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AnAjBij^.0B(ttmd ftn4 eon|M)Iidflte the protritiont eoB- IlioN^'^ (h« Ordinances to incorporate the City tad Town of Queiiec, and to Vest more ample, powera in the Corporation of the said Citr and Town^ WHEREAS it has become expedient and necessary to amend and consolidate the provisions contaided in, a certain Ordinance of the Legislature of the F'rovince of Lower Canada, made and passed in the Session held in the third and fourth years of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Ordinance to incorporate the Cittf and Town of Quebec ; and in a certain other Ordinance of the Legislature of the said Prbvince, made andjpassed in the. fourth year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled. An Ordinance to aniend the Ordinance to incorporate the City and Ibtffn of Quebec ; and also in a certain Act of the Legisla- ture of this Province, made and pnjsed in the eighth year^of ■ Her Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Ad to amend the Ordint^cen incorporating the City of Quebec ; and also in a certain Act clerJc or assistant emryedbvtim ."'■'"'' 'T"'^^'"- "°' ^^ 80 employed sha^l K; « r i ^ r? •'' '*"•>' *"'''' election, while • the Jd Chf^ "'P''''" '^^ ^"^'"^ «'«-'-'l a CouncilS ; ^SlJ^eSEfcl^ ^i Quc^c, at the : of ^otesof thequaiifiedSforrii •.?'''" ^''''' 'majority «uch election shlll LfLcl nn7 no fh "'^T'^''^^ for which havingthequalificatLnsin.hr I °^^^'^ ^^^" Hie person, right to vote^hiTtKy '^'"'' '"t-ntioned «hall have a ass^"Kyh£fpte";Kr ^'"^ -^"Pwa«is, who^n. before the eleS,T , he „aST' »l^^««S one month cedingan election'of a City Tuun ilforand^'T''^''*^^^ ^'T ■-«i^;iinSe:^t^^laS ^-''i^e i. then in the Ward in whicK IIT ^T'^ 'hanone VVarf, quaUfied to vote ii one vt?d od^ sS^" ' ^"'^ ^^^^ and when such voter «haU bo oufe. ^ ' ''°? '•" ''"^^ ^ard, than one and shall resfd« wiiS S 'w ' r"?°^« ^^^^^^ Bhall declare at least one mo!. h, r ^ ""ts of the Cilyt he Ward he wishes tavp^e an^'?„ If 'i/'l' "^P'^"^"' ^» >^hich "mitted to vote at the ;,exf eleo icS '","'"" '^^^ ^^^ P^"- be permitted to ^morX^l^^ZJ i^^^^^^ '^^^ beM:jsa/^:j:;j^„?^^^^^.-^ before the first day of Nov%mber?n " ' . " '' ^'"^'=''^^' That hereinafter mentioned shall make il f "^ ^T-*'.' "'•-' A^*«es»rs RoU, an alphabetical h't of X vSei '^'l' •« ^T ^''^''"^-nt election of'^CouifciUors in each UWI^ . ^^'^ *^r^ «» ^^e Voters' List," toVhich they sha U adj ',ho /*-" '"^K: '^''^ provi,^,^ thi,Act, ^,drsam;;rrng^^ ,!> list, certifying that it is correct to the best of tl)eir knowledge and. belief, (and shall also keep a true copy thereof,) which list they shall deliver to the City Clerk, to be by him submitted to the Board of Re visors. XII. The said list shall be kept in the City Hall for the examination of all concerned, at reasonable hours, from the first to the fifteenth day ql November jnclnsiwe, of which fact the City Clerk shall give immediate public notice, either by , printed placards or by advertisement in not less than one newspaper i)ublished in the English language, and one published in the French language, in the said City ; and any person who shall claim to be added to the said " Voters' List," or any Elector who shall desire to have any name erased' therefrom, sliall /prefer his request in writing, signed with hie name, stating^ie VVhrd to which he belongs, and shall cause the same.to be delivered to the Ckj^Clerk on pr before the said fifteenth day of .Xoveiuaber. ?'• XIII. At their last Quarterlylijeeting in every year, after the passmgof this Act, the City Council shall choose from among their own number four Members of the said Council, whp together with the Mayor fo/»the time being, shall be and constitute a Board of Revisoi»s, any three of whom shall be a quorum, to revise the said Voters' List, and decide according to the best of their judgment upon the claims^previously made as aforesaid for ' the insertion or omission of names in or from the said ListJ and the Mayor, or in his absence such person a,a the other Members of the Board sh4ll choose at the meeting, shall preside at such meeting of the Board, and such Board shall, on their first day of meeting, be duly sworn by a Justice of the Peace- for the District of Quebec, well and impartially, .to perform their duties as such Revisers ; and the said '''^•'* shall give public notice before their first day of sitting, ol order in which they will take up the Lists of the several Wa.*™.^ and they shall tneet on the twentieth day of November or on the day following if that day be a holij)ax, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, for the purpose of hearing persons concerned in making the said claims or their duly constituted atta|;nie3 and deciding upon them, and shall adjourn irorn day to 'day until all the . Voiers' Lists are revised and settled ; and the Mayor or person presiding at the said Board for the time being, shajl have power to4'xamine persons upon oath respecting the said claims and all matters connected with the revision of the said Lists; and the said Board, after hearing the beSt evidence of which the cases will admit, shall, and they are hereby required to decide upon and make the necessary additions and erasures to or from the said Voters' Lists in relation to the applications before them ; Wid the said Board shall also have power to correct any mistake, w ™pply any incidental omission made by the Assessors in the said Lists ; and the said Lists, so revised and settled, shall be signed by the presiding olfieer of the said Board, and sealed with the City Seal, and shall be the only correct Voters' Lists : Provided always, that the said Lists shall be finally completed *. before the Icntli day of Dccciiibor : And jnovitlctl also^ dial no person's nQme^■ 4 (\ ( .■•': \VO] V'or Coiincillor in the For ('(tuiitillor in lliv For C(>uni-il|or in tlid Ward, Ward. Ward. Ward. The party onlitlctl In tin; sfiiil Cortilicatn, and desirous of voting,', shall iill "j) tin* suid" lilanlis, or if un;d)liv to'writo, shall <;ausi; the; saniu 1o hr. lilkvf np in the prcscm «" of Iwo suhscrib- iiij,' witncssi's, with ihi- iiaiiics of ilnmr persons for whom jio may desire to vote, and whom lie iiiay wish lo Irive elected Cuun- cilh«f or Coiineillois, as llie east* nrVy he, for the Ward in which . htr is entitled to vole ; The liolders of the said Certificates being tju' parties named tlierein, may produce the same to the City Clerk of tlie said-CiU, in ih;- C'ily Hall thereof, at any time within di(; hours and periods hereinafl(T speeilled, ami after enlrv made, hy tht; City Ck-rk of the name of the said Voter, ami tlie dat(;"of tlie ph)duetl()ji of the said eerlificale, the hohh-r thereof l>eiiii:; tiie \y.uVy haiiK'd tiierein as aforesaid, may yote, of which de'scription of box,'api)ropriaiely labeik.d, the said Corporation shall furnish one li)r each W'aril of rlii; said City ; At the lime of pro- ducing an)ling and of the date when he shall produce and deposit as afores;i id his said Certificate and tvote-; It shall l)e hnvful for the Mayor, or for any Couneillorofthte said City, to administer the oath prescribed in the fourteenth Section of this Act, to any jjarty producing a Certificate of (iualiheation, and claiming tiie right to deposit the same und vote a^k^^sj-aidideetion ; And it shall be impe- rative on the said j^l^fr-and on each and every Councillor of the said City, to admmsti(j5 tin;, said oath, upon the requisition , to that effect, of any dnly*, '■ i'^ ' -4 * jr ImrnediMelj^ after thd* said Thnrsdtiy iniprvrning between tlif firM and second-^Momloys in Jaiiuuiy, ti.e faid boaid ot Ke- ' •Vijjors shall meet in llie (jiiy-Hall, t-liall o\mi ihe said lioxe8,°and •haU cause llie eniriesfhu u-^oid oHlie tliiy Cleik in llie said ' Books.to be perfected, byemvring and rtcordinjf in the sard - Books the names ol the fJursions lor whom duciA Voter shall or may' v6te, to be electt.d CouncHlor or Couiicillprs. as aforesaid j And the said Board oi Revisors shall ascertain and reporMo the Council of the ^aid City, at its next Meeting the total number of votes given for. tlie Candidates for . the office of Councillors, and for whom tlic grratest.nunib.er of votes /^^ shall have been given ii each of the said several wards ; And the said Council shall, after examiuatioiiiof^the said Books, Certificates and Report of the said Committee, thereupon de- clare thepatlies having the greatest HnmOair of votes to be- elected Councillors of |he said City ; and in case'of aaeijuality of votes, the said Council shall detcrmifte^ which of the parties having the said equality shall, be etectetTK* ollice : Provided^ That the newly elec^ted Members; respecting whose election .there is no question, shall, if present, be first ewprii in, that they may vote m the said'cases of equality of votes, if desirous of 80 doing ; and the said Councillors elect shall afterwards .•respectively take the oaths prestfi bed by this Act ; ajid the, said Books, with the names of the said Voie/si, and the names * of the parties 'for whom thej- have respectively voted, together with the' Certificates produced and deposited by the said Voters, shall rehiain in th(& ollice of the City Ckrk, where they shall be ojjen to irispeetJon by an v Elector on pavment of .one shilling. , " ' . ' • XVIU. Provided alwa}s, thafin the event, of decease br absence from illness, or ol+ierwise, of any one or more of the members of the said Board of Revisoi's, the* Council shall ap- point from among themselves, otiier lie visors in the stead of . those who shall be so deceas^^J, or absent\*i9 aforesaid, which - said Revisors -go appointed shall be sworn ih the same manner as those in whose stead 'they shall be so appointed, and any ;, ' member who shall be so appointed in the stead of the absent Revisor, shall only act a^^.such. for the.i)urposes of the Election which shall be then going on ; but if the Council shall be un^ able to appoint suc.h other Revisors in the stead of those who .-shall have so deceased, or be absent as aforesaid, then it shall be lawful for the remaining members of the said Board to perform all the duties in a«d by this Art declared to be done by the said Boanl of Rcvimrs. V XIX. If any Revisor appointed' uiider the ' provisions of this 'Act shall neglect or retuSb to perform any of the duties required of him, under the next preceding section, he shall incur a penalty t)f two hundred pounds currency. XX'. The said several wards shall be represented in the • Cotmcjil of the snid City, by three Councillors*. r^ ''i - , ■ "* ,"" ■ k • "■ ,rf.- ^ "■ ■ " i } ■- • / I-. y>- y I l-\ » XXI. On thefirel Monday 'in Djyjcmher which will.be in the year one thousand eight hundred fend fifty-hvc,the quulihod electors shall openly a^-rmble in' the -several wa.ds a oreea.d, and nominate from the persons qualified to be CounciUoiB, oiie . fit and proper person to be Councillor for each ol the saitt wards, to supply the place of those v\ bo shall then go out of _ ^ office : and on (he fir>^i Monday in December in each succeed- ingyear, the iiualified electors? aforesaid shall openly assera- ble.m the several wards aforesaid, and nominato frorn the per- , sons qualified to be qoniiciUors for each of such wards, such number of fit and proper persons an s^hall be .requrrcd to supply the places of those who shaU then go oul of office., and np . party not nooiinated on such day shall be competent to be (•Iccled: Provided 'always, that if Uie -day so appemied lor - '' «ucli election shall in any ^oaf happen to be a holiday, ttucli . election shall ial£<5j)lace on the day lollcAving. XXII. If al uny election of 'a Councillor or Councillors . as aforesaid, any poison shall be elected u. Councillor for more , ' than one ward if the said City, he shall within three days |^ after notice thereof from the Ciiy Clerk, make hw option, or on his default tlK> Mayor of the saidT City shall declare- for , which one of the said NVards such person sl'a'l serve as . . eouiieilloVand thereupon such person shall be held to havt been elected in that ward only. • . . '. . XXIII. Any rfhd every Councillor td appointed underjhe -^ provisions of this Act, who shall refuse or neglect to accept such appointment, or who shSli refuse or neglect to perform the duties resulting' from such appointment, or any one or more of those duties, ^haM pay to the Treasurer of the said ^ City a fine of fifty pouhds currency : imd t^very Councillor so -"appointed under the provisions of this Aft shall acpept such apiylilftmem by serving a notice in -writing to that ellect upott--tBe City Clerk, within forty-eight hours after nptice given to him of his appointroen! by the Clcjdj^f the said City ; if such appointment be not accepted, or if the duties thereol he not fulfilled within the proper time, a new appointment maybe made by the Mayor, or in base of a vacancy in the office of Mayor, by the Council of the said City; and after such new appoinimeilt shall have been made either by the Mayor or Council, but not before, the appqintment previously made of the Councilor in default shall be void and ol "no effect ; Provided always, that the neglect of any Qpuncillor to accept such appointment in writing, as aforesaid, if lurin other respects discharge the duties resulting from such appiiintment, shall •not invalidate any act or thihg done by him under such ap- pointment, although such neglect shall subject the party so m default to the pelklty aforesaid ; Provided ahyays, that such appointment by the Mayoror Council' shall oi»ly be valid until thenext annual election, when the vacancy shall be failed up^^ in the usual manner by the electors. . . • lr- ': ■■■■■■■< -■ • . , • "'.-■"■ '■*■' -'i ■ ■■• . \ "^^X .% '\ &t* r'i!^ -n" n ''"'' M,''"^ ''"''"" ^/l«o shall at an election of a . CounclJor or Councillors, to be had as aforesaid, w^ar or carr^ ' «?y ""g' "l>b^rt or cockade, or other badge or mark whLevo7 to distinguish hun or them as supporting any .tarticukreand[' date or candidates at such election, or whoihall by v ok "ce menace, or maliciou*, practice, or /in any manner or way vhal-' •soever, impede or disturb or the,:e by endeavour to iinLh oV • disturb any election, or thereby prevent or cmle;ivour topre ven any elector or electors from giv/n.^ his or iheir^ votes 'at 1 • same according to his or thei*4»W. or desire shall oi ic n viction thcreoi; iorfcit and pay tl\e sum of twen^^^, ^,^ curn^nt money ol this Provin.-.^ lor every ,,ndh ollbiice ■ ■ . * / ; ■ 'XXV. Every Councillor ,.r ojIkt person hol.ling any such election, shall have power and/authority u, nniintain and .iforee order, and keep the peace at I/he ^-leeliori held by him and all olliccrsand ifcn-comniissiomid /olliccrs f.f militia c/.nstiUe- and other peace ollieers, andr^lso all 'others Jler Maie^lv's snch election is he d, or wW sLaF be present Thereat, ar. }i(m-by reciuned to be aidin-/ piul assisting Iii,n therein • ami if any person or persons shall (conimit violence, or be eno'i'aMl'iii any aflray or riot, or be ar^i.ed v.'ith ciiii,s, tUives or'^olher olens.ve weapons, or weal' or carry any th,.-, ribbon or cock- ade or other badge or mark' whatsoever, to distinguish him or them as supporting any pi^rticuhl'r (randidule or candidates or m any wise dfsturb or threaten to disturb the peace or order at any such election, or will^lly prevent or endeavour to prevent .any elector or person froiii coming to vole thereat, or in anv vyi^e interrupt the poll or /ih(; business thereof, the" said Coun- cillor or other person lufling any such ..-leetiob shall have power and authority, on/ view or on the oath ofbne Credible witness (which oath tlip fakl Councillor or other person fioldin- - such election ishereby aifhorized nmi empowered to :ulmini.sler V to arrest or confine or coiiiSiii u. prison ;yiy su<;h person or p.Tso.'s so olfending, by an brderjn writing directed to ni.y officer of mili- tia or any peace olficer wftiiin the limits of the place for which such election IS held, or to thii Gaoler of the District of Quebec which order such officer of miUfia, peace officer or gaoler is hereby re- quired and commanded -to ohoy, under a penally not exceediii,' 4weiity-five po.imfs currc^nt money of tins Provinco for disobedience thereto ; I rovidcd the tune .)f such arrest, confinement or impri- sonment, shall not esecrfd twenty-four hours; And provided also that no such, arrest, confinement or imprisonment, shall in any manner exempt the person or persons so arrested, confined, impri- soned or detained, froijii any of the pains and penalties to which he or they may be liable fiir any thing done contrary to the true intent an'd meaning of this Act. 'I « "■ ■ XXVI. The Mayorand Councillors of the Cilv of Quebec who shall be in office when/this Act.shall come into force, shall con'tinuc in office uniil required to go out of office un der the provisions of tins Act ; and the person who shall so bo tlio Mayor of the City of Qu BbBcat tli u diii u i Ii I h Atti(hnl l Ku ii i f i iitu fo r co, tilitdl conlinue t' r? nw^ w- action of a ir or carry whatevor. lar eandi- violence, 'ay wliai- npedi; or o pn-'veut s at tliir on coii- ! pUllUll::i -wliiiiii at, nr;; latcs, or :t' ■ 1 • in officS until his successor in the saiilottice of Mayor shall l.avo been appoi.UeiUml «worn in, accojWfig to the provisions of l^.is Act- antf on the third Monday inffftiuary, in the year eighteen hundred and Tift y-six, and on the third Mon.lay in January in each succeediiK' year, those members of the Council for each ward res- iKctivelv," shall go |out of olhce who shall have been members Ihereof for the louKcst time without re-election ; Prov.dechdways, th.-tat the next ensuing election of Councillors for ttta,saul City lor St" John's Ward, the Councillor who had the least number of voles , at the electi..n in the year eighteen huiulred an.l f.fty-lwo shall go out of office at the next electhm, to be held on the third Monday m a Janunrv, in eighteen hundred and f.fty-s.x, and the Councillor haviiur tile lowest number of voles at lI,eele.;lion in eighteen, bundled and fifty-three sh.ll go out of ofiiee at the election to bo hehUn the third Mon.lay in January, nghtecn hundred, and fifty- » s.«ven •' and at all ensuing annual elections, when two or more r. Councillors in c;,ch Ward Jkivc been eleele.l the .ame day, the ~ Councillor Ivavint; il.c les^Jj^um].er of votes shall go out ol office - fti-str- Prrrt-id^^uW., iliut-iP^lui ..tiiind .Mo.,.l..y in JiUiua.;}:, c"^'- _ teen hu.ulred and filiy-six, or in -any subsc.,uent year, there shall be a vanfcnu)er or membeis ol Council ior any w.nl, who w(^.M no., not!, r the provisions ol this Se'etion, have" gone out of office on that day ilmii a menib.r or membeTs of tlie Council shall be elecle.i lor the vvard to fill such v.eancv, as well as in ilie place of ihe nxMnbc r who shall hen go . out ofoVnce nn.ler the provisions of this Sec.ion, ami provi.led ur- ihor that anv men,l.er going out oi olhce, inay be re-elected if then. ,,ualir.e.l, According to the i^nn isicns ol .ins A.;l ; And i m ^.y year (he lurd M'^'l'V in Janua, y be a boh.lay, all that by tl. s Sec- , Jou is ordered to be Jone on ih:'.t day, shall be done ui the foliowirtg^ day. , XXvil There shall be in each year four be held f-r a long.-r per.o, than three Ivs su.xessivelv, in whi.:h h.-lulaysshalhintbe .nelud... ; l^^^^^^ that if the said M.)n.lay be a holalay, the meeting shall take place on the day following. XWIII. \t the first Qnavteilv..r Si.ccial Meeting of the said. C.,um-.il after the olecti.:n ..f members thefeof, in the year of our L, J one thousand eight hundre.1 and fif.y-s.x, an. in each uc- ce^L.^ year, the sai.l Councilhns shall elect out of •''« "'^"be" there."f" a fit an.l proper pers<.n t., be Mayor of the said City', who Si c^.ntinue in office 'as Mayor until his .uccess..rm the said • O ll^ f Ma shall have been api.oinl.Ml an.l sworn in ; and in c c . a^ncy shall occur in .he office ..f Mayor by reason ..f any w 1.' M\ have been electe.1 t.. that offic.> not accepting the same .Tr I y ca ' n ..f his dying, or ceasing to h.d.l the said office he sai. * C.Sirshall. at the first General or Sp..cial M.et.nR o, U.o sa.d C S .d u . mn . >.....nry, d. H nnt oflhr l.l>-.nber. ol the Council \.- .A t said Ciif discharging the'dulV'nf Af'V'''-''^? ''T '^'cknessbe inca|.ableof shall ^cfiror: J^^l^^:^;,/^^f, ^^''^ .pO'. the said ['ouncil shall, during such IC^oT^clt^er^^l^ '^' ^''y* «'"^ ^^o have all the power au l.o k " t ^^^^ '''°'" "'^""^ *'"' ^' Y' Mayor of thc^■aid'c ; ni's :; "f'^''' '"'•"'' ^y "'^^^ '» "'e absence oi- sickness of (h/JidAiiv' i T° '"-^ T^ every su.K d ties imposed by la v „„^he\.tri ^1 '''%^V''"^ P*'"''""" «" «''e whenever and no often ! ' ^"'^f"" "^ "'« *""' ^ity ; and Mayor of.he said C 'v , elw ??' f 'f./'T"'' '" "'« "^^^"f hers of ,he said Counc I ne vvl. i !'.!.' '^'*" '■'^'' '"'•""' "ny ««•"- h»ve«|/,heauthori/7Lo;.? '?'''''• ''"•*""'.^ l*® fi"ed "P, «f S ets ^tlz uS "";i'"^ •"■ '^^ ^'' ^--" thousand eight hundre. m.J fifu ' ",' ''« >'^*"" "'^°"' Lord on» th. .aid Council SllS ,f s^'"*";' "^^««J.....c«oodi«gye«r. not exceeding eight in S) r c ^ •?''"'"" ''"" *''« •"^'•' City, Council mn/grfoLs^dli '""•'' '"l '"^^'^'"'•"T. and the said s '.-vices as .heVaid C n,c .n^\ I V'"'' '^'"'"""ation f„r their may order and Jete^ „e 'i wh' riS"'.'^^ and .he said Council Assr-ssors shall act'S "f L ! sei r ' . ''ru""'"^ ^*'"''' "'« "»»<* rointed sh.-.li actas V r " u '''.' ''"" '''^' Assessors to be ap- 'hallbetheduT;");^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and ^t as-ess all propel' a nd I n L T '" 7"''^ ^''^ assessments, to any rate, duty'ta; or r^,. s f' T' °^''" f''^^^""^ '•='>''^ »" pay evir, in ',he ^ d City 1^1' "U"" ^^' '';'"" "'^ ""^ ^•»"'''" ^^atso- done in the saij C tv'- and H.e L'7 T "'' ''"''". ^"^ ^^"* '''""^^o in the perf<,rmance 3,he "uties v^f ''"''"7''^"" ""' »'«••' «f'«''-. by law, base .heir |>r oSin'r "'"' ""''"''^'' "I*"" ">«» on ^ fancied value'or r ', T.Vprl r ' V "?""""""' "^ l'^»P«'')'. done, but they t|„. ',1 ^^^'""''^ "^ '"'« I'eretofore ohen bee, hy require.1 to^det mine tll^aT;"' ''"" '''; •''"'' """^ «"* »'«•'■ all such proper.v, uZ ,he utu- ' nTr' \"J' """"^^ ''^ "'«'" "" said rent bo' a far K el „ iJ "'' *''"' ^'''' ''^''' <''«™"f. ^ 'he valueofthepropeV tunfoSL""'' r'' P'-»l'"^'i'>nate to the ^actual valueTf'',h7pV: ;;l":™^^^ "T" "I" «<- interest of ihe ^-ssed is in the occ!opS<^Z:L '' ;: f'Lr'-'^!'' ^ %»S"ssedisintle ncZfTA^"'^^^^^^ ^^''""e Property to be < .he said AsILrZ ' • ' ^iKr '''", "' 'I" •^^"'•"•""^» 'he.^- mine the assessment to be n^i.l ?. '^'"y ''''' ^'^'^h' required to defer- rent which the said Jope ,f m v be w"'.."'"'". '''"•» '"•<^°^'''nK to the the same to l« l-asel at ^ I'r -n, . ''"!^.*'V ?"'' ""Sh' to obtain, were prielor at the'timc a^d bene*;? wk''"'? ''''' '""'"' ''•'' ""^ '"'^ Pro- iots of land witKn 'the limftrnf fh ' ''" ^f^""' «"'' unoccupied in all their depfMo theirwhot . '''/'' ^'/^ '^«" »»« ^'''"''ed that is to ^^nZ^::;:!:!^^:;;^:;^^^^ value ; 1 ■■; ^e period for serve. he said Cit/ inca|)able of iaid Council y, one who le said Ci y, law in the every suclj for HI all the City; and he uffice uf I any mnm- iiicy act as ' i filled up, ihe JMayor id CouDcil r Lord on» flingye»Fr~- said Cily, d the said 1 for their tl Council ' the said to be ap- ; and it ments, to leto pay ' whatso- I hitherto lenaftcr, on them iroperty, len been ire here- ihem nn •»f, if the to the ttofthc y to be 8 there- I) defer- ; to the 1, were lid pro- cupied sessed lvalue ; . XXXI. Every penions to be appointed Assessor as aforcsiaiid, dhall, before he begins to net as such, or execute the duties of his said office, lake ttie Oatii of Allegiance, and aho ih6 Oalh in the thirty-fifth Sectibn nientinned, and the following Oath, before ^ny two.inembers^f tht^^onncil of the said City, that is to say : " I, ' havitig been appointed Assessor for the '♦ City of Quebcf, or for tlui '^ Ward of the '* said City, {as t/u; rase ;H«J(Ue) dosw'ear that 1 will faitlifuily, " innpartially, honestly and tliligently execute all the duties.oi' ""the said oliicc, according to thi* Itcsf of my skill and know- " ledge ; So help me God." ^ XXXII. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any i Actor law heretofore pa?!*('d or in force in this Province, Jt' .shall«notbe necessary fur the Assessment in the said City to • , be made at any particular period in each year, but the powers > and aiithority of th(y Assessors elected and appointed, or to be hereafter elected and appointed tuidcr and by virtue of this Act, shall be and continue in force, and may be exercised for and during the period und term of their election and tfppoiht- ment, to wit, until the first Monday in January in the year next following their said election and Jippoiiilment. ' ' XXXIII. It shall bo lawful for the said Council, at any meeting or meetings eorriposed of not less than two thirds of the members thereof, to make a By law or By-laws which shall regulate and determine the time when the Assessors of the said City shall annually commence their duties, the manner in which they shall perform them, the period within which they shall an- nually make their first General Return of the Assessments to be levied and obtained in.the said City, and the time and man- ner in which they may or shall correct their said return, by ex- tending the same, and addmg thereto the names of any parties omitted or who shall have become known to the said Assessors, or shall have arrived in the said City subsequently to the making thereof, or who shall have become liable to pay any assessment, tax or duty to the said City, at any tune alter the said General Return shpll or may have been made, and the reduction and modification of any assessment, rate, duty, tax or import when may be equitable imd just ; and in the event of any vacancy or vacancies occurring in the oflice of Assessor or Assessors by the non-electiorf of any Assessor or Assessors, at the time fixed byUaw therefor, or by tRe absence or death dfany person or persons elected or appointed t'o that ollice, or by the refusal or inabMlty of any Asst-ssor or Assessors elected or appointed to attend to, perform and fulfil tljc'tluty or duties which he or they are or may be bound or nHjuiretJ b^-^faw to attend to, perform and fulfil, it shall and may be Iniwlul for the said Council, at any quarterly or special meeting thereof, to elect, nominate and appoint one or more cornpetenr and duly qualified person or persons to fill and agftplv such vacancy or vacanciea. i 4 ,..i.- .■•\: XXXrV. At ahy.Quajtfnly or Special Meeting to be* held by liie said Council\n tiie nKmlli of February or March, in the year of One thonsahd eia[ht hundred and fifty-six, and at any Quarterly or Special Meeting to bo held IVy the said Council in the inontli of Fel)rnary\r Mareh in each 5ucceeding year, ^r at any Special Meeting siiKs(>r|in>nt tlieiel(», the members of the faid Council shall elect l)y iiNniiijoiily of volFs from the pc-rsons qualilied to be Councillors, t\vo person's* who shall !)e and be c:alled Auditors^o(th(! said CilV of (^ncbcc ; and every such Auditor shidj continiK' in ollice forXthe year following his elec^ tii>n ; Provided always, that in cvciyNsnch election of Auditors, no uieiuber of the said Council shall vole fopniore than one person to be such Aiidilor its aton-said :^\nd provided als«», that, nomember oftliesaid' Council, iiorthe ClWk, nor the Treasurer or Assistant Trea^alrer of the sai.1 City, skill be capable of being elected an Audiior as ;iforesaid ;" And\rovidcd furtiier, that any vacancy ihalniay occur in the olliceV" Auditor rnay be filled up l)y tlie said Council, by an election t;illor, a fin.^ of Fifty pnnn>K» ; \.. \.. for non-accciWance df t4^ie oflh'e of Auditor or Assessor, a fino ul' Fifty pounds ; and for noii-acceptixncc of llio office of Mayor, It fine of One hundred pwniids ; an. ■ cS^^'i^ shall be Jawful for the said Coutocil of the said keepers fo the sailS^S-.n T '"7" P^»"d>rP«r o?< Pound- • think,, necessary' o eSS" them"'; ""''" °-^^^'^ ^^ ^''^^ "^ powers vested hi i?,p?rh!. J- T "^ "^f'^ Jntorexecmioh tho WSe dn fpVif 1 '^ ^.^'^,^ct' and to prescribe and rcmi- ptasuJet r:Lvelv'"th"'l"-^ respcctrveJy, and at tlfeir place/anXsaid rlJ^l ?"]r^ any such exlr^ordinary vucanc^^ be tween xL &m dTot -^ icil of the said !, to appoint a CoonciJ, to be I being a mem- erk, to be the on or personsw •k or Clerks of d one or more id Bridges^— s andBridges lor each of the per o?< Pound- < as they^ may ■xecitlioh the be and regu- and at their mother in his ty for the due • other Officer It and allow be ajipointed ompensation lever and so he said City or any such office of the B said City, roper person d Council of ig the time tuties of the cil, and all during the " and effect id Council •dinary va- Council of 3 ward for t day to be s occurred, 3 Council, h electiun 3 shall be me provi- ections of 3o elected person iu i in ordi- go out of qualified : ' to supply t day of ,/ * January an^ the first day of March in ariy year ; and should '■ any Councillor, after havinj? been in office for and during the time of siW months, intimate to the Council his desire to resign, he shall be allowed to tio no with llio consent of three fourths of the members present wlicni^uch desire may be so intimated, and his place shall be lillcd up in the manner herein provided for filling extraordinary vacancies. * XLI. So ijriuch of o, (crlaiii Ael of the Legislature of the Province of Lower Canadii, passed in the tliirly-sixtli year of the Reign of his late Majesty, King George the Third, inti- tuled, A}7 Avl form akin v;, repairing and ulliriivj; tftr Highways ■ and Bridgrs within t/iis Province, and for otlitr purposes, as provides for the appointment of Assessors, an>rate the City and Town of Quebec, shall continue to be and shall be, and remain repealed, and all and every the , powers, authority and duties which in and by the said Acts, or ' any other Act or Acts of the Legislature of the said Province of Lower Canada, were, before the passing of the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Quebec, vested in and im- posed on the Assessors appointed in pursuance of the provi- sions of the said sAct passed _in the thirty-sixth year aforesaid, "and the powersNand duties of the said Road Treasurer, and oi " the said Surveyor of highways, streets and bridges in the said City, appointed under the said Act passed in the thirty-sixth 1 year aforesaid, and which under and by virtue, of the said Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Quebec, are i^w vested in and imposed on the Assessors appointed in pur- stkance of the last mentioned Ordinance, and 6iH the Treasurer ^ of the said City, and on the Surveyor of Highways for the said City of Quebec, appointed respectively under the authority of the last mentioned Ordinance, shall continue to be and shall be, and remain vested in and imposed on the Assessors, Treasurer aiid Surveyor of Highways for tKe said City of Quebec respec- tively, who may be in pllice under the authority of the said last mentioned' Ordinance, . when this Act comes into force, and in their successors in the said offices respectively, to be appointed /■ ■/ .Ml Tinder und by vimRTonhis Acr.' 1 f9 1 \ w im>: nt .hi . V'^V^ *'' assessment and and the SheriLni.e Di; fero'}'o^\'''''-^ '^ '^■''"'^ ^''^^^^^ and empowered to scIMni r "'^Q"^''^^^ « '"^reby authorized after si J momhs notice to fcn "'^.""^' ""^ P" f "^^^ P^«P««y Sheriffin The usuarmanner and krlT if''" ^^ '""^."'" «*'^ . »'°«ofanyjudgmenftharm^?t^Zanerr^^^^^ of assessment, and the increased per S.Sr^.^^^^^^ • the said period of fivp v«o,„ " '-^ 1^*^*^ t^^^mago due thereon for elairiing the sfmc 'be rights and pnviieges ofthe parties and the books containiS^aS™^^ times be open to tl,e iScMonor.rr -id City ;^and all thrScou„Ts 'of 2 sId T^^^^^^^ ■vouchers and paperaj-elatin^ tlior^to t n • \'^^^"fer, with a 1 and xVovembe? ireW wfr L k' '^'''^'" *''« '^^"'^^ the Auditors eLct^d f2^ TLtd Ci'v'L?.^^ number of the said Cou dlloi a^atM^r"'"/'^! ^"^ ''^ «"<^h shall name, on the first Tv nfiu • ^^^°'" °^ ^^^ »aid City and if the said accrntnimll be Si f'". ^''''''^'' ^"^ "»'"«d. to« shall certify the same to be s-^^^ Atidi: shall have been so examined nn.? i-.. ''^'^^ ^*'«^"n»s November in every ver the Tr^f "''"f .1" *''« ™°n»h of writing.,andcauseVb:%idafX4'sS'^^^^^^ °"* ^" for the year, which absfrant Ihoii I , /.'^^* '^^''is accounts City neispaplrs of Tsaid C ?i P".'>''f od i„ two of the other in the English laLua^e <^^^ '" • "' '^'■"°^'' ^^^ the K ^ il aid City of the ; to assessment, such real pro- the said absent rcent. on tlio 11 fie assessed, rears of assess- e shall remain part or portion on, shall, after sessment and sold therefor, by authorized sucli property him the said and satisfac- * ' said arrears e thereon for ?ment be ob- ^ourt of Spe- y the sale of Sheriff shall mn to bo by rderedto be >f^the parties hooks to be 13 of money the several i and paid ; seasonable illors of the ;r, with all ths of May reasurer to nd to such said City a holiday, ly extraor- 'ivacainsy, e first day May, and T the year d named," theAndi- accpunts month of e out in accounts i^o of the I and the >le to the ' thereof., 4 M \ ■ \ : - ■■■■ ■ ' ■ ■■' .. ■ / '" shall be oj>cn to the inspection of all the rate^paycrs of the said "'^^ ■ ■ • ■■■'■.,-. •■ ... •-..•, XI.IV. The Treasurer of the said City shall not pay any / moneys in his hands as such Treasurer, otherwise than upon an Order in writing of the CouncU of the said City, signed by "' three or more member? of the said Council, and contersigned J by the Clerk of the City, orin pursuance of a judgment or order of any Court of Justice; and no Justice of Peace shall have the right to order any payments to be made out of the funds of the said City. XLV. Tlie Clerk, -(Treasurer and other officers of the said City, appointed by the Council as afojfcsaid, shall respectively, at such tiifies during tiieir continuance in office, and within three months after they shall respeclivcily cease to be in office and in syeli maimer as the said Council shall direct, deliver to the said Couticil, or to such person as they shall authorize to -receive the same, a true account in writing of all matters committed to their charge by virtue or in pursuance of tliis Act, ' and also of all moneys which' shall have been received by thern respectively, and by virtue and for the purposes of this Act, and how much thereof sh^all have been paid and disbursed, and for what purposes, together with proper vouchers for such pay- ments ; and every sucli pfficer shall pay all such ifloneys as^ shall remaih due from hl^, to the Treasurer for the time being, or to such person as the said Council shall authorize to recei\e the same ; and if any such officer shall refuse or "wilfully neglect to deliver such account, or the vouchers relating to the same, or to make payment as aforesaid, or shall refuse or wil- fully neglect to deliver, to the said Council, or to such person as they shall authorize to receive the same, within three days after being thereto required by the said Council, all books, documents, papers aMd writings in his custody or power as such Officer as aforesaid, then and ra every such case on com- plaint made on behalf of the said Council, of any such refusal or wilful neglect as aforesaid, to any Justice of the Peace for the District or CoUntylwherein such officer shall reside or be, such Justice of the Peace phall be and is hereby authorize and required to issue a wairant under his hand and.seal, for bring- ing such officer before any two Justices of the Peace for such District or County, and upon tlJfe said offiicer appearing or not appearing or not be'^ng found, it shall be lawful for the said Justices to hearund determine the matter in a summary manner ; and if it shall appear toisuch Justices that any moneys remain due from such officer, ^uch Justices may, and they are hereby authorized and requiredl, on non-payment thereof, by warrant under their hands and seals to cause such moneys to be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of such offender ; and if sufficient goods and chattels shall not be found to satisfy the said moneys and the charges of the distress, or if it appear to such Justices that such officer has refused or wilfiilly neglected to deliver ' winh aci^nta »> th ^. vn,^oherg relating "■I 'I 'III I" "III iiiii hiiiil I Jfc I |ii|ii I 1^ iihiini i| f5] M F wilfully withhkl thJL\ ■ '^''''^^•'■«d as alorcsaid, or are • shall, a'„rihcy '4 hteC^enuir^d Z T'' ^"^" T ''.^-^'-^ theCmnmon GaoWVr HnL!f^ <• T' *'°'"'"'^ «"^'' offender to Countv^herc- suciroffi^^^^^ of Correctiun f.r the District or wiihoift baru.u"n.e s 1 i':;-' n'f- f ""'^'^ *''♦-■'« '^ «-•"'••"" thi«e <.alendar moX- iCvided Vl "'.'PT '''T' "^■*''"^' ''">" contained shall nrcvnt'orXo^:' "'" "''"""^^ ^n f'is Act any such officer^o SLi n^ ^ r ^'^' '-T"''^^ ^'>' ^^'"'" "fe"^"'** for any such oflLer. ^ ■^^(or..au\, or a^^ain.sf any surety meeting £ll ttnZTT "^ \'" ""'"^^'^^ ^^'^^^^'"' «' «««'' lo or under thoT^i- ''"'1"""" an,!- matters submitted the number plterartt'tn f '""'!'' '''^"r''' P^^^'^^^'' ^ be Chairman of any such meeting, .hall presidb at the lama- ^l/dinfr'n f"yri"^l"y <•• v<.W>s, the A'layor or ChaiJ^ia presiding shal have' a easting v<,to, that i^ trAay, such MTvor nf X'' k"*- "^''^ ^^^''^ Council shall and may meet for the desDatch ■ S daY a^thev^;tT^h•''.T^ ^-^'j""" ^'■"'" »'?"" »« ^^^n^ »« sucn aay as they shall thmk ht, givjng notice tl)ereof to nil iho Councillors not present at the adjournment. ^ ^ ' ^^"^ I, n^^"r i*''^"te3 of the proceedings of ail mectinirs to Hp ' held as aforesaid shall be drawn up'and fa rly Sd h, n -rtMHactg- >I mBUCh .x.racts,copios,.ertilicates,d.ed,am;p;;;;r" /' "\ uch ofRcer in his ilorcsaid, or are JC such Justices such offender to tlie District or tliere to remain oneys as uforu- s aforesaid^ ami tiuuictits, p^crs Gtion in respect rovidcd aJway^, J in prison, for i cc of time than lin-r in this Act r' action against unst any surety be held in pur- resent at such ors submitted i».eil, provided h;s3 than on«! ;rs of the said ' tlie said City, •o such Coun- i'shall choose ! at the same ; or Chairman such Mayor ding, have a votes be, as the despatch 5 shall be de- i to time to !of to nil the . Jtings to be ntered in a fned 4>y the md the said IS qualified of a fee of with open kept by ihjs , and gene- 8 Mayor of" if the Said 1 Courts of ' V ; V ntl papers, respectively : and that any copy of a By-law of the Corjroration or other document certified by the City Clerk or his deputy, sind having the common seal of tiie said Corporation thereto an- nexed, shall be held authentic, and shall accordingry be received in evidence in all Courts, civil or criminal, without further proof, unless it be expressly pleaded that such signature and seal arc forged. XLXIX. It shall be Irvwlul for\the said Council to appoint, from and out of the menihers coAiprisinj* such Council^ such and so many Commiltoos, consisting of such number of per- sons as they may think fit, for the be Iter transaction of the busi- ness before the Council, ami for tlio discharge of such duties, within the scope of tiieir powers, as may by the said Council b(i prescribed, but subject in all things to the approval, au- thority, and control of the said Council. ■■»■■■, . , < ' ■ ' L. All and every the powers and autliorities which in and by Any Act of the Legislature of the Province of Lower Canada, in force at the time of the passing of the said Ordinance to in- corporate the City and Town of Quebec, had been and were, at the lime of the passing of the last mentioned Ordinance, vested in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said Dis- trict of Quebec, and in any Special Sessions of the Peace for the same District, and in the .Justices of the Peace for the said District of Quebec, or any ol them, for, touching or concerning the laying out, making, erecting, keeping in repair, and regu- lating the highways, bridges, streets, stjiiares, lanes, cause ways, pavements, drains, ditches, embankments, water-cpnrses, sewers, market houses and weigh houses, and other public erections and works in the said City of Quebec, or any of them, and for, touchingaml concerning, the dividing of the said City into tUvisions, aiid the appointment of overseers of highways, streets and bridges in the said CifV, and for, touching and con- cerning, the laying, imposing, raising, levying, collecting, ap- plying, paying and accounting for a rate or rates of assessment upon occupiers of lands, lots, houses and buildings, in propor- tion to the annual value thereof, within the said City of Quebec, ; and which, under and by virtue of the said Ordinance to incor- porate the said City and Town of, Quebec, became and were vested in the said Council of the said City of Quebec,, shall continue to be vested in and exercised by, and shall be and remain vested in and exercised by the said Council of the saicf , iCitj of Quebec ; and all real arid personal property within the Njsaid City, which before the passing of the sajd Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Quebec, were subject to the management, control, bt authority of the Justices of the Peace for the^id District oC Quebec, or any of them, and which, under ana\hy virtue of the last mentioned Ordinance, have be- come and are subject to the power, authority, order and control ^ of the sautCoiincil of the said City,, shall continue to be and shall b^^nd rcj nain isubjcct to tlie power and authority, order id controls: TJrsaMCbiiiF -5- "/' > cil shall moreover have the exclusive power to grant or refiise \ m^:'. r. . Quebec, fre„. ^^^2^"^^^^^ t"^"'-? '^ ""* ««'d City of -y ia^ usage i UC;:^;-^-;;;^^^ m^!in^1?'i.^^g!,;^:;;/'Vaid Council, „^ said City. • ' ccon„m>, an telle, or any other gUe or iramos'!?!/'''^*'^ '■''"'<^»*^» baga' V the said City, and^on UoSe and '?' 1 ^' ?''^"^' ^^^^'" wares, dl- merchandise of any ind id i! ''""'."''' '" Sood,, •by any and alj such; „n hlllSt^^'^^^^^^^^ "^^^^Pi^d banking institutions of eve^y i^inTfniKSil^^^^^^^' ^"^ premises occupia,|t,^y theni on ^iSHMS^'^"^ changers, and .?ef|Snii''^ ;,„ Z J^^l'^ '"^'^-^ agenci^ therefor, and the premised ^cJIIPk 'f'l*^""'^ &«'! agentsofmerchamsresidin^^xSr«,Mh^^^*'>l'''*^'"J on a I on gas companies, and U e^, ^ ' ^^.^ ed at? "^''^'^•''r'"«« ' or ail such within 'ihe siirl r;/« 1 ^"^ "f-0*'Picd by anv coffee houseso^^rd ^rLs ; on^Ji';:;,^^"'^ °* f Wbo^use"^ •l^hers, hucksters, Y^^^'nZ£t. ni^^^^^^^ ^\atr,ed on, exercised or in onerll'^^^^^^^^^ «"^' manufactories all breweries, ^i^|iiieries, ^S'S^^^ 4 », *!' ^ ' ^ ifiQ said Ci^of Vlh^ «aidlCity. any meeting or loss ^lan two which shall lie , 'SC8, that is to 'rn»nt, rlean rnijwni of thjjf powers hi»y be ^'in" > I'c paid in , Cityy or by 1 and Jcvied ■rsaitnfi°stitu within tlie said City, or to, establish any new market or market-place now in existence, or hereafter to bwin existenee, in the said City, or to appropriate the site.thereofi or any plirt of such site, for any other puyic purpose whatever, any law, statute, or usage to the contrary notwithstanding ; saving^to a'iiy party aggrieved by any Act of the said Council, rtispecting any such market or mai^t-place, any rtnnedy such party may by law have agdinst tiro Corporation of the said City for any, damage by such partjj^Uslained by reasou.of such act.. ! . * 5. For determining and regulaling the powers and duties of ' ■ the Clerks of the markets of the said City, and of all bther offi- cers and persons employed or to be employed by the.s&id Council '^ ia or about^ any <)pTfie said markets ; and for letting the stalls ^ • aad other places-i^y selling or exposing to sale any kind of ' ^, goods or commodities in tli<; said markets or upqji the said -^' market-places; a'ndlitr imposing, a'gulating, fixing and deter- ' -~"\ mining the duties,i taxes or rates to bo paid by any person .or * pei^ons scllin.t( or retailing in or at any of the said markets, 4^ T "Sny pro vrsions, veg5faljFs7T^u^ier*slueat ofaily^Ti iiid, grain ,\ ^-m- .. n ■'4' -,/<*:!■'. ^>^-^!> '-■'■ '■f*' ' ^ ■f-Ai' \i n.". 'i;-' % '■ <* 7^eighl£brme^^^^^ '"'^ 1o provide for the ■ ■ of a^y Party interested' bv .n fr'"''^' ''''^''"''' ^^ '^'^ ^°«»«nce or inWy'stree? or S crfl, '^™', '•"'S.''' '".""^ I""""" """k«, ".ode 4 ww/h .„ei, "M><'>'">I, and W, iaeaseT or fetS , '^^T,; fc™^^^^^ 'jf- the same. '-'-"a me oaiiger ol or arising from City fir sale ^ ccnl:^pC^i^'!'l^'^fl JP'" »"^««id terminling in what minnpr !; li ' '"^ -^"ftW'f^t'ng and de- or boti measurement '^mlw f ' ^^ '"^^^"'•^"•'^"t or weight, • «hall Leaft;rbTCg S'c Id Tn ",^ ''^" "' !'"n^^"'^ «'«'«^- appoiAting-measurers am? w,^ * ^,'^^»"' City, and for estSjjshifgand n.^^^^^^^^^^ l'f'"f "^ «" .?«'' arUcles, and and tjte dufies th^^^halrpiron^^'^'' '" '''' '"'^' '" ^^'J'?'' ««-,«, ; \ the elpences of mak 4 or r^^i iZZ 1' """^'^^"'^ '" ^'^^^^ publ^ streets or bightvav^wHin^H^ ,"'?"""'''''"'" «"y diateiyinfrontofsuf rcilnr. 1 "''"'^ ^"y* an'ejudicia within thos att v'^y, oy anu at the expense of u;, proj^l;^ ■.J. things what- is buying or ovide for the tlie instance lerson to be lie payment jpose in that lie in or at .'hatever, in t)lic market, and for ini- )lishing the 1 and paid r and with- lereof, and necessary IS or infec- ising from firewood, ^ the said ? and de- ir weight, d articles , and for icles, and 1 officers, property to defray prin any <1 imme- for regu- ;oIlected ommen- iid paid. ur occu- lose the nd dirt. ? of the ^ lyfiUlif udicial r other jfftway- Tietor? or occupants of the real property in or on uhidi suoii projection or obstruction, filth, dirt 'or nuisance shajl lie found. 12. F'ordcfraying out of llie funds of the said Cifvtlie expense of lighting the said City, or suiy jirirt tI;(nr()f,Avith gas or with oil or in any other miiniier, anc| of pcrforniijig :ill siu-li work of any kind as may be necessary for su<;Ii purposes, and' fi)r obliging the proprietors of real pr(i|;orty in any part of liio Cily so lighted or to be liglikn!, to a-llow such worlc to be jjcrfonned on or in such property rci^poctively, and si;o!i piji<;s, Irunps, lamj)- poijits, andother contrivances or things as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid, to be lixcui in or upon sucii pro|)crly, or any buildings thereof! : the expense of all sncli works bcung in evi'ry cai^e defrayed by llie said Council, and out of the funds of ^he said City. jl 3. For altering the level cf the foot-paths or other side- v/alks in ai^y street or higliway witliin the said City, in sucli manner as the Said Council shall deem conducivi! to the convx'nience, safety and interest of the jiihai)ifauts of tlje said Cily ; Provided always, that the said Council shall make eoinpcnsation out of tlii(^ funds of the said Cily to any person v. hose j)roperty shall b^ inji;riously aflecied'by any sneji .tiicri^ition of the level of any foot-path in front thereof. li|^j|ro pull down, deuioiish, and remove wlien necessary, at \1he1expenseof the^)rdprietnrs(»r occnpatits, all walls, fences, or other buildings 6r eiieetiojis eucroai liing on streets or pub!i(; places, and nil nill^-an'ces, old f,;el;;i)i(latcd or ruinous walls chimneys and !)iiiiding-. that ij ay eiuiauger t'.ie prihlic safely, aiid to deiermine the tiiae and manner in wjiich the same sold ordlVci'ed !'<)r sale within the.said City of Qcebee, witli lite right of declaring forfeited all bread of any inferior weidil or had (|iiai;ty exposed (jr.olfered for sale ; the bri^Vl s^n f.>rl|!!i<-d to be^slributed to the })oor, all provisions conlaiiied in tm> Ordinance |)assed in tlie hcventeenlh year ol; the Ueignbfllls laic- rd;)j(H»ly Ivinr;- (5;corge ll;e Third, intituled, An iJnkii.mrr clmcrnUii^f Ihikcra of Ihrcd, in. the Towns 'of Q/tcUx^ (!)i'U~JlL)/>/r/7//fyx\uv\i is hereby repealed in so far, as regards MhV i^i'aid C'ity />f (Quebec, to ilid t-ontrary noiwitlistandini'. ; " ' * ^ 16. ForV(!slraining, riiliiigand governing f.pi)renlices,iIomes- f ■ tics, hired Servants anJ, ior.rneyir^T. i^ii l8i>' said Ci.vof {»nel)cc, and for die conduct of masters and mjr:liW|sses towards iheir said ./ apprentices, domestics, hired servan'.s -and journevmen within f' the said City of (^ueftee. i ^;,i i 17. To pivvent, regulate, and assess all gamin:^ or the keep- ing of any gaming hou-e *)r place for gaming in the said City, 1 1 r- }f'S"^ ^^^ governmoiit of persons plying as ferrymen to the said City of Quebec, from any place within fifteen miles of the sard City, and to establish a larilf or lariifs of fees to be taken by such ferrymen, and also to fix and determine what places, in the said City may be used as landin:^ plaees, and respecting all other matters and things residence, classification, ranlc. service, inspection and distribution of the , said force; and for the gowrauient generallv and of the said*, constabulary forc<-, so as in prevent any neglect o{ dutyJMi^; abuse of power, on tjie part of the members comi)osingthe sajd^ force. 21. For assessing tlic citizens residing in any particular street, lane, square or sect io;i of t!;e City, in any sums necessary to m«>et the expense of sweeping and walering llie said street, or removing th(! snow from tin- snid sircef, lane, square or section of the City, provided ilial no hss than two thirds of the said citizens, residiair :is afoWsuid, in such street, lane, square or section shall Iiavi? iiisJ prayed or demanded to have the same swept or watered, or the sno\N' reinov^'d therefrom ; and pro- vided also that the said assessment shall in no case exceed thv »uy vmuimmny or cofi l niuaiicrs- T of an oflliicc which any By-law of (he said Council tiuiy prohibit. - Sfe-" ^ "ffj-- 1 len to the les of the be taken It places, 3specting iries and f the said Council, the said the said . Judging irce to be •sidence, m of the the saj^tT dutyfofs^y [tiie said * B ■^. ar street, "ssary to street, or r section tiie said (iiiare or he same and pro- e«'ed tlie spceial It which lid meet properly ired, (hi- s Qsseni- thin tiie im of all iieteries nnity to isagree- 'rty pro- his Act, pounds, r.s they irii(H)su nua ti c r s ' iiruhibit. t LII. It shall moreoA'pr he lawful for ;(he said Couiicil of the said City, 'at a meeting ormcctings of the sjiid Council, composed of not » less than two thirds of the Mcinbcrs of the niid Council, to m'iil persons, f»ir the following purposes, that is to say V {• 1. To make a tiirilf of r.iles lo |)e juiid by all persons using any wharf or pan of a wiiarf the >j)ro|f tlit; Corporalion, ;uid Uh enforce payment of the same by a'pi'iiidly or imjMisounirnt, . 2. To prevent (lie ciceUi'n "t^r eonslruclioii ol'any wooden liuild ingswilhin the iiuiils of tlic «iid City, or within any jioriiou iheteof. / \; - .' ■ , 3. To prescribe ani rcgdate tlienjiUiiVT of c.^n}^tluc^ing and " erecting buildings so as to iircvcnt acciilunts by lire. •I. To make such nilL-s/uud regulali.ms lo puevoiit accidents by fire, as by the said Council slia'l bo di.'oini.'il iiiecl ant! just. nil. In the event of nny pcistm erecting or constrnciiiig aiiv- wood(fn building contrjfiy to the said By-it'ws, it shall be iaw'ful for the Mayor, with the consent of the Council cxpressjed in a reso- lution to (hat ellecl, by a iJiecrj)' adilrcssed (o llie SheiiU'.of tbo District of Quebec, signed by the snid Mayor, counlersigiiOtfby the City ('lerk, and imUr the seal of the said Ciuporatinn', to oifler the said Sherill to (Ie!iii»lis!i and remove the said Kuilding, at the expense of any such pcisi)n. LIV. And for the betler |irotrcii( u of thi^ lives ami property of the inhabitants of the saiil Cilr, and for lueveiting accidents by Tnc therein, IJe it enacted ^'Tiuit Iroui and ai"icr tlio passing of this' Act, the said Council ofthesaid City shall have full power and authority to make By-laws which .-liail be binding on all pcr.sons within the said City, for the following purposes, that is lo say : 1. For esiablislrirg such ruK's and regulations as they shall deem expedient for' preventing accidents by lire, and for the conduct of all persons present at any-firc within the said Cily ; 2. For appointiilg ail such'Hliiters as th.-y may r asslw V " lu" liesafl /^ ""''••' ''"^' ^-V-'.'^v r.,rar.y .,f ,he purposes ..yhi h «ny liv-Mw, the sjiid Oouiicil may impose surhfi,,,. n„t pvro^,i;r.„ hvo pounds. ..;■ such imi>ri.,n,u,.nt „^.t evu"J i ! \S,X ' o? both, as they may deem expcd,n.yi^.r cnA.rcing ti;^ s'm!' ^ ' ^ nt/fo LV. It shall be lawful for the saiil Council of the said Gity, at a meeting or meetings of the said Council, Cofpposcd of not less than two thirds of tli? said Council, to.imposQ by Hy-law, a penuhy not exceeding one liundrcd pound.--, turrL-ncy of the said Province, on any Assessor- or Assosnoss of, in or for the sj^id City, or any ' ward tUereof, rofusin;^ or wilfully negluctiitp; to mc\ul (o, pcfforni or fulfd (he duty or ilulies, wliich he or ihry, Uie said Assessor or ■ Assessors, arc or may, be bound yiul iLcjiiirtd by law to attend to, perform and fulfil. ' ' / LVI. Any person enrolled and serving iiianylirc/, bote, hook and ladder, or {»roperty ])rc-:cc*iin^' Coinpuny, rslaWisljed^ or to bi; •istablished by llie said Council, of in any sfudiCfoinptiSiy under the control and management of the said eomicifc"ofNhe said City, ^lall during the time In* may so continue enrolled and ' servo, be exempted from lli<; p:\yineiit' of the commutation money for statute labor, and from i^orving as a juror, constable, or militiaman excepting during any v,ur or invasion of the I'rovincc. • • - LVII. AndAvlicrcas ill? different syslemsi of chimney sweep- ing that have heretofore been in use in the said City, have l)roved to be del'ective and had, and it is liig^hly important to establish tin eificient system of chimney sweeping : Be it there- fore enacted. That, it shall be lawfid for the said Council to grant to persons intending to pursue the occupation of chimney sweeping in the said City, or in any part thereof, licenses to sweep chirnneys ior^gain or hir(! in tlit; .sai be designated in the said license ; nor from and after the parsing of this Act, shall any person having received any such llcdnse, for gain or hire sweep any chinuiey or part of a chimney,; nor for gain or hire ca«se any chimney or part of any chimneV to be swept, after the "time for which such license shall be granted, or at any place within the said City to which such license shall not extend, or beyond the limits mentioned in such license, por shall any pcrspn having obtained such license, charge orlre- ceive, either directly or indirectly stny greater sum or allowaiice of any kind for the sweeping of anyefumney or part of a chim- ney, or for any work or service connected therewith, or for any service to bo performed under such license, than he may fie allowed to charge under the tariflto be established in that be- ^ half, as hereinafter provided for, under a penalty of twenty-five whillinga nnrrency, for each and ovory olltqioe uguiiiHt any one — or more of the forc'going provisions in this Section of this Act Contained. i # > h' ^■ LVni. It shall be lawful for tlip C'nunnW ,». „ -jneetings of thebaic! Council eois^r'^it'l^^XTf^:^ . Iiitcnspd sivBGiis for 1 ,„ sMe<.„ii,„ „r , ],i„,n.„, ' i ' : »»^g^J and proved .hat h. cansod^l.e dmnn./Sat tai ha" any sucli purpose, ^diether such rhimney bo in« de or^'outsid. o such buildjng .hall be considered as a cSne v ' ' ■ bnildinff for a 1 aiCT nxnr^ ii.,. :. _ . ^ '^"'"M"/ wdin, for a,i'=^'re,y^,,r" =iy,;^^35;,,ir!:. .^■s^fesuzni^^anrs' n.ent s,,ced after the making thereof to the Governor of Jhi, 1 rovHioe for th, tune l,eing; and it .hall be aSK.e sa^ LX. Provided alM ^, That all and every tl... ny.),^., -R»W Of d cr« and R t- g nliitto n; and act. of autlioritv mad ' rbv the saul Councrl .inee the K««ing of the «aid oSno? to in^ "v. n- . ^- /■ two ' be tlio as. corporate the saitMCity and Town of Quebec, orby the Justices of the Peace foryilie District of Quebec, or other coiupetc lit au- thority, before llie pass.xing of the last mentioned Ordinance to incorporate the City and Town of Quebec, whicli may be in force at the tj/me y the said Councir,"^ «nd to pay to or for the use of t lie proprietor or pro- jirietors of siteli ground or real |)roperty, tind out of any funds of ilhe said City, y|>w ip or which shall hereafter come into their hands, such sum or sums of money as may be agreed upon as the value of such ground or other,propeily, by the party pro- prietor thereof and the said Council respectively, or ascertained in the manner hereinafter mentioned, in case tliey shall not so _. agree upon the same : Provided always, that before dcquiring . any such land, ground or real jjroperty, it shall be the duty of ' the Council to make a By-law imposing forthwith a special an- nual tax on the real property within tlse ward where such land, ■■ ground or real property is situate, sutlicient to pay the interest of the purchase money tlu'reof, and also two and a half per cent, annually, to form a sinking fund to liquidate the capital thereof. LXIi. It shall be lawful for all Corporations, aggregate or sole, husbands, tutors or guardians, cnraton^, grevds de substitu/ lion, and all trastees whatsoever, who are or shall be seized or possessed of or interested in any piece or pieces, parcel or par- cels of ground or other real property. within the said City, selected and fixed upon by the said Council for any of the purposes aforesaid,' not only for themselves, their heiis and ' successors, but for and on behalf of all persons whom they represent, or for whom or in trust for whom they are or shall he seized, possessed or interested ai aforesaid, whether minors ojr issue unborn, lunatics; idiots, /■ : :^%i^::^^\t^^ -^^^y virtue : IiR- IHMisatioii to be iviiH fnv hnll' ,"'^*'^"»'"«. "'« price and com- Ln . July <5- t;dv?xi:£,^;7;™J''23^^^^^ '""'■ <(jc per,,,,,, ,e,i,l,.nl within .,|,a »ai. r,> VifS.S"'; ."'"""S J"rovs had a-roed tlicrcin • -in,! in ,.^. ..i • ' '' ""' ;^a s„„i. p.,i„, Mr!:.';=i,;';/rr^Er'° .1.0 ,aid Cou^cilf: „': ; ,'n'e'^L:r„ra?o«'«,:°''' "'^'""^ '° ceeding, to obtai^, iwm Her BlaT cE Su?£ i f^'T"" P."- mem confirming ,l,e ,i,Je of ,lu' S' Joundl "" " "■"«- : LXV. Tlie owner of tlic said nroner/v siliAll ««f u Wns„a„ "become .!."' oM^prSrcJ)t%liJ p.ui».r,.v ,i,be„"i,j. ,hc .aia c:iT';M,''L;t';,;is^ '^H^ -(/- ■ V^* the amount thereof paid or deposited, in certain cases, sthall be and ate hereby vextended'to'all caseii in t\rhich it shall become requisite to ascertain the /amount olf compensation to be paid by the said Council to any proprletcir of real property for any damage bv him sustained', by reason of any alteration made by order of the said Council, in the ttsvel of any foot-path or side-walk, or 'in the level of any street, or by reason of the removal of any establishment subject to be removed under i any By-law that may be passed in virtue of this Act, or to any party by reason of any other act of the said Council, for which 1 they ate bound to make compensation, aind with regard to the > amount of compensanon for which damage the party sustaining the saine and the saia\Council shall not agree. '^ LXVII. Ail Corporations, ecclesiastical or civil, whose pro* : perly, or any part of whose property, shall be conveyed to, or takcfnbv.the said Corporation of the City of Quebec, under the authority' of this Act, may invest the price or compensation paid for the property ao conveyed or taken, in other real pro- perty in any part of this Province, and may take and hold the same without Her Majesty's Letters .of mt^rtmain, any law to the contraty notwithstanding. »•»% ... * '.'■..■■ ■ ... LXVIII. For the purpose of defraying the expense of the Po- lice Force hereinafter authorized to be established, all fines and penalties in^sed or hereafter to be imposed by and in virtue of the Ordinance passed in the second year of Her Majesty's Reign, intituled. An Ordinance for establishing an effectite system of PoUce^ in the Cities of Quebec and Monlrealy shall be paid to the City Treasurer or other Officer of the Corporation appointed Ip receive the same, and also aU. fines on persons convicted, or hereafter to be convicted of common assaults and batteries, under and by virtue of the Act passeoHn the Session held in the fourth and fifth years of Her Majejty's Reign, and intituled. An Act for consolidating and amending the Statutes^ in this Province relative to offences against the persouy and also all fines recovered before any Justice of the Peace in the said City, for offences committed therein, and recovered l:^fote oiie Of/more Justices of the Peace other than |n the Court of Quarter Sessions ; the said several sums to form part of the funds of the Coiporation of the said City of Quebec ;. any thing in the said Acts to the contrary notwithstanding. LXIX. If any person sliatf assault or resist any Officer or Ccmaitable appointed under this Act, in the execution of his duly, or shall aid or incite any'person so to assault or resist, eveiy such offender, being convicted thereof before any two Justices of the Peace, shall, for every such offeuQe, forfeit and pay such sum not exceeding five pounds, as the said Justices shall think meet : Provided edways, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any piosecution, by way of indictrnent, against any person so offending, but so as that such person shaJl not ,4 be prosecuted by indictment and also proceeded against under this Act for the same offence. , • ,. »_ l-XX. AH lines and |)enalties imposed by any By-law, mh. Order or Reffulation^Avluch may be in force at the linte ^ »riy real estate within the said City may be legally rated or aafeeftsed, may be exacted and recovereH^ither from the own?r.(j|l^e, real pro- perty so rated or assessed, or from any person '*6qjoupying the same or any 'part thereof^thelr as a tenant or otherwise, and when any such rate or assessment shall btf paid by any tenant not bound to make such payment by the lease or other agree- ' ment under which he holds or occupies guch real estate, such tenant shall have the right to deduct the sum so paid by him from the rent payable by him in respect of the enjoyment or° occupation of the real estate so rated and assessed. ;LXXII. In all cases in which the said Corporation of Que- bec shall acquire any property for public purposes or for any purpose whatsoever, «nd the said Corporation shall not agree with the proprietor as to the value thereof, such value shall be deterijliiiied by a Jury of twelve persons to be taken from amongst the residents of the city of Quebec and qualified to serv6 as Jurors in civil causes ; the said Jury to be empanelled by order of a Circuit Judge who shall pieside over the said Jury : and the award of nine of the, said Jurors shall be final with respect to the value of such property ; and the said Circuit Judge is hereby empowered to administer the necessary oath to the said Jurors and to the witnesses summoned. LXXIII. The next preceding section shall be applicable to all matters now pending in the Court of General Quarter Sessions for the District of Quebec t^ which the said Corporation is a party. JSsssSJJr- IW, » of aid by jre^ lal- ;iui III* t or aw mft \|8S^I -,.> . V he ite be ro- be id nt e- ' :h m or" nixmSttr V: LXXIV. All debts which, from and after the passing of this Act shall i)ecomc diie to thp said Corporation for any rate or ■Missment, assessed or imposed on any real or personal pro- perty, or botli, Within the said City, or upon the owners or occapiers thereof,, in respect of such property, shall be pirivi- legea debts, and shall be paid in preference to all other debts, ' excepting debts due to Her Majesty, and shall, in the distri- bntion of the proceeds of property, whethcf real or personalr of any person Uable to pay any such debt, be so held, con8i,s dered, and adjudged by all Courtfrof Justice, and by all Com- missioners or other persons having jurisdiction in Bankruptcy in Lower Canada ; Provided always, that the privilege hereby panted shall not extend beyond the rates or assessments due loi' two years, that is to say, for the current year whcn-stich claim may be made, and the year next preceding that year, LXXV. Every law, and every part of any law repealed Jby ""Ihe said Ordinance to, incorporate tlic City and Town of Qucr _ bee, or by the said tMioance to amend thp WW mentioned , Ordinance, shall c^iiitiutife and remain repealed, and all the provteiwis of any law iu([^nsi^nt with the provisions of this Act arc hereby repealed. LkXVr. Provide 1 always, That nothing in ihis Act shall extend or be construed \p extend, to revoke, alter or abridge, or in any manner affect tne powers and authority now by law vested, orNi^ich may be hereafter vested in the Ajfaster, Deputy Master and Wardens of the Trinity House of Quebec, but that the said Council shiill exercise exclusive jurisdiction over all thfe tract described in the second section.of this Act. . ♦ - LXXVH,. Nothing in this Ael shall in any manner derogate frpm or affect, dr be construed to / m^ HaAW vj;. ^■ ■■M- ■■"■.' ■ ' ■ ■ ' ' . "■ ^ i ^ - ■ ■ ■ \ K'If.S t"*^ *'•*'?'? H"" ?''*"%'^ "P<»«»'<'d «nd confix Ije attested by one oi the Justices of the said Superior Court. LXXIX. The Council of the said City of Quebec is hereby authorized and empowered to pass a By-law or By-laws, to punish, eOher by fine or imprisonment, or both, any person or persons who shall ill.u8e\>r cru*lly treat oroverdrive any animal within the limits of the said €ity ; Provided always, that Buch ' fine shall not exceed fiv» v|^unds ciltrency, nor such imprison- ment, thirl;jr days m the CoiAmon Gaol of the Distript. ' .:"" '■' ■"'■■■' ' A'. ■. ■ -. ^. ■ .. * . - ■ LXXX. In all cases where, for the purpose of operiine any new street,, square, market-place, or othe| public highway or place, or for continuing, enlarging or otherwise improving those ^ 8veel8, squares, market-places, or other, public highways or places now made, of as a site, for any public building to be erected by the sqid Council, (he said Council shall deem it advantageous to purchase and acqufre, to take and enter upon, , more than the ground actually required for any of the said pur- poses, It shall be lawful for the said Council so as aforesaid to purchase and acquire an extent over iind above what may be required for the above, purposes, provided nevertheless srich extent do not exceed one hundred feet in depth, bv whatever length may exist. . . . "^ LXXXI.. From and alter tlie passing of this Act, all licenses to keep taverns, hotels or hoOses of public entertainment within the said City, shall be granted bv the Council only; and the person obtaining such license shall pay to the Council a lee to be established by a By-law for the same. LXXXII. All persons occupying a part of any public street or lane while erecting any building, shall leave unoccupied - and free fropi all embarrassments a sufficient portion of the Wd street to allow persons freely to pass with their horses and car- ' nages, under such a penalty as may be imposed by the said • Oouncil. f / -9 LXXXill. If any person shall knowingly swear falsely in lakmg an oath m virtue of this Act, such person shtfll be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and sufler the pains and penalties provided by law in eases of | wilful and corrupt perjury/ * LXXXIV. ^'he words "Governor of tin's ProvineeJ'? whereVer they occur in this Act, shall be understood as nieaning the Governor, or any person authorized to execute the fcommission of Governor within this Prpvirtce for the time being; and the word ''Councillor," and the word "Councillors," wher* ever they occur in this A ing the saia Corporation of ''^ the Mayor, Coancillors and Cilizens of the City of Quebc^ " unless th? content necessarily requires a diflerent meaning to be ,given 4o those words ; and the words "Lower Canada," whereyer they occur in this Act, are to be understood as meaning and comprehending that part of the Province of Canada which formerly constituted the - Province of Lower Canada ; and any words or words implying the singular number or thc/masculi'ne gender only, snaH be ^understood to include several matters of the same kind as wcU as-one matter and several persons, males jpuid females, as well as one person, and bodies corp6rate as^well as individuals, * unless it be otherwise especially ' (Provided, or there be some- Ihing in the subject or context repugnant to such cdnstruction. LXXXV. This Act shall be a Public Act, and shall be judicially noticed as such by all Judges, Justices of the Peace, and others whom it may concern, wfihont being especially pleaded or proved. .■"■ "■'/■•. ^ r ■■ v" , ~ ■ ■ '■-'■'■■' ■ . . ■-■. ;:\;'/^ ^ } '''^ - * ■■;.--,- -"^ s -:,•"'■ ■ - ' ' -'. \ '•'. _ ■' »■ ' '• — ■ ' ' • ' J" . m ; -■. *.. . r' ' , ■ . " » ' > '.' '■' ■ m X ■ /. . -^e|- '■M 1^ '0