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Ihe Clerk called the roll. • . ^r/'"}''^" T"I'I'^''' '^'"'^■'l^' 'idclrcssed the Council on the sub- jects likely to be con.sidered at the present mectin-. and referred o the necessity at no di.stant day of a new Coun House an L(junty offices. Mill-P" '"?''aT of Councillor Chisholm, seconded bv Councillors ; [' ^".^' ^''^M-. >t was unanimously ^rWtr./ that llu-di -Mackenzie be rc-clectcd Clerk for another year '^ On motion of Councillor Hamilton, seconded bv Councillor Koss, ,t was unanimously resolved that John ]-. Crowe be re- elected 1 reasurer for another year. It was moved and seconded and reso/rec/ tlmt the Clerk and I reasurer give .security for the f^uthful discharge of their dutie in the same amounts as last year. On motion Messrs James D. Ross and Leonard G Crowe were appointed Auditors for the current year. Mr. James D Ross being present takes the oath of office ( )n niiitidii () (C nincillor Ci'owc, the follow in;4 (."(Uliicillor-^ wvrcaiipi'intccl a ronunittcc to nominate standin;^ committers: Councillors Millar. Crowe. t';ii>liolin. I'ithla.lo. Mckui/.c, 1). Nelson ami Clarke, Kej)ort (,rCommilte.; on ])etition for a new road in l littoii is read, and on motion of Councillor Ciowe i-. recei\ed and coni.rnicd. ^ , , Report ofW. 1). Corhclt, Commntee. on petition o| John !•". Marsh for a pent road is read. Councillor Millar moved. >ecoiuled by ( onncillor 1-ulton, that the consideration of the reporl he deferred f >r three months. Motion ])assed. The petition of i"inla>- McKen/.ie ami <itl;ers lur a com- mittee to la\- out anew road in Tatama.^ouche is read, On motion t!ie lu-tition is referred to the Committee on road- and Reports of Committees on petitions of William l.eeaiul Colin C.ranlare read but no action is taken thereon on account of irre -ularitics in the i)roccedini;s. Petition ofS. W. H. Durnin-and ,,tliers, for a committee tu l.iy out a road at l-'.conoiny Point, i- read and ^^n motion the prayer of the petition is i;ranted.— Samuel Mcl.aui^hlm and l-aac Rcid to be the committee. The report of Riclianl C. Archibald. .Supervisor of n. ads i.- read, and on motion is referred to the Committee on roads and britlLjes. 'The Petition of lames McKay askin-' to have certain ta.xes paid by him. refunded, is read, and on motion is referred to the committee on Assessments. The petition of James Ramsay askiuL;" to be rcluiuled certain taxes paid twice for the same propcrt)-, is rcatl. ( )n motion the pra\-er of the petition is granted. ' The petition of Countv Collectors for relief from uncollect- ablc assessments are ordc'red to be referred to Hk- committee on .Asses.'^ments. On motion it was ivsohni that the committee appointed to nominate Standin-- Committees be empowered to add to then- list a committee on account of Oxcrseers of the Poor. Some difficulty havin-4 arisen about the key of the Court Ifouse, it is ordered bv the Council that the key be committed to the custod\- of the Sheriff, which was done forthwith. The conimittec appointed to nominate Standmi;- Commit- tees, present their report,, which on motion is received, ami confirmed. ( )ri iii;itii)n it is rook x'll that llir Warden, tlir ( lurk, ("dun- rillor .Mill.ir, atui CfiuiK-ilinr I'itblado hf appointed a cunimittrc ("]■ Law Aincndmcnts. ( )!i in'Jtinii r(.'-.i)Util that ('i)uniill(ii--. MrKin/ic, I'uUdu ami llamiltiiii l)t' a cominif ti'c to a-ciit.iin and n'port a> id thu lost if ])iii)lishin'_,r tl'.c proii'c'diiiL;^ "f (.'mmcjl, cither in I'.unphlcl (dini or in tlic Local I'ajicrs. The I'ciition of certain ratcp.iyt r^ of the I'oor I )i-.tiii.t of lataniay^ouchc a>kin;;' for a dixision of said di■^tri(.t into two I'ooi" (h'stricts, is read: also the order ort'oiuuil pa^-ed last May in reference to said petition and the notice in pinsu.ince of said order; also the ])etition of Saniuel Wau^^h aiul others against snch di\ision; also the iieiition of Rol) rt Cunniii'diain anil otliers in fa\()r of sueh division. Moveii In- (.'onncillor Clarke, seconded by ( duneillor that an order be niatle di\idin;,,' the I'ollin;^ District ot Tataina- i;onche into two Poor Districts as petitioned for. Mo\ed in aniendnient by (ouncillor Millar, seconded b)- C"ouneillor J. X. Clrowe that no such order be made. Anieiul- nient lost 6 to 9, orii^in.il motion carried <> to (>. Councillor Millar calkxl for the names on the ilixision on his amendments whieh results as follows; l-'ok, ("ouncillor Crowe, 1 Limilton, 1). Nelson, Milkir, I.J. ( i. Nel>on, l'"lennninj; and McKenzie. A(,.\INSl'. ("ouncillor (iuild, Dickie, l.o-^ran, I'itblado, McK.iy, Ross, Clarke, Chisholni, Hlaikie, ^birris.in and l-'ulton. ( )n motion it was resoKed that the two I'oor Districts, formed as abo\e be called res])ecti\ely " l"..ist rataina;.;ouche," aiul " West Tatama.Ljouche." The division of the present lia- bility of the district divided between the two divisions is left to the Councillors for the I'ollinL;' District The Report of (dlbert .Sutherlantl, .Supervisor of road.s i.s read and on motion is referred to the comnn'ttec on roads and bridges. Repc'rt of commissioners of schvi,! lands in Onslow is read and on motion received and confirmed. Report of John .McKay, Tailor, on j)ctition f(jr alteration of a road in l^arltown is leatl ; also the Petition of Alex. M. Hailie and others, and the j)c*.ition of IIui^li Munro and others, 'I"rustees of Kno.\ Church Larltown ai^ainst th.e confirmation of the Report. ]•-. !•". Munro, l'".s(|., is heard in sup])ort of the Kejjort, moved by Councillor Ross, secontled by Councillor MilLir that the report bereceivedand confirmed, motion passed unanimously. * ■ ■' r 1 M Hliikicaiul others asking for ^ ';""^- Thc petition of J. M. '^ ,' i ' , ,HU.nclcm'. is read, and on „iUec to' lay .n.t a new -- J^^'j' f .'l,,,, and brid.^es. . ,„otion is referred t.. l'^^',^'''"'' '^.^'J .^^ others for alteration Petition of Kenneth ^f'^'^^^^,,,,,uiO>nua\\ovKo.. in a road in Karltown >s -u ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ „f ,i,, ,„t,tion .s seconded by Lounc.llor La ke c ! .__^^^.^ j^^,„,, ^^Kay . .ranted, the petnioners pax ni„ 1 Ksq., to be committee. ^^^ .,.,.^,,„ .,skin- for ■' committee. -r „.,. ( 'l.Tk of Truro is read ask m^^ foi A letter from the Umn ^ "^'^^^ Council to confer , „ne to be =nn'-nted^vr .j c. nni ec^ of _^^^^^^^_.^ ^^,^^.^,^ ^, -Jcr:;r nlS? r rested, and onerin. the use c.f the ■rou-n office for ^"'^;\"^,;'f :;^-^^iiller and others askin;.^ the Coun- The petition of John S. ;^ "'^ j „^ ^.,i„,„„ River is read, eil for power to P^-^,!- f." t doUta.1 whether or not the but afterwards ^v.thd.a n as ^^^.^^^^ ^^.^^^^_^ Council have power to ^.n tic ^ > On motion Council adjou.ncd. ,^rV7n" HUGH MckKN/-n., yiunkipiil Cli-rk. f COURT HOUSE, TRURO, X. l.\NtAKV s. iriii, uS8:. Tie Warden refers to a H""'" ''' f^; ■,,,„ year, .\ftcr liawily of se'K'>";,-*-/:;;,T:::Srftook „>.., ..» „,».- eate that the sorvce ha ^ ' /"^'^ "^ . J, |,f ,„ad, is read, and a coiii- ancl on 'S. tcration lor Ross tition is McKay :ini; for a :tin<; ccr- (if Truro. iMiiancc skin^' for tocoiifi-'r lichTow" use of the tilt: Conn- er is read, or not the sZlK. ■:ipal Clcrl<- ■11, i882. \ the J.iHir. vcd. en :is to the year. After ;irt, the mat- id and Black usual certifi- icd. s is read, and bridges. Petition of Robert Maxwell and others ashiuL; for leave to erect Gates on a roail in Londonderry is re.ul, but no action is taken thereon. The Petition of Adam McLeod and others for a ronunittee to I,i)- out a road in l'[>j)er Stewiacke is read, and on motion referred to the committee on roads and brieli^a's. is read, and Win. Ousley The Petition of I'rancis Cox for a I'eiit ro;ul on motion the pniyer of the petition is tjrantrd. committee. Petition of Roljcrt Ste\ensoii ami otiiers for a committee to lay out a new road at \\';uiL,di's River is read, and prayer thereof j^rranted. Thomas Wau;;]i, Miller, to be the com- mittee. The Petition of James .Sutherland for ,i Pent road is re.id but no action was taken thereon. Petition of Keinietli Haillie iuul others a^kiuj;- for an order to close an old road and have ;i new ro.ul Laid out is read. C)n motion of Councillor Ross seconded b_\' Councillor Millar it was /vjWi'cc/ that the Council make an order cIosinL,^ said old road. Report of John Taylor .Supervisor of roads is read and on motion referred to the commitee on roads and bridges. Report of committee api)ointed to enquire into the cost of furm'shin;^ the proceedings of Council is re.ul and on motion ret eived and .adopted. Petition of Daniel M. Hentley and others for ;i committee to lay out <i new road in Upper .Stewiacke is re.id, on motion of Councillor Logan seconded by Councillor D. Nelson tli ■ prayer of the petition is granted. James .S, Tupper and Willi.un D«yarmond to be the conmiittee. The Petition of George Lynds and olliers asking for a committee to lay out a new road in Xorth Ri\er District is read. On motion the prayer of the petition is granted, the petiti(Miers to pay all expenses except those of survey. John Blair was ap- pointed committee. Petition of W. C. Silliphant asking to be refunded certain taxes is read and on motion is referred to the committee on assessments. On motion a number of petitions asking for permi.ssi(Mi to perform Statute Labour on pri\ate roads are referred to the committee on roads and bridges. The petition of J. and C. P. Blanchard asking to be refund- ed certain county rates overpaid is read, and on motion referred to the committee on assessments. ^'^ w w ■Hk- IVlitionnf Janu- UMnnur i^ u-;ul, nn acli^n lakui llicrriiii. ,skin'u,ainu change- 1,. .na.k. ,n tl.r .n;ulat,ons -v>,.ca,n^ "n^ui'WaUar,.^ .cad. ami on n>ut,„n ,s unluxa t„ lu uu ^'" "nl'lVnnon of lol.MVl-uU,., ami otlK.-. askin, 1.^^^^^^^^^ (if the lu'lition IS L;raii "• ^"Vu iVon. (icn,-,. UcacHuK K-,.. -kin, lor .nmm.ra- ;■ . •,.!,. n, 'In., the siltiii"> ol tlK-C.i.unl\- C uuil .IS r-^:,::r.ai;r;;r;s:^:;a^.n\n.nonun.,.. he ,inlco,nnulUvorihce-.uu,lyaml n^vnut Inn... • A nu.nlHn-..r County C^tlk-crs ucrc thu. a,.i.onUc.l. 1 1k>. ■'''^'T;n';malM^'oi^^unu•,lkn•^l.ll.^^^ ,,ac,Va,u!uunUvvc,ukU,..ns pnl.l.lKcl k.t ycaHn. a. la, a. .nuhcablc, conliniaa in force lor llu' current year. '' The Warden read a letter t nun the t omm.ssume,. ol ,,b,icChariUes, askin, ^>r payment of old account clanned by the Hospital for the Insane Council adjoin-ned. iifcii M. ki:n/.ik, Miiuhipal Clii-k. \ COURT IIOUSK.TRUKO. N.S. Jam ARV iJTii, i-'i-'is. C..unciln,etat,o.A_M Ptnsu.^^ '"" ^^'^^^^' nt mute oAl. 'e^mnl^ine;;;,. are read and ap,.o..d. iVcmrtof S G A. Morrison, committee on peli ion o S. H S n md ^lu^^s is read, and ordered to lie on the t.tble lie M>;t of the comntittee on account ..f oversee.s of the ;por I'oor is reatl. Mmv bv Councillor Flemmin,, secomled ''v ^ ;"-' - lorr, n tha thesum to be assessed on Upper l.ondonde.v i Uc be$,00.00 instead of $350.00. as reconunended M Poor . . bv the committee. Passed. ,11 taken ,i;il;i'11c1u' L'S|)(.'Ctini; t(i lir I 'II fur (1:\ i-^- I C<iuiu:il- lic ))r;i\cr x'lmuKTa- Courl as I'firtcd to 1. 1 lic>>u lilt all llu- .; as r.ir as ;si(ilK'Vs ul :laimfil 1)\ sZlK. 111, 1S.S2. iicnt. Tlic led. d apprcAcil. •lilion of S, 1 the tabic. ■;lci's of the V- Councillor .oiidontlcny commended ^^I"y^-'l I'v eouncllor f„l,.,n. scciuled bv CuHKili,.,- 'laik.e. that $<kk..I„. assessed on I.uu.t f .nnd.mdenA- Vnnv Jisti-ict mstead i.( .$7(x> as reo.inmcnded l,v the .-, .miimtcv -- I as-^cd. ■ , .\ discussion arisrsoii tjic reconmu'iuiation .-(.ntained in tie report to eslai.l.sh a I'mo,- I I.mse „r Farm fn;- thr support -I the po,,r of th. ul„,k.. ,„„Hy. Thi. pn,p„.;d uas ,ircm.ou>!v opposed by (. ,,unc,il,,r Ko.. a,,d .,tl-.er.. Cnuncill, r, McKa'v and (,cor^^- Nols,,n si^n.,| ;, „,in,,rity report a^^ainst thi's recoiinneiidation. On motinn ofCouncilh.r .Morrrs<,n secmded bv Coiincillor •McKen/ic t.ic report is adopted as amended e.xceptin- recom- mendation to establish I'o.n- I b, use or l-arm. The IVtitioMol .Mrs. .Margaret \\<„,d a.skin- to !,(• allou.vi a |)oilion of tile property of James 1'. \Vn,,d is read an<I o,, motion IS . ..(erred to the Joint Cimmitt.-. ' the e,,unt\- and of the i oun ol 1 ruro. I'etiiion of \Villi:un Johnson and others askin ■ for a com- mittee to lay out a neu- road in L'pper Steuiacke7. read, and en motion ot Louncillor Loy.an the praver of the petition is j,M-anted. James .S. Tiipper committee. I'etition .,f H.G. Crockett ,md ,,thers for a Pent Road is read, on motion the prayer ..f tlie petition is ^l•anled, the peti- commitlS"''' ^^1'^"^^^' J''"»^^^ ^^. -n.ppu- was appointed The I'etiiion of James (iass and otiiers asking that a laini) be placed on .Shubenacadie l^rid-c ,.s read, and on motion is referred to a coimmttee consistini,^ of Councillors I'itblado Hamilton and the Warden. I'etiiion .,f Dempscy Horden askin- for additional compen- sation forattendm- to Court li(,use is read, and on motion is referred to Joint Committee of 'I'own and County. The Petition of Mrs. Susan .Sibley askin- to be relicveil of the support of her son m the Hospital fnv the In.sane is read and on motion is referred to the committee ia.st iiamecl Petition of Alvin Newton antl others askin^r f,,,- a commit- tee to lay out a new road is read, ,.n motion the prayer of the petition ,s nranted. Samuel McLau-hlin to be the committee. Petition ,;t John Urquhart and others askin<r the Council DiJiri!^. •■'/"rf''^^';'!" f'."'>i^l^Ji"^ cattle to ^^o at' large in the District of \\au.^hs River is read. On motion the con.sidera- tion of this petition is deferred until May meetinjr Petition of Timothy Barnhill asking for payment for ,-, ( to foncin;.; ..n ,o,-ul in 1 .uwr On.l-w i. iva,!, a.ul on niMlioii thr ' ■ K,,n,rl .J- William MrKi.n 8l:i.rn<!iaiy Ma;.;i.sUal-' L • (i,vat Villia.T ,< ivad.aiul on motion is mvivd and o.nlirmr. Kopori oIl-ommissi.uuTs on PMuMiio.n (.rounds and bnil.l- iivs is ivad, and on motion is iv. nvrd and adnplal. ■' Hu' nrcsrnt connnissionri^ unc iv-apiionitcd, vi/. : V\ .M Hlair M, l'. IV. (iro. A. l,a>b.n. C IV Aivlnl.ald, Kohcrl I'ulnani and ('. V. IMaiuliani. ()„ , notion ( ouiuil adjourn.'.! until J 1'. M. t-ni'>Mou , t; ^uc e-ommittrc-s an .,,M'>"^'"^"y >" ';' ' ^''''''■'''^ ^^'"^ "'''"' '""■'^' IH'Cli MACKl'.N'/n'.. Miiniri/'dl L'Urk. i i (•t)i;K I lldL'si''., I RTKi), N. S. , \ founal mri at -^ V. M. U-H of Councillors callrd. Min^ Vit.-s ofni-cviou- mictin;; arc ira.l and. approved I. l'. Crosvc. i:.(|.. pivscnls i,i. Hond as (. ounly 1 rcasurci whicii is apiiroM , • ,■ ■,, . IVtiti'-nof lvl.ru Hciliu and othcis askui- lor a comimllcH to lav out a n.w road at Acadian Mines, is read .m inoluM, tlio prayer of the pel.lion i^ .l^^^^n^^. n.omas Wilson (N.claux> to lie the eonimillee. , IVlilion of Ali-v, llulton and others tor a committee to lay ,mt a new road in Ivcou-niv is read, on inolton the prayer ol the petition is granted. Samuel McLaughlin (. ontmillce IVHiion ofAlcN. Iliui;iiisand others tor a committee to lav cut anew road at Acadian Mines is read, on iiy-tiou the prayer of the petition is ;^ranted. Robert lorman Ks,i., coin- """\Vcp"i-L of Councillor Crowe recommendin- aUeration in read Districts in Clifton is read and on motion o.ntirmed. Report of committee on Roads and i^rid-es is re.id, and on motion i.s re cived and confirmed, , ,., , ,. . • ,- \..recment of Councillors Millar and C larke on division ot liahihlfes for i'ooi" of Tatama-ouche between the two new sub- divisions of I'-.ast and west Tatama-ouche i.: read, and on mo- tion confirmed. , , , , I'ctition of Finlay McKen/.ie and others, recommended b> II imi the rail' tor nfirmcil. 1(1 l)iiilil' ; W M. I'liUiaiii H'lDW , t; ' I'il' WDik. \il Chri'. I, 1S82. ■a. Mill- I'lcasurcr (iininilU'i' lotion till.- (NicLaiix; ttcc to Ia\- praycr of ttcc' unittcc to lotion the I'lsij,, coin- rration in IlK.'cl. atl, antl on division ot o new sul)- iid on nio- mcndcd by » 1 '"•'".■""' '""'-'• ^- 'niinii:--,. is ;:iani<.|. .nil.,.,! Sui hcrlan-l loininiUi'f. iVlil,.,,, Mt A.lam .\M..o.l aiidoilun, ivconunuuird' l,v cnunnUt.roM n,a,!.. ;nul l.n,i;.,rs is ...ran.oi. |anu:. S. Tu|.,kt .. ''^''I""'^ otC,,|.,nnilcc. .,,1 .\s:,cs.snin,ts is wM and on iiio- tioii IS rccriM'd and i' iniu-nud. ,. ,,.^'"^'"' ''^' ^' "•^' 'il-- i 'iiJ'.n aiid s.., ondrd tint A S ^""""^; :'''■'"" '"'■ '-"■^'■i- l-..dond,..,Tv, iK-nlu'voi ,,rtlH- sum ol:[,,^;,, ,,,,, ,,|llK.asscssnK.„t lor'iS;., , !a;nud to I,.; "'";;"'f •'!;!'■ ^l-^'-: ^':"1 M.-,,M,i>-d ,n ammdnu m that the- •nattcT In. dc(<T:-rd |,„ !!,,,.,• , Months An,r,ulinrnl carricl _M.nvl bvCanir,!!.,- |'itl,h,.|n and •.vondcd In- ( -.Mnrnior ,,'■'1 ''"^' '""' ' -'■"•'^■" '"-^iy 'I'll ^'■•^ r;: ...,.i ■ ,.aa.> . i,.. ■Id. Cd to iiir |,s, 01 foun'y Constables, vi/: ( icoi-c'^l Md ,.od' all'! laicius I!. ( 'iMwr. - " ' "nm,:i.,„ ,,r r.a.n.:ll,.-.\ldlar >o.-onded U Couneillor ru.K.nit .sn-,,u.. ilial.h,. (■K:,kl„.,.„-,ou.n.l .0 take out A.linm,s.,af.n ol.heeslal.:,,! W. l' .\.U,,n uhoda,! intl,,. Hospital l.,r, la. Insane, and elaini honi h,s .Mate the- lull iiinoiinl due the Mmii* ijialile. roiHieillor |-„i|,.n -ivc, notice olnioi„,n to rc.ein.lth,. vote on the l'(.tilioii I ! .\. S. Collins W M. lUair M !■. I'.and Nrael 1 . -n^w, a ,|, l^s, , . a drle- ,L;at,on ti-on. ih- )-Jnl.,tion counniliec to ask lor a .n-ant Irom the (omily I unJ. ;, ,wards ni.pnnuM th.: l-vinhm/.n ( .rounds and hmdin^s pivparatoiy to lioM,,;.; ,, i'n.Mnual l....i,il,„ ,0,, next lall, addros the t oiuieil (mi llic subject. Mo\cdl,y Coiuuill..,- (oiild Mron.l,.,! I)\- ( oun<i|i,,r T | (.. Nelson, that the sum ofT.nr huiidivd doll'a,-, Ir- ,a.„.ss,d ,;,i' liie- county for the purpos,. of repairin- the Kxhibitio,, buildings and miprovin- the :.;round., provided the Tou n Coun.il and \hv people ol I run, witliin the Corporata.n contrdu,t<. ,1,1 roud amount. ' Move,l maniendnuni by Coini.illor MilJa,- seeondr.l bv tonncilkn- ( larke that the sum of I" >ur Ir.mdred dollars b'.- as.sessed by the iiuance Cominitte.. for the purpose of keei.in-.- '" '■'•I';ni- tie (ounty l.;.Nl,ib,iion (iround- and j^uiMin-: Couneillor I . J. (,. .\elson e.xpre.sses the ..pinion that the -r.'^tt '"■■'l-nh o( ratepayers of the county ivecive no benefit Ynmi Ihc.^e i'.xlubitions; the benetU is almost uhollv to the t,,.,vn and citi/x-ns ol IVuro. He thinks the J ou ,1 of -IVuro should do at least as mir h as tlu. County. A immbcr of Councillors w f Mil in i 12 express siinilai' views. After sonic discus. inn the aiueiulinciit i-. withdrawn and the resoluti'Hi pas'-ed on the follow in;4 vote: I.',)K._Councillors Clarke, (iuild, I'itblado, McKay, Hlaikie.. T. 1. (I. Nelson, Ivoss, Millar, I'lenimini^r and Inilton, --^lO. A(;.\1NSI'.-Councillor> Hamilton, Dickie. I ). Nelson, Chis- holm, Morrison, McKenxie and .Adams, - ". On niotinii of (,'ouncillor Millar it is ordered that the sum of twenlx- dollar- be assessed on the (..'ount\- f ^r bushiiv,;- ice m 'J'atama;^ouche. Council adjouriieil to meet to-morp'W mornin;^ at 9 .\.M. ilL'Cii MACKi:.N/lK Municipal Clerk. \\\ CUL'KI lloL'.sK, TRCKO, N. J.\M AK^• 14111, ISS2. Council met at 9 A. M. pursuant to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. Roll of Councillor-^ called. Minutes of previous nuetin;^ are read and approved. Ill pursuance of notice Ljiven \-e.stcrda\-. Councillor Fulton moved, seconded by Councillor Morrison that -A. S. Collins, County Collector for iSjcj be relieved of the sum of$l.S.Sl. — Passed. . Councillor Clli■^llolm -ixes notice of motion to re-consider vote taken yesterda\- to t,n-ant $400 for imiirovement of Kxhi- bitioii (irounds and BuildiuL;'-. Moved b\- Councillor Chisholm, seconded by Councillor Morrison that 'said vote be re-considered. — Tassed. Report of committee on petition for placini; Lamps on Shubcnacadie r)ridi;e i-^ read, and on motion is received and confirmed. Moved by Councillor I'itblado, seconded b\- Councillor Millar that the resolution passed \esterday in reference to Grant for Exhibition Grounds and HuihlinL^s be amendcdby substitu- tinj; the word "Three " for the word " h'our" in sa' I resolution. — Passed, 10 to 5. Report of committee on Public Huitdint,rs is read, and on motion rccciveil and confirmed. Report of Joint Committee of Town of Truro and County on matters referred t^ them, is read, and on motion is received •^nd confirmed. ■ im /tm ^ m I i ' l ■dik*< iK'iulinent i-. Kay, Hlaikic, 1,— lO. s'clson, Cliis- .Iiat tlic sum .isliin;^ ice in ;.at9 A.M. I'.N/IK uicipal Clcik. nil, l<S.S2. nincnt. Tlic Minutes of cillor Fulton V. S. Collins, of $ 1 8.81.— Lo rc-considcr lent of I'",xlii- jy Councillor i;4 Lamps on rccci\ed anil jy Councillor cncc to Grant .1 by substitu- ■v\ resolution. ^ read, and on •i) and County on is rcccivctl On motion ;vvv()/.-vv/ " tiiat the Clerk be instructed to put up Notices in two or more places in each Polling District in which there are delinquents as to the sendini,^ in of Road Returns notifxiu'^- ()\erseers of Hij^luvaj-s that unless their returns are forwarded to him within thirt\- da\s from the date of said no- tice the law will be strictly enforced. Kepf)rt rif Councillor I'iemmin^- recommending a new road section in L'ppcr Stewiacke is received and confirined. Mo\ed b\- Councillor Crowe seconded by Councillor Chis- holm that Mr. Herbert Crowe be recommended as a suitable IJerson to take administration of the Instate of William P. Nelson.- — I'assed. A di.scussion arises on the advisability of obtainin;.; amend- ments to the act a])i)ointin,L; Su])ervisors of Road Districts, and the maniu i- fjf e.\-])endinL; the road monies. Councillor Millar denounced the act in the most \-i^orous terms. Councillor Pitblado spoke in favor (jf tlic principle of the .ict, but thou;.,dit it mi-ht be simi)Iified, and improved especially in reference to the difficult)- in drawin^^ the money. He de- nounced the expen.se of layin;; out the road monies in small commissions scattered all over the district. He thou^dit the money should be concentrated so that where a road was once made it would last for years. Councillor Guild contended that the roads were so extens- ive and all in such bad condition that it was absolutel)- necessarj- CO expend the money all over the district in ])atchini;- up the rrjads to make them passable. Councillor Ross thou^^dit the Lei^islature had made a <;reat mistake in i)assin!^^ such a law, and the\- would find it out next election. The Superxisois did not know half so much about road makin;.y as the Councillors. The road money was a mere trifle compared with the work recpn'red to be done. As a mat- ter of fact the Supervisors did not superintend the work done on the roads at all— the Councillors for the district did that. The provision of the Act that all the work should be done by tender and contract was absurd. The old act was better, leav- ing;- that matter optional with the Comissioner. The Warden who hapi)ened to be on the floor of the house at the time was asked his views of the matter. He thought that the law might be amended in some re- spects, and he thought the Councillors were perhaps in a better position than any else to make suggestions as to what amend- ments were required. He thought it would have been better to 1 tl '1 Iiavc Ii'l't tlic iiiccirpi'iMtinn net alMiic, ;it lca<t i;.ra lew _\ i.iiN. Hut it was ;in accdnipli^lud fact, and lir o'\A in I iluiil^ any ("lovcrmin'iil wniild take such a rrli-. );_;ra(lr >!; p as \hr tt't.il repeal of the law wnuld he (-uiisidei'ed. H< linui^t-.t it was iLjenerall}- aihnitled that the priiiciple of the aet wa^ -..od, Init it liad made s!) smhlen and nuhcal a change. Report of Wartleii 'ruppef ri'e'iiiiiueiKh'n-- a new Road District in Upper Slewi.sclcc is read .ind ■■n ni'ai'in !-> ve.cived and confirnied. Report ct AiKiittir- is rraii ;;:id mi iii"; i. ;ii rccea <■(! and ado|)led. The Llerl; j)resent^ his I'lond wh.iih Is appni\id. On nuilion llie hst of Township officers prepared I)\- 'die sc'. eral CouncUlors for the \arious District.-- are pa-^sed aiid al! iheofl'icers therein named appointed. On nujtion of ("ouneillnr Morrisun it ua,- /■,\s,'/i'f(/ that ,f4'.) be assessetl on Great X'iiia-e I'uhce District \'<v 'vdary for Stipendiary Maii;i.straie lor tlie District. On motion of Councillor Millar seconded by COunciilor Iniiton, it is ordcnd that the Di.-trict Clerks and 'I'reisiu'er.s appointed by the Council L;i\e R'-nds for the faithful ijerfirm- ance of their duties in .i sum equal to the amount assessed lor the support of the I'oor for ihe .-.rxeral ])istricls. On motion it is e/v/fvvv/ that the several amounts ,\w the Warden and Coinicillors for travel and attendance be paid by the Comity Treasurer on the warrant of the ( lerk in the --sual way. Report of commi.ssioners i >f Schonl I .ands in the old '1 ow n- ship of Trmv) is read and on niction is received and adopted. On motion /•■(■jv»/r'tv/ that the moiic)- in the hands uf -aid School Commissioners be di\iiled by C<iuncillor Crowe, ns follows: One-'l'hird to the schools in Tiun. 'I'own, and 'Iwo Thirds etjually between the .aher scIiomU in the uld Jownship of Truro. Rejiort of I'inance Ciiminittee is read, on mutiDn resoKed that the item of $ico.oo for W. C. Kennedy be not allowed. Moved b)- Coimcillor Idemmin;^. socotnled by Councillor Ross that the item of .$JO.OO for Rmance committee be struck out. AK)tion passed on the follow ini^ \"ic: l"OK.— councillors Hamilton. Dickie, .McKay, Russ, 1). Nelson, C. W. Nelson, Chisholm. ITeminin.L; and l-'ull(;n, y. Atrf.M.NSl. — Clouneillors Crowe, Millar, Clarke, T. j. C. Nelson, Hlaikic, Morristtn, McKeiizieand Adams,- S. On motion Report e.f iMnanee commiltre as amendeil is adopted. lui tliinls any . a-^ thi' tnt,''l lull 'ht it w :'is a new Read ill !-. lll'ci\ 111 re t. cix eel ami ■jjarid !)>' iIh; |)a-.-ct! aiiil al! , ■/;'<■,/ that ,+40 (nr 'ia!ar\- Icr 1)V C'diiiiriili'i' lid I'roasurcrs hful iJiTlunu- 1! assosfd liii' tuint'^ tliR' tlic \)f paid l>_v Uk" iIr' •■sual w.iy. llic uld 'low 11- id adiiplcd. hands (il ^aid l(i|- (,'\()\\\\ as iwii. and 1 UD nkl J'ow nshij) uiliuii rcsciKcd t allowed, by ("iiuncillur ttce he struck .ay, Ross. 1). [•"iiltuii,-- y. ukc. T. J. (',. as anuaulft! is 15 Mi'W;d l)y t'oiiMriJlMi- Millar, sccundcd by Cdiincillor .\b l\i':i.'.ic th.ti the suni <>( ihiity-tour dollais, land daniai^rs toi- road in Tataina-ouclic lofLiiL'd back to the Clouncil bv Ihe l'"iiianee conHiiitteei)c ji.issrd ,and paid lait .ifllic sniphis assets o| ll;c ( 'oiiniy. l',is>cd. (.)n motion it is onlered tliat no accounts be p.aid until Inst ju!\ next e.veepl Jailor's Hill, nein|)^jy l5ordcn\ Hill, i'rinter's liill, Muninpal Clcrk'> l!iil for po.staov and -stationery, an<l ]|o~pital foi In-^.uie, accounts as lendcred. < Ml Motion ,,!■(•(, luicillor .Millar, seconded bv founcdior Chisholni, it wa^ lesohed that the warden be .1 eoniinittee to act in conjinictioii with the 'l'o\\r, ,,( Truro in Meiiioriali/iir., t!ie Dominion ( icj\ ernnient l(i furnisli Ix tter and safer means of crossin.i;- the Railway tracks tVoni the town to the l<:\hibition (irounds, i)y means of an overhead HiidlL;.' or otherwise. Minute- ol the pre-ent meetiiiL; read ,ind approei.'d. On motion ilu' ('ouu'dl adjourne.i. iii'c.ii M A(ki:.n;^[k RSPon: or cdmmittss to N3m:::ats sTAirriNs colikittses. I'lie Conimittic .appointed to nominate Committees, i)CL;' leave to report ,is follows: <''iMMn I 1,1- MN I'l Ml.h Ao ■•! N Is ^Ml \-\\ \Ni 1... : .folia Mill,,., \. V. \1, K, •■•/,.■, J. M. I'irl ',,!.,, ||,ii.h M.irKcn/.ic. ''■iMMiiiri ON i'l Miia:> m\ I'l m.ir I'ijui'mmv : — J. .\. e, .,»,', Tl.,- W;,r.l-n. I. I , ll.iniilt„n. l,lrK\>|.s: J. II. .Moirisiir,, J.K. I'liiiiniiiiL;. I>.nil \!'!.,.,ii. K"Ahs .\M) liKii)i;h>: - .fames K. Di.-kie, .\. .-.. 1 >. KuIImi,, I'. Ii. (.lii>li.,li.i, J.imo.s Cl.irl.f, J . i;, ISI.iikii.': .A-Sls.-Mi- N is: W. .\. (iiiil.l, \Villi;im K..~s, ]. (,. iilailic, Tli.i-.. (,, Nelson, On Ki i'.)h |., or I',..,k Im^hm, i^: - !•;. l-o-iii, 1. II. .\.|.ini-. A. M. Kiv. Cr.iii;^' NV-Isoii. 4 .Ml of which is respectfulh si)l)iniited. J. MILLAR, Chairman . Iruio, lotli January, iSS,?. §•• 16 ,EP0IIT OF COmilTTES ON E^BITIO_N aHCUi:BS AND BUILDINGS. Your Commissioners lui lAhiDiiion l,avctoi)rcs.miiKir report '"'■ •'^^; >;'^;\ ';;'•, ,,,), vem'. ilio ^romuls No 'Kxliihition having ^'V' l^i, ■'u, 1 l.v a . .rc-.aker aiul have iKon Ici for pasture and the huiUlm^i n, . upi.u . insured for the sum ot $2000. 1 he following is the Fmannal statement. 1 lie IOIIuniii„ ... - ,,,l,UKX.mh;uul:.si.c.roi.ortnfl... ycu. Amount collo-td tins ycor TdU^I iiuniiiil ■■n hand. . 47."0 .$77..t.^i I tnai rfiiK'i'iii l,alan< e ot ^.^-o i<,.s,,erttuUy >uhmitte.l, \V M lU.All^. C/uiiniuvi. (\. A. LAVrON. S.rirtary. Truro, May 1 nh, 18.S2. EEPOET OF COMMITTEE ON FINANCE- To ilu WorslutUdthe Mnniai^una! for Cokhc^ton- .-. 1 >,r f(i ri'Dort as loUows; Your committee on ''"--■^ ^^^ Sherland. we vetcr l,a.k to ■I'he aiTOum leiulered l.N Y'. , ;, • ' • „ ,.ountv chat-e. H.has ever been ^^'-^y^^^'^Zs'l^^^-^-^^ ''- ^"""'^ '>' "" We duly considered ^'^^ ' 1'^''"^ ' "'"'"f^.^ent of the wh.jle matter Towr. of Truro, and made an ^l-'-fl^^^^o claim lor $246 was not with the conmnltee ot the ^;' V ' iewo the fact that $.25.Si of jessed hy the Town -— .^ .^ kxhI to the credit of the Town he amount claimed has a ready 1 eU| 1'^' .^^ ,,„,i,,,.ted. ..ndthatthelKdancew.ll .cso .la. assoon^ ,or o,.ening up new With reference to the Mai.^ to. « 9 ^^^^,,^,,1 that $So, now m strctts, we think the claun vc"^-"^ '> ; 'f ,„,. balance of road mon- ''••^'^^;ai;:i;^^f^S';{=^^^ T:LDIU53. ilu^ -romuls arc-iakcv aiul ••?.i".43 47<'0 f77■^^ asc ct\nriiun(ls ;tc(l. lc:i\ in- a ii he fiillci U'll. , .S',v/v/(/';v. io vctcr lia( k to argc. linici-l U>r a road the Suiicrvisor I he road referred ; Ci>unty by the he \vh(jl'e matter lor $246 was not that $125. Si of redit of the 'I'owii (led. .)licniiiu; tip new that I'so, now in uue of road mon- ion of tliis Muni- to ahol the Town junty for the pre- all that is claimed '7 l-yhelo.v.iuutolthc- Ko,, 1 (;raiu> for the years iSS,,. ,SSi, an.l re. .,!I,m""i'r "'''"' '' ' '"'"''"'" ' ontainin^ , list of the a,-, ounts we rt < nunend nr payment, ami of tl.eamounts required to be assessed III' several sern-es tor the i.resent year amonntinti to AilMfwhi.-h is respectfully submitted. ' 'iiro, January i^tli, iSSj. (j. MILLAR. FL\A.\CL( OMMIITFK ' ■'• ■^'- '''' Hl.ADO. I'i'. V. .NKKKNZIK. ( HL(;i ;H .\L\('KKNZIK. SCHEDULE. Asse- ssors: — lit; an.! kolnTi Mil.eo.l. A. W. \. 1) ■J'. I. lin.wii ( . \V. I)avis..ii ..,......" I lavid ( lianilici-. Jaiiu-s Matlies'iii ' ' ji.slina SIimI .............. William kiiss ■ _ _ riios. .M.iU-nm ...'.'.'..'...'' I )a\ id .Stevenson .\()l>le Cnnnain^^S I'Mnmnil .\linir.K-, Sdlnni.m |<,„„| \y. .\ Ldnihanl, \V. !•'. ( aniiilicll, K. N. Kulinn.. William Innes, Wm. riomlfoni, (jemi'e I.\ruli K. Stevens ..,;, "■■ jiilni l)art ..'...,.".'... James Kennedy riicimas .MiinisDii ....".. M. n. iMdlon A. C. Wilsi.n ."...'.......".'.".' VV. .\. Dickson, John .Sniiili. Klieii .McC'anlv '. . .•\n!.;iis MelJean ' .Vnj,'Us .\Iinnoe '...'. ( ieori^'e .\lclnlosli Howard .Mel'iiee K T. Sil)ley \V. H Ilogire J. H. ArehihaM ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' _' ' V. W . Johnson C. 1'. lllanchard J. Dickie.,.. '.'.'."...'..'.". Caleb Mc('iill()cli .......... John 'I'ayhjr ' James '.'rowe Adam I Jinilap .\I C N'oriis ' . . . . . James S. Tiiiiper. John Dnnlap, .SanuiL-l I.ogan <). C;. I )()yle '^ Mid.aijyldin jj 1,,. 00 7.50 5.00 5- J I 4- .57 4- .57 J' 50 J- SO 7.00 i,S.75 15.00 I ».oo 5.00 5.00 6.25 6.(x> 5.U0 5 (XJ iS i>o 62s 6.25 6 25 6 25 6.25 6.25 7.50 7 50 7.50 5.C8 S-oo 5 'XJ .^75 5 00 6.25 22 50 5.00 l8 Tliom.i-. I ''•>•'<■' ' ' ' Chaili-s Hill ,' J M, ( nuiiiUvll Il„..|, \V. K;iy .' It WiKon •. . VY. Mcl,;o,l ; l.lnnind AnIiilK.l.l, ln.vni--nln;vi J;iiir> N'li!.;!'^ '-i'"\-'" ..'" ., ,"'.'.'.'... lli'ii.y )nlii ■' \ ,, Ikiii'. Miiilli " . • ji,mr» ^. 'I'ui'l'-'i'' '•'>'""'"" '■'■■' ■\V. T. ILiiri'^- '■ " \V. H Allcv, I'lMi'iu-; ■rlin- Mnii-iM.n 41'), I;i.viiv4 mil n>;i.l ^ ll:f!;,il";E;?J!:l::%;:'»f""s^ -:.-■- '■■•-'■■''-:-:;':■:■' joliii MrK.\y, laylii;^<-.;i r>>n-. • (■|.,ilio I'lRiiloii ' •■■• ■ \\. 1). t ..il".'(i. 5 '''' " (Ir.iinUaiiolVHX', rrimiii^;- •• \v. 11. ii"k'i; laji'iy '"" ''"■^'' M 1'. 1 . r.ivMlon.' 1:111(1 il:\in.i;;r^ .....■■ Mr. ('. r.rcntoii. I'Viicinji '.'.',..'.. Ri.!n/it I'oivinaii " ' Jri^irph \Vi!ltam> " l.cvi Mill-.'. l/-in;l ;■'■■ Slc«ail I'atiiMiii" " , WeUvi 11 1 Minsi" " .'. ( ',L'oi:;i Mill..;'-! '• , . .'. Jo^i'pli Mill.-," " _' ' ' V. liarlis Minion, " Jnm-.s Mciaiiliy " \ William l,:in;4ilic ' '^ ' ' ' ' Adam Miirvay " ] David Ml.iod •' ' ■ ■ John Tamiil'i-'li " Donald C I'au-.LriMi " ' \V ill. C. Mviiiroc " Al<'>c. V 'I'll ini;'^."'" 1 hi.;li \'m\ io. Joinor, 1 ;yid '...'...'.'.'. Jiiliii liaiii \^ Willia.u FOilv; ^'_ ,'..'.'.'.'...' Isaac I-'nilic ■, '^^ '_ Thomas Forbes, '| • ■ • {ji'orgo t'orl)L-s \ , Kiiciio/i-'i-tiamm.'n, Vciu-in^ ],\mc> Cr.j-U'.T, Soil ' 1)„ I'\n':iiv4. Mrs. Su.,an C.aliaai, fioW 1. 1) Di'ii!ai>, Soil ; ■_■ V,. 'I'lnipi-r, J :■■ l'>^;i' "^;-" ■ • ■ " '.'.V Lwi^* Flcmmin. ; 1 .uy!.'.,;; ItJvisin^ oLvUnal lisls •■•■••• J. <'■ W^^>-'> .. u " '.' J. \V. Johu-on VV. Daniels | A. O. 11. Jolmsoii ; F. 'I'lilipcr _ ■' r . John liwin, r>;v;sin- J'-i'v lis.s 5. no ■;.no S 0.1 5.00 5.,,,. i.oo 11.50 '■7.1 1 00 1 1 o;-> 2 50 S.oo 27.. s- ().n, I >!-5" 2S,75 2 50 2(j 00 411.01) 111 00 10. OD •=5 25 ^5 I 00 25 Il.OO ?5 2.1 21; 25 25 25 25 25 25 2 00 2.S 1 75 2 00 10.00 5.00 in. 00 H.cx) Ci.iio 6.00 8.00 iS.Oo 8.00 8.00 I8.0.M 8.03 5. no 8 (I' I S.oo 11.50 jCKI I Oil II OD - 5^' ^7 • >" ), a. . (j.iii I 2S.75 J 5" 2ii 1)11 4.1.111) Id oil 10. OD -'5 '5 I Oil 25 I 1 on ^5 2.1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2 00 2.S 1 75 2 00 10.00 5.00 10.00 H.oo 6. 00 6.00 [ S.iio iS.Oa S.DO 8.00 1 8. CO 8.62 19 !<. (. I''iil|..|i, ri;\i~iM,' jiii V lisrs S:limiol H.-llit' ' •• ■ ■ ■ l» .\l. (. I il,ii„„i •• '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..".'. " .1 I'. I' l!:l,llll " . . .' '. .' ' ...'.' ' " j'lllll K. I liUMlill^f " .,.,,,. Ilii),'!' M iiiro '• .^ 1; l■^ tiiiiT '.'.'!,■.■.■. '.■.■.'.■.■.','.'.'.■. li. !•'. IV-ir,.!!, piviianii/ imv li.'ki.-U. ...',. •i.M kl.M.im.,'. .S, Ui.Iti,., lAi,|llill1li,lM..f l.llll.Uii-s til--., li, 1.1,111;, a, I'r.itin, ii!l,,vM..(l .Mis. Kii-'n.ir.UiMi, j.iil.ii -: |;ii| \V .\ li.-niniiiin, ..-nm n.il vrvi c lu ("'ijii'ia'. 'li' K- I. Hy.is.m.l Win < ■n.-i-liiuri, ciiniln.il s -iviJc', '.i-,' ) 1' \\iii .M..-lMl..,.h,,.riiMlii,il services a> (.'iMislali'o .. \\. !•. I.inluii, Mipiilk,, lui- ,J.ii| ■!"'','.' •^!"r'"''';' ■"■"''■'•' i"i'^'i;iingcriininais.'.'.' '.'. •I. I. li lliiKlfis.iii, i'lnmiial.seiMi'.j, ns J l\ Mv.-nll I. inu,,. U. .S. .Miiir, i-iTlilii-.u..- nfiiis.iiiily A.C. \\ 111 .Niiriis, •• •' I>. II. .\hiir, t lias, lifiii, •• K. Ciix, \'arciii.ili'.n -\. < '. I'aj,'i;, LVilili.Mio 1)1 lusiiiiiy •'. I-' \ .mcv, criminal ■; 1 vicu ll^ t'lin.staljlc l.X I.a«ruMoc " •• J, |i, amVacl' !;;;;■." "'"■*■ f"'')'. '• " Ci.n^l.il.i.,- Ji'lui ( . S|.i.-nccr, iviliii'v, k-.s in crimnuil suil I iiwii ot I ruin, water fur Jail ■ Isaac l)avi,on, l\..c|iin.; |iriN.)ni.'rs Win. Mel ),,naM, (cv^i a,, Cnnslalilc Waller .Miller, " "... '.'.".'.'.'. (-'hainhcrs Ov: l.aylnn, .,ii|.i. lies fur .i.ul . .'.'. '.'.'.'..'.'. ( iei) Sliepiiai.l, haiyiiij; iii.'aiit .'..'.'.'....' Witness I'ee-, (jiiei'n ,'., >[, K, n/ie (/ ,1/. lionril ollleallii MMille .Suu ia -ke .... '. . K. Class, services as l.'onslahle .Neil .Siillierlan.l, .M. I) l'.'.'. .'. .'.'.'. iJemiisey ILirUen, n.lii;ti..nal alteii.'lai'.c,' in Com'>'li,nUe. " .Saimiel LnuUa)' .1. 1), Cook '■'■'■".'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'. L. l'ij|ipar.l, criminal service, .is cuHsial.le' '.". liiishiiii; lee, 'l':ila.mn;,Mik he . , \' Iie|).iiiin.; I'^nliiljition Groumls ,'..'. IIi's|iit;ii fur Insane '.'.'.'....'.'.' .Seliuols Clerk's .Salary Treasurer's .Salary County Incurporalion Ciranij aiul I'elty JiirieH ." .' ' l'rolial)ie I,.ir,s an. I cost of Collectinj;'. Insurance on I'uj.jic lluiklinyj ". I'riniiii;^ ami Slatiiinery Auiliiors for ibiSi [ Crier Total . 90 7 .i" 7 20 600 570 2 ."'o 30 IX) .<a o>' 7S.IIO 5.).S 7.5 II 70 2 JO S ()••« 7 00 10 00 .s ,..> '47-75 7.00 S "O 1 1 1. 00 5 00 ."> 00 10.110 9.40 27.. So 6 o^ 1 .^o 1') 42 4 5a I-' 00 5.S6 •2 55 5.00 2(1 04 772.9'J J- SO 5 00 15.00 '•75 .S oi) 3. IX) 20,011 ;i lo 00 200.1 00 6245.70 4C0.00 200. o<> J90 00 600 00 750.00 50 00 100.00 24 00 40.00 513.71t.n4 M 20 EEPOUT OF AUDITCUS. r tlw //'." /. ' ■"'' C.ni^H-illors of the MiiniapiU.I} of Co/rluslcr: csuni.uaihc linoks, I'apcrs.in.l A.c.unts ot your ( Uik and I r.M^uu r '111(1 liivc fuiinil tl'cin currcrt. •"' V-^Mn these ar.uun.s we sulnni, ,l,e fullnun,, uImku t >.;H.nH.nt Ofthe Assets and Liabilities of the Muni, ii.ality on ,^isi IV.. .SM. /Issrts: — lialam-L'inliAM Uol ClfiU, DlvimiiI.t .?lMi. 1881 •* 7.'/ i„H IV.vml.vr jIM, iSSl wlu'i. aco.unt 1. km..1l-vo;1 .W ' Italancc iUil- IVi>m (Jull.Tlnrs, 1S71) .1 " '■ iSSo Am.mnt <Ui'c tronrr..«u ..f Tr,>r'n, per' Nieinu ,u,ncx..l n.uke.l (A ) lUUiiiL-c in ■{'rcnMiur'.-, liamU IVccmlicr 31 4 iSM .■ $4757 2(' From this should he ,ledu. le.l as not likely l.. he eoUe. led:- Balance .hie lu.m ('..Ileclni, 1S79 ■ •$ ^^•'^^ |>rol:"l.lc lo,. .m c:nlUcti..n ..f Auumi.l ,h.e f..r iShr >ay ... 273 ;- 'I'ctnl Assrt--br.iii,L;1it fiir«;\i'I t IS.M 02 7S 27.;7-«' 72' .i7 8211,90 $,i=^ 5' $443.V*>9 I l.iiitnlitics: — Uiuliawn Wair.int-. for 1S77 '•^7^ " " 1879 • • '.' iSS.) iSSi llt,^pilal for Iii-a.ic. .iM ar.-l , . • • • • ■ ■ ■ • • • • • ■ ; ' $ 25. "> 19. 5.1 30 45 4I..).> . 74 7f> . 959^7 renileieil, 55,. (Ml $17<>8.9f< Ain.ninl d!' Assets ov.r [/laliilUies .. . All of which is respectfully sabmitle.l ) ■«272S7« Truro. .Taiuiary Ijt'i, ll>^2 ,TAS. 1). ROSS, '. .;»,/;A.rr. LKONARUO CKOWK, \ (A) Memo (f Vmount duo !)y Town of 'I'ruro.-— Piln of Tosvii's sliar..: of Joint Services for iSSo, per ''"''''Am'iV. ■V":;To:vn'V:;a,;-orJ.,in;Se,;i<;c,Sepien;-- ber iotli, i?-.i, 1 - ,:j.ee.v. .,: of Joint Onnnullee of lovvu ;'i() 2S IX.M 6; 7* !".?■ .ail 721 37 82. .<)o $322 51 $4434'"^ $17()8.<)!< ?=2723 7i 3t .inj ( '(iiii.iy in .I;inii irv iSSi - Aimiiiril due I'.ir IHh ii'-( •.h.wv ofdraivl iilvl IVlil Juries I riiniii.it (AiiciiM'-. .111(1 <'(i|Mii',T-' lii|ih'^K hir iSSi pT.!"! , luTrld aiiiicM'il, iii.iik'd 1! .ij^rrrd Id liy .Idiiil ((iiniiiiltcf Jami.iiy 1M2 I,f-(s 'rowii'-, prd|i(iilidn iif Ami rici'ivi.(l frdin l^lali.' of l.iiiiaiii'^ ill liis.iiic lld-|iilal I'llai .iiiiounl iliif liy I'dwii. |)i((-ii!liir 31^1. iSSi . . of wliicli il wi!. a^;ri'i'(l liy .Iniiil ( (iiniiiiliof llial 1'37<i.>d i-- not Id lie I .i.'l till till' TdNMi rocfivi-. lliis ani((iiiii Ircm llio ('iiivcrnmiuiU out of llu' C'ourily Itoad iiioiiio. 43.i 4? 2 .0 4') «i847'i'< 125 ,S| *72i ?7 (B.) Mc'inoranduin of i);iymcnts madu liy tlic MunicipalU) of Cdlclus- tir f(ir (Iraiul and IVtit juries, f'riiiiinal services and Corfincrs' In- (IUl-nIs for year ending Decemlier ;,ist, iSSi, of\vl)i(li tlie Town ol Truro is to p.iy one-fifth. I'aid fdf (.iMiid .111(1 IVlil .Furii-s 554 ' 5 •'^" •■ 1.0s .Imy fi'i-, fi'diM I'rdlli lary 22 00 Jjfil.Sd '• (ri linal and Lunatic scivic(.-s on Mai,'i'>tratL' orders *"-5i " Wilni'-^-es' fe(,-s in .SuiMVine Coiirl '"7-5" " ('ordiK-is' In'iuc-it.-i 7d.do '■ Sundrv accdUiits for (.'riniinal and Lunatic services oil wanant of ,\Iiiiiiii|i d (.'li-rk, a;,'ived to l)y .loiiit Coniinittee. 4(H), (>3 *i<>32 4'> < )ne-ririli of «liii'li to he paid by Town of Truro, is — ?2o6 49 Adjustment of Amounts between County and Town of Truro, for 1882. TOW.V. Uevisir.y l-'.lectidii List I.SSl, .Slo 40 Do. Jury do iSSi U 2,S Criminal Servicer, (.\indiuit to In- settled liy Joint Coniinittee.) Jury Fees, " " " Coroners" lii(|uesl-, " " "' Jailor's Account, Irepairs supplies v^c.) iSSl. Sll4'J'J Insurance on Cdiiit I lmi>e and Jail, 1S82. lo 00 Criers .Salary, 1S81. 800 Sheriff's Salary and .\ccount, 18S1. 32-55 Doctors' liilU'aud Certilicatei of Insanity, 1S81, 1700 Hospital ftu- the Insane, 1882, 400.00 t'lerk of Crown, 1SS2. 1500 »UNl'V. 41 60 45 74 .) rol'AL. $52.00 S6-42 $456 (K. 40.00 8570. ou 50.0(1 32 00 130.20 68.00 |6(>(>. ot» 60. 00 40. ( )* 1 162 75 85.00 2000. (M> 75.00 »6(8.»3 §2472.94 1^3091 •«; ^A^-' 'I nt :f6iS. W'c adjust the aniounl of County r.iirs pav.ihlc liy tlic'l'iiwn of ro to the ("<,uutv olClolchcster for war L'tidini; 31SI l)cn.iiil)t.-r iS^ij on ahoN'c basiii Trur.) iiropji-tion hcing one- lil'th ot lerlain acrouiUs, Icavui^; sonic si.rsi<'(.'s of uncertain amounts open lor the Tiiuii to pay its .share of whenever an adjustnicnt can lie iiiade. We a,4rt e as repr..si.ntini; the County and County and Town respectfully that the auiomu of rales churi^eahle to the Town by the County, and which can he adjusted prjviously to the end of tlie financial year lie |'aid one-half on ,50th Jiuie and the balance on 30th September in each year. Dated Truro, January jJth., 1S1S2 J. MllI.AR, J. M. I'nm AUG, 'i'. 1''. McKl'NZlK, Hi 1111 Mc1\.i;n/ii;. \ Coinuiiike \ for I ('(Uiiity 0/ ) CoUhcster. I*'. \. l.AWKKNii', 1 Ci'iimiitti'e for C. 1). .\RCMII:\IJi, /('a'// ('/' C\Ki s IvMoN. I Tniro. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. I COl'NTY Ol-FICl'RS.— Watden — \-X\AV\m Tupper Jr. ■ rVrt'X-- Hugh -McKen/ie. " ' ' Trauiirer-~]o\\x\ !•. Crowe. Aiiditovs -\a.w\c<. U. Ross, Leonard C. Crowe. CI.KHKS OK I.ICKNSE. Stewidi-kc — Frederick Tupjier. EarltoK'ii. —]o\\n Sutherland. 7V7/(?W(?,!,'vW(-//('.-- Charles Riley. Londondciry. — I. 1). Cook. LoK'ci- OiisliKC. — Noble Cummings. Sttliiioii /v /(■•(■/•.— Herbert Johnson. Ecoiioiny.- Samuel H. Murray. ItKVlSORS OK KI.ErtOUAl, I.ISTS. Kivisdl Scrtion N'o. r, comprising Sections Nos. 4, 5 and 6 — W, W. Ramsay, Frederick Tupper, John Dickey. Revisiil Sti:(i(>ii N'o. 2, cviiipn'siiii^ Ekctoral Districts .\'os. 1, 3, S, 7, 8, g, and 13— J- Campbell Black, Hugh Munroand Jas. \V. Johnson. Revisal' Section A~o. 3, coiitprisiii:^ Electoral Districts Xos. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. -John R. Downing, S. (r. .\. Morrison, Robert A. McMellan. Rcrisiil Section No. 4, coinprising Electoral l^istricts Xos. 10, 11, ■ and I J. Frederick Meagher, Robert Stevenson (ieorge Shearer. iiEVisoRs OK ji;kv i.isis I — Samuel Rettie. 2 — David .McC.ill Johnson. 3 James D, Putnam. 4~-John R. Downing. 5 — Hugh Munio 6— John Irvin. 1—^. B. Fleteher 8— Robert C Vukon, 23 (■()MM(-'-!0M:KS ()!■ lAI lllllll lnX CKOl-Nlis AMI Ill'l IHINOS. W. M. I'.hiir, M. p. 1'., ('. 1!. Anliili;il(l, (". P. lUnnclianl, ( lour-e A. I.axlon, Rcibert rmnain. ///,v//<(-v ivilliiU-i:,d t;' iiviiiiiit I.iriatiii t.' the /Uylirii.- (;i.'iii--u Rcailint:, Samuel Rcttio. fi/stiiYS fo /ic assh-idli'l :oit/'i the ]''i-elhoiU'l.ir\ in i/i;t\'iiix juriiS.- J I''. I'lanclinnl, UoliLit Nelson, jr^m ics III III. I. si'Airii-: i.aiiok kivifKNs wn taki; ijinhs \\v.\ ((.I'MV (..OI.l.irTOkS. ('lirtoii Jiilm ^'uil. lirciokficlil — JaiiK's llraham. l,o\\xT Stfwiai kc - W. M. Hill/, . Middle Stcwiackf --Juliu I)i(kry. Ul)l>er Stewiacke ■ A\'ni. I'lilliin. Salmon River — H. II. I'alon. Keiiiijlown W. I). ninsj,lcy. J^ailtdwn- 1), 31. SiUherland. Wauuh's River-- 'riiomas MaKolni. 'ratamagonche- - John Clarke. New Annan [ohn i'ortcoiis Seiir. , . North River— '\V. Af. Dlair. f-ower Onslow— John Lighthody. Upjier l.umlonderrv |os. (.!. Crowe. Middle " ' — "Wni. M( Kim. Lower " — l.evi Pavidson. Economy— W. A. I'\ilinore. Five Islands- -Sieven IJ. IIarrinj.;ton. CoinifyCi'inhi/'h's -Angus ^\rV,c :ili, I.. B. Crowe. Smith Donnur, Thomas Cray, Ceorye J. MeLeod. lO, II, TO'VvrnsrsHiii? oifipiceiirs. No. -CI.IKTOX. Ilpanl nf //.■nllh. -T<;.iciJ Ihinlap, llo'i.y (.'hri^lii', Jaiufs McCimly .)r., Cipl. <ti'0|ijo CJinv and (ieorgo L'rcoIiii;in. O-icrs'cTS of/'o.'r -Alcxnn:icr Tai!., .I^'ia I .oiij^licatl aiitl WiUiovl 1). Kin;,;. V!i-rk aih/ Tiwisiircr of (),-,/-.f('C/f <;/'/'oor.— Silas M. lilack. Cn!hrt;u-oj'Vonnly ,iti<f Pour 7i',7/M,'--Tlii.niasCrci\vo, (nl't'iiftoii Si-luxil Seolinii) .■/.-w.v.wrf. - -Ail.iin l)iiiilap, J;iiiil's C^nwi', Jas, M. Croclinaii. Jvrrvmaii at /Hark AW/:. I^lias Xcl.son, Tnisl.y.f <>/' Sr/io:'/ Lands for for, ,)■ r 'J'-'ns/iii> of 7'r!ir,K-—.f. Alficil Crowe, Cdwcr \'illa>rc; Joliii C. Arcliiliiilcl, Salradn \U\vi: and Kolicrl IJroiaon, liiuiiklioM /•;■;(,■.■ I'i'wr.'. -Kupi'il I )iinl,ip, II my <.'lnisiie, William I'ark and .\rat. lliL'W ( loohnan. /')«»,Y AVc/rr. --'I'honias Julinslon, 3id. Siiri'.yjrs 0/ /.um/hT.'--,h)\\i\ Joyce, Wni. Cock, Cliarks I.oiii^licad, Davison Miinay nml CJcorfjo Crcoliiian, "4» C,;i.{/a''A.< Oi John 11 'ersiws "///'\'//7i,,iv.t.~-f L'n:K-ss,-y, ./,,lin W K'UlloiV KoiflLS, \V .San il^Tscn, Cli allacf (; ■m. (\V 'n, U'ni. Vtiili ■intl.Mnlilicw C 11- S"n| Dunl.np J,,h„^| Ciwlnian, Win. Hii^rhcs, \V nstoplicT Ymil, Jl iilin < I. fi ll'l.ini I'Jiillips, .S;;Mr. uary Ci„wc, David M,a,| "II, Cliarlos II, (n'liij^o ty, Wni. f ''//,•, A;;-,./ 7,',,/, ..r. JUKOHKI'IKIJ). -'•ii'-- I'M iMitr, ./an -\Vi -W. C. IC, i'liii A. Haniil Ih (ir;i I'n Sam I .■■<•!' »/■( ,)/' J. II, III', iiin'ily, .Jan l)< ton ^i-'iini-' ly, aiH Charlc iiyson. ■t'"N Miorl, •SaimiL-l Kt •-■ii-m-iv, and Mirhacl Slu.ii. ii-- l> t'artor, ,1 anios ,\f nnR-s Kennedy, .M;it i-iiir T'hiurrs. .iuhn I •iiK'^in, and ,Jc .Sra/iT., of Ln. 'ar(. .lunr. ]•' ■Ini W. iiol Sanderson, W C Ko Oi\rsf,rst>f /li;^int,„ I». ( ailor, ..; ■■^^iiiHicl C, Ki I- Shorl. \V. S II "liil W (Jrahaai.'.l;! aniill. ■". K ■'. lid. ' 1 .Virhdial.l, ( ifaii irv !•■ ^i;,'!- .\i--liiliald, I,. 'ol) Dan, Mol nncdv .\l. mIIl' San' ilv Tn •'. Kin.', Kl, Dawd \V I'I .J. ■1) L'l II M'di I, .'^l^'jilien l!(i ■>n-. .Shuri, Al. Ill, S( ■lanifs Ross, and Alfivd V. Hili.irl, CI aniill.in, H "iiior, .1 ■taniliT II iwait (.'lark, ,1, linos 1). I'm oonier, ( :vuv K'l- Hail. \v. ChikaiU J .Is Uciittli Of/i, S. Iluniillon. I Han null's Ityan, liiir|)-u Sh ims Uiiiddcn, .(aniL-s 1 nam, .Sainiu.l Clark io.iiiRT, Charles k, nasiiivr o/'0,\,:wrs off I.' ..... o. ... ■ . . '-' r./ia Sto\ - Rot fii'it n. i: :inii . 11 l>art, and./anu-s I) ■■* I'laliam Ksq , Jas D I iicnion. iitnani, !■ 'iilnain, K ,s>i. ■f) , I'ctcr S lex cn.s. /S ^ Chik iiHil '/irdsiir, 4 -i-o\vi:r srKvvrACKK Ov, Colic -lor ofl\ of r, of o? r of J't 'i-is'Alo.x. Sand anies Smith -V.k\ I lick As Ci)iisl.il)l,-s. —'[', ii', Saimicl V. .\l( .Siin n- an.l Coiiii/v f\',if,'s.~ \ { .\ ' ifl Sililey, \V. II. If liT.-on anil C. ivliihali ^'-'<ir:'o I'arUer. C -Mc.'Viilc 'ishir, Hull ■voi-s of '/'iiii/i. Die -Vrnold ,\Iid •corgu '.ii^ and .John Conk .fr I'arl Win. I)i( Wit: ■111:1 iMInlh- lie, .Miiii- SiM -J )lin C( Hl Jr iry (Jondv -V Klli "•ow, Menjainin Sihlev ,1 I ).-,L' •'r. .John I. I'h Tayloi-, W. C 'S avion, ,J( I upper " J- \Vi V'llii^hw.ivs. — Wm l-;i| 'lamc, Donald .\r,:Kay, Wm. I illilihanl and W ilge 111. Hole S H. C. l',)ll„,.k, I H'oiih, I-:. I S M A.'cJuild. II '<aiit say and W. I|. c ."^aiiuK'l .M,:|'l iip|Hi-, JcHVov I Sil)I, .1' ihn liaillelt. 'lie, (ieoi r),'ess. '«e isepli Kani- iir^eC. K J: Cochran. h 1(1 W en McI' 111. Culler. 'h oll,_I. \V. Wood idle .ay, lis, .;, "orih, II enry .\I,kii-( ■-twin, ''"ishir, T iller, II, .\l eiiiy Nil, lev, .lol A.J. w , lionias (ill, III lays, ris-dil. M leiijainin. Wr,/ „/■/„.„///,. -R.J. l.,dl„,k, K l-.Mj.. .lohii I!. I-iaser, Kso. ■- J"IhiJ. FidiJr, .I,„el,h'l 'I-. W. M. Hilt, ]■ „ in Craw l'l I'lilion, (ujoi-i .? J •Tnies .\lillei-. Ctci-k ,111,/ Ti 0; Coiist,ilil,\ of /-. ■N". S MIDDLK -STKWrACKE. nrof07Yr.Yrsof/>oor--i:. H. l{aie.=. •fohn C isher, (liiivh Hill.) Iward Ui Am C. I). Dii hows, JvUvard Rii / /-■ oifoid, Horatio Hamilton W Charles Riillierro l»aws, and Rohert lionnell. As:vssors.-{). \>. .McCullorli, .Juhn Tav .lol m Tiivli .J, M. T, Wi '•r and 'I homas t)icki 7 '«K||^^^^^. 'n-'eliiiail. '1, Cliarles l<-y, \Vm. /S ■1 ^ IS. (V ;inil 'riiDUias Millt-n. •11. I!, C.'/iW/oi- ,/ Ct'iiii/y iiiii/ JWi/\'a/.s. W Ailaui^ M.-liur, (lliich Hiil). .S>//-,-.-| '()/-,v of lliish'i^ S;>iiiuel \\ hiiMfii, Janic.-. I'ralt, [''ivdcricK 1-' 'r. 1'. Fisher, ('iv(.r,t;c Camphrll, John I 'icUif 1-',m| , John 'raylcii-, Allan liiinlcin, M. U. Ihintun, 'rhiiiiias DicMc. Wni Diinlap 2nil.j<ihii .laiiK' II. I-KtU (111 ■.\\v\ Ivihril l''k-i-k. I .s s(in) W , Jiihii iJii-kio, Julin .Milk-i- .hi r. Dun No. 6 LI'j'1:R . ir.wi.MKi-; fr'.'.-.v.v.frt/' /').'/'. -Wni. Dtnila]) jr. I, .Ml'N. SicuIl-, ICIuii C'rct Ini.iu. {.'IcrkiDt.l 7 iva.iiii-iT o/' Orvrsivrx of /'; -In Tni ' \^llrclor ofCoiiii/y nil,/ /'oor A\ifc: -(.'harlfs .\. I'll III m, l),i ■pur. W. ArvhihaM, ■la Coiisti/iL: K, S Dey.irnuinil, Sannicl ti Sim'i'V.ii: . S TniipcT, |cihn.si)ii l.oi;a ■ Cha-.. 1). Cn \Vi lUnilap, ;i(l KMRvon r niton. \\i {'lii'iilci (Irahani, Jan ''/ '/'/;/('«';■. f.iiiii'hr ail I [.• AVni. Dov.inniin I, Uanicl licnlk'V, ilnisl'in, Muidiick Mi'Kav. .luhn Mi'( lill Jllhn^"n, .loscnh II. Ii)lnian, W'n ('ii\ (i-arpcnler), William 1 )avi .McxandtT Su- Wni. I)ini!ap, ;ril, (luuiL's (_'ox, Hid. ■ M'lT'.y — Dan Webster, Alnani N. ('(i\. ^iir:\yois of U'mJ, ■ -Vxank Cm, David Uainl, James C'rcclii Wi Ale W\ vandfi Ilausun, Sidney Smith, bster, Wi 0-<fri\rrs e/' ///..//rfii/i.'. -Dasid Stewavt, Robert 'I'ayld Jii'diani 1!. Cii.x, < iecjri^e Writ;ht, Wni. I''nltiin Jr., John I'i)wer, James S. 'I'npper, William Co.x, (carpenter) P'rank Creehi William Henlley, Charles I), (.'reelman, Henry Fisher, John Lays, Chales .Miller, John {Jamineil, 41!), Rupert Miller, John MctiiU Johnson, l'"ulton Ilaniillnn, .h.nies T. Cox, John R. .MeCoul, .lames I'ace, Robinson llrown, Sanuiel Hamilton, I'eter (irant, Robert I', hullon. R. S. Deyarmond, William (ifaham, Adam Johnson, Robert Cirahani, (baham lirown, John Fulton. \.) 7 -SAI,.\U)\ RI\KR. OriTSivr.u)/ J'oor -John Miller, Geor^'e Mcl.eod, As.i Me ('alio. SciltTS 0/ L'%'S, Tiiiilh-r and I.timlvi.-- Riehard .\rclnbald, John l''nlton, Camp- bell Johnson, Roderick McKenzie, Michael l-aiylish, Waller lUirhanan. Siirivyors 0/ /.iniilh'r. — Henry Christie, Ralph McC.dje, .Simeon Reid, A. A. MeKimmie, Alex. McKenzie, Waller liiiehanan. C('/(.tA7/VtM-.— Walter .Miller, J. W. McDonald, Robert "McKenzie. F:'ihv / VtTi'tv.f. -l'',d«ard Andiibald, Richard Christie, Ceort;e Cock. In'anl of Health. — Ilerbeit Johnson, .lohn I,. .Archibald, Campbell Johnson (ieoif^e Mcl-eod, H, H. F.iton. < loltixtor of I'oof an./ Coiiii/y /\iitis, — Thomas McKim. Assessors, —Daniel ,MeKeiizie, II. II. Faton, C. I'. ISIanchard. Oi'.vjy.T.v ,)/'///;7(r;i;iv.- -Wellin.^ton Blair, Hugh Murray, Robert CInistie, Anfjiistiis Johnson, David Cameron, 'Janiel Miller, .Kihn 1,. Archibald, Duncan Murray, (Jeorj^'e Cratto, Win Murray, Ivlward I.oLjan, John McDonald, Jolliam McCully, John Sutherland, Campbell Johnson, Archibald MeFetridj^e, Henry Christie, 'riiomas Hollinsworlh, (ieori;e H Pyke, S. D. McCabe. C/i'iiath/ y'liasinvr for 0>\rs,i-ts 0/ JWr. — \\. H. Ivalon. \o. 8— KFMI'TOW'N'. Orf-rsi'i'rs of Poor. — (Jcoii^e liandsbury;, tiilljcrt W. Matthcson, and Alex'r K. McLean. .■issvssors. — William I'rouiiroot, (.jeoij^e Lynch, and Kenneth J. McLean. ChvrsiVfS of lfi,i;h:\ivs —Alexander McDonald, Robert .McDonald, John Mc- Donild, Cieorge Munro, James F'enton, Alexander llinyley, Cluist()|)hei ir\ing, »- 9 S 1 ^ o i 7 ^3 ' 26 ! Al.x:i„.l.., Cniul,:,,,, ll,nry M.\uu, |',,„iel Mmdcick Mrl.cMii, (Jcorgc Johnson. C-,.«V„M'. -Alex I). Uiqiihail f;J.-''e.'rrs- (icor^e l..n.Kl,u,. an,l |„| , V.m on ^ " ' .M>' ;lilil •'a -nil Frntoi!, N'a ') i: AkI.I'owv i^*.urM:''iS;i;;;;;;;iJ^;''*"'"»"''"-''y'':-»..».y7..,. „„„„,, aS?l;2'-"" '«--'-^^ „ '1, (A'sSon), Wm M^S;t;i;:M Sml'^^''^-''-^"- ""^'> ^"- I-.-. W.n.McUensi.,Es,., No. to--AVAU(ill\S RIVKK. C,;//,v/^,- ofCou„i,, AV,x-,I„h„ I)aws„n. S:/-,f ^'""•'^'■'''/.-'"I'n I layman, Son,-. -■/.>.r,'.f,>w.f,--l)aviil,S(evi;nson, Wni K.iss T„n,- i ' \i t i c;>«.Az^^.. ,Honry K,„i.s, 'Han,,;,::;]:,;,;:; ' ''■ ^'''■'"''• Ovevsco-s. ,.//i,„r.~Tlu,n,as .Mai „' I,'' n '",'"' ""' !-,^^- ^'•^^■''•'y' John McDonahi: Jol^;, Calnem r2 VYo,^;,s n /" "' r '^ ^""' 'i^^''' "^>"'""' Isaac Korhcs, iian.Mnl .Johnson Xx C • if ,' ^' ,' '"'''■'; ^'■•"" ^'•'"■^•>'' John Dawson, Arcliibahl Hcn< er on lohn^V'h , '^'v"'' ;''''h'> Wealherbe, M'"S<>, ami Aichilakl Langillo -^ t )>amhcMs, Wm. Ro.s.s Junr., Levi No. Ii-TATAMAOOUCHK. fV,r.c,vw -y"/v',w,A.^-\V. Donal "auj^h, An)i)s Taiiiquin, Ah-; SOI,, John NVIson, Hugh McE.ichern, Arch.^ u.d.r Lang,lk.. (D. .S.), Wclwuocl CmriJ, ^^ t "It ami / ^i t 2 ■- ■re. ■^=ii:'''t3i;^'"M^S ';;:-'*■-. ^"■-■-» £;i,«rT:;;';,?-.>«: J i- ""''■■ ^"■""■"'' """■■»"■•'•""■ ■ -»S';J;:""iSt^''N^n;;;,,., ...;.;.;... ... .. 0;'."' ' If. ■//>,„■ /h\/i-i,/ -Rn )L-rt ( imniii'liiim. , t:^V,L;:r:; A«X W;:::MH.u.,,1,, S.nV., U.n,y K. S,uuh,Jan.osD. < 'airui tVc-y/- ,/C>r'.rAvrj r^ /Wr. ■ John A. W il.on. tchisoii, Micl.a.l S«;,n John "^V ^ 'V"' \ , ' II- ,V (•,,,1,1 os James Mur>l..c:k, ./.Mr'.V.tO)".' No. n— NORTH RIVER. c:"l/J.A.-C-yrus Douglas; Oliver John..,,, hobol tlu>M,c. A;:^''ir^;//A^-- -l^;luS,>l.r, . (;o.,r,c Km,.. Alcxa-mer Murray. «' M'c 7-^ MMMW 2S ,, ■^'"- 'J i"\\i;k(i\si.(,\v cA-,r,(,-,r., ,-/•/! vc, -..Jnhii r \vi ^'-' '-■'-I'Hii'i lv,li,,i,, aal \ M ■>'-\'iuw] \rdvinlav. IM„. 1 M.._ I'l. "■iMliull, \Vill,.-| .M-Kinh,'. Ir' • ' ""^'l. < al.'b K i.-«i. All,.,, II; . ,, , \i 11 Jlr* ( 'i(i\ 1,11 .. . . ■!': , , t'""^n.an.iK:i:„;,;:iAn:;;[;l:''-— '^ ^^'Miv^n, Daniel VI ^i z:^ t ^ / '■'^'''mmmm- v; ^i // t 2 / 29 0:.,r..—„-/> ■.^No .6^ .;;. •' r'> IVll-'' i"'. 1 K - Vol., .lanu. '•''^''•'w •^''^i;^'A2;vr-I:•c'M;aSi J. A. 1''". ^^•- ^■'""> • "■ '•■• I avion. .i..l,n M. Ca-.ni.l.oll. Ilairu-l IVi-u-.m. ' l-n-rvinaii. — )' lin Slruait /,•„,,,-,/ ,<f ll:nHh.-\^\\ SiiilKTian.l, M. D., •'■ 1 ■• I ' I'l •»"•• r, n mill. lO'i-'n Ufallii'. Sr.llu'i SiRMinr. N. l.()\V|-.R l.iiNIHiNPl'.UKV, (V,».A,M.s-.- Am'rcw TUimpM-n. JaiiK's JinU>. AMui y^Cr';":-:;;^ Wm M- Uik i;aul.iCnv. ana [. "o«a.- l- ion. ' "" ^ '■',.,.,,1 y ^Wm ,;, M. i,^,u,,n, ana S. (!. l)u-U>, :''' ;• ///Wr^M ---Tnio.l.v flaiU, Anarew Tliomi^oii, Al lol U. (>r',"W.v.-' 01 ///,;/.. .f.-" "Ill (!.,niiii<.'ll, llir.ini (.in, l.canai-t £i'fc s,'K; f:;::p;;:t k;;X*';;::.. .:., .-„„.. ''''"•tI5"/"*:''S";r"i,!:f:w.. <■ -'■'■•^ " ■■»■ ■ J),ui.l^onana S. U. A. Monison. Xo. iS-ia.'ON(>MV. Or,r.,',-.ro/- /'„..•. -Sanuia I-.nis Samuel DuininK. 1-vi K.uilLn.r. (:•/,■,■,<■ ,»^/'7V,„w«vro//Wr-S^ "■ l'nV';.,l Hill CliaiUs WcatlK-il.o, n- I - a \ L \V„oa. ('. H. lioatiio, Nol.loSimiHon. _ ^, qayloi. 2ml, A. '- ^^' Mrl.au-'hlin. S. W. II. Duinin-, ( '. W . Solev. ^^;'/'w.r..-RoU. (^ Fulton. AH.it I ,1 ^vc't:^.. L, f. rnln.oie A,,,. >T.lillan, AnariwSu.vnso,,. VVn,. SinM.-on, (i-anH.n.di). sr;)::r;^e.^<'"^uS;''ueo.Mun.av,,-n,-.,A.K..o,,,-.^ M.-iAM,a, M.ix, i>. f- ^"^^y- No. i9-FIVr, ISLANDS. r f//. ■;,-.,,. '-Win H Md.rll.iii, \V.aiini;lon lloya, Cliavlos H- Ha'aus, Israel liodcrick. 2. ?- Moi'is.m, Ff.ili,, Unrrinri.n. ' Will;:; 111, I'ad l.ewi ■Mc.VuU, Hanis Fuln.oa-, D:„hcI Hill, T, .„ THE POOS ASSESSSMEUT, ^'^^^vBS:^^-^^^ ihc L'l)per Stewiacke Kconomy Clifton - Lower Onslow Lower I.oiulonderry iMiddle Stewiacke Upper Onslow - Lfjwer Stewiacke Karltown T-He Islands Upper Londonderry Salmon River Kempt own ^Vaugh's River Hrookfield Kast Tataniairouclie West ■' $ 200 140 ,?oo 300 600 '5° '52 ■\o o 300 260 16 282 160.50 I 60. :;(J STATUTE LABOR. ^ratur'iSIrS^Kr::;:;^:;^™ -^n. their «<<|X'rwMonoftlK-overL.c"sM/fHiKhw V ^^^^ ^^^^^ un.ier the LowKK Stkwiackk- ■ - ^ '■* and KkmptowS'. Samud Arrhihuld [oscph [oh son, Wm, M. Donald and sons. ' L'i'i'EK Stkuiackk. -Wm. Johnson, John I)c\ nson, Angus McKav, V\'right, [r, William X N'okin kiviK. Danford Upham, (■,. oriic'. yarinond, Solomon fnly) Thomas I.vnd? Ci II rox. -[ J!u no. S. Creclman, Prince|.or ooKKi KM). Peter (Jiaham, R. yU:K il-x'n, John I-'i.sher, Pleasant Vail i-n/ie Waich's Rivkr.— John c: ley, (one half only.) (J rah am. Al tx. Hi<hard Ralj >h. ampbeil, Denmark, Howard MiI.eod f-(nVKK I.ONDO.N'DKKHV. — C. W. 1 oomer, Portaupiiiue. Salmon RivFK -A\'alter Miller, James Farnham, ( L-o. A. Hoi (It Jiil'l.' Hill, K. A. Cock, ]. Fra.scr. U';n'''"^r ",'•'■''■ • ^°'*'' •'^"'hcrland, Robert McKav, Strachan M.Kav Hilham M.kenzie, Donald Murray, Isaac McHain ^^' M oNOMv.- -James Heattie, Daniel S.- Corbett, Albert Corbett 1aiam.m;oilhe. J. Bailie, J, McKav. AlM.i.i.K LONDONDEKRV.- D. V. Christie. Great Village.