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IVIaps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimds A des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd A partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant ie nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 > TI 1 - .?■: i s._iii!.; Btir *?5>b^- i^ *!^ JU.^^ MMl****«hf^ .^x9LiS\ y I ■»■: MtH^f^r^er mui HVhoMetnU ttenUv in TEAS, tPO&iOGO, SPICES, W. I. OOODS^do. ]Voi*tli Wliarf; .!.... eialiit John, IV,.,^ «r?>rw ■aoase s !» .:jj<iyg. » -:^H! ; jg " - y ~» ; MCMILLAN'S t. » \ NEW BRITNSWICK THE YpAR OF OUR LORD BfilNGT THET?Hl»f5rii'ti^§T YBAB O^F THE REIGN OF QUEEN ■;;: li;.!viiEl'6mA. AJSJl* i*1^8EXTILE OK LEAP YEAtt. (.. ■ ■ ' . c^iTAnriNQ. A IIST Of Hffi IJmCSJB OP NEW BRUNSWICK mLITIA, THE r61.L of BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS, AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. «^ J. & A. McMillan, ts pkince wm. STREPrr, SAINT JOHN, N. B.' I > ^^w^^'ir^^'^^^im'^w^^F^^^ft^^^^^^^^v^fmt^^^ my>^ > V V * « V Ji V (■ ^^c6€^ iisriDEx: N Atmoaphere, Pago 15 AKricuIture, ProT. Board of. 47 Albert County 76 Albert Mining Company 104 Albert & Wostm'laud M iniug & Man. Co 104 Albert Manufacturing Company 104 Agricultural Society, St. John 106 Alumni Society of University 107 Baptist Ministers 83 Baptist Education Society 51 Baptist Miss'y Board.— Convention 84 Banks 102 Board of Health, St. John 55 Building Society 103 Bible Society lOfi Barristers' Society, 41 Barristers and Attorniea ...^ Ill to 118 British Ministry 33 British Templars 109 Cycles and Church Days 14 Circuit Courts 38 County Courts, 38 City Districts, St. John 59 Court of Divorce 40 " " Vice Admiralty 40 " for Trial of Piracy 40 Crown Land Office, 46 Collegiate School 49 Cartage, Rates of, St. John 68 Charlotte County 66 Oarleton County 74 Church of England 77 " " Rome 81 Congregational Ministers 84 Christians 85 Colonial and Con. Church Society, 106 Churoh Missionary Society 107 Cemetery Company 103 Consuls 105 Chamber of Commerce.. 105 Dominion of Canada 35 Executive Council New Brunswick 36 Education, Provincial Board of. 48 Emigrant Agencies 105 Equation ofTime for 1868 13 Eclipses 14 Express Offices 59 Ferriage, Rates of, St. John 66 Pish Market, Dues, St. John 5" Free Christian Baptist Church H^ Fredericton, City of Ca Female Reform society 108 Qreat Britain— Royal Family, etc., 33 Qrammar School, St. John 51 Gloucester C->unty 73 Gas Light Company, Rt. Job a... 103 Gymnasium 105 House of Assembly 37 Harbour Master's Fees, Saint jfohn 56 Hospitals and Asylums, 104 Hackney Coach and Hand-cart Fares ... 57 '^.'ng's County 68 Sen: County, 72 LeKisiatKe Council New Brunswick 36 Li(ht Houses 16 'Joyd'i Ager.ia and Surveyors 105 .MoNTHLT Calendar— 1868. ..Pages 21 to 3l2\ Morninr' and Evening Stars 14 Madras School '. 49 Mount Allison Wesleyan College, &c., 49 Market Tolls, Saint John 58 Methodist (Wesleyan) Church 82 Militia 86 Manufacturing Company, (St. John.) ...103 Mechanics' Institute 106 Masonic Body 116 Northumberland County 71 Natural History Society 108 North Am. Manufacturing Company ...103 < Orphan Asylum 107^ Orange Association l^'^w.i -Oakum Manufacturing Company 104 Planets, ]B Provincial Secretary's Department A'l Public Offices 47 Presbyterian Churches 81 , Poyt Office 42 Police, Saint John ?..... 64 Princess Alex. Mining & Manufac. Co.. ..104 Queen's County 67 Revenue Department 41 Rates of Pilotage, Saint John 20 Restigouche County 76 Ragged School 108 Railways 110 Seasons 14 Steamboats ,. .^ 110 , Sovereigns of Europe, .*. 34 Supreme Court 38 Saint John City 61 Saint John County 69 Signals, Saint John 19 Sabbath School A ssociation 1 07 Slippage, Rates of, Saint John 66 StafiTofthe Army ; 88 Bunbury County 67 Suspension Bridge Company 103 Suspension Bridge Tolls 67 South Bay Boom Company 104 Society Library 106 St. Geo St. Andw. St Patk. Societies... 108 Sons of Temperance 109 St. Jolin Literary Club 108 Time for going through the Falls 67 Training Schools, St. John 48 Teacher's Institute, Saint John County. 61 .' Telegraph Companies 102 i- Tract Society 107 i Top-V/harfage Law 66 Temple of Honor 109 University ^ 47 Union Iron Works 103 Victoria County 77 Victoria Coal Mining Company 104 Victoria .<»kating Rink 106 Water Supply Commissioners, St. John 64 Wharfage, Rates of. Saint John 65 Weighing Machines (rates at) 67 Wentmorland County 70 York County 64 Zodiac IS Zion's Church— Portland 83 «... Pages 21 to 'S2\ WH 14 ....". 49 College, tc, 49 68 urch 82 ! 86 (St. John.) ...103 106 116 71 108 ig Company ...103 . 107 ji iJof, ompany 104 Ifi partment 4i 47 81 , 42 :..... 64 fanufac. Co.... 104 67 41 )hn 20 !...""! 76 108 110 14 ^.- 110 , f. 34 38 61 69 19 on 107 Fohn 66 : 88 67 «y 103 57 »y 104 106 tk. Societies... 108 109 108 10 Falls 57 m 48 John County. 61 .' 102 ? 107 1 65* 109 47 103 77 ipany 104 106 aers, St. John 64 John 66 at) 67 70 64 13 83 NORTH SIDE KING STREET, (CORNER OF GERMAIN,) St. John, N, B, Importer and Dealer in FIRST CLASS MEDICINES. OF EVERY KIND, PhotoffVitphic %flateriahf Chemtcaigy Fnney Goodty Toilet and JVnraevy .'IrticleSf fine Spong-ea^ FINEST BRANDS OF PERFUMERY, Superior TOOTH BRUSHES; HAIR BRUSHES; Cleaver's and other SOAPS; COMB^of all descriptions. Walking Canes; FLAVORING EXTRACTS; Fancy Syrups. 3E*EESH GAIRBEISr SEEDS, in fioason. Also — Dye Stuffs ; Dry Painters' Colors ; Artists' Colors and Materials. Originator of the celebrated POOR MAN'S COUGH SYRUP, TONIC EXTRACT, STOVE VARNISH, FURNITURE CREAM, Sarsaparllla Alteratitb, Ammonia and Rosemary LINIMENT, Ciialohkr's Improved TROCHES, TOOTHACHE DROPS. Clialoiier's Worm liOzcnges^ & Hair Invigorator. Chaioner's Indelihle Ink, This article answers for Stencil Plates as well as in the ordinary way, with a pen ; it requires no preparation and is warrranted [ ermancnt. THE ABOVE ARE ALL RELIABLB PREPARATIOXS. l^ Our facilities for preparing Prescriptions are unequalled in this city. Wc can assure all who patronise us in this most important branch of our business, that their favors will always receive tha most careful attention. J, CHAHiOSfER, Corner King am Druggist, I Germain Streets, Ttl 55& S n BRr Allwi A IM I 3 '■•% ALFRED LORDLY, MlNUFACTUREIl OP FyiNITyiE 9 WHOLESAbB AND RETAIL. Tables, Sidoboards, @<»®k Cases, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Lounges, DiniDi, Lilirary, Parlor anl Chaiito Sets, &c. 4s amKJMKJLm stuhiit, (Sign of the Golden Chair ,) SAINT JOHN, N. B. Furniture Warerooms, 55 & 57 OESMAm STBEET,...ST. JOHN, N. B. C. E. BURNHAM, Manufacturer and Importer of J!nllOf£S3Jy»OJpQL Jil uSp X2»£)Xt2>£"3^ FEATHERS, MATTRESSES, BRITISH & AMERICAN LOOKING GLASSES, MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT All warrctnted of good seasoned wood and for Sale at lowest Market rates. JThoieaaie and Reiaii I if mjr own on nand. ▲ iMrgm I<ot of CIKAIBS of mjr own maniifaetnire, constantly n ^4 % ; ' y. I L H. DEVEBER & SONS, Importers op British & Foreign T : -r i.r.x r. ■%?. n TEAS, INDIGO, SODA, ■-«i- Wla€@w ^Mm i> PAINTS, OILS, Sbc, &c.. 4'?? l^i?lm©© Wme S'tee^te vu ' * 7 IS if - .'.•^»*:i <vt:.'- i SAIgT JOHN, N. B. _„ ,„_, ,^. i^'Uf-JH. s. M CO., .*■*' V i'ifcV. «. M. p. & H. A. AUSTIN, lUPOUTBItS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Profisioas, FliOlJB, MEAL., HlOIiASSES^ SVGAR, Cordage, Paints, Oils, Tar, GLASS, NAILS, ,.♦ r Together with a General Assortment of MERCHANDIZE adapted to the requirements of the Country generally. All of which will he disposed of on the most reasonahle terms. ROBERTSON'S WHARF, . . ' . . Indiantoww. THOIVIAS RANKINE & SONS, SHIPMD "^' '^ ® 4 E jf * « SODA BUISCUIT, Sugar do., Wine do., Butter do., Graham do.. Groat Bread, Family Pilot Bread, ' Water Pilot Bread, Molasses and Sugar Cakes, Butter Crackers, Water do.. OYSTER CRACKERS, Graham do., Champagne do. Nos. 1 and 2 Pilot Bread, Medium Bread, Navy Bread, Ginger Bread. &c., &c., &c. No. 14 MILL STREET, '^'^'^ Known as " The Steam Bakery." SAINT JOIIX, N. B. Orders from the Country containing remittance punctually attended to. THOMAS RANKINE, . . . THOMAS A. RANKINB, . . . ALEX. RANKINE. H JAMES WILLIAMS, Importer and Dealbr in PROVISIONS, Oils, Paints^ Glass, &C.y (kCj &0.J EAST SIDE SIHONDS STBEET, r> I * Portlandt Bt. .Toliii, PT. 0« II ; It r " i . Ji LAWTOK i \\m, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS tin. Warehousemen, SAINT JOHN, N. B. ENTRANCE ON CANTERBURY STREET. i ■» r 9 ET, )DS (^tUSc BET. J. & h ME® AN 9 29 Prince Wm. Street, opposite Church Street, IMPORTERS or BRITISH k FOREIGN DRY GOODS m IEVIEIE7 IDIESiDIRIIIPTndDM. MOREENS, DAMASIS, HAPERY, AND ALL KINDS OP House Furnisliing Goods, Silkv and Drrvs Materiali of latrit sljirs ; Piintv, Shirtings, Flannels, Blankets, Cloths, Trouserings, Vc«tings, Trimmingsi, Small Wares, Ac, &c. - oc:>€> - Particular attention is directed to our Stock of CottDtt %\i«m, Mmt&$ mA ^atittftt;?. Nos. 1 A 2 Prince William Street, -St. John, N. B. ^f> <>•■»► MAGEE HaTing now increased accomofiodation for doing business, wish to in- form the Public that being so circun\stanced, and purchasing in the hetti European markets, are able to offer at all times Goods, seasonable, and at the lowest pricbs. The several Departments embrace the fol- lowing, viz: — SILKS, RIBBONS, BLANKETS, VELVETS, FLOWEllS, Shirtings, MANTLES, Feathers, Table Linens, SHAVl^LS, Hosiery, Moreens, Dress Goods, Gloves, Crimean Flannels, CLOTHS, Laces, Shirts, FURS, Worked Muslins, LINEN3, BONNETS, Trimmings, Towclings, Hats, Buttons, Grey Cottons, Parasols, Hair Nets, White Cottons, Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Striped Shirtings, Corsets, Scarfs and Tics, Tickings, Skirtings, Braces, Prints, &c., dec. tW Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of MA NTLES. WWMB ma^mmf ^©tmi?^€ t@ Q)W^ ©^^l©!* from seasonable and well dressed skins. SISIELETOlSr SKIIIiTS, a very largo assortment always in Stock, direct from the manufacturers. Ii»tlies' and Oentleincirs Underclothing', in Cotton, Merinp, Wool and Silk. SHIRTS made to order and a perfect fit guaranteed. BIEEILnKf WdDdDILS AM® YiStlSMS in great variety. COTTON WARPS AT LOWEST MARKET PRICE. Materials for Masonic, Templart, and Sons of Temperance Regalia. REGALIA MADE TO ORDER. NS^s^Oacs^Ilc^fiSSiEc^ <£>s> 02>c^<L(3iailt i '«> N.B. Rs, wish to in- hasing in the Is, seasonable, iibrace the fol- OWEilS, lWLS, nels, [NEN3, Jrey Cottons, dkerchiifs. Skirtings, MANTLES. nanufacturcrs. ST* aranteed. PRICE. i So7is of R. JOHN M'iliSTii ^ CONFECTIONERY and FMCY B m AKER, Impoftei' and Wkohaale Dealer in Scotcli Mai'MMe, Coiifectiflnery, &c., „ 76 CHARLOTTE STREET ST. JOHN. N. B. Always on hand or made to order— WEDDING CAKE, richly trimmed; ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, SYRUPS, PRESERVES, &c. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE Capital-Two Millions sterling. Paid-up Capital, - - - - Reserve Funds and Surplus Account, - Annual Income, - - . - Total Accumulatec^ Funds, £250,000 £315,861 1 10 £652,127 11 10 £2, 510,139 16 5 FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE of every description transacted on the most favorable terms. HENRY JACK, Gen'l Agent, No. 7 J'ruiccss Street. SAMUEL J. SmiL pni im f mat ^k^hn §mk OmOBS : toer of Prince flam Street ani Market Spre, SAINT JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICK. INWTMENT8 MADE IN. AND SALES EFffltSD OP, Saa'''^ Stoc MOUTGAGES Ni) SECURITIES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ON THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, NOVA SCOTIA, P. E. ISLAND, dec. UNCURRENT FUNDS, SPECIE AND STERLING EXCHANGE. Sums of jCIO and iipwArdi receiTed on deposit, for which receipts will be given, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, and payable either at call or fixed periods, as may be agreed upon. II ''W m 1 mh OR :es. riA, QE. iceipts nnum, n. i**Aa*A***^**A< i^*AA***«A*^aittrfM^, ^t MCMILLAN'S NEWBIIUNSWICK I ef, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1 ® "S ^ > > BEING THE THIRTY-FIRST TEAR OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, AND BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR. OOKTAININO fiOeLESIiSTICiL AND PMINCIAL DBPIRTMEHTS, . A LIST" OF THE OFFICERS OF NEW BRUNSWli^fr MILITIA, •»n: THE ROLL OF BARRISTERS A2TD ATTORNEYS, AKD OTHRK SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. k A. McMillan, 78 prince william street, 1868. ■•V f . *.•< THE TWELVE SIGNS OE THE ZODIAC. Abies, The Ram. The -T Arms, Ur.MiNi D Twins. Heart, liEO St Lioj}. ?? Reins, Libra ^ Balance. Thighs, Sagitarius / Bowman, Legs, Aquarius ^ Wafer man. Neck, ^ Taurus Bull. Breast, 05 Cancer Cra6. Bowels, vji Virgo Virgin. Loins, ]\ Scorpio Scorpion. Knees, VJ Cai'ricorn Goafs. The Feet— X PiscKS, The Fishes. n .*" A 5 Tf V- V ;^ f. ■? ':< c o ^. o fS p t 2 3 4 fi 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 EQUATION OF TIME For 1868. FOR THE MERIDIAN OP GREENWICH. t • B o o 9 s •-> s s •"2 < ^ X « 9 "a ♦4 (0 3 to B < a. OS o O Xi s o x> B o « p Add M. S. Add M. a. Add Add M.S. Subt M.S. Subt M.S. Add M.S. Add M.S. Subt M.S. Subt. M. S. Subt. M. S. Subt. M. S. M. S. I 3 37 13 48 12 28 3 49 3 4 2 24 3 35 6 2 16 10 28 16 18 10 35 Bck, 2 4 15 13 56 12 15 3 31 3 11 2 15 3 47 5 57 36 10 48 16 19 10 12 Taurus 3 4 33 14 3 12 2 3 13 3 18 2 5 3 58 d 52 66 11 6 16 18 9 48 ^ •• V A« V/ iV uU. 4 5 1 14 9 11 49 2 55 3 24 1 55 4 8 5 47 1 15 11 25 16 17 9 24 5 5 28 14 14 11 35 2 37 3 .29 1 45 4 19 5 41 1 35 11 42 16 16 8 59 sast, 6 5 55 14 19 11 21 2 20 3 34 1 34 4 29 5 35 1 55 11 60 10 13 8 33 Oanceh 7 6 21 14 22 11 6 2 2 3 39 'I 23 4 38 5 27 2 15 12 17 16 9 8 7 V^ ^ K, ^1 \J M^ 1 Ir 'ab. 8 6 47 14 25 10 51 1 45 3 42 1 12 4 47 5 20 2 35 12 33 16 6 7 41 9 7 12 14 27 '0 35 1 29 3 45 1 4 56 5 11 2 56 12 50 16 7 14 vcls, • 10 7 36 14 28 10 20 1 12 3 48 49 5 5 5 3 3 17 13 5 15 53 6 46 Virgo • 11 8 1 14 29 10 4 56 3 50 37 5 13 4 53 3 37 13 20 15 46 6 18 12 8 24 14 29 9 47 40 3 51 25 5 20 4 43 3 58 13 35 15 38 5 50 gtn. 13 8 47 14 28 9 31 24 3 52 12 5 28 4 33 4 19 13 49 15 30 5 21 nti, 14 9 9 14 26 9 14 9 3 52 Add 5 34 4 22 4 40 14 3 15 20 4 53 ^ Subt. SCORPIO 15 9 31 14 24 8 56 5 3 52 13 5 40 4 10 5 1 14 15 15 9 4 23 )i(m. 16 9 52 14 20 8 39 20 3 51 26 5 46 3 58 5 22 14 28 14 58 3 54 TitC 17 10 12 14 16 8 21 34 3 50 39 5 52 3 46 5 43 14 40 14 46 3 24 '-'••-> 18 10 32 14 12 8 4 48 3 47 52 5 56 3 32 6 6 14 51 14 33 2 55 RICOriiN' 19 10 51 14 7 7 46 1 1 3 45 1 5 6 3 19 6 26 15 2 14 19 2 24 is. 20 11 9 14 1 7 28 1 14 3 42 1 18 6 4 3 5 6 46 15 12 14 5 1 64 21 11 27 13 54 7 10 1 26 3 38 1 31 6 7 2 51 7 7 15 21 13 50 1 26 22 11 44 13 47 6 51 I 38 3 23 I 44 6 9 2 36 7 28 15 30 13 33 66 23 12 13 39 6 34 1 50 3 29 1 57 6 12 2 20 7 49 15 38 13 17 25 Aid 5 24 12 15 IS 31 6 15 2 1 3 23 2 10 6 13 2 4 8 9 15 45 12 59 25 12 30 13 22 5 57 2 11 3 17 2 21 6 14 1 48 8 30 15 52 12 40 34 26 12 43 13 12 5 38 2 21 3 11 2 35 6 14 1 31 8 50 15 58 12 21 1 04 . 27 12 56 13 2 5 20 2 31 3 4 2 48 6 13 1 14 9 11 16 3 12 1 1 33 28 13 8 12 51 5 2 2 40 2 57 3 6 12 66 9 51 16 8 11 41 \ 3 29 13 19 12 39 4 43 2 49 2 49 3 12 6 10 39 9 50 16 11 11 20 2 32 30 13 30 4 25 2 56 2 41 3 23 6 8 21 10 9 16 15 10 67 3 1 31 13 39 4 7 _ 2 33 6 5 2 16 17 3 30 14 m f. SEASONS — CYCLES — ECLIPSES. THE FOUR BEASOirS. D. H. If. D. n. u. Winter begins, 1867, December 22, 1 31 m*., and lasts. .89 66 Spring «' 1868, March 20, 2 27 mo., " ..92X0 27 Summer •« 1863, June 20, 10 54 ere., " ..93 11 31 Autumn •« 18G8, September 22, I 25 ere., «• ..89 17 65 Winter " 1868, December 21, 7 20 mo.,Trop. joar, 365 5 49 ctci.es of time and cuubch bays. Dominical Letters E D Epact 6 Golden Number 7 Solar Cycle . •. 1 Roman Indiction 11 Jewish Lunar Cycle ......... 4 Dionysian Period 197 Julian Period . . . . ^. . 6581 Septuagesima Sunday, Feb 9 Sexagcsima Sunday, " 16 Quinquagesima Sunday, ... ** 23 Ash Wednesday, " 26 Quadragesima Sunday, . , . . Mar. 1 Mid-Lent Sunday, " 23 Palm Sunday, April 6 Good Friday " 10 Easter Sunday " 12 Low Sunday, " 19 Rogation Sunday May 17 Ascension Day, " 21 Pentecost SiHiday, " 31 Trinity Sunday, June 7 Middle of the year, July 1 Advent Sunday, Nov. 29 ECf.IPSES FOR 1808. There will be only two Echpses this year, both of the Sun, and neither of them visible in North America. L An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, February 23. Visible in South America, Africa, and Southern Europe. II. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 18. Visible in Eastern Africa, Southern Asia, and in Australia. A Transit of Mercury over the Sun's disc, will occur November 5. In- visible in North America. Morning: Stars. Venus (9) after July 16. Mars {%) from Jan'y 2 to Nov. 13. Jupiter (12) from March 10 to July 4. Saturn (^) vntil Fcb'y 24 and after Nov. 29. Evenlnar Stars. Venus until July 16. Mars until Jan. 2, and after'Nov. 13. Jupiter until Mar. 10, and aft. July 4. Saturn from February 24 to Novem- ber 29. THE PI^ATf ETS. MiRCURT (^) will be at the most favorable stations for visibility, Febru- ary 17, June 13, and October 9, being then Evening Star, and appearing in the v^est just after sunset ; also April 7, August 5, and November 24, beilTg then Morning Star, and appearing in the east just before sunrise. Veicus (9) will he in the constellation Capricornus until January SO, then in Aquarius until February 15, being directly south of the Urn Janu- ary 23. It passes the equinoctial February 16, rising exactly en tha ofist poi frol it be It Ml thf of PLANETS — ATMOSPHERE. 16 i>* n. II. 89 66 93 20 37 93 II 31 89 17 66 66 6 49 • . Mar. I . . " 22 • April 6 .. " 10 • • " 12 .. " 19 ..May 17 . . " 21 . " 31 . June 7 July 1 . Nov. 29 tl neither n South 1 Africa, • 5. In- IVo?. 13. lulj 4. Novom- Febru- tearing ber 34, iae. iry 30, Janu- la o^st point of the horizon, and setting squarely in the went. It will bo in Pisces from this time to March 12, then in Arien until April 6. On the 4th April it will be 2° south of the brightest star in the Pleiades. April 14 it will be 8" north of Aldebaran, and on the 25th it will he 2«' 22 south of Tauri. It passes the solstitial colurc May 4, and will he the farthest north May 6. May 7 it reaches its greatest eastern elongntion from the Sun, 45° 31'. On the 26th it will be 7° south of Castor, and on tho 30th it will be 4" south of Pollux. June 9 it will be brightest,- after which it approaches the Sun, and daily loses its splendor. June 23 it becomes stationary, bavin gbeen moving direct, or eastward, since its last superior conjunction, but now it begins to retrograde, and is situated a little southwest of the nebuls in Cancer. It passes Pollux again July 18, 12° 28' to south of it; but this will not be visible, as Venus will be in inferior conjunction with the Sun on the 16th and itself invisible. It now moves off from the Sun westward apparently, and increases in beauty as a tuorning star. On the 7th of August it becomes stationary again, and begins to pass the stars eastward, and reaches its greatest splendor again on the 21st. On the 26th Septem- ber it reaches its greatest western elongation, 46* 9'. October 6th it will be 1*^ south of Regylus. November 7th it crosses the Equator southward ; November 31st, 4® north of Spica; December lOtb, enters Libra's Square, and on the 16th is near the middle of it; December 2$th, 6° 12' north of Antares. Mars (%) will come to the meridian during the daylight for the first nine months of the year. It has no opposition this year, and will not be an object of much interest until near ' ; close of the year. November 27 it will be 2^ north of Regulus in the handle of the Sickle. It will be near the Sickle during November and December. JupiTXR (^) has been travelling northward since May 8, 1865, and on the first day of May it crosses the Equator, and rises exactly in the east at Sh. 32m. morn. It will be southeast of the Urn in the first part of the year, but directly oast of it May 1. October 1 it will be brightest and in oppo- sition to the Sun, rising at sunset and setting at sunrise. On the 8th of April it will be very close to Mars. Satubm (b) will be in opposition May 23, and brightest, rising as the Sun sets, and setting as the Sun rises. It will be in the region 10^ or 12*' north of Antares all of the year. OccuLTATioN*. — The Moon will occult or eclipse the bright star a Tauri, or Aldebaran, January 7, at Ih. 17ffl. morn., at Washington, the star reap- peering at 2h. 20m. The same star will also be occulted agai« November 29, at 5h. 64min. eve., at Washington, and reappear at 6h. 51m. evening. These occultations are interesting to witness. HiiOHT or 7HB Atmosphbrb. — Observations on several bright auroras in 1865, occurring at a very early morning hour, lead te the belief that these phenomena in the upper air were modified by the light of the rising sun tinging them ling before it came near the earth's surface. Yet these auro- ras, as well as the ineandcscence of aerolites, or shooting-stars, occur, as repeated observations prove, at heights varying from a few miles above us up to 100 or more ; and as they are all believed to prove tho presence of an 16 LIOHT HOUSES. atmosphere where they occur, they appear to prove that too low a limit has been fixed for the earth's atmosphere— which is commonly regarded as ter- minating at the height of about fifty miles. The mean altitude of the shooting-stars of November 13, 1863, observed at Washington, Philadel- phia, etc., was 92 miles. Prof. Newton thinks that none has been observed at a greater height than 125 or 160 miles. On the 12th of May, 1866, a star of the second magnitude suddenly ap- peared in the constellation of the Northern Crown, but quickly began to lose its brilliance. Its light being examined by the spectroscope, showed two distinct spectra, one like that of the other stars and •( t^e sun, the other consisting of four bright lines, indicating the combustion of gas, espe- cially hydrogen. The great brightness of the lines showed that the lumi- nous gas was hotter than the star itself. These indications, together with the suddenness of the outburst of light, and its rapid decline from the second magnitude to the eighth in twelve days, suggest the startling con- ception that the star had suddenly become enwrapped in the fiames of burning hydrogen, which also intensified the heat and light of the »star itself, till the cause of the combustion was exhausted, attd the star relapsed to its former insignificance. All this, though so recently visible to us, must have 'occurred many years ago. th^ twl lig| E.I N.I -f*- LIGHT HOUSES. .V •>•. ►'»*? Commissioners of Elgrbt Konses In; the Bay of Fnndy, il- W. Gbookshike, Esquire, | Geo. W. Suith, Esquire. Cape Sable Seal Island Light. — The first Light in approaching the Bay of Fundy, is on the South Point of the Seal Island. This is a plain white Light, elevated about 80 feet above high water mark, and may be seen in approaching the Island from any point of the compass. A very dangerouH rock, under water, but upon which the sea always breaks, called Blonde Rock, lies about 3| miles S. by W. by compass, from the Light House. Between this rock and the Island, there are some dangers — the ground is rocky throughout, and large vessels, therefore, ought not to attempt passing between them. Brier Island Light. — In advancing up the Bay, the next Light is situ- ated on Brier Island, about half a mile N. E. from the N. W. point thereof. A plain white light. Digby Gut Light. — The next light on the coast of Nova Scotia is placed on the west side of Digby Gut — from Brier Island North Eastward. The coast is very bold and not indented ; the Light is therefore chiefly intended as a guide into Digby Basin. A white light. Gannet Rock Light. — This Light is intended to warn vessels of their ap- proach to a very dangerous range of shoals and ledges, which extend from LIOHT HOUSES. 17 limit has led ai ter- de of tho PhiladoN I obaerred dcniy ap- began to >, showed sun, the gas, espe- the lumi- ther with from the ling con- flames of the "Star relapsed us, must iy. he Bay in white seen in ngerouH Blonde House, ound is )as8ing is situ- thereof. placed The tended eir ap- dfrom the Old Proprietor to the Seal' Islands ofT Machias, a distance of about twenty miles. It is a flawh light — white — twenty seconds dark and forty light in each minute. The Light House is painted in stripes, vertical, black and white. f Bearingi and Distances by Compass from the Gunnel Rock Light House. Tho Light bears from the Light house on Brier Island, N.N. | W. 22 milen. From the Gannet Rock to the Old Proprietor E. ^ S. distance 7 miles. From the Gannet Rock to the Black Rock, off White Head Island, N. E. ^ E. 7 miles. From th« Gannet Rock to the South West Head of Grand Manan, N. N. W. 6J miles. From the Gannet Rock to the ?"orthcrnmoit of tho Murr Ledges, N.W. j N. 2^ miles. To the Southernmost of ditio, calle'd St. Mary's Ledge, W. S. W. 2 miles. Fr*m the Gannet Rock to Machias Seal Island,W. and by N. ^ N.13 miles. NoTi. — Between the Northernmost and Southernmost of the Murr Ledges, there is a range of dangerous rocks and shoals, many of them always above water, and which extends Westward from the Light House about four miles ; from this range, farther Westerly, about six miles from tho Gannet Light, lies a dangerous breaker called the Bull. This may be avoided by keeping 3 remarkable headlands near the S.W. end of Grand Manan open. From Brier Island Light te Old Proprietor, N. and by W. i W. 18^ miles. The Blonde Rock frem the Southernmost point of the Cape Sable Seal Island, S. and by W. 2^ miles. Machias Seal Island Lights. — There are two fixed white lights upon the Machias Seal Islands, elevated about forty-five feet above high water, and bear from each other E. S. E. and W. N. W. distant about 2:00 feet, by which circumstance of two Light Houses at the same station, they will be immediately distinguished from all other lights upon the coast, (British or American) Both the Buildings aro painted white. The following are the bearings from them, viz : — To the Southernmost Murr Ledge, (St. Mary's) E. 8. E. easterly. Gannet Rock Light, E. by S. i S. 13 miles. Southern Head of Grand Manan, E. by N. i N. Northern Head of Grand Manan, N. E. ^ E. N. E. Rock, distant 2 miles, N. £. by N. Little River Head, N. by W. Libby Island Light House, (American), N. W. by W. Yessels standing te the Northward, between these Lights and the Gan- net Reck, should tack or haul off the moment they bring these Lights in one, as they will not then be more than three fourths of a mile frem the Murr Ledges, if more than five miles to the East of the lights. [It is recommended that the Ship's Compasses sheuld be well compared and Adjusted (particularly in new Ships,) before they leave Partridge Isand, as seri- ous errors have frequently occurred from want of attention on this point ; and as tho variation in the Bay of Fundy is seventeen degrees Westerly, or 1^ points) it will bo found by the latest published Admiralty Charts, that the eouras t( « u M flrom Partridge Island down the Bav (South Channel) between tho old Propric- ter, and N. W. Ledge, is S. W. }4 S., but the eourso to be ea the dkestiea of the wind on leavisff Partridge Island.l 18 LiaUT HOUSES. Head Harb»ur Light. — Next in order afte^ paaaing Grand Manan and tht plain white Light, (American) on Wogt Quoddy Point, in Head Harbour liigla. Thia ii placed en the North East extremity of Campo Bello, and is a guide to Teaiels entering the main Channel to West Iglcs, Muoxa Island, and tke inner Bay uf Passamaquody ; it enables ve^ els also at nil times to enter Head Harbour — it is a fixed white light. The buildin(r is painted white, with a red cross on it. foint he Preaux Lights. — Upon this projecting head laud two lights are placed, ene above the other, in the same house, and distant 28 feet — Both lights can be seen from every point of the compass, where they may bo useful — both are fixed and white. The Light House is painted red and white, in stripes of five feet broad horizontally. Partridge Island Light. — This light at the entrance of the River and Harbour of Saint John, having been established upwards of forty years, requires no particular notice, further than that it is a fixed white light, and that the Light House is red and white, in vertical stripes. A F»g Hvrn or Steam Whistle (the first of the kind ever used for this purpose) was placed on Partridge Island, near the Light House, in Sept. I860, and is sounded at intervals of 10 seconds in every minute, during the prevalence of Fogs and Snow Storms. The whistle can be distinctly heard at the distance of four to six miles. ^ T\ ?e is also a Belt Buoy anchored at extremity of the Ledge at the eastwrn end of the Island, which is very useful to vessels in thick or rough weather. Tke sound of the Bell can be heard throe miles distant. Beac«n Light. — Within Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or Bar which extends about half a mile S.S. E. off Sand Point, and which dries at two thirds ebb, formerly stood the Beacon ; but it was unfortunately destroyed by fire on the 9th January, 1867 ; the abutment only remains. A new Tower and Light is soon to be erected. Quaco. — A revolving white light is placed on a small rock off Quaco Head, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. This light can be seen frem any quarter where a vessel can approach. The Light House is painted white and red in horizontal stripes. Cape Enrage Light. — On the peint of that name, in Westmorland, nearly opposite Apple River Harbour, N. 8. A plain white light. The Htuse is painted white, and is about 130 feet above tide mark. West Quoddy Light. — This is an American Light, and is placed on the West side ef the entrance into the Saint Croix by Lubec and Eastport. Cape Fwehu Light. — On Cape Fcrchu, en the western side of tho en- trance to Varmouth ;N«va Scotia,) in lat. 43, 39, N. long. 66, 8. W. It exhibits a plain revolving light — visible one minute and a quarter, and in- visible half a minute. The building is painted white and is elevated IS.') feet abore^the level ef the sea. Grindstone Island Light. — An Octagonal Tower, sixty feet above tho level of high water on Grindstone Island in Chignecto Bay, in lat. 45° 43' 13'' N. long. 64" 37' 25" W. The Tower is painted white, as is also fel in on| Tl an) m •■i^ >an and tlit iJ Harbour Bello, and !*>•, MooxB also at nil builJinp: i» lights are bet — Both sy may bo 'J red and River and fty years, iiffht, and d for this f in Sept. uring the 5tly heard ?• at the or rough t. [ar which !8 at two estroyed A new r Quaco can La ouse is nearly Htuse on the p*rt. he en- V. It nd in- d 135 ve tho t. -45° « also Lianr houses — sionals. Id the Keeper's house, one itory, situate about 60 feet t* the Eastward of the Tower. Bearings and distances dfseteral places from the aboTe Light House, as fellewH ; ^ Cape Enrage Light by compass, 8. 61^ W. 10 ]•? miles. Highest point of 8t. Mary's Ledge by compass, N. 40 W., 6>10 miles. The point of low water off the Light, by compass, 8. 78 W., 3.10 mile. Jones' Ledge, N. 10 W., 3.10 mile, it dries at lew springs and has about 3^ fathoms on it at half tide. The Sand Bank, 8. 15 W., 8-10 mile, it has 1 j fcthems on its shoalest part at low water springs. Grand Manaan. — There is a Light House and Keeper's House ft the « Swallow Tail" on the North Eastern part of the Island of Grand Manan, in the Bay of Fundy. Tho Light is 45 feet from Base to Deck ; the point en which it stands is 103 feet above high water, making 148 feet eleration. This is a conspicuous mark in the South Channel between Brier Island and Grand Manan. Both Houses are painted white. Richibucto Head Light. — This is a fixed White Light, situated on Richibucto Head, Northumberland Strait, in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. The light is placed at an elevation of 70 feet above high watsr, and should be seen in clear weather from a distance of 14 miles. The illuminating apparatus is dioptric or by lenses of the fourth order. The tower is square,^ about 50 feet high from base to vane, pitintcd white, and stands in let. 46° 39' 40'' N., long. 64° 4.3' 30" W. of Greenwich. Latitude, Longitude, and Variation of the Compass, at the following Light Stations in the Bay of Fundy, belonging to New Brunswick: Lat. 45 14 20 N. " 45 15 00 " " 44 57 40 " 45 3 50 " 44 30 40 // Partridge Island, Beacon, Head Harbour, Point Le Preaux, - Gannet Rock, Machias Seal Island, Saint Andrews. Quaco, Cape Enrage, Long. 65 3 50 W. Var. 16 30 W. »» >> >> »» » 44 30 3 45 4 10 45 19 33 45 36 00 »> » »» 65 3 36 66 53 55 66 27 4 66 42 50 67 6 10 67 4 00 65 31 56 64 46 40 »> f> »» »» »» »» »> M 16 30 16 30 16 30 16 30 16 20 16 20 16 30 16 50 >> f» »> SigDils displijed at Farlniigc Iskiid oc the approach if VhsiIs to the Harbor of St. John. One Ball close for one sqiiar«*riggsd vessel. One Ball half-hoisted, for two square-rigged Ttssels. Two balis cl^se, for three square-rigged vessels. Two Balls separated, for four square-rigged vessels. A Pendant of any color, for fiTe square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, under a Ball, for six square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, over a Ball half hoisted, for seven square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, under two Balls close, for eight square-rigged vessels. A Pendant, between two Balls separate, for nine square-riggad vessels. A Flag of any color, for ten or more square-rigged vessels. 20 RATBS OF PILOTAOl. t it 4( The abore are diipUyed at the East or West yard<arm, according to the direction in whkn the Teasels are at first observed, and as soon as their rig can be distinguished descriptive colors will bo hoisted at ihc mast- hcad, in the following order :— A Union Jack, for a Flag Ship, with or without a equadron. with a Red Pendant over, for a two-decker, with a Blue Pendant over, for a Frigate, with a White Pendant over, for a small armed vessel. Blue Pendant, for a Merchant Ship. Red Pendant, for a Merchant Brig. .. White and Blue Pendant, for a Foreign vessel. A White Pendant, without a Ball, for a Topsail Schooner or Sloop. A Blue Flag, pierced White, for a Steamboat from St. Andrews A Red Flag, pierced White, for a Sicamhoat from Digby. A Red Flag, with a White Square, for a Stcnmboot from Boston. A Ball at the mast-head, vessel is on shore or in distress. A A A or RATEA OF PIIiOTACiE Entnblithed hy a Law o/ Ordinance of the Common (huncil of the Oity of Saint John. One Dollar per foot, for bringing any Ship or Vessel into the Harbor of Saint John, and mooring her into a safe piftce or berth, or securing her alongside of one of the Wharves; and .$1 per foot for removing and taking any Ship or Vessel out 'of the Harbour. In case where Pilots nhall be detained on board of Vesseln, under and by Virtue of the Quarantine or Health Laws of the Province, they shall be entitled to demand and receive from Masters of such Vessels, the sum of $2 per day, for every day of such detention, in addition to the allowance. Coasting Vessels, going from one part of the Bay of Fundy to another, British Steam Boats, or British Vessels drawing under six feet of water, are not compelled to take pilots ; when employed, they are to be paid ac- cording to Iho rate above mentioned. For removing Vessels from any mooring ground to any Wharf, or from one Wharf to another Wharf, and seeing thrra properly moored or arrlired, the following rates : For Vessels not cxcenling One Hundred Tons, •$] 50c.; for Vessels over One Hundred and not exceeding Two Hundred Tons, $3 ; for Vessels over Two Hundred and not exceeding Three Hundred Tons, $3 ; and for all Vessels over Three Hundred Tons, and not exceeding Four Hundred Tons, $4 ; and 25c. for every Fifty Tons such Vessel may measure over Four HuNdred Tons. Firtt Diiiance. — From Partridge Island* t« Musquash Cava Head, bear- ing Northwest, $1 per foot. Second Distance. — From Musquash Head to Point LePreaux, bearing Northwest, $1 25 per foot. Third Distance. — Frem Point LePreaux to North Head oT Grand Manan, bearing North West— or North Channel, bearing S. E., $1 60c. per foot. Fourth Distance. — From the North Head of Grand Manan — or North Channel as aforesaid — to Machias Seal Island, bearing South or Brier Island bearing South-Southeast, $1.75 per foot. Fifth District. — Any where outside the aforesaid distance, $2 per foot. • tccnrding to oon an their It ihc miiHt- d veiMi. r 8Ioop. Andrews or ston. f Saint John. the Hnrbor •curing hrr noving nnd iidrr nnd bj Joy shall be the sum of allowance. to anothor, ct of water, be paid ac- arf, or from or srr\irrd, Tons, $1 Hundred ling Three Tons, and ^ifty Tons lead, bcar- IX, bearing nd Manan, c. per foot, -or North I or Brier per foot. lit Month. JAWJUHy. 31 Dayi. .Tanvart, tha flnt month in our present calendar, waa alio the first month in the Roman calendar. It was not the first month of the year in Britain till 1752, when the lecislature, by an apt passed in the preceding year, altered the mode of reckoning time from the Julian to the Qregoii*n style. At this time it was directed that the legal year, which then eommeneed in some parts of the country in March, and in others in January, should UDiyersally be deem- ed to be«in on the first of January.— January derives its name from Janus. Macrobius exprosHly says it was dedicated to him because, trom its situation, it mi|rht be considered to bo retrospective to the past, and prospective to the openinj days. ' t year. It consists of thirty-one days, though originally only of thirty rhe Anglo-Saxons called January Wo{f-monath. First Quarter, 2d day, 11 hours, 18 minutes, p. m. Second " 9th " 6 " 9 «« " " Third " 1 6th •* " 80 " " " New Moon, 84th " 2 " 34 " " " 57 M. MKMORAKnA. SUD KiSCB. n. M. '0un Sets. R.M. Hun's Dea.S. Mood R.AS. Moon's Place. High Water. • n. M. R. M. 1 W Circumcisiori. 7 46 4 23 23 1 11 13 socrts 9 28 2 Th 7 45 4 24 22 56 morn thig's 4 13 3 Fri 7 45 4 25 22 51 13 thig's 6 5 4 Sat 7 45 4 26 22 45 1 14 thig's 6 68 5 E 2nd Sund aft Christmas. 7 45 4 27 22 38 2 18 knees 6 69 G Mo Epiphany. 7 44 4 28 22 31 3 26 knees 8 1 7 Tu 7 44 4 30 22 24 4 33 legs 9 4 8 W 7 44 4 31 22 16 5 40 legs 10 4 9 Th 7 44 4 32 22 8 rises legs 11 4 10 Fri 7 43 4 33 21 50 6 8 foot 11 56 11 Sat 7 43 4 34 2150 7 20 feet cv. 48 12 E 1st Sund. aft. E[iiphany. 7 42 4 35 2140 8 31 head 1 40 i:3 Mo 7 42 4 36 2131 9 40 head 2 29 14 Tu St. John and Wcslmor- 7 41 4 38 2120 10 40 neck 3 18 15 W land Circuit, and Nisi 7 41 4 39 21 9 11 51 neck 4 7 If) TJi Priu.s Sittings in York. 7 40 4 40 20 5S morn arms 5 17 Fri 7 39 4 41 20 47 54 arms 6 50 18 Sat 7 38 4 42 20 35 1 53 breast 6 53 19 E 2d Sunday aft. Epiphany 7 37 4 44 20 22 2 52 breast 7 48 20 Mo 7 37 4 46 20 9 3 47 heart 8 43 21 Tu 7 36 4 47 19 66 4 41 heart 9 33 22 W 7 36 4 48 19 43 6 32 belly 10 20 23 Th 7 36 4 49 19 29 6 17 belly 11 4 24 Fri 7 34 4 60 19 16 sets belly 11 44 25 Sat Conversion of 8t. Paul. 7 33 4 62 19 6 13 reins morn 26 E 3d Sunday aft. Epiphany 7 32 4 53 18 46 7 9 reins 21 2T Mo 7 31 4 66 18 30 8 7 secrts 1 28 Tu Sunbury Circuit. 7 30 4 67 18 14 9 6 secrts 1 38 29 W 7 29 4 68 17 68 10 4 secrts 2 18 30 Th 7 28 4 69 17 42 11 6 knees 2 67 31 Fri 7 27 5 1726 morn knees 3 40 ^ Snd Month. 39 Days. Fbbruabt, the second month of the year. Its nama is derived from fth- ruro, to purify or cleanse. The Saxons called it Sol-monath, beoause the sun's meridian altitude risibly increases in it. February was not in the calendar of Romulus. It was added to the year by Numa, who garo it the twelfth place in the ealendar. The Decemriri transferred it to the place where it now stands. Numa assigned twenty- eight days to it, in order that the sum of the year might be an unercn number, according to a Pythagorean fancy. In an ordinary year, Febru- ary has twenty-eight days; in Bissextile, or Leap Year, it has a twenty- ninth day. First Quarter, Ist day, 1 hour, 32 minutes, f. u. Full Moon, 8lh " 4 «« 51 " a. if. Third Quarter, 15th " 4 " 33 « " " New iMoon. 23rd " 9 «« 36 " " " D. D. Sun Sim Sun's Moon Moon's High M. W. MfKORAKDA. Biscs. II. ». Sots. Dec. 8. R.A8. Plnoft. Water. II. M. o / H. M. B. M. 1 Sat 7 26 5 2 17 9 7 knees 4 30 2 E 4th Sunday alt. E pi phuny 7 25 5 3 16 51 1 9 knees 5 25 3 Mo 7 24 5 5 16 34 2 15 knees 6 28 4 Tu Hilary Term. 7 22 5 7 16 16 3 20llegs 7 37 5 W 7 21 5 8 15 58 4 23 legs 8 45 6 'i'h 7 20 5 9 15 40 5 22 feet 9 48 7 Fri 7 18 5 11 15 21 rises feet 10 48 8 »at 7 17 5 12 15 2 6 4 head 11 40 y E Scptungosinia Sunday. 7 15 5 14 14 43 7 17 head cv. 28 10 Mo 7 14 5 15 14 24 8 26 neck 1 16 11 Tu 7 12 5 17 14 4 9 35 neck 2 4 12 W 7 11 5 18 13 44 10 40 neck 2 48 13 Th 7 9 5 20 13 24 11 43 arms 3 35 14 Fri 7 8 5 21 13 4 morn arms 4 25 15 Sat 7 7 5 22 12 44 43 breast 5 18 1« E Scxnffcsima Sunday. 7 5 5 24 12 23 1 41 breast 6 18 IV Mo <* •' 7 4 5 25 12 2 2 35 heart 7 14 18 Tu ( . 7 3 5 27 11 41 3 27 heart 8 11 19 W 7 2 5 28 11 20 4 13 belly 9 3 20 I'h '■ ' 7 5 30 10 58 4 67 belly 9 61 21 Fn 6 58 5 31 10 37 5 37 reins 10 36 22 Sat 6 67 5 32 10 16 6 12 reins 11 17 23 E Quinquigesima Sunday. 6 65 5 33 9 63 sets secrts 11 55 24 Mo Saint Matthias. 6 54 5 35 9 31 6 59 secrts morn 25 'I'u 6 52 5 36 9 9 7 58 secrts 32 26 W Ash Wwdnfsday. 6 50 5 38 8 47 8 59: thig's 1 10 27 'I'h 6 48 5 40 8 24 10 thig'g 1 49 28 t'n 6 46 5 42 8 1 n 1 knees 2 30 29 Sat 6 42 5 43 7 39 morn knees 3 14 I 3 45 9 48 48 1 40 28 1 16 i 4 2 48 3 35 i 25 5 18 5 18 7 14 5 11 ) 3 d 51 } 36 1 17 L 55 orn ) 32 I 10 L 49 I 30 J 14 I •I I 'I 1 1 3rd Month. MARCH. 31 Days. ] March, the third month of the year, according to modern computation. 1 contains thirty-one days. The Roman year originally began with March, 1 and was in fact so considered in England before the alteration of the style. 1 the legal year commencing on the tors called it most commonly Hlyd- 25th of March. Our Anglo-Saxon ances- 1 monath, loud or stormy month: and some- 1 times Ilrctd or lihmi-monath, which some interpret Iiheda», others Rhadt or II lUthe, the rugged or rough month. The name of the month is said to bo de- 1 rived from that of Mars, the God of war. 1 Ray, in his C»lleetion, has this proverb, relating to this month :— *' A 1 bushel of March dust is worth a kings ransom," thereby expressing the 1 iinportanee of dry or dusty weather at this particular season of the year, in II an agricultural point of view. 1 First Quarter, Ist day, U hours, 5 minutes, a. m. [| Full Moon, 8th *« 3 " 38 " P.M. II Third Quarter, 15th " 10 •« 45 " P.M. I' New Moon, 24th " 2 " 16 " A.M. 1 First Quarter, 31st " r " 41 " A.M. II D. D. « m Sun Sun Sna'i Moon Mooq'i Uigh M. W. MlMOSAirDA. Rises n. M. Sets Decs. R.A3. Pino*. Wator. H. M. • f H. M. 1 D 1st Sunday in Lent. 6 41 5 44 7 16 5 knees 4 4 3 Mo 6 39 5 45 6 53 1 8 knees 5 4 3 Tu Queen'n Circuit. 6 37 5 47 6 30 2 11 legs 6 9 4 W 6 35 5 49 6 7 3 10 legs 7 20 5 Th t 6 34 5 50 5 44 4 5 feet 8 29 6 Fri • 6 32 5 51 5 30 4 55 feet 9 33 7 Sat 6 30 5 52 4 57 5 39 head 10 29 8 D 2nd Sunday in Lent. 6 39 5 53 4 34 rises head 11 31 9 Mo 6 27 5 55 4 10 7 11 head «T. 6 10 Tu K«nt Circuit. 6 25 5 56 3 47 8 19 nee 49 11 W * 6 33 5 57 3 23 9 37 nee 1 34 12 Th 6 31 5 59 3 59 10 29 arms 3 13 Fri . • " ••' 6 19 6 3 36 11 30 arms 3 3 14 Sat . 6 17 6 1 3 13 morn breast 3 51 15 D 3rd Sunday in Lent. 6 15 6 3 1 48 37 breast 4 43 16 Mo 6 13 6 4 1 35 1 30 heart 5 40 17 Tu St. Patrick. 6 11 6 5 1 1 3 9 heart « 37 18 W 6 9 6 6 37 3 54 belly 7 35 19 Th . 6 8 6 7 S.14 3 35 belly 8 39 20 Fri 6 6 6 8 NIO 4 11 belly 9 18 21 Sat Day and Night equal. 6 4 6 9 34 4 46 reins 10 3 22 D 4th Sunday in Lent. 6 3 6 10 57 5 17 reins 10 47 23 Mo i ■ . 6 6 13 1 31 5 47 secr'ts U 35 24 Tu 5 58 6 14 1 45 sets secr'ts morn 25 W Annunciation. 5 56 6 15 3 8 7 53 thig's 3 26 Th 5 54 6 16 3 33 8 56 thif's 43 27 Fri 1 ■» " . '■■ 5 52 6 17 3 55 9 39 thig's 1 35 28 Sat 5 50 6 19 3 19 11 3 knees 3 i 29 D 5th Sunday in Lent. 5 48 6 21 3 43 morn knees 3 55 30 Mo 5 46 6 23 4 5 5 legs 3 48 31 Tu 5 45 6 33 4 28 I 5 legs 4 49 4th Month. 30 Days. April, tho fourth month of the ycnr, consists of thirty days, whioh vran the number said to be assigned to it by Romulus. Numa Pompihus deprived it of one day, which Julius Csoaar restored, and which it has ever since retain- ed. In the original Alban or Latin calendar, April held the first station, and then consisted of thirty-six days. Its name '^ usually considered to have been derived from aperire, to open ; either from tho opening of the buds, or of tho bosom of the earth in producing vegetation. Tho Anglo-Saxons called it Ooater or Eatter-monath. In this month the sun travels through parts of the signs of Aries and Taurus, that is to say, of those parts of the eclijjtie which astronomers designate by those names. The real motion of the sun among the constellations is through Pisces and Aries. Full Moon, 7th day, 2 hours, 33 minutes, a. m. Third Quarter, 14th " 5 "51 " p. m. New Moon, 22d " 3 » 36 " " « First Quarter, 29th « 1 " 34 " " " D. 11. W. 1 W 2 Th 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 6 D Mo 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 Fri 11 Sat 13 13 D Mo 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 Fri 18 Sat 19 20 D Mo 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 Fri 25 Sat 26 27 D Mo 28 Tu 29 W 30 Th MlUOSAKDA. Sunday before Eastor. Good Friday. Easter. Easter Term. 1st Sunday after Easter. St. George's. 2nd Sunday afi. Easier. iSun Sun Rises. Sttts. a. M. H. it. 5 43 6 24 5 41 6 25 5 39 6 26 5 37 6 27 5 35 G 28 5 34 6 30 5 32 6 31 5 30 6 32 5 29 6 34 5 27 6 35 5 25 6 36 5 23 6 38 5 21 6 40 5 19 6 41 5 17 6 43 5 15 6 44 5 13 6 45 5 U 6 46 5 10 6 47 5 9 6 48 5 8 6 49 5 7 6 50 5 5 6 52 5 3 6 53 5 1 6 54 4 59 6 56 4 58 6 57 4 56 6 58 4 55 6 59 4 53 7 1 Sun's Doc. N. 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 51 14 37 23 46 8 31 53 16 37 59 21 42 3 25 46 7 27 48 8 28 48 8 27 46 6 24 43 1 Moon R. AS. a H. 1 59 2 49 Moon's Plao*. legs feet 3 34 feet 4 14 head 4 51 head rises neck 7 6 neck 8 11 arms 9 14 arms 10 15 breast 11 11 breast morn heart 3 heart 50 heart 1 32 2 10 2 45 belly belly reins 3 16 reins 3 47 secr'ts 4 17 secr'ts 4 47 secr'ts sets 7 47 8 43 thig's thig's knees 9 58 knees n knees 11 57 morn 49 legs legs feet 1 33 feet Iligli Water 5 7 8 9 10 M. 56 6 14 14 8 10 57 11 41 22 6 50 34 21 9 3 58. ev. 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 56 7 48 8 41 9 26 10 12 10 56 11 36 morn 18 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 52 44 38 39 45 I u 5th Month. KAV. SI days. May. the fifth month of our present year, was the se««nd in the eld Alban calendar, the third i»that ef Romulus, and the fifth in the calendar ef Numa Pompilius. In the Alban calendar it consisted of tirenty-two days : cf tkirty- one in the calendar of Romulus: and of thirty in that of Numa. Juliub Cajsar restored to it tho odd day of which Numa had deprired it, and of which it still keeps possession. Its etymology is doubtful. Ovid proposes three derivations: one from majestaa; another from mc^'or««, a term whieh signified the patres, or governing body of the city of Romulus ; and the third from Maia. The Roman month wa^ under the protection of Apollo. Our Saxon ancestors, after the Romans, called it Maiua-monath ,• and in their native language, Tri-milchi, thre3-milk month, when cows were milked three times a day. Full Moon, 6th day, 1 hour, 53 minutes, p. m. 1 Third Quarter, 14th " « 31 « " « | New Moon, 2Sd " 1 " 53 " a. m. | First Quarter, 28th " 6 " 58 « p. m. n D. D. Sun Sun Sun's Moon Moon's High M. W. Memorandi. Rises. H.M. Sets. Dec. N. R. AS. Place. Water. H, M / n. M. H. M. 1 Fri St. Philip and St. James. 4 52 7 2 15 19 2 15 head 6 51 2 Sat Duke Wellingt'n b 1760. 4 51 7 3 15 37 2 52 head 7 54 3 D 3rd Sundny aft. Easter. 4 50 7 4 15 55 3 26 neck 8 52 4 Mo 4 48 7 5 16 12 4 neck 9 44 5 Tu , " » . 4 47 7 7 16 29 4 32 arms 10 32 6 W ■ •,■ 4 46 7 8 16 46 rises arms 11 17 7 Th y - VI 4 44 7 9 17 2 8 breast 11 67 8 Fri ■ ' ' ■ ■ ; 4 43 7 10 17 18 8 59 breast ey. 40 9 Sat 4 42 7 11 17 34 9 54 breast 1 24 10 D 4th Sunday aft. Easter. 4 40 7 12 17 50 10 44 heart 2 7 11 Mo 4 38 7 14 18 5 11 28 heart 3 51 12 Tu St. John Circuit. 4 37 7 15 18 20 morn oelly 3 37 13 W • ■■! i-' - • ' 4 36 7 16 18 35 9 belly 4 26 14 Th «(>--. 4 35 7 17 18 50 44 reins 5 16 15 Fri •>'.-" i 4 34 7 18 19 3 1 16 reins 6 10 16 Sat 4 33 7 19 19 17 1 47 secrt's 7 4 17 D 5th Sunday aft. Easter. 4 32 7 20 19 31 2 16 secrt's 7 56 18 Mo Landing ofloyalists 1783 4 31 7 21 19 44 2 46 secrt's 8 48 19 Tu 4 31 7 22 19 56 3 17 thig's 9 37 20 W ■ . - . - -T -' 4 30 7 23 20 9 3 62 thig's 10 26 21 Th Ascension. i 4 29 7 24 20 31 4 29 knees 11 13 22 Fri * 4 28 7 25 20 33 sets knees 11 58 23 Sat 4 27 7 26 •:o 44 8 50 knees morn 24 D Sunday after Ascension. 4 27 7 27 20 55 9 50 legs 48 1 25 26 Mo Queen Victoria born 24th 4 26 7 28 21 6 10 45 legs 1 39 Tu 1819 4 25 7 29 21 16 11 33 feet 2 33 27 W ; _ . ' 4 24 7 30 21 26 morn feet 3 27 28 Th ^ '_ 4 23 7 31 21 36 17 feet 4 Z'j 29 Fri i^ 4 22 7 32 21 45 35 head 5 27 30 Sat 4 22 7 33 21 54 1 30 head 6 28 31 D Whit Sundny. 4 21 7 34 22 2 3 2 neck 7 30, 6th Month. JUXTB. 30 days. Ju:fN, the sixth month of the year, named from the Latin Juniug. Ovid m.vVsj Juno aascrt that the name was expressly giv#i in honor of herself. Tho.^c who dorire the name 'from Junius Brutus, who began his consulship in this T.ionth, forjot that, accordinj to tradition.it had received the appolation Ions: bsfore. — In the old Latin or Alban calendar, Juno was the fourth month and consisted of twenty six days. Romulus is said to hiiTo assivned to it a complement of thirty days. Numa, who named it the sixth month, doprived it of one day, which was restored by Julius C»«ar, siaco which timt it has remained undisturbed. The Anglo-Saxons had soreral names for the inonth of June. They called [t itear-monath, dry month; midfumtir-monath. midsummer month; and <vr«r- UtKa-mnnath, the earlier mild month, in contradistin«tiou to July. Full Moon, 5th day, t! hours, II minutes, a. u. Third Quarter, 13th " 5 " 29 " «• •♦ IN'ew Moon, 20th " 10 '« 1 " " " First Quarter, 27th " 1 " 6 " " « D. M. 1 2 3 4 h 6 7 "5: w. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu MEVORiXDA. Sim I Sun iKisos. Sets, Trinity Sunday. Trinity Term. 1st Sunday siftrr Trinity. Waterloo, 1815. n. !4 ;4 14 |4 |4 k !4 It 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Acp.ofQ. Victoria, 18.17.i4 2nd Sunday after Tiinitv'4 •|4 i\ipi PriuR Sittinjj*. York. 4 Mi<lfumm«"r. i M, 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 3rd 8un<]«v after Trinity. 4 4 4 4 4 19 20 20 21 21 u 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 , M. 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 41 41 43 42 43 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 Son's Moon Dec. N. R.Ag. 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 33 23 23 23 33 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 46133 22|7 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 2. 'J 33 33 23 23 S3 33 10 18 25 32 38 44 50 55 5 9 13 16 19 21 23 35 26 27 37 27 27 26 2.^ 33 21 18 I. M. 2 34 3 7 3 42 rises 7 46 37 24 7 44 18 50 8 9 10 10 11 11 Moon'i Pluca morn 18 46 16 47 23 3 49 ^ets 8 35 28 16 12 8 9 10 10 11 .12 rii«rn 6 39 1 10 1 45 neck arms arms breast breast heart heart belly belly reins reins reins sccrt's secrt's thiff's thig's thig's knees knees Icjfs l«'ffs "egs flich Water. 16 fffet 67|f«et head head neck nrck arms arms IT. M 8 26 9 10 10 11 •▼. I 1 3 3 3 4 5 6 T 8 9 9 10 11 17 6 54 35 17 41 23 5 49 36 25 19 14 9 5 68 65 46 inorn 4^ 1 2 3 4 i 5 6 T 39 3 13 5 1 5» 59 66 .1? «l 4 ! H^^^ ^■MB • 7th Month. JTHmT, 31 i Days. 1 July, now the ae^i^tith, was originally the fifth month of the year, and 1 was called by the Romans, in regard to its numerical station. Qu«n<t7«t.— - | Mark Antony altered the name to Julius, the gentile name of Cams Cffisar. 1 the Dictator, who was born in it.— In the old Latin calendar, Quintilis had a|| complement of thirty-six days. Romulus reduced them to thirty-one to thirty; but Julius Caesar restored the day of which Numa had depi which it has ever since retiuned.— Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors call : Numa 1 rived it. 1 ed July 1 Mctd-monath, mead-month, from the meads being then in their bloom: and 1 oeftera-litha-monath, the latter mild month, in oontradistinotioa to June. 1 which they considered and named as the " former mild month." On the 3rd of this month the Dos*-dayi are supposed to begin. Full Moon, 4th day, 3 hours, 55 minutes, p. u. Third Quarter, 13th " 7 « 66 " •« « New Moon, 19th " 5 " 12 " « « First Quarter, 26tb « fl « 7 " a. m. D. D. San 1 Sun Sun's Moon Moon's High M. W. MBlfOXANDA. Rises. Sets. H. M. Dee.N. R.k9. Plac*. Watmr. Ri'nM • ^ !I. M. H. Ml 1 w Dominion of Canadapro- 4 23 7 45 23 4 2 21 breast 8 51 2 '^ri claimed, 1867. 4 23 7 45 23 3 breast 9 42 3 F 4 24 7 45 22 55 rises heart 10 29 4 Sat 4 25 7 44 22 49 7 31 h^art 11 14 6 D 4th Sunday after Trinity. 4 26 7 44 32 44 8 5 belly 11 55 6 Mo 4 26 7 44 23 38 8 44 belly er. 36 7 Tu 1 ■ s 4 27 7 43 23 31 9 19 belly 1 14 8 W '• -A, ■. -: '(•. • l' ' i 4 28 7 43 33 34 9 51 reins 1 54 9 Th ; : ,. . 4 29 7 42 22 17 10 30 reins 3 33 10 Fri 4 29 7 42 23 9 10 49 secr'ts 3 14 11 Sat 4 30 7 42 38 1 11 17 seorts 3 56 12 D 5th Sunday after Trinity. 4 30 7 42 31 63 11 47 thig*s 4 43 13 Mo 4 31 7 41 31 44 morn thig's 6 34 14 Tu Kings and Albert Circuit 4 32 7 40 21 35 30 thig's « 31 16 W 4 33 7 39 21 25 55 knees 7 34 16 Th , 1 ' 4 34 7 38 21 15 1 37 knees; 8 38 17 Fri ,! • -i .- ( : •: 4 35 7 37 21 5 2 26 legs 9 38 18 Sat 4 36 7 36 20 54 3 21 legs 10 36 19 D 6th Sunday after Trinity. 4 37 7 35 20 43 sets legs 11 30 20 Mo 4 38 7 34 20 32 8 5 f<jfct morn 21 Tu Westmorland Circuit. 4 39 7 33 20 20 8 51 feet 21 22 W 4 40 7 32 20 8 9 31 head 1 13 23 Th , 4 41 7 31 19 56 10 6 head 2 5 24 Fri 4 42 7 30 19 43 10 41 head 2 51 25 Sat St. James. 4 43 7 29 19 30 11 12 neck 3 41 26 D 7th Sunday after Trinity. 4 44 7 28 19 17 11 47 neck 4 33 27 Mo 4 45 7 27 19 3 morn arms 5 29 28 Tu 4 46 7 26 18 49 22 arms 6 27 29 W ,lr. ■ " ■■ 4 47 7 25 18 35 1 breast 7 35 30 Th 4 48 7 24 18 20 1 41 breast 8 34 31 Fri 4 50 7 23 18 6 2 37 heart 9 16 w 8th Month AVOVST. 31 Days. The month of August was originally called Sextilis.4»eingr the sixth month inthe Alban or Latin calendar; and this name, as is stated, it retained in the calendars of Bomulus, Muma Pompilias, and Julius Caesar. Since Numa's reform, howerer, it has held only the 8th place in the series of months. In the Alban calendar, Seztilis consisted of only 28 days ; in that of Romulus, of 30; Numa reduced the number to 29: Julius Caesar restored it to 30; and Augustus Caesar from whom it derived its new same of August, extended the number of days to 31, which has continued ever since. Our Saxon ancestors named August the " weed month," as abounding in noxious and useless herbs.— Lammas day, the first of the month, is also called the Gule of August, probably from the Gothic Hiol or lul, a wheel indicating that revolution of season which brought the return of harvest. Full Moon, 3rd day, 7 hours, 8 minutes, a. m. Third Quarter, Uth " 7 " 44 « « « New Moon, 18th " " 27 " " " First Quarter, 24th « 8 " 3 « p. u. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 D. W. Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat O Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat D Mo MSMOBANDA. 8th Sunday after Trinity. Charlotte Circuit. Suu Rises. Sun Sets. 9th Sunday after Trinity. St John Circuit. Napoleon born 1769. 10th Sunday aft. Trinity. Great fire in St. John 1839 New Bruns'k established a Province 16th, 1784. 11th Sunday aft. Trinity. St. Bartholomew. Restigouche Circuit. H. H. 51 52 53 54 55 66 58 12th Sunday aft. Trinity. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 H.M. 22 21 19 18 16 16 13 11 10 8 Sun's Dec. N. 17 60 17 36 ifMoon R.&S. 17 17 19 3 7 6 6 3 1 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 33 16 47 16 30 16 13 15 56 15 39 16 21 15 3 14 46 14 27 14 8 13 49 13 30 13 11 12 52 12 32 12 12 Moon's Place. 11 11 11 52 32 12 10 61 10 30 10 9 9 9 9 48 27 6 8 44 8 22 H. M. 3 17 heart rises belly 7 20 belly 7 54 reins 8 23 reins 8 53 secr'ts 9 21 secr'ts 9 60 secr'ts 10 19 thig's 10 54 thig's 11 30 knees morn kneei 14 knees 1 6 legs 2 4 legs 3 10 feet sets feet 7 22 head 8 Ojhead 8 36 head 9 11 neck 9 47 neck 10 21 arms 11 arms 11 40 1 breast morn j breast 25 ucart 1 13 2 4 2 58 heart belly belly 3 54 reins High Water. H. M. 10 5 10 62 11 30 ev. 10 47 1 2 2 3 4 4 25 3 41 22 6 69 6 69 7 5 8 14 9 19 10 21 11 17 morn 6 63 1 40 2 27 14 3 57 56 57 54 3 4 4 6 6 7 8 49 d 38 10 23 I ..V J* I Days. month in the Duma's IS. In mulus, 0; and edthe ling in oalled eating High IVater. EI. M. 10 ft 10 52 11 30 V. 10 47 1 25 2 3 2 41 3 22 4 6 4 59 6 69 7 5 8 14 9 19 10 21 11 17 norn 6 53 1 40 2 27 3 14 4 3 4 57 5 56 6 57 7 54 8 49 d 38 23 9th Month. 30 Days. Skptemder, the ninth month, aa the year is now divided hy European na- tions. It consists of thirty days. Etymologically, the name is improner, being a Latin term formed o( teptem, seven, and the termination ber.' and the same impropriety belongs to October, November, and December. Tne Roman year originally commenced in March The legal year in England wai not made to commence on tiic 1st of January till the alteration of the stylo in 1752, The Saxons called it Gemte-monath, or barley-month, gemtt being the original .Saxon name for barley, which was the chief grain cultivated by the Saxons, and commonly harvested in this month. Qerat* is still the German name for barley, which name seemed to be a corruption of beet-Uagh,'ti term whioh the Saxonb applied to the grain from its use in making beer. Full Moon, Ist day, 1 1 hours, 13 minutes, p. m. Third Quarter, 9th '« 6 " 20 " " " New Moon, 16th " 8 " 35 " a. ii. First Quarter, 23rd " 10 " 38 « « " D. D. M. VV. 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 D 7 Mo 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 Fri 12 Sat 13 D 14 Mo 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 Fri 19 Sat 20 D 21 Mo 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 D 28 Mo 29 Fu 30 W MfiiilOBJlNDA. Gloucester Circuit. 13th Sunday aft. Trinity. Northumberland Circuit. I4lh Sunday aft. Trinity. 1 5th Sunday aft. Trinity. St. Matthew. Kent Circuit. Victoria Circuit. 16ih Sunday aft. Trinity. Carleton Circuit. Sun Rises M. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 42 43 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 1 3 Sun Sets. M. 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 59 58 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 39 36 Son's De.N 38 16 54 6 32 6 9 47 24 2 39 16 53 30 7 44 21 57 34 11 47 24 NOl S 23 46 10 33 56 20 43 7 Moon R.AS. H. M. rises 6 56 7 24 7 52 8 22 8 54 9 30 10 10 10 55 11 50 morn 51 1 59 3 8 4 23 sets 7 6 7 41 8 18 8 54 9 35 10 21 11 7 11 57 morn 51 1 45 2 43 3 40 4 37 Moon'H Plac* reins reins secrt's secrt's thig's thig'fl knees knees knees legs feet feet feet head head neck neck arms arms breast breast heart heart heart belly belly reins reins secrts High Water. H. M. 11 4 11 42 ev. 17 64 1 2 2 3 4 5 32 11 53 40 35 37 6 45 7 9 10 56 4 2 10 67 11 45 morn 29 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 1 46 34 27 23 22 20 14 5 9 50 10 31 10th Month. OOTOBIOL 31 Dayi. 1 OOTOBRR, in th« year of Romulu.i, was strictly what its name implies, the tifbth month. With us it is the tenth, Domitian, vrho vraa born in this month, gave it his own name; but it lasted during his life only.— Antonius Pius, in honor of his wife Faustini. called it Faustinus; and the flatterers of Commodus assisned to it one of thoir patron's epithets. "iBTieius." Our Anfflo-Saxon aneesiors called it f'Uothm monatk, the tenth month: Ihey also fare it the name of WttUtr-fyltith, winkei^beginninff. Full Moon, 1st day, 3 hourS: 14 minutes, p. h. Third Quarter, fltb. " I " 30 « a. if. New Moon, 16th " « " 17 " p. h. First Quarter, 23rd " 4 " S8 " A. M. Full Moon, list " 6 " 21 " " " D. D. m r Hun Sun Sun's Moon Moon's High M. W. Mbmoka5»a. Rises ■ .M. Sets H. M. Decs R. AS. Place. Wat«r. - ^ e / H. M. H. M. 1 Th .- 6 4 5 34 J 30 rises secr'ts 11 11 3 Fri ' » 6 5 5 33 3 53 6 25 thig's 11 48 3 Sat S 6 5 31 4 16 6 57 thig's er. 24 4 D 17tt Sunday aft. Trinity. 6 7 5 29 4 40 7 30 thig's 1 5 5 Mo 6 9 5 27 B 3 8 9 knees I 47 6 Tu S 10 5 25 5 26 8 53 knees 2 32 7 W 6 11 5 23 5 49 9 44 legs 3 22 8 Th 6 13 5 21 6 12 10 41 legs 4 19 9 Fri 6 14 5 20 8 34 11 43 legs 5 23 10 Sat 6 15 5 18 6 57 morn feet 6 30 11 D 18th Sunday aft. Trinity. 6 16 5 16 7 20 50 feet 7 40 IS Mo 6 18 5 14 7 42 2 1 head 8 46 13 Tu Michaelmas Term. 6 20 5 12 8 5 3 12 head 9 42 14 W 6 21 5 11 8 27 4 23 meek 10 33 15 Th 1 • 6 22 5 9 8 49 sets neck 11 22 18 Fri 4 6 23 5 8 911 6 10 arms morn 17 Sat 6 24 5 6 9 33 6 48 arms U 4 18 D lOlhSunday aft. Trinity. 6 25 5 4 9 55 7 26 arms 48 19 Mo Lord Palmerston d 1865. 6 27 5 2 10 17 8 10 breast 1 34 20 Tu St. John Circuit. 6 28 5 10 38 8 57 breast 2 21 21 W 6 30 4 69 11 9 48 heart 3 6 22 Th 6 32 4 57 1121 10 41 heart 3 56 23 Fri '', • J* ■ 6 33 4 55 1142 11 36 belly 4 49 24 Sat 6 35 4 54 12 3 morn belly 5 45 25 D 20th Sunday aft. Trinity. 6 36 4 52 12 23 29 reins 6 40 26 Mo 6 37 4 51 12 44 1 29 reins 7 34 27 Tu 6 38 4 49 13 4 2 27 secr'ts 8 25 28 W St. Simon and St. Jude. 6 40 4 48 13 24 3 25 secrts 9 11 29 Th 6 41 4 46 13 44 4 25 secr'ts 9 56 SO 31 Fri 6 43 4 45 14 4 rises thig's 10 39 Sat Hallow Ere. 6 45 4 44 14 23 5 30 thig's JM D. M. 1 2 .3 It 4 V 5T 6F 7JS| 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19' 20 1 21 i 22 I 23! A 24 'I 25 j A 26 1 27,' F 28; 29 30 M. 1 11 1 48 » 24 1 5 I 47 2 32 3 22 4 19 5 23 6 30 7 40 8 46 9 42 33 1 22 21 6 56 49 45 40 34 8 25 9 11 9 56 10 39 11 21 lllh Month. SrOVSMBSXl. 90 Dhji. NovKMRKR, til* llth uiDnth of tlie Julian year, was the ninth in tlie ye.4r of RomuluJ, irluMice it rccoired iti namo. Tiiis name was as«ign<?(J to it in tho Alban ralendar. It originally consistod of thirty dayg, whivh wer« con- tinued by Roniulud and Numa. Julius Oa^fiar gave it another day, but Augustus reduced it ajrain to thirty, and this nuiabor it h>p «rer «inon re- tained. Our Saxon ancestorn called Norember Blot-mnnnth, blood month, the month of sacrilice, because at this neason the heathen Saxons made a protipion for winter, and ofTerod in aacrifice many of the animali which were then killed. Mnrtlomaa or Martinmaas beef, cured abaut tho festiral of Saint Martin, the llth of this month, was a prorision formerly well known, and in seme plaacs itill known. Third Quarter, 7th daj, 9 koura, 3 minutca, a. m. New .Moon, iith "8 •« 11 " " •• First Quarter, 22nd •• 2 " 2 " " '« Full Moon, 29ih " 8 ♦• 16 " r. m. D. D. M. W. 1 D 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 Fr 7 Sa 8 D 9 M 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 Fr 14 Sa 15 D 16 M 17 Tu 18 \y 19 Th 20 Fr 21 Sa 22 D 23 M 24 Tu 25 W 26 Th 27 Fr MfMORAKDA. 2Ut Sundny aft. Trinilf. (1) All Saints. 22d Sunday aft. Trinity. Prince of Wales b 1841. 23rd Suiidny aft. Trinity. St. .lohn ('ircuit. 24lh Stuiday aft. Trinity. 29 D 30 M Advont S'undf* '. St. Andrew. ■j M San Sun Sun'i Rises. H. M Sets. n. M. Dee S. • ^ 6 46 4 42 14 42 6 47 4 41 15 1 6 48 4 39 15 20 6 49 4 38 15 38 6 61 4 37 15 56 6 52 4 35 16 14 6 53 4 34 16 32 6 55 4 33 16 49 6 56 4 32 17 6 6 58 4 30 17 23 6 59 4 29 17 40 7 1 4 28 17 56 7 3 i4 27 18 151 7 4 14 26 18 27 7 6 4 25 18 43 7 7 4 23 18 57 7 8 4 22 19 12 7 9 4 21 19 26 7 11 4 21 19 40 7 12 4 19 19 53 7 13 4 18 30 7 7 15 4 18 20 19 7 16 4 17 20 32 7 17 4 17 30 44 7 19 4 16 20 55 7 20 4 15 31 7 7 21 4 15 21 17 7 22 4 14 21 28 7 23 4 14 21 38 7 26 4 14 21 48 Mo*R I Moon'a U.JbS Place. H. 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 M. 1 8 50 40 35 36 40 49 morn. 57 2 3 4 5 7 l.'V 25 34 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 mo 1 2 3 4 i 47 37 29 24 21 18 rn. l.") 13 11 10 11 14 risfs. 32 knees knees kne»s Icga legs feet feet head head head neck neck arma arms breact breast heart heart brily belly reins reins reins »ccrl'« a?cit'» thig'x ihig'. knees knees knees iiiih' Water. M. M. 11 59 OT. 43 1 30 2 2(J n 1! 4 7 5 10 6 17 7 20 8 21 9 16 10 8 10 56 11 41 morn 23 1 10 1 56 2 40 3 26 4 13 5 2 6 54 6 40 7 39 8 29 9 jS 10 5 10 hi 11 39 12th Month. DBCBMUiER. 31 Days. Drckmbkr.— This month still retains tho oriuinal name assigned to it in tho Alban, and first Roman oalendar ndoi>tcd, according to tradition, by Romalus, in both of which it was tho tenth as tho name signified, or lost of the year. Our Saxon anoestors called it miif-mnter month and vu^«-fnon(A, from 'a wheel,' orahlematioalof the iud'h rovolutioa or return in his annual course. December was anoiontly consecrated to Saturn. In the Albian oalendar this month consisted of thirty-firo days. Romulus reduced it to thirty ; and Numa to twenty-nine days. Julius ('ccsar restored the day of whioh Numa had deprived it; and Augustus added another day. whioh it still retains. Third Quarter, 6th day, 4 hours, .50 minuteu, p. m. New Moon, 13th " 8 " 49 " " " First Quarter, Slst "11 " 44 " " •« Full Moon, 29th ♦* 9 " 3 " " " D. D. M. W. 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 D 7 Mo 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 Fri 12 Sat 13 » 14 Mo 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 Fri 19 Sat 20 D 21 Mo 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 2,5 Fri 26 Sat 27 D 28 Mo 29 Tu 30 W 31 Th Memoranda. :' 1: 2nd Sunday in Advent. 3rd Sunday in Advent, Prince Consort d 1861. 3rd Sunday in Advent. Louis Napoleon Emp. 20th, 1848. Christmas Day, St. Stephen's. 1st Sunday aft Christmas Innocents Day. St. John's, 27th. Sun Sun Rises Sets II M. H. M. 7 2G 4 14 7 27 4 14 7 28 4 13 7 29 4 13 7 30 4 13 7 31 4 13 7 32 4 12 7 33 'J 12 7 34 4 12 7 35 4 12 7 36 4 13 7 37 4 13 7 38 4 13 7 39 4 13 7 40 4 13 7 40 4 13 7 41 4 13 7 42 4 14 7 42 4 14 7 43 4 14 7 43 4 15 7 43 4 15 7 44 4 16 7 44 4 16 7 45 4 17 7 45 4 18 7 45 4 18 7 45 4 19 7 45 4 20 7 45 4 21 7 46 4 22 Sun's Decs ' 21 57 22 6 22 14 22 22 22 29 22 36 22 43 22 49 22 55 23 23 5 23 9 23 13 23 16 23 19 23 22 23 24 23 25 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 26 23 25 23 23 23 21 23 18 23 15 23 11 23 7 23 1 Moon R.IS. II. M. 6 27 7 27 8 32 9 41 10 49 11 57 morn 1 7 Moon's I nigh Plac*. Wat«r| 2 3 4 5 13 21 27 32 sets! 5 16 6 7 8 9 10 18 12 8 5 2 10 59 11 58 morn 55 54 55 59 3 rises 5 10 6 16 7 26 legs legs legs feet feet head head neck neck arms arms breast breast heart heart belly belly belly reins - reins secr'ts secr'ts thig's thig's thig's knees knees legs lega legs feet H. ev. 1 2 3 3 4 5 M. 26 17 9 55 53 53 6 57 7 54 8 51 9 44 10 33 11 20 11 55 morn 46 1 29 2 12 53 35 20 8 57 52 44 8 42 9 35 10 29 11 20 eT. 11 1 3 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY, ETC. 33 GREAT BBITAIN AND IRELAND. THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; only daughter of His late Royal Highness, Edward Duke of Kent, and Victoria, Duchess of Kent, daughter of Francis, Duke of Saxe Coburg ; born theS4th May, 1819; succeeded to the Throne on the decease of her uncle, William IV, June 20th, 1837 ; Proclaimed June 2l8t, 1837 ; Crown- ed June 28th, 1838; Married February 10th, 1840, to Field Marshal, His Hoyal Highness Prince Albert Augustus Charles Emanuel, Prince of Saxo Coburg and Ootha, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c., <&c., &c., who died at Windsor Castle, December 14th, 1861. 1. Issue. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa (Princess Royal,) born Nov. 2l8t, 1840, married January 25th, 1858, H. R. H. Frederick William, Prince of Prussia. 2. Albert Edward (Prince of Wales), born November 9th, 1841, married 10th March, 1863, Alexandra, Princess of Denmark. Issue — Prince Victor Albert, born 8th January, 1864. Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert, born June 3, 1865. 3. Alice Maud Mary, born April 25th, 1843, married July Ist 1863, H. R. H. Prince Louis of Hesse. 4. Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, born August 6th, 1844. 5. Helena Augusta Victoria, born May 26th, 1846, married July 6th, 1866, H. R. H. Prince Christian of Augustenburgh, 6. Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 18th, 1848. 7. Arthur William Patrick Albert, born May Ist, 1850. 8. Leopold George Duncan Albert, born April 7th, 1853. 9. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, born April 4th, 1857. The Queen's Cousins. — George V., late King of Hanover, born May 27th, 1819. George, Duke of Cambridge, born March, 1819. Princess Augusta, (Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz), born July 19th, 1822. Mary Adelaide Wilhclmina Elizabeth, born Nov. 27tb, 1833, married 12th May, 1866, the Prince Teck. ^ BRITISH MINISTRY. First Lord of the Treasury — Earl of Derby, K. G. Chancellor of the Exchequer — Right Hon. B. D'Isracli. Lord Chancellor — Lord Chelmsford. Foreign Secretary — Lord Stanley. Colonial Secretary — Duke of Buckingham. Secretary for War — Right Hon. General Peel. Secretary for India — Sir. S. Northcote, C. B. B J. 34 DRITISH MINISTRY, ETC. .M roHtunKtcr (trin'ral — Duke of Montrose. Lord Privy Seal — I'Jarl (»r Malmrsbury, O. C. B. First Ii>ril I'f ilir Admiralty — llight Hon. Sir John rukington, (.». C U. |*n>«i(lrnl of llu! Uoiird of 'I'radc — Mr. Gathorno Hardy. I'rcHJtii'nt of tlio l*oor Law Bonr<l — • — .^— ■ " . Attorrjry (icnoral — Sir H. ('airim. iSoljciior (iciicral — Mr, Hovill. .- .. • ^ First ConiiniKsioiier of Works — Lord John Miinnors. Lord Licutrnant of Ircliin I— Msutjuin of Abcrcorn. Sci-retnry for Indaud— L >rd Naas. Mastor of the Horso — Duke of IJcaufort ^ . ' I, ortl Chamberlain — Earl of Bradford. * Lord Steward — Marquis of Bath Lords of tho Treasury— Sir R. B.ilison and Hon. G. Noel. Under Secretary for War — F]arl of Longford. Lord Advocate — M". Patten, Attorney General for Ireland — . '* Solicitor '« " Mr Miller. BOARD OF TRADE.— WiiiTEiiALti. President — Mr. Gathorne Hardy. Vice President— Right Hon. William HutI, M. P. Joint Secretaries — Sir J. E. Tcnn'-rit. Thos. H. Farrer. Assistant Secretary — W. D. Fane. Inspectors, Railway Dept. — Capt 'i'yier, R. E. ; Colonel Yolland, R. E.; Captain Rich, R. E. Professional Members of Marine Dopt. — Cnpt. W. H. Walker, Capt. G. A. Bedfonl, R. N. SOVEREIGNS OF EUROPE. DATE OP ASCENSION TO THE THRONE. Great Britain, Victoria, 1837 Austria, Francis Joseph I., 1848 Bavaria, Maximilian Joseph II., 1 848 Belgium, Leopold I., . . . . 1866 Denmark, Christian IX., 1863 France, Napoleon III., 1 8.' 2 Greece George XII., 1863 Italy, Victor Emanuel II., 1849 Netherlands, William IIL, 1849 Portugal, Pedro V., 185.^ Prussia, William L 1861 Rome Pius IX., 1846 Russia, Alexander II., 1865 Saxony, John Nepomucene, 1854 Spain,* Isabella II. , 1833 Sweden, Charles XV., 1869 Turkey, Abdul Azziz, 1861 DOMINION OK CANADA. DOMINION OF CANADA. 35 His Excellency the Right Honourable Charles ^Stanley Viacount Monck, (fovernor General of (janada, compriHing tlio Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunawick and Nova Scotia. Hon. Sir John A. Mucdonald, K. C. B., Premier and Minister of Justice. Hon. J. Ferguson Blair, President of the Council. Hon. G. E. Cartier, C B., Minister of Militia. Hon. Peter Mitchell, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Hon. A. T. Gait, Minister of Finance. Hon. Mr. Howland, C. B., Minister of Internal Revenue. Hon. S. L. Tillcy, C. B., Minister of Customs. Hon. Mr. Konney, Receivsr General. Hon. Mr. Archibald, Secretary of State for Provinces, (Homo.) Hon. Mr. Langevin, Secretary of State for Canada, (Foreign.) Hon. Mr. Campbell, Postmaster G«noraI. Hon. Wm. McDougall, C. B., Minister of Public Works. i Hon. Mr. Chapais, Minister of Agriculture. Senators for New Bruns'wiok, &o. « ii <4 Hon. W. Todd, " A. R. McClellan, " John Robertson, D. Wark, John Ferguson, Peter Mitchell. (< <i Ii City County " Hon. A. E. Botsford, '< R. L. Hazen, W. H. Steeves, R. D. Wilmot, E. B. Chandler, •' W.H. Odell, NEW BRUNSWICK MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. County of York — Hon. Charles Fisher. «< « St. John — Hon. John Hamilton Gray. «' St. John— Hon. S. L. Tilley. Westmorland — Hon. J. A. Smith. Charlotte — John Bolton, Esq. King's — George Ryan, Esq. " Queen's — John Ferris, Esq. " Sunbury — Charles Burpee, Esq. " Carleton — Hon. Charles Connell. " Northumberland — J. M. Johnson, Esq. Kent Renaud, Esq. ■>■ Gloucester — T. W. Anglin, Esq. «• Restigouche — Hon. John McMillan. " Albert — John Wallace, Esq. " Victoria — John Costigan, Esq. Ontario. His Excellency Major General Stisted. Hon. John Sandfield McDonald, Premier and Attorney General. Hon. Stephen Richards, Commissioner Crown Lands. Hon. John Corling, Commissioner of Agriculture and Public Works. Hon. Mathew C. Cameron, Provincial Sccretajy and Registrar. Hon. Edmund B. Wood, Provincial Treasurer, (4 (I <l << <( 11 « <l Ii II II 36 DOMINION or CANADA, ETC, Quebec Hu Excellency SirN. F. Bclloau, Lieutenant Governor, &,c. ., Hon. Mr. Chanveau, Premier and Provincial Secretary. Hon. Mr. Duncan, Minister of Finance. Hon. Mr. Ouimct, Attorney General. Hon. Mr. DeBoucherville, Speaker Legislative Council. Hoii. Mr. Beaubien, Crovrn Lands. Hon. Mr. Archorubault, Public Works. ' ' . Hon. Mr. Irving, Solicitor General. Nova Scotia. His Excellency Maj^)r-General Hastings Doyle, Lieut. Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief of the Province of Nova Scotia, &c., &c., &c. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF GOVERNMENT. Hon. Hiram Blancha.d, Attorney General. Hoii. P. Carteret Hill, Provincial Secretary. Hon. James McNab, Treasurer. Hon. Charles Allison, Commissioner of Mines and Public Works. -••*- !/ PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Sbat op Govbrnmhnt — Frudbricton. Hid Excellency i- "* of the Province of New BTunswick,&c., Ac, &.c. Lt. Col. Charles Drury, Lt. Col. B. Lester Peters, and Captain H. W. Clerkc, Provincial Aids-de-Camp. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. A. R. W^etmore, St. John. Hon. John A. Beckwith, York. ♦' C. N. Skinner, St. John, " John McAdam, Charlotte. " R. P. Sutton, Northumberland. " B. Beveridge, Victoria. '' A. C. Desbrisay, Restigouche. " W. P. Flewwelling, King's. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, Prcsid't. Hon. Alex. McL. Seely, << it t( (« William B. Kinnear, George Minchin, Charles Harrison, James Davidson, William Hamilton, « John J. Robinson, Charles Perley, Daniel Hanington, John Lewis, Robert X'oung. PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. 37 OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. George BoUford, Esq., Clerk. B. R. Jouett, Esq., Usher of Blk. Rod. Ed. W. Miller, Esq., Cleik Assist. Rev. John M. Brooke, D.J)., Chaplain. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. County of York.—H. Dow, J. A. Beckwith, A. Thompson, and Thos. Pickard, Esquires. County of St. John.—C N. Skinner, J. Quinton, J. Coram, and George E. King, Esquires. County of Westmorland. — Bliss Botsford, Amand Landry, A. McQueen and J. L. Moore, Esquires. Ccunty of Charlotte.^J . McAdam, F. Hibbard, H. Frye, and B. R. Stevenson, Esquires. King's County. — Hon. W. P. Flewwelling, John Flewwelling, and Esquires. Queen*a County. — R. T. Babbitt, and W. S. Butler, Esquires. County of Sunbury. — William E. Perley, and John Glazier, Esquires. County of Carleton. — William Lindsay, and J. R. Hartley, Esquires. County of Northumberland. — George Kerr, Richard Sutton, and Esquires. County of Kent. — W. S. Caie, and Owen Mclnnery, Esquires. County of Gloucester. — John Meahan, and County of Restigouclie. — Hon. Alexander C. DesBrisay, and Esquires. County of Albert. — C. A. Peck, and A. A. Bliss, Esquires. County of Victoria. — B. Beveridge, and Esquires. City of St. John. — Hon. A. R. Wetmore, and W. H. A. Kcans, Esq. OFFICERS OF THE CROWN. Hon. A. R. Wetmore, Attorney General. Hon. C. N. Skinner, Solicitor General. William Jack, Esq., Advocate General. Hon. John A. Beckwith, Provincial Secretary. Hon. Richard Sutton, Surveyor General. Hon. J. McMillan, Postmaster General. Hon. John McAdara, Chief Commissioner of Board of Works. Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Provincial Treasurer; Hon. David Wark, Receiver General. Thomas R. Robertson, Esq., Deputy Receiver General, Frederictoi*. James Beek, Esq., Auditor General. Hon. William B. Kinneai, Hon. E. B. Chandler, Hon. Robert L. Hai,cn, Hon. J. H. Gray, George Kerr, D. Shank Kerr, A. R. Wetmore, Charles Duff, A. J. Smith, William Jack, G. D. Street, John G. Campbell, R. Thompson, Lewis P. Fisher, A. L. Palmer, W. H. 'J'uck, and B. L. Peters, Esqrs., Queen's Counsel. i 38 PROVINCE OP NEW BJIUNSWICK. OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Clerk. George J. Bliss, Esquire, Clerk Assistant. Abraham T, Coburn, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms. Rev. C. G. Coster, A. M., Chaplain. LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Hon. A. E. Botsford, Hon. R. L. Hazen, Hon. W. B. Kinncar, George Kerr, Esq., Robert Gowan, Esq., Secretary. James S. Beek, Esq., Librarian. -«••> Judiciary. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE. Chief Justice, Hon. W^illiam J. Ritchie, 6th December, 1865; Justices, Hon. Neville Parker ; Hon. Lemuel Allen Wilmot, 8th January, 1851 ; Hon. John C. Allen, 32d September, 1865; Hon. John Weldon, 6th December, 1865 ; V^. H. Tuck, Esq., Clerk of the Crown ; William Car- man, Esq., Clerk of the Pleas and in Equity ; Hon. John Simcoe Saun- ders, Clerk of the Ci ^aits, and Clerk of the Crown on the Circuits. — Terms : Hilary — First Tuesday in February ; jEos/cr— Secand Tuesday in April ; Trinity — Second Tuesday in June ; Michaelmas — Second Tues- day in October. Nisi Prius sittings in the County of York — Second Tuesday in January, and fourth Tuesday in June. The Court of Chancery was abolished, and the Master of the Rolls ap- pointed a Judge of the Supreme Court, by Act of Assembly 17 Vict, c* 67. All causes heretofore cognizable by the Court of Chancery are to be deter- mined in the " Equity side of the Supreme Court." CIRCUIT COURTS. St. Jolm, Second Tuesday in January, May and August, and Third Tues- day in November, Sunbtiry, Fourth Tuesday in January ; Queen's, First Tuesday in March ; Charlotte, First Tuesday in AugUf=;t ; King^s, Second Tuesday in July ; Albert, Second Tuesday in July ; Westmorlandt Second Tuesday in January, and Third Tuesday in July ; Kent, Second Tuesday in March, and Fourth Tuesday in September ; Restigouche, Lasl Tuesday in August; Gloucester, First Tuesday in September; No.'thumberland, Second Tuesday in September; Carleton, Last Tuesday in September; Victoria, Wednesday before the last Tuesday in September. COUNTY COURTS. The Courts are established by 30th Victoria, cap. x. passed I7ih June, 1867. The Act authorises the appointment of one Judge for the Coun* ties of Charlotte, Carleton, and Victoria; one JqJgP for the Counties of PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert, Westmorland and Kent ; ono Judge for the Counties of North- umberland, Gloucester, and Restigouche ; and one Judge for the Counties of King's and Saint John — provided that the said Court for the County of Saint John shall not have or exercise any jurisdiction in any cause in which the City Court in and for the City of Saint John, or the Police Court in the Parish of Portland, in the County of Sain*. John, have or claim jurisdiction. The Art »Iro authorises the appointment of a Clerk for each Court, who shall be an Attorney. The Sittings of the respective Courts shall bo held •t or near the Gounty Court House in the Shire town. The County Courts have not cognizance of any action / . 1st. When the title to land is brought in question ; or 3d. In which the validity of any devise, bequest, or limitation is dis- puted, except as hereinafter mentioned ; or 3rd. For Criiniaal Conversation, or Seduction, or 4lh. For breach of promise of marriage, or 5th.*0f any .•'ction against n Justice of the Peace for anything done by him in the execution of his office. Subject to the above, the County Courts have jurisdiction, and may hold plea in all personal actions of debt, covenant, and assumpsit, when ihc debt or damages do not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars ; and in actions on bail bonds given to a ShcriiT in any case in a County Court, whatever may be the penalty or amount sought to be recovered. SITTINGS OF THE BOUNTY COURTS. The Courts hold Terms every yet>r in each County, which Terms an- nually commence as follows : Charlvttt County — On the second Tuesday in the months of January and June ; on the fourth Tuesday in March, and on the first Tuesday in October. Carleton County — On the second Tuesday in March and December, and the first Tuesday in July. Victoria County — On the first Tuesday in March and December, and the second Tuesday in July. York County — On the first Tuesday in January, March, June, and October. Sunbury County — On the Wednesday next after the second Tuesday in the months of January, June and October. Queen's County — On the Wednesday next after the fourth Tuesday in January and June> and on the third Tuesday in October. King\'i County — On the first 'I'uesday in the months of January, April, July and October. Saint John County — On the fourth Tuesday in the months of January, April, July, and October. Albert County — On the fourth Tuesday in June, and on the second Tuesday in March and November. Westmorland County— On the third Tuesday in June, the second Tues- day in December, and the first Tucsdny in March. * 40 PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. Ml Kent County — On the third Tuesday in January ; on the last Tueiday in April, and on the first Tuesday in July and November. Northumberland County — On the fourth Tuesday in January, the second Tuesday in April, the fourth Tuesday in July, and the third Tues- day in October. Gloucester County — On the third Tuesday in January and July, and the first Tuesday in April. Restigouche County — On the second Tuesday in January and March, and the s«cond Tuesday in July. The Inferior Court of (common Pleas are abolifhed by this Act. COUNTIES. APPOINTED. Charlotte, Carleton and Victoria, 10th June, 1867, York, Sunbury and Queen's,. . . Albert, Westmorland and Kent, Northm'ld,Glos'ter& Restig'che, JUDGES. James G. Stevens, Esq., James Steadman, " Jas. W. Chandler, " Hon. Edwd. Williston, Charles Watters, Esq., Saint John and King's, COUNTIES. Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria, York, Sunbury, Queen's, A\.iD6rtf ••••••••••• Westmorland, . . . . Kent, Northumberland, . . Gloucester, Restigouche, Saint John, King's, CLERKS. George S. Grimmer, William M. Connell, William T. Wilmot, Charles H. B. Fisher George J. Bliss, James R. Curry, S. G. Morse, Daniel L. Hanington, Thomas W. Dibblee, Samuel Thomson, William End, James S. Morse,, J. G. Forbes, Finemore E. Morton, ' tl tt ,t u u tt 11 u tt t( « tt APPOINTED. 10th June, 1887, i( « tt « « tt et <( tt u « (( 26th June, 1867. 10th June, 1867. u (1 (1 « «< (( « « « « u « << l( « (1 u « « tt (( COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES. Hon. Neville Parker, Judge ; Francis A. H. Stratton, Esquire, Registrar ; Terms: The fourth Tuesdays in February, June and October. COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY. Hon. Robert L. Hazen, Judge and Commissary ; A^illiam Jack, Esqr., Advocate General; George Blatch, Esq., Registrar and Scribe ; Hon. W. B. Kinnear, G. Sidney Smith, Esq., Surrogates,- John Humbert, Esq., ^farshal. COURf FOR THE TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT OF PIRACY AMD OTHER OFFENCES ON THE HIGH SEAS. The Governor; The Chief Justice, and other Judges of the Supreme Court; the Members of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Ad- miralty ; the Provincial Secretary ; Provincial Treasurer ; ("ommander.in- Chief; Flag Officers, and Captains, and Commanders of Ships of War on this Station for thetii;^o being. phovince of new Brunswick. 41 The Court sits at any place within the Province, to be appointed by any three of the members; the Governor, Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or Judge of the Admiralty, being one. BARRISTERS' SOCIETY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. David S. Kerr, Q. C, President,- G. Bolsford, Vice-President i W. Car- man, Treasurer ; G. J. Bliss, Secretary and Librarian. Council— Hon. A. R. Wetmore, Q. C. ; S. R Thomson, Q. C. ; W. H. Needham ; C. Duff, Q. C. ; C. Walters, Q. C. ; J. J. Fraser ; J. G. Stev- ens, Q. C. Examiners— Hon. A. R. Wetmore, Q. C. : o. R. Thom.-on, Q. C. ; J. G. Stevens, Q. C; W. H. Needham ; J. J. Fraser. ■<••»- Provincial Revenue. OFFICBS, 131 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET, SAINT JOHN. Prwineial Treasurer, Beverley Robinson, Esquire. Warehouse Keeper^ C. Briscoe, Esquire. Collecting Clerk, Henry Whiteside, Esq. Clerks, John Sandall, George Matthew, C. F. Stevens, C. F. Olive, James Barbour, and W. H. Travis. Waiters and Searchers, Richard M. Longmaid, and Stephen E. Gcrow. Tide Surveyor, William Boyer. ^ Warehouse Lockers, W. J. B. Marter, James Mitchell, John Fitzpatrick, Henry Coffey, George A. Maxwell, and Paul Daly. Appraisers of Duitahle Goods and Entries, Isaac Woodward, and W. J. Slarr, Esquires. " DEPUTY TREASURERS. Campbelltown — Edw. Botsford, DalhoQsie — D. Stewart Bathiirst — Francis Mehan New Bandon — John Kerr Caraquet — Jas. G. C. Blackball Shippegan — P. J. N. Dumaresq Newcastle — W. Parker Chatham — Daniel Ferguson Richibucto — Henry Livingston Buctouche — Robert Douglas Shediac — D. Hanington Baio Verte — Edward Wood Sackville — James Dixon North Joggins — Rufus Col« Dorchester — John Hickman Esq., >> >» >> >> >> »> Rockland — R. B. Chapman Esq., Moncton — Jas. Robertson, jr. " Hillsborough— W. Wallace Harvey — Jas. Brewster " Fredericton — T. R. Robertson " Woodstock — Henry E. Dibblee Richmond Station — J. T. Allen Tobique — Francis Tibbets Grand Falls— F. V/. Brown Edmundston — Alphonse Battran St. Andrews— J. H. Whitlock St. Stephen — John Grimmer St. George — A. J. Wetmore West Isles — James E. Dixon Campobcllo — John Palmer »> >> 42 PROVINCE OF NEW BIIUNSWICK. COMPTROLLERS OF CUSTOMS AND NAVIGATION LAWS. >> Saint John — William Smith, Esq Campbelltown — C. Botsford " Dalhousic — D. Stewart " Bathurst — Francis Mehan New Bandon — John Kerr Caraquet — J as. G. C. Blackhall Shippcgan — P. J. N. Dumaresq Newcastle — W. Parker Chatham — D. Ferguson Richibucto — Henry Livingstone Buctouche — Robert Douglas Shediac — D. Hanington »» Sackville — James Dixon Esq., North Joggins — Rufus Cole, *' Dorchester — John Hickman " Moncton — James Robertson, jr., " Hillsborough— W. Wallace Harvey — James Brewster " Fredcricton — T. R. Robertson " St. Andrews— J. H. Whitlock '■' St. Stephen — John Grimmer St. George — A. J. Wetmore West Isles— James E. Dixon Campobcllo — John Palmer »» >> PROVINCIAL SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Hon. John A. Beckwith, Prov. Secretary ; Jas. Johnson, Esq., Assistant Secretary ; J. Woodford Smith, Esq., Clerk ; Goo. N. Babbitt, Clerk. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. ip.' ■** Hon. JoHX McMillan — Postmaster General. f W. Paisley Secretary. r» . /-vn' T^ i i W. H. Smithson, Accountant. Post Ofl.ce Department, J ^.,^^ ^j^j^^^^ W. A. ^ ^, , Fredericton. ^ Black,'fend C. A. Murray. J ^'^'■^'- V»W. Bannister, Messenger. Andover, William Bevcridge, Bale Vertc, John Casey, Bathurst, Helen Waitt, Bend, Joseph Craddell, Buctouche, B. H. Foley, Campbelltown, A. McKendrick, Campobcllo, Luke Byron, Canterbury, C. E. Grosvenor, Caraquet, Jas. G. C. Blackball, Carleton, James R. Reed, ,,, ^, C Thomas Vondy, Assistant Chatham, < w ^k v^^ i„ i ' ^J.U. Vondy, do Dalhousie, James Harvie Postmaster Postmaster do Postmistress Postmaster do do ;. do do , / do do Dorchester, . . Edmundston, Elgin,. ...... Florenceville,. Fredericton, C. B. Godfrey, do J. T. Hodgson, .... do R. D. Robinson, do S. G. Burpee, do A. S. Phair, do I. Thome, Assistant Cameron, .... do rA.s. ^H. J. ^John ■ 5 ■■ ■J PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. 43 FlatUndi, Arch'd McKonzie, . Gagctown, W. F. Bonncll, . . Grand Falls, P. McMillan, Grand Manan, J. Lakcman, Harvey, J. M. Stevens, Hillsborough, R. E. Stecves, Hopewell (>ape, M. B. Palmer, Kingston, Samuel Foster, . .. Lepreaux, J. McDiarmid, Memramcook, S. C. Charters, . , Milltov^n, James Crangle, .... Mouth of Nerepi«, J. M. Nase, Newcastle, James M. Johnson, . New Mills, Donald McAllister, . Oromocto, J. R. McPherson, . . Ossekcag, C. Flewwelling,. . . . Petitcodiac, W. W. Price, Richibucto, S. B. Hetherington,. Sarkvillc James Dixon, Salisbury, J. S. Colpitis, ^ Shediac, T. B. Hanington, . . , Sheffield, ... C.J. Burpee, Springfield, Wm. H. White, . . . St. Andrews, G. F. Campbell,. . . , St. George, Gideon Knight, .... ^.]. Hale, Act'gP. mas. H. C. Frink, 1st Clerk Thomas H. Allen, 2nd do James Woodrow, 3rd do M. J. Potter, 4th Jo Henry Holmes, 5th Postmaster do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Saint John,. < do H. PiOtty, 6lh do do do do A. McLeod, 7lh — . Earl, 8th F. Blizzard, 9th ^John Leetch, Office Keeper St. Martins, Edward Nugent, Postmaster St. Stephen, . Jamas A Grant, do Sussex Vale, H. McMonagle, do Upham Vile W. Fowler, do Upper Mills, Charlotte M. Robinson, Postraistr* ss James Grover, Postmaster Woodstock,. R. Grover, . Assistant Four hundred and seventy-five Way Office? additional. LETTER RATES. The postage on letters mailed in New Brunswick, addressed to any p'aco within the Province, is 5c. per half oz. if pre-paid : if not pre-paid, it is 7c. On letters to all parts of the United States the postage is lOc. ^ half oz 44 PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Letters to and from England, per Cunard packets via Halifax, are charged 6d. sterling or 12^ cents currency per ^ oz, ; and via New York, 8d. sterling or 17 cents currency per ^ oz., if prepaid. If mailed unpaid they are charged 6d. sterling additional on delivery. Letters to and from England, per Canadian packets via Quebec, are charged 6d. sterling or 12^ cents currency per ^ oz. ; and via Portland, 8d. sterling or 17 cents currency per ^ oz., if prepaid. If mailed unpaid they are charged 6d. sterling additional on delivery. REGISTRATION. The system of registration is applicable to all description of letters with- out distinction, whether they contain articles of value or not. It also applies to parcels. The charge, in addition to postage, is 5 cents when prepaid ; and 10 cents, in addition to postage, when unpaid. The charge for registration of letters for the United Kingdom is 3 cents. PARCELS. . Parcels closed at tlio ends and sides can be sent by mail, throughout the Province at a rate of 25 cents per lb. The weight of each parcel is not to exceed 3lbs., nor the size to exceed 1 foot in length or breadth, or 6 inches in thickness. The parcel must not contain any glass, liquid, nor any sub- stance liable to do injury to the mail, under the penalty of a forfeiture of the parcel if discovered. The parcel is not to contain any writing. Re- gistration fee 5 cents. Parcels must be pre-paid by stamps. The sender, by writing his name on the outside, can have the parcel returned in case of failure to rt ^ch the person addressed. NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. Newspapers published in the Province, as well as transient papers are forwarded through the Provinces, and to England (via Halifax), free of postage. If sent to England by way of the United States, the postage (2 cents) is collected at their destination. NEWSPAPERS TO OR FROM ENGLAND. If by way of Halifax, per Cunard steamer, free. By way of the United States, 2 cents each on delivery, being the American transit charge. BOOKS, PERIODICALS, PRINTED MATTER, &c. ^ The above pass through the Post Office free, if under 2 oz. in weight, if 2 oz. or upwards, at the rate of 2 cents per 4 ozs. All Printed Books, Magazines, Reviews, Pamphlets, or Packets of Pat- terns, Newspapers, or other matter, intended for transmission by Post between New Brunswick and the United Kingdom, must be restricted to two feet in length, and one foot in width and depth. Printed circulars, in unsealed cn''elopes, not exceeding ^ oz., arc charged 1 cent each, and must be prepaid. Circulars from other countries arc liable to a tax of 1 cent each, which is collected on defivery. PROVINCE OP NEW BRUNSWICK. POSTAGE STAMPS. 45 Postage Btanipa are provided at the respective value of 1 cent for circu- lars ; 2 cents for drop letters; 5 cents for ordinary Provincial letters ; 10 cents for United States rate ; 12^ cents per Cunard steamer, via Halifax ; 17 cent!, via United States, for England. MONEY ORDERS. T The following Post Offices ar« authorized to issue and pay Provincial Money Orders (under directions of the Postmaster General) for any sum not exceeding in any one order $100, namely : Andover, Baie Verte, Bathurst, Buctouche, Campbell/town, Canterbury, Caraquet, Chatham, Dalhousie, Dorchester, Fredericton, Gagetown, Grand Falls, Harvey, Hillsborough, Kingston, Moncton, Manners Sutton, Newcastle, Ossekeag, Richibucto, Sackville, Salisbury, Shcdiac, Sheffield, Saint Andrews, Saint George, Saint John, Saint Martins, Saint Stephen, Sussex Vale, Woodstock. When Money Orders exceeding $100 in aggregate amount, are issued in one day and to the same person, by one or more offices upon another office the Postmaster of the office drawn upon (il necessary) may de.'r.y the pay mcnt of such order lor six days. All Money Orders shall be drawn upon printed forms supplied by the Post Office Department; and no Order will be valid or payable unless given upon the regular printed forms. Persons applying for Money Orders will be required to state the particu- lars upon a Form of Application provided for that purpose. Parties procur- ing Money Orders should examine them carefully, to see that they are pre- perly filled up and stamped. This caution will appear sufficiently important when it is understood that an Order defective in any important respect will throw difficulties in the way of its payment. Postmasters will not pay an order to a second person without the written endorsature of the Payee thus: — «<Pay to the Order of (the name of the second person to fill the blank) for 'alue received." The Commission charged for Money Orders, drawn and payable in New Brunswick, is as follows i — On Orders not exceeding $19, five cdnts; exceeding $10, and not exceed- ing $20, ten eents ; exceeding $20, and not exceeding $30, fifteen cents; exceeding $30, and not exceeding $40, twenty cents ; exceeding $40, and not exceeding $50, twenty-five cents ; exceeding $50, and not exceeding $60, thirty cents; exceeding $60, and not exceeding $70, thirty-five cents ; exceeding $70, and not exceeding $80, forty cents ; exceeding $80, and not exceeding $90, forty-five cents ; exceeding $90, and not exceeding $ 100, 50c. The following Post Offices in New Brunt;wick are specially authorized to issue Sterling Money Orders payable in the United Kingdom, Canada, Nova 46 TROVINCE OP NBW URUNSWICK. Scotia and Prince Edward Island, for any sum not exceeding in one order JCIO, (except Canada and Nova Scotia, which is extended to £20), namely : Bathurst, Fredericton, Richibucto, St. Georgo, Shediac, Chatham, Newcastle, St. John, Sussex Vale, Woodstock. Dalhousie, Moncton, St. Andrews, SackTille, The Post Oflices at Grand Falls and Hillsborough will issue Money Or- ders, payable in Canada, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The Commission charged for Sterling Money Orders in the United King. dom, is as follows : On Orders not exceeding £2, twenty-five cents ; exceeding JB2, and not exceeding £5, fifty cents; exceeding £5, and i.ot exceeding £7, seventy -five cents ; exceeding £7, and not exceeding £10, one dollar. The Commission charged for Sterling Money Orders on Canada, Novi Scotia and P. E. Island : On Orders not exceeding £5, twenty-five cents ; exceeding £5, an^ not exceoding £10, fifty cents. As the advices of Sterling Orders have to pass through the Head Office in Saint John, orders for the United Kingdom should be obtained two or three days before the closing of the English Mail. CROWN LAND OFFICE. Hon. Richard Sutton, Surveyor General! - '* Robert Gowan, Esquirt, Chief Clerk and Accountant. . Dugakl Stewart, Assistant Accountant. ' T. O'Conner, Draughtsman. A.Sibbald, C. C. Gregory, and Andrew Inches, Assistant Draughtsmen. William Sweade, Messenger. LOCAL DEPUTIES FOR THE SALE OF CROWN LANDS. Restigoucke — David Sadler, Dalhousie. Gloucester — Alex. K. McDougall, Esq., Oak Point ; James Buttimer, Bathurst ; Chris. McManus, Bathurst. Northumberland — Alex. K. McDougall, Esq., John G. G. Lay ton, Chat- ham ; Timothy W. Crocker, Derby. Kent — Robert Douglass, Buctouche ; John Little, Richibucto. Westmorland — Philip Palmer, Sackville ; Samuel S. Wilmot, Salisbury. Albert — John R. Russell, Hopewell. St. John — Joseph B. Whipple. Charlotte — Pat'k Curren, St. Stephen ; John A. McCallum, Sto George. Queen^s — Robert Snell, Grand Lake ; Samuel L. Starkey, Johnson ; Jas. Kerr, Gagetown Road. Sales for Sunbury and York — At the Crown Land Ofl^ce. Carleton — Hugh M. G. Gardan, Woodstock. Victoria — C. E. Beckwith, Grand Falls. ., ^, Tobi(j[U€ — B. Beveridge, jr. PROVINCE OF NMW HRUNSWl, 47 SEIZING OFFICERS FOR THE PROVINCE OF N. BRUNSWICK. David Sadler, Dalhousic, Christph. McManuR, Bathurst, James Buttimcr, Bathurst, Alex. K. McDougall, Oak Point, John G. G. Layton, Chatham, T. W.Crocker, Northesk, Derby, &''■ James L. Price, Ludlow, John Little, Richibucto, Robert Douglass, Bouctoucho, Philip Palmer. Sackville, Samuel S. Wilmot, Salisbury, ' John R. Russell, Hopewell, Joseph B. Whipple, St. John, F. C. Godard, St. John, John A. McCallum, St. George, Patrick Curran, St. Stephen, Saniut'l L. Starkoy, Johnson, Rohnt Snell, Grand Lake, Samiiol Muhood, New Joriisalcm, Jamca Km-, Gagetown Road, C/lias. C. Gregory, Fredcricton. Beverlty R. Jouett, Fredcricton, Alex. Ucckwilh, Fredcricton. Thomas Ramsey, St. Mary's, Peter Wood, Manners Sutton, Alfred Whitciiead, Canterbury, John Davidson, Dumfries, Jamefj J?. Hartley, Woodstock, Hugh M. G. Garden, Woodstock. Francis E. Beckwith, Grand Falls, Charles E. Beckwith, Grand Falls. OFFICE OF AUDIT. James Beek, Esq., Auditor General ; E. Hanson, Clerk. • « BOARD OF WORKS. Hon. John McAdam, Chief Commissioner ; Asa Coy, Esquire, Clerk. RECEIVER GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Hon. David Wark, Receiver General ; Thomas R. Robertt-on, Esquire , Deputy Receiver General. PROVINCIAL BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Officers — Hon. A. E. Botsford, Chairman; John A. Beckwith, Esq. Vice Chairman ; Jas. G. Stevens, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer. Members of thb Board — Hon. A. E. Botsford, M. L. C. ; Hon. John A. Beckwith, Richard Sutton, Lev! Theniault, Silas Raymond, Samuel L. Peters, Hon. David Wark, M. L. C. ; Jas. G. Stevens, John H. Reid, John Lewis, M. P. P., Robert Young, M. P. P., Henry F. Dibblee, Chas. Burpee, Hugh McMonagle, J. W. Lawrence, John Lewis, B. Bevcridge, and John Meahan, Esquires. ExBCUTiVK CoMMiTTBB for 1868 — The Chai, man of the Board, Vice Chairman, the Secretary, Hon. John Ferguson, H. E. Dibble, Robt. Young, and Hon. D. Wark. ,.T Jsi ^•m EIDTJO-AL.TIOa^-A.311 r>EI=^.A.I^TIwfl:ElSrT. UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Watior OH behalf of Her Jttajealf/^ His Excellency the Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. CORPORATION AND MEMBERS OF SENATE. William Brydone Jack, D. C. L., President: Hon. Lemuel Allan Wil> mot, Hon, John Simcoe Saunders, Hon. W. B. Kinncar, Hon. John Robert* 48 EDUCATIONAL. son, Hon. David Wark, Boyld Tr»vi8, Esq., M. D., Stephen H. Hitchingf, Esq., James R. Hartley, Esq. Registrar and Treasurer — Edward H. Wilmot, Esq. ACADEMICAL FACULTY. President of the University — William Brydone Jack, D. C. L. Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy — William Brydone Jack, D. G. L. Professor of Classical Literature and History — George Montgomery Campbell, A. M. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science — Loring W. Bailey, A. M. Professor of Modern Languages and Literature — J. Marshall D'Avray. Professor of Logic and metaphysics — Robt. Jardine. Examiners for Degrees — jplev. Charles Coster, A. M., Rev. Charles Lee, A.M., Rev. John M. Brooke^' D. D., Rev. Charles Spurden, D. D. All nine o' PROVINCIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. Under the Act 21st Vic., cap. 9. Board of Education — The Lieutenant Governor or Administrator of the Government for the time being, the Executive Council, and the Chief Su- perintendent of Schools. Chief Superintendent — John Bennet, Esq. f , . Clerk or Assistant — George Thompson. Inspectors — Edmund Hillyer Duval, St. John, for the Southern District, viz. : Counties of St. John, Charlotte and Queen's ; Daniel Morrison, Car- leton, St. John, for the Northern District, viz: Northumberland, Kent, Gloucester and Restigouche Counties ; Edward C. Freeze, Fredericton, for the Western District, viz : York, Sunbury, Carleton and Victoria Coun- ties ; Thos. W. Wood, Richibucto, Kent, for the Eastern District, viz : King's, Westmorland, and Albert Counties. J3r The Parish School Terms close Slst March and 30th September, immediately after which « Returns " should bo made to the Education Office. Plans of school house and furniture, to be had upon application at the Education office. All papers or communications for the Board of Education, or for the Office of Education, may be addressed, " Education Opficjb, s Fredericton,^* TRAINING AND MODEL SCHOOLS, ST. JOHN. Provincial Training and Model Schools, Hazen and Coburg Street, Saint John, N. B., William Mills, 3fa5/cr ; Harriet S. Alline, Teacher in Female Department ; John Mills, Teacher in Model or Poetising School. The Terms commence January 17, April 11, August 1, October 24. Each candidate for admission is required to make a written application, to present a certificate of good moral character from a clergyman, and to pass a satis, factory examination in the common branches, viz : — Spelling, Defining, Reading, Arithmetic, Writing, Grammar, and Geography. "^V* ' H ? -i upon EDUCATIONAL. 49 All candidates are required to present themselves at the School.room at nine o'clock, \, M., of the first day of the Term ; for only in veri/ special cases is any one entitled to an examination for admission after that day. Males are required to be at least 18 years of age, and females at least 16. Candidates are expected to hriti|[? their ordinary school books. All letters should be prepaid to ensure attention. Examinations for Licenses are held in tho last week of each Term. The Trained Teacher, upon obtaining License, and securing on engage- ment in the Parish school service, is entitled to " Board allowance," while attending Training School at tho rate of JJ>2 per week, not exceeding J524. Application for « Board allowance to be made at the Education Ofiice," accompanied by Trustees certificate of bona (Ide engagement, and entrance upon service. COLLEGL\TE SCHOOL, FREDERICTON. Head Master, George Roberts, Esq., M. A. ; Classical and Mathematical Masters, George Roberts, M. A., and Charles Coster, A. M. ; French Mas- ter, tho Professor of Modern Languages in King's College ; English and Writing Master^ James F. Gordon. MADRAS SCHOOL. The Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New Brunswick — The Lieutenant Governor, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Members of Her Majesty's Council, the Judge of the Admiralty, the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Mayor and Recorder of St. John, the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church, St. John; together with tho Rev. Wm. Donald, D. D., and Rev. W. Scovil. • • ' C. W. Weldon, Esquire, Clerk and Treasurer. . MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN COLLEGE, SACKVHJ.E, N. B. . - ' Corporation, 1867-8. Board of Trustees and Governors. Rev. James England, Chairman, Rev. J. Snowball, John Starr, Enq., Secretary, Mariner Wood, Esq., Treasurer, Rev. H. Pickard, D. D. " C. De Wolfe, D.D. " M. Richey, D. D. " John McMurray, " R. A. Temple, " C.Stewart, Henry B. Allison, Esq., Bartlett Lingley, *' Hon. A. R. McClelan, Hon. C. Young, LL. D. PACDLTY. The Rev. Humphrey Pickard, D. D., President and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Logic. The Rev. Charles DeWolfe, D. D., Professor of Theology and the He- brew Language. Thoma'- Pickard, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, and Acting Professor of Nalural Science, 50 EDUCATIONAL. David AlHion, A. M., Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages^ and Literature. James R. ^nch, A. B., Professor of Rhetoric, ^c, and the French Lan- guage, and listrucior in German. Examiners — Rev. Cranswick Jost, M. A.; Josiah Wood, Esq., M. A.; A. A. Stockton, Esq., M. A. Graduates (^\^^^) — Howard Sprague, A. B.; Josiah Wood, A. B. ; (18G4) James R. Inch, A. B.; Alfred A. Stockton, A. B. ; Neliemiah Ayer, A. B.; Arthur D. Morton, A. B. ; William C. Milner, A. B. ; Jot- ham M. C. Fulton, A. B. ; (1865) Robert A. Borden, A. B. ; (1866) Samuel A. Chesley, A. B ; Thaddeus Hodgson, A. B. ; Seward S. Toddings, A. B ; Rich'd C. Wcldon, A. B. ; Charles H. Wood, A. B. EXECUTIVE C0MMIT7EE. ,, ,,r , T,i /-,; . H. B. Allison, Esquire. M. Wood, Lsq., Cttatrman. „ n t\ \xT\e t\ t\ n Tj Tj- I 1 n Tk Rov. O. Ue Wolfe, D. D. Rev. H. rickard, D. D. „ re. u n ' Rev. J. Snowball. • MOUNT ALLISON ACADEMY, SACKVILLE, N. B. MALlii BRANCH. Principal — Thf? Kev. Humphrey Pickard, D. D. Professor Thomas Pickard, Teacher of Mathematics, ^c- « David Allison, " " Latin, Greek, ^c- <« J. R. Inch, " •« French, « L. F. Brown, " " Voc'i^In. Music Mr. John W. Webb,.. , " '' Inter. ^)ep'i. Mr. Albert D. Smith, Ast. " " Prima* j Dep't. Mr. John Towse, Steward. ■ FEMALE BRANCH. "^ " . » James R. Inch, Esq., A. B., Vice Principal and Teacher of Languages. Miss Jennie M. Burr, Chief Preceptress and Teacher of Bell H'Lettres, S(c. Miss Mary E. Pickard, M. L. A., Teacher of Mathematics, Calisthenics, 3(c. Miss Clara Fowler, Teacher in Primary Department. Mies Annie Fowler, Teacher of Oil Painting, Crayoning, SfC. Miss Harriet Smith and C. Alaria Treadwell, Asst. Teachers in Primary Department. Prof Lyman J. Brown, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. Matron — Mrs. J. R. Inch. ^ ^ ^ THE ALUMNI SOCIETY OF MOUNT ALLISON WESLEYAN COLLEGE AND ACADEMY. President — Hon. Senator McClellan. Vice Presidents— C. Crane, Esq., M. D. ; A. A. Stockton, Esq., A. B. ; Rev. H. Sprague, A. M. Secretary and Treasurer — David Allison, Esq., M. A. This Society was established in January, 1864, in connection with the anniversary exercises then held, commemorative of the fact that in that month the Institution completed the 21st year of its existence. Its objects ore com- mon i M. A.; \ > CITY OP SAINT JOHN — Civic OFFICERS. 61 mon with thoee of similar associations organized by tho Alumni of all the principal colleges and academies on the continent ; tho promoting kindly feeling among its members, and the advancement of the interests of the In- stitution with which it is identified. NEW BRUNSV/ICK BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Founded A. D. 1810 — Seminary located at Fredcricton. • OFFICERS FOR 1867-'68. President — Rev. I. E. Bill. Vice Presidents — Hon. W. B. Kinnear, and Rev. A. D. Thompson. Secretary — Z. G. Gabel. Principal — .1. E. Hopper, B. A. . Smith, Wm. Sewell, Rich'd H. Treasurer — R. G. Lunt. Auditor — A. W. Marstcrs. Committee — Messrs. W. S. Es«tey, , Philips, A. D. Yerxa, C. D. Everett, John Fisher, Hon. W. H. Steeves, Hon. A. M'L. Scely, A. H..Gillmor, Rev. P. O. Rees, Rev. E. C. Cady, A. M. ; M. Francis, J. S. May, Rev. C. Spurden, Rov. George Sealy, together with the officers of the Society. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE— SAINT JOHN COUNTY. John Bennet, Esq., President, ex qffi.U. E.N. Holder, Recording' Secretary. J. L. M'Innis, Senior Vice President] " " Corresponding " J. Montgomery, Junior Vice Pres. jJamos Ritchie, Treasurer. SAINT JOHN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. James Paterson, LL. D Classical Master. James Hutchinson, A. M. M. D " E d ward Manning, English City of Saint John. Mayor — A. Alward, Esq. | Recorder — Hon. Robt. L. Hazon. Common Clerk — B. Lester Peters, Esq. ALDERMEN. Thos. R. Jones, E'^q. Guy^s Ward — James Quinton, Esq. ' — Arch. Rowan, Esq. Brook'sWard — John Thompson, Esq. John McGrath, Esq. Wellington Ward — M.W.Maher,E8q. PfinceWard — R. D. Mc Arthur, Esq. King^f Ward- Queen^s Ward- Duke'» Ward Sydney Ward- King's Ward Queen's Ward' Duke's Ward- Sydney Ward F. P. Robinson, Esq. Albert Whrrf— William J. McCordock. COUNCILLORS. John Yeats, f— Thomas Buslin. Chas. E. Raymond. Guy's IVaraf— Robert R. Allan. Brook's V/ard — Patrick M. Riordan. Wellington Whrrf— Elias S. Flaglor. Bartholo'w Coxettcr. Prince Ward — James J. Lawlor. Albert Ward — Nelson A. Couglc. 52 CITY OF SAINT JOHN — CIVIC OFFICERS. I - Treasurer, Chamberlain, and Collector and Receiver of Taxes — James R. Ruel, Esquire. Collector and Receiver of Taxes, West Side — George F. Harding. Deputy Common Clerk — Mr. George E. Fairwcather. City Engineer and Land Agent — Hurcl Peters, Esq. Land Agent, West Side — Thomas Coram. . ' /. Auditor — George W. Smith. , . .. n High Constable — George Stockford. Marshals — Bernard Murray, Patrick Duffy, John Harrington, Lewis W. Durant, Calvin Powers^ Francis Wilson, John Kerr, Wm. Buchanan, Benjamin Anderson, Joseph Dunham. Clerk of the Market — His Worship the Mayor. Deputy — Patrick J. McEvoy. ' Collector of Tolls — John H. Allan. ' "^ • Visiting Physicians — George J. Harding, M. D., William S. Harding, M. D., (at Inner Station.) Port Wardens — John W. M. Irish, Charles McLi-uchlan, Michael Mc- Carthy, Zcbcdec Ring, Augustus Quick, Levi H. Waterhouse, James McFarlane, JaWes U. Thomas, Duncan Robertson, William Firth, George A. Lockhart, John I). Purdy, Gilbert Bent, Charles H. Estabrooks, John Jenkins, Oliver Emery, James Roborlson, Aaron Armstrong, John McLach- lan, George Stewart, Francis Smith, John Lioyd, Samuel Neill, James Dover, George J. Sulis, Thomas Boyne, Edward L. Th ^rne, Robert J. Leonard, Robert Marshall, John Leavitt, Thom»s 0. Maliony. Port or Harbour Master — Daniel Hatfield. Harbour Inspector — John Murray. Pilots — John Reed, George Thomas, John Spears, James Reed, Thomas Vaughan, John Scott, Samuel Rutherford, George E. Mulherrin, Richard Cline, Edward J. Fletcher, Henry Thomas, laniel Mulherrin, William Lahcy, James McPartland, Daniel Daley, Chr.rles Taylor, John Sh^j-rard, Patrick Traynor, Charles Daley, William Hatfield, Michael Garrity, Jas. Murray, James Doyle, Robert Thomas, Bernard Mullin, John Sproulc, Philip G. Doody, Lewis Bennett, John Havlin, James S. Spears, James Millar, Joseph Doherty, James Quinn. Firewards — The Mayor, ex officio, Joseph Fairweather, Geo. A. Lock- hart, Thomas McAvity, W. H. A. Keans, C. D. Everitt, W. A. Robertson, jr., Robert Kedey, Geo. V. Nowlin, B. Coxetter, John C. Littlehale, Jo- seph Beatteay, William Mackay, Thomas Marter, A. C. O. Trentowsky, Charles E. Raymond, William Kee, Charles T. Meliek, William C. Dun- ham, James A. Harding, John.M. Walker, Joseph Coram, Thomas Han- ford, Joseph Mercer, John Wilson, jr., E. E. Lockhart, Charles A. Everitt, Stephen K. Foster, James Colwell, Chas. Ketchum, Josiah Adams, S. T. Mosher, Thos. R. Jones, Charles Gierke, Robert Stack- house, Fredeiick P. Robinson, John Yeats, Lewis H. Browne, Robert D. M' Arthur, Elias S. Fhiglor, Joseph O'Brien, Jonathan P. Taylor, B. Les- ter Peters, Thomas M. M'Lachlan, Samuel L. Brittain, James Milligan, Aaron Alward, John R. Smith, Thomas M. Reed, James J. Lawlor. Chief Engineer Fire Department — Thomas "^Tarter. «« West Side — George Stackhousc. Engin ti As9 son, ji Fames R. ewi« W. chanan, larding, lacl Mc- James George s, John cLach- , James obert J. riiomas lichard V^illiam I'vrard, y, J a 8. proule, James Lock- ertson, le, Jo- 3wsky, . Dun- Han- les A. Josiah Stack- lert D. i. Les- lligan, r. I CITY OP SAINT JOHN — CIVIC OPPICBRS. Engineers of Fire Department. Engine Co. No. 1, John Wii«on, jr. " " " 3, George 6. Drake. « 3, Samuel Dunlop. (I II West side. Engine Co. No. 7, Geo. F. Harding. " ♦' " 8, Gideon Spragg. Assessors of Taxes— CharlcBKctckum, Edward L. Thome, John Wil- son, jun. City Engineer — Hurd Peters. Superintendent Flour Inspectors — W. H. A. Keana. Umpire under Flour Ordinance — Thomas Rankine. Inspectors and Weighers of Flour and Meal — John Humbert, John Ber- ryman, John Robson, Henry Leavitt, James Clark, John Clarke, James Bustin. Guagers of Wines, ^c. — James Stewart, Edwin N. S. Stewart. Inspector of Firewood, Bark, dj-c, Market Slip — Alexander McKeWcy ; James Hulchinson, Lower Cove ; Evan Evans, Carlcton ; John Finn, Railway. Searchers and Guagers of Oil— William Thomson, Jonathan Anderson. Surveyors of Lumber — Samuel Jordan, Edward D. Gore, Jamos H. Fairweather, Nelson A. Cougle, Francis Jordan, Adam C. A. Salter, Henry Leonard, George H. Robertson, Joseph O. Craft, Charles O. Reinecke, William J. Grady, James Wetmore, jr., George Dixon, John M'K. Pendleton, Samuel K. Wilson, Charles A. Estey, Wm. Clark, Bar- tholomew J. DriscoH, John W. Sulis, Shanklin Thompson, Thomas Fairweather, John Dowling, Andrew Anderson, Thomas Jfordan, Gilbert Jordan, William Bowden, Oliver B. Cougle, Edward E. Eatey, Sargent S. Littlehale, William Woodworth, Francis Gallagher, Theinas J. Fair- weather, Robert Rossiter, Joseph S. Wetmore, Alaxander Boyne, Robert A. Courtnay. Superintendent of Weighers of Coals and Measurers of Salt — W. H. A. Keans. Cullers of Dried Fisk — George Young, William Thomton, Jonathan Anderson. Inspectors of Pi :kled Fish — William Thomson, George Young, James Colwell, Walter I'recartin, Jonathan Anderson. Pound Keeper, East Side — William Woodstock ; Carleton — John Au^rtin. Hog Reeve, East Side — James Duffy ; Carleton — William Cronk. Fence Viewer — Thomas Coram. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COMMON COUNCIL— lb67-8. On Accounts — Messrs. McArthur, Rowan, McGrath. Lamps — Messrs. Coxetter, McGrath, Bustin, Flaglor, Lawlor. Streets, East side — Messrs. Lawlor, Flaglor, Bustin, Jones, McGrath, Robinson. Streets, West side — Messrs. Riordan, Thompson, Allan, Couglcj McCordock, Quinton, Police — Messri. The Mayor, Rowan, McGrath, Maher, McArthur. Mar- kets — Messrs. The Mayor, Rowan, McArthur, Maher, Lawlor, Riordan, Flaglor, Bye Laws — Messrs. The Mayor, Robinson, McArthur, McCor- dock, Allan. Fire Department, East side — Messrs. Rowan, McArthur, Maher, Yeats, Coxetter, Raymond. Fire Department, West sidz — Messrs. 54 CITY OP SAINT JOHN — CIVIC OFFICERS. Allan, Quinton, McCordock, Thompson, Couglo, Riordan. Ferries — Messrs. McGrath, Quinton, .Foncs, McCordock, Coxetter, Bustin, Allan. Lancas- ter Lands and Navy Island — Messrs. McGrath, Allan, Maher, Coxetter, Bustin. Old Burial Ground — Messrs. McArthur, Rowan, Lawlor, Maher. Reed's Point — Messrs. Robinson, McGrath, Quinton, Raymond, Coxetter. Special Accounts — Messrs. Robinson, Rowan, McGrath, Cougle, Yeats, Maher. King^s Square — Messrs. Rowan, McArthur, Maher, Bustin, Lawlor. Queen^s Square — Messrs, McGrath, Raymond, Coxetter. Eastern Lands — Messrs. Maher, McArthur, Raymond, Coxetter, Lawior. Carleton Lands and Western Accounts — Messrs. McCordock, Thompson, Quinton, Couglo, Allan, Riordan. Harbour — Messrs. The Mayor, McGrath, Rowan, Coxet- ter, Cougle. Breakwater and Charlotte Street Wharves — Messrs. Robinson, McGrath, Coxetter, Raymond. Finance — Messrs. Jones, Riordan, McAr- thur, M her. Appeals — Messrs. Maher, Lawlor, Raymond, Yeats, Bustin, Coxetter, Flaglor. Queen's Square, West side — Messrs. Cougle, Quinton, McCordock, Allan, Thompson, Riordan. Public Buildings, West side — Messrs. McCordock, Quinton, Allan, Cougle, Thomson, Riordan. CARLETON FIRE POLICE. Captain . Stephen P. Wetmorc. Lieutenant Thomas McLeod. Treasurer Isaac Olive, jr. COMMISSIOiNERS OF SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY FOR THK CITT OF BT. JOIIIT (EaSt) ANH PART OF THE PARISH OF PORTLAND. Board of Commissioners — Edw'd. E. Lockhart, Thomas King and Wm. Seely. Chairman — Edw'd. E. TiOckhart. Superintendent of W^orks — Gilbert Murdock ; residence Park Hotel. Clerk — Thomas C. Hennigar. Collector — Charles F. Flaglor. Office — 77 Prince William Street; hours iO a. m. to 4 p. m. COMMISSIONERS OF SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY FOR «ARLXTOJ^ — OFFICE, NORTH SIDE RODITET, NEAR UNION ST. Chairman — Charles Ketchum. Commissioners — George F. Harding and Martin H. Peters. POLICE DEPARTMENT. OIFICK — NO. 16 PRINCK WILLIAM STREET. PoLiCH Magistratr — Humphrey T. Gilbert, Esq. Sitting Magistratrs — Wm. O. Smith, Geo. A. Lockhart, Geo. lin, and Wm. H. A. Keans, Esquires. CniEF or PoLiCK — John R. Marshall. Clbrk — Charles H. Ch Ist Division — Sergt. Thomas Dobsoii and four men. 2nd " " William Patterson and four men. 3rd " " John McLean and four men. 4th " ' " George Lynch and four men. 5th " " John Hipwell and four men. V. Now- andler. \ CITY OF SAINT JOHN — WIIAUFAflE. 55 \ Station Keeper — Alexander Patterson. Mayors Office— Scrgt. Carson. Policeman for Carleton — Benjamin Wotters. The Policemen, thirty-two in all, are appointed by and under the control ol the Chief of Police. BOARD OF HEALTH. Chairman — William Bayard, Esq., M. D. Commissioners— Charles Watters, Geo. V. Nowlin, Jas. FIcwwclling, and John McLuchlun, Esqrs. Clerk — K. Seely. RATES OF WHARFAGE. For every Decked Vessel, or Woodboat, of the burthen of 40 tons and under, 30c. per day ; above 40 tons, and under 50, 35c. ; above 50 and under 60, 40c. ; abovo 60, and under 70, 45c. ; above 70, and under 80, 60c. ; above 80, and under 90, 55c. ; above 90, and under 100, 60c. ; above 100, and under 120, 70c.; above 120, and under 150, 80c.; above 150 and under 180, 90c. ; above 180, and under 200. $1 ; above 200, and under 220, $1 10; above 220, and under 240, $ 1 2» ; above 240, and under 260, $1 30; above 260, and under 280, $1 40 ; above 280, and under 300, $1 50; above 300, and under .320, -1 60; above 320, and under 340, $1 70; abovo 340, and under 360, $1 80; above 360, and under 380, $1 90 ; above 380, and under 400, $2 ; above 400, and under 450, $2 25 ; above 450, and under 500, $2 50 ; and 25c. for every ad. ditional 50 tons. TOP-WHARFAGE LAW. Anchors and chains of all kinds, per ton, Is. 3d.; barrels of flour, bread and meal, and all other barrels under 224 lbs. weight, each, ^{d. ; half-bar- rels, firkins and kegs of all kinds, each, ^d. ; barrels of salt provisions and pickled fish, each, Id. ; ballast, per ton, 6d.; bricks, per thousand. Is.; bales and boxes of merchandize, each. 4d.; boxes of soap or candles, weighing 112 lbs. or less, each, ^d. ; boxes of soap or candles, weighing over 112 lbs., each, ^d.; boxes of smoked heri'ings, each, ^d.; copper and composition bars, bolts, sheets, spikes and nails, per ton. Is. ; coals (except Anthracite) per chaldron, 4d. ; coals (Anthracite), per chaldron, 3d. ; carriages and coaches, each, 6d. ; chalk, per ton, 6d. ; cattle, viz: bulls, oxen and cows, each, 6d.; cattle, viz: heifers, calves, sheep and lambs, each. Id.; coffee, cocoa nuts and filberts, in bags, per bag, ^d. ; salt, in bags, each, ^d. ; dry fish, per quintal, ^d. ; glass, in boxes of 100 ft., each, ^d. ; glass, in smaller packages, each, ^d. ; hogsheads of liquors and liquids, each, 4d. ; hay, screwed, per ton, Is.; hay, unscrewed, per ton, Is. 6d. ; hides, green, each, ^d.; hides, dry, «ach, id. ; hides, in bales, per bale, 6d. ; hemp, cordage and oakum, per tan, Is.; hollow ware and castings, per ton. Is. 3d.; hampers, each, Id.; horses, mares and geldings, each, 6d. ; hogsheads of lime and dry fish, each, 3d. ; iron in bars, bolts, sheets, plates, nails, spikes and pigs, per ton. Is. ; lumber, per thousand feet, superficial, 6d. ; lead, in bar, sheet, shot, pigs and pipes, per ton, Is.; molasses, per hogshead, 4d. ; molasses, per puncheon, 4d. ; 56 CITY OF SAINT JOHN— SLIPPAGE, ETC. molasses, per tierce, SJ. ; puncheons of all kinds not herein otherwise pro* vidcd for, each, 4d.; pipes of liquids and liquors each, 6d.; quarter casks of all kinds, each, 2d. ; raisins, in boxes, per box, ^d. ; raisins, in smaller pack- ages, each, id. ; sugar, in hogsheads, each, 6d. ; salt, in bulk, grain and roots of all kinds, per handreti bushels, Is. 6d.: slate, per ton, 6d. ; stone, per ton, 6d. ; spelter, per ton, Is. ; tea, in boxes, each, Id. ; tea, in smaller packages, each, id. ; timber of all kinds, undressed, per ton, 6d. ; tierces of sugar, or of ether articles not herein enumerated, each, 4d. ; waggons, buggies, gigs and other vehicles, each, 3d. ; zinc, in sheets, bar, block, nails and spikes, per ton, Is.; all empty packages, to pay half the rates of full packages, and on all goods, wares and merchandise not hereinbefore enumerated and rated, to pay at the rate of Is. per ton weight or measurement, at the option of the collec- tor, proprietor or lessee of the wharf or wharves where the same is placed. HARBOR MASTER'S FEES. On Vessels of 30 Tons and under .50, .50c. ; Vessels of 50 Tons and under 75, 75c.; 75 and under 100 tons, $1.; 100 and under 150 tons, $1 25; 150 and under 200 tons, $1 50; 200 and under 300 tons, $2; 300 and under 400 tons, $2 50 ; 400 and upwards, $3 ; Decked Vessels under 100 tons, owned and registered at Saint John, and all British Ves- sels under that tonnage trading within the Bay of Fundy, or arriving from Ports to the Northward of Cape Cod, or the Westward of Cape Canso, or from any Port in Nova Scotia, to pay annually as follows ; Under 30 tons, 75c. ; over 30 and under .50 tons, ^1 ; over 50 and under 75 tons, $1 20 ; over 75 and under 80 tons, $2. RATES OF SLIPPAGE AT THE CORPORATION SLIPS. All Decked Vessels, same rates as for Wharfage ; Woodboats, and all other Boats, or undecked Vessels, having standing Masts, and all Scows, and not lying at the wharves on either side of Slips, to pay the following rates : — Woodboats of sufficient burthen to carry 10 Cords of Wood, or under, 60c. ditto ditto upwards of 10 Cords,and not more that 15, $1. ditto ditto upwards of 15 Cords, and not more than 20, $1 50. ditto ditto upwards of 20 Cords, $2. The above to be paid each trip, and if any such Vessel remains over six days, an additional duty to be paid of from 50c. to $1 daily, according to the burthen. Other Boats and Vessels without decks, and having fixed or standing masts, and all Scows, to pay 30c. each trip and 30c. additional p«r day, if suffered to remain over three days. RATES OF FERRIAGE ACROSS THE HARBOR OF ST. JOHN. Foot passengers, 4c. ; Children under twelve years, 2c. ; Horse 5c. ; Ox, or other large animals, 5c. ; Elephant or Camel, 25c. ; single Waggon not loaded, 4c. ; single waggon, with horse and one man, 10c. ; single waggon, with horse, load and man, 12c. ; double waggon, not loaded, 12c. ; double waggon, with horses and man, 15c. ; double waggon, with horses, vise pro- casks of er pack- nd roots per ton, ackages, far, or of gigs and per ton, d on all 1, to pay collec- laced. ons and >0 tons, ms, $2 ; Vessels sh Vcs- ng from anso, or 30 tons, $J 20; PS. and all Scows, 1 lowing er, 60c. 5, $1. $1 60. $2. ver six ding to ixed or litional OHN. B 6c. ; dggon single 12c. ; lorses. CITY OF SAINT JOHN — FERRIAGE, ETC. 57 \ load and man, 26c. ; barrel, 2c. ; bag containing two bushels, 2c. ; firkin, keg, or box of the same size, 2c. ; cask of lime, 4c. ; pipe, hogshead, or puncheon, whether in waggon, cart, sled, or other vehicle or not, except containing molasses, vinegar, rice, or sugar, 15c. ; eveiy cwt. of iron, steel, or oopper, whether in waggon, cart, or other vehicle or not, 2c. — Carts, , and carriages, same as wagons. sleds, drtLja RATES OP TOLLS FOR CROSSING THE ST. JOHN SUSPENSION BRIDGE. For every foot passenger, (excepting children under five years of age) 4c. ; horse, mare, gelding, mule, ass, ox, cow, or other large animal, 7c. each ; elephant or camels, 50c. ; carriages, sleigh, waggon, cart, sled or other vehicle, drawn by one horse or beast of draught with one person, with or without load, 13c. , horse or beast of draught, more than one, with i carriage or other vehicle, 7c. each ; sheep, calf, hog, or goat, Ic. TIME FOR GOING THROUGH THE FALLS. KKAR ST. JOHSr. The Falls are level or still water at or about three and a half hours on the Jlood, and about two and a half on the ebb, so that they are passable four times in 24 hours, about 10 or 15 minutes each time. No other rule can be given, as much depends on the floods in the River Saint John, and the time of high water or full sea, which is M)ften hastened by high winds, and in proportion to the height of them. RATES AT THE PUBLIC WEIGHING MACHINES. Every load not exceeding One Thousand Pounds Weight, One Shilling; and One Penny for every additional Hundred Weight; payable, half by the seller, and half by the purchaser. HACKNEY COACH FARES. For conveying one passenger from any public stand to any part of the City, or from any one part of the City to any other part thereof, 20c. ; and for every passenger exceeding one, 10c additional; and if any driver, of any Carriage or other vehicle, shall be detained at any place by any pass- enger, or shall make any agreement for carrying any passenger by the hoars, he shall be entitled to ask, and receive the following rates, viz : — For any time not exceeding half an hour, 25c ; and in that proportion for •very half hour that such Carriage, or other vehicle shall be detained or employed. Provided always, that in case any driver shall be required to cross the Ferry to Carleton, he shall, in addition to the foregoing fares, be entitled to demand and receive the ferriage for himself, his carriage and horses, both going and returning. PUBLIC PORTERS AND HAND-CARTMEN. '^or loading, carrying, and housing any goods, or any other article on b.uy Hand Cart, from the Market Slip in King's and Queen's Wards, or ■ €Ki\- 58 CITY OF SAINT JOHN — CARTAGB, ETC. B^^ Ml nny other place within the limits of tlie first district, lo ony other .rtco within the said icveral Fivo districts, the rates of prices are as follow : For tlie firfll district, 5c.; second district, Gc j third district, 7c. ; fourth dislricf, 8c. ; fifth district, 9c. MARKET TOLLS. Beef, per quarter, 4c. ; (^alf, «hcep, Hog, C-^at, Lhmb, Kid, or Shoot 4c. ; Tub, Pail or Jar of Butter, 3c. ; Firkin, 5c.; every 10 lbs. of Roll Butter, 2c.; Cheese, ic. ; load of Potatoes under 15 bushels, 5c.; ditto over 15 bushels, lOc. ; losd of Oysters in shell or tub, 10c. ; Turkey, Goose, or dozen of Pigeons, Ic. ; pair Ducks, Fowls, or Partridge, Ic. ; bag of Flour, Meal, Oats, Peas, or Beans, In. ; Ham or Shoulder, Ic ; Eggs, per lOdoz., Ic. ; an('. uil other arliclcs in like proportion. FISH MARKET DUES. For every Ldlmon, 0.-.. ; Codiish, Pollock, Bass, or Shad, each Ic. ; Hal- libut, not exceeding 20 lbs, ?.r, ; cxceedin,? 20 lla. and for every 20 lbs. 2c.; every Lobster, Ic. ; dozen of Haddock, 3c.; every 100 of Gaspereaux, AUwivcs, Herrings, or other small fish, 3c. RATES OF CARTAGE LN ST. JOHN. ARTICLIS AND WBIOIIT. ■rf For a load of Wood, (Quarter of a Cord),- For a load of Coals, (Half a (Jhildron), For a load ■ ^nlainiiiij 15 buphels of Grain, Salt, Potatoas, or any other aiticles nicaiured nt loading or unloading, ex- cept Coals. ---.---__ For a pipe of Wine, Gin, er Brandy, and hou'Jng witliin the door of iha flrst floor. ... . - _ For a punche«n of Rum, or a tierce vf Sugar, frami 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, -----_-. For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and housing. For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried F'ldh, of 15 cwt. or a common load of household Goods, and storing. ---.----.- For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Heading, Staves, Treenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits, Dry Goods or a load of any other articles not herein mentioneii, r.r a hogshead of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tifrcjs of Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt. or a load containing Obhls. Flour, or 5bbl8. Sufjar, Fish, Beef, Po^k, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a 'on of Iron, or the snme Quantity of Corda,{e, in coil net eiceoding 4 cwt. hr a load cf any articles not herein mentioned. For a 64 gallon cnflk of Wine, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Shrd, Gravel, o Stones, or a lord of 4 bbls. of any ispiriiuoits Liquor or Molasses For CablPH and Cordaire, in roils oiiove a cwt. or if lo roii, per ton, or if for Hay loose, per low. .... For Hay, screwed, per ton, For Bricks, per thousand, ---.-. For Lumber, per thousand feet, - - _ . - For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding ha'faload, -....- DISTRICTS. Ist. I 2d. 3d. 4th. dth $ c.$ c. 13l 15 25 38 17 60 30 40 25 15 30 20 OS 33 43 38 $ c. IS 30 22 S5 35 45 30 18 20 23 1 00 1 05 50 .^4 80 no 10 85 C5 13 $ c. 20 33 25 68 37 48 33 23 $ c. 23 35 38 70 40 5 35 ITi 3i, 28j 30 I 101 15 1 20 :■? 60! 01 BG 95 1 00 70, 75 80 15: 18 I 20 CITY AND COUNTY OP SAINT JOHN. H^ ny other 8 follow : ; fourth loot 4c. ; I Butter, over I a Joose, Or )f Flour, lOdoz., c. ; Hal- lbs. 2c.; )creaux, ;ts. 4th, * c. 20 33 3th $ C. 23 35 25 28 68 70 37 40 48 5 33 35 23 'i'o 28j .?0 15 1 20 60 ! «)t 95 1 00 80 20 I- 1 The First Diatrid to comprise all that part of the City between theiouth line of Pond street and north line of Duke street, which lies to the west- ward of the east line of P*lill street, Dock street, and that part of Prince William street situated between the north line of the brick buildings for- merly belonging to William Tyng Peters (northward of the Market Square) and the north line of Duke street, and including King street, to the Westward of the West Line of Germain street. Second DUiriet to comprise all that part of the city between the north line of Union street and south line of St. James' street, which lies with- out or beyond the First District, to the westward of the east line of Char- lotte Street. Third Ditiriet to comprise all that part of the city, which lies without or beyond the 2nd District, 'o the westwaiJ of the eas* line of Sydney street. Fourth District to comprise all that part of the city lying without or be- yonu the 3d District, to the westward of the east lino of Carmarthan street. Fifth District to comprise all that part of the city lying without or be- yond the 4th District. EXPRESS OFFICES. TOR THB COITTKTAMCS 01 XOITICT, GOODS, FAUCSLS AKD LXTTBRS. Eastbrn Express — To all parts of the Uniieu Slates and British Pro- vinces. Office, 8G Prince William Street. Glbason's Express — To Fredericton, Woodstock, Grand Falls, the Upper St. John, and all parts of the Province. Office, 86 Prince Wm. St. City and County of Saint John. [The area of St. John County is 136,280 acres. Population 48,922. Justices of the Mayor's Court — The Mayor and Re<:order. Justices of the Peace and of the Quorum — The Mayor and Recorder, Thos. R. Jones, Archibald Rowan, John M'Grath, Frederick P. Robin- son, Samuel Brittain, Robert Thomson, senr., Michael M. Maher, R. D. M'Arthur, Jas. Quinton, John Thompson, and Wm. J. McCordock, Esqs. Justices of the Peace — Lauchlan Donaldson, Henry Gilbert, Archibald Menzies, Charles Ward, Hon. John Robertson, William H. Street, James Brown, Samuel Strange, John Wishart, Robert Keltic, L. H. DeVeber, William Hawks, Moses Vernon, George A. Lockhart, Willi irn Parks, W. O Smith, Alexander Lockhart, James Travers, Joseph Fairweather, Robt. Douglas, Francis Ferguson, Frederick A. Wiggins, Peter 3esnard, James Olive, George Carvill, John Humbert, Stephen K. Fosiur, Francis Ruddick, John F. Goddard, T. O. Crookshank, Joseph Beat- teay, Alexander Balloch, B. J. Underbill, Charles D. Everitt, James Olive 3d, Robert Salter, J. W. M. Irish, Alexander M'Tavi°h, T. E. Millidge, D. J. M'Laughlan, John Dolierty, J. S. Parker^ John Fos- ter, David Collins, J. C. Littlehale, Robt. Robertson, Chas. Ketchum, Jas. Quintou, Samuel Clark, Wm. Scoullar, G. V. Nowlin, Jas. Dunn, W. H. GO CITY AND COUNTY OP SAINT JOHN. A. Kcans, Jas. Robinson, Moses Tuck, Thos. Trafton, John M'Ltuchlan, J. U. licwin, G. E. Fenety, John Stevens, Stephen Gerow, G. E. Snider, T. W. Daniel, Chas. Merritt, Robt. Robertson, Wra. Thomson, Thos. Hil- yard, Jas. Flewelling, John Fisher, S. L. Tilley, Thomas M'Avity, W. Wright, J. V. Troop, Z. Ring, James Harris, Thos. McElroy, Jas. H. Moran, O. B. Cougle, T. McCarthy, W. H. Olive, Thos. Robinson, B. S. Gilbert, John McSweeney, Edw. Brown, Patrick McCourt, Thomas Coram, James E. Hamm, James ColwclI,John Berry man, Robert Thompson, sen., Thos. Marter, Michael Downing, John Gillis, Michael O'Mahoney, Aaron Al- ward, Hugh Morris, Justus E. Knight, Daniel Gallagher, Charles H. Esta- brooks, George H. Clark, Jas. Gault, William Thompson, sen., Charles Tucker, Charles Devine, John W. Beard, Alexander Rankin, Charles Huzcn, Robert Rossiter, John Anderson, Robert R. Allan, Lewis H. Browne, Thomas Hatheway, George S. Baker, and John McGrathyEsqs. High Sheriff— -SamtB A. Harding, Esquire. Ckrk of the Peace — H. W. Frith, Bsquirc. Coroner — William Bayard, Esq., M. D. County Treasurer — William Mackay, Esq. Auditor of County Accounts — R. Sands Armstrong, Esq. Committee on County Accounts — "Wm. H. A. Keans, D. J. McLaughlin, and Zebedee Ring, Esquires. Judge of Probates — Hon. W. B. Kinntar. Registrar of Deeds and Wills and Registrar of Probates — W. Chipman Drury, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — The Bar- risters and Attornies practising in the City of Saint John. Commissioner for taking Recognizances of Bail in the Supreme Court — Isaac Woodward, Esquire. Inspector of Schools — E. H. Duval. Trustees of Schools, City of St. John — Parish No. 1 — East Side — John Sears, George Blatch, and W. P. Dole, Esquires. Parish No. 2— West Side— J. B. Whipple, and Isaac Noble, Commissioners for the Management of the Free Schools at St, John, uncon- nected with the Madras Board — Rev. James Quinn, and Wm. Carvill, Esq. Commissioner of Wrecks — Rabert Leonard. Commissioner of Indian Reserves under Act 7, Vie. c. 45 — Dr.Wm. Bayard. Commissioners for Water Street Extension — John McLauchlin, Moses Tuck, and Jeremiah Harrison, Esqrs. Commissioners of Sewers — Alex. Jardine, Charles A. Everitt,W,F. Smith. Commissioners of Sewers and Marsh Lands, iMncaster — G. C. Carman, James Olive and James Quinton. Auctioneers — Cudlip & Snider, Thos. Hanford, W. D. W. Hubbard, G. A. Lockhart, Edward Maher, J. W. Montgomery, Richard Seely, George Stewart, John V. Thurgar, and Austin Faraher. Inspector of Steamboats — Wm. M. Smith. Inspector of Coal Oils — Arch. Rowan, Esq. Commissioners of the Alms House, Work House, and Infirmary — W. O, Smith, "William Hawkes, Allan McLean, "Wm. Doherty, David Twpley and Th Keeper- Survt Icr, San l.ell, Ch Jordan, com, Joi l)rook, Morriso David P. Bake Colema Roberts( Nofar Alfred Term in June Police Sittin Comn Esquirei Town Poun and Jam Hogl Edward Assess Consti William Fence Michael Clerk Field Michael Road District Revise Riffby. Trustt Auditc Holley. Firewi V. Robei Uruns John Job Armstror CITY AND COUNTY OP SAINT JOHN. Gl > and Thomas C. Olivo, Esquires. Phyaician — J. Baxter, Esq., M. D Keeper — "William Cunn'nghim. Purveyors of Lumber J or the County — Shadrach Holly, Edward H. Foa icr, Samuel Reyriolds, Andrew Stevenson, Wm. Woodworth, Robt. Camp hell, Clayton Scott, James Reed, Gilbert J. Mayer, James F. Ellis, Gilbert Jordan, Stephen L. Stephens, Wm. Lynch, Edward Esley, Wra. M. Dal- ooin, Joseph Maher, James M'Leon, Etlward Kierstcad, Abraham S. Esta- brook, John Hiploy, Jay. Holly, Jas. Crawford, Wm. Cunard, Wm. G. Morrison, John Morrison, Moses E. Cowan, Ezekicl Jordan, Wip. Bowdcn, David M'Clellan, Wm. D. Shaw, Joseph Horncastlc, John Collins, Chas. P. Baker, Geo. J. Whclpley, Thomas E. Jowler, Henry Graham, Chas. W. Coleman, W. J. Henneberry, John Hcnncbcrry, Geo. F. Flewelling, Corly Robertson. Notaries Public — Rich'd Seely, George E. Thomas, John Bcllingham, Alfred A. Stockton and Jer. Travis. Terms of the General Sessions — 3rd Tuesday in March, and Ist Tuesday in June, September and December. PARISH OF PORTLAND. Police Magistrate — David Tapley, Esquire. Sitting Magistrate — James Travis, Esquire. Commissioners of Police — John Duncan, Moses Tuck and G. E. Snider, Esquires. Town Clerk — George R. Rigby. Pound Keepers — Edward Lowell, Lawrence Donavon, Hugh Morriscy and James Campbell. Hog Reeves — Edward Conway, Michael Donavon, James Sullivan and Edward Lowell. Assessors of Rates — Richard Dalton, Chas. Wilson and Alex. Duff. Constables — John Smith, Samuel Lockey, Walter Cobham and Wm. Williams. Fence Viewers — John Long, James Clark, Michael Harrigan and Michael Donavon. Clerk of the Market — Samuel Lockey. Field Drivers — John Long, Edward Lowell, Thomas Monison and Michael Donavon. Road Commissioners — James Wilson, District No. 1, ; John Connelly, District No. 2 ; Charles Wilson, District No. 3. Revisers of Electoral List — Henry Dalton, D. R. Munroe, and John R. Ri^by. Trustees of Schools — J. Harrison, W. G. Morrison and R. Dalton. Auditors (f Parish Accounts — Robert Aitken, J. B. Wilmot and Shad'k Holley. Firewards — Bradford S, Gilbert, Joseph Ruddick, Robert Sweet, David V, Roberts, Heniy Maxwell, Robert Cunard, and Stephen E. Stevens. Brunswick, No. 1, Engine Company — William McConnell, Engineer ; John Johnston, Foreman; John Armstrong, jun., Assistant Foreman ; John Armstrong, sen., Secretary, ||§ COUNTY OP SAINT JOHN. Protector, No. 2, Engine Company — John Kane, Engineer ; Thomas Crockett, Forcmun ; Alexander Napier, Assistant Foreman ; Leaman Isaac, Secretary. PARISH OF BIMONDS. Commissionera of Highways — George McAfee, C. J. Waterbury and Bernard Kirkpatrick. Assessors of Rates — James Barber, James 0. Cody and Thos. Davidson. Town Clerk — Thomas Bowes. Collector of Hates — John Johnston. Revisors of Electors — James Davidson, Cor'l J. Horgan and D. Robertson. Trustees of Schools — T. O. Crookshapk, R. S. Armstrong, and Jas. Dunn. Constables — Wm. Maxwell, James Bowes, James Alexander, Robt. B. Douglas, John White, William Hannah, Thos. McKce and John Maxwell. Hog Reeves — John Knox, Robert Moore, Edward Sentill, Robt. Stewart, John Ryan, Wm. Shannahan, Lanty Chitiick, Isaac Fossett, Roger Con- nelly, W.fMurphy (Red Head), John Dolin, W. Murphy, (Col. Sett.) Pound Keepers — Hugh Ryan, George Garnett, Geo. Doherty, Keys McBrine, Robt. Moore, E. C, John Barrett, Hy. Brookings, Jas. Davis, Jas. McKee, N. Furlong, Islam Kearns and Pat'k Higgins. Fence Viewers — Daniel McEvoy, Pat'k Slairn, Francis Doherty, Jas. Cunningham, John Garnett, John Bean and Hugh Toner. Surveyors of Highways — Christopher McBrien, John Fijley, Charles Owens, William McManus, William Bryden, James Boyle, Joseph Bowes, John Warnock, Charles A. Wade, Jomes Cunningham, jr., Mich'l Mc- Namee, John Simpson, Jeremiah Donovon, John Irvine, Benjamin Stack- house, John Bryden, John Charlton, Andrew Hunter, Patrick Tracy, Jas. Davidson (African Sett.), Patrick Ryan, Robt. Martin, James Brown (Deaf), Thos. McDermott, James Charlton, Francis S. Jones, Edward Murphy, Simon Eraser, Solomon Lochrie, Andrew Moore, Robert Moore (Boss), Rich'd McDonald, James Armstrong, John Conlan, James Robinson, John Kearney, Fred'k Stanley, William Smith, Peter Carney, Allan Mc- Lean, Thos. McAffee, Wm. Armstrong, William A. Moore, Rich'd Evans, John Parks, Michael Deerin, Thos. Parks, Wm. O'Brien, David Hunter. PARISH OF SAINT MARTINS. Constables — Simeon Br^vvn, Michael McDade, Hiram Mosher. and John M. Brown. Commissioners of Highways — Philip Mosher, Solomon Allingham, and Francis Porter, sen. Commissioners for Expending Bye-Road Money — John M. Brown, John Fownes, and Philip Mosher. Collector of Rates — Francis Charlton. Town Clerk — Reub. V. Bradshaw. Fence Viewers — Francis Charlton, Ebcnezer Brown, William McAffee, and George Fownes. Pound Keepers — Jas. Ross, T. Lewis, Jas. O'Donald, and John Verner. Assessors vj Rates — Philip Mosher, Benj. Wishart, and S. Allingham. Revisers of Electors — Edwd. Brown, Andw. Charlton,.iind S. Allingham. Trustees of Schools — Rev. J. A. Smith, Henry Whitney, sen., and Wm. Ruddick, M. D. CITY OP FRKDKIIICTON. 63 rhomaa Leaman jry and avidiion. bertson. 1. Dunn. Robt. B. laxwell. Stewart, jer Con- lett.) y, Keys i. Davis, rty, Jas. Charles 1 Bowes, ch'l Mc- n Stack- icy, Jas. (Deaf), Murphy, (Boss), obinson , Ilan Mc- il Evans, iunter. ind John lam, and vn, John •adshaw. McAffee, I Verner. linghum. lingham. nd Wm. Surveyors oj ///X'/if/v/i/.t— Andrew Carlton, Jnroli TulVrf, Edwnrd Fostrr, James townes, Gi'orgc FowncH, Willium Black, jun., Alex. Li. II. Urown, Wm. H. BradHhaw, Win. Iiigrahum, Eilward iNut^cnt, John M. Urown, Ebonezer V. Brown, Janu'H Kingston, Inaac Clrvrland, John Konnt'dy, John Kennedy, Robert Mc* ulchcon, DtMinis Uurko, John M<K-iy, Francis Porter, jun., Michael McDade, Thomas Lovo, Peter McDadc, John Ruh- Hcll, David Hurst, Goorgo Duncan, Patrick l,ovv, John Dunhip, Janirs (yurry, Michael Doherty, James Henry, Henry Hanrahan, William IJIuck, sen., Samuel Brown, James Pratt, Daniel Mosher, Robert Hamilton, Geo. Patterson, Michael Doherty, John Verner, Francis Lacy, Michitel Doherty (.3d), George Menett, John Milntyre, and James Kelly. TARISH OP LANCASTER. AstCMora of Rates — A. Menzies, M. A. Wall, and James Alston. Trustees of Schools — J. D. Lewin, J. E. Knight, and Isaac (Mark. Kevisors of Electors — James Robinson, John Galbraith, and John Dunn. Commissioners of High ways — M. P. Balcom, C. Johnston, and R. Bogs. Collector of Rates— Sohn T. Lord. Town T/rr/f— Charles H. DeForcst. Weigher of Hay — Ebenezer Sutton. Constables — James Orr, John Dunham, Dennis Murphy, Thomas Burns, Thomas Lennox, Daniel Campbell, John Hargrove, jun., Archibald Mc Auley, William Stinson, William Clark, jr., Patrick Glcason and Jas. Law. Pound Keepers — Joseph Balcom, Anthony Thompson, James Downey, William Lord, John Avery, William Coil, and Terrence Collins. Fence Viewers — Geo. Coster, P. Byrne, Thos. Galbraith and John Lowry. Hog Reeves — James Wan, Joseph Young, Charles Morrison, William Ryan, Michael McNulty, Henry Quigg and John Warren. Surveyors of Highways — Wm, Somerville, Jeremiah Logue, William Whalen, Clayton Scott, William Griffiths, Thomas C. Olive, John Minni8,William Olive, -Ith, Daniel Campbell, John Cairns, John Brennan, Terence O'Brien, Charles Hepburne, Jasmes Reed, James McAulcy, Thomas Dean, junr., Charles Armstrong, James Bricn, John Hargrave, senr., Jesse Belding, Henry Galbrcath (at shore), Francis Armstrong, Benjamin Thomas, William Gregg, Robert Henderson, John Eariy, John Murphy and Hugh McC'avour. City of Fredericton. MEMBERS AND OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. Mayor — W. H, Needham, Esq. | City Clerk — John L. Marsh, Esq. Wellington Ward — Thomas L. Simmons, Eiq., N. S. Hooper, Esq, St. Ann's Ward — William H. Tower, Esq., Samuel D. McPherson, Esq. Carleton Ward — Harris Allan, Esq., Henry Sorrens, E«q. Queen's Ward — Thomas Dowling, Esq., John L. Haines, Esq. Kiyig's Ward — Mark Neville, Esq., Samuel Fleming, Esq. COUNTY OP YORK. A8SBSS0RS. Alex. McCausland, John Richards, Robert Wiley, Thomas R. Barker, James Burchill. Samuel W. Babbit, City Treasurer and Collector of Rates; John Richards, City Auditor; Elijah Clark, Commissioner of the Alms House; Charles Branncn, City Marshal; Charles Brannen, Chief of Police ; W. H. Ander- son, City Engineer; Jeremiah Gearon, Clerk of Market and Weigher of Hay ; John Flemraing, Alms House Keeper. FIRS DEPARTMENT. Wm. Anderson, Chief Engineer; Joseph Vandine, Assistant Engineer. Engine Comp'y No. 1 Albany William Jarvis, Captain. «« «* " 3 Caledonia Murray Dodd, " «« " « 3 Phoenix J. W. M. Ruel, <• <« " " 4 Hibernia Henry Parks, « " " " 5 Wellington, JohnMcLauchlan, " [Area 435,000 acres. Population 23393.J Justices of the Peace — JohnS. Saunders, John Allen, John Robinson, Geo. Minchiu, W. H. OdcU, Jas. S. Beek, Thos. Jones, Wm. Davidson, Patrick Campbell, George Garden, L. B. Rainsford, Thorons Gill, Gsorge Clements, Allan M'Lean, Thomas Pickard, Thomas R. Robertson, Asa Coy, Isaac Kilburn, Edward Simonds, Charles McPherson, Tra Ingraham, jun., Spaf- ford J. Barker, Beverley A. Robinson, Benjamin Yerxa, Benjamin Good- speed, Jas. Fairlie, Israel Smith, Wm. 0. Joslin, Enoch Dow, J. L. Grant, Edw. Pidgeon, J. McDonald, Andw. Calder, Samuel Fox, Jos. Pickard, Thomas Murray, Thos. L. Simmons, James M'Laggan, Thomas C. Athcr- t«n, William R. Bustin, Calvin L. Goodspeed, John Mcintosh, Robert Fore- man, J. S. Ellegood, John Hea, jr., Moses Hillman, Hezekirh Cronckhite, John GuJou, Thos. Temple, Hugh M'Kay, Benson Smith, Thos. Herbert, Lewis S. Huestis, Jeremiah Christy, John S. Barker, Thos. Stewart, Martin Mackay, S. A. Akerley, J. H. Dykeham, Alex. Shives, Wm. C. Brown, G. W. Knox, Alex. Moody, Matthew Graham, Sam. Eraser Grosvenor, Wm. Brown (Southampton), Geo. Nevers, Wm. Gibson, John S. Patterson, Henry Rogers, Thos. Davis, Wm. Whitehead, Constantino Conolly, Arch. M'Lean, Wm. Jamieson, Geo. Lester, John A. Beckwith, Patrick Selvage, Wm. Guiou, Thos. F. Saunders, Samuel Dayton, Israel Atherton, John Taylor, Thomas Pringle, Benjamin H. Clayton, Bernarc! Elliott, Wm. Lewis, Joshua Hilman, Joel Millar, George H. Maxin, Jame? Sutherland, George A. Per- ley, Abraham M'Keen, William Wilson, John Anderson, Richard Winter, George Risteen, George Estey, Frederick A. Perley, Patrick Kirlin, Samuel Yerxa, Wi'" m H. Biden, William H. Murray, Joseph Reed, Solomon Vail, William Henry Long, Robert Robinson, Stephen G. Fowler, Duncan McKenzie, Thomas Miles, John L. Hains, James E. Smith, Benj. Yerxa, COUNTY OP YORK. 65 junr., Richard littg, Wm Etrlo, Zebulon Currie, Btnjamin A. Winton, Andrew Roii» Hichard Bellamy, Aia Doir, Hiram Dow, Alex. Thompaon, Alexander Gibson. Lewis Fisher, Jesse Parent, Darid Pugh, Jessie Christj, Wm. Clarkson, Asa D. Brooks, Edward H. Hartley, Wm. Dunham, Jas. D. McKay, John L. Fletcher, Joseph Heron, James Griffith and James Johnson. High Sheriff— ThomM Temple, Esquire; Deputy Sheriff— Wm^m H. Friel ; Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace — George J. Dibblee, Esq. ; Surrogate — George F. H. Minchin, Esq. ; Registrar of Probates Francb A. H. Stratton, Esq. ; Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Abraham D. Yerxa, Esq. ; Coroners — Judah Hammond, John Marshall, Thos. Brown, S. D. McPherson, T. C. Brown, David Little, and Hiram Dow, Esquires. Judge of Probates — G. F. H. Minchin. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Sup. Court — Hon. John 8, Saun- ders; Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Geo. J. Dibblee, Hon. Chas. Fisher, W. H. Needham, Geo. F. H. Min- chin, W. Hr Odell, George Botsford, Francis A. H. Stratton, Jas. P. Wetmore, Edward H. Wilmot, Edward W. Miller, B. C. Friel, John J. Fraser, George J. Blirs, John L. Marsh, J. H. Phair, John Kirby, Chas. B. Fisher, Henry B. Rainsford, jr., Geo. F. Gregory, Patrick Sweeney, A. Rankine Bedell, James F. McManus, E. Byron Winslow, Thomas L. Harrison, Thomas G. Blair and Alfred L. Street, Esquires. Licensed Auctioneers — Sam'l A. Akerley, Jos. Myshrall, Thos. R. Barker, Thoa. W. Smith, Jeremiah Staples, Thos. Douglas and Patrick McManus. JnspectBr of Schools — Edward C. Freeze. Preventive Officers — John Rue!, Solomon Vail. Notary Public — Andw. G. Blair. Terms of the General Sessions — First Tuesday in January and second Tuesday in June, Terms of the Supreme Court — Equity side — First Tuesday in every month (excepting February and September) ; instead of February the sittings shall be on the last Tuesday in January. Fredericton Society of St. Andrew — President, Dr. Jack ; 1st Vice Presi- dent, J. J. Fraser ; 3nd Vice President, J. Mclnnis ; Treasurer, Robert Ful- ton, Esq. ; Secretary, Geo. F. Gregory ; Chaplain, Rev. Jno. M. Brook, D.D. MUSriCIPAKITT OF TORK. James Henry, Warden ; H. B. Rainsford, jr.. Secretary and Treasurer / J. S. Back, Auditor. Canterbury — Robert Robinson, C. Grosvenor ; Dumfries — Hugh Savtge, C. W. Tilley ; Prince William — James Henry, Wm. Jamieson ; Kings- clear — T. W. Wheeler ; Manners Sutton^J. W. Barker, W. J. Hatch, J. Moody ; New Maryland — S. R. Nason, Lewis Fisher ; Saint Mary^s — J. F. Barker, James McLaggan ; Stanley — Bernard Elliott, W. Clarkson ; Douglas — D. Pugh, S. S. Burpee ; Queensbury — John S. Sunter, Jesse Parent; Sottthampton — C. Bartlett, James Parent. ,,,.... - ^rti* ' c " ;.' . '•; 66 •v COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. ;, [Area 306,0i9 acres. Population 23,663.] Justices of the Peace — Kob!. Thompson, Patk. Clinch, Chas. R. Hatheway, David Mov.att, Wilford Fisher, Abraham J. Wetmore, Cochran Craig, Geo. M'Kny, Hon. John J. Robinson, J iimt's W. Street, James Boyd, ; Robert Watson, John Grimmer, John Farmer, James Brown, Isaac Knight, Arch. McC'vkllum, Jacob Foung, Hr. Webber, Wm. Thomson, J. Carlylc. Mal- com Mealy, Francis Hlbbarii, Claudius Messinett, Peter Morrison, George Hiltz, Patrick Curran, Williiiin H. Chaffy, Geo. Fountain, John E. Messinett, Hugh Ludgate, John Marks, George V. Knight, Augustine Bancroft. J. A. Honey, John Mann, jr., Chas. Bradley. Wm. Whitlock, SamM. M'Farlane, Thomas Barry, John E. Muorc>, Thos. Cotterell, Henry Stiles, Gideon Pres- cott, Wm. K. Reynolds, Robert V. Hanson, Isaac Justason, Jas. Russell, jr., Zachariah Chipman, Hugh Cullinen. James Muirchie, Geo. B. Allward, Geo. S. Grimmer, Timothy Crocker, Thomas Eraser, Thomas Robinson, T.homas B. Wilson, John McLeod, Magnus Green, Archibald M'Dermott, George Maxwell, George Dick, Robert Stevenson, Charles M. Gove, George Allen, Nathan Smart, Rex M. King^ Robert M'Lellan, James Smart, Adam W. Smith, Timothy Rierdon, Wheeler l^iiwreuce, Joseph H. Maxwell, Jas. E. Lyriott, S. Whitlock, Wm. 'i'. Rose, Wm. Ellis, Geo. F. Stickney, Jeremiah Hanson, Daniel Crilly, James S. Trenliolm, Levi Young, John MTntogh, Thomas Block, John Orr, Joseph Donald, Joseph Simpson, Thos. Turner Odrll, Nehemiah Marks, Chas. J. Clinch. Jas. R. Bradford, C. E. O. Hathe- y^*y, Ilonry Ilitchings, J. S. Mage», Hugh Morrison, Isaac Newton, Hayden Guptiiil, Thoi. Watt, Jas. A. Moran. Abraham Voung, A. H.Gilmour, «enr., S«muKl Johnson, Tobias Gilmor. (of the Quorum) and Isaac McElroy, Esq*. High Sheriff — Alexan ier T. Paul. Eequire ; Clerk of the Peace, and Keeper of the Rolls— Geo. n. Grimmer, Esquire; Surrogate Judge of Pro- bates — G. D. Street, Esquire; Regittrar of Probates — S. H. Whitlock, Esquire ; Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Harris H. Hatch, Esquire ; County Treasurer — James W. Whitlock, Esquire. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — James W. Chandler, Esq., and all other Attorneys, and Charles R. Hatheway, John E. Messinett, Robert Thompson, Lorenzo Drake, S. Heney, Hon. John J. Robin- son, Isaac Knight, A. J. Wetmore and J. E. Dickson. ■'^" '• " r' Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — Lorenzo Ih ik • •nd John Former, Esquires. Coroners — David Mowatt, Samuel T. Gove, Dr. Robert Thompson, Wm. T. Rose, Dr. Jemm, H. W. Valentine, and Thos. C. Justason. Marine Hospital Commissioner!- — C. E. O, Hatheway, St. Andrews; Zachariah Chipman, St. Stephen ; Jaiii^s Campbell, St. George. Visiting Physician, Quarantine hland — N. D. G. Parker, M. D Auctioneers — Wm. Whitlock, Jas. W. Street, Jas. H. Whitlock, John H. Rose, Jas. G. Catfipbell, Inraei J. Hanson, Geo. B. Alward, Thomas Watt, Richard Dyer, Jas. Campbell, Jas. Bolton, Claudius Messinett, Mark Young, Albert D. Stevenson, John Bradford, J. A. Moran, Saml. H. Whitlock, and F. A. Stevenson. A Hat Stev L COUNTIES OF SUNBURY AND QUEEN's. 67 Notaries Public — St. Stephen — John F. Grant. St. Andrews — C. R. Hatheway, C. W. Wardlaw, William McLean, Geo. S. Grimmer, Banj. R. Stevenson, and Geo. D. Street. Lloyds' Agent — W. Whitlock, Esq., St. Andrews. coTJ3^xT"'sr o:p sxj3srBTJi^''sr. [Area 178,89« acres. Population 6,067.] Justices of the Peacf^^ohn S. Saunders, Nathaniel Hubbard, Thomas Harrison, Calvin L. Hatheway, Hon. Robt. D.Wilmot, Benj. S. Bailey, T. A. Beckwith, William Hoy t, John Peabody, Thomas N. Gilbert, William Burpee, Enoch Lunt, Thomas Hartt, jr., William ScouUar, Thomas H. Smith, John Glazier, Moses Coburn, George Morrow, Tbos. O. Miles, Wm. Estabrc oks, Charles Tracey, Charles J. Bailey, Reuben Hoben, Stephen P. Estabrooks, Charles Brown, John Simmons, A. C. Plummer, Charles Burpee, Thomas A. Beckwith, Robert Linton, Thomas Wright, Henry P. Bridges, Isaac Taylor, James Mitchell, W. E. Hoyt, Martin Adams, John C. Seely, C. D. O. Curry, John H. Dewitt, Jeremiah Tracey, Jas. Miller, Jas. C. Simmons, William McLean, John Stone, William Mowatt, James Payne, Charles H. Clowes, James K. Hazen, Jonathan Bridges, Addison Stirling, Archibald Harrison, Chas. Duffy, Adam Noble, F. W. Bailey (of the Quorum), and W. Harrison, Esquires. High Sheriff— J ATno8 S. White, Esq. ' , Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — George J. Bliss, Esq. Surrogate — William J. Gilbert, Esq. A, Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Nathaniel Hubbard, Esq. Coron^rf-^Gebardus Clowes, Moses H. Coburn, Frederick Seely, Thos. Turney, John R. Seely, Henry Rees, Albert Ferguson, and J. T. Bailey. Auctioneers — George C Nevers, Thomas A. Beckwith, John S. Covert, Wm. Burpee, T. B. Coburn Burpee, and B. S. Bailey. Terms of the General Sessions — Second Tuesday in January and third Tueiday in June. CiTJEEIST'S OOTJISTTTT. [Area 353,574 acres. Population 13,359. Justices of the Peace — Hon. Harry Peters, John M'Lean, Ebenezer L. Burpee, Thomas P. Hewlett, George W. Hoben, Charles Keith, Thomas Harrison, Chas. P. We'more, John M'Allister, Jos. B. Perkins, Wm. Mur- ray, Joseph Coy, Gideon D. Bailie, James Ingledew, Thomas Mur- ray, J. R. Earle, John Goldfinch, Isaac M'Lean, Gilbert Perry, James Sl^p, Charles E. Langan, David Philips, Wm. F. Bonnell, John Cui-ry, David Ebbett, Alex. Case, Benjamin H. Boal, Joshua Calkins DaVi'd Ferguson, Jessie Clark, Joseph F. Estabrooks, James PoUey, Wm. Malone, George Elkins, Francis Wood, Walter S. Butler, John J. West, Thoe. W. Carpenter, Jas. Toole, John Robertson, W. H. White, Jos. Humphreys, Geo. W. Smith Isaac B. Bonnell, Hem;y Todd, R. P. Yeo- mans, Gilbert Wiggins, Arthur Branscombe, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Kelly, Charles Murray, Robert Phillips, James Pearson, John Corbett, Ebenezer 68 kino's county. Williams, John Glares, John Roberts (of Douglas Valley Road), Isaac (J Burpee, Nath'I B. Cottle, Geo. McDonald, Saml. L. Peters, Benj. 8. Palmer, John Inch, Thos. Hethcrington (of the Quorum), and Joseph Hohen, Enquires. High Sheriff"— John Palmer, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — T. R. Wclmore, Esquire ; Judi^e of Probates — T. R. Wetmore, Esquire; Registrar — Jumcs R. Cur- ry, Esquire; Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Hon. Harry Peters; Receiver mf Royalties for Queeri's and Sunhury — John Maynard, Esquire ; County Treasurer — Edward Simpson, Esquire ; County Auditor — James Reid, ;2squire ; Inspector of Schools — E. H. Duval, Esquire. Coroner*— John Earle, Thomas T. Hewlett, R. T. Babbitt, George W. White, John Murphy, Thos. M. Tilley, Adam R. Strong, C. R. Bayard, Humphrey Gilbert, Samuel B. Stewart, Albert Ferguson, John T. Bailey and Ed. Slip, Esquires. Auctioneers — Archibald McAllister, William F. Bonnell, David Fergu- son, Edward Simpson, (Gagetown), John Armstrong, William Hogshaw, (Petersville), James T. Tool, James Starkey, Butler S. Thorne, James Pearson, (Johnston), Isaac T. Vanwart, William Golding, (Wickham), Walter S. Butler, (Canning), Lawrence O'Leary, Charles Keith, James Gardner and Thos. Dykeman. Commissioners for taking Special Bail in Supreme Court — Hon. H. Peters (Gagetown), E. L. Burpee, Esquire, (Chipman), Charles Keith, Esq. (Brunswick), Jarae" Ingledew, Esquire, (Johnston.) Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Hon. H. Peters, John J. Millidge, Esq. (Gagetown), Eben. L. Burpee, John Gold- finch, Isaac C. Burpee, Eequires (Chipman), Charles Keith, Esq. (Bruns- wick), Thos. Murray, Esq. (Johnston), Joseph B. Perkini, Esq. (Peters- ville). John Curry, Esq. (Upper Gagetown), Gideon D. Baily, and the Attornios practising in the County. Notary Public — T. R. Wetmore, Esquire ; Issuer of Marriage Lieensts — T. R. Wetmore. Esquire ; Barristers and Attornies — T. R. Wetmore, J. R. Curry and C. A. Harding, Esquires. Terms of General Sessions — Fourth Tuesday in January and June. A Monthly Probate Court for Queen's County is holden at the Judge's oflTice in Gagetown on the third Tuesday in every month, (except July) at which the officers will be in attendance. Probates of Wills and Administra- tions can I ipplied any K:iisra-'s ooxj^sTt^st. . [Area 561,186 acres. Population 23,283. Justices of the Pemce — Justus S. Wetmore, Henry A. Scovi', John C. Vail, A. C. Evanson, John Barbaric, Isaac Haviland, Samuel Foster, John Wightman, John Brittain, Hon. J. H. Ryan, Chas. W. Stockton, John C. Price, Elias S. Wetmore, John Hagarty, Robert M'Cully, Wm. Freeze, jr., Samuel Hallett, Craven Langstroth, Eliaa 8. Freete, Duncan M. Campbell, Isaac A. D«dge, Sasaud Henderson, ohn uel W. bert !iiaa on, KINGS COUNTY. Weeden Fowler, Nelson Arnold, Elijah A. Perkins, Will'am Pyewell, Walter B. ScotH, Charles C. Stewart, James Fairweather, James W. Nowlan, Saml. Foster, John H. Wright, J. D. M. Keator, Robt. S. Foster, John M'Leod, jr., John L. Wilmot, Wm. Pearson, Wm. A. Stockton, Wm. B. M'Keel, Wm. M'Leod, Chas. Gray, Philo. M. Raymond, Nathaniel Belyea, Wm. Buchanan, John O. Dann, Jas. Cookson, Henry Fowler, David Hatfield, Zebulon Connor, Geo. H. Wallace, Wm. Scoullar, Jas. A. Fenwick, Wm. Coates, John M'Arthur, Wm. Keith, Jas. L. Flcwwelling, John Erb, John M'Intyre, Daniel M'Lachlan, John Urquhart, Wm. S. Teakles, Robert Morrison, Wm. Baskin, T. Oliver Arnold, John C. God- ard, Wm. Deniston, Jos. D. Baxter, Jabez E. Titus, Geo. Flewwelling, Geo. Barnes, David McKenzie, Henry Piers, jr., Isaac Faulkner, John Armstrong, Joshua C.Upham, Peter Brennan, Peter Dunn, John M'Leod, (Studholm), Patrick M'Briarty, John Carroll, Nathaniel H. Devcber, Geo. Holmes Kierstead, J. Murray Nase, W. S. Frost, Simeon White, (of the Quorum) and J. S. Whelpley, Esquires. High SA«ri^— Samuel N. Freeze, Esquire. Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas — Edward Betts Smith, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills, and Registrar of Probates — J. C Vail, Esq. Coroners — Isaac Haviland, Sylvester Z. Earle, A. C. Evanson, James Wetmore, Adino Paddock, jr., Obadiah Purdy, John M. Raymond, Allan McLeod and George Rix Price, Esquires. Commissioners for taking Bail and Affidavits in the Supreme Court — John C. Vail, A. C. Evanson, C. W. Stockton, John H. Ryan, John C. Price, Samuel Foster, James A. Reeve, James W. Nowlan, James Cook- son, Isaac A. Doge, and Philo. M. Raymond, Esqs. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — E. B.Smith and T. A. D. McEIman, Esqs. Commissioner for Solemnizing Marriage — John C. Vail, Esquire. Receiver of Crown Debts under Act 7 Vic, c. 36 — Ed. B. Smith, Esq. Auctioneers— E. 3. Freeze, D. Sheck, Wm. H. White, Elijah A, Per- kins, Sam. Freeze, Jas. Lake, Gilbert Titus, Gilford Cougle, Benj. Sproul, Abraham Johnston, jr., Wm. Keith, Jas. E. Fryers, Isaac Pearson, Jere- miah D. Mabee, Joseph D. Baxter, Joseph Belyea, T. G. Barnes, W. M. Teakles, Sam. Gosline, Noah Keath, Wm. A. Stockton, J. M'Naught, Thos. Mathewson, J. Sharp, B. L. Crawford, G. Downey, D. M. Johnson, Jas. W. Nowlan, G. H. Wallace, Douglas Fairweather, Sam'I. Foster, S. Kerstead, John E. Ryan, Weniworth Moflatt, Jos. Ryan, and Geo. F. Ryan. Trustees of Grammar School — Rev. W. E. Scovil, Rev. W. W. Walker, and J. C. Vail, Esquire. Teacher of Grammar School — John Raymond. Inspector of Schools — Thomas W. Wood. County Treasurer — John Flewwelling, Esquire. Terms of the General Sessions — First Tuesday in March and third Tues- day in October. The Probate Court for King's County is held at the Court House on the first Tuesday in every month, except the month of March, and for that month on the Monday next before the first Tuesday, TV WESTMORLAND COUNTY. OOTJISTT^S" OJP •^?^EST:M:OIiXj-A.36T3D, [Area 466,626 acres. Population 25.247.] Justices of the Peace — Hon. Amos E.Botsford, Wm. Wilson, Joseph ATard, Daniel Hannington, Saml. F. Black, Philip Palmer, John Trcnholm, Geo. Oulton, Geo. Pittfield, Philip Chapman, T. E. Smith, Rufus Cole, Thomas Keillor, Jos. Chapman, John Carey, Alex. Munroe, Jas. Anderson, Alexander Wright, Peter McSweeney, Wm. Steadman, David Murray, Thos. Cochran, Sylvanus Minor, Jesse L. Bent, Wm. Allan, Reuben Chase, Ephraim Raworth, Amand Landry, Silas C. Charters, Abraham Jones, Hugh M'Monagle, Samuel S. Wilmot, David Boyd, Chas. Mulryne, Moses Jones, Thomas Gamble, Jas. Dickson, Jos. Bleakney, Thos. Brown, Silas D. Copp, Israel Steves, John Reed, Thos. Carter, Warren Price, Rufus Ohappell, John S. Barnaby, John Reid (Bay de Verte), Frank Gallagher, Pollett Gallang, John S. Trites, John Harris, Jos. M'Haffry, Oliver Jones, Lovel Lewis, Jas. Powell, Louis Richards, Jos. B. Bowser, Jos. Hickman. Titus Hicks, Chris. Harper, John Fawcett, Lemuel Wilber, Geo. Harper, Jonas Taylor, Rufus Wry, Robt. Madison, Patrick Hebert, Robert Godfry, Wm. George, C. C. Hamilton, Jas. Dunlop, Wm. C. Robinson, W. F. Wortman, D. E. Casey, Jeremiah Lutes, W. K. Chapman, Amos Ogden, Angus M'Queen, Stephen Mills, Stephen Bi:::ney, Eusjace Babine, John Ford, Abel Atkinson (of the Quorum), Samuel G. Gilbert, William Duncan, Edwin J. Harshman, Hugh Davidson, Hiram Humphreys, Adam Tait, John H. Brownell, Thomas Baird, Waller Cahill, Adam C. A. Wells, Job Allan, James Tingley, Tbaddeus Legere and Rufus W. Gooden, Esquires. High SheriJ'— Blair Botsford, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Roll* — Charles E. Knapp, Esquire. Judge of Probates — Hon. Edward B. Chandler. Registrar of Probates— ChtLtlea E. Knapp, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — William Backhouse, Esquire. Coroners — Jacob Wortman, John W. Chapma.i, Elias W. Elliott, Jas. Wood, L. Lawrence, Joseph Harper, and W. J. M. Hannington, Esquires. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Hon. Daniel Hannington, John Carey, Edward Cogswell, J. S. Wilmot, W. Wilson, Charles S. Theal, and all Attornies in the County. Commissioner for taking Bail — Hon. D. Hannington. Commissioners under Absconding Debtors^ Act — John Chapman and William Wilson, Esquires. * Inspector of Schools — Thomas W. Wood. Auctioneers — William Lawrence, Ebenezei L. Cowling, Robt. Atkinson, Ichabod Steves, Joshua Wood, J. W. Chapman, Robert Hallett, Hugh M'Monogle, Robert Atkinson, Robert Moffat, W. G. Harrison, W. B. Deacon, John Bennett, S. C. Charters, Wm. J. M. Hannington, William Peacock and Henry Wilbur. Notaries Public— Amos S. Wilson, Charles D. Holstead, D.L. Hanning- ton, Dorchester ; Hon. D. Hannington, Sliediac ; Bliss Botsford, Moncton ; C. Milner, Sackville. Terms of the General Sessions — Third Tuesday in June, and Second Tuesday in December. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. %%^ ooTJl^Ta7^ i?T03R.Ti3:TTiwfl:BEK.ri.A.isrr>- ..,. [Area 26i,371 a«res. Population 18.801.] justices of the Peace — Geo. Krrr, Richard Hutchinson, Hon. Peter Mitch- ell, Alex. Goodfellow, Thomas C. Allan, Alexander M'Laggan, Thos. W. Underhill, James W. Hierlihy, John Porter, Peter Morrison, James L. Pri'^e, Alexander Fraser, sr., Donald M'Naughton, Miles M'Millan, John M'Allistcr, jr., Richard Sutton, Alex. Loudon, Wm. Muirhead, Robinson Crocker, John Harlcy, Geo. E. liCtson, John M'Rac, Hiram Freeze, George Whitney, John Haws, John Williston, Louis Robicheaud, Robt. T. Miller, John Fallen, Burk Archibald, William M. Kelley, Miclincl M'Kendrick, John Lawlor, Alexander K. M'Dougall, Geo. H. Russell, Geo. A. Blair, James Miller, Thos. F. Gillespie, Miles Carroll, John Noonan, Wm. Park, John Rundle, James Fish, Neil Gordon, David Johnston, Robt. Falconer, Geo. Burchill, Alex. Saunders, D. Davidson. John Johnson, (Tabicinto,) Alex. liOggie, (Hurnt Church,) Wm. Muirhead, Wm. Parker, John Fairley, William Swim, Peter Esson, William C. Harley, John Nevin, Charles Sargeant, Jesse G. Harding, Robert R. Call, Alexander Jessamine, Wil'iam Falconer, Vital Allan, Hugh Bain, James T. Gritlin, Jacob C. Gough, Adam A. Shirreff, Michael Searlc, Willium Williston, Isaac Matheson, Jabez B. ^kiowball, William Masse n, jr., and John G. G. Layton, Rowland Crocker, Christ. Parker and James 1 owlcr. Esquires. High (SAer*^— J»mcs Mitchell, Esquire. Cierk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Samuel Thom«on, Esquire. County Treasurer — Mosea M. Sargeant, Esquire. -. , , ; ' ,. Surrogate — Willi«m Wilkinson, Esquire. •.- Registrar — Daniel Ferguson, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — John Lawler. Esquire. Coroners — Martin Cranney, Allan A. Davidson, Robt. B. Wasson, Edw. Rogers, John M'Leod, William O'Brien, John S. Benson, M D., John Thomfon, M. D., and Elijah Fowler, Esqs. Inspector of Schools — Daniel Morrison, Esquire. Commissioners for Taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Patrick Walt, Richard Davidson, William Park, Esquires, and Attornies of Supreme Court. Indian Commissioner — Motes M. Sirgeant, Esquire. Commissioner for Snkmnizing Marriage — James L. Price, Enquire, hsuer of Marriage License — James L. Price, Esq., and E. Williston, Esq. Seizing Officer of Hay cut on Crown Land — William Parker. Auctioneers — Robert T. Miller, John Lawlor, Wm. J. Fraser, Wm. Let- son, .\lcxander Fraser, ('has. Marshall, John Fish, Jabez B. Snowball, Robt. Blake, Adam D. Sherefl", Jas. Johnston, Richard Sutton, Geo. A. Willard, W. Wyae, John G. G. Layton and W. C. Horley. Revenue Officers — Chatham — Deputy Treasurer, Daniel Ferguson ; Land- ing Surveyor, J. C. E. Carmichael; Waiter, Searcher and Locker, Martin Cranney. Newcastle — Deputy Treasurer, W. Parker ; Waiter, Searcher and Locker, David Witherall. imjfv. ■ ki>'"1ii 72 KENT COUNTY. Barristers, Aftornies, and Notaries Public — Newcastle— Allan D. David- son and Samue'. Thomson, ',Esquires. Chatham — Geo. Kerr, Hon. J. M. Johnson, Wm. Wilkinson, Dnnici Ferguson, Richard Carman, Peter Miller, Esquires. Commissioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — Newcastle — Patrick Wntt, Richard Davidson, William Parker, Esquires. Consuls — Norwegian, Hon. R. Hutchinson ; Prussian, Edward Hutchin- son, Esquire; French, John McDougnl, Esquire. Terms of the General Sessions — Socont' Tuesday in January and July. Area 219/ '8 ac • : -alation 15,851. Justices of the Peace — Thomas V^. Blis ^stook P. W. Desbrisay, John Bowser, Hon. David Wark, William Hannington, David McAlmon, William S. Caie, Germain White, Rueben Johnston, Lawrence Mc- Laren, James Burns, Jnmes Girvan, Terrence Curran, John Jardine, jr., John Robertson, Henry Peters, jr., Henry Livingston, John B'*ait, John -Sherridan, Horatio B. Smith, Lewis B. Allain, Chas. Gosselin, Luke Johnson, Fabian D'Aigle, Amant Bourgeois, sen., James Lucas, Alexander McWilliams, jr., Stephen Briggs, Jacob Ferguson, Alexander Girvan, Edward Walker, David M'Minn, Zacheus Phinney, Albert T. Smith, Joseph Doherty, Thomas Stevenson, John Ford, Jonathan Dickenson, John Stevenson, Ken- neth B. Forbes, Robert Brown, Thomas Irving, Alexander Johnston, Owen Mclnerney, H H. Wilson, Henry Dwyer, Pierce Quilty, John Har- nett, Theophilus Bilodeau, Chas. Cormey, Samuel Jerway, Simon Allen, Michael McFadden, Herbert Irving, Thomas Ritchison. Alexander Robinson, (of the Quorum) and Robert Chalmers, Esquires. r,,,'* • High Sheriff — Wm. Hammond, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace, Keeper of the Rolls, and Issuer of Marrtnge Licenses — Charles J. Sayro, Esquire. Surrogate — James A. James, Esquire. Registrar — Charles J. Sayre, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — Thomas W. Bliss, Esquire. Coro7i<?r5— Lawrence McLaren, M. D., Horatio B. Smith, H. H. Wilson, Isaac W. Doherty and J. B. Freeman, M. D., Esquirea. Inspector of Schools — Daniel Morrison, Esquire. Trustees oj the Grammar School — Rev. James Law, A. M., Rev. Joseph Pelletier, P. P., with Thomas W. Bliss and L. McLaren, Esquires. Teacher of Grammar School — (Vacant) Commissioners for taking Bail and Affidavits in Supreme Cour/— Thos. W. I3lis»i, L. P. W. DesCrisay and John Bowser, Esquires. Audioneers — John Bowser, Joseph Wetmore, Henry Livingston, Edward Robs^in, John L. Dwyer, Win. Raymond, Wm. J. Keswick, Rufus S. Chand- ler, Richard Sutton, jr., Jacob Ferguson, John Wheten, and D. McArthur. Commissioners for Sick and Disabled Seamen^i Fund — L. P. W. Des- Brisay, William S. Caie and Robert Wark, Esquires. I D. Datid. [on. J. M. eter Miller, Bwcastle — 1 Hatchin- nd July. isay, John McAlmon, 3nco Mc. I, jr., John Sherridan, •n, Fabian iliams, jr., Walker, Doherty, son, Kcn- Juhnston, ohn Har- m Allen, Robinson, Licenses , WiUon, T. Joseph /— Thos. , Edvrard 1. Chand- Vrthur. W. Des. GLOUCESTER COUNTY. 73 Medical officer in charge oj Hospital — Lawrence McLaren, Enquire ; Mairon and Superintendent — Mrs. McNeil. Commissioners for Sic/c and Disabled Seamen's Fund at Buctouche — H# i '"o B. Smith and M. Alkioson, Esquires — Medical Superintendent in CL It — H. H. Wilson, F.squire. C'junfy TrMsure} — Robert Wark, E^iquire. /.rent for LLydtt^ — L. P. W. DesPiijay, Esquire. \'ce Cjnsuls — Sweden and Norway — Robert HuJchinson, Esquire, Ri uibucto — John Bowser, Fsquirc, Buctouche. 'iK.« i COUNTY AGUICULTUllAL SOCIETY. Mr. John Carruiher, President. Jamci Girvan and Jonathan Dickenson, Vice Presidents. John Brait, Esquire, Secretary. Terms of the General Sessions — Second Tuesday in January and Fourth Tuesday in June. Harbor Master, Mr. Datid Wright; Health Officer, Isaac W. DoL ,ly, ' . D. OOXJlSTT'^r OF OIjOXJCESTX;..*.. [Area 182,744 acres. Population 15,076.1 * Justices of the Peace — Wm. Napier, Esq., Hon. John F«rgu^on, Perry J. N. Dumaresq, John Doran, Robt. Robinson, Francis Fer: or Sam. L. Bishop, John Chalmers, John Walsh, Wm. Taylor, Joseph .i.-weil, John Meahan, John E. O'Brien, George Smith, James G. C. Blackball, Charles Meahan, James Smith, Robert Brown, Robert Young, Robt. Nixon, Wm. Davidson, Wm. End, Hilarion Ache, Francis Alexandre, Alex. Camp- bell, John Foley, Mathew Parrott, Andrew Darcy, Samuel Miller, Ruf'us Cutler Cole, Henry Augustine M'Culloch, John Kerr, William Ferguson, Patrick Whelan, Robert Young, Sen., John Louis Legere, Henry A. Sormany, Kennedy F. Burns, John Kerr, Rich'd Fisk, Francis Scott, David Henneney, Mark Devereaux, Adam Sutherland, (of the Quorum) and Patrick J. Foley, Esquires. High Sheriff— D. Gustavua Maclauchlan, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls f and Clerk of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas — 'J'heophilus DesBrisay, Esquire. Surrogate — Henry Will''.ia Baldwin, Esquire. Registrar of Probates — D. Gustavus Maclauchlan, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— Henry William Baldwin, Esquire. Coroners — John McKenna, Joseph Sewell and W. W. Gordon, M. D., Esquires. Inspector of Schools — D. Morrison, Esquire. Licensed Auctioneers — Francis Alexandre, William Taylor, Robert Young, Henry William Baldwin, Benjamin W. Weldoii and Francis Meahan. Principal of the Grammar School — Geo. R. Parkin, Esq., B. A. Barristers and Attornies Practising — William End and Theophilus DesBrisay, Esquires. Coh»missioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court — William Napier, John Doran, Robert Young, Jamei G. C. Blackall and Samuel L. Bishop, Esquirea. * ' " vtr. 74 • CARLETON COUNTY. Commissioners for takmi; Affidavits in the Supreme Court — William Nai)ier, Jehn Doran, Robert Young, James G. C. Blackall, Samuel L. Bish- op, and the Barrii^teri and Attorniss practising in the County. Trustees and Directors of the Grammar School — William Napiar, Samuel L. Diihop, W. End, Theophilui Dcatirisaj, Esqi., Hon. John Ferguaon, and the Rer. William Lebaron McKicl. County Treasurer — H. W. Baldwin, Esquire. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — W. Napier, Esquire. Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage — Wiiliam Napier, Esquire. President of the Agricultural Society — Samuel L. Bishop, Esquire ; Secretary — William Napier, Esquire. Members of Board for Management of Tracadie Lazarette — The Rev. F. X. Gauvreau and William Ferguson, Esq. Terms of the General Sessions — First Tuesday in January and First Tuesday in July. *^ [Area 700,000 acres. Population 18,800.] Justices of the Peace — John Dibblee, Chas. Perley, David Munroe, Jas. R. Tupper, William Lindsay, A. Upton, Paul M. Bedell, R. D. Beardsley, S. Estabrooks, Chas. Connell, J. A. Philips, Jas. Lockwood, Geo. Clowes, Jos. Burpee, Zephaniah Mills, Leonard R. Harding, George L. Raymond, William T. Baird, Matthew T. Philips, Abner Bull, Jos. Rideout, Jarvis Estey, Michael M'Guirk, Jas. Kelley, Stephen G. Burpee, Wm. Hayward, Benj. L. Richardson, Murphy Giberson, Wm. S. Nevers, John Bubar, John Holland Esty, Calvin Churchill, Robt. Hay, Robt. A. Hay, Wm. Lind- say, Richard S. Bull, Anthony Kearney, Geo. M'Donough, Alexander Kirkpatrick, Chas. Shea, Jas. Jordan, Edwin R. Parsons, William Forrest, John Burt, Hugh Cowperthwaite, Elisha Shaw, Hamilton Yerxa, Samuel Dickenson, Cornelius Connolly, John Bennett, Richard S. Clark, James Ebbett, William Dell Estey, Isaac S. Carvill, William Reed, Seth Squires, Isaiah B. Rideout, Alexander Hawthorn, George Millbery, George Wade, Geo. Squires, William B. Tompkins, George Thomas Hartley, Warren C. Bull, Alex. Walker, Harris H. Hobbs, John Thos. Allan, Simeon Cum- mins, James Grover, George H. Connell, John D. Ketchum, Alexander Lindsay, Delancy Tomkins, Edward J. Smith, Robert Kerr, Norris Best, William F. Dibblee, John Fisher, George W. Boyer, Isaac Wortman, James H. Jacques, John Leary, Scott Emery, David N. Raymond, Hugh Montgomery, John Wolverton, Samuel H. Shaw, Andrew Stephenson, James Bridges, Gilbert Vanwart, Howard Debeck, Oliver Hemphill, Rich- ard Holmes, George Hartley, John Balloch, Bartholomew Lynch, William Hale, John McLaughlan, C. P. Connell, George Stickney, John Giberson, David Gibson, Ivory Kilbum, John Watson, Rich'd McKinney, Zebedea Cox, John W. Raymond, Jas. N. Moore, John Harper, Joseph Crawford, (Abar- deen) John Boyd, Thos. Lindsay, (Simonds) Jas. Mclean, Hugh Miller, W. H. Bartram, W. Neil, A. Perkins, (Simonds) W. S. Shea, Ed. Gray, (Simonds) Moses Boyer, Geo. Havay, W. L. Drier, Frank Rankin, Jas. Dyer, David N. (of^ RESTIGOUCHK COUNTY. 75 N. Oibenon, T. B. Crafton, Geo. Strickland, Teo«. Longstaff, Chas. McDou- gal, Silts L. Plumraer, Geo. L. Croukite, Geo. W. Wheeler, Chas. Rogers, (of the Quorum) and John Taylor, Esquires. High SAcrt^— Frederick R. Jenkins Dibblee, Esquire. Clerk oj the Peace and Inferior Court of Common iVcaa— John U. Win- slow, Esquire. Issuers oJ Marriage Licentes — H. M. G. Gardon and J. C. Winnlow, Esquires. Surrogate — Lewis P. Fisher, Esquire. Registrar of Probates — D. L. Dibblee, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — David Munroe, Esquire. Notaries Public — Lewis P. Fisher and J. C. Winsiow, Esquires. Inspector of Schools — Edward C. Freeze. Principal of Gra^imar School — James McCoy. Coroners — George Stickney, George West, William Connell, Charles Upton, William L. Drier, J. T. Allan, Samuel Watts, Chas P. Connell and Rich'd Port. Commissioners for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court — George L. Raymond and James R. T 'pper, Esquires. Practising Attornies — L. P. Fisher, D. L. Dibblee, George Connell, Jas. Edgar, Wm. M. Connell, John C. Winsiow, and R. K. Jones, Esqs. Auctioneers — Allnnson Payson, Jomes H. Jacques, James Robertson, Hugh McLean, John Edgar and Geo. Strickland. Commissioner under the Absconding Debtors' Act — J. Dibblee. Terms of the General Sessions — First Tuesday in January and fourth Tuesday in Junr. OOTJlST'T^Sr OF IRESTICa-OXJCIBaZE. [Area 77,016 acres. Population 4,874.] Justices of the Peace — John Montgomery, D. Stewart, Adam Ferguson, Arthur Ritchie, Archibald Ramsay, William Hamilton, William S. Smith, John Ultican, John McNair, John Cook, jr., John McMillan, John Duncan, JohnJVlcMillan, jr., John Gillies, Robert Ferguson, David Ritchie, Alex. C. DesBrisay, Chas. Murray, Patk. Doyle. John H. Pride, Allan Andrew, Donald McAlister, William Hamilton, 2d, Asacl Wells, George Moffatt, John McLauchlan, Patk. Doyle, John Murchy, Alexandra Laing, Arch. McKenzie, William M. Caldwell, A. W. DesBrisay, W. McMillan, Geo. Haddow, Peter Hamilton, jr., Jas. Ritchie, Jas. Reid, jr., M.ilcolm Patter- son, John Queen. And. Harrie, Wm. Jamieson, Geo. Wright, David Dun- can, jr-, John Adams, jr., Geo. White, Paul Devereaux, Lawrence Lc- point, (of the Quorum) and Ro1)ert Archibald, Esquires. High Sheriff— John L. Barberie, Esquire. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the RolU— Andrew Barberie, Esquire. Surrogate — Chipman Botsford, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Probates — Andrew Barberie, Esquire. Inspector of Schools — Daniel Morrison. Trustees of Schools— Uey . James Murray and Rev. William Nelson. Supervisor of Roads — Hon. John McMillan. . v ,,: - T6 ALBERT COUNTY. M{ Commissioners for taking Bailin the Supreme Court — Dugald Stewart and Archibald Ramsny. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — A.Barbcric, Eiquire. Commissioners under the Absconding Debtors^ Act — Dugald Htowart and Archibald Rnmsay. Coroners — James S. Moore and John U. Campbell, Esquires. Fish Wardens — John Duncan and Alexander Cook; District No. 13 (Durham and Colborne) — Wm. McMillan. Teacher of the Grammar School — Crawford Hutchinson. Auctioneers — John U. Ca..ipbell, Charles Murray, David Sadler, Wm. Montgoniejy and John Phillips. County Treasurer — Donald Stewart. Terms of the General Sessions — First Tuesday in January «nd Second Tuesday in July. OOTJITT-ir OF -A.IjBEI^T. [Area 204,037 acres. Population 9,414.] Justices of the Peace — Hon. E. B. Chandler, John Smith, P. Mcliellan, James Brewester, John Lewis, W. H. Steeves, George Calhoun, Elisha Peck, George Sleeves, Enoch Stiles, Edward Slovens, J. S. Colpitis, Robt. Wright, Isaac Gross, John Wallace, Edward Steves, James Rogers, Levi Wells, John A. Reed, Hiram Edgett, Ezra Steves, James Ryan, William S. Hopper, John Barchard, A. R. Cha[)man, James Horseman, Thomas Colpitt, Lewis E. Steves, Amos A. 13liss, Wm. Hallett, J^ewis Smith James Carnwath, W. P. Rol)in«ori, John N. Chapman, W. J. Reed, John Alcon, Nathan M. Bennett, John L. B. Steves, Wm. Fillmore, Peter Duf- fy, Joseph A. Sleeves, (of the Quorum) and John Cleveland, jr., Esquires. Hi^h Sheriff — Joseph S. Reed, Esquire. Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the Peace and <f the Inferior Court of Commmi Pleas — Samuel G. Morse, Esquire. Surrogate — M B. Palmer, Esquire. Registrar of Probates — Samuel G. Morse, Esquire. Registrar of Deeds and Wills — George Calhoun, Esquire. Coroners — J. S. Reed, W. J. Lewis, W. C. Trilcs, Paul R. Moore and Robert Wright, Esquires. Commissioners fur taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — George Cal- houn and Elisha Peck, together with ihe Attornies. Barristers and Attornies residing at Hopewell — S. G. Morse, M. B. Palmer, T. B. Moore and C. A. Peck. .j ^- , ,.» mm. i Inspector cf Schools — T.W.Wood. ■ Teacher of the Grammar School — C. Colter. Auctioneers — Lewis E. Steves, James Montgomery and Wm.Woodworth. Commissioner for taking Special Bail in the Supreme Court at Hope- well — George Calhoun, Esquire. Term of the Albert Circuit Court — Second Tuesday in July. Terms of the General Sessions — Fourth Tuesday in June and lecond Tuesday in November. Court VICTORIA COUNTY. If . COUNTY OF VICTORIA. [Aroft 128,800 acrei. Populatlqn 7,701.] fustieea of the Peace — Benjamin Deverige, Charles A. Hammond, Peter C. /k-^ireaux, John Coatigan, Vital Thibideau, Leon Bclleflaur, Antonit^ Bellefleur, James Bishop, George W. Curry, Barnabas Armstrong, Thos. Finn, Regist Therriault, Pruden Gagon, Stephen Glazier, Walter Brit, Michael Kirlin, William Clifford, William Hart, Abraham C.Hammond, Hilaire LeVasseur, Flourent Fournier, John Hartt, Roderick McLean, James Grew, Rosamond Violette, Joshua D. Giburson, Joseph Cyr, Vitnl Herbert Hebert, Adam L. Bereridgc, Francis Tibbitts, EzekicI Hutchison, Abraham T. Coombcs, William D. Kearney, Cyrill Patrois, Wm. Everitt, William M. Laskey, Cornelius McManus, Joseph HianiTrau, Wm. More- house, Elijah Larkin, Lcvit Therriault, John Linch, John Tobin, Augus- tine Daiglo, Joseph Martin, Samuel Bishop, Daniel Hopkins, Duncan Reed, Thomas Croiier, Frederick W. Brown, Nathaniel L. Price, Msgloire Albert, Magloir Hebert, Thomas Chasse, Ward C. Burpee, Alexander li. Watson, John Jenkins, W. R. Ncwcomb, Lewis Pickelt, Elijah Estn- brookfl, Peter O. Byram, Samuel Young, F. E. Beckvtitli, F. W. Bullins Joseph Barnes, Hy. Basscy, Geo. Bois (of the Quorum) and Manus Mc Closkey, Esquires. Sheriff"— A. L. Coombes, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace, and Inferior Coxirt of Com- mon Pleat — William T. Wilrnot, Escjuire. Issuer of Marriage Licenses — William T. Wilmot, Esquires. Surrogate — William M. McLauchlan, Esquire. Registrar of Probates, Deeds and Wills — N. L. Price, Esquire. Coroners — J. Emerson, F. Tibbits William Clifford and Jas. Grrcn. Seizing Officers — F. E. Bcckwith and C. E. Bcckwith. Deputy Treasurers — F. K. W. Brown, Grand Falls; Francis Tibbits, Tobique ; Alphoneo Bertram, Edniunston. Auctioneers — W.Clifford, F. E. Beckwith, Thomas Crozier, Wm. Harft. Inspector of Schools — Edward C. Freeze, Esquire. Trustees of the Grammar School — Rev. H. McQuirk, Ret. W. H. Stirel, and F. E. Beckwith. Teacher of the Grammar School— M. O'Grady. Terms of the General Sessions — Second Tuesday in January and first Tuesday in July. <>■>» (Smlniutml lupartm^nt. cond THE UNITED CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND IRELAx^D DIOCESK OP PBISERICTOX. The Right Reverend John Medley, D. D., Lord Bishop Fredcricten Chiplaiitb — Rers. I. W. D. Gray, D. D., and Stmuol Bacon. n ECCLESIASTICAL. The Cathedral Church, Frederieton. Dkiw — The Lord Bishop of Frederieton. Cajtons (Honorary) — RoVs. I. W. El. Gray, D. D., and Wra. Harrison. 8uB-D«AN — Rev. John Pearson. Assistant Mixistjers — Revs. John Pearson and Charles G. Coster. CLERGV IN THE SEVERAL RURAL DEANERIES. 1 — Deanery of Frederieton. Rural Djbax — Reverend Charles Lee. Kcv. John Black, Rector of Kingsclear. <' Charles G. Coster, Chaplain to the Forces and Assistant Minister of the Cathedral. Rev. Thaodore E. Dowling, Rector of Douglas. ^, ? Thomas Hartin, Missionary of Canterbury. William Jaffrey, Rector for St. Mary's and Stanley. «• Charles Lee, Rector of Frederieton. John Pearj-in, Sub-Dean, Assistant Min''ster of the Cathedral, and Miii :;:iary at New Maryland. ' Henry Poliand, Rector of Maugcrviile and Burton. E. Hannington, Prince William. 2 — Deanery of St. John. Rural Dean— Rev. I. W. D. Gray, D. D. Rev. William Armstrong, Rector of Saint James. George M. Armstrong, Rector of Saint Mark's. Walter S Coveit, Missionary of Lancaster. «• William H. DeVeber, Rector of St. Paul's, Portland. James W. Disbrow. I. W. D. Gray, D, D., Canon of Christ's Church, Frederieton, and Rector of Stint John. <• William Harrison, Canon of Christ's Church, Frederieton, and Rector of Portland. It " J. J. Hill, Curate of St. John. " S. B. Kellog, Curate of St. Mark's. «• William Scovil, Chaplain to the Provincial Lunatic Asylum. <« George Schofield, Rector of Simonds, and Chaplain to th« Provincial Penitentiary. •« Maurice Swabey, Rector of St. Jude's, Carleton. ^ f«^ «• W. Harrison Tilley, Curate of Portland. ^ ,; 1 1 i % ^.# ♦• W. Walker, Rector of St. George's, Carlefon. 3 — Deanery of Kingston. Rural Dkatt — Rev. William E, Scovih :in- Rev. C. Medley, Rector of Sussex. M J. S, Hanford, Missionary at Uph-m, 1 Rev. 1 1 son. 1 « ^ « ter. K t< U .Uj <( (< .-* / (( of 4< ;'! i 51/ Rev. r%A « lu « . i( « w u^.' *. Rev. (( u it (C Rev. ti „ •• ' it ti a '' >:i tilf: Rer. ECCLESIASTICAL. Christopher Milner, retired Missionarj, Westfield. C. Matthew, Missionary at Peiersville. James Neales, Rector of Gagetown. David W. Pickett, Missionarj at Greenvrich and Wickham George Rogers, Missionarj at Springfield. W. E. Scovil, Rector of Kingston. B. Shaw, Missionarj at Grand Lake. Richard Simonds, Missionary at Studholm. ^ Edmund A. Warneford, Rector of Norton. William W. Walker, Rector of Hampton. George Walker, Curate of Hampton. David f. Wetmore, Missionary at Kingston. Edward S. Woodman, Missionary at Westfield. Abraham Wood, retired Missionarj, Gagetown. 4 — Deanery of St. Andrews. Rural Dkak — Rev. W. Q. Kotchum, M. A. George T. Carey, Rector of Grand Manan. William Q. Ketchiim, M. A., Rector of St. Andrews. Edward S. Medley, Rector of Si. Stephen. ^"? .. Ranald E. Smith, Assistant Minister at St. Andrews. J. S. Thompson, Rector of St. David's. John S. Williams, Missionary at Campo Bello. 5 — Deanery of Woodstock. Rural Deait — Reverend S. D. Lee Street. J. Dinzey, Curate of Woodstock. S. D. Lee Street, Rector of Woodstock. W. Henry Street, Missionary at Tobique and Grand Falls. Charles F. Street, Rector of Prince William and Dumfries. •* H. W. Tippet, Rect')r of Queensbury. ' 6— Deanery of Chatham. M^h^^^--^ Rural Diak — Reverend Samuel Bacon. ... ,- ,<y ■ Samuel Bacon, Rector of Chatham. William Cruden, Missionary at Blackvitle and Nelson. N. Allan Coster, Recter of Richibucto. James Hudson, Missionary at Glenclg, Newcastle, &c. W. LeB. McKiel, Missionary at Bathurst. W. Stirling Neales, Assistant Minister at Chatham. 7 — Deanery of Shediac. Rural Deak — Reverend George S. Jarvis, D. D. Donald M. Bliss, Rector of Westmorland. IP it *"«..♦ ■>.; ■.h'. .0 i( « (t 4. (( William N. Boyer, Rector of Moncton. George S. Jarvis, D. D., Rector of Shediac. O. Goodridge Roberts, Rector of Sackville and Dorchester. Alfred H. Weeks, Missionary at Buctouche and Cocaigne. J. P. Sheraton, Rector of St. Andrew's, Shediac. if M SOOLBSUSTIOAL. la connection with the Church of England the principal Auocittion ia the Dioceian Church Society. Its objects are as follow : 1. Missionary visits to places where there is no settled Clergyman, and aid to new and poor Missions. 3. The establishment of Divinity Scholarships at King's College, Frederic- ton ; and assistance, where necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the Ministry, especially sons of Cierymen. 3. Aid to Sunday ancT other Schools in which Church principles are taught and the training and encouraging of Schoolmasters and Catechists. 4. The supply of such Books and Tracts as are on the Catalogue of the Society fer promoting Christian Knowledge, and none other. 5. Aid to the building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels. 6. Aid to the building of Parsonage Houses. 7. The creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of Clergymen who are poor ; and towards the education of the children of such Clergymen ; and towards the making a provision for those whe may be in- capacitated by age or infirmity. 8. The creation of a fund for the widows and orphans of Clergy. 9. Aid to the Endowment Fund in particular Parishes. Income of the Society for the present year. Collections and Subscriptions, $6,805 30 Proceeds Bills of Exchange, £3,860 stg., 13,982 20 Loans and Investments, 3,720 30 $24,507 80 Granted by the General Committee^ 1867. Missionary Purposes, $6,550 00 S. P. G. Grant, ^.3,982 28 Contingencies, 200 00 Widow and Orphan Fund, 621 00 Officers, 200 00 Schools, -. 40 00 Special Grant for Hymn Books, 87 73 21,681 01 orricsss o? thx niecxsAV chubor booistt. President — The Right Kev. John, Lord Bishop of Fredericton. Vice Presidents — The Honorable Neville Parker, Master of the Rolls ; Hon. John S. Saunders, Frederick A. Wiggins, Esquire ; H. Bowycr Smith, Esquire ; Colonel John Robinson, Hon S. L. Tilley, C. B. Treasurer — Samuel J. Scovil, Esquire, St. John. Auditors — C. H. Fairweather, and W. H. A. Keans, Esquires. Loan and Finance Committee — W illiam Jack, Esquire ; C. H Fairw«ather, Esquire, S. J. Scovii, Esquire, Rev. W. Scovil, and B. L. Peters, Esquire. Secretary — The Rev. Q. Ketchum, M. A., Saint Andrews. R« R( >cittioii i« man, and Fredtric- eparation re tauffhl le of the ipenda of 1 of such ay be in- 1,805 30 1,982 20 (,720 30 ,607 80 ,550 00 982 28 200 00 621 00 200 00 40 00 87 73 '81 01 Rolls; Smith, lather, ire. ECCLESIASTICAL. 81 THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Right Rer. J. Sweeney, D. D., Bishop of St. John, N. B. Rev. W. J. Foley, Rev. R. Walsh, Rev. E. Do>ip, Rev. M. X. Micheaud, Saint John. Rev. £. J. Dunphy, Carleton, Saint John. " R. Vereker, Saint Andrews. " J. C. McDevitt, Rev. F. O'Neil, Fredericton. .. . " P. Bradley, Salmon River. " M. Demers, Buctouche. " B. McKeaney, Johnvillo, Carleton County. , " D. O'Brien, New Ireland, Albert County. " James Quinn, Rev. E. Quinn, Saint Stephens. , : " John Quinn, Saint George. « P. Farrel, Petersville, Q. Co. " Father Lefebre, Rev. M. Robert, Rev. M.'Bazoyne, Memramceok. «♦ T. Connolly, Woodstock. " John J. Nugent, St. Bruno, Madawaska. " W. Aylward, Quaco. " J. Vereker, Sussex Vale. •< F. X. Lafrance, Barachois. «» F. Babneau, Caps Bald. " A. GooBelin, Cocaigne. " Michael J. Dor.nelly, Grand Dique. « P. Holahan, Moncton. " John C. Murray, Kingston, Kent. , " M. Sweron, St. Luce .>tv «** :. ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN IN THE DIOCESE OF CHATHAM, N. B. Right Rev. James Rogers, D. D., Bishop of Chatham. Rev. T. Barry I. Gaynon, Chatham. Very Rev. M. Egan, Nelson, Miramichi. " " J. M. Pacquet, V. G., Caraquet. Rev. F. Gauvreau, Tracadie. ' " H. McGuirk, St. Basil, Madawaska. " Joseph Theberge, Bartibogue. " W. A. Morrisey, Bathurst. " Joseph Pelletier, Kouchibouguasis. Andrew Roy, Shippegtn. •' P. Rogers, Petit Rocher. « Bartibouge, Miramichi. " J. O'Leary, Rcnous, Miramichi. »*vi PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK. IN CONNECTION WITU THH CHURCH •? SCOTLANP. • Rev. Dr. Henderson, Moderator; Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D., Clerk. ' 1. Presbytery of St. John—RevB. Wm. Donald, D. D., Clerk ; Fredsric- ton. Rev. John M. Brooke, D. D. ; Nashwaak, Stanley and Boiestown, ■- {-nr "^ ■'wvt'lilt'TRW 82 ICCLESIASTICAL. Hi Peter Keay, A. M.; Moncton, -; Richmond, Jain«i Kidd, A. M. ; Saint Andrews and Saint Patrick, John Ross ; City of St. John, William Donald, D.D. ; Portland and Rothsay, George J. Caie, A.B. ; Woodtlock and Northampton, William Thomas Wilkins, A.B. 2. Presbytery of Miramichi — Rev, Dr. Henderson, Clerk; Black Rircr and Red Bank, ; Chatham, Charles S. Ogg, A.M. ; Newcastle and Douglastown, William Henderson, D. D. ; Tabusintac and Burnt Church, . 3. Presbytery of Restigouehe — Ret. , Clerk; Bathurst, Fred- erick Home, A.M. ; Campbclltown and Flatlands, Wm. Wilson ; Dulhoii- sie and Maplegreen, ; New Richmond, John Wells. SFNOD oy th« PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. Jas. Bennet, St. John, Mod'r. Rev. Peter J. M'Gregor, Halifax, Clerk. 1. Presbytery of St. John — Revs. Andrew Donald, Campbell Settlement, dec; Lewis Jack, Springfield ; James Bennet, St. John Presb'n Church ; Wm. Alves, A.M., Clerk, Calvin Church, St. John ; , Carleton ; Janiee G^ay, A.M., Norton ; Neil McKay, St. David's, St. John. S. Presbytery of St. Stephen — Revs. John Turnbull, St. James ; Wm. MilUn, Bocabec ; P. M. Morrison, St. Stephen. 3. Presbytery of York — Revs. Alexander Stirling, Fredericton ; Alex'r. Smith, Prince William ; James Salmon, Salmon River; Samuel Bernard, Glassvilie. 4. Presbytery of Miramichi — Revs. Angus McMaster, New Mills ; Jas. Law, A.M., Richibucto ; Thomas G. Johnston, Blackville ; Thomas Nich- olson, River Charles ; James Fo,fIer, Clerk, Bass River. REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF IRELAND. Revs. Alexander McLeod Stavely, St. John ; J. R. Lawron, Barnosville and Black River; Millstreani and Wats«n Settlement, vacant. WESLEYAN METHODIST MINISTERS. ; ST. JOHN niSTRICT. James England, Chairman. Charles Stewart, Financial Secretary. St. John, South (Germain Street) — Charles Stewart; John B. Strong, Supernumerary; Centenary, James England ; William Temple, Michael Pickles, William T. Cardy, Supernumeraries. (Exraouth Street) — Wm. H. HeartE. St. /»An, North, J. R. Narraway, A.M. St. John, West, Wm. W. Perkins. Fairville, Joseph G. Angwin. St. Andrews, Robert Wilson. St. David's, John L. Sponagle. Sv^int Stephen, A. B. Black. Milltown, Howard Spr: jjue, A.M. Sutsex Vale, George B. Payson. Grand Lake, Jlre., Geor|,;3 .•J''.''rii''.i. Haveloek, Isaac N. Parker. Greenwich, John S. Allen. Kingston *. J. C ' ter. Upham, Douglas Chapman. FPBDIRICTON I TSTRIGT. J. L;i?h*;sk , l;h»<; :kt!i, A. W. T^icolson, Financial Secretary. Frederietm J :-/jk La(h;^/n. SheJ^rld^ J«b Shenton. Kingaclear, John A. Clark, A.V5, Wc>odstccki Alex, V\ . Nicolson, W. H. Burns. Jackson- ville, Fred'k W lltrriio:,, "J^hrenceville, James R, Hart. Andover, Joh I Johns^ chi, Dalhoi lx\\ Sack Robert McCaJ Hillsbc Hcmi R. Bai Advoec Ziti fer, Id, A.M.; , William ^oo(]«tock ick Rircr Fewcastlo id Burnt St, Fred- Dalhou- 5WICK. X, Cl.rk. tlement, Church ; arleten ; i; Wm. Alex'r. lernard, s ; Jas. 8 Nich- D. lesville ECCLESIASTICAL. 83 Jtrong, ichaei hWra. Win. ^ilson. liown, Lake, •ha S. John 'kson,' ', Joh Johnson. Naahwaak, S. B. Martin. Gagetoion, John Caanidy. Mirami' ehi, Edwin Evanii, Arthnr D Morton, A. 6. Bathurst, William Alcorn. Dalhousie, R. H. Taylor. BACKVILLH DISTRICT. Ingham Sutcliffe, Chairman. Robert Uuncan, Financial Secretary. Sackvillty S. W. Sprague ; J. Snowball, Supernumerary. Point de Butty Robert Duncan. Bale de Verte, A.S Tutlle. Mondon and Coverdale, Wm. McCarty. Dorchester. William C. Brown. Hopewell, James Tweedy. Hillsborough, Stephen Humphrey, A.B. Salisbury and Elgin, James B. Hcmmeon. Richibudo, William Tweedy. Amherst, Ingham Sutcliffe and R. Barry Mack. Parrsboro\ Robert Tweedy and Robert O. B. Johnson. Advocate Harbour, David W. LeLacheur. Zitii's Church, Portland — J. G, Baylis, Pastor. BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. WK8TBRN ASSOCIATION. RcTs. I. E. Bill, G. W. M. Carey. Wm. S. McKenzic, and J. W. Titus, Saint John; E. C Cady, A.M.; Portland; W. A. I. Blakeney, Grand Falls; George Burns, Maugerviile , Joseph C. Blakeney, Woodstock; B. Franklin Rattray, A. D. Thompson, Saint Andrews; G. R. Campbell, Eel River; J. G. Harvey, Upper Woodstock; James 'I'o»er, Wm. Harris, Kes- wick; G. Estabrooks, Simonds; Wm. M. Edwards, Biissfield ; Wm. L. Hopkins, Pennfield ; Chas. Sjjurden, D. D. ; Fredericton ; Jas. A. Stead- man, St. George; Jas. Wnlkcr, Mascarine ; 1', Hiokson, NewcaslK ; T. M. Saunders, B. Jcwett, Prince William ; James Tozer, Keswick ; J. H. Tup- fer, Kingsclear ; E. Webb, Nerppis ; J. Williams, Frcjlericton ; W. C. Ivideouf, Saint Davids ; W. Siraiig, Ujiper (Jngj-town : Jarvis Ring, Saint John; James Spencer, do.; Alexander Estabrnoks-, Bi)iestnwn ; R<-> J. C. Hurd, Fredericton. Licentiates — W. Innis, Elijah B. Corey, T. P. Davies, W. imley, George Jewett, Joseph Jones, S. D. Miller, 1). Manzer, P. M. M od, D. C. Stillwell, J. S. May, J. E. Hopper, A. M., R.Willis, and G. E. Day, M. D. EASTERN ASSOCIATION. • Revs. David Blakeney, Elgin ; Samuel Bancroft, Butter' Ridge ; David Crandal, W. A. Corey, and W. A. Troop, Springfield ; A. Cole- man, Potitcodiac ; W. A. Crandal, Ossekeag ; Nathaniel Cleve.and, Alma; W. T. Corey, Patrick DufTy, and VV. Pulcifer, Hilsborough : W. W. Corey, Moncton ; Henry Charlton, Range, Grand Lake ; J. M Currey, Kars ; J. E. Fillamore, Turtle Creek; J. A. Smith, St. Martins; J. F. Goldrup, Stoney Creek, Coverdale ; James Herritt, Havelock ; H. Harris, Cambridge ; James Irving, Baltimore, A. C. ; Caleb Sprngg, Lute's W. O., Moncton; J. Wallace, Coverdnle ; E. F. Foshay, Hopewell; '-. Harris, Cambridge ; Donald McPhail, Buctouche ; Alex. Mutch, Fairfield ; A. B. Macdonnid, Cambridge (Narrows) ; Peter Spragg, Springfield ; W. Sprin. ger, Jemseg ; Thomas Todd, Sackville ; James Trimble, Elgin ; A. Wash, burn St. Martins ; Samuel Bancroft, Butternut Ridgo ; Hezskiah Harris, 84 K0CLESIA8TI0AL. Cambridge ; J. 0. Steadman, Elgin, Little River ; F. O. Reece, Salisbury ; Starritt Manning, SIgin ; George Seely, Harvey ; Eiias Kierstead, Collina Corner ; J. WilliamB, Hepewell. Liceniiales. — Solomon Prince, W. L. Prince, Michael Gross, H. Mc- Latckey, Robert Howt, J. W. Titus, J. W. Carpenter, J. E. Hopper, S. C. Moore, John Scars and Daniel Carpenter. NEW BRUNSWICK BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY BOARD— 1867-8. Rev. Ingham S. Bill, President ; Revs. C. Spurden, D. D., J. Rowe, J. A. Smith, William A. Coleman, A. D. Thompson, W. Saunders. J. Her- ritt, and G. W. M. Carey, Vice President ; Rev. E. C. Cady, Correspond- ing Secretary ; James E. Masters, Recording Secretary ; Gilbert M. Sleeves, Esquire, Treasurer; Hon. Alexander McL. Seely, Auditor. Executive Board — Messrs. C. E. Burnhum, J. S. May, J. R. Pidgeon, John H. Hard- ing, John Smith, James Gierke, John Fisher, Thomas Bell, John A. Chel- sey, E. J. Bartenux, Z. G. Gabel, Jonathan Titus, J. W. Hartt, M. Francis, J. Strangfc, S. Gerow, and 0. G. Berryman, with the Officers of the Society and Minlslcrs connected with the tw;> Associations. ■•5 OFFICERS OF THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF NOVA^ SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, AND P. E. ISLAND— 1867-8.' Rev. Dr. Spurden, President ; Rev. Dr. Crawley, C. Randal, Dr. Cramp, Hon. Judge Johnston, David Crandal, and Hon. A. McL. Seely, Vice PreeiJents ; Rev. I. Wallace, Secretary for Nova Scotia ; J. F. Masters, Esquire, Secretary for New Brunswick ; J. W. Hartt, A. M. Treasurer ; Revs. A. D. Thompson, A. S. P\ nt, I. E. Bill, R. D. Porter, W. 8. Mc- Kenzie, W. G. Parker, George F. Miles, G. W. M. Carey, Henry Angell, Thomas Todd, D. M. Wcllon, W. A. Coleman, J. E. Balcomb, James Parker, J. Pryor, D. D., and John Fisher, Ji»hn King, Asa Coy, Hon. Avary Longley, J. W. Nutting, J«seph Shaw, A. S. Blenkhorn, George Davies, John H. Harding, A. W, Masters, Esquires, Board of Directors. Boai ! of Foreign Missions — Rev. G. Armstrong, A.M*, Chairman ; Rev. C. Tupper, D. D., Secretary r Ansel T. Barker, Esquire, Treasurer; Revs. W. G. Parker, Ingham E. Bill, A. Stronach, J. S. Reed, James Parker, W. H. Perter, Isaiah Wallace, N. Vidito, J. Rowe, S. Whcelock, Esq., and Ambrose Dodge, Esq. Ministerial Education Board — Nova Scotia — S. Seldon, Chairman ; B. H. Eaton, A. M., Secretary ; D. McN. Parker, Treasurer ; Rev. Dr Pryor, R. N. Beckwith, and David Thompson, Esqrs. ' I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. Rev. Frederick Hastings, St. John ; Robert Wilson, Sheffield and Grand Lake ; Charles G. McCuIiey, Milltown ; George Stirling, Cardigan and Keswick Ridge ; -, Florenceville. • : ? GrJ Salisbury ; id, Collina 9, H. Mc- pper, S. C. RY . Rowe, J. B, J. Hpr- orrcspond- 1. Sleeves, ExccutiTc H. Hard- I A. Chel- . Francis, le Society rovA 867-8. r. Cramp, ely, Vico Masters, reasurcr ; . 8. Mc- f Angeli, ), JamoR )y, Hon. George )irertors. n ; Rev. r; Revi. Parker, c, Esq., Scotia — Parker, , Esqrs. Grand an and ' * E0CLSSIA8TICAL. 85 CHRISTIANS, OR DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Saint John, N. B. — Duke Street — Pastor, Elder George Garraty. Deer Island, N. B. — Pastors, Elder Harris Grtenlaw, and Eider A. Greenlaw. Kvswick. N. B. — Elders J. and H. Boone. ««t^»-uI FREE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. John Ptrry, Chairman, Spring6eld, King's County. Rev. George A. Hartley, Corresponding Secretary, Carleton, St. John. Revs. Charles McMullin, Brighton ; George Orser, Lower Wakefield ; Stephen Curry, Queensbury ; Ezekiel Si prill, Wakefield ; E. Sisson, To- bique; Yerxa White, Lower Woodstock ; Cyrill Dcucett, Know!«8Tille ; Thomas Vanwart, Kars ; Wm. Downey, Fredericton ; EdwardWeyman, Mouth Millstream ; Wm. E. Pennington, Salisbury; Wm. M. Knollin, Moncton ; John Wallis, Coverdale ; Samuel Downey and Robert French, Kars ; John McKenzie, Jerusalem ; Benjamin Merritt, Haropstead ; Thos. Connor and J. T. Parsons, Woodstock ; Jacob Guntcr, St. John ; J. Perry, Springfield ; Robert Dobson, Salisbury ; Wm. Kinghorn, Naswaasis ; J. N. Barnes, Grand Manan ; Alexander Taylor, Monticcllo, Mc. ; Freeman Babcock, Wilson's Beach, and Peter Malloch, Welshpool, Campobello ; A. B. Marsh, Fredericton ; Jarvis Shaw, Eaton Grant, ie : George W. McDonald, Mouth Oromocto ; John E. Reed, Hampstead , ./oseph Noble, Victbria Corner, Carleton Co. ; William Brown, Whitehead Island, Char- lotte County. Licentiates — George T. Hartley, Solomon Smith, Joseph McLcod, E. B. Gray, Aaron Kenney. Wm. H. Mills, T. W. Carpenter, A G. Louns- bury, A. Chase, Thomas DeWitt, A. Rideout, John Jones, Hezekiah Mills, Edwprd Hartley, and A. Cogswell. HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY of thr F. C. BAPTISTS of N. B. B- J. Underbill, Esquire, President; Rev. W. Kinghorn, Thos. Van- wart, and E. R. Parsons, Esq., Vice Presidents ; Rev. G. A. Hartley, Cor- responding Secretary ; Wm. Peters, Eecarding Secretary ; D. W. Clark, Treasurer ; Rev. W. Downey, Auditor. Executive Cemmittec — D. W. Clark, Chairman ; Wm. Peters, Secretary ; Revs. J. Gunter, J. T. Par- sons, G. A. Hartley, Messrs. E. C. Freeze, and E. M. Truesdal*. F. C. BAPTIST FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF N. B. Rev. B. Merritt, Presidtnt ; Revs. Charles Knowles, Charles McMullin, Edward Weyman, Vice Presidents; Rev. John Perry, Corresponding Sec- retary ; Lorenzo Wilson, Esq., Recording Secretary ; William Peters, Treasurer ; E. R. Parsons, Auditor. Executive Committee — William Pe- ters, Chairman ; Revs. J. N. Barnes, Joseph Noble, George A. Hartley, W. E. Pennington, Benjamin Merritt, and Messrs. Israel Atherton, Robt, Slipp, G. W. Boyer, and B. J. Underbill, Esq. ^^^^^^^''i^^PFT 86 NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. STAFF OF THE ARMY, 8EBVINO IN THE PKOVINOE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. liiealenant General Sir Chahlks Winduau, K. C. 13., Commanding Her Majesty's Troops in tho Dominion of Ctnadt. Major General C. H. Doylk, Commanding Her Majcstj'sTroep* in Noft Scotia and New Brunswick. Colonel F. P. Harding, C. B., 22d Regt., Commanding Her Majesty's Troops in New Brunswick. Garrisons — Frcdcricton — Col. F. P. Harding, C. B., 23d Rcgt., Com- manding. Saint John — Lieut. Col. Grierson, 15th Regt., Commanding; Captain DoMolcyns, Commanding Royal Artillery. Lieat. T. E. Jones, (H. P. 4th F.'ot) Town Major. Chaplains — Fredoricton, Rev. Mr. Coster; St. John, Rsv, W. Armstrong. Commissariat Deporlm^.nt — St. John, Assistant Commissary General Monk; Acting Deputy Assistant Conimisnary General Clarke; George Thompaon, Store Kerpcr ; Scrji-ant Bnrnsdale, C. 8. C, Issuer; Denis Donohuc, Office Krcpr.r and M^s9eng<'^. Fredericton, Deputy Assistant Ccnr.misaary Genorai Ewing; J. Hudson, Issuer; H. Marshall, Office Keeper. Milttartf nre Department — St. John, J. Grcig, Esq., Assistant Military Storekeeper ; J. Parker, Sergeant ; James Emerson, Storchouseman ; James Elsdon. Office Keeper Koyal Engineer Department, St. John — Major Cox, District Royal Eng- ineer ; Edward Lloyd, Clerk. NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. iv His Excellency Colonel Francis Ptm Harding, C. B., Commander-in- Chief, 22d October, 1867. Lieut. Colonel Charles Drury, Provincial Aide-de-Camp, 26th Oct. 1861. Lieut. Colonel B. Lester Peters, do. do. 5th Jan. 1864. I iout. Colonel George J. Mnunsell, (late Captain H. M. l.'Sth Regiment,) Adjutant General, 22d Nov. 1865. Lieut. Col Andrew C. Otty, Commanding St. John Volunteer Battalion, Deputy Adjutant General, 22d Nov. 1865. Major Darrel R. Jago, (late Lieutenant Royal Artillery) Assistant Adju- tant General of Artillery, 14th March 1866. Lieut. Col. George J. Maunsell, Adjt. General, Inspecting Field Officer, Western District, 22d Nov. 1865. Major Cuthbert Willis, (late H. M. 15th Regt.) Inspecting Field Officer, Eastern District, 9th Nov. 1864. NKW BRUNSWICK MIMTIA. m Lieut. Col. Wni. B. Robinson, (hte Major 3rd West India Regt.) Queen'g N. B. Rnngers, Quo'-termastcr General, 8lh June 1863. liieut. Col. Wni. T. Baird, Commanding 1st Batt. Carleton Co. Militia, Deputy Quartermaster General, 8th June 1863. fjieut. Col. The Hon. Lemuel A. Wi mot, Commanding Ist Bait. York County Militia, Judge Advocate General, 6th August 1864. Captain John Evans, Superintcndant Store Department at Saint John. Captain John Hcwitson, do. do. Frt-dericton NEW BRUNSWICK YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Lieutenant Colonel. John Saundars, 2d Aug. 'G5 Major. Captaint. A. Buchanan, 13 July, '40 Ralph Siddoll, 2 Doc, '46 Wra. Golding, 7 Sept., '47 n. P. Troftdwell. 17 Oct. '48 Ward C. Drury. 20 Mar. 'M Edw. W. Miller. 20 Aug. '60 •John rarling, 30Nov.'61 *W.J.Brittain, 21June'65 *D. M. Campbell, 3 Jan. '66 *Robt. Ottv(Adj.)4JaH.'66 *N. H. Upham, 5 Jan. '66 *T. H. Pearson, 28 Feb. '66 *Irwino W. T. Henderson, [13 June '66 *'W. Lant gtreth, 3 Sept. '63 Lieutenants. Wm. Woodcock, 13 July John Younp, 13 July Thos. Cotterell, 20 July II. M'Monaglo, lo Sept. T.W. Carpenter, 7 Sept. C. M. Bridges, 17 Oct. Wm. Pyewell, 6 Jan. Wm. Segco, 30 May *IL J. Crawford, 3 Jan. *Edw. P. Dcbou, 4 Jan. *Chas. H. Foshay,5 Jan. *Thos. L. Hay, 6 Jan. *JohnM'KiuKht,28Fcb. *Chip.W.Smith,i3Juno Cornct$. a. Bliss Upton, 16 Feb, (ioo, Baird, 7 Sept. J. W. Hamilton, 17 Oct. T. Nutter. 6 Jan. J. A. Scribncr, 6 Jan. '40 •40 '40 '40 '47 '47 '51 '60 '66 '66 '66 '601 '()0 '66 '46 '47 '48 'fill '511 John II. Rcid, 29 May *Jas.W.Sproulc, 3 Jan. i*Thos. Mallory, 4 Jan. !*H, Keith. 5 Jan. •Alex. Giliis, ft Jan. •Javirl Murray, 28 Fob. •llemyA.ScoTil, 6Fob. *C.A.Wanamakc,12 Jun Quartermaatert. Walter Lyon, 21 Aug. John M'Beath. 17 Mar* James Libboe. 20 July, J. J. M. Scovil, 21 Juno John Ryan, 10 Sept Samuel Akerloy,14 Oct. Adjutant. *R. Otty,(Capt.)31 Jan. '60 '66 '(36 '66 'm '66 67 67 '38 '40 '40 '42 '46 '47 •66 Surgeon. Charles Gem, 17 Jane, '48 Aaaiittant Surgeon. L.M.Sharp. M.D. 20 Feb. 67 NEW BRUNSWICK REGIMENT OP ARTILLERY. wl^ Five Batteries at Saint John, one at Saint Andrews, one at Saint Stephen, one at Woodstock, and one at Chatham. Colonel Commandant. R. Hayne. (late R. A.) 22 [March, '65 Lieutenant Colonel *S. K. Foster, 1 Decern. '59 • Majon. *Chas. J. Melick, 6 Dee. '69 (Bt. Lt. Col., Jan. 10, 'm.) J. Mount, 19 June, '67. Captains. Hn. Jno.C. Allen,24 July'41 *Wm.J.Cl6wly.l3June'66*Thos.T. Odell, 14 Feb. '66 Wm.W. Street, 29 Aug. '66j*Walt. B.Morris, 12 Apr. 66 *R. R. Sncdcn, 10 Oct. '6"'*Edw. H.Clark. 13 Jun© '66 *T.D.Underhill,Aj.2Jy.67!*JohnAllen,jr.,29Aug.'«6 Thos. B. Wilson. 4 April '42 J. Missinett, 10 Aug. '48!R. J. Leonard, do J. R._Marshall, _ 6 Dec. '69!*_E. S, Wetmore, do •Wm.Cunard, r27 Feb. 67 *Thoi.|F. Gillespie, 28 do First Lieutenants. J. Campbell, 8 April '34 Henry Frye. 6 Dec. '37 Robt. Rood, 11 Aug. '48 *G.E. Thomas, 14 Nov.'59 G. F. Thompson, 6 Dee. do do do *Jno. C.Winslow, 2 Jan.'OT •Jas. McNichol. 13 Jan. 67 *J»8. A. Ring, 31 do do *F. J. Letson. 27 Feb. 67 *Ja«. F. Seely, 20 March,'67 •Thomas Seott, 27 Mar.. '67 *W. H. StcTons, 17 July, '67 •JohnH. Rose. 18 io '67 *W. P. Donnell. 16 Oet. 67 Second Lieutenants. *G.H.Pick,B.Mj.3 Jan.'60iElijah Powers, '27 Mar.60Wm. Andrews, 8 April. '34 J.C.E.Carmichael.2';Mai-60l Alex. Mitchell. 25 do iBer. C. Friel, JOOot. '4* *B. Los. Peters. 25 Mar. '61 W. F. Deacon, 23 Apl. 61iRobt. Sweet. 13 Aug. '4i* (Lt. Cel., 10th Oct. "66.) Edw. Simpson, 24 Not. 6li James Moore, i May, '4tf *M.H.Peters,B.Mj.llJiy'62|G. C. Peters, 17 Apl. $3 S.R.Thompson, 14Nov'62 *R.Farmer,B.Mj.8July,'t>4 •Chris. Murray, 10 Jan. '63 *F.W.LansdowBe,8 July'64 Ed. R. RuMell. 11 Sept. '40 James M'Caull. 12 Sept. '49 Roger Hunter, 20 July,'64iThos. Paisley, 18 April, '55 *Geo. Garby, 14 Dec. 64;Francii Smith, 5 Do«. '50 •Henry Osburn, 14 Feb. '66 *Owen Jones, 29 July. '61iEdw. D. Watts. T Feb. '60 •James Edgar, 30 May '66iaeo. L. Fester, 28 June. '66;* J M. Stratton. 14 April, '68 ip^i Tm^^^j^inkjt^" ^ ;^" '"•c v.tV T:^^^^r. "'j'fFmi 88 NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. Chas. F. Hoben. 20Ap. '63 *N.T.Groathod. llApr.'efi *II. W.Goddard. 2 May '6(5 *J. P. Robertson. 10 Oct. '()« ''J. F. Gcmmol! 27 Feb.'(J7 *Sm.T. Barker. 17 Oct.. '07 J. S. G. Adjutant, [Jly.67 D. Underbill. (Capt.) 17 Paymatter. fJno 07 K.Foster, jr., (Capt.) 19 Quartermaiter. A. Lockbart, 28 iMar. '64J Surgeon. ['W J. Borryman, M.D., 18 Apr. A^iintant Surgeons. S. Smith. M.D., 7 Fob. '00 J. L. Bunting, M. D., 18 [Apr '66. NEW BRUNSWICK ENGINEERS-WESTERN MIIJTARY DISTRICT C0Rr5. Major. I Captain. I Lieutenant. *J. Edw. Boyd, 8 Nor, '65 | *Jobn II. Parks, 7 Nor. '66 | *John A. Monroe, 9Feb. ^64 SAINT JOHN VOLUNTEER BATTALION. Colonel Commandant. lion. A.lI.Gordon. 1 Aug 00 Lieutenant Colonel C.M.O. A. C. Otty, D.A. G. M., 8 May, '03 Majors, Cbarlcs R. Ray, 2 Nov. '64 T '\iI^C3hano.l9Sopt.'e6 Capta%n8. J.V.Thurgar, llJy.'62 John S. ifall. 30 July. '63 Wm.H. Scovil, 30 Not. '64 T. Sulliran. 23 Aug. '65 Cha«. Campbell, 24 Jan. '06 C. E. Godard. 14 Mar. '66 Ily. Cumming, 28 Mar. '06 M. W.Mabor, 19 Sept. '66 R.D.Daris.CAjt.) 31Jly67 F.P.Robinion, (unatch'd) 19 June 00 Lieutenants. C.Nicbol3on,(un.)27Aug64 JohnB. Wilmot, 4 Oct. '05 M. MoDonough, 19 Sept. 'iiy& Step'n I. King, 21 Nov. '06 Jas.W. Halliday, 2 Jan. '67 C. Armstrong. 22 May, '67 Calvin Powora, 23 May, '67 Robert Scott. 2 October, 67 Ensigns. Wm. S. Harding. 4 Jan. '65 John Nugent, 2 Jan'y. 67 G. McKiliigan, 27 Feb. '67 H. McIntyro,27March. '67 M.W.Thompson. 22May'07 W.M.Caldwell, 31 July '67 Adjutant. R. D, Davis, (Captain) 28 [August, 1807 Paymaster, Quartermaster, Surgeon. S. Z.Earle, M. D.. 28 Feb. [1806 Assistant Surgeon. George Taylor, M. D., 2 [May 'tS(> YORK COUNTY MILITIA. •• -N*. 1.— fits? Battalim. Lieutt^nant Colonel. Lieutenants. II«B. L. A. Wilmot. 1 Jan. J. D.R»iijsford.l3June'53 [1863 Wra. 11. Murray, 20 Dec. '59 Mas'or. Captains Jas. S. Beek, 1 Aug. 1848 John Wiley, do do A. Macj)berson. 28 Doc. '64 W. J. Kilner, 31 do do M. Richey, 2 Jan. '65 Jas. P. Wetmore, 19I)c.'59W. Fowler, 4 dodo J. P^McLauchlan,22Dc.'61 Robert Daviea, 28 Mar. '66 Chas. Hartt, H. Fairweather, 'JO Apr [1863 R. P. Winter. 8 Sept., '63 John J. Eraser, do do U. B. Raihsford, do do D. Wilson, (un.) 28 Jne. '65 J. McCausland. 28 Mar '66 JohnHewitson, (Adjt)la.iti H.M.2dReg't.23Jan. 67 Alex. N. Blook, 1 May. «7 A. G. BeekwitU 2 May, 67 29 Mar '66 Wm. Wheeler. 30 Mar. '66 JSntignt, John T.Murray. 13 Jun. '53 John Thomaa. 30 May. '61 H. Graham, 28 Dec. '64 A. Blair, 30 do do C. B. Fisher, 31 do do Geo. Babbitt. 3 Jan. '65 Isaae Simmons. 11 do do C. S. Brannon, 13 do '65 C. W. Beckwith, 4 Oct. '05 J. D.M'Pherson,30Mar.'66 L. A.W.Jouet, 27 Jne. '66 Harry Beckwith, 30 Oct. 67 Adi'utant, John Hewitson, (Capt.) 21 Nov. 00 Paymatter. John Richards.l May, 67 Capt. 8 Sept. 63 Quartermaster, Chaf. S. Lugrin, (Capt.) 30 [Oct. 67. Surgeon. Geo. M. Odall.M.D.lS June '53. YORK COUNTY MILITIA No. I.-Sbcoxd Battaliox. Lieutenant Colonel. Captains. J. Alien. (Col. 13 Jan. '62) -J- Hammond, 6 Sept. 34 [21 May 31 John Yerxa, 10 Sept. 38 ^"^^"^^^•"^^ Daniel Parent, 12 Sept. 38 James Jonos. 14 Sept. 38 Jacob MoKean« 11 Oct. 47 Major. Jer. Christy, 12 Oct. 47 John H. Brewer. 10 July 60 W. Whitehead, 12 Oct. 04 William Brown, 4 Jan. 65 James Henry, 21 June 69 Robt. Robinsoni 18 Apl. 66 Joseph T.B, " JS.H Dan.C Geo. N Cha«. ^ BBur Thomi .Tames Ira Ing Robt. I David JohnD Asa Do J am 98 Wm.H John B Jarvis C.N. NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. 89 Joseph 0. Allan, 13 Jun. fi6 T. B. Whcelor, i4 June, ♦')() J. S. Iloljoake, 15 June, 6(5 Dan. C Joslin, 27 Jun«, 66 Geo. N. Riflteen, 2 Jan., 67 Cha«. M. Dow, 3 Jan, 67 Lieutenantg, B.Burt, 21 Sept., 30 Thomafi Parent, 9 do 34 James Cliff, 11 do 38 Ira Ingraham, — — — Robt. Kilburn, 16 Sept. 38 DftTid Dow, 17 do d* John Daridson, 16 Feb. .39 Asa Dow, 17 do do Jamtfl Nelflon, 3 do 41 Win. H. Allan, 10 July, 60 John Brown, 2 Aur, 65 Jarris luf ranam, 23 d* do Jool Miller, 28Fept. 65 Robt. Piokard, 29 do do Chai. Wright, 19 April, 6<') Jon. B. Cliff, 13 Juno do C.U.S.Cronkhito,14do do E. P. Hammond, 20 do do T. F. Saunders, 27 do do W.D.Rain8ford.2flSeptdo iJntian$. WilHain Jones, 6 July, 29 Charles Lonar, 15 Fob. 39 J. S.Elligood, 16 do do E.W.Rainsford, 19 do db James Parent, 20 do do Matt, Phillips, 21 do do Thomas Frascr, 23 dc do Wm. Kilburn, 13 April 41 .Joseph Parent, 16 do do James BrowE 17 do do Z'doe V. Estoy, 10 Oct. 47 Benj.Burt, 10 July, 60 Henry Terxa, 27 Sept. 6fi Chas. Kilburn, 20 June 66 J. A. Courser, 27 June 66 Alex. Bennett, 11 July, 66 J. B. Intrrahara,12 do do Jacob E. Allan, 13 do do J. Dunphy, 26 Sept. 66 JesiU Christy, 2 Jan. 67 Adt'utant. B.:Cloie, (Lt.) 20jQao«<» Paymaster. Thos. Jones,(Cap.)13 Apl.41 Quart crmtMUr. D.Paront, (Ens.) 3 July, M Suraton. T.C.Brown,M.D..21J«ie65 YORK COUNTY MILITIA No.I.-Third Battamoit. Lieutenant.Colonel. B. A* Robinson, 12 Aug. 05 Mo/or. Geo. Clements, 25 Jan. 65 Captain9. P. Campbell, 8 Jane, '35 Arch. McLean, 8 Sept. '.38 C. McGibbon, 20 Dec '59 Wyneat Williams, 8 Fb. '65 Thos. Wright, 9 do do J. De L.Robinson, 23 do do G.H.Clements(Adj)24do do Daniel M'Millan. 8 Mar.'65 Edward Pidgeon. 19 Ap.'65 S. L. Wilkinson, 21 Jun.do Benj. H. Clayton, 23 do do Samuel Estoy, 2 0«t. do Jer. Staples. 25 A p. do Goo. H. Bustin, 19 Sop. 66 Lirutenanta. G. F. Estoy. I March, '65 Dvd.M'Gibbon, HJun.do J'rifl M'Gibbon, 21 do do William Boyd. 22 do do William M'Lean 23 do do John Douglas 28 Juno 1865 Arthur Scoboria. 6 Jly.'65 Wra. A. Barker, 8 Nor. '6.5 J. D. M-'ickay, 21 Mar. '66 Wm. Christie. 17 Apl. '67 Ensignt. F. P. Robinson. 25Jly'43 Abel Pond 13 Fobruary,'51 Wm. Sterling, 21 June '65 Norman Hallett, 22Juno'65 Hops Currie, 23 do do John Sterling, 28 Juno, '65 D J. Forman, 29 June. 'Ci Jas. Malonc, 12 July. '6A Henry Blair, 8 Nor. '65 J. F. Gibson. 9 Nor. '66 John Cameron. 35 Apl. '66 George A.Miles.SO May. '66 Steph. Turnbull,7 Nor. do Aeifutant. G. 11. Clements. (Capt.) 80 rA»g. '66 PctymattT. Jas. W. Smith. 28 Juno 65 (Captain;25 Feb 65) Quartwmatter. II. Cowperthwaite, (Capt.,) 23 Feb. '6» YORK COUNTY MILITIA •• No. 1— F»ukth Battalion. Li«%tenant Colonel. Major. Edward Simonds, 1 Fob 65 John L. Marsh, 23 Jan. 67 Gaptaina. Thes. Dowling, 8 Sept. 63 J. W. Brayley. 8 do do J. R. Garden. 4 Mar. 66 G. F. Gregory, 29 Mar. 66 Licut«nant$. John Ncibitt, 29 Dec 64 Chas.C. Gregory, 30 do do Wm. S. Morris, 3 Jan. 65 Entigna. John Owens, 4 Jan. 65 Alfred F. Street, 5 Oct. do James D. Hood, 7 Mar. 66 Andw.W.Ross. 38 June de Thomas Barker, 29 Mar .do Malcolm Ross. 28 June do Thos.W. Smith, 35 Sept.l7 SAINT JOHN CITY LIGHT INFANTRY- • No. t.— First Battamow. Lieutenant Colonel. Hon. J.Robertson. 2 Feb.60 Major. Jas. M'Farlane, 30 Oct. 67 Captaina, C.N. Skinner. 15 Aug. 64 Kerr Ferguson, do. Wm. Howard, < 18 Jan. 65 James Milligan, 19 do do J. Gordon Forbes,20 do do W. T. DaTidsen. 31 Jan. Si R.Thompson, jr., 22Jan.'65 A. G. Blaksloe. 23 do do Peter Campbell, 24 do do Lieutenanti. Jas.McNamara, 1 Dse. 61 G. A. Lockhart, 15 Mar. 65 J. F. Lawton, 16 do do William Rannic,17 do do J. B. Fenwick. 18 do do Goorge N. Beek, 19 do do J.W.C«1«. 8t de de En»ign$. W. H. Sinnott, 19 Sept. M G.E.Fairweatber, 26 Jun 67 Adjutant, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) / O /. 1.0 I.I |50 *^™ m ISi ■ 4 1 2.5 2.2 18 11.25 1.4 1 1.6 ' ^ 6" ^ V] <^ /2 /a ■<fl o^ /A Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, rC.Y. MS80 (716) 873-4503 ""^^^x^ ^f^ ^ ^v- .^. iiT^^^ <- .\ cS^ f<> i N«W BRUNSWICK MIMTIA. 1 11 '* I! It ■ PI ' SAINT JOHf? CITY LIGHT INFANTRY-.- -No. LieuttMnnt CMonel. i John v. ollina, 21 Feb. 67 Th08. W. W^, 23 N»T.64 Li^^enant, A- Rowkn. 18 April 66|Oeo. H. MuUin, 25 Apr.66 R.T.Clhioh. 15 Aug. 64 P.E.Bftrkor.« A^t.)18 Jan.65 Alex. L. ILerr, 26 do do Henry G. Hunt, 27 do do Ghas. E. Sulis, 28 do do 0. A. Schofield. 29 do do A. ChamberUio. 17 April 66 Geo. Robertson. 19 do do A. A. Stockton, .20, do do John Hafoilton, 13 June 66 S. G. Bli«ard, 28 Nor. 66 Thos. G. Barr, 20 Feb. 67 jtb. Hammond, 22 Jan. 6S Joshua Clawson, 20 Feb.67 S— SiCOHD BATtALlOV. Cha8.A.Stoekton. 21 do do Israel S. Gross, 22 do do A. B. Sheraton, 19 Jano.67 Thos. A. Pete^, 28 Aug. 67 Adt'utant. P.E.Barker, Cap. 22 Feb 66 Paymaater. T. W. Peters, jr., 22 do do F. Gall Agh er. 23 Feb. do IL H.Gardner, 24 do do Robt. Marshall, 28 Aug. 67 ESntifftu. P. Parlee Clark, 20 Feb. 67 Quartermatter. ' G.Hutchinson, jr. 11 Oct. 66 fCapt.l»Auff.40 Surgeon. G. E. 8. Keator, M; D.. 18 FApl. •66 SAINT JOHN CITY LIGHT INFANTRY LievUnnnt Colonel. Lieutenania. ■ No. W. H. A. Keans, 22 May, 67 G. F. Hardinc, 26 June 67 Oaptain*. R.K.AnMi. Adjt. 8 Nov. 66 J.V. Bykeman, 26 June 67 JobnViEUisi 27 June do Joseph O'Brien, 28 do do Jos.H.LeoBArd, 29 do do Geo.W.Holden, 1 July do Joseph Diitiham, 2 do do >yilliam Blaek, 9 Nor. 66 S.— Third Battalion. iDenis McCaffrey, 4 do Alex. Griffiths, 26 June 67 ^' K. linde, i d Isaae J. Oliro, jr , 27 do do T. 0. MuUaly, 28 June do Ch as. F. Til ley. 29 do do Charles Olire, 1 July do Enngnt. &im. S. Mayes. 26 Jui.e 67 Newton Glasgow, 27 do do Jas. A. Clarke, 28 do do S. S. Littlehale, 29 do do I. 0. Beattey, jr. 1 July 67 Jas. Wetmore, jr., 2 do do Goo. L Abram, 3 do do do odo Adjfitmnt. Robt. R. Allan, (Capt.) 26 Jnne 67 Paymaater. ChM. Kctehum,26 June 67 Capt. 12 Oct. 64 Quartermaateir. R. N. Knight. 26 June, 67 [Capt. 7 Not. 66 SwQeon. J.D.White, M. D. 26 Jun. 67 SAINT JOHN CITY RIFLXS.— No. J, '^ Lievienm,ni Colonel, J. T. Thargar. 29 Aug. '42 Mfi^ort. T. B. G. Tiadale^, 29 Feb. '64 Duncan Robertson,6 Fb.67 Caj^mna. Goo. F. Smith, 20 Mar. '60 Chas. W. Rogers, 29 Fcb.'64 Robert Shives, do do Chas. Wattcrs, do do E. E. I^ioekhart, do do Kdw. «. Scovil, 7 Dec. '64 George Stymest, 8 do do|P.Bo3nard. jr., 10 Dec, 'i James L. Dunn, 1 Feb. '65 Joseph AlUison, 1 Feb. 'i R. Rynd, (Ajt.) 17 Jan. '66'C. P. Clarke, 2 Fob. '65 ll«n. L.Sturdee, 13 Feb.67 John Duncan, 80 Aug. '65 lAevtenanta. Geo. B. Seely, 8 Nov. '60 Thos. A. D. Forster, do do James Hardy, do do T. A.Godsoe. 8 Dec. '64 A^C. Fairweather,9 do do R. A. Weldon, 1 Feb. '65 S. H.Brown, 2 do do C. D. Jordan, 17 Jan. '66 Alfred H. Demill, 12 Dco^ Edward Willis, 13 Fob. 67 Enaigju. D.S. Stewart, 9 Dec. 04 --- ,gj 65 J-H. Robertson, 28 Mar, '66 Wm. H. Thome, & Mar, '66 Watten Small, 13 Feb. 67 Adjutant. i^^:^ R. Rynd,(Capt.)25Aug. '6i Paymn^er. JohnWishart, 29 Feb. '64 [Capt. 6 Nov. '33 Quartermaater. G. M. C. Howard, Capt. 16 [July, '64 l^nrgeon. W. Bnyard. M.D. 8 S*p. '46 Aatlntfint Surgeon. Captain SAINT JOHN 4F.A FBNCIBLBS- WilUftui McKay, 24 Jftn.'3^ John Stranffo, 28 do do Gilbert .lordan, '>M) do do 17Aii» »;^6 Charles Eagles. 12So|». ';i8 John Reed, xmuK. <^\-ivii- ^ir- v* "~ir, j* ■ ." (J.M.. L. Lovett. 26 Dec. 'STiWiHiam Wnght, 13 de do KUward EhkIws. lU Sep. '49.^*-^"''^': i "^' . ^^-f,","^' ;'- John W. M. Irish, U do do!ft"*^<-'r<' Lovett. 13 do du ,. . , illenry P. Otty, 17 Feb. '46 Lieutenanta. \Jf^]^J^ Gardner. 19 Feb., 'i6 John Murray, 25 Jan. 34'iWm. N. Smith, 11 Feb. '49 -No. 4. A?**; Robert W. Otty, 12 do lUgb J. Travis, 14 Sop. G«o. F. Smith, 20 Sep. Adjutant. Payrnfiater. Qunrtermnater, Surgeon. do '49 '().'> G. 3tA Ht Wi D] Jo Ja l.tOM. 21 do do 22 do do Jano,67 iAng.S7 •r» Fob 66 sr. 1 Oct. (56 Auff. 49 ti D.. 18 Aph'm lOM. sdod apt.) 26 inne 67 Tune 67 Oct. 64 , '<* m une, 67 Nor. 66 Jun.67 «»r,'(J6 laf, '66 Fob. 67 ng, '6g eb. '64 or. '33 kpt. 16 ly, '64 lip. '46 I. do p. '49 1>. '(>-) KBW BRUNSYIOK MILITIA. •AINT JOHN COUNTY MILITIA. • • • -No. S.-Fittf Battaliom. ^'' LieutenaiU Colonel. • Lieutenat^t. G. M. Andenon, 7 Nor. 66 Jamei Qainton. 26 Jun. 67 Qyptaint. Jm. Hunter, 13 Oct. 64 G. V.Nowlin. 8 Nor. 66 Uriah Drake. 10 Nor. 66 John T. Lord, 11 Nor. 66 . H. Seeljr, 12 do do . N. Moore, 13 do do E.:McGowan. 16 do do... Acb'utant, Paymatter. W.A.Qmnton, 10 Nor. 66 Thos. KOlire. 11 do do DeniiMorriM. 12 do do Fred'k Carman. 13 do do Etuignt, I If ^I'/JJ- \l N^°/-iaJ. Tiltin: (Capt":) 2 NoT.M QtMrtermcuUr, a, (Capt.) : Surgeon. »«• •• ••••*•••• ••• ••••••«*••*« •••••• ••• No. 5.--SiG0Ni> Battiuok« Lieutenemt Colonel. Hard Peters, 28 Sept. '64 MfUfor, Wm. L.T. Seely 7 Nor. '65 Oaptaint. D H Anderson, (im)276ep46 John R; Biarby. 7 Oct. '65 W. G. Morrison. 9 Oct. '66 James B. Hegan, 10 do do Gilbett J.llfayes, 11 do do 8. J.:RoberU. 20 Feb. 67 J. K. SchofiMd, 22 do do F. O.K. Frith, 23 do do G. E. Kiner. 24 do do G. Sid. Smith. Adj. 5 Jne 67. Lieutenants. Thos. Millidte. 27 Jun. '66 Jas. E. Griffith, 1 July do W.C.Harrison, 2: Fob 67 H.W. Frith. 22 do do B. H. Arnold, 27 do do Ensigfu. Robt.^O|[ers. 24 ADril. '65 6 Feb. 67 Wm. H. i5eer, G. F.. Sancton. 7 do do AtljutanL G. Sidney Smith. (Capt.) 15 [May 67 PavnuuUr, Geo. J. Chubb. (Capt.) 19 [April, 1866 Quarterma$ter» J. S. Boies DeVeber. 5 June 67. Capt, 2t Feb. 67 Surgtofn, R. H.Living8toae,M.D.,21 {Nov. *66 No. 5.— Third Battalios. Lieutenant Colonel. W. M. Jarris, 7 Nov. 66 Majer. G. T. Flewellinf . 7 Nov. 66 Oaptoif*'* Alex. Dni; . 8 Oct. 65 HenMoDenald. 12 do do J. W. Millidge, 13 do do C. % L. Jarris. 21 Feb. 67 John PoUey, 22 do do J. Mackintosh. 23 do do Lieutenant*. g.H. Canard, 6X)et.65 Sam.Vavghan, 20 Feb. 67 John Douglas, 21 do do S. G. KUpatriek,22 do do Israel M. Ross. 23 do do 0. Robertson, 24 do Oo Jas. Domrille, 25 do do Jas. Seoril, 26 do do En9ign». T. B. Robinson, %T. 24 67 Geo. B. Johnson,. 29 do do Henry Stewart, 27 Mar. 67 ^diutmnt. T. Barclay Robinson. Capt. 28 Nor. 66 PdR/master. H. A. AiMtin,Oapt.S4Fb.67 Quarttrmaeter. T. C. Oarie, Capt. 24 Fb. 67 I Shiraeon, Chas. S.Shaw. 10 July 60; OUrgeon. Simook D. Daris, 25 Ap.65 James T. Steeves. M. D. 08. W. Lingley. 26 do dol 21 Nor. 66 QUEEN'S NEW BRUNSWICK RANGERS.— No. 0. Lieutenant Colonel. Hon. Jn. H.Gray, 20 Mr. 54 Major. W.B.Robin8on,(lateMjr3d W.I.Regt.)10Dec61 Q.M. G. &Lt.C.8Juno.63 Captains. Wm. B. Sentlll.27 May. 46 John Erans, (AJt.) lateLt. rasth Foot, 20 Dec. 62 J. S. Parker, 21 Sept. 64 W. C. Perley, 6 Sept. 65 ' John Foster, 7 Sept. 66 James Rourke, 6 June w, John W. Wright. 13 Feb 67 Wm. Wallaee, 14 Feb 67 Lieutenants. Wm. R. Sentill, 2 Aug, '66 G. S. Parker, 3 do do Robt. Gilmour, 6 June '66 S. J. Shanklin, 10 Oct. do Wm. Patterson, 11 do do thos. J, 0. Barle, 21 Nor.65 Sf . V. C.Nicolson, 13 Mr. 67 Daniel M'Eroy, 10 Ap. do Ensigns^ <^0. F. Ring. 66iGeo. H. Perley. 10 Dee,.61 Robt. B. LoratV. 12 July 64 Jno. D. Fraaer. IS fk> do Ed. j|. Foster, 22 Sept. 64 W.W.Douglas, 6 do do Ed. Mallary. 27 June 65 Robert Baird, 28 do do Ac&'utotU. John Evans, cap. 1 July. 6S Paymaster. Jas. Robertson ,20 Sept. 56 David Vaughan,^ 14Jan 50 ar. 66 David MoBrine, 19 June 60 Quartermastsr. T. Sterens. 30 Aug. '30 Surgson, G. J.Harding, M.D.lJan.32 V it 92 ^IW BRUMSiyiOK MILITIA. .» 8UNBURY COUNTY MILITIA.— No 7.— Fimt BiTTALloif. Lieutenant Colonel. O. H.N. Harding. 9Sep. 63 Maior. Captain*. John S. Brown. 18 Sopt. 48 Chai. B. Barker, 18 Feb. 60 0. J. Burpee, 23 M«7. 60 a. T.Harding. 21June.65 Jas. Miller, 5 July, do W. C. Burpee. 15 May. 67 lAeuienantt. Chas. J. Bailey. 19 Sept. i& Charles Currey, 20 do do Wm. Harrison. 13 Feb. 60 William Upton. 13 June do And'w. Miller. 5 July. 65 a. A. Treadwell. 2 Aug. 65 Henry L. Bailty.l5 May 67 Entignt. John S. Corert. 20 Sep. 48 Charles Burpee, 25 Nor 51 Wht'hd Barker, 13 Feb. 60 I. u. Davidson, 13 June, do David W. Smith, do do Thos. Nickleson,250ot. do J. T. Gilchrist. 5 July 65 C. F. Harding. 2 Aug. do Oeorge Porter, 15 May. 67 Adjvtant. J.K. Hasen. (Lt.) 27 Jnn.66 (attached from 2nd Batt) Pavmaater. T. 0. Miles, cap. 1 Jan. 48 QuariermcMer. H. Brown, 27 Mar. 60 (Cap) [23 Juno 1865. Surgeon. £.Cougle.M.D..13Feb.6a Lieutenant Colonel. Reuben Hoben, 10 Sept.'66 Major. R. D. Wilmot,jr.l9Sep.'66 Captain*. John Bailey, 19 June 67 W. E. Perley, 9 do Benj. S. Bailey, 14 Feb 63 Jer. Smith, jr.. 8 Aug 66 Alox.M*Pher8on,26 Jne 67 Amos P. True. 29 June do David Morrow, 17 July do Geo. C. Nevers. 28 Aug do Geo. A. Perley. 29 do do F. A. Hubbard, 25 Sept doi No. 7.— Skcokd Battaliov. Chas. Tracey. 26 do do Israel Nason, 26 do do T.L. Alexander. 28 do do Lieuienantt. Thos. H. Smith. 12 Sept. 38 i! Geo. Nevers. Aaron Hartt, J . C. Seely, Wm.E.Hoyt. Jas,K. Hazen, 0. T. Clowes, Jas. Holden, D. W. Hartt, Hen. Mitchell, R. Boone, Jon. Harris, I do 40 11 do 43 18 do 48 13 June 60 II Oct 65 26 June 67 17 July do 28 Aug do 25 Sept do 26 do do 27 do do Entign*. Samuel Smith, 10 Sept 38 Wm. Gilbert. - - " Jas. Seely, jr. Henry Dewitt, E.A.WilmoUA, WilmotH.Web Henry Wilmot, . Leveret Horton,28 Aug do Adjutant. E. A.Wilmot.(En) 19 Sept 66 Paymatter. 23 Aug 43 18 Feb 48 19 Sept 48 t.)110ct65 June' 67 1 July 67 Quarter matter. Surgeon. CHARLOTTB COUNTY MILITIA Ne. 8.-P»sT BATTALiew. Adtutami, C.B. Mowatt, Capt 25 Mar [1864 Paymaeier, D. Bradley, Lt., 25 Mar. 64 Quariermatter. Ensign*. Abra. Berry, 18 April. '55 Eber S'.inson, 20 Mar. 67 E. B. Chandler. 21 do do I Jno. Breen.jr.. 22 do do Jas. Simpson. 23 do do Lieutenant Colonel, C. W. Wardlaw. 19 Dee. M Ma/or*. Geo. F. Stiokney. 19 Dee 66 *B. B. Stevenson. 20 do do Captain*. John Treadwell. 18ApI55 Ed. Pheasant. 7 Deo. 64 Chas. E. Mowatt. (Adjt.) [2 May, 66 Jas. Mowatt. 13 Feb 67 ♦EberrS. Polleys,14 do do Alex. G. Berry, 15 do do A. McFarlane, 27 do do F. G. Stoop, 28 do do J. B. Bradford, 1 Mar 67 Lieutenant*, Jas. Curry, 26 Feb. 67 John Loehary, 28 do do H. A.Rideout. IMar. do W.WhitIook,jr.2 do do RobtM. Jack, 20 Mar 67 W. Whitlock. eap. 5 Apr 42 Surgeon. S. T. Gove, M. D. 4 Apr. 48 Aathtant Surgeon. Arth J. A. Jas. ] C.P. Jame Peter *Mar ♦Are) Sil.M Josei Jos. Cha.<<. Charl Philo Willii P. A. J. W. Chandler, jr. 5 Jun 67lR.K.Ross. M.D.. 27 Feb 67 Lieutenant Colonel. D. Wetmore, 27 June, '64 Mc^'or*. 8aml. Johnson, 6 Sept. '65 HughLudgate, 22 May 67 Captain*. John Glass. IQJwI^.'es No. 6— SiCOND Battamoh. JamesCampbell, 31 July 63lGeo. Baldwin 7 Sept 65 Levi W.JToung, do do Geo. Turner 8 do do *James Bolton 9 do do JohnMoCoull. 22 May 67 Geo. V. Knight, 3 Aug. do R. B. Hanson, 2 Jun. '04 T. Spear, 27 June. '«4 Geo. M'Vicar, 5 July. '64 *Jas.Bogue,(Ajt)30 Nov 64 Jas. O'Brien, 1 Dee, do Lieutenant*. Wm. Smart, 27 Feb. '44 Hujgh MoLsod, 19 Sept. '48 John 3oyd. 6 Sep. '95 |tpbt. 9n>e. ti Sept 4» NEW BRUNSWICK MlIitTlA. i"i! Arih H. Gillmor, 13 Feb.'60 J. A- M'Callum. 28 May '60 Jas. M'Lean, 30 do 64 C. P. Hawkins, 11 Jua, do James MoOill. 6 Sep. '65 Peter M' Vicar, 7 Sep. '65 *Marlc Hall, 8 do do *Aroh. Campbell, 9 do do Sil.M.Brockway, lOdo do Joseph Meatinff, 11 do do Jas. E. Lynott, 12 d« do Cha.«. A. CarsoDflS do do Charles MoKay. U do do Philo.C. Han8on,15 do do William Toll, 16 do do P.A.MeOallum.l7 do do Frd.A.Wotmore,18 do -io ♦Patrick Brawley, 4 Oct.'65 Entigns. Oscar Hanson, 26 Sept. James Crangle, 27 Sept. John MoKa8kell.276ep Alx.Y- Patterson, 6 Sep. Alfred Mealey, 7 do Joshua Prescott, 8 do Chas. MoGee, jr, 9 do Charles Barney, 10 do Hy. S. Soarks, 11 do Chas. Johnston 12 do Daniel Crealey, 13 do *Shepperd Clinch, 4 Oet Viv.W. Tippet, 22 May '48 '48 '49 '65 do do do do do do do '65 67 Adh'utaiU, ' -■" *Ja8.BoKue,Capt.22 May 67 Paymatter. Isaae KBight(Capt. 25 Sep 49) 30 Not. '66 Quariermatter , J.Messinett, cap. 27 Fab. '44 _ Sttroeon. Robt. Thomson. M. D., 27 [Feb. '44 .^tiiitaut 8urfe»n. Charles Johnston.iM. D.. SO [May ^66 No. 8.— ThIKD BATTAtlOV. Lieutenant Colonel. James Brown, 23 May, '' Major. Charles G. 0. Hatheway, [10 Oct.. '66 Oaptaina. B. Fitagerald, 22 Mar. '42 John li'Intosh. 23 Mar. '42 Robert Brown. 26 Aug. '50 John Leeman, 23 May, '60 Robt.W.Brown.26 Aug.'V Peter Dixon, 8 May '64 Wm. Cheney. 12Maroh. '64 W.B.M'Lauffhlan. 18 J'y'64 W. D. Hartt. 5 July. '65 ♦Luke Byron, 2 Aug. '65 '50 John Farmer, (AdJt.) 28 [Mar. '66 Arch. Lloyd, 20 June, '66|John James Grew, 21 June '66 Lieutenanit. John Chaffey, 28 June. '46 Henry Conley, 27 Aug. '50 Jas. Barker, 8 Nor. '65 60 ♦Sam.Fountain,20 June,'66 60,*Jame8M.Lord, 10 Oct. '66 ^Fred. Gordon, 28 Not. do Entigna, . John Leonard, 27 Ang.'dO Henry Leeman, 28'Aug.'50 Joseph A. Taylor,8 Not'85 James A. Lord, 10 Oet. '66 ' R. Snales, 28Novdo AdJulatU. J. Farmer. Capt. 9 Feb. '64 Quartermcttiter. John Kay, 23 May, '60 Poi/nuMfor. Swrgeon, Chaa. Gem, M.D.23May. '60 Ji$Bi$tm%i Surg$»: ■t- Kit; No. 8.— FovBTH Batvalioii. Lieutenant Chl«nel. Jos. A. Inches, 28 Jun. '65 Major. A. McAdam. 2 Aug.. '65 Captaina. John Mitchell, 19 June, '60 Jos. H. Maxwell, do do J. W. Mann. 21 Sept. '64 H. Hutton, Adj. 28 Dec. '64 Thos. Cotterell, 11 Jan. '65 *Thos. J. Smith, 6 July.'do W. S. Robinson, 18 Apr. '66 John Stewart, 19 do do *W.A.Murchie,20 do do Rex M.King, 30 May '66 Jaeob Hoppi, John MeLeod. 28 Nov 66 _. 29 Nov do Robt. Pool, 30 do do Lieutenantt. John Marks, 23 July, '61 •M. M'Gowan, 6 July '67 Jno W.M'Adam, 18 Apr.'66 David U. Porter,30May '66 G. H. Robinson, 31 do do Hugh Morrison, 27 June '66 Edwd. Rideout, 28 do do Edgar Hill. 28 Nov 66 Enaigna. J. P. Bixby, 5July,'65 Henry A. Berry, 18 Apr. '66 E.B.Simpson, 31 do do Frank T. Maere, 1 Jnna 66 J. M'Keniie, jr. SRT do do Wm. D. Smith. 28 da do Adiiaant. H. Hutton, (Capt) 6 Deo.'65 Paj/mcuter. R. Watson. 20 Aug. '60 Quartermaater. Peter M. Abbott. 20 Aug'60 Surgew». R. C.Thomson. M.D.. 19 June '60 Jtaaiatant Surgaan. W.H.Todd. M.D. 28 Nov 66 WESTMORLAND COUNTY MILITIA.- • -No. 0.— FlBST Battauov. Lieutenant Colonel. D. Hanuington. 1 Mar.'65 Mat'ora. Bliss Botsford. 18 Apr. '65 Ckiptaitia. S. Babinot, 30 July, '32 Rich. Bell, 20 Nov. '40 John Welling, 26 Feb. '44 J. S. Trites, 11 Nov. do ]|.B.DH9lop. 19 dp $io' John A. JonM, 2 May, '66 T. B. Hanington, (Adit.) 8 [Mar. '66 Edw. J. Smith, 4 do da Fred. Bateman. S do do Caleb Beck, da dt Jm. 6. Crawford, 7 4o 49 M NBW BRUNSWICK MiLlTtA. [I ll I ^ Wm. J. Gilbert. 8 May 66 0. A. Holfltaad, 9 do do Lewis Barns, 10 do do Hippolite Galon.ll do do Jaoob Wortman. 18 July do Geo. E. Botsford, 19 do do R. Dobson. 24 May, '33 Jacob Tritea. 21 Nov. '40 Rufus Smith. 23 do do Fred. Welling, 28 Feb. '44 Martin Beek, 3 Mar. do ThoB. Steadman, 4 do do Amos Keith 2 May '66 John L. Harris, S do do W.J.M.Hanincrton,5do do Wm. S. Bleakney,7 do do J. H. Bateman, 8 do do Duncan King, 9 do do Bd.J.Wellijg, 10 May 66 Alex. M'Queen, 11 do do S. J. WelHnv. 12 do do Jas. O. Wilbur. 13 do do Hon.V.0randall,14 do do J. A. Niekerson. 15 do do Z. Luis, 17 May. '29 George Cochran. 21 do 'S3 Alez.MoGMe, 1 Mar. '44 0. A. Robertson. 24 Jan '60 Jas. E. Beatty, 2 May. '66 B.G.Har8hman,3 do do Thos.Herritt. 5 May 66 Aman^T.I>egre,6 do do Edw.M'Sweeny, 7 do G.L. Welling, 8 do Eli Harris. 9 do Richard Bell. 10 do 42 J do do do do Bliss B. Smith. 11 May 66 S. Hannington.l2 do do W. JwRubinson. 18 da do A.Kay, 14 do do Geo. Chapmtn, 15 do do A M'Lellan, 27 June, do T. B. Uannington.(Capt.) [20 Sept. '66 Pa4/ina$Ur, Quart€rma$Ur. . Steadman.<eap.)14Jue'47 Surgeon. E. S.Theal, M.D.16 Not.'40 A»»i$tatU Surqeon. John M. Jonah. M. D.. 2 [May '60 No. 9«-"9>coiin Battaliox. Lieutenant Colonel. Hon.A.E.Botsford,lJan.32 Mciif'or, Captaine. R. B. Chapman. 23 June'35 Thomas Cochran. 23 do do Charles Thibideau, do do Jas. Maxwell, 3 April. '40 Henry Og^en. 1 July. '41 B. Botsford, AdJt.l7Feb' - T. T. Chapman, 18 Feb. '^ Wm. Barnes, 14 June, '47 Charles Dixon. 15 do do B. B. Chandler, jr. 10 Sep'49 W. B. Chapman, 10 Jly '50 Rob«rt BowMT, 11 da do Gay Silrer. 20 Mar. '60 Itieutentmte. Darid Taylor. 2 July, ' OttisR. Sayre. 4 do do C. Palmer, 12 do '" N. Bulmer, 18 Feb. S. C. Oulton. 21 do do O.S. Chapman, 22 do do Geo. N, Bnlmer, 23 do do C. Riohaidson, 17 June, '47 Wm. Smith. 16 July. '49 Stp. B. Trueman. 17 do do Jonn Hickman, 10 Sep. do 46 Jos. L. Moore. 13 Feb. '60 46 John F.Taylor, do do James Murray 17 do do Angus MoQueen,20 Mar do Benj. Wells. 28 Sept. '32 do Jos. White, 20 Aug. '36 Qrane Charters. 5 April '40 James Cassidy. 8 do do '41 James Taylor. 9 do do Geo. Cochrane, 10 April '40 42 Rob. Trenholm. 21 Aug.'43 46|Kat. Lowerson. 18 Aug. '4G Caleb Read, 14 June. '47 CharlM Barnes, 15 do do C. D. Chapman. 16 Jly. '49 Silas D: Copp» 10 Sep. do Chas. B. WeUs. 20 Mar. 60 Acb'utani. B.Bot8ford,Capt.25 Aug.'fiS Paymatter, J. Allison. Cap;22 Juna do Quartermatter. Alex.Robb.Lieut.lOSep 49 Surgeon, JiaBieUnt Surgeen. No. 9.— THno BATTALieir. Limiienant Colonel, B. C. Raworth. 31 July. Major, Jacob Silliker, 25 Sept Captaine. J. Chapman, AJt. 25 July JohnF. Copp. 25 Sept. Jos.C. Harper, 26 do .J.S.MoGla8hing.27 do Ed. A. Welsh, 28 do Bamford Allan, 28 do Jos. H. Arard. 80 do _. Wm. H. Copp. 1 Oct do Lieuienante, Liffy Allan. 1 Jun; , 31 DarJd Casey. 25 Sept 67 Thomas Amos, 26 do do „, Albert Gooden, 27 do do (lo W. Peacock, jr.i 28 do do ffer. Sweeney. 29 do do •67 67 SO 67 do do do JSntigne. Wm. M'Morrifl, 18 May, '32 dolAlph. Goeden, 14 June'47 ' Gooden Siddal, 25 Sept. 67 Wm. C. Raworth. 26 do Alf. Raworth, eor 27 do Ac^'utant. J, Chapman, capt. 25 Jly 30 Paymaster, Edwin Oulton, 21 June '4G Quartermaster. B.Chapman, capt. 25 Sep .67 Surgeon. ALBERT COUNTY MILlTIA.>-No. 10. Lieutenant Colonel. Major, Captaine, John Beatty, 1 July. '41 R. D. Chapman. 1 July '49 Elisha Turner, 19 do do Jaha R. RosseU, 24 Jan. (W John Wallace, 10 Apr. '60 Rufus Palmer. 25 do do C. A. Peck. 21 do 64 Joseph Calhoun. 27 Jun. 64 D. H.Calhotin. 15 Mar. '65 W< Cleveland* 14Jnn«do 1 May 6C 2 do do 3 d* do i do do • do do June, do (T. Her. ».)14Jue'47 i«NoT.'40 iroeon. M. D.j 2 April '40 21 Aug.'43 L8 Aug. '46 June, ^47 15 do do 16 Jly. '49 Sep. do aOMar. 60 .25Aug.'63 IT, 2 June do tUr. t.lOSep49 ». 14 June'47 25 Sept. 67 1, 26 do )r27 do a. ►t. 25 Jly 30 er. a June '46 iter. t.25Sep.67 t. 25 do do 21 do 64 i,27Jun.G4 L5 Mar. '65 U Jane do N^W fe^UNSWldK MILITIA. 95 D. M. Steeve«, 28 Juno 65 S.B.WeldonJr., 2Aug. 65 J.A.M.Colpitts. Ajt3do do Wm; 11. Jensh, 21 Nor. 66 D- Cleareland, 27 Mar 67 R. H- ChapMan. 29 Jun do Lieuteimitt$. HonW.U.Steore8.10May'47 Wm. Carlisle, 16 July, '49 Wm. Brewster, 17 do do J. L. B. Steeres, 10 Apr.'60 EliahaPeck, 25 do do Elieba Stoeves, lUJnc.do Geo.W.DeMlll, 21 Nov 66 Lcm. U. Moore, 27 Jun 67 Enaignt. Michael Duffy. 25 Apr. '34 Harris Calnoun, 25 Jun '46 Lewis Sleeves, 36 May, '47 Oor. D. Steoves, 10 Apr. '60 Sam. P« Rogers, 25 do do Gil. B. Smith, 10 June. '60 Robt.A.CoIpiUi, 6 June, '66 A(i/vtfint, J. A. M. Colpitis, (rapt.) 29 June 67 Papumater, Qunrtrrmatltr. Jas.Redgors. Lt.6July.'40 Surgeon. I NORTIIUMBBRLAND COUNTY MILITIA •■ -No. II.-Pirst Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. C. M'CulIey. lOApril 67 Majora. Danl. Ferguson, 9 May, '66 Captaina. James Johnson. 14 Kov.'SO Charles Stewart, 15 do do J. Russell, Adjt., 16 do do J. M. Jrhnson, 24 Feb. '60 Geo. H. Russell. 29 Apr, '63 Wm. Lobban, 15 July, '64 Arch. Cameron, 8 Aug. '65 Peter Gray, 23 do do Dudley Perley, 24 do do Adam D. Sheriff, 9 May,'66 Asa Perley, 22 Aug. do *J. B. Siiowball,10 Oct. do W. McNaughtOn, 24 Ap. 67 W.B.Howard, lOAnl.do D. MoLachlan. 16 Oct do Lieutenanta. G. Letson, 11 June, '42 Pat. Brophey. 17 April '50 AIoz. Mcllae, 19 do do Wm. Noble, 3\ug.'65 Jos. llnnnay, 6 do do Robt. Wilson, 7 do do John Baldwin, 8 do do Robt. Lobban, 9 do do J. McNaughton, 10 do do Jas. M'Lean, 9 May '66 Jer. UUock. 10 do do Jonathan Noble,!! do do AIcz. Gillai<, 12 do do ♦Jaeob C. Uough, 7 Not • J.R.Nicholson, 24Apl67 S. U. MeOuUey,22Maydo Wm. Fenton. 23 do do James Gray, 31 July do Arthur Wright, 16 Get do Enalgna. J. Carruthers, 20 June, '63 Alex. Fenton. 16 Jun.*4d Dav. GoodfBllow,15Mar'47 Wm. Muirbead, 19 ApI.'oO John Stewart. 2 Aug. '65 A. M'LeHan, 5 do do David Armstrong. 6 Aug 65 J.M'Naughton.jr.8 do do Potcr Loggie, 10 do do W. Dickens, jr.. 12 do do D. Ullock, 23 do do Wm. M'Lean. 9 May, 66 Wm. (Godfrey, 10 do do James Elkin, 11 July, do •W. Muirhead Jr.7Nor. do R. McNanghtAn, 22Mfly67 Jas. Mowatt, 16 Got. do Ath'Mtant. J. Russell, Capt 16 Sep. '63 Paymaater. Quartermctater. Suro«0n. Sta.B«nson,M.D.19Dec 66 Jiasiatant Surgtan. *No. 11.— Second Battalioow. Lieutenant Golonel. Robt. Jardine, 25 Jan. '64 M<vor- Rolnnd Crocker. 7 Sept '64 Vaptatn«- E. Williston. ajt. 19Aug '42 A. A. Davidson. 14 Nov '59 Ale> Ferguson, do do Robert Forsyth, Nov. '59 Richard Sutton, do do E. R.Whitney. 12 April.'64 W. Parker. 25 Aug. '64 WiUliam Wilson. G Sep. '6^ Hon.P.Mitchell. 27 Sep. '(>5 D. W.David.v)n.l9Sep.'(^ R. Davidson. 26 do do Chrii. Parker, 25 do 67 Wm. Masson. jr.26 do do Lieutananta. Robt. McKay, 4 July, '48 F.P.Henderson, 14 Nov 59 Thomas V anstone, do Samuel Travis. do Robert R. Call, 6 Sept. ^65 Wm. C Hurley, 21 do do John Peabody. 27 do do Chris. Crocker. 11 July '66 R. Jardine, .jr., 12 do do Joseph Chnplin. 13 do do Okas. Sergeant, 25 Sept 67 John Fish. 26 do do Alez.R.Ramsay 28 do do Ensigns Kben. McKay. !4 Nov. '5^ Edmund Clarke, dc do David Soiumers, do do Robt p. Whitney, do do John M. Sutton. 20 Sep.'66 John Nevin. 2! do do Geo. Burchell. 27 do do James Fallon, 28 do do A. MoEachom, 11 July, '66 Charles Hartley. 19 Sep. '66 dojJo9.Goodfellow,20 do do dttjAlex. Esson, 21 do do Enoch Flett, 25 Sept 67 narTeyPhinney,28 do do Henry Botts, 27 do do Jas. Mitchell. 28 do do Ailj'nfant. i Edward Williston, Oa^t..23 April, 61 Pai/tiiuater. W. Park, (E»«.) 11 Oct. '65 Qnnrtenimtit«:i:.. W. Murrifon. (Ens.) 27 Sep. [1865 Surgeon- J. Thompson, 20 June, '4t Aasiatant Snrg^san. 96 NBW BRUNSWIOK MILITIA. '■ f i Lieutenant Colonel* M<vort. T. W. Underbill, 13 May '46 W. T. Underbill, 27 Feb 67 CbpfatiM. Natb.Underbill. 28 Jly. '45 James Fowler, 6 Jan., '60 W. A. MoLagvan, 5 Feb. '64 B.N.T.Underbill,aJ 29Mr'64 R.D.Robinion. 20 Mar. 67 Elijah Fowler, 10 Apl do Ho. 11.— Third Battauon. Pet. MoLaffffan. 17 Apl. 67 Abel B. Pond, 18 do do LiexUenante, J. A. UnderhiUj31 Mar. '64 John Lawler, 27 April '04 John Farley, 6 June 86 Stephen Mitohell.S do do J. T. McMillan. 10 Apl 67 Wm. Betti, 17 April, do Eneignt' J. W. Underbill. 27 Apl 64 A. E. Underhill, 10 Oct. do 5-^-^U$*»«»» 11 Oct '66 John T. WilHon, 20 Mar 67 Adautawt' B. N. T. UnderhilJ Capt..l8 July. 1864 Lav John LawIor,.Lt. 19Apr.'65 SHraeon' J. S. Benson, M. D. 18 Jly 64 Ataittant Surgeon- No. ll—FouBTH Battaliox. Lieutenant Colonel. R.Hutehi8on, 31 May. 64 Majora. Oaptaine. Jn. MoLeod. Aj*. 12 Jun.'43 Alex. Russell, 3Aus. '65 W{n. M'Leod. 4 do do William Russell, 5 do do Cbas. Marshall, 7 do do Rd. E. Hutchinson, 23Aqr> '65 D. A. E. Hutchinson, 24 Au«. '65. Qeo. Letson, 25 do do D'ldM'Donald. 26 do do Alz. Morrison. 27 do do Nor'n Campbell. 28 Aug '65 Wm. Innis, 30 May '66 Lieutenante. 2 Aug. '65 4 do do 5 do do 23Aug.'65 25 do do do do do do do do do do 26 27 Alex. Loggie. A. Jessaman, F. Russell, Wm.Qordon, Robert Loggie, R. Falconer, Wm. Kerr, F.Morrison, jr., 28 John Johnstoui 29 uu uu Donald M'Leod. 30 May'66 Wm. Porter, 11 July do Edward Rogers, 14 Nov. 59 Eneigna. John Scott, 3 Aug. '65 Dune. Morrison, 9 do do Wm.Johnstone.il do do Thos. Hays, 23Aug.'65 Mioh. Adams, 24 .do do R. G. Anderson. 25 do do D. StotLart, 26 do do Geo. Grant, 27Aug.'65 H. Robicbeau, 28 do do E. McCallum, 29 do do John Hay. 30 May, '66 A.R.Goodfellow.31 do do A<ijutant, J. McLeod. capt.23Aug.*65 Pavmaater. Matthew Carruthers.Lt. 23 Aug. '66 Quartermaeter. A. R. McDougall.Lieut. 23 Aug.. '66 Surgeon, John Fallen, 23 Aug. '68 Aaaiatant Surgaen. RBSTI60UCHE COUNTY.— No. IS. Lieutenant Colonel. [John Cook. 3 Feb. '47 Adam Ferguson. a4NoT'52 Robert Sinclair, 6 Mar. [GO Mofore. A' McPherson, sr. 6 Aug '63 Rob. Ferguson, 2 Aug. '65 Captaine. A. Barberie. Ajt. 27 Jan. '47 Chaa.Murrs^, 6 Mar. '60 ♦Wm. T. Smith, 4 Au«. '62 John Ferguson, 22 Feb. '65 Robert Jardine, 1 Mar- do John Mair. 2 Aug. '65 James Fraser, 3 Aug. do. William Montgomery, 4 Aug. '65 Cbas. Stewart, 5 Alex. Dickie, 6 A.C.Desbrisay 7 J. C. Barbaric, 8 J.M'Laughlin, 9 Lieutenanta Mio'el Ferguson, 30 Jan.'47 Jai. S* Morse, Thos. Kerr, John Duncan, Peter Stewart, Alex. Hamilton, Angus Fraser, William Gullen, Andrew Harvie, do do de do de do do do do do do do do do do Aretus W.T. DesBrisay. 10 2 Mar. '66 2 Aug. '65 3 do do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 'I 65. Aug. Daniel Delaaey. 20 Sep. '65 Darid M'Nair, jr. 6 Fob 67 Enaigna. John T.Ultican. 27 Jan. '47 Neil Cook, 2 Feb. '47 •W.M.Caldwell, 4 Aug. '62 W. M'K. Steren. 27 July '64 *John Barbarie,18 Jan. '65 Don'd McAli8ter,14 Jun '65 James Adams, 2 Aug. '65 Wm. Ferguson, 3 do '65 Alex. M'Neish, 4 do '66 Wm. S. Smith, jr. 5Aug.'65 John Greene, 6 do do James Reid> 7 do do John Doyle. 8 do do William Daly, 9 do do Alex. M'Lean, 20 Sep. '65 Robert Mair, 6 Feb. 67 A-Maophersonjr. 7 do do Thos. Doyle, 8 do do Acf/'utant* A. Barberie, capt.l4 Jly.'SS Paymaater. Q. M. Hutchinson, Lieut. 12 Jun. 1864 Quariermaater. Jas. Harris, Lt., 2 Aug. '66 Surgeon. Wm. G. Disbrow, M. D.. 26 [Feb.1864 Jia$iat9.ni Surgean. ^ NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. Oct. '66 >Mari 67 J0apt..l8 Inly, 1964 |9Apr.'65 J18Jly64 reon> do do do do Ang.'65 ^ do do 9 do do May, '66 1 do do 3Aug.'65 »n,Lt. 23 Aug. '66 sr, 'iieut 23 ing., '65 Aug. '68 •t0n. 5Aug.'65 J do do ^ do do t do do > do do Sep. '65 Feb. 67 do do ' do do 4JIy.'68 jient. 12 an. 1864 kmg. '66 I. D., 26 'eb.l864 flLOUCEStER COUNTY LitutenarU OoIomI' Hon. John Fergrtson. 1 Jan. Ohrii. MoManuf. 4 Jan. '64 Cbp<a«ii«. Jame« Paul, 21 Feb. '50 John Chalmera, 8 July. '63 Theo. DeiBrisay. do do D.a. Maelauehlan, Adjt., 8 July, 1863 James 0- Diok, 8 do do John Miller, 21 Deo. 63. J. T. Carter. 18 May, '64 Samuel Miller. 20 Sep. '65 Rufus C.Cole, 19SoDt, '66 B. W. Weldon. 22Biay,67 H. A. M'C^Ileugh. 5 Jan 67 J. Bttttimer, 6 do do IS MILITIA. ...Ne. Lieutenantt. Job Morrison. 8 July, '63 Jaa. Chalmen, Robt. Hendry, Jas. Hiokson, Fran. Meahan, W. T. Baldwin. 22 May, 67 Ken'dy F.Burns, 22 do do Robt. Armstrong, 5 Jnn 67 22 Deo. do 5 Mar. '64 16 do do 28 Sep. '65 S. H. Napier, 11 do do A. T. Carter, 14 Noy. '64 Rich'd. White. 15 Nov. '64 Gideon Duncan, 16 do do J> Maloughney, 17 do do Riehard Miller, 13 June '66 A. R. Ferguson, 14 do do Jas. Strahom, 6 Feb. 67 John McLeod, 22 May, do 97 — FlMT Battaliov. P.Flannery, 23 May. 67 J. ?,wr»?on, jr. 24 do do J^ B.Baldwin. 25 do do W.T.Armitronff, 6 Jan. do R. Ferguson, jr., 6 do do Adjutant' DG. M'Lauchlan. Capt.. 14 July,lS63 Paymatttr, H.W. Baldwin, (Capt'n) 5 [Jan. ^64 Quartermatter, John M'Kenna, 21 Mar. '64 „. Surgeon. • W. W. Gordon, M. D.. 18 Dee., 1863 A§gi»tMnt 8urg$»n. L\9Ut9nant Colonel. Jehn M'Intesh,22Aug. '66 Joseph Sewell. 12 Nor. 40 Thomas Kerr, 13 do do yfm. Taylor, 2 June, '48 John Kerr, S do do Alex. Campbell. 16 Dec. '63 David Ferguson, 30 do do R. Young, 7 July. '64 Pascal Landry, 9 do do Mat'w Parrot, 28 Mar. '66 And'wD'Aroy, 6 June do Wm. A. M'Intosh, (Adjt.) [7 June 1866 Wm. Ferguson. 10 Oct. '66 No. 18.— Secohd John Toung, 11 Oct. '66 LiwUenantt. James Kerr, 3 June, '48 Rich. Dawson, jr. 4 do '48 Docile Robiehau, 11 do do Barnabie Sewell, 13 do do A. Sutherland, 25 Jan. '64 Juste Haehe. W. J. Richey, R. C Caie. J. G. Henry. J. Campbell, Battaliok. Wm. Eddy, sen. 4 June '48 John M'Intosh, 8 Aug. '66 F.X.Dumareique, 9 Aug 66 Rich'd Young, 10 Get. do Yal'tine Gibbs. U do do AdJMianit' Wm. A. M'Intosh. (Capt.) 4 May '64 Paymatttr, 4 May '64 1 June, do 6 June, do 21Jane. do 22 do do Mioh'l Reardon, 27 Jua '66 Edward Oaie, 8 Aug. do Jas. Dayidson* 10 Oot. do John Young, jr.,11 do do Entian», Wm. Drysdale, 14 Nor- '40 QtMrtermatttr. John Ritchie, 16 May, '29 Suraeon. A.C.8mith.M.D. 5 June,87 Attiatant Snrgton. KENT COUNTY MILITIA No. 14.-Fibst Bamaliok. Lieutenant Ooloneh L P.W.DesBrisay.l Jan'63 Major- John Ford, , 20 June '66 Captaint- Alez.M'Michael, 17 Ap.'50 John Main. 18 do do Robt. MoAlmon, 19 do do Wm.McWilliam,24do do Peter Mozerall, 25 do do Chas J. gayre. Adjt. 2 May. '09 Jas. Girran, 21 Jun. '65 H. L. Dwyer, 22 do do R. Hutchinson, 23 do do Ow'n MoInerney,24 do do R. Johnson, 25 do do J. Dickenson, 26 do do James Fraser. 11 April '66 JAodtonaiUt. J. M. Wathen. 17 April,'50 D Jas. A. James, 20 Apl. 50 T. G. Richardson, 22 do do S.B.Hetherington,24 Ap'50 Jas- Cameron, 26 Apr. '5C Robert Graham, 27 do do T. W. Dibblee, 2 May, '6i. John Brait. 21 Jun. '65 C^Riohardson, 22 do do Alex. Girvan, 23 do do John B. Forster* 24 do do Michael MuEToU, 25 do do A. Smith. 16Aug.'65 J .Stevenson, 20 June '66 T. DesBrisay, 21 do d^ Entigna- John Clare, 26 May '33 Alex.Roxborough 20 Ap.50 Edward Powell, 21 Apr.'SO Martin Mooney, 24 do do Zidore Barriot, 26 Apr. '50 Edmund Walker. 27 do do M. Flanagan, 21 June, '65 Peter Daigle, 23 do do R. S. Desbrisay, 24 Jun '56 Wm.Wheton, 17 Aug. '65 Oswald Smith, 18 do do E. Hutchinson, 11 Apr.'66 Daniel Keswick, 20 Jun do Jas. Phinney, 21 do do Chas. Carlyle, 22 do do D. W. Morrison, 23 do do At^'utant' C.J.Sayre. (Capt.) 4 Jaa.'OS Paymatter- Quartermaster. J. G. Lay ten. It. 17 Apr- '50 Suraeon' L. McLaren, M.D.17ApI,50 Aeaietant Surgeon. 98 NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. KENT COUNTY MILITIA —No. 14.— Sbcokd Battaliom. Lieutenant Oolontl- Albert M. Smith. 8 Nov. Captaint- W. Ilaninsrton, 26 May Robt. Dyriart, 9 Aas- Jacob Gesner, 22 Oct- ThoiDM Assinoau, 23 do .John Sheridan, 10 Fob Thomna Coatea. 13 do C. J. Smith. Adjt. 6 Jun ChaM. W. Lyon, G Juno. P. McOullough, 7 June '66 '^i Ltettttnantt' T. Bushon, 24 May. '31 Gideon Smith, 16 Oct '41 do Louis Aliiui. 13 do '47 Mariner llivltH. 10 Feb- '51 •3^5 Albert M ::?inith, lido do ^o'f 'nrneliu* Turner, 13 do do '5lil»ob- DoutIiux, Udodo dol KMignn. ♦56 J. Thibidnan. 25 May, '31 '60 John Burke, jr. 23 Oct. '33 Peter White. 13 Oct. '47 R«bert Hlckn, 13 Fob. '51 Israel Hlckp, 14 do do Adjif'tnnt C.J. Smith. cap. 6,Tnno '64i Paymatter, Quartervtuater. Surffon. Atiiatant Surgeon, KING'S COUNTY MILITU. ••No. 16.— Fxrbt Rattalion. ItieHienant Colonel. 1 W.P.Flewelling. 11 Oct. '65] Captnine. Abra- D. Mabee. 10 Aug*48 David A. Lyon. 6 Jan- '51 Thos. Johnston, 10 June '60 D.P. Wetmore, Adj.8 Nov 65 W.A.AVilliams, U do do Sam. Foster. 10 do do J. W.Caulfield, 12 do do JcsanQ. Belyoa. 13 do do A. M. Mabee. 14 Nov.'65 Jm. J. Brien. 7 N^ov. 66 .To5. A. Richards, 8 do do •r. H. Flowolling, 22 May 67 Lltntcnanti' Phil.P.Dann.jr. lOAug'48 Jas. A. H islctt, 10 Jun '60 Thos. Elston. 25 Oct. do J. A. Williams*. 8 Nov. '66 G. n.Flcwolling.9 do do Arthur MjuiKcr, 10 do do C. M. DeVcbur, 11 do do John D. llowfl. 7 Nov. 66 Chas.E. M'Kiel, 8 do do J. A. WhclpK'T, 9 do do D.W. McKenxie.lO do do J.ILFlowcIling,22May67 fJni>{(/n«. Ja-s. W. Brittnin.l 8ep. '46 Jer. D. Mabee. 10 Aug. '48 E. S. Wetmore. 10 June '60 AbmMcC'ann, 25 Oct. '60 Tho8.LeeScovil,9 do Ho J. T. MoFarland. 7 Nov. 66 Hiram Kirabal. 8 do do T. M. Richards. 9 do do A. Stephenson. 10 do do A. F. Williams, 11 do do Jas. A Belyea. 12 do do A(i/utant. D-P.Wetmore,cap.l6Jan67 Paymaater- Quarter inaater- J. Price, Lieut. 25 Nev- 39 Surfieon. T. Scott. M. D., 7 Nov. 66 Aaaittant Surgeen. No. 16.— Second Battalion. Lieutenant Oohnel. Edwin B. Beer. 18 A pi. '66 Major. R. Thompson. 30 Sept.. '65 0. R. Arnold, 1 May. 67 Gaptaina. Wm. Coates.(un)l June, 46 Goo. H. Ryan. 25 May, '63 J. N. Price, 15 Sept. do •T. M- Stockton, do do E. J. Flewelling. 11 Oct.'65 Amasa Kennedy, 31.Jan.'66 Ed. L.Wetmore,19Sopt.do Sam. Goslino, 20 do do Eben- Stockton,21 do do J. M. B McLeed, 16 Jan 67 Wm. E.Vail. 1 May, do W.Fairweather, 2 do do E. Arnold, Adjt. 3 do do Sam'l Morton, 4 do do John N. Coatos. 39 Jun, do Lienfenanta. Smith Chapman, 3 June'46 Saml- C. Price, 8 do do P. J. Cougle. (un) 18 Aug 63 Geo. McCully, 29 Mar. '65 D. M'M. Fairweather, 15 [June '65 G. M. Blackney. 21 Jun.'65 T.H.Paison. 5 July '65 Geo.H.Consle. 11 Oct. '65 E.F. Fonwick, 31 Jan. '66 G. C. Stockton, 19 Sept. do Wm. H. Keith, 2 Jifin. 67 Fred. J. Smith, 1 May do Obin Hayes, 2 do do D.B.Arnistrong, 3 do do Wm. Manning, 27 June do Ed. McLeod, 1 July do Enatffna. Wm. Pearson, 29 May, '46 W.Hayward,(un) 30 May 46 Thos. Keith, 6 Jnne,'46 Ephr. Chamberi, 6 do do J. D. Cam^beUi IMrtb. do D. A. Keith, 21 Juno, 46 T. C- Stockton, 22 June, '65 Chas. W. Coates, 17 Jan.'65 G. A.Folkins, 31 Jan '66 Owen Keith, 21 Mar. do John Brannen, 22 do do Jas. T. King, 19 Sep. do R. Morrison. 10 Ort. do Isaac M. Pa.le«, 1 ?irt 'V B.H.Morton, 29 June do A4f»tant. Edwin Arnold, Captain, 1 [May. 1867 Paymaater. Neliion Arnold. Capt'n, 29 [June, 1867 Quartermaater. Robert B. Vail. Lieptl 29 [June, 1867 Surgeon. Edwin A. Tail, M. D., 19 [June '38 NEW BRUNSWICK MILITIA. 99 No. U.'^Thiid Dattaliom. '47 Oct. f« Fob. '61 do do do dn Nov .CO do do do do do do do do do do 16Jan67 Lieutenant CtloneL' Allon C Otty. 20 Feb. 67 Afov'or. Joa. C Upham. 20 Feb. 67 Oaptaint' N. P.Wanamake.6Sep.'63 And. Stevenson, 7 Sept. '63 Jttd. M. Fowler. 8 do do Robt. S. Purvif. 21 Sep. '64 Hy. Uallett, AdJ. 22 do do Chas. J. Smith. 30 Aug. '66 O. N. Hendricks. 6 Jun '66 Geo. J. Clarke. 18 Jly do Isaac J. Saunders, 17 Ap.67 Hy. J. Forrester, 18 do do 66 J Jas. W.Titus, 30 Oct. do Lieutenant: Alex. Campbell, 7 Apr. '48 Jas. J. Fonyth. 2 Nov. '64 J. S. Pickle. 3 do do C. C Dodffe. 4 do do Rich'd. DeBow. 5 do do C. J. Hendricks, 8 Nov. '65 Thos. P. Dixon. 17April. 67 Emiont. Oilfd.Flewelling, 22 Feb.'65 J. F. Wanamake, 23 do do John Myles. 30 Aug. '66 J.T.Ketohum, 8 Nov. '66 W.J.Giggey. 9 do do C. M. Fowler, 13 Juno '{)6 Robert Orr. 14 do do Q. S. Pettingel. 17 April.67 Adjutant. Henry Hallett. Capt'n.. 17 [April, 1867. Pavntaeter. R. S. Matthews, cap. 2 Juno 1836. Quarterma$ter. E. S. Wetmore.lt.25 Aug'28 Suraeon. S. Z. Earle. M.D. 4 Apr 48 Attittant Surgeon, Q. Bedell, M. D.. ^ Nov.'64 No. 15.— Fourth Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel- C. D. Fairweather,19Sept Edwin A. Barberie. 2Jan67 Captain*. Wait.B.Soovil.4April. '48 A. J. Ker8tead.:i5Mroh. 65 John J. Spragg, 19 Apr.'fS A. A. Davis, 18 July '66 J. C. P. Freeie. 21 Nov 66 Geo. G. G. Soovil. 22 do do Jas. J. Smith, 2 Jt.a. 67 David Mills. 15 Nov. 65 Bd. M. Sprague. 7 Feb. do W.F.Hatfield. 5 June do Lieutenanie. Wm. Ketohum. 2 June, '4^David DanaldMahoney,6 June'42 Alex WeedinWotmore, 1 Aug.'49 S. W. Davis, 5 Mar. 49 J. E. Fairweather, (Adjt.) 1 [ Apl. 64 Thos. L. Hay, 21 Jun. '66 Adam D. Smith. 21 Nov 66 A. C. Nobles, 22 do do C. Fairweather, 23 do do A. B. HayeSf 2 Jan 67 Geo. R. Davis, 5 June do Geo. W.Sharp. 20 Aug do Jas. W.Day. 31 do do Entign*. J. Gillies. 5 June.'32 John Morrison, 3 July. '41 Don. Bohannen, 7 Nov. do David Drew. 8 do do Wm. Crabbe. 2 June. '42 Hatfield, 2 Aug. '49 . Gillies. 21 Jui^e 65 Jos. H.Dixon, 21 Nov. do Jas. P. Benson, 22 do do Adw. S. Foster, 23 do do Jos. B. Coy. 24 do do Edwin A.Hayes, 2 Jan. 67 Geo. W. Palmer, 31 Aug do Adjutant. J. E. Fairweather. (Lt.) 26 [Sept. 'ti6 Paymatter. Benj. Grayi Capt.. 6 Jne 67 Quartermaeter. I. Raymond, cap. 3 June '42 Surgeon§. 0. Wilson. M.D.12 June '48 G.H.Wileon.do 15 Mr. '65 Aaai^ant Surgeon, T.C.Sharp. M.D. 31 July ,49 QUEBN'B COUNTY MILITIA.* •••No. 16.— Fiaar Battauox. '64 Lieutenant Colonel. F. L. Knox. 16 April. Major. R.T. Babbitt. 12 June 67 Captaina. John J. Millidge, 1 Sep '40 Benj. S. Babbitt. 26 Jan 63 Robt. Slip, 19 Oct. '64 F. J. Purdy, 30 do do G. N. Golding, 24 Aug. '66 T.W.Ebbott, 19 Se Peleg Smith, 12 1 E.Simpson, Adjt. 16 Jan 67 R. D. MoCay. 27 March66 William Peters, 26 Jun do Jas. A. Curry. 27 do do jM.S.^ealei, 25 Sept do Lieutenante. Bichd. Graham. 7 Sept. '50 H. J. Duvemet, 6 Jan. '60 Geo. Caldwell. M. Dykeman. G. F. Case, W. B. Dingee, Benj. Clark, A. Estabrooks, 19 Oct. '64 30 Nov. do 23 Aug. '65 19 Sept. '66 12 Deo. do 26 June 67 Saml. L. Peters.l7 July do Isaac Fox, 25 Sept. do Eneigne. G. W. Hoben. 2 Sept. '40 Wm. Quinn, 7 Sept. '50 George Golding, 9 Sept.'SO Jas. Deveber. 6 Jan'60 M. Williams. S Nov. 64 H.PoUook, SBJuii. '66 Mayes Case, 23 Aug. '64 John S. Belyea, 5 Oct. 66 W. H.Bulyea, 19 Sept. '67 Thos. E. Bfoben, 26 June 65 Edw. W. Slipp. 29 do do Acijutant. E. Simpson. Cap. 24Aug. 64 Paymaeter. N. H. Deveber, 24 Aug. '29 Quartermaater. L. C. Dingee, (Capt.) 16 [Jan. '66 Surgeon. 4t$iat*nt Surgaen. • It, to.. •••••. .•••!, I,, (ft 1,1 •••••• •••••« 100 NEW BRUNSWICK MILITTA. No. If.— SiooMD Battalioni 1^ 4 LieutenniU CkloMl. •15 do '48 '60 Mfv'or' a i). Bailoy, 6 Fob. 67 Charles Keith. 19 do John Surkoy, 20 do Kobt- Yeamana, 10 do And. M. Tong, 1 May, , R. P. Yeainana, 10 July, do Syl. Z. BftTle, 8 Nov. '66 Wm.V. White. 8 Aug. '66 Riehard Pearson 2a Jun 67 Abtolam J)ay. 1 July, do AIex.D.M'Phee.2 de do Adam R. Strong, 3 do do Vinc't Wiggins. 4 do do Geo. IS. McLean, 2 Oct, do Lieut€iM,nt$. Andrew Barton. 13Aag.'43 Francis Fulton. 15 Aug. *43 Wm. Perry, Beni. Keith, 19 do '45 21 do do D. McDonald. 7 Jan. '51 Wm. Thompnon, 1 May '60 William Binnoy, do do C.J. Bailey, lU July, do Geo. A. Bailey, 29 Jun 67 Wm. Hunter, 1 July, do AbramL.Bailoy. 2 do do BbonozcrBriggs, 3 do do J.M.Robertson, 2 Oct. do J.A.Bransoombo, 3 do do Hiram Cody, 4 do do James Mullin. 11 Aug. '34 Wm. Vincent, 6 July, '41 JohnStarkey, 15 do '43 Allen McDonald, 20 do '45 John Mullin. jr., 21 do do Abraham Bailey, 11 do '48 Maao Burpee, 12Aug.'48 John Cole, 13 do do Qeo. McDonald. 7 Jan. '51 James McAfee, 8 Jan. '.Ol William Black, 9 do do Coles Jas.Belyea, 11 do do Donald McPhoe. 1 Muy. '00 Thomas Keys, do du B. Burpee, 10 July 'GO J. G. Sypher. 29 June 07 Peter Yeamans, 1 July do Conrad Barton, 2 do do John Allen. 3 do do Ad/utant. Paymatter. Quartermatter. Surgeon. Jliai$Unt Surg$tn. No. 16.— TsiRD Battaliov. Lhuttnant Onlonel. LieutenaiU*. T. R. Wetmore. 13 Mar 67 ?*»»■• Jf- P»rrah, 2 Not 64 Jtajtr, Cat>taitu. Thos. Grahan. 7 Sept 60 Andrew Dunn, 26 Deo 68 FranchI Woods. 2 Nov 64 DavidMeAUiB««r,9do 4v Wm. Burgess, 4 Oct 66 O: F. Fox, Ad^t.. 29 Jun 67 John Corbett, 3 do do Geo- Smith, 4 do do Geo. Hy. Jones. 5 do do Thos. Harrison, 4 Oct 65 En$ign04 Gabr'l Fowler. jf« 2 Nov 64 John Simpson, jr. 3 do do J. S. ArmaioroQg, 3 do doJohnQuinn, 4^do do Daniel Brophy* 29 J«ne 65 Geo. Inch, 4 Qflt do James Bell. 6F«ib67 Jiljntmni. Caleb F. I'ox, Captain. 19 [June. 1867 : Pmymatier. QudrUfmatter. /SWrf 4on. Attittant Surgeon, CARLBTON COUNTY MILITIA.... .No. 17 — FiasT Battaliox. I ' Li«ut«ntint OblmuU W. T.Baird. (D.Q. M.G.) [1 Jan. '63 Q, W. Raymond, 27 Sep. 65 > rl, ■ Oaptaina. Ivory Kilburn, 24 Jan. Thos. L. Evans, 9 Feb. Wm. Skillen, 19 Oct., '63 ♦G. Strickland, 12 Jan. '64 Charles Clark, 21 Sept., '64 John J. Hoyt, 22 do do R. B. Ketchum, (Adjt.) 27 [Sept. '65 Geo. E. Shea, ♦Geo. S. Baird, Ham'n Emery, G.BBoyer, Chask Bnrpee, LieuteH<»nt$- Robert A . Hay, 29 May.'42 19 July '66 20 do dtf do d» do 21 22 23 Anth. Koasne^, 6 Sept. '47 Levi Estabrooks, 7Sept.'47 John Clark, 19 Sept. '63 Jobft Fisher, jr., 12 Jan. '64 Jarvis Bull, 21 Sept. do GeO^B. Good, 23 do do A. M. Broderiok. 24 do do J. X. Kerigan, 27 do do Alex. Lindsay, 2 May '66 J. Kirkpatriek. 27.Jtta do ♦ J-. W. Boyer, 5 Jmne, 67 Enaign». Jarvis Estoy. 6 Sept. *47 ^ederick Bull, 28 Aug.'48 Wm' Lindsay. 29 Apr. '52 Jno(Broads«reet.24 Jatt. '60 ' r. Cnrrte.lr. JrApfk do Harditit, 2( Sotfi. 64 Keamtff, 21 dff' do __-§arteri ^ d» *66 G. Wetmore, 28 do do G. L. Raymond*, 29 May '42'Step.* Peabody,*29 Sept. '65 ,30 do do 21 Feb. '66 Hen. B.jl^^i Asa M Nine . Jas. Clynlek, 27 June do H.W. Bourne, 28 do do J. P. Morse, 29 do do R.Kirkpatrlek, 30 do do R. M'Intyre, 18 July do A^'tUant. R. B. Ketchum, (Capt.) 27 [Sept. 't55 PaymatteV' J. p. Ketchum. 20Ma\ '50 y (Capt. 18 July '66.) Quarlermcuter' £. M- Traesdale. It- 20 May, 1850 Survton' S>G.Woodfoide.M.I>.,29 IJune. 1867 Attittant Surgeon. .>J NEW BRUN8WI0K MILITIA. 101 •51 '51 7 Jan. 8 Jnn 9 do do 11 do do 1 Wuy, '(JO „ «|o do July 'GO sv June 07 1 July do do do do do ter. r«on. Ptain. 19 une, 1867 ^ *er. 'eon. do do Feb. '66 June do do do do do do do J uly do apt.) 27 ept. '06 if ay '50 36.) »May, 185(J .I>.,29 8.1867 >n. .■A ^1 Z«euf«<' ..<( Colonel. Ja« R. Tapper, 1 Jan. Mt^fon, Rbt. Woodard. 15 Not. 6bplatn«. Edw- Oner, 22 June, Joro. Tompkini, 5 Nov *l8aaoF. Adams. 24 Feb George Dingee, '] Aug. W. Crandlemire, 2 Aug E. R. Squieri. 8 do T. M. Corbett. 3 do Jas* N. Farley, 3 do Qen.L.Cronkhite, 4 do John Qibersen, 22 do Wm. D. Esty, 22 Aug I. 8.CarvilI, S< R. Novers. S- Cummins, Geo F. Upton. 8. B. Appleby D. F. Merritt, '63 '66 o. 17.-~flBooiiD Battalior. T. A. SImonson, 20 Dec. 65 Sam. Phillirri, 10 Nov M. Hutohinaon. 28Mar.'66lR.W.Tompkini.22 do E.DeW.R.Phiinp0,29Ma'66 Sam. Squires, ^ Dec. J. B. Linley, (late Lieut 'Alb. Squires, 21 do U. M. 22d, Reg't) 28 Nov G6,(^. II. Corbett, 22 do Lieutenantt. Isaao Traeoy, Zi do James Kearney. 120ct.'47 A. B. Cawet, •Fred. G. Burt. 24 Feb. '64 Geo. Green 22 do 8 Sept. » do 15 Nov. ^pleby Ajtl6 d* 17 Nov. '46 '50^ „. .'64 Edw. W.Boyer.lSNov. '66 '64 H. T. Parlee, 16 do do •64 A. D. Hartley, 22 do do Theo. li. Estey, 23 do do Chas. A. West. 24 do do Z. M. Cox, 20 Dec. do Ed. W. Miller 21 do do S. Giberson, 2i Mar. do A. M'L. Tupper, 29 do _ do J. D. Flemin^r 30 do do do Enatffm- do D. Raymond, 19 Oct, 47 '65 Thos. Wakeman, 9 Mar. '49 do *Edw. Traoey 27 Sept. '65 '65 Jas. E. Jewett,15 Nov. '65 28 Mar. 29 do 9 May do do do do do 'm do do W. F. Siprell, do S.B.Apploby (Capt)6Do.'65 doL , Paymatter. ^qI John Ballooh, 5 Nov do ''Apt- 11 Oct. doS. •50 •47 Lieut. Ctlonel. No. 17— Third Bittalioh. Maj»r. I Okas. R. Upton, 1 Aug. 641 Suartermaater- urpee, 6 Nov. '50 eapt- 20 Deo. 'Co Surgeon. R. Wiley, M.D., 20Dec.'65 At$itUnt Surf$9n. J. R. Hagermaa, M. D., 20 [Doc. '65 Captaint, &e. VICTORIA COUNTY MILITIA. .-No. 18.~ Lieutenant Colonel. Lieutenantt. W. R. Newcombe, 12 Apr64 M<v'or. W. B. Beveridge, 19Apr.65 Oaptaim. Elisha Sisson. 23 Feb. '38 Vital Thibldeau, 6 Apr.'40 W. M. M'Lanohlan, ddj..l6 Feb.l^ Benoni Thereault, 27 Aug. [1843 W. H. Morehouse. 19 A^. BeiliJ- Beveridge, jr-,20 Apr. Allan Reed. 22 do do Esek. Hutchinson, 23 do do M.H.Clifford, 24 do do Wm. H. Crozior, 28 Mar. '66 Adam Baird, 25 Aug. '48 John T- Hodgson, 27 do do J. Costigan, 4 Apr. '60 J. D. Giberson, 19 Apr, '65 G. W. Murphy. 20 do do Alex. Brijrgs, 22 do do Jas. A. Bishop. 28 Mar. '66 Eneiffn*. Christopher Cyr, 18 Feb'46 Antoine Hudson, 19 do do Thomas Canady, 21 do do Sm. Morehouse, 8 Mar- 49 iohael Curran, 10 Sept.49 Nathaniel Price. 4 Apr '60 Jas. Beveridge, 19 Apr. '65 J. Armstrong. 21 do do B. Stevens, 22 do do W. Kirlin, 24 do do First Battalion. I. B. Kilburn, 28 Mar. '66 H. W. Phillips, 30 do do David Bolston. 31 do do S. D. Fnllerton. 20 June '06 Ach'iriant. W.M. Maelauehlan, Capt. 19 Apr. 1865 Pavma$ter. A. J. Beveridge, eapt-. 19 April. 1865 Huartermatter' Wm. Clifford. Lt.. 19 Apr. 1865 Surgeon. Thos. Beveridge. Ttf, D., 19 Apr. '65 A$aittant Surg ton. LieuienaiU Colonel. Major. Wm.T.Wilmot,8Nov. Captain. Rosam. Yiolette, 18 Aug James Smith, 8 Nov. Joseph Martin, 9 do P.Gagnon, 10 do Rod'kM'Lean. 11 do , Lieutenantt. A* U' Coomb?. 16 Feb. Bnoch Baker, 26 Aug> No 18.— Srcoitd Battalioit John Martin, jr. 28 Aug '44 P. 0. Byram, adj. 4 Dec '63 John F.Rice, 8 Nov. '65 IJames Grew, 9 do do I John Hartt, 10 do do '43'M. T. Ledeau, 11 do do '65 '65 do do do '46 '48 Heluri Valsaire, 12 do do Levet Therault, 6 June, '66 Sirel Patrais. 27 do do Entignt. Ma Glorie Albert, 25 Aug'48 Vital Hebert, 26 do do Vital M»rtin, 27 do do John Amereaux, 28 Aug. 44 Regest Daigle, 8 Nov. '65 Narces Gagnon, 9 do do JonamCumeaux,10do do Adjutant p. 0. Byram, Lt., 4 Dec. '03 Paymcttter. p. C Amercaux,_Capt 29 Sept. 1837 Quartermati^r. Ed. Akerley,Lt., 2 Mar. '47 Surgeon. J.C.PiBgaet.M.D.16 Feb 46 102 I BANKS. AITKS BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA.— Established in 1836.— Incorporaled by Royal Charter in 1840. — Paid up capital One Million Stg. — Head Office in London. Head Office in the Colonies, Great James St., Montreal. Thomas Paton, General Manager; James Riddell, Inspector. St. John Branch. — Hon. John Robertson, J. V. Thurgar, and Beverly Robinson, Local Board ; R. R. Grindley, Manager ; Thos. McLellan, Ac- countant. Discount dayti, Wednesdays and Saturdays. BANK OF NEW BRUNSWICK.— Established 1820. — Capital all paid up, 600,000 dollars. — James Davies Lewin, Esq., President ; William •Girvan, Esq., Cashier. L. H. DeVeber, W. G. Lawtun, F. A. Wiggins, T. W. Daniel, J. D. Lewin, E. Sears, T. jGrilbert, and F. Ferguson, Esqrs., Directors. — P^scount days, Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 o'clock, a. m. COMMERCIAL BANK OF NEW BRUNSWICK.— Established in 1834. — Capital all paid up, 600,000 dollars. — Hon. Alexander McL. Seely, President; George P. Sancton, Esq., Cashier ; Hon. R. L. Haztn, Solici- tor ; Hon. A. McL. Seely, D. J. McLauchian, William Parks, Solomon Hersey, and James Vernon, Esquires, Directors. BANK OF MONTREAL.— Capital fSkid up, 6,000,000 dollars.— Local Agency St. John — E.H.King, General Manager; T. R. Christian, Inspector ; A. MacNider, Manager. ST. STEPHEN'S BANK.— St. Sterhen, Charlotte County. Capital 200,000. Hon. W. Todd, President ; Robert Watson, Esq., Cashier. S. Jr Scovil, Agent St. John. THE PEOPLE'S BANK OF NEW BRUNSWICK— Queen Street, Fredericton. — Capital 1200 Shares of 60 dollars each — Paid up Capital 15,000 dollars.— A. F. Randolph, Esq., President; S. W. Babbitt, Esq., Cashier; A F. Randolph, J. Tibbetto, T. Temple, E. Clark, 8. R. Miller, Esquires, Directors. **"'•' ST. JOHN SAVINGS' BANK.— Robert F. Hazen, Esq., President; Daniel Jordan, Esq., Cashier ; Hen. Chief Justice RUchie, Hon. Justice V/eldon, Rev. Wra. Seovil, John Wishart, L. H. DeVeber, Robert Reed, Ed. Sears, John M. Walker, Stephen K. Foster, and John Boyd, Esquires, T'rusteea. JOINT STOCK COnnrAMZBS. NEW BRUNSWICK TELEGRAPH COMPANY.— Line leased to the American Telegraph Company. — E. Sears, President ; R. T. Clinch, Secretary and Superintendent ; E. Sears, J. Duncan, R. Reed, Thomas Gilbert, and G. E. Morton, Halifax, Directors. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH.— Office, 5 Prince Wm. Street, St. John. — R. T. Clinch, Superintendent for New Brunswick. — The fol- lowing is the present Tariff of prices for transmitting ten words over this line from St. John to the principal places in the Provinces and U. States : To Fredericton, N. B., 15 cents, Moncton 15, Woodstock 20, Shediac 30, JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. 103 1836.— ion Stg. mcs St., ispector. Beverly Ian, Ac- pital all William Viggins, , Esqrs., m. ished in \t. Seely, I, Solici- Solomon ollars. — liristian, Capital iier. 1 Street, Capital tt, Esq., . Miller, esident ; . Justice rt Reed, squires, ■ .! ^ eased to Clinch, Thomas . Street, The fol- )ver this States : diac 30, Chatham 45, Sackville 25, Halifax, N. S. 65, Pictou 55, Annapolis 80, Liverpool 80, Windsor 70, Yarmouth 90, Sydney, C. B. 90, St. John's, N. F. L. 3 90, Quebec 80, Montreal 1 00, Kingston 1 30, Toronto 1 40, Ottawa 1 30, Hamilton 1 60, Calais, Me. 20, Eastport 50, Bangor 60, Bath 75, Portland 70, East Machias 50, Machias 50, Wiscasset 80, Brun- swick 80, Belfast 05, Rockland 65, Rockport 65, Lewiston 80, Frankfort 65, Boston, Mass. 80, Salem 90, Fall River 1 55, Lawrence 1 10, New Bedford I 55, Sprinfield 155, New York, N. Y. 120, Troy 1 75, Albany 1 75, Providence 155, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 50, Baltimore, Md. 1 75, Wash- ington, D. C. 1 75, Charlottetown, P. E. L 85. ST. JOHN MANUFACTUIJTNG COMPANY.— Works at Mispcck. Office and Sales Room, 90 Prince William Street. — Capital Stock paid in 20,000 dollars. — John Smith, President ; J. Calkin, General Superintend't of Works ; Z. G. Gabel, Secretary and Salesman ; John Boyd, John Arm- strong, T. R. Jones and James Robertson, Directors. ST; JOHN SUSPENSION BRIDGE COMPANY.— Office, Custom House. — J. D. Lcwin, Esq., President ; John F. Marstcrs, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer ; J. D. Lcwin, Dr. LeB. Botsford, L. J. Almon, C. W. Wel- don and D. J. McLauchlan, Esquires, Directors. ST. JOHN GAS LIGHT COMPANY.— Office, (Jarmarthen Street.— Capita! 200,000 dollars. — John M.Walker, Esq., President; Robt. Britain, Secretary ; John Duncan, William Parks, Esqrs., Rev. W. Scovil, Chas. Patton, W. G. Lawton, Wm. Smith, Geo. Carvill and D. J. McLauchlan, Esquires, Dirctcrs. UNION IRON WORKS COMPANY.— Incorportcd by Act of Assem- bly. — Capital 50,000 dollars, with power to increase. — Office at Works, Straight Shore. — E. Fisher, Esq., President ; Arch'd McLean, Secretary. ST. JOHN BUILDING SOCIETY (!& INVESTMENT FUND.— Incorporated by Act of ProTincial Legislature, x Vic. cap. 82. — Edward Allison, Thomas McAvity, and Hurd Peters, Esquires, Trustees, with a seat at the Board ; Isaac Woodward, Esq.. President ; John Smith, Esq., Vice President; Hon. C. N. Skinner, Charles Kirkpatrick, David Miller, M. D., Geo. A. Hamilton, M. D., and James Steyes, M. D., Esqra., Direc- tors ; W. M. Jarvis, Esq., Solicitor; The Commercial Bank of New Brun- swick, Bankers ; Mr. Thomas Main, Secretary. — Monthly subscription and instalment meeting hoKl on t!u first Tuesday in every month. Office 129 Priiirc William Street. Office hours, from 10 o'clock a. m. to 4 p. m. ST. JOHN RURAL CEMETERY COMPANY.— Office, 49 Prince Williain Street. — VV. Jack, Esq., President; G. Sidney Smith, Esq., Sec- retary and Treasurer; .lolin Adams, SiipcriiUcndcnt ; Wm. Parks, James Pettinsell, W. G. Lnwtnn, James Reed, Esquires, Hon. A. McL. Seely, Thorn iP Parks, Charii s Drury, William Thomson, T. W. Daniel, Rich'd Thompson, and Alexander Jardine, Esquires, Directors. NORTH AMERICAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY— Manu- facture " Weed's Sewing Machine."— Capital 1,000,000 dollars.— Works, corner of Charlotte and Main Streets, St. John, N. B. — C. A. Bovey, (N. Wharf,) General Agaut ; Stillman Chase, Superintendent. r I 1 104 JOINT STOCK COMPANIES — HOSPITALS. ALBERT & WESTMORLAND MINING 60 MANUFACTURING COMPANY— Moncton, N. B.— Capital 480,000 dollara.— Hon. E. B. Chandler, President ; E. B. Chandler, jr., Esq., Secretary ; Hon. E. B» Chandler, Oliver Jones, J. H. Harding, E. Seccomb, J. Carpenter and C. A. Bovey, Esqrs., Directors ; C. A. Bovey, St. John, N. B., Agent. ALBERT MANUFACTURING COMPANY— Hillsborough, Albert County. — C. T. Tompkins, Esquire, Manager ; A. W. Peters, Secretary. This Company has a powerful steam engine and extensive buildings, for the manufacture of Gypsum. PRINCESS ALEXANDRA MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY — Albert County-— For raising Coal, Asphaltum, &c. — James Blight, Esquire, Manager. SOUTH BAY BOOM COMPANY.— Capital 40,000 dollars.— Incor- porated by Act of Assembly. — Office at Indiantown. Hon. Alex'r McL. Scely, President ; Stephen H. Shaw, Secretary and Treasurer ; Jas. Long, Superintendent; Hon. A. McL. Seely, Hon. John Robertson, Frederick A. Wiggins, Francis Ferguson, W. G. Lawton, Geo. L. Lovett, and John Coleman, Esquires, Directors. VICTORIA COAL MINING COMPANY.— Capital 150,000 dollars. — William Davidson, Esquire, President ; George E. Fairweather, Secre- tary and Treasurer ; Hon. John Robertson, John V. Thurgar, Jas Harris, and Henry Horton, Esquires, Directors. ALBERT MINING COMPANY.— C. \H 5fl 680 dollars.— Office in Tiltoa's Alley. — H. Gilbert, jr.. Esquire, ndent ; William Ellman, Esq., Secretary ; Geo. G. Gilbert, jr., Bradfo.d Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, jr., Thomas Gilbert and John Byers, Esquiresr Directors. N. BRUNSWICK OAKUM MANUFACTURING COMPANY.— Capt. J. Pritchard, President ; W. J. Starr, Esq., Secretary; T. E. Millidge, Fleming* Humbert, Charles W. Weldon, R. P. & W.J. Starr, Esquires, Directors. HOS7XTA&S and ASVIiUXUKS. GENERAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL—Waterloo Street, Saint John.— Wm. Bayard, Esq., M. D., President ; W. H. A. Koans, Esq., Vice Presi- dent ; R. W. Crookshank, Esq., Treasurer, who with W. H. Scovil and John McLachlan, Esquires, form the Board of Commissioners ; John McCurdy, Resident Physician ; Mrs. Jane Higgins, Matron ; R. Seely, Esquire, Secretary. Office, 81 Prince William Street. MARINE HOSPITAL— Lower Cove, St. John.— John Ward (Chair- man), John Wishart, Chailes McLaughlin, William Doherty, and John McGrath, Esquires, Commissioners ; Charles Ward, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer ; LeBaron Botsford, Esquire, M. D., Physician. PROVINCIAL LUNATIC ASYLUM— Parish of Lancaster, Saint John. — Robert W. Crookshank, Secretary ; Geo. W. Smith, Accountant ; J. Waddell, M. D., Physician. CONSULS — SOCIETIES. 105 ING . B. E. B. dC. COMaVLS AXTD OOVBVIiAM. AaaNTS. Hon. John F. Potter, United States Consul Gen'l for B. N. A. Provincea. Darius B. Warner, Esq., U. States Consul for St. John and Dependencies. Spafford Barker, Fredericton, "] Alden Sprague, Saint George, Greenleaf Houlton, St. Andrews, yV. States Consular Agentfl. George M. Porter, Saint Stephen, I Robert Call, Newcastle, ' J Edward Allison, Esq., Portuguese Consul General for New Brunswick. A. C. O. Trentowsky, Esquire, Prussian Consul in New Brunswick. Charles S. Theal, Prussian Consular Agent, Shediae. R. Hutchinson, Esquire, Consul for Prussia at Miramichi. George Carvill, Esquire, Consul for France, St. John. John McDougall, French Consular Agent at Miramichi. John W. Cudlip, Vice Consul for Sweden and Norway at Saint John. Richard Hutchinson, do. do. do. Miramichi. Richard C. Scovil, do. do. do. Shediae. Hon. J.Robertson, Consul at St. John for Uraguay and Argentine Republic, EuiGRjLKT Aqbmciks. — Robert Shi-es, Esquire, Government Emigration Agent for New Brunswick — Office in St. John, JN. B. The Deputy Trea- surers at the other Ports of the Province act as Emigrant Agents. Lloyds* Surveyors — John Tucker, and Christopher Besant, Esquires. D. R. Munro, Secretary. Office in Custom House Building, St. John. — In Miramichi, Samuel Lapthorne, Esq. Lloyds' Agents — H. P Sturdee, Esq., St. John ; Wm. Whitlock, Esq., Saint Andrews ; L. P. W. Desbrisay, Esq., Richibucto ; H. W. Baldwin, Esq., Bathurst ; Gilmour, Rankin dc Co., Miramichi. RiaiSTB* OP Shipping Vbritas of Paris — French Lloyd. — George W. Marsters, Esquire, St. John, Agent for New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and vicinity. Gko. H. Russbll — Commissioner of Light Houses in tho Gulf of Saint Lawreneo. SOCXBVX1I8. Chambbr or CouMBRCB — 63 Prince Wra. Street. — L. Donaldson, Esq., President ; J. W. Cudlip, Vice President ; L M^oodward, Secretary and Treasurer; Hon. John Robertson, F. Ferguson, Alei'r Jardine, William Thomson, Wm. Wright, J. V. Troop, C. H. Fairwoalher, Geo. Thomas, T. W. Daaiel and John Duncan, Esquires, Members of Council ; Z. Ring, George McLeod, W. Parks, George Carvill, John W. Nicholson, W. W. Turnbull, W. J. Lawton, Alex. Rankin, William M. McLean, and S. D. Berton, Esquires., Members of Board of Arbitration. St. John Gymnasium— BuiJilBg on King Street.— J. W. Cudlip, Esq., President; B. Loster Peters, Esq., Vice President ; J. S. Knowles, Secre- tary ; John Boyd, James L. Dunn, Robert R. Barnes, T. Barclay Rob- inson, and Goorge C. Wiggins, Directors. 106 SOCIETIES. L'! ViOTORiJL Skitino Rink. — Thomas M. Reed, Esq., President ; Wm. F. Bunting, Secretary and Treasurer; H. R. Fanney, J. Walter Scammell, John McMillan, A. C. Smith, George Hutchinson, Alexander Rankin, and G. F. Smith, Esquires, Directors. St. John Mechanics' Institute. — The Museum has of late been largely increased by the collection of minerals and birds of the Natural History Society ; and mo];e recently, by a valuable donation consisting of Curiosi- ties, &c. from Capt. Grant, of H. M. Royal Engineers. — W. H. A. Keans, President ; William F. Smith and Wm. Wedderburn, Vice Presidents ; Henry W. Frith, Corresponding Secretary ; Geo. Hutchinson, Treasurer; Wm. J. Starr, Recording Secretary ; James Allan, Elisha Broad, Andrew Gilmour, Gilbert Murdock. John McMillan, Arch'd Rowan, Rob't Brittain, Edward Willis, David H. Hall, Edward J. Brass, James J. Christie, and Thomas C. Humbert, Directors ; George Blatch, O. D. Wctmore, and Thomas Hanford, Auditors. St. John Society Library. — Tho Library now contains nbout 4000 volumes of books, besides the current numbers of all the leading reviews and magazines published in England and the United States. Open from 3 to 4 p. m. daily. — L Woodward, President; llurd Peters, Vice Presi- dent ; James R. Ruel, Secretary and Treasurer ; John Bellingham, Libra- rian ; W. L. T. Seely, W. M. Jarvis, Edw'd Allison, R. Sands Armstrong, Committee. Rooms, Princess Street. St. John Agricultural Society. — Charles Drury, President ; James Davidson, 1st Vice President; Richard Thompson, 2nd Vice President; T. E. G. Tisdale, Corresponding Secretary ; James Barber, Recording Secretary; Alex'r Jardine, Treasurer; John Magee, Thomas Davidson, Doctor Waddell, Geo. G Gilbert, jr., C. Hamilton, C. J. Horgan, Simei n Jones, F. S. Jones, Thos. Clarke, Keys McBrien, and G. Wood, Directors. — Meets at Long Room, Ritchie's Building, Princess Street, on the last Thursday of each month. Nkw BnuirswicK Biblx Sociitt — St. John, N.B. — Hon.W. B. Kinnear, President ; Hon. Neville Parker and Jas. Patterson, LLD., Vice Presidents; William S«ely, Esquire, Treasurer ; H. W. Frith., Esq., Secretary ; LeB. Botsford, M. D., John Wishart, George A. Lockhart, W. J. Starr, Edward Sears, D. J. McLauchlin, Esquires, Hon. A. McL. Seely, John Armstrong, V/m. Girvan, B. J. Underbill, W. K. Reynolds, T. B. Barker, John Fisher, James Logan, James Smith, T. W. Daniel, Robert Sheraton, John Boyd, J. V. I'roop, Esquires, Committee of Directors. For Portland — John Duncan, Jas.Flewelling, M. Tuck, R^ Ewing, Esqrs. Depositary — The Store of L. H. DeVeber 6c Son, Prince William Street. NXW BaUKSWICK AsSOCIATIOlf IW AID OF TH£ CoLOITIAL AKD CoifTI- KXKTAL Church Society. — Object — To collect Funds to assist the Society in the employment and support of Clergymen, Catechists and Schoolmasters, of strictly Evangelical principles, in the J^vince of New Brunswick. Officers — Beverley Robinson, Esq., Prnident ; Dr. Botsford and W. G. Lawton, Esq., Vice Presidents; James R. Ruel, Esq., Treasurer; W.H. A. Keans, Esq., Secretary, A J. C R R S i SOCIETIES. 107 Corresponding Committee — Rtr. Canon Griy, D. D. ; Rct. George M. Armstrong; Rev. William Armstrong; T. W. Daniel, Eaq. ; Dr. BoUford ; J. R. Ruel, Esq. ; Rot. M. Swabey, (Jorreaponding Secretary. Clergymen at present receiving aid from the Colonial and Continental Church Society in this Province. — Rev. Wrn. N. Boyer, Rector of Moncton ; Rct. M. Swabey, Rector of the Parish of Victoria, Carleton, (Saint John); Rev. James P. Sheraton, Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Shediac, and Rev. S. B. Kellogg, assistant Minister of ^iJt. Mark's. St. John Church Missioxart Sociktt — Established 1864. — Objects To promote an interest in, and diffuse information concerning Missions to the Jews and heathen, and to collect Funds in aid of the Church Missionary Society and the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews. Officers — H. W. Frith, Esq., President; 8. D. Berton, Esq., Vice Pres't ; James R. Ruel, Esq., Treasurer ; Wm. L. T. Seoly, Esq., Secretary. The Associated Alumiti of the Univkiisitt of New Brunswick. Rev. Chas. Le**, A.M., President; Rev. W. Srovil, A.M., Rev. Chas. G. Cos- ter, A.M., and Frederick E. Barker, Esq., D.C.L., Vice Presidents. Rev. J. M. Brooke, D.D., Hurd Peters, Esq., C.E., A.M., Wm. P. Dole, Esq., A.I]., Geo. Roberts, Esq., A.M., G. Sidney Smith, Esq., A.B., E. N. Sharpe, A.M., and Thos. Millidge, A.M., Members of Council. This Society was organized May 14th, 1863, among the graduates of the University for the purpose of promoting its interests, cultivating a friendly feeling among the Alumni, and establishing a prize for competition among the undergraduates. lis affairs are managrd by a Ci unci! consisting of the offi- cers of the society, the President and Vice Presidents, who arc members ex ofScio, and seven other members. There are two regular meetings of iho Society during the year — one, the EncoDnia meeting, is held at the University on the evening preceding the day of the Encoenia; the other, is held at Saint John on the second Thursday in January. The Alumni prize for the present year, is a gold medal, for the best Latin translation of that portion of Chapter 43, Vol. 3, of Arnold's History of Rome, commencing with the words "Twice in history," and ending wiih the words <• to palaces of Carthage." Alumni Medal for 1867 — V^illiam Pugsley, of King's County. St. John Rehgiods Tract Societi — Depository 78 Prince Wm. Street. — Hon. A. McL. Seely, President; James Patterson, LLD., Corresponding Secretary ; George W. Whitney, Secretary and Treasurer. St. John Sabbath School Association. — Meets every second Tuesday of every month, alternately, at the Sabbath School rooms of each Denomina- tion belonging to the Association. — Hon. W. B. Kinnear, President; Arcli'd Rowan, Vice President ; R. Welsh, Secretary. St. John Protestant Orphan Asylum — Carmarthen Street, corner of St. James' Street. — Incorporated by Act of Assembly lith April, 1863. — To provide a home for destitute orphan?, without distinction of sect or color, and to apprentice them to approved masters or mistresses.' Seven laymen, who are chosen annually from subscribers of one dollar or upwards, together with all Protestant clergymen in the city, who are likewise subscribers, constitute ■1 108 SOCIETIES. I ' a BMrdof Dirtclion. Direetor»for the present year — R«t. W. Scovil, A.M., Pres't.; Rev. J. J. Hill, 8tc>.; John Boyd, Treas; John Fither, T. C. Humbert, J. V. Troop, John Magte, Jaa. Horafall, and G. B. Cuihing, Eiqra. Tha childran are under the luperintendence of a Matron who ie account- able to a board of lady direetora, who hate to provide for the requirementa of the children by aolieiting donation! from the public generally. Tni Natvrai HisTomr Societt or Nxw Bruhbwick. — LeBaron Butsford, Esq., M.D., Preaidant ; 'William Jack, Esq., G. A. Hamilton, M.D., Vice Prcaidenti ; G. B. S. Keator, M.D., Treasurer ; R. Matthew, Recording Secretary ; George F. Matthew, Corresponding Secretary ; J. Allen Jack, J. McGurdy, M.D., J. L. Mclnnis, Curators; James T. Steves, M.D., Rev. James Bennett, James De W. Spurr, Members of Council. Museum and Library Rooms at Mechanics' Institute building. St. Johk Li-ranART Club. — D. E. Berryman, President; R. Mclvin and R. Harrison, Vice Presidents; J. H. Cumberland, Secretary; John Logan, Assistant Secretary ; W. McGhee, Financial Secretary ; B. L. Hart, Trea- surer; George Ansley, Sentinel. Female Reform Societt, Saikt Johk. — Rev. William Armstrong, President ; Rev. Wm. Donald, D.D., John McMorran, Esq., Vice Presidents; Jo n Boyd, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. A. McL. Stavely, Secretary; Samuel D. Berton, John H. Harding, Capt. Pritchard. J. R. Marshall, C. A. Bovey, and J. Elsdon, with the ministert of the difTerent denominations, Directors. Ladies^ Committee — Mrs.. R. \V. Crookshank, President; Mrs. Jno. Gillis and Mrs. Wm. Thomson, Vice Presidents; Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Secre- tary ; Mrs. Stavely, Treasurer. House Stewards — Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. H. Robertson, Mrs. Macallum, Mrs. Willia, Mrs. F. Fergu- son, Mrs. McKean, Mrs. J. T. Smith, Mrs. Runciman, Mrs. D. S. K«rr. Raogri) School Assoctatiox. — This Institution is under the superin- tendence of a Committee <f Ladies, who have purchased a suitable Building on Brussels Street, St John. The number of pupils exceed one hundred and fifty ; and the annual expenses average about four hundred dollars, which is entirely defrayed by voluntary contribution. St. George's Societt — Meets first Wednesday of each quarter at the Waverley House. — George E. Snider, President; J. Edw. Beyd, Vice Presi- dent ; T. B. Robinson, Secretary ; Rev. W. Scovil, M.A., Chaplain ; G. Sid- ney Smith, Treasurer; Rev. W. Scovil, T. W. Daniel, and J. DeW. Spurr, Charitable Committee ; W. F. Butt, and John Tilton, Auditors. St. Anbrew's Societt. — Incorporated by Act of Legislature, 27 Vic, c. 30.— Henry Jack, Presidtnt ; Rob'tShives, Vice President; Rev. W. Donald, D.D.; Chaplain; Robt. Marshtll, Trees.; John White, Secy.; Geo. Stewart, Marshal; Thos. Kinpr. Jas. McFarlane, D. R. Munro, Committee of Charity. St. Patrick's Societt. — James R. Macshane, President; Charles Kirk- pat rick. Vice President; W. C. Perley, Secretary; M. McDonough, Trea- surer ; Rev. Canon Harrison, Chaplain ; M. N. Powers, P. McDonough and John Magee, Committee of Charity. t SOCIETIES. 109 GRAND DIVISION OF NEW BRUNSWICK, S. of T.— Officmii FOR TH» YiA» XKoiRo 1868.— -C. 8. Lagrin, G. W. P.; John Rankin*, G. W. A. ; Wm. W. Dudley, G. Scribe ; Chw. A. Btf rilt, O. Treas. ; H. A. Duffy, O. Con.; Rtr. W. Reese, O. Chtp.; C. Btrkcr, O. Sentinel; O. D. Wetniore, P. G. W. P. Office of the Grand Scribe—Corner ef King end Germtin Street!. Poet Office Addrew— Box 236, Saint John, N. B. Dblxoatkb to Natiokal DiVJBiow.— P. G. W. P.'e Asa Coy, Sam'l Ji. Tiliey, James Joi nson, James Steadman, Charles A. Everitt, R. Alder Temple, Wro. Wedderbum, Stephen K. Foster, Oscar D. Wetmore, J. C. Hurd, Daniel C. Perkins, John L. Marsh, Rev. Geo. Heuatis, and G. W. P. C. S. Lugrin. P. G. W. A.'s Robert Salter, Harry Peters, Samuel D. Me Pherson, Justus S. Wetmore, Alex. P. Miller, Henry Webber, Chas. N. Skin- ner, Chas. D. Everitt, C. P. Wetmore, and R. T. Babbitt. G. W. A. John Rankine, G. S. W. W. Dudley, P. G. Scribe, Wm. H. A. Keans. OfVICKKS OF THE NaTIOHAL DiVISIOIT, S. OF T., OF N. A., FOB 1867-8. — M. W. P., Dr. J. J. Bradford, Augusta, Ky.,- M. W. A., A. B. Pardee, No, Augusta, C, W.,- M. W. Scribe, Samuel Hodges, Boston, Mass.; M. W. Treas. Wm. H. A. Keans, St. John, N. B,; M. W. Chap. Rer. D. W. Lathorp, New Haven, Conn.; M. W. Con., Roscoe G. Greene, Washington, D. C. ; M. W. Sent., Rer. A. N. Conoughy, Adrian, Mich. Templaiis of Honor and Offickiis of Sufkeme Council. — Charles Letts, M. W. T., Boston; John H. Lindsay, M W. V.T., Ohio; Reuben C. Bull, M. W. R., New York; Charles Kelly, M. W. T., Philadelphia, Pa.; Geo. C. Gates, M. W. U., Pawtucket, R. I. ; Rev. J. C. Boynton, M. W. C, Adrian, Mich.; H. D. Moore, St. Louis, Mo. ; Geo. F. Turr.er, P. M. W. T., Philadelphia, Pa. Grand Timplx of New Biiunswick. — Chas. A. Everitt, G.W. T., St. John; R. J. Lemont, G. W. Y. T., Hampton, K. C; George T.Knollin, G. W. R., Saint John; J. Upham Fowler, G.W. T., Hampton, K. C; Seth K. Foster, G. C, S. B. Patterson, G. W. U., Saint John ; Samuel Tufts, G. W. G., Saint John. * MoiT Worthy Grahd Lodok British Txmplars — Officers 1667*8. — Joshua N. Freeman, M. W. Chief, LiTcrpool, N. S. ; P. H. Stewart, M. W. Y., Toronto, Ontario ; Edwin M. Sharp, A. M., M. W. S., Apobaqui, N. B.; Justus S. Wetmore, M. W. T., Clifton, N. B.; W. H. Rodgera, M. W. G. L., Amherst, N.8.; Miss Isabella Fleming, M. W. G. Counsellor, Truro, N. 8. ; Rot. A. L. Peterson, M. W> G. Chaplain, Tamworth, Ontario ; J. W. Falconer, M. W. G. F., Charlottetown, P. £. L ; C. 8. Church, M. W. G. R., New Germany, N. S.; W. B. Huestis, M. W. G. M., Wallace, N. S.; Miss Agnes Sharp, M. W. D. G. M., Apohaqui, N. B.; A. M. Philips, M. W. G. I. G., Smithfield, Ontario ; J. C. Gidley. M. W. G. O. G., Char- lottetown, P. E. I. ; H. B. Mitchell, P. M. W. G. Chief, Chester, N. S. The next Annual Meeting will take place in the City of Toronto, Ontario, on the first Monday in September, 1868. ..»',. »r ■»;(.« f 110 STSAM COMMUNICATION. 'I WoBTHT Qkkvv LoDos OF B. T. OP Nbw Bavirs^icK — OrriciRs. — J. M. Jonah. M. D., W. G. Chief, Deer Island, Charlotte Coanty ; Rev. S. C. Moor, W. Lecturer, Salisbury, Westmorland County ; Samuell McCready. W. O. Counsellor, Penobsquis, King's County; Kev. D.I. Wetmore, W. G. Chaplain, Clifton, King's County ; T. W. Musgrove, W. G. Vice, Apohaqui, King's County; J. 8. Colpitts, W. G. S., Salisbury, Westmorland; Thos. B. Smith, W. G. F., Saint John ; Miss C. A. Flewwelling, W. G. T., Clif- ton, King's County ; G. W. Bonnell, W. G. M., Lute's Mountain, West- morland ; Mis9 F. A. Fowler, W. G. D. M., Upham, King's County ; A. C. Worden, W. G. I. G., Thorntown, Queen's County; Captain A. Simpson, W. G. O. G., Shediac, Westmorland ; W. P. Flewwelling, M. P. P., W. G. P. Chief, CliAon, King's JOounty. Grand Lotaz. Oranoe Association. — Officers for the ersuino Year. — ^ov. Charles Parke Bliss, A. M., G. M., Ottawa; A. G. Blakslee, S. D. G. M., St. John ; Dugald Stewart, D. G. S., Fredericton ; Rev. G. R. Strong, G. C, Johnstone, Q.C. ; Rev. J. C. Blakeney, D. C. G., Saint Stephen; W. H. Anderson, G. L., Fredericton; Daniel Gray, G. D. C, Richmond, Carleton County. There are in the Province, four Scarlet Chapters, eight County, twenty- one District, and une hundred and fifty Private Lodges, with a membership of 7,500. STEAM COMMUNICATION TO AND FROM SAINT JOHN. To Portland and Boston — By Steamers " New York," «• New Eng- land," and " New rirunswick," every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Returning — One of the above Steamers leaves Boston on the same mornings, arriving at Saint John on alternate evenings. To Windsor and Halifax — By Steamer "Empress" to Windsor, every Tuesday and Friday evening, thence by Rail to Halifax. This lino forms a through route of travel by Steamer and Railway from Halifax to all points in the Dominion of Canada, and the United States of America. To New Yorkj Boston, Portland, St. John and Calais. — Through route from Aroostook, Presque Isle, Houlton, and Woodstock, via the New Brunswick and Canada Railway and International Steamship Company. Trains leave Houlton and Woodstock Terminus for Saint Andrews, to con- nect with steamer for Portland, Boston, St. John and Calais. '1 EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN RAILWAY. Commissioners. — George Thomas, Esq., Chairman ; Jas. Steadman, and C. H. Fairweather, Esquires. J. Edward Boyd, Resident Engineer ; Lewis Carvell, Gen'l Superintend't ; Alexander McNaughton, Accountant; Gavan Rannie, Track Master. This Line of Railway connects the city of St. John, on the Bay of Fundy, ^rith Snediac, on the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. It is 108 miles in length, and C * H RAILWAYS — BARRISTERS. Ill 18. J. .S. C. 'readj, W.G. »haqui, Tho«. ., Clif. West- A. C. npfon, W.G. suiiro akslee, G. R. Saint y D. C, venty- , ership Eng- ?'riday )n the • ndsnr, s lino ' to ail : •f rough New pany. con- , and id'l;" ndy, and H U considered the best and most perrectly constructed Kailway in America. Trains pass daily each way, between the Termini, and an additional Train rans {daily throughout the year to Sussex. From Moncton, 93 miles from St. John, travellers pre conveyed daily, by four-hone coaches, 100 miles to Truro, and thence 64 miles by railway, to Halifax, Nova Scotia. During the Summer, Steamers running from Shediac, in connection with the Railway, convey passengers and freight to the northern portion of New Bruoawick ; to Canada, and P. £. Island. The Passenger Fare is 2 cents^er mile for the first class, and about two- thirds of this amount for second class. E. & N. A. R. W. — WisTERw ExTEiTsioir. Wm. Parks, President; E. D. Jewitt, F. "". U. Burpee, and W. B. Robin- son, Esquires, Directors; C. P. Skinner, Esq., Treasurer ; E. R. Burpee, Esq., Engineer. This Company and the E. & N. A. Railway Company of Maine are under contract (conditionally) to extend the road from St. John to Bangor, a distance of 198 miles. The work is now being vigorously pushed forward. NEW BRUNSWICK & CANADA RAILROAD. From St. Andrews to Richmond, distance 80 miles. H. Osborn, Esquire, Manager. Connects with the following branches: Saint STKPtiEir Braitch — Connects Saint Stephen and Calais with the St. Andrews "Railway, distance 18 miles. Hon. W. Todd, President; Z. Chipman, F. H. Todd, J. Bolton, and H. Cullinan, Esquires, Directors. Woodstock Branch — Connects with the St. Andrews Railway at Rich- mond, distance to Woodstock 7 miles. R. A. Hay, President ; F. R. J. Dibblee, Robt. Brown, Geo. Council, Robt. Caldwell, G. W. Kinwart, W. Lindsay, M. P. P., Directors. James Grover, Treasurer ; Jas. Watts, Sec'y. 4«» » ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. [Observe— Those whose names are printed in Italics ara not actually practising in the ProTince. Those marked (*) are Notaries Fablio.J NAMES. Admitted Admitted Reeid'^iice. 1 Attorney. Barrister. James Shannon Morse, 19 Fb. 1814 19 Feb. '14 Pi ova Scotia. Hon. John Simcoe Saunders, 18 do 'i-J 18 do '17 Fredericton. Hon. W. B. Kinnear, Q. C, 18 May '19 24 May '23 Saint John. Alfred Lock Street, 11 Oct. '20 do do St. Andrews. Hon4<£dw. Barron Chandler, Q. C. WilliaVi End, do do ,21 14 Oct. '23 Dorchester. 20 Feb. '23 17 Feb. '25 Bathurst. Charles P. Wetmore, 11 Jly. '23 14 July, '26 Frcderietun * George Jarvis Dibblee, 18 Oct. '23 19 Oct. '2S Fredericton. William Wiley, 17 Jly. '24 17 July, '26 Riv. deChute 112 BARRISTXBS AND ATT0BNIX8. H' NAMES. Admitted Attorney. Admitted Barrliter. Resldener. * Robert Fruer Hazen, 16 Oct. '34 20 Oct. '26 Saint John. William Carman, 16 Oct. '26 6 Feb. '28 Fredericton. Horatio Nelaon Hicka Lugrin, do do 18 Oct. '28 Saint John. Timothy Robert Wetmore, B. C. L. 14 Jly. '28 16 July, '30 Gagetown. Edward Betta Smith, 18 Oct. '28 14 Oct. '30 Kjng8ton,K.o Andrew Barbarie, do do 6 Feb. '30 Dalhonaie. Samuel Hallett Whitlock, 18 July, '29 16 July, '31 St. Andrewa. George Kerr, Q. C, 17 do do 9 Feb. '39 Chatham. Hon. Robert Leonard Hazen, Q.tl. do do 18 Oct. '33 Saint John. Richard Carman, 16 Oct. '30 17 do do Chatham. Charlea Fidier, A. B., Q.C., 6 Feb. ^81 10 do '83 Fredericton. Cbarlea A. Harding, 11 do '32 11 Feb. '34 Gagetown. William Haien Needham, 8 May, '32 8 May, '84 Fredericton. •WUliam Jack, Q. C, 13 Oct. '32 9 Feb. '35 Saint John. George F. H. MiBchin, do do 16 Oct. '34 Fredericton. George Dixon St^^^et, Q. C, 12 Oct. '33 16 Oct. '36 St. Andrewa. Samuel Gay Mc.«e, 18 do do 9 Feb. '87 Hopewell. Robert Barry Dickey, 7 Feb. '35 7 Feb. '36 Nova Scotia. Duncan Robertaon, ^ do do 9 Feb. '37 Saint John. *Hm. miUam Hunter Odell, A. B. 18 July, '36 8 Feb. '38 Fredericton. Stephen H. Hitehinga, do do 12 Oct. '37 St. Stephen. <*Thomaa Burton Abbott, 17 Oct. '36 do do do *Chri8topher Milner, do do do do Dorcheater. David Shank Kerr, Q. C. do do do do Saint John. David Lewie Dibblee, A. B. 6 Feb. '36 11 Feb. '37 Woodstock. Hon. J. Hamilton Gray, A.B.,Q.C. do do 9 do '37 Saint John. Jamet White Peters, A, B, 11 Feb. '36 do do do •Blisa BoUford, 18 June, '36 14 June, '38 Moncton. WilUam Thomaa Wilmot, A. B. 16 Oct. '36 12 Oct. '37 Grand Falls. * George Botaford, 11 Feb. '37 11 Feb. '37 Fredericton. William Botaford Chandler, 17 June, '37 3 Feb. '42 Arichat,C.B. *Thomaa Burton Wilaon, do de 14 June, '88 St. Andrews. John D, Kinnear, 14 Oct. '37 14 Oct. '37 Nova Scotia Hon, Jonathan McCulleu, JahnMeMah»n, do do do do do 10 Feb. '38 i9 6itV*'39 13 June, '40 ^M^^ •Charke WaUer Wardiaw, St. Andrews. •Martin Bent Palmer, do de 6 Feb. '40 llopeweU. •f rancia A. H. Stmtton, 13 Oct. '38 16 Oct. '40 Fredericton. John M. Johnaon, Junr., 13 Oct. '88 16 Oct '38 Chatham. Jamea Stanley Morae, 9 Feb. '39 4 Feb. '41 Restigouche. *Theophllua Deabriaay^ do do do do Bathurst. Samuel J, Seovii, A. B,, 15 June, '39 11 June, '40 Saint John. William R. M. Burtia, 12 Oct. '39 14 Oct. '41 do •Charlea Duff, Q. C. 9 Feb. '40 3 Feb '42 Saint John. WiUiam Tyng Petert, 13 June, '40 16 June, '42 do € .,4 I m •!.«>■ BABRISTEBS AND ATTORNIES. 113 Miduiee. Qt John. dericton. nt John, {otowa. igfton,K.o honiie. Andrews, itham. it John, ithsm. dericton. etown. dericton. tt John. Jericton. \ndrewi. »ewell. a Scotia. It John, lericton. Stephen, do shester. it John. 3dstock. t John. do icton. id Falls, lericton. tiat,C.B. ndrews. I Scotia do ndrewf. kweU. »rieton. bam. (ouche. iirat. John. lo John, lo NAMe8> Andrew C. Biackt * James A Harding, *AUan A. Davidson, James Peters Wetmore, Thomas T. Wyer, * James J. Kaye, William E. Twynam, 'Andrew R. Wetmore, Q. C. Edward H. Wilmot, A. M., George Connell, Andrew W. Rainsford, • Oeorge F. Rniise, •Lewis P. Fisher, ^mUiam M, Howe, Charles Doherty, Humphrey T. Gilbert, Thomas C, Chapman, W. M. MacLauchlan, A. B., *John O. Campbell, Q. C. William James Gilbert, *AcaIus L. Palmer, Q. C. Hon. James Steadman, •George Otty, Robert Parker, Junr., •Albert J. Smith, Q. C. James Odell, A. B., Thomas W. Bliss, •James A. James, Richard S. Armstrong, Edward W. Miller, Bernard C. Friel, Douglas B. Stevens, * Samuel B, Davidson, John Henry Phair, Qeorge Hare, •Samuel Robert Thomson, Q. C. Albert T. D. McElmen, •George Blatch, Thomas B. Moore, WUliam J. Gilbert, James R. Curry, Alexander Thomas Paul, William Henry Hatheway, Ward Chipman Drury, A. B. Henry B, Robinson, A. B. Admittnd Attorney. '40 do do do do '41 17 Oct. do do do do 4 Feb. 10 June, '41 14 Oct. '41 do do 14 Oct. '41 3 Feb. '42 do do 18 June, '42 13 Oct. '42 do do 9 Feb. '43 do do do do 14 Feb. '43 12 Oct. '43 8 Feb. '44 do do 13 June, '44 10 Oct. '44 6 Feb. '45 do do do do 7 do do 12 June, '45 16 Oct. '45 do do do do do do do do 5 Feb. '46 do do do do do do do do do do 11 June, '46 15 Oct. '46 do do do do 15 Oct. '46 Admitted Barrister. 13 Oct. '42 do do do do do do do do 9 Feb. '42 16 June ,'42 12 Oct. '43 13 do '42 12 Oct. '43 8 Feb. '44 do do 17 June, '44 13 Oct. '42 13 Oct. '43 6 Feb. '46 do do 8 Feb. '44 6 Feb. '45 16 Oct. 45 5 Feb. '46 do do 15 Oct. '46 do do 4 Feb. '47 5 Feb. '46 17 June '48 8 Feb '47 10 June, '47 14 Oct. '47 do do do do do do do do 3 Feb. '48 do do do do do do do do do do 13 June, '48 12 Oct. '48 13 do do 14 Oct. '47 14 Oct. '47 Rosidenco. Scotland. Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. Saint John. Saint John. Australia. Saint John. Fredericton. Woodstock. Tobique. Saint John. Woodstock. P. E. Island. Saint John. do Dorchester. Tobique. Saint John. Dorchester. Dorchester. Moncton. St. John. London. Dorchester. Canada. Richibucto. do Saint John. Fredericton. do Detroit. California. Fredericton. Natal. Saint John. Sussex. Saint John. Hopewe'l. Maugerviile. Canning. St. Andrews. Saint John. do New York. 114 BARRISTERS AND ATTORNI£S. NAMB8. u It ' "Samuel Thomion, John Johnston, Junr., George J. Bliss, Frederick Cotter, junr., William H. Buckerfield, George Skeflington Grimmeri •Henry W. Frith, Hon. Peter Mitchell, (l^harles Wesley Stockton, William Wilkinson, * George G. Gilbert, Jr., A. B. Edward Jack, *B. Lester Peters, Q. C, * Frederick C. K. Frith, * Daniel Ferguson, Edward B. Chandler, junr., James Fraser, John C. Winalow, William W. Street, A. B., •Robert Hutchinson, •John James Fraser, Benjamin G. Gray, A. B., •Lewis J. Almon, *D. GustavuB MacLauehlan, •Charles W. Weldon, A. M., John Garden, Alexander Ballentine, *Hurd Peters, A, B., William P. Dole, A. B., James J. Kerr, Thomas Townsend Hanford, A.B., John Lothrop Marsh, junr., A. B., Jam. Taylor, junr., •Wiiliam Henry Tuck, Q. C, •Charles J. Say re, George Frederick' Hill, Joseph Lytle. Moore, •William Wedderburn, Joseph B. Peck, William Merritt Wright, •Alfred William Sdvary, A. B., •James R. Macshane, •Charles E. Knapp, •Charles N. Skinner. John Kirby, A. B., •George Sidney Smith, A. B., ▲dmittMl Attorney. Admitted BftfiUter. 16 do do 4 Feb. '47 4 Feb. '47 10 June, '47 do do 14 Oct., '47 do do do do 14 Oct. '47 do do do do do ^0 12 Oct. '48 10 Feb '49 7 Feb. '60 do do 13 June, '50 do do do do Oct., '60 do do do do do do 12 June, '51 Oct., '51 7 Feb., '62 do do 10 June, '62 do do Oct., '62 April, '63 do do 13 Oct., '63 do do Feb., '64 April ,'64 do '65 Feb., '56 Oct., '56 Oct., '57 do do do do Feb., '68 June, '58 June, '58 14 Oct. do Roaldenco 12 Oct. '48 10 Feb-.'ii 16 June, '40 Oct., '49 do do do do October '49 do do 12 Oct. '48 13 June '60 Oct., '60 7* Feb.* '62 10 April»'61 ' Feb!,' '58 12 June, '61 Oct., '62 do do 27 Oct., '61 Oct., '62 10 June, '63 Oct., '62 Oct., '66 June, '63 do do Oct., '64 do do do '56 do do June, '66 Chathan. Toronto. Fredericton Australia P. E. Island St. Stephen Saint JohR Newcastle. Saint John. Chatham Saint John Char. Co. Saint John New York. Reatigouch' Dorchester Chatham Woodstock Fredericton. Richibucto. Fredericton. Halifax, N.s. Saint John Bathurst Saint John June, '67 June, '58 Oct., '68 Oct., '69 do '68 do do Feb., '60 June, '60 June, '69 13 Oct. do Saint John do do Amherst Saint John Fredericton Saint John Richibucto St. Stephen Dorchester Saint John Hopewell Saint John Digby Saint John Dorchester. Saint John Fredericton- Saint John. •Dan Benj BARRI8TER8 AND ATT0RNIE8. 115 ildenco ttharc. onto, tlericton tralift «• Island Stephen It John vcastle. It John, kthom It John ir. Co. It John r York, tigouch' cheater tham Ddatock ericton. iibucto. lericton. fax, N.a. It John lurat tt John t John do do lerst t John ericton ' ■ • • • • t John ibueto 'tephen heater : John well John r John leater. John ericton- John. NAMBB. *Daniel L. Hanningtnn, Benjamin R. Sterenaon, A. II., * Henry Dartletl Rainaford, *John Augustus Wright, A..D., Amoa Bollard Chandler ^ Thomas Gray Merrilt, •Fred. Eustace Barker, D.C.L. •Fred. P. Robinson, T. Wetmore Dibblee, A. M., Charles Allison Peck, •William Munson Jarvis, Joseph C. Barbaric, Charles H. B. Fisher, Guatavus H. Beardtky, William H. ScotiI, junr., •John Gratton Clifford, •Ja.^es Edgar, •A. Rankin Bedell, A. B., Thomas A. Welling, •Edward L. Wetmore, A. B., Amos 8. Wilson, William M. Connell, L. L. U., •George F. Gregory, Thomas Kelly, •William Colcbrook Perlcy, •Peter Besnard, junr., Charles W. Cole, Charles A. Holstead, George E. King, A. M., T. Barclay Robinson, A. B., •Charles Henry Chandler, Caleb Richardson, Patrick Edwin Sweeny, Finimore Elkanah Morton, Lewis Ambrose Mills, Richard B. Weldon, •William L. T. Seely. Jas. F. McManus, ^ •Alfred Henry Demill, A. M., Fred. Augustus Morrison, A. B., •Henry Lawrance Sturdee, M.A., Silas Alward, A. M., Peter Millar, Robert Brookes Peters, William C. Lee, A. B., Robert A. Weldon, jGdward Byron Winslow, Admitted Attorney. June, '69 do do April do '60 do do do June, '60 do do Octobe r do Feb. '61 V do do October '61 do do October '62 do do do do 26 Octob. '62 9 Feb. '63 16 April 12 June '63 '63 do do do do Admitted Barridter. June, do do do do '61 '00 '62 •61 do June '61 16 Oct.'62 8 Feb.'62 I2June'63 16 Apr.'63 19 Oct. '63 do '65 19 Oct. '64 17 do '6.') 14 Oct. '64 7 Feb. '65 6 Feb. '64 17 June'64 16 June'65 do do do do do do do do do do 19 Oct. do do do do 6 Fcby. do do 11 do 16 April 17 June 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 15 Oct. 17 do 15 do 1 1 Feb. do do do do do do do do '63 do do do do '64 do do do '64 '64 '64 'G4 '64 do '65 '65 do do do do do do do do 12 Oct. '65 12 June'65 do do 16 June'64 13 Oct. '65 do '66 13 Oct. '65 do do 12 Oct. '66 9 Feb. '66 do do II Feb.'65 l5April'65 16June'65 13 Oct.'eS .April, '67 June, 67 Feb, do Rosidonoo. Dorchester. StAndrews Fredericton SaintJohn. Saint John, do do Richibucto. Hopewell. Saint John. Dalhousie. Frrdericton Pithole.Pa. Snint John Grand FnlU Woodstock. Fredericton. Shediac. Sussex Vale Dorchester. Woodstock. Fredericton. P. E. Island St. John. do Dorchester. Moncton. St. John. do do Richibucto. Aroostook. Sussex. Shediac. Sussex. St. John. Fredericton. Maint John, do do do Chatham. Australia. Saint John. Saint John. Fredericton. 116 BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. NAMES. II!' Robert Coie, Thomas Lewis Harrison, A. B. Andrew George Blair, George McSorley, Alfred Foxcroft Street, James Gordon Forbes, Henry Charles McMonaglc, Arthur Clarence Fairweather, Frederick W. Stockton, Walter J. Kilner, W. Herbert Sinnott, Robert J. Ritchey, Robert Matthew, A. M., Stanley Boyd, Wm. Pollock Ritchie, Allan Alfred Peck, Randolph Ketchum Jones, Isaac Allen Jack, A. B., Jatncs Hannay, John P. Hudson, X. Herbert Vail, Israel S. Gross, Edward Allison Craig, Daniel Jordan, junr., Josiah vi^ood, Alfred E. OuUon, Augustus H. Hanington. Herbert Crawford, Gilbert Pugsley, Jeremiah Travis, Alfred A. Stockton, Michael Adams, James Bereridge, Charles W. Beckwilh, Ezekiel McLeod, Admitted Attorney. II II 13 13 13 13 16 16 13 Feb. do April, do do April June^ do Oct. do do 14 Oct. do 16 Oct. 9 Feb'y 16 April 15 June 12 Oct. do Admitted Barrister. Feb. 67 April, do ' do do June, June, 67 do do do do do Oct., 67 12 Oct. do Oct., 67 15 Oct. '66 15 15 15 15 15 do do do do Feb., do June, do do do do do Oct., do do do •65 do '65 do do '65 '65 do '65 do do do do do '66 do do Oct., 67 do 12 Oct., do do 11 do do do do 12 Oct., 67 do Oct., do dfl' '67| do I do do' de' do' do do do ....... . do do do Residence. Ai at th Richibucto. Fredericton. Saint John. Fredericton. Saint John. Saint John. Saint John. Saint John. St. Stephen. Saint John. do do W'sor, N.S. Saint John. Sackville. Woodstock. Saint John. Fredericton. Fredericton. Saint John. Saint John. Saint John. Saint John. Dorchoster. do Saint John, do do do Saint John. Saint John. ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FRATERNIiy OF F. & A. MASONS. District Grand Lodge of New Brunswick. — Robt. T. Clinch, Esquire, D. G. M. ; B. Letter Peters, D. D. G. M. ; James Robertson, S. G. W. ; Geo. H. Russell, J. G. W. ; Rev. Wm. Donald, D. D., G. Chap. ; Wm. H. A. Keans, G. T. ; Wm. F. Bunting, G. Sec'y. ; John Richards, S. G. D.; Benj. R. Stevenson, J. G. D. ; A. Rowan, G. D. C; John D. Short, G. 8. B. ; Jas. Mullin, G. P. ; John Boyer, G. T. ; Chas. F. Tilley, D. P. Wet- more, H. Hallett, C. A. Holstead, C. Kesley, and O. E. Flewwelling, G. Stewards. — Meets on the first Wednesday in March and September. »/• ' MASONIC FRATERNITY. 117 ibucto, Albioit Lodge, No. 400, E. R. — Meets on the first Friday in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Saikt Johh's Lodo>, No. 436, £» R. — Meets on the first Tuesday in each month at the Masonie Hall, Saint John. Sussex Lodge, No. 480, E. R. — Meets on the Thursday on or after each full moon, at Dorchester, Westmorland County. Saiht Mark's Lodge, No. 618, E. R. — Meets on the first Wednesday in each month at Saint Andrews, Charlotte County. Solomon's Lodge, No. 522, E. R. — Meets on the first Tuesday after each full moen, at the Masonic Hall, Frederiston. Carletoit Usioir Lodge, No. 524, E. R — Meets on the first Thursday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, Carleton. MiDiAir LoDO't, No. 527, E. R. — Meets on the second Tuesday in each month, at Clifton, King's County. Ukiox Lodge of Portland, No. 535, E. R Meets on the third Thurs- day in each month, at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Woodstoce: Lodge, No. 553, E. R. — Meets on the first Wednesday in each month, at Woodstock, Carleton County. Saint George Lodge, No. 629, E. R. — Meets on the firit Tuesday in each month, at Saint George, Charlotte County. CouiNTHiAN Lodge, No. 63.5, E. R. — Meets on the Wednesday on or after each full moon, at Hampton, King's County. Keith Lodge, No. 644, E. R. — Meets on the Thursday after each full moon, at Moncton, Westmorland County. Alley Lodge, No. 664, E. R — Meets on the first Thursday in each month at Upper Mills, Saint Stephen, Charlotte County. Howard Lodge, No. C68, E. R. — Meets on the first Tuesday in each month at Hillsborough, Albert County. Northumberlard Lodge, No. 701, E. R. — Meets on the second Tues- day in aach month at Newcastle. Miramichi. MiRAMicHi Lodge, No. 775, E. R.— Meets on the third Tuesday in each month at Chatham, Miramichi. Salisbury Lodge, No. 808, E. R. — Meets on the third Tuesday in each month at Salisbury, Westmorland County. Zetland Lodge, No. 886, E. R.— Meets en the third Wednesday in each month at Shediac, Westmorland County. ZioN Lodge, No. 965, E. R.— Meets on the Wednesday preceding each full neon, st Sussex, King's County. 118 MASONIC FRATERNITY. Nxw Bruits WICK Losgx, No. 1084, E. R. — Meets on the second Thurs- day in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Saiwt Awdrkw'b Losok, No. 364, S. B —Meets on the sscond Thursday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, Frcdericton. LonoE Saikt AirnRiw, Ne. 376, S. R. — Metts on the first Thursday in each menth at Richibucte, Kent County. Lodge Saint John, Ne. 412, S. R. — Meets on the first Thursday after each full moon, at Bathurst, Gloucester County. HiBERNiA Lodge, No. 301, L R. — Meets on the second Tuesday in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Sussex Lodge, No. 327, L R. — Meets on the first Wednesday in each month, at Saint Stephen, Charlotte County. Leinstkh Lodge, No. 347, L R. — Meets on the first Monday in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Cableton Royal Arch Chapter, No. 47, S. R. — Meets on the third Wednesday in each month at the Masonic Hall, Saint John. Fredeuicton R. a. Chapter, No. 77, S. R. — Meets at the Masonic Hall, Fredericton. Union, R. A. Chapter, No. 84, S. R. — Meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Carleton, Saint John. Corinthian, R. A. Chapter, No. 8.5, S. R. — Meets at Hamp'on, King's County. Mount Lebanon, R. A. Chapter, No. 101, S. R. — Meets at Chatham, Miramichi. Saint John E^jcampment, K. T, — Holding of the Grand Priory of Scot- land — Meets en the second Wednesday in February, April, June, August, October, and DecemWcr, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. — Wm. F. Bunting, E. *C., John Willis, Recarder. ^n Grand ('ouncil of Rotal and Select Masters, Province of New Brunswick, Dominon of Canada. — Robt. Marshall, M. P. Grand Master; John V.Ellis, D.P.Grand Master; Edward Willis, R.P.Grand Master; James G. Ferbes, P. Grand Master ; D. R. Munro, Grand Recorder. St. John Council of Rotal and Select Masters, No. I. — Jehn D. Short, T. L Master; J. G. Forbes, R. I. Master ; John Mullin, L Master; Wm. J. Logan, Rffcorder. New Brunswick Council of Royal and Select Masters, No. 2. — Robert Marshall, T. L Master; D. R. Munro, R. L Master; Thos. H. Keo- han, L Master ; H. D. McLeod, Recorder. Carleton Council of Royal and Select Masters, No. 3. — John V« Ellis, T. L Master, Edwin J. Weimore, I. R. Master ; Charles Ketchum, L Master; H. Leonard, Recorder. >i): NEW BRUNSWICK R. A. CHAPTER — COUNCILS. 119 ' NEW BRUNSWICK ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER, BTo. 301, HOLBIKO UKDER THI BKGISTUT OF THE SUPREME GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OP IRELAND. His GnACE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, Duke of Leinstkr, Kino. Regular Convocations are held on the second Monday of each month, in the Masonic Hall, Judge Ritchie's Building, Princess Street, St. John, New Brunswick. Degrees conferred are as follows: — « Mark Master," « Past Master," « Most Excellent Master," <« Super Excellent Master," an(U" Royal Arch." ROBERT MARSHALL, Past K., JOHN D. SHORT, K. D. R. MUNRO, H. P., J. MULLIN, C. S., Rev. Wm. DONALD, D. D., and Rev. G. J. CAIE, Chaplains. H. D. McLEOD, Registrar. New Brunswick Grand Council of High Priests hold Semi-Annual Con- vocations in May and November of each year. New Brunswick Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters hold Annual Convocations in Saint John, New Brunswick. New Brunswick Council of Royal and Select Masters hold Convocations in the Masonic Hall, St. John. Robert Marshall, T. L M. David R. Munrot R. I. M. R«v. George J. Caie, L M. Saint John Council of Royal and Select Masters hold Convocations in the Masonic Hall, St. John. Rev. Dr. Donald, T. I. M. J. D. Short, R. L M. John Mullin, l. M. Carleton Council of Royal |nd Select Masters hold Convocations in the Masonic Hall, Carleton. John V. Ellis, T. L M. Edwin J. Wetmore, R. L M. C. Ketcbum, L M. J. J. DYER & CO., GENERAL AGENTS FOR ^<(UJ2ilca^r2, ^ookellei'H, and Jubltsh^rs, Would call special attention to the promptitade and exact- ness which they offer in the execution of all miscellaneous orders entrusted to them. These peculiarities alone, they feel, have insured their success. Deeming this a most important part of their business, they are continually jobbing, and making arrangements for the current publications of the principal houses in the United States, which are furnished in great variety. J8^" Country dealers will find that, by ordering from us, all their orders will be filled as quickly, and on as favorable terms, as if they were on the spot themselves. They will find us early, prompt, and energetic, and always watchful of their interests. EVERYTHING REQUIRED BY DEALERS promptly forwarded at the very lowest prices. € 120 8hj{r8, exact- laneous ley feelj portant making rincipal n great om us iorahle ill find f their PRICE & SHAW, PORTLAND, - - - ST. JOHN, N. B. • OGiO * All kinds of CARRIAGE STOCK for sale low for Cash. Repairing, in all its branches, done with punctuality and despatch. ! The old established, cheap and well known SI Iting Street, Bt. John, JT. B. McinCHOL & BXTSSELL, Successors to J. Andbbsok. Beg to intimate that they are determined to maintain the well-earned reputation this Es- tablishment has for the last thirty years en- joyed, and would inform their Friends and the Puplie that they hare always on hand a large and well assorted Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &.c. Which for neatness, «heapncss, durability, and excellenee of workmanship and material, cannot be excelled in the city. % McN. & R. would remind their friends and the public that bar- ing been brought up to the Clothing business, tliey are enabled jM to carry it on within themselves, and can consequently giro their 9^ customers tho benefit of light expenses. In thk Cubtom Dm- W PARTMENT, BNTIRl SATISFACTIOX GUABANTIKD I 49* Remember 37 VLlufg Street. 131 I) ' W. G. LAWTON, 12 KING STMT,- • • • ST. JOHN, N. I « f » .h Xls/LJPO'RmEl'El 01='-^ ir»***f^f llli« i^?twli» El»@)mi » wm(^'^ ©^iss (i@@0)S, Gloves, Hosiery, Linens, Cottons, FLINKELS, BLANKETS, Counterpanes, Sheetings, COTTON WARPS, FAMILY MOURNING. i Constantly reccivint;- NJ'iW G00J>8 b}- onch Steamer from l'n<j;l;ind. 122 i mmm f. mm DEALER IN AND AGENT FOR Railroad, Steamboat, Mill -A.wri> nhhev and Leather And all RUBBER GOODS for Mechanical purposes. tm es mm To dealers or consumers who have been either selling or using Belting, Packing, or Hose, &c., of an inferior quali- ty, we invite a trial of the above Goods, with entire confi- dence, that they will prove not only perfectly satisfactory in quality, but reasonable in price. GEORGE F. KEANS, so FI^IIsrOB -^7^1^. SOTIiEBT, ST. JOHN, N. B. _ .., . lif P R I Iff nt!" I AT G, BOOK, PAMPHLET, JOB, AND executed in the best style, on low terms. IBdDdDK-IBIIKflDIIKf®, in all lit branches, promptly and cartfuly attended to. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO RE-BINDING OLD BOOKS. LETTER AND NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, &o., STAMPED with crest and initial!— plain or in tolors. BULED TO AXT PATTKBy. AMD Mi.DX UP IN THB BIST KANNBB. I CIRCULATING LIBRARY.— In connection with this Establishment Is an extensive Circulatinsr Library, to which New Books are b«ing con- stantly added. J. & A. McMillan, 78 Prince William Strett. i in G, i ^t£m^ i to. BOOKS. 1 PED t. ihment is ling con- I Street. 78 KING STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. n >» This House hu been patronized by H. R. II. thr Pbincr of Wales, II. II. II. Princr Alfrbd. By mil the British American Governors, and the Nobility andOcntry, as well as by the most distinguished Americans, whom busings or pleasure may have brought to this city, who havo joined in pronouncing it THE FAVORITE HOUSE OF THE PROTIN€ES. The Proprietor, thankful for past favors, would respectfully intimate to the travelling Public that he will sparo no pains or ei^pense to render the House still further deserving their patronage. 49* Every attention paid to the comfort of guests, JOHN GUTHRIE, Proprietor. 49 TRUNK FACTORY, 49 The Subscriber has now on hand the largest and best assorted ^fook ever •ffercd to the travelling public, consisting of I^i\i}\{§j ^^iSses, S^i^pei 3w^ LADIES' BONNET TRUNKS, &c. A TRAVELLER CAN BE FITTED OUT AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. EVERY TRUNK WARRANTED. (DAHVAO (DdDVIEIES MAUDE IP® (DEIDISIEo Bepalrlngr attended to. • W. H. KNOWLES, 49 Germain Street. 125 ■'■ . vi 'i i U . J r ■ ; J'l 1^1 Ltii^i nm% 'f> Market Square St. John N. B. —*♦•»» IldCPOR'X'DBliS Oi^ 1 't »!,r a^^t/t^A^ css^t^Aj €Mu/ 0^^otetM^ AHB! ' In all the Leading Styles of Manufactured '% !*. oltons, %xitxi%, ^aolkns »ntr i[ilb9. lABIIMSlIIY AN® TMMMJNfiS, Jt^^-AII from the Leading European Markets.'^^K Wholesalb and Retail. DANIEL & BOYD. Saint John, N. B., January, 1868. ■! II ■ I M l I I I I iir n i — I iiiJi.. .. f I 1 \ ADAM YOUNC, MARUrACTUMER or Mm, Office, Hall, M Parlor AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Ac. Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer ID PENRHYN MARBLE MANTLE PIECES. Agent for Moaes Pond & Go's celebrated Cooking-range, Stoves, Ac. as, 80 and 39 WATER STREET, »T. JOHN, M. B. Ship and Mill Castings made to order. iiii«uiin:iNATioiff. »»■ » Every Public Building, Dwelling House, Mill, Factory, Shop, Store, and Office i» this Province, BttAT IBIE IBIBIIILILIIAKfTILY ILI[®IEnPIBI!!> A.T LITTLE CO©T, FOR BRILLIANCY AND ECONOMY OF ITS LIGHT, THAT OF 4 ii.® ® m ^ I Kf E » Manufactured by the Albertine Oil Company, Is Superior to that of Coal Gas, Oil or Fluid. LAMPS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS CONSTANTLr ON HAKn. DEPOT-JVo, 33 Prince William Street, 137 l!.' U ^ I No. 90 PRINCE WILLIAM STREET. ABENT or THE B08T0N BSLTINB GOlirAIT, Sec'^ (Ss Salesman of the St. John Manufacturing Vomp*yy Dealer In all kinds of Rubber Belting ; Rubber Packing of all sizes, patent and plain. Rubber Hose ; Rubber Cement, Varnish, Soleing, Door Mats. Rubber Coats of the best quality — warranted not to crack or stick. Rubber Blankets, Pillows, Cushions, Bed Pans, Life Preserrers ; Rubber Horse Covers, Sheeting, Leggins, Overalls, Aprons; Rubber Cloaks for Ladies and Gents ; Drinking Tubes, Tubeing, ice. Rubber Syringes, Trusses, Pipes, Combs, Bracelets, Finger Rings, Rubber Ear Rings, Rubber handle Hair Brushes — a superior article. Rubber frame Toilet Glasses ; Sleeve Buttons ; Pen Holders. Rubber Pencils, Cups, Chains, Tooth Picks, Charms, Thimbles, &c. VARIETY— Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Clothes and Hat do., '. fant do.. Shaving do.. Tooth do. ; Portmonies, Purses, Match Boxes, Solitaire Boards, Ladies' Bags, in variety, Fancy Combs, &;c., &c. Mill Saws — "Wheatman 4* ASmtVA'^Gang, Circular and Crosscut Saws. Files — Butcher^s Mill Saw Files from 5 to 14 in., and Taper Saw do. FISHIISG TACKLE— Consisting of Rods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Baskets, Tied Hooks, Flies in every variety, Gut, - Sinkers, Baits, Bait Boxes, &;c., dec. Clothes Wrlng^ers. SKATES — A large assortment of Ladies', Gent's, Misses' and Lads.' IXTeather Strips — The newest, cheapest, and most effectual con- trivance for excluding Snow, Rain, Dust and Wind, from under Doors and Windows. •\?^ooiL.x.Eisr a-ooiDS- Scarlet, Blue, Blue Mixed and White Flannbls, Plain and Twill'd ; Tweeds, Sattinetts, Homespuns, &c., &c. ' 188 m\m smm iSy M, ^ Tw WATER STREET, ST. JOHN, N. B. — •» ©mt tBm& lfifc.tmsftl S?©^! Dealers can always be supplied with a superior article, manufactured from BEST AMEKICAN LEAF, LOWER THAN CAN BE IMPOliTED. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO LARGE BUYERS. J. & B. EEED. 143 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. lii 1 i J. Chaloner, Drugs, Medicines, &c., Page J W. H. Olive & Co., Hardware, &c., 2 Alfred Lordly, Furniture, 3 C. E. Burnham, Ditto 3 L. H. Deveber & Sons, . . . .British and Foreign Dry Goods, Teas, Ac. 4 M. D. & H. A. Austin, . . . .Groceries, &<•.. (Indiiuitown,) 5 Thomas Rankine & Sons,. .Steam Baki-ry 5 James Williams, Flour, PrnxiMiunB, Ac, (Portland,) 6 Lawton & Vassie, Wholesale Dry Good? Warehousemen, . . 6 J. & J. Hegat) British and Foreign Dry Goodx, 7 Magee Brothers, Dry Goods, Furs, «&c., 8 John McMaster, Coi.fectioner and Baker 9 Henry Jack, North British & Mercantile Ini. Comp'y, 9 Samuel J. Scovil, Banker, and Agent St. Stepb. Bank,. ... 10 J. J. Dyer & Co., Booksellers, Publishers, <&c., (Boston). . . 120 Pric«" ''. Shaw, Carriage Builders,. . . 121 Mci\ir.'.ol & Russell, Ready Made Clothing,. . . 121 Vv\ (% Lawton, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 122 €reo)^«; F. Keans, Rubber Belting, Packing and Hose, 123 J. r& A. McMillan, Printing, Bookbinding, &c., 124 Do. do Map of New Brunswick, 135 Do. do. ...... .Classical Series — Celebrated Copy Books, 136 John Guthrie, Hotel Keeper, (Waverley House,) 125 W. H. Knowles, Trunk Factory, 125 Daniel & Boyd, London House — Dry Goods, &c 126 Adam Young, Stoves, Tin-ware, &c., 127 Albertine Oil Company,. . . .Oil, Lamps, 6rc., 127 Z. G. Gabel, Rubber Goods, «&c 128 Allan Brothers, Union Foundry, 129 Malcolm Perry, Glasgow Dye House, 130 R. P. & ~V. F. Starr, Sugars, Molasses, Tobacco, Coal, &c. ... 130 George Hutchinson, Watches, Jewelry, &c., 131 Currie & Lord, Confectioners, 131 A. Laurilliard, Pianofortes, Music, &c., ..... 132 C. £. L. Jarvis, Agent Queen Insurance Company 1 33 Thomas R. Jones, Wholesale Dealer in Staple Goods, 134 Richard Thompson,. Sheffield House, Watches, Jewelry, &c.,. 137 Valpey & Brother, ....... .Boots and Shoes 138 W. C. Treadwell, Commission Merchant, 138 A. D. u-ihirreff, Dry Goods, &.C., (Chatham, Miramichi,). 139 R. R. Call, Auctioneer, (Newcastle, Mir.,) 1 39 A. Everitt & Co., Linen Drapery, Dry Goods, &c., 140 Charles W. Weldon, Agent Phcenix Assurance Company, ... 141 T. B. Barker,. . . ^ Patent Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, &c., 142 J. & R. Reed, .Tobacco Factory, 143 I "3 I I i at a. F. Simonson's. 64 King street. St. John. N. B. age J 2 • • • O 3 &,c. 4 • « • o • • • o ... 6 I . . 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ...10 ...120 ...121 ...121 ...122 ... 123 ...124 ..13ft •ks, 136 ...125 . . . 125 ...126 . . . 127 ..127 .. 128 ...129 ...130 ...130 ... 131 ...131 ...132 ...133 ...134 c.,.137 ...138 ...138 i,).139 ...139 ...140 ...141 c, 142 ...143 1878.] ADVBRTI8UIBKT8. lis CHALONER'S ANILINE DYES In Colored Packets. ROSBINE, PONCEAU (rosy orimson), NICHOL- SON'S SCARLET, MAGDALA PINK, RBQINA PURPLE (red shade), ATLAS PURPLE (blue shade), FINE VIOLET, MAUVE, PHOSPHINE YELLOV7 (deep), ANILINE YELLOW (light), NICHOLSON'S BLUE, SOLUBLE BLUE (re- quires Alum), ATLAS, GREEN, BISMARCK BROWN, IMPERIAL MAROON (shade of crimson). THESE ALL DISSOLVE IN WATER* THEY WILL DYE WOOL, SILK, COTTON, BRISTLES, GRASS, MOSS, PAPER, GLJJE, WOOD, IVORY, &c. Ink may be instantly made by dissolving Ponceau, Purple, Violet, or Soluble Blue, in rain water. t^ Chaloner's Aniline Dyes are warranted up to the stand- ard in every respect. Prices very low. Messrs. T. B. Barker & Sons, and Dearborn & Co., are our largest buyers. Can be ob- tained through other Merchants and Druggists. -ORIGINATED BY- Whplesale Druggist and Dispensing Chemist, '^O Xillxigr Streec, corzier O-erzxiaixi, 8 H. R.Smith, 22 King street. St, John, N. B. rv \' 1 I d, Pap^r, Febbled and English Mats, 114 AOVEBTISBMENTS. [1878. INXERNATIONAL >fr.:") ri^ f O ■42 I T. C. fiCfiFll^'EY, 'President arid Manager. AXX- 9i::,d} I'^l'tfiin':' BAJ H. J. LIBBY, Treasurer. ^I^rc^pt. iJ. B. COYLE, Chief Engineer, i^^Bii; > V'/^«:)Jj:?{ Portland, Me. •/^OJJIK^ ^••^tiin,- f_\-1f, .<!• LINE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN ST, JOHN, EASTPORT, PORTLAND, B 1* 'i' 1 ^Tua . T. ...«] w^'tx:-') >i. --A.3SriD- B0ST0 3^. With connections to all parts of the United States and Canada. g- CD I I m t © 01 >» I © © o Ali the Standard English and American Publications-- A [1878. V CD B I u +3 (D a n ■i-» t 0) >> <i o a) 03 _a^QrJ\jimonsdn's, 54 King Street, St'. John, N. B. 1878.] AD^'BRTISEMKKT8. 115 ,6'/l\ ariESSATlOXAL :., STEAfvlSHIP COMPANY. '/ » 5 ^- • 5i. -♦*i«l>>*r: V.,|. (ft i> 1 The favorite and superior sea-goiAg Steamers of this Line, NEW YORK, 1,000 tons, dapt E. B. Winchester, CITY OPl>ORTLAro, , " Capt. S. H. Pike, NEW BRUSNWICK, " Capt. N. C. Long, Leave Reed's Point Whahe, ST. ^OHN, at S a. m'^ana EAST- PORT, at 1 p. m., same day, for PORTLAND and BOSTON, as follows : — . .■■ ' In .laiuinry, F<'l»rijar.v, and March, one o. these steiiiners will leave ST. JOHN lor ^ASTPOKT and PORTLAND, every Tfu'rhday morninff, at 8; o'clock, connecting: at PORTLAND with the Trains for BOSTON, an(] all parts of CANADA and the WEST ; ^ni April, Way, and .fun^,' wiil leave every Monday and Thursday ; in July, Angusfc, and Hcptciiibcr, every Monday, Wednesday, and Fuiday ; in October and'riovciiibcr, every Monday and Thursday ; and in DecemlitT, every TinjrtSDAY, goinjj throntfh to BOSTON. Usual running time between St. John and Eactport, 4 to U nours ; Eastport to Portland, 15 to 17 hours ; Portland to Boston, 8 to hours. t'OXNECTIOXS.— At St. John with Intercol»nfa) Railway to Shediac and Steairer to Prince Edward Isiund, ■witli Steamer Sezid to Digby and An- napolis, thence by Railway to Windsor and Halifax, N. S. At Eastwrt, Steam Ferrj' to Lubec ; Stages to Pembroke, Dennysville, and Macl)ias, and Steamers Queen and Belle Brown in regular connection to Robbinstown and Calais, ire., and St. Andrews and St Stephen, N. B.; and from the latter place the New Brunswick and Canada Railway runs northward to Woodstock and Holton Sta- tion, making this the Bkst Route for TRAVEiiLERS to Aroostook County, Me. GEORGE HAYES, Eastport. A. R. STUBBS, Portland, THOMAS JOHNSON, Calais. W. H. KILBY, Bo.ston. H. W. CHISHOLM, $^T. .IOH.\, N. B. 3 I py- kVV i 01- CI o CO §. s s- I I iJD I I 3. B I ^ H. R. Smith, 22 King street. St. John. N. B. Mr I f I « s g I I J Wsl&nt and Ck>Id GKH Miner Frames, > 116 ADVBRTISBMKMT8. [1878: G. F, THOMPSON & SONS, PAINT AND COLOR WORKS, Iiiiporters and Manufacturers of WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINT, AND COLORS OF ALL SHADES. Oils, Spirits Turpentine, Varnishes, Putty, Whiting, Brushes, &c.. For sale lower than they can be imported, and on as favorable terms as any house in the Dominion. FACTORY— 137 to 143, Office and Sample Ware- rooms, 141 Princess Street, 8T. JOKN, N. B. ' G. F. THOMPSON & SONS. ALL KINDS —OF— DRY We are now putting up Mixed Paints of Different Colors in Seal- ed Tins from 1 lb. upwards. These Ck>lors are thoroughly mixed by Ma- chinery, under the superintendence of a practical painter of over twenty years experience, and we guarantee them of the best quality, to dry quick, and give perfect satisfaction. COACH COLORS Ground in J" A T?.A.ISr I t^ Parties doingf their own Painting, or requiring Paint all ready for use, will find it very much to their advantage to give us a call, where they will re- ceive all necessary information. From our superior advantages, b^ing manufacturers, we are enabled to sup- ply our etttrtomers kt a miiich less cost than imp<]lrt6rs. G. F. Thompson & SonS, * 141 Princess Street, i^Evdry requisite necc mary for the Trade always on h vnd.*^ pi I 3 i I to t 5 bd t i m Vaxxoy Note Paper and Envelopes— > pi I 1 -3 E g -S oa bd I ET ^ ^ I JO § I I ■I EH at G. F. Simonson's, 64 King street, St John, N. B. 1878.] ADVERTI88MENTB. 117 WILLIAM BLACK, SHIP CHANDLER -AND- GROCER, HEMP & MANILLA CORDAGE, Pitch, Tar, Paints, Oils, &e. Tea, Sugar, Coffees, Spices, Fruit, Stc. SHIP STORES IN BOND OR DUTY PAID. IMIagree Blocik:, T^7"ater Street, ST. JOHN, N. B. MURDOCH'S LAMP AND OIL DEPOX i8! UNION STREET, St. CToKcnsr, IT- B> Bracket, Hall, Stand, Hand & Safety Lamps. Burners, Chimneys, "Wicks, . PAPER SHADES, OIL CANS, LANTERNS, OIL STOVES, AND ALL KINDS OF KEROSENE OIL, GLASSWARE, &c. 1-4 5* I !3 3 o o O o i I o O H. B. Smith, 22 Kins street. St. John. N. B. I > ^. r-l & o OQ I o o § o o Boqnet Tables, Slipper Pockets and Brackets, 118 ADVBRTISEMKXTS. [1878. I 1. l..> TlO'^STJ^Hi INSURANCE COMPANY. Fire and Life. ASSETS OVER $t6,ooo,ooo. Deposite^i \vith the Government at Ottawa, " ■ $200,000. FIRE LOSSES PROMPTLY SETTLED WITHOUT ^ V \tC •> REFERENCE TO HEAD OFFICE. '*• ' J. J. & J. SIDNEY KAYE, AGENTS for NEV/ BRUNS^VICK, > 8-, CD g p. ® en e Q ^ 1 JO •d I •d o PQ © c •rH o .d O New Brunswick Series of School iBoOks— > (D 8- i Oi 3 i I I P J— 1 CD CO I I '^ / I I -d o w c o .a o at G. F. SJmonson's, 54. King street, St. John, N. B. 1878.] ADVEUTIBEMKNTS. 119 MASTERS & PATTERSON, Commission Merchants 19 South Market Wharf, St. John, N. B. SHIP STORES, &I100ERIES, FRUIT, Dry and Pickled Fish, Salt, KEROSENE & COD OILS, ETC. Hoolss, !l^ets, Lines. Special attention paid to the Bale of Country Produce, etc. J. E. MASTERS. Refer by pernmsum to JAS. PATTERSON-. His Honor S. L. Tillej% C. B., Lieut. -Gov. of N. B.; R. D. DeWolf &Co., New York; J. R. Calhoun. Esq., Sumnierside, P. E. I.; N. P. Kemp, Esq., Boston; R. N. Beckwith, Esq., Halifax, N. S. ; Jardine & Co., St. John. WARING BROS., IRON & BRASS FOUNDERS. Manufactuhers of STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS AND SHIPS' TANKS. ALSO ■ Ross Patent Lath & Paling lacMne, "Will cut 50 thousand laths jjer day. INDIANTOV/N, - - St. John, N. B. N. B.-NICKEL PLATING TO ORDER, H. B. Smith, 22 King street, St. John, N. B. B B. p. ^ B* 00 S p. 09 3 CO b b P '< Q S CQ & U Mirrors, Fiotore and Motto Frames, 120 ADVBRTISKMRNTg. [187a Eagle Iron & Brass Foundry, STEAM ENGINE & fflAGHINE SHOP, ALBION AOT) ST. DAVID STREETS, ST. TOaSiT, a^. B. The Subscriber, having all the recently improved facilities, is prepared to man- ufacture every description of STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, For Marino or Land Purposes, of any size. SCREV/ PROPELLERS. IPateixt ""VariaTole ^2cpa,a:isi"ve O"a.t-o±f," Saving 30 Per Cent, of Fuel. H« would dirf -^t special attention to the above, and would refer parties requir- ing them, for information respecting their power and usefulness, to the proprietors of "Scovil'a Rolling Mills." IRON & BRASS CASTINGS Mado to order, and Patterns furnished. Always on hand— Ship Work, Pumps, Cook Stoves, Cambooses, Grates, Fur- nace Mouths, &c. Work for Saw or Grisl Mills. Carleton Air-tight Cooking Stove. PATENTEE AND SOLE MANUFACTURER OF HULBERT'S PATENT PLOUGH, Pronounced by judges to be the best Plough in the market. Blncksiuith Work, Jiiek Screws, and 8liipg* €raiiii>H, executed promptly and on liberal terms. a^Plans and anungoments for all work executed in this Establishment will be made without chai-ge. JOHN SMITH, Practical Euginoev and Millwright. > «<{ w I Oflftce Stationery and Blank Books of all descriptions— at G. F. Simciicon's, 54 Kins e^:ro©t. St. John, N. B. ' 1 M.'. --. in i EH ■J . CO ^§ :-;0 1878.] ADVKRXlSKMENTa. 121 7Q kmmm m ummi asms. cr* mm " PUBLISHED AT ST. JO^M, N. B., Are by far THE MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED PAPERS IN THE MARITIME, PROVINCES. ADVERTISEMENTS, more especially all new and trau»ieirt ones, are usually irtBci-teil inthe several' editirtns of the frjVeiilnii^'ir^'iegrapii, and without any extni charjye. The I>nlly Telcjenipli is mailed or delivered by carriers at50t'e«t'ia month, or $6.00 u ycAr, in advance. TIi«' Weekly Telcgrnph la published at $11.00 11 year. For advertising rates and other particulars apply to WILLIAM ELlJEIi, Editor and Projit'ietor. JOB ?mjMn mpmmmi. : ' A > '.i 1 — -T- ■ / Having the most improved machinery and the lateist styles of type, we are pre- ,1 /ti.iiii ,;, pared to execute nil orders for ■(-.:; , »• Plain & Ornamental Printina: . . in first-class style and at ret^onable prices, Book Work, Paniplilet!?, ftcgal l''<>rMi«, K:jllw«y Fornix, Cartas, Bill Heads, StaieaBS'CTiS'ii, C'ircKlars, KceeJp;!.^,, . €ke4;ks, Fosters, Prograimuics, ]lIeiuornii4li&, <l:c. Ul! - > EVERY DESCRIPTION OP EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH. ' TOrddrS'ftbnl'tHe colitttry ytriY\. receive oilr Immediate attention. WIIJLIA]5I,iauDEK, Propria «or. 1> d P < Q 03 CD *^ I— < > a> tJ "^ CD P O o CD ti CO o CD w CD CD CD t-« I. 5» H, R., ^jnitU, 22 King street, St. , Jphn. N. B. ' ^ § Ohromos, Mottoes, Perforated Mottoes and Book Marks, 122 ADVERTIBEMRN'TS. [1878. Graham's Pain Eradicator Has stood the test of (several years, havinjf been placed before (he public in\ 1800, and its extraordinary curative pQ' era had been long tested pre- viously. It is averywhere ackno\vled(red to be the best and most successful remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Asthma, AND OTHER CHRONIC COMPLAINTS, Which it cures effectually, and it is equally efficacious for the cure of Ovuts, S'aj:ziiBv Sca.ld.s, Srvuisa*, Spretiziai, And most forms of Aches and Pains. And other forms of Horv Thront are readily cured by it. As it does not smart or cause any unpleasant sensation children use it readily. It is also the safest and liest remedy for (7ronp, and it h excellent for Coiiffht and €o1<Ih. A few drops will curb Ear Ache and the bucdng somid or noise in the head that renders jieople partially deaf. ARE READILY CURED BY IT. For Lame Back, Lumbago, Sciatica, & Pains in the Side and Breast, it has no equal. RHEUMATISM, no matter how long Btt-ndinff, may be cured by followinc: the directions acoom- lutnyiiiK each bottle. Hundreds have been cured by ft, many of whom have i)een afflicted for from twenty to thirty j-ears, and in many cases the cures have been effected by the use of one or two bottles. tSff' It is the cheaiiest as well as the best ; five drops will cover a surface as large as the hand, and it does not waste by evaporation as do those oomiiosed of Alcohol, Ether, Ammonia, &c. The l*atu Erndleatay does not contain any Opium, Ether, Chloroform, or other dangerous narcotic or mineral sulwtauce to destroy the sensibility of the nerves, and only render the sufferer insensible to iiein, neither does it contain any Cayenne Pepiier, Potash, or Ammonia, to bum or blister ; bnit it is a purely Veffetahte, Soothhtif, Healluff, BatManif^ Magnetic Oil, that acts on chemical and electrical principles ; it quickly permeates the tissues, acts direct- ly on the absorbents, equalises the circulation, reduces inflanmiation, grandular, and other swellings, and gives freedom from p»iu by allaying nervous irritation, removing the disease, and restoring a healthy action to the system. Prepared by T.~GRAHAM & SON, R^noved from St. John, N. B., to PRESCOTT, 8IIT., and OQDENSBURO, N. Y. i^'Soid by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. ISk Price TWknty-Fivc Oknt8. For xfiarticuiarB aee advertisement on pa^re lO- ks, [1878. icator irc the public liA [ tested pre- isst and ^sthma, r the cure of Spxauianjiiv ' :2srs 5d by it. iron use It readily. ellentforC'ouiChf ing sound or noise ;a, & Pains o equal. le directions accom- naiiy of whom have ^ cases the cures have ill cover a surface as , lo those composed of ;ther, CJhloroform, or he sensibility of the either does it conUin cr; but it is a purely ,tfeO.W, that acts on le tiss-aes, a45t9 direct- uiunatlon, tfrandular, iig nervous irritation, le system. k SON, OGIiUISSURO, N. Y. in Medidne.-** n page 10—