ffTM IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) / O V' ■^ 4r % L<»^ 1.0 !!:« I.I 11.25 2.8 12.5 20 1.8 1.4 11.6 V] .? /i 7: °W' ^^#> ''^^■^ V 'i'* *V'^' 0» r -<^ CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHM/ICMH Collection de microfiches» Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiqu«aillairge's original report, dated 8th April, 1872 — at page \o'l (.»f Appendix to Public Works Report for 1872 — under the heading of " Marshes, Bogs, Dykes," iVic, will be found a description of the black muck, of a hard peaty nature, which is found below the first layer of clay and sand, at depths of from 13 to 24 feet below the top snrtace of tlie Bogs, in the Missiguash Valley. This peaty understratum, v/h'ch rests ehiefly on white Kand, lias been also found beneatli the soil of the (i}'ked marslies, at de})ths varying from 15 to 2o feet below theii* top surface ; it appears to extend for a dis- tance of about 1) miles from the Bay ol Fundy, eastward, and to have a thicknesL'. of Irom 1 to 4 feet. Tlio same peat}'' substance and underlying soil crop out on the banks of Cumberland Basin, wheie pine and beech stumps, kc, aiv found imbcidded in a similar description of soil, near tlie outlets oi Sharp's Creek, the River La Pkinche and Cumberland Creek, when the tide is out. This v.'oukl lead to the supposition, already made by Professor .Dawson, in liis Acadian Geology, respecting the subsidence of tlie soil, or the increased heiidit of the tides. .,r.->.:^U .■■■:■ I .' rv7,;.l ii^-lJi Gili'''i^iM i'lli- T^ Synopsis of Reports on Bate Verte Canal. Robert C. Minnitte, P.L.S. — Acting under instructions from llovcrnnient of New Brunswick. Survey, October, 1822, f(n- a canal between Bay oCFuiuly and Baie Verte. Line traced tln\)ugli valley of Au-Lac, across to Missi- giiasii Jjakes, and tiienco to River Tidnish, for a canal of small de[>tli, say 4 feet, to be fed by fresh water. Francis Hall, C.E. — Acting under instructions from Sir Howisrd Douglas,Baronet,Lieut -Governor of New Bruns- v/ick. Report dated October, 1825, onMinnitto's Survey. Also on line from Shediac to bend of Petitcodiac. Also oi> line from Shediac via Memramcook River to Dor- chester, Also on line across the Isthmus fio'u Au-Lac to Tidnish — which he recommends — the other lines being impracticable, for want of water supply. He proposes that canal should commence 3i miles up the Au-Lac, and terminate at a point 2 miles up the Tidnish ; and that it should bo fed by a fresh water reservoir of 1 50 acres, to be formed in the valley of the Missiguash for the canal supply. Canal to have its sum- mit six feet above the highest spring tides of the Bay of Fundy — to be 21 ^eet wide at bottom, 45 feet wide at top, with 6 locks 105^ feet long x 20| feet wide, and 8 feet of water on the lock sills. The whole estimated to cost £67,728 14s. lOd. sterling - $298,006 • 45. ill This estimate would be reduced, he says, to X45,152 10s. 4d. sterling = 8198,671 • 09 for a depth of 4.1 feet, instead of 8 feet. Thomas Telford, (VE — Report addressed to Sir Howard Douglas, Baronet, Lieutonant-Governcr of Now Bruns- wick, towards 1826, on Hall's Reports and Plans, which were referred to him. He rvjconnnends canal to h«. 5d. sterling = .Sb.^ -5,0-3 :i- 31). IT. O. Crawley, Capb. RE. — Tle})orts on lOtli Jannarv and IDLh March, I81.:J, to Sir William ?r[. G. Colebrook!-. K.H., Szc, Lient.-Goveruor of New Brunswick, respecting his survey, which was done at joint expL»nse of New Brunswick, Canada, and Prince Kilward Island ; also tlie schemes proposed by Hall and Telford, He considers that a canal 45 feet wide at bottom, 8o feel w'idti at top surface, vv^ith locks of 1.10 feet X 40 feet, and feet of water on the sills, is sufliciont; but that it i.s impracticable, on account of the deticiency of the fresh water siip})ly ; and he objects to using the Bay of Fundy tI;L'd water to supi)lement the deticiency. (0,007). John Page, Chief Engineer Public Works. — Keports lo Secretary of Public \V\)rks(, Canada, on 7th May, 1801), u[)on the previous surveys After reviewing the schemes ])roposed by Hall and Telford, he is ot cipinioii that an abundant 8up})ly of fresh Avater can be obtained by adopting a lower level than the one they recommeiKl, or a.t an elevation of from 10 to 12 feet below the level of the highest tides of Cumberland Basin ; and that the Avaters ot the Bay of Fundy should be ke[iL back by a lock at the western end ot the canal. He recommends fnnher surveys and examinations. 4> (-22,01)2). Report—G. F. Baillairge, Assistant Chief Engineer (8th April, 1872), to J. Page, on projected canal : recommends Au-Lac and Tidnish line for a Whole- tide Canal ; water supply to be taken from Bay of Fundy, by means of one or more rivers converted into reservoirs. Miles. Length of Can;il— yhore to shove 18*84 Do. do. from IG feet at extreme low water, Bay of Fundy, to 10 fett in bale Verte 21'43 Number of Locks : — Four at Hiy of Funcly, two at Bale Verto. Locks of UppoL' Reach, caleulattHl for 18 foot water ou mitre sill, in case of future deepening. Size of Locks:— 270 X 40 feet. Navigable draft, lo feet. Westei'u entrance on Bay of Fundy, to bo at Au-Lae Point, near mouth of that river. Eastern eutrance, Baio Verte, to ":.e at Tidnish Head. Canal ^'ommissioners (page !)()). — Keport, 24tli Feb- ruary, 1871. Estimate, S'],2.')(),()n(). Mr. Keefer supposes that canal may bo fed from the tide,- water of B;iie Vei'te, which is iVom M]l to 22h feet lower than the Bay of Fundy at high tide; and from 18^ to l.'Ji feet higlier at low tide than the Bay of Fundy. This would involve 19^ feet in depth of adtliiional cutting throughout. (22,527). J. Page (April 2 ', 1872). Cannot report without further time on Mr. J^aillairge's project, (22,573). IMessrs. Keefer & Gzowski (Alay 2, 1872). Repoi-t on Baillairge's Report 22,6.92, recomnien led certain modifications and reductions. (28,(;53). Messrs. Keefer & (;}zowski (Feb. 18, 1873). Tlecommend a Half-tide Canal via La Planche, Long Lake, Tidnish and Weeks' Point. Cost estimated at .'.55,:j 17,000. 1'his line not susccjH/i!>le ot extension here- after for a Whole-tide (^anal. Lfsr.gth of Canal between Entrance Locks, 20i- miles. (29,889). a. F. Baillairgo (April! 2, 1873). Furnishes estimate of cost of a Half-tide Canal on the Au-Liic and Tidnish line, susceptible ot extension for a Whole-tide Canal One b.ised on Mr. Keefcr's pi'oiuct fo' 12 hours P'^/ioH^OOO l)o. do. his own project for 16 hours o, 21,', 1*49 Also cost of a Whole-tide ( Jaual 8,.'")9J,t:49 !il (38,501). G. F. Baillairge(Nov. 17, 1873). Keport to Chief Engineer on Location Purvey. Rf^commends A.u- Lac antl Tidnish line via Missiguash Valley ; also Rivers Au-Lac and Missiguash as Reservoirs and Settlinji Ponds. 8 Cubic yardi. Canal Excavation, Half-tide, Bay of Fundy and Fuli-tiiie, 15aie Verto. 14,G40,m4 Do. Three-quarter-tide " 14,yil,4y;S Do. Full-tide " 15,50G,63U - ,,_./■( 1 ( Between Entrance Locks 18.07 milts. Length of Canal. I gjj^j.^ to;. j^Q^Q j,, 25 " Western entrance — Bay of Fundy — to he at Au-Lac Point near mouth of that river. Eastern entrance — Baic Verte — to he at Tidnish Head. (38,591). J. Page (Dec. 10, 1873).^ Report on Mr. Keofer's project — also on Mr. Baillaii^c'.s — condemns the former — approves the latter, — .submits estimate of cost of a Canal on the Au-Lac and Tidnish line via Missiguash Valley. For a Half-tide Cnnal $7,700,000 Three- quartei -tide Canal 8,100.000 Full-tide Canal 8,500,< 0() Synopsis of Reports. Memramcook and Shedlvc Line. A line was explored between Dorchester Island, on the Bay of Fundy and Shediac Bay, f ( r a Canal through the Valley of the Mennamcook, by Robert Minnitte, P. L. S , in 1823 ; it was also surveyed and reported on by Francis Hall, C. E., in l^ib, and by Capt. Crawley, R. E., in 1843, — and linally by S Keefer, C. E., in the autumn of 1872. i'lans and jirofiles of the 1st, ord and 4th Surveys ure in the possession of the Government. Length of line from shore to shore 2292 miles. L>o. from end to end of entrance piers. . .25 '59 milea. IG Locks required, and 28,200 lineal feet of pier work. r^ 7 " All the head-water available, accoixling to above reports, is but a fractional portion of what is required for the supply. ii 9 A thorough cut for a Tido-GaiAal would involv.i a rut-ting 25 miloH lou;ir and 115 foot deep at summit. MONCTON AND SUKDIyVC LtNK This lint! Ic.ss favorabl'.- for a Oa-ial than the MfnniMni- <<){)k lin<\ Lenirtli of artiticial Tiaviufation, wen- it possihi.', is about ;H()9 miles. Nunil)(U' of Locks requiied -IJ). The only source lor the supply ui' a (Janai hi'twcL-ii Moncton and Shediac is i smill ])asiii among th(! Hills, called irurn])lirey's Pond, about 500 acios inextont, with vcrv limited di-ainao-e. A thorough cut for a Tide-Canal \s'ould be i7 miles long, from Moneton to Shedi-vc, and I':) feet deep a,t thi^ summit. A dam v ouldalso lie required across the moutii ofthe Potiteodip.', in ord >r to kiii the Bore and make slaek-wa' viavigation up to Moncton, a distan-e of 17 miles oi • !e, through the most of whiel) a channel W'luM have to be dredored. !| This line was also ex;unined b^' the above named j)anies who explored the Menn-amcook line. According to all the re|)jrts furnislied by those gentle- men, ''the idea of constuK ting a navigable Canal,"eithei- by the Memramcook or >[oncton lines, is not to be en- tertained, and la not worthy of serious discussion. " (Sn' pa-/f'.^ ^H and .!}). .V. Reefer f< Report 19/// Feb Kk^^l^l