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Notwithstanding^ several good collections of hymns have already been publi^lied in the Chris- tian Connection, deingned by tlieir reispectivc fX)in^ pilcrs' as standard works, yet aU of tlieia with which we are acquainted, mo, in onr judgineiit, defective in some wiiy or other : Isl : A consid. enible portion of the hymns IbUnd in rJl of them, are not sung in any congregation, with which "we arc acquainted. 2d : Most of the* n are deiieient in variety, of such hymns as our congregations nec^d for slated use. 3d : Seveml hymn s are found in all of them, which contain im scriptural expres- sioTis, and, in some instances, improper language. 4th: Many excellent hymns are snag in all our congregations, which ^aro not contained in apy large collection extant among us, bi* ■which havo been circulated in small pamphlet^, not easily pre- served, nor cx)nveniently used in our meetings for worship. All these defects we have endoavortd M> remedy, as far sd^ the size of our took would ; j^rmit. Yet, we may have erred in isome, or even ih all these |3articiilars ; but we confidently tmst Jtot We are aware, however, that such is the I I- • > m. PftSf Ad:. diveinrity of taKto omonG; Christian wcrshipjwwr rclativo to hyiims, t,h*'it it is not ex[)octed this col- lection, nOr aiiy dthcr which cpuld l)c made, would suitibveryoncv, Wq have only to say, that in our humble ^dginont, this collection, according to itn size, is more free from the above defects, tliiui any with which we a^e acquainted. For convenience, wo have divided our book rnUf two parts. Part I. contains a selection from tho Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts. Wc haviv abridged several of them, and have also taken Iho lil)erty to erase unscripturul expressions where they occurred, and substitute scriptund ones in their room. Fart 11. contains Hymns and Scriptural Songs by di^3rent authors; a few of '^hich havo never appeared in any hymn-book beibre. Wo- ])rerer this arrangement to that of classi>ig hymnfl under different heads, or subjects. Thia inauner of compiling a hymn-book is attended with ono diiHouIty, at least, while at the same timcitc^m present but little ativanta^ije. Tn order to make out a variety on a nunil»er of subjecte,sjomchymnt< are always inserted, which, perhaps arc never used iri our congregations, while others, superior in merit, arb omitted. Instead of classing tiie hymns, we have given directions over our table of finst linos, how hymns onfcveral dificnent subjects may" be readily found. (Sec tlic Index.) AVe would stafe that the first and second parts oT this book wero compiled by Elders J. Badgbbl .\ v.., . \4 r .\ .\. ^nd D. MiLLAWs at the reqnestof a fergo and re»- pertahle number of Eldera and Brethren. May their best expectations be realized ; and may this collection of hymns aid and cheer our brethren in ^jeneral, on their pilgrimager journey , till they,\iith the humble compilera, shall bo raised to sing the Rong of Moses and tho' Lamb, with the innumcxa- Xiio Qwaeovixaii around the throuo of God. THfi PuSUSSBKi/ Ulfc ■ .■ 1 . ''4 i At ". ■' ■ ■/ ■■ :\ i -. ! -.>■•.■ Y" ■ • • '. , ■ ■ , u ■ ' ./- -• ■ 4 ■^'-m 1. .: -^^..iifci-. X ^ ^^ M PSALMS BY DB. WITTS, P^ALM 1, C. M. F(jr ihc l4fr(rs Day Morni/if;. LORD, in the morning thou slialt hoer, My voico nsc-onding high ; To thoc will I direct my pmy'r, To thee liil up mine eye. (* ' • ' ■ ■ 2 ITp to the hills, where Christ is gonC) To plead for all his saints, * | . Presenting at his Father's throne, Our son^s.and oiii compbints, * , ' ■ ■ ■ " .■"■■. ' ' 3 Thou art a God, before whose sight^ The wicked shall not stand I "Sinners shall ne'er be thy delight, Nor dwell at tliy right hand» But to ihy house will I resort, ^; To tastft thy mercies there ; *' will frequent thine holy court, And worship in thy ' p may thy Spirit guide Vnyfbet ^nwaysof righteousnej Mc^i^ ev'ry path of duty srispg^lt^ iLrfd plam liefcce my fiiQQ H '• V • : ■ rSALM 2, s. M. . ' , - ' 4° ' ' ' Vortim of mints arid dnner^i or Iwpe andd^^spmr in death, ^ ^ ARISE, my gracious God, And make the wicked flee ; ? They ai"e but thy chastising rod, v^^ to Uiec. V " ,2 Behold the sinner dies/ _ His haughty words are vain ; Here, in this life, his pleasure lies, - And all bcyondr is jmn. , _'..■#..- .'*■'•*"'■," ■-■.■..--■■ 3 Then let his j}nde advance, And boast of aW his store ; The Ix)rd is my inheritance, My soul can wish no more. ; ' 4 I shall beht^ the face Of my fbrgivingGod ; ; And stand complete in righteooaaeaa^ Wash'd in my Saviour's blood. 5 There's & new heav'n began, When I awake fVom death; Dregs'd in thfe Ukeness of thy San, ^ And draw immortal breath. psalm:3, S.M. * fllHE Lord my^Shepherd is, jL I shall bewail supplied; f I- If: 1 / 1 / i / I r ^^:;;^':^: PSALM'3/ -^ / SInoe ho is mine, and I am his, What can 1 want beside 1 w/-. . ■■ I ^ ■ \ If' *■.■■/ (/ J 2 He leads me to the place, Where heav'nly ji^ire grows, fVhere living wutersi gently jjosfi, And M salvation fla>v«. 3 If e*erlga astray, He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. i While he efifords his aid, I cannot yield to fear ; Though I should walk thro' death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me theie, 5 in sight of all my foes Thou dost my table spread, My cup with blessings overflorewi, And joy exalts my head. 6 The bounties of thy love Slmllcrovihi my following da^s: Nor from thy house will I reinoTe, Nor eeaso to speeds thy pcaifie* •V v> Id K(h- PSALM 4., C. M. Prayer cmd Hope. I SOON as I heard my Fatjier aay, "Ye children seek my grace j"' My heart replied, without delay, "I'll seek my Father's fece." 2 tiet not thy face be hid from me, Nor frown my son! away ; God of my life, I fly to thee In a distresiang day * '^ " . ■ ^" • ' ■ 1-', • . - ■ ■ ■ . ^ . - 3 Should fnends and kindred, near and dear ^ Leave me to want or die, i My Grod will make my life his care, And all; my need sui^ly . 4 My fainting flesh had died with ^ief, Had not 4iny soul believed Thy grace would soon provide rehef, Nor was my hope deceived. 5 Wait on the Lord^ ye trembling saints, . And keep yoiur courage up ; He'll raise your spfrit when it fUints,, And &r exceed your hope. PSALMS, CM. ' The Church U our ^ight and aafet^i THE Lord of glory is my lights And mj salvatiQa toQ^ ^'' 4v 'J deari ef, its. M' «i ' ^ixTis my strength, nor will I feojt What all my foes C5an do. 2 One privilege my heart desires ; Q ! grant rae an abode Among the churches of thy saints, Tlie temples of myGod* 3 Thero sliaU I ofter my rccpiestt,- 1 And see thy heaiity still ; Shall hear thy messages of love, V And there inquire thy will, i Wlien troubles risOj and storms appt^ar> ,^ There may his children hide ; ^k)d has a strong pavilion, where 'J He makes my soul abide. 5 Now shall my head be lifted high Above my foes around ; And songs of joy and victory ^ Within thy temple aoundl ■ / PSALM a, L ! M. :/r/--;Si-:['-^ Health, sickness^ and recovefry, * ^-i v v FRM was my health, my day was bri^;.r And I presum'd ^twould ne'er be night ; Fondly I said \vitMn my heart, " Pleasurd and peace shall ne'er depEurt*!* ^^ -J # '2 Bull forgot thine arm wa« strong, Which made my mountain stand no ioxig; l^u Q8 thy face began to hide, My health was gone, my comforts died. ■ 3 I cried aloud to thoe, my God, « What camit thou profit by my blood 1 Deep in the dust can I declare Thy truth, or sing thy goodne^ there f* 4 " Hear me, O God of grace,'* tsaid, ** And bring me from among the dead f* Thy word rebuked the pains I felt. Thy pord'niz^ love removed ihy gojlt. 5 My groans, and teais, and forms of wo, Are tiurned' to joy and firaises now ; I throw ray sackcloth on the ground,. And ease and gladness gird me rounds 6 My tongue^ the glory of ray frame, ShaH ne^er be silent of thy name ; • Thy praise sliall sound thro' earth and heaTen, Fariaickness healed, and sins forgiven. - PSALM 7, S. M. ***"' Forgiveness cf sins upon confeskm, BLESSED souls are they, ^Whose sins are covered o'er I , iDivinely bless'd to whom the Lord ' Impu^ their guilt no mcoe. ■ s»° -^ -f.' / i. I 9' en, i They mourn their follies past., And keep their hearts wilhcar^; Tlieir lips and lives, Without deceit, • Sliall prove their Jaith sinecrc, .' 3 Wiile I conccal\^ my guilt, I felt a fijsf ring Abound ; ^ilt I confessed my sins to thee. And ready pardon foimd. 4 liCt sinners learn to pray, Let saints keep near the throne ; Our-hclp in times of deep distress, ;^ found in God alone. PSALlvis, IaM. 'GofTscare of the saifjt^^f^fr (l^liverance by prmfcr. L06,D; I win Wes^ thee all my days, Tliy praise shall dwell upon my tongno ; My soul sliaU glorjf in thygJ^ce, j. ; , Where saints r^oice to hear the song. - 2 Come, rtuigW the Lord willrmo; ■ 'Jt Coine;iet us all exalt his name; * < I sought th' eternal God, and he ^ Has not expo^ my h(^ to shame. \ : 3 I told him aU my secret E^rieC^^; My spcret groaning reached his eaw ; He gave my inwaid pain$^iief; ; Ajad oakn^i the twirtt <^ my feum. :,:.■■•■■'■.':■■■; >'-.^"- - ■'■ . . ■ ■; ■*^\::i.-'\. -■■ -.--(■■ ■■'■■'■ - ■ Ti TSALM9. f M- 4 To him the poor lift up their cy^T, Their faces feel the heav'nly shine ;; .A beam of mercy irora the skies Fills them with light and joy divine. 5 His holy angels pitch their tents Aroimd the men who serve the Lord: P fear and love him, all ye saints, Taste of his grace ^md trust his word ! '6 The wild young lions, pinch'd with pain And hunger, roar through all the wood : But none sfcill seek tlie' Lojrd in vain, /Nor want supplies of real good. The vanity of man as mortal, f EACH me the measure of my da y?, Thou ihaker of my frame, I.would survey life's narrow space, ' And learn how frail I am. '2 A span is all that we can boast, An inch or two of time ; Man is but vain anji empty dust, In all his flower and prime. -3 See the vain race of mortals move, lak& shadows, o'er theplaio 3 / ■ ./.■ / ■ ./.■ 4 PSALM 10. V They rago and strive, desire and love, But all their noise is vain. ; ■ :.■ ^ ■- :■■:■■■■ /■!;'■ ■■■■^ ' '.■ .: ';■' 4 Some walk in honor's gahdy show, Some dig for golden ore ; ; They toil for heirs, they know not who, And straight are seen no more. 5 What should! wish or wnit for then,' From creatures, earth and dust ? They rnake #jar expectations vain, Aid disaj^nt oiur trust. > . 6 Now I fbrbid my carnal hope, My fond desires recall; > I give nay mortal interest lif)', Ajid ixiake my God my all. : PfeALM%C.M \A song of deliverance from great distress, I WAITED patient for the Lord : He bow'd to hear my cry ; He saw me resting on his word, J^Lod brought salvatiox), iiigh. 2 He rais'd me from a horrid pit. Where mourning long I lay ; «And firom my l)onds released my £3^, Peep lK»ads <^ niiry cl^^ W '^I^S^'s-^^^'P- U ...i'.- 19 H • :.: I V PSALM II. 8 Firm on a rock ho made me stBiKl, And taught ray cheerful toilgiie To praise the wonders of his hand, . Ilia new thankful soug. 4» I'll spread his works of grace abrood: The saints with joy shall hear, And sinners learn to make my God Their only hope and iear. 6 How many arc thy thoughts of lov« ! Thy mercies, liord, how great! We have not words, nor hours enongh, Thcjjr numbers to repeat. ■ ■ *^.' ',■■'*■.-■* ■ - ■ ■ . ■ - ' • (J When Pm afflicted, poor, and low, And light and peace depart, My God beholds my heavy woo> And bears me on his heayt. PSALM II, L. M. Chfist and his diurdi ; orth^ mystical marriage. TilE King of saints, how iliir his face, , Adorn'd with majesty and grace ! ' He comes with blessings from above, ^ And wins the nations to his love, , 2 Alius right hand oui' eyes behold Ths qneeo array'd ia pnipest gold ; ■ ■ ^ 17 v-v: .>„i The world admires her hcav'nly rove The condescensions of his lovey ^ ^r ';,-•• PSALM 12, s/M.;.-- . nc beauty of ike clwdr ; or ' goypcl tvorsfup and^ ;.. '■' : order, ■ : IP AR as tliy nain^ is \. ■■..,,* ■■; PSALM t4/;-'-._'::'/:^- ■■..• Wy J My crimes arc i^cut, but can't giirpcss The power and glory of thy.j,!:rjico: » Great God, thy nuturo hnth no bound, JSq lot tiiy jiardoning love bo found. 3 O wash my soul from every sin, And make my ifuilty cony<'ienee clean; Here on my heart the burden hes, f; And jmsl ollences ]mn miiko eyes. 4 My lips with shame my sins confers, Against thy law, jL|j;aiust Ihy gnxe : Ixird, should thy judrp^ent prow sc^vere, 1 am condemn d, but thou art clear. 5 Should suflden veni^cance seize my breathy 1 must pronounce thte just in dc ath j And if my soul were sent to hell, Thy righteous law approves it wtli. ' »• 6 Yet save a trembling sinner, Ixrd, AVhose hope, still hovTing round thy word, Would lijrht on some sweet promise thert", Some sure sup|X)rt against dtsj^ir. PSALM li,S. M. Dangercus profperify ; or daily devotion cnccun^grd, rpHOUGH sinners take their course, X And choose the ruid to death j 1, in the worship of my <>)d, Will spend my daJy breath* f-^";'VE'< T"^ ,f .. 20 PSALM 15. ■*, 'W ■■i^'' ft My tlioi!irlil»yd.-■■ Bui T,AVitli all ^y cares, Will le?jin H[K)iV the fcjrdj ,ril cust my l)nrdfi> on his arm, -And rest upon his word.- a, 8^ all well sustain n of his love; ■■\, ich their safety stands er can move. \ TSALMlj, S.M/ > So/em in God. ¥i][EN overwhelm''d with grief>^ My heart watliin me dies \ *^ Ik rr.o. standi} ■m \ ^- n I ^^4'r • I y ' •s PSALM 16.^ Hi'tplc'5is» and fur from ;ill rrJiof, • L !^0 hcuvcul lift minu Oycs. '>3 O UmuI mo tr) tlio nx'M \. MMnit's lii'ili alKivt? my lif^ul, And juukc iln* covert o'i iliy wings M y «liultcf iiuii iny bliuJc. 3 Witliiri thy [>rc'Ncnc<;, I^rcl, l-'or vvvr I'll tibMlc ; i 'I'UiHi art tlio tower of my dclVnecj, TUc rol'ugo wiiiire i liuloj 4 Thou givost ma the lot . i)( Mlo^Jo tliat fear tiiy name, ireadlefis life 1)0 tlieir reward, ■\^^. ^^ I shall pusisess the stuae. W^ ■■■'••■ ■ ■ i i*'- • . ■■ ■■ ■]■ ■■ " ■ " fsALM 1(J, I.. M. S'lfUi^U in fhviaeature; ar faith in iUcuie grace imtd power, ''ibilsj'IBf^od/aiohe^i^; ■ Jl. My iock and rel'iij^o is liis throne ; liiidl my fears, in all iriy straits,. . Mv\souI on his salvation waits. -. *2 1 Yust him, ye saints, in all yonr ways, ruui out yonr hearts before his face ; ■' \X\\(m heljxTs tail, and foes invade, Jud i^ oiir all-saliicient aid. ; 4' / ■<■;■ ct ^^Mii. i j* > \(i, I'W ''■iS^'''i:'^%A. '-i;t::^'ff '•^? '•'''I'*;, ., ;; ^ n y: ; I ■■ • blr. ^""1 PSALM 17. 8 False' arc the men of high degree, The bas(T sort are vanity | , Lafel in the balance, both ayipear Light as a ipuff of empty air. 4 Make npt increasing gold your trusty Nor set your hearts on glitt'ring dust ; Why, will you grafsp the fleeting smoke, And not believe what God has spoke V 5 Once has his awfiil voice declared, ' Once and again my ears have heard : *' All j)ower is his eternal due ; He must be feared and^usted too.'' 3PSALM17, C.M. > 77ie morning of a LortTsday, EARLY, my Gcd, without delay, I haste to se«k thy fSce : My thirsty-spirit faints away, Without thy cheering grace. „ 2 I've seen thy glory and thy power, Through allthy temple fchirie ; My God, repeat that heavenly hour, That Yosion so divine ! 3 Not all the blessings of a feaat Can please my soul so well, '.* : 'li . ' ' I -Blfi^W'*.'! 1,5 PSALM 18; As when thy richer grace I Uigte, And in'thy presence dwell. 4 ^ot life itself; with all its joys, Ctm my best passions move, Or raise so high my cheerful voice, jIs thy forgiving love. • 5 thus, till my last .expiring day, ni blf3ss my God and king ; Thns AV^ I lift my,handg to pray. And tune my J&|s to sing. •23 PSALM IS^C. M. ' Christ our strength and 'righteousness, ' "jl /I Y Saviour, my Almighty Friend, Itl When I begin thy praise, , Where will the growing numbers end. The nuip^rs of thy grac^ ? 2 Thou art^y everlasting trust, Thy goodness 1 adore 1 And since i 6iew thy grac6 at first, 1 speak thy glories more. ^ My feet shall travel all the length Of the celestial road, •And march with courage in thy strength, To see my Father, God. m: I ^ 4- When I urn fill'd with sore distress ' For some surjirisingsii), rU [)lead 1 harper A^ctrighteoiisncssj/ , And mention none but Ihint?, f> How win my lips rejoice to tcjl The victories of myKinw ! My sord, redeemed from siri and heli, iSlmll thy salvation sing. . 6 Awfdje, awake, rny timefid powers ; . AV'ith this deligiitnil sqnir/ : rii entertain the darkest' horns, ^or think the season long, . ; ■ : ■" ■■■ ; • ■ ■ . ■ : . PSALM 19, C. M. ; ■ ■ • ■' ^ '■;';;;':■ The as^cd Ctirmmn's praifer and song ; orMac:r\ deothymid llie resiirrection, , > /^.OD* of my childhood and my youth, I J I'he giiido of all Qlll days, ' 1 have declared thy heaver! iy truth' C And told thy wond'rous wars. V ' 2 Wilt thou forsake my hoary hairs, And leave my fainting heart ? A\ ho shall sustain my sinking years, * ; . If GM, my strength, depart I % vJ Let me thy pow To the surviving a geij, / ♦ rwT .■ ■) ■.■V ^m''^ ^^'^z-^^' I ■ Ami leave a savor of thy name, .; When I shall quit the sUige... 4 The knd of silence and of death ' , ' Attends my next remove ; may these poor remains of breath Teaah tlie wide world thy love ! j:'. : PSALM 20,. L.M. ■*:■';:,.■■ ■:'■ - ClmsTs I:ing(hm armmg the Gent ties, JESUS shall rei^n where'eif the sun, Does his successive journeys run : J lis kingdom stretch trom si tore to shore, Till inoSnssliall wax and waiie no more. 1 . *2 For him shall endless pmyer he made, And praises throng to grow n his head ; llis name, hke sweet jiertlime sliall rise "VV'ith every morning sacriiice. V 3 People and realms of every tonime, ' t^well on his loVe with sweetest song: ; Aiid ivitant voices sliall proclaim " 'I'heir early blessings on his name. A Blessings aljound where'er l|e reign??'; The prisoner leajis to loose his chains ; The wear^L^nd eternal rest, • ^ And all tlie sons of want are l)!ess'd. 26 PSALM 21. i 5 [Where he (lisplays his healing power. Death and the cui-se are known no more ; In liim the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost, "^ 6 Let every creature rise and bring Peculiar honors to our King ; Angels descend with songs again, And earth rejx;at tlie long amen.] PSALM 21, L.M. God and. his dmrcU ; or, g-race and glory, _ i GREAT God, attend, while Zion sings ' The joy that from thy presence sprii^ j To spend one day with thee on earth, Exceeds ix thousand days of mirth. 2 Might I enjoy the meanest place Within thy house, O God ©f grace, r Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power, ^Should tempt my feet to leave thy door. 3 God is our sun ; he piakes our day"; ■»■<»- f 7' PSALM 22:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ 4 ^^ 1 5 O God, our King, whosse sovereign yvi'ay The glorious hosts of* heaven obey j And devils at thy presence flee; Bless'd is the man that4;rusts inthee. PSALM 22, 6 lines^i. ■- . .■ ■ ' ■ .'■■'■■■ >• IJfey dedtliyand t^teresurrectiari. THINK, mighty God, on feeble man : How few his hours ! how short his span! Short from the cradle to the grave : Who can^secure his vital breath AgainSrtlie bold demands of death* With skill to fly, or power to save ? : 2 Lord, shall it be f()rever said, ^* The race of itoan was only made For sickness, sorrow, and the dust ?'* • Are r^gt thy ^ervants> day by day, Sent to their graves, and turned to clay ! Lord, Where's thy kindness to the just t 3 "Hast thou not jvomised to tliy Soii, And all his seed, a heavenly crown ? But Hesh and sense indulge despair : For ever Messed be the Lord, That faith can read his holy word, Arid find a resurrection there. / 4 For ever blessed be the Lord, Who gives his saints a l opg reward , w / *or all their toil, reproach, aiid pain : :I^et all below, and^t above, \ : Join to proclaim thy wond'rous/loVe, ;/; And each repeat a loud amen. . ; Manmoi'talj and Gmletcrnxd. jv A pftiheticxmd rtmtrrtful swig at a funeral, %^ r piniQUGH every age, cternMl God, %; 1 Tiiou art our rest, our -^lafe tibode ; ^ High was thy throne ere heaven was made, C^r earth thy humble Ibotslool laid. ^ n / '2 Long hadf^t thou rejgn\I ere time began, ()r dust was iashioned intornan : • >" ^nd long thy kingdom shall oiidnre, / When earth and tiine' sliatl be no inore. 3 Bnt.man, weak man, is born to die, iNfude up of guilt and vfinity I Thy dreadlid sentence. Lord, was just, • . (^ *; Keturn, ye shmers, to youi^lust." 4 ^Death, like an overflowing stream .'*^wee]>s us away ; our hte's a*droam ; I An empty tale ; a morning flower, ' ( '^ down and witlier'd in an hour. ■ f) Teaeli us, O Loroj^iow Trail ii -j — irtidrkiitd+y-lcn^thcrr out oinrspi is man \ »' an:, — ^— ■■. ■:'l, \\:i -■.:■: y ■■■/■' PSALM24..,: ■>■■■.■ - "•Till a wise care of j)iety Fits us to die, and dwcU with thee. '29 rSALM21vG.M. > Man frail y ami God etermL OT'R God, pur liel]) in ages jmi, Our Ii(>j)i for years to come, Our slioUor from the stormy bku^, And our otcnial lionie. 2 ITiidc* the sliadbw of thy tli rone, Thy saints lipve dwelt secure ; Sudlcient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. , 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. 4 Thy wordcommandsonr flesh to dust, ^ " Pveturn, ye sons of men ;" ,. : All nations rose fVonr earth at first, I V And turn to earth again. -.'■"••- ■■-■■■"-.■■.■■ • . ■ .'•*.■ 5 A thoi^c4nd ages, in thy sight > A re li ke an e v'ning gone : Short as the w;itch that end the night, t Be^re the rising sun. 3a "I ■ / I;.!; J ■■yF*W^l^*1B*jW^r*"W"?«^»B»» • PSALM 25, 2e. . 6 Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come. Bo thou oiu" guard while troubles last,, And our eternal home* PSALM 25, CM. > Breathing after Heaven. /^ Tl ETURN, O God of love, return; Xt Earth is a tiresome place ; ^ How long shall we, thy children, moum pur absence from thy face ? % Let heav'n succeed our painful years,, v Let sin and sorrow cease j > /' And, in proportion to our tears, / So make our joys increase. ; - -A ■,■--•• ■■ ■ - y -■ ■" " ■ ■ ■ 3 Thy wonders to thy^rvant show, Make thine own work complete ; Then shall our sOuls thy glory know And own thy love was great. 4 Then shall we shine before thy throne^ /i In all thy beauty, Lord ; / And the poor service we have done X-. Meeta divine reward. > / ,/■ PSALM 26, S.M. • TkeftaUty and shartfie$s of life, T ORD, what a feeble piece, Xi Is this, oiir mortal frame t ■■■/ • .J ■ i /"■■ / / /:,•■•./ PSALM 2T. .■'•::.,■;- ": ";:.: ;■ H; '31 Our Iffo j haw poor a trifle His, . yThat scarce deserves the name. \- ; 4 Alas I 'twas brittle clay That bui! t our bodies first ! And ev'ry month, and every day^^ Tis moiild'ring back to diist. 3 CWr moments fly apace, ^ Nor will our minutes stay 5 . Just hke u ilood our hasty days. Are sweeping us away, 4 Well*, if our days must fly, We'll keep their end in sight; We'll spend them all in wisdom's way^ And let them speed their flight. r:-/:-::''::- ■-::/■: ■::■■' ■ ://:-]\y:^' . - 5 They'll v/afl us sooner o?er This life'j tempestuous sea : Soon we shall reach the peacefid shore Of bless'd eternity. PSALM 27, i;^ M. A psdlmfortlie Zar 32 » -• rSALM2S. - Cl SwocUis the day of sicrcd rost, No mortal cures shall seize my breast; () may ray heart in tunc he found, Like David's liarp* ^^ solemn souud. 3 My heart shall trinmi-s ( Ise imi^iir, iSt'ill makes them llourish strong and fiiir. i Laden with (Vuits of ago, they sIkvw The Lord is holy, just, and true: None, that attend his irates, shall firwl A GckI unlaithf ul or unkind. rSALM29, CM. ^'■ A psalm bff ore prayer, SING to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength re.)oice ; When his s;ilvation is our theme, Exalted be our vc)ice. C With thanl^ jipproach his awAd sight, And psalms of honor sing ; The Lord's a God of A)om>diess might. The whole creation's 4 ;»7'---. If >. *i fid princes licur, li't uiigoLs know. How mean llicur nutnres sooni, / '.riKWo Ci(Kls on hitthi and (»(k1s Im.«Iow. When tinec cuiUiurud Willi liim. 4 Kuilli, M'ltli its caverns, dark and Coine, and with humhlo souls Wlore ; Come kneel bel()re his lace; \ () may tlie creatures of his i)ower J5e children of his gmce. • . I :■■■.■■■■.-■; .•.■ ■. I \- ."■,^^; '■. V •;. (i Now is the time, he bonds his car, And waits ii>r your request ; ^ Come, lest he rouse his wrnthJaiid\swoar '* Ve shall not see my rest." ' PSALM ;iO, S;M. . Ajmtm Ixfore $cnnon* COME, sound his pmise abroad, And hymns of glory sing j J ehovah is the gmeious God, The universcd King, -, ■ ' ■ . •. - ^. . ■. ■ ■ '■' > •2 He form'd the deeps unknown ; He gave the seas their bound ; Tl te watVy worlds are all his own . And all the solid groimd. ,q J n i> 'JTir Loril. in vorireiince (Irrss'd, Will lift his lijuiii tind swtjirj ; ^* Voii, lliiit cluspifso iny proiuistAl rest, l^liall liiivti lio ptirlion (her<'/' PSALM 31, CM, CJhnsi'sjtrsf ojfd sccowl vominrr,- vJING to the Lord, ye distivnt luiuls, O Ve tribes of evVy toiiiriK' : His new discovered irnice (leiuiiiKls; ' A new and nobler song. C Say to the nations. Jesus reigns, St God's own beloved Son ; \ ,*'. H/*|i%^ V 1 * t /«■ ,i ^^P^ His power th0 sinking world sustains, i ■ Aiidgracemirrouiitls his throne. . ' 3 Let hoav'ri prpcMm the joyful Jay, Joy tlirouffh the etirl h be seen 5 Let cities shiue in bright army, And fields in cheorUil green, • 4 T^'t.an unusual joy siirpriso The islands of tlic sea ; - " /•4 Ye rnoun^ins <;irik, ye valleys ri^, Prepare ihe^Lord his way. 5 -R^^hold, he comes ! he comes to biovsn; 'JMie nations as their God ;. To show the world his rigiitcousncss, And send his triith abroad. 6 But when his voice sh-all raise the deml ,• And bid the world draw^ near," How will the guilty nations dread '-, To see their Judge appear ! PSALM 32, G.M. The MesdaJi's comngaiid lingdmn. JOY to the world !l>e Lord is^^orac ! . Let earth receive lier K' rng : Let ev'ry heart prepare iiim r(X)m, And hea v en a nd ii utnc9 .^g»_ . PSALM 33. n til t Joy to the earth ! the Saviour roigns j:iCt men their songs employ ; VVhile fieldsand floods, rocks^ hills and plains, llepeat^the sounding jtoy. m^f^^u 3 No moro let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; ^^ lie eomcs to make his blessings flow, Tar as the curse is ibund. ■ ^ ■ ■ ' . . ■ " - 1 '■;■■■■ s t. 4 1 1(^ rules the world with truth and gnice, . And makes the nations prove Tlie £Tlories of his righteousness, ' And wonders of his love. .'4*1 PSALM 33, S.M. Pram for spiritual and Icrivpoml mercies, BLESS the Lord, my soul, Let all within me join, And aid my tongue* to bless his namf*, Whose favors are divine . 2 O bless the Lord, my soul, ' . Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in mithankfidness, And without praises die. "3 'Tis he forgives thy sins, Tis he relieves thy i>ain, ^^ rv '■■*'*'*(TW4*fe^s^ jHfsi^'^^^jft4^>^*'iif8'{r<, 38 l'SALM3k -' 'Ti.s he that heals thy sicknesses And mukos thee young agiiin. • • 4 He crowns thy hfe \vij in thr midii of judgment, MY loul, it7)eat his praise, Whose mere i( s are so fi^reat/ A\'hose anger is so slow to rise, , ^ . t^o ready to abate. . „ " 2 God will not a^pysVliide, And when his. strokes are iv\{ liis strokes are fewer tl And lighter than our (>iir siiis ; And Ills fbrgiving Jovi', I'ar as tlie east is from the \\'ost, Doth all our guilt rem( a'c . o The pity of the Lord To those that feaf his name, . y U such fvS tender plirents ivv\ : /^ lie knows our kxHii IVanie ./ 6 But thy compassions, Lt»ta, To endless yen rs endure ; ^ Ajjdchildreu's children ever tind Thy words of x>rpniise sure. ;^ PSALM 35, C,:Vl. Ghrisf^s JdJigdmn ami p/i(sth(X(L TESIJS, our Lord vascentl thy throne, J And hear thy Father sit ; ,^ in Zion shij^il thy power be known, And make thy foes submi t. 'Z Wh^ wohders shallHihy gospel do ! TliV converts shall surpass' 39 J •\ r' . v.. y Tlio num'rpns drops of morning dew, V , And pwn thy wond'rous grace. • 3 JejniS, oiir priest, for ever lives To'plcad for \is above ; v ■ V Jcjsti^j, our king,, for ever gives v ;^lie blessings of his love, '■'■.'-■• ■ . ■ . ., ■■:■■ ^' "...,.'•• - ■ . '■ ■. ■ ••'.'■; ■ ■ . i • ■ _ '^ ■' .> I.- ■■.■■-'■■'■■ '■■■■:' • ■ ■■ " ■' ' ' '<■ -'"> '■■:.: ■ ■■ ' ', .:- ■■ , ♦ 4 God shall exalt his glorious head, -- . : .And his high throne maintain ; SIh*U strike the powers and princes dead, Who dare opj:x)sc his reign. ^ PSALM 36, .C. M. The'pe7'fccti(ms of GtxL , r\ REAT is the Lord ; hi^ vroxk^ of miglit - 'T Demand our noblest songs J liOt his assembled kijnts .unite Their harmony of tongl:ies. * • i\ ' ' ' - 2 (ireat is the mercy of t^ie Lord, • He gives his children fo(]^ ; And^evet mindful of liis word, Ilo.makes his promise good.. ,^ — . '. * • ' • • "'' ' 3 His son, the great Redeemer, came V> To se^rl his covenant sure j iloly and revVend is life name; . His W^ '^^g'^^^yf*- wist -J^n/l-«iMf««»/- "v^ys-are just tod ^ure.^ ! N !^, I>SALM3t. 41 4 They that Syould grow dmnc)y wise, - Must with his f bar bepjiii ; bur fjutost proot of knowledge hes 4 . Ill hathig ev'ry siii. ^ . y^; Ilccowry fwin sicknes,^ . . : T LOVKth(^Lordj h(nicardmycricsr 1 And piticxl ev'i-y gVoan ; Loni? as 1 hvc, when troubles riiC, . y\{ hasten to his tiirone. ^ ^ V .. . , ■ ' •,2^ I'loVe the T^ord ; he howM his ear, '" Av.d chased my griels away :' () let my heart no more despair, Wliile I have breath to pray ! ■ .' . ' - • :j \Ty flesh (leclined, my spirits fell, • - And f drew near the dead f - While inward inuigs aiul learsof hell •• l»erplcxVl my waliefid head. > 4. " My;God,"f cYied, '*thy scr\^nt^^^^ Thou ev(^ good and just V Thy ]MWetcan rt^cue from the grave, Thv tK)Wer is ail my trust." * 5 The Lord beheld me sore di^tress^> ,. . IIo bado-jay-paiii&^ icmoyc:' ^{ » ♦ '-ey^V—^'"'"* r\ ■!«» ••*•*» TttV rSALMSS. /■ ' /: *y ■ '«, v ; ileton, my saul, to God, tKy rest, - ' For tlioii hast, known his love. . - • "♦ ■, ■ ■ ■ ■ »,- ■ ' 6 My God ha? saved my soul from dt ath^ . ^ Aad dried myjilling tears ;» . N()w to4iis praise I'll jspeiid liiy breath, ■ ; And my romuiniiig years. - '■^yy\-^ "■...■^■^■■:PSALM,38, c/m;---.v ,:■"''■■•■ ' ' Vum rtuide in trmfJdeypcddmm fJianhfi/- pnmfc ddivcrancr, ¥HAT:' shall T render to my (^d > ^r all his kindness shown | My feet shajl visit thine jdjode, >. .. My songs address thy thro ; / - 2 AjnonVr t^ip ^^^\^ thatiiil thine hdiis(s / ••■ 1- ^ Aiyoi rings sliall-he j)aid I'Jiere shall my zeal perlijrm the VIj^soul vows. in an.f^uishanad* '■•-«' 3 How riA mueh is mercy thy delight^ ever blessed God i / ■ liow dear tliy servants in thy sii^ht I'hoii tlow precious is their bluoil I o\v hr 1 lOW ppy all tliy servjints are V jn-eat thy gnice tome! y lite, (A^hieli tliun hast made thy ci Lord/I dcvotg to Uice. Lire, ■.:.,:- -I ■1 1%. 'T ,. ^ . -^^.. .^ .■.•t^.f^^if. *.^^^, /: . ■' / th, ' 1 rSALM-4.1. 4»; \ 4. Then rfiiill my heart have iiiwar(|joy, ,' And is^ep ray ivice from sl^afuo,yJ>^ * .Wiieii all tljy stiitiitos- 1 obey, . :l|, And lienor all thy iiumc^ : \;:|>^ • ■« ■■ ■ ■•■■■■•■, ^ .■'■■■ • 5 Hut han^dity sinners God will hate; . The proud ;^liaU (]ie accursed ; The.;ion!«j of llilschood and deceit . Are trodden in the dust. C Vile as the dross the wicked are j; And those that lea V)i3 thy ways fc^liall see salvation ij^m aiiir, ' But never tasU) iKy grace. , \ 1 "'j: iPSALM 41, C. M. ' ''"■■-,...■.■■■ ■■•■■'■. InstnK:tion from scnpturc. now shall the young secure their heartev And guard their hvesjrom sin I . Thy word tlft* chdict st rule imi)arts, To keep the conscience clean. C 2 When once it enters to the mind, It spr^ds such light ahrrad, The meanest souls nistructflbn find, And raise their thoughts to God. 3 Tis like the sun, a heavenly light, THat giudes us all the djiy ; 7:^ ./»> ''.. And tliroTiirli Ibo dangers of the n'l'^ht, A lain J > to Jead our way. 4 The men that koop tliy law with care Andl meditate thy word, ; iJrow iyiH('Y than their teachers are, \ And hctter know tlic Lord. 5 Th^ prwepts make me truly wise J 1 hate tlie .siuiier''.s road : I hate my own vain tlidughts that rm\ I)u| love thy law, my God. ' 6 Thy word is cverlastmflruth, How ]mre is cvTy jxige ! TJiat holy book shall guide our youth, AnA well supi)oit our age. "."' ./■ »j* IMikm ami comfort f mm tlte Wufvl. LOPwD I esteem tl>yjudgnients right, Andall thy statotes just ; Thence I maintain 4 constant fight With ev'ry flatt'ringiu4» " ■ : • ':'-.':■■' " \l ■ '''■ ' '".■'■ ^ '^ ■■-•.'■':■''■'--■■■■;;:■'■:■■■" ■ ^ Thy precepts often I survey ; ' I keep thy law in siglxt, Tliroiigh all the biisiness of the day, ^ form ;toy actions li^ \ - ,.,^Mi '-■-i.r'Xiy : ■^■■:- PSALM 43... ' . ^ ^ ■■/::' JviH :■ ti iUy heart in midnls^it silence cries, ■ ■• *»'j low sweet thy conilbrts Ixr!" .• ^y My tliouidits in h(>ly wonder rise, / And briiig tlieirjlhunlvs to thbe. 4 And when n^s]>jrit drinks her fill, \Al some t|;>odjWurd of thine j; . Not midity nieiithut sliiire the sjK>i}, Ilave joys com|)ured tg miiie. A^^^ .,-:^-4-::r7v^'-P CM; "■^: '.■.?'''/■;■;. r Infj^oifcctim of tjtature a>i(l fcrfcclion of^^cripture. IET all the heathon writers join J To form one perfeet bodk> ' ; Crreat God, if once compared with- thine, ^ How mean tlicir wjritinffs look. ^ # 2 Not the most perfect rules they gav^i, Conld show one sin forgiven, Nor lead a step beyond the grave ; But tliine conduct to heaven. ■\-.'- \ 3 I've seen an end of what Ave call Perfection here below, ' How short the jx)tvers of njturt^ full, Andean no further ffoj^ ■ O « ■ ■■■•■'■■ ij - : ■ ■ /'.'■ -': -.. "■■'. ,.■■-■■ '^- •■ ■ ■■ • ■ ■' • ' ■ • 4> Yet men would fain be just with God , :fi By works their hands have wrought. ^' But Uiy coin rnsj mis, cxceciliiig brcwul, ' Kxtuiicl to evVy tliouglit. . ^ ' J. . 5 Our fiiitli uiui U)V(\ jmd ov'ry gruco, Fall iiir Ik'Iow t!iy v/onl ; But jK'rlirt tiiitli jmd riglili'oiisncsji . i)\vcll only with the Lord. 7Vie imrdqf God is the m//t\sp/r/imf f o/ril^iCCuW^ icm^j andvuiictyoj mqiture* I' OIlD, I hiive made tliy w ord my choici, J My lastiii.LMK'rit;.Q-o ; ' - ^ ' * There sluill iny iioMcst powers rejoice. My warinOsit thoaightsi cjigage. % Til rend the hist'i^cs of thy love, And keep thy laws in slight, While throufih the ))r()niiscs 1 rove With ever if esh ddight. ../ '•r 3 'Tis a broad laud of wealth unknown ^ Where sprini?8 of life arise ; '\ Seeds of immortid hliss are^own, And hidden glory lips }— " 4 The best relief that mourners have — It makes our Arrows bless'd ; Our fairest hppe beyond t)ie grave, y And our Eternal rest ■'^ PSALM 45, (iJM. Brcathini after fminriiii. i OTI I AT Uie T^>nl \y6\M j,'ui^ ( ) thai my ( rocl wouldl grant mr cniC*« ^ '^' To know and dohi^wijl ! '| 2 () scnci thy spirit doy):n io write ' ^ Thy law ujKm ray ifcan ! Nor let rily tortgue mciij/g? dooti/t, Nur act the liMf^iS :^ 'W tne eyes ^ 4 3 From vanity turh Let no corrupt desiflfrit No covetous desires arise (V'ilhin this soul ot iti/i^ 4- Order my footsteps by/tHy v;i>T^rhOHgh seed lie buried long in tiusl, . . It shaVt deceive, their hope ! ! ^ * ; -* ■J'he i)recious grain can nc^'er'be Jost, r* ' . ^ . • ( For graccTensuresthe crop: * ^ ,*^ \ "* - PSAI.]«[ 51, C-X . : - • \fiamUity (ind subntissioff., , '. ) TS there.afnbition in.niy hehft? ^ '^^ L Search, gracious God, gnd see,- . Or dd I ap; a liaughty part ? . . ' , ,! • Lord, I appeal ta thee. ' ,. •■ .*- - 2 I chd'rge my thoughts, be HurnbJe j*ti]|, •. And ail my carriage milcf. • ' ^ Content, my Father, with thy, will, And'quietasachiki. / . >'* If 4 3 The patient soul, the lowly mind, Shall have a large reward ; " Let saintg in sorrow be r^sigri'd And trust a faithful XbrcU ^ ^:d 5G TSALM 52. ;:.■:;;;<:,;:■:::;;■., PSALM 52, hM^^ MtJiemlemcnC(fadmrck^^^ orditiatimi of a fninisfer* * •?* *fu ; And fill their souls with living bread ; Sinners, that wait before my door, f . ; VVitii sweet provisions shall be? fed. 5 « Girded with truth,andcloth'd^yith gnice. My priests, my ministers, shallshme; Not Aaron, hi his cosUy dress, ^ ^; Made an appearance so divme. v . # , ' \ ■:-^^- ■■■■.■-■'■■-- ■"■•:.■ 6 « Tli e sahits, unatte to contain ^^ ■ ■' ^ • f""^ -'5 % Their inward Joys, shall shout and sing ^ ) J '%n \ ■I . PSALM 53, 54^, 57 Ihf Son of David here shi\ll reij^n, " ' > And Zioii triuini)h in her king." , ^i^ - P.SAL.^33, S.M. ' ^ ^ Communis bf Saints ;.ar lov6 and warship uf a •» \ , family, I*. LE.^^ D are the sons of pence, , ' Whose^heurts and ho|)es are (me, v\ hose kind designs to serve-and please * . Tlir'oughairtheir actions run, .' ' - •2 Bless'tf is the pious Jioiise, " i Where jieal andfriendship meet ; ,,^ Their son.^ of pmise, their miuirlod vows, ^ Make thejr ccftninunion 3weel. \ . 3 TJuis, when on Aaron's head ' ' ' • they,potir'd Uie rich perfume, ' ^ - The oil through all his raiment spreiud, . And plea^iure fill'd theVoonu . "^ v< 4 Thus.onlheheavSilyhilis • The -sjtints are bjess'd above,/ Where joy. like morning dew distils, And ull tht) air is love. -^ . PSALM 54, S. P. M. ^ ' Tlie blessings of friendsfiip, OW pleasant 'tis tos ee Kindred and fnen^Tagree ; " , i{ \ I,« •- 58 N- :' V ■- ■■. ?>v PSAL3M55- Each in his proper station move # And each fulfil his part, ; . With sympathizing heart, • . In all the cares of Ufa and love ! 2 'Tisiike tfce ointment shed f ■ On Aaron's sacred head, ; Divinely riph, divinely sweet J ; The oil through all the room , ; Diffused a choice perfume, ........ Ran through his robes,and Hess d his leet. ■ ■ ' ■.:' **■■.- ; ■ , ■ ^ '■ '■■ :•■ -■■■,"■.■■■■■".■ '.'■-.■■ 3 Like friiitM showere of min • ' That water all the i)lain, ^ _^ : ]3escehding from the neigh^rmg hills— Y ; Sueh streams of pleasure roll ■ Througli ev'ry friendly soul, / Where love,1liMe heav'nly dew distill. ■ y ■ ■ '< . ' I .;■ ^-1 : ■■■.■ ; PSALM 55, L, M. ' ; f he greatness of God. Y God, mv King,- thy various praisfe, J..J. Slmll filithe remnant of my days : Thy grace einpkyy my hun#e tongue, 'Till deatli and glory r||se J»e song. 2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some tliankful tribute to thine ear ; -p: And ev'ry setting sun shall see J^ew vvdrks of dutydpne for thee. „ ■N ■■ ■ : ^ ♦*r. % ./' rV -r^^- ./ ^ : PSALM 56. A 59 3" Thy truth and justice ni proclaim-; Thy bounty flows,'an endless Stream j ° ' Thy mercy swift, thine anger slow But dreadliil to the stubborn h^, ^ v ..■■■'. ■ ■ ■• .■•.■■ '\ . ■ -■■'■ '^ '■'■''• ■■:'■-"':■■ 4. Thy works, with matchless glory shine, •And speak^hy majesty divine ; . ^ Let »< ev'ry reahn with joy" prociaim ' ' Tlie sound and.honor oi' thy name. | 5 L^istant times and nations raise ; ^%e long succession of thy praise ; ' /^nd imixjrn ages rriakp my song f • The joy akl labor of my tongue.- ■■■'■ ■.■:■■■". ■■-■"■'. *> ' "' ^■'- ■ ■ ^ '■ ' - •■ ■ ' ".■"■'■'. '! ^^ "■■■■.'■•■-■.;-■. ' 6 But whcxcan speak thy wondli^us deeds ? J, hy greatness aH our thouglits exceeds j yast and unmeasurable thy ways ; ^ A'ast and immorlal be thy praise I j • ': "^ ■;:'?:VV;:1>SALM- 56>' 6 lines Ss. >-^'-^^':';-;Il- /^i: Proise U)Gpd fir M$ gb^ and truth.' I'LL pmise my Maker with my breath ; And when my voice is lost in deatfc, Pmise shall employ my nobler powers : ' My days of praise.shall ne'er be past, . - . VV hile Lfe, and thoiight, and being last, Or immortality endures. ■ * , ' 4 » * ^ Why^houldrl make a man hrv mist? / ' Princes must die and turn to dust : / " .\ • >0^'^ * PSALM 5S. ^ Vain is the help of flesh and blood ; ^ Their breath deyxirts, their pomp and power, And thoughts all vanish in an hour ; - Nor can they make their promise good* 3 Happy the man whtise hopejs rely On Israel's God ; he made tho sky, And earth, and seas, with all their tram ; His truth for ever stands secure ; He saves th' oppress'-d, he feeds the poor ; And none shall find his promise vam. 'A The Lord hath eyes to give the blir^ ; . The Lord supports the sinking mind ; He sends the lab'ring conscience peace ; He heljis the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless. And grants the prisoner sweet release. 5 He loves his saints, he knows them well, • But turns the wicked doWil to hell ; Thy God,0 ZionI ever reigns; liCt ev'ry tongitiS, let ev'ry age, Jn this' exalted work engage ; ? ■ Praise him in everlasting strains. 6 ril praise him while he lends me breath. And \Vhcn my voice is lost in death, x ^^Praiseiihaii employ my nobler po^-er^lv My days of praise shall ne'er be past, ■v- # PSALM 57,58. 61 { While lifo^ arid thought, and being last, Or immortality endures. ^ r > ■'-:-■: ".PSALM 57, L.M. /D/i-'i^/'-S/'-: Die divine naturey Providencey ami Grace, 1)RAI8E ye the Lord; His good to mise . Our hearts and voices in his pnuse, 1 lis nature and his works invito ^ To luake this duty our delight. . "■■","•',■■■ '» ■ ■ ■■ " . 2 The Lord buikk np Jerusalem, ' And gathers nations to his name ; Z' His mercy melts the stubborn sou]-, And mates tlie wounded spirit whole. 3 He form'd the stars, those heav'i)ly ilamca ; g ^He counts their numbers, calls their narnoa : • llis wisdom vast, and knows no bound, 7 A deep, where all mir thoughts are droirn'd. ■ ■ ■' ;•■'■.' «- '■•■':' .■■%.■■:,' ; ./ ' ^ •■: "■ I ' " ., 4 Great is our Ix)rd, and great his might : And all his glorifcs infinite ; He crowns the meek, rewards the just, „ And treads the wicked to tjhe dust. ir PSALM 5S; CM. The seasms of the year. iTH songi^ and honors sounding loud Addrests the Lord on high ; # t- 62 ^ PSALM 59. Over the heavens he spreads liis cloudy / And waters veil the sky. 2 He sends his showers of blessings down, To cheer the plains below : * He makes the gniss the mountains cro^'ii^ .^ And corn in valleys gt<>w, 1 3 HisJioary ffost, his fleecy snow, Descend and clothe the ground ; -• The Uqnid streams forlxjar to flow, \ I In icy tetters bound. •.„ ,4 When frpm his dreadful stores on high, He pours thp ratt'ling luiil, . :.:■':- The wretch who dares his God defy, Shall find his courage tail. , 5 He sends his word and melts the snow, The fieldsnolongermournj fie calls the warmer gales to blow. And bids the spring return. ^ 6 The changing wind, the flying cloud, Obey his mighty word ; With songs and hondlrs sounding loud, Praise ye creation's Lord, | PSALM 69, S. M. ^^ Umversal praise, E T.ev^ry crea ture jdtn^ 1 To praise th' eternal Gcd } PSALM jfe, 4"* \' . -4 Yc licav'iily hoerts, the song »)ogin, And sound his namoj)^(l. f.i » 2 Thou sun, with goh And moon, with jalc? 'M , Ye starry Ugiits, ye twinWing llumQ% y I Shine to your Maker's praise. .1 Ite^built those worlds above. And fix'd their wond'rous frame ; By his command they stand or move, And ever sixjak his name. 1 4 Ye vapors, when ye rise, '^ ^ Or fall in sljowers of snow, r Ye thunders, murmVing round th His ix)w'r and gloyy show. e s 5 By all kis works above, His honors be express'd ; ^ ' ' But saints, who taste his saving love. Should sing his praises best. 6:1 ^■.:V^ ';■> .■ HYMNS. './ ,*^ ■♦". M :■:;■■■■:•. ••,^ hymni,.c. m.', ^:;; ■■ -^ - \ Anewsmgt0iheZ(i^ BEHOIjD the glories of the Lamb, Amidst his Father's throne : Prepare new lionors for his name, And songs, beforie luiknown. 2 Let elders worship at his feef, The church adore araond, AVith Yials fuU 9! odors sweet, And harps of sweeter sound. 3 Those are the pray 'rs of all the saitits, « And these tlie hymns they raise : Jesus is kind to our complaints. He loves tp hear our })raiije. | 4 Now to the Lamb, that once was slain, Be endless blessings paid ; Salvation, glory, joy temain . — Forev er on thy head. f — - — ■.■# HYMNS. m b Thou hast redecni'd our souls v/ith bIc r ■ i ■•»■'■ . * •^». 66 HYMN a; : ^:- :: ';^^^^ 5 If smiling mercy crown our lives, Its praises shall be spread, , And we'll adore the justice too .^: That strikes our comforts dead^ ' H¥MNa, CM. TnwMj^ €ver death* ^ GREAT God^I own the sentence just. And nature must decay ; I yield py body to the dust, / To dwell with fellow elay. 2. Yet faith may triumph o'er the gra^» • And tmmple on the tombs ; My Jesus, ray Redeemer, lives, / N My Lord, my'Saviout, comes* . / 3 The mighty Conq'ror shall appear High on a rofRli^at, And death, the last of all bis foes. Lie Vanquish'd at his feet. 4 Though greedy worms devour my skin And ^w my wastmg flesh, . When God shall build'liy bones again, He'll clothe tljem all afresh. 5 Then shall I see thy lovely fege With strong iipmortal eyes, And feast upon, thy imknovm grace With rie^i^ire and sur prise. ; \. k TlitinviUUhnqf^ifieGos^ or spiritual jfbod T ^®^'^™^^ earattend, Jj R.n(i ev'ry heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the gospel soimds; \ Witlj an inviting voice. •^Ho ! ^H ye hungry/starving souls, ' >< That! feed upon the wind, And vainly strive with earthly toys To fillr an empty mind. 3. Eternal wisdom has prepared. ^ " . A souUreviving feast, AndJ^ _ 'Xii rich provision taste. «7 amd ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■. ;' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■* 4 Ho| ye that pant for Uving streams, And pine away, and die ; Here you may quench 3?mir raging thirst r^s>\ith springs tjiat never dry. : 5 Rivers of love and mercy here In a rich ocean join; . Salvation in abundance flows, , Like floods of milk and wine. 6 Dear God ! the treasiwes of thy k)ve Are ever) — *•—- - W' I 68 Deep as our helpless miseries are, And boundless as our sins. ^ 7 The happy gates of gospel grace Stand open night and day : Lord, we are come to seek supplies, And drive our wants away. • HYMN 5, S. M. *%, The blessedness of /gospel twics ; or the revelatioti of Ch/ikto Jews and Gentiles, HmV beauteous are their feet, Wlio stand on Zion's hill ! Who bring salvation on their tongues, ^' And words of peace reveal. 2 How charming is their voice ! W How sweet the tidings are ! « Zion, behold thy Saviour King, • He reigns and triumphs here." M 3 How happy are oiur ears, • * That hear tliis joyful ^und, Whieli kings and projiliets waited for, And sought, but never found ! 4 How blessed are our eyes, That see this heav'nly light ; Pro0iets and kings desired it long, ^ . Put died wit^ the aig^ — # ^latich of s. or 9 ' HYMU6. 5 The watbhmeu join their voice, And tuneful notes emplov 5 , Jerusalem breaks forth in so^gs, I And desertl^- learn the joy. ^ 6 The Lprd makes bare his am Through all the earth abroad :j Let ev'ry nation now behold Tiimt Saviour and thefr God. Victory over death, .; OFOR an overcoming iaitJi |ji To cheer iny dying hours^ ' * To triumph o'er the ,mondter,'death, And all his frightful powei^. ■ 2 .Joyful, with att the si^gth Iliav^^ My quiv'ring lips should ^g, 7- << Where is thy boastiBd Victor^ygraye ? And whei^ the monster's sSig f ,"■■'■ ■ ■ . • ■ '<■--■ ' ' • - ■" ♦'J^' -•■■■"■" ■ • 3 l{ sin be pardoned, Fm secure : CW: Death hath no sting be«ide I N The law gives sin iis damning power ; . But Ghrist my ranisora diei - 4 Now to the God of victory, ^ ;^ Immort&l thanks he paid, _ ' Who makes us conq'rors, while we die, — Through Chriirt our liT^ng head. m : /■ J I ^-■%*i^^iLl^J'^ the Loifd f .:'■.> ;> -^^iM ' ^ H,;»'.:'r oa, song ^ Simeon i tfrdeathMa^ T ORB, at tKy temple we appear^ ; Jj jaL^ happy Su4||n camet jim hope to me^lBhr Saviour here ; ' Oiiiake our joy3 the same! ■ :Cy-l^:-^^ yW' ■ /' ^,■ v.-:•■;^■■;,- 2 Mfith what divine and vast delight , ' The good old man was fillM, / ^ Wheit fondly in his wittered anns,"^^ He olasff d the hoi 'W .^ ^^g . HYMN 9. 71 ^ ^5 '< Kow 1 can Jeave this world," he cried, V *< Behold thy servant dies ! IVe seen thy great salvation, Lord, And close my peaceful eyes. 4 This is the Light, prepared to shine, . Upon the Gentile lands ; Thine Israel's glory, and their hoj To break their sjavish' bands." HYMN 9, CM. Sptritual apparel ; namely^ ttte robe of HgfUeous^ ness, ami tfie garments of mlvation* AWAKE, mj^h^wrt, arise, my tongue, PrepAre a timeFul voice ; Ii^ God, the life of all my joys, ' ' Aloud will I rejoice. '^ . , V sonl^ / t 'Tis he And mL- „ ^p«i a pobrpoiluted wr^ He njfces his graces shine. % ^*« * t * 3 j^nd lest the sfiadow of a spot Should on my soul be fornid, ^^ ' He iook the robe the Savioiu W|0fighV * And cast itM^arqund. ^ i* ^ ^'nlyrobe cxceechf icesweafT* .\, *^ «. J- •,^* ft '\ . 4 How&r ^^Wtefewthl **^. %% # "f^'jA '^1^^' % *#-. •7> HYMN 10. These ornafilients/how bright they shine! How white the ganneuts are ! r> Tlie spirit wrought my ^ith and loyel And hope, and ^v'ry grace ; ' BiU Jesus sj)ent his hfe to work The robe of righteousness. G Strangely, my soul, art thou ariipy'd By Him who died for thee ! In sweetest harmonf* oLpraise, * Let all thy powers agree. HYMN 10, CM. A vision of theldngdom of Christ mnong^nm. LOr what a glorious siglit ^ippears, # To our Ix^eving eyes i - The earth and seas are passM away, ; V And the old rolling skies. 2 From the third heaven, where God rcsidos, That holy, happy place, The new Jerusalem comes down, • AdornM with shining grace. :»v^ 3 A ttehding angels shout for joy, And "the bright armies sing : << Mortals, behold the sacred seat t^ •J ■< N./*. •^: .' \ ■ >:■ . '* . .■ .;.■■•■•:- ■ ■ ,. • I . ^/ .. ! !/'..■■ ■ ■ V". ■- .r- • t •■ ,;_ ,■ ■■..,....,■ ■■•»... ..■■'-■■ ■.'-■ '■ ' a ■ « ■■ ','%•■' 4 *< tlie Cfod of glory down to men * ^ . f Removes his bless'd abode ^ . ^ : " IVfen, the dear objtects of his graee, • ^ JAnd he the loving God. r^, ^^^-^^ r - ; J • 5 " His own soft har^ shall wipe the tears jFrom ev'ry weeping eye| ^ ; Aid pains, and S^roanSj and grie/s, and fears*, . And death itiielf shall die." , v* . s ' ^ How long^ dear Saviour, G how long. „ • ' Shall this bright hour delay r^ | v ' - ^ ' I'ly swifter Wind, yer wheels of tinje, r ^ And bring ilie welcome day. ; ■ ■ •■ Assf/rmr^f of fiea/vm^} or a saint prepare^ to die, [T\EATH may dissolve my body now, ) JJ And bear ray spirit home, / ^Vli y do my minutes move so slow, » ^# my sayaK ttion jcome ] , * T 'av^l-" ♦III With hcafnly weapons I have fought' The battles of the Lord,. ' * Fiinsh'd mjLxiours^, and kept the faith, And wailphe siire reward.] ^ ' 3 God has la id up in heaven for l||eroVm which cannot §ide ' fh %■'■ '. HYMN 12. *»iff*^ The fightfe<||iis Judge, at that gre^ day,'^ Shall moe it on my head. 4 Nor lipW the King of Grace decreed Thi^Wze for me alone ; /^ But aU that love and long to see Th*uppeajguleeof hisSon. :'^^' ;-#:-^v:-^...::-.,r. .-. ■> '■ i. 5 .Tesa^, the Lord, shall guard mc safe Fro«|ev'ry iH design; ^ And to his hcav'ifly kingdom take .^ This feebled soul of Ifnine. ^ ■■'"■'— T-:-.-- ■ V ■■^ ■■■■'■■ ^%'' . . ^'L^ « 6od is iny everla^ng^d, ^ J| ^ ^ . And hell shall rdp iri-fain ;^ T To him be highest jglorypaidj^ l^. '^And.fndless prais^FlAmeii. ife . i^ ^'# ■■■■..- : ■'.' ^-..^ :...;- *'^^ j^ ^' # ^«i- >^ HYMN12i^C;M fJW^ s^all my inward joys.arise, /^> 1\$ And burst linto a song ; * ^ AMighty love inspires my heart, And pleasure times' my tongue. , S^Sod, 6a his thirsty Sion hill,. Some meicy-drops has thrown ; • And solemn oaths have bound his tove ti. To shower salvation down. ;.■# Ifc' ■ ■ Fy "n^ Why doSve then indulge our fcais, Suspicions, and complaints ? Is he a Grod, and shall his pra ; Grow weary of his sainS? 78 ce 4< Cfiri k kind woman e*eif forget The infant of her care, | id, 'mong a thousand tender thoiights, [er sucl^g have no share ? ^d. If 5 « Ifca," saith the Lord, " should nature ^^ft»mothers monsters prove^ , [change, Sion stiU Arells upon tho^heart i^ or evtmsting love. ^ ^ 6 "Deep fpn the palms of both niy iwiMis I liave engraved her name ; My hand shall mise her ruinM walls, And build her broken irame.'V ^ {■ ■" «*HYMN 13, C. M;: ■ ■ ■'v/^;-::;^-. ^ ' The sav^)} or Ike martyrs gforifed^ «rpHESE glorious minds, how bright they JL Whence all their bright army? [shine ! How came they to the hajppy seats Of everlasting day t ■.,-■■■■. ' > - 2 From tort'ring pains to endless ^ys, On fiery wheek they rode. And strangely washed their raii^ent white, In Jesus' dying blood. '■■:'■■••.■, ' "^ ■'■■.'■■;■■■■- , ' "^ •■ . ■ ■ ^ ' ' ' , * ^ - m . ' JBaptism, 'rpWAS the commksiori of ottr Lonl, X ". (to, teach thiqaaa^cwp and biptize, ■? The nations have rc^V^R^^® word Since he ascended to thTskicSj. . V ■,'■■•■.*'', • --■■-.,."•-"-.- 5 He sits upon thVetem^l hills, ^ With grace and pardon in his hands, And send* his cbv'nant with the seals, ^ T6 bless the darksome Gentile lands, 3 ** Repent, and be baptuw^d^ he aaith. •fv " For the rcroissioii oryoiir sini;'* ^"s*- 1'^ ^ >And thus our sense assists our faith, ' And shows us what his gospel meanii. 4 Our souls ho washes in his blood, j\s water makes the body clean J . And the good spirit from our God" \, Descends like purilying rain. ■ ' ■ ;' ■■;. ': ■ "• , " /'•'. "-" ■ ' : ' ''^ ■ ;■■' ^ ^^ ,- ■■<>... ■.■■; 5 Thius we engage ourselves to thee^ And seal our cov'nantwiyi the Lord, O God, our endless portion be, I^^ heaven our jsolemn vows record I ^^ ■■"■■■"•<»■■.. ,..■■.■■■, ^' .'.'.. Oh^st Jesus, lii£l^nd) of ^^^^ tvmh/ipped lydu' ';.^.: :'',■■■:■/:/■,■.' ::./':■■ the creation, > ■,■;l^.;.■ GOME, let us join our cheerful songs, ' With angels round the throne; *Ten thousand thousand are their tongU€«, But all their joys are onci . ' r • ■ .■/■;-.;'■■.-: ■:v:,.^-:..: •■■,■ '*^.;v'-vs.: ■■'■ c^^ ■-.-/- :/v■■.^^^4■ ■■■■:;-: -■■ 4 *« Woitty the Lanife that diedj'* thev cr^ '^ '«ib be exalted thus ;''^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Woi^ tlie lAmb," our lips reWy, ' v ^For he was slainibr us.^? ' '•■:-•■'"■■ ■ ■■' •: ■ •'"■ ■ ■■■ . : / ■ i'.- :■■; if '.■.'■'- '■'''■''■ .': ■■ ■' ' '■■..■.»•.<■>■ '■ -^ ■■':'„' ■ '■ ' 3 Jesus is W(Wfthy^ ix> recibive "^^ Honor and power divine; T I And blessing rnonB than we can gi^ Be, Lord, for ever thiae. = > - \ * , <>4 HYMNH. . ■...■..- «■ "' 4 Let all that dwell above the sky» And air, oi^ earth, and seas, Conspire to rsree thy glories high,, And speak thine endlesis praise. , .5 The whole creation join in one,. To bless the sacred name ' Of Him that sits upon the throne,. And tQ adore tKe Lamb. * 70' t -ifi I ' HYMN17, S.M. Adoption, * BEHOIil), what wond'rons grace . * The Father hattbe?tow'd, '' '. On sinners of a mortal race, To coll them sons of God ! * '_" 2 Tis no surprising thing, That we should be unknown ; The Jewish world knew not their King^ « # ■» ■ A ', ft:- t, j: \ ' ^ \ PART n. HYMNS AND SPIRITUAL SONGS. mt mFFpRENT tiirrHORs. / /I HYMN 1; Part 2d— L. M. Omst dwells in hea/vm, bu^ visits m earth. ¥HE]^ strangep^^stand, and hear ine tell What beaiitieikin mv Saviour dWelJ ; Where he is gone, they fain Woiild|fcnowtf ,. That theyiinajMcjelc and love him too. it ^ 2 My best Beloved keeps his liU^ ' " On hills of light, in worldaunkijown j But he descends and show|i1||siace<^^ In the young gardens of hfe ^ace. • ; « . 3 rin vineyards planted by his h^nd, * Where fruitful trees in order stand ; He feeds among the spicy beds, Where lillies show.their spotless hx^d&. . 4^ He has engrorteM my%arme«t46ve, |Jo earthly chartns Aiy^jsoul can move : 1 have a mansion i^i to heart, J«br deMk iior beU jdjijif p^ ;:« V) 8^ IIYMNS ^ , rvple takes njy soul ere Fm aware, /, iiijd shows me where his glories are y^ "^ No cluiriot of Airiinadab • , ^ «*^ The heav'nly rapture can describe. 6 O ifiay my sj)irit daily risd^ - , ()ii wines of faith above Ae skies, Till death ilhall make my last remove * To dwell for ever with my love. J • * HYMN 2, I^rt 2d— L. M. A wonting hymn, GOD of fj^e morning, at whose voice _ Th»^ clit^crlUl sun makes h^te la^riseyv^? And like a giaiit doth rejoice V To run hisjpurney tlirough thye skies. 2 From the feir chambers of the east ' The circuit erf* his rjice begins, ^ And without wearinessor rest^ ^P^ f Round the whole earth he flies and shine -j. 3 Oh^ iike thp sun may I fidfil, v ^ ' v; Tl:' JipiKHnted duties of the day j" * v '^th ic^ulv mind arid actilfe will '■ ^X:Ar:'-i on »nd keepiiiyjieav'nly wi^y* ''■\'-v -'■■'■ . : •■-^•;--:'--.',^"V^^^^ >:.:.■ 4 Eitt J »^;]ia!I rove, an^'ilose the racM*^ ! If God, niy siin,jdioii]d disi^^ iknd Icr vrj me in this world';^ tidde ma^ U. ) .- ^ - > I^rrl, %iBommaiul»are clenn and T.urc» . ^ Jvnhght»inng our becfoiwled eyes • ; 1 IjJ^thre^t^itigs just, thy jxronuse stiiir • : 4hy gospelmjikcs tiiejsimple vri^. ' f e Give ^le thy counsel for mv^mdr, / .Ami then rectiivc rae to thy Hmi AH niy Ueirire^iind hopes beskle • V Artviaiiu an4 cola, coixipuj-ed With tlJs.^^^^ f v^ ^/^, ihefk?/ff grace and fu>j>eM^^^^ ' : ] ^}!^^ »«.*^« ^i«ic to serve the Lf»i(i; ^ ^ i J .1 he tinie t'ejasiire the great reward^ A;id whife the Inmp holds out to burn, * 1 lie Vilest sinner niay rettei. ' ,■,■..'.■■- ..■.■-.,■'-.■• ^ A • ■ ■■:■■.. . "■ -v ■ , ■ . • -•,■ ■ (:■■, ' ',-■ ',.-,■■ ■ -■ . - -■,■ ^v '■.-■■ • -■■.." •'■ • '- ■.■■■-■ «J''lv"r "? ^T^ *»* ftey OTist die, ^ »vt i.« the de^d forgotten lie : Aiik^j unknowing and unknown. • .Vn,en what my thoBghfs design to do, ' - ^.v: lK,rKl8 with a« yo„r might, jtoiu- Sin<^; ;,o device nor ^ork is fonmt, ' ' . -^"f I'*"!*, nor hoiie;bcneath the ground. . in tho cold grave, to which we »^te 5 .But;darknes8,.d«ath, and lon^ dcswtir RuigM »« carnal sa^ncc there. ^ \ . » /, " I'l i < I M HYMN 4, 5. s^ ' HYMN 4, P&rt 2d--€. M. 'w ■ : iVert ashamed of the Gbapei. 'M not ashamed to own iny litndy (Jr to defehd his caiisej ' • ^ Maintain the honor of hi^ word, ^ l.The glory of his cross, ^ ^ -■Ao^ ^1 -■.<«!' :^ tt 2 Jesus, my Lord, I kno^ hi& namc^ f ^ His name is all my trust ; Nor will he put my soul ^ shame, Nor let my hope be lost 3 Firm as liis throne his promise stands^ * And he can well secure What Pve committed to his hands., ' Till the decisive hour. 4 Then will he OTimw worthies naair, Before his Father^s iace, / And in the new Jerusalem Appdnt my son^^^ce. ' ^ HYMN 5, i^i^^S. M. Christ unsehSwid beloveeL, TVrOT with eur mortal eyes^ t l\ Have we beheld the liord ; Yet we rejiHce to hear his name^ . And loire him in his wordsK' t On eaiih y^ wkiil t}ie sight Of oui Sedeeniex^ &p^ ; *. #■ H.J m -^•O, idsy / >-; iint, ■0- « Yet, Tx>rd, our inmdet thoughts de%Hl \ To dwell upon thy grace. . \ $ And when we taste thy love^ ^\ ^^ joys divinely grow \ Unaneakable, like those above, . — \ And heaven begins below. HYMN 6, Pan gd— C. M. f%e trazen serpent ji or looking to Jesus* i^^J^^ ^^e Hebrew prophet raise U The brazen serj)ent high; The wounded felt immediate ease, The camp forbore to die. i ** Look upward in the dying hour, ' And live,'' the frophet criei ; But Christ performs a nobler ciu«, When Faith lifts up her eyes. t High on the cross the Saviour hung • High in the heavens he reigns ; Here sinners, by th' oM serpent stung, La^, and forget their pains. 4 When God'« own son is lifted up, A dying world revives ; The Jew beholds the glorious hope, Th' exj^ring Gentile Uve|. fc. "ii^'Hi ,'¥*» 'f # 86 IIVMN 7. Part 2d-^. M. 111 'I 7V Apostles' cmmi^on / or the gospel oWsffri hf \ miracles. J *'P0, preach my ijospcl,'* aaith my Ijord; J. ^ vT " Bid the whgie earth my grace RVAive: lit* shall lie aaved that truirts my word ; . '^Ic shall be dumu^dihat wou't iHlievOi 2 [f^ll make yoiir jrreat commia^ion kn«mriv And ye filial] prove my gos|xjltruey By all the works that! have done, By aril the wonders yq shaUdo, V 3 (n} h^al tiie siek, go raise the dead, Go cftntoiit devilii m my name; Nor let my propliets he afraid, ^^ Tho* ( Jreetoi rcproach,aiid JexvB blasj )i< Yn>- .] \ A Teacli all the nations my conimnnd^t - I'm with you till the world slmllend ; All fxwer L^ trusted in my hands ; . J can dealroy, and I defend.'' » ^ ^- r> lie sprike, and light shone it)imd his hcud-; <>n a jjright cloud to lieaven he rodt^ : They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their asqendt^ Lord. ■ i J. . I .••,„»...,...•.„..,„„„■, il '■'""'''T'^'~~-~'wpii>-~«™.«™«„ t HYMNS. J HYMNS, r^rt 2d- -C. 3M. Godly sfirrdw arising front the sufeHngs of Vhfi^ A LAB! and did my Saviour bleed/ And did my Jesus die 1 WDuld lie devote that isacred head - . For such a wonn as I ? 2 ftiy body slain, sweet Jcsiis, tliin^', Andbath'din itsownbJoul, "^ While all exposed to wrath Of mow'/ The glorious Suff'rer stood 1 3 Was it fbricrilios thiat I hficl dl lie groan'd upon ttie tree / > Amazing irity ! grtice unknown ! ,1 \ / And love beyond degree ! '--"t^.^ / ;4 Well migfit th^siin in diarknc^ hid. , ^And sliut his glorios in, \ , When Christ the glomes Saviour i^d, FoTiiian, the creature's sin. jfcj- ^ Thus miglrt I hide my blui^hing f-io^i, ♦ , W hile h is dear 'c5ross appears, ' * Dissolve my heart in thankf " And melt ^^ine eyes itt til f But (iroj)R of grief can ncW^ r The debt of Ipv^lbwe; i ^ - *Tw all Oiat I can do. ■■>■: '^■ III r: 8^ HYMN9. HYMN 9, Part 2d— C. M. Parting v^ carnal jmp. **^ MY soul forsakes her vain delight, 1 And bids the world fiurewell j ikwe ad the dirt beneath my feet, And naiswhievous m helL ' *" k*i ... V ^ . . ... ,.. - ....,.,',, . . vt. _; . 2 No longer will I ask your love. Nor seek^ir friendship more | ' :. The happy^^Miat I approve # . ^^^"'WHf^ yourjpower. ^^ 3 There's nothing round the spacious earth That suits my hirge desire ; To boundless joy and solid mirth My nobler thoughts aspire. 4 Where pleasure rolls ill living flood,/ From sin and dross refined, Still springing firora the throne of God, And fit to cheer the mind. ^' 5 Th* Almighty Ruler of the s^tei The glorious and the great, *. firings his own all-suflicience thbre, * To make our bliss complete. 6 Had I the piniims of a dove, yd climb the heavenly road ; ^ ^ There sits my Saviour, dressW ill love. And the^my smiling God^ . '41 » if^^ f?/ ■': , ■ .■ .1 S ' ■•■», ^ I't^mc HYJ\IN10,1J. HYMN 10, Part 2d-.S? Tke Lord's datjy or delight in ordiw^s. WEIiCOME, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord ari«e ; Welcome to this reviving breast,' And the^ rejoicing eyes I 2 Tlie King himself comc^nrorf ^^1^ And foasts his saind to-day ; ^ Here wo may sit, and se« him hero, , ^ And i«ve, jjid j)nuse, and pray. 3' One day amidst the,place '^ V Where my dear God hath been, U Is sweeter than ten thousand daya Of pleasumble sin. ^i r 4 My willing soul woiild stay In such a fmme Yis this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. 8t I V . IIYMN It, Part 2d-L. M. • :7^ enjoyment (f or deHglUtfitcfn^^ji, FAR from my thqughts, vain world, begone J I-iet my religions hours alone ; Fain wcinld my eyes my Saviour see. ■ 1 wait a visi*, Lord; from thee ! ^ - ■t "*■ . c \ MlOlOCOrY RESOUITIOM TiST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) J- :« .v.. '*!■• Id I.I Ir 1.25 Itt ■ 2£ L£ ■m •|. |a2 1^ L£ m ■4.0 itt ■■ii 1.4 Z5 1.6 '/; vIPPUED ilVHGE li nc 1655 East Main Street Rochester. New York ~ 14609 USA (716) 482 - OJOO - Pl^one / (716) 288 -5989- Fe • I ill \ I'lll i»«- 2 My heart grows warm%ithKo)y fire, And kindles with a ipure desire 5 Come, rny dear Jesus, from above, ^ ^ And feed my tsGul with heavenly love. 3 The trees of life immoital stand ^ In blooming. rov^s, at thy right ham ; V And, in swiet murmiirs, l)y^eirsKU>, Eiversof^^issim^etu^^S^" ^ 4, Itaste therf; but vm a smilmg fee, And spread the taHe of thy ^ax^c: ; Brinff down a taste of triitlidivme, , Aiid^heer my heart with sacred mne. !>. Blessed Jesiis, what delicions fere l How sweet thv enteitumments.arQ \ VNever did angels tat^e al^e, Redeeming ^race,anddy nig love. 6 ITail, groat Emmanuel, all divine 1 In thoe thy Fatlier's glories shme^v "rhou brightest, sweetest, fairest One, That eyes liave^seen,*nr angels known. /T; % UYMN 12, Part 51^^ M. • Brratluni after Su^ mySpi^^orfer^ /lOff E^lTolv Spirit heavenly Do ve, ' '\j With all thy quick'nuig powei«, 4«*f; Kinale^i flame of sacred lovo , in ^hcse coid hearts of ours. ,, ^ ^ I/x)k"how we trroveHierc Ix lijw, FcBd of these triiiiiTg iosy^ _j <^ur soiils can neither iiy \^\ 1?o, To reach etetnal joys. /■:■"■■■.■•■■•■:■ '^ ' ^ 3 In vn in we IWne our fl>rn)al son gs, In viiiii we strive to vise ; ; Il«mnnais languish on onr tongm^^. And our devd ion dies. 4. Dear Lord ! and slialV wr. ever live !At this ]K)or dying rate / , .^ . Onraove ^ faiwt, so cold to thee, r And thine to Us so great! 5 irome;i!c)ly Spirit;ht^avenlr^D^ %ith all thv fiaicVnin- iKVsvprs : -^Come, slied aljroad a tj^y^pwn* - 4 (io now, and boast tt all yottr stores,. 4nd tell how bright they shine; . \our heaps ojT glitf rin^ dust are your3> Aiui my Redeenier's miiie ! HYMN 17, Part 2d-r^. M.^^ Chcrs prese^e is li^ in datk^iess, MY Gofl, the spring of all my joyai Tho^lifeof my delighlsj, -^^ f Tliq gkflry ol\my: Imghtest dayiii 7^. '.i ..V" JlXn darkest shades, if h^^jipear, > . '^ My dawnmj? is Ix^gim ifc^ lie is my soul's bright ne^ning^star, ; And he my risiug sun. ^*^ y 3 The op'ning heavens around me Siiiu^ : With Wins of sacred bliss, - While Jesus showshis heart is mine, And whispers, " I am hi^.'^ \ 4, My soul would leave this heavy cby^ At that transporting w^ord : Run up with joy the shining way, . *. - T' embrace my dearest Lord! 5 Fearless of hell, and ghastly deaths ^ I'd break through every foe : • The wings of love, and arms of Ciith, Should bear me conq^ror through. , HYMN 18, I^rt1ldr--GJ^ A funeral dhought. j HARK 1 firom the tomb, a doleful sound t Mine ears attend the cry, " Ye living men, coKW, view the^ g^ Wuere yoi:^ muksikortlY lie. ^ 2 Princes^ this clay must be yourbedy In spite of all you»«tawers ; The tall, the wise ■ tlie re#rend.heai{ ; Must lie as l^w as 0I119* fi pA^ii n iii / . I' . r '■':■■: ',■■■ •:.: HYMN19. ■;■•■■;;■'■ ■■;• ■■' 3 Great God, is this owr certain doom t And are we still securel ^ Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepare no more / . 4. Grant its the powers of quickening. grace, To fit our souls to fly; i^ Then, when we drop this dying flesh. We'll rise above tlie sky. ! HYMN 19, Part2d— C. M. ' The hope of hecmn, our suppmt un^ triah. TirHEN I can read my title clear W To mansions in the skies, ril bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes. 2 -Should earth against my fioul engage, And hellish darts be hurPd,; Then I can smile at Satan's rage, And fece a fKwning world., 3 Let cares, like a wild deluge, come, And storms of sorrow fall ; May I but safely reach my home, My God, my heaven, my ulL 4 There shaU tbathetny^^^^^^ in seas of heavenly rest ; And not a wave of trouble roll i 5 wiien we've been there ten thousand years, Bright shining as the sun ; We've no less days to sing God's praise, g Than when we first began. HYMN 20, Tart 2d— C. M. A prospect of hea/vm makes death easy, TPHERE isa land of pure delight, v X Wh^re saints immortal reign 5 Infinite day excludes the night, | And pleasures Ixmish pain. X 2 There eiverlasting spring abides. And neveif-with'ring flowers ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heav'nly land from ours, 3 [Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood, {Stand dress'd in living green ; So, to the Jews, old Canaan stood, * While Jordan roll'd Jjctween. 4. But tira^'rous mortals start and i^ink, To cross this narrow sea, And linger, shiv'ring on, thebrink, And fear to kunch away.] 5 bh! could we make orir doubts remove. Those gloomy doubts that rise, _i^i^ And see the Canaan that we love, With unbeclonded eyes : 7 ^- ■ -^1^ $8 \ 6 Could we but climb where Mo§cs •Uxxi, ' And view Ibo landscape o'er ; Kot Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood, Should fright UB from the shore. / HYMN 21, Part 2d— L. M. ^ The Christianas imrfare, STAND up, my soul, shake off thy leais, And gird the gospel armor on ; ' March to the gates of endless joy. Where tliy great Captain Saviour's gone.* 2 Hell and thy sins resist thy ciourte ; " But hell and sin are vanquish'd foes ; Thy Jesus nail'd them to the cross, And sung the triumph when he rose. 3 [Wliat though th| inward lusts rebel, H^ls but ft struggling gasp for life j The weapons of victorious grace ^^^laU slay thy 8ins,and end the strife.] 4 Then let thy sdul nrnich boldly on, ' Press forward to the heavenly gate ; There peace and joy eternal reign, And glitt'ring robes for conq'ror* wait, ''•'*■•■■■ 5 There shall I wear a starry crown^ And triumph in ahoaighty grace ; While all the armies of the skies , Join in giy ^M<>"» ^^^^ P"" ** ^* ^.■■^ \ : ld£k)od, y IcaiB, ir'sgonc* se; foe«; rose. rebel, I* ej Btrilb.] ran,' gate; ir ; HYMN22, r HYMN 22, Part 2d— S. 11. GW a//, atui in ali. MY God, my life, my love. To thee, to thee I call ; I cannot live if thou iremove, For thou art all in all. ^ t JThy shining grace can cheer This dungeon where I dwell ; Tis pamdise, when thon art here ; If thou depart, 'tis hell*] 1 [The smilings of thy fooe, How ami'ble they are ! Tia heaven to rest in thine embiaee, And nowher€|^e but there.] W 4 [To thee, and thee alone/ The angels owe their bliss ; ■ They sit around thy gracious throce, And dwell wherci Jesus is.] § [Not all the harps above Uan make a heavenly place, \£ God his residence remove, * Or but omceal his &ce.3 ; € Nor earth, nor all the sky^ Can one delight afibrd )i No, not a drop of real joy, Without thy pregeoccy Lord. I ^. y La.»^.. .: 100 ' ■ •'■ ii|!i| >.gf*^>w '*V, ■'V, HYMN23. 7 Thou art the 8ca of lovo, ^ Where all my pleasures roll ; The circle where my intssiom move, And centre of my soul. 8 [To thee my spirits fly, With infinite desire ; And yet how far from thee I lie ! Dear Jesus raise me higher.] HYMN 23, Part 2d— C J|I. The everlasting absence of God inuicrablf. THAT awful day will surely come, Th' appointed hour makes haste, When I must stand Before my Judge, And pass the solemn test. 2 Thou lovely Chief of all my joys, Beloved of my heart, How could I bear to hear thy voice Pronounce the word, « Depart !" 3 Tlie thunder of that dismal word, Would so torment my ear, 'Twould tear my soul asunder. Lord, With most tormenting fear. 4 Oh ! wretched State of deep despair, Tosee my God nwnove, And fix my doleful station w^ere - I must not taste ius love I t^ * HYMN 24.. I > 101 5 Jesus, I throw mine arms around, And hang ii|X)n thy breast; • . " Without a gracious smile Irom thee My sjujfit cannot rest. 6 Oh ! tell me that my worthless name Is graven on thy hands ; Show me some promise, in thy hook, -^ ^ Where my salvation stands. 7 [Give me one kind, assuring word, To sink my fears again ; And cheerfully my soul shall wait | Her threescore years and ten.l HYMN 24, Part 2d— S. M. ^ Triumjik aver deaths in hope of tJie resupcction, ND must this body diet ■ ^ _ This mortal frame decay 1 And raiist these active limbs of mine Lie mould'ring in the clay? -^ A' 2 Corruption, earth, and worms, Shall but refine this flesh, - Till my triumphant spirit comes, . To put it on afresh. ■^ ■ - ..'"'■■. 3 Christ, my Redeemer, lives, And often from the skies # / 1 I i y (P ' /> #L _.^£_ ' . », :^- ^ Loolcs down, and watclles all Iny duit, Till he rfiaU bid it rise. v !» 4 Arriiy^l in glorious §^ Shall Uiese vile bodie? shine; Jtnd every alfape, and every face, 3 ;Iiook heavenly and divine. 5 *Fhe»e lively hopes Vj^eow« To Jesus' dying love 5 "Mfe would adore his grace below, And sing his power above. 6 Dear Lord> accept the praise Of these our humble songs, Till tunes of nobler sound we With Our immortal tongues. HYMN 25, Part 2d.-C. M. Miseries and t?uinks. ^ HOW can I sink with such j| prof As myeternal God, Who bears the earth's huge pillars np^ And spreads the heavens abroiul t t How can I die, T^hile Jesus livei, Who rose and left the dead t > Pardon and grace my soul receives Prom mine exalted head. HYMN 26., 103 3 All that I am, and all 1 have, Shall be for ever thine ; Wfiate'er my duty bids raeigive, My cheerful hands resign. A Yet, if 1 might ma® some fcscrve, And duty did not call, 1 love my God with zeal so great., That i should give him all. " IIYMN 26, Part 2d— L. M. The operatiomof Hie Holy Spirits ETERNAL Spirit ! we confess, And sing the wonders of thy grace ; lliy power conveys our blessings do^Ti From God the Father and the iSon. 2 Enlightened by thy heavenly ray. Our shades and darkness turn to day -^i Thine inward teachings make us know * Our danger and our refuge too. 3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin ; Do our imperious lusts subdue, And form our wretched hearts anew. 4 The troubled conscience knows the voice: Thy cheering worjds awake our joys ; Thy words cdlay the stormy wind, And calm the surgeai of the mind, ^ vl III HYMN 27, Psut 2d~.L. M. Pew saved } or the almost Chistiah, the hypomtf and apostate, - BltOAP is the road that.leads to death, And thousands walk together there ; JJut wisdom shows a narrow path, ^^ * With here a.nd there a tra;veUer. 2 "Deny thyself^and take thy cross," Is tlie Redeeaaer's great command ; Nature must count her gold but dross, If she would gain this heavenly land- ^ 3 The ifearC^I soul, that tires and laints, And -walks the ways of God no more^ Is but esteem'd almost a saint, And makes his own destruction sure, 4p Lord, let not all my hopes be vain, - Create my heart entirely new ; Which hypocritesconld ne'er attain, And false apostates never knew. * HYMN 28, Part 2d— S. M. JFai^ in Christ (mr sacrifice. NOT all the blood of beasts, ^ ^ On Jewish altars slain^ *^ ^^ Could give the guil ty conscience peace. Or wash away th| stain. 2 But Christ the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our sins away ; 4. sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood than they. ^ ■ ■ ■.- '.■.*.-■■■■,...■■ I 3 My faith would lay hbr hand ' ^ On that dear head of thine, While like a penitenti stand, And there confess my sin. 4 My soul looks back to see The burdens thou didst liear. When hanging on the cursed tree, And hopes her guilt was there. 5 Believing, we rejoice, To see the curse removed ; V :We bless the Lamb with cheerful ^'X)Ic<*,. And sing his bleeding love. HYMN 29, Tart 2d— L. M. Tfff fi fusion of the spirit ; or the success of the ^ostpel- . (1 BEAT was the day, the joy.was great, T When the divine discipies'met ; AVhilst on their heads thy JSpirit came, * A nd sat like tongues of cloven flame. 2 What gifts, what miracles, he gave !^^ And |X)wer to heal, and power to save ! Fumlsh'd fheir tongues with wondrous words>. ^Instead of shields; and spears, and swoids. V Prom east to west, from south to north; / ^' and^assert your Saviour's cause, • U), spread the mystVy of his cross." ^^ese weapons of the holy ^var. Of what almighty force they are, 1 o make our stubborn passions bow, ^ And lay the proudest rebel low { ■' 5 Nations, the learned and the rude, Arel)y these heavenly arms subdued : VVhite Satap rages at his loss. And hales the doctrines of the crofiB. ' i would be led m tfuimph too, ' ^ wilhnf .eaptive to my Lord, ^ And sing «ie victVies of his w^HYMN 31.;:.; ■■;:;■;:.; ■;:••■:/ 3 Behold tli* inniiraemble hart Of angels cloth'd iri Ifg^tt Behold the spirits ot the just, ^ Whose faith is turned to sight! % Behold the blessM assembly th^re, Whose names are wrote in heaven, 'And God, the judge of allvdeclares Their vilest sins forgiven. , ''■,"**■■ ;'.'■■..■■ ■:■■■■■ * . ■ . ."'- ■ \ ■ . ' ■ ' • •* "'■■-..' ..' - .■ 5 The saints on earth, and all the dead, ' But one communion make ; All join in Christ, their living Head, And of his grace partake. ' . ■ ■■"',.'.■■ ^"^^' '*■■ ■-,'■'. '■-'■''■/ (J In such speiefy as this v , My weary lliul w^nld rest*^. ^ The man that dwells where J^irit, i Kust be for ever blessM. n^ ,, ■ ^. HYMN 31, Part 2d-^. M, Cru^jixwnto the world by the cross of Chrht, "VU"HEN I survey the wondrous cross W On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but Joss, ' And pour contempt on all my pride. < . H Forbid it, Lord, tliat I should boctst. Save in the death of Christ my Lord ; ^ All tii« viain thin^ that charm me munt, 1 s acrifice them to his blood. ; ) ■ ^^ HYMN 32. \ 3 See from his head,his hands, his feet, borrow and love flow mingled down ' ^. , --— .^,« „wv luujujcu ao\ ri: f ^"""^ ^^^® and sorrow meet? yr thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4. fHis dying crimson, like a robe, ^^Feads o'er his body on th6 tree ; r"^^'" I dead to all the irlobe, • And all the|^obe is dead to me.J ^/ 5 Were the whole realm of nature mine, , ^ 1 hat were a present far toosmall: Uyvem amazing^ so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all. ^ ^ HYMN 32, ■part 2(1-C. M. DivmeUm making a feast, and caUing in Our :-■'■''■::■''■''■::■'''" giteUs. HC^SA^et and awful is the pl^^^^ _^With Christ within the dook * WJhne everlasting love displays 1 he choicest of her stores ! ^ ^J?'^ every bowel of our God _ \V ith soft compassion rolls ; ' ^^? and pirdon, bought with blood, is food for dying souls. 3 While every heart, and every song; Jom to admire>e feast, , ^ ^JBYMN33. 109 Each of lis cries, with thankAil longiie, , :\ « Lord, why was la guest ! 4 "Why wak I made to hear thy voice, And enter while there's room, When thousands make a wretched choice, ; And rather starve thancomel-?* the feast, 5 'Twasthe same love that That sweetly drew lis in ; Else we had still refused to taste, And perish'd in our sin. ilYMN 33, Part 2d-^L. M- PRAISE God, the Father, heavenly light ; Praise Christ, the Son, my souPs delight ; Bless'd Holy Ghost, come dwell with me Through time and in Eternity* Ye glitt'ring orhs around the skies, Who speak his glories as you rise, Your silent language ne'er can jtell ; The glory of Emmanuel. Tall niountains that beckmd the *kies, And all the hills that round you rise, While time endures, ye ne'er can tell The gkwry of Emmanuels v^ 2 Ye trembling seas witJi distriaf jcoaif , ^ Whdse billows roll from shore to $hore, Your thundering language ne'er can tell rrt m I .•^T"«P«Kr^- 11^ ■f: HYMN 33, ^ The power of Christ, EmrnannoL Through every land extend the song ; ' A gniky world redeem'd from heU ' S?^i. ,/'?^' "'^ ^^< Emmanuel. - Behold him bleeding, hear him gn»i ' Death 8 iron chains can ne'er excel ' , ^»»e Strength of Christ, Emmanuel ^ i„^i°n'"'^'"°""* •"■' honor'dWt, And millions bowing at his feet^ He conquer'd all the powers oFhell ; res, glory to Emmanuel, / His feme shall sound from jK<^e to pole. Whrfe glory rolls Irom soulZsoulf^' ^e gospel sound goes forth to tell ^.glory of Emmanuel/ While I am singing of Ms fiime m ijy ^ logins to feel the flame 5 ; The l)eauty oi Einma^eL: * ^^^^ hear the trumpet acwid And see the nation/gather round f^^' While angels shoni, the saints shall (tf ; The glory of EraSnuel. ^'"^ ** Ten thousand tWusand in the thiOB«, ^ tliousand thousand join the «^ ^mrj to Ciukt, Emmanuel I V ^. ,■ . :\. HYMN34. My soul, transported with his cbarma^ Jiong to dwell in Jesiis' arms r My loving brethren all farewell, I go to meet Emmanuel. ■;...-.- -- :4' v= ..■■ -vr". ■■■■■;,:/ .•■■•\."-,- :•■ HYMN 34, Part 2d— 7 & «. ! 71ie vxiy to Jwanjen, ^^ CALL'D to a sense of duty, 1 would obey the call ; And for thfe sake of Jesus, I freely give up all ; My former vain enjoymenta, Of pleasure, pride, and gain, That I in Jesus' kingdom A mansion may obtain* 2 How often have I struggled TohoWsome fi)oli§h8in; Yet, to the heavenly kingdom I meant to enter in ; But now I am persuaded That nothing else will do, . But Jesus for my portion. And holy joys jpuisue.. . 3 Let all the w^d'iB gar beacon i Arid Satan's ^t'ring'bait<|^ "With all their pride and gmndeor. Around my soul await I The fiur superior beauty ' Through J^tfal gee ab-4 y III ' f f n i' ! J|H n'flH • '' Sfl K',H ■- rj P'flfl ' H { '^bM ■ ;r| K '^^nl i 1 '^KS ' •■ ' ? K ^B9 1 iH J '"' 1 j|''^H \:M ifl ■■■• 1 Ifl 1 111 9 ■■111 ■■■ 1 'ii^^^i ^1 -' 't9 1 9'^| / ■ i ■^^H '■'- '-'l Is ;:■: R:3 IS ■ ll la *Pf^r'- m '\i ■r.k 77"' HYMN3V And ram1>entu|x)n it, This holy way to tread. ^ Come, who will travel with me. The way that leads to heaven/ ^n5li#^ And heaven sliaU he your greiit reward, HYMN 38, P^yt 2d-.7 i: 6. Ute Jubilee^ ONE night as I lay musing, Tfce »j)irit said to me. Go, blow the gospel trumi)et. Go, soqnd the JuWlee ; Go, tell them 1 am risen, ^ And death yew need not i # i*f ^ ;y;|^ V •nn t i /'' -t fSK" V ii6 «? AxidZioti she doth languish, ■ And shepherds, where arc you T His blood will cry against you,^ , If idle you should be ; You see the sword is coriiing, Go, sound the Jubilee. 3 Come all my Fatlier's children, Wliom Ghrist has taught the way; Why stand ye here so idle, And wasting all the day T Eemember soiitie are teaching, t " While others preach and pray ; Go, labor in the ymeyard. From Jesus never sti^y, \ ^ 4 Gome, brethren dear, and ^er$, Although a little band, ,The yict'ry 111 assure you, Stand fast with swiwfd in hand ; Then wield your sword with pleasuie, The battJe goes aright ; When Israel gain'd the victory. He ibught with iaith and misht, 5 Come, all yc* sons of vanity, Who lie exposed to death, • WhoVe( listed under Pharaoh, T^hat wicked king beneath ; Although yoU serve with yigor. He cannotiiet you free, .■,^N. Then hearken to the arospel, That sounds the Jubilee. : 6 How beautiful the garments, ^ The bride of Christ doth wear; Me.otfers her rich presents, And crowns her as his heir ; H# decks her with rich jewels, Aiid crowns her with his love ; Arui by his mighty power, 7 111 bid farewell to sorrow. To sickness, care and pain, And raoimt aloft to Jesus, For ever there to reign, ni join to sing'his praises, Above th' ethereaJ blue; And then, poor careless sinner, ^^%tt wiU beco^ " HYMN 39, P^rt 2d-^C. M; Light siiining out of darknm. GOD moves in a mysterious way , His wondiers to perform ; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm, v 2 Deep in th' unfkthoms ble mines Of never-failing skilly I >.: ■■'•■ •■* » . He treasures up lis bright designiJj Jind wcMffcs his righteous wilL 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread Are fiird with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, ^ Btit trust him for his grace ; / - Behind a frowning Providence, ; He hides a smiling fiice. j 5 His ptirjwses^vill ripen fast, 1 _ Unfolding every hour 5 The bud may have a bitter taste^ But sweet will be the flower. € Blind unbelief IS sure to err, And scan his work in vain j God is his own interpreter. And he will make it plain. T^ : HYMiNf 40, I^rt 2d-^. W'-^ ^^-As iJiydays, so skail tfiy strengtli he. \ FmOTED saint, to Christ dmwnear, IX Thy Saviour's gracious promise hear; jHiss faithfiil word declares to thee, ^ That as thy days, thy strength shall be. 2 Xet not thy heart despond dnd say, ** How shall I stand the trying day ?^ v v,-- * ■i^'V - .■^- ;::^:;--\;:-:;-' :-■ HYMN 4i/-\V/, :.:;.:VI..,i-' ii9" He "has engaged by firm decree, That as thy days, thy strength «|hall be, 3 Thy faith is weak, thy foes are stFong ; And if the conflict should be long, The Lord will make the tempter flee : ^or>&thy days, thy strength shall be, 4 Should persecution rs^e and flame, Still trust in thy Redeemer's name j - . In fiery trials thou shalt see. That as thy days, thy strength shall^bc. 5 When calPd to bear the weighty cross^ Or sore afflictions, pain, or loSs, Or deep distress, or povertyy— Still, as thy days, ttiy strength shall be. 6 When ghastly death appears in view, Christ's presence shall thy fears siibduej ' He comes to set thy spijfit free. And as thy days, Uiy strength shall be. HYMN 41, Part 2d-^8 & 7. FRECIOUS Bible] what a treasure < ^ Does the. word of Gk>d afford !- • All I want for life or pleasure, Fo^^an^ med'cine. Shield ands^vord: Leftn world account me poor, H a Yi^g thi s , I need no more. I 1^0 ■•■;■:::■::;}.;:;;:: HYMN, 4 ^ 2 Food , to which the world's a stranger, Here my hungry soid enjoys j Of excess there is no danger, - ; Though it fills, it never cloys. "^ " On a dying Christ I feed, > He is^ meat and drink indeed J 3 When my soul is faint and sickly. Or when Satan wounds my mind, . Cordials to revive me quickly, i^ Healing med'cines here I find. ^ To the promises I flee, Each aSbrds a remedy. '"'* 4 In tiie hour of dark temptation, Satan cannotmake me yield ; For the word of consolation Is to me a mighty shield : While the ^ripture truth- is sure, From his malice I'm secure, 5 Vain his threats to overcome me, When I take the Spirit's sword / Then with ease I drive him from me, > Satan trembles at the wordi 'Tis a sword for conquest made, Keen the edge, and sharp the blade, i 6 Shall I envy then the miser, | Doating on his golden store 7 i Sure, I am (or i^houid be) wiser, : .■:^''% J atri rich, 'tis he is poor. Jesus gives me, in his word, ^ . Food and med'cine, shield and swofd. HYMN 42, Part2d— lis. - Precious promises, V HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his excel Irtit word; What more can he say than to vou he hath said, You who unto Jesus lor refiige have fled ? 2 In ev^£j:/6ndition,in sickness,in health, In poverty's vale, or abounding in wealthy At home and abroad, on the land, on the sea, * .As thy days may demand, shall thy strength ever be . 3 Fear not, I am with thee, O l)e not dismavM, I now am thy God, and will still ^ive thee iiid, I'll strenfthen thee, help thee, and cause nhee to c .■ ,; stand,_-- ., - :,^ '.' ;... ;,;■■: .::-^i^:'^ :■ Upheld by ihy ri^hfeous, omnipotent hani. > : : 4 Wheii througbthedeep watere Icall thee to ^o The rivers of woe sliall not thee overflow; ^ ' For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, - And sanctify to thee, thy deepest distress. 5^'hen through fiery trials thy pathwav shall lie My grace all-sufiicient shall be thy supply : The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dro s s t o con s um e , and thy gold to refine. T ' MA \ 7v I "^^ Hymn 41 ^ Even down to old age all my people shall prove Jmpaitial, etemiUf unchangeable love; And when hoary hairs ^hall their temples adorn, Xdke lamhs they siiaJl still in my bosom lie borne. ^ The soul that "Oniestis doth lean foi^ repose, X will not, 1 will not desert to his foes f That soul, thoiigh all hell should endeav<»- to shake, I II neyei^ no never, no lievelr forsake; % : HYMK4d,I^rt^d---S..M; 1^^^^ B ■ ■' ■ ■ •iJ'' ■ ■■ ■■■ ^ EHOLD the morning sun ' Begins his glorious way I His beams through all the nations ^ _ And life and light convey, 2 ButwherelthegoqEjel comes. It spreads diviner light ; - ^^^ . : :■' It calls dead sinnei^ from their tombs, Andres the blind thiir sight. 3 How perfect is thy, woM I And all thy judgments just I For ever sur^ thy promise, Lord, And men securely trust, -■-'■ ■ ■*■■ .♦ ■■..".:. * . ■ ■ -■., ■ ■ 4 My gracious God, how plain , \ Are* thy directions given ! O may I ne^er read in vain, * ^ — ^it-findr^ie path to hca venr^ m ■J ■ ■ Hymn 44. . ?) 1 hear -thy word with love, And I would fain obey ; Send thy good Spirit from above, To guide me, lest I ^ - ^ 6 ^^ile with my heart and tongue I spread thy praise abroad, Accept thoiwoirship and the song> My Saviour, and my God. ■ v^' '^-y .\<\: ■--■ ^■:::-;^:- : ;■■0.■.■-^/ >. ^ :■.-■.■ HYMN 44, Part 2d— L. M; I The loving-kindnmof the Lnrd. ' % . A WAKE, mv soul, in jovfullavs, ♦ ^ .^"^ ®"^^ thy great "Redeemer's praise! I- lie justly claims a songirom me, His loving-kindness, di how ii^ee ! 5^ nnm'rous hosts of mighty foes, Thpugh earth and hell my way opixise, HqHafely leads my soul along, a|p loving^li^ 3 When trouble, like a ^oomy cloud, Has gather'd thick, and tliunderVl loud, He near my soul has always stood, . Ilis loving-kindness, O how gpod I 4 C)ften 1 feel jny sinfiil heart Prone from my Jesus to depart 5 But thoujgli I have him oft forgot, * V His lovmg-kindritess changes iwt ' ii '1 ';i / . HY1VIN45. : 5 Soon shall T jkiss the gloomy vale, Soon all m/ mortal powers shall fail ; O may my last expiring breath His loving-kiiidness sing m death. 6 Then let me mount and soar a\wiy' To the bright world of endless day ; And sing with mpture and surprise, liis loving-kindness in the skies. / /. H HYMk45,Part2d--lls: ThehinhofthcSdviom, ' A Sshepherdsin Jewry were gnardinfirtheirshcof) il Promiscuously sq^ted, estranged from sleep, An angel from heaven presented to sight, And thus he accosted the watchers by niirht: BLsmiss all your sorrows and Imnish your^feara, For Je^us yoiu" Saviour in Jewry apjiears. , 2 Thoi^h Adam the first in rel^Hon wHjfbUnd : Forbidden to tarry on hallowed px)und ; A ^ ' Ye^ Adsim the second appears to retrieve ■.■/■'' The loss you sustain'd by the Devil and Eve. Then shejilierds, be tmnquil ; this instant arise, Go visit your Savioinr and see whpir^et^iies. 3 A token I leave you, whereby you may find. This heavenly stranger, this fric^nd to inankindV A manger's his^cmdle, a stall his abode, v ^husxii cc kly ap p c?ar s you r Savio u r and Lofd.; ■ f* ::;,•■ ::C •:■•';. hymn 46.\;'^' 7r:^'::-:.:.; .;■ m Then shepherds, bo humble, be meek, and lie low, For Je^ii3, yoiu Saviour's abundantly so. 4 Tliis wonderful story no sootier they hear, Than thousands of angels in glory Ri)i)ear ; • ^Tliey join in the eoneert, and this waif the theme, All glory to God, and good-will towards men, /4 hen shepherds, strike in, join youx voice to the choir, . , And catch a few sparks of celestial fire. 5 Hosanna I the angels in ecstacy cryj Hosanna ! the wohdering shepherds reply ; Salvation, redempti(»i, are centred in one, All glory to God ibr the birth of his Son. Then shepherds, adieu, we commend you to God CJo visit the Son in his humble abode. ' ■.■■-- ■ .1'' . ■■ " ?■■.".'■'■■■■"."■'■" « To Bethlehem's city the shei»herds repnlr'd, For full confirmation of what they had heard : . Jliey enter'd the stable w^ith aspect so mild, And there they beheld both the mother and child. ITien make proclamation, divulge it abroad, 1 hat both Jews and Gentilesmay hear of the Lord, HYMN 46, Part 2d— P. M. FROM the regions of love, Lo r an angel descended, • And told the strange news, v ^ How the babe was attended: Go, shepherds, and visit *'• 'i ■ ^^^^ . T^ wonderftil strangely With wonder a^d joy, . See your Christ in the manger, v*^^.— IlalleUijah to the L^mb, -^^'o"*!^ whom we have paidopi^- We'll praise hira again, f /^^^^ ^^ ps8 ovei: Joidftn* m -•"•■1. :C. ? Olad tidings I bring To you and each n^tiou j . Glad tidings of joy, ,:Now behold your salvation; The heavenly host -* ' Unite their glad voices, And shout the Redeemer While heaven ire^JQices^ ; 3 Now gloiy to God ^^ In the highest is given i J^w glory to God Is i^e^choed through heaven^ ' 4'^""^ the whole earth : Mt usi tell the glftd story^ And sihg of hia love, His salvation and glory. 4 Enraptured I rise With delight and desi^e^ Such love, so divine, ^ Sets my soul all on fire : -to oimd the b right %}mm ^ — St f: ^.rJ *~Ji>Ul& JUf *W A ■ ;/;--. ■•^.^■■= •'•-,. ■ HYMN 47.' .'■::■■-::•.•■.■: Hosanntis are ringing ; O when shall I jointhem„ And <3vcr be singing ! . 5 Tnumi)hantly ride In thy chariot victorious,, And conquer wUb love ; \ O Jesus aU-glorioua ! ' 'Thy banner unftitl, Let the nations surrender, • And own thee their Saviour, Their King, a^d Defcuder, : ■ .■"■■■■■■ : '■" ... '-r ■■ ' ■ ■.■•■• HYMN 47, Pan M--e M. MORTALS, awake, with angels joiifc. And chant the solemn lay; Joy, Unre, and gratitude combine To hail th' auspicious day.. 2 Wrapt in the sUence of the nighty Lay all the eastern world, Whm bursting, glorious, heavily light. The wondrous soenje unfiirl\l. a Hark, the chembic armies shout, And glory leada the soug ; Good will and peace are hearve^^ 4^ A«d mingle with their luy«f 5 With joy the chorus we'llxcj)cat, Glory to^ixl on high; Good will and i>eace ure now complete, Jesus was born to die. 6 Hail, Prince of Life, for ever had ! * Redeemer, brother, friend! ' \ Tho' earth, and time, and hfe should ^il. Thy praise shall never end. " ■ ■■• ■-■■ . ■ ■ :■■' •■-- ■■ ■.: " x '■' - ■ ■■■■■- ' ' ■■■ -■;•■,. ■■■.■■>•.■ .■*■■,■•■ ■ . . ' ■.',.,»" " ■ ' ' .«^ ' ■ ■ ■ - . ■ ; HYMN 48, Part 2d— 8s. v What think ye of Christ ? i 'HAT think ye of Christ] is the t^ist To try both your sta^ and your scheme, You cannot be right in the rest, " Unless you think rightly of him. As Jesus ap]:)ears in your view, V ■. As he is beloved oriibt;^ , ; « . ' So God is disposed to you, • And mercy or wrath is your lot. 2 ^kyme take Jiim a creature to be, A man, or an angel at mostV . ' Sure these have not feeHngs like xne, \^ Nor know themselves wretched and lost : So guilty, so helpless am I, Tcoidd not confide in his word,, 1^ 'S' ^%i: i' V Kor on Ills protection rely, Sarl of irrfnf rnte. _ Arul sny ho\s tlio foimtnin of joypi ' i let Iced uj)on (blly and vice, And cleave to the world and ifs loy» • Like Judas, the Saviour tliey luss > ' ■.And whil(^ th,-y sal.ite him,.l»(tr.»y : AhJ|what will profession like lln:i, ' Avad in that terrible day t .. ' m / 4 If askM what of .lesus I think, Tlio' stdl my best tlioui;hts are but iHior, 1 «Jiy he's my meat and my drndr,, .My life, and my streni»f h,and my sfor« ; My shepherd, my hnyband, rny (hi^nd, . My Saviour from sin nnd frcm ijirall :' My hope trom b^cfinning to cn<}, ^ ' ' My iwtion, my LorI, aud m^ a!L 'HYMN 49, Part 2d~a M; ; J Thecmmmtionff Chriii,. .:'i Who from tliealtar M .•■V -. ^:^% ' love,. Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crowd him Lord of all. -■*.■- 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, ' A remnant weak and small, Hail him who saves you. by his gmce, And crown him Lord of all. ' . 4 Ye Gentile sinners ne-cr forget . The wormwood and the gull ; • Go, spread your trophies af his feet, And crown him Lprd of all. 5, Babes,"meh, and sires, who know hi* Who feel your sin and thrall j - Now join with" all the liosts above, And crownhira Lorded all. ^ 6 Let ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tribe,. On this terrestrial ball. To him all majesty ascribe, , And crown him Lt)rd of all. * 7 p that with yonder sacred throng * We at his feet may liall ! We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. HYMN 50, I^rt 2(1-~1 1 & 8. Tlie glory of ChrLsl, OTHOU in whose presence my soul takes dcligljf; On whom in afflipiipn I call i f *^IJ^?^^^ Ijy day, and my ioiig in the night ; ■j: rn % Wliere ■ dost thou St noontide resort wif I» thy ^ lo n^ed in tlKv]);.slurcsor love; • JsIk. n Say, M^^^y i» the v^ilJey oi' death should 1 ^Vivy " Or alprle m the wi Idcrrioss rove I . 3 why should. I wander nn dli^n from llx o . i<)r cry in tluv desert lur broad? ' ., Thy fws will rlovpd Jijis l^on, ^ AntI where witiji his ILx-k lie lias frune ? 1^ Tlii5; is ray holovrd/his fein is divine, ^ Ills vestmcists sh -d udois ai-ound ; r^ie lockson hjs bed uro n^ p:r:,pps on the vine VV iicn autt^mn Aviiii pi-aty ife crownM, '^ Till- roj^os of .>h;:roii, the liilies tliiit- immT In the T:d;^s. on 1 1;, bank, d thi,<^,aHus: (.)n his cIkmA docs flie iK^mi^y of ev(vJl(.iKe y^ * Anahlseyc8ustiiesrui*sr:u]iuiitl.(.;.i.,s. ^ 7 His voice n^Ahc t^omidoNin i\-^^c^rY^er ^:^,■eet liio CcdajV5-of L; hniro^rv I>ow^ Isis i;.ot Th e a ir i s tk t-i - -■ - -^ ' 'nuiited wi i ^s-Dtcatin: 8 His lips as a fbuntain.of righteousneai Uott, Tl^t waters the garden of grace ; From -which their salvation the GentilcJi phali And bask in the smiles of his face. [kiM*w, ^ Love sits on his eyelids, and scatters delight Through all the bright niansions on high ; Their faces the cherubim veil in his sights . And praise hinv with Mncss of joy 10 lie looks, and ten tliousands of angels rejoice, And myriads wait. for hls; word ; He fspejiks, and eternity, fill'd with his voice, Ke-echoes the pmise of the Lord. , •HYMN 51 , Part 2d— S. M. On the name of JesHS. JESTTSy we love thy name', And thee we will adore ; And when we feel this lu^iv'nly fiame, We long to love thee more. 2 Thy narne is all onr triist ; Thy tiame is solid peacef Thy name is everlasting rest, When 6thei' names shall cease. 3 Tliere, fSvishM with thy name, , We never more shall rove; There, sound thine everlasting hme^ Alid solace as th y love. 4 Thy name shall be our praiaaj r- HYMN 5^ 133 ' Thy name shall be onr joy ; Thy narne, through everlasting^ (lays, 8halJcpuhtlcss throngs employ." > HYMN 52, Part 2d— C. M. Tlte name of Christ. .- now s\<^eet the name of Jesus sounda In a heliever's ear I ' 1 1 pooths his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives- away ^ is fear. 2 It rriakes the wounded spirit whole, And ealins the troubled breast j 'Tis manna to the hmigry'soul, A4id to tlie vvearv, rest. .■■*'".-.'■■ 3 flear name, the rock oh which I btiiki, •My shield and hid infr place ; K!y never-liiiling treasVy fill'd With boundless stores of crace. 4 Jesus, my shepherd, husband, friend, My prophet, priest, and king j , ^ My lord, my life, my way, my end, Accejit the praise I bring. 6 Weak is the effort df 'my heait, ^ And cold my warmest thought ; Bnjt^w hen I see thee as thou art, rHT^rai^ XheeTas I ouglit. ~ ^ w n in i n • { Hi < ii' m y ttYMNjl ' ■ -.i-;^ ^ Trtlliien t would thy love proclaiiiJ, ^ . With every fleeting breath, .And may the music of thy namo , ' Refresh my soul in dcatli. HYMN 53, Part 2d— C. M. . Pearl of great price, VEglitfVing toys ol' earth, adieu! * •4. A nc^bler choice be mine ; ' • ^ A real f)ri2:e attracts my view, . "" A treasure all-divine. I -'^ .^ Cei^Oiie, unworthy of my cares, ^' Ye specious bails of sense ; rnestimable worth apjiears, - •'■The pearl of price immense. • 3 Jesus, to multitudes unknown, „ O- name divinely «weot ! Jesiis, in thee, in thee alone, Wealth, honor, pleasure, meet. .4 .'should both the Indjes, at, my c&U, Theit boasted stores resign ; ;»^ ' ..With joy I would renounce thenr all, ' ^ For leave to call thee mine. • . 5 Sljould earth's vain treasures-all de|wt, \ Of this dear gift possess'd ; J>d clasp it to my'joyfnl lieart, .. --4ii44e-for-evef biess^.- — '- '-r^ 'V, ^ * *i ''/■■■>• j: * HYMN 54. m bear portion of my sours desires, \ Thy lovo isMiss divine ; ^ccept the wish that love ii^ispires, And bid me call thee mine. HYM!^54,I^rtM-6&S." *^ AKISP], my soivh arise, Shake off thy^ guilty fears, The bleeding snerifico - In my Jjehalf appears: 'Before the throne- my Saviour stands, My name is w ritten on his handF. *i He ever liv^s above • For me to intercede ; With las redceiT^ing love, His precious blood >to plead ; His blood was spilt for all our race, And spMnkles now the throne of grace. 3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, I^eceived on (Pal vary ; 'rhey }X)ur effectual pmyers, Xhey strongly speak. for me : Forgive him , O forgive, they cry. Nor let that ransbm'd sinner die. . 4-^6 FatHer hears him pray, /' His dear anointed one ; lie cannot tiurn away. ' '\ I The presence of his Son : ■♦ . / irYMN55. ^ ■7-'- r^-:-^:. V llw spirit answers to the hlooft; ' >^^ i\f]d leHs me I am boro o( God, • " ^ 1\> f?0(! I'm reconciW ■ ^ ^IJis pard'uinor voice J hear : life owns me ibr his child, ' I ctui no longer fiear ; Will confidence J now draw ninh. And j>ather, Abba Father! cry. ', > IIYMN 55, art od-^7s. . A NGELS, roll the rock away, ^ ij^^^y^^ «r thy miorhty prey, Nee ! ho rises from the tomb, Olowmg with immortal bloom.,, - •2 'Tis th^ Savionr, ancols raise 1 ante's eternal" trump of praise : J^et ,tho earth's remotest boiind Hear tjie joy-inspiring sound, 3 Now, ye saints,.l]fl np your eves - ^.ow . to glory see him rise, / * Jn long triumph up the sky, > . « p to waiting worlds on high.. ♦ Heaven displays her portals wide, C;lor4oi|shero,.throuirh them rider ' ^mg of g:Jory, mount thy throne, , . ihy grey Fa t hcr-s and 'thy nW, ^ - -«.. : ■^, ^>:. (;HYMN.56.r.^ ' ft 1?ifaise him, all^ei hoavrfily clfoini, ' rruisc mid sweep ybiir goldc^n lyrosj ^ Shont, O earlh. in rajt|-rous song, Let the strains be sweet and istron^. 6 Ev'ry note with wonder 5?well, / '1 Sin o'ertlirown and caf)tiir'd hell ; , Where is hell's once dreaded king? Whefe, O death, t}iy mortal siiug ? ^t HYMN M, Fart l>d-r-8. k 6. The (Jumsayid years of ChrisCs rci^n ; or Oti new : W^l^AT soit»d is tliis saliites my ear \ ' n 'Tis (labriel's trump lyetliinks I hear^ ; Th' expeeted tlay is come ; ' , Be!iold the heaven, the earth, the ^ea, , { rroclaim |he year of Jubilee, ® ; ;v Kelti;irn, ye exiles, home; v / 2 Toehold th6 fair Jerusalem, ^-— 1__^ Ilhirairiated by theLan^b, - T^^"~~~; — In glory dpth apjiear j / Fair Zion's rising h'om the tomb, '*^' - To meet 1 he bridegroom now he's'come^ Which hails the Jiibile year. - 3 My soul is striving to be there^ I lo^g to rise and%'ing the air, And trace the sacred'^ road ; Adieul:^ adiQuTair moYtal lHm^»7 * A JSS^ HYMN 57; O ! that I hail an answers wincrti, - 1 aqnickly seamy XJod. ^ ^^^y> g;racious moments, fly, O lly | - 1 thirst, I pant, I \o\)gyl try, ' ; ' Angelic joys to prove; •■ ;??oon I shall qnit tliis honsc of ciny, , Clap my glnd wings and soar awhy, Anil shout redeeming love. / \-. -" - .'"■'■'■ ■ ■ ., -■ .■■■*■■. . '■ ■ ' ''■ .'-•■■ . ■ JIYlVIX 57, Tart 2d— II. M. The Christian CJmrclu 1 LTHOUG^^ by irien, / /. A A Iittle(l'el)lel>ana, iVotection we obtain ./ i^rom the R(?i]ecmef's hand,' ' : . Though otl oin* ib(^s would us dovour; ' We stand upheld by; Jesus' power. % While on him we depend, ^ • Aud truly feav hisiiame, , ; He'll prove a laithlul friend, * v A ml ne'er put us to shame. ; He'll gnarti us safe through all thf^^raT^ :.\} *Yo the lair climes of endless day. 3 Our:slie|)herd leads us on, ' While we obey his voice ; lie guides us to his thy nne, ■'^■s?^layT , ■ -, .' ■ ■' . -« ' to y --^ ■ ' '*\ J* i;'::-t-.A'-;4 ■ . ■ I ■ ■ : '■"■ : ' J ■■■■. ■ ' .-r Aiid iu liim we'll rejoice \ ( ' tbniifflv strnit the Way, 'we lieed not towr, Jt to the end we persevere., v^r • •■■ -. ■■■ ^■■'■r :vv: ":■.;.. ^•-: ;...-. ;-;;,. ->% ■ : .. ■ i Clinst is onr lexifier cair(l,/^% The Christiiin's name we bcar^^^ , This nuine we will extol^ 4 , While in his gmee we share: |v - AW party names we will tlisdain, The irlurious name of Christ maintain. M- 6 His doctrine too we'll pize, ' 1'liis, as our rnle observe, * it is our onlv i^nide,- • , , ThereCore we must not swerve ; ; H'his dwtrine v/ill arise on l^i^rh, . W'lien all the works of men shall die. ( C Ourselves we mugt deny, And daily take our cross f From ev'ry ^vil ily, — - ; Or we shall sutler loss, ^ 1'ill viet'ry we completely win; ;~^rrr ^ Wo will maintain the war with sin. 7 lionl; when onr liearts sliall fail; > - And earthly comforts die, : / y^^; May thy rich grace prevail, '^^^ ^ Aind b^^ar our souls on high ; '' Theri>e oiu' hrarU, And dwell upon our tongties. , IIVMN 7)9, Part 2(i--C. M. , ^ The tnie pcniteriK, n ARK ! hear the sound on earth is found: My soul deliirhts to hear, C>fdvin*r love that's from above, . ; Ofjwrdon bought so dear.' g (y T K J 's ministers, Ijic o f] affl(>i^ ofHSw^ Axe pdssiAg through tjie land ; / '■« /■ ^,, V IIYMN6(). , tli.'■'■ ■' ' ' : ' ■ ' .■-■'' 1 .-■-_.■ .-,■■■- ■; (■ ■, _ ■.. . . . - * * 5 God ^ants a shower of saving power, On evor^V aelrins: hr'urt, Whosincendy to (»od docry, - That they may have a part. 6 Come lovely youth vemlirace tho Inilti, A jJ^ree with one accord ; > And use yoitif tonffM«\s. while you are yowng, lu praising Christ the Lord. ' . "^ yYMTSf €[Cy, Part 2d----C. it. ; ; ; {>:<^Gopd Feast. ■ :.':: '; ' ■ ' ■• ■;.':■ OW Zion/his>ndstholy moittit,^^ • God wiU a feast prepare ; A nd Twr ftfil'a sons and Gentile lanilh. IBfaall in the banquet share* I ■ 1,' 1, 'i\ 'Hr^^ii. n ' 1 i ■\ ^ ■ 1 L i 1 ■ ■ . ■ • 1 : \ V ■ 1 1 A t«'>^' ■■;:■■• ;^^^'-y- HYMN 61. ' • -■^■.•■:: ■■ ■ •■■ " ■ ' ; 2 Marrow ami fatness are llie food V FIw Ijonnteons haud bostovws ; * .- f Wino on tlio loo«, and well refiueJ, ' In ricli abumlunce flows. ■,■■'.'■■■ ■ ■ • ■.■■■•■''''■'.'. ; yl S«(» to tfie vilinst of the vilr*; ' A froo acceptjinco given ; See rebels by udoptiiii]; ^n\C€^ - ^ Sit with the heirs of heaven. '■ ■ . ■/■■■'■. . ■ ' .■ ':■■':'' " y ' ^ ♦ The pairiM, the sick, fho'dyn% now • To case and healili restored, With eairer a pjietltes parti dee ' S The plenties of thek)aril. * .'..•.'',■- ^ 5 Ent O, whtit dmnirhts of bliss iinknowu^, ■ What dainties shsdl be firivtm* Wlieu with the myriads r^nn(J the throne, , We join thrust of hc«^'eii. "■::[:€ There joys immrasiir:ibly LIgh, Shall overllow IIk- soul. And spriiiiTs of life tluti never dryu^^ In tkoiisund clmnn(;I.s roll. i#' HV|FNei,PariOd-.L.M, F)rc(fom of tJfX! human uiUl I^NOW then that every soid is free ^L To choose his life, aihlwhdt he'll bc^i^ J\)r this eternal t ^mth4 ''X-i! f«-'^ mi«r em i "4; .,•» ■ «1 Tliai GoJ will fj. crc no laau U» heaVen. .■•"■■-■'■■,"■■ ■ ■ ". ' • ^ . ■ " -f H" '^J/^A^ A w4 y '^*i t X Frccilom ami rcas<>iy iniikc nsmrn; TukcMUjcsc uvvayj what are wc Ihoii !^ • Alero tSilmals, and just us well : :^ The bciuib may thiilk^jrluavcn or LlII. .'-■■',■--■ 7 ' " ' ' ' I ■ ' # ■ ■ ■ * ■ * ■- . /' '■ '^. .■•■_.,■ ^ "..'■■. / V ■■.'■:'. ■■"■ .'. .".'..■ S May wc no moro our jx)\vcrs obiiJ«r, ^ . . JUit waysof'tnitli siiul goutiness clioow*^ thir ( Jod is i)loaiJf (V \vlu;ii we improve llis gnicc, and stick the world above. 4 Those t|iat demise grow harder still ; ;'^ ' . 'Iliose thai at!^i( p he turns their will ; And thus des}vis(^rs sink tohell^ / - V While thoso Ihat hear in glory iJwcH. But if wc take the downward rf>ad, And make in hell our lust alxnle, Our (jod is clear, and we sliaU know ^• ■We've- ])lungcd ojurselvcs in/lioiielesai woi. IIYMN 62, Tart 2-iU. jM. TltcyearofJiiMlcei^^Jl -, BLOW ye tU^^runipct, hW, > :" " The gladly solenjn souiidj Let all tiie njtitions know : " • To earth's ioinotest bound ; • Tlie vcur of Jij/bike is come : ' . Xlctuiii, ye raubom'd sinncns, home., H The gospel 1ja]m>et hcai^ ¥'ir "^ II > * -■ ■l!^ : 1^ u A y - The iicws ofl^/jaxciily grace i} m ■{ ■ V.,t Pi '^^m'^'^^i 1 ■ ' * ili* HYMN 63. Ye happy soiils draw near, , Behold your Saviour's lace ; The year of Jubilee is come, Return to your eternal home. » ■;.-■■'• V . ; . * 8 Extplthb Lanib of God, The sin-atoning Lamb ; Rc^iemption in his blood, Throughout the world proclaim : 'the year of Jubilee is come, . ; : ^ Return, ye ransoixi'd sinners, homo. . HYMN 63, Part 2d— C. M. Fault's review and expectcdim, - ' AMAZING grace ! hoAv sweet the sounj That saved a wretch like me ! . I once was lost, but new am found, tVas blind, but now T see. . t "Twas graice that taught nly heart tp fear, * . . And grace my iears i elievod ; How precious did that grace appear ♦' The hour 1 first believed i ^ Z Through many df^rigers, toils, and snares, I have already come ^ Tis gracehnsbrbughtrne safe thus &r, And, gracQ will lead me home. * 4 The Lord has promised good to mo, ^ ' vUis word my hope ^securesf ' ^ i i HYMN 64.. 145 lie will my shield and portion be, As long a;s life endures, :5 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, I shall possess, within the veil, •: A life of joy and peace. « The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The snu f brhear to shine ; But Crod, who owns me here belcnv, Will be forever mine. ■•I iSF IIYMl!? G}.,rart2dr-S.M. Ileavenli/joy on ea^k. (10ME, wo that love the lK)rd, J And let pnr joys be known ; Join a song with sweet acr-i ,n\^ And thus surround the th lori e. . ■ ■ ■ ■-, .• .''yM^- "■. ■". . y 2 The sorrows of the mind Be banislrd from the f^lypc : lleligton never was desi/ n \[ To make our pleasurcw Ic^ij. 3 Let those return pnd si':r, VYhp never knew oiir C- .! ; For fav'ritos of tlie henvrr ^,' I'T'r?i^, Should speak their joy^ \Ji>^;^.:dl' 4- v »* 144 /' HYMN 65; .:•;:/: ;^0-;^ 4 The men of grace Uave found Glory begun below; Celestial fruits, on eartlily ground^ > From faith and hope may grow, 5 ThehiUof ZionyieWs^^^^^^^^^^ ■ "^^ A thousand sacred sweets, ' Before we reach the heavenly fieldj^ Or walk the golden streets. 6 Theft let our songs abound^. And ev'ry tear be dry ; We're marching thro' Enimanucr» ground^, To fairer worlds on high, ' 7 There we slialV see his face/ And never,iicver sin J Tliere,ftom the rivers of his grace^ ' Prinkendless pleasures in. 8 Yes, and before we lisa^ To tivat immortal state, • The thoughts of such amazing bliai^ , SlioilldWstant joys create. " , .. ■ ' . . • ' HYMN 05; Part 2d— S. M, Ixtmtoilichrethren, BTJ; SS'D'be the tie that biods » ( /M/ hearts in Christian love ;; XIm; Itilo v\'ship of kindifed mind*. ^ %llk:s tothutabav6. . V untik i.. 2 before our Father's tliron© We }ioiir our ardent pmyers ; Oiir fears, our hopes, our aims are on»>. jp Our .comforts and our cares. ^harc our mutual woey^ lu tnrwl bi?rdens bear j AnWHfeii (or each other flow«. pic symjiathkiiig tear. * i When we asunder part, It give& us inward piiin | But \vv^ sJialt still be join'd in hearl, An4 liope to* meet 9gaiu.. # 5 This i^loi-ious hope revives Our courage by the way ; \yhile eac^ii« e:jfp( elation lircaj, . And IbDgs %Q see die day. 6 From sorrow, toil, and pain, Andstni, we. shall be free ; And }?errect love- and f riend.sbip; reiai Througii alB ctemitv. ■ . ■ ■ •■■»■'■ m > * HYM]^ 66, Part 2a--.L. M. Ihe^tHfytgs I(X)mniand9/m,thatyelowrone anoOiat., AM I indeed born from above f Do I partake of Jesus' love t! Then let me all my duty know, ^ And love b jua y o bedie nce fl t hom> '— « % ^ il — II f^l ^ m :;;_;■".;■::. 'HYMN 67. • , . ^ ^ " ; t Pain wouW I love his person mottf AhdGodinallhisworksfedore; \ ■ [ O may his love my heart inflame, Vph loyo to all who love his name. ■""- i-. .'- "■.,,'..^ ■'■''' ''■" "r^-'V^. ^ y -.' ' 3 i Wherever T his image see^ d letthbse ?ou}s be dear to me ; / n|^ the purchase of hi^ blood, r^thei^favoritcsoSf God. ' . ; ' " . ; -i'. -'•■-■■■'■■/'.■■■■■■"•;■'■■" ji V ; 4 Jcsws to tis his Ityire doth sho^^ Aiid bids us love each other too J ' ^. % Sill O how little love sincere, Is found in great professors here. 5-What anger; p^ride, arid malice 8W * Those breasts whei^eiex'e alone should dwell ; O why should "Sitan thus devour. Religion's gipry and its power I • '-■■..•'■'-.■ "."'■■' ." '• * 6 Comfevheavenly Bpirit from above, And ill ou« inmost hearts with love ; That we may say to all mankind, See how those love whom Christ has joinM. HYMN 67, Part 2d— 7. & 6. Tlie good Phydcian, ^ t. . HOW lost was mi condition, TillJesus made mp wliole f , There is but one IHiysician ^ XJaircufe"thesin-staksDuiirT ^ .ini . ' c • ♦ ,. ^ V, eU; x'd. .\ , HSMN 67. • ' Kext aoor to death v he found mc, • And snatch'd me from the grave, ^ To tell to itll around^e ^ His wondrous power tq save, ' m '-'■ . "' ^ . f The worst "of all diseases Is light compared to siu ; • ' , " . Oh ev'ry part it seizes, ' ^^ ',. But rages most w'ith in.! \ ^ Tis palsijr,, plague, and fairer, j ; And madness all combi;ii'd, And noi)jp hut^i helieVer , ' >^ ' ^ * The leastroliei caii fihd* - . •• . .. .' x ^ - ^ ^ \ . • • 3 Prom men. great skill jw)fessing, ' ^thought a piire tVgainjw ^ But this' j>roved morcxlistiessing, . " . And added torn yp?iin; ^mc laid that aiothing ail'd me, * Some gave n)c up for lost f Tlius ev'ry rcflige iixilVl me, ' .. And all my hopes were crossed.' •4 At length this great Phyisician, - . (How matchless is his grace !) ^ ' Accepted riiy petition, And undertook my cas^. * * First gfive me sight to view him,^ For sin my eycS had seaPd^ .'. Then bade me look unto Iiiiri ; ]4i 4k '^ 7 look'd and 1 wa^yheaPd. \ » i-^ '1 I 1'^ i ^•^sX '■— *ss»^ !« HYMN®. " . ■ •' "' 5 A risen living Jesns, . Seen by an eye of faiith, ^ ^ At once froifl danger frees us, And saves the soul frpni^ deaths Come then to this Physician, His help he'll freely pvc ; He makes no hard condition, 'Tis only look, aud live. , 1. 'i tlYMlSr 68, Part 2d— C. M. * Jlei^n of Christ, HASTEN, O Lord, the latter day, , : W^hett grace shall reign alone \ And ajl the nations of the world . Shall bow before thy throne. #> t Then shall pute converts crowd thy gatcn, Press to the gospel sound ; And grace eternal sweetly shine, # ' ^ To ravish aU around. H V 3 Then shall the wa!tchmen of the Lamb Raise the dear cross on high ; Aud from a clear refulgent light, * ShaU all see eye to eye, 4 Now shall the glorious gospel fly To sound the ^viour forth ; ^' A^ d fait h, and lov e, and^joys tlivin^ ^ Sliallruu through all the earthi HYMN 69. 151 1 Tlie war shall cease, and wrath.»ib«(^ * And peace mimbrlal flow ; :^ And saints unite in ijoy and peace, • And glory reign below* »* - ,:^ \ , i^- " ' . ' •6 Lord; We \(ronld bless Ihcc ifor a rajr Of siiclj triumphant grace, That loads tp everlasting iclay^ ^ ,y And pure eternal bliss. " * .;* •• V IIYMN a, PatlSd— a M/ , ■ ■■■.■ I iiteitich provision of the'go^eL JESUS, thy blessings are not few, ,. Nor isjtliy^spel weak i . Thy grtlCiDcan rnclt the stubborn Jew, , And heal the dying Greek. 2 Wide :as th(3 reach of Satan'^ia^ ^ Docs thy salvation flow ; ' It's not ooniiiicd tp sex Or age, TJio lofty or the low, , ■ ^ •h ■ ' -■-■■■ < 3 'While grace is bfferM to the princej The iX)or may taka their share ; No mortal has a just pVetenCe * To pcf ish in dcsjmir. 4* Come, all ye wicked sinners, come, He'll form your souls anew ; . ^& gosppl and his hear t jia ve room , — # JiPot rebels such as you. 'i \ ' 4 f ' ',-i i I 15« HYMN 70. . 5 His doctrine IS almighty l^ef ^ : ' ; There's virtue in his mime, > • To turn a raven to a dove, , 'The lion to a lamb. ^^ 6 O could.we raise a song of prais^i Half equal to his love/ , The lu)av'ns wound ring while we should siu^ ^ Tlirough aU the cpurls a ^ > - HYMN 70, Part 2d--C. M. LET ixrorldly minds the world pursue; . VWhat are its charms to me ? ^ ^ -■■■: iOiicet admired its trifles too, :\^ f %^ Its pl^»suired now no longer pleiise, No liipre. content allbrd ; Far froni my heart be joys like these, ' Now I have known the Lord. 3 As by the light of opening day^ The sCars are all conceal'd ; So ^Hhly pleasures fadp away, . When Jes&s is reveal'd. ■■:!' 4 Creatures, no niore divide my choice ! I bid you alt depart I 4ii»namerftnd-lo¥eyand gracious yoieo- Have fix'd myjrovinghoart. * ¥■'-■: * HYMN 71. b Now, Lord, I would be" thine alodej And wholly live to tbee ; But may I hope that thou wilt ow]| A worthless vvonu like mcl t Yes, though of sinners Fm the worst, - I cannot^douht thy will, " . ' .\ For if thou hadst not loved me first, - ' I Uad^fhsed thee still, ; ^ IIYMN 71, Tart 2d-HC. M. ^ .finirtiHtat^ontotliego^wlfqofi, X'^B wretched, hungry, starving poor, X Bc^holdr a royal feast ! Where inercys})roads her bouHrous store Por ev'ry humble guest. % See,' Jesus stands with open arms { He calls, he bids you come ; ' Guilt holcb you back, and fear alanns 5 .. Biit see, there y et^is room. 3 Room in the Saviour's bleeding heart, . There love and pity meet ; Nor will he bid the soul depart, • That trembles. at his feet. ''^.v^- ^:. >■.-:,::-; V * «^ 5 The God to whom we're reconcil'd. Invites your souls to come ; The rebel ghall be call'd a child, ^ -. %■ I i i- i ' ! f Afid kindly welcomed home. ' "T^»- ■t> ■ ■.■/ 5 O'COttle and with bis children ta«tA The blessings of his love j _ /^ V/hile hope attends the sweet repeat • bf nobler joys above. B 'ilterc with ttnitcd fteart atid voice» Before th' eternal throne, Ten thousand thousand souls rejoice, la ecstacies unknown, • ■'*•/ t And yet ten Ihonsand tltoiisand more, Are \velcomc still to come ; . Ye longing souls,' the grace adore : Ap]iroach, there yet is room% IIYMN 72, Tart 2d-~G. M. Christ imitin:; slmicrs to hrs g'race, AMAZf NG sight 1 the Saviotir standi And kuoclvs at ev^ry cloor ; Ten thousand blessings in his hands, Por to" supply llio* poor. !2.« Behold/' he saith, « I bleed and die To bring ix)or souls to rest ; Hear, sinners, while I'm passing by, Aad be for ever blcss'd. ,*■ f /J ** Will you despise such bleeding loTre> And choose the way to hell / *^ i Or in the glorious realms a^ve, Witli me for ever dwell t < I ■t . O taste his heavenly chanittL 1^ • ' IIYMN 77, Part 2cr-^. M. ; ^ ^ J/mkUio/i lofijllow the Lamb, HX^^IBLK souls, Vilio sock salvation, ThroiigJi the ^Lamb's redeeming bkxxl„ liear tl^e vxhcc of revelation^ 'Tread the piitliwliich Jesus trodr* riec to him, yoiVr only Saviour, In his nii>>l.lv iJiiiiie confide :- ;Ia the wlK)le ol" yo:ir behaxiouFj. pwiiiuui.;is your only guides S Hear the blessM rvcdcenier call yon^ Listan to Us ^^viieious' voioo ; Pread no ills that may befall yoM, While ycHt nnke his ways youi chomv Jesus 4?:ays, " \jA eiu-h believer Bo Lapli',iCiI ill j:iy njiue j" He himself in Jc;:da'i's .liver, Wqs imnicLscd beneath tlie stieuQ.< : r I I 160 ■■-■'■■■ H^ 3 Plainly hefe his foptstopg tracing, Follow him without del^y ; < , Gladly his comnumd emhmeiii^, Lo I your Captain leads tlie way. View the ttte with understanding, Jesus' grave hefore you lies ; e interr'dtit his cominanding, After his exainpfc rise. 5 \ : HYMN 78, Part 2d-^L. M. The strong permciaions (f grace, OSINNETIS, fly to Jesus' arms, Enjoy his everlastinrr eliarnis ! He calk vou^te a heavei .1 v LydHt, ' " . ■ tt. ■■-■.■■♦ O come, poor starving souls, and taste. 2 Say, will^oii he for ever hi ess'd , . And with the hojivcnly Jesus re Ft 1 He^U save you fVom all sin and pain. And you shall , in full glory reign . 3 Say how, poor so'ds, what will you d«? gay, will you' ha ve fir's Christ, or no t . Ijlake now the cb')ke and halt no mora|l. For Christ is waiting at your door,. , '" ■■»'.. ' ' 4 He waits, lie wcr.s, he's loath to leave, Arid will you not hk word hrlieve / Why will you let this Jt sirs £c<^, -S ay^ will you liave thi3 DlLii;]>t 7-oriat^f^^— /:<* \ f <■ V nr. V r : 1 \ f \ 5 Oiicc mojrfe I'll ask you in his wtiLc, (I know his love is still the same) Will you be saved firom dreadfol wo ? ^y, will you have this Clirist, oj nt / HYMN 7!9^rart Sd— C. M. - The backslider returning. OWHAT a cruel wretch arh r,\ To leave my Jesiis so ; And now without his smiles 1 iic, , And know not where to go, 2 Once I enjoy'd his smiling face. But did not ^hink so sQofi I should go mourning in distress, And all my comforts gone^ t»- ni f. 3 Not all the glojryV this earth, Can do me any good ; *" My soul abhors all j^rnal mirth, And groans to^nd my God. ■■■■■" .;■■■'■;•.■■■■' ^• 4 O could I see his face again, I'd tell him all my wo ; ' Confess how guilty I have beeji, To leave piy Jesus sb. , b Then I would clasp him in my arriis, And he should have my heart ; And earth with all her treach'roua charn^s, — For evef sho u ld depart. . * 11 -(. A- ■( ?i Mi i rii IN Jordan's tide Hie Baptist stancSJ^ : Immersing the repenting Jews : The S««i of God the rite demands ; Nor dares the holy man refuse ^ * To plunge his Lord beneath the wave, The emhlem of his future grave. - * J|iAdmire ye heavens ! the Saviour lies In deeps, cbnceaPd from human view : Ye saints, behold him sink and rise^ A fit example this for you, " Tlie sacred record while you read , ^--^ Calls you to imitate the deed. 3 But lo ; frwi yonder opening skies,. Whaf beams of heav'nly glory spread I Dove-like, th' eternal Spirit fiies, And lights on the Redeemer's, head ! Amazed, they see tbe power divine ^ i\jround the Savior^s^t^^ ' :-/■ ■:: : .■■'■...■:- ■ ,^^^ •->. 4 But fa&rk,]ny soul, hark and adore ! "^ What sounds are tiiose that roll along* Nipt li|e loud SihaiVawfiil roar, But soil and sweet as Gabriel's song ! . « This is my^well belo»ved Son I see (weU {leased) what he hath done.**^ M ;...-• • ♦ »ne» ..i* .-. ;• . -"f i S Thus the etei^l F^her spoke, Whot ahakes creatipQ with^ a jiocl j Throu^ parting skies ^e accents broke », . ' * AiKtbida lis hear the Son of God ; ) tiviit thd joyful word to day 1 , . liear^ all ye nations, and obey ! . >^ ' . HYMN 8i, W ^--P. M, ^ ALEi\t^ bright King*, Jesus hjy name^ k^ in ancient times to Jordan came All- rigiiteonsness to p\l ; ^Twas tiiere the ancient baptist stood; . Vv'hose Jiame was John, a man of Gvni^ . J^o do his masters' vC;iU. • 2*b6wn in old J obey» Salem's l»ight Kii^ Jhas ttiarked thew -X^r hi , ■>/' ier rouiidj' (jhi^iftil hearts urise ; It ^ is waiter, li^i^ 1$ room, ■ " ' •'■::^itii.williDg::.!hieart.^i|ff re^dy haritlH, -,|||;; ^^0 ^fuJickteSi your hcartarprcjale:, ^ - / ^ii^foaM im joinin s^emo t«^ycr ^ V • ; J>0wn biy thcf water-«ide. > ,ts^' J^-;.. HYMN 82, Part 2d~^C,^ fb be suneatthe LortTs Siip^ LOUD, at Jfctablel behold The wiilfPts cf thy giace^ Uu| m6f?t of all admire, that 1 i Should iiud a welcome place. t .■■»'■ S What 8tmnpe wrpriMnfr ETPoe is i That such a soul |ja«,rooiitl My Saviour tak e s m e by lh^ hojld, My Jesiis bidtf tne come. «o ,.^f^ .'4 HYMN 83. 165 "4 .V \* :^^i Eat, Otoy friends,'* the Sevioiir cries, " The feast was made for you ; I'or yort I groan'd, and bled, and died, And rose, and triumph'd too." 4 With humble faith and bleeding heart, rx)rd, we accept thy love ; ' fis a rich banquet we have had, Whut will it be above / 3 Ye saints below, ahdhonts of heaven, Join all your praising powers ; So theme is like redeeming love, No Saviour is like ours. (> I lad T ten thousand hearts, dear Lord, Fd give them kll to thee I \ I I:id I ten thousand ton^ies, they all Should join the harmony. : **> ^.;TlYMN8:i!^Pa^2d-C;^ A hci^niescnptml cf the Cfit$rU^df "Og^ '"^fr.h ^ My \ *njriIAT poor despisfd compgfty ' ' .*^^ // ^^ U Of tmvellersarc thiL^se; ^^^^ *» ^life in yonder narSw wuE^,-l ';^^ ^ruggedmazel **,^ 5t#* '' I *?^\ t> Ah r th^^ rc of a royjil line, AU i*uldrcn pf a king ; ^ i*^A ^^^^' "* '^ \ 'i ' 1 >i : l^^~, Heirs of immortal crowns divine, ■ And lo, for joy they sing. ,' 3 Why do thfey then appear so mean ? vVnd why so much despised ? ' Bi'caiise of their rich robes unseen, Tlie world is not apprised. ^ But why kef J) they that narrow road, ' That rugged thorny maze 1 AVhy, that's the wfly their leader tr»xi. They love and keep his ways. .* 5 What, is there thenDd other road, To Salem^s happy ground 1 Christ IS the only way to God ; None other can be found. ■ : :: ■*■■■ ■ ■" ■■ : ■ ■ . V Hymn 84, Part 2d— 11. M. The go^l preacher. ITTIIAT contradictions meet ■ IT in ministers* employ ! y It is a bitter sweet, \ . /. A sorrow full of joy-; \ /No other post aflords a place, For equal honor tind disgrace. '2 Who can describe the pain *• Which iaithful preachers feel 1 Cot^raittM t a \Vlio ordefdGfidcQn forth, f To storm Ih* inv4lie% canip*,^ ' ^ With arms ^jyj^^^^M'^'OfUM i A pitcher mi a mmp ? "^v 7'he tmmpet in^^ ^^^ coming kuowQ, * ^id all the holr#as overjjhrown.lj^/ . .* ^■. ■■■■„,. ■:'■■'-...'■•„.:./■. ■■■■;.^- : "^ -- }M^' ,.- ^""^ * I Oh, I lihve see;i th^^^,^}!^ - "^ ,. ^ When, with a singflp'olS', "^ |i;;od^ielping tti« to s^ ||n My trust is in the ibrd,) - My soultlias quelPd a thousand foes. Fearless of all tlmt could oppose . ft Bitt unbelfei; seli^wiil, Self-nghTcNOUsness, and pride,. How often do they steal My weapons from my side ! 'et-David'e Xiord, and Gideon V frienc Will help his serv^iut to the end. ■% t' i HYMN 86, ^1^ HYMN 86, Part 2d— C. M, iThe Soldier of tJt^Croas- A MI a soldier of the cross, fl A follVer of the Lamb t And shall I fear to own his caiiso, Or blush to speak his name ? Are tiere^'no foes for me to facel vMustJ not stem the flood 1 Ir&is vain world a friend to grace, ToJ|rip usimto God? , / 16» %\ \ The gloff ^lall be thine. « Hi dm. 3 Shall I berried to the skies/ <)n flow'ry beds of ease ; : While Uhers fight to win thf pnze, And sail through bloody seasi 4 Sure I ttiust fight, if I would reign ; Increase my courage. Lord, * To l>ea| the cross, endure the sliame, ' Sup^ted by thy word. The saints in all this gterious war V Shall conquer, though they die; j| Thev see a triumph from afar, ^^^.^^^^^^^^^%^ And feith presents it nigh* , ji 6 When that illwstrious monr^ll irise, And all thine armies shine fiith robes of victory thro u gh tlie s k ie s. / .>x t t s. . Watches each tmgnarded heart ; Rut from Satan's inalice free, ^v^^ .. Saints sfmll soon victorious be ; . . -^ So<>n the joyful news will come, Child, your Fatlier cialls— Cpm<1 home. ,'■■'■ %. ' '.■'■■ ■ .:■■'■: •"'■* ^ -; 3 Bu t of all the foes l i ^e meet^ None so apt to tiuu our feet j • f ~v. I .1 -^ ♦ »■ • ■■■: •■..,■■■•■■■■ . . t) ^^ None betray ns unto sin, ** Like the foes we have within ; > •, Yet let nothing spoil your peace', (vhrist shall also conquer thes^;^ Then Uie joyful iie\ya wiircome, ^ Child, your Father caljs —Come homo. liVMN 89, Part 2d— C. M. ^ J^esus precious to them thai beiiete. - IlvStJS, I love thy charming name, 'Tis rpnsic to my ear ;„ Kain would I sound it out so loud,^ Tliat earth and heaven might hear. i! Yes, tliott art preRotis to my soul, My transport and my trust ; .1 e wels to thee are gaudy toys, . And gold is sordid diist. '. ' - -■ ■ ■ ' * "■ ■ ': ■ . ^ ' ■ • ■ : ■ % ■ ■' • ■ ' " n • 3 Alf nty capacious powers can wish V ' In thee dg riclily meet ; ' - Xor to my eyes is light so dear, y loriif iendship half so sweet. .■(f ^ A y * t 4 Thy srrace shall dweU upon my heaft^ ^ Aiid slied its fcagrance*there ; The noblest balm of all its wounds, ^he coidiial <)f its caire^ . «, * \ • t.^. ty ni f?i)eak the honors of thy name : U'lth niy Mtlub'fing: bK^th f M»- ■v I' -^ V .' • . I HYMN 90. ^^*V Apa.dyin^W-P thee in my «rm., . The aotioole ol deaUi. . HYMN 90, tart U--^r >l- BESIDE the gaspel pool, -. .. Apiwinted for the poc>r, . - From year to year my helpless soul Has waited for a cure^ ft • o How often have I s^ " The healing watera move ; '^ Andothers roiin4 me steppinj^.u^^ iHieir efficaqy prove \ •J b^vould the Lord appear . My malady to heal ! * . i i He knows hov^long I've langiushed U.r,., Andwhatdistresslfeel.. \ 4. But whither can T go ? \ .^. There is po other pool, ; ' ^ v: Where streams of helping virtue flow ^ 1^0 make a sitmer ivholc. , * - . . ' ft " • * 5 Here, theifk, from day today, • ini wait and hope and Uyi- » . Caii Jesus hear a sfnner pray, , ;. > Yet suffer him to die 1; ; . ; ' 6 No: he isM\ of graxjie y ]ke never will permit & ' I. "TT" i ! I sl l!i!i flFfi ) f: a I. "i. n :/ -> •» . » Hi iiYm 91. ■ ■ - . * . A soitl that fain would aee his faeK(K>Nl^;'uiiiK;l|ef, my ^yior is near, J And, for my relief will surely appear .; By prayer k^ me wre^^^ and he will perfurni , With Christ in the vessel, I smile at the sioriii . ^ Tho* dark be my way, since he ilihy guide, ^Tis mine to obey , 'tis his to prayide ; Tho' cisterns be br^eis, and creatures ail fiiil,. . Tlie word he hath' spokeo willsurely jjrevaii* ■ ■ ' ■ - - " ••' . !| His love in time past forbids me to think H<-i] leave me at last la troubles to sink j Kaohj-jweet E^benezer I have in review, Confirms his. sweet pieasare tp hplp xiic quite. • ' . ' . ' * * • • 4. I^iiig willing to save, he watch'd oVr my path,. Wijen %4an's blind slave, 1 spprtfsd with death ; And can he have taught me to trust in his name, *•. Ajid thus far have brought me tppntine to shame i 5 Why sHoiild I complain of want or distress, . ; Temptatipps or pain/ He told me ik) less; The heirs of salvation I know from hie Word, 'fiifo' much tribulation, yiai^ follow^ t^ LoA. ^; 6 Ilovv l)kt^r the cup, no heart can conceive, , Which he drank quite up, thatsinners might bye I » His way was much rougher and dar)ier than mu>e„ : Did Jcrius thus suffer, and shall I reiSine? f » - ■■■■•/»■' ■■■• . t 7 . % And leave my native laij[(Ug Where sin lulls all asle^ For thee I would the w^li resign, And sail to heavea wi|h.(thfie a|d thipe, 2 Thou art my pilot wise^ • , ♦ My compass is thy word ;* , r * ^^%y soul each storm defies, . . While 1 have such a Lord ! / .. . ' I trust thy faithfulness and pow^sr .. ,' '- y [ To save me inthe^ryin^hour. '- -•'• :-:^^-^'' ;-. " ■' ^ .^, "> ■ '■ i« " 3 Through rocte^tnd quicksands deep,»,^ . , . .Through all myi^passage lie, ^ Yet Christ will saFely keeg. . ^ ^ And guide mc with his eye ; r i fi* \ ^ 'K\ 4 1 • \" . '.^^ M 0.7 ». ■*:, «.-.Cst. HYMN 93. anchor hope shall firm abide, , And ev-ry boisterous storm outride. ^ Ik By faith I see the land, The port of endless rest I My soul, thy sails expand, And fly to Jesus' breast ! (^ may I reach the heavenly shore, Where winds and waves distress no moY(\ 5 Whene'er becalm'd I lie, ^ ^ And storins forbdar to toss, ^ Be thou , dear Lolrd , still nigh, Lest I should sufier loss : Fur more the treach'rous calm I dread, Than tempests bursti^ig o'er my head. --.>,■■■■■■/■,■.;- ■■^■■,v^..-';,,-'"'^:<::- . 6 Come, Holy Ghost, and blow -^ A.prosp^rdus gale of grace} Wafl me from all below, To heaven my destined place ; "rhen in full sail my port I'll find, J And leave the world and sin behind. \ ^ # ./' A '■>- HYMN 93, Part ^(il^C. P. M.; Regeneratdm* AKED by the gospel's powerful ^oimJ, IWy S'iul in sin and Ihrull. I touiid, - Expdsedrodpmdiul wo! . - * Eterfiial tnith d^d loud pttK?luinl, •* • (? \ \ w HYMN 93. { The wnner nwst be bom agam, • Or dowa to )rum go. .■-•.■ ■>■:'■■■:.;■■;■■■;'■ . ' 2 1 to the tov then ran for help, i Bivt still 'I felt the weight of guilt, And no relief 1 found ; While sin my buifden'd soul did pain, The sinner must be born ogaiq, . m Did loud as thunder sound. ^. • .•* 3 1 heard some tell how Christ did give ilis life to let the sinner live But him I could not see ; ' ^ I read my Bible, it was plain, The sinner must be born again, Or die eternally. * ■ . , ' ;- ;■ i;.,y ^■-;. " ' ■ [ 4 But as my soul with dying4)reath^ Lay gasping near the second death, , Christ Jesus 1 did see ; Free grace and panJon he prbclaimM r trust I th^'n wus born again In gospel liberty, 5 Not angels in the world abov^,"* Nor saints could glow with greater love, Than w^ai |ny soul enjoyM ; - ^ .My'sopldid mount on eagle's wing, And ^ory, glciiry, I did sing ^ . ° To Jesus my dear Lord. ,\ - "IT ,/-»-^- — ^ — "v^ ■■ : v-'fft - - - . — -,- " |: "W .«. '■ ■.■*;!•.-.• ■ f. (r-i!- I- ■ i . ♦ » .'••'»■."'■ ^ ^:a^ tritii tiie iaaints Vi\ y>in to tett Rlow Jeaus saved lay soul from heH^ ^iTo^ngredeenu >^, ^^ribe the gloiy to *fi Lamb* :/r%e sinner now IS bora agam^^ > .,f ! /To dwell with Chrisi above.. ^; ..■ ; ? HtMN ^i, Part '2d -7s. , ' -- iikiy t«to Ae Imdomfor my s^* CjA^ED by blood, I live to tell, JS) What the love of Christ has. done > T H^ redeemed my soul iroral hell, ; X Of u rebel made a son : -^ Oh 1 I tremble still to' think rriow secure|I liv'd in sin ; : Spofceing on destjpuction's brink, , : / ^ Yet preserved from felling. in». 2 In the test distre^sii^ hour. To my soul the %vidur spoke ; ^ ''i:(m^dme by his^i^tif s power, " And iriy dang'rous slumber brok© ; Then I s^w and own'd my guilt ; " * Soon my glorious tiord replied, <<^ear not, I my Mood have spilt, ' ^Twa3 for such ia3 thee I died." {) # 4:;", -v^'.fv ^ Sterne and bonder, joy^ love, AH^i^e Ik)ssess!cl n^y heart ; C^ I hope % grace ta]^ Aiter acting suck a Wtl §f0 :i-^' A »' • I "■ll"* I.* HYMN 95, 179 \ ^ Thou hast greatly sinnM," he said, « But I freely all forgive ; ! myself thy ransom made, Now I bid thee rise and live,'* *• . ' 4 Come, my fellow sinners, try, Jesus* heart is full of love ; Oh, that you as well m li May his wondrous mercy prove ! - lie has sent me to declare All is rjeady, all is UeQ ; ' Why should any soul despair. When he saved a wretch lik4 me.^ HYMN 95, Part 2d— 8s. 1§ None an ettrth do I desire bt^idcs ther. - 1 1 W tedious and tasteless the hoon«<, J 1 When Jesus no longer T j^»#; Fair prospects, Sweet songs and sjwee* iiowehi, Have lost all their sweetness to me. The midsummer mxi sliine^ Imt dim, - The fields stri ve^jin vain to louli guy ; But when- 1 aru happy in Ium» ,» December's its pleasant as Muv. • ' i Mis mmQ yields the ri<'he^ perfirmr, miid sweeter than niusic his voice | 111* presence dis|x?jst's my glm, ^nd mtke's all within iiitj^rejoice ; ^i should, were he dlWays Xmgm^^ %Xi-P^^^^*^^ Wjsh or to fear^ / /'', 'i % 1 1 a m iW- ■'*■'■' ill ♦ i;- <^ ■ ^ 1,80 ■.■'•;' ■•■■•": ^■^-- ^' ■ HYMN '06. :::::' ■:l.-- • .■ :K. / rJo inorlat so happy as li : . ^ / V My mimmer would UiatalJ the yow. V 3 Content with l^holding his face, ' * My all to his pleasure resignM} NoVnanges of season or place Would make any change in my mind ; ; While bless'd with a sense of his love, A palace a toy would appear, v ' "' And prisons would palaces prove, /|^ ^, : : jf Jesus vyould dwell with me there, 4 Dear Lord, If indeed I am tliine, t : If thou art my win and my song, Say, why do I languish and pine, • gft^nd why are mv winters so long 7 O, drive these dark elands from my sky, Thy soul-cheering presence restore, ; Or take me unto thee on high, - Where winter and clouds are no more, llYMN 96, Part 2d— CP^M. \ V 7hs Lord u in hu garden. THE X.ord into his garden comes ; The spices yield a rich perfume^ The lillies grow and thrive; « Eefreshing showers of grace diviu© f From Jesus flow to evVy vine, Which makes the dead revive. 2 O that this drv and harren ground - " Inspringaof ^atermay abound^ ::S HYMN 9«./; 181 A frwltftil soil Ixoome ! ^ The desert blo^isoms ps the rose,' When Jesus conquers all his foes, , And makes his people one. 3 ThTe glorious time is roUing on, The gracious work is now begun, -— ,. My soul a witness is ; ^ I taste and see the pardon free| '^ ;. For a^ll mankind as well as me, (Vho come to Christ miy live. .■-"■■ .■-■■• ■■'"■■■ v. ' •« • * ■ ■ , . ■ ■ : '■■ '■ ■ ■■. .■ -■' ■ ' "■ i The worst of sinners here may A Savi9ur pitiful and kind, : /^^ .; Who will them all receive ! ' * \ None are too late who wil I repeiit, Out of one sinner lej^ions went, * . V Jesus did him relievo^ *^ ^ * *'■•'■« - . « ^ 5 Come, brethren, ye who love th&liOrd, And taste the sweetness pf his wo^. In Jesus! ways g(» on ; - \ \ . ^ Our troubles and ohr trials here Will only make us richer thg When we arrive at home % € Tliere, on that peaceful, ^af^y* We'll sing and ^hoUt, our suffwn^ In sweety redeeming love ; We'll shout and praise our <5ofiq'riftg Kitig, 11 I f: •I i I # ¥ \ \ \ t w- I&.- l. ■ ■%■ i8i HY1VIN9»* ^ who died himself, thait he might bring Us rebels near to God. * • *»' ■ HYMN 97, Part 2d--L. M. The way. '% ^' JESUS my all to heaven is gone, He whom I fix my hoi)es uponji His track IjM^i^^^ Pll pursue "^ The narra|w|y Jill him I view. 2 Tl^e w^^e holy prophets went, .The road that leads from banishment. The king's highway of holiness, I'll go, for all his paths are peacfe. 3 This IS the way I long have soujjht, And mourn'd because I||bund it not ; My grief, my burden long has been, .Because I was not freed from sin. 4« The more i strove agair^^ its power, I felt its weight and guilt the more 5 . V Till late I heard my Saviour say; . <* Gome hither, soul, I am the Wat.'' 5 Lof glad I come, and thou, bless'd Lamb, Shalt take melp thee as I am 5 My sinful self to thee 1 give, "? ' ^ ^ j^^ but love shall t receive. • ' • ■ ■ ■ ■ . , ■ ■ ■ - ' ■.<'■-■ ' ■•■ ' •' • •- ■ ".■,■."■" 6 Then will I tell to sinners round, WhalvBi dear Savicnir I have found f ^^E^ ^^F, HYMN 98. t\i point to thy redeeming Ml 4na say, " Bihold the Way tI 183 HYMN 9^ Part 2d— P. M; The Convert* ; OH how happy are they, || Who their Saviour obey, i" iAnd have laid up their treasures atove ! ^^ Tongue can never express, The sweet comfiTfrt and peace, ' \ Of a soul in its earliest love. • O 2^ That sweet comfoft was niine, When the Saviour divine, I first found in the blood of the I>amb ! When at liri^t I believed, What a joy 1 received, i * What a heaven in Jesus^ name '! 3 ''twas a heaven below, My ^ledeemer to know, ,t And the angels could do nothing more, Than to fall at his feet, ; j^d the story repeat, ; And the Love/ of sinnei^ adore. 4 Jesus all the day long ":-■-'■■■■■■, ^■ . Was my joy lind my song J O that s^l his salvation rnight see ! He hatJi loved me, he cried, W:-. .■■■■!' -:■); '> ., c n ■ ■ I ^^^ F" , "- ■ i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SSff^^^^^^^^^^'" ■ ' . .1. '■;^5**^r •.;■■.> ■ ^^^^^^^^^ * " «* ■' -.' *■•■■■ " " • ^^1 ^^^r/ ■ _ ' ' ■ . . . "'■■-■ ' »■ ' ,■",..-■ -^ ^^1 ^^ • , ■ , - * ' '■...*..."■' ' . ■ -^ • ■»■■■ ^ '■■■..■■..' ■ ■" ■ ■■ ■■ .■ .-. ■'■,'. ,• ;■ -;'. ' ■ ■ .'. ■ ' .f • •'■'', ■ ; '\ ■ . . ■ .'■ '•"■ :■■■■'■/- 4 ■ - - « «' ■■' ■■ :^'[ . • ! I ■• ^' ■^ %.':■.-:.,■• •■■^-•-■.:V-^V-:..,,..;..,^;';^;V\;,.;;^.;-;,,;,V ■ ■ .■( '•. • « ••"•» ■ ■ .; ' ■■;. .■ ■ • ■>■ ■ ■ 'H- '■■ • . ■ . . ^ - . * ■-. ^ . . ■■■ . y. .' . . '■ ''"■-': '-:■''' ' '^ . .'.•,■-"■.'.-'.*■ '■■■■''•."■ \ ''■'•■■ . - ■ :^ -■■; ".■"-■' : ' " ■ ;«y'- '• '' -■ ■ "'"' ■ ■ ' - ^ * ■ ■ ■, ' ■' .♦ ■■■■ ■ ■ ;■■'. ■■'.■" V* /■-'. '',t ' '.■' ■ ■■ ■ ff , " , ■ ■ s ■ " - b ■:' " "■- ' ■ • ■ ■ ' ■■ ■ '::■■'•'■'''• ■ ■ ■' ' ■ 1 ' -' ~- ^'" ■■.■.■"■ ** ■■; ■' '■'. ■' #■ ( 'vv;,":^.^■^'K;;:/? ■.■::/';:, ^^^ ■:,;•-:. - / '■■, ■■' ' '-^' •: ■ ■■ •■/''■:;' ■■'>.■■••■ :.-;"';l",/: ;/;;'\'^''"\'" ■': ■• » / ■ .';■.• . •..■ , :/',• ';if;; , ? " -■ .■> .:'. •■ ■ '; .;[;%, f. ,"'■ ;■ ' ■■'■.■:■.'", '..'.'«53^^|&i, ■ ■■■■^ i , ^^ MKlQffprY iESOUITION TEST CHAtT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) iT 1.0 I.I 1.25 Itt Itt U ■tUlk 1^ 1^ 1.8 -- 1.4 1.6 -i ^ I, J.- J >!PPUED IIS4/IGE Inc S;- 1653 East Main Street , ',^S Rochester. New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - OSOCrV Phone (716) 288-598^Al[ox 184 HYMN 99. Ho hafh siifierVl and died» To redeem such a rebel as-me. 5 On the wings of his love, I was carried ahove» • , All my sin, and temptation, and petin ; And I could not believe ' That I ever should i2:rieve, That I eyer Should snfler agam. -■..■■■■■■•'' 6 I then rode on the sky, Freely justified T, ^ Nor did envy Elijah his seat; My glad soul mounted higher, In a chariot of fire f ;^ And the world it was under my feet V 7 0! the rapturous height Of that holy delight, , ' ^ Which I felt in the life-giving l^ood f * • Of ray Saviour possess'd, I was perfectly blesjs'^, v And was filPd with the fulness of God, V HYMN 90, Partl2d--a M. ^TTte danger and vanity of the toorld. VAIN world, vain world, I bid adieu To your deceitftil joys ; I would not sell my soul for you, Nor longer hold your toys. > ; HYMN lOOi ^^ ^ 2 jbo long! held 7011 in my arms, > r And courted every snare ; .... .>;» But now I see your tlatt>mg charms Will end in dark dcsi)aur. 3 Yoii flatter with a vain appfouse, And promise future joy ; When all.your treasures are but dross, ' Your bliss aii empty toy. 4. Careless T trod your giddy maze, And thougUt that all was well ; But now I siH^ thoscv carnal ^'ays Lead to the gates of hell. 5 Bless'd be the Lord who taught my soul, Ilow near the gulf [stood! And now while mortal moments roll, ^; I'll seek substantial good, , HYMN 100; Part^^^^^^ M. Farewell to nil hut Christ, TJTARE WELL, vain world, I bid adieu, J: Your^l()ry f cles}use;^^^ ^^ • Your friendship I no more pursue, Your flutt'ries are but lies, 2 You promise happiness in vain, ' Nor can yousatisfy ; Your highest ])leasu res turn to pain, And all your treasures die. ^'r I i'l ( . IS6 HVMNlOl. 3 Had I the Indies, East and We8l> And riches of the sea. Without my Ood I could not rest, For he is all to me» , i Thenlet my soul rise larahove, By faithru take my wing, * To the eternal reahns of love, Whpre saints and angels sing. ; 5 There's love and joy that will not waisle, There's treasures that endure ; • t ThereVpleasures that will alwa; When timie shall be no more.'^ HYMN idl V Part 2d— CM. 'OthofU of little fmthy tvherefoi^ didsSt thau daiMf COME, O my douhting sbul, attend IJnto thy Saviour's call ! Come, tell the great Almighty Friend, , Why i( thy &ith so small t "2 Whyall these unbelieving fearst . Jehovah's arm is strong ; . O chide these sighs, and groans, and tears. And turn them to a song. 3 Is God thy ishield, thy great reward, Thy portion and thy all T Is Christ thy Captain, and thy Lord, * And shall thy hope be small I V iSiftoiinf.'fci'- *-<,;( /**■'.- f ■ .■?■■■ HYMN 104. 19t 4 Why wilt thou thns dispute his Tuve, And thi];8 aouse his care? Why wilt thou grieve the heavenly Dove, And yield to every snartet ' 5 In .Tesns every gi^ce is found , Why wilt tho^ot believe? . > He hath a balm^fbr every wptmd, Why wih tliounoit receive? ' '6 His arm caft conqiter o^ry fcJe, „ His grace can sanctjm ^ My heart replies, LpTa be it so, Let my corruptipwsTdie. • | ' 7 Sin is the cau^e of every fear> f P Iveep me fVSm its power ! Slay the acfcui^ed monster here. That I may doubt no more. * HYMN 102, Part 2d--C. M. ^ Looking to the cross. IN evil long T took delight, Unawedbv shame or fear, ' Till a new obiect struck my sight. And stopp'd my wild career. 2 1 saw one hamj^n? on a tree, In agonies and blood, 188 ■i: HYMN 102. *:■:■' Who fix'd his languid eyes on mei As near his crossi stood. 3 Sure never till my latest breath Can I forget that look j It seemM to charge, me with h is death, Though not a word he spoke. ' / if IVfy conscience felt, and own'd the guilt. Arid plunged rae in dpspair ; - I saw my sins his blood had s])ilt, And help'd to nail him there. ■ . ■ . .' * ■'....■ ■ '' 6 Alas ! I knew not what f did ; But now my tears are vain; Where shall my trembling soul be hid 1 For I the Lord have «lain. 6 A second look he gave, which said, ** I freely all fiirgivcj; This blood is for thy ransom paid, I die that thou mayst live." 7 Tims while his death my sin displays In all its blackest hue. Such is the mystery pf grace, It seals my pardon too. s',: , \ I ,' .\ y .."::. j'w ■ ':■ ' --;■'-■: 8 With pleasing gri^f, and itioumful joy, My spirit now is lill'd ; ^ # ' ThatJI should such a life destroy, Y<^ live.l)y him I kill'd. ^ - "%**' ,,•■■-•■/■ :^' 189 HYMN 103. HYMN 103, Pari 2(1— C. M. Walking with Gixl, OFOR a closer uulk with God, A calm and heavenly frame J • A light to shine lyyon the read \ That Idxd^ me to the Lamb. : 2 Where is the blessedness T knew» When first I sa>y the Lord ; Where is the soul-refreshing view : Of Jesus and his word t 3 What peaceful hours T t^enenjoyM? How sweet their meni'ry still ! But now I find an aching void, The world can never fill. 4 Return,0 holy dove, return, Sweet messenger of rest! I hate the sins that made thee mourn, And irbve thee from my breast. \.^ 5 The dearest idol 1 have known, •# | /-^hate'er that idol be, Tlielp me to tear it from thy throiie, *^-^ And worship only thee. > ^ - 6 So, shall my walk he close wi£h God, ■'_. Calm and serene 10 frame ; _^ So, purer light shall mark the road That leads me to the Lamb. m .Ul >' i ■ ;'-m ^ l^O" I HYMN 10*, 105. HYMN i04, Part 2(1-^, M. I Filial submission* AND can my heart aspire so high, To say, « My Father God r ^ Lord, at thy feet I fain would lie, And learn to kiss the rod. 2 I would submit to i5i|l thy will. For thou art good and wise ; Let every anxious thought be still, Nor one faint murmur rise, j .^ 3 Thy love can cheer the daricsome gloom, And bid me Avtiit serene ; * Till hopes and joys, immortal bloom, And brighten, all the scene. 4. "My Father;'— O permit my heart To plead her humble claim, And ask the bliss those words impart. In ray Redeemer's name. If* HYMN 105, Part 2d— L.M. / Choosing the better paH. BESET with snares on every hand, In life's u^ertain path I stand : ' Saviour divine, diffuse thy light To guj^dmy doubtful footsteps rig:ht. ' t ifngage thi sriFeyingt treacyrons heart, ^V> fixon Mary's better part; ""^R^JJP'' To Kom the trifles of a day. For joys that noue can take away. 3 Then let the wildest storms arise, * Let tempests mingle earth^nd skies ;, * No fatal shipwreck shall T fear. But all my treasures with me bear. 4 If thou, my Jesiis, still be nigh, . Cheerful I live, and joyful die; Secure, when mortal comforts flee. To find ten thousand worlds in thee. m X % ■'—-i kv' HYMN 106, Part 2d— L. M. WHAT various hind^'rances we meet. In coming to the mercy-seat ; * Yet who that knows the worth of prayer, But wishes, U) be often there. y ^ 2 J^rayer make^the darkest cloud withdraw, Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw ; Gives exercise to faith and k)ve, Brings ev'ry blessing from above. : V ■ . ■■■■■' ■■.<«• * - 3 Restraining prayer, w© cease to fight,_ Prayer makes the Christian's armor bright), And Satan trembles, when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees. 4 Wtien Moses stood with arrns spread wida, ^nnnesa was found on Israel's side j :.}^ ■ ii .■1. Success was found on Israel's side j > i 3 O let thy own celicstial fire; The incense still inflame, While my warm vows to thee ai^pire, Through my Kedeemei^ liame.' T — 13 — — ^^ m »$»'■ HYMN 109. , ,UtifiVmei^ I. .^h/ ■ r'' \ i: ■■ ■. I 4> So sliall the visits of thy love My soul in secret bliss; %• So shalt thou deign, jn worlds a6ove^ Thy suppliant to confess. 5 Mercy, good tord , mercy 1 ask| This is the total sum ; . Mercy, through Christy is all my iiixit. Lord, let thy mefcy come. HYMN 109, Part 2d— C. M^ Ddiver us from evil < f PEACH us, O Lord, aright to plead JL For mercies from above: O coine and bless our soals indeed, . With light, and joy, and love. 2 The gosjpei^s promised land is wide, Wo fiiin would enter in ; But. we are pressed on ev'ry side, With unbelief and sin. 3 Arise, O Lord, enlarge our coast; Let us. possess the whole ; That ^tan may no longer boast, IJe can thy work eontroL 4 Oh, may thy hapdbe with us still, Oiu guide and guardian be^ To keep us safe from ev'ry ilV Till death shall set us ficee> # ^■•■:\^ I IIYMNllO. V 5 Help us on thee to cast our care, Ana on thy word to rest j \ 1 That Israel's God who heareth prtiyj Will grant us our request* \^ HYMNllO, Part 2d— C. M. The true irmrcvcnioU of life^ AND is ^his life proiong'd to me ? Are days and seaSons^iveu ^ O let me then prepare to b# A fitter heir of hcuvcn, 2 \\\ vain, these rrioments shall not pass, These golden hours be gone ; liord I accept thiiic ofTer'd grace, I how beibre thy throne. a Now cleanse my soul from ev'ry^in By my Redeemer's blood : ^ ^ J^ow let my flesh and sonl begin The honours of* my God, 4- liCt me no more my soul beguile With sin's deceitful toys ^ TiCt cheerful hope, increasing stiH, Approach to licayenly joys. / 5 My thankful lips shall loud proclaink The wonders of thy praise, And spread the savour of thy name, Where'er! spend my days. "e !'■ 196 .HYMNill. / 6 On earth let my example shine V . And when I leave this state, May heaven receive this soul of mij^e. To bliss siSpremcily great. : , ^ r : HYMN lll.Pait 2d-~S. M. Prayer far §blessf 97 g, WITH hearts ind lips unteignU We jraise thee for thy word : We bless thee for the joyful ii«»wji 1)4' our redeeming Lord. ■'.■•■ ■ »■ ■ - ■ ^ ■' ' ,■■ 2 Like as the kindly rain vi Returns not back to heaven. But cheers and fruitful makes the earth. The end of which 'twas given : .^ 3 So let thy present voice Accomplish thy design ; . BLstil on all our thirsty souls, . And consecrate us thine. " s • ■ ■ :.-■■.„■ 4 Water thy sacred seed; And give it great increase ; -^, Let neither fowls, nor rocks, nor thoras* Tliiider the fruits of peace. 5 Then, though jve weeping sow, And teai;^ our hours employ; ; Wo know we sliall return again, Ani hiring our sheaves with joy. • ' •'fft 11YMN112. >*' HYMK 112, Part 2d— C. M. TheefforU ArPROACH, my soul, the mercy-scat, Where Jesus answers prayer ; Thf're humbly fall befoi||^iis feet, For none can parish there* ^ Thv promise is my oniy plea, With this I venture nigh ; 'I'hou eallest burden'd soulsglto thee, And such> O Lord, am I. ^ :v iioweddown beneath a load of sin, By Satan sorely prcss'd ; . By wars without and fears within, Icome to thee for rest. / * r»c ihBu my }id ; And let his }X)wer and goodness sound, 'rhrough all your tribes the earth around. 2 i^fcifc the hjgh heavens your songs invite^ Those spacious fields of brilliant light ; Where sun, and moon, and planets roll, And st^rs that glt^ from pole to pole. 'i Sine:, earth, in verdant rt)bes array'd, Its harbs and iJowers, its fruits and shade, Peopled with life of various forms, M fish and fowls, and beasts, and worms. 4 Vmw the lirbad sea*^ majestic }^ains , And think how w|de its Maker reigns: That band remotest notion joins. And on each wave his goodness shines, > 5 But oh ! that brighter worW above Where lives and reigns Jesus my love 1 irtxl's only son in flesh array'd, tor man.a bleeding victim made* f> iTiither, my soul, with rapture soar, There in the land of praise adore ; The theme demands an angel's lay, Demands an everlasting day, HYMN 117, PartSd— L.M. P EFORE Jehovah's awful throne, J> Ye nations, bow with sacred joy j Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. '2 His wondrous power, without oiu aid , Made us of clay and form'd us men j ^;. And when like ijyandVing sheep we strayed " He brought us to his fold agjun. ^ 3 We'n crowd thy gates with thankful songs', / High as the heavens our voices mise : And earth with her ten thousand tongues. Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise. i Wide as the world is thy command i Vast as eternity thy love ; ^^ ' Virmas $1 rock thy truth must stand, tVhen rolling years shall cease to mcive. , HYMN 118, Part 2d— 6/wt^8v . ' . ; Be tvatchful. s. MY weary soul with patience wait, Be watchful in thy lallen state ; ■:n1 N.. ; — -1 202 n- * > •ni-. V' Thpu hart an anxious charge to keep. Thou shall not rest— thou must not ^eep, ; Withstand awhile the tempter's pow'r— " Canst thou not watch with me one hoiul" i Thy lovely home lies for away, 'Midst regions of perpetual day, And neveir toil, and never care, Shall break thy glorious Sabbath there ; But watching at thy post below, No hour of respite canst thou know. 3 Lest soime lov*d sin in soli disguise, Should cheat thy tir'd and listless eyes, And some lov'd whisper faintly say, Thy Lord his coming doth delay,— Oh ! heed not thou the dangerous sound, Thou'rt on the world's enchanted ground. 4? Fulfil thy promise^ Lord abide Within my heart, my strength, my guide, Jf thou my wand'rings wilt contipl, If thou wilt aid my langiiid soul. Unwearied shall its walchings be, Till death is last in victory. HYMN 119, Part 2^ Seif^Ienial ; or taking up the cross. ' A SHAM5B of Christ ? my soul disdains The mean, ungen'roiis thought 5 '^^^T^^mm'^''^^ MYMN120, JPo man salvation brought. *i03 Sk«ll I disown that friend, whose blood ,■»♦ i With the glad news of love and peace, From heaven to eiuth he came ; , - For lis endured the' painful cross, For us despis'd the ^hame. -■• ■• ■ > '""^ • "■ ^ '■.'.■.' ••.•■■' • .. . ■' 3 At his command we must take up Our cross wi^out delay ; Our lives— ancrthousand lives of ours, His love can ne'er repay. ' 4 Each faithful suflPrer Jesus views V^ith infinite delight ; Their lives to him are dear, their deatlus 'Are precious in his sight. 5 To beaur his name, his cross to boar, Our highest honor this ! AVho nobly suffers now for him, Shall reign with him in bliss. 6 Butsliould weintheevildayi- Frora our profession fly, Jesus the judge, before the world ;\ • The traitor virilldeny; v HYMN 1 20, Part 2d— C. P. M. y GLORIOUS htope of perfect love, Which lifts my heart to things above, ;!;•; I .*»*'■ -..■^^? ^r 'SI 20i IIYMN 120. ■ * f It bears on Ragles' win^ ; " *^ It gives my ravish'il soul a taste, w And makes me for some moraentsfeast With Jesus' priests and kings. 1 The things eternal I pursue, A happiness beyond the view : Of those who basely pant For things by nature felt-and seen : Their honors, wealth, and pleasures mean, I neither have nor \pearances. ^ V WAY, my unbelieving fear ! A. Let fear in me no more take place My Saviour dolh not yet appear, g Ho hides the brightness of his laee; But shall I therefore let him go, And basel^^^to the tempter yield ? No, in the strength of Jfcsns, no ! 1 never will give up my shieW. 2 Althoiigh the vine its fruit deny, Although the olive yield no oil, The withering fig-tree droop and die. The field elucie the tiller's toil ; llie emptv stall no hcrdraflford, And perish all the bleating race, Yet I will triumph in the Lord, The God of my salvation praise 3 Away, each unbelieving fear, ^ Let fear to cheering hope give placeil My Saviour will j^ength aj^pear, And show the w|htness of %^race : Though now my prospects all Ixjcross'd. My blooming hopes cut off I see, Still will I in my Jesus tnist, Whose boundless love can reach to mc. ■7- 206 ■% /.-. 4 la hope, believing against hope. Hit promised mercy will I claim ; His gracious word shall bear me up, To seek salvation in his name: Soon,^ngky dear Saviour, bring it nigh ! A< My soul shall then outstrip the wind, On winga of love mount up on high, . And leave the world and sin behind.^ '.'■■•■• 'i . w- ; HYMN 122; Part 2d ~L. M. * Not asfiantefl of Jesus. JESUS, and shall it ever be, A mortal man ashamed of thee? Ashamed of thee whom angels praise^ Whose glory shines through ©ndlessdaysl ^ Ashamed of Jesus I sooner far, Let evening blush to own a star ; He sheds the beams of liglit divine,. O'er this benighted soul of mine . 3 Ashaiiledof Jesus! just as soon. Let niidnight be ashamed of noon : •Tis midnight with myfloul till he, Bright morning-star, bids darkness Ace. 4 Ashamed of Jesus ! that dear friend, On whom my hopei^ of heaven depend ! No! when I blush, be this my shame, Tliat 1 40 more adore his name. f^fmur^. HYMN 123. " * 5 ru boast, nor k my boasting vain, While thiis I boast a Saviour slain ; And O may this my glory be, That Christ is not asliamed of mo. 6 Ilis institutions will I prize, Take up the cross, the shume despise; Bare to defend his noble cause, | And yield obedience to his laws. IIYMN 123, Part 2d— P. M. Thejewelsof the Lord. YE jewels of ray Master, Who shine with heavenly rays, Amid the beams of glory, Reflect immortal blaze ; Ye diamonds of beauty, With pleasing lustre crown'di Of heavenly extraction, To Zion's city bound. 2 Ye lambs of my Redeemer, The purchase of his blood, Who feed amortg^the lillies, Beside the purple flood ; Go on, ye happy pilgrims, Your journey still pursue. And at an humble distance, ru sing, and follow too. 207 ♦ p^ :l: ■m %"^. '^(hSf f," . ■' ■■-<,1| .!«'..■ F' 1 r ' ■ "C' :l' ■ ... ■ j3 r ••*,. ;■ . ^ ■ HYMN 123. 3 When 1 Upheld your orf^r And harmony of soul, And heard divinest numbeni ^ In pure devotion roU, And cems immortal glowini? With such enlivening grace, I viow'd tho Saviour's imago Impressed onm^ty face. , V Spcfl^ oacif to <%ch other, ^ To tthccr the fainting mma ; And often be your voices In pure devotion join'd ; Though trials may uwuit you, The crown l)eforo you lies; Take courage,l)rother pilgrinu And soon yoi# win the pr 5 « You shall be mine," says " In that auspicious day, hen I make up my jewels, , . ^ icjis'ia from cnmb'rous clay . %^ Frommrthlcss dross and sui, And to his heavenly kingdom Will bid you enter in. ^ ■ - ■ \ a On that -important mormng, ^ When bursting thunders sound. And nimble lightnings waving, Shall wing the gloom profound ; -I li ^ HYMN I9i. f r '* Wft im yonr hwwki wjbicing, 9 AmH ^Inn w#Mtr infvAli'llAIMlfl! And clap your joyftil hands ; Lo, you're recleemM forever From death's corrupted bands. 7 As Aaron with his girdle, In shining jewels dress'd, Boro all the tril)€9 or Israel InficribM upon hin breast \ So will the Priest of Zion, Before the Father's throne, Present the heirs of glory, And God the kindred own, ■ • '. ■ »■ ■ 6 The polden IjoIIs will echo Around the sacred hill, And Hweet, immortal anthems, The vocal regions fill : ^ In everlasting beauty >- The shining millions stand, Safe on the Rock of nges, Amid the promis'd land. ^B*i""" 9 We'll range the wide dominion ;. Of onr Redc*emer round, And in dissolving raptures Be lost ni love profound! While all the flaming harpers Begin the lasting song, With hallelujahs rolling From the unmimbejr'd throng. 01 •w^m^^ ''X ill # <• 1 1 • ... tttjt: Ilk •■\^, '"., V i'-v "^ iky ' ,IJ^ *'* { ; f !•?: •,m: :\n- ■ s Sepatfotiion* ' Yl^ME y« tlmt love the Lord indeed, \j Who are from sin and bondage freed/ Submit to all the ways of God, v And walkthis narrow, happy road. ^ Great tribulation yon shall meet, ^ But soon you'll walk the golden street^ Though hell rlMty rage and vent her spite, ' Yet Christ will save his heart's delight. 3 The happy day will soon appear, When Gabriel^ trumpet you shall hear . Sound through the earth, yea; down to hell, Tt> call the nations great and s^aaH. ■''■ \-y' :/''■' 'y'---' v>^--'^:"- ^-■- :■? "^ : ■ ■■. -"■ 4 Behold the skies in burning flame, ' ^riie trumpet loud does now proclaim^ f 'Hie world must hear and know their doom, The separation now is c(»ne. * 5 Behold the righteous lilarching home ; And all the angels bid them come ; While Christ, the judge, their joy proclaims, > Here come my saints, I own their names. Make ready to receive iny bride : Ve harps oCheaven, come sound aloud, Hero comes the purchase of my blood. — -, -^» -. ■ -^ — ■ — ■;♦»- \-. :•:/■:;;:;;. ■■' HVMW 125. >;. ;-^ ;:'::: ;.;:;;: su t Ib gmndeur see the royal lines, ^ Whose glittering robes the sun ontshinrs ; See saints tnd angels join in one, And march in splendor round the throne. S They stand in wonder and look 6ti> ; And join in one eternal song, ftieir great Redeemer toadmire, ' * ^Viile rapture sets their hearts on fire. ^Jf HYMN 125, Part 2d— CM, ^ T^prGfiiiised land, ON Jordan's stormy lianks I stand. And cast a^ wishful eye, To Canaan's fair and happy laind, Where my possessions lie. 2 6 the transjx>rting, rapt'roiis scenes * That rises to my sight } • ^;^ ^^weet fields, arrny^dinjiving grcehj^: And rivers of deliglit,. ,. , T .3 Thtere gen'rous fruits that never |ki^ On trees immortal irrow I There rocks and hills, and brooks ana vulcs, With milk and honey flow. 4? All oVr those wide, extended plains, Sliines one etermil day ; There God, the sun, for ever reigns, And scatters night awgy. i: ■••■t 4^. . . ^ $1S lBfMNl26- $ No chilling winds, or poisonous breatli Can reach that healthful shore ; Sickness and sorrow, pain and deaths iMre felt and iear'd no more. 6 When ahall I reach that happy place^ And be for ever bless'd ? When shall I see my Father^ feed, And in his bosom rest;! 7 FilW with delist, my raptured somI Can here no longer stay ; Though Jordan's waves around me roll, F^rlessI'd launchaway. HYMN 126, *Part 2d— C. M. Wcarning to dnnersto fleefromtlie wroik to tome. "ITH love of pity I look round Upon my fellow-clay ; See men reject the gospel sound, GoodGod! what shallJ say 1 w 2 Now is the time/th' accepted hour, O sinners ! come away ; The SaviourXknocking at your door, Arise, without delays ; 3 Bo not reftise to jrive him room, Lost mercy should wilhdmwV He'll then in robes of vengeance come, To execute hi s law. A TTien where/poor sinnersi will yon be^ If destitute of grace ; . When you yonr injured Judge shalt see. And stand before his face I ' ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ' ■ ■ 6 P could you shim that dreadfiil sight, How would you wish to fly To the dark shades of endless nighty ; *^ From that all-searching eye. 6 But death and hell must all appear. And you among them stand ; Before the great, impartial bar, v Arraigned a,t Christ's left hand. 7 Let hot these warnings be in vain, But lend a. list'ning ear, Lest you should meet them all again, When wrappM in keen despair. HYMN 127, Part 2d--C. M. ,: True liberty given b^ Christ, HARK ! for 'tis God's own Son that caHs, Ta life and liberty ; ,^ ' .Transported fall before his feet, Who makes the pris'ners free. 2 The cruel bonds of sin he breaks, And breaks old Satan's chain ; Smiling^e deals those pardons round, — ^Wh ich free from dreadful pa in^— — .1 n ^'■'" i 3 Into the captive heart he pouis His Spirit ifpiri on high ;^ ; V We Jose the terrors of a slave, ^ And Abba Father cry. ' • 4 Shake offyohr bonds and sirig his grace. The sinner's iriend proclaim ; And call on all around to seek True freedom by his name. 5 Walk on at latge, till you attain Your Father's house ahove ; f There ishall you wear immortal crowns, And sing imnidrtal love. ■ ' • - . ■ • ■'.•-. • , ■'■' . . ■•1 ..■■*. . ' '",'.■ HYMN 128, Part 2d— C. M. Death and Heavefi. , AND let thi9 feeble body fail, And letit faint and die ; 1 soon 1^11 quit the mournful vale, . ShaU|dpsit|i glorified sainted And teii its long-sought r^ ; ; Tliat only bliss for which it jKints, In the^^Eedeemer's breasttf ■ '"•■ ■. ' ' \ ■-''-'■'■■■'■.■ . t 2 in hope of that imniortal crowD^ >; I now the cross sustain ; ' - "^ /^ jLnd gladly wander up and down> y^ And smile attoiiand pain jv i <» '^^^f^f^' 1/ HYMN 12d. 215 t swffeT on my three-score years, • Till my deliverer come ; ^ And wipe away his servant'^ tears, And take his exile home, i ^^ 3 O what hath Jesws bought for me f Before my ravish'd eyes, ; Rivers of life divine I see, And trees of paradise ; I see a host of brethren bright, Who tairte the pleasures there ; Thpy all are robed in spotless white, ^*^nd conq'ring palms they bear. 4 what are all my sufTrings here, If, Lord, thou count me meet With th6,t enraptured host appear, And worship at thy feet? Ipive joy or grief, give ease or paio. Take life or friends away ; ^ ' But let me find my friends again, "^ In 'that eternal day. HYMN 129, Part 2d— L. M. SOON I shall hear the solemn call (Prepared or not) to yield my breatfi, And this poor mortal frame must fell A helpless prey to cruel death* H Thm look my soul look forward now, A n d anchor t»fe, beyond the flo ods %'' # i I/.- Bow to the Sayiour^s footalool, bo^^ f Aiid jget a U(e secure in God. 3 Before th^ fleeting hours are gonop ni bid jthis mortal world adieu; ' V And to the Lord HI now resign My life| my breath, and spirit too. ./■■'•"■" ^■v-./.-'Yi:- ..■■/■■"&■:■■.■, ;;•■■■■:■■:.■ 4 Then welcome death, with all its force, ^ No more ni fear the gaping g^ve ; Jesus, my tiord, my last resourc^ . Will reach his arm my soul to save* • ■- '■"■ ■ ; -■■ :'X' :''•-■■'-■':■■ ' ' ' -■■■- ■■■l ..■■■''■■.' ■'■ ^ " 5 He will not hide Wis sniiliii^ilui^e, f Nor leave me in that trying hourv/^- - 111 trust my soul upon his grace, $^t^' V And, cheeriul, leave this mortal shore. ^ HYMN 130, P^rt2d--C.M.^^^^^^I i At the funeral of a young penm. lirHEN* blooming y^^^ snatch'd away. If V By Death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribnte pay. Which pity intnst demand* * * " 2- While pity proinpis the rising sigh^ O may this truth, impressf^ With awful piower; I too must die— Sink deep in ev^ lNrcaJit> \; 3 Let iSfa vain world enga|{e no more t Behold the gaping tomi m \ I 'V?- .*>,■■ • HYMN til. «n It bids us seize the present hour, To-morrow death nmy come. ♦ The voice of this alarming Scene May ev'ry heart obey; >• ^ Nor be the heav'nly warning vain| Which calls to watch and pray. > O let uaHly, to Jesns fly, Whose powerful arm can save ; • Then shall our hopes ascend on high, And triumph o'er thegrave. 6 Great God, thy sovereign grace impart^ With cleansing, healing power ; This only (^n prepare the heart For death's surprising hour, v HYMN 131, Part 2d— S. M. 7%e final sentence and misery of the uncked^ AND will the Judge descend, And must the dead arise/ And not a single soul escape His all discerning eyes I > 2 And from his righteous lips . Shall.this dread sentence sound. And, through the num'rous, guilly throng, Spread black despair around t 3 ^ Depart front me, accuisM, ^— iPo^verlasting^flamei — — —r-, ,. ^ ■ I ■'^ajg-'l f*Jf^ r>:. Rte •« . :^..- . ^^; F6r rebel angels first prepared, s Where mercy never came.'* / ^ 4« How will my heart endure. y ' The terrors of that day, ^ . ''■ When earth and heaven before his face* Astoni^M shrink away ? / 5 But €re that trumpet shakes .> The mansions of the dead. ^ ^' i Ilark from the gospel's cheering sound What joyful tidings spread I ■ ■■■■■■ .:■: ^ ■• . ^ ■ ' >. '•'■■■ ■ , - ■. "■ ' ' ' ■■■'-■ ■ . ■ '" '. ■-'*■■'" . ^ ■ . ■ ^ '■ ' 6 Ye sinners, seek his grace, /• Whose wmth ye cannot bear ; Fly to the shelter of his cross, And find salvation there. 7 So shall that curse remove, By which the Saviour bled ; • Andthe last awful day shall pour : . llis blessings on yoitr head. / . / HYMN 132, Part 2d— CM. AND must I be to judgment brought, And answer in thsit ^xf^r -''■ For cvVy vain and idle thought, And ey'ry wonl I say? 2 Yes fev'ry s ecret of niy he a rt :^^iail shortly be made known, And i irecei^e my jtisBpscrt, / For all that I liave done* 219 w ■ 3 llow careful, then, ought I to live / With what religious fear ; ^ Who such a strict account must give For my behaviour here ! 'V:.- I Thou awfulJudge of quick and dead. The watchful power liestow ; So shall I to my ways take heed, To all I speak or do, 5 If ftow thou standest at the door, let me feel thee near ! And make my peace with God, beibre 1 at thy bur appear,, HYMN 133, Part 2d— S. M, , ■■ • ; ■•'^■''■■> ■ Evening. '■'. rpHE day is past and gone, L The <»vening shades appear ; 6 may we all remember well The night of death draws near. 2 We lay pur garments by Upon bur beds to rest ; So death will aoOn disrobe xa all Of what we here possess. . I ■'hr'^n |i p Hi fffi0r HYMNm, • 3 Lord, keep |^ safe tliis night, « Secure fronMu our fears ; „ * "^ " May angels guard us while we 8lee|^|i^ Till morning light appeufs. -^ ;^ ?■ A-V' t i And if we early rise. And view th* unwearied sun, ^May we set out to win the jjj^, And after glory run. 6 And when our days arid passM, And we from time remove, O may we in thy hosom rest, The bosiom of thy love. HYMN 134/I^rt<2d^-^. Preemption and despair. I HATE the tempter and his charms I hate his fluttering breath ; The serpeiit takes a thousand forms, Top^^t CHj^r souls to death. > ■■- ■^\'^:l'^- ■ " -■' '■- ■ •:■':.■■■;-.-.■■■■ :.■..■■■■■.■.-■;■■ ... ' H He/feeds our hopes with airy drcarns, Or kills with slavish fear ; And holds us still in wide extremes- Presumption or despair* 3 Now he persiiades, " How «a8y 'tis To walk the road to heaven ;" ^non he «wells our sins, and cries,-—— " They cannot be forgiven,^ ,i^ Vv' y • * ''^'-teffV^'^A HYMN 131 4 He bids young sinners, '* Yet forbeaf To think of God or death ; « For prayer and devotion are But melancholy breath.'* " 5 He tells the aged, « Yon must die, And His loo late to pray: In vai n for mercy now you cry, For you haveHost your day." ... ■■ - ■ • « ' ■ € Thus he supports his cruel thronoi By mischief and deceit ; And drags the sons of Adam down : To darkness and the pit. 'M m HYMN 135,Part2d— L.M.6/. - ;.■ FaretvdL ■ ■■*■ FAREWELL, my brethren in the Lord, The gospel sounds the Jubilee ; My stamm'ring tongue shall sound aloud From land to land, from sea to sea ; And as I ]>reach from place to placei -,j I'll trust alone in God's free grace. ff* 2 I*arewel1 in bonds of union dear, Like strings you twine about my heart, I humbly beg your^rnest prayer, ' Till we shall meet no more to part; Till we shall meet in heaven above, Encircled ia eternal love. ; p'WYyi^ II %u ^\ '■^, ilYMNl36. 3 Farewell my eartWy friends below, Although 80 kind and dtfSfto me } My Jesiis calls, and I must go, "To sound the gospel jubilee : To sound the joy, and bear the news To Gentile nations and the Jews. 4 Farewell, young people, one and all, While God will give me breath to bredthf. I'll pray to the eternal All, .^^ - Tliat your dear souls in Christ nwy^yc— Tliat your dear souls prepared may be, "\^ To dwell in bliss eternally. . ^ Farewell to all below the sun, And as I ^mss in tears below, ^rhe path is straight my feet shall run, ' And God will keep me as I go— And God will keSp me in his hand, And bring me to the promised land. 6 Farewell, forewell ! I look al»ve ; Jesus, my friend, to thee 1 cau, ^y joy, my crown, my only love. My safeguard here, my heaven, my all. My theme to preach, my song to sing, My only hope in death-— Amen, , HYMN lae, Part 2d- L.M, Pilgrim's fareuell, rEIMS, witk pleasure, let u&part. r? Since we are of one mind and heart \ V. HYMN \TI, : N6 teilgth of days oir diatant place. Can ever break these bands of grace. | 2 Parting with joy, weMI join and sin'g The wonders of our Lord and King : , Our distant bodies may remove,,. But nothing shall divide oui lovo* i S 3 In vain may earth and hell coi^bine^ To <]juench that loVe which is divme ; Jt w^^not cease with dying breath, jSor cool wh^ we are cold id d|iath. * \ 4« Now join'd in love in Jesus' name. Let's part and fly to spread his fame ^ That other souls may leave their wo, And share with us in glory toe. 5 A few more rolling Jays and years Shall taring a period to our tears ; We soon shall reach that blissful shore, Where parting shall be known no more. 6 And then we shall adore the hand, That led us through this desert land< I..ose all our griefs, forget our pain, • And join m everlasting strains. .. *■ • . ¥ H YMN^ 137. Part 2d -C* M. , . At ifie meeting of friends, ELL ipet, dear friends, in Jesus' name. », -■ ; -I I Coifle, let us now rejoice, * .!•■ y /i- ,i m V tati HYMN 138.^ t «. While we pur Saviour's praise procloip^ With^cheerM heart and voice. But oh ! d^ar Jesus Lamb of God, Send down the heavenly Dove ; Thy blessing now dijffuse abroad, And wami our hearts with bve. 3 In vain, dear Saviour, here we meeti Except thy face we see ; / Tliy presenGe makes a heaven most sweet. Whene'er we itieet with thee. . . ^ '' ■■'"."- ' '^' .'■,.'■-■■' '.' 4 A dungeoii shows a heavenly dawn, When there with thee we dwell; ^ °V But when thy presence is withdrawn ^ A palacp proves a hell. ^ 5 Then, O dear Jesus, condescendi To nieet us with a smile: * ,Thy Spirit's quick'ning influenee, send, « And purge our hearts from ^uile. That,at the close, each one may. say We meet not here in vain ! For we have tasted heaven to-day, Nor could we more contain.*" HYMN 138, Part 23— C. M; J BSUS, let not thy grace delay To mee^ ja&Ayith thy love ; HYMN 139. tm Drive interpoBii^g ckxwfe jiway, Aiid make oiir guik remove, 2 Come in with power, to -eVry soul, p, thoiMmmQrita2«k>vef Make ev^ry wounded ^jiirit whole, ■ ^ With thy redeeming love, 5 Wfe^ong to meet our God tb-c?ay, And taste thy grace divine/ •That evVysoiii with ioy may say, My Lord, my God is mine. 4'Whatdo\vehere withbiilthy uir, To ev'ry mouramg soul f Display thy love, make known thy power, And make the woinn^ yrhplev . 3 O may a spaik of heavenly fire^ Each stupid soul inflame, And saci-ed love our tongues inspire To praise thy >i?orthy iaaine. 4. Let ev'ry soul the Saviour see, And taste his k)ve divine 5 411 ♦ And ev'ry heart for ever be^ United, Lord^with thine* J >jife-» . HYJftN W, I^ 2d--C. M. . mrmngbefi^rebaptim; or tattievtater'Side. TjQW great, how solemn is the worK, ^_ Whicfe we attend to-day 1 Sow for a holy, solemn fmme, Q God, to thee we fray • 1 2 O may weieel as once we felt. When pai^'d and griev'd at heart, Thy i#d,*forgiving, melting look, Relwved our ev'ry smart. a I^et grace, Which then was ex^^^^ Be exercised again} • > ,■ HYMN 141. 227 And nurtured by celestial power, In exercise reraain. 4 Awake our love, our frar, our hope, Walce fonitiide and joy ; Vain world, begone, let things above, Our happy thoughts employ. ■ . ■ * 5 While thee, our Saviour and our Lord,. To all around we own ; / Drive each refbe!lioi!s,rivanust, % Each traitoi^ from the throne. ' '■ ■ ~ ■■■ -^ ■ ■- ': ■ ^ . ■':■ * * 6 Instruct our niinds, our wills subdue^ To heaven our passions mise ; That hence our lives, our all luay be Devoted to thy piaise. '■'■■■.■,■■ ' ' ■ ' ■ '•■.' ■ " ■ ."; r ■' . i IIYMN 14 1, I^rt 2d— C. M. BLEBS'D be the dear, uniting K»ve,. That will not let iis part, Our Ixxlies may flii off remove,' We still are one m htjart* ^ Jbih^J In one spirit to CM! r Heady Where he appoints we go ; And still in Jesos' footsteps tread. And sIk) vv his praise bclow^ .■■■»■.■.. *■ « ^ S O may we eyev walk in hinv And nothing kiiow.besidc; 4^m ar>i Nothinj^le8ite,iicrthiDg esteem, But Jesus cnicified! 4 Closer and ekjser let ws cleave To his belov'd embrace ; Except his ftilness to ^-eceive, And grace to answer grace. '.>.■.-"■• •■ ' & inker's of the Saviour's grace, The same in mind and heart, ^ • Nor joy, nor grief; nor time, nor place, , Nor life, nor death can part., 6 But let us hasten to the day , Which shaU our flesh restore; When death shall all be dope away, And bodies part tto more. HYMN l42i Part 2d— C. M- "* FrieTtds parting. , LORI),v«rhen together hera we meet, I And taste ihy heavenly gmce 5 ; - ^hv smiles are so divinely sweet, We're loath to leaye the place. 2 But, Father, since it is thy will,, \ .Tliat we must part agam, Yet let thy special presence still WiUi. fevery oye remam. -^JP. ■^-^■ip^ / V r HYMN 143. ,229 3 Ami let lis all in Christ be one^ - Boiuid with the cords of love ; Till we, before thy glorious throne, Slmll joyful meet above. 4 There, void of all distracting pains, V Our spirits ne'er shall tire ; B(it in^seiaphic, endless strains, Bedeeming love admire. - * 5 All sin and sorrow from each heart, Shall then for ever fly; • Nor shall a thought that w^ miist part, , Once interrupt our joy. : '/ 6 Ana thus, to all eternity. Upon the heavenly shore, V' The great, mysterious Deity, Jehovah, we'll adore. ^ .«» ; IIYMN 14a, Part 2d—irs. •'-^^V *■•■'■■''/' ^ ' Faretveil. FAllEWELL, my dear brethren, Uie^ time is at ■-■.baiid^'- :• . v-...:-': ■:-,.' ■;. That?we must be parted' from this social band ; Our seveiral engagements do callus away> ' Separation is needAil, and we must obey. < 2 Farewe^U, loviiig Christians, farewell for a while. We'll soon meet aga in, ifkind Heaven Should.smiie; / f V. Ami while we are parted and scattered abroad, , V We'll pray for each otKei, and wrestle with Oodr 3 Farcx^en^ia^^^^ y^^^ «^? l>c rtis- <^charged, . ■ / j The war is just ended, the treasure's enlaigcd; With singing and shonting, tho' Jordan inay ruar/ Well enter fair Canaan, and rest oi^ the shore. '4 Farewell, ye yonhcrcx^n verts/ who^veli^tM for Sore trials await you, but Jesiis is neai ; ^ {war. And tho' you mi)st walk thio' thisdark wildenic&s, Your Captain's before yo«^ he'll lead you topeace. 5 Thd'world, fleshvand Satan^ ind hell all^hite, And bold persecutors will strive to afiright-jr. Yet Jesus stands for you, he's greater than Ihey , I^t this animate you to. Biwh on the ^W^^ e Farewell, seeing mcmrners, with sad broken - heart, \. »^ i r ♦ ' Chaste to know JesnSyandehoose the gooU part ; lie's IMI of compassion/and mighty to s^ej His anns are extended, your souls to xeceive^ 7 Farewell, X5are!ess sinners, for you do I mouriir To think of your danger, and you iiuie(^ern d ; . Fve heard c^ a judgment where afl must appear, OlAiere yow'U stand tremWingydOit^M^ 8 Your fiolics ind pasUrpes^^ ' Will serve to torment you in that dreadhd Uight ; ^ ■•'i?^ .' W^.^' When hope's gone for civer of hearing again. ^ J Farewell, faithful pHgrims, fercwell^Jl aroiina. Perhaps w^^U not nreet till the last trump shajl - ■ vV 'sound, ; ■■■■■■'^^■■-'.■■■■■' «. ■ ' -■-\---v-* , >•• To meet you in glory, I give you my hand. The Saviour to praise in a pure social band. llYMN 144, Part 2d— 10s. 4c Ms. The Siar in the East. -. , "^ HAIL the bless'd morn, when the gifeatMediatorr Down from the regions of glory descends ; fhepherds,goworsliip the babe in tlie man^r, v ' lA for liis guards, the bri^t angels attend. ■■ , ■'".■; ■ ■ ■ :. v., . .CHORUS. ■ ' ■'■■'■•■ . '' ;^ V"'' ■■■ ' Brightest and b^ Dawn^n our darkness, and lend us thjne aid ; > f^i&r in the East, the horizon aaprnmg, _ Guide wlMrffe our infent l^deemer is laid. 2 Cold on his cradle, the dew-drops are^inin^* Low lies his bed with the beasts of the «ta^l 5 Angels adore him, in slumber reclining, ; . „ V Wise^men anct«hqpherds befoce him doJall. . 3 Say, ^aU we yield him with costly devotion, Odors of Eden, and oflPrings divuie, . vv Gems of theiB«wntain8,andpearkfremtheo^^. Myrrh fnom the fori^t, and, gold from t hem»ne! '■•'I- f "M^'S'iS^ a*i '' ^^-■..; ^•-:: HYMN 145.. ::'*•-/•'-■ 4 Vainly we offer eac^v ample oblati€t?r . VaiiilJ' witli gold we bis iavor secure ? Rielipr l»y (ar is the sbnrs adoiation, Ucaaer to God arc the prayers of the poor. HYMN 1^5, Pftrt 2d^8. 4b 6w ' TUI5 Sou of ma« they did l)etray. He was coudemned and led away f . Tliiiik, O my soiil, oi\ that dread day^ Look on mount Calvary ; Behold hin» lamMike led along^ Surrounded by a wicked throng.:. Accused by eaeh lying tongue, And then the Lamb of God they hiingf IJjgmash^ I 2 T was tfcis the ^SSoltsBuff *rer koocK With hands and feet nail'd to the wrooc^ L'roni ev'ry wounfl a stream of blood . Cairie flowing down amain t His hitter groans all nature shook, And at his voice tlie roeks were brokcv And sleeping saints their graven forsook. While spitefulJewsainonnd him mock. And laughed at his pain. • •.■'■■. 3 Now hung between the easth and skies^ Behold in agonies he dies ! O sinners, hear his nioumlUl cries, < — ^^- — See his tormenting pains t^ ^Wff^f \> *. The morning siin withdrew his light, iUiwhM^ and refused to see the sight j The azure clothed in robesi of night, Alt nature monrn'd in drea^ affright^ When Christ the.tord was slain 'i^33 4 liarkl men aiid angels, hear^he Son I Hetsries for help; hut oh! ther©?s none I r lie trends the winepress all alone^ - • His%arments stainM with blood. Jn lamentation hear hirti cry, 4 K!oi lama sahachthani; Though death may close those languid eyes, He soon will mount the upper skies, The eonq^ring Son of God, 5 The Jews and Romans in a Ijand, With hearts like steel aroimd him stand, Mocking, they say, come save the land. Gome try thyself to free. Jt^oldier pierced him when he died, ' Then healing streams ilow'd from his sidtv. And thus my Lord was cmcified. And justice then was satisfied, Sinners, for you and mc» -4i. Behold he mounts the thrpne of state. He fills the mediatorial seat, W hile angels lowing at his feet, In loud hosannas telU 1 •■ i ' ' '\' }* I n 234 ,■' ;■ ■'-/^;- •^:-- HYM How lie endured exquisite pains, And led the monster, death, in chains, Yo seraphs raise your highest strains, AVith music fill bright Eden's plains, - He conquer'd death and hell.; HYMN iW ■ Part 2d— S* M, A prospect of Christh Church. BEHOLD a lovely vine, ' Here in the desert ground; ^ The blossoms shoot and promise fruity And tender grapes are found, 2 Its circling branches rise,; And shade the neighbVing land ; With lovely charms, she ^reads her arms^ • With clusters iu her hand* : 3 This city can't be hid, ; It's built ujxm a hill; The da55zling light it shines so bright, it doth the valleys fill. 4 Ye trees which lofty stand, And stars, with sparkling light, • Ye Christians hear, both far and near, * Tis joy to see the sight. 5 Ye ins e ct s ^ fee bl e race, /^. :Aod fish tlial glide the stream, :■ ■■■ /* w;; 'S-T*^!*^li^ ■ / ,1 "<-«■■•'. . 235 Yc birds that fly secure ()n higli, Repeat the joyful theme, . Ye beasts that Sed at home, Or roam the valleys round, , With lofty voice pr(.)clttim tlic joys, M.ndjom the pleasant sound. 7 Shall feeble nature sing/ And man not join the lays 7 O may their throats be swell'd with notes,. And fill'd with songs cif praise. 8 Glory to God on high, For his redeeming grace.; The blessed Dove cam^ from above, , To save our ruinM race. w-- , • - HYMN 147, Part 2d— S. M. Fradsifig Christ. ' AWAKE, and sing the song . Of Moses and the Lamb, Wake'evVy heart and ev'ry tongue, p To praise tlie Saviour^ name. 2 Sing of hif#^ing love, . Sing of his rising power ; Sing'how he intercedes alx)ve^ 3?*or those whose sinsrlie^bc^ .-, ♦ 1 ^H i |M| oE^^^^Dh i ■ m I ynHfli lilli r i p; ! IK'' M fK.I .■ 1 1' 'M«1 i n' :wV t »ji -Up l'i.r B 1 1-^* fill' \;^- \v.\:"}'- 236 ^ HYMN 148; 3 Sing, till we feel our hearts Ascending with our tonguea; ' } Siug, till the Tovc of sin departiii And grace iDS|)ire9o^r aoogs. * 4 Sing, till ye hear Christ say, ) ^ *♦ Your sins are oil forgiven ;'* - ■ ^ Sing on, rejoicing every day, ^ Till we all meet in heaven^ HYMN 148, t^rt 2d— ifia; The Church in her purity. rPHE time soon is coming by the prophets foro- i told. ' » v When Zion in purity the. world will behold; For Jesus' pure teiAimony will gam the day, ^ Denom ination selfishness will vanis]> away , 2 'Twill then be discover'd who for Jesus will bo, And whoare in Babylon, the saints then, willsee j 'i'he line of division then will fully be known, Between the pure kingdom and defiled Babylon. ,V 3 What beauty the Church will then put on in her light, [right; All govern'd by Jesus Christ who always leads^ No S|)ot oa her countenance in tliat glorious day, Unnecessary ceremonies vanish away. 4 Led on by the Gomforter, what sw^eet will bo found, [abound; Wliat peace and what harmony and love will i" * -. ,>* ^ HYMN 149. 237 ixwing lime, things for Jesus will be counted aJl iov And helping each other, a delightsoiue cjmploy.- ;:f 5 The watchmen lift up their voice then all i\a one, likist, west, north, and southward, to and fro they will run, , ' ' In the si>irit'8 pure testimony preach up the cross, And mystery, Babylon, niustsidTer the loss/ ^ 6 But O ! what a storm of persecution will n^c, III the cause of old Babylon, too many engage ; Beholding their loss and thus lieginnmg to sink, They'll ho|ie to obstruct the light from spreaduig, •.'■•. I think. ■ -r ./.''■ ■ ' ■''^'/:''- 7 But tmffcuts its way and love will melt down ^ ifu foes The pure word of God will conquer all whoopix»e; The church stand in purity, in peace and m love, n Ja sight|Of her epemies, she rises above. t 8 Now let all who wish to see Millenium begin, Come out and h^ separate from sinners and sin. As soon as tlie churches are redeem'd from all sm, The time call'd Millenniuna wiU surely begin. .\/^ ; ^:' J HYMN 149, Part 2d— 8s. Hw Heavenly Vhiofi. ^ ?ROM whence doth this union arise, Tliat Imtred is cb nguer'd by love ; ;/^. • 1^^? /••" «f' i fr i 238 HYMN 150.^ It fastens %e. In vvhv then 80 loath lo depart, * a^^Oalle'e long ineet agam, Eni^ved on Emmanuel's heart, XdXice we cannot remain^ ^5 And when we shall see Uiat bright day, United with angels above, No longer confined to our clay, • olJwbelmedt in the ocean of love.- fi n then with OTUf Jesns w^U reign, ^. And all his bright glory shall see, And sing hanelujahvamen' . Amen, even so let It be, HYMN 150, Part 2d— S. M. Christian Zove- LVT t«rtv names no more, ThrChristian world o'ersprcad; Gentile and Jew, and bond and ficee,. Are Qiie inChrist tkeir Head. 2 Among the saints on earth, Let mutual love be found 5 Heirs of the same inheritance. With mutual blessings crown'd. 3 Let envy, child of hell ! Be bonish'd far away ; Those ^ould in strictest friendship dwell, Wha the same Lord obey. • 4 Thus vill the church below, Resemblerthat above; Where streams of pleasure ever flow, And ev'ry heart is love. -i^ . HYMN 15 1 , Part 2d— S. M. LET strife forever cease And envy quit 4^ field ; * Come join, and live in love and And to the gospel yield. ^2 Let bitter «b before yoii; - Hear him echo-^ Fo'low me , ■ / HYMN i5«. For beneath the stre^ips of Jf4»J«i^ Christ your greiit Bedeemer lay* Kise and foHow, rise and follow, Kise and fuUow Chfi»i to-day. 3 Yes— beneath those honorVl waters, |Great Emmanuel was baptized ^ }C which he then ascended, the Father was weU pleased. . ^t us follow, let us follow, "^ Let us follow Christ QUjrXord. 4 Love constrains yon all to follow Jesus to his liquid grave ; Lo ! look up ; expect his presence, Which he promised you lo have- While you ibllow, while yon fw Jesus to his liquid grave; Ui come: thine approbation May we gladly see and feel 5 f3au9e,G cause the heav'ns to open, And thy won^xous loVe reveal j And we?ll follow, and well follow, . -And we'll follow th^e our all. - p I H HYM|[ 156, Part 2d--L. M. E dies the IMend of sinners dies ! Lo, &ilem's daughters wept around t i The I^?f^^iS$?^^ see ! V ; \i«« lo what sna^^*^ y^^- ^1 ^ . . , Btit lo, ^P*^f ^ revives aga«i i^ . 4; The rising .***^. forbids his rise I ^t • *x«^ vA saints, and tell .^ocPt.fite^Min'shiUi lis still ! « I A '^ I! adt s4 tell si .1 y slin^t graver! ^^ ' HYMN 157. ' .W)iP''win serve this'blessed Kin J Come, enlist', o,tid' with nie siiig.:- T I his spldier soon shall bo llappy in e^jternity,- ^ ■ ■ * * 2 1 by fttilh cnfistfedf'awvj- Jii the service of. tlie tiiinili::.' ' . 1 'resent jiay I now receive, « / .. ., raUire happiness he'll give. ; ' p' , ,» 1 his soldier &;c*\ ^ , " * . 3' Zian's ICing niy Captam ijcj. / , Conqgest I sjiall iiever niiss^^r ^ ' ;. Le.Mhe ))Ower8 qrlieU tsngtvgeT* trliive to^iiirt "With all their rage.; / I hi^oldier, ' v.. - \^.'^. '% Let I he world' their forces j^nii,. ^ Wfth'tiie po>ver>i of hellconibino Cjreater is my Killer 1 lian thty ► ', 'jRi^oii£;h him I shall. win the day,- I liis soldier j &;o. * • .*- - 5 Wicked menrl&, not Tear; , Thoviglv Ihey ix?«5ccit.te me her^,-, n'rlio, Ihcy may my body kill; But niy Kiiig^s on Zioif s hill. J his soldier&c. 2431 ■1 - ( ,. ,\i ( ,:,^. «, r.\ ■ •*' ^. f>' r I. * ^^"■ 0* What a Captain have T got/ Is not mine a happy A^^^ ^ » i;t4i w »') J^ ■■.■'...'. ■ . ■■■ ■'. ■; •. ■ ■ ' i * HYMN 158. i Hear, ye 7^"*** Jf ^f -.y tongue. * This the ^BX^^^^^^J'^> This soldier, &c.* ^ Therefore wlUto^t^ •Ficht for Jesus Chnsi roj-^ *" I his soldier, &c. R roine,veworWlings,C5mce«l»st, Whe voice of Jesus Chnst; Jesus Christ refuse* none. I his soldier, &c. . ! a Jesus is my captain's name, ior^^estJrday.the^me; ?„hisnameI»^'^g;V^,. Ail who come he ytt" ^^^ • I his soldier, &c. ; .• • 1ft Bptwrsnaded, take his pay, * & to Je««' name beheve. ■ Jroising God eternally. HYMN iSSv^'f* 2d-8s. -endl^i>ltl y. i^ \> ,^fA^'h'^ HYMN 158, ^^. Athl grace; more boundless Oian ihc sed, Is Ihe rich wages I receive. m ** 2 Un4er«iiyGaptain» Jesus Chiist, I am enlist^ during life, .. .. # To fight against the powers of hell | hi'fevor of Emmanuel. " 3 My General is thc^^rcat T AM, ^ Againstwhcse sword n* «• '''"^^ •*'**' When every nation to Je«i»»hall bow. HYMN 160, Part 2d— 8 & 7. i murningatmls. , f ^ r Making sad lamentation, I Find themselves lost in wickednew, ' And under condemnation ; - * While thunderbolts from Sinai's mount Do sound with loudest terror. And they as noni^ht on God^ account. Are drowned in grief and sorrow. a Ah I wo iame that I was born, Or ever had beginning; 1 would have had untimely birth, t Or had no fViture being ; .Qr else had died when I was young, ' 1 mieht have been forgiven, I mUrtO, like l«ibes with harmless tongues, fi^tt praising God in heaven. ^1^ t But here I ain in ^^V ^^^^^^^^ Most worn away with trouble i Day after day I seek for peace. But find my sorrowa double j Saith Satan, fetal 4s yoor state^ " V'.V i . * r J wa jiiM^iliSiiift'r*" m HYMN 161, «*5 . Tii|>6 past yon might repented I Bnl now you see it is too late, So make yourself contented. 4 How can I live, bow can I breathe, Under this sore temptation, Conclude my day of grace is o'er f Lord,hear my lamentation. For I am weary of my life. Of pains and bitter crying ; My wants are great, my mind's m strait, My spirit's almost dying. m ..SJIsi. 5 But who is he that looketh forth, Mild as tiie blooming morning, ♦Fair as the moon, clear as the sun 1 'Tis Jesus Christ adorning. Josus can clothe my naked soul ; ■- ' Jesus for me hath died, And now I can with pleasure sing, My wants are all supplied. V ^ 71ie Christian's solace. THERE is a heaven o'er yonder skioft, A heaven wh^ro pleasure never dies, • A heaven I sometime hope to see, But fear again Hi» not for me. , . ^ . JUit^esus, Jesus is my friend^ - Hallelujah, hallelujah, % f^ Jesus, Jesus is my friend. t ^-tv-Tifr'^'s* j, ^ i,,ii ? ii»ii i i i»** _m^T 2M MYMN161. l-ho tempter crioe 1 no'er shall •to.ul, o"reacl.^»r Canaan's happy land. . \ iBut Jesitt, &». § " ilm«clifo,comca«.th.co,oethon whftW iiu fnotstem I will follow still , . SrSTngcrs thick, und heirs alarm^ I shall bo safe in his dear arms. M « Jot. Jesiw, &o. l> ' VniiS thv Captain and thy King y .A .0 Jesus, &c. ^ u Prove fl^Uhfiil. then, a few ^^'^ ??;«it the cood ficht, and win the racof Klhent1^-"i-•i.t^«-t;^s^ Thy head a crown of glory gaui- . ■ ;:. : X)J€isus,&tt., ■•/,... .,";..•:■■•■',->■* n'iKla^t iovful trump shall sound j ; Tiln bu^Ae^hain" wi^h sweotsarpr^c. : ^nd in my Saviour^ image nse. t. 1 -««( !#■■. !»l. ,/. ' ■€.^^m I • fIYMN46f. HYMN 162, Part 2a-/l.. M. The Mono thut^Jplic pr(»pliets thca ; ^ ? O Hallu HrtlleKijuh ! Com©, children, ilrirfik thc^lnilmy (lew, * ' rOHfillafHa!Wlnjn»r!X • '♦Twos Christ that shed his blood for yow, [■<■■■ O Ilulla Hallehijah I •^ This costly mixture cures the sonl, * Which sin and guilt had made so fbult <) that vou would believe in Ood, > And wash in Christ's n^ost otticious blood- % ..B O hcartien, ctiildren, Christ is com^, The bride is ready, lei uspmm ; J'm glad 1 ever saw theday^ *^ That wc uiight meet to praise and pray* 4. Here's gloify, glory in my soul, . y, Come, mouriier, feel the current roll ; _ AVelcome, dear friends, it's known to-niglii^ It shines arbund with dazzling light. 5 Arid in this light we'll soot away, Where there's no night, but open day.5 O children, children, bear the cross. And coiipt th)e wprld below as drosa. V 1^ 2te v> fiWe'tf bear the cioBs. and -wear the crown, *. S^kthM's side sit down : W>U?tove divine eternaHoUs. ; W His fiei? chariots make *eir;way, To ,reS «s to endless day; There ^littVinK millions we«ha f. Icome lis to enmess uujr^ ^ _^ r,.u « )riiitVmff miWions wafiball join, , J, brethren and sisters, that love my dear , , v^ni.» ^-.vil till lost and distress'd, 2 I n-as H^'^-^^^H^Infa I s^n shoiUd be cast, , thought 'h'^V."SeO«tiH misery, , 3 0. inner, ^idJ^.^j;5^Jf^ ^ Si«>ry t^^SKnd^didl^^ ?il ^S^^ed. .he wttness. and ve«^. . VOnmylowhendgJ-j^f"^^^^^^^^^ AU gloryto Jesus,fbrhe^auiijtt J ••»■ ■ »; .%>■ eUPWsi'"**- The hwt of this rebel WM broken in tWiin,:;^ ^s ■r. •J w 5 There was pe*5eiibwinhettven,«nd^^ ' Thea^ rejbfcc at a p^ 1 n© ttwb^'« ^ J .„ mv Saviour did say, * J^-^^-^S^ this n,y birthday. fi Mv'sonlitwashumWedJfentoUiegrpund. Th^ffiectf freshing, at length I have fonndj . o Lorfttiou hast ravish'd my so^^'^^f^^r^r • L<^ die now like Simeon, with am# m ««T HYMN l64.,I*art^d-^v^» HEN converts first begin tosing^ If Their hapny souls are on the wing ; Their theme is alt Jfedeernn^ lov^^ : ,,,-^ rakiwoul4theybewith|^ 2 With admiration they behold,^^ , l^Ze of Christ that can't l)e tMy They view themselves upon tlie shore, ' ^^ Andldimk thcT battle aUis o'er. * 3 They feel themselves quite ftee f^ And think their enemies are slani j * They make no-doubt but all is weU, And Satan is cast down to hel^. -I ■ \Wm iIma twcl^B ' WB\ -"* •» ;■ 4 They^ wdoder why old saints don't sing; - Ring with melodioiis, joyful sound; Because a xvodigal is foun^.- • 5 BuiHis not long before they feel , T^eir feeble souls'begin ta reel ; They ^infe their fbriner' hopes are vain,. ' For they arc^jJ»ttnd»in Sata»^svchain. " a The raornirig^hat did shine so bright,, "^ Ig4«rnec^to^he shades^of » ijigJit ; . ; Their hearts that di^ with mi^nng, \ V Aie iiow wiituned in ev'ry stri^ > TO I foolish child, why didi^t thou boast In the enlargement of thy coast 1 ' Why cKdst thdu thinb to fly away, Before thou^teav^sl this-leebte^^©^^ g^Cbme, tal^ uprarms^ and fkce t^ ^eW, '■-'■ ^(Mnejgfrd^on^harnessvsword^axid shield, Stand'fest in faithi fight for yjjuf King, A?nd"soon the vic?fry you dial^win. 9 When Satan eonies4e tenrpt your minds, 'Hien meet him with4hese blessed lin^^^^ Fof*Ghris^ tUfe I^ord^ has swept the field,.. * And we're determined not to yieW. ^ • mSvB^ 165, P^^^ 2d— L. M, . VArY, my doubts, begone my ftar; ^ The wonders oi the Lord appear > ^ / ■':■ \ If '-< \ ■ O, Mw dellghlfiil i»4he thooght! -'V - ; . - . ^ - . ■ - ' ■ ■ w: . • , V. ^ . ,■■ -■,,.■ - ,' ■ 2 Viie wondfers'^of' redlenfiing l©ve, , When first my heart ^yas drawn above^ Wheb first I saW my Saviour s tape,. And triiunphVi in his pard'ning g«ioe- • ■■ -^^^ -...---.-..iri - 3 Puisue^my thoiigWsi this pli^ing them >Twas not a fancy, nor a dreaiir; Twas grace des«endingfr6m the skiesy And shaU be iaary?loiis m 4^ Ldngtodl monrn'd like one forgot;. Long had my soiiHor comfort «)iigl^^ Jesus was witness to 4ny tears, _^ -; And Jesus sWeeUy calm'd my fears. 5 fie cleans^:^my si>ui; he cHfeng'd my dress, ^Attd clotli^ m^ with his^igjiteonsness \^ life spake at oiiee ray sins forgiven, And^Irejoic'd'asiirvin heaven. 6 H6W wSs I struck with sweet surprise,. - While ^ory shone beforeifty eyes-! . llow did losing from day to day, And wish^d^t^imig my soul away ! 7 The world%ith aU its pomp withdrew, 'Twas less than nothing i^i ray view j Kedeeming grace was all my theme, ^ And life api^ear'd an idle dream. 256 ' HYMN 166. 8 I doriedih my SaviolwVgnice} I sung my great B^deemert p«^^ And leave her tenement of clay. 9 To The powew of hell, in vi^in combw d, io tempt or interrupt my mind, I saw and sung in joyfia strains, The monster, Satan, held m chains. ift These ife the wonders Irecwd, The marv'lom goodness of the Lord; O for a tongue to speak his praise. To leU the Uiumphs of his grace. HYMN 166, i'art^-sH*. SongtbyayMtigladf/. «, MV soul's full of glory, it fires my tongue, ■>- eorfdImeUwUh^geb.l'd8i5«Aepia«'''6i Pd stoSf iS J«us,«near morta^lsal p«.s.nsa^eu.Kmg,' OanRels! O angels! W ful's"?^ W' ' I ^ in sweet raptures of Jesus^ name. , , r <*weet Spirit Bttrad me tin Jesiis corner pSaSdefc""! "^ tiUrm convey^ horn, -■^A # A : HYMN 166. i i 257 T)^^ Wonms my poor body»j»ay claim as theft outshine, wheft lising, the sun at noon*clfty- i The ^nn shall be.tlarWi'4, the moon twirnM to ■■;#''.|; blood|v- "^ /r,':,.-:. ^ ■\'^' ■■''^■'- 'y- ■:■'■■':■. The world all on fire with the vengeance of God, , "While lightnings are flashing,aiid thunders do roar, >ljn^ ^*^'fis Jei^us in glory appears uHto me ; To heaven, to heaven, I'm; going, I'm gone ; • All glory, O^glory ! 'tis fmish'd j 'tis done. . 8 To the regions of glory, the Spirit has fled, And left the fmil body inactive and dead. With angelic armies in*|lory to blaze, ^ On Jesus' fair beauty for evei to gaze. ■ ■ "' '-. VI '- •,."■ ' • ' ' ■ ■ t.i r * ; -» T'^t %> %• v.v«i^i «n ioin in one, ^^ Ueir 9KV101 rece^v^m pi»K»* m K /Jhp.-1^ent grace is felt, ^ 1l • ' , '. III the very jaws of death, ^, .,\v vxvigto Saviottv m thej|JJ^ ' 4 Wthe other, totichl • Saw the danger of his „ raith received to own M •Whom the scribes aija tahhorr'd. 'i •Lord,ltepray'd,remein|)erine,, ■■ Ir HYMN 16S. •0 > »,., Soon with me, the Lord replied, ' . Tli^u shall be in Paradise. /» •6 This iras vroiidroiis grace indeed, Grace vouchsafed in time of need } fciuners, trust in Jesus' name, Yon will lind him still the same. > • . / i « 7 But beware of unbelief, Think (iix)n'the harden'd thief! If the gbspel you disdain, Christ to'Tou has died iii vain. ■ *^^ ^ rs, and O hofv 5at\%et #ie sc^ni^^' ^ le yc shall have j^cacc^** t \ n 1 * \ -sMl^^ 1 1 7 \ i i 260 A ■■:\ ■.-X-.'' 4 'matth9«ghyo«rh<«j^s w^hsorrow Weed, And sighs and tearaincrease , He savs, and O 'lis true indeed . la me ye shaU have peace. f 5 What thongh'comiptions dwell Within Nor does the co"^' /'''"f l„ ■ O He says, in spite of hell an^ sm, ^ , In me ye shall have peace. | i ' 6 Tho' you ^all pasAtiiro; death's cold flood,v. To gain your wish'd release ; ^* j- £. He «i?s, and sv*e he'll .make .t g.^, In me ye shall have peace. ,, *» , g Whehyou his face iniiory view, Where joy can ne'er^ecrease i jlternity shall prov^ it t™®'„^ lahijiu ye shaU have peace, HYMN 169, Part 2d— C. Fellowsliip vxth'God. %ROM all that's mortal, aft tha^Jfti"' r And from this earthly clod, .-ii iistmy;c«l,«nds1^J^^ .efweet fellowship with l»oa. , 2 Say, What is there beneath the skies, j In aU the paths thou'st trod, ^ s, -C^ ^thyNvM ies a nd ^ \f' t^s^^^^^^^^^^^^ ■\ ! 'U f^r r 3 Not life, nor all the toys of art, . ► /.Nor pleasure's flowery road,, X^an to* my soul such bliss impart, As fellowship with God.4 4 Not health, nor friemtshin here below, Nor wealth, that golden load, Gav such delight or comfort show, ;: As fellowship with God. ^^ . v, HYMN 170, Part*2cl~-8. & t. ^ Finisfted redemption. AEK ' the voice of love and mercy, - ix Sounds aloud from C^ary I | See^it rends the rocks asunder, ^ . : ^Kakes the earth, and veilslhc sl?y.^ i* It, Is finish'd ! J t is ^nish'd !" . j^- Heac the dying Saviour cry ! ^^ o-^^n^ finish'd rb,^tiat^^ Do thesercharming words afford ; Heavenly bfoasite wiUiout measure, -^ •F16W to us Ro»ft Christ, l^lie Lord. ^ « It is fifeh^4^ It isipish'a I" , SaintFthe dying vrords rpcord. , . ../■■■. . '-t .. '%•# * : [t is fiyi^'ci ! WIS uiiiau « r ^ Sairits, from lince your comfort draw. 4 iTHai^py souls,- approach the table, Taste the soul-reviving food ; Nothing half so sweet and pieasant ^As the Saviour's flesh and blood, « It is^finish'd ! It is finish^ \ ^ : Christ has borne the heavy load .J 5 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Joi& to sing t^e pleasant t h em e4^ — € '-.i* \ m ■ 263 HYMN 171. All on earth and all in licavcn, Join to praise Enunanwerimame. Glory to the JipHiuif; Lamb ! i f HYMN 171, Tart 2cl— C. M. ■ ' TJie Heavenly JemraleM. JERUSALEM, my ha|»py home, * J Q how 1 long for thee r When will my sorrows have an end T % Thy joys wlien sliall 1 s^e 1 f* Thy walls are all of precious stone, ^lost gloriotts to hehold; - Thy gates ajre richly set with i^earl, Tliy ijtyeets are paved with gold. 3 Thy garden and thy pleasant gj^^"' My study long have been \ ^ ^^ Such sparkling li?j;ht hy human , Has never yet teen «een. ^llf heaven be thns glorious. Lord, Why should I stay froni thence ? * What follv ^tis, that T should dread To die,*aiKi go from hence. ji . 5 Reach down,reach down thine arm of grace. And cause me toascend, - Where congregations neVr break np. Alia saH»lhs »c vex end^ -r '%H 1^ oe* HYMN 172. > 6. Je«i», niY love, to gUJry's gjme, . Him will I go and see, And all my brelhiren here belowj ^ . WiU, soon come after me* si 7 My friends^ I bid you all adieu, r t leave you in God's care 5 1^ And if 1 here no more see you, \ ♦ Go ottirU meet you there. i " S There we shall meet and no more t«rt. And heaven shall ring with praise, " ^ "Wliile Jesus* love in cveryiieart, / f: 31uill lune the song, Free Grace. f 9 Millions of years around may mn, ' Our song shall still increase, I * 4 To praise the Father and the Son, , Who brouglitiis home toMiss. . 10 When woVebecin there ten Uiousand years Bright shining as the sim, We've no less days to sing God'is prai99> ^ Than when we first begun. HYMN 172, Part 2d— C. M.. - Saiih vxmbytht Spirit of Chtia should never U pinedhf^mrMffereriXpiriCt'plet. \ 1 THE world from Christians are apart 5 - But shall it e'er be said, . ,, : v > - »Mong tho^e whom God has jom'd in heart, Are sepaxatioiM. \m^ T • » >■•■ *i HYMN 173. 2 They're all of one eternal band, And with one Father bless'd, All led by the Redeemer's hand, To the same joy and rest.; S Why then should circwmsiintiRls mfrf ^lat union so divine } Or non-essentials ever bar ^^ "^ Those whom they cannot join I . "• ■ ■ « ■ • ■ . '"•■ ■ . . 4 No forms or tenets can unite, Or bring the soul to heaven ; '• Then for them let no Christian fight, Where God has all forgiven; 5 O God, suMue these cruel jars, With thy Qementing^race ; Nor let the" devil hold up bars^ . * Among the heaven-born race. #; 6 O fijivejjs that tmnsfbrming flamey Of the tairO^al Dove, That thos^vW^bear thy lovely name. May all conteiicl for love. . HYMN 173, Part Sd-i/M. , GOD, my heart with love i*iflame^ _ That I may in thy holy name, . Aloud in songs of praise rejoice, .While I have^ breath to raise my voice ; % :^ 506 HYMN 173. .«.-.; ]' ,-, I'i Eh • >rhen Will I shout, ilien will I smg, ' Attd make the heavenly arches ring 5 rU sing aAd shout for evermore On that eternal happy shore. •.■ ; : '-.„' . ■■■■■■■. :^:■■ "■>:■'■ -■' ■ -^ ' ■ . ■"■ -2 O Jesns,hope of glory, oonm, ^^^^ And make my heart thy humWe home, For the sliort remnant of my days, "" I long to sing and shout, thy pnvise; ^ , Xord, give me now a heart 15 pray,^ And live rejoicing evVy day: >* / For to flive thanks in ev'ry thinj?. ; - vTosing'fuid shout, and shout and smg. . 3 When on ttiy dying Bed T l^y, - * ' Lordv givfe me strength to shout and pray, And pmie thee wiUi my latest breath, Tintil my voice is lost in death ; v Then sisters, brothers, shouting come, Tviv body follow to the tomb ; Anid as you mareh that solemn road, • . " Sing loud, and ^lout the pmise of God. • 4 Then Y©^^ below, and I aix>ve, ; . ,. We'll sing and shout the God we love, lentil that^reat.and solemn tUiy,>> When Christ shall call.our^nmili'rmg clay ; Then from otfr dusty beils,W(5^«mng, , And shout, 6 death, wherd^t^stiti|! ^ ^ O gi-avo, where is thy vi^|p! . :, : . Wc'ii shout 111 viislt^ternilyii^*.' i "^ K a, ■^4 I > HYMN m. 267 5 Our race is run, we've gain'iVtbe prize, Thei^will the Riibr of the skiejs," AVith smiling, to fiis c^iiUlpen «ay , . ^ Come, reign with me in endless tiny : j ' Then on that h^ppy, happy shore, ■ - ' We'll sing and shout fur evermore ) We'll sing and slxml, and shont and sing, And make all heaven with praises ring. r HYMN 174., Part2d-X.. M. ifim. » . JOIN all, who loVe the Savioiir's name,. And sing his everlastini? fcime ;.^ ** - Great Govl, prepare oaclijieurt and voice, .In Him for ever lo rejoice. * 2 Of Him, what wondrons«(hings are told !' In' Him what glory I bohold ! ' ^ For Him I glaclfy all things-leave ; ^ To Him, my soul fdr ever cleave* 3 In Him ray treasure's all contiin'cl; - By„Him, my fo^hletjsours snstain'd ; . From Him, T all ih'lngs now receive ; , Thtough Him my soul cjoes daily live. 4 "With Him, I daily love {o walk ; Of Him, my souKleiights to talk ; , On HUxi, I cast my da il y care •: ^ • \ Like Him, one day shall I appear. fCj, ^'f%V /' A 268' /:; --^•.y;'^l^ 5 BlessHim, my soul, firom day to day ; / Trust Him to bring thea on. the way;"^ Give Him, thy poor, weak, sinful heart j. ' With Him, O never, never part, * ^ 6 Take Him, for strength and righteousness; . Make Him, thy refuge in distress ; . .Love Him, above all earthly joy, • • ; "And Him, in ev'ry thing emptoy* ' 7 Praise Him, in gratcfhl, cheerful songs, To Him, your highest praise belongs, Bless Him^ who does/Jtour heaveft .prepare, And Him, youni praise forever there. .,^ HYMN l*? 5, Part 2d-^C. IVf i The Evansrelist's Farewell. *- IlSfDKED, and friends, and native lan^ ^^ How shall we ^y fjirewell ] . - How, when our swelling sails expand, . HoMt will our bosoms swell! ' • , % Yes, nature, all thy sofl^olights And tender ties, we know ; But lov^e more strong than death, ynitear To4iimtliatbidsjusgo. ; » • 3 Thus, when our ev'ry fissions mo^ed, ' - ThdgusliingtearHlrop starts ^^ ^"^^ ■ The cause of Jesus, most beloved '^ :< 4.J ^ Shall glow within oui? hearts. r-^^-^ (^ • . /,' ,■ «i, ^'*' 4 The sighs we breathe for precious souls/.. Where he is yet unknown, r* ; Might waft us to the distant poles, Or to the burning zone. 5 Wit^jhe warm wish, our l)OSOmf swell, \ -Our glowing lowers expand ; Farewell, tlf|n we canpy fstiewell, Our friends, our natiye land I HYiVtN 176, Part 2d---C. M. TlieClfistimi's farewell. ( T^ATllJ^i^ELIi, my brethren, all farewell, ^J I lea*^ you with theljbrd ; ; O may you^ sh iiri the patl^bf liell, '^ __,_J|^-«i^aviiig to his wom. .l\- ' 2 Yon are ns^ost i!iej(|iki^ to me, . I have you in m|4i^ait; Vet thebest fri«5l^s pus|; severed be, ^k So you and l^inuSt i>all. v ^,- 3 Although I lea^ you for awhile, ' I'll nieet you once again*; And if it be not in this world,. ;. - 4 'Twill be on Cahaan^ 0ains. * '. 4 My ooin^l utitft you I give, Thatpyoudoall^^tandfast,' III the ^weet doctrine you've received, », Of bein^saved by gratcer. V ■Jir .». A '-1^ t ». 270 HYMN 177., ft In holiness of life and word, And evidence of this, Walk in the road the Lord hath said. And you shall never miss. . , , 6 And let your h?ib'liinents be these, ' Faith, hope, and charity, Also a heavenly garment is, y- \ ' The soft and bless'd hmnility. '. \ 7 And for the sword thie' word of God, With the helmet of salvation ; ' ' a^hen do not fear, but perscvera^. • To heaven your habitation^ ^ f^^^: HYMN 177, Part 2d— 8s. Composed by George Whitefield. AH ! IcArely appearance of death. What sight ujjon earth is so fliir Not all the giiy pageants on earth, \Can with this dfJad body com i>are With sclemn delight I survey * Tite corpse when the Spirit is fled, In love with that beautiful clay, And l^oflgijis to lie in its stead. ^ 2 How bl&s'd i^ our brothel^, bereft Of all that could burden his mind,. How easv the soiil that has Icil . Thlsjvvea^isome body behind \ h ''■*■'■ HYMN n7. 271 t Of evil incapable Ihow, Whose relics with envy I seCi No longer in misery now, > No longer a sinner like mo, | 3 His heart is afflicted no more • With sickness, or shaken witH pain. The war in thp members is o'er, And never shall vex him again ; ^ ■m^ No anger, henceforward ^ or sharne^ , Shall redden this inno!|ent clay ; Extinct is the animaFflamc, The passipns arc vanished away^ 4f His languishing head is at rest, * ^ ■ Its aching and.tlunking are^cr; This quiet, immoveable breast - Is heaved by affliction no more I ^ His heart is no longer the scgt Of sickness and torturing pasn ; . It ceases to flutt^i^nd beat, . It never shall flutter again. » . ' ' : ..♦ , . . . V .• "^Z 5 His eyes he so seldom could close, (By sorrow forbidden to sleep,) Scal'd up in a lengthy XL^pose, • . Hav^ sti-angely .forgotten to weep. Those fonntains can j icjd no supplies, Whose hollows, frorti waters are fjpee, The tears are all A\^iped-Troin his eyes, • . And ^vil he never shall ;?ae." 1.' .» t/ _ 'O M U jf \{ ■ 4" ^'-; - 'SUi •^; t 272, -^-V;' •>:..;:•' HY^ ' 6 To mourn and to suffer is mine, ■ .While bound in this prison of earth 5 ^ ; And still for deliverance pine, •„ And press to the issues of deallt, • : W v^ithjjiy tears I bedew, ^ O might I, th jsmomen| become ! Jly spirit , created anpw^ ^ V M^ l^ consi^ed to the tomb ! ^^^^^^^^^^ - M Part 2d-^. & 6. ¥ HEN thou, my righteous Judge, shall come . ♦ . Tp call thy mnsom'd people home, /. . Shall 1 among them standi Jhall such aAvorthiess worm as I, Who sometimes am afmid to die, - Be found at thy right hand] 2 I love to m^et among fliem now, Befbr^- thy gracious throne to bow, ^^ ThStigl^ weakest of them Jail ; But can. I ^ar the piercing thought, To hav%my worthless name left out, Wheii thou for them shalt Call ^ .1 Prevent, prevent it, by thy grace ! Be thou, dear Lord,. my hiding ,ptec ^ 2'Tm not ashamed to 6>^n his laws, Kor to defend his noble cause, The way he's gone, is lined with blood, O may I tread the ^pi% he trod. 3 I'm not ashamed his name to bear, With those who his disciples were ; Christian, sweet name ! its • worth 1 view^ O may I wear the nature too. . 4 I'm not ashamed to bear my cross, For which I eount all things but dross ; Whate'er Fm bid to do or say, When Christ commands, I will obey. ' li 5 I'm not ashamed to be despised, > By. those who ne'er religion prized : V J :%% ±M-' \.] t' 274 ^.^ 1.. u Nor wHt I IMOTO to Chriit un^ For all that men can aay or (to, : ^ j6 This world's vain honors will I sliun. The narrow way to life I'll run ; , That thit at last my boast may be, My Saviour's not ashamed of me. \- HYMN 180, Part 2d— H. M. ^he Christian salutatmim kEACJE be unto Irhis house, ^ The Son of Peace draw near ; But has thy Master's Soil A tabernacle herd . If so, then I will here femam, • If not; adieu, PU go again. 2 My Master sent me here, His Son a bride to find. If to him you appear, If to him you are kind ; ^ If so, come, go with me to-daf|| .. If not, Pll go another way, s. f Lord, send thy Spirit forth, Incline the heart also 5 !:,ord, grant Rebecca's voice, . '^ « I with the man will go;' ^ ^ .. Twould make^hy servants aU rejoice, To hear one speak^ith such a voice. :* '-■'.^ ■\l >r HYMN 181. 275 J HYMN 181, Part 2d— 10 & 8, •■ The impartial song, y^^ • ■ THE ffreat Gocl of lovo has shown us the wayj And taught us the impartial song \ Tlie spirit is come, and the work haa begun, 1 And we are all united in one* 2 Now sin begins to die, grace gains the victory And pride fulls a prey to thje ground j ^ We lift up our heads as we risefrom the dead,, And the glory of God shines around. .« n'v ISl ucy pursue,, home; i - ' left on record^. U ♦!• 3 SaIva,tion we see for all I&ost free lUie niembers of Cellist aMiiJ one We'll march uniform, and %ith courage iiice tha i In the battle our Saviour's begun. ^ [storm 4 United in oncj fSe race ^ will run. Press fbrwai-d by faith wiLfioiit fear; ' Such glory pursue, as the wbdd never knew ^ . ; J^^ gospel tfey hear. . : 5 The reprover of sin hath ^hQwn us the wav, ,' The Comforter leads us alon^ ; The book is unseal'd, Judah's Lioit takes Ihe field. As he leaifns lis tlie uugutial sons. 6 Npw^t usbe tr^e, . Tow'M heav'n our glojf!. Press on by the wordj Ch^_ Singing glory to Jesus— ■I .>'<■' -k^ 876 ■*■■ I '■ I ■■ V •fivllJ^ l82,Pan2d-8^6r ^ ^ ^ ^tc Christian Uniform. DRESS'D uniform, Christ's soldiers are When duty calls abroad ; , Not purchased by their cost or care, But by their Prince bestowed ; Christ's soldiers eat the bread of God, "■"Fear regimental dress ; liwiveiily white and faced with red, Fis Christ our righteousness. ^. «^ No art of man can weave this robi, 'Tis of such mixture fine, , V * Kor could the worth of aU the globe v By purchase make it mine : 'Tis of one piece and wove throughout, So curious^ that none Can dress up m this uniforni., Till Jesus puts it on. 3 The vesture never waxes old, No spot thereon can fall;' It makes the soldier strong and bold, And dutiful withal. ^ Lord,'dress me in this irobe each day, And it shall hide my shame ; $h# make me fight 'gainst sin, anyl pray,- Sid bless my Captain's name, , 4. How firm and bold Ghrisf ^ soldiers ar^ When dressed up in this rObe 5 |p M' r> HYMN' 277 I for w.ar, Tlioy look like men Or like the sons of 1»< Their shield is faith, their helmet, hope, j .And thiis they march Christ*S road, | Chrisi's spirit is their glitt'ring sword, They act their port for God. ^ ■■.■'■■ ■■. ■■■..■ ■'■^''' ■ " I HYMN 183, IVirtSd^S.M^ , * ' "^ '''■''' Penitence, ' ' ■ ^' ■>_ * T^TD Christ o'er sinners weep? U And shall pur cheeks be dry! Let floods of penitential grief, . f . Burst forth from ev'ry cycf. 2 The Son of God in tears, Angels with wonder sec 1 Be thou astonish'd, O my soul, He shed those tears for thee ! \ 3 Hie ^ept that we might weep, Each «m demands atear; In heaven alone no sin is found. And there's no weeping there. ' ' ' ■" ■ ■ ■ , ■ ■ ' . > , HVMN 1S4, Part 2d— lis, ■^ Thehowerqf Trayei'^ mo leave my dear friends,, and with neighbors to % part, , ■;■■ V/^-':,:v:;-^- :•■:•'::. :^';>,; And go fromriiy home, it afflicts not my heart, Like the thought of absenting myself for a day. From that bless'd retreat where I've chosen to pray. # ,■*: > \ OUS. • •• i "^ •#'■'■■ r i < • • • * V ■' '•*■• "'. ■■ ■■'". '■ ■ ■ . ' ■ _ ■■ ^. : > . * •»» * 1 / / * ■■;•;.:::.:;:*;>• • • « ^ ^ MoocofY msouiVjon tbt chart (ANSI and IS^JEST CHART No. 2) .*" « 1.0 I.I !■■ |2j8 |5£ ■^ Lfi ■ 3^ |3j6 ' Itt IK l£ U fk u ■ttoift 1.8 .' . , r • 1.4 1.6 -r- A /APPLIED IN4/IGE Inc SKij 1653 Ea^t Main Street y.g Rochester. New York 14609 USA IS ' (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fox mS : : / .v .HYiVIN 184v. 2 Sweet bower, where the pine and the poplar > have spread, . ^^ And woven their, branches a roof o'er my head 5 itow oft have I knelt on the ever-green. there. And pour'd out my soul to my Saviour in prayer. 3 The early, shrill notes of a loved nightingale, That dwelt in thebower; I obiserved as my bell, To call me to duty, while birds in the air «r Sung anthems of praises as I went to prayer, 4 How sweet were the zephyrs perAmi'd by the The ivy, the l>alsam, and \vild eglantine 5 [pine, . But sweeter, sweeter superlative were The jo3;s that I tasted in answer topmyer. "■■*.'■'■ ' » " 5 For Jesus, my Saviour, oft deigned to meet, And bless with his presence my humble retreat, OH fill'd- me with raptures and blessedness there. Inditing, in heaven's own language, my ptayer. 6 Dear bower I must leave you, and bid you adieu, And pay my deyotion in parts that are new, Well knowing my Saviour resides ev'ry wherie, And can in all places give answer to prayer. 7 Although I shall never revisit the shade. But oft shall I think of the vows I have made. And while at a distance, my mind will repair, To the place where my Saviour first answer'd my prayjr. '■:' \:-:: ■' /y^^-]^^ 'Si^i '*!rfjfe* < nr^^^s^i. ^ HYMN 185, Part 2d— H, M. ■ Dedicatory Hymn. TO Crod who built the «ky, Who forniM the earth andjea, Who bade the comets fly, And order'd by decree, The planets ih their course to run, And order keep till time is done. 2 To thee, thou God of might, Our humble son^ we raise, With angels robed in light> - \^ We tune our hearts to praisfe, - Creation's God and nature's King- accept the sacrifice we Wuig. . 3.0 let thy Spirit shine, Upon this chosen place 5 And in thy light divine, Eeveal the way of grace : . Teach us to k^ow thy righteous will, That we thy precepts may fulfil. i Here^ oft within these walls, . ; Thy preseiice, liOrd, reVeal ; And to the gospel calls . Affix thy sacred «eal ; Make'truth to reach the sinner's heart, And to thy saints new strength impart. 5 Hiere may the poor be fed. All who Ijby igrace would prove. 279 ■f^ ; ■; mc^\ . '! n • ^ . . HYMN 186. Partake of 4iving bread, Which comes from heaven abore* Here maythe sick a balsam £nd, - To cure the anguish of the mind. 6 Here may the weary soul, TFith guilt and fear oppress\J, • I^rtake of blessings: fiil], And find the pfomis'd rest. . Cause trembling souls to lose tl^eir fear> :<:■' The dumb to s^eakj the deaf to hear.^ 7 GuroffVin^,tord,i»thine,! This house was built for thee I . O make thy pre^nce shine On it continually : Within these walk display thi; grace, And sanctify thisdiosen place.: « IHYMN 1^6, Part^d-^. M. ,' - ■ Anot^ierl LORD of eternal truth divine. Of heaven, and earth,. and sea; Descend, and own this house of thine„ ^ We dedicate to thee. -■ • ••,-•-'"■ 2 Here let thy glory, like a cloud. Descend and fill the place ; ; And look with mercy on the crowd. Who wait before thy iace.. :k ..■ •;•:■:''-:: HYMN 186/ •■ ■ ^■•' ;■■;",-'■ '28-1 ^ ^j^® j!,®aven of heavens cannot contaia ^ The God \vhom we adore ; Yet he descends*and dwells with men ' By his Ahnighty iiowej*. ' 4 Lord, here we meel to prejichfe prav. And hear, and thii?£^and^«too:, ' And consecrate this lioii^ to-day, ■ , A. temple to our King. > ' 5 ^ere let thy servants boldly stand. And here the gospel teaeh, And difF'rent orders in the land, May hd:e cote .. e Here letthy saints of ev'ry nanic, * Forget their party zeaU Tlie deaf; and dumb/and blind, and lame. May here salvatioii feel. " TO bless themen of jib'ral heart, _ Whose treasures have been dven To build the house we set apart, ' - -And consecrate to heaven. ' 8^May they have blessings more divine. "^^ treasure in the s^ies, € When sun and moon forbear to shine And old creation dies. . ^ 9 Let peace and glory be the lot, :Vf all assembled here j /' ./■ V „ • -,>'■■•.■■' ^ If! .: • ■ * . ! I' 18^ ^ HYMN 187. And angels guard the holy spot And house, from year to year. 1 Till time shall sweep the present age, To mingle with their dust ; , And children's children fill the stage,'^ Now occupied by us. - ••' HYMN 187, Part 2d— S. M. The loveof Jesus^ ^ TtTY Jesus, thou hast taught I\l This hearl to love but thcc ; The sweetest joys below are fraught With emptiness lo me. * .?" ■.•...'■ /''j 2 If sorrow shades my eyes. It is When thou art fled ; Deep in \^ dust my spirit lies, , And mourns its comTorts dead. 3 The world has lost its power To soothe this inward pain ; To me it is a faded flower, That cannot bloom again. 4 But when thy femile appcfirs. To chase my gloom away, How bursts my song ; how hmk my fears ; jMy night is turn'd to day. ■ ;;■■':;■-■.'■;■:' ••'^ hymn" 188. '■ v/l-^';;-. 5 Tiieii, Lord, no more permit . ^ This heart from thee to rove 5 O that I might forever sit At thy dear feet, and love. HYMN 1S8, Part 2c1^7s. ** Lovcst tiiou me r^ HARK^jmy soul, it is the Loj^! Iisthy Sayiour, hear his word, J^u^^aeaks, he speaks to thee ! •*Sayi^r sinner, lovest thou me ? 2 1 delivers thee when bound, . And wlien bleeding, heal'd thy wound : Sought thee wand'ring, set thee right, rurnM thy darkness into light. 2 "Can a mother's tender care - r Cease toward the child she^ bare I Yes she'may forgetful be^ ' Yet wiir I remember thee. . 4. « Mine is an unchanging love. Higher than the heights above, ^ Beejier tfTan the depths beneath Free arid fUitliiai, strong as death.; ./ Thou^halt see my glory soon, When the work of failh^s done^ Partner of my throne shaltbd| . V $ay, poor sinner, lovest thou meT^ 283 )!.■ ■■ i ■^-1 28* HYMN 189, 190. v Q Lord, it isj my chief complaint, That my love is still so faint, Yet I love thee, and adore ; O for grace to love thee more! liYMN 189, Tart 2d— S. M. . NowtJie accejHed Time, NO\Y is th' accepted time. Now is the day of grace ; y Now, sinncrs,^come, without delay And seek tfie Saviour's face. 2 Now is th' accepted time, •^ The Saviour calls to-day ; To-morrow it may be too late, ' -^heu why should you delay ? 3 Now is thVaCcepted time, • The gospel bids you come ; And every proniise in his wond Declares there yet is room. HYMN t^O, Part 2d^C. k. ; G^s gracious Call to Sinners, RETUEN, O wancierer— now return I And seek thy Fath^i^face ! Those new desires, j/itjiich in thee burn, Were kindled by liis grace. v 2 Return, O wanderer-^now return ! He heo-rs thy humble sigh*: ,iii^< , IK^'.. He sees thy softened spirit mourn, When no one else is nigh. *"'-■■■ 3 Return, O wamlerer— now retuirn ! Thy Saviour bids thee live : v y iCome to his feet — and grateful learo> / How freely he'll forgive. 4 Return , O wanderer— now return } And wipe the falling tear ^ • / Thy Father calls— no longer mourn ! x^is love invites thee near. . / HYMN 191, Part2d— L.M^ V To 'prepare fm- uvr^dp, . COME, Holy Spirit, calm each rnind, ! And fit us to ajiproach our God j Remove each vain each worldly thought, And lead us to thy bless'd abode. ° ■ ^ ■■ • 2 Hast thou imparted to our souls A living spark of holy fire ? Oh ! kindle now the sacred flame ; Make us to burn with pitre djesire. ^ 3 Still brighter faith and hope impart, And let us now our Saviour see^ Oh ! aooth and cheer each burden'd heart. And bid our spillts rest in thee. t' ,■ III .\f, ''•*' )is0B& # "Hi:' ': !i6 .HYMN 192,193, ' • HYMN 192, Part 2d— C. M. 6 HEAT Father of each perfect gift Behold thy servants wait ; With longing eyes — and lifted hands, We flock around tliy gate, 2 O shed abroad that royal gift. Thy spirit from above. To bless our eyes with sacred light, And fire our hearts with love. 3 Bless'd earnest of eternal joy, Declare our sins forgiven ; And {:)ear with energy divine. Our raptured tlioughts to heaven. HYMN 193, Part 2d— L. M. Prayer for the retur?i j^ the Spirit, * LORD, in the temples of thy grace Thy saints behold thy smilmg face ; Here have we seen thy glory shine With power and majesty divine, 2 Heturn,b Lord, our spirits cry ; Our graces droop; our comforts die j Return, and let thy glories rise Again to our admiring eyes ; 3 Till, fiU'd with light, and joy, and love, Thy courts below, like those above, r^ HYMN 194^195. S87 Triumphant hallelujahs raise, Till Ueaveu and earth resound with praise^ HYMN 194., Part 2d— L. M. Divine influence conqxired to rain, THE dews and rains, in all their store, Watering the pastures o'er and o'er, Are not so copious as that grace Which sanctifies and saves our race. '*-% 2 As in sod silence, vernal showers " Descend and cheer the fainting flowers ; So, in the secrecy of love, Falls the sweet influence from above. 3 That heav'nly i«%||pcctet us find In holy silence of thfffiind, . While ev'ry grace maintains its bloom PifFusiug wide its rich perfume. 4 Nor let these blessings be confined To us, but pour'd on all mankind : Till earth's wide wastes in verdure riso And a new Eden bless our eyes. HYMN 195; Part 2d--C. M. Prayer for Divine help, . ^ OH help us, Lord ! each hour of need Thy heav'nly succor give j • Help us in thought, in word, and deed, Each hour on earth we live. '.i! i -'W i ! ; m HYMN 196. ^ -^^^^^^ 2 heJp us, when onr spirits bleedf With contrite anguish sore, w/V Atid when our hearts are cold and aead Oh help us, Lord, the more* 3 Oh help us through the prayer of faith,^^ More firmly to believe ; For still the more the servant hath, ^: The more shall he receive. 4 Oh help us, Father, from on high, We know no help but thee ; ^ Oh help us so to live and die, As thine in heaven to be. - ^ v- HYMN 196, Fart 2d— lis. ^ I icould not live always. I WOULD not live always, I ask not to stay, Where storm after storm rise§ dark o'er the way; ^ The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its 2 I would not live ahvays thus fettered by sin, Temptation without and corruption within ; E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears. And the cup of thanksgiving with penitent tears. 3 I would not live always : no— welcome the tomb. Since Jesus hath lain thOre, I drelld not its gloom : i . HYMN 197. A There sweet be my rest, till he bid me arise, 10 Jiail himin triumph descending the skies. 4 4 Who would live always, away from his Got?. Away from yon heaven, that blissful alxxlc. Where rivers of pleasure flow o^er tho bright plains, » ^ And the noontide of glory eternally reigns. ^J^^T ^^® *°'*i*^ ""^^^ "ges in harmony met f, iif.T ^?^*^»r and brethren transported to erect : While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll. And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the ^oul. HYMN 197, Part 2d-8 Sc 7$, Christian Fellowstii^i and Union. COME, my Christian friends and brethroit Ijound for Canaan's liappy land, Come imite and walk together, Christ the Saviour ]gives command. 2 Lay aside this party spirit, ^ Slight your Chris^tian friends no more. Conie unite and bliss inherit, - Ziori's peace again restore. ^ 3®'^^ "?I^!"^ ^""^ brother's conscience. This to God alone is free, Nor contend for non-essentials, But in Christ'united be. ^'^^. v. »■ t ^-•>.: '§■ . \ \ ■■' ,'!^' ffil : .*». . ^lp^» .2*6 HYMNl9t. t^^ Here'^s tlie word> £he gmnd eriterioiTp ^' ^ fllliis rfitfli all CHW doctrine pwve j ^ ^Christ the centre of our union, ^ And the bond b Chxistian lovew 5 Here's my hand; my heftKt and spirit,. Now in fellowdbip I give ; Now we'll love, and pea^ inllerit, Show tifte woM how ChKistians live* ^•^ / r 6 Now well preaeh and' pray together, Praise, giVe thanlts, and shout, and aing^ Now we'll strengthen one another. And a^ire our Iwiavenly King. 7 Now we^l join in sweet communion^ E^iund the table of our Lord j Lor# confirm our Chriatiegl union, By thy spirit and thy woid* V S kcwthe wcwldwiUhec^ To believe in Christ our King 5 TThousan^, thousands be converted^ Round the.earth his praiiSes ring. 9 Happy day ! Ojoyftil hour, ^ Thank the Lord, his name we l&less ; Send thy word, my Lord, with powejp, Fill the world with righteousness. -fi^k- "m^^^^0mf^rf^ T-j.jf,)j5m •«« ■■■ ■ HYMN 198.:' ■■:■■ ■'\s;25j ,.v.7:"v /HYMN 1&8, Part 2d— iis."''-'C:-- ;,:■: Tliellld. % milE fields are all white, the harvest is near, a The angels all with their shari)sickles a.war » ixuZ^lt'^^V^, ^vhoat anMather it in ba'rns, W hile the wild pJantsof iiattll are left for to burn. » _Come then,0 my soul, medltbte ]f ^"^ ^"''^ ;n«'atd«ad alarm, fea><>ig "Gather my samts, bring them all to mv ti) Ills, 1. i" < I ^ W^J^Si:- ' -y ~' «"-! my saints- liv^!^"'^ wretched sinners, look up and espy 1 he glorious E«deemer march down fiomthi sky t m i, if. ill t02 HYIVIN 199. In a chariot of fire to earth he is^bonnd, With a guard of angels attending him down . 7 Come hither ye nations, your sentence receive. No Longermy Spirit shall strive and be griev'd ; My sentence is right, and my judgment is just, Come hither ye blest, but depart all ye curs't. 8 O sinriers/take i^rniiig, and seek ye the Lord, I have not been jesting, His •Jesus* own word, Tliat those who believe in bright glory shall stand, While all unbelievers are sure to bedamn'd. •9 Now farewell, I leave you to ponder your way, May the Lord sealinstrnclion from what Inowsay; That our souls to God's throne may be pour'd out :'V -iu'prayV, •'. ■ ;■ And we be prepar'd to meet Christ in tlie air. HYMN 199, Part 2d— L. M, At DUmission. DISMISS us with thy blessing Lord., Help uft to feed upon thy word ! All that has been amiss forgive, And let thytilith within us live, 2 Though we are guilty, thou art good ; Wash all our works in Jesus' blood j Give every fetterM soul release^ And bid us all depart in peaee» Hymn 200, Pan zd^s. m. < Before immersion, MINISTERS AND ELDERS. /CHOOSE ye his cross to bear yj W*?^]^wed lo Jordan's wave ? Clad in his armour, will ye dare^ In faith, a Wat- ry grave ? dANDiDATESr 2 We love hia»*.holy word| j His precepts we obey ; Buried in baptism with our Lor(J We seek to be this dav. m :■■..■■•■■,■',.• ,- ■" 'V.:.: '■ .GHOIr/ -■:-:;;;**•:■::■• 3 All hail ! ye blessed band! Shrink not to do his will| In deep hiimility this work Of rigliteousness Mfil. 4 Tread ill the Saviour's steps ; Invc&e his spirit free ; • And as he ope'd the^tes (^dcatfa ^o may your rising be. JffYMN 2ar, P^rt 2d~L. M. ^ l^ie tmnderer. B1STURN, O wanderer, return, . , And seek an injiir'd Father's foce t X hose warm desires that in thee burn ' Were kindledl)y reclaiming grace* m ■•»w»r-*sf*!ees '-y,-^':*--^*- 2 Return, O wanderer, ret^rn, And seek a Father's melting heart !; His pitying eyes thy grief discern ; His hand shall heal thine inward smart. 3 Return, O wianderer, return I He heard thy deep repentant sigh J He heard thy softened spirit mourn When BO intruding ear was nigh^ -*" 4f Return, O wanderer, return J Thy Saviour bids thy spirit live ; Go to his bleeding feet, and learn How freely Jesus can forgive. 5 Return, O wanderer, return, And cast away thy slavish fear •Tis God'who says, "- No longer mourn ;'' •Tis mercy's voice invites thee near. 6 Return, O wanderer, return ! Regain thy lost, lamented rest j Jehovah's melting bowels yearn To clasp his Ephraim to his breast. HYMN 202, I^rt 2d~C. M. Sciitude. , I LOVE to steal awhile away From every cumbering care> jind spend the hours of setting day '^ In humble, •grateMprayer% 9 -^ HYMN 203, 2^ The penitential teaar, And all hi^promiiefttaipflead Where none !but G«d can liear. ,3 1 love to thinSc on nieveies pa«t, And futiire good implore ; And all my cadres and wmrowtB Cd9t On him HT^om I adoffe. !• Il(yee%ifea1?htota&e«'view ; OfbrfghterxBcenesinlieaven; - The pros)9ect doth my strength rene\Jir While here l^ytempesW^rven. . • .' i-' •" . ' • ' ». ''-■.■ - t" ■'■-■■*■. " ' ' ■ ■■ Si Thus Vhcn life^ toilescimeiday is 6^ May its departing a«y > ^ Be calm as this irnpressire howy And lead to endleas^lay. HYMN 203, P^^2d-^P. M. COME let ns all unite ta«ing, ^ .Godisiovei.-^ ■:::;-, ',p^::::y.: While heaven and ^airth their prikes ring, Gpdislave. ^ , i Let every soul iCrom 'dn awi^,^ ? His harp novi^^rom the willow take, 4^nd sing with us fcnr J«sua^ sa^ I J ;■' i:.' J?!S5SlrtiTW(W-„ tJttLui \i/- .'«3*-w 1^ 1*1 ■! .11 „l| ■» |" «^ *•■> ! > I » ■'1**" i,*< ■ ■ ■ ■WH'TWt?'!^ . hymn 203.k-;;-v^^V:\:' ?'■■; 2 Go tell to earth's remotest bounds/ Godislove; lii Christ we have rediBmption found; > Grod is lover ^ His blood has wash'd our sins ai*'ay ; His Spirit turii'd' our night to day 5 And now we can rejoice to say, Godis love|:God is love. , - ,• ■ 8 Ifow happy is our portion here ! • . (5oa is love ; His prolnises our spirits oheeiv God'islove:* He is our sun and shield by day, ; Bpliight he near our tent willstay, lie will be with us all the way, ,^ God islovej Godiisvlove. '%:■ What tho* my heart and flesh should fail^. _^ Godislove; Through Christ I shall o?er death prevail, (Srod is love : ; V In Jordiin^ swells I wiU not feir, V My Jesus will be with me there, My head above the waves hell bea^, ,, God is love; God is love, 5 In Canaan's land 111 sing again, ^ Godislovej imdthis shall be niy sweetest stmini^ ' ■■^.■^■:Vv::God.i«,lovfit^:i .;:•;•■■ \ * t ■: :;:v ,:°0.'- VtYM^ 204, .'-;'; While endless ages roll along, - ril triumph with the shining throng,. Alia thif shall be ©Hr sweetest song,. Ood h love f God is love. ., HYMN 204, PiMftSd— 6 & 9. , flOME away to the skies, * V My beloved arise, /^ Aiid rejoice in the day thoM wagt iiorn. On the festival day, • ^ Come exulting awayy j/ And with singitig to Zi©n reten^ 2 Wehaveiaid^ipeurlove, And our treasure above, Though our bodies continue below • . The redeem'd?of tjie Lord, ' We remember his word, And with singings to. p&i^dise go. . 3^ With singing we pmise The original grace, By our heavenly Father bestowM*: Qurbqing receive ^ From his bounty, and live- do the honoiwaadJ glory of Q(^^ ^ 4 For thy glory we were Created to share Both the natuire and kingdom divine^ 2^7 .^. ■■:^ ',1 :v.t;' r«- ^M K' - — . .a.1^ .1." - \ v^ t^'i-mm ■«.. 2W HYMN201>. - t • -•>':"■ Created again v - y That our souls may remain, / In time and eternity thin^. 5 Tn assurance of hope, " We to Jesus lo©k up, * Till his banner's unfurl'd in the air. From our graves we shall see, ' And cry out it is he. And £Ly up to acknowledge him there* 205, Part 2d— C. M. O that I were as in months jxist, SWEET was the time when first I felt The Saviour'* pard'ning blood. Apply 'd to cleanse my soul from guilt, And bring me home to God. H Soon as the morn the light re veal'd. His praises tun'd my tongue ; And when tliie evening shades prevail. His love was ail my song. % Tn vain the tempter spread his wil^ r The world no more eoiild charm ; I liv'd upon my Saviour's smiles. And leanM upon his arm. 4 In prayer my soul drew near the Lord, Ai^ saw his glory shine i -•-.t.-i^-aa f-.- ----.T«»l^at;j»iMpi'r"' ' " "*^' ■\ / HYMN 206. Ami when T read his holy word, /I calJ'd eHch promise mine. 5 Then to the saints I often spoke, *' Of what his love had done ; But now iriy heart is almost broke. For all my joy:t, are gone. 6 Now when the evening shade pre viiil, My soul m darljness mourns; And when the morn the hght reveals, \. No ligl^t to me returns. ■ ■ .. ■/ ■ ■ ^ ■■■■■.■.• " ■/. ■ ■ 7 My pt^y'rs are now a chatt'ring noise, ' For J^sus hides his face ; 1 read— the promise meets my eyes, But will not rtfach my case. 8 Now Satan threatens to prevail, And make my soul his prey, Yet Lord, thy mercies canaot ikil, O come without delay. ' •HYMN 206, P&rt 2d--L. M. _ A call to Smners, QTNNERS ilrise, the Saviour's come, U And bleeds fur wretched souls like yoit. Hls mercy calls the rebok home. Forgives their sins, aflfcoves theriftoo. 2 Come to the feiast without delay, iieijote the gospel*caU is o'er, ; 29^ ■.c. ■i'-'i' Rill ii ife-/ I'll ■:;t A ■u" AJ ; ,■»> f . . 'iH' itlilil wi ""^ iT j1 !■ ,"^ SOa * HYMN 207. Embrace the blessed Lord to-day, Lest he should go and call no morev ;*tit'. 3 Ten thousand 90uTs have enter'd in, And fuinnl a feast of love divine ; Come tluHi^jpoor sm^uIs, witfe all your sin*,. And the Redeemer will be thine. 4 Those happy soiife who're gone before,.^ Were once in sin as- vile as you ; v w O doubt the Saviour'* love no more, [^ But come and ta&te his goodness toOr HYMN 207, Parf Sd^L. Trustmff in, God, ./ ¥HII>RI to grief ray soul gave way To see the work of Qod decline, Methought \ heard^ th-e Saviour saj^y <* Dismiss t% fean»> Che atk is n^ne.. /'/.■ 5 "ilTionglt for a tirae^I hide my Rely u[)on my lovif^ and ])6wer : Still wrestle at the tiu'one df graceir And wait lor a reviviii^. houf .. 3 ^'Takedown thy long^-negTected harp ; I've seen thy tears and heard thy prayer. The winter season has been sharp, JB«t sjiring shall all its wastes repair.'* i- •Jii<*4.4a.-,':wiJ'j;-»«'«^,-; ?^ff»3jSp^ IIYMN208. 4 TiOnl, I obey—my hopes reviv4!>. _ Come, join with me, ye uaints, and ainrr. \hn foes m vain against ns strive, '^ For God will heJpaud triumph bring. HYMN 208, Part 2d-Ic. M. IHu! ivord of Gixl Uie rnily ^lefor Cknsliam. THY word, O LonI, directs the saints, The path that leads to heaven ; Revives the soul that almost faints, And shows their sins forgiveo^ i It shines on Error's gloomy night, ^ Removes the mists away. And sheds the boams of heavenly Leht Creates the rising day. ' 3 There shines the richest grace displayM Descending through thy S«j ; ' It is a firm foundation laidf To build our faith upon. 4 It is the standard which we bear, • The rule we would obey ; We find the Wh of Jesus therei ^f The new and liying way.'' 5 "Tjs there tire find the ChrisUan n&me ; We there unite in love ; * • ' The Lord our King, we all procIainL, Who rules the worlds above. 801 "♦,• *. • ■■ I •' Mir ■«;■:. \ f.(» ■"^'-i ^ ' ""-^ .jj^' "•"^%. ■"■■:;v.'^HYMN20k..- %■;: 6 With tliank.% my soul, this plan embruce, When) rising gluriesdwoll ; "7 And as ye fiiii the heavenly raco/ His pruisee ever 9WcU. \ '/ ^ M HYMN 209, Port 2d— C. M. "*m ' ' ■■..•', J5rsw3 CAWj^ (mrjidjrd both tftcirs aiidoun, SWEET are the gifts which gracious hcav'n On tnie bclievei'8 i^rs ; \ * But the best gift is gruTe to knovir' '^ - That Jesus Christ is oura. \ ■■•■., 2 Our Jesus! what rich drops of bliss Descend in copious show'rs, . iiy hen ruin'd sinners, such as we, W By iaith can call him ours. 3 Differ we nwiy in agojind state, Learning and mentalpow'rs ; I |Jut; all the s#nts may joui and shpufj \iElear Jesus ! thou art ours. ° . •■ ^^^^'- ■' '■■■■ ./^.^ ■ :/ --r. ■.';•:..- . . ■•„ ■mm ■ • ■ : ■■ * ho know our Jesus not, earth's gay ilow'rs, in c^^l^tter lot, at he is ours. ^ 5 "V\Tien hope with elevated fligl^, Tow'rd heaven in rapture towVs; Tis this supports our venl'rous wing, We luiow tliat Christ is ours. w'' M ^ * * Tho' providence with daik'nitiff sky, ^ f We rise superior to the ^foom; ^ " Whea amgiiig Chri^ p OM^^ '^^r?u' ^^^'""^ ^*^® ^^^ ^»t^ ail *♦* joy* ;j_^With capper Imto devours, ^ May take inferior things away, • But Jesus still is ours. / 8 Hwte then/dun timo/aml tennmat^ _ A *»y filow revolving hours J y^e wi6h, wo pray, we long. Wo pan«, ill heaven to cull him ours. HYMN 210, rart 2d— C. M. Our bodies frail, and God our preserver "^^.^xT ^^^^^ ^^* ^^^^ »^'ong they be, XJ Nor death nor danger fear [ But we'll confess, O Lord, to thee. What feeble things we are. 2 Fresh as tlie grass ourbodies stancl; And floufish bright and gay ; * ^ A blasting wind sweeiw o'er the land And fades the pp» away, ' ^ 3 Our life contains a thousand springs ^ And dies, if one be gone ; - Stmnge that a harp of thousand Wtrinffi^ Should keep in tune so long. / "^ J ''"I • ^ '•■• ■•'1/ i> ■> /'f'}f\u ' ft .^r/ ;)-i^-. » 30i HYMN 21!. • 4 .But 'tis our God supports our frame^ ^^ . Tl»e God who built us first; > ^Salvation to th' Almighty name / That rearM us firom: the dust. 5 While we liave breath, or use our tongues, ^ Our Maker we^l adore ; His spirit moves our heaving lun^, Or they wtmld breathe DQ^Eaore. w *[YMNill, Part 2d---C. M. ^ 77ie death and burial qfa saint, * ^ HY do we moiirn departed friends^ - Or shake at dea tile's alarms ? ^TLs but the voice tl^t Jesus sends, To call them to^is arms* IJ AjRe We not tending upward too, * As fast as time can move? Nor would we wish the hours more slow, : To keep U9 from our love, 3 Why would we tremble to convey Their bodies to the tomb ? There the dear flesh of Jesus lay, r And left |i long periuroe. ■'-■■■ ■ « 4 The graves of all the saints he bless'd, And soflen'd evVy bed : Where should the dying members rest,. But with their dying Head? CAMEfethes IIYMN 21iJ. 305 ^ TFhence he arose, ascendcfd high. And showd' our feet the way : U]) to the Lord our sonls shall fly 7 At the great rising day* ; . 6 Then lot the last loud trumpet sound, And bid our kindred rise : Awake ye nations under ground: S Ye saints ascend the skies. * HYMN 212, I^t 2d— 11 Sc 8. The Tf^itte Pilgrim. ^liirhere the White Pilgrim lay, i And pensively stood by the tomb, VViien in a low whisper, 1 heard something say, How sweetly I sleep here alone. 2 The tempests may howl, and loud thunders roll, And gathering stonits may arise, - Yet calm are my feelings at rest is- my soul, . The tears are all wip^d froro^my eyes. 3 The cause of my Master propelled me hern I bid my companion ftireWelJ ; ^ : [honic, I left my poor children, who for me now ixiowrn. In far distant regions to dwell. m i 4- I wandered arranger, an alien below, To publish salvation abroad, The trump of the gospel endeavour'di to blow, Inviting poor sinners to God. ■ 20 . ■■:■■:•;-■-::/■■■■■■■;■■ '::'-^^ ll-l <•>■ 306 HyMN21^* ? But when among jgangeis and fai: from ijiy ^ homey/' :;:.■';• ■■^.•■■;-'v.. ■■.. No kin nor relcrticii was nigh, I met the contagion and sunk in the tomb, 'My spirit to mansions on high. 6 Go tell my companion, and children most dear, To weep not for Joseph though gone ; The same hand that led ^le through scenes dark and drear, 1 ^ Has kindly assisted me home* : . ■ ■ ■'•-', '■'■' ' ■■ HYMN 213, Par^^^^ Chnst'*spresence makes death eas^, IITHY should we start and fear to die ? It What timVous worms we mortals are t Death is the gate of endless joy. And yet we dread to enter there. 2 The pains, the groans, and dying strife^ Fright our approaching sou]s away: * Still w^ shrink back again to life, jFVhkI of our prison and our clay. 3 Oh, if my Ix>rd would come and meet, *^y soul should stretch her wings and haste^ fly fearless throitgh death's iron gate, Nor feel the terrois as she passM^ - v^ Jeswscan ; Feel soit as downy pillows are. ?'• HyMN2l4v SOT While on his breast I l^an my head, Aud breathe i^iy life out sweetly there, HYMN 214, Part 2d---C.M. W„ Goc^niy only hapjnness, IIAT empty things are all the skies, And this jnlbrior clod ! There's nothing here deserves my joy« - There's nothing like my God. ' 1! [In vain the hrinrht the burning sun: f?catters his ieeble Jight, Tis thy sweet beams creates my noon • if thou withdraw, 'tis niffht* * 3 And while upon my resMessbcd Among the sliadcs I roll, If my redeemer showsi his head, 'Tismorniug with my soui.] 4 To tliee I owe my wealth, and iricnds,^ ; And health and ssi/e aljode ; Thanks to thy name for meaner thin '^ But they are not my God/^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^ >i IIow vain a toy is glfttVing Wealth, If once compared to th f e I Orwhafsmy saiety, or my health. Or aU my iVi^nds, to me / Q Were I possessor of (he earth, And^iealfed' the starsmy own ; " I ii I 'I n •: m / 308 HYM*J215. Witliout thy graces and thyself; i werfe a wretch undone. . 7 Let others stretch their arms lilrc sea;^/ And grasp in all the shore ; . Grant me the visits of thy face, v And I desire no more. ^ ^ r^. HYMN^l5/PaYt 2d^^ I My souTs Experience, - I'LL sing a song which doth belong To all the people round me ; , I'll spread the fame of Jesu's name, - And tell how Jesus found me. 'Twas in distress and wickedness, These words he spake unto me : **0 sinner come, in me there's room ;" how these words ran through me ! ' ' ' ^ ■ , . - ■ . ■• 2 I was like Paul, wh6 was call'd Saul, In bitter persecution : ^^ I did disdain being born again, 1 call'd it a delusion. I fought the saints without restraint, Too protid to cry for mercy ; Conviction strong did come along ; Q how these things did pierce mel 8 I did not know which way tagoj My sins were like a mouiitaiti ; And jSlPd with wo, the teai^ did floW| ■J r A :J HYMN 216. My head was like a fountain. T thoiight I'd been so long in siri^ • I could not be forgiven ; Then Jesus came, O bless his n^e ! And fiird my soul with he^en. 4. X raised my voice and>^d rejoice, - ^''Xw^ glory, glory, glory ; Then I did learn Jmis was mine ; O what a plo^ng story ! I love the Lord, 1 love his word, Hoy e ajJ>diose around me ; ThetT; bi:ethren dear, don't it appear, 'JluM^Jesus Christ has found me ? HYMN 216, Part 2d---7 & 6. Tlie amverth aons. THE glorious light of Zjon ^ Is spreading Jar and wide, And sinners they are coming - Into the gospel tide ; The standard of King Jesu^ lu glorious triumph raise, A^d^sinners they are coming With joy and sweet surprise. % The suff 'rings of our,Saviour Ujx)n mount Calvary, A re sdunding sweet to' sinners, Come, this will set you free , And while this glorious message^ >^ I' 1 if «*''^|p*-*:spiK^ K ..te 310 HYMN 216/ Is circulating round, Some sbufeiBxposed to min ^ jiedeeming grme have £>und. ■J''^^;, •.v> 3 And of this happy number I hope thatlam one, , And Je^us he will finijsh The work he has Ix^i^iin ! lle'jl cut it short in righteousness, ;-i <^i And 1 for ever be -S A monument of mercy To all eternity. '4 I am but a young convert, Who]a|ely did enlist, . A soldil^r Unto JesHJ?, v Onr Gaptain, King, and Priest; I have received my bounty, likewise my martial dress, A ring of love and favour, A robe of righteousness. 5 ^Tis down untcrth© water That we young converts go, To serve our Lord and Master In righteous acts below/ ^ We lay our sinful bodies ; ^neath |he yielding wave,^ Ju likeness ot our Saviour. As h& lay la his grave.' i ■■■vi 1' ; V. HYMN 217. 16 Come all my elder brethren, Who're soldiers of the cross,. Who for the sake of Jesus, Have cjounted ail things dross ; Come pray for us young converts, Tliat we may travel on, And meet you all in glory, Wlier^our Eedeemer^s gone. HYMN 217, Part 2d— 5 & 6. The Imppy Saints^ OTELL ine no more Of this world's vain store, The time f(H* such trifles With me now is o'er. ■2 A city I've foimd, Where true joys abound ; To dwell Vm determined On this happy ground. • '•' » 3 My soul, don't dday. He eallsthee away. Rise, foWow thy Saviour, And J>]ess the glad day. 4 No mortal doth know What Christ can bestow ; What light, strength, and oom liMftfe Ck> after him, go. 311 "■■M I f'i'ii m I 1 I i 1' n I ^1 ifM 'i k I '1 x •<; . / ^i2 HYMN 218. : 5 La, onward I move To a city above, None knowing how wondroii:* : i My journey will prove. 6 Great spoils tsliall win From deatW hell, and sin, ^ 'Mid outward^afflictions Shall feel/Christ within. 7 And wh€4rmtodie^ Receive me, I'll cry, • For Jesus doth love me, I cannot tell why. / 8 But this I do find. We twoares6j<;in\f, • He'll not live in glory .^ And leave jne behind* ■y HVMN 218/Part 2d— C. M. fh^lovelimssof brethren dwdling iminitTf. /IITHEN Christians all in friendship mee^. 11 And in their XjojA agree; / TJiey feel th6 love of Jesus sweet, > ' lu/bondsof unity. x^ / a They then forget tlieir party zeal. And all divisions cease f Thfi law of God they would fiilfil/ - And ever dwell in peace* "/• ■/ ' 1^ *'-^i / 3 l;ike lambs or dove^ they peaceful rest, AncJ-w) contentions there ; , And all of Jesus' mind possess, His lovely image bear. 4 could we see them joined inono How would onr rapture rise ; We would proclaim the work is done, / And dry our weeping eyes. ^' 9.^®''^^> ^^^ down thy heavenly love f Give every soul the flame ; And all professions quickly move To union in thy name. HYMN 2 1 9, Part 2d— C. M. T/ie goodness of God, >, /^WEET is the mem'ry of thy grace, yJ My Grod, my heavenly Kinir ; Let age ^o age, thy righteousness in sounds of glory sing, 2 God reigns on high, but ne'er confines ' ^ His goodness to the skies ; Through the whole earth his bounty shines And evVy want supplies. ' 3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait • On thee for daily food ; Tliy libral hand provides their meat, * -^'^ And fills their mouth with gocd.' r 31* .§^tf^ ^ #^ HYMN 220, :\ Sv ' ■ ^ 1 -. 4 How kind are thy compassions, Lord,. »,V How slow thine apg|er moves ! :^\ ' But soon he sends hijs hardening word '^^x. To cheer the souls he loves. 5 Creatures, with all their endless race*, - Thy power and praise proclaim ; But saints that tasteithy richer jiiice, , Delight to bless tijy name/ • * HYMN 220, Part 2d~7 & 6. The Heathen^ s Request. FAR, far o'er eastfim mountains. Where nature's j beauties spread, And streams from forest fountains Flow down to ocean's bed ; Beneath the summe|r's sunny skies, Where shaded palrri-groves bloorn, A nd orange with the lime-tree vies In shedding rich perfume, ■ . ■ ■ . ■ • ' . . ■ : ■"' . V ■• ■ ' • ' ' ■ . " .,.-". ' ■ ■ . ■ . '<' ■ ■ ; " ■ 2 A voice is heard, like tempest loiid- That lellM some lofty tree, Or si^dden blast from passing cloud Of heaven's artillery : 'Tis heathen nations rending ' The air with sorrow's wail, Their eager eyes still bending, Celestial light to hail. <■■■ ■ N S: HYMN 221, Rirl 2(1— L. M. The Penitent: piTY a helplpss sinner, Lord, ± Who would believe thy ijracions word ; mi own ray heart, with shame and crief A massi of sin and unbelief. / 2 Lord, in thy house I read there's room • And ventV in g hard, behold T eome ; But can there, teJ I me, can there be Among thy children room for me ? HYMN 221, 315 3 Have yon the hoonof Heaven? These snn^burnt heathens say, ui That was in mercy givon To guide our lonoJv way; w^J''^"''''"'''^"-^'^^^ ^" s^»''J<^ss night, m _w^thou* one cheering my; Send to our gloomy lands the light Of everlasting day. * 'J^^S; heathens, here, out.l)eaming, (^od s truth shinrs stroiig and tree, And soon Its radiance, gleaming. _ Yoiir wondVing eyes shall see :— feoon, beauteous on your mountains, Mmll gosfiel heralds stand, And Zion's richeist fountains^^ ' -^ • !' \ % Stream gladness through your land. ill )] li . .1' 316 IIY^tN 222, 223. ; v ^ .*} For sinners, Ijord, thou canjit to bleetl f And Vm a sinnor vile indeedT^ TiOrd, I l)clicvc thy grace is tree ; O, niagndy that ^ruce in me. . JIYMN 222, Part 2(1— L. M: _ 77itf sinmr\'< comidaint and txmf fusion. OWHAT a hardeuM wretch am I ! Will nothing molt my harden'd mincl?- 1 hear that Christ is passing hy, 13iit SCO him not, ibr I uiU blind. 2 His bovvels^yoarn o'er wretched' men, And 1 am call'd to taste his Jove ; ^ And yet my heart so hard in sin, ', I neither feel, nor melt, nor move. 3 Long has he waite^t my door, . And I a wretch as Jong dcspis'd ; And now if he should ciili no more, fn endless death I close my eyes. i. / 4 And yet how careless an? I still, iSurrounded with important scenes ; 1 O Jesus,' turn lyjy rapid will, Remove my guilt, and break my chains. ■ ■,•■. ' ' > . '■ _ HYMN 223, Part 2d-^L. M. A reproof oftheuvdtUing, EAR, O ve starving worldlings, hear. fi ^ &''> Your days are short, your doom is near j "^^n Poon yfin miwt nuit this moHa! sliorc, >Aiid all your gods shall be uoinore, : 2 Althoiinrh ybii dream that all is w^ll, ' VouVe srUdiwpr down the road to hell ; ' ^ And while yoiiVe niiusinij in your drenni, I'hp devil triiuiiphji iu his seheiue. , • *i you lalK)r hard on earth to find . * Home sensual joys to plcasiMho mind ; ^ But knoW(j^mt all the joys you have, Avfll ue^fel•^cacl|u beyond the gmvc. * * 4 O leave the troaehVous jxUhs you trod. And turn ye starving souls to God ; The bread oDife is at yc»ur door, Otaste and i^tarve your :art2d---r;. M. -^ > WHAT a wretched simicr, Lord j I now befirin to see, Xlie danger of the ways I've trod, But know not where to llee. - 2 Long hav^ T tuniM mv liack on Uiee, And slighted ail thy grace j Yet pity Lord, O pity me,. » And let me see thy face. Jt-Osheuld-tiKwr yfehf up my breath, ^ I must go down to dwell ;tr M "M?f !'■ "'. It' I' ^4i \' it ■II: 7 U Itiv -tS" » , . ill ■ \* M 1 1 • # t*" ^'^<;/*}^ * )r f ? /'■■ .1 ^ V ■r-' - ff m .■^>-'^-:' ■ ::;. ^HYMN 225. '^ • ' -.'^ :'.'■.- In chains of evei^sting death, r^-i^^ With sinners cast to heU. ^ 4 Lord change my heart, or/I am gone ; O give me Jife divine ! ^ Though I am old, may I be born^ A heav'nly child of thine. HYMN 225, Rirt 2d-^S. M; Jjove to the saifUSi I LOVE the sons of grace, The Jieirs of bliss divine, Who walfe in paths of righteousness^ And fly from ev'ry sin. / ^ ttey will my feults reprove, yVVhen heedlessly I err ; low dol pri^e their faithful loVe! Their kind ^nd tender care* ".-■.';.■.■ " ., '• 'X. _.';■■ 3 They Jesus* image bear ; How lovely is the sight ; They shall at length with him appear In everlasting light. 4 Tliey love the Father's name, And gladly do his will ; They humbly follow Christ the Lamli, Jn purity and zeai^ it. HYMN 22^. ^ ^ ^ts^Ps M puRue .With vigor till I die ; itejoicing in the pleasing, view Uf meeting them on high. <> It » a sweet employ r^ To join in WQiship here ; Buthowdivine will be tfie joy. io see each other there. HYMN 226, I>art2d-L. M. Sinners invited to Christ. U With pardon in his bleeding hands To court yon from the j.ws of helf, ' i hat you »tt-pegect Wiss may d weJl. 2 Hm qiirit With its healinfirnow'r, S hl^ ,i ^f*"°*. '^^^ «'" has made. And heal the sick^ and raise the dead. 3 P stifle not the heavenly voice, m hear and in his name rejoice ; Attend he call, his 1,,^^ embrace. And taste the sweetness of his gi^. * **^'" ''« your Father and your Friend Your heart shall sing, your ^rrowleS He II feed you with immortal love. ' And|jmg you to his courts above. / *; .■■■-•■■"■ 319 ^i-y< »? • ■' 3^0 HYIVIN 227, 228. HYMN 227, Part 2d---I^. Mv ' The lope of Christ sited abroadi?i tJie heart, COME dearest Lord, descend and dwell By iailh and love in ev'ry breast^ Thenshall we know, and taste, and leel, The joys that cannot be express'd. 2 Coine fillour hearts with inward stRniglli, Make our enlarged sonls possess, ^nd learn the height, and breadth, and length Of thine immeasurable grace. » ■ .'■'■' ■•■ '• .-. '' ■ '■ /■* ■.■'■■■ 3 Now to the God whose pow'r can do ^^ M^ than our thoughts and wishes know ; Bo everlasting honours done, ■' / By all the church, thro' Christ his Son. HYMN ^28, Part 2d— C. M.^^^ ^ ^ ' ' The Prodigal Son. >^ AFFLIC^ONS,tho' they seein severe, In mercy oft are sent ;%#/^ Theystopp'cl the prodigal's pareer, ; ; And taught hinfto repent. ^ 2 His father sa\vhirajc^nitpl>ack,^^^^^«^ He Isaw, and ran , and smiled , And threw hi§ arms around the n^ck ; Of his ftbelUaus child. $ « FaUier, Pve sinn'd-^mt O, forgire T « I've heard enough^' he said. €"'■ Tlie^ heVh And 2 Th( 'AUni Thep .Andt] 3And Who'^ Let pa IhChr .^" ■ HYMN 229. 91^1 *< Rejoice, m^hoiTse,niy son's alive For whom 1 moiim'd as dead. ' 4 Nd^ let the fktteh'd calf be slain, ^ And spread the news around ; My son was dead^ but lives again, \Vas lost but now is found." 5 'Tis thus rhe Lord his love reveals, /■' To call poor sinners home ; More than-a father's love he feels And welcomelall that come. ''■-."•■"■-'■■ ■■■"■• ',■■'. - * llYMISf 229, Part 2d~-lls. Medernptfon. nOME fnends and relations, let's join heart and V hand, / Tlie^voice of the turtle is heard in our land : Lets all walk together and follow the sound, iS^ ^ — ^^^"^ "^^"^'^ redemption is ■ "''■■ ■ • . ■■ . " '■ .■■"''' ■ ■- ' ^'' . ■ ■ " 2 ^The place is not hidden, nor is it concealM, 'All mortals may know it, for 'tis now re veard ; J lie place is in Jesus, to Jesus we'll ^o, . : And there find redemption from sorr^lws and woe. ^ f l^ndy^^^ T^r "^ ^^^tn^ ^ free paidon tfiro'faithin his word, r>ip.*'^"^^ attend you whereyer yw te, in Lhrist you'yeyedempt:ion,'ti8purcba s *■■■••:'; 4 We read of commotions and signs in the skie5^ The sun and the moon shall be clothed in disguise ;. And when you shall see all these tokens appear, Tiien lift up yoiir heads, yoiu Redemption drain'* rtsat, ■ ■■.-■■/r.;-^':." '...■.'.' ''.»■: '.' ■ ■ ' . •■ ." ■ ^ ■ •' ' _ . ■ . « . . ■ ^ : 9 ■ ... ■ ■ ■ ' . -''•■■■. * ■-■% _ ■ ■ , ■ .'...■■■■' ■■ . . ■ 5 O thea the archangel the trumpet shall somid, And wake all the saints tliat sleep under the '■; ^:--:'-' 'ground ^y ':. : '-;->:-C ..■•' ;. '■.:/' ■ ■'■■;■ ■■■^^•; ; -':■•-■.. ■'■ - "■■■- The .sound of the trumpet sliall bid ypu arise To meet yoiu redemption with joy and surprise* ■■■'':.■ '-■■'■■■::' /..■•..■;''■.■ . ■ •■ ■- ■". :"•".■.■ ■•• "■'■'. ■.♦ *'*'■ " ■. ..-■■;-'., '» ■ .:■.'.■■ "'f (» And then loving Jesus our souls will receive, From bonds of corruption our bodies relieve ; Then w^e shall be perfect, then we shall be free * ^\^'ll sing of Hedemption wherever we be. «f^ 7 Redeemed iVotti sin, and redeemed from deaths Redeem\i from corruption,^ redeemM from tho , earth,- •■^^v,-..:; I ,.-.^.: ;,/:.;:; - Redeemed from damnation, rede€?mM from all woe^ We'll sing of Redemption wherever we gp. ' I, " ■■.■■■ y 8 Redeem'd from ptiin and redeem'^ from distress, . The fruits of redempiion no tongue can express t Redempticm was piirchas'd by Jesus' free love, W e'll sing of Redenpiption in heavjBn>above, iiYMN^o;part2a— c;m^ . ' ^ *^17ie it^wle earth is full of ihy. ^ >v TEHOVAH! w:e adore thy name, ' . \J„ Andbowb^forqthyjitoronej . .' ■ --^ ■■■■- r •■ ■ • • *l ' * • 4 • ^ : *i ■«^v m\ HYMN 2S t, Oroated nature afl proclaim ' ^ i Iiat thou art God aJone. - S The sun pours fi^rtirim nidirnt li^rht . ihy: glory to displav; • "" lluvN^ weak ail erriblemxif thy «i.ht "^ ^,.J^ ills most piercing ray. • 323 / i; •T J he starry home of heaven combine .',° *"''?? "'Olid. thy praise; AmlAv, I tever, while they shiupl ■ J- heir songs exulting raise, >, . .^Thfwigh vast immensity tWne ey^' .• -^ Can jnstantiy survey , ^ ' °u-t!l°l'^";;'V'""'"W« "'"t roll on hie.!,, » hiuh all ihy vi^ord obey. ° ' :^ 0!how1msj,e„kaWelhylovc , o morlal man Mow: M.ll may Ihey all H,y pity p^bve, ^romwhoni^all blessings flow. • -« '■Ol things Iwyond onr sisht; • "ryaks thronsh the clowls of flksh and sen* ' .And dweDs in heavenly light ^ ' ' .' 2 It sets time pvjt in im^M view' ' ■ / ■■■ ^""gs distant pipsjiects liQi ncT^ '"■ — ■ ■L I' - *, 11^ 824. HYMN 232. / ' .-/ f 1 j Of things a thousand years agOy -^ ', Or thousanci years to come* . v 3 By fkitl^e know the worlds were made, By God" Almighty word: AI>ra'mvio unknown countries led, > By faith obeyed the Lord,. " .-•'■" v " ■ ■' ' ■ " ^; ■■■''■..:., - -"."• ■ '. ■ ■ ■ '.■'' . . ' ■ ■ *, ■ - 4 He sought a city, fair and high. Built by th* Eternal hand:? ; v . And" faith assures usV though we die,-^ Thallieaveniy buildingstands. ^ HYMN 232, Part2d— 7. >* Desire for Holiness, .\: ^ IVANIEL'S wisdom may I know; :/ Stephen's faith and patience show ; John'is divine communion feel ; ; MdsesV meekness Joshua's zeal^ Run like the unwearied Pan! ; YVin the prize and conquer all. ; 2 Mary's love may I possess— Ivydia!s tender-heartedness: yV Peter's ardent spirit feel ; James's iaith by works reveal : Like young Timothy, may I , ^'ry sinful passion fly. ■..•::-,'■<: ■■ ■':/ 'i-'' .V / "-'' -^ ■■■;■■'■ "■;■. .,■• r 3 Joh'is submission let roe show ; David'isi trtie devotion know ; t% •' *• ■ Ki^ HYMN 233, - ^amncl's cal|(pp> may I hear! f-azariisV happy |)ortion share: v Let Isaiah's hallQwed fire • t All my new born isoul inspire J ■ ♦ ^Miiie be Jacob's wrestling prayer 5 Gideon's valiant stf adfast care ; Joseph's purity impart J . fsaac's medit«1ive heart — ' - Al)m>m's frie*idship— let mc prove ' : Faithfiil to the God oflove ! 5 Most of all may f pnrsno That example JE5SUS drew ;' In my life and conduct show How he liyed and w^ilk^d below : Day by day, through grace bestow'd, Irnitate my dearest Lord. ♦ •6 l^en shall I these worthies meet; With than lx)w at Jesus' feet, , With them praise the God oflove, With them sh?ire the joys above, WitJ* them range the bjissful shore ; Meet them all to part no more. - •' *■ A HYMN 233, Tart 2d-i. M. A pro^tious gale Imigcd foK T anchor laid, /emote from home, Toiling I crv. « Swn ^ f- '^It^xtW ^^ ^ 323 ■V:. \ Icry, ^rSwcct Spirit come ! i I' i\ h H i! .«' II »|! 326 / -■•» HYMN 234, 235. Celestial bree;^, no longer stay, iiut 3weil my sails, and sj)eed my way f 2 "Fain would I moinit, iliin would 1 glow. And loose my cable from below : lint 1 can only spread my sail j' '^ 1 hou, thou must breathe th'auspiciouB gale !" * mm 234, Part 2d~C. M. After Ba/ptisni, P^KvlP' "^ Christ, my wondrous 1 r .7 ^" ^^^^ ^"^ «f "^en ; f s.^raco lie that believes and is baptizU ^ ' balvation shall obtain. 2 Let jJenteous grace descend on those,^ ,Lr 5*'' ^^^m^ in thy word, rnl y have publjcly declared" That Jesus is their Lord. T» .' . ""-. ■'.■ .:«.. 3 With Cheerful fee?t may they advance, -And run the christian race ; Ajid, through the troubles of the way, .Find all-sufficient gmce. - mu^Bbun^^ CM^ i,, Baptism. rn ffUS was tlie great Redeemer plungM ^X in Jordan's sweUing flood- /To shew he must be soon baptiz'd ;:^Q te a rsi a n d sweaty and blood. A. \:' :w^ ■ 19 W: \r,"iii ■ c ':*■ ■ ^ Thus was his ssacrcd fcody laid Beneath the y ijcld ing wave ; , Thus was his sacred body rais'd, / :-v-'^- V -^ 33a y HYMN 240. . "FiliM with unbelief and sin, ^ . Caa t deem myself a child f • ' 5 If I pmy, or hear, or rend, . Sill is niix'd with all I do; '" Ye that love the I^rd indeed, " Tell mc|-Is it thus with you t r € Yet I mourn my stnWxirn will, ^ Find my sin a grief and thrall | Should I grieve for what I fee], If 1 did not love at all T . 7 Should I joy his saints to meet, .Choose the way I once abhorr\l, r md at times Ihe promise sweet, If I did not love the Lord f S I>ord, decide this doubtful cnse, Thou who art thy jjeople's sun, Shine upon thy work of grace, ^ Jf indeed it is begun. a T ' ^'' 9 ijei me love thee more and more, If I love at all, I pray J ^ If J have not lov*d before, " lIel|V me to begin this day. ' HYMN 240, P^rt 2d— S. M. lam the Way,a,td t^m Truth^ and tJte Life. ^ AM, saith Christ, the Way; » 'I • t I l^ow U' we bredit him, , / f V .:V.':;/- , All otlicr jKilhs must lead a.stmy, How iUir sueVr they acenu 2 J am, saHli Christ, the Truth} /- Then nil that lack this tost, rru^ecd it from n\\ angeFs mouth, Js but a ho ut best. 3 T am, suilh Christ, the Life ; ' Let this 1)0 ift'n by faith, ' It foiloKs witlM)ut furtht'r strife, . That all btJjiiclc is death* - '^" : •.■ . ■ *. • ':'■•■.. .'.''■'•■■ * ■ ■ ■ . ■ • 4 If what these words aver, The Holy Ghost apply, 'J^he simplest christian shall notcrr^ Nor be'decQiv'd, uor die. HYMN 241, Part 2d~C.]^. i^inai and SifMi ■ wot to fhe tei^ of the Lord, ' 11 The tempesl, fire and smoke ; Not to the thunder of that word Which God on Siuai si)oke: "" 5 Bnt >ve are coine to Ziou^s hill, ' The city of our God, ' HK^fe^tnildei-words declare his will, And spread his love abroad. WW ■Wr N ,4} 'jttVbttAMMl'filbjA /•/ .332 HYMN 242. ^ 3 Behold th'innunierabJe host Of angels clothM in light ! Behold the spirits of the just; Whose faith is turny to sight ! i Behold the blest assemWy there, Wh^se uames are writ in heaven ; . And God the Jifdge of all declare .Their vilest sins forgiven. >: 5 The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one comminiion make ; All join in Christ their living Head, ' And of his grace partake. 6 In such society as this, ^ My weary soul would rest; The man who dwells where Jesus is, Miist be forever blest. -M- Hi : ■;t. HYMN 242, Part 2d^7. Stiidtohav&^^^^^ three IndianSytcif» ^tfferegradimesat.Dartfmuth College, at a fa- rcnmtebcnoeryon parting. "HEN shall we three meet again? When shall we three meet again? Gft shall glowing hope aspire, Oft shall wearied love retire, Oft shall dekth and sorrow reigt]^ >Ere we three shaU meet again . . .^ii , HYMN 243. 2 Though in distant la nds wc sigh, Parch'd beneath a hostile sky ; Though the deep between us rolls, Friendship shall unite our souls: And i9Janoy''s wide domain, Oil shall we three meet again. 3 When our burnished locks are gray, Thinn'd by many a toiJ-si)ent day ; IVhen around this youfliliil pine, ^Moss shall creep, and ivy twine ; Long may this loved bower retimin, Here may we three meet again. 4 When ^e dreams of life are fled, Whe^ its w^asted lamps are dead, When in cold ol)livion's shade, Beauty, wealth, and fan!b are laid ; Where immortal spirits reign, There may we three meet a cain. HYMN 243, Part Sd—C. M. Tfw Christian Sddieri, HARK ! listen to the the trumpeters, They call for vohmteers ; 4. . OnZion's bright and fiow'ry mount * ' Behold their officers : ' Their garments white, their armor bright, With coumge bold they sta nd, Enlisting soldiers for their King, To march to Canaan's land. 333 w f f i f* m 5*1 < I ' I* yv: 33t ■m. 2 It seis^mjrheart aJI in a flame, : _ A soldier ibr to be f J •^ ^^^^nJ^st, gird on my arms, ^ ^ And fight for liberty— - Wewant np cowards in our band, - _ VVho will their colors fly ; ;W ecall lor yalliant-hearted men, W hoVe not afraid to die. / ?, To see their armies mpamdc, How martml they anpeUr • Allarm'd and dress'd in imiforii,, nJ'^J"^^^ men of war. I Iwy follow their great General, _ The great aU-conq'ring King, His_gamients stain'd in his own Wood, ^ing .Jesus IS bis name. * I'ift up your ^hearts, ye srfdiora bold. _ Redemption's drawing ni.rh ; ' ^^^^'"^ the t„.^t sound, t„ i ^^ '^"' ^*''"» and sky. In fiery chariots we shallride, . And_leavc this world on fire. And all surrotindthe glorious throne, And join the heavenly choir. w y*,' HVMN 24.4, Part 2d~S. M. rHY did the Gentiles rage, And/ews with one a^d, HYMN 244. Bend oil their cdiinsels to destroy Th' Anointed of the Lord 1 2 Rulers and kings agree ^ To form a vain design ; Against the Lord their powers unite, ' inst his Christ they join. 333 3 Wtfl^^i0rd derides their rage, ^nd wil^Sli43]wrt his throne ; He who hat;h rais^i4iim from the dead Hath owh'd- him forhis^ifon . 4 Now he's ascended high, And asks to rule the earth ; Tlie merit of his blood he pleads, And pleads his heav'nly birth. T) lie asks, and God bestows A large inheritance ; Fur us the world's remotest enda His kingdom shall advance. 6 The nations that rebel Must feel his iron rod ; He'll vindicate those honour^ well Which he received from God. 7 If once his wrath arise, ' Ye perish on the plaCe ; Then blessed is the soul that flies For refuge to his grace. Mi ■ (!• •1 i? ». ■'.-.- - , .■'>". ,-.-.■ .'•••- ' LOW dowS in this taiftifiii valley^ ' . \Vhere love crowns the meek amlthe Where loud storms of envy and My, [lowly V Maj^jxilloirtlieir bU^ ^ .. ^ ' "I^he lt)W soul m h unable subjection, ^ ' " ShaUhereiind unshaken ji^^ \ ■ The Ij^ gales ofcheeriiig ' " TheVinci soothed irdm sorrow and mill. #i*v ' 2 This low vale is far from contention, Where no aoul can dream of disisen$ion, - J^o dark wiles of evil invention, / Can find out this region of peace? ; , ^ O there, thv^re, the Lord will deiivjt^r. And sonls^rink of tlik^autiful rivor, ' ' ^AVhich flows .peacJ forever, and ever. Where love and joy will ever increase. . IIYMN 246, Part 2d-^S. T. M, TJie^lessings of friendJiip, HO W pleasant 'tis to see - Kindred and fm*nds agree ; Each m his.projier station move -And each fulfil his p^rt, With sympathizing.heart, \ ^. /In all the cares of life and love I ■%> '* > U •S^ •• 337 ■I ' HYMN 3*7. ^T^iT «*^ 2*7. Part 2d-IJs; - . rhe love that« perfiit, U,e love tharj pZ ' ' T>atwemywithpatiencealUhi„g«X'X .. Morrfiki ™S '^*"' """^ ^Pi^tmemi, : more like my blest master and morp iilr» s. »t.u e tS;-r^-tha„kfu,iSl^^^^^ 3 I .warn to love ^ wis: ■Vw'' 93a HYMN 247.' 7 Come love and sweet \xnvm for 7 " \. !• ' • " • , \ . t. *» ' r 10 My union I w:ant with the Falher and Son ; i want that perfeeted whieh Christ has begun, With love and sweet union, which soothes ev'ry ■ '''C csirey ■ ■ ■v-,;-;V:-.-- ' 4 And with my dear brethren all burdens to bear. ^^^; :;;. :^^:;. ;:■.,:; :;;:.v>^:^ ;;.-■■:•;■ , ■ 11 When time is no more, and frcmi earth we re- ' • ■ . I. V . move. , , To dwell in the regions of pure light above ; With saints and with angels we'll praige liim ; a^^ii, _ _ ^ ; x. ilrhdsjnghaflehijah forever, amen. . 1 / ^ ''J.'.T?. ^ ' '^'fiwy \ 5 ^ •1( ' HYMIJ248. - Hj^MNa«.ft,rt2d-.8&7. JWi St I leave you, can^I leave von ' i''»'^."> heathen lands to dS 339 Holy chiys awl s.l.fjart,.lHj]i / v*^ . K'^ht'st. brightest; MV:ee.tcsXa«,re Can say a l«st foreweM ! "^' }; ftJnst TJeave you, can I lea vo toit - ' ' ' tar in heathen lands to dweuT " *feJi^»^"fr«»yo...giadh., ' . 1 lOni the scenes I love so wel * ara«ay. ye billows, bear me ' ' p,r°rf '7 "^«^e land, fnrowll' r n«.s\n h>a v_e.thce.ptei^'4 r4*;,r,rti,c-c- ^^>r in heathen kndsto (Jwc7 '' • ■ \' - .;.. ■ •: ■■■■■■ K ni «t=5p^ m HYMN249. 5 In the desert let me ]abo|^ On the mountains let me tell How he died, the blessed Saviour, To redeem a world from hell. . Let me hasten, let me hasten, Far in heathen lands to dwell. . 6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean, ■^ Ldt the winds the canvass swell: , ; Heaves my heart with waYm emotion, , ^ Whilelgoikr • ;<^^ leave thee, glad 1 leave thee, . • ^Native land, fiure well, forewell.. •;r .' ', ' .« SYMPl2i!9, Part 2d— L. M. THfi gloomy night hath gather'd o'er, , And Ibnd was heard the tempest's roar \ •[The flatt'rin^ day of jpy had fled. My youthful dreams forsook my head. iD^ep sullen night with all its gloom. Now threatened death my instant doom! A rising cloud cpnceiard each gem. It hid l^e Star of Bethlehem^ *■■•.'":■ '. ■ *-■ . ■■'"'■■.■".'."■. * 3 Dark wasjthe cloud of a» that rose. While/ear my sinking spirits froze ; The gathering storni I/view'd with dread, God's vengeance lowering round my heaJ. ^Midst iightning^8 fta^h and thundter'sjoatv I iaw the distant torrent pour; . ]»^ 2.^pZ. •I r; |n darkness left itsibrce to stemi I sought the Star of Bethlehem, '' t - > 3^ I vieWy the 342 HYMNJSO. , Thus cold in death thfeit UmtA lay, Which throbbM and Wed for yoiu' 3 A moment give a loose to grief, ./ Let grateful sorrows rise, And wash the bloody stains away, With torrents from your eyes. i / ^ Then dry your tears, and tun^ your Songs, The Saviour lives aTgain ; ' j Not all the bolts and bars of death, The Concj'ror could retain. f | 5 High o'er th' angelic bands he rears His once dishonor^ head ; And through unnumbered years he reigns, Who dwelt among the dead. J • • » • 6 With joy like this shall every saint, His empty tomb survey ; . Then rise with his ascending Lord, * • * To realms of endless day. t * .. / < Jl m Ai ** "t A *A Av ■ *A •A Am An . An Am An< ^ '^TAi ^Ai ITAl Am Am , *An ♦An .Aflli Ami Ass "Am ajk < PABLE OF FIRST LINES. ^!f'>*^M thts table marked thus\ relate to trace «*>^loue; those marked thus ^,ar^de>ignJtoU ^at Bc^um and the Lord's Su^; a^ ^ «ar4erf thm\ are adapted to Fu^atacca- '■ ■■■- ' ■\. ''-:r ■-^'■■\h:\:: i A ■ - ■" PAGE. Ar.se, MJ^ gracious God,...,.., ;... g AwaKe, tty heart, arise my tongite, . . . ... . . ii •Awake, niy soul, in joyful lays,. . . . ...... lif •Awake my doubts, away my fear ' ,!? Aw^e and sing th;song:.r !. _*^ """-^ And wai the *^dge dJ^nCZlllll'^-'B A^ I ipdeeci born f.^3,w,::::::::::::: g •Araazmg grace! W sweet the sound. :::.iS •Anuangfflght, the Savio.« stands,.^' .T^ig AsSrt ^±^^!»«?:'- • • • ' -m As shenherd,_i; Jewry wZ^-^;::{j; All l«ul the power rf^^;^;"^*^- ;Jg I lo ^^^ 344 TA^LB OF , ' ■> '.■■■.• \ " ■■•■ / ■ Although despised by men,. •••,.••;•••»••# ,1^^ Approach, my soul, the mercy scat;, . . .* t . . . 197 Ashamed of Christ, my soul disdains,. . . . • » ,202 •Away, my unbelieving fear \ • • 4^^ > . . . 205 t Alas ! and did my Saviour bleeil ,. . . . . . . ... 87 At anchor laid^ remote from home,. • • • ft f •• 325 BiossM are the undefiled in heart,. • • m^ • *•• 44 Bles&M are the sous of peace,.. . . . ^ • ; , ^ • . • • 57 Bless'd be the tie that binds,. . . .^. .. . .... 146 Bless'd bo the dear, uniting love,. • ... ..... .227 Behold a lovely vine, .> .234* Behold the glories of the Lord,. .... . . .... • 64 Behold, what wondrous grace,. ....••.. . . . . 79 Behold the morning sun,. 1 22 •Blow ye the trumpet, blow,. . . .♦ . . .; . . . . . . 143 ' By whom was David taught,.,. ... ...... .1. 1 67 Brethren, while wis sojourn here,. . I... . . • . . 17 1 Beside the gospel pool, . ...... . . . . . . ^ ...... 1 73 Begone unbelief, my Saviour is near,. . ..... 174 Before Jehovah's awful throne,. .... . . .... .20 1 Beset with snares on every hand,. . . ... . . . .190 Come, sound his praise abroad,. ..... .... . . . 34 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove,. .1 . . . ^ . . 90 Come, we tliat love the Lord,. . . . . ..... . . . .145 Come, sinners to the gospel feast,. . . ..... , .156 Comi, trembling ones, forget your fear,. . . . . .158 Come, soldiers of Jesus, your armor gird on,. .246 Come, brotheifs and sistefif, that love, &c.,. .. .25*2 Cdytne, my doubting soul, attend,. . . . . . . . . 186 Gome, Holy Spirit, calm each mind,. .... . . .285 Itoaae/my ohhstian friends and brethren,. ...28^ - ■ >.■■ -■■■..■■ . ■■'.i. ..!• • 5^" • • • • ' • • '99 From all tha^s mitaf «! i^'J'"''^'- • - * • -^^ From the regionToK *at's yam,. . .. ., .260 |W. &r o'er eastern m^;;tai,;;* ' ' '''' -'-'^^ .*ar from mv thniiffkfo "***"'»»• •••••.... ,.314. Finn was mv h^uil J^T^^'' V • • • - ... 193 I Finn was^ heaUh mv"^ ^''' ^ ' • • — ™y nealth, my day was bright,. ♦■'•' . 11 *.:. V"- :MS -'^ '■■■/. ..■'•■■■-.'■■ TABWB Of-.; yV; .V .; Faith is the brightest eyidence,. • • • • • * • » • . .325 God moves in a mysterious way,. .. • . . . . . • . 1 17 God of the raorhifli, at whose voice,. . . . . ... 82 God of my childhw^ttd my youth,.... ^V. at Great was the day, the joy was great,;.. ... .103 "Great is the Lord, his woffcs of migHt,^^. . • • • 40 Great God attend while Zion sings,. • • . . . . • . 2jS Great Father of each perfect gift^. . • . ..# • » • .286 ITGr^t God I own the sentence jiist,; .... . ^ w 66 Go prfeach my .Gospel, saith my Lord,. . . . *. . 86 Hark ! the voice qf love and mercy,. ... .... 262 Hark ! listen to the trumpeters,. • • . • . • • . . . • 333 Hark! for 'tis GodV own Son that calls,.^ .v. 213 Hark 1 hear the sound on earth is found, ... • . 1 40 iFHark ! fiom the tomb, a doleful sound,. . • , . 95 How shall the young secure their hearts,. « . . 4^5 How dM naty heart rejoice fo hear,. . ... . . . * . 62 How pleased and bless\l was I^v. . . . . . . . . . . 5$ How pleasant 'ti^ to see,. •:••■•* . . . ..... . . • .' 5T How beauteous are theiir feet,. . .^ . • • . • . • . • 68 How can T sink' with such a prop,. .. ...•,* . .202 How firm a foundation, ye saintsof the Lord,. 121 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds,.. •• «. 133- How tedious and tasteless the hours,. ... . • • . 179 Bow lost was. my condition,. . . . . . ....... /. 148 How. happy, how glorious, how joyful to feel,- 337 *H6w sweet and awful is the place,. . • . • • • .108 f How great, how solejan is th« wprk,. . .... .226 Hear, O ye starving worldlings,. .. ... . . . . . .316 ^ Hear what the voice from heaven proclaims. 70 Here m, the presence of our Grod,^. ••«.•• ..225 r ■x; ■.-,'.„•■ ■■■,■"■ . ' ■■•■■. 4 "■ ■ rmgM I ever WW tl4 day ^ '•••*-""?*' rm nqtashamM to own Ww "••—•^^98 . ],!!«'» tny Maker with my b^^ — * "^ I love the sons of wace ^ ^^ f love the Lonl.hfa;;'-^;;-^ *J? I R>ve to steal awhae avray^ " V ' .*.' * " •*' ; J^te the tempter and hSd,;;^ B ^ tin Jordan's tide the Baptist sS" ' * " ' ' ' "^l?, InevA long I took delight,. .^. '■' ' ^ " fe there ambition in ray h^rt ''• *^J ' . J,waitedmtie„tfortheJk.T'''" •:••■''••'• f? . 1 Ve liste(lTn the holy ^?:': '• r •••:•-•• 1-^ J came to thesixrt wferTthe wh/fr^rif ,' " '^^ Jesus, our Lorf, ^B6end tWyAi^e ' "^ Jesns, we love tby name ♦ '* ••*••••' 39 Je8««^ % blessiB^'l^^^;;;^ V;: ' ?^2 • Jesus, Hove thv Ik»«!{^- k ' •• • • • 151 Jesus, my all, to hea4„ fe W ""•"•'■'H^ Jesus, and shall it ever he "" • ?** Jesus, l^t not thy srSx^v'" •"'*£* Jesus shall rei^triSrT^V ' * ''^ Jesus Chri,t,hf^^J^3j^ ««»-••.... .25 %tothewori^rtiwLffico;vf:::--"1| __ ^ ^ . , . . ,^__ _ _ _ _ 1^ >1 i '■J * 4 ' ft' 1. *^ « m- 348 ,■.■/■;••.•.•';-■■■■; ■ ; ,. TiBLE OF;' ■•;■';■;..,•■■,■:;■■■■• ■■,,-^% '■' Jerusalem, my happy home,. V^v. ^, .♦..»>•, 263 Join all who lov(B tlie Saviour's hame,....;^ .267 Jehovah ! we adore thy name,. . . ... . .... .322 Know then that ^ery soul is free,, * . ^ . . V . * . 142 Kindred and friends, and native land;. . . .... 268 T^ord, in the morning thou shalt hear,. . . ... , 9 liord, I 'yj^U bless thee aU my days,. .^ . . .v. # IB Jiord, 'tis a pleasant thing to stand,. . . ; . ... . 32 Lord, I esteem thy judgments right,. ... .^\ ^ 46 Ijord, I have made thy word ihy choice,. ., . . 48 liord, at tlfy temple we appear,. ^ .... ; • -jyk* 70 L:ird, when together here we meet,. . i . ...'^£228 I^ord, imhe temples of thy grace, ..> ... , .;:,286 Lord of 0ternal truth divine,.^ . . .*.... *^ ... .280 ILord, what a fee)jle piece,; ... ,....^^. ... .30 ftprd, at thy tablel^behold,.. /. ./. V... .^. . 164 f Let others boast how strong they be,. ... . . .303^ *Let ev'ry mortal ear attend,. ... . ^ . . . . .... 67 Let worldly.«ninds#i^ world pursue,.. .. ... .152 Let party names no more,,.. ;...i.;.. ....238 Ii9t strifb forever cease, . . . . . . ....... .... . . 23^ Let^ the heathen writers join,. ^ , . . . . v. . . m Lot ev^ry creature join,, ... . . . . . . ^^ . . vv . ./62 Low down in this beautiful valley,. . . . . .v^36 Lo,. what a glorious sight appears,. . ... .:.>/. 72 Life is the time to serve the Lord, . . . . , . y? . .^*3 Lifl up your heads, Emmanuel's friends,/. .. . 170 My soul's full of glQry,1t fires my tongue,.. . .256 My weary soul with .patience waiti../._.„20l Mortals, awake, with angels join,.. -/.-^.. ..127 My God, my life, my love....... ^......., 99^ ,-,f* " V PIRST LINES. My God, the sprin^q; of all my lovs ^ My soiU forsakes her vam ddi4r ' " ^y^V'"yk'"g>thyvariou&:^ My sou hes cleaving lo thedu^J^ " aiy soul, repeat his i»raise,. . . "* '" My spirit looks to*God alone '"" "^'"- My Saviour, my Almightv Friend"^' ^ shall my mward joys arise,.. r,. ^twuh our mortal eye«L. ' Now to the Lord a noble scm^'""""" No! J shall envy them no nS^"''""" Not all the bloodof beasts- '"""""" . Now IS th' accepted time,. '■---" Now we^re met in holy feaClI-i:" Nowwhilst Itrymy heart,..". Not to the,terrors of the Lord,.. """ O messed souls are they ' • """ O^^e Lord woul^-guid^-^^^ Our God, our help m ages past,/... « K>r an overcoming toh,...,. """' qiir days, alas ! our mortal days,? Une ther« is above all others,. """ One,night as I lay musing,! 1 J^ m whose presence my soul, &i^ On Zion, his most holy mount,.... " O smireii?, fly to Jesus' arms,- . A Q what a cruel wretch am I, ;Oh, how happy are they,. v.....^:^ ^ for a closer wajk with God^ Hi .38 .21 .23 65 74. 84 92 ™.. 94 -^,..104 .---.106 •• •. . ^ . ttifQftf ■ :--..327 -*...32S . — ..331 .--. lie • --rl. 49 -•^^- 69 ..... 91 113 116 . 130 141 160 ....161 — ..188 ' a ^ h: . ..**■ S50 TABLE OP On Jordan's stormy banks I standi - 1 •. .'^ „ .2 1 1 fO ye blood- wash'd, ransom'd sinners,. , ^ - . , . SJ40 O God, my heart with IcTve inflame^ ^ 265 Oh help us, Lord ! each hour ol need,. . ^ .- ,29S[ OteUmenoraore,,,--..,,-.^^^ .i^.-SH P what a harden'd wretch am I,,-. 316 P with what pleasure we behold,;. . « , , .3^7 Pjraise ye theflx)rd, 'tis good to raise,. - • * , 61 Praise Grod, the Father, heavenly light, \09 Precious Bible I what a treasure,. -y^^^ Pilgrims, with p^asure, let us part, -.J-222 Bwlpj^urning souls, in deep distress, 248 Peace bf unto this house,, . - -i . ^ . . ^^ ^ 274 Pity a helpless sinner, Lord,- . - — . _^ i . 3 1 5 IVoolaim, saith Ghrist,— ^ ... . .«. _ .. _ . .. . ^ .326 Beturn, P God of love, return,. - — .-!, ^.^. 30 Betdrh, O wanderer, now return,, ^ - . . * . — v^-^si l^elum, P ix^uderer, returii,.-..,^-*-,-.. L293 Sw6et is the work, my God, my King,, , . .|- 3 1 Show pity. Lord; O Lord, forgive,. ^.-....--i- 18 Sing to the LoM, Jehovah's naine,-*i-,^-.- 33 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands,-.-^-w--.. , 35 See what a Imng stone,. ^ - -- - « — ^ -,.,.-«- - 46 So did the Hebrew prophets raise,. . w^. . - :. . 8!> Stand tip, my sipul, shake o^ thy tear^,..--* . 98 •Salvation, oh the joyftil sound,. ^^^.--^^ ^^^140 fiSalem's bright King, Jesiis by ridme,- i.^-« > .1 J63 ^ved by Uood, I live to tell,.-,.^-,-^->.V-l78 ISoon I shall hear tlie solemn calli. - , ^ _ ^ .^ .V^15 Sweet was the time when first 1 felt,,. -^.l 298 Siimers airis^ the Savipnr's come,. , -.--*!. .299 SweetlBJffe^iS^ gifls %hich gracious heaven,^ ^302 » J / / ■;»*: ^ IS 1» '■f-^'' -■■'.: V . — M the mem'nr of thy smce, qii ^^^ng of sBmts, how feir his ftte,. ^ Though sin|^B take their coiine^..!'::-"* la JThmk^ighty God«» feeble m^L."'- i? JtW^^k"*^"''"^?' »'««'Wt they shine", ?^ £^f WR fatfd of pure <}ejight,....i:: ■" J? Jl»t awAU day wiU siTOly oome,.:r"""''i^ JThe K.„g.of heavea his Wspr^;*;;-'" 55 .That name to-me soundseversweet " "iw ■KUifx^ra into his fifaiden compia 31^ tm^Son of manlhey did«betn.y,....r rSi«' The tiin^ soon iscoraing.&flfc '' t ■■"■^ ■ The wwJd frota ehristiaSs Wamrtriit-'-St . Vn & "y ^^"^fcfends, and with neighbo^"^? To Gcd who b.,ilr the sky,. , .V :. . .,£ -^ IS g^ ^;^ and rates, in all their stored ""i:" '^ ' iny WQi^, O Lord, directs thesaiitfs,.. ' 301 The gteous Kght of Zion,;.>LvO^ ^^---|^ / li^ gloomy night hath ^ther'd>er,"'"r"li Tis a pg,„t I long to know,-i„^ . „ '^ t^a tothohillsma miqe^yes,.,..:""— ^f /. •//, l€ndshipine€ft||L- .- .sil2 * gave wiiy,^:ii ^.\. . .300 HI bloorinij^y^pi is snatch'dawim. .2 1 6 it,rde^EiiH», in Jesu^nam^, -ii^.V223 - i •'■i t:^ fc^afls aii Jiftfcritol^ art various fefnd^mnie lye meet^^J^l^^j. m tat ]wr despl^d^:^^ . ^I . . .U, i^. .169 tWif^a^ cptttradi(it^^^ tnee^t,. ^ - .^ -^ ..;. i^ij;^; . . 1 66 ^ K--^' "^^^^mSW'^T^whelin'd. witfe:giuef;.;:a_4yj|..^^. 20' v/V™ws^ to my God...^..Slii^i. 4^ I / vv;*TKhen: GkKfreveals liis gracioiui name,- -^.g. - 51, s^Where shall we go to seek ana find,.^!^ . v 55 'With songs and honours sounding londyj^L . 6r Wh^n strangers stand and hear m$ tellHp. 81 Weftjpine, syyeety ay of rest,, , ^^^g^Jgg^^ 89 A^hen J can r^iniy title clear,.. -jBB|!.^. 96 ^hep lw\rv!^yifie wondrous cross,^HK . ^ ^107 WhaUhink fe of Ghrisfe, is the test,^^Wfe^. 1 28 ^fiat^ouiid is this salutes toy ear^^.-i^K. JS7 When shall we three meet again,!.- J^iK-332 Whv did the Gentiles rage.^ , . .wi^ ^.>- -^-.^334 Youfag peq^ all, atteiHion give;,^-i.W--: Mil^ ^Qg^np^toyiii^ ^udth, adieu,, -^arC:^.. 11^4 ^^fe: >4.inid An< 2 Dra And b 3 J#t \ 'sm I Ande^ \ Asn Witi GieatC •■■At. rr" .N » H) *& ^' ^ h V. ^^k^i * * ,1- I.--300 I' -J APPENDIX.— PART HI. BT DIFFERENT AUTHORS. . HYAUf 1. Part 3d— S. M. Invocatwn to the Spirit. Johnxiv «>« -T i-I-et rays of heavenly love iAmKroai-gloora and darkness- shine. And guide our souls above. 2; Draw, wit Ps from e And _v ■. I- , Jpi3^^"°'"""'9S saint rej(*se:< . ■Cta%h%rthl y joys decsay.i ^ ' \\ 3 WtWne^inspiring breath *^" ' %* ^ Make ev>y cloud of care, W i i » A J , ■ ^'^ r J v>iuuu oi care, j^* * '^ -* And e'en thegli^y vaje oi deaC ^* i'^-^ A smile ofyWiKear ^ . - # '««<; > Oh- fill thou evp^eart ^.J^^ ^Qye to^l our race! ^S?^^^^>Wtqeiisimpai Issm^s ejTnthv grace. Mi. But yonder jsee that narrow way '^ Which leads to endless bliss ; There see a happy chosen few, Redeem'd by sovereign grace. ■ ■■.■'•"'' 3 They from destruction's city came,^ To Zion upward tend 5 . , Jhe Bible is their precious guide, And God himself their friend. 4 Lord,l would now a pilgrim be— Guide thou my feet aright ; , J would not for ten thousand worlds Be banish'dfrom thy sight. M HYMN 3d/ Part 3(i-^G. MV Me^J^ I^«^^ xii. 16, 21. Y Barns are full ■ ^y stores increase | V ,."',■ now for many ye a rs , I iiuwiwi »»*»*»» J J *•---» ^ — —■ — — fJoul,»lmd drink, and take thine ^ase, 8 ■ y. "*>>.' ■, '■/''' .'r '■' .-■■' ■ '^r ■■..■■' ■ •< ,',.■■ ■'■■- . '■- * HYMN 4. s 4 j |fhits^ while a wdrldlihg As many now presume, ^He heard the Lord himself prbnoilnde His sudden, awful doom : V :/." m iyn 1*' > ' 4? Thus blinded mortals fondly scheiney > For happiness below ; ? i v- Till death destroys' the pleasing drfeim^^-^^S^ And they ^wake to wo, [ - f x "^ sW--' HYM]^ 4th Part 3d— t. MJ ^ 37tc Helpless Sinner Looking to Ckrifl^ LONG have I trod the way to hell, t',s And vainlvjdrcam'd that all was w^l« But now IWVmy sins a load, ^Apd X a stranger to my God. 15 I groati a^ turn at ev'ry breath. And fain w^ld fly from sin and death ; JBiit ah ! these bars of unbelief;*^. ^hain^owH iny soul from all re^f. 3 ffir from myself jny friend s ^3Blt While foes cdpfke on eyervJaan^; J^, Where shallfhBe, where Jwi I Mr For help, O Jesus, but to thee If /] K %: I % ^<*'j^ .y ::y' . ^fk HYMN 5, 4 To tlie^d come, O help, I pray, And take this unbelief away ; x Thou mighty Go — With hardened, self'de s t royingmaa-f^ Ye who persist 8is love to grieve, May never hear his^oice again. -■'k;- .'■^1.. »5Snri'P»««"»»- ■•«•»» •WW 3 8inner ! perhaps this very day, / Thir last accepted lime may be ( O, siliildst thou grieve him now away, Then hoje may nev^r beam on thee. •■■■■■■■;■' r^'---'''- ^ I H^ Part 3d— C. M. ■^ ' The Jailer. Acts xvi. 30, 31. ' UlTTHAT must I do," thejailer cries, \V "To save my sinking soul 1 "Believe in Christ," the word lephes,/ "Thy faith shall make thee whole. a Our works are all the works of sin— ; Our nature quite depravM ; ^> Jesus alone can make us cleani^ By grace are sinners savM. 3 Cotne sinners, then, the Savour trust To wash you in his bloo4^ ^ * ' To change your hearts— silbdue your lusts And bring yoii home to God. " HYMN 9, Part 3d— L: M. : # JO W let my J ?onl with wffld^er trace M' "^ XI The Saviour's miraclp of grace \ Now let my lips and life record^ • The loving l^iadness of our^Lord. . I :%'■ ^ V HYMN 10, 11. ' 2 Till l^tc I fancied all wan well, Though walking in the wad to hell ; But now, through grace divinely free^ I, who was blind, am brought i^ see. 3 Long did I on the law rely, ^ • And pass the Friend of sinners by ; Biit»vhat a glorious mystery I Though I was blind, yetuow I see ! ■'f1 ,"•> IIYj^IN 10. Paipt 3d— C. M. ' * After- Baptisnif LET plentdous grace descend ori those. Who hoping in thy word, - r This day ha,vc solemnly declared That Jesus is th^tL^w^ 2 With cheerful feet mayH-hey advance, ' ° And run the Christian race ; ^^ , And through the troubles of the way i Fiiid alUufficiept grace.^ f HYMN 11. Part 3d— -CM ' ■"■ .■■."■* * Myjatfier^sat die helm. ?rn WAS when the sea/ with awful roar, ' X A little bark assail^ And paiid fear's distracting power O'er each on board prerail'd— M ' < I iiA 8 HYMN 12. 2 Save one, the captain's darling child, * Who steadfast view'd the storm, - And cheerful with composure smiled " At danger's threafning frown. > 3 "Why sporting thus," a seaman cried/ «^While terrors overwhelnil"„ "Why yield to fear T the boy ^eplied-r^ ^ ^^MyfiUher^sat ihelielmP . '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^ 3d— C. M. V Longing far i^^^^ Christ. FOR a heart to prais^y ,God-r- _ y A heart from sin set free ! ; A heart that always feels thy blood, So freely spilt ibr nie» ..•;■'..,;. ' ■■. ' ■ -; ,. * . ■ ■'■■■ .2 Ahesurt^^r^ ) V My 'great redeemer's throne — f " ,, • • Wh^e^^ Christ is heard to speak, Where^esui^Teigris alone. "3 A humble, lowly, xointriteheart,\ . ^ . i^ -^w AVhich neither life nor death can. part... ^^^^ '' j^^ those that dwell within. \ I -■■■'■■■■:.■. ■."■-■ SI * » 4 A heart in ev^ry thoughl rene^^'d, \., * • And fiill of love divine ; V; , Pcrffect, and right, and pure, and §ood,r ^ Acopyrliord of thine; ' . . ^ A * i. r. \ ■' a ly 1 * < ' <>A ^ A c» •^ .}•. f , ^ m- b A 5 Thy nature, gracious Lord, injpart ; Come, quickly froui above » ' Write thy new name upon my heart, Thy, new^ best name of love* ^ . •■ ^ r > »"( ' HYMN 13. tart 3a— C. M. » Tfie Lard's Prayer, Mat; vi, S, 13 OUR Fdther, God, who art in -heaVen, Allhallow'd betiiy name ; " Thy kingdom come, thy \i^iU be dono^,^^ ' In heaven and ear^the same. . ;'^ ,. «• , " . 2 Give us this day our daily bread •,» . - And as we those forgive" » . ' Who sin against us; ^o may we . *. - '. ^ Forgiving grace receive. '. 3 Into temptation lead us not ; #_ From evilset us free ; ' And thirie the kingdom, .thiii^ the power, ^ And glory, ever be., T ' - JVo 10 HYMN 15, 16. \. 2 Though we are guilty, thou art good : Wash all our works in Jesus' blood ; Qive ev'ry fetter'd sow I release, And bid us all depart ii> peace,^ ' . . :^.'''jtYmf'U. Part 3d..-C. M. Early Rising. Mark i. 35. MY lovely Jesus^ while on earth, Arose before 'twas day, And to a solitary place -»., ^ Departed, there to pray. ■•■*--■■ ■ ■* 2 I'll do as did my blessed Lord 5 His footsteps I will trace. 1 love to meet him in the grove, And view his smiling face. , 3 Early I'll rise, and sing, and pray, While I th^ light eftjoy ; May this bless'd wort, fr;om day to day . My heart and tongue employ, "yJ HYMN 16. Part 3d— sit, tlllL^ the heralds of salvation - God's al)ounding grace proclaim, / Lei his friends of every station ; ^ Glad join to i^read his nami^. 2 May hi^ kingdom be prdmotcd ; May;tbe yrprld the Savior Anow* ^ Ti '#^ ;• ♦ HYMN 17. Be%y all to him devoted ; To my Lord my all I owe, 3 Praise^ the Sav^, altyte nations ; Praise him, all ye hefts above ; Shoiil, with joy fill acclamations, ; His divine, victorious love. \V. ^ 11 . " HYMN 17. Paft 3d.--C, M. SHEPHERDS, rejbice! lift up y^rey^s, / ^And^eitd-ym^ fears away; ' a* * ■ New^ Irom the region of thg |jps, js' Salyatwn's bora to-day.' pf. "^ ' ; ■ ■ '•*)'*'' ■^ / 2 Jesus, the Lc/rd,whom^a^plsf<^r, Has come to dwell with yo\\ ; ; ; ^ . To-day he makes his entrance here, ^ B|it not as nwrnarchs do. ^^ * 9 00 shepherds, where the infant lies/ ' .. And see his humble throuQ ; ^. • With tears of joy m ^l youf eyes, * Go, shepherds, kiss the Soii;. # ,4 Thus Gabriel sang|4ind straight around Th^ heav'nly armies throng ; . The^ tune their harps t6 lofly sQUnd, And thus cbnolude the i89ng >-- H? ^« '* '^ lir ,^' ^V^^^*■ ■hM' --s ' ■*''i> i- ■•*' ■ 1« ; J, HYMN 18, 19. 5 Gldljf to God who reigns above, Let peace surround the earth ; Mortals shall know their Maker's love At their Eedeemer^s birth. ■J-- a * HYMN ^8. Part 3d— C. M. ; Christ dying oh the Cross, BEHOLI) the Saviour of mankin Nailed to the shameful tree^ How vast the ]ove that hitn inclined To bleed and die ibr ^i^ ' 2 Hark ! how he groans, while nature shakes. And earth's strong pillars bend | The temple's vale asunder breaks, V The solid marbles rend, * f^ 3 'T is done ! the precious ransom's paid, '^Receive my sout !" lie cries ; See-T-how he lx>ws his siic red head j He bows his head and dies. * But soon he^l break death's ifoiplhaih, And in full glory shine ; yr O Lambof God, was everpain--^ r Was ever love like thine 1 - 4 n ; HYMN J9.-f>art"3d~- , BiiriedinBaptispi.- we not know that solemn worcl, That we are buried wi^ thelibri^ r / V , '^V ^\ ■ Si ■;."■■ "-'".'; ■ ■■ " fl' -■■.■ ' . mmm>»>^m -"*-'-■ --J * ► 1^ / / "1^ V: / HYMN 20. Baptised into his death, and the^ Put ofi the body of oar sin 1 : -^ . • . . ' '' .' )- ' \ 2 Ottr souls receive diviner breath, Baised from corruption, guilt and death \ - So from the -grave did Christ arise, And live to God above the skies./ 3 No more let sin or Satan tei^n v - Over our mortal flesh again ; The various lusts we served before Shall have dominion now no more. ^ HYM]^ 20. Part Sd-f-C. M*. , .% ' JjandofB^stm ^ > OLAND of rest, for theeYsigh \ When will the .moment come "When I sfhall lay my armor by, And dwell with Christ at home ? 2 No tranquil joys on earth % know, / No peaceful, sheltering dome ; ; - /, Xhis world's a wilderness of wo,'' ' \ Thiswor}tl is not my hdnae. '\. ' "^V>; ■ ", " " "" . " ''^-' " ^3' $0 JesnS;ChristJ sought fpp test j He bade me ceasQ, to roam, ' > % • And% fur" succor to his breast, ., * : ' And lie^d conduct me hojtne/ : - ^ 18 r- i: . < ■< -»■» . mmi^mmtittimmtm MMh ♦ » .' -A '"/ ' ■•■'."HXMN8I.''' V- I' at once have quit this, pldQef^ ■T^bes iivifticy roam, ^' j^^ Biit ah !#ly passport lya? liot settled, „ ^ . . I coald not y»t go honSe. : _ ?Wf, v\ V' h Jr. J •♦ ' /I ^5 When, hy afflictions sharply frie'^d, ' I vie>v the gapiiig tomh,/. ■ '\ Atthotiirh i dread' death's ch'illing tide, ^ . Yet still I sigh for home. 6 Weary oiWanderjng round and round , This vale of sin and gloom, " ' ' ;. . I long td^leave the qn hallowed' ground, / i ;\ And dwell with Christ at home. , ^' ,< t .• ' HYMN 21. Part 3d;-J^. M. . ' ; HAD we the tongue of Greeks Wl Je\ts, And nobler speech liiaH?a|;r|gls. use, / 11 love^bd absent, we are found' - ' \ , ^M ^^Like tinkling bmss.-rof eniptjr sound, i '"', 0^ ^'AVere w^inspired to .preach -abd tell' Ajltliat is done in heaven and 'bell , ^ Ox cfpMjd our faith the W6rld jce^iove, Still we are nothing:, without love. d^ Shpuld we distribute all our store A To feedthe hungry— clothe 'the pobr ; _^Or ^ivei Wr bodies* to^ the flame^ - — ,. — To giii) a martyr!s glorious name— ' "'- mtMi'^m .if- ' . ■i " >■ ' HYMN 22. If love to God, and bve to men Be absent, all our hopes are vain ; Nor tongues, nor gifts, nor fiery zeaJ, The work of love can e'er fulfil. » HYxMN 22. Partad— S. M. NOW let our voices join To furm a sacred song ; We, pilgrims in Jehovah's ways, With praises pass along. 2 How straight the path ap|>ears, f " How open and how fair ! \ Wo lurking snares entrap our feet, -^No fierce destroyer there. 3 But flowers of Paradise In rich profusion spring ; The Sun of glory gilds the patH, And dear companions sing. 4 See ! Salem's golden spires In beauteous prospect nue ; And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Are sparkling through theskie*. 5 All honor to Ws namc,;^^, . *-. Who marks the shiuyng^ waC^^ And safe! yjeads the piifgrimsc%^ To resgtoi of endless day. ;~ '>^ iV §> \ ¥ ■'>> ft ' , HYMN 23,24. HYMN 23, Part 3d..-H. h IE DYING sons of men, Im merged in sin and wo I Now mercy calls again, Its message is to you ! c Ye perishing and guilty, comer ! In mercy's arms there yet is room. v. 5J No longernow delky, : Nor vain excuses frame ; * Christ bids you come to-day, „ , Though pool , and blind, and lame : All thiiigs are ready— sinners come ! For every trembling soul tkere's room. 3 Drawn hy his' dying love, ^ , Ye wandering sheep, draw near ! 'He calls you from above, « The Shepherd's voice now heart ■ To him who ever will may comei In" Jesu's arms there still is room. . >v '¥.-• ■I- ■ HYMN 24. Part 3d~-C. M. Heaven invisible mid Iwly. OR eye hath seen, nor ear hath heard ,^^ ^ , Nor sense, nor reason known,, . • ■ What jo y s tfie Fn til er hat h pe pred ■ .} 2 But the g Kevealsi The beams ■ Allure ai: 3 Pure are Andallt No wanton Can see ( 4 Those h( PoHutiiJ None sh .11 Put folk 5 He keeji There a The hyf>oc To tread • . ■ MY dea Wh , Yonrlrier Yet we nj Your com Youf wof! And whei You dra\i; roi those that Jove the So^i, ff^trnw-m fWF^i^SFSFP 2 But the good Spirit of the Lord, \ ^ Reveals u heaven t(»roinf' :' . The beams of glory iu ins \\'(ird> . Allure and guide us home. 3 Pure are tlie joys above the sky, . ' _ ; And all the region peace 5 No wanton lips, no. envious eye, " -^ ^ Canseo or taste the bliss. :A .y ~ . --■-■■ 1 4 Those holy gates for evpr bar PoUutii.n, sin and sl)iime, ^ None sh .11 obtain adniittance there, ^ Put followers of the Lamb| " 5 He keeps the Fatlior's buokof life, There all iheir nami?sMre foimd ; The hypocrite in vain shall strive ^ To tread the heavenly ground. -'■:^':::^^^^^^^^^ 25. Part Sd^-L. U.j - V 7Vt's likeji dirawincr l)an Yet we rijust lake the parting; hand; , ^^ ' Your company sweet, your union dear, " Youf worm delightful to my ear, And when I see that we riiustpart, You draw, like cords, around my heart. i i: 111 Ml 111 I , \ / 18 HYlWN 28. • < .r 3 How sweet the hours have passM awajTi Siuce we have met to sing and pray ! / ' How loath we've been to leave the place, Where Jesus shows his smiling face. O could I stay with friends so kind. How would it cheer my drooping mind, But duty makes m^^ierstand, That we must ta]ylHft>arting hand. f. 3 Then since Vt isl^p holy will, . %. We must be parted for a while, ,.. In sweet submission all as one, We'll say »*Our Father's will be done.*' How oft I've seen your flowino tears, And heard you tell your hopes had fears, Your hearts with love have seer^d to flame, , Which makfes me, hope we'l l meet again .. :;■■ .-..■■- ,'.■. ■;. ■ ■ ■■■-■' :■ '^■^' ■- ■ ' 4 I, hope you'll all remember me, If yoa no more on ear^h I see : # An int'rest in your prayers I crave, ThaJ we may meet beyond the grave* ; : glorious day,0 blessed hope ! _ My heart leaps forward at the thought, ^ When ill that happy, happy land, We^ll no more take the^parting hand. HYMN 26. Part 3d— G.M. • ^ TmMedi but making God a refuge,. ^EAR rrfuge of my weary soul, On thee when sorrows rise, * A t r ■f.- r^-'F-TW-- I. .4^ '0 Am HYMN 27, Oil tHee, when waves of trouble roll. My fainting hope relies. 2 To thee 1 tell each risinj? grief, .!..«: For thou alone canst heal y ^ . ♦ Thy word can bring u sweet relief * „.For every pain I feel.. :,. 3 But 01 when gloomy dciubts prevail, liear tocall thee minoj The springs of comfort seem to fail, * And all my hopes decline. ! I» / • # 4 Yet, gracious Lord, where shall I flee t rhouart niy only trnst; in Vi - And still my soul would cleave to thee * Though prostrate in- the dust. ' , 5 Thy mercy-skt is ojin still J Here let my soul retreat : With humble hope attend thy will, /And wait beneath thy feet. § M- -*& ^ f IIYMN 27. Part3d^.|5.:M. «EHOLPthegiftof God! - Sinners, adorejhis name, "^ Who shed lor us hiii precious blpod^ - vrlMi^?. Wb9 bore oitr cuise and ahamei i 41; I'll u mmmmf^' « V t ^ ■■ : '}.[ • \ ■ . ■ .■ • ■' :'•*■'.. * 'v ■,■ .■ ',-_■ • ■• ■■.■ •''. ■'■ . \ i r 1 4 ■• >■-'■.'-■ . ' ■ .' - ^■ .■..'■ \ • ■ '■-■ ■.•'■■ !- ■ "' . .■■,." .. ■^ f' ■■',.■ •«!' ■ r 4 ^ ■' ;. -•'• .- . ' ■ ■- V .•■. - • 'i ' ■ ■ ei^A ■,.'■' ■ .' ■ ' • — 11 — - — ^^ f « \S' ■ .■ ■'■ 4 ♦ ■ '•."■■"■■. ,\J ■"■■'■■ \-': ■'■'•'■ f ■' ' '' ■':■., ■ ■ %■ Miaiocory tisouiriON tes\ chaiit (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART N9. 2) '.»* t 1.0 I.I |2£ y^ ^ !*■ 12.2 |5j0 Itt Itt u ' ■Hkift I3j6 14.0 I 2.0 i.8 1.6 . N \ J APPLIED |M/(GE Inc 16^3 East Main Street Rochester/ New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 -5989 -Fax . JIHMlVtSI' 2 Behold the living bread, Which Jesus eame tp give, . By dying in the sinner^s stead^^ That he might ever live. 3 Behold the Saviour's love, Who gives his fl«?Jic*'^»^ Gu^t, ^ntcr each (leveled breast ; Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire, ; : Kindle there the gospel fire. f Bid our sin and sori'ow cease ; - Fill us with thv heavenly peiice|^ . Joy divine we then shtvlV pn>ve, I*ight of truth— and fire of loyc. HYMN 29. Part 3d— C^M. Death^and eternity^ I 4 ^? dowpjmy' thoughta, that iMedIa ti»^ Convei«c(iwttilff with ileath, : % ■ - ■' ■■ -f . , ''■]■■' Thiiik how ft gaspirtg mortal lies, And pants away his breath I ■ ^ ->' 2 His quiv'ring lips h^tig feebly down, His pulse is faint and few ; ^^ Th^en, speechless, with a dolefulgrban, He bids the world adijBU. 3 And must my body faint and die? And must this soul remove! Oh, for some guardian angel nigh, To bear it safe above! 4 Jesus, to thy dea^faithful hand My naked soul I ti-ust ; Ahd my flesh waits for^ thy commtind, To drop into the dust. v • HYMN 30. Part 3d— 8 & 7. BRiETHREN, we have met to worship, _And adore the Lord our Grod, ' Wiiryou pray in faith and fervor, While we strive to preach the word! All is vain, unless the Spirit Of the Holy One comes down ; Brethren; pray, and holy manna Will be shower'd all around. . ' ' ■ :'. ' ~- .' ' : , ■ ' ' , . ' •' - ■■"■.,.!'■" .** 2 brethren, don't you see poor sinnem 21 # Slumbering on the brink' of wo ; nm ■U • "ill 'IT 1 ■ ■■■ \-ik Death is coming, hell is moving, Cafi you bear to see them go 1 'Jthere are fathers, there are mothers, And their childr^ sinking down, &c. ' . , ■ ^ -'","."..■■ ■ ■♦■ ;;• ■ .-■ t ■■■.■.. . -t ■■■■'T. :^ .■.."■' . ^' ■• ■■ ■...-"■-»" ■ . " * ■ ■'"'.' ' * — ■ - * . ■ . V - ■-,•■■ 3 Brethren there's the poor backslider, ^ Who was once near heaven's door 5 - iut, alas ! he's sold his Savior, ,> And is worse than '^e'er before 5 But the Savior proffers pardon, vlf he will repeAt^and turn, &c. 4 Sisters, will you join and help usl ^ ^ (Moses' sister helped him ;) Will you seek the trembling mourner, Who is lab'ringharjl' wilh sin? Tell them all about the Savior,'^ Tell them that he will be Ibund; SiSters,&c. 5 Let tjs love our Lord supremely 5 r Let us love each other too ; Let us strengthen one another. Till Qiir Lord makes all things new. And whein we get home to heaven, At hb tal?le we'll sit down; Christ wih gir4 h i mselfi and s e r ve^w- '0 .V With sweet manna all around. TOip o -m yf ."■' ■. «-« W 'r -\ HYIiiN31. HYMN 31. Part 3d.— 8 ^7. , V Grateful recollection. ClOME,tiioii fount of ev'ry blessing, t Tune my heart to sin^ thy grace; Streams of mercy jjever ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. 2 Teach' me some meloeHous s6nnef, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Blessed mount, G fix me on it, Mount of God's unchanging love.' • -*. 3 Jlere I.raise my Ebenez^r, Hither by thy grace I'm come ; And I hope by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. 4 Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God ; He, to save my soul from danger, Interposed his precious blood. •' 5 Oh I to grace how great a debtor, Daily I'm constrain'd to be ; Let thy grace, Lord, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring soul to thee. 6 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God-of love*: Here' s my heart, Loid, tak e an c^^ Seal it for thy courts above^ iV n > % *'*^l •"mmtwf^nf^- ■'r 4 H HYMN 32. HfMN 32. Part 3d— P. M. Come and welcome to Christ Jesus^ COMEj ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore, Jesus ready stands to save you, Full ot pity join'd with power: He is able, he is able, He is willing^ doubt no more. 2 Ho ! ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify, , ^ True belief and true repentance, ^ Ev'ry grace that brings usiiigh; . v Without money, without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy. 3 Come^e weary, heavy laden, Bruised and torn by sin and thrall If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all. Not the righteous, not the righteous, ;Sinner«, Jesus eame to call, v 4 View him grov'lling in thfe garden, : JjO,your Savior prostrate lies I On the Woody tree behold him, liear him cry befbee hedies, «itisftishM,jt i sfinish'd:'^K, Samerii trilf hot this suffice ! s • ,«..f»»r-»n»i» iT-^TIH^^STIANS, Christ Jbr you hath bled, \j He ibr you the way hath led, Welcome to the Christian war, Crowtis and victory, Now's the daf, and now's the liourj See th^fVopt of battle low'r, See, Apollyon's power, ^Chains and slavery. 2 Who will be a traitor knave t ♦ Who will fill a Judas' grave? Or to Satan b o a slav e 1 — - — ■/-. ^ y_ K'i ■•■'MV j: I XiCt him turn and flee. 'f^tt^T'P^ ' 26 X. HYMN 34. Who for Z ion's King und Lord, Freedom's two-edged sword will guard, Fighting for the great reward ? Let himi follow on. 3 Bigots war and gire ns pain, Sects will trfat lis with disdain, Seek our sentiments to stain. Yet we will be free. Lay the proud and haughty low, Satan, sin, and ev'ry foe ; 1^ Let us full salvation know, Through Emmanuel. 4 Then xye'll jipyful sing in death, Shouting with our latest breath, Gladly |>fd adieu to earth, <$ ■ With triumr^hant faith. Then weHVreaehth' immortal shore. War and b^titles ra|e no more. To eternity Vo'U ?oar, \ Endlesis crowns to share. IIYMN 34. Part 3d--7s. **LoveU tkou me ?" ARK, my spuUit is the Lord ! 'Tis thy Savior, h earitis word^ ■ i ., jTcsus speaks, he speaks to thee ! ♦< Say, poor sinner, lovest thOu me I _y' we have met to worship,. Come, divine and peaceful Giiost, .. Come, thou fount of ev'ry bUssing, Come, ye; sinners, poor and noedy, - Christians, Christ for you hath bled, Dismiss us with thy blessing, Lord^^. . * Bo we not know that solemn word, • . . Dear refuge of my weary souf, Had we the tongue of Greeks and Jews, •• Hark, my soul, it is the Lord ! .« , • • • •••••• Long have I trod the way to hell,. •• •• • • • Let plenteous grace descend on those .. My barns are fulli'my stores increase, My lovely Jesus, while on earth,. My dearest friends in bonds of love,. ... . • • Now let my soul with wonder tiace .....•> Now let our voices jom . • ...... • • . • v « . . • Nor eye hath seen. nors>ar hath^heard, . •> • O am l^bojfil to dife:. . . . ...... • ^••m*^^* • ^ • • . . • . *....•• • • • • . ... ••*... »-. . . . ... . ..... ... .... ,.•....•* 1 12 21 20 23, 24. 25 9 12 18 U 20. 3 7 2 10 17 6 15 16 4 O, sinapri^bear the heavenly voice !• • • . . * •« \5 O Wht^% wreiehed sinner^ Lord ! • • • • r« • • v ■i>-' "t.. ! ^ettTg. -^ P^H^pW^^!^!'*^ -^S^V \ \ TAHLE OP FIRST LINES. , \ 2J Our Father, God, who art in heaveH, •••.♦» \9 O, for a heart lo praise rny God, • « • • • • < • • • 8 O land of rest for thee I sighl ., . . .•.•... 13 * Sinners, behold that downward road ..•v«« 4 Shepherds, rejoicol liA ifp yiiiir eyes,« • . *•. It Stoop down my Ihoiighls, rha! nsrd U) rise,. ^0 *Twas when the sea, m iili \\\\'U\\ hkit, 7 ** What must I do," tlie jhiIop erics, ..,..., 6 While the heralds of shI vulion ........ ... 10 Ye dying sous of men, . .•••>;., .. .It. ... 16 # ERRATA. The followiiigl-IyninslipTe omitted from the Tablopf First Lines, inline first part of thi« book:— Angels, roll the roek ttway. • . ......>.. ..136 At anchor laid, remote fioiii home, * . . . • * . 325 ^road is the road I hat leads to death, , • ^ . *' 104 iPar as thy name is kijown,. . . • .... , . , » ,. IT Great was the day, the joy was great, ... * 105 Hark, my sonl, it is the Lord J • ..•.•• .. .. 285 I would not live al\vHy^,l ask not to stay,. 288 ^8r My Jesus, thou hiiS i t taught O blew the Lord^my s(>al^ • . • • . .•/....•. 3T i -•■ f • ... .*...«. .■■• V jMaJ^l^ m 3d TABtB Of finST Lllflih O fftortotisliope of perfect love,. . . ^f . . • • • O what a wretched sinner, Lord !......•• See what a living stone .....••• • •• 3oon as I heard my Father say, ...... .f To thcedgain, my gracious God,. .... Y:^^ There is a heaven o'er yonder skies,. ^.!. . . Ife wretched, hungry, starving poor, . . . . . Ye sons of men with joy record • • • Ye iewels of my Master,.. ;..U Yesaints attend the. Saviour's voice, ., -. Yes, my native land, I love the^, . . . . . • • • Ye humble souls that seek the Lord,. ^ • . . . 120S 317 43 10 192 24l> 153 2(J0 20qf 259 339 341 'is*' ■ ':.■ ■ .%:' '■•*v, V • ^, _■• • • - • •■ ^ » • - , w • Go] Wi in 3 ' ■ • • , tmi 1 • > * »>««**w.,. •*»»-<« I r ) 2 3 9 9 1. MARRIAGE CEREMOKY. m i ITTE arc gathered togeihor in the sight of God, and .in* *" ^ . ^"^® °^ ^^""^ Company, to join together this Man and thus Woman in holy Matiimonv; which 19 commended or Saint Paul to bo honorable among all men. The ordniancc of Marriage was first instiu- ted of God, in an early day. "And the Loiid God ■aid, It 18 not good ihat man should be alone " Ii was also ^iinciioned by Jesus CimisT, at the 'Mar- riage in Cana^of Galilee, where Jesus performed a miracle. GcfD has commanded that men should |ov» their wives as their own bodies; " He that loveth hi« wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet K u' own flesh but nonrishelh and cherisheth it even at he Lord the Church. For this cause shall a inan leave his father and mother and shall be joined to hi» wife, and they two shall be one flesh." . ^"T I^require and charge you both, (as ve will answer at the dreadful day of Judgment, when the secr^tl t^t''^'^'^ bedi8e1osU)thatif eiXrof S know any impediment why ye may not be lawfully loined together in Matrimony, ye ilo confU h • Z rXr^;;!^"'^"^^ that if ar^ ^ersons^^LeJ Sf |ether otherwise than as God's word doth aflow. their Marriage is not lawful. {Please Join hands.} ' ^ . ^ J5iR,--Wilt thou have this Lady that vbu hM hw Ihehand to be thy wedded wife, to live toSra^^^^ Gor^s ordinance in the holy estate of MaUhSc^ Wilt thon love her, comfort her. honour and W her m s i c kn e ss jind in h e a l th, and for s aking^iS^ hag as ye both.5iNall.live? (/ mU.) ^ "^^^^f* ' 4- •>•<■' -^ flisffisiwsp^* t . 32 HiniUAGE CEtlEMOMT. U*i>AM— Wilt ihoa have this (.ent)emen that hpldfl | . ,o"by Ih^ hand, to be thy ^-'J;!* ' ,t"K^°a e?f ' ■y LethJr after i^ ord-nuncc .the holy -ta,a.o^ fee s\n^tKa°\ or,aUi^^ all others a. taig as y« both shall live? (/ w«.) ^ . , CnteWe"^ witn-Ctob: lawfdly.Ho.W .ml Wfe "And whomswiver God l|ath joined to-. /-ynu Father which art in heaven, Hallowed te thy i^^mTt^ ii is Lav Jn. Give .:s this day our daily 'IL^ And focive uc oiu debts, as we forg.ve our jt. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver S^SVu"K,:iu.Kekinsd!:rn,andthepower, and &o glory, «or over. Amen, A ifTirnNAt GOD, Creator and preseryer of alV * ^ffid^iver of at! spiritual grace, tho Auth« \J "»«'»**^:""»,r- ^^„. ihv hlpWin«»' upon this man of everlastmahfe.seml tby^^ewm^^^^ ^^^ •"VilaraTRJ^".^ lived fa^^ " . :^So6^S^ l!^:. In^e »«!«« "^i^ !«*?*'' • ' < -■ , ' .■*>' f f^:^^ .1^ Idflj ive ; »of ! lim I I ;•• l. sus I and 1 to-. > 1 w '■■ 1 thy jone laily » our » • liver » )wer| )f all 1 uthot man ( : that / r; w B vow c • nee « ^evei f 1 li''* »» ' 'I ■:l V w • 1= ^t 1^ .^; *' "».." .43 i:. ff^JfflWS^i^jT?? .s .A^- t- .vr-^.^. .;jpl.^. ."■■: M H'l (il!.;; fiiiii-iSi: " ■•« ;:.,t: i'i' ;i;u-,.M;;i:iii}| liiiuamji'ijii ih-,-.y ';;'.';iii!( iii;. ;;,:i.:;:ii! ^i^"|^;i!i;;;; ■■•»'* 1 ■f ;;;; ■..'-•1 . '.Ml/ Ml'.f •, ( . *iii .■.u:. ;3iii . ': 'i.t "r '.: •,'*!*' /:ij ■!•; ■';:;li ■ la;:-;;;- ■■viDf ^ itw**;^?'*'''^'*^^*' ' v f iim.Mvn.'mmiW^ -- mWuI I : < ■ ;; ;' •! (•».-ii,i.iaitu.i:t;. iiUji.-iwiiii ( . t;, ■:•,,■:■::;;: ■••■; ;.^;!..-::.;! ririliip . ' - S'i:H\!?;hi,{i!!iii;.iiiiriiaHi:iJit!;!!!'::;'ir^t;;!ii}:; ; ; '. • iii""i i.iti?i!ii>i»M ^<'; ' . II- -iictitit::.:. '...luin. t>* ;;t»M ;;iu!ltr R:;;. .:H:.. ...;::-;--:;:';»;Sii!l:;:]:''!;::-: ;;;;'r'./ ,- :;.•/; ;:'*.'•;::; •'''•j*i'-i!', ■ "-? ■■'''.'*, ri',!'^* B* ■"■•■''*•'■ * •■•i'j;i-'-J'K-!''''^i^t^*!* ■* "'i*^!'*'-'*'"^^ :.;«••:;■- 1 •.* . .1,1.1 t.in.t,. ■■■■■'■'mi*ii>'^' ;:,r;-;:.;.:.-.:!?Jr..-v:|f:i :::;:::Ji|:-- ' i*:, ■?'.!:..!;;■ ■■.-':!■ .'iiiijiii; u::;i:iti:;*;";';;;t, •."•■;! I 'iK;;-:?;;:: :i;:;!)'i;!. .^<:'^ -a;;: ->.: ^' v'l. ■ •■'V::,:''.».i..' m \ ; :*■»• -a IS^^.: :;.:::■■:••;:!;!■!■ ii;Hjji|;ii:'iii';;:ri^ ^•.■■■..Uir::.:. :.v(^:.:ia;;::;-;.;: IsW'L r');i''I??ft.'',^'¥iii,^!fii;i:;.\^;."SSh*-;;i:^.;-;' !'V'-' ' da: m\ igi^iinrirH^iSiilfc;:;;:;!;;:: P^iipsiiiiiitiliiiiilliljik' (!) ■v:* J*'-!! »: ■'■;im 'f'sfWW^^rST*'-!''' -^ '♦■■ A • »• \\- 4. '» § i, ;'.' ['y ■(*•«,, "■ ^ ^^'Icl JW''< iiO„ C I ■/.'■,.. 1^. f^:>) /* M im*' \ \ ^ ^ 1^'