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I ') f 1. <', . iSv' ;s^'i' ■5* {' ^63 // ^i'j ( THE HORSE'S FRIEND. THE ONLY PRACTICAL METHOD or EDUCATING THE HORSE AND ERADICATING VICIOUS HABITS, rOLLuWm BT A VAniBTT OF VALI'ABLB RKOIPRS, l5STKl'CTIUIfB V* rAKKIIRT, liORaR- ■UOKiNO, THK LATK8T Hl'LM UK TXUTTINO, AMI TUI RBUOKD tT - FAST UORIlAli LP TO 1870. BY PROF. O. S. PRATT. TORONTO : PUBLISHED BY HUNTER, ROSE & COMPANY. AND FOR SALE BY BURRAGE & MAGURN. """^"^'^v'^mm I Entarod Moordlnc to tha Act of the Par- liament of Canada, ui the year one thouaand eight hundred and Mventy-Klji, br Buntib, BOSK * Co., In the Office of the Minlitarof ,igTlculture. FRIMTBD AKD BOUND BT UUNTBK, ROBB AMD 00. TOHOBTO. DEDICATION. To His Excellency, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States ; to the members of the two houses of Con- gress, and to the gentlemen connected with Foreign Lega- tions, who have belonged to my private classes, in connection with the thousands in all the principal cities and towns of the United States and Canada, who have been members of my various classes, this work on The Education of the Horse, is respectfully dedicated. Cheered by their pres- ence, and encouraged by their approbation during the eight years in which the author has been engaged in diffusing a knowledge of his system of Equine Education, their gener- ous appreciation continues to fill the present with trerisured memories of the past, amongst the most prized of which is that of the friendship it has been his happiness to secure from gentlemen distinguished alike in the walks of politics, religion, science, literature and art. The Author. Ul LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of O. S. Pratt Frontispiece- The old homestead , i6 My first store in Batavia, 33 My second and enlarged store, 26 (jold-headcd cane, • 51 Gold-mounted whip, 61 Portrait of Mrs. Pratt, 78 ^Vashington gold medal 83 Bridgeport Academy g4 Nahant Beach residence, 100 Lewiston Academy, 108 Music box 1 20 Silver lea-service, 130 New method of haltering a wild colt, 160 To educate to the words "Come here" 164 How to lay a horse down 168 How to get a horse up that throws himself, 173 To educate a colt not to be afraid of his heels 1 76 To educate a colt to drive before being harnessed, 180 To educate a colt to move his body and head, 184 Improved method of bitting a colt, 188 Educating the colt to ride 192 Instructions to ride the colt ig6 To halter- break a colt, 200 To educate a horse not to kick in the stable, 204 To educate a horse not to paw or kick in the stable, 208 To educate a horse not to get cast in the stall . . 212 LIST OF ILLUSTPATIONS. To educate a colt to lead behind a wagon, 9l6 To educate a hone bad to catch aao To educate a horse not to rear 984 To educate and prevent a hone from cribbing 9fl6 To educate and break a halter-puller, 332 To educate a hoMe not to kick when line gets under hii tail, 336 To educate a horse not to kick, 340 To educate a hone bad to groom, 346 Bits used in educating horses, 350 To educate hones not to fear objects when driving 356 To educate a horse not to fear an umbrella 360 Second lesson 364 To educate a single-footed horse to trot square 368 To educate a pacing horse to trot, 37a To educate a horse to trot, 376 To educate a horse not to kick while in shafts, 380 To educate a lazy horse and infuse life into him, 386 To start a balky horse, 390 To educate a balky horse, 394 To educate a hone not to kick while being shod 398 To educate a horse while standing bad to shoe, 303 Double-hitch Bonaparte bridle, 306 Controlling a horse bad to shoe 310 To educate a horse not to fear the cars, 314 To educate a horse to back at the word of command, 318 To educate horses or cattle not to jump fences 333 To educate a cow not to kick while being milked 336 To educate a cow to let her milk down 330 Practical results of foregoing education 334 To educate cattle to lead behind a wagon, 338 To educate a tender-mouthed horse 34* To educate horses not to fear a buffalo robe 345 Patent steel and hoof-expanding shoe, 362 vf LIST f)F ILLUSTRATION*?. ^ To educate a horw to mount a pedestal 366 To educate a horse to walk on his hind feet 370 To cducote a horse to push a vehicle, . . . 376 To educate a horse to be vicious 37I To educate a horke to walk on his knees 38} To educate a horse to drive a boy ofT the pedestal 386 To educate a horse to sit down, 3go To educate a horse to bore for oil 394 A sure method of making a horse bad to catch 398 To educate a horse to take a handkerchief from his side, . . . 40a To educate a horse to kiss a boy 406 Syst'^m of educating dogs, 410 Another illustration of educating dogs, 414 Curing colic in horses, . 418 The only practical way to give a horse medicine, 423 New method of telling the horse's age, ...... 436 and 437 To prevent horses from interfering or overreaching, ... 440 Paring the hoof , .45' Long foot before treatment, 453 Long foot after treatment, 453 Coffin-bone, . 4S4 Fitting a shoe to remove pressure from the heel, 456 Instructions respecting the feet, 4S7 Contracted foot after treatment 4S8 Expanding the foot after it has been pared out, 461 Lateral quarter-crack before treatment 4^3 Quarter-crack under treatment 463 Straight quarter-crack under treatment 464 Quarter-crack after treatment 46? Toe crack before treatment, 468 Toe crack after treatment • *'3 Four engravings showing thrush and pumice foot 474 Hoof-bound, under treatment, 475 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Vll Overgrowth of hoof, 479 Overgrowth of hoof — front view before treatment, 480 Overgrowth of hoof — front view after treatment, 481 Navicula — enlargement of metacarpal bone 4Sa Showing how to find enlargement of metacarpal bone 488 A foot that ii deprived of the free use of the back tendons . , . 490 Ossified growth of upper and lower pastern joint, , 401 The sensitive frog, 493 Section of the pastern and other bones, 494 ■ ■. ->■-' TABLE OF CONTENTS. I!! CHAPTER I. Introduction— Early Life— Thirst for Knowledge— First Attempts in Business — Success — Marriage, n CHAPTER II. Enlarging Business — Attachment to the Horse — Visits to Batavia of Rarey and Hamilton — My own System — Coming before the Public — Early Success 24 CHAPTER III. Visit to Montrose — Large Class at Scranton — Diploma — Wilkesbarre — Enthusiastic Reception — Complimentary Notice — Testimoni'' . 35. CHAPTER IV. Across the Mountains — Easton — Hamburg — Lancaster — Testimonials — Westchester — Diploma — Philadelphia — Class of 2,523— Cane, . 41 CHAPTER V. York — Port Deposit — Baltimore — Success — Diploma — Getting Whipped —Class of 3,500, 56 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER VI. Washington — A Large Class — The President a Pupil — The White House — Halls of Congress — Diploma — Dr. Newman's Address — Gold Medal 67 CHAPTER VII. Annapolis — Delaware — New Jersey — New York State — The Great Emporium — Chicago in Flames 84 CHAPTER VIII. Bridgeport — Fall of Academy — Providence — Boston — Class of 3,000 — Lynn — Purchase of a Residence — Portland — Bangor 95 CHAPTER IX. Lewiston — Educating the Horse "Anfield" — Testimonial — Concord — Manchester — A Steam Engine in the Ring — Lowell — Lawrence, 104 CHAPTER X. Tour in Canada — Montreal — Class of 1,000 — Victoria Bridge — Cathedral — Quebec — Ottawa — Kingston — Detroit — Diploma — Valuable Testi- monial — Simcoe, . . . . , 113 CHAPTER XL Toronto — " British Ensign " — Diploma — Silver Tea-Set — Hamilton — Belleville — Diploma— Picton, 124 I-- Hi X CONTENTS. History of the Horse, 141 Directions for Feeding and Fitting Horses 154 System of Educating the Horse, 161 Intelligence of Animals, 345 Trick Horses, 363 Educating Dogs 411 Miscellaneous, 419 Training Steers . 438 Treatise on Horseshoeing, 431 Dunbar System of Horseshoeing, 445 Recipes 496 Record ok Fast Horses up to 1876, 513 Revised Rules of Trotting Course, 521 ! n'' AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION — EARLY LIFE — THIRST FOR KNOWLEDGE — FIRST ATTEMPTS IN BUSINESS — SUCCESS — MARRIAGE. In the social interchanges of life it is always pleasant to possess some knowledge of the ante- cedent history of the ones we meet; to know who and what they are ; while to one who feels that there is something in his own career not unworthy of notice, there is a satisfaction in recounting the steps by which his success has been attained ; especially, if in gaining it he has been called to contend with difficulties and vanquish obstacles which opposed his progress. Such narratives may prove helps and encourage- ments, as they show what energy and persever- ance have achieved, and thus stimulate others to stronger and more successful endeavors. 12 AUTOBIOGRAPHY, ■^.i,! I' This was taught by the greatest of our American poets in his well-known lines : " Lives of great men all remind us We may make our lives sublime ; And, departing, leave behind us Foot-prints on the sands of time." Although few men may lay claim to greatness in its military, political or literary sense, there is something in every earnest life which will inter- est and instruct other men, and which may prove an assistance to some, who, with failing hearts are engaged in life's stern battle. With this brief explanation of his design, the author of the following pages trusts to receive the favor- able attention of his readers as he proceeds to recount the leading incidents of a somewhat eventful career. I was born in the town of Darien, Genesee County, in the State of New York, on the seventh day of December, A. D. 1835. There, amidst the quiet and elevating influences of nature, the bright days of my infancy and child- ! ■ , AUTOBIOGRAPHY 13 hmj^ were passed, until my boyhood's days were over, and my fifteenth year of life was reached. My father owned the farm on which we lived, besides being the proprietor of several mills, and like many other purely practical men, he had a higher appreciation of material than of intel- lectual advantages. As a consequence, he was more desirous that I should early engage in the active business of the farm, than that I should employ hours, which might be made profitable in work, in studies which paid no immediate profit. At the age of eight years I was often sent after the cows, barefooted, and a distance of nearly a mile through the woods, coming home after the shades of night had fallen, and being obliged to trace my way by following the cows in the narrow path made by them. Day after day, in my great desire to secure an education, I would beg my father to send me to school, but always he had work for me to do, and thus my endeavors were foiled. But such was my deter- mination to secure an education, that I resolved, H AUTOBIOGRAPHY. at all hazards, to go to school, and often did I jump from my bed-room window and run a dis- tance of half a mile to the school-house. My greatest ambition was to be a merchant, and I knew that I must procure at least a limited scholastic education to enable me to succeed in my anticipated calling. But, while I was laying my youthful plans for the future, my father would lay plans for work, and often, on returning at night from school, I would hide in the barn till after dark, dreading the punishment /hich awaited me for having gone to school in place of working. At the age of ten years I have taken a team, gone alone into the woods and loaded saw-logs on a sleigh, using the horses to draw up the logs. As my father owned a saw-mill as well as a farm, it seemed to him necessary that every effort should be put forth to keep both branches of business going ; therefore, no time was allotted to his children for securing an education. Many times have I approached him, timidly and with tears, humbly requesting to be allowed to go to id I dis- My id I lited d in ying Duld y at jam hich lace lam, Pgs )gs. rm, )rt of led Ito ^'IWriP'iiffiriiHiiii;:' i.i.i AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 17 school, when, instead of responding to my desire, he would send me to the saw-mill to work; and at the age of twelve or thirteen I ran the mill alone, though, while doing so, I have had to mount on the lever and load it with extra weight, as I was not heavy enough to raise the water- gate. Thus I labored on from month to month, until I was fourteen, in the meantime going but little to school. Many times I would lay plans to run away, believing that I could do for my- self, and make my own mark in the world. Money, in those times and in that region, was not plentiful, and I was early taught its value, a lesson of great practical value to a youth who has to hew his own path through life. Many times I have traveled miles on a special errand for a neighbor, or for some traveler, and received as compensation a single penny. Money, so hardly acquired, was not to be expended lightly, and I saved my little earnings till the accumulated sum amounted to four dollars. This seemed to me like quite a fortune. I now felt myself to be a capitalist, and, naturally, the desire to use 18 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I m my riches to advantage led me to seek some profitable investment which would increase my wealth. My earliest speculation was the pur- chase of a gun ; but after the first pleasure of its possession had passed, I saw my mistake in having expended money for something that would yield me no increase, and began to look around for an opportunity to retrieve my error. Soon a chance occurred for me to trade the gun off for a cow. I saw there was " money in it " and closed the bargain, thus turning my first mistake into a profitable investment. Having become the owner of a cow, my ambition was awakened to increase my stock, and I kept my attention fixed in that direction until I was the sole proprietor of three cows. I had now en- tered on my fifteenth year, and having learned one day, in conversing with my father, that his intention was soon to sell his farm and stock, and remove to the Far West, I proposed to him to allow me to carve my own way in the world. I felt ambitious to strike out for myself, and " paddle my own canoe." To this my father con- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. »9 sented, when, after selling my cows and receiving the money, with all my fortune in my pockets, I bade farewell to the parental roof and its many pleasant associations, looking for the last time upon the " Old family Bible that lay on the stand," and taking that decisive step by which I was to become the architect of my own fortune. Having an uncle who resided in the town of Byron, I turned my steps in that direction, and for the ensuing winter found a home beneath his roof. During that season I devoted myself to study, attending the village school under the superintendence of Mr. Bennum, whom I greatly esteemed, and whose many acts of kindness lin- ger in my memory to the present hour On the opening of spring my thoughts turned towards commercial life, and I devoted my time to becoming better acquainted with various busi- ness avocations, intending to adopt some profit- able employment. After reflecting well, I took the money I had accumulated and with it pur- 20 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ; chased a horse, wapon, and harness. Then, through the kindness of a dear friend, who be- came responsible for me, I was loaned one hun dred dollars, and with this as my working capital I commenced traveling* over the country, buying produce and shipping it to Buffalo and New York. I continued in this business until the year 1855, when, having arrived at the age of twenty, I began to think of enlarging my operations. Influenced by this desire, I directed my course to the beautiful and flourishing town of Batavia, where I secured a store and became a dealer in all kinds of produce, shipping it, as before, to Buffalo and New York. The cut here given is an accurate representa tion of my first place of business, and speaks for itself in regard to the size and general appear- ance of the place. It was, however, as it proved, insufficient for the business which flowed in upon me and increased so greatly that soon I found it necessary to secure larger and more commodious premises. At the time of doing this I deter- ■*-^- Ti'ina min opei visic and was H, ness, anotl that' and,l: found of ma experi After to rea it woi course, North] lady, tl: and so< altar ar Pratt. v / AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 23 mined to still further extend my business by opening a wholesale and retail grocery and pro- vision store. Fortune smiled on my endeavors, and all evidences encouraged the belief that i was on the direct road to wealth. Having thus attained a good position in busi- ness, my mind began to make excursions in another direction. The wisest of men has said that ' Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing," and, having a natural liking for " a good thing," I found my thoughts led to the important subject of marriage, until I finally determined to try the experiment of trading in the matrimonial market After thus deciding, it took me but a short time to reach the important object contemplated, for, it would seem, I was specially directed in my course. I formed the acquaintance of Miss Northrop," an estimable and accomplished young lady, the only daughter of the late Dr. Northrop, and soon the fair one was led to the hymeneal altar and became the wife and partner of O. S. Pratt. 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CHAPTER II. ,.'"1 I ENLARGING BUSINESS— ATTACHMENT TO THE HORSE — VISITS TO BATA- VIA OF RAREV AND HAMILTON — MY OWN SYSTEM — GOING BEFORE THE PUBLIC — EARLY SUCCESSES. Having now made myself a home and feeling permanently settled, I desired to still further increase my business, but finding my capital somewhat too limited for the amount I wished to transact, I sought assistance from an esteemed friend, Elandus Dotey, Esq., banker. The aid I sought was given with a cheerfulness that added to its value, and enabled me to carry into execution the plans which I had formed. The accommodations I received frequently amounted to from ten thousand to twenty-five thousand dollars, thus placing ample means in my hands for extended operations and enabling me to do a large and remunerative business in which I continued up to the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. BRICK STORE. ] att; gra tra: the obt fine apf ject dls( sysi c mai ann woi mac his able my all unit I fe: heig AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 27 During these business years in Batavia my attachment for that noble animal, the horse, gradually increased, and learning that a horse trainer by the name of Rarey, intended visiting the town, I was one of the first to seek for and obtain what knowledge I could from him ; but finding his system to be not at all practical, I applied myself to the investigation of the sub- ject, and began experimenting with a view to the discovery of a better, simpler and more certain system. Some years later it was rumored that a gentle- man named R. P. Hamilton, who was self- announced as " the great renowned horse trainer," would give instruction on the subject. He soon made his appearance, and, with others, I attended his lectures. Mr. Hamilton advanced some valu- able ideas which I gladly adopted and added to my former knowledge, and when I had grasped all that was valuable in his instructions, and united it to the results of my own experiments, I felt assured that, ere long, I should reach the height of my ambition and develop a system of 28 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. '^.. '^ educating the horse far in advance of anything then known, and by which my name would be handed down to coming generations as one who, more than any other, had befriended that noble but greatly abused aaimal. Often in my retired moments my thoughts would go forward to the time when I should be able to present my per- fected system to the public, and as I looked down the vista of time to the period when I should announce my system, my mind pictured to itself the success I since have realized. I was fully conscious of its value to the world, and thousands have since then freely acknowledged the practicability and excellence of my system of educating the horse. In the autumn of eighteen hundred and sixty- seven I felt myself sufficiently master of my new and unequaled system to commit myself unreservedly to its public advocacy: so, after selling out my stock in trade, I made my prep- arations to travel for the purpose of bringing it before the world. Previous to leaving Bata- via 1 had purchased from a perambulating horse ■ilil!; AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 29 dealer my favorite horse, "Tom Thumb," then partly trained. Feeling now tolerably well equipped, I came before the public with my new and perfect sys- tem, confident that it needed only to be known to be welcomed with pleasure by every intelli- gent friend of the horse. In the month of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, I made my debut at the town of Geneva, erecting, at considerable cost, an academy for the exhibi- tion of my system of training. My success was immediate; friends and well-wishers clustered about me; the hand of encouragement was ex- tended on every side, and in a little while my class in that place numbered seventy-five mem- bers. The reader can scarcely conceive the feelings of gratification that were excited in my breast by such prompt and flattering success. It confirmed my own judgment of the superiority of my system and inspired a full confidence in its success. After leaving Geneva, I visited the pleasant town of Waterloo, where I built another academy 30 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. / and formed a class of about eighty members, whose hearty appreciation of the ideas embodied in my system of training afforded me great pleasure. Leaving that place, I next proceeded to the beautiful village of Penn Yan, where also I built an academy and met with brilliant success, my class numbering ofver ninety members. Such gratifying success, and at so early a period, was very encouraging to me. Both my- self and my system were new to the public, and, coming before them almost unheralded and without the prestige of great names to give it support, its progress and the general approval it met, could be attributed only to its own merits, which were ever5rv/here conceded. The next point visited by me was the beauti- ful and highly picturesque village called Watkins, so well and widely known to pleasure-seekers as an attractive summer resort ; its famous " Glen " having an almost national reputation for romantic beauty. Here I formed an interesting class of about sixty persons, many of whom gave unmis- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 31 takable evidences of confidence in the superiority of my rapidly spreading system for rightly educating the horse. Cheered by my continued success, I pursued my journey to the city of Ithaca, where I built an academy much larger than any I had previ- ously erected. Here I remained about a week, and had the pleasure of forming a class of one liundred persons. Finding it somewhat inconvenient to build academies in many places, I now purchased canvas for a movable tent, which I had con- structed, and this I carried from place to place, erecting academies only where my tent was insufficient to accommodate the audiences. On the fourth of July I pitched my tent at the city of Elmira, and soon had the satisfaction of enrolling the names of one hundred and fifty persons, who eagerly sought information, and expressed the greatest gratification with the instruction they had received. After this, I continued my tour, exhibiting and lecturing in many towns and villages during 3a AUTOBIOGRAPHY that summer and the autumn following. My success was everywhere of the most gratifying character, and exceeded my most sanguine ex- pectations. In bringing my system to the attention of the public, I employed that great engine of power, the Press to call attention alike to the cruelty of most of the previous modes of training the horse, and the superiority ol my new and rational system. As an illustration of this, it may not be out of place to give a single one of my many addresses to the public through the medium of the press: Professor O. S. Pratt to the Public. — Probably not one person in a thousand has any adequate idea of the wonderful intelligence displayed by the noblest of the brute creation, the horse. Patient, affectionate, sensi- tive and faithful, possessing wonderful powers of endurance and a capacity for education far exceeding any animal ex- tant, a study of his characteristics is ennobling, and com- mands the attention of every intelligent person. But how often do we see him abused, through ignorance, compelled to draw tremendous loads for hours on a stretch, whipped, clubbed, and cursed, until patience ceasing to be a virtue, and through sheer exhaustion, panting, trembling, and dis- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. S3 touraged, he stops to breathe, and men call him balky, apply the whip again, put sand in his ears, gravel in his mouth, twist his tail, and goad him to desperation by a system of barbarous inflictions unworthy of even the first stages of civilization. Trotting over slippery pavements, imperfectly shod, twitched to the right or left as a sudden emergency seems to demand, he stumbles and falls. No compassion is excited by this mishap. Hastily assisted to arise, and re- harnessed, crack goes the whip O, lash him, cut him, until the great ridges of swollen flesh stand out upon his back to testify to man's superiority over the brute. Left standing for hours while the master attends to business or pleasure, impatient to change his position, he starts before the man is comfortably seated in the vehicle; crack again goes the whip, until his nerves are strung to their highest tension. Crazed almost beyond endurance, he leaps forward, sud- denly a bolt gives way, something strikes his heels, he becomes frightened, and then, "O! he's a runaway!" Con- fined in a dungeon, poorly ventilated, called a stable, improperly fed, driven fast, compelled to draw heavy loads, with very little attention paid to his requirements, it is a wonder that he lives even a year. The question naturally arises. Why is this? Simply because the great masses of humanity are ignorant of the disposition of the horse. They do not understand how to manage or educate him. They do not think and therefore do not care. Now any one who succeeds in ameliorating the condition of this noble animaU is a public benefactor, deserving of the highest praise. Prof. O. S. Pratt has made this the study of his life. Slowly, 34 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I but steadily, he has progressed in his investigations respect- ing the management of the horse, until the press, the pulpit and the public acknowledge him to be the "Great Horse Educator of the World." In fact he rules the horse by a system so comprehensive, and at the same time so simple, that a child of ordinary intelligence can understand it. His pupils are numbered by the thousand in almost every State,and they all endorse the system heartily. No matter how badly the horse has been abused, no matter how disagreeable his disposition may be, no matter if he kicks, strikes, bites, or is a runaway, in a few minutes the most delicate lady or timid child can manage him with ease by using Prof. Pratt's system. Ladies and gentlemen throughout the land ! nearly every one has had a friend or relative injured or killed by some unmanageable horse. It is within the power of every person to prevent a like occurrence. " Knowledge is power." Do not neglect the opportunity of acquiring this knowledge. We ask it in no selfish spirit. We urge it that a recurrence of the accidents that are every day filling our land with sor- row may be prevented. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 35 CHAPTER III. VISIT TO MONTROSE— LARGE CLASS AT SCRANTON — DIPLOMA — WILKES. BARRR — ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION — COMPLIMENTARY NOTICE — TES- TIMONIAL. » As the winter had now set in I found it necessary, on reaching the beautiful town of Montrose, to lay aside my tent. At this place I received so enthusiastic a reception that I was induced to erect a large academy, of capacity sufficient to contain at least one thousand per- sons. I remained at Montrose about three weeks, my eff"orts meeting with such appreciation that my class numbered five hundred and two persons, amongst whom were many who became my warm friends, and whose cordial greetings and good wishes attended me on my departure from the town. My course next led me to the flourishing city of Scranton, at which place I received a cordial reception, and formed the acquaintance of many noble-hearted men. I at once entered on the 36 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. / •duties of my profession, and early found that my system was appreciated, the class which I here gathered numbering four hundred and four members. On the last day of my stay in Scran- ton my class presented me with what I may justly call a diploma, in the following compli- mentary language : The undersigned, citizens of Scranton, Luzerne County, Pa., take this method of assuring all whom it may concern of the practicability, as well as the certainty, with which the most vic'ous and dangerous habits so common to the horse can be overcome by Prof. O. S. Pratt's system of training, in evidence of which we cite but one or two of the numer- ous cases which have come under our observation as mem- bers of his class : A kicking horse, owned by Jos. Utley, of Greenfield, and brought twenty-two miles, was handled about twenty-five minutes, after which he was driven from the arena with the vehicle rattling behind his heels. This horse would bite, strike and kick. A vicious mule, that could not be shod, and had to be brought to him by force, being chained between two other mules, after being handled by the Professor about forty minutes, was perfectly subdued, and his feet could be handled with safety. On the last day of his exhibition here, a horse ran away near the amphithe- atre, who proved to be a most ferocious kicker. The owner was induced by a number of his class to let the Professor handle him, and after twenty minutes' training he was driven AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 37 out of the tent, the whole length of the street, with the cart rattling against his heels, without manifesting the slightest disposition to repeat his unruly conduct. These, and lumerous other evidences, we think, are suffi- cient to entitle Prof. Pratt to the encouragement and patron- age of all interested in the management of the horse. This testimonial was followed by the names of seventy-six prominent members of the class, headed by the mayor of the city, Hon. E. S. M. Hill, and embracing many of the leading citizens of Scranton. After leaving that thriving city, I passed over a beautiful country for a distance of twenty-five miles, until I reached the town of Wilkesbarre, situated in the Susquehanna Valley. Through this city flows one of the most beautiful of all the charming rivers which adorn our land. The pencil of the artist and the pen of the tourist have often been employed in sketching its pic- turesque charms and extolling its matchless beauty. At this important town my success sur- passed any previously attained. The exhibitions of my power over the horse, and of my simple T^ AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I i yet certain method of instructing and control- ling him created wide-spread interest and excite- ment. Ministers, doctors and lawyers, together with others of the most respectable classes of society, thronged my academy. The press re- sounded with the praises of my system, and with many who learned my plan of educating the horse the interest rose to enthusiasm. A lead' ing paper of the place, referring to my con- senting to prolong my visit, used the following language : Prof. Pratt announces that he will remain in this place two weeks longer, agreeably to the wishes of the very large clasj which he has formed here. The Professor's success in thii county has been of a most gratifying character, and yet not more than has been fully deserved. In Waverly his claa i numbered one hundred and twenty-nine in five days ; Scran- ton furnished a class of four hundred and one in thirteen days, and Wilkesbarre, thus far, has givei him three hundred and twenty-three seekers after information in relation to the horse and his management. The Professor is a perfect adept in the arc which he assumes to teach. As that article announced, in view of the pop- ular interest, I prolonged my stay in Wilkes- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 39 barre, and I have the pleasant recollection that over FIVE HUNDRED persons there secured the knowledge of properly educating the horse, and before taking my leave I was presented with a diploma that would have cheered the heart of a statesman. The following, from A. Ricketts, Esq., will show how even incredulity was con- vinced, and strongly-rooted prejudices were over- come : WiLKESBARRE, Pa., April i'j, i86q. Dear Sir : Permit me to introduce Prof. O. S. Pratt, teacher of doubtless the best system of horse-training yet discovered, and to add my unqualified recommendation of the same to any of you that may care to knov/ how to be master of the horse. "When Prof. Pratt first came here, I, in common with others, passed and repassed his amphithe- atre daily, thinking no more of it than that it was something pertaining to horse-jockeyship, and therefore did not think it worth while to turn aside to see the '* free exhibition " he advertised ; but one day the representations of a friend in- duced me to purchase a ticket for his instructions. I was at once so impressed with the utility of the system that I ad- vised all my friends to become members of his class. The satisfaction expressed by all gave me full reason to be glad that I had adopted this course, which, by the way, was adopted on the principle of doing to others as I would 40 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. they should do to me. I thought I had found a good thing, and wished others to share it. It is upon the same principle that I write this letter, for I know of nothing so well calcu- lated to prevent cruelty to this excellent animal, the horse, as the general diffusion of the knowledge of his proper man- agement. The simplicity and practicability of Prof. Pratt's system are among its chief recommendations, being such that any ordinary man of common-sense can practice it as well as w -. Professor, and without costly appliances. Our best and V: u .\g men here became members of his class, and I have hf iv but one opinion, and that of approbation. You will find J:*rof. Pratt courteous and gentlemanly, and, should you become a member of his class, I doubt not you will agree with me that the trifling cost of his tickets is a very small consideration for the benefits received. Very respectfully, A. RiCKETTS li AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 41 CHAPTER IV. ACROSS THE MOUNTAINS — EASTON — HAMBURG — LANCASTER — TESTI- MONIALS — WESTCHESTER — DIPLOMA — PHILADELPHIA — CLASS OF 2,523 — CANE. It was now my purpose to pursue my journey eastward, in order to do which it was necessary for me to cross a wild and mountainous tract of country, fifty miles in extent ; but, inspirited by my success and the good fortune which hitherto had attended my way, I entered on the journey with a stout and hopeful heart, attended by my men and horses. Before traveling many miles we reached the foot of Pokeno Mountain, and as I gazed upon the distant heights which stood out against the sky, I could see that the eleva- tion extended a distance of at least ten miles. Up the rough road and along steep acclivities we pressed on until, when the summit was reached, I found a keen appetite had been awak- ened by the mountain air and exercise, and I sought for some abode of man where we might -^^acE.-'' ■" 1- 43 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. / secure reot and food for man and beast Keep- ing up the search, after a few miles, I discovered a rude old log house, quite in keeping with the wild region through which we were passing. Approaching the door, I knocked for admission, when it was opened by an old veteran of seventy winters, who invited us to enter. After making known my wants, he assured me that they should }-e Si ilied as best he could, and at once he summoned the hostess who, though like himself, adva. 'ed '.... years, moved across the rustic floor with almost youthful agility, manifesting a dis- position to relieve our hunger without delay. We partook of the repast she spread with appe- tites quickened by the pure mountain air, and, when the meal was over, after rewarding them for the hospitality they had displayed, we re- sumed our journey through dreary solitudes and along the rough mountain roads until, at length, we reached the city of Easton, in the State of Pennsylvania. This beautiful little city is situated near the Delaware River, and is an enterprising and AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 43 flourishing place. The inhabitants are chiefly Germans, or descendants from that stock. Here we pitched our tent and met with good success ; my class numbering over one hundred persons. From Easton we continued our journey, through valleys and over hills, reaching Harris- burg, the capital of Pennsylvania, quite late in the evening ; the silver mooi; shedding her light upon us as we moved along, made our journey pleasant and lighted our way to the city. Here again we planted our stakes, pitched our tent and announced our intention of giving a public exhibition and of imparting instruction to those who desired, and once more I met with a hearty response from the public. It was at the time of the annual State Fair, and thousands from all parts of the commonwealth had gathered. Tak- ing advantage of the occasion to display the results of my system of training, I built a plat- form, elevated about ten feet above the ground, led my horses up a rude stairs, made for the occasion, and exhibited my trained animals to the gaze and admiration of thousands of won- 44 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I dering spectators. Here I formed a class of over one hundred and fifty. My next effort was made at Lancaster, a city of no small magnitude or interest, as I there formed a class of nearly two hundred, the major portion of whom were Germans, or of German descent. On the last day of my stay in that city I received a testimonial from a leading banker of the place, which I give below : Lancaster, Pa., October i6, i86g. Prof. O. S. Pratt : Dear Sir : I ta'e pleasure in testifying to the success of your system of controlling vicious horses as applied to my colt. Since you handled and drove him without backing- strap, I have driven him twice without his showing the least fear or disposition to return to his dangerous habit of kicking. I believe you have perfectly taught him to work without kicking, and that he will not forget the impression your treatment made on him. Your system is so easily learned and can be so quickly applied, that it is the owner's fault if his balky, runaway, or kicking horse, ever forgets what you, or any member of your class can teach him in half an hour. Every one who owns or drives a horse ought to join your class. Yours, B. J. McGraun, President First National Bank. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 41 I next stopped at a nice country town called Westchester, the inhabitants of which seemed alive to the great cause I had espoused, as my class there numbered two hundred and fifty. I was happily surprised, just before leaving, by receiving a diploma which greatly cheered, at the same time that it stimulated, me to add more and more to my store of knowledge. Having now had two years' experience in the practice of my system, my confidence in it, and its superiority over any other known system, was so thoroughly established that I had no fear of submitting it to any test nor of subjecting it to any criticism. I, therefore, decided upon visit- ing the great city of Philadelphia. I fortified myself as best I could, and on the 28th of November, 1869, 1 made my debut there. What- ever solicitude I might have felt would have been speedily removed by the cordial and flat- tering reception I received from the people of the Quaker City. One academy being insuffi- cient to accommodate those who flocked to listen to my instructions, I built a second, and as the 46 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. i time rolled on and my success constantly en- larged, I felt as if the summit of my ambition had been almost attained. The limit of time I had fixed for remaining was one month, but as the end of that period drew near I was strongly solicited by many friends to extend my visit, to which, as the interest was daily augmenting, I consented. Month after month passed, during which time my class was constantly increasing until, by the close of the fourth month, it had swelled to the number of four thousand eight hundred and eighty-six members ! At the end of that time my preparations were made to depart, but I was not allowed to leave before receiving the most conclusive and gratifying evi- dence of the high estimation which my system had secured and of the friendship I had been so fortunate as to win. The evening of the 21st of February, 1870, had arrived ; a free exhibition of the power and beauty of my system was in progress in the great tent, when, most unexpectedly to myself, Elmer Ruan Coates, Esq., a well-known citizen and AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 47 poet of Philadelphia, entered the ring. This seeming intrusion on the business of the even- ing somewhat surprised me, while, as I turned towards him, every eye in the vast assembly was fixed on the well-known poet who, cane in hand, advanced towards me. A brief moment of sus- pense ensued, during which the question which ran through every mind was "what does it mean?" Then, amidst the profound silence which prevailed, Mr. Coates held up to view the magnificent, gold-headed cane he carried and, in an eloquent address, presented the elaborately- chased and beautiful testimonial as a memento given by my Philadelphia class. The gratification which I experienced in this unexpected compliment may be conceived by my readers but can scarcely be described by my pen. Mr. Coates began his address by saying that All nations, in all ages, have delighted to honor the meri- torious. The analytic mind of Greece was promoted to the Academy and Groves of that classic land while bright. 48 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. i intellects gave their homage as they gathered the gems of thought and poesy which enriched their varied lore. The school-boy-quoted Roman, if a victor, passe lor the triumphal arch, bowing to popular plaudits. II ^ poet, he was laureatcd; if philosophic, oratoric, or mechanical, he had his meed of honor from proper sources. Even the Tartars were grateful, and Tamerlane, the great Usbeck, was elevated in proportion to merit. The American Indian who exhibits military strategy, is chosen chief ^r<? merito, and leads the painted warriors. The highly-cultured United States never forgets the truly great. Here the statesmen, poet, orator, lawyer, divine, artist, man of science or mechanism, is both courted and remunerated. Our worthy dead live in hearts, monuments, statues, statu- ettes, and oil. The living, acting man of the day is re 'lient of both newspaper glory and material recognition. Taking me by the hand, he continued : My friend, a full consideration of gratitude has timely and most heartily determined your large class to offer this El- Dorado-headed cane. Sir, we recognize you as the greatest equestrian educator in the world. Your humble servant is proud of his recent acquisition. You have enabled the palsied old man to ride in safety ; you allow the old lady to drive minus the fear of a broken neck ; the young lady or horse-loving master can now indulge saddle pleasures, know- ing the animal thoroughly subdued by some member of youi class. AUTOBIOGRAPIIV. 49 Every vicious trait a horse can possess is thoroughly cured by your uncqualed skill. You ar^; a practicalist, a utilitarian, an educator in one of the most necessary and recreative branches of polite culture. Indeed, a logical lawyer could raise a fine issue relative to the comparative merits of your skill and that of the statesman. Disparaging no sphere, 1 would say that the live, practical, successful man in any avocation, is the person we need and the individual we will honor. Your grateful class, at this date numbering two thousand five hundred and twenty-three, are of my sentiments, and now delegate me to tender this beautiful present — not as a quid pro quo, but merely as a memento. M> dear sir, I trust it will be very long ere you require this as a physical staff, but when that period does come, may it equally subserve the mental and heart-man and aid in happy retrospect of Phila- delphia, Philadelphians, and your admiring class, a class that mainly hails you as both a high-toned, social gentleman and the horse educator of the age. As Mr. Coates closed his address the great tent resounded with applause. It was an hour and a scene never to be forgotten by me. But as the applause subsided every eye turned to me for the expected response. I had received the cane from the hands of the gentleman who had so fittingly and eloquently presented it, but. 50 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ill' % ill as I bowed in acknowledgement, my heart was too full for many words. ^ The papers of the fol- lowing day, in describing the event, spoke of my voice as having been " somewhat tremulous with emotion," and it may well have been so, all I could say was to express the surprise and grati- tude I felt as follows : " What ! gentleman, can it be that, after your many kind attentions, I am to receive a further testimonial of your regard, and another reminder of pleasant times passed with yon — times that certainly I never can for- get. Words cannot express my feelings on this occasion, therefore I sincerely return you thanks." Again the great tent rang with thunders of demonstration, and the affair, so gratifying to all, terminated amidst feelings so warm and kind that in one heart, at least, they were almost overpowering. The cane bears the following inscription : " A tribute to merit. To Professor O. S. Pratt, from his Philadelphia class, number- ing 2,523." The cut, which follows, will give but a partial idea of the beauty of this testimonial, which 1 Prof. O I>ear of your with dee; ous enga few days by your ing the h have beei that your far superi vents cruc all cases i "^our sysu Jn Philade mmmi AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 5t ».^!&'^ TR I BUTE OF MttvJLsN prize as much as being expressive of the friend- ship I was so happy as to secure, as I value it as a testimony to the superior- ity of my sys- tem. It will be seen that it is ac- companied by a card, signed by leading members of my class, urg- ing me to revisit Philadelphia and pledging their aid and influence in making such a visit successful. Prof. O. S. Pratt, the Horse Educator: Dear Sir: The undersigned, members of your horse educating school, have learned with deep regret that you are forced, by vari- ous engagements, to leave Philadelphia in a few days The knowledge we have received by your lucid and simple system of educat- ing the horse is invaluable to us and all who have been pupils in your class. We think that your system of educating the horse is far superior to any known before. It pre- vents cruelty to animals, and is effective in all cases if rightly applied and persisted in. Your sysicui is as yet far too little known in Philadelphia. We, therefore, request you to open your s»- • AUTOBIOGRAPHY. i school in Philadelphia again during the fall and winter months, and we do assure you that we will do our utmost to make your school a successful one. By urging you to revisit Philadelphia, we express the wishes of a great number of our fellow-citizens who are anxious to become members of your class. J. W. Drexel, Banker in Phil., Chas. F, Grosholz New York and London, Albert Fiske, M. D., D. M. Fox, Mayor, Henry M. Fox, Lewis Ladimus, hoopes & townsend, M. Baird & Co., Powers & Weightman, Chemists, A. L. Vansant, W. F. Potts, Adam Steinmetz, Jos. E. Werner, James Darrach, M. D., Jas. Stelwagon, Wm. Chapin, and many others. Other- testimonials I received from individ- aals, a single one of which is given below ; it is from a well-known gentleman of wealth whose name is as familiar in business as it is in social circles, W. F. Potts, Esq., and was addressed to friends .of his own : Philadelphia, Sepf. 14, i8yo. Messrs. Morley & White, Genfn : My coachman and myself attended Mr. Pratt's lectures, last winter, in this city, and I think it paid me well. I bo saw, usinj coulc I pail filling archin merry foliage rest hi ear anc Tot times t battle-s AUTOBIOGRAPHY. $3 ;|:i I bought a young horse this spring, as bad a kicker as I ever saw, and by putting him through a course of Pratting I am using him every day. I do not know what some persons could do, but I know what I have done ; it is well worth all I paid. Yours, etc., Wm. F. Potts. I was greatly pleased with the ancient Quaker City as well as its noble-hearted people. The neatness and quiet pervading so large arid popu- lous a city produce a pleasing effect on the visitor from abroad. The beautiful parks, with their grand old trees and delightful walks, which are to be met in all quarters, form a very pleas- ing feature in that city. The bright flowers filling the air with fragrance ; the leafy branches arching over the nicely-arranged walks, with the merry songs of the birds which sport amidst the foliage, combine to invite the tired pedestrian to rest his weary feet, as they charm the eye, the ear and sense alike. To the patriot and the lover of relics of " the times that tried men's souls," when amidst the battle-storm our fathers planted the fair tree of 14 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. liberty, Philadelphia offers special attractions, and hours may be pleasantly and profitably spent in the well-known " Independence Hall." Here time seems almost turned back on its track as one st ^nds amidst the relics of those days of old. vv'e see the very chair once occu- pied by him whom we have learned to revere as " the Father of his country" — the illustrious Washington, and the thoughts are borne back- ward to the time when, seated in the chair before us, his hand held the destinies of a nation in its grasp. Near by we see the pew in which that great man sat and listened to that gospel whose power and principles controlled his life. It is taken from the old Gothic church which the General attended and is preserved amongst the relics of those revolutionary times. Mementos are there also of the period when the Declara- tion of Independence was signed and the eye rests on the autographs of the illustrious signers. There is also the great bell which rang out the glorious notes of freedom and on which is in- scribed that grandest of words, " Liberty." After AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 55 having became cracked, it was taken down from its tower and placed on a table in the hall. The National motto, " E Pluribus Unum," is arranged in a circle at the top of the bell. But pleasant as it is to linger amongst these reminiscences of the past, I must leave the good old Quaker City with the single remark that my recollections of the place and its people are all of the most pleasant kind. 56 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CHAPTER V. / YORK — PORT DEPOSIT — BALTIMORE — SUCCESS — DIPLOMA — GETTING WHIPPED — CLASS OF 3,500. Early in the spring of 1870, I entered the city of York. The roads were bad, making trav- ehng, outside of the city, difficult and unpleas- ant, so that few came in from the surrounding country. Notwithstanding this, I met with en- couraging success, and during the three days of my stay I formed a class of one hundred and thirty members. Amongst my pupils was an old man who had numbered a hundred and five years of life. After studying my syctem he de- clared that, during the short period of my stay, he had received more valuable instruction relat- ing to horse education than in all his previous life. I next pitched my tent in the beautiful vil- lage. Port Deposit, and was gratified by receiving a good "deposit" from the hands of the people. the pie followini and of prove ii AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 57 as nearly one hundred of them joined my class. It was at this place that I achieved a victory which spread my name far and wide. A horse, notoriously vicious, was brought for me to edu- cate. He was an animal who, as I was credibly informed, had killed his former owner, eaten the leg nearly off his son and fearfully mangled the arm of the groom. I applied my system in all its force, knowing that he would require decided treatment to subdue him, and, to the amazement of the spectators, in a little while the ferocious steed became gentle as a lamb. He stood in the presence of that gazing multitude entirely subdued. When the excitement had somewhat subsided, some of the leading and influential citizens were so impressed with the value of my system as to exert themselves in getting up a testimonial which, after being numerously signed, was presented to me, and which I have since had the pleasure of exhibiting to thousands. The following description of the horse referred to and of the success with which I trained him may prove interesting to the reader : i I 58 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Tout Devosit^Md., August jif iS^o. We, the undersigned, residents of this place and vicinity, were induced to enter Prof. Pratt's class for instructions in educating the horse. At first many of us doubted the supe- riority of his system, especially from the low price he charges for instructions, believing it impossible to learn so much in a short space of time for so little money ; suffice it to say, we went in and all were more than satisfied. Illustrative of which we give a brief description of the " Biting Horse," owned by Mr. Snyder, near this town. This horse is a brown stallion, 151^ hands high, closely built, and an animal of great endurance, for which he is highly valued by Mr. Snyder, who purchased him of a farmer in New Jersey for a very low price on account of his most pernicious habit of biting, the horse having bitten out two ribs of the farmer and broken the leg of the son. Whilst in possession of his present owner he has bitten ofT the arm of his groom, who brought him into the Professor's pavilion. We saw and conversed with this groom. The horse had on a strong iron muzzle, a pine stick was inserted in the mouth, which he seized with mad- ness ; upon its removal he gritted his teeth most fiercely. In twenty minutes or less. Prof. Pratt had the muzzle off, his hand in the horse's mouth pulling out the tongue. In a few minutes after he drove the same horse in the street without holdbacks. When he said "whoa," the horse stopped. When he said " go," the horse went. Thus proving to two hundred that his system is no fraud, but of all others ■"excelsior." AUTOIJIOGRAPIIY, 59 The scholars in this place numbered in three days 87, among whom were the following named gentlemen : W. E. England, pastor M. E. Church, Port Deposit, Md.; J. B. Ramsay, cashier Cecil National Bank ; Edward West ; N. VV. Nolan ; Eli Cosgrove, ex-sheriff Cecil County ; F. M. Alexander ; Wilbur Kidd ; Thomas D. Foran ; Anthony S. Davis; J Tome, president Cecil National Bank; Wm. M. Long; Thos. E, Davis, etc. Baltimore, the Monumental City, noted for its beautiful parks, pleasure grounds and monu- ments, was my next field of labor. After view- ing the city over and receiving introductions to many of its influential citizens numbers of whom afterwards became warm friends, I betook myself to labor. ' As on some former occasions, I found it neces- sary to build two academies, and so erected one in the old and one in the new town. At first there seemed a backwardness on the part of the people, and a week passed without the manifes- tation of much interest ; but soon the indiffer- ence gave way and from that point the interest increased daily until, before the close of the seventy days I remained in Baltimore, I had the 6o AUTOBIOGRAPHY. great pleasure of enrolling the names of three thousand five hundred of her citizens as mem- bers of my class. ' My stay in Baltimore was especially marked by kindnesses from numerous members of my large class, many of whom it would give me pleasure to name, associated as numbers of them are with pleasant seasons of enjoyment, but lest I should become prolix, I will content myself with saying that most unexpectedly to me my class presented me with a flattering address accompanied by an elegant whip mounted with gold and inlaid with pearl — a gift both beautiful and useful. How it occi?rred is described by the pen of another as follows : How Professor Pratt was Whipped by the Balti- MOREANS. — The Amphitheatre of Prof. Pratt, the Horse Ed- ucator, at the corner of Green and Pratt streets, was crowded on Thursday night, by an appreciative audience, to witness the education of a number of horses. Near the close of the free exhibition, an interruption occurred by a Mr. Murdock, introducing F. P. Stevens, Esq., a member of the Baltimore Bar, who made the following eloquent and pithy speech, in presenting an elaborate whip to Prof. Pratt : " On behalf of WHIP PRESENTED BY BALTIMORE CLASS. the mcmb( I liave bee some mem our estimy Education have been Iiorses wo tions as tc the Horse, the disposi course of i ical strengi pleasure in will and ho visit to th( ment will ] again. Gen. J Alec. R. Stc ICHAB( Marsh During more, I re press of tl •^^TJ^^^ AUTOblOGRAl'llY. 63 the members of your class in this city, numbering over 3,000, I have been reciuestcd to present to you, on parting with us, some memento of our high regard for you personally, and of our estimation ot your most admirable system of Horse Education. That the instructions you have imparted to us have been valuable and useful, no one of us who own horses would hesitate to testify, not only your instruc- tions as to the Management, Education and Treatment of the Horse, but in developing to us in the numerous Lectures, the disposition and nature of the noble animal; that your course of instruction has been popular among us, the numer- ical strength of the class announces you, and I take great pleasure in presenting you this token of friendship and good will and hope that you may ever recur with pleasure to your visit to the Monumental City, and as soon as your engage- ment will permit, we may have the pleasure of seeing you again. Gen. J. S. Berry, Ai.EC. Brown, R, Stockhart Mathews, IcHABOT Jean, Marshall Goldsborough Enoch Pratt, Geo. W. Robinson, Henry Tyson, F. L. Lawrence, F. P. Stevens, Committee. Class numbers 3,504. During the continuance of my classes in Balti- more, I received many favorable notices from the press of that city. As showing the popular feel- I 64 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ing I may be allowed to give an article from the Baltimore Sun, one of the most able and widely- circulated journals of the entire South, It ap- peared, as will be seen, before my class had reached its full dimensions. Horse Training at Puof. Pratt's Amphitheatre. — The exhibitions of Professor Pratt's skill in training refrac- tory horses continues to interest a large number of the peo- ple of Baltimore. Every night his Amphitheatre on Linden avenue is filled with an appreciative audience, including a large number who are members of his school. During one of our recent visits the Professor, after some remarl^s in ref- erence to his systems, ntroduced the little educated pony called " DoUie Dutton," well up in a few tricks. On her exit " Fire Fly," mate of the Professor's " Tom Thumb," made his appearance, at the crack of a whip. " Fire Fly," made excellent time with his heels in the air, and by the word, walked on his hind legs. The attempt by three persons to ride the horse the longest afforded much amusement to the audience, as not one of the three could remain on a minute. " Gray Eagle, Jr.," Marshall Goldsborough's thorough-bred stallion, which had not received over ten minutes' instruc- tion, acted in a mannei which gave credit to the Professor and his system. Prof. Pratt then exhibited a massive gold- headed cane, richly mounted and appropriately engraved, which was presented him on the night of February 22d, 1869, in Philadelphia, by his class which numbered 4,886, among PMMP -AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 65 whom were Mayor I'ox, General George Cadwalder, J. W. Drexel, banker, who were on the committee of presentation, and who gave the testimonial as a token of the appreciation of his efforts with the horse and a proof of the value of the system to them. After a lecture explanatory of his plan of education which lasted nearly an hour, the Professor ordered a horse to be brought in which was afraid of a robe. In less than fifteen minutes after he came in, he was walking over tbt robe, had it thrown over his head and in his face, but the scare was gone. His education in robes being pro- nounced completed, he was taken away and a horse that would not back brought in. He however, soon proved very tractable, backing while in and out of harness at the words. The next Animal to claim the Professor's attention was a large stiff-neck mule furnished by Mr. S. S. Blair, of the Northern Central Railway. As was expected the mule was far more difficult to handle, yet in less than three minutes after he was subjected to prop'ir treatment and followed the Professor, and after the system was entirely applied he was mounted and ridden off by an a;tendant, going quietly as any one could desire. Thus closed an evening at Professor Pratt's. On conversing with this worthy gentleman, we learn he is from Buffalo, N. Y. Has been giving the system to the public five years. He probably handled more horses than any other man living. Was in Philadelphia five months, having there a class of 4,886. In less than three weeks' so- journ among us he has secured over 1,000 members to his class, and we saw such men as M. B. CI '•ke, Henry Tyson, Drs. McNamus and Whitridge, George Robinson, George Small, Gen. W. L. Ross, J. Riddlemoser, Jr., Gen. J. S. Berry, m AUTOBIOGRAPHY. i J. Howard McHenry, R. Stockhart Mathews, all of whom highly endorse Prof. Pratt's system of educating the horse. Mr. Mathews, who has seen Rarey, Rockwell, and others, says this is far superior to all of them. After closing my labors in Baltimore, I took a few days of rest. My mind was in search of new knowledge to add to and improve my sys- tem, and to that object I devoted my time while relieved of more active duties. I thoroughly re- vised my system of educating and mode of treat- ing the horse ; after which I invited the criticisms of a number of men of intellect and experience, to whom I submitted my views and asked them for their candid verdict, when, to my great satis- faction, they expressed their unqualified appro- bation. If anything had been needed to confirm my opinion of the perfection of my now com- pleted system, such an endorsement might justly have done so ; and, as the succeeding chapters will show, my triumphant successes in the largest cities and before the most exalted personages of the land, demonstrated the justice of that favor- able verdict. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ^7 CHAPTER VL WASHINGTON — A LARGE CLASS — THE PRESIDENT A PUPIL — THE WHITE HOUSE — HALLS OF CONGRESS — DIPLOMA — DR. NEWMAN'S ADDRESS — GOLD MEDAL. In the latter part of the year 1871 I deter- mined to visit the capital of the nation — that renowned emporium of knowledge and wisdom — the city of Washington. Fortified by previous success, I determined on such an effort here as should signalize my profession, and effectually silence those who sought to stigmatize my sys- tem and lessen confidence in myself by speaking lightly of both. Themselves pretenders to knowl- edge, and ignorant of what I taught, I have found them ever ready to insinuate that all is " hum- bug " which does not emanate from their would- be fruitful brains. And no. I ask a careful attention to the narrative of my unexampled success while sojourning in this city, in connec- tion with the character and intelligence of the 68 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. gentlemen who united in endorsing me, and in commending my system. I entered Washington about the middle of February and speedily secured a site on which to erect an academy. The place selected was on Pennsylvania avenue, and the building I erected was of capacity sufficient to contain three thousand persons. I announced a public exhibition, and on this, the first day of opening, the place was filled to the utmost, At the close of the exhibition I invited those of the audience so disposed, to unite in forming a class. A large number responded to this call, and, as I entered on my work, I was encouraged by finding the numbers increasing by hundreds. This nerved me to the utmost, and at length, in sixty days, my class had reached the gratifying number of two thousand five hundred and five persons ! President Grant intimated his desire to take private lessons, and requested me to organize a class to meet in the forenoon of each day. This I did, and I soon had the honor of imparting in- struction to such a class of distinguished men as AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 69 have rarely, if ever beside, been gathered together for a similar purpose. The President invited some special friends to join him in acquiring the knowledge he desired, and soon I numbered in my class men distinguished in the pursuits of arms, politics, literature, and ^lieology, many of whom would rank with the foremost men of the world. Amongst them were President Grdnt, General Sherman, Surgeon General Barnes, Gen- eral Fremont, General Porter, General Babcock, General Mechler, Judge Advocate General Holt (the highest position in the army), General Eli Parker, Count Catacazy, the Russian Minister ; Count Turenne, of the French Legation; P. H Le Poor, French Legation ; H. S. Le Strange, of the British Legation ; Commodore Ammen, Com- modore Pickering, Senator McDonald, Senator Stockton, Hon. W. H. Hooper, Rev. Dr. New- man, Chaplain to the Senate ; Senator Sprague. Governor Cooke, and many others of high rank and standing. As is well known, in the national capital may be found learned and talented men from almost 70 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. every nation, and as there are gathered objects of interest to all, a brief sketch of what met my eyes may not prove out of place. First of all is the renowned " White House," the home of the honored head of our nation, and now occupied by President Grant and his family. It has been said that " Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," and a similar declaration might be made of the occupant of the Presidential chair ; few have found it to be an easy seat. The servants of a public jealous of their rights and privileges, and exposed to the adverse criticism of selfish and disappointed opponents, even the most generous and well-meant movements of those filling that high position are liable to misconception and ridi- cule. There may be no personal dislike, yet the public, ever on the qui vive for news of those in high life, are seldom disposed to scrutinize a spicy story, whoever it may strike. In this land every man who deserves them has his friends, and none, however deserving, are without some enemies. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 71 The external appearance of the " White House " somewhat disappointed me ; yet it is a magnificent structure, with massive pillars in front, while the interior does credit to the good taste of those in charge. The Red Room, being generally selected for the receptions held by the President and his wife, is very handsomely furnished in velvet and drapery, the color of which corresponds with the name of the room. I must, however, express my preference for the Blue Room; its light shade of satin damask, with gold, is so chaste and elegant that one could scarcely dream of a fairy-land more beautiful ; and at " morning re- ceptions," from two till five p. m., the guests be- ing received in this room, it is rendered doubly beautiful by the elegant toilettes of our Ameri- can and foreign ladies, who crowd it with the beauty and fashion of the metropolis. The large East Room, which occupies that entire end of the building, is elegantly furnished, while the walls are hung with life-size portraits, in oil, of Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and 79 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I Others who have formerly filled the highest na- tional office, but who now have passed away. It was my pleasure to pass an evening, with my wife, in the private parlor of President Grant and family, who gave me a cordial reception. Among those who shared in this social inter- view were Rev. Dr. , L.L. D., from Eng- land, his wife and daughter, and our much- esteemed friends. Rev. Dr. N and wife, of the Metropolitan Church, D. C. We were shown through some of the pleasant apartments of the Presidential mansion, and, among others, the private dining-room. In this the arrangements for meals are perfect and taste- ful. A small bouquet of choice flowers, selected from the conservatory, which abounds with rare exotics, is placed at the side of every plate at dinner, and, that no interruption may interfere with the arrangement of the table, a plate is al- ways provided for a casual visitor. On entering Washington, the first building to attract the eye of a stranger is the Capitol, which is built on a prominent height, and forms the; AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 73 most conspicuous object as one enters the city ; especially is this so when the magnificent dome is lighted ; one then gazes with delight on the beauty of its perfect architecture. On entering the Capitol by its massive mar- ble portico, the visitor first views the reception rooms, then passes to the rotunda, the walls of which are adorned with paintings, many of which are commemorative of important events in the early history of America, and some of a later date. Statuary also meets the eye, and promi- nent amongst it is the life-size statue of the mar- tyred President, Abraham Lincoln, from the chisel of Vinnie Ream. As one looks on this work, which has been so severely criticised, he will feel the injustice done her, and be likely, with the writer, to believe that the attacks were prompted by the fact that it was a lady who se- cured the contract. I enjoyed the pleasure of a visit to the studio of the gentle sculptor, where we found the lady, surrounded by specimens of her wonderful skill in this noble art. 74 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. To return to the Capitol — that general resort of strangers — one must visit the dome, and thither we go, laboring up — up — till it seems al- most as though the top would never be reached, though pleasant company served to beguile the time as we mounted the hundred and eighty feet of ascending steps. When, at length, we reached the top, and stood in the presence of the paint- ings which completely decorate the upper por- tion of the dome, all else was forgotten, and it seemed as though we had passed into another sphere, away from all the cares of ordinary life ! Books can be obtained, explaining the historical paintings, and in the study of these, days might be profitably employed. The brief time a visitor can give is far too short to satisfy the eye, which desires to still gaze on, reluctant to depart. From the outer side of the dome a view of unparalleled beauty is presented : Georgetown, General Lee's old homestead, in the distance, and the Potomac River, together with the elegant public buildings, are among the many objects included in the pan- oramic view. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 75 As we descend again, and come amongst the sights and sounds of daily life, a sudden awaken- ing to reality occurs. We now pass to the wings on either side of the main building devoted to the use of the two Houses composing our Amer- ican Congress. On visiting the House of Rep- resentatives, when in session, the visitor is di- rected to the gallery which surrounds and looks down upon the hall ; and, should he be a favored one, he is shown to a seat in that portion of the gallery reserved for the diplomatic corps, friends of members and distinguished visitors. There one can sit at ease, apart from the crowds which fill the other portions, and may listen to the speeches of representatives from every State in the Union, as they deliberate on the laws by which the country is to be governed ; may note the voting, and sometimes hear the exciting con- test as the dignity of debate is lost in some par- tisan wrangle. The Treasury Building is a beautiful edifice, and is always the scene of busy life, the activity extending from the topmost floor to the furnace 76 AUTOUIOGRAPHY. in the cellar, where the mutilated currency is burned. It is in this building that the paper money of the country is prepared, after which it is sent to the banks for circulation. It is cus- tomary for visitors to exchange a note for one that has never been in circulation, to be kept as a souvenir. The elegant Smithsonian Institute, with its numerous objects of interest, and the Agricul- tural Buildings, with their beautiful grounds, offer their attractions to the visitor, while the Patent Office, with its multitude of models, showing the inventive genius of our countrymen, is of equal interest. Here, while admiring the ingenuity displayed by the inventors, we learn by the num- ber of rejected models how many have spent perhaps the best years of their lives only to reap disappointment at the last. While in Washington I was favored with sev- eral gratifying testimonials. The first one was at the great National Carnival, where I received the prize for the best four-in-hand turn-out, a gold-mounted whip. The second testimonial was i 11^ a life-si present society Church by the D. D., t the chii Ladies ladies of trait of o spirit and of his aci chime of ncss has ( occasion, 1 The donai he came I beautiful ; for an obj Capital. His mis cates the ] also educai humanitv. * Her man opposite pag aiithoi'. AUTOHIOGKArilY. 79 a life-size portrait of President Grant, which was presented to me at one of the gatherings of the society attending the MetropoHtan Memorial Church, and was accompanied in its presentation by the followinp" address by Rev, J. P. Newman, D. D., the eloquent and distinguished pastor of the church : Ladies and Gfntlemen : Mine is a pleasing task. The ladies of this church desire me to present this elegant por- trait of our honored President to Prof. Pratt, whose public spirit and great liberality prompted him to give the proceeds of his academy for one week towards the purchase of a chime of bells for this church. We much regret that sick- ness has detained the Professor from being present on this occasion, but we are happy to know that Mrs. Pratt is here.* The donation on his part is the more commendable because he came here a stranger, yet such is his appreciation of the beautiful and useful that he cheerfully gives his large sum for an object which will be. when achieved, the pride of the Capital. His mission is eminently humane, for he not only edu- cates the horse to obey the intelligence of his master, but also educates the master to treat the noblest of beasts with humanitv. * Her many friends will doubtless be gratified by finding, on the opposite page, a portrait of this lady — the life-long companion of the aiithoi'. Ji» AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The address, which was received with loud applause, was, in my absence, responded to by the Member of Congress from Batavia. The third testimonial I received was presented on the day of closing my lectures, which had been so regularly attended by the citizens, offi- cials, and mem'^psrs of the foreign legations, who deemed it proper to encourage my enterprise by presenting me with a diploma, engrossed on parchment, over their own signatures, and which was accompanied with a gold medal. The fol- lowing is a copy of the diploma presented by the Washington class, the original of which is now in my possession, on parchment : To Prof. O. S. Pratt : We, the members of your Washington class, appreciate the value of the very necessary knowledge which you have imparted to us during your sojourn in the national metropolis ; and we are convinced that your method of ed- ucating the horse, and reforming his vicious habits, is the only true system. As a mark of our estimation of the ser- vice rendered us, we beg your acceptance of the accom- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 8i panying testimonial, and our sincere wishes for your con- tinued success, health and happiness. General W. T, Sherman, Brevet Maj. Gen. Allen, Gen. O. E. Babcock, Gen. Ely S. Parker, General Banks, Mayor Emory, Count De Catacazy, H. A. L'Astrange, of the Mayor Matthew G. Emory, British Legation, W. S. Shepherd, Surgeon Gen. Barnes, Commodore Ammen, Gen. Horace Porter, Gen. J. C. Fremont, Senator Wm. Sprague, Commodore Pickering, Rev. Dr. Newman, Chaplain to the Senate, Wm. W. Belknap, Secretary of War, Gen. Meichler, Governor Cooke, P. H. La Poor, of th,- French Legation, On the next page the reader will find a cor- rect cut of the gold medal which accompanied the diploma. On the following day the Metropolitan Church arranged an excursion to Mount Vernon. The day was beautiful, and the company all that could be desired. The sail down the lovely stream, with its wooded banks, was delightful On our arrival at the spot the laugh was hushed, for we felt ourselves on sacred soil as we neared the 83 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tomb of Washington. After lingering for a time by the dust of the ilkistrious dead, we ascended the hill on which stands the house which was once the home of the Father of his Country. The fur- niture having been re- moved, we saw little more than the halls, a few relics enclosed in a case, and the marble mantel, which has been so much coveted by strangers on account of its rare carving, repre- senting a farm-yard scene. This choice relic has been , defaced in several places by unscrupulous visitors, who have broken off pieces to carry away as relics. We also visited the spot where Washing- ton and Lafayette met, under a tree, to reconcile their difficulties. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 83 During our return to the city, which we reached the evening of the same day. speeches were made on the boat by the Mayor, ministers and bankers. V/e arrived in time to take the cars on our way to Long Branch, at which popular resort I passed most of the summer in visiting and recreation, before again resuming the duties of my profession. 84 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CHAPTER VII. ANNAPOLIS— DELAWARE— NEW JERSEY — NEW YORK STATE — THE GREAT EMPORIUM — CHICAGO IN FLAMES. After my period of relaxation, I re-entered the active duties of my profession feeling greatly invigorated. I visited the pleasant city of An- napolis, the capital of Maryland, where I met a cordial reception from many whose warm appre- ciation of my system of educating the horse was coupled with marks of personal friendship. Here, as in other places on former occasions, my en- deavors were crowned with a gratifying success. It is set this placer tiat the United States Naval Academy is siLi.inlrrf, an institution which sus- tains the same relati-on to the navy that West Point bears to tke army of our country. In the extent of its bounds., covering, as it does, an area of about twernty acres, and in the completeness of its apipiointnneni^, this academy is unequaled in the L iid SttlOk. Here I was introduced ■IBPHi AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 85 to General Bovey, who is a lover of that noble animal, the horse, and is the owner of some of the finest that America can boast. He mani- fested much interest in my welfare, and kindly invited me to dine with him ; after spending a long and pleasant hour in his society, I took my leave, and when, shortly after, I left Annapolis, I bore with me a grateful recollection of the many kindnesses I had received from the inhab- itants of that beautiful city. I will here claim the indulgence of the reader while I give a brief sketch of my journey from this point to New York. It was about the mid- dle of May, 1 871, when I started on my tour, intending to arrive at New York in the month of October. In passing through the State of Maryland, I found it a beautiful, level country, with a soil of great fertility. It is well known to have been one of the slave States, and, as a result, the population is made up largely of col- ored people, many of whom I found to be very, very poor; their houses, within and without, be- spoke wretchedness and want, and many of them 86 AUTOBIOGRArHY. seemed on the verge of starvation. Often was my heart moved to compassion as I viewed their dilapidated clothing, many of them being almost naked, while in their countenances want and mis- ery were depicted. As I passed the settlements and, prompted by pity, gave them some dona- tions, I saw their faces brighten as I placed the money in their tawny and wrinkled hands, while their expressions of thankfulness more than re- warded me for the gifts bestowed. In passing through this State I formed many classes, meet- ing with even better success than I anticipated. Leaving Maryland, I entered the little State of Delaware, renowned for the extent of its orchards and the excellence of its peaches, which fruit forms the most profitable crop of the State, and is unequaled by any grown elsewhere. The country here also is level, but in many parts so sandy as to weary the traveler, whose animals often labor through sand to the depth of six inches, while the scorching rays of the sun, re- flected from the sand, add much to the discom- fort of a journey through this State. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 87 At Dover, the capital of the State, I formed an interesting class, of which the Governor and many distinguished citizens became members. The buildings in Dover are mostly of wood, there being none of stone and but few of brick. After leaving Dover I crossed Delaware Bay, and entered the State of New Jersey. This, also, in its more southern portions, may be de- scribed as a level country, but the lands there are clothed with dense forests of pine, where human habitations are rarely met, and even the sound of the woodman's axe is seldom heard. These " pine barrens " are in places destitute of traveled roads, and the one journeying through them sees his course marked out by "blazed" trees. I wended my way along until I reached the city of Trenton, the capital of the State, where I formed a class. Thence I passed to the city of Rahway, then to Elizabeth, and after- wards to the town of Long Branch, forming in- teresting classes at each place. The last-named place is well known as a favorite and much- admired watering-place, being the summer resort 88 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I of thousands who annually seek its pure sea- breezes, and regale themselves in the pleasures it abundantly affords. I visited many other places in the State, forming classes and receiving the congratulations of numbers who appreciated the knowledge it was my aim to impart. Passing some twenty miles across a pleasant though sandy country, I reached the village of Red Bank, at which place I took the steamboat, and, after sailing through the magnificent Bay of New York, passed up the Hudson River to Sing Sing, at which place I met with success, and formed a class composed mainly of the first citi- zens of the town. I devoted my first leisure to visiting the State Prison, which is situated in the suburbs, on the bank of the Hudson, and, after being conducted through the different depart- ments, I was permitted to see a record of the names of the inmates and the crimes for which they were incarcerated, and I record it as my conviction that many there have laid a founda- tion for after crime by early cruelty to the no- blest of all animals save man. One step of ^mmtmm AUTOniOORAPllY. 89 cruelty leads inevitably to others, and thus the disposition may have grown that has led, finally, to the crime which deprived them of liberty and condemned them to years of servitude in that dreary abode of felons. Retracing my steps down the Hudson, I next pitched my tent at Peekskill, which is situated on the east bank of the river, and where I met a gratifying reception, and succeeded as at other places. Before leaving the place, I strolled about a mile back from the river, and saw there the farm and summer residence of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, the great biblical expounder and plat- form orator, who has since passed through an ordeal far from pleasing or profitable, though there are indications that from all he will yet come out as " gold tried in the fire," and perhaps to shine as a star of still brighter lustre. My next visit was to the city of Poughkeepsie, where, at my first public exhibition, I was greeted by the presence of a large number of influential citizens, whose appearance there augured well. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) ^ ^^ 1.0 I.I 112.5 '^IIIIM _ j50 11111=^ '" IK IIIJIJ^ lyp mil 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 -* 6" — ► "^^^ o 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716)872-4503 \ ^V ^^ o % V ^>1\ ^ tk 1^ /^~> 90 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. for my success. I was pleased with my brief Visit to this place, as my class soon swelled to the number of three hundred and fifty. I here formed the acquaintance of Prof. Eastman, of Eastman College, who solicited me to give an exhibition, on the grounds in front of his splen- did mansion, to the Sabbath-school children of the city. I consented, and gave an exhibition which was received with delight by a multitude of youth of both sexes. I now determined to direct my course down the beautiful Hudson to the great commercial emporium of the country, the city of New York. There I built an academy, at a cost of nearly three thousand dollars, capable of accommodat- ing about four thousand persons. I opened, with brilliant prospects, about the middle of October, 1871, and as the days rolled by I had ample evi- dence of the appreciation of my efforts in the daily increase of my class, until, on the 1 5th of January, 1872, I had the pleasure of numbering on my register the handsome amount of three ^m AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 91 thousand names, representing amongst them many of the first men of the city. I had intended to remain in New York until the opening of spring, but about this time an event which spread consternation through the lanJ blighted my fair prospects. Along the wires of the telegraph, flashed eastward with lightning speed, came the doleful tidings that Chicago, the Queen City of the West, was in flames! As message after message came, telling of the pro- gress of the devouring element, all hearts were filled with sympathy, till the final tidings came that for many square miles the once beautiful city was a vast plain of smouldering ruins, and that thousands of human beings, thus rendered homeless and penniless, were in almost a starv- ing condition. At once the hearts of the peo- ple of New York were moved to compassion. Business was well-nigh suspended. The single topic which engaged all minds was the great dis- aster which had befallen a sister city, and how to devise means for relief to the destitute and suf- fering. In this absorbing feeling the interest in 92 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. my lectures naturally abated ; so much so, that I closed my academy and joined with my coun- trymen in the active measures which were at once inaugurated for extending relief to the needy. I attended the meetings held for that purpose, and heartily co-operated in sending the greatly needed aid to suffering humanity. I re- mained in New York till the excitement had somewhat abated, and then decided on visiting some of the New England States ; but, before leaving the Great Emporium, I received a di- ploma attesting the high value placed on my instructions by those who had received them. i BRIDREPO 3,000- On at the celebrs tionali: eventfi As the an aca^ dent \ memor nobly, : when, Y whence seats fi them tc was coi not on« the acci mmmm AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 95 CHAPTER VIII. BRIDOEPORT — FALL OF ACADEMY — PROVIDENCE — BOSTON — CLASS OP 3,000— LYNN — PURCHASE OF A RESIDENCE— PORTLAND — BANGOR. On entering New England, my first stop was at the beautiful town of Bridgeport, somewhat celebrated as the home of the renowned sensa- tionalist, P. T. Barnum, who has, during quite an eventful career, acquired and lost many fortunes. As the winter had not yet passed, 1 here erected an academy, which became the scene of an inci- dent which will forever remain fixed on my memory. The people of Bridgeport turned out nobly, filling my academy to its utmost capacity, when, hearing a noise, I looked in the direction whence it proceeded, and, to my horror, saw the seats falling, with their occupants, precipitating them to the ground ! Of course all for a time was confusion and affright, but, strange to say, not one of the immense crowd was injured by the accident 96 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ) After the excitement had somewhat subsided, I proceeded to form a class, which numbered about tnree hundred, who seemed delighted with the knowledge they acquired under my instructions. When my labors had ended I took an oppor- tunity to view the town, and was greatly inter- ested in visiting some of its principal manufac- tories. Amongst these one of special note is the immense establishment for the manufacture of the Howe Sewing Machines, said to be one of the largest in the world. I subsequently visited Providence, the capital of Rhode Island, where I found it necessary to build another academy, which I erected very near the public thoroughfare of the city. At this place my most sanguine expectations were realized, as I met with signal success; nearly one thousand persons became members of my class, and the financial results were greatly ben- eficial to me, as at this time my expenses were great. My troupe consisted of some eight men and twelve horses, the expenses of which were AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 97 large, besides the cost of extensively advertising, that I might give wider publicity to a system which had gained general favor wherever it was known. The far-famed city of Boston was my next resting-place. Here, as at other places, I found it necessary to exhibit in an academy, and, hav- ing fitted it up, I entered on my work with renewed hope and energy, believing, from the usefulness and practicability of my system of educating the horse, that a failure was impos- sible. Nor was I disappointed ; the shrewd minds of the Bay State saw the value of the knowledge I imparted, and, cheered on by grow- ing favor, I put forth every effort, and was rewarded by the most gratifying success, as my class reached the large number of three thou- sand persons. With the close of my labors In Boston the winter had passed away, and I decided on a trip reaching northward as far as Portland, in Maine, making short stops at the several towns between Boston and that place, first stopping at a beauti- 98 AUTOblOGRAPIIY. ful town called Lynn, where I purchased a nice family residence, a good representation of which is given in the cut. In this charming town and its vicinity there is much to attract and please the visitor. Among the favorite resorts is a delightful watering-place known as Nahant Beach, to which, during the summer, thousands come to enjoy the invigorat- ing breezes of the ocean. Here the invalid seeks the coveted boon of health, while the healthy come to reinvigorate their systems. Mrs. Pratt and myself christened the place the "green spot of earth," as often, attended by our servants, we drove in our carriage around the beach, for the time forgetting the toils of the past, and almost fancying ourselves in the land of Paradise. I may be allowed, at this point, to give a let- ter addressed to me by a well-known gentleman, a citizen of that pleasant town. Lynn, July 12, 1S72. Prof. O. S. Pratt. Dear Sir : I regret your departure from our city. I have received a great benefit by joining your school. Your sys- tem of educating horses is far ahead of any now in use. 1 lave sys- \ beloni greutc no exl some unfairi up wit people do it?' five hu If pt the sys of aniiT horse th " Pratt y hundred attempti him, " Ij be covei betting i Vou havi as far as horse. God sf After betook ] upon th< ■^r AUTOBIOGRAPHY. lOI belong to Rockwull's class. In nothing has there been greater improvement. Its advantage is its simplicity. In no exhibition during your short stay have I failed to find some new point. There is no deception, no trickery, no unfairness. What you say I've found you willing to back up with your money; your goods are no humbug. Why will people be so skeptical. People ask me every day, "Can you do it?" My answer is, "Yes." Why sir, I would not take five hundred dollars for what I've learned of your system. If people Would be more willing to join your class and get the system, we should have less accidents by that noblest of animals, the horse. When you were educating Lannan's horse the other evening, as' ^ m •. stood by my side. I said, " Pratt will drive that horse to-morrow." Says he, " I'll bet a hundred dollars he won't." He put his hand in his pocket, attempting to draw his wallet. I caught his hand, saying to him, " If you've friends enough here to raise $5,000, it shall be covered, that he will drive h'm to-night." I am not a betting man, though. The gentleman went into his boots. You have not a pupil, I know of, but is willing to back you, as far as able, in anything you say you will do with any horse. God speed you in the right. Yours truly, Charles D. Tilton. After the pleasure season had passed, I again betook myself to my profession, and, once more upon the road, I stopped at several towns, giving i 102 AUTOBIOORAl'HY. public exhibitions and forming classes, until I reached Portland, which place I entered about the first of August, 1872. Here we set our stakes and spread our canvas, giving, as usual, public exhibitions, and organizing a class of about two hundred persons. Many vicious horses were here brought to me, that on them the merits of my system might be tested, all of which I handled to the satisfaction, and, I may safely say, the admiration of the class who wit- nessed their education. Next, placing my troupe and animals on a steamer, I passed by sea to the city of Bangor, the most populous in the State of Maine. Here I made arrangements with the officers of the Agricultural Society, by which I secured the Fair Grounds, where I erected a spacious pa- vilion, and at once comm.enced operations. It was soon evident that I had secured the favor of the people, as I was largely patronized. While there I made arrangements with Dr. Tewksbury to handle his imported stallion, "Anfield," who was notorious for his vicious propensities, ex- te he coi AUTOBIOGKAl'HY. 103 tending even to the shedding of human blood, he having fought many battles, and always had come off victorious. Although my fame had spread far and wide, and I had educated many vicious horses, yet, had I not possessed implicit confidence in the virtues of my system, I would have declined; but, prompted and encouraged by my previous successes, I decided to handle him on my arrival at Lewiston, Maine, which would be about the first of September. While at Bangor I received a letter from the President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, as follows: Bangor, Me., September 28, 1872. Prof. O. S. Pratt. - {y Dear Sir : I am happy to acknowledge your superior system of Horse Education, which deserves the commenda- tion of all who desire the improvement of that beautiful and useful animal. Your system does not inflict torture or cruelty, but subdues and teaches him, and in my opinion it is only to be seen and learned to be universally adopted. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the notice of all who have the care and management of horses. Very respectfully, J. D. Warren, Pres. Soc. for P. of C. to Animals, 104 AUTOUIOGRAPHV. CHAPTER IX. LEW I STON— EDUCATING THE HORSE "ANFIELD — TESTIMONIAL — CON- CORD — MANCHESTER — A STEAM INGINE IN THE RING — LOWELL — LAWRENCE. Continuing my tour, I exhibited at many- places in the State until I reached the city of Augusta, where I remained two days, and met with marked success. Anxious to reach Lewis- ton by the time I had fixed, I passed rapidly through many towns and villages, only remaining a day in each place, and arrived at Lewiston on the eighth of September. It was here, as the reader will remember, that I was to handle the notorious "Anfield." After building an academy, and giving a public exhibition, I announced my intention of control- ling that vicious animal The citizens turned out en masse, but, as the horse was led into the ring, the whole audience seemed terror-stricken, wondering, no doubt, whether or not I would AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 105 share the fate that others had ; but speedily their terror gave place to admiration, as they saw the powerful animal succumb to the resistless energy and efficacy of my system, for, within one short hour, the lion-like brute became meek and quiet as a lamb, greatly to the astonishment of the multitude, who gazed with wonder on the trans- formation. I give below the testimonial subse- quently presented to me, in which this feat is described: We, the undersigned citizens of Lewiston and vicinity, hereby certify that we are members of Prof. O. S. Pratt's school for instruction in the proper education of the horse ; that from a careful and thorough examination of his method, as succinctly demonstrated by him in his admirable lectures and apt illustrations, we unqualifiedly pronounce Professor Pratt's system as most practical, and far superior to any ever before known. His power over the most vicious and ferocious horses is at once wonderful and instructive, as verified by his hand- ling of the stallion " Anfield," in Lewiston, on Thursday evening, October 17, 1872, before an audience of 1,000 persons. " Anfield " is an eleven-year-old dark bay stallion, and standing sixteen or seventeen hands high, and is owned by Dr. S. H. Tewksbury, of Portland, Me. He is reported to io6 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. have killed one man, and was a bad biter, striker, and some- what given to kicking. He had never been harnessed. He was led into the academy on the above night, secured by iron rods and with a heavy muzzle over his mouth. He manifested an ugliness truly characteristic. Prof. Pratt, applying the rules of his system, at once so comprehensive and yet so simple, within twenty minutes had contemptuously thrown away the iron rods, muzzle, etc., and exhibited to his audience one of the most tractable of horses, who would follow him when commanded, stopping at the word " whoa," and, being harnessed, was driven around the ring in a vehicle continually hitting his heels. Prof. Pratt's Lewiston class numbers, at the present time, three hundred and sixty members. We most cheerfully commend the system of Prof. Pratt to the public generally, assuring them that, in our opinion, it is the inauguration of a new and happier era for that noblest of the brute creation — the horse. Lewiston, Me., October 2, 1872. D. B. Strout, J. P. Norton, H. C. Bradford, P. M. Thurlow, Eli Edgecomb, N. C. Harris, H. H. Richardson, W. M. Chamberlin, Geo. S. Follensber, T. H. Langley, H. L. Johnson, B. H. SCRIBNER, J. L. Peabody, S. D. Thomas, R. S. Bbadbury, J. C. Pendepter, George Wehle, S. B. Cook, A. B. Watson, John Pickard, \' »in" 7W m 1 Ifei Pass inga r r ache shire. by the manufa Fair. The ne precede responc into a c able OIK in the i the nexi power i AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 109 H. V. Brown, M. D,, J. B. Straw, Daniel Wood, s. o. purinton, C. T. Chappell, RuFus Carr, W. H. Garcelen, A. O. Edgecomb, W. W. Wood, Isaac Harkell, 2V, Wm. H. Horr, J. A. Whitman, F. C. Hayes, Geo. L. Mellen, RuFus C. Williams, N. M. Farwell, A. H. PEy.a..EY, J. M. Rook. Passing through a beautiful country, and form- ing a number of classes on the way, we at length r ached Concord, the capital of New Hamp- shire. I there obtained the large building used by the mechanics for the exhibition of their manufactured articles on the days of the regular Fair. This I fitted up and used for my lectures. The news of my success at other places had preceded me, and I found the citizens ready to respond to my invitation to form themselves into a class. This class was a large and profit- able one, adding much to my financial resources in the business. The city of Manchester was the next place I visited. Its magnificent water- power and busy manufactories, amongst them no AUTOBIOGRAPHY. some of the largest producers of carpets and cloth in the United States, make it a place of great importance. It was here that I achieved a victory never before known to the public — that of educating the horse not to fear either the steam engine or the cars. Having had placed at my service the steam engine manufactured by Amos Keig, I had it brought into the ring. In a short time the engineer got up steam, and set it in motion. Horses by the half-dozen were brought in to be educated, and, as my success was shown in removing all fear of that terrifying object, language almost fails to describe the enthusiasm excited, and the eulogies pronounced on my system. As this was the first opportunity that had presented itself for me to show the power and beauty of that portion of my system, I was greatly cheered and gratified with the suc- cess attending my efforts, especially as the papers of the city heralded my success in no uncertain tones, and proclaimed the almost incalculable benefit which would accrue to society from the adoption of my system. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Ill Traveling southward about fifteen miles, I reached the city of Lowell, where I built an academy, and had the- pleasure of enrolling in my class a large number of the influential citi- zens of that place, who were as much delighted with my system as I was with my successful efforts. The next place of interest to be named is the city of Lawrence, renowned for its mills and manufactures. Here may be seen a building nearly a mile in length, erected along the bank of the famous water-power, and used exclusively for manufacturing purposes. At this city, also, I built an academy, remaining a few days, and meeting warm-hearted friends, who gave me a large class. ' .. By this time I had fully equipped myself with all appliances needed to confront and convince the most skeptical, so that no person could suc- cessfully assail my almost perfect system of equine education, which, by the force of its own merits, had thus far won its way, and was daily gaining new favor in the eyes of the public. XI2 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. My next effort was made about the first of March, 1873, in the city of Worcester, where, from the commencement, the interest daily in- creaifeed during the whole period of my stay, and abundant success crowned my endeavors. Some leading citizens of Springfield now wrote to me, requesting that I should visit their town, to which I consented, and, on reaching the place, I found a wide-spread eagerness to secure the knowledge I possessed. I built an academy, and was much gratified by securing an appreciative class. Leaving the old State of Massachusetts, I directed my course to Hartford, in the State of Connecticut, where, as in former places, I found it necessary to build an academy, which, on the first day of my exhibition, I had the pleasure of seeing filled to its utmost capacity, and, when I turned my attention to forming a class, my endeavors met with a hearty response. TOUR m CATHEl VALUAI HiTfi own coi miles, vi and thri the high receptioi crossing on the n( sessions, portion o that I ha( would re( and, placii on severa tination. to remain AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 113 CHAPTER X. TOUR IN CANADA— MONTREAl,— CLASS OF I.OOO— VICTORIA BRIDGE — CATHEDRAL — QUEBEC— OTTAWA — KINGSTON — DETROIT — DIPLOMA — YALUABLE TESTIMONIAL — SIMCOE. Hitherto my labors had been confined to my own country. I had traveled many hundreds of miles, vi?:iting its great cities, its smaller towns and thriving villages, and everywhere, even from the highest in the land, I had met a cordial reception. But now I formed the purpose of crossing the St. Lawrence River, which divides, on the north, the American from the British pos- sessions, and of making a tour through a large portion of the Dominion of Canada. Believing that i had more stock and other property than I would require, I sold by auction many articles, and, placing my remaining stock and appendages on several cars, I forwarded them to their des- tination. Reaching St. Albans, I was solicited to remain there a few days, which I did, and had I 114 AUTOBIOURAPHY. no cause to regret my decision, for the people gave me a liberal patronage. Continuing my journey from St. Albans, I arrived at the important commercial city, Mon- treal, about the first of May, where I met a cor- dial reception. At once I commenced the erec- tion of an academy of capacity sufficient to hold at least two thousand persons. Soon the tidings of the great successes I had achieved in my profession spread far and wide through that pop- ulous and wealthy city, and, as a result, during the few days I remained, I had the pleasure of enrolling nearly one thousand names. In this ancient city there are many beautiful and interesting objects which attract the atten- tion of a visitor. A few of the most promi- nent are all that I can mention. Of these the great Victoria Bridge is one. A massive struc- ture of iron, tightly closed at the sides and nicely roofed, it spans the St. Lawrence River just at the outskirts of the city. Windows, at certain intervals, admit the light and air. Carriages and pedestrians are excluded, the railroad company ian> AUTonroGRAMiv. having the sole rhht f ' "* of great attractiveness and 1 ^^ '''" "''J^" "» circuitous flights or r '"'''' ''^^^"d 'o-er, fron, which the evr" '° ""^ '"P °^ ""e -■'y. -.-th its n,a„;!Tr''^ !"''-•"''- entire grounds far exceedL in T ' ^"^ P'^^^ure a commercial citv T "' "'°^'= "^"^^ to -■'es distant from tShran"'f L"'""' "''- fevorite resort. A beautir > , """ "'y^ '' " ™='d runs round iraJon" 1k .'" '"'"°" ^-«' i-oftheday,ca;r;:!:t^V'^""°''^^-^ *^^ny other pleasing sSts Ji! T" """■'"^• I close my reminiscenceTo 7k ^' """"'' •>« . , ^" ^"^ soJicitation nf f , "^"ced to visit Quebec he ^ /"""^'- ' was fete seat of the Canld "'^"' ^"P"^' =""1 As if ^""'■'^n government '^s 't <s approached, the forest .f "eets the eye. peering p f' "^^'^ -'"'='> ""«'« suggest remin'ceTces of "^ ''""'■°"' "ces of some cedar ii6 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. swamp, with its multitude of tapering trees, but, upon closer inspection, the eye is delighted with the magnitude and beauty of the shipping which crowds the port. Some of the finest vessels that plow the ocean are here to be found. On entering on my work, I met with no difficulty in interesting the minds of the citizens in my sub- ject. They turned out nobly to my public exhi. bitions, and rewarded my exertions by giving mc \ large and interesting class. Leaving Quebec about the middle of May, I ascended the St. Lawrence as far as the beauti- ful town of Brockville, exhibiting at many towns on my way. Here I determined to forward- my horses and stock by rail to the city of Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion and the seat of government, where annually the assembled wis- dom of the country meet to legislate for the great Canadian Dominion ; nor need one cross the ocean to the mother country, nor even visit the adjoining republic, to meet with both orators and statesmen, many of whom grace the Cana- dian Parliament, the halls of which often ring with eloquence, as, in the discharge of their re- AUTOBIOGRAPHY. n; sponsible duties, the statesmen of the Dominion discuss the great topics of the day. Although my stay in Ottawa was brief, I had the satisfaction of forming there a class of three hundred persons. Passing westward, I held public exhibitions and formed classes in many places, until I reached Kingston, rightly named the Old Lime- stone City. Here I spent a few days very pleas- antly, and had the pleasure of forming a satis- factory class. The strong bulwarks and splendid fortifications of this city give it a military air, and afford ample protection from an invading force. At this point I embarked on one of the Mail Line of steamers, with my stock and equipments, and passed up Lake Ontario to Burlington Bay, and thence to the city of Hamilton. As I had been frequently solicited to visit Detroit, and having determined on spending the ensuing win- ter in Hamilton and Toronto, I did not at this time attempt to form a class, but took the most direct route to Detroit city, exhibiting at a number of places on my way. Detroit is situated on the river bearing its name, which divides the American and Canadian possessions. Its commerce is quite large, and, ii8 AUTOBIOGRAPHY i to one standing on the banks of the river, a pleasing and animated picture is presented. The rapid stream, in places running with a current of from five to eight miles an hour, is difficult of navigation for sailing vessels, and one sees the sailing craft, loaded with grain and lumber, towed by large and powerful steam-tugs, built expressly for that purpose, while the smiling banks on the Canadian side, crowned by the buildings of Windsor, mirror themselves in the farther waters. It was in December, 1873, that I reached Detroit, remaining there a few weeks, and during that time forming a class of over twelve hun- dred memb'^.rs. Before taking my leave of that pleasant and enterprising city, I received from my class a diploma, which I prize more highly than gold, while, to increase my delight, I was, most unexpectedly to myself, made the recipient of an elegant cabinet music-box, the value of which could not be less than five hundred dol- lars. The following is the diploma, as signed and presented to me, followed by a cut of the elegant testimonial : MUSIC BOX FROM DETROIT C CLASS. r ar as an cle anc hor imp in J edge horsi AUTOBIOGRAPHV. I2t Having attended Prof, o <! p . . and also having seen the practL!?" r " '" "'' ='"^«. - g.-n by hin, every aftemorandf""" """' ^^^'™ "■'d believing i, ,o be far ,he7es " ™'"^ "' "'^ ^^"demy, *" and practical that t e „ ^o"" '" ""' ''"'■ » and use ,t, and yet so comDrT "" understand "o^en-an can be instrLtedl:""'?" '"' '"°'' ^^iilful '"■Portance that all persons ow„' "' "" " °'' "^^ "'"•■'« '» horses, should ava« 2 .^^ "''"S' "« all interested l^Beon that subject „* 2? f ^""- """'^ ''»-'- '■°-.«»ecnlyprac.ical'L^t ~f"""" "' ^"""'^ '"^ G. VV. BtSSELL, ' ^T' ^°''^". Of- ;.B.De Guise f ' <^- Hodoes, Newell Avr»v ' ?" S"«;""<. Newell Avery, R- HosiE, A. M. Steele, George Jerome, E. FURGUSON, Geo. W. Vandyke, ^- A. Mitchell, H. A. Newland, Allen Shelden,' A. Sinclair, Geo. E. Avery, SVLVESTER Larned, Dr. Davenport, Dr. J. F. NOYES,' Jerome E. Croul, Dr. Cobb, ^- C. Remick, J^MEs A. Kemick, Henry Kibbee, John V. Mehling, B. H. Thompson ^^- G. W. Foster, M-F. Merrick, , M. S. Smith Dr. H.Smith, Geo. Doolittle A. W. Mitchell,' Elijah Smith. •; 122 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Passing from Detroit, I again set foot on Ca- nadian soil, exhibiting at a town named Sarnia, situated on the Detroit River, and after that at many other places until I reached the pleasant little town of Simcoe. There I received a cor- dial welcome from many lovers of the horse, and found no difficulty in forming a class of one hundred and ninety, who not only appreciated my system, but embraced an early opportunity of presenting me with a diploma testifying that appreciation. It was read in my hearing on its being presented, and the reader may well believe that I was greatly gratified and cheered by the sentiments therein expressed. Simcoe, February 24, 1874. Having attended Prof. O. S. Pratt's lectures to his class and also having seen the practical application of his system, as given by him every afternoon and evening at his academy, and believing it to be far the best ever seen in Canada, so clear and practical that the merest novice can understand and use it, and yet so comprehensive that the most skillful horseman can be instructed by it, we deem it of utmost im- portance that all persons owning, using, or at all interested in h( !sc , avail themselves of Prof. Pratt's knowledge on that Part AUTOBIOGRAPHY. s"Wect. He educates th '^^ George Battersbv t Asa A. P^KSELL, J^«^*^^AH Potts, ^- W. Shaw, B- F. Chadwick, Omer Culver, G. F. Counter, M- C. Brown, I*. P. Newell, John Matthews, Asa J. Cook, E- E. Collins, Samuel Barnes, ^- H. Adams, J- J- Harris, John W.Lee, ' ^' Palmerton, William Mills, Thomas Marshall, James Langtrv, John Mills, John a. Culver, Frank L. Culver, James Barber, G. R. Robinson, Joseph Brook, John Beaupre, Jr., S. G. Emes, Hiram Bowlby, J- B. Carpenter, A. R. Nelles, James Schuvler, Henrv Bennett,' C. Allen, A. W. Smith, Albert Marlatt, George Lowrie, Alex. Beaupre, Robert Little, Chris. Coleman, W- T. Kendall, Thomas Hamblv, ^- Richardson, V «? •■"OUXX, V 124 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. CHAPTER XI. TORONTO — "BRITISH ENSIGN" — IMPI-OMA — SILVER TEA SET — HAMILTON — HELLEVILLE — DIPLOMA — PICTON. Winter was now drawing nigh, and, as I was desirous to reacli Toronto, the Queen City of the Province of Ontario, as soon as possible, I made but a short stay at Brantford and other towns on my way. Arriving at Toronto about the last of November, 1874, 1 secured possession of the Riding Academy, and fitted it up at con- siderable cost, after which I gave public exhibi- tions; which awakened an increasing interest. I remained there sixty days, my class becoming larger daily, until, at the close of my labors, my register showed the names of nearly thirteen hundred members, many of whom were amongst the most influential citizens of the place. Dur- ing my stay I handled some two hundred horses, each of whom had been addicted to some bad habit. i; i Man that I J educate that I steam d my acac some hi of their my clasi signal ti stallion ' Hill, whc ing, was resort, I ^ at the cl being ann ered in k city. The men by mi each side given of t that a mai easily as hi V^B^ AUTOniOGRAPIIY. 125 Many members of my class were desirous that I should exhibit the power of my system to educate horses not to fear the steam engine, and, that I might meet their wishes, I procured a steam fire engine, which I caused to be placed in my academy. During my stay there I educated some hundred horses to the perfect satisfaction of their owners, and the evident gratification of my class. Amongst others, I may name as a signal triumph of my system the case of the stallion " British Ensign," owned at Richmond Hill, who, from his vicious habits of long stand- ing, was thought to be incurable, and, as a last resort, I was solicited to handle him. This was at the close of my labors there, and, the day being announced, the members of my class gath- ered in force to witness my last effort in their city. The horse was led into the ring by two men by means of iron rods securely fastened on each side of his mouth. From the account given of this animal, one would almost expect that a man could tame a lion of the desert as easily as him ; but, strange as it may seem, within 126 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 'i ten minutes he followed me around the ring as meekly as a lamb, and within forty-five n\inutes I was able to drive him before a vehicle, without reins or side-straps, greatly to the surprise of the throngs who had assembled to witness the spectacle. The power and efficacy of my system was so completely demonstrated that the leading jour- nals of the city made favorable mention of my unparalleled success, while my class signalized their sense of the value of my system for prop- erly educating the horse by presenting me with an illuminated address, the elegant execution of which reflects credit on the artist, while the courtly language and graceful sentiments are worthy of the distinguished gentlemen whose names it bears. Not satisfied with this, they ac- companied the address with a costly tea-service of silver, the intrinsic value of vhich was at least three hundred dollars. Long uill the rec- ollections of my Toronto class cluster about my memory, and fill my mind with pleasing emo- tions. The following is the diploma presented ^vill at no AUTOBIOGRAniY. 127 ^y the Toronto class fN« • • , -^n be seen in mv noT °' •^•' ""^ °^ ^^'^h nin my possession, on parchment: appreciation of the valuable insti^'ln '"' '° '""'^ ^'^^'^ ^° ^hem. The unwearying 12? T" ''^^ ''"P-^*^^ endeavored to make those in. "^ ""'^ ^^'^^ ^^^ ^'-^ve entertaining, and their 2h I" °" ^-P-^ensive and system of educating and mn ^'''°" °^ y^""- '^^'^'rable -ige imparted to lU:LXZl T '"" ''''^ '^^-^' o^your unexampled me^d oHe' L^T f" ' ^^'^'^'^'^"^ may be of incalculable benefit m^ '* "°^'^ ^"^"^^1 hesitate to say that numbers o T' °' "^^ ^^ ^° -t fatally) through an insT^c Lt .nT ^7 °""^ '^''^ ^^-^ -imal you have made so peTfL ;;! ^ «^ °' "^^^^-^ the ;e advise every one whos'e tst t'' ''/"""'"' ^"' frequent, if not constant, use o Z T ' '""" ^^^"^^ early opportunity of acauirin! . '" ^° "'"'^^^'^e an ^ar.ers, whom busineTor^nat I^lst t" ""^ -^^- the immediate neighborhood of 0^' "^ °"' ''^'^^' «"d ""•ge the necessity of learning ^^^'' ^" ^^P^^i'-^Hy -hod of control r^ZZZZ^'l' 7' '''''^^ structive faculties of the horse Tk ""^"'*°°d by the in- of men. ^^'^^^ ^' by the reasoning faculties We trust that your has been both pi will at no distant sojourn in feasant and remunerative, induce your return. Queen City of the West so far at least that m'Wr 128 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. In conclusion, we beg your acceptance of the accom- panying Tea-Service. Hoping that it may recall favorably to your recollection those who constituted your class in Toronto and who unanimously wish you every success in your laudable and humane profession. Signed, on behalf of the class, numbering r,254 members. A. Macnabb, Jos. Grand, Sr., R. Bond, B. Cooper, C. W. Johnson, R. Paul, V. S., A. GOURAM, Gk.0. Gouram, R. Hay, Sr., R. Hay, Jr., W. H. Smith, J. Hay, Hon. Geo. Brown, T. C. Patterson, Mail, A. McCaller, M. p. p., W. Brown, Shoe Manf , Hon. Frank Smith, Andrew Smith, V. S., G. W. ToRRANO, Merchant, Geo. Smith, M. P. P., W. A. Murray, Merchant, F. T. Worts, James G. Worts, Austin Smith, And 1,230 others. Before closing my notice of Toronto, I would refer with grateful words to the kind, and even laudatory, notices which my system and myself received from the ably conducted press of that city, and, I might add, of the whole Province, as the following extracts will evince. ■jw- llf TEA SERVICE FROM TORONTO CLASS. [Continued next page.] il te ho ed| all adv has ough That testal Unite a shoi Wished vices I siirroiir and HrJ Detroit] 'nusicajf The Wai medaJ, a| beaded aiready teautffull ^^ass novvl TEA SERVICE FROM TORONTO CLASS. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. '^^^^''''''''^^-^'^ thus speaks: J31 Horse Education ^Tn ^ «' of .he numerous addresle! 1 "! '"'"''' «* "-e "-e educator. My cloJZllf^Z"''^ '° ^™'-- ^"«. *e ^dse of .he construction of, hew!;.''" ^'"'^'^ k-o.l. "« by a recognition of those souj '" "'""■"' ^"O ""ove advanced by .he best .eac r/of 17"°"-'™=^ P™ ^-"^ been enabled .0 build? ""'""'"<'• Mr. Pra.. °"gl.ness and adaptabiWvl " ^ ''''"' '""'^'' '"' "^ Z ^■'>« this is no. a'n u^Z :;;;""^<' ■" '■- presen. t; Umted States and Canada ,,, I "' i">rs,n,m of the ; for. .i„e in the ^2, L^m '' ^"" ''''' "^ "^ "^d classes, a jus. .ribu.e has bee "r "-^ *"» «'=b. ™« both .0 „an and b ast in pT-' '° "'^ ^''^ -- -bounded hin,, and he lef^with th 1™°" ^'^'o Pupils f»d was presented with a I / *'"''' •"" *' oiti^ens, I^^foi' rallied r,.oo m IberTTh """' '"'"•"•^■' *>' ™ box to sweetly 2,7' ° «'™ ">» Professor a The Washington class of 7 'o ^"1 °' '""' ^PP--«i«io„ ">edal, and that of Philadeltr ? "'■ P"==^"'^<1 a gold fOed cane. Toron ' tf;: °/ ^'"^ "^bers. a gS' already announced, the class herl"; '"""^"^"d. for, as beautiful tea-service and lilt "d^t ' """""""^ "^ a ^ias. now numbers ,,.5, ^IZT "" ^"^ T°™'o 132 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The Toronto Globcy in brief but well consid- *ered words, declares : Prof. Pratt's lectures on the treatment of animals are in- valuable to farmers and all owners of horses and cattle. We only wish every farmer and farmer's boy in Canada could attend one lecture. The Canada Farmer , the A .aauig agricultural paper of the Province, in descil! >ig a visit to my exhibitions and lectures, remarks : We have seldom passed an evening so pleasantly, or with so much real profit, and our advice to every farmer and farmer's son in the country is, to take a course of lessons if possible, but at all events to attend one of Professor Pratt's public exhibitions. We feel perfectly satisfied that a couple of hours spent in witnessing one of these performances will impart a better idea of the nature and management of thd horse than is possible to obtain by any course of reading on the subject, and in this respect alone one such entertainment is worth fifty times the amount charged for a life-membership. I next visited the city of Hamilton, where I was welcomed by many warm friends, who took an active interest in my welfare and seemed delighted with my system, which, at this time, had gained great favor with the Canadian people. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 133 Here I formed a large and profitable class, and secured the friendship of many, from whom I have since met a cordial reception. Leaving Hamilton, I directed my course to the town of Whitby, where I formed a class of one hundred and twenty-five; next visiting Oshawa, where my class reached the number of one hundred and forty; then to Bowmanville, where a class of a hundred rewarded my efforts ; from there to Port Hope, where one hundred and fifty joined the class I opened ; thence to Belleville, where I enrolled about one hundred names. After having left the latter place for about a week, I was followed by a messenger, dispatched to me by my class, who bore a diploma highly eulogizing my system. It was as follows: 134 AUTOBIOGRAi aV. Belleville, May ii, 187J. Prof. O. S. Pratt. Dear Sir : We, the undersigned, express our satisfaction of the tuition w? have received from you in the education of the horse and most cheerfully recommend your art to all who own, have or use horses, as being the best known and exhibited. The manner in which you handled all the vicious horses brought to you here, completely subduing them in a very short time, gave us the gr atcs* isfaction. Your liberality and gentlemanly deportment have secured numerous friends. Trusting you will meet wid tht. „a,.ne success in other places that attended you here, and hoping you may be long spared to propagate your noble system of horse training, we are, etc. (Signed), H. B. Hunt, Brewer. G. H. Ramoy, C. E., C. Ramov, Coal Merchant. Dr. Tracey, M. D. S. M. Hicks, Miller. E. F. Pots, Wholesale Liquor Merchant. J. C. L. Ware, p. O. Clerk. John Lake, T. C. Walbridge, Ex.M. p. Wellington Boulter, Insp. Life Ins. Co. Geo. a. Simpson, Coal Merchant, Stephen Garrett, BailifT. Hawlev & Morden, Hawley House. G. W. Allen, p. O. Clerk. Henry McNinch, Livery. And ninety others. Blacksmitlu mg to proves with it tJemons tice of AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 135 From Belleville I went to the town of Picton, where I found many admirers of that noble ani- mal, the horse. Though the place is not large, the people flocked to my exhibitions, and gave me a class of one hundred and forty members, while, after I had left their town, and was engaged at the village of Wellington, twelve miles distant, a deputation from Picton waited on me, and presented me with the following diploma, which will speak for itself: Picton, May 77, 1875. "^-BSiY. O. S. Pratt : We, the members of your class, formed in the town of Picton, are unwilling to allow you to take your leave with- out warmly expressing the great satisfaction that has been ours since your arrival among us. Your plain, lucid and highly interesting lectures, combined with your gentlemanly deportment, has been such as to leave a lasting and bene- ficial impression on our memories. Your manner of hand- ling vicious and untutored horses has been highly gratify- ing to us, and the rapid progress made by you cle?r)y proves the superiority of your system. Your book, so replete with instructions, illustrating what we have seen practically demonstrated, will, we believe, greatly benefit us in the prac- tice of your system in future years. : ' . ' 136 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Believe us, dear sir, to bespeak for you unequaied success in your future efforts. Yours, etc., etc., G. Striker, M. P. P., J. H. Allen, Mayor, E. LouKs, J. F. Ingsoll, M. D., Rector of Picton. q^^^^ GeARING, A. M. Kerr, Merchant. Bank Agent. ^ ^ NORMAN, Fred. White, ^^^^^^ G. E. Vandusen, Bidwell WAV, Richard Lake, Ed. " New Nation." Hotel Keeper. M. Clark, Merchant, And one hundred and twenty others. After forming classes in several places in the old loyal county of Prince Edward, and meet- ing with good success, I crossed the beautiful waters of the Bay of Quintie, arriving at the town of Napanee about the first of June, 1875. There I formed a class of one hundred. Pursu- ing my journey, I traveled north and west, exhibiting at many places, until I reached the town of Peterborough, where I remained a short time, and formed a class of one hundred mem- bers. Departing thence, I visited many towns and villages, forming classes in each,, on my way itant unab by I was stand prese sand. AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 137 to Lindsay, at which place I enrolled the names of seventy-eight members. From Lindsay I went to Fenelon Falls, quite a newly-erected town, yet I found many there to whom my visit was a pleasure, as I soon obtained a class of some sixty members. Passing on westward, I continued to meet with success, forming classes in some few small vil- lages until, on the 9th of September, I entered the beautiful tov/n of Barrie. There I found warm friends, and many lovers of the horse, who met me cordially, and gave me a class of one hundred and thirty-five members. I next shaped my course northward, to the old town of Penetanguishine, on the eastern shore of Georgian Bay. The larger portion of the inhab- itants are French Canadians, many of whom are unable to speak our language. I was informed by some of the old inhabitants that the town was first settled a century ago; but, notwith- standing this, their progress has been slow, as at present the population is but about one thou- sand. My class in this place numbered about 138 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. seventy persons, who seemed highly pleased with my system of educating the horse. At Penetanguishine I took passage on the steamer Waubuno for Collingwood. The boat is commanded by Captain Peter Campbell, a courteous gentleman, who possesses the power of so adapting himself to his passengers as to make a trip with him pleasant in both the enjoy- ment and the retrospect, while the romantic scenery which meets the eye of the voyager who ascends the bay is so beautiful that, were it not for the severity of the winters there, one might easily be tempted to select his home amongst the beauties of nature which adorn the shores of Georgian Bay. On arriving at Collingwood, I gave an exhibi- tion that cneated a strong interest among the citizens, and resulted in my forming a good class, who manifested both satisfaction and delight with the instructions I imparted. After exhibiting at small towns on the way, I arrived at the truly beautiful and lately-incorpo- rated town of Meaford, on the fifth day of Octo- be to be the cloi thrc the tion, mem Ft I rea n]any was meeti Ge which water, with seems steam many pleasini is assei I AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 139 ber. A drenching rain was falling, which seemed to indicate that my prospects of success would be blighted by the inauspicious storm; but, as the day swept on towards noon, the parting clouds allowed the golden sunbeams to flow through, and, by two o'clock, the whole aspect of the scene was changed. I gave a public exhibi- tion, and formed a class of nearly one hundred members. • From Meaford I traveled over bad roads until I reached Owen Sound. Here I did not find as n^any lovers of the horse as I anticipated, yet I was pleased before the close of my labors by meeting a good degree of success. Georgian Bay, near the southern bend of which is Owen Sound, is a beautiful sheet of water, broadening out as it leaves Lake Huron, with which it is connected, and forming what seems like a land-locked lake in itself. Large steamers leave this port for Lake Superior, and many tourists deem this route one of the most pleasing of all on the upper lakes. Ere long, it is asserted, a communication will be opened from 140 AUTOBIOGRAPHY. this point to Winnipeg and the far-off Province of Manitoba. Having thus brought my narrative down to the present time, I would add a few words to the reader who may have kindly followed me through the scenes I have recorded. In what I have written one object has been to show the strong and unqualified endorsement my system of equine education has everywhere received from the men best qualified to judge of its merits, while, at the same time, the narrative is a fitting, and I hope not an uninteresting, introduction. to the system itself, which, with other matter relating to the general subject, will be fully and clearly taught in the following portions of the book. And now, with a hearty appreciation of the unvarying kindness he has received from his patrons in all portions of the land, the author begs leave to respectfully dedicate this work to those whose aid, appreciation and friendship have so often cheered him in his efforts. HISTORY OF THE HORSE. From the earliest ages this noble animal has been the friend and companion of man. Prized for his beauty, loved for his docility, and valued for his strength, he has ever been regarded as the highest in value and importance of all c' mesticated animals. In the remotest ages, as >ack as authentic history discloses anything of the life and pursuits of man, we find that the horse occupied a prominent position in his ser- vice. Painters have pictured on their canvas the majesty and grace of the spirited animal. Poets have celebrated his strength and beauty in their verses, and even inspired writers have introduced amongst their most glowing descriptions the horsemen and chariots which formed a chief feature in the pomp and magnificence of those early days. ^J^-^ 142 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. In the most ancient hieroglyphs we find him prer>ent, and always so represented as to show that, even in the remote antiquity from which they date, he had been brought into complete and serviceable subjection. In the oldest Egyp- tian paintings the horse is seen only in the war chariot, and in the descriptions of the siege of Troy only the charioteer appears, from which it has been supposed that the first horses used by the Greeks were too small to be conveniently ridden. But in the lately-discovered paintings in the palace of Nimrod, at Nineveh, disinterred by Layard, and supposed to be more than three thousand years old, horsemen are exhibited both in the chase and war. But further back than even those distant times, in the ages where authentic history merges into the shadowy light, amidst which myth and fable mingle with the real, we find this noble animal figuring, but then exalted into a semi-human sphere. The Centaurs, who inhabited the passes of Mts. Pelion and Ossa, and the great plains of Thessaly, in Upper Greece, were probably a dinar be art as were jgnor eleval that Ever)' who HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 143 race resembling in many respects the Tartars of this age, and are supposed to have been the first who brought the horse into subjection to man. They were fabled as being half horse and half man. They are represented as perfect horses in all respects below and behind the withers and the chest ; there, at the insertion of the neck, began a human body, the hip-joints articulating into the shoulders of the lower animal, and the abdomen of the man passing gradually into the chest of the horse. Above this the human form was perfect, with the erect bearing, chest, shoul- ders, arms, neck and head of a complete man. They were reputed to be possessed of extraor- dinary mental as well as physical powers, and to be as superior to ordinary men in wisdom and art as they were in fleetness and strength. They were evidently a tribe of horsemen whom the ignorance and superstition of that early period elevated into a superior race, in the supposition that the horse and man were united in one. Everything points to them as being the first who succeeded in breaking and using the horse. Ml 144 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. ^m-> Coming down to the times of authentic his- tory, we find the Parthians to have been amongst the most renowned for their skill in training and using the horse. Their feats of horsemanship in battle showed a complete mastery of the ani- mal, which, in their battles with the Romans, rendered them so efficient as mounted archers. Frequently, in ancient paintings, the mounted steed is represented without a bridle, and the Numidian cavalry are said to have guided and restrained their horses without it ; an assertion by no means improbable, as a Comanche Indian of the present day will frequently jump on the back of a wild and untrained horse, and guide him by the simple expedient of covering with his hand the eye of the animal on the side oppo- site to that in which he wishes to direct it In modern times the horse has been so closely associated with man that he appears in every pha<ie of society, and it is only when his numer- ous uses are considered that we realize how greatly the human family is his debtor. The knight of the days of chivalry would have been HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 145 impossible but for the trusty steed which bore him so gallantly in the lists at the tourney, and amidst the deadlier strife of the battle. Before the plow and at the harrow he has multiplied the productions of the earth a hundred-fold beyond what human strength alone could have secured. Laboring before the loaded wagon, he has been a steady drudge for man. Harnessed to the elegant equipage or to the humbler "cab," or bearing along the dusty highway the stage-coach of the traveler, he has performed a thousand offices indispensable to human comfort and ad- vancement. It is not too much to claim for him that civilization itself would have been shorn of something of its present fair proportions but for the valuable services rendered by this noble animal. Yet, with all his acknowledged value, the horse has been too frequently the victim of neglect and cruelty; often ill-fed, poorly sheltered, and harshly treated, till, in many cases, the innate nobleness of his nature has been obscured by vicious habits, contracted through the misman- 146 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. agement or abuse to which he has been sub- jected, and perpetuated by ignorance and preju- dice. Naturally, the horse is usually gentle and confiding; he is quick to perceive . and possesses an excellent memory, which qualities render him capable of being educated easily, and to an extent far greater than is generally supposed. Added to this, he is capable of deep and lasting attachment. What the horse may have been in his natural state is not known, as none at present exist in that condition. The horses which at the present day are found in a wild state in Northern Asia and America, are known to be the descendants of individuals formerly domesticated. On the prairies of the West, the pampas of South America, and the plains of Tartary, they live in troops, roaming at large, without fixed place of abode, seeking the richest pasturages by day, and resting at night in dry and sheltered situations ; these large troops, which have lived independ- ently for many generations, entirely exempt from the influence of man, probably afford a tolerably HISTORY OF THE HORSE. H7 correct idea of what the primeval animal was. They are generally smaller, yet stronger, than the domesticated animal, with rougher coats, stronger limbs, and larger heads. Even when adult, the wild horse is readily domesticated, and may be broken to any use without great difficulty, thus proving the natural gentleness and docility of his nature. They are captured by the lasso, bitted, mounted, and broken within an hour by the daring and skillful Gauchos. The Arabians, long renowned for their attach- ment to the horse, early showed the extent to which intelligent training could develop his finer qualities, and render him the most docile and obedient of animals. Something in that country or its climate is especially suited to the develop- ment of the horse, and, although introduced there long after his domestication in other east- ern countries, he rapidly attained a degree of excellence which surpassed all others, until the horses of Arabia and the adjacent portions of Asia and Africa became the most celebrated for speed, courage, spirit, intelligence and docility of r, '/ 148 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. any of the equine race. Small in size, he has a beautiful, lean, bony head, with a very broad fore- head, a tapering muzzle, and large, well-opened nostrils; his mane is very long, thin and silky. It is from the Arabian horse, crossed with the Barb, that the best stock of England and Amer- ica has sprung. Although much of the superi- ority of these horses is attributable to peculiarly favorable conditions of the country where they originated, yet many of their excellent qualities may be traced to kindness and intelligent train- ing by which those qualities were first developed, and through which they have been transmitted until they have become characteristics of the race. ,:= The Arabian understands the value of his horse, appreciates the nobility of his nature, and treats him accordingly. They kiss and caress them ; they adorn them with jewels, and amulets formed out of sentences of the Koran, as a pre- servative against evil and accidents. "In short," says a modern author, " they treat them almost like rational beings, which are ready to sacrifice des pla; adc Ara men sevei fersr he rot than Pierre attach] whole sisted Consul ^'ntentic XIV. a Jong tion of ^e naml instructil ^ersaiJJe the terr HISTORV OF THE HORSE. ,^ P'aymateo \^^: ::j':: 77''- — te and A.b,nhe„etva,ueor;i l^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^" ments might be calculated atolTv '" seventeen pence half-penny- whof"^ ""''■■ fers made to purchase a b^' .v . '"'"'' "" °''- He rode. declaVthi: h^wld'^^e'Tr " b"'"'^'' than his own life Th. c , ' ''^"^■' P-e. quotes \e?;Jr ^"'''-' D^. S'-„tlt;r:oTe."Tr "erora^i:rr^"°^'^--«-- Consu, at SaT ffe^:! T "'"^ ^^^"^" mention of senc^rhe; to^T.t" ^^' "'"^ ^" XIV. The Ar.h , '"^''''■■' Louis along tim.tfltTn^th'^^"'''^^'''^^^^'-- tion of race vin. . ^ consented, on condi- l-e named Th'ecT' T""^""^ ^"•"-'^'^H instructions, to give Toli h" '"'"^' """"" yersaillesforpeLlon l?rr^°"" '^^ -"^ ='<puiated. Louitr?; :-:;:: I50 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. to pay the money. The Consul immediately sent notice to the Arab, who soon after made his appearance mounted on his magnificent courser, and the gold he had demanded was paid down to him. The Arab, covered with a miserable rag, dismounts and looks at the money ; then, turning his eyes to the mare, he thus accosts her: 'To whom am I going to yield thee up? To Europeans, who will tie thee close, who will beat thee, who will render thee miserable. Re- turn with me, my beauty, my darling, my jewel, and rejoice the hearts of my children!* As he pronounced these words, he sprung upon her back and scampered off towards the desert" It is not surprising that such a high apprecia- tion of and fondness for this noble animal, united to an intelligent training, has resulted in the production of a race of horses unrivaled in excellence. But among Europeans and Ameri- cans the treatment of the horse has been usually so harsh, and the mode of training so deficient in intelligence, as to greatly lessen his value, even where a brutal ignorance has not brought into HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 151 activity every vice latent in his nature. Of the numerous faults ascribed to the horse a very small portion are chargeable to his natural dis- position, the remainder being the direct result of vicious training, or rather of the absence of training, and the substitution of something which, under that name, first produces and then fosters the faults for which the animal is punished; while often the punishment is ineffectual, be- cause the animal has no conception of why it is made to suffer. Education is as essential to the horse as it is to man, and in each case it must proceed on the same general principles. Man, if uneducated and untrained would degenerate into barbarism, and the horse, unless brought under subjection to an intelligent will, will remain wild and ungov- ernable. In each case education is the process by which the higher and better qualities are developed and the lower and evil are restrained. The first grand lesson to be learned by each is that of subjection to authority ; the child is taught that by "his parent ; the horse must learn 152 HISTORY OF THE HORSE. r it from his trainer. But, after that, knowledge is required, and this must be imparted by meth- ods adapted to the nature that is to be cultivated. The object of the practical portion of this book is to show in what that knowledge consists and how it may be communicated to the horse, and so impressed upon his memory that it will never be forgotten. The author has the fullest confi- dence that the methods of breaking and training the horse, herein taught, will, if early applied, prevent his acquiring any of the faults which, under former systems, have proved so numerous ; while the treatment recommended for correcting bad habits, already formed, will prove effectual in even the most stubborn cases, and with the most intractable dispositions. The reader will not be asked to accept any unproved theory, but will be instructed in a system which, although subjected to the severest tests, has never failed to accomplish the desired results. And that it never will fail, the author feels assured, it being firmly based on reason and experience. That it may require patience and self-control on the HISTORY OF THE HORSE. 15^ part of the instructor the author does not deny ; but so does the instruction of a child, the break- ing of a dog to the gun, or even the training of a vine to its trellis ; but the satisfactory results which are certain to be attained will furnish an. ample reward. DIRECTIONS FOR FEEDING AND FITTING A HORSE. I. To Raise a Trotter so that He will Last a Long Time. — A horse that is going to display great excellence as a trotter will not attain his speed at four years, nor at five, but will reach his highest excellence when the well- bred horse of seven years has been long gone from the turf. Nothing in nature, soon matured, lasts long. In fitting a running horse, the case is different, as his constitution is not the same ; the colts of blooded horses are inclined to mature earlier than any others, and, being of leaner and wiry build, they can stand more feed at an early period than a lower-bred horse. There are good reasons, which I fully endorse, for not feeding growing colts much grain. If the colt is weaned, I would recommend from one to two quarts per day, varying the quantity according to his size, as one with a large, loose give •sickr appes FEEDING AND I'lTTING A HORSE. 155 to Ot Ut li- ne ed^ nt, of ler ry rly •se, If lom 3St frame will require more than a close-built colt, which keeps in good order and fills out as he grows up. Good pasturage, however, is the main requisite. Give no corn to colts while they are young. Late in the fall give your colt all the hay he can eat, and be careful to have his oats clean and of good quality. When his first win- ter comes, let the colt have a good place to run, and be well-housed at night. Never turn such colts out with old horses, calves and heifers; should you do so, you may expect a shivering, scrawny colt, scarcely able to put one leg before the other; while, by avoiding this error, your colt will be as gay and frisky as when standing by its mother. When weaning, a warm bran-mash, now and then, with a few oats mixed in, will be beneficial ; it will do the whole system good, and improve digestion. Give colts and horses all the water they can drink, but do noL give it often. Never give a colt physic unless it is sick; to prevent sickr ss, diet when symptoms of indisposition appear. ffl f^ 156 FEEDING AND FITTING A HORSE. Yearling colts should have three quarts of oats per day ; their other food must be abundant and good. When two years old in the springs give four quarts of oats per day ; when three years old give six quarts, and when four years old give eight quarts daily. 2. To Mouth and Bit a Colt. — The bitting must not be continued long at a time, from five to twenty minutes is sufficient, great care must be observed not to overdo the colt as short les- sons, often repeated, make a better impression and are more lasting. When the colt becomes fatigued his temper will begin to rise, and I am satisfied that two-thirds of horses viciously in- clined are made so by improper handling v/hen young. In handling a two-year-old trotter the utmost care, as well as gentleness and firmness, must be exercised. It was not customary, in for- mer times, to handle colts until they were four years old, but later experience has shown the advantages of beginning at an earlier age. A colt can be taught at two years old, and be made to trot at three if the handling is properly done. doin weig trac not in si with( FEEDING AND FITTING A HORSE 157 But a danger to be especially guarded against is the impatience of the owner who, when he finds that the young colt can trot a little, always de- sires to see him do it more or a little faster. If he pushes the colt in such a way he will soon have one that will do nothing. The only proper and safe way is to proceed gradually, but contin- ually . the colt should be kept at it gently, so as to retain all he learns, which he will do if he is not forced off his feet Then break him to ride ; mount and dismount, but do not straddle him till he gets accustomed to your getting off and on ; then ride him for a few moments, but not so long that he will get leg-weary I recommend less walking for trot- ters than was formerly employed. 3. To Educate Him for the Road. — In doing this the skeleton is preferable, to keep the weight off his back. Take your horse to some track , if there is none, then upon the road , do not speed him along at the same rate ; bii c in short * spurts," when he will extend himself without injury. If he seems tired, let him up a 5 T?' .f 158 FEEDING AND FITTING A HORSE. little. You must watch for such indications, as this is a critical time in the education of your horse. This jogging should not exceed from two to four miles a day, with *' spurts" of not over a quarter of a mile. You should carefully ascertain whether or not he improves, as at this age his improvement should be constant. Per- haps, at this time, you may see him break his gait, showing that he has had too much work for his age and has become sore. Then suspend your driving and when he gets well apply my trotting rig as shown in the engraving. The colt then, finding something on his mouth and legs to keep him steady, will alter his way of going. Though he is to be taught to go without being pulled hard, it should still be remembered that the colt or horse will often want to get his head down and feel the bit. The driver should then support him, with as little pull as possible, yet enough to accomplish that purpose ; the horse with good mouth will always feel the driver's hand. ?A ^-'M I!|! SYSTEM OF EDUCATING THE HORSE. I- NEW METHOD OF HALTERING A VICIOUS OR WILD COLT. Having directed my attention for many years to compiling a system of educating the horse, and traveling over twenty-five States of the Union, together with nearly all the cities and towns in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, during the past eight years, it is highly probable that few, if any, men are better prepared to impart instruction or to give direction with regard to the management of the horse than myself. Therefore, without being egotistic, or overrating my ability, I can but say that, if the reader will adopt the various ideas found in my work relating to the colt alone, he will have gained knowledge sufficient to more than repay him for the amount paid for the book. I deem it advisable to give special directions to those who raise colts, not only as to their -'s^ 1 62 EDUCATING THE HORSE. manner of treatment and education, but, know- ing full well the difficulty sometimes attending the first haltering of wild colts, I have prepared the foregoing plate as illustrative of my method, and now proceed to give directions which, if strictly followed, will insure success. Take a pole about ten feet long; drive a nail near the end, then drive ano?.her about fifteen inches from it ; now take a rope halter, and hang the part that goes on the top of the head on these nails; then enlarge the nose-piece, by means of the slip-noose^ sufficiently to allow it to slip on easily, observing to hold the halter stale in your hands with the pole; approach your colt with great care, and allow him to smell of the halter, and, in a few minutes, he will yield to your advances^ and allow you to place the hal- ter on him without much difficulty. Make the shank or stale of the halter about three times the ordinary length, for, as soon as he finds him- self caught, he will use his best exertions to get away from you. EDUCATING THE llOKSE. 165 Vi w w TO EDUCATE THE HORSE TO THE WORDS ''COME HERE." Place a Camanche bridle on the horse, made as follows: take a small cord about sixteen feet long, tie the end around the neck firmly, so that it cannot slip; then double your cord, placing it under the neck, from the shoulder to the mouth ; step back at the side of your horse, and say "Come here;"" at the same time give him a sharp jerk, and he will swing around to you •, when he comes, caress him with your hand on the shoul- der; now repeat the same on opposite side, remembering to caress each time; do this four or five times, and you will find that your horse will obey and fully understand the words " come here." Always speak the words with a distinct and commanding tone of voice. I desire that the reader may understand that obedience in the horse is accomplished by pain ; so, when you inflict pain, accompanied by a word, the horse is made to understand that the words inr i66 EDUCATING THE HORSE. mean pain; and, rather than suffer pain, he cheerfully obeys the word. Persons have practiced the foregoing idea and succeeded in accomplishing their purpose and have, no doubt, been highly gratified that their horse was so intelligent, yielding a quiet obedi- ence to their efforts in a very short time ; now had the owner known that a foundation for a complete education was properly laid; how easily could he have built a superstructure thereon that would have been permanent and beneficial during the life of the animal. Men are often conceited and think that because they have experienced no difficulty in the past in breaking and handling their horses, therefore all will be sunshine in the future. I would advise a careful perusal of my work, and, by so doing, those of the character above described will have their conceit sup- planted as they gain the knowledge of a practical system of properly educating the horse. I'll'! EDUCATING THli IIUKSE. 169 HOW TO LAY A HORSE DOWN, Place a rope or rein around the horse's body, forming a surcingle ; pass the other end under the tail and bring it back, tying it to the part around the body, thus forming a surcingle and crooper; also put a ring, say an inch in diameter, in the surcingle on the back ; then strap up the nigh fore-leg as follows : take a quarter-strap, pass it two or three times around below the fet- lock, then through the keeper; bring the leg up and buckle close to the belly; place around the neck a quarter-inch strong rope, loosely, fixing the knot so it will not slip ; bring the end down the near side of the head, through the mouth, and back on the off-side through the ring in the surcingle ; now take a position on the nigh-side of the horse, commencing to pull gently, allow- ing him to struggle a short time, after which he will lie down quite easily, without sustaining any injury. I/O EDUCATING THE HORSE. By adhering strictly to the instructions given, every person will readily see that the object in laying the horse down is to give him to under- stand that you are master; and, after repeating this two or three times, he will be perfectly sat- isfied of the fact. While down, place a small pole between his legs, moving it about ; if he shows fear or resists, give him a sharp p'lii on the cord in his mouth by way of correction. In other words, punish him for doing wrong, and caress him for doing right, thus making him understand the difference between right and wrong. © W^r n, in r- t- ill le )n [n id m id the feet BBT^iWlPWfl^ EDUCATING THE HORSE. 173 IfOPV TO GET A HORSE UP THAT THROWS HIMSELF. Animals are often sulky, and quickly acquire the habit of lying down. Balky horses, when urged to go, will lie down and refuse to get up, and an ox wll 'sometimes lie down in the furrow when befor.„ il e plough. When the habit is thoroughly settled, it becomes very annoying to the owner or driver, who often resorts to severe means, but fails to accomplish the end desired ; therefore, to prevent violence and ill-treatment, I give the easy and simple remedy subjoined, which, when adopted, will be found to be prac- tical and never-failing: Raise the animal's head up, as illustrated in the foregoing plate, and pour into his nostril a small quantity of water, not to exceed a pint, from '.^. pitcher or cup, and you will be amused by the pleasing result : the animal will rise to his feet as quickly as it is possible for him to do so ; I'll! 174 EDUCATING THE HORSE, •::iV: lit he believes himself to be drowning, and will extricate himself with all speed. Simple as is this expedient, it is yet unfailing in its efficacy ; and that which most commends it to the acceptance of kind-hearted men is the absence of all cruelty in its application. No pain is caused, but the unusual sensation, to- gether with the necessity for air on the part of the horse, banishes his former feeling of sulki- ness or anger and he yields to the almost irre- sistible impulse to spring to his feet and free his nostrils of the water. If any one who has never applied this remedy should doubt its power, he only needs to try the experiment in a mild way on himself, when he will realize its power upon the horse. I believe it would be impossible to devise another method so free from pain, so harmless to the horse, and yet so thoroughly efficacious as is the one we have here given. EDUCATING THE HORSE. 1/7 TO EDUCATE A. COLT NOT TO BE AFRAID OF HIS HEELS. Too much importance cannot be attached to the manner of educating a horse's heels, as it is in that point his greatest means of defense and resistance lies, and most men make the mistake of breaking one end of the horse, while they allow his hiiid parts to go uneducated. The instructions I am about to give will, if properly followed, insure success. After laying your colt down, commence to handle his hind parts and heels, being careful to hold the cord firmly in your left hand, so that, if he attempts to get up, you can control him ; then strike him gently with a stick, and, if he should show fear, which he naturally will, punish him in the mouth ; then place the stick between his legs and commence moving it around, and, if he makes no resistance, remember to caress him ; almost as much is accomplished by caressing as by punishing. (', I "11 178 EDUCATING THE HORSE. The above instruction is equally applicable to a kicking horse, but in his education he will require more lessons before the habit will be entirely removed ; still, kindness and a little patience will soon accomplish all you desire. Men in general exercise too little patience in the training of their colts, and they frequently expect to accomplish more in a short space of time than can possibly be performed. Yet the time really required, when measured by days, is so short as to be really surprising. Let us sup- pose that in training a colt one were to spend two hours a day for ten days, which is the long- est time that could possibly be needed ; compute the time at ten hours to the day, and the whole amounts to but two days, at the end of which he would have a well-educated animal. I doubt if a farmer or horse-raiser could employ his time more profitably in any other way than in thor- oughly educating his colts, as he thus enhances their value, for there is no sensible man who would not give ten dollars more for a properly educated animal than for one improperly trained. :o ill lie in tly of che , is up- 2nd »ng- )Ute lole tiich Dubt :ime ;hor- .nces who perly lined. the know out b sulky- allow heels, kick, to sto EDUCATING TIIK HORSE. I8l TO EDUCATE A COLT TO DRIVE BEFORE BE/..G HARNESSED. Place on him the Bonaparte bridle, as shown in engraving, with your cord in the left hand and whip in the right ; the cord referred to should be about eighteen feet long; now drive him around a circle to the right about fifteen minutes ; then drive him to the left about the same time. You have now educated your colt to drive, and may with safety put on your harness, observing to put the reins through the shaft tugs at his side ; then commence driving him carefully for some fifteen minutes on a walk, turning him to the right and left as before directed. Do not use the whip more than sufficient to give him a knowledge of its use. Never drive a colt with- out blinders. It is better to first hitch him to a sulky or a cart, and do not put on breechings, but allow the cross-bar frequently to come against his heels, so that he may never be afraid, or learn to kick. Never forget, when your colt is obedient, to stop him, and walk up to and caress him. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) L ^ /. ^/ %<' . ^^ 1.0 I.I IIM 111115 12.2 ir m ^ ^ 14^ lllllio 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" _ ► Photographic Sciences Corporation ,\ «- t sj :\ \ ^s^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 6^ .<;^ * l82 EDUCATING THE HORSE. ■k. I am unwilling to pass on to another illustra- tion without more fully impressing on the minds of those who raise or break colts the necessity of kind and careful usage in educating thcT ani- mals. Never approach your colt quickly. Never pull the halter or bridle off quickly. Always handle the colt's ears with great care. Never punish him on the body with anything but a whip, and with it as seldom as possible, as many colts become sulky and show signs of balking when severely whipped. It is better that you should give your colt two or three lessons each day, as heretofore directed, at intervals of say two hours apart! by this means you do not overtax his brain nor cause him to get weary. In this, as in many other cases, the wisest course is to " make haste slowly." f' ■V,.. I!) II M en U M t/3 u u u M EDUCATING THE HORSE. 185 JIOIV TO EDUCATE A COLT TO MOVE HIS BODY WHEN HE MOVES HIS HEAD. Place on your bridle, then your harness ; carry your reins through the shaft tugs; take your po- sition behind the horse (see engraving); now com- mence to drive, turning him round frequently, first to the right, then to the left, and he will quickly understand to move his body when he moves his head. By this means you are educat- ing to the shafts, and educating not to be afraid of his heels, thus thoroughly breaking your horse at both sides and both ends. After your colt has been driven two or three times, as above described, educate him to obey the word "whoa;" let him walk along smartly, then speak plain, with audible voice, and say "whoa;" at the same time pull on the reins with some force; when he stops, caress him; repeat this a few times, and, in the short space of fifteen minutes, you will have taught him the use of the word. Now your horse is educated to drive and stop at the word of command. IF^J } 1 86 EDUCATING THE HORSE. The next thing in order is to teach him to back. To accomplish this, grasp your reins firmly, and with a determined effort ; speak firmly, making use of the word "back," at the same time pulling with all your might; if he obeys the first time, step up and caress him; if not, increase the power by inviting one or more of your friends to assist on the reins, being fully determined to accomplish your pur- pose. As soon as he obeys, don't fail to caress him, and by this process you will educate your horse to the word, which he wil! never forget. Your colt being educated, you may now hitch him up to a vehicle, observing to drive him very slow, only on a walk, and after thus driving him a few times, you can with certainty say that you have a thoroughly educated horse, whose value will be greatly increased, compared with the old or any other system of breaking the colt Always observing to drive your colt with blind- ers, only using the whip enough to let him know the use of it. Be kind to your animal, never using harsh means, and he will reward your kindness by implicit obedience. m\ ^.1f EDUCATING THE HORSE. 189 O m (d IMPROVED METHOD OF BITTING A COLT Use the Bonaparte bridle, placing a loop on the lower jaw ; carry the cord back on the neck, bringing the end of the cord down through the loop on the jaw ; then draw the horse's head up in an easy and graceful position, and tie a bow- knot. Should the horse attempt to rear and go over backwards, give a little pull to untie the cord, and the horse is saved from any accident. The object aimed at in bitting a horse is to give an easy position, with a high and graceful carriage of the head, and, in our efforts to do this, we must be careful not to give him a dead bearing on the bit, or make him what is usually known as a " lugger." All the bitting rings which we have examined, and especially those of English make, are objectionable, as having a tendency to produce this result. The rig which we here give you is entirely free from this objection, and is better calculated to produce the desired result of ease and gracefulness than any ever before ?^'if 190 EDUCATING THE HORSE. presented to the public. Our rig, instead of bearing on the jaw-bones whenever the horse presses his weight upon the bit, producing a calloused jaw and indifference to the bit, con- tracts the side muscles of the cheek on the molar teeth, with a pain the horse cannot endure ; he lifts his head, the bit falls on the side rein, and the mouth is at once relieved. Practice has shown that horses bitted with this rig soon acquire the habit of gently and gracefully raising the head with that occasional toss, or upward and downward motion, and playing with the bit, which is the perfection of beauty in a carriage horse, while standing in the harness. It is not possible for a horse with our rig to become a " lugger." This bit never bears upon the jaw-bone with more than a light pressure, and when he attempts to rest his head upon the bit, the pressure on the teeth causes him to desist and elevate his head. He soon dreads to rest upon the bit, and of his own free will, without the force of the rein, carries it up with freedom and ease. ! \i ''(tl m ShI EDUCATING THE HORSE. 193 EDUCATING THE COLT TO RIDE First put on the Bonapnrte bridle, make a double half-hitch, bringing it ov m the head, back of his ears, and, carrying it do vn to the mouth, place it under the upper ' ; , taking tie end of the cord in your right hand, p':* ing it on the horseV", rump; then place your left hand in the mane ; now spring partly on and off, as seen in the plate on preceding page. Do this several times; if he moves, punish him in the mouth, by means of the cord; if he does not move, when you get off caress him ; then go to the opposite side, repeating the same several times, after which you may safely mount your horse, but be particular not to remain on his back too long at a time, as the strength of the animal is not yet sufficiently developed to bear a protracted strain. Like the young of all animals, the colt has a great deal of energy and spirit, but lacks the stamina to endure long-continued exertion, nor can it be imposed on them without certain injury. 194 EDUCATING THE HORSE. Men do not act wisely by practicing the old system of riding colts, viz., by mounting on the back with reins and whip in hand, and, so soon as the colt jumps about or rears, applying the whip or heels ; for the reason that the animal does not know what you require of him, but believes you design some injury, and therefore resists your efforts to ride him. No wonder that he repeatedly throws his rider and treats him as an intruder. He cannot be less terrified than a man would be if a wild animal were to mount on his back. In order to secure success in educating his colt to ride let the reader adopt the foregoing instructions, and he will not have cause for regret, but will find that he has gained more than the single point of riding, as he has taught his colt that he does not intend to harm him, and that his duty is to yield a cheerful obe- dience to his owner's commands. EDUCATING THE HORSE. 197 INSTRUCTIONS TO RIDE THE COLT. 18 H W O H O HI C/3 5: Take a small cord, ten to twelve feet long, divide it in the center; then place the center back of the ears, cross it in the mouth, then bring both ends along the neck to the withers^ and tie a knot, thus forming a powerful bridle, sufficient to ride the most vicious animal. Sacred history contains the declaration that there is " the bridle for the horse, the whip for the ass, and the rod for the fool's back," and, while writing my book, I have often thought of the first portion of that quotation. The power of the bridle in controlling the horse is really wonderful, and the new forms of powerful bri- dles given in this work enable the most timid rider to secure the mastery of the most power- ful animal. The one described above is excel- lent, and can never fail to give satisfaction when it is used as directed. There is no exercise so invigorating and scarce- ly any so delightful as the manly one of riding the horse, yet three-quarters of the pleasure of i:%: 3 ' <i i il Yjr ^fl il '.fWi'iSH '--^KM W} '''■' 11 1 i ii:!! il I'i mmk M 198 EDUCATING THE HORSE. equestrianism depends on the early training of the horse for this delightful exercise. The rider who feels that he has beneath him an ani- mal obedient to his slightest wish, and which responds to a touch of the heel or the lightest pressure of the bit, moving to the lifting or the falling of the bridle, such a rider feels almost as though the horse on which he sits forms a por- tion of himself, and courses onward with a delightful sense of power and freedom. Nearly all of this excellence in a riding-horse depends on the way in which he has been educated while young. Faults then acquired may be corrected, it is true, in later years, yet it is far more desir- able that they should never have been formed, but:, in place thereof, the qualities secured which form the excellence of a horse. I throw out these suggestions at this point, for I am now dealing with the early education of the colt ; later in the book I shall have to speak more of faults to be corrected, and it is my wish to impress on my reader the great importance of the kind of education which the colt receives at his hands. g of The > ani- rhich btest r the St as por- th a early tends while icted, lesir- •med, irhich it, for Dn of >peak wish ice of es at I il EDUCATING THE HORSE. 201 r(9 HALTER-BREAK A COLT, AND HITCH IN THE STABLE. , Place the center of a sixteen-foot cord under the horse's tail, and bring it over and cross it on the back ; then tie it firmly in front of the breast (as seen by reference to illustration on preceding page) ; carry the halter-strap through the man- ger, and bring it back under the mouth ; then tie the end of the strap to the cord in front of the breast. The colt is now tied by the head and tail. While he yields quietly to the confine- ment, he is comfortable and easy, but the mo- ment he begins to resist he punishes himself; this he soon learns, and in a little time ceases the efforts which he finds to be productive of pain. He will always remember the lesson, and give no further trouble. It may seem a trifling thing to have gained the result described above ; yet, as the earth is made up of grains of sand, so the thorough education of the horse is the result of attention 202 EDUCATING THE HORSE. I H >t' to a multitude of small affairs, each one seeming to be of little importance in itself, but which, in their total, make the difference between a gentle and an unruly animal. Too much care and attention cannot be bestowed on the colt while you are giving him lesson after lesson, as he is susceptible of im- pressions that will take weeks to overcome, provided you should through neglect or careless- ness omit to practice the instructions laid down. Do not suppose that any of the directions given in this book are unimportant. They, one and all, the result of long experience in the management and education of the horse, and each one, in its place and relation to the general system, is as necessary, though perhaps not as important, as any other. To be certain of reach- ing the best results of the system, the reader must not pass over any of our directions as un- important or unnecessary, but accept each as a part of the system which it has required years of time and thought to bring to its present state of perfection. ling 1, in ntle be him im- 5me, less- Dwn. ions are, 1 the and leral )t as :ach- ader J Un- as a /■ears state iii i u o (4 (d U a EDUCATINO THE HORSE. 205 TO EDUCATE A JIORSE NOT TO KICK AT YOU WHEN ENTERING THE STALL. Place on the horse the Bonaparte bridle ; then drive a staple at the side of the stall, near the manger, three or four feet from the floor; then attach another staple at the entrance of the stall, the same distance from the floor; now pass the cord through both staples and tie it. When you enter the stall, pull sharply on the rope ; at the same time use the words " go over." The head of the horse will be drawn towards you, and his heels to the opposite side. Thus you avoid all danger, and will very soon educate your horse to abandon this bad habit. Vicious and annoying habits in horses often owe their origin to bad management by their owner or groom. Allow me to instance a few examples : A man walks into the stable and approaches his horse in the stall, and, if he should move about quickly, the person springs back from him, evidently showing his fear, which 2o6 EDUCATING THE HORSE. is at once noticed by the horse, and taken advantage of; so that, after a repetition of this two or three times, the animal fancies he is mas- ter, and uses h 's heels to help the intruder out of the stall. Another custom prevails : that of striking a horse on the rump or hinder parts, with a whip or stick in order to n- ake him stand over, and the effect is to irritate and cause him to kick. Now, in order to insure success, walk up to your animal manfully and determinately, ob- serving never to show fear, and by this means you will never teach your horse to kick at you. m lis is- ut of th er, to up >b- ou 1 EDUCATING THE HORSE. 209 ':i''-i,%: : TO EDUCATE A HORSE THAT KICKS OR PAWS IN THE STALL. First make the Bonaparte bridle, as before directed; carry the cord through a surcingle, attached around the body, back to a ring in front of the hind-leg, to which are attached two straps, one above and one below the gambol joint of the leg he has the habit of kicking with ; thus, when he kicks, he is punished in the act, and soon gives up the habit. Pawing — Continue the cord forward to a ring attached to two small straps above and below the knee-joint, as seen on engraving, observing, as above directed, to attach the appliance to the leg he paws with, reversing the straps when required, which will give a hor.p the knowledge that when he paws he punishes himself, and the reader will see, by this treatment, the habit speedily broken up. The habit of kicking in the stall is one that is not only disagreeable to the owner of the horse addicted to it, but is often destructive and costly, imm I 210 EDUCATING THE HORSE. I as a horse viciously inclined to that habit will sometimes even splinter the boards of the stall, and with so simple and effective a method of correcting the bad habit it should never be tol- erated for a single day, and the possessor of this book would be inexcusable should he suffer it to continue in an animal owned by him. The habit of pawing in the stall, though , *: so vicious in its nature as that of kicking, is yet sufficiently troublesome and unpleasant to de- serve a speedy correction, and the owner of a horse addicted to even the last-named fault will be more than compensated for the slight trouble caused in its removal. It may seem needless to repeat what has be- fore been said, in substance, that the seemingly small faults of a horse are the ones which most frequently lessen his value and impair his use- fulness, and that the removal of any one, how- ever trifling, adds a money value to the horss more than sufficient to compensate for the time and trouble expended. •i WBS. at ini he, the wei dra thn brir floo plac in tl his J his r ease. the head not n simpi safe. iijp^ lip: EDUCATING THE HORSE. 213 TO EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO GET CAST IN THE STALL. Drive a staple in the ceiling over the manger at the side of the stall, then anothv^r in the ceil- ing in the center of the stall over the horse's head, pass a small cord through the staple at the side of the stall; tie a horseshoe, or the weight of a horseshoe, so that the cord will not draw through the staple; then put the cord through the staple in the center of the stall, bring it down within two and a half feet of the floor, and cut it off, attaching a snap to the end ; place a ring in the halter at the top of the head, in the center, as seen in engraving. Now, when his head raises up, the weight comes down ; when his mouth is on the floor he can lie down with ease, but he cannot get the top of his head to the floor; and, if he cannot get the top of his head to the floor, he cannot roll; and, if he can- not roll, he cannot get cast. This remedy is as simple as it is certain, and is always perfectly safe. 214 EDUCATING THE HORSE- mi -t! The habit of rolling in the stable is one often attended with fatal results, in addition to the anxiety experienced by the owner of the horse. Various means are resorted to in order to pre- vent the animal getting cast, and most of them are wide of the mark; and, in order to acquaint the reader with the variety of ways practiced, so that he may contrast the difference between others and mine, I have thought proper to write more explicitly on the subject A favorite idea with many is to tie the halter so short that the animal cannot get his mouth near the floor; this renders the horse uncom- fortable, as he cannot lie down when he desires. Another is, hitching the halter-stale at the ceil- ing directly over the head of the animal, and allowing cord enough that he may get his mouth on the floor ; this, too, is attended with bad re- sults, for when he raises his head up there is sufficient slack in the rope so as to permit his getting his foot over the rope and become so entangled as to render his position dangerous. B often to the J horse, to pre- »f them cquaint acticed, )etween to write e halter i mouth uncom- desires. the ceil- nal, and is mouth I bad re- there is irmit his ecome so angerous. .?f, If EDUCATING THE HORSE. 2ir •A O < O TO EDUCATE A COLT TO LEAD BEHIND A WAGON. First put on the colt a common halter without a leader, then place a small cord about eighteen feet long, divided in the center, under the tail, cross it on the back, then bring the ends through between the under-jaw of the horse and the nose-piece of the halter, and tie it to the hind end of the wagon. This idea will be satisfac- tory, and your colt will soon be educated to lead without trouble to his owner. The expedient is a very simple one, yet will invariably prove suc- cessful, because the colt will find his own com- fort to be promoted by doing as you wish ; and this is one of the principles which underlie my whole system of training — to make the horse desire to do that which his owner wishes. Under this head I am satisfied that I cannot be too particular in giving instructions, as per- sons often grow merry when witnessing the results produced from ideas that are so different 1 2l8 EDUCATING THE HORSE. from their old and accustomed ones, practiced for leading colts. After you have hitched your colt in the manner described, do not start off immediately, but let him remain as quiet as pos- sible for a few minutes, then start the wagon slowly, and, if your colt attempts to rear or plunge about, stop your vehicle, get out and walk up quietly to your colt and caress him, and when you start him again, if possible, walk along by his side for a short time, then stop him again, and again caress. His attention will not be at- tracted by objects on the road, but very soon he will understand that his chief business is to walk on quietly away from the punishment inflicted from the cord under his tail. ticed your ■t off 1 pos- agon ir or and 1, and along again, be at- on he ) walk dieted ill EDUCATING THE HOKSE. 231 o w TO EDUCAl^E A HORSE THAT IS BAD TO CATCH. Horses acquire this habit mainly from improp- erly turning them out; and, to illustrate, I will give the reader an example. First, the man or boy takes his horse to the bars or fence of the field, and lets only a portion of either down; he now takes off the bridle or halter, and, in order to make the horse jump over, hits him on the rump and shouts at him; thus the animal is made to fear the approach of man when loose ; so that, with this kind of training, it soon be- comes difficult to catch, and requires education in order to counteract this bad habit. Directions : Put on the Bonaparte bridle, and tie a knot at the mouth, so as to prevent it from slipping down to his teeth, when he might sever the cord ; then carry it up to his mane over the shoulder; tie the mane together with a string; then pass the cord through the loop thus made 222 EDUCATING THE HORSE. with the mane, and carry the cord through a loop made in the tail by same means, and let your cord lay out behind from ten to fifty feet, as required. Now, when you want your horse, go carefully up behind him and take a firm hold of the cord, and say " Come here," at the same time pulling with all your might. By giving him three or four lessons of this kind, you may safely take off the cord and go into the field, standing about the same distance as when you last pulled or the cord, and repeat the words " come here ; " he will quickly obey your voice, and give you no more trouble in catching him. When it is remembered how much time is often lost in catching a horse in the field, it will be seen that, in money value, this simple point of horse education will more than repay the cost of this book to the owner of a horse that has hereto- fore been bad to catch ; and the saving of temper as well as time will make the improvement in his habits doubly valuable. Both the man and the horse are made better by it. DP ur as go of me lim ely ing [led •e;" I no e IS will It of St of reto- nper n his I the IT^ a o < PS <: u Cfi ^:: I/) PS w o w I «MR EDUCATING THE HORSE. 225 'A P3 W II o Pi ill p u ^(9 EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO REAR UNDER THE SADDLE OR BEFORE A CARRIAGE. Attach a small cord tightly around the swell of the body, tied with a loop-knot, and carry it back into the carriage. By doing this you pre- vent your horse from rearing, inasmuch as he is unable to expand his body, and, without doing so, it is impossible for him to rear. Simple as is this method, the reader, if he should have occa- sion to practice it, will find the idea of great value, as it will never fail to prove effectual in removing this, to say the least, unpleasant and often dangerous habit. It is possible that the habit might be broken up in other ways, but there are none so harmless and easy of applica- tion as is the one I have described. My readers will, I doubt not, receive with kindly feelings not only the instructions on the important points of educating their horses to break off bad habits, but will profit by the ideas ..fii 1 M M r ■fill •i II 226 EDUCATING THE HORSE. and examples given of the various means adopted by horse-handlers to create these habits. In the present instance, it is rarely, if ever, known that horses acquire the habit of rearing them- selves, but are prompted so to do by the means used. •■''■■■'. starting and stopping suddenly ; pull- ing sua' |^>iv on the reins, and then striking the animal with the whip, either of which is a sure and certain means of producing this result — that of causing the horse to rear up whenever you desire to move off. The inconvenience and unpleasantness of such a habit are too plain to need more than a men- tion, besides its often occasioning great alarm to a timid driver ; and the simple yet practical means I have given for breaking up the habit, will be found successful whenever it is tried, as it always should be where the habit exists. 1 rf r j«* „-- EDUCATING THE HORSE. S39 ^(9 EDUCATE AND PREVENT A FROM CRIBBING. HORSE Build a manger on the floor or from the floor up. In many cases this will prevent a horse from cribbing by getting his mouth below his chest. Another method, siire to be effective, is to place a piece of sheep-skin of long wool, eight inches wide and about three feet long, or long enough to reach from one side of the stall to the other, and on the skin sprinkle cayenne pepper ; take soft soap and rub it on any part of the stall where the horse will be likely to crib. If the above instructions are strictly adhered to, and the horse is fed regularly, three times a day, there will be little danger of his ever becoming a cribber. The slight trouble which this remedy involves will be repaid a hundred-fold by the satisfaction feU in the prevention or cure of a most disagreeable habit, and one which, like every other fault, lessens the value of a horse. In using the cayenne pepper, a small quantity will be sufficient. vy 230 EDUCATING THE HORSE. ^ There are more bad results accruing from cribbing than many are aware of. From crib- bing the horse may become a crib-sucker, which often results in colic, or, as it is sometimes termed, belly-ache. When this occurs of course it becomes a dangerous habit, and no one should think it too much trouble to adopt the instruc- tions given under this head. Do not think you can eradicate this habit by nailing tin or iron over the manger ; you cannot remove it thus ; your horse may desist for the time being, but when put into a stall that is not thus arranged, he will relapse into his old habit ; but by adopting the remedy I have provided he will be thor- oughly taught not to attempt to bite or gnaw the manger. ' There is a wide difference between preventing a horse from doing what he still wishes to do, and taking from him the disposition to do wrong ; the latter alone can properly be called education, and is the only way in which a bad habit can be permanently removed. On this principle I base my whole system ; it is education, by appealing to the intelligence of the horse. om rib- ich nes irse .uld ruc- you ron lus ; but I, he ting hor- naw ting I do, Dng; tion, n be base aling r f. T '^-^ m . :.'«! th( ,»' •^1 EDUCATING THE HORSE. 233 TO EDUCATE AND BREAK A HALTER. PULLER. Place on the horse a common halter, without tie-strap; then take a small cord, about 16 to 18 feet long; divide it on the center, place it under the tail and cross it on the back; bring the ends each side of the neck, then place the ends through the halter under .he mouth ; tie round a post or tree. Then tie a strap from the mouth to the post or tree one foot shorter than the rope, after making it taut from the tail ; then cut the strap half off, after which, frighten your horse by rolling a barrel in front of him ; now he will fly back, breaking the strap, and he will be caught under the tail, which is a severe pun- ishment that will, by repeating it two or three times, educate him not to pull at the halter agam. The practical nature of the idea embraced in the foregoing directions will be seen at a glance, 234 EDUCATING THE HOUSE. for the following reason : the horse has from time to time been guilty of .ing on his halter and breaking it, much to the displeasure of the owner, but probably much to the gratification of the horse, who, perhaps, has come to take a sort of pleasure in the act ; now he is made to repeat the same thing, unconscious of the result that will follow, when immediately on carrying out his old habit he receives a severe punishment in- flicted by the very act. The horse is, no doubt, surprised, but he quickly le 'ns to connect the act and the suffering in his d, and so soon as he does that the habit is cured forever. This I claim as a great excellence in my system, that its results are all permanent ; the cure is not for a day only, but for all time ; the very disposition to do wrong is wiped out of the animal's brain. 1 ■VI from lalter f the on of I sort epeat : that y out nt in- loubt, t the )on as rhis I 1, that ot for isltion brain. iilii: |jl;ff,; imffi I EDUCATING THE HORSE. 237 H U K H U D H M O ... UJ I u (—1 H H O ir H o <; H u o u o rd^ EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO KICK WHEN THE LINE GETS UNDER HIS TAIL. Horses become kickers from various causes, and one most effectual in producing the habit, is that when a horse gets the rein under his tail, his driver, getting provoked, pulls strongly on the rein in order to liberate it, and by this means burns the skin beneath the tail, when the horse becomes excited and commences to kick. The driver then usually begins to whip, and often- times the horse continues to kick, until he breaks everything within reach of his heels, and runs away. Now the owner has a confirmed kicker, and frequently knows not what to do to correct the fault he has himself established. The in- structions below, if properly applied, will effect a cure. When vour horse is down, as seen in the en- graving, place a strap under his tail and commence moving it up and down ; should he kick, or show signs of resistance, at once punish him ; if not, Mtagiii y III' i '!• ;'■ Ml i ■lllliii!! ^ 238 EDUCATING THE HORSE. caress him, and in a short time his tail will become limber and he will be taught to not be afraid, though, in driving, the rein should get under his tail. Also, after you allow him to rise to his feet, use the same means a" 'ist directed when he was lying down. In my book I have endeavored to grapple with almost every bad habit that the horse is addicted to, and would here advise all persons who handle them to be extremely careful that, if their animals acquire unpleasant habits, they are not mostly to be blamed themselves. Horses differ materially in their ability to learn, and many are less susceptible of impressions than others, therefore, it behooves the educator to first make himself acquainted with the disposi- tion of his horse, and treat him accordingly, as the same line of management will not serve for all, but an observance of one important direc- tion, that of always using the utmost kindness, will, in most cases, prevent and remove all hab- its but those of long standing. will : be get rise :ted pple >e is >ons at, if are rses and :han r to )osi- ^, as i for irec- less, hab- t ;'.J| f ^ 1 ' i li i^r ''•«3- ■tp; mr^m^m H EDUCATING THE HORSE. 241 V) iNOTHER METHOD OF EDUCATING A HORSE NOT TO KICK. I design to make this chapter as plain as pos- sible, so that no man need fail to break up this worst of habits, and in order so to do, I will commence at the beginning. With the previ- ously-described rig, lay the horse down, and commence to handle him. Take a stick or a piece of board and ply it on his hinder parts, then thrust it between his legs. Should he kick, punish in the mouth with Camanche bridle, but if he offers no resistance, caress. When you have secured submission allow your horse to rise to his feet, then put on him a head-stall and lines and commence driving him on the walk ; every three or four rods pull sharply on the reins and at the same instant say " Whoa," walk up and caress; start him off again, and repeat the ;!■ 1 fi^t ?^' i^(':'ir: ^■dl 242 EDUCATING THE HORSE " Whoa," say ten times, by that time you have so educated him to the word that he will scarcely forget it for years. Take your stick and ply it on his hind parts again ; if he resists, jerk sud- \ denly on the reins and say " Whoa." Ply the stick until all fear is removed. You can now safely hitch your animal to a cart, as seen in en- graving, using no breeching. Drive him a short time, simultaneously pull on the reins and say " Whoa," at the same time allowing the cart to come against his heels. Push the cart sharply against him, saying " Whoa," each time, speaking with considerable force, that he may understand you design to conquer. Don't forget to caress when the horse obeys. Should he kick the cart and try to rid himself of it, pull with your might quickly on the reins and repeat the word " whoa " again ; so soon as he shall desist take him from the cart and lay him down again as soon as pos- sible, and, if need be, summon one of your neigh- bors to assist you, to prevent being foiled, for m 'Mtfi: EDUCATING THE HORSE. 243 be assured, if you allow him to conquer once you have lost much and really accomplished nothing. Give the animal another strong lesson while down, afterwards repeat it when on his feet, when by this time you will have taken the con- ceic completely out of him. In all your attempts to handle a vicious horse be resolute and deter- mined and you will soon give him to understand that you are master, and that his duty is to yield a cheerful obedience to your command. I would enjoin upon the reader to practice the same method when educating colts, but not so severely, because by so doing you may make them stubborn ; great patience must be exer- cised while handling colts, as the faults of one misplaced lesson will be visible. Therefore one cannot be too careful, particularly if the animal is nervous and excitable. 244 EDUCATING THE HORSE. TO CURE CORNS. % Cut the horn well down, but not to the quick, fit the shoe so that it will not press upon the part, then saturate well with pine sap or gum, which is found exuding from pine trees when cut. Fill the part in nicely with tow, and put on the shoe, which must be so fitted as not to oblige the part to support, but very slightly, if any, the weight of the horse. Horses with corns must be oftener and more carefully shod than those free from them. TO HARDEN A TENDER-MOUTHED HORSE. Place the bits in the animal's mouth as low as possible, not to have them drop out, and drive him from two to three weeks with the bits in this way, and when they are buckled up in proper place he is hard-mouthed. m i^uick, n the gum, when »ut on Dblige y, the must those rORSE. low as I drive in this proper I'll ' EDUCATING THE HORSE. 247 TO EDUCATE THE HORSE BAD TO GROOM. o After making the Bonaparte bridle, put it on the horse, standing at his side with the end of the cord in your hand, with the other hand use the curry-comb or brush and commence to groom him. If he should resist your efforts by at- tempting to kick or bite you, reprove him by pulling quickly on the cord, at the same time using the words " stand still." Afterwards if he remains quiet, caress him; if the punishment should not prove effectual make the double half- hitch under the upper lip, as seen in engraving. .JUS. 248 EDUCATING THE HORSE. lii HUGGING THE POLE, This is a great annoyance to the other norse^ and he will probably learn to do the same thing, not from imitation, but from leaning inwards, so as to enable him to stand against the other horse, leaning upon him. This habit may be broken up by securing a piece of sole leather to the pole upon the side where the animal leans, having a number of tacks driven through it in such a manner as to protrude from the leather towards the horse. Z UGGERS ON THE BIT Buckle a pair of straps, about twelve inches long, with a ring at one end, and a buckle at the other, to the check-piece, and let the straps pass through the rings on either side of the bit ; buckle the lines to the rings on these straps, instead of the rings on the bit; th's fo: ^^ a gag similar to the French twitch ,.nd is a powerful means of controlling th- ^uth of a h d-pulHng horse. i d d mmm EDUCATING THE JIORSE. 251 £ITS USED IN EDUCATING HORSES ADDICTED TO BAD HABITS. No. I. To PREVENT A HoRSE GETTING HIS Tongue over the Bit. — Take a piece of leather, say three inches long, an inch and a half wide, and drill two holes in a straight bit ; now rivet this leather on the top of the bit, after which sprinkle on the upper side some pulverized rosin, and take a hot iron and pass over it so as to form a coating. Allow your horse to wear this bit say six or eight days when driving, and he will by thai time be sufficiently taught to aban- don the habit. No. 2. Lolling the Tongue. — Take an or- dinary straight bit of five-eighths of an inch in diameter and drill two holes, each one three- quarters of an inch from the center ; then get a piece of very sir. .ill chain, attach iron bullets, t} i. I'Mm'-. 252 EDUCATING THE HORSE. about the size of ordinary leaden bullets used in guns, suspend them not more than one and a half inches from the bit Now use the bit, every time you drive your horse, for ten days. No. 3. Cure a Horse of Sucking Wind. — A horse that has acquired the habit of sucking wind is truly to be detested, as it is oftentimes attended with fatal results, and when once thor- oughly settled, great difficulty has been experi- enced in removing the habit. The method I have introduced of treating this habit has proved suc- cessful in most cases. Take a piece of small gas-pipe, say from five- eighths to three-quarters of an inch in diameter, the ordinary length of a bit heat it and circle it a little, then drill on the upper side equal dis- tances apart from each end, as seen in engraving ; also drill three holes on the under side, making each hole between an eighth and a quarter of an m EDUCATING THE HORSE. 253 inch in diameter, and attach a ring near each end and allow your horse to wear this when driving, say for at least from ten to twenty days or until the habit is removed. No. 4. To CURE A Side-Reiner, one that Pulls heavily on one Rein. — Take a plain, jointed bit, remove one-half of the part used in the mouth and supply a small chain from the side ring to the center joint, now on the side that the animal pulls place the chain ; he is not only attracted by the strange sensation in the mouth, but when pulled on the chain side receives such severe and unexpected punishment that, he will quickly give up his habit. No. 5. Dead-Mouth or Jaw Bit. — This bit may be used on horses that pull very much on the reins, anc ^ lady may with safety drive a horse, as she can control him quite easily. ^l^fTtfff I 254 EDUCATING THE HORSE. pi ■ -n ¥ ' . "'I' The attachment to this bit is made as fol- lows : Take two pieces of leather about three inches in diameter, make a hole in the center of each to admit of the bit, cut the leather so as to put pieces on after, sew up slit, attach two bil- lets on under side with buckle, then buckle on under jaw. This bit may be used without a head-stall. foU iree Tof s to bil- : on Lit a I "ffr'VSr^ wiamm 11 1.1 5|,' EDUCATING THE HORSE. 23/ U4 < 23 o ■SI a O u Q rc? EDUCATE HORSES NOT TO BE AFRAIJ) OF OBJECTS WHEN DRIVING. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the subjoined instructions respecting nervous and shying horses, therefore on this topic I wish to be particularly clear and explicit. Let the reader understand that horses take fright at ob- jects because they fancy those objects will harm them, and if you can by any means appeal to the horse's brain, and satisfy him that he is not going to be hurt, you have accomplished your object, and in order to do so, you must have control of your horse. I do not mean by this that you are to adopt the too frequent course pursued by many, viz, subduing with the whip, or other harsh means, which will, without almost an ex- ception, increase the fear instead of removing the habit ; again, when a horse shies, the driver commences to jerk on the rein nearest to tht object, and at once applies the whip, fully deter mined to master his horse ; both man and horse get excited, and the horse comes off victorious, because he cannot control him bv the means ■Hf 258 EDUCATING THE HORSE. used, and the result is that the next time the animal is frightened it bears a two-fold character, the fear of the object, and the fear of the whip- punishment. • In order to properly educate your horses in this department, I would specially direct the reader to observe and practice the following directions : Select, first, the most prominent ob- jects aL which he becomes frightened, then make the Bonaparte bridle of small cord, and place it on your horse under the bridle, carrying the end of the cord into the carriage, and when approaching an object at which he takes fright, get out of your carriage, stand nearly in front of him, give a quick downward pull, and say, " Come here ! " At first do not punish him too severely ; but if he will not obey, increase the punishment, and so soon as he complies, caress him. Bring him quite near the object, and, it possible, let him smell of it, as by adopting this method he will quickly understand that the ob- ject will not hurt him. Now turn him around, and drive him past the object two or three times, and you have accomplished your end. ,Hl : Wli obe EDU( ATINC; THE IIORSK. 26 J FJKST LESSON TO EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO FEAR AN UMBRELLA. Place on the animal the throwing rig and pro- ceed to lay him down, when, should he jump around and show resistance, do not get anxious to throw him quickly, but let him caper about, he will soon give up. After he is down present the umbrella to him folded up, allow him to smell of it, then rub it gently across his nose and head, now open it partly, again let him smell of it, shut it and open it several times un- til he becomes perfectly reconciled to the appear- ance, open or shut ; work slowly and carefully so as not to excite him more than possible to avoid. In another part of my book I have illustrated the education of the animal to the umbrella when on his feet, and will not go further on this point than to use the old familiar word, caress. On no account should the operator, when prac- ticing any idea in my system, forget that success jL^reatly depends upon caressing when the animal obeys. I? "'■ 262 EDUCATING THE IIORSK. ;!Sk™ HORSE BAD TO JiRIDLR. 1 ( ■(■ Horses become unwilling to be bridled from various causes, sometimes from sores on the head or ears, sometimes from hurriedly and im- properly removing the bridle, and sometimes from sheer ugliness of disposition, prompted b) a desire to be master. The treatment in these cases should be varied. In the latter case named it will be necessary to lay the animal down, and while thus under control, handle his head and ears, after which put your bridle on and off several times, exercising patience and being careful to avoid anything like roughness. Should he resist, punish him in the mouth, using your best judgment to avoid severity, and so soon as he submits caress. As to the former, where a dislike to be bridled arises from abuses, kindness must govern the conduct of the educa- tor. By using my Bonaparte bridle you will be able to control and counteract all predisposition to resist your efforts in a very short time. Should there be sores about the animal's head, you had better restore to soundness before you attempt to educate to comply with your wishes. I: EDUCATIXC; THE HORSE. 265 -1 :4 pi-: O H O z O S ,-< w < u D Q n r6> EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO FEAR AN UMBRELLA. On page 261 may be found the first lesson to educate a horse that {^zrs an umbrella. I now proceed to explain the idea illustrated by the foregoing cut. Place on the animal the Bonaparte half-hitch bridle — found on page 306. First present to him the umbrella closed; allow him to smell of it, then rub it gently across his nose and botly, observing not to move quickly. Should he- resist your efforts, jerk on the bridle and say " Whoa !" Make another attempt, and should he remain quiet, caress him. Now partly open it, placing it over his head, observing to avoid touching his head or ears with the umbrella — while doing so, caress, and you will be satisfied punishment in the mouth and caressing will accomplish all that you may desire. 266 EDUCATING THE HORSE. TREATMENT OF IP'0UN£>S Wounds are caused by accidents of various kinds, when the skin is much torn from the flesh. If you are at hand while the wound is quite fresh, t;ake a square-pointed needle, and a waxed thread, and sev it up. Be sure to put the needle in straight, one side over against the other, draw the skin tight, tie a knot, ; nd cut off the thread ; then take another stitch about an inch off, till it Is all nicely drawn together. It is quite wrong to sew up a wound as you would a piece o cloth ; the thread should be cut after each stitch. When you do not see the wound till the place is growing dead, and the skin is drawing up, then take off the loose skin ; for if you permit It to remain, it will leave a blemish. ENGLISH STABLE LINIMENT. Oil of spikes, aqua ammonia, and oil of tur- pentine, of each 2 oz. ; sweet oil and oil of am- ber, of each ^ oz, ; oil of orlcranum, i o/,. Mix. f: .'."'""P EDUCATING THE HORSE. 269 TO EDUCATE A SINGLE-EOOTED HORSE TO TROT SQUARE. Upon the hind leg of the horse that hitches or single-foots, place two hame-straps, one above and one below the gambol-joint, attaching a ring on front, by which means the straps are confined ; then place a small strap on the opposite front leg just below the knee-joint, now buckle on a strap from fore-leg to hind-leg, passing it up un- der the surcingle (as seen in engraving). Now proceed to drive your horse, and you will at once discover that he cannot single-foot, but must trot. By paying particular attention to the in- structions given, the pleasing result will follow and your horse will be taught to abandon the habit. The reader must be careful not to trot his horse fast up hill nor allow him to draw too much weight while trotting. ' ir^' 270 EDUCATING THE HORSE. RING-BONE REMEDY. Pulverized cantharldes, oils of spike, origanum, amber, cedar, British, and Barbadoes tar, of each 2 oz. ; oil of wormwood, i oz.; spirits of turpen tine, 4 oz. : lard, 3 lbs. Melt the lard slowly, and add the other ingredients, stirring well till cool ; clip nff the hair, and apply by rubbing in and heating, In about three days, or when done running, wash off with suds and apply again. In recent cases, two or three applications wil' cure ; old cases require more time. • AN EXCELLENT LINIMENT FOR S,PA VIN, SPLINT CURBS, ETC. Oils of spifce, origanum, cedar, British, and suirits of turpentine, of each i oz, ; pulverized r j.^ — .ih iJifci, ^yi oz. Apply once in six or nine um, :ach Den- and ool ; and lone ^ain. will ^, and ized nine F EDUCATING THE HORSE. -/ J TO EDUCATE A PACING HORSE TO TJiOT II ■A r. 'J 'A ■J O Take four hame-straps, attach two on each hind-leg, one above and one below the gambol- joint, confining the straps on the front of the leg by means of a small ring. Then place two hame-straps on the front legs just below the knee-joint ; buckle a strap from each fore-leg, carrying them up under the surcingle, and attach them to the rings in front of hind-legs, crossing strap from off fore-leg to nigh hind-leg, and from nigh fore-leg to off hind-leg ; now commence to drive your horse, walking him very slow, as the new action of the legs may cause him to stumble ; but after a few minutes you may increase his speed, and you will be delighted to see your horse trotting at a rate that will astonish you. 'iPW^^ 274 EDUCATINO TIIK HOkSK. POLL-EVIL AND FISTULA. Hi i! Common potash, y^ oz. ; extract of belladonna, 12 drams; gum Arabic, j^ oz. Dissolve the gum in as little water as possible ; then, havir^- pulverized the potash, unless it is moist, mix the gum water with it, and it will soon dissolve ; add the belladonna ; mix, and it is ready to use. The best method for getting this into the pipes, is by means of a small syringe, after hav- ing cleansed the sore well with suds. Repeat once in two days, until the callous pipes, and hard, fibrous base around the poll-evil or fistula are completely destroyed. NERVE AND BONE LJNLMENT. Take beef's gall, 1 quart ; alcohol, i pint ; vol- atile liniment, 12 oz. ; spirits of turpentine, i lb.; oil of origanum, 4 oz. ; aqua ammonia, ^ pint ; oil of amber, 3 oz. ; tincture of cantharides, 6 oz. Mix. ionna, e the lavir^- ix the ; ; add :o the :r hav- {.epeat ;s, and fistula t ; vol- :, I lb.; i pint ; s, 6 01. #. .^<>. -^" %>^, ^-'V^ V \4^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 I.I «" lilM 150 "^ M 2.2 I— III 2.0 III 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 — 1 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V] <^ rf ^^' ^f Photographic Sciences Corporation 4. iP \ ^ O ^ o^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. M580 (716) 873-4503 .A" Ck'x M, u.. s \\ 6^ m m. EDUCATING THE HORSE. m TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO TROT. \ '-' The appliance required to form the trotting rig is arranged as follows : Take four hame-straps, attach two on each hind-leg, one above and one below the gambol- joint, confining the straps on the front part of the leg, by means of a small ring. Then take a standing martingale and attach a small pulley on the lower end of the martingale ; then take a small, strong cord, tying one end in the ring on one hind-leg, passing the other end through the pulley, bringing it back to the other hind-leg, and tie it in the ring ; adjust the rope in accord- ance with the stride of your horse, observing to drive him very slow for a time until he shall become accustomed to the rig. This idea with alterations as hereinafter set forth may be successfully applied to horses while being used by the husbandman in ploughing, t: i 'Wi ™ ^ 278 EDUCATING THE HORSE. that are addicted to the habit of kicking. I have already given the reader a number of ideas on this point that, if used in accordance with in- structions, will not fail to give satisfaction. Put on the horse the trotting-rig, as seen in engraving, with the exception of the standing martingale attached from the pulley to the bit- ring of the bridle ; then through the eye of the pulley insert a small cord, say twelve feet long, carry both ends up between the fore-legs, pass one end through the bit-ring on the oflf-side up over the head, and down on the nigh-side of the head to the bit-ring, and then tie it. Now take the other end of the cord and carry it up on the nigh-side through the bit-ring and pass it over the head down to the bit-ring on the off-side and there tie it. By thus manipulating your cord you will perceive that you have a system of severely punishing the horse when he shall kick. have ,s on K in- 2n in iding t bit- f the long, pass ie up )f the J take )n the : over ieand r cord ;em of shall !i EDUCATING THE HORSE. 281 73 Ui 7^6> EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO KICK WHILE IN SHAFTS. Horses are quite often educated to kick in harness as well as out and almost numberless accidents have been caused by this vicious and bad habit. Men are found reckless enough to tantalize their horse with a whip and sometimes punch him with a stick, regardless of conse- quences. The result, in most cases, is that the animal becomes a kicker, and the habit when once formed is not easily eradicated by resorting to the old stereotyped method of placing a strap over the horse's rump and buckling to the shafts on each side. This treatment may in time effect the purpose, but it will require months to do so. Laying all others aside, I with confidence say to the reader, if he will but practice the subjoined idea he will find it not only practical but effect- ual, because the punishment is so severe that a 282 EDUCATING THE HORSE. few lessons will convince the horse that it will be greatly tc his advantage to abandon the habit. Take a cord twenty feet long, divide it in the center, place it back of the ears, bring it down and cross it in the mouth, then bring it up be- tween the eyes, placing a ring or loop there ; now bring it back through a ring attached to the head-stall between the ears, then bring both ends of your cord under the saddle of the harness and along the back, to a ring slipped over the . crupper against the hip-strap ; bring the cords through the ring down to the shaft on each side of the horse, observing to leave just slack enough so that your horse may not be too much con- fined. The cord used may be quite small, so that it is strong. Now when your horse makes an attempt to kick he will find a severe punishment immedi- ately meted out to him, and thus, finding his at- tempt fruitless as well as painful, he will be made 1' f 'H^m 1 91 t l1* i 1 ^ EDUCATING THE HORSE. 283 to understand that while obedience is rewarded, punishment quicicly follows each act of disobedi- ence. This simple yet effective expedient makes the horse punish himself for his own misdeeds, and by making the act of kicking the cause of his suffering disinclines him to attempt it, for neither horse nor man will voluntarily provoke certain pain. m''\ 384 EDUCATING Till: IIUKSE. DIURETIC DROPS. These drops are reliable in cases of stoppage of water, foul water, or inllammation of the kid- neys. Take sweet spirits of nitre, 4 oz. ; balsam copaiba, 2 oz. ; oil of juniper, 2 oz. ; spirits of turpentine, 2 oz. ; gum camphor, pulv., i oz. Mix all together, and shake well ; bottle^ and it is fit for use. for man or beast, under all circum- stances where a diuretic is required Dose for horse, i oz. in half a pint of milk, once in six hours. Dose for man, i teaspoonful, in a tablespoon- ful of milk once in six hours. Be sure to shake the mixture up well before pouring out for use. "■p n p^ I HI EDUCATIXO THE llUKSE. 38; ^= s o /J < a: o s > < H U Q TO EDUCATE A LAZY JIORSE, AND JNEUHE LIEE INTO JlUf. I have already given many ideas referring to balky horses, and as the old, tried remark is verily true, that " in the midst of council there is safety," so with a multitude of ideas there is certain success. I will add one more to the catalogue. Something that especially attracts the atten- tion of a horse accustomed to balk often causes him to forget for the moment his offensive habit and start off, much to the surprise of his driver. By adopting the idea illustrated in the engrav- ing and the explanation connected therewith, the reader will have no difficulty, in ordinary cases, with this peculiar tormentor^ in accomplishing his purpose. By many this may be considered a kind of jockey trick ; but the reader will find the informa- tion valuable if he has a lazy horse or one that does not drive up well on the bit, as by following '\: 288 EDUCATING THE HORSE. the directions given below he will be prepared to show as much style as any man in his county. Directions. — Take a small chain, about three feet long, and attach to it a strap or limber stick about the same length; with this in hand walk into the stable and commence plying on him a few smart blows, with this educator, above the gambol-joint, repeating it once a day for three or four days ; when you hit him of course the chain rattles and makes, to him, a peculiar noise. Now, after you harness him up, put the chain in your carriage, then take your place behind him and commence driving, and when you want to show style, just kick the chain about a little with your boot and you will be surprised at the spirit and zeal manifested by your horse. ared to inty. t three er stick id walk 1 him a )ve the T three rse the ir noise. :hain in nd him Arant to tie with le spirit m ! ili EDUCATING THE HORSE. 291 in AN EASY METHOD OF STARTING A BALKY HORSE WHO STOPS ON THE ROAD. Among the various bad habits which horses acquire there are none which more severely try the patience of man than does the habit of balking. Frequently a horse is quiet, kind, and a good roadster, but has this habit of occasion- ally stopping in the road. At such times the al- most universal practice is to whip the horse, and sometimes most brutally, or the more sickening custom of procuring a bundle of straw or some shavings and setting them on fire under the body of the horse. Such kinds of treatment I utterly discard, and the reader will find, in an- other part of my book, that I give several methods which will prove effectual in eradicatiiig this habit, only meting out sufficient punishment to secure obedience. Below I give an excellent method of starting a balky horse, and one which will prove effect- ual, though it will not educate the horse to 292 EDUCATING THE HORSE. abandon the habit. When your horse balks get out of your carriage, walk up to him and commence kicking him with the toe of your boot under the fetlock joint, first one then the other using the word "shoo I" loud and quick everji time you kick. Then take your seat in the carriage and use the word as before directed, when your horse will start at once. This pro- cess diverts his attention and causes him to move on. I 18 : balks im and ur boot e other c everji in the irected, lis pro- him to .m m m ■ "j'^'dra EDUCATING THE HORSE. 295 TO EDUCATE A BALKY HORSE TO DRAW IN DOUBLE HARNESS. Persons have resorted to many things in order to make a balky horse draw, and, after labor- ing for months, have seen all their efforts fail and are often disappointed by finding their ani- mal worse instead of better. Let me assure the reader that however other methods may have failed, if he will but follow the subjoined instruc- ti' ns he will certainly accomplish the end de- sired. Instructions. — Take a small strong rope, about a quarter of an inch in diameter and sixteen feet long, double the rope and place it under the balky horse's tail ; carry the ends up through a ring attached to the crupper or hip-straps, then pass them through the terret-ring on the saddle of the harness, and bring the ends to the true horse's hame-ring; then tie firmly, exercising judgment about the slack to be given to the cord ; then commence to draw slowly and your balky horse will soon learn that he has got to move with his mate. 296 EDUCATING THE HORSE. (■: ?l OINTMENT FOR ALL BRUISES, SCRATCHES, HEEL GREASE, SADDLE GALLS, ETC. Take 3 oz. white lead, 3 oz. lard, i oz. burnt alum, and 5 grains calomel. If the sore is of long standing, use 10 grains of calomel. '■■i HOOF LINIMENT, FOR CONTRACTED HOOF. Venice turpentine, 5^ pint ; aqua ammonia, 2 oz. ; salts of nitre, i oz. ; benzine, i oz. ; alcohol, 3 oz. Apply to edge of the hair and to the hoof, twice a day for the first three days ; once a day for the next three days ; after that, once in two, three, or four days, as the case may require. REMEDY FOR BOTTS. Take oil of turpentine, 8 oz. ; alcohol, i quart. Mix and bottle for use. Dose, 4 to 5 oz. in the horse's feed, once a day for 8 days, will effect- ually remove every vestige of botts. » burnt is of (OOF. nia, 2 :ohol, hoof, a day 1 two, quart, n the effect- % ]p: II': ^ EDUCATIXG TlIK HORSE. !99 o X ■Ji J ■r. as O a a ■A O H rc? EDUCATE A I/ORSE NOT TO KICK WHILE BEING SHOD. The reader has heretofore been instructed how to lay the horse down and thus get him under his control ; but as horses possess a variety of bad habits, it becomes necessary that I should treat each one separately, and carefully explain, so that none can misapprehend. Many horpes rigidly resist the efforts of the blacksmith when undertaking to shoe his hind- feet, but the following ideas will enable you to thoroughly educate him to stand quiet. Place a strap or cord between the hoof and fetlock joint ; then stand in front of the horse and commence to pull the foot forward ; if he shows resistance punish him in the mouth ; con- tinue to pull and punish until he will allow you to thus handle the leg, and, so soon as he re- mains quiet, step up and caress him ; then stand behind him and pull his leg backwards several 300 Kl)lJ<AriN(; IIIK IIOUSK. times until you have removed all stubbornness or fear; when you have accomplished this let him get up, after which repeat the same thing, not forgetting to caress immediately when he sub- mits to your treatment. w I i' or iin lOt lb- Il ''fe pa t/2 pa O C/3 W u M ■ EDUCATliNU THE HORSE. 303 X TO EDUCATE A HORSE, WHILE STANDING, THAT IS BAD TO SHOE. Q < H in W o o p w o The treatment for educating the horse after being laid down, which has been given, is to show him that your power is superior to his ; the method now to be given will show him that you have the same power over him when standing as when he is down. Place on him the Bonaparte bridle, as shown in the engraving, and take a half-hitch, placing it back of the ears and down under the upper lip, as shown in the engraving. Place a man at the side of his head to punish him with this bridle when he does wrong, remembering, as soon as the animal does right, to caress him. Take a single rein, or a rope, about fifteen feet long, placing it on the hind-foot below the fet- lock joint with loops ; then stand behind the horse and lift his foot ; if he shows resistance or 1M ! J i 'lii' 304 EUUCATING THE HORSE. kicks, punish him in the mouth; continue doing this till he will allow you to handle his feet. If one lesson will not answer give him two, and, if necessary, give him three, or four, as he has got to submit to this treatment. TO PREVENT HORSES BEING TEASED BY FLIES. Take one-half pound of walnut or butternut leaves, and pour upon them three quarts of cold water; let it infuse one night, and pour the whole next morning into a kettle, and let it boil for a quarter of an hour. When cold it is fit for use. No more is required than to moisten a sponge, and before the horse goes out of the stable, let those parts most likely to be irritated be well smeared over with the liquor, between and upon the ears, neck, flank, etc. DOUBLE HITCH BOiSAPARTE BRIDLE. EDUCATING THE HOUSE. 307 DOUBLE-HITCH BONAPARTE BRIDLE. This bridle may be used with great success, for many purposes in educating horses pos- sessed of vicious or bad habits, and in order that the reader may not make a mistake I will explain it. First. Make a small loop with one end of the cord and place it on the under jaw, then carry the cord on the off-side of the head over back of the ears, and bring it down through the loop on the nigh-side, you have now the Bonaparte bridle, afterwards pass the cord through your right hand, then with your left take hold of the cord and place it over the top of the head, and bring the cord down with your left hand under the upper lip. The great advantage of this bridle is the com- plete control of the horse which it gives to the one using it. After the animal has learned its power all thought of resisting leaves him and he submits to the will of his owner. Harsh as *fiiff ''^ 308 EDUCATING THE HORSE. I 'I it may seem to one who does not understand the principle on which it is used, I do not hesitate to say that it is the most merciful device which could be originated, a hundred times more so than the brutal method of whipping a horse to make him obey. In all the horses I have handled I have never twice drawn blood, and the only occasion when I did so was by the drawing of a cord too rapidly as a man might have a rope drawn through his hand. Yet by the use of this bridle I have controlled and educated the most vicious animals that could be found, with the greatest ease to me and with the least possible suffering to themselves. Whipping makes no durable impression on the brain, as this does ; it requires hours where this method takes but min- utes ; it is often unsuccessful, which this never is. I will only add that a horse never should be coaxed, he is first to be subdued by fear and ever after is controlled only as he has a sense of the superiority of the one who uses him. EDUCATING THE HOUSE. 311 O K in O H O < w o o 11 w o r/r^ OA^zr safe method of controlling A HORSE BAD TO SHOE. I appended to a former plate instructions whereby a horse may be educated not to kicic while shoeing ; but if owners of horses will not take the pains to educate, it is scarcely reason- able that the blacksmith should be subject to severe torture in shoeing a vicious horse ; there- fore I have provided the foregoing plate as de- scriptive of the mode of perfectly controlling the horse's hind-foot, so that the farrier need have no fears for his safety. Take a single rein or cord, make a slip-noose and put it on the horse's hind-leg between the fetlock-joint and hoof ; then bring the rein or cord forward to the breast and pass it around over the neck at the shoulder ; now bring it down and put it under the rein or cord, forming a half-hitch, and bring up the leg so as to make it convenient for the smith to pare the hoof or nail the shoe ; then take a pole-strap or one of similar width, and w , s 312 EDUCATINQ TUB IIOKSE. place it under the other strap or cord, forming a loop by means of the crupper or loop near the buckle with the buckle outside, now pass the end of the strap up on the inside and front of the leg and around the gambol-joint, bring it down and buckle it ; when you want to clinch the nails let out the strap two or three holes and draw up tightly on the rein or cord that is in front of the breast and around the neck. By this means you can accomplish the desired end, as you have the foot and leg under your control. Should the horse attempt to recline over on the blacksmith, put on the Bonaparte bridle with double half-hitch, and pull quickly two or three times, and he will gladly stand erect while being shod. '::? 1 ing a r the e end leleg n and ils let LW up )f the IS you /e the /er on e with three being ■^f1 M il lit II EDUCATING TIIK HfiRSE. 3f5 < 44 1'^ Id) OS O H Q 71? EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO BE AERAID * OF THE CARS. Much difficulty, and loss of property, has re- sulted from not being able to control horses that become frightened at the approach of the loco- motive or cars, and, in order to avoid the annoy- ance and prevent accidents, I have with great care prepared the foregoing plate, and will now give an accurate description of the mode of edu- cating the animal, and the appliance required, I will first describe the bridle, seen at the right of the horse. Make the IJonaparte bridle as previously directed, then place it on the horse, stand at the nigh-side holding the cord in your right hand, now pass your left hand over the nVht and take hold of the cord, then by bring- ing the hand back and stepping in front of the horse, you have formed a half-hitch, then place it over the head and bring it down under the upper lip and above the upper jaw, thus you have a I i &t- I?;:- 316 EDUCATING THE HOKSE. powerful bridle that will control any horse. Use this with great care and judgment, because you are now in a position to handle the wildest horse found in the country. Don't forget to caress the horse the moment he obeys. SWEENY LINIMENT Alcohol, and spirits of turpentine, of each 8 oz. ; camphor gum, pulverized cantharides and tincture of capsicum, of each i oz. ; oil of spike 3 oz. Bathe this liniment in with a hot iron, and faithfully follow till a cure is effected. i ; iKl'!> u se you orse ; the ch 8 and ke spi anc I ■im EDUCATING THE HORSE. 319 C < II'. g o o Pi o ^ , < I u < PQ O III H W DC c w H <; u P P rO EDUCATE A HORSE TO BACK AT THE WORD OE COMMAND. This point in the education of a horse is one of great importance, for no animal can be con- sidered thoroughly educated till he will obey the command of his driver without the necessity of using the rein or the whip. Many persons in order to stop their horse will draw with all their strength upon the rein, and to back him requires the exertion of a force enough almost to bring the horse on his haunches, when in either case a well-educated horse will stop or back at the driver's voice without the need for even drawing upon the rein. To educate the horse to back at the word of command, let the reader take his stand behind the horse and with the rein in his hand, previ- ously arranged as shown in the engraving, com- mence the lesson. He may, if he pleases, start the horse forward for a few paces, then stop him, and then with a sudden, short and pretty pow- (i-j^l 320 EDUCATING THE HORSE. ^(Ii^% -'^i erful backward jerk, utter the word "back!" Great care must be taken to speak the word and give the backward jerk on the rein at the same instant, for the two must come together so as to be associated in the mind of the horse. When he obeys caress him, . id continue repeat- ing the lesson, and in a short ..:inc you will find that your horse will back at the '/^ord without your needing to even touch the reins. But in educatinof him to this there must not be the least interval between the word and the short sharp jerk, for if only a few seconds pass he will not associate the two in his mind. This method will be invariably successful, and is so far superior to the protracted and unsatis- factory means formerly employed, that it should be everywhere adopted. ack ! " word ,t the ler so iiorse. ipeat- 1 find Ithout 5ut in e the short, le will i\, and nsatls- jhould ■51 tl EDUCATING TlIi: HOUSE. 3-M t/5 1'- y lil '^' w u< p- p c o iW iH <5 U »5 C W t/} PC o w H u l.:Q TO EDUCATE HORSES OR CATTLE NOT TO JUMP THE FENCE. Buckle a surcingle around the horse's body, then buckle a hame-strap, making two turns with strap between the knee and fetlock on each fore-leg; next buckle two hame-straps on each hind-leg, above and below the gambol-joint, placing a ring, say one and one-half inches in diameter, as seen in plate. Now place a strap or cord from the ring on off hind-leg up through the surcingle, then attach it to the nigh fore-leg; then another strap or cord from the nigh hind- leg to the off fore-leg. Now when the horse, or other animal, starts to jump over a fence the appliance will arrest his progress, for, as he throws his fore-legs forward, at the same time it acts upon his hind legs, taking them out from under him, and you will find him sitting up in the field where you turned him out. After three or four lessons your horse will be thoroughly educated not to jump a fence. 324 EDUCATING THE HORSE. FOR INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. First, bleed thoroughly ; then give tine, vera- trum, Y2 oz. ; laudanum, 4 oz. ; tincture aconite, ^ oz. ; shake well, and give a teaspoonful every three hours> in a pint of water, well sweetened, and, if the pulse is not reduced in a short time increase the dose to a tablespoonful, until the fever abates. As soon as the horse recovers so as to eat and lie down naturally, keep him on hay, with a few carrots or potatoes, and daily give a bran-mash, with saltpetre, pulverized anti- mony and sulphur, for a week or ten days, and you will prevent dropsy of the chest, which usu- ally follows this disease. / m A REMEDY TO CURE THE HEAVES. One-half pint of turpentine, 2 oz. assafoetida, 2 oz aloes, 4 oz. lobelia seed, i quart of whisky, 2 oz. of sal ammoniac, 4 oz. saleratus, i oz. of camphor, , Dose, one tablespoonful once a day. NGS. ,nc. vera- 1 aconite, ful every Areetened, lort time until the ;covers so p him on and daily rized anti- days, and Arhich usu- iVES. assafcetida, of whisky, IS, I oz. of i i 1 "J " ■ ^ I EDUCATING TIIK IIOUSK. 1^-7 ^ TO EDUCATE A COW NOT TO KICK WHILE BEING MILKED. Hitch the cow to a post, then make the Bona- parte bridle as follows: Make a loop and put it on the lower jaw, carrying the end of the cord on the off-side of the head and around over behind the horns, bringing it down to the mouth on the nigh-side, through the loop. Now carry the cord around the nigh hind-leg, to the off hind-leg and tie it just above the gambol-joint. Then sit down to milk; now the moment the cow kicks an impression is made on her brain, and she soon learns that by kicking she pun- ishes herself, and rather than suffer the pain inflicted she yields to the influence and says by her actions, " I will not kick again." The prin- ciple here is the obvious one that no animal will persist in doing that which causes suffering to itself, and the moment that it comes to associate the idea of suffering with any action, it will make that action distasteful. i 328 « EDUCATING Tllli HOUSE. COLIC OR GUIPES. Symptoms. — Pawing, manifesting a desire to lie down, and, without doing so, commence pawing again. As the symptoms increase,»thc animal cannot be kept on his feet; he frequently falls as if shot ; pulse not altered from natural condition. Intervals of rest, together with the condition of the pulse, distinguish the disease from inflamma- tion of the bowels. Treat as follows : Frequent injections of soap and water, and give internally spirits of nitre, i oz. ; laudanum, I oz. ; water, ]4 pint ; mix for drench. This may be repeated in twenty minutes, if relief is not obtained. Another remedy, giving instant relief: From 5 to 10 drops of chloroform, given on sugar, I have never known to fail giving imme- diate relief I have known men to be from home, and have their horses taken with this disease, and use this remedy, and in thirty minutes the horses were able to be driven. to lie awing inimal "alls as dition. :ion of amma' ir, and Janum, lis may is not iven on r imme- n home, disease, ites the '■/A EUUCATiNci iiii'; iioksr.. 331 '4; o Q -J O H O u < O a TO EDUCATE A COW TO LET HER MILK DOWN WHILE MILKING. Much inconvenience, besides an actual loss of money, is experienced by persons who own cows that arc in the habit of withholding their milk. Having spent fifteen years of my life in gather- ing knowledge of value to the farmer, and to other owners of animals, I am unwilling that even one valuable idea should be lost to the reader, and therefore I have, at considerable ex- pense, illustrated the above-named point, believ- ing that it will be of benefit to many persons. Although the method to be employed is very simple, it will be found practical in its operation, while success will be certain where the directions are followed : Take a common bag, put into it a bushel or a bushel and a half of grain, or its equivalent in weight of sand, then place the bag across the back of the animal, as indicated in the engraving Ifp 332 EDUCATING THE HORSE. and the result will be shown in the milking. As an indication of the purpose of the cow to hold up her milk you will always see her hump up her back, then, by applying the remedy named, the habit will be speedily removed. iH« liSi EDUCATING THE HORSE. 335 PRACTICAL RESULT OF EDUCATING THE COW TO GIVE DOWN MILK. Having directed the attention of the reader to the education of the cow so as not to disap- point her owner in receiving the quota of milk he may rightly expect, it is but natural that the eye should be gratified by witnessing the result. For this purpose I have prepared this engraving, in which is represented the bag and its contents upon the back of the animal, In just the spot where it should be placed. The reader will also perceive the impatient wife standing with milk- ing pail and stool in hand, waiting for the result, which becomes apparent in the freely flowing milk, and one can almost imagine that he hears her saying to her husbai.d that it is scarcely necessary now to milk the cow, for the simple method adopted has caused a spontaneous flow of milk, and nothing now Is needed but to set the pail under her and view with wonder and delight the pleasing effect produced ! ,msi;s& 336 EDUCATING THE HORSE. A CURE FOR HEAVES, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. Take a common stone jar, fill it with eggs, cover them with cider vinegar, and let it stand till the vinegar eats up the shells. Then stir all together. Take a lump of lime about the size of a goose-egg, slack it in hot water, using about one quart of water. Add one-half pint of the lime-water to a quart of the t.^^ mixture. Give a teacupful, at feeding time, in feed, three times a day. TO CURE WORMS IN HORSES. One dram white hellebore in powder, i dram sulphate of iron in powder, i oz. flaxseed meal. The above for one dose, mixed with bran-mash, given at night. Repeat in forty-eight hours, if the horse is old. Two doses are enough for the worst case. I :and rail size 30Ut the — * • Jive imes Iram neal. nash, irs, if r the IS^ ■Mi EDUCATING THE HORSE. 339 o o < Q Ii "1-1 PQ H H o D t Q o rC? EDUCATE CATTLE TO LEAD BEHIND A WAGON. Make a rope halter and put it on the head of the animal you desire to lead ; then take a small rope, about twenty feet long, double it in the center, placing it under the tail ; cross it on the back, bringing the ends down each side of the animals neck and then through the nose-piece of the halter under the lower jaw, and tie the ends firmly to the end of your wagon. If you wish to lead more than one, take another rope, twice the length of the former one, double it in the center, placing it under the tail, cross it on the back, bringing the ends down each side of the animal's neck and then through under the lower jaw. Now bring the ends one on each side of the forward cow, and carry the rope through the halter under the jaw and tie it to the wagon. 340 EDUCATING THE HOUSE. By adopting this plan no difficulty will be experienced in educating your animals to lead, and when you drive home with your cattle fol- lowing thus they will be sure to arrive there at the same time as yourself. be ead. fol- •e at ^"^'wmr^ TO EDUCATE A TENDER-MOUTHEP HORSE TO PULl. ON THE BIT. EDUCATING TIIK IIUKSE. 343 TO EDUCATE A TENDER-MOUTHED HORSE TO PULL ON TJIE JUT. Many horses are very sensitive to a hurt in any part of the body, so much so that they often grow frantic when severely punished, and it seems to be the delight of some persons to inflict injury to a horse of this temperament, sometimes with a view to make him rear or prance about, believing it adds to the appear- ance of the animal, when the contrary is the fact ; a bad habit is almost sure to grow out of such treatment, and then it may take some time to eradicate it. One of the evils often presented is that the animal becomes tender-mouthed, and I have known many cases where balking has been the result. Let me urge the reader never to jerk sharplv on the bit, except when educating or c(^ rectuig a habit, as heretofore directed. 344 EDUCATING THE HORSE. The only effectual method of treatment for a tender mouth is to use a large straight bit, leave the check-rein quite loose, and drop the bit low down in the mouth, as seen in engraving, which will slip up and down and harden the mouth in a short time. ■.'^■\- mi nt for a lit, leave bit low g, which ; mouth :rr 'WP'"^^^^^^ EDUCATINC; THE HORSE. II in n I II % TO EDUCATE A HORSE NOT TO BE AFRAID OF A BUFFALO ROBE. The education of the horse being quite a new idea to many persons, it therefore becomes necessary that, in my characteristic explana- tions, I should make my ideas both plain and simple — so that even the most unlettered may not become fogged while attempting to apply any illustrated idea in my work. A Buffalo robe is an article in common use, and one at which very many horses become fright- ened, proving a decided source of annoyance. Let not the reader imagine that one lesson, as below indicated, is sufficient to warrant success and thoroughly eradicate the habit. Much depends upon the temperament of the animal ; but, in most cases, three lessons carcfuL^. im- parted will accomplish the purpose. After you have given two or three lessons do not tempt your horse by suddenly approaching him with the robe, and when you do approach him, be f -r Wfww w^' EDUCATING THE HORSE. sure you have the Bonaparte bridle on him, that you may be able at once to control when the slightest resistance is seen. Directio7is. — If your animal is very nervous lay him down, as directed in other places, fold the robe, hair side in, making it as small as possible ; let him smell of it, rub it gently over his nose, head and body ; punish if he resists — if not caress. When submission is apparent allow him to rise to his feet ; then, with your Bona- parte bridle, properly adjusted present the robe to him again. Bearing in mind the grand idea, punish for disobedience and caress when he obeys. Carefully avoid all unnecessary ex- citement while educating any animal, as it only tends to benumb their senses and make them less susceptible of being taught. INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. In discussing the intelligence of animals I am aware that many persons, at the outset, would question the propriety of the term. Man has so long arrogated the exclusive possession of mind, or at least of a mind capable of rational reflection, that he is reluctant to concede the fact of its possession by the lower orders of animate life. Those acts which, in the brute creation, seem to proceed from the action of powers analagous to human intelligence, it has been usual to ascribe to an irrational faculty called instinct ; a power invariable and despotic in its action, but in no degree the result of re- flection ; some metaphysicians even going so far as to assert that the action of animals is purely automatic, the difference in this respect between them and the automaton moved by wires and springs being that the former possesses a con- J! I lliliVPiP''^ 346 INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. Ilii sciousness of their acts, while the latter does not. Facts in myriads, exist which challenge the correctness of such a theory, while in almost equal number they assert the existence, at least in its embryonic state, of a mind capable of thought, and, to a limited degree, of reflection and comparison, with the ability to deduce con- clusions from the facts which it considers. This intelligence varies greatly in the different animal races, in some species being barely per- ceptible, while in others it is too conspicuous to be ignored; and between individuals of the same species there exists a difference so marked that, in the more favored ones which come under our observation, the intelligence is so clear as to almost startle us by the feeling that behind the full, liquid eye of the horse, or prompting the fixed gaze bent on us by our trusty canine com- panion, there may be a mind kindred to our own and which lacks only the power of articulate expression to respond to our thoughts by an- swering sentiments. It is the absence of the power of speech in animals which leaves us in INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 347 doubt as to the exact degree of intelligence possessed by them. If, when the farmer says, " Carlo ! the cows are in the corn — turn them out !" the dog should turn his head and reply, '* Yes, sir, I'll have them out in a moment !" there could be no doubt of the intelligent interchange of thought. But the fact of his doing that which in the supposed case he would express, proves as conclusively his comprehension of the com- mand and his purpose to obey. The horse or dog, however fully he may understand the direc- tions he receives, can give no other response than by his acts, and to words of praise or cen- sure he can reply only by signs ; these are clearly understood by us and show that our meaning is comprehended by the animal, thus proving a real interchange of thought. A pop- ular author has said : "A dog may bark, a horse may neigh, but it is not by these sounds that they express the delicate shades of ever-varying emotion ; it is by a thousand varieties of gesture which few indeed of us can analyze but which all clearly understand. A dog converses with 348 INTKLLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. Ills master by means of his eyes and liis ears and his tail, nay rather by every muscle of his body." To test the existence and extent of intelli- gence we must determine the capacity for com- prehending thought. We recognize this capacity in a child long before it can express itself in language. Its dawn is seen as the infant learns to associate certain articulate sounds '.vith certain persons, acts, or things, and to distinguish the meaning of tones which encourage, restrain or chide it. It is only after a twelve-month or more of constant tuition, lovingly and intelli- gently given, that our children begin to express in languare the thoucfhts which are awakened by our words and acts, yet the comprehension is as evident and the response as apparent the whole mental process being as perfect, long before. The same test which proves the intel- ligence of the child demonstrates its existence in animals there is a similar power of compre- hending the wishes expressed, by associating certain articulate sounds with certain acts re- INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 349 quired, as well as an equal recognition ot the tones of voice by which approval, reproot or anger are made known ; but, lacking the organs of speech, they are debarred, and forever must be, from any except the most limited mterchange of thought. F'or this reason, attentive study is needed in ascertaining the extent to which they comprehend and respond to the intelligence which addresses them. In the case of wild or undomesticated animals there is little opportunity for investigating this interesting subject. We see the beaver build his dam, and we understand the object so admira- bly attained by his work. We know that the dephant, to be taken in the pitfall, must see on the earth that covers it the foot-prints ot one of his fellows, and we surmise the process of rea- soning by which he concludes that he is safe in venturing where another of his kind has trod- den. We learn that the ostrich which in torrid regions trusts to the heat of the sand for the incubation of her eggs, will in a more temperate latitude supply the heat which would else be ]^'^ "T 350 INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. lacking by setting on her eggs during the cooler nights; but in none of these, nor in a score of other cases, in which there seems a rational fore- sight, can we determine how far the acts result from intelligent reflection. In domesticated ani- mals, and especially in such as are trained for the service of man, the action of intelligence may be clearly traced ; it is demonstrated by the ease and certainty with which they can be edu- cated ; it is seen in the readiness with which many receive and act upon ideas communicated to them; and in a multitude of instances the mental process is evident by which they have, independently, reached conclusions rationally deduced from facts of their previous knowledge. Mr. J. Hope relates a circumstance of a terrier who had been temporarily left by his master in the care of a Mrs. Langford at St. Albans. This lady owned a large house-dog which, dislik- ing the presence of the stranger, quarreled with him, biting and severely wounding him, after which the terrier disappeared ; but in a few days he returned again, accompanied by a powerful INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 351 (oler c of fore- esult I ani- d for Tcnce )y the ; edu- which icated es tbe have, onally ledge. Iterrier Ister in Ibans. disUk- d with after days iwerful mastiff, when both together fell upon the orig- inal assailant, whom they nearly killed. The mastiff was the watch-dog at his master's house, more than a day's journey distant, and had been brought by the terrier for the sole purpose of avenging the injury he had received, after which they left in company and proceeded together to their home. Here was displayed a power of combining ideas and of communicating them to one of his own kind, when the two acted on the plan they had preconcerted. In a work just issued, an anecdote is related of a dog who had lost his master and afterwards became old and blind, passing his time sadly in the same corner, which he rarely quitted. " One day came a step like that of his lost master, and he suddenly left his place. The man who had just entered wore ribbed stockings as his master had done. The old dog had lost his scent and referred at once to the stockings that he remem- bered, rubbing his face against them. Believing that his master had returned, he gave way to the most extravagant delight. The man spoke ; WV 353 INTLLUGENCE OF AMIMALS. the momentary illusion was dispelled, the dog went sadly back to his place, lay wearily down, and died." Here was a double process of rea- soning and even a balancing of testimony with a decision that the negative evidence of the strange voice outweighed the affirmative proof in the step and the stockings. Much evidence favors the belief that animals not only become familiar with the words habitu- ally addressed to them, but that they, to a certain extent, understand our language. A dog, be- longing to a friend of the writer, would slink from the room with every indication of shame if a fault of which he had been guilty was spoken of in his presence. The author of " Chapters on Animals " describes a dog in his possession which clearly distinguishes between those vis- itors at the house who are favorites with his master and those whom he dislikes, and adds : " I know not how he discovers these differences in my feelings, except it be by overhearing re- marks when the guests are gone." INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 353 clog own, rea- with f the proof limals abitu- lertain )g, be- I slink tame if poken apters session se vis- th his adds : erences ring re- The elephant, though one of the clumsiest of animals, exhibits marks of high intelligence, and evidently understands the language in which he is addressed. Me can be stimulated to unusual exertions by the promise of a reward. " I have seen," says a French writer, "two occupied in beating down a wall which their keepers had desired them to do and encouraged them by a promise of fruits and brandy." They were left alone and continued at the work, stimulated by the promised reward, until it was accomplished. " When a reward is promised to an elephant," says the same author, " it is dangerous tc disap- point him, as he never fails to revenge the insult." Nothmg of this could occur without an under- standing of the language. In India they were formerly employed to launch vessels, and it is related that one being directed to force a large ship into the water, the task proved beyond his strength ; whereupon his master, in a sarcastic tone, ordered the keeper to take away this lazy beast and bring f 354 INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. another ; the poor animal, as if stung by emu- lation, instantly repeated his efforts, fractured his skull and died on the spot. It may be said that the tones of the voice rather than the words are what the animal understands, yet a dog^ knows his name however spoken, and a horse understands a whole vo- cabulary of orders. But the intelligence wh'ch comprehends the meaning of a tone, is not less than that required to understand a word or sentence. Mr. Hamerton, the artist, widely known as a lover of animals, mentions a favor- ite dog which met an untimely death by drown- ing, and in his lament over his lost pet, says: " He was a dog of rare gifts, exceptionally intel- ligent, who would obey a look where another needed an order. He would sit studying his master's face and had become from careful ob- servation so acute a physiognomist that he read whatever thoughts of mine had any concern for him." The shrewd intelligence of our countrymen is nowhere more clearly seen than in the keen INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 355 "bargains the New Englander is famous for driving. But our domestic animals make bar- gains with us and sometimes lesolutely keep us to them. On this point a pleasant writer relates an anecdote of a favorite mare who was so diffi- cult to catch in the pasture as to often require six men to effect it ; " but," says he, " I carried corn to her for a long time, without trying to take her, leaving the corn on the ground. Next, I induced her to eat the corn while I held it, still leaving her free. Finally I persuaded her to follow me, and now she will come trotting half a mile at my whistle, leaping ditches, ford- ing brooks, in the darkness and rain, or in impenetrable fog. She follows me like a dog to the stable and I administer the corn there. But it is a bargain ; she knowingly sells her liberty for the corn. The experiment of reducing the reward to test her behavior having been tried, she ceased to obey the whistle and resumed her former habits ; but the full and due quantity having been restored, she yielded her liberty 'IP w 356 INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. again without resistance, and since then she is not to be cheated." A horse which is regularly used for attending church, will, from its own observation, learn to recognize the Sabbath and understand, the meaning of the church bells. T^^ interesting illustrations of this fact I give on the authority of a recent number of the Hartford Post : A pair of horses that had been ur.ed during the week in team-work to Springfield, on Gnnday were harnessed and driven to the door unhitched, and, the family being raiher tardy that morning, as soon as the second bell began to ring the horses started off alone, and with their usual Sun- day motion went up in front of the church, when, after waiting the usual time, they quietly went around under the horse-shed. Here the horses plainly understood the dis- tinction between that day and the six previous ones when they had been driven to Springfield, else they would have gone, after starting, to where they had been going through the week ; they also evidently understood that at the ring- ing of the second bell it was time to start for INTELLIGENCE OF ANLMALS. 357 cliurch. The gentleman who communicated the foregoing adds an instance which occurred in his own family: The father of the writer, owing to increasing infirmities, rode alone to meeting, half a. mile, driving an old gray mare twenty years old, and had not failed of going every Sabbath fur some years. On one occasion, owing to a fall, he could not go to meeting, and on Sunday morning, as the time for meeting approached, the Jiorse, in a lot near the liouse, manifested great uneasiness, and when the second bell struck she leaped over the fence and trotted quietly to church, stoppin'; at JKr usual hitching-place, undet an old elm tree, until ti.o ..'ose of the service, when the faithful animal returned safely to the house. When we remember that such exhibitions of intelligence occur continually where the animals have received no training on the subjects to which they relate, it seems certain that they are the result of a mental process which strongly resembles thought, and we would expect, from patient culture, displays of intelligence greatly in advance of those ordinarily taking place. Such an expectation is justified by tli€ results which have followed training when directed to 358 INTKLLIGKNCE OF ANIMALS. this end. In a paper entitled "Canine Guests," Philip Gilbert Hamerton gives an account of the trained dojjs of M. du Rouil which, but for the unimpeachable veracity of the writer, would be almost incredible. M. du Rouil began to educate his first dog out of curiosity to see the effect of the sort of education which seemed to him best adapted for establishing a close under- standing between the human and canine minds ; the results astonished himself and were so grat- ifying that he subsequently educated two others on the same principles. Two of these dogs, " Blanche " and " Lyda," with their master, were guests of Mr. Hamerton, and the intelligence they exhibited, and which he describes, is, by his own admission, " incredible," yet may be so only because of our ignorance of the nature and extent of the mental powers belonging to the animal creation. Among the many feats per- formed by them were the spelling of words by lettered cards ; the correction of words pur- posely misspelled; the working out of simple problems in arithmetic and the playing of cards INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS. 359 and dominoes. Of the latter, Mr. Hamerton says: " Both the dogs played a game at domi- noes. This was managed as follows : the dogs sat on chairs opposite each other, and took up the domino that was wanted ; but the master placed it in its position and kept announcing the state of the game. Their distress when they could not go on without drawing from the bank was announced in piteous whines, and amused us all exceedingly. Lyda was the loser, and precipitately retreated to hide herself with an evident consciousness of defeat." An incident occurred in the course of tiie evening which showed some understanding of language. A little girl wanted Blanche to come to her, but the dog kept away, on which M. du Rouil said, " Blanche, go salute the little girl !" She Immediately went up to the child and made a formal obeisance. The owner of Blanche stated that he was going home one night accompanied by the dog and on his way saw a man who was searching for some object that he had lost. " What are 36o INTELLIGENCE OF ANLMALS. you .seeking?" he asked. The man answered that he had lost 280 francs. " Possibly my dog may be able to find them for yoii ; have you any money left? If you have, show her a piece of ^old." It was done and the dog directed to search. She at once set out and soon returned, bringing first one piece of gold, then another, and then a bank-note, till the whole sum that had been lost was regained. M. dm Rouil said that Blanche really knew aiH the letters and the playing-cards by their names, and Lyda really knew all the figures. Lbi adcflTiition to this Blanche had stucLjd about ome imrandred and fifty words in diferent lan- ;::;Tiia.gesfc, something like twenty in each Lirsguage. -^^ \z iras with J^yda and the figures. Siie knew esBsii one by its name, and would bring tiie one caflksd for. In describing the earlier stages of traoamiaa^ through which these dogs had passed, owner said the first thing was to aiake the iietch an object, the next to make him dis- cxiflB-nate between cwae oc t»o verv (Ji&rent objects placed togetlicr, aad Ikh^ «ae or tine INTELLIGEN'CE OF ANIMALS. 361 Other as it was mentioned by its name. In beginning the alphabet he put two most dissim- ilar letters side by side to begin with, such as an O and an I, avoiding the confusion of similar ones, such as O and Q or B and R. Gradually the dog became observant enough to discriminate between letters in which the difference was not so marked. M. du Rouil said he had found the greatest difficulty in teaching Blanche to distin- guish between the knaves and kings in playing- cards, but that she learned the aces very promptly. When he was asked what, after his ten years' experience, was his opinion of the intelligence of dogs, he answered, '"ith great emphasis, " that it is infinite." In subsequent pages I shall set forth my method of educating both dogs and horses to perform a variety of feats, which will be de- scribed, and from the ideas thus imparted the reader may multiply the number of tricks to any desired amount. 362 FEKREN S STEEL HORSESHOE. F ERR EN'S PATENTED STEEL HORSESHOE, Ground surface of shoe. The hoof prepared for the shoe. One of the most valuable patents for Horse- shoes was granted to H. B. Ferren, of Batavia, N. Y., for a Steel Horseshoe, which promises to come into general use, and will, to a very large extent, supersede an Iron Shoe, whether made by a machines or by hand, because its form is the best, the material is durable, and the manner of making is such as to secure economy, and its adoption will prevent many of the prevalent cruel malpractices upon a horse's foot. TRICK HORSES. Many horses are susceptible of an education far more extensive than is necessary for ordinary use, and for the benefit of such persons as may desire to teach their horses something more than the usual accomplishments, whether for their own amusement, or for the purpose of seeing how far the intelligence of the animal can be devel- oped, I have prepared a description of a variety of tricks, which, as performed by my horses, have been received with universal applause, both in Canada and in the United States ; to simplify which, I have, at considerable cost, procured plates, illustrating each of the tricks. But that no person may be misled into supposing that this forms a part of my general system of edu- cating the horse, I deem it proper to present these directions separately. Though the tricks to be hereafter illustrated and explained will add nothing of intrinsic value to the horse, nor of real benefit to his owner, ^^m^ 3<54 TRICK HORSES. yet the reader will readily sec in them the dem- onstration of a highly important fact, viz., that liorses can be taught the meaning of words, and to yield obedience to sounds to such an extent as to convince a candid mind that their intelli- gence is far in advance of that generally attrib- uted to them. With these remarks I will pro- ceed to explain the modus operandi^ as I call attention to a variety of tricks they may easily be taught to perform. Before passing to this, let me impress on the reader some leading prin- ciples in educating the horse. First, never allow yourself to get in a hurry; impatience orexcite- >ment on your part will go far in defeating the object of your instructions. Second, do not prolong your lessons beyond twenty minutes at one time ; and, especially, never use severity beyond that which may be absolutely necessary. Thus by kindness and patience in repeating your lessons at short intervals, you will surmount every difficulty and accomplish your purpose in a manner satisfactory to yourself. i clcm- ., that ds, and extent intelll- attrib- ill pro- j I call f easily to this, ig prin- tr allow • excite- ;ing the do not lutes at severity cessary. !ng your irmount rpose in IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 1.0 I.I If: IB IM M 1.8 :, 1.25 1.4 1.6 .4 6" — ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 J^. 4iA m i -w r TRICK HORSES. 367 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO MOUNT A PEDESTAL. First make the Bonaparte bridle, and place it on your horse, then lead him quietly up to the pedestal, and say to him, " Get up with your fore- feet!" of course he will not obey; now you must teach him your meaning. While you hold the bridle let some one take hold of his front foot, raise it carefully and place it on the pedestal ; then caress him, after which say, " Get down !" at the same time using your bridle in gently backing him. When he puts his foot down do not omit to caress him. Repeat this until he will obey when spoken to, then go through the same process with the other foot. After this, place both feet on the pedestal ; then require him to get down, then up and down till he will obey you without the use of the bridle. Great care should be taken not to excite the horse while educating him, for when excited his brain m ■^t 1 368 TRICK HORSES. becomes muddled, and he is unfitted for retain- ing your instruction. To make your horse stand on three legs; take a pin, and place it in the end of your whip- stock, and with the point prick him slightly on the leg, in front, just below the fetlock joint, but not hard enough to make him kick ; repeat this several times accompanied by the words, " hold up your foot!" continuing to repeat the punish- ment and words until he will cbey the commad without punishment. . HOW TO MAKE A HORSE WALTZ. Tie his head to his side by means of a sur- cingle and cord, fastening the cord at the side, reaching from the mouth; touch him lightly with the whip. He has to go, and, of course, he must go around and around. He soon leafns perfectly to waltz by the motion of the wbip, the teacher still repeating the word " waltz." t mm ' retain- ie legs; ur whip- ghtly on oint, but )eat this LS, "hold 5 punish- commad LTZ. of a sur- the side, m lightly course, he >on leafns the wb(p, valtz." 1 M i TRICK HORSES. 371 TO EDUCATE THE HORSE TO WALK ON HIS HIND FEET. Make the Bonaparte bridle, and put it on your horse ; also put on a bitting rig, similar to the one shown in the engraving, drawing his head pretty well up and in. Now stand near his head with bridle in hand, and jerk upward, as though you desired to lift him up, at the same time repeating the words, " stand up on your hind feet!" repeat this several times, and if he does not make a move to please you, take hold of one leg, raising him up with one hand and using the bridle with the other, as before directed, not for- getting to caress him if he makes the slightest move in the direction of obedience. In order to ensure success, kindness and patience should be the ruling principles. After you have taught your horse to stand on his hind feet you will next educate him to walk upright. This can be easily done by observing the following directions. Stand in front of him, whip in hand, saying, " Get W' 372 TRICK llOKSKS. up!" then shake the whip in front of him, step- ping backwards slowly, at the same time say to him, "Come here!" repeating it sharply and touching him gently with the whip on the knees. By carefully observing the above directions, you will quickly teach your horse to stand upright, and to walk on his hind feet. <«»7/l »» IfOlV TO MAKE A HORSE SAY ''NO. Prick him on the neck at the terminus of the mane till he shakes his head, then remove the pin, caress him, repeat for a while, and your horse will soon shake his head when you raise your hand to your heart; be always sure to treat the animal kindly for well-doing, and caress him when he deserves it, and he will repay you by his love for you and willingness to do you/ bidding. I him, step- ne say to irply and :he knees, tions, you 1 upright, *wa " lus of the move the md your you raise i sure to ind caress repay you • do you< IW T I TKICK IIOUSF.S. 375 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO PUSH A VEHICLE, After your horse has been taught to mount a pedestal with his fore-feet, and to stand and walk upright on his hind-feet it is a compara- tively easy task to educate him to mount upon a vehicle and push it. It is not at all necessary that a horse should be attached to it in front, as appears in the illustration, where the engraver has placed a representation of my black horse. Prince Albert, as a matter of taste, not as being necessary in conducting the instruction. In this trick it will be scarcely necessary for the educator to put the Bonaparte bridle on his horse unless he should show some stubbornness, but, with bitting rig on, stand near his head, whip in hand, and say to him in rather a loud and sharp tone of voice, " Get up !" Some fear on his part may be manifested, still do not give up nor lose youf patience, but lift his feet up and caress him. When he does get up do not 376 TKICK HORSES. at first allow the vehicle to move, nor until he has mounted two or three times, then say to him, " Push 1 " and in a short time you will have taught him not only to get up on the vehicle but to push it in front of him. After your horse has been thoroughly taught, you will discover that he is delighted to amuse you, and he will appear pleased to participate in the enjoyment of the trick. HOW TO MAKE A HOUSE GO LAME. Tap him on the fore-leg till he holds it up, then caress him kindly ; lead him with the left hand to the bit, and tap the left fore-leg with a stick in your right hand ; repeat the word *' lame, lame, lame," and your horse will soon learn to hold up one leg at the command. ntil he to him, 1 have cle but rse has 2r that appear of the fE. It up, he left with a " lame, am to I ^m B! ; m *""p ■ I n TRICK HORSES. 379 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO BE VICIOUS. Is o Many persons are incredulous in regard to the assertion that horses can be educated ; had one lived a hundred years ago he might have been excused for such incredulity, but in this age of knowledge and advancement in all depart- ments of human life, no man should close his eyes to any of the developments wrought by man's ingenuity. That the horse possesses more intelligence than many are disposed to admit, facts abundantly prove, and that he is quite as susceptible of acquiring evil and vicious habits as is man, the following trick will show. My horse. Prince Albert, appears to enjoy the subjoined trick greatly, and I regard it as quite a sensational one. To educate a horse to be vicious you have only to attract his attention, and then appear to be afraid of him. For in- stance, strike him lightly with a whip on the knees, then run away from him, and after you ; r i ;- ' 380 TRICK HORSES. have repeated this a few times he will run after you. You may make the trick more interesting by calling him names, such as " a nigger," " a mean horse," and on speaking the words run from him. L'ut be careful to have some place of safety, so that, when he follows, you may get out of his reach, as at some time he may disappoint and overtake you and mete out a punishment that will be anything but pleasing or desirable. irOW TO TEACH A HORSE TO LAUGH Prick him with a pin on the nose till he turns his lip up ; then caress him well. He will soon learn that when you point towards him and say, " Laugh," that it means a prick in the nose, if he does not turn his lip up. w n after •esting I mean m him. ety, so of his tit and Lt that rGH. e turns 11 soon nd say, nose, if 1"* ^1 ■ 1 ,|^B 'sj t li TRICK HORSES. 383 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO WALK ON HIS KNEES. The reader will observe, by reading my book, that great use is made of the Bonaparte bridle, and if those who handle horses will always resort to it when obedience from the horse is desired, they will save much time, trouble and annoyance that so often occur, especially to per- sons who quickly loose their tempers. Men can accomplish more in fifteen minutes using the bri- dle than in fifteen hours with any other means as it does not inflict a severe punishment when properly used, but never fails to secure obedience. Therefore, as in most cases it is used, I, in the present, introduce it again. Put a surcingle on the horse, attach a strap to his nigh fore-foot between the fetlock joint and hoof and draw it up to within eight or ten inches of his body, then take a strap or cord, say 6 or 7 feet long, and fasten it to his off fore-leg in the 384 TRICK HORSES. same manner and secure the services of some person to assist you, directing him to stand on the off-side, and, when directed, to pull up his foot. Place on the horse the Bonaparte bridle, and take your position in front of him with bri- dle in hand, requesting assistant to pull, when your horse will come down on his knees, now pull on your bridle and say, " Come here," when he will soon obey you. Do not mak' your les- sons long, but repeat them often ; not forgetting to caress him if he should make the slightest move towards you. Never attempt to teach a horse this trick with shoes on his hind-feet, as he might cut himself, which would cause him to dread a second effort. .::-!i- f some and on up his : bridle, ith bri- ll, when ;es, now t," when ^our les- rgetting slightest rick with himself, id effort. ^ 1 . t El V!' li iSii?; TRICK HORSES. 387 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO DRIVE A BOY OFF THE PEDESTAL, It will be necessary to first educate the horse to mount the pedestal. Instructions to do this may be found elsewhere; then proceed in the following manner to educate to the above trick. Put on the Bonaparte bridle, using a cord, say twenty feet long, and send your horse away from you with a whip, the length of the cord, then give him a slight pull, and say, " Come here ; " then run from him and mount the pedestal your- self; when he approaches he will try to mount, and as he does so you jump off. After you have thus exercised him a few times get a boy to assist you. Let the boy stand on the pedestal, and say to your horse, "Come here and mount up;" instruct the boy to leave so soon as the animal shall mount. You will find this trick quite a sensational one, and not difficult to learn your horse. 388 TRICK HORSES, TO SHAKE HANDS. This is ea:iily accomplished by tying a short strap or piece of coid to the forward foot below the fetlock ; then stand directly in front of the horse, and hold the end of the strap in your hand, and say, " Shake hands, sir." After which pull immediately upon the strap, which will bring his foot forward, and which you are to accept as shaking hands ; then, of course, you must caress and feed him, and keep him repeating, until, when you make the demand, he will bring the foot forward in anticipation of having it pulled up. HOW TO MAKE A HOUSE HOW. Prick him in the breast with a pin, till he throws his head down and up the least bit ; then take the pin away, and caress him kindly ; repeat for a few times, until when you stand back and attract his attention, he will nod his head, expect- ing a prick in the breast. [ig a short foot below ont of the ip in your Vfter which 1 will bring o accept as nust caress until, when g the foot lulled up. 30 m pin, till he 5t bit ; then dly; repeat d back and ead, expect- TRICK HORSES. 391 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO STT DOWN. Horses differ very much in their capacity for beingj taught therefore, if you desire a pleasing sul ct, select one that is tractable. Directions : Make the Bonaparte bridle, and place it on your horse, so that you may have him under proper control, then put on him a common hame col- lar ; now take two pole-straps and place one on each hind-leg, below the fetlock joint, and attach a cord, say twelve feet long, to each strap, carry your cord up through the collar on each side and bring the ends behind him, holding also the end ot the Bonaparte bridle in your hand, and com- mence to pull on your cords; now repeat over the words, " sit down ;" as he goes backwards draw up still more on your cords, until he shall sit down. Do not allow him to remain in this sitting posture more than a minute the first lesson. Repeat this two or three times a day im 'Ij.^J: a. 392 TRICK HORSr^S. ■'. "3 fllf! ^'^'' • , ^^, La MB*' /'.^-' ^^^^1 ■;■ i III : Hi J^: for five or six days, and you, with the assistance of a whip pointed downwards to the ground, will witness the pleasing effect of your instruction by seeing your horse sit down at the word of command. pi TO CURE THE SCRATCHES IN THE SHORT- EST TIME EVER KNOWN. Use two tablespoonfuls of lard, and one table- spoonful of slacked lime ; brush out the dirt and dust from the foot ; use no water. Apply the salve, well mixed, twice each day. It will cure the worst cases in 4 to 6 days. Another remedy : ■ Hydrate of potassa, 10 grains ; pulverized nut- galls, Yz oz. ; white lead, pulverized opium, each Yt oz. ; lard, j^ lb. Wash with soap-suds, rub dry, and apply the mixture night and morning. Give purging ball. ssistance )und, will istruction I word of SHORT- )ne table- 2 dirt and Ipply the will cure rlzed nut- ium, each s, rub dry, ng. Give I: i m m ■ ■ -' X 1' ^v^ ^■;R TRICK HOUSES. 395 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO BORE FOR OIL. ^^ ^ m 3 Us o O M L> M Place on your horse the Camanche bridle, and educate him to the words, " Come here," so that he will mind you readily on hearing the words ; by this you can better control him while educat- ing to the trick in question. Some difficulty may at first be experienced, but by patience and perseverance you will not fail Take an ordinary pole-strap and place it on your horse below the fetlock joint on the off fore- foot ; now take one loose turn round the nigh fore-foot, and take the end of the strap in one hand, with the other hand pull gently on the bridle, using the words as instructed. Your ani- mal will attempt to obey, but will find himself somewhat hampered, yet he will quickly learn. If he should at first move a foot to please you, say "Whoa," and then caress. Make your lesson short, and do not try to force him too much, for if you do, he will become excited and resist your effort. I ' 396 TRICK HORSES. HOW TO MAKE A HORSE WALK UP. First put a rope around his neck, bring it down through his mouth, back through the loop on the neck, jerk him till he raises his fore-feet the least bit, then stop and caress him ; then check him up tight to a surcingle — from the bit to the side-ring is the better way ; then jerk on the cord, and he will soon get up erect ; repeat, still caressing him well for all he does ; he will soon get up at the motion of the whip. You should, when practicing him, repeat the words, "get up, sir!" It is in this manner I taught Tom Thumb to go up and down stairs, and to perform on the stage in different places, afford- ing amusement to thousands of witnesses. 1^ UP. bring it the loop fore-feet m ; then n the bit 1 jerk on : ; repeat, ; ; he will lip. You le words, I taught rs, and to es, afford- ises. f (•- TRICK HORSES. 399 A SURF METHOD OF MAKING A HORSE BAD TO CATCH. Two or three pages might be written upon this subject, and profitably read by owners of horses. Young men and boys are largely ad- dicted to the habit of riding or leading the horse • up to the bars or fence, and, some being too lazy to let down the rails properly, compel- ling him to jump over, and if he resists, the first effort is to hit him with the bridle or halter, and away the animal goes almost frantic with fear. To another class it proves an amusement, cer- tainly arising from a depraved nature, as they like to see the animal jump ; and to enjoy their sport they hurry him over regardless of conse- quences — not thinking they are laying the foun- dation of a very bad habit in the horse — that of being bad to catch in the field. Let those who have been guilty in the past, after reading this 4CX) TRICK HORSES. paragraph over, desist from pursuing such a course of conduct toward horses, and ere long the time will come when there will be no need to apply the remedy — elsewhere found — to edu- cate the horse that is bad to catch in the field. HIDE BOUND. This condition of the skin is usually produced by any derangement of system. Medicine of an alterative character is here indicated. The most successful remedy is sulphur, pulverized, 8 oz. ; nitrate of potassa, pulverized, 3 oz. ; black anti- mony, pulverized, 2 oz. ; sulphate of iron, 4 oz. Mix well together, and give one tablespoonful twice a day. Another good remedy : Take saltpetre, 4 oz. ; crude antimony, i oz. ; sulphur, 2 oz. Both the saltpetre and antimony should be finely pulverized, then add the sulphur, and mix well together. Dose : tablespoonful of the mixture in bran-mash daily. •H" g such a ere long i no need I — to edu- the field. ' produced cine of an The most zed, 8 oz. ; black anti- iron, 4 oz. )lespoonful lony, I oz.; d antimony ;he sulphur, spoonful of -#•-»■ I THICK HORSES. 403 TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO TAKE A HAND' KERCHIEF FROM HIS SIDE, The reader must understand that it is neces- sary first to educate your animal to obey the words " come here " and " whoa," before he can be taught tricks successfully. There must be great caution used in teaching the above trick. First stand on the nigh-side and prick the animal lightly on the shoulder; he will reach round and bite near where the punishment is inflicted. After you have re- peated this a few times, hold a handkerchief in hand with the pin and he will soon catch hold of it with his teeth; as you use the pin, say " Take it from the nigh-side." Next prick him with a pin on the off-shoulder, handkerchief accompanying, and say " Take it from the off- side." When you have given him five or six lessons, you may hold the handkerchief on his side and touch him with your finger, repeat- 404 TRICK HORSES ing the words aoove directed. The instructor must be cautious when using the pin in educat- ing, not to provoke so as to make the animal cross. ■■Ilj{fl^^i. ' ■7'. DISTEMPER. All catarrhal affections are classed by horse owners under the head of distemper. Common catarrh, epidemic catarrh, laryngitis, bronchitis, and all other diseases accompanied by nasal dis- charges, are regarded by horsemen as one and the same. The following remedy is to cure distemper in its simple form, as we find it in colts soon after the disease commences. If there is swelling under the jaws, poultice the throat with flaxseed meal, or brf.;id and milk. Apply mustard and vinegar, tip a give internally one of the following powders in feed : pulverized gentian, 2 ounces ; sulph. copper, i oz.; pulverized ginger, 6 drams; mix, and divide into 8 powders. nstructor 1 eclucat- e animal by horse Common ►ronchitis, nasal dis- one and temper in ;oon after ; swelling hi flaxseed stard and following 2 ounces ; 6 drams; ^^ TRICK HORSES. 40; TO EDUCATE A HORSE TO KISS A BOY. This kind of education is not particularly beneficial to the horse owner, but it illustrates clearly the idea foreshadowed in many parts of my work: first, that the horse may be taught almost anything that is in his power to do; second, that if you go rightly to work you may so gain his confidence that he will cheerfully obey every reasonable command. Direction. — Take a piece of apple, place it in your mouth and say to your horse, " Kiss me." He will approach you to take it ; when he does so caress him. After repeating this a few times, when you approach him extend your mouth towards his and repeat the words '• kiss me." If he does not respond, place a piece of apple in your mouth as before, and repeat * ' iil he shall obey without the use of the apple. f.rpr-ja'^ ^^ 408 TRICK HORSES. BONE SPAVIN. One-half pound of blood root ; i quart of al- cohol ; 2 oz. tannin ; ^ lb. alum. Mix and let stand. Shaking several times a day till the strength is all in the alcohol, and bathe the spavin twice a day, rubbing with the hand. FOR WINDGALLS. Olive oil, 2 oz. ; nitric acid, ^ oz. Rub as much in every day, or every second or third day, as will bear without starting the hair. f'7^ '■'i: FOR INFLAMED SWELLINGS OR LAMED SHOULDERS. Equal parts oil amber, oil s^ike, gum camphor, and ether. Should be shaken well before using, and well rubbed in with the hand. lart of al- K and let r till the )athe the ind. Rub as third day, LAMED camphor, fore using, i I iW \ 1 EDUCATING DOGS. TO ROLL A BARREL. Place on the dog the Bonaparte bridle so that you may control him; then put his fore-feet upon the barrel, standing in front of him with a piece of meat extended towards him, and say, " Roll the barrel ;" pull gently on the cord, and if he should start the barrel don't fail to caress him. With two dogs, put one on the top of the barrel, and they will quickly learn to roll it without being enticed by meat. TO FIRE A GUN, Drill a hole in the back of a common chair ; attach a piece of iron at the lower part of the pistol, and place it in the chair as illustrated; tie a string with a knot in the end, to the trig- ; I 412 EDUCATING DOGS. ger ; let it run through a ring in the but of the pistol, then tie a piece of meat to the end of the string ; now the dog will try to get the meat ; in doing so he will fire it off. Load the pistol with blank cartridges. A few lessons will educate the animal so that at the order, " Make ready — present — fire 1" he will obey. Place his mate in front of the pistol in a sitting posture and stand near him, and when the report is heard, leach him to lie down, which you can easily do by at first pressing him down with your hand until he will mind the word " dead." Dogs are remarkably fond of being caressed, and the reader should not neglect this important accom- paniment to his instructions. ut of the e end of the meat ; the pistol 11 educate ; ready — is mate in ;ture and is heard, easily do rour hand Dogs are and the nt accom- ^ Si If * 1 ■ i la| ; 1 f .. • ■ 1 ■ ' 1 , * 1 ; 1 ( # - ■ft 1 l ^^l m EDUCATING DOGS. 41S TO PASS BETWEEN YOUR LEGS. J, Hold meat in your hand and pass it from one hand to the other between your legs. Occa- sionally give the animal a small piece ; you will thus induce him after a little to obey the com- mand " Pass through," motioning in the direction with your hand. ' ii M TO JUMP THROUGH A HOOP. At the first lesson procure a barrel hoop and elevate it, say six inches from the ground, hold- ing it in your hand, and with the other hold out a piece of meat a short distance from the hoop, and say to your dog, "Jump." He will go for the meat ; increase the height of the hoop a little each time, and you will soon have W p ff 416 EDUCATING DOGS. taught him so that you may not only reduce the hoop in size, but he will obey you without the use of meat. : I TO STAND ON CHAIRS. Place two chairs back to back ; then separate the chairs, say one foot apart, and decoy your dog to mount on one chair; then hold a piece of meat in your hand elevated above the chairs, and it will attempt to climb for the meat ; re- peat this process a few times, and soon you will educate the animal to rest its feet on the back of each chair; after which you may increase the distance until you distend the body, as seen in engraving, in accordance with your wishes. Continue until it will readily obey you without the use of meat ; often caress the animal, as by this means you increase confidence and secure obedience. <^ reduce vithout 2parate y your 1 piece chairs, :at; re- rou will le back ncrease as seen wishes, without 1, as by secure MISCELLANEOUS. FOR CURING COLIC IN HORSES. ^r^ Symptoms. — Pawing, manifesting a desire to be down, and, without doing so, commence pawing again. As the synptoms increase the animal cannot be kept on his feet ; he frequently falls as if shot ; pulse not altered from natural condition. Intervals of rest, together with the condition of the pulse, distinguish the disease from inflammation of the bowels. Treat as follows : Take a piece of woolen cloth, about one foot square, or its equivalent in pieces, saturate the cloth thoroughly with mutton or beef tallow, using from a quarter to a half pound, then roll up the cloth and it is ready for use ; next place a blanket over the head of the horse, as seen in engraving; then set fire to the cloth, holding it 420 MISCELLANEOUS. under the horses head with a shovel, and allow- ing him to inhale the smoke. Care should be used so as not to strangle the horse. By strictly following the foregoing treatment the efficacy of this remedy will be shown, as the animal will be relieved in from fifteen to twenty minutes. Another remedy is : Frequent injections of soap and water ; and give internally, spirits of nitre, lo drams ; lauda- num, lo drams ; water, j^ pint. Mix for drench. This may be repeated in twenty minutes, if relief is not obtained. Another remedy, giving instant relief: From 45 to 50 drops of chloroform, given on sugar, I have never known to fail giving imme- diate relief. I have known men to be from home, and have their horses taken with this disease, and use this remedy, and in thirty minutes the horses were able to be driven. I I ri ■ r 1 id allow- hould be ly strictly t efficacy limal will minutes. Iter ; and IS ; lauda- 5r drench, is, if relief ;f: , given on ng imme- , and have d use this )rses were 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 423 THE ONLY SAFE AND PRACTICAL WAY TO GIVE A HORSE MEDICI.VE. Much difficulty is experienced in giving medi- cine to a horse, but those who view and compre- hend the foregoing illustration will see how easily all difficulty may be removed. In administering the medicine while the animal is standing, there is a constant liability to annoyance from the danger of strangling, by holding the head too high, or of spilling the medicine, in which cases the owner is foiled and the horse is left to suffer. The idea as illustrated, of which I claim to be the originator, though simple in itself is of great importance. Directions. — If your horse is standing, use the directions previously given to throw him ; when down, turn his mouth upward and pull a little on the cord used in throwing him when he will open his mouth, and you can give the medicine 1 ^yi 424 MISCELLANEOUS. with a spoon without risk of spilling it; arrays observing care not to allow it to enter the nos- trils, by which a horse may easily be strangled. / iy person following these directions, will soon appreciate the value of the method described. SPAVIN. This being a valuable recipe, it is worth money to any man dealing in horses. Euphorbium, 5 oz ; cantharides, fine, 2 oz. iodine, i oz., dissolved in alcohol ; red precipi- tate, Yz oz. ; corrosive sublimate, i oz. ; quicksil ver, Yz oz. ; hog's lard, 6 oz. ; white turpentine, 6 oz. ; verdigris, J^ lb. Melt the lard and turpen- tine together, then, while hot, add the others, except the quicksilver, which must be stirred in as it becomes cold. Mix well. When cold it is fit for use. Rub it in well on the spavin every day for three days, then wash clean with soap- suds, and omit for three days ; then repeat for three days, and so continue until a perfect cure is effected. Should it blister, use more cautiously. MISCELLANEOUS. 425 TO TELL A HORSE'S AGE. There is only one sure way of telling the age of a horse, and that is by an examination of his teeth, and that only extends to a certain age, although an experienced horseman can guess very nearly for some time after that period. There are six teeth in the front part of a horse's mouth, above and below, called the gatherers, from which we may judge of his age. When a colt is foaled, he generally has no teeth in the front part of his mouth. In a few days, two come in the upper jaw, and two below; and again, after a few days, four more appear, but the corner teeth do not make their appearance until he is four or five months old; these twelve teeth remain unchanged in the front of the colt's mouth until he is about two years old, when he sheds the two center nippers. At three years old, a colt sheds the adjoining teeth. At four years old, the under or corner teeth. At five years old, the bridle tooth makes its appearance. At six years old, the cups leave the two center teeth below. At seven years old, the cups leave the adjoining teeth. At eight ff f 426 MISCELLANEOUS. years old, the cups leave the outer or corner teeth. At nine years old, the cups leave the two center nippers, above. At ten years old, the cups leave the adjoining teeth. At eleven years old, the cups leave the corner upper teeth. At twelve years, or past, the groove on inside of the bridle tooth disappears in a horse. Mares very seldom have them. ■?■•', NEW METHOD TO TELL THE AGE. (See engraving •f horse's teeth from the age of 7 to 18 years. Always look for the cups in the upper teeth.) MISCELLANEOUS. 427 7 years. The cups in center of teeth are large. 8 years. A trifle smaller. 9 years. Still smaller. 11 years. Smaller. 12 years. Cups in center of teeth are smaller and nearly round. 14 years. The teeth are round and cups have nearly disappeared, 16 years. Are a mere speck in the teetli ; scarcely discernible. iS years. The cups have worn away, and the teeth are round. w TRAINING STEERS. M Drive your steer in a small yard, fenced so that he cannot escape. Then approach him gently, and if he runs, do not run after him, but follow slowly and quietly. Should he again run from you, do not strike him with the whip, or in any way frighten him, he will soon stand and permit you to approach him. Place then around his body a surcingle or strap, near the fore-legs. Take a hame-strap and buckle around the near fore-foot; take a cord or rope, and pass it through under the surcingle, and tie to the strap which is around the foot. The cord should be twenty or thirty feet long, to permit him to run about you in the yard, without your pulling on it. Draw up on the rope to force him to move on three legs ; approach him gently, till he will permit you to handle him as you please. Then hold up the near fore-foot by the cord, with your TRAINING STEERS. 429 left hand, and holding the whip in your right, pass it over his shoulder, and quietly touch him on the off-side of his head, and at the same time say, " Haw !" continue thus till he moves his head towards you, for which caress him about the head and neck ; repeat this till he will " haw," at the word, towards you. Should he attempt to run from you, pull on the strap, say " Haw," at the same time touch him on the head with the whip. He will soon learn to stop at the word of com- mand, in this way, and turn towards you readily. Then take off the rig and turn him loose. Then proceed with the mate in the same way, when you can turn it out, and by this time the other steer will be ready to receive another lesson. Drive it in the same yard, and repeat the lesson with a whip. Quietly touch on the near side of the head, and at the same time say, " Gee !" until he will move around from you. Then caress him, till he will "gee" or "haw" readily. Go through the same lesson with the other. That is all you should try to do with them in four hours' time. Take both together in the yard ; f^p PWPI'II w 430 TRAINING STEERS. repeat this lesson till both understand what you desire of them. Take one of them near the wall ; stand by his side ; hit him gently on the head, at the same time say " Back 1" till he will step back ; then caress him. Repeat, till he will go back readily at the word. Give each the same lesson. This manner of training steers will make them always do your bidding. When convenient, repeat the above lessons, with both together. Then put on the yoke, and let them go. One hour, at first, is long enough to be- come accustomed to the restraint of the yoke. Repeat this in the yard. If the steers should ever run from you, which often occurs in an ordinary method of training, buckle a hame-strap around the foot, bring it up through the surcingle back to the sled or wagon, between the steers. Let the man pull on the cord if they attempt to run away ; this will pull up their feet ; whip them over the head, which will stop them and break up the habit. TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. The main object should be to have the shoe so formed as to size, weight, fitting, and fasten- ing, as to combine the most advantages of pro- tection, and preserve the natural tread of the foot the best. In weight, it should be propor- tioned to the work or employment of the horse. The foot should not be loaded with more iron than is necessary to preserve it. If the work of the horse is principally on the road, at heavy draught, the shoe should be rather heavy, in order that it may not be bent by contact with hard, uneven earth ; it should be wide in the web, and of equal thickness and width from the toe to the heel, that it may as much as possible protect the sole, without altering the natural position of the foot ; it should be well drawn in at the heels, that it may rest on the bars, thereby protecting the corn place, or angles between the '■?:■' IT-^ w 432 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. I'' bar and crust, and should in no part extend beyond the outer edge of the crust. It is too often the case that the shoe is made according to the smith's notions of what the form of the horse's foot should be, and the foot is pared, burned, and rasped until it fits the shoe. Now, it should always be borne in mind that the shoe is intended for the foot, and not the foot for the shoe, and that it is therefore peculiarly proper to make the shoe fit the nat- ural form of the foot. It is impossible to have the foot of a horse sound and safe, for work and use, after bringing it to an unnatural figure, by the use of the knife and rasp. The foot of the horse being elastic, it expands to the weight of the horse, in precisely the same degree, whether resting upon the most open or the most con- tracted shoe. Therefore, the shape of the shoe cannot possibly affect the shape of the foot. The form of the foot is determiri' 1 by the situ- ation of the nails If tn#» ^ils are placed so that the inside quarte .iid heels r ^ left free to expand in a natural^i-, no shape which TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. 433 ; extend ; is made what the , the foot t fits the ; in mind t, and not therefore t the nat- le to have r work and figure, by foot of the J w(-ight of ee, whether most con- )f the shoe f the foot. .y the situ- placed so - left free ihape which we can give to the shoe can of itself change the form of the foot. It must not be inferred, how- ever, from this that the shape of the shoe is of no importance ; quite the contrary being the case, as I have already shown. In forming the shoe, we should always adopt that which pro- duces the greatest number of advantage: with the fewest disadvantages. We find that the sole-surface of the foot is by nature concave in form, which seems to offer the greatest fulcrum of resistance to the horse when traveling. It is important to preserve the natural mechanical action of the horn and sole; therefore the ground surface of the foot, that is to say, the ground surface of the shoe, should be leveled cup fashion ; its outer edge being prominent, corresponds to the lower and outer rim of the hoof; while the shoe being hollow, resembles the natural cavity of the sole of the foot. The ground surface of the shoe should always be concave. The pattern that nature has presented us in making the sole concave, cannot be improved ~ w 434 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. \: 1 i upon by the smith, with all his skill. The ex- pansion of the heels, and growth of the foot, require that the shoe should be long enough, and wide enough at the heels, to allow for the natural growth of the foot in the time it is cal- culated the shoe should be on before being reset ; for ay the foot enlarges, the shoe is brought forward until it loses i^^s original pro- portion, and becomes too short and narrow. The shoe may be about a quarter of an inch wider and longer than the extreme bearing of the heels; s'ld the nail-holes should be punched coarse and in the center of the web. The man- ner of fastening the shoe is what really affects the foot, and what requires the most special attention in shoeing ; for the foot, being elastic, expands in the same proportion on the rough as on the nicely-fitted shoe. It is the number and position of the nails that really affect the foot. If they are placed well back in the quar- ters, four on a side, as is common, the crust is held as firmly to this unyielding shoe as if in a vice, which utterly prevents the free action neces- TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. 435 The ex- the foot, y enough, •w for the e it is cal- ibre being ,e shoe is iginal pro- id narrow, of an inch bearing of )e punched The man- ally affects St special |ing elastic, the rough e number affect the the quar- le crust is as if in a tion neces- sary to its health. Inflammation is produced, which causes contraction and the consequent, derangement of the whole foot. If the free natural expansion of the foot, and the spreading of the quarters in proportion to the growth of the hoof is prevented by the nailing of the shoe, irritation of the fleshy substance between the crust and coffin-bone will result, and ultimately create so much diseased action of the parts as to cause contraction and navicular disease. Shoes may be fastened without causing such mischief, if the following method of nailing is observed. In experimenting, for the purpose of ascer- taining how few nails are absolutely necessary, under ordinary circumstances, for retaining the shoe securely in its place as long as it should remain upon the foot, it has been satisfactorily established that five nails are amply sufficient for the fore shoes, and seven for the hind ones, three should be plactJ on the outside of the foot, and two on the inner side, near the toe, thereby leaving the foot free to expand in a \ ! 436 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. natural manner. The nails should not be driven high up in the crust, but brought out as soon as possible. Another mistake with most smiths is in rasping the clinches away too fine; they should be turned broad and flat. It is also a. custom with some to rasp and sand-paper the whole surface of the hoof, for the purpose of making it look nice and smooth. Such a prac- tice should never be tolerated; the covering thus removed is provided by nature to protect the too rapid evaporation of the moisture of the hoof, and when taken away, causes the horn to become dry and brittle. It has so long been customary to use as many nails as could be conveniently driven, in fact, of fastening the shoe as if it were to a lifeless block of wood, that the fear is very commonly entertained that the shoe will not be held in its place with so few nails. Such fears are utterly groundless, as both theory and practice demonstrate. If the presence of a nail in the crust were a matter of no moment, and two or three more than are really necessary were merely useless no great TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. 437 reason would exist for condemning the common practice of using too many nails, but it is far otherwise; the nails, aside from confining the natural expansion of the hoof, separate the fibres of the horn, which never, by any chance, become united again, but continue apart and unclosed, until, by degrees, they grow down with the rest of the hoof, and are finally, after repeated shoeing, removed by the knife. As these holes cannot possibly grow down and be removed under three shoeings, it will be found, even with a small number of nails, that three times that number of holes must exist in the hoof all the while ; and as they are often, from various causes, extended into each other^ they necessarily keep it in a brittle, unhealthy state, and materially interfere with the future nail-hold. As t! position of the hind-foot, and the nature of its office, render it less liable to injury than the fore-foot, consequently, it less frequently lames ; however, disease of the nav- icular bone of this foot is by no means impos- sible. The same care should be taken as with ill' 438 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. the fore-foot. Calks, although they may be turned down of perfectly even length on each side (which is seldom done), are objectionable appendages, and should be dispensed with, ex- cept, perhaps, for very heavy draughts, or when the roads are frozen or covered with ice. ; J 'JBi y may be h on each jectionable 1 with, ex- 5, or when ce. jmmmr^ |i|! |H": INTERFERING AND OVER-REACHING. TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. 441 TO PREVENT HORSES INTERFERING. Nature has provided a proper hoof for the horse, but sometimes it is round and flat and the animal will strike itself witii the crust when not shod ; the natural tendency being to travel very close, especially with the hind-feet. Well-informed minds, together with the me- chanical skill of many blacksmiths, have been brought to bear upon this topic, and after years of experience and research they have been una- ble to remedy this evil. As such I term it, be- cause horses have suffered much, and become depreciated in value because of being addicted to the annoying habit of interfering. I here propose to give a sure and certain remedy that has never been known to fail. The preparation of the hoof is by no means as important as that of the shoe ; yet, should the animal interfere very badly, it may be better to leave the outside a trifle the lowest ; however, the smith ought to be governed by circum- w^ i \ I I i i i I ) ! Vv 1 442 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. Stances, not as to the shoe, but to paring the hoof. All that can be removed from the inside without putting the hoof out of shape ought to be done. Also pare the hoof at the toe instead of the heel, simply rasping it so as to form a level surface. Prepare the shoe carefully in accordance with the following directions, and as illustrated on foregoing engraving, Fig. i : Make the inside twice the width and twice the thickness that you do the outside, gradually tapering the width and thickness from the toe- calk. Make the heel-calk on the inside or heavy part of the shoe, about an inch long, and length- wise from heel to toe, and incline it a little inward to the frog of the foot. Don't allow your shoes to remain on longer than four weeks at most, and use as small nails as possible. TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. 443 )aring the the inside ; ought to oe instead to form a arefully in itions, and Fig. I : and twice I, gradually m the toe- ie or heavy nd length- it a little on't allow ifour weeks Isible. O VERREA CHING. Young horses are more subject to overreach- ing than old ones. It very frequently disappears as the speed of the animal is increased. At a moderate gait, the front feet do not always get out of the way in time for the hind ones, as they are brought forward. Sometimes the heels are cut or badly bruised, and occasionally the shoes are torn from the fore-feet. Remedy. — Have the front shoes made nearly twice the weight of the hind shoes. Lower the toe-calk on the fore shoe and increase the ordi- nary length of the calk on the hind shoe, and do not make the fore shoe to project more than half an inch beyond the heel. If the horse should have a good square heel, don't allow the shoe to project any. Observe to instruct the smith to pare the toe or forward part of the fore-foot, and not the heel, simply rasping it to form a level surface. See illustration of shoes> Figs. 2 and 3. 444 TREATISE ON HORSESHOEING. Sure Method of Producing a Rai'id Growth in Horses' Hoofs. — Wash the hoof and apply common soft soap inside and out, twice a day, avoiding to rub any on the frog of the foot. Care should be used so as not to allow the soap to remain on the hair near the hoof. By putting a mark near the hair, the operator will be better able to judge the rapid growth. While using the above, should the hoof get soft, apply salt, which will quickly harden. I have grown an entirely new hoof on a horse in six weeks, by following the above direction. AN EXPOSITION DUNBAR SYSTEM OF HORSESHOEING, AND TREATMENT OF THE HORSE's FOOT. As taught to the Farriers of the United States Army by Alexander Dunbar, under the authority of the Joint Resolution of Congress^ and for which Dunbar received twenty-five thousand dollars. Highly recommended to the U. S, Army by Robert Bonner and George Wilkes. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FITTING AND DRIVING THE SHOE. The first thing to be done is to carefully examine the horse's feet all around, to see that they are of a natural shape, taking care to abstain from any action that will tend to excite the horse. ' The shoes should be removed one at a time, and the nails carefully drawn after the clinches are cut, one at a time ; anything like tearing off i^Fprp 446 HORSESHOEING. the shoe by main force should by all means be avoided. The shoe being removed, the rasp should then be used on the edge of the foot where the shoe has been, removing all dirt and gravel which may have accumulated there, and thus prevent injury to the shoeing knife. If the foot is healthy and of a natural shape, and has been shod regularly, no alteration is required, but simply to pare out the sole of the foot, removing the bors entirely, and opening out the heels back. The surface of the frog should be trimmed off a very little, but the sides should never be cut. By reference to Plate No. 12 the exact idea of the system of paring the foot may be gained. It has been practiced successfully, and is recom- mended for the simple reason that by the system of removing the bors and opening out the heels, contraction is prevented, and the frog retains its natural shape, because all pressure is removed from each side. . HOKSESIIOEING. 4-^7 The foot should not be scooped out so as to leave the wall projecting without any support ; for the wall of the hoof is the base upon which the horse travels, and this should be supported by a sufficiency of the sole as a "ground sur- face." The shoes should be removed and the feet prepared one at a time. In fitting a shoe to the foot, after it has been thoroughly prepared, the farrier should take hold of the foot and see that the shoe is perfectly easy on the heels, and that he has sufficient room all around in the manner illustrated on Plate No. II. If the shoe is found to fit well everywhere, he will take the foot between his knees, and placing the shoe properly, drive the nails with great care, so that the shoe cannot get out of its proper place. When the nails are started he should hammer them home lightly, or according to the foot he is working on. The three nails on the inside and outside, toward the toe, should always be driven a little tighter than the heel nails, so as to prevent pressure on the heels. No man should be in a hurry in shoeing a horse, fi 4jS HORSESHOEING. but should always be careful in fitt'ng and driv- ing the shoe as instructed. A shoe should never be fitted tightly, unless the coffin-bone has too much play ; then it should be fitted tight around the toe and each quarter, as far as the nail-holes extend back, in order to contract the foot, and bring the coffin-bone to its proper place. Such cases are, however, very rare. The heels of the shoe should never be allowed to curve inward toward the froof, and the foot should be prepared so as to prevent any pres- sure from the shoe on the heel, in the manner shown by Plate No. 14, at the same time allowing the bearing of the shoe to be perfectly equal. If the horse has a long foot it should he shortened on the toe as much as possible — the more the better — for the hoof grows out more quickly at the toe ; and it is necessary, because in a case of this kind the coffin-bone is necessa- rily out of its proper position, and the operation of shortening the toe must be continued until it HORSESHOEING. 449 .ncl driv- y, unless it should I quarter, order to one to its ;ver, very je allowed I the foot any pres- manner ame time perfectly hould he sible— the out more -y, because is necessa- i operation .led until it resumes its natural shape; but a close operation, and working the horse at the same time, is not recommended, because the foot can be brought to its proper shape by cuttiiig gradually in time. After the cutting has been performed, a shoe should be fitted so as to have the pressure on each quarter, and with heels, if the horse's heels are naturally low, in order to prevent a sudden change. A horse should be re-shed at least once a month. Plate No. 3 — Paring out the Foot. — By ref- erence to this plate it will be seen what a difference there exists between the system recommended and practiced by Mr. Dunbar, and the old style practiced and recommended by all authorities on the subject heretofore. The bors should be cut away entirely^ removing the pressure from the frog, and cutting out the heel. By this system of paring the foot a ground surface will always be left, commencing at the m^ III m 450 HORSESHOEING. heel and expanding gradually, as illustrated by the plates "A" to "C;" the sides of the frog should never be cut, but the top should be cut down sufficiently to allow it to be clear of the grc nd after the shoe is fitted. The cleft of the frog should always be cleaned out thoroughly every time the shoe is renewed. Plates Nos. 4 and 5 — Lon^- Feet before and after Cutting. — A horse with a long foot, as will be easily seen, will suffer from an undue pre- stir : on the heels (see article on Corns), causing corns, and in addition to that, if the foot is not shortened in time, it will cause the coffin-bone to lose its proper shape, but this can be remedied by shortening the toe every time the horse is shod, thus keeping the foot in its proper shape. The common practice of fitting a shoe tight on the heels, to prevent interfering, is entirely wrong ; an interfering horse does not strike with his heel, but with the inner side of the toe, not further back than the heel-nails, both hind and HORSESHOEING. 451 forward. To prevent this, the shoe should be fitted wider on the inner than on the obiter heel. A horse that interferes should be carefully examined by the farrier before shoeing, who No. 3. a New Style. b Old Style. Paring the Foot. will notice particularly the shape of his feet. If the animal stands inward and interferes, the outside quarter should be cut down, and thus throw the foot level ; and if he stands outward and interferes, the inside quarter should be cut down for the same reason. After this a shoe 452 HORSESHOEING. ; No. 4. Long Foot— Before Treatment. UOliSESlIOEING. 45S No. 5. Long Foot— -After Tkeat>'int, 454 HORSESHOEING. No. lo. Fig. I. a Uppci- pastern. i' Lower pastem. c ]Kamcular borne. d CafiD>bone. Fig. 2. (I Upper pastern. b Lower pastern, c Navicular bone. d Coffi i-bone, with the horny laminae. COFFIN-BONE. HORSESHOEING. 455 should be fitted with no nails on the inner quarter, which should be thickest. To prevent a horse traveling pigeon-toed is simply to pare off the inner quarter of the toe, and have the shoe fitted as above. By this operation the bearing will be level. This will apply also to a horse for light riding, and for a horse traveling between the shafts ; but for the latter a good block heel on the outer, and a small one on the inner quarter of the shoe should be made ; the toe also to be made thick in propor- tion, to make the bearing level. Platl No. id is a representation of a per- fectly healthy coffin-bone, with the upper and lower pastern and navicular bones front, and reverse sides. The system recommended by the author is intended to prevent any j.ressure whatever on the wings of ihe coffin-bone. Anything that prevents thv perfectly free action of the coffin-bone will cause " navicular disease," and " ossified cartilagi s." After a foot is pared, as recommended in this, so as to be easily "r^wrn 456 IIUKSESIIOELNG. No. II. M Fitting a Shoe to Remove Pressure from the Heel. expanded, the wings of the coffin-bone, which are the widest part, should be protected by a wide shoe, and there should be no pressure whatever on the heels. HORSESHOEING. 45; No la. Contracted. NA'LUKAL. No. 13. Oi.n Styi.k Tarinu out the Foot. New Style. ^m^ 458 HORSESHOEING. No. 14. Contracted Foot after Treatment. HORSESHOEING. 459 CORNS. The pressure of the bor on one side of the seat of the disease, and of the horny substance of a contracted heel on the other side, added to a tight shoe, causes inflammation, which, when it becomes chronic, is styled a corn. A corn may be detected by paring the foot close. It is not necessary, as recommended by some authorities, to use pincers, squeezing the hoof all around to find the corn, thereby giving the horse unnecessary pain. They are to be found only in the heel, and do not result from bruises, but from pressure. Treatment. — The shoe havmg been removed, the inside of the hoof should be pared out thoroughly all around, and if a long hoof, it should be shortened. If the corn is visible, the heel should be pared down and the bors weakened, opening the heel as far back as possible (see Plate No. ii), and fitting an open shoe, so as to throw the pressure off the heel. The pressure IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 'f^ilM IIIM '" IM IIIII2.2 ** IIIM ill 1.8 1.25 1.4 1 1.6 ^ 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 f^ ,\ ;v \\ % v €>. rv o^ %> <* & f^ tvv O^ w 460 HORSESHOEING. having been removed, the corn will disappear, or grow down in the quarter, in which case the farrier should fit a bor shoe, so as to throw the weight off the diseased heel and partly on the frog, the elastic surface of which wil' prevent severe pressure. If a horse has a long foot, the pressure is more on the corns, because his foot is in front of him, and an over-proportion of his weight comes on his heels. A horse with a long foot is like a man with a thick sole to his boot and no heels, for with his heels he strikes the ground first. Every horse should have his feet well under him, and not in front of him. This fact should be taken into consideration when fitting the open shoe. Inflammation should be reduced 'by placing a swab over the coronet, and using a hot poultice of linseed meal for the foot. The pressure having been removed from a corn for a fortnight, it will be observed to have a light color, representing the color of a new corn, and HORSESHOEING. sappear, or 1 case the throw the -tly on the il' prevent ire is more >nt of him, comes on like a man heels, for rst. veil under act should SCthe open ' placing a poultice of •om a corn ive a light corn, and No. 15. Expanding the Foot AFTEK IX HAS BEEN Pared OUT. \si 1 ■-^ V ^^m j i 1 «J 1" " T'v: i ■ * # r.' in I ! 462 HORSESHOEING. No. 16. Lateral Quarter-Crack before Treatment, Contracted Foot. HORSESHOEING. 463 No. 17. Quarter-Crack-Lateral— Under Treatment. •1 'i 464 HORSESHOEING. No. 18 Straight Quarter-Crack under Treatment. .'H ■-! HORSESHOEING. 465 if properly treated, it will gradually disappear, and be displaced by a healthy growth of foot. The horse should be allowed at least a month in which to recover from his lameness ; but it is not necessary to turn him out to grass, and care should be taken that his feet are closely attended to, having the shoes renewed about once in a fortnight. Contraction is the result of neglect, want of natural moisture, and tight shoeing. The result is lameness, if in one foot, and if in both feet, the loss of their free, natural use, causing short steps and stumbling. If the inner quarter is contracted, it is the cause, if not soon remedied, of quarter-crack. The practice of fitting a shoe so as to fit tighter on the inner than the outer quarter, to prevent interfering, renders it more liable to contraction. The want of proper moisture causes the horn to shrink, and prevents the foot from expanding naturally. This should be remedied by soaking the feet, if feverish, in warm, and if healthy, in cold water, twice a day, an hour at each time. ■FlPff 466 HORSESHOEING. 11 This moisture should be applied at least two hours before the horse is used. This will render the foot elastic, and prevent abuse from traveling over rough roads. By reference to accompanying plate, No. 12, the difference will be observed between a natural and a contracted foot. The quarters growing toward each other in the contracted^ cause the coffin-bone to lose its proper shape, and forcing the sensitive frog upwards from its proper place, causes scratches and thrush. * Treatment of contraction, briefly speaking, is expansion. The foot should be thoroughly pre- pared in the following manner: If the horse is lame, the farrier should shorten the toe, lower the foot all around, and open the heels back until the blood is drawn. The sole of the foot should be pared as closely as possible on each side of the frog, in the manner shown by the illustration on Plate No. 12, " natural foot." The frog should be lowered, but the side should not be cut. A groove should be made with a rasp just under and parallel with the coronet on each aOUSKSIKMCING. least two nil render traveling e, No. 12, a natural growing :ause the d forcing per place, making, is ghly pre- : horse is 3e, lower els back the foot on each 1 by the >t." The lould not li a rasp on each 467 No. jg. Quarter-Crack, after Treatm ENT. wr^ 468 HORSESHOEING. 1 11 1 i 1 r 1 i. ; '^H i 1 1 1 i J tl 1 m 1 1 No. 30. Toe-Crack, before Treatment, HORSESHOEING. 469 side (see Plate No. 14) deep enough to draw blood, then with a fine shoeing knife, cut little notches down from the cornet and across the groove at certain equal distances, as shown by illustration No. 14, the entire length of the groove. These notches should also be deep enough to draw blood. This will relieve the pressure caused by contraction from the carti- lages on both sides, and allow them to resume their proper shape. Having the foot ready for a shoe, a hand should be placed on each side of the foot, pressing it outward in the manner shown by Plate No. 15. The shoe must be very carefully fitted, and must have eight nail-holes, for the reason that it is the heel nails that relieve a horse while in contraction. The shoe should be fitted so as to project at least a quarter of an inch on each side of the foot, so as to see the nail-holes projecting on each side of the outer and inner quarter. Having this accomplished, the bearing should be equal ; the nails must be driven first toward the toe, # P'iff ! ' w^ 470 HOUSESIIOKING. then toward the heel, driving them half-way, and using the utmost care and skill ; the higher the nails are driven the better. The shoe being fitted so wide, their is no fear of pricking. The nails toward the heel should be driven by alternate taps on each side, because the foot expands on each side on account of being pared so thin on either side of the frog, the source of the expansion. The heel nails should relieve the wings of the cofifin-bone, which suffer most while in a state of contraction, and allow them to come back to their proper position. Considerable soreness will result from this mode of treatment, which can be remedied by using thin poultices of linseed meal, applied as hot as possible, to be renewed at least once every two days for the period of two weeks. The foot should also be thoroughly soaked in a bucket of warm water for half an hour at each renewal of the poultice ; this will remove all soreness, and prevent the foot from shrinking when exposed to the weather. The expansion treatment should HOKSESIIOEING. 471 be continued gradually until the coffin-bone resumes its natural shape ; when this is accom- plished, the growing hoof will naturally accom- modate itself to the bone. The severe treatment recommended is neces- sary only in an aggravated case Cnus r lameness. It can be so modified by cutting the hoof, and expanding the foot gradually, us to allow the hcrse to be used while under treau.-ent, if he has not bjen disabled. QUARTER AND TOE-CRACKS. Quarter-cracks are commonly found in feet of saddle horses, and are caused by contraction and pressure, and are also the result of a shoe being fitted tightly on the inner quarter, to prevent interfering, as stated in remarks on " Contraction." Most commonly found on the inner quarter ; it commences at the coronet, extending down- ward, and when it extends through to the laminse causes lameness, and is especially serious if the foot is contracted, as shown by Plate No. 16. .f-ffm 472 HORSESHOEING. There are two kinds of quarter-cracks, as shown by plates Nos. 17 and 18 — the lateral and the straight the latter being the most serious, if the separation commences at the coronet. Treatment. — If the foot is inclined to contract, it should be prepared as for contraction ; shorten the toe and expand the foot, under the directions already given. If lameness has resulted, a bor shoe should be fitted, so as to remove all pres- sure from half an inch on each side of the crack, then with a rasp cut a groove under and parallel with the coronet, extending about half an inch on each side of the crack ; with a shoeing knife cut some small notches on each side of the groove, after which the edges of the crack may be cut away. (See Plates Nos. 17 and 18.) If the foot bleeds freely so much the better. After this is done a firing-iron should be applied so as to cauterize the crack. This operation having been performed, the foot should be dressed with tar every morning for about three weeks. The pressure being removed, the new growth will commence at the coronet, and extend downward, r-cracks, as ; lateral and >t serious, if onet. to contract, Dfi ; shorten le directions ulted, a bor ire all pres- Df the crack, and parallel If an inch on mg knife cut the groove, may be cut 8.) If the After this 2d so as to having been led with tar eeks. The growth will 1 downward. HORSESHOEING. No. 21. 473 Toe-Crack, after Treatment. Explaining use of " Expansion Plate." A"' ;i^ 474 HORSESHOEING. No. 22. Before Treatment. After Treatment. Thrush. No. 23. Before Treatmeat. After Treatment. Pumice Foot. HORSESHOEING. 475 No. 24. '■ / HooFBOUND — Under Treatment. 476 HORSESHOEING. as shown in Plate No. 19, until a permanent cure is effected. Toe-crack, more common to heavy and draught horses, is caused by want of room ; the space inside the wall of the foot not being large enough to accommodate the laminae, it causes inflammation, and breaks out at the weakest point, which is the coronet, and extends down- ward to the toe, causing the foot to assume the appearance of a cloven foot. (See Plate No. 20.) Treatment. — Shorten the toe as much as possible, and then pare the sole of the foot until it will yield to the pressure of the thumb. No pressure should be allowed within half an inch on each side of the crack on the toe, for the reason that the pressure on the toe prevents the coronet from uniting. Having prepared the sole of the foot, a fine shoeing knife should be used to remove the horn that is inclined to grow inward on each side of the crack, after which a groove under the coronet, extending on each side of the crack, will be made, and the notches on each side of the groove as already directed. A HORSESHOEING. 477 tnanent cure firing-iron should be applied to cauterize the crack from the coronet downward. Then the crack should be cut away in the center, so as to allow the use of an "expansion plate," as shown in Plate No. 21. This expansion plate can be made of brass or steel. It is composed of four pieces, as follows : A plate divided in the center into two equal parts, A and B (see Plate No. 21), and a thread cut in the center. Each part is made so as to fit dove-tailed into the crack, held in place with a screw C, and a burr D, underneath, to prevent the screw from pressing the laminae of the foot. The screw, which has considerable power as a lever, forces the two plates apart, lifts up the wall of the foot which is pressing each side of the crack, and presses it outward. This being done, an open shoe should be fitted, wider than the foot, so as to expand it, which, together with the notches cut in the groove under the coronet, will cause a new and strong growth from each side of the crack, commencing at the coronet and extending downward. 478 HORSESHOEING. The length' of time required to effect a re- moval of the crack depends on the treatment and skill of the operator. If the foot is ex- panded by the plate with skill, and the nails in the shoe driven so as to prevent the wall of the ■ foot from closing in on the crack, the plate may be removed at once ; otherwise it should remain stationary, which can be done by substituting the small screw E, which will not prevent the horse from being used while under treatment. The use of the expansion plate is not necessary, unless the crack extends the whole length of the hoof. The crac]c extending from the coronet, partly down the front of the foot, should be treated at once, removing pressure by short- ening the toe and expanding the foot, as already ' instructed ; then, by means of the groove and notches, promote a new growth at the coronet. . THRUSH. ' Is a disease of the frog, most common to a foot which is hoof-bound or contracted, but all horses' feet are subject to it when they are neg- HORSESHOEING. 479 set a re- reatment ot is ex- 2 nails in all of the plate may Id remain bstituting event the treatment, necessary, length of ,e coronet, hould be 3y short- as already oove and coronet. mon to a 3d, but all are neg- lected. The frog, pressed on each side by the bors of the foot, and from the overgrowth of the hoof, becomes inflamed, and the result is thrush. (See Plate No. 22.) Treatment if the Hoof is Hoofbotmd. — The farrier, after removing the shoe, should use his rasp, and lower the wall of the foot all around from heel to heel ; then, by the free use of the knife, pare the foot to its natural size. Also pare around the frog until the sole of the foot yields to the pressure of the thumb, then open the heels and remove the pegs that grow on No. 25. After Treatment. Ground Surface before Treatment. Overgrowth of Hoof and Neglect. Tfff 480 IIORSESHOKING. No. 26. Overgrowth of Hoof — Front View before Treatment. '1\ 4 JIORSKSirOEING. 481 No. 27. Overgrowth of Hoof-Front View a Treatment. FTER 482 HORSESHOEING. No. 23. Navicula.— Enlargement of Metacarpal Bone. HORSESHOEING. 483 RPAL Bone. each side of the heels. All this should be done before a knife is used on the frog. After all pressure is removed by this paring operation, ihe condition of the frog will show how it was affected by pressure on each side. Next, by the use of the knife, cut a slice off the top of the frog, and carefully clean out the cleft, which suffers most on account of the direct pressure of the bors on each side of the frog. After this cleaning operation is performed, a warm poultice of flaxseed meal should be ap- plied two or three times, according to the condi- tion of the foot. When the poultice is removed, the foot should be washed out occasionally with castile soap and warm water, after which a little salt, ground into fine powder, should be forced into the cleft, and kept in by a mixture of tar and oakum as a dressing, after which an open shoe should be fitted so as to expand the foot gradually. This treatment should be pursued until a permanent cure is effected. If the foot is in a state of contraction, it should be expanded under the instructions • »T M I ' ' (M 484 HORSESHOEING. fiiij. already given. By this expansion all pressure is removed, and a permanent cure is easily effected by following the instructions already given. No liquid remedies, such as butter of anti- mony, or chloride of zinc, should be used, as they dry up the foot before the inflammation is removed. By reference to Plate No. 22 a good idea may be obtained of the manner of paring out a hoof suffering from thrush. PUMICE FOOT (See Plate No. 23) should always be pared out on each side of the frog until it yields to the pressure of the thumb. This paring should, however, be done immediately around the frog, leaving more than the usual ground surface (see plate After Treatment). The toe should be shortened as much as possible, and the heels cut out back. If the horse is lame a bor shoe is the best to protect the foot, with a leather IIORSESIIOEING. 485 sole, and some spirits of tar as a moisture. This shoe should be renewed at least once a month, with a leather sole, until a cure is effected. IIOOF-nOUND. (Plate No. 24.) A horse that is hoof-bound is deprived of his free action, and resembles a horse that is foundered. Treatment. — The foot should be pared out thoroughly, and on each side of the frog, until it yields to the pressure of the thumb. Open the heels and remove the bors that press the frog on each side, and cause the animal much pain. The toe should be shortened, and if the foot is inclined to contraction, the shoe should be fitted wider than the foot, which, if done prop- erly, will expand the foot (see article Contrac- tion). The shoe should be a good, heavy, open one, well eased off at the heels. Having the foot prepared, the operation should next be performed around the coronet, as follows : Ii the T^WWTT Jf- 486 HORSES tlOEING. cartilages are hard, as they are generally from being pressed upwards, a groove should be made with a rasp immediately under the coronet, and extending all the way across from heel to heel, deep enough to draw blood. Next, with a fine knife cut notches across the groove at equal distances the whole length of the groove, and extending from the coronet downward. By this operation, illustrated on Plate No. 24, the pressure is removed from the cartilages. After this a poultice of linseed meal should be applied around the coronet, which loosens all pressure and starts a new growth. ' If the horse is lame from this disease the close cutting operation should be performed and the poultice applied one week ; otherwise the operation need not be so severe. Plates Nos. 25, 26, 27 — Ilhistrations of Over- growth of Hoof and Neglect before and after Treatment. — The illustration, "Before Treat- ment," Plate No, 25, represents the ground sur- face of a foot operated upon, and " After Treat- HORSESHOEING. 487 Tally from should be lie coronet, >m heel to ext, with a ve at equal roove, and 1. ate No. 24, cartilages. should be loosens all isease the performed otherwise s of Ovcr- aiid after re Treat- ound sur- ter Treat- ment" represents the same foot after one pound of overgrowth had been removed from one foot. Plates Nos. 26 and 27 show the difference be- tween the foot before and after treatment, and show the importance of being careful in observ- ing a horse's foot so as to prevent lameness, and the various diseases caused by neglect. Plates Nos. 28 and 29 — Enlargement of the Metacarpal Bone. — In a great many cases be- cause the enlargement interferes with the free use of the flexor tendon, pressing it out of its proper place. A horse with a contracted foot suffers from this pressure when the shoe is fitted tight and brings the heels inward. The metacarpal bones extend from the back of the knee down- ward to the pastern joint, forming, as it were, a brace on each side. They become quite small as '..hey extend downward, and the enlargement is generally found on the inside of the leg. (See Plate No. 28.) The enlargement may be discovered by run- ning the hand downward from the knee, the thumb on the side and the forefinger on the V'- '\ >'l i I 488 HORSESHOEING. Other, until it is felt (see Plate 29, "A"). If pressed and the horse yields to the pressure, it is a sure sign that he is affected, and he should be properly shod at once as if for contraction, or the enlargement should be removed. To do this, the horse should be in the following position: No. 29. d a Enlargement of the Metacarpal Bone. a Showing how to find Ihe enlargement. /> Showing the manner in which the incision is made, and the enlargement removed. 11 ^ HORSESHOEING. 'A"). If ressure, it lie should -action, or "o do this, position : 4S9 JONE. made, and the First, with plenty of straw under him to pre- vent bruising : then he should be thrown on his side and fastened down, so as to allow the oper- ator to make an incision with a fine pocket knife partly to the front and near where the enlarge- ment is. This operation will not interfere with the tendons, or veins that extend upward from the foot. The incision having been made, the finger may be inserted, as shown in Plate No. 29, " B," so as to raise the enlargement and make it visible. Then, with a pair of nippers, snap the end off with one motion. The incision should be closed, fastened together with a needle and silk thread; then apply a linen bandage and over this a wollen cloth, containing a little moist- ure, to prevent fever. A little sweet oil should be applied, to keep it clean while healing. The operation is not severe and is thoroughly effective. Plates Nos. 30 and 31 represent a foot which has been deprived of the free use of the back tendons, caused by a sudden jar or misstep, causing a horse so affected to travel on his toe. •^miimr^ 490 HORSESHOEING, §1, No. 30, A Foot that is Deprived of the free use of the Back Tendons. Ji-\ IIOKSESIIOEING. 491 and can be remedied only by a system of ex- pandmg the foot under the directions already given for contraction. After this a shoe should be fitted with a toe No. 31. 7SE OF THE NAVICULABJOINLINHB<HY CONDITIQIL OSIIFItON/iiaGOURJOINr. LOWERRUngiuouiXi COFFIN BONE. Tobtfnd'rT K °' ■''PP" '"' ^°"^^ P^^»^^" J-"t. -1- Navicular and no heels, for by raising the toe the bearino- is thrown on the heels. If the action is heavy on the toe, the shoe should be provided with a steel toe-calk. This will prevent a horse from ,:J ■♦■-He >:'^^ ;i! 492 HORSESHOEING. traveling on his toe. and such a case, if taken in time, can be remedied, if not permanently cured, by simply fitting a shoe so as to throw the bear- ing on the heels. No. 32. Interior surface. Exterior surface The Sensitive Frog. Plates Nos. 30 and 31 represent an aggra- vated case, which from neglect became incurable. Plate No. 32 represents the exterior surface of the sensitive frog. The great principle of this system of paring the horse's feet, is to remove all pressure from the frog. It should be protected 1 case, if taken in irmanently cured, o throw the bear- HORSESHOEING. 493 from all pressure, and such diseases as thrush and scratches may be avoided. Plate No. 33 gives a sectional view of all the bones and tendons of the horse's foot. Every blacksmith and farrier should thoroughly under- stand this and the anatomy of the horse's foot in order to be able to know exactly how to treat any disease which may be brought to their notice. erior surface -sent an aggra- icame incurable, exterior surface iat principle of eet, is to remove aid be protected T"^ 494 HORSESHOEING. No. 33. •I ii Section of the Pastern and other Bones, Ligaments, etc. HORSESHOEING. 495 A — Shank -bone. B- Upper and larger pastem-bone. % C — Sesamoid- bone. D-Lower or smaller pastern-bone. E— Navicular or shuttle-bone. F— Coffin-bone, or bone of the foot. G~Suspensory ligament inserted inio the sesamoid-bone H-Cont,n„at.on of the suspensory ligament inserted into the smaller pastem-bone. I-Small inelasfc ligament lying down the sesamoid-bone to the larger pastem-bone. K-.A long hgament reaching from the pastern-bone to the knee M-Tendon of the perforating flexor inserted into the coffin-bone afte havmg passed over the navicular-bone. ■N-Seat of the navicular-joint lameness. O— Inner or sensible frog. P— Cleft of the horny frog Q-A hgament uniting the navicular-bone to the smaller pas.em R-A hgan^en the navicular-bone to the coffin-bone b— Sensib e sole betwppn f),» ^^ca i T-Homy sole "-'""^ ^"'^ '''' '^^^y ■■^-'^• U-Crust or wall of the foot, V-Sensible lamin.-e to which the crust is attached, w— Coronary ring of the crust ''"^t:::r °' "■"""-^'^^-^•fr-whic „„, , Z-Place of bleeding at the toe. > ^f^r'^r I RECIPES. The following recipes have been gathered from sources entitled to the fullest confidence, as remedies of value to all owners of horses, and are presented with the hope of doing good: INFLUENZA. For several years past a disease has been more or less prevalent in various sections of this country, known to the Veterinary as epidemic catarrh or influenza. The symptoms of this disease are so various in different animals — no two being precisely alike — that a variety of opinions are current concerning it and its nature ; and, as a consequence, various other diseases are often confounded with it. The usual or leading symptoms are a slight watery or kliCIl'liS. 497 1 gathered ifidence, as horses, and good: has been [ions of this Is epidemic IS of this Inimals — no variety of it and its lious other it. The it watery or mucous discharge from the nose ; eyelids pre- senting a reddish appearance ; matter collects in the corner of the eyes ; pulse feeble ; great debility, as shown by the quick, feeble action of the heart — a symptom rarely absent ; membrane of nose much reddened ; sore throat and cough ; occasionally the feet become fevered as in founder, causing much stiffness, and might be easily taken for that disease. Treatment. — This being a typhoid disease, it requires a sustaining treatment, or success will be very doubtful. In the early stage of this disease, give the first two days ten drops of tincture of aconite, or bryonia, in a little water, every six hours ; after which give a pail of water to drink, and, once a day, i oz. spirits of nitre, or 2 drams extract of belladonna ; and give in the feed, three times a day, one of the following powders : gentian root, saltpetre, and anise seed, of each i oz.; sulphate of quinine, i dram ; mix, and divide into eight powders. The throat should be bathed with mustard and vinegar ; or with linseed oil, 3 oz,, spirits of hartshorn, i oz. n l M 498 KECIl'LS. Mix together. No hay or corn should be given, but scalded oats or wheat bran, with linseed tea, or oatmeal gruel, should constitute the diet. I would recommend a few carrots. But above all, good nursing is to be desired, and by strictly following the foregoing instructions a successful result is probable. CONDITION POWDER. Fenugreek, cream of tartar, gentian, sulphur, saltpetre, resin, black antimony, and ginger, of each I oz.; cayenne ^ oz.; all finely pulverized. Mix thoroughly. It is used for yellow water, hide bound, colds, coughs, distemper, and all other diseases where a condition powder is n.^eded. They carry off gross humors, and purify the blood. Dose. — In ordinary cases one tablespoonful once a day. In extreme cases give twice daily. This powder has never failed to give entire satisfaction. KKCIl'LS. 499 GLANDERS. This is one of the most fatal diseases to which the horse is subject. It is propagated in most cases by contagion, the infection being dissemi- nated by seed from the nasal discharge, not, as many suppose, by the breath. According to eminent foreign authors, the disease has its orifrin also in a vitiated state of the blood, and this may result from improper treatment or neglect of almost any disease to which he is liable. In its early stage it appears to be only a slight inflammation of the inner membrane of the nose, not, however, attended with the usual florid red characterizing inflammation, but of a paler hue, and afterwards becoming darker. The first marked symptom is a discharge from the nose, scarcely to be distinguished at first from the natural moisture, either by its color or consistence, and generally commg from one nostril only, and that the left one. In appearance it is thin and transparent, closely resembling the natural discharge, a little increased in quantity, 1 ^w 500 RECIPES. li and sometimes continues in this doubtful stage for several weeks or months. Instances are indeed known where it has existed for several years before it became fully developed. In such cases it is attended with no loss of appetite, no cough, or apparent illness of any kind, with little enlargement of the glands under the jaw, and at the same time the horse is capable of com- municating disease. Too many of these horses, with a decided glanderous discharge from the nose and adherent glands under the jaw, are found on our roads, or are employed in agriculture, which (although they are otherwise in good health, and perform their work well) should not be permitted ; for by such means the contagion is widely spread. No cough accompanies real glanders in any of its stages, except the last, which is usually soon cut short by death. In addition to the preceding tokens for dis- covering at an early period the true glanders from other disorders, let the nostrils be closely examined. In the real glanders, the left or RECIPES. 501 running nostril will be found of a deeper color than ordinary, while the other, or dry nostril, is of a paler color, or almost white. The reader must bear in mind the varied color of the nostril in deciding all cases of this character. Also that in colds, etc., both nostrils run. Before the disease finishes its course, both sides of the nose and head become affected — the ulcers extend down the windpipe, and fasten upon the lungs. The virus, secreted by and dis- charged from the ulcers, is absorbed and carried through the whole system, and soon puts an end to the creature's miserable existence. The best preventives of glanders are dry, clean, well-ventilated stables, moderate exercise, green food, when it can be procured, and roots in the winter. The disease may be cured in its early stages, or before ulcers are formed in the * ,e, or the lumps under the jaw adhere to the bone, by turning the animal on a dry pasture, by proper attention to the bowels, and by use of alterative w 'V i| RECIPES. ■L, medicines, to work the poisons out of the system. Should the bowels require loosening, give the common purge. For purifying the blood, the condition powder is the most effectual remedy. The owner must beware of putting the horse to hard labor too soon, after having been turned out as before directed, as the disease is liable to return on subsequent confinement, even after the running at the nose has entirely disappeared. It is conceded by all, that when this disease is once seated, it cannot be cured ; and humanity dictates, and economy should prompt us to terminate the animal's existence at once. This course has now become an imperative duty, as the fact is estab- lished that man is susceptible to the contagion ; and there are numerous cases on record where those who have had 'ihe care of glandered horses have fallen victims to this disease. RECIPES. 503 le system. give the )lood, the .1 remedy. ! horse to in turned liable to I after the eared. It se is once J dictates, linate the has now is estab- )ntagion ; rd where ;d horses LOCK J A W. This disease generally arises from nail wounds in ihe feet, or from sharp metallic substances taken into and wounding the stomach or intes- tines. The first symptoms of the disease are observed about the ninth or tenth day after the injury is done, which are a straggling or stiffness of the hind-legs, to which succeed in a few days the following : on elevating the head, a spas- modic motion of the membrane in the inner corner of the eye will be observed, showing little more than the white of the eye ; the muscles of the jaws become rigid ; the tongue is swollen, and the mouth is filled with saliva; the ears are erect, and the nose poked out ; the nostrils expand ; respiration becomes much disturbed ; and finally, the jaws become firmly set, and the bowels constipated. Treatment, — Tinct. of aconite, 2 drs. ; tinct. of belladonna, 2 drs.; water, yi oz. Mix, and give 40 drops every 4 hours on the tongue ; keep a ball of aloes in the mouth for several days. fW "f Hi ill 504 RECIPES. There is no fear of giving too much. I have known half a pound to be given in a few days with good success. Hydrocyandic acid, 20 drops in a little water, and put upon the tongue every four hours, is an excellent remedy. Foment the jaws with bags of hops steeped in hot water, and bathe the line of the back from the pole to the croup with mustard and vinegar. Be careful not to allow the animal to be unnecessarily excited by noises and confusion about him. Go about him quietly ; keep a pail of bran slop before him all the time. If the foot has been injured, poultice with flaxseed meal, and keep the wound open until a healthy action has been established. , TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN DISTEMPER AND GLANDERS. The discharge from the nose in Glanders will sink in water. In Distemper it will not. ti. I have a few days id, 20 drops ngue every "oment the t water, and )ole to the Be careful necessarily t him. Go bran slop t has been and keep 1 has been ^TEMPER anders will ot. RECIPES. f 505 ' CHRONIC COUGH. This is generally the consequence of neglected catarrhal affections, worms, etc. For treatment give twice each day Barbadoes aloes, 2 oz.- pulv' foxglove (or digitalis), i oz.; linseed meal. 13 oz Mix with molasses. Dose, i oz. Another remedy is, sal ammoniac, i oz • squills, pulv.. K oz.; aloes, pulv.. i oz.; linseed meal, 16 oz.; mix with molasses, and divide into four balls ; to be given one each night for four days. TREATMENT FOR RHEUMATISM. Poultice the feet with mustard and flaxseed meal. Give internally of nux vomica, i oz • pulv. gentian root, i^ oz.; pulverized ginger r' oz. Mix and divide into 12 powders; give one every night in the feed, keep the body warm, and give no corn. ![ WTf 506 RECIPES. FOUNDER REMEDY. Give from i to 4 ounces of saltpetre, accord- ing to the severity of the case. For a severe case, draw about one gallon of blood from the neck ; then drench with linseed oil, i quart ; rub the fore-legs with water as hot as can be borne without scalding, continuing the washing till the horse is perfectly limber. HORSE OINTMENT. Resin, 4 oz. ; beeswax, 4 oz. ; honey, 2 oz. ; lard, 8 oz.; melt these articles slowly, bringing gradually to a boil ; remove from the fire, and slowly add a little less than a pint of spirits of turpentine, stirring all the time this is being added, and stir till cool. This is an extraordinary ointment for bruises of the flesh, or hoof, or broken knees, galls or bites, or when a horse is gelded to heal and keep off flies. RECIPES. 507 tre, accord- r a severe i from the quart; rub be borne ing till the ey, 2 oz.; ^ bringing e fire, and spirits of is being aordinary r hoof, or I horse is MAGIC LINIMENT. Take 2 oz. oil of spike ; 2 oz. origanum ; 2 oz. hemlock ; 2 oz. wormwood ; 4 ounces sweet oil ; 2 oz. spirits ammonia ; 2 ounces gum camphor • 2 oz. spirits turpentine; i quart proof spirits! Mix well and bottle for use. Cork tight. For sprams. bruises, or lameness of any kind, this liniment is unsurpassed. This is the same hniment, leaving out the turpentine, which has achieved so many wonderful cures for human ailment. A more simple liniment can be made by put- ting into spirits of turpentine all the gum camphor it will cut. For ordinary purposes it is fit for use ; but if you wish to reduce pain, add as much laudanum as there is turpentine. So» RECIPES. FRENCH PASTE FOR BONE SPAVIN. Corrosive sublimate, quicksilver, and iodine, of each i oz.,with sufficient lard to form a paste. Rub the quicksilver and iodine together, and add the sublimate, and finally add the lard, rubbing thoroughly. Shave off the hair the size of the bone enlargement, then grease all around it, but not where the bone is shaved off. Tliis prevents the action of the medicine only upon the spavin ; rub in as much of the paste as will lie on a five cent piece, each morning for four mornings only, and in from six to eight days the spavin will come out ; then wash out the wound with suds, soaking well for an hour or two, which removes the poisonous effects of the medicine, and facilitates the healing, which can be done by any healing salve. I prefer the horse ointment to any other. RECIPES. 509 PAVIN. and iodine, rm a paste, ^ether, and i the lard, e hair the grease all shaved off. :dicine only the paste as norning for ix to eight n wash out an hour or ects of the I, which can r the horse HOW TO CLEAN AND OIL HARNESS. First take the harness apart, having each strap and piece by itself; then wash it with warm water and Castile soap. When cleansed, black each part with the following dye : i oz. extract of logwood ; 12 grains bichromate of potash — both pounded fine ; put into two quarts of boil- ing rain-water, and stir till all is dissolved. When cool, it may be used. It may be bottled and kept for future use, if desired- It may be applied with a shoe brush. When the dye has struck in, you may oil each part with neatsfoot oil, applied with a paint brush. For second oiling, use one-third castor oil and two-thirds neat's-foot oil, mixed. A few hours after, wipe clean with a woolen cloth, which gives the harness a glossy appearance. This preparation does not injure the leather or stitching, but makes it soft and pliable, and obviates the neces- sity of oiling as often as is necessary by the ordinary method. When the harness is removed n— r *8 :! 510 RECIPES. from the horse, take a woolen cloth or chamois skin, kept for the purpose, and wipe off the dust and all moisture from rain or perspiration, and when the harness is nearly dry, rub the damper parts very thoroughly with a second cloth or skin, until they are quite soft and pliable. The bits, and plated mountings, should be cleaned and rubbed with a slightly-oiled rag, be- fore the harness is finally hung in its place ; the harness should be protected from dust either by a covering of cloth, or by hanging in a closet. Whenever the leather becomes dry and hard, it should be cleaned and oiled according to the foregoing directions. PHYSIC BALL, Barbadoes aloes, i lb.; syrup buckthorn, 3 oz.; cod-liver oil, 3 oz. Melt the whole, and stir till cool. In winter, add a little water, make into 18 pills, and give i every four hours, or as much as will move the bowels. Dr chamois )fif the dust ration, and he damper d cloth or ible. should be ed rag, be- place ; the t either by n a closet, id hard, it ng to the KKCIJ-LS. 511 ckthorn, 3 le, and stir make into r as much 1 TO SCATTER I'OLL-BVTL. Take a quantity of mandrake root, bruise and bo,l ,t, stram and boil down until rather thick • then form an ointment, simmering with sufficient lard for the purpose. Anoint the swelling once a day until cured. It has cured them after they were broken out, by putting it in the pipes a fevv times ; also, anointing around the sore. HEALING SALVE FOR ABRASIONS AND CUTS. Oxide of zinc, 4 drams ; fresh lard, , oz • carbohc acid, 6 grains. Melt the lard, and stir ■n the oxide of zinc, which must be very finely powdered; add the carbolic acid and mix thor! Ofghly. Apply twice a day to t:, . vound. This salve is very valuable for its healing properties, and W.1 be found of special service, if there is any foul discharge. 512 RLCU'E.S. WASH FOR FOl JLCERS, Permanganate of potassa, i dram ; pure water, 6 fluid ounces. Clean the sore once or twice a day, with a quart of water, to which a large tablespoonful of the wash has been added, using a soft sponge. The discoloration of the solution indicates its complete loss of power as a disinfectant. The bottle must be kept tightly corked, as impurities in the air wi' > time, impair its value. ANTISPASMODIC TINCTURE. (For Man or Beast.) Oils of cajeput, cloves, peppermint, anise, of each I oz. ; of alcohol, i quart. Mix together, and bottle for use. Dose, for horse, i oz. every 15 minutes, in a little whisky and warm water, sweetened with molasses. Continue till relieved. Dose for man, one teaspoonful. RECORD OF FAST HORSES FOR 1875. The author of this work would not have the reader imagine that he is known to the j.opi-hr world as a sporting man, but believing his book will come into the hands of not only lovers of the noble animal as a beast of burden, and highly prized by the honest yeomanry of this continent, but int< the hands also of those who admire more for qualities of speed, as exhibited on the turf, deems it advisable to gratify the appetite of all who appreciate fast trotting, by devoting a corner to record the driving of all horses having a public record of 2.30, or better. Considerable trouble and expense has attended the research, and it embraces a complete list of horses that have shown on the turf since 1870, compiled in the most accurate manner, and alphabetically arranged. Abdallah, b. s 2.30 Adelaide, b. rn 2.223^ Ajax, b. s 2.29 Albert, blk. g. , . Albion Boy, b. g. Alice, b. m 2.24^ 2.30 2.25 ■pp 514 RECORD OF FAST HORSES. AUie West, blk. s. . . . Alton Boy *American Girl, b. m. Amy, b. m Amy B, b. m Annie Collins, b. m. . Arthur, blk. g Aurora, s. m Baby Boy, wh. g Badger Girl, g. m. . . Barney Kelley, b. g. . Bashaw, Jr Bashaw Maid, ch. m. . Basil Duke, cr. g. . . . Bateman, b. g Bay Henry, b. g. ... Bay Jack Bay Sallie, b. m Bay Whalebone, b. g. Bella, b. m Belle, b. m Belle Brasfield, b. m. Belle Deane, blk. m. . Belle of Toronto, g. m. Ben Cummings, ch. s. Ben Flagler, g. g. ... Ben Morrill, br, s. . . Ben Smith, b. g Ben Star, b. g * Dead. 2.25 2.29K 2.l6>^ 2.22M 2.30 2.26 2.28M 2.27 2.30 2.25M 2.26M 2.25 2.30 2.2S14 2.27 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.26M 2.22 2.28M 2.25M 2.30 2.28J^ 2.26 2.26/^ 2.28 2.28K 2.24M Beppo, or J. W. Con- ley, b. g 2.24H Bertie, g. m 2.27 Billy Hoskins, g. g. . 2.26M Billy Lambertson,b.g. 2.28M Billy Platter, g. g. . . 2.26 Black Bird, blk. s. . . 2.22 Black George, blk. s. . 2.23M Black Mack, blk. g. . 2.26K Black Swan, blk. m. . 2.28^^ Blanche, blk. m 2.23)^ Bodine, b. g 2.19M Bonner, ch. g 2.23 Breeze, b. g 2.25^ Bristol Bill, g. g 2.29 Bro. Jonathan, b. g. . 2.24M Brown Dick, br. s. . . 2.24/^ Brown Jack, br. g. . . 2.28K Bully Brooks, b. g. . . 2.30 Buzz, br, g 2.28H Byron, s. s 2.25)^ Caledonia Chief, ch. s. 2.29M California Dexter, b.g. 2.27 Calmar, b. g 2.30 *Camors, blk. g 2.19^4 Capitola, b. m 2.29^^ Captain, b. s 2.28 Captain Jinks, s. g. . 2.30 Carrie, b. m 2.24/i RECORD OF FAST HORSES. Con- 515 . 2.24>^ . 2.27 • g- . 2.26H, a,b.g ;. 2.28M g- • . 2.26 s. . . 2.22 k.s. • 2.23M • g- . 2.26H m. . 2.28K 2.23K 2.19M • • • • 2.23 • • • • 2.25^ . . . . 2,29 g- • 2.24M s. . . 2.24^4 g. •• 2.28H g- •• 2.30 • « • • 2.28K • • • • 2.25>^ :h.s. 2.29)^ ,b.g. 2.27 2.30 . . . . 2.I9M 2.2qH 2.28 g- • 2.30 2.24^^ Castle Boy, b. g. . Catskill Girl, b. m. . . Cattaraugus Chief,b.g. Chas. E. Loew, blk. s. Chas. Hinson, g. g. . , Charlie Green, b. g. . Clara G., b. m Clarence, ch. g Clementine, b. m. . . . Colbourne, dun. g. . . Col. Barnes, ch. g. . . Col. Moulton, ch. s. . Col. Russell, b. g. . . . ; Col. Pike, b.g : Comee, b. g , Commodore, b. g. . . . 2 Commonwealth, br. s. 2 Cozette, blk. m 2 Crown Prince, wh, g. 2 Dan, br. g 2 Daniel Boone, g. g. . . 2. Dan Voorhies 2. Defiance, blk. s 2. Defiance, br. g 2. ^elhi, b. g 2. Denmark, br. g 2. Derby, b. g 2.: Dick Jamison, b. g. . . 2.: Dinah, rn. m 2.' Doble, blk. s Dolly, b. m Don Elipha (buckskin mustang) Dot, b. g Doubtful, g. g Draco Prince, blk. s. Dreadnaught, ch. g. . Duchess, b. m Duke, h. s. . . ' O Dutchman, b. g Ella Wilson, b. m. . . , Ella Lewis, br. m. . . Eva, b. m Ella Madden, b. m. . Ella Wright, b. m. . . Everett Ray, b. g. . . . Edginton Ed. White, p. g. . . Easton Boy, wh. g. . . Ella Elwood, b. m. Elmc, ch. s Fleetwood, ch. g. ... Frank Wood, b. g. . . Frank, br. m Factory Girl, b. m. . Flora Bell, b. m. ... Flora Bell, ch. m. . . Frank Palmer, b. g. 2.28 2.30 2.30 2.29^^ 2.29Ji^ 3.243^ 2.27K 2.28 2.26K 2.30 2.30 2.27 2.25M 2.26^^ 2.24^ 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.25>i 2.29 2.27 2.29 2.24 2.27^^ 2.29^ 2.22^ 2.30 2.26J4 IfW 516 RECORD OF FAST HORSES. Fannie, ch. m 2.29 Frank J.^ dun. g. . . . . 2.23M Frank Davis, 2.30 Frank Munson, 2.30 Frank Reeves, 2.30 Fox, b. g 2,30 Fred Hooper, b. g. . . 2.23 Fleety Golddust, g. m. 2.20 Filbert, g. g 2.28 Fanny Otis, b. m. . . . 2.28M Falmouth Boy, b. g. . 2.2gK Frank Ferguson, br. g. 2.27 Flora Shepard, b. m. . 2.30 George Miller, b. g. . 2,30 Gray Jack, g. g 2.28M Glengarry, b. g 2.27 George Treat, 2.28/^ George M. Patchen, . 2.23K Gray Alex, g. g .... 2.28M Gazelle, b. m 2.21 Grace, b. m 2.27M Goldsmith Maid, b m, 2.14 George, b. g 2.24^^ Gen. Sherman, g. g. . 2.28^ Gold Leaf, s. g 2,28^ Gen. Grant, s. s 2.20 Granville, ch. g 2.29 Governor, b. g, 2.30 Gen. Howard, br g. . 2.30 ♦ Dead. *Gloster, b. g. 2.17 Geo. B. Daniels, s, g. . 2.24 Grafton, ch. g 2.2 2M Gen. Picton, g. g. ... 2.30 Gen. Love, s. s 2.30 dy Chief, g. g 2.26K Great Eastern, br. g. . 2.28M Gen. Garfield, b. g. . . 2.21 Gray Eddy, g. g 2.27 Gov. Sprague, blk. s. (4 years, public trial, I mile) 2.2 iM Grace Bertram, ch. m. 2.29 Grand Duchess, b. m. 2.26H Henry, b. g 2.20H Hannah D., b, m. . . . 2.27^^ Harry Mitchel, b. g. . 2.28M H. C. Hill, br. g. . . . 2.25^^ Honesty, b. s 2.26 Huntress, b. m 2.21)4 Hattie, ch. m 2.30 Hopeful, g. g 2.17K Hotspur, b. g , . 2.23% Hamperion, br. s. . . . 2.29^^ H. W. Genet, b. s. . . 2.25?^ Huckleberry, b. g. . . 2.26K Herod, br, g 2.29 Hope, s. g 2.28 Haviland, b. g ; 2.29K RECOKD OF FAST HORSES. 517 2.17 s,s. g. . 2.24 2.22M . g. ... 2.30 > 2.30 g 2.26K br. g. . 2.28% b. g. . . 2.21 g 2.27 blk. s. lie trial, 2.21H , ch. in. 2.29 s, b. m. 2,26Ja 2.20K m. . . . 2.27}^ , b. g. . 2.28M g. . . . 2.25)^ 2.26 2.2tM 2.30 2.17M ...... 2.23M . s. ... 2.29}^ ). s. . . 2.25^^ •. g. . . 2.26K 2.29 2.28 ; 2.29K Honest Harry, rn. g. . Honest Dutchman, . . Harry Harley, b. g. . . Harvest Queen, b. m. Hal. Terrel, b. g. . . . Idol, ch. m Idol, b. m J. N. Mansua, b. g. . . Joe Udell, b. g John Stuart, b. g. ... Joe Brown, g. s Jerome, ch. g Jas. Howell, Jr Jubilee Lambert, br.s. Judge FuUerton, ch.g. Joker, b. g Jennie, b. m John H., b. g Jim Irving, b. g Jack Draper, g. g. . . . John W. Hall, ch. g. . Joe Green, b. s John T. Rich, b. s. . . John C. Fero, br. g. . John Morrissey, ch. g. J. J. Bradley, b. g. . . *J. H. Burke, blk. g. J. D. McMann, b. g. Jackson, b. s • Dead. 2.25 2.26^ 2.25^!^ . 2.2gl4 2.289.i 2.27M 2.23 2.29M 2.30 2.30 2.26J^ 2.28}^ 2.24 2.25 2.18 2.23 2.22j^ 2.23 2.23 2.29 2.25 2.29^^ 2.28 2.27M 2.26K 2.25^ 2.273^ 2.28^;^ 2.273^ I Joe, or Triumph, s, g. 2.25M John E., b. g 2.i85^ Jay Gould, b s 2.20^^ J. G. Blaine, blk. g, . 2.2?M Joe Coburn, 2.3c Judi J Robertson, b. g. 2.29 John T., br. g. (fraud same as Huckle- berry) 2.29JI *Kilburn Jim, b. s. . . 2.23 Ki-Ki, b. g 2.28 Kittie D.,b. m 2.26M Kansas Chief, b. g. . . 2.21V2 Kate Campbell, br. m. 2.25^^ Kittie Cook, br. rn. . . 2.29^^ Kate Bennett, rn. m. . 2.2934 Lady Blanchard, g. m. 2.26M Lady Garfield, b. m. . 2.293^ Lady Hughes, b. m. . 2.30 *Lady Hamilton, b.m. 2.30 LydiaThompson,b.m. 2.26U Little Longfellow, s.g. 2.2934 License, ch. g. 2.2632" Lothair, blk. s 2.293^ Lothair, br. g. (fraud same as Small Hope) 2.2S34: Little Gipsy, b. m. . . . 2.28 Lew Ives, b. g 2.28 Lady Mack, b. m. . , . 2.25 i ■■! 518 RECORD OF FAST HORSES. Logan, s, s Lucille Golddust.b.m Lady Dahlman, br. m Lizzie Keller, br m. . Lady Thompson Lady Star. br.m. . . . . Little Mack, br. s. . . ■ Lady Griswold, g. m Lewinski, b. g Lady Emma, ch, m. . Lady Star Little Fred, b. g Lady Blanche, b. m. . Lady Turpin, blk. m. Lottery, g. g Lulu, b. m Lady Williams, ch. m, Lady Banker, b. m. . Lady Snell, b. m. . Lida m. Lady Stout, ch. m. Lew Scott, b, g. . . Lady Elgin, g. m. . Lillie Shields, s, m. Lady Byron, blk. m Lady H., g. m Lady Maud, b. m. . Lady Ross, b. m. . . Major Edsall, b. s. Major Allen, s g. . Mat. Smith, b. g. . . 2.28 2.i()/i 2.28 2.30 2.28 2.24M 2.28M 2.29 2.263i 2.28 2.25 2.25 2.28M 2.23 2.27 2.I4M 2.28^ 2.23 2.23M 2.27K 2.29 2.30 2.279^ 2.29^2 2.28 2.30 2.I8M 2.29M 2.29 2.24M 2.26J^ Mountain Boy, b. g. . Myron Perry, b. g. . . Mollie Morris, ch. m. Mila Caldwell, s. m. . . Mack, g. g Mary A.Whitney.b.m. May Howard, g. m. . . Molsey, b. m Mary Davis, b. m. . . . Music, ch.m Mollie, b. m Mystic, b. g Maud, b. m Medoc, g. g Mambrino Star, b. g. Mambrino Gift, br. s. Monarch, Jr., rn. s. Monroe, ch. s. . • . Mac, br. g Magnolia, g. g. . . Major Root,br, g. Major King, s. g. . May Queen, b. m. May Bird, blk. m. Maggie Briggs, b. m. Moscow, blk. g. • . Mazoumanie, ch. g. Mohawk, Jr., b. s. Mary, b. m Newberlin Girl, b. m. None Such, s. m 2.20^ 2.24)^ 2.22 2.26^^ 2.28 2.28 2.24?^ 2.2l9i 2.2fiM 2.2IK 2.285^ 2.22 2.29M 2.28K 2.281^ 2.20 2.2.15}^ 2.28K 2.27% 2.2(iM 2.27 2.30 2.20 2.27 2.27 2.28^ 2.27^^ 2.25 2.28 2.29^ 2.25^^ RECORD OF FAST HORSES. 519 b. g. . 2.20^ >-g. •• 2.24)4 ch. m. 2.22 i. m. . . 2.26J^ 2.28 y.b.m, 2.28 m. .. 2.24X 2.21^ n. . . . 2.26i( 2.21H 2.285^ 2.22 2.29^ 2.28J^ b. g. 2.28?^ br. s. 2.20 s. .. 2.2.<;J^ 2.28)^ •••• 2.27?^ • • . . 2.26Ji • • . . 2.27 ... 2.30 • • . 2.20 ... 2.27 m. . 2.27 ... 2.28^ g. ■ 2.27K ... 2,25 ... 2.28 m. 2.29^^ • .. 2.25^ Natchez, blk. g, Nellie Gray, , Nellie Irwin, b. m. . . Nick, br. g_ Nettie, b. m. Nino, b, g Ned Forrest, blk. g . Nellie, g. m Nellie Walton, b. m. . North Star Mambrino, Nettie Burlew, b. m. . Nerea, s. m Ned Wallace, b. s. . , Ohio Boy, b. g Observer, ch, g Orient, s. g, Oakland Maid, g. m. . Occident, br. g Prince Allen, ch. s. . . Patchen Chief, blk. s. Povvnall Mare, br. m. Pat Ring, Polly, or Tackney . . . Phil Sheridan, blk. s. Pilot Temple, b. s. . . Parkis' Abdallah, b. s. Prince, rn. g Preston, dun. g. . . . Planter, Prosper©, Pumpkin, * Dead. 2.30 2.24 2.25 2.29?^ 2.18 2.29?^ 2.28}4 2.30 2.26 2.26J^ 2.2^H 2.23}^ 2.29 2.27^1 2.24M 2.24 2.26 2.16% 2.26J^ 2.25^ 2.29 2.28 2.26 2.26K 2.24K 2.26?i 2.28 2.283^ 2.30 2.223^ 2.27^^ Queen of the West, . Royal John, g. g Red Dick, ch. g Rolla Golddust, b g. Rhode Island, br. s. . *Ripon Boy, b. s. . . . Rosalind, b. m. Ross, sp. g Rex Patchen, b. s. ... Randall, ch, g Red Cloud, b. g Rattler, b. g Royal George, g. g. . . Rosewood, br. m. ... Rarus, b. g Rival, g. s Rutledge, b. g St. Elmo, g. g Sleepy John, b. g. ... Shakespeare, ch. s. . . Susie Parker, b. m. . . Sentinel, b. s Skinkel's Hambleto- nian, b. s St, James, b, g Sam Purdy, b, g Spotted Colt, sp. g. . . Stump Puller, or Co- lumbia Chief, blk. s. Shepard Knapp, Jr., b.g 2.26M 2.27^^ 2.j8 2.25 2:21% 2.2SU 2.2l3it 2.29?:^ 2.30 2.24K 2.18 2.27 2.26j^ 2.27 2.2o3i 2.30 2.30 2.29M 2.24^^ 2.30 2.2-]\4 2.2Cf}4 2.285^ 2.23M 2.23^ 2.25}^ 2.30 2,27% p^ 520 RECORD OF FAST HORSES. Sisson Girl, blk. ni. . . 2.28/^ Star, ',.g 2.30 Snowball, v/h. g 2.2yl4 Scotland Maid, b. vn. 2.28/^ Silver Side, g. g 2.30 Stewart Maloney, b. g. 2.27 Surprise, g. g 2.26 Sam West, b. g 2.29 Star of the West, bk.s. 2.26^^ Smuggler, b. s 2.20 Susie, s. m 2,25 Sleepy Tom, b. g. ... 2.30 Simon, ch. g 2.30 Snowflake, g. m 2.22 Sir Wm. Wallace, b. s. 2.27M Swallow, b. m 2.30 Sea Foam, g. m 2.24/^ Sunbeam, b. m 2.30 San Bruno, br. g. . • • 2.25 M Silas Rich, s. s 2.28 Sconchin, 2.25M Sensation, 2.24^^ Sorrel Frank, 2.28?^ Sucker State 2.28M St. Julien, b. s 2.22^-2 Sciota Belle, br. m. . . 2.28 Tennessee, br. m. . . . 2.27 Tanner Boy, g. g. ... 2.27 Twilight, wh. m 2.27% Tom Wonder, br. g. . 2.29 Tom Hendricks,. . . . 2.30 * Dead. Thos. L. Young, ch. ^ Tom Keelei, b. g. ... Thos. Jefferson, blk. s Tom Britton, br. g. . . Tom Walter, s. g. ... Tom Moore, b. g. . . . T. A., b. g Tom Brown, s. g. ... Unknown, ch. g Viola, b. m Vanity Fair, b. g. ... Western, b. g Western Girl, b. m. . . W. B. Whitman, or Billy Barr, W. K. Thomas, g. g. • W. H. Allen, b. s. ... Winthrop Morrill, Jr. White Cloud, wh. g. . Whitestockings, .... Westfield, ch. g Wild Oats, br. g Wellesley Boy, b g. . Whalebone, b. g Young Bruno, b g. . . York State, b g. .... Young Rattler, Young Magna, b.g. . . Young Grafton, ch. i.. Zephyr, br. m 2.19^2 2.26 2.23 2.27/'2 2.29 2.28 2.28 2.2"]% 2.23 2.28 2.24M 2.30 2.27 2.23^ 2.26/^ 2.23M 2.28M 2,2'jH 2.30 2.26/^ 2.29M 2.26M 2.29 2.223i 2.23M 2.30 2.29 2.30 7.30 ', Ch. J 2. 1 9^2 g- .• 2.26 blk.s 2.23 r.g. . 2.27J'2 g. ... 2.29 g. ... 2.28 2.28 g. ... 2.273^ 2.23 2.28 g. ... 2.24M 2.30 m. . . 2.27 n, or 2.23M g.g- • 2.26/^ s. . . . 2.23M 11, Jr. 2.28M i.g. . 2.27^ .... 2.30 .... 2.26)^ .... 2.29M > g- • 2.26% 2.29 g- •• 2.22^ .... 2.23M 2.30 g-.. 2.29 :h. I.. 2.30 .... 7.30 RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE AMERICAN TROTTING TURF. Rule x.-Mandate.-KW trotting and pacing engagements and performances over the several courses which are, or shall be represented by membership in the ' National Association for the Pkomotion ok the Interests of the Amekican 1 ROTTING Turf," and each and every person who shall in any way be concerned or employed therein, as well as all :issociations and proprietors themselves who are or shall become members of said National Association, shall be governed by tlic follow- ing rules from and after February 4th, 1874. [See also Articles .2 and , 5 of Hy. Laws] Rule 2.-Entries.-\\\ entries for premiums must be made undercover enclosing the entrance money for purses and forfeits in sweepstakes, and sealed and'address-d to or deposited with the Secretary, or other person authorized to receive tlie same, at such time and place as shall have been prescribed. Notices by telegraph of intention to enter shall be received up to the liour adver tiscd for closing, and all such entries shall be eligible, provided the entrance fee sped- fied shall be paid in due course, by mail or otherwise (See also Art. 17 of By-Law, I It shall be the duty of the Secretary, or other person authorized, to prepare the iLst of entries for publication, comprising all information necessary for the enlighten- ment of the general public and parties to the race; and all entries as aforesaid shall be opened and announced at a public meeting, of which reasonable notice by adver . tisement or otherwise shall be given to the parties in interest. Rule -i-Entrance .R??.— The entrance fee shall be 10 per cent, of the piiisc unless otherwise specified; and any person failing to pay his entrance due, may, together with his horse or horses, be suspended until they are paid in full, which shall be with an addition of 10 per cent, penalty and interest at 7 per cent", per annum until paid— the penalty to go to the National Association. Provided, that no such suspension imposed after April i, 1874. shall be lawful unless imposed within sixty days from the close of the meeting; and /uyther provided, that any entry which shall be accepted upon conditions differing from those applied by the terms of the race to other entries in the same shall be regarded a "conditional entry," and as such shall be void. And any associate member who shall accept any such condi- tional entry, shall, upon satisf.actory evidence produced to the Board of Appeals, be ippplllil S^a RULES OF THE COURSE. held to forfeit to the National Association 30 per cent, of the amount of the purse in which such conditional entry has been accepted. Rule 4. — How Many to Enter. — In all purses three or more entries are required, and two to start, unless otherwise specified, Ri;lb 5. — Horses to be Eligible when Entries Close. — A horse shall not be eligible to start ill any race that has beaten the time advertised prior to tho closing of the entries for the race in which he is entered, unless otherwise specified in the published conditions. Horses shall not be eligible if the time specified has been beaten by them at a greater distance ; that is, a horse having made two miles in five minutes is eligible for a 2:30 race, but not eligible for a race limited to horses of a slower class than that. Rule 6. — Description and Name 0/ each Horse Required. — An accurate and satisfactory description of each entry will be required, and shall be in the following form, to wit : Color. — The color and marks shall be accurately given. Sex. — It shall be distinctly stated whether the entry be a stallion, mare, or gelding, and the names of the sire and dam shall be given in all cases (and ^vhen unknown shall be so stated in the entry), under penalty of $25 fine for each omission. And the pedigree so given shall be published by the associate member with the advertise- ment of entries. Name of Horse. — Every horse shall be named, and the name correctly and plainly written in the entry ; and after trotting in a public race such name shall not be changed, except by permission of the Board of Appeals, and upon payment of a recording fee of $10, the fee to go to the National Association ; for each violation of this requirement a fine of $100 shall be imposed, together with suspension or expul- sion; and if the horse has ever trotted in a public race the last name under which he or she trotted shall be given with the entry ; and if the name has been changed within two years, each name he or she has borne during that time must be given ; and if any horse without a name has ever trotted in a public race, mention must be made in the entry of a sufficient number of his or her most recent performances, to enable interested parties to identify the animal ; provided, that it shall not be neces- sary to furnish any one association or proprietor with the same record the second time. In entries and nominations hereafter made, the words "no name" shall not be received as a name ; neither shall such descriptive words as " bay horse," " gray mare," &c., be allowed as names, under penalty of a fine not to exceed the entrance fee, to be imposed on the member who violates this restriction. A horse having once been named, shall not again start in a race on any course in the United States or Canada without a name, nor under a different name, unless the foregoing requirements have been complied with. Double Teams. — In all double-team races the entry must contain the name and description of each horse, in the manner provided for entry of single horses. amount of the purse entries are required, ! khall not be eligible to the closing of the :ifieU in the published beaten by them at a e minutes is eligible lower class than that. i. — An accurate and I be in the following on, mare, or gelding, (and when unknown :ach omission. And r with the advertise- correctly and plainly name shall not be upon payment of a for each violation of uspension or expul- tme under which he has been changed ime must be given ; e, mention must be nt performances, to shall not be neces- record the second lame " shall not be );iy horse," "gray icceed the entrance e on any course in t name, unless the ain the name and le horses. RULES OF THE COURSE. 523 Rule 7. — Name and Address. — The residence and post-office address, in full, of the person or persons in whose name an entry is made, and if he or they he not the owner, then that uf the owner or owners also must accompany each nomination. Rule 8. — Entries that Cannot Start. — As many horses may be entered by one party, or as many horses trained in the same stable as may be desired, but only one that has been owned or controlled in whole or in part by the same person or persons, or trained in the same stable within ten days preceding the race, can start in any race of heats. Rule 9.— A^j purse /or a " Walk Over." — No purse will be awarded for a " walk over," but in cases where only one of the horses entered for any premium shall appear on the course, he shall be entitled to his own entrance money and to one-half of the entrance money received from all other horses entered for said premium. Ri;lb 10. — In Case of Death, Engagements Void. — All engagements, including obligations for entrance fees, shall be void upon the decease of either party or horse, so far as they shall affect the deceased party or horse ; but forfeits, also matches made play or pay, shall not be affected by the death of a horse, Ri;lb II. — Match Races. — In all match races these rules shall govern, unless the contrary be expressly stipulated and assented to by the club, association, or propri- etor of the course over which the race is to come off. Rule 12. — When Matches Become Play or Pay. — In all matches made to come off over any of the as.sociate courses, the parties shall place the amount of the match in the hands of the stakeholder one day before the event (omitting Sunday) is to come off, at such time and place as the club, association, or proprietor, upon applica- tion may determine, and the race shall then become pl.iy or pay. Rule 13. — Purse or Stakes Wrongfully Obtained. — A person obtaining a purse or stake through fraud or error shall return it to the Treasurer if demanded within one year, or be punished as follows : He, together with the parties implicated in the wrong, and the horse or horses, shall be expelled until such demand is complied with, and such stake or purse shall be awarded to the party justly entitled to the same. Rule 14. — Fraudulent Entries, or Meddling with Horses. — Any person found guilty of dosing or tampering with any horse, or of making a fraudulent entry of any horse, or of disguising a horse with intent to conceal his identity, or being in any way concerned in such a transaction, shall be expelled. Any horse that shall have been painted or disguised, to represent another or a different horse, or shall have been entered in a purse in which he does no' belong, shall forfeit the entrance money and be expelled. Rule 15. — Reward. — A reward of $50 will be paid to the person who shall first give information leading to the detection and conviction of any fraudulent entry and the parties thereto, to be paid out of the funds of the National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trotting Turf, by the Treasurer, upon the decision and order of the Board of Appeals ; provided, that this shall not be construed to extend to courses outside of this Association. ^THIP"'^^ •w 524 RULES OF THE COURSE. Rule 16.— /Vo/m/j.— Protests may be made verbally before or during a r«ce, atiJ nhall be reduced to writing, uud sbull contain at least one specific charge, and, when required, a statement of the nature of the evidence upon which they arc based, and they shall be filed with the Judges, Association, or proprietor t>efore the close of the meeting. The Judges shall in every case of protest demand that the rider or driver, and the owner or owners, if present, shall immediately testify under oath, in the manner hereinafter provided; and in case of their refusal to do so, the horse shall not be allowed thereupon to start or continue in that race, but shall be considered and declared ruled out, with forfeit of entrance ["oney. But if the parties do comply, and take the oath as herein required, unless the Judges find conclusive evidence to warrant excluding the horse, they shall allow him to start or continue in the race under protest, and the premium, if any is won by that horse, shall be retained a sufficient length of time (say three weeks) to allow the par- ties interested a chance to sustain the allegations of the protest, or to furnish infor- mation which shall warrant an investigation of the matter by the associate member, or the Board of Appeals, and all outside bets on such horse shall be held in abeyance pending the decision of such protest ; provided^ that where no action as aforesaid has been taken to sustain a protest, during three weeks, the associate member shall proceed as if such protest had not been made. In any heat which such protested horse shall win, the Judges shall waive the appli- cation of a distance as to all other horses, except for " fouls " defined in Rule 48. When a protest is presented before or during a race, and the parties refuse to make the prescribed oath, if the Judges believe the refusal is designed to favor a fraud, they may require the horse under protest to start or continue in the race. Any person found guilty of protesting a horse falsely and without cause, or merely with intent to embarrass a race, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by suspension not to exceed one year, or by expulsion. When a protest has been duly made, or any information lodged with the Judges in support of a protest, alleging an improper entry or any act prohibited or punishable under these rules, the same shall not be withdrawn or surrendered before the expira- tion of three weeks, without the approbation of the association or proprietor of the course upon which such protest or information was produced; and if any association or proprietor shall permit such a withdr.iwal of protest or information, with a corrupt motive to favor any party who shall be affected by the same, the association or pro- prietor so Ipermitting, if convicted thereof by the Board of Appeals, shall be expelled from all connection with the National Association. Associations or proprietors shall be warranted in retaining the premium of any horse, during the time herein mentioned, without any formal protest, if before it it paid they shall receive information in their iudement tending to establish fraud. RULES or THE COURSE. 525 r during a race, ami c charge, and, when they urc based, and fore the close of the er or driver, and the ath, in the manner horse shall not be 1 be considered an<l required, unless the they shall allow him r any is won by that ks) to allow the par- , or to furnish infor- e associate member, be held in abeyance I action as aforesaid ociate member shall hall waive the appli- fined in Rule 48. arties refuse to make led to favor a fraud, he race. out cause, or merely xceeding $100, or by with the Judges in jited or punishable before the expira- proprietor of the if any association ition, with a corrupt association or pro- 4, shall be expelled premium of any otest, if before it in stablish fraud. The oath required in answer to protest shall be in the following form, to wit ; I of in the County of State of un oath depose and say that I am the of the called the same entered in a purse for horses that have never trotted better than minutes and seconds, to be trotted this day on this course, and the same that has been protested, and to which protest this affidavit is in answer, hereby declare and affirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief said before-mentioned horse is eligible to start or compete in the race aforesaid; and that I fully believe all the provisions and condi- tions required in the rules and regulations for the government or trials of speed over this course were fully and honestly complied with in making the entry aforesaid. Given under my hand, at this day of A. D. 187.. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of A. D. 187.. Justice 0/ the Peace. [NoTB. — In the absence of a Justice of the Peace, if this oath be administered by an officer of the association, or one of the Judges of the race, it will be considered sufficient for the purposes of the National Association.] Rule ly.— lVAen Norses Shall not be Drawn.— ^io horse shall be drawn except by permission of the Judges of the race, under penalty of being expelled, unless at or before seven o'clock r. m. of the day preceding the race (omitting Sunday), the proper party shall have lodged with the President, Secretary, or proprietor of the course, a written notice of his intention not to start, after which notice the horse so drawn shall be ineligible to start in the race. Parties having two or more entries in one race shall elect which they will not start, and notify their decision at the same time, in the same manner, and under the same penalty as provided above. Rule 18. — Poiver of Postponement.— \'Ci case of unfavorable weather, or other un- avoidable cause, each association or proprietor shall have power to postpone to the next fair day and good track (omitting Sunday), all purses or sweepstakes, or any race to which they have contributed money, upon giving notice thereof; and they may exercise this power before or after the race has commenced. [Sec also Rule ig.] Rule 19. — No Trotting After Dark. — No heat shall be trotted when it is so dark that the horses cannot be plainly seen by the Judges from the stand, but all such /aces shall be continued by the Judges to the next fair day (omitting Sunday), at )uch hour as they shall designate. In all matches and stakes, the above rule shall govern, unless otherwise especially agreed between the parties and the association or proprietors. 526 RULES OF THE COURSE. Rui.R ia.— iyn'ghtt anti /K<'/f/4»«;r.— Every hor«« starting for purse, (weepntake, or match, in any truttiiiK or |)al:lll^; r.K r, sli.ill carry, if to waijon or sulky, iv^tli'.. cx( liisive of hariicsH ; and if under the saddle, 145 Ihs,, the saddle and whip only to be wcit{heil with the rider. Killers and drivers shall weigh in the presence of one or more of tlio Judges previ- ous to starting for any race, and after each heat shall come to the starting stand, and nut dismount or leave their vehicles without permission of the Judges, and those who are ilclicient in bodily weight shall ho re-wcijjhcd after each Any riiler or driver not briiiKin^ in his re>|uire(! weight shall he distanced, unless tuch decision shall !"• deemed to favor a fr.iud. Hut a rider or driver thrown or taken by force from Ills hiii-.e or vehicle, after having passed tlie winning-post, shall not bo considered as having ilismoiinteil without permission of the Judges, and if disableil may be carrieil 111 the Judges' stand to be weighed, and the Juilges may take the circumsi.mccs into consideration and decide accordingly. And the riders or drivers who shall carry during tho heat and bring home with them the weights which have been approved or announced correct and proper by the Judges, shall bo subject to no penalty for light weight in that heat ; provided the Judges are satisfied the mistake or fault was their own, and that there has luen no deception on the part of the rider or driver who shall lie deficient in weight ; but all parties shall thereafter carry the required weight. KiiLE ai. — Handicaps and Miscellaneous Weights, — In matches or handicaps, where extra or lesser weights are to be carried, the Judges shall carefully examine and ascertain before starting, whether the riders, drivers or vehi' les are of such weights as have been agreed upon or recpiircd by the match or ban licap, and thereafter the riders and drivers shall be subject to the same penalties and conditions as if they were to carry the weights prescribed by the rules. Rti.B ■ii.— W'hen Riders and Drivers are Overweight.— \{ the bodily weight of any rider or driver shall be found to exceed that which is prescribed in the rules, or that which is required by the conditions of the race, aiul the overweight shall exceed twenty pounds, it shall be announced from the st 1;; ! before the heat ; and the judges shall have power, if in their belief such extr.i wn^ht was imposed on the horse for an improper or fraudulent purpose, to substitute another rider or driver of suitable weight ; and if they liclicvo the horse has been prejudiced in the race by such over- weight, he shall not be allowed to start again or continue in the race, and all outside bets on such horse shall be declared off. [See also Rule 28.] A horse prevented by this rule from continuing in the race shall not be distanced, but ruled out. Rule 23. — Length 0/ Whifis. — Riders and drivers will be allowed whips not to exceed the following lengths: For saildl. ''irses, 3 ft. 10 in.; sulkies, 4 ft. 8 in.; wagons, s ft. 10 in.; double teams, ■ ft. 6 in., i.ilem t«:am5 and four-in-hand, un- limited : snappers, not longc '11 .iree inches, will be allowed in addition to the foregoing mcasuremeni Rule 24. — Judges^ Si .\'one but the Ji. ^ of the race in progress, and their .issistants, shall be . vcd in the Tudges' stand during the pendency of a heat, except members of the Board t Api .ila. RULKS OF TIIK C'OUKSK. 5^7 purse, »weep«take, or milky, i v> lb«., ml whip only to be r (lin JikIrcs previ- fttartiiiK Manil, and j{e>i, and those who -•at. Any riilcr or ilosn »iich decision taken hy force from ot 1)0 considered a« )led may he carried circumstances into rs who shall carry e been approved or no penalty for litjlit e or fault was their or driver who shall quired weight. :he» or handicaps, ■cfully examine and e of such weights a* and thereafter the inditions as if they le bodily weight of bed in the rules, or weight shall exceed the heat ; and the iposed on the horse jr driver of suitable race hy such over- ice, and all outside ,1 not be distanced, owed whips not to sulkies, 4 ft. 8 in.; 1 four-in-hand, un- 1 in addition to the in progress, and jendency of a heat. Rule t^.—SiUetioH of 7«'/if .— [See also Art, ij of] In every exhihi. ll(m or race, over any course represented in the National Associ.ition, c.ich course for itself, thri)U|{h the proprietor or association controllmi{ the same, shall choose or authori/c the Mdi'clion of three (3) competent Judges, for the il.iy or race, who sh.ill understand the rules uf the saiil N.ition.d Associ.ition, and shall rigidly enforce the same ; and all their decisions shall be subject toand in conformity with said rules. Any person havin^j any interest in, or any bet deiicndent upon the result of a, or having; any interest in cither of the horses engaged therein, sh.ill thereby be dis> (|ualifie'l and restricted from .icting as a Judge in race. And if any pirson who is thus dis>|ualilied shall intiMitiou.dly and deceptively viiilale this restriction, h<! shall, upon conviction thereof by the Hoard of App mU, be adjudged guilty of a dis- honor.ible act, fur which he shall be expelled from u 'ery cuur^i': represented in said National Association, Ri'i.K 36. — Aulhoriiy 0/ yudg*s.—'\\\<: Jmlges of the '■•/ or race shall have authority, while prcsiiling, to appoint distance and patrol judges and timers; to iiilln t fines and pen.ilties, as prescribeil by these rules ; to determine all questions of fait relating to the race over which they preside ; to decide respecting any matters of difference between parties to the race, or any contingent matter which shall arise, such as are not otherwise provided for in these rules ; but all their decisions shall be In strict conformity with the rules, or with the principles thereof. They shall have control over the horses about to start, and the riders or drivers and assistants of the horses, and, in the absence '>f other provision in these rules, they shall have authority to punish by a fine not exct-jiling $iao, or by suspension or expulsion, any such person who shall fail to obey their orders or the rules. RuLB ^T.— Distance and Patrol Judges.— \n all r.ices of heats there shall be .i Distance Judge appointed by the Judges of the race or by those in authority, who shall remain in the distance stand during the heats, and immediately after each heat shall repair to the Judges' stand and report to the Judges the horse or horses are distanced, and all foul or improper conduct, if any has occurred under his observation. Patrol Judges may be similarly appointed, and it shall be their duty to repair in like manner to the Judges' stand, and report all foul or improper conduct, if any has occurred under their observation. Rule 28. — Powers and Duties 0/ Judges. — The Judges shall be in the stand fifteen minutes before the time for starting the race ; they shall weigh the riders or drivers, and determine the positions of the horses, and inform each rider or driver of his place, before starting ; they may require the riders and drivers to be properly dressed ; they shall be prepared to take the time of each heat in the race, and they may appoint some suitable person or persons to assist them in that respect, and the time so taken shall be recordedand announced in conformity with these rules. [See also Rules 39 and 40, and Art t3 of I'y-Laws.] The Judges shall ring the bell, or give other notice, ten minutes previous to the time announced for the race to come off, which shall be notice to all parties to pre- pare for the race at the appointed time, when all the horses must appear at the stand, 11 M, T-W^ 528 RULES OF THE COURSE. ready for the race, and any rider or driver failing to obey this sun.mons may be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $too, or his horse may be ruled out by the Judges and considered drawn ; but in all stakes and matches a failure to appear promptly at the appointed time shall render the delinqu nt party liable to forfeit. The result of a heat shall not be announced until the Judges are satisfied as to the weights of the riders or drivers, and sufficient time has elapsed to receive the reports of the Distance and Patrol Judges. The Judges shall not notice or consider complaints of foul from any person or per- sons except the Distance and Patrol Judges appointed by themselves or by those in authority, and from owners, riders, or drivers in the race. If the Ji'ilges believe that a horse is being or has been " pulled," or has been ridden or driven -'n otiier respects improperly, with a design to prevent his winning c heat which he was evidently xble to win, and that such act was done on the part of the rider or driver for the purpose of throwing the rare, or to perpetrate or aid a fraud, they may declare that heat void, and they shall have power to substitute a com- petent and reliable rider or drivci' f:r the remainder of the race, who shall be paid a reasonable compensation for his services, but not to exceed $50; and any professional rider or driver who, without good and sufficient reason, refuses to be so substituted, may be fined, suspended, o. expelled, by order of the Judges and upon approval of the Board of Appeals ; and if the result 7.nd circumstances of the race shall confirm their belief, the rider or driver so removed jnall be expelled *>y the Judges. And at the close of the race, if they are warranted under the foregoing circumstances in deciding that such i^nproper conduct has changed the result of the race to the pre- judice of innocent partie;;.. they shall declare all outside bets " off," and if the owner or person or persons controlling ihe offending horse shall be a party or parties to such fraud, he or they, together with the horse, shall be punished by expulsion. [See also Rules 22 and 48.] Rule 29. — Starting and Keeping Positions. — No rider or driver shall cause un- necessary delay after the horses are called tip, either by neglecting to prepare for the race in time, or by failing to come for the word, or otherwise; and in scoring, if the word is not given, all the horses in the race sha'.l immediately turn, at the tap of the bell or other signal given, and jog back for a fresh start. But there shall be no recall after the starting word or signal has been given. Provided^ however, that if the Jl- Iges shall through any error give signal of recall, after having given the wordy Distance shall be waived in that heat, except for foul riding or driving. When the Judges are prevented from giving a fair start hy a horse or horses per- sistcniV/ scoring ahead of others, or being refractory, oir from any other fault of either horse, rider, of driver, it shall be their duty, after three scorings, to select one of the contending horses, of average speed compared with the others, and no driver shall come up in advance of said horse before crossing the score. No driver shall be allowed to sponge out his horse or horses oftener than once in five times scoring. If these requirements are not complied with on the part of any i-der or driver, the Judges may not only start the race, or give the word without regard to the absence or position of the-offending party or parties, but the ofiender may be punished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by suspension not to exceed one year. RULES OF THE COURSE. 529 iS may be pun- lie Judges and romptly at the satisfied as to to receive the person or per- , or by those in las been ridden Winning c heat the part of the or aid a fraud, bstitutc a corn- shall be paid a .ny professional so substituted, jon approval of :e shall confirm fudges. And at ;ircumstances in race to the pre- ind if the owner ir parties to such sion. [See also shall cause un- to prepare for in scoring, if turn, at the tap there shall be however, that iving given the or driving, or horses per- other fault of gs, to select one i, and no driver ler than once in er or driver, the to the absence punished by a In all cases, the starting word or signal shall be given from the Judges' stand, and in no instance shall a standing start be given. When, through any fault of either horse, rider, or driver, the Judges are prevented from giving a fair and prompt start, they shall v/arn the faulty party of the penalties to which he is subject, and if such warning is not heeded, they shall rigidly enforce said penalties. Tne horse winning a heat shall take the pole (or inside position) the succeeding he.'.t, and all others shall take their positions in the order assigned them in judging the last heat. When two jr more horses shall make a dead heat, the horses shall start for the succeeding heat in the same positions they occupied at the finish of t'lc dead heat. In coming out r:\ the homestretch the foremost horse or horses shall keep the posi- tions first selected, or be liable to be distanced ; and the hindmost horse or horses, when there is sufficient room to pass on the inside or anywhere on the homestretch, without interfering with others, shall be allowed to do so, and any party interfering to prevent him or them shall be distanced. If a horse, in attempting to pass another on the homestretch, should at any time cross or swerve, so as to impede the progress of a horse behind him, he shall not be entitled to win that heat. Although a leading horse is entitled to any part of the track, except after selecting his position on the homestretch, he shall not change from the right to the left, or from the inner to the outer side of the track, during any part of the race, when another horse is so near him that in altering his position he compels the horse behind him to short '^n his stride, or causes the rider or driver of such other horse to pull him out of his strlc'e; neither shall any horse, rider, or driver, cross, jostle, or strike another horse, rider, or driver, nor swerve or do any other thing that impedes the progress of another horse ; n'lr shall any horse, in passing a leading horse, take the track of the other horse so sooi) after getting the lead as to cause the horse passed to shorten his stride. In any heat where.'n there shall be a violation of any of these restrictions, the offending horse shall not be entitled to win the heat, and he shall be placed behind all other horses in that heat. And if the impropriety was inten'ional on the part of the rider or driver, the offending horse may be distanced, and the rider or driver shall be suspended or expelled. [See also Rule 48.] Rule ^ ■>. — Horses Breaking. — When any horse or horses break from their gait in trotting or pacing, their riders or drivers shall at once pull them to the gait in which they were to go the race, and any party failing to comply with this requirement, if he come out ahead, shall lose the heat, and the next best horse shall win the heat ; and whether such breaking horse come out ahead or not, all other horses shall be placed ahead of him in that heat, and the Judges shall have discretionary power to distance the offending horse or horse., .<nd the rider or driver may be punished by a fine not to exceed $100, or by suspension not ."exceeding one year. Should the rider or driver comply wi.'h this requirement, and the horse should gain by a break, twice the distance so gained shall be taken from him at the coming out ; but this provision must not be so construed as to shield any trotting or pacing horce from punishment for running. rW^^ ^^ I 130 RULES OF THE COURSE. In case ot" any horse (in a trotting race) repeatedly breaking, or running, or pacing, while another horse is trotting, the Judges shall punish the horse so breaking, run- ning, or pacing, by placing him last in the heat, or by distancing him. A horse breaking at or near the score shall be subject to the same penalty as if he broke on any other part of the track. Role 31. — Relative to Heats and Horses Eligible to Start.— In heats, one, two, three, or four miles, a horse not winning one heat in three, shall not start for a fourth, unless such horse shall have made a dead heat. In heats best three in five; a horse not winning a heat in the first five shall not start for a sixth, unless said horse shall have made a dead heat. But where ten or more horses start in a race, every horse not distanced shall have the right to compete until the race is completed — subject, however, to all other penalties in these rules. Rui-B 32. — Dead Heats. — A dead heat shall be counted in the race, and shall be considered a heat which is undecided only as between the horses making it, and it shall be considered a heat that is lost by all the other horses contending therein ; and the time made in a dead heat shall constitute a record for each horse making such dead heat. Whenever each of the horses making a dead heat would have been entitled to ter- minate the race had he won said dead heat, they only shall start again ; and, in that case, each of the horses thus prevented from starting shall retain his position in the award of premiums as if said dead heat had been decided in favor of one of the horses which made the same a "dead heat." A horse prevented from starting by this rule shall not be distanced, but ruled out. Rule 33. — Time Betivekn Heats. — The time between heats shall be twenty min- utes for mile heats ; and for mile heats best three in five, twenty-five minutes ; and for two-mile heats, thirty minutes; for three-mile heats, thirty-five minutes; and should there be a race of four-mile heats, the time shall be forty minutes. After the first heat the horses shall be called five minutes prior %o the time of starting. Rule 34. — Time Allowed in Case 0/ Accidents. — In case of accidents, ten min- utes shall be allowed ; but the Judges may allow more time when deemed nec- essary and proper. Rule 35. — Collision and Break-Down. — In case of collision and break-down, the party causing the same, whether willfully or otherwise, may be distanced ; and if the Judges find the collision was intentional or to aid fraud, the driver in fault shall be forthwith suspended or expelled, and his horse shall be distanced ; but, if necessary to defeat fraud, the Judges may direct the offending horse to start again. No horse but the offending one shall be distanced in such a heat, except for foul driving. The Judges in a corcluding heat, finding that a collision involved a fraudulent object, may declare that heat void. [See also Rule 48.] Rule -^6.— Placing Horses. — A horse must win a majority of the heats which are required 'jy the conditions of the race to be entitled to the j/urse or stake ; but if a iiing, or pacing, breaking, ruu- 1. penalty as if he heats, one, two, art for a fourth, in five., a horse said horse shall ICC, every horse pleted— subject, :e, and shall be aking it, and it ;nding therein ; h horse making 1 entitled to ter- lin ; and, in that > position in the >r of one of the 1, but ruled out. be twenty min- re minutes ; and minutes; and utes. ►o the time of dents, ten min- en deemed nec- break-down, the ced ; and if the n fault shall be ut, if necessary ain. except for foul ed a fraudulent heats which are stake ; but if a RULES OF THE COURSE. 531 horse shall have distanced all competitors in one heat, the race will then be concluded, and such horse shall receive the entire purse and stakes contended for. When more than one horse remuins in the race entitled lo be placed at the finish of the last heat, the second best horse shall receive the second premium, if there be any ; and if there be any third or fourth premium, etc., for which no horse has won and maintained a specific place, the same shall go to the winner ; provided, that the number of premiums awarded shall not exceed the number of horses which started in the race. The foregoing provisions shall always apply, in such cases, unless otherwise stated in the published conditions of the race. In deciding the rank of horses other than the winner, as to second, third, and fourth places, etc., to be assigned among such as remain in the race entitled to be placed at the conclusion of the last heat thereof, the several positions which have been assigned to each horse so contending shall be considered as to every heat in the race — that is, horses having won two heats, better than those winning one ; a horse that has won a heat, better than a horse only making a dead heat ; a horse winning one or two heats and making a dead heat, better than one winning an equal number of heats but not making a dead heat ; a horse winning a heat or making a dead heal and not distanced in the race, better than a horse that has not won a heat or made a dead heat ; a horse that ha been placed " second " twice, better than a horse that has been placed "second" only once, etc. When two or more horses shall be equal in the race at the commencement of a final heat thereof, they shall rank as to each other as they are placed in the decision of such final heat. !n case these provisions shall not give a specific decision as to second and third monoy, etc., the Judges of the race are to make the awards according to their best judgment, but in conformity with the principles of this rule. Rule 37. — Distances. — In races of mile heats, 80 y.irds sh.ill be a distance. In races of two-mile heats, 150 yards shall be a distance. In races of three-mile heats, 220 yards shall be a distance. In races of mile heats, best three in five, 100 yards shall be a distance. But if any association or proprietor sh.iU choose, they cm pro- vide, in heats of not over one mile, wherein eight or more horses contend, to increase the distance one-half, in which case such change shall be stated in the published conditions of the race before entry. All horses whose he-'ds have not reached the distance-stand as soon as the leading horse arrives at the v 'ng-post shall be declared distanced, except in cases other- wise provided for, or •, u punishment of the leading horse by setting him back for running, when it shall be left to the discretion of the Judges. A distanced horse is out of the race, and if in any heat one horse shall distance all competitors the race will then be completed, and the winner shall be entitled to the entire purse and stakes contended for, unless otherwise stipulated in the published conditions of the race. Rule 38. — Rank Between Distanced Horses. — Horses distanced in the first heat of a race shall be equal, but horses that arc distanced in any subsequent heat shall 532 RULES OF THE COURSE. rank as to each other in the order of the positions to which they were entitled at the start of the heat in which they were distanced. Rule 39. — Time and its Record. — In every public race the tinue of each heat shall be accurately taken and placed in the record, and upon the decision of each heat the time thereof shall be publicly announced by the Judges, except as provided in these rules concerning those heats which are " not awarded to either of the leading horses." It shall be the duty of the Judges of the race to take the time as aforesaid, or to appoint some suitable person or persons to assist them in that respect, and no unoffi- cial timing shall be announced or admitted to the record. [Sec also Rule 40.] RuLB ^a.— Two Leading Horses to be Separately Timed.— The two leading horses shall be separately timed, and if the heat is awarded to either, his time only shall be announced and be a record. In case of a dead heat, the time shall constitute a record for the horses making the dead heat ; and if for any other cause the heat is not awarded to either of the leading horses, it shall be awarded to the next best horse, and no time shall be given out by the Judges or recorded against either horse ; and the Judges may waive the appli- cation of the rule in regard to distance in that heat, except for foul riding or driving. RuLB 41. — Suppression 0/ Time. — In any public race, if there shall be any inten- tional suppression or misrepresentation in either the record or the announcement of the time of any heat in the race, procured through any connivance, or collusive arrangement, or understanding between the proprietor or Judges or Timers and the owner of the winning horse or his driver or other authorized agent, it shall be deemed fraudulent. And any horse winning a heat or making a dead heat wherein there was such a fraudulent suppression of time, together with the parties implicated in the fraud, shall by operation of the rules be thenceforth expelled. Rule 42. — A Public Race. — Any contest for purse, premium, stake, or wager, on any course, and in the presence of a Judge or Judges, shall constitute a public race. Rule 43. — When Time Becomes a Bar. — Time made at fairs and on any track, whether short or not, shall constitute a bar, the same as if made over a track that was full measurement. Rule 44. — When Time shall not be a Bar. — Time made under the saddle, as well as time made when two or more horses are harnessed together, shall constitute a record for races of the same character, but shall not be a bar for races of a different character. Rule 45. — Complaints by Riders or Drivers. — All complaints by riders or drivers, of any foul riding or driving, or other misconduct, must be made at the termination of the heat, and before the rider or driver dismounts or leaves his vehicle. Rule 46. — Decorum. — If any owner, trainer, rider, driver, or attendant of a horse, or any other person, use improper language to the officers of the course or the Judges in a race, or be guilty of any improper conduct, the person or persons so offending shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100, or by suspension or expulsion. [See also Rule 48.] RULES OF THE COURSE. 533 rere entitled at the ime of each heat e decision of each sxcept as provided ther of the leading as aforesaid, or to ect, and no unoffi- !so Rule 40.] The two leading her, his time only horses making the ther of the leading 11 be given out by r waive the appli- riding or driving. ihall be any inten- : announcement of ance, or collusive or Timers and the it shall be deemed wherein there was implicated in the ake, or wager, on tute a public race. iiid on any track, over a track that ;er the saddle, as shall constitute a aces of a different ■ riders or drivers, : the termination ;hicle. ndant of a horse, irse or the Judges sons so offending expulsion. [See RuLK 47. — Loud Shouting. — Any rider or driver guilty of loud shouting, or making other improper noise, or of making improper use of the whip during the pendency of a heat, shall be punished by a line not to exceed $35, or by suspension during the meeting. [See also Rule 48.] RuLR 48. — Fouls. — If any act or thing shall be done by any owner, rider, driver, or their horse or horses, during any race or in connection therewith, which these rules define or warrant the Judges in deciding to be fraudulent or foul, and if no special provision is made in these rules to .neet the case, the Judges shall have power to punish the offender bv fine not to exceed $ioj, or by suspension or expulsion. And in any case of foul riding or driving they shall distance the offending horse, unless they believe such a decision will favor a fraud. The term " foul " shall be construed to apply to riding or driving contrary to rule, to any act of a fraudulent nature, and to any u principled conduct such as tends to debase the character of the trotting turf in the estimation of the public. [See also Rules 28, 29, 35, 46 and 47.] Rui.K 49. — Fines. — All persons who shall have been fined under these rules, unless they pay the fines imposed in full on the day of assessment, shall be suspended until they are so paid or deposited with the Treasurer of the National Association. All fines which shall be paid to the association or proprietor on whose grounds they were imposed, shall by them be reported and paid to the Treasurer of said National Association. Rule 50. — No Compromise 0/ Penalties. — In no case shall there be any compromise in the manner of punishment prescribed in the rules, but the s.ime shall be strictly enforced. Rl'I.I! 51. — Suspensions and Expulsions. — Whenever the penalty of suspension is prescribed in these rules, if applied to a horse, it shall be construed to mean a dis- qualification during the time of suspension to enter or compete in any race to be per- formed on the course of the association or proprietor ; and if applied to a person, it shall be construed to mean a conditional withholding of all right or privilege to make an entry, or to ride, drive, train, or assist on the course and grounds of the associa- tion or proprietor. If no limit is fixed in an order of suspension and none is defined in the rule applica- ble to the case, the punishment shall be considered as limited to the season in which the order was issued. Whenever the penalty of expulsion is prescribed in these rules, it shall be construed to mean unconditional exclusion and disqualification from any participation in the privileges and uses of the course and grounds of the association or proprietor. No penalty of expulsion shall be removed or modified, except by the order or upon the approval of the Board of Appeals. Whenever either of these pen.ilties has been imposed on any horse or person, on the grounds of any association or proprietor holding membership in said National Association, written or printed notice thereof shall immediately be forwarded to the Secretary of said National Association, stating the offense and tlic character of pun- ishment, who shall at once transmit the information to each associated course or 534 RULES OF THE COURSE. member ; and thereupon the offender thus punished shall suffer the same penalty and disqualification with each and every association and proprietor holding member- ship in said National Association. RuLB $2.— Right of A/ipeaL—kny person who has been subjected to the penalty of suspension, or a fine, by the decision of the Judges of a race, can appeal from such decision to the association or proprietor upon whose grounds the penalty was im- posed, and from their decision can appeal to the Board of Appeals ; /roz'/V/tv/, that where the penalty was a fine, it shall have been previously paid. All decisions and rulings of the Judges of any race, and of the several associations and proprietors belonging to said National Association, may be appealed to the Board of Appeals, and shall be subject to review by said Board, upon facts and questions involving the proper interpretation and application of these rules, and their decisions shall be final ; fyo:<idcd^ that parties to be affected thereby, shall be notified as the Board shall direct, of a time and place when such appeal will be acted on by the Board. Provided further^ if the appeal relate to the decision of a race, immediate notice shall have been given to the Judges of the race, of the intention so to appeal. No- tices of all other appeals must be given within one week from the announcement of the decisions appealed. Any person who shall appeal from any order suspending him or his horse for non- payment of entrance money or a fine, may deposit the amount claimed with the Treasurer of said National Association, who may thereupon issue a certificate or notice temporarily reinstating or relieving the party and his horse from such penalty, subject to the final action of the Board of Appeals. Rule S3. — Age of a Horse — How Reckoned. — The age of a horse shall be reckoned from the first day of January of the year of foaling. Rule 54. — Colts and Fillies Equally Eligible to Enter. — All colts and fillies shall he eligible alike to all premiums and stakes for animals of their age, unless specially excluded by the conditions imposed. Rule 55. — A Green Horse. — A green horse is one that has never trotted or paced for premiums or money either double or single. Rule 56. — Races made and ^^ Alo Hour Named." — All races shall be started at 3 o'clock p. M., from the ist day of April to the 15th day of September, and after that aate at 2 o'clock p. M., until the season closes, unless other^vise provided. Rule 57. — Race made and no Distance Specified. — When a race is made and no distance specified, it shall be restricted to the following distances, viz.: One mile and repeat ; mile heats, besft 3 in 5 ; two miles and repeat, or three miles and repeat, and may be performed in harness to wagon, or under the saddle. Rule 58. — Race made to " Go as they Please.' — When a race is made to go as they please, it shall be construed that the performance shall be in harness, to wagon, or under the saddle ; but after tne race is commenced no change shall be made in the mode of going, and the race shall be deemed to have commenced when the horses appear on the track. RULES OF THE COURSE. $31 ic same penalty tiolding mcmber- I to the penalty ippeal from such penalty was 'm- froTtded, that ;ral associations led to the Hoard s and questions 1 their decisions e notified as the icted on by the nmediate notice to appeal. No- nouncement of > horse for non- limed with the a certificate or n such penalty, all be reckoned and fillies shall unless specially •otted or paced be started at 3 and after that ed. s made and no : One mile and ind repeat, and le to go as they ;s, to wagon, or be made in the hen the horses Rule 59. -Race made to go " in ffarneis:'~\\\\tn a race is made u> go in harness, it shall be construed to mean that the performance shall be to a sulky. Rule ix>.— Matches made against 7V;«.r.— When a horse is matched against time, it shall be proper to allow any other horse to accompany him in the performance, but not to be harnessed with or in any way attached to him. In matches made against time, the parties making the match shall be entitled to threo trials, unless expressly stipulated to the contrary, which trials shall be had on the same day— the time between trials to be the same as the time between heats in similar distances. Rule 61.— Horses sold 7vith Engagements .—The seller of a liorse sold with his enj,'agements has not the power of striking him out. In case of private sale, the written acknowledgment of the parties that the horse w.issold with engagements, is necesiary to entitle the buyer to the benefit of this rule. A true copy from the record. D. F. LONGSTREET. Secretary. e" GENERAL INDEX. Autobiography '*°"' Bits Used in Educating Horses Addicted to Bad Habits : To prevent a horse getting his tongue over the bit 251 Lolling the tongue ^ej Cure a horse sucking wind 263 Dead mouth, Cure a side-reiner, ,,- Cattle, Education of: ' To educate a cow not to kick while being milked 327 To educate a .cow to give down her milk, . ...... 331 Practical result of educating cows to give down milk, ... 335 To educate cattle to lead behind a wagon, 33^ System cf educating steers ^28 Directions for Feeding and Fitting the Horse, .... 451 Dogs, Education of: To roll a barrel 4^ ' To fire a gun, ^^^ To pass between your legs .j. To jump through hoops, .j- To stand on chairs, g Dunbar System of Horseshoeing, etc., 44- Educating the Horse, System ok; New method of haltering a vicious or wild colt, . r6l Teaching the words " Come here " ift. How to lay a horse dow j^ 538 GENERAL INDEX. Educating the Horse, System of : pao«. How to get a horse up that throws himself, 173 To educate a colt not to be afraid of his heels 177 To educate a colt to drive before being harnessed 181 How to educate a colt to move his body when he moves his head, 185 Improved method of bitting colts 189 Educating a horse to ride 193 Instructions to ride the colt, 197 To halter-break and hitch a colt in the stall, 201 To educate the horse not to kick at you when entering the stall, 205 To educate the horse that kicks or paws in the stable, . . . 209 To prevent a horse from getting cast in the stall 213 To educate a colt to lead behind a wagon 217 To educate a horse that is bad to catch, 221 I To educate a horse not to rear, 225 To educate and prevent a horse from cribbing, 229 To educate and break a halter-puller, 233 To educate a horse not to kick when the rein gets under his tail, 237 Another method of educating a kicking horse, 241 To harden a tender-mouthed horse, 244 To educate the horse bad to groom 247 Hugging the pole, 248 Luggers on the bit, 248 To educate horses not to fear objects while driving 257 First lesson in educating horses not to fear an umbrella, . . . 261 Second lesson in educating horses not to fear an umbrella, . . 265 Horse bad to bridle, 262 To educate a single-footed horse to trot square, 269 To educate a pacing horse to trot, 273 To educate a horse to trot fast 277 To educate a horse not to kick while in shafts 281 To educate and infuse life into a lazy horse, 287 To educate a balky horse to draw in double harness, .... 295 An easy method of starting a balky horse, 291 PAOB. 181 .... 189 .... 193 .... 197 . . . . 201 ng the stall, 205 le, . . . 209 .... 213 .... 217 . . . . 221 .... 225 .... 229 • • • • 233 237 241 244 247 248 248 257 261 265 262 269 273 277 281 287 295 291 GENERAL INDEX. v 53^ Educating THE Horse, System OK- ' Paob. To educate a horse not to kick while being shod 2<)() To educate a horse while standing bad to shoe, 303 Double hitch educating bridle ,0- A boon for the blacksmith -jj To educate a horse not to be of the cars 315 To educate a horse to back at tae word of command, . . . 31Q To educate horses or cattle not to jump fences 323 To educate a tender-mouthed horse to pull on the bit, . . . 343 To educate horses not to fear a buffalo robe— illustration and instructions found between pages 3^ . and 345 To educate and make a horse bad to catch 300 Fast Horses, Record ok -j^ History OF THE Horse, .... .,, 14' Intelligence of Animals - ,, Miscellaneous: The only practical way of administering medicine to a horse, . az) To tell a horse's age, -25 New method to tell the age 426 Sure method of producing a rapid growth in horses' hoofs, . . 444 Corns and their treatment .,q Ferren's steel horseshoe -(J2 Hoof-expanding shoe for contracted feet, 362 Recipes— Many Never Before Published : An excellent liniment for sprains, splints or curbs 270 A remedy for heaves -24 A sure cure for worms in horses, 335 A cure for colic or gripes, 328 Cure for spavin, ^08 Cure for windgalls 408 Cure for colic , j„ Cure for heaves — never before published 336 Diuretic drops 284 540 GENEKAL INDEX. 1 i RkCIPRS : PAOB. Treaiment of wounds, 266 To prevent horses being teased by flies, 304 Alt English stable liniment, 366 Liniment for contracted hoof 396 For intlammation of the lungs 324 To cure the scratches in the shorteiit time ever known, , . . 31)3 To cure distemper 404 To cure hide-bound 404 To cure inflamed swellings or lame shoulders, 408 Ring bone remedy, 270 Remedy for botts 266 Another cure fur spavin, 424 A valuable liniment for sweeney, 316 Ointment for bruises, scratches, saddle galls, etc 2<)6 Nerve and bone liniment, 274 Sure cure for poll-evil and fistula, 274 To cure influenza, 496 Condition powders 498 (Jilanders 499 Lock-jaw 503 To distinguish between dist<imper and glanders 504 Chronic cough, 505 Treatment for Rheumatism 505 Founder remedy 506 Horse ointment, 506 Magic liniment, 507 French paste for bone spavin, 508 How to clean and oil harness, 509 Physic Ball, 510 To scatter poll-evil 511 Healing salve for abrasion and cuts 511 Wash for foul ulcers • 512 Anti-spasmodic tincture, 512 (Ji:m;uai i\|)1;\. 541 PAr.m. 866 304 26O 3</] 324 393 404 404 408 270 266 424 316 2q6 274 274 49O 498 499 503 504 505 505 506 506 507 508 509 510 511 5" 5" 512 HiioKiNc. A Tkk.atisk on 'I'm prevent liorsos intcrfcriin^, . , To prevent ovcrreathiny, .... Tkick IIoksks: To ciluc.itf a horse to imiunt a jtedesLi To make a liorsc wall/, . . To walk on his hind-feet, . To teach to Siiy "No", . . Te teacli to jjo lame, . . . To teach to be vicious, . . To teach to inish a vehicle, . To leach to lau^jh, .... T(j teach to walk on his knees To teach to drive a hoy olV a jiedest To leach to make a ]h>w, . To teach to shake hands, . To teach to sit down, . . . To teach to here for oil, . . To leach to walk uprijjht, . To teach to take handkerchief fr.mi hi To leach to kiss a boy, .... lii;i.KS Trottino CouRsii, Ui-,vibi;i), 1 • • i siile. rA(.l; 431 441 443 3f'7 3f)S 371 37-' 37'' 379 375 3'><> 3«3 3«7 3aa 388 391 395 39'' 4<'3 407 5 '-'I