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Rl .pro a pi A ligh T poes the aUo 1 the: Tl to p Roo) admi the < Arch Roys requ T\ requi Mast shall (com 7% order admi tfie c place dir'^cl shall the f prope Roor ROYAL ARCH PURPLE MARK. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE LODGE-ROOM. No Royal Arch Purple Lodge shall be opened, unless there be at least •we proper Arch erected in the Lodge-Room. No business shal be transacted, except the Lodge be properly tyled. amd a prescribed quorum be present. fa f Ht jr ijricu, a«u AA the lights shaU be triple lights, that is three lights together, wkercTcr hghts are required m any part of the room. «J^K. ^^'if '^i>^^'\'''a^''?^' ^^ ^^'"""^ ^•'■^<='^y '» f'-^nt of, or as near as rhTMtt^r's^Jfgh^h^^^^^^^^^ ^'' * '''' '^' ^^^ Chaplain shall be pl.ce. .1 The articles to be used in initiating a member to this Order shall be * * * * aU of which shall be prepared before the opening of the Lodge. TYLERS. ii^'^f^'J ''*^^^ ^^ ^^'^ "^y^^"'*' °"* ®" the outside and one on the inside cf tne L,odge. The duty of the Outside Tyler shall be to guard the Lodge-Room door, and to prevent any person or persons from loitering about or near the Lwlce. J{^!?^. ■ i?^ u^n" ^/^^^"^ ^^^"y ^^'■°'^^'" ^ho shall present himselffor admittance. He shall admit no one who has not the Annual Password for the current year ; he shall also require the Entrance Password of the Royal Arch, and be satisfied that the Brother seeking admittance has received the re mred ^ Degree. He shall answer to, and assist the Inside Tyler, wheu The Inside Tyler shall answer to, and assist the Outside Tyler, when required He shall examine all parts of the Lodge-Room, and report to the Master that the business of the Lodge may be proceeded with in safety. He shall not alow any Brother to leave the Lodge-Room without a p4sw«rd (communicated by the Deputy Master) emanating from the Master. THE CONDUCT AND APPEARANCE OF THE BRETHREN. "Bie mysteries and solemnity of this Degree require that the utmost respect, order and decorum be observed by all the Brethren. No Brother shaH b^ admitted into the Lodge-Room in a .slovenly or unbecoming dress, nor without the decoration appertaining to the Order. Every Brother shall keep in his place, and shall not leave it on any pretence whatever, without express directions from the Master, through the proper officer, to do so. No Brother shall indulge ui any kind of levity ; nor shall he meddle in any manner with the form of Initiation, unless especially ordered by the Master, through the proper officer, to do so, under pain of immediate expulsion from the Lodge- ROYAL ARCH PURPLE RITUAL. OPENING OF THE LODGE. The Brethren Ijcing seated in their places, and all strictly silent, the Master shall ascertain if all present art Royal Arch Purple Marksmen, and shall give the charge to the Tylers and Brethren. The Chaplain shall then read the following portion of Scripture : Now, we command you, Brethren, by the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every Brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the traditions which he received of uc. For yourselves know how ye ought to follow us ; for we behave not ourselves disorderly among you, neither did we eat any man's bread for nought ; but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you.— //. Thess., c. iii., r'. 6, 8. The Brethren shall then rise and form the double Arch ; and the Chaplain siiall read the following prayer : Gracious and Almighty God ! Thou who didst raise a wall of waters around Thy servants, the cliildren of Israel, on their right hand and on their left, and who didst save them from the power of Pharaoh and the perils of the Red Sea : by whose divine permission in aftertimes our liberties have been secured and our most holy Religion preserved; continue unto us Thy Almighty favor : May Thy Heavenly love be the Arch of our protection, and the increase of Thy Spirit amongst us the special mark of our seal and covenant with Thee. These with all other needful blessings, we humbly beg, through the mediation of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. — Ame7i. The Master shall then say : I now declare this Royal Arch Purple Lodge open in due form, strictly prohibiting any language or conduct that may tend to disturb the harmony of the Brethren. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. The Bretliren sliall then resume their seats, and tlie business of the Lodge shall l)e proceeded with in the following order : The Lecture to be repeated. Minutes of former Meeting to be read. Members to be advanced. Public business connected with the principles, honor or prosper- ity of the Institution discussed. Lecture repeated. Lodge closed with prayer. RITUAL OF INTRODUCTION. The preparation of the Candidate is to take j^lace in a room adjoining tlic Lodge-Room, and being properly prepared, the Candidate is to be con- ducted between two lirethren appointed for the purpose, to tiie Lodge- Room door, an-! on his approacli the Tyler is to make the formal announcement, wliich will be responded to, and the proper challenge given. The Liside Tyler making the jiroper enquiries, and receiving satisfactory answers, shall announce to^the Master that two ]{rethrcn with a worthy friend, seek admission. The ^Master shall then direot them to be admitted. The Candidate being introtluced, the Receiver siiall give him . . . (p. ) The Receiver shall then say : What feelest thou ? Ans7ver — . . . (p.) (The meaning is here to be explained. ) The Candidate shall here kneel on his right knee and repeat the I ord'a Prayer ; after wliich the Chaplain shall read the following Dortions of bcripture : a i ■ Moreover thou shalt make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine-twined linen, and Blue, and Purple, and Scarlet. And thou shalt make loops of Blue upon the edge of one curtain from the selvedge in the coupling. And thou shalt make an hanging for the door of the tent, of Blue, Purple, and Scarlet, and fine-twined Imen. — Ex., c. xxvi., v. i, 4, 36. Lord, I cry unto Thee : make haste unto me ; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto Thee. Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as mcense ; and the lifting up of my hands as the evenino- sacrifice. Set a watch O Lord, before my mouth : keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to anv evil thing, to i)ractise wicked works with men that work iniquity ; and let me not eat of their dainties. Let tlie righteous- smite me, it shall be a kind- ness : and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head : for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities. When their judges are overthrown in stony places, they shall hear my words, for they are sweet. Our bones are scattered at the grave's mouth, as when one cutteth and cleaveth wood upon the earth. But mine eyes are unto Thee, O (^od the Lord ; in Thee is my trust ; leave not my soul destitute. Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniciuity. Let the wicked fall into their own nets whilst that I withal escape.— /'jy/Zw cxli. ROYAL ARCH PURPLE RITUAL. Tlie Candidate is now to be led three times on his journey, bearing his scrip and staff— gets . . . (f's) which are explained to him ; he is then led to the M. H., which, having ascended, the numl)cr of steps are explained to him fill he comes to the K. with three soienm stejjs; the last one coming into the centre ol the R. (dry) where he shall remain until further orders. The Chaplain then reads : And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the Priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people ; and as they that bare the Ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the Priests that bare the Ark were dipped in the brim of the water ; that the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap and the people passed over, right against Jericho. And the I'riests that bare the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst Of Jordan.— yb^/z/za, c. iii. The Candidate shall then take out of the R., with both his hands, the Chaplain reading as follows : And it came to pass, when all the people were clean passed •ver Jordan, and the Lord spake unto Joshua, saying, Take you twelve men out of the people, out of every tribe a man and command ye them, saying : Take you hence out of the midst of Jordan, out of the place where the Priests' feet stood firm, twelve stones, and ye shall carry them over with you, and leave them in the lodging-place where ye shall lodge this night. That these may be a sign among you ; and these stones shall be a memorial unto the children of Israel for twer.— Joshua, c. iv. The Candidate shall then be conducted under the Arch to the Master, where kneeling he shall receive the Obligation. OBLIGATION OF THE ROYAL ARCH PURPLE MARK. I, A. B., do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, in the presence of Almighty God and of this Worshipful Lodge, erected to God and dedi- cated to Joshua, that I will always conceal the whole and every part of the Secrets ot a Royal Arch Purple Marksman ; that I will not write them, print, stamp, stain, cut, hew, carve, or engrave them, or any ]iart of them, ■on any substance whatever, nor cause them to be done, so tliat they may liecome legible or intelligible, without due authority — not even to a Brother of the Royal Arch Purple Order, except after strict trial and due examina- tion. I do further swear, that I will never marry a Roman Catholic or Papist, nor educate nor suffer to be educated my children in that faith, nor in any Roman Catholic Institution. I do further promise, that I will answer all regular Signs and obey all regular Summonses, if in my power. I do solemnly promise to keep the Secrets of a Royal Arch Purple Marks- man, given to me as such (except they may be contrary to the law of the land) ; that I will not wrong nor injure any Royal Arch Purpleman, nor know him to be wronged or injured, without giving him timely notice thereof, and ROYAL ARCH PURPLE RITUAL. inoT^'iu.;yi:^^^^^ p-„i.o that i .m „ot (»hich ha8^K,t been br2 S,t unorhirn > . '" ''''"'• ^^""'"^''P ««• *Ji«tre8s rendering him euch S abCel^ranfl T^.T'' '""''^^^i"^*) withont power, without in>ry to m/se f ur 7arni?v 7f T'm''" '"^y^"'" "^y W.11 not unlawfnli; have any ca nal ktZLJnl'n^'il '''"'"T' ^^"^^ daughter or mother, knowinL' th."n, fn kl ^u ? Krothor's wife, siater, that I will m.t initiate, rr^rlit at t "^^^'^^^^ P'-°'"i«« into the dignity of a Koya? Arch Purn L Mn l!'*""" "^ ""^^ Candidate present at least a quorum of thrTlnLi^l ^a rksmau. except there be fnitiate. nor be preset a the inUiatSrlf an'i' r "l-'f P'^^''' ""•- ^i» I of the .said OnkT, without S hrs hav „, n3 ^'r'^''^«t«.J"t<' the dignity money of this Province, ith T sS^'hi tr'^'^^'/^ ^'''«'. *-'»"«"' to promote feUowship and brot edv lrTv« L!.1 ."^'^ V."" ?" "'^ influence an.lthat 1 will abid./by a deci^ on .7^^.^ ^/* '»/ Brethren generally ; ness connected with the airiTrf^! r ^''•'""*/ ""J *'""» "P"» all busi- promise. testify and d areTn tl e , 1 Jn w^^^^^ "" V''' ^ ^« «"'«"^"Iy any hesitation, secret evasion or ninfar.f / '"'^ «l'oken-and without The Candidate shall then be taktn and led un • " ih. ni , • the following portions of i'ripture'^''P^''"^^'^'^^^« light"ed'u^^o^\rr.lr,;;^^^^ "^^^^ went towardsHaran. And he wa« set /and he took ,!f th^ s out of that^'.^lf ""'^^1' ^T'^ *'>« «"» pdlows, and lay down in th i? ,vi..« * , place, and put them for his Uoldalad.lcrLtupontheSrtfTndtl^^^^ /f^^ ^' '^'''''^'^' ^nd and behold the Angefs o? 0:^^^:^^^^^::^,:^:;^^^ *" '^^^^"' Here give him the . . . (T's) ; the Candidate being left ^^ ^ » whilst the following is read : ^''"^* *^® into tki/laml ; for I ,vTJt lea« &?r,'l ?",■• ' 'I" """"e ""oe igain kave spoken to thee of,-(°°!, cxxvu' ^"™ **"" ^^^ ' The Candidate shall then liP* * ♦oT,,! i„-j j i, the (W, Where th^XlainThil^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mir4 s^pplt'ti^on^^ TnouSrr ' ^^ '^ T^ ^'"^^ "'^^^ ^hl Lord"did before Hki my troubie ^^ Z Z ™1>'^P^^^"*^'^"''" ^ then Thou knewest my natl TnTf ""^u ^^.e^^helmed within me, privily laid a snare f7m^e I looked nni ^^'Ifl ^ T^^^'^ ^^^^ the^ there was no man that would Kw m?- ^J "S^*.^^^' *°'^ ^^^^^^' ^"t formy soul. I called nZTh^oCllT/t"^ ""V "" "''^ «*"d my portion in the land of tLlivini Attend '„nfn" *'* ""^ '1"«" ^^^^ » s^my ^:!ir:nroVSo7tS^^^^^^^^ nghteous shalf eo^ass -'^b^UTCt^rsh^al^^^^^^^^^^ f^/ '^%KlU'.^^^^^^^^^^ He shall thencp l»^ ni-'— *i- * V ' • 7^ , ^® explained to him : and fr«r« , „.. nnv,« „xic Arcn again to the Master. ' ROYAL ARCH PURPLE RITUAL. ■! 1: The Signs and raflHwords Bliall be htire communicatod, and the Brother invested with the decorationH of the Order, which Hhall oonHist of an Orange Collar, with ItosetttH of Orange, Purple, Blue and Royal Purple. After which the Master sliall deliver the following Charge : BnOTiiKii, -- You *iavo been now admitted, after strict tri.il, to this exalted Degree. It must have proved to you iiuuiy factn. which it duly thought of, may tend to inform your mind, and to render loss obdurate the propen- sity inherent to man to sin. llolhict, and you will see th.at man is not regarded by Orangemen on account of his worldly wealth ; i'; in the wealth of the 8<»id that we ]>ri7.ii, not that which, when we tieriMh can av.oil notlung. ileflect, anil you will have good cauHo to lemembcr how mmii it has become your duty to render assistance to a Brother in distress. lleHect, and you will find" that much of your duty is enforced upon you by implication, which a clear mind, seeking for justice, will at once discover. Remember, then, your duty mid your obligations, and also how fatal and dark will be your plunge, from this to eternal death, should you neglect them. Kemember, also, that it is only by obedience to the (Jreat Father in Heaven you can expect to pass from the darkness of tins w^>''d to the light of everlasting life, and that prayer, and the practice of all that is good, together with a strong reliance upon your Saviour, can alone lead to this. Remember, too, that you prayed as being under the canopy of Heaven, therefore taike heed and recall to your mind the solemn hour of death, the awful one of judgment, and lastly, eternity. A lesson has l)een taught you how these may be overcome ; and if you hope to gain eternal life, 1 warn you that it is essential that you have faith ; for no one can, in his weakness and sinfulness, expect to be perfect. If, therefore, you hope for the charitable aid and intercession of our Saviour, do you extend CuAurrv to others. In every way you are taught to avoid sin. Even when least expected, the berpent may be in your path. I therefore entreat yo\i, as you hope for salvation hereafter, that you do not omit any occasion which you may find opportunities to fulfil the vows you have now mad . The Lodge shall be closed by the Master with the Lord's prayer— the Brethren kneeling on the right knee. Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil : for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.— Amen. The Master shall then aay : I now declare this Rojal Arch Purple Lodge closed in du^ form. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. 9 Brother' HJflt of an al Purple. : lis cxaltod f thought 10 propen- nan iH not ho wealth 1 notliing. as hccome , and you iplication, how fatal liould yott the < 1 r«!at tliia woi Id :tice of all can alone he canopy nn hour of md if you ; you have t)e perfect, on of our expected, u hope for 1 you may rayor — the hy name. I it is in ve us our LIS. And for Thine d ever. — d in du^