brick-and-stone Dutch Church, saia to be 
 the oldest church in New York, having been built in 
 1699. The old bell still hangs in the tower, on v/hose 
 pointed roof is an iron vane which bears the monogram 
 of Frederick Philips, the founder of the church. 
 At Sing Sing, the next station on the line, thirty-three 
 miles from New York, the tourist may possibly exhibit 
 less anxiety to tarry, for, as is well known, it is the seat 
 of the Mount Pleasant Prison, belonging to the State of 
 New York. The village itself contains about seven 
 thousand inhabitants, and is nearly two hundred feet 
 above the river. The prison is built near the river and 
 presents a fine appearance ; that for males being on the 
 lower stage, whilst the building for females is higher up 
 the slope. It has been completed since 1830, and can 
 accommodate over 2,000 persons, the buildings having 
 from time to time been increased as more room was 
 Immediately opposite Sing Sing, the Rockland Lake 
 Ice Company have their depot, and employ a large 
 number of men each winter to cut and store ice for the 
 coming summer's consumption in New York. It is 
 curious to note that whereas New York is almost entirely 
 supplied with ice from this neighborhood, it is also 
 supplied with water from Croton Lake, which is hard by 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 17 
 Forty to sixty million gallons of water are contributed to 
 it daily, to supply New York with this necessary of life. 
 The water is conveyed from this lake, which is chiefly 
 formed by a long dam being built across it, through an 
 aqueduct thirty-three miles long, right on to New York. 
 The entire cost of this aqueduct was twelve million 
 dollars. It is built of stone, brick, and cement, arched 
 above and below, seven feet eight inches wide at the top, 
 and six feet three inches at the bottom, the side walls 
 being eight feet five inches high. A few more miles 
 travelling takes us past the small village of Haverstraw, 
 which gives its name to a lovely bay, and then past a 
 limestone quarry, extending along the bank for more than 
 half a mile, and two hundred feet in height, and which 
 must prove, from the number of men we can see employed 
 in it, a very profitable speculation. Two miles further 
 on, on thr western side of the river, is Grassy Point, a 
 small village where bricks are made ; and again, one mile 
 higher up, is Stony Point, where there is a redoubt of 
 considerable extent, and another on the opposite side, 
 at Verplank's Point, guarding the entrance of what is 
 called the Lower Highlands. 
 Three miles above Stony Point is Gibraltar, or Cald- 
 well's Landing. Dunderberg Mountain raises its tower- 
 ing head almost immediately in rear of this spot. 
 Directly opposite is Peekskill, a thriving village of some 
 five or six thousand inhabitants. The river here 
 makes a sudden bend to the west. This is called the 
 Race, and the scenery from here for the next fifteen miles 
 is unequalled in beauty. On the right we pass by a rocky 
 promontory called Anthony's Nose, whilst on the left or 
 western side, we have the Dunderberg Mountain already 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ifi i 
 alluded to. Anthony's Nose is thirteen hundred feet 
 above the surface of the river. The Hudson River Rail- 
 way has had to tunnel under the bottom of this moun- 
 tain for a distance of two hundred feet. On the opposite 
 side of the river, a large creek can be seen, where vessels 
 of almost any size could anchor. The entrance to this 
 creek is guarded on one side by Fort Clinton, and on the 
 other, by Fort Montgomery ; the two so close to one 
 another that rifle shots could be easily exchanged. Fort 
 Montgomery being on the northern side, and Fort Clin- 
 ton on the lower. Almost immediately under the shadow, 
 as it were, of the former fort, lies the picturesque little 
 island of lona, belonging to Dr. C. W. Grant, and covered 
 in the summer time with vines and pear trees, in the suc- 
 cessful culture of which the worthy Doctor is supposed 
 to be unequalled. 
 A little way above lona, and but half a mile below 
 West Point, we come upon the Buttermilk Falls, caused 
 by the flowing down of a small stream into the river 
 below, and falling over the hill-side a hundred feet in as 
 many yards. This fall; when increased by any late rains 
 or swollen by freshets, welLdeserves the homely name by 
 which it is known, the snow-white foam truly giving it 
 the appearance of buttermilk. 
 Half a mile further up brings us to " Cozzen's Hotel 
 Dock " at West Point. Here the vessel on which we are 
 traveling stops for a while to land passengers who are 
 anxious to remain a day or so at Cozzen's comfortable 
 hotel. This, during the summer season, is a very favor- 
 ite rtoort, and much crowded ; travellers would do well 
 to make use of the telegraph a day beforehand to be- 
 speak accommodation, or they may find themselves dis- 
 appointed on their arrival. 
All^Rouvd Route and Panoramic Guide, 19 
 This familiar resort of summer pleasure-seekers is 
 perched high on a cliff, the most prominent for many miles 
 along the river. Nothing could be more picturesque than 
 its situation, high up in the air, looking down upon the 
20 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ll ' 'if!'! 
 noble river. It is several hundred feet above the water, 
 but so perpeTidicular are the rocks that it looks twice the 
 real distance. The view of the old building upon the 
 wharf, with the beetlirj cliff rising abruptly from the river, 
 and crowned by the elegant structure above, needs but 
 little imagination to recall the scenery on many parts of 
 the Rhine. 
 One mile more brings us to West Point itself, the 
 most lovely of all the lovely spots on the river. It is well 
 known as the great Military Academy, and is situated on 
 a plateau two hundred feet above the river. It was 
 established by Act of Congress, in ^ 802, and has usually 
 about three hundred cadets. The buildings, many of 
 them, are e.egant. Near the abrupt northern level of 
 the river is a monument, erected by the students of 1828, 
 inscribed " Kosciusko." A bronze statue of General 
 John Sedgwxk is erected on the parade-ground. He 
 was buried in Cornwall, Connecticut, and the statue and 
 tablet to his memory stand in the town of Cornwall, New 
 Space will not enable us to enter fully into a descrip- 
 tion of the course of instruction pursued ; suffice it to say 
 that the fact of a young man having passed through the 
 course is a clear proof of his being an officer, and a gentle- 
 man in its broadest sense. The traveler may well pass a 
 few hours in this locality, and if he should happen to be 
 acquamted with any of the professors, or cadets in the 
 Military College, he will be enabled to go over the build- 
 ings, different galleries, &c., and judge for himself as to 
 whether the instruction and discipline kept up are not 
 likely to produce some of the finest military men — 
 soldiers that any European nation might be proud of. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 West Point is the centre of a host of .eminiscenes of the 
 War of the Revolution. Upon Its defences was concen- 
 trated the attention and efforts of Congress, and it 
 became one of the most important military posts in the 
 country. Here from Gee's Point, was stretched across 
 the River Hudson a huge chain to stop the passage of 
 vessels above this point. It was laid across a boom of 
 heavy logs, that floated close together. These were i6 
 feet long, and pointed at each end, so as to offer little 
 resistance to the tidal current. The chain was fastened to 
 these logs by staples, and at each shore by huge blocks 
 of wood and stone, Several of the great links of this 
 chain are preserved at the Point. 
 Reluctantly we must draw ourselves away from West 
 Point, and allow our steamer to plough her way once 
 more along the flowing current, and between the shady 
 and overhanging cliffs which give so much character to 
 the scene at this spot. A very few revolutions of the 
 wheel will bring us between the Boterberg Mountain 
 on the western side, and the rock called Breakneck, on 
 the eastern bank, forming an imj-osing entrance to New- 
 burg Bay, from which a series cf mountains, hills and 
 cliffs rise in succession, until they seem almost to shut 
 out all remaining nature, and to give the idea that one is 
 at the bottom of a large basin from which there is no 
 possible exit. Crownest is the principal of these moun- 
 tains, rising almost directly from the river bank to a height 
 of nearly one thousand five hundred feet. As the side of 
 this mountain is entirely covered with foliage, the aspect 
 of it in the summer time is most beautiful, and only to 
 be exceeded by the coup doeil in the commencement of 
 October, when the fall tints are in their richest and most 
 AU-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 luxuriant profusion. Soon after passing between the two 
 rocks, we come to a small town called Cornwall, on the 
 western shore. This is a place of very general resort 
 in summer, and is much noted for its many pleasant 
 drives and walks. Its nearness to the river, and to West 
 Point, makes it a very favorite place for travelers to spend 
 a few days, whilst many stay here a very much longer 
 time during the warm weather. 
 The Linden- Park Hotel is nicely kept, and well 
 patronized. Idlewild, well-known as the residence of 
 the late N. P. Willis, is a little north of the village. 
 Opposite is Cold Spring, fifty-three miles from Nfew York. 
 Here is Undercliff, the beautiful home of Geo. P. Morris. 
 Above this is Bull Hill, now called Mount Taurus, 
 1,586 feet high. Beacon Hill, 1,685 feet high, is the last 
 of the Highlands ; and when we consider the points of 
 history, poetry and beauty blended together, we can 
 assume that this fifty miles of scenery is unequalled by 
 any in the world. 
 Between Cornwall and Newburg lies the once pros- 
 perous, but now sadly decayed, settlement of New 
 Windsor. It is now almost entirely a collection of small 
 houses in great want of repair. On the shore, but higher 
 above it on the plateau, one can discover several large 
 farms with comfortable houses, giving the idea that 
 if there is decay below, there is prosperity above. 
 Leaving the tumble-down village either to be repaired, 
 or to fall into still greater decay, we will approach the 
 more flourishing town of Newburg, where the steamer 
 stops for a few minutes to discharge some of its passen- 
 gers, and to take up others, and we will employ these few 
 minutes in viewing the substantial streets and houses of 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 23 
 the town, which, by the by, we should have designated a 
 city, seeing that it boasts of a mayor and corporation of 
 its own. The first settlement at Newburg was made as 
 early as 1709 by some emigrants from the Palatinate; 
 since then, English, Irish, Welsh, Scotch and Germans 
 have followed their example; but of all these varied 
 nationalities the Scotch have, perhaps, done the most 
 towards making the place what it is. Among the large 
 buildings is an extensive flannel factory, in which a very 
 large number of hands are cfeily employed. 
i r '( 
 ' ,i:':?ii 
 ;: J!i-,.:?i 
 i' : 
 1 ; i;il: 
 ■1 I i ^fM 
 AlLRound Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Exactly opposite Newburg, is the more modest-look- 
 ing village of Fishkill Landing, from which place, 
 any traveller anxious to ascend the South Beacon hill,, 
 can do so with the assistance of any of the boy guides to 
 be picked up in the streets of the village ; and let us tell 
 the traveller that he had better avail himself of our 
 advice, and take a guide, or before he reaches the top he 
 may have repented of not having done so, as it is quite 
 easy to lose oneself in the numerous gorges and ravines 
 that are about the summit of the Beacon. As this is 
 one of the highest mountains about here, the view from 
 the top is most extensive and interesting. Far up to 
 the north the Catskill Mountains can be discerned, while 
 to the east the Shawangunk hills are to be seen. South- 
 wards, again, Boterberg and Breakneck, already seen, 
 guard the pass through which the river running at our 
 feet finds its way down to the sea. But it is time that 
 we should descend from our lofty position, and go on our 
 way up the river. 
 A broad, rocky platform, jutting out into the river, can- 
 not fail to attract the traveler's attention. This is called 
 the " Devil's Danskammer," or Dancing Chamber, and, 
 down to a comparatively late date, was used by the 
 Indians as the scene of some of their religious ceremonies. 
 For about the next five miles, we steam on through a 
 pretty country, though without finding anything striking 
 enough to draw attention, until we pass the little village 
 of New Hamburg, lying at the mouth of VVappinger 
 Creek, which is navigable for some distance up. The 
 railroad crosses the Wappinger by a causeway and draw- 
 bridge, and then pierces a promontory jutting out into- 
 the river, by a tunnel about eight hundred feet long 
All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 New Hamburg is a pretty little village, but nothing more. 
 About a mile higher up, and on the opposite side of the 
 river, 'is another village called Hampton ; then comes 
 Marlborough, two miles higher up still, with Barnegat 
 nearly opposite, on the right hand side, and again Milton 
 Landing two miles more, on the left hand side. 
 As these villages lie mostly on the high banks of the 
 river, there is not much to be seen of them from the boats, 
 but they act as outlets or ports to the country districts 
 lying behind them; and, judging from the numerous 
 comfortable-looking country-houses in theif immediate 
 neighborhood, must be tolerably thriving. 
 As already stated, these villages are hardly important 
 enough to require mention, but we now approach a city 
 of some twenty-five thousand inhabitants, rejoicing in 
 the peculiar name of Poughkeepsie. As we near this 
 point we pass Locust Grove, the summer home of the 
 late Professor Morse, of "telegraph fame." Pough- 
 keepsie is nearly half-way between New York and 
 Albany, being seventy-five miles from the former, and 
 about seventy from the capital of the State through 
 which we are passing. This " rural city," as an Ameri- 
 can writer has termed it, lies pleasantly upon its group of 
 hills, and overlooks a bright river-view. By day the 
 smoke of its busy mills and factories somewhat mars the 
 scene, but as night draws on, these light up the river like 
 beacons, and the sound of the ponderous machinery 
 and roaring furnaces greets our ears and tells of the 
 energy of the citizens. It was originally settled by the 
 Dutch, towards the close of the seventeenth cent'iry, and 
 is situated, like most of their river cities, at the mouth of 
 a tributary stream or creek. The village, as it was then. 
 J I ilili' 
 26 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 has much extended, and now occupies the large open 
 plain, about two hundred feet above the river. The 
 streets are broad, handsome, and well planted with trees, 
 affording in summer grateful shelter from the piercing 
 rays of the sun. Poughkeepsie is best known for the 
 very excellent schools and colleges which it contains. 
 Among the many public institutions located here may be 
 mentioned Eastman's Business University; Vassar College, 
 the munificent gift of Matthew Vassar ; the Riverview Mili- 
 tary Academy, Poughkeepsie Military Academy, Pough- 
 keepsie Female Academy, Cottage Hill Ladies' Seminary, 
 Collegiate Institute for Young Ladies. The State Hospital 
 for the Insane will, when completed, accommodate four 
 hundred patients. It is open for the admission of acute 
 cases of both sexes. The drive to Hyde Park, five miles 
 north, is one of the finest on the Hudson. The State 
 Legislature met here in 1777 and 1778; and the State 
 Convention which ratified the Federal Constitution met 
 here in 1768. An ancient stone structure, with loopholes* 
 built in 1705, and known as the Van Kleck house, is an 
 object of curiosity to the antiquarian. 
 Six miles above Poughkeepsie, after a sudden bend in 
 the river, we come upon some rocky and precipitous 
 banks. This used to be called by the original settlers 
 *'Krom EUeboge," but has since been Anglicised into 
 "Crum Elbow." Quite close to this, only higher up 
 the river, stands the village of Hyde Park, called after 
 a former Governor of the State of New York, Sir Edward 
 Hyde, who, we regret to say, did not leave a very satis- 
 factory reputation behind him ; his tyrannical and 
 unprincipled conduct being well known to all who have 
 studied the history of New York when under British rule. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 27 
 Rhinebeck Landing lies about two miles away from 
 the village of the same name, which was first settled by 
 one William Beekman, a German, who came* from the 
 neighborhood of the Rhine, and called the place partly 
 in honor of his birthplace and partly after himself. Imme- 
 diately opposite Rhinebeck Landing, across the river, is 
 Rondout, and Kingston, a quiet little village, which was 
 burnt by the British in October, 1777. The Delaware 
 and Hudson Canal, built in 1828, terminates here. Its 
 coal business makes this one of the most active business 
 places on the Hudson. The canal is one hundred and 
 nine miles long, and extends to the Lackawaxen River 
 in Pennsylvania. 
 Above here, may be seen Rokeby, the estate of the late 
 William B, Astor. Next above, is Montgomery Place, 
 built by the widow of Gen. Montgomery, who fel| in the 
 assault on Quebec, in 1775 ; and now owned by her 
 brother, Edward Livingston. Two miles above is Cruger's 
 Island, of great natural beauty and cultivation. Between 
 this and Hudson, fifteen miles off, we come upon a 
 number of large substantially built, and handsome 
 country-houses, with lawns of smooth turf stretching 
 down towards the river, and an air of luxury and wealth 
 pervading the whole estates. 
 Six miles above Rhinebeck is Barrytown, and four 
 miles above Barrytown is Tivoli, each of them possessing 
 a station on the railroad, though, like many of the other 
 villages we have had a glance at, small and unpretentious, 
 having, however, possibly a vast idea of their own im- 
 portance, as a great deal of the farm and garden produce 
 of these villages is sent up to supply the wants of Fifth 
 Avenue, and other districts of the great city. Opposite 
28 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 I \ 
 \i\ \ 
 ■.«'! ill 
 Tivoli, on the western bank of the river, stands a flourish- 
 ing little village called Saugerties, at the mouth of the 
 Esopus Creek. This little place boasts manufactories of 
 iron, paper, and white lead, and a fine flagstone quarry. 
 Two miles from Saugerties, we pass Maiden, which lies 
 backed by the Catskill Mountains, and about ten miles 
 on we come to the large village of 
 one hundred and eleven miles from New York. It takes 
 its name from the large creek which flows through it. 
 Sept. 20, 1609, Hendrick Hudson anchored "The Half- 
 Moon" here. 
 Passengers from New York by railroad, who wish to 
 ascend the mountains must alight at Catskill Station, 
 and cross by ferry to the village, and we sincerely recom- 
 mend our travellers to avail themselves of this trip. They 
 will find plenty of omnibusses and stages to take them 
 to the Mountain House, and the Clove, about twelve 
 miles off. We shall not attempt to describe the scenery, 
 which, at this point, must be seen to be appreciated. The 
 Mountain House is traditionally attractive ; its elevation 
 above the Hudson is twenty-two hundred feet, and it is 
 built on a flat rock on the very edge of a precipice nearly 
 4,000 feet above the river ! The view from the piazza 
 is truly wonderful. It is of a most extensive character, 
 embracing a region of about ten thousand square miles 
 in extent, portions even of Vermont, Massachusetts, and 
 Connecticut being, on a fine day, plainly visible, whilst at 
 least sixty miles of the Hudson River can be seen shining 
 like a broad silver belt at our feet. The sunrise and a thunder 
 storm are especial attractions at the Mountain House. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 29 
 The Prospect Park Hotel is situated on a terrace, 
 which comprises seventeen acres, elevated some two 
 hundred feet above the river. The main building is two 
 hundred and fifty feet front, with wing ninety feet. 
 Guests can find here quiet, pleasure, shade, and sunshine. 
 The fresh bracing air of the mountains makes Catskill one 
 of the pleasantest places to spend the noontide of the 
 Two miles from the summit is a rude cabin, famous as 
 the reported site of Rip Van Winkle's long nap. 
 Through years of mighty waves— 
 To wake to science grown to more, 
 To find the sign of another George 
 Swinging above the tavern door ! " 
 Thomas Cole, the painter, has transcribed some of the 
 beauties of this wonderful region in the scenes of his 
 "Voyage of Life." 
 "The most famous beauty of the region is the fall of 
 the Kaaterkill. On the high table-land of the South and 
 North Mountains lie two lakes, buried in a dense forest. 
 A little brook, making its way from these lakes, westward 
 along the shoulder of the Mountain, soon reaches the 
 edge of a very deep declivity, over which it leaps into a 
 deep pool in the centre of a great amphitheatre of rock. 
 "Gathering its strength again, the torrent makes a 
 second leap over huge boulders, which have fallen from 
 the ledges above, and lie scattered down the glen, dash- 
 ing itself into foam in its headlong fury. Tumbling from 
 one ledge to another, it reaches at length the bottom of 
 the glen, when, meeting the stream that flows from 
 Haine's Fall, the mingled waters hurry dosvn the stony 
 pathway through the Cove, and out into the valley, until, 
 5|J,i''? i 
 ! •!■(:: 
 30 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 swollen to a wide stream, they glide placidly into the 
 Hudson at the village of Catskill. There is nothing 
 more beautiful in American scenery than this waterfall, 
 as it leaps from the lofty height, and dashes into spray 
 in the hollow basin below. The strata of which the 
 mountain is formed lie piled upon one another horizon- 
 tally, and through them the water has cut its way, 
 smoothly like a knife. Some distance above the margin 
 of the pool in which the fallen waters boil as in a cauldron, 
 there is a stratum of soft stone which has broken up and 
 crumbled in the dampness. Wearing away several yards 
 deep into the cliff, it has left a pathway all around the 
 Fall, from which you have a fine, view, and often, when 
 the stream above is swollen, through a veil of glittering 
 drops dripping from the rocks above. Exquisite as is 
 the effect of the whol6 Fall, when seen from the rocks at 
 the foot of its second leap, this last point of view is even 
 more striking. Standing on the narrow pathway, you 
 look through the great white veil of falling waters, leap- 
 ing out over your head and sending up clouds of spray 
 that float off down the gorge. Sometimes, when the sun 
 is shining brightly, a dancing rainbow will keep pace 
 with you as you creep around the semi-circle beneath the 
 rock. Here, too, you get an enchanting glimpse of the 
 edges of the Clove, down which the stream goes head- 
 long, and can mark the wild figures of the pines that 
 cling to the verge of the cliffs, and seem, with their black 
 spears, to pierce the sky. 
 " Upon the very edge of the precipice, close to the 
 narrow channel through which the fall makes its plunge 
 theie is a tree which has grown out from a crevice, and, 
 then upward until it juts out over the abyss. To this 
IS even 
 All-Rojind Route and Panoramic Guide. 3 1 
 solitary tree, the lad who acts as your guide points with 
 his finger, and tells you of the adventurous young 
 woman, who crept out to the rock, and, clasping the 
 slender trunk of the tree with her hands, swung her body 
 far out over the Fall, and then, with a cry of triumph, 
 back again in safety. 
 "Beneath the second Fall the gorge is wild in the 
 extreme. On both sides, the mountains rise perpen- 
 dicularly, clad with a dense forest, and, throujrh the 
 shade beneath, the torrent roars ceaselessly among the 
 Five miles from the Catskill Station, on the eastern 
 side of the river, we come to the large and handsomely- 
 built city of Hudson, the chief town of Columbia county 
 one hundred and seventeen miles from New York and 
 thirty from Albany. The city is built on an eminence 
 above the river, like many of the other villages we 
 have passed in our course. The streets are wide and 
 well laid out, and altogether the place has an air of thrift 
 and prosperity. The principal street is called the 
 Promenade, and laid out with trees and shrubs with 
 excellent taste. One side is built with handsome houses, 
 and the other is open to the river, and runs along the 
 bank for nearly a mile. 
 Leaving the city of Hudson, via the well-equipped 
 train of the Boston & Albany R.R., a distance of forty 
 miles brings us to Pittsfield, the County seat, charmingly 
 situated in the midst of great natural scenery, and 
 offenng to the tourist or traveler, many rich and rare 
 delights, each well worthy of special mention. 
„;■ I 
 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ill. ''^■•!ii 
 i! ■■■\ 
 It !( 
 the many places in the Old Bay State made 
 famous in late years, either as seats of learning, or 
 for their '/arious attractions to summer guests, 
 none surpass the town of Pittsfield. Its six miles square 
 of territory occupy the very centre of the ** Berkshire 
 Hills," and though a little south of the " divide " that 
 separates the waters of the Hoosac and the Housatonic 
 Rivers, are yet over 1,000 feet above the level. The 
 centre of this central area rises gently from the general 
 level, and so commands most charming views of the 
 finest summits of the county ; the long and beautiful 
 ranges of the Hoosac mountains on the east, and the 
 mountains of Vermont, rise some 1,500 feet from the 
 valley at a distance of four miles each from the centre, 
 and the twin sum nits of the Saddle mountains, one 
 of M^hich is near 4,000 feet above the tide water, 
 look down upon it 1 5 miles away from the north. The 
 town thus claims within its own limits, or within the 
 easy reach of a few hours' drive, a large share of the " deli- 
 cious surprises" of Berkshire. It rivals the famous scenery 
 of Lenox, on its southern border, and Stockbridge and 
 Williamstown, places made classic by the pens and the 
 residences of Hawthorne and Holmes, Fanny Kembleand 
 the Sedgwicks, Melville and Longfellow ; the brush of 
 artists like Gray and DeHaas, and the life-work of men 
 like Gnfifin, Mark and Albert Hopkins, and John Todd. 
 Williams' College, the Hoosac Tunnel, Lebanon Springs, 
 the parent settlement of the Shakers, and also Lenox 
 and Stockbridge, already named, with many resorts of 
 lesser fame, are among the vivid memories and life-long 
 treasures of tourists and summer guests. 
All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 33 
 The city itself-for Pittsfield has compact business 
 streets, manufactures, churches, halls and other advan- 
 tages of our large cities, needing only its own act accept- 
 ing Its charter to make it a city in name-has its broad 
 tree-hned streets, adorned by many beautiful residences 
 ivith ample grounds, while its public and private 
 schools. Its church organizations, its railroad and tele- 
 graph facilities, and the rare intelligence, refinement and 
 wealth of Its citizens, complete its claims to the notice of 
 people seeking summer rest, or permanent residence, 
 busmess advantages, or the education of their children In 
 fact, we know of no place in any section of the country 
 that can compare with it in these respects. 
 Pittsfield can boast of many handsome public buildings 
 as well as stores and private dwellings. Many of the latter 
 are very noteworthy, especially those of the Hon. Thomas 
 Allen, ate President of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain 
 K.R. ; Mrs. Pollock's,-a beautiful residence, with magni- 
 ficent drives, walks, lawns, trees, shrubbery, etc. ; and 
 many others which our limited space will not permit of 
 describing, yet all of which should be seen by visitors in 
 order to be appreciated. Among the public buildings 
 worthy of notice are the Court House, a costly white 
 marble edifice, which reflects credit upon the city 
 and many handsome churches, particularly the costly 
 and spacious Methodist Church, and the Roman 
 Catholic Church, the latter by far the finest' in the 
 Western part of the State. Entering the beautiful Park, 
 located nearly in the centre of the village, the tourist will 
 observe a very fine monument, which was built some ten 
 years ago by Pittsfield's patriotic citizens, as a tribute to 
 her fallen heroes who gave up their lives in fighting for 
I , ■ I';" 
 34 AH-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 their flag, and in sustaining their country's honor and 
 liberty ; thig monument was dedicated with very impos- 
 ing ceremonies on September 24th, 1872. Directly 
 opposite the park will be seen the Berkshire Atht laeum, 
 a very unique building composed of iJlncstnne, Freestone^ 
 and Red Granite. Pittsfield can well Icei proud of this 
 beautiful structure, which is not only a credit to the 
 village, but stands as a lasting monument to perpetuate 
 the memory as well as the generous liberality of j:he Hon. 
 Thos. Allen and o4her enterprising citizens of I'ittsfield 
 and vicinity, who have so liberally endowed it. We next 
 take great pleasure in calling the tourist's attention to 
 The institution of widest fame in Pittsfield for nearly 
 half a century is the Maplewood Institute for young 
 ladies, which for over half that period has been under 
 the care of its present well-known Principal, Rev. C. V. 
 Spear. Its grounds, disinterested but admiring friends 
 liken to those of Yale and Harvard, partly, perhaps 
 because the shades of each are " classic," and very abun- 
 dant. Maplewood measures but six acres, but many of 
 its numerous elms and maples have yielded their grateful 
 and now ample shade for over fifty years ; and its pleasing 
 walks, and vases and flower beds, with many a rare 
 exotic, its luxuriant flowering shrubs, and its vine- 
 covered verandas, tempering the dazzling white of its 
 well painted walls and Grecian columns, with its charm- 
 ing statues and beautiful fountain, make it easily foremost 
 among the ladies' schools of the country in its physical 
 abode. The accompanying cuts, all from photographs, 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 All-Rottnd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 i i^i: 
 save the largest which had to be drawn to exclude 
 the foliage so as to show the building, truly represent 
 t|ie place. Nor do these attractions, with the invigor- 
 ating climate of the Berkshire Hills, constitute its chief 
 claim to superiority among its rivals ; a well filled library, 
 large cabinets of minerals, shells, and apparatus, and a 
 fine conservatory, afford their invaluable, and in modern 
 methods of teaching, indispensable aid to accomplished 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 37 
 tcaqhcrs in every department of a useful and thorough 
 education. Some dozen pianos and a full church organ 
 arc in constant use by the pupils in music, and their pro- 
 fessors are widely and favourably known. Its studio is 
 also well supplied with models and crowded with enthu- 
 siastic young artists, guided and stimulated by experi- 
 enced and able teachers. A skilful elocutionist gives 
 instruction in that most desirable department of a good 
Il' ' 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 El ill „ 
 I I 
 education, while a suitably furnished gymnasium^ the 
 oldest, and still the largest for any ladies' school in the 
 country, supplies a drill and other exercise needed by 
 sedentary students scarcely more in winter and in storm, 
 than in the pleasant season of the year, it is not one 
 of the least of the advantages that Maplewood offers to 
 its students that its attendance, from the best families in 
 all parts of the country, is yet so limited in numbers as 
 to afford a most desirable medium between the larger 
 colleges and strictly family schools. With excellent 
 educational appliances as usually reckoned, the wants of 
 the individual p ipil are met, and invaluable opportunity 
 is afforded for intimacy of intercourse with earnest, 
 faithful, and accomplished lady and gentlemen instruc- 
 Correspondents seeking such a school will be promptly 
 furnished with its prospectus and catalogue on applica- 
 tion to the Principal. For several reasons the grounds 
 and buildings have been thrown open during the long 
 vacation as a summer resort. Competent and successful 
 managers have made an enlargement of its accommoda- 
 tion necessary, and now about one hundred and fifty 
 guests can be received. A competent manager, well 
 known to the patrons of Maplewood, will have charge 
 of the place during the coming season. 
 The drives in the vicinity are very fine, and probably 
 more beautiful and interesting scenery m.ay be seen by 
 taking a circuitous drive to the various points of interest, 
 than in any other. To leave Pittsfield without having 
 taken one of the drives referred to, would be one of the 
 greatest possible omissions on the part of the visitor ; 
 half a day is all that is required for this purpose, and the 
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 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide, 39 
 liveries in the city are first-class, and very reasonable in 
 their charges. 
 The most prominent places of interest are as follows : 
 Pontoosuc Lake, Balance Rock, Lula Cascade, Berry 
 Pond, Arethusan Streams, Fort Ashley, Lake Onota, 
 Perry's Peak, Lanesboro' Hill, Wahconah Falls, Ashley 
 Returning from Pittsfield to Hudson, the tourist may 
 wish to pay a visit to the Shaker Village at Mount 
 Lebanon, which he can do by taking the train leaving 
 for Chatham three times during the day, and connecting 
 with the Boston and Albany Railway, and after an 
 hour's journey of twenty-three miles, he v/ill be landed 
 at the Shaker Village itself. Space will not allow an 
 ■extended notice of this remarkable village ; suffice it to 
 say that cleanliness, and all other cardinal virtues, 
 :reign paramount. Order, temperance, frugality and 
40 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 i 1 M / 
 . . ' ..u 
 -I ! ■. .F; 
 Shaker worship, are the things that strike 'one's senses 
 on first arriving. Every one here is free. No soldiers,, 
 no police, no judges live here, and among members of a 
 society, in which every man stakes his all, appeal to the 
 courts of law is a thing unknown. In the case of a sect 
 where celibacy is the first and principal code, it would 
 seem as if such a society would of itself die a natural 
 death ; but yearly many fresh converts to the sect are 
 made, and not only among the old and those tired of 
 this world's pomps and vanities, but from the young and 
 healthy of both sexes. Happiness, peace, and plenty are 
 evident in all the villages of this most peculiar of all 
 religious societies. Mr. Hepworth Dixon has written so 
 fully about them in his interesting work, entitled " New 
 America," that we should reccn .nend the curious, or 
 those who have visited any of t^-^ir villages, to obtain the 
 book and "read them up," 
 We must go back to our steamer at Hudson, however, 
 after this digression, and before leaving this interesting 
 town may mention that the village opposite, which has 
 the high-sounding name of Athens given to it, (though 
 for what reason, we know not,) can be reached by a small 
 steam ferry. There is nothing, however, to reward the 
 task of crossing, except, perhaps, in order to obtain a good 
 view of Hudson ; but as this can be done quite as satisfac- 
 torily from the deck of our steamer, we presume our 
 readers will not attempt the passage, but continue with 
 us for the next thirty miles of our trip to Albany. 
 The lighthouse seen on the western side of the river 
 on Four Mile Point, (that distance from Hudson) 
 marks the head of navigation for ships. About a mile 
 higher up, on the same side, is Coxackie Village, the 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 41 
 older portion of which is called Coxackie street and lies 
 on a large plain about a mile back from the river. New 
 Baltimore and Coyeman's are two smaller settlements 
 north of Coxackie, with Schodack Landing immediately 
 on the other side, whilst four miles higher up is Castleton. 
 Here the well-known sand-bar, called the Overslaugh, 
 is situated, a spot that has proved fatal to more 
 steamboats and vessels than any known place on the 
 continent. The country just around here is flat, though 
 apparently well cultivated. Soon after leaving this village 
 we approach a place, evidently of some importance as 
 the river has a busier look, and the banks are* more 
 thickly dotted with houses, and after a few minutes' delay, 
 we see in the distance, the thickly built city of Albany, 
 the capital of the State, whils| two finely constructed 
 railway bridges span the river immediately opposite the 
 city, one being used for passenger trains, the other for 
 freight trains. 
 Most of our tourists will desire to visit the celebrated 
 and fashionable Saratoga Springs, whose summer scenes 
 of gaiety and pleasure, and the medicinal qualities of the 
 waters of whose numerous Mineral Springs, have gained 
 for it a reputation almost unequalled. We shall therefore,, 
 continue the duties of cicerone, and pass with them to the 
 depot of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's 
 Railway, Taking our seats in one of their elegant 
 drawing-room cars, we speedily find ourselves leaving 
 Albany and passing by the Albany Rural Cemetery, 
 three miles above the city,— which is well worth a 
 visit, as it abounds in forest streams, across which are 
 thrown rustic bridges; here and there are cascades 
 which empty into a miniature lake ; and deep ravines, 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 through or over which wind walks and roads; forming the 
 most picturesque scenery imaginable, — we arrive at Troy, 
 six miles above Albany. It is at the head of tide-water, 
 and obtained its present name in 1789 ; and the adjoin- 
 ing hills took the names of Mount Ida and Mount 
 Olympus. The Polytechnic School, organized in 1824, 
 and endowed by Stephen Van Rensselaer, and the 
 Female Seminary, take high rank among the educa- 
 tional institutions of the country. Troy boasts many fine 
 churches, public buildings, and private mansions, and 
 those who may desire to stay over a day in order to view 
 the surrounding scenery and visit the many sights, should 
 locate the..iselves at the Troy House, Messrs. Janvrin & 
 Gilles, proprietors, corner of First and River streets, where 
 excellent accommodation, gentlemanly clerks, and kind 
 attention may always be relied upon. The Troy House 
 is the leading and only first-class House in the city. 
 Recently refurnished — electric bells, telephone, telegraph 
 office, and every convenience that health and comfort 
 can suggest. Table supplied with all the delicacies of the 
 season. Attentive and courteous employees, all striving 
 to please. Location central — being among the leading 
 mercantile interests and public buildings of the city, and 
 within two minutes' walk of the landing of the palace 
 steamboats " Saratoga," and " City of Troy," daily line 
 to New York, and four blocks from Union R.R. Depot. 
 Troy has imm.ense iron-manufactories located in the south 
 part of the city ; and the famxC of her steel-works, stoves^ 
 and rolling-mills is too well established to require an 
 extended description here. The establishment of Mr. 
 Erastus Corning, where Bessemer steel is manufac- 
 tured, is the largest of the kind in the United States, 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 43 
 and turns out annually thousands of tons of steel 
 rails. The original Monitor, whose exploits with the 
 " Merrimac " may be said to have changed the character 
 of the war-navies of the world, was in part built here. 
 The Troy horse-shoe, nail, and railroad -spike manufactoiy 
 is one of the largest in the world. Among the new 
 public buildings are the Savings Bank, City Hall, and the 
 new "Times" building. This last is of four stories, with 
 an iron front and Mansard roof. St. Peter's College, 
 built on Mount St. Vincent, is for the education of 
 Catholic priests. The Marshall Infirmary, Warren Free 
 Institute for Indigent Children, Troy Orphan Asylum, 
 Troy Hospital, St. Mary's Orphan Asylum, and the mis- 
 sion school connected with St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 
 are among the charitable institutions of the city. The 
 streets are laid out generally at right angles, are \\€^\ 
 shaded, and kept clean. The cemetery is an exquisite 
 spot, adorned with stately monuments and works of art : 
 among these is a bridge of elegant design, by J. Wrey 
 Mould of New York City. The Griswold and Wool 
 monument, by the architect, is to be of white 
 marble, and will cost at least a hundred thousand dollars. 
 The United States Arsenal is across the river, and 
 contains many cannons and relics of the Revolution. 
 The Erie and Champlain Canals here connect with 
 the Hudson River, and railroads radiate to every part of 
 the country. The Union Railway Depot is a magnifi- 
 c:nt structure, and was built by the great railroads 
 centring here. 
 This company now control a system of railroads vrhich 
 extend to the many popular summer resorts of Northern 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Gvide. 
 New York and beyond. They comprise the Alban> & 
 Susquehanna Railroad, extending from Binghamton to 
 Albany, 143 miles, with the following branches : Nine- 
 veh to Scranton, 73 miles ; Cobleskill to Cherry Valley, 
 thr »ugh Sharon Springs, 23 miles; and Quaker Street to 
 Schenectady, 15 miles; making in all 254 miles. 
 The Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroad, extend- 
 ing from Albany and Troy to Wiiitehall and Rutland, 
 10 1 miles; and Eagle Bridge to Castleton, 52 miles; 
 with a branch, Schenectady to Ballston, 15 miles, and 
 Fort Edward to Glen Falls, 6 miles ; making in all 174 
 TiiE New York & Canada Railroad, extending 
 from Whitehall to Rouse's Point, 1 14 miles ; with 
 branches, Fort Ticonderoga to > Baldwin, 5 miles ; Platts- 
 burg to Ausable, 20 miles ; and vVcit Chazy to Mooers 
 Junction, 11 mihs ; making in all 150 miles. These 
 three leased or owned lines make a total mileage of 578 
 miles, and form one of the best lines in the country, both 
 for through and summer excursion business. 
 Leaving the Union Depot, Troy, it crosses the main 
 channel of the Hudson, on a bridge 1512 feet long, to 
 Green Island. From thence it proceeds to Van Schaick's 
 Island, by a bridge 482 feet long, and from here across 
 to Waterford. The tourist can well afford to spend a few 
 hours here and visit the Cohoes Falls and factories. In 
 the early colonial times Waterford was known as Half- 
 moon, taking its name from the shape of the river-bend 
 at this point. 
 Cohoes, sometimes called the " City of Spindles," has 
 become one of the most important manufacturing cities 
 of the State. An immense water-power is here formed 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 45 
 of a 
 by the Mohawk River, which makes a descen 
 hundred feet. The Cohoes Falls, about a half-mile above 
 the railroad bridge, have a perpendicular descent of forty- 
 feet. Here are situated numerous knitting and cotton 
 mills, axe and edge-tool factories, which give a commer- 
 cial importance to the city, and employment to thousands 
 of operatives. 
 Mechanicville, thirteen miles from Troy, is a smart 
 manufacturing town. A monument erected to the 
 memory of Col. Ellsworth, of the famous Ellsworth 
 Zouaves, will be found in the quiet cemetery on the hill. 
 The new railroad route from Schenectady to the 
 Hoosac Tunnel here crosses the Hudson River upon a 
 magnificent double-track iron bridge. This line is 
 intended to connect the Erie Railway and Delaware 
 & Hudson Canal Company's railroad with Boston. 
 A fort was on the elevated ground at the north end of 
 the village ; and a few rods below this were two long store- 
 houses which did good service in Gen. Gates' campaign 
 of 1777, which resulted in the capture of Gen. Burgoyne. 
 Round Lake, nineteen miles from Troy, is a station 
 of comparatively modern origin. Ten years ago an 
 association of gentlemen connected with the Methodist 
 Church purchased a large plot of ground here, mostly 
 timber land, upon which they established a mammoth 
 permanent camp-meeting ground. 
 The grounds are handsomely laid out, and contain a 
 hotel capable of accommodating a hundred guests, and 
 some two hundred and fifty cottages owned or rented by 
 regular attendants at the meetings. There has been laid 
 out and biiilt at great expense, a " Palestine Park," some 
 five hundred feet in length : this is a copy in miniature 
 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 of the famous Holy Land ; and here are^ reproduced 
 on a correct scale the mountains, lakes, cities, and ruins 
 of that land made so dear to the heart of every Christian. 
 There is also a lake supplied with boats, &c., and a 
 mineral spring said to have superior medicinal qualities. 
 Several meetings are held here each year, and the attend- 
 ance generally is quite large. While it is strictly a 
 religious settlement, still all are welcome, and many find 
 it a pleasant and profitable place for spending the heated 
 summer months. 
 Ballston, twenty-six miles from Troy, is the 
 :ounty-seat of Saratoga County. The Kayaderosseras 
 Creek, which flows through the village, furnishes a fine 
 water power for the numerous paper-mills, emery-wheel 
 works, sash and box factories, &c., situated along its 
 The village has a population of about three thousand 
 people ; has many fine buildings, both public and 
 private, and is supplied h pure water, and good 
 schools, which render it a iesirable location for a 
 permanent home. 
 Ballston Spa derives its celebrity from the mineral 
 springs which flow here in great abundance. 
 The artesian springs flow from a depth of six hundred 
 feet through solid rock. The Sans Souci Hotel was built 
 many years ago by Nicholas Low, and in its plan and 
 surroundings does much credit to the taste and liberality 
 of the proprietor. It is 160 feet long, v/ith two wings 
 extending back 153 feet, and is calculated for the 
 accommodation of one hundred and fifty boarders. The 
 Sans Souci Spring, which is within the grounds of the 
 hotel, is seven hundred feet deep. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 47 
 [RESUMING that the traveler has already viewed 
 the wonderful beauty of the Wyoming Valley, 
 en route from Philadelphia and the South, and 
 the many attractive places along the Erie from the West, 
 we will not stop to go over them here ; but will take up 
 our trip to Saratoga, beginning with the Delaware and 
 Hudson Canal Company Susquehanna Division from 
 The scenery along the route is of the finest description. 
 Traversing the beautiful Chenango and Susquehanna 
 Valleys, it affords convenient access to the Catskill and 
 Helderberg Mountains ; passing through the fertile 
 Schoharie Valley, it makes a detour around the foot of 
 the Helderberg Mountain to Albany, or crosses the 
 Mohawk Valley from Quaker Street to Schenectady, 
 affording the most convenient route to Saratoga, Lakes 
 George and Champlain, the Adirondacks, and other 
 famous northern resorts. 
 The City of Binghamton, sometimes called the 
 " Parlor City." This city is beautifully laid out on both 
 sides of the Chenango River, and on the north side cf 
 the Susquehanna. It was settled in 1784, and was 
 originally called " Chenango Point." Its present name 
 was derived from Hon. William Bingham, who was the 
 original owner of the land forming the site of the city. 
 The construction of the Erie and other railroads has 
 made of this a great commercial inland centre, and the 
 growth and manufacturing interests of the city are 
 increasing. The population is about sixteen thousand. 

 i' Si t i 
 1 '' '•' 
 All-Rotind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 The court-house is a handsome building, in the Ionic 
 style, fifty-eight by ninety-eight feet, and was built in 
 There are many handsome public and private buildings 
 in the city ; and, as special pains seem to be taken by 
 the inhabitants to keep their places and streets clean, the 
 city at all times presents a fine appearance. 
 The State Inebriate Asylum, now converted into a State 
 asylum for chronic insane, is located a little east of the 
 city, on a beautiful and elevated site, eighty-two feet 
 broad by three hundred and sixty-five feet long. It is 
 built of stone and brick, in the Tudor style of architec- 
 ture. It owes its origin to the persevering efforts of Dr. 
 J. Edwin Turner. The citizens donated the farm of two 
 hundred and fifty acres, on which the building is erected. 
 Leaving Binghamton, and passing through Port Crane 
 and Osborn Hollow, we come to 
 Tunnel Station, fifteen miles from Binghamton. 
 This was the scene of the remarkable strife between the 
 employees of the Albany & Susquehanna and Erie 
 Railroads, a few years since, for the possession of the 
 former road, known as the Erie war, in which several 
 thousand men were engaged, necessitating a call upon 
 the State militia to maintain peace. 
 Nineveh, twenty-two miles from Binghamton. Here 
 a connection is made with the Pennsylvania Division of 
 the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company's railroads, 
 which, with the Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railway, 
 forms a line from Wilkesbarre, Scranton, Carbondale, 
 and the coal-regions of Pennsylvania. 
 ■ Scranton has a population of thirty-five thousand, 
 and since its start has developed rapidly, and into great 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 49 
 importance. It may be said to be in the centre of the 
 coal-mining region ; and near it, and on the neighboring 
 hills, will be seen numerous collieries teeming with life, 
 and giving emplo> ment to thousands of people. 
 The place take its name from the family of Scranton, 
 whose members were among the first to erect buildings! 
 and push forward those industries which now are its chief 
 The rolling-mills and bla ,t-furnaces of Scranton are 
 among the largest in the world, and annually turn out 
 thousands of tons of iron in different shapes and for 
 different uses. These works are well worth visiting, and 
 at night their roaring fires illuminate tue whole region, 
 and make a scene never to be forgotten by the transient 
 The Dickson Manufacturing Company is located here, 
 and yearly turns out large quantities of machinery. The 
 locomotives made by these works have a world-wide 
 reputation, and are used on a great many railroads. 
 A visit to any of the numerous coal-mines in the 
 vicinity is well worth making. Visitors are shown every 
 attention, and the opportunity of seeing coal mined 
 should not be missed. 
 The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, a 
 similar organization to the Delaware & Hudson Canal 
 Company has important works here; and the round- 
 house surrounded by its network of tracks is one of the 
 interesting features of Scranton. 
 Leaving Scranton. with its ever-busy varying bustle 
 and life, we pass Green Ridge, where connection with the 
 Central Railroad of New Jersey is made, and the mining 
 villages of Dickson and Olyphant, where the Gravity Rail- 
 % %^. ^'' 
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 (716) 872-4503 

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 All-Round Route and Panoramic Gvide, 
 road for Honesdale begins, and Archibald, and come to 
 Carbondale, the second important city in Luzerne County. 
 This city has had a rapid growth. It was incorpo- 
 rated in 185 1, and now has a population of about six 
 thousand. It is strictly a mining town : its interests are 
 coal, and its inhabitants people owning or mining the 
 article. The extensive car-shops of the Delaware & 
 Hudson Canal Company's P».ailroad are situated here, 
 giving employment to many men. 
 At this point the Gravity Railroad leaves the Lacka- 
 wanna Valley, and by a series of inclines passes over the 
 Moosic Mountain to Honesdale, sixteen miles distant, 
 and the great coal-shipping point, via the Delaware & 
 Hudson Canal. The empty cars are returned from 
 Honesdale by still another series of planes ; and the long 
 coal-trains thundering across the valley, up and down 
 the mountain-sides, seemingly without propelling power, 
 form a scene weird and picturesque. 
 The successful completion and operation of this road is 
 another of the great engineering triumphs of, the age, and 
 the work is well worth a visit. 
 Crystal Lake a beautiful sheet of water, is six miles 
 from Carbon dale> high up among the mountains, and is 
 a very pleasant place for spending the heated months. 
 Leaving Carbondale, and passing up the narrow valley, 
 we strike the Jefferson Branch of the Erie Railway, which 
 is used by the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company as 
 far as Jefferson Junction ; from there we pass through 
 Lanesboro\ Windsor, and Centre Village, all small towns 
 whose interests are mostly in the lumber or leather busi- 
 ness, and come to Nineveh, where connection with the 
 Albany & Susquehanna Railroad is made. 
All-Roim^ Route and Panoramic Guide. 5 r 
 Leaving Nineveh, we come to 
 Afton, twenty-eight miles from Binghamton ; an 
 enterprising little village on the north side of the 
 Susquehanna. Population, three hundred. Stage con- 
 nection is made here with Vallonia Springs, one mile 
 distant, which derives its name from the mineral springs 
 situated here. * 
 Bainbridge, thirty-four miles from Binghamton. 
 Population, foui hundred. This town was first settled 
 in 1785, by New England emigrants. Stage connection 
 is made here with Coventry, Greene, Bennettsville, and 
 Sidney, thirty-nine miles from Binghamton. Con- 
 nection is made here, via New York Sr Oswego Midland 
 Railroad, for Oxford, Norwich, Oneida, Fulton, and 
 Oswego. The Susquehanna Valley was first settled 
 here in 1772, by the Rev. William Johnston. 
 Unadilla, forty-three miles from Binghamton. Pop- 
 ulation, about twelve hundred. Stage connection is 
 made at this point with Walton, Butternuts, Delhi, &c. 
 Otego, fifty-two miles from Binghamton. This hand- 
 some village contains several manufactories, &c. ; is 
 situated at the junction of the Osdewa and Flax Island 
 Creeks, and the Susquehanna River. It was first settled 
 in 1800. Stage connection is made with Franklin, 
 Gilbertsville, Walton and Delhi. 
 Oneonta, sixty miles from Binghamton, Population 
 about twenty-five hundred. The repair shops of the 
 Albany & Susquehanna Railroad, employing about two 
 hundred men, are situated here. This thriving place 
 contains various manufactories of agricultural implements 
 foundries, mills, &c., four churches, and three hotels. 

 I. ' 
 ' ilif 
 h!, --'Siiil 
 ' fflilSI 
 All-Rouiid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 The first settlement was made 'here about the middle 
 of the eighteenth century. 
 Colliers, sixty-six miles from Binghamton. The 
 Albany & Susquehanna Railroad connects at C. & S. V» 
 Junction, one mile from this attractive little place, with 
 the Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Railroad, for 
 COOPERSTOWN, eighty-three miles from Binghamton,. 
 a charming village, the county-seat of Otsego County. 
 JHE natural attractions of Cooperstown and the 
 lake region of which it is the centre, are in very 
 many respects so like those of the English lakes, 
 that no observant tourist can have failed to note the 
 resemblance. The general topography of the country 
 is nearly the same, save that the mountains about 
 Otsego Lake are less majestic and imposing. The 
 carriage drives in all directions are, however, equally 
 numerous, varied, and picturesque. By a sort of 
 triangular combination of these popular roadways, 
 Cooperstown, Sharon Springs, Cherry Valley, and 
 Richfield Springs have ^been latterly brought into 
 quite fraternal relations ; so that, during the height of 
 the season, the finest equipages may be daily seen passing 
 to and fro between these beautiful villages, recalling 
 vividly the brilliant pageantry and exhilarating scenes of 
 the "Trossachs." 
 The drive to Sharon]of about twenty-two miles affords- 
 one of the most sightly and commanding views in the 
 Empire State, and hardly to be surpassed by that from 
 the piazza of the Catskill-Mountain House. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 To Richfield Springs there are three roads, — one via 
 Oaksville and Schuyler's Lake, sixteen miles ; one jia 
 Three-Mile Point (Thayer's), Five-Mile Point (Tunni- 
 cliff), and the Lake Road, to "Island Cottage," (the 
 upper steamboat landing), and thence across the hill near 
 ^'Wiantha Observatory," fourteen miles; and another 
 still, via Pierstown and Rum Hill, thirteen miles. All 
 these drives are exceptionally romantic and attracts'e, 
 revealing some new beauty at every turn. Between 
 Cooperstown and Cherry Valley lie three distinct high- 
 "ways, each about fourteen miles in length, and all 
 rendered attractive by their peculiarly quiet loveliness ; so 
 that, adding the two from there to Sharon Springs, and 
 that via Clarksville and Seward Hill View, there are 
 three approaches to Sharon Springs, of about twenty-two 
 miles each. To the east from Cooperstown are se- eral 
 roads leading through cultivated farms, villages, and 
 quaint little hamlets beyond, crossing frequently quite 
 lofty mountains, from whose crests far-reaching views 
 may be had. To the south, on each side of the Susque- 
 iianna River, and often hugging its pleasant, winding 
 margins, are to be found excellent roads, running as far 
 down as Oneonta, with convenient crossings at intervals 
 of two or three miles. In this direction, through tidy 
 villages, and surrounded on every hand with scenery 
 distinguished for its tranquil beauty, drives can be 
 extended indefinitely, at the leisure and pleasure of the 
 Otsego Lake is a beautiful sheet of water, nine miles 
 long, and from one to three miles wide. 
 The water is very clear, and was called by Cooper, in 
 ills tales, " Glimmer Glass," on this account probably. 
 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Boarding ihe steamer " Natty Bumpo," and following; 
 the lake to its head, will be seen Wild -Rose Point, Five- 
 Mile Point, Gravelly Point, Mount Wellington, Clark's 
 Bay, all worthy of a visit. Arriving at the head of the 
 lake, the Concord stages for Richfield Springs, seven 
 miles distant, are met. 
 This steamboat and €tage route forms a very pleasant 
 way of reaching the noted Richfield Springs ; and many 
 avail themselves of the beautiful ride by boat and stage 
 through this delightful country. 
 At the landing good stabling accommodations are to 
 be had ; and visitors from Richfield or elsewhere can 
 either be served with a good substantial meal at the 
 cottage, or, if preferred, make the trip to Cooperstown,. 
 arranging en route for more formal dinners at Thayer's 
 or Tunnicliffs, and still be able to return in ample time 
 for the afternoon stages. The steamer makes four trips 
 daily; stopping on signal at all intermediate points. 
 The boat liveries of the village are not surpassed, either 
 in amplitude, equipment, or economy, by those of any 
 similar establishments in the State. During the past 
 year over eighty pounds of salmon-trout have been takea 
 in one forenoon from a single boat with hook and line, 
 and three hundred pounds through the ice in one day's 
 fishing within a hundred rods of the village. Nor is this 
 to be wondered at when we state the fact, highly credit- 
 able to the citizens of Cooperstown, that they have 
 expended nearly two thousand dollars in stocking 
 their lake with the very choicest varieties of fish. 
 There are many pleasant walks and drives in and 
 about Cooperstown, and the tourist who makes it his 
 home for the season will find it a " home " indeed. 
All-Round Route and Pafwramic Guide. 
 The Hotel Fenimore is a handsome building of stone 
 and brick, situated near the centre of t;he village. Con- 
 nected with it is a large cottage, with croquet-ground, 
 lawn, and extensive frontage ; the two accommodating 
 about three hundred guests. 
 The ctdsine is unsurpassed. During the season a fine 
 orchestra is attached to the house, which gives daily 
 concerts, and furnishes music for the frequent hops. 
 The rooms are large, and the house is finely furnished 
 Guests at the hotel receive tne best of attendance, and 
 the class of people thronging its corridors give good 
 evidence of its popularity. 
 The Cooper House stands upon an eminence eighty 
 feet above the lake, thus affording the guests a fine view 
 of the entire extent of the lake. The house is surround- 
 ed by a park of nearly ten acres, which is handsomely 
 laid out in croquet, ball, and archery grounds, and is 
 plentifully supplied with shade-trees. 
 In connection with the hotel are several very handsome 
 cottages suitable for families. 
 The internal arrangements are very complete, — hot 
 and cold water, &c. 
 The rooms are mostly en suite, and are well adapted 
 for families. 
 A full orchestra is engaged for the season ; a billiard- 
 room and four bowling-alleys are attached to the house. 
 Good stabling-accommodation, and carriage and saddle 
 horses, are furnished at all '■tmes. 
 The house is under the proprietorship of Mr. S. E, 
 .1.'' , 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 !< '' 
 I 't' . 1 
 Crittenden, whose reputation as" a hotel-manager is well 
 The house accommodates five hundred guests ; and 
 each year finds it well filled, which is a good criticism on 
 the house and its management. 
 . There are other hotels and boarding-houses in the 
 village, which are well filled every year. The two hotels 
 above mentioned, however, are the most popular with 
 the travelling and tourist public. 
 From New York via Albany boats or West Shore 
 Railroad to Albany; thence by the Albany & Susque- 
 hanna and Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Rail- 
 roads, to Cooperstown. 
 Travelers leaving New York by the night boats will 
 reach Albany in ample time for the morning express, 
 arriving in Cooperstown at noon. 
 From Bufialo and the West via New York, Lake Erie, 
 and Western Railroad, to Binghamton, thence by the 
 Albany & Susquehanna and Cooperstown & Susque- 
 hanna Valley Railroads, to Cooperstown. 
 From Washington and the South via New York, 
 Albany, &c., or via Northern Central to Elmira, thence 
 by New York, Lake Erie & Western Railroad, to 
 Binghamton, &c., as above. 
 From Philadelphia via New York and Albany, or by 
 the Delaware, Lackawanna, & Western Railroad, to 
 •Binghamton, &c. 
 From Saratoga Springs and the North, via Albany or 
 Schenectady and Quaker street, on the Albany & 
 Susquehanna Railroad. 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 From Boston, via the Boston & Albany Railroad to 
 Albany, or the Hoosac-Tunnel route to Troy, thence via 
 the Delaware & Hudson Canal Company's Railroads, 
 and Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Railroad, to 
 Worcester, eighty miles from Binghamton. This grow- 
 ing village bears evidence of healthy prosperity in its 
 handsome business places and residences, its clean and 
 well-shaded streets, and its general indications of thrift 
 and good taste. It contains two handsome churches, 
 several mills, and other industries. Passing East Worces- 
 ter, eighty-five miles from Binghamton, we come to 
 RiCHMONDVlLLE, ninety-three miles from Binghamton. 
 Stages connect here with Summit, Stamford, Jefferson, 
 and Hobart. 
 COBLESKILL, ninety-seven miles from Binghamton. 
 Population, twelve hundred. The largest and most 
 important village on this section of the road: it lies 
 nine hundred feet above tide-water, in the Schoharie 
 Valley, so rich in historic and romantic tradition. 
 It contains four hotels, a printing-office, a bank, three 
 churches, a fine school-building, threshing-machine man- 
 ufactory, various mills, marble-works, &c. A branch of 
 the Albany & Susquehanna Railroad connects here with 
 Hyndsville, Seward, Sharon Springs, and Cherry Valley. 
 Sharon Springs, one hundred and eleven miles from 
 Binghamton, is situated in Schoharie County, N.Y., in a 
 valley about i,ioo feet above the level of the sea. The 
 streets are provided with good sidewalks, and are shaded 
 with maple-trees. The air is pure and bracing, and free 
 from malarial impurities : even in the warmest of the 
 summer weather, the nights are cool and pleasant for 
 All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 WW ■ ■ '•! 
 sleeping. The springs are easy- of access, within the vil- 
 lage limits, on the edge of a natural forest, abounding in 
 pleasant walks. The surrounding country is hilly, and 
 affords interesting drives and pleasant scenery. Sharon 
 Springs is well supplied with hotels and boarding-houses, 
 many of which have a well-established reputation for 
 excellence and comfort : among these, visitors can be 
 sure of finding comfortable accommodation at rates 
 conformable to every grade of expenditure. 
 This watering-place has been famous for many years 
 for its mineral springs, of which the most noted is the 
 White Sulphur Spring, which is not excelled by any 
 sulphur spring in this country. The water is used both 
 internally and externally : it is clear and bright as it issues 
 from the spring, and of an agreeable temperature for 
 drinking (48° F). In the bath-houses it is heated to any 
 degree required for bathing. The water of this spring is 
 particularly efficacious in rheumatic complaints, gout, 
 neuralgia, paralysis, cutaneous diseases, urinary difficul- 
 ties, indigestion, and biliary derangements. The benefit 
 derived in such cases has been remarkable : when the 
 waters are judiciously and fairly tried, relief is almost sure 
 to follow, and many cases of permanent cure are effected. 
 Malarial difficulties may also be eliminated from the 
 system by the use of this water in bathing and drinking. 
 The old bathing-buildings having been entirely 
 destroyed by fire in September, 1875, the proprietors, 
 Messrs. John H. Gardner a!nd Son, have since erected 
 new sulphur bath-houses on the same site. 
 The new establishment consists of an ornamental build- 
 ing in front, with two entrances, leading respectively into 
 the ladies' and gentlemen's waiting-rooms ; from these, 
AU-Ronnd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 doors open into the bath-houses proper, two long build- 
 ings, entirely distinct from each other. The ladies' house 
 contains forty, and the gentlemen's fifty-two, bath-rooms. 
 The bath-tubs (from the factory of the Penrhyn Slate 
 Company) are all of slate, selected for this use, and 
 particularly desirable on account of its non-absorbent 
 The interior of the buildings is entirely finished in hard 
 woods, oiled. The exterior is of brick, and the roofs are 
 covered with slate. 
 The proprietors have spared neither effort nor expense 
 to make the new houses comfortable and inviting in 
 every respect. The White Sulphur Spring discharges 
 about four barrels of water per minute, thus giving an 
 immense supply, and obviating that hoarding of the 
 water in reservoirs or other receptacles, which is necessary 
 in many other sulphur-bathing establishments where the 
 supply is small. Here the water flows from the spring 
 into a small tank, about the size of a hogshead, from 
 which a steam-pump raises it into larger tanks (at a 
 sufficient elevation to serve the tubs), where it is heated, 
 and distributed to the bath-tubs. As the pump is kept 
 constantly at work, during bathing-hours, the water flows 
 almost directly from the spring into the bath-tubs, only 
 being retained long enough to acquire the necessary heat 
 in the hot tank. This is of great advantage to the 
 patrons of the establishment, as it is a well-known fact 
 that the water loses in strength and efficacy by being 
 kept in any way except in bottles. 
 The new baths were opened to the public in 1876, and 
 were universally commended, and pronounced to be the 
 best sulphur bath-houses in the country. 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Sharon Springs has also valuable magnesia springs, 
 whose waters are highly esteemed for drinking purposes ; 
 and, when thus taken, these waters act beneficially with 
 the sulphur water. "A blue-stone spring," near the 
 White Sulphur Spring (but entirely free from sulphur), 
 has, during the past fifteen years, proved so efficacious in 
 affections of the eyes, that it has been properly named 
 the " Eye-Water Spring." A chalybeate spring is also 
 found within the village limits. 
 There are resident physicians in the place who have 
 had many years of experience in the use of the waters. 
 The Pavilion is the largest hotel. It accommodates 
 about five hundred guests, and is pleasantly situated on 
 the summit of a slight eminence, commanding a charm- 
 ing view of about forty miles in extent towards the north, 
 embracing the Mohawk Valley and the Adirondack Moun- 
 tains ; and, in very clear weather, the Green Mountains of 
 Vermont may be seen. Several fine cottages are attached 
 to the hotel, which may be rented by families : there is 
 also a bath-house, for the convenience of patrons. The 
 best of attendance is given all comers, and its reputation 
 as the first house in the village is at all times fully 
 Union Hall is another large hotel, accommodating 
 about two hundred guests. 
 There are several other good houses in the village, 
 among which may be mentioned the Rowland, Mansion, 
 United States, Empire, and Sharon Houses. 
 Sharon Springs may be reached by the Delaware and 
 Hudson Canal Company, Susquehanna Division, from 
 Albany or Binghamton. The depot of the Susquehanna 
 Railroad in Albany is now located at the foot of Maiden 
Ail-Round Route ami Panoramic Guide, 
 Lane, in that city, immediately adjacent to the depot of 
 the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, and 
 Boston & Albany Railroad. Two express trains run 
 daily to Sharon Springs, on the Susquehanna Railroad. 
 Through tickets and baggage-checks, via Susquehanna 
 Railroad, can be obtained in New York, Boston, and 
 Philadelphia. The trains make close connections with 
 the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, Boston 
 & Albany, Hoosac Tunnel route, People's Line night 
 boats, and Day Line steamers. During the season express 
 trains have drawing-room cars attached between Albany, 
 Sharon Springs, and Cherry Valley, through, without 
 change. There is also a through train that leaves Phila- 
 delphia in the morning, and arrives at Sharon Springs in 
 the evening of the same day. 
 Cherry Valley, one hundred and twenty miles from 
 Binghamton. Population, one thousand. One of the 
 prettiest little villages in the State. It was here that one 
 of the most horrible massacres recorded in history took 
 place. In 1778 the Tories and Indians butchered or took 
 captive the entire population. 
 Stages connect with Fort Plain, Cooperstown and 
 Howe's Cave, i 14 miles from Binghamton, and 39 
 miles from Albany. This cave is one of the most remark- 
 able curiosities in the United States ; for beauty, variety, 
 and extent, it is only equalled by the Mammoth Cave of 
 Kentucky, with the advantage of being more convenient 
 of access, as the entrance to the cave is immediately at 
 the railroad station. This great natural wonder, extend- 
 ing for miles beneath the surface of the earth, is lighted 
 by gas. 

 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 Among the prominent points of interest in the cave are 
 the Reception Room, Washington Hall, Bridal Chamber, 
 Chapel, Harlequin Tunnel, Cataract Hall, Haunted Castle, 
 Music Hall, and Crystal Lake, upon which are boats 'x>r 
 the transfer of visitors across this subterranean water. 
 The foot of the lake is brilliantly illuminated vCith gas-jets, 
 giving a beautiful view of the Crystal Waterfall and Cat- 
 aract. Beyond the borders of the lake are the Devil's 
 Gateway, Museum, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Giant's Study, 
 Pirate's Cave, Rocky Mountains, The Winding Way, and 
 Grand Rotunda. 
 Stalagmites and stalactites of varied and wondrous 
 forms are s:en on every side, assuming such shapes as 
 only Nature, the greatest sculptor, could suggest : among 
 these may be mentioned Lady Washington's Hood, 
 Washington's Epaulet, The Harp, and countless others. 
 The average temperature of the cave is about sixty 
 degrees during the entire year, seeming cool in summer 
 and warm in winter. During the extremes of hot and 
 cold weather, it is a luxury to visit it. The air is pure 
 and invigorating, and high medical authority has pro- 
 nounced it decidedly beneficial to those afflicted with 
 pulmonary or lung difficulties ; and in several cases 
 immediate relief has been experienced by those labor- 
 ing under temporary colds, and depression of the lungs. 
 No case is known where any person has taken cold while 
 in the cave. 
 The Cave House, an elegant stone structure a few 
 rods up the mountain from the depot, is situated immedi- 
 ately at the entrance to the cave. It is provided with a 
 well-shaded, broad, ^.oo\ piazza overlooking the fertile 
 valley in front and commanding a most beautiful and 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 63 
 picturesque view with Guernsey's peak as its background. 
 The house is elegantly furnished, has bath-rooms on each 
 floor, and is heated throughout with steam. Circulars 
 giving full information in relation to the cave, Cave House, 
 and surroundings, furnished on application to the pro- 
 Guests may be assured of the most excellent accom- 
 modation at reasonable prices. Cavg costumes for both 
 ladies and gentlemen, and careful, intelligent guides, are 
 furnished visitors to the cave. The principal industry at 
 Howe's Cave is the manufacturing of " Ramsey's Hydraulic 
 Cement " from native material. This cement has already 
 gained a celebrity almost equal to the celebrated " English 
 Central Bridge, 106 miles from Binghamton. Five 
 miles south on the Schoharie & Middleburgh Railroad, 
 lies Schoharie Court House, a place of considerable 
 importance as a summer resort. An old stone church 
 which was used as a fort in Revolutionary times may be 
 seen here. 
 . The town was first settled in 17 11 by Palatinate 
 Esperance, 1 1 1 miles from Binghamton. Population, 
 four hundred ; settled in 17 11. 
 Quaker Street, i 16 miles from Binghamton. This is 
 the junction of the Schenectady Branch of the Delaware 
 and Hudson Canal Company's Railroad, which forms a 
 short cut to Saratoga and the North. Cars run through 
 from the main line to Saratoga without change. From 
 here the niain line passes through the beautiful suburban 
 towns of Duanesburgh, Knowersville, Guilderland, New 
 Scotland, Slingerlands, and Adamsville to Albany, where 

 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 connections arc made for the North and East, also with 
 the River steamers. 
 Leaving Quaker Street by the branch, we come to 
 Schenectady, 131 miles from Binghamton. This is 
 one of the oldest towns in the State. It is situated on 
 the Mohawk, a broad and beautiful river which forms its 
 northern boundary. It contains twelve churches, and a 
 population of thirteen thousand. A trading-post was 
 established by the Dutch, in 1620. In the winter of 1690 
 the place was visited by a party of French and Indians, 
 under the command of Lieut. Moyne de St. Helene, who 
 burned the settlement, which consisted of eighty well- 
 built houses and a fort, and killed and captured the 
 inhabitants. The council-fires of the Iroquois were at 
 Johnstown Hall, about twenty-five miles west of here. 
 Schenectady is distinguished as the seat of Union College, 
 which is built on high ground that commands a view of 
 the Mohawk Valley for many miles. The college consists 
 of several brick edifices, including a fine chapel in process 
 of construction. Its president is Rev. Eliphalet Nott 
 Potter, D.D., who brings zeal, energy, and commanding 
 talents to the post. In numbers and respectability, Union 
 College has always ranked among the most favored edu- 
 cational institutions in America. From Schenectady to 
 Saratoga, twenty-two miles, the railroad, one of the oldest 
 in the United States, pursuing the valley of the Eelplace 
 Creek, passes along the bank? of Ballston Lake, called by 
 the Mohawks Wa-can-te-pa-/tah, and enters Ballston Spa 
 on a curvature of considerable extent. From thence it 
 continues across the Kayaderosseras Creek in nearly a 
 straight line to Saratoga Springs. 
 also with 
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 CRAVyrr for 
 Ohisholms"All.Roun(i Route, 

 x>. ^ / 
 Templtj Grove Seminary. 
 Town Kail. 9 Waverly. 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 65 
 SPRINGS, &c. 
 ^^HIS celebrated watering-place is a grand focus to 
 which the fashionable world of the United States, 
 and indeed of Europe, is annually drawn ; it is 
 thirty-two miles from Troy, and has a population of 
 about ten thousand. As we pass from the train we find 
 ourselves surrounded by crowds of pleasure-seekers who 
 flock to meet the new arrivals. Here are intellectual 
 men, stylish men, the beaux of society, and men of the 
 world ; ladies of social rank, the managing mother, the 
 marriageable daughter, the fluttering bee of fashion, and 
 the gentler bird of beauty, are found amidst the throng, 
 for Saratoga is cosmopolitan. The ladies have here 
 ample opportunity for the display of their peculiar 
 charms and graces. The sporting gentleman finds oppor^ 
 tunity for gratifying his peculiar tastes, the philosopher 
 may study human nature in all its phases, and the invalid 
 may oft-times find that most precious of all gtms, perfect 
 liealth. In fact, to all classes, Saratoga offers some pleasure 
 suited to their peculiar desires. But laying aside our 
 moralizing we shall proceed to make our choice from the 
 many fine hotels of which Saratoga boasts. 
 The most fastidious taste could not but be gratified in 
 this respect, and among the elegant hotels situated in the 
 place it would be difficult to discriminate. We shall, 
 therefore, mention the principal hotels, some of which are 
 not excelled in any city in the world. 
 Congress Hall, situated on Broadway, extends from 
 Spring to Congress street. It has a frontage of 416 feet 
 pn Broadway, and its two mammoth wings, extending 

 '!;!!, fc 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 300 feet back, combine to make it a most perfect 
 specimen of architecture ; the foundations, which rest on 
 solid rock, were laid October, 1867. It is entirely of 
 brick, and has 7 fire-proof brick walls extending through 
 the whole structure to the roof. It is 5 stories high, sur- 
 mounted by a French roof with observatories at each end 
 and in the centre ; the wings are 7 stories high ; the 
 rooms are spacious ; the halls 10 feet wide, and 400 feet 
 long on each floor ; and broad, commodious stairways, 
 with an Otis elevator of the finest description render 
 every portion readily accessible. A front piazza, 20 feet 
 wide, and 240 feet in length, extends across the building, 
 with numerous others within the grounds, and a pro- 
 menade on the top of the hotel affording a charming 
 view, contributes to render the house attractive. The 
 two wings extend back to Spring street, and are each 
 two hundred and thirty feet long by forty-six feet in 
 width, givirg an abundance of private parlors and lodg- 
 ing-rooms. One hundred rooms with baths attached 
 to each were added last season, and , one thousand 
 guests can now be comfortably lodged and fed under its 
 spacious roof. Across Spring street, and connected 
 with the hotel by a suspension bridge, is an elegant 
 ball room. It is one hundred and twenty feet long 
 by fifty wide. The ceilings are frescoed in artistic 
 style, and it is brilliantly lighted by expensive chan- 
 deliers. The dining halls, parlors, etc., are superb 
 and ample, and every thing about the house is on a scale 
 of unequalled magnificence and grandeur, while the pro- 
 prietors, Messrs. Clements, Cox & Southgate, have 
 provided every thing that can afford comfort and 
 pleasure. Our cut of the hotel serves to convey a general 
All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 67 
 idea of its outward appearance, but fails to depict all its 
 elegant outline. The weekly balls given are of the most 
 brilliant nature, and the music is furnished by unrivalled 
 All-Rotind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ■ 1 
 .■ '^'% 
 The United States Hotel is a superb establishment^ 
 surpassing in size any hotel in the world, and equalling 
 in magnificence the finest hotels of the most famous 
All-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. 69 
 summer resorts of the old and new world. Its construe 
 tion occupied two years. It contains nine hundred and 
 seventeen apartments finished and furnished in the latest 
 style, with gas, running water, and every possible con- 
 venience. In addition there are sixty-five suites of 
 rooms, with bath-rooms attached. The grand dining 
 room IS very handsome and striking, being in dimensions 
 two hundred and twelve feet by fifty-two feet in width 
 and twenty and a half feet in height. The drawing 
 room also is an elegant apartment, handsomely fur- 
 nished and exquisitely decorated, and is eighty-five 
 by sixty feet. The Ball-room, however, outdoes both 
 of these magnificent apartments in splendor, rivalling 
 the most beautiful salons of Europe in style and orna- 
 mentation ; this room has dimensions of one hundred 
 and twelve feet in length, fifty-three feet in width 
 and twenty-six in height, and has been decorated 
 by the most skillful artists of the country with a 
 taste and skill unexcelled anywhere. The halls and cor- 
 ridors are broad and spacious, and when crowded with 
 the throng of promenaders which they invite, present a 
 most brilliant appearance. In this respect the piazzas 
 also offer great attractions to guests, from their unequal- 
 led extent, and the variety of scene which they afford 
 On the exterior of the buildings, facing Broadway and 
 Division street, these extend for a length of four hundred 
 and thirty-two feet, throughout three stories, and furnish 
 a singular vantage ground for view, as well as extraordi- 
 nary facilities for promenading. Corresponding with 
 them is a length of piazza on the interior side extending 
 for twenty-three hundred feet, which overlooks a court- 
 yard of three acres, tastefully laid out in shady walks 
 All-Roiuui Route ami Pauonvnic Guide, 
 beds of beautiful flowers, and" velvety lawns, to which 
 splashinfj, cooling fountains lend an additional charm. 
 This lovely spot is, of coure, a favorite resort, particu- 
 All-Rouiid Route and Pamramic Guide. yi 
 larly when lighted up in the evenings, and the orchestra 
 of the hotel, composed of first-rate musicians, discourses 
 the latest and most fashionable airs. While lingering in 
 this pleasant spot let us take a survey of the noble pro- 
 portions of this palace, for such it may truly be styled, 
 and give an idea of how its eusembk strikes us. Bound-' 
 ing the court-yard on three sides it rises to a height of 
 six stories, and the free elegance of its architectural lines 
 in the modern T-rcnch style, leaves an impression upon 
 the observer of perfnct suitability to the precincts, and the 
 purpose for which it is used. Jieing in a mood for 
 further mspection, from delight with the interior view, 
 we proceed to take an exterior view of the whole build- 
 ing from l^roadway and Division streets, upon which it 
 fronts, and along the former of which it extends two 
 hundred and thirty-two feet, with six hundred and fifty- 
 six feet along the latter. Here the wealth of columns, 
 niches and attics, surmounted by the imposing Mansard, 
 and the whole crested by three handsome pavilions', 
 serve to deepen the impression already created. P:nter- 
 ing by the main entrance on Broadway, and being still 
 in the mood for inspection of details, we pass through 
 tne hall into the offices, roomy and commodious apart- 
 ments for the tireless workers of the business staff, who 
 are all courtesy and attention to our wants and inquiries, 
 and look in at the gentlemen's especial quarters— we can- 
 rjt s^y/innjits in the face of the fascinations to be found 
 L. other parts of the building; these embrace reading, 
 smoking and retiring rooms, of delightful coolness and 
 restful comfort. West of these, in the Division street 
 wmg, are the dining-room, and above it, in the second 
 story, the ball-room, already described. Returning to 
 AU-Rojtnd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 '''."■ "'\ 
 ■'-11. '■ '.'■ ■ ■ 
 the Broadway side, we are attracted to the drawing- 
 room, a beautiful apartment, furnished with the softest 
 and most expensive of car- ets, articles of rare material 
 and the most artistic and fashionable design, mirrors, 
 chandeliers, lace curtains, together with fresco-work and 
 ornamentation beautiful enough to satisfy the taste of the 
 most aesthctical. The ladies' sitting-room, which is op- 
 posite, is also fitted up in the same style. Ascending by 
 either of the two elevators, in constant use between the 
 several floors, our courteous cicermie from the office draws 
 our attention to points of paramount importance in the 
 construction of a building of this kind, and which are too 
 often overlooked for considerations more showy, but 
 really of less importance to guests, and points out the 
 fire-proof partitions which divide the whole house into 
 five compartments, each in this way perfectly insulated 
 from the effect of fire casualty in the others, informing us 
 also that on every floor of each compartment is a hose 
 from which a stream of water can be obtained at a 
 moment's notice, and that escapes are supplied by ten 
 We are now conducted to the " Cottage Wing" which 
 the proprietors have made a special feature of the estab- 
 lishment, and requires more than a passing mention. It 
 runs to the south of the court, and in a westerly direction 
 from the Broadway building, for a length of five hundred 
 and sixty-six feet. The public had long felt the need, 
 in a hotel of this description, of some provision whereby 
 absolute privacy and seclusion could be obtained in the 
 midst of the gaiety and excitement of this fashionable 
 watering place, and the proprietors ever watchful, and 
 ready to anticipate and minister to such wants, con- 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Gnidc. 73 
 structed the " Cottage," as it is suggestively styled. How 
 admirably this object has been attained, the experience 
 of numbers who have enjoyed its comforts and security 
 amply testifies. And how could it be otherwise ? for 
 here are rooms separate, or en sitite, from one to seven 
 with parlor, bath-rooms, and all the modern conveniences 
 and appliances, with separate table and attendance. 
 The presiding genius, i; we may call it so, of all this 
 completeness and attractiveness may be said to be the 
 Hon. James M. Marvin, a name which has associated with 
 It the growth and success of Saratoga, while the vast ex- 
 perience of Messrs. Tompkins, Perry, Gage and Janvrin 
 in metropolitan hotels of the first class and in the most 
 fashionable summer resorts, is a guarantee that every- 
 thing that can possibly be done to ensure the comfort and 
 gratification of guests, will be accomplished. 
 The Grand UxNIOn Hotel is the great house of 
 Saratoga. It has a frontage of over 1800 feet. The 
 massive tower which rises in the centre is 200 feet from 
 the ground, and from the summit of it a landscape cover- 
 ing an area of 75 miles is revealed in wondrous beauty. 
 It is one of the largest hotels in the country, and accom- 
 modates 1200 guests comfortably. Within is a court 
 "/hich is beautifully shaded, and here a band plays 
 morning and evening. A vertical railway renders the 
 six stories easy of access to guests. The public rooms 
 are of prodigious size, and the office is most perfect in 
 arrangement. This monster hotel has piazzas, in length 
 over a mile ; halls, two miles ; carpets, 10 acres ; number 
 of rooms, iioo; and possesses every conceivable comfort 
 for guests ; interpreters being always on hand to receive 
 ordersand impart information to foreign guests in their 
 1 ■ 
 !', ■!> 
 It nn-'" 
 All-RoHud Route and Panorainic Guide, 
 native tongue. Since the Grand Union's closing in 1875 
 upwards of five hundred thousand dollars have been 
 expended in decorating and re-furnishing, and it stands 
 without any rival for comfort, ventilation and extent of 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 75; 
 grounds. Its tables are always loaded with every- 
 thing the market affords, and nothing that time, money 
 or care can effect, will be left undone to sustain the 
 reputation which the Grand Union has already estab- 
 lished, of offering to its patrons all the comforts of 
 a first-class hotel. 
 Numerous improvements, which experience and good 
 taste have suggested, have been made. Among these 
 may be mentioned the following : the electric lights for 
 illuminating the garden and court. The building, in 
 which was the ball-room has been taken away, and the 
 grounds opened to Federal Street. The lessee of this 
 great establishment is Mr. Henry Clair, who is also 
 lessee of the Park-avenue Hotel, Fourth Avenue, 
 Thirty-second and Thirty-third Streets, New York 
 city. This beautiful building has six hundred rooms, 
 with accommodation for nine hundred people. It is 
 the only absolutely fire-proof hotel in America. The 
 court, which is a hundred feet square, has electric light, 
 is filled with shrubs in the winter and rare and 
 blooming flowers in the summer season. An interesting 
 feature of the house is its fine library, forty by a 
 hundred feet, with convenient tables, writing materials, 
 and three thousand volumes of the various departments 
 of literature. 
 Windsor Hotel.— This exquisite and recherche hotel 
 is located on South Broadway, and overlooks the 
 Congress Spring Park. It is owned by the Hon. 
 Henry Hilton, and is kept on the American plan. 
 The rooms are elegantly furnished, and all the appoint- 
 ments are perfect of their kind. A pagoda furnishes a 
 cool and shady retreat, where ice-cream and after-dinner 
i ^: - 
 y6 All-Round Route and Panoramic Gnide, 
 coffee may be indulged in, while the strains of the 
 Congress Park Band are waftedon the still air, entrancing 
 the soul with its harmony. Two furnished cottages on 
 the grounds are attached to the hotel. 
 American Hotel.— The American Hotel which was 
 built about thirty years ago, is on the corner of Broad- 
 way and Washington Street. The house has an excellent 
 reputation. It has a frontage of one hundred feet on 
 Broadway with spacious piazzas, and is within easy access 
 of the springs, post-office, and places of resort. It opens 
 this season under the most favorable circumstances, 
 Messrs. Farnham & Bush of the well-known REVERE 
 House, Troy, N. Y., being the proprietors. 
 Columbian. — The Columbian is a new structure, 
 pleasantly located on South Broadway, adjoining the 
 Clarendon, and will comfortably accommodate two 
 hundred guests. The house has a frontage of a hundred 
 and twenty feet, with a fine piazza which overlooks Con- 
 gress Park and Springs, directly opposite. It has always 
 been well patronized by summer visitors, and bids fair to 
 be more popular than ever during the season 1883, as it 
 has been leased for a term of years by Messrs. Harris and 
 Price, whose long connection with " Willards, " Wash- 
 ington, is a guarantee that the House will be first-class 
 in every respect. The rates are moderate, being $3.00 
 per day, and from $14.00 to $21.00 per week. 
 The House has been thoroughly refitted and refurnished 
 during the past Spring with splendid new carpets and 
 furniture, both of which are of the latest and most elabo- 
 rate designs, and guests can depend upon finding the 
 table at all times supplied with the very best the markets 
 afford, and all the delicacies of the season. The comfort 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. yy 
 of guests will at all times be considered in every respect 
 and we can in truth without fear of eontradiction, refer to 
 the vast improvements which have been made rft this 
 well-known hostelry, for we feel that they are well worthy 
 of mention, and the enterprise that Messrs. Harris & 
 Price have put forth deserves especial notice, as thev 
 have spared neither time nor money in making improve 
 ments, and they cannot help establishing for themselves 
 as well as the Columbian Hotel an enviable and 
 well-earned reputation among tourists and pleasure 
 travelers who may visit Saratoga during the season of 
 i«83. Upon entering the hotel, one will observe at a 
 glance that the improvements that the lessees have made 
 since assuming control of the house are not of an ordinary 
 character, as will be seen by observing both the exterior 
 as well as the interior, for every part of the house 
 from garret to cellar, has been thoroughly renovated 
 and all of the rooms have been newly painted and papered 
 the ceiling tastefully decorated. AH of the parlor halls 
 and sleeping rooms have been newly carpeted with 
 Brussels, three ply and in-grain carpets. Every room in 
 the house has been newly furnished, with elegant black 
 walnut for the office parlors, and upon the second floor, 
 while the third and fourth floors have fine ash and cottage 
 furniture, with beautiful wicker for the piazzas, etc 
 There are electric call-bells, in every room, and trusty 
 porters will be found at the stations upon the arrival of 
 all trains. 
 Among the numerous hotels at Saratoga worthy of 
 mention, we take pleasure in calling the tourist's attention 
 to the Adelphi, which is truly a first-class hotel in every 
 ■'I ■■ 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 sense of the word. This new and beautiful hotel, situated 
 on Broadway, next to the United States, was built in 
 1 87 1. It contains about one hundred rooms, is elegantly 
 furnished, and has very convenient access to the promi- 
 nent springs. Its piazza is elevated a story above the 
 street, and commanding views are obtained up and down 
 Broadway, and of Phila street, directly opposite. The 
 proprietor is Mr. William H. McCaffrey, well-known to 
 the traveling community, who is untiring in his exer- 
 tions for the happiness and comfort of his patrons. He 
 has secured a multitude of friends from all parts of the 
 United States and Canada by his courtesy to guests ; and 
 the writer takes great pleasure in recommending the 
 Adelphi to all tourists and pleasure travelers, who may 
 pay this most beautiful and delightful of summer resorts 
 a visit during the coming season, and he can truthfully 
 say, from his own personal experience, that no pains 
 will be spared, by either the proprietor or his gentlemanly 
 assistants in the office, to make the " Adelphi " one of 
 the finest and best managed hotel-homes, not only for 
 those who wish to pass a few months at this most fash- 
 ionable of America's many attractive watering places 
 and summer resorts, but also for the tourist and transient 
 guest. The surroundings about the hotel are full of 
 interest ; the hotel is delightfully situated, fronting 
 upon Broadway, between the Grand Union and United 
 States Hotels, and in the immediate vicinity of nearly all 
 the many celebrated springs which here abound, and 
 have a world-wide reputation for their various medicinal 
 qualities, &c. It is the universal verdict of tourists 
 that no other watering place on the continent of like 
 size can begin to command such unvarying charms as 
All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 79 
 Saratoga. One might become almost tired of the world 
 and vote every other resort a bore; but Saratoga 
 scenery, Saratoga atmosphere, and Saratoga life would 
 still charm by their pleasing peculiarities. 
 The CLARENDON.-One of the most agreeable, aristo- 
 cratic, and homelike houses in Saratoga is the Clarendon 
 It was built in i860, and this house has always be-n 
 patronized by a choice, wealthy and aristocratic class of 
 visitors, many of whom, with the regularity of the 
 summer swallows, return year after year to the same 
 quarters under its ample verandas. Magnificent elms 
 surround the building, which faces Broadway. The 
 Washington Spring is within its ground, whose tonic 
 waters are highly prized by the visitors. At ni<.ht 
 the brilliant gas-jets and the sweet music of the ba'nd 
 render the gay scene very attractive. 
 AUSSAFESTA:-Glen Mitchel is situated at the ter 
 minus of North Broadway, and about a mile and a half 
 from Congress Spring. The hotel is famous for its wide 
 piazzas, its half-mile driving park, and its pretty walks 
 and woods, forming a very desirable place for picnic par- 
 ties. Game breakfasts and dinners are a speciality. The 
 drive from the village to Glen Mitchel, and thence around 
 by the Excelsior Spring, is one of the most delightful in 
 Amongst the first-class hotels at Saratoga which invite 
 more than a passing mention is the Arlington, which 
 though not of the same dimensions as some of its com- 
 peers, IS surpassed by none of them in style, comfort, and 
 attractiveness. It is situated directly opposite the 
 All-Roinul Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 United States, and fronts on both Broadway and Divi- 
 sion streets, so that its situation is very favorable, being 
 in the midst of the life and gaiety of " the Springs," and 
 within easy distance of the railway station and all the 
 springs. Its dining-rooms, drawing-rooms, parlors, and 
 reception rooms, for both ladies and gentlemen, are all 
 handsome, airy, and commodious, furnished in the latest 
 style with costly furniture, and supplied with all the 
 modern conveniences and appointments necessary foi 
 comfort. Rooms may be had separately, or en suite,. 
 It has always been the headquarters for the commercial 
 travel, and has attached to itself a number of patrons 
 who visit it yearly during the summer, and each year 
 witnesses an increase in the number of those who hold 
 fast to the Arlington. The House is open all the year 
 round, under the management of Mr. J. P. Dennin, also^ 
 proprietor, who has had over twenty years' experience 
 in hotel keeping ; and the rates are reasonable. Special 
 arrangements can be made for the season. 
 Empire Hotel, situated on Front Street, near the 
 Empire, Star and High Rock Springs. Waters free for 
 the guests. Moral and cultured people alone are in- 
 vited. Moderate charges ; R. D. McDonald, Proprietor. 
 Temple Grove. — This hotel occupies a block on 
 Circular street, bounded by Spring and Regent streets. 
 It is \vell managed, and possesses exceedingly 
 good accommodation for families through the summer. 
 During the remainder of the year it is occupied as a 
 young ladies' seminary. 
 There are several smaller hotels and boarding-houses,, 
 which are kept in excellent style. Among these are the 
AlURound Routt and Panoramic Guide. g I 
 Everett H. ,se, Arlington, Holden House Wiverlv 
 Pav,l.on, VVhite's, Mrs. Wilbur's, Dr. Bedor ha's^S' 
 Co..eraal, Broadway, Mount Pleasant, Wa's^ ^n' 
 Hall. On Franklm street are, Mrs. Wicks' Mr, 
 Spooner'.,, N. B. Morey's; and on West Cont.sf s 
 I .tney s. Numerous others are in various parts o, he 
 own,_n,ore quiet than the hotels, with shaded ground 
 and p,, and very attractive lawns for croquet and 
 other out-door amusements. 
 Having made our choice, we sally forth to see the 
 s ghts, and at once decide that Saratoga is a verv 
 pleasant and pretty village. We find itf streett wTdT 
 and well shaded with trees, while on either hand te 
 ofty and elegant structures. But our steps are dirlc ed 
 towards the "Springs," and as we visit, in turn hose 
 wonderful outflows from the bosom of mother ea^h we 
 are mformed that, for their improvement and utilisation 
 onts hell T""' ""'""'"'' S"^'°S^ »"Wbute 
 hlbUabirSe"-^^ "" ^""-' --y P-- of the 
 The springs in . !.e Saratoga Valley are among the 
 remarkable nat> .w.,ities of the world. The waterl 
 which flow from t f,,ral r„nn=,>;. '"e waters 
 .. „i, 1 1. . , curiosities are known as 
 " chalybeate, and ac; ^sralinc" TK; j- • • . '' 
 frnm fi,. , i\.- ■? 'aiine. This division arses 
 f om the relative proportions of their particles, the con- 
 tituent ones being carbonate of soda, chloride of 
 sodium, carbonate of magnesia, hydriodate of soda 
 sihca and alumina carbonic acid gas, with occasiondly 
 races of lodme and potassa. According to the propor^ 
 tions of these found in each spring, so is the name give" 
82 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 . Each spring has its local history, which is interesting 
 in its discovery, and the subsequent efforts of the owners 
 to preserve and utilize it. The tubing of a spring is an 
 expensive affair, which costs thousands of dollars. This 
 arises in part from the difficulty of securing the carbonic- 
 acid gas. Materials, which would answer well in cases of 
 an ordinary spring, prove to be entirely useless with the 
 acidulous mineral water. Ordinal y cement, which answers 
 perfectly well with fresh water, proves no barrier to the 
 escape of carbonic-acid gas, and in time it will be taken 
 into combination with it. 
 Congress Spring, owned by the Congress and 
 Empire Spring Company. — Congress Spring stands at 
 the head of the numerous springs which abound in 
 Saratoga. Its discovery is thus related by Dr. Steel: 
 •'During the summer of 1792 three gentlemen were 
 boarding at Risley's, who frequently amused themselves 
 in hunting for small game in the neighboring woods. 
 One of them, John Taylor, a member of Congress from 
 New Hampshire, accidentally discovered a small stream 
 of water issuing from an aperture in a rock, the face of 
 which formed the side of the brook. On examining it 
 attentively, he found it to be a strong mineral water. 
 He communicated this discovery to his associates ; and 
 in the afternoon of the same day he conducted his land- 
 lord, with a number of other persons to the spot." It was 
 situated a few feet farther west, and on the opposite side 
 of the brook from where the spring now is. The water 
 issued from a worn hole in a large mass of silicious lime- 
 rock. The discovery was deemed an important one ; 
 and out of respect to the discoverer, and as a compliment 
 to the superior strength of the waters, the same was, by 
All-Roimci Route and Panoramic Guide. 83 
 the consent of all parties present, dignified by the name 
 of "Congress Spring." It was tubed by Gideon 
 Putnam, and was first bottled, as an article of 
 merchandise, in 1823. It is situated in the Congress 
 Spnng Park, which is tastefully laid out with trees 
 and walks, and adorned with statuary. 
 The Columbian is in the same grounds, and but a 
 few rods south-west of the Congress. It contains much 
 more iron than the latter. While it has the same ingre- 
 dients as the Congress, it dififers in the quantity of the 
 articles held in solution. It occupies a distinguished 
 rank among the tonic waters of the place. 
 For further particulars concerning the analysis, etc. of 
 Congress and Empire Springs, we refer our readers to 
 a pamphlet issued by the Congress and Empire Spring 
 Co y, to be had on application to them. 
 The first spring tubed in Saratoga, but almost the last 
 prepared as an article of commerce, is the 
 The Washington spring is in the grounds of the Claren- 
 don Hotel. It was tubed by Gideon Putman in 1806 
 In the year 1856 the ground passed into the possession of 
 John H. White; and in 1858 he sunk a shaft eleven 
 feet square, to the depth of thirty feet, through clay and 
 hardpan, to the calciferous sand rock underneath The 
 water was found to enter from the south-west side, and 
 accordingly a tunnel was excavated in that direction 
 At this point, while exploring with an iron rod, the earth 
 suddenly gave way, and the water and gas flowed into 
 the shaft with such force that the workmen had barely 
 time to escape, leaving their tools behind them at the 

 All-Rou»d Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 bottom of the pit. A second shaft was now excavated 
 at the extreme end of the tunnel, and protected by a 
 coffer-dam built with heavy timbers and plank ; but on 
 reaching a depth of twenty-eight feet, the accumulated 
 water and gas burst in the coping and again drove off the 
All-RoHud Route ami Panoramic Guide, 85 
 A third shaft was now commenced still farther to the 
 south-east ; but instead of the tubing which had been 
 before used, a curb was formed from ten-inch plank cut 
 into beveled segments. These were laid, one above 
 another, so as to effectually break joints, and then spiked 
 firmly together ; which formed, when completed, a strong 
 tube of wood ten inches thick, and twenty feet indiame- 
 ten This was continued with the excavation to the sand- 
 rock, where two fountains were discovered issuing ^rom 
 the same fissure within the distance of twenty feet. The 
 more south-western was selected as presenting the finest 
 appearance and as the loose ground was removed, a full 
 gushing volume of water, one inch wide and six inches- 
 long, came rolling and boiling out of the rock, bubbling 
 and sparkling with gas. The spring is chalybeate, and 
 the peculiar taste of iron is perceptible. Many regard it 
 as the most agreeable beverage in Saratoga. 
 Near this there was formerly a fish pond containing 
 a large number of trout. 
 I'he Crystai, Si'Rixg is on South Broadway, in the 
 vicinity of the Columbian Hotel. It was opened and 
 tubed by C. R. Brown, the proprietor, in 1870, who also 
 built on this site a magnificent hotel, extending to Con- 
 gress Street, five stories high, with five hundred rooms 
 and twenty-seven stairways. It was accidentally destroyed 
 by fire in 1875. 
 Hatiiorn Si'RiXG.-This was accidentally discovered 
 in 1869 ^vhile workmen were clearing away the 
 ground for the foundation of the Congress Hall Block 
 which contains the ball-room. The waters are bottled' 
 It is a powerful cathartic, and is very conveniently located 
 on Spring Street, next to Congress Hall. It is named 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 wi '' ^ cssiSf''''l' 
 I' , ■ 
 after Hon. Henry H. Hathorn^the owner, who also built 
 the xHagnificent hotel, Congress Hall. The spring has 
 been re-excavated and re-tubed at an expense of fifteen 
 thousand dollars, and it now rises for a distance of forty- 
 feet below the surface, from a fissure in the rock of one 
 by three inches. This fissure was drilled out two and a 
 half feet deep, and a hopper placed over the cavity. 
 The water gushes from this at the rate of ninety gallons 
 per hour. /he amount now put up in bottles is four 
 hundred dozen per day, which is sold for three dollars 
 per dozen. The Hathorn is one of the most valuable 
 springs in Saratoga. The water contains eight hundred 
 and eighty-eight grains of solid contents in a gallon, and 
 contains chloride of sodium, with bicarbonate of lithia. 
 The Pavilion Spring is located in the Pavilion 
 Park, between Caroline Street and Lake Avenue. It was 
 situated in a deep morass, whence it rose through an 
 alluvial deposit of over forty feet in depth. It was tubed 
 by Daniel McLaren, in 1839. A crib, fifteen feet square 
 made of logs firmly locked together at the corners, was 
 placed around the spring, and the excavation then fol- 
 lowed until the hard pan was reached. After placing the 
 tube, it was packed in the usual manner with clay. In 
 1869 the spring was re-tubed, and the tube was carried 
 down ten feet to the solid rock. Sulphate of potassa 
 and bicarbonate of lithia, in large quantities, are only 
 found at this spring. Great improvements were made 
 about the grounds by Mr. William Walton, who filled 
 them in, straightened the channel of the creek, laid out 
 walks, planted shade-trees, and constructed suitable 
 buildings [for bottling the water. While re-tubing the 
 Pavilion a^^^new spring was discovered, flowing from the 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 87 
 east : it has been secured, and its waters analysed. It is 
 known as the United States. 
 High Rock.— The High Rock Spring is considered 
 one of the most interesting among the natural curiosities 
 of the country. 
 Dr. Valentine Seaman, in his description of the spring, 
 observes, " The more we reflect upon it, the more we 
 must be convinced of the important place this rock ought 
 to hold among the wonderful works of nature. Had it 
 stood on the borders of the Logo d'Agnaus, the noted 
 Grotto del Cani, which, since the peculiar properties of 
 carbonic acid have been known, burdens almost every 
 book which treats upon the gas, it would never have been 
 heard of beyond the environs of Naples, while this foun- 
 tain, in its place, would have been deservedly celebrated 
 in story, and spread uoon canvas to the admiration of 
 the world as one of the greatest curiosities." 
 The following measurement of High Rock Spring was 
 made in 1856: — 
 FT. IN. 
 At the surface of the ground the circemference is 
 Diameter of aperture four inches below the top 
 Height of the rock above the ground - - - . 
 Water in the rock above the ground .... 
 Depth of the spring from the top of the rock - - 
 From the top of the rock to the water within - - 
 The High Rock Spring was visited by Sir Wm. 
 Johnson in 1767. He was then residing in Johnson Hall, 
 in Fulton county, about 30 miles from Saratoga. It is 
 said that he was the first white man who ever visited the 
 springs, and the first civilized person who used their 
 waters medicinally. He was carried thither on a litter, 

 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 E i 
 by Indians, and, after a stay of a few weeks, left his bed 
 and returned home on foot. Our illustration represents 
 this eventful visit. 
 The walls of the rock are of nearly uniform thickness 
 throughout, In 1763 Gen. i^hilip Schuyler visited the 
 I , 
 spring, and remained some weeks camping out. An 
 aged chief of the St. Regis tribe of Indians told the late 
 Chancellor Walworth that he visited this spring when a 
 boy, and that he was told by the Indians that the water 
All-Romtd Route and Pmwramic G.Ude. 89 
 some of the,r women bathing in it when they ought not 
 to have done so, the water went back into the rock and 
 rn::;ortrto'''f ^^"t ^' '"^ '^P- '" -^^^ Seymour 
 Amsworth, to whom Saratoga is indebted for many of 
 her most tasteful buildings, and William McCaffrey "hen 
 the owners of the spring, removed the rock, and found 
 below ,t a chamber two feet in diameter, a;d ten eet 
 deep. Immediately beneath the rock lay the body of a 
 tree eighteen mches in diameter, ,vhich s«ll retained ts 
 form and was sufficiently firm to be sawed into sections 
 and taken out Several feet farther down, the body" 
 thousands Of year! tit^Lst; ^^ la ttet w^ 
 harflnbfT"°";° '^"- They must ceSnT 
 ^T J T. "'c *' ^"'■f^^<=-™^l< b<=gan forming. 
 ST.«._The Star, formerly called the lodrne has 
 ac.dgas,and .s part.cularly valuable as a bottling water 
 The spnng has been recently re-tubed. It Lntains 
 twenty grains of iodine to a gallon of wa^er 
 SELTZER.-The Seltzer Spring is about two rods 
 P oximi v't '■"' ^°^'- ^"'' ^""-^"^ ■" --^h clos 
 prox m,ty, ,ts waters are entirely different. An ingenious 
 contrivance here exhibits the flov of the waters and U 
 gas. It consists of a glass tube three feet in height, and 
 fifteen mches in diameter, which is placed over the 
 spnng, and through which the clear, bubbling wafe 
 gush s ,n a steady volume ; while, faster than the water 
 flow the ghttenng globules of carbonic-acid gas. Th's 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 flow is abundant and constant ; but every few minutes, 
 as the watchful visitor will observe, there is a momentary 
 ebullition of an extraordinary quantity, which causes the 
 water in the tube to boil over the rim. In sunshine, the 
 liquid presents a beautiful appearance. The character 
 of the water is said to be almost identical with the 
 celebrated Nassau Spring of Germany, and is claimed 
 to be the only seltzer water in the country. 
 Empire Spring. — This celebrated and popular spring 
 was taken in charge in 1846. The tube is scribed down 
 to the surface of the rock, and is about eleven feet in 
 length. The fountain discharges about seventy-five 
 gallons per hour. This spring belongs to the Congress 
 and Empire Spring Company, who last year sold thirty 
 thousand dozen bottles of the water. 
 Red Spring. — The Red Spring is a few rods beyond 
 the Empire, and is located on Spring Avenue. Quanti- 
 ties of ferruginous deposits are found about it, which give 
 the water, when agitated, a red appearance, from which 
 circumstance it derives its name. John A. Carpenter & 
 Co., the proprietors, have had the spring re-tubed, and a 
 neat pavilion and bottling-house have been erected. It 
 is adapted to eruptive and skin diseases, salt-rheum, 
 scrofula, &c. ; and its general efl"ect is to tone up the 
 system, and vitalize the blood. 
 "A" Spring. — This fountain is located a few rods from 
 the Red Spring, and is rapidly growing in favor. Its 
 water is quite extensively bottled for sale. Public atten- 
 tion was called to this spring in 1867, when the orifice 
 was tubed down to a depth of thirty-two feet upon the 
 solid rock ; and the stream has since flowed in great 
 purity. The Saratoga " A " water is one of the most 
All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 91 
 effectual mineral sprii. js found on either continent. The 
 analysis shows four times the strength of Baden Baden 
 and three times greater than the Kissingen of Bavaria. ' 
 The Excelsior Spring and Park is about one mile 
 east of the Passenger Depot at Saratoga Springs 
 situated in a beautiful valley, skirted on one side 
 by a large and picturesque piece of woods, and is 
 one of the most delightful spots to visit at Saratoga. 
 The Excelsior is reached by passing up Spring Avenue, 
 which has lately been graded and handsomely laid out 
 1 he scenery here is most romantic. The water-works 
 and Loughberry Lake are in this vicinity 
 The Geyser or Spouting Spring, is situated about 
 a mile and a half from the village, It was discovered in 
 1870. Appearance of a spring in the vicinity led to 
 the sinking of a shaft through solid rock 140 feet deep 
 when the waters burst forth and spouted a considerable 
 distance from the surface. The water is exceedingly 
 cold, being only 14 degrees above the freezing point, 
 l^or Dyspepsia this water is unrivaled, as it contains 
 more Soda and Magnesia combined (220,575 grains) 
 than any other Saratoga spring water, and should be 
 taken with or after meals. A high authority says : 
 ' 1 he Geyser Spring Water is the best adapted for Liver 
 and Kidney Diseases, and is applicable to a greater 
 number of persons than any Spring at Saratoga " 
 For many years the Ellis Spring (named after Robert 
 Ellis, Esq., a highly respected citizen, and its late owner) 
 was known ; but it was of little importance when com- 
 pared with the larger springs in its immediate vicinity, 
 l^inally preparations were made by Messrs. Vail & Seary 
 the owners of the bolt-factory, to bore for a better 
 ■' .1 ; 
 92 A//- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 development of the spring. After sinking a shaft through 
 the soHd rock a hundred and thirty- two feet, they struck 
 the mineral vein, when the water burst forth, and spouted 
: through 
 2y struck 
 I ^ 
 All-Roimd Route aud Panoramic Guide. 93 
 several feet above the surface. The rock formation 
 proved to be a stratum of slate, eighty feet thick, b^ne th was a deposit of bird s-eye limestone, in .hiTh he 
 mntral vem was struck. The tubing is block-tin pipe, 
 two nches m d.ameter, incased with iron. The temper- 
 ature of the spnng ,s only fourteen degrees above the 
 All-Rptind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 freezing point. The water is more strongly impregnated 
 witii mineral and medicinal substances than any other 
 The beautiful grounds, as well as the spring and bot- 
 tling house, are open to visitors. They are privileged 
 to drink the waters, examine the process of bottling, 
 wander through the grounds, lounge on the seats, row on 
 the pretty lake, take lunch under the awnings, and 
 admire the beautiful waterfall, where the silvery stream 
 takes a leap of twenty-five or thirty feet down into a 
 shady dell. Twenty-seven omnibuses are daily em- 
 ployed, during the season, in bringing visitors from the 
 village to the spring ; and thousands of visitors have 
 recorded their names on the register in a single season, 
 An artistic basin in the spring house sustains the iron 
 pipe, and from this; rises the effervescent water. An 
 opening in the ceiling allows it full play, and here it 
 constantly rises and falls. The globe on the well-curb, 
 through which the stream of water flows, enables one to 
 see the thick current of gas as it rises and escapes at the 
 top. The water is put up in pint and quart bottles, also 
 in tin-lined barrels of thirty gallons each, and is exported 
 all over the world. 
 The Vichy. — Opposite the Geyser, in the midst of 
 the park, which embraces a beautiful lawn sloping down 
 to Geyser Lake, is the Saratoga Vichy Spring. The 
 rock was here drilled to the depth of one hundred and 
 eighty-two feet before water was struck, when it spouted 
 out to a height of thirty feet. It was opened in 1872. 
 This is an alkaline water, while most of the springs are 
 saline ; that is, the alkaline properties — lithia, soda, 
 magnesia overbalance the chloride of sodium, or salt, 
M-Ro,md Route and Pafwnmic Guide. 95 
 and is therefore recommended in an entirely different 
 class of cases. It is found to be a cure for dyspeZ 
 and tones up the system. "y»pepsia, 
 Geterl'd'irt^l'"'',^'"''"^ "^^ '"^^^^^'^^ near the 
 Peyser, and, like it, is also a spouting spring. 
 Among the new features of attractions to the thou 
 sands of people who visit Saratoga, is the " Champion 
 Spouting Spring," which is most justly considered' he 
 rYsort anr°:' ^' T"'' °' "''^ '^^'^'"'^'^ Summe 
 resort and watering-place. It was discovered in August 
 mile from the principal hotels of the village 
 After a careful observation of the surface of the 
 ground, the indications were such as to invite a deepe 
 search, which it was hoped would reveal a hitherto 
 unknown Fountain of Healing. nitnerto 
 The work of boring was commenced and continued at 
 a large expenditure of money, until the depth of 300 fee 
 was reached, passing through slate rock, limestone and 
 magnesian 1 me, beneath which was found an oli^S of 
 SIX mches h depth, in which the „«W/ i^runs 
 ^leaa of all the mineral waters of Saratoga 
 On reaching this cavity the water burst forth with 
 g eat force, throwing a column six and one half inches „ 
 o Z: The S^ '^'^'" °' '"^"'^-«^^ ^-' ^^-e t,^ 
 ^uheH J ^""^ "'' *^" =="-^''""y «"d securely 
 tubed and cemented, that it might be protected against 
 any impurity from fresh or surface water 
 The tube being two inches in diameter is carried ten 
 All-Roiiud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 feet above the surface, on the top of which is attached a 
 tapering tube with a quarter inch opening, through 
 which the water continually spouts to the height of 30 to 
 35 feet. By removing the small tube, a column of foam- 
 ing and sparkling water is permitted to escape with 
All-Iiound Route ,md Panommic Guide. 9; 
 much greater force, being thrown into the air to the 
 he,ght of 80 to :oo feet, and every af,cr,u,o„ a.fivlZ 
 du^,ns„ur. a large company gathers tf witnts 
 or Iceland Geysers. In the winter the water freezes 
 around the tube, and frequently forms a pyrami. ofsoS 
 and vanegated ice, thirty or forty feet hfgh, and four or 
 cates the general appearance of the Spring, day and throughout the year. The surroundings have been 
 beautified, and now offer all the attractions li the ,lder 
 oprings. ^^ 
 Prof. C. f. Chanukr, of the Columbia College School 
 of M.nes, one of the best analyti al chemists in che 
 county. v,s,ted this Spring shortly after its discovery! 
 and from analysis, made from the water taken by him a 
 the ,me .t exhibits a combination of medicinal qua.Uies 
 not found m so rich a proportion in any other Spring. 
 The Champion Spouting Spring water contains a 
 InTIrT f ""'""'" ""' ^"^ "'"" ""^ ^""^ Spring, 
 and holds the heavy and valuable minerals embraced t 
 ts composition, in perfect solution, thus rendering it 
 impervious to the effects of age or climate. 
 ha gi^rthf <!' "" "'^""^ "^'"^ P^^^^""'g <''-««- 
 and f W I """^ ^'''' '■'™^ ^'* professional men 
 and others, whose occupations are sedentary 
 It ha-, been found an invaluable remedy in the treat 
 ment of cutaneous diseases, scrofuU- of every type, liver 
 complaint, dyspepsia, bilious complaints, acidity rf the 
 stomach, nausea, rheumatism and neuralgia. It . a 
 most excellent preventive of fevers and bilious dis! 
 orders, so common in the malarial districts of our 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 country ; and it is a well-known fact that distinguished 
 physicians have strongly advised the use of natural 
 mineral waters in such districts, for drinking purposes 
 as far as possible, in place of the local fresh water. 
 Owing to the large amount of lithia, magnesia and 
 bi-carbonate of lime it contains, it is highly commended ; 
 also, for Bright's disease of the kidneys, and all diseases 
 of the bladder. 
 These spouting springs have become a great feature 
 in Saratoga. Tapped at vast depths, they send forth 
 from concealed caverns columns of water and gas from 
 twenty to sixty feet high. Ballston Avenue, eighty feet 
 wide, has been laid out from the village to this spot. 
 The Geyser Park, which consists of about a hundred 
 acres, invites the visitor to rest by its numerous chairs 
 and rustic seats, placed in shady grottos, or overlooking 
 the landscape. The ./hole of this interesting region is 
 fast becoming one of Saratoga's greatest attractions. 
 In addition to the above may be mentioned the Crys- 
 tal, Hamilton, Putnam, Triton, Spouting, Flat Rock, 
 Magnetic, Eureka, White Sulphur, Iron, and Diamond 
 Springs, which are all worthy a visit, on account of their 
 curative properties. 
 We have now shown the tourist, and explained to 
 him, the nature of the wonders which annually attract 
 such immense throngs to Saratoga, increasing as " the 
 season" reaches its height, until the village from a regular 
 population of about 10,000 has within its boundaries 
 over 30,000. We now take pleasure in calling the visitor's 
 attention to Saratoga's numerous walks, drives, etc. 
 One of the pleasantest walks about Saratoga is 
 that through the beautiful CONGRESS SPRING Park, 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 99 
 and then around by the Tndhn ««. 
 cemetcy. Cong J .1 "' ^^ T, :~ *° '"< 
 improved of hto ,,«. a ^^*^ "^"ch 
 r™'. the ;:„r:er„:: .iLts 'u^^rt 
 water is drawn ..r. u ''P^ng. irom which the 
 aitr IS drawn up by automatic power Th^nr. ; 
 ot the spnngs to the EmmV^ r*. • i vaiiey 
 MITCHELL. The most fashionable drive is to the l.lT; 
 Immense sums have been exnended J f ■- 
 widen the road whi-l, • P*, ^'^ '° straighten and 
 i^ divided in 't^ecerb ' ""'"' ''"' ""'^' ^^ 
 ca^iages go up o^e :rdt:„d^dort;eirrTh '■ 
 "ned with the carriages of the summer-resident 
 Saratoga Lake was called by the Indians "W, a 
 roffa." It is f-.o-hf r>,;i 1 inaians Kayade- 
 g • it IS eight miJes long, and two and a half miles 
 Ali'Rouftd Route aitd Panoramic Guide. 
 broad. It is an expansion qf Kayadcrosseras Creek, 
 which enters from its western shore. Passing out of the 
 lake, the water takes the name of Fish Creek, which, 
 after supplying a water-power to Victory Mills, unites 
 with the Hudson at Schuylerville, On an eminence on 
 the western shore is Carey B. Moon's celebrated Lake 
 House. Game breakfasts and dinners are here served 
 up in most approved style. Persons fond of boating, 
 fishing, or sailing can here enjoy their favorite pastime, 
 as bait-fish and boats are always in waiting at the wharf. 
 The peculiar fitness of Saratoga Lake for boat-racing 
 has long been recognized by American oarsmen. Easy 
 •of access, ample in dimensions, removed from the temp- 
 tations common to large cities, and lacking the currents 
 .and eddies which, on other courses, are found so per- 
 plexing to strangers, it is a spot which combines a health- 
 ful location for training, and satisfactory water for racing 
 purposes. Hence it has been frequently selected for 
 important matches, and here have occurred many of the 
 most noteworthy contests in the aquatic annals of the 
 Attention was first drawn to the lake by its being 
 chosen, in 1871, as the scene of the first international 
 iregatta ever seen in this country, when the Ward Brothers 
 of Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, in a four-oared race, 
 •defeated two English crews, which included the finest 
 professional oarsmen to be found m Great Britain. 
 During the height of the season, the hotel arrivals 
 frequently number 1,000 daily. 
 Life in Saratoga is two-fold — Home, and Hotel. The 
 former is enjoyed by the residents of the village, whose 
 refined and elegant homes are not to be excelled in any 
All-Round Route a,ul Panoramic Guide. ,o, 
 city of the United States H^f.i r ^■ 
 epliemeral in its nature Lrf^^'u' ["^""""^ble life is 
 %, its duration is but fo "a ^horte ""^""^ '"'"^'- 
 brief months, wealth beTulf I "' '" """'^ '^'' 
 dients not so de nlbt i'^; ^^ '"'^ """^^ '"g--^' 
 whirl and exciterenfof t^e IT,'"^ '' '"' ^""^ "'^ ^^^ 
 the Spring in the mom, ! "" "" "'^ht^' ^''^'t^ ^ 
 the afternoon t fol™ the da",^ '™'""''" " ""^^^ '" 
 sure-seeken. A T .u ^ P™gramme of the plea- 
 visits to he fnH ^ " °*" outside diversion! are 
 P.if K f compelled to continue our iournpxr 
 ■But before returnino- ♦^n a lu journey. 
 fit of those who „"fpo e S/Lrr' '" '"^ •'^"^■ 
 surroundings, say' hat at a d a„ct of .fi'T T' "' 
 Saratoga is Fort FH,.„ J^ c' '^ ""'"^^ ''^ynd 
 scenery imaginable Th u '^"' ^"'' '■<'™"«': 
 near thfru 'o^tHe ttT of V f '^""^™ "^"•^' 
 William Henrv VlT^ ^""^ "'^""^^ *e Fort 
 containin^a^om^m^lrnrr 1 ^f "'t '■°"- 
 grounds are laid out with ^reat elf ''°°° ^^'^^ ■ 'ts 
 orthe southern end Of tlret^I'inrthtl^- 

 102 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 The Hotel is owned by Messrs. T. Roessle & Son, 
 of the Delavan House, Albany, and the Arlington at 
 Washington, D. C, also its managers. 
 jEAVING Saratoga for the north, the first station 
 reached is Gansevoort, named so after Col 
 Peter Gansevoort of Albany, who in the 
 Revolutionary War distinguished himself by his gallant 
 defence of Fort Oriskany, and who resided here when 
 the war was over. The village stands upon t'li 
 Snookkill. It is situated in the town named after the 
 French General, Moreau. 
 Fort Edward. — The first mention of Fort Edward 
 in history app'=!ars in 1690. In July of this year, Gen. 
 Fitz John Winthrop, in command of seven hundred 
 troops, set forward from Albany for the conquest of 
 Canada. They reached this, the Great Carrying Place, 
 on the 5th of August, the soldiers having marched up 
 with their provisions and horses, the Dutch militia com- 
 ing up the river in their canoes. The next day they 
 marched twelve miles through a continuous swamp, 
 abounding in white pine, to the falls on Wood Creek 
 (Fort Ann), carrying their provisions and canoes upon 
 their backs. On the 7th the general passed down the 
 creek with the soldiers in their bark canoes, flanked by 
 the Indians, to the Hautkill (Whitehall), where he en- 
 Sandy Hill. — Two miles from Fort Edward, on the 
 route to Lake George, is Sandy Hill. This is a village of 
 about twenty-five hundred inhabitants. It is situated on 
All-Raund Route and Pa,u,ra,nu GuicU. ,03 
 power for r^^^^'t^^^^' :^^:^ ^'^ ^-^-^'tional 
 of numerous adventurer T •""'" '^^^ *''^ ^-^^ne 
 Revolutionary S """^ *^ ^'^"-^h and 
 former termination of Tl ^^ "'°"«a"d- It is at the 
 Hudson Rai": d i tve ' :' ''^ ''^''"^" ^"'^ 
 their line tI,rough to CaldweH t T'"" ^'P'^'^"* 
 formerly. The plac;is sftlrH "u""*' ^'"S"^' ^» 
 of the same nam^ Th^rdLcerh" r^'^'"'^' '"^"^ 
 by measurement to be six y-three Let 't^" "rtu" 
 Hudson flows in one sheet Vastgie dim am"; •': 
 of the precioice hi,f \. - .. "s^c aam at the brink 
 channel Tre it tkes r ''''^ "'^''^^'' '■"'° ^"^^ 
 -g.ed rocks, amdthichTbrr"''"''^ °^^^ '"^ 
 thunders, till, passing under *e S« Tnd T^' ."' 
 •angular Icneth of seven 1, T\ ^' ^""^ *hrough an 
 it eme^es Lol::; ^'^0°: .^'^^''r "' ^^^'' 
 formed of black marble riion^ '"'^' *'"''' " 
 one channel to the othe T^ ?' '''''"'^'"^ ^■■°'" 
 Cave, from the faci that a thri r " °"" " ^°°P^^'^ 
 CooperV-LastoftheMoLvan '"flaT.:'" ^'""""^ 
 ^alls are inscribed the names If f *"■'• °" *^ 
 ■■ocks at some seasons ar.. ,° /°™^'- "^'''ors. The 
 covered with X Th^r^^ ^ '?' '"" ^' °*^^^ "- 
 indentations, aid n manl „.''' ''''''" "''* ^'"^" 
 are formed by pebbleTkent '' ""-''-able chasms 
 water. . ^ ^ ^^^^ '" "lotion by the falling 

 104 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 The celebrated Glen's Falls black marble is here quar> 
 ried, sawed, and polished for market. Enormous quan- 
 tities of the limestone are excavated for the purpose of 
 being converted into jointa lime. Along the banks on 
 each side are the finest saw-mills on the continent, — 
 whose hundreds of saws are under a single roof, — which 
 run by night and by day, converting a steady stream of 
 logs into lumber, laying the whole North Woods under 
 contribution, and affording employment to hundreds of 
 operatives. Below are huge paper and flouring mills. 
 Two miles above the falls is the State dam, a new 
 and costly structure, which is also the head of the Glens 
 Falls feeder. At this place are extensive saw-mills. 
 Beyond and above this is the big boom, built and main- 
 tained at a cost of thousands of dollars, and which is cap- 
 able of holding a million logs. No tourist who can spare 
 the time should omit taking the delightful drive. 
 From here to Fort Edward is a distance of six miles^ 
 where may be witnessed a succession of waterfalls, equals 
 in the aggregate, to one hundred and thirty feet. A po- 
 pulation of fifteen thousand dwells upon its banks. A 
 canal, railroads, and telegraph furnish the modern appli- 
 ances for ready business ; schools, academies, and 
 churches abound, and sumptuous private residences at- 
 test the wealth of the people. Here is located the well- 
 known Glen Falls Insurance Company, one of the best 
 managed institutions in the country. 
 Spacious stores invite custom for an area of many miles. 
 The village is lit by gas ; and water is, at great expense, 
 brought for five miles from the Luzerne Mountain. 
 The Rockwell House, kept by LeRoy Rockwell, has 
 been rebuilt on the site of a former hotel, and has accom- 
 here quar- 
 ous quan- 
 )urpose of 
 banks on 
 ntinent, — 
 )f, — which 
 stream of 
 ods under 
 indreds of 
 ring mills, 
 n, a new 
 the Glens 
 and main- 
 iich is cap- 
 can spare 
 six miles^ 
 alls, equals 
 It, A po- 
 )anks. A 
 ern appli- 
 nies, and 
 lences at- 
 the well- 
 the best 
 any miles, 
 : expense, 
 kwell, has 
 as accom- 
 "^"-l^omd Route and Panommic Guide. joj 
 -y WHO see. ^^r^: ^T:^ :^ ^ '". 
 ms^„„ LAKE GEORGE. 
 W bv'.^n'-'^r.'""''' ^^"^ '° Lake George, no,, 
 beautiful scenery. Below Brown's Hklf W.„ 
 House was a stockade fort, built by Major West Jl 
 two moats and a ba^tmn a •, , ' ^'^" 
 mtrenchment buHt by c", FosteT't ff "' "" '" 
 pa.-gn. These were intended 4 protect thr' "'"■ 
 - Jies fro. the Incursions o7r tl^^Z 
 Pan--ed b. sTt^ Cd^ '^ e^n t^^ ^^ ^r" 
 wagons, secu::d' T^^ tl ^^fc^ a^nT: '\ 
 e.ghty-four prisoners. ^ ' *"'' ^°°^ 
 Just beyond the toll-gate is the monument erected to 
 naer. col. Williams was k led at the battle ^f t i 
 George, whfch occurred in ,75 5 Farther ^ 
 to Bloody Pond so nam^rf u I °" ** ^""^ 
 Brook, itLutS we e a thrr' ""^"^'"^ °^ ^^"^^ 
 soned with the blZf f !u ='''°™-"a'"ed time, crim- 
 ^^anks. I LlttltisroSr^'' "''- f 
 beautiful view of the lake, and desc ndine thrvn"^ ^ 
 soon arrive at the village of Caidwer ^ ' "" 
 1 06 All-Rou7id Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Lake George, called by the French " Lac St. Sacra- 
 ment," was discovered by Father Jacques, who passed 
 through it in 1645, on his way to the Iroquois Nation, 
 by whom he was afterward tortured and burned. It is 
 thirty-six miles long by three miles broad. Its elevation 
 is two hundred and forty-three feet above the sea. The 
 waters are of remarkable transparency ; romantic islands 
 dot its surface, and elegant villas are erected upo" its 
 shores. It is one of the finest sheets of water in the world. 
 But not the unrivalled scenery, nor the pellucid water, 
 nor the ceaseless play of light and shade upon the rock- 
 bound islands and mountains, can for a moment equal 
 the intense absorbing interest excited by the historic 
 legends of this memorable localityi They are inter- 
 woven with much of the early history of our Continent, 
 and reach back to the time when truth vanishes into 
 Few, if any, among the picturesque lakes in America 
 are more beautiful or more celebrated than this lake, 
 which lies between the counties of Washington and 
 Warren, in the State of New York, and is thirty-six 
 miles long, varying in breadth from three-quarters of a 
 mile to four miles, and in many places is four hundred 
 feet in depth. It is in the midst of mountains, and 
 popular belief credits it with islands equal in number to 
 the days of the year. History as well /s tradition 
 lingers around it, marking many spots with more than 
 ordinary interest. Not the least among these are the 
 ruins of Fort William B enry and Fort George. The 
 lake has had many names conferred upon it, both by 
 Indians and white men. The former generally called 
 it Lake Horicon ; the French named it La Lac du St. 
t. Sacra- 
 ) passed 
 d. It is 
 ;a. The 
 c islands 
 Lipo" its 
 le world, 
 id water, 
 he rock- 
 tit equal 
 'e inter- 
 ties into 
 lis lake, 
 on and 
 ers of a 
 ns, and 
 mber to 
 re than 
 are the 
 e. The 
 >oth by 
 T called 
 : du St. 
 AU-Rouud Rcte a,ul Pauoramic G„ide. ,07 
 Sir William Johson, prLp ed bv h,^ TT ""P"^^^" 
 Lake George, after one of I r- ^^^"^' "''"*'' '' 
 and his tifle has bl * ^^''■■S^' °f Great Britain, 
 uiic nas been permitted to rpmaiV, 
 designation, although it cannof », ? '^ "^ 
 appropriate or elegant A . T ^ ^ considered 
 attractions of tfil t;"'": .'T'""" '"^ ""^"^ 
 interest for everyone Th 'f^'— /' ''^s something of 
 of beaut,, andTerrgltair °'^' °' ^'""^"^^' 
 wmttei;^":::, "it;it '° "^^ -^' •'^ ^- 
 " relic of heroic deeds " if h ""'^ ■"""^'"^ "^ ""'^ 
 citadel that stood withiL the Tlf '•'' "^'^"^"■- 
 leads from the Hotd ! a 5""'''*"°"^- ^ walk 
 Hin and up.a:dlt s^Zi; f^Xnt^tr ^^ 
 can be obtained. A fine livery is kemf!! ., ""'" 
 of enjoying the many delight J Sl°^ t ^^^'^^ 
 and conveyances have been ' ^"''*' '" ">« ^'cmity, 
 for the purpose of !I^ a ^"'^"^ constructed 
 House, 'rrtiew tZ2 '° '''°^P^^' «°""'--" 
 Within vievv are fiv^?,, P°*"' '= unsurpassed, 
 a hundred m^ dilL tt' f' ''"^'"P"""" °- 
 Adirondacks, threats^: th ^"T *'°""'^'"^' "'^ 
 Crane Mouiltains St'tSl":^";^' ^'■"' '"^ 
 Lake George w.'fi, .v ^ ""^ view of 
 and vinasri^robt-nTcllSe ^^^^^-'^'^ 
 h's visit to Fort William Henrv Tnd T T"/"""^ 
 proceed to t^ "„ ^ tfurt"^' t'"" ^'^ '"-'"^^'l. and 
 about but interest-:; i:::^^ '^ "'^ -""- 
I08 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 1:5: .!;. :: ■' • ■ 
 JLBANY is the capital of the state of New York, 
 and was first settled in 1612, and became the 
 State capital in 1798. Great taste has been 
 displayed in the construction of its public and private 
 buildings. Among these may be noted the New 
 Capitol, located just in the rear of the old Capitol ; and 
 its grounds include the site of the old building, and the 
 old Capitol park. 
 The Capitol has a frontage of three hundred feet. 
 The style of the building is Renaissance, being the same 
 as that of the Pavilion of the new Louvre, or the Hotel 
 de Ville in Paris. Without any servile imitation, the 
 architects have produced a result which, in its bold, 
 effective spirit, marks the most advanced example of 
 modern archit;ecture. 
 It was built upon a foundation of concrete, extending 
 under the whole building, and to a depth of from three 
 to twenty-five feet. The treacherous nature of the soil 
 made the cost of the foundation very expetisive. 
 The outside walls are of Maine granite ; and the inner 
 walls and courts of New-Hampshire granite, which is of 
 a lighter shade than the former. The structure will be 
 fire-proof, and covers three and one- half acres of ground. 
 Approaching the building by the front entrance, the 
 main hall, sixty by seventy-four feet, is reached : from 
 this extending to the upper floors, are two grand sand- 
 stone staircases, one of which is completed. At the left 
 of tht entrance are the offices of the Governor, and 
 Adjutant General; at the right, the offices of the 
 Secretary of Appeal room, which, with its oaken ceiling 
;w York, 
 ame the 
 as been 
 i private 
 le New 
 itol ; and 
 and the 
 red feet, 
 the same 
 le Hotel 
 :ion, the 
 its bold, 
 imple of 
 )m three 
 the soil 
 :he inner 
 ich is of 
 J will be 
 " ground, 
 mce, the 
 ;d : from 
 nd sand- 
 : the left 
 nor, and 
 of the 
 n ceiling 
 All-Rcuud Route and Pauoran.ic Guide. ,09 
 STHa^ "otTTV''"'^'' °- °f West. 
 long by fifty.four feet deen rt T ^«'"y-t'iree feet 
 room one hundreda„dXv ^M ""'k' ^''^'"''^^' ^ 
 wide. The ceilineron t^ . "^ ^^ eighty-five 
 The Senate Chamber is al«n ^^ «,- o 
 room fifty-eight feet squa e wfth ^alle ' '"" '" " 
 The ceiling is of carved oaic Thf b!"w- °" '7° ''"''■ 
 Capitol has called forth . v • . '''^'"^ °^ *« "«" 
 fevoroCand^gaLr^h ? '""" '^'"'^ =»" ^''i^'' ^oth in 
 but, as the w^k anotlf^ '"" ^^^P-^'t-e involved ; 
 conceded that "odTdgmrntTt"""' " '^ ^^"^-">^ 
 the Empire Stal wil halTa Cal,T -iT'' '"" *^' 
 be^ommensurate with its o^nSSlT'"^ '"" ^"' 
 its construction^:ferwrn?rr '°"^^!.^°^ 
 '852. It is situated on »n ' '"^rporated in 
 border of the dtv and • ,'"'"'" '" *^' ""'hern 
 largest and Ldf in"t '"''''"'' """' '""^ "^ *« 
 above tide-water ll„ 1'" ^""^ '^enty-five feet 
 ranroad-bridg^^athTeT tt;T'7-^r''^-' 
 The superstructures are of T "''^ '" '^"S*. 
 <louble tracks. ~"' "P°" ^^"ch are laid 

 HO All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 The Park is a charming place of resort. It contains 
 forty-five acres, has a miniature lake, tasteful bridges, 
 parterres, buildings, walks, and shaded drives. It was 
 laid out according to ^esigns furnished by Olmstead and 
 Taux. It is soon to be embellished with a fountain, at 
 a cost of twenty thousand dollars, the gift of the late Col. 
 Henry L. King. 
 The Protestant Episcopal Cathedral of All 
 Saints is upon Elk Street, and is designed to be the 
 bishop's church, as well as the head of church-work in 
 the diocese of Albany. Connected with it is St Agnes 
 Boarding and Day School for girls, a very picturesque 
 building in Old English style. It is a prosperous insti- 
 tution, with two hundred and ten scholars, and twenty- 
 five teacherj;. 
 Adjacent lo these two will be found the Child's Hospi- 
 tal, which contams forty patients admitted free. It is 
 supported entirely by benevolence, under the care of the 
 sisterhood of the diocese, and is managed by a committee 
 of ladies, with the bishop as president. 
 The University of Albany has attached to it a 
 Law School and a Medical College, both of which are 
 well equipped for teaching these sciences. 
 In addition to the foregoing may be mentioned the 
 following churches and public buildings as worthy a visit 
 from the tour'st : the CatJiedral (Catholic), St. Joseph's 
 (Catholic) Church, St. Peter's (Episcopal) Church, Taber- 
 nacle, Baptist Church, State Hall, Geological Hall, 
 State Library, City Hall, and other buildings well worthy 
 of notice. The new State Capitol is a magnificent 
 structure ; the view from it is very fine, as the whole of 
 the city, and a large tract of the surrounding country 
AU-Round Ro,iU and Panoramic Guide. 
 , , , 
 can be seen from this eminence tk 
 who wish to tal<e ti.inl !! m • J."" °' "^ "•^^e'^rs 
 comfortably put u^at .>H ^ "i ""'^ '"^""^^'^^^ ^-y 
 which have e^'red for h^ °^ "' '''^''^="^'' ^otels^ 
 «°n for bci:ni:;tr;trm: ^"^i^r"'^ ^^p-'^- 
 State. These are the wdl!l<nol n t' °""' '" **>« 
 and complete KenmorT !l"''"'." °<='^^«" -nd the ne^ 
 train on the New York" Centrir^ T "'^" "^^^ «>« 
 route to ^''""^' Ra'lwaj^. for Utica, en 
 itrraS;;':itr'^trh^T'7 ""'- - ^''^ 
 them, they ought not to h. ? ""'^ '"""'"^ up to 
 w".. ''--L.lLlrlt''nt r ^tV:'- f 
 the morning train, change at Utica Zl 1 ^^' ^^ 
 well-equipped train of the Utoa 1 « *■' ""'" "'^ 
 Railway- which connects whhtlf^ ^'-^^'^ "^'^'^'^ 
 to the Trenton Falls st«on1 J L .r "„' ""'"^k" 
 nver forming the Trenton K,n . "" f ^"«r "oon. The 
 Creek, but L thfs nam e ' " '"' ^^^' ^'^"^^a 
 have been named afterThe t' " ^"P''°"'°-' the Fails 
 are situated. There tn " T """' '" "'"'^'' 'W 
 whichin.-tselfispr 1 T"^' '"'"'" « Trenton 
 more the pSil' ;"r~ ^ l""" "^ ''^-«'""'- 't is 
 givethecharm a;dZl. . " ^'^°^*' "^^' ^^ich 
 of the most p clurlr,:/, '°?"'"' ''^ ^^^ - 0"^ 
 The stream d sceS'Tfe r'^. '^'^ "" '"^ ^°"«"-'- 
 falls of great bea ;. A the ^"u 7° """" ""' ' ""^^ °^ 
 ■•^ along the bed of'^^heriv r tself t'^f'T '°'' """'''' 
112 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Gnidc. 
 justify their name, there are two actual waterfalls here, 
 which are within a few hours' journey from Niagara, and 
 seen after that mightiest of all cataracts, would appear 
 as trifles, but when taken on one's way to the Falls, and 
 viewed in connection with the surrounding scenery, are 
 well worthy of the visit we propose to make. The banks 
 of the river are thickly wooded on each side, with broken 
 clefts here and there, through which the colors of the 
 foliage show themselves, and straggling boughs and 
 rough roots break through the high rocks, and add to 
 the wild charm of the scene. 
 The tourist should not leave without visiting the 
 " Lover's Walk, " a beautiful avenue of hemlocks, near 
 the hotel. Bridal parties who go to Niagara, generally 
 make Trenton one of the stopping-places on their wedding 
 tour. Could these fine old trees, which line the walk, 
 speak forth and proclaim the scenes which have been 
 witnessed beneath their shade, the tale would recall to 
 many a personal and pleasing experience. The shadowy 
 walk is certainly well adapted to the tender mood in 
 Avhich lovers are prone to indulge. 
 A comfortable hotel is situated in the village, where 
 travelers can get all their wants supplied, and then take 
 the cars back to Utica, where they can again join the 
 New York Central line, and proceed via Rome, Syracuse, 
 Rochester and Lockport, on their way to Niagara. As 
 we presume that this journey will be made without any 
 stoppages, we shall omit all these places, and merely say 
 that they are the ordinary specimens of American towns 
 and cities having broad streets, avenues of trees, large 
 stores, and excellent houses with an air of prosperity 
 about the whole of them. 
AlURound Route nt,^ d 
 oute and Panoramic Guide, i,. 
 I it Walts/; r ^T ^^- ^-^ - 
 Niagara Falls 1 h "" ^"''"' »"«"«'° or 
 Lake Erie and Western Ra^ "" /°P"'*' ^'^^ ^^^k, 
 " «<-/ surpassed by any Aw7^' T^"""" '"''" '1«ip>ncnt 
 '•" truth reco„,„,endTh,t" Ir'"' "" '""''''' -^ can 
 botla for tl,e elegant anrf " "^'^ '''''"'^''le one 
 Sleeping coachnr^Sr ^^'■"^— " -d' 
 as the grand and picturr,nue ' "'^" P^°-'ded- as well 
 New York, Lake eV ^'C/rXl °"''' "•"■'" '"^ 
 above railway is one of th Ra'lway passes. The 
 eeringskil, in^Ls : an^oX""'/""'"''''^ °^ -S'"- 
 of the grandest and most varied"'' '"' ^'^"^"^ »■"« 
 America. Previous tHf ''""^''^ '° ^-^ ^und in 
 «ne were cons^ d ^asXT'""' ''°'*'°"^ "^ ">« 
 Zf ~. yet mouS'l^e Tcale:"" *^" ^ 
 and river canons passed bv Ki ! ""^ P"''ced. 
 ftce of stupendous pecTpices ^'"^ %P^* '■™'" *e 
 were spanned by bniesT: _ f^T ''"'1 "'^'^ 
 deep valleys crossed by massivf Itducte ""J^'^^''- 
 Itne was begun in iSjfi ,„^ viaducts. This/aw,-2>^ 
 cost to date upward of *!;"''"'''' '" '«5'' '""' has'a7d SleepS'::!:"^- «P'-^'<1 Palace, 
 through trains east or weft m"' '"'"''"'' '° '"' 'he 
 points of interest to be se^al T °' ""^ «'"ctive 
 Vork. Lake Erie and wLet^Vai^ ""^ °' ""^ '^- 
 sufficient beauty to repav theT f'^^ "' ^''^ of 
 g / °'^P^y 'he tounst for the journey over 
 1 14 Ail-Round Route and Pafioramic Guide. 
 the whole line. The beautiful. valley of the Delaware, 
 the gorgeous Susquehanna, and the wonderful and 
 charming Wyoming valley, all present a picture to the 
 tourist of unrivalled interest. Portage, on the direct line 
 to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, is celebrated for its Wooden 
 Trestle Bridge, the largest structure of the kind in the 
 v/orld, being 800 feet long by 234 feet in height, sustained 
 by 13 stone piers spanning the Genesee River. Its cost 
 was over $174,000. Some conception of its magnitude 
 may be formed when it is known that in its construction 
 1,600,000 feet of timber, and 106,820 lbs. of iron were 
 used, and the design and architecture such, that, while 
 undergoing repairs, any portion of it may be removed, 
 without weakening the structure, or retarding, or inter- 
 fering with the progress of trains. 
 It is here also that the Genesee River enters a grand 
 rocky defile, presenting, as far as the eye can reach, a 
 succession of wild and varied scenery. The Upper 
 iFalls — ^just below the bridge — have a descent of 6% feet, 
 making the distance from the top of the Bridge to the 
 bottom of the Falls 302 feet. At the Middle Falls, one 
 quarter of a mile beyond — the water dashes in an 
 unbroken sheet into a chasm no feet in depth, bounded 
 on either side by perpendicular ledges. The action of 
 the water has formed a hollow in the rock, known as the 
 Devil's Oven. The Lower Falls are a mile and a half 
 from the Bridge, and it is here the scenery is most 
 sublime. At this point the river, after a precipitous 
 course of nearly one-fourth of a mile, descends 20 feet, 
 and striking the base of Sugar Loaf Rock, which rises 
 100 feet from the bed of the river, turns at a right angle 
 and falls into a deep pool. The rapidity of the water at 
All.Rou„d Route and Panoya,nic Guide. , , 5 
 Alps, instead of twelve C^nTT x?^' ^ *'"°"S 'he 
 would be visited an ^in LT Z IT ""T' '^^ 
 written of a great deal n^e ' P'"''°?'-«Pl'ed, and 
 At tlmira, 573 miles west fmm nJ i^ > 
 for Watkin's Glen and slnec?! I ,?'''': ^^^^'^"Sers 
 where they will find the f ? ' '"" '^"""^^ "=«>•«. 
 Northern Central Raikt '' '''"'PP'^^ "■^■"^ °f the 
 - Wat.ins, onVlwitl'^r ''"^^^ '° ^^^ '"- 
 head^f^TetlV^nt steca^tal '^' ^ T'^ '^^ *^ 
 Schuyler, i„ the midst of beautt' '" "^ ^°""'>' ^^ 
 close to which it is situated iot of r"^- ?' '^"^^ 
 sheets of water in A n,. ""^ ""^t beautiful 
 -iles in leS nd has""' ^ '" "' "■"''^- '' '^ '^^y 
 At the lowefornortherrendThTt ""* °' '"■° -■'- 
 ^- the water, and t: t^ 0^:^;': ^^^'"^"^ 
 garden dotted everywhere with fine h u ''""' 
 presenting all the appearance o weal h A ^^ ''"' 
 ^™n, the wate:."ThfS:e7:el''^%^1 ^^7"^ 
 every variety of scenerv ^S u ""' ^''"°s' 
 ■ntervals, landing at Liny 0^? 'k ^'^ ^' '■'•^''-"' 
 the different stoopiL placed bor" f ^'""^ ' ^"'' « 
 fishing may be had. ""'' "^^''y ''^'^"itJ' for 
 The glen, which ."brthe last few years h». K 
 'ew years has been resorted 
1. 1 
 P I i! 
 1 16 Ail-Round Route and Paftoramic Gvide. 
 to by great numbers of visitors, is about half a mile from 
 the steamboat landing and the railway station. It :s a 
 deep and rocky ravine between two hills which are 
 clothed with foliage, the tops of the trees frequently 
 meeting at the top of the deep gorge. A small stream 
 runs through it, forming frequent waterfalls, and adding 
 a great charm to the place. The length of the glen is 
 about two miles, and everywhere good paths and secure 
 railings have been arranged, so that one may visit every 
 part without danger. The different points worthy of 
 note are as follows : Passing the entrance amphitheatre 
 and ascending the first stairs, we see the Entrance 
 Cascade^ 60 ft. in height. From the first bridge, called 
 Sentry Bridge, we have a view eastward over the wide 
 valley at the head of the lake, and of the wooded heights 
 beyond ; and westward, up the glen, of the high cliffs 
 which bound it at the sides. Passing along a path 
 overlooking Stillwater Gorge, we soon see the Minnehaha 
 Cascade. This part of the gorge is called Glen Alpha. 
 We now cross and recross the gorge, pass the Labyrinth 
 and ascend the Long Staircase, 50 ft. high, and see 
 before us Cavern Cascade, with a fall of 40 ft. One may 
 enter the Grotto behind the cascade. Pursuing our way 
 we enter at the heac^of the Long Staircase, Glen Obscura, 
 and follow the path to Point Look Off. From this spot 
 we look back into Glen Alpha, and above, in the opposite 
 direction, we see the Glen Mountain House, 100 ft. above 
 us. The hotel has two buildings ; one occupied for 
 sleeping apartments, parlors, &c., and the other, across 
 the glen, used as a dining-room. The two are connected 
 by a handsome suspension bridge. Close to the hotel is 
 the Art Gallery (entrance fee, 25 cents), passing which 
All.Ro«„^ Ro„,e and Pa„ora„.u Guide. , ,7 
 •«'e soon see the Mystic Gorire of Gl.n ok 
 now descend to the briH^r k k ^l^^^ra. We 
 X'rm and enter clr/v"^ "°'''' *^ -5>/.«« 
 which are 300 fthfeh Th f 'k' *^ ^^^^ ^"« °f 
 yards. In the cenS thi bel'^?^ ^' *" ^'^" '"' ^00 
 ^nwhat.-s caned lcL2Taf.:/f'''fT'''- 
 50 ft into a deep nool M ' . "^^^"^^^ Cascade, falling 
 we enter the Ciel^t P^^rZ "^ ^'^"'' ^'^'-- 
 of the glen is very beautlft^ th/ T""^ °^ ""'^ P^^ 
 crossed soon a J enS the cT l^l '"" """"S^' 
 «ceived the appellatior f ^^i" t ^^ ^°°'^' ''^^ 
 enter the Giant's Gorge and tf T f'"' ^^ ^°°" 
 ^««*^ Paiis, the former^- ^''^'^ ^''^'■''* «"d 
 the brook from gIuZLT T'"' ''^ *^ ^^"■"e of 
 stream from the sotth f- * *' '""'^^ "^ ^ ^"a" 
 glen. We ascend ^Jf^^ 7" *^ ^'^'^^ 'nto the 
 Dimculty,pass5wi^^rc^^7„ -^ b^r ^'^" 
 traversing the JVarrow Patlft T Tl ^"'^^^' ^"^' 
 see Piut. Palls. ^ZS- s ai t "/ °' '''^" ^'•^^«'^' 
 which is crossed to ltd „ Pat^ ^^Ol.„ Arcadia, 
 glens and waterfalk ,h„ It ^'"^"'^ are other 
 of no specialty °'' *" P°'"' ^^"^ "sited, but 
 su— riiol wT*^'" ^-^^ -^ °^ the 
 the last few^ea'ngTearmr'' r""""^" ''"""^ 
 throng the excellent ho^nX vllt"'""'^^ ^'^'"- 
 maTvXs HftTthe ""^ °' '"^ ^'^" = "I* - a 
 have been made L 'j "T'""^ ""'■* ''' ^^^""^ "-' 
 It suggests Vauctse in 2 T '^^'""'"^'^^ ^''-* 
 sparkle of the wa e U f. !, '''""''' '^'^^™^- =""^ 
 magnificent Pass of the Fin. '"^^'''' *^ ^°'"'"-^. 
 ot the Fmstermunz, in the Tyrol, but is 
 1 1 8 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 infinitely brighter and more varied. It suggests Trenton 
 Falls, but is wilder and deeper. Most of all, it suggests 
 Bash-Bish, in old Berkshire, — is indeed very like it, but 
 is yet more picturesque and perilous." 
 Bayard Taylor says of it : " In all my travels I have 
 never met with scenery more beautiful and romantic 
 than that embraced in this wonderful glen ; and the 
 most remarkable thing of all is> that so much 
 magnificence and grandeur should be found in a region 
 where there are no ranges of mountains." 
 The Glen is one of nature's reservoirs of eternal 
 coolness. In its shadowy recesses, beside its emerald 
 waters, you forget even the fierce heat of July and 
 August, hundreds of feet above you. But it is seen in 
 its utmost beauty in October, when the wild gorge, with 
 its wonderful variety of delicate foliage, is trimmed with 
 the most gorgeous colors. 
 [AVANA GLEN is located near the People's 
 College Building, (now known as the Cook 
 Academy,) in the eastern part of the village ^of 
 Havana, one mile east of the Northern Central depot, 
 and three and a half miles from Watk'n's Glen. Its 
 course is nearly east and west, the ascent being towards 
 the east, as it is on that side of the valley. It differs 
 very materially from the Watkin's Glen in the details of 
 its scenery, and yet in generalities, is almost a counter- 
 part of its scenic sister on the west side of Seneca valley. 
 In approaching it you pass through a vast and 
 beautiful amphitheatre of thirty or forty acres, filled with 
 groves and cosy picnic grounds ; and many of the 
All-Jiouna Route an, P„„oran,u Guide. ' „, 
 eorges and cascades are fully enual M . 
 them s«perior_to the fin Jf c, ^""^ ^^""^^ of 
 It is not so long as w.f,"' ^7"'' J" Watkin's Glen. 
 '"11 of startling and ^so k," "' *'' ""^^ ^--^ 
 instead of bein'g ov , 1 1 ^ '^^ -^ 'ts pools, 
 are as square as if hewn bv h °'' ^' W''*!"^. 
 stratified rock. l^Z^l f .["^ ^-^^ncy. out of the 
 including the mosses, Ss t^; '"' ^'"'"'' "-a- 
 those of Watkins Glen th. ''"'' ,'?™^' ^--^ much like 
 and the universal sS Lnt of t T- "^ ^"P^"— 
 should by all means seeTd'e J, Xth"^' *" ^■■^■•'- 
 Council Chamber,' ■Xurtlinr'^'^''"'' ^^"^•■' "The 
 d-." "The Brid;i VeU" " H '"''''" "'^^'''s Lad- 
 Indian Oven," "The Mount T" ^"''S'^'" "The 
 Falls," "Chaos Go ^"^£0;"" 7",""^''" "Whispering 
 " Summit Falls," etf """'• " ^'^"^' Cascade," 
 the^'IsrratUS.ltt" "Z-^^™ '^'^ '"P-ses 
 ■siarger than that !f Watk^G ''' T." """^ ^'^-" 
 shaley, and it has a Tron i ' ^''^ '•°<='' 's less 
 angular points diding^'cL^f' system of rect- 
 buttresses. When ;, ^ f '"'° ^"'"^''^ ^w^rs and 
 '-e a jaggeTfa-c: ^ rw^t^tV'^ ''\ ' "^^ "- 
 surface as smooth and evenll,'"' *"" " ■"""' 
 -•des of canons the 321!'. r '' '''"' ^'^'"^ the 
 grand simplicity. The rrodZ ^'■'^' ^'''^^''''''y ^"d 
 of division, zigzagini at ri^ht ^ T""' '°"°"^ "'^ ''"» 
 after the fasl^on'of^ord W stf " "*" *='" """"^ 
 the "Council Chamblr •' it "^ ^' t™«, as in 
 square corners and„dicuL°"!, '^*" '"'"'' ""* 
 pe.pendicular sides, as unlike any- 
i,.^,. ;-'!. 
 1 20 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 thing in Watkins Glen as can be imagined. The walls 
 are lower than in Watkins, but they seem higher because 
 of their clean-cut faces. In Watkins there is a persistent 
 sameness in diversity — a monotony of fantastic outline. 
 Havana has a statelier, more majestic look. Watkins 
 confuses while it amazes, bewildering by its multitude 
 of details, infinitely various yet constantly similar. 
 Havana has less variety and greater diversity — its plan 
 seeming to be to present no two scenes at all alike. At 
 times the cliff gives place to wooded escarpments ; 
 vegetation creeps down into the gorge and throws a 
 net- work of beauty and grace — truly glen-like — between 
 two spaces of precipitous rock. The falls are fewer but 
 in the main more massive, and the pools are square- 
 cornered instead of oval. In short, the two Glens are 
 not rivals, but complements, and the sight of one 
 heightens rather than lessens the enjoyment of the 
 other." There are refreshment houses at and near the 
 entrance of the Havana Glen, and three good hotels in 
 the village — the Montour House, which is in size and 
 all things else a first-class house, and the Webster House 
 and Central Hotel, which are smaller, but very attractive 
 and nicely conducted. Carriages will convey visitors to 
 and irom the depot and public houses, and between the 
 two Glens, at moderate rates. 
 Which is claimed and conceded to be one of the most 
 beautiful and interesting sheets of water in the world, is 
 nearly forty miles long, from two to four miles in width, 
 of great depth, and unrivalled in purity and clearness by 
 any of its sister lakes in Central New York. Its course 
AlURmmd Route and Panoramic Guide ,21 
 -tcMess beaut,. ™^Lrabl' Crf ^^^ 
 WatkinsanH T , ^'^''mboats ply bet-^een 
 G.e„: on Te ea f r '■" °^ '"'--'' -'''^ from 
 Lne east side, are Hector Falls p fi«^ 
 success,on of cascades, and a beautiful point fo 'pleasure 
 parties, three miles north of Watkins wl h 
 point, where annual camp-meeti;? heW usu^ll" 
 June, and where there is a good hotel weM ^tromS In" 
 sif :r"Htrrco,c::: Kir ^^^^^ 
 Museum. The view of the I II ^4 '"'' ^'"«'^^' 
 from College Hiinl Itf the Ce^t ItT " 1^ 
 i-gined, and is worth going millTs^t "" "'^" '^ 
 ilie two unopened twin Glens w.>}, fK^- £ 
 af p^oi c "^'^"" their fine cascades 
 ion i '""""^' ^'■^ '■"'""^^ *«" worthy of attfn 

 "\ .':■'■::■, ;-^''1" 
 1 22 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 beautiful and sublime to be found' on this portion of the 
 American continent. 
 From the preceding description of Watkins and 
 Havana Glens, Seneca Lake and surroundings, the 
 query will naturally suggest itself, " Why isn't this locality 
 a pleasant place in which to spend a summer vacation ? " 
 It certainly is, being one of the most delightful and in- 
 teresting spots on the continent. In addition to the 
 pleasurable features of the section, it abounds with 
 numerous mineral springs which have, by years of 
 experience, proven to possess excellent healing qualities. 
 This locality is readily accessible by the Erie Railway to 
 Elmira, from thence via the Northern Central, twenty 
 miles northward to Havana or Watkins, or via the New 
 York Central to CanadMgua, where the Northern Central 
 is taken southward to destination, but we prefer to return 
 to Elmira, and continue our journey westward via the 
 New York, Lake Erie and Western Railway, to the 
 worid-renowned cataract, to visit which is the " Mecca " 
 of every tourist's pilgrimage, and not to have, seen is his 
 reproach ; we approach the recital of its beauties with a 
 sense of the inadequacy of the pen to do it justice. 
 |HE Falls of Niagara may justly be classed among 
 the wonders of the worid. They are the pride of 
 America, and their grandeur, magnitude ai:d 
 magnificence are well known to all the civilized worid. 
 Ever since the discovery of this wonderful cataract, mil- 
 lions have flocked thither from all countries to gaze with 
 feelings of the deepest solemnity on the tumultuous fall of 
 water, and to adore the power and majesty of the 
AU.Rou„d Ro,ae aud Panoramic Guide. ,25 
 cenery of this stupendous waterfall. 
 of a thousand thunder, n f ^'^^ ^he deafening roar 
 rounhs of a „,L""S L'no'f^^tTd T "''^^- 
 aggregate, it is calculated nf , t T J ^ ''' "^ *" 
 hour. No wonder tto'f.K'''""'"'°"'°"^P«^ 
 shrines the untutored fh " ^""'''^' "^ ""-^' 
 yearly and w^sht tldr St'T:- 7' T"' '° ^""^ 
 by the sacrifice of an TnH ? '' ""'' P^P'^ate him 
 current in a floweHadf " ""''"' "^' 'l^^" ^ 'he 
 terrible vortex no wo„h .T°l '" ^'' "'^'^ '" 'he 
 missionarieT^h^ pene'alrd t? ^^J^' *""" '"^ «"' 
 speechless awe to the ^1 "^"^ ^"'^ P"''"'^^ '" 
 that in these latter 1 Z^ ^ '*""■"''' ='"'' "° ^™nder 
 part of thrcountv aTd r ""'^ "' '°"*'^ fr^"" ^very 
 fheir destiX L ^tSrin"'^ """' '"'" '^' 
 ^ -he ;i "of ptr ■• ^-^^^ »-ct 
 hood. '^ °^ P''"''" '"'"^=' i" the neighbor. 
 ove?t:o"i:L:i:irvs t "^ ^ ^^'^'^^ -- 
 Jesuit missiona.y fct salth. k*" ^'"^'"' =' ^'^"'^ 
 of discove,y inl ;:: ";f " ""-^ °" - -Petition 
 Fan'tXf. Thr' '° ^ r"^"' ''^^'''- 'h^ g-at 
 of Lundey's Lan?wf r ."'"^ "'^ ■"^'"-^'"^ b^'tle 
 ndey s Lane was fought ; the Whirlpool below the 
134 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Falls ; the Suspension Bridges ; the Devil's Hole, and 
 the Bloody Run ; the Queenston Heights, General 
 Brock's Monument ; the burning Spring, etc. 
 The Village of the Falls, through which you jvass on 
 your way from the cars, lies on tiie east side ui ihe river, 
 in the immediate vicinity of the grand cataract, 22 miles 
 by rail from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie, and 300 
 by rail from Albany. This is a fashionable place of 
 resort during summer and autumn, and the Hotels ai the 
 village are excellent in all respects, and most agreeable 
 abodjs for those who intend to sojourn for a time within 
 sound of the Falls. 
 Having landed our traveller safely at Niagara, the 
 choice of an hotel is the matter of paramount importance. 
 General opinion is much divided on this subject, many 
 travellers asserting that the American side is the only 
 one to stay at and see the Falls, as the Rapids and Goat 
 Island are to be reached from that side only, whilst others 
 take the broader view of the question— that the minor 
 attractions ought to give place to the Falls, and that the 
 •only place to obtain an uninterrupted view of the two 
 mighty cataracts is from the Canadian side. We shall, 
 however leave this question to be decided by the traveler, 
 and merely observe that the hotels on both sides are very 
 good, that is to say, the " International," and " Spencer 
 House," on the American side, and the " Brunswick," on 
 the Canadian Shore ; any of which can be well recom- 
 Having selected our hotel, it is scarcely necessary to 
 say that days of sojourn at the Falls are desirable to see 
 them in all their varying aspects, and become fully 
 acquainted with their beauty and grandeur, often 
All-Round Rouu and Panoramic Guide. ,25 
 underrated by those who only nav th. F,n a ■ 
 vi-iiV TJ.»» ■ ^ . . ' P ' '"^ 'alls a flv no- 
 visit. J he tourist and peasur-travMI.- k ... ^ 
 best served with a brief Z ''^J"' •''"vever, will be 
 and iPost corenienr » /"' "^ "'^ "'o^' '^»"'if"' 
 the .--^ttra«ti^^;t^ir::;^/o^. .-^ 
 Nature inH Ar^ r , " ' ^^'^ely, indeed, do 
 thede^^gltedt /son h'". """"^ '° 'P'-"^ "^^-o- 
 along the ^l<.:mlV^Zt:tT'''''''' ^^°^-' 
 "Pon the point in front oTITmZ:^Z7 C oT'' 
 tftc grand adjacent scenery being utilized t„ «i, ■ !u ' 
 pictures. The entrance fee M tZ u ^" '" *^^ 
 repaid a thousand-fold by LeW hT «^*f '-Anient is 
 and interesting objects oht .""^^ °^ '"™"' ''"^ 
 geological spedmet&'clc Thfc V'"""°P''^ ^'^-^• 
 ing to the visitor tha 7t is telllT't T*"' '° '■"''■"^^'- 
 takes his leave ^ '"^ ""^'"^^nce that he 
 along the bank of the rT', to .r^ """ ~""'""^' 
 Bridge. Standing at tt „1 '^ • "^T ^"P^"^'°" 
 American Falls/so c ose thf \„r"^ °'^^ "-^ 
 thrust out his hanH . ' "^^J"*' ^"e might almost 
 as it rolls stt^rb;:VtvT:SadTef" "^'^^ 
 magnificent view r.f r . j , , spread before us a 
 Tabi RoiTe °^,i5r rtt^rs 't' 
 new Suspension Bridge, the Aine^r Fairwi'th tt 
126 AU-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 frowning rocks below and the Ferry to the Canada side. 
 Cool, shady walks run in all directions through the 
 Park, and rustic seats at intervals invite the visitor to 
 linger here and gaze at the magnificent scenery. The 
 Park Company have also erected a beautiful pavilion, 
 where visitors can " trip the light fantastic toe " within 
 sound of the roar of the great cataract. An elegant 
 restaurant is also on the grounds, where they can regale 
 the inner man when tired of sight-seeing. Then we may 
 enter the Ferry House and descend the Incline Railway 
 through a cut in the bank to the water's edge, a 
 distance of 360 feet. The spiral stairs constructed 
 here in 1825 having become shaky with age, the present 
 novel but commodious contrivance was inaugurated in 
 1845. The flight of steps leading along the railway 
 consists of 290 steps. The car is drawn up the inclined 
 plane by water power, an overshot wheel being turned 
 by a stream diverted from the river for that purpose. 
 Around a wheel eight feet in diameter, which turns in a 
 horizontal position at the head of the railway, runs 
 a cable two and a half inches in diameter and 300 
 feet in length, attached to a car at either end, and 
 supported by pulleys placed at convenient intervals down 
 the grade. At the foot of the stairs, turning to the left, 
 the Company has erected a commodious and substantial 
 building, from which may be obtained, from the base of 
 the descending torrent, one of the most magnificent 
 views of the Falls, looked at through those wonderful 
 clouds of rising spray, refracting the sun's rays in all the 
 colors of the rainbow, and sparkling and shimmering in 
 the light, like clouds of diamond dust. Then donning 
 tarpaulin coats and hats, we may pass in behind the 
All-Ro,md Route and Panoramic Guide. , j; 
 cataract and sec the wonders of the caves inrl !-,.!, . 
 upon the waters a.s they ro,. over our LT The- >:; 
 agitated waters, "pro. The ler the vZV' ""= 
 great advantage Formerly the shades o ^ Z'h: 
 the pleasures of the day to a close hnf ""^^^^^t 
 entepse have ,e„,the„rd th! ^^ oren™,^ 
 us. E^hteen electric hghts pour their brilliant ravl 
 upon the scene, infusing the spray clouds with "oLous 
 brilliancy beyond description. The Cnmriinn •!. 
 stands out clear and distinct ind tL \"",'''^" '^'^^ 
 wonderfully beautiful, weird and 111!:: "'"'^ '^^'^"^ '^ 
 Prospect Park is certainly the spot which the traveler 
 will visit first, and where he will linger lonirest nT 
 should fail to visit the Part h„n. k j ^ """'^ 
 Tl,„ • "-^'""e 'ark both by day and by night 
 There ,s a fascination about this mighty ca afact' 
 which seems to chain us to this snnt .„a v. '''"'"'"^' 
 to leavp ;* A,., ■ P ' ''"'' when we seek 
 to leave it draws us irresistibly back again Fven in 
 describing it, however inadequately the task mav K 
 accomplished, we are loth to lay down the pet a^d re 
 ourselves away. The AlmiVhtv h, . ^^ 
 with a power t'hat none^ln tfst a d'To "^^^^'^ 
 upon it for the first time hT;' T ne^ ^ t° tlTe,: 
 :wat:er;tri:r^ '" "'^" "'^^"•^■' '■" ''- -^ 
 Proceeding- to the Fa Ik rM,.. f^ i • 
 as possible, fo direct t:z^ r:^'^:::^ 
 how to see it We w.Mi fu c ^"" 
 It. We will, therefore, explain that the 
 1 28 Ail' Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 larger cataract stretching froni shore to shore is the 
 Canadian or Horseshoe Fall, whilst the smaller one is 
 the American. The dimensions of the two Falls must 
 necessarily be a matter of computation, anc they are 
 estimated as follows. 
 The American Fall, 900 feet across, with a drop of 
 164 feet. 
 The Canadian Fall, 1,900 feet across, with a drop of 
 158 feet ; and it is stated by Professor Lyell that fifteen 
 hundred millions of cubic feet of water pass over this 
 fall every hour ! 
 The traveler in his first visit to the Falls ir apressed 
 with a sense of inexpressible amazement. His emotions 
 are nol unlike those of the votary of necromancy, who 
 when once within the magic circle, trembles under the 
 influence of the enchanter, even before he confronts the 
 wizard himself. 
 Who can forget his first view of this grand and 
 stupendous spectacle? The roaring is so tremendous 
 that it would seem, that if all the lions that have ever 
 shore is the 
 nailer one is 
 Falls must 
 nc; they are 
 :h a drop of 
 th a drop of 
 1 that fifteen 
 ass over this 
 if -xipressed 
 lis emotions 
 "nancy, whc 
 3 under the 
 Dnfronts the 
 grand and 
 t have ever 
*; i 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 1 29 
 onf "t^n 'I"' t^ f °^"'^' ^""'"^ J°'" *heir voices in 
 wh sper .n companson to the deep diapason of this most 
 majest,c of all Nature's pipes or organ^ "'' 
 The bndge which connects the mainland with Goat 
 Is and ,s eagerly passed, and we explore the whole o 
 th,s c^^^^^hich is rightly named, for ,t is found 
 fantastic enough to suggest that 
 goats only could find a comfort- 
 able footing. The sublimity of 
 the scene increases at every 
 step ; but when we come upon 
 the mighty Cataract, we gaze in 
 THE K„.,os. speechless wonder. But words 
 cannot describe the grandeur of this scene, noTthe 
 emotron it excites ; neither can the pencH any 
 more than the pen, do it justice. The silent and "u 
 picture wants the motion and the sound of tha 
 stupendous rush of waters. It is impossible to paint the 
 ever-nsmg column of spray that spires upward from the 
 foammggulf below , he prismatic glo'ry thatch* 
 t for there indeed has God forever " set his bow " in 
 the cloud, and cold must be the heart that in such I 
 scene remembers not His covenant. 
 The desirability of erecting a bridge nearer the falls, 
 and lor carriage or foot passengers only, had long been 
 spoken of, and finally, afte , trouble^ a^d 
 peiseverance, charters were obtained from the State of 
 New ^ork and the Province of Ontario, and work w-as 
 commenced in ,867. Its cost ...s nearly $,,.00,000. I 
1 30 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 is located about 1,800 feet below the American Falls, en 
 the American side, landing on the Canadian side, only 
 S or 10 rods below the Clifton House. The towers on 
 the Canadian side are 120 feet high, and on the 
 American side 106 feet high. The span is 1,230 tect 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 1 3 1 
 from tower to tower. The height from the water to the 
 floor of the bridge is 256 feet. There is a single track 
 for carnages and space at one side for foot passengers. 
 The bridge has at each side a strong railing five feet 
 high. The estimated strength of the structure is over 
 150 tons, and as 10 or 15 tons is all that could well be 
 placed on the bridge at one time by its ordinary traffic 
 the greatest confidence prevails as to its stability It has 
 now.passed through fourteen winters with its load of ice 
 and frozen spray, so that it is no longer an experiment, 
 bu a fixed fact, and full confidence has been established 
 It stands as a great, lasting monument to J. T Bush 
 who conceived the project, and carried it to a successful 
 termination. The view from the centre of it is exceed- 
 ingly fine ; suspended in mid-air-in full view of both 
 the, American and Horseshoe Falls-the river above and 
 below, with its beautiful banks from 150 to ^50 feet 
 perpendicular, presents a view never before enjoyed by 
 visitors to this wonderfully beautiful resort 
 ./^•^Tl^" °^ '^'' "^''^^^ ^""g^ Goat Island and 
 the side of Table Rock within easy walking distance. 
 From which such a grand view of the falls was obtained 
 exists only in name, and in the interest which attaches to 
 IS site. It was a truly magnificent crag, overhanging 
 the fearful abyss, and it constituted one of the wonders 
 of the place. Many accidents are recorded, from the 
 temerity of tourists who ventured too near its margin 
 It, however, fell in 1862, and had this accident occurred 
 an hour or two eariier in the day, the Victoria Bridge, 
 ^he Grand Trunk Railway, and many other Canadian 
 132 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ::■■; ■ \x 
 Atl.Rcmd Route and Pamramic Guide. ,33 
 undertakings, might not l,ave been accomplished for a 
 very short time previous to the disappearance of "he 
 ^.ppery granite, there was standing upon it, viewin, the 
 Falls, he engmeer of the Victoria Bridge and several of 
 h,s^coJleagues in the enterprises that Le b^n men 
 A suitable building is Urt erect- 
 ed for the accommodation of visitors 
 wishing to pass under the centre 
 Falls into the Cave of the Winds 
 and this is a feat that all tourists 
 should, if possible, perform. Oil- 
 skm dresses, clean and dry, are 
 supplied to visitors. For a small 
 fee an experienced guide will ac- 
 company parties under the sheet of 
 ENTRANCE TO THE CAVE ^^^^^^' ^"^ describc fully all the 
 OK THE WINDS. incidents connected with this local- 
 ^mndlr' " ?' "'"'"•''' "'' " "" °^ inconceivable 
 grandeur. Conversation is impossible, the mighty 
 cataract asserting its right to alone be heard, as ^s 
 thunders reverberate within the cave. 
 Below the Brunswick House, we have the Railwav 
 Suspension Bridge, Whirlpool Rapids, and Whirlpoof 
 Opposite the American side : Prospect Pari. aJ • 
 Falls^ Goat Island, American ^^^^^ 
 Island, and Luna Island. Canada side: The Hoe. 
 In i W hii^^^^^^^ '''-' '' '' ''' ^^^"^' ^-^'-^ Spring, 
134 All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 The illumination of the Falls by the electric light 
 shows to better advantage from the Brunswick House 
 than any other point on the Canadian side of the river. 
 This is perhaps one of the grandest scenes in the world 
 and the attraction par excellence to visitors from thu^ 
 United States and Europe. 
 From Prospect Park we pass over the New Suspension 
 Bridge to the Canadian side. Here a road turns to the 
 left from the end of the bridge, leading along the cliff 
 past the Clifton and Brunswick Houses, and affording 
 the most beautiful and sublime views of both Falls. We 
 now come to Table Rock ; from this point the view of 
 the Falls is incomparably grand. A little over a mile 
 above the Falls, continuing our drive up the river road, 
 we come to the most wonderful natural curiosity in the 
 world, the famous Burning Spring. The waters of these 
 Springs are highly charged with sulphuretted hydrogen 
 gas, which, when ignited, emits a pale blue light", which 
 burns with a brilliant flame. To heighten the effect, the 
 phenomenon of the burning water is exhibited in a dark- 
 ened room. Many fine improvements have been made 
 at this spot during the past year, by erecting two hand- 
 some suspension carriage bridges and three other truss 
 bridges, and otherwise improving the walks and drives. 
 We might write volumes about this beautiful point of 
 interest, but we prefer to have our readers go and see for 
 themselves. Suffice it to say our advice to tourists and 
 pleasure travelers is: "Do r l leave Niagara until you 
 have taken this, the most beautiful drive at the Falls,, 
 through 'Cedar Island and Clark Hill Islands to the 
 Burning Spring." 
 During the past year it has been visited by many 
All-Roimd Route a<id Pamramic Guide. ,35 
 thousands of touri-.s and pleasure travelers from all 
 quarters of the globe, all of whom have pronounced it to 
 r^vef'R / " "r"''' °" "" ^*"=""- '^'"e of the 
 rver. Returmn^ from the burning Spring we drive 
 along down the Nl.gara river, cross the bridge already 
 referred ^0 to the American side, and proceed two 
 m,les to the town of Sus, nsion Bridge, where many 
 mterestmg sights are to be seen. ^ 
 We will now proceed to give a description of the 
 Railway Suspension Bridge, which is admitted by all to 
 be a „ ,nderful triumph of engine, Ing skill. Mr. 
 Roebhng, of Trenton, New Jersey, was the engineer o^ 
 th,s bndge, wh,ch, as the name implies, is constructed on 
 the suspension system. The two towers supporting the 
 tTJX'T':'^'': "-'" """^ ^P--""' («°° f'-)- "« ^t-out 
 70 feet h,gh, and on and into the solid rock ; the 
 bridge ,s supported by four cables, each composed of 
 8,000 w,res, and measuring 9^ inches in dia.neter, 
 aggregate length of wire employed being more than 
 4.000 m,les, whilst the entire weight of the bridge is 
 12.400 tons. Its cost was half a million dollars. It is 
 constructed for the joint purposes of road and pedestrian 
 traffic, and for the Great Western Railway of Canada. 
 There ,s a small toll levied on all passengers, and a 
 custom-house officer will make a cursory and rapid 
 search, lest any articles liable for duty are being carried 
 across from the United States into the Dominion of 
 Canada, or vice versa. From here we drive to the 
 situated on the American side, about one hundred' rods 
 below the Railway Suspension Bridge-the finest and 
tO^ .<^ 
 U lilll.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 
 (716) 872-4503 
«r* #j ^^ M 
 All-Raund Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 : • :'iv 
 : ''•■'■ !, '•' 
 most interesting spot about Niagara Falls. This 
 delightful spot is visited by many thousands of people 
 annually, on account cf the wild and magnificent grandeur 
 of its scenery. The river here turns abruptly to the 
 right, forming an elbow, and as the waters rush against 
 the opposite banks, a whirlpool is formed, on which logs, 
 and often bodies, have been known to float many days. 
 The river in the centre is estimated by the engineers 
 to be eleven feet and a half higher than on each shore, 
 and the visitor often wonders how the " Maid of the 
 Mist " ever passed down here and lived. 
 There is no perpendicular fall, or external outlet at the 
 whirlpool. The distance across it is one thousand feet ; 
 perpendicular height of the banks, three hundred and 
 fifty feet. Here they have a magnificent Double 
 Elevator, worked by a water-wheel some two hundred 
 and fifty feet below the top of the bank, which enables 
 the visitor to reach the water's edge without fatigue. 
 Here bursts upon the view one of the most beautiful and 
 sublime sights to be seen in the world. Through a 
 narrow gorge rush, in their tumultuous and maddening 
 course, all the waters of the great Upper Lakes. The 
 immense under-current forces the water in the (ientre 
 thirty or forty feet higher than at the edges. 
 The ever-varying changes the waters constantly 
 undergo are indescribably beautiful and fascinating. 
 One is never tired of gazing at this wondrous scene. 
 The surrounding scenery is in keeping with the raging 
 stream. It is a solemnifying prospect, and few can gaze 
 upon it without feeling that they have attained to a 
 higher conception of the awful power and might of the 
 Eternal. The rocky banks of the river, plainly showing 
AU-Round Route mid Pamramic Guide. 1 37 
 the different strata, exhibit the wonderful handiwork of 
 nature. From this point the finest view of the Railway 
 Suspension Bndge can be obtained. To look at thk 
 beautiful structure from the water's edge, at this poin 
 one could almost believe the fairies built it It was nea; 
 h,s spot that Blondin crossed the gorge on a rope wUh 
 a man on h.s back. No visitor should leave Niagara 
 -thout visiting this delightful and romantic s^Jt 
 Words eemmt express the grander of this scene; it is 
 Works. Reader, you have not seen Niagara until ..ou 
 annually vis.tmg the Whirlpool Rapids, on the 
 Amencan side, none have gone away dissatisfied, but 
 all are more than ever impressed with the tremendous 
 magmficence of Niagara. While the view from the 
 Canad, may be said to supply the general out- 
 hnes of the picture, that from the American reveals it in 
 all Its completeness. 
 It is now a matter of history how this tiny steamer 
 wh,ch conveyed tourists under the spray of the great 
 sS b" ^'" ^"r"'""^ ^''^^ t'he'hands ofThe 
 shenff, by passmg through the whirlpool. 
 th. .^'f '"'■ ";°°""g^.«''out a quarter of a mile above 
 the old Suspension Bridge, June ,5, ,86,, and sprang 
 boldly out mto the river, to try one of the most perilou! 
 voyages ever made. She shot forward like an arrow of 
 hght, bowed gracefully to the multitude on the Bridge 
 and w.tht„e velocity of lightning passed on her courL' 
 Many beheld this hazardous adventure, expecting eve,^ 
 138 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 instant she would be dashed to pieces and disappear 
 forever. Amazement thrilled every heart, and it appeared 
 as if no power could save her. " There ! there ! " was the 
 suppressed exclamation that escaped the lips of all. 
 "She careens over! she \s lost ! she is lost!" But, 
 guided by an eye that dimmed not, and a hand that 
 never trembled, she was piloted through those maddened 
 waters by the intrepid Robinson, in perfect safety, and 
 subsequently performed less hazardous voyages on the 
 St. Lawrence. 
 On this trip there were but three men on board, the 
 pilot, engineer and fireman. 
 was the 
 ; of all. 
 '" But, 
 md that 
 'ety, and 
 s on the 
 card, the 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 1 39 
 She is the only craft, so far as is known, that ever 
 made this fearful trip, and lived. Though the pilot had 
 performed many hazardous exploits in saving the lives 
 of persons who had fallen into the river, yet this last act 
 in taking the " Maid of the Mist " through the whirlpool 
 IS the chmax of all his adventures. 
 THE devil's hole 
 Is a large triangular chasm in the bank of the river 
 three and a half miles below the falls. The Bloody Run' 
 a ravme so called from a sanguinary engagement between 
 two hostile Indian tribes, falls into this chasm 
 Another very attractive point of interest which the 
 tourist will wish to visit is the . 
 This new and attractive resort (always in the shade 
 after noon) is situated on the Canadian side of the 
 Niagara River Rapids, one minute's walk north of the 
 Railroad Suspension Bridge, and is reached by a double 
 hydraulic gravitating elevator running down to the 
 water's edge. From thence, picturesque, shady and level 
 walks wind along the edge of the mighty rapids, passing 

 140 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 a superb fountain throwing up spray to the height of one 
 hundred feet, across a rustic bridge, beneath which 
 rushes a beautiful cascade, making three distinct leaps 
 from the cliffs over two hundred feet above the river. At 
 the grandest point of the rapids a rustic platform has 
 been constructed, projecting forty feet over the wildest 
 part of the river, affording the most sublime view of 
 these wonderful rapids. Beneath this platform is the 
 Boiling Well which bubbles up with mighty impetuosity, 
 bidding defiance to the raging rapids. 
 Landed at the edge of the Grand Rapids below, the 
 visitor finds himself in the midst of a scene of wild 
 grandeur which is almost indescribable. For nearly 
 250 feet the cliffs rise in a nearly perpendicular line. 
 Above them and across the gorge stretches the mighty 
 Suspension Bridge, the passing trains looking like play- 
 things in the distance. Beyond and through the frame- 
 work of dark green formed by the overhanging trees, 
 Niagara rushes ceaselessly, obscured at times by the 
 clouds of white mist that ascend to the sky, and for the 
 very obscurity all the more grandly beautiful. Dashing, 
 roaring, whirling on through the narrow passes, beating 
 its way against the rocks that for ages have borne up 
 against the shock, comes the accumulation of waters. 
 Rising higher and higher as they flow onward, crying 
 out almost in agony for more room to move, they are 
 still hemmed in by the silent, awful cliffs. Dashing 
 onward, driven forward by the never-ending flow from 
 behind, they reach the most contracted part of the 
 channel. Here for a moment it seems almost as if the 
 mighty volume paused, unable to struggle further, and 
 then, with renewed effort, impelled by some all-powerful 
AU-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 14 j ' 
 'r'r'rf'it":' "..'"'" "" ■'" °"^ ^-^ -'-e or 
 20, 30, J 5 feet into the a r, and with a nn;«r. ^r ^i, ^ 
 bu.. th.o„,h the .>o„ ;oc.s thit Lrrco :et 
 and bo„^g, ,„, ,,„g. bubbling into crystal foam, at at 
 It finds , s way ,nto the calm green channel beyond the 
 pom"- T '* '■' --^-bered that the river "uhi 
 pomt IS only 300 feet wide, that the Fall, of M 
 present a front of one and a quarter J^.^^TZ 
 flow of water over them averages four feet deep i wm 
 to aTeXft trr - rr ^^ 
 Fans can the visitor obtai°n sTgoof an" d^ o t^r^ 
 volume of water that forces its way through Nia'ra 
 R.ver, and consequently the Whirlpool Rapids Park hit 
 a once taken front rank as a point of inter t U 
 ■should be Visited by every one who goes to Niagara 
 the"'::: :7 ^ rJd "xr '^'-^ ^■•'^^ "^ '"- -- 
 the island fromthS. Mr JollTtT' "" '"""' '" 
 Mr All^n in tu ■* • ^ot'inson rescued a 
 startfd iust bef """"7 °' "*'• ^'•- A"™, h-ing 
 started ust before sun-down for Chippewa, (a villaef 
 three m.les up the river on the Canada side) had 1 
 misfortune to break one of his oars in the mTdst of h 
 xic rans. As his only hope of safetv he 
 Ia?d k";". ■!'' ""^'"'"^ <^^^ ^- *<= head of 'coa 
 Island but, fa.hng to stnKe that he was bearing swiftlv 
 was certain doom, he sprang for the land, and reached it 
 142 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 with but little injury. Having matches in his pocket, 
 he struck a signal light at the head of this island, but it 
 was not seen until morning. Mr. Robinson rescued him 
 by means of a boat and cable. 
 The first of the sisterhood, or the island nearest you, 
 is called Moss Island. That feathery show of a cataract 
 between yourself and Moss Island is called the Hermit's 
 Cascade, from its having been the usual bathing place 
 of Francis Abbot, the Hermit of Niagara. 
 As we think it will be interesting, we shall relate the 
 story of this strange person. About twenty-five years 
 ago, in the glow of early summer, a young stranger of 
 pleasing countenance and person made his appearance 
 at Niagara. It was at first conjectured that he was an 
 artist, a large portfolio, with books and musical 
 instruments, being among his baggage. He was deeply 
 impressed with the majesty and sublimity of the 
 Cataract and the surrounding scenery, and expressed 
 an intention to remain a week, that he might survey 
 them at his leisure. But the fascination which all minds 
 of sensibility feel when in the presence of that glorious 
 work of the Creator grew strongly upon him, and he 
 was heard to say that six weeks were insufficient t^ 
 become acquainted with its beauties. At the end of 
 that period he was still unable to tear himself away, and 
 desired to "build there a tabernacle," that he might 
 indulge in his love of solitary musing and admire at 
 leisure the sublimity of nature. He applied for a spot 
 on the Three Sisters Island on which to erect a cottage 
 after a model of his own ; one of the peculiarities of which 
AU-Romid Route and Panoramic Guide. ,43 
 was a drawbridge to ensure isolation. Circumstances 
 residence in an old liouse on Iris Island, which he 
 enderedas comfortable as the state of the ' case wouW 
 admit Here he remained about eighteen months, when 
 the intrusion of a family interrupted his habits of 
 lltZZTtZT'l- "^■'"-'■"'etlywithdrtU 
 ProTpec Poiir w;' ''^".'^°"""°'"°- habitation near 
 wUl, T '" "'"'"■ '^"'^' a -cheerful fire of 
 wood b a.ed upon the hearth, and he beguiled the lone 
 hours of evening with reading and music. It was Strang! 
 to hear in such solitude the long-drawn thrilling notes of 
 the violin, or the softer melody of the flute at- 
 out so 1 ghtly am.d the rush and thunder of the never 
 lumbering torrent. Though the worid of lettL wa 
 Ind th V ''f V'"'" "''^'^ ''°* '" '''' "ative Europe 
 Lfold ? ' ' '°"^''' "°' ^"°^'^'-" -* mankind to 
 unfold or to increase his store of knowledge. Tho e 
 who had occasionally conversed with him fp'ke ^ 
 ^ual surprise and admiration of his colloquial powers 
 his command of language, and his fervid eloquence but" • 
 he seldom and sparingly admitted this inte course 
 stud.ously avoiding society, though there seemedTn h s' 
 nau,e nothing of misanthropy or moroseness ; on the 
 animT'Bi'd °"'' ''"'""' '° ^-" '"^ ""mbS 
 ammal. Birds instinctively learned this amiable trait in 
 his character, and freely entered his dwelling, to cei^e 
 from his hands crumbs or seeds. 
 But the absorbing delight of his solitary residence was 
 communion with Niagara. Here he might be" e„ at 
144 All-Rotind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 ' ! 
 :'tt ' 
 3l •■ 
 ' ' ' ' ■;■", ' 
 . 'M-- ;• 
 \\,f, v 
 ! V--?r 
 ■'';-1 ?':i 
 ^ ■ i i 
'^i^-RouHd Route and Panoramic Guide. 145 
 every hour of the day or mVhf . c 
 At tl,c gray dawn he L„t ^^^Z 'Tf^^^'- 
 at noon, he bancueted in th! ^ '^ , If" t! Jl"' ' 
 at solemn mkhiight he knelf nf ,\ ^ ^"^ '^ ' ^"^^ 
 Neither the storms of 7. ^ "'""^^ ^h'"'"^. 
 Terraoin KWH k "'"^' ="" <;xtension of the 
 this bea. He often passed'an'd r^p dTnTe'd T' 
 of n ght. He even t..^i. 1 H'^-^-^ea m the darkness 
 an^rt^he'^e^H^riTr-^'^ -■^'•\ ^"" - Ll 
 gratifications, was that ofZh- °u^ *"' '"^'"""'^ 
 daily. °'^ ''^"''"S. ■" which he indulged 
 On a bright but rather chilly day in the month of June 
 ^t^jJ, a man employed ahnnf fV. r , j^mt, 
 the water, and fo'r a'long ."^e ,f er^b "".''" ^° '"'" 
 to be still lying upontL b^nk T, '""'■^<^'°'''^-^ 
 taken his last bith l^ ^^ ^'^' ^""'"^'^ had 
 have beenrdu: -by' hrchn^fr T 'T'' ""''' 
 water. Still the boL ^ atmosphere, or the 
 force of th curren' be, K " '°""'' ""= "^P'^ and 
 the course of Z-'seath"' th:""^ ''";""^'^ ^^^^'^ ^" 
 pool. There am d Z t r '"''"'' °" *° "'^ Whirl- 
 making fearful a^drfr '"^ ''''"^' ^^'^ *<= "ody, 
 black latet At so'm '^""°"; "P""" "^^ ^^^ °' "- 
 plunged a^d dtp ^''^'^l: ^f " ' '"''"'' 
 j^ i-F drca. agam emergmg, it was 
146 A II- Round Rmite and Panoramic Guide. 
 fearful to sec it leap half its length above the flood, then 
 float motionless as if exhausted, and anon spring upward 
 and seem to struggle like a maniac battling with a 
 mortal foe. For days and nights this terrible scene was 
 prolonged. It was not until the 21st of June, that after 
 many efforts they were able to recover the body and 
 bear it to his desolate cottage. There they found his 
 faithful dog guarding the door. Heavily had the long 
 period worn away while he watched for his only friend, 
 and wondered why he delayed his coming. He 
 scrutinized the approaching group suspiciously, and 
 would not willingly have given them admittance. A 
 stifled wail at length showed his intuitive knowledge of 
 his master, whom the work of death had effectually 
 disguised from the eyes of man. On the pillow was his 
 pet kitten, and in different parts of rhe room were his 
 guitar, flute, violin, portfolio and books scattered, "the 
 books open as if recently used. It was a touching 
 sight ; the hermit mourned by his humble retainers, the 
 poor animals that loved him, and the body ready to be 
 laid by strange hands in a foreign grave. 
 The motives that led this singular and accomplished 
 being, learned in the languages, in the arts and sciences, 
 improved by extensive travel, and gifted with personal 
 beauty and a feeling heart, to seclude himself in the 
 flower of youth from human society, are still enveloped 
 in mystery. All that is known is that his name was 
 Francis Abbott, that he was a native of England, where 
 his father was a clergyman, and that he received from 
 thence ample remittances for his comfort. These facts 
 had been previously ascertained, but no written papers 
 were found in his cell to throw additional light upon the 
 each other and from ctrn'': *' ''"''™' ^'^'"^ f™'" 
 grand views of th^ R ° ', ^'''"'^1 P^^^^"«"g "ew and 
 any other poin^ht'f "1 ^"^' ""^""^"'^'^ f™- 
 and beauty Thev .,., u u ''^^'^ ^"''''"^ ^'^^ngth 
 ■>. h'gher .^ thl'S S'a X"'^"!!^ T^^' ''- 
 to their strength. "^ *"''' ">"' adding 
 a.o fastened int:r:;r,::ir;r"-^^t' ^--^ r 
 construction of the railing ,hh u ^^^ P^'^""'"' 
 -nd beauty. A fourttlnd or""". '° ""'^ ^'""^^ 
 While the bridge, were Sg XT';. H trV 
 also been thrown Fmm fi, u , ' ^ ^''^8^^ ^as 
 -y be seen one"" co^Touf Ca^e I S„?^ 1^'^^ 
 as far as the eve mn . u ^ "^^"^ ^'^ ^all, extending 
 the Canada Tore v"t;r ^"' '^'^"^ -™- '° 
 ^^^^. Fro. tV^alrNilgarrr'^^^^"" 
 tHey areoJof the^ rnTf;r Hf Nia^a?' ^^ 
 the sky." As thev n?= ?! '"'' '"^"^ted, against 
i . .-t' 
 V. ' . 
 -. A ,f' 
 - 1 
 148 All-Rouyid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 the veq;e, resignation ;.eems to come over them, and in 
 apparent calmness they accept their fate, and in an 
 instant pass beyond our view. 
 It is now nearly 200 years since the eye of the Euro- 
 pean first saw these v^onderful rapids and falls. Father 
 Hennepin, in 1678, was conducted by the Indians to this 
 spot, and there beheld the " wonder of the world." For 
 ages before his visit, and for nearly two centuries since, 
 the mighty river has continued to flow in " floods so 
 grand and inexhaustible, as to be utterly unconscious of 
 the loss of the hundred millions of tons, which they 
 pour every hour over the stupendous precipice." 
 " Still do these waters roll, and leap, and roar, and 
 " tumble all day long ; still are the rainbows spanning 
 " them a hundred feet below. Still, when the sun is on 
 " them, do they shine and glow like molten gold. Still, 
 " when the day is gloomy, do they fall like snow, or seem 
 •* to crumble away like the front of a great chalk cliff, or 
 " roll down the rock like dense white smoke. But always 
 " does the mighty stream appear :o die as it comes down, 
 " and always from the unfathomable grave arises that 
 " tremendous ghost of spra> and mist v/hich is never 
 " laid, which has haunted this place with the samfe dread 
 " solemnity since darkness brooded on the deep, and that 
 " first flood before the deluge— Light— came rushing on 
 " creation at the Word of God." 
 Luna Island is beautifully placed just in the very 
 curve of the fall. This island, as it appears in its summer 
 as well as its winter dress, is graphically described in 
 " Pictur-sque Amenca/' from which we quote as follows : 
 " It is pleasant jnough in summer, for it has evergreens, 
 trees, and bushes, grasses and wild flowers in abundance,' 
 them, and in 
 \ and in an 
 of the Euro- 
 falls. Father 
 ndians to this 
 world." For 
 nturies since, 
 1 " floods so 
 nconscious of 
 which they 
 nd roar, and 
 ws spanning^ 
 he sun is on 
 gold. Still, 
 now, or seem 
 :halk cliff, or 
 . But always 
 comes down, 
 : arises that 
 lich is never 
 : samfe dread 
 iep, and that 
 : rushing on 
 in the very 
 1 its summer 
 described in 
 i as follows : 
 An.Rou,ul Route and Pamramic Guide. ^49 
 there is a moon a fin/l u "'^^^ ^^"^^' "^^^ 
 bHd.e that cZ:Jz^o::iLr^ r- ^-^ 
 name. But the frr-pi- o-i^ ^"^^siand, and hence its 
 winter, when a. th" g£ L° L " '''T' '" '" '"^ 
 spray. The grasses arfno '""""''^ *'■"• ''™^«" 
 -chparticuIa'rbradeTreaSin'"""'^!" '"'''' ""' 
 "londs, and flashes rad.W. . ^^^^'"'^ "^ <^'^- 
 Kvery tree, ^c^^^!^ ^' :::!Z'^r''-- 
 a fine coating J^^^^ "^^ -e-d with 
 boughs and branches are hi; .i. '' "^'""'^ ""e 
 twigs, and gives Lth:S*i^-!^7.'°t^"P- the 
 ■-esemble the uncouth joi^ tL c:"us T '"^"^ 
 evergreens the snrpxr k1- . cactus. In some for^sl ^p, ^ ^1 !"^ '"' °'^^^-"°- 
 the twigs and the n^sShe Lncht^ '^T'l °' 
 to the verge of the fail , , "^"^^- -^hose close 
 da-ling hel of colkc! h7 '^"' '° ^"'P'^'^'y ^"h 
 often gL way n1 K ??"'P'''^*^"''^''^^n*es 
 hashing ao::Vcru:s„;trn^''Se'^^^^ rr 
 about it inltousan/vr-''''^''^'''^^'^'"--'^ 
 down from the verg a„d T^.^P"- ^^^ ^ P^^^P 
 tlie smoke of the wat'erfaH ^ " °^ "'^ ""''' ='"<^ 
 the ice. It stre^hlf ,„ • T' ^ '""""■°" ^"'^'^ to 
 the bottom of 1 fa, , " r' 'r'"""^ '■-'" "- top to 
 ^s one reads of ? the f f ' ' °"""'" '^ ''°''"^d. such 
 alabaster and m'rS d t d '""I °' "^ ^^^^' ""- 
 ' J^d^ -nd porphyry, are carried to 
r f 
 ' i 
 150 All-Round Route and Pafwramic Guide, 
 the skies in the tremendous palaces of pre-Adaniite 
 kings. The frozen spray, descending upon these, covers 
 them with a delicate tracery of flowers and ferns, and 
 even of resemblance to human heads, which is a 
 beautiful and strange sight. 
 "In winter time we may not descend on the American 
 side; but, if we might, surely we should discern the 
 most wondrous ice configurations along the verge of the 
 pathway. The descent can be made at this time under 
 the Table Rock ; and the visitor passes from the stair- 
 ways into a defile of the kind that Dante dreamed of in 
 his frozen Bolgia. Along the side of the rock walls are 
 rows of stalactites, about the size of the human body, to 
 which all of them bear a quaint resemblance. Upon 
 the other side, massed along the verge of the bank, are 
 ice heaps that mount up fifty feet into the troubled air^ 
 some of them partially columnar in shape, but the 
 majority looking like coils of enormous serpents that 
 have been changed by the rod of the enchanter into 
 sullen ice. 
 " It must be remembered that, if winter gives much,, 
 it also takes away much. If it covers the trees and the 
 grass with diamonds, and heaps up ice-serpents, and 
 builds colonnades and spires and obelisks, it takes away 
 a great part of the volume of the water, for the 
 thousand rills that feed the great lakes have been rent 
 from the hills by the fierc- hand of the frost giant, and 
 clank around his waist as a girdle. Those who love 
 color and"light, and majesty of sound, will do well to 
 come in the summer ; those who like the strange, the 
 fantastic, and the fearful, must come in the winter. But 
 the true lover of the picturesque in Nature, will come at 
All-Round Route a,ui Panoramic Guide. , j , 
 both times. Each has its special charm- each h« 
 some thing which the other lacks • but il tl 
 features of transcendent beauty ' '" ""^ ^'' 
 We shall now conduct our tourist to one soot on th. 
 mLl^e L r I [ "^"'^" "°"''' ^''"°«' ^eem too 
 d^cnbe .t As we gaze we realize to some slight extent 
 the tremendous power of the fall as well as fts hetlt 
 A celebrated English visitor at this spot ex^Lest^' 
 admiration m the following terms • " I n„, ^ !^^ '"^ 
 first Sight of that wondrfur:^io„ iZI TfLZ 
 P^nmagefrom England to see. I have since Can 
 opportumty of making it a study, and my convictbn fe 
 that .f there ,s anything in the world which defies a 
 once description and analysis, and which excit^ fn the 
 beholder by turns, ideas of grandeur, beauty termor 
 power, sublimity, it is exoressed ;- .u / ' 
 Niagara T 1,, expressed .., that one word— 
 iMiagara. I have seen t n the most r,f it. 
 asoects I I,,,,. J °' ''^ summer 
 aspec s. I have gazed upon the marvellous panorama 
 rom the rapids above, to the whirlpool below Tw 
 beL d:r d Xits'sp tr \t ': '-T'-' 
 fu u .1 , spray, i have dreamed over h 
 through the hot afternoon, and have heard it thunder iL 
 In trrt"; '^i "■■^'''- °" *" *^ "^^^diands, izz 
 all the .slands, I have stood entranced and wondering" 

 5 I 
 152 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 while the mist has shrouded it, and while the sun has 
 broken it into rainbows. J have seen it fleecy as the 
 snowflake ; deepening into the brightest emerald ; dark 
 and leaden as the angriest November sky, — but in all its 
 moods there is instruction, solemnity, delight, Stable in 
 its perpetual instability ; changeless in its everlasting 
 change ; a thing to be * pondered in the heart,' like the 
 revelation to the meek Virgin of old ; with no pride in 
 the brilliant hues that are woven in its eternal loom ; 
 with no haste in the majestic roll of its waters ; with no 
 weariness in its endless psalm — it remains through the 
 eventful years an embodiment of unconscious power, a 
 living inspiration of thought, and poetry, and worship, — 
 a magnificent apocalypse of God." 
 p in all likelihood many of our tourists who have 
 never visited these large Western cities, may 
 desire whilst at Niagara to take a run — even if 
 only for a brief period — to the principal business 
 localities in the Western States, we have thought it 
 desirable to refer to them as they will amply compensate 
 for any time spent in visiting them, and really ought to 
 be seen by all those who consider themselves travelers. 
 A few hours ride over the Great Western Division, from 
 Suspension bridge, through a pleasant country around 
 Thorold, the crossing point of the great Welland Ship 
 Canal recently deepened, and we come to St. Catharines, 
 with a population of 11,000, pleasantly situated, 
 frequented as a place of resort for invalids, from Canada 
 Atl-Rmmd Route and Pamramic Guide. 153 
 and the United State., and noted for its mineral springs 
 of much efficacy. Thence passing Grimsby, situated 
 near the shore of LaWp nf.t„..„ • '^"■"cu 
 beautiful °' "'^ '"■"■'° ^' *« 
 .|HIS city was laid out and settled in 1813. It is 
 built on a plateau of slightly elevated ground 
 wmdmg around the foot of a hilly range which 
 extends from Niagara Falls, and which he^e receives tht 
 C.TV OK .UM.LTON. snoWiNO r„K COKE ON KINrs™^;:: 
 name of "The Mountain." Th* streets are wide and 
 for the most part cros. each other at right anglT Kin^ 
 Sth':f7T' 'T^'^^^'^' ^-fhrougSeent 
 breadth of the city. Near the centre of this street is a 
 .s Market Square, on which stands the snacious public 
 buUdmg used as civic offices and a mark.^ Th" banks 
 and many of the churches are handsome structures and 
 1 54 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 on the rising ground approaching the mountain are many 
 elegant residences. The city contains about 25 churches 
 several banks, a (Wesleyan) Female College, and a large 
 number of manufactories. Hamilton was the headquarters 
 of the Great Western Railway o^ Canada, and here the 
 general offices, engine shops and workshops are located. 
 The population of the city is about 27,000, and the city 
 is 43 miles from Suspension Bridge and 1 87 miles east 
 from Detroit. 
 At Hamilton, connection is made for Toronto and all 
 the eastern Canadian cities, via the Toronto Branch of 
 the Great Western Division of G. T. Railway; and 
 thence by the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation 
 Company's Steamers ;for Montreal and all points east. 
 Continuing our journey we pass west from Hamilton 
 seven miles, to Dundas, with many manufactures and 
 very fine scenery. From here the country through 
 which the train passes is tinimportant, until arriving at 
 Harrisburg, where connections are made northward by 
 the Grand Trunk Railroad to Berlin, Guelph and to Paris, 
 which is a thriving town with important water power and 
 manufactories of various kinds. Here connections are 
 made north-westward to Goderich and Lake Hurbn ; 
 south-eastward to Bufifalo, by Goderich branch of the 
 Grand Trunk Railroad. Travelling forty-seven miles 
 west from Paris, through a fine agricultural district, in 
 which the scenery is pleasantly diversified, we reach the 
 One hundred and nineteen miles west from Suspension 
 Bridge, and one hundred and ten miles east of Detroit, 
 with a population of 30,000. It is situated in the midst 
AU-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. ,55 
 of the finest agricultural region of Canada, and is favor ' 
 aby known for its White Sulphur Sp ings and it: 
 extensive n,anufactures. The stLts and „f:ny of the 
 publ,c bu,ld.ngs, are called by the same names as those 
 BrE lead ^'"''' '"' ^«^'""-'- and Blackfriars 
 itadges lead us across its narrow line. The public 
 bu,ld,ngs are very fine, and its numerous church^ are 
 choice m architectural design. 
 yea^rrwhlh*"' """" k™"^ ""' improvements of late 
 years which are worthy of notice, especially the new 
 water works located about five miles below the cUy o^ 
 I sutssfu?;T' ""'. *' "^" ^^^ ^'""P-y- "Wch I on 
 a successful footmg, the city being now lighted with gas 
 ward t! ^rr""''"' '""'"^^ connections :-North- 
 ward to St. Marys, via the Grand Trunk Railroad • 
 southward to Port Stanlfv ,.n i ,1, t:- ■ "^^''^ad , 
 Petrolia YOil-Centrerand P . « "' ^'''"^''* "^ 
 the St. cU sriri Hur ' " *^ ^"'^^-^ °^ 
 the^SVwi:ds:r'°a:f ! r" "^'"^ '"^ '°-'^'- 
 Citv of n.f !; '"'"°'' *"<' a few mmutes more to the 
 where difetr' °" '^' °PP°""^ ^'"^ °' ^^^^ St. Clair, 
 where direct connections are made for the West North 
 and North-West, and all points in Michigan. 
 |ETROIT is one of the oldest cities on the 
 contment, having been founded as a French 
 Missionary Station in 1670. The city, which is 
 known [as the "Oty of the Straits," extends'^^long the 
 Detroit River for about 3 miles, and is built up Lut 
I!" I 
 156 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 2]/^ miles from the water. The streets are wide and 
 beautifully shaded by trees* The churches are 
 numerous, and in many instances very beautiful; the 
 private residences are surrounded by spacious grounds, 
 tastefully ornamented, and the stores and public 
 buildings are metropolitan in size and appearance. The 
 principal buildings worthy a visit are the Custom House 
 and Post Office on Griswold street. The Board of 
 Trade Building and the Michigan Central Freight 
 Depot should by all means be seen. It is of immense 
 size and costly construction, 1,250 feet long and 102 
 wide, covered by a self-supporting iron roof. Here is 
 also located the great Locomotive Round House, also 
 large Grain Elevators. The new Opera House is like- 
 wise worthy of inspection. The most notable churches 
 are St. Pauls (Episcopal), with the peculiarity of having 
 a roof without columns ; Christ, St. John's and Grace, 
 all of the same denomination ; Fort Street Presbyterian ; 
 Central Methodist (Episcopal) ; St. Paul (Catholic) ; St. 
 Anne's (Catholic), with very fine choir, etc. Detroit has 
 also elaborate water-works, as well as large manufactur- 
 ing and shipping interests in grain and provisions, etc. 
 Detroit is alv/ays a pleasant place to visit. In summer 
 pleasure excursions are a daily occurrence, and the 
 beautiful river affords ample opportunity for the members 
 of the Detroit " River Navy," with its fleet of a couple 
 of hundred yachts, to exercise before the gaze of 
 assembled thousands on the shore, who gather to witness 
 the grand "Reviews" each season. We would advise 
 the tourist -O visit the pretty Cemetery and the outskirts 
 of the city, which in all directions are very fine, and 
 will well repay a drive, or a long " constitutional." 
le and 
 is are 
 Lil; the 
 I. The 
 )ard of 
 ad 102 
 Here is 
 ise, also 
 is like- 
 terian ; 
 ic) ; St. 
 roit has 
 )ns, etc. 
 nd the 
 I couple 
 ^aze of 
 1 advise 
 ne, and 
hi, i^ 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 JEAVING Detroit, we proceed to visit Chicago, 
 the "New York of the West." Most of our 
 pleasure-seekers may have already visited the 
 Lion City, but to those who have not made the journey 
 within the last few years, we would advise them by all 
 means to extend their absence from home for at least a few 
 days, and go and see the march of progress being made 
 by our western friends. Taking the splendidly equipped 
 train of the Michigan Central Railway from the Union 
 Depot at Detroit, and after ten hours of as comfortable 
 traveling, over one of the finest road-beds, with well 
 ballasted track, laid with steel rails, a;s can be obtained 
 on the continent, you will find yourself in Chicago. 
 Leaving Detroit by this popular route the train passes 
 through the suburbs of this beautiful city for a distance 
 of three miles to Grand Trunk Junction, where 
 connections are made with the Grand Trunk, and 
 Detroit branch of the Lake Shore and Michigan 
 Southern Railways. Seven miles west we pass Dear- 
 born, where the Detroit Arsenal is situated near Rough 
 River. The next place f f importance to the traveler is 
 Ypsilante, thirty miles west from Detroit, which is a 
 beautiful town of Michigan, having a population of 
 5,500; here is located the State Normal School. 
All-Rmmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 1 59 
 Passing along the Huron River for a distance of eigl,t 
 m,les we amve at Ann Arbor, whieh is a ve.y large and 
 handsome town of 8,500 inhabitants, finely situa^d on 
 an elevated plateau, with beautiful shrubbery and many 
 handsome buildings; the Universitv of U^Zi 
 located here and is an institution of wide influen f'ith 
 vaned course of study; it contains a very fi"e 
 observatory, as well as other attractive features. W- 
 mg this enterpnsmg town we continue our journey west- 
 ward, and passing through a very fine agricultural selt on 
 of country we find the broad acres of Michigan arrtst 
 fa™? antfThe' dt ''""'^ ""'"^^ ^"' '""^'^ -'''^^ 
 arms, all of the d.iTerent towns and villages throueh we pass are growing fast both i^„ size aid 
 .nfluence, and the evidences of industry and thrift are 
 v^b e on every hand. Having traveled 38 m les wi^ 
 om i^nicago. Jackson has a population of 
 .6000, and is a thriving and very enterpnig city" s 
 ides of" h'e r"' H i"'"" ^°""'^' ^"-''^ - "'h 
 sides of the Grand R.ver, at an elevation of 440 feet 
 above Lake Michigan, and has many manufacturTwkh 
 an .mportant coal trade from the mines in the mm«jT^e 
 neighborhood. Jackson' has also very extensivT" Hwav 
 connections ; it is the southern terminus of the SaJ Iw 
 Division of the Michigan Central Railway and X 
 south-eastern terminus of the Grand Rapids Div'sl of 
 the Michigan Central Railway: it is also the e^Ln 
 junction of the Air Line Division with the main lof 
 Fort Wa"v rt " r" ^^ "'^ "°^"'-" '-""' o 
 ^r 1'^;''^'''''°"^ Saginaw R.R.; and the Lake 
 Shore & Michigan Southern Railway from Adrian make 
l6o Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 •: '■« 
 . :;;l 
 I I 
 i |il 
 * )i 
 J}'i^\ ) 
 connections at this point. Leavinpf Jackson, 20 miles 
 distant, is Albion with a population of 3,000 ; here the 
 Albion College is located. Twelve miles west of Albion 
 we arrive at Marshall, where the trains both east and west 
 remain twenty minutes for refreshments — the meals first 
 class in every respect. Marshall has a population of 
 3,806, where are located the extensive repair shops of 
 the Company ; it also has large paper manufactories. 
 Resuming our journey for thirteen miles we arrive at 
 Battle Creek, an extensive manufacturing town with a 
 population of 7,500; the extensive flour mills here 
 located are worthy of special notice by the traveller ; here 
 is to be seen one of the finest water powers in the State* 
 From Battle Creek west, for a distance of 23 miles, the 
 Michigan Central Railway passes through the very 
 garden of the State, where are to be seen some of the 
 finest farms, with their golden fields of grain presenting 
 to the traveller a beautiful picture, until arriving at 
 Kalamazoo, which is one of the largest towns in the 
 State, with much shaded beauty, and with many very 
 handsome residences, and is the seat of a Baptist College 
 and the State Insane Asylum — one of the best managed 
 institutions of its kind in the country. Kalamazoo is a 
 very thriving manufacturing artd commercial town, with 
 a population of 1 1,93 7, and is 144 miles west from Detroit 
 and 140 east from Chicago, with extensive railway con- 
 nections, north-west to Grand Haven and Lake 
 Michigan, also to Grand Rapids ; south-eastward to 
 Fort Wayne, and from Kalamazoo by Lawton (with 
 extensive iron works) we arrive at Niles, 47 miies from 
 Kalamazoo, 191 miles horn Detroit, 93 from Chicago, 
 with a population of 5,cc:k Nile > is a town of con- 
AU.Rb„»4 Route and Panoramic Guide. , 6 , 
 on the b Joseph R.ver; it is the western junction ol 
 c nts^'ri:"^:""""'^"" ^^"'^'" '^^'"way. whic 
 nor: :^^.T^ijj- ^^^ 
 4.U Ti/r- 1 . oouin tJend Division ni 
 the,gan Central. Niles is also the Lst 
 important town in Herrien Countv r \- 
 journey ,ti„ t,..™,h . beautifu.rln of tt^^U"; 
 m,les, we reach Ne.- Buffalo, which is the wes.e n terlru 
 « the Ch,cn,„ and West Michigan Railway ; at tW pi 
 alltra„,so/ the Michigan Central Railwa; make cCe 
 connecfons forall points on the eastern sho^eof Uke 
 Michigan. New Buffalo is a modern town of ,,450 , out 
 ^'ty, 228 miles from Detroit and 56 from ChicaL 
 A balT'r'i"" "^ "^""^ "'* "^^ LouisviHe New 
 Albany & Chicago, also the Indianapolis, P^u I 
 ^xtreme southern point of Lake Michigan ; it is the 
 Frrn's Fro^ ^ '^ °"' °^ *^ '^° '"^iana State 
 iou nev to rT- 'T'"'''" ^'^*'°" '^^ fasten on our 
 journey to Chicago, by the town of Lake ,. m;i 
 distant from Michigan City; this is the etSn tLt: 
 ^ line .0 Johet; 2, miles west from here lie, 
 l:m.trcrarTrir^ •^'"' '^^ -- 
 though a fine -ion r^nt';?^^ Sg'^aS 
 ar S r J lTd*^ ^""""^ °^ chicago,'„Lr:: 
 nve in the Union Depot at the foot of Lake street 
 where direct connections are made in the same deS 
 for a 1 points west, east, north and north-west, south a'nd 
[62 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 ,t f. ' 
 south-west. The distance traveled between Detroit and 
 Chicago by the Michigan Central Railway, has been 284 
 miles. We now call ^he tourist's attention to the most 
 enterprising ciiy in America, and we shall in the 
 following pages briefly endeavor to describe to our 
 ^^HICAGO is in many respects one of the most 
 spectacular cities in America ; its magnificence is 
 all the more striking because it is so young in 
 years, so far in the interior, and has passed through an 
 ordeal of fire which would have ruined any other city 
 forever. It is only strict truth to say that the " Queen 
 of the Lakes" is more beautiful and splendid to-day 
 than she was at the time of the great conflagration of 
 The first permanent settlement was made on the site 
 of Chicago in 1804, during which year Fort Dearborn 
 was built. This was abandoned in 18 12, and finally 
 demolished in 1856. The town was first organized 
 in 1833, and incorporated as a city in 1837. At the first 
 official census, taken in 1837, the entire population was 
 set down at 4170. The population by the census of 
 188 1 is 503,304 Its growth has been marvellous during 
 this brief interval, but it was temporarily checked by the 
 tremendous fire which occurred on the night of October 
 8th, 1 87 1. The whole area burned over, including streets, 
 wasViearly three and a third square miles. The number 
 of buildings destroyed was 17,450; persons rendered 
 homeless, 98,500; persons killed, about 200. Not in- 
 cluding depreciation of property and loss of business, it 
 )etroit and 
 ,s been 284 
 o the most 
 ill in the 
 ibe to our 
 IT IS. 
 r the most 
 jnificence is 
 o young in 
 through an 
 ' other city 
 the " Queen 
 idid to-day 
 lagration of 
 on the site 
 t Dearborn 
 and finally 
 t organized 
 At the first 
 )ulation was 
 le census of 
 :llous during 
 eked by the 
 t of October 
 iding streets. 
 The number 
 ns rendered 
 )0. Not in- 
 f business, it 
 '• : 
 ■■ vm;. 
 164 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 is estimated that the total loss occasioned by the fire was 
 $190,000,000, of which about $40,000,000 was recovered 
 on insurance, though one of the chief results of the fire 
 was to bankrupt many of the insurance companies, all 
 over the country. The business of the city was interrupted 
 but a short time, however. In the course of a few weeks 
All. Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 165 
 many merchants had resumed trade in temporary wooden 
 buildmgs. Within one year after the catastrophe a large 
 part of the burnt district had been rebuilt, and at present 
 no trace remains, except the improved architectural 

 1 66 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 appearance of the city. Two years later, in July, 1874, 
 another great fire took place in an adjoining section- 
 ^! i 
 Eighteen blocks, or sixty acres, and about $4,000,000 
 worth of property were destroyed. Chicago is situated 
 July, 1874, 
 ng section* 
 is situated 
r -i J 
 ' A' 
 1 68 Ali-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 on the Western shore of Lake Michigan, at the mcuth of 
 the Chicago and Calumet rivers ; by means of the former, 
All-Rmmd Route and Pamramic Guide. 169 
 and the Illinoi., and Michigan canal, it has continuous 
 commun,cat.on with the Mississippi River and the Gulf 
 of Mexico on the South and West ; and by the chain of 
 he Great Lakes with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic 
 Ocean on the East. There is no inland city in the world 
 that possesses greater facilities for commercial intercourse. 
 The site of the city i,, a gently inclined plane, the ground 
 m the western part, 3 miles from the Lake, being from 
 15 to 18 feet above the level of the Lake. The streets 
 are generally eighty feet wide and are very regularly They cross each other at right angles, and are for 
 he most part, paved with stone or with wood ; many of 
 them are from five to ten miles in length. Chicago is 
 divided by the river and its branches, into three parts 
 known as the North, West, and South sides, which 
 are connected by about 50 bridges, while two stone tunnels 
 connect the main avenues of travel leading from the city 
 proper to the northern and western divisions. These 
 divisions are subdivided into twenty wards, and contain 
 nearly 800 streets, avenues, and alleys. The river and 
 ship canals afford a magnificent harbor for the largest 
 vessels, for more than ten miles. At the entrance of the 
 first there is, a large iron light-house 
 The city is beautifully laid out in broad and shady 
 streets the principal of which for business purposes is 
 State Street, the " Broadway " of Chicago, while Michigan 
 avenue, (which fronts along the Lake), Wabash avenue 
 Prairie avenue. South Park avenue. West Washington 
 street, and North Dearborn street, are distinguished by 
 the great number of princely edifices, which are perfect 
 models of architectural design, and are adorned with rows 
 of luxuriant trees. The system of parks and boulevards 
 170 All-Round Route and Panorauiic Guide. 
 in Chicago is the most extensive of any city in the world. 
 The Drexel, for instance, is 200 feet wide, from beginning 
 to end, and is built on the model of the Avenue de 
 L'Imperatrice, Paris, justly considered the finest boulevard 
 in Europe. On South Water street are situated the prin- 
 cipal warehouses and large wholesale stores, and in Lake 
 street also, a large part of the wholesale business is done, 
 while many of the largest and most elegant of the whole- 
 sale houses are now located on Michigan and Wabash 
 avenues, making a gradual inroad upon a favorite resi- 
 dence locality. Among the objects of great interest in 
 what the proud citizens call the "new Chicago," may be 
 named the large and beautiful Lincoln Park situated on 
 the Lake shore, north of the city, with its numerous 
 charming drives along the shores of Lake Michigan, a 
 very perfect zoological garden, a charming little lake, 
 superb fountains, making it attractive as a drive or pro- 
 Another favorite resort is Union Park, situated in the 
 western division, older than Lincoln Park, with beautiful 
 lakes, fountains, &c., a complete zoological collection, 
 pagodas, a music pavilion ; it enjoys great popularity as 
 a place of promenade, and for the open air concerts given 
 every evening during the summer. Besides the above 
 mentioned parks there is Lake Park, with a beautiful lo- 
 cation running down the Lake shore south of the city to 
 Hyde Park and Hyde Park House, a favorite driving 
 and bathing resort, at the southern extremity. The south 
 and west side parks are very extensive and beautiful ; 
 Dearborn, Jefferson, and other minor parks and Haverly's 
 Trotting Park, are also all well worthy of a visit. The 
 principal cemeteries, Graceland, Rose Hill, Calvary, 
 1 the world. 
 I beginning 
 U'enue de 
 : boulevard 
 i the prin- 
 nd in Lake 
 ess is done, 
 the vvhole- 
 d Wabash 
 /orite resi- 
 interest in 
 o," may be 
 lituated on 
 Michigan, a 
 little lake, 
 rive or pro- 
 ited in the 
 th beautiful 
 pularity as 
 icerts given 
 the above 
 eautiful lo- 
 the city to 
 -ite driving 
 , The south 
 beautiful ; 
 d Haverly's 
 visit. The 
 1, Calvary, 
 m ~ 
 I l« >-• 
174 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 I ■"■ 
 and Oak Woods, are beautifully laid out and kept in the 
 most perfect order, and for thbse lugubriously inclined a 
 visit to them would, no doubt, be pleasant. 
 Chicago is also the gj^reatest live stock market in the 
 world. Lying at some distance west of the city are the 
 great Union Stock Yards, which are a wonderful sight to 
 see, being a little world in themselves. The amount of 
 land controlled by the comj)any is 345 acres, ofvvhich the 
 yards and pens occupy 146 acres. The present capacity 
 of these yards is 25,000 head of cattle, 100,000 head of 
 hogs, 22,000 sheep, besides which there are stalls for 500 
 horses, making a total capacity of 147,000 head. Quite 
 a large town has sprung up in the inmiediate vicinity, 
 with post-offic, bank, telegraph office, churches and 
 schools. The yards are connected with all the railways 
 centreing in Chicago. 
 The lumber trade of this marvellous city has grown so 
 much, especially of late, that it would perhaps not be 
 wild to assert that Chicago leads the world in this branch 
 of business also. There are over 300 firms engaged in it, 
 and between fifteen and twenty million feet of lum- 
 ber are annually handled. The great pineries of Michi- 
 gan and Wisconsin are the principal sources of supply. 
 Another of Chicago's great industries is that of pork 
 and beef packing, and a special feature is the great favor in 
 which its summer packed meats have grown, both in this 
 country and in Europe. The demand for the latter is 
 steadily increasing, 
 Chicago is furthermore the greatest railway centre in the 
 world, some forty-five lines coming into the city. There is 
 a dash of grandeur in almost everything in the way of 
 public works, undertaken by Chicago. The Water- works, 
 kept in the 
 / inclined a 
 rket in the 
 :ity are the 
 rful sight to 
 amount of 
 )f which the 
 nt capacity 
 DO head of 
 alls for 500 
 ;ad. Quite 
 te vicinity, 
 jrches and 
 le railways. 
 IS grown so 
 aps not be 
 this branch 
 gaged in it, 
 L't of lum- 
 s of Michi- 
 >f supply, 
 lat of pork 
 eat favor in 
 both in this 
 he latter is 
 entre in the 
 y. There is 
 the way of 
 ater- works, 
iy6 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 which have been pronounced by those who are competent 
 to judge, to be the finest and most extensive on the 
 American Continent, if not in the world, are a proof of 
 this. They consist of a water tower, 1 60 feet high, up which 
 water is forced by four of the most powerful engines, 
 having a pumping capacity of 74,500,000 gallons daily. 
 The water comes through a tunnel extending two miles 
 out under the lake, thus securing perfect purity to the 
 water, and another tunnel supplies the south-west portion 
 of the city. There are also about 40 Artesian wells, 
 which yield an abundance of water. 
 The terrible experiences of the city have prompted 
 this extraordinary precaution against fire, and the 
 e competent 
 isive on the 
 ; a proof of 
 gh, up which 
 ful engines, 
 illons daily. 
 ig two miles 
 )urity to the 
 •west portion 
 'tesian wells, 
 fQ prompted 
 re, and the 
 178 All-RoHJtd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 splendid building law now in force further provides 
 against the same, by forbidding the erection of frame 
 buildings of any kind, inside the limits of the city. No 
 wooden cornice or wooden roof of any description is 
ther provides 
 :tion of frame 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 179 
 permitted, and no wooden building now in existence, if 
 damaged by fire to the extent of 50 per cent., can be 
 The public institutions of Chicago are in keeping with 
 its industrial and commercial standing. Its public schools 
 are surpassed by none in the country, whether in 
 ' BSPI ' 
 1 80 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide,- 
 regard to the beauty of the buildings, or the number of 
 attendants. Special pride has been taken in this respect, 
 and it is gratifying to know that Chicago leads the West 
 in its encouragement of popular education. The Public 
 Library, the nucleus of which was contributed by Eng- 
 lish, and other authors of renown, in 1872, now counts 
 over 6o,0(X) volumes, and the Academy of Sciences, which 
 had lost its previous collection by the fire in 1871, i- 
 he number of 
 n this respect, 
 jads the West 
 The Public 
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 1 C 
 ■ ]t^" 
 W 'Vi: 
 uted by Eng- 
 2, now counts 
 ciences, which 
 •e in 1 87 1, is 
 All-Round Route mid Panoramic Guide, 181 
 now rapidly recuperating both in its museum and library ; 
 colleges and academies of different denominations are 
 numerous and flourishing, and the University of Chicago 
 iias a reputation second to none in the West. Asylums 
 182 All' Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 M.l>i!t ' 
 s ana Bouleyartls. 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 1 83 
 and hospitals, devoted to the sufiferings of humanity are 
 not only numerous, but carried on in a style of rare muni- 
 So much worthy of description has crowded itself 
 upon us, that we have omitted to mention the grain trade 
 of Chicago, perhaps the greatest industry of the city. 
 Chicago is not only the headquarters of the grain trade 
 of America, but -t is also the greatest grain market in the 
 world. It has 25 elevators, with an aggregate storage 
 capacity of 20,000,000 bushels of grain. The speed and 
 dexterity with which vessels and cars are loaded and un- 
 loaded is perfectly marvellous, and no tourist should fail 
 to go and watch the operation for a short time. To see 
 how business is done in Chicago, and to form some idea 
 of the immensity of the transactions, the tourist should 
 by all means pay a visit to the Chamber of Commerce, 
 situated corner of Washington and La Salle streets. It 
 is considered one of the noblest and most complete 
 buildings of its class in the world. It was opened with 
 very impressive ceremonies in the fall of 1872, and 
 Chicago is justly proud of this magnificent structure. 
 Chicago has many magnificent mercantile buildings, 
 banking houses, stock exchange, &c., in which respect 
 the re-built city far excels even its ambitious predecessor, 
 and rivals all others. 
 With regard to hotels no place in America can vie 
 with Chicago ; most of them being built since the fire, 
 and furnished with lavish cost and great completeness. 
 There is the Palmer House, a thorou^-hly fire-proof hotel, 
 occupying the entire block in State street, between 
 Wabash Avenue and Munroe street. The Grand Pacific 
 is not at all inferior to this, occupying a half block on 
184 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Jackson, Clark, Adams, and La Salle streets. The New 
 Sherman House, in the central business part of the city, 
 fronting on Clark and Randolph streets, is practically 
 fire-proof, and watched with such unceasing care, that no 
 one in any part of the house need feel the least anxiety ; 
 practical experience has proved the " Sherman " to be 
 satisfactory in every respect. 
 The Tremont House, styled the palace hotel of 
 Chicago, is located on the corner of Lake and Dear- 
 born streets. This house has the world-wide reputation 
 of being one of the finest structures of its kind on either 
 continents, and is considered one of the features of the 
 city, both in external architecture and internal arrange- 
 ment ; it possesses all the appurtenances of many a 
 palace, with its spacious halls and luxurious suites of 
 apartments, and commends itself to travellers of either 
 continent, as a type of that world-famous institution, the 
 luxurious modern American Hotel. 
 The Gardner House is another of Chicagos favorite 
 hotels, and for several years past has held the reputation 
 of being one of the best managed hotels in the Western 
 Chicago has many very large and fine Railway 
 Depots, for the accommodation of the many and 
 extensive roads finding their centre there. 
 Among the extensive manufactories may be mentioned 
 the McCormack Reaper Manufactory, which is the 
 largest of the kind in the world, situated on the corner 
 of Blue Island and Western avenues, and the extensive 
 bridge-building works of the American Company, 
 situated on Egan avenue. 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 185 
 The principal places of amusement are Haverly's 
 Theatre, corner of Dearborn and Munroe streets ; Mc- 
 Vicker's, near the corner of Madison and State streets ; 
 Hooley's, adjoining Sherman House block on Randolph, 
 near La Salle. 
 Chicago is not only the terminus of the five great 
 through trunk lines, from the Atlantic sea-board cities, 
 New York, Boston, Montreal, Philadelphia, and Balti- 
 more, but it is also the head of the several grand divi- 
 sions viz, the Chicago, Rock Island, and Chicago, Bur- 
 lington and Quincy, and Chicago and Northwestern 
 Railways, which form the overland route across the Great 
 West to the Paciric, as well as of the ever popular 
 Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railway, to St. Louis and 
 Kansas City, Mo., the Illinois Central and the Chicago, 
 Milwaukee & St. Paul Railways. Thence next via either 
 the Kansas Pacific Division of the Union Pacific, or via 
 the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railways to all points 
 in Kansas, Colorado, Montana, Idaho and New Mexico. 
 Leaving Chicago, if our reader will kindly follow us,- 
 we shall with pleasure conduct him to Milwaukee, 
 which may be reached either by rail or steamer. 
 If the tourist can spare the time before returning to 
 the east, a most enjoyable and healthful trip may be 
 made by taking the magnificent steamers of the Good- 
 rich line to Milwaukee, or by Railway, via the elegantly 
 equipped trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul 
 Railway, which h one of the best managed railways in 
 1 86 Ail-Round Route atui Panoramic Guide. 
 SLEEPING CARS, between Chicago and St. Paul, 
 fare $2.00; between Milwaukee and La Crosse, 
 fare $1.50 — in addition to railway ticket. Parlor, 
 cars between Chicago and Milwaukee. 
 Trains leave the elegant new Union Depot at Canal, 
 Madison and Adams Streets, Chicago, and sweeping 
 through the City, and passing through a large manufac- 
 turing district, soon cross the north suburbs of the city and 
 pass out on the uneven wooded prairie bordering Lake 
 Michigan. The line traverses Cook, Lake, Kenosha and 
 Racine counties in Illinois, connecting at Western Union 
 Junction, with the Racine and Southwestern Division, 
 and 85 miles from Chicago arrives at Milwaukee, 
 and another of those wonderful western cities that have 
 sprung into marvellous prosperity within the short cycle 
 of one generation. It was settled in 1835 ; its popula- 
 tion is fully 150,000, one half of which is German, and 
 the impress of their peculiar habits of life is stamped 
 upon the place. Milwaukee is a great lumber and flour 
 emporium, and its beer is famous. Among its prominent 
 public buildings are the Custom L cuse, Court Houses 
 and National Asylum for disabled soldiers. The streets 
 are broad, and generally shaded. The chief hotels, are 
 the New Plankinton House, the Newhall House, and the 
 Kirby House. The Plankinton House is not surpassed 
 by any house in the State. From Milwaukee to St. Paul, 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 187 
 the journey is made by the Lacrosse and St. Paul Division 
 of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, which covers a 
 distance of 341 miles in 17 hours ; leaving here the St, 
 Paul train turns west from the Union Depot, Milwaukee, 
 crosses the Menominee river, .nd thence traverses the 
 attractive park of the National Soldier's Home, wit;h the 
 institution itself on the north. At Brookfield Junction 
 the Prairie du Chien Division is crossed. The line now 
 enters Waukesha county which, alone, contains 58 of 
 the Wisconsin lakes. This region, which is one of the 
 most attractive ir the Northwest, is much frequented 
 during the summer months. The residents of the country 
 are more than one-half foreign, ihe railway skirt* the 
 shores of Lakes Pewaukee and Oconomowoc, and affords 
 a momentary view of La Belle lake. From Watertown 
 a branch line diverges south to Madison. Approaching 
 Portage City the railway crosses the Portage Canal,, 
 connecting the Wisconsin and Fox rivers and forming a 
 northern water communication between Jhe Mississippi 
 and the lakes. Father Marquette, the earliest Jesuit 
 e:iplorer, planted the cross in 1690 on the high ridge 
 immediately north of the railway. Fort Winnebago was 
 built on the same picturesque spot and garrisoned in 
 1S26. Jefferson Davis served there as First Lieutenant, 
 but I as the U. S. Secretary of State, 25 years after, he 
 ordered the fort to be destroyed, and the Government 
 reservation of 4,000 acres sold. Passing Portage and the 
 pleasant dining station, the heavily wooded banks of the 
 Wisconsin are approached. The dells of that river, which 
 are both the wonder and the pride of the State, a'-e 
 above Kiibourn City, where the swift current has worn 
 and eaten, ^nd undermined a passage through the basaltic 

 1, :-. 1. .i 
 '■ 1 . : . ■""' 
 i,, : 
 " ,. 
 'l-t,- 1, 
 1 88 All-RoMtd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 cliffs. The river contracts into a foaming eddying rapid 
 at the gap. The railway crosses the river by a high 
 bridge which affords a striking view of the rocky channel 
 and the turbulent river below the Delles, the latter being 
 accessible only by pleasure steamer from this point. The 
 line now traverses Juneau county which in point of 
 rugged beauty is one of the most picturesque in the 
 State. Crossing the Lemonweir river near Mauston, the 
 Necedah Branch is passed at New Lisbon. The border 
 of Juneau county is reached at Camp Douglas Junction, 
 where the railway passes a somewhat remarkable group 
 of rocky precipices. Connection is made here with the 
 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line. Tomah 
 is the Junction of the Green Bay & Minnesota R.R. and 
 Sparta (view of Castle Rock on the right), of the Viroqua 
 Branch. Arriving at North LaCrosse, the train runs 
 backward one mile to the city of LaCrosse, whence it 
 again turns west, crossing the Mississippi at the mouth of 
 the Black river. Leaving the station the train crosses 
 the Black and Mississippi rivers by an iron trestle and 
 three costly iron bridges two miles in length. La Cres- 
 cent on the Minnesota bank is the northern terminus, of 
 the Dubuque Division, and the Junction of the Southern 
 Minnesota line. 
 Through cars run via the Southern Minnesota line 
 between Chicago (above route to LaCrosse), and the 
 principal towns in Southern Minnesota and the Dakota 
 frontier. From La Crescent the line traverses the rolling 
 prairie of Houston county. Stages connect at Isinour's 
 station for Preston, the county capital and centre of one 
Ail-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. \ 89 
 of the largest wheat growing regions in the Northwest. 
 West of Isinour's the railway ascends the heaviest grade 
 in the State— 520 feet in five miles— from the Rum 
 River Valley to the high prairie land. At Ramsey con- 
 nection is made with the Iowa & Minnesota Division 
 and at Albert Lea (on Lake Albert Lea), with the Min- 
 neapolis & St. Louis Railway. Mankato liranch diverges 
 from Wells. Winnebago is the crossing point of the 
 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Line. From 
 Fairmont, Spirit Lake and Estervillc are reached by 
 stage. Beyond Jackson station the railway passes the 
 scene of the first murders in the Sioux massacre of 1862. 
 The train enters Dakota beyond Pipestone and 10 miles 
 west reaches Flandreau, on the Big Sioux River and 592 
 miles from Chicago. 
 Beyond La Crescent the St. Paul train takes the right 
 bank of the Mississippi, following a narrow gallery at 
 the base of rocky precipices rising 400 to 600 feet above 
 the railway. Passing Winona the train quits the Mis- 
 sissippi,traverses woods and meadows and passes stations, 
 Minnesota City, Minneiska, Weaver and Kellogg to 
 Wabasha (Zumbrota Branch diverges), beyond which it 
 returns to the Mississippi at the beautiful lake-like 
 widening known as Lake Pepin. The train follows closely 
 Its west shore; the riparian scenery is of renowned 
 attractiveness. Frontenac, near the head of the lake 
 confronts Maiden Rock on the east shore. Forethought, 
 guided by good taste and inspired by the beauty of the 
 Mississippi valley, has designed this spot to be one of 
 the most charming summer resorts in the Northwest. 
 At Hastings, connection is made with the Hastings & 
 Dakota Division. The line now recrosses the Mississippi. 
•■'.'I. i.d 
 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Beyond Newport the double spire of the German Catholic 
 Cathedral at St. Paul is seen in advance. The train 
 traverses a broad valley and enters St. Paul on the levee. 
 The Minneapolis train again crosses the river above 
 St. Paul, pursues a sinuous course along its west bank, 
 running under the walls of Fort Snelling. After crossing 
 the broad and shallow Minnesota, it passes within near 
 proximity to the Falls of Minnehaha, and 12 miles from 
 St. Paul, arrives at Minneapolis. 
 The St. Paul train follows the Mississippi a short 
 distance, crossing it above St. Paul, and enters the town 
 imder the blufifs, the terminal station being on the levee, 
 no breakage or detention having been made in the 
 journey. This well-equipped and popular railway over 
 which we have journeyed from Chicago and Milwaukee 
 presents to the tourist some of the most striking scenery 
 to be found in the Great North-west. Prairie, lake, 
 and valley scenery follow in rapid succession, so that 
 no one becomes weary of the monotony of the journey. 
 St. Paul is situated_at the head of navigation on the 
 Mississippi, and its location is admirable. It is an historic 
 spot, having been visited in 1680, by Father Hennepin, a 
 celebrated Franciscan missionary and traveller. It was he 
 who discoveied and named the Falls of St. Anthony. 
 Eighty-six years after, Jonathan Carver went there and 
 made a treaty with the Nandowessie Indians, in what is 
 now known as Carver's Cave. In 1 840, Vital Guerin built a 
 log house, where Ingersoll's Hall stands at present, and in 
 the same year Father Gauthier, a Roman Catholic 
 missionary, arrived and built a log church, which he 
 called St. Paul's, and from that was named the Capital of 
 the State. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 191 
 Referring to the State Capital Building, it is situated 
 on high ground and occupies an entire square and is 
 built of brick. It contains the State Offices, Legislative 
 Chambers, State Law Library, and the Collection of the 
 State Historical Society. There are several large public 
 schools in the city ; the State Reform School is in 
 the suburbs. St. Paul Bridge, 1,730 feet long is worth 
 seemg It is of wood, resting upon stone piers, and is 
 an inclined plane ascending from the high bluff at the 
 foot of Wabashaw street to the bottom lands of west St 
 Paul ; the largest river steamers can pass under it The 
 present population of St. Paul is 45,000. The environs 
 are very picturesque, including a number of lakes and the 
 Minnehaha Falls, immortalized in Longfellow's Hia- 
 Leaving St. Paul, a short ride brings us to Minne- 
 apohs, which is a thriving and beautiful city built 
 m sight of the Falls of St. Anthony, with their one 
 hundred and twenty thousand horse-power and succession 
 ot tine rapids. 
 The city is beautiful and well located for a great manufac- 
 tunng centre, which it i.. A fine suspension bridge above 
 the Falls connects the two parts of the city, comprising the 
 orignial M.nneapolis and the former city of St. Anthonv 
 now united. The city itself is of very fine appearance! 
 with wide, clean streets, elegant business blocks, hotels 
 and residences, which, in point of style are nowhere 
 We notice here the same life and activity found in St 
 Paul, and in fact, throughout the north-western country 
 Minneapolis is the capital of Hennepin County, Minne- 
 sota, and has a population of upwards of 50,000 It is 
 All-Rcund Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 420 miles North-west from Chicago, and is one of the 
 most populous and flourishing cities in the State. Among 
 its most beautiful and prominent buildings are the U. S. 
 Custom House, the Music Hall and Post-office. Minnea- 
 polis is a very large manufacturing city, and possesses the 
 finest and largest available water-power in the world. 
 In the vicinity of Minneapolis are a number of very in- 
 teresting attractions; among others the Silver Cascade, 
 Bridal Veil Falls, a deep cunc opposite the Falls of St» 
 Anthony on the east side, and several beautiful lakes, the 
 drives to which from the city are very pleasant, the scenery 
 beautiful, and the roads in fine condition. Among the 
 smaller lakes within easy reach of the city, noted for their 
 beautiful scenery rnd the opportunities they offer for en- 
 joyment, are Harriet, Cedar, and Medecinc lakes. Fifteen 
 miles from Minneapolis is Lake Minnetonka — " Big 
 water," in the language of the Sioux, — which, by reason 
 of its extent and superior attractions, is becoming one of 
 the most popular watering-places in the State. Arriving 
 at Wayzata, the railway station of the St. Paul, Minnea- 
 polis and Manitoba Railway at the Lake, the attention 
 of visitors is attracted by the large fleet of steamers lying 
 at the wharves awaiting the arrival of the trains. These 
 steamers ply regularly between Wayzata and the village 
 of Excelsior, on the opposite side of the Lake. Number- 
 less sail and row boats are also on hand. This beautiful 
 Lake is composed of a series of bays, some twenty -five 
 in number, which form a chain of what appears to be 
 distinct lakes, but they are joined by estuaries, many of 
 which are navigable by the steamers. Lake Minnetonka 
 has long enjoyed a wide reputation as a resort for the 
 tourist, and particularly the sportsman, drawn thither by 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 193 
 the excellent fishing and shooting. The hotel accom- 
 modation is good and ample for the entertainment of a 
 large number of guests. 
 Returning to Milwaukee, the iiaveller can vary his 
 journey by taking one of the splendid steamers of the 
 Goderich Line to Grand Haven, and thence by the 
 Detroit. Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railway to Detroit 
 From Detroit the Great Western Division G. T Railway 
 will convey the tourist back to Suspension Bridge 
 (Niagara Falls). ^ 
 Niagara having been already described, we shall 
 decide upon the route to be taken for Toronto. There 
 are two means of getting there, one by water and the 
 other by rail. On a sunny, calm day, nothing can be 
 more pleasant than the water excursion, by the mag- 
 nificent side-wheel palace steamer " Chicora," which 
 daily makes two trips each way across Lake Ontario 
 between Toronto and Lewiston. If this route is decided 
 on, the tourist will find the cars ready to take him to 
 Lewiston. From Niagara to Lewiston the railway fol- 
 lows the course of the river, running along the high ridge 
 overiooking the rapid stream, until we arrive at Lewis- 
 ton Station. Omnibuses and cabs will be found in at- 
 tendance to take passengers down to the steamer, which 
 lies about half a mile off. Another route open to the 
 tourist is that by the Canada Southern Railroad, which 
 leaves Fort Erie, opposite Buffalo, N. Y., and skirting the 
 shore of the Niagara River runs past Niagara Falls, and 
 termmates at the old town of Niagara, at the mouth of 
 the river of the same name, where connection is made 
 witUhe steamer referred to as starting from Lewiston, 
 194 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 [HIS village is situated at the head of navigation, 
 on the lower Niagara, and is a place of consider- 
 able importance. It lies three miles below the 
 Devil's Hole, and seven miles below the Falls. 
 It is an exceedingly pleasant and very well built 
 village, but its commercial prospects have been very 
 much injured by the construction of the Erie and 
 Welland Canals. It contains, besides a proportionate 
 number of stores and hotels, churches of all the various 
 denominations, and an academy of considerable size. 
 In 18 1 2, it was the headquarters of General Van 
 Rensselaer, of the New York Militia. 
 Once embarked, we pass along Niagara River for 
 about seven miles, the current still running very rapidly 
 until it finds its way into Lake Ontario. 
 At this point the great Lake Ontario is reached, the 
 landscape ends, and the sky and the world of waters are 
 all that is seen of the kingdom of nature. It is one of 
 the most sublime experiences of American travel, this 
 first meeting in the heart of the continent, face to face 
 with an inland sea ; and familiar as one may be with the 
 names of the great lakes, and associated as they are in 
 his mind with commerce, transportation, and business, 
 the first impression on the tourist is still that made on 
 the great discoverer of the source of the Nile when the 
 dazzling sheen of the magnificent Albert-Nyanza first 
 startled his triumphant gaze. 
AlURoimd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 This is a small village situated nearly opposite 
 Lewiston, and contains about 500 inhabitants. It 
 was the Canadian termination of the bridge, and is 
 associated in history 
 with the gallant de- 
 fence made by the 
 British on the ad- 
 jacent heights in the 
 war of 18 1 2. The 
 bridge here shown 
 was unfortunately 
 carried away by ice Queenston suspension bridge. 
 during the winter of 1864. The village is pleasantly 
 situated, but it has suffered from the same causes that 
 have retarded the growth of Lewiston. Near this point 
 the river becomes more tranquil, the shores appear less 
 broken and wild, and the change in the scenery affords 
 a pleasing transition from the sublime to the beautiful. 
 The monument shown on page 196 stands on the Heights 
 of Queenston, from whence the village derived its name 
 The present structure occupies the site of the former one,' 
 which was blown up by a miscreant named Lett, on the 
 17th April, 1840. The whole edifice is one hundred and 
 eighty-five feet high. On the sub-base, which is forty 
 feet square and thirty feet high, are placed four lions 
 facing north, south, east and west ; the base of the 
 pedestal is twenty-one and a half feet square, and ten 
 feet high ; the pedestal itself is sixteen feet square, ten 
 feet high, surmounted with a heavy cornice, ornamented 
 with hon's heads and wreaths, in alto-relievo. In ascend- 

 fi. ! ■ ' 
 196 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Gnide. 
 ing from the top of the pedestal to the top of the base 
 of the shaft, the form changes from square to round. 
 The shaft is a fluted column of freestone, seventy-five 
 feet high and ten feet in diameter, whereon stands a 
 Corinthian capital, ten feet high, on which is wrought, 
 in relief, a statue of the God- 
 dess of War. On this capital 
 is the dome, nine feet high, 
 which is reached by 250 spiral 
 steps from the base on the 
 inside. On the top of the 
 dome is placed a colossal 
 statue of General Brock. 
 The only stoppage made 
 between Lewiston and Tor- 
 onto is at the town of Nia- 
 gara, 16 miles from the Falls. 
 Passengers from the Clifton 
 House can be brought by the 
 cars down to this town with- 
 out crossing to the American 
 brock's monument. shore, and embark on J^oard 
 the splendid steamer " Chicora," which here lies ready for 
 the beautiful trip across the Lake. 
 ^^HIS is one of the oldest towns in Ontario, and was 
 life formerly the capital of the Province. It is situated 
 where the old town of Newark stood, and is oppo- 
 site to Youngstown. It faces the river on one side, and 
 Lake Ontario on the other. The trade of this place has been 
 largely diverted to St. Catharines since the completion 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 197 
 of the Welland Canal ; and the other towns upon the 
 Niagara River have suffered in common from the same 
 cause. Its surroundings are full of varied and historical 
 interest. The Queen's Royal Niagara Hotel, under the 
 management of Mr. Winnett (of the firm of McGaw & 
 Winnett, of the Queen's Hotel, Toronto) is open for 
 guests during the summer season. 
 Has, under the management of Messrs. McGavv & 
 Winnett, become noted as a delightful SUxMMER RESORT. 
 It has many cheerful surroundings, being splendidly 
 situated opposite Fort Niagara, in a beautiful grove at 
 the mouth of Niagara River, where it debouches into 
 Lake Ontario, and only fourteen miles from the world- 
 renowned Niagara Falls. Among the numerous places 
 of resort for tourists and families who desire to get away 
 from the heated walls of our large cities, during the 
 warm summer months, we know of no better place to 
 recommend than the Queen's Royal, for it is really a 
 delightful retreat. Here will be found a beautiful 
 shelving beach extending for more than a mile, making 
 the locality a most desirable one for bathing ; dressing- 
 rooms are located on the beach. Nor is this all of its 
 pleasures ; here the facilities for boating and fishing are 
 unsurpassed, as the famous bass and pickerel beds of the 
 Niagara River are opposite the hotel, which has ample 
 accommodation for three hundred and fifty guests. 
 Below we present a fine cut of the hotel. Tourists 
 holding tickets via New York Central Railway, take the 
 boat at Lewiston for Niagara or Toronto, those via 
 Canada Southern Railway, take the cars at Buffalo or 
 " ■ ■'i'-i'-'l 
 #;" , 
 ■ J.""' ' 
 pit! : : ■ 
 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Clifton to Niagara direct. Tourists are privileged to 
 stop at Niagara or Toronto. Board from $12 to $15 
 per week. Both these hotels are under the management 
 of Messrs. McGaw & Winnett. 
 Almost immediately after leaving Niagara village, we 
 pass between the two Forts, Niagara and Massasauga ; 
 the former garrisoned by American troops, and the latter,. 
 in by-gone days, by the soldiers of Her Majesty Queen 
 Victoria. These two forts are so close together, that it 
 is said, on a calm night, the watch-words, as given by 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 199 
 ara village, we 
 the troops on changing guard, could be heard distinctly 
 from one side to the other, across the water. 
 This fort stands at the mouth of the Niagara River on 
 the American side. There are many interesting associa- 
 tions connected with 
 this spot. During 
 the earlier part of 
 the past century, it 
 was the scene of I 
 many severe con- 
 flicts between the 
 Whites and the 
 Indians, and sub?-^- 
 quently betwec. 
 the English and the French. The names of the heroic 
 La Salle, the courtly De Nouville, and the gallant 
 Prideaux, will long retain a place in the history of this 
 country. The village adjacent to the Fort is called 
 Youngstown, in honor of its founder, the late John 
 Young, Esq. 
 Within the last few years important repairs have been 
 made around the Fort, and the entire wall has been 
 constructed anew. Here was fought the battle of the 
 24th July, 1757, in which Prideaux, the English General 
 fell, and after which the French garrison surrendered to 
 Sir William Johnson, who succeeded to the command of 
 the English. 
 From this point we strike out into the lake, and in the 
 centre almost lose sight of the land behind, before we 
 discer-: the city of Toronto, immediately in front of us. 
 200 All-Rcnmd Route and Panoramic Giude, 
 The view of Toronto from the water is very fine indeed, 
 and its public buil>_ings and wharves shew it to be a city 
 of importance and prosperity. 
 Is not only the Capital of the Province of Ontario and 
 one of the most flourishing cities in Canada, but it is one 
 of the most progressive cities in Her Majesty's 
 Dominion;^. It is situated on a beautiful bay separated 
 from the lake by a peninsula known as Gibraltar Point, 
 which serves to form a safe and well-sheltered harbor. 
 Toronto may justly feel proud of its hotels, which arc 
 scarcely inferior in size, and quite equal in magnificence 
 to any in American cities, and as the tourist will doubt- 
 less desire to remain over in Toronto for at least a day 
 or two, and visit its many points of interest, we will, 
 therefore, direct him where he will be assured of 
 every comfort and attention. The Queen's Hotel, of 
 which we present a cut, will be found strictly first-class 
 in all its appointments. It has long been celebrated for 
 its home comforts, perfect quiet, excellent attendance) 
 and the peculiar excellence of its cuisine, and has been 
 patronized by Royalty and the be;5t families. It is most 
 delij3;htfully situated near the Bay on Front Street, and is 
 one of the largest and most comfortable hotels in the 
 Dominion of Canada, and has earned a wide and well- 
 merited celebrity, under the management of its present 
 proprietors, Messrs. McGaw & Winnett, who are 
 experienced hotel-men, and gentlemen who knov^ how 
 to cater for the wants of guests. The beautiful and 
 spacious grounds, with lawn - tennis, chivalerie, and 
 croquet lawns, render it very desirable for those who may 
All-Round Route and Panoramic GuuU. 201 
 y fine indeed, 
 it to be a city 
 require recreation. It is open all the year, and has 
 ample accommodation for 350 quests. A passenger 
 elevator, with all modern improvements and appliances, 
 will be found in it. 
 Ontario and 
 L, but it is one 
 er Majesty's 
 bay separated 
 ibraltar Point, 
 tered harbor, 
 sis, which arc 
 st will doubt- 
 ,t least a day 
 srest, we will, 
 ; assured of 
 f's Hotel, of 
 :tly first-class 
 ;elebrated for 
 t attendance, 
 and has been 
 3. It is most 
 Street, and is 
 hotels in the 
 ide and well- 
 ^f its present 
 tt, who arc 
 o knov/ how 
 Dcautiful and 
 ivalerie, and 
 lose who may 
 r The queen city, Toronto, formerly Little York, was 
 founded in 1794, — in 1832 it had 2,800 inhabitants; in 
 1841, 15,300; in 1 85 1, 40,000; in 1861,44,800; in 187 1 
 50,600; and the census of 1881 brings it to 86,445 
 This beautiful city, which is in the form of a parallelo- 
' .'' I 
 202 All-Roumi Route and Panoramic Gvide, 
 gram, is built with great regularity, and its streets are 
 always clean and well paved, spacious and well lighted 
 with gas. The houses and private residences are 
 generally well built and substantial, and in the principal 
 thoroughfares have often an elegant appearance. Its 
 public buildings are numerous, very substantial, and 
 many of them beautiful and well worthy of inspectioi* 
 by all tourists and visitors. It is the scat of Law and 
 Provincial Government, and the headquarters of the 
 Educational Department of the Province. Many of the 
 dwellings and business structures are built of brick, which 
 has a light, soft and pleasing tint. Toronto has 
 increased in wealth and population of late years more 
 rapidly than any other city in the Dominion. Toronto 
 was founded in 1794 by Governor Simcoe, who gave it 
 the name of York, which was changed after it was 
 incorporated as a city in 1834 to Toronto— meaning in 
 the Indian language, "The place of Meeting." It was 
 twice captured by the Americans in 18 13, who destroyed 
 all the fortifications and burned the public buildings; 
 since then, enterprise and capital have taken the place 
 of shot and shell, and at the time of writing Toronto can 
 with pride boast of some of the finest buildings of their 
 kind in America, among which may be mentioned the 
 Lieut. Governor's mansion, a princely residence ; the 
 Normal School and Trinity College, both fine edifices ; 
 the University of Toronto, one of the finest buildings in 
 America, and estimated second to none on this side of 
 the Atlantic as a seat of learning. The style of 
 architecture is Norman with such slight deviations as the 
 climate demands, and is a building of which any city 
 may justly feel proud of possessing. It is situated in a 
All-Rotuid Route and Panoramic Guide. 203 
 its streets are 
 id well lighted 
 •esidences are 
 the principal 
 earance. Its 
 bstantial, and 
 of inspection 
 of Law and 
 larters of the 
 Many of the 
 Df brick, which 
 Toronto has 
 te years more 
 ion. Toronto 
 2, who gave it 
 after it was 
 ) — meaning in 
 ting." It was 
 kvho destroyed 
 ilic buildings ; 
 iken the place 
 g Toronto can 
 idings of their 
 nentioned the 
 'esidence ; the 
 fine edifices ; 
 ;t buildings in 
 m this side of 
 rhe style of 
 viations as the 
 hich any city 
 5 situated in a 
204 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 large beautiful park whose avenues are ornamented with 
 stately trees, etc., and approached by College Avenue, 
 which is one half mile long, and hned with double rows 
 of beautiful shade trees. Adjoining these beautiful 
 grounds on the east is the Queen's Park, which comprises 
 about so acres, skilfully laid out ; here may be seen a 
 monument (consisting of a brown-stone shaft surmounted 
 by a magnificent marble statue of Britannia). This 
 monument was erected to the memory of the Canadians 
 who fell in repelling the Fenian invasion of 1866. 
 Osgoode Hall, in Queen street (named after the first 
 Chief-Justice of the Province), is another imposing 
 building of the Grecian-Ionic style and surmounted by a 
 beautiful dome, and contains a library and rotunda 
 unequalled in America. Among the other public 
 buildings may be mentioned the Masonic Hall, the 
 Young Men's Christian Association, a beautiful building 
 at the corner of Queen and James streets, which has the 
 largest hall in the city. The Lunatic Asylum, Custom 
 House, Merchants Exchange, Government School of 
 Technology, and new Post Office, are all worthy the notice 
 of the tourist. There are over 50 churches, and about 1 5 
 banks, and many of these edifices are strikingly beautiful. 
 Among the most striking buildings of recent construc- 
 tion is that erected by the Mail Printing Co'y. in 1880, 
 on the corner of Bay and King streets. The structure is 
 m the modern French style of architecture, and consists 
 of four stories and a mansard with a handsome tower, 
 built of white brick, with red brick facings. The upper 
 part is laid out in airy and commodious offices, and the 
 whole building is a standing evidence of the prosperity 
 of the Company uuder its present management. 
All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 205 
 Of all the cities of the Dominion of Canada which 
 aspire to the distinction of being recognized as great 
 jobbing markets, Toronto is eclipsed by but one- 
 Montreal, and all other cities of the Dominion fall far 
 below it in the aggregate of wholesale transactions per 
 annum, and the immense trade that centres in it from 
 all parts of the country. 
 Toronto has numerous manufactures, among which are 
 extensive foundries, tanneries, breweries, distilleries, 
 furniture, carriage, reaping and mowing machine manu- 
 factories, starch, glue, soap and candle factories ; exten- 
 sive rope-walks, flour-mills are also to be found, in fact 
 every line of trade is represented there by business firms 
 whose characteristics are such as to warrant us in speak- 
 ing of them in eulogistic terms. 
 Toronto has a splendid harbor, which admits of vessels 
 of the largest size navigating the lakes ; it is remarkably 
 well sheltered, and affords great facilities for its exten- 
 sive and constantly increasing trade. Upwards of half a 
 dozen Railways centre in Toronto— among which are 
 The Grand Trunk, Great Western Division, Northern 
 and North Western, Toronto, Grey and Bruce, 
 Midland and Credit Valley Railways, and the Ontario 
 and Quebec, operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway. 
 Magnificent steamers during the season of navigation 
 ply to all the lake and river ports, and it is well worth 
 one's while to take up a position on the wharfs, or at any 
 of the depots where a commanding view is to be had of 
 incoming and outgoing trains and steamers daring the 
 Among the other hotels to be found in Toronto, not 
 previously mentioned, are the Rossin, Walker and 
I! 'lit? . S9I|i 
 206 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Simcoe, any of which will afford visitors first-class 
 ^ Having viewed Toronto, we arrange for the continua- 
 tion of our tour eastward, which may be done either by 
 boat or rail. After leaving Toronto, the first place of 
 any importance we come to is 
 a thriving town of about 5,000 inhabitants, in the midst 
 of a very fine agricultural district, and prettily situated 
 on an elevated plateau from which two streams run on 
 either side into Lake Ontario. About two and a half 
 miles from the town is its port, styled Port Darlington, 
 and affording excellent harbourage, where the Daily 
 Line of Steamers first stop after leaving Toronto. The 
 fine water ^ower at their command has been utilized by 
 the enterprising citizens of BowmanviUe with great 
 energy, and numerous manufactories have taken root 
 and given the town a great impetus. Principal among 
 these we may mention that of the Dominion Organ and 
 Piano Co., which was started many years ago, and was 
 taken hold of by the company of the same name, who 
 still carry it on, in 1875, the officers of which are J. H. 
 Farwell, of Detroit, President ; John Wesley, Secretary 
 and Treasurer ; George Piggott, manager of the manu- 
 facturing department, and W. S. Russell, manager of the 
 tuning department. The business of the Company has 
 increased from the first, until now they are turning out 
 200 organs and 50 pianos per month. The factory is a 
 fine four-story building with Mansard roof; fronting on 
 two streets, 165 feet by 175 feet. Their instruments 
 have carried off prizes at the Industrial Exhibition, 
 Philadelphia, 1876. and Paris, 1878. Their organ is the 
tors first-class 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 207 
 only one, outside of the United States, which has re- 
 ceived an International Award, and their business ex- 
 tends to all parts of the Dominion, England, Australia, 
 South America and Germany — a fact which speaks 
 volumes as to the merit of the instruments they turn out. 
 is situated sixty-three miles from Toronto. A small 
 stream, that here falls into the Lake, has formed a 
 valley, in which, and on the rising hills beyond, the town 
 is situated. The harbor formed at the mouth of this 
 stream is one of the best on the Lake. Port Hope is a 
 very pretty town. On the western side, the hills rise 
 gradually one above another, the highest summit, called 
 *' Fort Orton," affording a fine prospect, and overlooking 
 the country for a great distance arounJ. The town is 
 incorporated, and contains over 5,000 inhabitants. 
 lies 6 miks below Port Hope. It is a town of 6,000 
 inhabitants, and is situated in the centre of an exceed- 
 ingly fertile section of the country. Its harbor is safe 
 •and commodious, and a large quantity of grain, iron ore, 
 etc., is annually exported. It is very prettily laid out, 
 and its streets are adorned with numerous elegant 
 residences and public buildings, including the Town Hall 
 and Victoria College (Wesleyan). We pass onward to 
 a town of considerable importance situated on the Bay 
 of Quinte, 44 miles from Cobourg. This town has 
 rapidly grown during the past few years, and has now a 
 population of over 9,000. It is well built, lit with gas, 
 aud possesses a fine harbor with an almost unlimited 
 water power. It is the county town of the County of 
 208 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 Hastings, and contains, besides the county buildings, 
 many very handsome stores and churches, with a college, 
 a convent, and very extensive' factories and saw mills. 
 which after Quebec and Halifax has the strongest fort in 
 the Dominion. A settlement was begun here by the French 
 under Governor De Courcelles in 1672, and was known 
 as Fort Cataraqui. Subsequently a massive stone fort 
 was erected by Count de Frontenac, and received his 
 This Fort was alternately in the possession of the 
 French and the Indians, until it was destroyed by the 
 expedition under Col. Bradstreet, in 1758. In 1762, the 
 place fell into the hands of the English, from whom it 
 received its present name. 
 Kingston is 172 miles from Montreal, and at this 
 point we purpose leaving the train, and continue our 
 journey by water. In order to reach the boat, the 
 omnibuses in waiting at the station will convey us to, 
 the city, which is distant about one mile. The best 
 hotel in the city is the British American ; Archie McFaul, 
 proprietor. It is situated on the corner of King and 
 Clarence Streets, and is one of the oldest and only 
 first-class House in the place ; and during the autumn 
 of 1883 was completely re- modelled and newly fur- 
 nished. It now has 200 bedrooms with all modern 
 conveniences, and is supplied with Bath-rooms, etc., 
 on every floor. The Cuisine is under the direction of a 
 first-class chef. The terms are moderate. 
 The steamer which leaves Toronto in the afternoon is 
 afternoon is 
 The Grert Pscific Trunk Line. 
 NEW and delightful route for Eastern and North- 
 ern bound pleasure travel from Niagara Falls has 
 been opened by the completion of the Canadian 
 Pacific Railway from Toronto to Montreal. Tourists, 
 after doing the wonders of Old Niagara, have the choice 
 of two routes to Toronto, via the New York Central 
 R.R. to Lewiston, N.Y., or the Michigan Central Rail- 
 way to Niagara, Ont., taking steamer from either point 
 across Lake Ontario to the Queen City of the West. 
 The varied attractions of Toronto, which last year 
 celebrated its Semi-Centennial, are fully set. forth in 
 another porrion of this work, and as the hotel accomo- 
 dation is thoroughly first-class, we would strongly advise 
 all tourists to spend some time there, feeling assured that 
 they will be amply repaid for their visit. 
 Leaving Toronto, the Canadian Pacific Railway runs 
 in a direct line to Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion, 
 passing through the Midland and Easterxi cou" ties of 
 Ontario, a country which furnishes most delightful river, 
 lake and woodland scenery. 
I'^',' III 
 ' 'iff ii 
 :' ■■■m.i 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 At Agincourt, eighteen miles east of Toronto, the line 
 crosses a branch of the Midland R. R. of Canada, then 
 passing through the villages of Claremont, Myrtle, 
 Pontypool and Cavanville, Peterborough is reached 
 Zy miles east of Toronto, where the Canadian Pacific 
 Railway again intersects the Midland system. Peter- 
 borough is a flourishing city, beautifully situated on the 
 Otonabee River, whose waters are utilized to drive the 
 immense saw-mills situated on its banks, Peterborough 
 being one of the large and important lumber markets of 
 Canada. Near Peterborough is Stony Lake, a beautiful 
 sheet of water dotted by huiidreds of islands, selected 
 in 1883 as the meeting place of the American Canoe 
 Association. Leaving Peterboro-i<.fh, we pass through 
 the enterprising town of Norwood, and at Central 
 Ontario Crossing, thirty-seven miles east of Peter- 
 borough, we cross at right angles the Central Ontario 
 R. R., which runs from Trenton on Lake Ontario to 
 Picton. Going east we pass in quick succession the 
 villages of Madoc, Tweed, Sheffield and Arden. This 
 section of the country is very rich in mineral deposits. 
 In 1866 Madoc ToAvnship was the scene of great excite, 
 ment over the discovery of gold in considerable quantity 
 on the Moira River. Iron mining has long been carried 
 on in this district, but owing to the difficult means of 
 access hitherto, it has never been fully developed, but 
 now that the Canadian Pacific Railway is completed 
 through the heart of this section, it is expected a great 
 impetus will be given to this branch of trade. 
 At Sharbot Lake, 96 miles east of Peterborough, and 
 84 miles from Ottawa, the Canadian Pacific Railway 
 makes connection with the Kingston -Si Pembroke R. R. 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 running from Kingston, the limestone city of Ontario, 
 northward to the Upper Ottawa River. 
 Sharbot Lake is a favorite resort on account of its 
 scenery and its resources as a fishing ground. 
 Going east, the next point of interest is Perth, an old 
 town substantially built, and it is at this point the 
 Canadian Pacific Railway have erected car shops, giving 
 employment to "several hundred men. 
 Smiths Falls, twelve miles east of Perth, a smart, en- 
 terprising town, noted for its manufactories of farming 
 implements, is situated on the Rideau Canal, and is the 
 junction point between the Ontario and Eastern 
 Divisions of the Canadian Pacific Railway. A branch 
 line of 28 miles runs from this point to Brockville, a 
 charming town delightfully situated on the St. Lawrence 
 River at the foot of the Thousand Islands, where con- 
 nections are made with the various Steamboat Lines on 
 the River, and also with the Utica and Black River R.R. 
 by steamer ferry across the St. Lawrence to Morristown, 
 N. Y. Continuing the journey to Ottawa from Smith's 
 Falls, Carleton Junction is the next important station 
 reached. The town of Carleton Place is very prettily 
 situated on an outlet of Lake Mississippi, a beautiful 
 sheet of water which furnishes a delightful summer 
 resort for the people of Carleton Place and vicinity. At 
 Carleton Junction the Company have mechanical works. 
 It is the junction point between the line from Toronto 
 and the main line of the Eastern Division of the Cana- 
 dian Pacific Railway running northward through the 
 villages and towns of the beautiful Ottawa Valley to the 
 great lumber country of the Upper Ottawa, with its won- 
 derful hunting and fishing grounds, skirting the banks 
nv -f\^' 
 * I 
 i I 
 ! i 
 5 I 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 of Lake Nipissing (the Como of Canada), on to the 
 north shore of Lake Superior, where the link between 
 the Eastern and Western Divisions of the Canadian 
 Pacific Railvv-ay has al.eady reached completion, and 
 which, when fully equipped and in complete running 
 order, will form the great Canadian highway and trans- 
 continental route between the Atlantic and Pacific. 
 Resuming the journey eastward from Carleton Junc- 
 tion, before reaching Ottawa, the train passes Britannia, 
 a very pretty spot situated on the banks of Duchesne 
 Lake (an expansion of the Ottawa River), yery popular 
 during the summer as a suburban resort for the people of 
 the Capital. 
 Ottawa is reached, and although the Capital of the 
 Dominion, possesses aore of interest to the traveller than 
 any other city of Canada, it is, up to the present time, 
 comparatively unknown to a large portion of the travelling 
 public, which is undoubtedly due to the fact that it has 
 never before been situated on a through line of travel ; 
 but as it is now located on one of the busy highways of 
 travel between the East and West, it will undoubtedly be 
 the "Mecca" of all north-bound pleasure travel. 
 After doing the Capital, with its many very interesting 
 sights, east-bound passengers take the trains of the St. 
 Lawrence & Ottawa Railway (controlled by the Cana- 
 dian Pacific Railway), to Prescott, 54 miles distant, 
 on the St. Lawrence River, directly opposite the city 
 of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and there connect with the 
 steamers of the Royal Mail Line for Montreal, do- 
 ing the entire chain of rapids of the St. Lawrence 
 River, or they can proceed direct to Montreal by 
 the fast express trains of the Canadian Pacific Rail- 
All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 way. The section between Ottawa and Montreal is the 
 same as the rest of this great system of railway, furnish- 
 ing every comfort of modern travel — perfect road bed, 
 steel rails, iron bridges, and the finest equipped passen- 
 ger trains in America. It is well called "the great 
 scenic route of Canada," for after crossing the Ottawa 
 River on the new and elegant iron bridge, '• The Prince 
 of Wales," built in successive spans from island to 
 island, which is crossed almost immediately after leaving 
 Ottawa station, you are taken through a diversified 
 country of open plains, mountains, gorges and forests. 
 Repeated views of the Ottawa, classic in Tom Moore's 
 Songs, pouring its mighty volume of water down from an 
 immense territory that stretches into the almost undis- 
 covered North, the distant shores and mountains, the 
 fresh and well-kept fields, the picturesque farm houses, 
 smart villages and towns, and the abundant forests fill 
 all the way with beauty. 
 On the North are the Laurentide range of mountains — 
 often called the Catskills of Canada — now distant across 
 the plain, now frowning overhead ; and innumerable 
 streams cross our path to make their debouchcments into 
 the river Ottawa. Cascades leaping down from moun- 
 tain gorges are passed in near view from the car window. 
 The Riviere du Lievre in particular, pouring a huge 
 volume of water down a steep incline of broken, irregu- 
 lar bottom, presents a waterfall of surpassing beauty, the 
 train passing directly over this at the best point for a good 
 At Calumet, midway between Ottawa and Montreal, 
 the tourist who desires to visit Caledonia Springs, 
 Canada's most celebrated medicinal waters, can leave the 
If '■< ( 
 ■ 1 
 r: ■ I!; 
 »■ ' ' 1 
 .; ' 1' 
 All-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 train and take the ferry steamer " Bonito " across the 
 Ottawa River to L'Original, and there connect with a 
 line of Concord coaches runnin^'^ direct to the Grand 
 Hotel, about eight miles distant, where mine iiost Arnoldi 
 always stands ready to give his guest ^ :i hearty weleonic. 
 Continuing the journey eastward from Calumet, a ver) 
 rich agricultural section is traversed, interspersed with 
 several large towns, Lachute, a county seat, hein^^ 
 one of the most important. The Canadian Pacific Rail- 
 way approach to the City of Montreal is very happily 
 chosen, being on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, 
 in full view of St. Helen's Island, and the harbor, with its 
 array of shipping, from the huge Allan steamships to the 
 innumerable small craft that ply between the metropolis 
 and the local ports on the river. The terminus is situ- 
 ated in the eastern section of the city, within ten 
 minutes walk of the Post Office. 
 The perfect panorama of varied and attractive features 
 which this line offers for summer pleasure travel, will, in 
 a very short time, undoubtedly make it the popular route 
 from Niagara Falls to Montreal. 
 We advise those who would spend a delightful sum- 
 mer day ride on the water, to take the steamers of the 
 Ottawa River Navigation Company. 
 Leaving the Queen's Wharf, Ottawa, at seven in the 
 morning, the traveler finds himself on board of one of 
 the Company's fine new mail steamers. After leaving 
 the wharf we find ourselves in a few moments in the 
 centre of the Grand River, from which point a fine view 
 is obtained of the Government Buildings and the im- 
 posing bluff on which they stand. From the same 
 point the Chaudiere Fall, the timber slides (by the pas- 
 ito" across the 
 connect with ;i 
 :t to the Grand 
 nciiust Arnold i 
 icarty weleonic. 
 Calumet, a ver} 
 terspersed with 
 ty seat, hein-^ 
 an Pacific Rail- 
 is very happily 
 -awrence River, 
 harbor, with its 
 camships to the 
 the metropolis 
 erminus is situ- 
 ty, within ten 
 :ractive features 
 e travel, will, in 
 e popular route 
 delightful sum- 
 Jteamers of the 
 it seven in the 
 )oard of one of 
 After leaving 
 loments in the 
 )int a fine view 
 js and the im- 
 rom the same 
 es (by the pas- 
 All'Rcnind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 sage of which the rafts from the upper Ottawa avoid the 
 falls), and the village of Hull, show to advantage, and 
 as the steamer glides down the stream, the Rideau Falls 
 on the southern, and the Gatineau village on the north- 
 ern bank of the river, are soon passed. Breakfast is now 
 served, always in the best style, and on regaining the 
 deck, at eight o'clock, Buckingham is reached. This is 
 an incorporated village on the River du Lievre, having 
 a population of nearly 2,000 souls. Several fine saw- 
 mills exist at this place, and afifrrd ample employment 
 to the male portion of the population. A short run of 
 half an hour brings us to Rockland, a small village of 
 about 200 residents, prettily situated on the south side 
 of the nvcr, and distant from ( )ttawa 24 miles. A con- 
 siderable amount of lumber is made there. Another 
 half hour through equally pleasant scenery brings us to 
 Thurso, a thriving village in the County of Ottawa, on 
 the Quebec side of the river. Its population is about 
 1.000, and some fine lumber mills, the staple industry 
 of Ottawa Valley, are at work there. At ten o'clock 
 Papineauville is reached, 40 miles from Ottawa. The 
 village contains over 700 inhabitants. Montebello, 
 where our next detention occurs, is also on the Quebec 
 .side of the river, distant from Ottawa 44 mile^s, and 
 having a population of 500. The scenery in this vicinity 
 can hardly be surpassed in any portion of the country, 
 blending as it does the boldness of hills with the placid 
 beauty of quiet water and well-tilled plains. Montebello 
 IS interesting, not only as a thriving village, but as the 
 former residence of the gentleman from whom our last 
 stopping place takes its name— Mr. Papineau, one of the 
 most noted names in Canadian history. Shortly before 
All-Round Route ami Panoramic Guide, 
 noon we reach L'Original, a station on the Ontario side 
 of the river. This, the county town of the united coun- 
 ties of Prescott and Russell, has a population of about 
 1,000. This is the stopping place of those who desire 
 to visit the springs from which the well-known "Cale- 
 donia " waters are obtained. At half-past twelve the 
 steamer reaches Grenville, on the northern side of the 
 river. Here the passengers part with their steamel and 
 her courteous officers, as rapids in the stream prevent 
 her further progress. A railway, furnished with all the 
 modern appliances for comfort, takes us in half an hour 
 to Carillon, where re-embarkation is made on the Priiue 
 of Wa/es from Carillon to Montreal, a description of 
 which appears on another page of this book. 
AlURoimd Route and Panoramic Guide* 209 
 e Ontario side 
 e united coun- 
 ation of about 
 )se who desire 
 cnovvn " Calc- 
 ist twelve tht: 
 rn side of tiic 
 ir steamef and 
 :ream prevent 
 ;d with all the 
 n half an hour 
 on the Prince 
 description of 
;;'i.. i 
 '.I ili 
 '1 1 
 lit , 
 ,.:,,■: 7^^ 
 2IO All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 due early next morning, thereby enabling the tourists to 
 view all the scenery down to Montreal, by daylight. 
 Leaving Kingston by one of the magnificent steamers 
 of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company, we 
 find ourselves entering amidst that wonderful and beau- 
 tiful collection of isles known as 
 These islands commence near Kingston, and extend 
 downward to Brockville, a distance of over 50 miles. 
 They form the JT;ost numerous collection of river islands 
 in the world, and consist of about 1,800 wooded and 
 rocky islets of every imaginable shape, size and appear- 
 ance, some being mere dots of rock a few yard's in extent, 
 others covering acres, thickly wooded, and presenting 
 the most charming appearance with rich foliage, 
 conceivable. At limes our vessel passes so close to these 
 islands, that a pebble might be cast on their shores ; 
 while looking ahead, it appears as though further 
 progress was effectually barred, when rounding the points 
 amid winding passages and bays, the way is gradually- 
 opened before us. Again the river seems to come to an 
 abrupt termination. Approaching the threatening shores, 
 a channel suddenly appears, and you are whirled into a 
 All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide, 211 
 \ the tourists to 
 I, by daylight, 
 ficent steamers 
 1 Company, we 
 lerful and beau- 
 on, and extend 
 over 50 miles, 
 of river islands 
 o wooded and 
 ize and appear- 
 yar'^g in extent, 
 and presenting 
 rich folia'^fe, 
 ;o close to these 
 I their shores ; 
 :hough further 
 ding the points 
 ly is gradually 
 i to come to an 
 iatcning shores, 
 whirled into a 
 magnificent amphitheatre of lake, that is, to all appear- 
 ance, bounded by an immense green bank. At your 
 approach the mass is moved as if in a kaleidoscope, and 
 a hundred little isles appear in its place. Such is the 
 charming scenery presented on this beautiful route. It 
 is a famous spot for sporting ; myriads of wild fowl of 
 all descriptions may here be found ; and angling is 
 rather fatiguing than otherwise, from the great quantity 
 and size of the fish. On many of these islands summer 
 villas have been built by wealthy and prominent people 
 from the United States, and every year adds to the 
 number of recruits whose vacation is spent amongst these 
 modern Hesperides, which bid fair to become the 
 camping-out ground of this continent. 
 These islands, too, have been the scene of the most 
 exciting romance. From their great number, and the 
 labyrinth-like channels among them, they afforded an 
 admirable retreat for the insurgents in the Canadian 
 insurrection of 1837, and for the American sympathizers 
 with them, vVho, under the questionable name of 
 *■ Patriots," sought to overthrow the British government 
 in Canada. Among these was one man, who, from his 
 daring and ability, became an object of anxious pursuit 
 bv the Canadian authorities. Here he found a safe 
 All'Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 asylum, and through the devoted ness and courage of his 
 daughter, whose skilful management of her canoe was 
 such, that with hosts of pursuers she still baffled their 
 efforts at capture, while she supplied him with provisions 
 in these solitary retreats, rowing him from one place of 
 concealment to another, under the shadow of night. 
 But, in truth, all the islands which are so numerously 
 studded through the whole chain of the magnificent 
 Lakes, abound with materials for romance and poetry, 
 and many are the traditions of the Indians. For 
 instance, on the Manitoulin Islands the Indians believe 
 that the " Manitou," that is the Great Spirit, (and hence 
 the name of the islands), has forbidden his children to 
 seek for gold ; and they tell voa that a certain point 
 where it is reported to exist in i .j . e quantities has never 
 been visited by the disobedient L.dian without his canoe 
 being overwhelmed in a tempest. 
 Opposite the Thousand Islands, and on the American 
 shore, stands the village of 
 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide, 2 1 3 
 courage of his 
 ler canoe was 
 11 baffled their 
 kvith provisions 
 1 one place of 
 dow of night. 
 so numerously 
 he magnificent 
 ce and poetry, 
 Indians. For 
 [ndians believe 
 rit, (and hence 
 his children to 
 1 certain point 
 ttities has never 
 thout his canoe 
 n the American 
 A delightful place of resort, being situated directly in 
 front of the upper group of ^the Thousand Islands. It 
 contains four churches, a bank and three telegraph offices. 
 There are two celebrated hotels there, the Hubbard House 
 and Walton House. The finest fishing on the River St. 
 Lawrence is found in the immediate vicinity of Clayton ; 
 pike, black bass, pickerel and maskinonge of extra- 
 ordinary size are easily caught there. Experienced 
 and attentive oarsmen, the best of boats, and splendid 
 hotel accommodations render this the favorite resort for 
 fishing parties. All lines of Steamers stop at Clayton. 
 Wagner's Palace Sleeping Cars run through without 
 change from New York in 13 hours, and through cars 
 from Utica in 4 hours. Steamers for Montreal stop at 
 Is the next port after leaving Clayton. It is built upon 
 a massive pile of rocks, and its situation is romantic and 
 highly picturesque. It is a place of resort for sportsmen. 
 Some two or three miles below the village is a position 
 from whence one hundred islands can be seen at one 
 view. Undoubcedly the pleasantest part of the Lake of 
 a Thousand Islands lies adjacent to Alexandria Bay, at 
 which are erected the finest hotels in the Islands. The 
 Thousand Island House, one of the largest hotels on the 
 St. Lawrence, is admirably situated on one of the 
 pleasantest islands, and the extensive patronage it re- 
 ceives every recurring season, testifies to the popularity 
 which it has obtained. Last season it passed into 
|; ,. 
 214 All-Roimd Route and Panofamic Guide. 
 the hands of Mr. R. H. Southgate, fcrmerly manager of 
 the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, whose prestige has had 
 the effect of increasing its popularity. The Grossman 
 House is also a palatial establishment, and takes 
 front rank as a fashionable resort. All its appointments 
 are in first-class style, and the management of Mr. Cross- 
 man and his son leaves nothing to be desired, and has 
 gained a wide celebrity. Within sight of these hotels 
 are the beautiful lawns of Westminster Park, the hand- 
 some villas of Hayden Island, the commanding situation 
 of Mr. Hart's " Eyrie," the breezy site so dear to the 
 lamented Dr. J. G. Holland, where the anxieties of 
 " Scribner were exchanged, for the nonce, for the lotos 
 existence of " Bonnie Gastle " ; the rugged promontories 
 of Garleton Island, associated with scenes of the early 
 French history of the continent, and many others, 
 named and unnamed, upon which Nature has left her 
 sweetest impress. 
 This village contains about 800 inhabitants, and is six 
 miles from Alexandria Bay, to which stages run on 
 arrival of the trains. The scenery around Redwood is 
 picturesque and abounds in numerous lakes which aftoid 
 excellent fishing for pike, pickerel, lake trout and 
 various kinds of bass. The American, kept by Mr. M 
 Holkins, is an excellent hoteU 
 We have now passed through the " Lake of a 
 Thousand Islands," and leaving behind us the last of the 
 great chain of lakes, we enter the River St. Lawrence,, 
 and speedily find ourselves at the thriving town of 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 215 
 125 miles from Montreal. It is on the Canadian side of 
 the river, and is built on an elevation which rises from 
 the shore in a succession of graceful ridges, oeing one of 
 the prettiest towns in Canada. It received its name in 
 honor of the hero, General Brock, who fell at Queenston 
 in 18 1 2. It was laid out about 1802, and has grqwn 
 rapidly since that date. It contains a number of public 
 buildings, and is largely iuterested in manufactures. 
 The population is about 7900. 
 Is situated on the American side of the river. In the 
 year 1748, the Abb^ Francois Piquet, who was after- 
 wards styled the " Apostle of the Iroquois," was sent to 
 establish a mission at this place, as many of the Indians 
 of that tribe had manifested a desire of embracing 
 Christianity. A settlement was begun in connection 
 with this mission, and a fort called " La Presentation," 
 was built at the mouth of the O^wegatchie, on the west 
 side. The remains of the walls of this Fort are still to 
 be seen. In October, 1749, it was attacked by a band of 
 Mohawk Indians, who, although bravely repulsed, 
 succeeded in destroying the palisades of the fort, and 
 two of the vessels belonging to the colony. The Abb6 
 Piquet retired from the settlement soon after the 
 conquest of Canada, returning to France, where he died 
 in 1 78 1. Ogdensburg has increased rapidly within the 
 past few years, and has now a populalio-, of over 10,000. 
 The Ogdensburg and Lake Chaoiplain Railroad 
 which runs to Lake Chamolain, a distance of one 
 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 hundred and eighteen miles, and which connects at 
 Rouse's Point with the railroad to Boston and Montreal, 
 has its terminus here. The New England Transporta- 
 -i( Go's Steamers, formerly known as the Collingwood 
 line, connect here with the Ogdensburg and Lake 
 Champlain Railway. Several otiier railways terminate 
 at Ogdensburg, which is an objective point of the Rome, 
 M'atertown and Ogdensburg R. R., now asserting its 
 claims to consideration as one of the great trunk lines 
 between the east and west. 
 is situated ofi the Canada side of the St. Lawrence, 
 opposite Ogdensburg, and co' stains 5,000 inhabitants. 
 About a mile 
 below the town of 
 Prescott, at a place 
 called " Windmill 
 Point," are the 
 ruins of an old 
 stone windmill 
 where, in 1837, the 
 ''PatriotJ''''i^under windmill point. 
 Von-Schultz, a'Polish exile, established themselves, but 
 from which they were driven with severe loss. About 
 five miles below Prescott is Chimney Island, on which 
 the remains of an old French fortification is to be seen. 
 The first rapid of the St. Lawrence is at this island. 
 Returning to Prescott, we now proceed on our 
 steamer down the river a few miles, when the descent 
 of Gallopcs Rapids is made, this being the first rapid 
 reached below Prescott. Another rapid is passed 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 217 
 almost immediately ; this is called Rapide de Plat. The 
 descent of these rapids is made with full head of 
 steam on, yet there is scarcely anything to indicate 
 that our steamer is not pursuing its usual smooth 
 and even course, until, after passing Morrisburg, the 
 tourist will observe our noble steamer increase her speed, 
 thu:> indicating the near approach of the most fascinating 
 and exciting event of the trip. 
 Continuing our journey down the river, the next town 
 on the American side is Waddington ; and in the river 
 over against it, is Ogden Island. On the Canadian side 
 is Morrisburg, which contains about twelve hundred 
 inhabitants. A short distance below Mor isburg, on the 
 Canada side, is Chrysler's Farm, where, in 1813, a 
 battle was fought between the English and the 
 Americans. Thirty miles below Ogdensburg is Louis- 
 ville, from whence stages run to Massena Springs, a place 
 of popular resort and of beautiful surroundings, distant 
 about 7 miles. 
 IHE increasing swiftness of the current of the river 
 soon reveals to us the fact, that we are about to 
 enter the first of those remarkable and celebrated 
 Rapids of the St. Lawrence. " Shooting the rapids " (as 
 this portion of the voyage is termed) is a most exciting 
 scene, but no one need fear the undertaking, as fatal 
 accidents have been comparatively unknown. The rapid 
 we now enter is known as the " Long Sault," so called 
 from its extent it being a continuous rapid of nine miles, 
 divided in the centre by an island. The usual passage 
 for steamers is on the south side. The channel on the 
 north side was formerly considered unsafe and dangerous ; 
 AU-Rouiid Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 but examinations have been made, and it is now 
 descended with safety. The .passage in the southern 
 channel is very narrow, and such is the velocity of the 
 current that a raft, it is said, will drift the nine miles in 
 forty minutes. 
 The first passage made by a .steamer down these 
 rapids was about 1840, and then, under the guidance of 
 a celebrated Indian, named Teronhiahere. 
 The rapids of the " Long Sault " rush along at the 
 rate of something like twenty miles an hour. When the 
 vessel enters within their influence, the steam is shut off, 
 All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 2\^- 
 and she is carried onwards by the force of the stream 
 along. The surging waters present all the angry 
 appearance of the ocean in a storm; the noble boat 
 strains and labors ; but unlike the ordinary pitching and 
 tossing at sea, this going down hill by water produces a 
 highly novel sensation, and is, in fact, a service of some 
 da'nger, the imminence of which is enhanced to the 
 imagination by the tremendous roar of the headlong, 
 boiling current. Great nerve force and precision are here 
 required in piloting, so as to keep the vessel's head 
 Straight with the course of the rapid ; for if she diverged 
 in the least, presenting her side to the current, or 
 "broaching to," as the nautical phrase is, she would be 
 instantly capsized and submerged. Hence the necessity 
 for enormous power over her rudder. 
 While descending the rapids a tiller is attached to the 
 rudder itself, so that the tiller 
 can be manned as well as the 
 wheel. Some [idea may be 
 entertained of the force neces- 
 sary to keep the vessel steady, 
 while descending a rapid 
 ^~-~-^^^^^^^^^ ' — -^ when it requires four men 
 at the wheel and two at the tiller to ensure safe steermg. 
» ':, 
 220 All-Rouiid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 221 
 At the head of the rapids is a village of some 500 
 inhabitants, and known as Dickinson's Landing. 
 Cornwall, a manufacturing town, is below the rapids at 
 entrance to the canal of tlif^ same name. 
 After passing this place, the of the St. Lawrence 
 is entirely within Her Majesty's dominions. 
 an old Indian village, lies six miles below Cornwall, on 
 the opposite side of the river. It contains a Catholic 
 Church which was built about the year i;oo. 
 is the name of an expansion of the St. Lawrence which 
 begins near Cornwall and St. Regis, and extends to 
 Co^teau du Lac, a distance of forty miles. The surface 
 of this lake is interspersed with a great number of small 
 islands. The village of Lancaster [is situated on the 
 northern side, about midway, of this Lake, 
 is a small village situated at the foot of Lake St. Francis. 
 The name, as well as the style of the buildings, denotes 
 its French origin. It is also known as St. Ignace, Just 
 below the village are the Coteau Rapids. 
 1.0 S 
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222 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 fs , ' 
 This village presents the same marks of French origin 
 as Coteau du Lac. 
AlURound Route and Panoramic Guide. 223 
 The village is situated nearly opposite the Coteau Rapids 
 In the expedition of Gen. Amherst (1759), a detach- 
 ment of three hundred men, that were sent to attack- 
 Montreal, was lost in the rapids near this place. The 
 passage through these rapids is very exciting. There is 
 a peculiar motion of the 
 vessel, which in descending 
 seems like settling down, 
 as she glides from one ledge 
 to another. In passing the 
 rapids of the Split Rock, a 
 CEDAR RAPIDS. person unacquainted with 
 their navigation v.ill almost involuntarily hold his breath 
 until this ledge of rocks, which is distinctly seen from 
 the deck of the steamer, is passed. At one time the 
 vessel seems to be running directly upon it, and you feel 
 certain that she will strike ; but a skilful hand is at the 
 helm, and in an instant more it is passed in safety. 
 Is a small village at the foot of the Cascades, on the right 
 bank of the river. Here vessels enter the Beauharnois 
 canal and pass around the 
 rapids of the Cascades^ 
 Cedars and Coteau, into 
 Lake St. Louis, a distance 
 of fourteen miles. On the 
 north bank, a branch of the 
 Ottawa enters into the St. 
 Lawrence. The river again 
 widens into a lake called the St Louis. From this place 
 a view is had of Montreal Mountain, nearly thirty miles 
 |;<; vn 
 [;■ 1: 
 224 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 t'' ,'■■.'• ■ 
ff'l » 
 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide, 225 
 distant In this lake is an island, beautifully cultivated, 
 and belonging to the Grey Nunnery at Montreal There 
 are many islands in the vicinity of Montreal belonging 
 to the different nunneries, and from which they derive 
 large revenues. 
 ^ This village is nine miles from Montreal, with which 
 It IS connected by a railroad. It derived its name from 
 he first settlers, who, when they reached this point 
 hought they had discovered the passage which would' 
 lead them to China. The Lachine rapids begin just 
 below the village. The current here is so swift and wild 
 that to avoid It a canal has been cut abound the rapids. 
 This canal is a stupendous work, and reflects much credit 
 upon the energy and enterprise of the people of Canada. 
 Opposite to Lachine is the Indian village of 
 lying on the south bank of the river near the entrance of 
 the Lach^e Rapid^It is said that the Indians who had 
 been converted by the 
 Jesuits, were called 
 " Caughnawagas," o r 
 "Pi-aying Indians." 
 Hence its name. This 
 was probably a misno- 
 mer, for they were dis- 
 tinguished for their pre- 
 mij^«ionv-va lui Lucir pre- 
 datory incursions upon their neighbors in the New 
 England Provinces. 
 The Lachine Rapids, which we now enter, are con- 

 •i i'i'tii 
 s •.'; 
 226 All-Rmmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 sidered the most dangerous of the series. They are 
 however, much shorter. Immediately after passing through 
 the rapids, we pass the ancient village of Laprairie, on 
 the south shore of the river. This place is interesting 
 from the fact that the first railway in British North 
 America was constructed from here to St. Johns in 1836. 
 It was first run by horses, then by steam, but was dis- 
 continued on the construction of the road known as the 
 Champlain and St Lawrence Railway, now a portion of 
 the Grand Trunk. A ferry runs from the village to 
 Montreal three times daily. Immediately after passing 
 under Victoria Bridge, we pass the long wharf, used as 
 a railway wharf by the Grand Trunk Railv/ay, prior to 
 the erection of the Bridge. We are now directly 
 opposite the city of Montreal, the commercial metropolis 
 and most important place in the Dominion, and destined 
 to rival the population and prosperity of some of the 
 overgrown cities of the Old World. 
 Before landing her passengers, the steamers run along- 
 side the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's 
 boat, and as a matter of convenience, transfer those 
 passengers who intend going through to Quebec without 
 remaining over in Montreal. 
 Having described the excitement of shooting the 
 several Rapids, we would inform our tourist that in 
 order to overcome these natural barriers to -iie water 
 communication between Montreal and the Great West, 
 a series of magnificent canals has been constructed by 
 the Government. These canals are of ample dimensions 
 to allow the largest steamers to ascend. 
 We shall now proceed with such of our party as desire 
 to visit the Capital of the Dominion. 
 I -' 
All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 »arty as desire 
 Securing tickets at Montreal, by tlie 
 the best route is to take tlie train to LachinJ which 
 eaves the Bonaventure Street Depot everrmo nte 
 {Sundays excepted), at 7.00 a. m. o'clock, and hrf 
 w^ have fh « ' "" " "'■'■■• ""y '"'' '^^' ™"te, 
 scLerTof the St 7^°''"""^ "^ -^'"g ^e beautifu one or two islets repose, as childhood s eep o^ 2 
 bTaut:':ahr '"k ''-' -^ ~"^^^' *^ -'"-"S 
 beauty of the scene, but adds grace and loveliness to th! 
 charms, which it vainly strives to hide. It is I^on d,s 
 solved, and the light breeze wh.Vh h, 
 it all away. ^^' 'P''""^ "P- '^^'ries 
 Away we go, stemming the current, until in due time 
 we reach St^ Annes, where are a succession of ralid^ 
 which we avoid by going through a lock. More S ts 
 are here, round which the Ottawa.bubbles and st u^ge 
 po n"::- t K *' ''""^ ^'"^^^ «f Ste. AnneW 
 poses ,n quiet beauty upon the bank. This village i, 
 cons, ered the starting point for the Ottawa Sfb; 
 al orthodox voyageurs. as the last church on the island 
 of Montreal is situated here, and is, moreover, ded it d 

 228 All-Rotind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 to their tutelary saint, from whom also the village takes 
 its name. Emerging from the canal, again we enter the 
 Ottawa, having left the St. Lawrence far astern, and after 
 sailing about two miles, we find the shores recede on 
 either hand, to about eight miles wide, and this recession 
 continues for a distance of ten miles ; for we are in the 
 lake of the Two Mountains, so called from two moun- 
 tains on the north side, rising four to five hundred feet 
 from the water. The river divides here into four 
 branches, that which we have just come up, another 
 which diverges towards the north-east, and forms the 
 western boundary of the Island of Montreal, the third 
 called the Dutchman's Chenal and the fourth passing 
 Vaudreuil around the Isle Perrot. There is the Isle 
 Jesus, and beside it Pigeon's Island, on which are the 
 ruins of an Indian village. For the purpose of guarding 
 against the incursions of the Indians, the French built a 
 fort on the Island of Montreal, opposite to the village,, 
 but both village and fort have now fallen into decay, and 
 large trees are growing inside the ruined walls of the 
 latter. This property has been recently bought by the 
 Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, M. P., upon which he has built a 
 beautiful villa, where he passes the summer months. A 
 few miles further on we arrive at ^ fine wharf named 
 Oka, situated in the Indian Village of the Two Moun- 
 tains. This village is inhabited by the remnants of two 
 tribes, the Iroquois and the Algonquins, as the village of 
 Caughnawaga, opposite to Lachine, is by a remnant of 
 the Iroquois. A Roman Catholic Church divides the 
 settlements, as the people are all baptised ?nto that 
 Church. Three or four chapels stand on the mountain 
 side. The highest peak of the Mountain is called Calvary, 
AlURound Route and Panoramic Guide. 229 
 and on certain religious fetes of the Church it is fre 
 quented by both whites and Indians. On one of the hills 
 at Oka IS visible from the steamer the Monastery of 
 ^' La Trappt:'." which has recently been erected there. 
 The monks of this monastery wear the peculiar dress of 
 the order. They are agriculturists, and have pui chased 
 a large estate near Oka, which they are rapidly trans- 
 posing into the garden-like scenery of Old France 
 The rules of the order of " La Trapp(5 " are very strict.* 
 only male visitors are admitted into the monastery • 
 ladies are stopped at the threshold. The monks are 
 not allowed to converse with one anotlier. They rise 
 at 2 a.m., and breakfast shortly afterwards in silence, 
 and this meal is the one meal of the day ; they retire 
 to rest after prayers at sunset. Now we stop at the 
 villages of Como and Hudson. Both these places are the 
 resort of some of our Montreal friends, who pass the sum- 
 mer months there with their families. At the head of the 
 Lake of the Two Mountains the banks contract, so that 
 the river is not more than half a mile in width, and it con- 
 tinues thus narrow, for about a mile, when there is again 
 an expansion, for the length of nine miles, forming the 
 Upper Lake of the Two Mountains. On the southern 
 bank is the mountain Rigaud, where there is also a 
 settlement of the same name. The river again contracts 
 to the breadth of half a mile, and continues, sometimes 
 broader, sometimes as narrow, until we reach Carillon. 
 Great improvements have been made at this place by 
 the Railway Company, by building new wharves and 
 station houses, and here again the navigation is impeded 
 by rapids. A railroad has been built between the two 
 stretches of navigable water, and by it we arrive at 
 "'. .,- 
 i 1: ! ^ 
 ■ 1 J- 
 i' ! 
 rf *• 
 230 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Grenville, whence we proceed by steamer, (Captai'rr 
 Bowie,) to L'Original, .seven miles distant. About eight 
 miles from L'Original, situated in the midst ,pf a most 
 charming country, is the celebrated Caledonia Mineral 
 Returning to our steamer at L'Orignal, after a few 
 pleasant hours sail, we arrive at Ottawa. 
 Ottawa was selected by Her Majesty as the Capital 
 of the Dominion, the chief scat of the Government hav- 
 ing for many previous years been in turn at Montreal,, 
 Quebec and Toronto. This system was found to work 
 badly, and the jealousy stirred up made it necessary to 
 choose some permanent place, when Ottawa was selected 
 as being most desirable. The Government buildings 
 have consequently been erected here, and very much 
 credit is due not only to the architect who designed these 
 most beautiful buildings, but to the public spirit of the 
All- Row id Route and Panoramic Guide, 23 1 
 Legislature, which has found the means of bringing the 
 work to a successful termination. The Parliament 
 Buildings, with the Departmental oflRces, occupy three 
 sides of a square, on a bluff of ground called Barrack 
 Hill, overlooking the river. They contain two 
 Legislative Halls, one for the Senate, the other for the 
 House of Commons ; both being the same size as those 
 provided in the l<:ngHsh Houses of Parliament for the 
 Lords and Commons, and like their originals, very 
 handsomely decorated and conveniently furnished. The 
 grounds in front of the building are handsomely laid out. 
 A large Library is also provid-d, which at present 
 contains over 75,000 volumes. The buildings are 
 designed in the Italian Gothic style, and constructed of 
 stone found in the neighborhood. When it is stated that 
 the cost was $3,000,000, and the position almost unique, 
 the tourist ought not to lose the opportunity of going 
 there, as they alone are quite worth the delay which 
ir .'iv ■ . 
 1 ^ 
 232 AU-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 must necessarily be devoted to the sight. The rest of 
 the city, (which is, of course, increasing much, and keeps 
 pace with her sister cities,) is very handsomely and 
 substantially built. Sparks street, the scene of the 
 assassination of the late Hon. T. D'Arcy McGee is close 
 to the Parliamentary buildings and the Russel House. 
 The Rideau Canal (which connects the Ottawa River 
 with Lake Ontario), divides the city near the Parlia- 
 ment Buildings. This canal is excavated at the base of 
 a ravine, over 1 50 feet below the roadway. The upper 
 and lower portions of the city are connected by two 
 bridges, one known as the Sappers' Bridge, the other 
 being a magnificent iron bridge erected by the Corpora- 
 tion, and which leads to the broad avenue on- which the 
 Parliament Buildings stand. The Rideau Canal here 
 falls into the Ottawa, after passing a series of eight 
 massive stone locks. 
 The other chief attractions in the neighborhood of 
 Ottawa are the Chaudiere Falls, considered by very many 
 to rank next in importance, beauty and grandeur to 
 Niagara. They are immediately above the city, at its 
 western exeremity. The width of the greater fall being 
 two hundred feet, while its depth is forty, — the boiling, 
 seething, foaming character of the water giving name to 
 the place. On the northern side is the smaller, or Little 
 Chaudiere, and here the waters, after their leap, seem to 
 go into some subterranean passage, by which they are 
 carried cfif until they appear again at a place called " The 
 Kettles," half a mile lower down. Of course the 
 existence of such a passage is a mere matter of conjecture 
 which we will leave to the study of geologists, and others 
 interested, to determine. These falls are crossed by a 
All- Round Roitw ami Panoramic Guide, 
 jorhood of 
 fine suspension bridge, which leads to the thriving city 
 of Hull on the opposite shore. Before leaving Ottawa, 
 we ought to pay a visit to one of the Timber Slides, 
 which are tolerably frequent in the upper river. One is 
 erected on the northern bank, and we will here tarry for 
 a moment whilst we watch the fate of one of those huge 
 rafts of hewn wood, down its headlong rush. These 
 water-shoots are erected for the purpose of getting the 
 fallen trees from the higher level down to the /iver at the 
 smallest possible cost, and, wherever water can 
 be obtained in sufficient quantity, this has been done. 
 Where the descent is very steep, these " shoots " are 
 broken up at stated intervals into long straight runs, In 
 order to destroy the impetus which the rafts would 
 naturally acquire. The descent on one of the rafts down 
 the timber slide is a thing only to be attempted by those 
 who possess bold and steady nerves. To say that there 
 is much danger in such an excursion, would be to 
 exaggerate the risk, whilst to say that there is none 
 would be as far from the truth. An application to the 
 " boss " of a gang of raftsmen would, without difficulty, 
 obtain the privilege of a ride down. The population of 
 Ottawa is about 30,000. 
 Returning we arrive at 
 the commercial metropolis of the Dominion of Canada, 
 situated upon the south shore of an island (bearing the 
 same name) and at the base of a beautiful eminence, 
 known as Mount Royal, from which both the city and 
 island derive their name. Its population is 150,000. 
 The island is about thirty miles long, and ten broad, and 
 234 All-Rctini Route and Panorauiic Guide. 
 \ , f'i'i -; 
 El ' > , 
 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 235 
 is formed by the River Ottawa debouching into the St. 
 Lawrence at its western and eastern extremities, the 
 former near St. Anne's, the latter at Bout de I'lsle. It 
 is famed for the fertiUty of its soil, and is frequently 
 called the " Garden of Canada." The site of the city 
 was first visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535, and at that 
 time, he found a village of Indians situated near the 
 foot of the Mountain. He landed a short distance 
 below the city, at a point still known by the name of 
 the Indian Village, " Hochelaga," When he reached 
 the top of the mountain, to which he was guided by the 
 Indian Chief " Donnacona," he was so struck by the 
 magnificent outlook that he named it in honor of his 
 master, "the Royal Mount." Champlain also visited the 
 site in 161 1, but the village, with its inhabitants, had 
 been swept away, probably by some hostile tribe. A few 
 years ago a large quantity of skeletons and pottery was 
 discovered under buildings on the site of this village. 
 The first settlement was made by the French in 1642. 
 In its early history the city was repeatedly attacked by 
 the Indians, and in 1684 a wooden wall erected for 
 defence. This was replaced in 1722 by a massive stone 
 wall with redoubts and bastions. In 1759, ^vhen 
 Canado was conquered by the British, Montreal had a 
 population of 4,000 souls. The streets were narrow and 
 the houses low. Some of these buildings are still standing, 
 and a walk through the two or three streets still retain- 
 ing their primitive buildings and narrow paths, 
 strongly reminds us of the quaint old towns of Rouen, 
 Caen, and others in Normandy. At the date named, 
 the town was divided into upper and lower town ; the 
 upper part then being the level of the present Court 
236 All-Rou7id Raiitc and Panoramic Guide. 
 ' 1 
 iS'l' ;■' 
 1 ' ! i 
 I , 
 • } 
 House. In the lower town the merchants and men of 
 business chiefly resided, and here also were the place of 
 arms, the royal magazines, and the Nunnery Hospital 
 The p;-incipal buildings were in the upper town, such as 
 the palace of the Governor, the houses of the chief 
 officers, the Convent of the Recollets, the Jesuits Church 
 and Seminary, the Free School and the Parish Church. 
 In 1775, the city was taken by the American forces 
 under Montgomery. The growth of the city has been 
 exceedingly rapid, and the view, as seen on our approach 
 by steamboat, with Mount Royal for a background, 
 covered with beautiful villas, interspersed here and there 
 with tall spires, is majestic, and for beauty almost 
 The river frontage is almost three miles in length, 
 extending from the Victoria Bridge to the village of 
 Hochelaga. For upwards of a mile it has an excellent 
 stone retaining wall, from the entrance to the Lachine 
 Canal to below the Bonsecours Market, which, with its 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 237 
 glittering dome, forms one of the most conspicuous 
 objects in the right foreground, and contrasts with the 
 neighboring spire of the Bonsecours Church, one of the 
 oldest churches in Montreal. We think the view from 
 the steamer can scarcely be surpassed, as we sail under 
 the centre tube of the Victoria Bridge, and first view the 
 long array of glittering spires, the lofty towers of the 
 Parish Church of Notre Dame, the well-proportioned 
 tower of the Customs Buildings, and the long unbroken 
 Ime of cut stone flanking the wharf. 
 At the beginning of the present century vessels of 
 more than 300 tons could not ascend to Montreal, its 
 foreign trade was carried on by small brigs and b ,rques, 
 and the freight and passengers were landed upon a low 
 muddy beach. In 1809 the first steam vessel, called 
 the "Accommodation," built by Hon. John Molson. 
 made a trip to Quebec ; she had berths for about twenty 
 passengers. Now behold the contrast that fifty years of 
 mdustry, intelligence, enterprise and labor have produced 
 —ocean steamers of over 5,000 tons : the magnificent 
 «\ 'til 
 «i . 
 I - •• 
 h\* '' 
 238 All-RoMid Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 steamers of the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation 
 Company, vieing in splendor and comfort with the 
 far-famed Hudson River boats ; ships from 700 to 2,000 
 tons, from all parts of the world, lying alongside the 
 wharves of the harbor, which are not equalled on this 
 continent, in point of extent, accommodation, approach 
 and cleanliness. 
 The Richelieu Hotel, on St. Vincent St. and Jacques 
 Cartier Square, the old quarter of the city, has the most 
 central situation of any hotel in Montreal. It is within 
 a stone's throw of the steamboat landing and harbor, and 
 adjacent to Jacques Cartier Square with Nelson's Monu- 
 ment, the Court House, City Hall, Bonsecours Market, 
 Place d'Armes, and French Cathedral, all of which are 
 prominent objects of interests to tourists. Mr. I. B. 
 Durocher is a courteous host and admirable manager. 
 Under his progressive management the Richelieu has 
 made rapid strides in the favour of the public, and every 
 year witnesses some improvement and the inauguration 
 of some new plan to increase the comfort of his guests, 
 and add to the popularity of the house. 
 with the 
 )o to 2,000 
 ngside the 
 ed on this 
 , approach 
 d Jacques 
 the most 
 is within 
 arbor, and 
 n's Monu- 
 s Market, 
 which are 
 Mr. I. B. 
 lelieu has 
 and every 
 lis guests, 
) I 
 ' J 
 ' i 
 240 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 The Hotel extends through from St. Vincent St. to 
 Jacques Cartier Square, and has entrances on both. 
 The dining, drawing, and reception rooms are furnished 
 and ornamented in a most tasteful and artistic style, 
 and the bedrooms are most airy and comfortable, and 
 supplied with furniture of the latest design, while the 
 Hotel, generally, presents a first class appearance in 
 every respect. It has accommodation for 400 guests, 
 and its cuisine and attendance are all that can be 
 desired. It is the only first-class hotel in the 
 place which combines the American and European 
 plans. A feature of the house is the garden and Pavilion 
 on the roof of the house, from which a fine panorama of 
 the city is obtained, and the fresh breezes from the river 
 The principal street of the city is St. James street, on 
 which there are some of the finest buildings. 
 The new Post-ofiice at the corner of St. Francois 
 .Xavier street, stands prominently out, and alongside it 
 is the well-known hotel, the St. Lawrence Hall, whose 
 prestige has reflected credit upon the city, and whose 
 All.R„„„d Route ami Panoramic Guide. 24 , 
 history is coincident with thnt nt ti.„ 
 trea.. It was opened ilfe" It^rr^'it^'Td- 
 lore time, and at once, notwithstanding- the Pff^.f r 
 a host or^ v^ral^X:'?'-''-' ''-c.uiHn, 
 i street, on 
 Passing down the same side of the street the fir-. 
 On the opposite corner, across the street, is an eauallv 
 fine bu,ld,„g, the Molsons Bank-, which has two LmaS 
 or facades built of Ohio sandstone. The shaftso fh 
 columns of the portico on the St. James treet Ln 
 of pohshed Peterhead granite. A little further up the 
 str et on the same side is ..Barron's Block," and he 
 bu. dmgsput up by the City and District Sav ngTLnk 
 and the Canada Life Assurance Company ; they t. fea ,y 
K^flHf n4 
 WmB ' ' ^ 
 ro ' ■ ■ 
 ''"i •'. ! 1 
 '.()•>. '' 
 fmi ' 
 1 ;. 
 r'l ■ 
 I I 
 fj]^ ' 
 4 I 
 ! h'> 
 All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 worthy of any city in the world, and are evidences of 
 the substantial growth and prosperity of Montreal. 
 Turning down St. Peter street, past Molsons Bank» 
 upon the left, is a very handsome block, " Caverhill." 
 These stores are not surpassed by any in British 
 North America. They are six stories in height. The 
 front is an elaborate composition in the Italian Palazzo 
 style, bold in character. Near the foot of St. Peter street 
 runs, right and left, St. Paul street, wherein are 
 congregated nearly all the principal wholesale dry goods 
 and hardware stores. This street is a credit to the great 
 enterprise of Montreal, and is symbolic of the wealth of 
 the city. Passing along St. Paul street we enter McGill 
 street, on the corner of which stands the Dominion 
 Buildings, and directly opposite- is the Albion HoteU 
 which for the past twenty years has been favorably 
 known to travelers from all parts of the globe. 
 Proceeding up that street we next approach Victoria 
 Square with its bronze statue of the Queen, and its 
 playing fountains. Near its entrance are the Albert 
 vidences of 
 >ons Bank' 
 in British 
 ight. The 
 an Palazzo 
 Peter street 
 herein are 
 dry goods 
 D the great 
 ; wealth of 
 Iter McGill 
 ion HoteU 
 :h Victoria 
 m, and its 
 :he Albert 
 AU-Round Rouu aud Pauoramic Guide. 243 
 Buildings, while directly across fh. 
 "*"-- -"idin, or LhiclcItrLrrnU 
 VO^O ME»'» CB«,..,., X«««,u™7 „„,„„„ 
244 All'RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 5* ' 
 ! .■ 
 Retracing our steps along St. James street, beyond the 
 Post Office, we enter a square called Place d'Armes. It 
 is not large in area ; but few squares on this continent, if 
 any, have as handsome buildings overlooking them. 
 Here is the French Parish Church, the largest in North 
 America, and capable of holding over ten thousand 
 people. It is about 260 feet long by 140 feet broad, and 
 the front facing the square is flanked by two massive 
 towers, 330 feet in height. In the one on the left is a 
 peal of jcIIf. The tower on the right can be ascended 
 on the payment of a small fee. In it is placed the 
 monster bell which goes by the name of "Gros Bourdon." 
 It weighs nearly 30,000 lbs. It has a deep bass sound, 
 and was used as a fire alarm. From the battlement a most 
I i 
 ^U-Koun, R^u,. and P„„or„„,u GMe. ,,; 
 «t the feet of the 1 cTlr ^ ^ ""'• '>"'"^ ■'''">«' 
 the ri^ht the Victor^ hI; Z , T"'; ^"""'■■"^■- '<> 
 L.-.p-,n-e, „,th it, gl,ttei':;fer h "b ',•'" "'"■•■"'^ °' 
 Lachine, the blue hills of Vermon 1 ^ r '^ '^^'^' "^ 
 -to the left the beautiful ":'"f St' ^T '^''^-'^'^' 
 with trees, clothed in the nmuH ! "' ~''"^'' 
 villages of St. La,„bert nd L™""?^ °' ''-"^^■^' '^c 
 studded with Islands untiHt V^"'"'' ""'' "^^ "ve-- 
 village of Verch^res ^"very course is lost at the 
 «nt " M^ntrr otihf "^^^"'^^^■^' -"- 
 buildings in the eity ■ i I bui t f r ""P°-^'"g P'-bHc 
 style is pure Corinfhhn Ad .°' '"'. ''■"-«'""«. and its 
 the Canadian Pacmc R iUvav'?, "'^;' "" "''^ °«"' °f 
 cut stone front and coi,T'fo 1"'^ '"'"'"S with 
 °f the City Bank ' "'""^"'^ "^« headquarters 
 an°r it"tn1 It^ ? '^^ ""-^ «-^. 
 office. The former is built of Si ?"" '''""P''"^'' 
 ■-pretty pieee of st^ t L^htrre "o ' 7""^°"' 
 hand side is a fine bloek called Mu'\ ?," "'^ "g'^' 
 fourth flat is occupied hv II u ''"'''''"g'*- The 
 Freemasons. NeT ts ^L ! "''""^ ^''^'^^"'•'y °f 
 CartierBank. The ce ,trlof ^ '^'■'"' Building-Jacques 
 garden with a fine Cll '"""' " '^''' ™' «^ ^ 
 Proceeding up Notre Dame street n,. . ■ 
 a somewhat dilapidated Column k "''' 
 Monument. As httle .=, ' "°*" ''^ kelson's 
 its Preservatiota hee 1?:^'°^^"^^'°"^'' "P"" 
 choice of its position F '™^/*^te shown in the first 
 pos,t,on. Formerly the jail stood opposite, 
246 AU-Rmnd Rpute and Panoramic Gnide, 
 \' . \'. I. 
 , . fS../! 
Al,.Ro,u,d Ronu a,„i Pa,.ora„nc Guide. 247 
 '^x.A u;, r ^^ "IS lavorite element, " water " 
 in height, co„tni„i„s a 1 , c jud hrv' T "^'"'^ 
 the Prothonotary. office^t?^ 7'1' "' "'*-'" '•'^ 
 There is in it a very ^uZ' CZ:t^'fT'- 
 ^pwards or 6,000 volun... Adjliljr He r'a';? 
 Hall, a most imposing structure, in the liWu Ita hn T 7 
 ground was used by the British fr„ ""*:"^'^'=''- This 
 in Canada, '™°''' "•'"^" quartered 
 The old buildino-s dfrprfl.r k« j i 
 were erected in ^7^^ Tnfi ^T, '^' "'°""'"^nt 
 Government House Here t '' 7' ""'' '' ' 
 occupation of the cit; by th! A "' """"« '^' 
 w...- • T^ ^ ^ ^"^ Americans the ceIehrnf^r^ 
 Benjamin Franklin, Charles CarrnI n,.^ c .'^^'^^^^^ 
 the Commissioners of cltresrhll'^l ""^ '''''''' 
 war, and beneath its rotr^" fir-t • '•"' '""""'^ ^' 
 used in Montreal L. . ^'''"^'"^ P''"^^ ^^^«' 
 The bui,ding'ir'nor.r Jas ^^r/.t^'f l^ 
 Slfr- '^'^^'■"^ '"^ cha.:;s:rs -r :: 
 o7th/« '^;P-'"-""'="' °f 'he Don,inion, On the slope 
 McG.ll College, whde lower down, on University street 
. . ■•f;*!^ 
 1^ >ft 
 Kfa- I 
 ^v>' .11'^ J 
 248 All- Round RpHic and Panoramic Guide. 
 is the Museum of the Natural History Society. Here 
 the touri-^t can gain information relative to the zoology 
 and ornithology of Canada ; and to tho.e who are 
 disciples of Isaac VVa-ton, the curator can give any 
 ii:formation regarding the fishing grounds. 
 The English Cathedral (Episcopal), on St. Catherine 
 street, is by far the most perfect specimen o"" Gothic 
 architecture in America. It is well worthy a visit. 
 The streets in this neighborhood are studded with 
 churches— Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, 
 and Episcopalian— each tending to make the ecclesias- 
 tical architecture of the city worthy of comparison with 
 the many public buildings with which Montreal abounds. 
 A new Catholic Cathedral is being erected corner of 
 Dorchester and Cathedral streets, to be second only in 
 the world to St. Peter's at Rome, and after the same 
 The Church of the Jesuits on Bleury street is a very 
 imposing edifice. The interior is covered with frescoes 
 of incidents in the lives of our Saviour and His 
 Erskine Church and Knox Church (Presbyterian) are 
 two fine specimens ot modern Gothic. The Weslevan 
 Church, Dorchester street, with its graceful spire forms 
 a conspicuous object, though its dimensions are over- 
 topped by the large American Presbyterian Church 
 adjoining it. 
 This building is designed after the style of the famous 
 " Potter Palmer " Hotel in Chicago, and by the same 
 architect. The furniture and appointments are most 
All-Round Route aud Panoramic Guide. 249 
 costly and luxurious, and the house contains everything 
 proper to a first-class hotel. No expense has been 
 spared to make it the Palace Hotel of the Dominion. 
 Q JEEN's Hall, situated on St. Catherme Street, is a 
 fine block, and has the finest hall in the city. 
 ?'^ 'IBB ' \ 
 A little further westward on St. Catherine street is a 
 pretty little Gothic church (Episcopalian), dedicated to 
 St. James the Apostle, and beyond that again stands 
 < V' 
 *) .1 
 250 All- Round F,oHtc and Panoramic Guide. 
 the large Roman Catholic Seminary, on the Priests* 
 farm. Here is a beautiful chapel, well worthy of 
 inspection. The grounds and gardens attached to the 
 Seminary are well laid out. 
 Returning from the Seminary by Guy street, we visit 
 the celebrated Grey Nunnery, founded in 1642. This 
 new edifice covers an immense area, and the chapel and 
 wards of the nunnery are annually visited by thousands 
AU-Ro,md Route and Panoramic Guide. 25 r 
 of tourists. The old nunnery near the river, so lon» the 
 centre of attraction, from its quaint app;arance\nd 
 solemn-looking walls, has given way to beautTfu ware' 
 houses and stores, which line the streets opened thrluS. 
 ■ts former spacious gardens. A visit to the Res rvo 
 Mew of the city may here be obtained. From these 
 rom the St. Lawrence, about a mile and a half above 
 the Lach,ne Rapids, where the elevation of the rivir 
 Thtw^e fr' '' '"' ^""'^^ '"^ "--^^ of Montreal 
 The Wheel-house at the termination of the Aqueduct is 
 worthy of notice. The water is admitted to and 
 ^sc arged from this building through submerged arch 
 Xove and hT't r'""™"' P^-'^^es, extending 
 above and below the building. There are two iron 
 rS:rt°s "' '"■"'•'" ^"' ^° '''' "^^'^ -'* ---" 
 n„ ety thousand square feet, 206 feet above the harbor 
 w,th a depth of 25 feet. The length is 623 feet with a 
 breadth of :73. formed into two reservoirs by a diT!*: 
 _^a i. The two contain about fifteen million gallons 
 Total cost of aqueduct, machinery, -pumping main and 
 reservoirs, over $2,000,000. With the power here 
 supplied the Fire Department are enabled to hold in 
 check any threatening conflagration, and their efriciency 
 ..s mcreased by the Fire Alarm Telegraph, which has 
 proved a thorough success. The chief office is in the 
 City Hall, from which it has connections with upwards 
 of 98 boxes, the church bells, several public clocks, the 
 Observatory and Water works. 
 252 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 iff ■", i 
 ought to be visited. Visitors are allowed to examine 
 the first tube without an order, and as they are all alike, 
 to see one tube is to see all. The Bridge is a wonderful 
 structure, and reflects as much credit on the successful 
 builders as upon the original designers. The tube 
 through which the trains pass rests upon twenty-four 
 piers, and is about a mile and a quarter long. The piers 
 are all at a distance of 242 feet, with the exception of 
 the two centre piers, which are 330 feet; upon these 
 rests the centre tube, which is 60 feet above the summer 
 level of the St. Lawrence. At the centre of the bridge 
 is an opening, from which there is a magnificent view of 
 the river. 
 The bridge is approached by two massive embank- 
 ments, the one on the Montreal side being 1,200 feet, 
 and that on the south shore 800 feet in length ; which 
 together, including the abutments, make the total length 
 of the bridge 9,084 feet, or a mile and three quarters 
 The abutments are each, at the base, 278 feet long, 
 and are built hollow, having eight openings or cells, 48 
 feet in length, and 24 feet in width, separated by cross- 
All- Round Route aud Panoramic Guide. 2 5 3 
 sTream ,t;' '" "'''"r ''''' '''"'^-«-" - *c down- 
 in ThTl. "'? "'"^'^ P-Pendicular, and is seven feet 
 m thickness ; that on the up-stream has a slope fron ' its 
 r andThe""""''' ^ ^^ *'"^'^"^^^ "^ ">^ ^'^ - 
 feet, and they present a smooth surface to facilitate the 
 operat,on of the ice, on which account its form l^ad bl 
 thus determmed. To insure greater resistance to the 
 pressure of the ice, the cells are filled up wi h e.r«, 
 TaLd:" ''''-'' "^ ''-' "- -'" -- -si;:t 
 feet above th"'"'"'' '" ^°"'' """P"''" "' ^'«"- 36 
 o feet o"th ""'"" ?'" '"'''■ '"" °^ 'he width of 
 30 feet on the upper surface, formed with a slope of one 
 heiv.^.rsiit T: ''"' °' *^ *-■"' -"^ ' "''r 
 shelving slope of about 2'/, to one on the upper side 
 -the slopes are faced with stones set on edge at al' 
 average angle of about 45°. ^ ""' 
 The piers are solid, and constructed, as well as 
 masonry, la,d m horizontal courses measuring from 7 
 to .2 feet on the bed, and from 3 feet .0 inchetto ° Lt 
 6 inches thick above the water level, and then v" ;yt 
 •nto a course of .8 inches under the plates. The stones 
 were cut with the greatest exactnes^ seldom tJiX: 
 7 tLT r ''"'" '""^ ''"■ ^'-y -'g>^ f^" o 
 AuT '^f '^'''^" *'^''^'" °f ^^'h stone is 10^ tons 
 AM the beds and vertical joints are square, dreid i 
 the most efficient and workmanlike manner- the 
 externa face rough, and without any pick or too marks 
 but with the natural quarry face preserved. ' 
 Ihe string-courses and copings are fair-nicked 
 dressed throughout and neatly poiiued and weatheted 
< "ll 
 if :'" 
 •rt! , 
 254 All-Romid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 and a tool draft, eight inches wide, on each quoin. Each 
 course of the ice-breaker is secured with fox-wedged 
 bolts of 1% inch iron, which pass through into the 
 second ana third courses under it, and the horizontal 
 joints are cramped together with iron cramps 12x5 inches 
 through which the bolts pass. 
 The description of stone used is a limestone of the 
 Lower Silurian order, and known under the Geological 
 erm of Chazy. The average height of the piers above 
 the summer water level is 48 feet, gradually rising from 
 a height of 36 feet at the abutments to 60 feet at the 
 centre pier, giving a grade of . in ,32, or 40 feet to the 
 mile. The centre span is level. Each pier is furnished 
 w-th a solid cut-water or ice-breaker, which forms a 
 portion of the pier itself. They are of a wedge form, 
 and slope from their foundations upwards, terminating 
 m an angle, 30 feet above the summer level of the river 
 The dimensions of the pier at the junction with the cut- 
 water are 16x48 ft., but the whole transverse side of a 
 pier at the foundation, including the cut-water, which 
 extends up the stream, is 16x90 feet 
 The foundations, of course, vary; some are as low as 
 20 feet below the water. 
 The whole of the ashlar is laid in hydraulic cement 
 m the proportion of one part sand to one part cement. 
 The backing from the level of the surface of water 
 upwards IS in common mortar. The piers are calculated 
 to resist a pressure of seventy thousand tons 
 The important part this bridge plays in the uninter- 
 rupted transportation of the Western traffic with that 
 of the hastern States-Boston, Portland, etc., need not 
 be dilated on. It is more than commensurate with its 
 uoin. Each 
 h into the 
 2x5 inches 
 3ne of the 
 >iers above 
 ising from 
 set at the 
 feet to the 
 1 forms a 
 dge form, 
 the river. 
 1 the cut- 
 side of a 
 er, which 
 as low as 
 : cement^ 
 of water 
 ^ith that 
 leed not 
 with its 
 An.Rou„d Route aud Panoramic Guide. 255 
 or Which cannottte^Sr ■"""■■-•-■ ""^ -'- 
 Mountain ..a„crSrR:r t";^ ""T' '"^ 
 we leave the City by St. Wence'M^Se^ '"""'' 
 on our way, near the City limit, L irll ' ^''""^ 
 surmounted by a beautifnl H ^" '"""^"^'' structure 
 Dieu," a Cc-st^r an^ Ho i,tr ThJ h^ t "^ " ""^' 
 P___^^^^ ^ospital. The buildmg with its 
 '•"^ to the'beautTr.Mo^T.lrrr"' '^'' '""- 
 restinsf-place of th^ P f ^''' Cemetery," the 
 the ,™u„r :,, oiiT"' tr' °' ''''"'"^^'' -^ 
 cen,eteries of the oTwtrr IV^l' ''^ "'^'^^'^' 
 Cemetery adjoins the Mount Rn ^ ;""'" ^"''°'''^ 
 by the road leading t! t^^ ^ ' '"'' '' approached 
 The drive on wh h ' e h ''^°'"' "'" "^ "^^ ^°""'«'"- 
 one. A fine view i, I ';""^''^' " ■•• ^"'y ^^'-ghtful 
 des NeigeTLro" thf T"!. °' "'^ ^^'^-^ ^™™ C6te 
 ges, across the island to the " Back- River," or 

 A , 
 256 All-Rouud Route and Pauommic Guide. 
 Ottawa, with its numerous hamlets, convents and 
 churches ; and for a picnic commend us to the Priesfs 
 Island, close to the old mill of the rapids, Sault au 
 RecoUet, a delightful spot, and where, during the season, 
 a good day's fishing is to be had. 
 The drive to Lachine will prove of the greatest 
 interest. The Lower Lachine Road leads along the 
 bank of the St. Lawrence, and during the drive there 
 may be seen the steamer descending the rapids. 
 To points beyond the island of Montreal, a favorite 
 trip ib that to Beloeil Mountain, near St. Hilaire. The 
 latter is a station on the Grand Trunk Railway, about 
 18 miles from Montreal, where several trains stop during 
 the day, Situated on a high table rock, near the sumt 
 mit of the mountain, is the " Iroquois House," a hotel 
 kept in first-class style by the Campbell Bros., and a 
 most fashionable place of resort. Near it is a beautiful 
 httle lake, formed in a hollow of the mountain, and three 
 miles in circumference, where fishing, boating and bath- 
 ing may be enjoyed. The location is most healthy, 
 and the views in every direction most charming. 
 The accommodation at the hotel is very complete, 
 and every attention given to the comfort and grati-' 
 fication of those who patronize the " Iroquois." 
 This mountain is the centre of great interest to the 
 French Canadian Catholics. On the road are, at 
 intervals, wooden crosses having inscriptions referring to 
 our Saviour's journey to Mount Calvary, and on the 
 summit of the mountain are the ruins of a chapel erected 
 some years ago. From these ruins, about 1,400 feet 
 above the river, a splendid panoramic view of the 
 country for 60 miles round may be had. 
 ivents and 
 the Pries fs 
 h Sault au 
 the season, 
 ic greatest 
 along the 
 irive there 
 a favorite 
 lairc. The 
 vay, about 
 top during 
 r the sum- 
 e," a hotel 
 ros., and a 
 a beautiful 
 , and three 
 and bath- 
 t healthy, 
 and grati- 
 jst to the 
 1 are, at 
 ferring to 
 id on the 
 el erected 
 ,400 feet 
 V of the 
 "'gfit, except Sunday, during the time th,^ • 
 ■s open. Any traveller preferrin.. th. I . """ff««°" 
 take the trains, either the North sh Tt '°'"' ''" 
 'o . Quebec, or the G^d ^7 ^^^ """' 
 arnve .Point Levis, opposite " the" AnS^^p.-^? 

 258 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 S <.i- 

 All-Rowid Route and Panoramic Guide. 259 
 (as Qucbccers are fond of styling their city,) whence 1 
 steam ferry will soon convey them across the rive" or 
 by the trains of the North Shore railway, which nm 
 down the North side of the river. To many, howeJer 
 the most agreeable route is that selecte<l by us for des 
 cr,pt,on. VVe shall therefore, go on board the " Montreal" 
 or Quebec, take a stateroom, and be lan.led early 
 next mornmg at one of the quays of Quebec 
 The scenery on this part of our route is not striking 
 we shall therefore content ourselves with briefly no icing 
 whilfrir'"'" "'"^ °' "'^'■'^'' °"'- ™-^l -"' pass 
 wh,le probably we ourselves are enjoying a refreshing 
 sleep. As we steam out of the wharf, we pass by the 
 after the beautiful w,fe of Champlain, the first Governor 
 of Canada and the founder of Quebec. Just below the 
 Island ,s the village of Longueuil, a favorite summer 
 resort of the citizens of Montreal. 
 or William Henry, is situated at the mouth of the 
 Rtcheheu, the outlet of Lake Champlain into the St 
 Lawrence It occupies the site of a fort built by the 
 Marquis de Tracy in .665, and was for many years the 
 sumnier residence of the English Governors of Canada 
 and here Queen Victoria's father at one time resided 
 1 he population is about 5,000. 
 ^^Immediately below Sorel, the river widens into a lake 
 Which is about 35 miles in length, and about .0 miles 
 .n w,dth. It is very shallow, except in a narrow 
 »4 'J 
 V. ";i 
 I \ 
 I ;::i •, 
 260 All-Roumi Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 channel, which has been excavated for the ocean 
 stcatnci's atul sailing vessels of very lar^e tonnage, 
 coming up to Montreal during the summer season. 
 In calm weather it is pleasant sailing over its waters, 
 tut, owing to its shallowness, a strong wind causes its 
 waves to rise tempestuously, and many wrecks, 
 principally of rafts, take place every year. 
 ' the ocean 
 fjc tonnage, 
 • its waters, 
 I causes its 
 ly wrecks, 
 All-Ro,md R„„c and I\vwn,mic Guide. 
 We now touch at the half way port of 
 Tmu;i.: rivkrs, 
 Situated at the confluence of the rivers St. Maurice and 
 amon"! ,: ar ihe Co^r?;"-^ "•''"^ '''°"" ■'"■■'"'"f^-'. 
 Catholic C r ^ SZ „e r '"' "" •'■^"' "" ^"""" 
 and Methodist C rch T, "^k'"""' "'" ''"S"^" 
 •-liurches. The celebrated St. Maurice 
 ror^rst c::;;'^ t,:-' "t "-- '- «- 
 ".in a century. The population is 12,000. 
 A village of little importance, is the last stoppin<.-phce 
 before Quebec. Seven miles above Que^c 
 we pass the mouth of the Chaudi^.e river A shor; 
 ^TV::iJ^' ^"'-"- -^ ■*--<' *e ChauS 
 :, • „ '^"^ ^'■'= ""y beautiful and romantic and 
 are annually visited by large numbers of touris f The 
 nver a th,s point is about four hundred feet w de and 
 the he,ght of the falls is one hundred and tw n fy-five 
 7 s ■ 
 »<i- Hi 
 I' A l] .< ' 
 « ■ ;: 
 All~Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 feet. The course of the river is thickly studded with 
 picturesque islands, covered with fine trees, which add 
 much to the beauty of the scenery. 
 In passing down the St. Lawrence, the country upon 
 its banks presents a sameness in its general scenery, 
 until we approach the vicinity of Quebec. The villages 
 and hamlets are decidedly French in character, and are 
 generally made up of small buildings ; the better class 
 are painted white, or whitewashed, having red roofs. 
 -■$ ! 
 Prominent in the distance appear the tin -covered spires 
 of the Catholic Churches, which are all constructed in a 
 style of architecture peculiar to that Church. 
 idded with 
 which add 
 ntry upon 
 \\ scenery, 
 he villages 
 r, and are 
 )etter class 
 red roofs. 
 red spires 
 acted in a 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 263 
 The rafts of timber afford a highly interesting feature 
 <M. the river as the traveller passes along. On each a 
 shed . built for the raftsmen, some of'whom Hg out 
 flttte f''' T'"'^'^ ''''' "'^' ^^>^ ^^----^> which 
 flutterj^ the tops of poles. Thus, when se;eral of 
 these rafts are grappled together, 
 forming, as it were, a floating island 
 of timber, the sight is extremely 
 picturesque ; and when the voices of 
 I these hardy sons of the forest and 
 ' the stream join in some of their 
 Canadian boat songs, the wild music, 
 borne by the breeze along the water, 
 — ,, has a charming effect. Many of 
 CANADIAN BOATMEN, these rafts may be seen lying in the 
 Coves at Quebec, ready to be shipped to the difterent 
 parts of the world. 
 We now come within sight of the « Gibraltar of 
 America " as the fortified city we are approaching has 
 been called. 
 |AVING landed, our first course is to proceed to a 
 hotel. On this point our choice would be the St. 
 Louis, owned by the Russell Hotel Co The 
 tourist or man of business will have no trouble in making 
 his way to the well-known St. Louis Hotel, where he will 
 always be greeted in such a hospitable and home-like 
 way that he feels comfortable and at his ease at once. 
 The St. Louis Hotel takes the lead in the hotel business 
 here, and is kept by the Russell Hotel Company, whose 
 president is that well-known veteran hotel proprietor 
 r ■ 
 '1 , »;> 
 *■■"' ■ 
 Iv ' 
 l^i' 4 
 1^/ 1 
 y," » 
 t i 
 |i > 
 ^^1 i 
 264 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Willis Russell. Esq., whose name is a sufficient guarantee 
 that patrons of the St. Louis Hotel will always receive the 
 best of accommodation. This Hotel is situated un the 
 principal thoroughfare of the city, St. Louis street, 
 surrounded by the most delightful and fashionable pro- 
 menades, etc. For us to enumerate the distinguished 
 people who have made the St. Louis Hotel their home 
 during the past ten years would be almost like publishing 
 the names of the celebrated persons who have visited the 
 city during that period. 
 At this house the tourist will find himself at home and 
 surrounded by every comfort he possibly can desire, 
 and we are quite satisfied that his experience will be like 
 our own, and lead to oft-repeated journeys to the old city. 
 Quebec, until recently the capital of United Canada, 
 is situated on the north shore of thp St. Lawrence, in 
 lat. 46 deg. 48 min. north, and long.71 deg. 15 min. west 
 from Greenwich. It was founded by Champlain, in 
 1608, on the site of an Indian village, called Stadacona,. 
 It is the second city in the Province, and has a popula- 
 •eceive the 
 ;d on the 
 uis street, 
 lable pro- 
 eir home 
 isited the 
 All-Rotind Route aud Panor 
 •ainic Guide. 
 ome and 
 1 desire, 
 1 be like 
 old city. 
 ence, in 
 lin. west 
 •lain, in 
266 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 . % Hf 
 ^.' til] 
 (• 1 
 If 'I I 
 •I -t.< 
 tion of about 65,000. The form of the city is nearly 
 that of a triangle, the Plains of Abraham forming the 
 base, and the Rivers St. Lawrence and St. Charles, the 
 sides. It is divided into two parts— Upper and Lower 
 Towns. The Upper Town is strongly fortified, and 
 includes within its limits the Citadel of Cape Diamond, 
 which is the most formidable fortress in America. The 
 Lower Town is built upon a narrow strip of land which 
 runs at the base of the Cape, and of the high grounds 
 upon which Upper Town stands; and the suburbs of 
 St. Roch's and St. John's extend along the River St. 
 Charles, and to the Plains of Abraham. Quebec was 
 taken by the British and Colonial forces in 1629, but 
 restored to France in 1722. It was finally captured by 
 Wolfe in 1759, and together with all the French 
 possessions in North America, was ceded to Great 
 Britain by the treaty of 1763. 
 Quebec, including the City and suburbs, contains 174 
 streets, among the principal of which are the following : 
 St. John Street, which extends from Fabrique street to 
 St. John's Gate in the Upper Tow^n, and is occupied 
 chiefly by retail stores; St. Louis Street, a handsome 
 and well-built street, extending from the Place d'Armes 
 to the old St. Louis Gate, and occupied principally by 
 lawyers' offices and private dwellings. D'Auteuil 
 Street faces the Esplanade and the grounds where the 
 military were drilled, and is an elegant street mostly of 
 private dwellings ; Grand Alice or St Louis Road, out- 
 side St. Louis Gate, and leading to the Plains of 
 Abraham, is a pleasant and beautiful street, on which 
 are many elegant villa residences ; St. John Street with- 
 out, is also a fine street, occupied by shops and private 
5 nearly 
 ling the 
 rles, the 
 1 Lower 
 ed, and 
 a. The 
 J which 
 )urbs of 
 iver St. 
 bee was 
 629, but 
 ured by 
 ins 174 
 llowing : 
 itreet to 
 )ally by 
 lere the 
 ostly of 
 id, out- 
 lains of 
 1 which 
 et with- 
 AlURound Route and Panoramic Guide. 267 
 dwellings. The principal street in the Lower Town is 
 bt. Peter, on which, and on the wharves and small streets 
 which branch from it, most of the banks, insurance com- 
 panies, and merchants' offices are situated 
 The fur trade of Quebec is very large,* and has for 
 many years employed thousands of dollars capital, and 
 hundreds of men. The firm of G. R. Renfrew & Co 
 ^'J\ fT7"': ^"'"''^ ""''"''^y "PP°^'^^ ^^e Roman 
 Catholic Cathedral, are the most extensive dealers in 
 furs in Quebec, as well as Canada. They are the oldest 
 house in this branch of business, having been established 
 in Quebec for a great many years, and having ever main- 
 tamed the best reputation for fair dealing and reiiabihty 
 in representing their goods. This firm import and manu- 
 facture all of their own goods, among which are to be 
 found the choicest Russian and Hudson Bay Sables 
 Canada Mini, Ermine, Grebe, Fancy Furs, a'nd So^^h 
 Sea Seal goods of all kinds and forms. They also keep 
 a large assortment of Indian Curiosities, and are the 
 most fashionable Hatters in Quebec. All their goods 
 U^itirStlT^' ^^^^ ''-' ''- '-'- '-'^ - ^'^ 
 The Citadel, on Cape Diamond, is one of the most 
 nteresting objects to visitors. The area embraced within 
 the fortifications of the Citadel is more than forty acres. 
 Ihe line of fortification, enclosing the Citadel and the 
 Upper Town is nearly three miles in length, and the 
 guns with which they are mounted are mostly thirty- 
 two and forty-eight pounders. Until the past few years 
 there were five gates to the city, three of which, Prescott. 
 Pajace and Hope gates, communicated with the Lower 
 Town, and two of which. St. Louis and St. John's gates 
268 All-Rotiud Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 Pi w' 
 .?'|i '1 
 communicated with the suburbs of the same name. 
 About three quarters of a mile from the city are four 
 Martello Towers, fronting the plains of Abraham, and 
 intended to impede the advance of an enemy in that 
 Terrace, in 
 is a platform 
 a splendid view! 
 of the river and 
 the Lower Town. 
 It occupies the site of 
 the old castle of St.' 
 Louis, which was burnt 
 in 1834, and was erect- 
 ed by a nobleman 
 whose name it bears. 
 The Public Garden fronts 
 on Des Carrieres Street, Up- 
 per Town, and contains an 
 elegant monument, which was 
 erected to the memory of 
 Wolfe and Montcalm, in face of the citadel, quebec, 
 1827. The height of this monument is 65 feet; its 
 design is chaste and beautiful, and no stranger should 
 leave Quebec without visiting it. 
 The Place d'Armes is an open piece of ground, around 
 which the old chateau of St. Louis, the Government 
 offices, the English Cathedral, and the old Court House 
 are situated. 
 li-' ''iii 
 11 ';M'B'' ';l 
All.Rou„d Route and Pauoramic Guide. 269 
 beh ccn D Autcuil Street and the ramparts. 
 The Ro„„„ Catholic Cathedral, which fronts upon the 
 tt>re T^' ""^ "° ^'■"'" P-^^n-ons to archi- 
 lecture The mtenor is handsomely fitted up, and has 
 wonw 'r •""""■'•'■^ '^ '''^ "'" "''''"'' "■''-' ■•- -' 
 Tons ,: ''r""T- ^"^ ^''"^^'' -'" -^' 4,000 per. 
 sons. It has a good organ. 
 St. l.atriel<'s Church on St. Helen Street, Upper 
 Town ,s a neat and comfortable building, and is capa 
 ble of seating about 3,000 persons. • '^ 
 in the St'^R ?."""k°'V^' ^°"'''" '"' '^""-h streets, 
 in he St. Roch s suburbs, is a large and commodiou 
 bu, Idmg and will seat 4,000 persons. There are seve°ra 
 good paintings in this church. 
 The Church of Notre Dame des Victoires, on Notre 
 Dame Street, .s one of the oldest buildings L the city 
 fortably fitted up, and will seat over 2,000 persons. 
 Protestant Churches. 
 Street' ^t"^!"' ^.f '''"' '■■' '''"'"''' '^'='— Garden 
 Street, St Ann Street, and the Place d'Armes, Upper 
 wn irbet'^ ' ^"'^""^ "'''"''' '35 by 75 feet,Tnd 
 u.ll seat between 3,000 and 4,000 persons. This church 
 Trinity Church, situated on St. Nicholas Street, Upper 
 St Peter r'. T- '"'""■•" ''-"^^■"ely decorated. 
 St. Peters Chapel is situated on St. Vallier Street 
2/0 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guid 
 t * 
 St. Roch's, and is a neat, plain structure, which seats 
 about 500 persons. 
 St Paul's or The Mariner's Chapel is a small building 
 near Diamond Harbor, designed principally for seamen. 
 St. Andrew's Church, in connection with the Church 
 of Scotland, is situated on St. Ann Street, Upper Town. 
 The interior is well fitted up, and will seat 1,300 persons 
 St. John's Free Scotch Church is situated on Francis 
 Street, Upper Town. It is a neat plain structure, and 
 will seat about 600 persons. 
 The Wesleyan Chapel, on St. Stanislaus Street is a 
 handsom^ Gothic building erected in 1850. The in- ■ 
 terior is well fitted up, and it has a good organ. It will 
 seat over 1,000 persons. 
 The Wesleyan Centenary Chapel is situated on D'Ar- 
 tigny Street, and is a plain but substantial edifice. 
 The Congregational Church, on Palace Street, Upper 
 Town, is a neat building of cut-stone, erected in 1841, 
 and will seat about 800 persons. 
 The Baptist Church, on St. Ann St., Upper Town is a 
 neat stone building, and will accommodate 450 persons. 
 The other principal buildings worthy of notice are : 
 The Hotel Dieu, hospital and church, which front on 
 Palace Street, Upper Town, and, connected with the 
 cemetery and garden, cover an area of about ten acres. 
 The buildings are spacious and substantial, and the 
 hospital has beds for about sixty sick persons. 
 The General Hospital is situated on ^.iver St. Charles, 
 in the St. Roch's ward. The hospital, convent, and church 
 are a handsome quadrangular pile of stone buildings, 
 well adapted to the purpose for which they are designed. 
 The Ursuline Convent, situated on Garden Street, 
 All.Rou„d Rmc a„d Panoramic Guide ,7 ^ 
 are or .assL g.y^Ce^:: th't S'T;; ^^^^f 
 rang e, and have a fine garden in the re^r ' ''"'''- 
 'ne Court House and thf. r;f„ u n 
 stone buildings situated qPt^ ' ■""'^ ™''=^tantial 
 adapted tt,-~^:;-^^^^^^ 
 building, and cost a'bou ^^o It i *"""'? ^'""^ 
 and emigrants and k n k .-r , ^ °^ sailors 
 stories Tf beautiful stone buildinjr of four 
 enclosed in a park'l/s'^r L'o ^ ""^^ ''""'"■"^' 
 The Music Hall is i h.n^ 
 ■'■•tuated on St. Louis LL^rXowr""^ "'"- 
 and the key of the St ttrfnt ' Oulb '^' ^'"^"^^' 
 possess interest of n^ ""^«"<^e--guebec must ever 
 formed tourbts iZ "^ '""^^'^^ ^^ "^"-n- 
 y crowning the summit of a lofty cape, must 
2/2 All-Roimd Route afid Panoramic Guide, 
 it ■ ■"<; 
 ■se - 
 1^ V 
 •#1' . 
 necessarily be difficult of access ; and when it is remem- 
 bered how irregular is ih^i plateau on which it stands, 
 having yet for thoroughfares the identical Indian paths of 
 Stadacona, or the narrow avenues and approaches of its 
 first settlers, in i6o8, it would be vain to hope for 
 regularity, breadth and beauty in streets, such as 
 modern cities can glory in. It is yet in its leading fea- 
 tures a city of the 17th century-- a quaint, curious, 
 drowsy, but healthy location for human beings ; a cheap 
 place of abode. If you like a crenelated fort with loop- 
 holes, grim-looking old guns, pyramids of shot and shell, 
 such is the spectacle high up in the skies in the airy 
 locality called the Upper Town. Some hundred feet 
 below it, appears a crowded mart of commerce, with 
 vast beaches, where rafts o( timber innumerable rest in 
 safety, a few feet from where a Avhole fleet of Great 
 Easterns might float securely on the waters of the famed- 
 river. On the plains of Abraham stands Wolfe's Monu- 
 ment close to the spot where the immortal British hero 
 expired, and near to che well from which water was pro- 
 cured to moisten his parched lips. A few minutes more 
 bring one to Mr. Price's Villa, Wolffield, where may be 
 seen the rugged path up the St. Denis burn, by which 
 the Highlanders and the English soldiers gained a foot- 
 ing above, on the 13th September, 1759, : — destined to 
 revolutionize the new world, the British being guided by 
 a French prisoner of war, brought with them from 
 England, (Denis a^ Vitre, an cid Quebecer,) or possibly 
 by Major Stobo, who had, in 1758, escaped from a 
 French prison in Quebec,and returned to his countrymen 
 the English, accompanying Saunders' fleet to Quebec. 
 The tourist next drives past Thornhill, Sir Francis 
t is rcmem- 
 h it stands, 
 lian paths of 
 )aches of its 
 hope for 
 ts, such as 
 leading fea- 
 nt, curious, 
 gs ; a cheap 
 t with loop- 
 )t and shell, 
 in the airy 
 -Uidred feet 
 nerce, with 
 able rest in 
 2t of Great 
 f the famed < 
 )lfe's Monu- 
 3ritish hero 
 ter was pro- 
 inutes more 
 ere may be 
 1, by which 
 ined a foot- 
 destined to 
 1 guided by 
 them from 
 or possibly 
 3ed from a 
 to Quebec. 
 Sir Francis 
1 ■'tn 
 ' 11" 
 §1 ! 
 * -f. 
 i' "h 
All-Rotcnd Route and Panoramic Gtdde. 273 
 "There he not only loved to hve. but would Hke to S 
 ».«^ .«-c,„„,, B.L.,,, k;„^^^ f«»- 
 yj^^K^^^mjtifcEfc M,.d.. B.„i. i™; 
 after a nine miles" 
 drive, Redclyffe 
 closes the rural 
 landscape. Red- 
 ^^y^Q is on the 
 top of the cape of 
 Cap Rouge, where 
 many indications 
 yet mark the spot 
 where Roberval's 
 ephemeral colony 
 wintered as far 
 back as 1541. The 
 visitor can now 
 return to the city 
 by the same road, 
 or select the St. 
 Foy road, skirting 
 the classic heights 
 months^after the first battle pf the Plains, lost the second! 
274 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 28th April, 1760 — the St. Foy Church was then oc- 
 cupied by the British soldiers. Next comes Holland 
 House, Montgomery's head-quarters in 1775, behind 
 which is " Holland Tree," overshadowing, as of yore, the 
 graves of the Hollands. 
 The tourist shortly after observes the iron pillar, sur- 
 mounted by a bronze statue of Bellona, presented in 
 1855 by Prince Napoleon Bonaparte, intended to com- 
 memorate this fierce struggle. 
 In close proximity appears the bright parterres or 
 umbrageous groves of Bellevue, Hamwood, Bijou, West- 
 field and Sans Bruit, the dark gothic arches of Findlay 
 Asylum, and the traveller re-enters by St. John 
 Suburbs, with the broad basin of the St. Charles and 
 the pretty Island of Orleans staring him in the face. 
 Drive down next 'to see Montmorenci Falls, and the 
 little room which the Duke of Kent, Queen Victoria's 
 father occupied in 179 1. A trip to the Island of Or- 
 leans, in the ferry, will also repay the trouble ; it costs 
 very little ; half an hour of brisk steaming will do it. 
 Cross to St. Joseph, Levis, per ferry steamer, and go and 
 behold the most complete, the most formidable, as to 
 plan, the most modern earthworks in the world. Drive 
 to Lake Beauport, to luxuriate on its red trout, then to 
 the Hermitage, at Charlesbourg. Step into the Chateau 
 Bigot ; sit down like Volney, amidst the ruins of 
 Palmyra, and meditate on the rortiantic though unhappy 
 fate of dark-eyed Caroline, Bigot's Rosamond.* You 
 imagine you have seen every thing ; not so, my friend ! 
 * You will peruse Caroline's pathetic tale in that repository of Canadian lore, Maple 
 Leaves, which you will find a trusty guide for objects without the city. At the beauti- 
 ful residence of the author of that work (Mr. T. M. Le Moine) may be seen many relics 
 of old (Quebec, and no one more ready than bi to impart information on the interesting 
 events of early Canadian History, in the knowledge of which few are so well acquainted. 
All.Ro„„d Rouu and Panoramic Guide. 375 
 ct rbLS::a^°:r,^°: r.-pp--- ^^^^^^^, on the 
 grant y.u leCto visit the°ef'"^ ^'°^'"^'"' "'" ^^^'^^ 
 his residence, raLTb; M n X^.^-'hworks '^^''-d 
 priateiy called Ringfield h " 'h W '^^^~'° "PP^" 
 the evening ag,.eeabVt the Morrircon '""" 'r^'^"'' 
 rooms of the Litenru.^H u ''S'^' '"'he cosy 
 early, P^epawt^ ^S^fr-' f^^'^;-'' -^^e 
 morrow. '"^ <>™at campaign of the 
 Here ,7"°^" ^'""•''•' ■^'^ "IE Lakes! 
 Here are a few of them ■ T „i. ^ , ■ 
 P'nlifpe, Lake yaun'e, sZhaCuc Bl T' """" 
 o:st, Lac Vincent, Lac T/ltf /a'''%^''' ""f- 
 McKen.ic, Lac Sagamitc LakeR r "' ^"^ 
 an within a few hlrTlve " Ou h ^T'" 
 exception of Snow Lake IM T ^ "' *'"' 'he 
 -out weighing froL'fiL t' :r LTar St' r ^"t 
 and Snow Lake during the winter mon«L '^ ■"'"'"' 
 watered by the ;ac;^S:r;i-^^^^^^^ 
 tTe wlaUroT'"- /^'"-'^-heen most lavish with 
 tne wealth of varied scenery with whirh .u u 
 dowed these waters, and no more pleasant trl " T" 
 made from venerable Quebec thant affo reVbTth: 
 ,t ' 
 lit •>» 
 U''' ^ 
 t . 
 276 All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 thirteen miles north-west of Quebec, is one of the most 
 picturesque spots in Canada, and during the summer 
 months is frequently visited on account of its Arcadian 
 beauty. There is a remarkable echo at the Lake which 
 tarries some few seconds before repeating the sound 
 uttered. It is then re-echoed, " as though the nymphs 
 of the lake were summoning the dryads of the neigh- 
 boring woods to join in their sport. " To those who are 
 fond of angling, the lake affords an ample supply of 
 speckled trout. 
 In taking our departure from Quebec, and on our 
 way down the river we pass this celebrated cascade. 
 These Falls, which are situated in a beautiful nook 
 of the river, arehigher than those of Niagara, being more 
 than two hundred and fifty feet, but they are very nar- 
 row— befng only some fifty feet wide. This place is 
 celebrated for its winter amusements. During the 
 frosty weather, the spray from the falls accumulates to 
 such an extent, as to form a cone of some eighty feet 
 high. There is also a second cone of inferior altitude 
 called the " Ladies' Cone," and it is this of which visitors 
 make the most use, as being less dangerous than the 
 higher one. They carry " toboggans " —long, thin 
 pieces of wood about 8 or 10 feet in length by i foot in 
 width, turned u;j in front,— and having arrived at the 
 summit, place themselves on these and slide down with 
 immense velocity. Ladies and gentlemen both enter 
 with equal spirit into this amusement. It requires much 
 skill to avoid being capsized, and sometimes people do 
 f the most 
 e summer 
 ake which 
 the sound 
 e nymphs 
 he neigh- 
 e who are 
 supply of 
 id on our 
 i cascade, 
 tiful nook 
 leing more 
 very nar- 
 s place is 
 uring the 
 iiulates to 
 ighty feet 
 r altitude 
 ch visitors 
 than the 
 ong, thin 
 /■ I foot in 
 ed at the 
 lown with 
 oth enter 
 ires much 
 Deople do 
 AU.Rou„d Route and Pammmic Guide. 
M* I 
 •,' u 
 n '". 
 278 All-Round Route mid Panoramic Guide. 
 find themselves at the bottom, minus the toboggan. 
 Visitors generally drive to this spot in sleighs, taking 
 their provisions with them ; and upon the pure white 
 cloth which nature has spread out for them they par- 
 take of their dainty repast, and enjoy a most agreeable 
 picnic. They do not feel in tiic least cold, as the exer- 
 cise so thoroughly warms and invigorates the system. 
 There are men and boys in attendance, for the purpose 
 of bringing down strangers who may desire to venture 
 down the icy mountain, and to those who can enjoy 
 this kind of pleasure, it is great sport. The drive to 
 the Falls is very beautiful ; the scenery on the road 
 through Beauport, where the Provincial Lunatic Asylum 
 is built, and back again being full of interest. The dis- 
 tance of these Falls from Quebec is eight miles. About 
 two miles above the Falls is a curious formation on the 
 river bank, called "the Natural Steps," being a series 
 of layers of the limestone rock, each about a foot in 
 thickness, and for about half-a-mile receding one above 
 the other, to the height of nearly 2C feet, as regularly 
 as if formed by the hand of man. They are a great 
 object of wonder and curiosity, and, being so near the 
 Falls, should certainly be included in the visit. 
 Having drawn toward the close of our visit to Quebec 
 we advise the tourist to at once make his arrangements 
 for visiting that very popular resort, the Saguenay. For 
 the past few years, thousands of Canadians and Ameri- 
 cans have wended their way to this famous river, and 
 the result of their experience has been to make it still 
 more popular. None who have been there but have 
 mm Wi 
M-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. 279 
 resolved to repeat the trip the first time they could 
 possibly do so and to those who have not enjoyed thk 
 guage of Shakspeare, "stand not upon the order of 
 your gomg, but go at once." All information cone m 
 ng the means of transit can be ascertained ,t the ho'd 
 o we took our compasnons de voyage but Tn 
 o s^kw^'r^"'"' '° ^"'^"'^ '° "•'^ impf^;nt du ; 
 dLTn. .h^ ''""'"'" knowledge, we would saytha^ 
 dunng the season steamers run between Quebec and 
 the Saguenay, leaving Quebec four times p. r week 
 Th K "■":" "^ *^ ^'^^-"-^ fro- MontTeal 
 These boats belong to the St. Lawrence Steam Naliga: 
 .on Company. They are elegantly fitted up for the 
 comfort of passengers, and furnished with every con 
 vemence; mdeed, there is nothing wanting to rend"; 
 boa d°"TnT r '«^'■'^" ■"°^' ^^"■^'"^"■- One on 
 ': m :t a !:Z^^ -e'ves steaming away down 
 ^ooa speed, and turnmg our eves from fl,» 
 city we have just left, we see 
 fromThiTl "'■''^ ''^^ " '''^ '^'^ °^ '^-^'>-' - called 
 from tne luxunantgrowth of its wild grape vines It is 
 ievfli :m '" " '" "^ ^"^'"' ^^""'- There are 
 IZh f m ^'' T'"""^ "^^ •'' ■'^"^'■ac-- Like the of Montreal, its soil is very fertile. 
 Seventy miles below Quebec, the River St. Anne 
 <nm'es mto the St. Lawrence. About two mil s from 
 thevdlagearethe celebrated falls of the same nam" 
28o All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 At this point there is a solitary vale of rocks, almost a 
 natural grotto, through the centre of which the stream 
 rushes until it escapes by a narrow channel, and con- 
 tinues its course, rushing downward with ever-increasing 
 velocity. The scene below the cataract is very grand. 
 Five miles below St. Anne's River we pass Grosse Isle,. 
 a spot which ever recalls sadness. Thousands who left 
 their homes on the far-off shores of Great Britain, with 
 hearts full of the prospect of prosperity in the new 
 world of America, have here found their last resting- 
 place. In one single grave the bodies of about 6,000- 
 Irish Emigrants lie interred. Apart from these sad 
 recollections, the •' Quarantine " Island is a fair spot, 
 and its scenery is very beautiful. At this point the 
 river widens, and ere long has reached such a width as 
 to render its shores almost invisible from the deck of 
 our gallant vessel. Passing onward, until Quebec lies. 
 90 miles astern, we reach our first landing place. 
 or the favorite watering-place of the lower St, 
 Lawrence. The village is picturesquely situated amid 
 frowning hills and wild scenery. It is a great resort in 
 the summer months, and many Canadian families spend 
 the entire season in this healthy retreat. Every one 
 must enjoy a few days passed at this fashionable water- 
 ing place. The " Lome House "'is a comfortable hotel, 
 well furnished and managed — in connection with it are 
 a number of cottages which are rented to summer 
 visitors. Leaving it and steaming across the river, 
 which is about 20 miles wide at this point, we strike 
 Riviere du Loup, situated on the south shore. Here 
 s, almost a 
 the stream 
 and con- 
 ery grand, 
 rrosse Isle,, 
 s who left 
 itain, with 
 1 the new 
 >t resting- 
 DOLlt 6,000- 
 these sad 
 fair spot, 
 point the 
 I width as 
 le deck of 
 uebec lies 
 ower St, 
 ted amid 
 : resort in 
 lies spend 
 very one 
 )le water- 
 ble hotel,, 
 ^ith it are 
 :he river, 
 kve strike 
 e. Here 
 All-Roumi Route and Panoramic Guide. 2g , 
 those desirous of visiting the far-famed waterin., pl.ce 
 about"":-,":; '"''"k"' "^"^''"f^'^ pleasant d^iv of 
 a fashionti: ""^' '"^ '°""'^^' """ tl-emselves ,n 
 a^ fesh,o„able place, containing some very good build^ 
 Leaving the wharf at Riviere du Lo„n o . 
 points her course again to the o^po le Z. ^ L^^T 
 than two hours we find ourselves at Tadousic, wl,ich " 
 at the n,outh of the River Saguenay. This is , verv 
 pleasant spot, and if no more time can be spa^d th n 
 t te touTi f t''^' "T""" ^' '"^ ^vharf'letl ad- 
 filw ,? ''^° ''"''"'■'^ "nniediately. There is a 
 sport'": tr- ^"' '■" ^"'""^^'■•"" ""^ '' ="' '''"d of 
 h.splati .1 """"""' °'""''°"- T'^'^ ''■^'hing of 
 tft.s place IS also very superior. A large number of Wllas 
 have been erected, including one builtV His E.;ce,re ^ 
 'A ■ 
 ?'' •'.I 
 h :; 
 282 All-Rouiid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Earl Dufiferin. Apart from its pleasures, Tadousac is 
 interesting from its having been from an early period 
 the capital of the French settlements, and one of their 
 chief fur-trading posts. Here are the ruins of a Jesuit 
 establishment, and on this spot once stood the first stone 
 and mortar building ever erected in America, the home 
 of Father Marquette, the explorer of the River Missis- 
 sippi. A cluster of pine trees over 200 years old has 
 grown from the centre of these historical ruins. 
 Getting aboard again, the whistle is sounded, and we 
 are under steam, and now really enter the justly re- 
 nowned River Saguenay, and commence, as if by instinct, 
 to strain our eyes, that we may catch a glimpse of 
 all the magnificent natural grandeur that now bursts 
 upon us. 
All-Kou.„i Rout. a„d Pa„o,-amc Guide. 283 
 Hf Sagucnay is the largest tributary of tl,e jrrent 
 ISt, Lawrence, and unquestionably one of 21 \ 
 Ven,arl<able ri.ers of the continem It i . °'* 
 cipa outlet of l.-xW ^t i 1 '"'"'^'"- " « the prin- 
 lake about ort^ n ilt / ' " "' '^ ''' '"'' »'=""- » 
 timbered an 1 tn ;''itr"°r'^'' '' =" '^'^^'y 
 clear, and abound in Z:!^^:;'^^:'"^:^'' 
 Tl,„i,i I- ■ "o yo" see a fall there ' " 
 The lake hes about ,50 miles north-east of the St I ' 
 rence, and nearly due north of Quebee i^h, "i 
 nameoftheSaguenavwisrh.v f '•''^^- T'"-' onginal 
 waters ; " but the e!rlv F ^'^ . ."' "«""'^'"S " '^''''^P 
 name i now bears sad "h •"'■'■™"^™' S-'v--' it the 
 N^, -r. *"•■ '' '^"'■'■uption of St lean 
 in wMth I,L r : th ,"^ —averages half a mile 
 nesT- ; K r °"S'' '" *'™°»' untrodden wilder. 
 roT h rtrr: '" 11 '-''':• r ' ""'' "-'^'^ 
 All • .u ^ ^^"^ '"'^e« below the SOUth^^rn 
 01 a nver of the same name, which is the outlet of a lonn- 
 lake, „a„,ed Kenokami, with the Saguenay Here is a 
 >-ange of rapids which extends ten miles. The l"di n 
 say there is a subterranean fall above the foot "f 
 rap,ds, wWch they call " Manitou," or tl e ■ Gi^Tat So - '" 
 To avoid these falls there is a carrying placeril'd^'L 
 <.rande Portage. An extensive lumber business is 
 transacted here ; the village has an ancient appearance! 
, ' f 
 '^ Hi' 
 I )i 
 •J. ," 
 - I- 
 284 All.RouN<i Route and Panommic Guide. 
 and contains about five hundred inhabitants. The only 
 curiosity is a rude Catholic Church, said to have been 
 one of the earliest founded by the Jesuits. It occupies 
 the centre of a ^^rassy lawn surrounded by shrubbery 
 backed by a cluster c,f vvood-crowned hills.and commands 
 a fine prospect, not only of the Sa-uenay, but also of 
 the spacious bay formed by the c .fluence of the two 
 rivers. In the belfry of this venerable church han^rs a 
 clear-toned bell, with an inscription upon it, whichlias 
 never yet been translated or expounded. From ten to 
 twelve nn-le. south of Chicoutimi. a beautiful expanse 
 of water, called Grand or Ha! Ha! Bay recedes from 
 the Saguenay, to the distance of several miles. 
 The viUa-c of Grand Bay, 132 miles from Quebec is 
 the usual resort for those who wish to remain any time 
 in the neighborhood of the Saguenay. The name Ha ' 
 Ha. IS said to be derived from the surprise which the 
 I^rench experienced when they first entered it, suppos- 
 nig It to be still the river, until their shallop grounded 
 on the north- western shore. At the northern head of 
 It IS another settlement called Bagotville. Between 
 these two places, the Saguenay is somewhat shallow 
 (when compared with the remainder of its course) and 
 varies in width from two and a half to three miles The 
 tide IS observable as far north as Chicoutimi, and this 
 entire section of the river is navigable for ships of the 
 largest class, which ascend thusYar for lumber. 
 That portion of the Saguenay extending from Ha ^ 
 Ha! Bay to the St. Lawrence, a distance of nearly sixty 
 miles, IS chiefly distinguished, and properly so, for its 
 wonderful scenery. The shores are composed princi- 
 pally of granite, and every bend presents to view an 
 The only 
 to have been 
 It occupies 
 y' shrubbery, 
 d commands 
 , but also of 
 c of the two 
 irch hanjrs a 
 t, which has 
 From ten to 
 iful expanse 
 ecedes from 
 1 Quebec, is 
 lin any time 
 2 name Ha ! 
 e which the 
 1 it, suppos- 
 p grounded 
 ern head of 
 . Between 
 lat shallow 
 course) and 
 niles. The 
 li, and this 
 hips of the 
 from Haf 
 learly sixty 
 so, for its 
 >ed princi- 
 o view an 
 M.Ro,.„d Route a„d Pa,.o,amic Guide. 285 
 imposing bluff. Many of tli<.«^ f 
 ■■•"0 the air, and ^^Z tZltZ'^nT^'''' 
 moment, 'tappc.. awful, i„^stc.^",,;,S '/' •■'"^' 
 to the eve« hrnvi.n,... x ^,^ "P "i<- ^"^aguenay, 
 directlyoveH,e,'cl am o'lnnir '1"'" "■•""^"'^ 
 nearly a n.illion tons. H "rl a" " t V" ''' ""'"P-'' 
 insignificance of „,an as 1 ''^'•''™' """ ^"''^ "ic 
 handiwork. "' ^"'"^ "l'"" ">-•■ Alnnghty's 
 -ofty plateau called' fa Tabl-au"'"' "^r"'"^"'°" °^ •■• 
 colored .rranite 6on f 7 . J r' ''°'"'"" o^ ^ark- 
 --ke from TX^^^^ ™ ^^^ Po-i-^^ing 

 I f 
 286 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 the Saguenay are Cape Eternity, and Trinity Rock, no 
 the south shore, six miles above St. John's Bay. If the 
 only recompense for the visit to the Saguenay was a 
 sight of these stupendous promontories, we are quite 
 sure no visitor would ever regret it. There is an awful 
 frrandeur and sublimity about them, which is perfectly 
 indescribable. The steamers shut off steam at these 
 points, and the best view possible is arranged for the 
 passengers by the Captain. The echo produced by 
 blowing the steam whistle is very fine indeed. The 
 water is said to be as deep five feet from the base of these 
 rocks as it is in the centre of the stream, and, from actual 
 measurement, many portions of it have been ascertained 
 to be a thousand feet, and the shallowest parts not less 
ock, no 
 If the 
 ' was a 
 re quite 
 11 awful 
 t these 
 for the 
 uced by 
 . The 
 of these 
 m actual 
 not less 
 All- Round Route and Patioraniic Guide. 28T 
 than a hundred ; and from the overhanging cliffs it 
 assumes a black and ink-like appearance. Cape Eternity 
 is by far the more imposing. It is here that an Indian 
 hunter, having followed a moose to the brow of the cliff, 
 after the deer had made a fatal spring far down into the 
 deep water, is said to have lost his foothold and perished 
 with his prey. We also learn from Le Moine's " Oiseaux 
288 All-Roufid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 %Z % t 
 du Canada," that two or three years ago fine speci- 
 mens of the bird of Washington, that rare eagle, were 
 shot here, and, indeed, continually the flight of the bald- 
 headed eagles along the summits of these beetling cliffs 
 the salmon leaping after its insect prey— or the seals 
 bobbing their heads out of the water, attract the sport- 
 sman's eye. 
 Nothing can surpass the magnificent salmon fishing 
 of the Marguerite and other streams, tributaries to the 
 Before taking our departure from what must certainly 
 be classed as one of the most picturesque spots in North 
 America, we would pause to ask the tourist whether his 
 expectations have not been fully realized in every 
 respect, and even far exceeded. We feel satisfied an 
 affirmative answer is the only one that can be given to 
 such a question, for there can be no two opinions as to 
 the magnificence of the scenery brought before the 
 vision on a trip up the River Saguenay to Ha ! Ha ! 
 Bay. Long descriptions of such scenery can convey but 
 little to the reader, and must be at the best very in- 
 adequate. The trip must be taken before the grandeur of 
 the Saguenay is to any extent understood and appre- 
 Leaving Tadousac on the return journey, the steamer 
 again makes its way across the St: Lawrence to Riviere 
 du Loup for the convenience of Cacouna passengers. 
 Those desirous, by so arranging it, can here go ashore, 
 and take the train, by the Intercolonial Railway, to 
 Quebec. Having sailed down the river, this will prove 
 an interesting change, and bring them into Quebec 
: speci- 
 e, were 
 e bald- 
 ig cliffs 
 le seals 
 : sport- 
 ; to the 
 1 North 
 ther his 
 ti every 
 jfied an 
 yiven to 
 ns as to 
 ore the 
 a! Ha! 
 ivey but 
 very in- 
 i appre- 
 > Riviere 
 3 ashore, 
 Iway, to 
 'ill prove 
 I Quebec 
 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 289 
 much earlier. Those remaining on the boat, will, if a 
 fine day, enjoy the sail, calling at Murray Bay, as on 
 the downward trip, and afterwards making straight for 
 Quebec. Those tourists taking the train at Riviere du 
 Loup can make connection at Point Levis, which is op- 
 posite Quebec, with trains for the White Mountains, on 
 the Grand Trunk Railway, which we next intend 
 visiting with them. Those who still keep to 
 the boat, on arrival at Quebec, will probably prefer 
 lying over a day, for rest, before proceeding on their 
 From Point Levis there is not much to be seen, and 
 we, therefore, advise our travellers, as soon as possible 
 after getting on the train, to get a sleeping berth, have 
 a good night's rest, and be in good trim on reaching the 
 White Mountains. At Richmond Station, which is the 
 junction with the main line of the Grand Trunk Rail- 
 way, our tourist can have a comfortable meal. 
 Twenty-five miles from Richmond is the flourishing 
 manufacturing town of Sherbrooke. Here tourists going 
 via the Passumpsic River R. R. will change cars. 
 Sherbrooke is an incorporated town, the capital of the 
 County of Sherbrooke, on both sides of the river 
 Magog, and on the Grand Trunk, Passumpsic, and 
 Quebec Central railways, loi miles east of Montreal. 
 It contains the head office of the Eastern Township 
 Bank, the chief office in Canada of the British American 
 Land Company, several insurance agencies, churches of 
 five or six denominations, an academy, many stores, 
 and manufactories of woollen and cotton cloths, flannels, 
 iron castings, machinery, axes, pails, etc. ; also saw 

 290 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 mills, breweries, etc. Population about 10,000. Tour- 
 ists taking the Passumpsic River Railway will, at New- 
 port, connect with the South Eastern Railway for 
 Continuing our tour via Grand Trunk we will, in 
 about in seven hours, find ourselves, after a very pretty 
 ride through a mountainous country, at Gorham, and 
 on landing will find coaches in readiness to take us to 
. Tour- 
 at New- 
 way for 
 ^ll-Round Route and Panoramic Gtiide. 291 
 the Glen House, eight miles distant. There are numerous 
 drives around Gorham, which are all exceedingly 
 pretty. It is a point from which the beauty of the 
 range of Mount Moriah, Carter, and the Imp may be 
 viewed to the best advantage. 
 The first desire of the tourist when he arrives at Gor- 
 ham IS to learn how to reach readily the celebrated 
 Mount Washington. Taking his seat in the coach 
 Jie soon feaches the 
 will, in 
 y pretty 
 im, and 
 ke us to 
 which occupies a picturesque location in the valley of 
 the Peabody River, at the base of Mount Washington. 
 Its position m this vast arch of nature is at once strfkinB 
 and interesting to the tired traveller, who, drawing 
 nearer the spot, finds an atmosphere of hospitality surt 
 roundmg the house, life and bustle at its entrance 
 a noticeable contrast to its isolation, and a pleasant wel- 
 come after a long day's journey. The management is 
 still in the hands ol Messrs. W. & C. R. Milliken, also 
 proprietors of the Alpine House, another favorite place ' 
 of resort in the midst of superb scenery; and it is scarce- 
 y necessary to add that these houses are as well 
 kept as any in the mountains, and everything is done 
 to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of guests. 
 A piazza extends the entire length of the house, and 
 commands extensive views of Mount Washington 
 Jefferson, Adams, Madisor. the head of Tuckerman's 
 Ravine, and the Carter Range, all of which maybe con- 
 sidered unrivalled among the many sublime aspects of 
 the far-famed New Hampshire Hills. The grandeur of 
lf' (I 
 'fi' ) 
 V*' ,'| 
 I II 
 t I 
 292 Ail-Round Routf and Panoramic Guide. 
 this spectacle is a constant and unfailing source of 
 delight to all lovers of mountain scenery. 
 Stages connect here with the Grand Trunk Rail- 
 way at Gorham, 8 miles; Portland and Ogdensburg 
 Railway at Glen Station, N. H., 15 miles; Eastern 
 Railway at N. Conway, 20 miles; and Mount Wash- 
 ington Railway, at summit of Mount Washington, 8 
 The carriage road, a triumph of engineering skill, was 
 opened in 1861. The carriage grade is 12 feet in 100, 
 So beautifully constructed is the road that no more dis- 
 comfort is experienced than in the same amount of 
 riding upon any other road. During the first four miles 
 the road winds among the forest trees until we reach 
 " the Ledge," where the road emerges from the forest 
 and the beauties of the ascent behind. From this point 
 the road winds along the verge of a deep ravine, be- 
 tween Mounts Washington, Clay and Jefferson. Passing 
 onward we have a most charming view of the Saco 
 Valley. The path now rises on a series of plateaux, and 
 ascending the last part of the steep cone we stand upon 
 the summit. What a magnificent prospect ! A horizon 
 of nearly 600 miles bounds the prospect, and the moun- 
 tain peaks stand on every side as sentinels. Formerly 
 there were two hotels on the summit. These have been 
 united under one management, and are known as the 
 Mount Washington Hotel. To enjoy the mountain 
 scenery it is advisable to remain over night, and, if it b 
 clear, the gratification will be complete. The sunset 
 is magnificent beyond description. As the sun sinks in 
 All.Row,d Route and Panoramic Guide. 293 
 te7^fa:::.\S;^^^°^'''^'"-"-'" enlarge, and e.. 
 ofoccanis now distinctly visible The vv! ^^ 
 pond, and brook, till it seems as thou.heIcf,i!,e\, 
 of water was blanketed and tucked h, be, a h st"' 
 pose, boon the Great Gu f— the deen r^^nr ^ 
 side— i^ fillr.ri -^u '"^ °<^<^Piavines on either 
 till an the hollows J full o the bl tT""'.^" 
 su.o„„di„g summits peet out, liftm; th "" heads ab I 
 c OSS toVr^r. '' ^^'^"^ ^^ *°"^'" °- »"'^ ':; 
 aaossto Clay, Jefferson, Adams and Madison upon this 
 broad platform of mist ShnnlH ti,.- u "" "P°" '"'■'' 
 before sunset , ' phenomenon occur 
 ^esc-ba;rCutirr^Lr:;i; fr '■^'"- 
 b.n-,^hed gold had been Cw'n ^IcL'^-rde;; 
 cnasms from mountain fr.rv f^ . • P 
 i-u ) "'"unrain top to mountain top. Throno-h 
 nuS tie t ' T "■''''-' '"' ^'"f''"/-enet cot 
 tmue ,11 the hour of ret,ring comes. At early dawn the 
 traveller ,s aroused to witness the reverse of the Zure 
 P irom the sea, the g,-eat pyramid of shadow begin- 
294 All-Round Route and Tanoramic Guide. 
 ning in the west gradually contracts, the little cloud 
 blankets rise from the lakes and float away into the 
 upper air, and the sun, "as a bridegroom coming out of 
 his chamber, " clothed in light, " rejoiceth as a strong 
 man to run a race " 
 There are many other pleasant trips to be made from 
 the Glen House, one being a ride to the Imp, passing^ 
 ; ''il 
 l*^ , ' '! 
 the Garnet Pools, where the rocks for some distance are 
 curiously worn and polished by the action of the water. 
 Next are the Thompson Falls, a series of delightful 
 cascades and water slides. We then reach the Emerald 
 tie cloud 
 into the 
 ng out of 
 a strong 
 ade from 
 , passing^ 
 ance are 
 le water, 
 All.Rou„d Route aud Pa„ommic Guide. ^j 
 Pool, n beautiful spot, the theme of many i noef 
 and a subject for the artist's peneii A fn ' ^ '°"?,' 
 tumbling among rocks here the pool ^^'" ^°'''''^ '-""d 
 basin, where restin. itse f fo f i T- '" '° '"' ^"''^' 
 emerges to recommencrit': t^sl: ^^r' '' '^^^ 
 I-our m.Ios from the hotel is situated th! 
 " ""ri"^"-"^ which falls from a great height intoa 
 oT,oll I- . , ^'LEN ELLIS FALLS. 
 slialiow basm below ThfQ f^ii • 
 We next visit the ^ 
296 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 about c'lc mile from the (^ic ^ Kllis Falls. Its descent 
 is about eighty feet. At Gkii Ellis the whole stream 
 pitches in one tide, but here the water is spread to the 
 utmost, and the appearance of the cascade has been 
 compared to an " inverted liquid plume, " a very happy 
 is a tremendous gulf on the south side of Mount Wash- 
 ington. It has been called the Mountain Coliseum, and 
 All-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. 297 
 it is hard to realize the jrrandeur of 
 the scenery here 
 connect w^h th. trains of the Portland and (>d 
 burg R R. ,, oien Station. On leaving th Glen 
 Hpuse the road lies towards the south. Pasring onw d 
 we enter 
298 All-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 passing throiigli which vvc speedily reach Jackson. A 
 mile beyond this are the Goodrich Falls, the largest per- 
 pendicular fall to be seen among the mountains. Soon 
 after leaving the falls we reach Glen Station, where we 
 take the cars. As we proceed up the Saco Valley we 
 have before us to the left the three peaks of" Tremont," 
 and directly behind we seethe noble form of old Kear- 
 sage. At last 
 bursts upon our view, and looking up the gorge we 
 have Mount Webster on our right, Willey on the left, 
 with Mount Willard forming the centre of the picture. 
 No traveler through the mountains should miss the 
 view from Mount Willard. The summit is reached 
 from the Crawford House by the carriage road, a dis- 
 tance of a mile and a half. The view is one of the most 
 surprising in the mountains. The valley and the Saco 
 River are nearly twenty-five hundred feet below. The 
 view is grand in the extreme, and here at one glance 
 can be seen a greater part of the White Mountain Notch. 
 The best time to see it is two or three hours before sun- 
 set, when the lengthening shadows are creeping down the 
 western side of the Notch, and begin to extend up the 
 sloping sides of Mount Webster. This view is in some 
 respects more beautiful and startling than any seen 
 from Mount Washington. 
 Descending into the Notch, a short distance brings us 
 to a point where stands the Willey House, at an eleva- 
 tion of two thousand feet, made famous by the slide of 
AU-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 299 
 August 28th, ,826, when the face of Mount Willcy slid 
 mto he Notch below, and in which the entir Wil y 
 fan>,ly perished. No one can visit the old hous^ he 
 rock ,n ,ts rear which parted the slide, and the spot 
 where the remains of some of the victims were found 
 .mhout sharin, the feelings of those who wenT h, I^^ct' 
 The road now winds up a narrow ravine for about 
 *::;:":;; "-" -■^ .""-^ '-^ ^-'-^"^ '~-d i^ 
 darkthic T" '-^ °'"' °' ^"°°'"^ »™-'™- With 
 da k walls, 2,000 feet high on either hand, we 
 feel our own nothingness, and a feeling of relief i, e7 
 per,enced when we emerge fron, the defile, and bu; 
 .. short d, stance before us the Crawford House a 
 ^rge new edifice, very commodious and agreeable 
 No more ple.asing landscape can be found tiran tha^ 
 t a id litt," IT : '"''■' ^'■'•'"'•'- ^ "■'''^ '-™ ■■•"d 
 the eve I ' ( ,"""' "' '"' ^'"'- -"'^ "'"l" 
 the eye I.eyond ,s the Notch, with Mount Webster 
 on the left a„<l Mount Willard on the right A more 
 qmetand restful view is not had in any Vlace Here 
 he care^of life .reforgotten and the old^row you, ; n 
 Ind mini '! '""^.°^"''"S and stin.ulates the body 
 and mmd o greater activity. The hotel is lighted with 
 ed notice of all the points of interest encircling this sDot 
 A visit to Mount Willard will certainly be made The 
 ascent IS very easy and pleasant, while the view fr'om the 
 summit affords more pleasure than far more lofty p'aks 
 v.s.t. In the Notch are many points of interest. The 
 300 ^ All-Round Route and- Panoramic Guide. 
 Flume, three-quarters of a mile from the hotel, derives 
 Its name from the narrow and deep ravine through which 
 the waters of a mountain stream ru,h with grelt rapid- 
 'ty. Silver Cascade, a short walk below the entrar^-f- 
 of the Notch and Ripley Falls, six miles below the 
 Crawford House, are well worth seeing, especially in 
 time of high water. The great feat, however, will 
 be the ascent of Mount Washington, distant about 
 nine miles from the hotel. There are special at- 
 tractions in the old bridle path, which to many surpass 
 those of .fcage or railway travel, therefore it is not to be 
 wondered Lt that so many ascend by this route. We 
 first scale Mount Clinton, 4,200 feet, from the summit 
 of which a noble view is obtained. We now descend to 
 the ridge which joins Clinton to Mount Pleasant, and 
 and taking the path around the southern side of the 
 mountain, we come to a plain lying at the foot of Mount 
 Franklin, which we ascend, and the view is extremely 
 grand. Passing Mount Monroe, several hundred feet 
 below the summit, and winding around it, we gain our 
 first view of Mount Washington, wl-'ch we ascend by 
 the south-western side. The view 1.0m the summit we 
 have already described. From our lofty position we 
 shall descend by the Mount Washington Railway. 
 This road was commenced in 1866, and the success 
 which has attended the enterprise has been very marked. 
 Few people now visit the mountains without making 
 the journey on the way at least by rail. The descent to 
 the terminus is 2,625 feet, the terminus being 2,668 feet 
 above the water. The greatest grade is 1,980 feet to 
 the mile. The road is most substantially built, and, 
AlURouud Route and Fa,u,ra,nic Guide. 301 
 besides ihe usual rails, there is a centre rail nf n ,• 
 construction, to receive the motive power Tv"" 
 sists of two bars of iron with croTs n^Z '°"- 
 inches, and a centre cog-wCel TleC "^''^ '""^ 
 into this rail '^ locomotive plays 
 The locomotive a« ■> fi„t 
 has the appearand of bdn'trt: n,' "' ^^ """"'■ 
 as it commence, th„ ^ ^ '^" °™''- ^s soon 
 being ,i^e:Tul:::::Ti:T''-r''' "■^^'^"^ 
 driving wheel is trear^H . """^"■'" ^"'■°"- The 
 B .s geared ;nto a smaller wheel, which con- 
 I'i f ■• . 1 
 ,1 :l 
 302 All-Round Route and. Panoramic Guide, 
 nects directly with the crank. Four revolutions of the 
 engine are required to make one of the driving wheels, 
 thus sacrificing speed to power. The engine is not con- 
 nected with the car, but simply pushes the car up the 
 track. On the return it allows the car to follow it down 
 at a slow rate of speed. 
 To protect the train from accident, a wrought-iron 
 dog constantly plays into notches on the driving wheel 
 so that if any part of the machinerj'- gives way, the 
 train is arrested where it is. There are also the usual 
 friction brakes, and in addition, atmospheric brakes on 
 each side of the car. These last alone are sufficient to 
 stop the car and hold it i any position. 
 The cars are comfortaL',- and easy, and the trip is 
 made without danger or fatigue. The cars are provided 
 with seats placed at an angle, which brings them nearly 
 on a level on the ascent. They all face down the moun- 
 tains. There is, however, an aisle in the car, and platforms 
 at each end, so that views may be had from all direc- 
 Having reached the lower terminus of the railroad 
 we proceed by rail to the Fabyan House, or Crawford 
 House, at either of which points we may, if desirable, 
 take the Portland and Ogdensburg Railway to North 
 Conway, and Portland, or Boston. Visitors at the moun- 
 tains, in whose itinerary the " Portland and; Ogdensburg" 
 may not have been included, will find trains convenient- 
 ly arranged for excursions from the Crawford or 
 P'abyan Houses, through the celebrated White Moun- 
 tain Notch, to North Conway and back, or to the 
 cool and bracing airs and numerous attractions of Port- 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 303 
 land and the sea-shore resnrfc ;« .-f • • • 
 place we ru„, descHbl r S^lnVrtf '" -°*- 
 We now propose starting on a tour from the terminus 
 reach thf^ ''a" °"''' ' '"^ "^"''°"^'' -^ speedfl ■ 
 reach the lower Ammonoosuc Falls, a singularly beau 
 t.ful and attractive cascade. Having rested we mL 
 s::;? M °" ■"°""'^'" '^^^'" -^ "ho™;x 
 leaving the hotel, we cross the Ammonoosur RrM \ 
 aTcttf "''^'^°^ '^^""^'^'^'"- ^P~coSS 
 attraction for persons spending a few ;veeks in this redon 
 Pursumg our onward course we ascend a high h ,?I' 
 S ^'^'T"^'^"^ - have the whole of'the F anco 
 ma Ridge before us, while to the risrht is H,„ M !? 
 wUh its dark opening. Descending thfhiH an " g 
 the valley, we begin the ascent of the Notch, and thread 
 «g our way along its ravines, we reach the 
 Which stands on a plateau which overlooks the An, 
 monoosuc River, within five miles of the Fabya Hou" 
 and ,s surrounded by some of the finest scenery 1.?^' 
 mountain region. The view from the pi 1"L h 
 observatory ,s unsurpassed for beauty and grandeur 
 The great mountain summits are seen on either haTd 
 On the south are Lafayette, Haystack and the Twj f 
 On the east is the entire White Mountain range Zn 
 Mount Washington to Mount Webster, the latter form 
 mg one side of the celebrated White Mounta „;:,"" 
 Th.s ,s the centre of a great basin, and more mountlt 
 summits can be seen from this hotel than any oTh" 
 the mountan,s. The great wall of living g Jen w^ h 
 ■P. 1 
 304 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 rises across the Ammonoosuc and in front of the house 
 is a pleasing object for the eye to rest upon, while the 
 ever-flowing river which winds below, over rapids and 
 through beautiful meadows, makes sweet music to the ear. 
 The Hotel Prospect is situated on the summit of Mount 
 Prospect, which is the Symmetrical Mountain, standing 
 in the Valley between Lancaster on the north, Jefferson^ 
 Whitefield and Bethlehem on the south, and in full view 
 from each of these favorite resorts. It is 2090 feet above 
 tide water, and 1240 feet above Lancaster Village. 
 From the House a perfect view is had of the White, 
 Fiunconia and Green Mountain Ranges and Pilot 
 Heights, the Connecticut River Valley for many miles, 
 and the country surrounding. This House has been 
 open since the last season and is very perfect in all its 
 appointments. An excellent Carriage Road leads to 
 Lancaster Station, three miles distant. Telephone con- 
 nection is had with Telegraph, Express and Post Offices 
 at Lancaster, and the drives from this point to any of 
 the surrounding Summer Resorts are of the most 
 delightful character. No place in the Mountain Region 
 offers such a charming variety of Views as this ' otel, 
 which affords guests all the conveniences and comforts 
 of Boarding Houses less desirably situated, and at 
 reasonable rates. 
 This hotel is located near the picturesque village of 
 Lancaster, on the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad, 
 only seven hours' ride from Boston or Montreal, five 
 hours' ride from Portland, over the Grand Trunk Rail- 
 way, or through the celebrated notch of the White Hills 
 by the Portland & Ogdensburg Railroad. Tourists 
 leaving Boston on the Eastern Railroad, connecting at 
I ; 
 A!l-R„md Route and Panoramic Guide. 305 
 I'pleasuTof "f T ^- * °- ^- ^■' -"' -'» enjoy 
 IrriwlTri °"^" *i-^''»'"°"» mountain pL 
 ^ arriving at Lancaster in season for early tea ^ 
 I he view from Mount Prosnprf ;= „„ r\, , 
 r:i-r;:.;:£ ESS-"" 
 Lancaster is the shire town of Coo. r. T . 
 agricultura,, .echanicai and pls'll, 1°^.::^";: 
 section of the State largely center here. Therrlrelood 
 physicians and apothecaries in the villaee TNTtf t 
 Bank, and the EpiscDmran, r ^ National 
 tarian.: M,.i. ^.':P'^'^^P-^''a"s, Congregationalists, Uni- 
 tar ans, Methodists and Catholics all hold regular s;rvice^ 
 at their respective churches. service* 
 Profile House. 
 . This favoritesummer resort, situated nineteen hundred 
 and seventy-two feet above tide-water, has longbern 
 known and appreciated by thousands of sumZ vL" 
 tors. Its ocation is well described by the Rev d;" 
 Prime ; "A plain of a few cleared acres in l^Zl 
 gorge that admits the passage of a nar^J a^way 
 mountains two thousand feet hi<,h rising- aim.! ^' 
 pendicularly on each side, with two ^1 ,kef ,f " 
 underthe hills and skirte. with forests, has'been 2 sen' 
 retreat from the ^^^^!.^^:^^^Z:-^l^ 
 It .s never hot at the Profile House." The ampll' 
3o6 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 grounds, commanding wide and beautiful views, are 
 crowded during the pleasure season with a happy com- 
 pany, gathered from all parts of the land, who find here 
 that cleanliness and attention, with that ample and sub- 
 stantial profusion of viands which mountain air and 
 exercise make, more thsn elsewhere, a necessit) , 
 The parlor and dinfaag hall are spacious and elegant 
 (about 130 by 50 feet area), and the whole building is 
 lighted with gas. ITie telegraph runs to this point, 
 and the man of business nny receive his mails with 
 regularity, and send his commands along the wires, 
 while he gathers strength in the mountain air, and mar- 
 vels among the mysl cries of the hills. Many improve- 
 ments are yearly made. The furnishing is elegant and 
 complete, and the location superior. 
 ^i- • --'I 
 Tin: Flumk House. 
 This new hotel, five miks from the Profile House, 
 and under the same management, is pleasantly located 
 at the southern extremity of the PVanconia Notch. To 
 the north can be seen the most prominent mountains of 
 the range, Lafayette, the two Haystacks and Mount 
 Liberty, while the beautiful valley of the Pemigewasset 
 stretches to the south. It is first-class in all its appoint- 
 ments, and is open from June i to November i. 
 All rail and through in the day from Boston, New- 
 port, New York, Saratoga, Lake George, Montreal, Que- 
 bec, Portland, etc., via Profile and Franconia Notch 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 307 
 ews, are 
 )py corn- 
 find here 
 and sub- 
 \ air and 
 d elegant 
 uilding is 
 lis point, 
 lails with 
 he wires, 
 and mar- 
 .'gant and 
 R, R., from Bethlehem Junction, or by daily stages via 
 Flume House to terminus of Pemigewasset Valley, R. R. 
 le House, 
 ;ly located 
 otch. To 
 untains of 
 id Mount 
 s appoint- 
 jton, New- 
 Teal, Que- 
 lia Notch 
 at North Woodstock, ten miles distant, thence by rail 
 to Boston, New York, and all points. 
 in which the Profile House is situated, is a pass about 
 1 ii>^ 

 308 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 five miles in extent, between Wesark, Lafayette and 
 Mount Cannon. 
 The Franconia hills, with their beautiful scenery, are 
 the theme of admiration to the tourist. Their grandeur 
 is not overpowering, as at the White Mountains, 
 but, for quiet beauty and repose, the Notch cannot be 
 The Franconia House is beautifully situated, and is 
 the nearest House to the Profile. It is a new House 
 and is under the management of D. H. Howland, an 
 experienced hotel man. The House is most comfortable, 
 and everything is done to make the guests at home. 
 Near the Profile House, northward, a short distance, lies 
 V " 
 a clear, limpid s^'eet of water, two hundred rods from 
 the Profile Hou of great depth and transparency, 
 encircled by rare .. enery. Here are the centres of the 
 most marvellous echoes; the human voice will be 
 echoed distinctly several times, while the report of a gun 
 breaks upon the rocks like the roar of artillery. The 
 Indians believed that these echoes were the voice of 
 the Great Spirit. 
 Our space forbids lengthy notices of all the points of 
 interest in this vicinity. We shall therefore, merely 
 name the more prominent. 
 Eagle Cliff, a magnificent, bold, promontory, almost 
 overhangs the hotel ; but the sight of sights is the cele- 
 brated Profile, or Cannon Mountain, directly opposite 
 the cliff. It derives the latter name from a group of 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 309 
 mighty rocks upon its summit, which viewed from the 
 hotel, looks like a mounted cannon. The former name, 
 however, is its most familiar title. 
 The most attractive point of interest is the Old Man 
 of the Mountain, or the Great Stone Face, which hangs 
 upon one of the highest cliffs, twelve hundred feet above 
 Profile Lake— a piece of sculpture older than the 
 Sphinx. This strange apparition, so admirably coun- 
 terfeiting the human face, is eighty feet long from the 
 chin to the top of the forehead, and is formed of three 
 distinct masses of rock, one making the forehead, 
 another the nose and upper lip, and a third the chin. 
 ,. •■Ill 
 310 All-Ronnd Ruitc and Panoramic Guide. 
 The rocks arc brought into the proper relation to from 
 tlje profile at one point only, namely upon the road 
 through the Notch, a quarter of a mile south of the 
 Profile House. The face is boldly and clearly relieved 
 against the sky, and, except, in a little sentiment 
 of weakness about the mouth, has the air of a stern, 
 strong character, well able to bear, as, he has done un- 
 flinchingly for centuries, the scorching suns of summer 
 and the tempest-blasts of winter. Passing down the 
 road a little way, the " Old Man " is transformed into a 
 " toothless old woman in a mob cap ; " and soon after 
 melts into thin air, and is seen no more. Hawthorne 
 I \;-c;.-<\.t 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 3 1 1 
 has found in this scene the theme of one of the plcasant- 
 cst of his "Twice-told Tales." that called "The Great 
 Stone Fac'-." It is within one hundred rods of the 
 Profile House, and is unciuestionably. the most remark- 
 able natural curiosity in this country, if not in the 
 Immediately below the Face nestles the beautiful 
 sheet of water known as Profile Lake, or, The Old Man s 
 Mirror It is one of the gems of mountain pictures. 
 The finest trout live in the waters. At the Trout House 
 a short distance below the lake, can be seen several 
 hundreds of these speckled beauties. 
 1.0 ,r«^ IIM 
 ^ ^% > 
 WEBSTER, NY. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 
i'i' W''h 
 '0M ■^' 
 Hi ' 
 - vrs' 
 ill ''■( 
 ^//-i?«»«rf /e<,«^^ «;^ Panoramic Guide. 
 Mn,r-°^** !"°" P'^^'-^q-e towns in the White 
 Mountains, at the junction of the Glen and T J 
 road, three n,i,es fro.. Glen Stat on on he Ported 
 an Ogdensburg Railroad, where coaches fro^ the Gl „ 
 i-Ihs House connect with all trains. The hotel is st!n 
 aTd ; /ur"^^"^""'^-''-''"""^^-''-^^^^^^^^^ 
 ctsZlrn;^^ "^"^^^^ '- '^^"^' ^- '' afirst^ 
 This is one of the healthiest locations in the whole 
 a^trrs^'r r:r -r™"' ^'' -'-' 
 Weliness and pictures.uen^rU th:;:^^ ^I 
 hotel .s ga,ned a fine view of the surrounding Mountains 
 Facng the south you see Moat Mountain risinrath 
 height of 3,.CK> feet. Thorn Mountain and th" rjl^ 
 dhl°d"" r :" "" '^'- ^"^ "™ "°^'^ p-^' of 
 the nearer . <=°"^P'C"ous objects in the northeast, 
 the nearer eminence being 3,000 feet high and the 
 farther one a hundred feet higher wlh' r 
 seen ir^ "' ^°°'^"'^ 1"^"^. "'here can be 
 taTs. "'"' Prependicular fall among the moun! 
 -ndtfultofjath'tf V'"'' '^^^"' ^--''^ -'<^ «- 
 through Tucklmts V """"." f ^'^ ^-''-g'"" 
 but a few 1^ T '"^ '""^ *= Snow y^rchare 
 notUSkhtVo^' "°" '"^ ''°-^ ''>-^'' '-'^ 
A!l.Ro„„d Ro,Ue aud Pauoramic Guide. 3 , 3 
 tain cascade. The Ba^n fi'? T' """""^"^ "'°""- 
 is a remarkable spot p"''"""""^ ""^ Notch 
 «i«.duie spot, remigrewasset Rfv^r i,-, u 
 worn curious cavities in the ro^ck. The b I tl ^ 
 in diameter. It is nearly circular anH h T ^^ ^^^ 
 worn to its present shap^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
 and round in the currenf J ^.^''^'''S of rocks round 
 the current. Here, just below the Basin is 
 one of the most famous of nil fi. u 
 The Lafayette HouTe is.- l ed nertl"'^- 7"''''- 
 mountain viUao-e of Fran. ^ Picturesque 
 and the famous^L:LorZr ^Tt f ""^I '^'''''''' 
 some of the grande^f T '" ""^ '"''^^t of 
 scenery i„ LfEnttd r^f '"""'""' '"°""'--" 
 toalip^Iacesofspeluntre^lTe'r " '^"''"''"' 
 The Flume, Echo Lake FroLV^ufT" ''"'"■ 
 of Mt. Agassi, are within a„asv ride . ''j ™'"""" 
 -ernoon^ ^^.rdrir I^, ^r^ T '"j 
 n^V^antrmt'eT^" ^'^^ '^-'-' -^ 
 streams-the AmmoCs^c t^:' ^ ^7"" '"°""'^'■" 
 waters, their wooded banks Ih ^"'"-"""^ ">-> 
 aifordinff a cool ;,nri .^ sequestered nooks 
 and arbors hav been tlZ"', l''''^' ^"^"^ -'-"^ 
 lofty trees, and here beidTttr"' "" ^""'^ °' 
 in perfect safety can find '''' "^ "■"'^^■'' '^'"■''''•^•" 
 christened T" Wle^'d . "Z T '''''^''''- ^^ ''"^ 
 nished with sped I Id I " " '"'" '''"'^ '"'■ 
 peciat regard to summer boarders. The 
3 1 4 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Gvide. 
 fe, 5 : 
 apartments are arranged singly, or in suites for families. 
 The parlor and dining rooms are pleasant, and are made 
 cheerful in the cool evenings by open fire places. A 
 wide piazza extends around the house. 
 Leaving the road, just below the basin, we turn to the 
 left among the hills, and, after a tramp of a mile, reach a 
 large granite ledge, lOO feet high, and about 30 feet 
 wicjjj, over which a small stream makes its varied way. 
 Near the top of this ledge we approach the ravine known 
 as the Flume. The rocky walls here are 50 feet in 
 height, and not more than 20 feet apart. Through this 
 grand fissure runs the little brook which we have just 
 seen. Except in seasons of freshets, the bed of the 
 stream is narrow enough to give the visitor dry passage 
 up the curious glen, which extends several hundred feet, 
 the walls approaching, near the upper extremity, to 
 within ten or eleven feet of each other. About midway, 
 a tremendous boulder, several tons in weight, hangs 
 suspended between the clifTs, where it has been caught 
 in its descent from the mountain above. A bridge^ 
 dangerous for a timid step, has been sprung across the 
 ravine, near the top, by the falling of a forest tree. The 
 Cascade, below the Flume, is a continuous fall of more 
 than 600 feet, the descent being very gradual, and is 
 styled the 
 The Pool, a wonderful excavation in the solid rock, 
 and the Georgiana, or Howard Falls, complete the lions 
 of this region. 
 If the tourist desire, he may continue his stage ride 
 to Plymouth, and return to New York or Boston, via 
All-Rotmd Route a,,d Panoramic Guide. 3,5 
 Boston Concord, Montreal and White Mountain Rail- 
 road and its connections. 
 The Fabyan, a first-class house, is situated at the centre 
 Of the mountain railway system. AM the express trains 
 rI, i",r.""^ °*''' P^'^^^ ^^'^ "hich run between 
 Boston, Fall R.ver, Providence, Worcester, Springfield, 
 New York and the White Mountains, arrive and depart 
 from th,s place. All trains to the summit of Mount 
 Washmgton leave here, also. 
 Few Towns in New England, if any, possess greater 
 natura. attractions than Littleton, and from no point in 
 he mountains can so great a variety of beautiful, 
 romantic and magnificent views be obtained by a short 
 and pleasant ride or walk. It is on the B. C. & M R R 
 and the cars arrive here in the afternoon and evening' 
 .-endenng ,t a convenient resting-place for the night, as' 
 all can just as well have a comfortable night's sleep 
 as to be hurried to the hills, through tickets being 
 tw . 
 vl i|. 
 316 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 good for the next day. It is much better to wait 
 until morning before going to the mountains, as the 
 chance for obtaining good rooms at the mountain 
 hotels is altogether better than at night. This is an 
 important fact, and travelers should bear it in mind. 
 Thayer's Hotel is a very comfortable and popular 
 House and is as pleasant a resort for summer tourists as 
 can be found in the region of the White Mountains. 
 This House located in the central part of the village, 
 with delightful surroundings, possesses the peculiarly 
 HOME-LIKE character so desirable to those who wish to 
 sojourn for a time among the magnificent mountains 
 and charming scenery of the White Mountains. 
 The Oak Hill House 
 is one that we can recommend to the tourist. Being 
 situated on a high elevation and some distance from the 
 highway, the house is free from dust and commands one 
 of the most magnificent mountain views in Northern 
 New Hampshire. The hotel on the summit of Mount 
 Washington and Mossilauk and all the mountains be- 
 tween the two are plainly seen from the house. The 
 situation is admirably suited to persons troubled with 
 hay fever and kindred complaints. The House is supplied 
 with all modern conveniences and everything necessary 
 to the comfort of guests. A large number of rooms 
 can be warmed by wood fires, thus making it a desirable 
 place to spend the autumn months and see the moun- 
 tains clad in their varied hues. Messrs. Farr and Jarvis 
 are experienced, attentive hosts, ever on the alert to 
 minister to the wants and comfort of their guests. 
 Having thus briefly described all the principal points 
All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 31/ 
 of interest in and about the " Switzerland of America," 
 we shall exercise the liberty given to " Knights of the 
 Quill," and shall imagine ourselves at once transported 
 over the mountain peaks to our starting point at 
 Leaving the White Mountains with all their varied 
 attractions, we at once take our seat in the train and 
 proceed to Portland. We find ourselves whizzing along 
 through a magnificent mountainous country, which 
 probably excels anything of its kind in America, and we 
 recommend a good looK-out being kept during the 
 journey, for the scenery cannot fail to please. On 
 arrival at Danville Junction those desirous have time 
 to obtain refreshment, and persons who are accustomed 
 to travel know that it is just as well to take good care of 
 the inner man, so as to be securely fortified against the 
 fatigue that always, more or less, attends long journeys. 
 After leaving Danville Junction, nothing of note is 
 seen until a short distance off Portland, when we come 
 in sight of the Atlantic, and feel the sense of pleasure 
 which is experienced on getting near home after a long 
 absence. Arriving at Portland, the principal city of 
 Maine, our tourist will feel virtually at home at the 
 City Hotel. It is situated near the business centre of 
 the city, and convenient to all the places of interest, and 
 is supplied with every convenience. The proprietors, 
 Messrs. J. W. Robinson & Son are courteous and 
 attentive, and leave nothing undone to contribute to the 
 comfort of their guests. It is a first-class hotel and a 
 great favorite with travelers. To those who have never 
 been in Portland, and can spare the necessary time, we 
 would say, spend a day or two there by all means. It 
 k «, 
 318 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 is one of the most pleasant and agreeable cities in the 
 Eastern States, with wide streets and avenues nicely 
 kept, well meriting its title, "The Forest City." 
 Portland it- handsomely situated on a peninsula 
 occupying the ridge and side of a high point of land, in 
 the south-west extremity of Casco Bay, and on 
 approaching it from the ocean, is seen to great advantage. 
 The harbour is one of the best on the Atlantic coast, the 
 anchorage being protected on every side by land, while 
 the water is deep, and communication with the ocean 
 direct and convenient. It is defended by Forts Preble, 
 Scammel, and Gorges, and dotted over with lovely 
 islands. These islands afford most delightful excursions, 
 and are among the great attractions of the vicinity. 
 On the most elevated point of the peninsula is an 
 observatory, 70 feet in height, commanding a fine view 
 of the city, harbor and islands in . the bay. The misty 
 forms of the White Mountains, 60 miles distant, are 
 discernible in clear weather. The original name of 
 Portland was Muchigonee. It was first settled by the 
 whites as an English colony in I632, just two centuries 
 before the charter of the present city was granted. On 
 the night of the 4th of July, 1866, a fire occurred which 
 swept away nearly one-half of the whole business 
 portion of the city. The entire district destroyed b^ the 
 fire has been since rebuilt, most of the stores and 
 dwelling houses having Mansard roofs, which give a 
 most picturesque and charming appearance to the city. 
 Portland is elegantly built, and the streets beautifully 
 shaded and embellished with trees, and so profusely, 
 that, before the fire, they were said to number no less 
 than 3,000. Congress Street, previous to the fire, the 
' All' Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 3 19 
 main highway, follows the ridge of the peninsula through 
 its entire extent. Among the public buildings of 
 Portland, the City Hall, the Post-Office and some of the 
 churches are worthy of particular attention. The col- 
 lection of the Society of Natural History, organized in 
 1843, was totally destroyed by the fire, but has since 
 been erected again, and now comprises a fine cabinet, 
 containing specimens of the ornithology of the State, 
 more than 4,000 species of shells, and a rich collection 
 of mineralogical and geological specimens, and of fishes 
 and reptiles. The Library, incorporated in 1867, has a 
 collection of 10,000 volumes, and the Mercantile Library 
 possesses also many valuable books. The Marine Hos- 
 pital, erected in 1855, at the cost of $80,000, is an 
 imposing edifice. The canning and hermetically sealing 
 of meats, fish and vegetables is a modern invention of 
 quite recent origin, but as a means of preserving articles 
 otherwise perishable it is thoroughly efi'ective. 
 Among the earliest to embark in this enterprise was 
 the firm of Davis, Baxter & Co., known also as the 
 Portland Packing Co. This firm succeed Samuel 
 Rumery, who commenced operations in 1849, and was 
 the pioneer in the packing business. 
 The business was commenced before these goods 
 were generally known in the market, and from a small 
 beginning has grown to enormous proportions. The 
 Portland Packing Co. are the largest packers of canned 
 corn, lobsters and mackerel in the wo^ld ; their annual 
 product, which also includes other articles, such as roast 
 beef, mutton, soups, clams, beans, succotash and apples, 
 amounts to over ten million cans, which are consumed 
 in every part of the world, the most important foreign 
 - "X 
 320 All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 ports being London, Liverpool, Paris, Hamburg and 
 Stockholm. Their factories, twenty-six in number, arc 
 located at the following points, viz : — In Maine — at 
 Portland, Stroud water, Cumberland Mills, Gorham, 
 Sebago Lake, Naples, Fryeburg, Wells, Winthrop, 
 Monmouth, Prospect Harbor and Hammond's Cove. 
 In Nova Scotia, at Little River, Wood's Harbor, Upper 
 Harbor, Cape Sable, Bear Point, Shelburne, Chester, 
 Indian Harbor, Blue Rocks, Canso, White Haven and 
 Harbor Boucher; and in Newfoundland at Placentia. 
 In the busy season 3,500 hands are eqiployed, the 
 number never being less than 400 to 500. 
 Their goods which are the leading brands in the 
 market, command the highest prices, and have taken 
 awards at Paris 1867, American Institute, 1870; 
 Cordova, 1871 ; Vienna, 1873; Hamburg, 1874; 
 Centennial, 1876; Paris, 1878; Sydney, 1879; Berlin, 
 1880. They have their general offices at 305 Com- 
 mercial St., Portland, in a fine five storey building 
 which they have just built for that purpose. This 
 building is in close proximity to one of their factories 
 for canning meats and soups, and but a short distance 
 from another factory which has just been completed, 
 and in which they are canning a large quantity of 
 mackerel and clams. They keep a large amount of 
 goods in bond, having two large bonded warehouses 
 filled with goods for their export trade. A large product 
 is manufactured "so much more cheaply that dealers will 
 do well to send for a price list to Portland Packing Co., 
 Portland, Maine. 
 Within the past few years water has been introduced 
 into the city from Sebago Lake. 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 321 
 In the vicinity are pleasant drives (notably the one to 
 Cape Elizabeth), and the islands in the harbor furnish 
 grounds for delightful water pic-nics and excursions. 
 In addition, Portland is one of the most healthy cities 
 in New England, which, taken in consideration with its 
 beautiful scenery, pleasant situation and prominent 
 location, and the near proximity to beaches and 
 mountain resorts, makes it one of the most attractive 
 of summer resorts in the country, and parties stopping 
 in Portland should remember that the United States 
 Hotel is next to the largest, and second to no hotel in 
 the city. This hotel has the most central and conve- 
 nient situation of any in the place, fronting, as it does. 
 on Federal, Elm and Congress streets, the principal 
 streets in the city. The building is large and striking 
 in appearance, and will afford accomodation to hundreds 
 of guests. All the bedrooms are neat, airy, commodious, 
I ! 
 322 All-Routid Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 and newly furnished with furniture of the best material 
 and latest pattern, and all the modern conveniences and 
 improvements, as bath rooms, electric bell communication 
 etc., are supplied. Under the management of Mr. Will 
 H. McDonald, the present proprietor, who is so favorably 
 known to the public during a highly successful career 
 spent in catering for them, the house has attained a 
 degree of success, unprecedented in its history, and has 
 acquired a metropolitan fame with travellers. For a 
 first-class cuisine, courtesy, and attention we can heartily 
 recommend the " United States," and are convinced 
 that one days' sojourning with Mr. McDonald will have 
 the effectof ever afterwards attracting to the Hotel those 
 who .will for the first time have enjoyed his careful super- 
 is an old and favorite line between Boston and Portland, 
 organized in 1847, and has maintained its trips with per- 
 fect regularity. Leaving each port at 7 o'clock in the 
 evening (except Sundays), passengers are afiforded a 
 delightful view of the splendid harbors and approaches, 
 and obtain views of the cities which cannot otherwise 
 be enjoyed, and the scenery of the entire trip is among 
 the finest on the eastern coast. The passenger accom- 
 modations on these steamers are first-class in every 
 respect, — very large, roomy and comfortable, remarkable 
 for regularity, officered by skillful and capable men, long 
 in the business, wlio are always found gentlemanly and 
 courteous, " a very important feature," and as a line can 
 present a record surpassed by none, from the fact that 
 during the Company's existence several millions of 
 K]«il -' 
 \i 41 
All-Romid Route and Panoramic Guide. 323 
 passengers have been carried without loss or injury to 
 a single person. It is now the most popular route 
 between Portland and Boston. 
 It has been affirmed by travellers that among the 
 finest scenery in the world is that which is visible from 
 the Observatory in Portland. A most enchanting pros- 
 pect is presented by sea and land, of which the city 
 froms the central object, and, the White Mountains, with 
 the broad Atlantic, mark the boundaries east and west. 
 All these combine to make Portland a place worthy of 
 the tourist's notice. 
 " The beautiful town that is seated by the sea." 
 Cape Elizabeth is a very favorite resort ; being but a 
 few miles out of the city, an afternoon cannot be better 
 passed than by taking a drive out there. Excursions 
 can also be made to the "Ocean House" and "Orchard 
 Beach," both of which are exceedingly pleasant. Then 
 there are the 36 islands, including " Cushing's," most of 
 which can be reached by ferry boat or yacht, and where 
 there are always to be found a great many visitors seek- 
 ing health and relaxation from business. At several of 
 these islands good hotels are to be found ; notably, at 
 the Bay View House, Peak's Island, 
 Forest City Steamboat Company. 
 The Pleasure Boats of this line will leave Custom 
 House Wharf every Hour, touching at Cushing's, White 
 Head, Jones's, Trefethen's and Evergreen Landing, after 
 which returning to the City. Pleasure seekers and 
 tourists can pass a pleasant hour or two by taking a sail 
 down the lovely harbor. Round Trip Tickets, 25c. 
 32/1 AlLRound Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Mount desert island Hes on the cost of Maine, one 
 hundred and ten miles east of Portland, separated from 
 the main land by an arm of sea about seven hundred 
 feet wide. It has an area of about one hundred square 
 miles, '.icluding three towns— Tremont, Mt. Desert and 
 Eden. Its extreme length is about fourteen miles, and 
 breadth about eight. 
 At no other place on the Atlantic coast is th-re such 
 a combination of mountain and sea-shore ; and it has 
 become one of the most fashionable seaside resorts on 
 this continent. It is n.ached by the Portland, Bangor, 
 Machias and Mount Desert Steamboat Co'y from Port- 
 land. 1 
 A writer thus speaks of it:— "No other Island 
 within the reach of the Saratoga trunk lias such an 
 affluence of grand scenery. Infinite variety appears on 
 every side, and there is hardly a phase of nature that is 
 not exemplified. There aie thirteen mountain peaks 
 here, on one side sloping into placid lakes of fresh water, 
 and on the other repelling the unceasing attacks of the 
 ocean's surf from their cliffs of time-stamed rock. The 
 deep salt water of Somes Sound penetrates the island 
 for seven miles, overshadowed by ponderous mountains. 
 Within an hour one can pass from secluded and silent 
 tarns and shadowy and wind-less glens, to broad and 
 rocky strands, along which the white breakers dash 
 with deep and ceaseless music." 
 This road offers superior attractions to pleasure- 
 seekers, and no one visiting Portland or White Moun- 
 H^-iski i . 
AU-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 325 
 tains should fail to make a frip to some of its favorite 
 resorts. The road is now completed through the famous 
 ^' White Mountain, or Crawford Notch," and running by 
 the Crawford and Fabyan Houses, ninety miles from 
 Portland, it furnishes a most attractive and e:<peditious 
 route to those points and the summit of Mount Wash- 
 ington. Atrinoverthe "Portland and Ogdensburg" 
 comprises in itself one of the grandest and most exciting 
 features of the entire White Mountain tour— the ride 
 through the "Notch.". The road is built upon the 
 mountain side, some hundreds of feet above the valley 
 and highway, and the uninterrupted view from the cars 
 reveals many interesting and extensive scenes, unknown- 
 to travellers by the old and now discontinued stage 
 route—at the same time retaining all the attractions of 
 that delightful ride through this remarkable pass. But 
 little more than three hours is necessary to efifect the 
 transition from the sea-coast to the very heart of the 
 mountains, and a day can be filled with constant pleasure 
 by a jaunt from Portland to 
 A few hours spent in visiting the natural attractions 
 of these resorts, and we return to Portland in the 
 evenmg. The route of the Portland and Ogdensburg 
 Railroad lies up the lovely valleys of the Passumpscot 
 and Saco Rivers, skirts for three miles the shores of 
 Sebago Lake and passes through the beautiful towns of 
 Hiram, Brownfield, Fryeburg, and Conway, with their 
 broad intervals flanked by lof.^y mountains, and jewelled 
 with the gleaming xvaters of winding stream and placid 
 lake. Landscapes of woodland, meadow and cultivated 
' "il! 
 ! il: 
 1 L* 
 , ll* 
 326 All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guid 
 tracts dotted with pleasant villages ; rivers with their 
 changing moods of gentle currents, hurrying rapids and 
 leaping waterfalls ; lakes and ponds of varying form and 
 size, mirroring in their depths the beauties of earth and 
 sky, and mountains of gradually increasing height from 
 the low eminence, crowned, perhaps with thrifty farms 
 or forest growth, to bald and rugged peaks towering 
 above the clouds, fill the view from the beginning to the 
 end of the journey. You can breakfast in Portland, 
 make the trip to the mountains without fatigue, dining 
 at the famous mountain hotels, and return to Portland 
 early same evening, or you can make the excursion 
 •according to the time at your disposal, of longer 
 duration by stopping over ac the many points of interest 
 en route, and resuming the journey at pleasure, as two 
 or more through trains are run daily during the summer 
 It may be added that this route from Portland, up the 
 Saco Valley through Hiram, Fryeburg and Conway, and 
 so on to the mountain resorts, was a favorite in the early 
 days of White Mountain travel, before the swift and 
 commodious railroads from other directions had 
 supplanted the stage coach. It has been pronounced the 
 finest of all the approaches to the mountains, and now 
 that the trip this way can also be accomplished behind 
 the " Iron Horse," we may expect the route to regain 
 its old-time popularity, multiplied by the largely 
 increasing tide of visitors to the glorious " White Hills." 
 Sebago Lake, situated seventeen miles from Portland, 
 forms part of a navigable water extending from the 
 O I ■•»l 
^hite Hills." 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 327 
 Lake Station on the P. & O. R. R., to Harrison, thirty- 
 four miles distant, and comprising the Lake, Songo 
 River and Long Pond, the two larger bodies being 
 connected by the Songo. The Lake is fourteen miles 
 long by eleven wide, in widest part, and its waters are 
 bounded by shores of varied form and attractiveness, 
 with fine views of the distant mountains. An hour's 
 sail brings us to the mouth of the Songo, whose channel 
 extends in serpentine windings six miles to overcome 
 the mile and a half interval, "as the crow flies," 
 separating Sebago from Long Pond. The sail up this 
 beautiful stream is one of novel and exciting interest, 
 its narrow and tortuous course between low banks 
 thickly wooded to the water's edge, or relieved here 
 and there by small clearings and meadow lands ; the 
 lock at the head of the river through which the level 
 of the upper waters is gained, and the spirit of quiet 
 restfulness and retirement pervading all, being long 
 remembered by those fortunate enough to enjoy the 
 pleasures of this remarkable excursion. Passing out 
 of the river we enter Long Pond, which, including its 
 subdivisions, known as the "Bay of Naples," and 
 Chute's River, is fourteen miles long, and averages in 
 width about one and one half miles. The character 
 of its scenery differs from the surroundings of Sebago, 
 — the shores being more irregular in outline, and of 
 higher elevation at many points. The land adjoining 
 the Pond is dotted with many farms and villages — 
 Naples, Bridfiton, North Bridgton and Harriston being 
 places of considerable business, and noted as pleasant 
 summer resorts. Two steamers piy in summer over 
 these waters, making the round trip, daily, between 
 328 AL'- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Sebago Lake and Harrison, and connecting at the Lake 
 Station with trains of the Portland and Ogdensburg 
 Railroad. Parties can leave Portland in the morning, 
 make the trip to Harrison and back, thus enjoying a 
 fine inland water excursion of sixty-eight miles, and, on 
 return to the lake, take cars either for Portland or 
 North Conway and the m_ountains, arriving at destina- 
 tion early same evening. 
 Many other points of attraction are found in a trip 
 over the Portland and Ogdensburg, but our space will 
 not admit of their enumeration. We can only advise 
 all who have opportunity to become personally familiar 
 with, at least, some of the features of this inviting 
 pleasure route. 
 on the line of the Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad, a 
 favorite resort much frequented by artists and tourists, 
 lies just at the portal to the White Mountains, whose 
 snow-capped peaks form the back-ground for the most 
 delightful views. The village lies at the foot of the 
 grand old Kearsage Mountain. The principal hotel is 
 the Kearsage House, a well-kept house, much pat- 
 ronized. This house has been entirely reconstructed 
 recently, and now embraces 1 50 rooms for guests. A 
 fine plank walk is laid from the station to the hotel. 
 From this point the whole range of the White Mountains 
 is easily accessible. 
 meaning in Indian ** stretch of water," is in some places 
 four hundred feet deep, and is bounded by the towns of 
 Standish, Raymond, Casco, Naples and Set ago. The 
 Lake is traversed by two new and elegant side-wheel 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 329 
 steamers, the " Sebago " and the ** Mt. Pleasant," of 
 similar size and design. Each is about 87 ft. long by 
 24 ft. beam, and contains a promenade deck 72 ft. long. 
 Steaming up the Lake at the rate of fourteen knots an 
 hour, we pass on our right, Indian Island, with an area 
 of seventy-five acres ; little One Tree Island, with its 
 scraggy old stub surmounted with an eagle's nest ; and 
 soon approach, on our left, Frye's Island, with its 
 thousand acres of dense forest. Sailing up its eastern 
 shore, we enter the " Notch," a narrow neck of water 
 between the island arid Raymond Cape, five miles from 
 the Lake station. At this point the island, with its 
 rocky beach, green slope, primitive cottages, and wooded 
 back-ground, forms a pleasant picture, often enlivened 
 with the tents of camping-out sportsmen. Below, on our 
 right are the celebrated " Images." This curious mass 
 of Rock rises perpendicularly from the water nearly 70 
 feet, and then slopes, in jagged, fanciful shapes, to a 
 still further height of some 30 feet. The water at the 
 foot of the precipice is 85 feet deep. Here, too, is the 
 " Cave," which possesses a peculiar interest, from the 
 fact that it was a favorite boyhood haunt of Nathaniel 
 Hawthorne. It is a square aperture, four feet by six, in 
 the solid Rock, into which the great novelist was wont 
 to sail in his tiny fishing boat, which he could do to a 
 distance of 25 feet, and then clamber through a short 
 passage to the outer world. 
 On — still on — and we are now upon the broadest part 
 of the Lake. Flocks of white sea-gulls fly over our 
 heads, while an occasional loon or a bevy of ducks start 
 up in alarm at our approach, follow: _' by the shots of 
 sportsmen abroad. To the north-east, Rattlesnake 
» I 
 330 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Mountain is seen, and in the same direction, near the 
 lake, is seen the early home of Hawthorne. The scenery 
 on the west is wilder and more rugged. Saddleback 
 Mountain, in Baldwin, is plainly visible, from which the 
 eye roams north-east, beyond the " Great Bay," over the 
 Sebago hills, and farms and forests. Still farther north 
 is Peake Mountain, beyond which the view extends 
 northward to Mount Kearsage, so blue and cold in the 
 hazy distance, while the White Mountains may be 
 distinctly seen on the western horizon. 
 Passing up the Songo and Long Lake we reach 
 Harrison village, the terminus of the steamer route. A 
 short ride by coach, or private conveyance, brings us to 
 the foot of 
 The ascent to this is steep, especially as we near the 
 summit, which is 2,018 feet above the level of the sea. 
 Reaching this, our toils and restrained curiosity are amply 
 compensated by the magnificent view. 
 A horizon of three hundred miles bounds the prospect ! 
 — a prospect in many respects the finest in New England. 
 Some fifty lakes and ponds may be distinctly seen from 
 the summit by the naked eye, and the view far surpasses 
 that offered from Mt Washington, being unobstructed 
 by clouds and neighboring mountains, and rich in all the 
 varied characteristics of the beautiful, the sublime, the 
 From Portland, two or three dififerent routes can be 
 chosen, according to the time and inclination of the 
 traveler. If desiring to go to New York direct, and 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 331 
 preferring a sea passage, the steamers of the Maine 
 Steamship Co. ply regularly, stopping at Martha's 
 Vineyard, and in fine weather this will be found an 
 exceedingly pleasant trip. The fine steamers, Eleanora 
 and Franconia, form a line leaving Franklin wharf, 
 Portland every Wednesday and Saturday, at 6.00 
 p. m., arriving at an early hour on Friday and 
 Monday mornings in New York , they are fitted 
 up with fine accommodation for passengers ; passage, 
 including state-room, $5, meals extra. We shall, how- 
 ever presume that the majority travelling intend to go 
 via Boston, and, if possible, rest a while in that fine city, 
 rather than hurry on at railroad speed, which cannot but 
 prove tiresome. Therefore to such there is the choice of 
 land or water carriage. The Portland Steam Packet 
 steamers, elegantly furnished, of thorough sea-going 
 qualities, leave Portland every evening except Sunday for 
 Boston, the passage occupying about ten hours ; by adopt- 
 ing this mode of conveyance, passengers are landed after 
 a complete night's rest, free from the weariness attending 
 a journey by railway. Those preferring the road can 
 take the train of the Easterji Railroad. A pleasant ride 
 of 56 miles, and we arrive at the fine city of 
 New Hampshire. It is one of the oldest, most historic 
 and attractive spots on the coast of New England. 
 Within and around it are almost innumerable places and 
 objects of interest to the tourist. It is situated on the 
 westerly bank of the Piscataqua River, which separates 
 tho States of New Hampshire and Maine. It was the 
 residence of the Royal Governors in Colonial days, and 
 r i 
 232 All-Rotind Route and Panoratnic Guide, 
 was the first soil of New Hampshire trod by the English. 
 One of the interesting features of the city is the 
 " Governor Wentworth mansion," which was erected by 
 him in 1750. The United States navy-yard is located 
 here. Within a radius of ten miles there are many 
 charming places of resort accessible, both by land and 
 water. The ocean view is extensive and very fine. The 
 The " Isle of Shoals " is a group of picturesque isles : 
 with their quaint houses and numerous fleet of boats, 
 they are points of great attraction during the summer 
 season, and are seven miles distant from Portsmouth, 
 with steamers plying daily. The principal Hotel in 
 Portsmouth is the " Rockingham House," a comfortable 
 and well-kept hotel. It is built on the site of the former 
 residence of Governor Langdon, and is a great favorite 
 with the travelling public. Diverging from our direct 
 route to Boston, we take the train of the Concord and 
 Portsmouth Road, and a ride of fifty-nine miles brings 
 us to the capital of the State of New Hampshire. 
 which contains many buildings of interest, built of the 
 celebrated Concord granite. One of the principal beau- 
 ties of Concord, which is situated on the west bank of 
 the Merrimac River, is the abundance of trees shading its 
 regularly laid out streets. It is a city of extensive trade, 
 celebrated for its carria'ge manufactories and the superior 
 quality and extent of its granite quarries. Returning to 
 Portsmouth we proceed on our journey, and in due time 
 arrive at Boston. 
 .i ii 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 333 
 E purpose giving a brief notice of the many points 
 of interest along the coast between Portland 
 and Boston, travelling via Portland Steam-packet 
 The first important place is 
 three miles from the city, and containing about 300 acres. 
 It commands a magnificent ocean view, with fine beaches 
 for bathing. Ten miles from Portland is 
 The beach is 9 miles long, hard and smooth. " More 
 carriages can drive abreast on this noble beach, than 
 could have been accommodated on the wide walls of 
 Babylon." It is much visited, and is annually increasing 
 in attractiveness ; we can recommend the Montreal 
 House here, as being quiet and comfortable. Three 
 miles further, and we reach 
 ninety-five miles from Boston. It is a pleasant summer 
 resort with a fine beach, and affording excellent bathing 
 and fishing. Saco Pool, about five miles distant, is a 
 nature- wrought basin in the rock, connected with the sea 
 by a narrow passage about a quarter of a mile in length. 
 It is emptied and filled by each changing tide. Another 
 10 miles brings us to 
 principally noted for its ship building, carried on at the 
 mouth of the Kennebunk River. 

 ~ I 
 ■ i 
 1 . 
 334 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 with its six miles of beautiful beach and its great induce- 
 ments to sportsmen, lies five miles beyond. This town is 
 rapidly increasing in population and trade. 
 Next is 
 rising abruptly from the sea to a height of about one 
 hundred feet. The highest point of the cliff is called the 
 *' Pulpit." 
 about 14 miles from Wells, is one of the finest beaches on 
 the coast. At low tide it is over 500 feet in width. 
 " The drive along it is pleasant, the horses' hoofs striking 
 on the hard sand, making a fine accompaniment to the 
 dashing of the waves, which, in fine weather, come in with 
 a soft lulling sound, and \n storms, with a noise like 
 mighty thunder." 
 We now approach a low-lying group of islands, known 
 as the 
 which derive their name from the ** shoaling of fish in 
 their vicinity in the proper season." These islands are 
 very bleak and desolate in appearance, being composed 
 of huge masses of granite bleached by exposure to the 
 sun, and worn by the action of the waves. They were 
 visited in 1614, by the celebrated Capt. J'^hn Smith, of 
 *' Pocahontas fame." The shoals at low water consist of 
 6 islands, increased to 18 when at high water. Appledore, 
 formerly known as Hog Island, is the largest. It is 75 
 feet high at its greatest elevation, and contains about 400 
 acres. On this a hotel has been erected. These islands 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 335 
 form a nice summer resort, and one usually well patron- 
 ized. Proceeding on our trip, we pass Fust's Point, and 
 also Portsmouth. 
 After Portsmouth we pass Shaw's Point, so named after 
 Hon. E. Shaw, of Manchester, N. H., thence onward to 
 a very popular resort, at which are some of the finest 
 hotels at any of the New Hampshire beaches. The views 
 in this neighborhood are extensive and very fine. 
 Little Boar's Head, a promontory, 40 feet high and 
 projecting into the ocean, separates Rye Beach from 
 a fine hard beach, nearly 3 miles in extent, affording ex- 
 cellent drives, in which, at low tide, 18 or 20 teams may 
 drive side by side. Here are also the best facilities for 
 bathing and promenades. The drives in the vicinity are 
 unsurpassed, and boating parties are the order of each 
 day. The town of Hampton was first settled in 1638 by 
 English emigrants. This town has been remarkable for 
 its general health, and the long life of its inhabitants. 
 Next in order is 
 which is on the Merrimac River. At this point, visitors 
 are directed to the birthplace of the mother of Daniel 
 Webster, also the ancient house where Caleb Cushing" 
 was born. Salisbury Beach is 6 miles long, but not so 
 firm as Rye and Hampton Beaches. 
 is noted as a point where whale-boat building was largely 
 carried on, and is still an important place of industry. 

 'i^' \ 
 M t 
 Ali-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 is located on the Merrimac River, and is considered one 
 of the most beautiful cities in New England. It possesses 
 many singular attractions. One point of special interest 
 is the old church, the scene of Whitefield's labors, his 
 tomb, his monument, and other relics. Oak Hill Cemetery 
 is also worthy of a visit. The population is about 14,000, 
 or 15,000. 
 Beverly, Mass., is a town of some 7,000 inhabitants. It is 
 18 miles from Boston, and is connected by a bridge with 
 a town which, for historic interest, is not surpassed. 
 From this town have gone forth many men whose names 
 have become distinguished in the various walks of life* 
 Its scientific and literary institutions are very important 
 Next to Plymouth, Salem is the oldest town in New 
 England, having been first settled in 1626. The rides in 
 the vicinity are pleasant, and its proximity to the popular 
 watering-places makes it a point of much attraction. 
 is the favorite resort of the wealth and fashion of Boston^ 
 to which city it is as Long Branch is to New York. The 
 bathing is excellent, but the beaches are not so extensive 
 as at other points. 
 the headquarters of the shoe trade, is 1 1 miles from 
 Boston. It is beautifully situated on the N. E. shore of 
 Massachusetts Bay. Dungeon Rock is a spot frequently 
 visited, and High Rock, near the centre of the city, 
 affords a fine point nf view. Leaving this, a short ride 
 brings us to the end of journey, and we land at the 
 wharves of the beau^iu ' citv of Boston. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 337 
 HIS route ofifet.- special advantages to tourists, pass- 
 ing as it does through some of the finest cities and 
 towns in the Eastern States, and also affording an 
 opportunity of enjoying a sail along the beautiful Long 
 Island Sound. 
 Taking the Portland and Rochester road, we pass on 
 to Nashua, thence over the Worcester and Nashua Rail- 
 road to Worcester, there connecting with the Norwich 
 apd Worcester Road to Norv/ich, and onward to New 
 London, via New London and Northern Railroad. At 
 this point connection is made with the Norwich Line of 
 Steamers for New York. Those of our tourists who de- 
 cide upon this route can leave Portland daily (Sundays 
 excepted) in the afternoon, by the Steamboat Express with 
 Drawing-room car attached, and will arrive at New York 
 early next morning. This trip is made without any change 
 of cars between Portland and New London. 
 This train, also connecting at Putnam with the New 
 York and Philadelphia Express train, reaches Philadelphia 
 also early next a. m., and Washington about noon. 
 |S one of the most interesting of American cities, not 
 (|^ only on account of its thrilling traditionary and his- 
 "^^ torical associations, but for its public enterprise, and 
 its high social culture ; for its educational and literary 
 facilities ; for its numerous benevolent establishments ; 
 for its elegant public and private architecture, and for the 
 surpassing natural beauty of its suburban landscapes. 
338 All-Rciind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 ( i 
 <■ M 
 The old city is built upon a peninsula of Lonie 700 acres, 
 very uneven in surface, and rising at three different points 
 into an eminence, one of which is 138 feet above the level 
 of the sea. The Indian name of this peninsula was 
 Shawmut, meaning " Living Fountain." It was called 
 by the earlier inhabitants Trimount or Tramount, which 
 latter name it still retains in one of its principal streets. 
 The name of Boston was bestowed on it in honor of the 
 Rev. John Cotton, who came there from Boston, in 
 England. The census of 1880 gives it a population of 
 Boston Harbor is large, and contains numerous islands, 
 and in depth of water and availability is surpassed by 
 none on the coast. 
 At East Boston is the deepest water of the harbor, and 
 here the ocean steamers chiefly lie. East Boston is con- 
 nected by^ two ferries with the city proper. 
 The principal sights in and around Boston are Bunker 
 Hill Monument, Faneuil Hall, the Common, the Public 
 Garden, the State House, the Public Library, Old South 
 Church, famous for its historical associations, Athenaeum, 
 Natural History Buildings, Institute of Technology, 
 Mount Auburn, and Harvard University Buildings, the 
 Great Organ, the City Hospital, the City Hall, and other 
 public buildings. 
 The streets in the other portions of the city are irregu- 
 lar and generally narrow. Washington and Tremont 
 streets are the principal thoroughfares. The suburban 
 towns and villages "of Cambridge, Charlestown, Chelsea 
 and Brookline, are chiefly occupied as the residences of 
 Boston merchants. On the 9th of November, 1872, a 
 terrible conflagration swept away the principal business 
 I 700 acres, 
 ;rent points 
 VQ the level 
 I insula was 
 was called 
 )unt, which 
 ipal streets. 
 3nor of the 
 Boston, in 
 )pulation of 
 ous islands, 
 rpassed by- 
 harbor, and 
 ;ton is con- 
 are Bunker 
 the Public 
 Old South 
 ildings, the 
 11, and other 
 ' are irregu- 
 d Tremont 
 e suburban 
 vn, Chelsea 
 isidences of 
 er, 1872, a 
 )al business 
trK!Mi',IIM>iffln>'£,ll '' 
 ■ i 
 9 VM 
 340 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 when it 
 that the 
 of Boston. The fire broke out on Saturday 
 and the flames gained fatal headway before the 
 arrived on the ground. Until nightfall of 
 the conflagration raged with unabated fury, and, 
 was finally brought under control, it was found 
 magnificent structures and accumulated wealth 
 embraced in an area of 60 acres, in the most admired 
 and most valuable section of the city, had been burned 
 to the ground. Over 900 buildings — occupied by 2,000 
 firms — were consumed, and the losses reached the 
 enormous aggregate of between $75,000,000] and 
 $80,000,000. There was no loss of life, as in the Chicago 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 341 
 fire, and, few dwellings being burned, there was little of that 
 actual suffering which usually follows such catastrophes. 
 To the tourist the first matter of importance is to 
 secure a good hotel. If he wish to be comfortably quar- 
 tered during his sojourn here, be it for a brief period, he 
 can make his way to the " American House," Hanover 
 street, Lewis Rice & Son, proprietors, where every 
 comfort and luxury is to be met with. The Hotel 
 Vendome, also on Commonwealth Avenue, in the more 
 modern portion of the town, is the fashionable up-town 
 house, and has a well-established reputation, and is 
 first-class in every respect. 
 In Boston the places of amusement are more numerous, 
 in proportion to the population, than in most cities. At 
 the Music Hall may be seen the second largest organ in 
 the world, erected at a cost of $80,000. 
 There are neafly 1 50 churches, the most interesting to 
 tourists being King's Chapel (Unitarian), founded in 1686. 
 The present structure, however, was erected in 1750. 
 is an object of much interest. It was erected in 1730, and 
 was used as a place of meeting by the heroes of '^6, and 
 was subsequently converted into a riding school by the 
 British troops. It barely escaped the flames during the 
 fire of 1872. 
 is a large and charming public ground in a central portion 
 of the city proper. It contains nearly 50 acres, of every 
 variety of surface, with inviting walks, grassy lawns, and 
 grand old trees. It is the pride of the city, and is much 
 admired by strangers. 
y-mX:] 1 
 342 All-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 A pond and fountain, the site of the ancient " Frog 
 Pond," occupy a central point in the grounds. On the 
 upper corner, the massive, dome-surmounted walls of the 
 State Capitol are seen to great advantage. The 
 near the pond, was an object of much interest, as one of 
 the oldest and largest trees in the country. It is believed 
 to have existed before the settlement of the city, having 
 attained its full growth in 1722. It was nearly destroyed 
 by a storm in 1832. In 1854 it was protected by an 
 iron fence, but, in 1866, it at last succumbed to the 
 storms of winter, ihe Brewer Fountain is also one of 
 the attractions of the grounds, the workmanship being 
All-Rmind Route and Panoramic Guide. 343 
 of great merit ; it was a gift to the city by the late 
 Gardner Brewer, and was awarded a gold medal at the 
 Paris Exhibition'of 1855. 
 Adjoining the Common, is the Public Garden, a 
 , as one of 
 : is believed 
 charming place of resort. This embraces 24 acres, and 
 is ornamented with winding walks, shrubbery, lawns, 
 ponds, and parterres of flowers. Power's statue of 
 Edward Everett, the admirable equestrian statue of 
 ii- <\\ 
 1 - 
 344 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Washington, by Thomas Ball, and other pieces of 
 statuary, and a conservatory. 
 In the city proper there are quite a number of small 
 parks. At the South End are Franklin Square, Black- 
 stone Square, each having a fountain, shade-trees, with 
 an area of a little more than two acres ; Worcester 
 Square and Chester Square, containing about one and a 
 half acres, are modest parks, with roadway on each side 
 lined with fine residences. In South Boston there are 
 two parks ; one on Telegraph Hill is known as Thomas 
 Park, and the other as Independence Square, attractive 
 on account of the superb views they command of 
 Boston and the harbor. The largest squares in East 
 Boston are Central Square and Belmont Square, con- 
 taining about three-quarters of an acre each ; and the 
 smaller parks of Putnam Square, Prescott and Maverick 
 Squares. In the Dorchester district, the principal park 
 or square, as it is called, is on Meeting-House Hill. 
 Here stands the soldiers' monument. 
 While in this vicinity, the pedestrian tourist will be 
 repaid by a visit to the new streets and buildings, on 
 what is called the "Back Bay," now the fashionable 
 quarter, in which is situated the Vendome, foremost 
 among first-class hotels, a magnificent and elegant 
 structure of white marble, eight stories high, on the 
 corner of Commonwealth Avenue and Dartmouth Street, 
 opened in i88o, costing over one million of dollars, and 
 entirely fireproof; furnished throughout in palatial style, 
 without regard to expense, making it, in its full com- 
 pleteness, one of the most costly and luxurious in the 
 country ; built expressly for, and now under the able 
 management of, Col. J. W. Wolcott. It is in a delightful 
All-Ronnd Route and Pauoramic Guide. 345 
 INSS^ .-'il av 
 346 All-Rmind Route and Panoramic" Guide. 
 situation, and has a cuisine that can hardly fail to gratify 
 the most epicurean taste. This new and superb hotel 
 must, for the present, stand pre-eminently the leading 
 first-class house in the city. We would call attention to 
 the Fifteenth Exhibition of the Massachussetts Charitable 
 Mechanics' Association of Arts, Manufactures, &c., which 
 which will be opened on the 3rd of September, 1884, and 
 continue until November, 1884, in their new building on 
 Huntington Avenue, and The Vendome is the nearest 
 hotel to the grounds. 
 The remains of this famous edifice, called the " Cradle 
 of Liberty," are on Block Square, the centre of the 
 business part of the city. It is very old, and is an 
 object of deep interest to Americans. It was pre- 
 sented to the city, by Peter Faneuil, a distinguished 
 merchant, who on the 4th of July, 1740, made an 
 offer, in a town meeting, to build a market-house. 
 The building was begun the following year, and finished 
 in 1748. It has been used at various times as a City 
 Hall, Court House, Assembly Room, and for other 
 purposes. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence 
 was read from the balcony of it. 
 The Court House on Court House Square ; the City 
 Hall, on School street ; the Custom House, on State 
 street ; the State House, overlooking the Common ; the 
 Boston Public Library, on Boylston street ; the City 
 Hospital, on Harrison Avenue; Tremont Temple, on 
 Tremont street ; the Masonic Temple, at the corner of 
 Tremont and Boylston streets ; the Merchants' Exchange^ 
 on State street ; the Athenaeum, on Beacon street, are 
 all points which should be visited. 
j^ll-Roittid Route and Panoramic Guide. 347 
 In this age of rapid advancement in the sciences, the 
 equipment of the wise Tourist is incomplete v*'ithout a 
 photographic outfit, with which he can record the 
 objects of particular interest met with in his travels. 
 Boston being noted as an educational centre, claims 
 priority in the present popular move in Amateur 
 Photography. Here the first enterprise for manu- 
 facturing goods especially adapted for the requirements of 
 the Amateur, found sustenance, and after many struggles 
 the products of their factory have won the enviable 
 reputation of being the best made ; and this reputation 
 is not only freely accorded them in critical Boston, but 
 in every city in America. 
 The corporation to which we refer is The Blair 
 Tourograph & Dry Plate Company, whose office and 
 factory are located at 471 and 475 Tremont Street, 
 where the most modern, and perfect wood and brass 
 working machinery are employed. Although not 
 catering for retail trade, a visitor to their office will feel 
 repaid for the time expended. Boston further claims 
 the honor of having the first organized Amateur 
 Photograph * "-^ciation "n America, although there 
 now exist s if dozen or more, and new ones are 
 monthly being i . o the list. 
 Photography first came to us as an Art, next as a 
 Science, and now as an Educator, an Aid to nearly all 
 the various sciences and industries known, and as a 
 means of recreation and pastime. 
 Where shall the end be ? 
 In the vicinity of Boston proper are many sights of 
 great interest. 
 Wm> ' 
 i t 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 349 
 ■) Ti 
 This venerable seat of learning is at Cambridge, three 
 miles from the city of Boston. It was founded in 1638, 
 by the Rev. John Harvard. The University embraces, 
 besides its collegiate departments, law, medical, and 
 theological schools. The buildings are 15 in number, all 
 located in Cambridge, except that of the Medical School 
 in North Grove street, in Boston. Gore Hall and Uni- 
 versity Hall are handsome edifices, the former containino- 
 the library, and the latter the chapel, lecture-room, &c. 
 Holden Chapel contains the Anatomical Museum. The 
 Observatory and telescope are of very great interest. 
 about a mile from Harvard University, and about four 
 miles from Boston, by the Road from Old Cambridge to 
 Watertown, constitutes one of the sights of Boston, and 

 350 All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide 
 should be seen by every visitor. It is the property of the 
 Massachusetts Horticultural Society, was consecrated 
 September 24, 1831, and contains 140 acres. It is the 
 oldest, and by many considered the most beautiful of 
 American rural burying-places. The gateway is of 
 Quincy granite, and cost $10,000. The Chapel, an 
 ornamented Gothic edifice of granite, with stained glass 
 windows, contains statues of VVinthrop, Otis, John 
 Adams, and Judge Story. The Tower, 60 feet in height, 
 in the rear of the grounds, is 187 feet above Charles 
 River, and commands a wide and charming view, for 
 many miles. Cars run from the station in Bowdoin 
 Square, via Cambridge (Harvard College), every 15 
 t.A K^ 
All-RoHud Route ami Panoramic Gnuh. 35 i 
 minutes, during the day, and until half-past eleven 
 o'clock at night, hunker Hill Monument, commemora- 
 tive of the eventful battle fought on the spot, is in 
 Charleston, occupying the site of the old redoubt oti 
 Breed's Hill. The observatory at the top of this structure 
 commands a magnificent view, embracing a wide extent 
 of land and water scenery. The journey up is somewhat 
 tedious, traversing nearly 300 steps. The dedication of 
 this monument took place June 17, 1843. On the hill is 
 a stone marking the sjjot where Warren fell. Horse-cars 
 run from the head of Tremont street to the monument. 
 extending between the mouths of the Charles and Mystic 
 rivers, and embracing about 100 acres in extent, is near 
 the Bunker Hill Monument. 
 This resort is a peninsula on the south shore of 
 Massachusetts, and is a pleasant sail of nine miles from 
 Boston. Excellent facilities for visiting this famous beach 
 are offered by the Boston and Hingham Steamboat Co. 
 whorun their handsomcsteamersTheTwilight,Nantasket! 
 Rose Stand ish, and William Harrison, nearly every 
 half hour during the season from Rowes Wharf,' 
 340 Atlantic Avenue. After leaving the wharf the 
 tourist is pleased and charmed by the continuous 
 succession of pleasant surprises, as the course of the 
 steamers run among the many green islands, forts and 
 headlands with which the Boston Harbor abounds. 
 Among the most famous forts passed by these steamers 
 are Forts Winthrop and Warren. Fort Winthrop is con- 
 structed on Governors Island and is the strongest 
"11 -i 
 II I 
 352 All-Rotind Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 fortress in the harbor, although very little can be seen 
 from the water-front, as the batteries are almost all 
 underground, and connected with the citadel by under- 
 ground passages. Fort Warren is erected on Georges 
 Islands and has been made quite famous in history It 
 was at this fort the two Confederate Commissioners 
 Mason and Slidell, were confined, until given uc to the 
 Er. ,lish government. During the war it was used as a 
 prison for guerrillas and others of the most desperate rebel 
 prisoners, whom the government intended to keep 
 during the war and not exchange. Leaving Fort Warren 
 a few minutes' sail brings the excursionist to Pemberton 
 Landing at Hull. At this point is found the Hotel 
 Pemberton, an excellent house conducted on the Ameri- 
 can and European plans. Leaving the Pemberton, we 
 now continue our sail. Entering Hull Bay, we quickly 
 pass the village of Hull, and rounding near Skull Head 
 inside Bumpkin Island Beach, we soon arrive at Straw- 
 berry Hill, a place made famous in history. It is here 
 the Northmen were supposed to have landed in 1603, 
 and also the place on which Miles Standish and his party 
 landed when they explored Boston Harbor in 1621. A 
 few hundred feet from the Strawberry Hill Landing, is 
 the Sea Foam House, a popular family hotel, most advan- 
 tageously situated, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and 
 Nantasket Beach on the one side, and the more quiet 
 waters of Hull Bay on the other. Numerous beautiful 
 cottages and ample conveniences for boating, bathing, 
 &c., make this one of the most attractive points on 
 Nantasket Beach. 
 Continuing our journey through the narrow channel 
 of Weir River, we reach Nantasket Pier, owned by the 
 can be seen 
 almost all 
 1 by under- 
 on Georges 
 history. It 
 ;n up to the 
 s used as a 
 perate rebel 
 d to keep 
 ort Warren 
 the Hotel 
 i:he Ameri- 
 berton, we 
 we quickly 
 kull Head. 
 ' at Straw- 
 It is here 
 d in 1603, 
 1 his party 
 162 1. A 
 anding, is 
 )st advan- 
 )cean and 
 lore quiet 
 , bathing, 
 »oints on 
 V channel 
 :d by the 
11 County ( 
 18 Faneull : 
 19 Quincy 
 50 Boftoa J 
 51 Botton ] 
 S8 Public I 
 53 So. Natl 
 54 Muwum 
 n Muonio 
 86 Jdd Fel 
 »i Muiio i 
 S8 Hortlcu] 
 «« City He 
 « . „ ..J. 80 ProTld«i 
 tyomtnent Butldtng: 31 Lowell '. 
 13 State House C 6 dS Eutent 
 14 CuBtom House DC 
 15 Post Office D 6 * 
 16 City Hall D 6 33 Trinity 
 M If 
All-Rotmd Route ^„^ r> 
 " "'"' Pauoramic Guide. , r , 
 Boston and Hineham Qf ■. 
 few hundred feet of ,.h T" °'' ^'""P""^' "-•">.•" a 
 and deservedly L as ul ^ T '""^^^^ '''" y^-^. 
 and appointment"; The brn !; "'T' '" '"' --™c'ion 
 surround this house are for / '^'"' P'^^^^^ 'hat 
 almost to the watt's :d!ro„':H 1" "'""'"^ ^°- 
 band stand is erected Jh'r '°"'"" P'^"^^ ""^ 
 afternoon and evenn.bvth T"'"'' '"" S'^^" ^^-^ 
 dence,D.VV. Reeved cond^ /'"" '^''"'^ "^ P'-^ 
 given twice each weTbv a "T'k '7*"'^ '"'P'^^^ -« 
 an exhibition of Japanese .«''' Pyrotechnist, and 
 duced every WeciCdav .„h% '"°"^^ ""^ «'^° '•"'™- 
 Hotel NantLket is c S^ f^r J ^^'.~- The 
 >s managed by Messrs. Rus ',1 & ^ '" ^"""'"'' 
 ers of experience nJ^Tr 1 ^^"'S'^^. Popular cater- 
 Steamboat Co. run d,>ecto°th '"^°" ^ "'"^"'•- 
 nearly every half hou^ ' Pomt, trips being made 
 are aL a numt t" ;theTr /"^ '"^ "°'^' ^-'-l^-' 
 ble among which is the R cS Hr'^^ ''°""^' "'"^- 
 site Hotel Nantasl<et and s.reTch ' ^'^""'goPPo- 
 towards Pemberton s th- Tj"^ '"'^ '^"'' ''°" ""'« 
 the New England ;1 T "!°'' '^^^'^^''le beach found on 
 appointed bathing houses ar^^ec^ed u" a "f "'^" 
 season it is estimated that over t,,,^ -i.- , 
 -ekers visit Nantasket Beach """ P'^^^""" 
 In Boston there are many other points to be seen In 
 ^ac "that '^"" "r ""^ P^°-'"^"' -"" ^^'^^^ "o 
 space than our work would permit A v^r,. fu ^ 
 -sting .count of the cityLd";^ putlilT^t" ^^ 
 All-Ro,<,„i Route aud Panoramic Guide. 355 
 most American cities R„ n *' "'"'^^P^''' '^an in 
 to thoroughly ..r\HeXoTBZr"^^^'''^"""'-^' 
 ■ sr;r;'~;et:rr"----co„. 
 are many who may doubtlea, desire IZ^t ^'' 
 tou. at Montreal may n^t co": aLisf °" ^'™^ "" "><= 
 Three routes lie at the choice of pass»ncrers tw. .. n 
 ra.I." and the third, rail and water con b h, d DurZ h 
 summer season, the train, .ia tk. Central V;rmont rIu 
 .Sr?o*\tT " ''T^^^' '" ''-^ ^^-""^^^ 
 ing iNiew York about noon the following day Passengers 
 may travel .,'. Troy, or Springfield, aLrd mg as they 
 TL T n f '"^ *"'^ ^'''^''- The other alfra route 
 Lnt ";^,^^'^T' ^ "">!»" Canal Railroad, leavtg 
 e^rt hefln""'^^ afternoon, and reaching N^v Yo^ 
 early me following mornino- 
 Champ£''°Th-"'""''V' "'" P'^«^''-g and Lake 
 York and i. TJ"^ ''™""-'™>' "^ 2°'"^ '°New 
 reaut t K ^° .J':"-'^"""'" «nd appreciated that little 
 requires to be sa,d m reconnnendation of it. During the 
 pleasure season, trains leave the depot, Montreal for 
356 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Plattsburg, connecting at that place with the very fine 
 boats of the Champlain Transportation Company, for 
 Burlington and Ticonderoga. Those leaving Montreal 
 by the evening train will find it a very pleasant break in 
 the journey to remain over night in Plattsburg, and take 
 the boat the following day. 
 For complete information on the starting of trains and 
 steamboats, we would advise all tourists to secure a copy 
 of the International Railway and Steam Navigation 
 Guide, which may be relied on to furnish information up 
 to the latest possible time prior to publication. 
 Those who adopt this route will proceed direct from 
 Montreal to St. Albans. Before reaching this point,, 
 however, we would invite the tourist to accompany us ta 
 one of the most delightful Parks in the State of Ver- 
 lately established by the Central Vermont Railroad, at 
 which they have placed a station, distant about 12 miles 
 from St. Albans, and a few rods north of Highgate Springs,, 
 the great summer resort of Northern Vermont. This is 
 a new attraction to this delightful neighborhood ; for,, 
 as rich as Vermont is in lovely localities, there is none 
 more favored by nature than that which has been known 
 for years and years as " Lover's Lane," at Highgate 
 Springs. It is a delightful combination of grassy lawn, 
 grand old elms and butternuts, pungent cedars, moss- 
 grown rocks and silvery waters. Though easy of access, 
 it is hardly less wild and romantic than in the days 
^ery fine 
 any, for 
 break in 
 md take 
 ains and 
 i a copy 
 ation up 
 ;ct from 
 3 pointy 
 ly us to 
 of Ver- 
 road, at 
 [2 miles 
 This is 
 d ; for,, 
 is none 
 y lawn, 
 , moss- 
 2 days 
 SeT;;"™ '''' '"'-'y ^-^-'^ fi^--^ in the wate. 
 leav': e«::tn';';'; :'■:''' ^^"'"' ^-"-' ^-'-d 
 in fact. e^yoUctT" '"" "" «^°""^^' """^h are, 
 Vermont, [oweTctnl^'^i °m" V"" '"•' '°"-- '" 
 means of the perfS^':,""'' ''°^"'"" ^■"^- York, by 
 having it in cCge ' "'^ '^^^'^'"' '^^ "''^ -'-P-^fon 
 A pleasant ramble is obtained on leavincr ,h. 
 sion train at the smri,.,,^ i i leaving the excur- 
 intervale, which Za '7 l"'""^' P'"'"^ through the 
 over a b oad ^anS" ' "'' ''""' "^^ ^-unds, 
 ■ way bearing t '^™'"atmg in an arched gate- 
 way bearmg the niscription, " Missisquoi Park" it 
 an easy grassy grade we reach the ht P •, ^ 
 upon a /&to„ o„ Elm R Z ^! ^'^.^^"^'°"' ^'•^"^'1 
 artistic beauty of it archlr; "^'"^ '° "''"'■'" ">^ 
 hap. to watch th merrv da " ' '"°'"™'' '"'' "'^^- 
 down a windinrDatl, H '' "'' P'"' '° ""= "°'*' 
 spring-housetf^Cqut S^h r.'':;'"^"^- ""'f 
 our thirst win, .-f f 'I "'" *P""g. « here we quench 
 " Camo r2 . "°"' '"'"'''^ ''-''"'■ Back, through 
 Camp Chittenden," we again visit Elm Ridge reachiL 
 ■t by means of a delightful winding path up th,wh 
 gnm, gray rocks, past rustic seats in'cosy nooks 1 1 "ve 
 reach the band stand. Passing southwaM we soon fild 
 Better; w'lf^ '" "■^■^"' '■^^"'°"- Down Z 
 IT ts "7 , ?'• ^" "'^ "S'" '^ " E'™ Ridge," 
 with ,ts graceful elms and butternuts ; on the lef 
 ■• Cedar Ridge," thickly covered with the frigra " e e ' 
 greens while falling aw-ay in a long, gentle slope, the 
 green lane meets the silvery water of the Bay. Strolling 
 dow-n past the Croquet Grounds, the Big Swings, th! 
 .1(1 ■-, ■ 
 ■1 % 
 358 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 Family Tables, under the Four Brothers, vvc take " Pic- 
 nic Avenue," just where it starts from the foot of the 
 lane. This is one of the most delightful and popular 
 walks on the grounds. The way is winding and easy, 
 among the. cedars and moss-grown rocks, on the west of 
 the ridge, and overlooking Kingfisher's Bay. The avenue 
 is well up above the water, almost overhanging it in 
 places, a strong rail now and then standing guard. 
 Rustic benches are conveniently placed, where parties 
 with their lunch baskets can picnic, while watching the 
 gay skififs and merry bathers. Here, where a cleft in the 
 rock comes up to meet the avenue, easy steps lead 
 down to the Bath House. Passing along we come to 
 Point Lookout, from whence we gaze in admiration 
 across the waters upon the bold, picturesque bluff in 
 Phillipsburgh, just over the border. Over the Bay, to^ 
 the left, is the green fringed shore of Alburgh, while far 
 over the waters can be seen the church spires of Clarence- 
 ville and Henryvilie, thrifty Canadian villages. Away 
 to the north stands Scotch Mountain, sentinel-like, over 
 Her Majesty's Dominion. Crossing the Rustic Bridge, 
 which spans Kingfisher's Bay, we reach the Boat House 
 at Sargent's. In a skiff we visit Rock Island and inspect 
 its rocky sides, furrowed with the beating of the waves 
 for centuries. Back again, and over the bridge we 
 scramble up the hill-side, and soon find ourselves once 
 more in Lover's Lane. 
 The Pavilion is a graceful structure, Swiss-like in 
 architecture, and finished much more elaborately than 
 such buildings generally are. The main part is 33x30 
 feet, in which are located the Superintendent's office, 
 telegraph office, cloak and parcel room, waiting-room,. 
£s once 
 ^"■Ro""d Ronu a„d Pauoramic Guid.: 359 
 ladies' room and kitchen Ti,„ 1 v 1 
 range and all o.hc nec^J' er'''" '"' '""^^'^ ""h 
 out from this buiidi„;iTh:iCmor'""" ''"""'■"^ 
 with open sides -,n,l "■ , P''°P'=''' 3 1x60 feet, 
 seats, to be used for 8^7^ ""' '"°™'''<= '^^'^ -<< 
 building at the riS of h ""' """ '"■"'"«• ^he little 
 " Bay ViJ^ It". °^ '''' '"'"" P'-"^' '•» ">e office of the 
 A,„ r ■ '''"'y paper, published everv exr„r-,,.„ 
 day, of especal interest to every excursi™ st " 
 pari fi TLS'sr"-^ *eatt,actions of the 
 purpose, andl'der llr ::;7;' "-•^<='' f- *e 
 known and oopular restaur-.^ °"' *' "-"■ 
 Here ice cre'an' cake f„d h ^°^ "' ^'^ ^"'""'• 
 At the Bath Hr u .^ " ''^'" '"" ''^ "btained. 
 at a nominal tmTh"'' ~''"'"" '^" ''^ ""'^'"^'^ 
 makmg safe and pleasant bathing ' 
 The Boating in Missisquoi Bay is unsurpassed The 
 of in 1 'T'"'-"^^ "■«'" '"""'"^ ^'^^^ '"Change 
 01 Sargent, is always in first-class order, and ready for 
 .nstant use. Most of the boats are new t ,is season and 
 .elaom such a fine collection is seen. Safe and pkUnt 
 SS St a" ::rrr" '° '^'' "- '° --'- 
 The fishing hereabouts is the best on Lake Champlain. 
 Th,s has long been the angler's paradise, and caches 
 of five-pound bass and ten-pound pickerel are almost occurrences. Missisquoi Bay is well k.nown to be 
 the breedmg ground of the fish of the lake. All seasons 
 of the year fish of some kind can be caught, through the 
 hottest days of August, and the ice of December 

 360 All-Romtd Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 Trolling is the most common mode of fishing, though 
 with expert anglers, live bait and the fly are the most 
 The entire grounds, the pavilion, the kitchen, the 
 spring water, croquet grounds and patent swings, are all 
 free for the use of the excursionists. A short ride 
 brings us to 
 gHE pleasant town of St. Albans is situated on the 
 Mfi Central Vermont Railroad. Its location offers all 
 the benefits of the Mountain air, combined with the 
 cool and refreshing winds from Lake Champlain. The 
 panoramic views from St. Albans are among the finest 
 in the Green Mountains. Aldis Hill, one-half mile from 
 the American House ; the summit of Bellevue, accessible 
 by ai easy carriage road, is within two miles of the 
 Hotel, commanding on the east a view of Mounts 
 Mansfield and Jay ; on the west, a magnificent view of 
 the Adirondacks, mountains, hills and plains, adorned 
All- Ron fid RoNtr n„J I) 
 ^<Htc ami Pauoramu Guide. 36 r 
 with lovely farms and villaLrr. • nl c 
 above arc the uonderful n,- ^ ''^'^^'tion to the 
 distance. The American \T ' '^ "'""" «'-^>- 
 and comfortable ho , e a.milr'''' '■'''"'''■'"■ "^''^<=--"''' 
 -ith suite, of room,, oa^ormor™"^'"' '°^ ^^'■"^'-' 
 We would also here ctII fh . .^ '.. 
 ti-o".l. from Mon ,U ,0 ,:rK'°'\f """'^'^ S"'"^' 
 Cottages, at Highgate S,. L r""^' '" "™- =">'' 
 Alba.,., where fi ^ , / ^ T" '^■""- "<""' of St. 
 yachting are found ^' '''"'"'"S' '^"'•""•g and 
 »■''- is caned MitlS:::; ^ , -■J'"^- dock, on 
 »nd quite a lake of itself bcl', ^^f °"-^'^"= d.amplain, 
 and some forty miles tL ^^ t^T. '^ '"'''" 
 kept here for quests •,,,.1 ■ . ^ row-boats are 
 Bay is the best ,U-I| T''\ '" '"^ "'-""^ "^ "'- 
 be found any , e : IP''^ '■";" [''-'^ ^ass fishing to 
 desired. ' '' "' ''"^' ^"* ■''•°°"-"ff as can be 
 Sixteen miles north of <^f- a ik 
 "'tn 01 bt. Alban.sare the celebrated 
 of St. Albans Iri ™"'"' "^"-■'-'" ""^^ *««' 
 on the s::, tmr-jira^jt ■ °"-^" ''!;'■'• 
 by water on pII «,• i '^'^'^^^^^y- ^t i.s .surrounded 
 beautifully .^tui ■'':,:::: vi" ar"'!' ■^-^ '^^ 
 Missisquoi Bay, which greatly ad'dft^ Sr^hLs^-j 
 i t 
 362 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 the temperature in summer, while its fine air, besides 
 being cool and refreshing, is a complete antidote for 
 asthma, catarrh or hay fever. The waters of the Lake 
 and Bay offer great allurements to the sportsman and 
 angler, and its boating is delightful. The Springs ire 
 of the Sulphur and Lithia class, and its waters have at- 
 tained a wide reputation for their curative qualities, the 
 power and extent of which are well established. Good 
 and experienced boatmen may be had at all times, and 
 pleasant excursions made to numerous points on the 
 Lake. The views from the Springs are very charming ; 
 to the East, over the placid waters of the Missisquoi, 
 may be seen the pleasant town of St. Albans, while in 
 the background tower Mount Mansfield, Camel's Hump> 
 Jay Peak, and further north a long range of mountains 
 in Canada. From a little elevation, of easy access, there 
 is a beautiful view across Lake Champlain to Rouse's 
 Point, and the western horizon bounded by the Adiron- 
 dack Mountains. The roads are good, and the drives 
 and walks pleasant and numerous. The best hotel is 
 the Alburgh Springs House, in a beautiful situation, and 
 which has the reputation of being very comfortable and 
 well kept. 
 Passing onward from St. Albans, after a ride of 
 eighteen miles, Essex Junction is reached, whence the 
 tourist may, after an hour's ride, reach the beautiful 
 town of 
 which lies on the east shore of Burlington Bay, and occupies 
 a gentle declivity descending toward the west, terminated 
 by the lake, which up to this point quite narrow, here 
 expands into a fine sheet of water, nearly if not quite 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 363 
 ten miles wide from the Vermont to the New York- 
 shore Standing on the east declivity, say a mile from 
 the lake and some 280 feet above its level, and looking 
 on either hand you behold the most perfect picture of 
 noble and varied natural scenery to be found in America 
 and equalled in Europe, if it be equalled, only by the 
 view of Lake Geneva, looking forth from Lausanne. 
 Below you are the glittering waters of Champlain, broken 
 here and there by lovely islands that lift their green 
 heads above the waves at various points in this ten miles 
 of lake, that stretches out between these " shining shores '^ 
 Before you are the Adirondack Mountains of New York 
 "all gleaming in purple and gold ;" behind you are the 
 Green Mountains of Vermont, clad in garments of equal 
 yet different glory. On your left is Shelburne Bay with 
 Its curving coasts. On your right hand, your pleased 
 eye follows the bending shore as it sweeps in faultless 
 hnes to Rock Point. At Burlington, the tourist, who 
 wishes to take in the exquisite scenery of the beautiful 
 Champlain with its sinuous bays and breezy headlands 
 (a more particular description of which will be found 
 further on), will take one of the fine steamers of the 
 Champlain Transportation Co. 
 The drives are delightful in all directions leading out 
 of Burlington. Mallet's Bay, a beautiful sheet of water 
 full of excellent fish, is only six miles distant, and is 
 reached by a road that gives you a general view of the 
 Winooski River flowing through a stretch of charming- 
 country; while the drive along the lake shore in 
 Shelburne is equally attractive. Strangers should not 
 fail to drive through the elegant grounds of Col. De 

 i V] 
 r » 
 364 All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Grand B. Cannon, as from this commanding eminence 
 can be gained the most perfect outlook in the city. 
 Among the other points of interest is Green Mount 
 Cemetery, where lies buried Ethan Allen, " The Hero of 
 Ti — ," whose grave is marked with a handsome 
 monument. Lake View Cemetery "Rock Point;" the 
 beautiful residence of the late Bishop Hopkins, of the 
 Episcopal Church, and the "High Bridge" on the 
 Winooski, are also well worthy a visit ; all these points 
 are approached by pleasant drives. Queen City Park 
 and Pic-nic Grounds is a delightful spot situated 
 on the shores of the beautiful Shelburne Bay, about two 
 miles from Burlington, on the Rutland division of the 
 Central Vermont Railroad. 
 Returning to Essex Junction, the tourist may continue 
 his journey to Bellows Falls, via White River Junction 
 or Rutland. 
 As there are many points of interest on either route, 
 we shall mention the more prominent ones. Passing 
 by the first route named, we speedily reach Montpelier, 
 the Capital of Vermont and the handsomest, if not the 
 largest, town in the State. There is an air of dignity, 
 and repose about it which is attractive to the tourist, and 
 (^he charms of the country surrounding it are unsurpassed 
 by any other part of the State. 
 is on the Winooski river, and stands on what is said to 
 have formerly been the bed of a lake. It is most plea- 
 santly situated, and possesses many buildings worthy of 
 the tourist's inspection. 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 365 
 went,. „,i,es from the su„,™it of Mount M^.d an 
 en n„les from Mount Mansfield Hotel, a celetated 
 summer resort ; eight nnles from Camel's Humo a oft 
 mountain of almost equal attraction and notorTe'V tl 
 miles from the o-rpnt w,„„ i • t.- ""i-"nety , tour 
 form a natu ^\ ^ T ^'"°°'*'^' '^'™'-. "here the rocks 
 w™re the Indi ^ ^' ''™" ""' "'^'' ^'"^ '^''5^ «™^ 
 horses at ' fi"°'',"' ^'■°""'-^' ='"'^ g°°<' ^'^bling for 
 Wegant s,x horse-coaches leave here morning and even- 
 mg for Stowe and Mount Mansfield. 
 Situated in the Lamoille Valley, completelyflanked bv 
 mountams,-the most conspicuous of which are Mansfield 
 and VVorcester,-is the delightful village of Stowe co„ 
 tammg a population of over 2,000 inhabitants. Stages 
 connect with trains, morning and afternoon, at Water! 
 bury, ten mdes distant, on the Vermont Central, and at 
 Mornsvme, e.ght miles distant, on the Portland and 
 Ogdensbnrg R. R. The scenery surrounding Stowe is 
366 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 I;.' r 
 i,<\' '. 
 very beautiful, comprising the valley, which extends for 
 many miles to the north-east ; Worcester mountain 
 range at the east ; Camel's Hump at the south ; while 
 at the west, Old Mount Mansfield towers in all its hoary 
 grandeur. The mountain appears of peculiar shape, the 
 outline of its summit resembling the human face, turned 
 upward in a reclining posture. The north peak repre- 
 sents the chin, the middle the nose, and the southern 
 the forehead. The Chin, the highest summit, is 4,348 
 feet above the sea-level, and is the highest of the whole 
 Green Mountain range. It is 3,800 feet above the 
 village of Stowe, and 340 feet above the middle peak, or 
 the Nose, which is 160 feet above the southern peak, the 
 The mountain summit is nine miles distant from the 
 hotel which bears its name. There is a good carriage 
 road from Stowe to the Summit House, which is situated 
 at the very base of the Nose. For the first five miles 
 this road is over the usual travelled highway ; when the 
 mountain base is reached, the road branches off and the 
 ascent commences. The path, however, is not very 
 steep, and is kept in excellent order. Two miles and a 
 half of a pretty steep ascent, for the greater part of the 
 way through a magnificent forest, brings the traveller to 
 the Half-way House. Here one ought to make a long 
 pause to admire the splendid view spread out before 
 him. The lovely valley of Stowe, which has just been 
 left with 'its smooth green farms, lies at his feet, and 
 beyond, the hills and high'-;r summits of the Green 
 Mountain. In a clear day the summit of Mount 
 Washington is dimly visible, though partially hidden by 
 the nearer hills. A clear spring of pure water, a little 
^"-Roimd Route aud Panoramic GtUdc. ^67 
 ascent of the remaining one and a half miles of the peak 
 JtimZ ■''°°" -l^^-P-'^"^^ ■" an agreeable'and 
 pleasant manner, requ.nng only about three hours' time 
 from Stowe to the summit The view is hidden by he 
 rees for the greater part of the way, but occasionalfy we 
 catch surpnsmg glimpses of a wooded ravine, extending 
 to the very base of the mountain, and far a;ay to h! 
 north ,s Smuggler's Notch, through whose towerLg W ', 
 are seen pleasant vistas, closed in the distance by beau 
 ttful green fields. From the base of the Nose near th. 
 summit of the mountain, fully 4,000 feet abo 'the evt 
 of the sea, a fine view of the valley of the Stowe 
 towards the vest is obtained, the wooded side of uZl 
 Mansfield bemg visible to its very base, with no int 
 venmg summit to obstruct the vision, the scene bdng 
 on^ closed in by the White Mountain range ^ 
 sea^lveT'"' if"' "T" ''"' '''^' '■°°' '''' ^l"-- "-e 
 sea evel. Its ascent is made by a rough path on the 
 western, much resembling a flight of stairs The 
 northern s,de presents a steep and precipitous descent 
 down which you may look from the summit at least Z 
 til K '"!, f "''"'' °'""^ '^'^^-^'' f™"" time to 
 below. It ,s but a short walk from the hotel to the 
 To ascend the Chin, however, requires more time 
 though tlie journey is less fatiguing. There is no such 
 precip.t,ous and giddy ascent, but the mountain slopes 
 gently and gracefully away towards the hotel It is 
 distant about a mile and a half from the Summit House 
 and requires a longer time than the ascent of the Nose' 

 r-* i \ 
 ' ( 
 \ I 
 368 All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 As it is some 300 feet higher than the Nose, it conse- 
 quently commands a more extended view. 
 The scene that is spread out before the eye, on either 
 of the summits is gorgeous and beautiful in the extreme. 
 Spreading out before you on the west is the level, fertile 
 land of Western Vermont, diversified by nretty hills, 
 bordered by the silver waters of Lake Champlain, with 
 the deep blue Adirondack Hills in the far distance be- 
 yond. This view is singularly attractive. You see the 
 farm-houses clustering into villages ; you can follow the 
 courses of the winding, trout-laden streams among the 
 hills and forests ; you can see the dark green of the 
 waving corn, and can almost distinguish the farmers at 
 their toil. The hills of Montreal may be seen to the 
 north, and on a pleasant day the glistening spires of that 
 city. Tue whole of Lake Champlain, from Fort Ticon- 
 deroga to the extreme north, lies stretched out before 
 you. Burlington, on its shore, can be easily identified. 
 Owl's Head, on the shores of Lake Memphremagog, lies 
 away to the north. In the south, rise Camel's Hump 
 and others of the Green Mountain Range. From the 
 Chin you may also look down into Smuggler's Notch, 
 and even descend into it, if you have time and the 
 necessary pluck. 
 On the way to the Chin may be seen, in many places, 
 parallel lines marked on the rocks in a uniform north 
 and south direction. These have attracted much atten^ 
 tion from geologists, who suppose they were left there 
 by the glacier, when the mountain was covered by snow 
 and ice, and it carried huge stones in its cold embrace. 
 In one place are two huge boulders deposited on the 
All-Rmmd Route and Panoramic Guide, 369 
 mountain top, with the lines they made in reaching the 
 eminence, visible a few feet from them. 
 The " Old Man of Mansfield Mountain " will be 
 pomted out to you on the eastern side of the Nose. The 
 I^ofile is quite excellent, and the features possess an in- 
 terestmg regularity. 
 The next important point reached is 
 at which point the Northern Railway, the Connecticut 
 Valley and the Passumpsic River Roads connect. The 
 Jurfction House at this place has long been a favorite 
 with the travelling public, and offers special attractions 
 for tourists. From this point, passing over the Central 
 Vermont Railroad, a ride of 40 miles brings us to 
 the most prominent town in Vermont. At this point the 
 Connecticut River is compressed into a space less than 50 
 feet wide, and through this narrow gorge all the water 
 must flow. The River makes a descent of 50 feet, 
 though there is not any one perpendicular fall. In the 
 rocks near the Falls are points which will prove of inter- 
 est to the antiquarian. 
 Returning to accompany those who proceed via the 
 Rutland Route, a ride of 59 miles from Essex Junction, 
 and the thriving town of 
 is reached. This town contains two singular caverns 
 worthy of a visit. Minerals of different kinds abound, 
 and extensive marble quarries are also in operation. 
 Leaving Brandon we pass 

 370 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 This place is best known in connection with the cele- 
 brated marble quarries, from which large quantities of 
 fine white marble are annually shipped by railroad. From 
 this point the tourist, by taking the Delaware and Hua- 
 son Road, can proceed direct to Troy, and thence by the 
 Hudson River Road to New York. 
 He may, however, continue his journey from Rutland 
 to Bellows Falls, thence via Connecticut River Railway 
 to New Haven, passing on his way through 
 with its celebrated factories and substantially built edi- 
 fices, and, should he feel desirous of remaining over, he 
 could not do better than take up his abode, during his 
 stay in the place, at the Massasoit House, Messrs. M. & 
 E. S. Chapin, proprietors, where we can assure him that 
 all the comforts desirable will be readily obtained, and he 
 will leave the city with pleasant recollections of his visit. 
 The distance between New Haven and New York will be 
 speedily traversed, and the tourist will find himself once 
 more in the Metropolis. 
 Another, and exceedingly pleasant and popular direct 
 route between Montreal, Boston a\id New York, is that 
 via the South Eastern Railway and its connections. The 
 tourist by adopting ' this route passes through the most 
 enchanting regions of Canada, Central, Northern Ver- 
 mont, and the beautiful Lakes of Memphremagog and 
 Winnepesaukee. From Montreal to Lake Memphrema- 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 37 1 
 gog, going over the South Eastern Railroad, the scenery 
 is the finest to be found in Lower Canada, and it is the 
 charm and attraction of this route to pleasure travellers 
 that it affords a continuous panorama of Mountain, Lake 
 and River views, which are nowhere surpassed in their 
 attractive loveliness. There are Jay Peak and Owl's 
 Head, Lake Memphremagog, Crystal Lake, the White 
 Mountains, Lake Winnepesaukee, and the lovely Pas- 
 sumpsic, Connecticut and Merrimac River Valleys, and 
 the whole route forms a most delightful and fascinating 
 trip. For those who have not the time or the wish to 
 visit either the Mountains or the Lakes, this road affords 
 attractions equally strong with those it presents to pleasure 
 Leaving Montreal at the Grand Trunk Station and pass- 
 ing onward by Chambly, the tourist speedily finds himself 
 winding trough the lovely Mountains, passing at the foot 
 of Jay Peak. The name * Green Mountains ' is truly ap- 
 propriate, and it may be applied to the green hills which 
 surround us on every hand. Scarcely has the tourist 
 passed this point until the flourishing town of Newport, 
 Vt., is reached. Approaching this town the road skirts 
 the shores of the beautiful Lake Memphremagog, which 
 is well worthy of a visit. 
 is a beautiful sheet of water, situated partly in Vermont, 
 and partly in Canada. It is 35 miles long, and varies 
 from 2 to 5 miles in width. Its shores are rock-bound 
 and indented with beautiful bays, between which jut out 
 bold, wooded headlands, backed by mountain ranges. 
 Newport, at the head of the lake, is reached in about 
372 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 four hours from Montreal. Here the tourist will find an 
 excellent hotel, the Memphremagog Hou'e, of which 
 W. F. Bowmai. is manager. This gentleman, who was 
 proprietor of the House from 1869 to 1877, and is widely 
 known as a popular and efficient manager, last season 
 took over the House again, and has by attention and 
 urbanity, succeeded in making Newport now so favorably 
 known as a place of summer resort, more attractive than 
 ever in the accommodation and comfort which will 
 be found in the hotel. The house is beautifully 
 situated on the margin of the lake, near the .steamboat 
 landing and railway station, and commands charming 
 It has a length of 180 feet and 
 views at all points. 
ind an 
 lo was 
 >n and 
 2 than 
 1 will 
 t and 
 MOimtEAL & BO! 
 {Houth Eastern Bailwayt t 
 Button and Ixn 
 TO Tl 
 White and Frano 
 TLe Only Line Running Throuf 
 Old Orchard Beach, via th< 
 ►o|50 I'BW^aoi 
 This Route is through the most 
 England, and affords a constant success 
 J^ountain Scenery. The service is perfe 
 CARS being run between MONTR 
 ORCHARD BEACH, via Fabyan ' 
 Mountain Notch, and DRAWING-RO! 
 Passengers from Montreal and the 
 approach to the White Mountain regior 
 the great Hotels and centres of resort, 
 Profile House, Maplewood, the Twi 
 (South Eastern RaUway, Passumpnic Railroad, and 
 Boaton and Lowell Mailroad, 
 and Franconia Mountains, 
 The Only Line Running Through Parlor Cars to Portland & 
 Old Orchard Beach, via the White Mountain Notch. 
 This Route is through the most beautiful part of Canada and New 
 England, and affords a constant succession of picturesque River, I^ke and 
 Mountain Scenery. The service is perfect, ELEGANT DRAWING-ROOM 
 CARS being run between MONTREAL and PORTLAND and OLD 
 ORCHARD BEACH, via Fabyan House and the celebrated White 
 Mountain Notch, and DRAWING-ROOM and SLEEPING CARS between 
 Passengers from Montreal and the West will f.nd this the direct line of 
 approacli to the White Mountain region. Connecting Trains are run to "11 
 the great Hotels and centres of resort, including Bethlehem, Jefferson, the 
 Profile House, Maplewood, the Twin Mountain, Fabyan and Crawford 
 Houses, and the summit of Moimt Washington. 
 The route by the AIR LINE 1 
 port (Lake Memphremagog), Wells 
 Concord and Lowell. There is a s 
 Sleeping ar..i Drawing-Room Cars, 
 connectioa there with New Yorl 
 England may be promptly reached 
 with its romantic and picturesque 
 the loveliest resorts in America, am 
 most favored of Summer resorts. 
 Without a peer in its grand er 
 constantly changing vistas of Lake, 
 line gives the pleasure traveller spe^ 
 polls of the Canadas to the sea, \ 
 hill tops upon her island-studded ba 
 Past Memphremagog ; along th 
 through the heart of the White Moi 
 gate, the iron path-way leads, cou 
 which now winds mid the groves of 
 the rock-bound coast of Miiine. 
 No other route of travel has so 
 day's journey by rail. 
 New York Office— 207 Brot 
 Boston Office -240 Washing 
 Montreal Office, 
 route by the AIR LINE between Montreal and Boston is via Ncw- 
 ke Memphremagog), Wells River, Plymouth, Lake Winnepesaukee, 
 and Lowell. There is a splendid service of Elegant Pullman Palace 
 ar-.i Drawing-Room Cars, with two trains each way daily, and in 
 01 there with New York, and every imnortant point in New 
 may be promptly reached. 
 romantic and picturesque shores, has a world-wide fame as one of 
 iest resorts in America, and the Memphremagog House is one of the 
 ored of Summer resorts. 
 ontreal to the Sea 
 out a peer in its grand environment throughout ; unequalled in its 
 y changing vistas of Lake, River and Peak, this new and luxurious 
 1 the pleasure traveller speedy transit by daylight from the metro- 
 he Canadas to the sea, where fair Portland looks down from her 
 upon her island-studded bay. 
 Memphremagog ; along the sparkling swift flood of the Passumpsic ; 
 he heart of the White Mountains, and out at their majestic eastern 
 iron path-way leads, coursing down beside the impetuous Saco, 
 w winds mid the groves of Conway's mead, and then leads down to 
 jound coast of Maine. 
 ther route of travel has so much, nor Its half, to offer in a single 
 ney by rail. 
 )rk Office— 207 Broadway. 
 Office -240 Washington Street. 
 \l Office, 
 202 St. James Street. 
, -I 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 373 
 height of three storeys, with lawn in front always green, 
 and laid out tastefully in walks, and is surrounded by 
 fine, high piazzas, fourteen feet in width. It con- 
 tains about four hundred bedrooms, a grand dining- 
 hall with a seating capacity of four hundred at one 
 time, an elegantly furnished parlour, billiard, reading, 
 and smoking rooms, hot and cold water baths, electric 
 bells connecting with the office. All the furniture and 
 appointments are of the latest style of modern improve- 
 ment, while the health and safety of guests are provided 
 for by contrivances for ventilation, and for protection 
 against fire. The cuisine is first class, and the utmost 
 courtesy and attention are always shown by the officers 
 -of the house and the attendants to guests. Besides the 
 many beautiful trips to different parts of the lake, there 
 are a number of equally beautiful and pleasant drives 
 within easy distance of theMemphremagog House, some 
 of which are to Indian Point, Trolling Park, Clyde River 
 Falls, two miles distant, Derby Centre, four miles, Cov- 
 entry Falls, (three routes) six miles. Bear Mountain, (fine 
 view of lake), seven miles, Beebe Plain, seven miles, 
 Stanstead, ten miles. Fitch's Bay, P. O., (view of lake,) 
 eleven miles, Bolton Springs, fourteen miles, and Jay 
 Peak, (height 4,018 feet), fifteen miles. From this point 
 a steamer plies daily the whole length of the Lake. 
 should be visited if time permit. It is 4000 feet high, 
 and commands a fine view of the entire range of the Green 
 Mountains, the Franconia Range, and the Adirondacks, 
 with Lake Champlain also. The 
374 All-RoHiid Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 owl's head 
 rises 3000 feet above the Lake, and commands, in fine 
 weather, an extensive view. There are several points of 
 interest along the Lake and its vicinity. A drive to Mount 
 Orford, the highest mountain in the Province of Quebec, 
 could not fail to give pleasure. On the southern shore of 
 the Lake is a wonderful natural curiosity, known as the 
 Balance Rock, a large mass of granite poised on a narrow- 
 owl's head — on the west shore OE lake iMEMPHREMAGOG. 
 The eastern shore of the Lake in ^his vicinity is niuch 
 improved and adorned ivith handsome residences, the 
 finest being the beautiful summer villa of the late Sir Hugh 
 Allan, of Steamship fame. Mount Elephantis, or Sugar 
 Loaf Mountain, is seen to advantage from this point. 
 At Newport, connection is made with the Connecticut 
 and Passumpsic River Road, which passes through the 
 beautiful Passumpsic valley, with its romantic scenery and 
 thriving towns and villages. At Wells River, the tourist 
All-Roiind Route and Panoramic Guide. 375 
 will take the Boston, Concord, Montreal, and White 
 Mountains Railway, which passes through some of the 
 finest scenery imaginable, and traverses for a distance of 
 over 20 miles the shores of the ever charming Lake Win- 
 nepesaukee. Arriving at Concord, the tourist takes the 
 Boston, Lowell and Concord Railway to Nashua, thence 
 Lowell, and Nashua Bailroad to the city of Boston. 
376 Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 At Well's River, the tourist may with but little loss of 
 time visit the whole of the grand scenery of the White 
 Mountains. In fact, for variety of scene, comfort in tra- 
 vel, and other advantages, this homeward route has much 
 to commend it to the tourist. 
 Tourists for New York pass from Wells River to White 
 River Junction, via Connecticut and Passumpsic River 
 Railroad, thence to South Vernon via Central Vermont. 
 The journey is then continued via Connecticut River Rail- 
 ovvl's head and mount elephantis— as seen from the railroad, 
 north of newport. 
 road, through Springfield, and via New York, New Haven 
 and Hartford Railway to New York. 
 We have thought it desirable to add to our Guide a 
 brief sketch of one of the most interesting and attractive 
 lines of travel presented in the whole country. It is ren- 
 dered such by the exquisite and varied beauty of the 
 scenery, by the thrilling historic associations impressed 
All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide, 377 
 upon it, by the rare accommodation and comfort of its 
 steamers to the tourist, and by being the most direct and 
 eligible route between Saratoga, the White Mountains, 
 Mount Mansfield, the Adirondacks, Montreal and Quebec. 
 It combines many decided and peculiar advantages, and 
 prominent among these is the pleasant change from the 
 dust and heat of the cars to the spacious and airy stea- 
 mers. Lake Champlain stretches a distance of 120 miles, 
 almost due north and south, and seems designed by the 
 hand of Nature to form an avenue of commerce and social 
 intercourse. Travellers, who have widely explored the 
 objects of interest in the New and Old World, unite in 
 pronouncing the waters and environs of Champlain the 
 most beautiful and impressive the eye can rest upon. 
 Varied features unite to complete the panorama. The 
 waters of the Lake, whether reposing in a calm, or surging 
 under the power of a tempest, are indescribably beautiful ; 
 but this attraction is infinitely enhanced by the islands, 
 which, in varied forms, stud its bosom ; by the peninsu- 
 las which pierce it ; and by the bold, rocky precipices tl at 
 hang over the Lake. The shores on either side are 
 impressive and beautiful : now a long line of rugged cliffs, 
 crowned by dense forests, appears, and now, smiling in 
 luxurious ranges of culture and elegance, embellished by 
 farm houses, mansions and villages, with their glittering 
 spires. All this scene of beauty is enhanced by the dark 
 framew^ork of mountains, that impart magnificence to the 
 Passengers leaving Montreal by the Montreal and 
 Champlain Division of the Grand Trunk Railway will cross 
37 S All-Ron f id Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 the mammoth Victoria Bridge, and arc rapidly transported 
 to Plattsburg, where they will remain over night, taking 
 the majestic steamers " Vermont " and " Horicon," of the 
 Champlain Transportation Co. next morning, which 
 form a day line in either direction passing through both 
 lakes going south; they leave Piattsburgh every morning, 
 Sundays excepted, via Port Kent. Ausable Chasm, 
 Burlington and May Landings, reaching Fort Ticon- 
 deroga, at noon (dinner after arrival), here the tourist 
 can take an observation car around Mt. Defiance to 
 Baldwin, Lake George, steamers to Caldwell where 
 direct connections are made through to Saratoga, Troy, 
 and Albany, the same afternoon. Passengers who desire 
 to go through both lakes should leave Montreal by 
 afternoon train; ; id Saratoga, Piattsburgh, etc., tourists, 
 leaving these points above referred to, do not pass through 
 Lake Champlain, but reach Saratoga via Lake George 
 the same afternoon in time for supper. These vessels are 
 models of elegance, neatness, and comfort. They are 
 regarded as second to none on. the continent for their 
 power and safety, the perfect accommodation they afford, 
 their spacious staterooms and cabins, and the sumptuous 
 tables they spread. 
 Having reached Plattsburg, which modern events have 
 rendered the most conspicuous point on the Lake, the 
 tourist will soon discover that a sojourn of more than a 
 single day will be required for an inspection of its varied 
 objects of interest. The military works made memorable 
 in the siege of Plattsburg in 1814, will claim his attention, 
 nor will he fail to make a pilgrimage to the military 
 graves, in the cemetery. The drives are delightful, and that 
 to the Ausable Chasm must not in any event be neglected. 
Ail-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, ^jc} 
 The small island lying to the left, on leaving Plattsburg, 
 was named St. Michael by the French ; it was occupied 
 after the battle of 1814, as an hospital, and was then 
 known as " Hospital Island," but is now called " Crab 
 Island." We immediately after enter Valcour Strait, in 
 which the first action in 1776 occurred, between the 
 British and American fleets. The tiny islet south of 
 Valcour, tradition a; serts, was at an early period occupied 
 successively by the French and British naval officers, for 
 the cultivation of vegetables and flowers, and it still bears 
 the name of "Garden Island." Nearly opposite this 
 island is situated the Delta of the Ausable River — a sin- 
 gularly beautiful stream. We next reach Port Kent, an 
 important landing-place for the rich valley of the Ausable 
 River. It is five miles from the flourishing village of 
 Keeseville, and three miles from the Ausable Chasm. 
 This wonderful'work of nature attracts yearly increasing 
 crowds of visitors. It has been truly said that a view 
 of this scene rewards a voyage from Europe ; the pen and 
 the pencil equally fail in attempts to adequately delineate 
 it, — to be appreciated, it should be deliberately explored 
 and surveyed. No traveller in pursuit of pleasure, or de- 
 sirous to examine the phenomena of nature, should omit 
 to devote a sufficient time to the inspection of this most 
 interesting spot. It is formed by the egress of the 
 Ausable River, from the northern end of the Adirondack 
 Mountains into Lake Champlain. The river has carved 
 a channel in some places reaching a depth of two hundred 
 feet, leaving precipices of every shape towering above the 
 dark water. At one place the river is compressed to a 
 breadth of only ten feet. The waters dash madly through 
 their confined channel and are precipitated over falls^ 
38o All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
All-Ronmi Route and Panoramic Guide. 381 
 cascades, and rapids, the first fall bein^ twenty, and the 
 second, sixt> feet high. The length of the Chasm proper 
 is nearly two miles, and its sides and top are fringed with 
 cedars, which cast a sombre shadow over it, and add to 
 its mysterious grandeur. The Ausable Company have 
 made extensive improvements to facilitate access to and 
 easy exploration of this wonderful gorge. The chasm 
 may be reached, via Port Kent from J^urlington or 
 Plattsburg, from Keeseville, or the depot at Peru ; or 
 a particularly pleasant route is enjoyed by a drive 
 of twelve miles from Plattsburg along the margin 
 of the Lake. The Delaware & Hudson Railway issue 
 tickets every season, permitting passengers to stop off 
 at Plattsburg, and visit the Chasm. 
 Mount Trembleau, a graceful promontory interesting 
 as being the last spur of the Alleghanies upon the Lake, 
 stands immediately south of Port Kent. The steamer 
 now enters upon the vvidest portion of the lake. A 
 panoramic view is here unfolded, which blends, in rare 
 felicity and beauty, the wildest magnificence with the 
 most exquisite loveliness ; the waters spread out in a 
 broader expanse than the eye can easily embrace, and 
 are broken, and embellished by countless islands and 
 headland. Burlington reposes in tranquil beauty in the 
 east, and beyond are delineated the outlines of the Green 
 Mountains, with the profile of each summit clearl)- defined 
 upon the horizon. In the west, Lion Mountain and the 
 broken groups of the Adirondacks pierce the sky in 
 unnumbered peaks. At times, when we contemplate the 
 western sky, in the declining day, and the atmosphere is 
 radiant with the beams of the setting sun, the scene 
 becomes grand and gorgeous beyond description, — earth 
382 AU.Ro„„d Route and Pamramk Guide. 
 and air mountains an.l lak-os, arc ball,al in a (rioriou, 
 horc^ s and., a massive lighthouse which is erected on a 
 reef and seems to arise from the bosom of the water 
 Burl,n,ton appears to peculiar advantage as we app^ ch 
 be ,;:fT'?°":. "'"""'>' ^^'^ "-"'^"•"^ -''-for .h 
 prosperity. Many of ,ts public edifices and private nian- 
 Mons arc among the finest of graceful „d el " t 
 architecture. Almost in the track of the fh 
 southern route, "Rock DunH.-r" , i.- u ":'^' """^"^ 
 H^. from the lake, iust^fy^ Lll^^o r;:!^' 
 7l °^^'!^7'^'" '■'-•^"^d upon the beautiful waters of the 
 ^ke established by treaty as the boundary between he 
 Mohawks and their hereditary enemies, the Algonquins 
 Soon after, Shelburn Bay will be observed, a deep in 
 dentation on the left This ;. ti, . u- ^ 
 Steamboar Cr. i I ^"""^ shipyard of the 
 colto r • Z " "'"^ '""'''"'' 'heir vessels, and 
 collect their condemned hulks, here to fall into decay 
 The vas form of Mount Mansfield towers remotely Tn' 
 de:c;°alT- °". *--'-" "-on, the tourist'w 
 descry a lofty peak jutting up from the Green Mountains 
 The imagining of a slight fancy will delineate the " King 
 of Beasts reposing amid the clouds, his erect head, his 
 flowing „, , , d huge rocky paws. The French c lied 
 slet^ lying nearly at the cardinal points, designated by 
 *?Fo 'b' "I^'-^-q-fe-venuts," arenowkil ^ 
 h t A : 1 °"'"''- ^""^ '^''^ '^'^"d^ Arnold fought 
 h.. last battle with Carlton. At the foot of the long 
All-RoHud Route and Panoramic Guide, 3 83 
 peninsula on the western sliore, nou- named Willsboro' 
 Point, IS the mouth of an important stream, the Bouquet 
 river, embowered by trees and bushes. This was the 
 sight of Gilland's colony in 1765. and the scene of 
 Burgoynes famous Indian Treaty. Soon after we pass 
 the beautiful village of Essex. Three miles beyond, and 
 near the Light House we are approaching, is a remark- 
 able natural curiosity. This is "Split Rock," ( oehe 
 f endue of the French), a naked cone separated from the 
 mainland by a narrow fissure, and seems to have been 
 carved from the rock itself. We next reach the pleasant 
 village of Westport. Nine miles beyond, we stop at the 
 thriving village of Port Henry, where the immense pro- 
 duct of the iron ore beds of that district is shipped in 
 every direction. In the passage from Essex the dark 
 sierra of the Green Mountains is distinctly revealed 
 racing a marked outline upon the horizon, while diV 
 located spurs of the Adirondacks are occasionally pro- 
 tected from the mountains beetling into the lake, but 
 their rough and rugged forms do not betray the inex- 
 haustible wealth teeming in their bosoms. Directly south 
 of Port Heniy, across Bullwagga Bay, is situated the 
 Peninsula of Crown Point. Chimney Point, which was 
 occupied by the French in 173 1, and the ruins of Crown 
 Point, are on opposite sides of the lake, and separated 
 by a narrow passage ; there the expanse of the lake ter 
 minates and the long river-like channel, which continues 
 to Whitehall, commences. When we contemplate the 
 silence- and repose which now rests upon Crown Point 
 we can hardly realize that, in a former epoch, it was 
 animated by the pomp and glories of war, or that it was 
 once the mart of a large commerce, conducted by a busv 
384 All-Ronnd Route and Panoramic Guide.. 
 population. We soon pass the draw of the railroad 
 bndge, a work of great importance and interest. The 
 tounst w,ll next perceive the venerable ruins of old 
 rifff JT' °r^"=°"'^'''-°g»' 'ooming up on a high rocky 
 chff at the confluence of the waters of Lakes George and 
 Champian,. Mount Defiance stands on the opposite of 
 the former, and,;Mount Independence on the eastern 
 .hore of the Lake. Ticonderoga is now the southern 
 term„,us of the Stean.boat Line, and here connection is 
 made w,th drains to Lake George, or to Whitehall, 
 Saratoga, and southern points. 
 The completion of the railroad line between Lakes 
 George and ChamplaJn i. an attractive feature of the 
 Lake George route, as a tedious stage ride is avoided. 
 There are two daily lines of steamers each way through 
 Lake George to Caldwell. ^ 
 V ^V ^'^''f^'^^^^ the tourist can take passage to New 
 /ork by the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.ys R R to 
 . roy and Albany ; thence by rail or river, to New York. 
 v^OURISTS desiring to visit the far-famed resorts of 
 ^WJ the Northern New Jersey coast, should take at New 
 th r TV^^ ^''' ^°'^ ""^ ^^"^ ^^^"^"h Division of 
 the Central Railroad of New Jersey, starting from the foot 
 of Liberty Street or the steamboat from Pier No. 8 North 
 River, and connecting at Sandy Hook with the New Jersey 
 Southern Railroad to Philadelphia. Admirable facilities 
 are offered by the Pennsylvania Railroad during the sum 
 mer season ; three express trains, with parior cars attached 
AU-Rouud Route and Panoramic Guide. 385 
 run between Philadelphia and Long Branch daily. The 
 route js by the New York Division to Monmouth June! 
 on thence over the old Freeholc and Jamesbury Rail- 
 road to seag,rt, and from this point over the Central 
 Railroad of New Jersey to Long Branch. On Saturday 
 an extra tram leaving Philadelphia after noon will reac^h 
 Long Branch (93 miles) in two hours and sixteen min- 
 ..Th.! ?.t"""lT'°^"' °" *" Long Branch Division 
 .s the best that the Pennsylvania Railroad affords. The 
 the r' H^'.^'o""^ R-'™''d Company, lessee of 
 Philad T r\ ^""''■"'^'^ -- fi-t-class trains from 
 Ph,,a directly to Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc 
 vm Elizabeth and the New York and Long Branch Di^ 
 v.s,on of the Central Railroad, especially for the sea-shore 
 busmess. During the present summer the Company pro- 
 poses to mcrease its facilities. ' ' ' t' 
 If the tourist should decide to leave New York from 
 o;:l ;■ ■ r^"" ^''''- ^''^^ °' '^^^'^ s*-')- - eith" 
 01 the first-class steamers, which make during the "season" 
 some SIX or seven trips daily between New York and 
 Long Branch, he will first view the many beautiful sights 
 ™.ch make New York Bay the most famous harbo! in 
 r t trw-n- *' ''" "^ ^^"^ ^°^^'^"°^''* I^'-d, with old 
 Cattle W,lham m the foreground. On the right Gibbett 
 and Bedlois Islands, all fortified to the water's edge Sail- 
 ing on, we view over our left bow the Long Island shore, 
 XT^Kr^l ''"'^'"' "^ ^'y ^''^^'- ^""Ided with 
 villa.s R,ght ahead are the stately hiils of Staten Islan d 
 and on our approach to the " Narrows," the gate to the 
 Atlantic Ocean, our attention is called to Fort Tomkins 
 and the granite walk of Fort Richmond, and its outlyin- on our right, while on our left stands Fort 
386 All-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Lafayette, grim, silent, and isolated, and back of it the for- 
 midable fortification of Fort Hamilton. Beyond these, 
 to the south-east, is Coney Island, and still further on we 
 obtam a distant view of Rockaway. Entering the lower 
 bay, a sort of miniature ocean, we pass incoming and 
 outgomg vessels of all sizes and of all nations, from the 
 fisherman's sloop and pleasure yacht to the stately 
 Cunarder, and after about an hour's delightful sail from 
 New York we reach 
 one of the finest and safest harbors in the ivoHd. Here 
 we may see, at times, a hu- ired sail anchored, awaitii.g 
 the safety signals of " Old rrv,i>"to venture out to sea. 
 In a few moments passengers and baggage are trans- 
 ferred to a train of comfortable cars, and we are soon 
 speeding through a dense growth of luxuriant cedars and 
 holly on the Government Reservation. 
 Passing Highlands, Seabright, Monmouth Beach, in 
 one and a half hour's time from New York, our train rolls 
 mto the depot of the " Brighton of America," and durin- 
 President Grant's eight years of office popularly known 
 as the " summer capital." 
 |ONG Branch is one of the most fortunate, as far as 
 position, accessibility and climate are concerned, 
 •of the watering-places on the Atlantic coast, and 
 with these advantages at the outset, it has naturally be- 
 come one of the most famous resorts of the fashionable 
 and wealthy society of New York and Philadelphia. As a 
A!l.Ro,md Route and Panoramic Guide. 387 
 .ummer retreat it is less expensive than Newport and 
 Saratoga, and quite as beautiful as either. Society 
 t here, ,s generally mo re denmcratic; fashion decrees no 
 rigid course of conduct, 
 and is therefore less exact- 
 ing of her votaries, than 
 at many other resorts in 
 which the fashionable world 
 takes no greater interest. 
 The site of Long Branch 
 is upon a bluff which af- 
 fords a splendid drive over- 
 looking the sea. The cli- 
 mate is as delightful as that 
 of any other part of the 
 New Jersey coast ; which 
 is saying quite sufficient in 
 its favour. The interior of 
 the country is fertile and 
 pleasant. There are no salt 
 marshes or sandy plains in 
 the neighborhood, and as 
 the hotel-keepers say, no 
 mosquitoes ; in fact. Long 
 Branch is as well suited to 
 rest and recreation for the 
 weary, as to the pleasures 
 and pastimes which city 
 folks quite as often seek in 
 going to the country or 
 sea-shore for the summer. 
 These natural advantages are adjacent, and within easier 
388 ^i^-Roimd Route and Pa7ioraniic Guide. 
 access than any other watering-place, to the commercial 
 centres-New York, and Philadelphia. The remarkably 
 safe sea-bathing facilities, an entire immunity from an- 
 noying insects and other causes combined, have elevated 
 this notable resort to the first rank in the country. The 
 " Bluff" here finds no parallel upon the Atlantic coast, 
 extendmg, as it does, five miles continuously, and at an 
 elevation of not less than twenty feet above the beach 
 from which it rises abruptly ; the plateau behind formi 
 the famous - ocean avenue " drive, and constitutes a de- 
 hghtful promenade, with paths and broad walks, through 
 grec. sward and summer-houses in front of hotels and 
 cottages. The natural healthfulness of Long Branch and 
 Its surroundings are well-known. Bounded by the At- 
 lantic ocean on the east, by well-drained and fertile farm- 
 ing lands on the south and west, and by the Shrewsbury 
 river and its branches on the north, supplied with pure 
 water by its securely constructed water- works, it possesses 
 every requisite for a salubrious locality. A dozen first-class 
 hotels lining the bluff, with many others on the avenues 
 leading back from the ocean, give ample accommodation 
 for all comers. 
 Pleasure Bay is the most delightful boating locality in 
 the vicinity of the Branch. It is reached by a short drive 
 of a mile and a half, and presents a most inviting appear- 
 ance to the devotee of aquatic :,ports. Oysters, crabs, 
 clam-bakes, &c., are here served up in a style of cuisine 
 that is seldom equalled. 
 The drives are, beyond question, the finest of any sea- 
 side resort, and so numerous and varied that one can 
 select a different route for almost every day in the 
 "season," without their becoming in the least monotonous. 
All-Round Route aud Panoramic Guide. 389 
 One of the attractive features of the " Branch " during the 
 months of July and August is the races, under the l^l 
 t,on of the Monmouth Park Association, on their track" 
 O eanport. It ,s by far the best in America, being aful 
 m,le, w,th wide sweeping turns, and visible in every por- 
 tion from the grand stand ; its homestretch is a strafght 
 dash of a quarter mile, and cannot be equalled. It affords 
 plenty of room for the large field of horses for wh ch 
 l^ong ^.anch .meetings are famous. 
 on^L%'°""'r '^ 'f "'' '■"'^ ^'"■'=«l^'Ph'-«. will continue 
 on the ram from Long Branch, passing through many 
 pleasant villages to Camden (opposite Philadelphia), with^ 
 cally, th,s Ime of travel, between New York and Phil- 
 adelphia, w,ll be found delightful. We will now call the 
 tounsts attention to a few of the n.ost popular summer 
 resorts m the vicinity of these cities. 
 IT is not long since the opinion was given to the world 
 m that the mterior of Long Island contained nothing 
 "*- of greater mterest to the tourist than heaps of desert 
 sand and forests of low shrub-trees left unfinished by the 
 Creator and neglected by man. The Island was recog- 
 nized a few years ago as a geographical fact, and that 
 ■vas all. Its northern shores were notable chiefly as the 
 boundary of the waters of the Sound, while its southern 
 ones had become familiar to .vu-spaper readers through 
 ternble and frequent marl,..: ,):.asters. The past three 
 years, however, have worked a wonderful change in the 
 fortunes of Long Island. Thousands of people have ex- 
 plored It from end to end ; tourists have found there ail 
390 AU-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 the delights of pure country air and the finest beaches in 
 the country ; artists in exploring its coasts have found 
 an inexhaustible field for sketching, while business men 
 have just come to a realization of its south-western 
 shores, their accessibility to New York, and the conveni- 
 ent and delightful escape ther." afford from the enervating 
 atmosphere of the over-heated city. The unsavory re- 
 putation of old Loney Islaml is too recent a memory 
 soon to be forgotten, and the growth of the Island dur- 
 mg the past three years, until it has become the foremost 
 of American watering-places, is the more remarkable, be- 
 cause it is unparalleled in the history of our summer re^ 
 sorts. 7 he various railroads and steamboat lines by 
 which the Island was readied, attested, on several days 
 of last August, their capacity for moving more than 200,- 
 000 passengers from New York to Coney Island be- 
 tween sunrise and sunset. The small island was over- 
 run by multitudes of people, and those who could find a 
 seat on the hotel piazzas, Bauer's platform, or the Iron 
 Pier, were more fortunate than a good many others, who,, 
 for the want of a resting-place were obliged to move 
 about with the restless multitude, animated only by a 
 common purposelessness. The hotel-keepers have learned 
 several valuable lessons by the experience of last sum- 
 mer, and the travellers of the present one are likely to 
 benefit by it. The imperfect drainage, which was a sub- 
 ject of continued complaint last year, has been overcome, 
 it is confidently promised, by the erection of a number of 
 hermetically sealed tahks, which will be cleared as often 
 as required and by a process of chemical disinfection, 
 which has been tried with success in the South. 
 The Brighton Beach Pavilion has been enlarged, and 
All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 391 
 the platform in front of the West Brighton Beach Hote 
 has been extended 160 feet into the sea. Paul Bauer's 
 Platform, near the Iron Pier will provide seats for about 
 15,000 persons, and the contiguous band-stand will be 
 occupied in the afternoon and evening by a first-class 
 band. One of the most noticeable improvements at 
 Coney Island is a lawn and flower-garden, which now 
 extends several hundred feet east from the Brighton 
 Beach Hotel, covering what was formerly a wide tract 
 of marsh-land.. Another railroad has b en added to the 
 traveling facilities. The New York and Brighton 
 Beach Railroad, from Locust Grove to Coney Island, 
 has a double steel track, and is thoroughly equipped 
 with rolling-stock. The time from New York City to 
 Brighton Beach, over the new road, is only twenty- 
 seven minutes. The Brighton Railroad, from Hunter's 
 Point and Platbush avenue, Brooklyn, to the Brighton 
 Hotel ; Manhattan Railroad, from Bay Ridge and Long 
 Island City to the Manhattan Beach Hotel ; the Prospect 
 Park and Coney Island Railroad, from Greenwood to the 
 West Brighton Beach; the Sea Beach Railroad, from 
 Bay Ridge to Sea Beach Palace, and the Brooklyn, Bath 
 and Coney Island Railroad from Locust Grove to Coney 
 Island, now offer first-class facilities for summer travel 
 about the first of June. The flotilla of steamboats running 
 between Coney Island and New York will begin their 
 half-hourly trips early in the season. There will be 
 an independent line of steamers during the summer 
 running between Coney Island and Long Branch ; and 
 another, making hourly trips between Rockaway and 
 Coney Island. Rockaway, with its fine beach and pure 
 air, has its numerous votaries as well as Coney Island. 
392 AU-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 It is plentifull)^ supplied with hotels and attractions, and 
 has extensive railway communication with New York 
 Greenport. a quiet little seaport town at the eastern 
 termmus of the Long Island Railroad, will take a pro- 
 mment place this season among Long Island resorts 
 through a new summer route to Newport, via Greenport. 
 Express trains will leave Long Island City and Brooklyn 
 about noon, arriving at Greenport(94 miles) in two 
 hours and a quarter, connecting there with the steamer 
 for Block Island, Newport, Martha's Vineyard and Nan- 
 tucket. The sea journey to Newport occupies about 
 four hours. Returning, the boat will leave Newport in 
 the mornmg, connecting with a fast express at Greenport 
 the passengers arriving at New York after a six hours 
 and a half journey from Newport. The summer arrange- 
 ment of trains on the Long Island Railroad will probably 
 provide for three express trains each way, making only 
 one stop between Lc^g Island City, Brooklyn and 
 Greenport. Steamers ^ ' make daily trips across the 
 bounds to New Londou and New Saybrook, at the 
 mouth of the Connecticut River, and towards the interior 
 the eye is greeted with green fields and prosperous West 
 Jersey farms, a striking contrast to the wastes of sand or 
 unwholesome marshlands which summer travellers have 
 so often to gaze upon in approaching the sea-shore. Rail- 
 road trains whiri their passengers through the pretty 
 village, giving glimpses here and there of hotels great and 
 small, spacious country residences, and long shady avenues 
 bordered by cosy cottages. At length the passenger is 
 set down at the West Jersey Station, and the clear blue 
 waters of the Atlantic tumble in on the white beach fairiy 
 at his feet. From the broad walk, which extends along 
Ali-Roimd Route and Panoramic Guide. 393 
 the beach from the railroad station to the Stockton and 
 Congress Hall hotels, a fair idea of the town may be had. 
 It is a bright picture, pervaded with an air of refinement 
 and prosperity and full of hope for the pleasure-seeker. 
 The fire which destroyed so large a portion of Cape May. 
 m the winter of 1878-79, was speedily repaired. New 
 and finer hotels rose from the ashes of the old ones, and 
 were in readiness even by the opening of ti.e season of 
 1880 ; hence the aspect of Cape May from the beach is 
 one of prosperity and life ; the new buildings give the im- 
 pression of a newly created watering-place, while the con- 
 tiguous grounds show the advantage of the care and atten- 
 tion that have been bestowed upon them for years. The two 
 largest hotels on the island are the Stockton and Congress 
 Hall (reconstructed for the summer season), both of which 
 have accommodation for about 800 guests, and are, in 
 every sense, first-class hotels. The facilities for reaching 
 Cape May have been vastly improved, and if the season 
 IS as prosperous as it promises to be, the Vv^est Jersey 
 Railroad will need all the advantages of its excellent 
 rolling-stock and fine road-bed to meet the demands 
 made upon them. The summer arrangement of trains on 
 the West Jersey will probably provide for express trains 
 leaving Philadelphia at convenient hours, both in the 
 morning and in the afternoon. The time between Phila- 
 delphia and Cape May {81 miles) is only two hours. 
 Returning, express trains will leave Cape May probably 
 about the same time during the day as last season. In 
 addition to these there will be an accommodation train 
 each way. The rolling-stock of the West Jersey has been 
 increased by a large number of new summer excursion 
 cars, built on the admirable model of the new cars used 
394 All-Roimd Route and Pamnimic Guide, 
 in the fast express service of the New York Division of 
 the Pennsylvania Railroad. One of the pleasantest routes 
 to Cape May during the summer months is by the lar^re 
 excursion steamer •• Republic," which will leave Race 
 Street Wharf early in the morning, and, after a pleasant 
 trip down the Delaware, reaches Cape May Point about 
 noon. A narrow gauge runs to Cape May City, five 
 miles distant. Leaving the Point again about three 
 o'clock the " Republic," arrives at Philadelphia early in 
 the evening. Baltimore sends to Cape May quite as 
 large a portion of her fashionable world as comes from 
 Philadelphia. The society at the Island is bright, animat- 
 ed, refined and hospitable, as it can afford to be, for the 
 visitors at Cape May belong to the best class of summer 
 travellers. The " season " opens at the Stockton Hotel, 
 in June every summer. 
 Atlantic City, situated on the Atlantic coast, sixty 
 miles south-east of Philadelphia, has a resident population 
 during the summer months slightly exceeding that of 
 Cape May, but the transient visitors in the height of the 
 season fairly outstrip that of any watering-place south of 
 Coney Island. It was opened to the public a little more 
 than a quarter of a century ago, and since then it is 
 indebted for its rapid growth and steadily increasing 
 popularity to an unusually fine climate, both in winter 
 and summer, a good beach, generous hotel accommoda- 
 tions, and the admirable facilities the Camden and 
 Atlantic Railroad have always offered for going there. 
 The adjacent coast is 'broken into many inlets and bays, 
 which now afford the best opportunities for boating, fish- 
 ing and gunning, sports that bring hundreds of visitors to 
 Atlantic City every year. The improvements made 
All- Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 395 
 last season are likely to work a wonderful change 
 in the fortunes of Atlantic City— a change that was 
 anticipated n' the scores of new buildings which were 
 constructed there. In addition to the Camden and 
 Atlantic Railroad, and the Philadelphia and Atlantic 
 City Narrow Gauge Railroad, which transported 
 thousands to and from the sea-shore every day 
 of last season, the We Jersey Railroad opened last 
 summer a new railroad to Atlantic City, from Camden, 
 by way of Newfield, a station on the West Jersey (Cape 
 May) Railroad, about thirty miles from Philadelphia. The 
 new railroad opened in 1880, from Newfield to Atlantic 
 City is thirty-four miles in length, laid with steel rails 
 and on a road-bed prepared for the fastest express trains. 
 The new railroad, which is about four miles longer from 
 Philadelphia than the Camden and Atlantic, reaches 
 Atlantic City, at the junction of Atlantic and Baltic 
 avenues, the station fronting on both streets. Trains leave 
 Camden (from Philadelphia by Market street ferry) for 
 Atlantic City over the West Jersey Railroad at con- 
 venient hours during the day, and they run five fast ex- 
 press trains over the new railroad between Philadelphia 
 and Atlantic City every day. One stop is made at New- 
 field, and the running time does not exceed one hour 
 and a half. On the other hand, the Camden and Atlantic 
 Railroad, is well equipped with new rolling-stock, a well- 
 ballasted track, has a new and large station at Camden,, 
 and a new iron ferry-boat crossing the Delaware Trom 
 their station at the Vine street wharf to Camden, and 
 will open this season, better prepared than ever, to meet 
 the tide of summer travel. Four express' trains run tO' 
 Atlantic City daily, without a stop. The running time 
 lis lil|^ 
 \A ill 1.6 
 WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 
 (716) 872-4503 

 ^ J 
39^ All-Roimd Route and Panoraviic Gindc. 
 is less than ninety minutes. The cheapest route to the 
 sea-shore is by the Narrow Gauge Railroad from Cam- 
 den. Express trains run each way daily. A multitude 
 of travelers were accomodated by this road last season ; 
 and at the popular excursion rates offered, the luxury of 
 a trip to the sea-shore, and a bath in the surf, is within 
 reach of the smallest purse. 
 Anglesea, or Five Mile Beach, a few miles above Cape 
 May on the Jersey coast was last season taken in hand 
 by an improvement company who now endeavor to bring 
 the many advantages of the place into public notice. A 
 new narrow gauge railroad will connect Anglesea with the 
 West Jersey Railroad track near Cape May Court House. 
 Barnegat Inlet, on the coast midway between Long 
 Branch and Atlantic City, has become famous through 
 its blue fish. The arrival of the first school, generally 
 about the last of the month of May, is the signal for hun- 
 dreds of sportsmen and business men to pack off for the 
 sea-shore. The route from New York is by the New 
 Jersey Southern Railroad to Barnegat, by way of Man- 
 chester, and from Philadelphia the sportsmen may go by 
 the Pennsylvania Railroad from Camden to Whitings, 
 and from this point by the Tuckerton Railroad to 
 Beach Haven is another of the resorts on the Jersey 
 coast which have sprung into popularity within a few 
 years. It is situated on Long Beach, a small sandy pro- 
 montory running parallel with the Jersey coast and 
 separated from it by Little Egg Harbor Inkc. This 
 inlet affords every opportunity for boating and fishing 
 without the danger of the open sea and powerful surf 
 which rolls in on this exposed coast. Across the pro- 
All-Round Route and Patiormnic Guide. 397 
 montory the surf may be seen in all its glory. Beach 
 Haven contains four well-kept hotels, easily accommodat- 
 ing a thousand visitors. Steamers connect Beach Haven 
 with Barnegat, and thence the route to the north and 
 west is the same. 
 The Long Beach Hotel is again this year under the 
 management of Mr. R. H. Southgate, so favorably known 
 for his management of Congress Hall, Saratoga, and the 
 Windsor Hotel, Montreal. A number of cottages have 
 been erected in the neighbourhood of the Hotel for 
 families, and immediately on their completion were taken 
 by fashionable people ; and several New York Clubs 
 have also built summer quarters on the Beach. In fine, 
 everything points to Long Beach, and the Hotel, be- 
 coming the most fashionable resorts on Long Island. 
 Ocean Grove, six miles above Long Branch, is a reser- 
 vation controlled by ministers and members of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church of New Jersey and Penn- 
 sylvania. It is resorted to during the summer by quite a 
 number of ecclesiastics, and christian families. No in- 
 toxicating drinks are permitted on the grounds, and boat- 
 ing, bathing and drinking are strictly prohibited on the 
 Sabbath. During the Camp Meeting season, the village 
 is crowded to its utmost capacity, many of the visitors 
 living in tents and other temporary structures upon the 
 beach and in the adjoining groves. The passenger traffic 
 at this point, during the summer season, is larger than to 
 any other resort on the New Jersey coast, between Long 
 Branch and Atlantic City. 
 AsHBURY Park and Ocean Beach adjoin Ocean 
 Grove, the one on the north, the other on the south, 
 and are both largely patron 'zed. 
398 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide. 
 Here we are again at New York But K f 
 our hat to the departing reader, with the hope that tL 
 tnp here ended has been a pleasant one " ^ m. 
 senses, different objects strike;" but we think htfC 
 been something of a sort to please all M.n 7 
 pursuit and of every variety of' taste, will hav bln^S 
 . xten. o';' !r '■'^ P-"'- ■^""by ; for, although ' 
 extent of ground traversed mav not ^P^m . 
 otherwise might appear, from the^^imna^ofr ^I^^ 
 thou"rhr~rr'' ^'*' '"■" *^ ^- exprLion giv : ,; 
 thought, and the amount of enterorise Lc\,\ a .■ 
 2. eve^where met with, there^ pe;har LTI 'bet,: 
 field open for examining the working meris of the Tf 
 ferent schemes which have been from time otim. 
 po^ed as affording solutions of the imp^^ant quS^f 
 mtional education, workmen's associftions, clo^: 
 »h^V''! "u""'''' '^~"°'"i=<t there has been, therefore 
 abundant subject for fruitful study; and the prospects rf 
 To the geilogist no tract of country could well be 
 fo ndmore replete with interest than th'at we have tra! 
 her sublime t u™"^'' '""'^ '° ^^^ *'* ™'"- ■" 
 her subl mest aspects ; he has been admitted, as it were 
 to view the arcana of her great workshop, ad the va^ 
All-Rotmd Route and Panoramic Guide. 399 
 cuttings scooped out by the powerful force exerted 
 through successive ages on a h'mestone formation, by a 
 stupendous power like Niagara as well as the tiny "stri^ " 
 or ice grooves, that to this day mark, with unerring line, the 
 course of the Northern glaciers, as, in ages still more re- 
 mote, they ground down the greater portion of the 
 North American continent. 
 The artist and sportsman have also no reason to com- 
 plain of the bill of fare offered for their special enjoy- 
 ment. The former could hardly study in a better school 
 than that he has just left— a school that has produced 
 more than one conscientious interpreter of its own 
 peculiar '' genre r And the latter will, on his journey 
 round, have been able to inspect the spoils of many a 
 game-bag and fishing basket. 
 The student of life and character will have occasion to 
 notice many novelties ; and the strange mixture of the 
 two languages in Canada, by the ''habitants;' as they are 
 called, ivill astonish his ideas of euphony. His pure 
 French, if such, perchance, he can command, will not un- 
 frequently prove " caviare " to these swarthy folks, but, 
 perhaps, nothing will have more effect on him than the 
 first sight obtained of the Red Man, as he appears in the 
 streets of our cities in this the 19th century—" O, quantum 
 mutatus ab illo" he will exclaim, from that romantic- 
 looking creature clothed in a scanty allowance of " fig- 
 leaf, " who used to be served up for the delectation of our 
 infantile minds in the pages of old Peter Parley when 
 he sees the Indian Chief of his boyhood, so strangely 
 modified by the Darwinian system of Natural Selection, 
 into a smooth-faced, oily-haired, individual, clad in paper 
 collar, Eureka shirt, and extensive wide-awake. 
 All-Round Route and Panoramic Guide, 
 We have endeavored to describe foifhr, ii 
 the .outes over which we C:^^^^:;"^^^- 
 us greater than that possessed by us and „„.■ 
 .f combined with those already given would , ' 
 enhan .devalue of our Guide ^we' Zl^XlZo. 
 •nation from those best able to afford it ,nH 
 that so far as the hmits of the woSaJ irlrthT""" 
 shall be given in future editions to^™;' "th: 
 rs rLeit^rhr;tho^-r " 
 taUen up and the avocatirr^um fdThirLX 
 jirnct o/tii- nLTwiif r ^^^"° '^^ 
 Tefni^trth-'-T""— ^^^^^^ 
 makinHH 'T.^' "''°'" "^ "^^ conducted „ 
 farewell, hoping to renew his acquaintance in traversing 
 larger and more extended route next year '"^"'""^^ 
 nd correctly 
 •any. There 
 -ular points 
 . and such, 
 «Id greatly 
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 ve promise 
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 lends, the 
 opolis of 
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