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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis 6 des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche 6 droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imeges nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 S 6 k tf > X ' ^Ov />/// ' V//////'/' SIHIAW ' SHAW WA J»i«' Jf/i SB _ 'JV'^ h''/,<-» ^p^*^^^ NARliATIVE ov THE CAPTIVITY AND ADVENTUUES OF JOHN TANNER, 1 IT. S. INTKnPHETER AT THE SAUT DE STE. MARIE. ) DURIXfi THIRTY YEARS RESIDENCE AMONG THE INDIANS ):j the INTERIOR OF NORTH AMERICA. PREPARED FOR THE PBE&3 BY EDWIN JAMES, IW. D. ' .* ■ Editor of an Account of Major Long-'s Expedition from Piltaburgli to the Rocky Muuntaine. NEW-YORK : G. 4 C. A II. CARVILL, 108 BROADWAY 1830. tm wm^- ii Htf^ ^- Southern DislrkI of Netje-York, ss. BE IT REMKMBKRKD, Thai on tlic mnfh day of April, A. D. 1830, in the fift}-- fourtli ypar of the ImleptindiMicc ol' the tJnitml States of Amnrica, G. & C. & H. Cnrvill, of the said disliict, have dojiosited in this otlice llie title of a Ixiok, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit : — A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of John Tanner, (U. S. Interpreter at the Sant de Stc Marie,) during tJiiirty years residcnr* among the Indiajis in the interior of North America. Prepan^ for the press by Edwin James, M. D Editor of an Account of Major Long's Expedition from Pittsl)\irgh totlie Rocky Mountains," In confoimity to tlie Act of the Congress of the United StaU-s, entitled, "An A'U for the en- couragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Chans, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned." And also to an Act, entitled, " An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act for the encourage- ment of I>Miriiing, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of sijcli copies, during the times therein mentioned, and ext•-: TANNERS NAHKATIVt. •> stuiesmau, oi a political economist, Iwt they may be relied on oi exhibiting a fair exposition of the infinence of the trade upon the aborigines. Recently, the Indians in all that wide portion of North-America, occupied by the Hudson's Bay Fur Compan}', have been, by the consolidation of two rival associations, reh»n'ed alike from the evils, and deprived of the advantages, accruijig from an active competition in the trade. Among other advanta- geous results supposed to be attained by this exclusion of com- petition, one, and probably the most important, is the eflectua! check it interposes to the introduction of spirits into the Indian country. Even the clerks and agents stationed at the remote interior posts, are forbidden to introduce the smallest quantity of spirit or wine, among their private stores. This one mea- sure, incalculably of more value than all that has been effected in times remote or recent, by the interference of government?, or the exertions of benevolent associations, has originated in the prudent foresight, and well instructed love of gain, of an association of merchants; and while it makes us fully ac quainted with the views of those best informed in relation to the effect of the introduction of whiskey among the Indians, it shows the possibility of remedying this great evil. In former times, when the whole of the northwest of our continent was open to the competition of rival traders, all the evils and all the advantages of the S3'^stem at present existing in the United States territories, were felt to the remotest and least accessible of those dreary regions. The Indian could probably in all instances realize a higher price for his peltries, than he can hope to do at present. The means of intoxica- ting himself and his family, were always to be had at some rate, and the produce of his hunt was artfully divided, and disposed of in the manner which seemed to promise him the greatest share of this deadly indulgence. During the times of active competition, it was found accordingly, that the fur bear- ing animals, and the race of native hunters, were hastening with (iqual and rapid strides towards utter extinction. The ellect of u competitionary trade, managed, as it will always be, in districte 2 -^^Ir 10 tanner's KAKKATIVL. I il h 5' fr "1' for the niosL part or wholly without the jurisdiction ot the governments of civilized countries, upon the animals whose skins constitute the sole object of the visiJs of the traders, must be obvious. The vagrant and migratory habiis of the Indians, would render it impossible for any individual, or any association of men, to interrupt or even to check the destruction of and inals, wherever they could be found. The rival trader was ever at hand to take advantage of any forbearance a prudent foresight might dictate. Thus it will appe.-ir that districts, where game had existed in the greatest abundance, were in the course of a few years so stripped, that the inhabitants I ould avoid starvation only by migrating to st)me less ex- hausted region. Wherever the Indians went, the traders were sure to follow, as the wolves and buzzards follow the buflfaloe. But in the state of things at present existing in the north, the traders are represented to have entire control of the motions of the Indians. The most valuable part of the territories of the Hudson's Bay Company is the forest coimtry. With the Indians of the plains, who subsist almost entirely by hunting throach of winter, their situation is almost hopeless, if they are deprived of the supplies they have so long been accustomed to receive. A consciousness of this depondance sufficed, even in times of competition, to some extent, but fur more at present, to render iheni honest, and pimctual in discharging tiie debts they had incurred. The practice of the traders now is, whetiever they \ TANNERS NAKKATlVi;. it lind the animals m any district becoming scarce; to wilhdratv iheir trading establishment, and by removing to some other part, make it necessary for the Indians to follow. Regions thus left at rest, are found to beconie, in a few years, in a greai, measure re|)lenished with the fur-beiuing animals. The two regulations by which the clerks and agents are Ibrbid to pur- chase the skins of certain animals, if killed before they have, attained their full growth, and by which the use of traps, which destroy indiscriminately old and young, is interdicted, doubtless contribute essentially to the attaiiunent of this im- jwrtant residt. It cannot be otherwise, than that the moral condition of the hunter population in the north, must be somewhat improved, by the severe discipline vvhicli conveni- ence and interest will ecjually prompt the Company |K)ssessing the monopoly to introduce and maintain ; but wlietlier thiy advantage will, in the event, counterbalance the effect of the rigid exactions to which the Indians may l)c compelled to su)> niit, must be for time to determine. It is manifest that plans of government adopted and enfoi ced to subserve the purposes of the fur traders, will Ik". framed with the design of keeping the Indians in a state of efficiency as hunters, and nuist thus in the end be directly opposed to all ftrtbrts lo give them those settled habits, that attachment to the soil, and that efficient industry, which must constitute the first step in their advance towards civilization. Such are the cli- mate and soil of a great part of liie country northward of the great lakes, as to render it extremely improbable that any other than a rude race of hunters will ever be found there; and for them it would probably be in vain to lio|H; for a milder government, than such a kind of despoti-in as can be swayed by a company of traders. Hut within the country belonging to the United States, are many rude tribes distri- buted at ijitervals through boundless forests, or along smilhig and fertile plains, where it would seem that industry and civi li/alion might be introduced. Here it is not probable that the fnr tradf can '"vcr I. ;ne a protected and exihisiv e joonopoly : .>:-'**'i»(U^'?**-~v (!L> '\ vz iA>NtR's ^ARRATlv^;. I ! i and since, while conducted as it is, and as it must contuiue to be, it is the most prohlic sources of evil to the Indians, it may be allowed us, to look forward to the time, wlien many among the remnants of the native tribes, shall escape from its in- lluence, by becoming independent of the means of subsistence it offers them. Some change may reasonably be supposed to have taken place in the course of two centuries, in the sentiments of the European intruders towards their barbarous neighbours. In relative situation, they iiave changed places. Those who are now powerful were then wealc ; those who now profess to offer protection, then lookeil with anxiety and trembling, upon the superior strength of the race which has so soon perished from before them. In the early periods of our colonial history, the zeal of religious proselytism, and the less questionable spirit of true philanthropy, seem not to have availed, generally, to overcome the strong hatred of the savage race, produced liy causes inseparable (iom tht; f«;eble and dependant condition of the colonies, and from the nccessily which com[)elled our fore fathers to become hitruders upon the rightful possessions of tht; Indians. In the writings of the early historiiuis, particularly ol' the Puritanical divines of Ncw-llngland, we (ind these people connnonly described as a brutal and deril-drivcn race, wild beastt\ hloodliounds, heathen demons ; no epithet was considered too op- probrious, no execration too dire, to bo pronounced against them.*"' V, ,.f. , * "'I'lu' lilllt' AiH^frfoiii'. and ^-^/of/V.-.'," snvH Cotton i\?i)llu'r, " of Ihr groat ineii union^ the Indians, was u iKiworl'iil obstacle to tlic sncrcss of Mr. KUinl's minis- try ; and it is olisorvublo, lliat M'vrrnl ol'tliosp nations wlio (lius rrCuM'd the t'osprl, were quickly al'tor so dcril-drivcn ati to begin an unjnst and liloiHly war upon tho En^liHli, which iMsned in their speedy mid utter e\tir|)ation from the face of (iod's eurth. It was piirticninrly rcinnrkalile in I'liilip, the ringleader of the niostcalanii- touH war ever made upon uh; our Elliot made a tender of the cm lustinif salva- tion unto that king, hut the monster entertained it with contempt ami anger, hiiiI after the Inilinn mode of joining signs with words, he (inik a button u|M)n the coat of the reverenil man, adding, that hr cared for his goapcl as nnnh as he raredjor that button. The world has hoard what lerribli^ ruins soon came u|Kin that nio- uarch and npon all his |>co|ile. It was not long before the h»nui llie oxi)oscd i>kutl uf that blasphc- 'lA^^'IiRS KAKftAlUL. I'.i It may be supposed, that in losing tlie power which made ihem formidable, they became less obnoxious to the hatred ol the whites. Accordingly, we find tliat it wos long since the fashion to profess much good will and com|Kission towards this ill-starred race. Some ellbrts have been made, and many moro have been talked of, for their civilization, and for their conversion to the true religion. Here and there, a Penn has appeared among our statesmen ; an Elliot or a Brainerd auKjng oiu' religionists — some have been incit<;d by motives of pure bene- volence, or by a love of natural justice, to laljour perseveringl)' and faithfully in the work of reclaiming and benefitting the Indians. Could we trust implicitly to the statements of many who in our day write and speuk on this subject, we might infer, that the only sentiment inflnenchig us, as a people, in our intercourse with our Indian neighboms, is an ardent de- sire for the promotion of their best interests. But if we- estimate public sentiment by the surer criterion of public measures, we must admit that the present generation are seek- ing, with no less zeal and earnestness than iJieir forefathers, IJie utter exterminati(ni of these bloody and idohtlmis Canaan- iles. The truth is, it has been, and still is. <:on\enient to con- sider this a devil driven race, doomed by inscrutable desliny tn sudden and entire destruction. This opinion accords well with the convenient dogma of the moral philosopher, who teacher that such as will make the best use of the soil, should drive out and dis|H)ss(>ss those who, froni ignonmce or indo- lence, suffer it to remain uncuhivaled. It is of little im|)ortanco tocfivil at the injustice of sucli a course. The rule of m mnjor .^ccjns- to be with ahnosi ecpial force obligatory on both |>artie.-', ■mous ^-ria^/iiDi, luid tlu' rcnowiicil Siiiiiml l.fr lialli since Ihtii n pastor of an En(;liHh coiijirt'iiatioii, soiiM(liii<;!iii& placing the Indians, and occupying their country, as for theni to prevent us. The long agitated subject, of tlie " melioration of the con- dition of the Indians,"' appears therefore to present two ques- tions of prunary importance : 1st. Can any thing be effected by our interference '? 2d. Have we in our collective character, as a people, any disposition to interpose the least check to the downward career of the Indians ? The last inquiry will be un- hesitatingly answeii'tl in the negative, by all who are acquaint- ed with the established policy of our govermnent in our inter- course with them. The determination evinced by a great part of the jjeople, and their representatives, to extinguish the Indian title to all lands on this side the Mississippi — to push the lem- )iants of these tribes into regions already tilled to the utmost extent their means of subsistence will allow — manifests, more. cJearly than volumes of idle and empty professions, our inten- tions toward them. The vain mockery of treaties, in which it is untleistooil, tliat the nei^otiation, and the reciprocity, and the benefits, are all on one side ; the feeble and misdirected eflbrts we make for their civilization and instruction, should not, and do not, deceive us into the belief that we have eithoi a regard for their rights, where they happen to come in com- petition with our interests, or a sincere desire to promote the cause of moral instruction among tlieni. The efforts of cliari table associations, originating as they do in motives of the most unquestional)lc purity, may seem entitled to more respectful notice ; l)Utwe deem these efforts, as far as the Indians are con- cerned, eijually misapplied, whether they be directed, as in the south, to drawing out from among them a few of their children, and giving them a smattering of "astronomy, moral philo.'^o- phy, surveying, geography, history, and the use of gloltes,"* or as in the north, in educating the half breed children of fur traders and vagabond Canadians, in erecting workshops and * L,<>ltrr to Col. M'Kpmicy, from the Priiirii)al of thr [.nnraHtcrian ("hocktaw !^1)^' '"-rr IG TANNER S NARR\TIVL. )! i U #1 i'i the greatest accuracy, all that we or others have sait!, in past times. 6ut of these things tliey say, as of the reUgion of the whites, " they are not designed for us." " The Great Spirit has given to you, as well as to us, tilings suited to our several conditions ; He may have licen more hountiful to you than to us ; but we are not disposed to complain of our allotment." In relation to the other branch of this |)art of our subject, namely, the practical)ility of l)iuiefiting the Indians by our in- structions, a few words may suffice. More than two hundred years have passed, during all which time it has been believed that systematic and thorough exertions were making to pro- mote the civilization and conversion of the Indians. The en tire failure of all these attempts ought to convince us, not that the Indians are irreclaimable, but that we ourselves, while we have built uj) wilh one hand, have pulled down with the other. Our professions have been loud, our philanthropic exertions may have been great, but our sellish 'cgard to our own interest and convenience has been greater, and to this we ought to at- tribute the steady decluie, the rapid deterioration of the In- dians. We may be told of their const itutioiial indolence, their Asiatic temperament, destining them to be forever stationary, or retrogradent ; but while remaining monuments and vestiges, as well as historical records of imquestionable authority, assure us, that a few centuries ago they were, though a rude, still a great, a prosperous, and a happy people ; we ought not to for get that injustice and oppression have been most active among the causes which have brought them down to their present de- ploral)le state. Their reckless indolence, their shameless profligacy, their total self-abandonment, have been the neces- sary consetjuences of the degradation and hopelessness of their condition.* * " Therp arc no hcirgars among thcni, nor falherlcssc cliildren unprovided for." Roger Willmm's Koy, eh. 5. " Obs. They are as full of Inisincssr, and as impatient of hinderaner, (in their kind,)a» any merchant in Europe. Many of them naturally princes, or else indus- trious persons, arc rich; and the pooro amongst them will say they want nfw ^m^m TANNKR.S NAilRATiVE, 17 Bor.' khrir |duK- That there exists, in tlie moral or physical constitution of the Indians, any insuperable obstacle to their civilization, no one will now seriously assert. That they will ever be generally civilized, those who know them intimately, and who have ob- served the prevaihng tone of feeling of both races towards each other, will consider so extremely improbable, ihat they will deem it scarce worth while to inquire what system of mea- sures would be best calculated to effect this desirable object. thincr." Williams, ch. 7. " Ohn. The women of the family will commonly rui e two or three heaps [of corn] of twelve, lifteene, or twentie Imsliells a heap, whicli they drie in round broad heaps ; and if she have help of her children or friends, much more." Ch. 16. " I could never rliscerne thr.t exce.ss of scandalous sins amongst them which Europe aboundeth with. Drunkennesse and gluttony generally they know not what sins they lie. And although they have not so much to restrainc them (both in respect of knowledge of God and laws of men) as the English liave, yet a man shall never hear of such crimes among them, of robberies, murthers, adii! teries." Ch. iirZ. Quotations to the the same effect might be adduced from nearly all the early writers. Yet we are told that in all that regards their moral condition, the Indians have been gainers by their intercourse with the whites ! It is |)robably within the recollection of many persons now hving, when the very considerable quantities of corn recjuired for the fur trade in the country about Lake yuperior, were purchased from the Indians, by whom it was raised at a place called Kctckawice Seebce, or Garden river, a small stream falling into the struit between Lakes Suiierior and Huron, about six miles below the Sauf St. INiarie. " 'I'lui Indians at the first settlement of the English, performed many acts of kindnesu towards them : they instructed them in the manner of [ilanting and ilressing the Indian corn," and " by selling them corn when pinched with fauiiue, they relieved Iheir distresses, and prevented them from perishing ui a strange land, and luiculti- vated wilderness." 'I\anihnWs Hit lory of Connecticut, Vol. I. Ch. 3. In another place, s|)eaking of a famine among the colonists, he says, " In this distressful situo- fion a committee was sent to an Indian .settlement calli il I'oronitoc^k, where th 'y purchusetl such quantities, that the Indians came down to Windsor and Hartford with fifty canoes at one time laden with Indian corn." Vol. I. Ch. (i. The In dians on Block Island, according to the same authority, " had nlwut two hundred acres of corn." This the English, after two days spent on the Island ''burning wigwams," and " staving canoes," destroyed, and then sailed for the Pequot coun- try, lb. Ch. 5. Charlevoix, a less exceptionable iuithority than most of the early French writers, sayF, that in an incursion into the country of the Senecas, the French destroyed four hunilred thousand minots [1,'2«M),0()() l)usliels| of com. "They also killed a prodigious numlw-r of swine, which caused much sicknes-s. ' Hist, dc la Nuurcltc h'rana; liv. XI. It is urmecessary incite passages, hundreds of which might be add\iced to prove, what few, except the reviewer above thoroughly le-establishcdj would bring in its iiaiii prosperitj , virtue, and happiness. But since we canirot reasonably hope i 1 i i t TANNER'S NARRATIVE. CHAPTER I. Itecollections of early life— capture — ^journey from the mouth of the Miami to Sa-gui-na— ceremonies of adoption into the iiimiiy of my foster parents — harsh treatment — transferred by purchase to the family of Net-no-kwa— removal to Lake Mchigan. The earliest event of my life, which I distinctly remember, is the death of my mother. This happened when I was two years old, and many of the attending circumstances made so deep an impression, that they are still fresh in my memory, I cannot re- collect the name of the settlement at which we lived, but I have since learned it was on the Kentucky river, at a considerable distance from the Ohio. My father, whose name was John Tanner, was an emigrant from Virginia, and had been a clergyman. He lived long after I was taken by the Indians, having died only three months after the great earthquake, which destroyed a part of New Madrid, and was felt throughout the country on the Ohio, [1811.] Soon after my mother's death, my father removed to a place called Elk Horn. At this place was a cavern — I used to visit it with my brother. We took two candles ; one we lighted on enter- ing, and went on till it was burned down ; we then lighted the other, and began to return, and we would reach the mouth of the cavern before it was quite burned out. This settlement at Elk Horn was occasionally visited by hostile parties of Shawneese Indians, who killed some white people, and sometimes killed or drove away cattle and horses. In one instance, my uncle, my father's brother, went with a few men at night, and fired upon a camp of these Indians ; he killed one, whose scalp he brought home; all the rest jumped into the river and escaped. /■ UA tanner's NARRATIVL'. '< I :i' \ (i » I In the course of our residence at this place, an event occun-ed, to the influence of which I attributed many of the disasters of ray subsequent life. My father, when about to start one morning to a village at some distance, gave, as it appeared, a strict charge to my sisters, Agatha and Lucy, to send me to school ; but this they neglected to do until afternoon, and then, as the weather was rainy and unpleasant, I insisted on r< inaining at home. When my father returned at night, and found that I had been at home all day, he sent me for a j)arcel of small canes, and flogged me much more severely than I could ; 'ppose the ort"ence merited. I was displeased with my sisters for attributing all the blame to me, when they had neglected even to tell me to go to school in the forenoon. From that time, my father's house was less like home to me, and I often thought and said, " I wish I could go and live among the Indians." I cannot tell how long we remained at Elk Horn ; when we jnoved, we travelled two days with horses and wagons, and came to the Ohio, where my father bought three flat boats ; the sides of these boats had bullet holes in them, and there was blood on them, which I understood was that of peojile who had been killed by the Indians. In one of these boats we put the horses and cattle — in another, beds, furniture, and other property, and in tho« third were some negroes. The cattle boat ami the family boat were lashed together; the third, with the negroes, followed be- hind. We descended the Ohio, and in two or three days came to Ciucinnati; here the cattle boat sunk in the middle of the river. When my fatlur saw it sinking, he jumped on board, and cut loose all the cattle, and they swam ashore on the Kentucky side, and were saved. Tlie people from C'incinnati came out in boats to assist us, but father told them the cattle were all safe. In one day we went from t'incinnuli to the mouth of the Big Miami, op|)osite wiiich we were to settle. Here was some cleared land, and one or two log cabins, biU they had been de- serted on account of the Indians. My father rebuilt the cabins, and enclosed them with a strong picket. It was early in the spring when we arrived at the nuiuth of the Big Miami, and we were soon engaged in preparing a lield to plant corn. I think it was not more than ten days after our arrival, when my lather told us in the morning, (hat I'rum the actions of th(; hoi'scs, be I ^ tanner's NAKRATIVi:. '•■'^Bf Big tome lie- 1^)111!;, the II \vc liink ilicr perceived there were Indians lurking about inliic woods, and ho said to me, " John, you must not go out of the house to day.'* After giving strict charge to my step mother to let none of the little children go out, he went to the field, with the negroes, and my elder brother, to drop corn. Three little children, beside mys-'elf, were left in the house with my step mother. To prevent me from going o\it, my step mother required me to take c;ire of the little child, tlien uol more than a few months old ; hut as I soon became impatient of confinement, I began to pinch my little brother, to make him cry. My mother perceiving his uneasiness, told me to take him in my arms and walk about the h(nise ; I did so, but coi\tii\ued to pinch him. My mother at length took him from me to give him suck. I watched my opportimity, and escaped into the yard ; thence through a small door in the large aate of the wall into the open field. There was a walnut tree at stune distance from the house, and near the side of the field, where I had been in the habit of finding some of the last year's nuts. To gain this tree without being seen by my father, and those in (he field, I had to use some precaution. I remember perfectly well liavina scon my -father, as f skulked towards the tree; he stood in ihe middle of the field, with his gun in his hand, to watch for I?idiaiis, while the others were dropping corn. As I came near the tree, I thought to myself, " I wish I could see these Imlians." I h;id parllv fill- ed Avith nuts a «traw hat which I wore, when I heard a crackling noise behind me; I looked round, and saw the Indians ; almost at the same instant, I w;is seized by both hands, and dragged off be- twixt two. One of 1 hem took my straw bat, emptied the nuts on the ground, and put it on my head. The [ndians who seized me were an old man and a young one ; these v\ ere, as I learned subsequently, Man'to-o-geezhik, and his son Kisli-knu-ko.* Since I retiirned from Red River, I have been at Deiroit while Kish- kau-kf* was in prison there; I have al-io been in Kentucky, and have learned several particulars relative to my rapture, which were unknown to me at the time. It appears that the wife of '► The nnmr of this man Tiinnrr pronnjincps frifh-gau-c^o. H« lias suW- qupnlly I'*'*'" w<*H Itnown in Miclvican, niul other |K)rlion» of th« nortli-wrHlorn frontifr, by Iiih iiunierouti niunli-rs and dcpnslulioa". He died in {irison ttt De- iroit, M lately as the full of ih2r>. ii \\ /*'■''« •Ik ..»•.-, =_lllL, I l^tf IANNER'S SA.KRAT1VE. Manito-0-geezhik had recently lost by death her youngest sou — that she had complained to her husband, that unless he should bring back her son, she could not live. This was an intimation to bring her a captive whom she might adopt in the place of the •jon she had lost. Manito-o-geezhik, associating with him his son, and two other men of his band, living at Lake Huron, had proceeded eastward with this sole design. On the upper part of Lake Erie, tln^y had been joined by three other young men, the relations of Manito-o-geezhik, and had proceeded on, now seven in number, to the settlements on the Ohio. They had arrived the night previous to my capture at the mouth of the Big Miami, had crossed the Ohio, and concealed themselves within sight of my father's house. Several times in the course of the morning, old Manito-o-geezhik had been compelled to repress the ardour of his young men, who becoming impatient at seeing no opportu- nity to steal a boy, were anxious to fire upon the people dropping corn in the field. It must have been about noon when they saw me coming from flie house to the walnut tree, which was proba- bly very near the place where one or more of them were con- cealed. It was but a few minutes after I left the house, when my father, coming from the (ield, perceived my absence. My step mother had not yet noticed tiiat I had gone oijt. My elder brother ran immediately to the walnut tree, which he knew I was fond of visiting, and seeing the nuts which the Indian had emptied out of my hat, he immediately understood that I had been made captive. Seaich was instantly made f(»r me, but to no pur- pose. My father's distress, wlien he found I was indeed taken away by the Indians, was, I am told, very great. After I saw myself (irndy si'ized by both wrists by the tW(> Indians, I was not conscious of any thing that passed for a con- siderable time. I must have fainted, as I did not cry out, and I can remember nothing that happened to me, until they threw me over a large log, which nuisl have been at a considerable distance from the house. The old man I did not now s»'e ; I was dragged alonir between Kish-kau-ko and a very short thick man. I had probably made some resistance, or done something to irritate this last, for he took me a little to one side, and drawing his to- mahawk, motioned to mc to look up. This I plainly understood. i ^»^ (1 of out made Uvo ron- and I -w me aancc •ufT^red I liad rritatc U9 to- stood. tannf.r's nahrativl. ^7 tiom tlie exjiression of his face, and his manner, to be a direction for me to look up for the last time, as he was about to kill mo. I did as he directed, but Kish-kau-ko caught his hand as the toma- hawk was descending, and prevented him from burying it in m\ brains. Loud talking ensued between the two. Kish-kau-ko presently raised a yell ; the old man and the four otiiers answered it by a similar yell, and came running up. I have since under- stood that Kish-kau-ko complained to his father, that the short man had made an attempt to kill his little brother, as he called me. The old chicif, after reproving him, took me by one hand, and Kish-kau-ko by tlic other, and dragged me betwixt them ; the man who had threatened to kill me, and who was now an object of terror, being kept at some distance. I could perceive, as I retarded them somewhat in their retreat, that they were ap- prehensive of being overtaken ; some of them were always at some distance from us. It was about one mile from my father's house to the place where tiiey threw me into a hickory bark canoe, which was con- cealed under the bushes, on the bank of the river. Into this thej all seven jumped, and immediately crossed the Ohio, landing at the mouth of the Big Miami, and on the south side of that river. Here they abandoned their canoe, and stuck their paddles in the ground, so that they could be seen from the river. At a little distance in the woods, they had some blankets and provisions con- cealed ; they offered me some dry venison and bear's grease, but I could not eat. My father's house was plainly to be seen from the place where we stood ; they pointed at it, looked at me, and laughed, but I have never known what they said. After they had eaten a little, they began to ascend the Miami, dragging me along as before. The shoes I had on when at home, they tcok oil", as they seemed lo think I could run better without them. Although I perceived I was closely watched, all hope of escape did not immedialt K forsake me. As they hurried mc along, I endeavoured, withoii! their knowledge, to take notice of such objects as would serve as Inudmaiks on my way back. I fried also, where I passed long grass, or soft ground, to leave my tracks. I hoped to be able lo escape after they should have fallen asleep at niglit. When night came, they lay down, placing me be- tween the old man and Kish-kftU'ko, so close together, that thp I ,y M '/' •Jl? XANNER S NARRATIVE. \ t I dame blankfi covered all three. I was so fatigued that I fell asleep immediately, and did not wake until sunrise next, morning, when the Indians were up and roadj' to proceed on their journey. Thus we journeyed for about four days, the Indians hurrying me on, and I continuing to hope that I might escape, but still every night completely overpowered by sleep. As my feet were bare, they were often wounded, and at length much swollen. The old man perceiving my situation, examined my feet one day, and after removing a great many tlujrns and splinters from them, gave me a pair of moccasins, which afforded me some relief. Most com- monly, I travelled between the old man and Kish-kau-ko, and they often made me run until my strength was quite exhausted. For several days I could eat little or nothing. It was, I think, four days after we left the Ohio, that we came to a considerable river, running, as I suppose, into the Miami. This river was wide, and so deep, that I could not wade across it; the old man took me on his shoulders and carried me over ; the water was nearly up to his arm pits. As he carried me across, I thought I should never be able to pass this river alone, and gave over all hope of immediate escape. WIicu he put me down on the other side, I immediately ran up the bank, and a short distance into the woods, when a turkey flew up a few steps before me. The uest she had left contained a number of eggs ; these I put in the bosom of my shirt, and returned towards the river. When the Indians saw me they laughed, and immediately took the eggt; from me, and kindling a fire, put them in a small kettle to boil. I was then very hungry, and as I sat watching the kettle, I saw the old man come running from the direction of the ford where we had crossed ; he immediately caught up the kettle, threw the eggs and the water on the tire, at the same time saying something in a hurried and low tone to the yo>mg men. I inferred we were pursued, and have since understood that such was tlie case; it is probable^some of my friends were at that time on the opposite side of the river searching for me. The Indians hastily gathered up the eggs and dispersed themselves in the woods, two of them still urging ine forward to the utmost of my strength. It was a day or two after this that we met a party of twenty or thirty Indians, on their way towards the settlements. Old Manito- O'geezhik had much to say to them ; subscipieutly I learned that TANNUR a NARKATIVL. ■4.U it is )fite !rcd ncm they were a war party of Siiawnccse ; that they received infor- mation from our party, of the whites who were in pursuit of ua about the forks of the Miami ; that they went in pursuit of them, and that a severe skirmish happened between them, in which numbers were killed on both sides. Our journey through the woods was tedious and painful : it might have been ten days after we met the war party, when we arrived at the Maumee river. As soon as we came near the river, tlie Indians were suddenly scattered about tlie woods examining the trees, yelling and answering each other. They soon selected a hickory tree, which was cut down, and the bark stripped off, to make a canoe. In this canoe we all embarked, and descended till we came to a large Shawnee village, at the mouth of a river which enters the Maumee. As we were landing in this village, great numbersof the Indians came about us, and one young woman came crying directly towards me, and struck me on the head. Some of her friends had been killed by the whites. Many of these Shawneese showed a disj)osition to kill me, but Kish-kau- ko ami the old man interposed, and prevented them. I could per- ceive that I was often the subject of conversation, but could not as yet understand what was said. Old Munilo-o-geezhik could speak a few words of EngUsh, which he used occasionally, to di- rect me to bring water, make a fire, or perform other tasks, which he now began to require of me. We remained two days at th( Shawnee village, and then proceeded on our join*ney in the ca- noe. It was not very far from the village that wo came tu a tra- ding house, where were three or four men who could speak English ; they talked much with me, and said they wished to have purcnased mv from the Indians, that I might return to my friends; but as the old man would not consent to pail v. ith me, the traders told me I must be content to go with the Ind.ans, and to become the old man's son, in place itf one he had lost, promi- sing at the same time that after ten days llu-y would come to the villiige and release me. They treated me kindly while we staid, and gave ine plenty to eat, which the Indians had neglected to do. When I fo\ind I was compelled to leave this house with the Indians, I began to cry, for the lirst tinie since I had been taken. I consoled myself, however, with their promise that in ten days they would come for me. Soon after leaving this trading house, w 1 1 30 tanner's narrative. l! V -^ ; we came to the lake ; we did not stop at night to encamp, but soon after dark the Indians raised a yell, which was answered from some lights on shore, and presently a canoe came off to us, in wliich three of our party left us. I have little recollection of any thing that passed from this time until we arrived at Detroit. At tirst we paddled up in the middle of the river until we came opposite the < nitre of the town ; then we ran in near the shore, where I saw a white woman, with whom the Indians held a little conversation, but I could not understand what was said. I also saw several white men standing and walking on shore, and heard them talk, but could noHmdorstaud them ; it is likely they spoke French. After talking a few minutes with the woman, the In- dians pushed otr, and ran up a good distance above the town. It was about the middle of the day when we landed in the woods, and drew up the canoe. They presently found a large hollow log, open at one end, into w hich they put their blankets, their little kettle, and some other articles ; they then made me crawl into it, after which they closed up the end at which I had entered. I heard them for a few minutes on the outside, then all was still, and remained so for a long time. If I had not long ^ince relinciuished all hope of making my escape, I soon found it would be in vain f(n- me to attempt to release myself from my confinement. After remaining many hours in this situation, I heard them remo zing the logs with which they had fastened me in, and on coming out, although it was very late in the night, or probably near morning, I could perceive that they had brought three horses. One of these was a large iron-gray mare, the others were two small bay horses. On one of these they placed me, on the others their baggage, and sometiuies one, sometimes another of the Indians riding, we travelled rapidly, and in about three days reached Sau-ge-nouir,* the village to which old Manito- o-geezhik belonged. 'I'll is village or settlement consisted of se- veral scattered ho\ises. Two of the Indians left us soon after wc entered it; Kish-kau-koand his father oidy remained, and instead of proceeding innnediately home, they left their horses and bor- rowed a canoe, in which we at last arrived at the old man's house. This was a hut or cabin built of logs, like some of those in ♦ Sa-gMi-nct. Th'- wonl San-i^e-nonc^, appears to mean, "the town of the Sail Ill •lANNER'S NAIlRATIVt, 31 uuto- if sc- T WO bor- OU9C. se in Kentucky. As soon as we landed, the old vvomun came down to us to the shore, and after Manito-o-gcezhik had said a few words to her, she commenced crying, at the same time hugging and kiss- ing me, and thus she led me to the house. Next day thoy took me to the place where the old woman's son had l)een buried. The grave was enclosed with pickets, in the manner of the Indians, and on each side of it was a sinootli open place. Here tlicy all took their seats ; the family and friends of Manito-o-geezliik on the one side, and strangers on the other. The friends of the fa- mily had come provided with presents ; mukkuks of sugar, sucks of corn, beads, strouding, tobacco, and the like. They had not been long assembled, when my party began to dance, dragging mc with them about the grave. Their dance was lively and cheer- ful, after the manner of the scalp dance. From time to time as they danced, they presented ine something of the articles they had brought, but as I came round in the dancing to the party on the oj)posite side of the grave, whatever they had given me was snatched from me : thus they continued great part of the day, until the presents were exhausted,when tliey returned home. It must have been early in the spring when wc arrived at Sau- ge-nong, for I can remember that at this time the leaves were small, and the Indians were about planting their corn. They ma'aged to make me assist at their labours, partly bv signs, and partly by the few words of English old Munito-o-geezhik could speak. After planting, they all left the village, and went out to hunt and dry meat. When they came to their hunting grounds, ihey chose a place where many deer resorted, and here they besran to build a long screen like a fence ; this they made of green boughs aiul small trees. When they had built a part of it, they showed me how to remove the leaves and dry brush from lliat side of it to which the Indians were to come to shoot the deer. In this labour I was sometimes assisted by the stjuaws and children, but at other «imes I was \> t alone. It n«)w began to be warm weather, and it happened mie day that having been left alone, as I was tired and (hirsty, I fell asleep. I cannot tell how long I slept, but when I began to awake, I thought I heard some one crying a great wav off. Then I trie< f had alivays been when among them, much distressed with him- As I was often witli them in the woods, I saw them eatina' Cfer something, and I endeavoured to discover what it was, but tb carefully concealed it from me. It was some time before I acci- dentally found some beach-nuts, and though I knew not what they were, I was tempted to taste them, and finding them very good, I showed them to the Indians, when they laughed, and let )ne know these were what they had all along been eating. After the snow had fallen, I was compelled to follow the hunters, and often-times to drag home to the lodge a Avhole deer, though it was with the greatest difficulty I could do so. At night I had always to lie between the fire and the door of the lodge, and when any one passed out or came in, they com- monly gave me a kick; and whenever they went to drink they made a practice to throw some water on me. The old man con- stantly treated me with much cruelty, but his ill humour showed itself more on some occasions than others. One morning, he got up, put on his moccasins, and went out; but presently returning, he caught me by the hair of my head, dragged me out, rubbed my face for a long time in a mass of recent excrement, as one would do the nose of a cat, then tossed me by the hair into a snow bank. After this I was afraid to go into the lodge ; but at length my inother came out and gave me some water to wash. We were )iow about to move our camp, and I was as usual made to carry a large pack ; but as I had not been able to wash my face clean, when I came among other Indians they perceived the smell, and asked me the cause. By the aid of signs, and some few words I I'ould now speak, I made them comprehend how I had been treated. Some of them appeared to pity me, assisted me to w^asli myself, and gave me something to eat.* * Tanner has much of the Indian habit of concealing emotion ; but when ho related the almve to me, the glimmering of his eye, and a convulsive movemcn', of his U|)|)er lip, lietrayed sufliciently, that he is not without the enduring thirst tor revenge which Ijelongs to the people among whom he has s|ient his life. "As HOon,"said he, in connexion with this anecdote, "as I landed in Detroit on my re- turn from Red River, and found a man who could speak with me, I said ' whero is Kish-kau-koT 'He is in prison.' ' Where is Manifo-o-gee/liik, his father .'" 'Dead two montlii* since.' 'It is well he is dead.' " Intimating that though mure than thirty years had elapsed, he intended now to have avenged himself for the xpjurv done him when a Ixiy not eleven yean* of age.— -Ef- \ $^ ^ ■''k ^4..^ ^.T ■' ..»— JilMJ^.M 1.1 -, , \r ]i (r i f '■ h h V 34 •lANNEK S NARRATIVK, \> I ■ I ,fr) irr Often wlien the old man would begin to boat mo, my mothei , who generally treated mc with kindness, wo\dd throw her arms abont me, and he would beat us both together. Towards the end of winter, we moved again to tJie sugar grounds. At this lime, Kisli-kau-ko, who was a young man of about wenly years of age, joined with him four other young men, anu went on a war-party, Tiie old man, also, as soon as the sugar was finish- ed, returned to the village, collected a few men, an(' made his preparations to start. I had now been a year among them, and could understand a little of their language. The old man, when about to start, said to me, " now I am going to kill your father and your brother, and all your relations." Kish-kau-ko returned iirst, but was badly wounded. He said he had been with his party to the Ohio river ; tliat they had, after watching for somi; time, fired upon a small boat that was going dow n, and killed one man, the rest jumping into the water. He [Kish-kau-ko] had wounded himself in his thigh with his own spear, as he was pursuing them. They brought home the scalp of the man they had killed. Old Manito-o-geezhik retui-ned a few days afteiwards, bringing an old white hat, which I k.iew, from a mark in the crown, t(» be that of my brother. Tie said he had killed all my father's family, the negroes, and the horses, and had brought mc my brother's hat, that I might see he spoke the truth. I now be- lieved that my friends had all been cut oil", and was, on that ac- count, tlie less anxious to return. This, it appears, had been precisely the object the old man a ished to accomplish, by tell- ing me the story, of which but a small part was true. When I came to see Kish-kau-ko, after I returned from Red River, I asked him immediately, " Is it true, that your father has kill- ed all my relations ?" He told mc it was not ; that Manito- o-geezhik, the year after I was taken, at the same season of the year, returned to the same field where he hac' found me ; that, ns on the preceding year, he had watched my father and his people planting corn, from morning till noon ; that then the) all went into the house, except my brother, who was then nine- teen years of age : he remained ploughing with a span of horses, having the lines about his neck, when the Indians rushed upon him; the horses stm'ted to run; my brother wa? entangled in ;l ., I'ANNEU'.S NARHATlVf.. m my be- ac- becH r, I kill- inito- the that, his the) ♦fic lines, and thrown down, when the Indians caught hiiii. Tlko )iorses they killed with their bows and arrows, and took mj' brother away into tlie woods. They crossed tlie Ohio before night, and had proceeded a good distance in their M'ay op the Miami. At night they left my brother securely bound, as tliev thought, to a tree. His hands and arms were tied behind him, and there were cords around his breast and neck ; but having bitten oflsome of the cords, he was able to get a pen-knife that was in his pocket, with whicli he cut himself loose, and immediately run towards the Ohio, at which he arrived, and which he crossed by swimming, and reached his father's house about sunrise in the morning. The Indians were roused by the noise he made, and pursued him into the wo idc ; but as the night was very dark, they were not able to overtake him. His hat had been left at the camp, and this they brought, to make me believe they had killed him. Thus I remai-.ied for two years in this family, and gradually came to have less and less hope of escape, though I did not forget what the English traders on the Mauraee had said, and I wished they might reniemlier and come for mc. The men were often drunk, and whenever they were so, they sought to kill me. In these cases, I learned to run and hide my- self in the woods, and I dared not return before their drunken frolick was over. During the two years that I remained at Sau- ge-nong, I was constantly suftering from hunger ; and though strangers, or those not belonging to the family, sometimes fed me, I had never t-nough to eat. The old woman they called JNe-keek-wos-ke-cheem e-kwa — " the Otter woman," the otter be- ing her totem — treated me with kindness, as did her daughters, as well as Rish-kau-ko and Be-nais-sa, the bird, the youngest son, of about my own age. Kish-kau-ko and his father, and the two brothers, Kwo-ta-she and She-mung, were blood-thirsty anil cruel, and those who remain of this family, continue, to this time, troublesome to the whites. Be-nais-sa, who came to see mc when I was at Detroit, and who always treated me kindly, was a lietter man, but he is since dead. While I remained with them at Sau-ge-nong, I saw white men but once. Then a small boat jtassed, and the Indians took me out to it in a canoe, rightly sup- posing that my wretched appearance would excite the compas- sion of the traders, or whatever white men thcv were. These ;i: « i •»i ■ .» • :<(} lA.NNKRh NARUAHVJ,. 1 \ \- i'm gave inc bread, apples, and other presents, all wliicli, except one apple, the Indians took from me. By this family I was named Shaw-shaw-wa ne-l)a-se, (the Falcon.) which name I retained while I remained amoni^ the fndians. I had been about two years at Sau-ge-nong, when a great coun- cil was called by the British agents at Mackinac. This coun- cil was attended l)y the Sioux, the Winnebagoes, the Meno- monees, and many remote tribes, as well us by the Ojibbeways, Ottawwaws, &c. When old Manito-o-geezhik returned from this council, I soon learned that he had met there his kinswo- man, Net-no-kwa, who, notwithstanding her sex, was then re- garded as principal chief of the Ottawwaws. This woman had lost her son, of about my age, by death ; and having heard of me, she wished to purchase me to supply his place. My old Indian mother, the Otter woman, when she heard of this, prci- tested vehemently against it. I heard her say, " My son has been dead once, and has been restored to me ; I cannot lose bim again." But these remonstrances had little influence, when Net-no-kwa arrived with considerable whiskey, and other pre- sents. She brought to the lodge first a ten gallon keg of whip- key, blankets, tobacco, and other articles of great value. She was perfectly acquainted with the dispositions of those with whom she had to negotiate. Objections were made to the ex- change until the contents of the keg had circulated for some time; then an additional keg, and a few more presents, com- pleted the bargain, and I was transferred to Net-no-kwa. This woman, who was then advanced in years, was of a more pleasing- aspect than my former mother. She took me by the hand, after she had completed the negotiation with my former possessors, and led me to her own lodge, which stood near. Here I soon found I was to be treated more indulgently than I had been. She gave me plenty of food, put good clothes upon me, and told me to go and play with her own sons. We remained but a short lime at Sau'-ge-nong. She would not stop with me at Macki- nac, which we passed in the night, but ran along to Point St. Ignace, where she hired some Indians to take care of me, while she returned to Mackinac by herself, or with one or two of her young men. After finishing her business at Mackinac, she re- turned, and continuing on our journey, we arrived in a few days (t i .•si* 1ANN£R S NARRATIVI.. ar til »Shal)-n-\vy-wy-u-gun. The corn was ripe wlioii we rcachtcl that place, and after stopj)ing a little while, we went three days up the river, to the place where they intended to pass the winter. We then left our canoes, and travelling over land, camped three times before we came to the place where we set up our lodges for the winter. The husband of Net-no-kwa was an Ojibbeway, of Red River, called Taw-ga-we-ninnc, the liimter. He was seven- teen years \ ounger than Net-no-kwu, and had turned oil" a former wife on l)i mg married to her. Taw-ga-we-ninin^ was always in- dulgent and kind to me, treating ine like an equal, rather than as a dependant. When sj)eaking to me, he always called me his son. Indeed, he himself was but of secondary importance in the family, as every thing belonged to Net-no-kwa, and she had the direction in all allairs of any moment. She imposed on me, for the first year, some tasks. She made me cut wood, bring home game, bring water, and perform other services not com- monly required of the boys of my age ; but she treated me inva- riably with so much kindness, that I was far more hap|)y and 4;ontent, than I had been in the family of Maiiito-o-geezhik. She sometijnes whij)ped me, as she did her own children ; but I was not so severely and freciuently beaten as I hail been before. aft tanner's narkativi::. 11. CHAPTER II. First attompi to hunt — mcaKlt's — tra|)i)ing martins— emigration to Red River — death ol'iny foster lather and hrotlier — arrival at Lake \ViunijK'k. Early in tlie spriiijr, Not-no-kwa and her liusl)Hn(l, with their family, started to go to Mackinac. They left me, as they liad done before, at Point St. Itriiace, as they woidd not run the risk of losing mc by sulFering me to be seen at Mackinac. On onr retin';i, after we had gone twenty-five or thirty miles from Point St. Igiiace, we were flelained by contrary winds, at a place railed Me-nan-ko-king, a point rnnning tmt into the lake. Hero we encamped with some other Indians, and a party of traders. Pigeons were very mnnerons in the wooiis, and the boys of my age, and the traders, were busy shooting them. I had never killed any game, and, indeed, had never in my life discharged a gun. My mother had purchased at Mackinac a keg of powder, which, as they thought it a little damp, was here spread out to dry. Taw-ga-we-iiinne had a large horse-man's pistol ; and liiiding myself somewliat eml)oldened by his indulgent manner toward me, I requested permission to go and try to kill sonn- pigeons with tlie pistol. My recjuest was seconded by Nti-no- kwa, who said, " it is time for our son to begin to learn to he a hnnter." Acc(»rdingly. my lather, as I called Taw-ga-we-niime, loaded the [lislol and gave it to me, saying, "(Jo, my son, and if you kill any thing with this, you shall immediately have a gun, and learn to hunt." Since t have been a man, I have been placed in didicult situati(nis; Init my anxiety for success was never greater than in this, my tirst essay as a hunter. I had not gone far from the camp, before I met with jiigeon.-., and some of them alighted in the bushes very near me. I cocked my pistol, and raised it to my face, bringing the breech almost in contact Avitli my nose. Having brought the sight to bear npon the pigeon, I j)ulled trigger, and was in the next instant sensible of :i humming noise, like that of a stone sent swiftly through the air. I found the ]»istol at the ilislance of some paces behind me. li! TANNER S NARRATIVl,, 39 and the pigeon under the tree on which he liad been sitting. My face was much bniistid, and covered with ijlood. 1 run home, carrying my pigeon in triumph. My face was speeihly bound up; my pistol exchanged for a fowhng-piece ; 1 was acc(»utred with a powder horn, and furnished with shot, and aUowed to go out after birds. One of the young Indians went with me, to ob- serve my manner of shooting. 1 kiUed three more pigeons in tlie course of the afternoon, and did not discharge my gun once without ivilhng. Henceforth 1 begun to be treated with more ronsi(U'ralion, and was aUowid to hunt often, that 1 miglit be- come expert. Great part of the summer and autumn passed before we re- turned to Shab-a-wy-wy-a-gun. When we arrived we found the Indians suH'ering very severely from the measles; and as Nel-no-kwa was accjuainted with the contagious nature of tliis disease, she was unwilling to expose her family, but passed im- mediately through the village, and encamped on the river above. But, notwithstanding her precautiiui, we soon began to fall sick. Of ten persons belonging to our family, incluiUng two young wives of Taw-ga-we-ninne, only iVel-no-kwa and myself escaped an attack of this complaint. Several of them were very sick, and the old woman and myself found it as nuicli as we co\dil do to take care of them. In the village, numbers died. b\it all of our family escaped. As the winter approached, tiiey began to get better, and went, at length, to our wintering ground, at the same place where we had spent the former winter. Here I was set to make martin traps, as the otiier hiniters did. The lirst day I went out early, and spent the wlnde day. relurninir late at night, having made only three traps; vhereas, in the siime time, a good hunter woidd have nuide twenty-live or thirty. On the. morning followinj), I visited my traps, and found but one martin. ThuH I continued lo do for some days, but my waitt of success, ami my awkwanliu'ss, exposed me to the ridicule of the young men. At length, my father bej/an to pity me, and he said, " My son, 1 mtist go and help you to make traps." So be went out and spent a day in makinir n large numlier of traps, which he gave me, and then I was able to fake as many martins as (he others. The yotmg men, however, did not forget to tell nu'. on all occasions, ul' the assiHtuncu i hud received iVum my father. 40 tanner's narrative. This winter was passed like the preceding ; but as I becauit more and more expert and successful in hunting and trapping, I was no longer required to do the work of the women about the lodge. In the following spring, Net-no-kwa,as usual, went to Macki- nac. Hhe always carried a flag in her canoe, and I was told, that whenever she came to Mackinac, she was saluted by a gun from the fort. I was now thirteen years old, or in my thirteenth year. Bef(»re we left the village, I heard Net-no-kwa talk of going to Ked River, to the relations of her husband. Many of the Ottawwaws, when they heard this, determined to go with her. Among others, was Wah-ka-zee, a chief of the village at War- gun-uk-ke-zee,* or L'Arbre Croche, and others ; in all, six ca- noes. Instead of leaving me, in this instance, at Point St. Ignace, they landed with me in the night, among the cedars, not far from the village of Mackinac ; and the old woman then took me into the town, to the house of a French trader, [Shabboyer,] with whom she had sufficient influence to secure my confine- ment, for several days, in the cellar. Here I remained, not be- ing allowed to go out at all, but was otherwise well treated. This confinement seemed to be unnecessary, as subsequently, when we were ready to go on our journey, we were detained by head winds, at the point now occupied by the missionaries, when I was suffered to run at large. While we remained here, the Indians began to be drunk. My father, who was drunk, but still able to walk about, spoke (o two young men who were walking (tijjethcr, and taking hold of the shirt shieve of one of them, he, without intending to do so, tore it. This young man, whose name was Sug-gut-tiuv-gun, [Spunk-wood,] was irritated, and giving my father a rough push, he fidl on his back. Sug- jfut-tjiw-gun then took up a large stone, and threw it at him, hitting him in (he forehead. When I saw this, I became alarmed for my own safety ; and, as I knew that Me-to-saw-gea, an Ojib- beway chief, was then on the island, with a party going against the whites ; and, as I had understood they had sought opportu- hud • n'm-gun-uk-kc-icc inoitnA, an Tiinnrr wiys, tho lirnt troo; and thr ((iiic which "juvcimmr to Ilic iihicc calli'il liy the Fri'iii'Ii 1,'Arhrc Crihhr, waH Ktanding wjipn hi! firnl viHildl ihni vjlln^r. He s|Kik(' with crrnt iiidiciiHtion of th«In- t\)n who, throiurh inrrc wsn'oimrsH, cut doivn this roiiwrkablo tmr . ' '^ 'V, lAiNNKK's NAKHATIVU. ■J 41 allies to kill me, I lliouirlii my situation iin«r.iV. 1 acconlingly made my escape to the uudiIs, where F hid myself lor tlie re- mainder of the day, and the night. On the following day, beinjv pressed by hunger, 1 returned, and secreted myself, for some time, in the low cedars near our lodge, in order to observe what was passing, and to ascertain if I might return. At length, I discovered my mother calling me, and looking for me through the bushes. 1 went up to her, and she told me to go in and sec my father, who was killed. When I went in, my father said to me, " I am killed." He made mc sit down with the other chil- dren, and talked much to us. IJe said, " Now, my children, I have to leave you. I am sorry that I must leave you so poor." He said nothing to us about killing the Indian who had struck him with the stone, as some would have done. He was too good ,1 man to wish to involve lu- family in the troubles which such a course would have brought upon them. The youiiu' man who had woinuled him, remained with us, notwilhslaiuling that Net- no-kwatold him it wouM not be safe for him to go to Red Hiver. where her iiusband's relativr, and without any one t liiui p;ir;se(l two carrying plaros, and arrived at tlie third, caUed ilic Moose car- vying place, when he said to us, " I must die here; J cannot gn iarther." So Net-no-kwa determined to stop here, and the re- mainder ol'tlie party went on. A part of our own family chose to continue on witli those goiny; to Fled River. So that, after they had started, there remained (udy the ohl woman, and one of tlie younger wives t)f Tau-ga-we-ninne, V.'a-me-gon-a-hiew, tin; cUIer brother, Re-wa-tin, the second, and myself, the youngest. It was about the middle of summer, for the small berries were ripe, when w;; sto[)ped here on ihe borders of Moose Lake, which is of cool and t dear water, like Lake Superior. It is small and round, and a canoe can be very j)lainly seen across llie widest })tirt of it. We were only two of us able to do any thing ; and being myself very young, and without any expe- rience as a hunter, we had apprehension that, being left thus jilone, we might soon bo in want. We had brought willi us one iif the nets used about Mackinac, and s»!ttin<> this, the iirst night, caught about eighty trout ami white lish. After remain- ing here some lime, we fouiul beavers, of which we killeil six; also, some otiers and muskrats. We had brought with u< some corn and grease, so that, with the lish we caught, and tlie ganu- we killed, we lived comfortably. But, at the aj)proach of win- ter, the old woman told us she could not venture to renuiin then; by herself, as the winter would be long and cold, and no people, either whites or Iiulians, near us. Ke-wa-tin was now so sick aiul weak, that in going back to the Portag*', we were compelled to move slowly; and when we arrived, the waters were begin- ning tcm1 to lumt two or ilireo days' distance irom home, jind often rolurned with but litlk; meat. Wo had, on one of our hunting paths, a camp hiiill of codar bousrhs, in which we had Kindh^l lire so often, tliat at lenirlh it became very dry, and at last cauglit fire as we were lying in it. The cedar had become so dry thut it flashed up Hke powder, i)uv fortunately we escaped with little injury. A.s we were returning, and still a great distance iioni home, we attempted to cross a river which was so rapid as never to freeze very sound. Though the weather was so cold that the trees were constantly cracking with the frost, we l)roke in, I first, and at'terwards my brotiu^r; and he, in attempting tu throw himself down upon the ice, w«'t himself nearly all over, while I had at first only my feet and legs wet. Owing to our hands being benumbed with the cold, it was long before we could extricate ourselves from our snow shoes, and we were no sooner out of the water, than our moccasins and leggins were frozen sliir. My brother was soon discouraged, and said he was willing to die. Our spunk wood had got wet when we fell in, and thougli we at length reached the shore, as we were unable to raise a fire, and our moccasins and cloalhes were frozen so stiff that we could nut travel, I began also to think that we must die. But I was not like my Indian brother, willing to sit down and wail patientlj lor death to con\c. [ kept moving about to the best of my jtower. while he lay in a dry place Ity the side of the bank, where the wind had blown away the snow. I at length found some very dry rotten wood, whicl. 1 used as a sul)stiliite for spinik, and was so happy as to raise a fire. We then aj)plicd ourselves to thaw and dry our moccasins, and when jjartly dry we put them on, and went to (collect fuel for a larger lire than we had before been able to make. At length, when night came on, we had a comfortable lire and dry cloathes, an law uud ablr able dirt t tin: omi' : ithes loinr (lirti- nred valk- iiisr all night, met us not far from tlu; place where the accident liappeiiPil. Thus we lived for some time, in a suflering and ahn band of Muskegoes, invited us to go with him to a large island in Lake Superior, where, he said, were plenty of Caribou and Sturgeon, and where, he had no doubt, he could jirovide all that would he necessary for our support. We went with him, accordingly ; and starting at the earliest appearance of dawn, we reached the islanil somewhat before night, though there was a light wind ahead. In the low rocky points about this island, we found more gull's eggs than we were able to take awav. We also took, with spears, two or three sturgeons, im- mediately on our arrival : so that our want of food was supplied. On the next day, Wa-ge-mah-wub, whom we called our brother- in-law, and who was, in some remote degree, related to Net-no- gua, went to hunt, and returned at evening, having killed two caribou. On this island, is a large lake, which it look us about a day to reach, from the shore ; and into this lake runs a small river. Here we found beaver, otter, and oilier game; and as long as we remained in the island, we had an abundant supply * Pe-twaie-ice-ninnr. — This, liovvi'vcr, is n ("r<'<: wi)rd ; tlio luiiio uniDng the Ojil'lipwiiys, IB Siig-gno-s^Fav'-ice-ijinnc. Miiskt'go*' is from .Miif-keek, a nwamp, und ia applied to a l" conscnl, put it in the water, and ])ut our baggage on board. The Frenchmen dareil not make any resistance. I have never met with an Indian, either man or woman, who had so much authority as Net-no-kwa. She could accomplish whatever she pleased, either with the tra- ders or the Indians ; probaldy, in some measure, because she never attempted to do any tliina; which was not riirbt and just. At Rainy Lake, we found the old wonum's daughter, in the care of some Indians, but very poor. Net-no-kwa conferred long with her, on our situation ; she talked of all our misfortunes and losses, and the death of her husbaiul and son. She knew, she said, that her two little sons who remained, were young, but they w^'re now becoming able to do something ; and that, since she had come so far, for the purpose of going to Red River to hunt beaver, she was not willing to turn back. My brother and myself, although deeply interested in these consultations, were not alloweil to have any voice. It being determined that we should go to Red River, we con- 1 f -I WJI-H-^ IH . 1 48 tanner's NAKKA'ilVi:. tiiiiiod on to tlio Lal*, and rtai{c — N(H- no-kwa's (Iroani, luid its t'uHilnirnl — nirct with Pc-shuu-ba, a distiii^'uislicd warrior of the Ollawwaws — journry to Kau-wau-koniiijr, mid rc^idrnct" there — return towards l^ake .Sujierior — war-party against thu Minn»'tauks — mouth ot' Awsinneboin river. k After a few days, wc staitrd to fjo up the Red River, and in two (lays came- to tlie iiiotilli of the Assimiehoiii, where we foii jrreat ntimbers ol" Ojibbeways and Ottawwaws encamped. A^ tioon a« we arrived, tlie rliiel's met, to take our ease iedo eonsi- deratioii, and to aoree on some method of providing for nf-'. " Tliese, our rehilions," said one of the chiefs, " liave come to us from a distant country. These two little boys are not able to pro- ride for them, and wo must not suffer them to be in want among- us." Then one man after another offered to hiuit for us; and they agreed, also, since we had started to conu! for the jjurposr of hujiting beaver, and as our himters had died on the way, that each shotdd give us some part of what they shotild kill. We then all started together to go up the Assinneiioin river, and the lirst night ue camped among the buflaloe. in the morning, I was allowed to go out with some Indians, who went to hunt buflaloes. We killed one of four bidls which we found. Wc continued to ascend the Assinneboin about ten days, killing many bears as we travelled along. The Assinneboin is broad, shallow, and crooked, and the water, like that of Red River, is turbid ; but the bottom is sandy, wliih> that of Red River is com- monly muddy. The place to which we went on the Assiimeboin, is seventy miles distant by land from the mouth ; but the dis- tance by water is greater. The banks of the river, on both sides, are covered with poplar and white oak, and some other trees, which grow to considerable size. The prairies, however, are not far distant, and sometimes come into the immediate hank of the river. We stopped at a place called Prairie Portage, where the Indians directed the trader who was with them, to u^ JANNEUS NARUATIVl 51 i.ullil Ins lujiisf, iiml reinaiii during the wintrr. \\c |p(i all our rutidcs, iiiul went up into tiu' country to hunt lor Ixiivcr, amonu; the sMiall strciuiis. Tlie Indians ffwv Wa-nu'-gon-a-ltiew and nivscll'a little creel*, 'vhero were plenty ofheaver, and on which lliey said none hut ourselves should hunt. My mother ;fave mv. three tra])S, and instructed lue how to set them by the aid of a string tied arouiul the spring, as I was not yet able to set thenx with my hands, as the Indians did. I set my tlirec' traps, and on tlu^ loilowing nu)rning found beavers in two of them. Being unabh' to lake tlu'in out myself, [ carried lumu' the beavers and traps, one at a time, on my back, and had the old woman to as- sist me. Siie was, as usual, highly gratified and delighted at my success. iShe had always been kind to me, often taking my side, when the Indians would ultempt to ridicule or annoy mc. We remained in this |)iace about three months, in which time Me were as well jirovided for as any of tlie band; for if our owji game was not sullicient, we were sure to l)e supplied by some of our friends, as long as any thing could be killed. The people that r<'niained to spend the winter with us, were two lodges, our own making three ; but wc were at length joined by four lodges of CJrees. These people are tiie r«dations of the Ojibbeways and Ottawwaws, i)Ut their language is somewhat dilierent, so as not to be readily understood. Their country borders upon that of the Assinneboins, or Stone Roasters ; and though th(^y are not relations, or natural allies, they are sometimes at j)eacc, and an; morc! or less interndxed with each other. After we had r nuiined about three months in this place, game began to be scarce, and we all sutlered from hunger. The chief man of our band was called As-sin-ne-boi-nainse, (the Little As- riinneboin,) and he now proposed to us all to move, as the coun- try wiiere we were was exhausted. The day on which we werr to commence our removal was lixed upon, but before it arrived our necessities became extreme. The evening before the day on which we inti^nded to move, my mother talked much of ail our misfortunes and losses, as well as of the urgent distress un- der which we were then labouring. At the usual hour I went to sleep, as did all the younger part of the family ; but I was waken- ed again by tlu! loud praying and singing of the old woman, who <'onfinued her devotions through great part of the night. Very H ) i .« lANNEUS NARRATIVE. < ally, '111 tilt' rollowiiiji' morninir, she callotl ut^ all to gel up, and put on our moccasins, and l)e ready to move. She then called VVa-me-gfon-a-biew to her. and said to him, in rather a low voice, " My son, last night I sung and prayed to the (Jreat Spiril. and when I slept, there came to me one likc! a man, ami said to ine, ' Net-no-kiva, to-morrow you Bliall eat a bear. 'J'here is, at a distance from the path you are to travel to-morrow, and in such a direction, [which she described to him,] a small round meadow, with something like a path leading from it; in that path llieie is a bear.' N(»w, my son, I wish you to go to that place, without mentioning to any one what J have said, and you will certainly find the bear, as 1 have descril)ed to you." But the young man, who was not particularly diitil'ul, or apt toregaril what Ids mother said, going out <>i' the lodge, spoke sneeringly to the oth( r In- dians of the dream. " The old woman," said he, " tills me we are to eat a bear to-day ; but I do not know who is to kill it." The old woman, hearing him, called him in, and reproved him : but she could not prevail iipim him to go to hunt. The Indians. accordingly, all moved olT towards the place where they were to «'ncamp that night. The men went first by themselves, eac h car- rying some article of baggage; and when they arrived where the camp was to be placetl, they threw down their loads and went lo hunt. Some of the boys, and I among them, who accoinpa- jiied the men, remained with this baggage, until the women should come up. I had my gun with me, and I continued lu think of the conversation I had heard between my mother and Wa-nu'-iron-a-biew , respj'cting h«-r dream. At lenntb. I i< - .solved to go in search of the place she had spoken of, and with- out mentioning to any one my design. I loaded my gun as for a bear, and set ofl' on our back track. I soon met a woman be- longing to one of the brothers of Taw-ga-we-ninne, and ol course my aunt. This woman hath, I lomnl wiiut appoarfd at some Conner time to h;ive been a jioiid. It wasji small, round, open phice in the woods, now grown up with grass and sonn- -mall hushes. This i thoiioht must l)e the ineadou my mollior had s})oketi of ; and ( .\aminin h«'ad of a i)ear l.\ ing close to the bottom of the liole. I placed the inu/.zh' of my gun nearly between his eyei*. and discharged il. As soon as the smoke cleared away, I took a jiiece of a slick and thrust it into the eyes and into the wouiul in the head *d" thi' liear. and beinu >aii-lied (hat he was dead, I » ndeavoured to lift him out of the hole; but being unuble to do this, I returned houn-, lollowing the track I had made in ci)ming out. As I came near the camp, where the scpiaws hail, by this lime, set U|) the lod ge; I met the same wonuin I Had seen iii going out, and slu* innnedialely began ajrain to ridicule me. •■ Have you killed a bear, that you come back s(» sfxm, and walk so fast ?" I ihoiiirht lo myself, "bow does she know that i have killed a bear?" Hut I |tass< d by her without sayinu any thing, and went into my nmther's lodge. After a few minutes, the (dd woman said, " My son, look in that kettle, and you will find a mouthful of beaver nu'al, which a man ga\e me since you left us in the moriung. You must leave half of it for Wa-me-tro gtm-u- bi( \v, who has not yet returned fnuii huntinsr, and has eaten nothing to-day." I accordingly ale the beaver nn-at, and when I hud tinished it, observing an opportunity when ahe stood by herself, I stepped up to her, and whis|)ere(l in her ear, " My mother. I have killed r bear." " What do vou say, my son?" Vi I 54 lANNKR S NARRATIVi;. .1 < 1. V i said shf. '• I have killed a bear." " Are you sure you have killed him?" "Yes." " Is he quite dead?" " V«'s." She watehed my face for a moment, ami then eauirht me in hc^r arms, hu^jrino ami kissini^ me with {rreat earnestness, and Cora lonff lime. I then told her what my aunt had said to me, hoth j?oint> ami returning, and this heiujr told to her husband when he re- turned, he not only reproved her tor it, but gave lier u severe tlogirinjir. The bear was sent for, and, as beinij the first I had killed, was cooked all together, and the hunters of the whole band invited to feast witii us, aceording to the custom of the In- dians. The sauu' day, one of the Crees killed a bear ami a moose, and gave a large share of the meat to my mother. For some time we had plenty of game in our new residence. Here Wa- me-irou-a-biew killed his tirst bullaloe, on which occasion my mother gave another feast to all the baml. Soon afterwards, ihe Crees left us to go to their own country. They were friend- ]}• and hospitable peo|)le, and we wvvv. sorry to part with ihem ; but we soon afterwards went down )o the place where we had left the trader, and arrived there on the last day of December, us I remember the lollowing was new year's day. N»'ar this trading-house we remained for sometime by our- sel\i's; at length, ue received a message from the trader, and on going (i|> foumi lher«' I'e-shau-ba, a celebraletl war-chief of the Ottawwaws, who hud come from Lake Huron several years b» - f(MT. He, it appeared, heard in his own <'onntry of an old Ol tawwaw woman, who, with a family of two wcunen, t\vobo\-. and lliree little cliildreii, liavinii lost their men by death, w<>re on the A^sinneboin, ami sulfering fvoiu poverty. He had conw. villi his three companions, [which were what the Indians <'tini- monly call his young nu n, though one of them was, jierbaps, older than himsfdC] These were, Waus-so, (the li;ih(uini:.) Sug-gil-lo, (he that scares all men,) and Sa-ning-\Mil), (he iliat stretches his wings.) The (dd man, Waus-so, who was himsell rlislingiiished as a warrior, had lallen sick, and had been hfl ai some (lirttance behind. Pe-shan-lia had traced us from |»lace to jdnce, by the reports of the Indians, and at la>l found us at I'rairie Portage. He was a large and v«'ry handsome tdil man, and when we wcri' called in, he imniediulfly recognised Net-no-kwa um a relnlive. But lookiim round njton «s, he said, " Who are iht'Mr'" m * \ -:t\yi ^m^ lANNER S VARKAilVl.. ir.y JShe answered, " They are my sons." lie looked at me very closely, and said, " Come here, my brother." Then raising his blanket, he showed me the mark of a deep and dangerous wound on the chest. " Do you remember, my young; brother, when Ave were playiujcr together, with ginis and spears, and you gave me this wound ?" Seeing my embarr^snu'iil, he continued to amuse himself for some time, by describing the circumstances attending the woimd, at the time he received il. He at last tv- lieved me from some suspense and anxiety, by saying, it was not myself who had wounded iiim, but one of my brotlicrs, at a place which he menti(nied. He spoke of Ke-wa-tiii, who would have been 'I _,iass below. We had thrown away our mats o( I'uk- kwi,* the journey being too long to admit of carrying them. In bad weather we used to make a little loduc, ami cover it with three jililM'wa_v» ot Ihi- Tpprr MisMiBHippi, t)-pali-kvi-ituk. Then Ih a lake on the n»ulc fnini Grfeii Hoy l*» ihe WistxiiiHjui, nill«(| on the iu8|wi /»uc/rawoy, hut the word is) ill Uio count r>, (tronouiiccd Puk-k-rri. !• 1 n) h. m lAN'NER s Narrative. general direction of our route was a little north of west, till we arrived, at last, at a place called Kau-wau-ko-mig Hah-ki( -gun, Clear Water Lake, from which runs a small stream, called Sas- kaw-ja-wun, (Swift Water ;) but this is not the source or a part of the great river Saskawjawun, [Saskutchawiu,] which is farther towards the north, ("lear Water Lake is not, however, the principal source of the Little Saskawjawun, the head of that river lyinor far to the north. On the bank of this lake was the small log hut of Pe-shau-ba, where he had lived, with the three men I have mentioned, for some years. He had left his wife at Lake Huron ; and the other men, if they had ever been married, had no women with them. Immediately on his arrival, he opened his sun-je-gwun, and took out large quantities of beaver skins, dried meat, dressed skins, &lc. &c. all of which he delivered to the women, saying, " We have long been our own squaws, but we nnist be so no longer. It must now be your bu- siness to dress our skins, dry our meat, make our m(>ccasins, &c." The old won\an herself took charge particularly of the proj)erty of Pe-shau-ba. whom she called her son, and treated as s\ich. The daughter, and the daughter-in-law, made it their business to look after the other three men. Wa-me-gnn-a-biew and myself were, as heretofore, imder the particular care of our mother. In hunting, I was tlie comi)anion of Pe-shau-ba, who was always kiiul to me, and seemed to take pleasure in teaching ine how to become a great hunter. It nnist have been late in winter when we arrived at Clear Water liake; but the weather Was still so cold that water, \\ hen carried out of oin* lodge, would freeze iimnedialely. Whfii tfoing to hunt, we started long before the sun rose, and returned long after it set. At noon, the sun would scarce rise to the tops of the trees, though they are very low there. The countr> where we were was mostly prairie, with some low ledar and pine trees f but there are plenty of beavers and other game. It is not very far distant from the coimtryof the Mau- dans, on the Missouri. From Mttusc Hiver a man may walk to the Maudan villages in Coin- days. .lust before the leaves began to a|)pear in the spring, we started with all our peltries, and large (juantities of dried meal, and dried beaver tails, to come ilown to the lradinir-housc>. on Mouse River. In that country ''^KT!^^ lANNER S NAURATlVi:. 57 kiiir low 1(1 olhn Ic Muu- Iwalk to ho^, and lo conu' iountr> ihcre is no birch or codur fit for makinir canoos, so that we were <'om|)cllc(l to ?i»ake one for our journey of irrvon moose skin.**, whieli, being sewed together with great care, and stretched over a proper frame, then sntl'ered to dry, niake a very strong and urood canoe ; bnt in warm weather it will not last lung. In a canoe of this kind, which would carry nearly half as nmrh as a cuinmon Mackinac boat, [perhaps five tons,] we all luihurkcd witli whatever belonged to us, the intention ol Net-no-kwa and Pe-shau-ba being to return to Lake Hiuon. We descended the Little Saskawjawun for several days. On this river we found a village of Assinneboins, with whom wo -stopped a short time. None of us could understand them ex- cept Waus-so, who had somewhere learned to sjieak their lan- guage. When we came from the Little iSaskawjawun into the Assiinieboin river, we came to the raj)ids, where was a village of one hundred and filty lodges of Assinneboins, and some Crees. We now began to feel the want of fresh provisions, and deter- mined to stop a day or two to kill sturgeons at this j)lace, where we found a plenty of them. We went and stood near the As- s-iimcboins, and saw an old man, when a sturgeon had just been drawn ovit of the water, cut oil the pendant part of his mouth, and eat it without cooking, or any kind of condiment. These pettplf generally apj)ear«'d to us filthy and I)rutal. H )methino of our dislike may |)crhaps ix- attributed to the habitually un- friendly feeling which exists among the ()jibl)eways for iho Abbwoi-mig.* In two days from these rapids wc came to Monk Kiver, where both the Northwest and the Hudson's Bay Com- pany have trading-houses!. Here Pe-shau-ba and his friends be- gan to drink, and in a short time expended all the peltries they had made in their lonjr and successful hunt. Wc sold one hun- dred beaver skins in one day for li([uor. The price was then six beaver skins for a cpiart of rum, but they |)ut a great deal of water with it. After drinkiuu here lor sonic time, we began to make birch canoes, still intending to continue on its. i Awianuboiii», Stouo Koasivro, from iiKiiig hutted iJtoac» to boil their provision'' III / W<" bh 'iANNKR .S KARRATlVt. i.^ I 1 'i' and join in a war against, tlic people called by the Ojibbeways' A-giitch-a-ninne,* who live two days distant from the Mandant^. Waus-so, hearing of thivS, determined to join the war-party, then assembling at Mouse River. " I will not," said he, " return to my country before I get scarred once more. I will see the peo- ple who have killed my brothers." Pe-shau-ba and Net-no-kwa endeavoured to dissuade him, but he would not listen, and Pe- shau-ha himself presently began to show evidence of excitement at witnessing the t ntliusiasm of his companion. After delibe- rating a (lay or two, lie said to the old woman, " I cannot con- sent to return to the country of the Ottawwaws withuut Waus- so. Sa-ning-wub and Sag-git-to also wish to go with him to visit the neighbours of the Mandans. I will go also, and I wish you to wait for me at Lake Winnipeg, where I shall be in the fall, and you will not fail to have a keg of rum in readiness, as I shall be very thirsty when I return." They left the canoes un- finished, and all went off together with the war-party. Wa- me-gon-a-biew also accompanied them, leaving me only with the three women and three children. Hut this expedition, for which the Mandans had called assistance from such remote re- gions, failed for the Avant of concert and agreement between the different bands. Some of these being the hereditary enemies of the rest, quarrels were sure to arise, and the project was thus disconcerted, the A-gutch-a-ninne being left at peace in their own village. After they had gone, I started with Net-no-kwa and the re- mainder of the family for Lake Winnipeg. We were compelled still to use the old moose-skin canoe, as none of the birch ones were finished, and we did not wish to remain any longer at Mouse River. We had left llie trading-house but a short time, when we discovered a sliirg«on, which, by some accident, had got into such shoal water, on a sand-bar, that consitierable |)art of his back was to be seen above the surface. I jumped out of the canoe. ;ind killed him with little ditlicnity : and as this was the first sturgeon I had ever taken, the
V .m£^i lANNBR .S NARRATIVl .V.t ■3 tlio Sioiix wav-pavties, wlierc they lie concealed and lire uj)oi> such as are passing. Wc did not approach this place until dark, intending to pass through late at night; it was, accordingly, af- ter midnight, when carefully avoiding eitiier shore, we floated silently out into Red River. The night was dark, and we coidd not discern distinctly any ohj'>ct on shore ; hut we hacrs of young geese, swiins, and ducks; anAa imnieiiiately recognized the to- tems of Pe-shaii-ba, Waiis-so, and their companions. These had been left, to inform us that Pe-shau-ba had been at this place, and as directions to enal)le tis to lind them. We therefore left the traders, and taking the course itirlicated by the marks which Pe- shiui-l)a had caused to be made, we found him and his ])arty at the distance of two days from the river. They had returned tVom the abortive war expedition, to the trading Jiouse on Mouse River, finished the canoes which they had left incomplete, and de- scended along to Kenewkauneshewavboaiit. where, knowing there were good hunting grounds, they had determined on remaiiung. We found at their camp plenty of game ; they had killed, also, a ?reat number of beavers. About this place elks were uunicrou,^, l\ H: / ». / •- .w^^ XAXVi'T! S NAURATIVt. 01 :in(l it was now llio nittinjr sei.son. I rcmoinbrv one day, Pe- sliaii-!)a sent mo with the two youiiitr woimii, ti> l)riiiil and ran in an (ipposiie direction. Remem- bering that the Indians would ridicide me for such conduct, i de- termined to make another attempt, and not sutler any apprehen- sion for my own safety lo he the causr- of another failure. So hiding myself again, in a somewhat more carefully chosen place, I repeated my call from time lo time, till at length another huck came up, and him I killed. In thi-; maniuM-, great part of the day had i»een consumed, and I now perceived it was time to has- ten home with my load. The ohl woman becoming uneasy at my long absence, sent ^Va-me-gon-a-biew to look for me. He was in su(di a situation as ena- bled bim to see me, and I knew he would certainly have turned and fled from me hud it been a black bear. As he coiuinued to advance directly towards me, 1 goncluded it must be a orizly hear, so I turned and began to run from bim; the moie suit'tly I ran, the more closely he seemed to I'ollow. Tluiuifii much frightened, I remeuii)ered l*e-shaii-l)a's advice, never to fire upon one of these animals unless trees were near into '.vliich I could escape ; also, in case of being pursued by om . never to lir<' until he came very close to me. 'I'hree times I Hirned, and raised my piece to tire, but thinking him siill too far olli turned and run again. Fear must have bliiuled my eyes, or I should have seen that it was not a bear. At kiigili, geiliuir between liiin and the. ./' -'-"■ fl^ » "i A ''■•i :"!{li ♦W TANNKR S NAKKi> IVL lodge, I ran witli sucli speed as to outstrij. \, when I lieard a voice behind me, which I knew to be that ol Wa-me-gon-a-l)iew. I h)oked in vain for the bear, and he soon convinced me that I owed all my ternir to the (Hsiriiise which he had effected, with the aid only of an old biaciv coat. This aH'air being related to ihi old people when we came home, they reproved Wa-me-jron-a- biew; his mother telliiiir him, that if I had shot him in that dis- guise, I should have done riirlit, and according to the custom of the Indians she could have found no faidt with me for so doing. We continued here huntinir beaver, and killiuif great numbers, tnitil the ice became too thick ; we then went to the prairies in pursuit of bntiaioes. When the snow began to have a crust upon it, the men said thoy must have me with the women, as they were about to go to Clear Water Lake to nuike canoes, and to hunt beaver on their way down. But previous to their going, they said they would kill something for us to live on while they were gone. Waus-so, who was a great hunter, went out by himsell', and killed one buftiiloe ; but in the night the weather became ver)^ cold and stormy, and the buffaloe came in to take shelter in iho woods where we had our camp. Karly in the morning, Net-no- kwacalled us up, saying, there was a large herd close by the lodge. Pe-shau-ba and Waus-so, w ith Wa-me-ffon-a-biew, Sa-ning-wub, and Sag-git-to, crept out, and took stations so as nearly to sur- round the herd. Me they would not suHer to go out, and they laughed at me when they saw me putting my gun in readiness ; but old Net-no-gua, who was ever ready to befriend me, after they were gone, led nH> to a stand not far from the lodge, near which, her sagacity taught her, the herd would probably run. The In- dians fired, but all failed to kill ; the herd came past my stand, and I had the good fortune to kill a large cow, which was my first, much to the satisfaction of my nH)ther. Shortly afterwards, liavinir killed a considerable number of buffaloes, the Indians left lis : myself, the old W(»inan, one of the young women, and three children, six in all, with no one to provide for them but myself, and I was then very young. Wc dried considerable of the meat the Indians had killed, and this lasted us for some time; but I soon found that I was able to kill buffaloes, and for a long time we had no want of food. In one instance, an old cow which I had woimded, though she had no calf, ran at rae, and I was barelv w. '■n H ,•!' ( XANNKR's NARRATIVL. U3 able to escape from her by climbing into a tree. She was enra- ged, not so much by the wound I had given her, as by the dogs ; and it is, I believe, very rare that a cow runs at a man, unless sh him out, lie wouhl not leav<' the canoe. Net-no- kwa was much distressed, buteould not make u]) her mind to lose h ler only son: sln^ determined on retunnnii wi ith hit The packs of bejiver slie wouhl not leav(; vvitji the traders, not having sudicient eonlidence in their honesty. Wt;^ therefore took ihein to a remote jjlaee in the woods, h here we made a sunjc- irwun, or dejiosite, in tbe usual mannei il We then returned to ihe Lake of tlie Woods. From this lake the Liidians iiave a road, 10 go to Red River, which the white men never follow ; this is ])y the way of the Muskeek, or swamp carryinir place. We went up a river which the Indians call Miiskeego-ne-guni-me-we-sec- bee, or Swamp River, for several days ; we then diagired our canoes across a swamp ("or one day. This swamp is only of moss and some small bushes on the lop of the uater, so that it quakes to a great disliince as people walk over it. Then we put our canoes into a small stream, which they called Heuwionusk, from the begwionusk, or <'ow parsley, which grows upon it : this we descended into a small Sahkiemni,* i-alled by the same name. This pond has no more than two or three feet of water, and great part of it is not one foot deep ; but at this time its surface was '< i,-?!l * Liikesof the iarficst class are callud by the Oltawwaws, Khchcgawnic ; of these tlipy reckon five ; 01m which they commonly call OjiblK-way Kitcheirawnie, Lake .Superior, two Ollnwwinv Kitclie<»;i\vtiip, Huron ioul .Micliiiriin, aiiil Krie and On- lurio. l.ake Wiai)ijM'>:, and the countless lakes in the nortli-west, they call .Satt- kiesiumun. ^H^. #-» ^-K i'ANNRK:^ NARKATIVI.. 05 e went c-see- rcd GUI' inly ol' tliul it wo put piuisk, it : this ii;iino. 1 1 i;iTat ict; was of these nic, Lake iiiiil On- :h11 Sah- lovered with thirks, jrpcsr, swans, and other liinls. IFere we re- inained a lon^ time, and niado four packs of i)eaver skins. When the leuvcs bejran to fall, Sag-jfit-to died. We were now quite alone, no Indians or white men being within four or five days' ioiirney from us. Here we had packs to deposite, as we wero about to h:ave the country ; and the ground l)eing too swampy to admit of burying them in the usual manner, we made a sunjc- gwun of logs, so tight that a mouse could not enter it ; in which we left all our packs and other j)r(»periy, which wc could not carry. If any of tiu- Indians of this distant region, had found it in our absence, tliey would not have broken it up ; and we did not fear that the traders would penetrat*' to so poor and solitary a place. Indians who live remote from the whites, have not learned to value their peltries so highly, that they will be guilty of stealing them from each other; and at the ti>. e of which I speak, and in the country where I Avas, I have often known u hunter leave his traps for many days, in the woods, without visis ing them, or feeling any anxiety about their safety. It wf.:'l(l often happen, that one man having finished his hunt, and left his traps behind him, another would say to him, '• I am going to liunt in such a direction, where are your traps?" When he has nsed them, another, and sometimes four or five, take them in si .;c« s- sion ; but in the end, they are sure to return to th(> right ov ,ier. When the snow had fallen, and the weather began to be cold, so that we could no longer kill beaver, we began to suffer from hunger. Wa-me-gon-a-bicw was now our princi])al dependancc, and he exerted himself greatly to supply our wants. In one oi" his remote excursions in jnirsuit of game, he met with a lodge of Ojibbe.ways, who, though they had plenty of meat, and knew that he and hi^ friends were in distress, gave him nothing except what he wanted to eat at night. He remained with them all nighi, and in the morning started for home. On his way he killed a young Moose, which was extremely poor. Wb-a this small sup- ply was exhausted, we were compelled to g.* a" I encamp with the inhospitable people whom Wa-me-gon-a-biow had seen. Wo found them well supplied with meat, but whatever we procured from them, was in exchange for our orna;;'vnts of silver, or other articles of value. I mention the nigv tr.iliness and inhospitality of these people, because 1 had not before met with such an in* 9 ^1 V -V ->*>-«i«Hk8# :.(|i('lP«->hi»., .^»SSP5JM11«"*IS*»*" ■is see with what speed you will \v liatl ■ liiiliau •iciiiirsi! ilijil Un" woiiiiiii It n{ tlir tlwni Id . i'lMy no thut (»l^o I took the ral)liit, and put him ali\e under the cover of iho kettle of henr's frrease. Al iii^lil, after we had encamped, I watched her when she w«'iil lo open tlie kettle lo ml us somelhiii!; to eiit. expeclimr llie rahhil would jump out : hut was much dis- appoinled lo find, that iiolw ith>laiidiiili of this ralihil, and his a|ipearaiice when she opened the kettle. She cdiitinned also lo talk, as Umg as she lived, of the iii(>t>ardly conduct of llio Indians we had then seen. After travelling some dayn, we ilis- covfreil irnces of hunters, and were at ien^lh so forUinalc a" to »• * 6» VNNCli S \AKKA H\ I w \ m %■ Jlnd the head ol'a biillalot' wliicli tliey hml loCt. This relieved us iVoin tli<> distress of hiirifrer, and we lollowed on in liuir trail, until we came to (he cncanijjnient of some ol our friends on Ked River. This was a considerable band of Crees, under a chief raliv^d Assin-ne-boi-nainse, (ihe Little Assinneboin,) and his son-in-law, Sin-a-[)eir.;i-ijriiii. They n't'cived us in a very cordial and friend- ly manner, ifave us |)lenty to eat, aiul supplied all our urjfent wants. Alter we had remained with them about two months, butlaloc and other game became scirce, and the whole encamp- ment was sntlerinir from hunffer. Wa-me-iron-a-biew and my- self started (o cross the prairie, one day's journey, to a stream called I'ond Kivcr. We found an old bull, so poor and olil thai hair would not jrrow upon him ; we could eal only the ton^rue. SVp had travelled very far, iu the course of the d!.y, and were much overcome with faliuue ; the wind was hijrh, and the snow driviuy violently. In a vast extent ot the plain, which w<' overlooked, \\v could set* nt) wood, but some snutll oak bushes. ;«earce a< hijj;h as a num's slmulderM ; but in this poor cov«'r we were ciimjxiled to encamp. The small and {rn-en stalks of the oaks were, with the utmost ilidirullv, kindled, and made but a j)oor (ire. When liie lire had remained some lime in oe.e place, and the ground imder it become dry, we rennived (he brands and coals, and la\ down upon the warm ashes. We spent tin nisfht without -^h ep, and the n<'xt inctrninir. thoiiifh the weather had bec(Mue more severe, tlu' wind haviin; risen, we suirted to 11 turn home. It was a hard day's Malk, and, as we were weak through hunjfer and cold, it was late when we reached the lod>re. As we approached hcune, Wa-me-iron-'t-biew was more aide to walk fa-*t llian I was. and as he turned back to look at me, W( peri-eived, at the same time, that each ent .>^ome of the wcimen to help me to jfet huine. Our hands and liices were much fro/en ; but as we 'md jriiod moccasins, our feel were not at all injured. Ak himi;er continued in the camp, we fnuiul it necessary to separate, and i(o in difl'erent directions. N f(n with her fanuly to tlii^'tfhdinp;- houHf of Mr. Henry, who was since drowned in the Cohiinbia II' ■^m^^"'^^^ lANNERS NAURATlVl. m irheri Ilivcr, by the upsetting ol a boat. 1 his place is near that wbero a spttli'iiifiit has since been made, called Pembina. Willi tho i)eople of lln' I'ur-lraders, we bunted all llie reiaaimler of the Aviiiter. In (be sprinjr "«' returned, in company «itli these lod: res o f Indians, to lIn' lake where we li;iii leli onr canooi We found all out property sale, and baviiifr yol all (oiielber from our snniejrwniis, and all that we h.id broiiLHil from Red River, we bad now eleven packs of beaver, of forty skins eacb, and ten packs of oiher skins. It was now onr intention to re- finti to Lake llnron, and to dispose of our |>('ltries at Vlackinur. We bad still ihe larije sniijeuwiin at Hainy Lake, llie c(mtentK of whicli, added to .11 we no w bad, would have been sutlicient to make IIS weallliN. It will be it'colbctrd, that in a former seasmi, Net-no-kwa had inaile a de|iosii ol \aliiable furs, near the Iradcr'H bouse, on Kainy Luke, not baviiiii confidence emnijrh in Ihe honesty of the lrad<'i. to leave them in bis care. When we returned 'o this spot, we found the simjei:wun had been broken up, and not a pack, or a skin, lefl in it. We saw a pack in the Irader's bouse, which \\v believed to !)«• one of our own ; but we «()uld netcr ascertain wliether ihev or ■^niiie Indians, bad taken tlicin. The old woman was iiiiirh irritaleil. and did not iiesilHlc 1oa«'ribe (be tbel't to ibe tr.ider. When we reacheil the -ma II house, at the oih<'r side of the (Jrnnd Portatre to Lake Superior, tlie people belonLnnc to the traders urirt'd us to put our packs in the wagons, and have iheiu carried across. Itiit the old woman. kiiowiuL' if they wi-re (Mice in the bands of the Iradern, ii would be ditlicnll, if not impossi- ble, for her to gel them again, refused to comply with this re- ipn-st. It took us several ilays to carry all our packs across, us the old woman woiilii not sntfer Ibeni to be carried in the iiadiving her some wine, in< dnced her lo place all Iht packs in a room, which ihev gav«< her to occupy. At first, ihev endeavoured, by friendlv sidicitation, to induce her lo sell her furs; hut fimliiiLf she wns determined not lo part «ilh ihem, ihe\ ibrealened her; and at lenulb, a young man. the -on of Mr. Shabboyea, atlem|)|ed lo lake llietii 1>v fuiTti ; but the olil luun iutcrfvrej. and oriierinu his oun to i !^ •/A 70 TANNER S NARRATIVE. I'-:) ,1 '!*•: l!j desist, reproved liim for his violence. Thus Net-no-kwa vva.s enabled, for the present, to keep poss(!ssion of her property, and might have done so, perhaps, until we should have reached Mackinac, had it not been for the obstinacy of one of her own family. W<^ had not been many days at the Portaj^e, before there arrived a man called Bit-K -gish-sho, (the crookcil light- ning,) who lived at Middle Lake,* acconipaiued l)y his small band. With these people Wa-me-gon-a-biew became intimate, and though none of us, at that time, knew it, he formed an at- tachment for one of the daughters of the Crooked Li rhtning. ^Vhen we bad made all our prt-parations to start for the Saut of St. Marie, and the l)aggage was in the canoe, Wa-me-gon-a-l)iew was not to be found. We sought, in every direction, tor him, nnd it was nSt until after some days, that we heard by a French- man, that he was on the other side the Portage, with the family of Bit-le-gisli-sho. 1 was sent for him ; l)ut could b\ no means induce iiini to return with me. Knowing his idislinacy, the old woman lictran to cry. *' If I had but two children," said she, •' I could be willing to lose this one ; hulas 1 have no other. I must go with him." fShe gave to the widow, her sister's daughter, but who had liveil with her from a child, five |)acks of beaver, one of which was for her own use; the remaining four pHcks, together with sixty otter skins, she told her to take to Mackinac, and deliver them according to her din'ction. .She came d(»wn in the trader's canoe, anil delivered them to Mr. La- jjomboise, ol the North West Company, ami look his due bill, as she was lidd it was, for the amount. Hut this paper was snb.sc- (pientlv lost, by the burniiig of our lodg«>, and from that day to this, Nei-no-kwa, or any of her family, hav*' not nreived the value of a c«'nt lor those skins. The old woman, beinir much dissatislieil at the mi oiiducl ol her son, the disappointment id' lier hopes of returning to Lake Huron, and other misforlunes, began to ilrink. In the cinirsr of a ninglv dai/, s/ir snld itin: huiidnii and twnitij hruvir skins, with o lar:S' ifutintity iif hiif- falin' nihrs, drrssrd nnd snutkid skins, and other articirs, for nun. It was her habit, whenever she drank, to nnike drunk all the lndiKn.s about her, at least as fur an her incanM would extend. * Naw-wc-Mh-kie-gujJ. I '. V i V W«r TANNER P NARRATIvr, 71 Of all our large load of peltries, the produce of so many days of toil, of so many longr and difTieull journeys, one blanket, and three kegs of rum, only remained, beside the poor and almost Avorn-out eloathing on our bodies. I did not, on this or any other occasion, witness the needless and wanton waste of our peltries, and other property, with that indillerence which the In- dians seemed always to feel. Our return beiuff determined on, we started, with Rit-te-jrish- sho and some other Indians, for tlic Kukv of tin; Woods. They assisted us in making a canoe, crossing portages, &,c. At the Lake of the Woods we were overtaken by coltl weather, and Net-no-kwa determined to remain, though most of the others went on. Here it was found that the atlacliment of Wa-me-jron- a-hiew to the daughter of Hit-le-gish-sho, was not too strong to be broken ; and, iiuleed, it is somewhat doubtlul whether the anxiety of the traders at the (irand Portage, to possess them- selves of our packs, had not as much to do in ocrasioning our return, as any thing on the part of this ycning man. After these people had left us, we fomul our condition too desolate and hopeless to remain by mirselves, illy provi(h>d as we were for the coming winter. So we re|)aired to Hainy Lako trading-house, where we <»l)tained a credit to thi' ainomit of one humlred and twenty beaver skins, and thus ftirnished ourselves with some blankets, clothiiiii;, ami other things necessary fof the winter. Here a man joined us, called Waw-be-be-nais-sa, who proposed to hunt for us, and assist us through the winter. We acceiled cheerfully to his proposal ; but soon fh, the weather, at the same time, bccominif waritier. At nii>lil, lliev returned, loaded with the llesh of a fat moose, and Wa-nu-gon-a-biew witli ii beaver on his back, as the old woman had seen him in her dreum. As the moose was very large and fat, we m(»ved our lodge to it, and maile preparations tor drying the meat. This supply ul our wants was, however, only lem|)orary, though we found u few beaver, and succetided in killing soum'. Afti'r about ten days we were again in «ant of food. As 1 wad one day hunting for ri of the I did so Iiaving draff the and our tne-gon- help nic woidd n( small sui of some Water our lodiTf Mich arti( ^rndiuir-i, '* ' J f- - W3»^ ly soil;', Wa- lurgo (• sacks 1, with lail of \v winil r, at lilt' loadt'fl witli a tlrcuiii. t£e to it, y ol oui (1 a few •lays wo I AXNEH S NARIlATIVl.. 73 tipaveis, at some clislaiicc (Voiii our lodirc, I (uimd ilu' tracks of I'dur moose, I hroko olF the lop of a husli, on \viii( h ihcj had Ixu'ii hrowsiiitr, and carried it ho»ic. On (MUeriiiu llic lodf^c, I. threw it down heCore VV^aw-be-bc-nais-sa, who was Ivinir by iho fire, in bis usual iii(b)hMit manner, sayinir, " Look at this, jrood liunter, and was to be foimd ; but he commonly replied, ihat he was loo pooi- and sick. Wa-ine-iion-u-biow ami mys«'lf, thiukinir that somethiiiir nii^lit lie fouiul in niori! distant excm- sions tlian we had been iifrA to nuike, started viry early one morning, and travelled hard all day ; ;ind w hen it was near night we killed a y«)un}> beaver, and Wa-me-u^on-a-biew said to nie, '• Mv brother, you must now make a camjt, and cook a little of the beaver, while I tro farther on and try to kill somethinti-."' I did so, and about sunsit he returned, bringing |)lenty of meat, having killed two caril)oii. Next day we started very earlv to drag the two caribou> llinmgh all the long distance between us and our camp. I could not reach home with my load, but Wa- me-gon-a-biew having arrived, sent out th«' young wonniii to help me, so that I arrived betore nddniglit. We now saw ik would lutt be safe for us to renuiin longer by ourselves, and this small sup|)ly cnalding us to move, «e determined to go in cjuest of some people. The nearest trading-house was that ut Clear Water Lake, distant about four or five days' journey. We left our lodge, and taking only our blankets, a kettle or two, anil such articles as were necessary for our journey, started for the trading-house. 'I'he coimlry we had to pass was full uf Ukes (0 i n] ■ I iinw iwwWWt-sti I rid' : «'^ i: 11:;" ti ^llfi' '■• ^^r 74, TANNER S NARHATIVE. and islands, swamps and marshes ; htit they were all frozen, so that we endeavoured to taki' a direct rowte. Early one inorninir, on this jonrney, Wa\v-be-bc-nais-sa, roused perhaps by excessive huntjer, or by the exercise be was fompclled fo lake, to keep alonovvitb ns. began to sing and pra\ for something to eal. At length he said, " to-day we shall see some earilxui." The old woman, whose temper was some- what sharjiened i>y our long continued privations, and who did not consider Waw-l)e-h«'-nais-sa a ver> enler|)rising hunter, said, •' Anil if von slionld see caribou you will not !)»■ able to kill them. Some men would not have said, * we shall see game to- day,' but ' we shall eat it.'" After this conv Tsaiion, we had gone but a little distance when we saw six ci'ribous, coining di- rectly towards us. We «"oncealed ourselt .'s in the bushes, oil the point of a little island, it ' tliev came within shot. Wa- me-gon-a-biew flashed his piece, when he intended to fire, ami the herd turned, at the sound of the lock, to run off. VVaw-be- be-nais-sa fired as they ran, and brok<' the shoulder of one of them; but though they pursued all day, they returned to camp at night without any meat. Our prosj)ect was now so dis- couraging, that we concluded to lighten ourselves, by leaving some baguage, in order to make the greater expedition. We also killed our last dog, w ho was getting too weak to keep up with us; but the flesh of this animal, for some reason, the old woman would not eat. After several days we were bewildered, not knowing what route to j)ursue, ami too weak to travel. In this emergency, the old woman, who, in the last extremity, feemed always more capable of making great exertions than any of us, fixed our camp as usual, brought us a large pile of wood to keep a fire in her absence, then tying her blanket about her, took her tomahawk, and went off, as we very well knew, to seek for some method by which to relieve us from our present dis- tress. She came to us again on the following day, and resorting to her often-tried expedient to rouse us to great exertion, she said, " My children, I slept last night in a distant and solitary place, after having continued long in prayer. Then I dreamed, and I saw the road in which 1 had come, and the end of it where I had stopped at night, and at no great distance from this I saw the beginning of another road, tiiat led directly to the trader's * ^ja(¥^ TANNKRS NAHKATlVt: /*» L * a jiuiisf . In my dream I saw white men ; Icl \is, iliorctoro, lose no lime, for tlic Great .Spirit is now willing to lead us to a gooit lire." Being somewhat animaleil hy ihi- eonlideuce and Ijopc the old woman was in this way able to ins|)ire, we departed im- mediately ; but having at length eome to the end of her path, and i)a8sed a considerable distance beyond it, without discover- ing any traces ol' other human beings, we began to be incredu- lous, some reproaching and some ridiculing the old woman ; Init altewards, to our great joy, we found a recent hunting path, which we knew must lead to the trader's house ; then redoubling our efforts, we arrived on the next night but one, after that in which the old woman had slept by herself. Here we found the same trader from whom we had a credit of one hundred and twenty beaver skins, at Rainy Lake, and, as he was willing to send out and bring the packs, we paid him his credit, and had twenty beaver skins left. With these 1 bought four traps, for which I paid five skins each. They also gave the old woman three small kegs of rum. After remaining a few days, we started to return in the direction we came from ; for some dis- tance we followed the large hunting path of the people belong- ing to the trading-house ; when we reached the point where we must leave this road, the old woman gave the three little kegs of rum to Waw-be-bc-nais-sa, and told him to follow on the hunter's path until he should find them ; then sell the rum for meat, and come back to us. One of the little kegs he imme- diately opened, and drank al)out half of it belV»re he went to sleep. Next morning, however, he was sober, and started to gi as the old woman had directed, being in the lirst place informed where to find us again. Wa-me-gon-a-biew accomj)anied him. After they had started, I went on with tin- women to Sknt-tah- waw-wo-ne-gnn, (the dry carryinu place,) wiiere we had ap- pointed to wait for him. We iiad iieen here one day w hen \Va- me-gon-a-l)iew arrived with a load of meat ; bul Waw-bc-bc-nais- sa did not come, though hi-- little children had that day been rom|)elled to eat their moccasins. We fed llic woman and hci children, and then sent her 1(» join her husband. The huntern with whom Waw-be-be-nais-sn had remained, sent ns an invitn- lion by Wa-me-gon-a-biew to «'ome and live with them; but it was necessary, in the first place, to go and get our lodge, and '! 7' '-*=*■ Hi 1 ANM;(i .-i N Mil; \ I n r the properly wi' had h'll there. As we were on iiiir riiiuii \\« were sto|)|)t'(l al the ihy carryiiiir plae<' with t- xlreine hunger. liaviiisr Mil)sist('(l I'dr sonic linic almost cntiri'lv on the in- ner bark o!' trees, and |)artienlarl\ . 'I'lie former we knew was abmit Uvo or- dinary days' journey ; bni, in my weak condition, it was doubltul when I eonid reaeh it. I started very early in the niorniiig : the weather was eolii, and the wi.id liiuh. I bad a laroe lake to rross, ami here, as the wind blew more \ iolenlly, I snllered most. I an to leel a little et)ld. I tried lo i^et up. but I'oimd it so di1iic\dt that 1 judi^ed it would not be ,)rndent for nie to rest airain before I should reach the tradin?- lioiise. The nisrht was nol dark, and as there was less wind tlian in the day lime, 1 fuimd ihe Iravellino more pleasant. I Oontinued on nil niiilit. and arrived early next niorninnsion thai i bad perished b\ Ihe way. After a day or two, Wa-me-gon-a-biew anil the remainder of the lamily came in, haviutr been rflievcd by the FrenchiUHii. It ujtpeured, also, that the Indians had sent |b. .; 'lAVVl^WS Vahhativi. ?T on by m\ u r ni> . thr> to lllf , wlu'ii iiy son cliinaii. lie viu- ikiii^ I II snow (I CilllU' I I had -a-liifW iflifvcd i!i(l tsent ( \\a\v-l)c-br-nais-sa, willia load of meat, lo look Inv w-i ;il the dry I'arryiiitf place, as they knew we conld not ick li ihcii ciirainp- monl uifhoiil a snpjily. whicli il was not prohuhh- w«' could pro- cure, lie had heen very near the cain|> oldnrlaiinly iifier I ieCl, hut either ihronirh willidness, <»r Croni sliipiiliiy. I'aileil to tind th(!ni. lie had camped alnmst within call ol them, and eaten :i hearty meal, as they discovered hy the tract s he hit. Al'lei re- inaiiiinjr a lew ihiy> at tin- tradinir house, we all went lotjeiher lo, (he that sin i Is in ihe smoke.) This last was. at the time I s|)eak ol. a vers di . i.iirnished inniter. .Some tim<' at'terwards he was accidentally wonnded, recei\ inir a w hole char(>i' ol shot in his elhow. hy \\ hich the jinnt and the hones of his arm \iere much shaltered. As the woimd liid not show any tendem-y lo heal, hnt, on the contrary, liecame worse and worse, he applied to nraiu Indians, and to all tin; white men Ji saw, to enl il oil' for him. \s all reliised to do so, or to as- sise him in amputating it hinisidl, he < hose a lime when Ix' hap- pened to he left alone in his lodtfe. and lakinjjj two knives, the edirc ol' one of whitdi he had hacked into a sort of saw, he witit his ri<>ht hand and arm cut oil' his left, and threw it from him as far as he could. Soon after, as he refiteil the sl(n"v him-t If, he fell asleej), in which siiuatiorthe was found hy his iVieinis, haviiiii losta very trreal tpiaiili(\ of hlood : hiil he soon al'terw aids re- covered, and nolwithstandinu the loss of (me arm, he Ix came agiun a frrviW hunter. After this accident, he was commonh called Kosh-kin-ne-kait. (the cnt oil' arm.) With this iiand we lived some time, havinu always plenty Iti rat, thoujrl> NVaw-be- be-nius-sa killed nothin>i. When the weatlu r heuan lo he a little warm, we left the [n- dians, ami went lo huiil heaver near 'he Iradinir house, liavinu lately suH'ered so much from huu r**!!, aJhI Uirned l>ack . I)iit VVa-iiie-ir(»ii-H-l)iow still k('|)t on. Tin.- ..Uij* ^ '.hs« cdiiid run very sm ill, and lor a lon^ time In; [)assed a'i ;ht! ilo>fs, one or two <>i' \vlii< li rontiniH'i) on tlif truck. It was alter noon v, lien he ar- rived at a lake wliicli the nioose had attenipied to rros« ; but as ill some parts the ice was (piite smooth, which prevented him IVoMi running so last as on land, Wa-me-fjon-a-hiew overtook him. When he came ver\ near, the Coremosi dou. who had kept at no great distance iVom Wa-me-iron-a-hiew, pass«:d him, and ujol l)elorc the moose, whioii was now easily killed. We remained all this sprinii. about one day from the trading house, taking considera- ble game. I killed by mysell twenty otters, besides a good many beavers and olher animals. As I was one day going to look at my traps, I iotmd some ducks in a pond ; and taking the ball out of my gun, I put in some shot, and began to creep up to them. As I was i rovcrrd with yoiiiiir jriills mid cui ■.:r down this river, I shut a larue hearon shore, near the brink ol' the river. He sereanied out in a rerv unusual manner, then ran douii iiiio the water, and sunk. At this |)hie<-, (sinee eaHed I'endiinah,) where the Neheiiinnah- iip-sehee enters lied Hiver, had rurnuiiv Iteen a trathn^ hnusc. We found no priijih', whiles oi Indiaun; atni as we had not phnty ot provisions, we went on all iii soon to in<-el M'ilh some peoph>. .Alter snnrisf next morniiii>, we hinih-d, ami ihe i-ld woman, whih ('olhetiiDr wood to make a lire, diseoverod suiiir hullahx's in the woods. (ti\in>i me noliee d a hull; hut pei('ei\in<> that he was verv poor, I crept a little tartherand shot a lart>t' laltcow. Mie ran some disianee. and tell in an open prairie. A hull liial l(dlowi'd lit r. no sooner saw me (liter the open prairie, at ihe distance o| three seusoii, it in not unusual to see the hiiiU liehavi' in this way. Next dav, we met the traders c(miinu up to Nehetiiiiiiah-ne-sr- hre,* and uuvr them a part <•! the meal we had taken Iroin the Itiill. Without any other dcl.is . wr w I iitoii to the I'niirie I'orlam- ot the \-siiiin I'uiii Kiver, where \»e IimiiiiI NN .i-me-ifon-a-hiew and \N aw -l)e-lie-iiais-ha, with the other memliers ol our lainilv. Innii whom we had hien so lonu separated. VVaw-l)e-he-tittiH-sa, since tiny hit us, had turned away liiH tbr> imT wile, unil married the daiiu'liter ol .N'tHio-kvvn's sister, who had hi I II hioui'ht up m (Uir lamiK, and whom the old woiniin had alvvavs treated us her own ihild. >Nel-:io-kwii no sooner un> » NclMiiimi.di 111' srU't— Hiiili < nimlxTrv Himt ; fiiicc fullid l'i'iiil>iiiali Tin Ilitliini luiiiii- Is (lrri\r(l tniiii Ihiil <lr In rrit ~, MHiH'w hut niiiiiliii|! lilt' iTimrii'Trv ; tlicnrc nilleil \. unycjHUJUs. " Hcil JJivM' I* from the Itiiliiin iMiMliwuwuun •m'Wfmilice. !i TANNER S NAHRATIVi:. 81 (iin tin- -a-liiow tiiinily . Iiis lor- r, «lui WillllUlk HUT 1111- nali 'I'll' U rrii -. Inl Jlivrr ilcrsiooil wliat liad taken itlaro, tlian slic took up wlml low arti- rlos she could see in tlir lodir*'. b«'lun^inir lo Waw-br-bo-nftis-sa, ;ui(l tliiouiiifr llu'in out. said lo liiiii, " I liavc Ix'cii starved by you ulrcadv, and I wi.^li to have innhiiitr inorr to do with you. (Jo, and lUDvido lor your «iwn wants; it in more tlian so uiiscrablo a liuiitcr as you aii', is able lo ib». you sball not bavc my ilauirli- tor." f>o biiiiir turned out. be w enl oil' by biinsell' lor a lew flays; biii as Net-i,)-kwa soon b anied lliat bis loriner wit'e was iiiurr'.'d to anotber man, and ibal be was destitute, sbe adinilled liiin aj^Miii into ibe lodire. it was |irobably i'ront tear of tbc old woman, tliat be now beeaiuo a better liunter tliaii be bad boon Itel'ore. 'I'liat winter I bunted tor a trader, called i)y ibe Indians Aiieeis wbieli means an elm tree. As ibe winter advanced, and tbe weatber became more and more cold, I liMMid it (lil]i<'ub to jini- riire as nitieli I'.aine as I bad been in ibe liabil ol siijiplyinix. and ;is was wanted by tbe trader. I'^rl\ one iiioniiius :diont midwin- ter, I stalled an elk. I |iio^ii(d until iuLilM,.ind bad almost oxer- taken bim : but bi)|ie and slren<>lb lailed inc at tlie same tiiin . Wbat idotbiiiiT I bad on iih . nutwitbstamlinu tiie exlrenie cold- ness of ibe wealber, was ilrem brd w ilb sweat. It was noi b.mjj .liter 1 Imned towards bonie. ibat I felt it stilb iiiii!> about me. Mv lejjains were ol' cbilb. and were loin in pieces in riinniu^ ll*iS»ui>b ibe briisb. I was conscious I wassoimwb.il Irozeii. be- torc 1 arrived at ibe jdace wliere I bad bit our lodge standitii> in ilie inorniiiu. and il was now inidnitdil. I knew it bad been tin* old woman's iiileiilion to move, and I knew wbere .sbewnnld^o; but I had not been inlorined >be would }>o on that dav. As I t'ol- liiwed on tlieir jiatb, I soon ceased lo siiilir rnuii cold, and fell tliat sleejiy sensation w liicli I knew prereded tbe last >|ii> of tbe dan^'er of m\ siiualioii, it was w lib no small dilliiultx ibal I could |irevent in\.->elf from hiuti down. \t leiiirtb I lost all eonsriousiiess I'm' simie time, bow bnii; I can- not tell ; and awakiui! as from a dream. I found I bad been walK- inu round and round in a small circle, not more ibaii twenty oi twi'iily-live yards over. Alter tbe return of my senses, I lookid abt^ul to trv to discover iii\ palb, ;is | bad ini»s( d ji ; but nliile I wa* lookiiiL'. I discovered a lijflil at a di-Mucc. bv wbicb I df n Vi y^ 82 I ANMK >: \ M!n \X\\ f if J*'^^ V r * iik^ t rocU^d my <'nur-«r, Oiuc iiinir. Im'Iom- I rculicil iho lotljjo, I lo>i my HPlisos ; liiil I ilid nol fall iImwii : if I had, I slxtiild never hiivr- sjol up airniii : Itiil I liui niiiiid and round in a rirrlo as l)of«»rr- Willi; I at lasl ninir inln llic ll)d^^)', I innncdiairly Irll down, hut I did not lose ni\ sell' as liclorr. can I (in(inl»i mat nl Inisl on tlii' iiisjilr oC the piikkwi lod^e. iind hearin morr than two hundred \ arils aeross. NVaw-he-ln-nais->;( and I >iationid oiirscKrs. and the Iriirlitem-d herd heiny imwil Hum to vrntuir oil ilir -iiiootii lee in ihr riur. \u ^un to run round and round the lilllr prairie. It sometimes happened that oin :is pushrd within thr reaeh o| our shot, and in this way Wi kill eil two. our rai;i iiH>s to i>et iirarir, ue advaiu'ei d NO til viiled. towards thr ii titir ol th< prairir, that the hrrd was di part lirint> drivni on ihr hi, and a part rseapiiu' to the hit>li Wi Urouniis. \^ aw-M('-lir-iiitis-sa lollowcil thr laltir. and I run on tn thr iie. 'The rlk>^ on thr rivrr, slippinij on the smooth ice, and luinu mui h (rinhliiird. erowdrd so dose toi;ither that their irreai weijrht hroke thr iii ; and ii- lliey wiiiled townriK thr oppositi -Ihire, iiiid liidi'in oiiri'd in a hody to riNe upon thr irr. it lonliii ui'd to lirrak ht'loir thrill. I ran hiisiijv and thou^litliht I iiiiuht ai-t those I killed, and there lure eontiniied .slioiitiii!; tluin as last as | roiild. When inv I lal « er«- iill e\|ieniliil. I drew rn\ knil'e, iind killed nnr or twu with it; hut all I killed in llie water, were in a lew minutes s.vept un der the ire, iind I ;>ot not one ot them. One onh , whirh I .struel. niter he rose upon the iee on the !«hore, i ^aved. This, in aitdi • iiill to the others we had killed on ihe sliore. made Imir : heint" I ANNtlls N \KKAI l\ I SI nil \vi' wncalilt ls iliaii ivvo liiiii ilird. VVaw-l»t-lt<-iiais-sa unit iiiiiiioiliatcl). iiiiilrr {\w prctnict ol iu»lilyi"fr ''••' tradns, ami -^old the luiii ilk- a-, his dw ii, lhouir|i )i(' killed ImiI two of tlinii. \1 iliis tiiac, \N a-iiH'->ri>u-a-!ii«u was iiiialdc li> Imiil, lia\ iim. in a (Iriinktri IVidick, liirii sti stvcrilv htiiiiiii, tlmt lit- \v;i> iiol alilr 1<( slaiid. Ilia U\\ da\s, I wciil afiaiii \*itli Waw -In -Ix-nais-sa to liiinl (Iks. We discuvrrcil sdimc in tlir inairic ; Itiit < raw liii;; ii|i li(liiiii|iialily of siirtarr, w liirli iiialilcd ns to <-oit- «»'al oursilvcs, we < aiiic w illiiii a short (listaiicr. 'riicic was a viry lar^t' and iat luick wliirh I wislnd to nhuot, Iml NVaw-ht: hi'-nais-sii )4ai(l, " not so, ni> lirolht r, Itsi you should liil to kill him ; as hf is llu- hist in the hrrd I will shoot him, and you ma\ )rv to kill oiii' in tin sfualhr oms." So I told him thai I would shoot at (MIC that was lsiii<> down; we Itrcd iiolh tooi ihi r, liiil In lliiKHcd and 1 kilUd. Tin- hrrd then lan oil', ami I inirsm d with- out waiting' to huli hrr, or rvni to i xaiiiiin' tin uin I had killrd I continiinl thi' rhasc all day, and hrtori' niuht had killrd two nnn'r, as ihr ilks ucrr so niinli latiumd thai i ranic u|i lo tlirm pretty easily. As it was now nil ol iiu \\a\ huuM', and whrii I arrivnl, I'ouiid that \N aw -hr-lir-nais-sa iiad iirou(r|it honie meat, and had heen ainusinu the lamily lt\ ileseri liin^ the manner in u hieh he said he had killed tin ilk. I said to ihi'Mi, "I am \iiy <|lad hr has killed an elk. lor I have killed three, Hiiil ti -niiirrou' we shall ha\e |drnt\ o| nn ai." Hut as I had soiiu' sn.spieiiiii ol him, I took him ouisidi', :ind askid him alxMil the one he had killrd. ami eas>l\ madr him .leknow Inl^i', that It was mt other than tin om 1 had shot, Irom whieli hi liroU(>ht in some ot tin* imal. lie was st-nt to the iruders to eall men I > hrin^> in (he me.it, and airain sold .ill ihi ' his own. when he had not liel|>ed to kill e\fii one ol them. < iie oM wn- nuin, when she hrianie an|uairted uilh thi-' 'omhii '. |'i isii'iiIm! him SI) inueli, that he \»as mdmed to havin-. v\ a-nie-uon-a blow, aJNo, who liad married an (>jihhewa\ Moniiin |l lc» pnyi the winter bv mV'elt. with a (ninilv to provid' I M r.VN.NKIl > .NAKIIAin I. i'or, nml iin tnic lo assist iii(>. \Va\\-l)t'-lu'-iiiiis->ri ciKvinipcdnhoul Olio «luy iVoin us. I Inul, in tlx- Cfviirso oi the liill. killed u n^mnl iiiany heavers ami dllier animals, and we had lor some lime eiKtnirh to supply all our wanls. \> e had also jilentv oC hlaiikels and elolhinjf. One ver\ cold inorninii in the winter, as I was fro- iu^ out tu hunt, I stripped (dVall my silver orimmentH, and hmlg ihein lip in the loilir«'. 'I'he idd wcniian askeil me why I did so ; 1 to! ' her that they were mil <-omlorlahle in snch extreme eokl weather; luoreoti-r, tiiat in piirsiiini< rht, all I loiiii am! lm«^lle«•ess fill hunt. I fttiind these two children slandiuhes of our lod'je, m liich, ow iiiM lo their care- lessness, had lieeii Iturned dow n, and cMry lliin;^ \\v had eoiisii- incd in il. My silxrr ornamenl-i, one ul my of rum, I fell aiinrv ihal only what was ustdess and hiirtliil to us was left. \v hih e every tlimir valnalile hail lieen (jesiroyeti, and lakmu it iiji, throw it to a distance. I then r>trip|ied the hianket from the Itow- weliii tt'r'< i""l ^•■'•' herawn lo >\i\\ hy herself in the snow; tell- iiii: her ihat as iier carelessness had stripped iis ol eve r\ ihiiiif, il Vas hut ri|2;lil she should feel the cidd more than I did. I tiieii look the little liov. Ke-/,liik-o-wenimie, and we lay flown lo- •rether upon ihe warm ashes. Very early the mxl morniiiif I started out to hiiiil ; ami as ! Jviiew very well how llu-old woman would hehave when she came to a kliowledire of her misfortune. I did not wish to rear h h ome until late at nisihi. W Inn a|iproaehintr the plare where our lodtrr had lieeii, I heanl the tdd wiunan s(oldin<: and heatini: the little j^irl. At leniilh, when ! wen: to the lire, she asked me why I iiad lint killed h«'r w hen I first rame home and found the lodue huriied (lowr "H mee voii diil not, snid slie, I must now kill her. Oh iiiv luother do nut kill ine. and 1 will pay yuu fur all you J anm;k > N.\ui:.vri\ i Ni AVIiJit have v( on to sj;iv«' ? Iiow <';in you pay iric It ny, u- \\o\\- iw ; till- tllillsr, it n\ II to mil as ! II ( iim<* lioin*' ir lo(lu«' liic \\n\v ly I IudI hunictl ill ll.T." all you !iav«' lost. ^aitl ilu' old woman. *• I will yivc you ilic Maiiiin,"" saiil tlu; Ut- ile {fill, " tlu' gn'al Manilo shall vonw down to rowanl you, if vou ilo iii'i liill uif." Wc were now destitute of provisions, and almost naked ; but we dctcriiiiiiod to coin|)lete(l, and Wa-me-gon-H-biew, having killed three elks, left us for his own honte. After a little lime, plenty and g(»od hiimou:" were restored. One eveiiinir the old woman called to her ilie little Bowwelig •iirl, and asked her if she remembered what i>romise she had made to her when she was whipped for burniiiir ?he lodge. Skwah- sliish coulil make no answer; iuit the old woman look the op- portimilv to admonish lier of the impropriety of usiiiir llie iian\e uf the Deity in a light and irreverent manner. * Prouoiuu'ed bv llie liuliaii«. Wc jo-wlmm MX I 11*1 1 \ 1)1 i S6 lANNKRS NAKKATU I i ..[ CHAPTER VI. Failure ot' an altnmiit to accoinpariy a war-party to the Missouri — removal to Eik Kivrr— joiiKil in my liiintiiii,' i;rouii;' i by soiui- Naudowiiys, from Lower f'aiiuda — liospilality ol'llic Crccs— pr.ictico oC im'ili"iii«' — (lis|mt«' with a Nau- (lo»a\ — l);iii(l oC Tus-kwaw-!i(i-ii('rs — Hriiii' SpriiiiT, on KIk Hivcr — I rcccivt' a si'vi-ri' injury liy liillinj; I'roin in\ liorsc — involved in (iinioulty liy niv lijHtev brittlier — haliils of the nuxwe-tloer — ran^je ol the moose, the elk, and the rrir deer. At this |»ljir»' we rcmaiiind tintil s[)ring, when, at receive her present. Altera lew days, they lett ns for ilietrading- lumse, and Waw-be-be-nais-sa joined us when we started in rom- pany to jro to the .Mintse Ki\er tradinif-honsc. Leaves w<'r<' out .)!! the trees, the bark peeled, and we were killino siiii-g«;on8 in the rivers, when then' came a snuw more tl lan nee dei anil the frost was -in severe that the trees eraeked a> in the middle of V ii.ler. The riv»'r was frozen over, and many trees weri' killed At the Mouse River •..iding-hoiise, the Assinneboiiis, ("ri»ep. nnd Ojibhewnys, were uiiain assetnblinc tu go to join tlu.* Nhin TA.WKR S NARKAfMI.. S7 dans, in making Avar upon the A-gtilch-e-ninnc-wug, the people i before mentioned. This time I wished to have aecom|)uiiied them, and I said to the old woman, '• 1 will g^o with mv niirles, who are goinjr to the Mundans." She trifd to dis-^uitiie me, h\\. lindinj^ me obstinate, took away my j^iin and n'occasins. This opposition rather inereased my ardour, and I followed ihe In- dians, barefoot ami unarmed, trustinijr tiiat sumc amono iheni would supply me ; but in this 1 was mistaken, for they drove uu; back, ami woidd by no means allow me to a<'(-(im|)any tiiem. f was irritated and t niurn until I had eauirlil beavers enoujib lo purchase one; but when 1 had done so, my anxiety to over- lake uud aecompany the war-party hail sul)sided. Many of tho women they had left behind, now be<;an lo be huiiifry, and il was not without lurcat exertion on my part, and that of the ver\ lew youuir boys and old nun wlur w,'re left, that tlu !»• want-= I ould be spli('(i. The war-party .li-kuni. (he li)at walks alimy; the shore,) we started to ^^> to |]ik lliver. This man Imi! two wives; the name of one was ,Mt-sau-bis. (gos- Hn'sdowii.) He was also aeeum|)anied by anotln-r distint>uish« .(I hunter, eaUed Kaii-wa-be-nit-to, (he that starts them all.) Our course (rom Mouse Itiver was very near du»' north; and as we had six horses, we travciitd with consulerabh rapidilv ; but it was many lance, to which f went one day at evening, and havimr sa; down I lound a road which Uie beavers were then using to bring tnubir into tlie poml. By tins road I sat down to watch, suppttotng I shottM sutm ttr*-. them pass one way or the other. 1 had M-arce sat »''>wu, when 1 heard, at no great distance, a sound which I kn(M^ wan that mnde by a wuinaa in dressinu skin-*. 1 was a littk alarmr'tl. n% \ "■■"^i^M. 8b iAVNER S NAKKATIM. J W- W !• k i I knew of no Indians in that ously, and al- most without knowinif what I did, I spranir to the other side of the path, and pointed my mm directly at liim. This movement he answered by a hearty lausili, wliicii innnediatcly removed m\ apprehensions, and he soon arose an own lodt!;e. which stot)d very neai' to the beaver pond, when be was surprised to perceive a man approaching hiuj ilirouiih the buslies. lie had first perceived me, and concealed himself, not know inj^ whether I was a friend or an enemy. After sonu' conv«rsalion he returned home with me, and Nel-rio-kwa discovered that he was a relative of her.-. The family of this man remained with us al)out ten days, and afterwards went to encamp by themselves, at a distance. I was now let't, for the second (iine, with the prospect of spendiui: the winter alone, with the «'Xce|)tion of those of our own lamiK ; hut befor<' the counnenceuunt of cold weather tlier« came from Mo-ne-oiiir, (.Montreal.) ncven Naudoway hunters. one of them a nephew of Net-no-kua. They remained with ii>, and in the tall and earlv part of winter, we killed areat lunnber.-- of l)t;iver. l"'"' (■ (d the .Naudowa\s 1 surpassed in huulinj^, ami though they had teii traps each, and I only six. I caught nntre beavers than they did. Tw<» of the >even men could lieal me at almo8t any lhin (Ijibbewav Way-inet-e goosh-she-wuii, (the ("hippeway Fremhinen.) After these had been some time with us. the uame was exhausted, and we began 9 is SltfC t ol ol' our •r tlicn nil n>. |miml>i'r.> iriK, ami lit iiiort at iiH' ai Naii- .lov (111 |v-inel-«' Bt'''" liai l)l'2«l. lANiNKIt S NAKKAllVI m to he hnnirry. We a^jjrood all to po oiu> diiy in search of Iniflii lo(>s. At iiitllit, all liad returned exeepl a tall yoiinii man, and a very small old man, ol' the iNaudoways. Next day tlie tall nuni tame home, bringing a new bulliiloe robe, and having on a haiul- some pair oC new moerasiiis. lie said he had (alien in with seven lodires o( Crees ; that at tirst they had not known liini, and it was with '. II- irf ,*,r downy li:nl Hocii ; l)ul\\t> uiicxprclrdly iiicl \\ ilh aiiollit r haiul of tlir sanir lril)o. Tlics*' wort" slriinifcrs In iis, hut iM(|iiiiiiii; i'ot their rliicC, uc wciii inlii liis lodirc iind - ' duv ?i. 'I'lic wo- jneri iiiiiiuMiiatcly Imiif; the kctllc civit iIm i , aii-cs, iVu/t'ii loirdluj Tlu'Sf little lishrs, with the lakiiiij i'nd ratinj; of « liicli \m al- tcrwards bee imic I'ainiliar, arc Ininid in ~ lall huhs which rciiiuiii uixii in the >liali.»w ponds, crowded toi. Iier in sncdi nii iber^: that one nia\ ^> >o|) n|i hundreds of ilu-ni at once, with tin hands. Alter we had linished (MM nn al, the woman who a)i {leared to he the prineijial wile ol the chief, examined onr moc rasins, and jjave us each a new pair. 'I'hese |ieople were on a lkins, ami I will ux my art to relie\e him." As we had hit our peltries hehind, and killed hut few heaver >ince w c started, we conlil raise only nine . lint we ; ;i\ e him a piece ol (doth, w hi( h w as more than e(|ual in vuhie t<» one luaver, and he coii>eiited to henin. He prepared his lodifc lor the first days' practice h( foi( the pati( nl was ad Illitled; lie then h* iiii> hroiiuht in, was seated on a mal near tin lire. Old Mukdxwah, who was a veiitrihxpiist of hut iiidillerem power.s, and a iiiedicine iiinn it( no i>reat fame, imitati d, as w( II a» he cuiiid, various S(iuiids, niid endeavoured to make tl> >m staiidiiij« In Ik lieve they |)roceede(l from the hr«'iist of tlie .sick man. At length he said, he Ik ird the sound , nnd |>uttinir one linitd to his breast, tin (ithrr iind liis month to the back, he eoiitinueil for somn time \~M — 'I^P^^^M VSNLU S NAKUAin I. yi ih aiiolluv baiul IS. I)ut iiKiniiiny, ilusui. Tlic wo- , iiiid llu'ii Uxilv ;m(l iinkiitnvii to ilciiiWW ciiriosily- III it (•oiisistcd ot nine M/.<'- Willi' , lio/.*'ii luirrllui r (»!' wliifh w «t- )li s whicli niuaJM ill :,ii(li im ,ibri>; it Diuf, with thr • womiui \\l«> iM' xiiiitiiitil our mt)t l.(li|llf W»T«' «»> " 1, (I ii> iiiiiKf a Sim , wniild iiiipi'tlt "' (llMlil I'l liull'ultM ,.,<, anil uvcrHiuk wr ariH'il »<"<'"!^ ,y l.ll si.k. Hi^ ("nfs, nilli'l Muk iiiif lin" 111!* ii'lif' MS. aitil I will »'■'' Itiits l)rliiu(l, iiud ,1 raise uiily nine more tlian nmal in mil. lie |ne|mr«'(l (■ jiatieiU was ad- iiii a mat near tin 1 nC Iml iiidi»Vereiii e, iiiiilaled, as \v» 11 icd to inakt' til 'M hreasl ol llif si«k I ni bad liif in llir ,i to Ids liieast, tin I. led for some tiio-- )ilo\\in£r and ndthinii, wlierilie, as if by aceidcni, dropped a iitlli ball upon theirronnd. Allt r auaiiil»lo\x i!i the little ball, and ndibinir it between bis hands, lie at ienirlli threw i' into the lire, where it inirned, with a little w hi/ lil. /iiiit noi-c, Ml»e iianip pnwite This did no! surprise me at all. us I saw lie had taken the precaution to sprinkle a little pnwdcr on that part of the lioor of the lodife wlicri' the ball tell. Per- c(>ivin ol the body of tin "iek iniiti, a small snake. One ol his i<.>Md^ be kc-pt for som< liiiie on the plaee I'roin whii li be pret< i to have drawn tin -iiake, as be said the hole eoiild not t\<' muediately. Tli( -inike he refused (udeslroy ; i)nt laid it r. il\ nside for prcsei- (alion, lest, as be said, it slionid tsvl into MunebiMly else. Tbi^ rll-cimdmted impi»ition did not fail to excite the ridicule of the Vandoways, and bad no perce|Uilile ellect upon the sick man riiey soon learned to imitate bis several noises, and made him a subject for sarcasm and ridicnic. Smne of ihe more sen-^iblc and rcspectid)le men amonu the Crees, advised ns to lia\c im- >liint; uuivv to say to Miik-kwab, as be was oteemed but a fool tin them. It was altmit this time that I had some ditliciilly with a Nan downy Indian, \\\u) was hmiliiiir for the Ojibbeway NN ay -nn-ta- j^oo-sbe-wiiir. He bad arrived since I had in the country, and his rJLrlil to hunt in any part of it was certainly no better than niim'. He had, it) one or two instances, complained of me for bmitinu where he said i had no ri^bl to hunt i llavii i:;ani; oi iieavers, I set m\ traps lor them, am I, as usual, leli iliem foil. till tl le next da\ , O n i^oiiiir mxt morniii ir I f. oiiiM III Had owcil my trail, taken up all my traps, thrown them into the low, and set his own in place id them. He bad caui^bl but line beaver, which I did not hesitate to r\ home ll I row III ill IS t ia|)s in the snow. I as in\ ow II. -■el mine ai>ain as l>e- l of IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) % „■%- < Photographic Sciences Coiporation aa WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. MStO (7)6) •73-4503 ■^ iV ,v \ A n? '^"^<* <» -.jif^m' ;i:- 1 c( •. " ! ■ I '/m ' \'j\i^i'. f I'/ li n n.f k ' 94 I A\M;K a NAUUA'llVl.- llii.s liiiul, llu; customs of the tribo are as a law to the Indiau^, and any o;ie who ventures to depart I'roin them, can expect neitfier support nor countenance. It is rare that oppression or injustice in allairs of private right, between man and man, taiie place among the Indians. We staid about one month in the prairie, then returned to the lodge where we had left the old woman, thence to our trading- house on Elk River. Here a lodge of Tus-kwaw-go-mces, from Canada, came into our neighbourhood. I had now separated from the Naudoways, and was living by myself. When 1 tirst visited the Tus-kwaw-go-niees, and went into tlieir lodge, I did not know who they were. The man presently went out, brought in my snow-shoes, and placed theni by the lire to dry ; finding they were a little out of repair, he directed an old man to mend them. He then proposed to go and hunt with me, until they fihould be repaired. He killed, in' the course of the day, several beavers, all of which he gave me. The kindness of this liimily of Tus-kwaw-go-mees continued as long as we remained near them. Their language is like that of the Ojibbeways, differing from it only as the Cree differs from that of the Mus-ke-goes. When the sugar season arrived, I went to Elk Hiver, and made my camp about two miles below tlfc fort. The sugar trees, called by the Indians she-she-ge-ma-winzh, are of the same kind as are connnonly found in tlu! i)ottom lands, on the I'pper Mississippi, and are called l)y the whites " river maple." They are large, but scattered; for this reason we made two camps, one on each side of the ri\er. I remained by myself in one, and in the other were the old woman and the little children. While 1 was making sugar, I killed plenty of birds, ducks, geese, and beaver. There was n»!ur my camp a large l)rine sj)ring, at which the traders used lo make salt. The spring is about thirty feet in diameler, the water is blue, and, with the longest poles, no bottom «'an be i'ound. It is near llie bank of the I'lk River, between the Assin- ueboin and Sas-kow-ja-wun, about twenty da\s' journey from the trading-house at Lake Winnipt-g. There are, in that part of the country, many brine springs ami salt lakes, but 1 have seen no other as large as this. At this trading pttsi I met a gentleman who took nuich notice of iiic, and tried lo persuade me to accompany him to England; '9 ■i bull not b of tlu ness :'l Auioi the .>i as us hunts T they ( gallon \, '"^ l\NNEJif> NAKKAilVI,. '.»:{ lul made ••s, callefl 111 as an 4sissip|)i. n; lars[i', on each "ic otiici making TIUTC. rs used tr, llic ran be ■ Assin- runi the I ol' the seen no I notice !^i Inland; but I Was apprehensive he might leave me there, and that I should not be able to reacli my friends in the United Slates, even if an)' of tliem were living. I also felt attached to hunting, as a busi- )iess and an ;Mnusement ; therefore 1 declined his invitation. Among other Indians who assembled at this tniding-liouse, in the -ipring, came our old companion and friend, IV-shau-ba. and, as usual, they expended the products of their winter and spring hunts, their sugar, «fcc. for whiskey. After they had drank all iet-no-kwa gave them an additional ten gallon keg, which she had hid the year before uuder the ashes back of the trader's house. Their long deliauch was attended by mischievous quarrels, and followed by hunger and poverty. Home one proposed, as a method of relieving the pressure of hun- ger, now bec(uning severe, that a hunting nuitch should be made, to see who, of all those that were assembled, could take, in one day, the greatest number of rabbits. In ihis strife I surpassed Pe-shau-ba, who had been one of my first instructors in hunting : but he was yet far my superior in fakin^r large animals. From this trading-house we returiu'd l)y the way of Swan River, and the \Ie-nau-ko-nos-keeg, towards Red River. About the Me-nau-ko-nos-keeg and Ais-sug-se-bee, or (Mam River, whose head waters interlock, we stopped for some time to trap beaver, beinir assisted by a young num called iNau-b.i- shish, who had joined us some time before ; but at length falling in with a trace d and very un- friendly lrea(nienl,and learned that it was on account of Wa-me- I f hi f ♦ Neoiljrp- Innjiung*', ■ (crxlcd. 'V fripiul, is coninionly uwd in Iricudly mnvprKntion ; Iml, ns in ow \ usi'cl with a |icciiliur tone and uianncr, when a thrrjtt is in- /evy !><•- try to not met Menau- r horses, nsidered party of jIU from nt seven age, and rse, I ar- •ned that r. M'Kce binali Ri- 1 well ac- the lodge otlihig ol . He was ■es. Per- , I wentt>' re. In the 1 kill your L as he (li- viys had lintr him. the head, nn. lo ;"' he an- nul |)nsli- lini, and which he \('ry un- ,1 VVu-mt- iiii.ii!* iiifrtii- thrrnt is in- iANNERS NAKKAiMVi;. [)o >fon-a-biew', who had turned away his lornier wile, and quarrelled with his father-in-law. In tins <)iiarrel, tiie old nmn's Ixtrse and dog had been killed ; which injury his young friends were visit- ino- upon my horse. The origin of this quarrel seemed to me to be such as to leave some appearaiu-e of right on the part of Wa- me-gon-a-biew. He had treated his wite as well as is usual among them, and only parted with her bt:cause her father nfiistd to part with her ; insisting that Wa-nu!-gon-a-l)iew should acconqjimy him in all his movements. Rather than do this, lu; chose to leave his wife altogether, and had done so in a peaceable numner, when her relatives showed a disposition to oiler him some molestation. As I was alone, ' feared they might follow me, and try to do me some injury at my next encampment; hut they did not, and on the following day I arrived at the place where Wa-me-gon-a-bieM' was now living with his new wife. The old man, his father-in- law, whom I had seen before, met me outside of the lodge, and was surprised to hear that J had come from Menaidionoskego, the distance being greater than they usually go by themselves in that had very lately killed a fat moose. With this man we lived about a month ; during all which time we had plenty of food, and slept in his lodge. He was moving in the same direction tliat we were ; he did not leave us until we arrived at Rush Lake River. The old wonuin had gone from the trading house where I left her, to live with Indians, at the dis- tance of four days. My three horses, which, before starting, I had fettered and turned out, that they might become accustomed to the place, had been neglected, and were now dead ; notwith- standing I had given very particular charge to Nct-no-kwa to take off the fetters at the comnieiicenient of winter; but she had neg- lected it. My horse which I had rode to Red River, was also dead, and I had none left. INet-no-kwa having apparently relin- i[uished her claim to me, and Wa-me-gon-a-biew now leaving me. I remained for some time entirely alone, about the trading house. The trader, whose name was M'Glees, at length took notice of me, and invited me to live with him. He said so much to induce me to leave the Indians, that I felt sometimes inclined to follow his advice ; but whenever I thought of remaining long at the tra- ding house, I found an intolerable irksomeness attending it. I fell an inclination t(t s])end all my tiuie in hunting, and a strong dislike fo the less exciting emj)loyments of the men about a trading house. At the head of th<> Menaukonoskego river, was a trading house. Mhich I started to visii, in company with five Frenchmen and one Ojibbeway woman, sent by Mr. M'Cilees. We were furnished only \ ith enough meat for one meal ; all of which we ate on the lirst night after we started. About the middle of the third day, we came to a small creek of salt water; and on the summit of a little hill by the side of it, we saw a man sitting. We went up to him. but h(. onve no answer to our questions ; we thon took hold i.SJ^BBte' TAXN'KR S NAKKA'llVK. 97 li-wali- 'lievin^f 1 over- ig but a ^e could we met. le,) who ich timo moving until wr )n(' from ii tlie dis- tarting, T customed notwith- vu to take had nog- was also Illy n-lin- aving mt". ng house, notice of l() induce to f■ollo^\' t the tra- it. I fell ng dislike a trading and tried to rouse him by shaking, but we found him siilVened bj- the cold ; and when we took our hands off him, lie tumbled to the ground as if lie had been frozen entirely stiff. His breath still came and went, but his limbs were no longer flexible, and he ap- peared in most respects like one dead. Beside him lay his small kettle, his bag, containing steel and flint, his moccasin owl, and one pair of moccasins. We tried all the means in our |)o\ver to vesuscilate him, but all in vain. Kegarding him as one dead, I advised the Frenchnieu to return with him to the trading house from which we came, that lie might be properly buried. They did so, and I learned at'terwards that he ceased breathing an hour or two after they started. It appeared that he had been sent awa\ J'rom the tradina: house at the head of the river, as too indolent to be sutlered to remain. He had started almost destitute of pro- visions, and come some distance to Wa-me-gon-a-biew's lodge. Wa-me-gon-a-biew had fed him, and offered him plenty of pro- visions to take with him ; but he declined, saying he should not liave occasion for it. He was then very much enfeebled, and liad been about two days i.i coming the short distance to the place where we had found him. After they started willi him, I went on with the Ojibbeway woman, and soon arrived at Wa-me-gon- a-biew's. I had remained here about a month, hunting with my brother, when Net-no-kwa arrived, having come in search of me. Wa-me- ixon-a-biew went by my direction, to a place on Clam Kiver, to hunt beaver, and I relumed with Net-no-kwa to Menaukonos- keeg, where we made sugar. There were ten tires of us together ; and after the sugar making was over, we all went to liunt beavers in concert. In hunts of this kind, the proceeds are sometimes ccpially divided ; but in this instance every man retained what he had l^illed. In three days I ccdlected as many skins as I could carry. But in thes. distant and hasty hunts, little meat could be lirought in. and the whole band was soon suffering of hunger. Many of the hunters, and I, amon^r others, for want of food, lie- lame extremely weak, and unable to hunt far from home. One day, when the ice in the jionds was covered midling deep with water, I reach. J a place about a mile distant from camp, and in a low swamp I discovered fresli moose signs. I followed up the 5«»» IWSEU s NAi'.KAj i\ r:. i,m ' i ' -l» ■\i !;'1,.I iA Ifl ii; ■ :' I It % m^ animal, and killed it ; and as it was tlie first, it was made a least for tJm whole band, and all devonrod in a singlo day. Soon afterwards, all the Indians came down, in two days' join iiey, to the mouth of the river, where we were joined by Wa-me- gon-a-biew, who had made a very successful hunt on Clam River. We stopped at the trading house, one mile from the lake, and re- mained here drinking until our peltries were all sold. Then wt started, accompanied otdy by Wa-me-gon-a-biew, to come down to the mouth of the river. The distance was so short, that we did not take the dogs on board the canoes ; us they ran along the :shore, they started an elk, and drove him into the water in the lake, whence we chased hiui on shore with the canoe, and killed lum on the beach. About this time, we met with an old Ottawwaw chief, called Wa-ge-to-tah-jrun, (he that has a bell.) more commonly called Wa-ge-toat. He was a relatii e of Net-no-kwa ; and had with him at that time, three lodges and two wives. One of liis sous had alsc two wives. With him we remaijied two months ; and almost every morning, as he was going out, he calhnl me to accompam him to his hunt. Whenever he hunted with me, he gave me all, or the greater part of what he killoil. If e took mtu'li ])ains to tear 1 1 me how to take moose and other animals which are difficult ti- kill. Wa-me-gon-a-biew, with his wife, left us here, and went tn Red River. There is an opinion ])revalent among tlie Indians, that tin nioos(?, among flu; methods of self-preservation with which he seems better acquainted than almost any other animal, has tin power of remaining for a long time inider water. Two men oi the band of Wa-sre-lo-tah-gun, whom I knew perfectly well, and considered very good and credible Indians, after a long day's ab- sence on a hunt, came in. an ns to teai-l* (liiricuU li lul went t" lis, that till which hr al, has th< jwo men «^l ly well, and iiir (lay's all- ied a moosr niddle of it- Iwliieh the\ 1(1, smoked. |-, they could position o1 I abandoned afterwards. Ihal hiuin;. >l)ll(J^^cd the track of a moose for some distance, he had traced it fo the pond l)efore mentioned ; nut havino- also discovered the Tracks of two men, made at tin- same time us lliose of tlie moose, he concluded they must have killed it. Nevertheless, approacliinf! cautiously to the margin of the pond, he sat down to rest. Pre- sently he saw tlie moose rise slowly in the centre of the pond, which was not very deej), and wade toward ll;" shore where he was sittino. When he came surticieiuly near, he shot him in the water. The Indians consider the moose shyer and more difficult to take than any other animal. He is more viffilant, and his senses more acute, than those of the buftiiloe or caribou. He is lleeter than the (dk, and nu)re ])rudent and crafty than the ante- lope. In the most violent storm, when the wind, and the thun- dii)-, and the fallino timber, are making the loudest and most in- cessant roar, if a man, either with his foot or his hand, breaks the smallest dry limb in the forest, the moose will hear it ; and though lie does not always run, he ceases eating, and roiises his atten- tion to all sounds. If in the course of an hour, or thereabouts, the man neither moves, nor makes the least noise, the animal may begin to feed again, but does not forget what he has heard, and is for many hours move vigilant than before. VVa-ge-to-tah-gtm, the chief with whom we were living, took every opportunity to instruct me as to the habits of the moose and other animals, and showed great pleasure when my exertions in the chase were crowned with success. As we were now about fo part from him, he called out all the young hunters to accom- jiany him for one day ; several young women went also. Hf killed a fat buck moose, which he gave to me. The country betw(!en Lake Winneiieg and Hudson's Bay, is low and swampy ; and is the region of the caribou. More to the west, towards the Assinneboin and Haskawjawun, is t'le prairie country, where are found elks and bulUiloe. The ca ,'i).i is not found among the elk, nor the bitter amomr tin; former. . I ^rf*^ 1 •' V> iPHi ■tf: •:m r'l!'' MM I )ANNf,K S NMiRMlVT.. * !l CHAPTER VII. 1 ivorivt; a proposal from a chief to marry liis daughter — thoft ami drunkenness — iiiauiu'r of pursuing the elk on foot — disease, and great mortality ainoni; the beaver — seeoiid oiler of marriage from an A-go-kwa — liaimted encampmcntj called the " |)lace of the two dead men" — Indian courtship — ihstressing sick- ness — insanity and attempt at suicide — gambling — several otli'rs of young wo- men in marriage — my courtship and marriage with Mis-kwa-bun-o-kwo, (the red sky of the morning.) The spring having now come, we returned by the way of our old sugar camp, towards Menaukonoskego ; but as I disliked to be with the Indians in their seasons of (h'unkenness, I dis- suaded the old woman from accompanying them to the trading- house. I talked to her of the foolishness of wasting all our pel- tries in purchasing what was not only useless, but hurtful and poisonous to us, and was happy to find that I had Miflucnce enough with her to take her immediately to the place I had se- lected for my hunting camp. She went to see Wa-ge-tote, to lake leave of iiim ; but when she returned, I readily perceived by her manner that something inuisual had passed. Presently sho took me to one side, and began to say to me, '* My son, you sec that I am now become old; I am scarce able to make you moc- casins, to dress and preserve all your skins, and do all that is needful about your lodije. You are now about taking your place as a man and a himter, and it is right you should have some one who is young and strong, to look after your property, and take care of your lodge. Wa-ge-tote, who is a good man, and one respected by all the Indians, will give you his daughter. You will thus gain a j)owerful friend and protector, who will be able to assist us in times of difficulty, and I shall be relieved from much anxiety and care for our family." Much more she said, in the same strain ; but I told her, without hesitation, that I would not comply with her recpiest. I had as yet thought little of marriage among the Indians, still thinking I shoidd return before I became oldj to marry to the whites. At all events, I i ', ■,r: >Vi.' ^\^ \ ^■H'^^J I lANNKK S NAKKAliV K, 101 ikpnncss — amoni,' tlie campiucnt, yoiiiig wo- )-kwa, (the ay of our I disliked ss, I dis- e trading- II our pol- iirtful and Ml flu once I I had se- rc-tote, to rcrived by seiitly she II, you sec you moc- all that is iiiuji; your loiihl have property, good man, daughter. 10 will be i-ved (Voni p she said, on, that I uirht little Hild return events, I assured her I conld n^ti now marry the woman she proposed ti> me. Slie still insisted that I must take her, stalin- woman found a husband in some other man. After Wa-ge-tote and his baixl had left us, we went to the hunting ground I had chosen, v» here we spent great part of the summer by ourselves, having always plenty to eat, as 1 killed great numbers of elks, beavers, and other animals. Late in the fall we went to the trading-house at Me-nau-ko-nos-keeg, where we met with Waw-/,he-kwaw-n\aish-koon, who had left us the year before, an
, and mmv with all my lamily to briiiij in the meat, 1 found, on m>> return. liu> wolves had pulled down my lod>;e, carried oil inunv skins, carrying-straps, and, in line, whatever articles of skin, or leather, they could come at. 1 kill- ed ((real numbers, but they still coiilitiiied to trouble me, parti culurly an old doir wolf, who Imd l)eeii so often at my door lliai I knew ! s appearance, and was perfectly actpiainted with In- habits. He used, w h< i!c\er he came, to advance boldly ujton m\ (logs, and drive them in ; he would then prowl about, to sei/- whatever he could find of lood. At last, I loaded mv (run. nm went out, when he spruiii; directly at me; but I shot Intu In furc h« JihU time lu fastvn ujiun niu. Hull' ht» hair hud fuileti oil I 1 , » lANSERS NAHHATIVK. m In th« iiiiru und oux, ill a fd except t> had not ,re, urt he •oiisiilora- led llivir. uiiiiN nun. ((■id i^\)vu\. V, u friend oit ot com •ounds, thr Th«'y i>t- Oni' diiy. i!y tt> hrini: »ill»'d down lid. in linr. at. I kill- iiir, parti y »l»)«»r ihm I'tl with hi- lly upon w) il, lit sri/' IV (iun. ai" ol hini l)r d Ittlh-n "'1 CHAPTER XI. Rapncitv r.f the triidrrs — rcvclalioii of .MitnilK-o-gci-zliik — ijretonsions ol As- kiiwlia-wis — (■r('iliilit\ nl the Iinliniis— :iil.) from the runndncss and fulness of his person, lie huiit a slroim^ lorl on Hi d Uiver, near the inoiilh of the Assinnehoin. The Hudson's Hay ( niiipiiny Inid now no post in that part of iln- country, and the Indians were soon made conscious of the idvantajre whieh had formerly resnlK'd to them front the rompe- ilioii htlween rival tradinif eoinnnnies. Mr. ^V ells, at the com- iiieiieeiiieiii of winter, <'alled n^ all together, mive ny them, and irive in exehani>e such urtieles as were ne«'«'ssar lor their eoin* tort and sid)sist«Miee diirini> llir winter. I was not with the In* diiin.' •vhen litis i dk was held. NVhen it was reporlf! to mc, iiiil a i.hare of the [iresenls oHered me, I not only reluseil to ac- K plans thiiiLN hnl repricic' ed the Indians f r tlseir pn lanimity ill ■iidnnitli:!^ to siiehiitis. They had een aenistoined, tor nnuiv years, to receive eredits in lln* fall; iliey were now en- tirely destitute not of elotliintr merelv. hut of ammunition, and many of the of ^uns and traps, li • \ were they, without die neeiisioined aid from thi< iiaders. to siihsi-^t heinselves and their familie-^ diiriiiii the en uniif w inter ? A tew days afuru ariis, I went to Mr. WellH, ami tidd hini t i I wbh poor, with a liari^ family l" supixirt by my own exertions, and tlui I muM no* ^uiilnbly sullier. and perha|>s peritth. unless hi wnold ffivr me i'r ■y^ i' It y 183 'fANXEn'b N4RRATIVB. eucli a rrrdit as I had always, in tlie fall, been accustomed to re- ccivc. lit' wtiidd not listen to my rf|ircs«-iitation, and told inr, roughly, to i>v gone from his house, i then took eight silver heaveis, siuh as are worn by the women, as ornuments on their dress, and which 1 harl purchased the year before at just twice the price that was coiinaiinly given lor a capote; 1 laid tiiem be- for«- him, on the table, and asked him to give me a capote for (hem, or retain tlu ni as a pU-dge for the pa\menl of the price of the garment, as soon a> 1 could procuri' the peltries. He took up the ornaments, threw them in my face, anil told me ne\er to come inside of lii-< house again. The <-(dd weather of the winter had not yet s«'t in, and I wint imnuMliately to my limiting ground, killed a numl)er of moose, and set my wife to make the skins into siicli garments as were best adapted to the winter season, and uhi( h 1 now saw we should be compelled to sul>stitute tor the bliiiikels and woollen ilothes we liad been accuslomeil to receive from the traders. I continued my hunting with good sueress, but the winter had not half passed, when I lieanl thai Mr. Ilanie, a trader for the Hudson's Hay people, had arrivi-d at I'endiin.ih. I went imme- diately to him, and he uave me all the credit I asked, which wa-; to the anmunl (d' seventy skins. Tln'ii i went to Muskral Kiver, where 1 hunted the riniainder of the winter, killinn great num- bers of martens, beavers, otters, «5te. Karlv in the siirinif, I sent word by some Indians to Mr. Ilanie. that 1 would go down to the imnith of the A-isinneiioin, and iir ct him there, to pay my credit, as I had skins more thait enough for tliis puipos«'. When I arrived at the Assiiuieboin, Mr. Ilanie had not yri passed, and I slopped to wait for him ojipusite Mr. VV( H's tradiii;j hcMise. An idd {''renchman nl]ei'ed me a loiJMini; in his house, and I went in and d p ite ' ni. peltries under the place he gave me to sh-ep in. Mi. W. lis, having card of my arrival, sei\i thr<'e li es, urii'ng me ti> - ome and sec him. At last, I yiiddcrl to the s'-'icilations of rny brother-in-law, and crossed over wilh him. Mr. Wills was glad to see me, and treated me with much politeness ; he afVered me wine and provisions, and whatever his house Htlorded- I had taken nothinir except a little tobacco. >vhen I saw his Frenclinian eome in with my packs. They car- V lANNKRS NAUKATlVi: ISiJ ricd them past me into Mr. Well's bed room ; lie then locked the door, and lookout the key. liiunediiitely his kiiidiiess and at- tentions to me rcla.xed. 1 said nothing, but tVii not ihe h'ss anxious and uneasy, as i was very unwilling to be deprived of the means of paying Mr. llanie his credit, still more so to have my property taken from n»e by violenee, or without my own con- soiit. 1 watched about the house, uikI at length luunii an oppor- tunity to slip into the bed room, wliile Mr. Wells was then lakii^; fiometiiing from a trunk. He tried to drive me, and al'terwa.-ds to push mc out, but 1 was too strong for him. Alter he had proceeded to this violence, 1 did not hesitate to take up uiy packs, but he snatched them I'roin me. Again I seized them, and in the struggle that ensued, the thongs thai boimd them wero broken, and the skins strewed about the tloor. As 1 went to gather them up, he drew a i»i»tol, cocked it, ami presented it to my itreast. For a moment I stood motioidess, thinking ho would cerlaiidy kill me, as i saw he was much eiiiauH d ; then 1 seized his hand, and turned it aside, at the same moment drawing iVoin my licit a large knife, which I grasped tirmly in my right hand, still holding him by my left. Seeing himself thus sudilenl\ ;inrt entirely in my power, he called lirsl for his wife, tlu'ii for his in- terpreter, and told them to put me out of the house. To this, the interpreter answered, " You are as able to put him out as I am.*' H(une of the Frenchmen were also in the house, but they refused to ifive him any assistance. Fimling he was imt likely to in- timidate or overcome sue by \ iolence, lie had rfcoursc onco more to milder measures. He (diered to divide with me, and to allow me to retain half my peltries for the lluilsmi's Bay people, " You have always," saiil he, " bcloiicred to the north west ; why should yon now desert us for the Hudson's \V,\\ I"' He then proceed) d t<> count the skins, di\ idiii>^ tin in into two par- cels ; but I told him it was unnecessarv, as I was delermlMed he should not have o'le of them. "I w«'nt to you,'' said I, '■ last fall, when I was huuLny and destitute, and you drove nx', like a dog, fiMun your floor. The ammunition with which I killed these animals, was credited to me by Mr. Hanie, and the skins belong to him; hut if this was not the case, you should not have one of ihetn. You are a coward ; you have not so much courage as a child. If you had the lieart of a si^uaw, you wouM 1} I' I ■' ili - i I • '1 ls4 TANNtn's NARKATIVC. not have pointed your pistol at my I)rea3t, and have failed to shoot me. My life whs in your powi r, and there was mitliiiig to prevent your lakinfr it, not even the fear of my friends, f(ir you know that I am a stranger here, and not one among tlie In- dians would raise his hand to avenge my death. You miglit have thrown my body into the river, as you would a dog, an, and told him to beware how he provoked me t.» use thein. At last, wea- ried with this altereation, he went and sat down o|)posite me in the large room ; thouirh he was at eon-iderable distance, so great was his agitation, that I rould distinctly hear his heart lieat. ^^Ilc sat awhile, then went and began 'o walk hack and forth in the yard. I collected my skins togetlx . and the inter; -eter helped me to tie them up ; then taking them on my back, I walked out, passed close by him, put them in my canoe, and returned to the old Frenchman's house, on the other side. Next mornino, il appeared that Mr. Weils had thought better of the subject, than to wish to take my property from me by vio- leiue, for he sent his intcroreter to otl'cr me his horse, which was u very valual)le assed. that ho wcMilil lake my paiks from me; and llmugh Mr. Well- eauti.>ned him against it, Ik determined on maixing the attempt. It was near noon, when the old Frenchman, after looking out of his house, said to ute, " My friend, I believe you will lose your packs now ; four men are cominu this way, all well armed ; their visit, I am sure, is for no gooii or friendly purpose." Ilraring this, i placed my packs in the middle of the tioor, and Uiking u beaver trap in my band, sat down on them. When the clerk e«ine in. arcompauied by three youug mou. he a-sked mc for ins V. iV I-ANNKU's NAIillATlV t\ i-5r> and have (&\M to there was uotliiug of my IVitnils, iov one amonil the In- 1. You mishl have 1 a iU)tf, antl n<» oiu; but you wanted tlu; 111 not a knil'e in my small one, and told hem. 'Vt last, wea- lown opposite me in lie ilistanre, so preat bis lu-arl heat. ■5^110 uk and forth in the IH' interv eter helped back, I walked .ml. , and returned to th« Is had thought better )crty from me by vio- ; his horse, whieh was uore of wbal be li;id ■vU-T. " he is a ebilil. el in one day ; hnt he se of my '»wn ; I will pointed bis pistol at ;liool me." llvsoftbe North West at Movisr Kiver, ami Lard what had passed. Ll tliMiigh Mr. Well- |, maiviii}! the attemi>l. I. after looking out ol V,. you will lose youv I, all well armed; their V purpose." H.aiiiifr be tioor, and Uikinij f lu'in. 'VVheii the elerk u. he a.skcd me fur im 'tacks. " What right have you," said I, ♦' lo (Ifioanil liiein *"' • Vou are indebted to inc," said he. "When did 1 owe the \..rth West any tliintr, that was not paid at the time airreed on?'' '■Ten years ago," said be, ")()iir brother, Wa-me-gon-a-bie\v, had a criMJit Ironi ine, which he paid all but ten skins; those arc sUlldue, and I wish you to pay them." "Vory well," said I. "f will pay your demand, but you nnist, at llie .^ann- time, pay mr for those four packs of beaver we sent to you from the (Iraud Porlaire. Your due bill was, as yini know, burned with my lodge, at Kc-nu-kaw-ne-she-wa-bo-ant, and you have never paid me, or any member of our family, the value of a single needle for those one hundred and sixty l)eaver skins." Finding this method would not succeed, and knowing, though he disregarded it, the justice of my reply, he tried the eH'ect of violent measures, like those used on the preceding day bv Mr. Wells ; but when he perceived these were and would Ix ■ .|ually unavailir)g, he rc- turred to the fort, without having k«-n a single marten skin from me. When I ascertained that it would ume time before Mr. Hanie would arrive, I went down (o Dead Ki\ ( i , and whih' I was waiting there, killeil four hundred nniskrats. \l last. Mr. lianip arrived at the place where 1, with another man, bad been waiting for him. He told me that he had passed Mr. Wells' trading- house, at the moutli of the Assinneboin, in the middle of the dav. with his crew singing. Mr. Wells, on seeing him, had immedi- ately started after him, with a canoe strongly maimed and armed. On perceiving this pursuit, Mr. Ilani*' went on shore, and leaving his men in his canoe, went up aliout twenty yards into a smooth prairie. Hither Mr. Wells followed him, attended l)y several armed men; but Mr. Hanie made him stop at the distance often yards, atid a long dispute lollowed, which ended in bis permit- ting Mr. Hanie to pass down. I related to him my story of the treatment I had received, and paid him his credit. I traded with him for the remainder of my peltries, and after we had fmislied, he gave me s(une handsome presents, anumg which was a valua- ble gun, and then went on liis way. As I was re-ascending Red River, I met Mr. Wells. He was destitute of fresh game, and asked me for some, which I should h.ave given, had it been in my power ; but he attributed my refusal to ill will. Afterward'^, ti4 / IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1^ IIIIM IIIIIM 1^ us ;!f 1^ 12.0 IL25 i 1.4 1.6 v] v^ r^ -5i;^.:> ■^.^ ^j" / ^^. '/ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WtST MAIN STRUT WiBSTH,N.Y MSIO (716) 173-4303 [\ ;\ i.EHI ^rn '! k lSin'pri)5inff efi'ort of arlivily, which carried his feet near two I r Ih Wf rANNtU .S NAllUAl'n i;. i!?; hovse ic^ y refused refusal, I aiul after BV traders uul it fell th of Mr. aded with 1 shot me, en less of- as he did, B after this It, by invi- r him give at Spirit to night in a ast, and lis- hcard two North West .wo Fronch- »ked at eacli nen are kiU- vv the sound i, hut all the and 1 amonir and stumps, lill foremost. c moment, I )W-in-nin-nr. of this man. jre, at Chief )e an attack, anred within first to one line, though lis example. I was with a ( t near iwf' \ards from the ground. We saw witliin llie Ibrl a liniisc, at tin- window .ind door of whicli we perceived a hri'^iit light. Tli< JMack Duck had a huflaloe robe over his shoulders, the dark co- lour of which enabled him to jiass tho wiiidou' undiscovered by the man who was watching within ; but my white blanket be- traying me, the muzzle of a gun was instantly presented to my head, but not Uischarged, for the Black Duck at that instant caught in his arms the aH'righted Kniuchman, who had mistaUot me for one of the Sioux, and was in the act of firing upon mo. The second Frenchman was with the women ami children, who were all lying in a heap in th>' corner of the room, crying through fear. It appeared that the one who was watching l)y tlut window, who was the most manly of the two, had, a i"ew minutes before. i)een driving his horse out of the fort, to give him water, when the animal had been shot dead in the gate by some men concealed near at hand. He at first thought we were the poo[)le who had :>hot his horse; but he was soon convinced of his error, as we did not even know that the body of the horse was lying at the gate. having jumped entirely over it when we entered. This French- man would not leave the fort : but the Black Duck, who was ii relative of one of the women, insiste.i that they should be taken to the Indian camp. Others of our young men had by this tiin<^ come up, and we determined to watch in the fort all night. Next morning wc found the trail of the two men who had crossed tho Pembinah river, a considerable Mar party having l)een concealed on the other side. The two men were the celebrated Yauktong chief, Wah-ne-tow, ami his uncle. They had concealed them- selves near the gate of the fort, with the determination to shoot down whatever came out ;ir went in. The first that [)asse(l, hap-- pening to be the Frenchmaii's horse, he was shot down ; and the two men, probably without knowing whether they had killed man or beast, fled across the river. When it was ascertained that the Sioux war party was not ;i very large one, many were disposed to pursue after it, but Ksh- ke-buk-ke-koo-sha said, " not so, my brethren ; Maiiito-o-geezhik. whose messenger I am to you, tells us we must no more gn against our enemies. And is it not manifest, that in this instanco the Great Spirit has protected us. Had the Sicuiv come about our lodge when we were fi'Hstinjr >n pecurify. M'ithout our arm"- u ,:i ■4 i»» TANM;K -S NA.RUA.TlMi. ill our hands, liow easily inighl they huvc killed all of lis; but ihey were misled, and made to mistake a Frenehman's horse for an Ojibbeway. 80 will it continue to be, if we are obedient to the injunctions we have received." I began to be apprehensive for my family, having left them at home, and fearing that the Si- oux might visit them, on their way to their own country. " Go," said Esh-ke-l)uk-ke-koo-sha, when I tohl him of my anxiety, " but do not fear that the Sioux can do any injury to your wife or chil- dren ; but I wish you to go, that on your return you may bring me your medicine bag, and I shall show you what to do with the contents." I did accordingly, and he ordered the contents of m\ medicine bag, except the medicines for war and hunting, to be thrown into the tire. " This," said he, " is what we must hence- forth do ; if any one is sick, let them take a bowl of birch bark, and a little tobacco; the sick person himself, if he is able to walk, otherwise his nearest relative, and let them go to the nearest run- ning water. Let the tobacco be offered to the stream, then dipj)iu(: (lie bowl in the same direction in which the water runs, let them take a little, and carry it home, for the sick person to drink. But if the sickness l)c very severe, then let the person that dips up the water, plunge the bowl so deep that the edge of it shall touch (he mud in the bottom of the stream." He then gave me a small hoop of wood to wear on my head like a cap. On one half ol this hoop, was marked the figure of a snake, whose office, as the chief told me, was to take care of the water ; on the other half, tlie figure of a man, to re()resent the (Jreat Spirit. This band, or fillet, was not to be worn on ordinary occasions — only when I .should go to bring water for some of my family or friends who f^hould be sick. I was much dissatisfied at the destruction of the contents of my medicine bag, many of them being such roots and other substances, as I had found useful, in the disorders incident to my situation ; and I was still more displeased, that we were not, henceforth, to be allowed to use these remedies, some of which I knew to be of great value. But all the Indians of the band were in the same situation with myself, and I was com- pelled to submit. When the spring came on, I went to fulfil an appointment I liad made the preceding fall, with Sha-gwaw-ko-sink, to meet him at A cert^i place. 1 arrived on the spot at the time appointed. I ' r I !■ Uis ; bvtt horse for lediem to rohensivc lat the Si- •. "Oo," iety, " bvil ife or chil- may bruig lo with the ents of my ting, to be lUSt hence- birch bark. )le to walk, learest run- len dipping lis, let them drink. But that dips up , shall touch ; nic a small one half ot )frice, as the other half. This band, [only when I friends who liction of the ;h roots and ers incident |hat we were [OS, some of Idians of the I was com* kpointment I to meet him appointed. TANV'KR's NARnATIVK. 180 and shortly afterwards, the old man came, on foot and alone, to search fur me. llv had encamped about two miles distant, where he bad been for two days, and tbey had plenty of fresh meat, which was particularly grateful to me, as for some time past I had killeil l)Ut little. I lived with him during the summer. Slia-gwaw-ko-sink was now too old and feei)le to hunt; but he had some young men with him, who ke|)t him supplied, while iraine was lobe ha I ; but late in the fall, the hunting grounds about us liecame poor. The weather was very cold, and the ground hard frozen, but no snow fell; so that it was diflicult to follow the tracks of the moose, and the noise of our walking on hard ground and dry leaves, gave the animals timely .varning of our a|)proacli. This state of things continuing for some time, we were all reduced nearly to starva- tiiiu, and had recoiusc, as a last resort, to medicine hunting. Half the night I smig u-id prayed, and then lay down to sleep. I saw. in my dream, a beautiful young man come down through the hole in the top of my lodge, and he stood directly before me. •• What," said he, "is this noise and crying that I hear? Do I not know when you are hunffry and in distress ? I look down upon you at all times, and it is not necessary you should call me with such loud cries." Then pointing directly towards the sim's setting, he said, " do you see those tracks?" "Yes," 1 answered, " the\ are the tracks t)f two moose." " I sive you those two moose to eat." Then poii\ting in an opposite direction, to\vards the place of the sun's rising, lie showed me a bear's track, and said, "that nlso I give you." He then went out at the door of my lodge, and as he raised the blanket. I saw that snow was fallinrious and real evils, in the hie even of the most enlightened and inde|>endent. Many cases of sudden sickness ocrur among them, arul many deaths hap|H-n entirely in tiic way of nature, which they, l)eiiiu; vnnorant of the true cause, attribute to poison, ur more frequently to bad medicine ; but enough of well authenticated instances exist to {)rove that they, in some cases, practice upon each other by poison ; sometinip^ using such noxious jilants, or other substances, as their own country affords, and in other instances prorurinsi ars<'nic, or other drugs, from the whites. To destroy life in this way, is perfectly in accordance with their ideas of bravery, or tough- ness of heart, (Soiig-ge-d.i-win ;) he being often esteemed the braveft nian, wiio destroys his enemy with least risk to his own life. The C'hippcwyans, wliose bleak and inhospitable country, affords neither hircli bark or other similar article, indeed nothing from the vegetable kingdom to serve as a substitute for the birch bark, and whose extreme rudeness has left them igno- rant of any method of pre])aring from stones or earth, any thing suitable to wile or delineate figures upon, use, in their i)reparafions for the me Indians, than ' P(iual guilt to verful drug, or Tie, however rc- r, as to produce luence of these ;ur\>ass compre- w mindt* of ouv tural powers, in nost serious and Lt. Many cases I entirely in tho 3uU- to pois*)n, ur d instances exist lison ; sometimcj ntry affords, and iites. To destroy ravery, or tovigh- raveft man, wlw irds neither hireh kingdom to serve as left Ihem igno- auitahle to wito licine hunt, tin in their oountn . oatrerness of tlifir drawing usi'din \>one.) It would in are pro|>ortion- deer, or whatever ir dream, they cast anee, they hnpiicn ;he imaiiinii'i"" °^ mofhismedicuiff, he their interpreter, and coininnniciite tlunr reqiiesls to tlie Su- preme ; oftentimes, also, to Me-suk-kum-mik 0-k\vi, or the earth, the great-ifiand-mother of all. In these sonsrs, they relate h(»w Na-na-bush created the ground, in obedience to the com- niands of the Great SSpiril, and how all ihinirs for the use, and to .sup|ily tiic wants of the uncles and aunts of Na-na-bush, (by which live meant men and women,) were committed to the care and Keeping of the great mother. J\a-na-bush, ever the benevolent intercessor between the Supreme Being and mankind, procured to be created for their benefit, llit> animals whose flesh should be for their food, and whose skins were for their cloiliing. He sent ilown roots and nu'dicines, of sovereign power, to heal their sick- )iesses, ami in times of hunger, to enable them to kill the animals of the chase. All these things were committed to the care of Me-suk-kmn-mik O-kwi ; and that his uncles and aunts miglit never call on her in vain, the old woman was directed to ri'main con- stantly at home in her lodge. Hence it is, that good Indians nevev dig up the roots of which their medicines are made, without at the same time depositing in the earth something as an offering to 3Ie-suk-kum -mik O-kwi. They sing also, how, in former times, the Great Spirit having killed tl\e brother of Na-na-l)ush, the latter was angry, and strengthened himself against the Su[)reme. Na-na-bush waxed stronger and stronger, and was likely to prc- va against Gitch-e-manilo, when the latter, to appease him, gave him the Me-tai. With this, i\a-na-bush was so pleased, that he brought it down to his uncles and aunts on the earth. Many of these songs are noted down, by a method probably peculiar to the Indians, on birch bark, or small flat pieces of wood ; the ideas being conveyed by end)lematic figures, some- what like those before mentioned, as used in counnunicating or- dinary information. Two years previous to this time, a man of our band, called Aiji- kaw-ba-wis, a (piiet and rather insignillcaiit person, ai> > poor hunter, lost his wife by death ; and his cliildreii began, even iiiore than formerly, to sutlisr of hunger. The death of his wife was attended with peculiar circumstances, and Ais-kaw-ba-wis became melancholy and despondent, which we attributed to the sluggish- ness of his disposition ; but he at length called the chiefs to- gether, and vvitii much solemnity, announced to them that he had lill HI '^^ ■ ! A' wm 194 iANNKK M NARKAllVh, been favoured by a new rovclaliou from the (ircat JSpint. He .showed thciii a round ball of earth, about four or five inches in diameter, or more than half as large as a man's head, rolled j-ound anil smooth, and smeared with red j)aint. " The Great Spirit," said he, "as I sat, from day to day, cryinjf, and praying, and singing in my lodge, at last callei! to me, and said, ' Ais- Jiaw-ba-wis, I have heard vour prayers, 1 have seen the mats in your lodge wet with yoiu- tears, and have listened to your re- qtiest. I give you this ball, and as you see it is clean and new, I give it to you for your business to make the whole earth like it, even as it was when Na-iia-i)ush first made ii. All old things must be destroyed and done away ; every thing must be made anew, and to your hands, Ais-kaw-ba-wis, I commit this great work.' " I was among those wliom he called in to listen to this iirst an- nunciation of his mission. It was not until after he dismissed us that I said any thing ; but then, in conversation with my companions, I soon betrayed my want of credulity. " It is well," said I, " that wc may be made acquainted with tlie whole mind and will of the Great S|)irit, at so cheap a rate. Wc have now these divinely taught instructors springing up among ourselves, and, fortunately, such men as are worth nothing for any other purpose. The Shawnee prophet was far off. Kc- zhi-ko-we-ninne and Manito-o-geezhik, though of our own tribe, were not with us ; they were also men ; but here we have one too poor, and indolent, and spiritless, to feed his own family, yet he is made the instrument, in the hand of the Great Spirit, as he would have us believe, to renovate the whole earth." I had al- ways entertained an imfavourable opinion of this man, as I knew him to be one of the most worthless among the Indians, and I now felt indignant at his attempt to pass himself upon us as a chosen and favoured messenger of the Supreme Spirit. I hesi- tated not to ridicule his pretensions wherever I went ; but not- withstanding that bad luck constantly attended him, he gained a powerful ascendancy over the minds of the Indians. Ilis inces- sant beating of his drum at night, scared away the game from our neighbourhood, and his insolent hypocrisy made him offen- sive to me, at all times ; but he had found the way to control the minds of many of the people, and all my efforts in opposition to him were in vain. 't'S^ -■f*-^... . - -.-■■■ .r^errrara . •^y.^ajy ' _ TANNEK S NAllUAI'lV 1 lur. s first aii- with m> » It if the whole rate. We up among nothing for r off. Kc- own tribe, e have one family, yet Spirit, as he I hail al- ,, as 1 Unev lians, ami I pon us as a lit. I hesi- |it; but not- he gained a His inces- game from him offeu- ly to control n opposition i)i\ one oeeasion, wliile \vc reiTMined at ihir; placo, and hvn\ been suffering some d.iys I'ntin liiiniier, I went out to hunt, and wounded a moose. On my return, I related this, and said 1 be- lieved the moose was so hadly wouiuled that lie must die. Ivirlj next morniup, Ais-kaw-ba-wis came to my lodtrc, ami, with tlu utmost seriousness iti his manner, said to me, tliat the Great Spirit had been down, and told him of the moose I had wound- ed. " He is now dead," said he, " and you will lind him in such a place. It is the will of tlie (ireal Spirit that he shoidd be broujrht here and cooked for a sacrifice." 1 ihougiit it not im- j)robable tlat tlu^ moose was killed, and went in search of him accordingly, Init I found he was not dead. This a Horded me another opportunity to ridicule the pretensions of Ais-kaw-bn- wis ; but all seemed in no degree to impair the confidence of tiie Indians. Verj'^ shortly nflerwards, it ha|)pened that I again Avmnided a moose, and went liome williout i>etling it. "This," said Ais-kaw-ba-wis, "is the moose which the Great Spirit sliow- ed me." So i went out and brought him in, and as I knew man\ of the Indians were hungry, I was willing to make a feast, though not out of deference to Ais-kaw-ba-wis. As we were too few in number to consume all the meat, we cut it off the hours, and these were heaped up before Ais-kaw-ba-wis, care l)eing taken tliat not one of them should be broken. Tliey were afterwards carried to a safe place, and hung up out of the reach of the dogs or wolves, as no bone (»f an animal offered in this way nuist, by any means, be broken. On the following day, I killed another fat moose, on which occasion Ais-kaw-ba-wis made a long ad- dress to the Great Spirit, and afterwards said to me, " You see, my son, how your goodness is rewarded ; \-ou jrave the first you killed to the Spirit; he will take care you shall not want." Next day I went with my brother-in-law, and we killed each one. and now Ais-kaw-ba-wis extillerl much in the efficacy of the sa- crifice he had caused me to make, and his ascendancy over the superstitious minds of the Indians was confirmed. Notwith- standing this higli degree of favour he had ,> !|1, ill' i it \' V^ X liti; IANNKR's NAKKAl'IVl. of the sprino-, the men oC our Iniiid, Sha-ii, Ha-|)o-\vasli. (Jisli-knii-ko. myscll', and somr ollu'i's, went to make a liuntinjr vnmp a» sonic distanco, f(»r the purpose of tnakinir dry moat, and left only Ais-kaw-ba-w is at liomi; witli llic vvonun. We kill»', as it is very easy to lake moose and elk at lliat season; tlio erust on ilir snow, while il will hear a man, alnntsl (lej)iives them of the power of motion. Al leiiir'Ji, (iish-kau-ko went home to see his faniilv, and on his return he hroujrht me a little tobacco troin Ais-kaw-ba-wis, with this messajne, " Your life is in danger." " My life," said I, " belongs neither to Ais-kaw-ba-wis nor my- self; it is in the hands of the (Jreat Spirit, and when he sees fit to place it in dantrer, or brinir it to an end, I shall have no cause to complain ; but I cannot believe that he has revealed any part of his intentions to so worthless a man as yVis-kaw-ba-wis." Fiul this intimation alarnied all the Indians who were with me, and they made the best of their way to the place where Ais-kaw-I)a- wis was encamped with the women. 1 took a circuitous route by myself, to visit some of my traps, and havinnf caught an otter. I took him on my i)ack, and arrived at home s(une time aflci them. Here I found all our lodges converted into one largi one; the women and children, together with the men who had arrived long before me, were shivering with cold by a fire in tlir open air. When I inipiired the meaning of all this, they told me that Ais-kaw-ba-wis was preparing for some im|)ortant com- munication to be given through him from the (Jieat Spirit. M( had been a long time in preparing the lodge, during wliich ever\ one was excluded, and he had arranath. and despised the admonitions you have received, thi- short and crooked line represents your life. Yon are to attain only to half of the full aije of man. This line, turning; off on the other side, is that which shows what is determined in rela- tion to the yountf wife of Ba-po-wash." As he said this, he showed us the marks he had made on the irround, as below. The lonsr, straiirht liiu*, a, representino;, as he said, the life of the In- dians, Sha-jrvvaw-koo-sink, VVan-zhe-gaw-maish-koon, &c. The short crooked one, /), showing the irregular course and short con- } I. 11 Li. ^gig^ I9ii lANNKR S XARRATIVt. tinuance of mine; and the abniplly terminating one on tlie oiiai side, showinj^f tlic life of llie favourite wife of Ba-po-wash. li liappeiied that Ba-po-wash Iiad ch-ied tfie clioice i»arts of a fit; bear, intendiiiir, in the spring, to make u feast to his medicine; and a iew days previous to ihi- tiii;e; 'vhile we were absent at our hunting eanip, Ais-kaw-ba-wis iiad suiii lo the old woinun, the mother of Ba-pu-washV wife, " 'I'lie tireat S])irit has sii-po-wash, who was niucii a'arnied at the threatened evil, and to avert it he not only gavr Ais-kaw-ba-wis the remai'i er of ilie l)ear, but a large f|uantily (il marrow he had saved for his least, and other valual)le preseiil-, After this, we started In eonie to an island railed Me-nau-z!ic taw-naun, in t!ie Lake of the Woods, wher-' we had rtniplirU-d t.. jdant e be 00 holy to go into a ■■ nun n hol!^e, or to ingle with men in their ordinary pursuits, sent for the wife of (lish-kau-lvn. and when she eame to him, he said. " The Great Spirit is iki: pleased that yon should abandon and lose your pro|)erty. (.ie, therefore, aiul get thi' kettle that ymi ha e left at the suiiiii eantp." The W(Mnan obeyed; :ind he, soon after she had left iIk ramp, took his yun, and under the pretence of going t ) hunt, went out in a dlH'erenl directi(»u; but lie bud no sooner got out of sight of the lodtres, than he turned, and by a <'rruitous routr enme upon the track of the wife of ('ish-knu-Vo. She, who hiid been before annoyed l)y his particular attentions, and siirmiscii the real object he had in view, in sending her for the kettle, kept a look out behind her, ami when «he snw him come running after her. she bfgau to run also. .Inst at this lime I wnn returninir I , ,^f^ the ollifi \vasl\. It ■; ol' a I'll I iiu'ilioinc -, abst'iil at tl WOllliUl, IS sigiiilicil ml and !<('C, ft)!- a tVusi jul acctii-d- , Ais-kuw- oleii llu'm. was nuii'l' I only ijavc (|U!iiitity ol lie |H•^>S^Mlt^. Me-navi-z!u 'onclu'lcil til :^r. On (tur wont to vi.^ii rn. '■ 1»"1'- le at the su- n>y were U< •otonilinti '" iiiglo wiili is!i-lvaii-l>" )irit is no\ )crly. t^«" tlic svi!:;iir liiul ll'l'l till HIT I 1 hunt ncr !i"t "tit viilcnis nttitc It', who liixl ntl snnnisotl ketllc, Ivt'pt IV' rnnning aClti- fnn rftnrninir XANNI^Ii S NAUKATIM.. iity from the trading-house u itli the other [ndiaiis, w lion we descried this chase at a distance. It occasioned us much alarm, when wc saw first a woman, then a man, running with so inu<'h appa- rent earnestness ; we thought notliing less than thai tiic Siuux had come to the country, and were murdering our women and thildren. But when we came a little marer, the pretended pro- phet gave over his pursuit of the woman, and came and sal down with us, to drink of the rum which the Indians hail bruughl from thf inuhng-iiouse, ami which they gave him very liberally. The woman was, however, a iter her arrival at home, compelled to irive some account of the race, and she acknowledged that Ais- kiiw-ba-wis had often sought similar opporluinlies to be alone ivitli her, though such was her fear of him that she never dared make any disclosure, or offer any other resistance than an at- tempt to escape by flight. This discovery occasional no dis- tiiibance, and seemed, in no degree, to diminish the inllneiuc of \is-kaw-ba-wis, A large proportion of the rum we had broniihl Iroin the trading-house was seta|»art lor him, but when the prin- cipal man among us sent lor him to come and receive it, he re- turned for answer, that he could not come. " Ttdl the chief," faid he, " that if he has any business with me, he em come to my lodge." The liijuor was accordingly carried to him ; but its effect seemed to render his ilisp i-ilion somewhat more social and condescending, for about the middh- of the night he came staggering into the lodge where I was, without the least cover- ing on any part of his body. To mr bis a|ipearance was ludi- iTOiis in the extreme, and 1 did not refrain from a good deal of irreverent merriment (m the occasion. After this, we came to the Lake of the Woods, where 1 hunt- nl for about a month, then went back into the country I had left, ill the Indians remainint> behind to clear the ground where thev iiilcnded j)lantingcorn at Me-naii-zhe-laii-nauiiir. I now began to experience the inconveniences resulting from having incurred lilt' ill will of Ais-kaw-ba-wis. Itoitwas who prejudiced the Indians so much a, ainst me, and particularly the relatives of my wife, that my situation at Me-nau-z'ie-tau-itainiif was uncomforta- bir, and I was compellpti to return to Hed Kiver. It was about this time thiit the Scots people, to the numlier of tne hundred or more, ar '"'^d to settle at Uod Kiver, under tin ■I' y 1 r- •! 4 11 • |ini^ ! f 1* •' Ik •JOO tanner's NAKRATIVt, protection of the Hudson's Bay Company, and amon^ these I «a\v, for the first time in many years, since I had become a man, a white woman. Soon after my arrival, I was taken into tlie employment of the Hudson's Bay Company, and Mr. Hanie, the agent, sent nie, accompanied bv Mr. licss, an interjjreter, and some men, to kill builiiioe. The butJiilof were, at that time, ai a gre.il distance, and the Scots people in great distress for want of provisions. I hajjjjened to lind and kill two bulls near home, and after sending back the nu'at, 1 went on to the herds. I had hunted here a few days, when our number was increased to four clerks and about twenty men, the latter employed in bringing in the meat I killed to my lodge, whence it was carried in carts to the settlement. All of these lived in my lodge ; but one of the clerks, named IM'Donald, was very abusive to iiiy wile and children. Mr. Hess repeatedly checked him for this cou- dud, but as lie continued it, lie coiiijilained t(j Mr. Ilaiiie, wlm sent M'Donald to a place several miles distant, where the In- dians had killed about twenty bufUiloes, which it was not eon- venient, at present, to bring out, and there he remained by him- self for two mouths, having no oilier occupation m amusement than to scare the widves away from the meat. Mr. M'Ken/ic was one of the three remaining clerks who lived in my loi'go. and he was so ditlbrent from M'Domild, that at the end of foiii months, when the greater part of the peojile were called in to the .MUtleinent, he stdicited and obtained from Mr. Hanie j)cr mission to remain lonncr wilii me, to improve hi self in tlu Ojibbeway language, and he did not leave me until after the sugar season. I killed, in the four months ihat I hnnted for the HudsonV Bav Company, about one hundred butlaloes ; bill as part, or nil of many of these were eaten in my own lodge, I d«'liveied onl) forty entire and fat ones (o the company's jieople, for which Mr. Hanie |mi. Those Scots labi'iirers who were with me, were much mon rough and brutal in their mannrrs than any (leople I had before seen. F.veii when ihey had plenty, they ate like starved ilogs, und never failed to ipiarrel o\er llu'ir meat. The clerks fie- ipiently lieat and punished them, but ihey would still (juarrel. Mr. Hanie, and the ftovernor for the Hudson's Bay'.** Conip!' I 0H »-«B.3r "-^ag" lANNKR S NAUKATIVJ:;, *^i r these I ic a man, into the [anic, the eler, and tiiae, ai a ,r want ol" ear home, s. , iiirrcased iployecl in vas carrunl lodge -, but to :uy wife ,1' iliiri <"un- llanie, wlio liere the In- viis not t'on- ned V)y liim- aniurtemenl Ir. M'Wenzie in my lot'u,p. . Olid ol' foiM called ill t" Hanie jum- sell' in tlu jilil alter thi' tiy, proposed to me to hiiild ine a lionse, and engage me perma- nently in their employment: but I delayed aeeepiing their otl'er, as I thouglit it doubtful whether llieir attempt at settling the country would finally sneceed. Some of the Indians whom I liad left at the Lake of the Woods, had followed me out, spent die winter witli me, and returned long ago. I was still by my- self at Red River, when Wa-irc -tote came from Me-nau-zhe-tau- iiauiig, with a message from my father and mother-in-law. They^ liud lost several of their ehiMren by death, and feeling lonely, they sent for me to come to them. This message Wa-gc-totc delivered to me in the presence of the traders, and some other persons : but afterwards he called me out by myself, and said to me, " Do not bidieve that your father-in-law calls you to Mc- nau-7,he-tau-naung, to be at peace, or with any kiiul intention. When the children were sick, they called Ais-kaw-ba-wis to do something for them, and lie having made a ehees-suk-kon, said lie had called you into his »'ii(dos(ire, and made you confess that vou had shot bad medicine at the children, though you was at tiiat time at Red River, He made your tiitlnr-in-law believt; that you had the |)owe>- of life and (hath over his children, ami he continues to btliive, as do nnisl of the Indians of the band, diat it was your medicine which killed them. He assured, there- fore, that they call you thither with du' desiiiii of killing you." Notwithstanding this admonition. I started immediately, as 1 knew if I did not they would be but the move confirmed in their unfounded opinion ttf my culpability. I had bought a shirt from sonu' of the Scots jieople at Red River, which I put on as I was abmit to start on this jinirney. Probably it was frcmi this I contracted a diseas(> of the skin, wliieh became so troublesome and violent that I was eompelled to stop at the Be-gwi-o-nns-ko River. Here I remained lor a month, beinii for a hnig lime unable to mo\e. AVIieii I fust stopped I set up my lodire on tli^' brink of the river, and after I was unable to walk, I subsisted niysi If and family by lying in my canoe uinl fishing. After being placed in my canoe, some- times I lay there for three or four days without being moved, covering myself with a mat at niglit. My wife was not so se- vere!/ ad'ected, being, though very sick, still able to walk. When 1 began to get a little better, I tried all sorts of raedicine«! W S^ I 'lii \ J 'Mi iawkr's naurativk. I It iPv' m I could procure, but none seemed to do mc so much good aa g\in powder, moistened a little, and rubbed upon the sores, which were very large. This disorder, caught originally from tlic Scotch people, spread among the Indians, and killed numbers of them. After I had recovered, I went up the Bc-gwi-o-nus-ko, to the small lake of the same nau)e, v\ here I stopped to hunt, and killed plenty of meat. While 1 remained here, there came one day to my lodge, four young men from our village at Me-nau-zhe-tau- naung. In one of the , who was painted black, I recognized my brother-in-law. The three other children being dead, grief, and a feeling of loneliness, intluenced him to leave his father, and start in searcii of some war party, that he might accompany them against their enemies, and thus have an opportunity of sacrilicing, lionourably, a life that had become irksome to him. The three young men his companions, being imwilling to see him depart alone, had voluntarily accompanied him. I ^r;ive him my horse, and then went uj) to tiie Lake of the Woods to y father-in-law, where I remaincnl a few days. As it was then the time when the wild geese, having cast their cpiills, arc unable to fly, wc caught great numbers of them. After four days, I said to the old people, " I cannot remain here, while my little brother has gone crying about, with none to protect him. I know there is danger in the path he will walk, and I ought to follow, to shi>w him where it lies. He wishes to join a war party, that he may walk in a dangerous road ; but there is often danger where we least expect it." I knew that Wa-n!c- gon-a-biew woidd fall upon this boy, and insult, or perhaps kill him, on account of his renu»te relalionshij) to the man wlm wounded Taw-ga-we-ninne, at Mackinac, or at least with this pre- tence. Hha-gwaw-koo-sink, hearing my determination, and thi reas(ms I giive for it, said he woidd iiccompaiiy me : so we started together, and on our arrival at Red Kiver, we heard that Wa-nic- gon-a-biew had taken from the boy the horse I gave him, and had already threatened to kill him. I went inuiiediately to Wn ine-gon-a-biew, and a (]uarrel would probably have taken pliire at once, on account of the young man, had iu>t old Net-no-kwa come between and separated us, as we were about to come to blow- We were all now about to join the (Jrees and Assinne- amm niaB'aiy#y' jU !» Ei : TANNER S NAURATIVt,, '^Ji boin?;, to go against the Sioux, and I cuutioiicd inv \ ouiig bro- lier-in-law to he, on this journey, always watcliful of the move nients of Wa-ine-gon-a-bie\v. We were about forty men in num- ber when we started from Red River. As we j)assed along tiu'ough the Crec and Assinneboin encampments and villages on our route, our party was augmented to the ntunber of two hun- dr(!(i men, long before we arrived at Turtle Mountain. While we were encamped near one of the ('ree villages, Wa-gc-tote and th« principal chiefs being called away to a feast, Wa-me-gon-a-biew began to talk of my brother-in-law; and as I did not like to hear him, I went out and walked about at a distance from the camjv When 1 thought the chiefs had returned from the feast, I re-en icred the camp; but from the expression of concern and interest visible in the faces of those about me, I immediately compre- hended that something had happened. I went to search for the young man, on whose account particularly I felt an ous ; and finding him safe, was returning to my own place, when I disco- vered in the hands of an old man, who was trying to replace them in their original shape, the splinters and fragments of my new gun. I was at no loss to comprehend the nature of the accident which liad deprived me of tlie use of my gun, at a time M'hen it was likely to prove so important to me; and in the first moment of irritation, I seized the barrel, and was walking towards Wa- me-gon-a-biew, to beat him with it, when [ met Wa {jje-tote, who interfered to prevent nte from striking him; though Wa-ge-tote himself, as well as the other chiefs, expressed the greatest dis- satisfacti(»n at what he had done. But notwithstanding the h»ss of my gun, I did not turn back. Arming myself with my gun barrel in place of war club and spear, I went on. In two days from this camp, we arrived at the head of Turtle Mountain, beimr now about four hiind-ed men. Thii^ was the place agreed upon for the assembling of all wh(» should join in the party ; and we had sujjposed that those we should meet here, wouM be few i > number in oom)>nrison with ourselves. We were theret'ore somewriat surprised, when we found already on the ground, one thousand Assinneboins, Crees, and Ojibbe- ways. We stopped at a little distance, and some comnumication took place between tbft chiefs, respecting the ceremony of salntatiou 'P m #p. WIV i Tl- (t^ i % 'l(Vi J a\m;k NAliKATH I.. <() 1)0 Tisoil. If is rnstoinary fi)r v.ar j)aitit'S, ono'ogpd in llicsumc' cause, ov friondly to oacli other, wlicii tlioy noct, to oxcliauirc a few shots by way of a sham l)alllp, in whidi they use all th( iuin|)iii- of a real lighl. 15ut on this occasion holh bands were so lar<>e, undone so much larirer ihaii the other, that the chiefs ihoufiht it more pru(U'ut to >ise a d lifer- ent method of exchaiiaiiii;- coMiplimenls on meetinjr. It was agreed, on the pari of Match-a-to-uie-wub,* the principal chief, that his younsr nien should all remain in tlieir lodges, and that twenty warriors of our baiul slionll salute tlieir encampment, l)y practising the manoeuvres of allackiug a village. A large lodge was set up for them to cut in pieces by their tiring. I was one of the twenty selected for this performance, having supplied my- self with a gun, which I i)roc\U'ed from a man who turned back. It was not without the utnu)st exertion of all my strength, that I kej>t even pace with my companions, in running, leaping, loading, and yelling; and though we rested four times, when we arrived at the chief's lodge, and hail Idowu it to fragments, I was entirel) ex!iauste\. TANNER S NAKRATIVl. •^0,') e all th( t on tlii- •jTor iliaii ;• a (lilVer- It \va^ l)iil fliiff, , and tliiit |)in('i\l, by irj>c Unhv I was onn iplietl iny- ncc' liack. Till, lluil I g, loading. \vr arrived •us cntiri'l) ipnidently. lai;o, whilf blown 11 nil iiscir nniol) ilary on lli^ than olhcr- iiu«n ol" thr loiijiinir to such nuni- )!' the roun- whoin old hat tlu' nn- iitllciont to . men wore |(('linns and who would It is true, (Icijree of lUiwaVf ineons obedience to the cliief each may have umlerliiken to follow; but this obedience, in most instances, c.ontinnes no lonircr lliaii the will of the chief corresponds entirely with the inclination of those he leads. In this party, were some who had iiecii a year on their iourney to reach this place. Two lumdred lodges had their women with them. Soon alter we joined the main body at Turtle Mountain, a Creo, of I'raiiie Fort, adopted uie into his family, taking my balay, was like to terminate in a serious and bloody brawl. Malch-a-to-ge- ^\ id> ran between the combatants, exerted his voice and his hands; iifterwards VVa-ge-tote and all the other principal chiefs, but the young men paid little or no reirard to them. Th(> excitement which had kindled among them, was maddening to raue, and llu; chiefs were running about in the utmost distress and fear, when ;in old man, whose head was white as snow, and w ho was so bent down with age that he walked on two sticks, and looking more like a dotr ihan a man, came out ; and thouiih his voice was too feeble to lie heard at any distance, he no sooner apjieared, than all the Assimnd)oins desisted entirely from tlieir violence, and t le ([uarrel ended. Of those that were wounded and injured in this iifiair, only two died immediately ; but many were so mm-h in- jured, that tliey were sent back to their own country. Had not the greater number entered into the allray withoni their arms, inure extensive mischief would have resulted. Thouirh I iiKpiired iiiiich, I could neither learn the mime, or hear any ihintr satisfac- tory of the history of the old man, by whose interference this adiiir was brought so timelv to an end. Vague, ami proliably very extravagant reports, circiilatfd among us respecting him. * .Vc-je, luv fheiul, uaeU to lualue; and nin-dong-gioa, used by tnuuJi« (o onf> (mother # ! ii mms*. tiO« lAXN'KnS NABRATIVI •1^ CHAPTER XII. Siipprstitions of the Indians — violent and unjust prcjudicn — family misibriuiics- reinarkahip Ifnacily of lilt' in I lie otter, and some otlier small animals — disliir biinces between the Hudson's Hay and North West Fur Companies. ,^ In the evening after this affair, the chiefs walked throna^h iIk village, and addressed all the people. Theanionnt of what the, .said, was to direct, that instead of remaining lunger to (nuind with and destroy each other, we should all move on the follow ing morning towards the Sioux country. Accordingly, the canij) was broken up, a})out half the number returning towards honu. the remainder continuing on. It was now late in the full, ain! we had travelled only two days from Turtle Mountain, whin there came on a cold and violent storm of rain and snow. Tu. horses perished, and many men were near sharing the pame faU; but most or all or the Ojibbeways, carrying each man on his ba(k a puk-kwi of birch bark, large enough to afford a partial coveriii;: for three men, and all being disposed to extend to the destitiiii all possilde assistance and relief, many of them were sheltered. It was immediately after this storm that some one told iin Ba-jris-kim-nunsr was cominji to see me about the horse I liail taken away from him. "Very well," said I, " I believe Ba-ijis. kun-nung has one or two nu)re horses, and if he gives me am troidde about the one I have taken, I will take another." Ai noon he came, but VVa-ge-tole, Ke-me-wim-iiis-kmig, and other men of my friends, had pre|)ared themselves to resist any vio- lence he might attempt to |)ractise on me. He walked up to iiir !is I was roasting some meat, and stood a very long time, I should say two hours, regarding me sternly, without saying a single word, and then walked off. Two days afterwards, two hundred of the Assinneboins turned back. They were reviled and insulted at parting, by those who still continued on ; but this seemed not in the least to shake theiv t•,^^ am^-rtlf^-y^- '- TANNKR'si NARllATlVt. !A>7 .letermination. Desertions, in small bodies, wvw. now very nu- merous, and the rem.iinincr chiefs, with the hope of clieckiuir it, appointed fifty of the best of the young men to art a^ sentinels over the others; but this nieusiu'e was productive of no benefit. When at last we arrived within two days' march of ihe viihijirc it was our intention to attack, four hundred men were all that remained, and the next day very few of these were found williiiir lo follow Match-a-to-tre-wub. He started at the usual time, and walked on by himself, but when at the distance of almut a mile, he saw that none followed him, he sat down in the praiiie. From time to time, one or two men woiild start forward to join him ; but for one who went forward, twenty or more would com- monly start to go back. With my younj^ brother-in-law I stood at the camp to see what would be the result, and when, at last, I saw that of the four hundred, only about twentywere willing (0 follow the chief farther, we determined to join them. We had proceeded but a little distance, when one of the Assinnc- hoins, who had turned back, purposely set fire to the prairie, and wc now all turned back excej)t the chief and one or two men. He went on to the Sioux village, and was lurking ab(jut it for one or two days, when, finding himself discovered, he fled without attempting any thing. The Sioux juirsued on our trail, and came in sight of us, but ofl'ered no molestation, and, in due time, we all arrived at home in safety. Thus eudeil this war ex- cursion, for which such extensive pre|)arations had been made, and from which so much had been expected. On the way home, Kc-me-wun-nis-kung look away the horse of the Assinneboin who had set the prairie on fire, and beat him, he daring to make no resistance. When we returned to Pembinah, there was, as is usual on a return from a war-party, a drunken frolick, in which I joined, though not to very great excess. After I had drank a little, { heard some one speak sneeringly about my gun, which Wa-me- gon-a-biew had broken. I had lent my knife to some one to cut tobacco, but there was lying by the fire a pointed stick, on •which meat had been roasted. Tliis I seized, ran out, and find- ing his horse standing by the door of his own lodge, I stabbcrl liim with it, psing, at the same time, in a loud voice, the same k aoH I'ANNKU S NAKUAini;. words I had been told lie had spoki-n wlion lie broke iny jriai. The horse tell iininediiilely, but did not dii- uiilil next nioi iiing^. There were six of us to return together to the Lake of ilic Woods, and our principal man, She-f{\vavv-koo-sink, being ahinn- ed, took a little canoe and set oH' in the night. I would not start then, nor even early in the morning, h'sl Wa-me-gnn-a-bi('\v should think I was afraid ol him. I remained near his loi.^rc until I had seen him and i\et-no-kwa, and shaken hands witli all my friends, and at al)out noon I was ready to follow fShe-gwaw- koo-sink, whom I found wailing for me in the woods. Wa-nic- gon-a-biew made no complaints of my having killed his horse; probably he was perfectly satisfied that I liad done so, as an In- dian always expects any outrage he commits shall be retaliated, according to their customs, and a man who omits to take proper revenge is but lightly esteemed among them. Heavy snow and severe cold came upon us at the Muskeeg' carrying place ; the trees cracked with tliecold, but the water in the swamp was not yet frozen hard enough to bear ; our canoes, however, could not be pushed through. The utmost exertion oi' our strength would no lunger avail to move them. We wen; hmigry and much fatigued, and sat deliberating what was best to be done, when we discovered our women coming from the Lake of the Woods, and dragging their light canoes through water, ice, and snow above their knees. When they came up, we found they were my wife, the wives of She-gwaw-koo-sink and Ba-po-wash, and my mother-in-law. Three of our j)arly. whose women had not come, had to continue on to the Lake of the Woods. Our wives laughed at us, telling us it was mon like old women, than like warriors returning to their village, ti> sit shivering in a canoe which coidd move neitln-r way, thrt»ugh fear of a little water and ice. They had brought us a supply of corn, sturgeon, and otlier food, and with them we relume ' to our last encampn\ent, where we rested a few days, then went down to Red River, with the intention of spending the winter there. There was now no snow on the ground at Red River, though the weather was very cold, and the ground so hanl frozen thaf it was nearly impossible to kill any game. 1 hunted day after * Mus-kceg, a marsh or KWiun4r v.! ' ^ NVi "*^^ I'AiVNER S NAKKAilVL. m> iliiy vviiliout the least success, and wc were reduced to extreme lumger, when one day I found a moose, and alter I had, with the ^rreatest difficulty, crept near, I was about to shoot him, when my host dog, which I had confined at home, came runnino- pajit me, and scared the moose away. I returned home, and calling my dog to me, outside the lodge, 1 told him that it was his fault that there was now no food for my children. 1 then killed and gave him to my family to eat. Other families heside my own being in distress for the want oi food, the Indians called on me to make a medicine hunt. 1 ac- loidingly told Me-zhi(;k-ko-naum to go for my drum, and as pre- paratory to the commemement of my prayers and songs, I di- rected all my family to take such positions as they could keep ibr at least half the night, as, after 1 began, no one must move until I had finished. I have always been conscious of my entire dependence on a superior and invisible Power, but I have fell this conviction most jjowerfully in times of distress and danger. ] now prayed earnestly, and with the consciousness that I ad- dressed myself to a l?eing willing to hear and able to assist, and I called upon him to see and to pity the sufferings of my family. The next day I killed a moose, and soon after, a heavy snow having fallen, we were relieved from the apprehension of immc iliatc starvation. But though wc were temporarily relieved, plenty did not re- (urn to us. I was about this time hunting one day, and fell on ilie track of a l)ear. My dogs f()ll(»weil for three days, antl most of the time I kept nearly even })acc with them ; but at the end of tliat time they had not overtaken him. My moccasins and leg- ijings were worn out, and I was almost in a state of starvation. I was compelled to return home, having killed nothing but eight plieasants. Me-zhick-ko-naum, Ba-po-wash, and the other In- dians, now left me by myself, and I was soon able to kill enough to sup])ly the wants of my family. I si)ent the winter here, and ill the spring my friends rejoined me, and we returned together io our village at the Lake of the Woods. At Me-nau-zhe-tau-naung great niisfortime-i aw ited me. I omitted to mention an event of some importance, which hapj>en- od long before the time I have now arrived at, being a very short lime after the death of 'mv friend Pe-sluui-ba. I was then at !'■' M IM ^ilijL... W •. l1 310 TANNT.R S NARKATIVF. r ■ r; i:1i ;' 'i; Dead River, at our cum fields, where nn Ojibboway of Red Lake, railed (ii-ah-jte-\v!i-go-mo, eame to my lodge in my absence, and took away one of my sons, a boy six years old. On my return, my wife told me wiialliad iia|)])ened, and I immediately pursued, and overtaking (li-ah-ge-wa-go-mc* at llie distance of one day's journey, wiliiout his consent took one of his horses to i)rinp; my son back. 1 threatened iiini, that if he should make any .similar attempt in future, he should not escape unpunished. Bui about four months after, when the snow was on the ground, 1 returned home from my days' hunt to hear the same acco(mt of my son being taken away by Gi-ah-ge-wa-go-mo. I now felt, much irritated, and having incpiired from the men in my lodge what horse he rode, I mounted my best, and pursued after him. They had lately moved from the place where I found them be- fore, but following on, I overtook them on their journey. As I was coming near their party, I discovered Gi-ah-ge-wa-go-mo and another man, called Na-na-bush, watching for me in the bushes, a little behind their party. Before I came within gun- shot, I called out to let them know I had discovered them, and holding my gun in my hand, cocked, and in a position for imme- diate use, I passed them, overtook the [)arty, and discovering my little boy, without dismounting I stooped down and lifted him into my lap ; then turning back, went to meet Gi-ah-ge-wa-go-mo and Na-na-bush. 'JMn^y had now left the thicket, and were stand- ing in the path, the former holding his favourite horse by the halter. When I rode up to them, I left my son on the horse, with the reins in his hand, got down, and stabbed Gi-ah-ge-wa- go-mo's horse twice, with a large knife I had carried for the pur- pose. He clubbed his gun, and was about to strike me, but I caught it in descending, and wrested it out of his hands. He threatened he would shoot my horse whenever he could get a gun. I handed his own to him, and told him to shoot the horse now ; but he dared not. " It seems,'' said I, " you have forgot- ten what I told you four months since, when you took away my son before ; but I have not forgotten it, as you see. I am dis- posed to kill you now, but as you are so much frightened, I will let you Jive, to see if you will steal away any of my children hereafter." With this I left him. My friends could scarce be- lieve I had killed his horse, but they did not blame me, neither ..«r. TANNRR S NAKllAllVl . ill 1(1 Lake, nee, and y return, pursued, me day's i to bring nuke any led. Bui crrouiul, 1 iccount ol' now fell. my Iodide after liim. 1 them be- ley. As I -wa-go-mo me in tin- i^ithin gun- [ them, and 1 for imme- overing my lifted him i3-wa-go-mo were stand- orse by the I the horKC, li-ah-ge-Wii- for the pur- ? me, but I ands. He ;ould get a it the horse [lave forgot- ik away my 1 am dis- jeued, I will ny chihhcn scarce he- me, neithn- (lid Gi-ah-go-wa-go-mo ; at least I never lieiird that lie coniplinn- ed of it, and at the linu- ho molested nie no more. It was on my return to Me-nau-zhe-lan-nanng. and w hen I was about clearing for myself a Held there, that I foinni tin- ill will of the Indians, intluenced, as I liiought, prinei|)ally by the unl'riend ly otiices of Ais-Uaw-ba-wis, bet'oniinj,' -o strong against '.iie that I determined to leave llu-in. itnt at this lime an accident hap- pened to me, which lisabled nu for many months. I had as- cended a large tree, lo eut oil' the limbs, and having trimmed off the greatest |)art, I went np to nit the toj) oil". Some of the up- per branches struck the lop of another tree, and threw the trunk, which I had cut oil', against my breast, by which blow I was thrown off, and fell from a great height to the ground, where I lay for some time insensible, and wlu'ii consciousness returned I could not use my voice, so that it was some time before I could make the Indians understand that I wished them to bring me water. I fainted three times in attemj)ting to reach the lodg(\ where I then lived. Several of my ribs being broken, it was long before I recovered so as to walk about withoui assistance. Dr. M'Laughlin, a tra- der at Rainy Lake, hearing of my situation, sent Mr. Tace, with instructions to take me to his house, at White Fish Lake. For a long time I vomited blood, and felt, if moved, the sensa- tion of a hot liquid in the cavity of my body. At Rainy Lake I experienced much attention aiul kindness from Mr. Tace, and other gentlemen belonging to the North West Company. In the latter part of the ensuing winter, I was better, but when the warm weather of the spring came on, I again relapsed, and be- came unable to hunt. In ascending the long rapids of Rainy Lake River, in the spring, our canoes sunk, and I carried my children ashore on my back. Mr. 'Face's canoe sunk also, but all the men were saved. A few days after this, we reached the trading-house of Dr. M'Laughlin, at Rainy Lake. This gentleman f-ave me a room in his house, where my children took care of me for some lime. Every thing necessary was furnished me, and the Doctor would have had me remain with him a year ; but I felt lonely ;ind dissatisfied, and determined on going back to the Lake nf ,«?' i'f, \ 1 1 J t if . 1 'ihl ■. i .llttVJ' ^1' rAXXF.u s XAniiATivi:. the Woods, where my wife was, ho])iiiff that thelrouhlc Ais-kaw ba-wis hiul raused me, miglit now be at an end. My reeej)ii()n was not swh as I could have wislied ; butnever- iheleris, I remained in the vilhige until tlie corn was planted ; then wo went to colh^'t and dry the bhie berries which grow in great quantises in that country. Altcrwards to the rice swamps; then We ntnrned to gather our corn. Thus we were busy during all the sunnner. Late in the fall I became sick again, not having yet recovered from the hurt I had received in falling from the tree; and at abouf, the same time some kind of su'kiiess became frei|nent among the lu'iians. I \\'as one day lying in my loilge, unai)le to sit up or walk about, and the women were at work in the field, when my mother-in-law unexpectedly ranie in with a hoe in her hands, and began to beat me on the head wiih it. I was unable lo maki much resistance, and as I did not attempt il, I eiideavctured to re- concile myself to die, as I believed she' would certainly kill me. While at work in the field, she had beirun to cry for her children : and probably thinking that the man who liad catiscd their death was 1U1W in her power, she ran in with the determination of kill- ing me ; but for some reason unknown to me, she desisted aftei she had beaten me for sonn^ time, and as [covered my head willi my blanket, and \\ilh my bands and arms warded ofl' the blow-: after the hist, I was less severely injured, than I had cause toa[)- prebend. iSo entire was the confidence my mother-in-law re- posed upon the representations of .\is-kaw-i)a-wis, that she did not doul)t but I was in reality gnilf' of the ileath of her children: and as I well knew that this was the rase, I blamed her less fui Iter conduct, than I should otherwise have done. Hut notwith- standing she forbore to take my life, the unfriendly let lino on her part, and that of my wife, was becoming every day more and more manifest. This might have been in some measure owiiij; lo those misfortunes which had now impaired my health, anddis- iiualilied me for making so comfortable provision for ni) familv us I formerly had done. Ilut n.ttwitlistandingall the disciMinigiii:; and distressing circnmstances attendant mi my present situation. I gradually recovered health and strength, and late in the fall. when tlie Indians were about to move to visit a trader, 1 wasabh '0 nccoiiipanv ihein. • i' r \^ \ N \ \ TAXNKR fl NAKRATIVK. vii:{ V.is-ka\\ ut ncvev- ted; then ill greal ips ; then luring all rccovcrpd 1(1 at ahnul iiaong llic sit up or whei\ m> hands, and If f.> niiiU' mri'd to ro- ily kill mc ■ !• children : their deatli lion ol' Kill- csisled at'tev IV head with the blows •ause to a\)- -in-law re- lat she dill leiuldren: HI- less tu\ It nt>lwitl\- iliniT on her \,- nM)re and asiire owini; 111), anddis- iiiy laniily iseitunigin^i nl sitnntiini. in llie liill. r. I was a 1)1' 1 had a small ranoe of my own, in which I embarked myself ■.\\u\ my children, but my wife and my mothet-in-law were in the lartre canoe, with the provisions, and the baooage. During the (irst day of our journey, I went forward, with others of the In- dians, leaviiiu the women to come up to the encamping place, after we had sto|)ped. [ cut aiiil put up the poles fur my lodge, but no |)ukivwi, iu> provisions, and no women can\e. Next day 1 was ashamed to tell the Indians I had nothing to eat, though my children began to cry of lumger; antl for the same reason, I would not encamp with diom. I iiucw that my wife had deserted, and ( had no reason to suppose she would immediately rejoin me. I therefore kepi ahead of the Indians, and went, before I -topjied, beyond the place where I knew they would encamp. Jlere I killed a fat swan, and was able l(» give my children some food. The weather was now becoming very c(dd, ami 1 had about thi'i time a wide traverse to cross. The weallu r was some- Avhat rough, but as I did not wish to remain to he overtaken by the Indians, I made my childnii lie down in the canoe, and co- vered the whide, as well as I couM, with a bullaloe skin. The wind blew more and more violently, and the waves broke over my little canoe. The water froze upon the sides, and the chil- dren getting wet, sutl'ereil severely. I, also, was so much over- powered by the <'(>ld, that I could not manage the canoe properly, ami it struck and was daslied in pieces on a rocdiy >lio.d, not far from the shore where I wished to land, rorfiinately the wat( r was not dee|) about the rock, nor betueen it and the land, und though a (hill ice had formeii, I wa-; able to break it, and carrv mv children on shore. Hut here we had nearly perished from fold, as my spunk wood was wel, and I had no means of kindling a tire, until I thought to split open my powder limn, wlien i found in the middle (d' the mass of powder, a lililc which the vvaier had not reiched. This en.ihled me i > kindle a fire, and was the means of savino all our lives. Next ii>;y, Mr. Siyre, at the trading house near by, heard of my situation ; or al least the Indians having come up, and reported that I was hist, he sent out some men, who found me, and assisted me to reach the houHC. Here I look a credit for my whole lamily. not knowing but my" Mile would join me ut some future lime. The chief »il" llmt country, from whom I had previously ob- At- •■r \>' ff'M •'-if ' ' •^11 TANNER S NAUKATIVE. taincd permission to hunt in a little i)iece of ground whicli I had selected, and a promise that none of his people should inter- i'ere with me there, now endeavoured to dissuade me from going to spend the winter by myself. I ought, he said, either to remain near the Indians, or t(» take some other woman for a wife; as my children were young ami unable to assist me, and my own health Homewhat uncertain, he thought it would be very imprudent for me to attempt wintering alone. But 1 would not listen to his ad- vice. At present, I had no inclination, either to remain with the Indians, or to take another wife. I therefore began to make a road immediately to my wintering ground. First I took the goods I had purchased, and carried them forward, then returned and brought up my children. My daughter Miirtlia was then three years old, and the other children were yet small. In two or three days I readied my hunting groiuul, but was soon after reduced to great distress, from which I was relieved by a medi- cine hunt. I had no pukkwi, or mats, for a lodge, and therefore had (n build one of ])oles and long grass. I dressed moose skins, madt my own moccasins and leggins, antl those for my children ; cut wood and cooked for myself and my fanuly, made my .snow shoes. &c. &.C, All the attention and labour I had to bestow about home, sometimes ke|)t me from hunting, and I was occasionallv distressed for want of provisions. I busied myself ai)out my lodtre in the lught time. When it was suiliciently light, I would bring wood, aiul attend to other things without; at other limes 1 was repairing my snow shoes, or my own or my children's clothes. For nearly all the winter, I sh'|)t but a very small pari of each ni'^lit. I was still living in this way in the sprinjr, when a young man called Se-bis-kuk-gu-un-na. (lough legs,) a son of Wau-zhe-gaw- maish-koon, who was iu)w dead, came to nn-. Me was in a starving condition, as were his friends, who were eu«'an)ped at no jrreat distance from me. My dogs were mow so well trained, Ihni thpy could draw half a moose. I put on a full load of meat, and told him to go with ihe letim, meet his people, and l»ring them to Jive with me. In three days they arrived; but thouuh their hun- i^er had been relieved by the .supply 1 sent ihem, iheir appearance » ' t||: mm 'Inch 1 I inter- im goinu remain . ; as my a heallh idont fov Ills ad- wilh the 1 make a took the rclurnoil was tluMi . l\i two soon after )y a nu'tli- ,re had to kins, mad< iMrcn ; en' ;no\v shoes. stow ai)OVit (•jisionally about nn it, I \vo
r wliifii (harli's Dc Kiiiilianl and Anliilmlil Mi."ll:iii wcro Iriiil at Uiic I'l'c, ill IHIH, and till' loinu'r i-oiKl(Miiiiod to ilralli. Ue Reinharil, Maim illc, mid Jow, (ir Joseph, all Indian, ollierwise (ailed thnSon of the While I'arlridjfo, Heoni tohave U'Pii the iiiiiiiediute lu'tors in this a'liiir. It is not Hiirprising that 'rainier who was then, as tar as opiHirlunilieK tor parlieular intiirnmlion on llim Kulijcii were eoncerned, (in a |inr with the wildest liuliun, Hlioiild have iniHiakcii forei|;ii names, as* wfll as the eoiiipiirntiv(! rank mid iinporlaiict! of (lirt'iiriiers in tli' I'liiinlrv. i i <\^ v\ . ^ lANN'BU S NARRATlVt:^ ^17 e to live w-ba-wis lie it nu ipts ihcy to all thf soil's Bay ijrht these D take no iplu of the le jueasuvi e call, and he [)art ol' , one called e Hudson's rderoil after a governor ' liands of ti i. This mail r-bi-ced, Willi When lhe\ was Maveeu, not conseni. 1 he had no perish; bill udians, who the Fvenrli- I) he was ill him. When (-011, and oiu' Iro tried sit Uiic ll. Miiinvillc, aii.l Iraririili:'', *'>'<'i'> (ngtiiat 'rniiniT on tliw Hulijfii- Lshikcn fi)rri(!ii Lieiuuers in !'»' Avhite man, who had been a soldier, but whoso well known cru- elty of disposition made him fit to be chosen for such business. These two murdered him, in a manner too cruel and shameful to be particularly narrated, and then returned with the account of what they had done to Mr. Harshield. After the settlement at Red River was reduced to ashes, and ihe Hudson's Bay people driven out of the country, the Indians and half-breeds in the employ of the North West, stationed thcin- rielves at a place called Sah-gi-uk, at the outlet of Lake Winni- peg, to watch for, and destroy, any of the Hudson's Bay people Ai'Iio should attempt to enter the country in that direction. Ba- pi)-wash, my brother-in-law, was at length tired of starving there, and started by himself to come to our village, where I remained, lel'using to take part with either side. On his way up, he met a Mr. M'Dolland, of the Hudson's Bay Company, who, with Mr. Bruce for his interpreter, was going into the country. This gen- tleman wad slow to listen to the advice of Mr. Bruce, who being better acquainted with the state of affairs in the country, had many fears on his account. On meeting Ba-po-wash, whom he tt'ell knew, Mr. Bruce, by pretending to be still in the interest of the North West, was able to gain full intelligence of all that had passed. Being convinced of the truth of this information, Mr. M'Dolland was persuaded to turn back, and probably saved hi,s life by so doing. He came to me at Me-nau-zhe-tau-naung, and I confirming the 4atement of Ba-po-Avash ; he; hastened back to the Saut De St. Marie, where he met liord Selkirk, then coining into the country to settle the affairs of the two rival companies. For my own part, I spent the sunimer in the usual quiet inan- wr, being occupied with huntinij, and the employments about our cornllelds; in gathering wild rice, and fishing. Wlien we upre returning trom the rice swamps, I stopp.ed on one of the -mall islands in the route towards Rainy Lake, to hunt a bear with whose haunt 1 had loiio been aciiuainted. Late at night, after I had killed my bear, and as 1 was lying cpiietly in my lodge, I was sur|>rise(l to hear at the door, a voice, which I knew* immediately to be that of the Mr. Harshield I have already men- iioned. [ soon learned that he was on the look out (ur some one .'u; had not found. Having discovered my light at » distnuce, hf- 2f^ ti 1 ■ -i, " III' lis t 318 TANNKR's NARflATlVE. lir ,M I •■«. Willi'*' ^ wm it',-. MM- had supposed it to be that in the camp of Lord Selkirk, and had crept up with the stealth of an Indian warrior, or he could not have approached my lodge without my beincr aware of it. He did not immediately mention his intention of killing Selkirk ; bu). I knew him and his companions, and was not at a loss to compre- hend his purpose. Nor was I ignorant of the design with which he, with mu(;h art, endeavoured to get me to accompany him to Rainy Lake. But when he found that insinuations and dubious hints wotdd not eflect what lie had in view, he openly avowed that it was his intention to kill Lord Selkirk, whenever he should meet him, and he then called uj) liis two cunoes, and showed them to me, each with ten strong and resolute men, well armed. He tried many methods to induce me to join him, but I would not. After leaving me, he went on to Rainy Lake, to the tradinp house of Mr. Tace ; but that gentlenian being less inclined to vi- olent measures, advised him to return immediately to his own country. What argvmients Mr. Tace made use of I know not. but after two days Mr. Har.shield returned towards Red River. leaving concealed in the woods near the trading house, the soldier who had taken part with Maveen, in the murder of the governor the year before. It was not certainly known among us whai this man's instructions were, but it ajjpeared he did not like hi^ solitary residence in tlic woods, for after four days he returned to the fort. In the mean lime. Lord Selkirk had taken Fort William. which was then held by Mr. M'Gillivray, for the North West. From Fort William, he sent on an ofHcer, with some troops, u< take possession of Mr. Tace's trading house, in which the soldier who had killed governor M'Dolland was found. He was senl. Avith others who had attempted to rise after they had surrendered at Fort William, to Montreal, and I have heard that he was luiiij;. About this time, I made uj) my mind to leave the Indian coun- try, and return to the States. 1 had many difliculties to encoim- ter, originating in the ill will which had been raised against iiiu among the Indians, particularly in the family of my father-in-law, by Ais-kiiw-ba-wis. Mr. Bruce, with whom I now met, gave me much information and advice ; he had travelled more, and seen iTjore of white men than 1 had. and his sfatemonta encowatred A " ■ WJ - J-J and had ould not, it. Ho kirk ; bui ) comprc- ith wliich ny him to id dubious ly avowed • he shoukl nd showed p'ell armed. )ut 1 wouW the tvadinfi dined to vi- r to his own 1 know not. i Red llivcr. c, the soldicv the governor long us what Li not like hi^ relumed to "ort Williaiu. North West. ine troops, tc •h tlic soldiiM He was sent' d surrendered he was huiiv;. Indian eouu- IPS to encouu- xl against luc lalher-in-law, met, gave uu lore, and seen Its encouraued iANNERS NAUKATlVi;. •^in me. Tlie war of 1812 was now over, and there was, I thought, no insiirmountabh! obstacle in the way of my return to my own coimtry. f had a fine crop of corn, and plenty of wild rice; and as I wished to move to Rainy Lake, where 1 could spend the winter, Mr. Bruce, who was going the same way, agreed to take twent) Hacks of my corn, and at length I followed with my family. Wiicn I arrived near the trading-house at Rainy Lake, and where I expected to have found Mr. Tace, being as yet ignorant of the changes that had taken place, I foimd the captain I have before nientioned. He treated me with much attention, and would have given me some goods ; but all those left in the house by the North West, had already been disposed of to the Iiulians. After several days' conversation with me, he succeeded in convincing nic that the Hudson's Bay Company was that which, in the pre- sent quarrel, had the right on its side, or rather, was that which was acting Avitli the sanction of the British government ; and bj ])romising to aid mc in my return to tlie states, by liberal pre- sents, good treatment, and fair promises, he induced me to con- sent to guide him and his party to the North West Company's house, at the mouth of the Assinneboiii. The winter was now coming on, and had already commenced, but Cupt. Tussenon, lor that was his name, as nearly as I can recollect, said his party could not live at Rainy Lake, and it was necessary for him to gu mmediately on to Red River. I started with twenty men in advance, and went to Be-gwi-o iius-ko Sah-gie-gun, (»r Rush Lake, whence the horses were sent back, an ac- company us, as hunters, and as we had great (juantities of wild rice, we were pretty well supplied with food. We had, howe- ver, a long distance to travel over the prairie, and the sin)W was deep. When we were out of meat, there was occasionally some- thing of a mutinous disposition mu:. lest among the soldiers, but little serious difficulty occurred. Ii> forty days after we left Rainy Lake, we arrived at Red River, and took the fort at the iijouth of the Pembinah, without any diillculty, there beinjf fev ' i .'tl v'.l \Jv^.,. •^20 1 AXN'KR sJ NARKAin K. W%^ or no persons there, except sijuaws and chililren, and a few old French. ..eit. From rembinah, where I loll my children, we went, in four days, to the Assinneboin, ten miles above tlie mouth, having crossed Red River a short time before. Here Be-gwais, a prin- cipal man of the Ojibljeways, met us, with twelve youn|ir men. Our captain ami governor, who was with us, though they un- derstood there were no more than tweh'e men in the INorth West Company's fort, at the mouth of the Assinneboin, seenietl at a loss to know in what manner to attempt its reduction. They counselled with Be-gwais, and he advised them to march immediately up to thi' ft)rt. uud show their force before it, which he thought vvould lie sutKcient to insure immediate siu'- render. When ("apt. Tussenon had engaged me at Rainy Lake, I had told him I could make a road from that place to the door of Mr. /•arshield's bed rooai, and considering myself able to dii .so, I was dissatistied that they took no notice of me in these consultations ; and at night, we at that time having approachoil very near, I communicated my dissatisfaction to Loueson No\\- lan, an interpreter, who was well ac(|uainted with the countr). and who had a half brother in the fort, a clerk for Mr. Harshickl. We talked together, as we left the place where they had been counselling, and after we had lain down by our own fire, and Nowlan agreed with me that it woidd be in the power of us two to go forward, and surj)rise, and take the fort, and we determin- ed to attempt it ; but we comnuinicated our intention to sonit soldiers, who followed us. There were no hills, bushes, or other objects, to cover our approach ; but the night was dark, and so extremely cold, that we did not suppose the people within could be very vigilant. We made a ladder in the way the In- dians make them, by cutting the trunk of a tree, with the liinb trimmed long enough to serve to step on, and placing it agaiiisi the wall, we went over and got down on the inside, on the top ol the blacksmith's shop, whence we descended silently, one after another, to the ground. When a suflicient number of the mcu had got in, we went to find the people, first cautiously placing two or three armed men at the doors of the occupied rooms, to prevent them from getting together, or concerting any meHn< of resistance. ' Li r.' m*''.i tannkr's xarrativl. '».) 21 We (lid not discover the bed room of Harshicld until day lighf . When he loiind we were in the fort, he came out, stronf>ly arm- ed, and attempted to make resistance, l)Ut we easily overpower- ed him. He was at first bound, and as he was loud and abusive, the governor, who, with the rt plain, had now arrived, dirt ' us to throw hin. out intu the snow ; but the weather beini t 'ir^Z lANNKU S NARUAllVi;. North West Company, anil iVoin some of the principal men I heard that they inteniUid to take «ny lii'e. I sent ihcni back for answer, tiiat they must fall on me as I had done on the peoph of the North West, when I was sleeping, or they would not hi- able to injure me. They came near, and were several times lurkinjT about, with intention to kill me, b^ t they were never able to ell'ect their object. I spent what remained of the win- ter among the Imlians, and in the spring returned to tlie A»- sinneboin. Lord Selkirk arrived from Fort William in the spring, and a few days afterwards Mr. Cumberland, and anollier clerk, belonging to the North West, came up in a canoe. As they did not stop at the fort, Lord ^Selkirk sent a canoe after them, and they were brougiit back and placed in coniinement. The people of ihc Mouse River trading-house, belonging In the North West Company, came down about this time ; but be- ing afraid to pa^^s by the fort, they stopped and encamped at jm great distance above. The Indians from distant parts of tht country, not having heard of the disturbances and changes thiii had taken place, now began to assemble ; but they manifested great astonishment when they found tliat heir old ti..ders wcrr no longer in possessior, of the fort. A letter was this spring, or in the earlj part of summer, re- ceived from Judge ('odnian, offering two hundred dollars reward for the apprehension and rlelivery of three half breeds, who had been very active in the preceding disturbances, namely, Grant. the principal leader of the l^df breeds for the North West, Jo- seph Cadotte, and one cpUe.! Assinneboin. These were nil taken by a l)arty from our fi i , aided by the interpreter, Nowlaii. but they were released upon their promise to appear again when Judge Codman should arrive. This party had sc rce return- ed home, when Assinneboin came and surrendered himsell'. at the same time giving information that Grant and Cadotte had fled the moment Nowlanand his parly turned their backs. Thev went to the country of the Assinnebnins, from whence they did not return initil thev were sent f )r, md brought to attend tlic court; but tlie man who had given himself up was pardoned. Lord Selkirk had, for a long time, expected the arrival of the judge appointed to try those accused of capital crimes, and to ad- just the dispute between the two rival companies : and becoming ♦II Iht. , "v f. : lANNKR S NAllRA'llVL. 'i£i \«ry impatient, he despatched a messenger to Sah-gi-iil vritli provisions and other presents, who was instructed to pro<^t d «u until he shouW meet the judge. At one of the North West Com- pany's houses, beyond Sah-gi-uk, tliis man was taken prisoner, and severely beaten by the company's agent, Mr. Black ; but about this time the judge arrived, and Mr. Black, with a Mr. M'Cloud, fled, and secreted themselves among the Indians, si) that when Judge Codman sent lor them from Red River, they were not to be found. Th« trial continued a long time, and many prisoners were, from day to day, released ; but Mr. Harshield, and the half breed Maveen, were loaded with irons, and put in more rigorous con- finement. The judge had his ramp in the middle, between our fort and the camp of the Norl.i West Company's people, proba- bly that he might not seem partiril to either- One morning, as I was stand'.ng in the gate of the fort, I saw the judge, who was a large, fat man, come towards me, attended by Mr. M'Kenzie, and a half breed, called Cambell, and an old Naudoway Indian. They came into the house, looked from room to room, and at last entered the one in which Selkirk then was. Cambell followed the judge in, and having a paper in one hand, he laid the other en Selkirk's shoulder, and said something I did not understand. Much discussion followed, all of which was incomprehensible to me ; but I observed that Mr. M'Kenzie and Cambell wero standing near the whole day. It was nearly night when Nowlan told me that the judge had fined the North West a considerable sum, I think either three hundred or three thousand dollars, and that Lord Selkirk was released from arrest. After this, Mr. M'Kenzie and Cambell went out, and were much insulted on the way to their camp, by the people belonging to the Hudson's Bay ; but the judge remained to dine with Lord Selkirk. Col. Dickson, who was now at Red River, sent a man for the Sioux, as it was thought desirable that they should be called in, and made acquainted with the state of afliiirs. In the preceding winter, after I had returned to Pembinah, two Ojibbeway women had arrived there, with pipes from the Sioux country, to invite (he Ojibbeways to make peace. These women had been prison- ers among the Sioux, and their" release, as well a.s the messagr vc i t : J n •-W4 tanner's NAKRATIVK. /it. t'^ I :' .-* they bore, was considered as indicative of a disposition on tho part of the Sioux to bring about a peace with the Ojibbeways. One of these women had been married to a Hioux, and l\ei- husband had become attached to her. When the common voice of his people made it necessary she should be sent back to her own country, he sent a mesHajre to her husband, among tlic Ojibbeways, offering to give him, in exciiange for her, which- ever of his own wives the Ojibbeway might choose to take. Hut this man was not disposed to accept the olfer of the Sioux, and there was no one to return to answer the messages the women had brought, until Mr. Bruce, the interpreter before mentioned, offered his services. These negotiations, though they had pro- duced little apparent eflect, had pre))ared the minds of the Sioux, in some measure, for the message from Mr. Dickson, and the\- sent, according to his request, twejity-two men, and two Ojibbeway prisoners, that were to be given up. One of these prisoners was a young woman, the daughter of Gitche-o[)e-zhe-ke, (the big bufliiloe,) and she also had been married among the Sioux. Her husband, who was one of the twenty two who now arrived, was a young man, and was extremely fond of his Ojibbeway wife. The chiefs of the party, when they were about to return, tried to persuade him to leave her ; but this he obstinately refused to do, and the}- were at last compelled to abandon him, though it was evidently at the imminent peril of his life, that he ventured to remain by himself among the Ojibbeways. After his companions had left him, he went out, and wandered about, crying hke a child. See- ing his distress, I called him into my lodge, and though, on ac- count of difference of language, I could not say much to him, I endeavoured to console him, and make him believe that he would find some friends ev»'n among the Ojil)beways. On the follow- ing day, he deternuned to follow his companions, and to return to hi^ own country. He started out, and followed along their path two or three hinidred yards, tluMi he threw himself down upon the ground, cried, and rolled about like a mad man ; but his affection for his wife getting the better of his wish to return. and his fears for his own life, he came back, and would have re- mained among us. But about this time we heard of other Ojib- beways, who had threatened to come and kill him, and we well Ttnew th»t it would be scarce possible for him to remain loni TANNKU S .>AUU.VllVi:. ««5 ainou" us, wiihmit nllenipts hinng made against liis lite. Wa- ge-tote and Bo-g\vais, our chit-fs, intcrlVrcd tu send liim a\vay» and having selected eiirht trusty men, of whom I was one, di- rected that he should be taken (uu; day's journey towards the Sioux country. We were compelled to drag him away by vio- lence, nor could we urge him forward in any other manner, un- til we arrived at the crossing place of the Assinneboin River, where we met a party of two hundred Assinneboins. The young Sioux hai" taken the precaution to dress himself like an Ojibbe- wav, and when the thief of the Assinneboins asked lis where we were going, we told him our chiefs liad sent us to hunt buflaloc. This man, Nc-zlio-ta-we-nau-ba, was a good and discreet chief, and although the terror of the young Sioux immediately made him acquainted with the deception we trie. Lord Selkirk having, jn ihaps, heard souHUiiing of my history, began to be attentive to mv. ile inijuired about the events nl my past life, and 1 related many things to him, parti«'ularly llic part I had borne in capturing the fort. Judge; Codman,* also, * -Miiiiy ot'ilif iiaiiics (irwhilo nioii, in tlir uortli wp.-.t, and in ntlirr purls til'lhi country, wliii'h sire infiiiioni'd in tins narrative, arc grossly inisspclt ; tlu-Mim |irniri|)l(' liavinij licrn t'ollnvvt-d in writinir IhiII) l'(prt'ii;n and Indian names, in ah in>tanccs where llie name the narrator intendi'd to nienlion did not iinnieili,i!ii recur to the reeolleetion oil lie writer. 'I'hus t'odmanishere written for Coll uutii , ill other placets Maveen for \Iaii\rilh' ; 1'uKiienon liir D'Hrsonnrns; &c. It is oUo not iniprolialile lliat names iiiny lia\e iM'coiiie e.iiil'oiiiided in the mind of our hunter himself, wiio apfiears to ha\e Ihtu more conversant with Indians tli.iu wlutenien. Thus, in liis account of tiip murder of a (rovernor of the Hudson's li.iy (onipany, of llie nameof M'DoiiaM, or .M'llollaiid, he may (nissilily have used mu of these names in place ol thni of .Mr. Seinple, who was one of the victims to llial spirit of liliMidy tivulry which (xrasioneil Ihesi- troubles lirlwern tho tmihiiucoin- jmiueH. This wnnt of precision, particularly in the s|(ellini;of name.-, will not, t«ith tliee.indid. imp.in' liie crcilili. They had sent men, disguised as Indian-^, iinioiig whom was one they called Sacksayre; they hitd also sent Indians, with in- structions to waylay and nuirder him. Htariii!' of tlii-;. lie . thought it best to despatch Col. Dickson to the Sionx country (or a guard of one hundred Sioux, ami it was not until these m- rived, that he dared venline out. Tin ii he escaped i'rom the tort at night, and joined Dickson at Pembiiuih. He took with him a letter, wiiich he had himself written fur me, ami in my name, to my fi ieiu!« in the states, ijiviiiji scmie ul the most prominent of the particulars of my early hisiury. Ilr had tised much persuasion to induce me to accompany him, aiul 1 had inclination enough to do so; but 1 then belit \tti lliat 1110^1 of my near relatives had been nuirdered b\ the Indians; ami il any remained, I knew that so onat a lap-^e ipf time must liu\e made us, in ail respects, like strangers to cnIi other. lie alsu |iroposed to take me to England with hin>; but my attachnn-uls were among the Indians, and m\ homo was in the Indian c.ouU' tiv. I hat! spent great part of m\ lil'e there, and I knew it wa« iP() late for me to form new association^, lie howe\( r sent six uu'n to take me to the Lake of the Wood^. where I arrived late 111 the tall, after the corn was gatiu'red. In the begiiming of winter, I wtnt to the Be-gwi-o-nus-ko Lake, thence, when the >iiow had fullen, to the prairie, to hunt bullalMe. The Indians gathered annmd, one aftrr another, until we be- came a consid'Table band, and then we began to snller of hunsier. The weather was very severe, and our suHiring iiu'reased. .V voimg woinnti was the first lo die of hunuer. Suun nfter tbi>'. a '^^ J a.\M:;r ft; NVRiiAin i;. young man, her brother, was taken with tliat kind of deUriuni, i»r madness, which precedes death in such as die of starvation. In this condition, he had left tlie lodge of his debilitated and desponding parents ; and when, at a late hour in the evening, I returned from my hunt, they could not tell what had become of him. I left the camp about the middle of the night, and follow- ing his track, I found him at some distance lying dead in tlie snow. i : ■ ^^ ' Ai^ ' ' •<: ■: 'I- -'* , ■' 4 CHAPTER XIII. Sufl'frinjis of llip Ojibboways from liungrr — persecutions of Waw-lio-bi'-nai-sa, and unkiiidncssof my Indian rdiitivos — journoy to Detroit — Governor Cass — coun- cil at St. Mury, on the Miami. All the men who were still able to walk, now determined U> yitart after buffaloe, which we knew could not then be very near us. For my own pari, I chose to remain, as did one good huntor besides, who knew that the prospect of getting buffaloes was not good. We remained beiiind, and in a sliorl lime killed live moose; all the flesh af whicli being immediately distributed among the sufl'ering women and children, alTorded some reliel. and checked the progress of death, wliich was making extensive havoc among \is. The ni* u rcttinioil one after another, more worn out and reduced than when they had left us. Oidy a single buffaloc had been killed. As the most incessant, and the inost laborious exertions alone, could save us from perishing, 1 went immediately out lo hunt again, and having ^•tilrted a bear, I pur- sued him for three (lays, Milhout b< iiiL,^ able to come up with him. At the end of this time I found myself so fur exhausted, tiiat 1 knew I could never overtake the bear, and I should not have reached home, liad not some Indiuiis, litllo less miserable and hungry than myself, happened t.i meet with me. I had slopped at night, and being in\a!)le to make a camp, or kindle a tire, I was endeavouring to reconcile myself to the immediate u|)proacli of death, which I thought inevitable, when these people unex- pectedly found me, and helped me to return to camp. This !•< but a fair epecimcn of the life which many of the Ojibbcways of \ -^ am '■*i^e=^ ■#- -.*^.^«»*-ie . ^ \.>^ TANNER si N'AKUATIVt:. 'i'iU delirium, tarvation. tateil and jvening, I ecome of 11(1 follow- cad in the termincd to )e very noiir jvood huutor loos was not > killed livo distributed some relicl. ntr extensivr ither, niovf D,ilyasi»^l<- 11(1 tlie nio-t iineil ndle n lire, I iite u])i)roaeli n'ople unex- |)np. This i^ lihbcways of the norili lead during the winter. Their barren ane-nais-sa, the man I have mentioned. In tlii course of the evening, he said, as I understood, much to prejudici tne in the opinion of the Indians ; accusing me of pride, insolence, and of having in various ways done mischief among them. Hi; 1 remained in my own lodge, and at present took no notice ol this, further than to contradict his unfair statements. Next morning, long before the dawn, the women started 1',.: the remains of the two bullaloe 1 had killed: aiul several of tin men, most of them having obtained from me some instruction iihcnit the part to be aimed at, again went in pursuit of the henls, iind this day several of them killed. We soon had pkntv d! meat, and all that were sick and near death recovered, except om woman, who having gone mad with hunger, remained in a slitl of derangemenf ff thfi lienl^. ad \'>\v\\\\ o! d, exeeptoiii uuii/ (lii' ., the otliei' One nl' tin -nais-sa, ami If fat liulValne. \Vi! had sill- j'ered so much from hunger, tliat I wislicd to secure my family af^ainst a rctmn of it. I also still had it in contemplation to make my way to tlic States, when I knew it would be necessary for mo to leave them for some lime, without any one to hunt for tliem. 1 made twenty large sacks of pemmican ; ten kegs of ten gallons eacli, which I procured from the Indians, I filled with tallow, and jireserved, besides, a considerable number of tongues, &c. It was not immediately that I discovered Waw-bebe-nais-sa's design in remaining near my camp, which was solely to, annoy ;ind molest me. I had such large quantities of meat to carry, when we came finally to move, that I was compelled to return M'ith my dogs four time!5, to carry forward to my camping place, one load after another. One day he contrived to meet me alo^e^V at the place where I deposited my loads, and I had no sooner slopped, tlian he thrust both his hands into my long hair, which ihen hung down on both sides of my head. " This," said he, '' is the head of your road, look down and see the place where the wolves and the carrion birds shall pick your bones." I asketl Iiim why he ofTered me this violence. "You are a stranger," said he, "and have no right among us; but you set youself up for the best hunter, and would make us treat you as a great man. For my own part, I have long been weary of your insolence, and T am determined you shall not live another day." Finding that lemonstranee was likely to have no eflect upon him, but that he was proceeding to beat my head against a po])lar tree that siooi! there, by a sudden exertion of strength, I threw him uptm the j;round, and disengaged uiy head at the expense of part of my iiair. But in the struirgle, he cauglit three of the fingers of my light hand between his teeth. Having sunk his strong teeth <\uite til the hones of my fingers, I could not draw them out of his mouth, but witli my left haml aimed a blow at one of his eyes ; his jaws flew open, and he leapt instantly to his feet. My toma- hawk was lying near me, and his eye happening to fall upoi\ it. lu^ caught it in his hand, and aimed so hearty a blow at my head, that as I eluded it, his own \ iolence brought him to the ground. I juinped upon him, wrenched the tomahawk fVnn> his hand, and ilirew it as far a> I could, while I contii\ued to hold him fast in the gr(»und. I was uuieh enraged at his uiiproAol 1 ■ -S. i f I' It,'' • A'»«-«i-Aun-ji'-^a kivi-uk wc-ke-viah-mik: Sf-enole at theendof tke volunlf, 01 tlio ixipnoiiionio woitl Ki'-kUh-ko^lL-kav-pe-vii I ■■•**h \vr. ■ I f CM W -^'^ 4 ' ? 1^ I'- HMr 234 TANNER S NARRATIVE. approached a thicket of bushes, I cautioiied my daughter Martha, that Waw-bebe-nais-sa might probably be lying in ambush some- where among them. Presently I saw lier leap several feet from the ground, then she came running towards me, witli her hands raised, and crying, " my father ! my father V I seized my gun and sprang forward, examined every place for concealment, passed the lodge poles, and the almost extinguished fires of their last encampment, and returned witliout having discovered any thing. AVhen I inquired of my daugliter wliat had occasioned her alarm, she said she had " smelt lire." So great was the terror and ap- prehension with which her mind was agitated, on account of the annoyances Waw-bebe-nais-sa had given us. I was 80 glad to be released from the persecutions of this trou- blesome man, that I now resolved to stop at Rush Lake, and re- main there by myself, as I thouglit it was the intention of Waw- bebe-nais-sa and the other Indians, to proceed immediately to the Lake of the Woods. So I selected a place where I intended to establish my camp for the remainder of the winter. Here I left my children to take care of tiie lodge, and my wife and my- self returned to bring up loads of meat. On coming home at night, the children told us, their grandmother had in our absence been to see them, and had left word, that her daughter must come on the following day to see her ; and that there were, in that place, three or four lodges of our friends encamped together. I readily gave my consent to this arrangement, and as my mother- in-law had left a message particularly for me, I consented to ac- company her, saying that we could bring up the remainder of the meat after we should return. But that night I dreamed, and tlir same young man whom I had repeatedly seen in tlie preparations for my medicine hunts, came down as usual through the hole in the top of my lodge, and stood directly before me. " You must not go," said he, " l(} the place you propose to visit to-morrow ; but if you persist, and will disregard n»y admcmition, you shall see what will happen to you there. Look there," said he, point- hig in the opposite direction, and I saw She-gwaw-koo-sink, Me- zhuk-ko-naun, and others of my friends coming. Then pointing upwards, he told mr to look, and I saw a small hawk with a banded tail, flying about over my head. lie said no more, but turned and went out at the door of my lodge. I awoke mufh FAN NEK 8 NAKUATIVEc aaft troubled in my mind, and could sleep no more. In the morning. I told my wile I could not go witii her. " Whut is the reason," said she, " you cannot accompany me, as you pr(»miscd yester- day ?" I told her my dream, but she accused me of i'ear, and as she continued her solicitations, I finally consented to go. In th(! morning, I told my children that their uncle ami other Indians would come to the lodge that day. 'I'hat they umst tell them, if I returned at al! would be by noon : if I did not come then, they might conclude I was dead. I then started with my wife, but I had not gone two hundred yards, when I looked up and saw the same small hawk that had appeared to me in my dream. I knew that this was sent to forewarn me of evil, and again I told my wife I could not go. But though I turned back to go towards my own lodge, she again reproached me with fear, and pretended to ridicule my apprehensions. I knew, also, the strong prejudice that existed against me in the family of my mo- ther-in-law, and the tendency of my refusing, in this case, to visit her, would be to confirm, and make them stronger. I therefore, though contrary to my better judgment, consented to go on. When I arrived at the lodge of my mother-in-law, I h'I't my gnu at the door, went in, and took a seat ijetwccn two of the sisters of my wife, who were the wives of one man. They had young children, and 1 was playing with two of these, with my head down, when I heard a loud and sudden noise, and immediately lost my senses. I saw no one, and I remembered nothing, till I began to revive ; then I found several women holding my hands and arms, and I saw the expression of terror and alarm in the laces of all about me. I could not comprehend my situation, and knew nothing of what had happened, until I heard on th(^ outside of the lodge, a loud and insulting voice, which I knew to be that of Waw-bebe-nais-sa. I now began to feel .something like warm water on my face, and putting my hand to my head, 1 laid my fingers on my naked skull. I at length broke away from the women who held me, and pursued after Waw-bebe-nais-sa ; but I could not overtake him, as the Indians assisted him in keep- ing out of my way. Towards night I returned to my lodge, though very severely wounded, and, as I Ixdieved, with the bones of my skull broken. A very little blood had run down upon mj fiicc when I was first wounded, but for a considerable time after t ( ' M I i, !i; i .^,.- { /' T5gl.»;-'., «-■' '^^f^i^ ^' ,»': ■ :l \'» im IANNF.r's NAUnATIVi:. wards nono ilowod, and Uxjujrh I Iioard -flranirc noises in my head, I did not lixint or fall down until I reached my own lodge. My gnu Waw-bcbe-nais-sa iiad taken from the door of tlie lodge ot my mother-in-law, and I had to return without it. Ai my loilge, 1 found She-gwaw-koo-sink, Me-zhuk-ko-naim, and Nah-gaun-e.-sh-kaw-waw. a son-in-law of Wa-ge-tote, more commonly called Olo-i)un-ne-l)e. Tiie moment I took She-gwaw- koo-sink by the hand, the blood si)outed in a stream from my head. " What is the matter my son T' said he. " I have been at play with another man, and the water of the J3e-gwi-o-mus-ko Jiaving made us drunk, we have j)layed rather roughly." I wished io treat the matter lightly, but as I inunediately fainted away, they saw the extent of the wouiul I had received. Oto-pun-ne- l)e had formerly been an acquaintance of mint-, and had always fshown a friendly disposition towards me. He now seemed much flflerted at my misfortune, and of liis own accord, undertook to punish Waw-bebe-nais-sa for his unjust violence. This man, to ■wlunn I was often under obligation for the kindnesses he be- stowed upon nn;, has since exj)erienced the fate which overtakes ^o many of all characters and descriptions of peojjle among tin; Ojibbeways of that country: he has perished of hunger. When I had entered the lodge of my mother-in-law, I had omitted to pull off the hood of my thick moose-sl in capote, and it was this which prevented me from noticing the entrance of Waw-beb'e-nais-sa into the lodge, or seeing, or heating his ap- proach towards me. It is prol)ablc also, that had not my head been thus covered, the blow, had it been made, would have proved instantly I'atal to me, as the force of it nnist have been somewhat broken by this thick covering of leather. But as it M'as, tlie skull was fractured, and there is still a large ridge upon that part wards him. He then told the soldier to let ine pass in. As soon as he had opened tlui letter, he gave me his hand, and having sent for an interpreter, he talked a long time with me. (iish-kaw-ko having been sent for, confirnK'd my statement nsptcting the circumstances of my caj)ture, an give ih any thing, thoULdi tliev had plenty. Sometimes we stopped id nleep near a white man's corn lleld, and thouir|i {\\c corn was nnu lit to roast, and we alnn>st perishinij willi himiier. wc dared iioi take any tiling. One niirlil, w( stopped near a good lookiiii; house, where was a large and line corn held. The Indians, he ing very hungry, said to me, '• Slmw-shaw-wa ne-ha-se, m)ii have route very far (o Hee your relations, now go in and sec whether they will give ynu any ihinir to eat." 1 vent ami stood in tin- door, but the peo|)le williin, who were then eaim?, drove ine away, and on my return the Indians laujiheU at mr im, and to ihr ndiiiff I r ill iuy juse the x\w was lot speak lU- ihou been sent oes of my rtwaws ol of sixty ov t, where he lutUans and inii, whencf itreiiu'ly im- the brother {ruing to thi- lass, antl wa- \Vi- siilVenMl i.ularly al'lfi cunoe. '!'!>'' ■tl to ^nve vi-^ J. stopp'"'! In ,)iii was imw we .lare.l iiol Tuiul hiokiiii; Indians, Ih' c-ha-se, y<'»i o in and sci I vent and . llien eating. bed at iHf tanner's nakrativi;. "^1 Some time after this, as wo wore sleepino; one night in the road, some one came np on horsel)ark, and asked ns, in the ()t- lawwuw dialect, who we were. Oni; ol" the Indians ai;swered, •' We are Ottawwaws and Ojihheways. and have with ns one Long Knil'e. from Red Uiver. wlio was taken iirisoner many years ago by (iish-kaw-ko." He tohl us. after he understood who we wen-, and where we were i;oini>, that his name was Ah-koo-nah-goo-zik. " If you are brisk iraveUers," said he, '• you may reach my liouse lu xl (hiy after to-morrow, at noon, and then you will lind plenty to lat. It is necessary that I should travel on all night, that I may reach home to-morrow;" and thus he left us. Next day. my strength failed so much that \. was only ahlc to keep up bv l)i'iug released Iroin my load. One look nty gun, another my blanket, and we reached that night the forks of tlu' Miami, where was a settlement of Indians, and a trading-house, as well as sev«'ral lamilies of whiles, I applied to the trader, and stated my situation, and that of the Indians with me, but we could obtain no relief, and on the next day 1. was totally unable to travel. We were indebted to the Indiana for what relief we obtained, which was sullicient to enable us the day after to reach the hospitable dwelling of Ah-koo-nah- goo-zik. This man had two large kettles ol' corn and venison ready conked, and awaiting our arrival. One he placed before me, with some wooilen dishes, and sjxtoiis; the other before He-nais- sa. After we had eaten, he told tis we had better remain with, him ten or fifteen days, and refre-li ourselves I'rom our long jounu'v, as he had plenty of corn, and fat venison was abundant, about him. I told him. that tor my own part I had for many years been wishing to make the journey I had now so nearly iiccoinplished, and that I was exlrimely impatient to see v|i«'thev or not any of my own relatives were still alive; but that I should lie glad to rest with him two or three days, and afterwards to Ixu'row one of his horses to ride as far as Kau-wis-se-no-ki-ng, ov St. Mary's. " I will tell you," said he. After two or three days. IS we wire, early one morniiit;. makitig up inn- loads to start, he came to me, leading a line horse, and putting the halter in m>' liand, lie said, " I give you this for your jonrnoy." I did not agnin tell him I would leave if at hau-wis-se-no-ki-ug, as 1 hnd 31 J r^T-- !i'i JANNKR's NARRATlVt, .'i .• \ 11 H ;ilrp.'uly toiil him tliis, nnd I knew tliat in sncii rases the Indian? do not wish to hofir nuirh said. In two da\s I arrived at the jdafc appointed for the council. As jet, no Indians had assein- l)led, bnt a man was stationed tliere to issue provisions to such as should come. I iiad been hi.a a sliort tinu' at this place, uduMi I was seized with lever and ague, which, ihou^ili it ditl not con- lino mo all the time, was yet extremely painful and dislressini;. After ahont ten days, a noumit man, of the Ollawwaw s, whon> Be-nais-sa had frjveri me to cook for me, and assist alxnit me in my sickness, »ent across tin? creek, to a camp of the Po-ta-\va- lo-niics, who had r«cenlly arrived, and were drinkiuff. .\t mid- night, he was broufjht into the lodye drunk, and one of the men who came with him, said to me, as he pushed him in, " lake care of y(nir yomi;? man, he has been doing mischief." I immeili ately called Be-nais-sa to kindle a tire, when we saw, 1)\ the light of it, the young man standing with his knife in his iuind, and that, together with his arm, and great |)art of his body, co vered with blood. The Indians coul I not make him lie down, but Avhen I told him to, he obeyerl immediately, and I forbad" llwm to make any inquiries about what he had done, or take anv notice of his bloody knilV. In the morning, having slept sound ly, he was perfectly unconscious of all that had passed. He said he believed that he had been very drunk, and as he was m»w hungry, he must hurry and get ready soiuelhing to eat. lie wa- astonished ami confounded when I t
. The relations of the wounded man >aid nothing to him, but tin interpreter ol (Jov. Cass reproved him ver\ sharply. It was evident to all, that the young man he had woundn! could not recover; indeed, he was now nninifestly near his end. When our companion returiUMl, we had made up a eonsiderabli present, one giving a blanket, onon piece ofslrouding. soine (>n> . > - *■ V XANNitR S NAKKAilV i.. '^3 ihiiig, and some anothor. Willi these lu' imintdiaul) retuvnod. and placing iliein on the ground beside the wdinided man, lu -aifl to llie relativ'»?s, who were standin>i, iiiioiit, " My triends, I. liave, as }ou see, killed this, yonr itrother; hnl I know not wliiu 1 did. 1 had no ill will against him, and w !icn, a lew days since, he came to our camp, I was glad to see him. IJiil drunkemiess j;iaile ;ue a fool, and my life is justly forl'i ited lo vo\i. I am poor, and among- strangers; but some oi' those who came from my own coimlry with me, would gladly l)riiig me i)ack lo my parents; they have, thereibre, sent me with this small present. .M\" life is in your hands, ami' my present is hel'ore you, take u hl.h ever you choose, mv I'riendy will have no < ause to com- plain." He then sat down beside the; wounded man, and st.)op- mg his head, hid his eyes with his hands,. and wailed !'(;r them lu strike. But the nn)thi'rot' the man he had wounded, an old wo- man, came a little forward, and said, " For Knysellatul my chil- dren, r can answer, that we u isli not to take vour life ; but I laniioi promise lo protect yon frcnn the re.sentnienl of my Ims- Ijand, who is now absent; ntverlheless, I will accept yr»nr pre- sent, and whatever inllnence I njay have with him, I shall not tail lo use il in yonr beliidl. [ kin)w that it was not from dt.- ;>ign, or on acccnmt of any prex ions haired, that you have done ihis, and why should your mother be made lo cry as well as m\- |i '" She look the |)resents, and the whole affair iieinsj re- .ed to (lov. Cass, he was satisfied with the course liuil iiad been taken. On the folliiwing day, the wounded man died, and soineof oui party assisted the younjr man who had killed him, in making his !j;rave. When this was coni|)leled, the govcrn(»r gave th«' dead man a valuable present of blank<'l-, cloth, •.Vc. to he buried with him, accordinu to the Indian cnsttnn, and tinse were broughl and heaped up lui the brink (d' the urave. Hut the old wnman, iii>tead of havinj: thcni biuied. pro|)osed lo the v(Mmg men tn play for them. As ihe articles were somewhat numerous, va lions jrames were used, as shootinif at the mark, leajting, wrest linir. «!tc. but the hamlsome'^l piece of cloth was reserved as the l>ri/.e for tlu' swiftest in the loot race, and was wmi by ihe >oung man himself who had killed the other. The old woman imme- diately al'ierwards rullnd him to Iter, and said, " Vomig man. he ? 1J \% ri P'. (' r i t > , I 1 i 1 «l :iU iAWtU S NAURAXlVi.. •i -f who was my son, was very <1oar to me, and I fear I shall cry much and often for him. I wftuld he glad if you would consent to he my son in his stead, to love me and tako care of me as he did, only I fear my liushaud." The yoiing man, who was irrateful to her for the anxiety she showed to save his life, imme- diately consented to this arrangement, and entered heartily upon it. But the governor liad heard that some of the friends of the deceased were still determined to avenore his death, and he sent his interpreter to the young man, to direct him, witiiout loss of time, to make his escape, and fly to his own country. He wa^ unwilling to go, hut as Be-nais-sPt and myself concurred with the governor in his advice, and assisted him in his preparations, he went off in the night; but instead of going imnunliately home, «s he had l)een directrd to do, he lay concealed in the woods, only a few hiuidred yards from our lodiic. Very early next morning, 1 saw two of tiie friends of the young man that was killed, coming towards our lodge. At lirsi I was somew^iat alarmed, as I supposed they came with the in- tention of doing violence: init I soon perceived they were with- out arms. They came in, and rmt a long lime silent. At last one of them said, " Where is onr hrother .' VVc are sometimes lonely at home, and we wish to talk wilhhim." I told them, he luxd but lately gone out, and woidd soon return. As they re- mained a long tinu\ and insisted on seeing him, I went out, with llie pretence of seekini.'^ for him, hut without the remotest ex()ec- lation that he would he foinid. lie, howiver, had ()l)served, from jiis hilling place, the visit of tin- two young men to our lodge, and not believing it t(» have been made with any unfriendly de- sign, discovered himself to me, and we returned together. The\ shook hands with him, and treated him with great kindness, and we soon afterwards ascertained that all the reports of their wish- ing to kill him were faNe, i 1 1' V JANNKRS NAUBATIVK, )i4o shall cry cl conseni me as he who was f'e, inline- rtily upon ids or the; he sent III loss ol' He was with the lions, he I'ly hoiTir, U' woods. Is of the At lirsi h the in- ert' witJi- At las I Dinetinies them, he they re- oul, with si expec- ''t'd, from ur lodjro. ■iidly (le- r. I'hev H'ss, and fir wish- CHAPTER XIV. . Journpy toKfiitucky — liospitiiliticsot' tlic wliitcs — ri'turn to Dftroit — Jackkou — St. Louis — (u'lieral Clark — return to the I.aUt'ol' tin: SVojils — Col. Dickson — second journey to St. Louis, hy Chikiigoaiul Fort Clark — kindness of the Fota- Avattoniies. AnouT the time of the conclusion of the council, Gov. Cass culled ine to dine w ith him ; ami as many trenllemen asked me to drink wine with them, I was, alter dinner, .scarce able lo walk home. A few days alterwards, the inter|)reter told me the gover- nor had a curiosity to know whether I had ac(piired the same fondness the Indians nsnally have liir intoxicating li([uors, and whether, when drunk, I would behave as they did. But 1 had not fell the intluence of the wme so miuh as to fortrel mysell, or be- come unconscious of my situation, and I went immediately to m\ Iodide, ami lay there til I was «'ntireiy sober. Some of the Potawattmnies had stolen (he Innse that was lent ine on the road l)y the friendly old man, culled Ah-koo-nah-iroo- zik : but he was recovered by the younir men who followed :n) friend Ue-nyis-sa, and I rest(M-ed him to the owner, who was at the council, liovernor Cuss, umlerstandinir how kind tliis man had been to me, directed that a very handsome ami valuabl',; saddle shtndd l)e jrjven him. The old man for sonn- time persisted in dedininir this present; but at last, when prevailed upon to re- ceive it, he expres>fd much uruiiiudc. "This," said he, " is that which was told me by the old men who jrave me instrtiction many years a^fo, when I w.i a rhjld. They told u e to be kind, anil to do ;ro(»(l to all men, particularly to the strauner who should cinnc from a distant country, and to alt who were destitute and afllifted ; saying, if 1 did so, the (Jreat Spirit woidd also remember me, to do good to me, and reward me for what I had done. Now, thougit I have d(me dO little for this man, how amply and honourably am I rewarded !" lie would ]iave (jersiiadvd me to take his horse. Ui S i •^0 lANNERri NAKKATIVL:. W J kt. i¥ fr-, Uf t 'i\ »?, i k I as he said he Iiad more, ami the saddle was more valiiai)ie tliiui llic horse he hail lent me; and ihoujfh I deeliiied his oilir, siiH he insisted upon it, until I eonsented that he should cunsiiUr it as heliniiiinsr to me. and should lake oare of it (uitil I relurnci and ealled for it. Here tlie governor jiave me -roods to the anioim! of one hundred and tueiitv dollars value, and as I had slili a nu: siderahle joiu'tiey t» make, I purchased a horse for eighty doilut<. for which f jrave a |);irl of the "oods I had received. There wevi- al the council, anumo- others, two men from Kciitncky, who Knev, something' of my rclati>n>, one of tlieni iiaviui; livxl Iroinuchiiil in 'he family of one of my sisters. Willi these luo men i started, thouoli my healtii wa--' stiil verv poor. In a few days [ had hc^come so much worse, that I eouii' )iot sit on my hmv-^e, and they concluded to purcha-c a skill", an.', one (d'theni to take me down hy watt=r, while llie oilier went wiih the horses, by tlu" usual roiitt . In that pari of the IW'j Miiun^ are many mill-dam<, ami oilier (disiruciions. u liicli rendered i-ve:i this method, not only slow and laliorii.u-;, jjui extremely disire injjlo me, on account ol niy ill iu'altii. At last I \\.\: ;educed ;. such a slate of weakn<'ss, as to lie (juite unablr to nujve, and ! stopped at the hou^-e ol'a poor man, who lived on the hank oi the riv er, and as he seemed srreatly to pity me, and was disposijd lo do all in his power lor my ndicl". I determined to remain will; him, the man with whom I had travelled thus far, nnd^m!.'- me im dersland that he would iroto the Ohio, ami either come hack him self, or send some one after me. This man with whom I st>>[»f)ed, tould speak a li w word-, i' Otlaw waw. and he diil every thinix in his power to rcmler m* sitnati(m comt'orlaide, until m\ nephew, «liowas the person si-n' ))y mv iVi'Mids in Kentucky, came for nn-. I>y him I iu'ard oi the death ot' my father, ani also scmie particulars of my sur\ i\ in;; relatives. I i. fore I saw (iish-kau-ko, at Detroit, 1 had alwav- supposed thil the ear subsetiueni to my caplme. Our journey was very tedious and dillicult to Cincinnati, wlierr we rested u little. Theiwe we descended the Ohio in a skill". My fever conlimied to return daily, and when the chill connnenced, we wpre comptlled to .stop for some tiinr^ st» that our j)rouire«-« I !- il 1 1 ^. -.^^* ««■ i ANMIl .; NAKK.Vl M ;.. :W7 IMC fill- cr III! -on .scir ;ir(i (It [•\ iviiiH alv\,i\ ^ limils. I' year « li« rr li: My need, rotfrp*? uan not rai»i(i. VVc won- accoinpaniiMl by mw man, wlio assistcil iny nophow to put mo in and take mo oiit of ihi- skill, for I \vai« now reduced to a mere skeleton, and had n(jl stivuirih cnoujih to valk or stand by myself. Ah the iii;rlit was eoniinar on, after a very dark and cloudy day. we arrived at a handsonn' farm, where was a kir^re and rather •rooil htoking house. It was (initedark when we were reat'.v to Iciive (he skill"; they dieii raised me by the arms, and led, or ra- ther •■arried me to the house. My nephew told l!ie man our -ituation, and stated that I was so unwell, it would be extremch .lilllrult, and must even endanij;er mv lil"e, if we attempted to oo farther; but ho told us we eould wd stay at iiis bouse all niylit; iind whin my nephew persisted in bis request, he drove us 'ouiihly and vi<>'' t! (d" the bouse. The ni ■ ' d oow eon- Milerably advai.i , .., an. .e di-^tanee to the ue^i bouse was a mile and an half; but as it stood ba<'k front the river, we could not. i^o to it in our skill". 'I'hey aeeordinoly supported nu' lie- iween ihrMU, and we went on. It was pudtably after midniirhl when we arrived at a large brick house; the j)eoji!e witl'.iu were ill ill bed, aiul all the windows wiTe dark, but my nephew knocked It the door, and after a little time a man came out. When he saw me be took hold of me, and assisted me to i>o in; then be called \ip hi-, wife and dauifhter-', and gave some supper to my eonijia- iiioris. For me he prepired some medicine, and then made me go to bed, where [ slept very i|uietly until late in the morning. At this house I reimiiued nearly all the next day, and was treated widi the utmost kindness. From this time I began to gel a little iiclter, and withotit mutdi more difliculty. I rcaidied the plac«^ nhere my -;isti>r's (hildren were living. I staid one lugbt at the house of one of my mphews, who-e name was .lohn ; then [ went to the house of another brother, where I lay sick about a snontli. A Ktter was m»w received, which they nuidc me umlers'aml was for me, but though they rea 1 it to me rejteatediv, I could not cumprfdiend a siniile word of the contents. All the time since- my arrival here, I had lain sick, and no one being tor any C(m- siderable part of the time witii me, i had not learne either to understand, or make inys( If understood ; but as I was now some better, an ' able (d'len to walk about, when a second letter came, I could imderslaud from it, thut my brotlier Edward, whose name ^■1 < iwnH Kll: Iffl H w ) fiH 1 m 1 11 W ! /, •f^i 'iAH tanner's NARRA'iln;. i- i r-i '^ I had never forgotten, had gone to Red River to search lor me. Also, that one of my uncles, who lived one hundred miles distant, had sent for me to come to him. My greatest anxiety was now on account of my brother Ed- ward, and I immediately called for my horse, intending to return towards Red River and search for him. Twenty or thirty of tin: neighhuurs asseml)le(l around me when they heard that 1 wished to go back, and I could comprehend that they wished to dissimdo me from going. But when they found I was obstinate, they gave me each a little money : some one shilling, some two sliilliiig:>, and others larger sums, and I got upon my horse and started. I had rode about ten miles, when fatigue and sickness overcame me, and I was compelled to stop at the house of a man, whose Jiame, as f afterwards learned, was Morgan. Here I staid four days, and when I again called for my horse, the neighbours, as before, began to gather round me, and each to give me some- thing. One gave me some bread in a bag, another tied a youii" pig behind my saddle, and among them all, tliey furnished nw with a good outtit of ])rovisions, and some money. I wished tii return to Detroit; but as I was still very weak, Mr. Morgan uc- com|)anied me to (Jincinnati. 1 had found that it made me sick to sleep in a house, aiul on this journey I constantly refused to do so. Mr. Morgan would sleep in the houses where we stopped at night, but I chose a siood place outside, where I lay down and slept, and I found the advantage of doing so, by the partial re- covery of my health. After Mr. Morgan returned from Cincin- '"nati, I travelled on alone, and was before long destitute of pro- visions. About this time, an old man who was standing by tlir door of his house, when lie saw me, called out stop ! come ! I could understand no more than these two words, but I knew t'rom the expression of his countenance, and his manner, that his design was friendly, and accordinsily went into his yard. He took uiv horse and jjave him |)lenty of corn, and I accompanied him into the house, where, tlioui>li they placed lood before me, I could not eat. Seeing this, he gave me some nuts, a few of which I ate. When he saw that my horse had eaten, and I was impatient to start, he put on the saddle, and brought the horse. I oll'ered him money, but he would not take it. \ «lay or two afterwards. 1 stopped at a house witere I saw !\ ij. J ,» ^^M -t f ANNEU d NAKKATlVJc. -Mit for ine. j distant, )thov Ed- to rctdru rty of the I wished D cUrfsvuuhi they appeared to me to be travellers, soon overtook me, and we rode on together. This journey was a painful and unpleasant one to me. I travelled on, from day to day, weak, dispirited, and alone, meet- ing with little sympathy or attention from the people among whom 1 passed, often suffering from hui ger and from sickness. I was willing to sleej) in the woods, as 1 constantly did ; but it was not easy to kill any game, nor did the state of my health al> 33 '\ --T'- ,♦ vc 1250 'J'AN^■ER^ NARKATIVt, ^..■i.' t 1 1 low me to go far from the road to unt, I had ascended nearly to the head ol" tlie Big Miami, when ^' "'fht, after having of- fered a dollar to a fanner, and been drivv way without refresh- ment for myself or my horse, I lay dowi in the woods near by, and after I supposed them to be asleep, 1 took as much corn as was sufhcicnt to feed my horse. I iiad, some time in the course of the preceding day, bought a chicken for twenty-live cenis, a part of which 1 now ate, and llic next day 1 began to feel a little stronger- I had now arrived where the intervals between the settlements were very wide, and seeing a gang of hugs in the voods, I shot one, skinned him, and hung the meat on my sad- dle, so that I was, for some time, well supplied with provisions, ^t the forks of the Miami of Lake Erie, was a trader with whom I was well acquainted, and who spoke Ottawwaw as well as I did ; but when I asktvl him for something for my horse, he told me to begone, as he would give me nothing, though he offered to sell me some corn for my bear meat, as he called the pork I had hanging at my saddle ; but I disliked him, and therefore went across the river to sleep in the woods. This night I was again taken very sick, and when in tin- morning I found that my horse had escaped and gone back, I was scarce able to follow him. When 1 arriveil at the river op- posite the trader's house, I saw the horse standing on the ollur side, and calling to the trader, I asked him to send or bring thi Jiorse over to me, as I was sick. When he replied that he would not, I asked him to bring me a canoe, as being sick myself, 1 did not wish to go into the water ; but this In; refused to do, and I was compelled to swim across. I took my horse and returned to my camp, but was too sick to travel forther that day. On the day after I resumed my journey, and had the good fortune to come to a house where the woman treated me kindly. She led my horse, and then ortired me some salt pork ; but as I could not eat this, I returned it to her. Then shi- brought iiic some fresh venison, and I took a shoulder of it. She made signs to me to sit down in the house ; but as I preferred the woods, I declined her offer, and selected near by a pleasant place to encamp, and there cooked the meat she had given inc. Before my supper was cooked, she sent a little boy to bring mf rfome bread, and .«onie fresh and sweet butter. I:! warn hen iu the one back, I he river oy- >n the other or bring th*^ lat he would my self, I JW to (h), ii'"^ ^ anil returned (lay. lail the good ,\ lue kiuilly. ,vk ; b"t as I u. V>rought nic It. She madd Ipreterred the ly a pleasant |iad given inc. ,y to bring taf banner's narbative, Next day my route was principally out of settlements. At rhe villafre of Ah-koo-nah-goo-zik,, [ would not stop, as I was aJ- peady under sufficient obligation to him, and I thought he would again urge me to take his horse. I had arrived within about one hundred ndles of Detroit, wlien I was airaiii taken very sick. Feeling wholly unabh* to travel, I (h'termined to take some euietic tartar, whieb 1 had carried for a long time about me, having received it from Dr. M'Liughliii, at Rainy Lake. Soon after I had taken it, rain begaii to fall, and as the weather was now somewhat cold, and 1 was unable to avoid getting wet, the cramp atfected me very violently. After the rain had ceased, the creek near which I was encamped froze over, but as 1 was suffering >mder a most violent fever, I broke the ice, and plunged nn self all over into the water, (n this situation I remained for some time, totally unable to travel, and almost without a hope of recovering. Two men passed me with the nuiih one of whom could speak a little Indian ; but they said they coulil do nothing for me, as they were com[)elled to proceed on their journey with- out loss of time. But at length, 1 was a^rain aide to travel, ami resumed my journey. [ was two days* journey from Detroit, when I met a man in the road, with a Sioux pipe in his hand whose strong rc- scmblace to my father inmc iliately arrested my attention. I en- deavoured to make him stop and take notice of me, but he there; but who lived ars. some men, who had sent one hundred sville, raised, indred dollars me very dis- Ito this day. ^ From llopliinsville I returned to the house of my step-mother, where I nuule my preparations to jio to tlie Lake of llie Woods. Part of my relatives, who had accompanied me from beyond the Mississippi, had returned to their own homes ; but my brother and his wife stayed to travel with me. From my brother F.d- wurd's house, near New Madrid, 1 went aj^ain to Jaikson, where I was taken sick. My stock of money had now increased, through the voluntary dDiialions of those friendly and charitable people anions whom I had passed, to live hundred thdlars, and, this being all in silver, world, my brotlier tliought, be the means of exposing me to danger, and l)ringinir me into didiculty, should I travel by myself; he, therefore, rel'used to leave me. From Jackson we went together to St. Louis, where we saw Gov. Clark, who had already given much assistance to niy brother in his journeys in search of mv. lie received us with grent kind- ness, and odi-red us whatever fissistance we niiiiht think neces- sary III accomplishing the ohject 1 now had in cw, which was, 1o bring my family from the Indian country. My brother wished to accompany me, and to take a considerable number of men. lo :iid, if it shoidd l)e necessary, in taking my children froi, the Indians; but I went one day to (Jov. Clark, by myself, and told him he must not listen to my brother, who knew little of the country I was going to visit, or of wliat was needful to mv suc- cess in the altem|)t to bring out my family. In truth, I :ul lot wish my brother, or any other white man, to accompany n.e, as f knew he could not submit to all the hardships of the journey, and live as I should be compelled to live, in an Indian lodge, all winter. Furthermore, I was aware that he would be rather an incumbrance than any help to me. tiov. Clark wished tf send nie to tlie Lake of the Woods by way of the Upper Mishissippi; but I was not willing to go that way, on account of the Kioux, through whose country I must pass. He gave me a Mackinac boat, large enough to carry sixty men, with a sufficient crew, three barrels of flour, two of hard bread, guns, tents, axes, &c. &c. Having prevailed on my brother to refrn, I set oil". The current of the Mississippi, below the Misaonn vioon convinced me that my larue and heavy boat was not well adaj)ted to the nature of my undertaking, and at Portag«^ De Sioux 1 left if. U' *^ i ..« A ■■rtf^-r. 'm .. .'1,1 >■ ,.t.i 354 TANNER S NARRATlVt. ^ i •M 1 1 ' mi" II Mil '•! V ■ .' ; / From tfiis place I procrodtMl in a winall ranor, with two men, fy tlu; licad of the Illinois Hivcr, llicnro to ("liikatio. I had a letter Croin («ov. Clark to Mr. M'Kenzie, the Indian sment at ilial {»laee, and as lliere was no vessid ahont to sail Hir Maekinac, lie lilted onl a hark cantu', with a crew of Indians, tci lak«i nu' on n\y jonrney ; hut the Indians st()|)ped lo drink seve- ral days, anil, in (lie niean lime, a vessel arrived, in whieli [ Hailed oti her return. I had waited ten days at Mackinac, when C'a|)t. Kn;i|)|>, <>[' the re\enue cutler, ollered nu' a |)iissaire to Driiininoiiii'r- Island. Here Dr. Mil(iiell, and the Indian aucni. |)|MtrlMnity to send me to the Saiit Dv Si. Mario. At the Sam I remained iwo I )iissatft' to liaii airi'Ul. I-. uniil llic 1. Mario. ,1. DicUsiiii. Sii|H'ri<)r ill „| ifiunnil At la^«' •" \Vr wen- iiu anil lli">m'i as lonif "■* ' „. lot! »»•• oil I. wlicri' \\i |.,„o |)roi>fily hmI w i»l> >1" .,,.,, im I t"lil ,. , ml of iin 1,1 r.irr liiiii. ,1 Willi on ill (l.antllmviii.; inld mt' 'li:" >i(|,-<.ni, \v;i« L ,.ul. tliK' '" L,.." saiil I. Imiv Oh- iV.im |„.,.|,. liii'l 111. ire 1 li"l"' line f'»'" '«'i'"' or i{ivc him any thing. He left our villatre, ami went by tlu- Iniliaiis' road to Red Hiver, tliouirh, as the walir was uniisimlly low. we licaid ho had a journey of exlrenu; dillienliy, and had nearly perished of hunjfer. There was, on the way, an enilosed luiryiny; ground, where one of my hrother's-in-law, a tiauuhter of Oto-jmn-ne-be, and others of my friends and acijuaintanees, had be<>n linried. Many ol (lu'se jriaves wire well eovered, Init (id. Dit kson broke down the |)ailin!rs, and destroyed the htlle houses that had btiMk raised ovt-r 'he jiraves; at whith ((inrluii tin- Indians \\«ie niuili ollended. They threalmed to lake his lilt, and mii;ht liavedono so had an opportunity olleied ; he went to l\'iiii)inah. ihenee to Lake 'I'raverse, and relurm d no more iiilo tiie i:oiintry of the Ojiblieways. A few days after :ny arrival at Me-naw-zhe-lan-naunti, one of mv ehildren sickened and died of the measles, a eoinplaint nl that lime very fatal amonir the Indians. The oihers were subsc- (|uently attaeked, but 1 now knew i)elter how to take care of tiiein, and no more died. Soon alter this, provisions beeamo scar» e, an I I was, with Me-zhuk-ko-iiaim, niakiiiir preparations for a medieine hunt. In my dream i saw the same yount; '^i'*^" I ]ind betorc seen on .-limilar oeeasions, eoine down in the usuni inaiiner, ant stand before me. lie reproved me with more than usual harsliness for my eoiii|ilaints, and iieeausc I rrird lor the cliild I had reeently lost. " lleiieelorth," said he, "you shall see me no more, and that whi< h remains before \ou, of your path, shall be full of briirs and thorns. It is on aeeoiint of the iiuiny erimes, and the Itad ecnidnet ol vcMirwifr, tiiat all y(Mii- (tnninu days are to be filled with Iroi.ble. Ni verlheless, as you liavi" ealled in< this linir. I uivi \ on soniethiiiir to cat." When lie said this, I looked and saw before iiu> many dueks covering; the surfaee of the waltr, and in another place a stiirirenn, in u third a raindeer. This dream was lidlilled, as Usual, at least as iinieli of it as related to in\ hunting and lis|iin<>. As the winter came on, I went to Ked Kiver to hunt bullhlor, and make dry meat, ami early in the spring; I started to eome to the slates. From my first wife I had parted ten years beforr" the time I now speak of; but the urueney o| ilie Indians, and. in [mrU ihu necesiiily ul' uiy Hiluatioii, iiad cuiupellrd lun lo lake •♦« ll I : I d')> ^6 tanner's NARRATIVt. •i ii \":! i I another.* By tliis woman I liiul thrco children ; those by niy former wiff were not at present in the village. My wile rclusinc to accompany me, I took the three children and started without her. At Rainy Lake she overtook me, and agreed to accompa- iiy me to Mackinac. On niy way down, I was assisted hy the Noith Wes't Compa- ny. At Drunimoiid's Island ' was disappointed of large p -scnts given me when on my wav to (he Liike of the Woods, I)mI which, as I did not then wish to take, were promised me on my return. The cinnmandiiig otlicer who had shown me so much kindness, had heen relieved by another, of a very diflerent character, one who s('»'nipd to iiml tio satisfaction in doing any iliiiig for any person connected with the Indians. This man refused to see mc, or afl'ord me any assistance. By the kindness, however, of Mr. Enimtinucr, of the Saut l)e .St. Marie, 1 was enabled to reach Mackinac. Col. Boyd, the Indian agent at that time at Mackinac, called me to him* and wished to hire mc as a striker in his smith's shop ; but not liking the employment, I did not wish to remain. He gave me one hundred pnumls of flnnr, the same quantity ol pork, some whiskey, tobacco, Ac. There were two vessels about to sail for Cliikatro, but neither of them would take nic as a passenger, ihouuh i had money enouijh, and was willing Id pay them. As I had no other alternativ<', T was rompelled to pur<'hase from the Indian^ a poor and (dd biirk canoe, for which 1 gave sixty ilollars, and I cnifaijed three Frenchmen to acconi- panv me ; but Col. B would not |)ernnt them to go. He gave me, however, a letter In Dr. Wolcolt, who was now Indian agent at Chikago, ami I -tarti d with onl\ one man to assist nic. At tlie (Utawwaw settlement of Waw-gtm-nuk-kiz-ze I stop- ped for a -"Imrt tirn*', ai\d fnidiui; ihat n y cinoe was t<'o trail and leaky to perform the voyage, I purchased another, a now one, for which I gave eighty dkcn hii' cJeHriirhs. TlH'rc is, in rrlition to lhif« miIijci'I, somr wmil ot'dintiiictrifSD ; liulii is bcU«*v iliciuirlit in .iiliti tin- rrt'ililuJitv of ttu- niin:iiivi>, iiuii- luucli iiM wr ilincoviT no ili-jmrtuni I'roui trulii, uiiIub» the bU|i|ir(!S8iou cheway woman, and eoninu)!!- h accompanied him when he went to take an\ boats across. Tliou^[h his horses were now nmch worn out with the lonij jonr- lay from which he had retinned, he atrreed to take me and my i;iiioe sixty miles, and if hi> hor»es eonlil Indd out, the wlioln (iMc hundred and lweut\, which was, at the present sta>i<' of wa- irr. the ien>{tli e, which contained some valuable [)ropert\, but old (Jos-so-kwaw-waw was ol opinion that he would prove hcmest. When he put the childrcii on the horses, he said, '* In three days I shall be at the mouth w (he An-num-muii-iie River, and shall wail for you there." Without an\ farlhcr words, we parted, and the old Sntokci and myself coniiiiiUMi our laborious anil ditlicull route almig tlu bed of the Illinois. Most of the country, on both sides the route, from Chikago to the Yellow Ochre River, are prairie, in wliicli liorses and carls can be driven willio\it any diflicidtv. On our arrival at the place appointed, we found ihe Po-la-wat(»-inif there, and all safe. We now embarked ever) iliirii; together in the canoe, uiul wrnt down to Fort Clark, which is on a narrow neck of land, betworu two lakes, aiul is ihence called by Ihe Indians Ka-gali-guia- ming,t (ihe islhmns.) Here I lound some ac(|uaintances, (H rather those who rlaimeil relationship in consequence of thcii ♦ SuKKUH-HWnw-wiiw — ihr .'^inuktr, in Ojibbowoy. f Ka-jfa/i-»um-mif>!r. oliiuNif watpr ( . A \ . 't t.^^ ;) put uiy he nijflit, ato-inics. jung man rtinu;, and le soon al- mc t'xrept )* Wt- pui ourselves, took llieni , of Ibc fa- PS, when I l)orious anil ie, whom 1 ,f h'jigins, t(t , the moiitli r, a tlistanco towards thi Hinois, wattv isl the Po-lii eh contained kvaw wdA of t the ehihlrn, the mouth I" \ere. ,. ohl Snuikci iiite uh)ntr tin ,lfs the route. I vie, in wliifli uliy. On oui '.».ta-wtiU»-in'' iiiop. autl w rm hiixl, hetweru Ka-t;uh-irum- iiaintunees, i>i luencc of tlicii lANNtU S NAUK.\1'1\ I.. 'Zb\i having been in somo measure connected with iho lamiiy tliat T. belonged to among llie Indians. Here was a Taw-ga-we-nin-ne, a son of him that had been the husband of Net-no-kwa, and some of the relatives of one of my wives. One of ihes(\ :ia old woman, ffave nu! a sack of \Viskol)inun( nidi, or that sort of corn which is jilucked green, boiled, and tlien dri<'i). 'J'wo or three miles beyoni! this, as I went on my way, I saw a man standing on the bank, who, as I came opposite to him, called out, "my friend, do yon love venison .'" When I told liim I did, and had put my canoe in slu)re, he lifted a lartie and fi»t deer into it, saying, •'perhaps y(tu will like to eat some o'' this, which I have just now Icilled." He was goinji to turn away, when 1 called him hark, anil thonifh he refused any compen-^atiun for the deer, I irave him a little powder and shot, and some llinis, for which he appeared very thankful. About this tinu', when 1 was one day warm at work. 1 sliol a crane, and got into the water to lake it up. Shortly after I fell somewhat unwell, l>ut iu)t retlectinir on the cause of my illness. 1 went again into the water to sret r of the Woods. So that it inusi iiave heen in the spriny: . that i was taken prisoner. I am now forty-seven years idd. Four months I remained with my sisters at .fackson, fiftern miles from ('ape (Juirardeau ; then I went t(» Kentuckv, and tin m^xt fall I retin'ued to St. Lotiis, to see (Jovernor ("lark; hnt In' was not at home, and as many |)eopl«' uere then dvinsr in Si. Louis of fevers, 1 made tun a short sia\. t)n my 'Aa\ home, I Jell siek of a violent fever at the (Jrand I'rairie, which is cinhh miles from the place wher*- I had left mychihiren. FortunatiK I tell into the hands ol a woman who trcat'd me \\ilh inncli lirt ('iarl\ liv(>d at tliis time at a jjhice ealh'd 1,1k Heart. s(inie distance lieiuw. Jle. as well as most of the j)i ii|ih! on this route, had heen kind, and had shmvn a dispo- sition to as.^isl me whenever I nci'ded any ihini:. On tliis joiir- uey I sloppvd at i Ik Heart, at the hou-e of tlie a-j-ent, and thou^ili he was not himsc ll at home. I liad my liorses l\'{\. and was sup- plied with what relVeshment I ne<'ded for myself and ehiidren. iVee of expense. On the lollowinii day, I met the airenl on his way dome from Foi . »'lark.nnd told him nf the reeeption i had met at his hou.-e in his alisenee. lli- was tflad to liear of tliis. and he tol-i me tliat I shouhl soon eoni<' to a had river to cross ■ *• hut," said he, '* there is a hoat now (m this side, in which I have Vist crossed. The man to whom it lKdon«is, lives on the other >ide. Y(ni must use the hoat to cross, and then tell him to lakf it around to the other river, which is heyond his house, and hcl() vou to cross that, and \ will pay him for his trouhle." We crossed accordiiiifls, hut my daiisrhtt-r Martha heinn m»w sick, we stopped all day near the house of the man to whom the canoe helonjred. i had one very handsome horse, whicli had hi"n ijiven me hy my hrolher, and which this man said he was determined to have from me. He tdl'ered to hiiy it: hut I Itdd him the horse was iieces- sary '<> niy journey, and I coidd hy no nn'aiis part w ilh it. Still he insisted, and said, unless I would let him have the hor>e, [ should not have his ranoe to cros^, the oilnr rixer. He cursed and ahused me, hut all the means he could use, did not induce me to yi\c up the horse. The canoe had l.itM laktMi arotntd to the iiv«'r I had to cross, for the use ol' some other person, and wheit I was ready to no I started, (•xpeclinii; lo fnid il there, lint nw my way to the ferrv , I met tin" man y and a Mr. Kenzie, who wa* then ajreiit in place oC Dr. Wolcnil, as they 'old me I conld iioi gel them taken t(» iVIackinac. Oncfdd horv.'. wlii:h I IctY as ix in;: of little or no value, I afterwards received lifieen dollars for, from sotnc (jfcntiemen who wish > make use ol' him, hut \vhr> niiahi hav(! had him tor noihiiiix. \Vhen (-"a|»lain Keith, in the schoo- ner Jackson, arrived, he told me, on seein;r the paper jriven iik by (iovernor Clark, (hat lie would hav<' taken my horses to Mack inac for nolhinir; but it was iiuw ton late, as they were sold, A ])riiici|)al partof inv desitrii in retiirninjr to Mackinac, waste fUiratre m\ self to Col. Hoyd, the Indian aLniil there, as an inter- preter; he havinj) very often expressed a wish that I shoidd dc .so, whenever I had acipnreil such a knowlediie ol' the Kn-ilish Ian ffua^e, us would fiualify me to disieil my proposal. Hiil as he wav to stay but an Innn- (m* two nu (he inland, he direrted me to make my pre|)aratiiins and follow him, allowing me four davs after his arrival at the .Saut, before it was nec«'ssarv for me to be there. I made my [)rep nations accordini,dy, and was nearly ready to start, when a letter ranie from Mr. Schoolrrnft. stating that hf ( , ( ^ toriui- canoo. (' U> il- vinlil I 10 iVrvy. , ami U'tl Uram. I iANNKU la NAKKA'lIVK. 263 Imd loiuitl an interpreter at the 8aul, anil tlieroforc iliil not wish jue to juin iiiin. 1 carried buck to the traders ihc luriiiture and other articles which i had purchased with the expectation ot' re- siding at the aJaut, and they villiiigly restored me my money. CHAPTER XV. rraiiiactioiisol ilic aftcnla iiml clerks of tho Aiuprican Fur C'oinpniiy, in ihc counlry alM)Ul ilif Lille of the Wmxls — trcaclicr\ of tin Imliaii woman — i:iislbrtuai'K at trndunt on an.ittoni)it to liriiii; iny cliililrcn from tlu- Iiuliart romitry. Being now destitute of empK>yment, I engaijed to Mr. Stewart, the agfent of tlie American Fur Company, to go with the traders into the Indian country. This I preferred to remainiiinallv from the crew. From Fomkins did not belonj^ to me. IJut f was not only compellerl to jiive these up: I was made to pad- tile by myself (1 canoe, heavily loaded with wild rice, and to sub- mit to variotis other laborious employments, which I I I .'■ ', « •i64 lANNEUS NAKKATIVE. Lakf River; iiml before llie ice liad I'orimul so as» to put an end to the fishing, I had taken om? hiiiidreil and tiCiy sitirijcdns. Tho winter had now comnienrcd, and Mr. (Unv sent mv, with one clerk, tour Frenchnuii, and a small ouUit of jrirnds, ii|ual to one hundred and sixiy dollars in value, to tradi' anicinu; the Indians. We were furnislied with no other food than wild rice, at the rat* of ei^rliieen (|iiarts |)er man, and insiructcd not to return until wo should have exchanjrcd for [xdtries all our {roods. As I knew wo slioidd l)r compelled to travel far before we found the Indians, I requested NAUKAltV i.. •Mb Miig lliat I liad loiinti liiiflTalor, itml iniisi liy ilii-, umc liave nuai ill groilt abiiiidaiuT. One (il my v the iudiaus, such as bones, worn out moccasins, and |)ieces of leather. With these we were able to sustain lil'i'. We killctl also, and ale m\ l;ist dojr ; bill we had yet a long distuiico to travel before we could reach the bulliiloe, and a< we W(!re all rajiidly failinix, wo consulted together, and determined to kill one of the Fur Com- pany's dogs. Wc did so, and this enabled us to reach the buHii- loe, when our distress was for the present at an i^iu\. After I had killed many buflidoes, and meat had for some uiiie been jilenty in our camp, the Krenchmeii became lazy and insolent, and refused to l^) for im at, to carry | ks, or render me ;ii\y assistance wlintever. When we were ready to return to the tradinir lumse, every one of these men refused to take any load init his own blanket and |)rovi^ions, excejit Veiaife. and u'ith him 1 divided our peltries, which in all weiirlied six luinrlred pound'-. \Vp were of course a considerable time in carryiniime powder and shot, which we had ourselves expemled in !imitin]ff. The price of this was tleducted from my pay, in my linal settlement with the aj^ent of the American Fur flompany ; ihcii ten dollars, the price .tfthe doo we had killed in the extre- mity of our hunger, ami which had i)een t tie means of saving, !!0t my life only, but that of the nine Frenchmen that were with me. FJut Mr. ("otc h\ if ilif iniilor never rcliirn.s in juthui Icj Iur cin]>lovi r II 'i I ( I i 26t» TANNER S NARRATIVE. »■ • I; ( «t ■fill. t \ again, nnti iiisistod [ should tiikr wliiski-) , I told him I Wouhl lur once, conform ciilirpiy !•> his iiislnictions. which wav "tousr overy method to proriin; the jrrt';»'vsJ f: s'sildr (jiiimlity uf skins, at theh)U('st price." 'I'his time I ^wn. tjo ttii' foiiiitry about tlie Lake of the Woods, ;ind with an ov; : • vaKuil U two huudrcil Hollars, I purchased, by means of whiskt^y, more than double tlie anionnl of peltries I had iiefore brotiuhl in. J^av Mr. Cole cx- presst'd the hiirjiest satisfaction at my success; but I told hiai. ji he Mishcd to have his jroods s(dd in that way, he must eniplov .«oine otluT |)erson, as I could not consent to l)e the instrunicnt ef such fraud and injuslice. I had !)een so lonu anioiifj the In- dians, that many of tlieiii were personally my friends, and ha\ inir ween the exti'iit of the mischiefs occasioned l)y tlie introduction of intoxicating li(piors, I liad become desir(Uis of preventini the advantage, their unconquerable appetite for spirits might uivr me, in bargaining \\ ilh them, as i knew, that llnnigh they niiirh' easily be defrauded, any fraud thus practised must be known i.i them, and they would feel resentment and dislike, in proportion as they were made to suller; more particularly against me, whom they looked upon as one of their own number. I remained lifteen months in l)ie American Fur Company'- employ, during all which time, I sle|)t oidy thirteen nights in iln' house, .so active and laborious were my occupations. It had bctn an iti'in in mv ajrreement with Mr. Stewart, that I should bi; al- lowed to go to lied Itiver to .see n\y chilihen, and make ana- tempt to bring them out with me. Accordingly, when the tradir^ were about to make their yearly visit to Mackinac, I was alloweil to go by myself; but having been disappointed of moccasins and other articles that liad been proiiiis(>d me by Mr. Cote, 1 suHlreii much inc«>nvenience, travellinj;as I did !)> myself in a small canoe. My children were three in inimber, two daughters and one son. and had been a long time separated from me, even before I tir?: left tlie Indian country. Mr. Clark, of the Hudson's Hay Company, who was now sla lioned at Red Fliver. and to whom I had a letter, refused to uiv me any assistance in recovering my children. In the mornini;. when I arrived there, I had left my blanket in his JUou.sc, expcc • V :\v 0-. mm Llio was now sla |r. rol'iisea to L'iv | In the mornins;- Lis house, exi)e«- lA^MiK8 NAKKATlVt. Hat iDL'. al Icasi. liml 1 slmulil sltTji tlicri' ; liiit wliou at the approacia oi iiiirlit I was altoul to jjo in, he sent tin- lilaiiktt (iiit to nii (•'i"m tlin iiianiicr in uhicli this was lionc. 1 knew if I went iii jcr;iiii. it would only he to he drivfii out, ami I wt-iit inimctliatrl)- tn sflcct a placi' to sU'c|) in tju- woods at a liltic (listaiicf. liul Ml. Hrucr, lite interprt'lor wlunn I liavi' het'orc iiuntioiird, saw mi', and calliiii^ nu into his liiiluc, iiuilni me (o remain, and while 1 liid so, treated nie in the most iVieiullv and liospiuihle iiianner. Knowing that I had no reason to expect any assistance I'roin Mr. Clark, v, ho was soon to leave the eountry, I went to ('a|)lnin hiilt^cr, ilu' military ronuiiandant, to stale my biisincHs, :iii(I received from him a nuist attentive and tViendly liearini^. Iiiunediately on my calliiiix l<* ^^K' hinu he a-^ked mv where 1 had sji jtt. as he knew ihat I had arrived the een refused a lodjjinii in the tradiiif^ house, he invited me to eoine and eat with him, and sloop in his honso as Idiiir as I slioidd remain there. Me knew of my business to the riniiilry, and a.-.ked me if 1 eotdil tell where my children were. I liad uscorlained that they were vvitli iho Indians about tlie Cnirie Poriajic. Some Indians aliout the Fort, told mo tliat those of the band vith vvhont my childrou were, had heard of my arrival, and wore •ictrrmined to kill me if I slwndd attempt to take nty cliihlron from them. Nevertheless, I visited that band as soon as I oouUi make the journoy, and went into the h)dt;o of tho principal chief, wlio treated luv kindly. I remained some time, always staying II ihe lodge with my children, who appeared pleased to see me; liiit I easily discovered that it was by no nu-ans tho intention of ;!ir Indians to siilVer me to take them away. (iiah- N; • f ; )iA- .w tt^ *lf\H I VNM:K S .NAKHAIU I. ^, 1- Ur»- // If h Wi »* me a luad to car>'\, h\il tlirv were (arcliil >o liir to ovorloml ni\ thililiTii, thai wliri. I hail taken as imicli as I cdiild move iiiiilcr, tlicH' Merc licavv l(»a(ls In. '-ir ilicin. Aricrlhcy liad (•iicaiiipnl near llic toil. I asked tliem tor my eliildn ii. iuit llicy iitteily ir- I'uMcd to jrive lliem up. (Jiali-L'-c-wa-Lro-iiio uas the |triiiei|)ul man ulio was ai live in resisliiifr me. and with liiin tlie dispute hii,! Siroun lo so o|ten a t|narre!. lliat I was al>nin to proet ed lo vio- leiil measures, but I Ik tliiMijIit me tiiat I should do \vron<>; lu ii|. tempt to shed bhuxl uiihout fir.sl niakinir my intention known t.< a plain liuL' er, ulio had oxpresst'd so much iVicndly lee towards me. i went accordiuulv, and ndd him mv siiiiaiin II. aiul tliai I was now convinced I ctudd nol lake my cnildren with out ii-'mfi viidcut measurer- wilh (iiah-i>e-Ma-t;o-iii •. He approvci of mv hav iniT told mm w ha I was ahout lo d ami iinmei !i:iliK scnl Mr. Hrucr to call mv children into ihc lurt. 'ri\e\ camc;i.'. cordluiil',, ami stood helorc his house, i)iit will) tenor twelve!:] tiiuns accompany in:( ihem. and who were caretiil Id stand iii;i hy on each siile oi lliein. ilaxiiiir pointed out my children ; him, the captain direcled his scrv ar t lo leed ihem. Sometliiiii uns accoriliiiiily lirouiihl Irnin his own lahle, he havino just ilm rat<*n, ntid uiven lo ihem: hul the imlian> immedjalely -^iiahlin It away, hiuini!' them not a luoullilnl. A lual oi' hread was ihci ?>rontfhl. Iiiit il went in the same way. not a particle ot it hcin. li'fl lo thiin. Captain Hidiicr now direcled a store house hi lir opencil. am ) lol (1 me to uo m ami )rel Ihem -oim tluiiir in r..] th I'indiii^Mln re simie hai.'- <>| pemtmcan, I look the liall o| ii;m ithout twenly pimmls. and makimr tlieiii sit ihtwii. ull purtdnj. • It' it. 'I'lu- Indians refused the children lo the (h'luand of ('apt, Hul rli, iherehy placing; the lour men who were primipailv active in ilr lainiiiiT tiieni, in the situaiioti ot persons who were Hciing in o|ifi\ c(»ntrnvenlion to Iuh wixlien. I'rPii'iilf to tlip amuiiiit ol' ubont on« imiidrrtl dollars in vnhir. *v-j 90-91 -^ JANNkRil AAnKAIUi::. \niy orloail i\i\ lovc iiiiilcr, I turaiMpi'd iitWily n • 'ni('i|)ul niiiii dispute liiiil [•I'l'tl l<» vio- III Umi>\\ii t ' iidly t"(Tlii\', nv sium>i williM" all MflU nil' 1 and myxli. artivr in tl<' atiiii^ in oprn dlaru in valnr. were brou:iid to tin' lndian(<: "My cliiMrcM. I iiavi* canscd to lie placed Ik fori' yon here, a jiipc lull of tiiliacco. uol lu'rausc I am willing to lia\»' you siij)- •(tosc 1 <\iiul'l piirclia«i(' (Voui vcnia liLilit I'T tliis ui;in tocorncuud lake what is his own. hut ti ;ii!l\ lo Villi, liiai I ..(ill Imld vol! by the liaiiil. as Iuml' as vi.ii are icaily to li-irii aiUuiiM'ls lo my \Mnds. As lor tl!i.> miiii. he comes to vou iml iii hi-, own iiainr> oiilv, and speMKiiiy hi^ OV\ll WOl'i bill li

. Voii mnsi, iherefore. uillioul viiiliirinir lo j;ive him my t'arlber trouble, deliver to 'liin his rhildron, ami take lliese jire- -'eiils, as a memorial of llie iroml will iliat subsist- bf twee n us.'" The liidiaiiA b(<^aii to delibi rate, and were aboiii to make a reply, vvlieii tliey saw a considerable armed (orcr briuiiibl am! (laradeil bclore the door ol the coir.iei! house, and lindin(j; them- I l\es romplelt Iv surrounded, iliey accepted the pres< iits, and jirtunised to surrender the children. he mother o d tl lese ( liild ren was no\r an oM \\ inn.-in. ami as • ho said she wislud lo accompany tlnin, I readily r-oiiscnlrt The buy. who uas o( "iiii- to »,•{ (up himself, prelerred to remain anioii>> the Indian-", and as ibe linu lor L^ivinu liiin an eduealion, am! Iitlin do, bad passed, I conscnied he '.hoidd act a^ be llioiiolii best. Several Indians accompanied lis lour days' journey on tmr re- liirn, ihen all went bai k, eMcpl my iwo danulilers and their mollier. I did not retmn lo ihe hake o| ilie WooiU by the \\a\ oT ihr Me-mvi-o-inis-ko Se-be, but cbuse aiiolher route, in whi.li I had lo lra\el a part ol' the way by wiiler, a part b* land. In asci ml- iul' iIu Had Kivcr. there is a sli.'rt road by what is called Stiir- j:eoii Uiver, iiml a jiorlaue lo coincauaiii into ihi; principal river. Not liir I'rom the moiiili of Siiirjieon Uiver was. at ihis lime, an I IK iimpiiinit. or villaur, ol' six or seven Indues, .\ yoiniL' mnii Iiclonirin;.' to (hat baml. and whose name v\as Ome-zhuli-uwiit- onus, had noi lontr prrvious lo llijx been whipped bv Mi. Cole, /'or Hoiiir real or alletred misromiucl about the Irnding-houtip. >w\ ferlinii di'SBlislied. he wlien )ie heard 1 liad pBH^ed up Stur- *'K' /. -X •- l,i >» y70 lANNKR U NARRATIM.. /( i I It a gcon Rivrr, started alii r iiii' in his liilli- fanoi*, iind soon ovcr^ Uiiik inc. After lir had |oiiinl nu . h<- showed, i thought, an imii- biial dis|)()>iti(in to talk lo nir, and rlaiimd to lie, in sonu' man- ner, rehiled to nic. lie en<'ain|Hil wiih ii« that niuhi, an in tlie l>nsh|;ed to enran\|>, (he \ onnjj man very soon h'll ns ; hii( .i> lie renianied at a liiile distance, appaieully iniirh liiisied ahinn somelhinrih, inloa hnllel. i said (o linn, ' (he name he had hinis<'|t if \ on want powder, or halh Its, I h ave |>len i\ , aiiil w ill iine \ on a- nnch as \ on wish. Ih suiil thai wa' also Ii;id plenty, and I lell hiin and returned to camp. Il siniu- time hefore he came in: when at la>t In- made his appear- ance, he was dressed and oiiiamented as a warrior tor Imtlle. He I (Mitinned. dnrinu: the first part ot the iii;:ht. to watth me much loo cioselv. and ni\ suspicions, which had been already excited, were now more and mine coiifiriiied. Itiil he coiKinneil to be iis talkative, and lo seem as frienilU a- etcr. Ill' asked me foi iiiy knite, .is he said, lo cm sinni' (ohaeco, and iiwd'ad ol redirii- imr il lo me. ^lippe'l it into his own hell ; hii( I lhoiii.'lit, perliap-. lie won hi n (nrn it to me in the iiioriiiiijr. I laid iiivsejf (low II at ahont ihe nsiial limr, as ( wmild not np- pear to suspect hi'< inteiiliiin-^. i had noi put up ni\ tent, linini: (Hilv ihe lillle shelter aliorded liv a piece ol painted cloth ihal I ch Use had heen iich a pnsiliim as would enahle me lo wad h (he voiiiitf man's motion-. I (oiild set, a- he siii opposiit (he (ire. (hat his e\es were open ami waiclHiil. and (hat he tel( iio( (he least imdiiialinri to sleep. NVIien a( leimlh n llninder shower commenced, he aji- piMireil more anximis.niid i-i-xdeHH than before. When the rnin IiTffnn to fall. 1 Hsketl him to come and place hiinsell'lienr me. ^'i \ > fAXNKR S N'ARRATIV I.. •271 OVt'l* I unu- man- ,(\ ihc ;' SlOp- ■ lio rc- iO, WHS •rsation srvi'ral Mnr mo. aw to fnjoy the bcnclil, of my sliollcr, iiiitl lie did so. The shower was very heavy, and entirely cxtiiiffiiishcii cnir lire; hut soon after it had eeased, llie inos(|iiiliies liccniniiiif vt-ry trouhiesoinc, Oiiie-zhiih-awut-odiis ivkiinlied ii, iiiid liicaixititr oil' a liraneh of a l)iish, he sal and dinxc iheiii away liiiii nie. i was (•oiisciniis tliat I ouifhi iiHi to sl( <|i ; Imt druwsiness was j>ainiriir some htdd on uw. when another thinider show or. more vioicnl th;in the first, arose. In the inlcrval nl' the showers, 1 hiy as one slecp- iii).', hut ahiiost uithoul uiovinir or o|i('nini; uty eyes. I watched ihe motions of the \iimu_r man: at ime time, when an uiuisuallv h)ud elap uf ihinnhr alarmed liim, Iw wuuid throw a iiitle lidiar- co itito the fir*', as un olicriiiff ; at another, when he seemed to sii))])ose me asleep. I saw him w)ilehin:!ine like a eat ahoul to sj)rinir on its prey; hnl I did not -iiller ni\ self lo sleep. II*' hreakfasted with us as usual, then started liy himself, be- fore I was tpiile ready. My dautiht«T, whom he had met in the liushe.s, was miw a|)|)arently more alarmed ihaii helore. and ah- S(dulely refused to enter the canoe; hut her mother was very nnxions to i|ni<'t he. hi^ilaiion. and appartiilly Ner\ desirous to prevent my payiiij; any parti<'ulrtr attitilion to her. Al lasl. she was induced to aet into the canoe, and we went o'l. The youn^' man kepi alonu helore u", niu\ .it a little disiimce, nn'il alxnil l.'^ii o'ehiek, wlien, al lurnin!.' a |>oinl in a dilliculi ami rapul part t)f the river, ami jraininy a xiew of n eimsiderahle retieh above, I was snrjtrised that ( could ^ee neither him nor hi> eanoe. Al this place the river is about ei(>lil\ \ards wide, and ihtre is, about ten yaids frmn the point before mentioned, a small island ol naked rock. I had taketi oil my coal, and I w.is, with tire:!! eUbrt, |)Usliintr lip my canoe auainsi the pow* ritil curreiil, which eom- j)elled me to keep Mrv m'ai the -.iKMe, when the dischiirtre of u <;im at my siile airesird inv proure>-. I heard .1 bullet whistle pa>t m\ iiead, and lelt my side louched, at the .m » iiistanl thai the pMldle lell from my ri^'ht hand, and the ham. -.elf dr-ippnl powerh'ss to my ride. The bushes were idtscurrl Ia lh<' -.mnko of the gun, Init at a seeoiid look I Ft to load my (>ini> oulof fsitrln in the river helow Soon alter it (Iis.ip|M nrcd. I lainled a second lime; but coji ficioiisiu'ss at Iniiiih miirnc'l. As 1 believed that the man v Iio had shot me was still watchinj; from liis coM<'eiiliMeril, I exiiiiiru J my wounds, and lindinfi in\ situation dcspi r.ilc, my ri'^ht arm beiiipf much shattered, and tlii l)all haviii!,' mti'ri'd iiiv body, in liu' direction to reach m\ lnnn<. and not havinct. -• Yon have Uilled me." Mill I; "'»iit thun;;h the hurl yon have yiven iiu- musi be inorial. i tear it may be some lime belore I shall die. (!ome. therefore, if yon area man, am! shoot me atrain." Many times) called to him, !>,il hr rcliirneii me no answer. My iiody wa'^ now almost naked, as I had im, wlnti .>hoi, beside my pantaloons, only a very old and rain:eil shirt, and miiili of this had been torn oil' in the course of the morninii;. i lay exposed to the sun, and the idack and irreeii he.tded Hies, on a naked rock, the j/reotei part ol a day in .lidy it \ni:iisi, and s.in no pri.>pecl before me. hut that of a liiiiri rinj; death ; liut as tlie sim went down, my hope and strenL'th bei.'aii to ri". ive. and plniiuinir into the river. } ^u.iin across in the other ('itrt' \w- |(l.)\v\i. m\ till river. ir shore, * 1. or w:i L hi Kwim lliiili. wln'ii 1, tor hiiK lliis liiiiii '. to il»';»<-oiit I, It UMlip' ii,ilt' l>i»" '" siilVirioi'. I M'iis MOW lovinciilod with iho must •■xccssivT thivfit, and as the bunk was steep iind rocky, I eoidd not, w iih my wounded arm, lie down to drink. I was therefore eompeUed to go into file water, au«l let my body down inio it, iiMtiJ I broujflit my iiioulh to a level wilh ihe surlaee. and thus I was able to drink. Hy this tune, the cveniny i.ndwiiij< soiiicwhal cooler, nn strength was, in part, restored ; but the blood seemed to (low nu)re freely. 1 nuw ap|)lied mysril to dressiiiir the wound in my arms. I en- deavoured, tlnuiiih tiie tlesh was already imudi swollen, to re^ plaee the I'raunu ills ol' the bone ; to accomplish which. I lore, in strips the remainder of niv shirt, and will) my leeih and my left hand I ccmlrived to lie tli- Ihiis to chock iheflowiiiir ol the Ijlood. Tlie bnslio .dtoiii me, and for all the (listance between me tiid ihe ri\er. wen covered with blood. As niirht came <»ii, I chose a place where was piLiily of moss, l careful to select a place near the ri\er, that I miffht have a thance poRr w«'re within many milc'* (d me I I'lid myself down, and prayed to ihe firoat Spirit, that hr wmiid sec and pity my condition, and send help to inc, now in ihc time of my distress. \n I continued prayinir, thr mu8(|ui' foes, which had settled on my naked body in vast luimherR, and wcrp. by their slii;ir^, adding greatly to the torment I suflVicd, htgan to rire, and nftrr huvcring at a little dietancc «bove i ntl » :.\ 0^:iT •^4 I'ANNKR M NAKRA'llVl,. .1 around me, disappeared entirely. 1 did not attribute this, which was so great a relief, to the inimediato interposition of a Sui)crior Power, in answer to my prayer, as the evening was, at that time, becoming something cool, and I knew it was entirely the effect of change of temj)erature. Nevertheless, I was conscious, as I have ever been in times of distress and of danger, that the Master of my life, though invisible, wad yet near, and was looking upon me. I slept easily and quielly, but not without interru|)ti(in. Every time I auoke, f re!nenil)ered to have seen, in my dream, u canoe with white men, in the river heforc me. It was late in thr nii'lit, probably aiier midnight, when I henni female voices, wlvrli I sup|)08ed to be those of my daughters, not more than two humlred yards from me, hut partly acr(»ss th<' river. Ibelieved tliiit Ome-zhuh-gwut-oons had discovfred iheii hiding place, and was, perhaps, olli-i ing tlin. Tiny landed it a lillle distance aiiove nu", and hi gan to make preparation^ for breakfast. I knew that this wa the canoe belonging to Mr. Stewart, of the ilndsmi's Hay Com- pany, who, together with Mr. (irant. was expected about itii* time; and being conscious ibut niv appearance wtndd make .: pair ' impreHsion upon them, 1 deternuned to wait until they had breajifasied, before 1 ahowcd myself to thrai. After ihr |. ■ / ^, I'ANNUHii NARRMIVE. »/U which ipcrior it tunc, c cfl'ect us, as I Mas lev n& "pou •ruption- ilveuiu, •». n I hcaru htcra. not icros!* ih'' Lilfnc«s »" lly l)Cy(»lH! ^ soon as^ I a Itpcn in- i, v\M't, am' 1(1 noi pro- a low poii^i . .11 H< u'lnrtiAve.- ^ ,. ,lnl\.' hpt- orilins*": Vlv-hr thini; iMul il ^'•» uicJ-s on til' llml l»>if ^^'' •^ Hay Com- v(l iiboul llii- uil until lln-y \lier iltf Ik liati taieu, ami put llieir can(»e again in tlic water, i wailed out a little distance into llie river, to attract tlioir attention. As soon iis they saw me, the Frenclinien ceased paddlinjj, and lliey all td£ei\ at me, a.s if in dotibt and amazeiuent. As the current oi" die river was carryinir tliem rapidly jm.sl nie, and my repeated calls, in the Indian iangua<;e, seemed to )>roduce no etlect, I called Mr. Stewart by name, and s|ioke a tew words of p^nglish, which I could command, ref)iR^sling iheni to come and take me. In a nH)nient their paddles were in the water, and they bri light llie canoe so near where i stood, that I was able to gvl into it. No on(! in the canoe recognised me, though Mr. Stewart and Mr. (irant were both well known to me. I had not been able to wash the blood <»H my body, and it is probable that the suH'eiing t had untlergoi'c, hud much changed my appearance. They were very eager and rapid in their inquiries, ami soon ascertained who I was, and also became ac()nainted wlh the principnl tacts I have related. They made a bed !'or me in the canoe, and at oy urgent recpiest w»iit to search (or my children, in the direc- tion where 1 had heard tluin crying, and where I told ihnn I feared \vc should lind ihev had been murdered ; but we sought here, and in other plans, to nt) purpose. llavinii ascertiiii.( d who it was that had woimded me, these two naders agreed to lake me immediately to the village ol" (Mne- zhvdi-ifW\it-oons, anil they were determined, in case of discover- ing and taking him, to aid me in taking my revenge, by putting riim innneilialiK to death. They therefore concealed me in the aiMie, and jit iandiiiir near the Indues, an old man cam ■ down ',o the shore, and askerl them, " what was the news in the coun- rv they cai?ie from ?" '* All is well there," answered Mr. Stew- aii; " \\v have no oth' =• news." "This is the manner," said the tdd iJ^an, " in which white people always treat us. i know very well soinethini: has happeneil in the countrv you have come frtnn. bol vuu Mill not tell iisoi it. ()me-zhuh-ifwul-o.>ns, one ol" our vouiiii men, has been tip the ri\er two or three days, and he tells us that the Long Knife, railed Shaw-shaw-wa-ne-ba-se, (the falcon.) w lio passed here a fiu da\>* sinc«'. with his wife ansomethiiiu:wronLr. tor he is watchful andr^ 1 Grant, notwithstanding this representation, sought for him in ali the lodges, and when convinced that he had indeed gone, .said to the ohi man, " It is very true that miscluef ima been done in the country we come from ; hut the man whom ()me-zhnh-|/wut- oons attempted to iiill, is in our canoe with us; we do not yet know whether he will live or die." They then showed me to the Indians, who had gathered on the shore. We now took a little time to refresh ourselves, and to examine my wounds. Finding that the hall had entered my hody, iiiiine- diatclv undir ilie hroki-ii part of uiy arm, and gone forward and lodued against the hreasi hone, I tried to persuade Vlr. (trant to cut it out; but ncitlur lie nor Mr. Stewart being willing to make the atteni|)t, I was roin|><'iled to do it myself, as well as I roiild, with my Irfl hand. A lanct-t, w lii( h Mr. (irant lent ini-, wa** broken innncdiatcly, as was a pen knilc, the tlisli ol that |>art of the body being very hard aiul touirli. Thev next brought me u large white handled ra/nr, and mIiIi this I suceeeded in extract ing the ball. It was M'r\ mm ii ll;iii( iicd. and ilie ihoin! of lierr'^ t'inew, as ««'llas ihe medicines tMnc-zboii-iiwiu-nons lunl ins( ried in it, were left in my body. Moiwiflisiaiidinir this, when I found that it had intl passed nniler my rd>s. I began tu hope that I should finall\ recover, thoiiirli I had reason to suppose, that lln woinid brinu poisoned, il would lie Ioiil'' in lii'alinre of the chief NVaw-wisli-e-irab-lio, the lirnilier of Omr /ludi-gwiil-Mons. Here Mr. Stewart used the sai .e precaution of hiiiinu me in the canoe, and then trivin of llieni told the chief that il was his own brother who had atleinpli'd to kill ine. The cbiel' hini! his head, and to iheir int|uirii's abnnt Ome-zhnli-irwut-oons be wotdd make mt answer. We, however, ascertained l.om other Indians, that my daut^hlers and their nioiber had stopped here a moment, in their way towards l{ainv Lake. When we arrived at the North NN est ("ompanv's house, al Rainy Lake, we f'lmid that m\ dauL^liters and their mother had b^fln detained hv the traders, on acoounl of su8])iciuns arisuiu friendly f ( ■iMM lANNKRH NAKRATMK. a77 I in all c, i^aid lone in i-jrwut- nol yet I me to pxamiuc ', iiiiinc- liraiil to to inukc 1 I couWl, „„•, wa« It |)nrt •>!' mill iiK' "^ n rMiiirt .'. ins( rted (Ml 1 I'tuind ope ilr.it • *•'> llt-llOII') ll*! I, lltl oiluf iptil here II IS liovme, at jiuiiilier liail Ions ari»ii>i> Irom their manifest aifitation and (error, and iVom the know- ledge tlial I had pas.srd nj) with th« ni l)ul a t'tw da\s before. Now, when I lir«t eanie in sitjht of tlie fori, the old woman lied to the woods, takinir the two jrirls with her. But the (Compa- ny's people sent out and brought them in airaiii. Mr. Stewart and Mr. (iranl now left it to me to say what puiiishmeni siiould beinflieted on this woman, who, as we all very well knew, had been guilty of aiding in an attempt to kill me. They said they considered her C(|ualiy criminal with Ome-zhuh-gwut-oons, and thought her deserving of death, or any other punishment I might wish to see inflicted. Hut I told them I wished she might i>e sent immediately, and without any provisions, away from tiie fort, an"! never allowed to return to it. As she was ihe mother of my chiiilrcH, I did not wish to see her hung, or beaten to death by the labourers, as ihey proposed; but as the sight of her had beeome Iiaieful to me, I wished she might be removed, and they accord- ingly dismissed her without any punishment. Mr. Stewart left me at the Rainy Lake trading house, in the ■•are oi Simon M'dillevray, a son of him who many years ago was so important a partner in the North West ('ompany. Ho (ravi- me a small room, where my daughters cooked J'or me, and ilres'ied my wounds. I was very weak, and my arm badly swol- Vn, fragments of lione eomiiig out from time to lime. I had lain liere Iwi iily-<'iirlit days, w lien Major Delalield, the Ihiited States i-onuni>liot ine ; mie had jiassed near my head. Immediately after ihe deparlnre of Major Delalield, the un- friendly disposition of Mr. M'Ciilleviay made itsolf nianife«i : it )|- •\ ^ i 'i iiiUi, '^^ I inn /AN NJ.U > NARItAl 1\ JL. Iiail bot'ii only t'rar of Major P.'lafu-lil that had indiu-til Iijh, hillit.'rl(» to Ileal me with some iitUMiioii. Insults and almso Were heaped upon nic, and at last I was lonibly turned out ol the house. But sonuiofthe Frenrlimen had so niueh roinpassioii as to steal out at niiiht, and without Mr. M'(iillevray's knowlcdi/c, furuisii tf'Mt poles, and sn up my (cut. Thanks to the bounty of Major Delalicid, I had a supply of i\ reiiiain over ihc next day. and make larther exerlions Cor the recovery of mv f Inldren. All the search we could make for niv daugli ■^ jt ?* had im\um|wssioii It.vrsw'sUiwiwIi'tliic. mks to 111*' bouiuy iliinir n«!ftlt'"U a>"^ rh Mr. M'^ l'''i>^- ,„i Ik- wcHt so tar :i- hi-ni to hU-»l' i'> ll"- t\,.,l (I. ill'' '»••"*'■ *'' ■(;illevrayMi»t!uM-iu- ;'Com*' ii>ii">''''*'- ,1s irmVmir l« ,V„m LuKf NN i'u>il"u linir and a»>»«^ t" »"'^^"' rs out of i1h> hai»'l« ol ml io Ma.Uinac. , ,\k, ami tiK-h liin»> !'< al lir rould tlo no»hii)|: ,,uaini»"il \vh<'ii he sa>A ,.;.,th.MV. ho toM uiel .,• „t.. 11,. h;ul, he ^itiii. iiuo. "I>" vi-'"»'"> '" ,,. x\\v saU<- or murrym-: J wns 1>«' wouhi iry l" wiih srvt-ral men, an'! ,,.rH. lie hu.l iiUfn-led rrivttl ; hut haviiiL' !» on a.'l.Tmii.."! ". n-mam riions for thf rorovrry U luake lor mv ilauiih 'lANMCRM NAKUAl'lVt., :i7« lor^, at and about tlie tratUntr hoiit«r, rcitiiHh- kwaw-nau, a rliicf of mir vihaiff iit Mc-iiaii-zhc-laii-naiiiiir- Tiiis briny; tlio rase, I was compcHtMl to r«'hiniiji;^h llif Ih>|)0 nf Ininiriu.'i' tht'in out the (iresent year, aod mist-nihlv as I was siiualcd, ) »9«s anxious •oidnic to my own |ioo|i|<', and to my three ilijl Iron at MacK'nac, to spend the winter. I knew the eharacti-r nf Mr. M'(iilievray. and al>o that tli< tra- ders of the Nortli W( st ("on\|mn\ neneiiiily, iiad ie-s rau.se to feel friendly towards me, tlian tiny mi^ht have had, if 1 had not toneerned myself with Lord Sellurk'^ part), in iIk e.i|iiurft of tli'-ir |).isl at Red Ivivei. I knew, nl^ii. that my ()eruliar siiualion with r<'sj)eei lo the Indians, would makt; it verv dithenlt for me to gain permission lo remain at or near «itln of the houses of the North West, or of tiie Ameriran Fur ("oi cjianv . I had l>een sr- verely and dantreroiisly womuledhyai ■ Uan, and aeeurdinir to iheir eustoms, 1 was Ixnmd. or .it least « led, to av»'ni;e I'ly- >elf on any ol the same iiaiid that mi^t ,.dl in tity way ; and should it lie Known ilial I was al either oi iht iradinji houses, very few Indians would venture to visit ii. Ti.kiiitf these tidngf; iiit(» etHi-.ideration, I determined to a< cepi the frieiidlv (dlir of Major Ijoiiy;. lo iM'iiiy nie to ihe Slates, and aceordinjjiy took a place in one of Ids canoe s. IJut after proceedini! on our way an hour or two. I hecanu; convinced, as did .Major Lonir and the ^entleiiien uith him, that I could not salel\ uiidertak«' so long niid diirn ult a journey in my present situation. Aeccrdiniily they jiut me in charire of some people helonging to the traders, and H'M ine litck t.i the fort. i knew that the doiu's of the Noitji West Company's hons^* wtniM he closed auaiiisi nie, and accordiijMlv made application to my late employrs, the Ain.'rican Fur ( 'ompany. ^ imiu;; Mr. Davenport, in whose care the house then was, trranteil a ready compliancr with my reijnest, and ijave me a room ; hot as pro- visions were scarce on that side I was supplied daily by Dr. M'Laui/hlin, of the North West, who liad now taken the place of Mr. M* 1" V [V -1^ O ^ o aa WIST MAIN STRCiT WfBSTER.N.Y. MSBO (716) •73-4503 9) '^ fe 280 TANVKR S NAKKATIVE, I.'' ; • t I ' ' M : i »■, <.'; ' t .' charge of the house in place of Mr. Davenport. Mr. Cote caiiio to my room, and seeing me on the bed, only remarked, " well, you have been making a war by yourself." That night he al- lowed my supper to be brought me, and early next morninjr turned me out of doors. But he was not content with driving me from the house; he forbade me lo remain on the 'Inited States side of the boundary ; and all my entreaties, together willi the interference of Dr. M'Lauahlin, coulii not influence Mr. Cote to change his determination. In this emergency. Dr. M'Laughlin, though he knew that the success of his post in the winter's trade, must be injured l)y the measure, consented to receive me on tlic British side, where he fed and took care of me. Early in the winter, my wounds had so far healed, that I could hunt a little, holding my gun in my left hand. But about new-yars, 1 went out one evening to bring water, slipped and fell on the ice, and not only broke my arm in the old place, but also my collar bone, Dr. M'Laughlin now took tbe management of my case into hi> own haiuls, it having been left entirely to my own treatment be- fore, and I was now confined as huig as I liad been in the fall. In the sj)ring, I was ayjain able to h\mf. I killed considerabl numbers of rabbits, and some otiier animals, for the skins ol which the Doctor paid me in money, a very liberal price. As tin time ai»proached for the traders to leave the wintering grounds, he told me, the North West had no boats going to Mackinac, but that he would oblijje Mr. (Jotr to cany me out. It was accord- ingly so arranged, and Mr. Oote promised to take me to F(tn treatment hi ■ in the fall. il consiilerabl the skins ol price. As thr crinir gronnds. Mackinac, bill lit was accord- e to Fond D" ,t me in a boat On T.ac to the •vison; hut the lugh, that I in- e miles u< the ic as an inter- h left at Mark- ftn«l as ^ '*"^^^' ler accordin.rly. |or, in which si- being (lissatis jcede.l to New the publication TANNER S NARRATIVE. 281 of my narrative ; and upon my return to the north, was employed by Mr. Schoolcraft, Indian agent at the Saut De St. Marie, as his interpreter ; to which place 1 took my family, and have since re- sided there. Three of my children are still among the Indians in the north. The two daughters would, as I am informed, gladly join me, if it were in their power to escape. The son is older, and is at- tached to the life he has so long led as a hunter. I have some hope that I may yet be able to go and make another effort to bring away my daughters. 36 ^9/ ' <» t ^ , ' 11 i\ j^Ea >J^ -"g J t? <' *g M^') r ^i ^ J s H y ' n fU i rU/y ( r (il i ^ fi ^ >,• *¥■' W ^Dmmmmmmm wmmmtii PART II. 1 \ Mi ) > ,• iifS^A [1 '■■' in m f W^ (-' M M f; I \m ^\i ./ 1]^. i}\ I I t» I W k p*. r u A^ , *v dBflu PART II. CHAPTER I. 01' feasts — of fasts and dreaming — their idea of the human soul, and of a future existence— customs of burial — of their knowledge of astronomy — traditions concerning the sun and moon — of totems — of tlieir acquiiintonce with plants, animals, and minerals. OF INDIAN FEAST!?. Among the Indians, the man wlio gives many foasis, or \vln>, in the language of their songs, " causes the pcojile to waii^ about continually," is accounted great. In times, therefore, when game is abundant, feasts are multii»ii(!d. IJefore the whites in troduced among them intoxicating drinks, it is probable the a. sembling together for feasts, Mas tlmir principal and most f vourite source of excitement in times of peace, and coniparativi inactivity. They have several kinds offcasts: — 1st. Metai-we-koon-de-win — Medicine feast, or that feast- ing which forms a part of tlioir great religious ceremony, the IVIetai. This is under the direction of some old men, who on- called chiefs for the Metai,* and the initiated only are admitted. The guests are invited by u Me-zhin-no-way, or chief's man of business, who delivers to each of the guests a small stick. In tlic ♦ Some discussion has heretofore taken place concerniiij^ the. existence of a pricst- liood among the Indians. A little inquiry will convince any one, that the medicine men area set of crafty impostors, who subsist, in a great measure, by practising on their credulity ; by seUing them medicines, or charms, for ensuring success in hunting, for enticing the females, and for other purposes. Wlien one of these has been so fortunate as to gain an astiendance over their superstitious and credulous minds, he sometimes sets up for a prophet, and claims intercourse with BUjierior j.nd invisible beings. h I rJSO INDIAN FEAsr?. ■ii^ i^' t. ■'M I li'i ^\I-i^ U, W-r :iouih thpy use small pieces of cane; in the north, quills air sometimes substituted, which are died and kept for the purpose. \o verbal message is delivered with this token. The numerous preparatory measures, and the various steps in the performance of this ceremony, need not be here detailed.* Dogs are always rhoscn for the feast, from a belief, that as they are more saga- cious and useful to men, so they will be more acceptable to their divinities, than any other animals. They believe that the food they eat, at this and sonic other of their feasts, ascends, though in a form invisible to them, to the Great Spirit. Besides the songs sang on occasion of this feast, and some of which have been translated for this work, they have numerous exhortations from the old men. Among much of unintelligible allusion, and ridiculous boasting, these addresses contain some moral precepts and exhortations, intermixed with their traditionary notions con- lernin;:- \a-n;i-hush, and other personages of their mythologv. Whene\-er tlie name of the Great Spirit is uttered by the speaker, all the audience, who, if they remain sober, seem wrapped in the deepest attention, respond to it by the interjection, Kwa-ho-ho- ho-ho-ho ! the first syllable being uttered in a quick and loud (one, and each of tlic additional syllables fainter and quicker, mtil it ceases to be heard. They say the speaker touches the Jreat Spirit, when he mentions the name, and the effect on the udience may be compared to a blow on a tense string, which vibrates shorter and shorter, until it is restored to rest. This peculiar interjection is also used by the Ottawwaws, when thev blow or shoot with their medicine skins, at the persons tc be ini- tiated. 2d. Wain-je-tah We-koox-de-win — Feast called for bv dreams. Feasts of this kind may be held at any time, and no particular qualifications are necessary in the entertainer or hi*- ;j;uests. The word Wain-je-tah means common, or true, as they often use it in connexion with the names of plants or animals, as Wain-jc-tah 0-muk-kuk-ke., means a right or proper toad, in dis- tinction from a tree frog, or a lizard. '''f * A copious account of the Medicine Diince, or Metai, .is it exists amonff th^ .Me-no-mo-nies, is contained in a manuscript paper, entitled, " Remarks on the -Muhology of the A!i;oni\ni.s," &c. comnmnicated to the New- York Historical Sn- ii( t\ . in lS27, bv the Editor of ttiis nurrstive \ V , s. .^-A ^-s«?^ ijuills air I purpose, numerous rformance ire always nore saga- Die to tlieir it the food ids, though Besiiles the ,vhich have ixhortalions Uusion, and ral precept? notions con- mytholosy. the apeakei. •apped in the , Kwa-ho-ho- ick and loud and quicker, • touches tho effect on the tring, whicli ,o rest. This when they Ions tc be ini- ailed for by time, and no plainer or hi"^ true, as they lor animals, as Ir toad, in dis- lexistB amona thf ' Remarks on th> lork Historical f^"- INDIAN FF.ASla. :{d. Ween-dam-was-so-win — Feast of giving names. These are had principally on occasion of giving names to children, and the guests are expected to eat all, be it more or less, that is put into their dish by the entertainer. The reason they assign for requiring, at this and several other feasts, all that has been cook- ed to be eaten, is, apparently, very insuflicient ; namely, that they do so in imitation of hawks, and some ntlier birds of prey, who never return a second time to that they liave killed. 4th. Menis-se-no We-koon-de-win — War feast. These leasts are made before starting, or on the way towards the ene- my's country. Two, four, eight, or twelve men, may be called, but by no means an odd number. The whole animal, whether deer, bear, or moose, or whatever it may be, is cooked, and they are expected to eat it all ; and, if it is in their power, tliey have a large bowl of bear's grease standing by, which they drink in place of water. Notwithstanding that a man who fails to eat all his portion, is liable to the ridicule of his more gormandizing companions, it frequently happens that some of them are com- pelled to make a present of tobacco to their entertainer, and beg him to permit that they may not eat all he has given them. In ihis case, and when there is no one of the company willing to oat it for him, some one is called from without. In every part of this feast, when it is made after the warriors leave home, they take care that no bone of the animal cafen shall he broken ; but iifter stripping the flesh from them, they are carefully tied up, and hung upon a tree. The reason they assign for preserving, in this feast, the bones of the victim unbroken, is, that thus they may signify to the Great Spirit, their desire to return home to their own country, with their bones uninjured. 5th. Gitche-we-koon-de-win — The great feast. This is a toast of high pretensions, which few men, in any band, and only those of principal authority, can venture to make. The animal is cooked entire, t !-r as they are able to do ir. This kind is sometimes called iWe? ziz-a-kwa-win. 6th. Waw-bun-no We-koon-de-win — Wawbeno feast. This, and the other mummeries of the Wawbeno, which is looked upon as false and mischievous heresy, are now laid aside by most respectable Indians. These feasts were celebrated vt'ith iimch noise and disturbance ; they were distinguished from all I M ii Mo t.. _ 288 rxSTS AND DREAMIN'U. other feasts, by being held commonly in the night time, and the showing off of many tricks with tire. 7th. Je-bi Naw-ka-win — Feast with the dead. This feast h eaten at the graves of their deceased friends. They kindle a fire, and each person, before he begins to eat, cuts off a small piece of meat, which he casts into the lire. The smoke and smell of this, they say, attracts the Je-bi to come and eat with them. 8th. CHE-BAir-KOo-CHE-nA-wiN — Feast for his medicine. During one whole , and the lis feast 13 ^ kindle a ifl' a small invoke and id eat with medicine, lumn, every ic bag in tho n honour of portant feast, 'bis miglit 1m orxasion of " any particxdar ,e, or bviffaloc, ;s of it occur ,P dwelt upon. led upon youiv: ,egin at a very child the usual ; if the latter i^ mendations, 01 be able to con- They, therc- ty of remaining [fast three, fivf- I of whic^^ timr istant intervals, tention to their arents, to whom life of the chilli LASTS AND DKKAMING, Dreaming of tilings above, as birds, clouds, the sky, &c. is con- sidered favourable ; and when the child begins to relate any thing of this kind, the parent interrupts him, saying, '• it is well, mv child, say no more of it." In these dreams, also, the chil- dren receive impressions, which continue to influence their cha- racter through life. A man, an old and very distinguished war- rior, who was some years ago at Red River, dreamed, when fiasting in his childhood, that a bat came to him, and this little animal he chose for his medicine. To all tlie costly medicines lor war or hunting, used by other Indians, he paid no attention. Throughout his life he wore the skin of a bat tied to the crowu of his head, and in his numerous war excursions, he went into battle exulting in the confidence, lliat the Sioux, who could not hit a bat on the wing, would never be able to hit him. He dis- tuiguished himself in many battles, and killed many of his ene- mies ; but throughout his long life, no bullet ever touched him, all of which he attributed to the protecting influence of his medi- cine, revealed to him, in answer to his fasting, in boyhood. Of Net-no-kwa, his foster mother, the author of the foregoing nar- rative relates, that at about twelve years of age, she fasted ten successive days. In her dream, a man came down and stood before her, and after speaking of many things, he gave her two sticks, saying, " I give you these to walk upon, and your hair I give it to be like snow." In all her subsequent life, this excel- lent woman retained the confident assurance, that she should live to extreme old age, and often, in times of the greatest distress from hunger, and of apparent danger from other causes, she cheered her family by the assurance, that it was given to her to crawl on two sticks, and to have her head like the snow, and roused them to exertion by infusing some part of her own con- fident reliance upon the protection of a superior and invisible Power. The belief, that communications take place in dreams from i superior beings to men, is not peculiar to this people, or this age of the world. Men, particularly, when their minds are little cul- livated, are ever ready to believe themselves objects of particular attention, and the subjects of especial solicitude to their divinities. I .\mong the Indians of the Algonkin stock, many, and perhaps II, believe that not only their prayers, in times of distress, are 37 '^'.tu lASTS AND DREAMING. ••5* ;iski M' h' ' ■^'tK lit'urd aMil iiiif^wfied, hut llioy lliink, that io some among fhcm, ;nr roinrniniicatcd in dnnnis intinialions of things which are lo happen in ronioto linu-s, and even after death. It Ih probable llirir traditional belief of a fntiire slate, and of the circnmstancfs .iltciidintr it, have made s(» wtronff an impression on the minds of children, that iIk y may oflcii dream of it, and eontinuc to do ao, at intervals during life. Aecordingly, several may he found among them, wlio, having in extreme sickness had their thoughts paitirnlarly directed to this subject, and having, perhaps, been reduced so low as lo be considered in a desperate condition — [of a person in Avhicli situation they speak as of one dead]— .may- have dreamed, or imagined the impressions of their early child- hood to have been realized. Hence, wc hear them relating, Midi confidence, that such and such persons have !)eendcad, and have travelled along tlie path of the dead, till they have come to the great strawberry, which lies by the road, this side the river; they have seen the river itself, some have even passed over it, jind arrived in the villages of the dead. Dreams of this kind ^rrm to have bee;) frequent among them. But they have, most comnionly, to tell of vexation, annoyance, and disappointment. They have come to the great strawberry, at which the .le-bi-nff refresh themselves, on their journey ; but on taking up the spoon, and alteinpling to separate a part of it, the berry has become ii ruck, (which, with the people about Lake Superior, is a soft, red sand rock, because the type exists in their country.) Thov have then gone on, have been much alarmed at the Mc-tig-ush-r- ]io-kif, (the swinging loo,) on which they have to cross, or at the great dog, who stands beyoiul it. They have received taunt?, and gibes, and i.-.sidts, amon^jr their friends ; have been ii cired at, and called Je-bi ! have had ashes and water given them, in ])lnce of Mun-dah-min aw-bo, or corn broth, bark for dried meat, and O-zluish-kwa-to-wuk, or the large puckwi, called pud" bulls, for squashes. Some men have commonly seen, in that, country, onh^ squaws, numbers of wliom liave competed for them, »•< an husband, and the dreams of all have been tinged with some !>liade of colour, drawn from their own peculiar situation. How liiose ]ieo|'le came first in possession of their opinions respectins; the country n practice of the women of that tribe; and the mourner is careful, if she contemplates a second marriage, never to look baek towards the grave she ha-^ left, but returns to her lodge by some devious and circuitous route. It is done, as they say, that the ('ha-pi (Je-bi of the Ojib- heways,) or the dead person, may not l)e able to follow litem at- * O-jce-rJmu-go-mau — Schoolcraft. Tlii.s is the sulistuiilivo without :tiiy in separable pronoun. It in comnicuy uscil in coinbimition, ms nc-tuhrlmk, my tliadow; ke-tah-chul:, thy shadow ; o-ioh-rhvl:. \\U nhail'iw. aiimiiL'' the .Afciio monies. (i % I ■! I I V" ■>. 'f I ! V : 393 ( i;kemonies ax intehments. J' ^ m w V icnvart]!'. If ihc woman should look back, they believe she would cither fall dead immediately, or beromc insane, and remain so ever after. On some occasions, but rarclj'. another person ac- rompanics the mourner, carrying a handful of small twines, and following immediately after her, flourishes it about her head, as if driving away flies. The verb applicable to this action, is in the third person singular, Wai-whai-na-how, the more general one applicable to the whole ceremony, Ah-ncuk-kun-new. In the instance above mentioned, the woman walked rapidly, and without looking back, across the wide prairie, in a direction almost oppoisite that leading to her lodge ; but her loud and bitter lamentings could be heard at a great distance, seeming to contra- dict the action by which she professed to seek an everlasting se- paration from the deceased. The more common and well known observances paid to thr dead by these people, seem not to indicate such a destitution oi' affection as the ceremony just described. In many of their cus- toms relating to the treatment of the dead, we can discover, not only the traces of kind feeling, but a strong confidence in a future existence, and the belief that their departed friends can know and estimate the value of friendly oflices rendered them after their departure. At the time of the great council at Prairie DuCheiii. in 1825, a 8ioux chief, of the remote band of the Sissitong, sick- ened and died of a bilious fever. He had been a distinguished man among his own people, and, as he had cornea great dislanct from his own country, in obedience io tlie call of our govern- ment, the military commandant at that post, was induced to bury him with (he honours of war. The men of his band were frathernl around his body, in the lodge w here he died, and when the escort arrived, they raised him upon his bier, a hundred manly voirr< at tlie same time cluintinfr forth a requiem, thus rendered bv u person well acquainted with their laniruage: Grieve not, ourbrotlirr! tin- j!;'.!!) thou nrt walking Is that in wliich we, ainl all inrti mimt llMlow. And this they continued to repent, until they nached the (rravi There is something impressive and allecting in their habit of pri- serving and dressing u|) the je-bi, or memorial of the deail, wliirli, like our weeds and crapes, finds a place in many a dwelling wherr little of mourning iii visible. Yet. though the place ", '""h drnl!- ,r*- ■ftii«w fKREMONIF.S AT INTERMENTS. •.itKj had made vacant in their hearts, may have been filh^d, tliey seem never to forget the supply they consider due the wants of the de- parted. Whenever they eat or drink, a portion is carefully set apart for the je-bi, and this observance continues for years, should they not, in the mean time, have an opportiuiity to send out this memorial witli some war party ; wlien, if it be thrown down on the field of battle, as they aim always to do, then their obligation to the departed ceases. Of the ('hippewyaus, the Sarcees, the Strong Bows, and other tribes inhabiting those dreary regions which border on the arctic circle, it is related, that they in many instances omit to bury their dead, and that they frequently desert their relatives and friends, whenever, from sickness or old age, they become unable to endure the ordinary fatigues of their manner of life. There is no more reason to question the accuracy of these statements, than of those in relation to the cannibalism, sodomy, and other shock- ing vices of more southern tribes. But as the destitution of na- tural afl'ection manil'ested in the conduct of many of the American tribes, towards their relatives in sickness and decrepitude, is un- doubtedly that among their vices, which is most abhorrent to the feelings of civilized men, so we sliall find the instances of rare occurrence, except where the rigour of the climate, or other na- tural causes, impose on them a necessity, to which we ourselves, in the same circumstances, should probably yield, as they do. The horrible practices to which men of all races have been driven in besieged cities, in cases of shipwreck, and other similar emer- gencies, should admonish us that the Ind' ns, as a race, deserve no peculiar detestation for crimes erowinu unavoidably out of ihcir situation. •\\ In :\ ( 394 PLANTS AND ANIMALS. , r #' * P: ^ ' J » II ^ 'VI ' ' / ' h f n { CATALOGUE OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS Found ill the country of the Ojihhcways ; with English names, as far as these could be ascertained. Metik-goao — Trees. Shin-oo-bekk — Ever greens, or cone bearing trees. Ma-ni-hik — Norway pine. A-nee-naun-duk — Balsam fir. Kik-kaun-dug — Spruce. The black pheasant feeds on the leaves. Mus-keeg-wah-tick — Harkmatack, swamp wood. Kaw-waun-duk — Single spruce. Mis-kwaw-wauk — Red cedar. Ke-zhik — White cedar. Kaw-waw-zheck — Juniper bushes. Kaw-waw-zheeti-sha, or Ah-kaw-wun-jc — Ycm. Kaw-kaw-ge-wingz — Hemlock sjiruce. Puk-gwun-nah-gfl-muk — White pine, (peeling bark.) Shin-gwawk — Yellow pine. Ne-bish-un — Trees with broad leaves. Nin-au-tik — Sugar maple, (our own tree.) She-she-gum-maw-wis — River maple, (sap flow.s fast.) Shah-shah-go-be-muk — Lnw-grouiul maple. Moons-omais — Striped maple, (moose wood.) Shah-shah-go-be-muk-oons — Spiked maple, (little shah-shali- go-be-muk.) Wc-gwos — White birch. Weeii-cs-sik — Black birch. Buh-wi-e-me-nin aw-gaw-wunje — Red Cherry, (the wood of tliu shaken down fruit, or berry.) Sus-Ruh-way-meen ah-ga-wunje — Choke cherry. Ruh-wi-me-iiah-ne-gah-wnnje — Black Cherry. .\ai-eo-wim-mc-nuh ffaw-we./heen — Sand-chcrrv buphe«. I 1, I PLANTS AND ANIMALS. a95 ; wood of tilt: Me-tik-o-meesh, (Mait-e-ko-nia, Menomonie) — Black oak, (wood cup.) Meesh-a-mish — White oak. Ah-sah-tia — White poplar. Mah-nu-sah-tia — Balsam poplar, (ugly poplar.) Mat-heh me- toos — Cree. Franklin's narrative, p. 78. Be-zhew-au-tik — Cofl'ce bean tree, (wild cat tree.) Found only 'n the south. Way-miche-ge-meen-ah-ga-wunje — Honey locust, southern. Uz-zhuh-way-inish — Beech ; none northward oi" Mackinac. Me-tig-wawb-awk — Smooth hickory, (smooth wood bow tree.) Nas-kun-nuk-a-koosit Me-teg-wawb-awk — Hickory, (rough bark bow tree.) A-necb — Elm, white. 0-shah-she-go-pe — Red elm, two varieties : the bark of ono only used for sacks. Wa-go-be-mish — Linn, (bark tree.) Bug-gaun-awk — Black walnut. Ke-no-sha bug-gaun-awk — Butternut, (long walnut.) Ahn-za bug-gaun-awk — Pecan, southern. Suz-zuh-widi-ko-niist — Hackberry. As-seme-nun — Pawpaw. Boo-e-auk — White ash. We-sug-auk — Black ash Bug-gaun-ne-me-zeesh-ah — Hazle busli. Waw-bun wah-ko-meczh — White arrow wood. We-ah-ko-meczh — Arrow wood. Mus-kwaw be-muk — Red ozior. O-to-pe — Alder. ()-to-peen — Alders. Sisse-go-be-mish — Willow. Bug-ga-sah-ne-mish — Plum tree, Mish-she-min-nnh ga-wunje — Crab apple tree. Mish-ghe-niin au-tik — Oab apple wood, or tree. Ne-be-min-ah-ga-wunje — High cninebi'rry bush. Tah-tah-te-niun-ah-ga-wunje — Black h:iw bush. Ke-teg-ge-manito — New-Jersey tea, (red root.) Koose-gwaw-ko-inizhc-ga-wunje — High blue berry bush. 0-zhu8k-ko-mi-zheen — Musk rat berries. Be-mah-gwut — Grape. J^^'r'^' 296 TLANTii AND ANIMALS. r' if J: «1 ' i n'lu h^ We-gwos-bo-mah-gwut — Bircli grape. Manito-be-niah-gwut, or manito-ineeii i-gah-wunje — Cissus, u climbing vine, with scattered berries, somewhat hke grapes. Mus-ke-ge-min* — Cranberry, crane berries, (swamp berries.) Sa-zah-ko-mc-nah gah-wah-zheen, pi. — Saccacommis, or arbu- tus. The leaves of this plant, the uva ursa of the shops, are commonly used by the Ojibbeways, in whose country it abounds, to mix with their tobacco. Waw-be-ko-meen-aJi-ga-wunje — Nine bark, or spiraw. "Wis-seg-ge-bug, sing, wis-seg-ge-bug-goon, pi. — Bitter leaf; an andromeda, very highly esteemed by the Indians, as a remedy, and by them said to grow only about the Grand Traverse, in Lake Huron. Ne-kim-me-nun — Swamp whortle berries. Shug-gus-kim-me-nun — Thimble berries, or flowering rasp- berries. Kaw-waw-be-ga-koo-zit — White bark, a small tree at Lak<^ Traverse. Ut-tuh-bc-ga-zhin-nah-gook — A shrub said to be found only in the north. Pah-posh-geshe-gun-au-tik — Red elder, (popgun wood,) ver\ common about Me-nau-zhc-taun-naug, and the islands in thr Lake of the Woods. Bwoi-iim-me-nah-ga-wunje — Whortleberry bush. Ne-kim-mc-nah-ga- wnnje — High blue berry bush. Mus-keeg o-bug-goan — Labrador tea, (swamp leaves,) one of the most esteemed of the products of cold and swampy regions ; used in decoction as tea. Pe-boan-meen-ah-gaw-wunje — Winter berry bush, a prinos, Mun-no-mun-ne-chee-beegt — Red paint root. Me-nais-sa gaw-wunje — Thorn apple. Buz-zuk-ko-me-nais, sing., buz-zuk-ko-me-nais-ug, pi. — A kind of thorn apple growing in the north, which sometimes kill bears » Mns-ge-kwi-iuin-all — Zeis. p. 83. (■'1 i'i t A substance is brought by the Indians from a place called Na-kaw-wudj, on the shores of Lake Superior, which, when bruised, imparts a bright carnation < olour. It is a small root, prolably that of a species of Chenopodium, which i- ••'•mctimrfi met with on the borders ofswampn about St. Marks. mmmmtii '.-- --ii'""?^^'^'^''^'" PLANTS ANU ANIMALS. 297 pes. errie8.) , or arbu- liops, are abounds, r. if leaf; an 1 remedy, e, in Lake ing rasp- e at Lak<' ind only in ^ood,) very nds in thr es,) one ol' >y regions ; when they eat them in large quantities. The Indians suppose that it is in consequence of t)ie strongly adhesive quality of the pulp, that they have tliis deleterious property. Meen — Blue berry ; meen-un — Blue berries, (fruit.) This is a word that enters into the composition of almost all which are used as the names of fruits or berries of any kind ; as me-she- min, or me-she-mecn, an apple, o-da-c-min, a strawberry, or heart berry, &c. The word ga-wuuje, added to the name of any fruit or berry, iidicatcs the wood or bush. Mcen-ah-ga-wunje — Blue berry, or whortle berry bush. Ma-ko-meen-ah-ga-wunje — Black currant bush. Mish-e-je-min-ga-wunje — This is a bush growing at and about the Lake of the Woods, which bears red currants, like those of the gardens ; but the currants arv3 beset thickly with hairs. Shah-bo-min- nil — Goose berries; Shah-bo-min ga-wunje — the bushes. Mis-kwa-min — Raspberry : mis-kwa-min-nug — Raspberries. Gaw-waw-ko-mcesh — Black raspberries. 0-dah-tah-gah-go-min — Blackberry ; 0-dah-tali-gah-go-me-mig' — Blackberries. Muk-kwo-mc-nug, or muk-kwaw-mc-nug — Bear berries ; Muk- ko-mc-nah-ga-wunjc — The mountain ash, or American service tree. 0-gin-ne-mee-nahga-wunjc — Rose bush. The fruit is much eaten in winter by the starving Indians in the north. All these arc called Me-tik-goag, or woody plants. 1 / a pnnos. Weah-oush-koan* — Wecis^ or herbaceous plants. I.— A kind h.s kill bears Lkaw-wudj, on light carnation lium, which i- Me-zhus keen, (Ma-zhus-koon of the Menomonies) — Grasses. Na-bug-U8-koaii — Coarse swamp Grass. Anah-kun-us-koan — Bull rush, (matt grass.) Be-gwa-wuii-us-koan — Soft coarse grass. The name of the Be-wi-o-nus-ko River and Lake, called Rush River on some of the maps, is from this word. This word seems, in some districts. to be used as the name of the row parsley. • Probably from H'rah-gmh-ke. dust; or that which i* mixed togethw. \r '■ i i 298 PLANTS AND ANIMALiU As-ah-gu-nus-koaii — Biig-gusk — Iri>-. Puk-kwi-usk-oge — Flags. O-zhusk-gwuf-ie-beeg — INIiiskrat root, (a gratis.) The follow? II if are not called Mc-zhu3-keeu. Muz-zha-nush-koan — Nettles. ykib-waw-wc-gusk — Artichoke, a species of sim flower. Ke-zhe-bun-iish-koau — Rushes. O-kun-dum-moge — Pond lilies. Ma-ko-pin, Ma-ko-pin-eeg, sin. and p!. — Chinkapin, or cyainus. Waw'-be-ze-pin-neeg — Arrow head, (swan potatoes.) The roots of the common saggittaria, as well as the bulbs of some oi' the crest flow i^rirg lilies, which are eaten by the Indians, rcceivf this name. Mus-ko-ti-pc-neeg — Lily, (juairie potatoes.) Sah-sah-way-suk — Turkey potatoes. O-kah-tahk— Cicnta. Ma-ni-to O-kah-tahk — Sison.' heracleum .' O-saw-wns-kwun-wees — Green small balls. Siig-gut-ta-bo-way — Sticking burs ; hounds tongues, tScc Nah-nia-wiisk — Spear mint, (sturgeon medicine.) Wis-se-giche-bik — Indian's physic, (bitter root; Callistachiit.) Mis-kwe-wis-chc-bc-kilg-guk — Blood root. A-zhush-a-way-skuk — Square stem scrophularia. Bc-zhew-wusk — Wild cat medicine. Ke-na-beek-o-me-nun — Snake berries ; Dracaena borealiy. Main-wake — Angelica, or cow parsley. Me-(ush-koo-se-n>in —Apjde of the Prairie of the Canadians. (Psorulia,) much eaten by the Crecs and Assiinieboin.s, in whoM country it abounds. Mah-nom-o-negah-wah-zhecn, pi. — Wild rice, (the grass.) Muk-koose-e-mee-nun — Yomig bear's berries. We-nis-se-buff-goon — Wintergrecn. Mus-kee-go-bug-goon — Swan)p winter green; perhaps the lit tie rough wintergrcon. Be-na-bug-goon — Partridge flower. Mus-ke-gway-me-taus — Side saddle flower, (swamp bottles, in allusion to the pitcher shaped leaves.)* * More probubly compoumlej of Muh-kt-cg, (a swamp,) uiid Mi -l;iiis, (nlr;: tjin,) from \^* rpsi'inblHnce folhf* Icjijins worn by the Iiit?i.in^ I I V > X cr. )rcyamu>. es.) Thr of some ol" ns, rcccivf borcali:^. (ic grass.) [rliaps tlic lii up bottles, ill ri.ANi- .\M< A -,ni.vi> •JO'.t :\luk-kud-(Ja-\ve-cho-be-kiig-gul; — Black iooi>. Ta-ta-sis-koo-see-men — The flower that follows tlie sun. Pe-zhe-kc-wu.sk — Bullaloe medicine. Wild carrot ? Shc-wa-bug-goon — Sweet cicely, (sour leaf.) A-nich-e-mc-nun — Wild pea vine. O-da-na-me-na-gaw-wun-zhecn, pi. — Strawberry vines. Se-bwoi-gim-nuk — Corn stalks, (chaw sweet.) 0-pin — Potatoe. 0-pin-neeg — Potatoes. O-guis-c-mauu — Squashes. O-zaw-waw-o-guis-se-maun — Yel- low squashes. Mis-kwo-de-sc-min — Be«n. Mis-kwo-dc-se-me-iiug — Beans. As-ke-tuin-moon^ — Melons. (jitche-un-ne-beesii — Cabbage, (big leaf.) tiitche-ne-beesh-uu -great leaves. Skush-kun-iluh-niin-ne-kvvi-iik — Plantain ; the leaves of thi- arc particularly observed by hunter, as they show, better than any thing else, the age of the tracks of game. Shig-gau-ga-uin-zheeg,* pi. — Onions, (•^knnk weeds.) 0-kau-tauk — farrot<. Kitche-mus-kc-ke-mcen — lied pepper, (lireat medicine berry.) Ba-se-kwuuK — This is a red aslringenl luot, much valued b) ihe Indians, as an application to wounds. Aveiis root? Shah-bo-ze-gim — Milkweed. 'I'hc Ojibbeway word signitie> purffatifc, Waw-be-no-wusk — Yarrow, (Wawbeno n\edicine.) Ke-zhe-bun-ush-kon-sun — Stnall rushes, in prairie. Nah-nah-gun-o-wushk — Fern. .\ah-nah-„if iH •■ Waw-but-to — Pine touch-wood. Me-tik-o-mish 0-zhusk-kwa-to-\viig — White oak touch-wood- much used to burn mortars for pounding corn. Sug-guh-tah-gun — Spunk. Je-bi-e-push-kwa-e-gun — Xylostroma ; dead peo» le's mocca- sin leather, is the literal meaning of this word, which is applied to the leather-like substance in the iissurcs of old trees. 0-je-bi-e-muk-ke-zin — Ghost or spirit moccasin; puff ball; dead man's shoe ; sometimes called Anung-wug — stars. Aii-WES-siE-uo* — Animals. The diminutive termination is used for the young of animak, and is, in the Ottawwaw dialect, generally in the sound of ns, or 7ice, when the noun ends with a vowel. Thus;, Gwin-gwaw-ah- ga, a. wolverene; Gwin-gxLiaw-ali-gaincc, a young wolverene; the c, in the last syllable, retaining the same sound as in the word without the diminutive termination. "When any distinction of sex is made, it is commonly by prefixing the words i-ah-ha onAno-zha, very similar in signification to our male and female, thus I-ah-ha Gwin-gwaw-ah-ga, is a male wolverene ; No-zha (rwin-gwaw-ah-ga, a female wolverene. G\vin-gwaw-ah-ga — Wolverene, (tough beast.) Carcajou. French, northern glutton, a very sagacious and mischievous animal, but not of common occurrence ; now principally found among the lakes. Na-nah-pah-je-nc-ka-se — A mole ? (foot wrong way.) Bo-taich-che-pin-gwis-sa — Gopher, (blow up the ground.) Manito Muk-kwaw — Great grizzly bear, always found in tlic prairie. Ma-mis-ko-gah-zhe-muk-kwaw — Red nail bear; very fierce ami dangerous, more feared by the Indians than the former, who very rarely attacks a man, unless wounded ; but the red nailed bear attacks when unprovoked, and pursues with great speed. }[•■ lives in rocky places in woods. * A-wes-sie-sae, Del. Zeisb. 2d ed. p. 46. MHttMli ruffs^ I'l-ANTS A\U AMMALJS. Ml ach-vvo Oti- s' s mocca- . is applied s. puff ball; of animals, mil of ns, or in-gwaw-ah- wolverene ; id as in the ly distinction vords i-ah-ho anAfemaki cne; No-zho Carcajou, miseliievons cipally found ay.) ground.) found in tlif ery fierce and iier, who ver\ cd nailed bear at speed. H<' J Badger. Muk-kwaw — Common bear ; Ou-wash-ah, of the Menomonics. Muk-koons, or Muk-koonce — Cub ; Ou-wa-sha'Sha, of the Me- nomonies. I-aw-ha-koons and No-zha-koons, are used by the Ottawwaws and Ojibbeways to distinguish the male and female bear, where the Menomonies would use Ou-xca-shah E-nai-ne-wow and On- wa-shah Ma-tai-mo-sh uh. Me-tun-nusk, Ojib. — Toothless, Mish-she-mo-nalj-na, Ott. — Great burrower, Mus-ko-tai Chil-ta-mo — Prairie squirrel. Mus-ko-tai Ah-gwin-gwoos — Prairie striped squirrel ; smail squirrel, with stripes and spots, burrowing in the prairie, some- times with the chittamo. Ah-gwin-gwoos — Cliijiping squirrel. Atch-e-ilah-mo — Red squirrel. O-zhug-gus-kon-duh-wa — Flying squirrel, (strikes flat on a tree.) Sun-nah-go, and Muk-kud-da As-sun-nah-go, and Mis-kwaw- sun-nah-go — The grey, black, and fox squirrels, not found in the country north of Lake Superior. Uk-kuk-koo-jees — Ground hog, smaller than in the states. Me-sau-boos — Hare, white in winter. Waw-boos — Rabbit. Meezh-way, Meezh-way-ug, sin. and pi. — Southern rabbit. Pish-tah-te-koosh — Antelope. This is reckoned the fleetest animal in the prairie country, about the Assinneboin. Pe-zhe-ke — Buffaloe. No-zha-zha-pe-zhe-ke — A cow that has a young calf following her. 0-neen-jah-nis-pe-zhe-ke — Farrow cow. Jah-ba-pe-zhe-ke — Bull. Pe-zhe-keence — A young calf. 0-saw-waw Koo-shance — A cal^ while the hair is red. Poo- nah-koosh — Calf, a year old. Ah-ne-ka-boo-nah-koosh — Two years old. Gitche-pe-zhe-ke — Fossil mammoth. Ma-nah-tik — Big horn. Gitche-mah-nish-tah-nish -Rocky mountain sheep. M. ■^Ic.^ iil t'l.AN'is AM) A.MMAI >. An-ne-moo-shug — Doga. t . I« Small wolf, in prairie countries. Na-ne-mo-w liy, Ott. Mish-luh-lah-si, Ojib. Mi-een-gun-iiug — ("omnion wolves. Mi-een-gun — Common wolf. Muk-liii(l-da-mi-ecn-gun — Black wolf. Waw-be-mi-een-gun — White wolf. Shoon-slio — Long eared hound. An-ne-moosh — Common dog. Ta-tah-koo-gaut-ta-was-sim — Short leg dog. Be-gwi-wa-was-sim — Long haired dog ; Newfoundland. Ke-wis-kwa-mi-een-gun-nug — Mad wolves, sometimes .sorii. hut rarely bite, unless attacked! Waw-goo-shvg — Foxc.-'. If ^f I O-saw-waw-goosh — Common red fox. Muk-kud-da-waw-goosh — Black fox. Muk-kud-da-waw-goo-sliug — Black foxes. Wa-whaw-goosh — White fox, fur long, but of no value. Ne-ke-kwa-tug-gah-wa-waw-goosh — Grey fox. Pis-tat-te-moosh — Swift fox, (small dog.) m 'mi Kah-zhc-gainse — Common house cat, (little glutton.) Pe-zhcw — Wild cat. Ke-tah-gah-pe-zhew — Lynx, (spotted wild cat.) Me-she-pe-zhew — Panther, (big wild cat.) Ah-nieek — Beaver. Naub-ah-meek — Male beaver. Noazli- ah-meek — Female beaver. Ah-meek-koanse — Young beaver. Kin-waw-no-wish-shug, Cree, } m ^ ^. , , , , I • ^v ■■, I Black tailed deer. Muk-kud-da-waw-wasli-gais, Ojib. ) Waw-wash-gais — Red or Virginian deer. O-mush-kooiis, Ojib. Me-sha-wav, Ottaw. / i o i • c • t iMe Saskawjawun,«Scc. W^aw-was-kesli, l-ree, J Ah-dik--Rein(lcer. Ca-ri-bou, French. The feet very larirc and broad, fitting the animal to travel over smooth ice, or dec p snow; fmuid on all the >^lini(s of Lake Superior, and sometinn > ^ Elk. On Red River, Mouse Rivtr. .V PLANTS AND AMMAL^. 'M\i fies. anil, limes sefi'' ;&\\io. Ion.) Ivcr. ISoazli- ing beaver. deer. Imousc Rivti, red very larii*' \h ice, or dcq« land sometini. . .It the upper end of Lake Huron ; but most IVcquent farther north. Mooze, or Moonec, Ojib. ) Moose. Tlie nasal sound, at the Moon-swah, ('roe, S end of this word, is common in these dialects ; but it is didicult to represent, by the letters of our alphabet. I-aw-ba-mooze — Buck moose. No-zha-mooze — Deer moose. Moonze-aince — Little moose, &,c. A-yance — Opossum, only in the south. The word a-yance, means crafty. Shin-goos — Weasel, two kinds. Shin-goo-sug — Weasels. Ne-gik — Otter. Ne-gik-wug — Otters. Kwaush-kwaush-ko-tah-be-ko-sheezh. Kecn-waw-no-wa waw-Avaw-bc-gun-o-jc — Long tail leaping mouse. Waw-waw-bc-gun-o-je — blouse. Ah-mik-waw-waw-be-gun-o-je — Reaver, or diving mouse. Kah-ge-bin-gwaw-kwa — Shrew. Two species are conmioti about St. Maries, in Avinter. Kahg — Porcupine.* Kahg-wug — Porcupines. Shong-gwa-she — Mink. Wah-be-zha-she — Marten. Woapckccs, Z. p. IH, A-se-bun — Raccoon. She-gahg — Skunk. O-zhusk — Muskrat. Ah-puk-kwon-ah-je — Bat. O-jeeg — Fisher weasel, a very stupid animal, easy to kill. * The j'oung of tluK aniinni, if taken out of the uterus with care immcdiati'ly oi i killing the dam, and put upon a tree, will cling to it, and otlrn live. The Indinns relate, that the porcupines, in the prairie countries of tht north, pasi? the winter.-^ on oak trees, where they oftentimes have no hole, or any other protection from the weather, than is atForded by the trunk of the tree. 'I'hey strip all the hark oil' one tree, before they go to search for another, and one may pass the greater part of the winter on a single tree, if it happens to be a lartrp one. They also pretend ti) latten the porcupine in the summer, whenever they r:\n i'md him in some hole, where he has cimstructed his nest, which is of his own excrement. This, they s.iy, he eats, and never fails, when tlius confined, to beeon\e very fat. The por- I'upine is not disposed to make any other resistance, when attacked by a man, than Ids spiny skin aflbrds, and the Indians have a saying of this anima], and of the ra! • liit. that those whom they bite will live to a irreat a^v. ,v*- ^-i!r1 304 PLANTS ANU ANIMALS. Ba-bah-mo-ta-jf.eg — Reptiles. Nau-to-way — Thick, short rattle snake. [Sha-no-wc-naw — The rattier ?] She-she-gwa — Common rattle snake. Both these arc occa- sionally kept tame by the Indians. They sometimes make feasts to them, and they are said to be very docile and intelligent. Me-tik-o-she-she-gwa — Adder. Na-wa — Moccasin snake. Pih-kim — Prairie snake. At the head of Mouse River, and in the prairies towanis the Missouri, these snakes are more than six feet long, and proportionably large. Pih-kun-un are common snakes, but never half so large as the above. Mis-kwan-dib — Red head ; copper snake ? 0-zha-\vus-ko Ke-na-beek — Green snake. Muk-kud-da Ke-na-beek — Black snake. O-mus-sun-dum-mo — Water snake. Wa-in-jc-tah Ke-na-beek — Garter snake, (right or true ge-Uii- bik.) 0-kaute Ke-na-beek — Lizzard, (legged snake.) Gee-kut-tiHi-naung — Lizzard of some kind. Que-\ve-zains — Little boy, (also a lizzard.) Nib-be-kc O-muh-kuk-kc — Orbicular lizzard? (medicine frog. j Wain-jc-tah O-muh-kuk-ke — Right frogs, or common frog. Dain-(la — Bull frog, and hannie, Z. 19. Mis-ko-muh-kuk-ke — Red toad.* Be-go-muh-kuk-kc — C'ommon toads. These two last, at tlu approach of winter, place themselves erect on the surface of thf ground, on their hams, and by turning themselves round and round, they sink into the ground, which closes over them, and they keep below the frost. They are often found, several within two or three feet of each other, buried deep in the earth, but keeping constantly their heads erect. 0-shaw-wus-ko-muh-kuk-ke — Tree frog. Me-zhc-ka, Ottaw. Me-kin-nauk, Oji Ta-ta-be-ko-nauk — Soft shelled tortoise. jib. \ ^""'^^ tortoise. ♦ Prom O-muk-kuk-ke, (Uy&A,)ajaA Ah-koo-se-win, (sickness,) is probably d«- rmvlthe \'nrd Ma-muk-ke-zc-win, (the small pox."^ i-wc-naw — e arc occa- make feasts Uigcnt. liver, and in nore than six are common or true gc-u,>- medicinetVog.i )mmon frog. Lwo last, at till ^e surface of the Ives round and over them, and I, several within the earth, but less,) is pw^*^'^''*" Winter hawli. P1.AM6 AND AMMAl.S. l5oort-kut-la-\vi.sh — A tortoise with roimild(i|i sliell-:. Mis-kwaw-tais-sa — Terrapin. Siig-gus-kwaw-ge-iuii — Leech. Be-nais-se-wug — yj/'n/.v. Ive-neu — War eagle ; the master of all bird <. Me-giz-ze — White hcadod eagle. Me-giz-ze-wiig, plural Ka-kaik — Spotted iiawk. nc-ho-no-sa, Otta\v. ^ Ke-bu-niiz-/e, Ojih. ^ No-je-ke-na-bcck-we-zis-sc — Marsh hawk, (snake eating.) Wa-l>e-no-ie Ke-na-beck-we-zis-sc — White marsh hawk. Mis-ko-na-ne-sa — lied tail hawk. Pish-kc-ne\i — Black tail hawk. Muk-kud-da-kc-neu — Black liawk. J5ub-be-nng-go — Spotted tail hawk. ['r-na-sern's — Small pheasant hawk. Clia-ecn-sa — A small hawk, so namtul IVoui ils er\ . I'e-pe-gc-wiz-zain's — Smallest hawk. VVe-nong-ga — Turkey buzzard. Kah-gah-ge, Ojib. i dau-ffau-ge-she, Ott. ) On-daiu; — Crow. On-daie-wno — (^rows. As-sig-ge-nawk — Black bird. Mis-ko-min-gwe-gun-nah Sig-go-nank — Ktil wing blackbird. O-pish-kah-gah-gc — Magpie. O-pish-kah-gah-ge-wug — Mag- jiios. Gwcen-gwe-slia — Similar in habits and locality to the former, nnd closely resembling, in size and colour, the following.* Teen-dc-se — Blue jay. These begin to lay their eggs before the snoAV is off the ground in the spring. Bc-gwuk-ko-kwa o-wais-sa — Thrush. * The Gwpcn-gwc-sha is met with about the Saut DeSt. Marie, in the winter season. It is a littie smaller than tlie bhio jay, and of a icaJen eolonr on the twck, the lower part of the nerk, and the wings ; a few of the feathers about the belly arc a dirty wliite above, but plumbeous below, as are those on the forward part of the neck, and about the insertion of the beak. It appears to be the Cormis Ca- ''vknsu!o( Rees' Cyclop. It is snid to have been found as far south in tli« Iiiili'il Ststrs, as the Lilllf' FiiIIh ofllie Mohawk. :{0 Kah-gah-ge- wug 3oa PIANTS AND ANIMALS. r.. V; Ah-luk — Similar to the tlirinh in habits. W«?cii-dr-}To bc-nais-HH — Kinir bird, (the bird that eats his own Kind.) O-pe-oIic* — Robin. Ma-mah-t\va — Cat bird. diaum-ma-wai«-shc — Anothc: ol' the same size. Kos-ko3-ko-na-rhini^ — firoiind bird ? A small bird so named iroin its note. * Put-fas-se-uis. AVaw-bc-uing-ko-su — Snow birds. Che-ki-chc-gau-na-sa — A very small lively bird, peculiar to the jiorth. Mis-kobr-na-sa — Red bird. Sa-ija-bun-wau-nis-sa — Waxen cliattercr. J ■ 'I'liis sociiil little hial srpjiis to bn uot less tlw fiivoiiritc and comp;iiiion of llip Indian than of tlir wliiti' man. Tliry relate, that long ago, t^oon after Nanabush bad made the ground, fhorc was an old chief, a great and j;tK)d man, who, with hi-, wife, had one son. Uut this young man disrcfjardetl the advice and adnionitinns of his [larent.s ; particularly he neglected to fast and pny, as all young men anil women are enjoined to do. For many successive days, had his father pr«>senlrd him hi;! breakfast in one hand, and in the other offered charcoals with which lu paint his fi»cc ; but the ungracious son had steadily preferred the venison, or thn broth, to the coals. One morning hii directed the old woman to mako a choice kettle of Mun-ilah-min-uw-bo, or corn broth, and taking a bowl full of it in one hand, and as nnual some coals in the other, he presented them both to his son. Tlu' young man chtwsnng the broth, the father returned to the fire place, atid takini; ,i handful of ashes, thri'w it into the bowl. The young man then took the coals, aiid rubbing them in hi.s hands, jiainted his face, and retired to the bushes near bj After he had lain thri-e or four days, his father ofliTed him something to eat, but he would not accept it. Thi.-. was rcptated from time to time, until the t«mth day ; then the young man still reniuiTiing in the buslus, cidled his father, and his niotluT, and his relatives, and addressed them thus : " .My friends, it has liei'ii unpleasant to you to see me eat so much as I have e^iten ; hcreafler I shall eat less ; but altlinurrli I can no longer live with you in the lodge, I shall remain near yon, and it shall be my busines.s lo forwam you when any stranger is B])proaching." He then took some red paint, and put it on his face and hi-* breast, to signify that his fast was finished, and was immediately changed to a bird calle cries out n'doini-wateh-i'-go, n'lloati nutch-e-go, to forelel that someone is coming. Ibit having found that his pn diction often proves falsi-, he is ashamed as soon as he lias uttered it, and llyin^'. down, he hides hiiii'-elf ir\ thick tiushc. <>r on the ground, crying o\if chel civ' ^he! rhe! \ . ,8 his own I so named culiav to tlic flmpuuioiioftlip after Nanabush 111, who, with \i\> uiul adnioniliciis 1 yoiinj? men and s fiitlioT prfscntrd a\s with whicli lu 10 veniBon, or Ww. to make a choic- ,\ fuU of it in one ithlohisson. 'I'lif Llaor, and tailing » [look the coiilx, and L- bushes nrar by. acthins •" <'a'i ''"<■ nlil the Uinth duy ; IcT, niiJ hit* nuilht'v, a botMi unjdcasiint Irs't ; but alllioupli [you, and it shall I)*' ijT." He then li>>V [y llnit hirt tas-l was Still he d«ligUt--i (flontimes taking a iitoUi'H". "''!«•'" „\md that hisi'f> [dred It, and llvmr. iii.^ out i-hel fh"' VI.AXTS AND AXIMAl.>'. <)-zhah-wus-kobc-na-s:i — Green bird. 0-zaw-we-be-na-sa — Yellow bird. Ma-ma — Red headed wood pecker. Paw-paw-sa — Spotted wood pecker. Muk-kud-da paw-paw-sa — Black pawpawsa. The male of this kind, has a bright yellow spot on the top of the head. Tliey are found about Lake Superior in winter. Mo-ning-gwun-na — Yaml, (highhold.) Ke-ke-ba-na — small spotted wood pecker. Chc-gaun-do-wais-sa — Brown wood pecker, confined to cedar countries. Shin-go-beek-ai-sa — Cedar bird. Gitchc-o-gish-ke-mun-ne-sa — Great king fishrr. O-gish-ke-mun-ne-sa* — Common king fislirr. Shaw -shaw-wa-ne-bais-sa — Swallow. 0-so-bun-gc-gush. 0-kun-is-sa — Loxia enudeator. found at Lake Superior in Feli- ruary. Pc, sing. Pe-ug, pi. — A fringillu, smaller than the waxen ciiui- terer. The female has a spot of red on the top of the head ; tin male, the whole head and neck of the same colour. The tail feathers are bent outwards near thr ends. Found about Lake Su- perior in the winter. Mara-mah-twa. Bosh-kun-dum-moan — Parakeet, (croch perons.) Moash-kah-o-se We-kum-mo, (Menomonie) — Stake driver, (bittern.) Kun-nuli waw-be-mokee-zhis wais-sa — Fly up the creek, (s>iu ^azer.) Me-mom-i-ne-ka-she — Rail, (rice bird.) Pud-(lush-k(»n-zhc — Snipe. Gitrhe-pud-dush-kon-zhe — Wood cock. Cni:-cHi;i;^-cHr.-Mi:-fK — Wader.-. Mo-voke — ('urliew, [a foreign word.| Alus-ko-da chc-checs-k«-wa — I'plimd plonr. *' /islvemaiiiH. /ein. liii. ..■?:.*»»-.> ;J0^ IM.ASrs AMI AM.MAJ, Yh i : I Wain-jc-lah clic-rliocs-kowa — Yellow leg piovrr. Che-to-waik — Bull licad plover. Chc-nhccs-kc-wais — Tern. WaM'b-uh-che-chawk — White Crane. 0-saw-waw-che-chawk — Sand hill crane. Mc-zin-sa — Tin-key. Be-na — Pheasant. Mush-ko-da-sa — Grouse ; confined to pine and cedar countries, Ah-gusk, ((|jib.) Ke-waw-nc, (O ,.) — Prairie hen. O-nie-me — Pigeon ; o-me-ineeg — Pigeons. Amemi, Z. 10. Ko-KO-KO-OGE* Owls. Waw-wain-je gun-no — Great horned owl. Wain-jc-tah koko-koho — Uight owl. Koko-oanse — Little owl ; gokhotit, Z. IS. Bo-dah-wah doani-ba — Size of a pigeon, (memhrnm virile.) Kaw-kaw-bc-sha — Bro\rn owl. Wan-be-ko-ko — Snow owl, very Inr^e. "Waw-o-nais-sa — Whippooiwill. Baish-kwa — >'ig1it hawk. m Sii[>siii>nn. ■Piid... . V. V'f ■•'.S NVaw-be-zco — Gre;\t Swan. Mah-nah-be-zee — Smaller swan, not common. Their cry n ■iemblcs the voire of a man. The word means ugly or ill look Jig swan. Ne-kuh — Brant ; iir-kug, pi, Pish-ne-kuh — A smaller brant. Wa-wa — Goose ; >Va-\vaig — (Jeese; Waw-bc-wa-wa — Wliiii goose ; Waw-be-wa-waig — White geese. An-ne-nish-shecb — Unrk and mallard. Tah-gwaw-ge she-sheob — Fall duck, rod neck. Mah-lo-gun she-sheeb — Scrajier bill duck. Scah-mo — Wood duck. Wa-weeb-ge-won-gn — Blue wing teal, (swift winged.) ( ' * Gnklios. 7. 1 1 \ « f countries. , Z. i«. m virilo.) rheir iry i' Iv or ill look ,;,-wa—Wn'' Wed.) I'LANTS AND A.M.HAI-?. Ive-uls-tc-no-kwa sheeb — Crec woman duck. Muk-kud-da shecb — Black duck. Kitclie-waw-wc-bif^-wa-wya — Large blue wing duck. Pe-gwuk-o-she sheeb — Large bill, or blunt arrow duck ; frO!ii {)e-gwuk, the blunt or unbarbed arrow. This species has a largo bill, and head of a leaden colour. They are found throughout the winter, in the rapids between Lakes Superior and Huron. Ma-muh-tway-ah-ga — Wliistling wing. Kee-no-gwaw-o-wa sheeb — Long neck duck. A-ha-wa — House duck. Wah-ka-we sheeb — White duck. Claw-waw-zhe-koos — Shell duck. Ah-zig-wuk — Fishing duck. Sah-gah-ta — Mud hen. Shin-ge-bis — (trrebc ; Gitche-shin-ge-bis — Large ercr br. !Mahng — Loon. (\-sha-mahng — Small loon. Gau-gau-geshf! shecb — Cormoraiil. .Sha-da — Pelican ; sha-daiir — Pelicans. Shub-slnih-. Paush-kaw gi-aushk — Black headed gull. Vas-so-waw-gwini-nus-kitte-kwah-gi-aushk — Fork tailed gull. Muk-kud-da gi-aushk — Black gull. MAN-E-TOANSE-srCi* — I/lffCCts. Bo-dush-kwon-c-she — Large dragon tly. Bo-dns-kwon-t-shcense — Small dragon iK . Gitche-me-ze-zaidit — Largt; horse lly. M(!-zauk — Cunirnoii horse lly. Mr-zauk-oons — Nat lly. ' .Mnn-r-loans(<-su;i, or iimn-c-toaiisc-ug, wnall spirits ; not rxartlv synonoinoin ):i tliisniipliciiitoii with our word insects, but usoil to tlfsiffuate, indiscrimiiiatrK , ill very Hiiiall aiiiiiuils. t Mesissachowak. Zci"*. 81. ^{I0 VLANTS AND ANIMALS, K< ; > jnr Gitche-ah-ino — Humble bee. Atnoe, abee, Z. 10. Ah-mo, sing., ali-maag, pi. — Wasps, hornets, &,v. Wa\v-\vaw-lais-sa — Lightning bug. An-ne-me-ke wid-de-koam* — Miller, sphinx, thunder's louse. Pah-puk-ke-na — Grasshopper. Ad-de-sah-wa-a-she — Locust. Mow-wytch-e-ka-se — Beetle, (dung worker.) Gitche-o-mis-kose — Great water bugs. 0-mis — Common water bug. Ma-maing-gwah — Butterfly. Metig-onishe-moan-ka-she — (He that sleeps in a stick.) Found in the bottom of springs. Sha-bo-e-ya-sa — Rowing water bug. Man-e-toanse o-ke-te-beeg pe-me-bui-toan — Literally, the little f creature or] spirit that runs on the water. O-mush-ko-se-se-wug — Grass bugs. 0-o-chug — Blowing flies and house flies. Sug-ge-ma — Musquito. Pin-goosh, pin-goosh-ains-sug — Gnats and sand flies. Alat-wa-nuh-kai-moag — Swarming flics. 8ub-be-ka-.Hhe — Spider, (net worker.) A-a-be-ko — Large bladv spider. An-e-go — Ant.t Mis-ko-manetoanse — A little red bug common in the north. Me-nah-koo-sit manetoanse — Strawberry buff. Puh-beeg — Flea ; Puh-beeg-wug — Fleas. Eze-gaug — Tick. K-kwuh — Louse ; E-kwug — Lice. Mo-sAic — Wornu'i. l>-zah-wash-ko-mo-sah — Green worm. Way-muk-kwah-na — Great catterpillar, (bear skin.) * Thin in one of (hose chiiutiy Rphinxes, or moths, that arc found on thogrouiiii in (lump weather, or after nhowersof rain, ami the Indiimn imuirine that they full from the Arniimekcfg, the brincrs who.sc voice is the thunder. + The Nimtowiiy Indians have a fable, of an old man and woman who watoh'il an aut lieiip until they saw the little iuHects i'haiii;ed to white men, anil the eg'."- '.vliic'h tlii'v c.irrv in their ttionth.v tn tides of miTi'limidise phi- *^.iiL>. yy<(ff»Tft*y-p '**^-' • ' ^ -^a. ■ ^^^U mmam r's lous^o. ck.) Found llv, the littli' les. —Large blad tlie north. |in.) iind on the grouii>'. Line that thoy fiiU Iniin wlw watctwM noil, nivl tlieoec*' PLANTS AND ANIMAL!". Gitche-mo-sa — Great white grub ; gitche-mo-saig, plural, Me-shin-no-kau-tait-mo-sa — MilUpedf. Pe-mis-koo-de-scence — Snail. Ke-goi-yug — Fishef. Nah-ma — Sturgeon. Mas-ke-no-zha — Maskenonge, or pike. O-zhaw-wush-ko ke-no-zha — Green pickerel, only found in tlic north. Ke-no-zha — Pickerel ; from kenose, long. Nahrma-goosh — Trout. Na-zhum-ma-goosh — Brook trout. Ne-git-che — Buflaloe fish. Rush-shc-to — Sheeps head ; bush-she-toag, plural. Mon-nuh-she-gun — Black bass. Ad-dik-kum-aig, (attai-kuin-meeg, Menom.) — White fish, or rein-deer fish ; from ad-dik, rein-deer, and gum-maig, Avater. Buh-pug-ga-sa — Large sucker. Mis-kwaw-zhe-gun-no — Red horse. Nah-ma-bin — Sucker ; Mis-kwun nah-ma-bin —Red sucker. TIg-gud-dwawsh — Sun fish. Siih-\va — Perch, (yellow.) Sah-waig, pi. 0-ka-ali-wis — Fresh water herring. We-be-chec — A flat fish larger than herring; only found in Red River. Mon-num-maig — Great cat fish. Ah-wa-sis-sie — Little catfish. The Indians say this fish hatches its young in a hole in the mud, and that they accompany her for some time afterwards. Ke-na-beek gwum-maig — Eel, (water snake.) 0-da-che-gah-oon — Gar. Shig-gwum-maig — Shovel nose ; only in tlie Mississippi. Kuk-kun-naun-gwi — Littl-. toad fish ; Lake Huron. 0-gah-suk — Little dories ; Lake Huron. ()-gah — Dory. Bug-gwut-tum-mo-goon-suk — These arc small fishes, tli.'ii make tlicir appearance in ponds having no connexion with rivers T lakes, and which are sometimes quite dry. But though tliry '3l'i M1N£UAL:<. t C! all periali in limes of drought, they re-appear when the pomls are filled. Shaw-ga-she — Craw fish. Ais — Clam ; Ais-sug — Clams. Ais-ainsc — Little clam. Mis-koan-su \ r I •■, Bin-gwaw-beok — Lime stone, (ashes stone.) Mat-toat-wah-nah-beek — Granite. Aluk-knd-dah-waw-beck — Black stoiio. Mik-k\vuni-me-waw-brek — Wliitc Flint, (ice stone.) Pisli-a!>-be«'k — Sulphnret of iron. They often find this passing into sulphate of iron, and make use of it for dying black. O-poih-guii-irs-sin — Pipe stone ; farther distinguished accord- ing to colour. (>-ska\v-''. liic Omawliawci". Ihf 10 314 TOTEMS. Pawnees, and other western tribes, we have, with careful inquiry and search, been able to collect no intimation of such a custom among them. But of the western Indians we cannot speak wilh entire confidence, as we recollect to have heard Renville, an in- terpreter for the Sioux, after much puzzling and cross-examina- tion, admit that something of the kind might exist among that people. It may be observed, that the Algonkins believr all other Indians to have totems, though, from the necessity ihcy are in general under, of remaining ignorant of those of hostile bands, the omission of the totem in their picture writing, serves to designate an enemy. Thus, those bands of Ojibbeways who border on the country of the Dahcotah, or Sioux, always under- stand the figure of a man without totem, to mean one of that people. U.i l\: i '4 l/^' CATALOGUE OF TOTEMS Among the Ottawwaws and Ojibbeways, with the names of some to whom they belong. Muk-kwaw — Bear, the totem of Pe-ga-gun, 0-shaw-Ava-no, ami 0-ka-taw, chiefs of Waw-gun-nuk-kiz-ze. Ke-no-zha — Pickerel, of A-ko-win-de-ba. Ad-dik-kun-maig — White fish, of Wawb-o-jeeg, (the wliiir fishen) Moons — Moose, of Naw-o-gcc-zhik, (in the middle of the sky.) This is said to be the original totem of the Ottawwaws ; havins? received many accessions of people Aom other bands, many other totems have been derived from them, and are now inter- mixed with the original stock. Ad-dik — Rein deer, o<"Ma-mi-ah-jun, (he that goes.) Mahng — A loon, of Too-beesh. Me-giz-ze — White headed eagle, of Me-zhuk-kwun-na-no. Ka-kaik — Henhawk, of 0-ge-mah-",ve-nin-ne. Pe-pe-ge-wiz-zains — Sparrow hawk, of Muk-kud-da-be-na-sa. Ah-meek — Beaver, of Wa-me-gon-a-bicw and Net-no-kwa MDs-sun-dum-mo — Water snake, of 0-kin-je-wun-no, Sin-iK • wav, &c. :^^'.{. 'u\ inquiry 1 a custom speak with iUe, an in- ,s-examina- among that believe all cessity they e of hostile iting, serves jeways who [ways under- one of that tames of some law-wa-no, ami jg, (the while Idle of the sky.) waws; having [r bands, many are now inter- rocs.) mn-na-no. vud-da-be-na-sa. iNct-no-kwa Lun-no, Sin-i» rOTEMS. Forked tree, of Ke-me-wun, O-jee^, &c. Gi-oshk — Gull, of Puh-koo-se-gun. Ad-je-jawk — Crane, of Au-da-menc. Nah-ma-bin — Sucker, of Nain-noh-we-ton. Pe-zhew — Wild cat : common totem among the Muskegoes, Ah-wa-sis-se — Smah fish, ofMatche-kwe-we-zainse. Some- times they call the people of this totem, " those who carry their young," from the habits of the small cat fish. She-she-gwun — Rattle snake ; the totem of Gish-kaw-ko, Ma- nito-o-geezhik, &.c. and by tliem given to Tanner. Many more might be enumerated, but these are sufficient to give an idea of the kinds of objects from which they choose to derive their names. The trivial or common name of a man may be, and often is, changed on his going to war, or at the occur- rence of any remarkable event ; but the totem is never changed. It is not true, that they have, in all instances, the figure of what- ever may be their totem always tattooed on some part of their body, nor that they carry about them a skin, or any other mark, by which it may be immediately recognised. Though they may sometimes do this, they are, in other instances, when they meet as strangers, compelled to inquire of each other their respectivf. totems.* ■ The tribes known to the Ottawwaws, are by them denonunateJ as follows :— 1. Ottawwawwug, Ottawwaws, ^ , , . ,. 2. Ojibbewaig, Ojibbeways, { ^'^^^^ ""'" "» "^ ?*«* ^""^^ '""^ ^^"'^ '^'^' 3. Potiwattimeeg, Potiwattomies, > '*''' '"^ ^"^^'"- 4. Kekaupoag, Kickapoos. 5. Oshawanoag, Shawnecse, or southern people. G. Wawbunukkeeg, Stockbiidge, or white tops. 7. Muskotanje, Muskantins of the early French writers; formerly lived at Wawkwunkizzp, whence they were driven by the Ottawwaws, and the latter now consider them as lost. By some they are supposed to have been a band of Poti- wattomies ; but the Ottawwaws enumerate them as a distinct people. 8. Osaugeeg, Sankcwi. 9. Mahnomoneeg, Mcnomonies, (wild rice people.) 10. Kneestenoag, Crees. They are said to call themselves Nahhahwuk. 11. Muskegoag, Muskegoes, (swamp people.) 12. Muskegoag, Nopcmit Azhinnenecg, or Nopemetus Aninceg, (bark woe' . people,) a second relationship of Muskegoes. 13. Sheshcbug, Ducks. 11. Bowwetegoweninnewug, FalllnJians. ^ ; aitt K-VOWLEUOE OK AI^1U0^0MV. 'I'lic word totem is of the Ojibbeway languiigc, and, like almost all others, is readily moulded into the form of a verb, as will ap- pear from the following examples : — Ah-neen en-dah che-un-net, 0>to-tem-e>waun maun-duh-pe ' How maiiy arc these are totems here? HoA. many arc the totems of this band ? Wa-nain way-gi-osh-kun wa-to-ta-met ? What the gull is hi« totem .' What is the guH's totem ? ^!^:) KNOWLEDGE OF ASTRONOMY. f^ ,( Of the opinions of the Indians respecting the heavenly bodie.--, little need be said. An extensive acquaintance with the motions, figures, distances, &.c. of these bodies, could not have been ex- pected from people situated as they are, and deprived altogethrr 13 'i'uskwawpp'\eeg, Uskwawgomees; near Montreal. Thr above fiftpcii tribes arc tlioiight (o apeak lanfriia^fes wliii-Ii resemble Odav Ifi. Nautowaig, Naud nvajs, (rattle snakes. > IT. Mat-chc-nnw-to-waig, Bad Namloways. 18. locwaig, loways. Jf>. Nabuggindebaig, Flat heads; said to have lived below the Illititiis Ftivn 20. Wirinebagoag, Winiiclw^oe.'-', or Pimiits. '21. Bwoinug, Sioux; Naiulowcsseeg, Ott., iJoasfcrs. 22. Ussinebwoiiuig, Assinnelxiine, (stone roasters.) •2'X .Agutrhanmnewug, Minnetahrees, (settled people.) Uf. Kwowahtewug, Mandans. ■J.'>. Ahmeekkwun Flninnewug, Beaver People; among the Fall Indian ><. Mukkudda Ozitunnug, Black Feet. UssinncwudJ F.nlnncwug, Rocky Mountain Indian.-^. Pahneng, Pawnees. 29 Wamussoivowiig. 'M Kokoskeeg. 31. .Aguskemaig, Esquimaux, (those who eat tlieir food raw.) o2. Wcendegoag, Cannilrals This last iii an imaginary race, said to inliabit an ivland in Hudson's Bay. They are of gigantic dimension, and extremely given to cannibalism. The Mu>ikegoes, who inhabit the low and cheerless swamp* on the borders of Hudson's Bay, and are themselves reproached by the other tribr<; aa cannibals, arc said to live in constant fear of the Weendegoag. 33. Qjecg Wyahnng, Fisher Skins 21. 28. i^ iWLti I. or AsTRONOMV. .HI , 1 ike almost as will ap- -duh-pe ' here? irenly bodie;--, I the motion?, lavc been ex- cd altogethrr ) resemble 0(ta^^ le llli'u.is Riv'^i "all Indians. ace, said to inliabit ind extremely givf 1 1 heerless swamp* oil by the other trib<«^ written language. They pre se subjectr* than they lossr- ^nWgUlU' iiUm of I) IZZCi III •mn and ■^ wife, v/U- , . ■ V be ! lived on »iful boy. of the aids of inatr /lenl.-. and ' tend to no more kr wledge on i Au-do-me-ne, an idHgent O wwaw . answer to my inquiries conceminir their moon, related to mc the following fable :- Long ago, an old Ojibbcway chief, and the shore of Lake Huron, had one won, His name was Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, (he that catches clouds,) and his totem, after that of his father, a beaver. He would have been a great favourite with them, for he was, in the main, affec- tionate and dutiful, except that they could never persuade him to fast. Though they gave him charcoal, in place of his usual breakfast, he would never blacken his face, and if he could find fish eggs, or the head of a fish, he would roast them, and have something to eat. Once they took from him what he had thus cooked in place of his accustomed breakfast, and threw him some coals instead of it. But this was the last of many attempts to compel him to fast. He took up the coals, blackened his face, went out, and lay down. At night, he did not return into ihe lodge of his parents, but slept without. In his dream he saw a very beautiful woman come down from above, and stand at his feet. She said, " Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, 1 am come for you ; see that you step in my tracks." The lad obeyed without hesitation, and stepping carefully in her steps, he presently found himself ascending above the tops of the trees, through the air, and be- yond the clouds. His guide at length passed through a small round hole, and he following her, found himself standing on a beautiful and extensive prairie. They followed the path, which led them to a large and rich looking lodge ; entering here, they saw on one side pipes and war clubs, bows, arrows, and spears, with the various imple- ments and ornaments of men. At the other end of the lodge were the things belonging to women. Here was the home of the beautiful girl who had been his companion, and she had, on the sticks, a belt she had not finished weaving. She said to him, " My brother is coming, and I must conceal you." So putting him in one corner, she spread the belt over him. Ono-wut-to- kwut-to, however, watched what passed without, from his con- cealment, and saw the brother of the young woman come in, b i i: :\M in i ■n\ i »18 KNOWLEDGt i)F ASTP.ONOMY. most splendidly dressed, and take down a pipe I'rom the wuil. After he had smoked, he laid aside liis pipe, and the sack con- taming his pah-koo-se-gun, and said, " When, my sister, will you cease from these practices ? Have you forgotten that the Great- est of the Spirits has forbidden you to steal tiie children of those who live below? You suppose you have concealed this that you have now brought, but do I not know that he is here in the lodge ? If you would not incur my displeasure, you must send him immediately down tohis friends." But she would not. He then said to the boy, when he found that his sister was deter- mined not to dismiss him, " You may as well come out from that place, where you are not concealed from me, and walk about, for you will be lonesome and hungry if you remain there." He took down a bow and arrows, and a pipe of red stone, richly or- namented, to give him. So the boy came out from under the belt, and amused himself with the bow and pipe the man gave him, and he became the husband of the young woman who hail brought him up from the woods near his father's lodge. He went abroad in the open prairie, but in all this fair and ample country, he found no inhabitants, except his wife and her brother. The plains were adorned with flowers, and garnished with bright and sparkling streams, but the animals were not like those he had been accustomed to see. Night followed day, as on the earth, but with the first appearance of light, the brother- in-law of Ono-wut-to-kwut-to began to make his preparations to leave the lodge. All day, and every day, he was absent, and re- turned in the evening ; his wife, also, though not so regular in the time of her departure and return, was often absent great part of the night. He was curious to know where they spent all the time of their absence, and he obtained from his brother-in-law permission to accompany him in one of his daily journeys. They went on in a smooth and open path, through prairies, to which they could see no boundary, until Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, becoming hungry, asked his companion if he did not think he should find any game. " Be patient, my brother," said he ; " this is my road in which I walk every day, and at no great distance is the place where 1 constantly eat my dinner. When we arrive there you shall scr how I am supplied with food." m . mw '■ ■**"*l**^*'ll*iPBIP'^w* BWWiiP «PI KNOWLEDGE OV ASTRONOMV. •nu [\ the wall. ; sack cou- r, will you the Great- en of those d this that here in the a must send Id not. He was deter- )Ut from that ,lk about, for there." He le, richly or- am under the he man gave man who had ige. this fair and s wife and hei \nd garnished were not like [lowed day, as ;, the brother- reparations to ^bsent, and re- so regular in lent great part time of their 1 permission to ley went on in Ich they could Iming hungry, ^nd any game, aad in which 1 [place where I vou shall f^ec They came at length to a place where were many fmc mats to ^it down upon, and a hole through whidi to look down upon the earth. Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, at the bidding of his companion, looked down through this hole, and saw far beneath him the great lakes, and the villages, not of the Ojibbeways only, but of all the red skins. In one place he saw a war party, stealing si- lently along toward the hunting camp of their enemies, and his companion told him what would be the result of the attack they were about to make. In another place he saw people feasting and dancing : young men were engaged at their sports, and here and there women were labouring at their accustomed avocations. The companion of Ono-wut-to-kwut-to called his attention to a group of children playing beside a lodge. " Do you see," said he, " that active and beautiful boy ?" at the same time thro^ving a very small stone, Avhich hit the child, who immediately fell to the ground, and presently they saw him carried into the lodge. Then they saw people running about, and heard the she-she- gwun, and the song and prayer of the medicine man, entreating that the child's life might be spared. To this request his com- panion made answer, " Send me up the white dog." Then they could distinguish the hurry and bustle of preparation for a feast, a white dog killed and singed, and the people, who were called, assembling at the lodge. While these things were passing, he addressed himself to Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, saying, " There are. among you in the lower w urlJ, some whom you call great medi- cine men ; but it is because their cars are open, and they hear my voice, when I have struck any one, that they are able to give relief to the sick. They direct the people to send me whatever I call for, and when they have sent it, I remove my hand from those I had made sick." When he had said this, the white dog was parcelled out in dishes, for those that were at the feast ; then the medicine man, when they were about to begin to eat, said, " We send thee this, Great Manito ;" and immediately they saw the dog, cooked, and ready to be eaten, rising to them through the air. After they had dined, they returned home by another path. In this manner they lived for some time, but Ono-wut-to-kwut- to had not forgotten his friends, and the many pleasant things lii'had left in his father's village, and he longed to return to thr I' ,^' 320 KNOWLKDOE OF ASTRONOMY. ;• earth. At last, his wife consented to his request. " Since," said she, " you are better pleased with the poverty, the cares, and the miseries of the world beneath, than with the peaceful and permanent delights of these prairies, go. I give you permission to depart ; not only so, but since I brought you hither, 1 shall car- ry you back to the place where I found you, near your father's lodge ; but remember, you are still my husband, and that my power over you is in no manner diminished. You may return to your relatives, and live to the common age of man, by observing what I now say to you. Beware how you venture to take a wife among men. Whenever you do so, you shall feel my displeasure : and if you marry the second time, it is then you will be called (o return to me." Then Ono-wut-to-kwut-to awoke, and found himself on tho ground, near the door of his father's lodge. Instead of thr bright beings of his vision, he saw about him his aged mother, and his relatives, who told him he had been absent about a year. For some time he was serious and abstracted ; but, by degrees, the impression of his visit to the upper world wore off. He he gan to doubt the reality of what he had heard and seen. At length, forgetful of the admonitions of his spouse, he married a beautiful young woman of his own tribe. Four days afterwards she was a corpse. But even the etl'ert of this fearful admonition was not permanent. Ho again ventured to marry, and soon af- terwards, going out of his lodge one night, to listen to some unu- sual noise, he disappeared, to return no more. It was believed that his wife from the upper world came to recall him, accordinf; to her threat, and that he still remains in those upper regions, and has taken the place of his brother-in-law, in overlooking the affairs of men. It appears from this tradition, that Avorship, or sacrifices, arc, among the Ottawwaws, sometimes made to the sun and moon ; and tlu^y acknowledge that these luminaries, or rather the man in the sun, aiul the woman in the moon, keep watch over all our actions. The various changes of the moon afford them a method of meaHuring time, very definite as to the periods, but variable in the names they give them. Their old men have many disputes about the number of moons in rnch vcar. and they give different nann- }!. ' i r:i.i"i.iwi.miiiD i .ji.n! ' KXOWl.tDtiE Ol- ASTRONOMV. i'il " Since," care3, and iceful and permission I shall car- lur father's d that my y return to f observing take a wife lispleasure ; be called to isclf on the tead of the mother, and bout a year. , by degrees, off. He bo- ld seen. At he married a •s afterwards d admonition and soon af- to some unu- was believed m, accordinp, iper regions, jrlooking tht- Irrificcs, arc, ]n and moon ; Ither the man over all our la method of lariable in the llisputes about Iflrrrnt nam<" 10 tacli of tiiese. Some of tlic names in common use are tlie following. The first words are in the Ottawwaw, and the second in tlie Menomonie dialert. O-ta-ha-mene kee-zis — 0-tai-hai-miii ka-zho — Strawberry moon. IVle-nes kee-zis — Main ka-zho — Whortleberry njoon. Menomonie-ka-we kee-zis — Pohia-kun ka-zho — Wild rice ga- thering moon. Be-nah-kwaw-we kee-zis — Paw-we-pe-muk ka-zho — Leaves falling moon. Gush-kut-te-ne kee-zis — Wnn-nai ka-zho — Ice moon. Ah-gim-me-ka-wc kee-zis — Wa-si-ko-si ka-zho — Snow shoes, Ojib. ; bright night, Menom. Mah-ko kee-zis — Wa-mun-nus-so ka-zho — [Manito o-kee-zis, Ojib.] — Hear moon, Ott. ; dear rutting moon. Men. ; [Spirit moon, Ojib.] Kitche-manito o-kcc-/.is — Ma-clia-li-witk wa-mun-nuz-so-wuk — Longest moon, i^ood for luuitiiig.* Me-giz-ze-we kee-zis — Na-ma-pin ka-zho — [I\a-ma-bin kec-zi>i. Ott.j — Snrker moon. >ie-kc kee-zis — Siio-bo-maw-kun ka-zho — llrant moon, Ojib. ; Sugar moon. Men. Ma\Mig-o kee-zis — .\s-sa-bini ka-zlio — Ja)on*s moon, Ojib. ; rai - coon moon, Men. Sah-ge-bug-ah-we kee-zis — Pe-ke-pe-niuk ka-zlio — Leaves moon. Another moon spoken of by the iVIenomonies, is Wai-to-ke Ka- zho, the snake moon, which belongs to the spring season. The following short catalogue ol stars and constellations, will >lu)w that they pay some attention to the more remote of the heavenly bodies. Some few of their old men, it is said, have many more names. Waw-bim-an-nunjr — The morning star. Ive-wa-din an-nung — The north star. Muk-koo-ste-gwt)n — The bear's head. Three stars in the tri- angle. Muli-koo-zhe-gwun — Bear's rump. Seven stars. * A ptruon born in thit* moon, (Janunrv ) will W long livei! II .W: •Mi KNOWLEDGE OF ASTRONOMV. •.♦. i m . < Oi-eogan-nung-wiig — Fisher stars. The bright stars in ursa major, and one beyond, which forms the point of the fisherV nose. Mah-to-te-sun — The sweating lodge. One of the poles of this lodge is removed. They say the man whom they {>oint out near by, was so overcome witli the heat of the Mah-to-te-sun, that in his hurried attempt to escape, he pulled up this pole. Mahng — A loon. Nau-ge-maun-gwait — Man in a canoe hunting the loon. Ah-wali-to-wuh o-moag — The companions sailing. An-nung-o-skun-na — Comet. They have the oj)inion common ;iinong ignorant white people, that the appearance of a comet is an indication that war is to follow. The Ojibbeway An-nung-o- ^kuii-na, seems to signify blazing star. The Menomonies call them Sko-tie-nah-mo-kin, the seeing fire. Some of the Ojibbp- wayp, al.'io, Wa-ween-e-zis-e-mah-guk Ish-koo-da, fire that has hair. Of the (rue cause of the increase and decrease of the moon, ot' ci'lipses, and of other phenomena which depend upon the motion^ of tie heavenly bodies, they have no correct conceptions. When the moon is in eclipse, they say it is dying, and they load and dis- charge tiieir guns at it ; and when they perceive the bright pari becoming a little larger, they imagine they have aided to drive away the sickness which was overpowering it. Of the milliv way, they sometimes say, that a turtle has been swimming alonu^ the bottom of the sky, and disiurbt'd the mud. Of tlie aurora bo- realis, which tliey call the dancf of the dead, their opinion, though a little more poetic, is equally childish. Several ircteorir phenomena they distinguish from those remoter appearances which are beyond our atniosiihore, and of the former they sonn - limes say, " they belong to us." What was long ago stated by Roger Williams, of the mytho- logy of the Indians of Rhode Island, agrees but in part with the opinions of the present daj' amrng the Otlawwaws. Of Cau-tan- to-wit, " the great south-west god," we hear nothing. Ning-gali- be-an-nofi;4 Manito, the western god, the younger brother of Nn- tia-bou-jou, the god of (he country of (he dead, has taken hii place. In his Saw-waw-nand, we recognize the Shaw-wun-nouji Manito, tho stmthcrn irod of the (>((;iwwaw's. But all these. \\i\\\ • ■Mn«*"m mrs in ursn ,he fisher's joles of this int out near sun, that in loon. liou coinniou of a comet is f An-nung-o- lomonies call f the Ojibbc- fire that has the moon, ot m the motioib ptions. When J load and dis- he bright pari aided to drive. Of the milky imiaing alonu' the aurora bo their opinion, veral n"eteoii<- r appearanci"- lor they sonn - of the mytho- part with the Is. OfCau-tan- ig. Ning-gah- 1 brother of Nn- has taken hi" Ihaw-wnn-nouc ill these. WnM- K.NOWI.EDCE OF ASTRONOMY. hun-ong Manito, the god of the morning, or of the east, Ke-way- tin-ang Manito, the god of the north, witli Ka-no-waw-bum-min- iik, " he that sees us," whose place is in the sun, are inferior iii power to many others ; even to the Ke-zhc-ko-we-nin-ne-wug, the sky people ; a race of small, but benevolent and watchful be- ings, who are ever ready to do good to mankitid. II J .■k>#SBIIM»i-,;£-*.^^ 324 SVMERAtS. CHAPTER II. COMPARISON OF NUMERALS, TO TEN, IN SEVERAL AMERICAN- DIALECTS. !'• ;«o. 1. Oto — Fro7n Say. W% i; \l fiVli r- Ui Yon-ka Sha-gua No-wa Shah-a-muh Tah-ne Kra-rah-ba-na To-wa Shan-ka Sah-tah Kra-ba-mili •i. Konza. Meakh-che Shahp-pcii Nom-pal» Pa-om-bah Yah-ber-vp Pa-yah-ber-re To-pah Shank-kiih Sah-tah Ker-ab-bu-rah :{. Omau'hnw. Mcarh-chc Shap-pa Nom-bah Pa-nooni-ba Ra-bene Pa-rah-hrnc To-bah Shooii-kah Sah-tah Kra-ba-rah '1. Yaukfiuig: Wan-chah Shah-kah-pe No-pah Shah-ko-c Yah-ine-nc Sha-kun-(lo-ali To-pah Nuh-pet-che-wun-bah Zah-pe-lali Wrek-rhc-min-nuh S i , . i u ,m0m » i f i n0ii|r I i » pt! NUMERALS. 335 5. Dahkotah — Of Upper Mississippi. Wau-zhe-tah Shah-kah-pr No-a-pah Sliah-koan Yah-min-iic Shah-han-doali To-a-pah Neep-chew-wun-kali Zah-pe-tah Weck-chim-mah-nc U. Minnetahsc. Le-mois-so A-cah-me No-o-pah Chap-po Nah-mo No-pup-pe To-pah No-was-sap-pa Cheh-hoh 7. Pawnee. Pe-sah-gas' As-ko Shek-shah-bish Pet-ko Pet-ko-shek-sha-bisl i Tou-wct Toii-wet-sha-bisli Shke-liksli Tok-shere-wa She-oksh 8, Choktaw. Tok-shcro Chaf-fah Han-nah-ia To-ko-lo Oon-to-ko-lo To-cha-nah Oon-to-che-nali Osh-tah Chak-ah-ta Tath-lah-pc Po-ko-]a 0. Ojibbcway. Ning-gooj-waw, or Ba-zhik Ning-good-waw-swe Neezh-waw, Nis-swaw, 01 Ne-win Nah-nun or Neczli • Nis-swc Noczh-zhwaw-swc Shwaw-swc Shong-^us-swc, or shong Me-dos-swe, or kwaitch 10. Muskwake. Nckot Ncpsh Nee-8wa Ne-o m . t '»■ .?; ,f H'i'j I . H ^^ NUMERALS Ne-on-pii Neesh-waiis-pek Ne-kot- waus-keek Shaiink Ne-kot-uau-swa Me-to-swa •v^* 11. Minsi — From Hcckeweldcr. Gut-ti Gut-tasch Nis-cha Nis-choascli Na-cha Cha-asch Ne-wa No-we-li Na-lan Wim-bat 12. Algonlcin — From Heckioedder. Pe-gik Nin-gon-ton-as-sou Ninch Nin-chou-as-soii Nis-souc JN'is-soii-as-so\i Neon Ohan-gas-so\i !Va-san Mil-Ias-sou 13. Dclawarr. — Froj/i Ilcckewclder. I Ni-gut-ti Gut-tasch Nis-clia Nis-chash Na-clut (Jhasch Ne-wo Pes-clionk Pa-le-narh Tel-lrn 14. Mahnotnonic. \e-kote.s Ne-kot-was-sa-lah Neesh No-ha-kuii Nah-new Suah-sek Ne-ew Sliaw-ka-waw Nean-min Mc-tah-tah 16. Cree — From Say. Paynk Ne-go-to-ali-sek Ne-shuh Ta-pa-coli Nesli-lo Aa-na-nes Na-a-wo Ta-ka-lo Vfan-nuii ^Tn-tn-ta ./ ■ l^Vl! 'I ■■Mill '"—•—mmim NUMERAL:?. 10. Winnebago. tm Zhunk-he-rah Noam-pee-wee Tah-nee-wee Kho-a-pee-wee Saut-shah Ah-ka-a-way Shau-koa Ar-waw-oank Zhunke-schoonk-schounc Kar-ra-pun-na-nah 17. Adage — Frorri Duponceau. Nan-cas Pa-ca-naa-cus Nass Pa-caness (yolle Pa-ca-lon (-■ac-ca-chc Sic-kin-ish !Sep-pa-can Neus-ne 18. Muskogee — Frotn Adair. Hom-mai E-pah-g!ie Jiok-kole Ho-loo-pha-gc Too-che-na Chee-ne-pa Osh-ta Oli-sta-pc ('ha-ka-pe Pa-ko-le 19. Cholctah and Cliiksah- —From Adair. tJheph-pho Han-nali-lc Too-ga-lo IJn-too-ga-lo Toot-che-na Un-too-che-na Oos-ta Chak-'ic-le Tath-la-be Po-koo-lc 20. Chcrokee- -From Adair. sjo-guo Ka-re-koge Tah-iie Sah-nay-ra Choch Soh-iKiy-ra Nauk-kc Skoch Ish-ke So-at-too(ll) Soo-tare Ta-ra-too (12) 31. Quaddies, [Maine.] — From Duponceau. lS*ai-gof Ni-lii Vrs Na-ho ?^^ ,;_-v*^t4^*»^'iiSrfk.^_ V /. Ji r'um I i 328 NUMERALS. Nane Ga-mat-chinc A.-lo-he-gan-nah Ok-muh-liinc As-kwi-nan-dak Noy-dinsk 23. Quawpaw—From Duponccau's MS. Milch-tih Schap-peh Non-ne-pah Pen-na-pah Dag-he-nig Pe-dag-he-nih Tu-ah Schunk-kah Sat-ton Ge-deh-bo-nah 33. Penobscot — Fro7n Duponceau's MS. Pe-suok Neuk-tansg Neisc Ta-boos Nhas San-suk Yeuf No-cle Pa-lc-neusg Ma-ta-ta 24. Miami — From Duponcemi's MS. Ng-goo-teh Ka-kat-sueh Nii-ju-eh Nisth-ueh i\u-ueh llaan-uch Sueh-tct-sueh Po-laa-nch Ngo-tc-me-nch-kek Mo-taat-sueh 25. Skawncsc — From Duponccau's MS. In-gut-i, or, n'gut-i Ka-kat-swi Nis-chwc N'swe Ni-wi >'ia-lan-wi Swach-tct-swy Pal-la-ni N'giit-ti-me-pech-gi Mat-tat-swy 2H. Unachog — From Duponceau's MS. Na-gwiii Na-cut-tali, or, cut-lali TVecs 'riim-po-wa Nos Swat Yaut Neone Pa, or. na-|iaa Pay-ar <•■■♦(•-■ NlMiiRAl.^, 27. Natick—From Elliot's Bib. 329 Ne-gunt Neese Nish Yau Na-pan-na-tah-she Nc-kwut-ta-tah-slu- Ne-sau-suk-tah-she Shwo-suk-tah-she Pa-skoo-giin-tah-shc Pi-iik 28. Nousaghausct — From. EllioVs Bib. in MS. Ne-guit Kwut-ta Nase E-na-da Nibh Shwo-suk Yoh Pas-ku-git Na-pau-na Pi-uk 39. Sourihi'os-ioruM. — From John I)c Lad. Ne-gout Ka-ma-chin Ta-bo E-roe-kwe-sink Chicht. Meg-oii-ma-chia Ne-oii |]gh-ko-na-tleck \ait Me-tuii 30. Canadensis, lb. — From Aitct. Lcscarbot. IJe-gou Coii-tou-sai-liiii Mi-choii \c-o-va-r.hin \ich-toa \cs-to-va-chin Rau Pcs-co-va-det A-pa-te-ta Me-tuB . Saukikani- -From J. D. Lacf Auct. Johaii. Sn Cottc Cot-tash Nyssc Nys-sas Na-cha Ge-chas Wy-wc Pcs-choii Pa-rc-n;igli Tcr-ren 32. Algonkii ■ — From /, Long: Pay-J'k Nis-soo Ninrh 42 Ncoo / ( 1/ .^^S^'-^W^'-Jii*.— _ I tf* 'III: lit iJ I.M ' i i'fl/' 330 NUMERALS. Na-raii Nin-goot-was-soo Nin-cho-was-soo Nis-so-was-so Shon-gas-soo Ni-tas-soo 33. Chipprivay — From J. Long. Pay-shik Nc-gut-wos-swoy Neesh Swos-swoy Nees-swoy Shau-gos-swoy Ni-on Mo-tos-swoy Na-ran 34. Ncv) Stockbridge — Fro7ii Kao-no-mut, a woman who had been living on Fox River, 1827. N'got-tah N'ko-taus To-pau-wus Ne-shah Nah-hah Nah-wah No-nun Ug-wit-toli Nrs-oh Nogh-holi Nau-w oil Nu-noii Khous-so Nah-ne-wc N'lan-nct 35. Mohegan. Ug-wit-tus Tu-pou-wiis (ihu-sooli Nau-ne-weh \e-tau-nit 36. Monsrc — From an Indian at Buffaloe, N'got-tah N'got-wawp Ne-sliali Nush-waiis N'hali N'haus Na-ali No-wa-lah Naw-biin Wim-bat 37. Nauduway — From Tanner. Wis-ka-ut Yah-gali Tik-ke-ne Os-sali Kia-nfcc Te-unk-teuli Wlnsk Wr-fifo-iii* Shah-tuk Sah-ta-gali I iix. »■ MMk NUMERALS. 33[ 38. Seneca— From an Indian at Biijaioe, 18^7. Skaut Yah-fli Tik-thuco Chah-duk '"^""■a^' Ta-ke-oh Ka-ac Teu-tolm ^^«'s'' Wushan 39, Potiwattomie—From an Indian at Detroit, 1827. N^-g^t Ne.got-waut-so Neesh No-okt-so ^««s.wa Su-aut-so '^a-ow Slmli-kah Na-nun Kwetcli 40. Ottawwaw—From Tanner. Nc-goch-waw Nin-got-wau-swa !Veesh-waw Neesh-wau-swa ^''^^^vii^v Nis-wan-swa '^^•wi" Shaunk Nah-nun Kwetch 41. Chippewyan—From u German Interpreter. *''h-''-a I-ka-lali-rali ^^"''■>^" I-ka-taing-ha ^^''^J^-^''" Ish-lah-in-ding.ga '^*'"g''^ Kas-ka-koo-un-nee-rah Sah-zhun-lah-lia Koo-im-nu-ah 43. Chippewyan—From M'Kenzie. ^'a-chy Al-ke-tar-hy-y ^a-ghur Al-ki-deing-hy '^^Sh-y Ca-ki-na-ha-noth-na Dengk-y Ca-noth-na Sas-sou-la-chee 43. Chippewyan—From a woman, a native of Churchill, Ith-Iia Ting-he ^»^-^^ Sah-zun-lah-lia Krah-ha, or tah-rhe 11-kel-tah-rah IJ^. h^ 332 If ^ f I f 1:^ Mli % i^K% MJMEltAl.^. Shah-zct-tc Kah-kin-ho-en-er-nali Il-ket-tinjD: llo-cn-rr-nali 14. Anglo Sa Ton. Aen Six Twe-gcn, or, twa Se-o-fou Threo, or, th ry Eaghta Fco-thcr, or, Cco-wcr Ni-gonc Tyn 45. Cree- -From M^Kcnzic. Pey-ac Ne-gou- ta-woe-sic Ni-shcu Nish-wi-o-sic Nish-toti Jan-na-ncw Nc-way Shack Ni-an-nan Mi-ta-tat H). Als^okiii — From M'Kenzic. Po-chcik Ni-gou-la-wa-swois Nijc Ni-jri-was-wois Nis-woi? She-was-wois Neau ;Shan-g\vos-wois Na-nau Mit-as-swois 47. Chippewt/aa — From a Chippewyan. Lth-li-ah El-kat-hai-ri Nuk-km- rSlus-ing-ding-hc Tor-ri El-ket-ding-hc Ding-hc Kutch-e-r.3-ner-re Sos-sii-li-he Ho-ner-ne-nuh 48. Winnebago — From a Winnebago. Zhimk-kaifl Har-ker-ra Noamp Tarn T'joab Sarj Pfi-ak 8har-goan Kad-do-unk Yunk-kcd-joos-koon Ker-rcb-hon-na 49. Cree — From a native. Ne-sn '^lk>^s;- •««i f ' NUMERALS. 883 Nees-to Ne-o Ne-ah-nun Ning-good-waw-sik Ta-bc-ko E-nah-ne Kam-me-tali-lai Me-tah-tat 50. Mahneshcet, (slow'tongucs,) residing on the St. Johns, N. B. From a native. Na-koot Tah-bo Sheist Na-oo Nahu Kah-imitch-ia Lu-he-gin-mik O-go-mul-chiu Aish-ko-iiah-daig Ko-dainsk .: 'J • fc*y**-.-'*^ 4 r>if i. !S,M « < ii^vi*^ ijiit MISU A\J» I'OKTKV. CHAPTER 111. MUSIC AND POETRV OF THE INDIAN.^. Here, it must be ackiiowlodged, \vc enter a barren field, ofler- ing little to excite industry, or to reward inquiry. Without lite- rature to give perpetuity l(» the creations of genius, or to bear to succeeding times the record of remarkable events, the Americans have no store house of ancient hiarning to open to tlie curiositv of the European race. They have probably never thought like ihe Arabs, that the cultivation of their language was an object ol importance ; and though the orator must at times have experi- enced the eflect of a )iapj)y choice of expression, he must alwayi^ liave been confined to a narrow range, by tlie necessity of keeji- ing within the comprehension of his hearers. Hence tlieir pubh( speakers appear to liepend more on a certain vehemence and earnestness of manner, which is intelligible without words, than upon any elegance of tlunight. or refinement of diction. Their songs, whether of war or devotion, consist, for the mor>i. Ill a few words or short phrases many times repeated; and in their speeches, (hey dw«'ll long and vehemently on the same idea. One who hears an Indian orator without comprehendini' his language, w»»uld confidently suppose that his discourM abounded with meaning ; but tliese speeches, like their tedious and monotonous chants, when clearly understood, appear so poor and jejune, that few white men would listen to either, were it not with tlie hope of extiactinii inforinatinn, of which the speaker, or the sinirer himself, must be wholly unconscious. Hut after all is jieard and e\|ilained. and carefully examined in all its bearings, It must be principally the business of a <{uick and fertile imagina- tion, to fiiul in them moral instruction oi historical informatitm. If we fiinl amori>r the American Indians traditional items, bearing iiianilesi and strong ••'•s(i"t!:::.»,- to those of the great Asiatic fa- luily. from whom we have ado|)led many of our religious opi- ...niiriii'wwLiiir^a^'A;. MUSIC ANU rOETRV. 335 field, ofler- Vithout lite- )r to bi'ar to c Americans the ru!iosil\ thoujrht like an object ol have experi- must alway- isity of kee]!- c their publii' liemence ami t words, lli;ni ion. for the mo^l. tod ; and in ,11 the sanu niprehcndin^ lin disrour^t llu'ir tediou- i)[H'ar so pool ■r, were it not [(' speaker, or Int after all i- its bearings, jrtile imanina- infornialion jtenis. bearing at Awialif f»- Irelisiious opi nions, this can only be considered as indicating what needed no proof; namely : Thai this people, as well as ourselves, have de- scended from that primeval slock, which, i)lanted somewhere upon ihe moimtains .if Asia, has sent forth its branches into all parts of the earth. Thither, we are taught by the most ancient human records, and by the concurrent deductions of all soimd philoso- phy, and honest impiiry. to look for the i;reat fountain of the hu- man race: and if some of the streams, in des<;ending thence, have been concealed in swamps, or sunk beneath sands, we ought not ihcreforc to doubt that their origin is to be thence deduced. But that existing or retrieveable monuments or resemblances, will over enable the curious satisfactorily to trace the American br .nch to its origin, need not now be expected. Nevertheless, this part of the subject may have interest for those who love to trace the human character through all situations and exposures, and to contemplate the eflect of rev(dutions in external circum- stances, on manners, lanL'uage, and metaphysical opinions. Sufficient evidence proliably exists, to convince niaiiy, that the natives of the central regions of North America, whatever diver- sities of dialect may now exist, are essentially of the same race with the Peruvians, the Mexicans, and the Natchez ; betweeit whom and the ancient iidi;\l)itants of (Jreece and Italy, and thai liortion of the present population of India who worship Hrama, lloudd, <«anesa, Iswara, &c. a near relationship has already been isrertained. In the melamorphoses which tlie Indian traditions Ksign to many trees, plants, animals, and other thiiijrs. we an* -irongly reminded of the similar superstitions preserved by tlu Roman poets. Wo fiiul, also, in the American traditions, distinct illusions to a general dehigt , and to several other particular^ which we are accustomed to consider as restintr solely on the au- thority of the Mosaic history. Hut when we relied on the al- most universal distribution of these opinions, in some shape or other, among all known races of men, we may admit a doubt whether they have been derived from tin- historical bo(»ks of the Hebrews, or whether thev are not rather the ulimnu'rings i»f ihiil jirimilive light, which, at the first great divisitm after the llood. into the families of Shem, Ilam, and Japhel, and more recently ^t the dispersion of Habel, must have been in possession of all 'Mankind. We find in the Mosaic hislorv, written. n« it wax. m ! M|iMMK*ii«mMA* /' jT ^'T^'^^^-^H^ifci,-*, v---e*»ii« •«»'L! 33ft MUSIC ANP FOETR\. 'ir't f ' ,1. long alter the periorl here spoken of, abundant evidence, not only tliat traditional remembrance oC the deluge, and other great events in the early history of mankind, was stiil preserved ; but that di- rect revelations of the mind and will of the Creator had been, and were still made to men, at sundry times, and in divers places. Within two or three hundred years of the deluge, some know- ledge of the mechanic arts, at least ship building and masonry, iiiust have remained, or so many men would not have been found ready to undertake the erection of a tower whose top should reach unto heaven. At this time, Noah, the second father of mankind, and his three sons, who, as well as himself, had known the "world before the flood," were still alive. Any branch, therefore, of the family of either of the three sons of Noah, re- moved at this' time to " the isles of the gentiles," or to whatever remote part of the earth their knowledge of navigation and other arts might enable them to reach, would retain at least a traditional cosmogony and theogony, which, after ever so many years, or ever so wide and devious a wandering, must probably have pre- served resemblance, in some particulais, to the originals. Hence it will, we think, be evident, tliat although we may find a strong re- semblance between some of the observances of the Indians and the Hebrews, we are by no means to infer, that one of these races must have descended from the otiei . All that they have in com- mon, will probably b*- found to h;> v, i 6vit of similarity of circumstances; or may l)e traced > ' i ;• i long previous to the calling of Abraham. But lei us leave this profitles-s discussion, which has long sinrr received more attention than it deserves, and return to the sub- ject before mh. The poetry of the Indians, if they can properly be said to hau any, is the language of excitement, and the expression of passion ; and if what«'ver has this cliaracter, and is at the same time rai.sc(l id)ove the tone and style of ordiimry conversation, and is or may br sung to music, is |)()rlry, it cannot be denied that they havr among them poetry and poets in abundance. Excitement ol whatever kind, calls forth a |)eculiar manner of expression; am! though measure aiul rylliui. polished and artificial structi:r('. equally balanced and harmonious periods, maybe wanting, the\ ' ommonly ncrompitny ^! ^ ' K nam tais^e?& ;e, not o»\ly jreat events but that lii- (1 been, and rers places, lome know- td masonry, i; been found top should nd lather ol" , had Unowi\ Any branch, of Noah, rr- : to whatever ion and other ;t a traditional -iny years, or ibly have prc- rinals. Heufp nd a strong n- ndians and tlif |of these races have in com similarity ol |)revious to tin [has long ^in»e unpremeditated elhisions, |iarlicidarly for the whining and lirivolling of intoxication, the most eitthusiastic admirer of the Indians will not claim the a])pellalion of poetry- If any thing ninong them deserves this name, we must search for it among |:{ i l>i I 1 i n « 'i ■ I L « i « m 338 MISH AND POF.TRY. .1 V\ i' ! M/il Mi those traditionary songs which descend from father to son, and are transferred from man to man by purchase, to be used in their feasts, in the administration of remedies to the sick, anil above all, in medicine hunting. That some of tlie songs tlius preserved have considerable antiquity, we do not doubt; that they Imve much merit as poetical compositions, we arr not disposed to assert. The poetry of the Indians, like their eloquence, requires the assistance of able translators, and those not too scrupulous 10 draw only from the materials of the original. The method of delineation, by which they aid the memory in retaining and recalling, on occasion, these compositions, e.\hibiis, perhaps, one of the earliest steps towards a written language. \et, from its existence among them, in the present form, one would not hastily infer, that had they never been intruded upon by men of another race, learning or arts would finally have flourished among them. There arc but too many evidences, that the aboriginal Americans arc, by temperament, by some pe- culiarity of physical structure, or moral propensity, a more slug- gish race, than the European; consequently, destined to a slow advance, or, perhaps, like most of the Asiatics, to be for agc^ stationary, or retrogradent, in the journey of improvement. \Vo would not risk the assertion, that the Americans are an inferior race; the barrier to their improvement iippears to be, that indo- lence which is not less a habit of their minds than of their bodic.-, and which distiualifies them for spontaneous and long coniinvicil and laborious thinking. Hunger may, and does, overcome the liabit of bodily ind(dence, or, at least, sometimes interrupts it; but, in the Indian character, the tendency is always to quiescence. Instances are intinitely rare, among them, of that restlessness oi mind so common in the European race, which is ever in quest oi something beyond the complete gratification of the wants of tin body, and which has been the true source of so many great and ennobling actions. The past history of this race of men, is not wanting in instances of the nianifrstation of that inherent slug- gishness of disposition, which has kept them back from the knowledge, the improvements, and the civilization, which have been so long urged upon them. Let it be granted, as doubtlcs" it should be, that the Jesuits, and, to some extent, at least tlir Moravian, and other prolestanl inisbiunaries. rommencei^ Hit i< III i .Mm, '?' I I L^^i* «■*■(• to son, and ised in iheir , ami above IS preserve(5 it they have dispoatnl to nee, requires bcrupulous ic memory in .ons, exhibits teu lantTuage- mt form, one ntruiled upon 1 finally have ny evidenee?. it, by some pc •, a more slug- lined to a slow to be for agc^^ ovement. ^Vo 1 are an inferior D be, that indo f their botiaii religion iiinong these people ; on the contrary, we look upon these etl'orts as always, in a greater or less degree, useful to the Indians ; they originate as well in a difl'usive and amial'le benevolence, as a feei- itig of ju.-tice, and severe, though tard\' compunction, whi( !i would seek, at this late day, to render to the starved and shiver- ing remnant of the people who received us to their country in our day of small things, some recompense for the fair inheritance which we have wrested from their forefathers. The example of the CheroKees. and some others in the south, ha.-" been sulhcient to prove, tjiat tmder the influence of a mild climate, and a ferlih- soil, thes<' people can be taught habits of settled, if not of perse- \ering industry. From this condition of things, we can already see how, an\oni{ that people habits of mental enterprise and in- dustry are to spring up, and we look forward with confidence to a source of continued imi)rovement. Tiiat all the other bands and tribes, under similar auspices, ami similar intluences, would pursue a similar cmirse, ctnnol lie doubted. Philologists and speculative theorists may divide and class as they please; to the patient and industrious i'liser\er. who has miiiuled intimntely with this race, in the low ami fertile distri .w and Ked Uiver, in the forests of the Upper Mississippi, and anions the pines and the mosscK of the upper lakc«. it will be evident that the iibori- i' ''^^••kMkB .^v .„ _ .ffflf .- ticulalion and grimace. 7. A-zhe-nahng'^gwit-lo iaii-na i>;h-ko-tang a-zhe-nnhng pwii- 1o ian-na. I make iiiyst If lo(di like lire. ♦ Ki- i/ij-rii: ki-da, ftliy huarl :) Inif a --a llilili' U mldi'd in sinfrinj;. «> •^cx^m^KSSassx^ffS ^ MUiJiC AND roETliV. 343 III ■ba? Ui'- liril maketli e says, lliai nirih-a-nau- yllable lron\ lines drawn at here \\w e neon-gali- 111 shoot hisi. 'k,) seems iu- (l \\\v artivily (»f the moose, if the cimniii:; icvill of all 1" \). kMJ k«-il;i-ii>'- ''•'- . voiir luart. I willi luiuli U'^- H'-nnlmii pvvii- ,1 in siiiK""- Tliis is a medicine man, disguised in the skin of a bear. The .-mall parallelogram, under the bear, signifies Ore, and they, by oine composition of gunpowder, or otiier means, rontrive to give the appearance of fire to the mouth and eyes of the bear skin, in Mhicli they go about the village late at night, bent on deeds of mischief, oftentimfs of blood. We learn how mis- cliievous are these sui)erstitions, when we are informed, that ihey are the principal men of the Metai, who thus wander about the villages, in tlie disguise of a bear, to wreak their hatred on a sleeping rival, or their malice on an unsuspecting adversary. But the customs of the liidians require of any one who may see a medicine man on one of these excursions, to take his life imme- diately, and whoever does so is accounted guiltless. 8. Gii-tah e-no-tum mau-na nc-be-way me-ze-ween, ne-be-way neen-dai, gin-no-tah mau-na. T am able (0 call water from above, from beneath, and from around. Here the medicine man boasts of his power over the elements, ,nnd his abiUfy to do injury or benefit. The segment of a cir- cle with dots in it, represents water, and the two short lines loiic.hing the head of the figure, indicate that he can draw it to iiim. !). Yah-nah-we nah-gwe-liah-ga e-nai-ne-wah, kin-ne-nah. Yah-nah-we nah-gwe-hah-ga ma-tai-mo-sah, kin-ne-nah. V;di-nah-we nah-gwe-liah-ga o-ba-no-suh, kin-ne-nah. I cause to look like the dead, a man I did. I cause to look like the dead, a woman I did. 1 cause to look like the dead, a child I diti. The lines drawn across the face of this figure, indicate pover- ty, distress, and sickness ; the person is supposed to have suflered i'rom the displeasure of the medicine man, Such is the religion of the Indians ! Its boast is to put into the hands of the devout, supernatural means, by which he may wreak vengeance on his enemies, whether weak or powerful, whether they be found among the foes of his tribe, or the people of his own village. This Me- lai, so much valued and revered by them, seems to be only the in- strument, in the hands of the crafty, for keeping in subjection 'he weak and the credulous, which may readily be supposed to be tlie srreater part of the people. n \ « il — -'fl-'Ai> r' V. '3U Ml/?r<' AND VOETRV. 10. 10. Ain-de-aun, ain-de-aun, ne-kau-iioh ; ah-wes-sie, an-wes- ale, nc-kau-neh, ne-nuili-incek ko-navv-waw, nc-kau-neh. I am such, I am surh, my friemls ; any animal, any animal, my friends, I hit him right, my friends. This boast of certain success in hunting, is another method by which he hopes to elevate himself in the estimation of his hearers. Having told them that he has the power to put them all to death, he goes on to speak of his infallible success in hunting, which will always enal)le him to be a valuable friend to such as are carr- In! to secure his ffond will. fi: i'i ■"% J , t '41 m» MUSIC AND FORTK.V. »45 IP ie, an-wes- jh. animal, my • method by his hearer?, all to death, iting, which as arc care- SONG FOR THE METAl ONLY. Fig. I Fig. 1. Nah-ne-bah o-sa aun neen-no ne-mah-che oos-sa ja-ah- jie-no. [Twice.] I walk about in the night time. This first figure represents the wild cat, to wliom, on account of his vigilance, the medicines for the cure of diseases were com- mitted. The meaning probably is, that to those who have the ! mill /> nn- luu'd iiidiscriliuiiatcly in many woiiU thus : oei}a, vena, fer tlif « rvpl turaiiins a |)hra^ant. u ,1! .r > 'Hm 34a Mtrsir ANP POETRY. I am the master of the wild cats ; and having heard your talk, I come up out of the ground to sec what you do. This man, it appears, claims superiority over other medicine men, and now rouses himself to attend to what is passing. The bar across the neck of the figure representing the wild cat, indicates that he in just coming out of the earth. ;% it %'i. i ^ I. Bin-nah ! neen be-zhe-wa-wah ke-mcen-waw-bum-me-na. Behold ! I am wild cat ; I am glad to see you all wild cats. This figure, with open eyes and erect ears, denotes earnest- ness and attention. [The word ke-meen-waw-bum-me-na, affords a strong instance of what has been called the synthetic character of this language ; ke, the inseparable pronoun, in the accusative plural, mecn, from ne-mee-noan-dun, (I love, or am pleased,) and waw-bum from ne-waw-bo-maw, (I see.)] 5. Ni>mau-i-to, o-wa-she-na a-ai-gah nee-na ketto-we goh-wr- ke-na. I am a spirit ; what I have I give to you in your body. This is the figure of a medicine man, with his pah-gah-ko-guu- un, or the instrument with which he beats his drum, in his hand. lie appears to be boasting of his own powers. 6. Ah-iie ah-gah, kah-neen-na ke-taus-saw-wa-unna ke-nis-si'- go-na. Your own tongue kills you ; you have too much tongue. This is addressed to the malicious man, and the slanderer, one who speaks evil of others. His crooked and double speech goes out of his mouth, but is changed to an arrow in his hand, and turned against himself; his own body bears the marks of the in- juries he would have inflicted on otjiers. The lines across Uk- (,| nip \i 'I . '-4, !l'WJ£4».J«lWtfwl*ff'V^il MUSIC AND POETRY. ;}47 your talk, lis man, it I, and now across the i that he i3 cheat are tne traces of misfortune, brought on him by the indul- gence of his own malicious disposition. In the songs and ad- dresses of some of the most esteemed chiefs, or persons, who may- be considered in some measure set apart for the Metai, are many- attempts to convey and enforce moral instruction, or rather the inculcation of those opinions and actions which constitute the virtues of savage life. iim-me-na. vild cats, jtes earnest- le-na, affords jtic charactci- hc accusative pleased,) and i / )-we goh-wr- lody. |i-gah-ko-gua- 1, in his hand. lina ke-nis-sf- tonguc. Islandcrcr, one je speech goes Ihis hand, and irks of the in- hos acro,«s thi- :M8 MUSH' A\l> IMiKTRV. ' I J^ONG FOR BEAVER HUNTING AND THE METAl. h/ 1 I « Fio. 1. O-mib-bo-tum-niaun. Mctai-wc-gauii, Manito-wc-ga- iin. I sit down in tlm lodjjc of tlip Metai, ihr lodjrc of the Spirit. This figiiro is intended to represent the area of the Metai-wr- j>aun, or medicine lodjjje, which is ralh'd also the lodge of tin Manito, and two men have taken their seats in it. The mattci of ilie song seems to he merely introductory. y. Neezli-o-go-na wc-tah-him mah-knm-ma iie-kaun ; nc-o- !;o-na wc-tah-him maii-kuni-nui nc-ka-nn. 'I'wo days must you sit fast, my friend ; four days mtist you sii fast, my friend. The two perpendicular lines on the breast of this figure, arc read ne-o-gone, (two days,) but are underst(»od to mean two years ; so of the four lines drawn obliquely across the legs, these ar»! four ye.us. The heart must be given to this business for two years, and the constrained attitude of the legs iiulicates the rigid attention, and serious consideration, which the subject reijuirc<. ',). Wha-be-nia, Meen-de-mo-sah, ke-ko-nia wha-bc-nia. Tlu'ow oil", woman, thy garments, throw oil". The power of their medicines, and the incanlntions of the Metai, arc not confined in their eflect to animals of the chase, to the lives and ilie health of men; they control, also, the minds of all, and overcome the modesty, as well us the antipathies of wo- men. The Indians firmly believe that many a woman, who has been unsuccessfully solicited by a man, is not only, b) Jie pow- er of the Meiai, made to yield, but even, in a state of madncs*;. METAl. [anito-\vc-g:i- thc Spirit, he Motai-wr- lodgf of tin Thf inattci- -kauti ; nc-o- < must you sii lis liijure, arc to mean two ,hc legs, these siness for two ciitcs the rijjiil )jert reiiuiiTs. be-niit. Intious of till 1 the ehase, to , tlu' minds of )athi«'s of wo- iiiiiii, who has v, b> ihe pow- (' of inadnes--. MLSU. AND POKTRV. M\t it) tear off Iier garments, and pursue after the man she heforo despised. Tlicse cliarms iiave preater power than those in the times of superstition among the EngUsh, aserilied to the fairies, and they need not, like the plant used by Puck, be applied to the person of the unfortunate being who is to b(! transformed ; they operate at a distance, through the medium of the Miz-zin- nc-neens. 4. Na-wy-o-kun-ne-nah wun*iiah he-nun-ne-wah ba-mu*su keen- nah-na. Who makes the people walk about ? It is I that rails you. This is in praise of the virtue of hosj)itality, that man being most estj'enied among them, who most frequently ealls his neigh- bours to his feast. 0. 7. 9. 5. lle-o-win-nah ha-ne-mo-we-tah neen-ge-le-mah-hali 1io-che« oa-ha-ne Mo-c-tah neen-ge-te-mah hah-uah. Any thing I can shoot with it, (this medicine,) even a dog I can kill with it. 0. Nin-goo-te-naun ke-ta-he, e-nah-ne-wah ke-ti -he. I shoot thy heart, man, thy heart. Ue means, perhaps, a buck moose by the wor • '■-nah-nc-wali, or man. 7. Neen ne-na-sah waw-be-maung neen-ne-na-sah. I can kill a white loon. I can kill. The white loon, ram avis nis^roiiiir fiimillinn cyffnn, is cer- tainly a rare and most difficult bird to kill , so we may infer, that this boaster can kill any thing, which is the amount of the mean- ing intended in that part of his song, recorded by the five last figures. Success in himting they look tipon as a virtue of a higher character, if wc may judge from lliiti song, than iho pa- 35U MUSIC ASV POV.lR\. ticnce under sufl'crin?, or the rakishness among women, or even the hospitality recommended in the former part. 8. Ne-kau-nah-ga. * * * My friends. * * * This seems to b. -^n attempt to delineate a man sitting with his hands raised to address his friends ; but the remainder of his speech is not remembered. This is sufficient to show that the meaning of the characters in this kind of picture writing, is not well settled, and requires a traditional interpretation, to render it intelligible. 9. Shah bwo-ah-hah-mah ne-mow-why-waw-ne-no ah-buh-hah- mah ge-we-na-she-mah-ga. I open my wolf skin, and the death struggle must follow. This is a Wolf skin, used as a medicine bag, and he boasts, that whenever he opens it, something must die in consequence. I ' »■ I m, or evpii ng with his (ider of his lOW that the iting, is not to render it ah-buh-hah- foUow. d he boasts, msequence. MUSIC AND POETRY. SONG FOR MEDICINE HUNTING— RARELY FOR THE METAL lin. 1. ',». :?. 4. 5. (i. 7. 8. Vic-. 1, Wa\v-iiP-jTC-ah-n;i frah-no-geah-na Manllo-wah-ga gnli- gp-zho-hah-gwaw gah-no-gr-ah-na. I wishfid to be born, I was born, and after I was born I made all spiritH. 'i. Gcc-she-hah-ga manito-whah-ga. I created the spirits. The figures in the commenreinent of this long and much cs- Icemed religious song, represent Na-na-bush, the intiTcessor, the nephew of mankind. They seem designed to carry back the thonirhts towards the beginning of time, and Iiave a iiianif»'st al- hision (o a period when this mysterious and powerful !)eijig ex- ercised a wish Jo assunu' th<' form of a man. In the secrmd flgun* he is represented as lu)lding a rattle snake in his hand, and he rails himself the creator of the mani-toge. The huhan.s calling invisible and spiritual beings by the same name w hich they give to the lowest class of reptiles, it is doubtful uhether Na-na-busli here claims to have created intelligences superior to man, or only reptiles, insects, and oilier small creatures, which they commonly • all Mani-toag. ',i. Na-hah-be-ah-na nu-nah-boo-shoo. o-tish-ko-tnhn ma-jlie- l\e-sha. He sat down Nu-na-biish ; his fire burns forever This figure appears to be descriptive n( the fust assumption In N'n-nti«bii>h of his office. «■< tlie iViend imd patron nf mm. He i- HI \ ml VW \ i 2111 .< f ^ 1)1 i r f if ^♦*-**"j^!aMML-^ 35ii MTSIC AND l'OLXK\. represented as taking a scat on (he ground. Fire, with ilie northern Indians, is the emblem of peace, happiness, and abun- dance. When one band goes against another, they go, according to their language, to put out the fire of their enemies ; therefore, it is probable that in speaking of the perpetual firecf Na-na-busli, it is only intended to alhide to his great power, and the perma- nence of his independence and happiness.* i"*' it ',' » Ih t'l {' P * In the s'.ti!if» figures of Na-ua-bush, as rudi-ly delineated by the Indians, Ihor. is some resi'tnbluuce to the Asiatu- Isuara, or Satyavrata, who, in tlic eastern mythology, is ronneeted with one of their deluges. Like Noali, hke Saturn, and like Iswaro, Na-na-bush prcservod, during the inundation, those animals and plants, which were atlerwanls to be useful to mankind ; and his addresses t ) the nnimiiJs, whieh the Indiansi often re|)eat, remind us of the age when one lan- guage was eonimon to men and lirutes. (Tooke's Pantheon, p. 118. Am. ed. i It is true, that, like the Ovidian Deucalion, Na-na-bush reproduced men, the M stock liavin;,' U-en entirely destroyed ; but it is to Iv remi-nil>cred, that any ri'- semblanre, however strong, In-tween these tnulitinns, have had ample time to W obliterated. Instead of ('om|)laniing that the similarity in the opinions of thesi' people to ancient fables, is no stronger, we ought, |M'rhap8, to In* surprised thai any resemblance exists. If any one would attempt a coiniarison l>ctween llit npinioDs of the Americans and the Pagans of former ages, or of any other ran he should bear in mind how Miirue and mutable must l)v all such traditions, ni an innvritten lan!;ungi>. lie must not Ih- surprised to find, on close examination, tlial the characters of all pagan deities, male and female, melt into each other. and, at last, into one or two, for it weins a well founded opinion, that tlie whoir crowd of gods and goddesses of ancient Itomv, the nicHlcrn I ar«»u;.1, Load, ed.) The resemblance Ix-twcen the .Vlgonkin deity, (\a iia-bu.sh,) and Saturn an . Sntyarrala, or hteara, of the San.si'rit, may U- tiirther traced in «-ach In-ing figun'il (vith a ser|K'nt, sometimes held in the hand, and in other instances, as in man> of the Koman figures of Saturn, in ilie ounith. This n-semblane*' is, perhaps the more worthy of retnark, as the .\niericanii seein not to have retained any very xatislaclory explanation of this circumstance. It will not be i,up|H)s<-(l that iIii'm- vague resembl.ances in religious opinioiiK, il they may l»> so e.dled, alVord the means of tracing the American triln-H to their origin. That tliese iMopIc have customs and opinion-. el,is4'lv resemblinj; those of the .\'.ialics, |Kirticularly of the Hebrews, previous to the christian dis|i»'nsa lion, will not Im> denied; but the final result of all imjuiries into this siibjiM-t will, |«rhaps, Ih' the adoption oi' the opinion of Hrijaut, of Sir W'UHitm Jonrs, aw\ <>ther men ol prolimnd ri'searcli, l)mt Knypliaiis, (ireekt,, and Italians, Persians Kthiopians, Phenecians, (VIIh, and Tuscans, proceeded, originally, frniii one '•"i •rsl pliicf, iltid that the same i)«ople carried their religion and sciences tnio rb' 'I \ ^ ire, wiih llie 88, and abun- go, accordiiKj es; therefore, «f Na-na-busli. nd the perma- r the Indians, ihcr. /ho, in e caatcni 1,^ likr Saturn, nnJ those animals iinJ lis acJaresses tithe iig,- when one Ian- „, 11. IIH. Ain.rtl.) Jucd mt-n, the oil iilH^red, that any tv- ,iul ami.lo ti""^ '" ^''" de opinions of these to Ih' 9urpris»'d ili n K3ri*)n iKitween the or of any other rue 11 sueh traditions, m u elose examination, melt into laeh other. mion, that the who), [rfiiui.'.of theeaHt,aiii1 if nature, and jirinn- by a number of fan ^h.) and Srtlurn ;iii i„eaehlH-in;;li2ure.l Instances, ns in roans Iml.tance is perh'H'-^ ,,,%.- retained any ver> ^ ri liiion- opinions, if lieriean triU-s to tluir ,.ly resemhliuU «1>»^'' L christian disin-nsn ],nt. about his licad but descending no lower than his sliouhh-rs, .shows that liis helj. and his protection are from above, and ta the strengtli tiius de rived he is able to defy those who speak evil of liim, or seek, by the power of their medicines, to break his life. 5. Chaw-gaw ko-no mau-na se-maun-duk waw-wau-o-sa-wai 1 can use many kinds of wood to make a bear unable to walk. Tlie business of hunting is one of the first importance to the Indians, consequently, ii finds a place in his devotions ; indeed, devotion itself having apparently no object beyond the wants and weaknesses of this life, relief iti limes of hunger, is one of the most important blessings they ever ask for in their i)rayerH. Accordingly, their yoiiiiir men are directed never to use these songs, or to have recourse to tlie inedieiiie htiiit, except in times of the e.xtreinest need. 0. Ke-te-iia-ne-me-na wt^-nis-ze-bug-go-iia aii-iio-kau-tum-mau- iia. ke-te-na-ne-me-iia. Of you I think, that you use the We-iii— /e-bug-gone. I think tliis of you. The common spicy winlergrctii, a stalk of which ibis figure is intended to represent, is much valued as a medicine by the In- dians. Il is called iLY-nis-fie-hu^-^oo/i, from wc-iu-sik, the spicy birch, and hus^-s^oon, which in compositio;; means leaf. na and Japan, to Mexiro and Peru, and, we may aild, to the l>aiikii of ilit- .^Iidalt .sippi, and tlie coasts of Hudcon's Kay. Some of the arguments a>ldneed iti sup|iit liinuuaije.s, even lliough they shiiuld Ih' liiuiid siniilir in meaning, ilues not eslalili h the tiiet of oomimiiiity of uii^rin : .in. 9. We-\\ah-kwa bc-gah-na niaiii-to-ga. I cover my head, sitting down to sleep, ye spirits. The figure is that of a man, probably designed to he represent- ed in a recumbent position, and drawing his blanket over him. His prayer having been answered, his wants supplied, he de- clares to (he spirits his intention to take repose. 10. Moosh-kin a-guh-wah nian-i-to-whah, whah-he-yah ! whr- lin-ya ! &c. 1 fill my kettle for the spirit. This is the liunter's lodge, and thoketlh? iianging in il confaiiic liic heart of the animal killed in the medicine hunt, of which none but a man and a hunter must venture to taste. Should a woman III!!! : ■ tic' \ \ i;^^ k . >* ML', bland of ilio animal, suddtn ifrntfi, or rniirciiiio- sickness, woidil f'dluw il. This efl'ci:!, as well as the dark colour whlcli the Imiiaiis say the skin of the fe- males assumes, in instances of the violation of this nde, they at- trihufc to the ellect of tlie medicine applied hy the hunter to tlio heart of the Me-ze-nin-ne-shah. They point out instances of women, formerly distinguished among them for beauty, and par- ticularly for the fairness of the skin, who, iiy eating of the heart, or touching the blood of an animal killed in medicine hunting, have not (miy lost that enviable distinction, but have become disgusting and frightful objects, the skin being blackened and covered with ulcers. 11. Nah-nah-wa-kum-me-ga wa-nuk-ke-she nuh-neh keen-0- wah man-i-to-whah. Long ago, in the old time, since I laid myself down, yo arft spirits. This is the tigure of a snake running «»ver the ground ; but some are of opinion that the delineation should be dillerent, namely, an old woman lying down in the middle of the ground. A new speaker is here introduced, wliicli is the mytlMdogical personage; called Me-suk-kum-nie-go-k\va, tfic grand mother ol mankind, to whom Na-iia-bush gave in keeping, for the use of his uncles and aunts, all roots and plants, and otlier medicines, de- rived from the earth. She received, at llie s;une time, e-pcciai direction never to leave hotne. and always to surrender to men llie treasures deposited in her bosom, wlu ii they should be, in u -uitable manner, demanded of her. Jlence it is, that the medicine men make an addr-ss to Me-suk-kuni-nie-go-kwa. whenever they lake any thing from tlie eartli. which is to be n.-ed as medicine. I'-I. iNe-mo-kin-nen-naun she-inaim-dnk kwnn-ne-no nuh-pe- iiio-ke-ne-nann. 1 open yon for a hear, I open you. ■yie-snk-knin-me-go-kwa speaks to one of the medicines whoso power she had ju^t acknowledired, by calling them s|)irits, and «ays, I disclose, or reveal you lor a bear, or to enable the hunter lu kill a bear. \',i. Me-loo-ga nian-i-to-loo-'Ta, heo-yeo->ah-yoh ! he-gp-tah- waw-kum-mc-ga wy-oan do-sa-jeek mc-to-ga-nah, whe-i-nh ! whr- ,-oh ' 1 iiiiJi' I 1 1 Mfk^-'^-li im t u . — ^. «- ;r)f. Misu AM) i'(ii;ru\. Tlial is a Sjiirit wliirli con\o< both from alxno and hrlow, jIFovo llicy i)pn;iii to danrr.] II. Wliain-jo-ncpn-(la sii-maii-qra rli.ili-gc-mah-ni-to-whah-ga. [Tu-ior.] Nceii-iiis-sali wccn-iiecii-dali so-mah-«p-ncen-nah chah-ga-to man-i-to wliali-ga, yah-wc-hc-ya I whr-gr-a ! [Twirp.] I am ho that givelh siirross, hecausc all spirits help mr. 15. Me-irc-iie-nali inc-go-iic-nah mc-gwim-iiah-ga me-ge-nc- nah, whc-hv-ya ! [Twiro.] The feather, the feather; it is the thing, the feather. It sometimes happens that the hunter has wandered far from his k dge, and has neither birch bark on which to delineate his Me-i-,en-ne-neenR, nor o-num-nii, or other powerful medicine, to ..pply to its heart. In these cases he takes some of the ashes of his tire, and spreading it on a smooth ])lace, he traces in it the figure of tlie animal ; he llien takes a feather and sticks it in th'- heart, then a])p!irs (ire until it is consumed to the surface of the ashes, and on tliis he places the same reliance as on the more common method of Irealimr the Me-zen-ue-neen-'. '■■ 'i I ir. 17. !"*. Il». i t 'i(\ U |(i. Wha »i-m;ui-i-l()-\vhah .' Iir-dli-r-wln-i/ii ! nia-she-ge-na pc- po-sa-jrek wli:i-iii-|i' mau-i-lu-\vliah, ah-keeng pa-mo-sah fiuh- hr-whe-ya ! Who is n spirit ? lie ifiat walkelh with llie serpent, walkini' oil the iirouiul; he is a sjiiril. This fiijure is nearly the .same as is iriveii to Na-oa-bush, in the beiiiimiiigorihe souir, and an allusion is probably intended to the. time when this interpreter betwi-en mankiiul aiul the Supreme Spirit, the Oeator of all thinffs, was driven from the presence of his fatlier, to dwell with ibi- meanest ihiuirs of this world. (i\(l bcliiw. o-whah-ga. chah-ga-tii •1 p me. I mc-ge-nc- r. •ed far from delineate hi^ medicine, to the ashes of ces in it the irks it in tlm iirface of tlic on the mori vJO. slir-ije-na |>i'- -iiio-sali hah- Kiit, walliint' a-uii-l)Usli, in y intended to tiie Sni)rcme the presenre (if thi^i world. Mvsic; AM) ri)t:iuv. 357 The alhisioiis in the traditionary fable.s of the Algonkins, to the quarrel between Na-na-bush and the (Jreat Spirit, arc frequent, and eannol fail to remind any one oC the most important ot' the doctrinea of the ehrislian ridigion. It can scaree be doubted that, from some source or other, these people have derived some ob- .scure conceptions of the incarnation and mediatorial oflice of the second person iu the Divine Trinity.* * In Mr. M'Kcnnpy's "Tour to the Lakrs," p. 000, 005, some account is given of \a-na-hoii-Ji)ii, anil the rcnovatinn of liir cartli aftor llu' licluirc, wliich agrofs, in must particular»i, vcrv closely with the trailitioiis aniouu the Ottawwaws anrl MenoiuDiiies. Kut these last relat'' it v th the follDwiiiir addition : " When the earth, which was found in the claws and in the )nouth of the muskral, iK-iran to expand itself upon the surface of the water, Na-na-hou-jou sat, day aft<;r day, watching i.ft enlargement. When he was no longer utile to see the extent of it, he sent out a wolf, and (old him to run rouml all the gro\nid, and then return to him, that he might thus know how large it had Invome. 'I'lie wolf was absent only a short limi\ and returned. .After sometime he sent him out the second lime, with similar directions, and he was gone two years. Agniu, alter this. In; -ent him out, and he returned no more. Then Na-iia-l>ou-jou gave the animals, all of whom he called Ve-she-inih, (my younii'V I'rolher.J each his own pecidiar km(loft()o liiwse a s|M'edy and merciful metluMl of killing them, they should make no resist- •incc J but, in ea«i's of wanton and cruel injury, they might turn to rewiwt."' Il is also to Ik" observed, that this renovation of (lii> earth is clearly distingui>h- iil, in the traditions of the Ottawwaws, from the origin.d creation, which was lon^r previous. How much of the instructions of the JesuitH, and of other whites, m«y now lie combined in these legends, it is dillicult to say. I'lit they rekale that men, before the (l.iod, though thi'y had been long betiire upright and good, had now become e\<'eedingly di-gi nenite ; but they ilo not assign this as the caus4> for which the deluge was brought upon the earth. They s.ay that the younger brother of .Va-na-iKiu-jon was slain by the (iieal Spirit, the fatlur of iHtth, and it was in grief and in aiigi'r that Na-n,ilH>u-iou himself caused the earth to be overwhelmed. To so great an extent did he carry his resj-ntnient against the Great Spirit, and the olhir Spirit-, that Ibey, with the hojieolapiieasiiig him, re- ^tored his brother to lite. Hut Na-na-lxHl Jon said, " No, my brother, this cannot be, that anv should die ami come aunin to live here as U-liirp; return ,igain to the jilace to which they had si'ul you ; it is there that many of my uncles and aunts must come every year. Vou shall Ih' the triciul and the. protector of those. n« 1 am of the liviriL', who are here mi tliisearih " lie niuriied accordingly, and it is this brother of Na-nabou-jou, who is novvR|token of asXiNc-OAii-BE-ARNoNo Man-i-to, (the western gixl,) though this is not his name, by which he wa? known to hii* brother. He is the goil of the country of the dead, tlir< towns of ■he Je-bi-ug, which are always towards the srltiiig sun. W (•MA* •4N- if i '6:}b >\IAIC AM) 1'UK1K\. i. t 17. Ilc-ah gut-tah wees-scnc, wim-iHt-kwa noeu-nali nceii-d*- kwa-wuir-L'<'-|?Ji weeii-dum iiiah-wuii iieou-nali-liali ncen-iiah wht- hc-ya ! Now they will *'at something, my women ; now I tell them they will eat. Tliis tigure, with open mouth and distended belly, seems Id speak the language of human thanksgiving, and gratitude for f;'- vours conferred by a superior power. 18. O-num-mun-nah nin-go-ohe-we-nah. [Twice.] This yellow ochre, I will try it. The o-num-mun, a yellowish earth, wluch they find in many places, and which i:s particularly abundant on one of the branches of the Illinois Kiver, thence called O-num-mun-ne See-be, when roasted in tlie fir*', becomes red, and is a medicine to which they attribute great power. It is a little sack of this which is dispro- portionately represented in the hand of the figure. li>. Yah-hah nin-go-che-we-nah whe-he-ya-ha ! bc-nais-se-wa\v yah-hah nin-go-tin-non-gay nin-go-che-hah-hah, yah-hah nin-go- te-non-ga. Now I wish to try n>y bird ; sometime ; I used to try, and somc- limes it used to be something. The figure is that of a bird's skin, in which his medicine i- contained, and it is that, and not the skin itself, he wishes to try. 30. Ah-wes-sie necs-sah neen-no, ka-she-c-way ke-kaun-nc- nah ; ah-wis-sie nees-sah neen-no, whe-he-ya ! hc-whe-ya ! I can kill any animal, liecause the loud-speaking thunder help^ me : I can kill any animal. This large bird, whose open mouth indicates the power ot his voice, is not one who ird\abits the earth, or is ever seen ; he livc> in the clouds, and his voice is the thunder. He is more com- monly called a-nim-me-kce, but here ke-kaun ; our loud sounding medicine is strong to give us wind or rain, or whatever state of the air mav be needful to ensure success in the himf. I: y . I nccii-iU- i-nab wh»'- tcU them y, seems in itude for (>'- iml in many the branches ke-he, when i> which ihty ich iri ilispi'"- s-nais-sc-waw h-hah nin-go- ,ry, ami sonic- s medicine i> wislies to try. ke-kaun-nc- ,vhe-ya ! tlmndcr hclp- le power ot his seen ; he livc- is more com- Idiid sounding luitever state oi lint. MirslU AND rOETRV. 369 •40. *J1. Mah-mo-yah-na hah-che-mauii-duk hah-yo-ta-he inah-mo- yah-na. I take a bear, hi.s heart I take. The aUu.sion is here to the observances respecting the lieart and bloc) of animals kiUed in medicine hnnting, and the sacri- fices to I if made in the event of success. 22. ()-she-shn-g\va-waw tun-wa-we-tun-ga necn-dah biih- zheen-ga tun-wa-we-tim-ga, whe-he-ya ! A rattle snake makes a noise on the poles of my lodge ; he makes a noise. The jealousy of rival hunters is a frequent cau.se of quarrels jiul troubles among the Indians. This man boasts that the rattle snake, which always gives notice when danger is near, is on the poles of his lodge, and no evil can come near him without his being informed of it. His life is guarded by a superior power, and he fears not what his enemies can do to liim. 23. O-shaw-wah-no nah-o-bah-guh-he gun-nun-na, ho-kah-mik a-no-2rweh, whe-he-ya ! Neen-da-bwa-wa se-to nah-na, whc-hc ! ya-ha ! To a Shawnee, the four sticks used in this song belonged. When struck together they were heard all over the country. Th's is the figure of a man holding in his left hand the four iiah-o-bah-e-gun-nun, or sticks, on which this song was recorded, and the authorship is claimed by a Shawnee, from whom the Ojibbcways acknowledge to have received it ; and here, it is pro- bable, the performance originally concluded. The remaining figures appear to have been addtd from other songs. 24. lli-ah shahwo mah-mo-ke-ah-na Man-i-to ne-whaw-baw- maw ah-mik-kwug n*' whaw-baw-maig, whe-ha-ya ! I come up from below; I come down from above; I see tli' spirit ; I see beavers. I ■li ' .<»*—*«•. :m >li;.sic AND Vl»KTR\. ff I !^ 'V'"' . Wc-waw-bun o-kah-tawn neen-gah-bcah no-kwa-nah we- ^law-bun o-kah-tawn, we-he-lia-ya ! 1 can mak(! an east wind come and pass over the ground. This is sung four times, tlie north, the west, and the soutii winds being each, in turn, substituted for the east wind here spoken of. The meaning is, that the spirit has power to give a wind in any direction that may he necessary for the success of the hunter ; that he controls all the chanires of the a1mos|)hcre. and will overrule them in such a manni^r as to ensure the success of those whose medicine is strong : in other words, whose prayer i^ eHectual. They nnist therefore neither regard the wind nor the sky, but go forward in contidence of success. The idea of thr circle in this figure, into which the wuids are represented as rush- ing, is derived from the apparent form of the visible iiorizon ; tin Indians neither know, nur will tliey believe that the foi.n of thi earth is L'^lobnlar. I^r till." ^ I* I I )H}. 27. ' d W -, I •-itj. Na-nah nub-be-gah-ne-na ha-ge-(ah wah-kum-me-ga uk-ke- ko-no-dah go-na, neen-na-nali nah-be-yahn-ne-na, ke-na-nali nub- be-ah n«'cn-na, whe-he-yah ! we-he-ya ! Thus have I sat down, and the earth above and below has lis- tened to me sitting here. This is agftin the figure of Na-na-bush, sitting on the earth, in ilir same attittuie in which he is represented in the first part of fiiinti the man seen \ ^ Ml'SIC AM) l'liKIU\ . •Ml (I, Uiat tin :c aildress- icc of tlu' hem where e Unit pray earth, wa-nah we- ■ound. x\ the soutii t wind here iver to give a ic success oi" atmosphere, •e the success kvliose prayer I wind nor the le idea of t!\e enled as riish- ; liurizon ; the ,e foin of tht lii-mc-ga uk-ke- Ike-na-nah n\ib- |l below has lis- )n the earth, ii» Ihc first part "f ihe perroniiaiice. The nuiiniiiir i-*, tliat all who join in these de- votional exercises must, throughout their continuance, which is lor tlic {Treater part of the iiieavers, otters, martins, or whatever the hunter may have taken, he is expected to ridinciuish fo the person who meets him. I'l i |swAK\ jf Iinliu, t/ir Satiun i>f Itahj, the NANAnrsii ofth' Mgniikiiix. [Sec Atialic linenrclnf, Vol. /. p "Jl!* J u. 1H.SK x\)) POFIIIV .«()3 that if ain- / and \i\\w- :ossiUPs ol t, or even a lul to throv !V: brought men often- it, and lli' iisiancos tlu' links he can 1 jroi's honn' rn wliich i^ , martins, or to rilimiuisli nisii «; fth \-,t rp'iV'l SONU FOK THE MKDICIM: lirNTIXi. I'ARTICI L\K- l-Y FOK BKAVKUS. Vw. I. U. ,^ ^, Via. I. Clio-inalin-dnk-kwa nr-muIi-kui-o-s:i nc-ali-hah-wa, no- an-liali-ua, nc-nuili-kwi-o-sa, Iw-ah-whc-hi -u/i ! A bear, I walk like a bear niysell"; myscll". I walk like a bear. Tl. le hu'dii'iiu' man here speaks in Ins disoiiiM ol' a bear skin \e-Minli-kui-o-~a mi),'ht he more literall) translated"! walk a liear;" it is the eumponnd olneen-mnk-kuaw and pa-[iali-mo-sa. • >r ()a-bah-nn>-sa. I'he-mahn-duk is < niiunonly used, in thesi- >onirs, lor a hear. •-I. Ah-wes-sie hi-ah-wa-nali hah-lw a-\M-lahni;-!{ih ! \Vaw- x\ash-ke^h r-wah hah-twa-we-tahnj>-nah. .\ beast, what beast comes eallinir f ll is a deer eonu-s eallin<;. The word hali-lwu-we-lahn>;->rah is ixpressive not only of the |ieeiiliai' eall of the male deer, at thi' riiltini) si-ason, hut also ol ilu- eireumstane." that tl u- annna s ap|iroachnii; IIk- speaker Ih were he {joinu; the other way, or even :;itanding .-ilill, the word would he ditrerenl. '.\. O-innn-num-nali inn-tro-ehe-we-nah. [Twii'i. | Til IS \(llo\v oehre ill t rv It. This is the sann. in all respects, ns No, !>», in the preeedin^ sonj; to i\a-na-hiish. 'i. VVun-nr ho-i-yahn, wmi-ne h ■►ft.'^ijifcig^^^. Mi >lf ANU I'DK.IIIV. harmlrs^ cifatinT, and hr boa>tstliat his disguiM" is so porlofl as to deceive any but a rhiet medicine man, or a ureal hunter. It phoidd be remombered, that (he langiiage ol" tliese songs is com- monly that of distant allusion, rather than direct figure ; hence, though the words nuiy seem unmeaning to us, they ahvajs con- vey much signification l. ? >(■■ 1 I r/ • ' . -t o. l-ah-iir-wah-ho go-mo-yaun. i-ah-ne-wah-lio go-mo-yann . i-am-mik-gung-ga-nali ; i-ah-ne-wah-ho go-mo-yaun. Can any one remain longer under water than me ? I am bea- ver, and I can remain longer tiian any under waler. This language, descriptive of the dilfn iiliies in taking beaver. is put iiitii (he moiiili of (he animal liimsell. t>. I-an-we-be-ah-ne ne-hub-be-ah-na be-ah-na. [Many times reppHled.] I am well loaded ; I sit down (o re>l ; I am loaded. The iiunter hears, but he regards no( (he boasting language ol (he bcuvrr. The evidence of bis skill a id success is on his buck, suspi-nded by a sirap passing round his forehead ; and to nij^nify '!ia( his loail is heavy, Iw si(s down (o res(. 7. Mah-mo-ke-hea hi-ah-maunii-w iig-e-he-a inan-i-(o-we-he-tnli He muHt come up, even the loon, though lie is ManKo. Thin in another answer of (he hunter to the boast of (he bruver. Are you h grraler diver (huii the loon ? Yet even he nni.-^t rise to the surface after a certain '.i;r.r. The coun(ry of (he Ojibbr- wav« aboundinir in small lake**, which sometimes lie verv near i I MTSIC AN1> I'OKTKY. :{«M hunter. 1' nors is fom- u-c ; hence, ahvaj s con- \\s instance, i white man. i a near, or ^lio wears ii ink liiilc of irirtinii. 9. go-mo-y!i"" n. P ? I am beii- llHkinjr beaver. [Many tuTie'^ 1. tl. \\Q liinsiuiit!;e ol lisonliisbacK. and to fii£?niiy ^i-io-we-he-tali Manitt). of ilie beaver. li he must rise |,M the Ojibbr- lir verv nenr i-ach otiier, without any visible eommnniealion, they have taken np the idea that eomnumieatitms exist under ground, and they believe a loon ean dive down in one, and eonie up in another ol" them. They think, also, that the beaver can carry down so much air entanfrlcd in his coat, that if left undisturbed at the bot- tom, he can thrust his nose into his fur, and breathe for some time. H. Whe-gah wecn-ah-wa\v sah-ge-mah-tik-o-waw, hio-go-mah- waw, sali-go-mah-tik-o-waw. I can cut down that chief tree, though it he the tree of a chief. The beaver says he can cut down any tree. Thougli a great hunter, and a man of medicine, may claim the tree, though ho may have placed it there, tlie beaver can cut it down. Sah-gem- ah-tik reminds us of the word Sa-chem, derived from some ol the eastern dialects of the Algonkin. J>. Neen-dah no-je-ah we-ah-wing nian-i-to-we-tah we-ah-wing. &c. Though he is Maniio, I can work to take his bod\. This is the hunter, culling open the ice, or breaking up tiie beaver's lodge, in pursuit <<( him. (Al the bar lh(>v begin to dance. 1 10. 11. 12. 13. 10. y .'. be-i5o-tin-no-waw a-zhe-tm-na chaw-gaw-Mais-sie a-zhe iin-nn. I woiiM .'h »oi, as you told me, any animal ; as you told me. Thi.* IS addressed to Na-iia-bush, ami the hunter professes his desiif to follow h' I'dvice in every thing, that be may lie assured s-; •I'T in I untin!;. .Naim-i)ush is partiiidarly the lumler's god. a. 1(1 fnmi him Ins best skill is derived. 11. Ncen n'buh-we-hah he-na-ne-whaw, aa-nr-buh«we-hah. Nren n'buh-we-hah mcen-da-nm-sHh. na-ne-buh-we-hsli. li !' ( ' 07 ''^!k>'P /*»»-*■**" {. t if ■f^ i ,i i'fi ) ,..» uoo Ml .-n AM) nil I K V I make to siuiul, a iiiun, 1 iiiuko iiiiii staiul. The words «Nnii-i'c-\vali and iiii't'ii-da-ino-sah, mrati licrn llif male or rcinale of the aniinais hunted ; and a>, at some seasons, only the males are fat, and at others only tin; temales, the one line or lh«^ otiier is snnif fn'st, aecordin^r to tl le s«'asoii, Th. word n'huh-we-hah is more eomnionly spoken, |)articularly li\ the Mississippi Indians, n'po-we-ah. 12. Nc-ttli-WH een-du-l)c-lo-na ne-uh-how. Myself, I do t,^(>t)d lo myself. It is eerlainiy pcditic I'or the medicine men, who reeeive ex- travagant fees not only for teacliinj' their s(m(fs, luit fur the me- dicines used conjointly with them, to remind their employers that nil th u< evpenditures they make arc not unavailin^r- II er»' tl leii. i-- a li(.nn<' which seems to lie that of a Icmale, coxered pinfii-ely with the clotiiini: piirclia 'eil Ironi the pr(ict'('(l-< ol the medicint hunts; over the heail of the li^nre are blankets and cloth, uiiil aiiKind tiie waisi is siisjiended an ample irarnu-n', lielonijinir to a uomnii. \',\. \e-knun-naw niM-m>-clie-liah iie-kaiin-naw . My friend-. I will l!\, my fritiul-. Prosperity, as arnoni: other nnii. It ad- lo insolence ani! tin ainise of powiT. I This man, who, in iinanorm(ui> arroiv. ith 14. Na-wi-ahn, na-wi-ah-na, o-ho-o wim pah-!)e-waw iMim-me-kwi-a-nc A mu ccasin sii.iKc a mociM»iii •nail he-na-ne-wnw we ^kin is ni\ mediciiit bug; let any man i oiiw to see me that will. I( aii\ man is p;aloiis of iii\ -iicct -.s in hmitiiiif, l< t hiui know that a moccasin snake skin is my medicine bat; ; let him know that he cannot, without danu'er, come in mv wa\. ' IjLM M MISU AND POETR\. [i61 Mi li; 10 ihf inc seasons, lies, tlie Dill' •asoii. TIk- iliculailv \>) } receive ex- it till- (lie lilt ■ iiploN ers lliat Hire, then, red |>riit'u-('l'' tlic mrilifiiK ■III clotli, anil eloiiLriiiLr I"' •' »l»'ii»f ;iiiil til' him been siu liiiii riih. ami IT aiiaiii-*! I"- iin!, irai»nJiXf«l ia-iie-\va\v \\<- iii\ met liriii' 1, 1 iiiiu kniiw (1 liim kii'tu {.'). Ne-ali-\ve-iia, iic-ali-Uf-na, waw-biin-duiu-mo a-zhe-naii- ^wuk iie-ah-\ve-na. Myfselt", niyseir, helioM me, and see that I look like inyscU". This is sonn' jrreat mrdiriiie man, probably the author t)f (lif ~(injj, wlio shoMs hiinseir U> the people. MS. ('he-be-^au-ze-nauiiK >j\vil-)(»-i-ah-na iiiaiin-dah-wccn ah- lue-ffe iieeii-M'a-nah L'na-kwaik ke-iiah gw it-lo-i-ah-na. I (Minie (o rhani;[e the ajipearanre of the ground, this ground ; I niaki! it hiok ditleriiit in earh season. This is a Manilo, who, mi arcount of his immensity of tail, and .ilhcr prcnliHrilies, has no prototy|H>. He elaims to he the ruler rriiaps by nii-^iake. 1*^. Muk-ko-we-tali-wa neen-dah-nees-sah e-kwnh-e-tah-wn. Were he a bear, i eould kill him, were he a lonsc. Thus aided by the Manito of the seasons, or of the wealhi i, ind by hnn of the j^round. as is expressed by the two priceilini.' li(.Mires, the hunter says he eould find and kill whatever was a bear, thouch it were no bit'^er than a louse. The tigiire is thai i)f a bear, with a louse on il. |U. (Maiiiih we-vo ehe-niahii-diik o-t:i-nuli-« r-yo. \\\^ tongue, a bear, his ion|/iie. The tongue, like the heart and blood in the other 8un|{, U now lit h«> kept from the profane tourli nfa woman or a dog. I' ' rv "'^5s^^CSt**^ •'•«^« •<»«■■. 3t5S MUSIC AND I'OETRY. UO. Man-i-to uli-wc-slic-nah-iiaio-kiiii-na nian-i-to wc-slic-nali- iia. A spirit is what I use ; a H])irif do tlioii use. Tho sjxaki'r, in this iiistaiiro, is Na-na-bush, who gave mankind an arrow ; that is, all those arms which give man (himinion over the brutes. He used these things before us, and we must use them agreeably to his instruction and example. Ul. We-ah-hah nuik-ko-we-e-tah yah nah-mah kummig, ain- dah-zheesh she-no-gwain niuh-ko-we-tah. Although it were a bear concealed under the ground, I could tirul him. Thus aided by the Maniloag, and armed with the weapons ol" iNa-na-busb, what animal shall be able to escape from the htmler ' li {' f t h * r * i fhm iJk fii i{i^? ' i \ ii lMtft i W iii I I k -^ Ml .-IC AND IMtrilV. 'Am ff. c-shc-nali- c mankind Vinion over • must \is«' mmig, ain- jntl, I f""!^ weapons ol the hunior ' MEDICINE SON(;, FOli lllNTlNii, AiNH hOMETIMES FOR MAKlNCi I-OVK. Fio. I. a. 3. Flu. I. Nccii-iiali-hali ah-iu'-iin-do-irwain {ja-no-zci wain-je inan-i-to Mlie-jrwain, « c-lii-yali, wr-lic-ya 1 What I kiutw not niakrs fra-no-zlif (the l(»ii<> moon) Maiiito. One of the winter moons, commonly called (litclic-manilo-n- gce-zis, (ihc (Iroal Spirit's moon,) which corresponds to luir month Januar), is con>i(l(rcd particularly laMJurahlc lor limiting. Children horn in (hat month arc r«'ckoncd lonQ; lived. 2. H«'-ah neen-irwi-o-ho o-ho man-i-to-wc-t«h-hah j^ah-neen- nwi-o we-i-ah-nah wc-hc-a ! My painiinii, that makes nn a Maiiito. One ol the parlitular kinds ol medicine lo he used uilli tins >on^, is mixed with o-n\nn-un, and used in painting the face. The IndninH atlrihute to it the (^reatesi cMicacy in givinij imme- ilialf siicceHs ; bnl many of ihcm fear to use it, fmni a iirlief tha' i! will have an injurious cHect on them atler dcalh. A man whc 'iiis uHcd it will, ihey say. in the ccnmiry to which we j^o aftei ilealh, have no tlosh upon those parts of his '^nrv where the inedi- line has touched. It is rare to ohMTve, anion^ the Indians, any id«UH which w«»dd lead t<» (he helief, that they look upon a future ^late p.s one <>f rein'.uHMii. The irnnx cnl are those who fail to each (he \.ilaL'i> of the dtad; and l)u- unrortiii::ile art thosi who, when ihi V ariiv« theri. are disiiii!>ui>lied from others, l)V hring coiik|x lied (<< dHiti-e on (heir h«*Hs. \s might be expected ("mm n pe-ipir in su« h profound ijfnoran<'« . i( »* not to tho^e ac- r ^ I'' .7: i ■ '.>• • ' m . fl-,> 1^ ( >. ^i 370 MUSIC AND POETRY. tioas which are ptruicious lo huppinoss, and the true well bring of the socicly. <»r the iiulividiial here, that the idea of future punisliniriil is attaehed. 3. [The words Indoiiging to this figure arc lost. He sneins tu be beating the Me-tig-waw-kcek, or mtlai drum, and is doubtlcs^i boasting of his great medicine.] 4. Yah-hah-ween-gah wc-ah-hali ye-hi-ali-yah we-hc-a? yali- hah o-ge-mah-waw goan-dum-nio-nah o-ge-mah-waw. I am able to make a chief swallow an arrow. This has allusion to the thrusting of arrow.s, and similar in- struments, into the stomacli, by the medicine men. The word-< are put, perhaps, into the mouth of the medicine. Tricks of this kind arc often exhibited in the Metai, as well as several juiserable sleiglit of hand tricks, which all the initiated, at least, seem w illing to look upon as miracles. A common performance is that of suffering one's self to be shot at with a marked bullet, which had previously been shown to all the persons sitting in the lodge. The medicine man stands at one end of the lodge, with a small wooden bowl in his hand, and his companion, aftei having exhibited the bullet, loads the gun in the sight of all pre- sent; then dancing and singing backwards and forwards, dis- charges the piece, apparently at ilie head, l>nt taking particular care not to hit him. As soon as the smoke is disperso.d, the om who had stood to receive the fire is seen with a ball in his dish, marked accurately like the one which had been put in the gun. With this he dances, exulting and shouting, three or four lime-^ .nround the lodge. Other tricks are played with little pup|)ets ot wood and feathers moved by strings, bvit kept concealed in sacks. or otherwise. Many of these things, too childish and trifling to be minutely described, are the standing wonders of the boastei. i'cremonies of the IVIetai, or grand medicine, the |>rincipal reli gious leremony of the Indians. H I i^i < ' hi. I '■ well being a of luturo le scrms In is doubtless .-hc-a^ yah- I similar in- Thc \vonl-< Tricks of II as several alcil, al least. 1 ncrforinanci* narked bullet, ons sitting i» of the lodge, mpanion, aft( i ight of all pre- forwards, dis- hig particulav lerso.d, tl\e oii« ,)all i» I'i^ il''"''- )ut in ll»' g""- or four time-^ tile puppt^lJ^ <»' oealed in sacks. and tritling to of the boast»'i. principal reli 5. (5. T. H. :ni u. 5. Wuh-wc-kwa-be-yah neen-na neen-go-ehe niecn-da-mo-sali iiei-un dun-nub bc-ah-neen-na. I cover over myself, sitting down in a secret plare with a woman. *). Hujr-ge-ta a-a-ho ke-ta-nee-na kc-ta-nee-na. I speak of your heart; [to a moose.] 7. Do-je-teem mam-mo-e-yahn ween-e-sc inam-mo-e-yahii o- iiah-ge-chc mam-mo-e-yahn. Your tripe, 1 lake your melt, I take ; your straifrlil jrut I take. These are the choire parts of a moose ; the attitude of the hunter is expressive of his exultation; il is the o-nah-ge-ohe which he holds in liis liands. It is this part of which those deli- lious sausages, railed fiiintvr\'> puddiiti^s, are made. N. Neen-dai-yuli gutrhe-hah hi-e-kwa-waw-hali, neen-noan- dali-waw sah-wecn n-ye-ke-tot»! whe-i-ah-hnh whe-hc-ya ! I can make her ashamed, because I hear wJiat she says of me. H. \V;ius-snh wa-kum-me-ga na-bah-gwaim, wlie-ah whe-he-a \ ag-ifali-mir\i;-^''o na-hah-gwa. Thoujrh you slept very Far oil', though you slept on the otliei "iile. lie boasts of his success with wonuMi. Ff his mistress slept ever so far off, even across a lake, his arm is lonij enough to reach her. and she will hear his voice. ,?■ ....* hi/ 1' i t !i« I * 3 * < i * ^V vn- 1 i i arj i(t. Ml sit .\M> I'til. IU\. II. Ivl. 13. TfM A ft 10. \e»'ii-n;ih-inah nrni-iiali-jc-lii-ha zwaw-Jifa, uoen-nah-inah iiMu-t(» waw- v\ lia-io.ir;i nMo-io waw-wa-wc-hia-ali, yu-wo-hc-a ! I draw yoiir lu'ait up, llial is what 1 do to you. It is intoiuU'd luTe to represent a moose at a distance ; and the Ims from liis heart to the lod(' llic power ol his medicine controls the inclination of the animal, and hrinos him m a silnation where he can easily he found. 11. l\e-we-nah neezh-waii nien-nah hi-ah-wa-sah fa-we^-sie,| tu'-wa ner/h-wali neen-nah. I can kill any animal, 1 can kill. J lis lar^je knife seems intended to represent his confidence ol success, and the animal is hefore him which he cannot only kill, but cut up. 12. n.ji'e-bi-y«hn nian-i-to, yen-wah-nc-he-e-nah, yeo-wah-lia o-jce-bi-yahn man-i-to, whe-lu'-ya I A dead man's skin is Manito. Sometimes they use sacks of human skin to contain their me- dicines, and they fancy that something is thus added to their ef- ficacy. 13. Me-nec-sing, a-he-tjwaln necn-jTe-wun-naijh chc-hah-ga-to- ga me-nee-sing' a-be-u\vain, whe-he-ya ! Were she on a distant island, I can make her crazy to swim over, were she on a distant island. Here he ajfain lioasts of the power of iiis medicine over the in- elinati(ms of females. Tins soiiir seems to present a fair view of the state of the /i(is:- rontrolr* lln' ilion wluTO 1m s ronfiiloncc ol iinntit only kill, all, vro-wah-liii intain their mv- Ulcd to their of- }i rhc-hah-ga-to- M- crazy to swim IriiH' ovrr the i»- nt a fair view "I IcwaV!*. SONG OF \ MEDICINK MAN, AT THR GIVING OF MEDICINE TO A SICK PERSON. Fio. 1. 3. Kit:. I. Norn-gaw-gaw wain-e-nir-ko o-h • i-ah .t-ni^ii-a-iiaii- i. TV soinr person lias injurcil yoiw lifo. Viiionsx the Indians, when a dortor is railed lor the sick, it is nsiial In |)rc"sont Mini, on his entering the lodire of liis patient, a kettle (»r the best food they arc able to procure ; and it is |)i(»ba- ble he commonly connnences his treatment, as in this instance, by assurinii his patient that he is siidering from the malice of some enemy, who has slint nudicinc at him, or practised upon his me-ziri-ne-nrrn.s', to make him a victim of disease. Com- plaints of whatever kind, are commonly among them, if not al- ways, attributed to had mi'dicinc, uiuler which comprehensive term they include every thing, except open violence, which can be the consequence of human malice and envy. The medicine man will generally go much farther than to tell his patient that he is under the inthience of llie incantations of somebody ; he will name some person, either his own or his patient's enemy, as be nuiy think most for his interest. This point is fully illus- trated in the history of Ais-kaw-l)a-wis, in the preceding narra- tive. The figure has a little sack of nu'dicine, ami his s(Uig is represented by the two lities coining out of his moutli. '2. nin-nah neen-ne-kami, ne-mali-tah-Iio-ne-!'(t-k;i. [Twice.] Behold me, my friends, I distribute. He directs his Me-/Iiin-no-way, or aiteiulaiil, to distribute to bis friends, and whatever persons mav have assembled in the if 1 i 9!n IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 «■ 1^ 12.2 1^ I.I tb a m ill 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation /. V ■^ ^V. 33 WIST MAIN STRICT WIBSTIR.N.Y 14580 (71«) 173-4503 o^ If :m fj .?.« 'i lu '/ ■ ■ u . I'll If l''l '^ 374 Ml'SIC AND rOElRV. lotlgp on this occasion, the kettle which he holds in his hand, and which is a part of his fee. 3. Hah-we-yah be-zin-duh-wug-ga ha-be-zin-duh-wug-ga neej- a-nish-a-nau-ba nin-gat-tum-me-ga. There is talking, there is talking, but I will eat my people. Many diseases the Indians suppose to exist within the body, in form of a worm, or something similar, and it is a being of thi; kind who now speaks from the stomach of the sick person. lie says, " I hear your threatening and confident words ; but it is not in your power to displace me. I will devour my own, or those people that belong to me." The medicines which this song is intended to accompany, are often given in cases of a malady, to which white men are rarely subject. It commences by a swelling of a toe, or on some part of the foot, sometimes of the knee, and this at length comes to suppuration. An indolent and tumid ulcer gradually takes possession of the whole foot, extending to the ancle and leg, and life at length yields to it, though usually after many years. Two distinguished men of the Sioux, namely, the son of the Red Wing, of the village at Lake Pepin, and Tah- tunk-ah-nah-zhe, a chief from the plains, were suffering with this complaint in IS'25. The latter, who had lately been attacked, found some benefit from the application, in various forms, of th<' Tiitro-murialic acid. The Indians look upon the complaint as in- curable, except by the extirpation of the diseased bone ; and the author of the foregoing narrative has know one successful in- stance of this treatment. The Indian himself amputated the bone both above and below th(! knee junt, preserving the muscles of the leg. He survived and recovered, but his leg was of course useless. [At the bar they begin to dance. j 4. Ilah-go-way ke-new-wug-ga ki-ah-ga ga-to-che-ga ki-ah-go ga-to-che-ga. This is the gray eagle talking; he will talk. Here the doctor speaks in his own person. He conjpares him- Hclf to the gray eagle, whom the Ojibbeways consider undisputed sovereign among the birds. ( "i ^ \ \ WtM Tit, i his hand, iu\d -wug-ga neej- y people- hin the body, a being of lbi-~ k person. Up 5 ; but it is not own, or those :h this song i>; )f a malady, to es by a swelling if the knee, and lent and tumid ot, extending to though usualh ; Sioux, namely, Pepin, and Tah- itTering with this y been attacked, nis forms, of th»' complaint as in- d hone ; and the ,,(> successful iu- putated the bone the muscles of tjT was of course )-rhe-ga ki-ah-go MUSIC AND POETRY. 6. 375 7. ga. 5. This figure represents the sun, but the song is lost. 0. Ka-moke-yah-hah ka-moke-yah waw-bs-gaw-gaw-ge waw- ). Come ye up, come ye up, white crows. 7. Ka-kaik koi-ah-na bub-bah mis-sa-wuh. Mv henhaw k's skin will lly about. compares him- lis ider undisputed V A '■dm-^^, "mmJi> ^. i ■' I Kr /i-/i?i / m i- 1 ' 'J f'* \ : I' • i ■* 4 f ' t i "t 1; 376 MUSIC AND POETRY. SONG OF CHI-AH-BA, A CELEBRATED OJIBBEWAY MEDICINE MAN, AT THE ADMINISTRATION OF HIS REMEDIES. Fig. 1. 3. 3 4. 5. Fio. 1. Ah way-ah noan-dah-wug-ga muk-kud-da ge-na-beek goo-wc-ah-wc-aun ne-kaiin. Some one, I hear him ; but I make myself black snake, my friend. The medicine man speaks in his own person. He hears some one ; he knows who it is that has used bad medicine to break his patient's life ; but he brings, to oppose it, the power and crafti- ness of the black snake. 3. Ain-dun wa-we-tum-maun o-gc-tah-kum-maig ke-he-a. Ain-dun wa-we-tum-maun, t&c. I myself speak, standing here on the ground. He takes a bold and open stand against his enemies, and those of his employer. 3. Wa-go-nain-wa-we-ow we-he-naun J 0-gc-na-beek-o-ga wa-we-yah we-he-nah. What is this I put in your body? Snake skins I put in your body. The two first verses are suntj Oii entering the lodge, and before he commences giving his mrdicuio. The tinrd accompanies the exhibition of the first dose, which consists either of eight snake skins lied together, and the foremost having a small frog fastened t. the head of it, as in the figure, or of eight fathoms of a small or thong of leather, and eight wild cat's claws fast- J "*-« - .r wjiwy ?■'' " \' >'LSli. AM, I'uKiiii. 377 emies, and those »-gc-ua-beck-o-ga ins I put in your ''"''d at equal intervals. Difficnh . „ -ription may appear to u«, and IsTt U nr"'"'"^ "'^ ^'>- ?'- ^■-ves and swallows it, all the ti^e . ?" "' ^'^^ P«'-"t - f!^f by singin, the above so Ta'd "' "''^ '''^ ^-'- ^- fi;.-r, or a little water, in "f; ^l:?^^'"^"^ -'^i"^ with --edy After this has ren aino a S '"" ,°' '"^ '"""""'•^We ;omaeh, according to the inclinatio 7,'" ^T^' ^'"^ '" ^^o '0 he wuhdrawn ; and it is i„ t,.j ""' ^"^ ""'^^'^^ man, it is 'f'e cat's claw, are used tha thl T ''"' P^'-*'<^"'arIy «•!,,„ ; iating torture. The end whi h JsTT' "''"^ ^'^ "•-'--- "and of son,e of the attend t 'a ^ th T" "^ '^ P"* '"*« ^^^^ ■;bout the lodge, as the ren^aintTs, Lf ^^ '"' '^'"^ -^'' '' 'he medicine man sin^s the folln ^ "^ ^'^"'^ ''«'^'<- Then general. »' *^« ^«"«^v>ng, ,vhile the dance becomes Snakes fare] my friends. ^' «. J5- A-nah-mo be-zhe ne-kau-naw. l^;^r'';'' "••'■' -'-is my friend. *' the fourth vprsn h^ i ■, • . from these he derives his p ^'^ IT;'^'"""' ""' ''"''«' -'^ '• nm, founded on a knowlele of the , '".J"^' """' '««' ^is -:^ of -^n-ent importance, tp';;;;';"'^ ""* '^^ ->n«"ier- -•'h verses, that the snakes S^^ '''' '" "''" '^"'^ »"'» --"g '.is h. lp..,-s an.I fnend Thf ■'"'"" "'"^ -' «- "<■" as the activity of the M' '"">' ""' ''""'"ng, as """ -»""::::it\^::r;i:r- m • -'^'^ ""' i')rm of ',1 ; / M f ' 378 MISIC ANP FOETRY. animals of this family to those imaginary brings whose attributes bear, in their opinion, some resemblance to the qualities of these animals. Most of them have heard of the lion, the largest of the cats known to white men, and all have heard of the devil ; they consider them the same. The wild cat here figured has horns, and his residence is under the ground ; but he has a mas- ter, Gitche-a-nah-mi-e-be-zhew, (the great under-ground "wild cat,) who is, as some think, Matche-Manito himself, their evil spirit, or devil. Of this last they speak but rarely. Gitche-a-nah-mi-c is a compound epithet, and in this application can scarce fail to remind the Greek scholar of many similarly compounded words in that language. The English reader will perceive the resem- blance in the following " most heroic" line, preserved by Cow- per : — '• To whom replied the Devil yard-long-tailed." There was never any thing more truly Grecian, says the learned translator of the Iliad, than this triple epithet. f;'F ■'. ( e attributes ies of these c largest of • the devil; figured has B has a mas- nd^vild cat,) ir evil spirit, je-a-nah-mi-e scarce fail to ,imded words ,e the resem- rved by Cow- lyi s the learned ML'SIC ANU POKTP.Y, 37» WAR MEDICINE SONG, Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fig. 1. Che-be-moke sa-aun. I am rising. This figure represents the rising sun, and intimates to the war- rior the vigilance and activity required in the business on which he goes. 3. Ma-mo-yah-na ge-zhik ma-mo-yah-na. Ma-mo-yah-na ah-ke ma-mo-yah-na. I take the sky, I take. [ take the earth, I take. This is all grasping ambition ; with one hand he seizes the (!arth, with the other the sky, or the sun, for ge-zhik means cifhrr. He thinks it were an easy leap To pluck bright honour from the pale faced moon ; but this effervescence of valour is apt to be of short duration, showing itself more in words than in deeds. 3. Ba-mo-sa-yah-na kee-zhik-onk ba-mo-sah-yah-na. I walk through the sky, I walk. This figure is to represent the moon, and may be designed to intimate to the warrior that his business is principally to be done in ihe night time. 4. Waw-bun-oank tuz-zhe-kwa* nc-waw-ween ne-go-ho-ga. The eastern woman calls me. This is, perhaps, some local allusion, or it may have been ap- ' Waw-bnn-oank-tns-r-kwa. a •( !l^ P I -.»•»-•■.■ — '•• ■ ( i «f f ! It ' InUli ,'?' ! .f. f ' ii- (.. /" ■ 3m M.V61C A.VU I'OEIRV. pendcd tu the soiig in those times when the idea ol' taking pri- soners of white women may have been a spur to the valour and enterprise of the Indian warrior. Admiration of the beauty of white women, on the part of the Indians, is not exclusively con- lined tu tlie narratives of romance writers. o. This figure, tlic words far which are lost, or purposely withheld, represents a lodge, a kettle, and a boy, who is a pri- soner. The lino from his heart to the kettle, indicates too plainly ihe meaning of the song. I know not whether any still doubt that the North American Indians are cannibals ; if so, they are only those who have taken little pains to be correctly informed. The author of the preceding narrative had spent the best years of Ills life among the Ojibbeways ; a woman of that tribe was, as he somewliere says, " the mother of his children ;" and we need not wonder that, after becoming aware of the strong feeling ol white men on this subject, he should be reluctant in speaking of it. Yet he makes no hesitation in saying, that the Sioux eat their enemies, and he once admitted, that in the large Ottawwaw set- tlement of Waw-gun-uk-ke-zie, he believed there were few, if any, persons living in the late war, who did not, at some time or other, eat the flesh of some people belonging to the United States. I see no reason why we should disbelieve the assertions of the Indians, and those who know them best, on this subject, or why we sliould expect from this race a degree of refinement and hu- manity, which we, and all who possess it, owe to a state of ad- vanced civilization, and the influence of the christian religion. We doubt not that our pagan forefathers, in the wilds of Scot- land, Ireland, or Hungary, ate the flesh, and particularly the hearts, of their enemies slain in battle. Why should we not be- lieve this of the savages of our own continent '. f '11 f 1 • ) ffl t •.^t-' Jk. .<% *f»--- ^— -—■■-• ■ '^ Mtsir AND POETRV ;iNi ukiug pvi- > valour and le beauty of usivelv co»- or puvposeU , who is a pri- ites too plainly any still doubt if so, they are ectly informed, t the best years lat tribe was, as ;" and we neeil irong feeling ol t in speaking of Sioux eat their Ottawvaw sci- re were few, it at some time or Le United States, ssertions of the subject, or why inement and hii- a state of a»l- hristian religion, lie wilds of Scot- partieidarly thf. i\o\dd we not bt- SONG OF THE WARRIORS ABOUT TO START ON A WAR PARTY. 1. Ka-go sali-ween mow-we me-zhe-kain e-kwa-we-un-na ne- boi-ah-na mow-we me-zhe-ka. Do not mourn, my women, for me, who am about to die. 2. Hah-nie-ge-neen a-na-nc-mo-e-yahn a-bitehe e-nin-neeng a-na-ne-mo-kwain ah-me-ge-neen a-na-ne-mo-e-yahn. If any man thinks himself a great warrior, I think myself the name. [This song has been published, and illustrated, by Mr. School- rraft.] * :l! H 'I '■' ■ ■'-^']p-*.j^ ■*■ *=■" :}S2 I.AXOl'ACKS OK THE CHAPTER IV, LANGUAGES OF THE NOKTH AMERICAN INDIANS. Of a subject so imperfectly understood as that now before us, little can be said, without some risk of falling into error. It is probable that the threefold division, long since made by Mr. Heckewelder, of the Indian languages, spoken within the territo- ry of the United States, may be well founded ; and every advance of discovery has but confirmed the views respecting the charac- ter of these languages, which were long since elicited and an- nounced in the correspondence between Heckewelder and Mr. Duponceau. We may speak with confidence in relation to i>ll the dialects of the Algonkin, or Lenni Lennape, by which v.o mean all those having a manifest resemblance to the Delaware, or the Ojibbeway, not only in all the principal peculiarities of struc- ture and idiom, but also in the sound of words. But wlicnevcr assertions, founded on an acquaintance with the languages of this family, are, without careful examination, extended to other branches of the American race, they should doubtless be received with caution. It may very probably be true, that the American languages, from one extremity of the continent to the other, have the family resemblance which is so manifest in the ohysical p(>- culiarities of the race; but this should neither be 5> sumed nor admitted until it has been proved. That etymolojry has been of some use in historical inquiries, no one will doul t; but the evidence it aflbrds is commonly falla- cious, and where it elucidates one fact, it obscures a thousand. We know, says Sir William Jones, a pofftcriori, that fitz and hijo, by the nature of two several dialects, are derived fromjV- lius ; that nnclc comes from avus, and stranger from extra ; that jour is deducible, through the Italian, from dies, and rossii^- vol from luscinia, or the singer in groves; that scinro ecurcuil, and squirrel, are compounded of two Greek words, descriptive of tlie animal ; wliich etvmoI(»'ries. thouffh thev could not have NORTH AMF.KIfAN INDIANS. 383 been demonstrated a priori, might serve to confirm, if any such confirmation were nt 'jssary, the proofs of a connexion between the members of one great empiic. Philologists, on the ground sohdy of etymoh)gy, or rather of similaritj' and dissimilarity of sound, assign to the limited territo- ry of the United States, many different languages ; and if they are content to assign these different languages, as they are pleased to call them, a common origin, and that at no very remote period, it is matter of indifference how many stocks they enumerate. But if they would claim for each stock a different origin, the so- ber inquirer will certainly receive their opinions with caution. It has been stated, that the languages of North America are not only etymologically different from those of Europe and Asia, but that their grammaticpl forms arc also essentially unlike. Either to support or to controvert this assertion, would require a more extensive acquaintance both with American and European lan- guages, than it falls to the lot of many to possess. We may re- mark, however, that the synthetic, ox agglutinated structure, is met with in many other languages. Riggajuhsamat^ haroa, according to GovKiiDHAN Caul, is a compound word in the Sanscrit, made \\p oi Rich, yajvsh, saman; and AVharvan, Gauripitiiriswarcn- draciranaihpiishyat-sitimvQgireh, is a word in the same lan- guage, which may challenge comparison with any of the long and unutterable compounds in the Indian tongues ; and at page 361, Vol. I. of the Asiatic Researches-, we have ihe translation of a word which reaches one hundred and fifty-two syllables. Some of the compound words in the Greek and Latin, as well as in the English, seem to be formed in a manner precisely analogous to corresponding words in the American dialects. Resemblances and disagreements of this kind, as well as those purely etymologi- cal, doubtless may be traced between all languages. Awight, the Saxon word equivalent to Aliquid, has certainly an etymological resemblance to vl/(W!rto, the same word in theMenomonie dialect; but it will not be inferred from this, or many similar instances, that the Menomonies are of Saxon origin. When we read the conjectures of the most learned and sagacious etymologists, that not only qualis and talis, but vyiXiKOi, and rn^iog, have been supposed to come from the Moeso-Gothic leiks, and immc- iliately from guhdciks and thnlik. whence came also the Anglo- It r If • t ' '4 ^- i i « •i n ;{»! l.ANGUAOKS OF TIIK Siixon Ihylic, lie, like. Wc sliall scarce wisii to base upon such :i t'ouniiation our opinions concerninj? the early history, or the subscipient migrations of nations. It is admitted that many o( the American languages are similar in construction and general iiiitline, and when we see how wide and devious have been the wanderings of the roots, even in written languages, we shall cease to expect uniformity of sound, or similar etymology in the va- rious members of a race exposed to numberless and diversified influences in the widely separated parts of our vast continent. Of two great families of Asiatic languages, or dialects, one abounds in polysyllabic and compound words, and inflected verbs, like the more commonly known American tongues. This family includes the Persian, Sanscrit, and many others. The second, louse the language of the learned President of the Asiatic Socie- ty, abhors the composition of words, and also the inflection of verbs. To the latter class belong the Hebrew, the Arabic, and some others ; and betAveen these and our dialects strong resem- blances have been pointed out, or may be easily discovered From the Hebrew, or some of its kindred idioms, from the San- scrit, or from the Tartar stock, it is probable the American lan- guages must originally have been derived. But when we have good reason to believe that a rtulp anil wholly iHiterate people, removed from a low and fertile, to a cold and moimtainous coun- try, will, in the course of a few centuries, entirely change their language, why should we hope to be able to trace the dialects of our Indians satisfactorily to their parent stock ? In a great measure, if not equally vague, must be all conjec- tures based on mythological opinions and traditionary custom^. Wo believe that those who have been extensively acquainted with our Indians, an.i have witnessod the variety of forms and dresses in which the same tradition appears, when related in dif- ferent dialects, will place little reliance on opinions concerning remote history, de.luced from such traditions. One species of relicks, found westward of the Mississippi, and jierhaps elsewhere, may be thought to afllird more conclusive evi- dence than all derived from language and customs, that the race of Ham have, for immemorial ages, inhabited our country. I allude to those rocks bearing very distinct and deeply indented figures, resembling the impressions of human feet. That these nre works h s • Vvv . ' wf^ -.^- — >UK 1 II AM II: U \S IN \n \^s. ;{«.') ue upua such itory, or the that many of 1 and general lave been the ve ishall cease igy in the va- nd diversified t continent, dialects, one tiflected verbs. This famiU The second. Asiatic Socio- e inflection of le Arabic, and strong rescni- ily discovered from the San- American lan- when we have literate people, intainous coiin- y change their the dialects of be all conjcr- ^nary custom's. jly acquainted of forms and related in dif- )ns concerning [ississippi, and Iconclusive evi- Itliat the race of '.try. I allude jdented figures. lese "WP M'orks "i iiri, is iini|Uestioriabl<'. and bein^ ftjuiul in iiiuuiitaijiuu-i ,iml scarce accessible parts of the tountrv, reniolo from any of cbt? present scats of population, or routes nf communication, (hey af- I'ord, by their aspect of inuiouhted anticpiily, conclusive evidence, that in ages long sinct; cla|)sed, regions now desolate were tenanted, and that a wandering and liutiter-population, has suc- ceeded to one whose habits of settled industry enabled them to leave such durable monuments. I am satisfied that a person, in any measure familiar with the valuable records of the Asiatic Society, cannot visit a locality of these ancient relicks, without being reminded of a passage in the Purancs, where King Sra- rana is described *' on the White Mountains, meditating on the traces of the Divine foot.'''' We are assured, by credible travel- lers, that this language is not understood figuratively, but that the people of the east boast of stones in their country, on which Jbotsteps are discernible, which they assert are those of Vishnu. What is more probable, on the supposition that a branch of tlii>i race early found tiieir way to America, than that crafty priests, r)i- jiersons still possessing some of the arts of the east, should have engraved these figures from tlie same motives that have supplied similar memorials for the worshippers of Vishnu and Satyavrata ? But though we cannot reasonably hope to derive tVom the stu(i y of the American languages and dialects, any very important as- sistance to aid iiupiiries into the remote history and coini^exions of the various tribes who speak them, yet tliere is one view in which these languages will always excite a degree of interest. In them we have an authentic record of a portion of the history f»f the human mind. To the inquirer of any age, or any nation, who would enlarge his acquaintance with the powers and proper- ties, the capabilities and the propensities of the minds of men, this field can never be entirely uninviting. Hinvan language, it is j)robable, must ever vary with the degree of refinement, the various revolutions in the manner of thinking, and the endless variations of external inrtuence, to which, in progress of time, they must be exposed. It is Avell known to every one conversant with die subject of languages generally, thai, viewed summarily and superficially, langiuige presents a great, not to say an infinite number of families and dialects. But the Mosaic account of creation, as well as the ronclusions of the more sane of the phv- 49 '' If fM^- .■n S?';,*f*,«f*i^..--SS*«IM*u.- ..L— --—. \M^ l.ANOlACit!" Ol I HE ' • . I ''Wik f' ^/ 'n* •i siologists anil natural historians, assure us that all mankind are ilcscemleil from a singlr- pair, who could consequently have spoken but one language. It is by many supposed that some of the existing dialects spoken as mothvT tongues at the present day, must have been in being in the ages iminedialely succeeding the general deluge. At the time of this great catastrophe, it may perhaps be safely supposed, that among the eight persons saved in the ark, but one dialect was commonly spoken, as we have the positive assurance of the inspired historian, that until some time after the deluge, all the earth was of (»ne speech and of on(! language; according to the computation commonly received in Kurope, it is not more than four thoiisand years since all men spoke a common language. The inquiry which naturally |)re- senia itself is, whether the existing ramifications can be satisfac- torily traced through any common Iranches, or directly to their union with the primeval trunk. It may be diflicull to clear up this question, as the investigation presupposes a more extensive acquaintance with ancient and modern langiiages, than falls to the sharv of many to possess. Yet if, upon careful examination, we fmd a part, or all tlie dialects of the American race agreeing, not in the sound of words, but in certain grammatical peculiarities, which have an intimate and inseparable coimevion with the structure and genius of the language, as some of the physical pecidiaritie- of the race depend unallendily on temperament and peculiarity of structure, co-extensive with the race, we shall then be c MMMiiMfc ■'■•7 NOIMll AMKKU AN INUIANS. :i87 mankind are luently have tliat some ot ' present day, icccc(lin<5 the fiphe, il may lersons saved as wc have lat until some •h and of one ly received in since all men naturally pre- an be salist'ac- ireclly to their •ult to clear up more extensive han falls to the icamination, we ((treeing, not in diarities, which III (he slructmc lal peculiarities \n(l peculiarity Ihrn he coni- isions, niunely. rived IVom the and others, w- >te parts of ihi' |;ii_rc. hut pliysi- It ionized l)y the v admit the lai- iu e are the. de- remote periods, lay then dismiss n, that the Ame- lat is. that llie\ dilVerent hi nds on. and imnn' ' liaraeicr, resemble each other, we may (-ease to inquire wlience tlu'v derive? the peculiarities of person and language, ))y which they are distinguished from all other nu'n. But we be- lieve that an hypothesis of this kind will gain l\'w advocates anmng considerate and well-informed inquirers. We believe there will be found in the languaf?es, manners, traditions, as well as in the physical conformation and character of our Indians, proofs sufhcient to satisfy the caiuiid inquirer, that they are deri- ved from the Asiatic stock, but not from that branch of it to whicli belonged the haughty, the noble, the unconcpiered race of Ish- mael ; or to that race, more interesting by tlieir history. t)ut less pleasing in person, maimers, and character, to which were com- mitted the promise? , and from which, according to the flesh, sprang tim Savioiir of the world. The idea has been a favourite one with many ingenious and pious men. that in our luitive Ame- ricans wc see the lonsr h)st tribes of Israel. iMCfenMity and argu- ment, as far as they can be carried, unsupported by a lirm liasis of tacts, have been exhausted in the discussion of this question. We pro|>os(' not to enter the field of argument. We admit that several of tlie usages of the Indians, such as tlieir rigid separa- tion of females during menstruation, the care with which they, in certain feasts or sacrilices, watch that no bone of the victim shall be broken, and many others, form points of strong resemblance between this race and the Ilel)rews. Yet the one fact, that their languages all delight in the composition of words. sufFiciently satisfies us that they cannot have been derived from that stoi-k to which belongs the Ilebr<'w, the Chaldaic, and the Arabic. Other arguments, wliicli, to many minds, will not appear equally con- clusive, may be derived from their total ignorance of the rite of circumcision, their considering the llesh of dogs as acceptable, in saeritice, to their deities, &c. &c. The two facts last mentioned may he allowed to have as much weisiht in an argument against Hebrew oriainal, aa the separation of females, and the practice of preserviiiL' entire the bones of animals eaten in war feasts, ran have for it. And thus wtuihl it be easy to bring some counter- vailing oiijcclion to answer every (me of the arguments founded on the customs and o|iinions of the Indiaii-. It is not, I believe, at this time conside-ed necessary to meet such proofs as those of Ndair. which never i>...i any other existence than in hi« own fc icv. PbG ",? i .W r; 'T.' :^VW«',-'«SaNMfe^-. '—. -»! :}s^ i.AN(;i AOKs (II I jh; '^ i. ': ) f 'i t f, •l t nor iK^cil \\v lake into consideration tlic multiplied arginncnis. •and the ingenious speculations of others, who, without sufficient acqnaintanco with the habits, lannfuaires, and opiniotis, either of the remote Hebrews or of om- own Indians, have f^one about to establish the belief of a stronjf similarity between them. In the way of a summary answer to all the arguments of these men, wo may be allowed to state, that in lanj^ua their tongue. Hence that diversity in scnnul of \. oriN in llie vari(Uis dialects, which bids defiance to elymolonical, <>r jvitlu'r i)b;innlooicjil investiga- tion. I5ul though sounds, wiiicli, for the sake of illustration. may be cmnpared to j»Ianks on the frame of a vessel, or shingles on the roof of a lious". may be, iin(> by one, removed and sid)sti- tuted liy new oues, still the original frame of the lauguaire. the grammatical construction, the idiomatic foritv. remainin? t''** .M»RTll AMLRIt-AN INDIANA '3S9 1 iu-i'iiincnts. Dut suflicicnr MS, either of one about to icin. In the esc men, Ave than in any 5 retain some 3 ceremonies, amU'ring life perhaps for a icessary, aniicli wide diversitv in tlu; sound of what are acknowledi/cd to he I he same words in diirerent dialects of llie sanu* loiiuue ; mn* shall we hastily, on the foundation of unw diversity of so'ind, attempt to establish a midtiplicity of diflirent stocks. It is to b" remem- bered, lliat the Americans liav.^ never, like t'le ancicut Arabs, made the improvement of their idiom a counnon, (u*, in any shape, a r to trace the American languages to the remote pari lit stock, or to assert !h;;t they have or have not been derived from existing and known languages, \vc may easily uroupp logetlnr those which have manifest resemblance, equally in structure and in the sound of words, and the groupes tinis formed will always be found to bring together assemblages of people, showing stroiiij family re- semblance to rach other. The threefold (hvision which Ava-- long J i i •sw LANOlAGKb 01- illb ;>l •' * m . (' lift ''' '■' »/ ' 4 fV 5 ^ -{ 1 i : 1 i if 1 * 1 1 since made by Mr. Heckewolder, of the language!? uillun tlu- United States' territory, is ])robably founded in correct observa- lion of the district at that time iinovvn. The Lenni Lennape, m Algonkin, the Iroquois, and the Floridian, presenting each nu- merous and widely dissimilar dialects, occupy all the country from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Florida, and westward to and beyond the Mississippi. Of the languages spoken in the re- mote and almost unexplored countries about the Rocky Moun- tains, too little information has been obtained, to enable us to in- dicate to what extent the dialects of either of the above mention- ed groupes may prevail in that direction. Toward the north the Iroquois seem to be limited to a few remaining in the settled parts of Canada, and to the Dahcotah bands extending northward, in the direction of the upper branches of the Mississippi, but scarce reaching the parallel ol' forty donrees north. Beyond this the Algonkin dialects, particularly the Ojibbeway and Cree, and the Muskegoe, ex|)aiid throujih all the country, from near the base of the Kocky Moimtains to the south western shores of Hudson'* Hay, and even in the vast j)eninsula of Labrador. Wesiwaril of Hudson's Bay, from the Churchill River to thr I'acific coast, and northwanl to the country of the Estpiimaux. are found the languages of the Chip-pe-w i-yan* groupe, includinjj the people conunonly ciilicd Cliii)|)eM'yans, the Sarcess, the Beaver, Bed Knife, Stronix [Jow Indians, and many other tribe- Here we meet with a languaoc far more monosyllabic than an\ hitherto known among the North Americans ; one possessing a dual termination for substantives, but no plural, and whose verbs are nearly or quite incapable of inflection. Yet in the eircum- • Of the ori;^in nl tlic iiiiinc ( 'hi|)-|ic-wi-yan, liy whicli, sinco Hearne ami M'Krn7.io, tlu'sc ijonpli' hiivc lieeri called, it may now he ilifficult tn ufivc any satis- I'urtory arronnf. A very intcllim-nt pcrsnii anionij Ihe OjihlHJways :i.sserts, that llv name is ilci'iviMJ IVdiii that laiiijuaire, and is nrdy a vicious iirdiiiinciatidii of tin' conipiiuiid word fi-jrr-irwi-ynn, whicli incans the skin of the (islier weasi-i. Hut »he('lu-|K'-wi-van3, in their own couiUry, have no knowledire of the animal, and it is not easy to iniairine how tlicuaiiie of ilsskin should have lie<>n (ixed U(K)n hy them as a di-iiucii\e a])|K'llalion. They are called liy the Canadians, and nianv while men residing in the Alhavasea country, " Mountaineers," which a|i|>ella- lion lliey derive from llie coimtiy (d" lileak ami snowy rocks, which they inhaliil. Tanner thinks the name O-ji'c-r^wr-iinli-nii!^ mny he derived from a word whic'i '%HP,iii-i. " ti) iiiirrr irlth nn iiirl iin<: )iily llie order ;-pc-nu\v, &.(". Iiicfj Is he HinbUuice to Dill in compo- led out to the —bit his nose We-tush-e — Owa— he will be Ke-wus-kwa-bc — Ke-wus-ke-pe-nun — drunk. He will be driuik at the Indian lodge. Een-gah-ke-way — Nuh-ke-waim — I will go home. For the ideas of fitness, propriety, personal beauty, and line quality, as of a blanket, &c. they commonly use the same word. Bo-zin — Po-she-nun — Embark, (imper.) Kitche-kwi-naitch — Na-sha-wis-ke-wuh — it is very well Bo-au-zi-un — Us-hub-po-si-un — that you embark. 0-wa-nain-waw-te-ga-mut ? — Wah-wia-ke-mut ?* — Witl/ whom lives he ? Ke-wus-shiz-ze-wuk— Ka-wis-so-wuk ah-wuk — They are orphans. Ke-we-ah-m'woi-gin-nah — Push-ke-mwow-wuk-ket ? — Will yon cat Me-she-min-ug ? — Me-she-min-uk ? — apples ? Maung — Mouk — A loon, Ma-za-tah-go-zit — Kou-ke-to — he yells. A loon yells. We'metai-we-wug — Kut-tai-metai-wc-wuk — They will have uietai A-gaw-mink — A-gaw-me — on the other side. They are about to have a medicine dance and least on the other side the river. Kitche — Ketch — Very much Ke-te-mah-ki-zhe — Ka-ti-mok-ka-/hit — lie is poor. He is vcr\ poor. A-gaw-mink — A-gaw-nie-iun — From the other side Ne-to-an-je-bah — Ne-to-pe-um — I came. I came across, er from the other side. Win-nc-ba-go-kwi—Win-ne-ba-go-ke-wun— A Winnebago voman Mi-uk-e-kway-wan — Wa-wa — he wives ; Pun-gee Ome-nom-o-ne-wew — Mc-na-watch ah-wew — a little, he Menomonies. A Winnebago woman is his wife, him- self is a sort of a Menomonie. The arrangement of the words diflers in the two dialects. The termination ah- wew, which marks the verb, being separated in the Meno- monie. * Wah-vria-kc-muU With whom doth he we-gp-vvam .' This is similar to the tireek in John i. 14. '■ The leord was made fxslu nvd dwelt amovg us; "»»t)v(iiff(i' fv liiuv, litt'rallv, tabernaclrd amuvfr iis. <"■ -**«lftl*,^. ^. ^^,. I? ' 3U4 COMPARISON OF WORDS. »'.r f"\ . V b V;;,:* I ?,sl f;i i Is <'■'■/■ Otlamcair. Mcnouwnir. English. Frcr. translation, in the lainif. Oltatcieaic. Menomonie. F.nglhh. I'yee trun-^-latii OUaicicaii, Mr.nomonie. Rnglish. f-'n'c Iranslalion, if-c Win-ne' wi-gim — Match-o-lo o-kau-nun — Man's bones N>cn-!Te-mt'-kah-niin — Np-inah-kini-un — I found. I found hu- man bones, or, the bones of a man. Tau-nc-pc-kc-kc muli-kum-un — Tas-kesh mak-kaw-mun— Where didst tind O-kun-nun ?* — O-kau-nun ? — bones ? Where did you find bones ? Pe-guh-kum-mc-gah-sink — Spaw-ke-uh — On a mound Neen-gc-mc-kaw-nun — Ne-mah-kun — I found O-kun-nun — O-kau-nun — bones. Ne-nah-kun, in the Menomo- nic, appears to be in past time, without the usual syllable to mark it. Puk-kau-nun — Puk-kau-nuk — Nuts, Ne-kish-pin-at-to-nun—Ne-kesh-tah-pah-hak-wuk— I bought them. These examples arc not entirely similar; the verb used in the Menomonie being found also in the other dialect, and in both meaning to pay, though it is commonly thus used by the Menomonies. (Jau-gwug — Ke-ti-me-wuk — Porcupines, Mc-na-sun — Me-na-sun — thorn apples Tumni-wow-waun — Ke-me-wuk — they eat. Porcupines eat thorn apples. Maung — Monk — A loon Wi-e-buh bc-che-sa — Os-ke-pew — comes early — A loon comes early in spring. Mau-na-shoeuH — Mau-na-sha-sha — A fawn Vah. Ke-pe-nau I — Ke-pe-no\v ? — dost thou bring .' Have you brought a fawn '. Mau-na-shecn-snk — \Iau-na-slia-shuk — Fawns .\'ali-ke-pe-naug ? — Ke-pe-now-M iik-ket ? — dost thou bring? Have you brought fawns ? We-yaus-in-nah — Ma-ja-ma-sha — Meat Kr-pc-tone ? — Ke-pe-to-inrt?--iIost thou bring? Do you bring I neat .' * Vtoiw tills nxninjilt! compared with the preccdinif, we may see how flexible arc the words in theso dialects, when used in combination; mn-»ic-tri/ g^un in- stead o( a-niv-nc o-kiin-niit\. I OMPARISON OF WORDS. 397 ranslation, if-f es [ found hu- nun— "Where u find bones ? iid he Menomo- usual syllable [ boughtthem. he verb used other dialect, ^mmonly thus pines eat thorn I. loon comes you brought .bring? Have Do vou bring see how flcxibU' (JUaiewaie. Menomanie. Knglish. Free translation, (f-',- 0-pe-neeg in-nah — 0-pai-neuk — Potatoes Ke-pe-naug? — Ke-pe-now-wuk-ket ? — dost thou bring? Do yoi bring potatoes ? Wavv-was-kesh — Pah-zhus — Red deer. Ka-go — Poan — Do not. Gi-as-koo-sha — Pas-ke — A gull. 0-nu-inun — O-nah-mun — Red paint. Min-ne-kwain — Me-nai-nun — Drink thou. Kok-kin-nah — Mow-wo — All. 0-way-o — Way-uk — Some one Ne-ke-me-nik — Ne-kcsh-ma-nik — me did give. Some one gave it me. Mok-kut-ti-wah — Op-pa-je — Black. Wah-ne— Wah— Who Wa-che-mau-net T — 0-tos-hiah-wik ?* — is that canoe ? Whose canoe is that ? Neesh o-ke-maig — Neesh o-ka-mow-wuk — Two chiefs Che-mau-ne-wah — 0-to-now — it is their canoe. It is the canot; of two chiefs. Bo-che-kwet — Bo-che-kwet-to — To Green Bay We-shaw-wuk — Kut-tai we-she-wuk — they will go. They will go to Green Bay, or, Bo-che-kwet. 0-wus-he-mah — Ko-kai-win-nc-ko — More At-ta o-nis-he-shin — Pus ne-raa-no — could I well Ne-tai-pe-mah-te-ze — Pa-mah-ta-shim — live .Tc-ba-gom-mi-gonk — Je-pi me-ne-kaw-ne — in the town of the (lead. I could be more happy to die ; or, in the village of the dead I could live belter. ♦ Wah-o-tos-hi-ah-wik? is pronounced by the Menomonies as one word ; it is probable that the interrogative pronoun vsah should be considered separate. Of the remaining syllables, the prefix o seems used to indicate the third person ; the next syllable, to, pronounced toe, is the word oos, meaning canoe ; and iahwik im- plies possession. The whole sentence is similar in form and signification to what we often hear from Canadians, or persons very imperfectly actjuainted willi the English language. " Who belongs that canoe 1" The word neen-di-ah, which has by some been thought to afford an affirmative answer to the question, whe- tiier these languages have the verb substantive, to me appears to correspond very accurately with the Latin habeo, Iche iah't, habere, and like that verb, it may be used for the true verb substantive. I. \ ( ;'( > • s ^] liA I ' r- I'll I 398 COMPARISON OF WORDF. OUawwaiB. Mcnomonie. English. Free translalion, (j-i, Kee-ta-ne-mo-siew-nah ? — A-na-mo-neen ke-tai-wim-met ? — Art thou a dog? Ah ncet-ane-moose — On-kah'a-nam ne-tai-wim — Yes, I am a dog. Je-bu-ka-nong — Je-pi e-mik-kun — Road of the dead. 'I * n'l / ■ A' :\ "•mmmrn WORDS AND PURAbEtJ. 399 OJIBBEWAY WORDS AND PHRASES. Fire — Ish-koo-da. Fires — Ish-koo-daig. Smoke of a distant fire — Pukkwa-na. Water — Nee-bc. Ice — Mik-kwun. Earth— Ah-kc. Land — Ah-ke. A little ground — Pun-ge-sha-ah-ke. Big, big lake — Gitche-gitche-gum-me/ Wave — Te-go. Waves- -Tc-go-wug. Lake — Sah-gi-c-gun. Shore — Tid-e-ba. On the shore — Cheeg-a-beeg. Island — Me-nis. Islands — Me-nis-iui. River — Se-be. Rivers — Se-bc-wun. Dirty pond — Pe-to-beeg. Small clear pond — Ne-bis. Rivulet — Se-bo-wis-sha. Rivulet, or small River — Sc-be-ainsc. Up the river — 0-go-tah-jc-wun. Down the river — Nees-sah-je-vvun. Falls — Bow-we-tig. Rapids — Sah-sah-jc-wun. Boiling spring — Mo-kid-je-wun ne-beeg. Crossing place — Ah-zhug-ga-win ♦ Ghche-gitchc-gum-mc, (far, far across.) This seems to be the only word the western Indians have for the ocean, a circumstance which would induce one to believe, (could any reliance bo placed upon a language preserveu only *^y the me- mories, and consequently depending on the external circumstances of a few rude men,) that these trilws are not the remains of those formerly driven west, but have long occupied their present position. The manner of expressing the super- lative degree appears similar to that in the Hebrew, where we are informed the degrees of comparison are made sometimes by prefixing certain syllables, or by repeating the word expressing quality, whether substantive or adjective. By some the word Gitche-gum-me is considered a compound of Gltche, (great,) and gum-maif^, (water."! I ( I \ V f \ K \ V > ' ) • ,i,j • "i^r « m:. f,. V I • f" 1/ \ -I i' '< i' iV (^'■'IP" tt (,.■,(*!,, ' l< I- ^f I » I t 4U0 WORDS AND PHRASEi. Banks of a river — Kish-kut-te-na..nk. Forks — Saw-waw-koo-te-kwi-aig. Left hand side — Mum-mun-jc-nik e-nuh-kuh-ka-yali. Right liand — Gitche-nik. Portage — One-gum. Hill — Pe-kwut-te-naw. Mountain — Wud-ju. Mountains — Mud-ju-wun. Valley— Nas-sah-wut-te-naug. Valley — Tah-wut-te-naug. Path — Me-kun-nuh. War road — Nun-do-bun-ne me-kun-nuh. Stone — Us-sin. Stones — Us-sin-neeg. Rock — Ah-zhe-beek . Sand — Na-gow. Clay — Waw-be-gun, Dirt of houses — We-ah-gus-se. Mud — Uz-zish-ke. Cavern in rock — Ween-bah-zho-ke-kah. Cavern, or hole in ground — Weem-baiali. Salt — She-we-(au-gun. Salt spring — She-we-tau-gun e-mo-gitche-wun-ne-beeg. Deer lick — Om-waush ke-wa-wa. Metal — Pe-waw-bc-ko. liold — O-zaw-waw-sho-neali. Silver — Sho-ncnh. ('opper — Mis-kwaw-beck. Lead — ()s-ke-ko-maung. Iron — Pc-vvaw-bot'k. [Jrass — O-saw-wavv-bock. Pewter — Waw-bush-ke-ko-niah. Birth — Mah-chees-kuii!. pr-mah-tc-se-win. Death — Skwaw-be-niiih-te-rtc-win. Love — Mccn ort-noen-de-win. Hatred — Slieen-ga-neen-dc-win. Marriage — We-to-kun-de-win. Hunger — Buk-kud-da-win. Blacking, or fasting — Muk-kud-da ka-win. Sickness — Ah-koo-so-\viii. Pain — Suc-knm-niun-dum-nio-win. \' \ **•■"•■!• 1 WORDS AND PHRAStS. A word— Ke-ke-to-win. Name — Ah-no-zo-win. Cold — Kis-se-nah-wiii. Heat — Ke-zhe-ta-win, Dampness— Shuk-kiz-ze-wiii. Length— Uh-kwaw-win. Breadth — Mun-kwut-tia-ah-wiii. Height, or tallness— Ke-no-ze-win. Dep'h — Keen-ween-du-mah-win. Shortness — Tuh-ko-ze-win. Circle — Waw-we-a-ah. Roundness — Waw-wi-a-ze-win. Square — Shush-shuh-wao. Squareness — Shush-shuh-wa-ze-win. A measure — Te-bi-e-gun. A hole — No-ko-na-ah. Calamity, bad /ooA— Mah-nah-bo-wa-wis. Harmony — Bup-pe-she-ko-way-win. Playfulness— Paw-pe-niz-ze-win. Mind — Gaun-nug-gus-ke wa-shie. Trouble — Sun-nug-ge-ze-win. Work — Ah-no-ke-win. Laziness— Gitchc-mish-kc-wiu. Strength — Mus-kaw-we-ze-win. Shape — E-zhe-ke-win. Breath— Puk-ke-tah-nah-mo-wiii. Sleep — Ne-pah-win. A person — Ah-wc-ah. A thing — Ka-go-shis. Nothing — Kah-ka-go. \oisp — Be-giz.ze-win. A shriek — We-suk-wa-win. Howling — Wah-o-no-wiii. Voice — IVIus-sc-tah-goo-so-win. White (animafo)— Waw-biz-zo. White (in)— Wttw-bish-kaw. Black— Muk-kud-da-waw Red — Mia-kwaw. niup— Mr-zhiih-kwod-oong ; a-zhc-nali.guwt, like the sky. 4U1 U 't' ). '5P^ • ( L< r i . i f • ( ( '(! H': ''H'( J 402 Words and phrases. Yellow — 0-saw-waw. Green — 0-saw-wus-kwaw. Great — Mit-chaw, animate. Greater — Nah-wud mit-chaw. Greatest — Mi-ah-mo mit-chaw. Small — Ah-gah-saw. Smaller — Nah-wiij ah-gah-saw. Smallest — Mi-ah-ma ah-gah-saw. Strong — Soang-gun [tough.] Hard — Mush-kaw-waw. Heavy — Ko-so-gwun. Light — Nahn-gun. High — Ish-pah. Low — Tup-pus-sali. Damp — Tip-pah. Thick — Kip-pug-gah, as a board. Thick — Pus-sug-gwaw-gum-mc, tiiick as mush. Thick — Kip-pug-ge-gut, as cloth. Thick — Kip-pug-ga-big-gut, as iron. Sharp — Kc-nah. Weak — Sha-wiz-ze. Brave — Soan-go-ta-ha ; strong hearted' Brave — Mahn-go-ta-sir ; loon heart. Coward — Shah-go-ta-a ; wnak heart. Old— Kc-kaw. Young — 0-skc-nc-ge. Good — 0-nish-c-shin. Bad — Mah-nah-tiit, inanimate. Bad — Mah-nah-diz-zc, animate. Wicked — Mutchr-e-pe-wa-tize. Handsome — Kwo-nahdj. Ugly — Mah-nah-diz-zr. Healthy — Me-no-pc-mali-diz-zo. Sick — Ah-koo-zc. Alive — Pe-mah-diz-zp. Dead — Ne-po. Sensible — Ne-hwaw-kah. Cunning — Kuk-ki-a-ne-zc. Foolish — Kc-pah-tc-zc. \ V WORDS AM) PHRASES. ^103 Happy — Pan-pin-an-nf'-ino, <:ool— Tuk-ka-yah. Cold — Kis-se-nah. Warm — Ke-zho-ze, animate; Ke-zlio-yah, inanimate. Hot — Ke-zliaut-la. Thirsty — Kos-kun-nah-pah-kwa. Hungry — Biik-kut-ta. First — Neet-tum, [wy-aizsh-kut.] Second — A-ko-ncc-shink. Long — Keen-waw ; keen-waizh, long in time. Wide — Mun-gut-ta-yah. Deep — Kecn-ween-di;m-mo, [as water.^^ I — Neen. Thou — Keen. He — Ween. She— Ween. It— E-cu. We — Neen-ah-wind, (excluding tlie person addressed.) We — Keen-ah-wind, (including the person addressed.) They — E-gicu, or, ween-ah-wa\v. Them — E-gieu, [to persons ;] e-nieu, [to things.] My — Our, > Thy-Yuur, 1 His-Tluir, ftN^""^-! Its, J That — E-eu, animate. That — Wah-ow, inanimate. This — Mahn-dun, or, O-o, [to tilings.] This — Wah-ow, or Mah-buni, [to persons,] This person — Mah-bum, if near. This person — Ah-\vch, if far off. These — Ah-noon-dah, if near. These — An-ne-\veh, if tar off. Who — Wa-nain. Whirli — Tah-n«'cn-»'-tMi. Holh — I-erzhe. Either — Wa-go-to-invaiii. Other— 1 .None.] ah-ne-\ve. [nearly. ] .\11 — Kok-lvin-iMili. Many — Bah-li-eeni. \\^ fe ;l 'Mm rf » I '( • (l/'j/, . , \ f. 401 WOKDS AND PHBASKS. Cr Much — Ne-be-\va\\. Few — Pun-gc. A little— [The same.] More — Min-o-waw. Some — Ga-go. Several — Ne-be-waw. Where — Ah-neen-de. When — Ah-nuh-pe. Here — 0-mah. There — E-wid-de. At — [Inseparable.] Above — Ish-pe-ming. Below — Tub-bush-.shisli. Over — Gitche-i-e. Under— A-nah-mi-e-r. Within — Pecnj-i-p. IVear — Ba-sho. Far — Waw-saM'. Now — Noang-gooni. Soon — Wi-e-buli. Then — Me-ah-pc. Always — Mo-zhiik. Never — Kah-we-kaAV, or kaw-ween-we-kaw. To-day — Nong-gum-gc-zhc-guk. Yesterday — Pitch-e-nah-go. To-morrow — Waw-buiik. Long ago — Shah-Hbia}i. Hereafter — Pon-nc-mal i . Before — Bwoi. After — Kah-csh-kwaw. Once — Ah-be-ding. Twice — Nc-zhing. How — Ah-neen. Well — Kwi-uk, strait. Ill — Kaw'gwi-nk. Quickly — Wa-wecb. Slowly — Ba-kah-diz-ze. Why— Ah-nish-wiu. With — A-i-vcesh . S \ WORDS AND PHRASED. Without— [None.] From — Wain-je. Towards — [None.] Ah-che-waw ? Yes — Uh. Certainly — Me-nung-ga-hah No — Kaw. If— Keesh-pin. And — Gi-a. Or— [None.] Also — [None.] Perhaps — Go-nc-mah, or, kah-nah-biUch. One — Ning-gooj-waw. Two — Neezh-waw. Three — Nis-swaM'. Four — Ne-win. Five — Nah-nuu. 8ix — Nin-good-waw-swe. Seven — Neezh-waw-swo. Eight — Shwaw-swc. Nine — Shong-gus-swe. Ten — Me-dos-we. To eat — Che-we-sin-il. To be hungry — Che-we-buk-kud-dit. To drink — Che-inin-ne-kwait. To walk — Che-pe-mo-sait. To run — Che-pe-me-bat-toan. To sit down — Che-nam-mad-a-bit.* To lie down — ^^Che-ahin-ge-skink. To stand — Che-ne-bo-wit. :( 1' I ' ♦ Lemattiichpin, Del. Zoisb. 51, second edition. Pom-inis-so-wak, (they walk, ^ lb. 62. All these words here given as infinitives, have not a form and terininn- tion analogous to those of the Dehiw.nre infinitives, as given in Zeisbercer's Grammar, but they resemble very closely those of the Masnachusetts languaue, as represented by .Mr. Elliot. Infmitives ai)p<'ar not to be used with creat fti'- qupncy by the C'hipjH-ways ; some examples, however, occur, in which we can scarce suppose ourselves mistaken res|K'cting the ukkkI of the verb ; such as this, n'rioan-do-rcaw a-ne-moosc-mc-gid, (1 hear a doi; bark.) Thi; |iri'|K)sition to a|)- prars to have no other signification than our to, with infinitives, their lornl lasc, as it has been called, allbrding a substitute tor it, in nil cases where we should prelix to to a substantive, as, to the house, to the town, to the subntantire, &c. if ihey had any such words. y. 4 l«iiN» i 400 UOKU^ AND FIlKA^ErJ. '? !l n To stay— Cha-ah-bit.* To dance — Cha-ne-mit. To go — -Cha-mah-chaht To come — Cha-tah-ko-shink. To ride — Che-me-zhug-gaut. To ride — Che-pe-mah-bi-o-goat. To hunt — Che-ke-o-sait. To light — Che-me-kvva-zoat. To sinoke — Che-sug-gus-swawt. To sing— Che-nug-gah-moat. To smoke — Che-been-dah-kwait. To sleep — Che-ne-baht. To die — Che-ne-botc. To say- -Che-c-ke-doat. To speak — Chc-keke-doat. To treat — Clic-to-to-\vaut. To marry — Che~\ve-wil. To think — Clie-nain-dunk. To know — Che-ke-ken-dunk. To wish — [This is not a regular verb, in the Ottawwaw.] To see — Che-wau-bit. To hear — Che-non-dunk. To taste — Che-ko-tun-dunk. To smell — Che-me-iion-dunk. To tou ;h — Che-tahn-je-nunk. To love — Che-san-gi-unk. To hate — Che-shiii-ga-ne-maut. To kill— Che-nis-saut. > Is/ ♦ The final f in mnny of Ihrsp words would, to many, appear more closely tf rosemhle our consoniint sound d ; but so iinstoady is the praelice of the Indians themselves in this particular, that the ear must be far nicer than ordinary, that can distintruish, in the language of the best speakers, any steady and invarialilr usage in pronouncing the sauie word. It is allowable, in attempting to give a written form fo any language, to (le<'ide a little arbitrarily in sucli cases. We may, perhaps, have been inthicnced to give preference, in some instances, to the «ound of/, ns the terminati(m for this mood, by the example of Mr. Elliot, whu steadily gives it in the infinitive forms of the iVIassac.husetts dialect ; and wc are convinced that no f^hippway vvill ever mistake any word, on account of its having the final sound f, instead of il. They are, in the main, fwrfectly inter- I linngeable. ! ' % 'f m i\ Jar more clost^ly tu L'ticc of the Indians than ordinary, th;tl eady and iiivartalilr ttrin|)tiii dialect ; and we an? I, on account of its lain, perfectly inter- WORDS AND PHRASES. To scalp — Chc-mah-miz-zhwaut. To give — Che-me-naut. To take — Che-o-tau-pe-naiit. To bring — Che-bc-naut. To carry — Che-mah-che-naht. To cut — Che-kis-ke-shunk. To stick — Che-wa-po-to-waut To plant — Chc-ke-te-gait, To burn — Cbe-chau-ge-zung. To bury — Che-ning-wo-waut To sow — Che-kus-ke-gaw-saut, To blow — Che-pe-me-bo-tote. To hide — Che-guk-ket-tote. To cook — Che-che-bah-kwait. To melt — Che-nin-ge-taik. To subdue — Che-muk-dwait. To have — Cho-iaht. To be— Che-iaht. He is — Ween-sah. I am — Neen-sah. I am cold — Neen-ge-kudj. I am warm — Ncen-ge-zlio-sp. I am young — Neen-do-ske-neeg I am old — Neen-ge-kaw. I am good — Ne-meen-no-zhe-wa-bis. r am strong — Ne-mush-kaw-wees. I am hungry — Ne-buk-kud-da. I am sick — Neen-dah-kooz. It rains — Ke-me-wun. It is cold — Kis-sc-nab. Go — Mah-jon. Stay — Ah-biu. Bring — Pe-toan. Give — Meczh. Give me — Me-zhc-shin. Take him — O-tah-pin. Take It— O-hih-pc-nuii. lledrinVs — Wcen-min-nc-kwa. Ho runs— Ween-pc-me-bat-to. 407 Ji ', t ( -I ^ i ^ *,» W.^ * ^*! W ^ ' ' *fe^ %^,' ^ I F:', i ,' : t I i ' \'\ ih i \ \ >■ . >! I 'Si f 40S WORUfi AND PHRASES. He singrf — Wcon-mig-gah-mo. I sing — Necn-nug-gah-mo. We eat — Wc-sin-iu\ I eat — Ne-wee-sin. I came— Neen-ge-tuh-koo-shiii. He came — Ween-ge-tuh-koo-shin. We came — Neen-ge-tuh-koo-shin-noain. I have eat — Nc-kc-we-sin. Thou hast eat — Ke-ke-we-sin. He has eat — O-ke-we-sinne. He saw — 0-ke-\vaw-bo-maun. He is dead — Ween-ke-ne-bo. He has been seen — Ke-waw-bo-maw. He shall speak — Oan-jit-tah kah-ge-e-ke-to, (I make.) He shall go — Oan-jit-tah tah-mah-jah, (I make, &c.) He may go — Tah-mah-jah. We may go — Tah-mah-jah-men. This dog — Maw-buh-an-ne-moosh. These dogs — Ah-goon-dah-an-ne-moag. This is mine — Neen-een-di-eem, [mine it remains.] That is thine — Keen-ke-ti-eme, [it belongs to thee.] Whose dog is this ? — Wha-nain-\vha-ti-et f What is thy name? — Ah-neen-a-zhe-ne-kah-so-yun. What do you call this? — Ah-neen-s-zhe-ne-kah-dah-mun? To whom shall he speak ? — 0-wa-na-nan ka-kun-no-nah-jit ? Which of us shall go ? — O-wa-nain ka-e-shaut ? Who shall go ? — Tah-neen-a-ow-ka-e-shaut ? Either of us shall go — Ne-got-wa-hi-ao o-tai-a-shoii. Who saw these ? — Wa-ne-wi-ah-bo-mik ? He — Ween. My father — Nos-a. My brother — Ne-kau-nis ; n'dah-wa-mah, by the women. Elder — Nesiah. Younger — Nc-she-ma. My sister — N'dah-wa-mah. Elder — Ne-mis-sah. Younger — Ne-she-mah. My son — Ne-gwis. Mv daughter — Ne-dan-nis. ^ ;v W (i[tl<< AS1» f'HKASKs. 40\i dike.) fcc.) s.] ee.] un. ah-mua? no-nah-jit ? hon. e women. My child — Xe-(Mi-ja]i-ni«!. My head — Ne-o-stc-gwon. My feet — Ne-o-zit-turi. My dog — Neen-di. My shoes — Ne-muk-ke-zin-nuu. I saw yoM — Nee-ke-waw-bo-min, 1 love you — Ke-zaw-ge-in ; to a woman only, ne-ma-ae-ne- min. I will marry thee, [a man to a woman] — Ncen-gali-we-te-ga- mah ; [a woman to a man,] kuh-we-te-ge-min. He is taller than me — Nah-wudj-ween ke-nose-a-ko-zeauu. He is a stranger in the village — Mi-ah-raah-mush-kaw-e-zeet o-da-nin-nong. My wife is called handsomer — Ne-wish nah-wuj kwo-nahj a- zhe-nah-ko-zi-ian. Your wife is younger than mine — Ke-wis nah-wudj os-ke ne-ge neen-a-pe-te-zit. My brother is with his wife — Ne-kaun-nis o-we-je-waun we.- wmi. My hatchet is in there — Ne-waw-gaw-kwut-peen-dig at-ta. Where is he? — To-ne-e-peezh at-taik? I am here — Maun-di-pe een-di-ah. I am a man — Een-da-nin-ne-ne-ew. I am a good man — Ne-min-no a-nin-ew. Thou art a woman — Keet-e-kwa-o. There is a God — Man-i-to sah-iah. I am that I am — Neen-goo-sah-neen.* Ue sings well — Ne-tah-nug-gah-mo. He sings ill — Kaw'nit-tah niig-gah-mo-se. He sings slow — Se-his-kamch e-niig-gah-mo. He sings quick — Ka-tah-tub-buh-um. He sings his deatli song — 0-be-mah-tiih-se-win e-nug-gah-mo- t.oan. I see him — Ne-waw-bo-maw. I see a man — E-nin-ne ne-waw-bo-maw. :i * Neither i-ah nor goo-snh, are thought to be the verb 'substantive in these ei- arnplos. Tlio fortncr soems to approach, in signification, very closely to the Latin liubun, 52 i ■/■F ; 41U WOUDS AND PUKASES. • . 1' ' lit i I « Ml ■ I ' 1 1 tA .i; I ser noiir — l*a-sli()w ii'diik-wawf*. I se* far olT -Was-saw n'duk-wawb. lit' cnmc on foot — Ke-bim-mc-to-sa. He came on horsebark — Kr-be-pc-mom-mi-co. You cam 411 w ; (I kick- ii-wa\v. n-ge-wa-po- -luri-sc-uoan. rie-n\ik. me-zlut. (DUImI tlioii ih-sc i |pa-tu3 we-ji- [•she-sliiii w'f- Lvill (It'ffnd it In-uk-kc-unjr, Iro tah-se-\vc- l-ain-dah-mi'ii |; [I am glad ic-l)c-mali-lf- ze-aik ? — [ll' two or moio, ko-mc-no bc-iiali tc-zi -mi!: Imw dnsl lliou live?] He is a good man — Mc-no-pa-mah-liz-ze o-niii-nc. Dost thou live well ? — Ke-men-no-pr-inah-tiz-ze-nah ! What news ? — Ah-hccn ain e-kum-me-guk ? T know liim — Ne-ke-kcn-ne-maw. I understand — Nc-ke-ken-dom ; [weeds and small things; of a tree, or a large stone, they say, ne-ke-ken-ne-maw.] She is a good woman — Mcn-no-pa-mah-te-se. It is a largo tree — Gitche-me-tik : [large tree.] T i^ec it — Ne-waw-bo-maw, if a man, a tree, or a large stone; Ne-waw hun-daun, if inanimate, or a very small animate object. I give you this canoe — Ke-me-nin* maun-dun che-maun. Take it — 0-tau-pe-nui.. I give you this deer — Ke-me-nin maw-bidi waw-waw-wash-gai;'. Take him — 0-tau-pin, Givemenifat — Me-zhc-shinwe-yos; giveorhandto me. pe-doaii. Give me that dog — Me-zhe-shin owan-e-moose. , Bring water — Ne-beesh nah-din. Bring tlie prisoners — Beesh a-wuh-kau-nug. This is my latht-r's canoe — No-si-ah maun-dun o-che-maun. I gave corn to my father — Mun-dah-me-mm necn-ge-me-nali noas. I planted cirn for my lather — Neen-ge ke-tc-go-waw noa^. I lov(! my father — Ne-sah-ge-ah noas. I took corn from my father — Neen-ge o-tah-i^e-nun-no-waw noas muii-dah-miii. 1 came with my father — Ne-j)e-we je-wa\v noas. [I accompa- Tiied my father.) I saw a deer — Neen-ge-waw-bo-mo waw-wash-gais. I saw two deer — Neesh-waw-wash-gais-e-w\ig ne-waw-bo- maig. I killed a deer — Waw-wasli-gais neen-ge-ne-sali. I killed him with my hatchet — Ne-waw-gaw-kwut-ne-ke oon- jin-nee-sah. I took the skin from the deer — Neen-ge puk-ko-nah, (if lie saved the meat;) neen-ge-gitche ke-zwo-ah, (iflK- tlircw it awav.^ * Oemifeleii, DpI. Z. t?(l cil. ]i. K. 9 . ::JiHLS-,J^^~Sii^:: ;::^-^^ y..>' 11 J WORKS AND I'H RASES.. " ,."1 i ' Hi I ■ f , I ^'' ■ 1; -ifl . <:O.N.ITKiA'nO\ OF A VERB. To tie — Tali-ko-pi telle ga-\viiig.* 'I'lc him — Tali-ko-pisli. Tic them — Tah-Uo-bish ah-oic\v. 1 tie — N'tah-ko-pe-toon, Thou tieet — Ke-ta-ko-pc-toon in-a-niin. lie ties — O-tah-ko-pc-toon. AVe (two) tie — Neon-tlali-ko-pc-do-men. We tie — (The same.) You (two) tic — Ke-tali-ko-pe-toan-ah-waM . They tie — 0-tiih-ko-pe-toan-ah-waM-, lie ties me — Necn-dah-ko-bc-nik. lie lies tliee — Kc-tali-ko-bc-nik. He ties hina — 0-tah-ko-be-uaun. He ties her — (The same.) He ties us (two) — Ke-tali-ko-be-nik o-ijauu. He ties U8 (all) — (The same.) He ties you (tAVo) — Ke-tah-ko-be-nik-o-waw. He ties you (all) — (Tlie same.) He ties them — 0-tah-ko-bin-naun. They tie me — Ne-dah-ko-bin-ne-goag. They tie thee — Ke-tah-ko-bin-ne-goag. They tie him — O-tah-ko-bin-ah-wauii. * Tah-ko-bitche-gun, (prisoner string,) 7*a/*-A-o-6i7c/)^-g-u)i-Mn, (prisoner strings, j These cords arc mode of the burk of the elm tree, by boiling, and then immeniing it in cold water ; they are from twenty-five to fifty feet in length, and though less than half an inch in diametar, strong encuj,'li to hold tlic stijutest man. They are rommonly ornamented with porcupine quills ; and ne-bcui-kiin-a-giin-iiti, or rattles are attached at each end, not only for ornjiment, but to give notice of any attempt the prisoner may make to escape. The leader of a war-{«rty commonly carries several Tah-ko-bitrhe-ffun-un's tastened about his waist, and, if in the course of the fight any one of his young men takes a prisoner, it is l>i.s duty to bring hun immediately to the chief, to be tietl, ajid the latter is responsible for his safekeeping. nORllS AND l'URASl>. They tie licr — (The same.) They tic us (two) — Kc-tah-ko-biii-ne-ko-nah-nik. They tie us (all) — (The same.) They tie you (two) — Ke-tah-ko-bin-uc-go-waus;. They tie you (all)— (The same.) They tie them — 0-tah-ko-bin-nah-Avaun, (the same as one.) 1 tie thee — Kc-tah-ko-be-nin. I tie him — Neeu-(lah-ko-be-naun. I lie you (two) — Ke-tah-ko-be-ne-nim. 1 tic you (all) — (Tlie same.) I tie them — Ncen-ilah-ko-be-naug. We (two) tie thee — Ke-tah-ko-biu-ne ne-nin-ne-min. We (two) tie him — Ne-dah-ko-bc nah-naun. We (two) tie you (two) — Ke-tah-ko-bin-»c nin-ne-min. We (two) tic you (all) — (The same.) We (all) tie them — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nah-nah-nik. Thou tiest me — Ke-tah-ko-bish. Thou tiest him — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nali. Thou tiest us (two) — Ke-tah-ko-bish-e-min. Thou tiest us (all) — (The same.) Thou tiest them — Ke-tah-ko-bin-iiaug. We (all) tie thee — Ke-tah-ko-be-nin-ne-min. We (all) tie him — Neen-dali-ko-bin-nah-naun. We (all) tie you (two) — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nun-ne-m'm. We (all) tie you (all)— (The same.) You (two) tie me — Kc-tah-ko-biz-zhim. You (two) tie him — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nah-waw. You (two) tie us (two) — Ke-tah-ko biz-zhe-min. You (two) tie us (all) — (The same.) You (two) tie them — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nah-wau(<^. You (two) tie me — Ke-tah-ko-bc-zhim. You (all) tie him — Ke-tah-ko-bin-ali-waw. You (all) tie us — Kc-tah-ko-biz-zhe-min. You (all) tie them — Ke-tah-ko-bin-nah-waug. He has tied us — Een-ge-tah ko-bin-ne-ko-nahn. He has tied thee — Ke-ke-tah-ko-be-nik. He has tied him — O-ke-tah-ko-be-nahn. He has tied us (two) — Een-ge-tah-ko-biii-ne-ko-nahn. He has tied ua (all) — (The same.) ii:{ Ui I lit'T* rrtJt,r ^' i « ? :.mi''m>i'--iai,i.«A. m,ii .. I' M r 1 1 > I if'! I •■; -I -im ^r' n 414 WOltliS AM) I'URASI'.S. He has tied yon (two) — Ke-ko-iali-ko be-nik-o-\vaw. He has lied you (all) — (Thf same.) IIo has lied them — O-ke-tah-ko-bc-naun. They liavr tied me — Necu-jre-tah ko-bin-ne-goag. They have ti»;il him — ()-k<;-tah-ko-bin-nah-vvauii. They have tied us (two) — Ke-g(;-tali-ko-bin-nik o-nali-nik, or, neeu-ge, il'a tliird person is addressed. They have tied us (all) — (The same.) They have tied you (two) — Ke-kc-tah-ko-bin-nih-o-waug. They have tied you (all)— (The same.) They have tied them — ()-ke-tah-ko-bin-nah-waun. I have tied hiui — Necn-ge-tah-ko-biu-nah. 1 have tied them — Neen-gp-lah~ko-bin-nahg. Thou hast tied mo — Ko-ke-l;di-ko-bish. Thou hast tied him — Ke-ke-tah-ko-bc-nah. Thou iuist tied us (two) — Ke-ke-tal\-ko-biz-zhe-min. Thou has tied us (all) — (Th(r same.) Thou hast tied them — Ke-ke-tali-ko-be-nahg. We have tied hiu) — Neen-ge-tah ko-l)C-nah-nahn. We (ail) have tied him— (The sauie.) You (two) have tied him — Ke-lah-ko-!)e-nah-vvaw. \o\} (all) have tied him— (The sauie.) He will tie me~--Neeri-gali-lah-ko-be-Mik. Me will tie thee — Ke-gah-lali-ko-be-»ik. Ife will tie him — O-gah-lah-ko-bc-Mahn. lie will tie us (all) — Ke-gah-tah-ko-be-nik-aii-nahM, to the se- coiul person; to a third, Niu-gali-tali-ko-biu-uik-iih-iiuhu. lie will lie llu'm — O-kah-tiih-ko-bf-iialui. They will tie nu' — NeeM-gah-lah-ko-bin-iie-goag. They will tie thee — Ke-gHh-tuh-ko-biu-ue-unag. The y will tie him — (>-gah-tah-go-hiu-iiah-wauu. They will tie us (two) — Ke-gah-lah-ko-bin-ne-ko-nnh-nik. to the second person. Tliey will lie you (two) — Ke-gah-lah-ko-bin-ue-ko-wauff. They will lie them — O-gali-tali-ko-biii-iiah-waun. I will lie him - \een-nah-tah-ko-bin-iiah. I will lie them - Neeii- Thou wilt tiu them — Ki!-g;ih-tah-ko-i)c-iialii). Wo (two) will tie iiiiu — Net'u-gah-tah-ko-be-nali-iuihn, to tlie ihinl person. We (all) will tie him— (The same.) You (tw(») will tie him — Ke-irah-tah-ko-he-iiali-nahn. You (all) will tie him — (The same;.) I would lie thee — Ke-tah-tah-ko-bc-nin. I would tie him — Neen-dah-lah-ko-he-nah. I would tie Ihem — Neen-dah-tah-ko-he-nah^ He Mduld li»' thee — Ke-tah-tah-ko-he-nik. He would tie liim — ()-dah-lah-ko-ho-nahn. He would tie them — (The same.) 1 mijiht tie thee — Tali-kc-he-nin-naun. T miirht tie him — Tah-ko-he-nuff. I mioht lie iliem — Tah-ko-hin-iiiiir-waw. He mi^-ir<'-l>im. He ouj^ht to tie ihee — Tah-ko-I)i»-iiil<-e-l)un. He ought to tic them — Tah-ko-bin-uut-waw-bnii. Thai I may tie thee — Go-mah-tah-ko-be-niii-ualm. That F mav lie him — (lo-mah-t-ili-ko-liin-iuik. Thai I may lie them — (lo-mah-tah-ko-hin-mik-waw. That he may lie thee — CJo-mah-tali-ko-be-'/iiil. That he may tie him — (;o-mah-weeii-tah-ko-l)e-iialit. That lii' may lie then» — (The sauie.) Il'[ lie thee •Tah-ki>-liiiii)e-nH\m. If I li( him -Tah-ko-be-ni):r. HI lie ihem - -Tah-ko-he-nujf-waw. Jl' lie lie thee -Tah-ko-be-uik-e-huii. iriie lie him -Tali-ko-l"-naii-|>iiii. If he lie ihetri — (The same.) I make ihee tie ihem — Ooii-jil lah ki'-kah-iali-ko-bin-nahi'. I make him tie them — Ooii-jil-lah o-kah-tah-Ko-he iiaiin. I i.mke them lie thee — Ooii-jit-tah ke-kah-lah-ko-biii-Me-mtge. ii e ma kr'-i me lie them — Ne-kith-!jan-/.o-niel\, tah-ko-he-niii;- ■ m .! 4J(i \JUi!liS A.NU JMIRASE' He does nut tie thee — Kaw'kc-tah-ko-bin-ne-ko-se. He does not tie him — Kaw'o-tah-ko-bin-nah-zeen. They do not tie me — Kaw'neen-dali-bo-bin-ne-ko-t^eeg. They do not tie him — Kaw'o-tah-ko-bin-nah-se-waun. He has not tied me — Kaw'necn-ge-tah-ko-bin-ne-ko-se. He will not tie mc — Kaw-ween nini-gah-tah-ko-bin-ne-ko-ze. He shall not tie me — Kaw-pau-pish neen-dah-tuh-ko-bin-ne- ko-se. Tliat he mav not tie me — (la-mah-tah-ko-biz-zhe-sik. It' he does not tie thee — Tah-ko-be-nis-se-nook. I will make him tie you — Oon-jit-tah ke-kah-tuh-ko-be-nik. I will not make him tie thee — Kaw'ne-kah-guh-gaw-zo-mah-sc jit-tah-ko-be-nik. He made me tie thee — Ne-kc-gah-gau-zo-mik ke-chah-tah-ko- be-nc-naun. He did not make me tie thee — Kaw'necge-c-go-so jit-tah-ko be-ne-nann. I am tied — Necn-dah-ko-bees. Thou art lioel — Ke-tah-ko-bees. He is tied — Tah-ko-biz-zo. We (two) are tied — Kc-tah-ko-biz-zo-min ; to the second per- son, nec-dah-ko-biz-zo-min. We (all) are lied— (The same.) You (two) are tied — Ke-tah-ko-biz-zoom. You (all) are tied — (The same.) They are tied — Tah-ko-biz-zo-wug. I was tied — Een-jre-tah-ko-bis. I was tied by thee — Kcen-gah oon-je-lah-ko-biz-zo-yahn. I was tied by him — Ween-gah oon-je-tah-ko-biz-zo-yahn. He shall be tied — Oon-jit-tah tah-tah-ko-be-zon. That he may be tied — Knf-tah tah-ko-be-zo. I am not lied — Kaw'n'dah-ko-biz-zo-ze, Me is ni»t tied — Kaw'tah-ko-biz-zo-ze. 1 was not tied — Kaw'ne-ke-tah-ko-biz-zo-ze. He shall not be tied — Kaw'tah tah-ko-biz-zo*ze. He who is tying thee — Ai-neen n-piz-zoi-un. We tie earh other Mah-ma-ash-kot(' gnh-tah-ko-bin-mMe-min. Yon tie earh iilher — Mah-ma-ash-kote tah-ko-bin-ne-tik. 'I'ln-y tie one another — Tah-ko-bin-ne-te-\v«g. \ 1-ko-be-nik. raw-zo-mah-sc B-chah-lah-ko- )-90 jit-tah-ko WORDS AND PHRAStS, I tie myself— N'taIi-l;o-bin-ne-tis. He ties himself— Tn -ko-bin-ne-liz-/o. We tie ourselves— Nind-dah-ko-bin-ne-tiz-zo-miii. They tie themselves— Tah-ko-bin-ne-tiz-zo-wug. Does he tie thee ?— Ke-tah-ko-bin-nik-in-nah ? Has he tied thee ?— Ke-ke-tah-ko-bin-nik-in-nah ? Shall he tie thee ?— Kc-kah-tah ko-be-nik-in-nah ? Do they tie him ?— O-tah-ho-bin-ntth-waun-iu-nah ? Have they tied him ?— 0-ke-tuh-ko-bin-nah-waun-in-nah ? Will they tie him ?--0-we-tah-ko-bin-nah-waun-in-nah ? Shall I tie them ?— Een-gah-tah-ko-biii-nahg-in-nah ? Wilt thou tie them ?--Ke-kah-tah-ko-bin-nahg-in-nah ? Will thou tie him ?— Ke-kah-tah-ko-bin-nahn-nah ? 53 n: « / 418 LORD S PRAYER. ■;'l ! ■ ' I Vl LURD S PKAVER, IN UJ1BB£VVAV AND £NUL1SH. Ko-se-naun, (our Fallicr,) o-wa-uain, (wlio,) ish-pe-miiig, (above,) ain-daut, (livctli,) mah-no-ti esh-shc-wa-but, (what you wish to be done,) wah-e-she wu-bc-to-e-yun, (let it be done,) Kaw-taw-i)a\v-pish zhin-dah-zecm, (let us not play with thy name,) mah-no-be-zhe .ah-zhi-yun nah-gah-muk sa-ne-guk, (let thy great power come,) nie-zhe-shin-naung ka-nie-je-yaun nong- goom ge-zlie-gut, (give us our food this day,) nnie-zhe-shin-naung o-ma-ze-naw-o-inon-aung, (give us our debts,) a-zhe-ko-te-bali- juah-tink, (as we give our debtors,) Ka-go e-zhe-wizh-zh's, zhe- kaun-gaiu ini-ah nah-tuk, (do not lead us into bad things,) kun- no-wa-no misii-she-naung nii-ali-nah-tuk, (keej) us from bad things,) naw-gau-no-zit ta-ba*ne-mut (power belongs to thee,) giamash-kaw-e-zcet, (and strength,) kau-giu-neek, (forever.) i .* I'h l\ J.OKD S PKAVER, IN OJIBBDWAV. Kosenaun ovvanain islipeniing aindaut mahnoti eshshewabui waheshewabetooyun kawtawpawpish zhindahzhecm mahnobeziic nahzliiyun nalinahmuk sanoouk inezhesliinnaunir, kaniejcyaim nonggooni gezheirut niezhesliinnaunjr omazenawonionaung azlic- kotebahmahtink ; Kago czhewizhzhis zhekaunoain iniahnahtuk ; kuiinowano mishahenaung niiahnalitiik ; nawgaunczit tabaiipmiii gia inashkawp/ccf, kauginneek. ft • (iMl'ARISdN. 4\^ H • OMPARISON OF THE LANGUAUK OF ELLIOx's VKKSIUN OF THE BIULE, WITH SOME OF THi: DIAI.KCTS OF TlIF, PUF.SEXT V\\. Eiliit. Oilaicuaic. Nc-oh-kc-oo-ook* — Me-nik ka-ali-ko pc-inah-tuk ah-ke — As long as the ground lives, Oh-ke-ko-nah-kali — 0-pe-ga-tu-gonk-gia — i>Iaiiling time and Ke-pe-niiin-niun-at — O-pe-ina-niaung — gathering tinii', Toh-koi-liah-kus-si-teau — Ki,s-.sc-nah-oia-ke-:>haut-ta - - cold and heat, Ne-pun-nah — Nc-bin-gia — sniiimer and Pu-pon — Pe-poaii — winter, Ke-sii-kod-kah — Ko-zlii-kut-gia — day anil \u-koii — Tib-bik-kut — night, Mat-ta — Kaw'-we-kaw — never Jeish-ah-kwoh-ta-noo — Ta-pun-iiali lis-se-iioan — shall coase. While tlie earth remaineth, r^eed time and harvest, cold and hiut, summer and winter, day and night, shall not fail. CJeii. Ne-tah-tup — E-she-way-buk — Even so .\ish-noh — Pa-j)a-zhik — each Wun-ne-gen nia-tug — Way-nish-she-shit-mc-tik — good tree Ad-tan-ne-gcn — Wain-je-ne-tah-we-jink — j)roduceth Wun-ne-ge-nash niee-ehum-mu-on-gash— Mo-zhe-ka-ko-mah-jink — every kind of food, (iut-inatch-tit nia-tug — Koo-shali niatche-me-tik — but a bad tree Ad-tan-ne-gen inatch-te-tuash — Na-tali-we-git — beareth Ml -chit /n-inn-uii-gash — Mat-che-iiic-nuii — bad berries. Kven so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, but a ror- rupt tree evil fruit. Matt. vii. 17. Kali o-moh-ku — (iia-pus-e-g\ve — And he arose, Kah mnn-chu-rn we-kit--rJia-w('-ke-wn-inink e-zJiaw~ai\d. to hi:> house he went. * .Mr. Klliol KocniA to hitvc uxoH oh-lie-oo-ool: ns .i mtIi, us it" lie ImJ wiid, while ihr oartl> eartk'n, or, " in liic citi'tli." whirh in |)i'r!"t'i'tly in ai-croilniicc with tli« )irinoipl('4 of these diiilfclH. !) I r i n I "« nM ^^ X :...J» II II I l|lll "1-fc T^ •• \} 1 i > I / 'm If • . I' ]:■. '' ['A 420 COMPARISON. And he arose and went to his house. Matt. ix. 'i. Mat-ta-pish koo-mit-tam-wus-sis-su — -Kaw-ween ke-kah-we-wis- sis-se — Not shalt thou wive, Kah-mat-ta-pishkoo-nau-mo-ni-yeu — Gia-kaw'kc-kah o-kwis-sis- se — and not shalt thou son, A-suh'koo-taun-i-yeu — Kaw-kc-kah o-dau-nis-sis-se — not shalt thou daughter, Yeu-ut-a-yeu-on-ga-nit* — Maun-di-pe mik-ka-kum-mik- -here in the place. Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons or daughters in this place. Jer. xvi. 2. * These two examples will be found, in almost every respect, entirely similar, and they afford striking instances of the tendency of these dialects to crowil together, and to change all words to verbs. Wurirau-vion, in Elliot's Bible, means a son. iV 'it rl I • ( ! .,0 TO v, C0MPAUI90N. 421 COMPARISON OF THE LANGLAOF. OF SOME VERSIONS OF THE BIBLE, WITH THE OTTAWWAW OF THE PRESENT TIME. Of two existing versions of the Bible, or parts of it, in dialcrts similar to the Ojibbeway, that of Mr. Elliot, made in 1661, would be most easily adapted to the use of the Ottawwaws and Ojibbr- ways, in the country about the lakes. The Delaware of Mr. Deuke's version, printed at New- York, 1818, whether owing to differencs of orthography, or some other cause, seems widely un- like any of the Algonkin dialects we have heard spoken. The following comparison with the Ottawwaw of the f^ resent day, will perhaps scarce aflbrd a single point of resemblance. Ehoalachgik ? jukwe metsclii ktelli wundaniemensineen Gc- lauitowitink ; schuk neskwc maj;iwii elsi jauktsch, schuk ktelli majaweten dameneen, nkwuttentsch woachkw;ike ktcllitsch liii- anizeen elinaxit ktcllilsch newoaneen elinaxit. — 1 Juh/i ill. *^. Deuchc's version. Sah-git-te-wun-nun ! (ye beloved!) gec-no-wind ([are] Wf) Gitche-Manito, (the great God,) o-gwis-sun (iiis sons) kaw-ween (not) ke-ke-ken-dun-se-min (ye understand) ka-iz-zhe-wa-biz-zhr- wunk (how we shall be) koo-shah (but) ke-ken-dah-min («e know) ope-che-waw-bu-muk (when he appeareth) ah-yeesh na- she-nah-koo-se-min (we shall resemble him) ke-kali-waw-bo-niaw - naun (we shall see hini)a-zhe-nah-koo-/.it (what he is like.) — Ot- tavnvaui. Beloved, now are we the sons of God ; and it doth not yet ap- pear what we shall be, but we know that, wiien he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall set; him as lie is. — E/ij^lish vprsion. The following are comparisons of passages from Mr. Elliot's Bible, with the same dialed. Elliot. Ottamrau. Onk-as-kook* — Gia-ke-na-beek — And the snake I / II* I t I ■ * Many instances might he addua'd, to show the close alHiiity UMwci'ii ilm language of Mr. Elliot's version tf the Bible, and s( vcral of the dialect- ot tin; [ip • I ! ^rir-"Tr*t,mi '^-•' 4'. i ) A J 'I b ii i is coMl'AKIso^. ,'i m ^i f 1-1 Elliot. OUawvaw. Un-iir, is the same in both, and the same forms of expres- sion; as, No-wad-cha-num-un-neck, {I keep my house,) No-wad-cha-nuni-un-ash- noo-wfc-ut cfiim-nie-nash, (/ keep my corn.) Gram. p. 10, precisely analagousto n'ko-naAn.'dun ncw-ke-icam. (I keep my house,) n'ko-no-ica-ne-maug nc-man ifah-min-e-jnug, (I keep my corn of the harvest day.) • Ojiblieway — Me-tu.'i-uJi gc-na-beek a-naut a-new-e-kwa-wun. kaw-ween-o;o s'th ke-kah-ne-boas, — C. J. un, kaw-ween-o'o ■1 •COMPARISON'. 423 ( boas* — shall alt not burclv COMPARISON OF A GREEK SENTENCE WIIH THE l^IALECT OF THE OTTAWWAWS. u\ «A^T«f5, [The foxes]— Wavv-goo-shug, [foxes] ,oi, [the but son]— 0-nin-ne o-gwis, [man his son] rov a,^p,o^cv, [of man]— Kaw'nin-goo-che, [not any where] «vy. exe>, ["ot possosseth]— In-ne-kwa-shin.she,[may liedown.l •srew, [where] T»,» xf^uXfi*, [his head] xAi»u, [he may lay.] The foxes have dens, and the birds of the ai. have nests, but the son of man hath not where to lay his head. Matt. viii. 20. 't^iamk i i f f f -•^.^ i^witoSi"***:- 1^' 'I ^■■^«l 1 i I 1-^:1(1': il I, ' I; I '(: !! t!li; ^k 1:4 'Hm^ 1 1' IJ ^ lit > ■ ^^ i'u TRANSLATION. FIRST CHAPTER OF GENESIS, TRANSLATED INTO THE OJIBBEWAY LANGUAGE. 1 . Wi-azh-kut Man-e-do wa-zhe-toan mahn-dun Ge-zhik gia Ak-ke. 2. Gia pa-bunk ak-ke at-tah go-bun gia kah-ga-go at-ta-sin o-go-bun, gia tib-be-kut o-kit-te-beeg, gia man-e-do o-pug-git-to nah-mo-win o-mam-mah-je-mug-gut o-kit-te-beeg. 3. Man-e-do ke-e-ke-do to-we-was-siah ; gia ge-was-siali. 4. Gia man-e-do o-waw-bcn-daun was-siah, ge-o-nish-she-shiii gia man-e-do o-nah-nah-\vc-nahn was-siah gia tib-be-kut. 5. Gia ma-ne-do o-kc-shinne-kau-taun was-siah, Ge-zhe-gut gia tib-bik-nis-se o-ke-shinne-kau-taun tib-be-kut, Gia o-nah-koo-shig ke-ke-zhaib ne-tum kc-ge-zhe-guk. 6. Gia man-c-do kc-e-ke-do Kut-ti c-she-wa-bug malm-dun nun-nuh gc-zeik nus-sow-wi-a-e ne-bish ush-uh-ko-taig, gia aut- tausli-ke-no-mink c-toi'a-e, ne-bish e-toi-wi-a-e git-che, te-go-inug- guk ish-pe-ming gia-tub-bush-sliish. 7. Gia nian-e-do o-ke o-zhe-toan nun-nuh-ge-zhe-gut gia o-na- nah-wo-naun ne-beesh ish-pe-ming gitche-tah-goak gia tub-busli- shish gilchc-lah-goak, me-kah-e-she-e-wa-buk. 8. Gia nian-c-do o-o-c-zhin-ne-kau-taun nun-nuh-tic-zhik Ge- /hik a-nah-koo-zhik Ke-ke-zhaib wi-ah-nc-ka-ge-zhe-gut. 9. Gia man-e-do ke-e-ke-do mahii-iUui-ne-beesh an-nah-mi-a-e al-taig tum-mah-wun dosh-kah ali-ke-kut tuh-bung-wun, me-kah p-zhe-wa-buk. 10. Gia uian-e-do o-ke-zliin-ne-kau-taun ak-ke gia kaw-mow ium-dos-kaug nc-beesh o-ge-zhin-ne-kau-taun Gitclie-gum-me gia man-e-do o-waw-ben-daun o-nish-e-shing. 11. Gia man-c-do ke-c-ke-do ak-ke kut-ti on-je-ne-tah-we-gin tne-zhus-kceii, gia mc-zhus-kecn tu-e-me-ne-kau-ne-wun-nong, gia inc-tig inah-jink wain-je-we-tali-we-gi-uk mc-nc-kaun rne-tig- goank at-ta on-jit-)ah-gimi-mig me-kah e-shc-wa-buk. XHANSLATIOK. 4-4ri ojibbeway Ge-zhik gia a-go at-ta-siu I o-pug-git-to vas-siah. -nish-she-sluii e-kut. ie-zhe-gut gia ».nah-koo-shi^ ug ma1in-(Uni >-taig, gia aut- ■ - -go-mug- hc, te- e-gut gia o-na- gia tub-busli- li->rc-/hik (jie- [le-gut. an-nah-mi-a-e -wun, me-kah I gia kaw-mow Jitclie-gum-mc l-ne-tah-we-gin -wun-nong, gia t-kaun mP-tig ik. 12. Gia slii-a ke-ne-tah wo-gin-noan itie-zhus-kcon gia ine-m* kaw-ne-\vun-i)oan nio-zhuk-keen tib-biii-iio-wa-go zhe-iiaii-gwiii gia mc-tig me-nc-ne kau-ne-\ve lib-lun-no-wa mo-iio-kau-iic-wc! tib-bin-no-wa o-ltc-tab-kum-mig, Gia inan-c-do o-Lrc-uaw-buii- daun uz-zho iiish-sbe-shing. 13. Gia an-nah-koo-zhik Ko-gc-zliaib mc-nis-s\vo go-zhc-giik- 14. Gia man-e-do ke-e-ke-do tiih-\vc wah-si-ahii miii-iiuh-gi-- zhik uh-ge-zhik-oank che-iia-nali-wo-iiiiin-iniiig gc-zin'-gud gia tib-be-kud, tuh-we kc-kin-tio-wautch che-gau-ta gia kc-ki- iio-im- win-nun ge-zhe-gud gia pc-boaii. 15. Gia tuh-we was-si-ahn nun-nuli-we gp-zhili o-ko-tah-kuui- raik che-was-siag o-ke-tah-kum-mik, mo-kali c-slu'-wa-bug. 16. Gia man-e-do o-ge-o-zhe-toaii ncczh gitcbe was-si-ahn, gitche was-si-ah che-tc-ban-duiig iro-zbr-gut iria a-ga\v-sirig was- si-ah che-te-ban-dung lil)-be-kui, gia o-ke-o-zhe-nauii aii-iuing- wun. 17. Gia man-e-do puk-kit-te-naun was-si-aii nun-nuh ko-zbik. onk gitche was-si-aig o-ge-tah-kum-niig. 18. Gia che-mus-ko-kung ge-zhr-gut jria tib-l)i'-kut. iria chr- na-nau-we num-ming was-si-ah gc-zlio-gut gia lib-be-kul gia iiiaii- e-do o-waw-bun-daun o-aish-shc-shing. 19. Gia an-nab-koc'-zhik ke-ko-zliaib-nc-n-ko-ni-uuk. 30. Gia man-e-do ke-e-ke-do. iir-bccuL'^ tuh-we oaii-je iie-liib- we-ga ba-mah-dc-zeet mah-iiah-cheet gia be-iiais-si-wiiir. ka-pu- i'vbuh me-so-jig nun-nuli ke-zhik. 21. Gia man-e-do o-to-zheaun (Jitche-mah-nuh-niaiir-wiiii, <)ia kok-kin-nuh ba-mab-de-ziil ma-mab-cbeet nc-bcciig on-jc lu-tab- we-kwug, gia ba-ba-zbik wa-niii-srwe kwini-nah-jik bc-nais-se- wug, gia man-e-do o-waw-bun-daiin o-nish-o-shiiig. 22. Gia man-e-do o-giig-giih-no-naun c-ke-tong, tuli-Daii-jc ne-gin gia gitche-ne-bin-iiah moosh-kin-nab-t(tag, gitrhc-guiii-KU'. tuh-we bah-te-no-wusi be-nais-se-wusr o-jre-tak kuni-miir. 22. Gia an-nah-koo-zhio; ke-ke-zhaib ni-ah-no ko-ni-ouk. 24. Gia man-e-do ke-e-ke-do ak-ke tnli-wc oaii-jc iieton-we- go-be mah-de-zit ah-wes-se-ug gia ba-bah-ma-to-jig ah-wes-sc o-ke-tah-kum-mig me-gah esh-e-wa-buk. 25. Gia man-e-do o-ke-o-zhe-aun ali-wes-se-ug clie-slio-naii- koo-ze-nit, gia ba-me-nint ah-wefs-se, gia k(dv-kin-nuh a-zlie-nali- -Ih. 1 1 . 1 ^".^mIi^i IKtJ W ^ t- -*-- , „> » - Jt"*"^ / fii 'If" ll i M Ui 4:^0 TRANSLA'llO.N. ■h lioo-zit ba-I)ali-nio-tait, gia mnn-o-du o-waw-bou-daun o-ilish-siie sln-I|ir. y(). Cia inati-r-(lo ko-c-kc-do, ixnh o-zhe-ah-naun c-nin-nc, a- /!)o-iiali-k()()-z('-iiiik clic-nic-iiah-koo-zit, a-zhe kok-kin-nuii \vaiitch-clit'-yiih-zh(j-yunk clic-slie-iiah-goo-zit, a-zlie-kok-kcn- nuli uautch-(!io-yali-zlio-yunk chc-slie-nah-goo-zit, gia o-kah te- ba-ne-niali-waiiii kKk-kiii-niili kc-jjoi-yug gitclie-giun-mig gia be- iiais-sc-\vug iniii-mib bc-zhik-kounk, gia a-ucs-sc-yug, gia kok- kiii-mdi ak-kf, gia kok-ivin-iiuli ba-baJi-mo-ta-jig o-ke-tah-kum- inig. 37. Ge iiian-c-ko o-ke-o-zbc-auu e-nin-ne-wun a-zhe-nah-koos- nit, a-zlie-)iali-ku-zii man-e-d(> o-ke-e-zhe-aun e-nin-ne-wun, e- kwa-wun o-zbe-naun. 28. Gia inan-e-do o-gug-gtdi-iio-naim gia, man-e-do o-din-naim tub-oan-je nc-tab-we-gin, .^be-bab-li-o-iio-\vaud che-moosh-kp- iiaig ak-kc gicb-c-to-Uiin-iiio-wauU-gia, tc-bc-iic-nab-waiu ke-goi- vug, gia b(vna-sc-\\ iiii nun-nub kc-zbik-koank, gia kok-kin-nuh ba-mab-ta-zil o-kc-tab.-kuni-mig. 20, Gia nian-e-do ke-f-ke-do ke-me-nin kok-kin-nuh maun- (bin, na-tali-\v('-gi-uk o-ke-tab-kum-jnig, gia pa-pa-zhik mc-tig. ^\ain-Je nc-taii-uc gwi-iik ka-ko niab-ji-uk, ke-nah-\vaw Main-jc- nc-tab-v.c'-jfi-uk kr-nie-jo-aig. 30. (Jia kok-kin-nuh a-w (!s-se-yug o-ke-tah-kuin-mig, gia bc- na-sc-\vug nun-nul>-kc-zbik, gia ba-bah-mo-ta-jig o-ke-tah-kum- niig, kok-kin-nuli ne-mcn-aug-we-ug o-mc-zhuli-kcen, chc-nin-jc- sra-waut, nio-kab-c-sbi'-t'-\va-buk. 31. Gia inan-(-(i() o-wa\v-i)un-daun kok-kin-nuh maun-dun wa- zbt-to-te o-nisb-Hhe-sbe-sbing, gia an-nab-koo-zhik ke-ke-zhaib iiO-k(,'!-\va-;is-P(:-ko-ni truk. 'I I M4J. IHK KM>. ■i' i !'■ /"v •* ben-daun o-niah-she ih-naun c-nin-nc, a- a-zlie kok-kin-nuh zit, a-zhe-kok-ken- oo-zit, gia o-kah te- he-giiin-mijj gia be- vt's-sc-yug, gia kok- la-jig o-ke-tah-kum- vun a-zlie-nah-ko08- un e-nin-ne-wun, e- naii-e-{]»> o-din-naiui aiul cht'-moosh-ko- nc-nah-waui AC-goi- nk, gia kok-kin-nuh 1 kok-kin-nuh maun pa-pa-zhik mc-tig, Le-nah-waw Main-jp ,h-kuin-mig, gia be ta-jig o-ke-tah-kum lUh-kcen, che-nin-jc n-nuh maun-dun wa oo-zhik ke-ke-zhai^ S,«F^