CIHM Microfiche Series (Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreproductions historiques Technical and Bibliographic Notes / Notes techniques et bibliographiques storiques The Institute has attempted to obtain the best original copy available for filming. Features of this copy which may be bibliographically unique, which may alter any of the images in the reproduction, or which may significantly change the usual method of filming are checked below. 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Opposing pages with varying colouration or discolourations are filmed twice to ensure the best possible image / Les pages s'opposant ayant des colorations variables ou des decolorations sont filmees deux fois afin d'obtenir la meilleure image possible. Additional comments / Commentaires supplementaires: This copy is a photoreproduction. This item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below / Ce document est filme au taux de reduction indique ci-dessous. The copy filmed here has been reproduced thanks to the generosity of: National Gallery of Canada, Library L'exemplaire film^ fut reproduit grace d la g^n^rosit^ de: Husee des ueaux-Arts du Canada, Bibliotheque The images appearing hare are the best quality possible considering the condition and legibility of the original copy and in keeping with the filming contract specifications. Les images suivantes ont it6 reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de !a condition at de la nertetA de Texemplaire filmi, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprimie sont filmis en commencant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la derni^re page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmAs en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derni^re page qui comporte une telle empreinte. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — ^ (meaning "CON- TINUED "). or the symbol V (meaning "END"). whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, selon ie cas: le symbole — ^^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre film6s ^ des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film^ d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche h droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCjkt KESOIUTION TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2l 1.0 I.I 1.25 'if J ' mil 9 D L-i H^ i40 ||_3.2 113,6 1.4 [2.5 Z2 I ZO 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IVHGE I,- ^=1 '653 East Main Stree! r"^r Rochesle'. Ne« York 14609 uSA '-= ("6) 482 - 0300 - Phone ^^^ (716) 288 - SQgq - rox n . •■• ( fl, i* W A *. k « ' ^ ■ . '^V^ a/ 1^:/^' ' to ri.'ih,,: .''-' .^'-" ."> Zs'ti^^:- , ,.-iw;;-» .• .•.<vV. - t !7 ! ^^1 n f f i K I. ^^A jJ.-J'^ CATALOGUE l^\d-i>^l^' OF fi .1- I 1 ^w * • _» V - " ■ ,u SELECT£D .A\D REST01U;D BV MR. GEORGE HOWORTH, OF lONDCM. LATE BOSTON. TO BE SOLD BY WILLIAM M. ALLAN, On Thursday, 22d inst.. at 3Iason.s' Hall, at 12 o'cloek ■ruih as Connoissieurship can sippJyTh'l'lT '''"'"■■?," J^" ="<> '^"ear .ho ■nanucr invented \.y Jiioi-an.l gentlemen lml„„?.." '^"°"='' '> '^'^^ """°"l'. i" '.'"^ the.e as speeimens of his art, and can ha 'o-"" '»"'""S'/eqmr.Dg his aid, may examin. Exhibition open fron, .oj^d^Ct^^'j^S^^^^^^^^^^ ""^ ^■"'■• No. . Vie. in Ro„o. ^^^^^^^^'^ ^ Female Saint, 3 Crucifixion. •4 Repose of the Holy Family. 5 Burning of Packet Ship, Boston. 6 Hunting Piece. 7 Fish Piece. 8 fruit and flowers. 9 HoIjFamilj (Dutch School) 10 Hontlng, Landacape and Ruins. 11 SaintJerome— a Carved Frame. 12 Christ at Emaus, 13 Portrait, anpposed to be of Sir Walter ttaJeich 14 Flower Piece. ^ 15 Tobitand ihe An;»ef. IG Portrait of ;h! Aril-T. - - . -■. itvt --"iiiiit,. {!» ,'i;:^, ... ,..• .1... r- , ♦ , ,:. , ., I~i . ' '- «>'>- .... — kii. . - I'i't'i T >.o^ iv'.r ■■1^4 V /l/^ V, 5- ' }. V^ I h (L the \ trut 1 man tbes< E "t^o. ; :::..\.'X. ',■.■. .. ■ .1515^ (.VV.;r» i i ■ - fff-'-.T.'^' /^ » I r r lii^ ■'^To«:)-n-:vf:j ;;:,.;,.;. ; 05 e. X 4 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13. 14 J 15 ' 16 j 17 I 18 t 19 r 20 F ■lu^/t ■ i,. I.* ■I ' v<^'' OF V-« V A^ 1^ ^Aairs.*i]a^» Mil8E0BGEHOW0BTMFLONO0M.UTEB0StON TO BE SOLD ««.p.... iLll ; '"°°'' """• "' '2 -'clock. ^^^^^^^^^^^^_^_^^^*^^^op. ID. Admission U, 5d. ^* No. 1 View ia Rome. ® *^ 'C' il IC."^^:^ 2 Female Saint, 3 Crucifixion. 4 Hcpoae of the Holy Jamilr. I Barmog of Packet Ship. Bo„o„. o fluodog Piece. 7 Fuh Piece. 8 Frail and floweri. ?""!"«?& »-»>'««pe and RaL. 15 ToWt and iho Angel. 16 Portrait of an Art!5i. 17 Dead Game. 18 t-andccape— 5roj— li * ^-vJ^T 19 r^ssogn of ?br* .' *0 Flower.s. «V iU» er Jordan by the fsracliic-a- ihis J-s on C •jppcr. *• 21 •22 atz 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 5% 33 3^] 31 33 39 -iO 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 oi 55 56 ^•7 -J I 50 59 DroU. ♦St. John in llie Wilderness. Suull L^^iaciipc. Londtcapo and Cattte (very fine.) Old Head. Landscape Aod Figures.. . „,^:;. . , Holj Family * -■- ■•■■'"■'•' ' Ship Samsoo itnick by LightQlof^ Magdalen. ^^ , y ^ . ,^ ,^ Madonna. »' ' » » - <- • i • - - '• Sea Port. . "!• Pope Praying. Dead Birds, on Pane • • • Food fo- the Eodj. Food for the Mind. 01(1 Battle on Panel— Carved Frame. Mountain Scenery, with Travellers. Flower Piece. Figures — subject unknown. Preparing for tho Cbajse. Portrait of Maximinus. Landscape - - - - Peter Liberated by an Aogcl. Still Life Landscape and Cattle Head of Infant Saviour. Portrait of Charles Stuart. Flowers. View in Rome. Saint George and the l>ragon Fruit and Flowers Head Landscape and Cattle Infancy Sybill ' Landscape, Cattle, and Figures* t'-.,:» Carrying Water Fruit Piece Cupid llvint: - « . ~. < /\ ■r ^ I r > » Hamilton, Tan Demmcl, • Snydcrs. Cuyp. f P I % i \ >? r r I \ >(^ r s No. ^"1 Game Picco 63 Subs Scenery 6\ Last Supper - - - / Vtiittxan Mooi: ^b Italian Fruit. Qi^ The Independent Beggar. 67 Italiaa Flower Piece. 68 Fruit Piece . . . . 2 . ^ ,^j^ X), jy^j^ ,g,j,^ 69 Landjcapc - - -- • .. ... Wdmn, 70 Deaih of Lacretia --. . . .. ^ • Ls Bntn. 71 Laodaeape (Sanaot). 72 Martyrdom (^^ ;jg^* 73 Shepherd's Ofleriag 74 Italian Fruit ^ 73 Still Life. 76 Rustic festivity. 77 Repose of Holy Family. 78 Sea Port. 79 Flowers. 80 Interior Molinaer, 81 Battle of the Amazons. 82 The Resting Place - liosada Tivoli, 83 Landscape and Figures. 84 View in Rome - - - - signed Monnix. 85 Philosopher , q^^^^^^^ j^j 86 Venetian Portrait of a Lady, signed 1536. 87 Flowers— wri/7?mj Baptist, 88 Pilgrims y^^^^^ 89 Market in Rome -----.. signed Monntx, 90 As the old sung, so piped the young - - . . . Jardaens. 91 Battle of the Amazons. 92 Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. - - - - . . Guida Reni. \ 93 Battle— the Austrians, commanded by Prince Ku^ene, are eogagin" the Turks. In addition to the there are upwards of 50 Modern Copies from Paintings ibroad— all of which arc beautifully framed, and will be sold accordin«' to the ^lumbers marked upon them. o - if^ I