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Un des symboies suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols -^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, cherts, etc.. mey be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and iop to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiim^s A des taux de reduction diff irents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est film* A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^^^^ ^7f /J4 '^^''^BBaiEHaaBaqaBBqiDBiiDiaQaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaBBBBBaiiBB ITTJTIOI^T OF THE Manitoba and North- West 9 i I FarmerB Ca-Dperative g Iprotective union.^ Passed June 5th, I8S4,. B B B B B B B B B B B WINNIPEG : Manitoba Daily Free Press Print. 1884. BBBBsiiPKannataspisiiaiaiaiaoaisiiatsisiiEiisiiaiia .^ 'm-^m foe- id' CoUectLOih % \ consrsTiTTJTioisr OF THE y Manitoba and North-West FarmerB Ca-DperativB AND PROTECTIVE UNION. Fussed June 5th, ISSJf,. WINNIPEG: Manitoba Daily Free Press Print. 1884. J?^£4yV::.U:U..,iJiJmMt,mi Mfti Jl«'^ J. (0 1 ( i c e V $ : Presklmi —Akmndcr Flemiiiij, Brandon. First Vkc-Presuhmt—D. IX Camfhell, Manitou. Second " — Jns. Laidlaw, Clmricatn: Third " —Andrew Riddle^ Rinthratlwn. Treasurer— Robert IVemyss, JVinnipefi. Secretary — George Purvis^ Rou7ithiraite. Travelling Agent— E. A. Bailey^ Nelson. AUDITORS : Hon. A. Murray. M P. P.y St. Charles. W. D. Ruttan, RuttanviW'. J. D. Cameron, WinniiMj. DIRECTORS : W. Topley, E. A. Bailey, Nelson. F. N. Stevens, Calf Mmmtain. Robert Miller, RuttanviMe. John Elson, Crystal City. William Hood, Alexandria. W. Farmer, Headingly, David Eraser, Emerson. C. J. Green, P<yrtage la Pr . T. D. Elliott, Aleooandmi. Cliffm-d Sifton, Brandon. Tlwmas Gilmour, Nelson . John Anderson, Plymjiton. J. Baskerville, Dmn. City. K. McKenzie, Burnside. IV. J. Cornell, Ruttariville. J as. Elliott, Sowisburg, A. 0. Graham^ Rajnd City. F. Young, M.P.P., Wako})a. Jas. Doimii , Manchester. T. S. Pearson, Whiteimod. Mr. Clavering, Birtle. Two Directiyrs from Prince Albert. The Secretary of the Shoal Lake Branch. BANKERS : The Bank of Nova Scotia. t :^ t; (i li i> CONSTITUTION. s* The officers of the Central Union Hball be a President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secre- tary, and Travelling Agent, who shall be elect- ed at the meeting of the Board of Directors, held in January every year, as provided in the Union Charter of Incorporation. The Board of Directors shall be composed of two members of the Union from each Territo- rial Division, to be duly elected at the annual meeting, or at a special meeting to be called for that purpose. The officers of the Central Division and Branch Unions shall be ex-offieio members of their respective boards of management. The remuneration for the services of all offi- cers and employees of the Union shall be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Central Union. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Union, maintain order, and exercise a FARMERS UNION general oversight owv tlie geiK'ral bus'ness of the Union, sign all certified cheques, and at uncertain periods inspect the books and records of the Union. These duties shall be perform- ed by the Vice-Presidents in the absence of the President. The Tieasurer shall deposit all moneys and securities of the Union in the Bank of Nova Scotia, at Winnipeg, and shall keej) a correct account of the same, and countersign for pay- ment all cheques duly signed by the President, or Vice-President and Secretary. He shall give an account of the receipts and expendi- tures of the Union at the annual meeting, and whenever required to do so by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall attend to the correspon- dence of the Union, receive moneys and che- ques, certify as to their correctness, and imme- diately remit the same to the treasurer. He will exercise a general oversight of the affairs of the Union, superintend the employees of the Union and see that their duties are etHciently performed. The Travellinty Accent shall organize branch- \i ' r ESB^ieSBRCISBi (X)NST(TLTl(>N. 7 cs of tlie Union tln()ii<^^li(mt tin* Province, an<l North-West, and make collections for tlie Union to be transmitted monthly, with statement, to the Secretary. He shall also periodically visit all branches, and report the resnUs of his visi- tation to the Board of Directors at their rei^ni- lar mecitinj^s. / ' f There shall 1h» elected in each of th(\se Tn- ritorial I)ivisi(>n.>i, at a meeting to be held <>n the first Wednesday in December in each and ewery year, two Directors, to serve on the Board of the Central L^nion until their succes- sors are appointed, as provided by the Charter of Incorporation. At that meeting there shall also be elected officers of the Division Unions, as follows : — President, 1st and 2nd Vice-Pre- sidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and a board con- sisting of three members, who, with the officers elected, shall have the full management of the Union's aflfairs, subject to the direction and approval of the Division Union. The Territorial Division Unions shall be composed of delegates from sub-ordinate or branch Unions, within the limits of said divi- 8 FARMERS UNION sion, dulv elected at the annual meetincij to be held in November in each and every year. The Division Unions shall have under their control and management all matters generally affecting Branch Unions not of a character to interfere with the duties of the Central Union or of the Constitution. The officers of sub-ordinate or Branch Unions shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Lecturer, and Gatekeeper, who shall compose the board of management, to be elected at the annual meeting in No- vember. All branches of Division Unions are requir- ed to procure a charter ard books from the secretary or agent of the Central Union, on the terms prescribed by the Board of Directors, as follows, viz: Five dollars for Charter, three Rituals and six copies of the Constitution. All Branch Unions which have already paid their fees to the Central Union shall be credit- ed for the amount. No charges shall be made against the Cen- tral Union for expenses of delegates. ' ' CONSTITUTION. 9 h t t Branch Unions shall have full power to make by-laws to govern themselves, provided such by-laws do not conflict with the Constit Jtion of the Central Union. Any person of good moral character, over eighteen years of age, shall be eligible for mem- bership on paying an entrance fee of one dol- lar, to be applied as follows : 50 cents to the Central Union, 25 cents to the Division Union and 25 cents to the Branch Union. The mem- bers shall in addition contribute 25 cents per quarter, to be divided proportionately as above, and also if necessary, special levies to meet exceptional expenditures sanctioned by the Board of Directors. The Province shall be divided into the fol- lowing TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS: No. 1, of which Winnipeg is the centre, com- prises 7 to 18 inclusive, ranges 1 to 8 inclusive east of the first principal meridian, and ranges 1 and 2 west. No. 2, Emerson. Townships 1 to 6 inclu- sive, ranges 1 to 8 east and 1 and 2 west. 10 FARMERS UNION CONSTITUTION. No. 3, Portage la Prairie. Townships 7 to 18 inclusive, ranges 3 to 12 inclusive. No. 4, Nelson. Townships 1 to 6 inclusive, ranges 3 to 12 inclusive. No. 5, Brandon. Townships 7 to 18 inclu- sive, rangeis 13 to 29 inclusive. No. G, Turtle Mountain. Townships 1 to inclusive, ranges 13 to 29 inclusive. No. 7, Whitewood, North- West Territory. Ranges 30 to 34 west of the tirst principal me- ridian and 1 to 9 west of the second principal meridian inclusive, Townships 8 to 20 inclu- sive. No. 8, Prince Albert. Comprising Prince Albert settlement.