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Un daa symbolea suivants apparaftra sur la deimiAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: la symbola — »>signifie "A SUIVRE ', le symboie V signifie "PIN". Mapa, piatea, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoaa too large to b« entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to rif ht and top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama iliuatrate tha method: cartas, planches, tabieaur, etc.. pauvent ^tra fllmia A daa taux da rMuction diffirants. Lorsqua le document eat trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seui cliche, ii est film6 A partir da Tangle sup^rieur gauche, da gauche h droite, at de haut an baa, an prenant la nombre d'imagea nAcasaaira. Lea diagrammea suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. tra. 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 O' i^rukrsHii of lanttltoii. In the LiitivERSiTT there will be the following Departments or Faculties, viz. : I.— Faculty of Arts. II. — Faculty of Law, III. — Faculty of Mkdicini. IV.-— Agriculture. v.— Mehcantilk. VI.— ^Iechanics. I. FACULTY OF ARTS. This College, oi- Department in the University, is to embrace the Collegiate course of instruction which has obtained in similar Institutions, viz., Ancient and Modern Languages ; Mathematics ; Natural, Mental, and Moral Sciences ; General, but more particularly, English Literature. The Degrees to be conferred in this Faculty, are B. A. and M. A. II. LAW. The Studies and Lectures necessary for Students in La,, . .o be established in this Department. But Lectures, on the more practical parts of the Laws of the country, to be open to all the Students of the University. The Degrees to be conferred in this Faculty, are B. C. L. and D. C. L. III. MEDICINE. To embrace the Studies usual in Schools of Medicine. The Degrees to be M. B. and M. D. I V . A G R I C U L T U R E . With a Farm, under the superintendence of a practical Agriculturist, and Lectures on those subjects which elucidate every department of Agriculture — as the nature of Soils, Manures, Rotation of Crops, Drainage, &c. Also, Natural Philosophy — as ^Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, with Chemistry, Botany, &c. Appropriate Degrees to be given in this and the two following Departments. V . M E R C A N T I L E . In which will be taught those studies especially necessary for the Merchant, the Banker, the Accountant, <fec. — such as Book-keeping, Political Economy (the Laws of Wealth), French, &c. V I . M E C II A N I C S . In which the Scientific knowledge necessary in the Mechanical Arts, shnll be taught. This Department will also includo Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Gunnery, iW. Tub UxivERSiTY Is designed to ba eminently practical, and to afford facilities for the attainment of the Scientific knowledge necessary in the Professions, (except Divinity,) and in all the chief callings in Society ; to fnrnish, as far as a public institution can, that hind of Education which Milton so well describ(>s : *' I call a complete and general education that which fits a man to perform justly, skilfully, and magnanimously, all the ofilces, both private and public. of peace and war." The entire system to be in one liniversity, and under one organisation, embracing the several Faculties and Departments above specified. The Trustees for the management of the pioperty, and for the election of the Professors in the University, to be appointed — one by each ^Municipality which shall make an appropriation of £500, and one by the Governor General. Eaoh Municipality to f.ppoint one Trustee for each £500 appropriated. City IlAtt, Hamilton, 1st June, 1865. J. HuRLDURT, A. M., B. C. L. Dkau Sir, — At your i-equest I beg to enclose you an extract from the Report of the Finance Committee? adopted by the City Council on the 28th May ?ast. ( am, Your obed't Servant, TITOS. BEASLEY, Clerk of C\t]i Council. REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE, On the Memorial of Mr. Ilurlburt, in reference to the establishment of a Umversitv in Hamilton. Adopted by the City Council. The Memorial of Mr. Ilurlburt rcfen-ed to your Committee by this Council, asking the Corporation to inves- tigate and report upon the propriety of establishing a University in this City for teaching the following branches : 1st, Faculty of Arts; 2nd, Agriculture ■, 3rd, Mechanics ; 4th, Mercantile; 5th, Law : 6th Medicine. Your Conimittoo gave the subject their perious consideration, and are of opinion that sueh an Institution is highly necessary. Your Committee would hero remark that the proposed University contains one feature which must highly recommend it to the support of the public. Your Committee refer to the proposed facilities for imparting the scientific knowledge required in every department of practical life. The advantages to Hamilton of such a U^niversity must bo apparent to all, and especially to those who feel an interest in the education of the young. Your Coinmittee fnid, however, that at present they have no power to grant any sum of money to Institutions of this kind; but as soon as an Act can be procured from the Government, giving power to Municipalities to do so, they would then be able to give a more substantial support than at the present time. THOMAS GRAY, May 26, 1855. Chairman of Finance Committee, V