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Les diagram mes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■/ Usm^: ^-■ *^^ Xi X s T o :f # wo:r the 4 'A TOWN OF STRATHROY 4 FOli THE YEAR 1877. m k ..r f^-ff' STRATHROY, ONTARIO: PRINTED BY Fl'LLERTON & AULD, FRONT-ST. 1877. /_ / /; LIST OF VOTERS -FOB THE- TOWN of STRATH ROY, POLLING DIVISION NO. 1. o "c 476 21 86 24 10 12 20 30 34 37 48 47 45 85 56 94 57 809 171 lid 137 139 NAME. Angustine, Orlando Ashwell, George.. .. Armstrong, W. H.. Auld, Adam Alison, B.H Armstrong, John .. Adams, John S.... Street or Conces sion. 4 s Albert. s North . s Albert Black, Malcolm . . . Boyd, Thomas Boswell, Johnson . Bentley, Robert..; Beer, Jacob '. Bundy, William H. Bailey, Thomas . . . Baldwin, Rev. Daniel Bowley, James.. , Buttery, Wm.. ... Brett, James , Clark, John Clark, Wm. F Creally, Trueman. Cooper, James 10 JO w Milner . . s Centre 76 w Oxford . . s Albert. s North . s North T&L. IS'y . , 4 4 Number of Lot or part Lot. 17, Saulsbury Survey 28, J & W. Survey Part 20 34 s half 7 & 8, Reid's survey 13 & 14, Sydenham Place. . 24 16, e Oxford 37 28 29 &30, Armstrong sy 18 19 Armstrong survey.. 7 & 8 S & K survey .... 13 S&K survey park lot 1 12 3 4 Young's survey 8 74 75 J «fc W survey 3. 9 n half 7 and 8 Reid's s'y . . pt. 7 w half e half 80 part w half w half 21 Owner . . owner.... owner owner.. .. owner.... owner.. .. tenant.... owner.... owner — owner.... V.' ner., .. owner. . . . owner. . . . owner. . . . owner — owner.... owner.... owner. . . . owner. . . . tenant.... owner.... owner.... ;j^;;ppp*|^ 4 List of Voters for the town ofSt.athroy, Dlv. M. I 130 111 NAME. Street or Conces- sion- Castles, Joseph Currie, Daniel.. ^hesley, Jordan 127 128 Cook, James 179 Cleverdon, Lawrence 170 Cameron, D M . . . . 171 Cameron. Wm 206 Cameron, John .... 765 Cumminge, Thomas leeChaloner, Thomas.. 134 Clark, Gilbert .... 143 Cornell, Christopher 122 Cawthrop, Thomas 144 Crouse, Nelson . . 135 Connor, James 130 Crook, Thomas . . 131 Croucher, George. No, of Lot or part Lot. e Milner 10 , 10 , H&W Sy. n Front n Front .... n Front.. .. n Front 192 Davis, David 193 Diem, Albert 305Dewar, Wm 1^4Drynan, William .. 247 Dell, Howard 199 Dell, Hiram 197Denham, J W 208Dingman, Absolm.. 185 Diggins, J C 304 Dudley, George 2l2 Dickenson, Richard l85 w McKellar.. . w Richmond.. 10 J& WSy w McKellar Armstrong Sy.. Saulsbury Sy.., 4 n Front... e Oxford. n Albert... CorneilSv- Rapley Sy. 10 7, 8, 9, 10, Armstrong sy. 21,92,23 and 24 part 11 part 11 46 and 48 15 15 16 14 and 15 25 Saulsbury sy 8. 4 part Block, Cornell's sy. . . part 11 8, 9 1,2 7 to 10 11 e Oxford Dickenson, Elijali. . |w McKellar. 6, 7, 8, 9, Young Sy. part w half w lialf 21 . 16 18 33, J & W Sy 36 5 : 16 ptll part 21 n half 17 Owner owner.. .. owner.... owner.. .. owner owner.... owner • • . . owner owner.. .. o,8ee 8D2 owner.... owner.. .. owner .... tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. owner — owner.... tenant .... owner owner.... owner .... owner.... owner tenant.... owner.... .,• / - i tenant.... f m Owner owner.. .. owner.. .. owner.. .. owner . . . . owner.... owner • • . . owner owner o,see SD2 owner.... owner.... owner .... tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. owner — owner.... tenant awner.... Dwner,... jwner .... )wner.... )wner lenaat.... )wner.... enant.... -'>> ^'^'LiHt of Voters for the Town of Strathroy, Dlv. Mo, 1. 5 - i ^ I NAMR, f 235 233 216 221 215 235 206 234 285 230 228 216 246 266 257 272 591 415 258 247 670 149 257 279 301 302 298 808 Evana, David .... Edwards, HF Ellis, I^^aiah Eakius, James.... Easterl)rook,Kicbard Ewer, W H...... Ellis, H W Eakins, Joseph . . Elliott, Thomas.. Elliott, James B .. Early, James.. .. Ellieo. Charles Street or Conces- sion. n North. w llilner .... J & W survey n Burns w Oxford .... n Front Saulsbury survey 10 10 4 10 Fisher, John Ferris, W Y FuUerton, James Frank, John. ffo. of Liot or Part Lot pt block A, Saulsbury sr'y 41 and 42 83 5, 6 and 7 7 16....: part number 6 part 11 part 11 part 21 part 11 10. 4 . Fawcett, Thomas . . e Oxford Ferguson, .Tames., Frank, Leonard . , Frank, Hiram G.... Fisher, John Foster, George... Fletcher. Benj... GilJ^ean, GD.. .. Grant, Alexander Gunn, John Goodwin, Abraham Gott, William .... J & W survey J «& W survey w Oak avenue . . Sydenham Place w McKellar part 11 s w corner 20 4 and 5 Raplcy survey. . 80 to 93, Athol and John . . part 1 Corneil's survey . . Sand 4 Corneil's survey.. 58 to 61 inc 83 25 12 8 10 10 e Oxford . w Oxford, n North... south west pt 10 part 11 part 4 6 andpt 7 centre pt 2, Reid's survey. . I^v tenant.... iwner.. .. owner.... owner owner.. .. owner.... owner.... owner.... tenant .... owner.. .. 0, see No. 5 owner. . • . owner. ... owner owner.... owner.. .. owner owner owner.. .. owner .... owner.. .. teuant.. .. tenant.. .. owner — tenant .... tenant .... owner — owner.. .. A. _ _ _ _ ^ I f «iv. NAME. 2«0 2m Gilzeatt. JT....7 folding. Thomiw 287|QrecnaWft3', Chiis • Hion. No. of r.oi or part Lot. '^"'«'t .[20. 27 and 22 1(1 809 Gnllowny, Wm ptn 5, Ivajjlty Survey. 856 G17 « nortJi IlaiiJcy, J ir HiiichclifTe, George &.'J5 JIumpLries, ISamuel «09H'UvJiiii8, Joseph.. ^893jHavvkiii8. David .... (North rtwner..., I tenant owner . . . . tenant 817 349 owner.. .. owner.. .. owner.. .. owner.... owner.. .. owner. pt r> and G, lieid's survey owner, owner. , n North 13 1. 2, 3, 4, Armstrong .survey 6, T&L Company's survey land 2, e Oak avenue .... 5 and ... """■■^■w Iw Hk.j,„,„„a ..L 13 ., ■;■'■'. I H'-...FHc.,K, I „„, [;;"■»•- -PS I. ItU... yaijililton. Alexander.. L North a22Hubor, Isaac L Alhert (3 .. MHu...]. Cyrus W.... I Albert Lo 131 Hull. John E Itenunt.. ojnope. Edgar, .;:;::;::::::: r^""'''''-^«'-^-->Uner. 833 Henderson. Gregg.. L Oxford 843 Henessey, Arthur \ 321|Haggarty, Ed lo .... 317Highfield. Wm.. 328j Holmes, John.. .. 325Hambly, John.... 332Holden. Wm js Albert 854 Howe, Hamilton.... n Front part 21. " • • . . , 371 874 376 377 IvisoD, JA. Ivor, John.. Ivor, G B . . owner.. . . owner owner.. ., tenant.... tenant tenant Saulsbury survey. 13 and loltenant.... tenant — tenant. Syderham Placeli5 parti. Ra- ley survey .. part 11 Armstrong survey, 18 & 19 part 21 .... part 22 8 Fronts I12. Johnston, Alexander'w Oak aveuue..(2,4,6,8and9.... jowner tenant.... tenant owner. . . . iv:' owner.. . r(owuer. . . owner.. . ovv-ner.... owuer.. .. i owner.. .. [owner owner owuer. . . . tennut.. .. )wner.. .. )wiier.. .. iwner wner.. . , 3nant.. .. inant nant.. . . Dant .... tiant — lant.... ner ant.. .. ant.... aer.... 413 4)2 407 406 387 481 376 41 r. 400 401 408 478 492 .477 546 561 481 344 543 506 551 806 497 Lee, Andrew Linsley, George , . . . Lcnfestey Thomas.. Lcnfestey^ .James . . Lemon, George . . . . Lenfestey, Jolin . . . . Leonard, Michael . . Lament, James . . . . Lucas, J W , Lavgf , Wm Lee, James H Munro, David Macklin, James ... Mackintyre, Peter. McLarty, John . . . , McLarty, Robert . Munro, Murdock ., Mcintosh, Gilbert . , Murray, W H Maine. Henry , Moore, Isaac Mole. Charles Meek, W H ...,*.. . J «& W survey . , w McKellar s Front , 8 Front Lot 3, Rapley survey. . . . 30, east Oak avenue part of 21 03, o4and 55 part block 9 and 10 part 12 :J and 4 Corncil's survey . . Armstrong sur'v "^ 9 lowner, ■irvey Saul8()ury surv'y 5 Aoa U'«»k w McKellar . . Hyman's survey s Albert Oxford ..... 4 Rapley's survey s Albert. nr T>tnK^.^_;.1 anui. I part of west half 20 15 and 16 Saulsbury survey 16 1 part 25 55, 56, 67, 58, J «fe W surv'y 4, 5, 6, 7, corner Maitland. . south North 1,2, 3,4 , 7, Comeil's survey 2 tenant.... tenant .... Si 1 5--iV-=. ilVi tU 1 Slii t/a^l . 8 List i,t or I Uer.f,n-theTou;^g^^ iBtrcet or Conces Blon, ' KumlH. • ot hoi or part Lot tenant . -— — III r I ' i lift ,.»»^» ••••••••' SsllMaltland. Ed ^ ^^"""^ 1 p.^^ park lot 8. ReUV. «'yWuer. . • • 996Mann, 50o'Mi.n8on, James i ^. I «^ T«hn J&W survey.' 8 aiidU .^ i purt 21 472 UicLrmgbin, Wm . • j4 JMcBrlde.Wm Uouta North..- 18 JMcIntyre.Hu,U....Uh Albert ..24..^.^^ L „„j,i,n castMUncr....39and30 463Morgan, Jolin ••• . .« 17 J Merrick. Alexander 10 • JMe.Hi-.Alex pulsbury BurVy 19 .•' - Charles. . • iwe^t Oak avenue Rapley survey lo 405lMurray, Chants...- w .Henry east Oxford ....I? •••••■ l,r T « Auffus . . • . w McKellar. • • • 7 338 McLean, Angus . . ,-.* ,ii(; , part 20 5G3lMann, George , , „ between Oxford anr'l side-road 374lNoble. James oe^^ ^ , Henry., .south Albert....! ,^, ., an Lest McKellar.. 18 569Neil, G U Lt „f -pamond . .north Front ....!<* {,76 Nugnct, liiamouu 1 , .2, Saulsbury's survey 3^4lerchard, George. . . • ' 5Jo«n», Henry north Burns.... 1 •.•-••■- - Jo.Dwyor.P.Uic...U..ront....|nort.part«... 588 O'Dvyye'-, Michael i \^^ [tenant. owner.. . • owner jowuer.... owner.. •• lowncr .... jowner..-. Jtcnant. . . • 'tenant. . •• lowner.... _ I tenant. . • lo'vner.. . Jowner.. • owner . . 332 Nicholson, owner.. owner. owner, owner. owner.. .• owner - . . • tenant. . ■ • owner.. .• ■Mr«, .inorth Albert.. -.138 '''''' ^"^ ^ 'block B. Saulsbury survey owner . . . . eisPipe 612 Phillips, William . • | 126Peters. Calvin IJ&Wsurvey. ...L-.v„ ir.rtward.. ..West Milner... O^Uji: ai~~> 83 south park lot 1 N\M.i!. tion. * Pearct), W T Parsons, fi F 618 Panne', James. e Oxford Armfltrong's «'y 227 Rowland, EMwitrd .. 034 Riley, Richard 6-46 RIchavds, Rol)ert . . 726Rapley, Thomas — 786 I||f pley, Lorenzo 729 Richardson, Thomas 725 Ray, Samnol 7b8Raplcy, William.. 734 Raplcy, James 40i> Riddle, .lohu .... 630Rason& McVicar n North 8 Front .... 9 Front w McKellur n Front 731 Rason Johpson 670 093 (598 689 700 HO 693 695 683 665 681 7l0 2 cor i ... North Sells, John Sells, David Snel), Thomas Shepherd, Wm .... Saul, WraH Smith, J W Stevens, Robert . . . Snell, Thosjr Saulsbury, John . . Sellars, William . . . Smith, Henry Steer, George .... Springer, Menno . . 49Saxon, Frank 13, 14 13, 14 " 5 4 4 J & W Survey T& L survey 5 10 8 Albert Ni). ofI*it or Part Tct part 1, Corieirn survey . 7. 8. 9. 10 8 parts ..: owner 5 and 0, Armstrong surveyiowner part 21 >''naat park lot 1, Ruplev surveyi'owner ptl8 11 5, « park lot 2, Rnpley survey. 17 53, 54, 55. J& Wf- . ,' . pt21 4 . E Oak Avenue E Oak Avenue part 21 part 20 part 20 62. 68 part 7 part of 21 part Block i, Saulaburysy 6, Rapley's survey 16, 18, 19, east Oak Avenue part 11 6 Sydenham Place! 12 tenant.. .< owner.... owner. . . owner.. .. owner.. . owner. . . owner.. . tenant . . . owner. . . owuc".. . owner.. . owner* •. owner.. . owner.. . owner... owner... owner... owner... owner. . , owner... ownei owner... 1 If h ■ to List of Voters for the town ofStrathroy, DLv. JVb. {25 713 691 715 690 354 408 328 251 666 670 707 NAME. Scott, CG Scatcherd, R C Sinclaire, ' /hn Sutherland, Robert.. Smith, Richard P . . . Stevenson, R A Saul, Rev R Stevenson, Judge. Sinclair, Dugald . . Smith, Francis.... Stoddard, John . . . Saul, John S Street or Coiyjes sion. 4 n Front . e Milner s North . No. of Lot or part Lot. n Front 5 4 w McKellar 17 e Oak Avenue w Oak Avenue.. Corneil survey part 21 15. Raid's survey 36 to 40 inclusive centre parts 5, 6. Reid'ss'y 10, 11, 12, Rapley's survey 13 part of 21 part of 21 , 8 25 747 Thompson, James 739 Tylor, John 756 Thompson, Alex .... 746 Thompson, Isaac .. . . 374 TLdall, Fred 755 Tinkler William . . : 740Teeple, Joseph 759 Urquhart, Hector .. 764 Vennor, John 785 Woodhull, Charles A 797 Williams, Roger... 778 Wells, John 777 Walker, W B 779 Wiley, David , 784 WiUiston, J K 804 Young, James 4 owner. . owner... owner. . . owner... owner... owner... owner.. .. ownet I Front J «fe W survey . . . 4 n North TV Milner s Albert s Albert , s Burns Saulsbury surv'y fllA 7airit7. .T/-hn Saulsbury survey 23, 24, 25, e Oak Avenue 14 Reid's survey , 12,13, 14 part 24, Maria w 14, 15 43,44 n half 25 4 part 20 2 andS 10, 11, J & W survey 66 and 57, J & W survey. , 12 part 21 pRrt 21 set iVo3 owner tenant .... owner.... tenant tenant.. .. owner. . . . owner.... owner tenant.. .. tenant .... owner.... owner!.,. owner.... owner.... owner.... owner. . . . owner.... owner.... ii ps.* so, a, o»'ui»bury syjowner., .. .^ •^ fvst of Voters for the Town of Strf^thr> i/, Div. JVo. 2. 1 1 POLLlNa DIVISION NO. 2. V ^ ro3 o 22 716 718 337 93 376 64 Si NA.ME. Auld, Adam Armitage, James. AttwoodPH .... Ashwell, George . Barber, J W Black, John Barnes, James Bailey, Frederick . . . ;Q3|Bailey, Thomas .... 427 Buck, William 92 Bettridge, William 60 Bryans, William .. . 61 Bowley, James 94 Bowley, Frederick g* Barber, JW S6 Burton, R A 100 Bickaell, Thomas 58 Barnes, C M 82 Bixel, Matthew 62 Beswick, S 71 Barron, Isaac 63 Baskerville, J W 87 Bentley, Henry 98 Bishop, Joseph 175 Street or Ci'Uccs- ^on. n Centre 3 Front . n Front . . n Centre . s Front . , n Centre s -Centre . n Centre n Centre s Centre .. n Front . . n Centre s Front . . s Centre . s Front . e Frank .. n Front . n Centre n Front . w Centre n Centre . n Centre. 8 Front . n North . _ -m A. No. of Lot or part Lot 48, 49 partT .... east part 7 77, 78 15 part 49 and 50 j. part 76 , 45, 46 part of 46, 45 . , part 70 10 ». part of 43, 44 . , 14 18 part 43 part 15 lotQof 50 .... part 6 40 TU VW part 41 ST part 44 23 8 ««_*r. m on tenant., owner., owner. . owner.. tenant., owner., tenant., tenant., owner., owner., owner., tenant., owner., owner., tenant . . tenant., tenant., owner., owner., tenant., tenant., tenant., tenant., tenant.. owns* • . f .#i**i«Ms^i^.^^iWw^«s^'-^;;5;^^ • 2 List of Totersfor the Town of Strathroy, IHv. JVs? f. ♦f O 61 149 167 170 171 174 172 164 175 180 367 147 169 813 166 808 810 811 309 210 305 198 212 200 234 231 239 266 NAME. Cooper, J C Cooper, Charles . . . Colter, Charles — Cameron, William. Cameron, DM ..:. Chalmers, James .. . Cutlen.EL Cox, James Street or Conces- sion. s Centre . n Jaines 8 Centre n Front . n Front . n Front . 3 Front . s Front . Cummins, William. .In North Cawrse, Charles — Cockle, HR Coutts, Tliomas Carrol, Peter Cain, William Challoner, Thomas.. Dumbrin, R & Co. . . Diprose, Robert Dewan, J D Dyas, W J Dyas, J J Dubois, Joseph .... Delamore, Thomas.. Dickenson, Richard Donelley, Patrick . Ewer, W H .•. . Early, Fawcett Eakins. S A . . . Francis, G M n North n James n James n Front , n Front . s Front n Front n Front n Kittred.Eje Av'e s Front s Front n Centre s Centre 8 Front n James . 8 Fronts . 8 Cer.tre" 8 Front .. 8 Front Number of Lot or part Lot. part 74 parts of 8 rtnd T 69, 70 69 and part 70 . . part W part 7 part 24 south part 24 . . part 5 7 part S and T . . part V part 1 and 2 . . . , part X part T part U part W and X . 13 to I9 part T part T part 43 part 72 and 73 . , part Arcade — 109 and 110..,.. part of V part 75 16andl7 part of U tenant.. .. tenant.. .. owner owner owner.. .. owner. , . . .. owner. . .. tenant.. . . see L No i owner ten.i,nt tenant. . . . tenant.. .. t, see N'}. 5 tenant.. . . tenant .... owner. . .. owner tenant.. .. owner owner .... tenant.. . . tenant.... o'^ner.... • owner.... owner.. .. owner.. .. of Voters for the Town ofStrathmy, Div .M:2 n -o 272 365 269 261 267 262 nam;;. ■ Frauk, John Fillmore, William . Frank S & Keiclium Ferguson, Jacob.. Ferguson Dugald . Fletcher, W 302 390 300 298 306 293 307 305 303 397 349 332 357 337 350 384 836 374 872 877 876 Hilton, Friend ... Harrison. F L . . . Howard, G Healy, Henry W Hardy, Thomas . Howe, Hamilton Hple, Jeflery — Street or Conces sion. n Front . . . s Front n Albert . . s Centre . . s Front . . . nCentrc ... Gunn, John Grant, AH Grant, WH Goodwin, A Grist, Charles Geddes, James . . . . German, GG Gibbons, WH Graham. D «fe Co .. Geary, Elijah n Front s Front .. s Front <. n Centre . n Front . n Centre . n Centre n Centre s Front . s Front . s Front . n James . s Front . n Front . s Front . Ivor, John n Front Irving, Thomas . . . . n Front Ivor, Cross, & Gibson n Centre Ivor, GB n Centre Irwin, John Income Number of Lot or part Lot. parts 1, 3 and 4 part 8 101, 102, 103 .. . part V and 57 . part of U part of V18... part of W part of Arcade Block , part of Arcade Block part of 26 part of 23 part of 41 and 42 — west part of V part lot 43 48, 49 part 8 and T part of S east part of 22 part of U e part 5 part 8 part 4 part W part of X . . . part of T . . . . part of 49, 48 '^art 49 ...... owner,. .. tenant ft owner. . . . tenant tenant.. .. tenant .... owner.. .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant — owne'' . . . tenant. . .. tenant tenant. . .. tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant .... tenant . . . . owner.. . . tenant . . . . tenant . . . . tenant . . . . tenant . . . . tenant.. .. tenant.. .. tenant .... tenant.. . . NAME. IStreet or Conces-1 sion. No. of Lot or Part Lot SSlJohnston Alex . 382 Cuddy, Loftus . 875ljhy, Charles G.. a85 Jury, W R . . • • 867 Johnston, Wm 894|Kittredge, A H 147 owner. Front IP"'^'' <^f 22 n Front Ipart of 32 It^.^ant.... tenant — n Centre le part 46 . part of 5 n Fiont n James 01 Ill n James part of S and T n James epart\ 4Ket survey ..|2l,22. 26 20 tenant. part of ST pant. owner. owner.. Lenfesty, John jr iLamon, George . 440 Large, Henry . . • 42lLauler, JD js Front 424lLauler, Samuel .. ..|nFroiu 425 LaChance, W E . . . .U Front I 1 421 Lauler, Jacob . . 418 Lindsay, W B 429|Legallee. Thomas ..s 428lLaird, WP « Front Maitland. Edward X Front jpart of Head lot Mclntjre, Hugh part Rd lot • "0 part of S North jpavt *>f '^ ^vest half of 14 tenant 8 Fi ont w Caradoc . owner tenant.. •• owner.. •• owner tenant.. •• owner — owner . . . owner.. • 550 798 410 231 Moody, Wm...-- McKellar, Malcolm. . |s Centre 534|McLaren Andrew SSSlMalon, John 558 McKellar, John . 629 Morgan, Richard . . |n James 298Manson, James ... 162 McPherson, John 426 Mansfield, George ?74!Moore; W C 543 Murray, W H . • . n Front |e part of 3 4 Ket survey ...• 21,22, 29 s Front [part V 8 Centre 7^ n Centre n Front part of 2 n Centre west part of 41 n Front road lot n Front jpartofXandW uFront W^ of 1 ^7' ) ft / •J't) t of Voters for the Towii of Strathroy, IHv. M>. ^. ^^5 o NAME. G3 Meekison, A. Street or Conces- sion. n Cvnt'-e Morrison, Peter .. .. s Front ,. 533 540 Meekis'^n & iVIann'ng 513 Megsa, George 63 Meekison, A 515 Mitckell. John 509 McGugan, Donald . 375 Marshall, John . . . 503 McKeen, J M ...... 5ol Moore, Isaac 535 McRrault, John . . . 267 Moore, C & Co . . • n Front 657 354 348 574 572 573 Martyn, Joseph T McLavty. Robert Meek, F W n Centre n Centre s Centre s Centre • n Centre n Centre s ^ront . s Front . 3 Front . n Front n Front s Front Noble, James • . . Nichols, Thomas. iNapper, Charles . 589 581 588 I 210 577 590 262 538 O'Neil, R H n Front n James n Front s Front Number of Lot or part Lot. 4i .. part of V east part of V ... part of S and T . . 44 east part of T . . . part of 77 and 78 part of 46 and 49 part of 49 • 19 Arcade U part of W parts 4 and 5 . . . part of 24 owner.. .. seeD M9 tenant.. .. tenant .... owner.. .. tenant.. .. tauant .... owner.... tenant .... owner .... tenant .... owner.. .. tenant.. .. owner.. .. tenant .... part of L part of V part of 6 Itenant. tenant, owner. O Neil, part of T ^ jH s Centre parts 79 and 80 O'Neil, BS Orchard, George d Front 8 Front O'Keefc, Patrick!... n Front O'Dwyer, Patrick Patterson, Andrew. Parker, James W . s Front east part of T part of T . . . . part of U ...• part of 25 ... . n Centre s Front . . 593] Poole, Irving in Froit ;art of V and 52 Arcade east part of V ■ owner .... tenant .... owner.... owner.... tenant.... tenant.... owner.. .. tenant.... 1 6 List of Voters for the town of Strathroy, IHv. JS''o72 o 591 622 100 356 206 621 617 619 653 724 652 651 639 649 629 714 710 715 708 713 717 ?16 712 f89 872 872 719 720 NAME. Penrce, W J Prangley, George . . Parker, George .... Patterson, Samuel . . Paine, Benjamin . . Paine, John Peters, Calvin Parsons, Edward .. Rothwell, Thomas.. Reid. John Rapley, Thomas .... Rapley, Lorenzo .. Ross, G W Ray, Samuel Rapley, Henry .... Scott, C G Springer, Menno .. Sutherland, Robert Snell, William F . . Scatcherd, R C . . . . Stevenson, Alexand'r Smith, WT Smith, L H Stonebouse, Ed C . Street, Moses ..... Street, NK Slatei-, JC .. ... Samuel, J F Street or Conce*- sion. n Front .... n Front n Front s Front n James .... s Centre . . • . Armstrong sur y n James .... s Centre s Front nFrent n Front , n Front , s Front , n James n Front s Front n Centre a Front income north Front . . . . noith Front.... income south Centre.... north Front .... north Front .... north North.... aorth Front .... No. of Lot or part Lot. part of U part of 109 110 part of 6 ■wast half of 15 part 109 part 75 1 2,3,4 109. 110 72 part of V part 6 — part 7.. . part W . . part 26 . . 3 G and pa) t of V part of 25 part of 48, 49 . . . part of U w third of 6 part of 7 . . . part of 70 ... . east part of U eastpart of U . 11,13 part5 owner.. . . owner owner owner.... tenant.. .. tenant tenant.. ♦« tenant tenant.. . . tenant tenant.. .. tenant me D Xo 3 tenant.. .. tenant. . .. owner.. .. tenant.... tenant... . tenant.. .. owner.. ., tenant..., owner..., owner.... o-^ner.. : owner . . . . tenant.. .. y '&tof Voters for the Toivu of Strathroy.JJw. M, 2. 17 o "A l_ 752 88 730 754 769 7G1 425 801 79G 788 798 789 517 165 NAMB. Thompson, 'fhomas Thompson, James.. Telford, M D Thompson & Iloare Vary, D W Yokes, J T. Wat&on, JB Waite. David Wright, James . . . Woods, James Wortliington, A I. Wilson, George . . . Zavitz, Thomas . . . Zavitz. David Street or Ci •nces- sion. north Front — n orth North — north Front — north Front . . • . « north Front . . east Frank . . . north Front ... oouth North — south Front . . . no.'th Centre — north Front — south Centre . -outh Front. No. of Lot or part Lot. part of X. part of 8 . . part of X. part 5 . . . . 8 10 of 24. part road lot. 12 part of T . . . part 44 part 3 part 70 part 22. part 24. owner. . tenant. . owner., tenant.. owner., tenant.. tenant. . owner . . owner. . tenant., tenant., tenant.. owner., owner.. '- w- KMHSiMMHWMMnWl »8 List of Voters for the Toivn of Strathroy, IHv.JVbJ. POLLING DIVISION NO. 3. 4 83 8 6 11 24 NAME. 53 87 636 402 486 97 59 65 95 41 65 40 42 43 44 67 90 90 Adair, Benj Auguslin, Darcy.. . Atison, Peter J . . . Adams, John S ». . . Armstrong, Thos L. Avery, Wm Street or Conces- sion. S & K survey 121 Beswick, Samuel .. Bradshuw, James . . Brandreth, William Bowlon, Isaac Brown, John Billington, Geo. M.D Beachley, Edward.. Bell, Richard Bateman, Thomas . . Barber, S P Burns, Andrew .... Broderick, Jesse .... Birckolder, Henry.. Bain, David Bicknell, Benj Bond, Isaac Baniet, Edward.. .. Buck, Wru south James.. . D, MciT^WLs'y No. of Lot or Part Lot 10 east McKellar 25. 79, 80 74 Street and Keofer surv'y 67, 68 S and K survey .... 4 Ileid's survey U 3. 4, 5. 8, 9, 10 owner, owner, owner, tenant . owner, tenant. Oarruthers, Andrew north J\Ietcalfe north ]\[etcalfe south Albert., west Caradoc S & K survey , north Metcalfe, north Metcalfe. S & K survey . S & K s'y Rs'y north Centre . S and K survey S and K survey part lot 11 tenant. 1 and 2 owner. 120, 121, S & K s'y owner. S and K survey owner. . . part 15, Reid's s'y s R R . . owner. . . 305, 206 tenant... part 5, 106 owner. . . 32 tenant. . . 52 tenant . . . 63 and 64 tenant. . . east half U tenant . . . 49 tenant. . . 89 owner.. . 135 tenant. . . part 6, south R R ownci . . . . part 77 owner. . . 136, 139, 140, tenant. . . . 126, 139, 140 owner. . . . owner.... east Frank .... 190, 91, 93, S and K survey ■^ *V,' fist of Voters for tl n Town of Strathroy , Div. J^o. S 19 NA.MS. Cawthrop, Thomas. . Chamberlain, 8 G.. Craik, Alexander .. Crone, William . . . . Cutler, Jacob Carson, J 8 Campbell, James. . . . Course, Charles . . . . Donnelly, Patrick . . Dyer, John Dudley, George — Dumaa, Nicholas . . Donnelly, Edward.. Dight, Thomas .. .. Street or Conces sion. English, J H . English, John Foe, Amos Frazer, James H . Frank, Charles G. Frank, Zacharias . 42 Gaskill, John Harris James Hutton, Joseph . . . Hipkins, Edward . Henry, Richard ... Haldane, Robert... Hanes, Alexander . 10. 8 Metcalfe 3 Albert Reid's survey . . north Metcalfe.. S and K survey G W R Graine-y S and K survey J & W survev.. part U 60, 8 «fc K survey parts 34 6, S R R part U 36, 37 77 McK & McR s'y 8 and K survey 3 and K survey S and K survey 8 and K survey Beattie survey.. s Albert ........ 89. 8 and K s'y — east McKellar . . 8 and K survey 16 u Metcalfe..... 3 & K survey . Number of L Jt or part Lot. 98 34, 25 parts. Reid's s'y 8 RR., 8 and K survey 4 and 5 9o! 393, Grainery R R "rrounds 95 43 to 48, 39 24 6 to 17, 23 and 35 31 8 and K survey 124,135 8, 9, 10. block Or- 77 J and W survey.. T.... 42......;....: .; owner... tenant... tenant... owner.. . owner... tenant . . . owner.. . t see No 2 owner. owner. owner.. tenant.. owner.. tenant.. tenant, owner., owner., owner., owner., tenant.. owner.. owner. owner., owner.. owner. owner. owner- I go List 0/ Voter's for the town of Strathroy, IHv. J^ 869 873 362 866 Street orCJonces- Hughes, Jas ., Irvine, Samuel jr . . Irvine, Samuel Blackburn s'y. No. of Lot or part Lot. 10. Jttmc8on, Archibald TohnHtoii, W M . . . . Reid's survey ..south half 13 ^0 part 14 Reid's survey. 387 Kittred.r;e, All . , east McKellar . . nohh Metcalfe.. S «fc K survey . . 417 Lou^rhead, James . .south Albert. 3, 4, 3, Block C part 200, 202 ... . 00 2, 23, 75, 123, and part 88 owner.. . tenant owner.. ., owner. . . . owner.. .. owner.... 403 404 Lynch, John I-ea, Wm . . . . 518 447 319 450 448 471 470 466 499 158 601 444 446 452 McBride, John . . McNeice, Thomas McNeice, Thos .. Mc Vicar, Daniel.. McBeth, Geor!?fc.. jMcNeice, James jr. McQowan, Kobert . Mclntyre, John . . . McThtyre, Peter H . Sand K survey Reid's survey .. north Metcalfe.. I iS and K survey S and K survey 96. T3 29 and 107. 42. 102, 103 S and K survey 61, 62, 8 and K survey (55, 66, S and K survey . . , owner owner.. .. owner owner.. .. owner. , . . owner. . . . tenant.... S and K survey 3, Reid's survey 8 R R . . . . lowner. 15, Reid's survey 8 R R . .|tenant. . . . Milner, Joseph (south Metcalfe. . [west part 57 |owner . McBride, 8 & A ... . [south James McKellar, P J |west Caradoc 303 311 ^0 458 Morrow, Wm . . , Marchbanks, Walter Maxwell, DA Mackintosh, John . . Mann, Henry McPhee. Alex Blackburn't su'y east McKellar . . McK&WR sy S and K survey south James.., P'^''* S owner. . . , Pt oO, 61 tenant . . . . 16 6, 7B.. 8, 9, 10 144 part T. tenant.... tenant.... tenant.... tenant.... tenant.... owner.... y / /"tlst. of Voters for the Town, of S/nUhroij, THv. JSto. S. 21 o =3 NAME. Street or Conces- sion. 45a 463 533 i. i 575 .■554 580 o8l McPhail, Dnnrti'i — McKellar, DM .... Morrison, Peter . . . . Nichols, Edward . . . . Nicholson, Robert.. Noble, John 8 and K s'y .... S R «& Ileld'8 8'y S and K survey O'Dwyer, Edward s Metcalfe. NunilHT of Lot or {Mirt Lot. 74 18 I08, 154. pt 6, Reid's survey SR R. 60,51, .W. 54, 65, 56.. .'. . Reid's s'y S R Rin half 7 east McKellar . . O'Dwyer, .Tohn !S and K survey 732|0"Bryne, Berniird . 38aOgden, John 10. 446 015 616 607 607 636 640 639 687 632 738 769 630 641 644 Pujolis Robert J.... Phillips. Wm Paisley, James . . . . Park, James Pegley, John Redman, Wm S and K survey lands 0. 73. 38, S and K survey,, part 11 east Mclvellar . . s Metcalfe s Metcalfe S and K survey 11 Robinson, John Ross, GW, MP.... Robson, John Robinson, John .... Rapley, William Richardson, Vhomas Richardson, Thos H Robinson, James . . Roblin, David «; and 7 B 57 87 34 S R R Reid's survey owner. . .. tenant. . .. nee D No 2 owner. . . . owner. ... owner. . . . o-vner.. : tenant .... owner. . .. owner.. . . owner. . .^ tenant tenant. . .. owner tenant .... north Metcalfe . 69TSharp, Allan 8 Albert south James . . . McK & McR s'y 10 120, 121 . ■ 99 and 100 S and K survey 150, 151, S and K survey. . 141 S and K survey T Graine-y. G WR 17 to 20 J& W survey pt200, 202 6 and 7 part 11 . . ,. tenant .... owner.. .. 0, see No 2 tenant.. .. owner .... owner.... tenant.... owner.... tenant.... 28. " Lilt of "ruiers fur the town of Sfrathroj/, IHv. M)3. '11 ill ^ 403 030 671 67-i 675 677 57 6 0G6 673 G78 679 2SAMK. 744 443 743 741 745 753 765 769 775 792 751 791 774 786 800 Silver. Ocorge Hcafon, John Smith, Hiclmrd .. .. Steplor. John ^Uxi\i\, WE SoIIh, David Stokoo, Uartholoiii'w aullivan, Jcrf^inluh. . Smith, Fnincis Stovenr,, Ambrose .. Stoops, Wm Stom', Philip Stroet or Conccd- « Jantes MoKellar .. No. of Lot or part Lot. n h 8, Held '8 survey, 8 R R ownor.. , owner., owner. , parts 200. 202 U, 12, 18 1 27, 127. a & K Hurvey .... tenant .... a li 10, Ui'id's Hurvey K 11 Sjowner. . . . l>t 5, Hcid's survey, 8 K HJowncr. ... S and K 8urvey!63, 64 low ner. 4 Reid's .survey, S J{ It. . . .jowner. . . . ^ \o,8ee No\ S and K survey Tomlinsoii, H Traffla, Wii'jani . . . . Thompson, ,. .)hn rhouy, Elijah TaJbot. Benjamin . . Thick, Joseph ea.j| McKellar . . S and K survey J and W survey Vanwyck, John . Vanstaden, W G. Reld's survey J and W survey north Centre s ADicrt J and W survey 4Hml5 itenant.... '^'^ jowner. . .. 23 jtenant .... i I 17S and K survey jowner Sand K survey. 6 8 7 jtenant 138, S & K survey jowner. . . . 5 jtenant .... 16 jtenant.. .. 8 of 50 keuant.... Williams, R S S and K survey Wilson, .Tosepli south James. Woods, James Woods, Charles ... Wilkinson, WB... Wallace, Richard ., Wilson, MS south James.. .. S and K survey McKi&McR s'y north Metcalfe.. 8 and K survev 26, 27 1 17 to 21 'owner. 58, 69, 197. 198, 199. part 8 73 B8 Vand 204... 107 owner.. .. owner.. .. tenant .... owner owner.. .. tenant.... t€!\ant .... Z' '1 /t. sf or Voters for the Town ofStrathroy, JHv. Xo. 4 n POLLING DIVISION NO. 4. 6 I NAMR. Street or Concos slou. e 17 25 76 9 18 18 312 28 26 63 59 75 72 67 C8 69 69 77 75 81 440 33 4d Adams. Charles . . . . Aiklns, John Allen, Henry Ayre, Joshua Acklaiid, John . . . . Alexander, Jiunes *. . Armitagc, James . . A&Ksy \ Front . . A iT: K sy s Front, . . w Arthur s Front . . 8 Front . . , Bowlby, John Bravner, Robert .... Barclay. George Eanghart. James . . Black, John Banghart, Andrew.. Barnes, John Bond, Isaac Bond, John Balky, Thomas .... Brown, John BaskervlUe, James . . Bateman, Thomas H Bowlen, Isaac Beattie, William — Bailey, Hugh RakfiT. J Tj .. ., , 4 9, 10 11 10 s Metcalfe s Front . . s Metcalfe e Caradoc e Caradoc e Caradoc e Caradoc A & K sy AifeKsy . A & K sy .... Blackburn sy s Metcalfe . . . . Number of Lot or pari Let. 52 part R . . . . 51, «1, 65 09 cast half K . parts 3, 1 5 . part R ... pari Q part 25 Munn's sy part 13 parts 38, 38 A «fc K sy 3 G pt i; part 10 11 part i part 1 63 72. 43 2 Blackburn sy 38,39 31,32 Plot ; tenant.... owner. . .. owner.. .. owner. . .. tenant. . .. tenant.. .. tenant.. ,. owner. ... owner owiier.... owner . . . . tenant.. .. owner. . .. owner.. .. owner.. .. owner.. .. tenan o . . . . owner.. .. tenant .... owner.... owner.. .. tenant.. .. tenant .... tenant.. .. i List of Voters f 07' the town of Strathroy, Div, Xo. ^.25 o I 204 203 809 810 517 810 208 207 232 200 227 233 225 250 263 260 254 268 268 272 264 469 376 294 297 302 292 NAME. Dewan, J D Daniels, William . . Diimbrill, Richard.. Diprose. Robert Dell, Solomon . . . . Diprose, Robert — Dingman, Absolom Dunkley, Joseph . . Evelj^ William .... Elwick, Thomas . . Evans, David ^Uwood, Charles . . Elwick, George .... Fitzpatrick, James.. Fitzpatrick, Peter . , Frank, Francis W • Eraser, William Fawcett, William . . Fawcett, Thomas . . Frank, John Fergusou, James . . Fletcher, Miles . . . . Street or Conces- sion. Kittredge Ave . e Head ; . . e Head .. . e Caradoc . e Colborne s Metcalfe s Front . . . s Front . . . n Front . . , ]!i[unn's sy . w Arthur . s Front . . . Munn's sy . s Front . . . . w Colborne e Caradoc . . e Canaan . 8 Canaan . 10 n Front . . e Caradoc Gibson. John W .. Groves, James ... Geary, William ... Gcwrie, John Gordon, George . . . n Front Blackburn sy 8 Concord . . . No. of Lot or part Lot. 14 to 19 . 6 8, 9, 10 . 1 n school part 1 . . , part Q . . J part K . 15 5, 6 ... . wh K. 15 part Q 6 part 8, 9 5 and 7 Blackburn sy 19 to 22 inclusive . . . 26 part 13 part R 2 38, Blackburn sy . . . . 29, 30 41 Bl. tvburn sp 4, 8 part P 34,85 11 owner., owner., owner., tenant . . owner. . tenant . . tenant., tenant.. owner. . owner. . tenant. . owner., tenant. . tenant., owner., owner... owner » . . owner.. . owner.. . owner.. , owner. . . owner.. . owner.. , tenant.. . tenant., owner., tenant.. ..'I ^6 List of Voters for the Toivn of Straihrm, Biv. .No. ^. I 853 317 NAME. Hoare, WW Street orCcnces- sion. Holahau, TIk n;ts Hull, WesltM- .... 827 Hull. William 323 829 805 836 340 844 e Caradoc fi and 7 No. of Lot or part Lot. e Caradoc Hull, WW Hunter, George . . . . s Concord Hughes, James . . . Hill, Robert Hand, Thomas ... Hoshall, Isaac 1 840lHeard, John .. .. .. 81G 33 577 9 815 843 870 e Head e Head s Front 4 part 23 4, part 23 .,:.'.. 4 part 22 10 1(5 Blackburn sy part 6 7 part A Hodgkinson, Wm . Harris, Joseph . . . Hanley, John Humphries, Samuel Hamilton, John . , Hill, Robert e Caradoc part 7 Blackburn sy . . e Caradoc >v Arthur Blackburn sy . . w Colbornc . . . . 9, 10 31, 32 Blackburn sy Ireland, John •^, -4, 5 39, 40 3 342 Johnston. Alexander 365 Johnston, William M 365 Jeff-3y, David 869Jame? Joseph . 868 Johnston, P H . 894 s Front w Colborne . n Canaan . . . n Canaan . . , w Colborne . , w Colborne . part Q Kittredge, A H 3 14, 15 14, 15 north half 3 2 tenant, tenant. o'vner. owner. owner., owner. . owner., tenant.. ownei; . . tenant.. tenant.. tenant. . owner., owner. . , owner.. . owner., . tenant.. . 10 part 14 tenant . , owner., owner., tenant . . owner. . tenant.. owner.. , juist' of Voters for the Town of Str'athroij, Dlv. JVb. 4. 27 o 'A 157 411 665 43U 43^ 436 432 637 yi2 3;)7 512 529 530' 529 516 589 353 329 517 550 502 523 325 526 NAME. Tjindsay, James . . Laflam, James . . Longhead, James Lamon, George . . Large, William . . Lanijrford, C H .. e Head . . A & K sy Moore, James .. .. , Mer-'ils, Thomas. ; Malloii. Robert . . McPherson Hugh McEwau, George Martyii Josepli . . Melon, William .. Mihier, William . . McMillan, Josiah xMcCoU. Hugh .... JMcGarvey. John.. Moore, William C Milner, Edward . . . . Mahon, J F Morgan, Richard .. Mann, Shadraclc . . . . Mailland, Edward . . McNeil, David .. .. Murdock, George . . McNeil, John Molphy, J P Street or Conces- sion. Blackburn sy e Head s Concord .. .. n Metcalfe . A & K sy . n Front . . . 1 s Front . . . n Metcalfe n Front . . . s Front . . . n Front . . . n Concord e Caradoc . n Front . . , e Colborne s Concord e Head . . . n Front . . . 8 Front .. . Number of Lot or part Lot. parts 2, 3 50 27, Blackburn sy 13, 14 parts 3, 4 9 17, Muun's sy 70, A & K sy 11 68 part F part 23 part J 11 part T part O N, N, O and part P 3, 4, Blackburn sy . . part 5 6 and 7 N, O and part P . . . n school lot L D, E, F owner.... owner.. .. owner.... OM ner owner owner.... owner.. .. owner owner. ^|. ow^ner .... tenant.. .. owner.... owner owner tenant — tenant tenant owner — owner .... owner.... owner tenant .... tenant .... tenant .... tenant.. . owner.. .. tenant ■ ?rS2^^;S£=««*'... «,2 NAME. jStreet or Conces sion. J^'0.4 No. of Lot or ^'art Lot .^17|Norris. George ....,, Canaan WTlT^^ 8lnlNid,oI.on, rienry..[s Metcalfe L ' 57710'Keefe. Patrick . . e Caradoo .. oOSPJank, Francis ... eufPhillips, C J 593|PooIe, Irvin,^ leCoIborne fi34iPlkc., Char].. L p,,„, 10, part 12 ., .. 45, BJackburn sy • (3, 3 part P. Q .592|Pinc(.inhc, Kichard 647iRichardson, Kobertj 633Robinson, Prank 647!Ric]iaidson, ^.VilJiamls Front 734|Reid.Jobn .. . Lpn]].^ . c ^oH)orn( 648|Reid, George Lr •4 parts 32. 23 . , 10. part 13 . . . . ■13. 14 Blackb ^'ffory 8yB ..5 62glRundk., William ..eColborne parts 6 and 7 part 5 ea'it half L M'-ont L jj^ 726|Rowland,EJ Ih,,,,^,,, 644|Robcrtson. Donald., n Concord (owner Ipaits A and B • parts 5 and 6 . , 699Stratt()n, Samuel 603 Snider Andrew 398 Seaton, John .... 707 Saul, John 666|Scott, Benjamin essjshepberd, G B . . . .[^ f^' ^^' ^^' ^^""°'' '^ 669Steadman, Williar eSelsicKles, John 1 33, Blackburn sy L 147, 48. 49 A &K survey ..Ln.,. tenant. (tenant., (owner. . •tenant.. owLiar.. , owner... '"*"''M''y'^W' tiC^'^.^' '^i''J^'o.4 List of Voters for the TowmofStrathrov. Biv. M.4 tenant.. 1 701 owner. 1 704 884 owner I 667 Jwncr I 687 wner ■ 694 wner ■ 686 ft'iter 3 692 vner 1 757 ^'ner I 208 736 .-(AMB. ^9 760 762 766 686 790 795 751 771 773 783 803 794 783 384 780 799 Sickles, George . . . , Smythe, Rev J . . . , Sutton, Emslej"- ,..: Smith, William C . . Slatham, Enoch Stewart, Archibald.. Shepherd. R Simpson, "William . . Thompson, William Thompson, Thomas Talbot, Z D Street or Couces sioa. e Caradoc w Head . . 3 Metcalfe 8 Metcalfe A & K sy , Urquhart, G H Vail, GW Vrooman, David Wood. Charles .. .. Wilkinson, Reuben Woodward, F Wilkinson, Isaac . . Weeks, Frank Wright, Edward .. Winlow, J B Welch. Wm Wheeler, Edward .. Waters, Roland . . Wright «fc Durand Walton, George .. Watson. J B .... e Caradoc w Colborne s Metcalfe — Munu's sy — n Metcalfe . , w Colborne . e Concord . . . e Head e Concord .. w Colborne . , n Metcalfe . . e Caradoc Numbe? of Lot or part Lot. to..... Block J, Blackburn sy 4 A&Ksy, 68 .. , 4, parts 33, 24 . . n Metcalfe . . . e Caradoc Munn's sy .. . 73 10 3 . 11 n half 8 10, part 12 7 1.3,3 12, 16 Munn's survey . . 7 and 8 Blackburn survey, 24 . . Blackburn survey, w half 6 1 and 2 parts N and O part 10 .14 owner.... tenant. . . . owner.... owner. . . . tenant.... owner.... tenant.... tenant.. .. owner.. .. owner.... owner..., tenant .... owner.. .. owner .... owner..., owner owner.. .. owner.. .. tenant.... tenant.. .. owner.. .. tenant.... tenant.... • owner.... owner.. .. tenant.... d*6«*^ 30 List of Voters for the Town of Strathroy, Dw. M. 4- o I KAME. 368 815 Yo\mg, R W Zavitz, Edward Street or Conces- sion. w Colborne — No. of Lot or Part Lot am Zavitz. David parts 21 and 32, A & K sy 63, A & K survey owner. owner, owner. I^ist of Voters for the Tc 0}!L^ofStra ^.hroj,,m..M. .^ ,. ^^!^^^i^^L.^IVISION NO. S. NAMB. Street or Concps-I ivr Sinn Number of sion part Lot. Lot or 1 Althouse, George . . i 2)AIthou8e, A E.. ..(eEllor I ' "^ part of 3 .••M""r 11.12 33lBaker. Andrew.. ..(sEnKlish 30 Black, Archibald ..eEllor .. 3l|Brown. John UngUsh jg 105|Cooper, WUHam ..(eEllor 106|Cooper, Cornelius 1 6 107 Cockburn, Alexander n English part 9 . part 13 104 6 Clark, Wm [10, part 13 182|Drew, James UngHsh i 770 Drew, James, jr... Js English (g HDonley, Patrick.... L English ,p,rt 6 lOSpuncan, James 9iftL ,„ ' 10, part 13 218|Dyas, W J .... i (10, part 13 SlSJEnglish, John . . . . L Caradoc 5 and 6 3S6 English, James H..e Caradoc ,5and6 7 Early. James n English (13 240 Eraser, John eEllor.. 373jGill. Michael eEllor.. Gooderham,Jas....L English 375 7 1 and 2 11 313Haldane. Robert SUlHarris. A^nm 10, part 13 iiO, part 13 owner.... owner tenant jowner tenant owner tenant tenant.... lowner.... .owner..... owner. . . . owner.... owner.. . . pwnei .... owuar jowner \see I) No\ .owner owner owner. . . . (owner.... 'owner 32 List of VoUrs for the Toivn of Strathroy^ Div, Jfo. 5. o 838 861 886 895 896 899 898 603 HAHS. Holahan, ThoB .... 436 438 662 501 441 440 442 442 465 570 567 56b 596 604 876 603 608 6*2 631 Jones, Daniel King, Henry . Lynham, Jclin .. . Lapage, Augustine. Loynes, Samuel ... Loynes, John Laird, W P Street orCtnces- sion. 8 Concord 10 McLellan, Arcb ihald Mann, Jolin McMicliael, DA.. Meelt, W H McCowe, — McCrimmon, Jolin.. Morrow, James .... McKellar, A D . . . . Mihill, James e Ellor . . e Ellor . . n English n English e Ellor .. n English Nell, Thomas Newton, John Noble, John Patterson, Wm .... Patterson, Charles .. Patterson, James H Pritchard, Benjamin Parson, George . . . Reid, Alexander . . . Robertson, Peter . wUlior .. n English s English n English n English w Ellor e Ellor . e Ellor . 8 JLiiglish s English . n English w Ellor . . s Henry . . T No. of Lot or p»rt Lot. n English 6 aud 7 12 . . . . part 15 part 10 . . . 9 1,8,4.... 2 10. part 12 3 10 , Income , 20 5 7 7,11 part 8 10, pt 12, 39. Kittredgesy. 18 15 5 .... .... 10, part 14 5 11 11. 12 19 4 and 5 . . . . 10, part 14 . UK tenant..., owner. . . . tenant.... owner.. .. • owner.. .. owner.... owner. . .. owner.. .. owner.. .. owner.. .. owner... tenant.. . owner. . . owner . . . tenant.. . owner owner..., owner tenant.. . owner.. ., owner . . . . owner . . . . tenant.. .. owner.. . . owner owner . . . . Wttrii-iwiTWllililliH ]»niim V """"""■™""'"™or.U„g,>,,„w •J- ^J- U'INLOVV f'^'e'-koftheTownofSM-atl..-.,,..