0» IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 7 /. {/ 1.0 I.I IIIIIM ii2J- M 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► yw/ m m A e c'^ VT^ <=>. ^5> O / % Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 •^ ,\ iV fwii|My8iSi MiMtSiiMlMUik:./^}} \>\S 0- ••iP" bject .« iY^1 ST. JOHN CHAP. XXI. 7. THK I)lSCiri,K WHOM .IKSUH l.oVKI). I 'lliis (lay is the day set. a[)art by our Church for |)er|)etii itiiijj ke memory of St. John the K\ aiif'elist ; the lovin;; ami heloNecl istiijle of our blessed Lord and Master. Jesus C'inisl. Ihil it l^ fhietiy as Masons that we a»seml)le here to day, to keep the solemn "ifBtival. wliieh Masons are accustomed to set apart, to eommeniorate lie anniversary of the f,'ieat patron of their order, this very same t. John the Mvan^eli.st. One, whose name and teachitifjs, iiave. it [said, for eifihteen centuries, he^n insepirahiy interwoven with the lasonic institution, and become domesticated as it were, in the jasonic family. '1 o his memory, and that of St. John the l?aptist, lasons professinj; Ciuistianity, have for a lon;j period of time (Ibnsecrated their Iiod}j;es. This fact is, of course, familiar to the ■lind i)f every brother, however inexjjerieiiced ; l)iit the especial iDlbject of such a dedication, the ^auscs which lead to it. and iparticularly, the importance of its bearin*,' upon the nature, desifjns, Itfd dijjnity of Freemasonry, is perhaps not so dearly seen, nor so ipjjhly studied and appreciated, even with the brif,'h est and best of IJHI, as it mijjht be. To the sincere and inteliii^ent Mason the memory Mid life of the " Holy Kvanj;elist" are elocjuent with solemn ■Kmunitions. and stand forth as imperishable records of the duties •lid res|)onsii)ilitie8 of each of us. They indicate with unerrinif light the leadin<5 features of our society, — illustrate the purposes Hie are enjja^'ed lo accomplish, — and shed wherever the sound of the |tpavel is heard," the lustre of his beiiijjn character upon the rituals fisd ceremonie.s of our order. And althoufjh that " lovi'd disciple," llpon " the burthen of whose every discourse, "as has heen beaulifidly femarked, "there is personified the embodiment, and poured out, tile very soul of Musonry," has lon^ since passed away from the Iftenes of his ('hristian battlefields, and the floor of his Masonic ^mjjles, yet he still symbolically remains anmnfist ns ; the echo of )ijs \oice still iiii-ieis ;ir(iuiid <:ar varicil ciiiMcirs, anei^mics. and Iiiciu^'lyplucs, and to aioist in pcrpctuntiii^' liix inspired tiiicliiiijj and It) imili' in practisiny his i'\alted virUii-s, (lid Masnnry fiA iidoiit liim as luT I'alr.Mi. ami dcdirate litT l-od^jcs to liis niemnnl Tlu' Day, and the Saint tht-ii, arc alike interi'slinj^ to Cliristiaul and Masons.' Tn Christians, he is " the disciple whom .Ie*us lovedf the al)lcst, and clearest I'xponeiit of their creed, the niost succesufJ and valiant lU'fender cl' their faith. To Masons, he is the I'lanmo;! their or(U'r, and the pattern of tlu-ir lives. l,et ns glance then at St. .John's character as j;iveji us hy divinl inN|)iration, p"intini; out sdnie of those features which dislinj him lis ''the disciple whom Jesus loved:" and as we pass on, notictl ihe appropriateness of Masons making; him their I'atron, and tiitj duties which ilevolve upon them in their ohli<,'ation to imitate hinLJ I. And lirst. we notice the readiness with whicli he ami hi'] hrother .la'nes iorsook their earthly calling; mid friends, at thtj command of tiieir Lord and Master. In Matt IV 21, we read" .-imI Jestis (/iiiiKf /'rum the.i.ci'" that is, from the place where he iiad jm'l hefore called Peter and .\ndrew, ' naw atltcr (wo britlimi, Jttiiieiim son of Zfhrder, ami John Inn bralhfr. in a ship villi ZfbeJte tht\\ falhet. niiniiiiKj their net.if^nd hf I'olird them. And Ihi'tj immediuiih\ lift Ihe ship, and their father, and fnUnwni him " Their minds liM been prej)ared f . r the advent of the Messidi, hy the preaching; of Si T .)ohn the Hapti>t— the other j,'reat Patron of Masonry— who, indeed we are told, had pointed him out to Andrew, and nni iher disciple not .mprohalilv the llvangelist himself,— as the Lamb of (>oil Upon his ap))earance and call, therefore, they readi'y received an. , obeyed him, laying the foundation of the christian l)nildin>!; in tik renunciatiini of th^- world, as a suiireme olyect of pursuit, affection, and wiirship. And here, it a ways must he laid by every christiai who 18 desirous of beinj,' the disciple wh'>m '/esns loves. All arc W. called to forsake their earthly caliin-; and occupation, and I commence the public preachin;,''(d' God's revealed and saving truth as the Apostles were, Christ having appointed in his Church i regul ir way now of entering; into the ministry ; but every Chrisii;i; IS called to be ready, in heart and mind, to quit at once and forever all that conies in competition with duty, and lo follow the Saviou- m the path of holy living. And no less is it the duty of every true Mason, to follow the bright examjile ot our Patron,- if iiulJed he would be a disciple- a follow^'r. a ^^/.foH, whom the Great Master, the Great Creatui hich and Architect of the Universe, sluU love; to risn at once at (.reat Master's call, typified by the earthly Master.to the perform ot all those duties, and the attainment of all those virtues, w Masonry teaches and enjoins. To yield up at once, and dcsisi r(.m the practice of every evil; to pulilish and extend Freemasoiin hy makuiK Its principles and power manifest in their lives ; to start on that course and rnle. of life, enclosed within "the two paralKl Sprlntn^" w^ 'T ^^1'^ " ^'"^'^^ ^''«>>t in Masonry" the Holj : Scuptures, which will guule unto all truth; which will direct their ■m '•■'•icliiniml ""TV ii„.r '^ iiiemnnl <'linHtiai(| IS loved, [ I'V (liviiJ fvv\ to llu! toMi|)le of Iia|)|iiii»'ss luTf, and safely aiiJ nuiely lead lliem lo till: (ileal lemple ahove. II. Wlien our I.-hhI jjave liia A|)ostle.s their CDinmissioii I'l preach the (lospel, he snriiaiiied our i'atroii IC\aM;,'elist, and his hrother lames, ••/<«'///''». ycv," (hat is '• Sons of Tliiiiider" And Ihcrehv he tntimaled their deferiiiitied /cal in his cause, and the power!" d cllects of their preacliin;j that wmd, whieli is I'reciuently ciinipared lo Ithuiidcr; ljc*iii<;, line that, the voiee of (Jod speakiiif; (roni heaven, jniiKhty in its operation. If ilie one sh;ike the earth throw down |liii;;hty trees and lofty towers, and hy the li;,'hteiiiii;; whit h preceiis land produces it, penetrates and dissolves the hardest suiistances j [the other shakes ihe empire id" sin :\nd evil, easlinj; down everylhinjf Ivhicli e.valls itself ajjaiiist heaven, and withering' and cimsuinins' [the c«>rruption of the human heart. Mere is an examp'e of zeal a d detennin ition in the cause and Jservice of (iod, to all true Christi ins, if the\ would individually aspire til hein^ *' the disciples whom .lesus loves" and to all true Masons if they would extend the iiiHuences and pincijiles of their |<)rd«'r, and he worthy imitators and successors of their I'airon Saint. III. A^'ain, Three times we hear in the (Jospels '• the l)elo\ed 8l fervently, brotlu'ily ft»rl»e,irunc»; and love with ii reiidiii'-MN to iiccfpl unil t'licDunme i-xfiy t'll irl wli'.ch in tin- rcniott'st (Ic^jrcv- ii'iidetl iu| iittain any of tlie ciuls at uliich he ainit'ii. His accfptiii); the (irnml Musti'ishipif rii't'MiaH()nai|i,if so he did, hiiii^j a rfniaikahle iuHtnnc* I of liiiN. Which h«>in); a nu'i'ciy human inNtitiition, and aimiii)!at human I'fHuhN, in stid so far in unison with th it ^reat'i', higher, that divine institution of human re^enoration and salvation, ul| which lie was so distiii^'iiislicd an Apostle and T- aidier. And the Third reproof wliich St. John met with fron) his Master, I which partook Homewhat of the fcame natiiie hn the luHt, wuh fur I forhiddihf,' a person to cist nut devils ii\ Clnist'H name, l>ecaase ht followed not tiiem. \o emulation or jealousy »li(njld prevent nur encoiu'a;;inj,' every man to do jjood, althoii;,'h hu uct and think n"t in all piiin's as we do. or as we could wi.sh hini Id do. Whatever real jjood he do- s, ii is (ioij wlni disposes and enahlos iiim to do it; luid in time thai same (iod may reveal ad otiur needful mvl desiralilo lliin^s to him : towards which, wu ourselves, hy trualiii;! Ruci an one with tciulerncss and kindiu'ss.may he made insirumeiiliil. Hut thesetdlences of Si.JhImi'.s hein<{, — u|)on Chrinl's adnKMiitinn. -repented of and forsaken, they depriv.d not the " helaveil disciple" of the place he had ohtained in his Lord's favour. For ul the last supper we find him sitting' next to .lesus, and rediinnn mi lus l)rea>t; as it is the pri\ih';,'e of every beloveil disciple no*, to i)our out all his complaints int. the Hosoin '-'" ''« ''">**^^l ^he duuKhlerc <"i .• • . ./ < e erv tn ^d " l ". ''\'"' ^'''^ '" "' «'^'"'-' '^«^"«^ the happy lot of a Si I 'S; ^ • ;■ ''" ^'" *• "'■ ''' '''"' """-kinf; his miracles in person, mercy .;;,..';' • Z? ^'^' '^^''' ^'"^ ^^"'"'"•^ "*" ^'vine lo've and mtity .lie manifested untn K m . ...,.i i.. i , ,, i- ,. ..i :.. secret u\ {\w I,,,,,] . l';-f-i les know and understand it. The '" «'ll> t!«vm that ftar 1,1,,,; av.d he shews io Mlii'Mi tlic j:li)r\' of liin powci' i'l rir'sim/ ;\ •iiml finni o'im to iii.'lit»'0'!!i. 1 I ><. II" Icsx llrm lie sIm'XM'iI i' to the tlucr \|invt|rs ill iitiniiKl thf iiiiiiil rioiii (Icnili l«i liCc. And in nil ihr ( ii(uinsl;ii.( ts ni' tl.iH ti;iirtifivc, (l(» Mill iidl xi'p II wonilcrCnl ^ilnilalit^ hrlwicn if mul all llii' (■•rciitn'.timcrs and mysteries (•iiinic-tcil uiili misiiii a fMii.lid.iti' to tin- siililimc i|( r Mjimmi. .\;:aiii, the same flin'c (iisci|)|('H afr- nipaniiMJ tlicir I.dmI ai,./,- I', It rr, mill tfamix mx Iraii-tiijnicd ii|)nii MoiinrT.iliur, and >« ln'ii lie wa« in an nyoiiy in tlii' '.aidi'M of (l( Itiscnifiic \\ I'll rrv'")'! lo llic I'd' nii-r wo iraii, 'liit / ./ ////. nil I In ,1 liii'li iiiiiiiilinii, oi'iiil. iiini ii'iis fnni'-fii/iiriil firfnrr t'liMi." 'I li<'rf tli(li(ld his niiMl.il limly smldciily (dotifil \"iw Mums and I'llias f^lnrificd w illi him. as the I, aw and tiii.' rrii)ihits nlw i\ s appear, when Kcc'ii ill (•■ini|iaiiy with Jcsiis. the (ircat ^'ilst(■^(d wliniii tt-cy li'tli spake; Mo cs iTprociitiii),' the I aw. iiti(l]!lias icpri'sciiliiiK the I'mplii'ls. and they heard tli vnicr iVom heaven declaring him tu he the ludiived of the l-'ather. A L'ainat lii> nassi-in " hr (nh'lli villi liini. I'llcr, cikI >!,'■ hi". S'n .t I'l y.ilii'ih'i', ,1'iiufK unit •liihii, niiil I I (inn (n In si'i I' (iiil'iTi i! mill T' / '/ /,, '((•//. 'i'heie tlu V luliel h nil CI (■f>iii|»a'M d will) the infir/niiie-* of man. and Ixm t hv the powers of darkness : they Ixdield him liuiidiled iiii(Urthe load of our sins; ttiey saw the Sn:. of |{i;;l;teoiisiieN» oxereast with a dark elmid : and heard the same d vine person prayini; in a hitter aironv. as one Miiittc n o| (jod m his aiij:er, and aUlided unto deati'. And liapjiv is every discip'e. wlmm .Iisus so l>'es as to admit 'liin, hy faith, to heii .Id and dwell upon the con emphitioii i " f hi.- ide-^si'd Master, in tlies-, hi- two -tates of exalt iti n ami humiliation ; the nloiy of I. is divine, and 'lie MiHeriiies of his Imman n.itnre. These are ^uhjeets, on whieh a christian can ne\er nvdilnii, hut with infinite pivdil and advanta-e. lly ascendiiiir 'li'' li'dy nioniit. and there viewiiis,' in the transfiijiiratioii of .Fesas the Ldilow on his s imts al the resiii'reclioii, he is anne aiiis t the I lain and siiaiiie . tolerable piniishinents due to sin. and the iiiia/ine' love or liiin wlio v ouki ilesceii Id id frem .•or to (ielhsemaii lo hear tlieni for sinners: lie is ])rip;.red to ld Wflf >lluliarlN. .I\ . It «l .llhi ^t ( M) ii> tl\r>u>:li lie li.id 11,1 Mini 111' tin- list ciinihiiieil. ii greater know Icilj^f nt llic in\Nli'iit'Mii i liiisti^initN, II (Iciii'tT iiisi^iit into llif iii\ >ii('al iiifaiiinu of i hem, .in., iiinic tiiiin till tilt' vt«l ( (>iiil>iii*'il 1)1- liii« I't'viMliMl ami r\|itiiiiiti. tht'iii. Ami Ills (J.)snfl is xiuli ,i u'liiaikabli' iii.slamt' uf ilii,>, \\\m ■ iiiis hiiii (iilli (i'lNpcU. ill tli; iiiiiliifr (iii>|it I : ' it litiiij; mi niilikf tin' nlju liVl'M lies • iVV V\\' l\>i\r, ll.N niXstflll'S :ii, tlieii' ii"iii!iioii\. liui. likf il)i' Mill s.-fii ill the t\jii iii,iii(iii> N(i >.iii)iiiiu iiiiil N(i |ii'iitniui (t h is tlie siiii." (if llalv (If (ilKu f "(ii|i;iri II with i.ilicr |i,iit> uf KiiKipf. it i> hi itci ami iiiuii' jilm 'Kill il^ It .l]l|•till:^ ill my iif Ills le'lii.W NMtllt's.»l'S. it i> r liif -iiii.c Milijici tin- >.iiti(' irxfl.itinn. tilt' same truths; hni ilii*. II iiiiif ihf (iiiMi hiail-irifi'tii llMl IL' il ml till' niiisl siihlinie III' tniii (iii>|iclN, tiuM- !!iitli> ail' lo.'i tni|ilalft ami it'iirisi'iUi tr. fniMi tlifir iiiiiin- (SM'llfl 1(1 ilifir t'Mcniai a ^pi'itH. Iinni the it'imitt'sl |ia>l of Vii\ iiiul ii'MmIihI Mitli, ihf h '1. It Vim u.iulil iiiliiT h .s i;. 'otis (if a f'l 1 liaiiiiiiin ifniiiiuiti'H. I'oiiiiili I III' lii;;li('st fu|>t'sti)m' tt hi i">. ami I'l.ivMi^ !hc \\t ll-f iiiiulcd ami wtll Imi :;ii)rii' III' 'ilii'r wr tiii'r "liuK r,..ii|i!,. ,,f Dixiii, |p,,|i. His (ii..sji('l with s .lit'. TiKc tilt.' uhniuiis I'tTSLii of whom 'lii'V >\w.\*'. :i. till- lit';;iui;iii^ anil ttif t'liiliiij'. tlii' lirst ami lii'- 'hi' Mpiia ami Om ! ist. iif llivMlf wisii h.'l..M'4 ili-ripli.- t\i,li'iUly luM's ,,,„1 "l,! "II. .*uiiii' iiiv^icix mi Diviiu' tiuth. ■' i'lu If till- ilm liili'sl lll.lt Wllifll )p,;v 111 /'/ ami .,;(/ ,if tl lIxilU's to cniillllllllK .1 '/;/u/,aiiil i I ctiiitrasl ami foii1|>'i'liiiii' \i>t ; iiml \\x^: l,,,,,)^ >snmnhiti<„ of all tliii »• almil' ^'i\l'« l|^ iln. I, mwi,'-. His (iiisin'l comirn'mcs "iih I'inly ill till' />,,/(/(//)'///. wluii tlu' vvoi-lil dill ii"i Ht'\ihain;i ell •cs hy pointiii;,' to tin W "ll"ll till' Wittl' II (ialili'c : iiiiil iiiirai'iih III till' I: ">. •Mill thf rt'uiii .iiiil 1' [iri, of tlu' iSinioin •"liiiiii.iii yU\w iiiiracu's wiiicb Jesus diil. " wiiif I.I the maniiio-t. f,;isi at I'aii.i "•' ■■'l'""' «ivt'- lis till. /„.,■ of our !,„nrs mini. les. iIk > «as tiii'iKMl iiit ms iliiiuxht .1 ti wi\ iJ'Ueuf a Seer, a H islits at 1 lie sea of |'ih,.r las n i".l'i- hisioiifal stati'iiieiiis. ,.im1 iiie rhilosopl II I) e over sjienU- iiir ; fiti'ihiiiiiig both Ml ll<"|,'llls Wllii llu- 111 Mipli'st fifcdom. t ;' jindouml ,l,.|,i|,.. ,1,,. „i(,j.>,, Imlrwial unsteries. the lol'iie 111"' siihli.tn.si ihv kiiowledue of (iod ■•milt, .iiid of I His( lie ni'.i.iiti.st |),,.,.isi, ^"■;> 111 llH')iliii„s..p|i\ .,i ac' uracv wi th tin lieaxi'ii ""'"1' ('liiist.„f(;,„i 11 ill material deiails will, leaveii —that is to sa \ . i ! s providi'iiti.il ''oNeni .loidii ;?t/ir.'':;-';:'';.!''-''''^'' ■'^'•M.irU.lVoni.lielKU.tiM,. Miral lai '""' 'il^'- St \iatll >i 'Hid David ii'w s, from ,,iir l.oid s lU'sreiit Ivmn ';,'."" ;'J"''.'"'' 'W..<. //,. ,.,,/,/ '/ '■ like Si. l.iik ^ from tvi 11 A(hiii) ; hut 1 1 on/ hef n as (■• iliiiii And ihat Word. St J Wits. •■ In iii^ heiiiiiuin,/ was th' i.rr ^dl tl IIIIS' Hill in! I, (I I'l 111 •'(. .1(1./ 'I'Hi t'.\pluiiis and detim s f.'.r ii ""••i^iiU'.l nature " "■•>■< '>{JI)r \,„i (/ wv'.v ill III* in like niaiiiier i> -t U: iIiimI In tilt iM iif s .'u'c ■mill'' 'ii.iii. M'.ll III (SM ^^^|ll|| .it nlii'f III sllcll ilijilli ,(' IllfUIl ilit" . and l)t .>U(ll i:ii|) l(ll\ -- mil ihc ■■ 11...'/ iris III, I, I- ffr.s/i." Ami ivtii III llii- iliiri- (!(•»( ri|iliiiii of the urci xistfiirc of llic Wrml. Si. .Inliii. imt i\ |-.\i';iK Illf llHtll. iMlt ii|l|lilSl"* t'lTur. r u' |ili liisupliy II f I'li.P (liri'>. >Mil siiiiM'(|!iiiitl\ of l'liili» till' .I'vv. Iiiid [iliicfd a /.../., .v. .|- W II il. -a sccillll (iod [ihllli'Kis I lli'<).s] llc.sidt' tlu' t'lrilinl (ii.iL I. .ioliii. sifting the fiiiid,m:riital tintli. that there was a phi alil\ 1 riTs.iiis ill liu' (iodiii-ad. from the lituiiaii i-irnr. that tlu'iv was a ■Itiiiiliu o!' (iod->. iiCKiiowh'ilj;cs and trach s the cxisti'iicf of lliat ■ I u illi I iiiil, l)iil III it • fC.ilid r fi ih'W (Jiid ; III), litil ci-rij il<.il. And iiiilirc hou rcMiirkal)!} ihc-c tialiiivs wliicli we lia\. i^Miird to exist ill t (' ( h.ii'acIiT and xviitiiii:> of tiie '" hi'.oNe. li'CiMf ire s;icwii in his C -I lis ^t■'I•V of tile life of h;^ III a d Master lie docs iml i,n\e us a coiiiifi ted iiaiia!i\c ol ir I. Old's doiiiyx ;ind >a\in"'s. hut ratlur a clioi.e sejcttioii of the .ier '.11 eaeli o(i;i>ioii tniiis:>it. he miracle ai Mie III iniaue !( i-l of Ciiii,! is n-'orded not for its own sukc alone. liul also tor the saki' of i lie weighty words that passed lietweeii li--i:s and his moi licr, and hetwei i, them .oid Ilie seivanl-- at the irast. lutore inanifesiinir |h> ulory at that place. The cure of the iivalid at Melius la having lieen pel t'oiiiied on the Saldiathdax. d> III lil \e inaiiiiir, no i as it peatediv happens m tlie case o( till '.v.U!l;i lists) to a sill saMiu hut t o a wlidle series o -'a!i iiients and iiistruetiims from the Saviour respect inji Mejselt and his itlatioii to the Father. To the aeeoimt of the multiplication . f ! e h*iv s. wliieli is the 'inly miracle recorded h\ tiie other !.\an;ielists w i. h .'^t .lolm re|)eats. and which is evidently repeated lor the followiii'.,' pur|)os(.. there is annexed 'lie suhliiiic dnciriiie 'au<{lif l)\ Jcsiis at ( a])eriiaum ti\ which, leadin,' oH' men's t.hou<;lils 'rom Ihe'eanlilv and the xis'ii.e, he hiih tl." multitudes which wer-' 'iwiiii' iiim dv for the sake of the nu -f that penslielii, ti I:, I 'mill f,,i Ihot .// ir/iiih iinhnilh mil" .'cc/n/.v/ /'/.;/ Ii/t- liclares of himself, " / he e\es 111 (he niaii I thi' hi .1 '■/■ hh I'he aiii oii-iina o h It h.id heeii blind from his hirth. Is stil! oiitined to -.i siio'le statement of the miracle, and mentioned t'U- iis own sake; hut app-ars -.vith all the more iiii|i ' i ciiinstaiiees attending; il, and t-sp; .Mally dialiii'iies thai Iook place hetwecn Jesiis a ortaiii vvi rh all the animate lid the man whom he hai Uieil -. letween the 1 alter and the 1 harisee Old tl le tnau's parents on that oecasioii hetween the Jews. 1 The same uiav he sad o • e suhliine truths tauyflit in coiiiucti'iii with the raisin;,' o f l.a/; iru- Iroiii the - -.vhicli alioiiv in ])r(iui (if i.iiv stiitcnu'iit nniiIi ic- vd lu 'i,ii ;irc.il r.iimii, tu " ('i-C'iiile wliMU) .K'sus Invi'd,""— tliiit l.i' iiKUv' ili:m ;di Uii' i.lLu (lisfiliU's of I lu- Lt)i(l. \v;is tlu! <:rout r(p(i>^ii('iy ot Mic u,\-< ciiisnt Cluisti;in:ly, iiml tli.il lie iiioic tluin all tin- nilicrs li;is v'S].! .iiif;! mil iTvi'iiled llii'iii. H.ith his (jospcl. lv.> I'lrst l-'.pi-lli' ■>'.:({ ;« s I'xiok ..l Kovi'laiicn uie (i\('r>\ lulinii ;j; Nvilni'sso ■ I'tl'.f f'iicl V. 'I'lu'ro is lu>\M-vi'i' dill' (itlicr \H>'v.d of vit'>» i'i wliicli we iI-Mir ymi lo ((iriU'iniilat!' tlif "lrtd')V»'(l iliscii)lc," ;'iid in it to discii,; iinolh.ir and veiy s!iikiii',' IV at mo, of llic ;i ])in;)rl;il('ncss < f Iv- \)eiiii;' till' jiicai I'atron of iMi'cniasoiirv. 'I <> Iniii fnx r,,iiiiiiili,;l lli' r'tfi'. iif Ihi iri(l',w mill (•//i/(/// v.v Kroiii llic (•i'o'->< on wliiidi llu- Savinur was I'xivi'in}' lie coiniiuMiili'd lnv h iy ni iIIut ti> tl-.r > aic of Si.,Ii)liii, who from luMuefonh. happy in haviiii: an opporlniiily of shi'wir^ his love to his Lm-ii. •• /,„;/. "/,,/■ tu /u.v -■(*•// li>>int :" wlicic wo aiv toll she eoiitiiineil till rev d-utli, fcalrd by liiin with the tlmv iiii4 atVcciion oi' a son. And ni.iv not the tUin- vjason. jm'nt his sneii to he widow and orplian children to yonr F'ati'rnity, ai'd comnv.l them to yom eave, in the a«.sured ci)ntiiieiice ihat'xon will lielp, protect, and relieve thiMn? Is it not vonrs to hind n*p the lnokea- heaited. to rescue die helpless and ihe'oriih.m fmni tlie ) rovpect el wunt and ruin, and to eoud'ovt anhc«ini: inu >'iFopruUeness of Masons makini: 1dm tin ir I'a.tnio and raiten; _ Let us not nna-ine. ihereloi-e. .h:,t w.- are eonfomdiiu' I" ■' '>"''''' H!le_convenli.mality of „ur Onler wliei, wo comnieoiovate i.is anniversary,-vvhen we ass nv le, in (diediem e f. ancient ensloni, ooflerouryea,lytrd,ute,,f veneration upon the altar of Masonry. Z.1^^'^!:\T'^'T'P''^ ""^' ^vhose'preee,,ls an.l instntctio s 1 s I ; m"" "*■ ^'='^""'T itself. ^ Nor nms, we tiiink our ; endinier't ''' ""•" ^^'H' i"du>sed duties perfovtiied. by the so C h '''^ """' '''"•"^' '•-->"-"V. into wireh .nir •'{JreatI.i,dUs''of C, ^^ ^ ."^"^ ^^-^^ >^='ve hee.i tan,,hl hy the of the several and so "d ;, ! tT' "*'' "^"'.T ^'"•''''''>' "•'""""^'' "^ l^^l'ov i" the moKd work I V^^' l"'^-^''''''^' On no .la.y can onr the true >lason's nrindl! '''"""^•>' '"' '"'^'•'•' '^'•''^y 'i'f"""l-'"- desiiined for him mum omT"'*' ,'*"'"''"^ ''^ '^ ^^"^^' "*' ''^^' ''■'"'' ussembles us to-ethe" Z '!'"'"' •'''''' '"""''• '1'"" "'^ '''''» ^^'^'''^ do honour to the name of on '' "."^''r^V "^ int'iuls and brothers." to of our Order, and u, h;, "f'';''7"l>'^l>^ Nv:ts the bright exatiiplar Freemason's creed ami duty ^•n''* t.rinisnntted to posterity the received IVnm him, and aslttiini' '"'** '>''*'thren. is what we bive .society. PnuiY. AM, vxiv;.i:'"''''"'^^^^ the vitality and sonl - f our U.MVtUSAl, UKNLVOl.KNci.- \u 1 ''l'"^'' "^' *'ll MMIIY, VinTlK AM> " -^"il 1 lU'cd srurcely remark, that, in [claiuiiii^ Inicn, we llu reco>;i| lillu^traliil lliiiul our: ltd conM'il Ibcfore ihl Ibody— lU leur'faithl luiul iio A Ithe cereij ^lurselve^ I depend tl have l(ib\ [v^qiironi I will niee proiiorlii [denuunli I place in I mission I this all j histnicl I creeds. i which is iiuth" 1. ; guides t I which hi (ipeaks I aids hiir Uuoms r.ot to I cluiracti I own exi i hefare nature, cnlij,dit tli.e ro symbo tiial tl " furni of a L' illustr; as he 1 to wh' ill till f 11 chiiniiii}^ to ourselves a. Patron no cmiiieiuly superidr to oidiinuy 'men, wv assumo n<> liumhlo ^rouud in tlie scale of inonil exciUaiice. ilii ii'co^ni/iny ill his life, maimer, leaeluii;^, and spirit, iinjjressive |ilhistrations of the }j[reat duties of the l)roiherliood wu vcessarilv 'liiiul ourselves to hij,'li accountability ;— and in publicly uiideilakinj^ to (()u>ecrate a day in reverence of liis holy ,ife, we are Hoatin^ bi'torc tho eyes of the uninitiated — always a critical aiul censorious bully— the glorious haniu'r mi «hich is inscribed onr inisson i.iid (lur faith. May these reflections then arise to us, and inlluence us, luiul jic) alonj; with us durinj^ our Masonic journey tln'oii;;h li!e, from tlio ccnnnonies and eiij^agements to wiiich we have to-day conimitlKl .(I'.nsulves. May wo he forcibly reminded thereby, that upon us (li'piMul tlie prosperity and value of Masonry here ; — that we eacii have liib'iiir to ])erN)rm, and that our work must sqii'iie to meet the requirements of the (hent Uvei.se.cr. No rou^li inijierfect nslihr I will meet with his acceptance. The same exactness of fiuisii and Miioportion recjuired for the inal^'rials I'f tiie earthly temple will be (leiiKuulcd of us when ofl'erinjif our minds "as lixiny stones for a [place in that spiritual huildinj;,' not made «ith hands." And it is the lini-sion of Masonry, as I understand it— to help and direct, us in jthis all-important undertakinj,r She ])roftsscs not. indeed, to instruct her children in any particular system of etiiics, views, or creeds. Hut acts rrither as the hand-maul of reli;iioii.— thai lelijiion which is universal, and which rests on the T^o jrieat commandnuMils in th" ],aw. She points to certain moral principles and laws, and guides the faltering steps of man to that ever iiowin;; fountain from I whicji his hopes of temporal and etermd liai)piness are drawn She ppeaks to him in no ehillinf;- words of formal ceremony,— but she aids him in his efforts. Si.e throws open the doors of her Lodye I Koums and welcomes ihe wtu'thy to lier embrace. She asks him I not to jrivm u|)on heartless forms, iiUe meetiiif,'s, or unmeaning'- churacteis. With leverental awe she leads him to the .■riil nature, and those "reat duties, the practice of wliich can alone tnli^diten him, and make him a wiser and a belter man. He sees in tile room in which he stands, the j-iorious temple of Jeiiovaii liis soul is start ed with f erememorance ■" '■" "■- him. From the "" symholi^ed to his mind, and hi that the " all-seeinij eve" is on coveruif,'," the d flo .r' txist," meetiiifj on the level >'. an-' cxU'ihIiiil; tlu' liaii'l u[ iiiiiv<'is miml. Me who refjards it (.t!ier«ise — vie\v< it uh req^ lis a |)laee assij^nMl for idleness, case, or ])leasure. — to while aw ly the iiHiMctoiiy of an eveitiii;,', or to i>rijj;iiteii himself in the ceremomtiU 1111(1 formal features of the order, is hut uowiiKtlhj a mason — aeUimwledNinir no sympatliy vith the iir.]iressive teach ii)f,'s oif Masonry, ami is fdse to the olili^ations to wliich lie has deliiierately hound himself. ' Tlnil l"'reeniasonry (if such ihere lie") writes a (listinu'uiNhed Masonic Author, "which comes short of niaUinir iJl pr)ss( s^ois wiser and hettt'r im ii — which ( (intents itself with anything siiort of hrin^Mu;,' forth from its l.odges the fruits of charity; rij^hteousiiess and |)eace, — which fails to brin;,' its members bettet ac(piaintc(l with their duty t'i!? ith." a Masoiiii