«;• , '-'■ ^ 1 * LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS ^ « /< OF THE BANK OF MONTREAL ,, t IN i. < OF 31st MAY. 1897. ' '"-4 '^i , V". ' ; ■ - ' . ■«-. MONTREAL 1897 K; w,. -^ .' . 1 h '.- V LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE BANK OF MONTREAL OF 31st MAY, 1897. MONTREAL 1897 <!AZ1;TTE PRINTIXC CO., MOXTKKAIi LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE BANK OF MONTREAL ON THE 31st MAY, 1897. NAMES. Abbot, Mrs. Maria Abbott, Sir John J. C, K. C. M. G s (Executors of) ) Abbott, Mi-s. W. (Exci-utors of) Abbott, Mrs. M. A (intrust) Abbott, Lady... Acheson. Alex. W Acton, Mvs. Jane Acton, Kev. Eobort (Executors of). . Adams, Henry P. (Executor of Mrs | E. L. Adams) ) Adams, Henry E., (Tutor) Adam.s, Gideon Adams, Joel Adatns, Henry (Executors of) Adams, Francis. ■ Adams, Eev. Thos Adams, Geo. C. B., the Executrix ^ and Trustee of \ Agnow, \Ym. (intrust) Ahcrn, Mrs. Amelia V Ainloy, Mrs. Margaret ■ Aird, Hugh W. (in trust) Aitken, Mrs. Mary Aitkcn, Mrs. Mary (in irust for J. | A. Shaw j Aitken, Alex. M Aitken, Miss Agnes --... Alcorn, Samuel RESIDENCES. Carbondale, U. S. Montreal do Vancouver, B.C Montreal do do do SHARES. 3 19 16 20 20 17 1 1 Montreal i 11 do Cornwall. ... do Whitby Montreal — Lennoxville. England . Montreal. Quebec... Almonte , Montreal, do do , London, Eng. Scotland Toronto 2 9 13 6 5 200 10 12 4 4 56 9 30 19 200 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Hen- Alexander. Chailes , Alford, Mrs. W. E Allan, Miss Margt W , Allan, Andrew, and othei'S, Trustees Allan, Andrew, and otheis, in trust. Allan. Archil)ald A Allan, 11. Montagu Allan, Bryee J , Allan, John , Allan John Allan. Robert A Allan, James B. and Fred ( shaw (in ti-nst) j Allan, Wm. M Allison, Miss Harriet Almon, Mrs. Frances A. M Alston, John AVm Alston, Mrs. Anna M Anderson, Alexander (M.D) Anderson, John Anderson, Mrs. Ann E Anderson, Mrs. Jane (Exrs. of) Anderson, Eobert (E.\rs. of) Anderson, Miss SeptimaH Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Eev, Wm Anderson, Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, Mrs, Clementina Anderson, Mrs. Annie Andiews Home, The Angers, Real (in trust) Angus, Eichard B Angus, Donald Forbes Apps, Charles Overj Archer. Eobert Archibald, Sir Adams G.(Excr.s of) Archibald, Mrs. Florence A. Armour, Eobert, Executor of Cin trust)' j Armour, Eobert (Executor of) Armstrong, Mrs. Octavia Arnoldi, Miss Amelia Montreal do Harbor Orace,N.F. Montreal do do do do do Prince Albeit, X.W.T Montreal ...} do Haibor (riace, N.F. Halifax, NS ' Halilax, N.S England do Army M. Dcpt. Scotland' Wcstmount Montreal do do H. Bay Company. Montreal , Kemptville , Levis, Q Montreal Montreal , do do do , Brantford Montreal Halifax, NS Truro, :N.S Montreal. do , St. John, NB. Montreal 20 5 5 30 7 44 9'? 88 5 1 6 16 15 20 14 3 12 ti 20 21 7 4 114 1 500 50 1 30 50 5 2 10 10 THE RANK OF MONTREAL, NAMES. RESIDENCES. SHARES. Arnott, Mrs. Mary S..... Arnott, Mi-s. Caroline M Arn ton, John James (Kxecutors of), Atkinson, Eev. Chas S. AIi!;ernon ) Euttor and John S. G. Hai-diiig ) Atkinson, Miss Clara Atkinson, Miss Florence Auld, John a nis (*niiui-en. . ) lOi's, in trust for S 'xillis and her > Auld, John, and others, in trust for ) Mrs. M. A. Davison and childi-en. j Auld, John and others, in trust for } Edward Auld and his children. Auld, John and othei Mrs. Jessie McGi children Auld, John and others, in trust for Mrs. .fane M. Baker and her children Auld, Wm. C. (Executors of) Ausseni, Mrs. Elizabeth (Executors of, in ti'ust) Austin, Mrs. M. H Auston, Frederick W Bac, F. Leon Badgley, James M. T Bailey, Wilfred Bailey, Mrs. Eliza c ... Bain, Miss Mary Bain, Miss Elizabeth M Bakei-, John C. (Executor of) Baker, Mrs. Annette O Baker, Mrs. Harriet K Balcer, Henry M Balcer, Henrj- E. Montreal............. 5 Bath, England 25 Montreal ; 115 Enirland. 25 Montreal 20 do 23 Montreal 11 do . Montreal. do do 11 11 11 11 do ' 9 Lachine 21 Inverness, Que. Cobourg^. 1 8 Paris, France 1 Major E.E., India. 16 England 20 England 105 Toronto 3 do 3 Stanbridge ' 25 Waterbury ' 17 Dunham, P. Q 3 Three Eivcrs. i 106 do Quebec .... 15 U 11 1 3 Balfour, Eev, Andrew J Ball, Mrs. Emma L i Santa Ana, Cal Ballendine, Mrs. Flora \ Saskatchewan . Bangs, JamesS I Ottawa Banks, Miss Mary F I Montreal 3 Bannerman, William Kildonan, Man ^ Baptist, Mrs. Flora McD , Baptist, Miss Isabella C Three Eivers. do 6 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Baptist, Miss Helen V Barbeau, Henry Barclay, Mins Clarice H Barclay, John Barclay, Rev, James, and James ) Tasker (in trust) j Barnston, Miss Frances S. F Barnston, Miss Margaret Barrett, Mrs. Mary Anne E Barrett, Wm. il.—M.B.,CM Bartlej', Miss Jane H Bartley, Miss Anne G Bascom, Mrs. Anne M Bate, Henry J Bate, Henry N Bate, Mrs. Florence M Baylis, Mrs. Hilda E Bay lis, Mrs. Hilda E. (in trust) Beadnell. Mrs. May Beaudry, Victor (Executoi-s of) Beaugi-and, Honorti, (Executor of ) G. Glackmcyei"). ) Beattie. John Beaitie, Mrs. Jcinnie l\. A Bcchei', Francis G Beechey, Miss Augusta Belanger, Horace (Executors of).... Bell, Archibald , Bell, Miss Ann Bell, Miss Mary Bell, Miss Susan Belleau, Sir Narcisse F. (Excr. oi). . Bellingham, Sydney E... Benalhick, .Mrs. Mary Ann Bennetts, Francis K Bennett, Rev. James Bennett, Win. S. (in trust) Bennett Wm. S. (in trust) Benning, James, (Executors and ) Trustees of) j Benny, Miss Sophia , Benny, Miss Margaret N , Benny, Miss Christiana Three Rivers, Montreal Quebec Carillon, Que. Montreal Montreal, . do Montreal,., Scotland .. Montreal.. do Uxbridge . Chicago.... Ottawa Ottawa Montreal, do .. New York. Montreal,., do do Monti'eal Ottawa England ... St. Boniface, Man. H. Bay Company... Levis, P. Q Carleton Place Montreal Quebec Montreal AVestmount Ottawa L'Orignal Milwaukee, U.S Milwaukee. U.S.... SHARBS. ] 10 1 35 21 11 400 225 2 2 a 7 25 6 2 5 2 75 8 10 61 7 28 6 26 7 8 18 100 18 2 1 7 45 15 Montreal 81 D'Aillcbout do do 20 28 20 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. NAMES. and \ Benny, Miss Sarah K. ......... Benny, Walter N Benny, Miss Julia E Benny, James , Benson, Mrs. Elheldred N Wm li. Miller (curator) Benson, Wm. Thos. (Exrs of) Benson, Geo. F. (in trust) Benson, Mrs. Etheldred N Benson, Mrs. Mary Ann Benson, Thomas M. and George L McCaul (Trustees) Benyon, Wm. H Bernard, Mrs. Frances I* Berczy, Miss Harriet de M Best, Mrs. Frances M Bethunc, Miss Maud Bethune, Strachan, Q.C Bethune, Meiedith B Bickerstatt', Thomas, and Edward ) Holton (in trust) ) Bigelow, Mrs. Mary A Billctt, Mrs. Euth M Binmore, Mrs. Jane G Binney, Rt. Eev. Hibbcrt (Ex'tors of) Birss, Miss Elizabeth C Bishop, Mrs. Maude B Bissett, Miss Mary Ann Bissett, Mrs. Phebe Black, Miss Cclia H Black, Rev. William McMillan Black, Hibbcrt C Black, Mrs. Ann (I^^xrs. of) Black, Miss Jessie C Black. Samuel G Blackstock, Thomas G Blackwood, Robert Blackwood, Mis« Mar<i;ai'et Isabella 1 (Ex'tors of) j Blackwood, Mrs. Ann Blair, David Blatherwick, Thomas (S.S.M) Blathwayt, Chs. P RESIDENCES. Montreal.... D'Aillebout D'Aillebout do. Montreal. do do do do Port Hope Ottawa Montreal Richmond, Que. M'mtieal Peterborough... Buffalo Montreal do do Montreal Quebec Montreal Halifax Montreal Ottawa Montreal Lachiuo Halifax, N. S. Scotland Pugwash, N.S Quebec Cobourg" Halifax Toronto Martintown, Out. Montreal Tatamagouche,N . S St. Octave de Mdtis England Dartmouth i SHARBS. 30 43 20 22 20 20 2 25 15 26 10 3 4 1 50 10 31 1 1 ^ 23 4 3 6 19 26 20 3 1 5 20 1 15 15 4 4 6 6 ■'8 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. Boake, Trust Fund Boas, Bendix A.. Bogart, Mrs. Harriet A Bompas, George Cox Bond, John B Boswell, St. George Boswell, Mrs. Mary Jane Boswell, Miss Marion Boswell, Miss Martha A Boswell, Miss Laura Boswell, Miss Mar<rt Louisa Boswell, Andrew Wm. (Curator).. Boswell, Joseph Knight Boswell, Andrew Wm Bos we 1, Lewis Henry Boswell, Chas. E. A Boswell, Wm., M.D (Executors of) Boswell, Miss Mary Boswell, Vesey Botterell, Mrs. Saiah Lazare R )rr C. R.. and v Boulton; Miss E. R..... ) ^^^^• Bovey, Mr.s. Emily J. B Bovey,Mr.K.Emily'j.B.(in trust No I) Bovey, Mrs Emily J B (in trust jSTo 2) Bowen, Miss Nellie Bowen, Mrs. Elizabeth (Executrix ) J. Bowen, jr) | Bowen, Miss Alicia C. A Bowen, Miss Alicia C. A (Usufruc- ) tuar}^ and E. J. Hale, Curator) . ) Bowie, Martinus V. A Bowie, Miss Annette J. C Bowie, Miss Alice G. C. B Bowie, Miss Agnes M Bowie, Mrs. Christiana Bowie, Mi88 Nina C. L Bowles, Joseph Bowles, Mrs. Isabella Boyd, Robert Boyd, William Boulanger Boulton. Henry Boulton, Miss C RESIDENCES. SHARKS. Toronto Montreal 1 ! 1 1'72 Belleville London, Eng Montreal 16 6 25 Quebec Quebec 5 17 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 3 Quebec 4 do 1 do I do 1 do 1 do 45 do 18 do 25 do 100 Ste. Agathe, Que... Perth 5 Toronto 8 do Montreal 12 Montreal 2 do 2 Sherbrooke 2 Quebec do 3 2 do 2 England do 1 4 England 3 do 3 Montreal 2 England 4 England Montreal 90 8 Hemmingford Kilmarnock 3 3 THE BANK OP MONTREAL, 1* NAMES, Boyle, Mrs, Isabella Bradburn, Thomas Bradburn, Thomas E Bradshaw. Robert C Braithwalte, Mrs. Mary (Extiix of) Braithwaito, Rev. Jos. (Ex' tor of) Brass, William Bray, Mrs Isabella (Executors of, ) in trust for Ann Coxhead) j Bray, Mrs. Isabella (Executors of, ) in trust for T. Coxhead) j Breland, Pascal Bremner, Miss Eliza G Bremner, Mrs. T. E. S Bremner, Mii?8 Marion Brcmnei', Miss Ethel G Bretnor, Mrs. Hannah L Bridges, Colonel Edward S Brisset, Andre (intrust) Brooke, Chas. Ja^. Brooke, Chas. Jas (in trust) Brooks, Mrs. Ellen A Brotherhood, Miss Maria A Brotherhood, Miss Ethel L Brotheihood, Roland H Brotherhood, Mrs. Maiy L Brotherhood, Miss Hilda W Broughton, Wm. Kelk Brown, Miss Anna J. C Brown, Wm., and Edward Smith (in trust) Brown, William Henry (P]x'r of) .' Brown, Jonathan Brown, Robert (Executors of ) Brown, Richard Henry Brown, Francis Robert Fontaine.... Browne, Arthur A., M. D Browne, Mrs. Isabella Browne, Daniel Marshall Browning, John M, (Executor Mrs. M. MacDonald) Bruce, Rev. George Biyson, Miss Mary Hope RESIDENCES. SHARES, Quebec ... Peterboro Peterboro Manitoba. Mnntrpjil. 1 ' 17 i 21 1 30 : 17 48 do ()9 H. B. Co Sorcl 8 2 do 13 Manitoba Scotland 30 4 St. Johns, do do Rocklord, England.. Montreal . Nfld us!!!!!! 1— ' :o o CO 00 GO CO Hull, Que - f) do Montreal . . 15 12 Stratford, Stratford. Guelph ,.. Stratford.. Ont 3 5 5 28 Stratford 5 H. Bay Co Montreal . mpany,.. 13 10 Montreal 9 Quebec 5 Monti'eal 15 Ottawa 220 Sydney, C,B Moncton, N.B Montreal ..,. 5 8 15 Wilmot N S 10 Halifax, N. S Montreal 1 12 Kinosota, Monti'oal.. Man 15 9 10 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. RESIDENCES. SHARES. Biyson, Frederick Buchanan, Mrs. Agnes (Executors of) Buchanan, "Wentworth J Buchanan, Mrs. Mary J Buckley, Mark Arthur Budd, Miss Eliza L Budd, Miss Alice H. M Budden, Henry A. (intrust) Buell, Mrs. Margarets Burgos, John Y Burke, John (Executor of) Burke, Michael Burke, Miss Eliza A. Buriand, Geo. B Burland, Mrs. FloraS Burmestcr, Miss Margaret M Burnett <fe Co Burnham, Henry H Burns, Bev. Robert F Burstall, John F Burton, Edward J. (M.D) Burwell, Mahlon G Burwell, Mrs. P. J Burrows, John G. (Executor of) Butterfield, Mrs. Balista E Montreal do do Montreal Halifox, N. S St. Andrevv's, Man, do Montreal Bi'ockville Montreal do do do do do Halifax Montreal Port Hope Halifax, N. S. Quebec London, Eng.. Port Burwell Port Burwell. Montreal Three Eiver.s. ;} La Caisse d'Economie de Xotre Dame de Quebec, in trust.... Cambie, Alex. J. (Exrs. of).... Cameron, Jas. Angus (M.D. (Exec.) Cameron, Miss Mary (Exrs. of) Cameron, David Cameron, James A., M D Cameron, Alexander Cameron, Miss Grace 9 16 100 ]0 5^ 1 2 37 39 10 25 6 '/*■ 2& 33 3 1 10 1 a 6 4 5 Quebec 37 Cameron, Peter. ] Campbell. Miss Isabella Campbell, Mrs. Janet Campbell, Colonel P. S. (R A.) Campbell, Robert(Exr;s. of) Campbell, Gen. Sir F. A. (Exirs of), Ottawa Scotland do Montreal Scotland Scotland do , Townshij) of J j Chatham. . . ) Colborne, Out Fenelon Falls, Ont. England . Winnipeg London, Fam: i 1 27 12 & 13 10 10 2 35 30 75 52: THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 11 NAMES. Campbell, Gen. F. (Trustee and | Executrix of) J Campbell, Miss Margf. O Campbell, Miss Susan Ladd -j Campbell, Miss V". S Campbell, Miss K. M Campbell, Miss A. L Campbell, Miss Margaret Campbell, Miss Emeline Campbell, Miss Selina Campbell, Mrs. M. H. (Executors of) Campbell, Mrs. Ada C Campbell, Sir Alex. (Exrs. of).... j Campbell, Alex. (Exr. Mrs. H. G. I Campbell) f Campbell, Chas. S Campbell, Mr^. Helen Campbell, Miss Susan M Canada Life Assurance Co Capel, Mrs. Eliza. R Cantley, Lt.-Col. John C, 97th Ecg.. Carlyle, Miss Margaret A Carlyle, William G Carlyle, Eobert C Carmichael, Mrs. Emma Carmichael, Miss Helen Carmichael, Miss Isabella Carmichael, Miss Mary Carmichael, Mrs. Susan I Carpenter, Mrs. Louisa D.T Carrier, Mrs. Mary Ann (Exrs. of). Carrier, Miss Eugenie Carter, Mrs. Catherine Carter, Mrs. Mary S Carter, John T., and E. MaecuUoch ) (in trust) ) Carter, Mrs. M. J. (Usufructuary).... Carter, Mrs. Louisa E. L. and Hus- ) band (in Usufruct.) ) Carter, Mrs. Amelia Casault, MissM. J. V RESIDENCES. England Eng. J5HAEB8. Wimbledon Weymouth ) Bridge, N.S. | Montreal , do do Montreal do do do ; do I Toronto, Strat- ] ford & Montreal. \ \ I Stratlorne. N.S. ...| i Montreal i do I Keene, Ont | Hamilton ' Sutton, P.Q I Toronto do do Montreal do do do Longueuil WcstEpping, KH, Quebec do Montreal Gasp^ Village Montreal do Quebec . England. Quebec .. 125 16 60 60 60 I 1 1 23 25 20 15 14 308 1 3 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 43 25 25 18 20 1 10 4 2 o 12 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. RESIDENCES. Case, Charles A Cassels, Ms. Susan.. Cassie, Mrs. Pamela (Administratrix) Caverhill, John (Executors and ) Trustees of) f Cawlcy, ^liss Sarah Cawthra, Joseph (Extrix and Exec, of) Cawthra, Wm.H. (in trust) Cajley, Mrs. Mary M Cecil, J^ord Eustace, (Sir Philip F. ^ Rose, Bt. and Joseph S. Monti- >• liore. in trust ) Chadwick, .Tos., \' Brailsford, A. W. f (Trustees of M. E. Erailsfoid) ... j Chafee, Eevd. A. B Chatfee, Mrs. Ednah M Chafee, Miss F. A. L. (in trust) for ) Chas. W. Chafee | Chafee, Miss Frances A. L Chafee, Charles W Chalmers, James, jr Chalmers, Jas Chamberlain, Mrs. Mary Ann Chambers, Mrs. Aurelia C Chandler Mrs Mary L., (Usufruct.). Chandler, Mrs. Minnie Chapeleau, Zephyrin Chapleau, Lady Chapman, Rev. John Charles, Walter (Usufi-uctnary) ) (Legatees of) j Charlton, Charles P i Charlebois, Mrs.H. E. L Chauveau, Hon. Alex Chaytor. Hy John (Executors of) . . Chaytor, Bov. Charles Chaytor, Edward C Chaytor, Miss Alice Chaytor, Robert James Cheney, Gil man Cheney, Wm. G '.'.'.'.'..'..'. Chisholm, Wm. D St. Catharines, Ont, Toronto Port Hope Montreal Montreal Toronto Toronto Toronto England England , Coboconk Berkshire Ctre, Vt Toronto Toronto, Ont do St. Marys St. Mary's Philadelphia, U.S. Ottawa Franklin Dorchester, N.B .. Montreal Spencer wood England , Monti-eal St. Alexis do la ) Grande Baie. . . | Quebec , do England , do do England 48th Eegiment Montreal do Belleville SHARES. 3 40 7 100 2 6 o 3 100 9 9 7 5 20 17 11 6 20 2 20 11 15 45 5 1 24 18 J8 18 18 174 19 27 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 13 NAMES. Chisholm, Mrs. Margaret Christian, Mrs. Cordelia Ti Churchill, George Church of England Male O. Asylum , Church Society of the Diocese of) Quebec, Mission Fund j Church Home Clapham, Mrs. Leonora Clark, Mrs, Georginu Clark, Miss Mary M Clark, George M Clarke, Mrs. Helen S. (Extrixof)..., Clarke, Mrs. Margaret Clayes, Mrs. Catherine (Executrix ) E. B. Clayes J Clcary, Hon. Philip Clerk, Alexander Clerk, Mrs. Harriet B , Clouston, James f , Cloutier, Mrs. Josephine , Cloutier, Napoleon Cobden, George Edward Cochran, Hon. James (Executors of) Coffin, Mrs. Adele J Coffin. Mrs. Lottie E Coffin, Tristram C. (in trust) Cole, Mrs. Henrietta M College of Physicians and Surgeons ) of Province of Quebec j Collet, Mrs. Annie Collins, Eobcrt (M.D.) Collins, John (Curator) Collins, Mrs. Catherine Colquhoun, Wm Compain. Adolj^he S Connal, Peter Connolly, Henry Cook, Rev. John (Executors of) Cooke, Mrn. Adeline M. (usufructu tary Coughlin. Cornelius Cook, Mrs. Anna M Belleville St. John. X.B, Brockville ... Quebec Quebec ...... Montreal Quebec Montreal West Suffield, Conn., U. S. A. Montreal Dublin Brockville Brockville, 45 9 2 8 113 149 3 62 4 37 6 25 ■:} St. John's, Nfld. .. 41 Montreal 100 Montreal 475 Ecd River 18 Chateau Eicher.... 2 do do I 3 30thEegiment i 19 Halifax, N. S | 88 Quebec | 26 Eapid City 3 Quebec..." ! 13 Quebec 70 Montreal Levis, Que 25 England \ 25 Monti-eal i 1 do I 1 Cornwall 50 Toronto i 30 7 2 Peterborough H. B. Company, Quebec 10 Grenvillo, Que 12 Montreal Montreal , 2a 9. u LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Cook, \Vm. Q.C Cook, Archibald H Cooke, Mrs. Clara M Coristine, Thomas J Costen, Thos. & Thos. VV. (in trust). Costeo, George "W (Executors of) — CosteD, Thoraas Costley, John (Executors of) Cotter, Jnmos L (Administratrix of) Coursol, C. J. Q Cowie, Miss Emilv Coyle, Richard (Executors of) Cramp. Miss Mary Ann Cram)), Mrs. Marianne and Geoi'go ) B. Cramp (in trust) , j Ci'amp, George B Crathorn an(i Caverhill, in trust Crawford, Mrs. Caroline S Crawford, John Crawford, Mrs. Nancy Crawford, Robert Cream, Miss- Rachel Crisp, Mrs. Catherine E Crofton, Mrs. Kmma C Cruil, James Cronan, Daniel (Executor sof) Cross, Alfred E Cross, Kdmund L Cross Selkirk and Margt F (in trust) Cross, Hon. Alex. (Exrs. of) Cross, Mrs Julia Cross, Selkirk (in trust No. 3) Cross, Selkirk, (in trust) Cross, Miss Janet Cross, Miss Rebecca W Cross, Wni. H Cro.ss, Wm. H. (in trust) Cumming, Rev. Thomas Cumming, Mrs. Jane Cumming, Mrs. Jane (Executors of ) Cumming, James C Cummins, John H. (Trustee) Cumming, W. B. (Executor of) RESIDENCES. Quebec do Montreal Montreal do do do Halifax, N.S H. B. Company.... Montreal Montreal Berthier WolfeviUe, N.S .... Montreal Montreal do Brockville Verdun Towns'p Hamilton. Liverpool, Eng. ... Quebec Pictou,N.S Halifax Montreal Halifax, N. S Calgary Bridge End. Out... Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Lachine do Montreal do Truro, N.S. Scotland Colborno H. B. Company.... Lake St. John, Que Montreal SHARE 8. 2 O ^^ 5 7 7 G 10 40 12 9 25 58 27 U 15 50 50 120 21 5 5 11 22 48 18 3 15 63 122 30 1 3 a 6 3 10 2 28 3 18 6 24 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 15 NAMES. of. } Canningbam, Mrs. F. A Cunningham, Mrs. Eleanor .. CurtiP, Mrs. B. P Cusack, Mr.s. Katherine ; Cuvillier, Miss luce Dalhousie College, Governors Daniel, Rev .C. A , Dare3% Pierre J Darling, David Dartpell, Miss Jane S Dartnell, Miss Ellen C Darwall, Robert C David, John L., and R. Beilemare (Curator) David, Jos. A., and R. Beilemare (Curator) David, C. R. K., and R. Beilemare (Curator) David, Jos. H. R., & R, Beilemare (Curator) | David, Alphonse David, Alphonse (in trust) Davidson, Mrs. Margaret Davie, Geoige T Davie, Miss Mary K Davie, Mrs. Mary E Davie, Allison C Davies, Mrs. Frances Davis, James T Davis, Louis (tutor) Davison, Mrs. Augusta M Dawes, Thomas A., sen Dawson, John T Dawson, George Mercer Dawson, Rev. Benjamin (Exec. of).. Dawson, Miss Mary F Dawson, Sir J. William Davvson, Mrs. C. L. (Executrix and ) usufructuaiy John T. Dawson. . f Day, Mrs.Theoda M Day, John Wra Deacon, Mrs. Mona RESIDENCES. Point Pleasant,N.J, Guysborouf^h, NS. Meriden, Conn Montreal do Halifax, N. S England ... Ottawa .. . Montreal Kingston do England.. Montreal. do do do do do Montieal Levis do do do Montreal Cornwall London, Eng. England Lachine Montreal do do (Quebec , Montreal Quebec Montreal. do Kingston. SH.*RB8 5 2 5 13 4-4 21 •) «j 1 10 1 1 11 6 6 « 56 4 65 25 10 10 5 10 2 6 100 10 15 25 10 10 20 3 6 10 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. lie, I Deaf and Dumb Institution l)ean, Mi-s. Jessie (Trustees of) . ... Dean, Mrs. Anne Debbat^e, Mrs. Sarab Debbage, Eev. James B., B.D., (in trust for his children) BeBlois, Mrs. Luce (Executiix and Usufructuary Defreycinet, Mfidame Stephan C. C. G DeLery, Miss Marie E. C. C DeLery, William H. B.C ..- | DeLery, Mrs. Marie L. (Kx'trix)... De Martigny, Mrs. Charlotte P., ) (Ivx'tricesof) J Denison, Reginald (in trust) Dosbaratft, Miss Violet G JDeschambault, George (Executors of) Devine, Mrs. Jane Devine, James A Dewar, Miss Florence J Dewar, Gilbert J. (Executors of) Dewe, John Dewilt, Mrs. Louisa B .......... Dickson, Archibald A Dickson, VVra. B Dickson, Wm. B ^ Anderson, Robei't D. }> Trustees.. Allan. Eobert A J Dickson, Robert A Dickinson, Richard Dickson, Mrs. Hari-iet ( Excv^utors of) Dionne, Charles E.L. (Usufr'tuary Legatee) Dixon, William H Dobbs, Mrs. Mary , Dobell, Henry Dobell, Henry (in trust for his wife) Dobell, Hon. R. R Dobree, B. and others, Trustees , Dolbel, Wm. (the Executrix of) RESIDENCES. Halifax Quebec do Bouj-g Louis, Que. Bourg Louis SHARES. 24 12 4 Quebec 12 France Quebec St. Francois dela ) Beauce j Quebec Yarennes Toronto. .. Quebec ..., Red River Montreal., do .. Cornwall . . Hamilton . Ottawa .... l\ Erie, U.S.A .... Toionto Longue Pointe. 17 IT 12 10 17 117 33 15 2 60 8 15 10 20 Montreal 121 do Bedford.. Montreal. Rimou ski Montreal , Kingston Montreal, do ... Quebec ... England. Jersey ... 20 60 14 8 22 10 30 7 13 10 15 THE BANK OP MONIREAL. 17 NAMES, RESIDENCES. SHARE«. Dolbel Mrs. Kliza M Donaldson, Kobert, R.N Donaldson, Morley Donohue, Thomas Doz-an, James (E.xecutors of). Doran, Mrs. Elizabeth Dougall, Geoi'ge Douglas, James M Douglas, Mrs. Charlotte A Dow, Alexander Dow, Miss Maiy Dow, Miss Jessie JJow, Wm. & Co. (in trust) Dow, William, (Executors of) Dowsley, Miss Jane M Draper, Miss Bdith A Driscoll, Mrs. Eleanor Drummond, Andrew (in trust) Drummond, Honble. George A Drummond James Drummond, Miss Jane R , Drummond, Miss Kate H. M , Drummond, Maurice Drummond, Andrew Drury, John Duggan, Wm. E Dumais, Louis V. (Curator to Mrs. ) E. Heath) j Dunbar, Mrs. Emma A Duncan, Miss Eliza Duncan, Miss Lily Duncan, James (Executor of) Dunfield, Mrs. Helen M. J Dunlop. John, Q.C. (Executor Mrs. ) M. M. Stein) | Dunn, Mrs. Matilda Dunn. Miss Maud C Jersoj' Ottawa Ottawa Quebec Lachine Quebec Montreal Montreal Chicago Halifax, N.S. Montreal do Montreal , Montreal Brockville . .. Montreal Aylmer, Que. Ottawa Montreal Petite Cote... Ottawa Ottawa Montreal Ottawa Montreal Quebec Fraserville. Dupuis, Mrs. J. A. A. (in usufruct) Dupuy, Miss Charlotte A Duquet, Mrs. Rose A Durie, Miss Isabella M. (and in ( trust for A. H. and H. E. Durie) j 9 Quebec Montreal England Drummond ville St. Johns, Nfld.. Monti-eal Montreal Italy St. Roch des Aul- nais Kingston Longuo Pointe. .. Hintonburg, Ont. 2 12 5 10 50 2 21 40 5 10 15 75 280 5 2 15 9 750 30 1 2 125 2 10 30 6 3 175^ 7 4 8 13 11 22 3 4 18 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Eager, Wm. L., (Exch. of) Eager, Wm. L Earl, Philij>, Jr., and .7. B. Lobar- ) ron, judicial advisei" j Earle, Ilenrv Eaton, Timothy Edwaids, MisH Mar}- I"]lizal)eth Egan, Miss Mary A Eiran. Mi's. A. M. (Kxecutors and ) "Trustees of) j Elliott, Mrs. Barbara Elliott, Mrs. Lydia Jane Elliot, Kobert Ellis, Mrs. Madalene H Ellis, Mrs. Jane Emmerson, Samuel Emjison, Rev. John Emslie, Mrs. Rachel Englehart, Jacob Lewis Ethier, Mrs. Eugenie 1*. and R ] Hellemare, (Curator) j Evans, Mrs. Sarah A. M Evans, Miss Emily J , Evans, Miss Mary A Evans, Miss Mary E Evans, William 11 Evanson, William (Mxcrs. of) Evantui'el, Alfred and others Evanturel, Miss Elmire A, »fc A. B. > Sirois (Tutor) | Ewing, Robert KESIDENCES. Montreal, do . 8HARB8. 27 9 8 Hatley Montreal | 20 Toronto i 45 England 11 Ottawa 18 Ottawa , Montreal... Toronto Longueuil.. Brazil Westmount H. B. Co... Montreal.... L;ichiitc .... PeLrolia Monn-eal. Fairbanks, Mrs. Mary E Fairie, Mrs. Annie L Paris, Mrs. S. J. (Exes of) .. Fairlie, Rev. John Farley, Mrs. Elizabeth Farley, Mrs. Margaret Farwell, Albert L Faulkner, Mrs. M. A Fauvel, John Bertram Fauvel, George P... Fauvel, Miss Clara 60 6 12 8 3 2 4 15 1 10 6 12 5 11 3 2 Quebec 12 Quebec 10 Montreal 11 St. Johnsbury, Vt. 12 Montreal 5 Montreal & Sorel...| 7 Lansdowne ' 7 Belleville 100 Quebec 65 St. Johnsbury, Vt. 10 Montreal 3 Point St. Peter, Q. 7 Point St. Peter .... 5 Jersey 2 do .. do .. do .. Mcmtreal., Hamilton. Toronto . THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 19 NAMES. Pauvel, Mrs. Henriette M Fauvel, Miss Emily Fay, Mrs. Wilhelmina Ferguson, Hector (Staff Surgeon).... Ferguson, Miss Anna E Ferrington, Miss Elizabeth Finlayson, .John Finlayson, Roderick (Exes of) in trust Finlay, l)avid Finley, Samuel and John Torrance I (in trust) ^ Finley, Mrs. Thora D Firth, Mrs. Penelope Fiset. Louis J. C Fisher, Mrs. Susannah Fitchett, Alex Fitzpatrick, John (Executors of).... Fleet, Mrs. Augusta E Fleet, Miss Mary E Fleet, Charles J ! Fleet, Charles J. (iti trust) ...■ Fleming, Elizabeth (Trustees and ) : Executors of) f Flett, James ; Flett, George ' Fleury, Mis. Selina i Folger, Miss Annie B. (A<lm'trix) . .■ Foley, Mrs. Maigt. A. J \ Forbes, Miss vSophronia Forbes. Mrs. Matilda T i Ford, John , ' Ford, John (intrust) ' Ford, Miss Anastasia Forget & Co., L. J Foi-tescue, Miss Elizabeth Fortescue, Miss Margaret A Fortescue, Matthew Fortescue, Joseph ... Fortin, Mrs. Matilda U Foster, Frederick H Foster, George K Foster, Mis. Cynthia E FostCi", Rev. John RESIDENCES. Jersey Jersey Bridgetown, N.S. England Little Metis Boston, Mass .... Pie River, Onl.... Victoria, B.C Sorel Montreal. KB Montreal. Chatham, Quebec Montreal Twp. Huntingdon, Montreal Montreal Monti-eal do do do H. B. Company. H. B. Company. D'Aillebout Nantucket Montreal do do II. B. Company. H. B. Company., Toronto Montreal England do H B. Company. . do. do. Lewiston Richmond Richmond do Coaticooke SHARES. 16 2 11 1 2 5 6 25 5 8 50 1 5 125 3 87 37 36 35 2 10 6 7 20 3 3 9 10 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 11 4 22 8 1 1 20 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Foster, Wm. A. (Adrn'trix of) Foster, Stephen K Foulds, Archibald Fouhls, Mrs. Flizaboth L. (Ex'tor of) Foulds, Archd. (in trust) Fowler, Mrs. ]\[iu'garet Fox, Mrs. Ellen Fox, Edward (Adrn'trix of) Fraser, Mrs. Selina (Trustees under ) will of). ; f Fraser, Miss Jessie G Frasei', William Eraser, Thomas E., Fraser, Miss ") Jessie G., and James J. Bif^nnner > (in trust No. 1) ) Fiaser, Thomas E., Eraser Miss 1 Jessie G., and James J. Bremnor y (in trust No. 2) ) Fraser, Eobert W Fraser, Mrs. Catherine Fremont, Jules J. T French, Mrs. Magdalen French, Mis, Helen Frothingham, Geo. H. (Executors of) Fulford, Geo. T Fuller, Miss Eunice L Furlong, John R. S (Admin'st'r.) ... Gaboury, Augustin (Executor of") Wm. Drum and Wm. N. Camp- )■ bell, Curator to the substitution) J Gaetz, Mrs Catherine M Gairdner, Miss Ann S Gairdner, Wm. F Galibert, Mrs. C. (Executors of) Gardiner, Eev. Joseph P , Gardner Wra. (Executrices of) Gardner, Meopham Garneau, Mrs. Julie G Garneau, Mrs. Julie G (Tutrix) Garneau, Joseph P. Z GaiTatt, Mi'S. Marv C Garrioch, Miss Jessie RESIDENCES. SHARES. Toronto 6 Montreal 10 Scotland 25 do 15 Scotland 15 Montreal 10 Belleville..... 4 Toronto 10 Montreal .... Halifa.x, N. S Red Eiver 2 6 11 Halifax, N.S (^uel)ec do Montreal Los Angeles Montreal Brockvllle .. Sherbrooke... Ireland Quobec. Halifax, N. S N.S Guysborough Montreal H. B. Company.., Longue Pointe..., England , England , Calgary Quebec do Quebec Montreal Portage la Prairie 11 Halifax i 50 8 16 24 10 20 50 13 21 4 10- 5 12 5? 6 6 7 5^ 5 3a a THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 21 NAMES. GaiTioeh. Miss Winifreti Gurson, James Gaudet, Fred M Gaudet, Joseph E Gaudet, Charles I) O, Gaudet, Joseph E., Tutor to Jean | A. (Jaudet J Gault, Andrew Frederick Gault. Percy 11 Gauvrcau, Alex. (Executor of the ) late Jose])h Wilson) f Gear, Mrs. Ellen B Gentle, Mrs. Anna 11.. Curatrix to ) Gentle. Williams f Geraghtv, Mrs. Emelino E. (Ex'trix) Gernon, Gerald D (M.D) Gibb, James D, (Executors of) Gibb, Miss Magdalen Caroline Gibb, Miss Magdalen C (in trust).... Gibb, Miss Magdalen C (in trust) ) No. 1 I Gibb, Miss Julia S Gibb, Mrs.Clarinda Gibb, James Gibb, Mrs Margaret (Heirs of) Gibb, Mrs. Mary L Gibson, Mrs. Elizabeth Gibsone, Miss Ann I. F Gibsone, Miss Mary F Gibson, Miss Mary A Gillbard, Thomas Gillespie, Miss Emily Gillespie, Alexander , Gillies, Henry ■< Gillies, Miss Christina Gilmor, Miss Abigail E Gilmour, Thomas Gladman, Eobert Glass, Mrs. Margaret T. (Usufruc'ry) Gloag, Mrs. Helen Goad, Charles E Goddard, Miss F. D Portage la Prairie. HB, Company St. Hj'acinthe Montreal Montreal Quebec St. John's, N.F Montreal England, St. Bonoit, Que Montreal Montreal do do do do , Quebec Montreal Como, Quebec Hamilton Twp Melbourne... do Montreal Cobourg , New York Eoyal Navy Township of ) McNab, Ont.... | do Halifax Brockville London, Eng Quebec Scotland Montreal England SHARES. 6 1 28 150 2 4 20 20 1 2 25 83 10 10 6 55 10 6 10 10 11 11 12 15 1 5 2 8 60 4 1 13 30 10 22 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. 8HABE8 Godard, MiHs Henriettas Godchero, Peter Godfrey, Mrs. Mary A Goodhue. Fred. W. J Goodhue. Miss Louisa M. C Gordon, Miss Amelia G Gordo n , Eober t Goi-don, Miss Ellen Gordon James Gough, Mrs. Janie Gough, Alfred (Executors of) Gough, Miss Emily S Gough, Edwin H.' Graham, John A Grahame, James A Grant, Miss Eueretta A. F Grant, Miss Jean Grant, Lad 3' Grant, Miss Isabella Grant, Miss Catherine Grant, Misses Catheiino and Isabella Grant, Mrs, Jane Gram, Mrs. Caroline Grasett. Hy. Jas. and Straihy Hy. j 11. (in trust) f Grasett, Fredk. Le M Gravel. Jean A. (in trust) Gray, Mrs. Jane H Gray, Mrs. Mai'i^aret II Greata, John M. (in trust) Greene, George Augustus Greenshields, Edward B Greenshields, Mrs. Elizabeth M. C... Greenshields, Edward B. (in trust)... Grier, Mrs. Soj)hia and Surgeon ") Major Henry j Grier, Mrs. Sophia Griffin, William Henry, C, M. G Griffin, Henry W Guarantee Co. of I^oith America. . . Guillet. George (Committee of) Mrs, S. C. Guillet) | Guillett, John (Executors of) Montreal H, B, Company. Actouvaie London, Eng do .. . Pictou, N, S South Africa. ..., Ireland , St. John's, NM. Montreal do England Montreal Winnipeg Victoria, B.C., England Montreal , Ottawa Nepean Nepean , do Como, Q London, Eng Toronto , Toronto Montreal Kingston Chatham, Unt. New York Montreal Montreal Monti-eal do Halifax Halifax, N.S . Brighton, Eng. Ottawa Montreal Coboui-g do. 12 1 5 20 20 17 3 1 10 5 12 13 1 3 18 16 1 TO- 9 9 14 13 5 21 1 3 1 20 52 10 22 24 26 21 10 50 1 11 THE BANK OP MONTREAL 23 NAMES. Guy, Mrs. Julia F.... Cxzowski, Col. Sir K.aM.G.: Casimir S., (^ i Haas, Wm Hacquoil, Francis Hackland, Mrs. Ellon (in trust). Hague, (jreorge Haldimand, Mrs. Mary Ann Hale, P]dward John Hale, Mrs. Ethel M Hale, Mrs. Ellen Hale, Edward J., and H. T. Machin, (in trust) Hale, Mrs. Louisa G Hale, Miss F. A Hale, Miss Henrietta Halifax Fire Insurance Company Hall, Mrs. Caroline M Hale, Misses Ellen E. and F. A Hall, Mrs. Agnes Hall, Mrs. Jane G Hall, Miss Margaret Hall, Peter P. and Louis F. Peters ) (in trust) for Mrs. A. L. F. Peters j Hall, Mrs. Mary Hall, Benjamin (Estate of) Hamel, Mrs. Georgina Hamilton, Mrs. Ida M Hamilton, Digby John Hamilton, Hon. Robt. (p]xecutors of) Hamilton, Miss Frances Hamilton, Robert... Hamilton, Rev. Geo. (Trustees of)... Hamilton, Rev. Chai'les C Hamilton, Richard T Hamilton, James (r]xec-utors of) Hamilton, Mrs. Frances L. H Hamilton, Miss Isabella Hamilton, Mrs. Charlotte S Hamilton, John Hamilton, Right Rev. Charles Lord Bishop of Ottawa RESIDENCES. Montreal. Toronto.. Montreal. Jersey Ottawa Montreal Montreal Quebec Quebec , Sherbrooke. I Quebec Brantford England do Halitax, N. S Quebec Scotland Montreal Peterborough, Ont. Quebec do. Ottawa Montreal Quebec do Winnipeg Pete! boro London, England Quebec Quebec England. Ireland.., ::} Longue Pointe. Ottawa Quebec Montreal (Quebec Ottawa SHARES. I 12 59 15 U 15 6 40 22 40 35 34 10 20 9 7 4 12 25 12 57 2 6 2 34 28 696 10 35 18 5 2 22 28 10'.) 14 24 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. RESIDENCES. 8HABBS. Hamilton, Miss Alice M Hamilton, George C. (Exc's of) Hamilton, MissEobina Hamilton, Lt Edmund C Hamilton. Geo. \V., and the Rev. ) E. Wood, (in trust) j Hamilton, Miss Elizabeth Hamilton, John, and ,. ^ ,. f Geo. W. Hamilton, C^" trust) | Hamilton. Miss Charlotte K. Hamilton, Geo. W., and F. llilton- ) Green (in trust) [ Hanbury, Miss Fanny (A<lm'trix of), Hankey, Mrs. Minna G Harbin, Mrs. Alice E Haidie, Miss Mary Jan e Hardie, Miss Agnes E Hardisty, Joseph (in trust for S. Horden) Hardisty. Joseph (in trust for H. » H. Horden) | Hardisty, Josej)h (in ti-ust for B ) C.Horden) .' [ Hardisty, Richard (P]xecutor8 of)..., Hardisty, Wm. Lucas (Executors of) Hardisty, Joseph Hardisty, Jos. (Curator loChai-lesT Mclvenzie } Hargravo, Joseph James...""!!!!.'!... Hargrave, Jas. & Wife (Ti-ustees of). Harkin, Marj- Ann ., Harris, 3Irs. Josephine A Harris. Miss Augusta J !!!!!!!! Harris, Miss Frances J !!!!!. Harris. Miss Mary A .!!!!!!!!! narrower, Mrs. Caroline (E.x'etor of) Hart, Jairus Hart, George, (Executors of). ...!!!!!! Hart, Mi.ss Henrietta K Hart, Miss Catherine M.... Hart, Mrs. Isabella M !!!!!!!!! Hartford Fire Insurance Company Hartney, Jas. (Exec'trs & Trustees of) Montreal ' *70 do 184 Quebec 60 Montreal 142 Montreal 66 do I 10 Quebec » Montreal j 84 Loudon, Eng j 9 MontreaL 65 L'cland Quebec , Hamilton Actonvalc, (^ue . . Actonvalc Montreal, do do H. B. Company..., do do do do Montreal , H. B. Company. . Brockville Montreal Syracuse, N. Y.... Hamilton Hamilton. do * Montreal Halifax, KS Montreal ... do do Winnipeg Hartford, Conn . . Toronto I 53 9 4 3 3 3 1 2 60 10 30 8 14t 131 5 4 2 4 2 5 14 4 1 1 1 i50 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 25 NAMES Hartnoj Miss Annabclla Hai-tney, Miss Margaret R Harvey, John , Hastings, Mrs. Geor^ie E... Hatt, Thomas C. (Executors of) Haws, Mrs. Elizabeth T Hawthorne, John A Heath, Miss Elizabeth Heigham, Mrs Grace C Helliwell, Thomas Hendershot, Mrs. Alice M Henderson, Miss Jane C Henderson, Miss Marirt K Henderson, Geo. "W. S Henderson, Mrs. H. M Henderson, Eev. James (Curator) . Hpnderson, James M. (in trust).... Henderson, Miss Emma G., and Miss Margaret E. Henderson.... Henderson,"Mrs. Margaret D. (Usu- fructuary) J Henry, Mrs. Agnes Henry, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry, Miss Isabella Henshaw, George H. (Usufrut-tnary) Henshaw, Mrs. Maria L Heron, Mrs. Margaret Heron, Wm. S Herring, William Hethrington, Thomas Heward, Edmund H Hewitt, Eevd. Wra J Hickey, Percy A. 8 Hickson, Lady Higinbothara, Mrs. Mary (Extrces of) Higgins, Eev. Thos. A. (in usufruct] Higgins, Mrs. Theresa (Executrix). Higgins, Miss Letitia Hill, Charles G. (Executor of) Hill, Miss Jane E Hill, Hamnet (M.D.). Hill, Miss Eowena Hill, Miss Helena A.. Toronto do Bremner, Ont. Montreal , Montreal Levis, Que. . . Montreal Coboui'iT 'to England Toronto Liverpool N.S. Montreal do do Staiidon, Que. Toronto Montreal England. Montreal. 52 53 6 8 25 20 9 ^j 1 58 10 10 1 o 1 3 12 11 do 6 Toronto 16 Quebec 5 St. Hyacinthc 2 Montreal 12 Ottawa 10 San Jose 20 Quebec 50 Quebec 80 Montreal 8 England 2 London, Eng 103 Montreal 2 Belleville 10 Wolfville, N.S 10 Quebec 7 Montreal 1 do 15 do 50 Ottawa 94 A^ermont j 16 Montreal I 19 26 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. Hill, William G Hilton, William Hilton-Grceii, Mis. L, H Hilton, Stephen J^O(lg^()n, James O., Major E.A Hodgson, John E. M. (Kxecutor of) Mrs. A. M. Hodgson) ) Hodgson, Joseph Hodgson, Hevd. John Hoffecker, John H. (Trustee) Hogan, Mrs. Marg't E , Hogan, Henrj'^ Holland, Henry M. (Tutor) Hollinshead, Hugh N. B Hollis, Mrs. Charlotte A Holme, Mrs. Fatmy Holmes, Miss Matilda Holt, Mrs. Margaiet Holton, Mrs. Eliza (Executors of) Home Savings iV: Loan Co , Ltd Hooper, Mrs. Catherine Hooper, Angus W. (in trust) Hooper, Angus W Hooper, George R Hope, Charles G. (in trust) Hopi% John Hope, Chas G Hopkins, ^Manley Ogden Hopkins, Manley Hopkins, Mrs. Katharine H Horden, Mrs. Eliz. H Horridge, Mrs. Sarah A Horton, Jamos S. (Tutor) Hosmer, Mrs. Clara J Houliston, Mrs. .Tan et Housnian, Miss Eva V Howard, Mrs. Emily S. (Exr. of)... Howard, Robt. P., M.D. (Exrs of)... Howard, R. J. B., M.D Howard, Mis. Maggie C Howard, Mrs. Gertrude E Howden, John Howling Howe, Mrs. Emma RESIDENCES. Brooklyn, N.Y Montreal Montreal do Halifax, N.S... Florida H. B. Co Stourbridge, Smyrna, U.S. Montreal do Montreal Montrenl , do Eng. England Montreal Montreal do Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal do do do do Major R. A England Oxford. England... Moose Factory England... Montreal Monti-eal Three Riveis Quebec Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal St. Johns, 60th Rifles Que England. SHARES. 4 5 10 1 -4 12 1 17 198 30 225 4 20 6 9 5 9 5 6 66 53 12 1 14 66 35 17 13 6 10 25 6 25 4 5 30 87 29 5 20 10 7 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 27 NAMES. Hugill. Mrs. Charlotte Huke, Mrs. Mary H. (Usufy legatee) Hunt, Mrs. Anna E Hunt, Miss Caroline E Hunt, Mrs. May Hunter, Mrs. Jean (Executrix).... Hunter, Michael, junr Huot, Phillippe. Hurlbut, Miss. Catherine M. (Usu- fructuary) Huron, Lord Bishop of. , Huston, Mrs. Ellen Button, Mrs. Cornelia M Hyde, Arthur Ibbottson, Miss Catherine Inglis, James* Innes, Robt Irish Protestant Benevolent Society. Irish, David T. and Fred. S. Macfur- ) lane. Trustees j Ironside, Geo A Ir vin e, l)avid Irvine, Hon. George (Usufructuaiy)| Irvine, Wm I Irvine, John ; Irvine, Matthew | Irvine, Mrs. C.F.L.A j Irving, Thomas | Irving, Aemilius, Q.C | Irwin, Mrs. Eliza B ••. Irwin, Mrs. Isabella I Irwin, Miss Emily i Hamilton Eockford, 111. Montreal Quebec Quebec England , do Quebec , St. Arman, Que. London, Ont Montreal , do London, Eng Montreal., do .. Peter bo ro Montreal . Montreal. Port Arthur Labrador Quebec H. B. Co Township of Minto do do Quebec Montreal Toronto Montreal Ottawa I^ewiston. Me Jackson, Charles A. (Tutor) ' Montreal Jackson, Rev. Sam. N I Barre, N.S Jacobs, Mrs. Lucy P ' Moncton, N.B Jarvis, JohnA \ Fraserville, Que ., Jarvis, Miss I^abella C I Montreal ., Jarvis, Miss Jean C. C I do Jenaway, Miss Eleanor \ England Johnson, John I Halifax, N.S Johnson, George M St. John's, Nfld... 1 20 200 12 3 •76 13 12 10 5 37 4 2 8 15 34 46 100 4 10 ■J 1 10 10 25 40 5 31 82 12 3 18 4 6 3 4 6 8 8 28 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Johnson, Miss Lucy G Johnston, Peter (in trust) Johnston, Mrs. Agnes Johnston, John (in trust) Johnston, Mrs. Mary F Johnston. Jas. (Kxcrs of) Jollej^, Miss EmmaM. B Jones, Beverly (Executor and ) Trustee of Henry Macdougall) J Jones, Alfred Gilpin (in t]-ust) Jones, Mrs.Mary Ann (Exr ofin trust) Jones, Edwin Jones, Miss Mary Jones. Eiehai-d A. A Jones. lion. Alfred G. and Harry ) T.Jones \ J (men, Alfred E. and Harry T. Jones (trustees F. Bannerman). Jordan, Eev, Louis H Jordon, Eev. Louis H (Executor & Trustee of Mrs. C. M. Lawson). Joseph, Jacob Henry Joseph, Jesse Joseph, Mrs. Sophie C Joseph, Miss Fanny D Joseph, Mr.s. Helen C Joseph, Miss Eachel S Jos t , H e n r y M Jost, Heniy M. (Executor of late > Jonathan Hartley) j Jost, Burton ~) John McG. Cunningham and |- Eobert McKeen j Jourdain, Augustin Judah, Fj-ederick T., Q.C Kane, Mrs. Henriette Kaulbach, Hon. Henry A. N. (Est. of) Kaulbach, Mrs. Sophia Keating, Mrs. Helen C Keays, Ansley Keefer, Thomas C. (Executor late ") - Thomas Mackay, junr,) j Montreal. Quebec .. Toronto.. Montreal. Montreal. Montreal. England.. Toronto... Halifiix, N.S. Quebec do Eed Eiver Montreal Halifax do . Toronto , Toronto Montreal do do do Montreal Montreal Guysboro, N.S. do Trustees of Baptist Ch Guysboro Quebec Montreal Montreal Lunenburg, ^i Truro, N. S. ' the). :^h. of y ',N.S. ) s. St. Catherines ' Balderson's Corners! Ottawa ' 1 3 9 12 100 16 20 15 15 5 111 13 28 203 4 2 28 4 100 15 7 5 5 12 10 2 3 75 65 26 26 2 1 2 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 29 NAMES. Kelley, James (Trustees of) Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Mrs. Jessie Kennedy, Mrs. Elizabeth Kent, Mrs. Amelia M Kerr, Mrs. Jane M , Kerr, William (Executors of). Kersabiac, Comtcsse de , Kilkelly, Charles E., M. D Kimpton, Miss Mary Kin^, Edwin F King, Miss Emma King, Charles (Legatees of) King, Mrs. Louisa S. (Tutrix) King, Miss Frances King, Mrs, Anne E King, Mrs. AugustaM King-Harman, Mrs. Annie Kingdom, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kinnear, George Kinnear, James.. Kirby, Eev. AV. W. and E. M. Hop- ) kins (in trust) j Kirby, James and E.White (in t.ust) Kirk, James F. (in trust) Kii-kpatrick, Alex. K Kirkpatrick, Hon G. A. and Wm Macpherson (in trust) Kirkpatrick, Hon. G. A. and F. G, Wotherspoon (Trustees) j Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Harriet B Kirkpatrick, Andrew Kirkpatrick, Hon Geo. A. and I Wm. M. Dobell (in trust) f Kirwan, Mrs. Katharine Kittson, George R. W., Eobert E. ^ Hepburn, and Edwin B. Busteed > (in trust) j Kittson, Eev. H/. (Usufructuary)... Klingenfeld, Mrs. Mary M Knight, Eobt. S Kohl, Mis. Letitia ;} Kough, Ml'8. Mai'garet . Soiel Quebec Scotland Montreal Kingston, Ont... Montreal Jjongue Pointe... Coteau Dublin, Ireland.. Brockville Kingston Megantic do Quebec Kingston St. John, KB Waterville, Que. England Englsind Kinnear's Mills. do England.. Montreral. Toronto... Kingston Toronto bee... and Que- Toronto. Kingston Montreal.. Toronto... Montreal . Sutton W } Montreal. do Halifax Lancabter.... Montreal Owen Sound. 72 8 10 50 40 46 100 13 6 3 100 78 1 4 16 2 »? 5 17 5 40 13 2 20 3 I 8 3 8 30 3 3 5 8 16 30 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Labatt, Robert P. (Executors of) Lachance, Jacques A Lachance, Miss Marie Z. E Lachance, Joseph L Lachance Arthur Lacroix, Edouard Lacroix, Miss Addle Ladies' Benevolent Soiety Ladies' Protestant Orphan Asylum. . Laflamme, Edmund J Laing, Rew Eobei-t and George ) Mitchell (intrust) j Laing, Mrs. Donaldina J. W Lally, ^Irs. Annie Lamb, Thomas (Tutor) Lumb, Mrs. M. M Lambert, John Lamere, Chas '. Lamplough, Henry T. (Executors of") Lamplough, Mrs. Margaret Langton, Miss Ann (Exrs. of) Langwill, Miss Susan A Langwill, Miss Susan A. (in trust 1 for Mrs. A. M. Montgomery } Lathrop, Mrs. Elizabeth Lauiie, Duncan Laurie, Mrs. Sophia A Laurie, Mrs. Margaret L. F Laurie, Charles A. (F. C. Laurie, ) curator [ Laurie, Wm. P Laurie, Mrs. A. M Layullee, Mrs. Mary P Laviolette, Mrs. Jessie (Usfruct'y) Law, Jam ^ (in trust) Lawford, Mrs. Ann S Lawlor, Mrs. Louisa S Lawrence, Mrs. Jane Lawson, Edward Learmont, Wm. J Lcarmont, Josejih B., and Wm. J. 1 (in trust) | RESIDENCES. Prescott Ottawa St. Francois .. do do Quebec Sorel Montreal Montreal Papineauville. Halifax England Barrie, Ont St. Andrews, Que Montreal H. B. Co Quebec Montreal do Toronto Montreal Montreal Lebanon, U. S Quebec do uO Quebec do Montreal Co. Montmagny, St. Jerome Montreal Montreal Kingston Quebec Halifax, N.S.... Montreal SHARtCS. 40 1 1 1 1 25 6 53 9 13 10 3 20 5 14 2 4 45 42 10 15 15 2 175 352 10' do 12 23 1 2 59 55 2 8 20 25 50 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 31 NAMES. Learmonth, John (Exrs. of ) LeBoutillier, ISJis. Harriet M , LeBas, Charles G Leclere, Francis A Lee, Mis. Matikla LeGros, John J LeGros, Thos. A Le Gros, Mis8 Annie M Legge, Miss Hannah Leman, Mrs. P. (Executrix and usufructuary late Jos. Leman).. LeMarquand, Mrs. Alice Lemieux, Mi'S. Elise Lem ieux, Narcisse Leney, Miss Charlotte D Leney, John M Leney, Mrs. Lucinda Leonard, Miss B. M Lesage, Simeon (Executor) Leslie, John Leslie, Norman S Les Soeurs do la Charity de I'Hopi- tal G^ndral de Montreal Lethbridge, Miss Mary Lethbridge, Miss Edith C Lethbiidge, Miss Alice G. Levesque, Mrs. Marie L Levey, Charles E. (Executors of) . Leviston, Wra. (in trust) Levy, Mrs. Eosetta Lewis, Wm. J Liddell, Mrs. Victoria, and Eobt M. Liddell (Tutors) Lindsay, Cravsrford W. A. (in trust) Lissotte, Michel Little, Miss Mary A Little, Miss Eugenie L Little, Miss Margaret E Livingstone, John, Sr Lloyd, Mrs. Frances M Lloj^d, Mrs. Henrietta (Tutrix).... Lobley, Mrs. Elizabeth A Manchester and ) Glasgow ) Gaspe, Q Jersey St. Hyacinthe Montreal Gasp6, Que Gaspe, Que Gasp^, Que Toronto Montreal , 1 Point St. Peter St. Eomuald Quebec Montreal do do Quebec do St. Marys Montreal } Montreal England do do Montreal Quebec Entield, U. S. England Halifax Montreal , Quebec H. B. Co Ireland do Ireland Listowell, Ont. Melbourne, Q.. Sherbrooke England 10 8 25 11 9 • 1 1 1 1 12 8 8 14 14 31 5 8 5 13 15 11 12 11 11 250 5 35 28 75 IT 1 4 3 3 10 1 8 5 as LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. Logic, Mrs. Jessie M. (Usufruetuury) Lomas, Kobort (Executors of) Loneigan, Michael 8 Longe, Francis I), (in trust) Lorrain, Rev. Narcisse Z Louis, Daniel Louis, Joseph ]jOvo, llev. Antlievv ']l Low, George S Lowry, Robt. W. C.B. (Major-Gen.) Ludwig, Carl Lundie, Mrs. Elizabeth Lunn, Miss Emma H Lunn, Miss Kmma, (Executrix of)... Lutyens, Capt. Charles H.A Lyman, Mrs. Florence A Lyman, Frederick S., Q. C Lyman, Henry Lyman, Mrs. Mary Lyman, A. C Lyman, Walter E Lyman, Henry.and Honble. George A. Druramond (in trust) Lyman, Henry and others (in trust) 1 Endowment Congregat'l College. | Lynch, Mrs. Janet Lynch, Edward Lynch, Miss Margaret Lynk, Donald , RESIDENCES. } Montreal.. Quebec .... Montieal.. England . . Pembroke. Quebec Quebec Quebec Montreal . England .. Montreal. . do .. Montreal .. Hamilton . England . Monti-eal do .. do .. Montreal.. do .. do .. SnAKES. 2 5 15 13 4 50 30 2 7 19 5 10 71 14 26 10 50 3 157 6 8 Montreal . do Montreal. L'Epiphanie, Que. Montreal Cape Breton.. , Mabe, Mrs. Elizabeth ! Macara, John I Macauley, Mrs. Ann j MaccuUoch, Robertson Maceulloch, Ferdinand (Execrs of) . j MaccuUoch, Mrs. Maria L I Maceulloch, Miss Emily E MaccuUoch, Miss Emily \ Macdonald, John Allen i Macdonald, Hon. Donald A.(Excr8.of)| Macdonald, Miss Teresa C j Macdonald, Allan (in trust) | Macdonald, Benjamin (in trust) i Gasp^ Quebec Montreal do do do do Montreal do do Alexandria, O. St. Andrews .. St. Ar^drews . . 10 5 2 5 1 2 3 U 300 21 2 9 9 288 7 5 5 TUB BANK OF MONTREAL. 33 NAMES. Macdonald, Mrs. Ann Macdonald, Chuiles Macdonald, Mrs. Luce O Macdonald, Sophia II. (Excrs of). Macdonald, Miss Matilda H Macdonald, Miss Mai'garet Jane ... Macdonald, Mrs. Anna E Macdonald, Mrs. (reorgiana Macdonald, Stuart (Curator) Macdonald, Alex. (ieo. f MacDonnell, Eichard L., M.D. (Ex- ecutor.s of) MacDonnell, Miss Harriette J MacDonnell, Miss Emily J MacDonnell, Eev. Geo. (Exc'rs of) MacDonnell, Mrs." Constance A.... MacDonnell, Mrs. Margaret E MacDougall, Hanbury L MacDougali, Mrs. S. E. Douglas... MacDougall, Mrs. Mary L MacDuff, Eev. Alex. E '. Macfarlane, Hon. Alexander MacFarlane, Mrs. Ann MacFarlane, Mrs. Cecilia Macfarlan, Miss Catherine N Macfarlan, Miss S. K. B Macfarlan, Miss Jessie J Macfarlane, Eobert and his wife..., MacGrarvey, Mary Maclnnes, Mrs. Margt. F Macintosh, John (Curator) , Macintosh, John (Ex'tor of the late John Henderson Macintosh, John, and Fleet, C. J. (in trust) Maclntyre, Peter M Mackay, Mrs. Christina Mackay, William Mackay, William M. (M.D.) Mackay, Mrs. Matilda Mackenzie, Hector (in trust) Mackenzie, Eoderick (Executors of) Mackenzie, John (Executor oi) 3 St. Johns, Q Halifax, N.S Montreal Montreal Montreal do do Winnipeg do Alexandria, Ont. Montreal } do do Kingston Montreal Montreal England do Montreal Abbotsfoid ... Wallace, N.S. Montreal Montreal do do do do Hamilton , Montreal , Montieal , do Montreal . Edinburgh Montreal Eenfrew, Ont Hudson's Bay Co.. Montreal do do Cornwall 3 1 IG 11 32 32 32 5 7 5 25 4 3 2 1-* 5 6-1 21 78 10 30 1 10 64 64 63 10 5 3 23 34 234 30 12 5 25 200 4 80 34 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. Mackenzio, Stephen, M.D Mac'ken/io, Wm. E. (Executors of)... Mackenzie. lIector& othei'8(trustee8) Mackenzio, William (in trust) Mackenzie, George ami Alex. Geo Mackenzie, Kenneth Thos Mackenzie, Hector Mackenzie, George Mackerras, Mrs. Margaret Macmaster, Mrs. Ella V Macmaster, Ponald Q. C Macnab, Mrs. Frances A Macnachtan, Mrs. Margt. II Macnider, James Macnider, Jame.s (In trust for ] * Wm. Macnider J Macnider, John Macnider, .James (in trust) Macnider, Francis Macnider, James (Elx'oi-. of John)... Macpherson, Sir David L. (K.C.M.G.) Macpherson, Wm M, (in trust) Macphie, Mrs. Oath. F Macrae, Miss Lucy C Macrae, Miss (Catharine A. L Macrae, Miss Ada B Macrae, Mrs. Eose S Macrae, Mrs. Rose and Fred W. Smith, Executors Wm. Macrae, (in trust) Mactavish, Lockhart Magann, Geo. P. Maguire, Annibal Maguire, Dennis Malloeh, Miss Alice M Malloch, Mrs. Frances M. (Ex'rs of) Malloeh, F. S. and Malloch, A. E. ' (Trustees) Manson, Alex, and F. AY. Boxer (in trust) Mansfield, Edward (in trust) Marshall, Mrs. Susannah H Marshall, James } RESIDENCES. HHARE». England .. Montreal., do do Scotland.. do Montreal . England. Kingston Montreal. do Ottawa .. Coboui'g . Quebec .. Quebec..., 5 73 50 1 10 6 750 5 10 54 125 13 5 75 23 Metis 3 Quebec 1 Petit Metis | 7 Quebec ; 8 Toronto ' 150 Quebec : 28 Montreal i 5 Antwerp j 39 London, Eng I 40 do 1 38 Montreal 26 Montreal. New Zealand Toronto , New Orleans, U.S, St. John's, Q Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Montreal do Cote des Neiges , Montreal 13 119 10 23 7 1 13 H 32 9 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 35 NAMES. SHARES. Martin, Joseph (in trust) Martin, Miss Ann Martin, George Martin, Miss Annie Martin, Miss Edith Mason, Mrs. Lucy G Masson, Damase (in trust for J. B. ] H. Lam^re) I Masson, Mrs. Marie G.S.R. (Exors. | and Trustees of) f Masson, Hon, Joseph (Executors of) Masson, Mrs. Annie M., Usufructuary Massue, Mrs. A. E Matheson, Miss Eliza J Matheson, Hon, Roderic (Exors, of) Matheson, Miss Joanna Matheson, Miss Anna Muthieu, Mrs, M. T, L, and R. ) Bellemare (Curator) ) Matthews, Mrs, Eliza Meacham, .fumes H Meagher, Nicholas H. & Jas. Thomson Meighen, Mrs, Janet Meikle, John H Mercredi, Joseph Meredith Wm H. (Ecrs of) Meredith k Co., Charles Meredith, Mrs. Elspeth U Meredith, Sir Wra, C. (Excrs, of) Methot, Edward W Michand, Et. Rev. John 8 Middleton, Mrs. Elizabeth (Extrix) Miller, Robert Miller, Miss Mary L Miller^ William R. (in trust) Goto St, Laurent... England Montreal England do England Montreal do do ..., Mo..treal..,. Vaiennes .. Perth, Ont do do Perth, O., Montreal .. 1 10 5 1 6 3 201 160 92 52 4 24 5 5 Miller, Miss Frances Miller, Walter (Executors of) Miller cV Richard (in trust) Miller, Miss Jane G Miller, Mrs, Harriet F. & Benson, I (tco, F,, (curator) ) Miller, Peter Miller, Walter S. (curator) Montreal i 37 Belleville I 22 Halifax 36 Perth, Ont 20 Morrisburg ; 40 Hudson's Bay Co . . 3 Montreal 100 do do Quebec Quebec Burlington, Vt Quebec Manchester, Eng.. Montreal do do do Edinburgh, Scot... Montreal do Trenton.. Montreal. 10 50 23 50 29 4 20 1 16 23 4 12 14 20 1 1 36 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. RESIDENCES. SHARES. Miller, Miss Jane G. and llewton ] Mis. M I I Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, The Misses E. F. & M. L Mills, Mrs. Ann Milner, Mrs. Mary Milroy, Arthur Milroy, Samuel C Milroy, Mrs. Susannah (Extrs. of).... Milne, Alex Ministers' Widows' and Orphans'^ Fund of the Synod of the Mari- I time Provinces of the i'resby- ( terian Church in Canada J Mitchell, George and Arch. S. Mit- } chell (trustees) j Moat, Robert i Moat & Co R I Molson, John H. R I Molson, William (Executors and ) < Trustees of) J | lii-olson, Mrs. Louisa G \ Molson, Thomas (Executors of) j Molson, Samuel E. :md Wife ) (Trustees of) j | Molson, Mrs. Agnes i Molson, John T | Molson, Miss Sarah H. J. and others. I Molson, John (in trust) I Molson, John B ....! Molson, John (Curator) Moncrieif, David Scott ; Monk, Mrs. Eliza \ Monk, Mrs. M. A Montagu, Gen. Horace W. (R.E.).... Montgomery, Rev. Hugh, Exrs. of... Montizambert, Miss Louisa H Montizambert, Mrs. Alice L. and ] John L. Gibb (Curator) j" Montizambert, Miss Helen E Montizambert, Mrs. Mary J Montizambert, Fred., M.D Montizambert, Wm. C Montreal Lachine.. Montreal do London, England Ont. N.F. St. John, Montreal St. John's N'fld.. H. B. Company Halifax. 1 5 1 12 27 1 1 1 1 10 Halifax. Montreal 225 do 12 do 500 Montreal 460 do do 130 175 Montreal 157 do do do Montreal 58 20 67 25 England 180 Montreal 40 Edinburgh 12 Montreal., 26 Rockburn, Que 7 England 8 Philipsburg 53 Quebec 7 Quebec ' 35^ do .. do .. do .. St. Marys 1 loa THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 37 NAMES. Montreal, Lord Bishop of Montreal St. Patrick's Orphan } Asyhim j Montreal Gen. Hospital (Moss Fand) Montreal General Hospital Montreal, B'k. of (Presid't., in trust) Montreal St. Bridget's Pefui^e Montreal City and District Savings Bank Montreal Maternity. Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society... Moody, Mrs. Catherine Moore, Mrs. Louisa Moore, William Jackson Moore, Jas , (Treas. House of In- ] dustry and Kefuge) ) Moore. James , Moren. Mrs. Martha E , Morriee, David Morrin, John RESIDENCES. Montreal Montreal. do Montreal. Montreal . do . do. . SHARES. do Mo ntreal ... Yarmouth, N.S. Kingston Morrin, Miss Maria Mr ::\ Morrin, Miss Amy Morrin, William (Executors of) Morrin, Mrs. Jeannie E Mon-is, Alex. W. (in trust for Julia F. Morris) Morris, Mrs. Jessie C Morrison, Hector Morrison, John. Morrison, Andrew Morse, Jay Collins Mountain, Rev. Jacob J. S Mountain, Mrs. Catherine S Mudge, Nicholas E. (in trust for ) Miss Mudge) j Mudge, Miss Eliza L Mudge, Mis. Margaret K. E Mudge, Hy. Jas Muir, Eevd. Jas. B Muir, Eobert Muir, Eobert (in trust No. I) Muir, Eobert (in trust No. 2) Muir, Eobert (in trust No. 3) England. Montreal Montreal Halifax Montreal St. Augustine do do St. Augustine. St. Andrews... Montreal Hamilton Hudson's Bav Co.. Montreal Hudson's Bay Co.. Chicago, Ills , Cornwall England , Montreal do Montreal .... do Huntingdon England do England do 105 3 4 14 180 1682 3 6 1 50 50 5 15 50 11 20 18 12 4 14 10 8 12 2 50 25 20 10 2 5 4 500 7 5 52 38 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. RESIDENCES. SHARES. Mulligan, John •••• Municipality Township of Beckwith Municipality Township of Ramsay- . Munro, Peter, M.D. (Executor of) . . . Munn, Miss Elizabeth Murchie, FredM Murdoch, Miss Marian Murphy, Nicholas Murray, William George (Excrs. of) Murray, Miss Annabella Murray, William (Executors of) Murray, Mrs. Caroline M. (Excr. of) . Murray, Walter G. and William G. ) (in trust) ) Murray, Alexander (Executors of)... Murray, Mrs. Elizabeth M Murray, Mrs. Jane M Murray, Mrs. Isabella M Murray, Wm. A Murray, Miss A. E Murray, Mrs. K. G Murray, Mrs. Eliza F. (Curatrix).. Murray, Wm. A Murray, Mrt*. Katherine (I Muriay, Miss Agnes E Murray, AVm. F., M.D Mussen, Henry S Mussen, Thomas (Kxecutorsof) Mylne, Mrs. Anne Mylne, Mrs. Anne (intrust) McAndrew, John McArthur, William B. and Miss Elizabeth 1. Stark McArthur, Mrs. Margaret McArthur, J'oter (Executors of) McCallum, Peter (Executors of) McCallum. Peter, jun. ( ilxecutors of ) McCallum, Miss Jessie McCallum. Miss Mary McCarthy, Mrs. C. Ida McCarthy, John Port Hope Montreal Quebec St. Stephen, N.B. Toronto Batiscan, Q Montreal do Montreal Ottawa Montreal . do . England . Montreal do Montreal . 24 13 13 15 14 7 2 20 74 51 600 2 74 14 10 .ss ) Massawhippi. Montreal Brantfbrd Montreal India Montreal do Smith's Falls. Smith's Falls. Toronto Carleton Place. do Almonte Cobourg Cobourg Stroraness, Ont. do Montreal Sorel 2 7 2 2 2 11 86 5 28 32 20 45 27 15 22 8 8 64 250 THR BANK OP MONTREAL. 39 NAMES. McCarthy, Miss Cath. E. (Usu- fruct), and John McCarthy (Cur- ator) McCarthy, John Geo,, M.D., and) John McC'arthy (Curator) j McCarthy, James M., and John 1 McCarthy (Curator) \ McCarthy, Miss Amy, and James ] . M. McCarthy (Curator) j McClintock, Eev. John S. and Wm. 1 F. Sinclair j McColl, Hugh McConnell, Mrs. Annie B McCormick, Mrs. Christina McCrea, James N., Exec, of in trust ) for M. Eichards f McCrea, Mrs. Margt. M. (Excrs. of) . McCready, James (Excrs. of) McCready Michael McCready, Mrs. Kate McCready, Miss Ann McCuaig, Mrs. Caroline F McCulloeh, Miss Elizabeth and ) McCulloch, Miss Jane ) McCulloeh, Mrs. Janet (Executor of) McDonald, W. C McDonald, Mrs. Caroline McDonald, Miss Mary McDonald, Miss Sarah B McDonald , ,7ohn McDougali, Alexander (in trust \ for) Mrs. Boyd j McDougali, Miss Mary McDougali, Alexander McDougali, Alexander McD(?ugall, Alexander (intrust) McDougali, Daniel McDougali, James McDougali, Thomas (in trust) McDougali, Miss Isabella McDougali. Miss Sarah C McDougali, John (Usufructuary) — McDougali, Capt. Alex RESIDENCES. Sorel. Montreal, do do Ireland St. Joseph du Lac Brooklyn, U.S.A. Ormstown Wark worth Warkworth ... Montreal Montreal do Montreal Vankleek Hill } SHARES. 50 Montreal Montreal do Woodstock, Ont. Monti-eal Alexandria Montreal Montreal , Ormstown .-. , do Montreal do Ormstown Hudson's Bay Co. Montreal St. John's, Nfld..., St. John's, Nfl'd.. . Picton , Liverpool, Eng.. . . 50 50 50 16 8 15 6 12 10 43 30 4 8 24 2050 9 2 7 ■ 1 20 12 22 12 2 12 11 6 5 5 2 11 40 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES, McDougall, Mrs. Margt. E MeEac-hran, Duncan (Kxccutor of) Mrs. M. R. Fraser) j McEntyre, Daniel (Executors of).... McElwaine, S. George McKwan, Patrick A McFarlane, David McFiggins, Malcolm (in trust for ) Mrs. McFiggins j McGee. Miss Agnes C McGee, John Joseph Mclnt^'re, Mrs. Jane A. Cassils Melntyre, Archibald Mc Inty re, Mai colm Melntyre, Mrs. Janet McKay, William F McKean, Edward McKee, Thomas W ^IcKechnie, Robert McKeeman, Mrs. Mary J j McKenzie, Peter (in trust) i McKenzie, Alox. E | McKenzie, Charles McKenzie. George , McKenzie, ISIrs. Nancy I McKenzie, Miss Annie I McKenzie, Peter ' McKenzie, Mrs. Jane i McKenzie, Eoderick (Executors of ) . | McKenzie, Mrs.Georgiana (as Tutrix) i McKenzie, Hector .Eneas (Ex'torsof)i McLaren, Peter McLaren, James W . McLaren, Jlenry McLean, Allan N. (Executors of).. McLennan, Hugh McLennan, Alexander McLennan, Farquhar McLennan, Mrs. Annie McLeod, Mrs. Helen M McLeod, Mrs. Mary E McLimont, Robert McLimont, John C RESIDENCES. St. .John's, N.F Montreal. , Montreal do Chicago., Montreal. Col borne Montreal Ottawa , Montreal , Montreal Scotland Lanark Hudson's Bay Co... St. John, N.B Windsor, Ont Dundas, Ont iMontreal do Hudson's Bay Co... Quebec Headingl}'^, Man... Manitoba Quebec Hudson's Bay Co... Melbourne Melbourne Sorel Hudson's Bay Co.., Perth Chatham Ont Montreal , Toronto.. Montreal Lancaster, O Dundee, Q, Ottawa, Montreal Philadelphia Quebec (Quebec SHARES. 10 64 4 8 13 5 25 10 4 200 114 50 6 3 5 20 7 7 6 2 40 16 5 100 30 38 23 3 8 100 4 12 11 50 8 8 4 54 74 2 3 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 41 NAMES. McLimont, Mis^s Alice H McLiraont, William (Executors of ) , McLimont, Mrs. Sarah E McLimont, Miss Helena McLimont, Wm., Execs, of, in trust ] for Eobert McLimont j McLimont, Mrs. Sarah E., Tutrix to Eonald McLimont McLimont, John C. (in trust) McLimont, Miss Christina McLimont, Mrs. Sarah E. (Usufruct.). McMaster, Miss Sarah .T.. McMeekin, Rev. Heniy McMillan, John C McMillan, Duncan McMorine, Rev. John Xorr McMorine, Rev. John K. (Trustee)... McMorine, Rev. Samuel McNab, Mrs. Sophia C McNab, Charles R. S McNau'^jhton, Miss Agnes McNeill, Alex McNeil, John McQuesten, Mrs. Marv B McTavish, George T.^ McWood, William Nairn, Thos. M. (in trust) Nayler, Miss Esther Neidc, Mrs. Marv E Neil, Mrs. Christiana Nelson, Albert D. (in trust) Nelson, Mrs. Emily.. Nelson, Miss Annie E Nelson, Miss Jessie S Newson, Mrs. Louisa Reeve Nicholls, Mrs. Charlotte Jane ) (Executors of) ) Nicholson, Geo. C Nicolson, Allan Nicolls, Mrs. Harriet M (Exufrs of) Nicolls, Armine I) Quebec do do Quebec do do do do do Montreal Ottawa Toronto Grenville , Kingston Kingston Portage La Prairie Ottawa March Oi-mstown .•... Wiarton. Ont St. John's, Nfld.... Hamilton H. B. Coy Montreal. Montreal Toronto Cleveland, N.Y Cami:)bellford, Ont. Montreal Toronto Montreal Montreal f Township of \ I Cramahe, Ont j Peterboro' Montreal H. B. Co. ... Lennoxville do 9 3 26 9 3 29 13 89 1 8 1 120 ft 13 5 2 1 5 7 11 20 45 10 6 1 4 1 12 9 o 2 2 50 50 1 7 8 42 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. RESIDENCES. NicoUs, Eev. Gustavus G ! Eiviero du Loup Nimmo, Mrs. Susan ; Brockville Noil, Lazare Quebec Nowlan, Mrs. A. (Executors of) Montreal O'Brien, lion. James O'Connor, James (Executors of) O'Connor, Rev. John S Odell, Major Wm. H Odell, Miss Ella W Odell, Miss Mary K Odell, Miss Fanny E Odell, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann O'Dwyer, Miss Rebecca C Ogden, Mrs. Chai lotte A. E Ogilvy, Miss Mary A Ogilvic, Wm. W Ogilvie, Mrs. Mary A O'Grady, Gerald de C, and Wm. ") R. Mulock (intrust) | O'Malley, Lieut.-Col. F. W O'Neil, Miss Mary A. (Legatees of) . O'Reilly, Bernard O'Reilly, Edward B Ord, Misses S. M and F. M L Orkney, Miss Elizabeth C Orr, Mrs. Katherine O'Shaughnessy, Michael Osier, Edward H. (Trustee) Osier & Hammond The Ottawa Trust and Deposit Co., ) Ltd. (trustees) j Oulton, Jas. W Owens, Mrs. Marion J. (usufy) Owens, Robert (Tutor to Jbaniel ) Reeves) ) Owens, Robert (Tutor to his minor ) children) ) Montreal Tralee, Ireland. Chesterville Halifax do do do Halifax, X.S.... Granby England Montreal do Kingston Toronto and Winnipeg Ireland Montreal Montreal Hamilton England Montreal Hamilton Montreal . Cobourg Toronto SHARES. 7 50 5 125 510 12 11 11 3 3 3 4 3 70 1 400^ 11 Moncton Grenville . do do Pack wood , Mrs. ^lavy A Page, Ernest H Pagnuelo Hector (Tutor) | St. Hyacinthe. Panet, Miss Nancy I Quebec Gaspe Berkshire, Vt. 1 1 20 2 45 300 4 8 12 32 10 14 20 14 1 1 1 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 4a NAMES. RESIDENCES. PangmaD, Miss Marie Louise Pangman, Mrs. Georgiana Pardey, Mrs. Amelia (Exec' trices oi) Pare, Mrs. Margaret, and A. B. ) Sirois (Tutor) j Parker, Mrs. F. H Parkei-, Daniel M. & W. F. (Trus- ) tees of Charles H. M. Black) ... j Parker, Eev. George H. (in trust),... Parker, Mrs. Gertrude Parker. Mrs. Grace Parker, Walter M Parker, Francis G. and Wm. F. Parker, (in trust) Parker, .Tos. (Executor of Mary E.Parker) Parsons, John W., M.D Parsons, L:ingdon B Parsons. Wm. D Paterson, Alex. Thomas Paterson, John Paterson, Eobert M. and Alex. Paterson (in trust for Mrs. C. J. Law) Paterson, Alex and wife (trustees | of) .^. J Paterson, Mrs. Margaret E Paterson, Miss Grace G Patei-son, Mrs. Bertha Patterson, Eev. George, D.D Patterson. Eev. James Patton, Jas. (in trust) Patton, Charles James Payne, James Payne, Mrs. Ann Peavy, Mrs. Mary Jane Peck, Mrs. Margaret (Executors of) Peck, James H Peck, Thomas ••• Peddie, Eobert Peebles, Mrs. A. E. and Mrs. A. 1 W. Spragne ) Pelletier, Joseph E. C. (Curator). ... Montreal. do Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, do Compton, Q , Compton Montreal 'lanchester, U. S. Halifax. London, Eng Portsmouth, U.S. Eye, K H New York Montreal do Montreal. SHARES. 5 38 35 10 28 16 65 3 1 50 10 5 5 13 56 6 15 do Evanston, 111... Montreal Montreal Greenhiil, JS.S. Montreal Montreal Montreal Cobourg Cobourg Montreal Montreal do do do Winnipeg. Quebec — 25 16 5 50 3 12 3 5 20 20 3 40 9 2 13 1(V 44 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Pension Fund Society of the Bank ) of Montreal j Peniston, Miss Kosina Pentland, Mrs. Margaret Penny, Mrs. E. E. (Executors of). . . Penn}', Mrs. Helen Penny, E. Gotf. Penny, Jas Phel])s, Mrs. p]mily A Phili])s, Charles, S. J. (intrust) Philips, Henry, (The Executrix of) ) and Fred. Whitley (Curator) ) Philps, Mrs. Emma G Phippen, Miss Jessie A Phippen, Miss Kate E Pick, Mrs. Harriet Pickering, Kdward Piddington, Mrs. Annie Pinhey, Horace (Executors of) Pinhcy. .John H. and Wife Pinhey, Charles H. (Executors of).., Pinhey, Mrs. Catherine , Pinto, Mrs. Crimea H , Pitts. Mrs. Janet T Pipon, Mrs. Maud M , Plees, Mrs. Maria E Plummer, Alfred E. (Manager in 1 trust) j Pollok, Bev. Allan, D.D Poison, John (Executors of) , Poole, Mrs. Mary Anne Pope, Miss Louisa F Pope, Rich ird Pope.John A Porter, George Pottenger, Mrs. Jane J Potts, Miss Mary A. (Executors of, in trust) Powell, Mrs. Ursula Power, Miss Catherine Power, Patrick (Executoi-s and \ trustees of) J Montreal Ottawa Thiee Rivers, Montreal Montreal do do England Montreal , do Halifax Kingston , Kingston Montreal Whitbourne, Nfld. Quebec March , Ottawa do do , London, Eng Montreal , Toronto , Quebec Toronto Halifax, KS I Winnipeg &Kil- \ donan Toronto Quebec Ottawa X.W.T Eock Island Hamilton Montreal . Ottawa... Montreal. 150 2 13 3 14 85 10 51 •7 25 2 2 2 1 35 1 9 25 10 4 5 29 2 11 4 13 1 1 3 8 2 15 14 13 1 Halifax 40 VlIE BANK OP MONTREAL. 45 NAMES Pratt, Mrs. Marie M Pratt, Kobert M Pratt, Frederick (in trust) Prendergnst, Mrs. Adelina Prentice, Mrs. Elizabeth (Ex'tors ) of, in trust, Mrs. C E. Cormack | Prentice.Mrs. Elizabeth (Kxcrs. of") ' Cor- I RESIDENCES. ) in trust for children of M mack and his wife Prentice, Miss Mary C Presbyterian College of Halifax Pre.ston, Robert Henry, M.D Preston, Mrs. Elizabeth Price, Miss Cecilia Price, Miss Jane Maria Price, Miss Charlotte I Price, Evan John (Curator) Price, Richard (in trust) Price, Misses Maria L., Caroline ") G., Annie M., Emily M., jointly., j Price, John B. (in trust for Edwin ) G. S. Price) [ Pride, Mrs. Cathei-ine and Wra. Pride Proctor, Geoi-ge Proctor, John A Purves, Miss Jane A Pyke, Miss Mary L Pyke, Miss Isabella (Executors of, \ in trust) j Quebec, Corporation of the City of... Quinlivan, Rev. John (in trust) Quinn, Miss Jane Raband, Mrs. Georgina J Racey, John, M. D Ramsay, Mrs. Agnes H (Excrs of)... Ramsay, William M (Tutor) Ramsay, Robt. A (Executors of) .... Ramsay, Robt. A. (in trust) (Exe- ) cutors of) ) Ramsay, Miss Elizabeth A (Exrs. of) Ramsay, Miss Bella Ramsay, Miss Ellen Montreal Toronto , Montreal India .... Montreal Montreal do Halifax , Newboro, O.... do Quebec Quebec do do St. Paul, U.S.. England do Montreal Beaverton do South Quebec. Montreal do Quebec Montreal., Longue Pointe France Ascot, Quo Montreal do do Montreal do England England SHARES. 22 5 15 4 30 30 13 2 3 1 2 1 2 20 8 16 9 9 6 5 2 6 5 10 60 51 30 2 55 22 70 46 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP NAMES. Eanir^ay, Miss Ellen and Miss Bella ) Ramsay, jointly J Ramus, Sliss A. E. L. dc N iJanken, Mrs. Agnes R. (in trubt t for Mrs. E. Ranken) | Ranken, Mrs. Elizabeth Ranken, Mrs, Agnes R , Rankin, Colin , Rankin, Miss Georgiana E , Kawiings, Edward , RawMon, Mrs. Jane A , Raymond, Mrs. Albertine Raynes. Mrs. Elizabeth Rca, Bavid, Sen., (Executors of) , Rea, Miss Eleanor B , Rea, Miss Mary 1 Rea, James M , Read, (Teo. (Administrator) Estate ] late Thos. Campbell J Read George , Read, Geo (In trust for Thos. P. \ Campbell) I Read, Geo. (In trust for Jas. C. 1 Campbell) f Read, Geo. (In trust for Wm. D. Campbell) ,.„ Reaves. George (bjxeeutors of) Reeve, Wm. A. B Reeve, Mrs. Emma C Redpath, Mrs. Jane Redpath, Miss Jane M Redpath, Mrs. Ada — M Redpath, John (Executors of) Redpalh, Mrs. A mie J Red path , Mrs, Grace Redpath, Mrs. Grace Redpath, Mrs. Grace Reed, James Reekie, Mrs. Isabella (in trust) Reid, Rev. Jas. (Ex'trix of, in trust, Xo. 1) Reid, Rev. JaS. (Ex'trix of, in trust, No. 2) ..., RESIDENCES. England England Montreal Boston Montreal H, B. Company Quebec Montreal , Quebec St. Hyacinthe .. Westmount Montreal do do do Keene, Ont do do do do Montreal Island Pond Island Pond. Montreal Scotland Montreal do Montreal England SHARBB. do do Reedsdale, Q , Montreal , Frelighsburg do 4 5 6 8 • 9 28 20 8 3 65 15 5 5 5 14 10 13 1:1 14 250 2 3 110 11 75 500 5 500 10 3 35 61 8 32 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 47 NAMES. 3rt ) B. Trustees. Eeid, John Reid, William Reid, Mrs. Julia Reid, William Reid, Wm. M Reid, Wm. D. (in trust for Robe G.Reid Rciffenstein, Mrs. Georgiana.... Reily, Miss Mary Reilley, Mrs. Elizabeth Remillard, Mrs. E. M. and A Sirois (Tutor) Remon, Edward P Remon, Mrs. Mary E Remon, Mrs. Mary E Remon, Miss Susan P Remon, Miss Sophia Rendel, George W Renshaw, C. Bine , Reynolds, Edmund J. and | Joseph Hard i stv j Reynolds, Thos. W., M.D Reynolds, Edmund J Rhodes,Armitage,& ) Trustees Mrs. Rhodes, Godfrey W., j C. A. Williams Rhodes, Armitage & G. W. Rhodes "^ (trustees Mrs. Mary E. More- V wood) J Rhodes, Mrs. Ann Catherine Rhodes, William, jun Rhodes, Robert L) Rice, Miss Harriet Richards, Miss 3Iary L Richardson, Robert Richardson, Mrs. Catherine Richardson, Rev. James E Richardson, Mrs. Mary Richardson, Miss Margt. T Richardson, Fred'k H Riddcll Co., A. F Rimmer, Mrs. Frances Ritchie, Mrs. Helen A RESIDENCES, H. B. Company do do Sherbrooke Montreal do SHARES. Ottawa Montreal St. John's, Que.. Quebec Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa St. Heliers do London, Eng ... Glasgow, Scotland Brockville Montreal Hamilton Brockville (Quebec Aurora, 111 Quebec Aurora, Ills Quebec do LeadviUe, U.S... Kingston Ottawa Belleville Quebec Chesterville, Out do Quebec Clinton, Mass Montreal Chester Levis 21 3 60 67 3 Montreal 550 5 9 G 10 3 2 5 1 1 29 10 32 13 13 11 1 34 6 13 24 3 19 3 24 4 1 1 3 15 9. 48 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OP xNAMES. RESIDENCES. SIIAKEH. Ritchie, Joseph N. and Thomas (in trust) Robbie, Mrs. Klizubeth Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Robertson Halifax, N.S 14 Mrs. Alice E Hugh Mrs. Helen I Wm. W., Q.C Miss Grace M William F Miss Susan David S Miss Jane M Mrs. Ellen Hugh Wm Arthur II Hugh James S Harry Miss Isabella B Geo. Ross Wm. S Archie G Miss Amy E. S Miss Flora E.B Robertson, Miss Helen C Robinson, Mrs. Anna M Robinson, Mrs. Harriett J (Usufr'}'^) Robinson, Miss Anne Robinson, Mi-ss Eliza Robinson, Mrs. M. J Robinson, Mrs. Elizabeth S Robinson, James Robinson, Chi'istopher Robinson, George H Robinson, John (Executor of Mrs Locket Robinson Robinson, John Rodger, James and others (in trust) . Roe, Mrs. Eliza A Roe, Mrs. E. J. (Executor & usufy of) Roe, Mrs. E. J. (Executor & usufy of) Scotland ... Montreal... Brookholm. Montreal. . Monti-eal.... Montreal. .. Montreal... Westmount. Kingston (Quebec Montreal St. Andrews. Que.. Brookholm. Ont.... London, Eng Gainsboro', N.AV.T. Shallow Lake, Unt. Brookholm, Ont Montreal ; do } do do do do Nashwaaksis .. Aylmer, Que ... Quebec do Abbotsford Toronto Montreal Toronto , Township of Ernestown. { I Montreal. do do Montreal Windsor, Mills do •••••■ 17 26 5 8 57 12 4 1 12 4 15 3 3 6 3 3 8 4 4 20 25 25 25 8 3 3 1 3 10 33 5 1 17 1 9 22 6 12 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 49 NAMES. Rolland, Albert E. d'E Ronaldnon, John M Koot, Chas. Isaac Rosen, F. G. and Mrs. M. B. Houk.... Eo.ss, John T., and Jas. G. Scott, ) (trust'.'es) I Ross, Mrs. Harriett Ann (in trust)... Ross, Allan J Ross, John T. (Trustee) Ross, Alex Ross, Geo. D. (intrust) Eoss, Geo. D. and Dougall Jas. S. ) N. (in trust) ) Ross, Miss Harriet J Ross, James Rothwell, Mrs. Martha J Routh, Wm. R Routh, Jules I Rowand, Alex. M. D. (Executors of). Rowe, Mrs. KatherineA I Rowley, Wm. H. (in trust) Roy, Mrs. Elizabeth E Rov, Miss Jessie Russell, Mrs. Harriett (Trustees of) Russell, Miss Laura Russell, Major-General John C Rutherford, James (Executrix of)... Rutherford, Miss Fannie Rutherford, Miss AmyE Rutherford, Mrs, Mary Margaret ) and Edward C. (in trust) J Rutherford, Mrs. Mary M Ryan, Hon. Thomas (Excrs of) Ryan, Mrs. Joanna Ryan, Mi'S. Mary RESIDENCES. Montreal Scotland Westmount Knoxville, Tenn. Quebec Quebec .. Iroquois , Quebec . Monti-eal do . do . ISn.\RE8. 5 4 2 13 50 21 O *^ 50 Sanders, Edward H Saunders, Mrs. Rebecca. Saville, Mrs. A. H Sawtell, Miss Maria Sawyer, Manfred J. C... Sayer, Edward 4 Quebec Montreal Manchester, Eng... PiDgland,. do Quebec Haverfordwest, ") South VV^ales. | Ottawa Brantford Montreal Toronto Quebec England Montreal Toronto , do do do Montreal do Magog Port Hope England Cambridge, Mass... Montreal Halifax, N.S Blind River 5 50 15 4 4 60 1 50 8 50 16 18 1 2 3 3 300 10 52 23 2 20 11 49 10 60 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Scherman, Julius Schmidt, George Scholes, Francis Sclater, Mrs. Ethel Scott, James Philip (in trust). Scott, Mrs. Louisa M Scott, Mrs. Eleonore RESIDENCES. { Margaret Scott, Mrs. Eleonoi-e (Tutrix) Scott, Erkine Gr. and H. C. (in trust) Scott, Erskine G. & II. C. (in trust) . Scott, John Scott, Mrs. Hannah , Scott, Mrs. Harriet Scott, Miss Jane and P. S. Stephens, . Scott, Mrs. Mary Scott, Augustus Scott, \Vm. 1) B Scott, Miss Josephine Scott, Miss Katherine G , Scott, Miss Elizabeth Scott, Miss Jean H Scougall, Misi Selby, Miss Louisa E Selby, AVilliam 0. I) Selby, Miss Maria M. J Selby, Miss Annie I Semple. Mrs. Mary A Senkler, Edmund J Senkler, Miss Agres C Senkler, William S Senkler, Mrs. Honor Senkler, Albert Edward, M.D Senkler, Mrs. Frances I Setchell, Sam., Q.M. Eoyal Artillery Settertield, Mrs. Mary M. Seymour, Miss Julia L. (Extrix. of M. L. Seymour) Shakespear, Mrs. Henrietta L Shanks, Miss Sarah II Shanly, Walter (in trust) Sharpe, Miss Caroline i Sharpe, Mrs. Ann II (Administr'x): Montreal Pembroke Montreal Hamilton Montreal England L'Assomption de ) Berthier ) do Montreal & Quebec Ottawa Quebec Montreal England Chateauguay. Lonrjon, Eng. H. B. Co Quebec Montreal do do Quebec Montreal do do Montreal , Quebec St. Catharines Brockville Perth Perth St. Paul St. Paul Halifax, ]S^. S England St. Albans England . Montreal. Montreal . England . Ottawa .. SHARES. 5 5 40 1 3 57 6 6 30 25 10 35 3 21 1 8 3 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 50 39 50 4 44 25 2 3 5 2 45 2 10 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 51 NAMES. Shavpe, Miss Blanche Sharpe, Miss Florence , Sharpies, Charles. (Executor of) , Sharpies, Hon. John (Tutor to the \ minors AUeyn) j Sharpley, Mrs. Eliza Shaw, F. W. L , Shearer, James Shearly, Nicholas , Shepherd, Mrs. Mary C , Shepherd, Henry William Shepherd, Robert W. (Excrs. of) .... Shepherd, Francis J., M. D Shepherd, Mrs. Margaret Anne Shortt, Mrs. Ellen Shortt, Eev. William K Sibley, Mrs. Ida E Sidey, Miss Margt Simms, Robert Simms, Francis H Simms, Henry & Robert, and John ) Cowan (in trust) j Simms, Mrs. E. E Simms, Frank H. (in tru.st) Simons, William (Executor Miss Isabella Macfarlane) Simons, AYilliatn Simpson, Mrs. Fanny M Simpson, George W. and J. Bisset (in trust) Simpson, George (Trustee) Simpson, WeniAssMcK (Exrs of). Simpson, WemyssMcK, (Executors of, in trust) Simpson, G. W. (Curato)* Roderick McKenzie, jun Simpson, William Simpson, Mrs. Eliza Isabella Sims, Miss Marj^ E Sims, Miss Agnes Sims, Miss Margaret •.... Sims, Miss Emma O Sims, Tlios. J RESIDENCES. SHARES. Ottawa do Quebec Quebec Montreal , Toronto Montreal do Montreal do do do ....... do Sudbury, Ont. do Montreal Scotland Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal St. Johns, Nfld. Quebec 3 3 25 17 25 53 35 37 10 164 190 5 7 7 3 5 15 18 20 24 1 15 Quebec 10 2 Montreal Montreal Gore's Landing, O . Sault Ste. Marie ... Sault Ste. Marie ... Montreal England — Sault Ste. Marie ... Montreal , do do do Winnipeg 8 1 36 15 25 10 11 3 3 3 3 2 52 LIST OF STOCKBOLDERS OF NAMES. Sinclair, Mrs. Caroline (Adm'trix). Sirois, Louis P. (tutor) Skelton, John G., M.D. (Exec'rs of) . Skinnei-, Thomas Slater, Mrs. Esther Sloggett, Eichard (Excrs. of) Small, Miss Catherine G Smart, Mrs. Catherine S. (Exec'rs of) Smart, Rev. William (Executor of)... Smith, Mrs. Mary A Smith, Lady Smith, Joseph James Smith, George F. C Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth A. C Smith, Miss Elizabeth Ure Smith, Mrs. Eleanor, Mrs. Mary Ann Benson, J. Macintosh (Cu- rator) Smith, Sir Donald A., G.C.M.G Smith, Mrs. Wilhelmina Smith, Mrs. Helen U. ... Smith, Mrs. Matilda Smith, Goldwin Smith, Bennett (Executors of) Smith, Mrs. Mary L Smith, Miss Hannah S Smi th, Lyn('.on Smith, Miss Henrietta M Smith, Miss Gertrude M. Bell Smith, Miss Mary G. A. Bell Smith, Mrs. Mary L. (in trust for her children) Smith, Herbert Dudley, Executor of Mrs. M. J. Baptist | Smith, Mrs. Maria L , Smith, Robert A , Smith, Miss Emma E. E Smith, Geo. Edward Smith, Hy. Stanley , Smith, Mrs. Ann Smyth, Robs V. B ,., Smythe, Mrs. Mary , Snodgrass, Wm. Geo RESIDENCES. SHARES. WinninecT 19 Quebec 1 Bonavista, Nfld.... London, Eng Ottawa 3 100 5 P]ngland 40 Rome. Italv 7 Port Hone f> Syracuse 6 Montreal 15 Dorchester, N.B... Dorval 33 1 Montreal 6 Petitcodiac, 8 Montreal 33 do ............ 16 Montreal 1041 St. John, N.B Ottawa.. 8 11 Quebec 10 Toronto 15 Windsor, N. S Montreal 30 10 do 4 do 2 Ottawa Toronto 5 8 Toronto... Montreal 15 12 Montreal 28 do 3 do 60 Quebec 5 Halifax 30 Quebec 13 Montreal England Montreal 11 10 10 Glasgow, Scotland, 12 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 53 NAMES. Miss Elizabeth A RESIDENCES. Snodgras ScBurs de la Charite de I'Hopital] General de St. Boniface i Somerville. Misses M. C. and i Somei-ville, Misses Maria and ) Margaret A ) Somerville, Miss Maria Somerville, Miss Margaret A Somerville, G-eo Spackraan, L. M Spence, Gilbert Spence, William Spence, Harry J. (in trust) Spencer, .Tames F Spencer, Mi les Spencer, Henry Thomas - Spencer, Miss Margaret Ann Spencer. John K. (Excrs. of) Spier, Mrs. Annie J Spragg, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (Execu- ) tors of) 3 Spragge, Henry ■ Spragge, Mrs. Martha A ■ Spr V, William • Stack, Eev. Thomas L., D.D. Est of Stairs, Mrs. Isabella H Stanway, Wm Starnes, Mrs. Eleanor S., and as usufiuctuary Stark, Miss Gertrude F Starke, George K. (Executors and ) Trustees ot) j Starke, Mrs. Maria (Excrs of, in trust) Starke, Mrs. Maria(Excr8 of, in trust) Starke, Mrs. Maria (Excrs of, in trust) Statham, Wm Stayner, Eev. Thomas L Steele, Mrs. Z. S. (in usufruct) Steers, Miss Alicia J Sleeves, Miss Carrie Steeves. George W. (in trust) Sleeves^ Geo. W. (Executor Mrs. "I Mary Steeves) j Scotland St, Boniface, Man Scotland Montreal do do Toronto Montreal H. B. Company.. do Tobermorv, Ont H. B. Co..". H. B. Company. Montreal England Winnipeg Montreal Montreal , do . do Toronto. England , Halifax... Montreal i Montreal .. Ticonderoga Montreal.. .. do . do do . England . England . Montreal. Midland, England , do Ont. Liverpool, Eng. SHARES. 12 8 36 9 9 9 10 7 3 5 5 1 2 95 19 6 11 14 15 10 5 48 5 7 29 3 8 13 13 13 13 13 7 3 10 15 13 H LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Stephen, John George (Trustees of) Stephens, Pembroke S. & Jane Scott Stephenson, Mrs. Agnes F Stewart, Alex. (Trustee) Stewart, Charles James Stewart, Lewes Gower Stewart, Miss Isabella (Executors of) Stewart, Mrs. Catherine Stewart, William Stewart, Rev. Alexander Stewart, Miss Louisa A Stewart, Miss Isabella E Stewart, Mrs. Ann J Stewart, T. Howard Stewart, Mrs. Florence S Stewart, Mrs. E. J P Stewart, Mrs. Isabella H Stewart, Miss Elizabeth Stikeman, Mrs. Agatha C. C Stikeman, Alfred T Stirling John Stirling, James (Executors and ) Trustees of) \ Stirling, Miss Margaret Stirling, Miss Jessie Stodart, Mrs. Louisa F. W Stodart, Miss Henrietta M Stout, Lewis A Strange, Orlando S., M.D ... Strickland, Mrs. Caroline C Strong, Mrs. Frances Stuart, Sir Charles J., Bart Stuart. Charles Stuart, Mrs. L. M Stuart, Eev. Jas... St. Andrew's Society St. Denis, Miss AlbeVta A. M.. St. Denis, Miss Alberta A. M. (in trust) St. Pierie de la Malbaie, Corpora- tion No. 2 Sutherland, Hon. John Sutherland, Louis } RESIDENCES. SHARES. i 1 England England Montreal England Amherst, N. S England ! 1 10 68 5 136 3 34 Ottawa 1 do 1 Port Hope .. Scotland Quebec Quebec Montreal 9 59 4 4 8 do 2 Tipperary, Ireland. Montreal do Monti'cal 25 2 11 2 Halifax 35 Montreal 1 do do 120 14 Scotland do 52 26 New York 3 Scotland iNew York Kingston Laketield, Ont Montreal 5 1 2 6 3 England Port Hope 105 10 Montreal 2 England Montreal do 4 32 2 do 3 Gasp^ 3 Manitoba , 3 Montreal 8 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 55 NAMES. } Sutton, Miss Emily Suzoi', Mrs. Sophia and A. B. Sirois (Tutor) Swanborough, Abel Swanston, Thomas, Exr. of Sweny, Mrs. Alice E Sykes, Walter H., Lieut-Col. R.E... Syrames, Mrs. Abigail Symmes, Mrs. Abigail (Executrix)... Tait, Robert Tait, Rev. James (Executor Wm. Tait, in trust) Tait, Mrs. Ernestine B Tait, Mrs. Helen Tannahill, Mrs. Margaret K Tasker, James Tate, Mrs. Maria Annie Taunton, Miss Sarah B Taylor, James W. (Executors of). Taylor, Miss Mary O. (in trust).... Taylor, Miss Anna M Taylor, William Henry (Ext'rof). Taylor, John (Administrator) Taylor, Miss Alice L Taylor, Mrs. Catherine (Executrix). Taylor, Wm. (Trustees of) Taylor, Andrew T Taylor, John Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs. Mary S Templeton, Mrs. Mary O Tennunt, John and wife (Trustees of) Tennent, Mis. M. C. P Tett, Benjamin Theobald, Mrs. Ann I. M Thistle, Wm R Thorn, Mrs. Emma Thomas, Mrs. Mary M Thomas, Hy. Wm. & A. C. (in trust) Thompson, Mrs. Catherine Thompson, James Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth RESIDENCES. Sherbrooke, Que... Quebec Richmond England Toronto England Drummondville, O do Hudson's Bay Co.. Montreal Mille Roches, Ont Montreal Belleville Montreal Laketield England Montreal do do Australia .. .. Manitoba Montreal Ireland Winni])eg Montreal Monti'cal Gananoque. .. Montreal Belleville Scotland York, p]ng... Bedford, Ont. England Ottawa Montreal Quebec Montreal Perth, Ont .. do Deans, Ont.. SHARES. 3 10 3 22 10 15 15 2 25 65 3 1 83 5 23 12 12 24 3 IH 8 t> 14 6 43 50 3 5 10 61 15 1 13 3 8 35 . 22 1 6 7 56 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Thompson, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompsot), William Thompson, Miss Clara P. Thompson, Miss Elizabeth C Thompson, Colin M. , Thomson, Miss Mary Thomson , Malcol m Thomson, John C. (Pi'osident ) Jotiery Hale Hospital) \ Thomson, Donald C Thomson, Mrs. Jane Thomson, Mrs. Maria K Thomson, George H. (in trust for ) Miss I. Hamilton) | Thomson, Samuel R. (Executrix j and Kxecutor of ) j Thomson, Mis. Mai-<r't G Thomson, Mrs. M. A Thorburn, Lady Thorneioe, Rev. George Thurgai , John V. jun (Executors of) Tiffin, Joseph (Executors of) Tinkham, Miss Martha F Tobin, Mrs. Frances Todd. R. Cooper (executrix of) Torrance, Mrs. Alice M Ton-ance, Rev. Edward F Torre, Mrs. Maria S Tottenham, Charles G. (Excr. of j Mrs. S. A. L. Tottenham) j Touranireau, Mrs. Victoria A Tovey, Mrs. Maria E Tovvnsend, Mrs. Jane A. F Travers, John N. (Executors of) Travers, Mrs, Mary I Trew Miss Mary..' Trigge, Miss Mary Trigge, Arthur, St. Lawrence Trigge, Miss Theodora Trigge, Arthur St. Lawrence ) | (Guardian minors Trigge j j Trigge, Miss Kathleen , j Trotter, Miss Ada M i RESIDENCES. SHARKS. Deans, Ont Kinnear's Mills, Q, Toronto do New York 4 1 5 JO 4 Quebec 21 Montreal 10 Quebec 2 i Quebec | 10 Cote des Neiges ' 3 Quebec : 2 Quebec \ 4 St. John, N.B. Quebec Monti-eal , St. Johns, Nfld ... Sherbrooke , St. John, KB Montreal West Epping, U. S Fergus, Ont England Monti'eal. Petei-boro' Quebec Ireland Quebec England , Wimbledon. Eng.., Hamilton , England Toronto Hamilton Hamilton Co Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Montreal . 20 2 5 1 7 18 25 25 8 4 1 8 9 12 3 14 10 88 40 4 1 1 1 1 5 THE BANK OP MONTREAL. 67 NAMES. Tucker, John (Executors of) Tunstall, Charles A., M.D Tunstall, Mrs. Elizabeth Turcotte, Mrs. Marie E. I. and ) Alex. Macdonald (Cui-ator) j Turnbull, Mrs. Elizabeth Turn bull, James Turner, Mrs. Helen TwJninu', Mrs. Ada L Twist, Mrs. Ktnily C. (Trustees of).. Tydd, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Urquhart, Hugh (Executors of) Usborne, Mrs. Jessie (Trustees of)... Utting, Mrs. Hannah Vail, Hon. William B Valine, Mrs. Honorine C Valpy, Mrs. Drucilla D YanStraubenzee, Lieut-Col. Bowen ) (in ti'ust) f Yaughan, Timothy Veasey, George (p]xecutor of late ) \y. J. Newton I Veith, John G. (^Tutor) Vibert, Philip Vibert, Peter D Yibert, James Vincent, Eev. Thomas Vincent, James (administrator) Vincent, Rev. Thos. (Executor] Eliza A. Vincent) j VonFriesen, Baroness (Executor of) Von Iffland, Mrs. Harriet S RESIDENCES. SHARES. St. John, N. B ' 48 Barkerville, B.C.; 5 Montreal ; 6 Three Rivers. .3 Quebec 114 Hamilton Dover, Eng. Fredei'icton England India Cornwall Toronto Montreal Halifax Quebec Perce, Que Kingston River St. Pierre. 8 50 12 25 40 2 23 10 15 1 16 6 3 8 Quebec '> Montreal | 1 Gaspd ! 1 do i Gaspe 12 Moose Factory ! 22 Rupert's Land i 4 Albany, Hudson ) ; , Bay I; -* Montreal : 150 St. Colomb de )j o Sillery | "* Waddell, Mrs. Elizabeth Waddell, Mrs. Maria C Waddell, Robert Wadleigh, Mrs. Sarah Ann. Wainman, Mrs. Evelyn C... Wainwright, Mrs. H. I Waite, Mrs. Emma Walcot, Mrs. Florence M Buckingham . Montreal ••i 4 ..I 50 Kingston j 24 Ulverton • 9 England 15 Ottawa 3 Montreal 6 Quebec 35 58 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. Walcott, Sir Stephen (Executor of) Waldron, Eichard Walker, Arthur Walker, Alfred P Walker, Henry S Walker, Miss Helen F Wallace. Mrs. Ellen A. B Wallace, Rev. Ilobt Wallis, Miss K. E Wallis, Miss Adah Walrasley, Mrs. Sarah M. H Walmsley, Alexander Walsh, John (Ex. Est. of Wm. Poston) Wanklyn, Mrs. Edith M AVanless, Mrs. Harriet Warden, Eev. Robert H., D.D , as | Treas. of the Piesbyterian College | Wark, Miss Annie S. H Wark, Honorable David Warner, Mrs. Mary L Warner, Wm. G. (in trust) Warner, Mrs. Louise C, and John ) G. McCarthy (Curator) ) Warren, Henry H. (Executors of)... Warren, Mrs. Henrietta Warren, Mrs. Margt. S Warrington, Mrs. Marie E. E Washer, Rev. Charles B Watson, Harrison (in trust) Watson, Harrison Watson, Mrs. Mabel S Watson, James , Watson, Rev. Thos H. G Watson, Edmund L Watson, Edmund F Watson. John F Watson, Alex. W Watson. Mrs. Hairiet E Watt, James M. M Watt, Wm. Hy Watt, James S. (Executors of) Watt, Alexander Way, Charles J RESIDENCES. England Kingston England Peterboro Toronto Quebec Belleville Belleville Peterboro do St. Johns, Que.,., do ...... Ottawa Montreal St. Catharines, Ont Montreal SHAKES. Frederictori, N.B.. do V .. Montreal Toronto , Toronto London, Eng Montreal Chicago Belleville Portneuf, Q Montreal do Cape Town Brockville Dunham, Q Dunham, Q Lundyville, Man. Dunham, Que do Montreal Fergus Hudson's Bay Co, Montreal do Lausanne 96 5 6 1 25 78 13 6 5 5 10 14 33 5a 20 2 26 10 4 50 6 1 10 3 1 13 85 7^ 82 25 37 7 2 2 44 28 43 4 23 5 THE BArK OP MONTREAL. 59 NAMES. I Weaver, Mrs. M. A. (Usufructuary) . "Weir, Thomas C. (Trustees of) Wells, Mrs. Mary M Welsh, James H. M. (Executors of) West, William P., James Thomson and A. W. West Wheeler, Mrs. Annio Wheeler, Miss Isabella Wheeler, Miss Annie P White, Mrs. Catherine White, George R White, Hon. Wm Whiteford, Mrs. Margaret C. (Trus- ) tees of) I Whitehead, Mrs. Cath...^. Whitehead, Thos. H. and Edward E. Whiteway, Sir W. Y Whyte, Mrs. Grace A Whyte, Mrs. Marion J. E Wicksteed, Gustavus W. and ) Charles B. Budd (Trustees) j Wicksteed, Gustavus W Wigmore, Mrs. Amy G Willard, Mrs. Agnes F Wilgress, Miss Julia C Wilgress, George Wilgress, Miss Julia C. (Usufy) Wilkie, Mrs. Angelica (Executor of) Williams, Miles (Executors of) Williames, John C Wilson, Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson, Mrs. Caroline S. Wilson, Andrew (Executors of) Wilson, William (Executors of) Wilson, Kon. Chas. (Executors of)... Wilson,William (in trust) (Ex'ors of) Wilson, Frederick James Wilson, Thomas Wilson, Sir Adam (Executors and } Trustees of) j Wilson, Mrs. Esther Wilson, Thomas (in trust) Wilson, Thomas (in trust No. 2) RESIDENCES. Montreal England Manchester, U. S. Montreal Halifax Montreal Montreal do Newport, R.I Quebec Sherbrooke Brockvllle Montreal Brantford St. John's, Nfld.. Kamsack, N.W.T Montreal Ottawa Ottawa Montreal Boston Lachine Cobourg . . . Lachine , . . Toronto Montreal Belfast Brighton, Eng.... Buckingham Montreal Cumberland Montreal Cumberland Buckingham Danville, N.Y Toronto Montreal do do SHARES. 12 3 20 2 25 1 5 5 19 62 20 19 2 3 15 9 6 41 132 5 13 12 8 5 25 13 7 106 15 68 38 5 12 3 100 30 7 60 LIST OP STOCKHOLDERS OF NAMES. WiLson. .laincH Isou, James (in trust, No. 1) do No. 2 Wilson, James, do No. 3 , Wili^on Fred. J. (in trust for Mrs. ") A. M. Morrison) j Wilson, John Wilson, John Wilson, Miss F. E. M Wilson, John T Wilson, Mrs. Clementina L. J Wingate, Mrs. Georgina E Winn, Mrs. A. M Wood, Jas. John (Col. 45th Eegt).. Wood, Thomas R Wood. William Frost Wood, Mrs. Mary F.... Wood, Miss Grace B.... Wood, Mi>s Mary J. AV., and Miss Maiion G. B. Wood Woodgate, Arthur RESIDENCES. SHARES. Montreal , do . do . Buckitigham, Que. Carden. Ont Duluth Belleville Grenville do Florida Montreal :} Toronto Eng]r!-nd Montreal England St. Catherines Woods, Miss MaryM Woodrow, Hugh B Woodward, Mrs. Catherine E Workman, Thomas (in trust for ) Florence Workman) ) Workma-i, Thos. (in trust for Mrs. 1 Anna C. Kennedy) J Workman, Thos. (The Estate of).. . . Worslev, Mrs. Mary L Worthington, John Wotherspoon, Miss Helena C Wright, Mrs. Mary Wright, Mrs. Margaret M Wurtele, Mrs. Marian (in trust) Wurtele, Miss Catherine Wurtele, Miss Mary Ann Wurtele, Mrs. Augusta M Wurtele, Miss M. Gertrude L Wylde, Mrs. Kate Napier Wylie. Wm Wyse, Lucien N. B England Halifax . Longueuil. Montreal Ottawa... 5 5 5 4 4 2 26 8 4 5 8 51 80 43 31 7 1 90 20 2 Ottawa Montreal 32 Brockville 10 Brooklyn, N.Y 39 Quebec 20 Hull 5 Montreal 28 Quebec ! 3 Montreal 67 do 76 Fergus Falls, U.S.. 1 Quebec 10 Montreal 11 H. B. Co 1 Paris, France 300 THE BANK OF MONTREAL. 01 NAMES. RESIDENCES. Yates, Mrs. Emily (Trustees of) Yates, Herbert E. (Trustees of) Yates, Burton W Yates, Henry B Yeats, Miss Helen M Yeats, Miss Isabella Young, Mrs. Charlotte L. (Excr. of) . Young, John 11. (Exers. of) Young, Mrs. Kate Yule, Wm. (Administrator of the > Estate of the late ) Brantford do Doti-oit Montreal Lancaster, N.B. do do . Coteau du Lac. Quebec Ottawa Chambly. Zuhlcke, George W. G. R Montreal Zwickl, Francis Shcrbrooke, N. S. HHASES. 30 33 32 32 5 5 10 15 IT 193 30 10 STOCKHOLDERS ON LONDON (ENGLAND) REGISTER NAMES. Bi'own, Ormiston Carter, John Thorold, and Mrs. ) Amelia Carter ) Hamilton, Henry Charles... Hurst, Wm. B., Major E. E. Levetus, Sarah J., extrix of E. M Le vetus Moir, John Eankin, Miss Isabella E Kutherford, Mrs. Mary Travers, Mrs. E. St. Leger S.H. Van der Meerschen, Edmond Woodgate, Arthur Total :} RESIDENCES. Paris.... London London London Birmingham Manchester. . Edinburgh. . Vienna London Brussels Brighton. . . SHARES. 36 120 2 5 2 5 20 9 18 2 22 241 Montreal Eegister 59,759 London (Eng.) Eegister .... 241 . 60,000