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Les diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I LABORATORY OP THE INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 341 HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA 1368—1 liH^ 11: i 1 3- 1 u k NOTES AND COMMENTS. Under this heading, as occasion arises, the Bulletins issued bv this Depart- m. nt W.11 contain, as an appendix. sucJ, comment a. may seem necessary or advsabie upon matters relating to the work of .he Department in connection wuh the administration of the Adulteration Act, the Fertilizers Act, the Feeding Muffs Act or the Proprietary Medicines Act. It frequently happens that correspondents .sk information regarding the above Acts, of such a nature that the matfr in question possesses general .n.-rest, .nd comment upon it would prove acceptable and useful to others than the .mmediate questioner. In such cases the reply may find a place in ;• ^r convenience of reference these notes will be numbered in sirics. A. McGILL, Chief Analyst. 4-^6.s_U LABOEATORY OF Till INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT OTTAWA, CANADA BULLETIN No. 341 HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA Ottawa, June 15, 1910. J. U. ViXCEXT, Esq.. Deputy .Minister of Inland Revenue. Sii!. — Of late .vear.-< Aninmniu has eoine to Ik; largely in use in the household, as a duterjuiit and for the eiinveuien<'e of jiersons in wlmse hands the stront; solution of ammonia W(juld he attended with danjrer. nianiit'iiet'ircrs have i)laeed nn tlie market :i dilute ammonia under the name of Household Ammonia, which finds very extensive gale. For the most part, this article is simply a dilutidu with water of the strong solu- tion (Liquor Ammoniae Fortis) nf the Fharmaeoixeia. This latter is rei|uireil to contain ^VJ'i per cent hy weifrht iif .\nnnoiiia ( NIF). A weaker solution is also defined l)y the Pharmaco|Hria (Liquor Ammoniae) t 10 ikt cent by weight of AniniM- 1 ia. It may \iv mentioned hi're that the Ammonia of the French ("odex contains only ■_'<•• 1* per cent and the Aqua .Vmuioniae Forfior of the I'liited States riiarmaroimia. 2> per cent liy weight of Anmionia. Some market samjiles of the article contain, in addition to Ammonia, soaps of various kinds, and other ingredients. In .Taiiuary l!tl4, Professor .1. F. Snell of Macdonald College, presented to the Canadian Section of the .Society of Chemical lndustr,y a stud.v of Commercial House- hold Annnoiiia in Canada. (See .Fournal of the Society, 1914. p. 1177) and recom- mended that a more extended inspection of the articles he made under the Adulteration Act. Ammonia. consi(lercmoM>« ..nntaimMl i„ it. The retail pri.-,- is fn>m •; t., I'o times the whol,- .,!,■ value of the " nn.l adds. "How r.,ueh more eeo„omieal i wo 1,1 b^ to lu> .-oneentrated anunonia. and dilute it with Rood -.,ft water" "•■'•'" "! "\ 7";'«' « ••'•'•tain eonvenienee in purehasinp the artiele in a forn, readv .. ,M and that the averaR.' eonsumer is willing to pay for this service is amp Iv .. . y t , hen we eonsHler the extensive sale of many foods in neat packages, w eh "'.I he purchased at „,u,.h less ,.ost in bulk. It is however, a reasonable claim when ... imp.haser ask, how much in excess of its n.ininunn market value he pavs for t ,e ., lyn„ap> o package, or .n the case of Household Ammonia, of dilution a^^dpacknie .... .her samples bearin. the name (BrLl'' C^IT.::::^ f^'X:;,^:^! :;:.;r;:;:;::=:^;ir"'"^" ''- '•'''•^^'"" ^'-^ - ^-•"^ •■ "- '• "•;""}."'•; '» i" ■■«''^.. that one unit of Ammonia, purchased in U oun.v in.ttle costs T. -u 1 .s, . of a cent ( to li-'US eents; the average cost bei n^ abou 3 ee„tl .. ..rdcr to obtan. some idea of the cost of the same quantity .^- Amn, mfr " .' - on,.e package, bottle .ncluded, I caused four samples to be pun^hased (t a wa ' Ik -J 14, ..'o4. Jl-98 and 23-24; giving a raeaH value of ■>■>:■> per eent vmIu.. iK-r unit. IS thu.s found Ui be 1-540 cents ' - '- per cent. ;,;:;;;:;;^:' """*■'• '•^' """■•""■"^ •'•'"''' -^""^-'^ -'d ^i'^ting with water to,uit 1 would respectfully suggest publication of this report as BuJutin \o 341 It i..i i.riK ■.111 T remain, sir, Your ol)edient servant, A. McUILL, Cliiff Analyst. TABLK I— BULLETIN No. 341- Niituiw of Sitniplr. i 3 ■f. Nmiic knd AdiimM of Wmliir. C(«t. I Null* an'l Aildn-Mi iif Msnufwturrr iir Kiirniah«r, h kivmi by thr Wnilcir. Mknufsoturcr. Kiimiiih«r DISTRICT OF NOVA HCOTIA- lUlS. IhK. 29 .. 31 HouM'hiild Ainmi>ni» ItK. 17 .. 17 .. 17 .. 24 .. 24 34 RilHM A. ■). K. VowClMgiiw. mma liiHtae S. M. liiK^hhartft C<>. . R. McNabli, Trenton. N.S ■Ibiita. 3 .. 3 .. S»wy»T rry»t»l Blue Co., Koaton, yiium. Sultan* Lhi, Munt rnal. Aliihft Clixni. Ci>. , Lliih rlin. Out. R. Mott« town. L. C. Worthy, Charlotte town, r. M. Mc-*rborr. 4 Ci., St. John. 3 »'.ti284 Th.' Canadian Drug Co., 3 6«)2>*5 .M. K. |).K)han, Frwdericton 3 iWiHB Ysr W. B. McKay, LUl., 3 Slliwex. (itiSKH Siiiitli Hro«., Su«ie.t 3 iHJHU Mm. V. White. Moncton. 3 (it>29<),r. H. Snowlall Co. Ltd., 3 Chatham. Nat. Dnig & Chem. Co., St. .John. Vendors Dearlmrn A Co., St. •Tohn. Stuart A Foster Ltd., Toronto. W. F. Hatheway Co., St. ,lohn. Dearborn * Co., St, •Tohn. Baird Co., Ltd., Woo''i»t4)ck. .Stuart* FoHterLtd.. Toronto. ' Hol'SEHOLD AMMONIA. lni«|i*-|«irt, (Fallot an t;<|in-iiaii>n ol RmiiIu ut Annlyti,. N'anix of Hranil. 1^ i i iJ i Hvniarkii, anil Opinioa (>r the CliicI Aulyat. « A. I'CTII'AS. TKMPORA .v INsPKCTOK. S«wyer'» , Sultana. Alpha Chom. O. . . , p. c. p. c. 7 H8 019 4 86 IM .1 IM 00» «M. A. \VKKK.S. INSPKUTOR I'lHN C. FERGUSON. INSPECTOR Simondi Nat. Dru(f Co. . . Dearborn Canada Drug Co.., l>earl)om . Sun Hatheway. Dearliom . . Baird ISun 2 9H 6»8 4 69 4 9« 4 36 841 2 8S 4 24 241 3 .tol O'OKI 0017 036 043 (181 014 1M3 04: Oil) 012 041 012 022 66281 882rl2 66283 030 662841 016 007 036 014 005 007 (!628& 66287 )i6^8H 66290 TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 341- i Natiir** of Sample. 1 • 55 Name and .-\ddiv«n of Vendor. Cost. Name and AHHret*** of ManufactnnT c»r Funristher, an (fi^'»'n by thf Wndor. 1 • 5 6 Manufacturer. Furnisher. !«>• DISTRICT OK QUEBKC CITY I'll,'). Dec. 22 .Xiiinioniipie dom. ,'56632 K. M artel. 1(>78 St. \'a- lier, l^ntjlHH'. Sbota. 75 Vendor ,"566:13 .(. Maxson, »0H St. Valier, (inebec. 3 ., 4S X. D. & C. Co. , .. 2S .T(i«34 .r. B. (iiroiix, :W.5 St. .To«e|)h, (iuelx'C. 3 ,. 75 J. E. Livernulii. .. 2:f iitaKW .\. Leclere, 243 .St. Joseph, t^iieltec. 3 ,. 60 Unknown . . . . „ 2;t !>IKM\ W. Brunet Cie, 144 St. .loseph, (^netiec. 3 ,. m J . Comen, .Mont real. .. 2.3 oiww: ■I. 1'lam.mdon, 122 St. .ToKeph, (^tiebec. 3 .. «0 Unknown .. 24 5«i;:w< Dr. (iaRnon, 28 St. J'lerre, Qiieliec. 3 .. 75 Dr. Kd. Morin. ., 24 .-^G.?!! ,. 3 .. 45 rnknown .. 24 ri664n r)r. Kd. Morin, 113 dp la .\lonta(tni', Quebec. 3 .. 45 " 24 Mm Ijaroche ,V Co., 4 de la Kabrique, Queljec. 3 .. 1.05 DISTRICT OK t^'KBEC PROVIN'CK^l. E. AUDET, O. BROCHU, 'M^'r l!ll.-). Dec. 23 .. 23 lftl6. .Ian. 11 M 14 „ 2!t liil.'.. Der. 21 ,. 21 22 .. 22 I, 30 .1 3(1 .\innionia. .'*r,64 3666 .3671 ,3677 3I>M3 4437 4i:«l 4445 4448 72233 722.34 .1. K. iJaKne. Ste. Maxinn'l2botH.! 30 .1. Dussault, St. Henedine:2 „ 30 W. .1. Doyle, St. Edward Dorchester LuinlHr, St. Malachi. |iiniun.) Nainn of Brand. Resulh of Analyaia. < Y. X. W. K. BKLAND, IXSI'ECTOR. 9 .C. 23 80 5 95 24-80 23 00 10 46 7-85 6 !»5 15 C4 765 C-64 p-C. p.c. 666S2 66C33 06634 66636 6(i636 56637 666S8 66639 66640 B6641 Hartahorn Hartshorn T (IKXDKEAU, A. PELLKTIEB AND N. CADIEUX. TEMPORARY INSPECTORS. Bee Sun Sultana. Bulldog. Sultana ... Sun BulldoK . . . Sultana.... Sapho Hartaliom . 6 43 3 23 6-46 3 67 259 I- 16 61 ■87 •«6 41 2J 1368—2 t]67 0013 0017 030 0033 043 007 0008 030 016 3664 3666 3671 3677 4437 4439 4446 4*«« 73333 73334 m I J* 10 TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 341- o Nsture u{ Sample. o Name and Addreiw of Vendor. Cost. C , O Name and Address of Manufacturer or Furnisher as given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF yUKBEC CITY- 1915. Dec 22 » IB Ammonia. . . It 4920 346 348 364 P. E. Danjous 4 Fils, Bic. Eugene Foumier, S t . Jerome. Pierre Simard, St. Jerome Napoleon Hetu, S t . Agathe des Monts. Ichrp 3bots. 3 '„ 3 M 1.5 60 4.'-. 45 Sultana Co., Mont- real. n 18 Sapho Mfg., Co. ... .. 28 Stuart ft Foster. ... 1916. Jan. 7 M 37« Belair ft Paiiuette, St Kustacho deux Mont- 3 n 36 Laimrte ft Mar- tin. .. 7 „ 377 agues. Boileau ft Aubu, St. Eustache deux Miint- 3 „ 30 agues. DISTRICT OF THREE RIVERS- M ^ 1915. Dec. 18 1916. Jan. 3 8 4 .Ammonia . 69217 69221 fi!l223 69226 L. A. Caissc, Berthier- ville. J. A. Boisvert, Joliette. L. P. Crejieau, Joliette.. Rixlrique Deblois, St. Tliomu.s. 3 1 Hits. Sapho Mfg., (;o. Sultana Co., Mont- real. Stuart ft Foster, Tonmto. .Stuart ft Foster, Toronto. DI.STRKT OF EASTERN TcnVNSHIPS Feb. 10 Ammonia. . HT5i)9 .. 10 It ... fi7.VjO » 11 )t 67561 M 11 .1 67.562 (ioaselin ft Paradis, Magog. J. O. 1 Kjnigan, Magog. . . H. Pare, (Iranby Men lire ft Krere, ( iranby 3bots. 30 3 , 30 3 It 25 3 „ SO Xat. Drug, ft Cheni. II lIorSKIIOLD AMMONIA. Insin'ctor's lo|ii>rt. (Is not .111 cxprcHKiiin I'f opiiiiiin.) N'ame of Brand. 2m =3: Reeiiltx o f Analysis 1 , - i ■a 1. «.^ J « > -4 P Remarks «nd Opinion of the Chief Analyst. ''onrludcd. I'l; V. p. LA, temporary inspector •' I. COSTIGAN. ACT1N(J INSPECTOR. p. c. S-85 7 5fi 3Hli 4 31 5 10 4-'iO 2 600 p. c. 07fi 4920 »46 348 364 376 377 * Sapho Sun tt ■ • Siillaiia Kiii.iiij., Sultana . . National. . , Entente. . . Sun 4 32 5 61 1 28 6- 13 670B9 67fi6U 67661 67662 12 TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 341— I: d O s & Nature of Samp.e. ^. Namo and Aildriss of Vendor. Cost. a i NaiiK' and Address of Manufacturer ur Fumisbpr as given by the Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnisher. DISTRICT OF »IONTREAL- A. WolgenBiiicer, 3"J4 Charlevoix .St., Mon- treal. R. Mercier, 420 Charle- voix St., Montreal. N. Lalande, Wil Charlt- \oix St., Montreal. Boisvert Bros., 351 Hilicriiia St., Montreal. R. (iouRh, 3.")l Hilnniia St., Montreal. I). Ifadden, 1 Kushbrouke St., Montreal. .i. Stet«)n, 2(i4 Hiberniii St., Montreal. N. Fortin, 80 Coleraine St., Mo> '4 70668 70069 70G90 70 and AldrenH of Manufac ■ .r or Funiiaher, aa given by I he Vendor. Manufacturer. Furnish T. DISTRICT OF KINGSTON- 1) lfll5. ■•c. 10 .. 13 .. 13 .. 13 .. H . 14 . 14 . 14 . ir. < 15 Ilouwholil An>inoniu. 71781 71782 717S3 71784 717K-) 7178(! 71787 71788 7178'J 71790 Gt'O. MahoiKl, Kln(f8ton. . VVallhridput Clark, liellc- ville. M. A. Kellaway, Bel!.- Villf. The Helleville I'harmacy, B,-lleville. W. H. In-Iand, Trenton.. \V. Webator, Trenton . . \V. Burnet, Colwurg K. (Juillet, Colmurj,' .. , .\. >I. Caroling, I'etirliom .1. E. Lillico, Peterljoro. 3 lK)t8. 3 ,. 3 „ 3 „ 3 .. 3 „ 3 M 3 „ 3 „ 3 „ 30 SI 30 35 30 341 30 30 30 30 Vendor ■Stuart & Foster, Toronto. Vendor Sultana, Montreal . . Cl(i\ eland Chem. Co., Toront.o. Stuart * Fimter Toroutt). •' T.Taylor, Toronto Moody 'h, Berlin, Ont. DISTRICT OF TORONTO- Dcc. 14 HouHoliold Ammonia. 70131 70132 70133 70134 70! ■> 70i;« 70137 70138 7013!! 7014(1 Matheson Bros., Whitby.. T. C. Forman, Port Perry. A. M. .tIacPhail, Ux bridg.^ .1. A. AlcLoan, Canning- ton. J. (J. French, Beaverton. N. Sisterson. 395 Wilton Ave., Toronto. W. .J. Nichol, 258 Queen St. K., Toronto. J. H. I'orter, 68!» Bloor St. W., Toronto. T. W. S<|uite, 229 Church St. W., Toronto. v.. Byars. 259 Danforth Ave., Toronto. 3pkgi. 3 „ 3 liots. 3 pkg» 3 „ 3bot». 3 i>kg» 3 lwt». 3pkg» 3 lx.t». 15 25 30 30 30 30 25 30 15 30 S. F. Lawraaon Co., London. Rze Mfg. Co., Toronto. Gorman Fxkert Co., . 15 . 16 . 13 . 17 . 20 . 20 . 21 . 23 23 I>ondon. Puggley Dingman Co., Toronto. Eby Blain Cii„ Toronto. Cleveland Chem. Co., Toronto. Hutchinson Omand Co., Toronto. W. Wilson 4 Son, Toronto. Kze Mfg. Co., Toronto. AKiia Chem. Co., 1 B«)rlin, Ont. DISTRICT OF WINDSOR- 1910. Jan. 14 M 14 Lifiuiii Auimonia. „ .">4."nl4 54567 546«9 A. M. Smith & Son, WoodMt|-'ii. (I» not ail t s 1 'ri s,jion of "I'illinn.) Name of Brund. as < Bc-oultM ol Analyii*. 4 "o i Specific Gravity. Remarka and Opinion of tho Chief Analyst. S. IKiGAN, INSPKCTOR. Ya\\\)'K llrand. Sun. Bull Dog. , Sultana... Elawe's , . . Sun Moody's PC 8-3fi 6 12 p.c. PC. II. I, DAiiKK, INSPKCTOR. iillV llh„.c \I.I!()T, INSPKCTOR. 71781 71782 71783 71784 717a'> 717W1 71787 71788 7178!' 71790 Lawnuon'a 2 21 1 87 532 3 23 2(M 4-80 238 11 38 2 62 2 84 70131 70132 7013» 701.'M 70135 70136 70137 70138 70139 70140 Star \ Hiimly , .Anchor Hawe'a H.O Wilson "h Crescent Moody *H Blue Circle . C Tt 4 79 - 64564 54667 &4S*>9 I -rand. Sun 76 16 TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 341- i it r i s a Nature 3 Nanit> and Add of •/ of Vendor. •8 Sainplx. *t« 1 Co«t Name and Addma of Manufactun-r or Kurniaher »* given by the Vendor. Mannfacturrr. Fiimiiiher. DISTRICT OF WINDSOK- 1916. Jan. 14 14 14 14 au 20 20 Liqnid Ammonia .Mr.71 M572 54r.74 54r.7li r>4!)H7 !>4589 K. .T.Coles A Co., W'.ml .lohn A. Smith, Wood ittock. White k Co., WoiKlstock Ixtwis & Son, Woodntock Willis & Co., London. •Tainea McLeod, Ijondon Dan. Carter, London. . 1 Ihi I 1 1 1 1 1 .1. B. Paine Co. Toronto. ( jorman Kckert&Co. London. I. X. L. Spice i, C 6 6 Hoiiwhuld Amnionin, ; l'.»S7 7iyS8 7198!< 71990 71991 7!992 71993 719U4 71996 71996 E. A. Whitman, Emer Bon. P. Dalair, Kim Creek.... H. McFelridge, Minne- dosa. .1. H. Moore, Souria A. 1. >irej(. Codville Co., Bran- don. National Drug Co., Winniiwg. Vendor Gold Standard Co., Winnipeg. J. B. Paine, Toronta Vendors. DISTRICT OF SASKATCHhV VN- 191G. Dec. 18 1916. Feb. 9 a .. 10 .. 10 Household Ammonia. 71M3 K R. Davia, l-iitevan. 71647 Pletch's Grocery, Swift Currrnt, 71548 D. Wodlinger, Swift Cur rent. 71563 Robinson McBean Co., Moose -Taw. 71554 W. S. Hamilton, Mooae Jaw. Ipint. 1 t. 1 .. I « ■ 1 .. Martin Bole & Wynne Winnipeg. Royal Crown Soap Co., Winnipeg. J- a Paine Co, Toronto. tewart ft Fisher Winnipeg. The Bole Drug Co., Winnipeg. Swift Cun«it GrQcer\. 17 HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. Iii«l»ct<)r'» I M't«'tt. (I« notj .III ■AprfHHiitn j "f "pinion.) I Name of Brand. RetfiiltH of Analynis. §X 1* — T >5 Kcmsrka «ncl <>|iiniiin of \\w Chiff Analyst. Ciiti'lmlni. II ii; |i« Brar Bull I>o(f Km II I'.rind . Fan. I. li. COSitKOVE, TEMPORARY INSPECTOR. 3 4(1 crt 2!HI 012 1-80 01 1 M 3 01 5 fifi p. c. p. c. 54S7I 54572 84574 54.'>76 54387 54588 i>458fl 9868 9894 9n2tl ".•934 9832 9634 ■9750 9827 ■9891 .9633 71987 7198« 71989 711KXI 71991 71992 71993 7199( 71995 71990 9840 0-9905 9«75 9864 0-9798 71533 71 5 17 7154*< 716.53 71554 IS TABLE I— BULLETIN No. 341- iil It 4 1 <.f Scinplc. 1 1 Nkiiir mill AililivM of Venilor. Co«t. Nam* anil Aitilrnu nf Mjuiufactunr or Funimher u pvnn by the Wndor. •8 1 *. i i MitnufscturiT. FurnwhtT. UiaTRICT OF ALBKRTA- 1916. F»b. 10 .. 10 M 1-1 .. lA I. 15 ,. Id .. 22 H 23 .. 23 M 23 Hiiuiwbuld Aniniuni*. 82371 52372 52373 52374 52375 5237n 52377 52:<7M 8237» 52380 .1. H. Xlorrii. ft Co., Kd monton. 4r. H. ' Bkm., Cainrose. . P. J. Hainpen, <• L. J. Ailnmii, Stvttlrr lohn Irwin Co. Ltd., Cal- (fiirj-. •I. A. Nolan, Calgary. ... ( ivti, J. WixmI Wixilanl's (Iroct»ry, Cal- Rary. 3 hot.. 15 3 „ 25 3 M 30 3 H 25 3 M 25 3 .. 30 ;i ,, 25 3 M 25 3 .. 2* 3 .. 25 Km'al Crown Soap Ltd., Calgary. Wnilor Standard S Co., Calgary. Koval Crown Soa|j Co. Ltd., Calgary Q«orgmi in ft Co. , Cal ' Koval Crown Soap Co. Ltd., Calgary. DISTRICT OF ROCKV MOUNTAIXS- 1915. I>w. U 14 .. 14 M 14 litir,. Jan. 7 .. lOi ■ *"i leb. 9i Hoiiaehold | 08112 .Auimonia. ' .. 68113 6H11« 68117 Rutherford Drag Co., ' 1- 3 bota. mm. City Dri.g ft Stationery 3 Co., Nel*in. Canada Unig ft H.»k Co., 3 Ni'liMin. I'oole Diiig Co., Neiaon. i BSISljIra K. Manning, Cran-l3 brook. I I 6815811). K (ii'ove, Yinir 3 6817«|W. K. Braden, RoMland. 68177jHuutrr Bros., Roaaland . , 68183 I T. Laurieute ft Son, Trail. ;1 but. Vendora Vancouver Chem. WkH., Vancouver. Royal Crown Soapa, Vancouver. W. J. Pendray ft Sona, Victoria. Cranbrook .lub- bers, Cran brook A. Macdonaldt Co., Nelson. DISTRICT OF VANCOUVER- .lan. VI M 20 Hoimehold Ammonia I .T546f Slater Bros., 131 Haatingii St.. K. Vancouver. ."ijlOHlRedCrmiaGriK-ery, Kobwin and Howe .St*., Van ' couver. :l f>]>iniun« of thit i Y. Chief AnalyKl. A. W. K. MAKKLKY, INSPECTOR. (;..i.1pii \v«.t., .. ( ioldt-ii Wnt i; .1.1.11 Went. . . «oldenWe»t (;..|.|«i \inX (JoHfO Went •t p.c. P.O. p.c. 1 !tB 683 1 0674 8 03 006 9«62 1 37 T 23 1 06r>8 2 06 8 10 1 0«98 4 3r> Of* 098U 200 8 87 1 02H2 2 12 •m 1'0666J 2 06 3'8» 1 0282 2 06 389 1 0279 2 41 006 0'<.I898 52371 62372 62373 S2374 52376! 5237G 52877 62378 62878 52380 runs I'AKKER, INSPECTOR. Royal Crown., r,i9 OSJ 7-89 01 8 13 001 661 01 6'8A 01 4-24 001 3 76 001 418 02 6 54 1(01 9768 9461 9*31 971« 9706 9815 9837 9820 9719 68112 68113 68116 68117 U815I 68158 68176 68177 68183 K .1 MiH{(;aX, INSPECTOR. li' lirand. Q, lity 7 72 001 3 33 01 '.r.7i r«44i8 985Ti .^5469 20 TABLE 1— BILLETIX No. 341- m 1 lifei If 4 c Skniplr. a Name iiii-n by th*- Vendiir. Miiniif«ctt*rfY. KiirnMhrr. DISTRICT OK VANCX)ITVKR- lUli Jan. Aiiiinonia. 20 SO M I 6M7n ;! b| 4,5 t Ht., V'aiKHHivcr. B'>47l!R. H. Kic:iMiN..ii, liriU KoljAon St., Vancouver.! 86472 .1 .Vv474 5S47S »547ti XH7 llt'stniiniitfr 0>.4>p. Awin., X\ Xlh St., \ew WfHtiiiinatt-r. C. A. Welch Ltd., 6HI Col unihiik .St., Xi'W Wnt iiiiiiHtt-r. j3 i>k(r» SlyiU. 1 7* I « I 7."> 4S \V. ,1. I'enilrttV k SoiiK, Ltil., Victoria. Kinjiriwa .Nlftf. ('••, Naiicouvcr. \V. ,J, F.nilmy ft .S.V iX>t>7'> li60Nt'> 71307 7131L' 71314 7131,'. 7I31« 7131 ; Uixi H. Rooa, ft Co., 1317 (iov't St . Victoria. Tlw \Vi'»t Kml .iriKfry Co., liKI-JtJovt. St., Vic- toria. H. -<, .Mi'ii/i):' and Siiiicof .St<4., \'irl.iria. IvfVn f'tiannacv. 141.'i • iov't. St , Victoria. I). K. Cnmiilxll. l>oiigIai< a?id Kort Sih., Victorin. Nat. ItruK A Ch.ri. Co , 51'-' Vat''" St.. Victoria. Kerry's I>ni>f .Storp, 7*>.'; Koii Sr,. *i<-o. .\. FrastT & Co., !tl7 ■ 21 (M323' ! 3 ,. 30 Stuart ft KoKtfr, Tor- onto It 21 ifolSEHOLD AMMONIA. Iii«l»i'tur'* K>'|>>rt. (If not i|..|„lli,.|,.) I'.inrlwlitl. St.iiiiUnl •• . ( .X „ . r.i, itol... k.wil Crown... Suti in « (,'om l"'ii:i.l CrvMii • '( AiiimiinJA, Hjn |).C. 10 7 '752 10 2 012 20 2958 10 1 77» 10 .1003 10 1 721 16 .3 428 2.5 2 195 M 1 er pouiM prox. • Price per value. H = •3 z, d < < Cents LiiniMin'n .Snowfl.ik,.. ' 4 5 2 63 3 40 6 5 1 901 1-470 Good 1 1 2 45 Centg fi 2040 2 1 78 3 932 HO 204 5 2 460 2 3 49 4 1 14,5 B« ■..'.'.;.':;.■;■;::;::; 1 2 2 38 6 2 100 1 87 6 2 678 20« 1 246 7 as 2 293 2 423 2534 3 197 3 025 1 453 2368 6686 3-82! 1 943 1877 2385 1 428 im 3 571 1177 1 488 2'450