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AECHITECTUBE, ANTIQUITIES, MATHEMATICS, ^ ^MUSIC, DRAWING, •^ ^iBtaintf, Wn„^, ^ntm.l 33istarif, ?%tr J 5nohn|,f. .«a.r. r^EOGRAPHY, METAPHYSICS, EDUcItION, ARMY, NAVY, ETC. ETC. ^' «l)it6 toiJi fte sola by a„tt,„„ bi, ^ >> ,^-^ ill • if .- 1 I'i 1 ABBEY of ST. MAEY, ..'OHK, (''A strucUvft of exquisite taste and unrivalleJ elc paiicc") H) very iino. I'l.iliv-, I'liiii, \ iinvd, .Mouldings, Caiiitals, Shafts, Boof Kuo!.-., Arches, Leaves, Arms, Slatues, ^'eal, iic, 2 ABElU'i{{i:MlUr;, llannouy of Christian Faith nud Chrisliau fliaracler- BICKEK- S'l'K'ril, nr,U I'sainis iuul CAM Hvraus; aud 1 other. 3 ioo/cs. 3 ABEliXKl'llV, " Ml/ Jiook," Loeal Diseases aud Aneurisms; also CARLISLE, ou Old A,u<!. .•-' LooL-s. 4 ADALBKllT, Coufessions, or C'ommencemnnt and Brosircss of (.'hristian Faith, uud Lifi: of God iu the Soul, Iraublatid from German; also The SILENT PBEACIIER. 2 looks. 5 ADAMS, Parliamentary Hand-Hook; HOW TO MAKE HOME UNHEALTHY ; aud COUXAUO, Methods of attaining Lone; and Healthful Life. 3 Looh. ADAM, jiomau Antiiinities. 7 ADAMS, Lseful Knowledge, Mechanical, Natural, Experimental, Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, Geology, &e. lai^t edition, hy .lamieson, plates. p,'h. (),v. 8 ADAMS, Polychromatic Ornanienls of ITALV, Ito. Exi^iiUite riates I,;/ Owen Jonen. piiO. 'iOs. ADVENTUKE liy SEA and LAND, Tales of, a un)st amusing aud instructive volume, Heroism iu Mm >.>< u\\V\hwi, clola, eliyant, ei:<inn-hiiis. pi/t/. '.li.dc/. 10 j1;.SC11VL['S, Pronietheus Pound, Greek Text, Notes, (Critical, Explanatory, bv Bich- inoiul ip/ti. (w-,) ; aud GPl^EK POETP.Y, for .'Schools. 2 6ou!;s, puh. Vh. 11 AGNES de Mausfelt ; also The CAGOT'S HUT, aud Conscript's Bride, NOVELS, by Grattau. 2 LooL-^. 12 AIKI'N, Trausl.ation ofDALSMBEET, Eulogies of Members of Preueh Academv, with Notes, 3 vols, vulf, veal, vr'uj'uial I'urlvall in Ink of Datmbert, inserted; liRIDG- MAN, Description of Knole, in Kent, plates ; aud 1. 4 hooks. 13 AINSWOllTH, Latiu-IJuglish, English-Latiu Dictionary. 11. ALBUM, 1-1 FINE PLATES, after Rubens, Murillo, 'Woum-nnais, Cir/our, .?r. 4to, 14 ALDERMAN RALPH, or History of the Borough and Corporation of Uillowacie, Bridge aud Baronet, Tollkceperand his Daughter, Fiddler, Lawyer and his Jtogueries, i.:c. 2 vols, rlolh. pitb. "ts. 1853. 10 ALEXANDER. Travels to Seat of War in the East, ({nssia and Crimea, 2 vols, coloum' ■plates, pub. II, Ss. 17 ALICE Montrose, or the Loftvand the Lowlv, Good in All aud None All Good. 3 vols, <M'i. pub. It. 'i]s. Cct. 1853. 15 ALICE OFFLEV, or the Pervert and the Soldier, 2 vols. pnb. 2Lv. 1852. 19 ALKEN, National Sports of GREAT BRITAIN, with Descriptions. (Angling, Racin-, Dog Fighting, Cock Fighting, Sporting, Bull, Bear, Badger Baiting, Shooting Conrsmg, i;c.) clot/i, DO clecer platej. pub. 21. Us. Get. 20 ALLIX, Bellections on the Books of Holy Scripture, (" iu great repute for eruditiou.— Bp. U'at.wH) pub. iSs. Gd. 21 AAIBITION, a Tale, by Newton, cloU, pub. Ss.Cd. 22 AMBROSE, Isaac, Works, Looking unio Jesus, &c. {Ncfeil Pmhyterian, particuhrlij adnnred, especialli/ by Cah-inists.) pub. 10*. 23 AME Noir et Pean Blanche, &c. Varlons Copies. 24 AMELIA, by Fielding, 3 vols. calf. pnb. 12,?. 25 AMERICA aud the Americans, by Cooper, 2 vols, clot/i. pub. V. 8j. 20 AMERICA.— T'ernau-v Coinjians, Beeueii des Doeuuu'iifs et Memoires t/iiginnnx sur 1 des POSSES.^iUNS i:;,t'A(.;N(jLES, dans rAnn'riijue. a diverses Epo,iu.s de la Conquete, Details Cnrieux sur les indiens. Relations uvec Jes Espaguoles, Geo- graphic et Histoirc Naturelle, publiei.s sur les JISS. Ancicus et Im'dits. pub. m. Pans, \fi40. 27-AMEMCAI?^ttvcJCode, cWA, ^ ■ ._ ' 23 ANi! ( 29 ANt 30 AM) 1^ 31 ANi: U 32 ANS'j G] AV .•?3 ria ANTI PI. 31 ABAB lat( lict reg His pub 33 ARIST 30 ABITI] Cofi IMcr Hei! 87 ARM.S'i Pole 38 AKNOI Sit Ditto, K 40 Ditto, G 41 Ditto, G 42 Ditto, C( 43 Ditto, S> 44 AKNOLl and 1 45 ART and 46 ARTICL Expos 5 booi 47 AliTICLt of Pr( 48 ASH, Not •19 ASIATIC 50 ASLAUGi tine th (atl tn BRASt E.xiles I ATALA, b lafed hi ATKINsd 53 ATK'INSO 54 ATLAS, Gi 55 AUSTHALl lHereas( Mcnfs, i 50 Ditto, SCi Jackson, Bank), ] 51 nS N 28 EALTIIY ; ami OT eruditiou.' ^9 30 31 32 33 3i 47 •18 49 50 51 32 53 54 55 5G J^^^i'r^^'^'fsr-''- '-■ ■■ "' ~™'« COMMONS «si; ::: "'"""■ """"- "-■^'^'"^ --- ^-s &;"";■;• ?'"'"'■■ ••"" ii"s Vaiora ifv; ''''1?'™ ■f'-S ;^" *;■•!*£;- ■"-'■=• " -'■"«- e„.,MB.„ur.., .,«,, K' *7;f «« «». «.»»;,) . STOI I ,5 SKETCH 1 S''f '^'^ "'""" ''■»'■<'', Jackso„:G„irofcipoln?'Ea;'rS ^»"««^«'> Inland Port ^ank), I,- Flinders, g my%i"i,^;j;S VJ/f"" ' '^'''"'' '^'■^^^'^- "^ « ^y^«^ -f^., r../«e//i, /. Scott, llndenS^S^ '"'^''"''"'^'' "f'^'' ff^^'^^H, by 35 3G 87 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 -'\A li^ ?1 j'^i^igfi^m^- ,'i' ' 57 B8 69 fiO 01 02 03 61 65 CO 07 AUSTRIA, FinuncM nnd Currency, CONCORDIA; ROSE, Sermon, &c. BACON', Lord, Opiiiiiiiis ou Men, .Muuners, Literatiiro, kc; RAI'IN, on Gardens translated: LATIX (UlAMMAK. BACON, Tlicolopifil Essays; and STYLKS, Animal Creation. 2 f/oo/:s, pud. ICti. BAIL!, IE, Moihid Anatomy; AKMSTRONG, Srurlct Fever; and 1. 2 fwoh. BAKER, Clnonidc ol' Kinys of Kngluiid, good edition, with Conlinuation, folio, froulis. pii'Cf if Purl raits, BAKEIi, Chrunolugiral Hible Tlintorv, in 50 Tablet Lessons, folio, BALDWIN, History of Itdmi". and Vol, 1 (.f VAItlS. 2 fiuoh. BALFOlll, Woman, an Lspostnlation ; and "WAY OF SALVATION Set Forth. 2 boohf, fjiU leaves. BALL, Sc'rmons; HAWAII MORE, Female Ediitation, 2 vols. ; ditto, ESSAYS; and 2 other?. BALZAC, l)()iii (iij!;;idas, 2 vols, in 1 ; .Mario Cappclle, Veuve Lafnrgc, Mcmoircs, par Elle-ratme, 2 vols.; and 1. i doohs. BAllNKS, 'J'our thrun^'li tnc Island of St. lltlcna, pnrtniit of Napufro,!. pud. Cj. BARCl^Y, I' Dictionary, or Cyclopaedia of t.'sefnl Knowlodgc, Couforuied to p 69 70 71 escnt Slate of the .\vU, Sciences, and Statistics, by Darling, cloth, plates. 74 73 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 80 S7 8.. 89 90 B.VHROW, DictinnMry of Facts and Knowledge, hand reds of euyraviiigs. jiuh. B.VriLS of Germany with their iicmedial Kll'ects, bv Lee. BAXTEK, Life of 'Faith; TKACT.S, Christiuu Sermons; wSOLDIER'S LIFE, Six Months of. ;} Looks. ! Dillo, Reformed Pastor, with Extracts from Various .\nthors, by Rutherford, and Life, ■pith. 9s. '• BAZI', llisloirc Amoiireuse de Pierre Le Long ct de sa ires honnorec D.ime, plate.^ ; also .MAJtQUlSE de \'1C0, Avanturc susprcnante Je, Nouvclle galaute. 2 scarce books. BEATTIE, on Truth; and SCOTT, Scrmmis. 2 boohs, pub. 23,5. BEAUTIES of Addison; ami GROTIL'S, Truth of Christian Religion, translated, with Clark's Notes. 2 books. i)/«fl, of POPE, Useful and Entertaining Passages, selected from his Works, Transla- tmns and best Letters, witli Life, 2 vols, in 1, calf, veal. ^^■^?.!^^';? ^'"''S" Sermons, on Faith, Christiun Character, Relative Duties; and SLCKER, Lectures on the Catechism. 2 boohs. BELL, History of Feudalism, British and Continental; also Doings of F'cudalism in all Ages and Countries; also WHITE SLAVEIiV, in ALGIEUS."^ 2 b'loks BELL, STREAM OF TIME, or Universal History, CHRONOLOGY, and Biography of the WORLD Displayed (may be called the " Eye of llistorv"), on a large sheet invaluable for Schools or Private Library, transiat<;d fi-om (it'rman of STRASS witli great Additions, on canvas with large rollers, pub. II. ]'js. ' BEST, F'our Years in France, cMli, pab. 10,?. {]d. BETHUNE, Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry, translated, cloth pub. 12* Miirrai/, 1848. ' BIBLE, FAMILY, Christians, New and Complete, including Apocrypha, Annotations. Commentaries, Notes, by BANKES, folio, calf, Moa// plates. Ditto and Apocrypha, Obsolete Words and, incinding Contents of Chapters and Marginal Readings also in the Prayer Book, familiarly explained, by BOOKER- and KELLY, Self-Inspeetion. 2 books. ■> i > .^ BIBLE Illustrations, with J-atrobe's Descriptive Illustrations, with 10 odd Nos. beautiful engravings, pub. II. 2s. •' BIBLE. Topical Index to, forms a Complete Concordance to the Bible, invalnablc to TiTRT TP 'fV'"^ Bible Students ; also COLLEGE .MAGAZINES (all pub.) 2 sets. BIBLICAL Legends cf Mussulmans, or Bible. Koran, and Talmud, compared, trans- TiTf^vm, ' G(!rman (" a very singular and learned work.") UlCKERSIETII, Treatise on BAPTISM, a Help to Duo Improvement of that Fo'v t-acraraent, r/oM. 1S,j3. '■ ""ki-J... "°'''T'\«T'^vr\^"p";'<'' *° "'"''' '" '■'^"'^"t' *'"^ S'''^« I'rofitably, TWENTY-FIRST AND Jj.'ioJ. riUli lUri, riolli, BIGLAND, Letters on llnv.Ut^h History, doll/, jjuh. fjs. LILLARD M.ilnd;esdcs Eulans ; al^oBAUME, traitedc la Premiere Deutitio.i, 2*../. 93 !)4 90 91 JJIN I f 92 BlOi ,s Blot JillH BIRI ri( C, RISK an 'J7 J)illo, ral uni '.'8 BLAD on 'J9 BLAK edit 100 BLA.N 3 bo 101 BOLSJ 102 (K)UK 103 Litlo, Jianii 3 Im iOl. Dillo, i King 105 I)ii/o, , 106 BOOK. adapt 150 ( 107 BOOTL 108 BOSWI State 109 BOTAN 1 10 BOUCH 2 book 111 BOURD( et Suit 112 ROVER, 113 J)ilfo, am 114 BRACE, homes, 115 BRADLE nicnts i 110 BRANDE JERSE 117 JM'-,, Mai lis !:RANSB! Verso, ^; 119 BKEAD n BICKEI 4 books. 120 RUIDGE, 121 BU[DGE,S, 122 BRITISH . lure of G /' S, on Gardens, I niij Devil's Hridge, 91 BLVniKV Kvcursions in XORTfr WAlrs •„ , ,■ '•"' "I'^HOI. .,■,„„„,„ ,,^,,, , tones. t.«rf^,„«i/,. 10 ioii, 2 i(?<3/(i ....otGulrs'^S: '"""' '"*^ '■«»"'■ i« "^'Etad; SHAW, »„.r... Il> "I J i\ f 128 BEITI8H BIOOEAPHY, IWf. nn.l Writing, of Eminent Vcmm i„ Gr. Brit, nn.l ''' ""ti^t^l^nr IS!::: "St •' '' "^"« "'^"' ' "''• '» ^' ''^'^' -^ ^^- 131 BROWN, Dictionary -)f miu/lv lVrso:i» PlacM \„»!r„„t; x.„ .• • .. , 2 ioo/ii'. '!>, XII. Discourses, on I,aw and GospcJ, 137 BURNS on Inllamraatiou, 2 vols, cr//] scarce and Eternity. 2 ^i^-,. ^ ' '^'' ^^'"''^'' '^'■°'" ^""'"'^"t Authors, on Death 140 -BL'TLER, Charles, RcminisrPMors mul Al?\fV'iM // r *..... (•■a most aduurible work/ '-^;.; pLt). 2 4^^!^^ ^""''^ ^''^''"^ ^'^^ P''''''^ '" h 141 BUTLER, Fanny, Jonrnsl, 2 vols. ppi. Us " CANONUM -int r .;. Co onun t i?, '"/ ,."'^^"'f"'"'" <^'0.\-CIL10R(:.M ci the substance of the immense . or 1 of T 1 '^' C"^ '£'""''•' P'-«-'scDting Not on]y General CouneHrbul Is fo r Ir^CT"' ^'''^'■' ^'"'"'"-■' ""'''l""'". '^-^^ 144 ,;!:f^7«^^"-r«^'i,iou. K;;:::;t,i'tvi^s:'i:;38:'^^^^"^^^- '1)i'5^cSer^^^>£S^^s;3?S'^''^"^'^"''^""^^^^= »'-^«^ 14G CAMBRIDGE Course of Elomentary .\ltionpf .''""■'• " ''"'^'• with Literal Translation, and oth^^odd 6 tii °^°^'''>- = JUVENALIS Satyra., 147 CAMPAIGNS in Germauv, Italy, Switzerland \ J.j 148 CANVDIAN GTBT .,. t.' /"'^' ^'";""»'>''- '1 vols, maps and plate,. o v^ai^.imaiN WHL, or Pirate of the Lakes and NRW TPUTA^rT^Cn 149 CANARY Bird; Heinrich and Blanea C stl f vl ^ ^^^^' '^ '""'''■ bonrg; .n4 Little Emigrant. 5 a2/.aS: "i^ij^f ^^^^^^^^^ ^.erseer at Mahl- 150 CA r (, ini CAi I5;j CAI Ifi.J f'AI 15 t CAR 15.". CAR (■'/( I'O CAR of ine 157 CASI I'lV 158 CASS Ori l"''J CAST 2/y, KIO CAST riiri 101 CATE RH 1C»' CATJI 1(5,3 CATt; J(JJ CE\[) Vfilit I'ilrt I fir, CHAM: 1615 mitn., 1C7 CHARl ICS CilKEl 4 1/1)0 ii50 chk.m: 170 Chemist Chum Vcgtt; from I 171 rjJCMI I'riwt 17:3 ri!l.;M[ 173 CIIERR 174 CJlt;s,s, ailclcl best LJi 175 CHRIST assist CHRIi 17fi Dilto, TJ PRIVA 177 CnUKCI Stevens 178 CHURCI 3 hooks 179 Ditto, Po 2 vols, i 180 CHURCH 181 CHURTO: ^ books. -*/ T II Or. Unit, mill '', scarcf, mnni/ neal, tiU' 'rous lie»t Forrautioii, Cliurch of EiiR. uuil Key; and 'ot/i, veri/ clever Uiiit;iriau T.iiy. itiou of Xtgio \ Sucietd .Mrdi- rminp; a .Siicrcd st I'diiioii, with lins, Sermons ; \MES of the iers/cl//,) torn- s. fuL i\v and Gospel, DC. 2 books, Dr. II ITCH. ors, oil Death til parlj in 1, books, MORUM et |uis ct Vetera Presenting lardonin, kc. JANONS are r ; also AHT ^nii, plates ; LIS Satyric, r at Mahl- 150 15? !52 15 (. 15.') I5(i 171 173 173 17i 175 irr, 177 178 17a ISO 181 7 - .|c Tn,,is.,pi,.; ,jL,e,^:; 1/ % ,;;:;:"'\;^- l'«^-. Tricot. C^lt'rri. CHl/yiv , , p . ^'illllWl., Grammar. 2 vol..; and 1. au:.nis,. .., ,,,.,,,] aiS; ' ^i: S'^: J-«i'^% mustrated. tor Yonn, cgelnble I'hysiolofiy. I'raclic I y A , I io fSlf'r ' ^r'-''-"-''^') •• also .MAIn! P, ™\" \" y^f^^f l«'''it.ioe. 2 /..,L." *° ^">t'vn(.o„ «f Garden. Field, Forest. ,,,.;;u.g.'^ iSr'"^'^' '- «-^»"'' ^^"^^^ 1- iler^eli.; and Li. of D. " ' irm ,r«^' l;u'lin.' '.s ClmmLers, and others alhled Skill and ln..^ui v ^ u ' £''": '^'^ .'^^-"-'^^^^ 70 «( nations, Unpar- CH 'Trm'^T "'■-f?"'- ^"■""'' &«• '•''^''''' ^J^«'^IOAi,,byDr. lec, Arnott. Macleod. Li^LRUIILL, I'ocms, 3 vols, in 1 • byrov t. 3/«a{,9. ■•- J^''«0^, Poems; and OLD PLAYS vol of 3S£;r «^- '"'* -'»». s».. *c. .,„ ...... „. ,,„„; a ^oy/Cx '^ '^''- "^^^ ot faervautg; and J£Ai\'S PSALTER, 157 158 I.VJ 1(10 101 10;! 103 J (if IfiO 107 ICS 109 170 >'" '1 ii ffl /I If i 8 IbS CLARKE, on Disenscs of FEMALES, 2 vols. /^/rti'f.t, ^rt« 1/ 16, 183 CLARKE, Wonders of Nature aiul Art, selected from the Transactions of the Royal iQ. r-r A°n^--^'o{-^'°"''°"' ^°^ ^^^ >'*^'''> ''^'^^^' '"'-^erous illustration,. ^ 184 CLAKKbO^ H.Htoryof Abolitiou of the Slave Trade, 2 vols., ard ^yEALTH and U AA I. S booh. 185 CLASSICAL Journal, of Classical, Biblical, Oriental, Literature, with Crt--ci3m9 Dis ^ B. ri'nm r 'n' P'^^''-'''''.^'™«. Researches, Collections, Republications, &e. " ' 186 CLOQLEl, Anafomie Descriptive, 2 vols. ; and LOUIS, sur la PHTHISIE. 3 booh 187 COLLINS,^ Moshtim's Ecclesiastical History, TNith Continuation, 2 vols,, 189 r0T0?J?'4 "" ^^°''^' '''■/°f'"™«'^''= ^^' 3 vols.;,««. K. lU. M. 1853 l«"J (,lJi.UAJJi,S, a Scries of Talcs upon, 2 vols ^°" ^'?WW.^^"^'*''"°'-^^'""''"""'°"' ^'^Kl^' Early Piety, and COTTAGE HYMNS, f J^ rowrrf "" '?:"t'' " '''' ""'' ''^'"'"'^ ''^^'•"' ^ ^"^'^^ ^"*- ^'- ^^^^ ^'^^ ^852 • S rnnp/; i\°" '""' ""'^ ^'"I""'"' "" ^'S^^"«"' ~ ™1«- ^'«*- 18.- 6'^. nSutf Ee^,'e i '""T "f- ^^^AGTICAL SURGERY. Principles and Practice, Instru- 1 9.) Litto, another copy. ' iSS »!/?' ^''f/''"^^ °^ ^'''"ptiec of SURGERY, 2 vols. pnL \l 10,. '"' "^tiS'S^e^lt ^' '^''^''^^' '■''■ '' '"'''' ^'"- '''-■' "'- «^VAN, 1-J9 COmioV n'''? '^f'i^'-''''' -il'^^ '^°^'^'^ ""'^ AMBITION. 2 ioohs. 'ZSJ: Sl!:SS ^2 Sr "'' ^■'"'-' ""' «'• ^ "'- - «'^ ^Vork on T?"Sr' ''""■"'''' " ''"^" °' ^'■^"P^'"'-' '^y ^"S« "-^^-KINS, 4 vok 202 COWPE? Voi^Z'^?-' n!.'''?/" ^°"^'°'"^' '^ t>»^^<"'v»t™r Franfais. FnJ ' / ^ ' "'I'?" "'■''•'■'' '^" "™'^^fi« Happiness, most beautiful • Fireside .,2: i^i'l"' ^''"''I'umous Poems and Life, rntf, neat :ipiii?is£5sss ^vo Greek and Latin Lexicon to New Testament- CLWIS HOAfPRTP* 206 D VY o? ^f'Zi- \ -'"'^ E'''^"''OK«. "^•••aelidas, iC '3 Ms "°-'^^^^^^■^• ° ^'f RdiS:- 'J&r '"■ ^^'^^^^"^ ^^-«^^«^«> Biseou^e^ on Various Fonns ^'?;,^:£;'^^'^°'^^'-^"'le; ^-NTMETMODIs/mAGAZINE; and the JEWESS. ''1? ilFlJ 1??''"'/'""^ I'hilosophieal Apparatus, 17 r/.r/.., ;.«i. 2 2 ^nL^r^;^^';?l'::i!,'"''^l-''--"--oyereuliUr. ' ?w^ 3 ^c^oA-i' lG,f. 212 ^)I^^^«Tmv 'i;' " ;'"i' """• l'^'"" "«"« envoyer eu Enter, rarious corner Couehe. ■ibaoU. ' "^ bANG, des Jenimes 213 DIGGJXG.S, Gone to the, or Contrast, .mmouroui plate, ROYAT ROA n f ur-i n VMa. o ,,„,, ARn'HMEriCAL?lSEs'!''lH?'NEw'pRSM inn, eu ING, 4 hools. I" SviNF w' "™'""::r"f e i ...J TOULMIX. P,rt.«. for lift m bo™r,dge, HUe .„„ i.„s,,.. PSALMS .„a i,y,,»s. i,ou(.us.„ mm™,. 2 «oo/{-*. Future Prospects, /^ r itions of the Royal :•<! ^YEAI/fH and ith Criticisms, Dia- THISIE. Sbooh. 2 vola. calf, ntat, 1853 I'TAGE HYMNS, macy, and PIIY- Us. Gd. 1852 18*. M. 1 Practice, InBtm- I8j.; also SWAN, ks. an Old Work on WKINS, -1. vols. iautifiil ; Fireside 1 so faithful."— nl of ifn hind" .'hools, by Smitli, also LEPSIUS, 5 HOMEIUCA, n Various Forms I au old ENG. d the JEWESS. )ar Ticderaanii, lies Funimea eu 'AD to KEAD- iW PRIMER. 'lookt. mt Prospects, S on Missions. 217 218 219 222 223 224 225 220 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 24G 247 248 249 250 251 HAMAfIC D.alognea, in Preueh. FRENCH TERMINATIONS 220 DREW, Chronological Ch..f« illnstr.r . ^'^^™NS, .nar,y rop,es ,j. DUPPASroVu.eS.r""^'''"'^^ A^.IsS" "' '""'=''• ^'«'''^°g"e ^es ^ ^««. iC "' "" ^°"*"'^'"' «'^".v, andLipari Islands, large vaner co.„ ; . EARNSHAW,Dige8toftheLAWS (12 Char,. TT. r ''""'"' ''P^' ^'^^^'^ EDUCATrOM f "n"".' "'^"*'''' "'"J 1- 2 fc* ' '"'■''' *»6*' »""»' ,• „i,„ cor, ST 1 MHn™ „ i-o.<2;,5». ■'■"'"''''""•folio, «»■ „„,„;, . ,;Gre:?£fe,SS;tio^'/"fr'^ /"^-^^^^^ »"-- i ^0(?r(',J. ected; aJso Tjjg I, tHk; 10 252 FRA^NCE. Pidm-esQuc Tour; DARLEY, Thomas a'Bccket; and MAP of SCOT. or« ll^^S^ Language, First Steps of. Man/copiL 250 FmND. History of PIIYSICK, from Galea's Time, includes Greeks Arabians &. is ™^^^V^' Clicmical Analysis, y;«i. 9*. (iniperfect), &c. ^d8 JfYi-Ji, Anatomy, 3 vols. caM pu6. 2ls T.f orT''^' ^"^"T' *-';f ^''''"'' (S^^""^ *"!'»"•«'' '"r '^logauee. no person of any M?l^ r? •';•" Ti "'.'*''°"' instruction or amusement.''; 2 vols • and MACA^ Ofin „F^^.f^"f"M"''^='="°"'*''«''^'»f'=^''^<''n Greek, bvPenn. 3 S; and 1 oir '""^^''' ^'"•='"'" "'^'''^^' "'' ^''""*'- "^ Ordertf Ign;tius) 2 vols. ; ''' "SS^^J £?^^=-' -^--^ -^ >^«^-. Epitou.0 of. for Irish Sehools ; Z 2ivf^""^^"^ -HAV.EY...nmphs 269 GOLDSMITH, Isatnral History of the EAllTH and VNJ^rATFn aiatitpi,. entertaininsr as a Persian Tale (" sim.iln infiii- "m V "^^™ NATURE, as 070 n^f ??"^^°'' «^'^^-"r4'vols-. U7l2sef ""'""'' '"""""^ "" tVw''°'S^' C/?,'"«^-.»''V''S-"' t''- l"lorus or Eutropius, and excel- 274 GOOD, Dr JoVn jS r 'sTUI Y ^ JStVm v\ '''J^'^^ '" VIELLARDS. 3 iooAs. ''' 'SStffiSl^irSafSi^aS^S^'l ^Jth Commenta.,o„ Paradise ^;; Mif ^c^^riris^^^^^ of o EfP--'"'-^-""''= I-H LIP^andCHARAC. oso ftRAV T?i . „''"'*^'""'^*"> age from Chile to Brazi,4to. »/«/« mi 2», ''flooS:'''''''''' ^''""^^^^ -^ ^^^^'-» >!«'>-= and MEDiJl IectUrIs" ''' Z'iJ: 127^7 ^'""'"^'^ ''"^^''-'^ '■" ^"^ «"1~ ^'ouris at ^.Vestminster, ./... GREEK ^Grammar, by Huntiugford; and SOpilOCLIS, CEdipu, English Not«. ' 1 r 284 285 11 286 287 288 289 290 291 293 393 295 29fi 297 298 299 300 301 302 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 3U 815 316 317 SY«?n^^!.' ^""^ ^"1" Schools, pni. I2s. mEN?rr/i!"'^""'- ''■• ^'^^^'^^' PHOVIDENCE, and ALL THE "^J^^:;::^^ °^ ^^-^-*^= geographical DICHONARr. blessed trinity. 2 SooTi ^^'"''^' °'' ^"ctrinc of EVER. HAMEL, French Grammar, on MetliofliVnl Pu,, HAMILTON on the National Debt'; and POYNm'H ii •2 books. • ''"''■^"^'^■"''«. Hnraan Sacrifice in INDIA f«». II. U,. ■ ' """''■ """ll' •"'1 tacUer, 4to. j„»,i „,„ „„ a(to .uolhcr, y„.rf ,„,,, „,y; „., „ C'UriiS ut ?,i™- •""■"• " '^•"' " '^•'".l- «..^ -..on, by M„. "ff. folio, »K ,™,. ^„„. 1 „";;» "'!■">»'•>, et Weiidingi,,,, ji„ hr,e paper ""■it^TT"' '. ""'"' ""'""■■'""■•■ '""•" ■"*'"■ """-■ •« ».. ■■- «i!-\>LETT, (ofthe Foundling), SERMONS "hi^hu i S^euous. weUea.en,ated\r ^iu^\ ^St^^^S^^ff-J^^S^ wSy'^^A"""i"es.3i:r. ^' ^'^' *° B°""Kastle's Trigonometry; De Miller. 3 ^ols'^lf l^^i^J. jl?'^"; -^^ ■^-^lOLLETf. .ith Continuation, by ;;v|SfeS;/'^^^' «--. English Gramma, and ART of CON. S^^P- l"?'"'f'/P'""'^'''i ^''"•g'-' tyre, 4to r«//- iiuKlVi!;, on the Trm tv, KLOPSTOPfc' 'C ■. . , 3 iooh. ■' ^'-"^'^lO' ft., iMessias, 2 vok, and ROMAN HISTORY f/^»cl,es, stems, kc. pub. 4.. ' **^^^' ^^^"^"^■' '^"''' ' !» OLiects, Trees Legs. No,e,, Hands, &c ' '"^'* ^^ "''■'^^■**- P^--'^'' I'or,,, Ikad*. Bodies, Eyes. I w ^ ^^^IPP^fcii' MtJicnl Prec«i>t9, and ■stitutional 12 818 HOWARD on Vcne-, LEWIS Chomistrv. and 1. 5 loohi. 319 HOWAIID. on Teeth. Hair, Pu.;ipeiai Fever MEVT) LONDON PIIAlL^lACOPa]:IA,&c^t-S;. ' 820 HOWSHIP Biseascs of Urinary Organs, and MACILWAIN. Diseases Ireatinent of, 2 ic»oy(-j,;«/i. ItJ.r. 0,/, . ^"t-asts, .!?o nI;?M/''^'''/;1'/''' "'"^ f''^"'«^l'""Jeuoe, edited by Dunco.n].e. 3 vols. caU neat 3 f IW^TV^ ■^^rOLLETT History of ENGLAND. 3 vols. r.V/, ;;„i 2M oV "'' "^^vSL^^Ii:!?^:^-^^ of WESTEUN AFRICA, Sevcu year. Service on. 3%" ™s' r""?'r '''"''^' ''""'"• ^''^^ ""'•^"*- ^«'- 328 INSFPtNi 1",' pf ''"".'' """^ ^^"I'l-EK. Hydrostatics, 2 ioo.?.,. ««i 14, Crf 329 IRISH National Tales, T> vols ;;;;^5?^'' '''^'"' '•"^"' ""^^' ^^-'- 333 S'sorcl^^^ 2 vols.. 3 ^.Sr °^^""=^"'^"^' «"'l I'ol't'^ L.teratui-e, and the CHURCHMAN 334. JANET .^rOWBRAY, by Grantoli; 3 vols. 1854. BEV. S. S. Wn.SON, S/,,!;:* 3?cf fsM "'""' ^'^ DISCOURSES, by' 312 JOWETT. CatlieJral Music, adapted l„'o,,e T.-o Th,,. V v • EI^ITION, greatly tda "ed. COHOUS%^o!|^/^^?^.?p«^ /--'^t^'^. I-S P.ud otkersf' f i?""'^"'*''" °' "^^ ^^^^°^"*'°» f P»'I'es. 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"' "'•"""^•'"^ •^'^-'-^' -'1 ^^-'g'-l Association, e^. f:,c ,Mes [^^^ti^"^!^ ^-!-::,fo ^YEus, .„.,„, „,.; i^U-™, IVnt.o,ia Cr..a (Sophoelis, ^i^,.;, S^J.jrtiS English Notes J!'-fi^f\Chcmistry,a«/2]s. V\I1>V r „?ui 1 . ^"I'^'iy .SchoolTeuchcrs, 1855-l8r.O «/.«.f,. ""'"'' ^^-^^^' ^'"'^^r^"! H'^lory, and ELLIS, Latin E.xrrcise, ' - si£?'SS^a%™ t^^^^ ot plus eclair, do '"i'SrSl^ri" '^'^*"'' ^^"'"'^'^"' '""^ i'''3-ul, Euuction.; Discoveries, 3^S:'^ii;:i;:t;!;r:!!5 ™"'^''"" ''^'^>' ^^ ^-s'-"- ^vaics, seotiand, vvAuihA, (juldcu Colony, or Vttoria iu IS^it win. u > ,, '"".-^^ois. foriuins continuation to Dr. Ilobe^rsonHs vuls " ^"'"'^''' ably written, 543 547 US 5Ht 5.")0 5r,i 553 5«4 555 55G 557 558 55'J 5C0 301 5C3 503 CC4 5C5 500 507 5G8 509 571 572 373 574 'Tl 111 r< 20 576 ^'KLCOMK Intn.d.T into the Social firdc, n (lame for Parents and Urad. of School, EmTmN'; ' Amimnmcnt for Young, Par.!, and Book ia a Box. 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