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 l— i lW4l|S l lWh«a TO..i 
An Act to incorporate a Company to, 
 to Whitehav( 
 * • ^ • » 
 Whereas the construction of a railroad to Whitehaven 
 ed from HaUfax to the New Brunswick border will greatly 
 it is desirable that such railroad should be constructed by in 
 dividuals to associate themselves for that purpose, with the 
 work : Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Asseml 
 1. When it shall be made to appear to the satisfactioi 
 than twenty persons have associated themselves for the abo 
 of Stock, and paid the advance thereon hereinafter required 
 lamation, declare this act to have come into operation, and t 
 sons and all such other persons as shall from time to time I 
 ation hereby established, their successors and asssigns shg 
 Company, and declared to be a body corporate by the name < 
 2. The corporation shall not at any time purchase, ha^ 
 the track and necessary stations of and for the railroad, or 
 other necessary places of business of said corporation. 
 3. The Capital, or joint Stock of the said corporation i 
 divided into thirty thousand shares of twenty pounds each, an 
 shall be subscribed for, and one thousand pounds paid into t 
 count thereof, the corporation shall go into operation, and 
 directors, who shall name one of their members as Presidem 
 tary, and all other necessary officers. 
 4. The Company shall construct a double or single tn 
 this Province to the port of White Haven, County of Guysbo 
 contracts, and to do all other acts necessary to the accomphsl 
 er and authority to enter upon the lands of all persons by the 
 vants, for the purpose of ascertaining the most eligible tracl 
 the line or track shall have been ascertained and decided up 
 made, shewing the e^act courses and distances thereof, embra 
 hundred and fifty fe^t, and exhibiting also the necessary Sta 
 upon such plan being filed in the offices of Registrars of De 
 -Comp«»yy^a»d shall JiB and continue the property of the Oo 
 and the Company may enter into the full possession^hereoi^ i 
 road thereon, and hold and enjoy the same and may erect the 
 land marked as a Station in the plan shall belong to the ( 
apany to/construct a Branch Railway 
 to Whitehaven from any trunk line that may be construct- 
 ier will greatly tend to improve the Eastern counties, and 
 )nstructed by individual enterprise, and for encouraging in- 
 iirpose, with the intention of accomplishing that desirable 
 cil, and Assembly, as follows : 
 > the satisfaction of the governor and council, that not less 
 Ives for the above object, and have subscribed the amount 
 inafter required : the governor and council shall, by proc- 
 operation, and thereupon, immediately thereafter, such per- 
 1 time to time become proprietors of Shares in the corpor- 
 nd asssigns shall be, and are hereby incorporated into a 
 te by the name of " the White Haven Branch Railroad Co." 
 le purchase, have, hold, or enjoy any other real estate than 
 ;he railroad, or such as may be required for the offices, or 
 id corporation shall be six hundred thousand pounds, to be 
 pounds each, and when sixty thousand pounds of such Stock 
 ands paid into the Bank of British ]N"orth America on ac- 
 operation, and thereupon, the Shareholders shall appoint 
 ers as President, and shall also appoint a Treasurer, Secre- 
 ble or single track of railroad from the trunk line through 
 mnty of Guysboro' ; and they shall have power to make all 
 3 the accomphshment of the work, and they shall have pow- 
 1 persons by themselves, their engineers, surveyors, and ser- 
 >st eligible track, course, or route for the railroad, and when 
 and decided upon by the Company, a plan thereof shall be 
 js thereof, embracing a uniform width of not more than two 
 e necessary Stations, not to exceed twenty acres each, and 
 Registrars of Deeds in the several Counties through which 
 and of the President of the Board of Directors, the land 
 Ciixvi. Di/ai;iOxio, oixcixi \ k^ou ill, UliU. UUUUlllG inu UlUUtJliy Ul lliQ 
 :>evtj of the Cbmpany to long as the Company shall exist, 
 session'thereofj and construct a double or singte-ti a^^^^^fi^ 
 id may erect thereon, necessary buildings, provided that no 
 belong to the Company, ex:cept such as shall be actually 
road thereon, and hold and enjoy the same and may erect the 
 land marked as a Station in the plan shall belong to the C 
 converted into Stations. 
 the line or tract and stations, over the land of private^ 
 reasonable compensation, the amount and the price or 
 tions, and the fencing of such part thereof as may requi 
 and ascertained by one appraiser chosen by the land-own 
 agreement, such umpire as the appraisers shall choose to 
 servants may enter with carts, carriages, horses, and otli 
 vey therefrom, stones, gravel, and other materials, and ( 
 growing thereon, except fruit and ornamental trees, for 
 tor for the same, as may be agreed upon, or by appraise 
 6. The Company shall own the said railroad, and 
 rules and regulations in respect thereof, and in the constr 
 essary and expedient, and the company shall have power 
 officers, servants, and others, to be by them employed in j 
 the railroad ; and in all proceedings of the board, the Pre^ 
 ing of the board shall be qualified to do any act, unless 
 shall be present. 
 7. The owners of the land taken for the track and 
 follows : one appraiser shall be appointed by the Comp^ 
 case of difference, such third person as they may choose 
 entitled to receive such amount, as the appraisers and u 
 and fencing ; and when all the lands are appraised, the 
 County, shall be paid by the Company, provided the sum 
 cases where the same shall amount to twenty pounds an 
 for every twenty pounds, and be bound to accept the sai 
 8. When the railroad is completed, or any part thei 
 public, at such reasonable rates and fares, as the Compar 
 point, subject to the approval of the governor in council 
 9. The joint Stock or property of the Company s: 
 gagements of such Company ; and no person or persons who have dealings witl 
 against the separate property of any of the individual shareholders, or against tl 
 cation of the funds of the Company, and no shareholder shall be liable for, or ch 
 pany, beyond the extent of his share in the capital Stock not then paid up. 
 10. The provisions of Chapter 70^ of the revised st 
id may erect thereon, necessary buildings, provided that no 
 belong to the Company, except such as shall be actually 
 cTpas^nJn'cpass^nana irom 
 ind of private persons, on paying for the use thereof, a fair and 
 tid the price or value of the land so chosen for track and Sta- 
 of as may require to be fenced, if not agreed upon, to be fixed 
 by the land-owner, and one by the Company ; and in case of dis- 
 5 shall choose to join them ; and the Company, their ofiicers, and 
 , horses, and other cattle, upon any lands, and dig up, and con- 
 materials, and cut down and carry away trees and other wood 
 lental trees, for the use of the railroad^ on paying the proprie- 
 or by appraisement before directed. 
 dd railroad, and generally shall do all acts, and make all such 
 id in the construction and management thereof, as may be nec- 
 iiall have power to appoint, remove, and fix the salaries of all 
 n employed in and about the construction and management of 
 board, the President shall have the casting vote, but no meet- 
 • any act, unless at least four Directors, besides the President 
 )r the track and stations, shall be remunerated for the same, as 
 d by the Company, and one by the owner of the soil ; and in 
 Ley may choose to join them as umpire, and the owner sJiall be 
 appraisers and umpire, or any two of them shall allow for soil 
 i appraised, the amount appraised for soil and fencing in each 
 ovided the sum appraised be under twenty pounds ; but in all 
 enty pounds and upwards, the proprietor shall have one share 
 o accept the same. 
 or any part thereof, the same shall be used and enjoyed by the 
 , as the Company shall, or may from time to time, fix and ap- 
 ernor in council, 
 the Company shall alone be responsible for the debts and en- 
 i^ho have dealings with the Company, shall under any pretence whatever, have recourse 
 reholders, or against their persons, further than may be necessary for the faithful appli- 
 all be liable for, or charged with the payment of any debt or demand due from the Com- 
 lot then paid up. 
 )f the revised statues " of railroads " are extended to this Act.