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Un dee symboles suivants apparaitra sur la dami«re image de cheque microfiche, selon Ie caa: Ie symbole — ^ si^nifie "A SUIVRE" la symbole V signifie "FIN". Lj» caites. planches, tableaux, ate. peuvent itre fiimea i dee taux de rMuction diff«rents. Lorsque Ie document est troo grand pour 4tre reproduit en un seul ciieh«. 11 est film* i partir de I angle sup«rieur gauche, de gauche i droite •t rie haut en baa. en prenant If nombre d Imeges n«cessaire. Lea diagrammes suivants illuatrent la m^thode. 32 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 ;,■ •# '^:^:^r.^$^>^p- ftr-- ^A..: :■': a' 'if " t? p^^-Sf^^ *4fe*/'^>'^«^-»i%-^ '' <• * ''- W ri tj-v v. .^0JNi;i^ oiU. r^inCFLAR ) eVEREVn AND Dp.AR Sirt, HALIFAX. Deer. 1. 1847. FoK several months I have im.l ^roal desire to coininunioate with all the Clonrv of thn iv particularly in reference to King's Colk-e at Windsor It was inv w Ll. in .n^ n ?7 . "^*''*'' *""* College Encaenia if sufficient accommodation could have be:.rfZ;a^!rat place '"'" '° '""^ ""^ '' ^''^ Ihc essential importance of that Institution to the prosperity of the Church is known to nil .h„ ri gy, lis have been also the difliculties throu-h which it his been sustained m«, to J. i . '•"**' ^^"- usefulness must now be greatly abrid-^ed, perhaps its crtinuancov^n ho J^ymg occasions. Its ordinary eflbrts be inade^y it friends, toirpt iirerreThici: hast "Sdt^^^^ ^•^'™- Revd'^r^.;: s: all Siiri^a^r:!?s:eS^'t^^:i&^^^ - fice, to visit the Parent Country in the last year, and endeavour ro'e^Voutn £ SZIT- on our behalf. t was a season of pcc.liar distress, and the bounty of ti.e membSrof onrTv was taxed severely to meet the distress that surrounded them in their ZZTr^n^ n iT^^^ Ga.v was kindly received by many, and he rendered in.portamlervi ti ZS eJ"^^ Its pressing wants m various quarters, and preparing for eflorts like his own whc a Sson o?! J fermg and discouragement should happily arrive. ' **" °' ''^'^ ^^^- lib.,., co„.i,,„.io,,, ,,c,.i,,.L L iLi.JuoS^*t ,.re'S::,.r>ii Sn'^iS.ircLS, " The Associated Alumni had made some good eflorts unon hcarinir of fl,o = • Church, lege, and had enabled the Governors to pay tlm Salary of rMaZIniwin. ,?"'•''""'' ""^ l''^ ^'°'- reduced funds. I therefore ventured to sJ.-est ha^ old a^ I am am ' mo 7'"^ ?"" ^''^''•'^■" cessful discharge of the Office, I would proceed 'to EngSnc and once mo e C tl^' .""^ ^ '? u'" '""V lege in that land of benevolence and bounty, if the a! o Ld Abm'i^ ^'''- inencement of u fund from the interest of which the College m.ghtTivnone^^^^^^ '"'"■ manent mcome-and expressed an hope that 1 might obtain £40^00 to be aSed to thS Sooo ri' Governors of the College approved of the suggestion, and when they and the Alumni ^l assembled o' gether, ray proposal was very kindly received. Being anxious that iio mislako ,hm,l t » "f ^'?'*'«'* ,.'?- ly stated that whatever application /should make for assistanc:. wt d b g ounrd upo^a ful m'l"^" standing that benefactions so obtained should be placed in trust with thcl^orporated S^ietv fo t?: Propagation of the Gospel, to bo applied by them, to the support of King's College olon^rsff «L i retain, s present connection with the Established Church : so long as the A chbisro. J r ''T ^ should be the Patron, with the powers which have been given to Ihn sHone as t In B sl?nn .??• ' n*"^ cese shall continue to be the Visitor : so long as the President mu t be h. fuU Orders o\„„^^^^^^^^^ interna Government of the College shall be vested, as it now is, in Members o the EstabhIhedi'J!.rlr And If in time to come this connexion between the College and the Church J.n„ 1 . ^5' the fund should be applied by the Trustees to some object as similar as porble"in.'s CnT'^' under Its present Constitution. Well knowing that this plan would coLend LSt-T.^^ "^S®' gard of al in England from whom I hope for° any assistaK Td ^at n^?^ I^dl Idd t T™ Jf" '«^ ened, if all the contributions here could be carried into the sjunc und7 s n^? 7 a strength- ]% the consideration of the Governors and the Alumni TI^Alur^iTaft^r due dJSllr' '''^'^"^^ ?' passed a Resolution, which was read on the following day aT/s eld oinS^^^^^ me sum ol Iwo Thousand Pounds, in such manner as thev Hpt-m hoai i^ k. • V i , ™r* benefit of King's College, so long as it shall contirrconncfonwuLheChur^^^^^^^ ^""'J^ meet the proposition submitted to thelncorporated Alumni by the Visitor '' of England, and to I readily agreed upon this Resolution, though short of mv Dronosal tn nrnm^.J ,. i? i ^ er time, and offered mv best wishes fnr tho c°.„„„=„ ^r.L^,^!?.^^^^\r. P'"'^?^^ ^ ^»S^^nd at the .S^oper tmje and offered my best wishes for the s^^c^^^^f SellS^Ia U^ PSai:;ng"tt SaS? ■ .^.fcsyiould increase the fund to be entrusted to the Society for the PropagJtC of The gSm? M ■m' a^a, .0... ror .y endeavcs to i t^'i.^li.lK^^^^^ t Sic ^-JrSe^ .lerling. Other. L?e as.i.ted in thofolloS^^ I'c w.l subscribe one hundred pound. Promoting Chri.tian Knowledge,-'" ThrsTndin^&mW../?'.f'' ^^"^'^ V^** ^'^ ^^ "'« Society for Lord Bi.hop o( Nova Scotia, Thit the Ahmni o \?nTc ^^^^^^^^ t^J^Soc.ety have been informed by"^ the lion, to raiBe fund, for the b;tter maintenance mda^Ll?^tfj ' "/l"""'^".? ""^^ ""''''"8 ^ctivq'exer- ihg lately held at Halifax f WindsorTthe Srnn^^h^«o applied toward, the irppon oVthe »°''«- .'^^ «"'" 0(1^. with the Church. The Standinc Commiueo l£l:n„ .„if .J ^u- •^o?*'""^ «" mainlalh it. connexion lice that at the General Ki g^oF trSfyT^.^e t^VLo'JY'' T '^t «^«"»W«'*«on. Jivi „o. follow. :_That the .um of £I(X)0 be graced towads KL^rColb w' ^"' ^^^ '° '''^ ^^'^^ " soon a. the above mentioned £2000 .hall have hZTclntZl i ^f ' i^'"^'""" ' ''"' """ •*» 'x' P«'d «• be voted ; to be paid as «oon a.t^™adSnal amount o^i^f^ " if li'' ?'" '^' " ^''^^^' 8™"* ^^ «000 College; it being a condition of these r4n?.th«rht?nr«.K «''«" have l«en raised by friend, of thp rtJgulJtion. for the future Government Ko(^^^^^^^^ '^' Society ar^ ^aid, all the of the^Society, who i. the Pa^^rtli;' Co^l.^^f^ ^vc^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Grace the Pre^dent u.earrL^];;ri:thrpSr^^^^^^^^ ligence from England sh^w. the'^recL.ity for ^ere ^e^^^^^^^ ^""J the College-but the intel- .adly limited means of most of my Clergv I Ln n^lnnll J ? !''® ' """* ^'^''°"8'' ' ^^ ' ''"o^' the and the fullest use of all their inZencefo^id Thl TJa^ I '''^'^' /° "/^e every effort thev can make, scribe and collect either for thffrdto be t trusted to IZCT- ''"p*^-, ^^'^ ^^ *^« ^^'SY can .ubl the Associated Alumni here, aS eS Irth^k ml lilll .. h ^ •" England or to that in the hand, of have to make i., that they ;ill spare TL J "„ a^dl! to Ve fS tw^V^'''' '^^'^^^ '«*'''^''* ^ at the same important object ; and it mustTierv dSnhl .h 1T?.». t'*'^. l^^^ -™^y P'^*^'" ^^^^ «'!"» I have another important Subject to b^n^ J vZ n!r v*** f ''"''' be abundantly successft,!, cherished and verv anxious desire of our DiolL^ rl "''^'««— ^ou have probably he^rd that the lorife goodness of God AndTwViS^Mirona?X^ ^""J ''"PP"^ been 'realised, by the portions of the Province, wherttherf has C bin 7*^"'"^ ^"'' '""' *° *''« ^^''^'^ «"d WStem The support of these Mi'ssrona:;: will ^y L ea" t'K S tufe 7\uTlTr '"? ^''^ ^'•"'^'•• forget that more, much more is still reouired «ndtl?p,lfLf'f". ^''«^o«'ety« and we iilust not Communion will liberally and ZnaSv ,P«nLnH f T 'V""^ ''T ^^^} ^^^'V Member 6f our holy a cause. When T^need of .rh oe LnTll ,-^ ?*^''*"^ '^'' ^''•*^'» '» *"««'« "^PO" hi*" i" «o for my rgret that anew auempt should b^^^^^^^ 1' P'-"'!"^ ''"'^""y "P°" "». it is a tinbject in this Diocese. Man^of th7cicmv iIvp Tf • •?'"'" "" ^^^^'^'^♦•O" of the Colonial Church Soc ety them are without a coJJ o my CirSVr Letter in ^^^'''''"7' '""^'' '''? <^°"«d6ration. and if any o^f them on their applicatbn fo?^U ns ead of «lr Jf! •"efer'^nce to this matter, it shall be .eni to append to ita c'ofy of a lerwhLtrhlv a ^^^^^^^^^ '" this communication. T will note he sent me w th a pooer containincr in fc^L" , *"« J*^evd. R. F. Uniacke, m reply to a Cle^y,\nd%rm1nlfalfftV^^ Tr^'^y of makiig^r^k to thp younger toan7 other communSon he maT^irfo^I^^^ heads, which can only bTcivenbrthrr^ihl^' ^''P'"'" '^formation in reference to the fdlldwing that sich journ7shouki beTept by dl Such inTiiZr'"'"'' ^°"'f' ""'^ ^''^'^''^^ '* '« ^^'^ ''"P^''^"? mation for the Society for tLKaJaUon of ,hl S.T H'"^'!"'''^? ^^f^ y^ar to supply accUraleihfo^- 1. Number of slJ^y'^rl^^RZ^^^^^ because they have need of it every year. 2. Number of Services performed, and of Sermons. Nu±: nf S™""'''. •? P«''"°™'^"^« of Missionary duty. the Gdapci 7.. Ni |— cmd whs 8. Ni illie pupil. 1 9. An . 10. Nil nicants in I I All rei peived raori »ived. Earnet lOK/ng then 'ji K- u ". ■"v^" "»"=•"=". <" p«riormance ot Missionary dutv . ^ 4. dumber of Missionary visits to separate Station^ or Settlements 5. Number of Pastoral visits to individual families.A (.evrrknd' a Your le communii firm permat id first to thi > the Clergy »me year. I cannot iiich ha. no ■d character cse Bishops asoni for it i From pen It it canno lurch. Thei t the best ob >t our union! dly b«tfam( BtifeVeii experience h the niemb nost true thi ting the wa} whtole of (hi fiimunicatcd t which it is oii Id holy benefit it was thou§ )., and thus ai iged for neai place. It p •nirii 7. Asvs"' the BdaVid ai n to be paid as rant of jClOOO friends of thp ^aid, aH the the President interfere Witti -but the intel- ve)l know iho ley can make, lergy can sub* I the hands of >nly request I r. Both aim success All., that the lohj^ lised, by ihe and Western the CKurch: we niust not mber 6f our ton him in so t is a subject iirch Society md if any of I be sent to ation, f will 1 reply to a d myObjee- ed sufficient e forwarded the younger 2['in addition le following y important :tfrateihfo^- yeor. i. tUeoL^r^' °^ *'''" '" '**'*' °' °*"'*''*"^ ^°'' """ 'P*'*'''*' ''"'P**"' "•" "''•""""♦e'ins »•'« conflations of 7. Number of Sunday Schools, with the number of persons of all ages receiving Instruction in them -and what portion of time is given to them by the Missionary •""ruciion in uiein llhepupiul^a'tldu!^^^^^ "''^"^ any attention from the Missionary, and the number of lo' nZ^! nrSL'^r'^'^^Vf'" ''*''*'''* ' V»^"" ^ ^r"^"* ^''^ '^^ •"nP°'* »' "»« Missionary. 10. Number of Baptisms— Marriages, and Burials within the year, with the whole number of Commii- »icanU JD the Mission, and the largest number of Communicants nt any one time "'""'^'°' '^*^'""- AH remarkable occurrences should also be stated, and especially such cases as have required and re- vived more than ordinary spiritual care, ^vith the particulars of the treatment which suchXThave re- Earnestly praying for continual blessing to yourself, and your flock, and to all y©ur Ministrations iifK^ng them as the servant of the Divine Head of the Church, I am Mmisiraiion* Reverend and dear Sir, Your aflcctionate Brother, JOHN NOVA SCOTIA, (COEY.) HALIFAX, November 23, 1847. I.EVRRRND AND Dkak Sir: — YooB Note of the 19th, ns soon us \ could attend to it, induced me to take a careful review of all ,e communications and conferences 1 have had with the Colonial Church Society : and ttreLuLs left fed firsHmr "'?"""'*' ^''"^ ^ «"^''>» "-^^ »« he a member of that Society. Vhe chief ia^ns wh c fhr no J^«/?r n ' ""'^ "«* «7fi™ '». "« «»n»ained in two Circular Letters which I addressed the Ucrgy of this Diocese, one of winch was dated April 15. 1841, and the other October 2nd, in the •1116 VvBr • i I cannot believe that I ought to join any Society in London, bearing the name of a Church Socletv iich has no sanction from the English Bishops. These cannot fail lo^ be acq- •'ted within theXS d character of that Society, and with its leading members. As far as I am >; .formed? not one of bse Bishops has even given his name to this Society. I barely state the fact, but < annTdoubt hat the asons for It must be powerful, or at least suflicient. unnoi aouui mai iiie It ftTin^rh!' '^"""J""'***'**" «nd '■'■<>"' correspondence with that Society, I have been quite satisfied, I rch T^r nhjl f "* Z 'TP'^.^f "»•"? »h« Church generally, but only a particular portion of the .h.*4u.«y r ^ ^•?u'""^ •f:' '^?"J^*'^" ^''^y "'^' "^'y desirable, and yet if there is a desire to carry \i^J^^£^TAT\Ti^'''^ ^^^^^''^^} «'• P"'y ^i«*«. «"ch desire must have a tendency to ^IZ dly K^H - ^^ sL'""*" "'"''"® "" ' "'" ^^^ ^''""*'' *'"•" ^'''^^'^ » greater evil could ex^^rientllJlL^?"^^^^ that the ground for Bu<;h apprehension is insufficient, whickall hZZZT r T""** ""^ """tV"^ h^' ^^^"^ " ""°»''«' '«««»" *W«h ought »o I'ave g^at weight So ti^e t„, i^?' ^^•".•""" n?- Jr'^'"' '"".^ffi^^i^nt'y it may be known and appreciated heref i Tni he J„v .fl « ■i"*''^"' C''"'-?]'. Societies in England have been instruments" under God, in Ze of^ltlt^w'^'T'" *".^"" ^''"S'-^-^h- known not only in this Colony, but thr^gh f Whole of this large Continent, and through other vast and remote regions of the earth and thev have rwS'it ifo!'" '»"r'«^gV'''°".«'' '^^ '"'*'''"' ^^^''•''"^ ^' ^he pure\anch of .re CI „?ch of Christ d holv iZZ r'u in ""** r ^•"PP'r ' '** '*''^"^' ^° ««« '=«'" ^^^^^^ ^om himself that such high o i^ iL^hn52 H. ^u *";' ^T' r"** ^"^'^'^^'' '° ^^°^' «"^ '^ his chosen instruments. Some yea« s aL thlSinit '' '*' ''Tm " ^^''u**" ^^ ^'^'"•"S Committees-of these Societies in the Colo ^ced fir ne«t f .^?" '^•"i; ^f 1- '^°"/"h.»».'0"«. ^he great work in which they have been steadily ^Keu lOr nearlv a centiirv nnA n fmlf l roir.:~« 4- _jj .k. e.. /t ....,• 1 f> ..^ - . ,' » place. Itj»rodu«d happy effectsj but after some vears it was thought by many that much more efl JNIACKE. fi'vl woiiM 1)0 prodnced, if wc lind n Society Af our own, nmnfi!?cd l)y owr own ngency, and ■nplyi^Rnll its moans lo Cl.mcli objects nclccted l.y ourselves. The poronl Societies were properly consulujd^lhoir only obioct was lo ol.tam the Rrentcat amount of good, and tlicy not only concurred in our propowl, but cncoorii. ..d it l.y their bounty to our own luhurch Society. Instead of dimuitthlng thoir afwi»l»inoe to ut, Ihev In.vo Pctnully enlori;cd it, and arc still suslninin^ our Missioni, cducatinR our candidate, fw the Mm- isliy suoplvii." us with aid in building our Churches, and distributing Bibles, Prayer-booM, and other iiiouns of rdigidus iiisiruclion I must ncKoowled'e that with these circumstances immediately in view, 1 cannot understand how any serious and lellcclin- member of our ffock can thhik it consistent with his duty and aflectionot« gra. tiludo to these n<.blc Institutions, in which every Protestant Bishop in the British Empire is «" oll«d, to form a nkw Cununillce of a n, w Society, having no fellowship with these vencral)le Associttlions, dttd no sanction from the Heads of the Church. . . .». r^ •.. r .u n . But this is not all— Our own Church Society has been formed, and the Committee of the Parent Society whifli was or«anisud here, has been merged in this Society. It 'm* b«en in useful operation, with Kiiidunlly incifasing usefulness ; its progress has been encouraging, and testimony to the blessings it (onfcis by its humble means, pours in upon us from all parts of the Diocese. But unhappily, those means ns yet ore too hmitcd— few of us have done as much as we ought to do for their enlargement. Alihon-h we may jhankfnily acknowledge the rogulni attention of many of its members to the manage- moot of its concerns, we find that others, whose help we desire, can hardly give us their time for an hour or iwo in each month. Can it be supposed they will have more time at their command to give to us when another Association shall call for their attendance ? We l.ave not yet attained a fourth part of the income we ought to have, and unless it be largely increased, wo shall not only be unable to maintain our pirscnt position, but shall be compelled within two or three years, to give up the two visiting Mission- aries, whom alter much search, we have lately found, and, to the j«.y of the whole Church, have sent to distant ohiccs, whoso religious destitution has been long and deeply lamented, both here and in England. Is it lensoiiiiblc lo suppose that the necessary enlaigcment of our funds will be moio readily obtained, when the persons to whom wo look for it have new demands upon tliein from a new Assocmlion, which they have loimcd ? If the members of the Church should have anything to spare, after tJieir duty to the Church Society is disclunged, the College, which is essential to the piosjHjrity of the Church, has very ui-'ciit need lor all the hielp that can be given to it. With such calls upon all the members of tlie Ciiuiciras now surround us, it cnnnot be the time for introducing new jlemands, unless the objects be unexceptionable in the view of all, and the mode of carrying them forward be equally unexceptionable ; and unless the piosecution of such objects be of paramount necessity, ami they can bo obtained by no other means. But I will enlarge no further on those topics at present. Upon several occasions I have said that I would gladly encourage an increase of pious and well qualified schoolmasters in connexion with the Church. But I have always considored it essential to their lospectability and usefulness, that they shonld be under the real directiw wid control of tl>6 Clergyman, in whose parish or mission they may be placed. I have no inclination to recede from any proposal I have made, and if I understand your paper of Objertims and Replies, I may consider your Committee disposed to meet the wislies I have expressed m reference to such Schoolmasters. The union of all the members of the Church ought to be as dear to you as it is to me, and therefore I will now suggest a course by which I think such union may be preserved, and leave it for the serious consideiation of your Committee. If there be division among us, with its natural effects, we are surrounded by numbers, who have evil will for our Zion> artd will rejoice, and triumph, and be strengthened. , ..,.*,• You are aware that Aid lo Sunday and olher Schools in which due attention x» pS?"^nMence of information which I have received from England within the present year. You li«ve prf»Iml»|y lionni ol ilic Sfwjoundlanil School SociHu «rin«i. .«„»r to W.« Colo„i.| Cl,«rcl, S,K:ic.ty. SoL year. a«o Jow in^ „?' J '"'i 'J' 'T"^^ '^'''l'^'^" »»"^ .Ve»fo«odtaod, Ihey kindly urged me. by depuitio'* und Couo^LnlZIl k *'"' r^**'*""*"" "' of their A-ociaUon-but for reanoH. ^imSar to iZo wh d. \ZX^^^ZT'a t "^" V' '" '^ T "If^*""*"' €l„.rcl,««oiety, I felt n,y«.lf bound todoclino ».lch Zr UnwTlli J^ o ll ,^.3^^^^ ^"'"""" •hloh wee very /.colous, ami Very desirous to |.ro,ndto ?heir caX IniorJj^h ^ « «f <''«'r ««r.ioni. paflaiion of tiK, (io.,«l, I proposed t/.ey si o..ld forin rScSrlZtl r T- ®<^"^''' '^"^ ""^ **'"- t*« i>»pul«li«„, a„d aspcdullv tlH3 cccllcnt Lord Be let lore rin.?. .T f ?^ •^" ^"''"'y- '^"»« °' feared a dirnin.uio.. of Lir LuU, wl.icl. they candidl/'statcd tero de rvi f''/^^ '"°'^*".' ' **"' ""'*" .he Church. The union therefore did not thej take EC it 11 ifr.^ " porHcular |K>rtion of Propagation of the r.o.,K..| were prepure.l for ; and I hJle beL rli^J '," T' J^-^^'^ '"' '''« been effeCcd-but before thia union the New uundlard Soviet vha^f^r,.^^ JT- ""^ ** ''" "' '«"«"' ciety now en.bracing'the n.en.ber";; ^r Co^unit"^ Bishop our Church 'so- rable Soc.ety in Kngland to whom we should be bZ,d by tiL^oSu udL al^lno'^'r""'^/''''' "'.•" ^*"'^- and support .n all past time, and to whose bounty wc'rust l II L^L u" W r ' \T '^"^ "•'"" ^««'°'"««^« OS the chief support of our Church and Clergy ' """^^ ^°*'' '°' '"""X ««'""•« years, I have only to pray for your right guidance by wisdon. fron. above, and am Reverend and dear Sir. Your affectionate Brother, JOHN NOVA SCOTIA. ' ^N./-S.^-V ^S. '-V * * L* connection with the Cohnial Church SociPh, inT' e\u ^ P*'''' °^ ^°"""'S °" ^Moci«/ion in made " to the once destitute but nt aS'coidiZ"^^^ \t T?''"' ,"" '^' f'^'"''''" -^"«"«« ^"^ bed the good done, to the exertions of thTZhnia^^A^^^^ "^°''' '"^ I''" 'P'^^'^' " «««"- /o/tdem «er6»* that it was soUly to tl osL exerlhnf .haf th. t ?' /' 'f. '.'"' '^"^ *' '"'' "°» -«ion was made by another Missionary ofK LmoSocretv who f 7'k- ^^ ^" '*" ^"" '^^'^ much visited before by any Clercryman d ThlL .,• '. society, who forced his way to many places never visits had bee„L7e,moXn 400^1': sw^ nTel't?d ?' ^''^''^' ?."^'" '^''' '^«'«' 'hree such there were many wh^ gave good evXnce ofrin Pf'^"^^*^ ^° TJ"" .^o" ^f nation, and among them tinned yearly, and at the co^imLcement of ?fi^i=i . ?"T '"'t '^T^''"'' ^' S'™'" '*"'« "^fe con. aiding Ihe Missionary, who nev^r went i^ th. .f ^ ^^ ^.'*^"'' '^"^ »«" Sunday Schoola wew times^o the value of Lo In that Ir the ^Ti M °"' " ^"^ '^'^t °''^°*'''' '""^ dislribution. soT mer, and at Christmas, that I e StS a I thT,hJ^''''°Tr''L''^ '^"^ ^'^''''' ^"«'«^ «» Midwm, built on the shore-one b/e-Ttmo irv exerHl/^^'^^^ "^ '^^" ''T^'' ^- *'°"' ^^''"'•^hes were now Country Harbour, Pope's 'naSutrdYd^or:^^^^^^^^ at Ship Harbour, and otk^ .me. 7.^,... a^isitingMiss£r;r-t^^^^^^^^^ >->¥l hi I 6 S ; ,.eona, been ^... >» rc»,dc °" '''"^f i;'.";^, „,".„/„..i.,.,,« I... l«c„ P«™ '<-•"; :^XXr. IIai,iv*x, Hccr. I, 1811 a 80 7en- ChurcliCB ited ns llie nil Society D BIcBHing, Bse objcclH 8 heard of. ncnl wouW VTIA.