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Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmto A des taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et de haut en bas. en prenent le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X I I v,: mmm :-•-- ^ f ■>/■**;: '" Wf-'^^ fW^-' W'-iJ i i»w ,<,.j4'mv " »* '.; ' 'i ' ' I . w THE TWENIV-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NEWFOUNDLAND CHURCH SOCIETY. 22nd June, 1865. St, John^Sy Newjoundland : PRINTED AT THE "TELEGRAPH" OFFICE, BY J. T. BURTON, '# <. ■^. h OFFICERS. f i ! % h Patron: His Excellency the Governor. President : The lliGUT Rev. the Lord Bishop ov Newfoundland. Vice-Presidents : The Venerable the Arcudeacon. The Rev. Rural Deans. Treasurer : W. H. Mare, Eiiq. Secretary : Rev. G. M. Johnson. Committee : Rural Deanery of Avalon : John Tunbridqe, Esq., J. C. Withers, Esq., W. V. Whiteway, Esq. Rural Deanery uf Trinity Bay } Hon. John Winter, m.d. J. H. Warren, Esq. H. K. Dickenson, Esq. Rural Deanery of Conception Bay: Hon. F.B. T. Carter, q.c. C. CrOWDY, Esq., M.D. G. T. Rendell, Esq. Rural Deanery of Fortune Bay : Hon. the Chief Justice. H. LeMessurier, Esq. Rural Deanery of Placentia Bay ; (No Return,) Rural Deanery of jYotre Daino Bay : The Hon. Judge Robinson. T. Bennett, Esq., j.p. G. J. Hay WARD, Esq. v^ i r >. ^1 f» i r f / '7 : / // S T A N i:) 1 N C R U J. J: S roll ai:B CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT OF 'lllli Newfoundland (liiuvli Society. NAME. 1. — Tho name ot tlii8 Society shall bo " The New- FOUNDLAND ChURCII BoClETY." OBJECTS. 2. — Tho objects of this Society shall be, (1) to con- tribute towards tho maintfinanco ot tho Clerj^y and Licensed Lay-Readers, (2) to assist in tho erection, enlargement, or repairs of Churches, Parsonapics, or School-Rooms, and in tho purchase of Land for Glebe or other Church purposes, (3) to provide for sale a supply of Bibles, Prayer-Books, School-Books, and other Religious Books and Tracts, and (4) to create and maintain a separate fund for assisting; tho Wid- ows and Children of deceased Clergymen of this Diocese. MEMBERS . 3. — Tho members of this Society sliall be, (1) all persons who shall have paid to their Clcrp;ymau or the Treasurer tlio two prcccdijig years tho annual 1 .^ It 6 sum of ton shilliDgs for tlio objects of thn Society ; and (2) all Clergymen .tho shall havo ofliciatcd in Ncw- ibundiaDd or Labrador tlio two preceding years with the J3ishop'8 licence. 4 — All members shall hato power to voto at the annual and other general meetings. OFFICERS. 5. — The officers of this Society shall bo (1) tho Lord Bishop of tho Diocese, President ; (2) tho Vene- rable the Archdeacon and tho Rural Deans. Vice-Pre- sidents; (3) a Treasurer ; and (4) a Secretary; tho last two to bo chosen by tho members of tho Society at the annual general meeting; but in case of resig- nation of office, or removal, of cither Secretary or Trcasuier, during tho interval between two Annual Meetings, the committee shall appoint a person to act in either case, until tho next Annual Meeting. MANAGERS. 6. — The Committee of management shall consist of tho officers of the Society, and certain Lay-Members, elected as Representatives in each of tho Deaneries ; viz., four elected by Members of tho Society resident in the Deanery of Avalon ; three by Members resi- dent in the Deanery of Conception Bay ; three by Members resident in tho Deanery of Trinity Bay ; three by Members resident in the Deanery of Notre- Damo Bay ; two by Members resident in the Deanery of Placentia Bay ; and two by Members resident in tho Deanery of Fortune Bay. 7. — Tho election of Representatives shall bo as fol- lows: — On some ' .y in Easter Week, in the year 1859, and in every succeeding fourth year, a Meeting of tho Members resident in each mission, Hhall bo convened by the Clergyman in charge at some conve- nient hour and place, of which notice shall be given (with tho Bishop's consent) in each Church in tho / \ r V ..i'i I / ^ 1 ' i f ^: /" MissioD, on somo Sunday in the previous month; at which Mooting tho Ciorf^yman, or in his ab- Bcuce, somo otbor person then to be chosen by tho Members shall preside, and the Members present siiall vote seriatim for tho presoribed number of llopreson- tatives. 8. — When the voting (which may bo continued, if necessary, sis hours, but not longer) is completed, tho presiding Officer in each Mission shall report tho re- Bttlt to the Rural Dean, and the persons who have ob- tained a majority of votes in the Deanery, shall bo elected Representatives ; provided that every person to be a member of the Committee must be a Commu* nicant of the Ghurch of England. 9 — The Rural Dean shall report the result of tho election in his Deanery to the Secretary in St. John's, the first convenient opportunity. 10. — The new Representatives shall be convened by the Secretary at the Michaelmas Quarterly Meeting ; until which time the former Representatives shall continue in office. 11. — As olten as it shall become necessary, from tho death, absence from the Colony, resignation, disquali- fication, Oi* refusal to serve, of any of the Represen- tatives, to appoint another or others in their place, a special meeting of the Members, in the Deanery whero the vacancy has arisen, shall (as soon as the Rural Dean, or, in his absence the Clergyman next senior in standing in the Diocese may in his discretion appoint) be convened in like manner as the Easter meeting, when the required Representative or Repre- sentatives shall In like manner be elected. 12. — The President, or a Vice-President, and six other Members of the Committee shall be competent to manage the business at every meeting duly con- vened. ! u y\^ \r 8 13.— All Clergymen of the Diocoso Iioldiug tlio Bi-»hop'3 license, shall bo cvojicio honorary Membora of the Co niuittoo with the ri \ ri ■ ifr :' < J 13 Church Society docs not require any Clergyman to withhold tho ordinances tl tho Cliurch in any case of refusal or neglect to pay towards his support. The above rules wero agreed to by the President and Members of the Church Society at au adjourned special general Meeting held on Friday, July 16th, EDWARD NEWFOUNDLAND, President. ^ ,ik' I I '%-V t-y< - ]■■• '■■ -:v ,\ -Li '- { il 5 II 1 J I 1 PROCEEDINGS, At tlic Twenty-fourtli anniversary of the Newfound* land Church Society liolden at St.f John's in the CalhC' dral Sunday School build ii)f'-: t9 \ \- '%r f :, ^ y Mission or District. 1863 18G4. Bi'ou^Iit forward X703 9 £GOG 18 7 St. Georj^o's 15ay 5 ^ G 6 18 6 13ay-dc Vtrd 11 iZ 5 7 15 3 BuUoraiu 5 11 9 5 8 11 Catuiina 6 1 3 3 8 6 Utinnitago Bay 20 20 rincliard's hlund 13 5 3 Fcnyland 3 15 8 2 17 6 Topisall 12 12 Twiliirigato 18 14 12 2 I'ppcr Ibland Covo 17 11 15 12 7 Grecnppond 6 5 6 4 9 Trinity 8 10 7 9 2 Moreton'a Harbor 10 19 7 2 16 9 Foxtrap 8 10 4 King'd Covo 5 5 6 6 7 7 Portugal Cove 4 13 8 4 Bonavista 7 1 2 6 New Harbor 6 14 4 15 Lamalino .15 15 15 10 2 Outharbors, St. Joha'd 15 19 3 11 2 4 Harbor Buffett 10 10 15 15 Salvage • 4 9 Chaunel 21 14 3 Heart's ConteDt 7 2 5 s X912 10 £874 16 4 It will be seen hence, that the total income ol the So- ciety for the year 1864 from the regular collections of the various Missions in connection with it, has been £874 168. 4d. against £912 10s 7d., the amount aris- ing from the same sources for the year 1863; u much 20 more trifling dimiDUtion of incomo tlian mi^lit liavo boon expcctod after a year of such ill auccoas in the prosecution ol tlio various fishorioa on whicli llio wealth of tho Colony Ucpendg. It will be romomber- cd in oxplanutioa ot tiio smullncss of tho amount ap* pcaring af^uinf^t most of tho Out-harbor Mitfeions thut tho iourth of tho actual amount collected in all plac<>a except St. John'a is all tliat is required to bo paid over to tho Trcuaurer for tho general purposes of tho Society; tho three-fourths rcmaiuing wherever tho Clergyman chooaes to retain it. In St. John'rt tho whole amount collected is paid over to tho Treasurer ; in tho first placo for tho maintenance of the Clcrjry in St. John's, and then for appropriation to tho gonerui purposes of tho Society. GRANTS. During the year 1864 the following payments have been made under sanction of votes of your Committee. X s. d. Rev. J. B. Kelly 83 6 8 Rev. T. M. Wood 50 Rev. G. M. Johnson 88 Rev. C. S. Medley 50 Rev. G. D. Nicholas 18 15 Rev. 0. Rouse 7 Rov. C. R. West 60 Rev. J. G. Cragg 60 Rov. U. Rule 54 10 Rev. R. Temple 12 10 New Church at Bonaviata 37 10 New Church at Catalina 30 New Church af Pools Island 15 Parsonage at Harbor Buffet 20 Parsonage at Lamaline 10 Repairs of St. Mary's Parsonage, St. John's 25 \.r iv -m.' 21 / S 1^ ,^^ V'"'' ^A^J Globe at Potty llarbop Globe at Portugal Oov'^ Globo at Now Jdarbor Lay-lleader a* Portugal Covo Lay-Reader at Pouch Coto Lay-Header at Petty Harbor Lay-Iieador at New Uarbor liov. J. B. Kelly Travelling ExpenBcs Kcv. C. S. Medley Travelling Expenses liov. W. LcGallais Exponses incurred in visiting Bay of Islands Rev. VV. Netten for a Book Depot Rev. U. Rule for a Book Depot British Society for uso of Ball J. T. Gurtou Printing Report, &q. Secretary lor Incidentals The total expenditure appears to have been dur- ing the past year £711 198. 3d; during the pre- vious year it amounted to £704 12s. 3d ; an in- crease for 1864, of £1 7s. Od. The total income ot the year, including interest on balance in the Trea- surers hands, has been on account of the year 1864, £907 6s. Od. For the year 1863 the income of the Sooioty was £1025 9s. Id. CLERGY WIDOWS' AND ORPHANS' FUND. Your Committee are pleased to bo able to report that this Fund continues to prosper. During the past year two Clergymen, who have left the Diocese, have dis- continued their subscriptions, while six others have become subscribers. The total number of Clergymen entitled to its benefit is now 37 — having been 33 last year, of these three arc absentees and the re- maining 34 are still labouring in the Diocese. Your £3 1 6 1 5 4 4 4 2 20 10 12 10 1 10 2 16 22 15 1 6 7 £711 19 3 |v:.'^ 22 : Committee cannot help expressing thoir regret that all who shew themgclvcs ready to take advan^ tage of the benefit of this fund, which was originated and fostered in its beginning by this Society, do not give the Society in return the benefit of their sup- port and co-operation, a benefit which the Society do- sires not merely for the sake of union, (a great bless- ing in itself, and the source of great blessing?,) but also for tho benefit of each separate Mission, — an advantage which will surely follow, if not immedi- ately, yet certainly in the course of years j as may bo proved fully by the statem:jnts of receipts and expenditure of the Society extending over the whole period during which it has been in existence. To subscribe only for the sake of personal security and benefit, is a principle under government of which a missionary spirit can hardly bo sustained ; and yet tho Clergy here are all agents of a Misdionary Church, and this Society the agency by which only, so far as tho efforts of Churchmen in this colony avail, can missionary work be carried on. The income ot the Fund for tho year 1864 has boen from subscriptions of tho Clergy £88 83. Od. Collections, £103 Os. 9d. Donations, £17 12s. Od., and interest on Loans, £104 19s. 8d., —Total £314 Os. 5d. Tho capital iTund has now reached the amount of £2397 2s. 8d., having increased after payment of a pejsioa of £40 to Mrs. Moreton by £274 Os. 5d. during the past year. By tho mercy and goodness ot Almighty God no death has occurred among tho Clergy of this Diocese, during tho past year, and ono claim only exists against the fund, being the only ono which has arisen since its first formation. SOCIETY'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. It will be remembered that in tho last Annual Re- port the desirableness was suggested of devising some } 1 'i^ ' > f 23 f*^ .1 ■■( i^ f y f means wLereby Iho expenses of tho Depot mi;ilit be lessoned, with a view to a wider ciiciilaiioii of the books, for sale of which it is cstublisliotl. Your Committee have now tho pleasure of inforni- ino; tho Clergy and members of tho Church of Eiu;- land that arrangements have been made (since the late removal of the Depot), by which eomo con- fiiderablo saving has been efiected in the expense of conducting tho business, and that as a consequence of this, a great reduction has been made in the prices of all the books kept in stock. For the future 15 per cent will be tiio hi,<;liest average rate that will bo charged on any ol tho books i/nported, while many of the books upon the Society's list will bo sold at tho Bame price currency at which ihey can be purchased sterling in England, that is to say at 20 per cent less in St. John's than at the Society's own offices in London. The Committee desire to repeat the infor- mation conveyed in the last Report upon the subject of Educational Books, viz., that tho Sub-Committeo of the Depot have added to their stock <' a supply of the Christian Knowledge Society's excellent Reading and other School Books, Grammars, Geographies, English Histories, &c." These have also been greatly reduced in price, and it is believed will bo found as low in cost as those which can be bought elsewhere, and more durable in use. Books have been gold from June 30, 1864, to April 30, 1865, to the valuo of ^232 5s. 2d. The Depository is still carried on by Mr. J. T. Burton, (who has removed to No. 164, Water-street,) under the direction of a Sub-Committee of the Church Society, and it is hoped that the change of premises and consequent reduction of prices, will render the es- tablishment more efficient and useful than before. The Bishop has not andertaken any extensive jonr- u ! licy daring tbd past year, havinn; bcdn detaioed in St^ John's by the departure of the Rev. Mr. Kelly. His Lordship did, however, pay a short visit to Concep- tion and Trinity Bays in November last, in the course of which four Churches and two burying places were consecrated with the usual solemnities. The Churches were those of Carbonear, Salmon Cove, in the mission of Biigns, and Heart's Delight and Scilly Cove, both in tne mission of Heart's Content. This mission it is gratifying to the Committee to observe^ in addition to having lately built these two Churches, still continues to support its Clergyman without any extraneous aid. The Bishop wishes it to be mentioned here that all these Churches have been assisted from a fund placed at his disposal for that purpose by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. One of the burying places referred to is a spa- cioud Cemetery for members of the Church of England, in the parish of Harbor Grace, at a small distance from the town, in conformity with the requirements of a late Act of the Legislature. Many Churches are in the coarse of erection in va- rious parts of the Island, and several will, it is hoped, be consecrated in the course of His Lordship's ap- proaching voyage of visitation to White Bay, the French Shore, Labrador, and the older established Missions between Twillingate and St. John's on his return. The Parsonage Houses referred to in the las t Re- port avo progressing very slowly in consequence of the depression in the business of the country, which is so severely felt in most of the Outharbors. Accounts have been received this spring from the Rev. R. Temple, whose presence at this meeting last year will be remembered, and who was then on the eve of setting forth to occupy White Bay as a new ,%^^ V |i|^ 25 •pliere of missionary labor. Tlio Commltteo havd iDucli satistactiou iu staling that lio lias been wuli re- ceived by tlie people, and has mot with aa much favor and success as coald be expected iu oue sliort year. They prefer however leaving him to speak for him- self OQ this subject, believing that his owu words will, be far more interesting than any account the Commit- tee could themselves communicate. He writes as fol- lows, iu a letter to the Bishop, which must be under- stood to be more or less of a private character, but which, it is hoped, may on this occasion, bo submitted as being very encouragiug and gratifying: — My Lord,— Jackson's Arm, ) White Bay, May 8, 1865. { An opportunity at last occurs of sending tidings. I h<)sten to send a 'word or two, ahhough I have nothing to reply to but your Lord- ship's letter of last September, which reached me in February. As the time is approaching at which we may hope to have the plea- sure of a visitation, you will doubtless be anxious to know it' the 'Winter has made any change in my opinions or convictions, and I am sure will be glad for me, and with me to hear that an unusually mild winter has enabled me to pursue my travels constantly, while the Bay having been filled with ice, has offered means of transit which migiit otherwise have been difficult. I have visited every part of my mission since Christmas, even Engelee, from which indeed I am but just re- turned, having walked considerably more than one hundred miles and been rowed in punt the rest. In all these various journeyings I must acknowledge a most mer- ciful guiding hand furthering my humble effort, for His glory, not for my own worthiness, but as a weak instrument of His Church and work ; so remarkably indeed, that I cannot say that I have once been delayed in a journey against my will more than a day or two,but by seizing every opportunity as ic offered, have carried out almost to the letter the original plan of journeying laid down at Christmas. And in all places have I fouiid lodging and bed, except twice when forced by a breeze of wind to encamp in an uninhabited cove and sleep by a watch-fire three nights. The people continue as kind as ever, and the first words of greeting always are — " So you are come at last ; we thought you were never coming, now you must stay a good spell.'' And when I say how impossible that would be, it is with the grea test difficulty that I can make them comprehend the M '-m r I ••P! I 26 distance t have to travei, tite number of people, and the time it will take me to perform one circuit. Even now I am hoping to pass across the Bay to-day, (if the string of ice now running up does not prevent the vessel in which I take passage) and arrive at Seal Cove, which place 1 lea on Feb. 16, and have been travelling ever since without resting more than a week in one place, except Engelee, in which I stayed two weeks. Owing to the blockade of ice in White Bay, few or no seals have been caught this winter, and the poverty is increased. Had not Mr. Lot Brett of Joe Ball's Arm, Fogo Is* and, assisted the people on credit, at the risk of tiieir non-payment, they could not have withstood the starvation which would have come upon them ; but a helper was raised up in time of need. You will not be surprised then when I tell your Lordship that my share is very scanty, and I hope you will neither be eurprised when I af- firm my determination, under God's grace, to take the Mission never- theless, for better for worse, so long as the peo])le desire to receive me. So many are the places, and so seldom do the times come round of visiting each settlement that it would be useless, and worse than useless, to build a hjuse of any kind for myself in White Bay, at pre- sent. Therefore the great cares of house-keeping and the chief ex- penses of a clergyman are done away with, and as I find myself quite able to partake of fisherman's fare, let it be fish, or bird, or seal, or none of them, I shall easily persuade those who desire my ser^* vices to build me a small room adjoining their house, in each har- bour, by degrees, and those who pay, whether much or little, will alone have, and expect my services. 1 shall make the ways of paying so easy, that the poorest man can do something, therefore unwillingness to receive me will prove itself by its carelessness to contribute to my support, and surely if 1 have served a man twelve months and he pays me nothing, 1 am no longer bound to be at his call for any purpose ; neither would it be fair toward those who help with their scanty means, that others should reap what they sow. I write m this manner, that your Lordship may direct me if I err in my opinions. From the time 1 commenced to the present, I have received about £25 from the people } and as the twelve months are not yet expired, I estimate my first year's salary at about £30, excluding board and lodgings. This will sa- tisfy me if I can continue it, but whether or not, my purpose is to have such patience as God may please to afford me, and when White Bay casts me out, to migrate northward, where the people are better off, and more numerous. But if your Lordship could and would, send a deacon to St. Anthony's Bight to minister to Hare Bay and as far as Quirpon, I could visit him once a year, or make an occasional change ot duty with him, and he would obtain a far better salary than I shall do here. The people there almost always do well with the seals; so they have this year; audit will be a great sorrow to me if so fair a portion of the shore should A r 2t V r ^ I fall to the lot of teacher'^ who would encroach upon my flock , who are all, I am thankful to say, reconciled to the Church, or at least (which is enough) to me as their minister, and to my residence among them. I am happy to find improvement in every respect in my people, and 1 am pleased to see a respect and affec- tionate obedience where it would be least expected. Your Committee naturally paas from mention of the Rev. Mr. Temple's labors, to ttie announcement that a mission of a similar nature has been undertaken to the Bay of Islands and other parts of the Western Shore by the Rev. Ulric Rule, who was ordained in De- cember last, and has since that time been servint^ iu the Cathedral Church and among the fishermen of the small settlement of Quidi Vidi. The pleasure spoken of by the Committee last year in voting £25 lor the commencement of the White Bay Mission lias again been experienced in the appropriation of a like sum to the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Rule in the Bay ot Islands Mission. The Rev. Mr. Rule has gone forth under exactly para lei circumstances to those under which Mr. Temple undertook tho Mission of Wiiite Bay, viz., a small grant (^£25) from the Society for Propagation of the Gospel, and trusting to the peo- ple among whom he labours for all additional neces- sary support.. There are now six missions in this dio- cese, maintained, (with the exception ofXlOO from S.P. G. per annum divided between Salvage and Pinchard's Islands,) out of resources raised among the people of those missions, viz., Greenspond, Heart's Content, Pin- chard's Island, Salvage, White Bay and Bay of Isl- ands. Your Committee would remark here that this duty which has, in these instances between the Clergy, Church Society, and people of these several missions, been voluntarily taken up, must in al) proba- bility fall shortly upon members ot the Church in other Missions, as it is expected that in the course of the present year an immediate or prospective rcduc- r 23 Won m\\ bo made in the income which has heretofore been granted to all, or almost all, the old established Missions of the Society lor the Propagcatiou of the Gospel, while there is very little hope of new grants being made to new Missions, on at all the former scale. All clergymen on the list of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, have been called upon to make certain returns to that Society (which has resolv- ed to reconsider during t!ie course of the current year, all its torininable salaries and grants, with a view to a more equitable apportionment of its funds anionj^ the coutinuuily incroasing number of claimants, and to such reduction in particular grants as may be practi- cable and expedient,) and there is no doubt that consi- derable changes in the way of reduction are in contem- plation, for which it behoves Clergy, Church Society, and all belonging to the Church uf Euglaud, to be prepared. • In reference to this announcement by the Society, the Committee have been informed by the Lord Bishop of this Diocese, that he has lately published in England a Plea for Colonial Dioceses in general, and tor this one in particular, to which is hoped may have the efifect of preventing any large diminution of the Society's grant to the Church in this Diocese, under our pecu- liarly trying circumstances, which it must be acknow- ledged are exceptional and different Jrom those of almost any other Diocese. An extract has already been submitted to this meet- ing giving an account of the Rev,' Mr. Temple's work in White Bay. The Committee believe the subjoined extracts from the Reports to the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel of the Missionaries at Hermit- age Bay and Morcton's Harbor, will be read with inte- rest. The Rev. Mr. CoUey writes as follows : — Our daily prayers inlhe Church at Hermitage Cove are Morning 9 A.U. i Evenng, 5 r. M., with the exception of Wednesdayi and ^t' '^ ■* t 29 h M ■t' y '^ f Fridey?, when we haTeEYei.uif» Service at 7 r. m., to ^uit tl;c fi>her- men, who by that time have j^cnerally complrtfd their (lay'«i work, and are glad to close it with attendance at the House of Ciod. " It teems good" say they ** to ejid the day by R')inj:j to Church, we feel comforted like." Of course during the summtT monih>. we are ob- liajed to postpone our evening service until after Ruti down ; and even then many times they are not ready, not even in from ihu fnhintj ground, yet there are few VVudnesdays or Frid lys when the greater portion are not there. I'ass Island — March 14lh, Mondaj. — All the fishorm^n stayed in from se*; until after mornin;» prayer. We th«n arranged about building the Chapel School, the material for which was landed last year, and would have bcHn up couM we have procured a car- penter. In the afternoon I returned to Grole — ■•aid evening prayer —baptized two children. Tuesday, March 15. — Early morning jjrayer and Holy Commun- ion, all the fishermen remainin;; till after prayers, and then went to eea, with the exception of a crew for me. Tliey began the day wel and I hope had a good day fishing. March 20th. — Good Friday. The morning being moderate, row boats and skiffs full of men, women, and children came from all the surrounding harbors to join in the service of this holy day. During prayers the wind changed to the North East, and before we left the • Church had increased to a gale so that the people could not return home. Mr. Gallop, Messrs. Newman & Co's. agent, with his wife and some of the clerks, having a very good boat and a stout crew, made a venture, only to return, most of them drenched to the skiu with the spray. Easter Sunday was a beaut, al day, and although the people were caught on Friday, and as I half thonght would be baulked for a time, a goodly number came and our Easter Hymns were sung, I hope, with glad and thankful hearts, but our Easter joy was some- what saddened by the death this morning of one of tne Hermitage planters. Few persons can perhaps understand our feelings upon the death of a neighbour, and that neighbour the poorest of the com- iiiunity. We are so linked together, and the deaths are so few, that we feel as though our brother or sister or friend had been taken away. On Tuesday I buried J. H. who ha» left a widow and three children, all unprovided for as the world would say, but no, thank God ! — Kind friends will take the children, and the mother finds a home with her mother and brother. Pushthrough. — St. Philip and St. James' Day.— Full morning service. — Baptized three children, and administered the Holy Com- munion to 33 persons, and collected 15s. 2d. at the offertory. One of my fio-'k, a trader, afterwards gave me an order for £ .0 towards the •' Chapel School" we are building here. Monday, May 2. Morning prayer early. Want on to Little Hay. r ' 1 so Called on the fishinpr RrounJ to invite the fishermen to haul up and come :o prayers. They soon obeyed my summons, and by tba time I had had a cup of iua, vt&re ready to join me in the offering of proyer and praise. Friday, May 21. Set sail for Capn La Hune (from Rencontre.) but could not go beyond the mouth of the harbor, wind and sea much too high, and besides the long lipavy swell there was the rebound of the shore, whicii made it like a pot boiling furiously. Spent the day in visiting and converbing from house to house, prayers, catechiz' ing and reading Saturday, May 22. After prayers returned to Rencontre for Sun day, because there and at New Harbor 1 can collect the greater number of people. There is also a chapel school in each place. Sunday, May 23. I spent a little time with each person who was about to paitake of the iloly Communion for the first time. Full morning service. Baptized five children, and administered the Lord's Supper to twenty-six persons. Prayers in the afternoon in New Harbor. It was a beautiful day, and all appeared glad and thankful for the holy services they had joined in. Tho lollowing ia the extract referred to from tho Rev. Mr. Cbamberlaia's letter: — During the year 1864 I have celebrated divine service 236 times 80 that when pastoral visiting occasional services and the great dis- tance I have to travel is taken into account you may easily under- stand that but little time is left for repose. The number of baptisms is rather below the average. I only celebrated ten marriages dur- ing the whole year which is a very small number and to be account- ed for by the wide spread poverty in which the country is steeped. The number of burials is ten but I have only given those at which I have officiated. The total number by licen-^ed and unlicensed rea- ders will probably number over a hundred or more. The Church at Exploits Burnt Lsland is rapidly approaching com- pletion. I am hoping his Lordship the Bishop will feel justified this summer in setting it apart for the service and worship of God by consecration. The Church ut leading Tickles is a very neat looking building and is clapboarded, double floored, and partly shingled, but not ceiled inside. The people have assured me they will use their best exertions to get it completed before the Lord Bishop's visit and they hope his Lordship will consecrate it upon its completion. The Church at Shoe Cove the Bishop has also promised to consecrate this summer. It is to be dedicated to St. Paul, and is an extremely neat building. We have had a very mild winter this year and travelling has been unusually good. I have been enabled to visit several harbors, some of them three or four times, including Black Island, Exploits, North- •->^ ♦' .r ,.^ ■.t i' \r Si em Harbor, New Bay, New Bay Head, and Laadiug Tiokles, Some of these places had never been visited in the winter '>i:*fi>ie by any of my predecessors and m two ot them (New Buy .d N'oiihern Harbor) service had never been ])reviously held. The welcome I received was indeed hearty and pleasing. Many of my fl )ck could not be persuaded for some time that I had rtviily anivt'd umoiij» them at that unusual season of the year. Tlit' fuUiowni,' litilclni- dent may afford some interest. Tired and worn ouL with the du;iea of the day and a severe aiiaok of sickness I was resiiii;,' in n ti^lier- man's house on a bitter cold night at New Biy Head when some people came and enquired for me. They had walked o\t;f u mil(? on very slippery ice out of New |{ay Ht-ad, and a wonian with a child wrapped up, and crying most piieously asked me if I would bapiiza it then. It was about 10 I'.M. Godfaihfis ami Godmotheis were already provided. They told me they had heard i was to leave tor home the next day, and apprehensive I might depart without calling at their place of abode, they had endeavoured to guard aj^'aiuNt not having their baby christened by coming to me that night. 1 told them I had no intention of leaving till I had been up in New Hay and purposed visiting that place on the morrow, and would (as I felt too unwell to perform the aer>icethRt niglt) then baptise the child. The woman seemed quite satisfied wtien I promised to como next day, and told me that her sister also had a child and was desir- ous of having it christened. Some idea may be gathered of the work to be done, when I give you an account of the manner in which I spend Sunday. At 8 a.m. I leave Moreton's Harbor for Tizzard's Harbor, distnnce 3 miles. Upon my arrival there I have three sick persons whom I contiive to visit before divine service, which is at 10.30. After this I re- turn and hold service at Moreton's Harbor at 3 r.M , and at 7 i> m. I go to Western Hfad, 2^ miles to hold service in a planters kitoiien. I have some sick persons to visit there, so that I cannot leave for home much before ten and do not arrive till eleven. This makes three full services, visiting sick, and a walk of fourteen miles, my Sunday's work. My time is fully occupied. I scarce know what it is to sit down to an hours undisturbed reading. The following will give you some idea of a Missionary's labor in an Out-harbor of Newfoundland. Upon the Feast of the Annunciation, 1 left home at 9 30. Walked 1^ miles into the woods to a miserable tilt where I baptized two children. The youngest was wrapped in a sheet and a coat of the father. It has since died. I then visited my Church-warden who lives during the winter in a tilt and from thence proceeded to ano- ther. As I was leaving the last I met a man who desired me, if possible to go up to WeBtern Head to tiee a sick young woman I called at a planter's hcu&e, where every Tuesday I bold cervice I! u l! i S2 fnd got tho ' old Hkipper" to accompany me to see an old man* af^ed 80, and his wife 65, win were desirous uf seeing me. I reach- ed tiie pojr couples home — a poor miserable hovel affording littltf j)rotectioii from the blasts of the howling wintry tempost, Here I learned tliiit the man had seen no clergyman for five years. I read to thu old man St. Luke's account of the crucifixion. My next visit was to tiie old couples Kon, who lived near. He was out, but having flpoken a few words to his wife, I hurried to Western Head to see tiie Kick youn;:; woman. [ was met by several of my flock, and en- quired about their circumstances, and begged them to come to the service I intended holding the next evening. I then bent my bteps to the house of the poor Kick young woman, and found her in a state of extreme exhaustion. I left, promising to visit her again on the morrow, to bold divinp service. 1 did fo. The sight was indeed (solemn and affecting. The kitchen was crowded with sixty ])erson8.and I observed many old persons present. In a room on the same floor, lay on a bed, (probably her death bed) my sick young friend. She had thus an opportunity of joining in our public worship. I might go on to record many incidentd, more or less interesting, but for the present this must suffice. Since tho last Annual Meeting of tho Church Society, the Committee have had the pleasure of welcoming:, and the disappointment of parting; from, the Kev. Mr. KeHy, who arrived in June last to fill the place of Incumbont of tho Cathedral Church, which appointment be was compelled to relinquish in October, from failure of health, and to return to England. Your Commitee have great satisfaction in stating that they have recently heard the tmexpected good tidings, that after a short absence from England, Mr. Kelly has returned with health so much impioved as to make him willing and desirous to resume the work, which ill health had com* pelled him unwillingly to abandon, with, as it seem- ed at the time, very little prospect uf his being ever able to return. The Committee are assured all members of tho Church of England in St. John's will rejoice in the prospect o' seeing Mr. Kelly once more among them, and wiUjoin in the expression of the hope that he may long be preserved in the health and strength to which be has been happily restored. v^ 33 ».j ,>:j The last Annual Report closed with mention of the anticipated departure of Sir Alexander and Lady Ban nerman, and with an expression of the (Jommittee'o appreciation of Sir Alexander's firm and judicious administration of his government as beneficial to all classes of the community, aud of Lady Bannorraan's numerous and various charities, private as well as pub- lic. Sir Alexander's departure in September was fol- lowed by his unexpected death in the beginning of the present year, intelligence of which was received by all with deep regret. Your Committee have great pleasure in informing the meeting now assembled, that an address of con- gratulation, presented to His Excellency Governor MuHgrave immediately on his arrival, was very gra' ciously and kindly received by him. His Excellency at once accepted the office of Patron of the Church Society, and has since become a contributor to its funds. The Governor, your Committee are pleased to observe, has moreover shewn himself ready and dosi- lous, not only to assist by his liberal pecuniary aid, but also personally to promote the objects of this So- ciety, which are so important to the whole commuaity, in its highest interests. 1/ r Oq Wodnosdoy, October 12, 1864, tho Hight XicV. the President aud the Goininittoo oftlio Newfoundland Church Society waited upon Hid Excolloncy the Oov- tirnor, by appointment, and presemtud the following Address ; — To His Excellency Anthony Musoravb, Esq., Governor and Commander in- Chief in and over the Island of New) and land and its DependencioSy ^c, 4cc> i'c. May it please Your Excellency,— The Officers and Oommittoo of the Newfoundland Church Society desire to congratulate Your Excellen- cy upon your safe arriTal, to exorcise the high and important office of Representative of Qer Majesty in the Oovernmeot of this ancient dependency of the British Crown. The Society we represent is established, as wo be- lieve you have been made aware, lor the purpose of securing to the members of the Church of England within the limits ot your Excellency's Government the ministrations of our Reformed Church in all their ful- ness. It is a Society which has obtained, year by year, increasing favour and support among the mem- bers of the Church of England. It has since its for- mation enjoyed the patronage and support of all Gov- ernors of this Colony, and Its agency has been largely blessed of Almighty God in extending the blessings of true religion along the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador. We venture, therefore, respectfully to so- licit the honor of your Excellency's accepting the of* fice of Patroa of this Society. X>' k ^ 55 In conclusion, wo deaire to osauro your Excolloncy that our prayers sliull not bo wanting that God may 1)0 pleased to boHt()V7 an abundant blessing on the ox- erciso of your hij];h onice, — that it n»ay tend to tho promotion of all tho interests — especially the iiighcet interests — ol all Ilcr Majesty's tubjecta committed to your ExccllcDcy'a care and chorgo. EDWARD NEWFOUNDLAND, President, H t i-*.* K)'^\ ■^t^ REPLY. Government House, > I2th October, 18G4. 5 My Loud and Gentlemen, — I thank you sincerely for your congratulations on my safo arrival to discharge tho duties of he hiijh of- fice with which 1 have been entrusted bj the favour of our Sovereign. Tho nature and objects of your Society were not unknown to mo even before they were explained in your Address and tho Annual Report with which I have been kindly furnished. They have my cordial sympathy; and thouph Jccling with diffidenco how liitlo my personal aid in any shape may help your pro- gress in the work which specially belongs to you, I accept with pride tho honor which you ofler of being Patron of your Society. 1 assure you that I heartily appreciate your promise that your prayers shall not be wanting for the blessing of tho Almighty upon my endeavours to promote all tho interests — rcpccially the highest intcrcsis — of all ot Iler Majesty's subjects over whom I am appointed to preside. 1 am deeply conscious how much I need rr :>*■ 5 1 5; I, S6 those prayers, and how unwise it would be to trust merely in ray own strength. Earnestly desiring to be faithful to the Colony whose affairs are committed to my supervision, and believing that I shall so best discbarge my duty lo the Queen, I crave the petitions of all Christian bo- dies that I may bo endowed with understanding, and guided by wisdom higher than my own, in discharging the duties which may from time to time devolve upon me in the exprcise of the functions of my station. I dare only say for myself that I am uufeignedly anxious to do mv duty impartially, and to spare no effort in 80 doing to promote the glory of God and the welfare of His people who are in certain relations committed to my charge. A. MUSGRAVE. To the Officers and Committee of the Newfoundland Church Society. i ! f l/* ,3? ! « i 1 1 TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. Dr. .Vewfoiindland Church Societj in Acci u;tl Expenses of Annual Meeting Printing Report, &c. Ilev. J. li. Keliy, (Cathedral) Ilev, T. M. Wood, (St. Tlionias' to ^larch 31, 18G.j) llev. G. M. Johnson, (Cathedral to JNIarch 31, 18G5) Ilev. G. M. Johnson, (St. Jolin's Oulharhors) Rev. C. S. Medley, (St. Mary's to March 31, 186.5) Rev. Ulric Rule, (Cathedral) Rev. Ulric Rule, commencement of Mission in Bay of Islands Rev. G. J). Nichola.o, (Cathedral) Rev. O. Reuse, Rev. C. R. West Rev. J. 0. Cragg Rev. R. Temple, commencement of Mission in White Bay New Church at Bonavista New Church at Catalina New Church at Pool's Island Parsonage at Harhor Buffett Parsonage at Lamaline Repairs of St. Mary's Parsonage,|St. John's Glebe at Petty Harbor Glebe at Portugal Cove Glebe at New Harbor Lay Reader at Portugal Cove liay Reader at Pouch Cove Lay Reader at Petty Harbor Lay Reader at New Harbor Rev. J. B. Keliy, Travelling Expenses C. S. Medley, Tiuvellinuj Expenses \V W. LeGallais, Expenses incurred in vibiling Bay of Islands W. Netten, for a Book Depot ]iev. U. Rule, for a Book Depot Spcretary I'or Inci'lentaU Bulaiice due Newfound. and Church Society Jiev. Rev R ev. £ ». d- \f) 22 a6 83 C 8 50 8o 3 50 () 42 12 10 18 15 7 60 GO 12 10 37 10 30 15 u 20 10 25 3 1 6 1 5 4 4 4 2 20 10 12 10 1 10 2 1 6 7 880 7 1 £1592 6 4 We have examined the above account and find it correct. JOHN WINTER, ? , , , (i. T. REN DELL, (^-^^^^dihrs. J^ r •f/' ^ V ii}{t% \V. II. Mark, Treasurer. Cr. Balance from last account Rev. Gi M. Johnson, Cathedral Rev. T. M. Wood, St. Thomas, St. John's Rev. C. S. Medley, St. Mary's, St. John's Rev. G. M. Johnson, Quidi Vidi Rev. A. Bayly, Bonavista Rev. T. Boone, Twillingate Rev. G. S. Chumberlain, Moreton's Harbor Rev. E, Colley, Hermitage Bay Rev. J. G. Cragg, Pinchard's Island Rev. R. Dobie, New Harbor Rev. Benjamin Fleet, Foxtrap Rev. A. Gabriel, Lamaline Rev. G. Gardner, Heart's Content Rev. G. Gardner, own Subscription Rev. G. M. Johnson, St. John's Outharbors Rev. J. Kingwell, Harbor Buffett Rev. W. Kirby, King's Cove Rev. \V. W. LeGallais, Channel Rev. H. Lind, St. George's Bay Rev. J. Marshall, Belloram Rev. W. Meek, Upper Island Cove Rev. W. J. Milner, Greenspond Rev. W. J. Milner, Greenspond, own Subscription Rev. W. Netten, Catalina Rev. J. M. Noel, Ferryland Rev. C. Palairet, Topsail Rev. J. F. Phelps, Portugal Cove Rev. O. Reuse, Bav-de- Verde Rev. B.Smith, Trinity Rev. C. R. West, Salvage Offertory Collection, at Cathedral ,St. John Baptist's Day 1864 « " St. Matthew's Day, 1 864 «• « at Ordination, Dec. 18, 1864 «• •« Ascension Day, 1865 »< « Trinity Sunday, " Intereet on Current Account, to this date ^ V E. & 0. E. St. John's, Newfoundland, June 22nd, 1865. £ s. 9 685 4 434 5 195 5 4 46 5 9 1 1 2 6 12 12 2 16 9 20 5 13 4 15 4 15 2 10 1 15 10 11 2 4 15 15 5 7 7 21 14 3 6 18 6 5 8 11 15 2 7 5 14 9 10 3 8 6 2 7 6 12 4 7 15 3 7 9 2 4 9 2 16 6 4 8 1 10 6 2 14 9 2 5 3 19 4 3 £1592 6 4 i1 W. H. MARE, Trewurer. Dr. Depot Suh Commiltee of the Newfoundland Church 1864. £ s. d, June 30. — Amount of Sales for the half-year ending June 30, 18U4 150 18 5 1865. >lay 1.— Amouut of Sales from June 30, 1864, to May 1, 1865 232 5 2 £383 3 7 Dr. The Newfoundland Church Society in account 1864. April 30 — Balance in Union Bank July 25— Cash from Mr. Burton Aug. 8— •» " ♦• Nov. 26— « " " 1865. Jan. 24— « " « June 15— « " " £ s. 18 1 75 10 33 18 24 17 d. 3 2 2 81 9 82 6 4 4 £316 2 3 Audited and found correct, JOHN WINTER. ? ^ ..,„. G. T. RENDELL, \ '^^^^^^'' fJociety in account with J. T. Burton'. Cf. 1864. ly. 25— By Cash JuAug. 8— " ♦,' —Commission on £150 IBs. 5d., at 10 per cent. ^' — Water rate, half year " — Cartage Nov. 26— Cash 1865. Jan. 25— " June 10— Sufferance for Books " — Cartage •• — Water rate " — Printing Circulars, &c " — Cartage for removing Books *« — W. V. Whiteway, for Rent •« 15— Commission on £232 58. 2d., at 10 per cent •« —Cash £ s. d. 75 10 3 33 18 2 t. 15 1 10 1 10 1 24 17 2 81 9 4 3 2 2 10 1 5 41 5 t. 23 4 6 82 6 4 £383 3 7 -> with the Depot Svh- Committee. 1864. Aug. 10— Bill fof Exchange to S. P. 0. K. (£96 ? 17s. 7d.,stg. S 1865. Jan. 10— Insurance of Stock from Fire March 21— Bill of Exchange to S. P. C. K. (£69 ? Is. 6d., stg.,) S Jnne 16 — Account for Postage '• 22— Balance in Union Bank ( Cr. £ s. d. 118 3 10 2 5 82 17 10 112 8 7 6 1 £316 2 3 GEORGE M. JOHNSON, Secretary J^ewfcundland Church Society. # r Tht Clergy Widow*' and Orphans' Fund in Account W. H. Mark, Treasurer . us'itk Cr. il 1864-5. Balance from former account including 7 June 22. —Bank DtiDosit Receipt for £361 11 l Kev. G. 1). Nicholas (1864) £943 2 3 1 Rev E. A. Sail (1864) 3 Rev. C. Walsh, (1864) 3 The Lord Bishop 3 Collection in Cathedral 15 15 1 Collection by Rev. 0. M. Johnson 9 6 Colonel Synge, donation 1 Rev. A. Bayly 2 Collection a^ Bonavista 12 Rev. M. BlacUmore 2 Collection at Bay Roberts 4 8 6 Rev. T. Boone 2 Collection at Twillingate 4 6 6 Rev. G. S. Chamber ain 1 Collection at Moreton's Harbor 6 Rev. E. CoUey 2 Collection at Hermitage Cove 7 3 6 Rev. J. Cunningham 2 Collection at Burgeo 2 Rev. J. G. Cragg 2 Collection at Pincbard's Island 1 14 2 Rev. J. Darrell 2 Collection at Herring Neck 1 10 Rev. R. Dobis 2 Collection at New Harbor 5 Rev. A. Gabriel 2 Collection at Lamaline 2 7 Rev.G. Gardner, 1863-4 Subscriptions & Fines 4 8 Rev. G. Gardner, 1865 2 Collection at Heart's Content 12 6 Rev. J. C. Harvey 2 Collection at Port-de-Grave 1 16 Rev. W. J. Hoyles 2 Collection at Carbonear 3 7 Mr. W.C. Hawker 10 Rev. G. Hutchinson 1 Rev. G. M. Johnson 2 Rev. R. M. Johnson 2 Collection at Fogo 2 Rev. B. Jones 2 Collection at Harbor Grace 5 18 r RtT. W. Kirby 2 yf • ^ Carried forward £1,058 14 itti r ' The Clergy Widowi* and Oipfians' Fund ^•__^^-_^^-^i^''» treasurer. 186-l-i To amount brought forward Collection at King's Gov* Rev. J. King well Collection at Harbor Buffett Rev. W. W. LeGallais Collection at Channel Rev. H. Lind Collection at St. George's Bay Rev. J. Marshall Collection at Belloram Rev. W. Meek Collection at Island Cove Rev. C. S. Medley Collection at St. Mary's Rev. J. Moreton Rev. J. Moreton, Donation Rev. J. Milner Collection at Greenspond Rev. J. M. Noel Collection at Ferryland Rev. C. Palairet Rev. J. F. Phelps Collection at Portugal Cove Rev. O. Rouse Collection at Bay-de- Verde Rev. W. Rozier Collection at Burin Rev. E. A. Sail Rev. B. Smith Collection at Trinity Rev. R. H. Taylor Collection at Brigus Rev. R. Temple Collection at White Bay Rev. C. Walsh Rev. C. R. West, 1862,-3,-4 Rev. W. K. White Collection at Harbor Britain Rev. T. M. Wood Collection at St. Thorn a»' Interest on Loan No. 1 Interest on Loan No. 2 Interest on Loan No. 3 (half year) Interest on Deposit Receip'w Interest on Current Account M in ^ce9uni with C». £1,058 14 1 9 1 2 1 8 2 1 19 11 2 4 1 4 6 2 3 14 2 i 2 12 2 2 16 3 1 16 < 2 f 2 3 7 ; 1 12 6 1 2 18 10 2 1 16 2 16 3 2 ; 1 17 5 1 . 3 13 1 1 5 3 6 2 6 4 2 18 6 9 •34 10 II 36 ■« 1 1 16 f) 5 2 i 13 2 s 1 £1,262 2 ' '« The Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund in Account wUh W. H. Mare, Treasurer. Dr. £ $. d. A Year's Pension to Mrs. John Moreton 40 I'aid Estate of Wra. Freeman, for Property ' purchased by the Lord liishop, to beai In- ^.q ^ ^ teresl at 5 per cent, per annum, payable ' ** half yearly, on 1st May and 1st November^ Balance in the Treasurer's hands 572 2 8 jei,262 2 8 E. & 0. E., St. John's, Newfoundland, June 22, 18Gu. W. H. MARE, Trfasurer. We have examined the foregoing account and find it correct. ' > Auditors. JOHN WINTER, G. T. KENDELL. Statement of Money belonging to Clergy Widoivs^ and Orphans^ Fund. Loan No. I, @ 6 "^ cent interest « No. 2, @ 6 ^ cent interest " No. 3, @ 5 ^ cent interest Balance in Treasurer's hands £ s. d. 575 600 650 572 2 8 £2,397 2 8 ^ 1 I \ The following Clcrfjymon are entitled to expect tlio benefit of the Clergy Widow's and Orphan's Fund. Rev. A. Bayly " M. Blackmore " T. Boone " G. S. Chamberlain " E. CoHey " J. G. CragjT " J. Cunningham " J. Darrell " R. Dobie " A. Gabriel " G. Gardner •' J. C. Harvey «' W.J. Hoyles •« G. M. Johnson " R. M. Johnson " B. Jones '* J. Kingwell •' W. Kirby Rev. " W. LeGallais «' H. Lind " J, Marshall '' C. S. Medley " VV. F. Meek " J. Milner '* Julian Moroton " J. M. Noel " J. F. Phelps " U. Rouse " W. Rozier " E. A. Sail " B. Smith ' R. H. Taylor " R. Temple " C. Walsh " C. R. West " W. K. Whito T. M. Wood. N.B. — Clergymen subscribing to the above Fund are requested to be punctual in forwarding their own pay- ments, in conformity with rules 4 and 5, and in making collections throughout their Missions, and forwarding them to the Treasurer, a^ required by rule 7. Subscriptions paid after Jan. 31, in each year, will come under a fine of 10 per cent. Sec Rule 5. ^ f> STANDING RULES OP THR Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund. 1. — The Newfoundland Church Society's Special Fuud, for assisting the Widows and Orphans ot de- ceased Clergymen of tho Diocese of Newfoundland, shall consist of all monies paid to the Treasurer ot tho Society for that object. 2. — The Committee of tho Church Society shall have the management of tho Fund. 3. — Every Hundred Pounds of available surplus shall bo invested by tho Committee as opportunities occur. Smaller sums shall bo deposited every quarter in the Savings' Bank. 4. — All Clergymen in the Diocese holding the Bis- hop's license may secure the benefit of this Fund Sy cotiiributing, within six months from the first day of this present July, or within one year ol obtaining their license from tho Bishop, as follows: — (I) Unmarried Clergymen, and Widowers without a jhild, one pound (£1) per annum: (2) Married Clergymen, and Wid- owers with a child, two pounds (c£i2) per annum. 5. — Subscriptions shall become due on the 31st day of December, each year. Thirty days grace shall be allowed; but every Clergyman neglecting to make payment within that time, si. all forfeit his claim upon the Fund, to bo recovered only upon payment ol ar- rears with ten per cent thereon. 6. — Any Clergyman neglecting to subscribe accord- ing to Rule 4, may securo the benefit of the Fund, at * 'W tliC option ot tlio Comnilitoc, oti tho payment of two pounds for each your from tlio first-day of tlio present July, or from the day of Ins being liocuaod by tho Uiahop. 7. — Every Clcrizyman sccurinp; tho benefit of tliis Fund, will be expected to make, and forward to tho Treasurer, a yearly special collection from every Con- gregation in his mission, and to solicit annual subdcrip- tions from individual members. 8. — 'I'ho Widow of every Clergyman who shall have paid his annual subscription, and forwarded an annaai collection, till his death, or till incapacitated by mental or bodily infirmity, shall be cncltled to re- ceivo a yearly Pension of thirty pounds (.£30) cur- rency, during widowhood. 9. — If tho Fund should at any time permit, tho Cora- roittec may incroase tho amount of Ponsiou to any sum not exceeding £50; such an addition, however, being subject to be withdrawn wholly or in part, should tho Btato of the Fund not warrant its continuance. 10 — If the Widow die or marry again, tho Pension shall be paid to Trustees for the benefit of such Child- r3a of the deceased husband, as may be, if boys, un- dsr siicteeD, if girls, under eighteen years of age. 11. — The Trustees named by a deceased Clergyman, in the event of the death or marriage of his Widow, shall be recognized by tho Committeo in paying, tho Pension for the benefit of the child or children ; but if the Trustees so named aro unwilling or unable to act, tho Bishop of the Diocese shall act as Trustee in the application of the Pension. 12. — If the wifo dio before her husband, his child or children shall receive the Pension, so long as there is a claimant under Rule ten. 13. — The pensions shall bo paid half-yearly by tho Bishop's order on the Treasurer on the first of Janu- V 1 ' . ai-y and first of July. 'I'ho firat puymont to bo calculat" c(i ior ilio iutorval from tbo hudbuud's deutb to tho day of paytoent. 14. — If a Clcrjjymau, havinj? joined tho Fund after, tho 24th June 1863, removes trom tlio diocese after having served less than fourteen years, his connexion with the fund shall cease, and ho shall be entitled to receive back half tho amount of tho annual subscrip- tions bo has paid. If he removes after having serv-' ed fourteen years and less than twenty-one years, he shall be allowed to remain in connection with the Fund by paying au annual subscription of six pounds, or nine pounds if residing within tho tropics; or ho may re- ceive back half his annual subscriptions, upon which his connectioQ with the Fund shall cease. If he re- moves after having served twenty-one years, ho shall be allowed to remain in connexion with the Fund by paying an annual subscription of Five pounds, or sovea pounds ten shillings if residing within tho tropics : or he may receive back three fourths of his annual sub- scriptions, upon which his connection with tbo Fund shall cease. All Clergyman in connection with the Fund previous to tho 24th June, 1863, to be governed by the original Rule 14 thereof. 15. — A. yearly statement of tho Treasurer's account with this Fund shall be published with tho Society's Report. 16. — None of the above Rules shall be altered, or repealed except at a general meeting of the Ghurcli Society, and after a full years notice to the membcra of the proposed change. " The following is the original Rule 14, governing Clergymen in connection with the Fund before Juno 24, 1863. 14. — If a Clergyman removee, with the Bishop's vV/ conaoDt, from the Diocese, after officiating in it not Ic88 than seven yours, he shall bo allowed his claim up- on the Fund, on tho payment of an annual subscription of throo pounds (X3) ; or, \i bo desire it, may receive back half the amount ho ban paid; whicii repayment shall roleaso the Fund trom oil bis claims upon it." Tho abovo Rules; with tho exception of tho new Rule 14, woro at^rood to by tho President and Mem* bers of tho Ghnrch Society at a special general meeting held on Wednesday, July 14tb, 1858. EDWARD NEWFOUNDLAND, President- f^i ;■ ! » \ lU- APPENDIX. SUBSCRIBE RS . ST. JOHN'S. Cathedral £ s. rf. £ s. rf. Cook, William A. His Excellency the ? Governor > ^(\ Cowan, Charles 1 o\j u v Crimp, William 5 Alexander, Robert 6 Crimp, Robert 5 Allward, John 12 Crossman A. 1 Baker, Frederic 12 Crowdy, Joseph 6 Baldwin, John 10 Crowdy, Charles 6 Barnard, Miss 12 Davey, E. 15 Beenlen, Misses 1 10 Daymond, William 12 Beer, John 10 Duder, Edwin 15 Bendell, Joseph 5 Earle Henry 10 Bennett, Thomas 4 Edens, J. A. 2 Bennett, C. F. 5 Fever, William 7 Bennett, T. 5 Fisher, Robert 10 Bennett, £. 10 Eraser, Mrs. 1 Benson, Joseph 10 Eraser, Miss 10 Bevins, H. 1 Eraser, J. W. 10 Bond, John 10 Furneaux, H. J. 5 Bowring, Messrs. 15 Fumiss, James 1 Bowring, John 15 Furniss, Robert 5 Brooking, & Co. 30 Gill, Henry 1 Bursell, George 12 Goff, Richard 7 6 Butteris, Ethelred 5 Greenway, Elias 1 10 Canning, John 2 Goodridge, J. 1 10 Carter, Gapt. 6 Goodridge, J. F. 5 Carter, Frederic 5 O.Graham, Alexander 3 Carter, Robert 1 Hart, Ca 3t. 1 4 3 Carnell, Samuel 1 4 Harvey, I Elichard 1 4 Chalk, John 10 Haywarc , G.J. 4 Clarke, George 8 Haywarc ,G. F. 3 Clift, J. S. 6 Hayward ,A. 0. 3 Clift, Thomas 6 Hay ward, H. E. 1 Clift, Charles N. 1 10 Hiscock, Frederic 10 Collis, J. H. 10 iHiscock, Richard 5 II, £ s. d. .i * Horwill, James Horwood, John Horwood, Thomas Uutchings, M. Hutchins, Philip Johnson, Mrs. O. E. Knight, Mrs. Lang, Frederic Langston, Henry LeGallais, Misses Le.Messurier, W. W. Lovejoy, Dr. McCoubrey. J. VV. MagiU, William Mare, W. H. Marett, Elias Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, John Mooney, Mrs. Motty, Phili j Mountain, Mrs. O'Donnell Mrs. Pearse, William Pennock, William Pennock, Alfred Piliey, Mrs. Pope, W. S. Itedstone, William Kendell, Mrs. E. Kendell, G. M. Keiideil. John llendeii, George llobinson, Judge House, William How, VV^ B. Row, Thomas Ryland, J. 1). Skeffington, J. Skinner, Samuel Smith, J. W. Smith, T. R. Smith, J, Tolson Smith, John Smith, Henry Snow, Selina £ s. d. 1 1 Snow. Mrs. 5 Southcott, John 1 5 1 Souihcott, J. T. 1 5 1 4 Spraggon, W. M. 10 12 10 Squires, Mrs. 10 10 Stabb. H. H. 10 G Stabb, H. J. 1 Stevenson, 1 Stevenson, Eldred 5 6 2 Summons, E. 1 4 1 10 Tessier, James 1 1 Thomas, N. 2 10 Thotnas, Henry 1 3 Thomas, Matthew 10 20 Trelegan, R. 12 1 Tucker, E. D. G 10 I'ucker, Mrs. E. I). 1 10 10 lunbridge, J. 4 1 LJdlo, Jolm 1 10 10 Vallence, F. 5 a 50 Wakeham, Mrs. 1 1 Walters, Captaia 1 10 Warren, J. H, 2 10 5 Warren, Miss 2 a 10 Watkins, Abel 10 0. 12 Webber, George 1 h") Webber. George 7 G 1 Weir, Richard 10 a 1 Westcott, Thomas 1 10 White, George 10 5 Whiteway, W. V. 4 1) l> 12 Whitton, Peter 12 20 Widows Mite, 7 6 10 Williams, <\ alter 1 10 Williams, C. S. 10 10 Williams, J. 7 e 1 Wills, Samuel 1 5 Wills, Charles 10 5 Withers, J. C. 4 G 10 VVithers, John 1 2 Yonrig, James 5 1 Sums und(y 5s. 13 6 \5 15 5 £4:34 5 a # m m. t CLERGY WIDOWS AN rUND. Bowling Messrs. Uowring, John Oowdy, Joseph Edens, J. A. Greenway. E. Hutchins, Philip Trelegan, R. Warren, J. H. Warren, Miss £ s. D OUPUANi 3 2 St. Thomas's. Austen, Samuel Alhvard, Ann Arnott, George Batstone, John Bowring, W. B. Bayly, James Burton, John, '63 & Bolt, Sarah Boden Robert Bugden, Benj., '63 & Brooli!--, Stephen Blackailer, William Butt, William Chiet Justice The Charles, Wm. H. Cook, George Clapp, Gilbert Cliit, Theodore Carter, John, '63 Coaker, Ann Coen, Captain Canning, Samuel Canning, John Cane, Charles Cole, John Cor nick, Edward Crawford, Mrs. Pickenson, H. K. Dymond, Samuel Davenport, Wm. 1 5 2 1 10 6 10 12 £9 12 1 4 5 2 2 '64 1 1 10 '64 13 5 1 1 2o 10 10 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 5 5 U 10 England, Charles Ferris, Wm « Ferris, John "iGill, Wm.,.'63&'64 J: Grimstead, Wm. Jr Grimstead, John ^ Green, Charles ^ feireen, John J: i Harvey, Eugenius ' Ilayward, James J? Harvey, A. W. _^j Hoi well, Richard JHanmer, Noel ^Harvey, John ""jHill, Nathaniel I Hill, John olHiU. Mary 0|Hunt, Robert 0|Hewardine, William OiHellver, John Hodder, William Holden. Richard Jarvis, E. L. O;jocelyn John Jarvis Leonard 3 Jackman, Mrs. OKerr, J..H. (R.N.) Kelligrew, William OKnighr, Genrge Ke.u r, C. W. o'LasIi, J. & G. 1 Leach, John Uj Lewis, George 0|L'iiigHton, Henry 0;Li*comb, Thomas Langdon Charles OiJjaskey, Gcorj^e Meshani, Charles Mudge, N. & Co. Marriot, J. W. Mabin, John 0Murr^5y,Captnin, R. E Moore, Commissary Moore, E. L. Moore, Mrs. E. L. Moore, Edward £ s. d. 5 16 15 15 5 10 10 10 20 2 2 12 1 4 5 1 U 10 (i 2 10 12 G 1 12 2 1 12 10 1 1 10 10 1 4 5 11 1 10 5 7 6 5 2 10 3 2 1 1 4 1 4 10 10 u 10 ^^^ -; ^ vr f > t- Moore. Joseph Masey, John Merle, Anthony, Martin, William Minchinton, Wm. Muir, Robert Murren, Thomas Military. Royal Artillery: — Captain Wright liickards, Dr." Lieut. Taylor Lieut. Prother Non-Commissioned OJR- cers and Men Royal Canadian Rifles :- FortJAdjutant Gilnaore Nicol. John ('63 & 64) Olie, Robert Outerbrids;e, J. Pinsent, H. J. Pinsent, Hon'hle. R. J. Pinsent, Charles Purchase, Jonas Prowse, D. W. Parnall, John Parnali, W. J. Parnall, Thomas Peniiock, George '■?' Peach. John Rendell,G. T. Ryland, C T. Ryland. Mrs. C. T. ]tyal, Thomas Redman, Wm. ('63) Robinson, G. (R. N.) Rovveli, Richard Simms, Wm M.D. Simms, Joiin Srabb, Ewen St abb, Mrs. Stabb, Thomas W. Sfabb, Nicholas S. Sejmour, II. W. £ s. d. £ f. cf. 10 , Stirling, Edgar 1 10 6 Thomas, W. P. 3 Thomas H. C. B. 2 1 2 .Thomas, Elizabeth 10 I Thompson, George 10 20 Winter, J.,M.l)., 2 1 10 Wiiisor, Thomas 1 Wyatt. F. J. 3 3 Wood, H.T. B. 1 Wood, J. B. 3 1 4 Wiihel, C. P. 7 6 15 Wilton, Charles 12 1 4 Wiikie, Thomas 10 12 6 Winsor, James St. ^LvE 1 4 1 3 £195 5 4 1 10 i-'s. 10 Blackler, William 1 1 1 Blackler, Thoma., 5 1 5 3 Bennett, Thomas, J' r. 5 1 Bibl)ings, John 10 4 Bibbings. James 10 1 5 Bolt, William 10 10 Bowdep, Henry 8 2 10 Burgoyne. Peter 10 U 15 Carter, William 10 5 Colton, John 1 9 9 Cluett. Charles 5 5 Cook, Henry 1 12 Cousens, Edward 1 1 Cousens, James 5 2 ('owan, John 1 1 Cox, Fel^r 5 5 OjCraniford. Ilcniry 5 5 OjCurtiss, Edwin " 10 1 4 OiClark, John 10 10 iJuchemin, Peter 10 2 IJuchemin, Jamf.' Ij 1 ID Ellis, Charkvs, Jui.'r. 12 (> \ 2 Ellis, Henry 10 1 0| Ellis, James 10 2 ^\ liales. Samuel A. 10 2 o; jotr, Samuel 5 (1 1 1 0. GoUiiworlhv. James 1 i^ I i Gray, George Harvey, James Harris, Samuel Hayward, John Hutchings, George Hounsell, Messrs. & Co. Kent, Alfred Long, Thomas LeMessurier Henry LeMessurier, Peter LeMessurier, Henry Wm. Moore, James Newman, Messrs. & Co. Nixon, Charles Pinkham, Wm. Puddicombe, Richard Kankin, Richard Heed, George Reed, William Reed, John Roberts, William Shepherd, John Smith George £ s. d. 1 1 1 10 10 2 5 15 1 1 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 10 5 5 6 1 3 10 £ s. J. Stevens, George 1 Tessier, Lewis 3 Tessier, John 2 Thomas, Joseph o Whitten, George Jn'r. lo Whitien, Henry J'm-. 5 Whitten, John r> Westcolt, George 5 Withycomb, Gilbert 10 Withycomb, Thomas 1 Winsborough, James 5 Woods, Thomas 1 Sums under Ss. 19 6 £46 5 9 Christ Church, Quidi Vidi. Heal, William 10 Snow, John 10 £10 BAY-DE-VERD. £ s. d. Brine, James Blundon, Charles ^ Blundon, Henry 6c Bros. Blundon, John Barter, William sr. Barter, William jr. Biggs, William He Bros. Cosh, Robert Duffett, James sr, Dutfett, John sr. DufFett, John jr. Duffett, Henry & Bros. Emberley, John & Sons Emberley, Joseph Froud, William Garrett, Jonas Hutchings, Thomas Jacobs, James & Suns Jacobs, Joseph sr. Jacobs, Joseph jr. 18 10 2 7 10 10 11 1 1 2 1 8 1 2 1 10 10 11 8 1 15 5 8 I) 6 6 3 £ s. d Jacobs. George sr. Lockyer, John & Sons. Lockyei-, William Lockyer, Joseph Lockyer, John jr. Piccot, Ellas lleens, William Sutton, John Stephens, Henry Stephens, John sr. Stephens, John jr. Grates Cove. Atkins, William Atkins. James Avery, Thomas 1 Binson, David Bajfit, George Brewer, Abraham Churchill, Jol.n 8 15 9 10 8 9 6 10 O 6 10 10 10 9 3 5 10 1.) 10 6 10 VI. 5 5 5 10 10 £ s. d. Churchill, Charles 5 Hodder, Thomas & Sons 1 Holloway, William 5 Jeans, William Lambert. William Martin, Noah Martin, Absalom Meadus, William Meadus, Henry & Son 15 Norn's, James 7 3 Norris, Susan 5 Vyse, James & So ns Waldron, James Warren, James Sums under 5s. Capeijx Cove. Cull, George £ s. d. 1 10 10 3 6 3 31 1 1 BELLEORAM. Alson, John Brenton, Joseph Buffett, Benjamin BufTett , Ambrose Burdock, Joseph Burdock, Benjamin Cluett, Wm. Thomas Cluett, Wm. Martha Cluett, Thomas, J'r. Cluett, Owen & John Cluett, Samuel Cluett, John & Son Cluett. William John Cluett, Samuel, J'r. Cluett, George Cluett, Thomas, S'r. Dicks, George Dicks, William Diott, Samuel Fudge, Edward Fiander, Thomas Foot, John Grand y, John & Sons Grandy, William Gould, Philip Gould, George 4 5 10 10 5 5 12 17 12 10 11 3 15 5 10 10 o 5 6 14 5 1 o 5 10 dL/ 9« 6 Kearly, James Kearlv, John OKeddie, Widow Lee, John Lawrence, Morgan Moulton, Morgan May, John 6 Pine, James 6 Pool, Stephen Romkcy, John llomkey, Jacob Rose, Thomas & Sons Rose, Robert OiStrawbridge, Samuel 0|Shepherd, William OJSkinner, William Tibboe, Jonathan 10 Tulk, William Whately, John Williams, James Young, Hugh Young, James 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 10 5 15 10 10 5 7 10 10 5 5 8 5 £22 3 10 U 4 vn. BONAVISTA. f :! Brown, George Dominey, John Rowsell, Samuel Skelton, Dr. £ s. d. 5 2 6 5 10 £ a. d BiiiD Island Co ve. Robert Tiiiey 1 £2 2 6 CATALINA. £ 8. d. Avery, Newman Bremner, Alexander Bremner, Mrs. Bremner, R. & J. Clouter, Henry Diamond, Caleb Duffett. William Hiscock, John jr. Hiscock, Edward Jeans, Stephen Jeans, John Manuel, John ft. Manuel, Mrs. M. Manuel, George Martin, Peter 1 5 12 1 5 10 5 10 6 1 7 10 5 5 10 6 Martin, Thomas Norman, John Raymond, George Rennie, D. Rogers, Joseph Stone, Ambrose Stone, Mrs. Stone, Thomas Stone, Mrs. Ann Stone, Robert Willis, Elias Willis, Edward CHANNEL. £ s. d. Anderson, John Allen, William Bragjc, William, S'r. BufFett, William Ball, John Blackmore, Philip Bragg, John Buckland, George Baglej , Francis Bragg, Wm. J'r. Collier, James Collier, Thomas Chaisson, Jeddore Carter, George Carter, William 15 10 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 5 5 1 10 2 10 12 10 10 5 5 £ s. d 10 10 6a 5 5 6 5 6 5 15 5 £13 13 6 1 1 £ s: d Collier, Philip Dicks, Philip Dicks, Henry Dicks, Thomas Dennis, Thoma*. S'r. Dennis, Thomas, J'r. Evans, George Evans, William Eastman, Robert Eastman, John Friend, A. Gale, William Oillam, John Oalpin, Joseph Galpin, John 1.K 15 10 10 10 1 15 10 15 8* 10 7 8 15 >■ r> 5 17 6 ^> v' 1 o la ^ Vltti ^ :i ^> ' £tt £ s. d. £ s. d. liillarri, Thomas 2 10 Matthews, tliomas 5 Gnle, Edward 15 Moore, William 1 5 Gallop, Joshua 1 5 Meredith, Chas. Henry 1 17 6 Gale, James 1 Mockford . James 1 5 Galpiii, George 10 McLean, Daniel 1 5 Gale, John, Jr. 15 Osmond. Charles 15 Garatt, Thomas 1 Pike, John, S'r. 1 5 Green, John 1 5 Pike, Elial 1 5 Oillam. Michael 10 7 Pike, Timothy 10 Gallop, John 1 5 Parsons, Ambrose 15 Gale, Thomas 10 Parsons, Williui 1 u Gillam, Wm. 3 2 6 Pike, Samuel 1 5 Gale, John, S'r. 15 Parmiter, Joseph 10 Harding, Charles 17 6 Pike, Elijah 10 Keeping, James, S'r. 2 10 Read, George 1 Keating, John 10 Read, Samuel 10 Kendle, Robert 10 Reeves, William 1 Keeping, John 13 Robinson, Stephen 15 Keeping, William 1 Stickland, Wm. 1 King, Matthew 16 Sams, Thomas, Jr. 15 Kendle, Samuel 15 Sams, Thomas, Sr. 10 LeMoine, J obn 1 Sams, Reuben 10 LeMoine, George 15 ''tickland, Thomas 12 6 Lomond, Isaac 12 elTapp, John 10 Lomond, George 12 6 Walter, James 10 Lewis, Robert 14 Young, James 1 Murphy, Charles 2 10 Youag, Benjamin 15 Murphy, Edward 1 5 MorriSi John 10 £86 16 9 Marett, Elias 1 Moore, James 1 12 e' FERRYLAND. £ s. d. £ t. di Carter, A. 10 Hall, Wm. & James 10 Carter, W. 10 Jennings, Daniel 10 Carter, James 1 Payne, Peter 10 Morry, Arthur 1 Payne, Thomas 5 Morry, John 15 Winser, Peter 1 Rendell, Richard 5 Bay Bulls. Winser, Henry 1 ^k^*^ ^ ^h^ 4^ ^i«^.«i^* ^ White, John 10 4 Hall, John 1 Aquaforte. {"ost, Richard (i qt. fish] £9 9 f IX. HARBOR BUFFET r. Burton, Charles Burton, Edward Bendell, Thomas, Jr. Bendell, John Coliett, George Dicks, William Dicks, George Dicks, John Dicks, Henry Gregory, William Gilbert, John Hollett, John Hann, Robert, Jr. Jarvia, Robert Read, Henry Shave, Thomas Shave, William Shave, Joseph Tulk, Charles Tulk, Richard Upshall, Peter, Sr. Upshall, George Coliett, Mrs. T. E. Coliett, Phoebe Coliett, Eleanor Coliett, Lucy Coliett, Richard Coliett, Mrs. R. Chambers, Mrs. C. D. Hann, Thomas Hann, George Masters, Samuel Mason, George Fish, qtls. 1 I i £ 1 3 h I i i h i h i 1 i h i 1 u I Drake, William Gilbert, Samuel Upshall, Joseph Wakely, Isaac Coffin, Robert Fish, qtls' I k 8. 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 d. CLEEY WIDOWS AND OKPHANS FUND. 3 Coliett, Richard Haystack. Allen, James Coffin, Samuel Fish, qtls. h h 8. 10 d. Spencer's Cove. Fish, qtls. Brown, Henry Brown, William Boutcher, George Boutcher, Thomas Boutcher, John Peach, John Rod way, James Rod way, John White, Robert White, William Wareham, John h I I i h h I I £ 8. 10 Slade, James Little Harbor. Fish, qtls. Upshall, Christopher i Arnold's Cove. Chick, Mark Guy, Ambrose Guy, James Guy, John Hollett, William Hollett, Philip 1 } 1 1 1 1 £ 8. d. Boutcher, John Boutcher, Jonathan 10 12 C0ME-BY-CHANCEi Adams, Thomas 1 $ Woody Island. Allen, Thomas Uarratt, James Barratt, Jonas Case, Albert Hussey, William Marshall, William Fiercy, William Williams, John Williams, William Williams, James Warren, Thomas Barratt, Robert Williams, Edward BURGEO. Chambers, James Peach. Charles Young, George Fish, qtls. 9 h h I 1 1 h h h d. £ s. 1 12 5 10 Lockyer, Joseph, Jr. Lookyer, John Lockyer, George Williams, John Bennett, G. Ih Billings David Brown, Timothy, Sr. Ewing, James Hamilton, Robert Lockyer, John Trowbridge, Thomas Trowbridge, Samuel Mekasheen. Best, George Best, John Best, Mrs. J. Uuss, James Burnt Island. Fish, qtU. 1 i 1 d. £ s. 2 5 Pack's Beacu. Browr, John Bolt, Samuel Bolt, Thomas Barratt, Benjamin Haines, Henry Hussey, Peter Brown, Henry Monks, John Fiith, qtls. 1 h h I 10 10 7 7 10 15 1 4 12 6 7 6 a a a £ s. 10 5 Henry, Dear Pardy, Joseph Pardy, Philip Fish, qtia i k Ragged Islands. Warren, John 10 Isle Valen. Fish, qtl. Dowding, Esau h Green, William h Habgood, George it Lockyer, Joseph, Sr. 1 Lockyer, James ^ Lockyer, William 14 Little Harbor. Denty, Thomas Peevy, John Baine Harbor. Brown, Henry Bishop, James Clark, Thomas Hiscock. Samuel House, Charles Miles, William Vlatterface, Charles Penum, James Rodway, Richard Senyer, Joseph Smith, William Smith, Philip Smith, John, Jr. Smith, Samuel 4 i 4 k 4 I i 4 I 4 4 I I 4 i!aia«aip««»«'< t- r^ .f. XI. Fibh, qlls. Smitli, JoRrph ^ Sliuvc, Samuel i Slade, John, Jr. i SlaUe, Thomas i Valer, George i Flat Island Cove. Whittle, Charles h Oderin. Bailey, Joseph, Sr. 1 Bailey, Joseph, Jr. 1 liailey, James i brown, Charles 1 Brown, James iJ Chick, William 1 Chick, Samuel i Collins, Thomas 1 Clarke, John i Clarke, Richard i Fowler, John | King. Kobert % King, Thomas ^ Monk.s, James Slade, John, Sr. SmiU), Thomas Smith, Janits Traverse, James Traverse, Thomus Traverse, John Williams, Thomas Bailey, Nel.«on Bailey, Mrs. N. Hailey, Thomas Clarke, Joseph Smith. John, Sr. Fish, qtia. i k £ s. 15 10 12 o 5 k h d. Great Tlacentlv. Bradshaw, William 5 IJradshaw, John 10 Croucher, James 1 U £103 HERMITAGE BAY. £ s. d. £ 9. d Hermitage Cove Rose, James, Sr. 5 Roberts, Robert 1 Dowding, John 1 Roberts, John 10 a Engram, Thomas 1 Jlobevts, Charles 1.5 Francis, Aquila 1 Woods, Thomas 2 Harris, George, Sr. 1 Gaultols. Harris, George, Jr. 10 Hatcher, George 10 Barnes, William r> Mead, James 10 Brooking, Thomas .5 Mead, Charles 8 Cox, William 10 Mead, George s Cox, James 5 Mead, John 10 Cox, Abraham 5 Rose, Robert, Sr. 1 Carter, Henry 5 Kose, Robert, Jr. 10 Clark, Robert 5 Hose, Jessie 1 Gallop, W, J, 3 Rose, Henry 1 Gallop, Ed. C. 5 Rose, Henry, Sr. 10 Holmau. H. T. 10 Rose, Benjamin 10 Hunt, John 5 A^ // — ^z^ t I TTouNe, John W orris, Abraham Meech, William Millmun, James Nowmtin, Hunt & Co, Pawley, F. 11. Pitts, William J{enclal, linger lloberts, John yimpson, Caj)tain Simms, Jacob Snook, Samuel Taylor, W. J. Taifin, Edward Ward,ThDmp.8 Sums under 58. GROLli. Burton, John liurton. Robert Beal, Elijah Cox, James Cox, William Cox. Itobert Cribb, Widow Fudge, Job Fudge, Widow Langdon, William Marks, Thomas Mark, Charles Pelitte, John, Sr. Petitte, John, Jr. Petitte, Robert Rogers, Luke Rogers. William Stickland, Robert Stickland, James Stickland,Thos,'G3,&Gl Stickland, William Stickland, Widow Taylor, Morgan /: a. 10 u 10 u Ti 5 10 5 .-5 1(» 5 Ti L' 12 10 6 r> 10 li 1 10 15 1 8 5 15 8 10 5 10 5 11 5 5 1 (I (I ^ Pass Island. Bobbott, Matthew 1 Hull, Edward JO Cribb, Robert * 8 Kngram, Thomas Fudge, Jorctniah l''u(l>,'f, Thomas Fudge, James I'udgp, Jeremiah, Jr. Langdon. James McDonald, John Miicliull, Robert Newman, Henry Newman, James Newman, Joseph I'ercy, George, Sr. Percy, John Percy, John, Jr. Percy, Joseph Percev, George, Jr. Picot, Woses Ridout, Robert Ridout, James Ridout, Joiiu Ridout, ](obcrt, Jr. Uidout, Robert Jas. Rose, Henry Rose, John Rose, William Spencer, Robert Spencer, Robert, Jr. Simms, Robert Stickland, John Stickland, Philip Tonchings, Josepli White, Ri)bert Warren, IJonjamin Wills, William ICai'i: LaIIim: Bagg, James Hagg, John Barter, Charles Barter, Wm., Dominey, John Dominev, John, Jr. I'ink, John Pink, John, Jr. OPink, Hugh XII £ s. d. 10 10 1 (t 10 8 « 8 5 15 d U 8 15 10 O 8 10 8 8 1 1 8 8 5 15 8 8 1 8 10 1 10 O 10 10 8 8 10 1^ 5 6 5 5 10 10 5 • XITl. C s. d. £ i. d Pink, Walter 5 Rencontre. Wkst Cul I)e S \c. Ball, John Ball, Reuben 1 1 McDonald, John 12 6 Ball, Abraham 15 McDonald, Matthew U 10 Ball, Richard 10 a Spencer, Stephen 1 Ball, William 10 Spencer, Matthew 15 {) Bowdcn, Richard 10 Spencer, Stephen 5 Clothier, John 1 Clothier, William 10 Fransway. Clothier, George 10 Abbottsbury, Uichard 5 Clothier, Charles 6 a Childs, George 15 Childs, James 1 Carter, Archibalu 10 Chapman, Georga 15 Durnford, Uobert 1 Chapman, William Durnford, Samuel 15 Durnford, Thomas 1 Durnford, Richard 8 Durnford, Thos. Jr. 1 ])ol!imount, Samuel 12 Durnford, George 14 Dollimount Lewis 15 Durnford, John 10 DoUimount, Levi 8 Earle, Joseph 1 Inkpen, Thomas 15 Oosney, Henry 6 Masden James 15 Hutch ings, Thomas 8 6 Spencer, John 15 LaFosse, Thomas 9 Lance Cove. Spencer, Matthew 1 By sums less than Ss. 4 Jean', Augustus 10 Tucker, Samuel lU East Cul de Sac. New Uardoh • LeGros, Joseph 1 Courtenay, Charles 8 Parsons, William 10 Fudge, llobert 8 Richard's Hardor. Green, George 10 Harris, George 8 Hardy, William. '63&'64 2 Hannum, Job 10 Hardy, John, (i3' & '64 1 Jeans, John 9 Hardy, John, Jr. 8 Jeans, Augustus 15 Hardy, James 5 James, John 15 LaFosse, John 5 James, Joseph 15 Pack, William 10 LaFosse, John 1 Rose, William, 'G3&'64 1 u Mmrks, John 8 Skinner, Abraham 0. 1 Knott. Thomas 1 Skinner, Wm., 'G3&'64 1 Knott, John 5 (J Skinner, William 16 Parsons, John 1 Skinner, Thomas 8 Priddle John 9 Simms, John 10 Roberts, James 10 Wormald, James 5 Symes, Kmanuel 10 Wilsie, Wm. 6 Thorn, William 15 Warren, James 5 ,, ' \ I XIV. £ •. (/. 4 ' ^ IlTTLE HaRBOII. Simms, John , O fl Simmst David 13 Bkinner, Jamei o 12 Simms, Itobert 10 DuAQON Bay. McDonald, Valentine 5 Morris, John 8 MUSQUITO. Buffett, Snook 10 Toole, John O 5 Bonne Bay. Churchill, William 8 CaioH, William a Lee Matthew 1 Mead, Henry 8 Mead, Charles W. 8 Nash, Widow 1 o Nash, Henry 1 Nash, Charles 8 Stickland, Georgd 8 Thompson, Dr. 1 4 PUSHTHROUOH. Cremer, John 6 Foot, Robert 10 Fever, Enos OK) Garland, John 10 Garland, Thomas 1 Grey, Thomas 10 Hoskins, George 10 King, Nathan 10 King, William 5 King, Charles lo Lee, Widow 10 Lee, William 10 Lee, John 8 Lilley, Jonathan 10 Lilley, Wilson 10 Nurse, Widow 10 Nurse, Robert 8 Roberts, Widow 1 £ 9. 1 10 10 U 10 10 10 10 6 15 8 8 Rowsall, Edward Hobertd, Morgati Roberts, Charles Spencer, Matthew Spencer, William VVarren, H. Great Jervis. King, George Penny, John l o Ware, Thomas o 5 Little Bay. Baldwin, John li Idwin, James Figram, Robert NorthcoUe, WjUiam Welsh, William RoT'MD Harpob. ^ Hann, William 8 ^ Kendal, John 1 );, Kendal, John, Jr. » Kendal, W'Hia 1' Lee, Johi l o Lee, ThoDias l o Lee, Matthew 10 Lee. William 5 PlCCAIRE. Coombs, Charles 10 Coombs, Charles, Jr. 8 Coombs. Edward 10 Engram, Robert 10 Nash, Charles 8 Nash, Thomas Nash, Henry 0" Matchera, William Matchem John Mead, William Mead, Thomas Fubby Cove. Good. William Hardy, John McDonald, Henry Jr. Barrisway Cove. 5 5 10 5 10 5 5 10 10 d. XV. ippplf ^ £ s. d. £ s. d. McDonald, Jolin Sr. 10 Bay Despair. McDonald, Thomas Northcotte, Henry 5 10 X Cribb, John Fowler. C. S 2 5 Norlhcotte, Henry, Jr. 5 *v X v/ TT It* J v.* • K/m Stickland, Thomas 5 Dawson's Covi J* 10 10 Crew. Samuel £164 8 G Wills, llobe't KING'S COVE. £ &. d. £ s. f/- Brown, George 15 Gould, Robert Jr. 5 Brown, John Sr. 10 Gould, Charles 5 Brown, James Sr. 15 Miles, Henry 6 Brown, James Jr. 7 6 Shears, John 12 6 Brown, Samuel 7 4 Brown, Thomas Sr. 15 Red Cliffe. Brown, John Jr. 10 Bowen, James 5 Brown, Joseph 10 Quinton, Charles Sr. 10 a Brown, Henry 5 Quinton, Charles Jr. 10 Candow, D. & Mrs. 1 Quinton, fVilliam 10 Candow, David 5 Quinton, John 10 Coffin, John Hancock, J< McBraire 10 10 Quinton, Christopher 5 Hancock, John 10 Tickle Cove • Hancock, James 10 Hancock, William Jr. 5 Candow, David 1 Monke, John 10 Cross, John 6 Muggeridge, John 5 Knight's Cove. Prince, Samuel 6 Hancock, William 10 Q Prince Hannah & Sons 8 Hancock, Philip 8 Q Skeffington, Adam 5 Taylor, John 8 6 Seal Cove. Taylor, Richard 8 6 Moss, Jacob 5 Taylor, Robert 10 Prince, John Sr. 9 6 Keels; Prmoe, John Jr. & Mrs. 6 Open Hall. Coffin, Samuel Hibbs, Abraham 10 5 6 Fitzgerald, John 8 Long, William 10 Fitzgerald, William 5 Moss, Barnabas 10 ?' itt. I^toss, Abraham I'enny, Edward Penn}, Isaac Penny, Thomas £ s. Hellyer, James J Hellyer, Richard Htgdon, William Higdon, Benj., Sr. Hefford, James Millar, William i i k k k Pollett, James Thorne, William Woodman, Robert Woodman, James Williams, George Williams, Thomas DiLDo Cove. £ 8. Moore, Edward & Bro. 15 George, i'homas G £11 7 £ f. rf* d. Elford, Charles Xewhook, William Piasent, John 7 6 Fish, qtls i k k H xvnr r. 5. d. Pr 5lty, ^Robert & Sons | Pre!'}'. Joseph & Sons li Head, James \ Smith, Robert & Sons li Smith, George J Smith, Martin \ Green Harbor. Hanmer, William & Sons 1 N.RMAN's Cgte. d. Smith, Robert Newhook, Charles Newhook, James Rend, Jacob 5 Fish, qtls. I i i £ *. rf. Thorn, John 4 Warren, Benjamin 1 Ltttle Ridge. Cooper, William i Chance Cove. Bright, Jamos k Hellyer. Elijah k Pedel, John k Roae, Benjamin k Smith, Emanuel h Smith, William k Smith, James i Smith, Jacob 1 Smith, Nathanaol 1 £17 12 6 OUTHARBORS, ST. JOHN'S. Petty Harbor. Allen, Richard Allen, Richard, Mrs. Angel, Edward, Jr. Boden, William Bulley, George liuHcy, Richard Chafe, Jacob, Sr. Chafe, Jacob Mrs. Chafe, Henry G. Chafe, Robert 'ihos. Chafe, Edwin Chafe, Thos. (Wm.) Chafe, Edward Jr. Cnafe, Robert (Wm.) Chafe, Nathaniel Chafe, Samuel (Wm.) Chafe Jacob (Henry) Chafe, Emmanuel Chafe, Samuel (David) Chafe, William [Henrv] Chafe, Edward [Thos."] s. 1 1 i2 10 10 12 1 5 1 5 5 10 12 10 10 5 1 Ti 5 • £ s. d Chafe, Richard Allen Chafe, William Jr. Chafe, Jacob Taylor Chafe, Solomon Chafe, Thomaa (Thos.) Chafe, David M. ('hafe, Frederic Chafe, George Sr. Chafe, Nehemiah Chafe, Henrv A. Chafe, George [Wm.] Chafe, Philip Chafe, Jacob [EdwardJ Clarke, Richard elements; Richard Denham, Walter Goss, Nicholas OJLee, Thomas & Sons Lee, Wjlliara Mills, John Mills, Ralph flreaice, Mr». 8 3 7 7 6 1 10 8 6 6 6 5 7 6 a 5 5 G 1 5 11 1 ft 1 • H I '■ 1 xrx. £ ». I i XX. rORTUGAL COVE. / > £ s. d. £ 5. d. Beer, John Jr. Cook, Thomas Harding, Esau Harding, James Pickett, John Wright, John Broad Cove. Clark, William & Sons Squires, Joseph, (Win.) Squires, Peter Squires, William Tucker, Elias Tucker, Henry Tucker, John 12 OlTucker, Jonathan loo 5 5 5 5 10 7 7 5 5 5 8 Tucker, Richard, Jr. Tucker, Robert Tucker, Stephen liKlL ISLK. Cooper, Jumes Haley, William liiscock, George Ilets, Thomas (for 1S63) Normore, Thomas 5 8 10 10 12 5 5 5 6 5 £8 6 1 PIXCHARD'S ISLAND. £ s. d. Pinciiard's Island. Blackmore, Philip. Sr. 5 IJlackmore, Philip, Jr 5 BlackmorGj, Wm., Jr. 5 Blackniore, Wm., Sr. 8 Blacktnore, John, Sr. 7 Biarkmore, Patrick 10 Blackmore, John, Jr. 10 Blackmore, George 10 Blackmore, David 5 Blackmore, Thomaa 5 Davis, George 5 Davis, Thomas 5 Davis, James 5 Gill, Thomas 8 Gill, John, Jr. 5 Gill, Robert 5 Gill, Jo.seph, Sr. 10 Gill, William 6 3 Gill, Henry 6 3 Gill, Peter 6 3 Gill, James, Sr, 6 Gill, Jame.i, Jr. (i Gould, JohR « 0, Green, Daniel Green, George, Sr. Green, Robert, Sr. Green, Robert, Jr. Green, Job Green, Abraham Green, Samuel Green, George, Jr. Green, Thomas llann, John Hall, John, Jr. Norris, Henry, Jr. Norris, Levi Sainsbury, John Sain.sbury, Francis Sainsbary, Thomas Sainsbury, George Sums Under 5s. Swain's Islanij. Winser, Samutl Winser, Geo-ge Winser, John, Jr. Winder, Jamc* Winstr, Divid £ 9. d 8 8 8 7 G 6 7 6 7 G 7 6 5 10 G 5 6 6 6 G 1 16 10 10 10 10 f) 9 XXT. £ s. d. £ *. d Sum under 5s. 2 C Cape Island. Cat Harbor. Andrews, John, Sr. 5 Andrews, Peter 5 Gibbons, Matthew 5 6 Sura under Ss. 2 6 Parsons, George, Sr. Sums under 5s. 1 5 7 3 Flower's Island, Keenc, Joseph. Sr 12 Cape Freels. Sturge, John, Sr. 5 Sums under 5s. 7 6 Cooke, Cornelius Hann, John 5 5 £22 11 9 Sums undtr 5i 14 3 ' ST. GEORGE'S BAY. Sandy Point. < Butt, Solomon Dennis, P. Sr. Forrest, H, H. Hennessey, Hoare, P. LeFilatrc, Edward LeFilatre, F. LeFilatre, S. LeGrandain, J. LeRoux, E. McKay, S. Messervey, P., J'r. Messervey, W. S'r. Messervey, Charles Messervey, John Morris, John Parsons, John Pierivay. George Renouf, John Renouf, Isaac Renouf, P. Ronu'in, E- L. Shaw, Thomas Shaw, William Suiers, S. £ s. 10 1 1 1 5 6 {/. Suiers, W. 0| Shears, John 01 12 6 12 1 5 5 17 1.0 15 13 15 15 1 10 1 5 6 15 15 15 15 10 Oi The Barachoix. OiEvang, Thomas 3|Gale, Charles 6, Gale, John 3 Gilhara, John (iillenlan, Moses 0|Henlan, P. C. 0;Henlan, Edward S'r. 6 Ilenlan, P. Henlan. Edward Ilenlan, Edward, Jr. Ilenlan, \V. f^iLeggp, W. Leggc, Emanuel Legge, Thomas OjMorris, Lydia Morris, Robert ojShears, S. Shears, M. Sum under is. s. d. 12 6 5 10 12 ^ 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 £29 2 XKll SALVAGE. Salvaqb. Brown, Joseph Sr. Brown, John (Joseph) Brown, Henry (Josepli) Brown, Joseph (Henry) Brown, William (Henry) Brown, John (Henry) Brown, VVm. Sr. Brown, Jomes (William) Brown, Joseph (Wm.) Burden, James Sr, Burden, Henry Burden, James Jr. Burden. Andrew Dyke, V^illiam ])yke, Edward Dyke, Richard Dyke,Benj'n., Reuben } and Richard I Dyke, Joseph Habgood, Williana HabfTood, John Kelligrew, Edward Lane Jas,[Sailor's Island] Moss, Wm.(CowHead) Old ford, Thomas Oldfoid, George, Jr. Oldford, Andrew Sr. s. £ a. 10 5 5 d 5 7 10 5 5 1 10 5 5 5 10 5 5 d. 2 6 8 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 0, oi 6 Oldford, Andrew, Jr. 5 Squire, George 10 Squire, John 5 Sums under 5s. 1 13 3 Bauuow Harbor. Handcock, James & Sons 10 Flat Island. Haliett, Jonas 15 Hiscock, Edward 5 Grandfield, Henry 10 Moss, Richard 5 Ralph, Eli 5 Ralph, Stephen 5 Ralph, Charles 5 Ralph, John 5 Pike, James 15 Samson, Wm. 10 Samson, John 10 Samson, Wm. Jr. 5 Samson, Maria 5 Samson, Joseph 5 Samson, James 5 £11 14 5 r SOUTH SHORE. £ a. d. Lance Cove. Kelly, George Kelly, John Kelly, Solomon Upper Gully. 5 Andrews, Henry 5 AnarewB, Henry (2) [0 5 Warford, John Andrews, Eliza 5 Qi Warford, Isaae Andrews, Hecter Coats, Charles Coats, Charles (2) Daw, John Daw, Isaac Morgan, Abraham £ s> d § 7 6 5 5 5 6 Fish, qtls. i k XXIII. Lower Gullt. Daw, Abrnham Daw, Silas Kellioui;\vs, Anthony, Abraham Drow, Isaac Drow, William Daw, Solomon James S. Henesy Snow. Edward Tilly, William Tilly, John Whittcn, Josiah Sums under ds, Middle Bight. Butler. Jos. & Alfred. Butler, Wm. & Nathl. Butler, Mat., (Chas.) Butler, Charles & Jane Butler, James & Fanny Butler, John Butler, John, Jr. Butler, Henry Butler, Emma & Ellzbth. GrifRn, Thomas Haines, Jonn & Ann Haines, Henry Petten, Edward Taylor, Abraham Sums under ds. £ $. d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 1 10 5 10 7 6 6 5 6 5 5 10 5 5 10 9 6 Malpy, James Porter, Theoph Porter, Samuel Ridout, Richard Ridout, Robert Ridout. Reuben Hidout, William Ridout, Sol. & Pollico Sum under ds, Butler, James [2] Butler, Charles Butler, John Butler, Jacob Delaney, William Delanev, Elias Delaney, John Pagan. Michael Pagan, William Graley, James Graley, William Porter, Nathanael Perrin, Richard Perrin, Charles Porter, Richard Long Pond. 6 6 6 8 5 6 6 6 2 6 Fish, qtls. I I i I Kennedy, John, Jr. Petten, Edward (2) Fox Trap. Butler, James Batten, William Bishop, Joseph Cable, William Cable, Jacob Graley & Kennedy Bishop, Charles CoUett, Rhoda Collett, Robert Gieenslade, Matthew Fish, qtls. Greenslade, William J Greenslade, Thomas \ Kennedy, Jacob Kennedy, Absalom Noseworthy, Widow £ s d. Noseworthy, Jacob 6 Porter, William 6 Porter, George 5 Porter, Jonathan 6 Pope, Stephen 5 Reader, Uobfl(iit; 5 oiSearle, Sam\^ £ s. d. 6 10 10 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 10 e 6 a 9 i ixir ■•,< f IStanley, Charles Sums under 58. Beard, William Beard, James Daw, Jacob Eason, William Eason, John Kennedy, John Kennedy, William Ferrin, John Taylor, Joseph £ $. d. 6 C 7 6 Fish, qtls. k k Manuels. Smith, Robert Smith William Smith, John Sums under 5s. Williams, James Deducted for sundries £. a. d, 5 5 5 5 Fiah, qtls. k £27 10 4 8 £23 2 TOPSAIL AND CHAMBERLAIN'S. Allen, James 1 Allen, William 1 Allen, Edward 10 Bailey, Joseph 10 Barnes, John 1 5 Carter, Susan 10 Chaytor, George 5 Chaytor, John 10 Churchill, Samuel 1 Cooper, Jordan 5 Dowden. Thomas 10 Dowden, James 10 Fowler, Edward 1 Hibbs, James 10 Hiscock, James 10 £ s. d, £ 8. d. Hiscock, George Mercer, John Metcalfe, Nicholas Parmeter, John J, Smith, William Snow, Abraham Squires, Benjamin Squires, Lionel Squires, Ebenezer Squires, W. J. Squires, William 10 15 10 10 10 10 1 ) If) 10 10 10 £15 10 TRINITY; £ s. d. British Harbor. Payments in Fish of va- lue under 5s. each Oil New Bonaventure. Ivamy, James 5 6 Miller, Sar^uel Sums under 53. Trouty. Miller, Thomas Miller, Jonathan 5 5 Brown, Septimus Brown, Adam OjFrampton, Josiah Gover, John £ ». i, 5 1 7 2 5 5 5 5 XXT Sums under 5s. £ I. d. 8 Salmon Cove. Duller, baac 5 Moody, James 10 Moody, James, Jr. 5 Sums under 5s. 6 6 Fish, qtls. k Forde, John Kyan, John Two other persons English Harbou. Well*, Mark 5 Sums under 5s. 6 11 Trinity and adjacent places. Brooking & Co. 10 Ash, Francis 6 IJiiyly, Robert 5 Bremner, Alexander W. 10 5 5 Cole, Gilbert H. Collis, James, M. CoHia, Jame^, Sr. 5 Cook, Richard. Sr. 6 Cook, George 6 Cook, William 6 Crocker, Stephen 6 £ Cross, John Curtis, Robert Earle, Alonzo Fowlow, .lohn, [Patrick] Fowlow, MarMn Fowlow, William Grant, David U. Grant, Ot'orge Grant, Richard Hart, William Hayter, John, iSr. Hiscock, George Lcckyer, James Lockyer, George Morris, Joseph. Sr. Myers, Robert Myers, James North, Samuel Pitman, Joseph Roscoe, John Rowe, William, Sr. Verge, James Walters, William White, Dr. White, Margaret Sums under 53. t: on, Kichard 5 Stone, George 5 Yetman, Thomas lO Yetman, Joseph 10 Yetman, John 10 Umbei'ion, John 5 Island Cote. Adamo, Thomas 10 Bishop, Mrs. 1 Bishop, Henry 7 Coombs, William Sr. 6 Coombs, William (Wm.) 6 Coombs, John (Wm.) 6 Coombs, Nathl. (Widow) 5 Coombs, Azariah 5 Coombs, Richard 6 Clarlie, Robert 7 Crane, Mrs. Jane 1 Crane, James 1 Crane, John (George) 10 Crane, Samuel 7 Crane, Henry 7 d (I £ a. d. Clarke, David 6 Drover, Thomas Sr. 1 Drover, Tliomas Jr. 1 J)rover, Joseph Sr. 10 Drover, James Sr. 10 6 Drover, Tlmmas (Jas.) 10 Drover, Eliel 6 Drover, John (Joseph) Drover, Thomas (Wm.) 7 11 Qrealey, Thomas G (irifFin, Thomas Q 9 Hussey John (Robert) 8 Hussey, Jas. (Jonathan] 7 Husf.ey, Robert G Uussey, Jonathan 5 Jeanes, John (William) 7 3 Jeanes, Willipm Sr. G 3 Jeanes, Israel Sr. 3 Jones, Solomon 11 3 Jjner, Nathaniel (Sol.) 7 Jones, George (Sol.) 5 Jones, Francis 5 6 Lundrigttn, John 7 Lundrigan, George n 7 6 Lundrigan, Josepli(Thos .)0 5 Lundrigan, Joseph Sr. 6 3 Lynch, Joseph (Joseph) 7 Lynch, John 5 Lundrigan, James 5 Martin, William 10 Mercer, George 10 Mercer, Jonathan (Geo.) 10 Mercer, Joseph 6 3 Mercer, Richard 7 3 Mercer, James 6 3 Mercer, Robert (Charles) 5 Newman, Jsmes 5 Osborpe, James & Sons 17 6 Osborne, Thomas 7 Parsons, Jonathan 7 Sharpe, Thomas 6 3 Sharpe, William 7 6 Young, John Sr. 1 Young, John Jr. 7 I \ i »* «« XXVllI. Young, Jatnen, bums under Os. £ t, 7 6 / ) Bisnor's Cove. BiiiTPtt, Nttthnniel Sr. 10 Hiiriftt, Nathl. (Jacob) 10 IJnrretf, Jacob 15 Hu I rctt, John (Jacob) 10 IJarrett, John 15 l^lrrelt, John (William) 8 Uani'tt, Georpe 7 Uurrt'tt, Joseph (N'ath.) 7 liarrett, Nathaniel 5 llarrelt, Israel 7 IJarrelt, Francis 6 ])rover. James 6 Go fe, Israel 1 1 Ciossc, Tlioiras Oos^e. Stephen lli;.';;ins, Jchn Menthins, Thomas 7 Sirii'h, Isaac [Al)rnham] 7 Smith, Isnnc [William] 7 Sinitn, NathinitI 7 Smith. Isaac [VVm.Sr.] 7 Smith, \Vm. [Abraham] 7 Smiih, Wm. [Wm.Sr.] 5 Smith, Abm. [\Vm. Sr.] 8 Sniilh, I-aac [\Vm.] 6 Smith, William [Eleanor]0 7 Smith, John [Eleanor] 7 Smith, David 7 Smith, Edward 5 Smith, Thomas 5 Smith, George Sr. 7 10 G 10 C Smith, Jacob 6 Smitli, Wm. Sr. Spaniard's Day Brown, Hol>ert 6 iiag^fl, William Barrett, Providence iititt. James Butt, John O'Gosse, Moses Sr. 0|Gos8e, Mri. Hobort Gosse, Jiobert [Hobprt] 0|Ooese, Henry [Knbert] Gosfie, James. [Uo!>ert] Gosse, Moses [Israel] O^Gosse, Robert [Israel] OoHse, Josenli Gosse, Stephen [Sol.l 0Go3.se, John [Widow] c|Oo88e, Nathl, [Kichaid] Gosse, Jonathan Gosse. Willi;im, Sr. 6 ilulchings, Wm [John] Kennedv, Jonathan ONoseworthy, Jonathan 6 Shepperd, John Sr. 6 Shepperd, Henry, Sr. (;|Shej)perd, Wm. [John] 3|Shfpperd, John [John] Shepperd, Henry eSymond, Henry 6 6 3 £60 10 6 6 Syraond, John Sums under 53. £, s. d 6 3 7 6 6 3 1 1 7 G 5 5 1 4 10 5 5 5 8 5 5 5 6 7 6 C 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 G 6 5 5 6 »* «« --y. JSTamei of the Clergy. BISHOP. Right Reverend EDWARD FEILD, D. D. VICAR GENERAL AND COMMISSARY. Rev. JAMES B. KELLY, m. a. RURAL DEANS. Blackmore, Martin* Boone, Thomas Smith, Benjamin White, William K. Wood, Thomas M. Name. Bayly, Augustus E. C. . . . Blackmore, Martin .... Boone, Thomas Chamberlain, George 8. Colley, Edward Cunningham, John .... Cragg, John G. ...... Darrell, Josiah .... Dobie, Robert T Fleet, Benjamin Gabriel, A. E. Gardner, George Harvey, James C Hoyles, William J Hooper, George H Hutchinson, George, b.a. Jagg, Frederic C Johnson, George M. . . . Johnson, Reginald M. . . Jones, Bertram Kelly, James B., M.A. . . Kirby, William Kingwell, John Lind, Henry LeGallais, W. W Marshal), John -Deanery of Conception Bay. Notre Dame Bay. Trinity. Fortune Bay. Avalon. Residence. Bonavista. Bay Roberts. Twillingate. Moreton's Harbor. Hermitage Bay. Burgeo. Finchard'a Island. Herring Neck. Forteau, Labrador. Foxtrap. Lamaline. Heart's Content, Port-de-Grave. Carbonear. LaPoile. Battle Harbor, Labrador. Portugal Cove. St. John's. Fogo. Harbor Grace. St. John's. King's Cove. Harbor Buffett. St. George's Bay. Channel. Belloram. '/♦ I ^ Name. Medley, Charles S. b.A Meek, William F. . Milner, William J. . Netten, William .. Noel, John M. Palairet, Charles, MA Phelps, Joseph F. . Rouse, Oliver Itozier, William .. . Rule, Ulric Z. ... Shear?, William ... Smith, Benjamin Taylor, Robert H. Temple, Robert . . . West, Charles R. . White, William K. . Wood, Thomas M. . Residence. St. John's. Upper Island Cote. Greenspond. Catalina. Ferryland. Topsail. St. John's (Academy.) Bay-de-Verd, Burin. Bay of Islands. Bay Roberts. Trinity, Brigus. AVhite Bay. Salvage. Harbor Briton. St. John's. \ Theological Institution. VISITOR: THE LORD BISHOP. PRINCIPAL. Rev. J. B. KELLY, m. a. VICE-PRINCIPAL. STUDENTS. Oakley, Alfred Martyn Wilson, William Epiphanius Skinner, Uenry Maynard Netten, Theophilus George Lockward, John Smith, Walter ««. ^