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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. errata to i pelure, on d 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 c"T«on wa. Q„ar«r.M.«.r.G»,ral to M.jo.-G.n.r.l Jas. W»lf., L^iru,;"-?- p,e..« a. .h. ba„U of .he Plain, o. Ab^han,. J. M. LeMowe. A JOURNAL OF TBU EXPEDITION UP THE RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. Perth Amboy, May 8th, 1769. The regiment embarked and sailed about 5 o'clock. Capt. Coxe's, Capt. Darcey's, and Capt. Gardner's company on board the Lawrel transport got aground about two miles from the town. May 9th. — Fleeted at 6 o'clock at night, came to an anchor in Prince's Bay. May 10th, — Came to sail at 6 o'clock, grounded in about an hour in attempting to turn to windward. Fleeted at 5 in the afternoon. 1 1th. — Sailed in the morning. Came to anchor at the Hock , the Scarboring with a number of transports for Boston. 12th. — Continue at anchor. 13th, — The Diana came from N. York to an anchor. 14th. — Remain at anchor, the wind contrary. 15th.-— Continue at anchor. 16th. — At six in the morning came to sail 12 ships under the convoy of the Diana frigate ; 24th arrived at Louisbourg. Capt. Mercer died at sea the 16th instant. June Ist. — An accident arrived, that Guadaloupe is intirely in the English possession. 4th. — Sailed from Louisbourg. Uth. — Entered the mouth of the River St. Lawrence. 18th. — Came to an anchor at the Jsle of Bic. ,, ; 19tb.— Weighed and came to anchor again ; the wind blew very hard. 20th.— Weighed, gained* about 10 leagues ; came to anchor near Green Island. 21st.— Blew fresh and a strong tide of ebb ; continue at anchor. 32nd.— Weighed, came to anchor under Hare Island. 23rd.— Weighed, came to anchor at three or four leagues short of the Isle of Coudre. 24ih -Came to anchor near the Isle of Coudre. 25th.- Weiehed at 3 o'clock, gained about 2 mile, anchored on the tide of ebb. The tide exceseively rapid. Weighed with a fair wind, passed the Isle of Coudre, come to anchor towards evening near Cape Torment. June 26th.-Weig-hed and came to anchor under Cape Torment. 27ih._Weighed with a lair wind, came to anchor opposite the" Isle of Orleans, about three leagues from Quebec. The whole army landed. A violent gale of wind and rain which did great damage to many of the transports ; they lost above ninety anchors and cables. One ship, with some bagg.ge of Kennedy'- regt., went ashore and was lost ; the baggage saved- A Ranger killed and scalped, and a stake drove through his body. The whole army encampt. 28th.- At 4 o'clock a violent squall of wind ; further damage done to the transports. 29ih -The enemy sent down at 10 o'clock in the morning five large fire ships; but by the vigelance and good management of the Navy, they were towed ashore, that none of the fleet suffered any damage. At 12 o'clock at night, Genl. Monckton crossed the river to the main with the 1st Brigade to take post at Point Levi. Marched in the morning the 3 Louisbourg Grennadier companies to the point of the Island ' opposite to Quebec. The Genl. published a manifesto inviting the Canadians to lay down their arms, promising his protection and the free excernise of their religion. June 30th.— The ilungers with Col. Monckton killed and scalped three ol the enemy and took three prisonel•^ ; had one of ours mortally wounded and two slightly. July 1st.— Marched ; Townshend's Brigade had two or three men wounded by a party of Indians from a copse of wood ; came to our encampment about 12 o'clock opposite Quebec. This morning their was a s^kirmish with a party of Genl. Monckton's Brigade, in which we lost a few men. The Indians kiled Kud scalped two of Whitmore's Grena;'iers out on a foraging party. The French encampments appear very extensive. They fired from s-ome floating-batteries on Genl. Monckton's encampment by which several men were killed ; some frigates who got into the Basen soon silenced them. The Admiral with ; some capital ships near the entrance of the Basen. A shot thrown from the town to Genl. Monckton's post, by which it appears a Morter Battery at Point Levi would annoy them. July 2nd. — A skirmish near Genl. Monckton's eniampment, in which the enemy had the disadvantage. Capt. St. Leger, a Capt. of Light Infantry, behaved remarkably well. Two redoubts thrown up for the defence of their encampment 3rd. — A strong Fort begun on the Isle of Orleans for the security of the magazine of provisions and stores. The enemy fired from the town and from their floating batteries on a boat reconnoitring yesterday. Some old men, women and children brought in, which were taken prisoners on the south side of the river. Numbers of the inhabitants, especially the women and children, are gone back into the woods i where they have driven their cattle by order of the Commander-in-Chief; as appears by some intercepted letters from Monsr. Vaudreuil ; they live on flesh and milk, but it .• ,i without bread. Genl. Woll gives these prisoners liberty to go where they please. Otway^s regt. joined us this day. July 4th.-A Flag of Truce went to Quebec with a number of prisoners. 5th. -Four morters and 6 thirty-two pound cannon were landed at Monckton's encampment. 6th -A boat that went to sound between the Island and the South Shore, belonging to one of the Bombs, with a Lieut on board who sounded the narrow pass between the Island and the enemies encampment, was cut f ^y.^^^y ^^ ^^j*;" 40 or 50 Indians in four Birch canoes, and carried off one sailor who was wounded; they landed and took before any assistance could arrive, the Lieut, and the rest escaped. • The enemy's floating-batteries fired on the Bombs and a frigate who hailed as near the shore as the shoals would permit' in order to destroy a floating-battery, but no execution done on either side. The Porcupine sloop-of war went down at low water and anchored near the Falls of Montmorency was fired at from some batteries the French had on the beach, but did no damage. July 7th.— A deserter from the enemy, a Canadian. 8th -Marched at 9 o'clock at night, Townshend's Brigade with the Light Infantry of the army, the Grenadiers, except two Tompanies, and some companies of Rangers, opposite to the Montmorency, where we found the flat-bottomed boats that had been sent round in the afternoon ready to receive us, began to embark about eleven o'clock, and landed the whole iust at day break ; and to our great surprise met with no opposition. Took some few prisoners in the skerl of the wood with a number of sheep. July 9th.-About 11 o'clock, the Indians attacked Capt. Danks'scompany of Rangers, killed and wounded twenty odd of them; the Capt. himself ^l^g^tly wounded Capt Armstrong, like to loose his leg; some of the Light Infantry who pursued were likewise killed and wounded ; we had killed and wounded about thirty. Three Indian scalps were taken from the enemy. The enemy, from a mortar battery at Beanport, obliged our men-of-war to hall farther off. lOth and 11th. — Ot way's and Anstruther's regis, joined us. Made a strong redoubt opposite the Fall of Montmorency. A very hot fire from the town on our battery at Point Levi, which has not yet began to play. Three men wounded by a shell. 12th. — Began a redoubt near our encampment on the edge of the hill, capable of containing about a hundred men. The French and Indians from the other side of the Fall kept a constant fire of small arms; one of the Light Infantry only wounded. July 13th. — The battery of cannon and mortars began to play at nine o'clock at night from Point Levi ; the town appears to have suffered considerably from it. Little damage done from the fire of the town, some few men wounded. Discovered a battery on the opposite side of the Montmorency, which eufiladed the whole encampment ; the guns not mounted ; some field artillery was brought against it, which soon rendered it unfit for service. 14th. — Begun a battery to oppose that of the enemies on the hill, of five guns. Another of five guns, in a line with the enemies on the water side, but a little above them ; both of them finished. Employed in hailing up cannon and stores. The enemy began to work again on their battery ; our cannon and Howitzers, after playing about an hour, have entirely demolished it. July 15th.— The enemy in their floating-batteries, with some Indians in canoes, attempted to cut off some boats that were passing ; the fi»e from our cannon on the pitch of the hill of Montmorency, from Point of Orleans and from a frigate, obliged them to retreat. Two of our boats were a little damaged, and an officer of the Navy had his leg broke. 8 16th -Begun several small redoubts to keep up a communication for the security of the artillery ^"^';^°'««- J^'^f niaht at dusk four companies of Grennadiers of Moncklon s Brigade passed to the Isle of Orleans. The town »et on fire by our shells from Point Levi, ten or twelve houses were burnt before it was extmguished. About 12 o'clock at n.ght we gave the onea.y two salvos of all our Howitzers, Royals, &c., which i imagine did damage, as it obliged them to move their nearest encampment. 17th -At four this morning a Fa.cine party was attacked by thJ Indians; three killed and a number wounded. Mounted four 24-pounder3 on the lower battery. July 18th.— Continued to strengthen our post here. I9th -Last night about 12 o'clock Capl. Ron's in a 50 gun ship with a frigate and some transports with Lawrences battallion passed the town, it was a surprize on the enem they had no cannon pointed for them; they fxred about 40 shot from the town, but without doing any execuuon. The Diana frigate got ashore near Point Levi, which was to have aone with them. Some of the enemies' boats were burnt. Tn the evening cannonaded the entrenchments across the Fall of Montmorency. 20th -This evening eight companies of Grenadiers crossed over to Pi. Orleans. aim -This morning a detachment of Marines and 150 men under the command oi Major Hardy joined us. Employed the«.e two days last past in fortifying our camp and reembarking some of the artillery and stores. Last night a detachment of the army landed above the town on the Quebec side and met a considerable body of the enemy who, after the first fire, threw down their arms and fled ; we took two Indian scalps, about 100 head of cattle ; a Jesuit was taken prisoner and a man who engages to pilot the ships up the river where there are some frigates and some store ships ; Major Provost wounded. This evening the Light Infantry crossed to Point of Orlean?. Anslruther's regt. removed to their encampment, Lascellos took up AnsiruilierN ground. Otway's divided, and part took up the ground of Lascelles. July i22nd.— This morning the town was on fire from a carcase thrown the last evening; it buint furiously all night ; about 100 houses burnt in the town. 23rd and 24lh.— Eight Canadians brought in prisoners by the company ol Hangers, with a number <>' nattle and sfieep. 25th. — About 200 prisoners, men, women an^l cliildr. -i, with a priest, brought into Moncklon's encimpment, Oeni. Wolf sent a note to Monsieur Vaudreuil, iiitimaiing that he ac'ed the part ol an assassin in employing Indians to pick off his sentries ; an answer came that b.". oouJd not suppose that note came from the G-eni., as both armies employed ravages ; a repi)rt was spread ihat the Indians intended to burn three Royal American soldi(!rs, A Flag of Truce was sent in threatening reprisals; no answer as yet arrived. Landed two hundred of the Light Infantry. .V Hunger taken prisoner. July 26th —At 2 -.'olock this mornu.g the Light Infantry, Bragg's and Olway's regts, marohed to reconoilre the country. Olway's, with Genl. Wolf and Brigr-Gml. Murray, went up the river Montmorency, and Hragg's down the village towards St. Joachim. Landed about 200 Marines. By accounts from deserters, the Indians have lost eight men killed and twenty wounded, since our landing. A volley of small arms iired from the other side of the water; Mr. Bell, the Aid-de-Camp, was shot through the arm very near the G-enl., and an officer of Olway's shot through the body ; it is f -ared his wound will prove mortal, besides several soldiers wounded. About 12 o'clock the regt. was attacked at the ford where the enemy have thrown up entrenchments. The enemy were driven back with a considerable loss. Our loss was about 40 killed and wounded, among whom, was Capt. Fletcher and Lt. Hamilton, killed. i 1 \ 10 .1 I July 27ll). — Bragg's regt. that went towards St. Joachirn returned and brought with thctn about 70 head of cattle and near 200 sheep. Their flanking party that wero in the woods were attacked ; they had two killed and three wounded. The party took two Canadians prisoners. The Hoyal American picquet on the left had one killed and one wounded from the other side the watt^r. A large number of fire floats were sent down by the enemy, but no mischief done by ihem. A new six gun battery opened at Point Levi. It is reported thai Moufieur Vaudreuil threatens to give no quarter toofficers or men that fall into his hands, if his Canadians are ill-treated. 28th, 29th and 30th. — Nothing very material. A deserter who had been in the Pennsilvania Provincials, taken prisoner last year and obliged to serve with the French. He says the Canadians are greatly distressed on account of their hay harvest which they expect to loose. ' .luly 31st. — About la o'clock the Centurion, a 60 gun ship, came down at high water with two transports, which last were laid ashore opposite the enemies' batteries. A cannonading began from our enca nipmenl at Montmorency on the enemies' lines, and from the shiping on their batteries ; the Grenadiers of the army, with two battalions of Monckton's Brigade, and a detachment of 200 men of the 2nd battalion of Roy a! Americans, were ranged in boats ready to push ashore at low water. The five regiments here were under arms. The enemies fire from their batteries on the beach did considerable damage to the boats ; they wounded several officers, and killed and wounded a good many men. About 5 o'clock the Grennadiers landed, and the troops followed ; we marched across the Falls, viz. : Townshend's Brigade, Otway's, Anstruther's regts., with the Light Infantry, who first had reconnoitered the ford and found no enemy there. On our inarch a heavy clap of thunder brought on a violent shower of rain with a high wind directly in our faces, which retarded the part of the army from this place for about a quarter of an hour; when ^^ cleared up, it appeared the CiJ ani s4 tlu ♦ .- lU cijj wij rivl 11 Grcnnadiers marched before? the rain and took po^iHession of a battery and a redoubt on the beach ; but the heavy fire from the entrenchments on the top of the hill obliged them to retire. Th(! rain had made it impossible to mount the hill, or rather precipice, in the face of their lines, on which the General ordered a retreat. The enenty cannonaded us in our retreat, but with little damage. The two armed transports were set on fire. We lost in the whole action about 30 officers, one only of whom killed on the spot, anl 400 men killed and wounded. The impetuosity of the Grennadiers and ihcMf not waiting for orders, it seem-*, in the opinion of tht- General, occasioned our repulse. August 1st — A deserter from the French regulars came in, had left tlieir camp a day bef<»re the action. 2nd and 3id. — A Flag of Truce fiom the town with a letter from Monsr. Vaudreuil, giving an account that he had buried 50 of our men, had taken an officer, Capt. Oucliterlony, prisoner, badly wounded. A letter from Capt. Ouchterlony, in which he says — " he owes his life to a French Grennadier, who saved him from «he cruelty of the Indians, that he is taken good care of" The officer rvlio came with the Fla^ of Truce, acknowledges that they had thirty-two killed and mortally wounded by the cannonading the 31st of July. 4th. — Lt. Meacli of the Rangers, antl one man killed and another wounded, on a marauding party. A deserter came in. 5th. — The Genl. sent 20 guinie.s to the soldier who saved Capt. Ouchterlony's life. Last night Otway's regt. marched and marauded ; returned this day with 4 prisoners who had got, each of them, a back burden of powder and shot, which they were carrying to a party of 150 men left in the woods to observe our motions, and to take care of the women, children and cattle in the woods behind us. Brigr. Murray with 1400 men passed by the town on some design up the river. A great fire from the town without damage. 1 \i ■il n mm August 6th. — Lascelles' regiment marched at 9 o'clock at night, went to the village Chateau Richer, where they burnt a number of the enemies' builoes ; the country finely improved for ten or a dozim mile.-j on this shore. 8th. — An Indian at night came across the Falls at hi;:h water, advanced upon a sentry on the beach with a scalping knife in his hand ; the soldier presented his bayonet to him, when he fell upon his knees and made a sign for quarter. No body understands his language. 9ih.— At one o'clock this morning the lower town on fire, ani burnt furiously till ten. I.aj^t night a parly of about 80 men made a leiiit to pass the FalU, and drew a large body of the enemy into the entrt-nchmenls, when a canonnadihg began fiom our encampment, which must have killed a number of the enemy. The ships above the town gone up the river with Brigr.-Genl. Murray. ■ . lOth.— The General, with the 2 Grenadier companies of the Rujal Americans, went by water to the village St. Joachim ; there wore about 70 men in arms on our landing ; and preparing to attack ihem, ihcy fired and wounded four of Capt. Porter's Grennadiers, ond then lied in'o the woods. Angus' llih.— At about seven o'clock this morning the working party were attacked ; oU; loss was about 40 killed and wounded, amo.ig ihe w«)un led was Lieut. Mountain in the arm. A serjeani of Otway's missing, supposed to be made prisoner. One of the enemy, a Canadian, was killed; and not more that we know olf. Genl. Murray, by advice from him, has had threi; different skirmishes with the enemy above the town, in each of which he had the advantage ; our ior-s is about 100 men killed and wou.^Jed ; amoiig the latter are Capi. Delaune, Major Irwin ; and Major of Brigade Maitlund, Brigadier, was opposed by Grenl. Ljvi with 4000 men. The Leostaff frigate, and Hunter sloop, with some transports and some armed sloops, were to have passed tho mm IS town, and neglected the finest opportunity they could possibly have had ; there was only a gmail schooner passed, at which the town fired from all their batteries. August 12th. — A gale of wind at N.E. with much rain. Received advice that Capt. Gorham's detachment had burnt the village St. Paul, about 50 houses, with the loss of one killed and two wounded. A deserter from the enemy says there is great disbaiisfaclion among the army ; that our shot did great execution when the town was on fire. 15tb. — A shot from the battery below the hill set fire to the powder in a floating-battery, by which she was burnt ; as she burnt down a number of shells burst. A brigantine fell down the narrow pass betwixt this and the Isle of Orleans towards St. Joachim. A detachuK it of 200 men from Point Levi attempted to join Genl. Murray, but did not succeed ; about 9 o'clock the town was on fire, but soon extinguished, 16ih. — A corporal came into the French camp; he says their allowance of bread is reduced ; confirms the uneasiness and distress of the Canadian!?. Mr. Cameron, a volunteer in the 47ih Regiment, with a party cf 1 serjeant, corporal, and 20 men, was attacked by about 200 Indians; he retiied to a house and defended himself tiil relief came ; he had one killed and one wounded ; he killed four of the Indians, one of which, supposed to be one of their chiefs, was scalped. « August 18th. — A few houses burnt on the Isle of Orleans and at Point Levi every day for these two days past. A detachment of the fiighland regiment have taken post at St. Joachim. 19th. — Two companies of the Louisbourg Grenadiers joined us, relieved by Capt. Porter's company and some Marines. In the night the other company of the Louisbourg Grenadiers came over. «i*'i j4 14 20th.— Marched the Grenadier companies above to take post at L'Ange Gardien and along this shore, to prevent the peasants getting in their harvest. Yesterday Eve men were killed at Point Levi by the fire from the town. Working at a new battery of eight pieces of cannon. The detachment under Capt. Gorham returned ; besides the village of St. Pauls (Bay ?) they burnt a viUage at Malbay, the village of St. Anne (de la Pocati^re ?) on the South Shore, and a number of other houses, and landed upwards of 200 head of cattle and sheep on the Isle of Condre. The Indian that was taken prisoner made his escape from the Admiral's ship ; I'is not known in what way. August 22nd.— A detachment of Light Infantry and Rangers, about 240 men, went in boats to St. Joachim, where the enemy have taken post in a house near the one occupied by the Highlanders. 23rd.— This morning a field six-pounder and a Howitzer were sent to St. Joachim. The village of St. Joachim on fire. 24th.— A Flag of Truce from the town giving an account c{ Capt. Ouchterlony's death An officer of the Royal Americans badly wounded in the leg as he was mounting the quarter guard. Yesterday seven sailors who were marauding on the South Shore were attacked, two oJ which were killed and scalped and five wounded. The party that went to St. Joachim under the command of Capt. Montgomery,* met the enemy and had a skirmish with them, of whom they killed and scalped about twenty ; we had three men slightly wounded. From thence they marched by land along the shore towards our camp, and burnt all the houses, viz.: the village oi St. Anne, Chateau Richer, L'Ange Gardien is now burning take fire. The corn is too green to Capt. Alexander Montgomery, of the 43rd, (see M. Fraser's Journal.) 16 August 26lh.— A messenger from Genl. Murray with an account that on the 20th instant he attacked and, without any loss, took possession of a magazine of ammunition and provision at (Des) Chambeau, to which he set fire ; the baggage of five battalions which was lodged there was likewise destroyed ; he burnt the village of St. Antony with many other houses, and is returned to Point Levi. He took some prisoners wiih "a great number ol cattle. The prisoners report that on the 10th of July, the Fort at Niagara fell into our hands ; that the French attacked the camp ; that 1300 of them were killed and scalped, and we had made about 700 prisoners ; that 500 Indians in the French interest had joined us, and scalped their commanding officer, Montigny ; they say that Genl. Prideaux and Col. Haldiraand are killed. A deserter of Otway's passed the Falls in broad day light and got clear, notwithstanding the fire from the cannon at the lower battery with grape shot and the musketry from the hill. Eight pieces of cannon with ammunition were carried off this evening. August 27ih. — At 9 o'clock at night the Leostaff frigate, and Hunter sloop, with three transports with provisions and ammunition passed the town. About 11 o'clock at night some of the enemy fired on the church and some houses near it, where the Louisbourg Grenadiers and detachment of Highlanders were posted ; one man killed and another wounded. 30th. — A detachment of 200 men left this camp to join Capt. Gorham at Point Levi, who is to be employed on the South Shore to burn and destroy the country. August 31st. — A deserter came over the Falls at 9 o'clock this morning ; he had got far on his way unperceived by the enemy, who thereupon did not fire at him ; he says that the allowance of bread in their camp is reduced, that many of their Indians have left them. That two officers and four Indians with a message from Grenl. Amherst were intercepted, and are now prisoners on board a frigate up the river. 16 Sept. 1st.— Last night and this morning all the cannon and stores shipped off except two pieces. About 9 o'clock last night, the Sea Horse man-of-war, sonne transports and some armed sloops passed the town ; the fire from their batteries was very great, but did no damage. 2nd.— About 1200 men passed the river to Orleans at night, all the lerits were sent olf, and the remainder of the army here lay upon their arms in the redoubts. 3rd.— About 10 o'clock in the morning we set fire to the remainder of the houses here, and made our retreat t.. the boats with two Royal Howitzers in our front, and met with no opposition; '.ve past to Point Levi in our boats, about 8000 men, and were cannonaded from lw.. batteries of cannon and two 'mortar batteries without receiving any damage. Encamp on a hill opposite Quebec, viz. : Bragg's, Ottwuys's, Lascelles', Anstrulher's. September 4th.— A messenger from Oenl. Amhersl if. 26 days from. Crown Point which, with Ticonderogu, is m our possession; he, with five other men, came by the way of Kennebec lliver. A confirmation that Niagara fell into our hands in July last and of the joining of the Indians. 5lh._The Light Infantry, the Louisbourg Grennaciiers, with Bragg's, Oliway's, Lascelles' and Anstruther's regiments, marched ^roni Point Levi and embarked in the transports lying above the River Etchemin ; they fired from a battery they had on the North Shore as we forded that river. The fiat-bottomed boais passed the town last night without being perceived. Sept. 6th.— Joined ua towards evening— 600 Highlanders, Amherst's and Kennedy's regiments; the whole about 1200 men ; all the Generals arrived with this division. 7lh._Came to sail this morning with the tide of flood ; the wind contrary ; gained about three miles. Came to sail and ran up as hig'h as Cape Rouge. Yesterday a little schooner came up with the tide, the win J contrary, and passed the 17 whole fire of the town with very little damage. This evening's tide, one transport and some small vessels came up. 8th. — A settled rain ; continue at anchor. 9th. — About 6 o'clock 1500 men landed at St. Nicholas on the South Shore. Removed our berth about one mile higher up, 10th. — Remain at anchor. In the evening landed at St. Nicholas, Lawrence's battalion and a number of the Lisht Infantry, in the whole about 700 men. By some deserters who have lately came in, we are informed that Monsr. Levi has marched with 4000 men up the river. Genl. Wolfe and Monckton went down the river to reconnoitre. S^■pt. 11th. — The troops on shore ordered to hold themselves in readiness to roenibark to-morrow morning. 12th. — Early in the morning the troops reembarked on board tlie transports. The troops ordered to hold themselves in re?adin(\ss to attack the enemy. A soldier of the Royal Americans deserted from St. Nicholas; a French one deserted to us ; he says he came over the river with 50 others to attack us in the village. About 10 o'clock at night, 2000 of the troops embarked and fell down the river in the flat-bottomed boats with the tide. - , 13lh. — .Tust at day break landed in the face of a five gun ' battery, and mounted up a hill which being almost perpendicular, was unsuspected by the enemy, who had, therefore, only posted a Captain's guard of about 100 men, (this was about 2 short miles from the town). When the alarm was given, the enemy fired from the hill and the bushep, on the boats, and killed and wounded a few of our people. The Light Infantry, under the command of Col. Howe, led the ■way; and on their gaining the summit, the signal was a loud huzza, which was joyfully answered by the troops that followed; when the 2000 were landed, the boats were dispatched for the remainder on board the transports. The 18 Liglit Infantry drove the enprny from the battery, a detachment of which look post tliere. The 48lh Regiment and Monckton's regiment, soon joined us from Point Levi. When the whole were landed, they amounted to 4600 men. As soon as it was broad day, we pereeived the French in motion ; the part of the armv at Beauport marched on the first alarm. About 7 o'clock they appeared very numerous between the town and our little army, and we observed they had artillery with them. The General immediately disposed the troops in order of battle : his right occupying the brow of a small eminence ; the left covered by a few houses in which were thrown some troops. Two battalions were extended from these houses, and covered the rear and left ffaik, as some pait o{ the enemies' army made a motion that way. The enemy soon began to cannonade us ; and. their irregula;s and Indians advancing among bushes and little hillocks in our front, galling us very much. At length we got up two short six-pounders, which played on the enemy, who were by this time formed into three columns in our front, havmg detached a large body to fall on our left flank. '1 he two armies remained in this position lor some time. Gen . Wolfe havmg delayed attacking, in hopes of bemg able to gei up 8 short sixses which were landed ; but the enemy either willing to deprive us of this advantage, or fearing we might be reinforced, or perhaps from a contempt of our numbers, advanced with their columns, and when within fifty paces of our line, they began to fire from the head and flanks of their columns. Our troops stood firm and received their fires ; nor were the wounded even Iseard to groan ; with surprising coolness and by command, they threw in their whole hrcy and advancing briskly wilii iheir bayonets, soon put ihe whole of the enemy into confusion. I'heir flight was precipitate, and they were closely pursued under a constant and heavy fire to the gales ol the town. Those who attacked our flanks were repulsed in like manner and driven over the River St. Charles. A detachment posteti in our rear was likewise 19 attacked by Buckaniveal (B()ugainville)and was repulsed. Thus ended this action, wherein the French Commander-in-Chief, the Marquis de Montcalm, received his death wound. Brigr.- General Drsentergue (Senezergues) and two others killed. About 30 officers killed and wounded, and as many made prisoners ; two pieces of cannon laken, and 1500 privates killed and wounded. A glorious advantage gained, but dearly purchased by the loss of Genl. Wolfe. Brigdr. Monckton wounded, and many other officers ; some few killed and about 600 men killed and wounded. The enemy disheartem d by their defeat, and in want of provisions oi all kinds, having made a shew of defence for a few days, capitulated on the 17th (18th?) instant; and from their ready submission, had the honours of War allowed them and were transported to France. The broken remains of the army who escaped the 13th, have joined Genl. Levi, who still keeps the field about twelve leagues distant. A LIST OF THE KILLED AND WOUNDED AT THE BATTLE ON THE HEIOHTHS OF ABRAHAM, NEAR QUEBEC, SEPT. 13th, 1769. Genl. Wolfe Killed. ^ * * ^ ^ Brigr.-Genl. Monckton Wounded. .' '" Col. Carleton ] Major Barry, Adjt. -Genl ( Capt. Smith, Aid-de-Camp... ^*^"unded. Brigade Majoi Spittle J Regiments. Amherst's. — Killed 2 Piivates. Wounded Lieuts. Maxwell, Senr. and Junr. Skim and Ross. 6 serjeanisand 52 Rank and File. Bragg's. — Killed Lieut. Cooper, 1 Serjeant and 3 Privates. - Wounded Cap::. Cordy, Span, Milbank ; Lieuts. Evans, Ruxton; Ensign ' ■^- • ^w A . • ■ • ' ^^ Fairfax ; 4 Serjeants, 1 Drum- ■-■^■•■'-^■y^-'\-~r-r---^—--:.^-~^-^-- me? and 39 Privates. i|i so ''''''''''['' .,,,a Lieat. Mason and G i>nva... Otways.-iii^^