m AnMMhMtM MM«MlfeMf»MMMtMMal MIIM w/wr< Centimeter 1 3 3 4 S 6 7 • 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ■125 ■ U -■■■'■iii m ^ > % '5>V ■, ^ '#:%. i-.jr.^-ji ■■.■•' ;. A-'-i' ^<: •^■^;-^:i ,-f .^-<-» ^ »•. • ,1;,^^ ''f"i^A,--«iii t - V t \ CIHM Microfiche Series {Monographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches H(inonoflraphles) CsiMdiMi iMthiitt tor Nisievlcel iiilo f o i ipwiiy ttf ow ■# m '.«-> ^ '-M.iSiL-j>; , ^"S '^ ■ ■^' TIM •fMi •fllMhiiipsbitiM m D D □ / rwtMfte ft/M I UlMradi CdoMWd Ml A oHmt tfiw Mm or MMk)/ (U.'«rtra 4M Mmm Ml D a ColMMi plMM mifm mmnnHomf •vOM MWiraiNiint in < ittloMjiila 0r< fMfeifqudtlc^ (^•_J wNMr SM MM. ^ II M Ion d**!* iMtMiration lOtiKli. •WpMNil'Ollt D 'A ^ . ' '.'^ •/,'-' MoM mn» Q □ ' f nfNIMMM GOniMMM □ liwHi^M indiKtoilf TnlVOfI MMtf tMM ffOMIS/ U titio dt i'M-allt proviofit: orfoMid/ QmIHv of print varfot/ #■ LiNfi of iMIM/ 4t titrt di lo UwiiiMMi D "-*"•"-' Titr* dt dtpwt dt la liffrabon □ QinAriqMt (pModiquM) dt la livraiton ThhJi Cado 10X iMiii It art ffiMM au taoM da fMuation indMiiia ai'di MX >* ItX a 22X - 26X • ^ SOX .-■ .■ .-v ■y ■ ■:.; ^/ \ ■' : ■- '%l^ tx^ — t lax ifx m • f 2M 1 2IX 32X Tht §9^ fNm«4 h«rt hat ^—n rfpro4iMtd thankt to tiM e«n«rotlty of : '' r Httropollun ftldMln Toronto Rofortnct library Tht lm«90i oppoMlng hofo aro tho bast qualtty poatlbia aonaWarlnt tha oondlfion and laeibillty of tha original aopy and In kaaplrtg with tha filming aontraat •paaifiaatlont. Original aoplaa In printad papar aovara ara fllmad baglnning with tha front eovar and anding an tha laat paga with a printad or Hlifttratad Imprtt* alon, or tha baok eovar whan approprlata. All ^thar original eoplaa ara fllmad baginning on tha firft paga with a printad or illuitratad imprat' alon, and anding on tha last paga with a printad ^ or liluatratad impraaalon. ^ 'm L'anamplalra film* fiit g0n4roalta dai ^7- Notropal I tan Toronto Mff roncf L I brory ■•/ NljArtln Rooi^ ■■ Laa Imagaa auHrantoa out M ropfOi u Haa avoo la ^ plua grand aoln. aompto tanu do la ooiMlltlon at da la nattata da I'aitamplalra Him*, at an eonformiti avaa laa aondhloha dia aofHrot do fllmaga. i^- Laa axamplalraa orlglnaux dont lo oouvortiriPo'°an paplar aat imprlmOa aont fNmOa an aommarigant par la pramiar plat at an tarmlnani aolt par io v jdarnlAra paga qui aomporto una ampratnta d'imprattton ou d'illuatratlon, aolt por lo aaaond plat, talon ia eat. Toua laa autraa oaomplairoa oiiginauM aont fllm4a an oommangant par |a pramlOra paga qui aomporto imio ompfolnto d'Impraaalon ou dINuatratlon ot on^tormlnant par la darnlOra paga qui oompoito wiO toNo omprolnto. Tha iait raoordad frama on each mierofieha ahall eontain tha symbol — ^ (maanihg "CON' TINUEO"), or tha symbol 7 (meaning "END"}, whlehavar appliaa. t'o daa tymboiaa aulvanta appdraltra aur la darni#re imaga da chaqua miorofloho, aalon lo oat: la symboia -»• algnlflo "A tUIVIII". lo aymbola ▼ aignlfio "FIN". Mapa, plataa, oharta. ate., may ba filmed at diffaront raduetion ratios. Those too large to bf « entirely inoluded m one exposure are filmed bqginnlng in tha uppar left hand corner, left tu right and top to bottom, as meny frames as \ required. The following dlagrama illustrate the Ji> method: * 1 2 ' 3 .\ _>■ ioe oartaa. planohoa, ^Moouk. oto.. jpouyont Atrg film«s « das taux da rtduotlon dHMronta. l.orsque le dooumentioet trop grand pour Itro reproduit en un saul fllehi. II aat fUmd A partir % da i'angle supArieur gauoha, da gauoha A drolto. at da haut en bas. an praitant la nombro d'images nOeeeealra^ Laa diagrammoa aulvanta illustrant la mAthodo. 1 Jf; 1 mmmm^. TARIF'F,-OF fEES TO BE TAKBN BY DIST RIOT OFFICE BS BBTABU8HED BY - THE JUDGES, . CAP. xxxvin. ' h it\: TORONTO: ^ 1845. , jjtjiirfji f^-srt'"*r''^^'T^^'^-'*^^ ,,:.mmmm^^-'*^'''" W- '-WW ^,v ■■■'* ■1_ / ^ ■-•.■ - V, - IS: ■?* v^ \ *> « Ji eigh ton , thti •tiiu Con tlTOl rend ind •r. i;-*, ^■-i *1f , '1 i m J¥^ r . ,/ ' / /. *-tt§i0- mf TiBltF OF FEESi i Ceort d €ttuni*f Bend) ) Micbabliiai Tbiuc, 9th Viotobpa* of V)qKr tfonoba. ) BtUsurday, 15th N&vmnber, 184ft. ■ ■, ■>■ ■ . • it u ^rdtnd, under the autWitj of the it&tate paiied in Um eighth year of her present Majeity's reiffn, intituled, "An Act to leguUte the Feet of certain District Officers, in |hat part of s this province called UpDer Canada/' that the fees ik the tablt annexed to this rule shall be taken and^^reoeived by Bheriffii, Coroners, Clerks of the Peace/ ConsUKi and Criers^ req^ . tivelj, in the seireral districta of this^ppvince, for serncei rendered by them, respectively^ in the administration of justice^ and for otner district purposes, where such services werei not remunerated by «uy law iu force at the time of passing the said act* ^J'jfej, ■ ■» ■ /■■'^" ' ■'}t ->•■--' * lit. That, besides the fees set down in tliit ta|>li, the several officers will be entitled, as here- f tofdroi to receive fees for other services ren^f^^^d Ij ^eiiA|< respectively, which are not mentionSi ]||^ toia table, wherever specific fees for such servio«b,4 are fixed by any statute; the Judges haviiu^ no authority, under the act referred to in this ruw, to* , nuJie any regnWon in such cases., dndly. That if it shall be found that a fee ul •peeificaJly assigned, under any statute, for m service for which a fee has also been ipiadverteiitjhr fixid in this table, then, in every such case, it wiu be the fee mentioned in the statute which is to b^ ohamd for the service, whether it be groator or^ less than that fet down in the table ; andthia rule* , M to the chMge for soeh Mrvicefinll have no efibet. A n • %^ 6 :j^' iti^t w7-iMltltSl^i ii' rrif ffirril^ittMfifiliitJ'IMiliV '^mm^'^^v'. u- Srdly. That the assigning a fee, in this table, for any lenrice rendered, cannot have the effect of ^ entitling the officer to that or any other remune- ration for such service, where there ii either no lieceasity for the service being rendered, or where the right or duty to render it has been legally transferred to some other offiaer. 4thly. That in regard to public allowancet which may have been iieretofore paid out- of the* district funds to any of the officers affected by thin table, and which are not in the nature of a fee, such as allowances for office rent, fuel, stationery, Ac, it is not to bo inferred from their not being provided for in this table, that the claim to ahy BUch allowance is denied by the Judges. In thiU respect the several officers will stand on th# same footing as before, and the control of the Juiticei •^ and of the District Council, in regard to such allowances, will continue as before; the Judges having no authority under the act either to grant, or reject, or to regulate such allowances. It has b*en observed by the Judges, that in sdme district* ■^iii—P Clerk of the Peace has been allowed a certain fixed salary in lieu of fees. If such an arrangement could hare been legolW made before the recent statute under which this table is framed, it coidd not now be adopted without some alteration by the legislaturo of the provisions of that statute. In considering the probable advantages and disadvantages of such a mode of remu- neration, it seems to the Judges, on the one hand, that it would iMTve the Justices andlkhe District Council much trouble, as well as th* officer himself, and it would relieve the latter from the impntation' of multiplying services unnecessorily, in order to accumulate fees ; but, on the other hand, it is to be considered that where the business of a public office consists of a multitude of snudl duties, some of them very troublesome in their nature, the best security for thfeir being duly perfonned is to give the inducement of a distinct remuneration for every distmct act of service ; and as it seems that, under the present system, some diffienlly has arisen in consequence of the Clerks ol the Peace •biming the right to perform certain service* which it is cendnded rest now with the Clerk of tiie District Council, the Jad^ apprehend thlfct if a filed salai7 were to be subrtitutad fo ti< tb C iri (C J i ] ^f*"' '■^Pfw^ f^ Sect of imane- ther no ' whera legally vrancef of the- by thi« Fa fee, ionery, \. being to any InthM » lanie ruiticei ,o sneht' Judges > grantf- l6t»'^0^ii_-P idary in legally < framed, by the ring the f remu- t would as well 'om the trder to isidered altitude nature, give the !t act of oEi, some e Peace ^h it is icil, the >statated Councils the performance of somej duties which are not clearly witliin their proYince. , « « ^" * ' ' J, B. Robinson, C. J. J. B. Maoaulat, /* J. JonwM, J. . A. McLiAM, /« 0. A. Uaoerman, J, ^ 0. 0. SMALL, CUrk o/ths Crown and PUof, SHERIFF. Notice of appointment to the Asso- ciate Justices of Oyer and Terminer, each '•••• To b* paU Ml mt lb* T« N p«tf ky *• .1 Attending jj||Assizes, per diem Attending SrQuarter Sessions, do. Summoning each Girand Jury for the Assises or Quarter Sessions Summoning each Petit Jury for do. do. For every Prisoner discharged from gaol, having been committed by warrant for trial at the Assizes, or Quarter Sessions, or Mayor's Court Bringing up each Prisoner for arraign- ment, trial, and sentence,'— ill all, for each prisoner, whether convicted or acquitted Drawing Calendar of Prisoners for triij at the Assizes, including copies Drawing Calendar of Prisoners for trial at the Quarter SessioHfl^iikAlii-^ ing copies ■.••I..... •....■.*«'•.•••••••*•> i. 2 6 D 1) 10 12 6 3 6 6 6 10 0/ 0' &^ 'f1 # s ' ■■■' ^' . 0-6' I 0"- l\ mmmM iMg^g. '^>;.,. '.■'^- •';■■•.■■' -ii: I ■* ■ ; • • JLiwiiiiing the holding the Aitiiei or Qiaarter B«Mioni, each coart M^Ht Annual or General Return, re- qttored bj law or by the goveriinioiit, reipecting the Gaol or the Priionors therein ..« mftrf other return made to the go- Temmept or to tho ■eMionn, required bj itatute or by order of the court Betnming Precept to the Assizes or J^eMioni . OoDTeying Prisoners to the Foniten- tiarr or to another district (exclusive of disbursements), for each day ne- eessarilfvemployed Airest of eachandiTidual upon a war- rant. (To be\aid out of the dis^ict fondi, or by the party, as the case jnaybe.) flanrinff subpoBna upon each person. (To DO paid out of^the district funds, or by tne party, as the case may be.) TiiToIling in going to execute warrant or Mrre subpoena, 6d. per mile : and "^ «ame charge per mile, iOstually iittfelled, in returning with a pn- •OBttr. W^rel^the service has not been effected, the Justices in Sdjh mao* to be satisfied that due dili- gence has been used. (To be paid oat of the district fu^ds, or by the party* M the case may be.)v Oonvvyipg JNponen on attitpnent or oofpoft to anotlMr diftrict. ^saaicx*' ■ S ft 10 10 i%k« Sif 6 13 1^ 4. 6 10 16 6 18 I \> --1 '? f fe ^ /•/ 7, ...;... ^ I 'V llHERirF— <«•»•<*»»«<«'>'• •zolatiTe of diibunemonta, whera no charge allowed by Iftw, for each j^y neceMarily employed. (To be paid out of the district ftindi^ or by the par^ft a* the case may be.) llaking retara apon attachment or writ of habeas corpus. (To be paid ! out of the district'fundt, or by the f party, at the case may be.) ^ Ltrying fines or issues cm recognis- V ABoes estreated, £6 per £100 on the «gam levied, ezclusiye of mileage at 6d. per mile. (To be levied accord- ing to 8 Vio. ch. 38, sec. 2.) Carrying into execution the sentence of the court in capital cases. All inch sums aa shall be unavoidably disbursed, to be taxed by the Court or Judge who passed the sentence. Attending and i^uperintending the ex- ecution in such caseji. ....... 1 .... . . . Bmnmoiiing each Constable to attend the Assiies or Sessions Every notice to a Magistrate, under itatute 8 Vic. ch. 14, sec. 6, exclu- nve of mileage at 6d. per mile Keepinff a record of Jurors who have served each Court... .....«•*».•. •fcsttsai*' •> 4 6 Vilai .■»■ 1 i 6 AH disbnnenients actually and •arily made in guarding Primia, — «r in iheir conveyance to the Wtj^ t«ntiarj, to any other diitriot or tMf» wh«re» or for other purposes in the fk 3 2 6 2 6 6 1 0' *.. :\jL^'L # v0 li ;v.'t .rCii^t- X *.jfn ■-Mi h: ir-'?^-i^qw«rv7 >' * "-aJEiKi^a, "j-^^^d-^s?!^' <; »'> m ) ft * -' » ■ n 1 s» v ^ X. - * " . * - >ii > e r *■■ > •■ » . r a ^5^' i>:# • *. »_ ' », J.rjRy>,-r , !,^ f- "J"* 'y"l|^?S^*W» !• ,-"^^T» \i ^ ri Ji ).<. fk 1*.^ St"«. dim^iirge df the duties of the office (when not provided for by law, not heieinbefore specifically); to be ren- dered in account inHetail, with pro- fi per Touchers, to the satisfaction of the Justices in SessionSj and to be by them allowed. - CORONER. Precept to summon Jury .., Impanelling a Jury.... ............ ..•...•• Summons for WitnesseSi; each......... 'A - Information or examination of each Witness ............... ....i — »• Talking e^ery recognizanqe .......... Kecessant' travel to take an inquest, per mile.... .'..... '•• • ^^Titkingf inquisition andimaking return j^Eyery , warrant .,*...♦..... ^ reb*p*Uk^«('^ X •■ d oAi*eBt;of ea«h indiiddiiial upon a war- (To be paid out of the " fonds, or by the party^M thO/Oaae rant. (To be paid out of the diiitrict fonds, or ^Mky*be.> Bennng Bimimons or Bi|b{Memft%^»».;4 Be;piid WHsngd, Bdi per inile out of ihe ajstrict ftiiiii^op 2 6 • 6*0 13 13 2 e 1 10 5 ■'th' Ta^pfeUkrMM Ooft.a fc 1 .; A X •■ 4. 0-0 « 0,» r; Oil* 13 party* ai. (he case mfasi^Ae,) i.t?>-*>. .!'■ h .J'< ..«■.;■ ■-!■■'■•: t '"''■• V»J. a ■■■/ i» J ■■/■ Attending Assizes or Sessions, per day Attending any Justice on trials, under the summary punishment acts, or on the examination of Prisoners charged with any crime, teeach day neces- sarily employed .tS.,... ......... ...... Mileage in going to sep-e summons or wwrant,-when the service has not been effected ; the Justices in Ses- sions to be satisfied that due dUi- ; gence has been used. (To be paid out of the district funds, or by the party, as the .case may be.) Talung Prisoners to gaol, 4d. per mile, exclusive of disbursements necessar- r^ expended in their conveyance. (To be paid out <^ the district fonds, or by the party, as the ease may be.) Summoning Juiy for inquest Attending inquest, for each day other than the first Serviuff notice of appointment of Oon- ttabfos, when personally served Levying upon distress warrant ^and returning the same, where charge not provided by law Advertising and selling under distress warrant,where a charge not provided "y <vw. ..''... •**>.........•.....•.«.....•.. Travellinff 4o make distress, or to iOMrali fbr goods to make ditirait when no gmt are found, 4d* Mp . wile, wlm ohaigo not othorwiift VtkafiM Ml«r llH bjUw. A. ^tmm Tilsiriilrtt*' t 9 r 10 6 2 6 6 ff T-l- t a oi 6 Q • t'-J . i: 4« ^■\ t^ Appraisement, wbetber bygone Apr praiser or more, 4d. in the pound on the value of the goods. X •. *■ party. <H^ — X •. *. CLERK OF THE PEACE. Causing notice to be published of any special or adjourned Session, when durected to be done ••• • Sending notice of any such Session to the Justices individually, where- it may be requisite j for each notice . . . Attending each adjourned or special Sessions, and making up record thereof . .............. • Furnishing annually lists of Constables to the Sherifif and Coroner; for each annual list, to each ofi&cer . . Making up lists, pursuant to the sta- tute 4 & 6 Vic. ch. 3, sec. 32, of li persons qualified by law to serve as Jurors residing witiiin the hmits of eafih Division C5ourt, snecifying th^ ^^ plice of residence and addition of each person, including the certifi- cate, and the transmission of the hst ^ to. the Clerk of ^ach Division Court ; for evtory 100 names " • •• Making out and delivering to the She- "^ a^ually, a list of all certificated ^^fiftm^n; ft^^aich list of not more than 100 na^es. (7 Geo-IV, ch. 8, sec. 1.3 .....y • .....i For every ^dition^ 100, at the ye To }<* |mM ant aTib* n.ilriet FuiNilii X ■. part} wn¥H' 2 6 6 s.;' X ■. 4. m. 7 6 02 « / 2 6 a.^ of 28. 6d. per lOO napM* (4 & 6 Vio, ch. 43.) . , s /-',:.■; \ ,1 Q f \ -*■ -TTTf- ,/.Vjt'*<i, i.''»Mr«'U .^»*«'" s 44. AL^AMf^-ifV "V'^^s ^:';«5 11 l OLEBK OP THE PEACE— • (continued), Reading an]r statute in open court, when required to be done by law ... Gopieii^of Depositions or Examinations ramished to Prisoners, or Defend-^ ants, or their Oounsely when proper » to be furnished, and required by the party or his Counsel, for each folio of 100 words. 4 <fe 6 Vic ch. 24, sec. 12 and sec. 23. (To be paid out of the district fiinds, or by the party applying, » according to the/ liature of the case.) ...... ......... .V Receiving and filing each Presentmetit of the Urand Jury ..............j^... Anraigninff eachPrisoner or Defendant . indicted, and recording plea. (To be paid out of the district fiinds^ or by the party indicted, as the case maybe.). ........ .....i:..l... Every subpcena ticket, or copy of si^b- pcena, when, necessary. (To be paid out of the district funds, or by t^e • party applying, as the case may b^.^* ■ ■. ■ ■■ :: .' ■.'-;■■■•■ ■' ■ ; ■ ; ■;■; i Empannelling and swearing the Ju^ in- eyery case, whether criminal d^ otherwise, where by law a trial bjr Juiy \^ to be had at the Quarter Sessions, Bnd where no fe#is fifbd by statute. (To be paid either oui of the district funds, or by the party] as the case may be.|^ . . ........ . , . .; Swearing each witness for the prosecui tion, or for the Claimant, Appirilant or Defendant, upon any tnu by a Jury, or to go before the Gra^ Jutt. (f be paid out of the district fttnds» «•% Ibe party, as the case may be.) >^r ■ . } t ^' CLERK OF THE P^AOE— Filing each Exhibit upon a trial. (To be paid out of the district funds, or bj the par^, as the case may be.) Charnnff the Jury, with the Prisoner or Iierandant, upon each indictment. (To be paid out of the district funds, or Igf^ the party, its thovcase may be.) Beceiving and recording each verdict of a Jury, in any case of trial by Jury. , (To bej>aid out of the district funds, or by me party, as the casd inay be.) Becofding each judgment or sentence of the Court, upon verdict 4>r con- fession. (To be paid out of the district fmids, or oy the par^, as the case may be.) ..................... Making out and delivering to the Bhenff a calendar of the sentences lit each Court....;...... Oertifi^ Copy of Sentences sent with ^e Prisoner to the Penitentiary alter each Session . . ■ ■ - . . ^ ■■..■:.,■■;,■,_..:■..., . ^ . > . ■ .:-■ ■ .Matdng up Becord of Conviction or Acquittal, in aay ca^ where it may 1>e necessary, per folio of 100 wof^s. ^o boTMud out of the district funds, or by the party, as the case niay be.) DiaoiUtfgjng %ny Prisoner by procla- nation ...>.^.........^.. ;...... ... .. Brawing Bill of Costs to be paid, by the pirtyf and filing the same where necessary t«l be nuiae ont and ffled; ^^HMHUlt; iStm lUfie, and intappeali *i •'»•« «ar »«•«• 2 6 1 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 6 B I J \ 2 6 6 t rnpi u.. •if 4'i'>>3 ---^'mti^Tssvffmmt^'' 'f' il.-j^'iiikL^Jj^J^l-li^.'ji itailW^?fT«-«re«»<i*5eiifKW»T_«5.,!i»,c?JWW^ •• :• .r/ .■^. 4 2 6 2 6 ^ f^f?!-^ ^ ' ""h ^^vii' f*'*^ vi*""? A li^ GLEBK OP THE PEACE— (continued), Beceiving and filing notice of appeal, and the appeal from any judgment or conviction by one or more Justices, where an appeal to the Quarter Ses- sions is given by law. (To be paid out of the district Ainds, or by the party appealing, as the case may be.) For all services upon the trial of such appeal case, including the receiving and recording the verdict, the same charges as on ordinary criminal trials. (To be paid out of the district funds, or by the party, as the case may be.) Issuing process to enforce the order of the court in any appeal case. (To be paid out of toe district funds, or by the party, as the case may be.) Mfhl^ng out warrant of distress or coinmitment, in any case where no fee irspeciaUy assigned therefor in any statHte or in this table ......... Drawing out\nd taking each Becog- nizance to Amioar, either of Prose- cutor, DefendiuM^ or Witness *..... Calling partiei on th^ Recognizance and recording their nonappearance, for each person called .\...... :..... Matiiig out lists of forfeited r^ogniz- anc<M> aiid fines to submit to the Justices alter each Quarter Sessio&Si in order to their being estreated ... Entering aaasf oorder of seiiiOiui to remit an estreat, and recording an entry of the same. (To be pidd oat of the hib»|iaMMil«ril /Jf d. Old 18 2 6 I 2 -t' 2 6 2 6 0. 1 3 6 \ district iimds, or by tho paily^n^ 0* « * 1 Or 0- :l^. 'il '' -1 '^1 r UM ^ ■f --«' v.' '^' iV 1) ^ A , lyi^Tw -»»»-, ■•-«*»»»?* imt^rh?.f>^' »' 1% 14 iMlH«i CLERK OF THE PEACE— (continued). Drawing order of the Justices to estreat and put in process (on the whole list) • Enteting and extracting uppn a roll, in duplicate, the fines, issues, amer- ciaments and forfeited recognizances, \ recorded in each Session, making oath to the same and transmitting it to the Sheriff Hakinff ont and delivering to the She- riff Uie writ of fieri facias and capias thereon Making out and certifying copy of roll and return of the Sheriff, and trans- toitting it to the Beceiver General Making up hook of orders of Sessions/ declaring the limits of the Division Courts, and entering the times and places of holding the Courts Making out and transmitting a copy thereof to the government Making out and transmitting copies (vdth letter) to the Cleik of each Division Court, of the Divisions lAade hy the Quarter Sessions ...... Drawing orders of sessions for altering ^ the limits of Division Cotirts . ........ V ■ ■ , .... , ■ Making out and transmitting copies of such orders to the govemment...... Making odt and transmitting copies of •ach o^ers to each Division Court affected hy the alteration For e acU c}opy of sch e dule of th e Divi* DMitM PMiida pMty ■fplyit. X ■. 4. II X •. A. 2 6 II 6 2 6 6 « 6 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 / ^ "' / ' / 6 I 0[ sion Courts* with* the order of Ses- ' iioiis tdit pablicfttion 2 ^ ■ * ^i*^?'^ ^Bl "•JfW*- ff'"i -S^-* ' p^r « 15 .*,'( m?^ f* ' ¥'"'""y iJ^^I^' •b 4k "■ - ■■A / CLERK OF^ THE PEACE— 'fifontinuedj. Swearing each' party to an affidavit, where nocharcre ib elsewhere pro- yided for it. (To be paid out of the district 'funds, or by the partj for whom the affidavit is sworn, accord- ing to the nature of the case.) ■ . .■ ■'■. ■■ ■ ■ ■ ; " DUnSfl CONNECTCD with ASSSisSMBNT AND BATES. . Ma^ng up blank books for the As- sessors, to enable them to take the assessment as directed by 1 'Vic. ch. 21, sec.'lfi, including the column for census of population; where this service is necessary, and the District Council has not provided by their by-laws for its bemg otherwise per- formed, eiU;h Assessor ............... Drawing affidavit attesting the tissess- ment rolls, swearing the same and filing each roll, where the service is necessary and the District Council has not provided by their by-laws for its bemg otherwise performed... Extending colunms on the Collector's rolls, to include a rate or assessment for any public debt, or authorised to be imposed for any other purpose, under any special act of the legisla^ .^ ture^or by any by-law,, where Ae seirvice is necessary and ^€Hstrict Council have not provid^ by their by-laws for its being cMfierwise per- formed, for each 100 names, for t eichtate. t(8 Vic.<'ch. 11, sec. 13.) -i^li^v 0lk«ving up warrant agunst Collector of mtes, or his surety,^ for levfing ro b* |wM •*! of lb* ritkapiMrkjrllM Iff jr aih'tjruia. X 10 10 • 2 6 i. \ •J' 6 0>'i I '^ 1 \-. Mill rr;: if CLEBK OF THE PEAOB— ■~',. (cantinittd). rates or MseBiments omitted to be levied, where the District Council hM not provided by their by-laws for iu being otherwise performed, such fee to DO indorsed on the writ and directed to be levied Making up report of Assessors who We not returned their lists, and ■ubmitting the same to the JusUces; where this service is necessary iwid the District Council have not pro- vided by their by-laws for its bemg otherwise performed •••••• Making up and transmitting to the Treasurer of the District a state- ment of the rates and assessments imposed on the inhabitants of each township, and of the amount to be paid to each Assessor, for his per oentage, according to the rolls, and alsome amount payable in respect thereof to other township officers, where the service is necessary and the District Councfl have not pffo- ▼ided by their by-laws for its bemg Otherwise performed Trtiuwribing in detail, in abook tobe kept for that purpose, ^^lands m- turned by the several Asse-sors, shewing the several parceU of land as described in the assessment rous, fbr the Treasurer's office for each township, where this semce is re- xmired and the DittnctCouncU have not pronded by iheir by-Uws for its b wT»g o<ih « PWise performed «»««»»<»» Jhitwing copy of writ for sde^of lands ^iSii, m » book to b« ki^t for lit ■m ^nkitr iVrfttf-ailh ■ -wr •wn ■. *. O * '* • Vr, ■ ' *■ X * 'i^i^'.^tart4( ^^^ H^i^^ .V™®B piSliymac-JIS. -'^^ ■* » ■t.v Ul*i** 17 ' ''■ ,'' ' %" " f ftn*l ^'f* • IWto CLERK OP THE PEAOJ>— (eontwmed), -..^ that purpose, entering the Sherilf ■ return on each writ in the (uune book, and reporting such returns to the Court ...... ...^i^...... ...,....».,. DUnBB CONNECTItD WITH SHOP AND TAVERN LICENSES AND DISTILLlERIES. BeceiTing and filing application for tavern licenses, or ale and beer licenses, orfor the transfer of licenses. (To be paid by the party.) Qiying certificate for license and of the amount to be paid under the order of the Justicen and certificate of transfer being allowed. (To be paid by the party applying.) « Causing the names of all persons who sh^nave taken out licenses as inn- keepers <Mr wholesale store-keepers, to be published, as required by^sta- tute 6 Wm. IV. ch. 4, s^.'S ...... ■ ■ ■ T ■• - . ' Beceiying and filinff quarterly return of theliispector m Licenses I Making out and transmittiiur state- ment to the Inspector General, shewing in detai^^e orders of Ses- sions respectii^|K[uties authq(|^^ '^ to be charged for licenses ............ For each copy furnished of the tavern .regulations made by ^e Justices in SessiotiB. (Tobepaidbythej[)arty ■ lecciivmff iv.}. • * .... ./.. • • . • • ... .....•••• <iii> 6 'ttSjKf .M •■ Beceiving and filing return fiK>m the inipeetor of LicwMS of aQ inspeo- o ' -- — 6 0^ t ^' 10 1 2 6 6 2 6 ■ ^'^ - It CLERK OF THE PEACE— (continued), tioDB by him mader^pbderistatute 8 Vic. ch. 20, sec. 13; and submit- ting the same to the justices Making up annual return or absjtract, f|t>m the aBsessment rolls, of tlie number of DistiUeries, and deliver- ing the same to the Inspector of Licenses, when the service is neces- sary and is required to bo performed by the Clerk of the Peace MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. Making out and delivering lists of orders on the Treasurer, made at each Court of Quarter Bessions . . . Copying orders of Court, and causing tne same to be published where it is requisite, for each order^. Drawing every^special order of the Court ^ Quarter Sessions necessary to be communicated to any party, and entering it on record ............ Making out aggregate return of the Population of the District for the >« ,Oovernment, where the duty is ne- V cessary and its performance is not "^ oUierwise provided for , Making up and transmitting to the Inspiector General a return or sche- dule of all convictions which have taken pla^e before any Justice or Justices, or t>efore the Court, each li s ti ..................................... Making out an account, to be laid be- fore the Grand Jury at the Quarter ■:?-•-. ; ■ -^ ■.:: :^\\ ■:[■■'■■::-::■. iy- '\\- .■■''■•■■\r/. ■■■/-■■■■ ] Tok«p«Ma«rt«rilM 1 2 6 )o -T ■awf ■. 4. 7 6 13 2 6 10 5 I F< V El F< 0^ Q y OLERK OF THE PEAOE-^ (eontinutd). BeMions, of the sum nocoiiHary to be proYided for tho maihtonance of in- ' Bane persons, where this service is necessary and its performance has not been otherwise provided for. (11 Geo. IV. ch. 20.) Making and transmittins a refum to the government of Justices and Co- roners who have taken the oaths, when required to be done, for each return For furnishing the Judffe of the Dis- trict Oourt with the lists required by statute 8 Vic. ch. 7, sec. 3, for eacli township i For every return or report required by statute or by the gjovernment, for which no remuneration has been provided in this table or' by statute Entering rules and regulations to be ^ observed! by ferrymen, and table of fees, as ijequired by Jaw. (37 Geo. IILch. 10.) ........j Each copy thereof delivered to a ferry- man. (To be j^id for by him.) Fot certificate of proof of any deed or instrument, where the witnesses are dead ; given under statute 58 Geo. III. ch. 8 . (To be paid for by the party objAining it,) Taking affidavit and granting certifi- cate on each U. E. Loyalist's peti- _ tion, when required to be done. (To (i be, paid for by the par^ obtaining it.) .^ .... i > 4. 2 6 2 6 5 5 Q • 2 6 re ■^ :<>W Js i-M- <:L ■^P '■■fev. kfLERK OP THir PEACE- T (conHnusdJ. » , Rcie«Mng and ftUng each Hit of . Mailibera of Fiiii Company For each^Miiifioaie given to a Member . ,. of a FiwCompany. (To be paid for by him.).\.**>* ;•• Drawing certificate of appr^gl l>y **>« Jattioei in S^iwioui of Mreties ten- < dered by the Biheriff. (To.>be paid by Sheriff.)... ..\........ For eTery certificate that a Township Olerfc nai lodged in the Clerk of the i Peace's Office. (The papers re- ^^^ qoired to be furnished by him.) : For certificate approving of security to be given by anv InspecUlP of Fish. ^ . (To be paid by the Inspector.) iniiterihg oaths to any public* ', ^ben authorised to ao so. by tho officer.) ,. 10 rw vt- 13 2 6 Old Si filini[^ach oath of qua- of a iW^ of the Peace I,' ' Administering oath of allegiance and giving oertmcate, where a charge is not aasigned for the service. (To be paid by the party sworn.) •A* • < Adminiitering oaHh to each witness in ' Bopport <^ an application for autho- ntif to a Ifinister to solenmize maiv ri a ge. (To be p a id by t h e M in ister a^^Mying.i ••'•••«••••>.••••«•«••.•••••••• ]yjBiiiiiitairing oath of allegiaace to MdiMiiiifller. (TobepMdbyhJiv.) 10 ; I 1 3 1 } e I MM ^Am^&L- ■*r. i" -'■^^ ^ 6 3 3 ..-••^ OliERK OF THE PSAOKl- For recording recogn!iane« entered into by any HoffiBtor of a Countj. (To be paia bj tno Register.) Receiving and filitig nffidavit of Bas- taniy, under 7 Win. IV. ch. 8. (To ,be paid by the party producing it.) Drawing and recording appointment of ' Inspector of Woiglitfl and Measures Drawing, taking and recording, the oath 6f^ Insptictor of Weights and Meftsures. (To be paid by the party.) Receiving and filing each tender for ^ any public workj supply or service Making out a list of ihe several ten- ders on each occasion, as they are opened, specifying the namei, prices and other particulars, and filing the Sjune, when required to be done by i#u8tic€Mi Drawing 1^nds or agreement for the delivery of articles, or for doing work forthegaol, or other district pur- poses, and attending execution, when required by Justices .................. Beaeiving and ffling accounts and de- mands at the General Quarter Ses- sions preferred against the district, in each session, numbering them and submitting them for audit and mak- io g out the cheques Eyery copy of entry of verdict in a I of alt ' Itering or laying out a road, and every copy or extract o£ a record # 2 6 6 jO 1 2 6 10 10 2 6 5 ■v*' H s hll^.^^ ,y VI • <}•>■ ^ ■■,1,1. 'I » ■ ■; .. " '44 ' k' i? 'W^: Cl4PtK: OF THE PEACE— (continued). or paper of any kind, required to be inade by law or by order of the Jub- tices,. where no charge is allowed "therefor, including certificate to au- thenticate the same, where no charge is fixed by law, for every folio of 100 words TolMpiMwitorUM Oialriat Tmmit^ »•••«•,••• ' The same charge for the same service when rendered at the request of any individual. (To ^be paid by him, 'where no charge is fixed by law.)... For filing each list, return, or other paper, where no charge is specially provided, except accounts ana claims against the district, and papers re- lating to licenses or Inspectors* ac- counts, and papers connected with matters tobecharged against private individuals, and exceptinff also any papers filed connectea with Savings Banks. (To be pwd out of the dis- ^ trict funds, or by the party for whom the service is rendered, according to the nature of the case.) .... .. ......... All letters to officers of government or others upon special l)usiness con- nected with the administration of justice, or other district purposes, when written by order of the Jus- tices, including a copy for the office CRIER. Making proclamation for opening or adjourning the Court of Assize and Km Prius, Oyer and Temuner and General Gaol Pelivery and Quarter Sessioni ..........."«.* *• . I '■ 4. 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 3 4 M Ci Oi 0« ; I At \ * a . t i OBlEB^famHnuedJ, Making every other proclamation Calling and Bwearing Grand Jury...... Calling and swearing every Petit Jury Callinff and swearing every Witness or Constable ..:,... .. Attending Assizes and Quarter Ses- sions, per diem .... ::■ %i: -i.' i* y * -^^fi- f Ml ,~.v •i,-'t. t IL. •miwusar^^ L^a^^UHt^^Si^iS^^ .5tV ■f.-T S ' ft'' '^^. '^ v^.^vtj^i^fpfllifKK'^emm'w^^ ■ •:^T'!^'^^ * ^■^:^i \:vv: « 4 i. / I I-7 l> % a ft ^> ^i <»