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Les diagrammes suivants illustreht la mAthode. -1 6 S ,(•*■, • ,.^£k^,::,ju^:..,^u^^Mki..^,MM^>ai^^ ... 'k. ^■^■M ^iiiiiiiiilii rfil^iiiiiiMi ACCOUNT OF A I R L^ t'!-!f Twelve Years ctf Age, Who Uved on Iiort Collier s Manors in the trbtinee of Ii9wei» Can-^ i^Ia ; who was eonverted to # the love of God in a w^onderM man- Her^ and it proved tijihe ^ hopeful conveiis^ii«L ot th#wholc femily Md a many of Jhe neighbors i *•■» ** ^' -^ •?.. fss: ■ \' r. '■■ili. JL SBALL now relate -jm %4^d^^ em iemon of a g«rl, who ll^al #ipilei^^ Ma- Aor ill the Ifif^yiime Df IJdw€M»^tJiiid^, called l^lly items, Her :&«*< fiis %ife, gh« iir^ often^phraW him mMvimmnem,mi he #ouId iinbraid her nxr ^zlness and w|iS- fulpe||| this it wa^an nn^^mfoptabyijyftift ^pd t|i€^did not seeip to^ai^Q -^^^*""^^ -^ 'iU% ni^ilp^ bof the na wife vfummmMif Himrmm e with iier^ and i|B|m^fifl^aicl go, if she w$^ WHpiliw^ .^M* .^ -^ billing, a^ MrnTrnk KH^m? J** her. . As^be; wm g>. -W .**'^ ^t sister is sixteisn years i^d, «!id the otber ixiurte^n, and ahhoogli my mother eurses and 8wt!urs fit them almost half the time, yet they rfo not both of tliem do a maid's days work^|^ i^4ns, Cmjm if^, J^ly ? said j|i:s. Marsh, Yt5s,.said FolJy, n little, I shoulij have Jearnf- ed better, hut the giijt were atw^s sweario^ me if I |ii«l4jed lyi^h their ^lieels j it was S^^ jf^ieh tn%m «ft€J 80 wiWing to m # your hou^ l^pe y^^ii will let me learn to spin ? X'Pi* l^o^y^ said Mr9|.p^r8h, you may spin as n^ueji ##yo« please^ a^ I will learn you a|l that Jl ^f . -.. >v, - ./^-- . :..,.^.\. At D%ht» before Blr. ItarsK inren^ ^^9 he ^ent to ftrfyer, and ^as Polly bad never heiird a prayer in her life iiefore| slie wai^Mi- , prised ip soe»|^r« Mafsh talMi^Qg to stit Mtfdl ^JD enn again. Well, Mid Mm. Marsh, you may eo fcoHie, but 1 hope you will «ouie agaiii. sl« SMtf site would, and home she Went. w. ^l**"" 5* *••* S«t home, ehe iiir«rme« her fether and mother of Mr. Marsh'g talkine ™* "■«''*.«'«' tWs rooming, and dear daddf Mid she, who db yon tWnk hay to God. Ti fthe? M! saMMr. toaad ipaws, he Alls i [^rsh, h«|te j ■other sS^Stl^ '*»**«"^ «y ftlhwaii ,., ■.^,.„,. - .,.- ..■■,..., , - --.^ "' '^'*ffa^^^^Mfc-z= - ■ ■■■- — >-■'-■ - .-?^. . .■.^,,„ ^.-T' ■■- ^'V ■r nf ..,; .jsi^-- tt»>. ■k*-. e tfUBsn^s to iciali or know what we did or i^i^i ftlr. Marsh then went on, and informed Pol- ly of God's ereating the worlds of Adam and Eve, of their being made upright and free frfti 8in, of their being placed in the garden it' Paradise and of their rebellion agfiinst 6«d« wy eating the forbidden fruit, Ictbat all man* kind must have been sent to hell after death* to a jdace of fire and brimstone, if it had not t&en for the Lord Jesus Christ, who^ said he» as^ suffered for our sins, died .on a er^ss of wood, his' feet being naiiy^d^ to the Hital woodt iHd there expired for the love he had for poor dnners, so that all sinners may now be saved tliat wiU b^ili in and love the Lord ^siMt Christy but all that do not repent of th^^^ mi^\ b&]tov« in $ind lov^ hitn, must sl|Jr^>t^ lielf, for. if they love sin more thanC^ii^^N^ llust^t^itii^lly perish. jlked and enllghtj tputn^r thojtt paco of at ia»t>oHy^d ov^Mn lali I do ? iSm a pWr uiiaone l^ive HtD^ culled and swore, been disobedioQl |o my fa^er and. riij^er, quarrelled with n^ "^ -others anil jisters and oftentimes wished lem in heti, and^-^ not know wh9t>#rpf4ei( rll w«ft;l|il ihisifl^^ and now I e^ot^If#4i S»ing t^. that dread^: . pHioe mysielfl^ Mrv [arsh told her, that if she wouW betievn if$i fii4^|^ 11$ Lord issus Chi^i ihi mighllHr d^ber mind hours, till arsh, what creature, I ''-*'■*. s> 0mA* 0Ji ! iaid sbe Iit>#^6aQ t h&lUffemii Ctinst oao ar will «ave me when I am sogreal: H sinner ^ Oh ! Poily, Miid Mr. Marsh, j our; JbBiog a great BiD^erV will not bimler^^our fo#- ilg saved ityou are l^ut Dvilling to be sailed. -^Oll'! I^ar, Mr. Maisb, s^d she, i f^ei wilfi% to fe'saved, ^d If I possibly eoiildy i WpuicI hb isaved front th^idrdbdfulheHv That, PoUy, ^Hud Mr: Marshy 1 expect is true, but jok ^niust want to ii^ saved from your slns^ as yreH as from the punishment of sin. / • It had got to be late in the AD%bt^ ai^all iwent to bed, but PoUjr slept not a^vinky as .sli^jiil^wards inibrnied ; for, she said, dii l|r«8 afraid site should awa^e b beU, an4 breclare notgo tojsleep. » ■ U- "isiressof mind eontinued about three ^eksyf^n she was brought* to see that G^|^ ^s sake» save her am^^ll Mli|iyi% and then sbe';j»ied clul eouk! iiati %|iorjto ^««, ^r the gift ol ij^n ^Kisfaing sinners like im f €^l MK MAfia4% said shc» 1 see sttfl|ii'fal]ne8s lii Chrlst^s m^k its tb^ there is^ IKugb Jsr all the imMH H^G^ will but ai^epl Qf it. ^ . * tS^WiaB now w«Rted to go bome, loiee hferil^ '^idf^ii^ moth«r> brothers and slstyn. WeiHi ^Hollj^, said Mr. Marsh, jllh' tm^ ride in|i^ Jtu|se, and he taebkd bis bufse witb hff» I^HVi =3 *« fktiMr tat mother in me of tfief» oldtowok ni», cursing and i wearing, 'i'his abno^ *roke ^pHy* lieart, and s{ie eonld d« nothing. P^io'lS: ^^^ ftitlier rtid, what ails oS If 1!!S^m! •!*'**' •"«''•»'• But Polly eould net •peak tUI It got to be near^bed tilnei *iH>» th* ^ mau said, well,I iweM to go to bed. Then JPriiys month was opened, she went to her «Mdy and said. Oh ! dgardadd^, wiH TouRotA prayer first? Mr. ^„,b priJ/eTeiy FJ^ M morning,and theLord hears hiinTwidtKey live oxoeodiogly happy ; it was to Goitlie was ^ynUgMH^enl did notlcnow who he wn» taiie. WW tflj p<>, dear daddy, pray before yon bo «»«!< dewdad^, saM she» anyli&y?!^ 2 «*«•!««»•«. *»! light if yo^Se'a^ «fcpP«|P htue Piullyltneelpd^lrn, and'eriid '.•«i> iPILmhoi^reBt Creator of aM WerMl^ -.^k » 1 -* L^ 'w Jesus Chrisi's sakftbett •M» «>ul «f uWiMeii thy pnsoM^, to pn» ;mMM Mp IMqit^lh^ ««;iniHt etei>iiaihr per- '^ m. . Oh • de»r Jesis, gnat me ! mdst gi^ofoira Ood, /C^fC thoti h^ipioay honored fatHir to pray J Oh ! ]e$x iHird^ gi?eh|iiri to 9«te thi^ it is bis in-^ Ispeosajble dutjr,, to pray for and^ with the io|i^ that God has givoQ Mm. By t^is tim^the fathe^ foogan to pray 'sure ^niou^h, The Lord, said he, haVc mercy on ly souf, I am^uodone without help from -fioif -vi[hatN,sh^iI do i I h^aVe ne^^er dope ahy^ jipg but sin agaliistlGlod andl expt^et that jen iBust; be my portion' for ever and ever, le mother wa>4ikewise erying out,%irh8t iustld%? i have spent a whole life in sia !L0hd iOr^ m Cf jforliei* d<^ father arid mother, atfii all herBuinber te«ider imtluM's and sisters, 6)1* a|i^i^tiiiiey aiiWerted t ft Jail d^ .•/