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ThalBopv fitm«d h«r» hit l»lMn raproductd thanks |o th« g«i|«rptity of : ^ o ,x du S«riMii« de 9iwbec ~ .. *• Th« imagW pppcaring h(ir« ar* th« b«at quality postibia conaidaring tha cohdi^on ahd lagibility. of tha original -copy and In kpaptng with tha filQuIng contract apadf icatlona. Original eppiaa in printad pipar e^ra ara WrnML baginning with tfM front covar anchaiiding on tha last paga with a printad or illuatfatbd^impr aion. or tha back cova? whan appropriata. othar original copioa ara fllmad baginning on first paga with a printad or lllustratad impraa* aion, and andlng on tha latt M9« ^"'ith a printad 'or illuatrttad Impraaaion. ^Tha laat racordad frama on aach microflcha- shali contain tha symbol -^^ (moaning "CON- M TINUED"). or tha symbol ▼ (moaning ' wbichavar appllaa. 'END"). 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'^--^ Un daa aymboloa suivants apparaftra sur la darniAra imaga da chaqua microficha. saron !• cas: la symbola — ^ aignifia "A $UIVREh i« aymbola ▼ signifia "FIN". \ >v^ Mapa. plataa. charta. ate., may ba fllmad at diffacant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly included in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baginning In tha uppisr iaft hand comar. laft to right and top tp'bonom. aa many framaa as raquirad. Tha following diagrama illuatrata tha mathod: ' Las cartaa. planchaa. tablaaux, ate:, pauvant Atra filmAs A dps tauji da rAduction diffArahta, Lorsqua la document aat trop gitend pour Atra raproduit an un aaul clichA. 11 asi|ilmA A partir da I'angla supAriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut w\ baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. lias diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3f : vr n. 32 X -f^- I &. HORTICULTURAL SOCIi;jY AMD m 5 CONSI^ITUTION >l r r \ \ ^-K. % Jk' ^^^r •JHi^.Af^'jAEI: w"spiiiii ■-\- .^^/ :^:' ,4 i i! r: --,- . (! It-, .■■\ r' ■:l \- A •i i ^ / ■^ ^'^.•^> ■t| PROCEEDINGS CONNECTED WITH THE FORMATION .'ok or 'j'iEiiE; miSMEi ■ ; i ** KORflCULtURAL SOCIETY, 1 AND ITS CONSTITUTION. (ii 10 IB IB IE *D : PRINTED BY T. CARY, 2, BUADE STREET. 1851. . ' ) \ ■ ) ; I -.f^'. V V ^"1 ,. V.' ^'. -t. t THE QUEBEC HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Friday, 29«/t ilwgwsi, 1851.- * At the Custom House Buildings a iSleeting was assembled, to adopt measures for the formation of a Horticultural Society in the City of Quebep, at which were present— . James Gibb, Dr. Nault, Edward Burstall, Dr. Bardy, John Musson, Errol Boyd Lindsay, J. W. Dunscbmbe, Thomas; Gibb, Thomas May, G. O. Stuart, Esquires. Mr. Stuart was requested to take the chair, and J. W. Dun** combe, Esquire, to act as Secretary ^iro. tem., when a letter from His Worship the Mayor, N.F. Belleau, Esquire, was read, stating, that being upon the iwint of attending the^ meeting he was unexiMjctedly prevented from doing so, Jbut requesting that his name should be i"^tt|:'"* the jproceedings, and as taking part therein. WW ■ /• • It was resolved. That it is expedient to form in the' City 'of Quebec a Society, to be called the Quebec Horticultural Society, to be composed of the above named persons, and such others as may see fit to become members thereof, to improve the Art, Science and Products of Horticulture, by means of Public Exhibitions, to be held periodically^ and adopted for their govern- ment the following Rules and Regulations :—, I ., hi Vlilh IK I. o.B.r;. slinll coMsiNi of n ProHiMonl. four Vice-IVsuleiit.s. „ TrofwiH-or, n f'orr.«|K>n«ling Secretary, a Reconlinn feecretnry, and thrive aireclors, who..slmll U- d,.«oii^ • uillot.aiinifnlly. ' ^ Anrici.itll. j^ . C6mm;». There shall „iilso be chasen niinimlly, iho ti.lh.wiii.i Committees, viz : _ '^^^ A Committee for the.KsmI,M,„,.,u of I'reiniiunN. consisting of four members. . . A C<^mmittee 'of Ilorticnltural Deigns, F^ndscape < hardening, Birds, Tcfcis niid .Se,-d.s, consisting of three \ members. * v , ^ -* \, \ A Committee on Fruits, consisting of tjiroememhiers. ;A Committee on Plants and 'Fh)>vers, consisting of three members. A Committee on Vegetables, consisting of throe memocrs. ' ' , Article, III. . Ai.nB.1 '^^^ Annual Meeting for choice of Officers, Directors, Meeiing. ftnd Cotoimi^ees, shall be .held on the second week in Januajgr ; notice of which ^meeting shall be published by the Recordiffg Secretary, in one French and one . . English newspaper, having the largest circulation. prmted in the Ciiy ^f Quebec, at least six days bt^fore the time of election. • ' Mode of EkctioB. • ' ARTICLfi IV.- ' The mode of Election shall be by ballot. A majority of votes shall constitute a choice ; the President, or per- son acting in his place, in all cases of election, to have the casting vote. • : '■ - ^^ \ - ■ ^ ArticjCe V. Rmud^.^ Five Members, exclusive of the Presiding ofecer, shall (institute a quorum, for the. transaction of the busmessof^the Board of Direction i arid thirteen Mem- bers shall form a quorum for *the transaction of the busines^'of the Society. / 5 / ' Articli: VI, , The Oncers u/ihe Society/ with the Uiretrl.irs, shall o"^;"-! ' lorm a Board rpr the government of Ihe £*ociety ; shnll hold Meetings, (Jiiartcrly, or as oAen as thoy may In; '«• •'"•ii*. deemed expedient ; shall nppoirTt the time and place for ' holding Exhibitions ; make such rules and regplation:^ respecting the same, as mny be deemed expedient; raako . and publish before the 15th diiy of Febrithry, of each year, a full and specific list of j)rizes to be awarded; establish correspondence; form a Library of works pectaining to Horticulture, as soon as proctidl&ble ; encrtur- age the introductioti of new objects of Horticulture ; and, for the purpose of promoting the interests and objects of the Socie>ty, (subject to. the instruction, su|)ervision and ' « control of the Society) shall ^eepa record of all their \ . proceedings, ^an^ make a report of the siime to the ' ^. ' Society^ as its Anniiiil Meeting. ' - ' ■ . * ■ i * .. ■;* Articlb Vin. . - Whenever any vacancy ^11 occur in any of the Vacaneie*, offices of the, society, it may^ be filled by /i Spefeial '"'* '"'•^: Ejection by the Board ofDirection, at such time as they deem expedi^^ of which one week^s notice shall be given by the Recording Secretary, in writing, to each , Member of ihe Board. , Article VH^. • * , The duty of the President shall be to preside at all xMitt of Meetings of the Society, to maintain order, to state the i*r«»M«»i- business before the Society: incase of eqiial division\ upon any question, to give the casting vote, to call for accounts and Reports of ttil Committees; to call extra meetings of th& Society, \men requested, in writing, by fiye Members ; and generally to superintend the execu- ^ tion of such By-Laws and Regulations as the Sobiety shUl from time lo time enact, hot otherwise pr^ided' - * for. ' ■ . , ■ ■■■'■ ■ -(^ ■ * . ■ * - • r Article IX. In case of the absence of the President at any Meet> ..I'o^'* ^ ingof the Society, it shall be the duty of the senior dent. ^ Vice President (in the ord(|i.of his election J then present, ^^ 6 hi! - 1 Untie* ut .'Treasurer. ;> "• / tu lake lljc cliuii, who shall, tor the liiiue being, have iiiul exercise all the authority, privileges, and power of the President ; and in case neither the President or either of the Vice-Presidents shall be present, the So- ciety shall then choose, viva voce, a President, pro tem- pore, who shall' for the time, be invested with all the power and authority of the President. ^ - Article X. The Treasurer shall rec^j^all sums of mon^ due or imyable to the Society, and shall keep and disburse the same, as may be directed by the ^oard of Direction, of which he" shall render a true account ; no payments to be made without the written order of the President, or, (in case of his absence from the City of Quebec,)^of the senior Vice-President. * -.' *: -s , . ... .... Article XL voliVJ'! , '^^® Corresponding Secretary shaU write all letters, ponding se.'inthe» name of the Society, and conduct its correspon- '^' dence ; shall keep Copies of the same, in a book, to be provided for the purpof^e, which shall be open to the ' inspection of the Members at any regular meeting; shall also receive and read a[U letters and papers ad- dressed to the Society, and shall dispose of them in such manner as shall be prescribed by the By-La:ws, or t directed by the Society ; shall report to the Board of Direction the receipt of all donations of Seeds, Plants vi Specimens to the Society, when they shall be appro- priated in such manner as deemed best, (the recipients from time to time making report of their success.) In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the Cbrrespond- ing Secretary sliall perform his duties ; and in the absence of both Secretaries, the President shall oppoiut .. ^ either a Corresponding o» Recording Secretary, or both, . pro tempore. . Article XII. Rm4 .'* ^*^" ^ the^WyKof the Recording Secretary to Secret, fy. give due notice of all Meetings of the Society, and , Board of Direction ; h€i shall record the proceedings of ^' the same in a book to be kept for that purpose. In the absence of the CorresjHjnding Secretary, he shall perfornv his duties. " Article XIII. Commitlee for esla- premiums. Coramil* It shall be the duty of the Tresident to appoint the Chairmen or Conveners of the Cdmmittees, named in Article 2, which Chairmen or Conveners shall consti- tute the Committee for establishing premiums, whose duty it shall be to present to the Board of Direction, for their approval, from time to timc/a list of premiums recommended by thetQ. jOj Am-icle XIV. '■'■ The Committee for awarding premiums and gratui- ties, 'shall consist of the Committee on Landscape warding Gardening, &c.,the Committee on Fruits, Committee Pi^*"""""* on Plants and Flowejrs,. and Committee on Vegetables. Three Members of either of these Committees shall be a quorum; and if three Members shall not be in atten- dance, the President, with advice and consent of those Members present, may call to his aid such other Mem- bers as he may see fit to appoint for the occa$ion<. - H shall be their duty, respectively, to attend at the So- ciety's ftall, or Place of Exhibition, one hour before the same is open to the public*; to examine and label the specimens exhibited, and to award the premiums or gratuities ; also to attend at such other times and places as may be prescribed by the Society, and shall have " power to make rules in regard to the time and manner of exhibiting specimens, for the premiums, — submitting tKesame to the Society for approval. It shall also be their duty to examine all new Plants, Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables, presented at the exhibitions, and to report the botanical name, description and merit of the respective specimens, and report to the Board of Direc- tion, within fourteen days after the exhibition, the premiums and gratuities awarded by them ; all such awards, whether as medals, money or plate, or a certifi- cate thereof, signed by the Chairman of the respective Committees, shall be presented and given to persons entitled thereto, or to their representatives, by the Pre- sident or presiding officer qf the Society, at the next t rAVJ^ •SigiS0:s&i£^^tis^^:^;iSimiSSSSii^»iS&^ )l ill lij' if meeting subsequent to that at which the award wa* made ; and the names of persons to whom premiums ox gratuities shall have been awarded, in the course of the year, shall be 'duly recorded, and such publicity given thereto as the Society may from time to time direct : provided always, that no pereon shall act with, or as a Member of, the said Committee in awarding any prize for which he may himself be a corai)etitor. ' Article XV. ''^::L^ ^.'^''^'l '*''*" ^ T ^"•'"^^ Exhibition of Fruit«, exhibitions i'lants, Flowers, Vegjbtables, Horticultural Designs, &c., on such day or days/, <ia the month of September) and - subject to such rule/s and regulations as the Bbard of Direction may app/ove ; there shall also be exhibitions at such other tinges and seasons as may be by them deemed expedient; -^ - '-' I ■ ■ Article XVI. onSil" ^^'y individual may become a Member of this Society by the annual payment of ten shUlings, and shall be en- titled to vote, shall be eligible to any offipe or appoint- ment, receive a printed copy of the published transact tions of the Society, a priated copy of the ConstituUpn,. free admission, and may introduce two-ladies to all the exhibitions of the Society, which admission shall be , regulated by tickets, not transferable. Articlet XVII. The contribution of JB5 shall constitute a Life Mera- ^ bership, and exempt the Member from all fiiture con- tributions. Articib XVIII. Honorary ^**® Society, on the recommeodation of the Board of »nd ^ Cor- Direction, may elect* as Honorary and Corresponding RUmben* Members, such distinguished individuals as have con- tributed to the pronjotion of Horticultive, to whom the Coniespouding Secretary shall transmit a notification or certificate of election, conteisigned; by the President. * Such Members shall not, by this act, be entitled to any of the pecuniaiy, electi^^§ or controlling privileges of the '_„ , Association. Life Mem . ber»._ •.*■■> 9 ^ Article XIX. ^ Any Member who, after notice, shall neglect for the dJ^JJJ*,"* space of t)np year, to pay his annual subscription, shall to be enud cease to retain his connection with the Society, and the h..oT "" Treasurer shall have power to erase his name from the list of Members ; and any Member may withdraw from the Society, by giving notice to the Treasurer or Secre- tary, and paying the amount due by him to the Society. If any member shall do anything to dishonor the Society, place on the tables or in the Hall, for exhibi- tion or premium, any Plant, Fruit or Specimen, bearing 4|is name, not of his own growth, manufacture or de- signs, with an intention to deceive, ^^shall be guilty of , any breach\of good faith towards t|(e Society, he may be expelled rlierefrom— two-thirds of the Members pre- . sent voting for his expulsion f but tto Member shall be - expelled without t^ written notice of the motion be served upon him, personally, or left( at his usual place of abode, at least ten days before it is acted upon. )i. ■ -■ ■—■■■'■ ' I- ARtlC^E XX. *- • The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of Fiscal ye«r. Jantiary, and all annual subscriptions shall be deemed and taken as due at the time. Article XXI. • ■ ■ '' . ' ' - ' ' '^ Premiums and gratuities may be awarded tp such (VemiuiDs. persons as shall have essentially advanced the objects of awwded. the Society, or for the exhibition of any Fruits, Plants, Flowers or Vegetables, of their own growth or cultiva- tion, either new in their kind, or of imcommon excel- / lence, or for any new and successful- method of cultiva- ting any kind of fruits, flowers, vegetables, shrubs, plants or trees, or for any other subject connected with * Horticulture. ■ ■' " \ ' ' ■' Article XXII. AH donations and bequests shall be sacredly appro- Donation, priated to the particular (aWect for which they were * ^*''"*»**' designed by the donor ^pii the name, amount and description of each donMan shall be registered in a book kept for that purpose. ^ ■■■■,,'.'■.. s ;V lion A Plants to \; 'j^ 10 ■■ ^ Article XXIII. . ^ ,„" ""'*" No Member shall be entitled to receive a premium or gratuity, without having previously paid to the Trea- surer his annual subscription. <■'■ Article XXTV. . .«... .u "^ ^^'^ Society is formed forthe advancement of Hor- te property ticulture in Canada, it is understood that no plant shall o^^competi- be placed in competition for the regular prizes oJT the Society, except it shall have been in the Province for , the space of three months, and is htmafde the property of the member offering it. The Committee may offer gratuities for the introduction of any foreign production. Article XXV. Alteration, The Constitution and By-Laws of the Society may ' be altered and amended at any regular meeting of the S<:x!iety ; a notification of the intended alteration having been made at a pr0yious meeting, and two-thirds of those present voting for such alteration or amendment. 2d. — ^Resolved, That «ich of the persons now present be a Committee to procure subscribers and additional members of this Society, and that the proceedings of this meeting be published. The Meeting for the Election of Officers, &c., was then adjourned until the twelfth day of rSeptember nex^. J.AV.DUNSCOMBE, Secretary. • how made. ; '^m^^M^^m^, nium or e Trea- . ■ ■ <\. ofHor- nt shall J oir the incefor )roperty , ay ofier luction. ty may ' ; of the having lirds of idment. present iitional I of this ;c., was )tember E, tary. x' •< f ■•/ ■ / - 1 I / r i li" M' ■\ \ ■ \ ,''*' \ , ; it m v < i m»*mf!fwffr}(!!?WS!<^^F w^ ?vf^i it * LIFE MEMBERS. /i '\^- \ \ '^•- I I A ^ »■: -— 1 i w»rr k- ^■^ •-.. ^r ^ ■> llfl u ^v;..v ,..^:,.:,;3. / m w f i' - >■ ORDINARY MEMBfiRSk % V V ,' V ^^>0 I I t.y / > - _ • 4 ■- \ ■ ' vl 1 1 1 ■ f ^^^ -■.:^ , .' ' ' / ' - ^ ■ ■ f : "----^ . - " / ' - ..... ■ ■ ^W . : ~"""^. - '.. - -' ■ - k »,. - . ■ • ■ 'v,; 1 i V A r • r -9 * ' , I ' - \ 1 . 1 V ■ - ' ■■ '^ ■ m \ \; ■ - « : % . * -» -. • ■ - .. :.v ■::.§:• '■ . - . > \ " > / . # . « , r • • "' ^:[ • ' . '« , ■ X f'-- '• ■ a ' "'■> » " .^J^jy^iSJbfci ^i^. J ^^^^^^1 ■ ^■■1 HH HH HBH^H {{^■■HgH jMH^^H mi^^^^ //