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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la methods. errata I to t 1 pelure, on d D 32X 1 2 3 t S 4 '' i 6 pii m A.OROPI r^orticth ilcport OK I UK (»r KW s RlTNSiWK 'K ,^ ^iiUceiSai ^Imrrli .^.oriclj) 1 wr r». ,^\^\OCKs,^ ^^^^^^J^^^^•:> i5!ln.cari3(ir.ntc^ by ^ct of 3V.'^?:.rmbU?, IG lilirtoria, (Tup. IV., I'nli ^ptil, ISoiJ. Fifi-:ni:iJi(T()\. n. v.. A.CIlorLKY.lMlIXTKIl, \VILM(»'rs BLorK. (.X'KKN SlUKi:'! ,f<f^> i ■'C ■ 'j' H wmmmmm w I IXCC A. CROPL] FOURTIETH REPOET OK THK mmn 9knA ^trietg OF NEW BRUNSWICK. isrs. iTi.i 'I 'If > ;. ii INCORPORATED BY ACT OF ASSEMBLY, 16 VICTORIA, CAP. IV.. 14th APRIL. lS5a. FREDERICTON, N. B.: I. A. CROPLEY. PRINTER, WILMOTS BLOCK, QUEEN STREET. 1875. p jfj ' , ; '( »'* / 4 K'w • ^ 1 2t>' .-Mill 1 .IV.' ..I 4 / f ' * ^ I ' i --y ' ^ <• . . < j The H( \ • 1. ■ t H, A. CROPLEY, PRINTER, WILMOrS BLOCK. QUEEN ST., PREDERICTON. GE( fl: ft M m I ['A AT /.. i '.' $ro Allen, Hon. Judo Berton, 8. D. Brayley, J. W... ■ Airman, W .. Clincli, B. T Daniel, T. W...'."'. Fislier, Hon. Jud Fenety, George I Hanington, T. B. Inches, A Jarvis, C. E. L. ' Jack, I. Allen....".' OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. ERICTO. ^rttibtnt. The Bight Rev. JOHN. Lord Biahop of Predericton. Otrt-$rtitbtnts. The Honoriihle JOHN 8. SAUNDERS, FREDERICK A. WIGGINS, E«iuire, The Honorable SAMUEL L. TILLEY, C. B., Lieutenant Governor, Rev. Canon SCOVIL. Ph. D., WILLIAM M. JARVI8, Emjulre. SrcBinrir. H. W. FRITH, Ewiuire, ^nbitoia. C. H. FAIRWEATHER, E.soulre, W. H. A. KBAN8, Emjuire. Sottrb of Donu IpitMtona. The Rigiit Rev. the LORD BISHOP, (ei officio). Rev. F. H. J. BRIG8TO0KE, Rev. Canon MEDLEY, Rev. Canon DrVEBBR, Rev. Canon KETCHUM, D. D., (ex officio), G. A. 8CUOFIELD. Esquire, W. M. JARVI8, Esciufre. C. W. WELDON. Esquire, G. SIDNEY SMITH. Es<iuire, HUUD PETERS. Bsquire. H. W. FRITH, Es«iuire, (ex officio), OEOBGE A. BCHOFIELD, Esquire, Secretary to Committer. Jinante Commhtte. Bev. Canon SCOVIL, Ph. D., W. M. JAR VIS. Esquir >, B. L. PETERS. Esqu' G.SIDNEY SMITH.E.^A.f', W. CABMAN, Esquire, T. W. DANIEL, Esquire, G. E. PENETY, Esquire, H. W. FRITH, Esquire. Treasurer. StcrttarQ. The Bev. Canon KETCHUM, D. D., Saint Andrews. ^robtston lot ^ibotes anb 9rp^ana of t^t CUrgs. Bev. JOHN PEARSON, Secretary. fHctttibs (Sommittie. illen, Hon. Judge Fredericton. Berton, S. D St. John. Brayley, J. W Fredericton. Carman, W Fredericton. Clinch, R. T St. John. Daniel, T. W St. John. Fisher, Hon. Judge Fredericton. Fenety, George E Predericton. Hanington,T. B St. John. Inches, A Fredericton. Jarvis, C. E. L St. John. Jack, I. Allen St. John. Ketchum. H. G. C Fredericton. Peters, B. L St. John. Peters, Hurd ....St. John. Robinson. T. Barclay St. John. Ruel. Jas. R St. John. Robicson, Col. J Fredericton. Smith, G. Sidney St. John. Schofleld, G. A St. John. Smith, J. Woodforde Fredericton. Sturdee, H. L St. John. Weldon, C. W St. John. Wliitney, G. W St. John. (3) i I ..' >' •lO t )''! : n <. 1" ,,l( . •V .llol. »K 1 I-, • .'. i. T '■ ) H • iJ.'l, ■/• i.'i--.; . »lr i.....r. . tf (t % (Atbt jfunb £ommitttt. J. ALLKX JACK. KM|iiirc. li. \. MCHOFIKLD, KH.|iiiiv, .1. K. HI' EL, K-*<|iiirf, C. \V. UKLDON. KHMiiir.'. (J.SIDVKV SMITH. K-(,uire, W. M. JAKV18, Kwiiiite. $ooK 9'D(">i^3fU Commttttt. The LORD HIHHOH. Th.' Rvv. F. H. J. HUKJSTOCKE, Th.' H.v. (}. M. AKMSTUONO, Til.- H.v. T. B. DOWLIXCJ. (S. A. 8CHOFIELD, Ks.|uiiv, «. W. WHITNEY, Ksqiilrc. C. E. L. JAUVIS, Es(|uiiv. ^Iiint'^nij |l(|)ort Commtttct. U.'v. Cimon DkVEHEK. Kev. J. I'EARSOX, R.v. T. E. DOWLlXr., Rev. Canon KBTCHUM. 8«fretiirv, G. SIDNEY SMITH, EH<|iiire/ W. CARMAN, Es<|Uiru, O. B. FENBTY, Esquire. , •) . ' • ,,1 V ./ I J •♦-,••/ < H ••! ■ : , 'I *; ; >■ r . ■ , . 'J .1 . • i !'• ' •• M/i;fi;i5 : ' ttr..iA.. - ' . ■ I .I" '.'• ■ !' (' jT' ' "' ■ .^ '■■■ ■'■- • I'ui < , . * «, = / • , .' ' I ^ . '«r:t'iv r , - t. \l ' ' >. ., : ■ ) . ■•;. j'- .'■. ..V!.. ,.".■■ 1 ' I'-'r, '( /Hi> .iU'in ■■.'»: ;i;*irW-^ ■ . ( - ( '• 1 r: I ' , - . M : ■ " ■.* , •-■<■ I..S! . '. '- - 1 ,4! ■! i:' ; i i'l'i;' ' 1 .»;,:. ■ ■•" " .'t-M ,7 •'■ ■•:•■■ < •' i ,,'.'!"'■■ ii-c>' •:.:.. ^.'.: .i;-! ....j^' I ■: If .i i< k '1^ . ».■ f ' I'riKVKvr II ii> with Thy I'lifc, wi' ma; lilt', through (iou, fro 'liarit.vdo pr. Victoria, und !'r'H|»t'r witli '•fiift'iictors w l'!''i'flry: the e ii'!i>noii ill til who (ire prodj "iir coiisiiltuti thrmi^'li Jesus Mkhciki nor woiihlst iiiorcy u|)oii liardtiess of he to Thy flock. lie tniide one Hitli Tliee und Our Pathk Tliy will be do forgive us our not into temp :md the Rlory, The ^ace ol Holy Ghost, b« (5) P^C PRAYEKS OF THE SOCIETY. - »;' > BEFOHK TIIKV COMMEN'C'K Bl'SrVICSH. PrtKVKNT u«i,0 Lonl, in all our <loiiif{s, witli Tliy miwt OraHmiH favour ; ami fiirtluT ii> with Thy ootitiiiiial hcl|>: tliat in all our workx, Im -^iin, (>(intiniici|, .unl cnilnl in 11 , wo may Klorify Thy Holy Xanic ; anil lln illy, l>y Thy int-rcy, ohtain fvt'rlasting lite, throuKh JehUs Christ our Lord.— Amk\. o OoD, from wliom all holy (l(>sireM, all Kood iNuinNelH, and all works of |>U*ty and I Imrlty do pnK-ood, we ^H'scoch Thw to visit with Thy favour (»iir Sovi-rf if{n Lady i^iieen Victoria, and so nilu her hoart, that shi> may in all thiiiK'* <''''< 1'hv honour and ({lorv. !'rii-«|ier with Thy hlessinj^ the designs of this Ho<'i<'ty. Comfort \n illi Thy fiXM-v those litiitfactors who contribute to its support. Hless the ministry of Thy servants, the CliTjjy; the endeavours of all who are en(;taged in spreading the knowledgy of true ri-lif^on in the dominions of our Hovereign. and the lalK)iirs of those Missionaries who are proclaiming the same in this Province. And may Thy Holy Spirit direct all our consultations to the advancement of Thy glory an«l the good of Thy Church, through Jesutt Christ our L<»nl. — Amkx. ■J ... , ' ■ O Mkkcikit, Ooi), who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast maile, Mor wouhlst the death of a sinner, but that he should Ikj converted and live; Have mercy ui)on all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and take from them all ignorance, liardness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word ; and so fetch them home, l)lesse<l Lonl, to Thy flock, that they may lie saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and lie made one fold, under one Shepherd Jesus Christ our Lorrl, who llveth and reigneth with Tliee and the Holy Spirit, one Ood, world without end.— Amkn. Our Pathkh, which art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our tretipasses, as we forgive them that against us. And lead us not Into temptation, but deliver us from evil ; For thine Is the Kingdom, the power ind the fflory, for ever and ever.— Amk.v. • WHEN THE BUSINESS IS ENDED. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of Ood, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore.— Amen. (8) 1 li , ■j\ti CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIETY. fe 7'. h 1 . I. The Society shall he called the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. n* No alteration .shall he made in the Constitution of this Society, nor shall any Bye-Law, Rules or Regula- tions of the Society be repealed, annuled, or altered, except at a Meeting of the General Committee, by the vote of at least two-thirds of the members present, nor ir.itil it shall have received the sanction of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese ; which sanction mu^t be given in writing, and delivered to the Secretary within six months of the said Meeting. in. No alteration or amendment in the Constitution, nor any repeal, cancellation, alteration or amendment of any Bye-Law, Rule or Regulation of the Society, shall be proposed or made at any Meeting, unless notice shall have been given in writin<r at the next previous Annual Meeting of the General Committee, or at the next previous Anniversary Meeting, of such proposed repeal or cancellation, nor unless the terms of such proposed alteration or amendment shall have been stated in wri- ting at such previous Meeting ; from which, without the unanimous consent of the members present, no deviation, except of a mere formal nature, shall be permitted. IV. No repeal, cancellation, alteration or amendment, shall be proposed, except by a member qualified to vote, (6) at the J to red oi the said Thep Ten Poi payment stitute t Society, to vote 1 of the fu Life Mei five shill 1. Tht two or m Secretari 2. Th< dent of Vice-Pre niversary Society. 3. The Auditors, the Gene signation Officer, tl Committ( in the yc call a Sp< the purpc 1. The be compo at the Anniversary Meotin;?, whoso name shall bo on- torcd on the Minutes of the Secretary, together with the said proposition. T. The payment at any one time of a sum not less than Ten Pounds, shall constitute a Life Member ; and the payment annually of any sum, however small, shall con- stitute the person paying the same, a member of the Society. Provided that no member shall be (jualified to vote at any General Meeting of the Society, unless of the full age of twenty-one years, nor unless he bo a Life Member, or shall have subscribed and paid at least five shillings during the year preceding such Meeting. ' VI. OFFIOBRS. 1. The Officers of the Society shall be a President, two or more Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, oac or more Secretaries, and two Auditors of Accounts. 2. The Lord Bishop of the Diocese shall bo Presi- dent of the Society, and the Archdeacon the Senior Vice-President ; and any Life Member may, at any An- niversary Meeting, be elected a Vice-President of the Society. 3. The Treasurer, Secretary, or Secretaries, and the Auditors, shall be annually elected at the meetings of the General Committee ; and in case of the death, re- signation, or removal from the Province, of any such Officer, the vacancy shall be tilled up by the Executive Committee, at its next or any subsequent Meeting with- in the year ; and the Lord Bishop shall, if he see fit, call a Special Meeting of the Executive Committee, for the purpose of filling any such vacancy. VII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 1. There shall also be an Executive Committee, to be composed of the following Members, viz. : {I\- i f i 1 ■'■■( ;: #!. W>,?1 B The Officei'S of the Society as provided for in the Dext preceding Article. '*'• " ' ''^ All Clergymen resident in the Diocese, duly licenced by the Lord Bishop, and Subscribers to the Society. And twenty-four Lay Members of the Society, beinn Life Members, or Annual Subscribers of at least One Pound: to be annually elected, at the meetings of the General Committee, provided that no Annual Subscriber shall be qualified to bo elected, unless he shall, during the year preceding each meeting, have paid the sub- scription of at least One Pound. • • < '^ - 2. Five Members of the Executive Committee, three of whom to be Laymen, shall form a quorum. 3. The Executive Committee shall meet either at Fredericton or Saint John, on the first Wednesday in January, on the day next following the Annual Meeting, on the first Wednesday in March, on the first Wednes- day in June, and on Wednesday after the first Tuesday in October. 4. Special Meetings of the Executive Committee may be summoned by the President, or in case of his death or absence, by any two Vice-Presidents of the Society, to meet at such time and place as may be fixed by the notice of meeting ; but so far as may be, alternately at Saint John and Fredericton. 5. The Executive Committee shall have all such right and power in and connected with the management, con- trol and disposal of all lands, real estate and property whatsoever, which may now or may hereafter be vested in the Society, and with respect to the use of the Cor- porate Seal of the Society, as the General Committee or any General Meeting of the Society would have in Session, and shall further be authorized to depute all and any such powers to any sub-committee of such Ex- ecutive Committee. . ' > / i»i .■ ^! ..f.a •,;;->/o(i -t •,;!' ■/s''fJH!0-j There compose 1. Th. taries of 2. Th] ciety, qui Committi day of n ou nomii] bers of tl 3. The power re Schedule, feci, and to the obj be vested Bye-Lawj 4. Fiv( be Laym€ 5. The summone( the Socie notice of i The Soc none othe 1. Miss tied Clerg 2. The assistance, preparatio men. 3. Aid l| principles of Schooln 2 9r ii*>'i- \* 1 / ,''i m the 3enc8(l 3ty. , beini: it One of the scriber during le sul)- 5, three ither at isday in leeting, Vedues- ruesday tee may is death Society, i by the ately at ch right nt, con- )ropei'ty e vested he Cor- mmittee have in pute all uch Ex- ii. .i -■/. ■! ■ ■ •■ vin. - - ,.v,,, : BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS. There shall also be a Board of Home Missions, to be composed of the following Members, viz. : .j , ' i 1 . The President, Treasurer and Secretary or Secre- taries of the Society ex officio. 2. Three Clerical and five Lay Members of the So- ciety, qualified for election as members of the Executive Committee, who sjiall be chosen annually on the first day of meeting of the General Committee, by ballot, on nomination of each proposed member by two mem- bers of the General Committee. v?- i' • » ; .• 3. The Board of Home Missions shall have all such power relative to the preparation of the Missionary Schedule, and carrying the same into operation and ef- fect, and the appropriations or disposition of the funds to the object of the Society, as may from time to time be vested in ^hem by or pursuant to any Kesolutiou, Bye-Laws or Regulations of the General Committee. 4. Five members of the Board, three of whom shall be Laymen, shall be a quorum. - ., r i , .• > .,.; 5. The Board of Home Missions shall meet whenever summoned by the President, Treasurer or Secretary of the Society, and at such place as may be fixed by the notice of meeting. ,i ; o •' ^ OBJECTS. The Society shall embrace the following objects, and none other, viz. : '" 1. Missionary Visits to places where there is no set- tled Clergymen, and aid to new and poor Missions. 2. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships ; and I assistance, when necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, especially sons of Clergy- Imen. 3. Aid to Sunday and other Schools in which Church I principles are taught, and the training and encouraging of Schoolmasters and Catechists. . u , ♦ t .? 10 I' ll Aid to Foreign Missions of the Church of Eug- 4. The supply of such Books and Tracts as are on the Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, and none other. 'J '■'' :^..o^ 5. Aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. *•::"* 6. Aid to the building of Parsonage Houses. 7. The creation of a Fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of Clergymen who are poor ; and to- wards the education of Children of such Clergymen, and towards the making a provision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a Fund for the Widows and Or- phans of the Clergy. . ■ j • : -i • , i . 9. Aid to the Endowment Fund in particular Par- ishes. 10. The formation of a Fund for receiving Money or Securities as Special Trusts. 11. land ; with the understanding that subscriptions for this object may be limited to any organization in connection with the Church of England, but if not so limited, will be forwarded to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for the general purposes of that Society. X. ■• -■ The Society will employ no Clergyman on Missionary services without the Bishop's license and appointment, and will submit its choice of Divinity Scholars to his Lordship's approbation. XI. It shall be competent to any member of the Society | to limit his subscription to any one or more of the ob- jects above recited, which he may be most anxious to I promote. XII. LOCAL COMMITTEE. 1. The Members of the Society in each Parish, or iul each Mission, consisting of two or more Parishes, shall| at tiie di stitute { residing authorit the Rec (there h and a rei Bishop,) the appn form a se District g sidered a 2. Ei Meeting < versary ] General ( mined on 3. Eacl pute two '. the Annu Missionarj Committe' mittee. 4. Ttsh mend any considerat priation oi 1. The Fredericto Thursday 2. A.Sp time by th more of tl first given Qewspaperj lespectivel m^ in the AlOW- 8 and itation ad to- ymen, .0 may id Or- n- Pai- )ney or )f Eng- for this inection ed, will of the jsionary ntment, to his 11 at tuG discretioa of the Missionary of such Mission, con- stitute a Local Committee ; and so also the members residing in any District of a Parish set off under the authority of the Lord Bishop, with the concurrence of the Rector and Church Corporation o^ such Parish (there being in such District a Church duly consecrated, and a resident Clergyman licensed theretc; by the Lord Bishop,) may, at the desire of such Clergyman, and with the approval of the Bishop and the Rector of the Parish, form a separate Local Committee ; and in that case the District shall, for the purpose of the Society, be con- sidered as a separate Parish. 2. Each Local Committee shall hold an Annual Meeting on some convenient day, previous to the Anni- versary Meeting, when the recommendations to the General Committee of special objects shall be deter- mined on. 3. Each Local Committee shall be empowered to de- pute two Lay Members of the Society, to be elected at the Annual Meetings of the Committee, to assist the Missionary in submitting the recommendations of the Committee to the consideration of the General Com- mittee. 4. It shall be competent to each Committee to recom- mend any of the above recited objects to the special consideration of the General Committee, in the appro- priation of the funds of the Society . • -^ ' • ' ■( XIII. 1. The Society shall hold its Anniversary Meeting at Society I Fredericton and Saint John alternately, on the first the ob-| Thursday in July in each year. xious to I 2. A Special General Committee may be called at any time by the President, or in his absence, by any two or more of the Vice-Presidents, four weeks notice being first given thereof by advertisement in one or more sh, or ill! newspapers, published in Fredericton and Saint John les, shalll respectively. //■ w 12 if!.! im -ii' .,,, .;'; ; - - XIV. '• " • ■ -:,. ■■I. .; I. . THE OEN£IlAIi COMMITTEE. 1. The General Comtnittee of the Society shall be composed of the following members, viz. : The Lord Bishop of the Dioceae, who shall be the Chairman, the Vice-Presidents of the Society ; in the absence of the Lord Bishop, the Committee may elect a Chairman from the Vice-Presidents present, and if none be present, from other members of the Committee ; the Secretary or Secretaries, who shall also serve in that capacity at the meeting of the General Committee ; the Treasurer and the Auditors, the Rector or Missionary of each Parish or of a Mission comprising two or more Parishes, and the Clergyman of any separate District of a Parish (provided that in the absence or sickness of the Rector of any Parish, the duly licensed Curate or Assistant Minister shall be considered Pro hac vice a member of the General Committee), and the Lay Deputies elected by the Local Committees as before provided ; all such persons being Subscribers to the Society. Proof of the election of such Deputies by each Local Committee to be the certificate of the Chairman or Sec- retary thereof. 2. The members of the Executive Committee shall be ex officio members of the General Committee. 3. The General Committee shall meet on the two days next previous to the Anniversary Meeting to make the Annual appropriations of the funds of the Society; and a report of the proceedings of such meeting shall be made at the Anniversary Meeting. ' 4. The Order of Business in General Committee shall be as follows : ^^ •■ j-v^ j.ii* Firstly. Production of Certificates of Lay Delegates. Secondly. Secretary's i-eport to be read, and also a report of the proceedings ot the Executive Committee for the past year. Thirdly. Report of the Auditors to be read and laid before the General Committee. Fourthly. Such appropriations or disposition of the funds to present 5. Th journ its day, or 1 ing of th members place wh vided thj ment, an niversarj The CI mons in t each occa Sir, Missiouar schedule ocesan CI To the Dioci I'ti F Diocesan This is were elect Local Coi Deputies Article xii \ ; .i.i. Dated at— 13 funds to the objects of the Society as a majority of those present may determine. 5. The General Committee shall have power to ad- journ its meetings for any special purpose from day to day, or to any day subsequent to the Anniversary Meet- ing of the Society, by a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present ; and to determine by like vote, the place where such adjourned meeting shall be held, pro- vided that in every such case, a report of such adjourn- ment, and the cause therefor, shall be made at the An- niversary Meeting. XV. The Clergy are requested to preach annually two Ser- mons in their respective Churches, with a collection on each occasion, for the general purposes of the Society. FORM OF DRAFT. . . - I^This Draft will not be paid unless property stamped. Sir, Pay to- 187— •or order, the sum ot Missionary at being amount of salary due to me as for the quarter ending the day of 18 , in accordance with the schedule adopted by the General Committee of the Di- ocesan Church Society of- To the Treasurer of the 18- ■ 1 J J « .' 1 i ' Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. •1' -liM"-] '-;)if- '-Jhii. '■'"■■ FORM OP CERTIFICATE OF LAY DELEGATES, i Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick: " This is to certify that and were elected at the Annual Meeting of the- Ki Local Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, as Deputies from that Committee, under the authority of Article xii. of the Constitution. — ■ — ^ — -^ — Chairman. Secretary. Dated at the day of— 18 . 14 RULES AND REOULATIOlfS OF THE HOME MISSIONS. PI BOARD OF W^\ Whereas it is desirable for the better provision for the ministrations of the Church in the Diocese of Fred- ericton, that there be a systematic and permanent plan for the payment of the stipends of Missionaries ; Therefore Resolved^ — 1. That in order to encourage the established Mis- sions to become gradually self-supporting, all grants made by or through this Society in aid of Missions (not including stipends secured to any of the elder clergy ou the Society tor the Propagation of the Gospel grant during life) shall from henceforth be made conditional on the contribution by the Mission itself of a stated sum towards the Missionary's stipend. 2. That all grants made by the General Committee be made subject to these resolutions, and be distribu- ted under the direction of the Board of Home Missions, who shall have at all times all such and like powers and rights with respect to the same, or any of them, as the General Committee of the Society would have if in ses- sion. 3. That the Board of Home Missions annually present to the General Committee of the Society on the first day of their meeting, a full and detailed account of all busi- ness transacted during the expired year, and also a list of grants recommended for the ensuing year, with the conditions to be annexed to each, and shall also report to the Executive Committee at each quarterly meeting thereof. 4. That on the approval by the General Committee of the grants recommended for t?'ie year, the same shall forthwith pass into operation on the basis of the forego- ing Resolutions, and subject to the following regula- tions : (a.) The Bo^rd of Home Missions (acting in con- junction with the Lord Bishop,) shall forthwith alter the annual meeting, communicate with the Wardens or other Lay Mei them to to contri year. (6.) 5 the satis August t sionary, : notice (I aiy recei ber then pleted. (c.) S the satisl ber then through t shall ther that shou shall, if g Lord Bis ing to CO iug Missi( rendered be agreed not excee< services ii and condr ary, if not theless be to draw oi not excee Society. id.) V Board sh shall ther< shall not b to draw u quarterly g the quarte] 15 Lay Members of the Church in each Mission, requiring them to enter into engagements (A) with the Society, to contribute the sum required of the Mission for the year. (6. ) Should such engagement not be entered into to the satisfaction of the Board before the 15th day of August then next, they shall communicate with the Mis- sionary, requiring him to give each of his congregations notice (B) of withdrawal of all payments as a Mission- ary receiving stipend through this Society on 1st Octo- ber then next, imless the engagement be meantime com- pleted. (c.) Should such engagement not be entered into to the satisfaction of the Board before the 1st of Octo- ber then next, all payments to the Missionary's salfiry, through the Society, shall be withdrawn, and no stipend shall thereafter be payable in respect thereof: Provided, that should the Missionary see fit to resign his cure he shall, if stationed for the remainder of the year by the Lord Bishop in any vacant Mission which may be will- ing to comply with the terms required of the default- ing Mission, be entitled in respect of the services to be rendered in such new Mission to such stipend as may be agreed upon between such Missionary and the Board, not exceeding that provided for the continuation of his services in his former Mission, and upon the like terms and conditions. Provided also, that any such Mission- ary, if not so appointed to any new Mission, may never- theless be permitted by the Board, on special application, to draw on 1st April for a sum in their discretion ; but not exceeding his previous quarter's stipend from the Society. (d.) Where such engagement is entered into, the Board shall forthwith notify the Missionary, who shall thereupon (unless the terms of such engagement shall not be fulfilled as hereinafter provided) be entitled to draw upon the Society for the full amount of his quarterly salary, including therein the sum required for the quarter of the Mission itself. / 16 .1 ( I'- «.. i»r if I-- iv' ■ ., (e.) The sum required of the Mission shall in such case be remitted by the Wardens quarterly in advance to the Treasurer, and may consist either of money or written receipts of the Missionary, for produce furnished to him at the market rates : Provided that two months grace (but no more) may be allowed the Mission to make up such sum ; that is to say, the sum required for the quarter of the ensuing year, ending 30th October, shall be remitted before the 1st September, and for the following quarter before the 1st December next. •; (/•) Should the Missionary give any such written receipt for produce, he shall keep a record thereof, and shall make his next quarter's draft for such sum only as shall be due him, after he shall be debited with such receipts in the Treasurer's books. (g.) Should the sum required from the parish not be remitted as aforesaid, the Treasurer shall forthwith, on the expiration of the two months grace, give notice (C) to the Missionary requiring him to give notice (D) of withdrawal of stipend as such Missionary, and all such stipend shall be thereupon withdrawn pursuant to such notice ; and unless the sum agreed to be paid for the quarter shall be forthwith remitted, no stipend shall be payable for such expired quarter beyond the amount agreed to be contributed on the part of the Society ; and none whatsoever for the succeeding quarter : and the Board shall appoint a deputation to enquire into the causes of ^ch default, and shall report thereon at the next meeting of the General Committee. Provided that in any case, on a Mission ceasing to be in default, though after the period for withdrawal of the stipend shall have arrived, such Mission may be rein- stated by the Board if they shall see fit so to do, under the regulations and conditons herein contained. (h.) In case of the Missions where the Missionary'? stipend is secured for life on the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel grant, the Board shall call on the AVardeus to enter into the prescribed engage- ment only in case of the demise of the present Mission- ■^;v/- «■ 17 such vauce ley or lishcd lonths ion to ed for tobcr, 'or the written lereof, ;h sura sd with not be ith, on ice (C) (D)of ill such to such for the ihall be [amount ocietv ; jr : and I enquire Ithereon ising to -awal of Ibe reiu- under lionary'f Ihe Pro- jail call [engage- Lission- ary ; and those Missionaries shall continue to draw their stipends as heretofore accustomed, unless any shall voluntarily come within the general system adopted for other Missions. («.) It shall be optional with the Board to permit any Mission to make a quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly pay- ment, at any period in advance, and these regulations, mutatis mutandis^ shall thereupon apply, generally, to iiuy such Mission. {k.) The Boabd shall have full power and authority to make all such further bye-laws, rules, and regulations, as may in their opinion be required for their guidance, and from time to time to alter or amend the same as they shall see fit. 5. That in every case of a Clergyman receiving a stipend through this Society, he shall be required to make to the Secretary of the Society according to such form as the Board of Home Missions may from time to time require, half-yearly, on or before the first days of December and June in each year, a return for the pre- ceding half j^ear, shewing — \ -'• (1.) The general limits of his Mission. '. (2.) The extent thereof in square miles. (3.) The estimated number of members of the Church of England living therein. (4.) The number of Churches, Chapels of Ease, and Missionary Stations respectively, within the Mission. (5.) Whether or not there is therein a parsonage house belonging to the Mission or provided by the people. ' ' (6.) The extent of Church and Glebe Land connected therewith. (7. ) The income from such Church or Glebe Land for the year ending 1st April last. (8.) The amount contributed therein towards the support of the Missionary, trom sources other than the [grant through this Society. (9.) The number of public services on Sundays and iin the week respectively. 3 18 'I •■'I -t t m (10.) The average congregation in each place of worship. (11.) The number of Communicants. (12.) The number of Baptisms. A. Infants. B. Adults. C. Total. (13.) The number of Communicants. . , A. Added. • , B. Kemoved. , . C. Deceased. . D. Present Members. (14.) The number Confirmed. (15.) Marriages. , (16.) Burials. (17.) Names of Church Wardens. (18.) Names of Lay Delegates to Diocesan Church Society and Synod. (19.) The number of scholars and teachers in Sun- day School or Schools. Which returns shall be laid before the Board of Home Missions forthwith, and before the General Committee on the first day of their meeting ; and no grant shall from henceforth be payable to any Missionary in default of rendering any such statement or return so long as such default shall continue. 6. That the Board of Home Missions shall, so soon as may be, after the first day of December in each year, make up from such returns, the printed returns and statement required annually by the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel, and forward the same, reporting specially to the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- pel any Missionary who may be in default. , 7. That those of the Clergy within the Diocese, not receiving stipends through this Society, be requested to forward to the Secretary in like manner, on or before the 1st day of June in each year, the returns numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, in order that a complete return of the Diocese in these 19 ice of particulars, may each year be i)iil)lished with the Soci- ety's Report, as hath been heretofore iu part only ac- customed. 8. That the Board of Home Missions in conjunction with the Lord Bishop shall appoint deputations of Clergy- men and Laymen for each Deanery, which each deputa- tion shall visit, for the purpose of holding Missionary Meetings in the several Missions, and taking up collec- tions thereat (not interfering, however, with the usual semi-annual collections, and annual canvass of the Mis- sion on behalf of the Society) ; and further, of making enquiries as to the power of the Mission to contribute towards the Clergyman's support : such deputations re- porting to the Board, and through them to the General Committee of the Society. 9. That the Board of Home Missions, in conjunction with the Lord Bishop, may further appoint special depu- tations to enquire into the causes of any deficiency of contributions or other pecuniary difficulties in any Mis- sion, and shall have power to call for any returns they may think proper from any of the Parishes receiving aid from or through the Society. / 10. That the Lord Bishop be respectfully requested to transmit a copy of these Resolutions to the Venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, requesting their concurrence therein. 11. The Board of Home Missions shall hare power, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, to make any grant that the funds will allow in aid of any Mission not al- ready receiving aid, upon such conditions as they may arrange, such grant to terminate, in every case, on the 1st July next ensuing. * 12. That a certificate be added to the parochial agree- ments, which shall be signed by the representatives of the Mission, declaring that the amount given by the Mission is a bona fide contribution, and that no part is derived from the rent of glebes or the interest of invest- ments, — the property of the Mission. 13. That the Board of Home Missions shall have y.-i- I' I 20 ' i power, with tho approval of the Lord Bishop, if there 1)6 available funds, to make a ^rant not exceeding $100, to aid in the building of any Parsonage House when it shall bo certified that such grant will complete the build- inir free of debt. < A. Memorandum of agreement between the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick, and the (Church Wardens as the case may be) of Church, in the Parish [or Mission] of The undersigned on behalf of the congregation of the above Parish [or Mission] , do hereby undertake to have a sum at the rate of per annum, collected and paid quarterly to the Treas- m'er of the said Society, from the first day of July, 187 BO long as the ministrations at present afforded the said congregation shall be continued. The present agreement to continue for the term of one year only, unless renewed, and to be subject to re- vision on the part of the Society, at the meeting of the General Committee in July, 187 . Dated at (Signed) (Church Wardens.) ,■ ■-• ' B. , , Notice is hereby given, that this congregation having failed to enter into the engagement required by the Diocesan Church Society to contribute the sum of $ quarterly towards the Missionary's stipend, such stipend cannot be drawn after the next ; and unless the engagement be meantime comple- ted, payment of the Missionary's stipend will cease. C. Saint Johriy i\r. B,, 187 Rev. and Dear Sir, — I have to inform you that the quarterly payment from your Mission for the present 21 there $100, hen it buiUl- ocesiin Uhurch [ of the bo have Treas- •f July, fforded term of st to re- r of the irdens.) quarter has not born paid, and it will therefore he iu- cumbont on yoii, by order of the Lord Bishop, to give notice ( ^ withdrawn] of stipend as a Missionary of this Society forthwith. Your draft for the full quarter's sti- pend on instant cannot be honoured unless the engagement of the Parish is meantime fulfilled. I am your ob't servant, * , Treasurei' D. (J, 8. Notice is hereby given that the contribution due from this Mission [or Parish] to the Diocesan Church Soci- ety, in part payment of the Missionary's stipend for the quarter ending ^ vi last, not having been paid, the sums for services rendered as a Missionary, paid through the Society, will, after Sunday next, be withheld until the payment, as agreed upon, is made. These forms may be altered by the Board of Home Missions to suit the circumstances of the case. I 'i J " .. .t .' having by the sum of stipend, comple- ^ase. H I 87 . that the present 22 Resolutions 'If-; I- ■ !t PASSED BY General Committee, 1, July, 1874. Whereas, in consequence of the limited means at the disposal of the Society, and the great necessity for new and ext3nded work, it has become of great consequence that all local glebes and other endowments of Parishes should be fully utilized, Therefore 1. Resolved, That the Board of Home Missions be authorized to require from the Church Wardens of every Parish or Mission receiving aid from the Society full details of all such glebes, church lands and other invest- ments, yearly or oftener as they shall aee fit. 2. That if it shall appear that any part of the income from glebes or investments held for the Rector's use is taken to make up the sum required by the Society from the Mission, the Board may forthwith increase the amount so required in proportion thereto ; and in case of neglect on the part of the Rector or Church Wardens to collect the interests or rents, the Board be authorized to enquire into the matter, and, if there be sufficient cause, suspend the grant to the Mission until the manage- ment be made satisfactory to the Board of Home Mis- sions. PROV The Orpha; annexe 36th It 1. 1 in the Fund, ANS' F held b^ liabiliti vises, a paid to paymer shall b€ ceased ' to no ot 2. E whose \ the So( wishing in six I from rei the Dio certifica set opp( cant, af to recei Commit as they 3. E\ shall mj lection f Assistan siHant make a nual paj 23 .1* )M 'iU< , ji , » PROVISION FOR THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF THE CLEROT. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The following plan for a provision for the Widows and Orphans of the Clergy, with the rules and regulations annexed, was adopted by the General Committee. (See 36th Report.) 1 . The Church Society of the Diocese of Fredericton in the Province of New Brunswick, shall have a special Fund, to be called ** The Clergy Widows' and Orph- ans' Fund," which shall consist of the present capital held by the Society for this object (subject to its present liabilities) of all subscriptions, donations, legacies, de- vises, and bequests, and other contributions given and paid to the Society for this special purpose, and of all payments received under these Rules ; and this Fund shall be applied to the assistance of the families of de- ceased Clergymen, in accordance with these Rules, and to no other object. 2. Every Clergyman in this Diocese, duly licensed, whose widow is not already entitled to a pension from the Society tor the Propagation of the Gospel, wishing to share in the benefits of this Fund, shall with- in six months from July 5, 1871, or within one year from receiving Holy Orders, or from his admission into the Diocese, apply to the Secretary of the Fund, for a certificate, and shall thenceforth pay annually the sum set opposite his age in the annexed scale. Any appli- cant, after such period of time, shall only be permitted to receive a certificate at the option of the Executive Committee of the Church Society, and upon such terms as they shall direct. « 3. Every Clergyman, being a member of this Fund, shall make and forward to the Secretary a yearly col- lection from every congregation in his Parish or Mission. Assistant Curates, serving under a Rector, or other As- sUlant Clergyman, shall not, however, be required to make a collection, but shall forward only their own an- nual payment. 24: ■/ill*. ■ I : : hi m: - < 'I in' ■ ■ It-' 4. All payments shall become due on the first day of January, in each year, and must be paid within thirty days : and all congregational collections must be sent in before the first day of May. If this Rule is not complied with, the certificate shall be considered as forfeited, but may be regained at the option of the Committee, and the applicant shall pay for the new certificate at the rate payable at the age when the same is taken out, accord- ing to the annexed scale , together with such sum as the Executive Committee may require in lieu of payments and subscriptions in arrear. 5. Upon compliance with the above Rules, the Dio- cesan Church Society undertakes to pay out of ** The Clergy Widows' and Orphans* Fund " a yearly pension of One Hundred Dollars to the widow of each Clergy- man holding a certificate, during her widowhood. 6. If the Widow die, or marry again, the pension shall be paid towards the support of such children of the deceased Clergyman as may be under the age of eighteen years. In this case, when the youngest child shall have attained this age, the pension shall cease. 7. The Trustees named in the Will of a Clergyman shall be recognized by the Committee, in the event of the death or marriage of his widow, and shall receive the pension, to be applied by them for the support of the child or children ; but if the Trustees so named are unwilling or unable to act, or if Trustees should not have been named, then the Bishop of the Diocese shall himself act, or in writing appoint a Trustee to act, in the application of the pension. 8. If the wife die before the husband, his child or children shall at his death receive the pension, under the limitation as to age expressed in Rule 6. • 9. No certificate shall be issued to any Clergyman over the age of sixty years, who is not already in the Diocese at the time of the formation of these Rules ; but any Clergyman already in the Diocese, over the age of sixty years, and whose widow is not entitled to a pension from the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- m pel, s^b\\ be admitted a member of this Fund, on making the annual payment for the age of sixty years, and other- wise complying with the Rules. 10. If a Clergyman removes, with the Bishop's con- sent, from the Diocese, after officiating in it not les& than ten years, he shall be allowed his claim upon the Fund, on continuing his yearly payment, and the amount of the average annual collection from his Parish or Mission, being a sum not exceeding Forty Dollars in all. 11. If a Clergyman is unable to continue his public ministrations through sickness or accident, upon the production of a medical certificate testifying the same, he may continue his connexion with the Fund, upon mak- ing his yearly payment. '* 12. Any Clergyman degraded or suspended from the min- istry, or any widow or orphan who shall not be in commun- ion with the Church of England, shall be entitled only to such payment as the Executive Committee shall prescribe. 13. The pension shall be payable half-yearly, on Jan- uary 1, and July 1, in each year; the first payment to be calculated for the interval from the death of the in- sured to the day of payment. 14. The Treasurer of the Diocesan Church Society shall be Treasurer of this Fund, and shall, from time to time, under the direction of the Loan Committee, invest every hundred pounds of surplus money, and add the same to the capital of the Fund. A yearly detailed statement of the income, payments and invested money, shall be published in the Annual Report of the Diocesan Church Society. 15. The Secretary of this Fund shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and it shall be his duty to issue certificates, receive payments, donations and collec- tions, which he shall hand to the Treasurer every quarter, or oftener, if required by him. 16. None of the above Rules shall be altered, except at the Annual Meeting of the General Committee of the Diocesan Church Society, after a full year's notice of the proposed change. 4 ;• ■ » V ! im W'^t^ I ■>^' 26 Scale of Payments, from tlie age of 23 to the age of 60. Age. Paym. 23... $7.20 24.... 7.38 26.... 7.62 26.... 7.82 27.... 8.05 29. ...8.60 Age. Paym. 30... $8.72 31.... 8.93 32.... 9.17 33.... 9.42 84.... 9.68 35... .9.80 36... 10.27 Age.Paym. 37.. $10.56 38... 10.92 39... 11.25 40... 11.60 41... 11.95 42... 12.30 43... 12.67 Age.Paym. 44.. $13.08 45... 13.48 46... 18.92 47... 14.42 48... 14.92 49... 15.53 50... 16.17 Age. Faym. 51.. $16.90 52... 17.68 68^.. 18.48 54... 19.37 65... 20.30 56... 21.30 57... 22.40 Utii()<.l VJ'h No.— ■ 'A CERTIFICATE. .ih ii ^fU^M >!'> Age. Paym. as.. $23.5-) 59... 24.72 60... 25.85 '^1 . ? ' the annexed Rules and Regulations. • The Diocesan Church Society or New Brunswick Hereby Certifies, That the Rev. mi n \v uoilajjbu , of (jK J "»' has this day paid to the "Widows and Orphans Fund " of this Society, the sum of being his first paymenty under And the Dioces- an Church Society of New Brunswick hereby coven- ants and engages out of the special fund called the •' Widows and Orphans Fund," and none other, to pay the widow or children of the said i -Jh'l- 5^.n . after his decease, the Pension of One Hundred Dollars per annum (so long as the same shall be payable) accord- ing to the Rules and Regulations annexed. Provided ALWAYS, That the said shall yearly, and every year, on the 1st day of January, make the annual payment of and otherwise faithfully observe and comply with the said annexed Rules and Regulations. In witness whereof, The Diocesan Church So- ciety OF New Brunswick has caused its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, this / vfi!t')f)0'!S cidi .C; em 'jv ''iif H \M\n .-jji HiKHH; A. D. 18 ; W '.li ; f^: day of , ''V^fUirY-f^V'V;'::; ^ * Secretary of, the WiclQy}9 and Orphans ^und. Iijo-.xw Ji'viohijod ii/.uc; <•>!;!'( t/chU: -rtJ to -MuyA .fji .•:»"?; (I ntb I;':5''50([ viq ■ I r 60. , Payrn. $28.55 . .24.72 . .26.85 t \ .X . JSWICK [to the sum of ,. under )lOCES- coven- led the to pay Dollais accord- LOVIDED shall , make and [he said ICH So- )rporate • ■ ' ' ms Fund. I 27 CLERGY IN THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON. *' . f;jli(i-'«<i 1 8 7 n •il .v;M!^ Right Rev. J. MEDLEY, D. D., Bishop of Fredericton, Fredericton. ALMON, Rev. FOSTER Rector, St. Luke, Portland. ^ •'>t. ;t> AKM8TR0NG, Rev. W. B Curate, St. James, St. John. _ i. jf::">' ARMSTRONG, Rev. G. M ....Rector, St. Mark, St. John. ., ;..• /. r .ARMSTRONG, Rev. W ....Rector, St. Jame.% St. John. ,j_ ;; ;! j^ ' . BLISS, Rev. D. M Rector, Westmorland. \/'U.H BRIGSTOCKB, Rev. F. H. J Rector, Holy Trinity, St, John. , ,, . / ,, CROZIER, Rev. F. B Missionary, Dalhousie. ., ..a tN CARR, Rev. J. FREDERIC Rector, Kingsclear. _ . . .^/,r.; '.; COSTER, Rev. N. A Rector, Richibuoto. V- . .mT;./ COSTER, Rev. C. G., Ph. D St. John. ,; .'.,.<,// COVERT, Rev. W. S , i^tesionary. Grand Manan. /...JlCil' '».•»/ CRUDEN, Rev. W Rector, Derby. V' 1 ^ ^ ... DEVEBER, Rev. CANON Rector, St. Paul, Portland. BOWLING, Rev. THEO. E Rector, St. George, Carleton. FORSYTH, Rev. DAVID Rector, Chatham. FLEWELLING, Rev. J. E Missionary, Wicklow. HANFORD, Rev. S. J Missionary, Upham. HARRISON, Rev. CANON Rector, Portland. HARTIN, Rev. THOMAS Missionary, Canterbury. HANINGTON Rev E A W ^Rector, Prince William & Dumfries— />rt;t ' J Hurnl, HOYT, Rev, L. A Missionary, Andover, JAPFREY Rev, W ) Missionary, St. Mary's and Stanley,— De'//( ' ) Rural. JARVIS, Rev, HERBERT M Missionary, Buctouche, 1 JARVIS, Rev. G, S., D. D Rector, Shediac,— Z)ean Rural. iETCHUM, Rev. CANON, D. D Rector, St. Andrews. MEDLEY, Rev. CANON Rector, Susse.x. McKIEL, Rev. W, LeB Rector, Douglas and Bright, jMILNER, Rev, C Retired Missionary, Westfield. XEALES, Rev. J Rector, Gagetown, NEALES, Rev. T Rector, Woodstock, IXICKERSON, Rev, D Rector, Sackville, XOBBS, Rev. S, H Curate, Trinity, St. John. PARTRIDGE, Rev, FRANCIS ..Rector, Rothesi-.y. PARNTHER, Rev, D, B Rector, St, Jude, Carleton,— /)«<« Rural. PICKETT Rev D W \- Missionary, Greenwich & Wickham, — Dean vv 1 Tjaz-kv !>„„ T I Sub Dean, Cathedral, Fredericton, and Mis- PEARSON, Rev, J ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Maryland, PENTREATH, Rev, EDWIN S, W Rector, Moncton. IpRIME, Rev, AUG Rector, Newcastle. JROBERTS, Rev, G, G Rector, Fredericton. IrUSHTON, Rev. JOSEPH Rector, Christ Church, St. Stephen. v: I 28 • (• I ; If-'h' ,■ !!t ROOEBS. Rev. G Mlsslonar}', Springfield. BCHOFIELD, Rev. OEOROE Rector, Bimonds. 8C0VIL, Rev. W. B Rector, Kingston. ■' - BCOYIL, Rev. CANON, Ph. D St. John. 8HAW, Rev. B Rector, Cambridge. BILLS, Rev. CHARLES M Missionary, Campobello. BlflTH, Rav. R. E Rector, Bt. Oeorge,— i%an Rural. BtfflTH, Rev. JOSEPH... Rector, Petersville. STREET, Rev. W. H Missionary, Richmond. BIMONDS, Rev. R Rector, Burton. 8PIEE, Rev. HENRY M Rector, Lancaster. STERLING, Rev. G. H Rector, Maugerville. TALBOT, Rev. JAMES H Missionary, Hammond. WAINWRIGHT, Rev. HASTINGS S Rector, St. David. WARNEPORD, Rev. E. A Rector, Norton. WALKER, Rev. CANON Rector, Hampton. WALKER, Rev. W Hampton. WEEKS, Rev. A. H Rector, Qneensbury. WETMORE, Rev. D. I Missionary, Clifton. WOOD, Rev. A Betired Missionary, St. John. WOODMAN, Rev. E. S Rector, Westfleld. WILLIS, Rev. CUTHBERT Hector, Salisbury. il . .. . •:; :" A '■■' tii< Dur vacant ciety t fact is which i siderab The careful. is most its una that all Attei the Schi designal Secreta] is indeb and to dispose! deavour manage) port for must be ciety to do not is a wroi much lo Society Parishes ment of by way (29 .1 nl uif '• L '(Ifi ■ ■■* ■; '':■"'■':: • ,H |. i'U; 'fT' .1 BEPORT. During the past year, several Missions previously vacant have been filled. The expenditure of the So- ciety has therefore been greater than usual. This fact is exhibited in the account of the Treasurer which still shews at the close of the fiscal year a con- siderable balance in favour of the Society. The Report of the Finance Committee manifests careful management on the part of its members. It is most satisfactory to the Society to be assured that its unappropriated funds are properly secured, and that all additions to these funds are wisely invested. Attention is particularly called to the Report of the Schedule Committee, or, as it will henceforth be designated, **The Board of Home Missions." To the Secretary and the members of this Board the Society is indebted for attention to the work of the Missions, and to their extension as far as the means at their disposel will permit. It has been the constant en- deavour of this Committee to secure the proper management and payment of all local sources of sup- port for the Missionaries. The stipends of the clergy must be acknowledged by every member of the So- ciety to be far too limited. In most instances they do not provide the necessary expenditure. This is a wrong which the Church should not allow to exist much longer. At the present it is impossible for the Society to do more. But more might be done in the Parishes and Missions themselves. Beyond the pay- ment of the required stipend, much might be done by way of offerings to the clergy, of much value to (29) 80 1 i' I l!'!' ^ii them and at little outlay to the people. In the present financial difficnlties the farmers in the country are not so closely involved. Their increasing means and the continued blessings upon their labours should urge them to increased offerings for the service of the Church of Christ. The General Committee last year made an appro- l)riation in aid of a Book Depository of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. A large sup- ply of Prayer Books, Church Services and other pub- lications of the Society are for sale, at low prices, at Messrs. Peiler & Bros., Prince William Street, St. John. By a Report of the Depositary Committee it will be seen that this mo^t desirable object hvis been attended With success: •;'- . , The following is an abstract from the repoip|^ of the Misj^ionaries for th^ OHTCft^ yeai; : /,,•',!', ,,! '^' ' ANPOVER, Qrand F4LLS- ifcc— Rev. J^. A. Hoyt writes as follows : " Allhoiigh a liberal offer was made last year by your Society to aid in establishing a miesion at Grand Falls, I have been unable to find a Clergy- man to fill the situation. " The people are ready and willing to pay the requisite guarantee, and I must appeal to you to renew the grant this year that I may continue my effort in supplying tljis want. " My assistant at Wicklow was obliged through ill health to resign his position and return to England. This of course Involved an unexpected addition to my labours ; but though for the time confused, I felt very much encouragement from the churchmen in tliis portion of my Mission. The harmony with which they had worked during the past year, the kindly manner in which they treated their clergyman while he lived among them, the affectionate intetcst tl^ey have taken in his health since his departure, the honest support they have accorded me In my effort? to establish this Mission, and the promptness with which they have paid the guarantee re- quired by the Society, all combine to fill me with hope of a bright future for the Church in the Mission of Wicklow. " The vacancy has been supplied by the Eev. J. E. Flewelling, who ar- rived in his Mission on St. Barnabas' day." Burton and Lincoln-— Rev. R.. Suaonds, reports contribution^ tp the amount of $111 .50. *~ ' ^"^ ' ' '' ' " ' -. ■ '- ■ , ^.i". ' 1 •'- ; Camijri " I enol( 1st June, of Mission this is my Sterling to Iron Boun hour the v there Is no " I supp vllle to tal< should be might look Harbour^ " Tim sei in oak in tl exception ( drifts prev( " We ha^ have also i with the as has been gr " We are und I hope rite. My p matter to vi numbers of shew no ba young. I f( doctrines of in remembr ' Church Do but I need 1 homelike mi " The amt about $50. market." ji ii C.VMPbJBE] " During t ing, and T h taken in the personal kin Station open During the \ "Through ted me with 1 u Camhridge, ttc— Rev. B. SIiiiw writes iis fo ' vvh: " I enclose the statistical returns fVom my Mi.-. .»n for the year emlinj? 1st June, 187'). You will perceive ths,t the figures relntins; to the extent of Mission and number of square miles have been altered. The reason for this is my withdrawal from tlie Weritern side of (irand Lake. After Mr. Sterling took the duty at Newcastle, I was left with Douglas Harbour and Iron Bound Cove, the two extreme ends of the circuit. At Dou^^las Har- bour the number of Church people is very few, and at Iron Bound Cove there is no place for service but a very old school house. " I suppose it would be too much labour for the clergyman at Maugor- vllle to take the charge of the Avhole western side of Grand Lake, but there should be a clergyman stationed permanently at Newcastle, so that he might look after the Salmon River people, and also the Church at Douglas Harbour^ " The services on the eastern side of Grand Lake and ou the Washwle- moak in the Parish of Johnston have been regidarly kei)t up, with the exception of those Sundays last winter when the violent snow storms and drifts prevented. " "We have had a Sunday School in operation at Jemseg Cliurch. We have also rented an organ for 6 months with a view to purchasing, and with the assistance of Mr. G. D. Peters, the singing in St. James' Church has been greatly improved since we got the organ. " "We are looking forward to the Bishop's visit this fall for Confirmation, and I hope to be able to present to him about twenty candidates for that rite. My people are scattered over a large area, and it is a very difficult matter to visit them as often as I could wish. We are surrounded by large numbers of professing christians who are hostile to the Church, and who shew no backwardness in trying to draw away our people, especially the young. I feel the need of plain and forcible pamphlets setting forth the doctrines of our Church, so that they might have something to keep them in remembrance of what they are taught to believe. Works like Sadler's ' Chureh Doctrine Bible Truth ' are good for persons of a fair education, but I need something simpler than that, the same truths expressed in a homelike manner, that may reach the minds of every-day working people. " The amount subscribed towards contributions to the Society is as yet about $50. The people are suffering from the depression in the lumber market." :r-// ^.t II..! ■ nif 'i r. •7'! f'/ -1 m '!• C.VMPOBELLO.— Rev. Charles M. Sills writes as follows; " During the past year the work in ray Parish has been most encourag- ing, and T have to acknowledge myself deeply thankful for the interest taken in the Church by large congregations, as well as for many acts of personal kindness towards myself. I am happy to report that the Mission Station opened at Port Owen on my arrival in the Parish is prospering. During the winter months the congregations there averaged about 35. "Through the consideration of my parishioners, who in February presen- ted me with a horse and harness, I was enabled to pay more frequent visits 32 :'.".i ' ' 'I : m to the Mission, and to open a Sunday School there, and had thus a better opportunity of explaining the Church Services. " Qood work has been done by the Ladies' Sewing Circle. A Sunday School room, renovated (new roofed, papered, &c.) A contribution of 30 dollars towaids a fence round the Churchj being among its greatest olaimH to utility. , , ,. •• „ . .. , M ...V '* Under the active interest of a lady of the Parish, a Missionary Society has been started, whose working members are now some twenty* five. This Society meets at the Parsonage once a month, when each of its mem- bers contribute 5 cents and two hours work. Without praise of mine, the annexed account of its work will show good ground (ox general admira- tion: Subscriptions f 21.80 Mite Chests 4.37 .\j t" •I- :u; lii'? 926.17 " This amount does not include a box cf clothing which has been for- warded to the Shinghank Home in the Diocese of Algoma. " Since my last report the Lord Bishop has held two confirmations in the Parish, at which 28 candidates were presented. The number of communi- cants is at present larger than iu any previous year. *' An unusually bad year for the fisheries has made the amount of money which have been raised doubly valuable. " I will only lengthen my report to express my thanks to the Schedule Committee for the liberal itdvunces which have been made towards the support of the Missionary, and which have enabled him to undertake work otherwise impossible." Contributions amount to $78.22. Besides, to the Foreign Missions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, ^12.20. ,,, , ^, ^ ^^ , ^, .^^_ Canterbury.— Bev. T. Hartin reports contributions amountin^to M.- Chatham.— Bev. D. Forsyth reports contributions to the amount of 1279.80. He has inclosed the following report: " The close of another year has not, I trust, found us without the evi- dence of progressive work in the Church in Chatham. The average attend- ance at the services has been kept up, and I have reason to hope that a greater valuation of the ordinances of Christ's religion is being manifested. I look forward, therefore, to what is one of the most reliable tests of spirit- ual growth, an increased number of faithful and earnest Communicants, and the less general neglect of the dying command of the Holy Bedeemer. " We are now engaged in building a new Sunday School House, which I hope will prove a great comfort and blessing to those for whose use it is designed, and a help to the promotion of God's glory by conducing to the increase of Christian reverence and knowledge in His children. A stone 33 foundation is now nearly completed, and I depend upon the Dlrii. ing and the zeal and liberality of those most concerned for the Rtrt? pletion of the whole building. ** In St. Mary's Chapel the necessity of repairs and improvements is more and more manifest, both for Gk>d's honour and the benefit of the congrega- tion, and I hope ere long to l)e able to report progress in this most desirable work. " In most pleasing evidence of increasing interest in the good work of the Church Society, I gladly report a larger sum contributed to its general purposes this year from this Parish. A general readiness to give has been manifested, betokening, I trust, a salutary desire to further the Chureh's progressive work. " May we not trust that all self-denying aid shall yet be rewarded by a better supply of the Church's ministrations in this portion of the Mission field? '* In such a hope, and with prayer that the Divine Master may perfect what is wanting in us, and reward all personal kindness and co^)perativd aid on the part of my people, I labour on, if so be that through so unwor* thy an instrumentality, God may prepare some members of the Church Militant to realize, one day, the eternal peace and Joy of the triumphant Church of God." Carlbton, St. Grorob.— Rev. T. E. Dowling reports that the united contributions from Carleton,Fairville,and Grand Bay Mission will amoifnt to exactly the same sum as last year; viz., Carleton, $38.04, Fairville and Grand Bay, $63.34, total $101.38. Dalhousir.— Bev. F. B. Crozier reports contributlonB to the amount of $40.35. Derbt and Nklson.— Rev. W. Cruden reports that the eontributions from this Mission amount to $09.53. Mr. Cruden is still very desirous to have a portion of his extensive charge set off as a separate Mission. Douglas and BRiauT.--Bev. LeB. Mc^iel has inclosed the following report: / v '' The first quarter for which a report is now required from June to Oc> tober was passed in my old Mission in the north, all of which, including the Islands and the ac^oining Mission of Restigouche then vacant, I visited just before taking my departure. " In my present Mission, which I took charge of early In October, I was kindly received and welcomed by the members of the Church, and here I would bear a willing testimony to the kindness and liberality of 8. J. SaMh, one of the Church Wardens, and Robert Sloot, both of whotn iseenked to consider it a privilege as well as a duty to aid me In every possible way. I must also refer to the unwearying kindness of F. Clemeiits and D^Lahey Robinson, the other Church Watdens In Douglas, and to the helt> they have 5 ■ I 34 i>if'>>iii I in'*.'- 'M:. If;: jrlvon ftnrt th^ lnien)«(t th«*y hnve iimnlfantcd \n tho n-uewln^ of Churili work in thin Mission. " AtuoMK niiiny Mhor inHtancuH or kinilnoNH and KomUwllI, I nuy men- tion that four ramnlMirH uf the conKr«K>tti(>u at All Sainti guvti uie 9^.00 last wintnr wherewitti to buy a rob« for luy Hlvi^h. ** I truHt that it nniy not bo inappropriato to uioution hero the kimlnoMx of tho BInIiop of the DIocomc, who hiilpi'tl uu>. in part to bear the huavy ox- l>enae of ramoviuK from th« dintant nortli to my [troxeut ciiarge. ., ,rl ■ " Owinff to thu iungth of timo that thix Mission wan vacant, and to the previous long illneNH of tho lato Bector, 1 found Church work hare in a very unaatinfavtory Htate ; but through many obstacleH and the many diNuourag. ing features of the work, w« are, I trust, gradually rising into a morp healthy condition of Churcli life ; but there are Htill too many who call theni- solvos churchmen who do not appreuiat«) their privilegcH, and are content with what the various sects have to offer. VVhile all Missions are more or leHS subject to fluctuations, this has suffered more than most of tliem through the removal of whole tamilien of Churcti people to other places, but prin- cipally to St. Mary's. This must of necessity lessen the amount ot contri- butions to the funds of the Society, but those who remain will endeavour to give as much and in some cases more than they have ever given befoi*e." Frkdkricton.— llev. G. G. Roberts reports contributions amounting to $918.40. 'titi\ isjio f •( ^Hi!Wt<«.t .11 ,j .v'^li — .^nvl^lJli^ .-li- ./r-r? tAh > GagetoWN. — Rev. J. Nealos reports contributions to the amount of $65.90. He writes as follows : " I never knew money so sciurce since 1842; the people seem willing to subscribe, but do not seem to have anything to give. There is no market for the lumber, upon which the country districts depend for their 8upi)ly of money, h have been working to the utmost of my strength and ability during the past year, but have never found more difliculty in keeping luy appointments than during the past winter from the tremendous snow drifts choking up the roads ; though whenever Her Majesty's mails could get along I managed to do so. I still keep up the monthly services at the three stations at Dutch Creek, Summerhill and the Hamilton school, where I generally have a large attendance. We very much need a new Church in the village, ours being about the oldest in the Province, and very opeu and cold in ilie winter." Grand Manan.— Rev. W. S. Covert reports $23.24 as the contributions to the Society, apart from a small collection for the Missions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. A considerable outlay has been made jn the repairs of the Rectory. The Bishop in his visit to the Island last September confirmed two persons, but on his Lordship's recent visit none came forward for confir- mation, still though the state of the Mission is by no means what we could wish, Mr. Covert adds '* it presents some encouraging features." j, • , .r"..tfn> i»i«tr .Aii }::*>; . :,-fi lun- % • r H :hurili f inen- .0<) lust ivy «x- i to til)- a a very icourag- a more i\\ tlU'Ul- content iiioffi ur throu;;!) jut prlu- >t coutri- Klc-avour I before." mounting mount of ■r; ;it> '■ ■ nilng to 10 market lir supply id ability ping luy lus snow ills couUl ices at the ►ol, where iv Church ery opeu trlbutions le Society jeen made rmed two for confir- , we could (iuKKNWicii, &c. — Rev. D. W. amount of ^tM).72. Pickett reports contributions to the • • • - •''' . ••- • ..."- ,*',.i*.^. ■■.UK' /I 111' Hamiton. — Rev. Canon Walker is only uhlc at present to report con- tributions to tlie amount of |ir)T.12. ;;>»» KiNGtioLKAK.— Uev. J. Fruderlu Curr bu^ forwarded the following re- I'ort: »,(.,(! " The usual servkies on Sundays— two at Spring Hill and ono alternately at Upper and Central Khigscluar— luiTe been mulntalued without iuter- luisslon during the year. The Fasts and Festivals huvc been n';;uliirly olwerved In the Parish Church, and oeeaslonally In the (uit stations. At Spring Hill a Wednesday Evening Servleo was held from ()3tOber until Ajtril; and during the summer I am giving a series of Cottage Letitures, which, I iruiit, will result In much good. These, with the buptisui of one adult and fourteen infants, one marriage, six burials, and the usu:d Sun- day School Work, are the public ralnistratiouN of the year. " I am preparing a class for continnation in the autumn. "A Society ol ' Willing Workers' has been formed amongst the female parishioners, who have undertaken to rebuild the dilapidated feuues aroun*^ the Church groimds, repaint the Parsonage, &c. " I regret to report a smaller contribution to tiio Funds of the Society than was made last year. This is duo to t^iroe ( auses: (1) removals by death and otherwise ; (2) the ' hard times ; ' and (8) the effort made by the people to add a much-ueeded chancel to the Parish Church. I am conti- deut, however, that this deflclency will be made up another year. " I have to record the death of my Senior Warden, Mr. John Huruet, lie was a sincere christian, and a ready and cheerful helper in all I under- took. Mr. Swlnney also has ceased to be a parishioner by removal to another part of the Province; but his interest in the Parish and his prac- tical aid, I have reason to believe, will be ours .still. .., " I wish, on behalf of the Parish, to thank the Bishop for a contribution towards the chancel. Mrs. Medley for a beautiful font, wid Mr. bwiODQy for a large addition to the Endowment Fundi •'.•nud, ., !i,.!.,i;»i "In the Pariah ray thanks are due to Lt.-Col. Maunseli, D. A. G., ray popular and efficient Lay Reader,i to Mr. and Mrs. Hilton-Green for a con- cert in aid of Church building, and to Mr, Isaac Murraj^'s family for valu- able aid in Church work generally. o-udsZ' t>* iiciH.MUtiiv* •■•f/* • " The following financial statement will show what has been done during the year to advance the material interests of the Parish. " The sums marked thus (•) we re, collected entirely, or in great pari, outside of the Parish. . -ri irn .vonimi '*'j(i''' .tl ao ii- '■?i"ij[y3 '.4«ijii7i-}»i ..•....• -.l. /i;. •.. FINANCIAL STAtEMENT. <1 '/ >>1 .-v.<|..;,IrJ*t..( Upper KiNGSCLEAB. . .fnji iw > ,i; .», Gifts Central Kingsclear. Organ U ..n .(♦; >/ *ii\. t.w» .$21.80 52.00 II! ;t.f I I ?«•;■!; Will '-■' Mi' i 1;. W' 'X ^m'' 36 8?snfo Pill. *Addition to Endowment Fund $500.00 •For Chancel 200.00 Assessment 200.00 Oflfertory 100.00 Sunday School 20.00 Repairs 12.35 Debt 50.00 •Church Furniture 100.00 Church Society 84.12 - '; ; '." . "^ ' Total, $1840.27 '* Contributions amount to $90.62, including $13.41 for Widows and Or- phamiFund." .. . , . . .,,.„, ,, .^ , .,.^,.,,.^^ ,. .: ^^,.^^ ^ ^^ Kingston.— Rev. "W. E. Scoril writes as follows : *' I am detained from attending the Meetings of the Society this week by unavoidable Parish duties. This is a year of unexampled difSiiculty with us in raising money, an>1 1 fear the amount will fall shorter than ever be- fore of what we have contributed to the Society,— not exceeding $80.00. We have lost W. P. Flewelling, Esquire, a highly respected and consistent member of the Church, who died last Good Friday ; and many others of my parishioners were taken away during the past winter, leaving us in several instances to feel how much we miss their help in christian work. I trust that inspired by their examples, their children will become zealous of good works, and finally come behind in no gift by which they may sup> ply our loss, and do their duty as privileged members of the Church of Christ." Lancaster.- Rev. Henry M. Spike has inclosed the following report: " The amount collected to the present time for Diocesan Church Society is $48.16. '* By the blessing of God my work in the Parish has been very regular. Although there were several Sundays in the winter on which I could not reach the distant churches, I have been enabled to have the tliree iUll ser- vices every Sunday during the past year. The congregations have been good, and there is a growing interest in the affairs of the Church, so that we feel encouraged t« labour for tlieir Spiritual welfare. '* The contributions for expenses of the Parish have been much more than was expected. " The Churches at Dipper Harbour and Pisarinco have been repaired, repainted, and several improvements made. The Rectory has had con- siderable expended on it. These improvements have been made by the parishioners, by whose kindnes6 and cooperation we are endeavouring to persevere in our duty. *' The Sunday School in connection with the Parish Church has been kept up regularly during the winter, and the children seem anxious to learn their duty as members of the Church. "Altl member! religion cessity o: importan MONCTO amount of; "thewc without en to in my la crated by tl pressed for Townshenc vis, and the and Talbot, the numbei to meet the of the Paris and will set in ash, oiled is a subject proper time to erect a su and butterni due to the k " In addit Lectern fro] Canon Medl 37 <' Although there are some who do not feel that the Church expects her members to adorn their profession by following in the ways of personal religion and in the ordinances of the Church, there is therefore a great ne- cessity on our part to be diligent in pastoral visiting, that they may see the importance while time is given of serving the Lord." Maugkrville.-- Rev. G. H. Sterling has inclosed the following report : '* Since writing my report of last year, I have had much to encourage me in my work. "■ In September last I had three adult baptisms. The following week His Lordship administered the Apostolic Bile of Confirmation to thirteen candidates, all of whom became Conunnnicants. '* In October I purchased a bell metal bell from Meenely& Eimberly,Troy , New York, which cost over |200.00. One hundred dollars of this amount was given me by the ladles of my Mission, who have formed themselves into a Society, to work for the beautifying of the house of God. Since that time they have placed in the Church a very handsome prayer desk and pulpit hanging, costing $34. " During the past year the Church at Newcastle, Grand Lake, has been re-roofed, the spire has been cut down, being quite too heavy for the tower, the interior plastered, and other minor improvements made. I may men- tion that this Church has been in course of erection at least 20 years or more, but I hope to get it completed, or nearly so, during the sununer. '< The contributions from my Mission are in advance of last year." MONCTQN.— Rev. E. S. W. Pentreath reports contributions to the amount of $65, and he has inclosed the following report : *' I'he work in Moncton in spite of the various drawbacks has not been without encouragement. On October 7th, 1874, the little building alluded to in my last report, the frame of which was raised July 1st, was conse- crated by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. Substantial sympathy was ex- pressed for us by the presence in our midst on that day of the Bev. Canon Townshend of Amherst, N. S., the Bev. Canon Medley, the Bev. Dr. Jar- vis, and the Bev. Messrs. Brigstocke, Dowling, Nickerson, Willis, Partridge and Talbot. The hearty character of the morning and evening services, the number of the clergy present, and the gathering of the congregation to meet the Bishop and the clergy made the day remarkable in the annals of the Parish. The building is designed as the chancel of the future Church , and will seat comfortably ninety persons. It is fkimished very tasteftilly in ash, oiled^ there is a temporary chancel, and the beauty of the interior is a subject of appreciative remark fi.'om all who have seen it. ^At the proper time with the help of kind fHends It Is hoped that we wilrbe able to erect a suitable main building. The Church, Including fUmlture of ash and butternut, has cost us nearly $1200.0P, and our fl*eedom from debt is due to the kindly aid of flrlends at a distance. " In addition to much substantial aid, I wish to particularize gifts of a Lectern flrom Miss Fanny Chandler of BIchibucto, an Altar from Bev. Canon Medley, Alms Basons firom Chas. Blackwell, Esq. and wife, a Font *,. i';.; '■''' ft." i i]':'. i' it'' H 38 from money kindly collected by Mrs. E. B. Chandler, Jr., Chancel "Window from money collected by Mrs. Blackwell, and the sum of £40 sterling col- lected by Mrs. Vaughn of Liverpool, England. " The Society of ' Willing "Workers' as a result of work between Juno and January in addition to kncelers, cushions, matting, carpets and lamps, presented $94.36 to the vestry to liquidate the Church debt, and contribu- ted to repairs on il^e Rectory. I report 26 Communicants who frequent the Holy Communion, and were it not foi many removals from the place the gain would be very marked. '* Looking back over the year, I think some progress has been made. " At Point DuChene T was able to give fortnightly services up to Janu- ary 1st. During the winter the state of the roads made it impossible for me to reach the Church of a Sunday, and since then my visits have been irregular. The congregation through E. J. Smith, Esq., M. P. P., presen- ted me at Christmas with an address and a purse of $100.00. I desire to gratefully acknowledge the kindness I have always received from the peo- ple of Shediac, and to again impress upon the Society the importance of this centre, and the great need of a resident clergyman." -i .:i>(,i;m . i -iff .;.■»<•. ■•• Newcastle.— Rev. Augustus Prime writes: • • -'.; • = " I am sorry to report a less sum of money for the Diocesan Church So- ciety this year than is generally sent from this Parish. There are several reasons for it. The Parish was without a priest for three months, thereby causing a loss from the alms, also the loss of the engineers from Newcastle, who used t» contribute largely towards the above fund. We are also suf- fering from the reaction of better days when both work and money were plentiful. Very few refused to give, and many whose names appeared on the list last year and will not appear this have promised to give as soon as they get any money. , , " Contributions amount to $153.70." •i.'f >..l <'.i^7y ><■ ■»•!■! •nii Mi.i ?!'■ New Maryland.— Rev. J. Pearson reports contributions amounting to $40, of which |10.83 is limited to the Widows and Orphans Fund. Norton.— Rev. E. A. Warneford reports contributions to the amount of f87.94. t»lU nil- <(»i|l't!\i i..'J Petitcodiac— Rev. Cuthbert Willis writes as follows : " With regard to the Mission itself, I am happy to say that the services have been conducted in the different Churches and Stations as regularly as circ!lhistauces permitted; that the congregations are improving, and the general prospects cheering. The Church at Portage has been much improved, and this almost entirely at the expense of the people themselves. The new Church at Petitcodiac has n'.«o been improved by the addition ot a Ridge Cres*,; a fence is about to Lv erected, and the Church painted. By the kindness of some ladies a subscriptiou was raised a short time ago and a bell purchased, which now every Sunday calls the people to worship. We have to thank his Lordship the Bishop for kindly contributing towards m "indow ing col- ;n June 1 lamps, )ntribu- requent le place lade. to Janu- sible for ve been , presen- lesire to the peo- tance of ■f lUrch So- •e several 3, thereby ewcastle, also suf- ney were )eared on IS soon as mounting md. e amount services regularly ving, and een much emselves, ,ddition ot painted. time ago 1 worship. |g towards the Church improvements. We have now in hand the building of a Par- sonage at Petitcodiac, and if we are fortunate enough in raising funds, hope to complete the same within a year." . ,j. Contributions General Purposes ..."'. . . . 1 . ....'. i .1 '...'..'.. . . .852.10 "Widows and Orphans Fund 5.97 Home and Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Missions. . . . 6.01 i.i ^'ii-i.tJ ) ■(,'■■ Mi/t ■.< i-.-rfii .\; /f ■?.;• I :..ii i... >» •.-,••! ' ii.' $64.08 Prince William and Dumfries.— Rev. E. A. W. Hauington writes as follows: .,;,,. ,., ,, .^r ........ i ... / . " The Church in this Mission is in about the same position as last year; though a number of communicants has been added, an equal number has removed to other parts of the Province and to the Western States. "• The subscriptions to the Diocesan Church Society have not been quite completed, but as far as the work is done there has been no decrease, rather an increase, and should our whole amount be less than last year it will re- sult from the number of subscribers being smaller, as I never collected when people gave more willingly and liberally. ^,. ;. :,.,,\. ; ,. ,. „ , " St. Clements Church has been very much improved during the year by an ' East Window ' which was put in at Easter. " I regret to say that the west end of the Mission is still without a mis- sionary, and trust that the grant offered last year may still be continued, that we may at least have the hope of filling the vacancy." Contributions are $85. Petersvillk. — Rev. Joseph Smith has been only a portion of the year in charge ef this Parish. He reports one isemi-aunual collection amount- ingto $11.27. ^..f!.,i,,. QuEENSBURY.— Rev. A. H. Weeks writes as follows: ■ ■■'■■i-'tJ. . -. " Last year I was able to pay to the Society contributions to the amount of about $100, $22 more than had been yet collected in this Mission. I re- gret I cannot report a continued increase this year. I send $92.27, con- siderably more however than the usual contribution from this Mission. The deficiency is due to the fall in the price of lumber. Nothing has oc- curred in the Mission worthy of note. The severity of weather and severe storms which interfered so seriously with my appointments were not pe- culiar to the Mission of Queensbury." • {»•" " ' ' "! f '■■■■* lii! .. , u ::■> '••ivi't. •• RiCHiBUCTO.— Rev. N. A. Coster writes as follows : " I have to report to the Society while away from my Parish of Richi- bucto, so that I cannot report fully. Before I left I made the usual pro- vision for collecting the contributions to the Diocesan Church Society, and I have little doubt that the aluount will be forwarded to the Treasurer, although it will not pass through my hands. " I am unable to attend the meeting of the Society this year, but I am earnestly anxious that provision should be made for the Parish of Weld- ford. I may observe that steps have been already taken in this case. 40 i ' f i^t . Weldford has agreed to furnish f 200, and if I give up Kingston that dis* trict will Aimish $100, fifty dollars per annum above this have to be raised, and I feel assured that it may be done either in my own Mission or in some neighbouring settlement. May I therefore beg of you to ask the Society to appropriate four hundred dollars to the Missionary who shall be found to take charge of that arduous work. " It shall be understood that I am away fi'om home for change of air under medical advice, having been almost useless the past winter from bronchitis, and at my advanced age I can scarcely expect to be useful much longer. That I may have a little assistance available when needed, I resign in favour of this scheme what I now receive from my people at Kingston, which is about one-third of the contribution in my Parish." Contributions amount to $58.84. Richmond.— Rev. W. Henry Street writes that the amount of contri- butions will not be less than that of last year. *' The Sunday School, at present taught in the old Church building, is hindered in its efficiency by the want of a proper school room, which it is proposed to build during the present summer." Mr. Street adds, ''owing to good health, I was enabled, thank God, to keep most of my appointments the last severe and stormy winter." Contributions amount to $70. ROTHBSAY.— Mr. C. H. Fairweather reports the amount of contribu- tions from the Parish to be $184.84. -. , , , St. Andrews and Chamcook.— Mr. G. D. Street reports contributions as follows: St. Andrews $144.84 Chamcook 26.42 Total, $171.26 St. David and St. Patrick.— Rev. H. S. Wainwright writes as fol- lows : " There is really little to encourage me in my work in this Parish. The Parish Church of St. David is so very far away ftom the church people that they seem to have got very careless about attending. Anything is a I sufficient excuse to keep them from church, and during stormy weather and in winter when the roads are blocked up and the teams are itway in the woods, it is impossible to expect them to turn out; and further the Parish has been greatly weakened by many of our most promising young men and women moving away ttom the place to California and elsewhere, and this is particularly so in the Parish of* St. Patrick, Where very many who formerly were supporters of the Church have removed, leaving none to take their place. This circumstance in a financial point of view makes me very doubtful of the Parishes' willingness to meet the increased assess- 1 ment put upon them this year. I say not ability for though few and scat- tered th( zeal in G "lam Diocesan sent in la old cry o St. Paul' tributions fr St. Mary report; "The Mist increase the Society, but made upon/ the Parish of pected from. " He repor by any clergy Schools were 20 teachers ai 41 hat dis- ) raised, In some Society )e found g^e of air ter from )e useful I needed, people at isb." of contrl- llldlng, is vhich it is "otvlng to (Ointments f contribu- ntributions .$144.84 . 26.42 Irish. The irch people lything is » I ny weather ire away in further the fling young elsewhere, very many lavlngnone [ew makes I [ased assess- 1 vad scat- tered the people be, yet were they all united and all animated by a hearty zeal in God's cause, this difficulty would speedly be overcome. - ,| i . ♦' I am not prepared to state at present what this Mission will raise for Diocesan Church Society this year, but I fear it will fall short of what was sent in last year, owing to the above reasons and also on account of the old cry of ' hard times. '" St. James, St. John. — Rev. W. B. Armstrong (Curate) reports con- tributions to the amount of $100. f{« 4^.1 if! . St. George and Pennfield.— Rev. R. E. Smith reports contributions in all amounting to $186* '■• > ■' 'ii ■..'.,) •■<-u;\. .r. .> :■. • i •;,,(.(••-, He writes as follows : " The chief item of interest in my Parishes during the past year was the visit of the Lord Bishop for confirmation. His visit is always of great benefit in many ways. He confirmed 43 persons in the two Parishes, the greater portion being adults. Large and interested congregations attended, although on week daysj and at a very busy season Of tlic adults six had been baptized in the Church a short time previous, and altogether 12 of them had formerly belonged to other denominations. His Lordship was greatly pleased with the renovation in Christ's Church, Pennfield, and ad- mired the Chancel "Window very much. St. Mark's Church, St. George, has also been painted and colored inside very neatly. "We hope , when the times improve, to have a new Church in St. George. I am happy to state that 120 persons partook of the Holy Communion during the past year in the Mission, and that the number of baptisms has been larger. I cannot forbear mentioning, that since my last report, a valued and staunch mem- ber of our Holy Church has entered into her rest. I refer to Mrs. Gideon Knight. She was never absent ftom the services when in health, a on- stant communicant, and always ready to do her par. i len the Church re- quired her aid ; for some 50 years she had been a fLi^hful worker in the Church in this Parish ; she was beloved by all, and universally regretted." St. Paulas Portland.— Rev. Cahon DeVeber repoits $650 as the co»^- tributions from the Parish. "'" ' •'.*<"' i •■' ' ■ i • - ;• ui :,i- St. Mary's and Stanley.— Rev. W. Jaflfrey has inclosed the following report : " The Missionary at St. Mary's and Stanley writes that he had hoped to increase the amount of his subscriptions towards the general funds of the Society, but has been unable to do so, owing to a large call having been made upon, his people towards building a Church, now being erected in the Parish of St. Mary's. The usual amount of $70 however may be ex- pected from the Mission. '' He reports 57 baptisms, a larger number than was reported last year by any clergyman in the Diocese. By an oversight last year, no Sunday Schools were reported ; this year he reports 3, copnected with which are 20 teachers and 135 pupils. .. . . ., .. .1) r-. I. I« ■■'.I iff' iiin ■' > ■'■ ■ni.|: t lif-'^i 42 "The Missionary asks for a grant towards opening a new Mission, ta consist of Stanley and a part of St. Mary's, as he finds it quite impossible to do the duty of so large a district as is now under his charge, either with proflt to the Church or satisfaction to himself." ' -• ■ ■ > >f Shediac. — Rev. Dr. Jarvis has been able to add somewhat to the con- tributions to the Society, and also to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, over those of last year. Contributions to the Society are $68.72. Springfield and Johnston.— Rev. G. Rogers reports contributions to the amount of $46.31. SiMONDS.— Rev. G. Schofield reports contributions, exceeding by a con- siderable amount those of any previous year; viz., $131. 97, besides $6.50 for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. St. Mark, St. John.— Mr. T. B. Hanington, Secretary of this Commits tee, reports contributions to the amount of $898.24, of which the sum of $61 is limited to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund In addition to this a special collection amounted to $36.50. Sussex and Studholm.— Rev. Canon Medley reports the probable amount of contributions as $200, and has inclosed the following report : ** I have nothing in particular to report to the Society this year, except that our troubles have been mercifully overruled, as I humbly hope, for the growth of the Church congregations, and the greater consistency in the members of the congregations. It is nothing new to hear that we have had a hard winter, which rather interfered with the work of visiting the flock as regularly as one could wish, but I am glad to say that I was only prevented twice fi'om fulfilling my Sunday duty of 8 services. It is with great regret that I hear it has become necessary to make a change in the new Mission of Hammond and Dutch Valley, but I shall hope that before long the Society will be able to open up another new Mission which wil] relieve me of the work at Dutch Valley, which I shall have to perform as well as I can consistently with my present scheme of work. To the no small satisfaction of myself and the people, I have opened a new Station at Mount Pleasant in the Parish of Studholm, where a large and interest- lug congregation gathers once a month on a week day for worship, and I have hopes that the Church may become established there. I have fre- quent applications for services from other settlements both in Studholm and Susb<ix, and if I were made of iron, and my horse flesh was equally durable, I would gladly undertake to give the people what they want; but at present I think it wiser to do thoroughly what I have in hand than mul- t Iply Stations or attempt the building of more Churches. At Studholm we have just laid to rest one of our truest and most consistent helpers, Mr. Isaac Foshay, who for many years has been useful to the Church at large as a Lay Delegate to Synod and Church Society. We shall miss him very much, but we submit to will of the good God, who doeth all things well , I ■] Wkllinc to the amoi last year ii >Qd La goes "During Ms Parish, and bury th night. The in this Miss more have I of five dolla " I am ha] the Diocesat the Church'J 43 and believe that he has a higher and more blessed work for our Mend and brother to do than can be found on earth, i As I write the ladies of our Sussex Sewing Circle are busily at work at their weekly meeting, and some new Church Plate is before me which has this day arrived Arom £ng> land. In spite of our many trials we have much to cheer us, and cauae us all to labour more patiently and faithfully." Trinttt, St. John.— Rev. F. H. J. Brigstocke reports contributions to the amount of $948.09, apart from a collection for the Society for the Pro- pagation of the Gospel, amounting to $81.53. Upham.— Rev. S. J. Hanford writes as follows : ** I hope soon after my return to forward the balance of the contributions without loss of time. The total may pernaps be a little under that of last year, though I hope not much so. I regret to find that the new Mission, formed lately by uniting portions of the country hitherto connected with Sussex and this Mission, will be without a Missionary, and that conse- quently I shall have to take up my former work in Hammond. Tn my present state of health I can promise to do only what I can to supply the vacancy by monthly services on Sundays, and even then I shall be taking services from a portion of my present charge which greatly needs more, and certainly not less attention ; that is to say, Quaco, or St. Martins. This place has of late been growing rapidly in importance, and I fear we are losing much by not being able more fully to occupy the ground. There is really no, connection between Upham and St. Martins, and it is quite evi- dent that for a clergyman to do anything like justice to that portion of the Mission he should reside at Quaco, with the country thereabouts for his field of labour. However, as this perhaps is only one of many other strong claims for help, I can only go on as best and as long as I can, hoping that in His own good time the Lord of the harvest will send forth labourers into His harvest." Contributions are 1137.79. ' ' Wellington and Dundas.— Rev. H. M. Jarvis reports contributions to the amount of $23.95. He mentions a mistake in copying his report of last year in which the word " often" was substituted for " occasionally," and La goes on to say : " During Rev. Dr. Jarvis' absence in Montreal, I frequently drove to bis Parish, Shediac, 20 miles distant from my residence, to visit the sick and bury the dead. I buried five persons there in the course ot a fort, night. The number of deaths among the church people during the year in this Mission are only three, the baptisms 23, and since the Ist of June 4 more have been added. There was only one marriage, with the small fee of five dollars to augment the stipend. ** I am happy to report a slight increase over last year's contributions to the Diocesan Church Society, but regret to add that it is no indication of the Church's growing prosperity, for the increase comes from my person- ^^■^ 44 ■4h-': 1 • Bi-: li Mi; al ft-icnds among tli6 denominations^, ana a few gentlemen employed on the survey for tlic railway, while some of our cliuroti members feel compeileil to lessen their donations this year on account of various causes over which they have no control." '-•"■• i. ' •■■ ■ v !k- ^ r . ii. .j,(,v nt ,j..i TVestfield.— Rev. E. S. Woodman reports contributions the same as last year.jr;,.., >»fr.fA, .,ii.,n-* ^sn .(. n .'i •/• rr — ,:''i..iT. .1, ■rj 1/ » it'r Woodstock.— Rev. T. Neales has enclosed the uSuat returns, and .til. writes as follows : " Owing to God's blessing on the rest which I was forced to take between June ftnd September last, I have since been equal to a fair share of worlt, and for this I feel deeply thankful. I think that the retrospect of the Church's work in this Mission for the year past may afford us good cause for encouragement. Though we have not escaped the general financial depression, which no doubt will be reported from eVery quarter of the Diocese, this Mission has given a sum total greater than In any previous year towards the support of the Church's ministrations, and promises to exert itself to do even more yet in the future. I am convinced also that the spiritual welfare of the Church in Its members has made at least some advance, — for the steady increase of the regular communicants, and the encouraging condition of our Sunday School, may, I think, be chosen as indicating this. Since August last, through the aid of the Diocesan Church Society, I have had the grateful assistance of a lay reader, now the Rev. LeBaron W. Fowler, whose report is Included in mine, and who, if his future service in God's vineyard is marked with the same steady zeal and earnestness which he has already evinced, his success in the work is sure. "We have extended our work in all directions, and in order that we may not be compelled to give up any portion of the encouraging labour now in hand but rather to extend it further, we do hope that the Schedule Com- mittee will recommend and the General Committee grant to us a fair and liberal amount towards the saHry of the Curate in the Mission, whose ser- vices we are struggling hard to retain." . >,j,,{;^;j^j ,|y.^ o Contributions amount to $266.58. r.a .ai l\i "cci- /). It will be observed from the foregoing reports that the sum total of the contributions to a considerable ^ amount is less than that of the past year. - There has been the usual unsparing labour on tho part of the Missionaries. The extent of this labour and its apparent results are in some degree presented in the tabular statement herewith submitted, and to which the attention of ^yery cburchman in the Diocese is earnestly invited. In how many instances is this vast work going! on, under trials and difficulties which the Church ought to less physicf no dou for din It may subscril ber of t stipend! work ol sions be Thisi has not those ei for man; ful heari is clearly society tinuance ■'■■ r-H .,,rti ^^ )etween »f work, jt of the od cause financial jr of the previous jmises to also that eaat some I, and the jhosen as in Church ' the Rev. jho, if his J zeal and :k is sure, sr that we ibour now idule Com- a fair and g^hose ser- to lessen; in how many instances, beyond ordinary physical strength. The financial distress in the country no doubt '"" great. This is made the too ready excuse for diminished offerings to the Treasurer of the Lord. It may well be questioned whether in case of any one subscriber such diminution is necessary. Will any mem- ber of the Church in this Diocese consent to decrease the stipends of the clergy? or will any declare that the work of the Church is to stand still, and no new Mis- sions be opened ? ,, , ,, , , .. :'^v'\^ This is the first for many yeats in which the Society has not been called to mourn the loss of one or more of those engaged in its Missionary work. For this and for many other undeserved mercies the tribute of grate* ful hearts, to be shewn, by more devotion to His service, is clearly due ; and to Him the work undertaken by the society is humbly commend.ed, in hope of the con- tinuance of His blessing. ." ' ■.."'•■ '^ .••' si.iii ,f, .iX'-.uViii .or .5< .1 n' '.•.rijvl .(I; (Hi I..! ■ ■. f.U ..» , > >'.':i. >o'v iJ. . J' .1; .a\ ; .•i^ii'ff .A .\i .lift, n'.AliU ,iX''' .•»■».(:•>: ('.J .T inif W>:i"i ."> .1. .(.•!;>tl i.;V(f hu, rini J ■ - . . . . ' • ■ * "■"' • • ,i.- H ,/ i .•1- ■ : 1 ('. ,. , .'i.Mi.?:- /' • 1 .1!' t:: (I •;m, tr. ii ■.: .:'iV.!' .i'.v> , < I'-i .'.■ . .1,./.,- . ■■' iii^; .:■'.> . ' ,»-•:, .'j 'lUi.'i, .• . ,:■ ■ ' '. M ' * .' .: KinrsO .li!.- ■• .•' . ■ • ,V •'■"'' ' -'ii- ) . -uir, 1- J{ ■ • .l.flui'f 1 .-■;' :-rjJ. .,; M • ' .■■ •' i. } .•> i':.-':. ..J i . .;,,ji'ji !;(•.'{. ,iI4li.- J .7 - ..;• n'l .■,i.^ •,• .t; .(, • , } ,-i'\--U .: -■ ^tj.,.| 1 '■•''• i' . ■• . t ..i ■ • , -'"nflitil .'^ti'i'i.V ..' .!; • > .. ur; ::vi»o- { .;.;•:■'.. f) :a /i • ' i .•■Uf ."iis;i ,,-; :.v: .{. • 1 ,:1 ■■..'.■■.> 1 I .s: -fl .U . \ ■ 1 .f'jivtjraoit* .;r-:, ■> ..-^ -li t .ii at K lt)i: ■■ ,."r 'nJ . J.' .5- • ,: •■ -uiutuji? fe^ ^! > i 1o; :^;i 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE. nj-io/'r VJ.J;' til 'iif' .f -.1,. ( ,,'J ^ . 1 -..irt' . ; ' I , ' Frederioton, June 29th, 1875. The Committee met at the Masonic Hall at 7 o'clock, P. M. ' The Bight Reverend the Lord Bishop took the Chair. JPrayers. • Mr. W. M. Jarvis, V. P., and Mr. G. A. Schofield, a- Select Committee, reported the Lay Delegates daly qualified to represent the Local Committees, who, with the Clergy at this and the following meeting, were as follows. Those marked* were not present, and those marked! were present only on Wednesday Evening. PABISH. Andover, Burton, Buotoaohe. Blaokvllle, CampobellOt Cambridge, Canterbury, Chatham, Clifton, Dalhousie, Derby, Douglas & Bright, Dumfries, Fredericton, Fairville, Oagetown, Greenwich, Grand Sfanan, Hammond, CLBBGT. Rev. L. A. Hoyt. " B. Simonds, " Herbert M. Jarvis, " W. Cruden, " O. M. Bills.I " B. Shaw, " T. Hartin, " D. Forsythe, " D. J. Wetmore, " P. B. Crozier, " W. Cruden, " J. B.McKiel, " E. A. W. Hanington, " G. G. Boberts, " T. B. Dowling, " J. Neales, •♦ D. M. Pickett, " W. 8. Covert;, " J. H. Talbot, LAY DELEGATES. B. B. Plant,» L. Piokett.I " Hon. B. D. Wilmot. N. Hubbard. Jeremiah Travis. Hon. Mr. Justice Allen, L. Byron.; James Porter, C. Scribner.| Hon. Judge Fisher, B. Bobinson.* Wm. Wilkinson, G. A. Blair. Hon. Judge Allen, W. H. Phillipa. Wm. T. Crocker. J. DeL. Bobinson, F. Clements. Joseph Allen,* H. Davidson.; Hon. Judge Fisher, Jas. Beek. J. DeW. Bpurr, Hurd Peters. Edward Wetmore, J. C. Clowes.* John Flewelling.* W. B. MoEiel." nampton, Kingacleui KiiiK«ton, Itiincaster, Maryland, Maugervilh Moncton, Xewcastle, Norton, Pennfield, Petersville, PeUtcodiac, Prinoe Wlllin Queensbury, Biohmond, Siohibucto, Rothesay, 8t. Andrews, St. David, 8t. George, St. George, Ca St. James, St. St. Mark, St. Mary's, St. Paul, ' St. Stephen ChurchT* St, Stephen, Tt Shediao, Simonds, Springfield, [Sussex, IStadhoIm, Wnity, St. Johi ppham, jVictoria, Oarletoi fH, 47 1 Eliimptoji, Bev . Canon WalkerJ, BE. ■ Kingsclear, << Predk. Carr, 1 Kingston, << W. E. Soovll», 1 Liinottster, <« H. M. Spike. ' 75. 1 Maryland, << J. Pearson, clock, Mttugerville, « O. H. Sterling, Monoton, « E. 8. W. Pentreath, Chair. XewoasUe, « A. Prime, ITorton, « E. A. Warnford, Lofield, Pennfleld, . fi B. E. Smith, s daly ), with rere as i those ling. Petersville, Petitcodiac, Prince William, Queensbury, Richmond, <« <« «« M ft J. E. Smith, Cuthbert WilUs*, E. A. W. Hanington, A. H. Weeks, W. H. Street*, IBS. Bichlbucto, « N. A. Coster*, b.I Rothesay, « Francis Partridge*, Hubbard. St. Andrews, « Dr. Eetolium, St. David, « H. S. WalnwrightJ, St. George, « B. E. Smith, L. Byron.I St. George, Carleton, « T. E. Dowling, ler.I St. James, St. John, « W. B. Armstrong, Robinson.* St. Mark, « O. M. Armstrong, Blair. St. Mary's, « W. Jaffrey, St. Paul, « Canon Deveber, I.Phillips. St. Stepheai Christ Church,' « J. Boshton, lements. Idson.I 1. Beek. •eters, !. Clowes." J. MoKiel.* Bt. Stephen, Trinity, Bhediao, Simonds, Springfield, Sussex, Btudholm, Trinity, St. Jotin, <• « • ( « « « F. Almon, Dr. Jarris, G. Sohofield, O. Bogenl. Canon Medlqr, F. H. J. Brigatooke, Upham, « S. J. fianfcrd. Victoria, Carleton, l< D. B. Famtherl, Oeorge Otty,* Charles B. Smith.* H. H. Swinney,! John H. Lee. D. P.Wetmore,* G. H. Flewelllng.* Robert Dean',* Thomas Dean.* Thomas Perley,* G. A. Sterling.! Hon. Judge Allen, W. B. Chandler.I Wm. Wilkinson. J. B. S. Raymond,* B. Baxter.* James McKay,* James Gillisple.I Charles T. Perkins, John Corbitt.* James Henry ,| W. Brymer.* « - riV Hon. Mr. Justice Allen. S. B. Hall,* Charles Prince.I '■■' G. D. Street, O. S. Grimmer. ' W. Gilley,* Loren Thompson.* B. T. Clinch, G. Sidney Smith. Tertullns Eetohnm, Dr. McFarland Hon. Judge Wetmore,! G. E.Fenety T. W. Daniel, John Stewart.* T. B. Barker, J. E. Flewelling. D. B. Jago, Arthur Daniel. G. A. Bohofield, I. Allen Jack. Nelson Arnold,* W. Hallett. James Seoord.* A. H. Hanington,* H. L. Stnrdee. J. A. Fowler, Andrew Sherwood. ■JA-:':: '.;.• ) i ■ li-- m ■mi iV 4» Watcrborougti, WestDeld, WeHtmoroland, Wick low, WoodHtock, Rev. B. Shaw, " E. B. Woodmon, " D. BllsH», " J. E. Flcwt'lUnff, " T. Neula*, John RoI)crt.s.» Cttpt. McMurdu, N. H, DeVelicr. John L. HaundcFH,* J. J. Uaywanl* C. W. Ruymond, W. F. Dibblee.' There were also present the following ex officio mem- bers of the Committee : •»• ' " " - . The Honourable the Lieutenant Governor, the Rev. Canon Scovil, Ph. D., Mr. William M. Jarvis, Vice Presidents; Messrs. W. Carman, C. W. Weldon, G. W. Whitney, J. W. Brayloy, S. D. Bertou, Members of the Executive Committee, and H. W. Frith, Treasurer. The Secretary read reports of the Missionaries and of the Local Committees, a report of the Executive Committee, and also the report of Auditors on the Treasurer's A.ccounts. • ' '' r • On motion of the Rev. Mr. Hanington, it was re- solved that the same be received, and that the report of the Auditors be entered upon the Minutes. r~.,nl ''.';t»'.(jii'..!il "ImkL •. >^|Ii > ff : VVA- ' t\ ,.tl .• L''!' 'K I'l .<u.i-:- ■ y. ..iVii,:; i'C\ .;)iiHII I. /J* I ..I .!..•■ tr ■" .:' .i .!jii(t:<i; ..c.l,' ,■■ ■! !. .If .(!' .. r.r-.f; ..i >' '• ,':(iiii •» >'! * ' ll.»l"' . < , ./i'ji.l a ;'i^, .1 ,hhh'>tWi ./. .•«' .ti'V.M .U >.u:<Hi'k ii.Mk>l; ,,,;.•. 1' nfiL .i' .1' '• i ..; V^'i^ ""■■'" " ' . /M .J' i'-i !(:,. m ii ,ri: ) ..nil .1 ■■ I W |.,.f . ( .^i- ...t, .•,*!. •• i .M-- .j'!i'«^'jil: .fc> " j .l.'.n . . ,-r_,',irt}f. itoiii') '• ! ,1. ;i> ••":' .-/iirii*'.; .fw)C 'n-.i!t! i/jtl^'K I'^jlJfo'f .k .L .J..'i> Ht' U .T. .f* >• ! ,ill, i I ,^ '."iHinj-"! .M .H (ii'j'^'-i,^) ,. Subscript! • Missiouar Officers' S Coutiiig-ei, {'ensions. Detail of ( 7 . mkiK ■•'IT ,1.1. s 4y I , AUDITORS' REPORT. . . . / Report of tho Aaditor« upon the Aooonntu of the Treasurer of the Diooevan Church Sooiety* for the year ending 30th AprU, 1875. ' '/V^,:,, Xo. 1 i« tho account of roceiptfl and payments for gen- oral purliosos. Receipts have been (inehuling last year's balance) $30,037.61). Payments $30,408.48. Balance in hand $229.21 Xo. 2 statement of investments and interest. No. 3 accounts with Pari^shes showings amounts con- tributed towards salaries of Missionaries. Bal- ance to credit carried to next year 100.00 Xo. 4 Widows and Orphans fund. Balance in hand... 940.84 |Xo. 6 Education and Aged Clerj^y fund. Balance 143.79 [Xo. 6 Divinity Scholarship fund. Balance 123.84 Xo. 7 Incapacitated Clergy fund. Balance 333.75 No. 8 Account of payments by former Treasurer. ,,.,„ ,^ |Xo. 9 Account of investments paid off and re-invest- ments during the year. Balance to be carried forward 424.36 iNo. 10 Account of the " Saml. Scovil " trust fund. Bal. 24.00 IXo. 11 Account of the Richibucto Trust. [Xo. 12 Details of contributions to Foreign Missions "'' through Society for the Propagation of the Gos- ■'••;* pel Society, ' - 1 |Xo. 13 Statement of tho above cash balances in hand. * '>' i' • • ^'o. 14 Statement of Total Assets. »• ' Tin;,;; !■« i;- ■ '•;> :*! ',•,.♦!,!. ,' •' ' Total cash in hand, $2819,79 The above accounts have been examined by the Auditors, and [ompared with the vouchers and last year's balance, and found loi'i'ect. Detailed accounts as follows have also been sut)mitted to thcl" Mitors nnd examined. Subscriptions and collections. '' ' ■'''' "• ' h'/Jf' ?i 'i-'*•i^'; Missionaries' Salaries. ■:■ ';'>-;• ' • •!' /'hk > ti;' I. Officers' Salaries. ■ ' - >' .-'.ti^/Mrw.- ) ••fj./ o) ilivii"! ). Contingencies. « , ^-n. -.i •*.!! ^^i <^-\^y> '!>cou- -n;! ■-.•). 1 1. ij-i<i Pensions. ' 'J *ii.< ;. ,o.:ttii';' tc.i; |. Detail of collections Foreign Missions. - • . • ' • '^i; '^'^ ^'&-ni^ .n m ■1; \mm •5 ■; m f'-- .!' u 50 The Bonds and Mortgages have been compared with the state- ment (No. 2 investments) and found correct and in order. The Auditors think it desirable the following sums should be invested : Widows and Orphans Fund $900.00 Education and Aged Clergy Fund lOO.OO Incapacitated Clergy Fund 300.00 Divinity Scholarship Fund 100.00 C. H. FAIRWEATHER, } a „^unr. W.H.A.KEANS, ' J Auditors. St. John, June 30th, 1875. Mr. G. A. Schofield, from the Schedule Committee, presented a report, which he read, and on motion of Rev. Canon Scovil it was resolved that the report be re- ceived and referred to the Schedule Committee to be appointed this evening. REPORT OF THE SCHEDULE COMMITTEE. To THE Right Reverend the Lord Bishop, and the Gen- eral Committee of the Diocesan Church Society. The Schedule CoAmittee beg leave to submit the followiug report: ^ Your Committee are glad to be able to state at the close of another /ear, that with one exception, all the Missions in the Diocese to which grants have been made by the Society have entered into the agreement required under the Rules. It has not, however, been possible in every case, to carry out the terms as arranged by the General Committee in July last. The following are the changes made, and the reasons that have led| to them : Burton & Lincoln. — The grant made by the General Com-| mittee was $440, upon condition of a contribution by the Mis- sion of $360. This was changed, at the urgent request of the| parishioners and with the concurrence of the Rector, to $400, upon condition of a contribution of $300. The people in thisl Mission asked for the change on the ground that they were quite unable to raise the amount required, for reasons stated at length to your Committee. As the present arrangement only pruduces an income of $730 to the Rector, and as there is noj parsonage, your Committee were very unwilling to make the change, and only did so when it seemed that to insist upon thel original terms would lead to the abandonment of the Mission. Prin( made it the Mis Mission by spec months the grai $520 pei liberal c the inab Hamm the inab the last i from the Committ Under tee have, sion of S tribution of the pe the grant at preseni among th( During by the rul in engage ments we^ press the i represents attend to of issuing present wi ville and I The chai during the foot of this son has yc work of trj has lately c ject, and it be filled, eral Comm Committee held and ii; ported in p fflation has matter has committee t body. Yoi exercise th state- aid be 1900.00 100 .00 300.00 100.00 ditors. mittee, Lion of t be re- e to be EE. HE Gen- lETY. foUowiug close of |ns in the ;iety have It has out the last. The [t have led 51 Prince William & Dumfries. — The grant to this Mission, as made in July, was $520, upon condition of a contribution by the Mission of $260. For the first six months tho people in this Mission only paid $108, and the deficiency of $2:1 was made up by special grant from your Committee. During the past six months the people have paid at the rate of $240 per annum, and the grant from the Society has been continued at the rate of $520 per annum. The death or removal of many who had been liberal contributors in this Mission was the cause assigned for the inability to make up the full amount required. Hammond & Dutch Valley. — In this Mission, on account of the inability of the people to raise the amount required duiing the last six months, a reduction of $20 was made, and the grant from the Society allowed to remain as made by the General Committee. Under the authoiity granted to them last year, your Commit- tee have, at the request of the people, made a grant to the Mis- sion of St. Andrews (Shediac) of $800, upon condition of a con- tribution of $400. Up to the last quarter, owing to the inability of the people to secure the services of a resident Clergyman, the grant has not been called for. The Rev. R. C. Caswell is at present in charge of this Mission, and the grant will be found among those recommended for next year by your Committee. During the year, notice of suspension of stipend, as required by the rules, was sent to 23 Missions, which had failed to send ill engagements at the appointed time. As all these engage- ments were afterwards forwarded, your Committee would again press the request made by the Committee of last year, that the representatives of the different Missions would more promptly attend to this duty, and thus save the expense and annoyance of issuing these unpleasant notices. The Missions that are at present without the services of a Missionary, are — Albert, Sack- ville and Dorchester. The changes that have occurred in the stations of the clergy during the year will be found noted in the memorandum at the foot of this report. Your Committee regret to say that no per- son has yet been found, fitted for and willing to undertake the work of travelling Missionary in the Diocese. The Lord Bishop has lately communicated with friends in England upon this sub- ject, and it is hoped that before long this important office may be filled. Under the authority granted last year by the Gen- eral Committee, a very full enquiry has been instituted by your Committee into the management of Glebe lands, and monies held and invested for the use of the Rector in all Missions sup- ported in part by the Society. A great deal of valuable infor- mation has been received upon this important subject, and the matter has had the most careful consideration, — first of a sub- committee to whom it wfis referred, and afterwards of the whole body. Your Committee has not deemed it prudent this year to exercise the power of suspending the grant to any IVlissiou n ^ » ^ vfi ■ 1'^ 52 where the management is not found to be satisfactory, but for the present unanimously recommended, Ist. That a Certificate be added to the Parochial agreements, which shall be signed by the representatives of the Missions, declaring that the amount given by the Mission is a bona-fidc contribution, and that no part of it is derived from the rent of Glebes, or the interest of investments the property of the Mis- sion. 2nd. That no land be sold without requiring a payment on account at the time of sale, such payment to be a sum sufficient to secure the completion of the sale, and not in any case to be less than ten per centum of the purchase, 3rd. That Church Wardens do use their utmost efforts to settle up all arrears, and in the future to collect rents promptly. 4th. That all the proceeds of sales of Glebe lands be invested in public securities as soon as possible, and until such invest- ment be lodged in the Savings Bank in the name of the Church Corporation. In this connection your Committee find it necessary to report that there is considerable difficulty in obtaining prompt and satisfactory replies to the inquiries which they are compe'^cd to make from time to time, of the Missions receiving aid fr< \ the Society. In the case of the enquiry as to the managen^ of Glebes, etc., no answers were received from Maugerv ■, Kingsclear or Kingston, while several Missions only sent re- turns after a second letter had been issued. Several applications have been made to your Committee during the year for small grants in aid of parsonage houses, in various parts of the Di- ocese. These have all been referred to the General Committee, as the Schedule Committee has no power to make such grants, even if there were funds available for the purpose. But as these applications have always to be considered very hastily by the General Committee on account of press of business, your Committee would suggest that it might be well to pass some general resolution on the subject authorizing the Schedule Com- mittee, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, if there be avail- able funds, to make a grant not exceeding $100 to aid in the building of any parsonage house, when it shall be certified that such grant will complete the building free of debt. The Schedule recommended for next year, and the returns, correspondence and minutes of business transacted by your Committee during the past year, accompany this report. Respectfully submitted. I > ' 1- 1 1 -ft •u- 1.,'; :.i n: W, Q. KETCIIUM, W,H. DeVEBER, " ' C. S. MEDLEY, W.M. JAEVIS, ,/ ;:/ H.W. FRITH, HURD PETERS, G. M. ARMSTRONG., ,; , ;, S. D. BERTON, , «. SIDNEY SMITH, ,, GEO. A. SCHOFIELD. Menoi last The Re The He The Rei The Re) The Re^ The Rev The Rev Tiie Rev Esti Salaries of ContingeiK S. P. G. P( Balance a\ riesofMi Frederict( On mc constitut adopted, val of the That stitution of the Gei Committe sioiis " be Home Mi which tio\i On mo I proceed to ty nomina Mr. Sti I pointed Te ken as ele [for the ens u REV. F. REV. Ci REV, C^ MR.G. U it for lents, 8 ions, a-fide ent of 5 Mis- jnt on ficient to be a settle ivesied invest- Church > report ipt and aapG'Vd id n ■ gerr revs ' ;, sent re- ications or small the Di- mittee, grants, But as stily by 8, your ,88 some le Com- e avail- in the ed that Ireturns, )y your 6& Memorandum of Changes in the Missionary Stations since last report. The Rev. W.B. McKiel .it'o Douglas. ' ' ^' '' ' . The Rev. Jos. E. Wicklow. '* ; The Rev.F. B. Crozier to Dalhousie. . f . ; < . | ; The Rev .Joseph Smith to Petersville. ,, , , ,; The Rev. A. Prime to Newcastle. The Rev. LeBaron Fowler..., to Woodstock & Out-Stations. The Rev. Robert C. St. Andrews, (Shediac.) The Rev. R. Mathers to Bathurst. ... Estimate of Income and Expenditure for 1815-16. ■|<: Salaries of Officers $ 500 00 Contingencies 300 00 S. P. G. Pensions 732 00 Balance available for Sala- ries of Missionaries 18,378 00 $19,910 00 Fredericton, June 29th, 1875. ')■ -.ih Balance on hand, Int. due and uni)aid, &c $ 4C3 00 Subscriptions & collections 7400 00 Interest 850 00 o« P. Or. ••••••••. ..•••••»• 11,200 00 Ml, $19,910 00 On motion of Mr. Frith, the following change in the constitution, of which due notice had been given, was adopted, and subsequently received the written appro- val of the Lord Bishop ; That in Article viii. and in all other parts of the Con- stitution of the Society and in the Rules and Regulations of the General Committee, in which the words " Schedule Committee " occur, the words ** Board of Home Mis- sions " be substituted therefor, and that such Board of Home Missions shall have all the powers and incidents which now be'long to the Schedule Committee. On motion of Rev. Canon Scovil, it was resolved to I proceed to the election of the Board of Home Missions by nomination and ballot. Mr. Sturdee and Mr. DeLancy Robinson were ap- I pointed Tellers, and they reported the following gentle- men as elected members of the Board of Home Missions for the ensuing year : - ^ REV. F. H. J. BRIGSTOCKE, REV. CANON MEDLEY, REV. CANON DeVEBER, MR. G. A. SCHOFIELD, MR. W. M. JARVIS, , MR. C. W. WELDON, MR. HURD PETERS, ' ' MR. G. SIDNEY SMITH. »■'* V IP. I I w wM '■' •r £'■'< 54 On motion of Mr. Schofield, the following resolutions were adopted : .t- t.? That the following be added to the Rules and Regu- lations respecting the Board of Home Missions : ; , 11. The Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, to make any grant that the funds will allow in aid of any Mission not already receiving aid, upon such conditions as they may arrange, such grant to terminate, in every case, on the 1st July next ensuing. 12. That a Certificate be added to the Parochial agreement, which shall be signed by the representatives of the Mission, and declaring that the amount given by the Mission is a bona fide contribution, and that no part is derived from the rent of glebes or the interest of investments — the property of the Mission. 13. On the' following motion being made That the Board of Home Missions shall have power, with the approval of the Lord Bishop, if there be avail- able funds, to make a grant not exceeding $100 to aid in building any Church or Parsonage House, when it shall be certified that such grant will complete the build- ing free of debt. It was moved in amendment by the Rev. Canon Medley, that the words "Church or" be omitted, which amendment having been carried in the affirmative, the original resolution without those words was adopted. The Committee adjourned till to-morrpw evening at 7 o'clock. w« 1 Wednesday Evening, June 30th, 1875. The Committee met in the Masonic Hall at 7, P. M. The Lord Bishop in the Chair. Prayers, Read minutes of last meeting, which were approved. | Mr. G. A. Schofield, from the Board of Home Mis- sions, was re TheB before t have 110 enabJe t mend th sideratic for the e is quite i io point ommend exceedinj the most tians. ^ upon the F. H W. A CHA H. \| W. <5 The S then con subject Parishes Sohednle comment from peo Andover,... Albert...... Bathurst, ... Burton and Buctouche, . Cambridge, ( Campobello, 55 tions legu- sions, submitted the following report, which, on motion, was received : i . REPORT OF BOARD OF HOME MISSIONS. power, e avail- I to aid fvheu it e build- by the or" be 1 in the e words ■nie Board of Home Missions beg to report that they have had befwe them several applications for special grants which they have not been able to consider with sufficient carefulness to enable them to arrive at any decision ; they therefore recom- mend that all these applications be referred to their future con- sideration. They have also considered the estimate of income for the ensuing year, and they are of opinion that such estimate is quite as favorable as can reasonably be expected. Ijiiey beg to point out to the General Committee, that as the grants rec- ommended for next year exceed the estimated income by a sum exceeding $3,000, there is certain to be a large defici.ency unless the most strenuous exertions are made to increase the subscrip- tians. The Committee only recommend the grants as below upon the understanding that such efforts will be made. F. H. J. BRIGSTOCKE, W. M. JARVIS, CHARLES S. MEDLEY, H. W. FRITH, W. Q. KETCHUM, CHAS. W. WELDON, G. SIDNEY SMITH, WM. H. DeVEBER. G. A. SCHOFIELD. The Schedule recommended by the Committee was then considered, and the following grants were passed, subject to the payments required from the several Parishes: (. h, 1875. 7, P. M. jproved. me Mis- Sohednle of Income derived from Glebes, &o., Grants re- commended from the Society* and contributions required foom people in aid of Missionaries' Salaries* 1875-1816. MISSION. Andover , Albert, Bathurst, Burton and Lincoln, Buctouche Cambridge, Grand Lake Mission, . Campobello,.. • From Glebe & Int. on Deben. 30 533 From Mission. 240 300 280 300 200 160 160 From D. C. 8. 560 500 620 400 500 240 520 Total. 800 800 800* 730 700 933 680* A P M,:5 j- 56 :n>n ' II PARISH. Canterbury, Chatham, Clifton, Derby and Nelson, Dalhousie, Douglas, ••• Fairville, (from Ist April, 1875,. Gagetown,. . . > Grand Manan, Greenwich, Hammond and Dutch Valley,... Kmgsclear, :>n^ Kingstoi Lancaster,. McAdam, (aided elsewhere), Maugerville and Newcastle, Moncton, . . . . : Newcastle and Glenelg, New Maryland, Norton, Petersville (from C. & C. S. $200),. . Petitcodiac, • Prince William and Dumfries,. ... . . Queensbury, Richmond, Rothesay ($400 from Parish), Sackville and Dorchester, St . George and Pennfleld, Simonds, St. Mary's and Stanley,.. tSt. David and St. Patrick, Springfield and Johnston, Sussex and Studholm, > St. Andrews — Shediac, Upham, Wicklow, Westfield, Westmorland, Woodstock, Woodstock, lay reader (temporary), Woodstock, and out Stations, Weldford and Kingston, Travelling Missionary, S. P. G. GRANTS Hampton, . . Shediac, ... Richibucto, . From Glebe & Int. on Deben. ■*40* 125 88 (28) 40 48 *i54* 120 80 50 40 100 From Mission. 200 400 60 20 2C 240 240 200 100 180 100 52 (70) 120 230 184 260 90 120 200 360 300 400 400 300 62 240 320 200 240 120 300 400 500 300 160 200 220 260 420 400 280 200 160 240 420 240 300 11,792 From D. C. S. 480 260 60 620 500 560 160 520 520 580 500 440 500 300 400 400 160 440 200 580 620 580 400 200 200 500 600 560 560 480 300 300 480 400 500 260 280 320 400 800 735 735 490 21,900 Total. 680 800 120 7^ Wd 800* 400 845* 708* 760* 740* 800* 800* 748* 800* 854* 212 800 800 830 800* 800* 700* 1000* 800* 800* 760 812 780* 840* 960* 700 760* 600 844* 760* 790* 560 700 800 735* 735* 610* t On condition that the amount expended on the Parsonage from sale of Glebe Lands be insured by the Church Wardens on the Parsonage. * Parsonage. , , « ":;v,- '; § 736* 735* 610* of Glebe 57 On motion of the Rev. Canon Medley it was resolved that the following gentletn6n do form the Book Deposi- tory Committee for the ensuing year : ' ' i*i *» ^' v o j THE LORD BISHOP, .! f, •. {„ REV. F. II. J. BRJGSTOCKE, MR. G. A. SCHOFIELD, « Gi jr. ARMSTRONG, ' ''^^i •' G. W. WHITNEY, " T. E. DOWLING. . y ^.y^^\ Q. E./ L, MRV^. , ) , // If a. ■'ved by the Re oster Almon that an al- teration, Oi which due notice had been given, with re- ference to payments by the Clergy to the Widows' and Orphans' fund ; this motion was o^cfd^ft ift the negative. On motion of Rev. W. Cruden there was granted to the Widow of the late Rev. J. M. Sterling, $100. It Was moved that tliere be gi^anted to the Treasurer the sum of $300, to which an amendment was mov^d by the Rev. E. A. W. Hanin^on that the ^ixvA riOTned jbe $200, — which amendment was cai-ried in the afflrto* lative. ' . i ' •; . ■ ! -. ' > . ■;]' \ There was granted to the Seeretar^,.. . .U. . . . ... . ..>..,. . . «. . . ..;. *8lt|0 To the Executive Committee for Contingencies, » . . . SQO Oii'niotidn of = Mt-: Seh'ofieldi IfcwiA^ r6=*WVe^ th«t 'tike |following be the Officers of the Society for the ei!>8uiii^> |MR. H. W. FRITH Treasurer. CANON KETCHUM, D. D SECRETARY. IMESSRS. C. H. FAIRWEATHER, and W. H. A. KEANS, Auditors. The following were elected members of the Executive Committee : HON. MR. JUSTICE ALLEN, MR. C. E. L. JARVIS, MR. S. D. BERTON. " A. INCHES, " T. BARCLAY ROBINSON, " T. B. HANINGTON, " R. T.CLINCH, " B.L.PETERS, " W. CARMAN, " HURD PETERS, " G.E. FENETY, " JAS. R. RUEL, HON. MR. JUSTICE FISHER, " J. WOODFORDE SMITH, I MR. I. ALLEN JACK. " G. SYDNEY SMITH, " G. A. SCHOFIELD, « C. W. WELDON, I COL. J. ROBINSON, " G. W. WHITNEY, MR. T. W. DANIEL, " J, W. BRAYLEY, " H. G. C. KETCHUM, " H. L. STURDEE. 8 \' ' ■!f. \ i\ 58 < V'l ^ ^f The Hon. Mr. Justice Fisher, for Mr. Jas. S. Beek, pve notice of the following proposed change in the Constitution of the Society ; viz., To give the right to the members of the Society who attend the public services at the Cathedral in the citj^ of Fredericton, to elect two lay delegates. J. FBEDERICTON, CAairman. W. Q. KETCHUM, 8ec'y. AMirXVERSART MEETIMO. "t I>')^-•••'^» •1,7)' ' f ' ' ' , /■ ' ' ■>1 ut , :■■') )• I, I,;', -I Fbedebi^ton, July 1st, 1875. The Anniversary Meeting was held in the Madras School Boom, on Thursday, at 4 F. M. The Rev. Canon Scovil, Ph. D., V. P., in the Chair. The Secretary submitted the Annual Report, and on motion it was - Resolved^ That the same be received and printed un. der the direction of the Executive Committee, r.rr; W. SCOVIL, Chairman, .YHA•t:l:J;^.■ H •j'Hi\y>lt/d Jlij : I ''iu:'!:! >i.<; '. ,'■1 /.lU..'. .J .A > J.;*;;^ "I • .. ■ .*: ■■•\ ' •. !:j- ;/•; -I/;! f :\ .;' .i^-iV/. Ji .7/; For this C< the d9t Attl Octobe: Thei John, c A re] mittee, ference the bala also wit on the I In the Commiti of the P taken to Court, suit amo A. repi Commit Thev tory at on the li TheS« a few ins sionaries Mission issued re In nej Society TheR Widows' tions. 59 REPORT OF THE PROOEEDDTOS OF THE EZEOCTIVE OOMIOTTEE OF THE DIOCESAN OHUROH SOCIETY, FOR THE TEAR EKOINO JUNE 1875. .'■ill' M ; For an abstraot of the proceedings of the meeting of this Committee, held at St. John, July 3d, 1874, see the 39th Report, pages 61 and 62. At the meeting appointed at Fredericton, on the 7th October, there was not a quorum present. . , The next meeting of this Committee was held at St. John, on the 6th January, 1875. A report was made, on the part of the Finance Com- mittee, in the case of the Rev. W. E. Scovil, with re- ference to a proposal by him regarding the payment of the balance due the Society by the late Treasurer ; and also with reference to the property held by the Society on the N. M. wharf, St. John. "'' In the case of the will of the lace Miss Hazen, the Committee reported the adverse decision of the Judge of the Probate Court, and that necessary steps had been taken to bring the matter on appeal before the Supreme Court. Cost and expenses have been incurred in this suit amounting to $440. A report was submitted from the Book Depository Committee, embracing the rules and regulations. The value of the Stock at the opening of the Deposi- tory at Messrs. Pielers' was 1906.09, and cash balance on the Ist December last, $125.35. '; '; i- ■ - *i The Schedule Committee reported certain changes in a few instances in the amount of the stipends of the Mis- sionaries, and that a grant had been made in aid of the Mission at Point Du Chene, and that circulars had been issued regarding the income from Glebe Lands. In nearly all the Missions, the requirements of the Society as to local payments had been complied with. The Rev. F. B. Orozier was permitted to join the Widows' and Orphans' Association on the usual condi- tions. 'i f 1 ■•■ GO III '■ Ti' Permission was granted to the Rev. W. S. Neales, who has been obliged to leave the Diocese on account of ill health, to continue his connection with the Asso- ciation for the current year on making the required, pay- ments. It was reported that the bill for printing the last An- nual Report had been paid, and the following accounts were passed by the Committee : H. A. Cropley, oxpenaes in forwarding Reports, $6.72 The Secretary, for the same, and for poHtage ft-om July to this date, 5.80 MessfH. McMillan, for blank book forms, printing accounts for the use of the Treasurer and Committees,. 67«85 At the meetin<i[ of this Committee at Fredcricton, on the 3d March, 1875, «• , •. ' ■ •' Mr. Fenety's bill for advertising was ordered to be paid, amounting to $1.80. ...v ..e>. ,l ..,,,. i. ,i The Treasurer was authorized to pay to the Widow of the late Rev. J. H. Saturley the pension due from the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. This Committee met at St. John on the 2nd June. ' Owing to an accident connected with the baggage on the Railway, the Secretary was unable to lay before the meeting the minutes of the last meeting, and the report of the proceedings of this Committee for the past year ; it was moved that the same be presented at the Special Meeting of the Committee to be held at Fredericton, be- fore the meeting of the General Committee. , , , Mr. Frith, on the part of the Finance Committee, presented a report, in which it was stated that during the past year the AJmount in the hands of the Committee for Investment was,. .|d761 10 Amount invosted in various Securities, 3269 60 is temporarily applied to meet costs and expenses in the suit at law connected with the will of the late Miss Hazen. The Committee reported an arrangement made with regard to the Scovil property on the N. M. wharf, in St. Jol only re bridge, sary re these r< will yie The( its resu] the Wili of the E before ti Thisr Mr. S mittee, p General ( nient of a Mr. I. presented communic to give in glebe lane I of land in This rej It was I make the I meeting ol erts, T. a. jman, Fene |Committee - A Speci prederictoi presented a Committee vith an abs Sered to be Ml'. Friti Supplement fn intimatio it if 61 ilos, sunt .980- pay- An- junts , 6.30 .57.85 m, on . I ► . . , to be Vidow e from line, age on )re the report year ; pecial m, be- mittee, ingthe 8761 10 3269 60 M91B0 in the Lazen. le with larf , in St. John, whereby, for a term of years, the Society will only receive the anxount doviaod to the Parish of Cam- bridge, the balance of the rent being allowed for neces- sary repairs on the building. On the completion of these repairs, the Committee consider that the premises will yield a higher rent. The Committee propose to report on their action and its result in the case of the suit at law with reference to the Will of the late Miss Hazen, at a Special Meeting ot the Executive Committee to, be held at Frederictori, before the meeting of the General Committee. , , . - _ _ Jim M j >,(\ This report was received and adopted. .; ,i;,,>,.,j /j .;, Mr. Schofield, from the Book Depository Com- mittee, presented a report, which was referred to the General Committee, with directions to publish the state- ment of account with the accounts of the Treasurer. Mr. I. Allen Jack, from the Glebe Land Committee^ presented a report, stating that the Committee was in communication with members of the Church qualified to give information with reference to various tracts of glebe land, and also with a proposed purchaser of a tract of land in the County of Restigouche. ^t . /i . > ,i'>i;jj This report was also received and adopted. ' <i 'r.-.l It was resolved that a Committee be appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the approaching meeting of the Society, and that the Revs. G. G. Rob- erts, T. S. Dowling, Hon. Judge Fisher, Messi^s. Car- man, Fenety, Frith, and Berton, do cofaipose the said Committee. ' A Special Meeting of this Committee was held at jFredericton on the 2t9th June last, when the Secretary resented and read a Report of the proceedings of thi^ Committee for the past year, which was received, and ith an abstract of the proceedings of this Meeting, or- ered to be laid before the General Committee. Mr. Frith, from the FitiahcS^ Committee, presented A upplementary Report Statibg that ** on the 26th inst. .11 intimation was given by the Supreme Court that the k ! h i !l ■ • I if - Ml . 62 Will of the late Miss Hazon, by which a considerablo amount of real estate in St. John and Portland is given to the Society, would be sustained, and judgment given in the ensuing Michaelmas Terra.'' The Committee can- not, therefore, at present take into consideration, mat- ters connected with this property. The Committee met at Fredericton, July I8nd, 1875, when the following resolutions were adopted : ' " " That copies not exceeding 3,500 of the Annual Report be printed, and that the Rev. Canon DeVeber, the Rev. J. Pearson, the Rev. T. E. Dowling, Mr. G. S. Smith, Mr. W. Carman, Mr. G. E. Fenety, and the Secretary, be a Committee to attend to that duty. That the Rev. Canon Scovil, Messrs. W. M. Jarvis, B. Lester Peters, G. Sidney Smith, W. Carman, G. E. Fenety, T. W. Daniel, and the Treasurer, do lorm the Finance Committee for the ensuing year. ;, ;> , . That the Rev. J. Pearson be the Secretary of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund for the ensuing year. That Messrs. I. Allen Jack, G. A. Schofield, J. B. Ruel, C. W. Weldon, G. Sydney Smith, and W. M. Jarvis be the Glebe Land Committee. It was resolved that the thanks of this Committee be tendered to the Rev. John Pearson for his past services as Secretary of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. The following resolutions werealso adopted : I 1. That the Glebe Land Committee be authorised to I take proceedings to recover possession of the Church land in the Parish of Addington, and if necessary to| commence an action of ejectment, or in such other man* ner as may be most for the interest of the Society, and] that the expenses thereof be taken out of the proceeds] of the sale of the land. ft. That the Glebe Land at Pokemouch in the Coun-I ty of Gloucester, and also that in Brunswick in the] County of Queens» be referred to the special considers tion of the Glebe Land Committee. , ,, ; TBBi ] 1874. May 1. 1876. May 1. ' 1876. Mayl. Bj or ^.' f. ^ 1 • i ' 63 TBBABUBBR'B AOOOXmTB FOB THE YEAR END- ING MAY 1st, 1876. .^41V3f lTj- h^l ( • .•- r: i??*. No. 1. Qeneral Furposes. 1874. Dr. May 1. To balance per last acct., 39th re- port, p. 69| .... .-'. i'j. 1876. May 1. To received durjnc year : Subscriptions and Collectiors, per Schedule A. . Interest on Investments, ac count No. 2, . Proceeds 8. P. G. Exchange, £2,326 Sterling, . Parishes per account No 3, " Samuel Scovil " Trust, Ba» ance per account No. 10, r, 1876. [• l; lit (I n Cb. May 1. Bt paid during tear: Salaries of Missionaries per Schedule B. In cash, . $24,909 10 Produce %c. 3,921 60 'J Salaries of Officers, per Sched- ule C. . Contingencies, per Schedule D. S. P. G. PAiisions, " E. Balance carried to account next year, Totals, . ' 'I $1,200 12 <, -.1 .'■ ,■ J , !• $28,830 60 450 00 396 88 732 00 229 21 I 7,366 79 669 26 11,266 92 10,018 61 .136 00 i.-.i.'- I'.ii'. 1 1 . .-i.-.H •|s •!:»'.: ' ,1 II. -?-•,•!' I .■■ ' ■..■.*'l. , { /j;;./. u-i'' ^ '■ -ii-'7; ./' .:■ ii' v' UV.. !l ■' $30,637 69 $30,637 69 »)■■ .i I ■».; .1: >iUt i^! 'r,-: = .m-. » . r Hi; - m \^- !..•': !»<</ 64 Subporiptions and Colleotions received in 1874-6. Parishes. Andover, -n'- nv (< Bathurst, . . . . Buctouche, . . . . Burton, . . . . J Campobello, . . . . Cambridge, .... Canterbury, . . . . Carleton, St. George's, Chatham, . . . . Derby and Nelson, . ' . Da]housie, . . . . Fredericton, . Gagetown, . . *'.!''•. Grandmanan, Hammond and Dutch Valley, Hampton, Kingsclear, . Kingston, Lancaster, Maugerville, . Moncton, McAdam, New Maryland, Newcastle, Norton, ^"'' Portland, St. Luke, Portland, St. Paul, Petersville, Petitcodiac, .... Prince William and Dumft'ies, Queensbury, . Richibucto, Rothesay, ,' ' v^ r. ., Richmond, St. Andrews, St. David and St. Patrick, St. George and Pennfield, St. John, Trinity, . St. Marks, I'lii 7 u $87 76 21 25\ 39 82 20 00 119 00 70 07 10 00 38 00 79 16 224 38 136 60 39 60 846 28 77 00 36 94 30 11 58 30 115 69 63 06 70 06 76 09 60 61 6 20 42 46 260 47 42 50 10 00 497 OOl 24 66 62 33 100 00 100 00 72 64 160 00 75 17 172 69 90 11 204 23 931 19 361 87 >-nt(HfU\ , 9 70 24 00 I 6 60 9 07 6 00 60 00 6 46 1 i 195 76 .'•> .'I . -/ ■a.ui- ' ■ 10 25 Total. 223 06 i 87 76 21 25 39 82 20 00 119 00 70 07 10 00 38 00 88 85 248 38 136 50 39 60 846 28 82 60 86 94 30 11 67 37 120 69 113 06 76 51 75 09 60 61 6 20 42 45 250 47 42 50 10 00 692 76 24 65 62 83 100 00 100 00 82 79 160 00 76 17 172 69 90 11 204 23 1154 25 361 87 jiva... 4-6. 'OTAL. 87 75 21 25 39 82 20 00 119 00 70 07 10 00 38 00 88 86 248 38 136 50 39 60 845 28 82 60 36 94 30 11 67 37 120 69 113 06 75 51 75 09 60 61 6 20 42 45 250 47 42 60 10 00 692 76 24 65 62 33 100 00 100 00 82 79 150 00 75 17 172 69 90 11 204 23 1154 25 361 87 65 » Pahishes. St. John, St. James, St. Mary's aud Stanley, St. Stephen, Christ Church, . Sackville and Dorchester, Shediac, .... Simonds, .... Springfield and Johnson, Sussex and Studholm, . Uphara, ..... hVestfield, . . ...,.-,,. ,._ Westmorland, . . . TVoodstock, .... Special Collection at Anniversary I Service, St. John, Trinity, July 2d, 1874. . 1873-4. 1874-5. 1^ .« Totals, I Leas amount limited to Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 1873-4, To Widows' and Orphans' Fund, 1874-75, 176 00 70 00 29 00 218 88 61 71 141 07 48 50 169 10 142 65 76 50 17 95 232 .94 58 53 W'^ 10 00 Total. $6952 68 11 31 $559 11 27 00 128 00 175 00 70 00 29 00 228 88 61 71 141 07 48 50 169 10 153 96 76 50 17 95 282 94 58 63 $7511 79 156 00 $7356 79 9 • . . . • . . K ' tr l—' .■ " '^ '•* "" "'■» r 1*. k< p£< c ^ Ci^ lij <«.. ,;:^ >-■. ^ -^ , s,/ ^ .:<«« w. «... .J. t"' ^j^ ^ A, X j^ C ,-• U ^vrf: C- C C ■ r '^ HC ■ l\i L» KmJ i^ —i. ** ** •• M* Mta f-fc S ^ •**^ vv 1 o ^ '.L- *■- ?- tr. :2 " ■? .4 i? ^ T S' • ^ } ►• f f-1. ( 05 f»T ,-5i o» f ,'.?!l OB \ 5 5 55 5 CO 5 5 T 00 ' » 1-? s 8 s CO CO 8 S ^Z t> ^4 oo ">*< t'^ ; iii e >o « ts 1 S •a. It 8 in. ^g| 8 888888 88 8 8 8888;: CO ^ 8 oooo o© _ ^ CO O t^<N t* »0C0O«0 «iH OQ CO <o S8 i to lO to 8 Oil (O s :88 8 oo o rH O rH O 88 CO CO C4 O O (M lO to Xd «~l rH 8 888888888 S 8^8 . t«<0 iO<0 ooooo u^ - - - - «3 P <M (N 8 (M ooooo ooooo §ooo>o O <N O 'O ■^ t>tot* 88 888888888 go Q.0,i0 0»£?0 00 O W Ot> rH ^ CO (N t» O TjliO »0 WS CO 00 •* -^ «-< <M 8 88888 8 S >o »o oo o o»o coco (M O N «0 r-t lO »0 »0 88 888888888 8 8 QOQOO 8: 8: Q OOOOOOOO "* O O <3> «0 0> 00 CO <N (N G^ CO 0> >0 O) 00 O CO i OOOOO oo Tj» Ti< 8; CO (M (M (?< <N tH iH F-4 /— _/^.— ^ "; 0? •^ iH i 1 •3^ •od • j. 11 3 d •'S Q f « • 2 • 1 ©sot « 3^^- 1^^^^ s •» • hal ^ ,_1 •»•••» • _T 3 ""^ • 3* • ll^ •* — -m >f -» m fa " ^ ^ « ^ «« ^ ^^ TK • * «• -<« N« X« • • • .1 • d o . • • • • 04 • • • IS o ^ a<c3 a sff^5§a .-§ dd'ColioSdS 55-2 &iS a^2^ d d S S «^jq2 es oacQooooooQ • a 45 d •« •si i •§§^2 2 o 04 ^8^ »o 888 OiOO^ 0» CO O I <oi>f:i ssst TP t* «3 ^ S'^SS CO o '<5 OS ^> :?♦■ a Q 's 88:: OQOOs ©<ooeo «o U) CO 5 O <M'0 3 O rH ri 3000 5000 -) O O 'O 5 <M O 'Ci ,J1 t>.«Ot" 8f88 o o o»o «0 (N Q t> 888S ^88S G^ (M r-l 1-t bo ■ ;-■ o S o t S3 , p « u ^ *3'0 a be S3 « •E ISm 67 lO C4 8 8 o o ^888888 8 :g It*"* >oo>o ^ (O 8 to to 8 00 888S 88888 88 (M Q00«0 ^ (N »Ou:5 QOO b- <?< "* ^ «o- 83 8 8 »o >o .88 OOOO 88 oo «0 (O 8 8 8 I g 8888888 8 8 8888 8888S 88 OW3 0> CO 8o>S Ob- tot* t^ t* t* «0 «0 O (NOQ to ^ x* «o CI co>o t> 8 ^ xS «ai ;8; i^^t>' to t* 3 8888888 8 8 888; 888 oo oo 88 U500 >00 8^8 ^ eoo> 9 I U5 eo O OQOO t-WJOOO' 0»0 o «o^o«o •*«oo»oo ooo 8^88888 8 8 8888 SSdS8 8 .oo»oo»o p^s 8! <oo> _ ^ CO (M (NOO US S3 to 5§8 C4,0O <M o; ;o CO ' w^ I CO GO QD 00 'CO tu)^ ODfO 2"l a 0)' i^ Sod fid • • as • • 0} • 0) S ® s^^a bo boo B fl "" ?^i a § 'O .•» 9 ^^ © .? if 32 00 _8 CO S 1'' - 1' .[rl 1 : 7 mm IH|| I^Hrni ''; . Ml rixM mi 68 c c c o r-l T o e O CO •■•^ 00 si •3 • uwl <uc: § i'^ <v 03 a 5 ^ ^ 1—1 1-H of o o oo o 1— t oo •• coco ss o oo o 00 CO oo oo o o ; (M tH T-t t^ CO 88 o o ■ oo CO CO CO 1— < • T-l o o o o o o CD CO O €© cc -J4 a . • !€ It. -- ^=?J 69 4A /. O ■-« 2> ("» Ig"^ f.8 ^f.'fVAfP r"^ o us - i-t — o . •pf 'mT rr ■'i-'i. H » <» . "^■x* O CO o. H 2 axs. :nio-. J ->i ►^ r^ Ti '"' '^ ).,. 2XS 'I \ >OI!/i c a a 22i 5 ■&■ '^ >~-t *•> ■ •^^ ~? *> -" I Lt - O S M Z^'^^- v/.» (a ^ « 5 ^^K ^-i: ". V. > S 9"= ..- rr "^^ ;.< . 2r- el «,, S.. :5 u • ji ■C .E -i^ 2 .s •a- .fliliJv.v) ■^ 5^0 i: a 3 u «? ■e-iicD r2 Ob-' ^5 ■s. i o^S5 S .'^ .^i .« t^^ D i-^a „ . i«o'. i")jii(; .1 V;,K hWMj <i .1'.' v!|;|, yx .^> k ^r >\ ... lA ,4 >i ■luJvfK) .:^^(J/; •>i! l."l ^,)0•^.k1 I I!' •;■ ..,•[• ■>'? m'r HBCi TO (O) Offloers' Salaries. 1875. May 1. To paid during year to Ist April, 1876. The Secretary, The Treasurer, « Total, $175 00 275 00 $450 00 1874. June 3, July 22, Oct. 20, it 23, 1876. Jan. 7, Feb. 27, Mar. 23, April 16, " 30, (D) Contingenoies. To paid Secretary, Sundries per Bill, . '« G. A. Knodell, Printing, &c., " H. A. Cropley, printing, &c., Re- port, << J. & A. McMillan, Printing and Sta- tionery, u tt ti It It n J. & A. McMillan, do. do., Secretary, Sundries per Bill, . Expenses Anniversary Service, Boyal Gazette Advertising, . Rev. Mr. Talbot, travelling expenses, Postages, Treasuri^ and Schedule Committee, to date, $14 06 13 25 222 55 5 10 67 86 5 30 17 50 1 80 46 67 11 80 $395 88 (E) 8. P. O. Pensions. 1876. April 1. To paid during year: Mrs. Coster, 4 quarters, « Black, " . " Street, " ?^^^ ■c $244 00 244 001 244 001 $732 3 x>< iOI 2 Is.-. § a > d H 0l 01 1^ if ^.3 81 9» 4> ea u H eq • i • i • t 'I ^ S S« I:: pt-s ft. I '■"«v« 71 $175 00 275 00 $450 00 $14 06 13 25 222 65 5 10 57 85 5 30 17 60 180 46 67 11 80 OB $395 88 $244 00 244 00 244 00 $732 OC o N ^ m a M I O I • I a S r-S lO fc I I SS 3 2Q ^ ■* ^ CO *» ai ► 2 «a^- sa'®»" S 0) 5-<ff-rM «> ST3. 'igSlsg-SI ;s ^oTcS O OS a^^' «0 3 Cu « 9> » o a O I??-* ^9 9 2'Sfl ^"5 h" -, "S ^ >» ^ ^-S 1^ ^ M« ■OW »^'i iVi HV 5 O O O O O O O O O S '^ o o o o o O O- X .. V. ^^^ - - - a g I'® eS H »4^ *»eo ■*iO^ »0 •»-> as * S »?-^ o sua « s 01 «''2 P.>T>^aa<1 ^ » 72 !:'('■ -H ^^ No. 3. Parishes. 1874. ."' I - o >■ *. :- Dr. « s e rT r:- 5 *i ^ '- $ ■< ri ■ May 1. To Balance at credit of this account, ii"^;^^- $115 00 1875. , ►,: May 1. To received during year — In Cash, . . ■ . $6082 U - Receipts, 3921 60 10003 61 ^,■.4 Cr. May 1. By this amount carried to Dr. No. 1, $10018 61 . . : '• " this amount carried to account - *^ -; I next year — Simonds, . . . 100 00 •.If: '-'. $10118 61 $10118 61 f i I i { I I I t * 1874. No. 4. Widows' and Orphans' Fund. -."-;■'. ^ Dr. t: t I i I I < I • May 1. To Balance in hand this date, 1875. May 1 . To Received during year : •:■ >~ ;T - ~ .< •'.— > 1874. Interest on $7300, the prin- pal of this Fund, . Premiums and Oollections per Rev. Mr. Pearson's' s return, F, . . , r. Amounts paid to Treasurer, is -^ limited to W. & O. Fund : . - ^; i ^. . 187S-4, . .... $27 00 : i ^. 1874-6, 128 00 ~' c' cv " o c :". c :j ■" '^t^ •*■ * ^» ."^ -*, *.t ^ .«, UR; — — ~i— .— >--- 1 •. ' fj $881 10 438 00 466 74 166 00 ^^Tvia -^ .=- July 16. By paid Mrs. Sterling, . ' . $100 00 l. " 10. " Transferred to Investments account, No. 9, . . r^r. : 800 00 1876. Mar. 23, By paid Mrs. Saturley, . . 100 00 ]^ " Balance can*ied to account i-jS. next year, « . . . . 940 84 Totals, $1940 84 $1940 84 W. & O. 1874. June 11. ( <( (r « it j " 25. I " 29. ( Oct. 16. 1 " *' C " 24. I 1875. Jan. 1. I " " C " H 2. B 7. R 18. R 22. R 25. R 27. R( 28. R( " R( " Re " Cc " Rf " Rf " Co 30. Re " Re u " Ke lApril 8. Co " 22. 23. 80. it n ft ft *t ti tt " mi M|8f (( u (( u <t « u t( « It « u u u u u u tl u u u it tt Coll. 438 00 466 74 165 00 iL 'tti' •f»:.» t ■^s 73 (F) .it«.,*u.'>.;M* J' .::.Y W. ft O. Fund, Annual Payments and OoUeotionB, 1874-5* 1874. June 11. Collection at Kinffsclear, . . ' . . $ 2 00 Bev. J. F. CaiT, (donatioQ,) . . . , 7 OO Collected at Kingsclear (boxes) , . . . 10 00 Rev. G. G. Hoberts, 11 96i 25. Rev. J. F. Carr, 8 27 29. Collection at Maryland, . « < . . 4 47* 16. The Lord Bishop of Lichfield^'.' , .60 00 " Collection in Fredericton Cathedral, . . 20 00 24. Rev. Canon Scovll, . . . . -;■ . 25 00 (r (( (( ti Oct. « 1875. Jan. « « « « t( 1. Rev. T. E. Dowling, ** Coi!d(ition at St. George's, Curleton, " Rev. John Pearson, 2. Rev. James Neales, 7. Rev. Thomas Neales, 18. Rev. T. Hartin, 22. Rev. W. S. Neales, . 25. Rev. W. Cruden, . 27. Rev. G. G. Roberts, 28. Rev. C. Willis, " Rev. F. Almouj Rev. Canon DeVeber, Collection at St. PauPs, Portland, Rev. J. H. Talbot, .. Rev. Canon Medley, Collection at Sussex, SO. Rev. £. Hanington, " Rev. J. F. Carr, . " Rev. B. Shaw, April 8. Collection at Woodtitock tt tt u tt tt tt tt tt u ti It (( « (( (( « « « u It 22. 23. 80. tt tt tt tt n tt tt tt tt tt (I . n r Parish Church Frederictpp Gagetown, Holy Trinity, St. Stephen Cambridge, M<;Adam', . •n-.-uu -. ..^■>/ • Prince William, Dutch Valley, Petitcodiac, Derby, Einff3cl^ar, Rey. I. F. C^rr (aouation), . , ( i ^• i (. ! . • Miss McKay's.bpx, $3,81,Miss Segee's bo3iF,$0 M^ss Georgie MaunsielPs box, Collection at Canterbury, tt . tt tt it it tt it tt .V' 86, 9 68 8 00 12 80 23 56 7 82 20 30 afiOi 11 25 11 95 11 22 13 0^ 14 431 40 5*' 7 88 10 27 7 09 8 50 8 27 8 93 10 00 13Qli 3 50 10 00^ 6 00 2 00 4 79 4 25 6 97 4Ga' 8 30 . 6 00 4 67t/ 44 2 00 51940 84 $466 74 JOHN PEARSON, Secretary W. & O.Fund. < .4* , . . 'I, .• ;.■ ! J',., . ' ■ ■ ^':-i m' if' 74 No. 6« Education, Ac, and Aged Olergy Fund. 1874. ?* f --f" -■»»*)'-- f 1 --*■' ^if/tJ Dr. 'ai^ i ^ ) t I jh.hnu'^ ,0 May 1. To Balance from last year's account, •i<)i' 4 $283 79 1875. l,.vv, May 1. " Interest on |1000, to date, *,; ,{ > i,., ..ofh '«) 60 00 1874.' . ^ . . . Cr. 'l%''i''';:^ ^n July 10. By this amount transferred to i,,jm.j:i>*> ,,<»'i Investment account, No. 9, . $200 00 ( ■ 1875. May 1. " Balance carried to account next > ' ^^r ?• year, 14fi 79 ?:\ <! Oi: i-f do u^ l:H ' Ml' (*<: 1874.' -H' !• $848 79 $843 79 No. 6. Divinity SoholarshipB Fund. Dr. . t r^i >»iji'f/i. .lii , T' ■ -. f( _-, ,<: ■• ■ May 1. To Balance from last year's account, .} . *. $69 84 1875. ,.,.;. 1/ ,) ., H . May 1. '< Interest on $900 to date, ,i,'r.«}^,v. /i .,'.*,*' 64 00 1874. Cr. ' ' ' -" -''^i May 1. By Balance carried to account next ' Hr: V year, . . - „ ,.^ .*4.i . $123 84 ^0 T . . :ll^^ '' 912B 84 $123 84 . (Hi 8 ... 1^75.^ , , . HUlt .* » 'Ml. .1'- No. 7. Inoapaoitated Clergy Fund. > ,t* Dr. ' ,, Jan. 26. To amount received from the Lord Bishop of Fredericton, Mny 1. " One year's interes.t on $8000, to •' (>V > date, . . iif'^. . . $180 00 5.. |. " Six months' interest on $1000, 30 00 1875. Cr. Yrl.-./T . $1123 75 210 00 »> Feb. 27. By this amount transferred to Dr. ^^ ^ q , of Investment account. No, 9, $1000 00' , May 1. "Balance carried forward to next year's account. . . 385 75 ,' li \jG $1833 75 $1833 75 id. f ,*^ . 1283 79 60 00 75 No. 8. Bx-TreaBurer'B Aooount, Prinoipal and Interest. 1874. April 1, July 1, (( $843 79 .V $69 84 ■••64 00 Oct. 1, « 1876. Jan. 1, n To Balance due per last Report, p. 74, To S mouths' interest on above am- ount to date, .... * By payment on account, . To 3 months' interest on bal. to date, ...(.;/ t.-f $1123 30 By payment on account, . ,#! i 100 00 April 1. Prinoipal. $1188 87 17 83 $1206 70 100 00 $1106 70 16 60 $1023 30 16 36 $1038 66 60 00 $123 84 « (< $1123 75 210 00 $988 66 14 83 To 3 months' interest on bal. to date, By payment on account, . To 3 months' interest on bal. to dale. By payment on account, . .\;i ..*v» , ■ ■ > 'iitlii . Principal due this date, . * Principal due Ist April, 1374, . Do 4o 1876, . $1003 48 50 00 Interest. $963 48 $U88 87 963 48 Paid off during year, and carried to Dr. Investment account. No. 9, Interest Cr. in Interest acct.. No. 2. $236 39 $17 83 16 60 16 36 .^TMl 14 88 $64 61 u\: /iiiU as m l$1333 76| <7Sfi hi faTi;^ H 1i!- > / ( ■ .■ 1 .iee%oJalo:r.Ho. 8. Investment* Aooount. 1874. 1 * Dr. .v.d .'n . May 1. To balance last year's account, . July 10. ^* Amount transferred from ac- count No. 4, . IM'ti^ ** Amount transferred fVom ac- - - -•: count No. 6, . . . Aug. 4. ** GboI Bond No. 5 (Gitv and - - County of St. John; paid ,'>» '<' off, 1875. "' ■" Feb. 27. " Amount transferred from ac- count No. 7, . April 30. " Amount received account Ex- Treasurer's debt, as per No. 7, . . . . Ot'. 'I « Gaol Bond No. 6 (Citv and County of St. John) paid -'■ off, . 1325 77 1800 00 -^ 200 00 1000 00 ,. .,. 600 00 1000 00 285 39 '.i'< til >• ^ I 600 00 1874. Cr. 800 00 I '-,(1 June 29, By amount paid for City of St. John Water Debenture, . $969 60 July 27. " Book Depository Committee, • V li per order of Bxeoutive - ' Committee, 3d July, 1874, 1»76, * '^t ;'^' ^ Feb. 27. By U. 8. 6.20 Bond, Gold No. 27667, Mar. 26, ^' Sunday advances on account ! costs and expenses Miss Hazen's Will Case: :> F: E. Baukei*, Gomrt Fees vi » :> paid by him, . . .$140 00 I F. E. Barker, acct. ;— costs, 800 00 j W. Elder, pubii«h-i';>v -yi.! uii Wo ]. .'I; tiiC 1.1 ing, report of pro^ l-iU I cotidin^a,. . . . . 127 20 'I — 667 20 ''M 1000 00 - M ** Balance carried to account next year, 424 36 $3761 16 $3761 16 77 No. 10. "Samuel Soovil" Trust Fund. This tmst consists of a fVoohold property on tho North Mar- ket Wharf, St. John, and briclc store thereon, left to the Soci^y by the late Mr. S. Scovil, of Cambridge, Queens County; the income to be disposed of as follows ; viz., ,t To the Rector of St. Jameg' Ohuroh, Cunbridge, $400 per annum. And to the repair of the said Church, 24 *" The remainder to tho Oeneral Purpoies of the Diocesan Church Society • The property, at th6 time of its fallinfif in to tho Society, January, 1874, was routed to Mr. A. W. Marsters, at $500 pei^ auuum. Rented fi'om Ist May, 1874, at $600. 1874. •■< ' Dr. -• May 22. To received 1 qrs. rent from A. ^-^ • W. Maraters, to Ist inst., . 1876. May 1. To received 3 qre. rent from A. W. Marsters, to Ist Feb., 1874. Cr. Sept. By paid Insurance North Wharf Property, .... 1876. May 1. " Paid Rector during the year, . " Amount carried to Dr. treueral Purposes account, No. 1, ** Balance carried forward to credit of this account, . If. r ) $30 00 400 00 $140 00 460 00 fj'jf. li'oO '..'5' 136 00 .H,j,iu,|-» 24 00 , r,...i $690 00 $590 00) No. 11. Biohibuotb Trust Fund., .•IO'?u;>iiiiwi' i!UVi-.» ■f '•;■■?' 7:-.V! This Bund oansiats of the aam of 92000,- the interest of wUioh'is payable to the Beotor' of the Parish, on the joint receipt of himself and a Ohnrohwardan. > ^ . . . 'iiiix.. •!!•■'!. 1875. Dr. Mav 1. To one year?s int. on $2000, to date>* 1874; Or. I July 7. By cash paid Rector, . 1 Nov. 9. Do. do. ... 1875. - Feb. 1. Do. do. . . . April 30. Do. do. . . . :>yjf;l. r 1120 00' $36 00 /'/.ii-'^P^ 24 00 'I'iUHJii'^' 36 00 I'i il'"»y/ 24 00 ''*^^''^^"'''''/ S3761 16 1 "i^M $120 00 $120 00 'I ,'■» ,(•,!,. mi ■ V i-l m I I 78 No. 12. Foreign Missions B. F. G. 1874., .. -, .. , -v ■*-'**■ 'iVu->^ .''i ..-.JA :•' ' '■ May 1. To Balance in hand this date, * t"- '. ' ".'' $163 14 •* Beceivfid during year, per Sohedale G., . 342 63 Jan. 6. By remittance thj8 date to S. P. G. ,rf"- £102 28. Od. stg., . . . $50161 .>,iv " Amount paid to Treasurer Board of Missions, . *.' . . 4 16 -^ - ,/:. mo'ii .ii'i'i .r'li.) J j; ~rrr3~rz ^ .0 0U8 . .■^-"U^^t v.i ,v..>,.>.$5p6 77 $505 77 CO OCl- I----- ■.;.- I'.W ,7/ ..>•■■» ; Contributions Beoeived for Foreign Missions, S. F. G., 1874-6. . Chatham, ''' ^^-^ .• . v •';. . • V<:-'^'V-^':rni'S ^ . $22 00 Dorchester, . ,^'^V- ^:'^ ^'Y' f-yi^-V^ '•••^■^*■ : 6 25 Fredericton, . . . .• .^'^'o.- . . .47 00 Gagetown, 3 00 Grand Man&h, 1 80 Hampton, 7 50 Lancaster, 6 48 Maugerville, 7 GO Moncton, . . , .... , ,. . ,. . . . 9 31 New Maryland, . fcii,-^ Yv>.c.uv.i*>. ........ ^ ^ gg Portland (St. Luke's), . ; •,j4i.{.r,;i.,,o.n;^,.. 11101,-., j <.^i -i,*.. i. 61 00 " (St. Paul's), . . ii .- . . . 42 66 Petitcodiac, . . . . , 8 73 Richibucto, . . . . ' " 6 66 g|t. John (St. James'), .1. .r f i . . i : . ; . .y . 12 00 " (St. Mark's), . . ». . . . . 85 60 Shediac, . ^■.1} ^8% . . . . . . .'HH-joi! tdui tUiw* y,Ji. • 5 79 Simonds, . . . . . . ; . ..;il .' 6 50 Sussex and Studholm, 35 36 Westfield, , . . . ... . . . 14 00 Woodstock, w iv .. .. . . rf' . . \l .,13 73 00 ^)iiI'SS i-'O U2I^ $342 63 %** 1875. May 1. J •1 vir.f,,'. ■in: 1874. Mayl. 1875. May 1. 1 > I An Le« i < 11 ; fif,., ;?', Inve Tota Total Trust \'{ ^ [63 14 (42 63 >•) .'i •: !■ i'. . 1505 77 79 .'i-v/r.i.ioi ?.A »i>ii;jjnjri''i«j jf (^T 00 ,..'No. 13. Cash Balanoes. OhnH.-uiunif 1875. May 1. At Credit No. 1, General Purposes, , . , . $229 21 3, Parishes, . . '-;^ '. 100 00 '.'"i "i^ 4, Widows and Orphans, . 940 84 <;H f "— 5, Eduqation and Aged Clergy, 143 79 Oi' '': 6, Divinity Scholarships, . 123 84 iH (;« : 7^ Incapacitated Clergv Fund, 333 75 ■\<jij 9, Investments, . * . . . 424 36 ^" ''■'•'< A- 10, " Samuel Scovil " Trnst, , 24 00 [M<n,l en '■' r<* CM*: ,i>;']r.,tH*t' .0! > 'f! '( ) '.' ■ ,'. - >tal, - . M 1 $2,319 79 i'i .uUl o 'Jx • P. G., $22 00 6 25 47 00 3 00 1 80 7 50 6 48 7 00 9 31 2 36 51 00 42 66 8 73 5 66 12 00 85 50 5 79 6 60 35 36 14 00 13 73 $342 63 /If }• No. 14. Assets, May 1^ 1876. 1874. '' ' - May 1. Amount invested per last report, p. 70, . $23,108 87 1876. May 1. Less, following amounts paid off during the yefir, and carried to Investment ac- count No. 9: I r t ' Gaol Bond, St. John, No. 5, $600 00 ^-'J '> ' »!• Do. do. 6, 600 00 ^"'i '-'•'^' ,., On account Ex-Treasurer's ^'' ■ debt. No. 8, ... 235 39 1,436 39, ■. »•■ lU^/ii'iT .\ri . lyJlUOJ i Investments made during year, per account $21,673 48 1,960 00 $23,633 48 Total Cash Balances, per account No. 13, . 2,319 79 Total Assets, D. C. S., ... Trust Funds, " Kichibucto," $2,000 00 " S. Scovil," say 9,000 00 . $25,953 27 Total, 11,000 GO $36,953 27 .'-.,?, 80 :a ti To BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: Widows' and Orphans' Fund, Principal, $7,300 00 CashBal. 940 84 ' $8,240 84 Education & Aged Clergy do.. Principal, 1,000 00 Cash Bal. 143 79 Divinity Scholarships do. Principal, 900 00 Cash Bal. 123 84 Incapacitated Clergy do. Principal, 4,000 00 Cash Bal. 333 76 General Purposes do. Principal, 10,433 48 Cash Bal. 229 21 Also Bal. at Cr. account No. 9, 424 36 Parishes, Cash Bal. Eichibucto Trust, . . . Principal, S. Scovil Trust, ... do. 9,000 00 .. xr.i .L t/:£. CashBal. 24 00 1,023 84 4,833 75 11,087 06 100 GO 2,000 00 ,;i "'!'] 1' M-r//Kf ii! 9,024 00 $86,963 27 u'm'O 'fir. >«-5;w(,)'''' "'• 'uM^'. J ! i) ,ny> .liMiil.'i I declare the foregoing accoouts to be jnst and correct in every particular, to the best of my knowledge and belief. St. John, September, 1876. H. W. FKITH, Treasurer. air avivjvi I' , J a. 'i,.i '■■ ,. / iL :.'c'l:.i^t«-i . m •H p . 500 4J a: H •• 0) ,H CO !/} ^ O S fl H O •H LH 3 0, ';\: ;;<'.u,OG*i ,!-v,':»T 11 wn 81 m r! N 00 H H g •i-( 1 • w 0) rH •H ^ H r^ +J ^ r ^ •0 , • H ai 11 (lltlSJO'MJO OOT?l(I \{0l!0 til UOHUS -ajiiuoo a^BjoAv feg|j-Jl93AV 8in UI S3> H S > S — <u, O tn •Xupung XaBUOlS8lW 9in .JO ^iodans am 01 Kuoi:)nqia}noo JO 'jnn oiuB iBn'iia y ^^ ^ S ^ Ih 6C — g t;^ S 2 fl CO -w '^S. <1 •hoSimos-iuj •SUOll'BlS •siadmiQ oo (M O i?i I— o o (M >0 lO "^ iC T-liM O tH 1-4 rp ^ CO rlTS oao 'O 1-1 8 M SO 05 io I-- O CI •»♦< X t- 8 8SS88 88 88 o ooooo oo op (jq (N « i-( rH (71 m S-l -Jl (M S '' ^ o ♦ « ^ oo (MO CO 8?; tH CI -»« 05 rH i-l eo d tH rH eo •soiioanqf) •qDjnqo oin JO s.xaquioui jo (N Cl CI tH (M yi TH i-H (M itO en © OT (lico — - ^ "* rt >■'■ o "-• w tn o •c a o ea OpifSXi _ ^ OO CO S -^ -^ t- lO i-H eo T-( -^ iC rH o o Sooo r- ci o ri (N t- O ■'H =S!i s o > o a <1 4> • -§ :• oSh o ^ 3 •4-1 33 O S3 73 o m a o , O O U( b • :i 3 S : sOiQK . bs ^ • I Si ''''' j O 3 ^ •sSopq o « a a o <H (H 2 i: a S a 2 J '.*" "« ciS QElH 82 13 o f— ( o Q m • H •H a +-> P3 o m •diq''J<^A\ JO aonid ijaBs ui noi^tsS -aj^uoo aSBJaAV Number of public services. •y[ii9M. aqi ul •Xfipang g < s § s CO 8' (MiO<M s o CO (M 53 '^35. S t-iH Sot IMS* 171 fhS S rHff5 CO *> jfjBUOlSSllf o\n JO iJ<>dans aqi 0? sno;irK(;.nuo3 JO ^anouiB i^huav TSS 8 8" SS "'8S 88 88^ ^ 7-1 tH rH 1^1 o5 (M 'f o - P 3 -iJ "S ■« £ o as: v ^ en o Eh U <1 •SaSHUOSXKJ •suoijins •ft:iOCll!q3 •saqojnqo •qojnqo " " aqi JO H.ioqmam jo aaqrunn paqi3arp8[t£ oaimbg ui ^na^xg 8S : « %^ • 23rH . 88;^ _ _ i.o 8 eoeoi-i 1-* e« so (M <N iH 'yx o d o o -M 8 iO •-It-H <N • iH rl ffl (M i-H S<»r-I O^rH -HOO OOO I- «^ O o o (71 OO >OiM 8t- (M • tH • lO O o <M o IS l-J O « rs St: -9 1 • ., d • ^1 d :£ s -Is > O ri « 3 « •I • « o d © o d <u 05 qj " ^1 o a <^ u « d "d S 1— X M CO CO 1-H o o 71 71 C7 O "-■5 O O t«^ 52«2 d ^5 CD d oo O 9 « d <v d< ».> tn S3 § ^ •^ i!'^ :«« 03 OS O ' be . « d • ►^ • O) O 2 OS d « « 9 ,d >. • « -is • ^5 : d ^ . t< r • c-r. : <u : r o o o < o o ? § ^? 71 (71 -■ ^C. R' occ 01 ^C s^ •y ^ V- (71 (71 (NrH 9 <^< (71 -^tte S9 >> 5 ej. _ II ^ d s s CO d ; 3 • O „;^ ,d >. 03-^ Si o ^ o - -^O* « ^ a OS 3' r^ :^ ; CJ d- la -2? '.C' <U 83 S=' S.^o 3go"^§o o ^ ^ o * =8 ^ (MiJ-ffI ?3 5 S o ?^c? S tTI 5 o g g ^: •^ CI o i -( 1-H ^ i-H c/5 ^ci cs eo lo o CZjCOI- CO t 'Ml— 5> --f CI 8 CO 1-1 ^H 0^ r-J ^COO O O rH 00 %S3:|! © X, O -J5 kO -tl o -^ OS m o o Q -HCO so CI O o Sc^ ^ (M O Q S CI Tl TH ' CO 81 CICO O CI I - ^ 88 CJC1 '■* I— I oo CO c; CI Ol- eo iCOCO C1(Ni-* • o ^ o -^. :i CI rl CI-**! CI CI cii;^ 3iO c:^ P ooo o occ uS CI T-( ■^■^ci 7* ?5 i y-t CO CO (M r-( i-H eo 1-H 1-1 CI CI CI rH OO CI CI CI i-H CI— < CI g 1^8 :S : § • 1- i • CI « CI ->*co • >* • « • o • o c • rH CD IfO COCO 8 oo CI o O i!0 T-i CI O CI rH • CO •* Or-I CI CO a, cc g,3 a; ,ii ?• fl cs-r; S B S > Q : : ►-< ^ • ■ 1 S : : .2 t^ :sl 03 tc 32 ^ =s t; x'^f^r- ;- ut;: ■S '.So - - 02 03 o 3 C (4-1 '-PH CO ■ 3 r! o '-' O g i • o S • -i-' Co • ^- A • ^ ■«-' • o ® : ^ .J D OJ — . ^ ~ C •r "C ^ o a> Q Sh-;; >■< a O -i-> =S 5-- ^?:^ .=? 'M ^ftcsJ^, Oo jS • ■ • C3 -i-i 4-» -*-* ■ ^a : f -3 ^ r* i; w •X X' OJ P3 -OSh St .-s _ J" -^2 o ^ ^ o o c; a, o ss ;j> CO Jj ^1 o-< 3 a i'« o-^ "J o P=*.o 02 •2^ d-s •s^ © kO 4-> QO H ^ ffi (/J H pj •H w PI § to T^ •t-i PJ TJ rt fl 0) (/J © u ^ cd w •^ k c3 (D :iH^ -H +j Ch - ^ ^^ >H d ^ Ti ^ © K <1 o ^2 en • be "3 — ' o 9 05 S •lOOllDS Anpung ni sjinoqog •[ooliog^ Ai^pang ui sjaqoBajL pamjgnof) jagiunNr O 3 O -6 'p38B8a&(j; •p8Aoraaa •pappy •sjinp^ •8}UT?jai •s;n«' unrauioo JO gogmnx a o 05 CO >^ O •s Ph 84 ^ a S3 aa Q fc4 • o ««' M _: o .^ Sa ^ w o •-9 a o - a S « £ "■a s P5 » CO ^i J mi-:] Q-H « . . o feL^ O U C-(CO a o " ^ .5 . *i <y o - ~ -^ ,x ^ ~ ^ o (► ; :: d) »H as M ;, -2 .Ha-- a a as 3 ..Sa a; o .5 +3 4> t! i~ - a ■ec • r-( (M (M CD»« * ^ (NiH •^t- • 1-t <N (N i;D t- SS S^^c^TJ a o o o3 £ ^ a-S g S3 a "«1 WW 1 is th g (Nl- <M X eo 50 Xi-* 1—1 • • (M eo ^ ao c) 00 CO »o eo >o ^ a '-' 1 w s^ ;^ ^ eo eo-^ ai«Q 30 fij CD OS to ©5 TH eo <?^ (M CO § ■«* ec <e ■ g t- g be p rs ^ 'ii Th 1 a cS 33 CJ a 83 ;a 33 >, (I •PH a o 93 (u o 1,03 a 93 a O ^*j^^..j^ 85 a 33 :h_h^ a o eo fco U^ CD 33 SS o - o 0) eS -J « tTo o Ol 9^ 83 a sa e a . 1 b 0) u Mi?' V V O H JH Eh H W b iz 9^ PC3«-^ .S Cj jU ^ =2 ^1^ QSi^gt-'iS^ 01 3 0) ^a^§ •-B'-S _> O) S i-H ii *^ ii"'* -° a S ^a P W-iH«-iO W fl •/! 3 flj aj "^ V .a 5=^ « o d lO CO o Ift cc ^ ^ lO M ^<>I CO •^^ (M»0 o 04 CO kO CO IM S 00 (Mff< tH" 94 I lO «c (N •1 N « r-t (N S CO 04 (M CO o eo CO rH^ (N CO i7q CO C4 CO lO <?« IN (M eo ■<tl r-tr-l C<1 Oi rHS<l •* eo ■>* >o>o (M eo s <N <£i I- 54 o •* "F a .53 "Sis ^ s 1=J 5 §a<«3 -?, rfl ^3 ^ - JS at- ©30 ^^- SoT'O C3 f— t O 33 ^-4 fl >• p 2 -o fl^a p< .!: M OS a> g B ^ be <u 93 ^3 a C3 ^U l#- »^ L, _, « 5 5 a " t- ^ 5 93 M .£p!2i 03 C3 « «-( O &, O O ■;? W WW t-5 aa i?5 *^ )^ c o .2-3 O -33 tJ ^ ^a o £1 •a I: If" a s ^ « 86 « o TO (pH o o V. « o 3 ,4 Eh r/3 •? a a 33 a 73 o •J: 72 S ^ ■'• fl o -C '-^ iJ a o o o Q a -Ift^ a; rt •« a port Tl ■'•' • (h CC rt O ccOB tt Q-/5^Hri2HJ^§^ jjd^i-SdaJHi^^ « - ? !>Hh-^ •looiiog 13 O # P rf 9 rt 3,,,°^ <uc/3 *-* 1 CO > '£ Sc g 5 rep o o g 2 u 2 — fc»- ~ it; 3 :• '^ ^ ^ CO o O Oi o ?1 05 «D 00 CO X) CO I- CO «6 o poai.iguoo joqninf^ 6 rt - •p89B809(I •paAouioH •pappv •s^inpv •squBjui •sju'Bomniuaioo JO j'aqxnn^ 00 X -^ S-i o CO 53 Pm lyi r-l (M ^ <N 1H (N T-1 iH l-H sn g^ o • r-t • • <M 5-1 CO o 1-H ' 8$ s O 1— ( f? 5 •a ^ ^ S S i ^ s u 3 tn 3 4) a? 3 CD O 3 o a ^ : « • o • S3 -a COCO 4> o fl (2)02 ^5^ 02 4-9 a « - ^ « 3 « !!• ■trl-H rt > .<< O O X CO I- 1- ■* CO CO I^L-l--_~ ■ CI ^ 1 ■ 1.0 I' l> 00 a ^ a C 10 73 3 O a •p-H ,S fl •r 87 0) 01 H tc 2 o (/' rt a> "«ri? ^ .r •r- aj u frh (11 ^ 7* sO . Ch ^^^ »^ r '^i : « ?i o H C- ?1 1* • • 1 C"! !^ 55. sPM 5!X rfi 3 T •J \ 1 ' >i 0) ^ e (u bl 0) • a C £3 2-- o 3 . 3 § O s |-5ja ^■p OJrS « 0) 4) ^3 ^;^ ^=^ L^ be i ■/; - W»? !^^ • • WO .a H ^y " a ^ ind, eld. o • o lis - — ■■a ^ it; 1'2 ^ a ; ' / 'i D S k^^H? S3J3 ,11 • ^QMP Ir^M . ^ ^ >'^'^-^' ^^ SJ' -QOH5 ti?;hJ -^a Ot^d^ Ivctcliuin. C. Perkins, . Daley, . Evans, . B. Scovil, H. Marvin, B. Beer, . T. Peters, Arnold. o - 2 .St" o u o ^ r- a c ^^^^ :i-4^>-i66 - — 5 ^ : g • • i 8 i ^ T1 O OS 25 1— I "H » ri • • • ec TH fH 1- eo X tH O 00 o: o <M >* TH (N 05 i» 00 oo •>* ^^ M : • • • • ^ §5 • • Ul ; ■* 0^ t- • • • • iK «5 •^ ' «c C5 tH « oq o t- tH (M lO-H * 00 1-1 -* rH rH 00 rH • t ■ ■ .TH- . t • • • 1 l^ lO ^ TO 'o rH 00 ^ lO t— ff^K t- 1—1 • « C<5 1-4 ; l-H , » • • • #1 • 1 • »\ /^^ *-^ a V • t>. o +3 u r 1 1 *. ^w- ^S -d-c 5 t V s^ tc o e in ) a r=3 o ) o ^5 C/ 3 ^ i ^ > : i 6C s 00 « * LIST OF CONTRIBUIORS TO THE ••) >- Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. I! LIFE MEMBERS. By the payment of not less than Ten Pounds at any one time. Date of MomljerMlii" . iMiii) RODINHON, HON. F. P., ' r 18;i8 aCOVIL, REV. WILLIAM, V. P. ' 1S46 FIJEDEHICTON, ilif lli^'lit Rev. JOHN, Lord Bi^Iioi) of, President. SAUNDERS, Hon. JOHN S., V. P. SMITH, G. SYDNEY, Es<iuire; ; - ■ •• TILLEY, Hon. S. L., C. H., V. P., Lieutenant Governor, &c. ; - : WIGGINS, FREDERICK A., Esciuue. ^ > : lilj PL'ADE, ALFRED, Esquire. . ;, '^S ; i ' - . SEARS, EDWARD, Esquire. ^ ' ' '" *^^ '\''. -'" 1847 HENDERSON, Colonel EDMUND, R. B. - •-'• .- w ': \< ■':-•- 1 • - / * 1850 FAIRWEATHER, JOSEPH, Es<juire. ..,-,.. .^ .. , .^ 1862 8C0VIL, EDWAkD G., EMjuire. \ >TJ ■; -. 1863 8C0VIL, Mrs. W. H. 1864 DOMVILLE. Mrs. JAMES. MANNER8-SUTT0N, His Excellency the Hon. Sir J. H. T. late Lieut. Govw nor, iirid Commiuuler-in-Chief, &c., &c. NEALES, Rev. JAMES. 1856 BEDELL, Rev. GEORGE. , ■ <'■ • SCOA'IL, Miss AMY A. ' ■ • " ■ '" '" : THOMPSON, Miss Ann. 1867 HANINGTON, DANIEL L., Esquire. '" ' "' • 8C0VIL, Miss AMELIA B. , _ . 1858 FAIRWEATHER, CHARLES H., Esquire. ' " ' ; HALL, STEPHEN S., Esquiro. , ; 8C0VIL, 8. JOHN. >,. ^ ;. ... I. SilORTLAND, CAPTAIN F., li. N. ' = '* ^' >' ''- 1860 DANIEL, T. W. Esquire. . ,T ;.' ; ,1; GAEBUTT, HENRY, Esquire. ' ! L, ; SMITH, Mrs. J. WOODFOBDE. 1862 GORDON, Hon. ARTHUR H. K. H., late Lieutenant-Governor, and Com. mander-in-Ohief, &c., &o. 1866 BEST, N0RR18, Esquire. . . _ z. ; 8HABPE, EDWIN N., Esquire. • : '^ -j '. 8PURR, JAMES DeW., Esquire. V !: \ ' 1867 CARMAN, WILLIAM, Esquire. " -' DEVEBER, L. H., Esquire. DOYLE, Major-General Sir HASTINGS, late Lieutenaut-Governor. 8C0VIL, SAMUEL J., Esquire. .^t <- ---. x r. (88) •: ^s v^ "5 *4 .x> X. H. ••^K ^' <i? heme; SCOVJ] JARVIS WELD( 1>M gilbe; MERRI' 12 89 1..17 U'lOOINS, GEOROE C, E«|ulre. l-.ix DkVEHEK. Ucv. Canon. DkVEHEH, WAHIA E. Ui:VEHER. WM. lIEKItERT. DkVKUER, ALLEYNE VV. JARVIH. VV. M. Es(|iiiie, V. F. 8COVIL, MORRIS. WILLIAMS, Rev. J. 8. vW CAH.MAX, aoL'UIA M. DioVERER, J. H. HOIES. Ewinlro. UOiMVILLE, FANNY. FENETY, O. E., EHquire. l>;o CARMAN, \V. HLIHS. CARSON, CUAKLE' mire. KETCHUM, H. G. C .. ire. NEALES, Rev. W. 8. NEALE8, Rev. T. PEHCIVAL, Miss. l>:i CARMAN, JEAN MURRAY. FRITH, HENRY W. Esquire. GRIMMER, GEOROE 8., Esquire. JARVI8, O, S. Rev. D. D. SMITH, WOODFORDE J., Esquire. WILKINSON, W., Esquire. 1872 JARVIS, EDWARD W. GREGORY, T. Escjuirc, M. D. 1373 ARMSTRONG, Rev. G. M. HEMERY, Colonel Q. A. D. C. 8C0VIL, Miss ELIZABETH. JARVIS, FRANK HOPE. WELDON, CHAllLES W., Esquire. 1874 GILBERT, THOMAS, Esquire. MERRITT, CHARLES, Esquii-e. 12 1 '. . , - ' i 'Uf ' ' ' ' t* J. J'li -' J. 1 ' . 1 ■ ( • ■ , / - ■;i .. . .1 , C 4 r t ... J yy, ^. V> ^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^128 |2.5 ■^ 1^ 12.2 ^ ■- IIM L25 111114 IIIIM.6 — 6" v] <^ /] /a 7 '<»V^ ^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ^ iV I 90 18.38 1- .■ • »■■,. 1 I. ■ • ti ^ LIST OF PERSONS ^NOW DECEASED) WHO WERE LIFE MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY. Datf t)f Mernbersliip. 1837 BAILLIE. Hon THOMAS, V. P. . HOTSFORD, Ron. Mr. Justice, V. P. CniPMAN, Hon. Cliief Justiw, V. P. C08TEK, Venernhle Archileacon, V. P. EMERSON, THOMAS, Esquire, M. D. ECCLES, Captttin JAMES. MACLAUGHLAN, JAMES A., Esquire. ODELL, Hon. W. F., V. P. OWEN, Hon. Admiral, R. N., V. P. BCOVIL, WILLIAM, V. P. SIMONDfl, Hon. CHARLES, V. P. SHORE, Hon. ORORGE, V. P. WETMORE, JUSTUS, Esquire. PETERS, Hon. C. J. [emor and Commander-in-Cliief, &c., \r. HARVEY, Major-General Sir JOHN, K. C. B., K. C. H., late Lieutenant (idv ROBINSON, W. H. Esquire, V. P. PARKER, ttie Hon. NEVILLE, late Muuter of the Rolls. RATCHFORD, E. D. W., Ewiuire. ROBINSON, Colonel JOHN, V. P. WHEELER, GEORGE, Esquire. SMITH, H. BOWYER, Esquire, V, P. ^and Commander-in-CIiief. COLEBROOKE, Sir WILLIAM M., O. C. B. K., H., late Lieutenant Governor PARKER, Hon. Cliief Justice, V. P. PETERS, GEORGE P., Esquiie, M. D. SCOVIL, SAMUEL, Esquire. PETERS, JAMES Jun., Esquire. WIGGINS, STEPHEN, Esquire. WIGGINS, Mrs. STEPHEN. GILBERT, GEORGE G., Esquire. GILBERT, Mrs. ANNE. [Commander-in-Chief, &e., ic. HEAD, Sir EDMUND WALKER, Baronet, late Liout«nant-Governor and BCOVIL, W. HENRY. Esquire. DE8BRI8AY, LESTOCK P. W., Esquire. DONA_LDSON, L. Esquire. BLACK, WILLIAM A. E., Esquire. BCOVIL, DANIEL, Esquire. BCOVIL, SAMUEL, Esquure. SMITH, HENRY BOWYER, Junior, SIMONDS, Mrs. RICHARD. ROBINSON, Major W. B. WRIGHT, WILLLAM, Esquire BIMONDS. RICHARD, Esquire. HARDING, Colonel FRANCIS PYM, late Lieutenant-Governor, &c. LEE, Rev. Canon, Fh. D. HAZEN, ROBERT ¥., Esquire. JARVIS, Mrs. W. M. HAZEN, Hob. B. L. 183» 1840 1842 1844 1845 l846 1848 ISfiO 1861 1863 1866 1867 1867 1869 1868 1869 1870 1871 1874 Bevcridg-c Bedell, M Bedell, Ja Bedoll, G( Bedell, Mi Bedell, W Hlake, Mai Baii-d, Gee Burpee, M Belts, Cha: Cash, Caldwell, ( Clark, Mrs De Wolfe, ^ Emmerson, Eininersonj Hodg-sou, J Hodgson, ^ Hoyt, Rev. Hanson, Lc Laineraux, ilacartncy, Murphv, 8a Murphy, Li Miller, Johi Newcoinbc, ^'ewcoinbe, Xewcouibe, fickett, Lev S'l"^ n. B. P'ant, Mrs. Peiloy, J A J'bbits, Mrs Tibbies; R. J'bbils, Mrs Ta.vlor, Men i'lylor, Mrs. iriusfle, Win. ' 'f ERE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1875. ANDOVEK. ■ Bevcridgc, Mrs. H. D. $1 00 ■ Bedell, Mrs. W. 1 00 ■ Bedell, John 1 00 1 Bodell, George A. 1 00 ■ Bedell, Mrs. Geo. A. 50 ■ Bedell, W, 1 00 f, &c.,A:c. 1 Hliike, Mary E. 1 00 imnt ciov ■ Bfiird, Geo! T. 2 00 ■ Burpee, Mose^ I 00 I Belts, Chas. 50 ■ Cash, 1 00 ■ Caldwell, C.E., M. D. 2 00 ■ Clark, Mrs. 2 00 jv-in-chict ■ De Wolfe, M. A. 2 00 t-Govcmor ■ Emmersoii, VV. 1 00 ■ Ernmerson, Thos. 1. 00 Hodgsou, J. T. Hodgson, Mrs. J. T. Hoyt, Rev. Leo. A. 1 00 1 00 la 00 Hanson, Leonard 1 00 Lauieraux, David 1 00 ief, Sic, sc- vernor and Macartney, Alex. Mnrphy, Sandford 1 00 2 00 Murphy, Livinia 1 00 Mlller,"Johu 1 00 Newconibc, Mrs. W. K. •4 00 Neweombe, Annie E. 2 00 Newcombe, Agnes B. 2 00 Pickett, Lewis 8 00 Plant, U. B. 1 00 Plant, Mrs. 11. B. 1 00 Perley, J. Allen 1 90 Tibbits, Mrs. C. i\l. 1 00 Tibbits. R. ^y. L. 1 00 ■. Tibbits', Mrs. R. W. L. 1 00 Taylor, Merrill 1 00 Tavlor, Mrs. Merrill 1 00 Thistle. Wm. 1 00 Thistle, .Vhs. Wni. Thistle, W. E. Stevens, Mrs. A. McKean, John Whitehead, W. T. Watson, Jas. Watson, W. Jr. Withers. Thomas Wilson. CJeo. By ram, 1*. O. Trnsswell, M. A. Collection, 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 $80 10 BURTON. Barker, Benjamin $1 00 Bi^ckwith, T. A. Esq. 1 00 Brown, Guo. L. 1 .50 Clarkson, Jonas 3 00 Clowe-, Charles Esq. ■i 00 Clowes, Girhardus •i Ot Curi-ie, George 2 00 Currie, Wm. 1 00 Deveber, Doct >r 2 00 Gilbert, Samn^'l 1 50 Gilbert, Mrs. S. 1 60 Gilbert, Florence 60 (lillxM't, Geoi';fe .50 Gilbert, John 2 00 Gilbert, Till. ^. Esq. 2 00 Gilbert, II. Wm. 5 00 Gilinor, Mrs. A. '' ' 1 60 Iloiton, E. 1 00 Hnbbard, N. E^q. 4 00 Ilnbbard, Miss Isabel 2 00 Hnbbard, F. A. 1 50 Hubbard, Mrs. F. A, 1 50 Knox, George 50 Lvons, Wni. 1 00 (01) 92 » Lyons, Emma Lyons, .Sarah Lyons, Thos. Lyons, Mrs. T. Priestley, Mrs. Simonds, llev.R. Street, Mrs. Street, Miss Street, Edwin Street, Charles White, Jas. S. Wilmot, Hon. U. D. Wilmot, John D. Wilmot, Mrh. J. D. AVilmot, U. D. Jr. Wilmot, Mrs. 11. D. Jr. Wilmot, Allan B. Wilson, Miss Offertory, 26 25 60 50 00 20 00 50 1 00 50 60 2 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 20 6 00 5 60 VICTORIA. Bolt, Wm. Gorrell, John Gorrell, John Jr. Gorrell, Henry Hooper, Wm. Hughes, R. Hughes, H. Hughes, H. Jr. Hughes, R. Jr. Hughes, Thomas Parsons, Andrew $102 20 $ 50 60 25 26 60 60 60 60 80 30 1 00 10 BUSIAGONIS. Buckle, Thos. 62 Buckle, George 60 Buckle, Mrs. G. 26 Harris, James 40 Lord, John & family 1 20 Mills, John 1 00 Tumith, Jas. 60 Tumith, Mrs. J. 60 Tumith, Thos. 25 Tumith, Mrs. T. 25 $6 37 Victoria, Burton, 5 10 102 2ii 8112 67 CAMPOBELLO. Batson, George $1 Batson, Mrs. H. Beatty, Mrs. B. 1 Brown, J., J. P. 1 Byron, Luke 3 Calder, Mrs. Jas. Calder, Mrs. Wallace Davidson, John Farmer, John 1 Flagg, Mrs. Price 2 Flagg, Mrs. Cadwallader 1 Flagg, Mrs. Arthur Gregg, Miss 1 Gilligan, W. Johnston, Geo. M. 1 Lank, Mrs. E. 1 Lank, Mrs. W. Mitchell, Mrs. Hughes Parker, James Rees, Mrs. Rice, Isaac Robinson-Owen, Mrs. Robinson-Owen, Miss Sills, Rev. Charles M. Taylor, Mrs. Vennell, Mrs. Daniel Vennell, Mrs. James Vennell, Mr. James Vennell, John A. Vennell, Joseph G. Vennel), James W. Vennell, Lemuel Vennell, Samuel Wetmore, James Collection, October, " June, Total, CANTERBURY. Blakewell, Thomas ai 20 4 5 1 70 85 00 00 00 lb 75 2(1 0(1 oo 7i) 85 Oil 43 7i' 00 34 So 70 50 6o On Oh, Olj Ou 80| 43 42 18 i:l lii II II 01 10 2J 11 tiiniiingl Ciiniiin;,'-! CiinMin<r| Cimninirli (Wid Ciinningli Cmniingji Cropley, js Croplev, 3 English, J English, ^ English, \} English, M English, Jj Engh"sh, M Fowler, St Fowler, OJ Fowior, M Garden, M Garden, E( Garden, Mi Graham, G Graham, M Gould, Sol( Gould, Mrs Hartin, Re^ Hartin, Mn Hartin, Jol Hartin, Wil Hartin, Ge( Hartin, Clu Hartin, Ad( Hartin, Eli? Hartin, The Hartin, Mar Hamilton, J Hamilton, JV: Lawson, Lu Main, Wiiiia U-v, 93 5 10 L02 -211 11-2 67 lei* I 70 85 1 tiO 1 IW 3 00 75 75 2IJ 1 00 2 00 1 7ii 85 1 Oo 43 1 7" 1 ou 3i 85 1 70 501 65 20 00 4 0" 0<) . m 851 4'3 421 m III I'l 111 lil 10 sj 11 5 lY. $1 Blake well, Mrs. Thomas 1 Blakcwcll, Joseph 1 Blair, John, Jr., Blair, Mrs. John Bennett, Alexander, J. P., 2 Bennett, Mrs. A. 1 Cunning'ham, Thomas, Jr. (SkitFLako), 1 Cunningham, William, (SkillLake), Cunninj^ham, Mi-s. \V. Cnnninjfham, Thomas W. Cunninj^'ham, Mrs. T. W. Cunningham, Ajidrew Cunnini^ham, Mrs. Wm. (Widow), Cunninj^ham, Thomas, Sr. Cunningham, Mrs. T. Cropley, Samuel Cropley, Mrs. Samuel Engl is 1», James, Sr. English, Mrs. J , Sr. English, William English, Mrs. William English, James, Jr. English, Mrs. James, Jr. Fowler, Stephen G., J. P. Fowler, Charles li. Fowler, Mrs. Charles H. Garden, Mrs. E. (Widow), Garden, Edward Garden, Mrs. Edward Graham, George Graham, Mrs. George Gould, Solomon Gould, Mrs. Solomon Hartin, llcv. Thomas 1 Hartin, Mrs. Thomas Hartin, John Medley Hartin, William Edward Hartin, George F. H. M. Hartin, Charles G. Coster Hartin, Addington C. Hartin, Eliza Christiana Hartin, Thos. Robinson Hartin, Mary Ann Ellen Hamilton, James Hamilton, Mrs. James Lawson, Luke Main, William 1 00 ^L'lin, Mrs. William 1 00 00 Miller, Arthur 26 60 Miller, Mrs. Arthur 86 50 McKay, Hugh, J. P. 50 00 McMullin, George % 00 McMullen, James, Jr. 25 McMulIen, Mrs. .lames 25 00 McMullen, Andrew 25 Kobinson, Robert, J. P. J 25 M. P. P. 4 00 25 Robinson, Mrs. Robert •4 00 25 Robinson, George, Jr. 1 00 25 Robinson, Mrs. (jreorge 50 25 Strong, Absalom 50 Strong, Mrs. Absalom 50 25 Shannon, Ilobert, 25 25 Shannon, Mrs. Robert 25 25 Winters, Charles 26 25 Wiiilers, Mrs. Charles 26 25 Winters, Adelaide 26 25 Worth, Godfrey 26 25 Worth, Mrs. God fro v 26 25 Walling, William 26 25 Walling, Mrs. William 25 25 Walling, Hugh 25 25 Walling, Mrs. Hugli 25 60 Wobberley, Thomas 25 50 Webberley, Mvs. Thos. 25 50 50 ' $37 75 25 Collections after sermons, 2 25 25 25 Total, $40 00 25 CHATHAM. 25 Anderson, Mrs. 2 00 25 Arnold, Mrs. 1 00 00 Burns, Miss M. 1 00 60 Benson, Mrs. 4 00 25 Benson, Miss 1 00 25 Burbidge, 60 25 Blair.Mr.G.A. &fami v, 8 00 25 Blair, Gordon M. 1 00 25 Benson, Dr. J. B. 1 00 25 Bell, Mrs. John 1 00 25 Buck, Mrs. 2 00 25 Brown, Mrs. John 1 00 25 Burchill, Geo. 6 00 26 B urchin, Mrs. 3 00 50 Burchill, Josephine 1 00 00 Burchill, Geo. Jr. 1 GO 94 li'-CH' ^- ■ ^¥ ( '■ Biuchill. J. B. 1 00 Baldwin, John 60 Baldwin, Mrs. John 60 Baldwin, Daniel Jr. 60 Baldwin, Kobt. A. 25 Baldwin, Maria C. 26 Baldwin, Wm. H. 25 Baldwin, Samuel B. 26 Baldwin, Mrs. Daniel 1 00 Brchant, Mr. 1 00 Bichant. Thomas 60 Berhant, Charlotte 50 Berhant, Elizabeth 1 00 Berhant, Mrs. Jas. 1 00 Carman, Mrs. 4 76 Carmichael, Mrs. 50 Carman, Walter 1 00 Coughly, J. 50 Carmichael, John 25 Carmichael, Sydey 25 Colgan, Miss A. 60 Copping, Mrs. and family 2 46 Cunard, H. 6 00 Doherty, C. Mr. 60 Desbrisay, Mr. & Mrs. 2 00 Fleitrher, Mrs. Thomas 1 00 Fleigher, Mrs. Henry 1 00 Friend, A 1 00 Friend, A 1 00 Fortheringham, Mr. J. 1 00 Forbes, Capt. 50 Forrest Mrs. J. 1 00 Friend, A 1 60 Friend, A 40 Dick, Miller 60 Fenety, Mrs. W. 60 Forrest, .Mrs. R. 50 Forrest, Mrs. W. • , , , 1 00 Friend, A i* li^. 34 Forrest, Miss L. 60 Fleigher, George 25 Forbes, Mrs. 60 Fleiglier, Mrs. John 60 Friend, A 1 00 Flett, Mrs J. .,> . i 1 00 Flemming, Mrs. 60 Flemming, Margaret 60 Flemming, Bobert 1 00 Flemming, Archibald Friend, A Forsythe, Uev. D. Friend, A. Green, Thos. Mrs. Gillespie, Thos. F. Mr. Goggin, Mr. & Mrs. Gulliver, Mr. & Mrs. Gulliver, James Gulliver, Sarah J. Gulliver, Mr. J. Gregory, Mr. Howbolt Mrs. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Heskett, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Hickson, Mr. W. A. Harper, Mr. W. N. Habberley, Mrs. Hocken, Mr. & Mrs. Hocken, Miss, Hocken, Miss Bessie Hunter, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Harley, Mr. Johnson, A. H. Johnson, Mrs Johnson, Mr. Arthur Jackson, Mr. Jackson, Mrs. E. A. Jackson, Mrs. Isaac Jackson, Wm. Lyons, Mr. Charles B. Lee, Mr. McCullum, Miss McCulley, Miss J. Mudge, Mrs. McKee, Mr. R. E. McLaughlan, Mr. James, Peck Mrs. Pattison, Mr. Parker, Miss Percival, Miss Ripple, Miss . \ Rice, Mrs. John . • . Rogers, Mrs. i. ,'. Siixsmith, Mrs. , Sheppard, Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Thos. A. 1 00 •20 10 (10 2 00 2o 3 (10 2 00 2 00 10 10 50 2 00 1 00 7 00 Gi) •>b 1 OO 1 .^0 1 00 10 00 1 00 1 OO 50 1 i)0 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 OO 1 OO 50 3 OO 50 1 00 50 5 OO Searle, R Smith, ]^ Sofiric, A .Scurle, i\ SaxamitI] Saxsmith Sergeant, Ti-aer, Mi Toirv, Ml Tcmptletc Truer, Mi< Tracr, Mii Tiacr, Mr Trevors, ( Tievors, Ii Trevors, M Trevors, I Tiovors, M Trevors, Ji Trevors, D Trevors, M Trevors, R Trevors, M Trevors, Di riiderhill, . niock, Mn L'lJock, Th( Lllock, An ^oiidy, MU Vondv, Mr.* Vye, Mrs. ^ Vye, Georg Walker, Mr Walker, Uk Walker, Wi Waiters, Mr Wibon, Mrs Wilson. Misf Wiiliston, E ^i'son, Thoi Walker, Mrs Wilkinson, "V J Wiiliston, K. IMcMahon, 1 Cherry, Mr. Hocken, Johi 1st Collection 2nd Collectio] 05 1 00 •25 10 DO 2 00 •Jo 3 oo > 00 1 00 10 10 ,00 2 OU 1 OO 7 00 •25 1 OO 1 50 1 00 10 00 1 00 1 OO 50 1 50 2 00 2 00 1 0*) 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 les, 00 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 OO 1 OO 501 3 OO 50 1 00 50 5 00| Scjirle, Mr. 3 00 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. D. G 4 00 Sofirlc, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. 1 50 Senile, Mr. (ioo. I 00 Saxsinlth, Mrs. 60 Siixsmith, Sarah 1 00 Sci-j,'ciint, Charles 3 00 Tnicr, Mr. 50 Terry, Mr. T. K. 2 00 Tcini)tleton, Mrs. GO Truer, Miss M. 50 Tnier, Miss C. 60 Traer, Mrs. G. 50 Trevors, George 50 Trevors, Mis. Geo. 50 Trevor8,Mr.&Mrs.Lcstock 1 00 Trevors, D. Sterling 30 Trevors, Mrs. 1). 60 Trevors, Ellen 50 Trevors, David D. • 50 Trevors, Mary E. 50 Trevors, Richard 50 Trevors, Mrs. R. 50 Trevors, David Arthur 25 riiderhill, A. A. I 00 Ullock, Mrs. ! 00 Ullock, Thos. 1 00 Ullock, Angus 1 00 Vondy, Miss 1 00 Voiidv, Mrs Sr. 1 00 Vye, Mrs. W. 50 Vyc, George 1 00 Walker, Mrs. 50 Walker, Richard 1 00 Walker, William 50 Walters, Mr. 75 Wilson, Mrs. Jas. 1 25 Wilson. Miss Mary 50 Williston, Edward 60 Wilson, Thomas 60 Walker, Mrs. James 1 00 Wilkinson, W. & family 10 00 Williston, K. M. 2 00 McMahon, Mrs. 50 Cherry, Mr. 1 00 Hocken, John M. 2 00 1st Collection, 24 00 2nd Collection, 25 00 $257 70 Ollerings for F.M., Interces- sion Day 1874, 22 00 Total, $279 70 DALIIOUSIE. W. S. Smith, $ Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. John- son, H. L. Johnson, \V. G. Disbrow, M. D. Mrs. Disbrow, Mrs. R. \V. Good, Mrs. R. Good, Stanlev Morse, J. C. Barberie, J. C. BarbfM-io, Jr. A. S. Barberie, A Friend, P. A. Mrs. Barberie, Miss Barberie, Mrs. C. Lloyd, James S. Morse, W. H. Phillips, Rev. F. B. Crozicr (F. Missions), Mrs. T. Good, A Friend, Mrs. Croker, Halt-yearly Collection, Francis Strong, 3 00 1 00 00 00 00 00 50 85 2 00 2 00 50 fiO 50 2 75 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 25 1 00 1 00 1 25 6 50 76 $40 35 DERBY AND NELSON. Collected by Mrs. Rol iiison Croekcr. $1 00 1 00 60 80 1 00 Allison, William, Sr. Allison, Mrs. Allison, William, Jr. Allison, Alex. Ambrose, Thomas Ambrose, Susan Astle, David 60 Barron, Mrs. 1 00 Barron, Mrs. David 50 Bateman, Mrs. 50 Bateman, Mrs. Joseph 50 96 it!; hi I- Botts, John Botts, David Carinalt, Mrs. Carmalt, James CarinaU. Alary Ann CarniaU, Joseph Clifr, William Cliir, Mrs. William Clitr, Fiances Cliir, Josephine Ciifl", Thomas C. ClifV, Alex. Georj^o Cliir, Harriet Allison Ciitr, (ieorffc Couffhlan, Mrs. James Cowio, George Crawford, Mrs. J. Crocker, Mrs. T. Uruden, W. M. Crnden, Kev. W, & Mrs. Danville, F. E. Fairlev, Mrs. Jnstus Flett, "Mrs. John Flett, Henry Flett, Lambert, Friend Friend Friend Hartt, William Harvey, Alex. Hubbard, Elizabeth J. Hussey, James Knight, Mrs. Lesslie, Mrs. J. Lingley, Mrs. Muers* Robert McDonald, Alex. McKenzie, William, Sr. McKenzie, James McKenzie, Richard McNamee, McPherson, Roderick Newcomb, Elizabeth Newman, John Norman, Mrs. Percival, Miss ' Polk, Mrs. Polk, Elizabeth 1/ Polk, Henry 1 60 l>0 2.') 00 2.0 50 1 00 1 00 12 12 25 20 12 1 00 00 50 00 00 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 25 60 50 00 50 6 50 50 60 I 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 20 26 10 1 Robinson, Mrs. J. 60 Jtusscll, Mrs. 1 0(j SanndtM-s, Mrs. 1 00 Sannd'fs, A. A. 1 (iij Saundi i-^, Catherine 2.') Underhill, A. A. 2 00 Vyo, William (Nelson) I 00 Vye, Ann 5i» Vye, Charles 1 uu Vye, Mrs. Charles 4(i Vye, (Jeorge 5(j Waters. Mrs. 1 uo Wathen, James N. 1 OO Williston, Judge 2 uu Collections St. Peter's, Derby 6 06 Collections Nelson Station 7 I'J I iiderlii riidcrlji riKJerhi L'ndcrljil rnd.-rhll fiidcMhi) I'lidoihil t'lMlerhill rndcrhill rudcrhill nidcrliiiJ riidcrJjiJI rndcrhill, riKJcrldll, riidcrliilj, Colh-ctions $79 36 I ^^''''''>' »"^^ BLACK VILLE. Culltftetl oy Miss Siinili A. Underliill, mul Miss Marpirut Susan Uuderliill. Amos, Jane Bean, Maria Coughlan, David Coughlan, Mrs. J. Coughlan, Lizzie Coughlan. Mrs. David Curtis, John Curtis, Mary Ann Dailev, Martin Fairlev. Scott Friend Grindley, Mrs. Gillespie, Margaret Harris, Maria Kennedy, Allen H. Ketch, Emma ,. Leigh ton, Susan Mahoney, William Mountain, Elijah McDougal, Rebecca McLaggan, Mrs. John McKenzie, John Porter, Robert Underhill, Mrs. Underhill, Mrs. T. W. 1 on oil 7o 2o 25 00 25 27 »J0 50 25 25 25 00 25 25 601 251 25 25 60 80 50 25 Amount CO Missioi DOUGLAJ All Ha Chc ;)'••• Dykem; ftev. Wm. L Mr, itobert '^hs. Benjan ^i' S. J. Su Collected b; ^ni. Coburn JohuB.Grie James Kenn Samuel W. J wife, AbraJiam Pic Join, Pickarc Jolni Pickard S^i>9''t Van I JViUiam Van Polin P. McK« |oraham McI 'lareucc Van 13 97 riulci'liill, Marv .Vini 10 60 rn(lrrliill,('liiirlcs Flett 10 1 ou riiderliill, Isimc Ciildwoll 10 1 00 Uiiclorhill, Will. A. K. 5 1 no UndiTliill. Mrs. Jauies 60 •J.') rmlorliill, Miiry A. 'JO 2 00 riKhMliill, Josopliine S. -20 I 00 I'lidcrhill, banih 11. 2i> {)() Uml.'iliill, A. J. 10 1 00 riiclci-hill, Mntish N., Sr. m 40 riKliTliill, William T. 60 60 UiHlcrliill. William, Jr. 25 1 oO riKlcrhlll, riiftrlottc E. 26 I OO rii(l(M-liilI,Mr.s. William T , 30 2 00 rn.lerhill, B. N. T. 1 00 6 06 oil 7 i'J Coll(!ctions Holy Trinity, 3 97 >0 17 Derby niid Nelson, 79 36 ft79 31) Amount contributed by Mission, 99 68 levliiH.iiinl 1 oil 75 •25 25 00 •25 27 OO 50 '25 25 25 00 25 25 501 25 25 25 60 80 50 25 DOUGLAS AND BRIGHT. All Saints Chi.rch, cuoss 1u>a1j8. Mr. Dykeman, $1 00 Rev. Win. LcB. McKicl, 4 00 Mr. Uobort Sloot, 2 00 Mrs. Benjamin Sloot, 1 00 Mr. S. J." Smith, (2 years) 8 00 Collected by Mrs. A. McKeeii. Wm. Coburn, i $ 60 John B. Grieves, ■■-[ • 50 James Kennedy, - ''• • 1 00 Samuel W. Davis and wife, 80 Abraham Pickard '' 1 00 I John Pickard, M. P. 1 00 John Pickard, 60 Robert Van Buskirk, ■ > ■ 60 William Van Buskirk, 60 |John P. McKeen, 26 \braham McKeen & wife 2 00 llareuce Van Buskirk, 60 13 $24 96 St. .Tohn'.s C'Hi'Rcn. Colloctr.l l.y Mr-. Di'Luiiry llol.ln!»on Mini Mi-» Cl»ni»'nt«. Major Clements A; family for "J years '^' DeLancy l{i)bin.son, MisK Manson, Norman Ilallott, Mrs. Charles Mo(iil)bon, Mrs. David McUibbon, Mrs. Dun])hy, Mrs. Smith, ^ ]. Jarvi.s Burt, ; $19 50 St. James' Church. Colleftt'd Ity Misx Isaliollii GmhRIii. Edward Pidgeon, $4 00 Jeremiah Uodgers, 1 00 Isabella Gaskin, ?6 Mrs. Gaskin, Mrs. McPherson, Day id Tb.omas, AVilliam Thomas, Keed Stone, j' John Stone, Jr. $10 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 60 $7 51 Tot; J. $61 96 FREDERICTON. Adams, Sturffis $ 1 00 Adams, G.M. 100 Aiken Mrs. Robert 1 00 Aiken, Mrs. • - 24 Akerley, S. A. 4 00 Akerlev, Mrs. S. A. 2 00 Allen, Hon. Judge.' . . 36 00 Allen, MissF. •/ .i 1 00 Allen. John -* <^ ,1 >i 1 00 Armstrong, G. -< "S , - 2 00 Arnold, Mrs. - 'i/- . '"' 26 Ashfield, Mrs. * /<•' 1 00 Babbitt, Mrs. G. '! • 1 00 Bailey, Prof. .uk { , 6 00 Baillie, Miss .''«•/ 1 00 98 M. IJjiilcy, Mi'K. II. 25 lidiii,' MiKg 1 00 BakiM-, Kate A. 1 00 Ikckwith, Hon. J. A. 2 00 Beck with, Mrs. J. A. 2 00 Beck with, Mrs. A. G. 1 00 Beck with, Chas. 1 00 Beek, J. S. 6 00 Beck, Mrs. J. S. ' 2 00 Ben ynian, Mrs. iiO Bishop ofFredericton, 100 00 Black, Mrs. 2 00 iMizzard, Mrs. L. 2o Blizzard, Mrs. J. 80 Bonner, Mrs. . 2o Brannen, Mrs. C. 2 00 Brannon, U. Sterlinjr 6 00 Brannen, E. F. 1 00 Braylev, J. W. 20 00 Brown, Dr. T. C. 4 00 Brown, Edward 50 Brown, John 40 Brown, Georj^e ' 20 Burcliill, James 1 00 Burnside, Mrs. 1 00 Cadwallader, E. ' 1 60 Cadwallader, Miss 60 Cameron, Mrs. 60 Cameron, Mrs. 60 Campbell, Mrs. G. M. 12 00 Carey, Uapt. and Mrs. 5 00 Carr, Eliza 60 Cole, J. and Mrs. 50 Coster, Mrs. 1 00 Coombe, 76 Coombe, Martha 9 26 Craft. William ' f 2 00 Craig, W. 1 00 Craig, Mrs. - .. .. 1 00 Cripps, Mrs. > .■"■■ , 1 00 Cropley, H. A. r 2 00 Diamond, Mrs. Jacob, 26 Diamond, Moses , • V» 30 Dibblee, Geo. Y. ' 1 00 Disbrow, Mrs. 1 00 Dougherty, Hugh > ' / : 1 00 Dougherty, Miss 26 Eggar, John 1 60 Estey, Mrs. ,ilt . 25 Fonety, (i. K. Flewellin;{, W'm. Friend, Friend, Friend, Fisher, Hon. Judge and Mrs. Fisher, The Misses Fisher, Wm. (iolding, J. It. Gordon, Mr>. Gordon, Mr. and Arthur Gordon, thinies Gordon, Mrs, iind J. Grieves, Mrs. Grigor, Mis^ Gregory, Dr, Gregory, Mrs. Gregory, 'i'hc Misses Ilauiilton, Mrs. Hamilton . I]u<:li Ilatheway, T. ii. Hazen, Mrs. Hodge, John Hunt, Geo. C. Humphries, Chas. Inches, Andriiw Irons, John Jack, Jlrs. ; Jack, Miss Jacob, Miss Jacobs, Mrs. . i- Jamieson, Miss Jennings. Mrs. Jones, T. Jouett, B. K. Jouett, Miss Kay, John Ketchum, H. 0. C. Lawrence, W. and Mrs. Lee, G. Herbert Leese, J. .iA Lemont, Mrs. , ,, Leslie, Mrs. Lieut. Governor, Lipsett, Wm. and Jane Lipsett, Mrs. Lister, The Misses Long, I. 36 00 1 0(j 20 00 1 ()0 20 00 5 1 1 1 00 oo OiJ 00 00 oti 45 <>{} 1 0(1 5 <t(.i 1 ()(j 8 Oil 1 0(j 1 On 1 Oij 1 Ou 5 OO 25 25 Oil 50 1 00 4 00 10 00 25 1 OO 20 50 1 00 1 00 50 10 00 72 2 00 25 96 20 40 00 1 00 20 2 001 1 Mcl'liersc Millor, Milchell. MoJlat, M Moore, Hi Moore, J a Moore, Jo Morehons< Morehouse Morehouse Morgan, M 0<\oll, Hoii l^.'ii'kin, Ge Poppers, T I'liair, Mrs I'liiiir, J. II i'iiider, Mrs I'li'igie, Ml I'iiider, Mrs Qiiiiin, W. Kiilnsford, \ Ufiinsford, . Kuinsford, ., Randolph, J Hichards, Jc Roberts, Dr Roberts, He Roberts, A^- Roberts, Ch Robinson, I Robinson, C Robinson, H Robinson, P Robinson, M Robinson, M Robinson, M Ross, Emily Ryan, Mrs. V Rvan, Miss Ryan, Thos. oaimders Hoi ^covil, Mrs. Yeovil, Miss g if -^^ I'; 99 nn 00 Luf^rin, Mrs. 1 00 1 III) Liijrrin. Miss I 00 20 no Lii^'riii, (r. 1». 47 1 «iO Miitliesou, Ml-. 1 00 .".0 Me Kuan, Miir\ r>o M(L:i ijfhlin, Nlr>. 60 20 00 Ml riiorHOii, Mrs*. ('. 2 00 5 m Mi I lor, 1 00 1 0(J Mitchell. Ale v. 1 00 1 00 Motl'at, Mrs. 68 1 00 Mooru, Iliigli 4 00 !• 00 Moure, Juno 6 00 ijll Moore, John 3 00 45 MorohouBO, Mr>. 1 00 AO Morchousie, (J. 1 00 1 0(1 Morehouse, (". V. 1 00 5 00 Morgan, Mrs. 20 1 m Ode 1, Hon. AVilliant 20 00 8 Oil Parkin, Geo. II. 16 00 .").") IVppers, Tho.-'. 1 00 1 Ou I'hiiir, Mrs 1 00 1 Oil I'liiiir, J. H. 2 00 1 Oij I'iiitler, Mrs. 60 . I OiJ IViiij^le, Mrs. 1 00 f) OO i'imler, Mrs. If. M. 60 'lb Quinn, W. H. 1 00 25 0(1 Itiiinsford, 11. B. 6 00 oO Uainsford, K. 1 00 1 OfJ {{ttinsford, J. J>. 1 (X) 4 GO Raiulolnh, J. H. \\ Kicharus, John 1 00 10 00 5 00 26 Roberts, Dr. 6 00 1 00 Roberts, Rev. (r. <J. 12 00 '20 Roberts, Agnes K. 1 00 50 Roberts, Chas. (J. D. 2 00 1 00 Robinson, Hon. K. T. 6 00 1 00 Robinson, Col. .1. 8 00 50 Robinson, H. .1. and Mrs . 10 00 10 00 Robinson, PhiliiJse 5 00 rs. 72 Robinson, My.';. \V. 11. 6 00 2 00 Robinson, Mfs. >V. 11. 1 00 2{ Robinson, Mrs. .1. 1 00 9( Ross, Emily 20 2( Ryan, Mrs. W. 60 40 Rvan, Miss 26 le 10 Ryan, Thos. 1 00 M Saunders Hon. J. S. 10 00 2( Scovil, Mrs. 1 00 K )*)lScovil, Miss 1 00 Scarnell, Mrs. Segec, VV. V. Sherman, Mrs. SImte, 8. F. Smilor, 8pahnn, Miss Sterling, A. A. Straton, F. A. H. Street, Mrs. Street, Miss Street, W. W. Street, A. F. Sulis, Charles Snlis, Mrs. Story, Edwin Swvm, A. Swym, E. Symonds, Mrs. Symonds, The Misses Tattersall, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas, Chas. Thomas, (i. & Mrs. G. Thomas, Albert D. Thomas, Stiirgis Tippet, Mrs. Tippet, Mary, Alice, & Fred, Tippet, Vivian Tippet, William H. Wallace, Charlotte Wetmore, Hon. Judge Wetmore, Mrs A. K. Wetmore, G. L. Wetmere, A. R. Jr. Wetmore, Laura Wetmore, J. W. Wetmore, Mrs. T. S. Wetmore, Mayor Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler, Henry Whelpley, G. T. Williams, Miss , > Williamson, J. ,,■ ,; Willis, Frederic Wilmot, E. H. & Mrs. Winslow, E. B. ..,H Winslow, B. ...,,;. . Woodward, J. »<[ . 2 tX) 2 IHI I 0() 2 00 1 00 1 00 6 00 00 S 00 I 00 2 00 :> 00 I 00 1 <H) ttO fiO fiO 8 00 4 00 40 6 00 I 00 ;{ 00 I 00 1 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 6 00 no 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 6 00 60 1 00 60 iO 00 4 00 2 00 1 00 'Im 11 r Yunly, K. 7 . 100 1 OOlNeahs, (}. Fiiinis — XCllIC"*, S(M)Vll Total, •/ $717 CoUeclioMH, 1 at Cuthcdnil for W. A O., 2.0 f •« 8. P. (}. 47 1 '< (jlen. Purpose -?, 70 1 at PariHh Uhuich lor W. & O V^ I " 8. P.O. 18 £, " Gen. Purposes, 24 87 86 (K) .')3 01 31 81 im iti'i Total, $!M0 62 (lAiJETOWN. Alien, Williiim Applc.hy, Liiko '»•' . BrookH, Wiiliatn Bovle, Charles Clo'wcH, J. C. 'I , Cooper, Mrs. ' '' ' Curric, Eliza • . DeVcbcr, Mrs. G. DeVeber, James ' , DcVcber, M. E. - '/- DeVeber, L. Dickie, Mr. & Mrs. DuVernet, II. Elliott. Mrs. John Fox, John Gilbert, Mrs. 11. Gourley, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mrs. VVm. Johnston, Mrs. Knox, M. H. McAllister, Arch. McAllister, Charles, McKeague, Wm. McCracken, John McFarlane Mrs. '< , McKinnev, John McMulkin, E. McMiilkin, Mrs. Wm. Menteith, John Neales, Mary Neales, Helen 1 Neales, Rose -^1 ■•' 'Neales, J. DeVeber 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 60 00 60 60 00 60 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 60 00 00 20 50 00 25 00 50 00 60 25 60 25 10 60 00 00 00 50 PcttM-s, Mrn. S. L. ' ■ 1 Purvis, David 2 I{oi;lor, J' ' •' 4 Uoljstoii, A. ' Slinpsdii, Mrs. Charles 1 St('V<Mi»^()n, Mr-. An<lrow Stt'V«Mi.son, .lohii Hinith, riPslie ' Sniilli, Charles W. "' 2 Tillov, Mrs. ' 1 Tuck, Mrs. WajTiM'r, John Wchuorc, Mrs. T. U. 2 Wafson, Mrs. Williams, Gilbert Mrs. 1 Williamsdu, Susan ColkM'tions October. 7 Do June 1876, 7 )ii 00 0() 00 III! :>{) Ad (II) (ID hi) AO 0(1 m Oil :'i) on (III $65 :)u IIAMI'TON. Christmas Collection, 1S74, $1) Triuitv, *' 1876, lu John A AVrijrht, 10 Craven Lanjrstroth, •"> Wm. W. Walker, 4 Mrs. Walker i 1 Patrick MclJrine, I Mrs. MclJrine, Charles J. Smith, • 1 Mrs C. J. Smith, 1 Isabella Smith, I Edward Smith, 1 Newton Smith, , '. 1 Edward Demill '■ ,i George Otty, *» 2 James Cookson, / ..i 1 Charity Demill, / 1 Mrs. li. Demill, i 1 Wolsey Raymond, .j. 5 Thomas Wright, Jack Wright, o; Mo I III nil <)(' w nil 511 OU 001 w I 00 00 1 001 00 Oil ool oo 10 11)1 ■fi. $57 1^ <'i)lk'Cttj(| CainluM', C'aiT, |{(«\ (VV Krascr, M Hawkins, llnukins, llarir. Ri, Jennings, l^'^i, John lioe, Mrs. it ill •Murray, T MiirniV, Is Murray, W McKwJiin, Nicholson, Pace, Airs. Seyee, Win Collei'ted Camber, L Francis, A Francis, Sji Grooii, Mrs Hare, Mrs Henry, Uob Kiliior, Mrs Look, Willis, i-eok, Magir Leek, Mrs." McClarv, M ihiunsell, Lt O'llee, Mrs. P'lyne, Jose Payne, Oha. Quurterman, Ruinsford, M Smith, Fann omith, Sarah Swinny, Cap r ioi •2:» •.'5 I no K I \( J S(J LI : A It. • Colli'Ct.Ml i.y MU-i L)iiki M iirr.iy. 2 W 4 IK) CaiiiluM*, Miss .00 • lit t'lUT, Kcv.J. F. \ III) (VV.&O.) 5 00' 50 Knisoi*. Mr«. 20' '.0 Iliiwkiiis, ,Ios(»pli ,. 00 ' AU Hawkins, Win. 1 00 2 OO Iliirtt. Riclmnl , 24 I 00 .Icimiii^rs, Mrs. • 28 .".0 Lee, .John 11. 2 0(J m Lee, Mrs. Cluuics 2 Oil & liiniily 5 00 10 Mnrniy, Thomas 2 00 . 1 Oil Miircay, Isaac 2 00 •ju Murray, NVni. II. . 2 00 7 ni) McKwain, Mary A. 20 7 U'l Nicholson, Wui. 21 Puce, Mrs. 20 $65 !)0 SegeCjWin. ,, , , ^ 1 00 5, $0 07 10 >^b 10 oO ;") IH^ 4 (ic 1 III' I III) 50 1 01' I 1 00 1 Oli 1 OO 1 00 2 col Total, 822 IJG 100 1 (X^ 100 500 10 10 Collected by Mi.i^ B. I'.iym;. Camber, Lydiii B'rancis, Aiidrow Francis, Sanih Green, Mrs. llillon Ilurf, Mrs. Henry, Robert . . , Kihier, Mrs. , Lock, William, Leek, Magj^ic Leek, Mrs. John McClary, Mrs. Maunsell, Lt. Col. |0'Rec, Mrs. ^,. ,, Payne, Joseph Payne, Charles > Quarterman, Mrs. Rainsford, Miss. M. A. Smith, Fanney Smith, Sarah Swinuy, Capt. H. H. 10 60 25 25 00 25 50 50 75 25 25 20 00 25 50 50 25 00 25 25 00 ColltM-ttNl I.y Mi»t S. Loo), Allan, Mi>.s T^ncy Francis, (Charles ficck, (icoryc Lock, NVllIiain Mcintosh, llclla , McCarty, Alien Uainslord, Miss Sutherland, Mrs. AO 96 60 86 IS Sii I $57 11 $26 80 C'.ill.H-t.-.| I.y MisM >r.-Kiii!cy Burnett, Robert Burnett. .Tohu '' Esiey, Z. R. F']>toy, Willinni Kvcrett, Mrs A. Kvorott, Mrs. S. Dnnphy, Thomas (tray, kolxfrt Kilburn, Mrs. I. Murray, .Tohn Murray, Mrs. John McKinley, Daniel McKinley, Mrs. McKay, NVni. Poore, Mrs. I dU 60 2.'> 00 50 60 80 35 96 60 no I 00 2.5 Total, S7 10 Collocte.l t.y M\^^ Mofiitt. Close, Mrs. 50 Crewdson, Mrs. TO Elliott, John . ' 60 Hayns, Mrs. 20 Ilolyoke, Mrs. . 1 00 Long, Mrs. 2.5 Mills, Lottie QA Mollatt, Mrs. |a Moflatt, Maggie ' 96 Saunders, Miss 1 00 84 70 Offertory Collkction. G. For S. P. W.&O., 1st Collection, 5 00 3 30 5 00 8*.' '■-■ I It |i; IT' ii j ' 102 2nd Collection, 1 50 814 80 Mrssiox Boxes. (W. & O.) Miss McKay, Carrie Segee, Georgie Maunsell, 3 81 8G 44 $5 11 KiNGHCLEAR : RECAPITULATION. Collected bv Miss L. Murray, $22 36 Do Miss Payne, 2G 80 Do Do Leek, 3 25 Do Do McKinley, 7 10 Do Do Moffatt, 4 70 Total, $84 12 LANCASTER AND MUSQUASH. Andrews, Mrs. for 74-75, A Friend, A Friend, Archibald, Geo. Bedell, Dr. Belwore, Daniel Bradley, Geo. Balcam, Mrs. Josh'. Cooper, Geo. Cairns, David Clinch, Edward, Carman, Leo. D. V. Campbell, Daniel Dorodell, Horatio Dunn, John Sr. Donelly, Eobt. Donelly, Hannah Gutherie, Robt. Gabel, T. B. Gamel.Mrs. Howe, Wm. Howe, Jonas Holland, Wm. Hatfield, Miss ' ' Hazard, Henry 'V Hamilton, John w . 1 1 1 00 50 10 25 00 50 50 00 50 50 75 2 uO 20 1 50 1 00 50 25 25 72 50 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 50 50 Jones, Mrs J. R. 20 Johnson, Mr. 50 Knight, J. E. 2 (i(j Lenox, Thos. 50 Leslie, John 50 Matitall, Geo. 1 00 Moody, Jas. ' ' 50 Miles, John 50 Kenedy, Josh. 40 McGowen, Mrs. John 25 McGowen, Mary 50 McLannel, Mrs. John 25 Mawhiney, Mrs. Robt. Sr. 25 Mawhiney, Wilson 1 00 Nash, Charles 50 Odell, Charles 50 Odell, John 50 Reid, James 1 09 Reid, Spenser 34 Spike, Rev. H. M. 4 00 Scully, Robt. 25 Shepherd, Wm. 25 Scott, Robert 50 Simpson, Wm. E. 50 Sherwood, Isr. 25 Thomson, Mrs. A. Sr. 25 Thomson, Auth, Jr. 50 Thomson, Edward 50 Thomas, George 1 00 Theal, Tertullus 1 oo Tatten, Tobias 50 White, Wm. J. 50 White, Thomas 50 Collected at Musquash Church, 2 55 Collected at Dipper Harbour Church, Co $48 U MAUGERVILLE. Brown, C. $1 00 Brown, H. 1 00 Bent, Wm. & Mrs. 1 oo Brooks, C. » '' 1 00 Brooks, Mrs. ■ ' 50 Bowden, Mrs. 1 00 Currie, C. D. O. 8 OO Clowes, C. 1 00 M A. J. Bafouj Charles Bla Mrs. Blacks Mrs. Judge Robt. Boyer W. E. ColJie E.B. Chaud S. G. Gallek Duncan C. : Charles Moo Be?. E. Pent Mrs. T. S, Sf 103 2.") 50 2 0(j 60 50 1 00 50 50 40 ' 25 50 25 iv. 25 00 60 50 50 1 00 34 4 00 25 25 50 50 25 25 50 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 2 55 irboiii- 65 $48 16 SlOO 1 00 1 OOI 1 oo 60 1 00 8O0 1 00 1 Cox, Peters Cox, Robert Cox, Hannah Cox, Mrs. Cox, R. Cox, Herbert Covert, J. S. Covert, Mrs. Covert, Miss Charters, Mrs. Deveber, Wm. Ferguson, Mrs. Hamilton, J. Friends, 3 Milner. Mr. Miles, T. O. Miles, C. Miles, Cora McGarrigal, Thomas Porley, T. H. Perley, Miss E. Rice, J. Smith, Mrs. R. Smith, G. R. Smith, W. Stuart, G. Sterling, G. A. 1 00 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 50 I 00 1 00 00 25 00 00 00 50 1 00 3 50 00 00 1 €0 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 sterling, D. A. & Family 5 00 n. i.-„ T» r^ XT in AA sterling, Rev. G. H. Thompson, Anna Yeamans, 8. Yeamans, R. Chm*ch Collections, Total, MONCTON. A. J. Bafoug, Charles Blaciiwell, Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Judge Botsford, Robt. Boyer, W. E. Collier, E. B. Chandler, Jr. S. G. Galleky, j Duncan C. King .j Charles Moore, r Rev. E. Pentreath, Mrs. T. S. Sayre, 10 00 62 1 00 1 00 20 86 $82 73 00 00 00 Collections, Foreign Missions, Total, . 8 50 54 50 11 00 $65 00 NEWCASTLE & HARDWICK. 2 60 1 00 5 00 20 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 Newcastle. Mrs. Russell, Thomas, J. G. Kethro, Mrs. Kethro, Miss Stapleton, B. Smith, C. Godfrey, A. Forrest, Sarah Bateman, Charles Maltby, Mrs. C. Maltby, G. H. & M. E. Mrs. T. Maltby, Hugh Black, Mrs. T. Black, J. Hallaran, T. Hallaran, J. B. Miller, Mrs. J. B. Miller, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. McPherson, , Mary McPherson, Janet McPherson, ,, , Mrs. J. White, Dr. Bishop, • Miss Haskell, , Mrs. Prime, , W. W. Lee, J.H.Wilbur, . Mrs. Henry, W. Fenn, James Copp, Mr. and Mrs. Haddow, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, J. Wilgress, A. Harley, ^^ , Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Bell, -;'.,,',: $1 00 1 00 1 00 60 60 00 00 00 00 00 60 40 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 50 25 25 66 00 00 00 00 50 20 50 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 104 •i . li^'. -l] ^-.ii IV' ■»' C. F. Brown, Mrs. Jane Davidson, A Friend, John Burr, Mrs. Burr, Jas. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, Thomas Taylor, John Tavlor, AVilliam Taylor, ' Mrs. 8wansen, Eliza Swansen, OtFerings in St. And- rew's, Sunday School offerings, 00 00 00 50 oO 00 00 48 48 48 60 50 25 80 14 00 Total for Newcastle, $109 49 Hardwick. Robert Noble, Mrs. Noble, M. W. Mills, JohnA.Mil!8, V, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. J. Noble, A. Williston, Mrs. A. Williston, J. Williston, M. J. Williston, T. Williston, Seymour Williston, Maggie Williston, W. Williston, H. C. Williston, ,• A. G. Williston, ' J. G. Williston, Miss P. Williston, W. B. Williston, "' T. H. Williston, John Williston, Mrs. John Williston, Mary Williston, Charlotte Williston, J. A. Williston, ' J. Luther Williston,' T. McLcod, Mrs. Hilton, Taylor, '^'^ * Mrs. Gardener, '■ (•!, V- ,! ■>i 1 $1 00 1 00 25 20 ' 60 60 4 00 1 00 1 00 60 1 00 25 25 2 00 60 ' 60 ■'60 60 60 60 2 00 80 60 25 40 60 i/' 60 60 1 00 25 Offerings, 10 56 i • ■tf I >I $ 33 SI Newcastle, 109 49 $143 30 BAIE DES VENTS. Charles Anthony, • $ 50 Edward McGullivor, 1 00 Thomas Taylor, 50 Mrs Gardner 25 James Taylor, 50 Mrs. Ullock, 25 Mrs. B. Williston, ' 40 H. C. Williston 1 00 Luther, Williston, ' 1 OO Mrs. McDonald, 1 00 ■■ $6 40 NEWCASTLE. R. J. Crombie, 2 00 Mrs. Siccles, 1 00 Mrs. Bass, 1 OO NEW MARYLAND. W. Dunbar, (W. & O.) Mrs. O'Leary, ,,, D. Lipsett, : • ) W. Daniel, A. Segee, John McKnight, Mrs. John McKnight, James McKnight, Lewis Fisher, ■ Mrs . Lewis Fisher, " ' Amelia Fisher, Matilda Fisher, W. Hickling, « * '.' David Fisher, ' ' James Lindsay, -[ Mrs. Lindsav, ''■•'" T. C. D. Liiidsay, • ' Mrs. Horncastle, '^' William Horncastle, Mrs. W. Horncastle, Uj 00 75 00 50 60 OO 00 00 00 00 25 25 1 50 1 OOi 1 00 75 25 1 00 1 00 60 Baxter, Re Cother, J. ; Dixon, Ch{ Dixon, Ch£ Dixon, Hei Dixon, Geo Deniston, S Dixon, Gil Fairweathe Everson, M Fairweathe Fairweathe Fairweathe Fairweathei Frost, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Friend, Friend, Hughsou, Ji godges, Mr Jot^ges, A. godgin, E. ttoyt, Mrs. I 14 «;{■•■ . 105 10 o6 I 33 SI 109 49 ^143 3it J 50 1 00 50 25 50 25 40 1 00 1 00 1 00 $6 40 2 00 1 00 1 00 $4 00 5D. ;1 OO 75 1 00 1 50 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 25 1 501 1 oo| 1 751 25 1 00 1 OO 5(1 James Hor;n le, 1 00 Hoyt, Samuel 1 00 Mrs. J. Hon. : jtle, 60 Ketchum, Peter, 1 00 Sarah Horncastie, . • 60 Ketchnm, Charles 1 00 Annie Horncastle, 60 Ketchnm, Isaac 1 00 Robert McMurtrey, 1 00 Leavitt, Mrs* 1 00 Edward Fletcher, 1 60 Raymond, J. M. 1 00 Mrs. Fletcher, 50 Raymond, J. S. B. 4 00 David Fletcher, 50 Raymond, Geo. 1 00 Edward Fletcher, Jr. 60 Raymond, John, 60 Christopher Graham, 1 00 Raymond, Silas, 1 00 Thomas Graham, 60 Raymond, Miss Clarissa 1 00 Mrs. Thomas Graham 60 Raymond, Miss Hannah 1 00 Ellen Graham, 25 Seely, Byron 2 00 Annie Graham, 25 Seelv, Robert 1 00 Henry Fisher, 1 00 Seely, Hubert ' ' 60 Thomas O'Leary, 1 00 Wameford, Mrs. 2 00 Jeremiah Charters, 1 00 Scovil, Miss ' 1 00 James Haining, 50 Wright, W. J. 1 00 Friend, '' 10 Welmore, Mrs. E. S. 50 John Pearson, (W. & O.) 4 00 Wetmore, H. A. 25 1st Collection, (W. &. O.) 4 47 Wetmore, E. V. 50 2nd Collection, (S. P. G.) 2 86 Wetmore, E. J. 25 Wetmore, Mrs. C. H. Wetmore, N. 1 00 $40 78 X v/v 50 Wetmore, T. H. Z. 44 NORTON. Wetmore, Oscar A. 5 00 Baxter, Kobert Cother, J. H. Dixon, Charles Dixon, Charles Jr. $3 00 60 10 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 Vaughn, Mr. Stackhouse, Mrs. Shaflfroth, Elsie Offertory, Total, i 25 20 25 20 00 Dixon, Henry Dixon, Geo. E. m 94 Deniston, Wm. 1 00 Dixon, Gilbert 1 00 PETITCODIAC. Fairweather, E. R. 50 Everson, Mrs. 2 00 Collected by Miss Webster and Miss Julia Fowler. , i • n ■ . . ^ Fairweather, Edwin 1 00 Fairweather, James 2 00 G. Miles Blaknv, $1 00 Fairweather, James, E. 3 00 James Brown, j,., 1 00 Fairweather, Stephen 2 00 S. O. Merriam, 2 00 Frost, Mrs. H, 1 00 Mrs. L. Trites, 1 00 Frost, Mrs. Charles, 1 00 Mrs. Webster, 2 00 Friend, 25 N. D. Fowler, 50 Friend, .: 25 Mrs. J. Nelson, 1 00 Hughsou, James Hodges, Mrs. ■'/ 60 Miss Mary Geldert, 60 V 25 D. W.Colpitts, , '' 1 00 Hodges, A. \. I - 20 J. A. Ritchie, 60 Hodgin, E. ?i // m 26 L. W. Price, - , i4 1 00 Hoyt, Mrs. E. U 2 00 G. A. Jonah, 60 !t -c} 106 i.d;' .(VI 'M t ; ' ,1 Is )!?■■] .t.tll .Mil Miss C. S. Tippet, G. F. Fowler, A Friend, W. A. Lawrence, George G. Jones, if M. B. Keeth, Miss Annie Me Williams, Mrs. N. D. Fowler, Mrs. B. Smith, . t ,.„ J. A. Lawrence, Rev. C. Willis, O. E. Flewelling and family, W. M. Murphy, .' ..i/.il Charles A. Hallett, i , , 1 1 F. S. Hallett, ,-, ,;'' ^ H. Hallett, \ _\ , j'/- A Friend, | yf , -. A .^i\A , ' ■;v $31 96 (tn Collected by Miss Bessie Price. Miss Anna Allen, Friend, Rex Price, > M J. 0. Price, i Mi*s. J. C. Price, Miss Janie Price,</ Miss Bessie Price, M. J. McKinley, G. Thorn, Sr. W. Thorn, i G. Thom, Jr. 1 00 1 00 60 50 60 1 00 25 50 60 60 4 00 3 00 50 2 00 2 00 1 00 50 $2 00 10 r .MO 2 00 » .ri.M 1 00 • M .ik: 60 . '>-iii>i! 25 I ..('i.: 25 ./to' 50 1 00 50 50 Collected by Miss Web ster and J. Fowler, $8 60 $31 35 firii-cr $39 96 9 41 11 34 ' 6 97 1st Collection, 2d do. W. and O. Fund," '^^, ,„ 0.1 :PR1NCE WILLIAM AND DUMFRIES. AlleJn, Miss -iUjM' $ 50 Allen, Joseph ,j Allen, Jacob Adams, Miss Mary A. Brymer, William Brown, James „. ,, , Brown, John Brown, Mrs. William Bully, Miss Edith ,,., Davis, Josiali ', Davidson, Henry ' Davidson, Mrs. Henry Davidson, John C. Ellegood, Mrs. John (74) Ellegood, John Ellegood, Miss , . / Ellegood, William 'T Ellegood, Mrs. ,\^' Ellegood, Miss Maria Fraser, Clement < Fraser, Alexander ,, Fraser, William ',;,"'.' Fraser, George •"•.■'•,;'' Fraser, JohnlS. """"•"■ Fraser, Miss Lizzie Fraser, Thomas T. Graham, Gilbert, Sr. Graham, Patrick Graham, Gilbert, Jri>.! i Graham, Mrs. Gilbett Graham, Andrew Gartley, Andrew tluuD ,- Gartley, James '•,!( ,, Gartley, Mrs. Joht .»;) ,i Gartley, Miss / .tc, i Graham, James, Jr. 'i;> .i Henry, John A. ((iitt Henry, Mrs. John ^ ,»(• Henry, James A. 'iliii i Henry, Mrs. James A. Henry, Arthur Wellesley Henry, James , i ' Henry, Mrs. James Henry, Arthur Henry, Mrs. Arthur ■Mit(.- ■■\U I 60 50 00 00 GO 60 25 32 00 00 00 20 00 00 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 20 50 50 50 25 25 70 60 50 25 25 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 60 20 1 00 00 50 50 50 00 Henry, Miss Henry, William A. ■ Henry, Wm. and wife, (.B. L.) 1 00 Henry, J. & wife, (B» L.) 1 Oq Hood, ( Hood, J Hood, ( Harper, Harper, Haningf and Ing"ram, Jones, 1 Jones, V Kirkpati Kirkpati Kirkpati King, St( Lockhart Love, Jai Love, Mii Love, Ge( Love, Wr Love, Joh Logan, W Mays, .Mr? Mays, Mis McElw aiii McMullon McMulIen, McMulIen, AIcMuIlen, McUutcher McCutchen McCiUchei Me Maun us McMannus McMannus McMannus McDonald, Miller, Mrs Miller, Wil Strange, M Strange, M Strange, Vi Collections Collections / Mission Boa QUE Barrows, Th '107 ey i<f ,'ii ir\ ;-. 3 1 M li 50 ■ Hood, George, Sr. ' ' 50 ■ Hood, Mrs. ;/ 1 00 I Ilood, George, Jr. 1 00 ■ Harper, Fred. 1 00 ■ Harper, John 60 ■ Hanington, Rev. E. A. \V. 25 ■ and wife, 32 I [ngram, George I 00 I Jones, Thomas 1 00 ■ Jones, W. S. I 00 ■ Kirkpatrick, Thomas 20 ■ Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. I 1 00 H Kirkpatrick, Andrew 1 00 ■ King, Stewart ^ 50 ■ Lockhart, Thomas ' '"^0 I Love, James and wife, 1 00 ■ Love, Miss M. & Wilmot, 1 00 ■ Love, George j,,l 00 ■ Love, Wra. and Nelson .|' 1 00 I Love, John j. ' ll, 2 00 ■ Logan, Wm. aild wife, ' . 80 ■ Mavs, Mrs. 1 00 ■ Mavs, Miss •": ' -0 ■ McElwain, Samuel I 50 ■ McMuUen, George 50 ■ McMullen, Archey ',? 50 ■ iMcMullen, Mrs. Robert 25 ■ McMullen, Robert '^5 I McCutchen, Mr«. Charles 70 I McCutchen, Miss Barbara 60 I McCutchen, Joseph 50 I McMannus, Mrs. 25 I McMannus, Miss 25 I McMannus, Miss Sarah 50 I McMannus, Charlie 1 00 ■ McDonald, Miss Susan 1 00 ■ Miller, Mrs, John 2 00 ■ Miller, William 50 I Strange, Mrs. 20 ■ Strange, Miss E. M. A. 2 00 ■ Strange, Vivian and Wm 1 00 I Collections W. and O. 50 ■ Collections gen. purposes 60 ■ Mission Box, iwe-n'.t/i-u- 1 00 B •,f»-tj-i, 1 'ho 25 50 25 25 6 00 00 00 00 60 40 50 00 50 50 25 50 00 50 75 00 GO 50 25 50 25 25 30 20 50 00 50 12 20 00 35 00 00 25 50 47 20 14 lOol -.) ^^1 7 , 1 M 1 QUEENSBURT. Barrows, Thos. -c^iutl $85 50 $ 50 I ,f •I .i;,i.! 1.51 ^.! \ \\i ■ ; ^' ■// 1 CI/! U ' : I ,f Barrows, Mrs, Thos. B.any, Henry Blany, Robert Blanv, Graham Bradburv, John Bragden*, Elijah Brooks, Asa ' Brown, Abraham Brown, Henry Burgos, John . ' Boxes, Carurthers, Miss Carurthers, Miss Jane Caverhill, John, Sr. Caverhill, William Caverhill, John, Jr. ClitF, James Close, Mrs. Jas. Close, Miss Eliza '^^ ; Conkrete. Abraham Coy, Edward / Dore, Richard, Sr. J Dore, Richard, Jr. Dore, John Dore, Mrs. R. ' Dore, Miss Jane Draper, Horace Dysart, Jas. Earle, William Earle, James , Ferris, William Ferris, Mrs, Wm. Fox, Samuel Fox, Mrs. Fred. Graham, Henry Graham, Thos. Gibson, John Hagerman, Joseph Hoyt, Joseph Hoyt, Alexander ,;, Hoyt, Jessie " 'p Ingraham, Benjamin '''/'^" Ingraham, Charles ' '' Ingraham, Samuel Ingraham, George Ingraham, Frederick Ingraham, Mrs. George Ingraham, Misa Jane Ingraham, Hedley 50 1 00 60 50 1 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 25 1 56 1 00 1 1 1 I 1 I)'. ■.'■{■ Ifi! .V; . K'lll 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 2 09 50 25 00 00 00 00 00 44 1 00 50 1 50 50 50 1 00 50 60 20 50 50 60 75 1 00 25 25 60 60 00 00 1 00 60 50 60 ■.:.-'f 108 S-i ■. a-, 4' »■ ri '.i ■>■ t If lit W''^ ■ i i ' Jackson, Heury Knilans, Mrs. Lockhart, James Lockhart, Patrick London, Russcl Long, Mrs. Richard McDonald, David McDonald, Claude Mclllwainc, David Mclllwainc, Moses McLauchlan, Henry Miller, William Miller, Joseph Miller, Mrs. Joseph Morse, Joshua Murch, Isaac Murch, John Oldham, Joseph Oldham, Mrs. Jos. Oliver, John Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Barbara, Miss Parent, Stephen Parent, Solomon Peacock, James Pinder, Jas. K. Price, Charles Prescott, William Prescott, Mrs. W. Prescott, Thos. Prescott, Mrs. Thos. Prescott, Henry Slip, Joseph Stewart, Isaac Turner, John Turner, Mrs. John Towns, Weeks, A. R. Rev. Weeks, George Wetmore, Ed. T. Wiggins, William J. Woodman, R. Offertory, ■', RICHIBUCTO. Thos. W. Bliss, { . John C. Brown, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60 10 00 60 60 25 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 50 00 50 50 00 50 00 00 25 10 25 1 00 GO 00 00 50 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 1 00 25 50 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 10 12 2 1 1 Wra. Brown, Sr. 2 00 Wm. Brown, Jr. fio G. F. Brown, 5o Capt. Bulmer, l OO William Blain, 1 00 Mrs. Cochrane, l oo Frank Curran, 40 Mrs. Dibblee, 50 Friend, 50 Friend, 2o Friend, 25 Friend, 95 Mrs. Flitt, 40 Charles Forster, 2 00 Sarah Forster, 2 00 AU&'n Haines, 43 James A. James, 5 00 Mary Jones, 50 Annie Jones, 50 William Hudson & wife, 2 00 J. 0. Moody, M. D. 4 00 Joseph Michaud, *60 Louis Michaud, 45 William Mayberry, 50 Mrs. Mayberry, 40 Miss Morris, 1 oO Mrs. S. Powell, 48 Caleb Richardson, 2 00 Mrs. Shad wick, * 2d Miss Smith, 4 00 Amelia Taylor, i 00 Thomas F. Thompson, 1 00 Mrs. Ward, 20 John Wheten, 5 00 William Wheten, l 00 Mary Young, 25 Friend, 25 jv Kingston. $92 77 $2 00 5 00 John Dickenson, Thos. G. Dickenson, Isaac Dickenson, A. Dickenson, Jane Forster, Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Palmer, - "1 $50 86 $2 00 Mrs. D Mrs. W Richibui 00 00 1 OOl 1 501 m m 109 Mrs. D. Palmer, Mrs. Weston, 25 45 Ricbibucto, 8 7 98 50 36 Total, $58 34 RICHMOND. Annette, Elleu j Beardsley, Mrs. Ralph Beardsley, Alfred Bedell, Walter Bedell, Margaret J. Bell, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Thos. Bell, Arthur Bell, Alexander McBride, Thomas McBride, Robert McBride, Arthur McBride, Mrs. Arthur McBride, John Jr. Bradstreet, Mrs. G. McBride, Mrs. John Blackamore, Joseph Cuiiliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Cunliffe, Mr. & Mrs. Elisha Cunliffe, Franklin , Cunliffe, George Castauce, Mr. & Mrs. R. Carrie, Alfred » ., Carpenter, Mrs. i Carpenter, Nettie McCulloch,Mr.&Mrs. R. 1 I Chandler, Mrs. N. 1 McDougal, Joseph, Gray Mr. & Mrs. Daniel 1 Gray, Mary Jane Gartley, Thomas Gartley, Thomas Jr. 1 JGartley, Mr. & Mrs. John 1 IGeddes, John jGilkey, Currie ' ' JGilkey, Lewis - ^•' |Gentle, Mrs. 2 lentle, Mrs. Jousha, Mney, Isaac 1 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 00 00 75 ■48 50 50 50 50 00 1 00 1 GO 50 1 00 1 00 50 50 00 50 50 00 20 50 00 00 50 25 25 00 50 00 Gldney, Daniel Gidney, John Jonah, John G. Jonah, Asa Jameson, Henry Intyrc, Mr. & Mrs. P. Intyre, Mr. & Mrs. R. Intvre, Mr. & Mrs A. Mclntyre, James F. Intyre, Mr. & Mrs. W. Intyre, Jeannio Intyre, Mr. & Mrs. T. Intyre, Kethlcen Intyre, Alice Marion Kilburn, Mrs. McKcen, Reuben McKeen, Warnford McKeen, "William McKeen, Joseph MoKee, Mary McLellan, Mr. & Mrs. J. Letson, T. W. Molsone. Oliver Martin, Mr. & Mrs. J. Mores, James Nicholson, John Parks, Mr. & Mrs. D. Parks, Mrs. George Parks, Eugene Parks, Hannah Parks, Myrtle Ray, Andrew Rush, Murray Street, Rev. W. H. Stokes, William Strong, Thomas Strong, Mrs. Isaac Strong, Jane Toms, John Toms, Wm. Vandine, Mrs. E. Vandine, James H. Vandine, John Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. E. "Wiggins, Susan "Wells, George "W. Collections, , ' , 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 2 49 -J Total, $70 41 ■Hi' Mm I no (,,, ROTHESAY. '''• C<)llt!cU'(J hyMindOtty. Allan C. Otty, James Biiriiside, , --i/ Judson Clare, -^^ ij/ , Mi88 Duffy, 1/ >, ,j>/ Mary Alden, .1 , ,, J. D. M. Kcator, ,1/ Mr8. J. D. M. Keator, Mrs. Keator, Sr. Miss Ford, ,.,j] David Goldie, .,,,1;/ Eiiiisi Prliu-e, ,-i|/ ,,, Isabella Elliott, ,tj,.j| ,11 Jaraes Elliott, ,,.;// ., Hugh Elliott, Edward McMahon, Kellor, ••., I-' Mrs. M. Kellor, Pierce, 1 ,. Lizzie Golding, . , m Henrietta Golding, C. Stevenson, Robt. Humphries, <-» .u .v-iK •i'. • (■I '«u;ioyt ' -' ,( . Collectc'il by the Rect<»r. Chas. Prince, ' " J' David Prince, v<- f. y Miss Fowler, i^miU Ida E. Prince, f^ '' Ji Mrs. C. Prince, J- i!''f^ • Edgar Dickson, -'"•i? . Mrs. Geo. Prince, ^ •*; A Friend, <^>-^' .l Isaac Saunders, 'ii^ il Chief Jus. Ritchie, "-V Mrs. W. J. Ritchie, tu. • Il'llf ' $4 00 50 , 50 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 ! ,' 60 25 50 25 1 00 50 20 00 25 25 30 40 ■ /I /\ 'J' $17 40 \'i 00 25 60 50 60 25 1 00 60 1 00 20 00 5 00 (fol $30 70 Collected by Mi^a Hall, Mrs. L. J. Almon,'**»^ * • $2 00 Geo. Ballentine, -^"'"^ 1 00 A. Ballentine, 1 00 Robert Bradwell, 1 00 Mrs. Jas. Domville, 10 00 '•\ '." I C. H. Fairwcatlior, Mrs. John Dobbin, F. R. Fairwcather, Geo. G. Gilbert, S. S. Hall, Mrs. VVm. Hazen, Mrs. George Henderson, Jas. Henderson, Geo. Hornebrook, Geo. F. Hornebrook, Jr. Mrs. Mclntyre, Mrs. Jas. Petti ngale, D. C. Perkins, Mrs. Pickett, '' Mrs. D. D. Robertson, T. M. Robinson, • • Miss Rhodes, Mrs. Geo. Roberts, G. M. Wetmore, Miss Saunders, • IM- 1 i4 ■ / 50 00 I 00 1 IH) 1 uu 10 00 3 UO 1 0(1 I 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 .50 2 00 1 00 2 (JO 15 00 2 00 52 2 00 1 00 $114 0-: Collected by Mrs. Saunders. Thomas Saunders, Sarah Chamberlain, Miss John.ston, ! , Mr. Chamberlain, Jas. E. Smith, "Wm. Merritt, i >-> .- Elijah Kirkpatrick, " Wm. Smith, WL . Wm. Richardson, ,*'<■' Collection, / dl . II- . ..,.1 •V \t $1 00 25 20 50 60 tiO 50 50 40 $4 85 2 45 $6 80 KOTHBSAY : Recapitulation. Collected by Miss Otty, $17 40| Do. Rector, 30 70 Do. Miss Hall, 114 OJ Do. Mrs. Saunders, 6 80 Ist Collection, 9 91 2nd do. nui. .^fl/. .v 5 5l| Total, $184 n Barnes, Jj Barnes, M Barnes, M Barnes, Fa Barnes, W Barnes, C.t Bateman, .; Bateman, J Bateman, V Bateman, 2i Bateman, Jd BelJ, Mrs. \ Belts, Mrs. Brown, Din Brown, Ruf Clerk, Mrs. » Cannon, Ho E liott, Mrs filiiott Mrs. Friend, Friend, iForster, Joh narshman, ( flanington, I Haniugton, panington, ^aningtou, lanington, "V 'Ogrlis, Samu oonson, Mrs '"■vis. Rev. 1 Wis, Mrs. \ "ii-ay, Arcl array, Edw 'ovii,Mr8.I , 'fluremau, JV 'njtii, Miss C 'o»itii, Thoma nx 50 00 I 00 1 (»(l 1 00 10 00 3 MO I 00 1 00 3 on . I tK) 1 GO 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 15 00 ■'- 2 00 ^ 52 •I' 2 00 •I' 1 00 $114 0-2 .1 SACKVILLE. T Rflv. D. Nickorsou, W. A. Fowler, Win. Fowler, Eva L. Fowler, $1 25 50 60 26 ••M $2 30 -J!»(>' SHEDIAC. ,■.... ./. II (lers. $1 GO 25 20 50 50 ^0 50 50 40 $4 35 •2 45 $6 80 ILATION. |y> $17 40' 30 7(1 1, 114 OJ rs, 6 80 9 91 5 5l| $184 V\ Barnes, James Barnes, Mrs. Jaroes Barnes, Mrs. William •'>*,,■ Barnes, Fanny 8. . i/. ;. Barnes, Willie O. ••'• m Barnes, Ciara A. M. Bateman, John Bateman, Marcus Bateman, William G. Bateman, Mrs. Frederick Bateman, Mrs. George Bell, Mrs. William Belts, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Dimock.. H .j}. Brown, Ruf us M<;ii; // Clerk, Mrs. John Cannon, Horatio Nelson Elliott, Mrs Thomas Elliott Mrs. Thomas Jr. Friend, // u . Friend, ..1 A, Forster, John . • 7/ .ii<» HarBhman, George Hanington, Hon. Daniel lUaniugton, Mrs. Joseph [Hanington, Mrs. Sherman 50 lanington, Weldon 1 00 anington, William Jr 10 00 nglis, Samuel •'! .lifilo 60 Johnson, Mrs. John 45 fai-vis, Rev. Dr. . .4 00 ills, Mrs. Welling . ,tro>^i 20 'urray, Archibald 45 array, Edward 25 iovil, Mrs. H. A. mnc » 4 00 ihureman, Mrs. P. ; 50 Imith, Miss Cordelia 3 00 [rnith, Thomas 1 00 ,l.!l'jtl">tla<r'- .ff. 60 60 30 20 20 20 2 00 50 50 25 25 25 50 2 00 1 00 30 1 00 25 20 1.00 I 3 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 Somcrbv, Mrs. Robert 25 Stevens', William & Mrs. 4 00 Sutherland, Mrs. 30 Theal, Dr. Charles u >■ i 60 Theal, Frank 1 00 Welling, Edward J. 1 00 Welling, John i; ;• tj ' 1 00 Welling, George .,60 Welling, Sherman , '/ <Jft Tool, Joseph iiM'^iiil Tool, Patrick 47 $53 56 Ist Semi-Annual Sermon, April 2, 1874, 4 13 2d cfo Oct. 18, 1874, 4 86 Sermon for the Heathen 8. P. G. 6 18 I' •J ! »W $68 72 iijiil \>:K .1. I'-IlH if n Collected by Mr. and Mra, Francis. SIMONDS. Willow Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Francis, $10 00 Messrs. DeVeber, 5 00 T.W.Daniel, v-"- ■ 6 OC Mrs. C. 5 00 .Mrs. Bunker, 2 00 C. Duff, . . .,. ; 1 00 John Sullivan, 1 00 John Crozier, l''''' 'H>< 1 OQ H.Charlton, ^fiiyir.y'l .tnW Miss Collins, .4"'''l"'> if'<'itt R. Colby, ,ii^>liiluU "./M J.Davidson, "'vJhikIcT, tiotIM Isaac Shelton, ,ii<.-i('r/'ji>< fill Friend, U[>\^ X nu-.m J. McConachie, fi< ii\i40 E. Murphy, 26 John Hill, 26 Wm. Saunders, ..^ „ 1 60 John Charlton, " ^''^ ' 88 W. Murphy, /jioiliiuU 40 ■ ' „ , /.J I0lfl>n< — • -■ 00 i' , /;(0ij^o(i l)ir.(l-.)iH 112 f. hi'- '■:. t Loch Lomoni>. ! 1 ColleoUHl by MIhh BundH. Daniel Lynch, 46 Mrs. Dazzcll, 1 00 Miss R. Tynor, 26 Mrs. Johnstone, : 60 W. Bray den, • .•■ .' 60 R. Wilson, ( . . 60 Friend, 24 Mrs. Bunker, 2 00 Miss Marv Sen tell 26 Friend, 60 Mrs. Jas. Stevenson, 26 Miss M. E. Sands, 1 00 Gk)LDBN Grove. Collected l)j' Mr. David Scott. Nathan Land, Friend, Samuel Young, William Sproul, Robert Sproul, William Scott, David Scott, William Porter, Grordon Irving, Nicholson Stephenson, Wm. Pearcing, , . Enoch Golding, . ^. . Keys McBrien, Robert Johnstone, A. Stevenson, Adam J. Stephenson, Eliza Johnstone, ,, Black River. Mr. Dogherty, Thomas Dogherty, Andi*ew Dogherty, Richard Dogherty, $7 44 $6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 $21 60 Collected by Miss Johnstone. $6 00 1 00 00 00 60 25 60 60 $9 75 $2 00 2 ©0 2 00 2 00 Mary Jane Dogherty, 2 00 John Dogherty, 1 00 George Doghcrtv, 1 0() William Evans,' / 2 00 Robert Evans, ' ' 2 oo Mr. Burns, 2 OO Wm. Daly, 2 00 Richard Evans, 2 Oo James Armblrong, 2 oO Thomas Morrison, 2 00 William Armstrong, 2 00 Robert Moore, 2 00 Benjamin Ambrose, 2 00 Richard Daly, 2 00 John Armstrong, * 2 00 Mr. Dare, ' 2 00 William Moore, / 2 00 Robert Moore, 2 00 $42 00 Moose Path. Collected by Mr. Herbert Lee. Danford, B. M. Davis, William Green, Thos. A. Hay, William Hutchinson, Lee, G. Herbert Lister, J. W. Mills, J. E. Morrison, W. G. McEvoy, John McEvoy, P. J. Quiglev, James Scott, R. F. . Scovil, Ed. G. Selfridge. J. Sinclair, Peter Tray nor, Thos. Wisks, John Wilson, John 00 oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (X) 00 oo ool ool]. $20 Rev. Canon Scovil, (W. _ and O.) $20 O0| H. W. Wilson, '.:i 10 G. A. Schofield, ::jili 10 S. Schofield, 5 Rov. G, R. S. Ai Mrs. Sec \y. hmh Mr. Earl \rillinm ] Mis. Wm John Hur: Mrs. John Richard V Mrs. Wafi Richard K Mrs. R, E' B. Ambro] Wm. Arm Heiirv WJ] John Wliit Robert A. ^Vi Ilium Di John Arms James Ann K. J. Kingf James Caps Hugh McN John Percy Henry Hor Robert Gil] James Cark John Cai'kc Richard Ma James Mooi James Davi Robert Stev Friend, Chai-les Viji 'James B. M Mr. CarJy, Of Kev. G. Schoflcld, R. S. Armstrong, Mrs. Scovil, \V. Jordan, Mr. Earl, Ck)IIeot<>(l hy Miss Evnn« Willinm Evans, Mrs. Wrn. Evans, John Burns, Mr«<. John Burns, Rioliard Wagner, Mrs. Wagner, Ricliard Evans, Mrs. R. Evans, B. Ambrose, Wm. Armstrong, Heiirv White, John White, Robert A. Moore, William Daly, John Armstrong, James Armstrong, K. J. Kingston, James Capson, Hugh McNeil, John Percy, Heiirv Horton, Robert Gillis, James Carkery, John Carkery, Richard Mahoner, James Moore, James Davidson, Robert Stewart, Friend, Charles Vincent, James B. McNiel. Mr. Carly, ,/ • Offertory. I Moose Path, I Golden Grove, JLoch Lomond, IWillow Grove, ' |Black River, 15 113 4 00 4 00 4 00 I 00 1 00 $1 00 60 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 60 60 50 1 00 60 50 50 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 I 00 50 50 50 1 00 25 $22 25 1 - ,- I $49 24 6 80 4 50 5 00 4 30 Botsford Mills, Schedule Fund, D. C. S. S. P. G. 5 21 $75 05 $160 00 181 07 5 60 Total, $2'J7 47 SPRINGFIELD. Adam, Joseph Benson, Wm. I?enson., Jas. P. Cookson, Miss Colgan, James Davis, F. H. Fairweather, Mrs. S. Haggard, James Huggard, Mrs. J. Huggard, lid. (3rd.) Huggard, Rd. (2nd.) Kellier, Wm. Keirstead, A. J. Keirstead, J. A. S. McAfee, Mrs. Northrop, A. G. Jr. (74,) Northrop, A. (i. Jr. Northrop, J. W. Rogers, Rev. Geo. White, Vincent Scovil, Greensladc Trinity Collection, (Oct.) Trinity Collection, (Juno) McLeod's do. (Oct.) McLeod's do. (June) Long's Collection, (June) 95 60 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 40 00 1 00 50 25 1 00 60 50 5 00 4 00 1 00 1 20 1 50 86 1 00 58 Johnston. Birne> , Wm. ' Crawford, Wm. Crawford, Margaret Crawford, Elizabelb Harder, Stephen Hall, Mrs. !' Johnston, J. K. $28 84 $1 00 25 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 h ■ ■ I i *' I J 114 liiinj^loy, Mi'H. Loii^, S. 1 Murray, Ann 1 Pciirsoii, VVm. 2 PeuiHoii. T. II. 1 PeiirHOii, J«)hii Pciirson, Win. PeiUHon, Tho. 1 Rlchiudsoii, (Joo. (1«74,) 1 St John Collection, (Oct.) 1 St. John do (.rune) 2 2r> 00 00 00 00 50 AO' 00 00 i 8.0; 12 Springfield, $10 28 47 84 $4.0 31 SAINT ANDREWS. Auglitu'ton, Jjuncs $ 50 Augherton, Mrs. James 50 Bradrid<fe, Henry 1 00 Burton, John 1 00 Billings, Samuel 1 00 Brown, John 1 00 Black. Thomas 1 00 Campbell, Geo. F. 1 00 Craig, Mrs. John 50 Conley, Mrs. 1 00 Covey, Mrs. 75 Denlej', Mrs. 60 Denloy, Joseph 60 Den ley, Mrs. Joseph 60 Gove, S. T. 2 00 Hatch, H. II. 2 00 Houlton, Mrs. 60 Haddock, Jacob Mrs. 50 Hipwell, James 1 00 Hatheway, C. E. O. 1 00 Haddock, R. Mrs. 25 Halfpenny, H. E. 1 00 Howard, Mrs. 1 00 Jones, John 1 00 Jones Harry 1 00 Ketchum, Rev. Dr. 8 00 Legh, Cornwall Mrs. 9 56 Lorimer, Edward 1 00 Magee, John S. 100 McOurdy, Mrs. T. 60 Maloney, Mis. 1 OU Mc(ilrotty, Miss i\t) ()-burn, llnnry 5 0<j ()(loll/r. T. , 1 (»(. Parker, Mrs. 24 (>j Uced, Sirs. I Oi) Street, Mrs. Jas. W. 5 (h) Street, Louise E. 2 (xj StHM't, Maiia A. 1 .On Street, George D. 4 (id Street, Herbert , 1 no Street, Loo 1 Stevenson, II. K, 4 Stinson, Thomas Stinson, Angus Short, Mrs. Smith, T. Mrs. Smith, Sarah ; Smith, Ann Stinson, Ebur Turner, Mrs. llon.C. Tapper, C. B. Treadwell, N. VVhitloeU, William Whitlock, Henry Mrs. 1 ik) Wren, John Capt. 1 On Wren, Mrs. Thos. au 1st Collection in Church, !) 'Ji; 2d do. do. 27 Uu m 00 1 0(J 1 :'.-. .Oil % •2i) 2 OU I 00 I Oil 5 (lU 1 (JO 4 (10 $149 84 ClIAMCOOK. Craig, Joseph Mrs. Craig, David Mrs. * Grimmer, Geo. S. Grimmer, Davidson Grimmer, Durell Johnston, Henry Johnston, Harriet Miller, Thomas Miller, Robert Pye, James Mrs. Rankin, David Mrs. Simpson, William Mrs. Townshend, Mrs. W. Townshend, John Townshend, Robert Mrs. "Wren, Annie E. 50 50 15 00 1 00 25 00 60 50 50 42 1 50 25 50 50 50 40 Colloctloi St. Andn ST. HE Church Co W. and O. mas I) O/Ierings ; fourth Trill it> Sundav Sel 20; 187 Faihvillf Cliurch Col 1. Decembc 2. June 2nd << (( Fund), Sunday Sch( 27th, ' Grand Bay ( St. George's |jiT. GEORGE St. Collected by J |A Friend, U Frie)id, h^ustin, Sanii Austin, Robf ilakeley, Mai >arry, Mrs. ■; ^'iiiT, Jennie u 1 (III •J I Om 1 Ui| 6 00 2 00 I fiu 4 III) 1 ni) 1 Ul) 4 m 115 CollcctioiiH ill Church, 3 .)() 01) •J.'t 5ti ih, 2 <)u 1 DO I Ul) b IIU 1 (it) 4 01) 1 (HI 1 Om ;')!) \) DO 27 OU St. Andre WH, Total, $149 84 50 50 16 00 1 00 •25 1 00 60 50 50 42 50 •25 50 50 50 40 Is. Lrs. $20 42 149 84, $170 20 I ST. UEOIKJK'S CIIUUCII, CAllLETON. Church Collections: W.iindO. Fund, Christ- mas Duy, lH7t, $ 8 00 Otr('rin«,^s in envelopes, tbnrth Sundiiy after Trinity, 27 33 Sundiiv School box, June •Jo; 1874, 2 71 $38 04 Faiuvillk and Grand Bay Mission. Church Collections: 1. December 27, 1874. $11 70 ■>. June 2nd, 187.'), 80 02 •' " (W.andO. Fund), 2 00 Sunday School Box, June •27th, 8 70 Gnuid Bay Collections, 4 20 $03 34 1st. Geort'c's, Carlcton, 38 04 Total, 8101 38 1st. GEORGE, PENNFIELD, &c. St. Geougb, Collected by Mrs. Joshua Knight. |A Friend, $ 5u 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 JA Friend, ■Austin, Samuel JAustin, Robt. J. Jlakeley, Martha Sarry, Mrs. Thos. 3airv, Jennie Hovd, .Tohn Mr. Hon (I. Mr«i. .lohu IJaidwin, (ieorgc llowMian, .lohn naldwin, A. S. Brown, Frederick llrown, Mrs. Ilnj^h ConiKMi, Mrs. .John Clini^h, (hiy (Jriclvard, Mrs. Jolin Cohner, Sirs. Co( kburn, J. Henry (yhivbnrn. .lohn (joiilts, William Drake, Mrs. Samuel I )ewar, .fohn DntUs, .lohii (rray, M. V. (lillinor, A. TL, Jr. (iralla<,'her, Mrs. W. (iray, Kobert Goss, Thomas Irish, S. C. Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Charles Kerr, J. P., M. D. Keen, Mrs. L. Kidd, Jessie Knight, Gideon Knight, Mrs. Joshua Low, Ealx Ludgate, Hugh McCice, Richard, Sr. McGee, Charles Morin, Francis Messennett, Miss Marr, J. P. Milne, Alex. McMurray, J. F. Milne, Alex. G. McLean, George Mclnnis, John McLean, John Murray, Mrs. Joseph Moran, Jas. A. Mealy, Malcolm McAdani, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. McCallum, Jane ao ao M M to 40 1 00 25 1 (M) 60 00 50 1 00 30 00 60 03 1 1 1 50 1 25 4 00 3 00 1 00 50 00 00 00 60 00 00 8 2 6 00 50 00 00 00 50 50 00 60 fiO 30 1 GO 60 20 60 1 00 1 r ■A HI ! ''''. ''?'" Hi n M 1 ■ • ^f !■■ ■ I ;. ■■ .1?! 1 1 • ■ '■- i^ y.mi 116 Meating, Mrs. McGlasnaii, Mrs. 1 McCallum, Mrs. John O'Brien, James 1 Park, John Parks, Mrs. Moses 1 Parker, N. G. D., M. D. and Mrs. 20 Parker, Alice G; 5 Rand, H. W. 1 Randall, Fann)'^ Smith, Rev. Ranald E. 4 Smith, Mrs. Ranald E. 2 Sutherland, William 1 Stuart, R. A. 1 Stevens, Thomas 1 Stevens, Wm. H. Shaw, Benj. Sparks, Mrs. G. Spinney, Martha 1 Spinney, Alice Spinney, Mr, & Mrs. Jas. 1 Shawr, W. W. 1 Sutherland, Robt. Steen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1 Thieckens, Mrs. G. 1 Traill, Mrs. J. 1 Wetmore, F. A. Wetmore, Douglas Jas. Wetmore, Josiah 1 Wetmore, Mrs. A. J. 1 Watt, James Wilder, E. C. Wallace, Miss 1 Wallace, Mrs. Samuel 1 y/aycott, Mrs. Alfred Wetmore, Mrs. Douglas 1 Oollj3ction8 ill Church — Thanksgiving Day, 1874, 6 Easter Day, 1875, 8 Ascension Day, 1875, 3 At Confirmation, " 11 50 50 60 00 26 CO 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 00 25 00 00 60 00 00 00 50 50 00 00 60 26 00 00 45 00 79 26 89 00 Craney, James Gillespie, James Gillespie, George Gillespie, Ellen Gillespie, John Gillespie, Hugh Hutton, Philip Gage, Ellen Hunter, Margaret Harvey, John Miller, John T. Miller, Mary A. Mealy, A. Ji. Mealy, Mrs. M. Ray, Thomas Spinney, Mary Spinney, James A. Spinney, Douglas Stitt, John Trynor, Chas. Trynor, Howard Woodbury, Adelia Total for St. George, $141 17 Pennfield. OoUeoted by Mias Margaret Gillespie. Boyd, Robert 50 Boyd, Simon 42 Collected by Miss Noble. Anderson, Robert Armstrong, John S. Armstrong, Isabella Armstrong, Mrs. Thos. Adams, J. B. Armstrong, Annie Dunbar, Mrs. James Lockett, W. H. McDonald, John McKay, Hugh McDonald, Wm. J. Noble, Daniel G. Noble, William Noble, Bella Noble, Samuel Say, Maggie E. Tatton, Al. oO 1 00 50 25 50 1 00 25 21 25 25 50 50 75 50 60 50 50 25 1 00 50 26 50 99 25 50 20 25 25 20 25 50 30 50 1 00 50 00 50 43 25 1 401 I $7 28 ColJectLv Jack, Jaci Jack, Mrs Jack, Nrs Jack, Mail Jack, Ros Jack. Geo McRay, M Spears, Mi Spears, Jo S,pears, Sn Collected b Justason, Crickard, Crickard, II Collected i Total for P Colleoted by Miss Mary Boyd, Anderson; James $ 50 DOWDLE |Mr. &Mr8. son, 117 50 1 00 50 25 50 1 00 25 21 25 25 50 50 75 50 60 50 50 25 1 OO 50 26 50 '• $11 99 oble. )S. 25 50 20 25 25 20 25 50 30 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 43 25 40 ry Boyd. Anderson, Gustavus S. 12 Amlersou, Somervillc R. 10 Anderson, Idmay 10 Boyd, John 75 Bovd, Nancy ■ 25 Boyd, Mary 25 Caflyle, J. B. 25 Johnson, Mrs. Win. 62 Jiistason, Mrs. D. 25 Hawkins, W. N. 25 MKay, James, M. P. 2 00 McDowell, 1 00 McDowell, Annio 25 Prescott, Joshua 50 Shaw, William 25 Speers, Katie L. 25 $7 69 Collected l>y Miss Nancy Jack. Jack, Jacob $ 25 Jack, Mrs. Jacob 25 Jack, Nrs. Washington, 25 Jack, Mancy 25 Jack, Rose 25 Jack. Geo. E. 40 McRay, Mrs. Eric 22 Spears, Mrs. Thos. 25 Spears, John 20 S,pears, Susan 10 $2 42 Collected by Miss Agnes CiHckard. ROIX ROAD. Collected by Miss Carson. Carson, William 50 Carson, Mrs. William 50 Carson, Wilson 50 Carson, Rachel 50 Carson, Alfred 50 Carson, Mrs. Alfred 25 Carson, Mrs. Thomas 25 Carson, Hannah 50 Carson, Atchesou 50 Carson, Mrs. A. 25 Carson, James G. 10 Carson, Robt. F. 10 Carson, Henry M. 10 Fitzimraons, Mrs. 50 Johnson, Mrs. Gorman 25 Johnson, Laura E. 12 Johnson, Angeline A. 12 Johnson, Hannah T. 12 Johnson, Thos. R. 12 Roix, John 1 00 Roix, Archibald 75 Rynor, Charles 25 Rynor, Mrs. 25 Rynor, Adelia 25 Thomson, Richard 50 $8 78 28 50 Jiistason, Isaac Crickard, Alice J. Crickard, Agnes E. Collected in Church, Total for Pennfield, $1 00 25 25 $1 ,50 $3 18 $34 06 Summary. St. George, PenuHeld, Dowdle School House, Roix Road, $1 11 17 34 06 2 00 8 78 $186 01 ST. JAMES' CHURCH, S T. JOHN. DowDLE School House. I Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mathe- son, $2 00 Armstrong, J. R. Armstrong, Rev. W. Armstrong, Rev. W. B. Baker, Mrs. Brittain, R. ,,, Campbell, Mrs. Caston, Mrs. Clementson, F. J 1 00 25 00 5 00 1 00 00 00 26 00 118 ')\i Evans, W. ' ' Friends, Hall, Mrs. J. VV. Hatliewav, W. II. Hoklon, Mis. How, Jehn Kellev, Kec, W. Knowllin, Mi's. Litdor, Majoribanks, Miss McCabe, J. McKelvey, J. MoLilson, James Moiilson, Miss Normansell, II. Paisley, ^V. Price, James Robinson, G. L. Robinson, J. M. Scovil,AV. H. Smith, D. A. Stewait, Mrs. John Stewart, E. N.S. Stewart. AV. O. Turnbull, Mrs. T. E. Willis, Hon. E. Collection, 1 oa 00 o 00 1 00 2 00 50 1 00 1 GO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 GO 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 2 00 o 00 1 GO 1 00 00 00 9 65 $100 SAINT MARK'S. Armstrong-, llev. G. M. $15 Adams, Mrs. W. H. 1 Allison, F. O. 1 Berton, S. D. 10 Bntlcr, R. P. 5 BarIow,MissJ.R.(W.&0.) 3 Barker, Geo. A. 2 Boyd, R. Murray 2 Beverlev, F. 2 Blatch,G. 2 Bertaux, G. 1 Chipman, Mrs. ■ 20 Clinch, R. T. ^ 10 Cowan, John . • 5 Coster, Rev. Dr. ' 3 Crawford, W. K. 2 Chipman, Thos. 2 Clinch, D. C. 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 1 2 5 3 2 2 2 Clinch, Peter 1 oo Daniel, T. W. (W.&O.) 50 00 DeForest, Geo. S. , 4 UO Daniel, Edwin 2 00 Dixon, L. 2 00 Everett, Arthur 4 00 Emery, O. 1 00 Fielders, John 3 00 Flood, C. (\V. & O.) Finley, J. Golding-, Robert Hanington, T. B. Hunt, Mrs. Hocken , John Holden, Dr. Humphrey, R. Hunter, R. Hanford, Fred. S. Joyce, R. P. B. Keans, W. H. A. Knodell, G. A. Kcator, Mrs. Lawrence, J. W. Lee, Charles Lordlv, A. J. Manks, M. F. (W. & O.) McDonald, Mrs. C. C. McDonald, Charles A. Masters, C. Mclvitv, J. D. Rolph, A. P. Robertson, Jas. F. H-obinson, James Ruel, J. R. Sharpe, R. G. 5 00 Starr, R. P. 5 00 S ewart, John 5 00 Starr, W. F. 4 00 Smith. G. F. 4 00 Snider, Geo. E.(W.&0.) 2 00 Seelev, F. T. 2 00 Smith, Mrs. T. M. 2 00 Scovil, Miss 1 00 Smith, W. 1 00 Stone, O. , ... 1 00 1 Sheraton, R. 1 00 Stephens, F. T. • • 1 00 Travis, J. ■ 5 00 1 Turner, R. 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 4 00 2 OO 1 oO 4 OO 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 CO 5 CO 00 00 4 00 5 5 A Friend, Allan, Mrs Allan, M. ,; Armstrong- Armstrong- Armstrong- Arnold, He Bates, Miss Barker, F. Best, Jforri Beer, VV. r^ L'hisholm, Cochrane, u. Coster, Mis Daniel, A. DeBlois, T. DeYeber, L. DeVeber, R. DeVeber, L. DeVeber, J. Doniville, Ji [Drury, Char [Drury, Mr.<S |Earie, Dr. [J^airweather, |Fairweather, Fairweather, f^air weather, Jellows, Jam Jisher, John Ki'ith, Mr. & ^ wimor, Miss 1 00 50 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 3 (JO ••) uc Thorne, E. L. Taylor, J. F. Tliomas, Oapt. Turner, J. D. Wortman, ^Y. F. Wisdom, F. 1st collection, 2nd " 00 00 00 GO 00 00 5277 50 71 44 44 30 1 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 4 OO 2 OO 1 oO 4 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 CO 5 CO 5 00 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 .) 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 $393 24 Limited to W.&O.Fund, 61 00 332 24 SAINT PAUL, PORTLAND. A Friend, Allan, Mrs. Allan, M. J. Armstrong, R. Armstrong, E. Armstrong, C. Arnold, Heber Bates, Miss Barker, F. E. Best, Norris Beer, W. H. Chisholm, H. W. Cochrane, John Coster, Miss Daniel, A. DeBlois, T. M. DeVeber,L. H. DeVeber, R. S. DeVeber, L. H. Jr. 6 00 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 50 00 10 00 2 00 DeVeber, J. S. B. 50 00 Domville, James 10 00 Drurv, Charles 5 00 pmry, Mr. & Mrs. W. C. 12 00 Earle, Dr. Fairweather, Joseph Fairweather, T. Fairweather, Mrs. E. Fairweather, A. C. Fellows, James I. iFisher, John Filth, Mr. & Mr. H. iGilmor, Miss A. E. 5 3 1 2 5 5 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ilanington, J." P. rioyt, Ernest H. Howe, John II. P. M. Jack, W. Jack, I. Allen Jago, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jarvis, W. M. Kinnoar, J. A. Mills, William, Millidge, James Mills, Alfred Murray, Miss Peacock, Eliza Peacock, Fanny Peacock, (-oorfifo, Peilor, Erncbi Peters, B. Lester Robinson, T. B. Rogers, James Rowling, John Scovil, E. G. Scovjl, Mrs. W. II. Scbvil, James Shives, Alexander Smith, Mrs. H. B. Smith, G. Sidney Street, A. B. L. Street, W. W. Thomson, S. R. Thurgar, J. Venner Wright, John Wright, Miss X. Y. Z. Offertort. W. & O. F. Advent, Easter, 5 00 8 00 4 86 4 00 5 00 4 00 40 00 20 00 ,4 00 5 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 1 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 5 00 4 00 2 00 ,20 00 I 25 00 40 58 54 50 116 26 $712 70 W. 20 00 2 00 ST. MAEY'S AND STANLEY. Saint Mary's. John Peppers, Mrs. A. Barker, Miss S. Barker, Miss C. Barker, $3 00 .! 5 00 50 - - 60 % [)' ■ -4' liAi, ft: FA- ^Mjiil m \-- 'I ■ k !| 120 Thos. F. Barker, M. P. Ann M. Barker, Wm. Barker, Mrs. Wm. Barker, Mr. & Mrs. Blaney, Mrs. Wm. Long, Andrew Long-, Ruth Long, Mrs. A. Rice, Ann Rice, Mrs. Robert Eastman, J. W. Smith, Edith Warren Close, John Mitchell, Frank Mitchel, Stephen King, Mrs. Wm. Good, Richard Good, Wm. Long, Margaret Ann Long, Rebecca Long, Miss Good, Richard Kelley, Mrs. R. Kelley, Robert Peppers, Howard Segee, Wm. Davenport, Mrs. Wm. Davenport, J. E. Fie welling, Thomas Tomilson, John May bee, Winslow Tilley, Rev. Wm. Jaffrey, James Patchel, George McKecn, John Leslie, Thomas Biden, Robert Kelley, Mrs. R. Kelley, Charles Biden, John Adams, Mrs. Maybee, Margaret Maybee, Georg'e IL Maybee, Mrs. Stewart, Edgar Hanson, Henry Gill, 0. L.'Estabrooks, Walter McFarlane, P. 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 25 1 25 60 1 00 50 1 00 10 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 60 50 1 60 25 25 25 •50 1 00 1 00 4 00 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 4 00 50 60 1 00 1 00 50 50 2 00 50 ■" 25 25 10 26 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 John V. C. Wetmore, James Wisely, Mrs. James Wisely, Lewis Bclyea, Mrs. Richard Mitchell, Wm. Good, James Garden, Jacob McKeen, 5 Friends, Wm. Rice, Mrs. Peppers, Mrs. Johnston, Albert Crawford, Mrs. A. Crawford, Wm. McKeen, Joseph Smith. John Hanselpaker, Mrs. Daniel Titus, Clara McFarlane, Annie Evans, Benj. Clope, Cora Maclin, Louisa Gill, Alma Flewelling, P.A.Logan, ' A. D. Yerxa, Andrew Rice, 00 00 00 50 .00 50 (10 00 85 60 00 00 00 00 1 00 75 60 50 10 10 50 24 20 10 1 00 50 1 00 $80 44 STANLEY. Charles A. Miles, 1 50 John Douglas, (3d) 2 00 Mrs. Turnbuil, 3 00 Andrew Douglas ^ 5 00l Wm. Patchel, o > Wm. Best, 1 James Clarkson, 6 Wm. & John Clarkson, 7 00 1 Samuel Wilkinson, 7 i Miss Welling, 2 Wm. T. Howe, 2 On) James Humble 4 Hy Robert Bustin, 1 50 1 Alexander Edwards, 2 Alexander Turnbuil, 401 Mary Fullerton, 2fll Wm. Bennett, 1 M Edward Andrew Mrs. Wa John Ke Wm. R. Eris Fori Thomas ] jGsiah F( David D( Thomas \ Leonard '. Duncan i Henry Tt Mrs. Jam Henry Clj JohnDou Mrs. Robt George Pc Wm. CJar; John Olarl James Doi Malcolm E Wm. Gain, Mrs. W. G Mrs. Wm. John Gallic Mrs. T. Ga James Crai John Dorc£ Thomas Ga Mrs. Humb I Robert Bre^ , P. M. Sulla Isabella Bei Mrs. McLea William Wa Mrs. John G Collection, 5 W Sa pint Mary's limited to & Fund, 16 -"' ! 121 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 OO 50 1 (10 1 00 85 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 00 00 75 50 50 10 10 50 24 20 10 1 00 50 1 00 $80 44 Edward Spear, 4 60 Andrew Waugh, 4 00 Mrs. Waugh, 2 70 John Kerr, Jr. 1 00 Wm. R. Yerxa, 1 00 Eris Foreman, 60 Thomas Douglas, 6 00 jGsiah Foreman, 2 00 David Douglas, 2 00 Thomas W. Douglas, 1 00 Leonard Kelley, 1 00 Duncan Kelley, 1 00 Henry Turnbull, 2 60 Mrs. James Clark son, 1 00 Henry Clarkson, 60 Ion. 1 50 2 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 5 Oil 7 00 7 00 2 00 •2 00 4 0u 1 50 •2 OO 40 20 1 -25 John'Douglas (Red Rock) 2 00 Mrs. Robert Budtin, George Pelton, 1 Wm. Clarkson, Jr. 2 John Clarkson, Jr. James Dorcas, 1 Malcolm Buchanan, 1 Wm. Galligher, Mrs. W. Galligher, Mrs. Wm. Peacock, John Galligher, Mrs. T. Galligher, • '' James Craig, John Dorcas, Thomas Galligher, Mrs. Humble, Robert Brewer, P. M. Sullavan, Isabella Bendall, ' Mrs. McLea, ' William Waugh, Mrs. John Galligher, ■> I 40 00 00 60 00 00 60 26 26 26 26 60 60 60 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 $92 26 jCollection, Stanley, 2 98 " Williamsburg, 65 " Saint Mary's, 1 07 " <* . . 51 .'t t. $97 86 ISaint Mary's, • i ^ 80 44 .il :., : $177 80 [jimited to Schedule Fund, . , $107 80 16 Gen. Fund of Society, 70 00 / . . $177 80 SUSSEX & STUDHOLM. Sussex. Arnold, O. R. Arnold, Mrs. O. R. Arnold, Nelson Arnold Mrs. !N. Arnold, Anna Arnold, Fenwick W. Arnold, Minnie Arnold, Herbert E. Arnold, A. E. Arnold, Etta Arnold, Charles M. Arnold, May Arnold, T. O. Rarnett, John » . il Barnett, Anne . i Barnett, Sarah /. Bellin, Benjamin > Beer, Mrs. ., >; Beer, Miss I . " ' Beer, Colonel E. B. Burgess, Edwin Burgess, Mrs. E. :> , Friend Frith, Mrs. F. Flewelling, iieuben J. Flewelling, Mrs. J. R. Mallett, James H. Hallett, Oliver Jr . Hilcott, Henry Hallett, William . Hoyt, Mrs. ! : Hallett, Elizabeth Ho wse, William j. Howse, Mrs. W. Kin near, John Kinnear, Mrs. John, Marshall, Sarah McM anus, Day id McMillan, William McMillan, Mrs. W. Marvin, Lucretia - Medley, Rev. C. tui> i 10 00 3 o4 2 00 6 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 !1 .-.■.r. ^ 26 1 00 2 00 1 00 I 1 00 60 1 00 2 00 J 00 6 00 ,. 2 00 2 00 I. 06 3 00 J. 2 00 i. 60 2 00 1.00 100 /. 2 00 1 00 26 r> . 60 • 60 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 . . ,2 00 !/ i; 60 '>\ 1 00 ■t '■:*>>■ ;..^ •*'-.'»■«> .1 ; • liik t 1^ m-' Medley, Mrs. C. '■"'■'' Partelow, Mrs. Roach, Mrs. W. Scalley, Eliza Seal ley, Mary ., . . Vail, M. E. Vail, Georgie Collection, ■•'i.i :. ' I V. ,1 .' . (I Studholm. Barbarie, O. A. Barbaric, Mrs. O. A. Barbarie, Maude Barbarie, Gertrude M. Buckerficld, Miss Foshay, Miss m' » Foshay, Charles • ' Foster, Robert, 8. ' Foster, Ella G. * McLeod , Lottie McLeod, Ada Parlee, Mr. & Mrs. Z. Parlee, Ernest W. 8. Pearson J. W. H. Peters, W.T. Riley, Warren * > i Sa duders. Colonel U . Secord, James Sr. Secord, Ada Secord, Mrs, J. H. Secord, Mrs. Gilead Sharp, Edwin N. Sharp, Mrs. E. N. < > Sharp, Mrs. Robert Sharp, Agnes R. Sharp, Sarah A. Sharp, Cornelia « Sharp, George H. ' Sharp, Mrs. 8. J. Sharp, Abel E. lu^ A- Sharp, Jane H. 1 . . Sharp, Isaac N. Sharp Mrs. Isaac N. Sharp, Julia A. Sharp, Athe:ina E. Tulley, Frederick Wilson Thomas M. T. I !■■ 122 6 00 1 00 1 00 60 , 50 60 50 6 51 $86 81 ■ ,i?' ^ t 1 ■ ,. , 50 50 50 36 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 26 1 00 26 1 50 20 26 4 86 20 10 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 M! 25 25 1 00 1 00 'Ml ifiO ;;i 26 "v 60 2 00 Wiles, JameH Collection, t. '■■■.- I' 1 00 . .):7/ /. 6 81 $0o 67 New Line Road Station, 6 25 Sussex, 86 31 Total, $144 23 TRINITY CHURCH, PARISH OF ST. JOHN. h ij" ' ' III i ... .h.,; ' .'I ..■..' A Friend, Alcock, T. Breeze, W. Black, W. A. Black, A. C. Black, Mrs. ,, / , Berton, W. J. - ' Brigstocke, Rev. F. H. J. Brigstocke, Mrs. . Bayard, Dr. Wm. i a Boyd, B.C. B. , ; •; Beard, Mrs. w.,.. , . Boyd, Miss H. Boyd, Rev. Stanley Boyd, Mrs. .-i -..(.. - . Bayard, R. Causey, W. Cassidy, R. • .. l- • Cornwall, J. .in, Coster, G. J. . / ;' Cromwell, A. ^i i Chubb, G.J. Cumberland, Mr. i;.,.l Cowie, J. R. D. rf Crear, John . ,i ' Clarke, J. H. Clarke, C. P. Campbell, C. Crookshank, Mrs. '/ Coy, Mrs. Daniel, G. Dole, W. P. Devoe, J. D Davidson, Wm. Davidson, W. J. Flaherty, R. L. H. Foster, S. K. Fraser, Mrs. W. R. 00 00 00 00 00 5 00 5 00 40 00 10 00 5 00 00 00 00 43 6 00 1 00 00 . It •■ 1 1 2 6 1 2 1 2 3 7 2 1 1001 2 6 lOOfll 2 00l 2 1 2 50 00 00 50 00 00 001 00 oo 00 00 00 00 r Leavitt, M. Leavitt, Mrs Manning, E Matthew, G iferrltt, C. Merritt, Mrs McGivern, R McAvity, T. McNichol, J Melick, Hen Melick, John Merritt, Mrs McKean, G. Millidge, Th, Monison, Mi Major, Mrs. pickerson, J_ iVicholson, M -Vobbs, Rev. , lii^inunii. 1 00 5 81 $63 67 6 25 86 31 123 J144 23 '' $1 00 ,. 5 00 t •, ,6 00 ,v i 4 00 ,'.i 1 00 6 00 6 00 J. 40 00 10 OO „; 6 00 , 3 00 / 100 2 00 2 43 6 00 1 00 600 1 50 100 2 00 50 6 00 100 2 00 100 2O0 300 7 00 2 00 100 100 2O0 500 10 OO 200 2 0(1 100 20fl 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 French, Miss • ' 1 Fairweather, Geo. E. 5 Fallis, Wm. , 1 Gilbert, H. T. ^ ^' 10 00 Gregory, C. 2 Gregory, J. W. ' [ 5 Gregory, R. W. 5 GorBoii, Mr. 4 Hovt, J. A. 4 Hoyt, R. C. "• • 1 Hazcn, Mrs. R. M. 1 Hammond, Mrs. 1 Huyghue, 8. ..* 1 Henry, Chas. 2 Harrison, Wm. F. 25 00 Hazen, Miss " ' 5 00 Hazen,F. B. ' ' 10 00 Haniugton, A. H. 5 00 Hanford,Mrs.T. T. 1 00 Hawkins, Mrs. 1 00 Hughes, John E. ' 1 00 Jordan, G. S. 1 00 Jones, S. ■', ■ 25 00 Jarvis, C. E. L. ■ ' 10 00 Kerrison, A. C. 1 Kirkpatrick, C. 1 Lee, T. W. 4 Lester, E. H. " ^ 1 Leonard, R. ," 2 Lawton, W. G. ' 5 Leavitt, Mrs. F. ; ' : 1 Leavitt, Mrs. ,' ' 1 Manning, E. 4 Matthew, G. F. '*' 3 Merritt, C. .• 40 00 Merritt, Mrs. C. ,' 10 00 McGivern, R. P. "^ 10 00 McxVvitv, T. & Sons, 10 00 McNichol, J. & Son, 10 00 Melick, Henry 2 Melick, John 5 Merritt, Mrs. Thomas 8 00 McKean, G. 5 Millidge, Thomas 1 Morrison, Mrs. Major, Mrs. ' "• 2 [Nickersou, J. S. 1 Nicholson, Miss E. 3 Nobbs, Rev. S. , 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 uO 50 00 00 00 00 Nicliolson, John W. Needham, Miss •, Otty.H. P. Owen, Mrs. Prince, W. L. Patton, Thomas Perley, W. C. Pattison, W. Partelow, Miss Annie Parker, Mrs. Pidlcr, Mrs. ' Patton, C. . Puddington, J. C. * Perkins, Miss Peters, Mrs. & the Misses Ranney, H. R. Robinson, M. Robinson, B. Ritcliie, Mrs. W. P. Ray, C. R. Stephenson, A. ' ' " Smith, D. A. Stvirdee, E. T. Sturdee, H. L. Sturdee, H. Russell, Savage, J. Seely, J. J. « Seeds, Mrs. Seeds, J. A. . Seeds, T.W. ', '; Sears, D. ' ' Sharp, F. S. Scammell Bros. Sears, John Smith, John R. Scott, Walter , . Sisson, Miss Stephenson, Mrs. Tucker, John , , " Tisdale, Mr. Tisdale, Miss ■ ' ' Thompson, Miss , Thurgar, J. V. Weldon, C. W. Whitney, G.W. Walker, Dr. Thos. Whitney, Charlotte Waterhouse, L. H. Whiting, W.J. 25 00 U h :r I. I, J« 2 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 00 9 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 10 o6 20 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 25 00 5 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 2 00 4 00 20 00 40 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 I - * I imi I- .1-, .•■ \ I.. 124 Woods, Miss S. Yarborough, J. D. Sunday School, 1st Collection, 2d do. I. "I 76 2 00 65 65 114 93 108 13 $972 59 UPHA.M & SAINT MARTINS. Upham, Baird, Wm. ^ $1 Baird, John Barnes, Henry ' Connors, James V D. Debow, Stephen Debow, Mr. & Mrs. C. Debow, Mr. & Mrs. E. Debow, W. H. Debow, Richard ; , Debow, James f Debow, Mrs, C. E. ,' ' Debow, Elizabeth " Debow, Arthur W. Demill, Miss 1 Demill, Henry - '" 1 Druinmond, Susan Drummond, David Drummond, Thos. Ferguson, John Ferguson, Benbow 1 Forsyth, Mr. & Mrs. R. 1 Foster, Richard 1 Foster, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. H. 1 Fowler, Mrs J. M. 1 Fowler, Mrs. Wm. Fowler, Mrs. D. ' 1 Fowler, J. M. 4 Fowler, Joseph A. 2 Fowler, Victoria 2 Fowler, Sarah A. 1 Fowler, Gilbert S. 1 Fowler, A. Sherwood 1 Fowler, W. Fowler, O. Percy ' ' Fowler, Warren C . ' Haulyn, Mrs 00 50 60 60 80 00 00 00 72 00 00 60 25 50 00 00 60 60 63 50 00 50 00 50 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 50 60 25 Hanlyn,Gco. 62 Hastings, Robert 2 00 Hoay, John 1 00 Hodgins, John ■ " 60 Ireland, Rodert ' 50 Kilpatrick, Mrs. , ' . 60 Kilpatrick, Benj 50 Kilpatrick, Mrs. Johu 50 Kilpatrick, Martha 30 Kilpatrick, Alex. ., 60 Kilpatrick, John . ' 50 L. •■■'' ■ 25 Lackie, Robert 1 00 Lisson, Christopher 1 00 Lyne, Jane 50 McLaren, Irvine 50 McLaren, Maria 50 Myles, Mr. & Mrs. 1 50 Missionary, S. P. G. 10 00 Patterson, Ellen 1 00 Poley, Wm. ' 1 00 Robertson, Mrs. 50 Robertson, Mrs. Jas. 25 Sherwood, J. Ford 1 00 Sherwood, R. C. 2 00 Sherwood, Mr. & Mrs. A. 1 50 Sherwood, Amelia 25 Sherwood, Herbert H. 25 Smith, Edward 1 00 Smith, Caleb . , 60 Smith, Amelia " ". ' 05 Steele, Mrs N. ' '..' 60 Steele, Mrs. John 50 Steele, Herbert A. ' , 25 Steele, Georgie 25 Thompson, Geo. 50 Yaughan, Alex. (2 years) 1 00 Warrel, Ellen & Sarah 50 Warrel, Alex. 50 Sermons, St. Maktins. Anderson, Geo. ' Anderson, Wm. Anderson, Thomas $72 37 10 92 83 29 1 00 1 00 100 Aiulerso Carson, Carson, ] Cassidy, Chapmar Charlton, Charlton^ Croiik, E; Durkee, '. Foster, M Foster, Jc Fowler, \ Friends, Ingram, A Love, Wa Love, Am Miller, Go Osborne, 3 Osborne, H Osborne, S Osborne, "V Parker, Mr Pattenson, Patterson, ( Patterson, I Patterson, I Rogers, Dr, Rommel, F; Rommel. Fi Rourke, Mr Rourke, Mr Rourke, W. Skiilen, Mrj SkilJen, Mrs Sweet, Mrs. Sweet, Alon Taylor, Mr. Tracy, Mr. Vaiighan, M Vaughau, M Vaughan, Mi Virtue, Geor Fanemake, Walker, the .Whitney, Mi Whitney, Jog IVvood, Thos. m^K 125 Auclorson, John Carson, Mrs. Jos. Carson, Mrs. R. Cassidy, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Charlton, Mrs. A < Charlton, John ' Oronk, Ezra Durkee, Mrs. Foster, Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Foster, John Fowler, Mrs. Friends, Ingram, Mrs. Love, Wm. Love, Ann J. Miller, Gottlieb Osborne, Mr. &. Mrs. Jas. 2 Osborne, Mrs. Jos. Osborne, Sarah A. Osborne, Wm Jr. 1 Parker, Mrs. 1 Patten son, Mrs. D. Patterson, Geo. B. 2 Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Sarah Rogers, Dr. 1 Rommel, Fred Rommel, Fred Jr. . Rourke, Mr. Rourke, Mrs. Rourke, W. H. & family Skillen, Mrs. A. Skillen, Mrs. R. [Sweet, Mrs.O. .i Sweet, Alonzo I Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. 2 Tracy, Mr. Vaiighan, Mrs. Simon 1 Vaughau, Mrs. D. 1 Vaughan, Mrs. Oapt. Wm. 2 Virtue, Georgre Wanemake, Mrs. I Walker, the Misses 1 I Whitney, Miss I Whitney, Jos. P. , Wood, Thos. 00 50 50 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 60 60 76 00 00 00 00 00 60 60 00 00 60 00 57 46 00 60 60 00 00 00 00 00 60 60 00 20 00 00 00 60 60 00 60 60 60 $46 67 Sermon, Upham, 7 93 $64 60 83 29 $137 79 WELLINGTON & DUNDA8. J. McKee, Mrs. H. B. Smith, Mrs. E. Long, Charles Seeley, John H. Hyslop, James Bateman, '' • Mrs. James Lucas, *' Mrs. James Bateman, • Mrs. John Harshman, Miss Amelia Harshman, John Mclntyre, R. Bowser, J. "Wetmore, M. J. Johnson, Mrs. Meracious Atkinson, Mrs. John Smith, E. A. Charters, H. F. Donkin, Capt. R. Douglas , A. T. Smith, Mary E. Chapman, Mrs. Robert Dysert, Rev. H. M. Jarvis, Mrs. H. M. Jartis, $1 00 3 00 26 '''mh 98r 40 40 00 00 40 00 00 60 2 00 2 00 00 00 20 20 00 00 ^ESTFIELD. Baxter, J. Baxter, S. Belyea, D. W. Belyea, J. A. Belyea, J. Q. Burgess, W. & Mrs. Campbell, S. Caulfield, J. W. . ; Crawford, Mrs. G. ] . Day, Thomas DeVeber, N. H. Friend, ir Hamm, D. $23 96 $ 60 60 2 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 00 00 60 00 .tMii (*■ I 1^ ffaytcr, C. Lane, J. and Mrs. Lingley, A. and Mrs. Linf^ley, L. and Mrs. McBoth, Joseph & Mrs. McMnrdo, Captain Mission Box, ., , Nase, W. H. """ Nase, J. M. Nase, Miss S. ., ^ ;. Nase, H. Jun. , ,,,, j Nase. IT. '•" , •- Parker, C. F. , i , Smith, W. C. ■ ,, )|,-; Smith, Jolin .i ., , Stevens, James ^ Stevens, B. H. Thompson, Joseph Trott, Mrs. H. ,, . i Wagner, R. ... , Walsh, J. Wilhams, Z. Woodman, The Misses Woodman, A. M. Woodman, Rev. E. S. Col., St. Peter's Church, Col., St. James' Church, Col., Lands End, .i>(. ii,i< 1 00 1 00 1 28 1 00 1 00 10 00 , . 97 • 60 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 I 00 1 OU 1 00 1 00 25 , 60 ...J 50 u; 60 • 60 3 00 4 00 10 00 5 24 6 92 3 24 •n.ii $75 00 WOOD&^TOCK. Annett, Mary ^ Atkinson, W. F. Atkinson, Jennie Barker, Evans Beardsley, J. D. & family, Bedell, J. Jarvis Bell.Thos. - ; Black, George ••'.'•'• Bourne, H. W. '• ' Bourne, F. W. Brvant, Frank " '• '' Bull, Abner -"' ' Bull, Mrs. C. C. (2 y'rs). Bull, C. H. Bull, R. S. and Mrs. Bull, F. W. and Mrs. 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 Bull, Mrs. G. N. 1 00 Bull, Warren C. :i' 1 OU Bull, Allan i 1 00 Bull, C. P. 1 00 Bull, Barton 50 Carman, O. M. i' 1 00 Carman, C. R. '• 1 00 Carman, Julia E. 50 Carman, S. J. !< 1 00 Carman, Miss . ''' 1 00 Carman, Fan nv L. i. i 1 00 Clark, Robert ' It 1 00 Clark, Mrs. R. 50 Clnff, Richard 1 00 Cluff, Mrs. R. 1 00 Cluff, Lavinia 50 Cluff, Louisa J. D. ' .' 50 Cochrane, Vrs. T. h 60 Cochrane, W. H. 1' , 25 Connell, Jahn 1 00 Connell, W. M. 2 00 Connell, Mrs. W. M. 1 00 Connell, Anna McD. 1 00 Cook, John and Mrs. 1 00 Craig, Gabriel 1 00 Cox, George and family. 3 00 Oeakin, William j 1 00 Dibblee, John 2 GO Dibblee, W. F. and Mrs. 2 09 Dibblee, D. L. n. . 75 Dibblee, Allan ■■■V. . 1 00 Dibblee, Altred H // . 1 00 Dibblee, Jarvis - .> 'I' . 1 00 Donaldson, Mrs. 1 00 Dougherty, Benjamin 1 00 Dougherty, Joseph 3 CO Dugan, James " . ■■> , 1 00 Edwards, James ;< 50 Edwards, Mrs. J. ' " 25 Edwards, T. and F. 20 Everett, Mrs. \\. H. Evans, T. L. and Mrs. 1 00 Evans, T. L. Jr. 1 00 English, Mrs. A. P. 1 00 Fowler, Rev. LeB. W. 4 00 Friend, 2 42 Friend, . .i . •25 Griffith. B. P. 1 00 Griffith, F. 1 OO (Jrcon, Tl Grover, 1 Garden, I Garden, f Giu'don, C Garden, J Golden, J. Gibson, ^ Hiizcn, W Heiidersoi Hamilton, Jennings, Jordan, Ja Jordan, W Joliiison, i\ Ka lagan, J Kctchum, ( Ketchum, i Ketchum, 1 Kctchum, ( Ketchum, I Ketchum, I Lilly, John Leighton, J Loa)ie, Mrs Lee, John Marshall, Jc Maclauchlar Mowbray, T Mowbray, J McCoy, Jan McCoy, Mrs, McKinley, Ii McKinney, , McKinuey, » McLoskey, 1 McLoskey, J\ Muiiro, Davi Merritt, D. I Letts. Alfi-ed Neales, Rev. Neales, Mrs. Neales, Berth Jeales, Stanli Orr, Henry Philips, Hem Pilkiugton,E I Peabody, Ste eabody, Mrs 127 Cfieon, "thomas ", , Grover, 11. W. Gjirdcn, Mi'h. H. McG Garden, G. H. Gai'don, Charles Garden, Julius T. Golden, J. H. Gibson, Wm. and Mrs. Hazcn, W. C. and Mrs. Henderson, Margaret Hamilton, Eliza Jenning^s, John and Mrs. Jordan, James Jordan, "William . * . Johnson, Maggie Karagan, John f Ketchum, G. H. Ketchum, J. D. Ketchum, Mrs. James Ketchum, Chas. W. Ketchum, R. B. and Mrs. Ketchum, Blanche Lilly, John Leighton, J. S. , Loane, Mrs. John Lee, John Marshall, John and Mrs. Maclauchlan, Mrs. Mowbray, Thos. and Mrs. Mowbray, John L. McCoy, James McCoy, Mrs. J. McKinley, Mrs. James McKinney, James , McKinney, Joseph McLoskey, Thomas McLoskey, Mrs. T. Munro, David Merritt, D. F. and Mrs. Letts, Alfred Neales, Rev. Thos. * Neales, Mrs. m"*. !. Neales, Bertha A. ,1 . • Neales, Stanley C. . Orr, Henry Phihps, Henry Pilkiugton, D. W. . Peabody, Stephen eabody, Mrs. AHeu 00 00 (JO 00 00 00 00 GO 00 50 00 00 50 50 1 GO 60 7 00 f) 00 J!»' 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 75 25 2 00 1 00 75 1 50 90 60 50 00 00 GO GO 00 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 Raymond, C. W. and family, ^ , Raymond, P. H. r Raymond, Mi's. P. H Rice, Mrs. ,,- Rankine. James E.'' Smith, \V. I). .; Smith, Mrs. S. Smith, W. V. B. (iu mem.) Smith, R. E. Guy Smith, B. H. & Mrs. Shea, Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Julia B. j Speer Robert Sr. Speer, Joseph Speer, Oliver Sproul, Mary M. Stecves, Mrs. J. A. ' Sunday School Town send, Edward H. Tupper, J. R. Jr. Upham, Henry ' f^ Upham, Augustus Upham, Charles Wade, Mrs. S. H. '\\ Watson, Samuel Watson, James When man, John Wetmore, R. G. Wetmore, James P. Wetmore, Mrs. A. K. S. Wlnslow, J. C. Winslow, Mrs. J. C. Winslow, Norman W. Winslow, Jessie Winslow, Minnie Winslow, Lottie , , , Winslow, Paul Williams, E. W. & Mrs. Welch, R. B. xjrz 24 00 1 00 60 1 00 1 00 1 00 3 GO 1 GO 1 00 2 GO 50 2 GO 1 00 1 00 1 GO 25 1 00 1 GO 1 GO 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 GO 1 00 1 GO 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 5 00 2 50 50 60 60 ,.60 60 2 GO 1 00 3 GO II. i' $219 61 Jacksontown,*' '■.'"■' .';'; Broderick, Mrs. A. .,, /. ! ..•'♦0 Broderick, Lizzie, , . ' • 1. 1 . fW Emory, Cliarlos Emory, Mrs. C. Emory, Scott, Emery, Mr». S. Emery, Charles H. Emery, Margaret A. Emory, Alma II. Emory, Bertha £. Emery Hamilton, Emery, Mrs. H. " Emory, Frank . •, Emery, LeBaron, ' * Emory, John N. ' English, John ' Harper, Jamos Harper, Mrs. James, Harper, John N. Harper, Annie H. Harper, John Harper, Wm. G. Harper, Mrs. Wra. G. Harper, John F. Harper, Herbert W. Payson, Whitney & Mi Simonson, John N. Simouson, Albert Simonson, Mrs. A. 128 50 60 1 00 60 26 26 26 26 2 00 1 60 60 60 60 I 00 I 00 60 I 00 60 } 00 60 60 25 25 00 00 00 60 Simonson, Earnest W. Simonson, Clement Simonson, William Vail, B. B. 25 2.^ 1 (K) 1 00 $23 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 60 50 1 00 26 26 :/' .■ Watkrville. Wiggins, Mrs. Wm. Wiggins, 8. 8. Wiggins, Mrs. 8. 8. Wiggins, Mary E. Wiggins, Annie P. Wiggins, George 8. Wiggins, Soloman C. Wiggins, Esther E. Collections. St. Luke's, Christ Church, < ' St. Peter's, Benton, • Oak Mountain, •, . Total, $266 58 ■ ,', I. ' ' ]:^; («. :^ ' LISTS FOR 1874. 'l TOO LATE FOR LAST REPORT, f' ' ST. JOHN CHURCH, NASH- WAAKSIS. Edward N. Brannen, Mrs. J. Bailey John Crummer, Benj. Crummer, Justice & Mrs, Gill Norman Hftllett, Miss Manson, Mrs. David McGibbon, Mrs. Ludlow McGibbon, '^i, $1 00 ih50 60 60 1 20 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Mrs. Charles McGibbon, 50 Agues McGibbon 25 Harold B. McGibbon 26 Stephen Pugh l 00 Richard Pugh .^il'. . 50 Mrs. Smith, i QO Prudence A. Dunphy, 50 Mrs. Henry Cox, ' 25 George P. Clements, 20 Mrs. John Ladds, 1 00 ll-l.^. iy. 20 129 St. Fall's CiiURcn, Upper Kkhvick. Abrahnm Burt, f CO A. T. IWm, 60 Wliitciium Burt, . , 60 Mrs, Mar Brcwpr, 20 Adoiiijah Morehouse, 40 Thonius Russel, 1 00 Henry Burt, 1 00 Murray T. Blair, • 1 00 Jeremiah Burt • 1 00 Mrs. Leonard Tripp, 60 St. Johns Church, $6 60 13 20 $19 80 PKINCE WILLIAM & DUM- FllIES. $13 20 Allen, Miss 1 Allen, Jacob i Brymer, William Brown, Albert Brown, James Brown, John Brown, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Miss Maggie Carruthers, William I Davidson, Henry I Davidson, Mrs. Henry [Davidson, John C. JDavis, Josiah lEdmondson, Isaac lEdmoudson, Thomas lEllegood, Mrs. lEilegood, Miss ■Ellegood, William '* Ellegood, John -" ' ^llegood. Miss Maria rraser , Alexander ; Fraser, George '" Fraser, Clement ; ' Fraser, Thomas L. rraser, John M . Fraser, William " " Vaser, Miss Maggie Braham, William & wife 17 'w 60 60 00 00 00 60 26 26 00 00 00 20 00 60 26 00 50 60 00 00 00 80 60 00 00 00 20 60 Graham, Mis'i Bessie ' 'fH Graham, Miss Lizzie 1 00 Graham, GillxMt Jr. 30 Grahiim, Mrs. Gilbert 26 Graham, Gilbert 8r. 'I© Graham, Patrick -* TO Grant, Byron 1 CO Gartley, Andrew ' ' ' I© Gartley, Mrs. John 95 Gartley, Miss Fcmelino 26 Harper, Mrs. John 60 Harper, Wesley & Chipman 26 Harper, Miss Fanny 26 Hammond, William 1 00 flazen, Mrs. 1 00 Panington, Rev. E. A. W. & Wife, 6 00 Henry, James 2 00 Henry, Mrs. James 100 Henry, Miss Ann E. 25 Henry, Wm.& wife (B.L)l 00 Henry, J. & wife, (B. L.) 1 00 Henry, James S. 60 Henry, Thomas 9/9, Henry, Miss 60 Henry, Arthur 60 Henry, Mrs. Arthur 50 Henry, William A. 1 00 Henry, John A. 1 00 Henry, Mrs. John A. 1 00 Henry, James A. 2 00 Henry, Mrs. James A. 60 Henry, Arthur Wellesley 26 Henry, Andrew & wife 60 Henry, Mrs. John 80 Henry, John Sr. 50 Hood, George Sr. Hood, Mrs. Geo. Hood, John Hood, William Ingram, George Jones, Thomas Kirkpatric, Thomas Lockart, Thomas, Lockart, Miss Elizabeth Logan, William & wife Love, James & wile Love, Miss Mary Sc W. Love, George III ■I 130 ^r;- ' '* ';■* ' '■■'. }i Love, John Love, William & Nelson Mays, Mrs. . ; .;, .» . 'i Mays, Mist, Miller, Mrs. Robert Miller, Mrs. John McDonald, Miss Susan McMannus, Mss McMannus, Albert McCutchen, Charles Jr. McCutchen, Mrs. & Miss McCutchen, Joseph McMuUen, Robert McMullen, Mrs. Robert McMullen, William McMullen, John McElwain, Samuel Rainsford, Cummiugs Resteen, Israel Strange, Henry , , Strange, Mrs. Strange, Miss Emily Saunders, Mrs. -, , Vance, Alexander * Vance, Mrs. Wm. o>: Total, ' ' ROTHESAY. Bradwell, Robert Dickson, Edward ,. < Dickson, Albert ,/ Dickson, Jos. H. Elliot, James Elliott, Isabel Fairweather, C. .H Ford, Mrs. Fowler, Miss ,,^,,j -^f Dobbin , Mrs . J . ? '' , Hall, S. S. ^-^-" Henderson, Mrs. Geo. 50 00 00 00 40 30 60 00 60 60 50 50 25 25 25 25 50 60 50 00 50 5'v. 50 40 25 $75 Offertory, (W. & O.) 8 General purposes 6 Mission Box, 2 Collection made in Albert County, not reported , last year. , ., 4 78 11 31 32 86 $97 33 $1 00 1 00 60 1 00 50 25 50 00 1 00 52 ■ 1 00 10 00 1 00 {.,)■ Keator, J. D. M. Keator, Mrs. J. D. M. Keator, Mrs. Langstroth, A. Otty, A. C. ' Partridge, Mrs. Prince, Chas. ' '^ ,' , Prince, Elias Prince, Ida Prince, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie, Hon. Chief Jus. Ritchie, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Geo. Robinson, T. M. Pettingell, Mrs. Jas. Saunders, J. Saunders, T. W. Stevenson, Mr. Townsend, Robt. Collections — , •/ , Parish Church, . ■ St. Luke's, Rothesay, ,i,. , 2 GO 1 00 1 GO 1 00 4 00 11 27 , 1 GO 1 00 30 1 CO 20 00 5 00 50 15 00 50 , 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 U 4 11 7 11 . 1 1 i .' ■ $150 00 SPRINGFIELD & JOHNSTON. Springfield. Adams, Joseph , Benson, Wm. ,\-^ Benson, P. J. < Benson, Setli \' , Charlton, Mrs. Crawford, Abraham Fairweather, Abraham Huggard, John (1873), Huggard, Wm. Huggard, James » , Huggard, Jas. Mrs. ^ Huggard, Rd. Jr. Huggard, Rd. Jr. ,\ \ Huffgard, Stephen .-^ Hickson,T. (1873,)^'; j Johnston, Wei. \ . -• Keirstead, Alfred ,)' !. Keirstead, J. D. S. Kellier, Miss Miuzie, Mrs. \,^^{]^ 1 '2b 1 00 50 25 1 CO 25 25 100 00 75 50) 26 451 50 1 001 1 oo! 1 oo 1 001 50 50 Northro Northro Northro Northro McAfee, Northru] Pei-kins, Rogei^s, Scovil, ^. Scovil, ^ Scovil, i\ Spragg. ] White, y Offertory do. do. For Forei Collection Colgan, Jf Murray, A Long, San Pearson, ' I Pearson, 1 McKee, Tl Taylor, Ge Ward, Joh Ward, Jol I Offertory, < do. Springfield, SUSSEX Arnold, O. I Arnold, Mr , Arnold, Nel , Arnold, Mri Arnold, T. Arnold, Ed m : 131 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 UO 4 00 II 27 1 00 ■ 1 00 ■ 30 1 00 20 00 5 00 50 '• 15 00 50 1 00 ' 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 34 4 11 7 11 $150 00 HNSTON. 1 00 50 •25 1 GO 25 25 100 im Northrop, J. W. Northrop, Lewis Northrop, Amelia Northrop, Mrs. Z. J. McAfee, Mrs. Northrup, Eli Perkins, Joseph - Roj'ers, Mrs. Scovil, Mrs. J. (1873) Scovil, Miss Ella. (1873) Scovil, Mrs. Geo. Spragg, Mrs. Geo. White, Vincent Offertory, Trinity, (Oct.) do. do. (June) McLeods, (Oct.) do. (Jlo. (June) 50 60 20 25 20 25 25 00 54 00 00 00 00 00 74 47 48 ||32 43 For Foreign Missions, 3 68 Collection for Synod Exp. 1 39 Johnston. Colgan, James 1 00 Murray, Ann 50 Long, Samuel 1 00 Pearson, W. 2 00 Pearson, T. H. 1 00 McKee, Thos. (1873,) 50 Taylor, Geo. 1 00 Ward, John 60 Ward, John Mrs. 25 Offertory, St. John, (Oct.) 1 50 do. do. (June) 1 32 0^ 1 Springfield, $10 67 32 43 $43 10 SUSSEX AND STUDHOLM. Sussex. 100 60 50 Arnold, O. R. $ 3 00 Arnold, Mrs. O. R. 2 00 Arnold, Nelson 6 00 Arnold, Mrs. Nelson 4 00 Arnold, T. 0. 2 00 Arnold, Edwin 1 00 Arnold, George, 8. Barnett, John Burgess, Edwin Burgess, Mrs. E. Beer, Col. E. B. ; Beer, Mrs. Beer, Miss Arnold, Robert K. Cripps, Charlotte Coggon, George Fairweather, William Fairweather, Mrs. W. Flewelling, R. J. . t Forge, Frank ^ Golding, Henry Uallett, Joseph Hallett. William Hallett, Mrs. W. Hallett, Fanny G. Hallett, John B. Hallett, James M. Hallett, Oliver Jr. Hallett, Isaac Hornbrook, John W. Hazen, Charles Howse, William McElmen, A. T. D. McMillan, William McMillan, Mrs. Medley, Rev. Charles Medley, Mrs. Charles Morton, F. Marven, John McLeod, James Sear, William Trites, John S. Vail, Mrs. White, G. H. White, H. A. White, W. H. Two Collections, Studholm. Barbarie, O. A. Ellison, George Jr. Friend, A Friend, A 1 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 6 00 00 00 00 00 90 2 00 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 1 00 2 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 10 00 5 00 8 00 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 17 $112 07 2 00 50 60 25 w: 132 Foshay, Isaac 4 00 Foshay, Charles 60 Poster, Robert 1 00 Hornbrook, Joseph 1 00 H. T. and A. M. 35 Johasoii. David Jr. 1 00 Parlee, Mrs. Henry 1 00 Parlee, Mrs. Zachariah 50 Parlee, Ernest 25 Parlee, Wellesley ^ I 00 Parlee, Mrs. W. 1 00 Parlee, Norman Whittier ?5 Parlee, Mrs. Edmund 50 Pearson, George 1 00 Peters, AV. T. 1 00 Biedle, Casper ' 40 Riley, Warren 50 Saunders, Col. John 10 00 Secord, Mrs. Giiead 1 00 Secord, James Secord, Mrs. Elias Secord, Mrs. James Sinnott, Albert J. Sharp, Mrs. Robert Sharp, George H. Sharp, Mrs. Samuel J, Sharp, Isaac (1873,) Sharp, Isaac (1874,) Sproul, James Wiles, James Two CJollections, Sussex, , 1 00 ■ 60 50 1 00 5 UO 1 00 50 2 OO 3 00 1 00 2 00 9 83 , $57 03 112 07 $169 10 ■ i ' * 1 ' ' 1 tl ■ ; 1 1 f • .■'1 '-[■ ' i', : ^ ■ ' . ■ i' ' ..^- .;.u • . ,' ii ■■' y. ;i , . i' .5 III,' .,._. .v; ,. >■:(,;; U] .■•■■'■■ J 1 I. _ .; ... 1 t . - ' II y , Jv .'•■' ,n. . ■ . ' . - 1 ( ; . ' 1 ■<;■ ■■ '\'' . ><■■■■ if ('il 1 J.. ■ ■ '■; ■•■i.! r ', f'.'v.i. . ! > ! \ '1 - I\ ' ^•■". , , .y ■: .0!> {''* ' '.\ ti ■> , >;i,ti/ ol v:;: .i'i^;!". MK* --y % /: .«» 'iMivr -•'' '- i.A'l i' n . ^i ,-vM.'v/ I'i *\! •*' •) ir , ■fi.;.' i''>l"L> 'f V ■.ii i> .'^f■ :;*!-■ ,-^l .:( .() .;' li .< : .^:l'; J .>-I.,i^ Mi 1: •ti.l >; .«) .T .M 1. A BKqi Dbbbnti I give and mck," the su , Bank the said Bank by the said D I poses of the none ether. 2. A Dbvi! I give and ( '"iek," all and and to hold th Brunsw^ick, ai the aame, and Ithesalethereo mrposes of thy jlnrorponition, (13^ 1 00 50 1 00 5 OO 1 00 50 2 OO ' 3 00 1 00 2 OO 9 83 $67 03 112 07 APPENDIX A. ' DEVISES AND BEQUESTS TO THB SOCIETY. "l I860. John Bell, Shediac, |40. ' ' ;• ", ' r! •..•.; 1.. rUi'' -r > 1801. Sarah Bell, Shediac, $40. 1863. Eliza Bell, Shediac, $80. ',.,,.. , ,\ ;' '] / Stephen Wiggins, St. John, $2,000. ' ' • ' J. F. Allison, Sackville, $200. ! ' * w , /.' . ; 1866. F. W. Hatheway, St. John, $2,000. Ml89 Simonds, St. John, $1,600. ' • 'r'!. .-,]■•. ■>. Hon. Chief Justice Parker, St. John, $1,720. 1867. Mrs. Rawleigh, St. John, $2,000. '''U -j-^ i uij li 1870. Mrs. Ann Hall, St. John, $800. 1873. Miss Parker, St. Andrews, 6 shares Bank of New Brunswick Stock.' 1874. Samuel Scovil, Cambridge, Q. C, a property on the North Market "Wharf, St. John, subject to certain Trusts, valued at $9,000. 1875. Miss D. Brinley Hazen, St. John, residue of her Real Estate, esti- mated at upwards of $25,000. The following have not yet been realized : Chief Justice Chipman, St. John, the reversion of $40,000. '' ' ' ' ' Mrs. Sarah B. De Wolfe, St. John, one-fourth of the residue of her Estate FORM OF BEQUESTS AND DEVISES IN WILL. 1. A Bequest of a Sum of Monet, or Shares of Stock, or Paid Dbbbntitres, for the General Purposes of the Society. I give and bequeath to the " Diocesan Church Society of New Bruns- wick," the sum of Currency, (or shares of stock in the Bank of ), standing in my name in the Books of the said Bank, or, (if Debentures, describe them briefly), upon trust, to be by the said Diocesan Church Societjr applied to and for the uses and pur- poses of the said Society, as specified in the Act of Incorporation, and none ether. 2. A Devise of Real Estate for the General Purposes op THE Society. I give and devise unto the '* Diocesan Church Society of New Bruns- I wick,'' all and sin$^lar, Ac, (Describe the Real Estate clearly.) To have and to hold the said, ^Ssc, unto the said Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick, and their successors, forever; upon trust to hold and apply the same, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and the proceeas of I the sale thereof, should the Society sell the same, to and for the uses and [purposes of the said Diocesan Ghuroh Society, as apecifled in the Act of ] Iiuiorpontion, and none other. (133) ■■--.I ilH-l: •Sv.f>, iHv M' APPENDIX B. The sum total of the Contributions, as reported for the current year, is in all $6,768.30. N. B. It is particularly requested that contributions to the Widows' and Orphans' Fund may be sent to the Secretary of the Fund ; or, if remitted with other monies to the Treasurer D. C. S., that an accurate statement •of the amount intended for the W. and O. Fund may accompany the remittance. The Rev. John Pearson, having resigned the office of Secretary to the above named Fund, H. L. Sturdee, Esq., St. John, has been appointed in his place. Addendum.— Life Member, 1875— Rev. F. H. J. Brigstocke. (134) i 1 , ' <■■ •' V 'I'. --Al. :il Vj Hi ' r «• . ■> L'i ■ i-f , I' •-.'■. '•'■...•■■')'■ ir <' * ' • ,■".''.;■ '■*'. '. -■"ir ■; yltj'.»; .' yr.. i,h i <\l rrrv; ;!<<ia Vi^': m-'i ,^-iO'^ '-'ir*- -f.-n'' N*t}: .j^'., U' ';i '"' ■ 'ii i."'iiv';ir ^ n ,'• -^ 'T'^rl^'lj V<V •'^i•^^A i;Vi;K ;JSA'.^f !>• Officers of Prayers of Constitutio Rules, &c., Clergy Wid List of Cleri Report, . . . . Abstract of Proceedings Auditors' R( Report of S( Report of Be Schedule of ] Anniversary Report of Ei Treasurer's Abstract Re List of Life ]S Do do Subscriptions Do. Appendix a Appendix B Notice of Soc tory,.... H. A. CROPLEI CONTENTS. Page Officers of the Society, 3-4 Prayers of the Society, 5 Constitution, 6-13 Rules, &c., of the Board ot Home Missions, 14-22 Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund : Rules, &c., 2"-2(j List of Clergy, 27-28 Report, 29,03,44,45 Abstract of Missionary Reports, &c., 03-44 Proceedings of General Committee, 46-55 Auditors' Report, 49 Report of Schedule Committee, 50 Report of Board of Home Missions. 55 Schedule of Income from Globes, 55-56 Anniversary Meeting, a 58 Report of Executive Committee, 59-62 Treasurer's Accounts, 63-80 Abstract Return from Parishes and Missions, Sl-87 List of Life Members, 88-89 Do do Deceased, 90 Subscriptions for 1876, 91-128 Do. 1874, 128-132 Appendix A. — Bequests to Society, 133 Form of Bequests, 133 Appendix B.— Sum total of Contributions, 134 Notice Widows' and Orphans' Fund,. . . 134 Notice of Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Deposi- tory, Last page of cover. H. A. CROPLEY, PRINTER, WILMOT'S BLOCK, QUEEN ST., PREDERICTON. i i\.is ■ t ^' ■ ' J ';• 1 ■' ■'■'^" \'' -'* 1 ')^'- ■} '■ 11 iif ( I' )i iSii'!. 'Ii!'?' ; M 1 > :i(-i >i -tj, * . !!.i';j I .■|M ''• 1 I'Hlt' vioth: >'■.'' il .•> I: J f '-'i'.ir], ■•L. '■ TIIK SOniKTY ^^'y^..^ 1 - 1' roii fJromoting (Llhrifitinii ^inoiiifdiit DEPOSITORY, J^/VIIVX •JOIIIV, In I'onneetion with the liioersati Chureh Sorieti/. Messrs. E. PEILER & BROS., 64 PRINCE WILLIAM ST BIBLE8, iNKW TESTAMKNTS, PRAYER-BOOKS, CHURCH SERVICES, I?olig"ioiiw a.ncl ILTselvil I^ooUs. PUBLICATIONS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS, In fons(Hiiu'iu(' ol tlio toi'ins on which th;'>(' Ifook- ,iii ol)lnln(Ml, Ihoy cun he sold mI a lowof ])rico ilian aiy oiliir> oft lie saujo (juulity. Any Books on Iho c*ataIo«iio of the Soiriety for I'roni'Mii Christian Knowlod^'-o, will l>c sent, for on application. C^McnibcM's of the Church of En<,''lan(l living in X'«| Brunswick, subscribinf>' not less than J?2.oO annually lo iii| Funtls of the Depository, arc entitled to bo supplio<1 w'v tho PnI)lications at cost ])rice in St. John. All communications to bo addressed as follows: THE s. r. c. K. r.ooK diopository, Care ot (iEOlKiE A. SCHOFIELI), EsQumr. Ser)'c((ini\ - SAINT JOHN, Nkav BiiiN.wi^ dIimIiu .lAM ST. ricEs. lis. SCHOOLS, IJool<> an 11' y oiliir- 'roniniii..- itioii. T ill N.ff illy to llic )lio<l wi'l [ri:n>\viii