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Readers, on inquiry at the Delivery Desk, will be shown to the shelf containing following books, or to books in other classes (except Ficticn) in which thoy are interested, and may make a selection personally. Books not in, are reserved on applii-ation. Numbers preceded by R are reference books, for use in the Library only. The figures afler the title show the year of publication. Tennyson Literature. Tennyson, Alfred, baron, poet-laureate, b. ;8oq — d. 1892. COLLECTED WORKS. Poetical works. 7 v. 1872. Poetical works, i v. 1890. SINGLE WORKS. Becket : The cup : The falcon. 1885. Demeter, and other poems. 1889. The deafh of OLnone, etc. 1892. The foresters : Robin Hood and Maid Marion. Watts, T. Letters on the dramatized version of '* The Foresters." In the Athensum, Oct. 3-10, 1891. Harold : a drama. 1877. (n memoriam. 1880. Locksiey hall. 1S87. Lyrical poems : ed. by F. T. Palgrave. 18S5. Queen Mary : a drama. 1876. The young people s Tennyson : ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 1886. Songs from the published writings of Tennyson, set lo music : ed. by W. G. Cusins. 1880. CRITICISMS. Javidson, T. Prolegomena to In mem- oriam. i88y. iawson, S E. A study of The princess. - 1876. Jlsdale, H. Studies in the Idylls. 1878. jenung, J. F. In memoriam : a study. 1890. IVan Dyke, H. The poetry of Tenny- son. 1889. I'augh, A. Alfred, Lord Tennyson : a study of his life and work. 1892. illORTER CRITICISMS AND SKETCHES. ICochran, R. Great thinkers, pp. 50-72. 920C2 [Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings, v. 2. pp. 131-80 824.89 iHayward, A. Sketches, v. 2, pp. 305- 359 920H2 HAMILTON PU3I-fC Lowell, J. R. Collected works 814.37 v. 2, pp. izi. Character of his verse, v. 2, pp. 132. His Idylls of the king, v. 3, pp. 209. Quoted by a Mississip- pi boatman. V. 5, pp. 24a. His knights unreal per- sons. Schaff, P. Literature and poetry, pp. 48-50 804S Stedman, E, C. Nature of poetry, pp. 68-177 811S3 Taine, H. History of English literat r-. V. 4. pp. 427-466 820.9 Whipple, E. P. Essays, v. 1. pp. 338- 346.. 814.35 Atsoior reviews of Tennyson's poems, see Atlantic monthly, various volumes. See Index to Atlantic R051 A ARTICLES IN ENCYCLOPEDIAS. American cyclopedia, v. 15. pp.651.. Roji Globe encyclopedia, v. 11. pp. 235 . . . R033 Supplement to Encyclopedia Britannica. V- 5- PP- 47' • K032 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. Arnold, A. A day with Tennyson. Forum, Dec. 1890. Conway, M D. Tennyson at home. Harper's magazine, Feb. 1870, pp. 359-460. Hutchison, J. Tennyson and botany. Popular science monthly, Dec. 1873, pp. 193-202. Lounsbury, T. R. The two Locksiey halls. Scribner's m.igazine, Aug. i'889, pp. 250-256. Myers, F, W. H. Tennyson as prophet. Eclectic r'agazine, April, 1889, pp. .S:)i-540- Ritchie^ Anne T. Alfred Tennyson. Har- per's magazine, Dec. 1883, pp. 21-41. Stead, W. T. Character sketch. Re- view of reviews, Nov. 1892. Stedman. E. C. .-.ifrcd Tennyson. Scrib- ner's monthly, May, 1874, pp. 100-160. Van Dyke, H. On the study of Tenny- son. Century, Aug. i8gi. Van Dyke, H. Tennyson's first flight. Scribner's magazine, Aug. i88g, pp. -^♦'fl* LIBRARY SPECIAL LISTS, HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY. Browning Literature. 3rr«iroing;, Robert, English poet, b. i8ia d. 1890. COMPLETE WORKS. Poetical and dramatic works. 6 v. 1888. SINGLE WORKS. Select poems : ed. by Rolfe. i '^Sg. HANDBOOKS, CRITICISMS, ETC. Berdoe, E. The Browning cyclopedia. 1892. Berdoe, E. Browning's message to his time. 1891. Fairfax, W. Browning and the drama. 1891. Nettleship, J. T. Robert Browning : es- says and thoughts. 1890. Orr, Mrs. S. Handbook to Browning. 1891. Symons, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 1887. Browning society's papers. From 1881 to date. BIOGRAPHY. Orr, Mrs. S. Life and letters of Brown- ing. 2 V. 1891. Gosse, E. Robert Browning : Person- alia. 1890. SHORTER SKETCHES. BirrcU, A. Obiter dicta, v. i. pp. 55- 95. " On the alleged obscurity of Mr. B*-owning's poetry." 824.89 Cochrane, R. Great thinkers, pp. 257- 270 .' 920C2 Dowden, E. Transcripts, pp. 474-525' 804D6 Eminent persons, pp. 334-337 92°^ Forman, H. B. Our living poets, pp. 103-152 821F * Lowell, ]. R. Collected works 814.37 Quoted in several volumes. See index in V. 6. Mabie, H. W. Robert Browning, pp. 99-137 804M Stedman, E. C. Nature of poetry. Quoted frequently. See index 811 S3 Also for reviews of Browning's poems, see Atlantic monthly, various • volumes. See Index to Atlantic R051 A ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS. Gosse, E. The early writings of K. B. Century, Dec. t88i, pp. 189. Lang, A. Mr. Robert Browning. Con- temporary, July, 1891, pp. 70-81. Moscheles, F. Browning's Aselo. Scrib- ner's magazine, Sept. 1891, pp. 359- 367. Orr, Mrs. S. The religious opinions of Browning. Contemporary, Dec. 1891, pp. 876-892. Robert Browning. Litiell's living age, Sept. 1890, pp. 771-784. (From the Church quarterly review.) Printing. Drew, B. Pens and types ; or, hints for those who write, etc. 1889 . . . . fi.SS'^ Jacobi, C. T. A practical treatise on the art of typography. 1890 655! Johnson, J. Typographia ; or, the print- er's instructor, 1824 R^S.SJ Mackellar, T. The American printer. 1889 655M " Pi : " collection of sketches for print- ers. 1890 655P Thomas, 1. The history of printing in America. 2 v. 1874 R6SS'37 The Inland printer (monthly) is received, as issued, for Reading Room. TYPE-SETTING MACHINES. Iconographic encyclopedia, v. 6, p. 391. Popular science monthly, December, 1891, pp. 180-191. Article on type- casting machinery, by P. D. Ross. Business Manuals, Parsons, T. Laws of business for Unit- ed States and Canada. 1890 Book-keeping no mystery. 1884 , O'Dea, C. The practical book-keeper. 1882 Godwin, J. H. Improved book-keeping and business manual. 1892 Haddow, J. Commercial book-keeping. 1886 How to become quick at figures. 1886.. Hill, T. E. Manual of social and busi- ness forms. Latest revised edition. 1892 Baker, C, E. The foreign commercial correspondent. 1888 Campbell, R. The importer's guide. 1869 Orton, H. D. Business calculator. i88i. Hansford, J. E. The business guide. 1892 Oates, G. Tables of sterling exchange. 1885 Price, J. M. Interest tables at 5 to 10 per cent. 1887 Rose, G. M. A business treasury. 1890. Sampson, H. History of advertising. 1875 •.■«•■•• See also books on cognate subjects : Typewriting, Shorthand, Copyright, etc. R6S7 657 657D R6s7(B 657II 6.S7H}« R6s7i 658! R658C 658C DA.or — 3 — 65811 659