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Ail other originel copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated Impres- sion, and ending on the last page with e printed or illustrated impression. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en papier est imprimte sont film6i en commenpant par Ie premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustratlon, soit par Ie second plat, salon ie ces. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux S,S-i)l. R. Encyolopivilia Pertlionsis, or uiiiversiil ilictioiiiiry of arts, sciences, literiituro, etc., 23 vols ISUi "iJSo-'iO BOOKS OF THE CALENDAR. Hone. Year book 1S4S. 1,587- s READERS' HANDBOOKS. Bombaug'h. (ibvinings for tlie curious I ST."). 1777. (} QUOTATIONS. Reddall. Fact, fancy, and fal)le 18SJ». 17S412 PROVERBS. Christy. Prover)>a, maxims, and pliruses of all ages, 2 vols. [Fitzgerald.] I'oloniua, a collection of wise saws and modern instances .... Lincy. Le livre des proverbe.s l''ran(;ais, pr>ci'di'' d'un essai sur la plulo.sopliie de Sanclio l'ani,"a, par V. Denis. 2 vols. ...... Mawr. Analogous proverbs in ten languages . . ISSS. 17s;M8 18.12. 1S42- 5 18P_>. 1842- 4 188,-). 1842- 6 ANECDOTES. Nichols. Literary history of tlic iStli century, S vols. . 1S17.,')8 1774-1 284 UEFBIlBNCfi UUUAUY. NATURAL HISTORY. General Treatises and Collected Worl's. Agastiz. Tlircu oruiNCH of tlio U, H. coast Hurvuy S. S. •' IMake," in thi; gulf of Mexico, 2 voIh. . IS88. '-'315- tt Arnold and Samuels. Tiiu living world, being dcHoriptionH of tliu riiccH of men iiiul gronps of iminiaU, etc., 2 vols. . Catesby. Piscium, serpcntum, etc., imagines Cooper and Suckley. Natural hiitory of WaHliington. (Northern Pacific K.H. survey) Denys. Histoiro naturollc de I'Amcriiiue Septentrionalo Gosse. Letters from Alabama, cliielly relating to natural history iS-lO. '.'3 la- 7 Museum d'histoire naturellc de Paris, nou.dUesarcliivesde. 1st series, 10 vols 1865 74. AIG.I- O '2ud scries, 7 vols 1878-84. '>l(i3-10 Standard natural history. (Edited hy J. >S. Ki)iSmithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. 20. ) 1880. 5244-1 Johnston. Introduction to conchology .... 1850. 23.S3-11 ICHTHYOLOGY. ■I. ' Couch. History of liritish fishes, 4 vols. . . .1877-8. 2332- 1» Goode. American fishes, a popular treatise upon the game and food fishes of North America . 1888. 2.S32-10 Kilboume and Goode. Game fisliea of the United States 1879. B.R. Yarrell. History of British fishes, 2 vols 1841. 2.332-Jl HERPETOLOGY. Cope. Batrachia of North America . ENTOMOLOGY. 1889. 2332- 2 Edwards. Butterflies of North America, vols. 1-2 . 1868-84. McCook. American spiders, vols. 1-2 . . . 1889-90. Morris. British moths, 4 vols 1S72. History of British butterflies .... 1890. Scudder. Butterflies of Eastern United States and Canada, 3 vols 1889. Westwood. Butterflies of Great Britain . . . . n.d. 5222- 5 5222- 4 23-27- 17 2321 17 5222- 3 2326-18 BOTANY. 285 ORNITHOLOGY. Bonaparte. Anu'rictin oiiiithology, ,'< voIh. Chamberlain. CatiUo^ue of Canadian Itinla Elliot. New spcuiet) of tlie l)inls of Nortli America, 2 vols. Greene. I'anotB in captivity, .'{ vols Meyer. Hriti.sli hivdn and their uggM, 4 vols. Morris. llritiHh game bird.s and wild fowl WilfOn. American orintliology, I) voIh., ({uarto Yarrell. History of UritiHJi birds, ;} vols. . 1825- M. n'2'2'2- ii 1 887. 'i.TJd- » 1860. 111!. 1884- 7. 2:i.3(Ml 1842. 2;r2(J-10 n.d. .'i222- 2 1808-14. 5222. 1 1845. 23iii-l'£ MAMMALIA. Audubon and Bachman. Qtiadnipoda of North America, 3 vols 1849. 2322- I'jT Baker. Wild beasts and their ways, 2 vols. . , 181)0. 2.S22-14 Bell. History of Britisli qmvdrnpeds, including the C'^awa 1837. 2.S22-1.> DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Low. Uroeds of the domestic animals of the British islands, 2 vols. J 842 511.')- 7 Shaw Illustrated book of the dog, with an app«ailix on canine surgery, by W. G. .'^^ibles . . "'^ 5101- t> B0TAis7 Hooker and Greville. Icones flllniii), 2 vols., folio Loudon. British wiir 'lowers Ladies' Howe. ^i;arden of annuals Ladies' flower garden of bulbous plants „ Moore. Nature- printed British ferns, 2 vols. Pearson. List of Canadian Htpatkiv .... Provancher. Flore Canadienue ; ou, description de toutes les plantes, forOts, etc., du Canada, 2 vols Ravenscroft. Pinetum Britannicum, a descriptive account of hardy coniferous trees, 3 vols. , folio. Roscoe. Monandrian plants of the order Scitaminece, 2 vols., folio Sachs. Pliysiology of plants. Trans, by Ward Sargent. Sih a of North America .... Contenti.—\. I.— MaKnoliace.x-Ilicine.T. Sowerb* Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms, 3 vols, and supplement . . . 1797' m\ fl14.5.2« n,d. ^^*^*\ n.d. 6i4;J-j'» 0,4. «143. \) n.A ^.J72-13 iHiMt 23:'i-l« 1 802. 2a."'; 1 *■ 1884. B. R. 1828. B. R. 1887. 2.372-15- 1891. 5031-12 1803. 5145-22: 286 REFERENCE UHRARY. ASTRONOMY. Jones. Zodiacal light (U. S. Japan exp'Klition, vol. :i) . ISafi. 5243- 1 Whall. Stars used in navigation n.d. 5154-27 COSMOGRAPHY. ' i Littlehales. Form of isolated submarine peaks, and deep- sea soundings . 1890. 2.3.S6- 7 GEOLOGY. ^H Bayfield. Outlines of the geology of Lake Superior . Canada. Geological survey, aniuuil reports, new series, vol. .3., pts. 1 2, 18S7 S Maps to same ..... Chapman. Minerals and geclogy of Canada . G'^sner. < !eology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia Hind. Oeology of New Brunswick .... Trotter. Treatise on geology ...... PALiEONTOLOGY. n. d. 2.S42-KS 1889. 2U\- 1 2.341-15 1864. 2341- 9 18.%. H. c. iir> isr,5. 2341-10 \Hi!). 2.341- 8 I! I Nicholson and Lydekker. Manual of paln^ontology, 2 vols. 1 889. MINERALOGY. 2345- 2 I I i I i Burnham. Precious stones in nature, art, and literature . 1886. Houghton and Bristol. Mineral region of Lake Superior 1846. Kunz. Gems and precious stones of North America . 1890. METEOROLOGY. Nautical almanac, 1SS4-92 CHEMISTRY. 2346- 8 2.342-17 2.346- 2347- 2 I ^ ' Groves and Thorp. Chemical technology, vol. 1 . 1889. 2303- 1 Meyer. Modern theories of chemistry. Translated by Hedson and Williams .... 1888. 2365- 2 Thorpe. Dictionary of applied cliemistry, 3 vols. . 1890. 2365- 3 Watts. Dictionary of chemistry. Revised by Morley and Muir, vols. 1-2. ..... 1888- 9. 2.364- 2 THEOLOGY. 287 PHYSICS. Priestley. Experiments in natural philosophy, 3 vols. 1790. 2352- H MATHEMATICS. Bryce Musgrove, and Wright. Connnercial arithnietic De Morgan. DiflFerential and integral calculus Strachan (Rev. John). Practical arithmetic 18«6. 2351- 9 1842. 2331- 1 1809. 2351- 2 THEOLOGY. Old Testament. English. Psalms, translated in parallelisms Ojibwa. Genesis, translated by Peter Jones New Testament. 1851. 1835. 3083-11 H.C. 76(5 ■ii; 'til Chippewa. Xew Testament .... Englisli. Wycliffe New Testament Lindisfarne and Rushwortli gospels (Vulgate version with Anglo-Saxon gloss) : St. Matthew (Surtees Soc, vol. 28) The same. (Edited by Hardwkk) . St. Mark. (Surtees Soc. vol. 39) . The same. (Edited hy Skeat) St. Luke. (Surtees Soc, vol. 43) The same. (Edited by Skeat) St. John. (Surteea Soc, vol. 48) The same. (Edited by Skra/,) Mohawk. St. xMatthew, translated by A. Hill . 1833. 3083. 10 1848. te 3082-14 1854. 2742 1 n.d. 3086. ir> 1861. 2742- 1 187). 3086-15 1863. 2742- 1 1874. 3086-15 1865. 2742- 1 1878. 3086-15 1831. 3083- 9 '288 REFEKEN'CE LIBRARY. Commentaries — General. Dickinson. Productions of the evangelists and apostles, to which is added the apocrypha Eichorn. Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament, translated by G. T. (iollop . Jenkins. Selections from the Psalms .... Noyes. New translation of Tob, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles New translation of the Hebrew prophets, 8 voU. New translation of the book of Psalms and of the Proverbs New Testament, translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf 1837 3082-13 1888. 3084- (i 1821. 3066- 1 1880. 3011-12 1880. 3011-11 1886. 3011-U 1880. SOI 1-22 Bible Aids. Hirschfelder. P>iblical expositor Moriscn. Disquisitions and notes on the gospels 1882. 1884. 3073-14 3011- 8 U History of Religion. Frazer. Golden bough, 2 vols 1890. 2974- 7 Hatch. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Ciiriatian Church. (Hibbert Lectures, 1888) 1890. 2974- 1 Hibbe7't Lectures. Hatch. Influence of Gi'eek ideas and usages upon the Christian Church 1890. 2974- 1 Ckristology. Heaphy. The likeness of Christ 1880. 5033- 7 Holland. Cruciana : illustrations of t!ie cross of Christ 1835. 2977-13 EVIDENCES. Norton. Evidences of the genuineness of the gospels Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of Trinitarians ...... Farley. Unitarianism defined Smith (Goldwin). Rational religion and tue rationalistic objections of tiie lianipt^n Lec- tures for 1858. . , , . 1880. 1886. 1881. ISUl. 3011-19 .3011-20 3011-15 .3026-17 7m I m HOMILETICS. THEOLOGY. Barrows. Clarke. Dewey. Dwight A Baptist meeting-house . . . . Doom of the majority of mankind . Christian doctrine of prayer . . . . Christian doctrine of forgiveness of sin Essentials and non-essentials in religion Orthodoxy, its truths and errors . . , Works, with a biographical sketch (T.). Theology explained, 5 vols Hall. Orthodoxy and heresy in the Christian Church Hall (Robert). Works (Edited hy 0. Oretjory), 6 vols. . Huidekoper. Works, 2 vols. Irenaeus, Life and writings of, by James Beaven Noyes. Collection of theological essays from various authors Parker. Views of religion Tracts for the times, 6 vols, in 3 Wilson, ITnitarian principles confirmed by Trinitarian testimonies ...... 280 1885. 3011-28 1883. .'JOll- 6 1886. 3012-24 1884. 3012-23 1886. 3012-27 1884. 3011-21 1887. 3011- 3 1830. 3034- 6 1883. 3011-26 1836. 2987-16 1887. H.C. 769-70 1841. 2982- 2 1880. .3011-13 1885. 3011- 4 1833-40. 3043- 8 1888. 30U16 HOMILETICS. Eliot. Eraser. Jacob. M'Gilvray. Martineau. Barclay. Discourses preached inSt. Andrew's church, Toronto Bethune. Lectures upon the Old Testament . Clarke. Every-day religion Discourses on the doctrines of Christianity Early religious education considered as the divinely appointed way Lectures to young men Lectures to young women ..... Sermons left by him as a memento . Sermons. Root and offspring of David Endeavors after the Christian life . Studies of Christianity .... Metcalf. Letter and spirit Reynolds. Triumphs of God's revenge against the sin of murther, and God's revenge against the sin of adultery Sloan. "Voice from the wilderness of Canada . . , Stewart. Sermons on family prayer .... Unitarian affirmations: seven discourses given in Wash- ington Walker. Sermons preached chiefly in the college chapel Ware. Formation of the Christian character . . . Willson. Impressions of the mind 18GI. 2965-15 1857. 2965-16 1886. H.C. 768 1886. 3011- 5 1887. 3012-22 1882. 3012-21 1880. .3012-20 1867. 2965-14 1835. II.C. 764 1848. 2965-18 1881. .3011-18 1882. 3011-17 1885. 3011-25 1679. 5164- 1 1870. 2965-17 1814. 3023-21 1882. 3012-28 1884. 3011- 7 1883. 3012-26 1835. 2965-13 J,' Hi 290 REKEKENt'E UHUARY. THEOLOGICAL AND CHURCH DICTIONARIES. Addis and Arnold. Catholic dictionary Brown. Dictionary of tiie Hible Dansey. Horae Decanicae llurales, 2 vols. Gardner. Faitiia of the world, 2 vols. 1S84. 2!»84-12 n.d. liVM- 4 1844. 2984-11 n.d. 21)8:}- r> CREEDS. Jones (Peter). Part of the discipline of the Wesleyan Church in Canada trana. into Ojibwa 18,S5. Potter. On Church government 1839. H.C. 767 3024- 7 PRAYER BOOKS. m Ame (!') idevt'e a Dieu Blunt. Annotated Book of Connnon Prayer Briant. Xehiro-Iriniui Aianiiiie niassinahi^'an Common prayer book trans, into Moiiawk, by John Hill Trans, into Ojiljway D. (F. A.). Exercice trcs di'vot cnvers .St. Antoine de Padoue (Jraduel Romaiii, ;i lusage du diocese de Quebec Heures Komaines : ofKce de la Ste. Vierge et des morts, etc., a I'usage du diocese du Quobec Heures royales : les opitres et evangiles des principales fetes de I'annee ......... Kempis (Thos. a). Limitation de Jesus Cinist, translated l)y De Gonnelieii Manuel du Chretien Manuel du pelerin de Notre- Dame de Bon-Seeours, Montreal Niini Aiamie masinaigan ....... OtKce de la semaine sainte, et de eelle de Pa(]ue . Office de la Ste. Vierge et celui des morts a I'usage des Con- greganistes Paquin. Droit social Ciiretien Petit manuel du Ciiri'tien Saint-Vallier. Cateehisme du diocese de Quebec Stewart. Collection of prayers Tsiatak Nihonon8entsiake onk8e on8e akoiaton.sera Viliiams. Book of Common Prayer .... 1811. 3023-14 1888. -)2Ui- S 1844. 3023- 7 1842. 302-5-20 1853. 3023-23 1813. 3023-2t> n.d. 3023-10 179-}. 1806. 3023- 9 3023 !;) 1813. 3023 17 181.3. 0023 12 1848. 3023-16 1854. 3023- 5 1816. 3023-11 n.d. 3023-15 1877. 3022-21 1814. 3023-18 1702. 3023- 8 1814. 3023-21 1852. 3023- 6 1853. 3023-19 ■ I i i COMROVKRSIAL. 2J»1 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. •. 767 24- 7 Barclay. Memoirs of the Quakers in tlie Nortii of Scothuul 1833. Cox and Hoby. lieligion in America: a narrative of tlie deputation from the Baptist Union in Enghvnd to the United States and Canada 1837. Cust. Siirines of Lourdes, Zaragossa, etc . . . 1885. Debates in l)oth Houses of [Imperial] Parliament on the Roman Catliolic question 1812. Denison {Archdeacon of Taunton), Defence of . . . 18.")6. Gcrham, Case of, in the Arclies Court of Canterbury . 1849. Case of, respecting ilie efficacy of baptism , 1848. Holmes. Conferences de Notre Dame de Quebec . 1875. Ivlmey. History of English Baptists to the end of the 17th century, 4 vols 1811-30. M'Cosh. Wheat and chaff, etc. : disruption of Scottish ecclesia.stical establishment . 1843. Meacham. Rise and progress of the Methodist church . 1832. O'Sullivan. The Ciiurch in Canada .... 1890. Picart. Religious ceremonies (7'raH.s.) 6 vols. . . 1733-7. Coiitviits.— Vol. I. Jews an(] Roman Callio'icks. 2. Komaii Catliolicks. 3. Idolatrous nations, including Americans and Can adians. 4. Idolatrous nations. 5. Greeks and Protestants. 6. (i.) Church of ICngland, Presbyterians, Indepen- dents, etc.; (ii.) Mahometans. Playter. History of Methodism in Canada . . . 1862. •Short story of the rise, reign, and mine of the Antinomians 1614. St. Vallier. Estat pre.sent de IV'glise et de la colonic Fram/aise dans la Xouvelle France . 1856. Thayer, Conversion de, par lui-moni.e .... n.d. Ursulines de Quubec depuis leur ctaHissement jusqu' ti nos jours, 4 vols 1866-78. Warren. Liturgy and ritual of the Celtic church . . 1881. 303()- 3037- H 30.'52- 7 .Sl>53-18 .3043-11 3043- 9 3043-10 .3053-15 .3041- 1 3042-11 3037-10 .3053-17 5234-14 3037- 9 H.C. 1254 3053- 1 6 3044-10 3053-12 3024- 8 ,4 ' i CONTROVERSIAL. Begin. Primautc et 1 infaillibilitc des souverains pontiffes Ciiristianity and modern thought Clarke. Steps of belief, or rational Christianity maintained against Atheism Eby. Christianity and iiumanity Graves. Apostolical succession overthrown Guillaume. Protestantisme jugi et condamne Hirschfelder. The scriptures defended, being a reply to Bisho/i Colenso's book on the pentateuch Langtry. Catholic m. Roman Paquet. La foi et la raison Russell. Lay sermon ...... 1873. 3053-14 1884 3011-10 1880. .3012-25 1883. .30-25- 6 1854. 297211 1870. 3053-13 1863. 3073-13 '886. 3044- 9 1890. 3026- IS 1890. 3044-11 ill n 292 KEFERENCE LIDKARV. ANGLO-ISRAEL AND THE TEN TRIBES. Boudinot. Star in the west: the lost ten tribes of Israel 1816. 2972- 4 PROPHECY. Graves. Daniel's great perioil discovered . Monk. Simple interpretation of the revelation 1854. 297210 2972-18 111 : li'^ MISSIO NS. Cust. Notes on missionary subjects Pictures of Indian life, 1852-81 .... Dreuillettes. Epistola ad J. Wintrop. (Edited hy Shea.) . Lettres des missions [de S. J.] I'traiigires, 14 vols. . Milet. Relation de sa captivity parnii les Onneiouts en 1690-1 [Paulmyer, J. P.]. Mission chrestienne dans le troisienie monde ..... Bert. La morale des Josuites ...... Canada, Les affaires de, et les missions des Pi.res de la S. J. en 1690.1702 Crotineau-Joly. Histoire de la conipagnie de Josus, 6 vols. Josuites, Biens des, dfbat sur, dans la chambre de com- munes . , .fesuits' estates bill, debate on, in the House of Commons. Laurent. Lettres sur les Josuites Lockman. Travels of the Jesuits, particularly in CInna, and the East Indies, 2 vols. . Mercure Jesuite; ou, recueil des pii'ces concernants le progri'S des Ji'suites, 1620-6, 2 vols. Montigny, St. Cosme, and De la Source. Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de Qufbec, 1700. Sagean. Extrait de la relation des avantures et voyage Secret society, glimpse of the great .... Society of the Jesuits, disquisition concerning tlie MYSTICS. 1889. .S036-12 1881. .3036-13 1864. 30.3.';- 18 1819. 303210 1864. lGfi3. INQUISITION. Mackenna. The inquisition as it was in South America . 1869. JESUITS. 18S3. 30.3r.-15 B.R. 3047-17 .3047- IS 1865. 30.35-19 1844-6. .3047- 9 1S89. 3017-10 1S89. 3047-11 1804. 3047- 8 1762. 3032-11 16.30-1. 3356- 2 1801. 30.35-10 1863. 3035-15 1872. .3047-19 n.d. 3047- 7 [ Taylor]. Eleusinian and Bacchic mysteries n.d. 2974- 6 SOCIAL ANI» POLITICAL SCIENCES. 203 SWEDEN BORG. Swedenborg. Conjugial and adulterous love . 1862. .3011- () BRAHMANISM AND BUDDHISM . Sacred Books of the East. (Edited Inj F. Max Miilhr.) Minor law books, parti. Trans, by Jo%. (vol. .3.3. ) . 1889. .3018- S Vedanta-Sfttras.part 1. Trans, by Thihant. (vol..34.) 1890. 3018- 9 Questions of King Milinda. Trans, by 7>aDW,«(. (vol. .35.) 1890. .3018-10 Williams (Monier). Story of Nala : an episode of the "Maha-Bharata." . . . 1879. ,3016-4 PARSEEISM. B.R. Bleeck. Avesta : the religious books of the Parsees HYMNS. 1864. 3016- .T Halfmoon. Translation of Muncey and English hymns into Ojibwa 1842. H.C. 765 Jones (Peter). Collection of Chipptway and English hymns 1840. 3021-3 Mohawk and English hymns, collection of . . . n.d. 3021- 2 Rand. Ilymni Latini 1888. 3021- 1 SPIRITUALISM. Blavatsky. The secret doctrine, the synthesis of science, religion, -tc, 2 vols 1888. 2976- 7 Kardec. Book on mediums 1874. 2973- 5 News from the invisible world 1840. 2973- 6 Mental and Moral Sciences. Essays and Collected Works. Green. Works. {Edited hij R. L. Ntttleship.) 3 vols. . 1885. Naden. Induction and deduction .... 1890. Thomson. Dictionary of philosophy in the words of philosophers ...... 1887. 2513-11 2513-12 2515- 2 i 2U4 REKEREXt'E LIURARV. METAPHYSICS. Heraclitus. On natuio. (Edited huG. T W. Patrick.) Priestley. Hartley's tlicovy of tlie niiml . Lssy. 17!)0. •2.")l*2-](» •2.-JI2-15 LOGIC. De Morgan. Formal logic ; or, the calciilum of inference necessary and probable 1S47. 2521- li ECCLESIASTICAL REPORTS. J Le Sueur. Memorials of the Quebec [Wesleyan] conference 1863. McClure. (Ed.) Minutes of the S. P. C. K. I(i98.17()4. 1888. Wesleyan-Metiioilist church in Canuila, minutes of annual c.mferences, 1824-18r>7, 2 vols 1846- 18(53. Metiioilist ohurcii, minutes of conferences annually held in America, 1773-1813 \^Vi. Wesleyan- Methodist ministers in connection witli the Can- ada conference, register of j (^53_ Acts and proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian ohurcii of Canada, sessions 21 -'25, I So()-4. Minutes of the Synod of the Canada Presbyterian church, sessions 3-9, lS(i3-0. Continued as .... Proceedings of tiie general assembly of the Canada Presby- terian ciiurch, sessions l-(), 1870 "). Continued as Acts and proceedings of the general assembly of the Presby- terian church of Canada, sessions MO, 187.")-90 Presbyterian churcii of Canada, historical and statistical report, ISGG 1S67. 2475-17 3043- 7 2475-16 2475-15 2475-18 2474-15 2474-15 2474-16 8 Social and Political Sciences. Statistics. United States. lOtii census, 1880, vols. 21-22 . Vol. 21.— Defective, dependent, and delinquent classes. Vol. 22. — Power and machinery employed in manufactures. Ice industry of the U.S. 1888. 5231- 2 I , rOLITIOAL ECONOMY. 295 ALMANACS AND YEAR BOOKS. h British Almanac and Companion, ls;{2.3.S. lS.T)-43, lS4,j.l7, 1S50, 1853, 1858, 18()'2, hSfiS, 21 vols Colonial office list, 1883, 1888 Frechette. Annuairc de Quebec, I8S1-2 . . . . Crand National Curling Club, United States, annuals \m\)-9, 1880-1 lloyal Caledonian Curling Club, annuals, 1876-81 United States official postal guide, 1890 York (U.C.) Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada SOCIAL SCIENCES. 1820. 248 11. 248 248 2471- H K. 24S ). ■ >•■■ It' •i ..e;i!i De la Chavanne. Histoire de classes agricoles en France Featherman. Social history of the races of mankind, first division. Nigritians Gierke. Deutsche Genossenschaftsreciit, 3 vols. Greeley. Hints towards reforms Gross. Tiie (iild merchant, 2 vols Helbronner. Report on the social economy section of tiie Paris K,\hibition, 188!) Hill. Repression of crime Lavasseur. Histoire des classes ouvriercs en France, 4 vols. Maclure. Opinions on various subjects, 3 vols. Ratzinger (Jeschichte der kircldichen Armenpfle"^e Ribton-Turner. History of vagrants and vagrancy, and beggars and begging Sanger. History of prostitution Tallack. Penological and preventive principles 18,18. 2531- 2 w 1887. 2520- 3 18(J8.81. 2531- 8 1850. 2520-10 1S!)0. 2531- 1890. 2531- 3 1857. 2534- 2 185{)-(;7. 2.131- 1 1831-8. 2531- 4 1884. 2531- 7 1887. 2531-5 l8,-)9. 2,126-11 18S!). 2534- 1 ■r* WILLS. Wills, calendar of, proved and enrolled in tlie Court of Husting, London, A.D. l'.'58-1688, 2 vols. . . 1889-90. 2537- 1 ill POLITICAL ECONOMY. Capital and labour, report of the Royal Commission on the relations of, in Canada, 1889, 6 vols Cobden. Political writings, 2 vols .... Jacob. Production and consumption of the precious metals Young. Labor in Europe and America .... 1889. 18f)7. 1832. 1875. 2442- 9 24.52-18 2456- 8 24.16- 9 296 HKFERKNLH: LIUUAUY. INSURANCE . Griswold. Firu iiiBuranco iigcntH' text- honk . Insuranuo year book, ISSS-J) Scratchley. Buildinf; and life UHSuranuc souioties Building Hocictics, etc. BANKING AND FINANCE. Hamilton. Iiuiuiry concerning the rise and progress of the national deht of (Srcat Britain . . 1S13. Scratchley. Savings hanks I860. INTEREST AND EXCHANGE. Cumming. Profit, discount, and interest tables Powis. Sinking fund and instalment tables , . Sutton. Principles of interest, life annuities and assur- ance:) ........ Woodhouse. Interest tables 1SS8. 247318 1888. 24731 9 1867. 247322 1889. 2473.20 2472- H 2473-21 1870. 2474. » 1889. 2474. 7 1882. 2474- 4 1853. 2474- 5 MEASURES. Grant, Tables of cubical contents of masts, spars, etc. . 1810. 2473. 5 COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATION. i ' Hall. Ice industry of the United States (lOth census U.S. vol 22.) Kane. Industrial resources of Ireland .... Levi. History of British coninierce, 1763-1870 . Maclean. (Ed.) Tariff hand-hook .... Meagher. (Commercial agency system of the United States and Canada exposed .... United States tariff pocket manual .... Premio-Real (Comte de). Divers memoires sur le com- merce entre I'Espagne et le Canada South Sea Company, list of shareholders, 1720 FISH AND FISHERIES. 1888. r)231- 2 1844. 2463-10 1872. 2462- 3 1879. 248 1876. 2463.12 1890. 248 1879. 246.3-11 17ii;>. r)121- 7 Brabazon. Deep sea and coast fisheries of Ireland . . 1848. 2465- 8 Goode. {Ed.) Fisheries and fishing industries of the U. S., 2 vols 1884. 5255- 4 Herring fisheries of Great Britain and Holland, report on 1889. 2465- 9 Newfoundland fisheries, correspondence respecting 1884-90 3123- 2 North. Fish and fish ponds 1830. 5161-8 Perley. Sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick . . 1852. 2465-10 i KTATL'TE tAW. 297 POLITICAL SCIENCE. Bourinot. Pulitionl Hciunce in C'aiiailiiin uiiivtrsitie.s 1880. J'Jl.VH ? . ELECTIONS. Scott. Who may votoV a uompiliition of the statiito law 1883. PARLIAMENT. Gemmill. Practice of tlie parliaineiit in Canada upon bills of divorce Imperial white books, vols. 12 Legislative Assembly of Canada, rules, forms, etc. . , Mignault. Manuel de droit parlementaire . Morgan. Canadian parliamentary companion . . I8t) Parliamentary register ; or, history of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons of Great Britain, 1774 82, 22 vols 1 Thomson. Manual of parliamentary practice 2423-21 1H89. •241. '1-22 188(i.7. .'W58- .{ 18(10. 2424-19 188!). 2424-20 2-1870. R. 775-82. ;H21- 1 1828. 24J;j-13 \ i I- ' 1 ;i » • i' n t It JURISPRUDENCE. Chalmers. Legal opinions on tiie colonics, fisheries, and commerce of (!reat Ihitain Gaius. Elements of Roman law. Trans, by Edward Poste Lareau. Histoiredu droit Canadien, 2 vols. Vol. I.— Domination Kianvaisu ; N'ol, a.— Domination An^'aise. Marriott. Report on a plan of a code of laws for Quebec Sandys. History of gavelUiiul, etc Wales, ancient laws and institutes of, 2 vols. i8r)8. 2413- 8 1890. 2413- 9 1888-9. 2412-19 1774. 2423-24 18,ji. 241218 1841. 2411.10 INTERNATIONAL LAW . Ottley. Errors and mischiefs of modern diplomacy . . 1872. 2412-17 Wendt. Papers on maritime legislation . . . 1888. 2413- 7 Wharton. Digest of the international law of the United States, 3 vols 1887. 2413- 6 STATUTE LAW. Beaubien. Lois civiles du Bas-Canada .... Chambers. Law relating to public libraries . Colonial laws of Massachusetts, reprinted from the edition of 1672, with supplements 1660-1672 . . . . Decisions des tribunaux du Bas-Canada. Questions seig- neuriales, second series, 2 vols Lewis. Youth's guard against crime, having embodied in it all the criminal laws of the laud 18.32-3. 2412-20 1889. 2413-24 1887. 2422- 6 1856. 2411- 8 1844. 2424-9 2i)H KIHIATION. Statitb L\\v—Co>it!nHeil. Pariont. liiiWHof IxiHiiuiii for all titu Htntos and tcnltorius of tlio Union and tho Dominion nf Caniida Perrault. Kxtraitt* on pnuvduntH tirix dua iigiNtri'.s dc la I'nvoHti' de Qui-boo .... Report of a coiiindttcc of aldurnicn on the li^iit of tlio ninyor and aldi'iincn to put a lu'gativo to hilU or autH depending' in tiic coninion cuuncil of London Powell Doctor in Canada IM«7. 24I4'-V. IM24. 241! ■ ;li treason, I70i McGibbon. (Comp.) Synopsis of the great pew case McGregor. Trials of Hob Hoy's sons before the high court o^ justiciary in 17'"i--4 Oliver, Papers relating to the disnussion of, from the otHce of siieritl'of St. John's, N. B. Oxford (Uobt. AVr/o/'), Tryal of, 1717 Pain, Tryal of, l(is2 Sacheverell, Tryal of, l(iS4 Pelham. Chronicles of crime, 2 vols. .... .State trials, reports of, IS'.'0-.'J I. Now series, vols. 1-2 Stirling (Alex. Earl of), Vindication of rights and titles of, by J. L. Hayes Thompson, Tryal of, l(js2 Whitelocke, Trial of Wintoun (George, Earl of), Tryal of, for high treason . EDUCATION. 17S.-.. 5121 4 1820. 2417IS IS2(l. 2417l« 1M«7. 2417-l.'> 1721. 5121- 7 17H2 2417-20 l«H2. r.l2l- 7 1710. :»12l. T I7in. 5121- 7 1701. r)i2i- 7 1704. r)i2i- 7 1S77. 2417- 14 ISIS. •J4i7i:i 1701. 2417-10 1717. ".121- 7 i(;s2. r.l21- 7 1720. r.l2l- 7 1SS7. 2» 17-21 lSSS-9. 2410- 2 IS.").! 241717 l»)S2. 5121- 7 ISOS. 2417-22 1716. 5121- 7 Reports, Calendai's, etc. Harvard I'niveraity, catalogue, 1880-91,2 vols . . 18S9-90. Mechanics' institutes of Ontario, special report of tho Minister of Education on, ..... 18S1. Report of Minister of Education, Ontario, 1SS7-S , . ISSS. Trinity College, Toronto, calendar, 18S9 . . . 1880. 2.')24-12 244.^-12 .3122- I 2523-17 % HYdlKNK AND PUIIt.U: IIKAl.Tlt. 2i»a EDUCATION. Adami. (U.S. Buronu Dlli'go of WilllaiM «iid Mil Kducatioii oiiviiIai'H) Jefferion ami tlio Univei-Mlty of Virginia (U.S. KuriMUt of Kdiuatioii uirculaiH) Chauveau. I/Iimtruutioii ))iililii|uu an Caiuula Chouinard. Coilu (Id I imttniction piil)li(|iiu vti (^lubou . Coate. I'uikild^rapliia ; or,vari(>iiHHp<3oiiiiuiiti of oriiumuutul lit'iiiuaimliip [Combe.] History of the oollogos of WiiiflioHtor, Ktoii, and Wt'stmiiiMter, witli tlie CliaitiT-liouhL', tlio HuhoolH of St. I'aul'H, Muriihant Taylors, Harrow, ami Rugby, ami the freo hcIiooI of Clirists lIoHpital History of tiio UnivorMity of Oxford, '2 voIh. OnirK abri'gi' -lSfl() Richard. Histolre du colligo des Troia lliviorua Siiniuairc do Nicolet ........ 1HS7. IMSH. 1.S7<|. I.SK2. ISI-J. '2324-21 2.V24*2() '2.V_'1-1H '24'2l- 2 ISUi. 5o;iii() isl4. -•03 Ml IS.T,. 2.-)25- 1 ISS!>. 2.V.>4-H» i,s4:}. 2.-.-'4ll IH'JO. 2524-10 ISS5. 2.-.24-14 1S(»7. 25241.S , » I - ' FREEMASONRY. Indiana, Proceedings of the Orand Lodge of F. and A. M. of ISSS, 2r)4G-l() Paton. Frt'cniasoiny : its two great doctrines . ]8SS. 2j41-1S Rebold. Hintory of Freemasonry in Europe . . lS(iS. 2')4.3-23 N'irginiiV, IVoceedingaof theGrand Lodgeof F. and A M. of KSS8. 2d4(]-l.") ' ORANGEISM. Gowan. Orangeism ; its origin and history kSoU. 2o3G-ll) HOSPITALS AND NURSING. Mouat and Snell. Hospital construction and nmnagement 1SS,3. 5131-1.'} Medical essay : the nurse and family pliysician . . 1834. 271.)-1U HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH. i., i Hawaii, Report of the Hoard of Health on leprosy Manual of the Turkisii bath ..... Ruttan. Lcctnrcs on ventilation of buildings Tiie same ...... Wadd. Comments on corpulency (2) 18S(i. 2715- !> 18()J. 2712-17 1848. 2713-17 2015-18 1829. 2715-)G •i rr 300 REFERENCE LIBRARY. MATERIA MEDICA. I M?''- Hamilton. Flora homiBopathica, '2 vols. Newton. Herbal 1852-3. 1752. •27i714 271611 POISONS. Mitchell and Reichert. Researches upoa the venoms of poisonous serpents (Smith- sonian contributions to know- ledge, vol. 26) . . . 1886. 5244- 1 VETERINARIAN. Rinderpest, Ist and 2nd reports of the New York State Agricultural Society on 1867 2721- 7 INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Genera/. Rein. Incuistries of Japan 1889. 1567- 3 MINES AND MINING. 1, Ing^all. Mines and mining on lake Superior (Geological Survey of Canada, 1887-8) 1888. 2343- 1 Lock. Mining and ore-dressing machinery 1890. 5153- 9 Practical gold-mining ..... 1889. 2624- 7 Mineral resources of Ontario, report of the Conmiission , 1890. 2624- 3 Simonin. Underground life 1869. 2G24- 8 Metallurgy. Pulsifer. Notes for a history of lead 1888. 2G25- 7 HYDRAUIJfS. 301 ■1 ...I CIVIL ENGINEERING. Bnilding construction, notes on, 3 vols Pavements and roads : their construction and maintenance Rogers. Strains in engineering structures of wood and iron TimiDins. Examples of iron roofs ..... Strains and strength of rivetted girder; and curved roofs .... " • • Stevenson. Design and construction of harbours . Lightho'jse illumination .... Unwin. Testing of materials of construction Vernon-Harcourt. Harbours and docks, 2 vols . Rivers and canals, 2 vols. . Mechanical Drawing. _^ J Reed. Topographical drawing .... Brown. Practical perspective ..... Ripper. Machine drawing and design .Rail-ivays. Canadian Pacific Railway : report of progress up to 1874 . 1S7-1. Maps and cliarts to dit*^o . Clarke, Bogart and other.s. The American railway 1889. 88.3-9. 263.3 18 1890. 2615-13 1879. 2815-12 1882. 261510 1882. 2615-11 1864. 2615- 7 1871. 2615- 6 1888. 2615- 5 1885. 26 15- 9 1882. 2615- 8 1888. 5142-26 1815. 5142-27 1889. 51.33-14 11 -II •■ ■■» ■\] ' (t iifc il4 244519 2445- Ijj 2444-21 Steam- Eiif^ine. Fitch. Marine engines and .steam vessels in U.S. mer- chant service (10th census U.S., vol. 22.) . 1888. 5231- 2 Manufacture of engines and boilers (lOth census U.S., vol. 22.) 1888. 5231- 2 Rose. Modern steam-engines 1887. 5131-12 Hydraulics. Fanning. Hydraulic and water-supply engineering in North America 1889. Hollerith. Statistics of steam and water-power used in the manufacture of iron and steel (10th census U.S., vol. 22.) .... 1888. Hutton. Machine tools and wood-working machinery ( 10th census U.S., vol. 22.) 1888. Pumps and pumping engines (10th census U.S., vol. 22.) 1888. 2623- 7 5231- 2 5231- 2 5231- 2 rr ^ 302 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Sanitary Engineering. Waring. Sewerage and land drainage , 1889. 5153- 8 Telegraph. Telegraph code for bankers, merchants, etc., 1874. 2626-15 Electricity. Martin and Wetzler. The electric-motor 1889. 5131-11 TECHNOLOGY. i r Carpentry. American stair builder and instructor 1888. 5135-20 Bookbinding. Bookbinding, facsimiles of historic or artistic 1889. 2645- 5 Distilling. Sulz. Treatise on beverages, or the complete practical bottler 1888. 2644-17 Vizetelly. History of champagne .... 1882. 5163- 8 Dyeing. Sansone. Dyeing, comprising the dyeing and bleaching of wool, silk, etc., 2 vols. . . . 1888. 2643-17 Contcnti.—\'o\. i. Text. Vol. ?,— Patterns. Taylor. Hints on dyeing 1887. 2643-12 Metal- Working. Wyatt. Metal work and its artistic design 1852. B.R. Soap Making. Brannt. Treatise on the manufacture of soap and candles 1888. 2644-16 YACHTS AND STEAMSHIPS. 303 Printing. Audsley. Art of chromo-lithography .... 188.*?. Humphreys. History of the art of printing to the middle of the 16th century .... 1868. Masterpieces of the early printers and en- gravers 1870_ Reed. History of the old English letter foundries . 1887. Savage. Dictionary of the art of printing . . , 1841, Tiraperley. Encyclopedia of literary and typographical anecdote 1842. Wool. Burnley. History of wool and wool-cornbing . . . 1889. Neftel. Wool and silk machinery (10th census U. S., ^'ol. 22.) 1888. 5142-30 5032- 4 5032- 1 2653- 6 2653- 7 2653- 5 2643-15 5231- 2 h \ it' •I H ■it' P''inegar. Brannt. Manufa tur of vinegar, acetates, cider, fruit- ^vines 189Q^ 2644-20 Stigar. Lock and Newlands. Sugar : a handbook for planters and refiners 1888. 2644-19 MILITARY ARTS. Dyckman. American militia officer's manual Milice (la) du Bas-Canada, regies pour 1825. 1S04. 2642- 1 2642- 4 NAVIGATION. Hounsell. Flags and signals of all nations n.d. 5234-16 ' i! YACHTS AND STEAMSHIPS. Patterson (Howard). The canal guide, tlic Hudson river and tlie Erie canal and its branches .... Royal Canadian yacht club. By-laws and sailing rules . Shields and Meikle. Famous Clyde yachts, 1880-7 n.d. 2635- 4 1888. 2635- 3 1888. B.R. i^ II p !/:l^ til h ,» i m 304 UEFEKENCE LIBRAKV. FORESTRY . Hough. Report upon forestry 1878. 3156- 8 Michaux. Arbres forestiers de rAiiurlque septentrionale 1810. 2656-14 AGRICULTURE. Etzler. The new world : mechanical system to perform labours 1841. 2655-17 Horticulture and Landscape Gardening. Gilpin. Forest scenery. Edited by Lauder, 2 vols. . 1834. 1844- 3 Nicholson. (,Ed.) Dictionary of gardening, an encyclo- pii'dia of horticulture, 8 vols. . 1887-9. 2655-11 Robinson. English flower garden 1889. 2655-13 Pomology. Lindley. Pomologia Britannica, 3 vols 1841. 2657-20 SPORTS AND SPORTING. Apperley. Sporting, illustrated Beckford. Tlioughts on hunting ..... Hall. Highland sports and Highland quarters Herbert. Frank Forester's Held sports of the U.S. and British Provinces of North America, 2 vols. . Kerr. History of curling, and fifty years of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club .... Lord and Baines. Shifts and expedients of, and exploration .... Rhodes. Tents and tent life Roosevelt. Ranch life and the hunting-trail Salvin and Brodrick. Falconry in tlie British Isles Stephen. Adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse Tattersall. English race horses Taylor. Curling, the ancient Scottish game Touchstone. Race-horses ^Vake. Sport and life in Morocco .... COOKERY. Soyer. The gastronomic regenerator, a new system of cookery 1849. 2654- 4 1838. 5161-12 n.d. 2662-13 1848. 2662-16 1849. 2662- 8 1890' 2662-14 1881. 2662-17 1858. 2662-18 n.d. .)161- 7 1873. f.l61-U 1841, 2662-12 1850. 26(;215 1884. 2662-11 1890. 5161- 9 n.d. 5161-10 rf if PAINTING. 305 Fine Arts. J i J Gene; iL Art for all ; designs for deoorntion, architecture and the in- dustrial arts, vol. 1, Oct., 1888-Sept.. 1889 Art (L') pour tons, 1861-73, 1-2 vols, in 4 . . . . Bartolozzi. One hundred examples of engravings, 2 vols. Bradley. Dictionary of miniaturists, illuminators, etc., 3 vols. Collection of Japanese books, 18 vols Divers works of early masters in christian decoration, 2 vols Esser. Draughtsman's alphabets Gillray. Works, from the original platc:<, 2 vols., folio Letterpress to " " octavo . Gonse. L'Art Japonais, 2 vols. .... Guizot. The line arts Harding. Principles and practice of art . Hendley. Ulwar and its art treasures Lievre. Works of art in the collections of England Perrot and Chipiez. History of art in (Mialdiva and Assyria, 2 vols History of art in Phftnioia and Cy prus, 2 vols. History of art in Sardinia, Juda'a Syria, and Asia Minor, 2 vols. Pistolesi. II Vaticano dcscritto ed illustrato, 8 vols. . Price. On the pictures(|ue ..... Pritchett. Smokiana : pipes of all nations Scott. Renaissance of art in Italy .... Stirling-Maxwell. Annals of tiie artists of Spain, 4 vols Valentini. Patriarcale basilica Lateranense . Patriarcale basilica Liberiana Walker. Analysis of beauty in woman Warren. (Juidc to the study of book-plates Worsley. Museum Worsleyanum : antique basso-relievos, bustos, statues, etc., witli views of places in the Levant, 2 vols. .... 1888-9. 1887-9. n.d. 1877. 1847. 1851. 1883. 18r)3. 1845. 188S. n.d. 1884. 5346- 2 5033- 6 B.R. 2667-6 5214- 1 H.R. 2677- 4 B.R. B.H. 5141-13 2673-12 5142-29 B.R. B.R. 2666-12 I, 1 890. .4000-11 2666-13 1829-38. 5024- 1 1842. 2655-12 1890. 2661- 6 188,3. 2666- 8 1891. 267.3-13 18.34. 5024- 3 1839. 5024- 2 1852. 2665- 2 1880. 2672-27 iivi f i; I,; !• if i j n 1824. 5022- 2 .' Painting. Hellers. Eight views of Cumberland Boydell. Four views of Wales ! Brookshaw. Xew treatise on flower painting Constable. English landscape scenery Durnford. Six views of Havana Fisher. Six views of Ireland . London London London Dublin 1754. 1750. 1816. 1855. 1764. 1770. B.R. B.R. 5142-19 5033- 3 B.R. B.R. 111 '.I '■■'i I 19 ■it *K uir i '.'< ' 306 KKFEREN'CE LIBRARY. n.d. Paintinc — Contimml. Galleries. Finden and Hogarth. Royal gallery of British art . Second copy Forster. British gallery of engravings from pictures of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, and English schools . (lalleria di Firenze, series l-f), l.S vols. Series i. Quaiiri di storia.— 3 vols. 2. yiiadri di vaiio tjenere. — i vol. 3. Kitratti di pittori — 4 vols. 4. Statue, bassirilievi, busli, e bron?:!. — 3 vols. 5. Cammei ed intagli. — 2 vols. Galiirie du Palais Pitti, 4 vols., folio Gavard. Galcries historiques de Versailles, 19 vols., folio Munich gallery, folio Musee Fran(;ais, 4 vols., folio Musee royal, 2 vols., folio National gallery, engravings from pictures of Tomkins. British gallery of pictures Haider. Chefsd' • uvre du musi'e du Luxembourg, texte par Cl. Paulier Hogarth. Works, from original plates, restored by James Heath, 3 vols . Hulme. Sketches from nature of plant form Ince and Patten. Two views of Montreal and Louisbourg London Lewis. Portraits of Indians Liverseege. PJngravings from the works of, with memoir, by Charles Swain May. Marine painting ...... Paris, I'exposition de, 1889, 4 vols, in two Portraits des personnages Francjais les plus illustres du XVImc siOcle, avec notices, par P. G. J. Niel, 2 vols., folio Raphael, Les vierges de Reynolds (Sir Joshua), Engravings from the works of, .3 vols. Short. Twelve views in Quebec . . . London Smith (John). Catalogue, etc., of works of Dutch, Flemish, and French painters, 9 vols. Smith (Thomas). Four views of Cumberlraul, London Smyth. Two views on the river St. Lawrence, London Stranahan. History of French painting Turner, Selections from the " Liber Studiorum " of Wilson. Six views of Wales . . . London n.d. B.R- n.d. B.R. 1807. B.R. 1817-31. 2G8(i- 1 1842-5. B.R. 18.38. B.R. 1821. B.R. n.d. B.R. 181(5-8. B.R. 1840. BR. n.d. BR. Freehand Draiving. Barnard. Cooper. Harding. Studies of trees from nature .... Groups of cattle drawn from nature Elementary art ; or, the use of the lead pencil advocated and explained .... Park and the forest Sketches at home and abroad .... BR. n.^l. BR. 18G8. 2674-19 1762. B.R. 1827. B.R. n.d. 5033- 2 n.d. 2(574-18 1889. B.R- 1848 06. B.R. n.d. B.K. n.d. 503 ;v 5 1761. B.R. 1829-42. 2671- 1 1701. B.R. n.d. B.R. 188S. 2667- 1 n.d. 5033- 4 n.d. B.R. 1868. B.R. 1839. B.i{- 1834. 5142-'28 1841. B.R. n.d. B.R. DECORATIVE ART. 307 Illuminating. Humphreys. Illuminated illustrations of Froissart . . 1845. Jones. Initial letters designed and illuminated . . 1864. Shaw. Illuminated ornaments from MSS. from the 6tii to the 17th century 1833. Westwood. Facsimiles of the miniatures and ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. . . 1868. Engraving and Etching. Caulfield. Bromley. Catalogue of engraved British portraits from Egbert to the present time Print-seller's chronicle and collector's guide to engraved British portraits Evans. Catalogue of engraved British portraits, 2 vols. Geikie. Etchings of Scottish character and scenery . Hamerton. Etching and etchers ..... Robins. Catalogue of engraved portraits from Egbert to the end of the 18th century Smith (John Clialoner). Ihitish mezzotinto portraits, 4 vols. Smith (John Russell). Catalogue of 20,000 engraved British portraits .... Wedmore. Four masters of etching ..... H.uleii—Jacqueinart— Whistler— Legros. Woodburn. Catalogue of engraved Britisli portraits Decorative Art. Colling. Art foliage for sculpture and decoration English medix'val foliage and coloured decoration Colonna. Broom-corn ....... Materiffi signa D'Avesnes. Decoration Arabe ...... Flandre. Monograms Gibbs. Studies for art designers and manufacturers . Gruncr. Specimens of ornamental art, with descriptive text by Einil Braun, 2 vols. Vol. 1. plates ; vol. 2 text Jewellers, gold and silver-smiths pattern book, quarto Petzendorfer. Scluiften atlas Pugin. Designs for iron and brass work .... Designs for gold and silver-smiths Details of ancient timber houses of the loth and IGth centuries from Rouen, Caen, Beauvais, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg .... Gothic furniture of the loth century . Schreiber (Lady Cliarlotte). Fans and fan leaves, foreign Smith (J.G.) Monograms Smith (VValter). Examples of household taste . Treasury of ornamental art 1793. 1815. B.R. 5141-27 2682-15 B.R. 5142-21 1814. 2672-24 n.d. 2672-23 1885. 5142-23 1876. 2677- 5 n.d. 5142-22 1883. 2671- 2 1883. 2672-25 1883. 5142-24 2672-26 1878. 5034- 2 1874. 5034- 1 1887. B.R. 1888. B.R. 1885. 5141-25 n.d. 5141-16 1869. B.R. 1850. B.R. n.d. 5141-14 1889. 5141-23 1836. 5141-20 1836. 5141-21 1836. 5141-10 18.S5. 5141-22 1890. n.d. 5141-15 n.d. 514117 n.d. 2667- 2 1. ft ■ I; i^. • 1% 308 REFERKNC'E LIBKARY. B* ■ Architecture. Albert {Prince Consort). National memorial to Antichita il' Ercolano, 8 vols., folio Contents.— Vo\a. 1-5. Pitture. 1873. 1757-92. li.;:- , I Bowman and Crowther. Eastlake. Gotliiu revival . Harding^, Cattermole, and others. n.d. 1860. 1807. 1872. n.d. 1875. 1872. 6-7. Hionzi. 8. Lucerne ed candelabri. Churches of the middle ages, 2 vols Brandon. Open timber roofs of the middle ages Britton. Architectural anti(jnities of Great Britain, 5 vols. Daly. L'Architecture privee an XIXe' siecle, 3 vols. DoUman and Jobbins. Analysis of ancient domestic archi- tecture in (Jreat Britain, 2 .^ols. Dunraven (Edwin, third Earl of). Notes on Irish archi- tecture, 2 vols. • « ■ ■ • Baronial halls and pic- turesque edifices of England, 2 vols. . 1848. Husson. Architecture ferronnicre 1873. Palliser. Cottage iiomes and details .... n.d. Penrose. Principles of Athenian architecture. (Dilettanti society), folio ...... 1888. Petit (J. L.). Church architecture, 2 vols. . . n.d. Petit (Victor). Chateaux de France des XV. et XVI. siocles n.d. CiiAteaux de la valK'o de la Loire des XV., XVI., et XVII. si<>cles, 2 vols. 1861. Pfeiffer. American mansions and cottages, parts 1-5 . 1889. Pugin (A. Welby). Glossary of ecclesiastical ornament and costume .... 1841. Pugin (A.), Pugin (A. W.), and Walker (T. L.). Examples of Gotliic architecture, 8 vols. . 1831-40. Sauvageot. Palais, chiiteaux, hotels, et maisons de France du XV. au XVIII. siecle, 4 vols., folio . 1867. Sharpe. Architectural parallels ; or, the progress of eccle- siastical arcliitecture in England througli the 12th and 13th centuries Stevens and Cobb. American domestic architecture Street. Brick and marble in the middle ages . Stroobant. Brabant et les Flandres : monuments d'archi- tecture et de sculpture .... Litige, Namur, et le Hainaut : monuments d 'ar- chitecture et de sculpture .... Taylor. Autobiography of an octogenarian architect Turner. Domestic architecture in England VioUet-le-Duc. Dictionnaire raisonne de I'architecture Frani^aisdu XI. an XVI. siticle, 10 vols. Habitations modernes, 2 vols. 1848. 1889. 1855. n.d. RPv. B.R. B.R. 5034- 4 5023- 8 5035- 2 5034- " 50.34-15 2633-16 50.15-13 50.34-14 5135-21 B.R. 2633-12 5034- 13 B.R. B.R. 50.34-12 5034- 5 503512 B.R 5134-11 263413 5035-10 n.d. 5035-11 1870. 5034- 10 1851. 2633-13 1854-68. 2634-12 1875-7. 5035- 3 . 2 NEEDLEWORK. 30» ; ■' ARCIIITKCTUBK^Co?Jval and modern ..-..'. Mayer. Art of pottery, witli a history of its progress in Liverpool Owen. Delft, earthenware, etc Piccolpassi. L'art du potier Ris-Paquot. Manuel du coUectioneur de faiences anciennes Hisuoire des faiences de Kouen Solon. Art of the Old English potter .... 1887. 1868. 614124 1882. 2675- 4 1877. 2675- « 1882. 267.''- 18 n.d. 2675- .3 187.3. 2075- 1873. 2675- 5 1850. 2675- 7 [1884.] 2675- 8 1856. 2675- 7 2675- 19 187.3. 2677-19 1873. 2675- 9 1860. 5141-18 1877-8. 2675- 2 1870. 2677-20 1883. 5141-26 Glass Staining. Franks. Book of ornamental gla/ing (juarries Joyce. Fairford windows Langlois. Peinture sur verre anciennc et moderne . Stalles de la catlu-drale de Rouen . Warrington. History of stained glass Westlake. History of design in painted glass, 3 vols. Winston. Ancient glass painting Art of glass painting .... 1849. 2676-14 1872. B.R. 1832. 2(576- 13 18.38. 2676-12 1848. B.ll. Wl-6. 5142. 6 1867. 2»;7616 1865. 2676-15 :\ ''li Jlfusic. Campbell (Lady Archibald). Kainbow-niusic . Chappell. Popular music of the olden time, 2 vols. . Jeffers. Art of pianoforte teaching Naumann. History of music (edited hij Oore-Ouscley), 2 vols. Rowbotham. History of music, 3 vols Champlin and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of music and musi- cians, 3 vols. . Wodehouse. Index to dictionary of music and musicians 1886. 2684-14 n.d. 2685- 3 1890. 2684-19 n.d. 2685- 4 1885-7. 2685- 2 883-90. 5162- 3 1890. 2«85- 1 I rHlLOLO(iY. m Language and Literature ISS8. 1711 2(i 1853. 171 1 4 1878. 17l4.i:» 889 90. 171710 1881-0. 1716-l»i 1891. 1714- 8 18.32. 178.3- 19 1889. 1717- 9 DICTIONARIES. Arroyo. Vocabulary of tlie .MutMiin lanyuagu . 1862. .")21.^ 17 Baillairge. Uiutionnaire Kraiivais : riiiit'S, cuiiisoiinanoes, honionyincs ..... Baraga {Bishop). Otohipwo iliotionary, 2 parta Tho samo .... Ci>nii'Hts.—\\\n I. ICiikHsIi — Otchipwc, I'art II. C)irliii)W(:— l^iiKlisl). Barrere and L eland. Dictionary of Hlaiig, 2 vols. . Bizonfy, Hungarian Dictionary, 2 vols. Oixon. Dictionary of idiomatic Knglisli pluascs Oolby. ShakeHpearian dictionary Farmer. Dictionary of Americanisms Jamieson. Etymological Scottish dictionary, with supple- mtnt, 4 vols 1879-87. 5216- 7 Kelly and otiicrs. Manx dictionary ; (i) Manx— Knglish j (ii) English — Manx. (Manx Soc, vol. 1.3) Mackay. Dictionary of Lowland Scotch, with a chapter on the poetry, etc., of the Scottish language Mayhew and Skeat. Concise dictionary of middle English from A. 1). 1150-l.lSO Rand. Micmac dictionary Raynouard. Lexi(|ue Roman; ou, dictionnaire de la languc des Troubadours, (J vols Redhouse. English and Turkish dictionary, 2 vols. Vol. I. ICtikHsIi— Turkish. 2. Tiiikisli ICiiKlish. Webster. International dictionary, revised under super- vision of Noah Porter .... 1 890. R . Wells and Kelly. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vo- cabularies 1890. 1716.17 Zeisberger. Indian dictionary . . • . . 1887, 5215-13 Umilisli, GoniKin, Irociuois (Onondami), aiul Al- j^oniiuin (Duliuvaix'). 2741- 1 1S88. 1716-14 1888. 171615 1888. 1717-11 8.38-44. 171712 1856-7. 1714- 6 I 'I r I ■ ! I i PHILOLOGY. Arroyo. Grammar of the Mutsun languages of Alta, Cali- fornia Baraga (Ilixhop). Orammar of the Otchipwe language Belcourt. Principes de la langue des sau vages appehs Sauteux Bleek. Comparative grammar of South African languages Bosworth. Anglo Saxon grammar .... 1861. 5215-18 1878. 1714-2.3 18.39. 1714-31 1862. 1712-19 1826. 1726-15 ,kti i 131 (' 312 REPEHENCB LIDRARY. |4 I i) I'll'' 111' r Phiu>i-ouy— Con/i/JHPi/. Brugmann. KlomontH of tho omnpanitivo grammar of the ]iuln-(!ei-maiiiu luiiguiigoa, vol. 1 , Dunn. (tlo88airo Franco Canmlien .... Eliot. IiuUttii primer. ( Kdilttl hfi Join Sinatl) Orammairc Franv<>iHu ii I'lisago dii petit st'-miiiairo do Mon- trial Hale (Horatio). Oregon trade language or Chinook jargon Harris. Hermes : univerHul grammar .... Hunter (Arrhikacon), (irammar of the Cree liingiiagc . Kelly. Manku grammar (Manx .Sou., vol. '2) . Mackay. Oaelic etymology of tite Innguages of Western Europe Ortliographo de ({uehiues anuiens noma propres nordin 18.)9. 2741- 1 1877. 171713 [l8.-)9.] 1042- 8 is4;i. 172015 1808. 1714.30 184U. 1714. 5 1874. 1710.1.3 LITERATURE. American. Stedman and Hutchinson. (Edx.) Library of American lit- erature, 1007-1880, 11 vols. . . 1889-n(). 1774 2 Sanskrit. MuUer. History of ancient Sanskrit literature 18G0. 1726- English. ■•( ' i VI Collier, '"arly English popular literature, 2 vols. . 186.3. Contf.nts.—\'a\. i. A pithtliy nolo to pupists, by T. Knell, 1570 — Murder of Joliii Hrcwen, by Thomas Kydde, 151)2— Vlistory of Jacob and his XII sonncs — The wyll of the Dmiyll and hist testament— The meta- morphosis of tabacco, ifma— Mnnter of I.ord H iurt;li and Arnohl Coahy's verses, 1591 — ICnterlude of godly yueene hiester, 1501— Coni- Elaynte of them tliat ben to late maryed -Censure c f a loyal subject, y G. Whetstone, 1587 — Lyrics for old I.utenists. Temp. Klizabeth and James I— Calverley and the Yorkshire tragedy, 1O05— A complaint of the churche, 1502. Vol. 2. Report, etc., on printers and stationers— Parry's travels of Sir A. Slierley, ifi u — Hecke against the anabaptists, 1550 -The comedy of Tyde larycth no man, i57f)— Voyage of R Ferris to Bristol, 1590— Hroadsides and speeches to Monck, if)6j— R. Johnson's Look on me London, 1613 — W. Bus's Sword and buckler, 1602— A good speed to Virginia, 1609— Copies of early love letters, etc. — R Johnson's Walks ot Moortields, 1O07— Verses by Walton, Arnold, and Clinton. 1732-23 HHAKKNI'KAKK. EsaLi»H—CvHlinuel 17.37-20 1737-1« 1853. 17.37-17 1888. 1737-24 1847. 17.3010 1862. 1737-23 1889. 1730-14 1884. 17.37-13 1879. 1737-10 1879. 1737-11 \ ■ j 1 1 pi 1 ! 4 I \ i % ^Bl i> 1!| 1! Hi Kfi iiii iifi il ■f l! 3.S 314 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Shakespeare— Co?i>), 10 vols. , Troubadours. i87n. 1879. 1880. 1737- }) 1737-12 1737- 14 1879. 1737-15 1851. 1737-21 1851. 1737-1'2 1889. 1737-19 188tt. 1737-1 S 185.3. 1736- 15 1889. H.C. 266 1796, 1736- 13 18G4. 2767- 3 1890. 5221-17 n.d. 2767- 4 1864. ,")215-10 18(i6. 5215- 2 885-90. 2111- 1 Johnstone. Anecdotes of (Mave, A'»».7 of Man . . . 1780. Lodbrokar Quida ..... 1782. Malory (.S'yr Thomas). Le Morte Dartliur. (Edited by H. Sominer), 2 vols. . . 1889-90. Vol. I. T(!\t. 2. Iiurocluciion. Nichols. Gudrun 1889. Partridge. Hystorie of Knight Plasidas . . n.d. Snorre Sturlason. Eulogies on 7Ci//;/ Haco . . . 1780. Heimskringia edr Noregs konunga- siigor, etc. (Editrd hy ScliiiiniiKj and ThorlaciuH), 5 vols, in 2 . 1777-1818. Heimskringia ; or,tiie sagas of the Norse kings. (Eilited hy Laimj and Ander- son), 4 vols. ..... 1889. The prose or younger edda. Trans, by C;, \V. Dasent .... 1842. 1315- 1 Raynouard, Poesies originalos des Troubadours, 6 vols. .1816-21 182212 Bp/cs and /Romances of the Middle Ages. 1733-17 1733-17 1731- 1 1733-16 1732-23 1733-17 .■121-15 17 3.3-1 --) 1726-15 An IJil Bit He Sa] Alv liib f: ,i'! REPRINTS. 315 Greek and Roman Classics: Texts and Translation:^ Anacreon. Translated. (Collectanea Ailnmauhca) 1 Jibliotheca Classica. [Eilitkd hij Geo. Loti;/ and A . J, Macleanc) .^scliylus, by Paley Cicero, orations, by Long, 4 vols. Demosthenes, by Winston, 2 vols. . Euripides, by Paley, ,3 vols. Herodotus, by Blaltesley, 2 vols. . Hesiod, by Paley Homer, iiiad, by Paley, 2 vols. Horace, by Macloane Juvenal, by Macleane Persius, by Macleane . Plato, (iorgias, by Thompson Plato, Phadrus, by Thompson , Sopliocles, by Blaydes and Paley, 2 vols. ..... Tacitus, Annals, by Frost Terence, comedies, by I'arry Virgil, by Connington, .S vols. Bion. Idyllium upon the death of Adonis. Translated by the Earl of Winciielsea. [CoUi-ctanta Adamautea) Herodotus. History, trans, by Geo. Kawlinson, 4 v. Is. 18, Sappho. Translated. (Colltctanca Adaman(9. 1751- 8 1872. 1751- 9 18r)7. 1751- 6 1881. 1751- 10 1886. 18.35- 4 )S.60. 17(>8. 1 18S(). 18.35- 4 ;:) HI i ■) REPRINTS. Alvarez. Puren indomito (Bibliotheca Awerirnna) . Bibliotheca Curiosa. [Edited hij E. Goldmnid). Charles XL's escape from Worcester . Le .Maire's account of Dancourt's voy- age to Africa .... CapcHguc's Charles \'II. and Agnes .Sorel, and chivalry in tiie XVth century, 2 vols Hugo Grotius's Origin of tiie American races ; and Peter Albinus's Foreign languages and unknown islands Thomas Prince's Chronological history of New England, 5 vols. Juliana Berners'sTreatyseof fysshynge wyth Sinangle. (Edited hy"J'!scator ') .Secrets of angling, by J. D. (Edited hy •' Piscator,") 2 vols. Apologie of Georgp Brisset Crito : or, a dialogue on beauty, by Sir Harry Beaumont . (3) = ^ 1S62. 1611- 2 1883. 18.32- 1 1887. 1832- 2 1887. 1885. 18.32- 3 1884. 18.32- 4 1887. 18.32- 5 1S8.}. 1832- 6 188.-). 1884. 18.32- 1832- 7 8 1832- 9 ! i 316 REFEKENCE LIBRARY. 1 .V N • It I 1) i Rki'RISTS — Continmd. Bibliotheca Curiosa. The Aldine press, by Renouard, 3 vols Lamai tine's Christopher Columbus Le Cointe's Conspiracy of the Norman barons ..... Famous historic of Fryer Bacon, 2 vols. The last tight of the lievenge, 2 vols. Pufendorff's Dissertation upon tlie druids . Titus Oates's Mystery of iniquity . A nortii countrie garland. (Edifnd hij J. Maidmeiit) .... New book of old ballads. (Editnl hy J. Maidmeiit) .... The pretty gentleman Kimj James I's Covnter-blaste to to- bacco Chancellor's voyage to Muscovy, l)y Clement Adam ; and De moneta llussica. Trans, .... The cherrie and ihe slae, witli otiier poems, by Alex, Montgomery. (Facsimile) ..... Trial of Francis Ravaillao Journal of the miraculous escape of the Young Chevalier . Thespis on tryal, by J. Geier. Tians. by A.C.. . • . . A commonwealth of women, by T. D'Urfey Love's mistress, by Heywood The maner of the tryumphe at Caleys and Bulleyn ; and The coronacyon of Quene Anne, wyfe unto Henry VIII The chieftains of Vendue, by Barante The l)allad ,book. (Edited hy G. K. Kinloch) ..... A ballad book. (Collected by C. K, Sharpe), 2 parts .... Norwegian account of Kimj Haco ^ expedition agiiinst Scotland. Trans, by J. Johnstone .... Nocturnal expedition round my room, by iJo Maistre. Trans, by E. Oold:imid . , . . . A journey round my room, by I>e Maistre. Trans, by E. (lohUmid . <»overn()r Johnston's speech on Amer- ican affairs, 1770 ... 1887. 18.S2-10 1887. 1832-11 1887. 18,'i212 1886. 1832-13 1880. 18.32-U 1880. 1832- 1.1 1886. 1832-16 1884. 188.1. 1885. 1884. 1886. 1885. 18.32-17 1832-18 1832-19 1832-20 18.32-21 188,-). 18.32-22 188.1. 1832-23 1881. 18.32-24 1887. 1832.25 18S0. 1832 2() 1886. 183'2.27 1884. 18:V2-2H 1887. 1832-2!) 1885. 1832-.3() ! ' ^■•5. 1832-31 lS.32-32 188t). 1832-33 1885. 1832-34 1885. 18,32-35 'f: J* REPRINTS. 317 1885. 1832-36 1885 8 1832-37 1884. 1832-38 188G. 1832-39 1884. 1832-40 188G. 18.32-41 1886. 1832-42 1885. 1832-43 1886. 1815. 18S3. 1883. 1872 1832 44 1887. 1832-45 1887. 18.32-46 1888. 1832-47 1877. 1732-18 1878. 1732-17 Reprints— CoK^j?; ued. Bibliotheca Curio.r.". Political satires of the 17th century, from the Earl of Rochester, Sir J . Denham, and Andrew Marvel, 2 vols. Catalogue of Elzevier presses, by E. Goldsmid, 3 vols. Political 8ong> of England, from the reign of John— Edward II. Trans. by T. Wright, 4 vols. . Conspiracy of John Lewis, Count Fies- chi. Trans, by H. Hare, 2 vols. . History of Reynard the fox. Trans. by Win. Caxton, 2 vols. Magic plants, by lleucher Magic incantations, by Pa/.ig Edward Webbe, his trauailes . The hearse of Robert, Earl of P^ssex, by R. A'ines .... Bookworm's Garner, the ' . 1. Diella : certaiue sonnets, by R. L. . 2. Tiie complaynt of Rosamond, by Samuel Daniel . 3. 4, and 5. The fardle of facions, 3 vols. . Brathwaite. Natures embassie Strappado for the diuell .... Brydgeb. Archaica : reprints of scarce old English prose tracts, 2 vols. ...... C'(i)i/i»i''i.— \'ol. I, G'l'iiii'. Philomela— Gtwiif, Atcaiiia— Southwiil. Tiiiiiii;)lis over . Myths of ancient science, 4 vola. in one . Cy»rt«4. 1835-21 1886. iS.-^o- 4 1886. 1835-17 1887. 1835- 3 1887. 1835-26 1887. 18:}5-'23 1887. 1835- 8 1887. 18.'}5-10 1887. 18.35 11 1887. 1835 '27 1835- 1 18.35- 6 1835-'20 1835- 2 1889. lS.'r)'22 1873. 17:i318 1871-3. l835-'28 [1886]. 1832-40 trt-|!Ner's oriental series. Reprints— CoH/JMdC'/. Historical Reprints, Vol. 1. Contents.— 16. £«>■/ of Hertford's expedition against Scot- land. 17. The siege at Yorke. iS. An answer to the Pretender. Vol. 2. Cottoni postluuim: choice pieces of Sir R. (-'otton . .... Contents.— I. Proceedings against ambassadors. 2. Kings consuUing with their peers. 3. Soveraign's person required in Parliament. 4. Legality of duels. 5. Precedency between England and Spain. 6. Alliances betwixt Austria and i:ngland. 7. Popish recusants, Jesuits and Seminaries. Howell. Epistoliu Ho-Eliantp Hubbard. Historic of two faythfuU mates; Coyx, Kyiige of Trachine, and Alcione hi.s wife Park. Heliconia, comprising a selection of English poetry of tlie Pilizabetlian age, 3 vols. Contcnts.—i. Small handfull of fragrant flowers by Nicholas Ureton -.\ gorgeous gallery of gallant inven- tions, by Thomas Pioctor— .'\ Moorish upon raueie, by Nicholas Breton. 2. Handefull of pleasant dilites, (Kititcit by Clement A'ci/ii'ii.'io;;)— Mirror of treue lionoiu- and christian nobilitie, in the life, death, etc., of Frauncis. Earle of Bedford, by GeorgeWhet- stone— The PluEnix nest, (Editfd liy K. S.)— Divine Ceuturie of s))irituall sonuettes, by Barnabe Barnes— Spirituall sonnets to the honour of God and llys sayntes, by Hi nry Constable— Sad and sol'emne funerall of the Rt. Hon. Sir l-'rauncis Knowles, by Tho. Churchyard— Life and death of Thomas Wolsey, bv Tho. Storer. 3.'s Parnassus, (£(fi7i'./ hy Koht Allott)— Churchyard's Good Will— Sad and heavy v<'rses for the losse of Abp . Whitgift, by Tho. Churchyard. Rees. Liber Lantlavensis Uyfr teilo ; or, tlie ancient regis- ter of Llandaff Cathedral church Spenser. Siiepheardes calendar (facsimile). Edited l)y //. 0, Soinmer Stokes. Anecdota O.xoniensia : lives of saints from the book of Lisniore Oriental Texts. Alexander the Great, history of. From the Syriac version of tlie Pseudo-Callisthenes, edited l»y 7v. A. \Y. Ihuhje Saint George of Cappadocia, martynlom and miraclcfs of. Coptic texts with translations. EdUnd lnj E. A. W. Bmhif. . ... Tviibners Oriental Series. Bretschneider. Medireval researches from eastern Asiatic sonrces, '2 vols. .... Cust. Linguistic and oriental essays, second series Sketch of the modern languages of Africa, 2 vols. Hiuen-Tsiang. Life, trans, by S. Real Knowles. Folk -tales of Kashmir n.d. 1S89. 1888. 31'.) 18.32-48 17.37. 1731- 2 n.d. 1732-21 1815 5017- 2 1840. 1732-16 1800. 1732-19 ISOO. 1731- 3 1827-10 1827- 1 188S. 182(5 -21 1887. 1825-14 1883. 182(i-23 188S. 1 82(3-22 1888. 1820-20 I'll I ''i HI ; f; i '^ I ■ 320 REFEKENCE LIBKARY. ti ■ I'; II : iii COLLECTED WRITINGS. Adams (John). Works, {edited by G. F. Admn^,) 10 vols. Bolingbroke (/:.on?) Works, 4 vols Boyle (John, Earl of Orrery). Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift Channing. Works Chateaubriand. (Euvres computes, 36 vols. Diderot. G^uvres compU'tes,(e(/«7<'rf by J. A»itf). Memoirs and essays Jay. Correspondence and public papers, 1763-81, (edited by Hy. P. Johnston), vol. 1 . , ■ • ■ Jefferson. 'Writmgs, {edited by H. A. Washington), 9 vols. La Fontaine. (Euvres completes, 5 vols. Pope. Works (edited by Ehfin and Courthope), 10 vols. Vol. 1-4. Poems. 5. Prose works. 6-10. Correspondence. Ravelin. Lucubrations Sterling. Essays and tales, 2 vols. .... Walpole (Horace, Earl of Orford). Works, 5 vols., (|uarto Washington. Writings. (Edited hy Jared Sparks), 12 vols. Wordsworth. Prose works. (Edited by Orosart), 3 vols. 1856. 1758- 2 1844. 1753- 1 1752. 1762-18 1888. 3011. 2 1837. 1818- 1 1875-7. 1846- 1 1779. 1746- 4 1882. 1746. .3 1788. 1754-12 1833. 1762-19 1846. 1762- 2 n.d. 1757-17 1861. 1748- 2 1863-77. 1844- 11 1871-86. 1758- 1 182.S. 1763- n 1848. 1763- 6 1798. 5224 3 1837. 1748- 1 1876. 1757-16 ,i 1 Selections. Advanced reader. (Royal Canadian Series) Catholic schoolVtook Fourth reading book. (Royal Canadian series) Murray. English reader .... n.d. 1775- 7 1817. 1775- 8 n.d. 1775- 6 1838. 1775- 1 Speeches. 'I Canning (Hon. George). Speeches, with a memoir of his life, by R. Therry, 6 vols. •",;.■ Johnston (Governor). Speech on American affairs, 1776 . 1830. 1885, 1816- 8 1832-35 6 3 1 16 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 321 Letters and Correspondence. Auckland (William Lord). Journal and correspondence, (Editttl hy the Bishop of Bath and WtUn), 4 vols Bedford (John, fourth Duke of) Correspondence, {Edited hy Lord John Russell), 3 vols. Bulstrode (Sir R.). Original letters written to the Earl of Arlington Cambon, Lettres de, et autres, tnvoyis de la ville de Montpellier, 1789-1702 Chesterfield (Philip Dormer fourth Ey Earl of Carnarvon), with supplement ...... Colchester {Lord). Diary and correspondence, 3 vols. . Columbus. Letter to Luis de Santangel Cornwallis (Charles, IM Marquis). Correspondence, (edited hy G. Rons), 3 vols. Cowper (Mary Countess). Diary of, 1714-20 D'Arblay {Mme.), Diary and letters, {edded hy Charlotte Barrett), 4 vols. George III. Correspondence with Lord North, {edited by W. B. Donne), 2 vols. Grenville Papers : correspondence of Richard Grenville Earl Temple and the Rt. Hon. Geo. Gren- ville, {edited hy Win. Jan. Smith), 4 vols. Jackson {Sir it.). Diaries and letters, 1801-9, {edited hy Lady Jaeksou), 2 vols. . Further selections, 1809 16, {edited hy Lady Jackson), 2 vols. Jaffray. Diary, {edited hy John Barclay) Napoleon L Letters and despatches, {edited hy Hon. A. D. Bingham), 3 vols. . . . . Sevigne. Lettres choisies, 2 vols Stirling {Earl of). Royul letters on Scotland and Nova Scotia, 161.1 .35, 2 vols. . Strong, Letters addressed to ; showing war to be inconsis- tent 1861-2. 1814- 7 1842-6. 1816- I 1712. 181.3- 8 1889. 1815- 5 1890. 5215-15 1861. 1814- 5 n.d. 1517-10 18r)9. 1814- 1 1865. 1814- 6 n.d. 1815- 2 1867. lSl.3-10 1852-3. 1815- 3 1872. 1814- 2 1873. 1814- 3 18.33. 3036- 7 1884. 1814- 4 1817. H.C. 1243 1885. 521516 1818. H.C. 1535 Social Life. Mclan (K. R.) and Logan (James), CJaelic gatherings . 1848. Manners and Customs. B.R. Punishments of China Vaughan. Manners and customs of the Chinese 1801. 5031- 2 1879. 18.33- 7 .1 ' II i: % ■I ■■■\ if,. 't J : .1 m i J i 1 , 1: 322 REFKItENCE LIBKARV. Emblems. Alciat. Embleniata . 1.550. 1586-20 W', Sun Dials. I! I'll ":\ ,"1 iiir ill ill ^ ^t Gatty. Book of sun dials Wit, Humojir, and Satire. Bengough. Caricature history of Canadiati politics, 2 vols. Doran. History of court fools MacLean. Scraps for alhnnis . . ... Irving. History of New York, by Knickerbocker The same BIBLIOGRAPHY. Anderson. Book of British top(jgrapliy .... Atlantic Monthly, index, 1S,">7-1S88 .... Bouchot. 'I'he book : its printers, binders, etc. Brown Venetian printing press : an historical study . Bury (Kichard de). I'hilobiblon. (Edited l>y K. C. Thoitin.i) Caxton. Biography and typography, (hij Wm. liladtx) . Cutter, llules for a dictif»nary catalogue Dibdin. Bibliographical decanieron, ',^ vols. Bibliographical tour in northern counties of Eng- laml and in Scotland, 2 vols. Reminiscences of a literary life, 2 vols. . Edwards. Memoirs of libraries, with handJwok of library economy, vols. Ewald. Our pul)Iic record:. Ford. IMbliography and reference list of the history and literature of tlie U.S. constitution 1787-8 . Check-list of American bibliographies, etc. Goldsmid. Catalogue of Elzevier publications, .S vols. Gore. IMbliography of geodesy (I'.S. Coast-Survey, 1887) Harrison. Bibliography of the Isle of Man (Manx Soc, vol. 8) The .same, new edition (Manx Soc, vol. 24) . [Harrisse] Bibliographie de la Nouvelle France, 1545- 1700 Bibliotheca Americana vetustissima, 14!)2-1551, 2 vols. Hartshorne. Book rarities in the University of Cambriilge Hickcox. U.S. governiient publications, vols. 1-4 . Leclerc Bibliotheca Americana ..... Marcel. Cartographie de la Nouvelle France 1880. 184.3- 5 18S(). 5.S51- 3 1858. I8:1.S- 8 182(5. H.C. .5487 183.5. H.C. 1476 1830. H.C. 1472 1881. 1785- 7 1889. B. 18!I0. 178.5-10 1801. 1788. 6 1888. 173.3- 14 1877. 1785- 9 1889. 1785-18 1817. 1788- 4 18.38. 1788- 3 I8.3(). 1785- 5 18.59. I7S8- 5 1873. 178521 1888. 1514-12 1889. 1785-10 1885-8. 18.32-37 .1889. 5251- 1 18(;i. 2741- 1 1876. 2741- 1 1872. 1785-17 18ti6. ,521.5-20 1829. 1785- 8 1885-8. B.R. 1807. B.R. 1885. 178.5-19 ■f'o ^ LIIIKARY CATALOOUE.S. BiHUOORAPHV — Contiuui'd, New world book list Pilling^. Bibliography of tlie Eskimo language Bibliography of the Iro(|Uoiaii languages . Bibliography of the Muskhogean languages . Bibliograpiiy of the Siouan languages Poole and Fletcher. Index to periodical literature, Ist supplement, 1882-7 . Index to periodicals for 1888 , Renouard. Aldine press at Venice, 3 vols. . Richarderie. Bibliothiciue universelle des voyages, 6 vols. Smith and Watson. American historical and literary curiosities : fac-similes of original documents relating to tlie events of the revolution . [Sotheby] Specimen of principia typographica Stevens. Bibliotlieca Americana, or a descriptive account of books relating to America, 2 ^ols. Catalogue of American books in tlie British museum library, 18.")() .... Westwood and Satchell. Bibliotheca piscatoria 18G'2. 18()t). 1S8.S. 323 1S90. B.R. 1887. 178.-)-l'> 18H8. 1785.13 188!). 178514 1887. 1785 11 1888. R. 1880. R. 1887. 18.3-.M0 1808. 1788- 1 1850. 51(;il7 1858. 5032- 2 1785- 1788- 2 1785-20 u ! Pahcography. Nichols. Autographs of royal, noble, learned, and remark- able personages from Ricliard II, to Cliarles 1 1 . Prou. Manuel de paltograpliie, Latine et Franc; aise, du Vie au XVIIe siicle Westwood. Pala'ographia sacra pictoria : illustrations of the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from illuminated MSS L ihra ry Catalogues. Detroit Public Library. Catalogue Catalogue of all the books except fiction, French and German, 1888 Bulletin No. 1 : books added in 1889, also books in Knglisli prose fiction, and (ierman added since 188G Edinburgh Public Library. Catalogue of lending library Catalogue of juvenile library Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore. Finding lists, Central Library, 1887 ....... i London. Guildhall library of the city of, catalogue Nova Scotia. Legislative Library catalogue Tokyo. Catalogue of Ciiinese and Japanese books in the library, part 1 ....... • Worcester (Mass., U.S.) Public library, catalogue, circulat- ing department Supplement to the same 1S29. u.d. 1843-5. 1877. 1889. ISOO. 1890. 1800 1890. 1889. 1890. [1889.] 1884. 1889. 51(51-18 178 -.-22 .'"1032- 5 B.R. BR. B.R. BR. B.R. B.R. B.R. B.R. B.R. BR. BR. ! ; ! ■•! \' I '< il r- 1 I ' ^1 I! ■ '^. p. I 324 KGKGKENCE UUKARY. Trade and Sale Catalogues. Barlow. Catalogut- of lihmry sold iit New York Hart, Catalogue of library hoUI in I^OMton Heber. Bibiiotlieca Heberiana : catalogue of library muM at Loiulon, 12 parts ..... Sotheran & Co. I'riuc current of literature ISHO. H.n. isyo. B.K. is:«. 177S- 1 1S89. B.P. FICTION. Adopted daughter, the ; or, tiie trials of Sabra Ballantyne. Novelist library, 10 vols. . iSli.S. l«'il-4. Co»i/()i(s. — \'f the (Jroiit Western Siiiii Slioku wise HaWH and iiinderii iiiH^nnoea, 2 voU. Le May. IVIerin de Ste. Anne I'icdunou lo mniulit ..... Lephrohon. Manoir de V'illerai MacGeorge. Tales, uketches, and lyrics Machar. For King and country : a Htory of IHI'2 Marinette. Franvois de Hienville : sutiies de la vie Cana- dienne au 17nie si^clo .... Masoch. Contes jiiifs rccits y Moylan . (Quebec and New York ; or, the tlirce beauties, 3 vols. . Richardson (Major.) Canadian brothers .... [{uined merchant. By a late physician .... Shecut. Ish-noo-julut-schu ; or, the eagle of tlie Mohawks, 2 vols Tiie scout Smith. Young lion of tlie woods : a story of early colonial days .Statesman, the. I»y a late physician .... Stowe. Dred Surtees. Hillingdon hall, or the cockney sijuire Tiiunder-struck. By a late physician .... Traill. Canadian Crusoes ..... Williams (Mrs.). The lu • i^rench, or the exiles of Nova Scotia ..... Williams (H.F.). .Shakapeare and his friends, or "the golden age' ' of Merry England , .3 vols. Youtli of Shakspeare, 3 vols. Withrcw. Neville Trueman. the pioneer preacher : a tale of the war of 1812 ..... I8.')4. IHSI- 1 18;{8. 188.'1- 8 1810. 1881. a H.-).'}. 18H3 9 1877. I8H2-23 1878. 1882 24 18H4. 18H318 1858. 1882-25 1874. 1882-18 1S8.S. i8H3-19 1888. 1887-27 181K). 1887-25 1877. 1882-15 1849. 18,S2-28 1880. 18.M517 1839. 1881- 2 1840. 18H2-'.'9 1849. 1882-28 1841. 1882 26 1844. 1882-27 18!<9. 1882-21 1849. 1882-28 1856. 1885-15 1888. 188.')- 12 1849. 1882-28 1852. 1881- 3 n.d. IN.18. 1839. 18S0. POETRY. Collections, 1883- 16 1883- 15 1883-14 1882-19 ! \\ ■i •( r; Armenian popular songs translated into Englisli . . 1S67. 2776- 7 Barbazan. Fabliaux et contes des poetcs Francois des XI, XII, XIII, XIY, et XVme aiicles, 4 vols. 180S. 1845- 2 Blondin. (&/. ) Uecueil de chansons comictues, romances, clian.sonettes, etc n.d. 2775-42 7 . I. I i«! 32(1 KEFKKRN'CR MIIRAHY. i::it ■ i* :i 1 1 k if ill! i |i : PoKXHX -CoiUiiiKeil. Bullen. (A>''/. ) Lyriea from Klixiilii>t)ian draiiiatiNts Campbell. (Kil.) Heroic Oailio IjiiUiuIh, I*)1'2In7I Clark. Words of tlie favourite pieci'H porfonnetl at tiio Olee Club, I'atcii C'lul), etc. (Loiuloii, Kng. ) Dewart. Selet^tionN from Canadian poets Dixon. ilymn», Heleoted .... Heliconia: Kngliitli poetry of tlic Kli/ahetlian a^c, ir)7'>l')04. {iilifii/ hii T. I'lirk), :i vols Jubinal. Nouveau reouoil do contcs, dits, et fabliaux dew XIII, XIV, et XV «i.cleH, •_> voIh. Percy {/iitthoit Thomas). Folio MS. (Eilitcd bii IIohH and Fitriiintll), 4 vols. Plumtre. Collection of wongs, 3 mAh. . . . • Prior. Ancient I )ani8ii ballads translated, .1 vols. Ramsay. Collection of Hon>,'s. '2 vols. .... Taylor (Tom). Uallads and songs of Hrittany . Individual. t . iHsg. 2774..T2 , 1H7'2. r)'21.')-l!> tlio olee ) ISI4. 277(MO , IMfU. '2774- .-) , , IMC.'J 2774-.S.> IMl.V IS.SD. Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. {itliful ly Antonio Panl-.-.i), 4 vols. ........ Ascher. Voices from the hearth Barbour. Tlie Bruce, with notes l)y J. PinUerton The IJrus ( vols. Campbell (Thomas), (lertrude f)f Wyoming Chandler and Mulvany. Lyi-ics, songs and sonnets . Chapman (K. .1.). A song of cliarity .... Chapman. (W.). Les Quebecijuoises .... Tlie .same ...... Clarke. Tears and smiles of Ireland, poem on the death of Hon. J. P. Curran Cook. Sot-weed factor ; a voyage to Maryland Costello. .Specimens of the early poetry of France . , Cowley. Poetical works [Cust.] Poems Sorrows of Anglo-Indian life .... Darnell. Songs V)y the way Day-dieams by a butterfly ...... Denroche. The curate's book 5017- 2 1H4.V .-} 1H((7. 2 1H24. 277«i-ll isoo. 2777- '» IS7.-). 2777- M ISO."). 2774 .S(l l.s:i4. 1s:M21 ISCS. 277.")-.S() I7!lt». 277.">.S7 1 274.->10 ISSi. 2774 -M) ISSit. 2774-2i» 1H24. 277.-) -M IS.SD-l. is:w.2i 1 StJO. 2774- 7 1 SS2. 2774-41 iHSi). 277t;-l2 1841. 1. -.2 1-1 9 1SS(\ 2774- 1 S,")S. 2774 (7 1S7G. 2774-2.S 1S7»). 2774-;}() I.S17. 22:i7- 7 [1S6.1] 2770-13 IS.l"). 277:M() 1()S4. H.C. 2i»7 1SH7. 277.-) 34 1SS9. 277.") 35 ls(i2. 2774 (; 1S.54. 2774-11 1S32. 2774- 8 I' roETUY. 387 DuboccAge. Colomliiiido ; on, In foi portuo an nouwau niiimlu ...-., I7>'^H. Edgar. Wliit)* Htonu canoe ...... Iss.'i. Evanturi'l. rivtiiicios pocait-H, isTtl-s .... isTS. Frechette. Jean-ISuptiHte y .J. H. Witleii, with ail u.iHay on Spaniuh poutiy .... IS J.'). Gay. I'oeniH ........ n d. Ging;ras (/'nlih^). A \i foyer do nioii prt'Hhytfrc . . ISHl. Goethe. FanMt, part I. IlluMtrated by Mayt ,• , , n.d. The wanio trans, by Lord V. FA-veson Gowor . IS2.S. Goldsmith. Thu rising village and other poemn . . \Ki\, Grant. I'raiiie jictnres, and other poems . . IMH4. Hawley. (Quebec, the harp, and other poems . . IS'ilt. The unknown ; or, lays of the forest . . IH.'U. Haynes. Poems I.S(i4. Hay ward. IJattle of the Crimea, and other poems IM,")";. Hazelwood. (iarland gatiiered at morn. . . . ISTI Hogg. I'oenis IM'2."). Homer. Iliad. Trans by P. S. Worsley, '2 vols. . . 1.Suebee Hill . 17!>7. MacKeracher. Verses of feeling and fancy . . n.d. Mcneill. Poetical works, '2 vols ISI'2. Macpherson. Poetical works, '2 vols. .... ISO."). Mair. Dreamland and other poems .... n.d. " Maple leaf." ipKewl.) Constance, a lay of the olden time 1874. Martineau. Voix d'ontre-tombe ..... 1888. Mayne. Poems and fragments 18S8. Milton. Paradise lost. Illustrated by John Martin, 2 vols. 18'27. The same trans, into Manx. Christian. (Manx Soc, vol. '20) 187'2. Megan. Macaronic poetry 187'2. Morris (Ca/'/. Ciiarles). Lyra urbanica, 2 vols. . . 1840. Mountain (Z/is/ioy^). Songs of the wilderness . . 1846. •2774 40 •J77:> '2S •277.-)'21 '277(1 14 '277.VIH I7:W (I 277.VI3 '277.") 10 .•)0;<:m2 '2777- *277')I0 •277')-40 •277") H C. '.08 '2774- 14 '2774 li '2774-12 H.C. •2!l«) •2771- '2 •.i771- •^ •277:M7 2774:<(» •.'774:U 8774-'21 t:774.l?5 '2774 •2(i '277.")- 3 '278")- la 277."). (j '277")-'2(» •277.')2: 277:m:^ 2774- Hi '2774oS 2777- 4 277")-.*?2 2775-.SS 2777- 7 '2774- 4 •2774- 1 '277o-'2."> 277.')- 11 .")0:i3 1 1 2741- 1 •277.')-.*i9 f !r >i f. I lit. ■7o-36 0-22 U I i: l| i >.f I i .1 r l\ I I i , - 5 'lit ^ l! \ ii III ^ ,1 1 -It I 328 MEFEUE.VlF. mdraky. Poetry — Confinueil. Muchall . Step by step ; or, the sliadow on a Canadian liome Palgrave. Treasury of sacred song .... Patterson. " Songs in travel," Petrarch. Rime, eon tavole in Rams, 2 vols. Procter. Voices of the night, etc. . . • . R. (J. A.) A series of poems Ronsard. lEuvres completes, 8 vols, .... [Rumsey.] Curia? Canadenses . ..... Rutherford. Charlie Chatterton, with Canadian and other poems ....... Ryan. Oscar and otlier poems ..... The same ........ Songs of a wanderer ...... Sangster. Hesperus, and otlier poems .... Sawtell. Mourner's tribute ...... Scott. Poetical works, 12 vols. .... Schiller. Song of the bell, trans, by Lord F. Loveson (iower Smith (M. F). Canadian and American poems Smith (William). Alazon and other poems Stephens. Hamilton, and other poems .... Street. Frontenac, a poem of the Iro(iuois Swinburne. Laus Veneris, and other poems Thayers. A wreath of wild Howers Tremblay. Coups d'aile et coups de bee Villon. Miracle de monseigneur Sainct Nicolas. Le grant testamet Willon et le petit. Maistre Pierre Pathelin. Les estrenes des tilles dc paris. 4 vols, in one ........ Wanless. Poems and songs, maistly Scotch Wicksteed. Waifs in verse Wilkins (Harriett Annie, /)•(*)/(/.) The liolly In-anch Willard. A life idyl Wingfield. Poems and songs in Sootcii and Englisli Wither. Hallelujaii ; or, Britain's second rentembrancer . Wordsworth. Poetical works. (Editfd bi/ Kni'jht), 8 vols. Drama and Dramatic Works. Baiilie. The dream Bunn. The stage, 7, vols. Campion. Works. (Editi'd hi/ A. II. linlli'u) Gibber. Apology for hislife,withnotesbyR. VV. Lowe, 2 vols. Colman. Who wants a guinea ? Fcote Devil upon two sticks Heavysege. Count Filippo ; or, the uneiiual marriage Saul ; a drama ...... Jephson. The hotel 1876. 277529 1M89, 2775-26 1872. 2774-24 1821. 1836-20 18()l. 2774-28 IS;". 277")- r> 18.)7-«7 1844-10 lS4.c». 2774-39 1868. 2775- 7 I8.-)7. 2775-14 1807. 2775- 8 1867. 2775- 4 1860. 2774-27 1S4(). 2775-31 18.33-4. 2771- 1 182.3. 2777- 6 186.1 2775- 2 18-)0. 2775-12 1840. 2774- 15 1866. 515M9 \xm. 2774 .33 1877. 2774-18 1888. 2775-24 1872. B.R. 1873. 2774- 13 1878. 2774-34 1851. 2775- 1 1869, 2773-14 1873. 2774-10 18.-.7. 277523 J82-6. 2789. 1 1812. 2763- 4 1840. 2751- 1 1889. 2776- 9 1889. 2754-10 1809. 2763- 4 181.3. 2763- 4 18()(). 2774- 2 1859. 2774.37 1810. 2763- 4 PEKIODICALS. 329 Drama and Dramatic Works — Continued. Jones. Green man. (From the French of d'Aubigny and Poujol) Le May. Les vengeances, drame en six actea , Lewis. Venoni; or, the novice of St. Mark's Lytton (Sir E. B.) The sea-captain, or, the Ijirthright Marchand. Faux brillants : conitidie .... Murphy. Three weeks after marriage .... Noah. She would be a soldier ; or, tlie plains of Chippewa [Rog^ers, Major Robt]. Ponteach ; or, the savages of America Scribe (Eugene). (Euvrea completes, 8 vols. Shakespeare. See paifc 313. 1819. 276.3- 4 1870. 2774-' 22 1809. 276.3- 2 1839. 276.3- 3 1885. 2757- 8 1817. 2763- 4 1819. 2763- 4 176»i. 1511- 1 1860. 1845- 4 •Cfli , m !: ^ : PERIODICALS. Indexes and Lists. Atlantic Monthly Index, 1857-88 188t>. Myers & Co. Catalogue of Canadian newspapers and periodicals 1890. Poole and Fletcher. Index to periodical literature. 1st supplement, 1882-7 . . . 1888. R. R. R. h : ^ \ \ Periodicals. i.U American Anthropologist, vols. 1-3 Annals of Botany. {Etiilid hi/ Balfour, Vine' , and fur- low), vols. 1-2 . Bibliotht(|ue Canadienne, vols. 2-9 .... British American Cultivator, vol. 1 . . . . British American Journal, vol. 1 ... British Chronicle, vols. 1-2 Brockville Recorder, vol. 15 . Canada- Franvais, vols. 1-3 . Canadian, British American, and West Indian n.agazine, vol. 1 Canadian Arcliitect and Builder, vols. 1-3 Canadian Ch.istian Examiner and Presbyterian Review, vols. 2-4 Canadiaii Correspondent ...... Canadian Day-Star, vol. 1 ..... , Canadiana, vol. I ....... . Christian Guardian, vols. 1, 5-7, folio . . 1829 Ciiristinn Recorder, vols. 1-2. .... Chromo lithograph, vols. 1-2 . , 1888-90. 5514- 1 1887-9. 28.3 1825.30. 5514- 3 1845-6. 5521- 6 1S.34. folio 1842-3. folio 1H.35. folio 1N88-90. 287 18.39. ,1521 11 1888-90. 5315- 2 1838-40. 5515- 2 18.34. folio 1861-2. .')r)13- 2 1889. 5513- 3 .30, lS.34-5. .^35-v 3 1819-21. 5521- 4 1867 9. 5336- 5 • \ > .p ■'■'h 1 " h Sl^ b *■ I i/.i 330 REFERENCE LIBRARY. PeKIODIC'ALS— r'wJl Montreal Herald, Jan. Sth ..... Museum, The ; or the Literary and Historical liegister Naturaliste Canadien, \ols. l-LI .... New Doniininn Montiily, vols. 1-2;J Nc 'tlj American, \ol. I North (Jeorgia CJazette and Winter Chroniile Ollicial Gazette, U. S. patent office, vols. IT-ol {'all Mall Budget, vols. 2(i .... Pilot and .lournal of Commerce, vol. 1 ... Provincial, vols. 1-2 . . ... Quarterly Review, vo's. 1-16!) Riveil, vol. 1 . .... Revue de Montnal, vols. 1-8. .... Uoyal Magazine, vols. ll.S ..... Royal Military Chronicle, or tlie British Officer's month- ly register, 7 vols. , 1810-14 Tlie same, new serie?^, 2 vols., IS! 4-1.") Scientit^ic American. (Architects, and builders' edition), vols. .")-9 ....... Scots' Magazine, vols. lit?. . . . - Scribner's Magazine, vols. 1-8 ..... Snow- Drop, vols. \-'i Cobourg 18.37-8. 1S35. 1831-33. . 1833-46. 1887-8. 1888-00. 1842-3. 188.1 7. 1888-9. 57-73. '888. 8,1-8. 1881-8. 183"). 1888-9. 1887-89. ]8S8-!)0. 18S9. l8.S9-.-)l. 1839 40. 1.S.32. 1879-90. 1 7.18-9. 18S9-90. 1818-22. 1 7.10. 1S3.1. 1740-7. 1808-80. 1S07-78. 1 8.10-2. 1821. 1880-90. 1809-71. 1844. 1S,12.3. 1809-89. 1S7(). 1877-9. 17.19-0.1. 1811-13. n.d. 1888-90. 17.39182ti. 1887-90. 1847-50. 6414- 8 folio folio folio 5441- 5 5315- 3 5514- 5 551 1- 2 .1432 10 5510- 1 5441- 7 5425-10 283 folio 287 281 5405- 1 5514- 2 5511- 1 ,1.128- I 5514- 4 2b 1 5517- 3 2S8 .1521- 8 5517- 2 folio 3308- 2 3342- 1 281 folio 5123 10 J'.R. R. folio .1.121- 2 282 5141- 4 5515- 4 5517- 1 .3.358- 1 3358. 2 K ,1006-70 5515- 1 3381- 1 5513- 4 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 331 Periodica LSI— Cow/ JMMcrf. Somerset House Gazette 1824. 5522- 1 Spiritual Magazine, vols. 1-13 1860-72. 5536- I Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, vols. 21-2(5 . 1888-90. 5432-40 Tomahawk : a journal of satire, vols. 1-6 . . . 1867-70. 5441-6 Toronto Globe (bi-weekly), vol. .... 1849. folio Globe (tri- weekly) . 1851-2-3 ; 1862. folio Mirror, vol. 14 . . , . . 18501. folio Miscellaneous papers : Toronto and Elora n.d. R. Patriot, November 24th, . . . 1835. folio Universal Review, vols. 1-8 1888-90. 3383 1 Upper Canada Land, Mercantile, and General Adver- tiser, Jan. 10 and Feb. 21 .... 1335. folio Vindicator and Canadian Advertiser, Dec. 9, . . 18.34. folio Volunteer Review, vol. 1 1867. , 4336- 4 VVelland Canal : a weekly journal, Dec. 16th, 23rd, 30th 1835. folio Western ({lobe, vols. 1-2, 1845-7. folio Woman's World, vols. 1-3 1888-90. 5321- 3 Wonderful and Scientific Museum ; or, magazine of remarkable characters, vols. 1-6 .... 1803-20. 5536- 2 TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. Abbotsford Club. 1. Ancient mysteries from the Digby MSS. {Edited hi/ T/ioman Shnrpe) ... ... 2. The presentation in the Temple : a pageant repre- sented by the corporation of weavers in Coventry (Etiited hy Thonuist Sharpi) .... 3. Compota doinestica faniiliarum de Bukingham et D'AngouUme, 1443,52,63. {Edit dbyW.B.D.D. Timdndl) 4. Romances of Rouland and Vernagu and Otuel. {Edited hy Jnmen Maidment) 5. Account of the monastic treasures confiscated at the dissolution of the various houses in England, by Sir John Williams. {Edited hy W. B. D D. TiirnhnU) 6. Historical memoirs of the reign of Mary, Queen of Scots, and a portion of the reign of Kimj James VI., by Lord Herries. {Edited by Robert Pi(cairn) ........ 7. Ecclesiastical records : selections fiom the minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrews' and Cupar, 1641-98. {Edited by OeorijeR.Kinloch) . (4) 1835. J 8.36. 1836. 1836. 18.36 1836. 1837. 5014- 7 5014- 8 .5014- '.) 5014-10 5014-11 5014-12 5014-13 il t 1 1': t, I li ff t i' I}'' 332 REFEIIENC'E LIBKAKY. i'l f : f I*! I' ■ fi, J ;ii' Transactions and Publications of Learned Societies— Con^/jtiterf. Abbotsford Club. S. Eeclesiasti(^ftl /ecorils : selections from the minutes of the Synod of Fife, 1G11-S7. {Eilifcd by Charka Buxtir) 1837. 5014-14 i». State papers and miscellaneous correspondence of Thomas, Earl of Melros, 2 vols. 10. Mind, will, and understa iit, a moral y 12. Arthour and Merlin : a metrical romance. (Editt-d by ir. B. D. D. Ttinilml/) 1 3. Letters and State papers during tiie reign of King James VI. {Edikd by James Maidmetit) 11. Inventaire chronologicjue des documents rclatifs a riiisioire d'Ecosse, par Tudit .... 1"). De familia Humia Wedderburnensi liber. (Edited by Da rid Hmm) ■ l(i. Ecclesiastical records : selections front the records of tlie Presbytery of Lanark, 1623-1709. (Edited by John Robertmii) .... 17, Jacobite correspondence of the AtlioU family during the rebellion, 174,")-H. (Euited by J. 11. linrtim) Is. Komances of Sir Guy of Warwick, and liembrun his son. (Edited by W. />'. D. D. TnrnbuU) . Ul. Le roman des aventures de Fregus,par Guillaume le Clerc 20. Legend of S. Katherine of Alexandria. (Edited by Rir.Jamen Morton) . .... 21. Liber conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edin- burgum. (Edited by James Maiilim nt) 22. Chartularies of Halmerino and Lindores. (Editt-d l>y W. B. D. D. Tvrubi.H) .... 23. Extracia e variis cronicis Scocie. (Edited by W. B. D. D. Tiend.Hll) 24. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill. (Edited by James MarKuiijht) 2."). Liber otticialis S. Andree. curie metropolitane S. Andree in Scotia, sententiarum in causis consis- torialibus 1845. 5015-13 2ti. A earden of grave and godlie flowers, the theatre of Scotisli kings, by Alexander Gavdyne, with poems by Jolin Lundie. (Edited Inj W. B. J> I). Turnbu/l) 1845. 501.->-14 27. P)uke of the Order of Knighthood, trans, from the French by Sir (iilbert I lay. (Edited liy Darid Lain;i) 1847. 5015-1.-. 2.S. Sire Degarre : a metrical romance of tlie end of the 13th century. {Edited bj' Dariil Lain;;) . . 1849. 5015-10 29. A penni worth of witte ; Florice and Hlauncheflour; and other pieces of ancient English poetry. {EdII'd I, y Darid Lain;)) .... 1857. 5015-17 18.37. 5014-15 1837. 5014-16 KS38. .11014-18 18.38. 5015-1 1839. 5015- 2 1839. .5015- 3 1839. 5015- 4 1840. 5015- 5 1840. 5015- 6 1841. 5015- 7 1841, 5015- 8 1841. 5015- 9 1841. 5015-10 1842. 5015-11 1842. ,>0I5-12 TRANSACTIONS AND PUHLICATIONS OF tEARNED HOVIETIES. 333 Continued. 1858. 1859. 1854. Transactions and Publications ok Learned Societies Abbotsford Club. 30. Memoirs of the inaurrection in Scotland in 1715, by John Master of Sinclair, with notes by Sir Walter Scott. {Edited hy David Laing and James MacKii if/fit) ....... 31. Sec Xo. 7,7 Maifland Club pnlilications. Oppressions of tlie 16th century in tiie islands of Orkney and Zetland. (Edittd Inj D. BaljUnr) .32. The conversion of Swerers ; a joyfull niedytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of Kymjc. Henry the Kyght ...... .33 An Abbotsford club garland, by W. li. D. D. Turn- hull 34. Ane garlande of ye Abljotsforde clobbe . 35. List of tlie niend)ers, tiie rules, and a catalogue of books printed for tlie Abbotsford elub since its institution in 1833 ..... American Anti(juarian Society, Worcester, Mass., transac- tions and collections (Archii'ologia Americana), vols. 1-6 1820-74, Vol. I. Disrovery of the Missisippi, //c/im/ii//- La Salle's undcr- takini; to discovir tlii' Missisippi, lleiiinpiii — Antii|uities discovered in Ohio and other Western States, Atu'titvr — Present state of the Indian tribes in O\no,jo)uiston — Shawanoese vocabulary—W'yandot vocabulary — Miscellaneous articles— Account of the Caraibs, i7it/i/o;i— Cave in Indi,ina..lJ(iifis. Vol. 2. Memoir of Dr. I. Thomas, rtrst president, iii/>'/isii/f — Synop- sis of Indian tribes of North America, with vocabularies and grammati- cal notices, (/(i//(i/i» — Doings and sufferings of Christian Indians of New Kngland, Oookin — I.e.iden plate foun I Pi i i i-'i ii •ii i ii' f ^1 u it i ;i: 334 REFUKGNt'E UUKAKY. 1838. 1838. 1311- 1311- 1 .» 1838. 1311- 3 1839. 1311- 4 1836. 1311- 5 1839. 1311- (i 1840. Transactions an]» Publuations ok Learnkd Sociktiks— C'o« rUBLK'ATIONS OF LEAItNEH SOtlETlKH. 335 Continued. 1843. 1843. 1843. 27. •28, Transactions and I'dhlkations ok Learned Societie t'limden Society. •_M. Prosecution of dame Alice Kyteler for sorcery, 1324. {Edited In/ Wrvjht) .... 2.'>. GalfriduB Grnniniaticiis. Lexicon Aiiglo-Latinuni. (Edited liij Jfrt//), vol. 1 2(). Wright (T. ). Letters relating to the suppression of monasteries . . , . Dudley (11., Eorl of Leycester), Corr»'spondence. (Edited I'll Bruce) French chronicle of London. (Edited liij Auw/ier) 2!». Vergilio (P.). Englisii history, <(»);). Henry VI.— Richard III. (Edited hif EIU>*) 'M). Halliwell (J. O.). Thornton romances 31. Verney (.S7>-R.). Verney papers. (Edited by Bnue). H2. Bramston (Sir J.). Autobiography . 33. Drummond (,L, Earl of' Perth). Letters. (Edited tiy Jrrduu) ..... 34. De anticjuis legibus liber. (Edited /;// Stajileton) . 35. Chronicle of Calais. (Edilid hy XichofK) . Vergilio (P.). English history prior to the Nor- man coniiuest. (Edited by Ellis) Relation of the Isle of Man. (Edited by Sneyd) . Atthill (W.). Documents relating to the church of Middlcham. Yorlishire .... Camden miscellany, vol. 1 .... Refiistcr of tin- abbi:y of Abeiconway, (CiliUil hv £//is)— Chronicle of tho rebellion in Lincolnshire, 1470, (aiitfd by Mchols) -Innocent VIlI's bull on the niarriiiKe of Henry VII. with Klizabeth of York— Coitiiii^sby (Si> T.), journal of the siege of Rouen, (iiliteit hy Siclu>li)—MittuiooU (G.), letter on the battle of Lut^en, {cilitid by /imrlon)—Lakc (}i..),di^ry, 1677-8, {filitiil by Elliott). Vol. 2 , . . 18.^3. Kxpenscs of John of Brabant and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, (ctlited ^y /Jki/O -Household expenses of I'rimiss Elizabeth, {alital by Straiif;/orit)~Clwimcley (\V.), Request and suite of a true-hearted Eng- lishman, {edited by Tlioms) -I)iscoverye of the Jesuits' college at Clerk- enwell. (iditid bv Aii/id/s)— Trelawuy papeis, {edited by Cooper}— Taswcll (W.), Atilobioyraphy, (iJiYii/ by Kllwtt). Vol. 3 1855. 37. 38. 39. <;l Almack (R.), I'apers relating; to proceedings in Kent, 1642 6— Co/ZiVr (J, I'.), .Ancient biographical poems— Relation of abuses committed aKiiinst the commonwealth, (edited bv Sir i'. A/(ii/i(i«)-I"ventories of the effects of Henry Eitzroy, Duke of Richmond, and of Katharine, Frin- eess dowager, (edited by J. O. Sicliols). Vol. 4 1859. London chronicle, /i»i/i. Henry \'II., VIII., (edited by C. Hopper)— Witlmysiey(T.), Expenses of the judges of assize, 1596-1601, {i(/i(i\(/i,v W. I). Cooper) -The. skryvener's play, the incredulity of St. Tliomas,(f(/i<«(i byy. I'. CoZ/icr)— /,V(/;i,'(i/i(J.), Thecliilde of Bristowe, a poem,(ii/i7c(f by C. Hnfpcr)-I.iike (Sir ICdward), Interviews with Charles \., [.edited by T. I'. Lii'icmi.l) - Pope (A ), Letters to Atterbury, (edited by J. G. IViclto!s)—,\uio:i \j G ), Supplementary note to tho discovery of the Jesuits' iiillrg ; a. Clerk.'nwtll, (see No. 55). 87. Vol. 6 1864. Charles II., five letters— Letter of the council to Sir T. Lake relating to the procccdiiiKs of Sir IC. Coke at Oatlands— Oocumcnts rekiling to Sir Walter Raleif^h's last voyage- Wrtc/i» (\V C), Catalogue of early English miscellanies formerly in the Harleian library — Letters selected from the collection of VV. Tite— /.ciia' (R.), Sir Francis Drake's memor- able service against tlu' Spaniards, 15S7, {edited by C. Hopper)— Inqxiivy into the genuineness of a letter signed " Mary Magdaline Davers." 1311-24 1311-25 1311-26 1844. 1311-27 1844. 1311-28 1844. 131129 1844. 1311-30 1845. 1311-,31 1845. 1311-32 1845. 1311-33 1846. 1311-34 1846. 1311-35 1846. 1311-36 1847. 1311-37 1847. 1311-38 1847. 1311-39 1312-13 1312-19 1312-31 1312-45 • f- 33G REFERENCE LIBRARY. Transactions and Ppulications of Leakneh Societies— CoH. Mary. ii. Speech of Sir Robert Heath In the case of Alexander LelKhton. lit. Notes on the ju' T. Wyat. (Edited by J. a. XlchoU) 49. Tynnns (S.). Wills and inventories from the reg- isters of the commissary of Hury St. Edmund's and the archdeacon of Sudbury 50. Mapes (W.). De nugis curialium. (Eilited by T. \Vri G. Carew. (Edited by J. Mnvliaii) 80. Galfridiis (jrammaticus. Lexicon, (Edited by Way), vol. 3 00. Gardiner (S. R.). Letters und documents illustrat- ing the relations l>etwcen England and Germany at the commencement of the tliirty years' war; vol. 1, from the outbreak of the revolution in Bohemia to the election .of the Emperor Ferdinand II. 01. Kegistrum prioratus beatie Maria; Wigorniensia. (Edited by W. H. HaU) 02. Bargrave (J.). Alexander VII. and the College of Cardinals. (Edited by J. C. Robert iton) .... 03. Crosby (A. J. ) and Bruce (J. ). Accounts and papers relating to Mary Qtieen of Scots. 04. Dingley (T.). History from marble. (Edited by J. G. NichoU), vol. 1 . . . Oo. Levins (P.). Manipulus vocabulorum : dictionary of English and Latin words. (Edited by H. B. Wheatley) 06. Digby (Sir K.). Journal of a voyage into the Mediterranean. (Edited by J. Bruce) .... 07. Dingley (T.). History from n.arble. (Edited by J. a. Nichoh), vol. 2J . Oh. Letters and documents illustrating the relations between England and Germany at the commence- ment of the thirty years' war ; vol. 2, from the election of Ferdinand II. to the close of the con- ferences at Muhlhausen. (Edited by S. K, Gar- diner) . 09. Manningham (J.). Diary 1(502-3. (Edited by J. Bruce) .... 1865, 1313- 2 1865. 1313- 3 1867. 1313- 4 1867. 1313- 5 1867. 1.313- e 1313- 7 1313- 8 1313- 9 1313-10 131311 THANSAITIONH AND I'UtiLK'ATIONM UK LKAK.NKD 8U*'tKTlKN. :m ISC9. i:M3l2 IS6i). I313-i:i 1869. 131314 1S7(). Thanhactionh anu PiniMdATioNH OK Lkaknkd Hociktiks — Continued Cuinden Society — Second ScriuH. lOU. Borough (6'iV J.). Notes of the Trciity ut Kipon between CharloH I. and tlie (^ovenunters. (Kdilnl hif J. Britrc) .... lUI. Francisco de JesiiM. Narrative of tlie Spanish marriage treaty. (KiHtnl by S, It, (hirilimr) 102. Ludlow, Siirophiro ; cliurchwarden's accountH, 1540- 1 ()03. (Ktlitid by T. WrhjM) IU3. Klsing (H.). NoteH of the diihatcH of tlie House of Lords, l«22. (Kdihd by S. R. (fariliner) ..... 104. {Sn -m.) 105, Trevelyan |)aper.s. (Kditnl by Sir W. C. Tri'vel- yaii and Sir C, E, Tri're!yan), vol, 3 Descriptive catalogue of the first series, i>y .J. (i. Nichols Second series : 1. Gardiner (H. 11.). The Fortescue papers 2. Shillingford (J.). Letters iiud papers, 1447-.')(). h'dltcit by S. A. Moore) . 3. Old cheijue book, or book of reiiieinbrance of tlie Chapel Royal, 1561-1744. ( by K. F. liimbaull) 4. Life and death of \V. Kedell, iiisho/) of Kilniore. (Editid by T. W. J outs) .... 5. Ricart (K.). The inuire of Itristowe i.s Kalendar, Ump. Edward IV. (Edited by L. T. Smith). (). Debates in the House of Coniiiions, 1625. (Edited by S. i{. (iardiner) ..... 7. Military lueinoir of Co/, John Birch, with a com- mentary by J{er. John Webb. (Edited by /ier, T. W, Wvbb) '. . 8-9. Letters addressed to Sit Jo.seph Williamson, plenipotentiary at the congress of Cologne, 2 vols. ...... 10. Account of the executors of Richard [de Gnivesund] Bin/iup of London, 1303, and of the e.\ecutois of Thomas (ile Bitton] Jiishop of Kxcter, l.'?1(). (Edited by Archdeacon W. H, Htde and Rev, H. T. E/lacombc) 11. Chronicle of England during the reign of the Tudors, 1485-1559, by Charles Wriothesley. {Edited by W. J). HamdtMi), vol. 1 12. Quarrel between the Earl of Manchester and Oliver Cromwell, with a preface by .John Bruce, annotcd and completed by David Maif-mn 13. Autobiography of Anne, Lady Halkett. (Edited by J. O. Nichols) 14. (See 39, Id series, ) 187.S. 1S74. 1874. 1S75. 1875. 1875. 131 .315 1872. 131.3-17 1872. 1313-18 1871. 1313-19 1871. 1313-20 1872. 1313-21 1872. 131.322 1872. 1313-23 1873. 1313-24 1313-25 131.3-26 131327 13 '.3-28 131.3-29 13t3-30 I 1 I .T,1 '■.!■■■' r. . ■..1 1 ) I :.t. .;-;( I'l rf' 11 ■M ■m r 840 KEKKUKNCE LIIIHAKY. TUANHACTKtNa AND I'unLIUATIONS UK Lkaknkii Societikh— (7o7ith century, containing : Ittt, .lohn I'a^e's poem oQ the .seige of Rouen ; 'ind, I^ydgate'H verseH on t'\e Kings of Kngland ; Urd, William (iregory'H cii.oniclc of London. (Kdil,d hi/ J. (/ardiiier) I87ti. 131.3-34 18. Docum. Mt.') relating to the proceedings against William I'rynne in 1634 and U».37 . 1877. 1313-35 19. Christ Church letters ; mediiival letters relating to tiie affairs of the priory, Christ (^liurch, Can- terbury. {Edited t>!/ J. B. Sluppard) . . 1877. 1313-36 20. Chronicle of Engla id during the reigns of the Tudors. I48.V|-m9, by C. Wriothesley. {Edited hij W. I). Hamilton), vol. 2 . . . 1877. 1313-37 21. Treatise on the pretended divorce between Henry VIII and (\itharine of Aragon, by Nicholas Harpsfield 1878. 1313-38 22-23. Correspondence of tlie family of llatton, 1601 • 1701. {E;r Harris initn 19 articles aett forth against iiiin ■ _> the pri: oners. (Edited III' Rir. .^io/inilii.^Ji:ssopp) ,879. 1314- 2 2(i. Docunicnts illustrating the history of .St. I'aul's Cathedra' ( FdUtd hi/ Rev. W, Sparrow Simv- -071, 1880. 1314- 3 27. The Hamilton papers : selections from original let- ters relating to the years 1638-riO. (Edited by ^ .S'. R. (iardimr) 1880. 1314- 4 28. Three l.">th century chroniiles, (EilitidhyJ. Oar- diner) 1880. 1314- "i 29. Register of tiie visitors of the I 'niversity of Oxford, 1«47')S. {Editnlhi, Prof. Monla;/u Ritrron's) . 1881. 1314- »i 30. Catholicon Anglicum : an Knglisli- Latin word- book dated 14S.S. {Edited by Syuiuy J. II. Ilerr- fuje, \. iLii a preface by H. B. Whrntlcy) . 1882. 1314- 7 (Canadian Institute, annual reports .... 1886 9. 1576-10 Celtic Society. Hook of Rights. (Kd 't I'd hy 0' Donovan) . . . 1847. 1841-1 Cttinbrensis Gratia ium Lucius (John Lynch) (Editul by Kelly), 3 vols 1848-52. 1841- 2 THAN8ACTIUNH AND I'UBLII'ATIUNH OK LKAKNKD HUC'IETIES. 341 TRANSA(TI0N» AMI)'ATU»NH OK LkAKNKI) MoCIKTIKS— CoH/inMC»/ Celtic Hociety. mucelhny {Kililid by 0' DoHovaii) .... 1849. lS4i- :i CiiiiteHts,-G*!neu\o\fy of Cnrcii t.aiilhc- Hattlc of Dun, by Gillu-l)i'lK>i(lu Mar. Coninliidlit:— Uucwru'K tracts— Pm^ins, pedlKreeti, and (!XtractH. 1855. Battle of Magh Ltiunu, and courtHhipof Moineru. (Edit etl by Cnni/) Chnucer Society. Autotypes of MSS Treatise on the aHtrolabe. (Kdited by Skeat) Rynie-index to the KUebiiiere MSS. of the Canterbury tak'H, by //. Cromk Albertani Brixiensis liber consolutioniH et consilii. (Edited by T. Snndby) OriginaU and analogues of Home of the Canterbury tales (Editnl by FiirinraU, liruek, and Clountun) Anintaduersions upi)on annotucions and corrections of inipressiones of Ciiuucers workes, sett downe by Francis Tbynne Civil Knginuers,proceedini;sof the Institution of, vols. 1-100, 18.37-J>0 (The iiuiiu- and siibjcct-liulexcs cover vols. 1-58, iy37-i87g.) Flarly Knglisli Text Society. 85. Three kint^s of Cologne 86. Lives of women saints of our contrie of England 87. Karly Soutti-Knglish legendary, or lives of Saints 88. Life of Saint VVerburge of Chester . 89. Vices and virtues, pari 1 90. Uule of S. lU'iiet 91. Two tiftcenth-century cook«ry books 92. Kadwine's Canterbury Psalttr .... 9.'1. Defensor's liber scintillarum .... 94. Aelfric's lives of saints Early Englisli Text Society. Extra series. 51, Torrent of Forty ngale 52. Dialogue ajjainst the feuer pestilence, part 1 5.*). Anatomic of tlie bodie of man, part 1 . .')4. The ("urial made by Maystere Alain Charretier .'')5. Barbour's Bruce ....... 57. Caxton's Kneydos ...... .'>8, Caxton's Blanchardyn k Eglantine £nglish Dialect .Society. A. Bibl'ioijruphkal, Bibliographical list of works .... B. liiprinted Olonsarwx. Part L— 1. North of England, J. H., 1781 . 2. East Yorshire, Marshall, 1788 X East Norfolk, Marshall, 1787 . 4. Vale of Glocester, Mamhall, 1789 5. Midland counties, Marshall , 1790 . 6. West Devonshire, Mar>thall, 1796 1877. 1841- t B.K. 1872. 1841-Hr 1875. 1841 II 187:1. 184M2 n.d. 1841I.S 1876. 1841.14 17-J)0. 2733- 1 79-) 1886. 1875- 7 1886. 187.')- 8 ISH7- I87r). 1887. 1875-10 1888. 1875.11 1888. 1875- 12 1888. 1875-1.1 1889. 1875- 1 4 1889. 1875- 15 1890. 187516 1887. 1877- 8 1888. 187714 1888. 1877-15 1888. 1877-16 1889. 1877-17 1890. 187719 1890. 1877-20 1811-16 1873. 1811- 7 1873. 1811- 7 1873. 1811- 187.3. 1811. 7 1873. 1811- 7 1873. 1811 7 w I 1. I* n. ■ f ! U. :)42 REFERENCE LIBRARY. I IE n ,.'■ Transactions and Pcblications of Learned Societies' English Dialect Society. 7. VVest riding of Yorkshire, Wiflan, 1811 . Part II. — 8. Derbyshire lead mining, Tappmij . 9. Derbyshire lead mining, Hoiiqhton, 1681 . 10. Derbyshire mining, Mawe, 1802 . 11. Isle of Thanet, Zrffm, 1736 12. Herefordshire, Duncumh, 1804 l.S. Early Scottisli, Duncan, 1595 , 14. Various provincialisms, Hnarne, 1724-5 I'art III. — 15. North country, etc., /^fl// 16. South and east country, Raif 17. Yorkshire, etc., Thorexbtj, 1703 Part IV. — 18. Dialectical words, Kitmett, 1695 19. Wiltshire, 5r(7/o)i(1825)and ^Aerma?i(1842) 20. East Anglian, Spurdeiis, 1840 . 21. Suflfolk, CHllnm, 1813 .... 22. East Yorkshire (supplement), Marshall, 1796 {For J3-20 see mrics C). C Original Glossaries ami Otossurit's with fresh additions III. 2. Cleveland, Atkinson .... 3. Kenticisms, Peijije .... 4. Surrey, Oower 5. Oxfordshire, Mr. Parker 6. South Warwickshire, Mrs. Francis . Whitby, Robinsoti . , . . Mid- Yorkshire, Hobinson . Manley and Corringham (Lincolnshire), P ^rock Holderness (Yorkshire, East riding), Ross, Stead, and Holderness Cumberland, Dickinson Dictionary of English plant-names, 3 parts ...... '23. Isle of Wight, //. and C. J{. Smith . 24. Oxfordshire (supplement), J/rs Parker 25. Cumberland (2nd supplement), Dick- inson. 26. N. Lincolnsliire. Sulton . 27. Radnorsliire, Morgan 29. Devonshire plant-names. Friend I). Miscellan:ou^. Almondbury and Huddersfield, Easther and Lees Antrim and Down, Patterson . . ' , Berkshire, Lotmley Birds (British), provincial names and folk lore jf, Swaimon Cheshire (south), Darlington , Chester ' ounty of), Holland .... s — Continued. 1873. 1811- 1874. 1811. 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1874. 18i:- 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1874. 1811- 1879. 1811- 1879. 1811- 1879. 1811- 1879. 1811- 1879. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 187; 1811- 7 1876. 1811- 8 1876. 1811- 8 187(5. 1811- 8 1876. 18U- 8 1876. 1811- 8 1876. 1811- 2 1876. 1811-24 1811- 3 1877. 1811-.W 1878. 1811-28 78-86. 1811-17 1881. 1811- 8 1881. -1811- 8 1881. 1811- 8 1881. 1811- 8 1881. 1811- 8 1882. 1811-20 1883. 1811-14 1880. 181110 1888. 1811-27 1885. 1811-31 1887. 1811-23 1886. 1811-18 u TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 343 1880. 1883. l&ll-f.'6 1883. 1811-29 1881. 1811- » 1874. 1811-13 1882. Transactions and Publications of Learned Societies — Continwd, English Dialect Society. Cornwall (west and east), Courtmy and Couch Down, .see Antrim. Eighteenth century dialect word8,£ai7e^andi4xon Hampshire, Cope Herbes, Turner (1548) and Britten History of English sounds, Sweet Hudderstield , see' A Imondbury. Husbandry, book of, Fitzherbert, 1534 . Busbandrie, fiue-hundred pointea of good, Tns- ser, 1557 Kent, Parish .ind Shaiu . . . - . Leicestershire, A, li. and S. Evans , Lincolnshire (Manley and Corringhain), Peacock Lincolnshire (south-west), Cole Old country and farming words, Britten . ShetHeld, Addy ...... Somerset (west), Ehvorthy .... Somerset (west), dialect and grammar, Elicorthy Specimens of English dialects .... I. Devonshire, Ehvorthy Westmoreland, Skeat. Grampian Club. Hain and Rogers Diocesan registers of Glasgow. 2 vols Hatten (E. C). Charters of the priory of IJeauly Cambuskenneth, cartulary of, 11471').3r> lidgar, Scottish house of, genealogical collections con- cerning Oliphant (T. L. K.). .Jacobite lairds of Gask Rogers (C). Boswelliana : commonplace book of James Roswell ...... Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream Estimate of the Scottish nobility during the minority of James VI. Genealogical memoirs of Jolin Knox and of the fanuly of Knox Genealogical memoirs of the family of Robert Hums and of the Scottish house of Burnes Genealogical memoirs of the family of Sir Walter Scott, with a reprint of his memorials of the Haliburtons . History of the chapel royal of Scotland Monuments and monumental inscrip- tions in Scotland, 2 vols. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail Rental book of the Cistercian abbey of Cupar-Angus. 2 vols. 1S77 1811- 1821- 1 1878. 1811- .-) 1887. 1811-12 1881. 1811-15 1889. 1811- 4 1886. 1811-2.> 1880. 1811-19 1888. 1811- 6 1886. 1811- 1 1875. 1811 21 1879. 1811-22 1875. 2728- 4 1877. 2728- 5 1872. 2728- I 1873. 2728- -2 1870. 272S- 8 1874. 2728- 3 1879. 2728-1--' 1873. 2728-11 1879. 2728- 1.-) 2728-16 1877. 2728-17 1882. 2728- a 871-2. 2728- 9 1877. 2728-13 i 1 ,1.-1 h\ :i] 1879-80. 2728- 7 til i I if' il'i !!■ c:r IL 344 REFERENCE LIBRARY. 1874. 1889. 1617- .") 1889. 1017- 7 1890. 1617- 6 [1889.] 1821 11 877-88. •2732- 1 1883 lSt)6- '2 851-86. 1858- 1 TkAXSACTIONS and PrBLICATION.S OF LEARNED SOCIETIES— Co«^mj/Pf/. C4rampian Club. Rogers (C. ), Social life in Scotland from early to recent times, 3 vols. . . . 1884-6 Tluee Scottish Reformers : Alex. Gun- ningliani, 5th Knrl of Glencairn, Henry Balnaves, John Doviilson, with their poetical remains . . . • . Hakluyt Society. Hedges (Sir William), Diary of, dviring his agency in Bengal, vol. 3 . Hues. Treatise on the globes. .... Pyrard. Voyage to the East Indies, tlie Maldives, the Moluccas, and Brazil, vol. 2, part 2 . Haliburton Society, King's ('ollegft, Windsor, N.S. 1. Haliburton: The man and the writer. Cro/loii . Highland and Agricultural Society transactions. Vols. 9-20 1 Index Society's Publications. Peacock (Edward.) Index to Englisli-speaking grad- uates of Leydcn University . Institute of Actuaries and Assurance Magazine, journal of, vols, 1-25 1 Index to same. Vols. 1-20. Irish Archicological Society. Vol. I. Circuit of Ireland by Muircheartach Mac- Ncill; poem by Cormacan Eigeas. {Edited by J. O'Doiiornn) .... Description of Ireland by Robert Payne. (Edited by A. Smith) .... Annals of Ireland, by James (irace. (Edited by A>. Biit/rr) The same ....... Banquet of Dun Na N-dedh and the battle of Magh Rath. (Edited by J. 0' Donoran) Vol. II. 1. Treaticc of Ireland, by John Dymniok. {Editrd 1,1/ /.'. Bld/lT) .... 2, .Vunals of Multifernan. (Editid by A. Smith) 3. A statute of 1.367. (Edit>ilt)yJ. Ilardiman) Tribes and customs of Hy-Many. (Edited by J, 0' Donnntn) ....... Genealogies, tribes, and customs of Hy-Fiachrach. (Edited by J. O'Doiwran) .... Book of obits and martyrology of Christ Church, Dub- lin. (Edited. Iiy Crosthtniite. and Todd) Register of the I'riory of All-Hallows, Dublin. (Edited by Butler) Chorographical description of WestorH lar Connaught, by Roderic 0' Flaherty. (Editeil liy Hardiman) 2728. 10 2728-14 1841. IS31 l 1841. 1831- 1 1842. 1831- ]8,>7- 2 2 1842. 1831- 3 1813. IS31- 4 1843. 1843. 1831- 1831- 4 4 1843. 1831- 5 1844. 1831- 6 1844. 1831 7 1845. 1831- 8 1846. 1831- 9 'm TRANSACTIONS AND PUBLICATIONS OF LEAKNEO SOCIETIES. 345 Transactions and Publications ok Learned Societies — Continued, Irish ArchtBologioal Society. Miscellany, < ol. 1 1846. 18.31-10 Contents,— Ai.c'icnt poem by St. Columbkille (?), O' Donovan— De concilio Hi- beriiie, /iH/Zic— Award as conseinynR tlic Tolboll (Dublin), .S'»ii7/i — Pedigree of Dr. Doiunick I.yncb, Hanlimun -Vov.m by Grati- anus Lucius (John Lynch), Hnrdiman— Obits of Kilcorniick,7oi/i/ — Ancient testaments, imi^/i -Autograph letter of Thady O'Koddj , Tnilcl — .\utonraph letter of Oliver Cromwell, 6)»i7/i — Irish charters, 07>()(i()t'(iii— Orisinal charter to Abbey of Mellifonl, 6')»i7/i— Jour- ney to ConnaUKlit, 1701), 6'hii7/i— Covenant between MaKeoRhegan and the Fox, O' Donovan — Annals of Ireland, i443-i468,0'/^o»oi'(i». ( Eilttid III/ (Edited by • » declension. Historia Britonum of Nennius. (Edited hy Todd and Herherf) Annals of Ireland, by Clyn and Dowling. (Edited hy Jiut/er) Macariii' excidium, byO'Kelly. (Edited hy (J'CaUafjhan) Acts of ^Z*/). Colton, Derry. (Edited by Keirca) The Down survey, by Petty. (Edited by Lareom) Hymns of ancient churcli of Ireland, fasciculus i, (Edited by Todd) Life of St. Columba, by Adamnan. Ileerii) .... Annals of Ireland ; 8 fragments. 0' Donovan) ..... Irisii glosses : media'val tract on Latin (Edited hy Slokex) Topograpiiical poems of O'Dubhagain and O'lluidhrin. (Edited by O' Donoran) Martyrology of Donegal. (Edited by O' Donoran) Hymns of ancient church of Ireland, fasc. ii. (Edited hy Todd) ....... Corniac's glossary. (Edited by ()' Donoran) HLstory of affairs in Ireland, l()41-lG5-2. (Edited by Oi/hert), a vols 1879-SO. Johns Hopkins I'nivcrsity studies in Historical and Political Science, .series 7-S ...... 1889-00. Cimtinls.—\'o\. ;. .Vriiold Toynhii'. by F. (.'. ,1/.i/i(iIa,')u— .lAisis, Establish- ment of iiuiiiicip.d novcrniiu'iit in San Francisco— //r>;,v. Municipal history of New Orleans Tn'nt. ICiikHsIi culluitin Viryiiiia -.-I /k/iius, River towns of CiinnecticMt— /)()«ci/i(i/, Federal government in Canail.i. \'ol. S. Siiuill. Hegimiings of .\merican n.itionality— .V/'ii/ci/- Local goveru'iii lit in \\ isconsin— y>7iii A-»iii/'. Spanish colonization ill ihi south west -/•"(■(/■ /Hr/, Simly of hisioiy in (■■criiianv .iml I'rance— /(i-,((/;i7^ I'rcgress of the colored peoj le of Marylaiul since the war— Fiidvnci}. .Study of history in Belgium .iiid Holland — .■li/ii»is. Seminary notes on recent historical liter.iturc. Louisiana and Florida historical collections. Frcncli. Historical collections of Louisiana, part 2 1S')0. New series ...... 18(19. -Maine Historical Society. Collections, 1st .series, 8 vols. 18(i,")-S1. 2nd series, "2 vols. . . 1869-77, 1848. 1819. 18,')0. 18.50. 1851. 185."). 1857. 1860. 1 860. 18()2 18(54. 1869. 18()8. 1831-11 1831-12 18.31-13 1831-14 1831-15 I831-l¥ ■M ^1 F^l •■ll ■^. \: i I • I 111 Transactions and Publications of Leakneo Societies— Continued. Maitland Club Publications. I. Genealogy of the house and surname of Setoun, by Sir Richard Maitland. {Edited by John Fnllar- ton) •2. Histoire de la guerre d'Ecosse pendant les cam- pagnes, 154S et 1 r)49, par Jean de Beaugui- ;^. Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, by David Moy- sie, 1577-1603. (Edileil hif James DennistoHn) 4. Poems of Sir Richard Maitland, with an appendix of selections from the poems of 5jV John Mait- land Lord Thirlestone and of Thomas Mait- land. {Edited f>y Joseph Bain) r>. Register of ministers, exhorters, and readers, and of their stipends. {Edited by Alexander Mac- donnid) .... .... (i. Babell : a satirical poem on the proceedings of the (Jeneral Assembly in 1092, by Archi- bald I'itoairnc. {Edited by Georqc /»'. Kin- loch) 7. Diary of Mr. John Lamont, of Newton, 1649-lt)71. {Edited by George li. Kinloch) .... ronicle of the kings of Scotland from Fergus I. to James VI. in 1611, presented by John W. Mackenzie ........ t(. Clariodus : a metrical romance. {Edited by Darid Irriitij) Chronicle of Perth : a register of remarkable occur- rences from 1210 to 1(1(18 Registrum metellanum, I. . Descriptions of the sheriffdoms of Lanark and Ren- frew, by William Hamilton .... Inventory of tlio ornaments, reli([ues, jewels, vest- ments, books, etc., belonging to the cathedral cliurch of (ilasgow, 14.S2 ..... Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history of Glasgow during the greater part of the last century [IHtli]. {Edited by lUchard Duncan) ........ Moral fables of Robert Henry son. {Edited by David Irriny) Burgh records of the city of Glasgow, ir)7.3-81. {Edited by John Smith) ..... 17. Registrum monasterii de Passelet Cartas privilegia conventiones aliatjuc munimenta complectens a domo fundata, A.I). 1163 uscjue 1529. {Edited by Cosmo Inn>'s) ....... 18. Poems of William Drummond, of Hawthornden. {Edited by Thomas Maitland) 10, II 12 i;{. 14 15 16 1829. 1830. 1830. 18.30. 18.30. 1831. 5011- 1 5011- 2 5011- 3 5011. 4 5011- 5 1830. 5011-13 1830. 5011- 6 1830. 5011- 7 1830. 5011- S 1831. 5011- 9 1831. 5011-10 5011-11 !831. _ 5014- 4 1831. 5011-12 1832. 5011-13 1832. 5011-14 1832. 501l-lf. 18.32. .501 116 TRANSACTIONS AN1» PUBLICATIONS OF LEARNED SOCIETIES. 347 Transactions and PriiMCATioNS of Learned Sociktiks— 6'o«^'n«erf. Maitland Club Publications. 19. Ancient criininal trials ill Scotland, 1488-1624, with historical illustrations, by Robert Pitcairn, li vols. 1 S.I.'}. 20. History of tlie troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland and England, l(>21-4r), l)y Jolin Spalding. (Edited by James 'i,-eiie), 2 vols. 21. Memoirs of his own life, by Sir James Melville. (Edited l)>/ Thoiitas T/iomsoii) .... 22. Memoirs of the war carried on in Scotland and Ireland, ItiSI)-!)!, by Maj.-Gen Hugh Mackay 2.S. Diurnal of remarkable oceurrents that liave passed within tlie country of Scotland since the death of James IV. till l.">7"». (Edited hy Thomiis Thomson) 24. Cartularium Comitatus dc Levenax ab initio seculi decimi. (Ediltit hy James /)eiiiiisf<, mi) 25. 51, 57, ()7. Miscellany of tlie Maitland Club, con- sisting of original papers and otlier documents illustrative of the history and literature of Scotl (Edited III/ Alexander Mnedunald, James Jjen- nistonn. ami Joseph Nohertsoii), 7 vols. 1833-47. 26. Miscellaneous papers illustrative of events in the reigns of (Jitei n Mary and Kimj James VI. (Edited hy W. J. Dunean) .... 27. Ueconls of the Hmgh of Prcstwick in tiie Sherifl'- dom of Ayr, 1 472- 1 782. (Edited hy Joli n Eiillarton ) 28. Illustrations of Scottish history from the 12th to the KItli century. (Edited hi/ Joseph Stireiixoii) 29. Works of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen. (Edited hy Thomas Maitland) ..... .30. Works of Sir Tliomas Criiuhart of Cromarty, Kt. 31. History of Mary V""'" of Scots: a fragment trans- lated from tlie original French of Adam iilack- wood. (Edited hy Alexandi r Maedonald) . 1834. 32. Collections upon the lives of the Reformers and most eminent ministers of the Ciiurch of Scot- land, by /.'(('. Robert SVodrow, 4 vols. . 1834-45. 33. Certaiie tractatis for reformatioun of doctryne and maneris in Scotland, by Xiniane Winzet, I'ltl'^-S 34. Ik'ports on the state of certain parisiies in Scotland made to the commissioners for plantation of Kirks, etc. (Edited hy Alexander Maedonald) .35. Letters to Kimj James VI. from the Queen, Prince Henry, Priiiee Charles, the /'>•*?/ ciN.t Elizabeth and her husband Frederick Kimj of Hohemia, and from their son I'rinre Frederick Henry. 1835. 18.3i" (Edited hy Alexander Maedonald) 36. Papers relative to the Royal (Uuu-d of Scottish archers in France 1835. 18.3-- (5) 5011i7 ^28-9. 5011-18 1833. 5011-19 lc\S3. 5011-20 1833. 5011-21 1833. 5011-22 5011-23 1834. 5012- 1 1834. 5012- 2 1834. 5012- 3 18.34. 5012- 4 1834. 5012- 5 5012- 6 5012- 5012- 8 5012- 9 5012-10 5012- 14 td'l J' 348 REKEHENCE UBUAUY. su ! ,( j i I i ll 1^ Transactions and Fitblications of Learned Societies — Continued. Maitland Club Publications. 37. Cochrane correspondence regarding the affairs of Glasgow, 1745-6. (Edited by Jamts DemlxloHu) 1836. 5012-11 38. Catalogue of the works printed for the Maitlaiul Club 1S36. 5011-10 39. Index to private collection of notices entitulod memorabilia of the city of (Jlasgow . . . 1836. 5014-4 40. Scalacronica, by .S'/'r Thomas Gray of Hcton : a chronicle of England and Scotland from 1006- 1302. (FAiU'lhy Josi'ph Stircmon) . . . 1836. 5012-1'2 41. Selections from unpublislied MSS. in tiie College of Arms and tlie British ^luseum, illustrating the reign of Mary Qwoi of Scotland, l.")43G8. (Editrdhii Jo^i'ph Slinuxoii) .... 1837. 5012-13 42. Life and death of Kimj James L of Scotland. {ElitfidliyJoHephStrrcnsoii) .... 18.37. .'5012-14 43. Ancient Scjttish melodies from a MS. of the reign of KiiKj .lames VL, witii an introductory inquiry illustrative of the iiistory of tiie music of Scot- land, by William Dauney .... 1838. rilJl2-15 44. Sir Beves of Hamtoua : a metrical romance. (EdiUdbii W. B. 1). D. Tiirnbull) . . . 1838. 501 :M 6 45. Catalojjue of tiic library at Abbotsford . . 1838. 501'217 40. Chronicon de Lanercost, 1201-i;U(). (Edittd hy James St"vemo>i) 1839. 5012 18 47. De arte logistica .Joannis Naperi Merchistonii Baronis libri qui supersunt. Introduction by Mark Napier 18.39. 501219 48. The Scottish metrical romance of Lancelot du Lak. (Edit >'d h 11 Jos, ph St r Vinson) .... 1839. 5012-20 49. Acts and proceedings of tiie General Assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, 1560-1018, witii appendix containing historical illu.strations of the proceed- ings from 1597 1603. (Edittd hy Thomas Thom- son), 4 vols 1839-45. 5012-21 50. Letters to tlie Argyll family from Elizabeth Queen " of England, Mary Qiietn of Scots, James VI., Charles I., Charles II., and others. (Edittd hy Alexander Macdonald) 18.39. 5013- 1 61. See Jo. 52. Rob Stene's dream, a poem. (Edited hy William Motherwell) 1836. 5011-13 53. Narrative of Charles Prince of Wales' expedition to Scotland in l'"45, by James Maxwell . . 1841. 501o- 2 64. Documents illustra.ive of Sir William Wallace, his life and times. (Edited by Joseph Stevenson) . 1841. 6013-3 65. Historic of the Kirk of Scotland, containing the historic of the Kirk from 1558-16.39, by John Row. The Coronis, being a continuation of tlie historie, by William Row. (Edited hy Rev. Dr. Fleming), 2 vols 1842. 5013- 4 ! WW TRANSACTIONS AND I'UBUCATIONS OF LEAKNED SOCIETIES. 349 Transactions and Puimjcations ok Lkahneu Socikties — Continued, Muitlaiiil Club Publicatiniis. 56. Notices of original uuprinted documents preserved in office of the Queen's Remembrancer and Cliapter House, Westminster, illustrative of the history of Scotland. {Edited by Joseph Stevenson) 1842. 5011- 1 67. See So. 68. Coltness collections, lCOS-18-lO. (Edited by James Demmloun) 1842. 6013- 5 ."59. Memoirs of Sir Kwen Cameron of Locheill. (Edited by James Mavhiinht) J842. 6013-6 60. Analecta ; or, materials for a liistory of remarkable providences, mostly relating to Scotch ministers and christians, by AVc. Robert Wodrow, 4 vols. 1842-3. 5013- 7 61. Kegistrnm Kpiscopatus (ilasguensis. (Edited by Cosmo /nms), '2 vols 1843. 5013- 8 62. Liber ecclesia; de Scon : munimenta vetustiora monasterii S. Trinitatis et S. Michaelis de Scon. (Eilitvd Inj Conmo Innes) 1843. 5013- 9 63. Registrum i'^piscopatus Aberdonensis : ecclesiie cathedralis Aberdonensis rcge.sta (jue e.Ktant in unum collecta. [Edited by Co^mo Innes), 2 vols. 1845. 501310 64. Papers illustrative of the political condition of tiie Iliglilands of Scotland from 1G89-1696. (Edited by James MarConneehy) 1S45. 5013-11 65. Liber ToUegii Nostre Doinine : registrum ecclesie B. V. Marie et S. Anne infra nuiros civitatis Glasguensis, 1549. (Eilited by Joseph Roliertson) 1846. 5013-12 66. Memorials of Montrose and his times. (Edited by MnrkXapIr,). 2 voU 1848-50. 5013-13 67. See :.>J. 68 Descriptive catalogue of ancient seals. (Edited by Heurn Laim/) 1850. .5013-14 69. Deeds instituting bursaries, scliolarships, and other foundations in the College and Uni- versity of (ilasgow. (Edittd liy Prof. W)n, Thomson) 1850. 5013-15 70. Breviarium Aberdonensc, 18.V2-4, 2 vols. . 1854. 5014- 1 71. The Caldwell papers. (Edited by William Mure), .S vols 1854. 5014- 2 72. Monimenta Alme Univeisitatis Glasguensis : records of tlie University of (Jlasgow from its foundation till 1727. (Edited by Cosmo Innes and Josi ph Nobertson), 4 vols 1854. 5014- 3 73. Notices from the local records of Dysart. (Editid by William Mure) 1853. 5014- 4 74. Topographical account of the district of Cunning- ham, compiled about 1600, by Timothy Tont. (Edited by John Fullarton) .... 1858. 5014- 5 75. Oppressions of the 16th century in the islands of Orkney and Zetland 1859. 5014- 6 V % I r V i i. t ■■ i ■ :5r I 350 KEFKRKNC'E LIBKAKY. I ll ■ • hi ill Tranhactionh and publications of Leaknki* So('Iktiks — Continued. 2741- I 18r)9H2. The Mima of Cxsar Manx Society, vols. 1-31 Vol. I. Account of till! Isli' of Man, Sachevertll and Tacitus, and the niiiids, /'. Urowit, Vol. 2. Practical Manks grammar, y. Kelly— Life of Or. Kelly, IV. Gill. Vol. 3. Stanley k'nislation of Man. (I'dilid I'v W, AfacKiinie), Vol. 4. National documents. Translated byOZ/iiT. ist vol. Vol. 5. Armorial bearintjs, Oswahl. Vol. 6. Feltham's tour through the Isle of Man in I7g7-H. {Edited by A ircy). Vol. 7. National docinnents. Translated by Oliver. 2ud vol. Vol. 8. BiblioKr.iphy of the Isle of Man, W, llatrison. Vol. 9. National documents. Translated by Oliiur. 3rd \o\. Vol. to. Treatise on the Isle of Man, Chalouer. 165(1. (Edited by Cwnmiug). \'ol. It. Description of the Isle of Man, W'aldrnu. 1726, {Edited by It'. Ihinison). Vol. 12. Laws, customs, etc., of the Isle of Man, /\iii: ist vol. Vol. 13. Manx dictionary: (/) Manx-Kn;;lisli ; (//) ICiitjlish-Manx. Kelly and others. \'ol. 14. Moiuimental inscriptions, Feltluim and Wright, 1797. (Edited by W. Harrison). Vol. 15. Anti(iiiities. (Edited by Ciimmiiit;). ist vol. Vol. if). Mona iniscellauy : proverbs, sayiiiHS, ballads, customs, superstitions, and legends. (Edited by 11'. Harrison), 1st series. Vol. 17. Manx currency. (Edited by Clay and Crellin). Vol. iS. Old historians of the Isle of Man : CiUiiden, Speid, Diigdale, Cox, Wilson, Willis, Clrose. (Edited bv Harrison). \'ol. ly. Records of the Tynwald and St. John's chapels. (Edited by Harrison). Vol. 20. Milton's " Para New York Historical .Society. Collections, vol. 1, series Collections, Ki vols, 2nil series . , . lH(')8-84. New York State Agricultural Society. Transactions, vol. 34 1883-6. Ontario Provincial Land .Surveyors' Association. Proceed- ings 1886-8. Philological Society. 1. Proceedings, 1842-53. 2 \ Transactions 1854-90. I Index to proceedings and transactions, . 1842-79. 2731 1861 1866 1857 1863 1866 1823 1823 1823- 2 5 14 3 1 TBANHACTION.S ANU PUBLICATIONS OF LKAUNEU SOCIETIES. 351 Tranhactionh and PuiiLicATioNH OK LeakneI) SOCIETIES — Conliiiucd. Pliilological Society. 8. Early Knglish poems and lives of saints. (Editid hy Fiiriimdl) 1S02. 4. Pricke of consoioneo, by Richard 11. de Hanipole. (Editi'd 1)1/ Morris) 1863. 5. Castcl off lone, by Uobert Grosseteste. (Ed'Utd hy Wcymoutli) 1861. 6. Early English volume 18l!5. 1. I.iber cme coc.otiiiii. {Edited hy Morris). 2. I'licke of coiisciciicc, by Kicliiiiil K. de HanipolL'. 3. Castcl (iff lone, by Robert Grosseleste, n.d. n.d. '824- 1 1824- 2 1824- 3 1824- 4 1824- 5 1H()7. 1824- «; ISOS. 1S24- 7 18(i9. 1824- 8 1890. li. R. 188.-)- 7. 1878- 1 1850-1. 18G2-22 I8r)2-ii 1315- 1 7. Dan Miciiel's Ayenbitc of Inwyt. (Edittd hy Morris) 18G(j. 8. Manipulus vouabuloriim, by Peter Levins. {Edittd by Whealliy) 9. M(i'8o-(Jothic glossary, by Skmt 10. Early English pronunciation, hy Ellis, 2 vols. 11. Meiliifval (Jreek texts prior to 1500. (Edited hy Wayiin') 1870. 1824- 9 Prince Society publications. Gorges (Sir Fernando), and his province of Maine. (Edited hy J. P. Baxter), :i vols .... Rio de Janeiro, archives do museu nacional do, vols, (i-7 . Royal Agricultural Society (England), Jonrnal of, vols. 11-12 Royalc Socii'ti- des Antiiiiiaires du Nord, Menr.oires de la, 1840-4 Sluikspere Society, new. Series 1. Transactions of the New Sl'ak.>:pere Society, 1874SU, 10 vols Series II. 1. Romeo and Juliet : parallel texts of the Hrst two (juartos (Ql) 1597, (Q2) 1599. (Edited hy /'. A. Daniel) 2. Romoi) and Jidiet: reprint of (Q". 1) 1,>»7. (Editt-d hy l\ A. Daniel) 3. Romeo and Juliet: reprint of (Q". 2) 1599. (Edited hy P. A. Daniel) 4. l!omeo and Juliet: revised edition of the Second, or 1599 quarto. (Edited hy P. A, Daniel) 1875. 1315- 3 5. Chronicle history of Henry the Fifth : re- print of first (juarto. (Eilited hy Dr. J). XirhoL^on) 1875. 1315- 4 C. Life of Henry tlie Fifth : reprinted from the Hr^t folio, 1023. (Edited hy Dr. B. Nicholson) 1875. 1315- 5 7. The two Noble Kinsmen : reprint of the first quarto, l(j;;4. (Edited hy Harold Littledalt) 1870. 1315- 6 8. The two Noble Kinsmen : by William Shakspere and Joiin Fletcher. (Edited from the quarto of lil.i/f l>y Harold Little- dale)— i>t. 1., revised text and notes . 1876. 1315- 7 1874. 1315- 2 1874. 1315- 2 1874. 1315- 2 1,' y i l>: \i i ,1 VA i . 5 W I I i , 352 RKKKKKNCK MItKAUY. "■P •Pi % ! . ' ! I Tranhaitions Asn Pimilications ok Lkaknkd SncrKriK.s -Conf ml. Shakspere Society, New, ScriiH II. 9. King Henry V.: piiriillcl texts of tlie tiiHt ((uarto (KSOO), ami first folio (Ki'J.'t) edi- tions. (EilUtd hy D>'. li. yic/w/soii, witii an introduction l>y i . A. Jhuihl) . . 1877. ISl.'^- 8 10. Life of Henry the Fift, written hy William Shakespeare. The edition of Ui'J.'l n'jwly revised and corrected, with note-t by Walter (ieorge Stone .... 1S80. 131.")- 9 11. The tragt'die of ('ynd)eline ; reprinted from the first folio, 1()2.'{, with collations from the 2nd, .3rd, and 4th folios, hy W. J. Craig 1SH.1. l.ll.llO 1'). The two Nohle Kinsmen, hy William Slmks- pere and .John Fletcher. {/'Mititl from thi' t/uarfo of Id,!} hy ffa/otd Liltlidah) — pt. *2. (Central introduction and list of words 1M8.-). 131511 Series III. 1. Originals and analogues — pt. 1. Ronieus and Inliet ; Arthur Hrooke. Kiiomeo and lulietta ; William Fainter. (Kilitrd hy P. A. Daiiivl) 1875. 1315-12 Series IV. 1, .Shakcspere allusion-books — pt. 1. A.D. 1.-, s. {EiUtvd l>y a M. Iniihhy) . . IH7». 1315-13 2. Sliaktsptare's ccnturie of prayse ; being materials for a histfiry of opinion on Shakespeare and his works, A 1). I."){H- 16{)3, by C. M. Inglcby, 2nd edition re- vised by Lucy Touliiiin Snuth . . 187J). 1316-14 3. Some 300 Fresh allusions to Shaksperc, from 1594-H)'04, as a supplement to " Shakespeare's Centnric of I'rayse," ed. 2, 187!». (Edited hy t\ J. Furmrall) . \HH(). _ 1315-15 Series VL 1. Harrison's description of England in shaks- pere's youtii. (Kditnl hy F. J . FiirniniN), pt. 1. The second book, with extracts from the autograpli MS. of Harrison's chronologic, with Norden's map of Lon- don, 1593, and notes on it l)y Henry B. Wheatley 1877. 1315-16 2. Tell-Trothes New Yeares gift, with his owne inuectiue against ielosy ; and the passionate Morrice, U93 ; .John Lane's Tom Tell-Troth's message, and his pens complaint, 1600; Thomas Powell's Tom of all trades : or the plaine pathway to preferment, 1631. The glasse of godly lone (by John Rogers ?) 1569. (Edited hy F. J. Furuivall) 1876. 1315-17 TKANMACTIONH A.M> I'lHLUATlONM Of' LKAK.M,!' SOClKTIE.S. 363 TllANHACTIONH ANIt I'f III.ICATIONS OK LkAKNKI) SoCIKTIK.S- CoiltinUtd, Sliiikspere Society, New. Suries V'l. 3. William Statronl's connwiulidUH or liriofo L'Xiiiiiiiiiitioii uf ci'i'tiiyiiu onliiuiry ouiii- pliiiiits of (liiKTH of our uouiitryiiii.'ii in tiieHf our iliiyt's,, l.*)MI, (otliorwiso calktl •* 0, liriufo coucuipt of Knj;li.>(li poUicy ") with un ii.trnduotiou by I''. I>, Mattliew. (K,l,i,,l h,, t\J. Furnimll) . 1876. 1.31518 4 iS: (>. I'hilip !Stul)bi>s's uiuitoiny of thu abusi-M in Kii^land in SliaksporcH youth, A. 1)., I.")S;} — pt. 1. (.'ollattid with othi'r c'llitioiiH in ir»H;<, i,-i«r.. liV.i.-. (i-:>iit, ,11,11 r. ./, runiim//) is:;-!). lui j-i9 5. Harrison'B lUscriptiun of Kii^iainl in Shuks- pere's yf)uth, pt. "J. The third book, with a view of tlu' North of ('lii-iipside in KiliS A.l)., and a map of Shakspere's routc'8 tu London ; also witli plans of Paris garden, IU'27, and the Hnnkside, South wark, and an account of these places and the ( ; Thomas Harman in bis ('aueat for (.'om- inon (.'ursetors, l.">(i7-73, and in the Uroundworke of ("onny catching, l."i!)'2 , lSf<(). 131o-21 8. Harrison's description of Kngland in Shaks- pere'a youth -pt. 3. Supplement. (Edited hji /•'. ./. luinilra//) .... bSSl. 1315-'22 1*2. I'iiilip .Stubbes's anatomy of abuses in Kng- lund in Siuikspcre's youtii, A.D., l."is;j, pt. '2. — The display of corruptions reijuire- ing refornuition. (I'Milcd hi/ t\ J. Fnrni- V(ill) . ■ 1882. 1315--23 Series VII. The Digby mysteries: (1) Ti\e killing of the ciuldren. ('2) The conversion of St. I'aul, (3) Mary Magdelene. (!) Christ's burial and resurrection, with an incomplete morality of wisdom, who is Christ. (Edtlpd hy F. J. Fiiniindl) . - . KS82. 1315-24 Series VIII. 1. A letter on Shakspere's authorship of "The two Noble Kinsmen," by William Spalding : new eilition with a life of tiie author, by .lohn Hill hurton . . . 1876. 1315 25 2. Robert Ciiester's " Loves Martyr, or Kosa- lin's Complaint, " 1 (10! , with its supplement " Diverse Poeticall Kssaies" on the Turtle and Phienix by Shakspere, Hen .Tonson, (ieorge Chapman, John Marston. (Edited hy Ifcr. Altxamkr B. (iromrt) . . 1878. 1315-26 v It i< j( nl 1 ii, Kit f ill! 8 ll 364 KKi'KIIKNt'K I.IIIHAKV. n i il Mr i' Tkanmactidms and Publications ok liKARNRH Somr.'rit.H—Coiiilnu'jl, SliiikHperc Sot'iety, Now. Seriuii \'11I, 'A. IAhI of all tlio noii^'r and passii^oa in Sluiksporo wliicli hiive huuu siit to iuuhIo, c'omi)ilo(l liy J. (irotiiihiU, Hcv. W. A. lliuriNoii, uiiil I''. •!. Kui'iiiviill Smithaoniuii Iiiititutinii, Aiiinuil reportH of tliu Ixiiiril of if>;--. .(. l.. 1. l.clt(,TS fiiiiii Simon. I.m.l I. Cliroiiiilc of Alxidi til, 1 (.(i-ivj";. J. Alt foi the (li'lvvc I ii> I I (Il .1(1 li0(li( s to the coljidnu of Abildullc. 4. Jlccni t of Spiiil/'ic. 5. M.iiicl.itc for ilu' r\iirp,itioii of tilt' clan Cliatlaii. (>. All iiiiii of ihr w;itrli iiiidiTtakin by Cliiiiy M.icpliL'isoli. 7. Mi.nymii>l< p.ipris, 8. Aibuiliiii tl p.ipi IS. I). KMti.tcis lioiii the rciiistcr of tlir Court of Regality of Spyiili;. 10. Sell rtioiis fioiii till! U'oiirow .MSS. 11. I'itloibic papers. 13. ICnoll papci s. 13. I'.ipiisby I'.ithir liiiiis. 14. Older of combats for life in .Scotl.iiul. 15. Memoir of Joliii. jiid A'.ii/ of I'eilli. 1(1. Hull. I I'rb.iui I\'. Mou.islerio ile I'lusk.inlyu. Vol. ;{ 1S4G. I. I.ettei s of L(>i\t Grange. 3. .•\iiiiii.ilreiilaiis aiul \V'( ilsettaris, Abinleiu. 3. Minutes ol ,1 comiilitlee, .\berilfeii, i(i| ;. 4. Sumiiions anainsl the Mauislr.ites ot .Alienleen. 4. I'loce^s .iK.iiiist tile i;«vpiiaiis at Halill. 6. List of Hoods plunilereil at 7. Protect. ition by Sir \. Irvine .ly.iinsl the Presbytery of Abcr.leeii. 5. The ("lordon Letters, (J. Impilsitio lie reliipiiis S. I'illaiii. 10. AKreemeiil Ik iweeii the Earl of lluntly .mil the A'i'a"'"' Murray. Vol. 4 1S49 1. Papers from the ihart( i (best at Den. 2. Appendix to .'ibove. 3. Papers from the eli.uti'i ehest of the F.iiil of Airlie. 4. Papers from the ch.irier chest at {io;don Castle. 5. Two letters of 174I1. (j. Instrmiieiiluiii super aucis S, Cuthberti. Vol. ") 1852. 1. Ivxtract.s from the icKiste' sof the UnrRli of .Vberdeen. 2. ICxtiacts from the accounts of .\l)i rdeeii. 3. Letters to /J>. James I'r.iser. 4. nixuments from the charii 1 chest of the luirl of Airlie. 5. Decreet of the Synod of Perth. 0. ICxtiacts from the Court books of Skene, Leys, and Whitehaugli. 7. Charters, etc., from P.inmure House. 8. Birth brieves, .Aberdeen. g Missives to the Provost, Baillies, etc., .Mierdeen. 10. Docuiuents relating to Orkney and Shetland. It. Scatutact leges ludi literarii graniniaticoruin Aburd. 1MS4. IM.-.4SS. :{i.-.i. 1 IHU2-88. 1.S47- 1 KS4S!tO. 5241 1 1S4I-71. 2745- 10 IS41. 1S41. TUANHAt'TlUNH ANU I'UULICATIONN OF LKAHNKl) HUCIKTIKM, 305 (> TllANMAt'TIONH ANU PrULICATlONH <»K LKAKNKD HwlKTlVM- CoiltVltllll . Spaldiiix Club. AlinMloniii' vtiivH<|iio iU!Mi;ripti«», t»y iIiuiiuh (ionloii . iHI'i. Kxtnicti from th(! I'lCMliytcry book of Stiatlibo^ie . IHI.'J. Moiiioir of ■luiiii'H Kuitli, by liitiiHclf .... IHI.'I. ColU^ctioiiH for u liiHtoiy of Almrdeen and Banff . IHtH Antii|iiltiL'8 of Al)ordt)fn and IJanlV, 4 voIm. 'vol. 1, index) IH47-<)». Al)r»dgenieiit of BritanoM diHteinper, l)y I'. , 2 vols IS44- H ISegiHtrum epJHcopatua AbeidonenMiM, '2 vcdM. . ISl.l. Selections from tiie rccordH of Kirk ScHsion, I'rcsbytery , and Synod of Aiierdeen .... 184il. Family of Komc of Kllravock IS4S. MemoriallH of tiie trubles in Scotland, IO'-'l-4.'i, l)y Joiui Sp.ilding, '2 V(d.s 1S.*>()- I. Letters to (icorgo, /iVi// of Aberilein .... IS.")!. Civil and ecolesiiistical liistory of Scotland, by 'I'lionias Innes, .V.D. ,H()-S|s IS.").1. Fasti Aberdonunses : Selections from the recoids of the University and King's College, Al)erdeen Tiie Ibus, by .loime Biirliour ..... Book of the Thanes of Cawdor .... Diaiy of f/^Hr /fiH'atrick (lordon .... Diaries of Alexander and .liiinus Hrodie Notices of tlie Spalding Club, lSHlt-71 Familie of Innes, by Duncan Forbes .... The liook of deer ....... Spenser Society I'ulilications I. Hcywood (J. ), Proverbs and epigrams 'J. Taylor (.1.). Works comprised in the folio edition of Hi.'lO, 4to .... 'i. Zepherhi 4. 'l''kat<- :ithia ; or, passionate centurie of love . .'. "iay'.;i''( (. Works not included in the folio vcdumc of Ui:«), .") vols. . lcS70-78. oOl.l-'iu >). liobiii.-,'!!' (C), and others. Handefull of pleasant delites 7. With- ^1i.). Juvenilia: poems, .'I vols. M. Miscellaneous works, ('» vols. Flowers of cpigi'ammes . Helvedcrc ; or, the garden oi the Muses .... II. Churchyard (T.). Worthiness of Wales I '2. Rous (F.). Thule ; or, vertucs historic . \'A. Wither (0.). Ilalelviah ; or, Britan's second re- membrancer, '2 vols. 14. Britain's remembrancer, 2 vols. . 15. Psalms of David, translated into lyriek verse , . . . 18SI. 18.-)4. isr.Ci. lS,-.!». ih:)S). is(i:{. IS71. lS(i4. l««!). 18(57 H5. 1807. .'•)015-22 I8(i0. 5032-11 lSt)9. 501 5-2.3 1809. 5015-24 9. Kendall (T.). 10. Bodciduim (.1.) 1871. 5015-20 1871. 5015-27 ■2-78. 5015-28 1874. 5010- 1875. 501 <;• 7 187(5. 5016- 8 1878. 5010- 9 1879. 5016-10 1880. 5016-11 i " •; 11 i ■^41 5016-12 356 REFERENCE LIHRARY. ii i 1!I; \ I 1 . V 1881. 5016- 1 3 1882. 501614 1882. 5016.15 1883. 5016-16 1883. 501617 Transactions and Pculications ok Learned Societies — Contimitd Spencer Society Publications. 16. Wither ((}.). Hyinnes and songs of the church 17. Exercises upon the First Psalnie . 18. Paralellogrammaton . 19. Respublica An^jlicana ; or, the histo- ric of tlie Parliament 20. Copley (A.). A fig for fortune 21. Great assises holden in Parnassus by Apollo and his ussessours . 22. Vaticiniuni votivum ; or, Paliemon's prophetick prayer Preparation to the Psalter, 4to Tiie mirrour of good nianers, -Ito Certayne egloges of, 4to Surtees Society, vols. 1-84 Vol. I. De adinirandis beati Cuthberti viitutibus 1885. 23. Wither (G.). 24. Barclay (A.). 25. 1885. 1884. 1885. 1885. 1835-88. KifiinaUl, niona- chus DuneliiiLnsis. Vol. 2. Wills and iiiveiuoiies [from the Rcsistiy at Durham] from the nth century, part I. Vol. 3. The Towneley mystcrk'S. Vol. 4. Wills nuistercd at York illustrative of history, manners, language, statistics from 1300, part I, Vol. 5. Records of the Sanctuaries of Durham and Beverley. Vol. f'. Charters, inventories, and accounts of the Priory of Finchale, Durham. Vol. ;. Catalogues of the library of Durham Cathedral. Vol. 8. Biographical miscellanies : St. Oswin— St. Cuthbert— St. Eata. Vol. 9. Histories of Durham, by Col(linf;luim, Graysliiitcs, and Chambre. Vol. 10, .\nglo-Saxon rinial of the Catliedral of Durham. Vol. II. Chronicle of the war between the English and the Scots, 1173-4, I'ciiitosmr. (Trans, aiul fiiitcii bv A/nlicl.) Vol, 12. Correspondence, inventories, accotmt?, etc., of the Priory of Coldingliam. Vol. 13. The " Liber Vitco " of the Church of Durham. Vol. 14. Correspondence of Robert Bowes, lilizabeth's ambassador to Scotland. Vol. 15. Rites and monuments of the Cathedral Church of Durham Vol. if). Anglo-Saxon and early ICnglish psalter, ist vol. Vol. 17. Correspondence of M.itthew Hutton, . I »r/i6is/i()/) of York. — Vol. 18. The Durliam household book; or, the accounts of the bursar of the monastery of, 1530-34. Vol. ig. Anglo-Saxon and early I'jiglish psalter, 2nd vol. Vol. 20. Life of St. Godric, AV^i»(i/i/. Vol. 21. Kcclesiastical proceedings of the ro\irts of Durham. Vol. 22. i;cclesiaslical proceedings of Richard Barnes, Hislwp of Durh.un, 1575-M7. Vol. 23. Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church, with interlinear Anglo-Saxon glc0. [Greig.] Cruise of tlie Marin among the Feroc Islands, 1854 185(i. Landt. Description of tiie Feroe Islands . . IHIO. SkioHebrand. Picturesque journey to tiie North Cape 1813. 360 1849. 1625- 8 1885. 1626-25 18()3. 1626-24 1888. 1625- 7 1891. 1627-16 1830. 1627-14 1627-15 5124- 9 1622- 6 1622- 8 1622- 7 H)37- 8 5124-16 1634- 7 1634- 6 5115-lo 1642- 6 1634- 8 fl ■>'.' li I V I ^' 111 I i A' ;, hi ■t i! !, «:: ' ' CI Iceland. Baring-Gould. Iceland : its scenes and sagas Troil. Letter.s on Iceland .... 1863. 1780. 1642- 7 1642- 5 3G0 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Italy. Hare. Cities of Italy, 3 vols. Righetti. Deacrizione del Campidoglio, 2 vols. Yriarte. Florence : itsi history, the Medici, etc. 1876. 16.3.3-16 1S.36. 5024- 5 1882. 5124-14 '. m Russia. Billings and Sauer. Geographical and astronomical expe- dition to the northern parts of Russia 1802. Klaproth. Travels in the Caucasus and Oeorgia, 1807-8 1814. Turkey, 512311 5123 12 Mayer. Views in the Ottoman dominions in Europe in Asia, and some of the Mediterranean ishinds 1810. B.R. ■'i Greece. I ii 11 %. Dodwell. Views in Greece ASIA. Syria and Palestine. 1821. B.H. Frith. Sinai and Palestine, 8 vols. Coiitt'itts. — Vi>'s 1-2. Sinai and Palestine. ■;.4. r.owcr I-^nvnt. 5-''- ■■ --S. I'pptr Knypt and r.tliiopi.i. l';)iypt, Sinai, and I'alottine. Roberts. Wilson. Egypt and Xubiu, with historical descriptions by ISrockcdon, 3 vols, in one, folio Tlie Holy land, with historical descriptions by Croly, 3 vols, in one, folio Pictures(iMe Palestine, Sinai, and Egypt, 4 vols. n.d. 1846. 1842. n.d. 5025- 4 B.R 5124-17 Ritssian Asia. i: Dobell. Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia, with a narra- tive of a ro<5idence in Cliina, 2 vols. . . 1830. 1664-5 Erman. Travels in Siberia, 2 vols 1848. 1664- 6 JAPAN. Persia. Benjamin. Persia and the Persian" 1S87. 3G1 1657-15 Afghanistan and Central Asia. Elphinstone. Account of the kingdom of Caul)ul, 2 vols. 18.39. Havelock. War in Afglianistan, 18:W-!). 1 vols. . . 18-10. Masson. Journeys in Balochistan, Afglianistan, and the Pan jab, 3 vols. 1842. India. Campbell. Thirteen years service amongst the wild tribes of Khoiidistan ..... [Grant. 1 Rural life in Bengal ..... Henderson and Hume. Lahore to Yavkand (expedition of 1870) .... Luard. Views in India, 8t. Helena, and Car Nicobar Moore. Views taken at llaogoon .... Solvyns. Les Hindous, 4 vols. .... Tavernier. Travels in India. (Eillhil \,y V. BaU). 2 vols. Wakefield. Our life and tra\ els in India Wanderings of a pilgrim in search of the picturesejue in the east, 2 vols. . 1053-15 1053-14 105.3-13 1804. ni.-)2- 9 ISi'iJ. 10.")8- 2 187.3. 1052-n n.d. 5125-21 lS2r>-0. B.R. SOS- 12. B.R. 1889. 1058- 1 1878, 1052-10 S .: I' ■ ! ■;] 1850. 1652-12 Indo-CJiina. Barrow. Voyage to Cochinchina in 1792-o, with an ac- count of a journey to the Booshuana nation ISOG. China. Bernard. Voyages and services of the " Nemesis," 1840-3, 2 vols 1844. Fleming. Travels on horseback in Mantchu Tartary , 1863. Japan. 5124 10 1665- 9 1004- 7 Golownln. My captivity in .Japan, 2 vols. 1818. 1665-16 302 KEFKRENCE LIUKAKY. ,! i' Indian Archipelago. Brickmore. Travels in the East liidiaii > liipelago . 18(iS. lOliCi- 9 Cameron. Our tropical possessioiis in M lyiui India . ISO"). IGGO- 8 AFRICA. Baines. Victoria Falls, Zambesi Itiver . Burton. foot step.s in K. Africa Two trips to (iorilhi land, 'J vols. 18(5,-). B.n. n.i^ 164.1-11 1876. 1643-10 Egypt and the Soudan. Labat. \'oyageurs t'anadiens a 1' expedition du Soudan Werner. Le Nil : 'J4 a(iuarelU'8. Text by lireimi and Uuiiiiuli'n ...... NORTH AMERICA. 1886. 1882. Canada and Neivfoiindland. SEK P'-iT II. OF THIS ('AlALdlilK. United States, 1681- .1 5124-1.3 ill America, first impressions of Andrews. Letters descriptive of Minnesota and Dacotaii in l.s,-)(; Berkeley. Knglish sportsman in the Western prairies [Blane]. Excursion through tiie United States and Canada in 182'2-.S Bobin, Letters of, 1718-30 Borthwick. 'J'hree years in California .... Bunn. Old England and New England Cameron. Month in tlie United States and Canada . Caswall. America and tiie American churcii Chester. Trans-Atlantic sketches Clarke, Voyage of, to America. [Kditi'il liii 0'Calla-7 .... Pope T(uir through tlie United States, the Mississippi, and tlic I'loridas ...... Prentice. Fmigi at ion, "2 lectures ... 'i'oui' ill the I'nitt'd States .... Kccueil dc )>icces Mir la I'loridc ..... R( jii'its upon the sur\ ey of t!ie boundary, fr.uu the Lake of the WihmI.s to the IJocky iiiouutaiiis. with atlas . Roberts. l;< jiort of a reconnaissance of the Missouri river ill IST'J Kose. t ire it country : impressions of .\merica Ruttenber. Dt'structious to the navigation of iludsun river ........ Schoolcraft. i)iscii\ery of the sources of tiie Mississippi Scenes in the O/ark mountains . Shaw. (Mddcn dreams and making realities, being the ad\ iiituies of a gold sceki'r in California and I'acitic Islands ...... Shea. [F.'l.) I';a\ly \oyagcs on tlic Mississippi by St. Cosine, Le Suiur, (Jravier. and (iuignas Skinner. After the storm 1 1 8t).")(i|, "2 vols. . Smyth. T(uir in the United States, 2 vols. The saiiH' ....... Spaulding. Histi)rical ri'lics of the White mountains Spence. Settler's guide in the U.S. and IJ.N.A. provinces Townshend. Journey across the Rocky niounlains to Columbia river ..... 1S14. ISMt. IS.ST. is();{. l.sso. LSI in. IMlt. 1S7S. is;i!). 1S()1. •2:{si • 1 is;{;{. ]«7(i-l4 is.-.'.i. 1()7I '2(i IS.M. 11171 •ii) 1SS7. lS»i<> ■1(» 1S4.-). •2; :{ 1S44. l(i7l-'2() 1S7:5. iii:i-i(> .■.I -J.}- ;-) 11)71-10 lti7ti-l-2 lti7S- .-) Iii72.34-ir) 1S75, I(i7(i-ll IStiS. lt:7()l.") istio. i.'.s7-I5 1 s.-..-,. W.71 22 1 S.').'i. I.JI. 2;i's2- li istil. l.-)S7-IS KStili. 1071-17 17S4. 1071-11 107 1-1. S 11. d. lii7]-l.") IS()2. 1071- 1071 s 1. • '1 1^1 \A L t 304 HKKKHKNCK UBUAUY. H^^l ! m Umted Statks - Contiinicil, Townshend. Sporting exctiiHioiiH in tin- Itnuky niuuntains, •2 voIm, .... ... Tudor. Tour in Noitli Ami-rica, 2 vols, (^ml copy) United States andCaniida in IS.VS and IS(il Ursulines, voyage of tii'\ to New Oi leans in IT'iT Van Fleet, old and nt «• .>lackinac . . . . XOyage of tlie sloop " Mary '' from Quebeek, 1701. (Kdile.d III/ 0'C(t/l(i and KKi,'?. (I\ilil<'il l,y (>'C,illwilia)i) Warden. Statistica', political, and historieal account of the I'nited States, '1 xols White, Sketches from America ..... ).S40. 11171 7 1 s;j4. l(i7! I'l ISIi'i. •J.TSj. •_' nd. It)7(i-I7 IS70. 167-2 4 1S()(). 1(17(> •-»(> ISU7. IU7(J IS ISH». U;7ti •-:! 1S7(). I(i7l 27 \ * Mexico. Humboldt et Bonpland, voyage de : atlas pittoresque 1S1(». IJ.l;. I SOUTH AMERICA. Brett. Indian tribes of ( iinana. tlieir condition and hidiits iSdS. Burton, Letters Irom tlu' ha tleticlds of I'araguay . IS7<». Byam, Wanderings in sonie of tlie Western Uepnhlics of America ....... IS.'h*, Harrisse. Corte-lical (Ics), et knrs voyages w\\ Nouxeau- Monde iss;!. Hippisley. Mxpedition to the rivers Orinoco and .Apuri' ISli). Hutchinson. Two years in I'ern, with cNphjiatifiii of its ai;ti(|uitiis, '2 vols. .... 1S7.'>. Johnston. Letters from Chili iSKi. La Condamine. N'oyage in tlic inland pirts of S. .America 1717. Premium. Might yiars in liritish (oiiana, IS4()-,S . . |,S.")(». Robertson. Lcttci> on I'iiragniij-. .'{ Mils. . . . iS.Ss. Letters on ."south America, .'{ vols. . . LS4.'). Smyth and Lowe, donrncy from Lima to Para . . iS.Sd. Squier. I'ciu : inciilents of trav(d in the land of tlie linas n.d. Yves d'Evreux NOyage dans le nord du Unsil . . ISiiL l(;7^ I 1077 II l(;7s l(» l(i77 s I(i7s- t n;7s- >» i(;7s II 1 .■)4;i 1) I'i7s- II i(;7.s- !) l(,7s- S I(i7s .1 l(i77 II Kill- 1 'I WEST INDIES. Dennys. Cruise of the " St. (icorgi' '' in lS(il-'2 Montminy. l>e<,UrlK'c an\ Antilles IS()2. 1SS>. I(i>v2 Lti i()S'2--:7 AiU'Tli; MKAH AM) RK(iI(».\S. IH55 ATLANTIC ISLANDS. Lloyd. Sketches uf liernuidii lS3o. H.C. ;i(»l4 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, AND THE SOUTH PACIFIC. 7 WJ 1 ! f \ 1 \ f' I ^ 1 1 1, I' Barnes. Hnwaiiiui ^eograpliy ...... Burney. Voyages aud discoverios in tliu South Sua, .j vos. IHO.'MT Byrne. Twelve yt-ars waiiderinj^s in tlie liritisli colonies fiom ls;r)-47, •-' vols Nicholas. Voyage to \e\v Zealand in iSll-l."), '2 vela. . Our journal in the i'ai'itic, l)y tlie oliiceis of H.M.S. "Zealou.s" ......... Tench. Narrative of tlie expedii ion to liotany Hay Turner. Nineteen years in I'olyntsia .... n.d. Ili7()-I(i );M7. ■il'J.i- :i I.S4M i(i(i2-l.-) 1S17. i()()-2-i:< is::?. Kiti'i-U ITsii. IU(i'_'-l-2 ISlil. ]()<)()• 10 •I- I ARCTIC SEAS AND 'rlEGIONS. Arctic mist-ellanics : souvenir of tiie late I'olar s 'aieh [for Fiaidvlinl ...... Belcher. Last of tlie Arctic voyages : expedition of II. M.S. " Assistince" in .search of {''ranklin |Drage|. Voyage for the disov^'ry of a N.-\V. pas>aL;e l>y Hudson's Streigiits, 174(»-7, 2 vols. Edmond. N'oyaue dans les niera du Nord Fisher. Arctic \(iyai;c ....... Foxe. North-West Kox ; of {'"ox froiii the \.-\V. passaue. Iieginiiiiig witli Ki:i^' Arthui-, Maiua, Octliur Goodsir. Arctic voyage Greely. Tli'rty years of Arctic serviec .... Hall. Life vvitli the Kaciuiniaiix Hearne. .lourney fiom Hudson"!) Hay to t!ie Northuii Ocean ....... Hudson, .louinal (N. ^■. Hist Soc, vol. I) . . . Inglefield. Searcli for Kraiddin King. .lo\irney to the Aictic Occa'.i, is;!:! .">, •.' vols McDougall. N'oyagc of H..M.S. '• Kesolutc" in search of Sir John Fraidvlin ..... N.irrativeof tiic north polar exju'dition I'.S. sliip "i'olari-." [EilKiil hji li'ror-A'l. I>(in^) Narrative of the second Arctic expedition niadi liy ('. !•'. Hall ' Ir KS.V2. HIDI- 1) 1 S,-M. Hilll- t 174S. lOlil \ ls.-,7. .-.I2,S i:{ 1S21. I(i()4- 10 KiS,"). li. 11- 1 ,S.")( ». I(i(i;{- 21 issd. lS(i|. 1 ISIiJ. I()(ii II) I Til.-. .-.124- I.l I>11. isdf)- 1 IS.-;?. liitii- .l ls;{(;. i()(ii- 3 1 S.-.7. icdi- !) ls7t'. 5123- •2 l.srst. ,-i2:{. 1 j I i ;• i. : ■ t i 3(S6 REKERKNCK UIIKARY. I :fl; k 'I' 11*1 |v I Iff 4: i' 'I Akctio Skah and RKaioSH—CoiitiiniKf, Osborn. Stray IcavoH from an Arutiu Journal . . IS.Vi. Parry. Attempt to ruacli the North I'ole in 18*27 . . IS'iM. ilournal of voyagen for the tliseovory of a North- West passage, iSl't-'-Vi, in H.M.S. " Hechi," " Fnry," and "(Jriper," 5 voU. . . . I,S'.>|.'20. Richardson. The pokr regionH istil. Simpson. 1 )i.scoverie!j on tlie North coast of America, IS.%-!) \HV.\. Snow. Voyage of the " Prince Albert " in search of Franklin IS.") I. I ((({Ml .•.I2;{- !> .•»l'i.'i- S I(k;;{-2(» l(i()l- 4 l(i(il- s r HISTORY AND ITS COLLATERALS. Etlinolo^S^y Curr. The Australian race, it.s origin, languages, customs, etc., W vols lVS(i-7. Atlas to do., folio ...... IS87. Contributions to North American ethnology. (Powell's survey of the liocky mountain region, vols. I, .'}, 4, 5), IS77-N-. Earl. Native races of the Indian archipelagt)- Papuans iS.'i.S. Grotius. Origin of tiie native races of America . . ISS4. Roth. Aborigines of Tasmania ..... I>si((». Wake. Development of marriage and kinship . . ISSit. 1.">()4II .-)I4.V-_»1 .VJ.-.4- !> I.")(U-I.-) IS.S2- 4 I.")»;4I4 I -")();{- 8 Prc-historic A rcJucology. Brash. Ogam inscribed monuments of the ' Jaedhil in the British Islands Cesnola. Cyprus : its ancient cities, etc. Munro. Ancient Scottish lake-dwellings . . , Lake-dwellings of Kurope. (Uhind lectures in archreology, 1888) Stone implements of aborigines of various countries, cata- logue of ........ . Thruston. Anticjuities of Tennessee .... IS7!». 1572-10 1877. |.17:{--J() 188-J. ir)(j4-i'2 18!)(). 1 802. 181)0. l.-)77-IO l.-)7:i-21 lo77- t'HUUNU'LBH. 367 Mythology, Bryant. A new system ; or, lui iviitilyHis of iintiunt iiiytlio- loj^y, (i vols, ...... Davies. Mythology ami rites of tliu Uritisli Druids Fergusson. Tieo and serpent worship ; or, ilhistrations of niytholi>u'> and art in India in tiie Ist and 4tii cenlu ie.s ...... Kavanagh. Myths trauud, 2 voIh. .... Rydberg. 'IVutonii' mythology. Translated l>y H. |{. Anderson ...... Smith. Classical dictionary of hiography, mythology, and geography IHU7. !.-)(;.> IN01). latt.')- 7 IS7.S. -)(»22- 3 18.")(i. loO.^). 5 1S89. irxio- 4 ISSI. U. i i| Folk-lore. Burton. Supplemental [Arahian] nights, (i vols. Callaway. Nursery tales, traditions, and histories of the Zulus in their own words, 2 vols. . Campbell (Lonl .\nldliald). Waifs and strays of Celtic tradition, Argyllshire series Campbell (•). F. ). popular tales of the W. Highlands, 4 vols, Clouston. Kastern romances ami stories from Persian, Tamil, and Urdu Garnett. Women <>f Turkey and their folklore Griffis. .lapaiu'se fairy world. ..... Jones and Kropf. Folk tales of the Magyars. (Folklore Soc, vol. l.S) . . . . Maclnnes and Nutt. Folk and hero tales Martinengo-Cesaresco. Study of folk songs . Petitot. Traditions Indiennes du Canada noid-ouest . Shortland. Traditions and superstitions of the New /ealanders ...... Stuart-Glennie. Kthnography of Turkey and f(dk con- ceptions of luiture .... Taylor. Te lUa a nuiui ; or. New Zealand and its inluihitants is,sti. l.->7ti-20 IHtlS. 157419 1S89. 167.')- 12 ISliO. l.')74-15 1SS9. l.->74 Hi ISJM). l.-)7ri-I.S ISSO. 1574-20 1SS9. 157.V10 isyo. 1575- 12 1SS6. 157417 1SS7. 1574- l.S H ■: 18.16. 1890, 1870. 1574-lS l.-)75-i:' 1575- 14 Chronicles. Arnold's chronicle, containing the poem "The nut-brown maid "........ Fabyan. New chronicles of Knglaod and France Froissart. Chronicles. 2 vols. Grafton. Chronicle, 2 vols. Hall's chronicle 1811. ,5044- •^ 1811. 5043-12 1812. 5044- 2 1809. 5048-15 1809. 5048-13 ^^>€#. ^^' :v% S>^\^ 4^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) t ^ A f/. ^(5 1.0 IP- IM I.I 1.25 11 U ill 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STREET WESSTER.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 4\%^ 3(->8 KEFKKKNCE LIBRARY. ri III t CimosicLEH-ContiiiiKi/. Hardyng. Chronicle, with the oontinuiition by Richard Graff nil 1812. Holinshed. Ciuonicles, (i vols 1807-8. Le Baker (Geoffrey) of Swinlirook. Cluoniek's. (Edited hyi:. M. Thohipxor.) 1S89. Rastell. Pastime of people ; or, chronicles of divers realms 181 1. Historical Miscellany. Smith. Historical and literary curiosities 1845. Jt.f. ANCIENT HISTORY. Anti(inities. Museum Worsleyanun.. 2 vols History. Campbell. Tiie Hittites, 2 vols Chamich. History of Armenia, B.C. 2247 tc the year of Christ. Translated by Johannes Avdall, 2 vols. Smith. History of Sennacherib, translated from the cuneiform inscriptions .... r)044- 1 504.*?- 1 4 142()- 7 .■)044- 4 .-)161-I7 1824. .1022- 2 1890. 1416-12 1827. 15,)4- 9 1 878. 1828 1 ■■" \ Etrtiria. ^A Anticjuities. Betham. Etruri.i Celtica ; Ktruscan literature and an- tiquities invehtigated, 2 vols. Dennis. Cities and ceniftries of Kiruria, 2 vols. . 1842. 188;{. 1424 II 1424 l(i II Ancient Egypt, Anti(|uities. Petrie. Historical scarabs Pyramids and temples of Gizeh 1889. n.d. I.")72 8 I. 172- 11 Ancient Greece. Antiquities. Montfaucon. L'Antiquitf repn'sentAe en figures, 10 vols. 1722. Supplement to same, ,) vols. . . 1724. ->'1'X^- 1 :w,\\- 2 IW KNtil.AM)— ANTlyl'lTIKS. jRome. Antiquities. Montfaucon. I/Antiquitt' lepresentoe en figiiiets, 10 vols. 1 722. Supplement to same, 5 vols. . . 1 724. Northcote and Brownlo . '. Roma Sotteiranea . 1S79. History. Long. Decline of the Roman lepublio, 5 vols. 18(U. 309 ^^'2•^:i- i r>23;i- 2 1572-12 U23- 7 M ? ^^ Ir \ V Medicrval Europe. Anticpiities. Fosbroke. Enuyolopiiili\ of antiquities, 2 vols. Foreign topograpliy . History. Historical pictures of the middle ages, 2 vols. 1S25. 1828. 1854. 5028-10 r)023- !* 142 i- / Modern Europe. Leckie. Balance of power ii I'^ur )pe 1S)7. 1415 18 ENGLAND. Antiquities. Ii Anderson. Monuments and auticiuities of the parish church at (^roydon ...••• Britten. Historical and architectural essay relating to Redcliflfe cliurcii Bristol .... History and Anticiuities. Balli Abbey cliurcli .... Abbey and catliedral church of Gloucester Abbey and cathedral church of IVterborongli Catliedral church of Kxeter ( 'athedral church <)f 0.\ford Cathedral church of Salisbury Cathedral church of Wells Metiopolitical church of Canterbury . Metro political church of York See and cathedral church of Lichtield See and cathedral church of Norwich See and cathedral church of Winchester 1^71. 5024 7 181.8. 5028 5 182.5. 5028- 5 182!». 5028- 8 1828. 5023- 5 IS-iti. 5028- 3 1821. 5028- 6 1814. 5028- 4 1 824. .5028- (5 1821. 5023- (i 18M». 5028 7 1820. .5028- 7 181(1. 5023- 4 1817. 5023- 7 .•i7() KKKKKKNCK UllRAUY. H;n< — Antiquitiks— Co?i^'n?/t7/. Byrne and Hearne. Antiquities of Great Britain : mon- asteries, castles, and cimrohes now existing, '2 vols. . . . 1807. 502r>- li Dart. Westmonasteriuin ; or, liistoiy and antiquities of the Abbey churcii of St. Peter's, Westminster, to which is added Westnnnstcr Abbey : a poem, 2 vols Grose. Antiquities of England and Wales, .S vols., (juarto Roberts. Cambrian popular an*i(|uitie3 .... Ross. Ruined abbeys of Britain .... Strutt. Hegal and eL'clesiastical autii|iuties of Eui^land . Vetusta monuiuenta (juae ad rerun\ IJritaunicarum, o vols , folio 1747 Wright. Homes of otiier days 17-23. r..R. n.d. r.02;i- 2 isr>. 157-2- !) n.d. r)0-2.->- 2 1842. .-)022- 1 -18:1.-). 15 R. 1871. ir)7-2-l.-{ Dociinicnts and Collections. \ i, 11' Report from tiie committee of secrecy on the late negotia- tions of peace and commerce, 1711 -b") 171"). State papers relative to the war against France 1791-1800, 10 vols 1704-1801. State papers presented to Parliament 1801-28, :?() vols. n.d. State papers, British and foreign 1S14--2S, 11 vols. . . n d. Constitntional. .■>121- 7 ."?l-24- 1 ;jl-24 2 7,Vl\. •{ j;j ■ : Bennet. English constitution in church and state 1721. .-.121. 7 if ,1: Special Periods. Celtic. Giles. History of ancient Britons, 2 vols. Roman and Saxon, Alfred {Khvi). Memorials [EiittA hji Hev. Dr. Gilfs). ISO.'} Eaile. Handlrook to the Land Cliarters and other Saxonic documents ..... Lancaster and York. Nicolas. Battle of Agincourt and the expedition of Henry V. into France Early Stuarts. James I., Secret history of tiie court of, 2 vo'.s. 1847. I4:}2 1(5 180;}. 14:{2 14 1S88. I4;{2i:) is;};}. 14:}4- 1811. 14:}8 :} ENOLAiND— NAVAL AND MILITARY. 1828. 1815, 1828. 18H8.9. 182:^. 1717. 18.S7. l()88-9. .Si'CtlAL I'l'.IMODS— CO»(/(««f(/. (^oiiiiiioinvealtli. Burton. Diary. 4 vols Civil wars in Knglimd, trajt.' relating,' to tlie, 2 vols. . Fellowes. Historical sketches of Cliarles I., Crom- well, Charles II., and the principal personages of that period Gardiner. The great civil war, 1042- 1649, 2 vols. Later Stuarts, William III., Anne. Burnet (BUhop). History of his own time, d vols. Oxford, riots at, in 1716, papers relating to Raumer. Political liistory of England, Uitli, 17th, and ! 8th centuries, 2 vols. William III. and Mary. Documents connected with their acceptance of the crowns of England and Scotland <.V(i/<')i/s.-i. M(^morial from KnKlish Protestants for T. II. tlie I'rince and I'rinccss of Oninne. 2. Declaration of H. II. the Prince of Oransje, 3. Declaration of the Lords, sjiiritiial and temporal, Pro- posals of Lonl^ Halhfas, N uiinylu.m, ai\d C.odulphin to the Prince of Oraurfe. The Prince's answer. 4. The Priiire of Oranye, his letter to the Lords. 5. Declaration of the Lords and Commons, with His Ma- jesties answer theri unto. fi. Proclamation hy the Lords and Commons, the Lord Mayor, etc. -. Proclamation hy the Kinu and Qiieen. S. Declaration of the Instates of the Kin^jdom of Scotland. 19. Proclamation of the Privy Comicil coiuerninn ministers who have not prayed for their Majesties. 10. Proclamation of the Privy Council for taking the oath of alleniance. Hanoverian. [Almon]. Review of the reign of (Jeorge II. Buckingham ( I>iih- of). Cjurt and cal.inets of < leorge III., 1782-1810, 4 vols. . Court of England during the Regency, 1811 20, 2 vols. (!ourt of (ieorge IV., 1820 ;iO, 2 vols. . . . • Wright. England under the House of Hanover, 2 vols. Nineteenth Century. Walpole. History of England, 1815-40, W vols. . 1878-80. Naval and Military. i\nti(iuities. Grose. Military anti(|uities, 2 vols., (piarto History. Brackenbury. Campaign in viie Crimea, 2 vols. Great Britain, naval achievements of, 17S).S-1817. 1801. 1855. n.d. ;i7i 14.S8- 2 14;«. 4 5121-11 1438- I 1441- 1 5121- 7 1441- 2 5122-16 1762. 1443- 8 18.-)3-5. 1442- 4 18,16. 1442- 5 18.59. 1442- 6 1848. 1445- 8 1444- 4 5023- t 1467- 5 5033- 9 \ \ v. ,1 1 1 ■>. 1 •t ■ V V r vi 1 m •I t '«! i^l ■ ¥. i»' 372 KEFEKENt'E Naval and MiiiTAHS—Contimitd. History. Hamilton. Campaign witii Moore and Wellington (luring the Peninsular vvi»i' . James. Principal naval actions between Great Britain and the United States .... Kennedy. Notes on the battle of Waterloo Londonderry (Manpuss of). Peninsular war, 2 vols. Local. Evans. I'hronological outline of the history of Bristol Halliwell. Historical account of the New Place, Strat- ford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare ...... Hunter. Hallanisliirc : history of Siiettichl, York, Kng. Pyne. History of the Royal residences. Windsor Castle, St. James's Palace, Carlton House, Kensington Palace, etc., 3 vols. ...... Scotland. 1S47. IS25. 1864. n.d. 1819. 1487- 8 1816. I4(>7 1865. I4t)7 182'J. 14S7 14.");M3 ,V2I.-) 12 5121-12 5i;{M2 1.' NJ vJ :i^ ■ iti Antiijuities. Scottisli national memorials : a retord of tlie historical and archa'dlogical collection in the Hishop's Castle, Glasgow, 1888. { Inj Jiune.f Pnton). History. Hollinshead. Scottish chronicle, 2 vols. , Home. History of the rebt-Uion in 1745 Jamieson. Account of the Highlands and the High- landers, 2 vols. . . , . . Napier. Montrose and the covenanters, 2 vols Reports from the commissioners of the forfeited estates in England, Ireland, and Scotland, 171!>-2;{ . Ritson. Memoirs of the Celts or vlauls Selkirk {Kurl of). Present state of the Highlands . Skene. Highlanders of Scotland, 2 vols. Stewart. Character, manners, and the present state of the Highlanders", 2 vols Local. McDowall. History of the burgh of Dumfries . Oliphant (.!//•«.). Royal Kdinburjjh. Stirling Priory of Inchmahome .... I8!»(). 1825. .")()22- () 1806. 1164- 15 1802. 146414 1818. 1()23- 6 1838. 1461- 3 1724. 51 J 1- 7 1827. 1461 5 1806. 1461- 1 1837. 1461 4 1464- 16 1873. 1465- 10 1 8!>(). 162:i 8 1815. 5121- 6 f 7 PKANf'E. Ireland. History. Comineiitiiries on national policy and Ireland . . 1831. 14(i:> 14 Curry. Review of the civil wars in Iicland, from the reign of Queen Klizabeth to the settlement under King William ..... Hickson. Ireland in the 17tli century, '2 vols. Irish Loyal and I'atriotic Union publications, 2 vols. . Kennedy. Instruct, employ, don't hang them Kildare {ManiWMx of). Earls of Kildare and their ancestors, I()r)7-1773, '2 vols. O'Connell. Argument for Ireland O'Connor. Chronicles of Kri ; history of the (iaal Sciot Iher : or, Irish people, '2 vols. Plowden. Sliort history of tlie Uritisii empire from May 171)2 to close of 179;{ . lleflections and resolutions proper for the gentlemen of Ireland ...... . . Smith (^V*' William C). Tracts upon the union Williams. Observations on the state of Ireland Local. Shirley. History of the county of Monaghan. . 1S71). o 1 22 14 1810. 14()3 111 1884. 14(13 •JO 1889. 14(il :7 1833. 14«i3 18 18.-.S. 14iil 1 1738. 14()3 U> 1831. 1 4()3 13 1831. 1 4ti3 17 , r I l! , .1 France. Auti(|uitie8. Montfaucon. Monumens de la ntonarchie Fran(;oise, T) vols 1729 33. .-)234 l.". History Harante. lli.'^toiro des /)»'•.-( de liourgogue de la maison de Valois, 12 vols. ..... Barre. French Consulate umler Buonaparte . [Booth]. Hattles of Waterloo, Ligny, and Quatre Bras 2 V. Is Courson. Histoirc des peuplts Bretons dans la (iaule et dans les isles Britain)i(|ues, 2 vols Croker. I^'ssays on the early period of tiie French Revolution ...... Frederic {Kiii;/ of Corsica) Memoirs of Corsica . Guilbert Histoirc des villes de France, 6 vols . Hunnewell, Historical monuments of France Napoleon, Fall of, by Lieut. -Col. J. Mitchell, 3 vols. St. Cloud, secret history of the court of, 1H()."», ,3 vols. Schimmelpenninck. Demolition of the Monastery of Fort Royal des Champs 181f>. l47o-12 1837-8. 1471- 1 1804. 1474 9 1817. 1474- 8 I84ti. 14SS. 1 18.-)7. 1474 17t)8. H.C. --08(1 184,}-8. 1478- 2 1884. 1477- 4 18t(i. 1474 10 180(). 1474- 7 ■■ ii 374 REFKKENC'E LinUARY. I S I* ii; ! :i 1} ' an i I ■it; if* Ji. V'i [ 1 :»! Germany. Broglie ^Dav dc). P^uderick tlie Great and Maria Theresa, 'J vols Janssen. (iesdiiclite des deutscheii Volkes seit dein Aus- j,'ang Mittelalters, G vols An ineine Kritikcr. .... Ker. Governments of (ierniany, Denmark, Sweden, Lubeck, and the United Provinces (Ker's memoirs, vol. .S.) , . Snowe. liliine legends, traditions, and history, from Cologne to Main/, 2 vols. , . . . LSSH. Scandinavia. Anti(juities. Stepliens. Runic monuments of Scandinavia and England, •_' vols lS(i(J-S. S "hoolcraft. Notices of a Kunic inscription found in N.America 1S4J. History. Snorre Sturlason. Historia regum Norvegi^'orum. {Edited 1)1/ Srhloiiiii'i and Tlior/((riii-i), ') vols, in two. ... 1 777- 1 His. Thomsen. Remarks on (t. \V. Uascnt's "Noithmen in Iceland." Trans, by O. Stephens. (Soc. Hoy. des Antii|uaires du Nord, 1859) ." [l.s.-)9]. /Russia. Tooke. History of Russia, from Iturik to Catlierine II., 2 vols ISfX). Russia under Catherine II., and to tiie close of the 18th century, S vol.^. ..... 1800. Spain and Portugal. Antitjuities. Murphy. Arabian antiquities of Spain I8i; 1474- 4 1S!M». 147.'M;i 1884. 1473-14 1T-J7. •2231 1 J 18;{!!. 1636- i» 5024- f) l8.-)2 II r>i' 1642- S 1484- :? 1484- 4 I5R. .lAI'.XX. 378 //a/y Guicciardini. Istoria li: i ASIA. Palestine. Aiitiiiuities. Pierotti. Jenisalein explored, '2 vols. Afghanistan. Ferrier. History of tiie Afglians ... Kaye. History of the war in Afglianistan, '1 volss. India, Duff. History of tlie Mahrattas, .S vols Dunlop. With the Kiiakee Uessalah in the flndian] mutinies, lsr)7-S ...... McGregor. History of the Sikhs, "2 vols. Prinsep. Tolitioal and military transaetions in India under Hastings, It^lS-S."?, ■_' vols. . Japan. 1S()4. 1S,-)S. IS,-)1. IS'26. isr)S. IS 10. 1S25. r)022- \ i..V.'2 i) 15.VJ- 8 l.")2 () 1,")2- .") 1,")2- 7 irw:M2 I fi Charlevoix. Uistoiro et description gemrale du Japon, ovols 1736. .^.111- 4 Humbert. .Japan and the Japanese .... 1874. !;)()<• 4 % ■!» 11, II m :17(J UKh'KUKNCK MIIKAUV, NORTH AMERICA. r m Imiiaus .-\l)ipiii;iiial AiMcriciUi l.itiM'atiiif. \'4. Colton. Tour of tlie Anieiiean lakes and a'nony the liiilians of the Noitli-West territory in ls;{o, •J vols De Forest. History of the Indians of runneeticut Dodge. Chir wild Indians, thirty-three years" exptiienci' among the red men of the great west Eastman. Itihccitaii ; or, life and legends of the Sioux around Kort Snelling ..... liaston. ( ause- of I'hilip's Indian Mar. Ii)7.")-i'i. (Kiliinl III! IliiiKih] ....... Heard. IIistor> of the Sioux war and missames of lS()2-,'{ iSli." Hubbard. History of tiie Indian wars in New Kngland [K'liliil III/ Di'id-f). 2 vols Johnston. Narrative of his capture, detention and ransom I.S'_*7 Tne same ........ Kidder. I-xpeditions of ('apt. J. l.ovewell and his en- counters « ith the Indians .... Laws relating to Indians and Indian all'airs from 1 •!.').'{- 1 S,S I Loudon. Outrages comndtted hy tiie Indians, 2 vol.s, Mcintosh. Origin of the North American Indians McKenney. History of th.c Indian triltes of North Am- erica, with hiogi'aphical sketches of tiie princi))al chiefs, .S vols. .... McKenney and Hall. Ilistoiy of tiic Imli n trihcH, with one hunilred and twenty por- traits, .'! vols. , folio . . lS.'iS-4 + IS7(>. |.V>7 I.-. I.''>.">7 -0 ir.,-)S- I I.V.S !•_> I. ").".(> -J.'i I. "),■)(;.•_> I I.V.S- !» is;{;s. is.-.i. I.Mti'.'S l.-)5S- 1 ISS2. 1. ">.■)()•_'.". S4!l. "il.C. l.-.(i7 IS,-)S. IS!).-.. l.")S7-l-' H c. i,-.i;s 1 Sti.-,. I.S-27. 1. ").'>(>•_>() I.Mli •_'•_' 1 ,">.') S- s isd.i. 1 s:!l'. ISSS. IS44. 5114 •_"_' 1. ■)■)(!■ -J 1 l."M(i :!(» 1. ■>;■)() -JII >224- 4 15. i;. ISITKK .STATKS -uKNKK.VL. Indians Ctniiniiml, Mackintosh. ItiacDvery of Aim-iii'ti liy ColiiinliiiM and the <»iij;iii i)f the Noitli Anu'riiiiii IniUiiiis Mather (Cuttdii). Ariiia vin)Hi| ; caiin; or, tlir tioiihli'S of the elimclus ot New Knj^laiid in tile wars witli tlie Iniliuns ( l-'ioir. his " .\laj,'na ia' ). (A' //A-/ /..y .SV (/. I>rid-i) Mather (iiunease). History of the war with the Indians (I'hilip's war) in New I'lngland. I(»7."i-<1. (Kilit,il hii S. il. Drab) Norton. Suili\aii's eanipai<,'n ajj;ainst tlie Irocjuois Peirce. Indian history, liioj,'rai)hy, ami i;enealouy Penhallow History of the war-s of New England witii tlie eastern Indians ..... Perrot. Memoirt! sui' les nioeurs, eoustunies, et relligion des sanvages de rAniirii|Ue septentrionale Ridout, Narrative of the cai)tivity of, hy the Shawanese Indians, I7^S Schoolcraft. Oni ota ; or, characteiistics of tlie lied race. .Seneca Indians, ease of, in the State of New York . Shea. Catholic lni^^sions among I'nited States Indians Shea. (/v''M Indian all'airs, "2 vols Si\ niois oiie/. les sanvages ..... Smet. .New Indian sketches . ..... Spencer. Narrative of ids captivity among tiic Mohawks Trumbull. History of the discovery of America and engagt'inents with the Iiitlian~ UNITED STATES. is;»ti. iMO'i. \HXi. General. Brown. ( Icncsis of tiie I'nited States, '2 vols. Cooper. Hi-tory of Nortii and Sontii America Marshall. Histoiy of the N. Ame lean colimies Montagu. Mirror in America Sanford. History of tiie Tinted States hefore the revoln- tion, witli some account of tlie aborigines Tuttle. Historical papers United Stat' s, hi.story of, from their settlement to ISI.") 377 I. -.:>(] I.")7.I7 ISd'i. !.-).- 17 is-'.i. ini.-M.s IS7.S. l,")S. ;: 1 S.-)!). l.-..-)7l'.' KS(i4. Kill- ;; iSfK). ir,.s;Mo IS4.-). l.'i.lSlO J840. l;V),S- 7 iSi". l.-)5S. ■_> 1S(>1. 1,-S7 I!» n.d. 1,").")S- (i l.Sd.S. I.V.s. .■) ISGl. I.MMli l.V>li'.'. 1. ->!.-). ,-) ?n • \ h \ f \ ' 1 'I f ' ^ r 19 I -L ■\ 378 UKKKIIKM'K MIIKAUY. li Constitution, Charters, ami Treaties. Elliot. Denton. Bryce. Dawson Ford. I s;i(i. l>ol)iiter4 in tile si'vcnil Mtiitc cotivt^iitidiiH on thit t'oilei'iil I'liiiHtitiition, I volt*, .... Tliirty years' \ iiw ; the working; ot tlii' Aiii- t'l'ii'iin ^joveiiiinciit iH'Jd-'ilt, 4 vols. Anu rii'iiii I'oniinonwi'altii, .'< vols. . (I\il.) 'Vhv l''o (lunilist : oHsnays iit fiivor of tlio new I'oiistitutioii, vol. I . . . Pamphlets on tho (.(institution of the I'nited States, I7S7S Conteuls :- (iciiy : Olnci v.itinns on ilic New t'diisiiiinidii .iiid mi lliu I't' ami Si.itc Ldiiviiiiiniis, liy .1 CiiliiiiiMidi I'.minl. - ll'i/i stfi : l'!\,iiiiiii,(lii>(i iiilK till' Iciiliiiu pi iiicipU s ot ilic I'cdt'ial Constiliilidii, by ,1 ci{\/in i<( Aiiicrii'.i. Jti} ; Aililii^s In llic lifiipic 1)1' ilu' Si.ilc iif Ni \v \(irk,iiri ilic siibiict »( llic (■(Hisliiii. liiiii, by .1 iili/i 11 (if \( w \'ii\k, -Siiiilir. Acidicss to llic pciiplc (if lb(! St. ill 111 Niu Sulk, by ,1 I'Icbii.iM. -/'V/n/,); \V( .iklicss of Itnitiis (Apoii il, by a citi/i 11 iif I'bil.iili Ipliiii, Cnic : lAaiiiiiiiitioii (if Ibi' ciiii^tiliilliiii iif the I'liiK d St.ilo., by ,111 Aiiuiicail citi/cii. U'llstiii: Spciill nil tlic l'(d(ial C'nllstitlitidll, dtOivcKii ill I'biladclpbia. /)i( Ai/isui; : l.(tt(i> of I'abiiis 011 the I''c(l( lal riiiistiliiliiiM. Iliiiisnti : Kciiiai Is;- oil the pnipnsdil plan (d a l'((l(ial < biv( I Miiiclit, by Alisiidcs. — A'l/);./' 'i"/! : lattci on the (•'(■dii'.il C'liiistinition. : Obhciv.dioM- of the systi'ius of j;ov( Tiiiiiciit piopnsiil bv llic late comm iitioii, by a b'cilcial fannci.— Uiisnd ; Obi(( lions to tlic I'ldiral Ciiii>titnlii)M. - /)•<■./(■//: Obsci \ alioMs nil < 1(01^1' Mason's objections to tlif b'cdi'ial L'oii>tiiiitioiis, by Maiciis. — A'lixisin ; Addn ss tu tin; fici- 111(11 of Soiitli (. .(loliiia, oil till b'tdcral ColiMtiliitioii. Jay's treaty, defence of n.d. Mason. The veto power in the I'nited states. (/-Jilititl lii/ A. li. Hurl). (Uorvard University mono- graphs, \o. 1.) IMiMl. Shea. (Ell.) >«e>;()eiation entre la Nonvcllc Fninee et la Nonvello Anj;leterre cs l(i4S . . . IStili. Treaty of amity, eto., between his liritannic majesty and the I'nited States ....... 170."). I. '.I I 7 IS.'S. l.VJ). (i IMS.S. l.'>14 II 1S»U. I.-.I7 !!► ISSS. I.-.14 I'J ir)iji;{ IIUI I 1.-.1717 l.-)14- s Documents, State Papers, and Official Reports. I Adams. The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Mis- sissippi IS'J'J, I.">I4 !) American State Papers, 1st and '2iul series, .S!) vols. - JS.S2-(i7. .")(Hi."! I Coiltiilts : Vol. i-(i. b'orciyM Kclatinlis. \'ol 7-14. I'liblii- I .aiids. \'(d i5-i,S, Naval Aflaiis. \'(il. i() 23 I'liiancc. \'ol. 24->j. .Military .Vffaiis. ^"'' .^••-i.'i' ' iiiiiiiicrcc- and Navigation. \'iil. 34 i^i. Iiuli.iii Atlairs. V(d. "3O " Post Office. \'ol. 3-. Claims. Vol. i^-yj. .Misct llancous. Commerce and navigation of United States, annual reports, lS68-7'i. ."il-'iU 10 UNlTKIt MTATKH -J'KE-l'OLU.MBIAN. 371) ISM7. IM71H0. DOCIMENTM, STATK rAI'KKS, ANI> OKriClAU KkI'OUTS— Co»^"/IH('/ hiploiiiiitio uorruMponik'iiiu nf tliu AnuTioun iwoliitlnii, IT7livc nfiiloKy. Viil. J. MiiiiiiK iiiiliisiiy, Willi .III, IS. Viil. (. Oiiiillinliiny unci |i,il:i'i)iilolo«y. N'ol. 5, llotiiny. Vol. ri. Mlricisco|iir,il |il'Iiiiki'i>|>Ii>'. \'()l. 7. Oiloiitoriiillius. HlHtoiical Register of tlio Uiiltetl StateH, lSl'.»-U. {Kilifi'l I'll T. II. I'alim-r), I vols Iiitcr.«tiite eoiiimeroi' eoininission, annual reporls mi tlu- stiitiftiuH of railways in the Tniteil StateM . |Kippis|. Provisional treaty witli Anieriea, ami the pre- liminary articles of peace with Kranee ami Spain ..... .1 . Nimmo. United State.s internal commerce, report Ohio state Forestry liureau, reports I'apers relating to the treaty of Washington, W) vols. C()/l/i»/s.— Veil. I. (,'ast! of till' I'liilcil Stiitis. Vols. 2-S. ICvidcmi' ot tile I'liiluil Stalls. \'ol. 9. Kiviscil lisi of il.ilms. N'ol. 10. Ill ilisli (Msc. \'ols. ii-ij. Hiitisli (iviiUnct!. Vol. 13. Hillisli counlt r I Msc. Vol. i.(. Ann riiMH ami lliitisli cases, Vol. 15. I'liitfcl Ht.iiis .Mill Uiiiisli ''ouiiU'f cases. Vol. ifi. .Arniiiiit'llts ami si.ittiiu lits. Vol. 17. Kipoiis, pidtocols ami Vol. iS. Hi'ilin ariiitr.ui'Mi San |ii.iii Ixniml.ny, Vol. 19. W.isliiimioii arliili.ilion .iiul .ipiu lulis. Perry. United States .Japan expedition, reports, l.s,VJ-4 3 vols IH-HS. Pliihiilelphia, first annual message of K. H. Fitler, mayor of, 1 vols KHS7. Uecoids of Mas.saclmsetts, 1G'2H-S(». (AW/Vm/ h,, X. li. .>7/((W/c.//"), vols., ((uarto IS,")!!. Hec'diels of tlie colony of New riymouth, KWIMtS. (KiUlnl "!/ X. B. Shiirthjf'aml l>. I'itls!/n), \'l vols., iiuarto IS'm (il. Slade, Vermont state papers IS2.S. Uiiitf.l States Coast survey, report, 1S87-S. . , ISSit. Wright. Report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1S()7-S(5 ISS!». :ji*2(i- '2 v.d. 1411- •-' I,HH8-1>. '2444-'J(l i7M:i. i.-)I:m:< ISH.'). 3|-)(i- it isN(j-7. 244-)- ;< 1S71-4 •J4()7- 1 r)'243- 1 •2445- •-' ,->241- '2 52-; !■ I l.-)14-l() ,-)2r)l- 1 .SI 57- 3 1^ ■t! I I Prc-Colu mbian. De Costa. Discovery of Am ica by Northmen . 1S9(>. 1517- 1 Gaffarel. Etude sur le.s rai^ports dc I'.Ai'i ■rit|ue avani Christoplio ('ohmih IS09. I.IH- T) Horsford. Problem of the North • on . . ISSO. 5113-15 Reeves. Finding of Wineland tl (iood: ttu history of the Icelandic disoo very of Auieri . I *>!»(». 5121-13 (7) 380 KEKEKENCE UBRARY. Colonial Period. Chouegiien, ou Oawego, Fort, la prise de . Drake. History of the five years Frencii and Indian war, Entick. History of the [seven years'] wnv, 5 vols. Fernow. Ohio valley in Colonial days . . . , Fort Charti*?s, affairs at, 1768 81 . . , . , Hutchinson. History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 4 vols 1 709- 1828 Contents. — Vols. i-2. From its first settlement in 1C28 until 1750; Vo). 3. From 1741) to 1774: ori>;in and early stages of the .American revolution ; Vol. 4. Original papers. New Xetherland, first settlement of - . New Netherland, list of early ininiigrant.s to, l(;57-<)4 . News from New Euglantl, 167<5 Norton. Capture aud burning of Fort Massachusetts in the war of 1744!) ...... Origin and progress of the late [seven years'] war, '2 vols Palfrey. History of New England, 5 vols. Pensilvanie, ctat present de la . , , . , Prince. Chronological history of New England, 5 vols. Relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lo)-d Balte- more's plantation in Mary-Land .... [Roby.] Reminiscences of the French war, containing liogers' expeditions ..... Rogers. Siege of Detroit in the war with Pontiac. (Editid by Honyh) .... ... Shea. (Ed.) Relations sur la bataille du Malangueulc, 1755 Stark. Life and military services ..... Wilson. Orderly book : expedition under Amherst . Younj. Chronicles of the pilgrim fathers of the colony of Plymouth, from 1602-25 .... 1756. oU.S-Ki 1870. 1511- 7 1763-4. 151;m.-. J 890. l.").S7 L'ti 1864. 1517-15 \7a:\- 4 1888. (8;}5- •> 1888. 1S.S5- 2 1865. 5121- S 1870. 1513- i! 1763. 1512-1 i 1890. l.J21-iO 1756. IJ.K. 1887. 1.S.S2- 5 1865. 5121- 9 18.S1. l.^ll- S 1860. 1587-14 1860. 1517-U) 18.31. 1511- S 1857. * 1,J87-11 J 841. i5i.r Revolution. [Almon]. History of the late [seven years'] war American tracts on taxing British colonies in America, 2 vols. ......... Burgoyne. Orderly book, [Edited hy O'Callaghan) Clinton— Cornwallis controversy, 2 vols. Cobbett. Works : writings and selections of the governments, laws, politics, etc., of the United States ; also documents and remarks from the end of the war in 1783, to the election of the President in 1801, 12 vols Cieorgia Loyalists, particular case of ... . "Jahnsenykes." Memoir of the Northern Kingdom Lamb. Journal of occurrences during the American war 1763. 1775. 1860. 1888. 151111 15I:M9 15M7-17 1514-15 1801. 151 11 2 178,3. 1512-11 n.d. 1514-14 1809. 1512-17 UMTEU STATES— CIVIL WAK. Revolution— Coj(13-1(» B.R. 1587-16 loll- 9 1.J87-13 1842. l,-)27 30 183!). 1 527-26 is3!). 1527 -28 1S24. 1.V27-22 1.VJ7-35 1807. 1.-.27 -24 181.-). 1,V27 34 1833. 1527-31 1872. l.V2',-J9 1S14. L-)27-20 1816. 1527-27 1816. 1527-23 1814. l.-)27-21 1825. 1527-25 1814. 1527-32 1812. 1527-33 1521- 8 1526 11 1532-20 1521- 1) 152610 7 I ^'1 i ': I V ' ill ^S 1 r r 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 ' ' t 382 REFERENCE LIUKARY, Local and Special. r v III Belknap. History of New Hiunpshire, 3 vols . Blanchard. Discovery and con(]uests of the North-west Bolton. History of tlie county of Westchester from its first settlement to the present time, 2 vols. ........ Brown. Political begiiniin^'S of Kentucky Campbell. Bonier warfare of New York during the revolution Clark. Onondaga, or rbminiscences of earlier and later times, 2 vola. ...... Clarke. History of the campaigns of 1S12 and surrender of the post of Detroit, .... Connecticut, State of, 250tli anniversary of first constitu- tion ... ...... Durham. Cai-leton Island in the revolution Durrie. History of Madison, including the four lake country Gayarre. Histoiy of Louisiana, 4 vols. Contents: — Vols. i-2. Frencli ilomination. Vol. 3. Spanish ilomiiiatioii. Vol. 4. American (ioniination. Hawley. Early chapters of (.' yuga iii.story : Jesuit mis- sions in Goi-ogouen, 1656S4 Hill. History of the Old South Churcli (Tliird Church), Bo.ston, 1669-1884, 2 vols Holden. History of Queensljury, New York . Howe. Historical collections of Ohio, 2 vols. Kelton. Annals of Fort Mackinac .... Lanman. lled-lH)ok of Michigan, a civil, military and biographical history Lossingf. Thf empire State : >'ow York McClintock. History of New Hampshire Mellick. Story of an old farm ; or, life in New Jersey in the 18th century New York, first settlement of, witli a list of early immi- grants to New Netherland, 1657-<)4 .... Palmer. History of Lake Chan^plain .... Sheldon. Early iiistory of Michigan, from the settle- ment to 1815 Smith (Samuel). History of the colony of Nova-Cftsaria, or New Jersey .... Stone. Wyoming and its history .... Virginia, history and present state of .... Watson. Military and civil Iiistory of the ccnty of Esse.K, N.Y 1812. 1525-13 1880. 1525-14 1881. 1525-19 1889. 5121-10 1849. 1525- 7 1«49. 1525-12 1848. 2274-19 1889. 15-25 11 1889. 1521-18 1874. 1525-1,') 1885. 1525-2(; 1879. 1890. 1874. 1889. 1888. 1871. 1888. 1888. 18S9. 1888. 1866. 1S56. 1521-16 3O:]7-10 l.-)25 S 1525-10 1524-24 1525-17 1.J24-23 1525 21 1525- 9 1835- 2 15-.i4- 1 1525-16 1765. 152.5-18 1841. 1521-19 1705. 1521 20 1869. 1521-1: WEST INDIES. Naval. mi ! VT I! Goldsborough. United States naval chronicle, vol. I CENTRAL AMERICA. 1824. ]5-2()-lt) i If; Brasseur de Bourbourg. Cortes. Freytas. Gottfried Histoire de nations civili«Oes du Mexique, 4 vols. Manuscrit Troano : gcographie et langue des Mayas, 2 vols. Historia de Nueva Espaua aumentada con otros dociunentos por F. A. Lorenzana . Descubiiniiento del pais y Ciudad de Quivira echo por Diego Dionisio de Pefialosa . Hi.storia antipoduni ; oder, >'ewe Welt und Amerikanische Historien .... Ixtlilxochitl. Histoire des Chichimeques, 2 \ols. Kingsborough {Lord). Antiquities of Mexico, comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, together witli the monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, 9 vols., folio .... Palacio. Description of the ancient province of Guatemala. (Eilittd by Squit'r) Shea. First epic of our country : Villagra's " Historia de la Nueva Mexico." SOUTH AMERICA. 1857-9. 15.")5Iti 1809. 5082- li 1770. 1555-17 1882. 1,-)5511 1655. 5122- 15 IS-iO. Kill- 4 1831-48. 1S60. n.d. U.K. 155.5-13 1555- 12 ' i * t Armitage. History of Brazil, 1808-31, 2 vols. Dalton. History of British Guiana, 2 vols. . Helps. Spanish con(iue8t in America, 4 vols. Southey. History of Brazil, 3 vols. WEST INDIES. Dallas. History of the Maroons, 2 vols [Frere], Short history of Barbados from its first discovery to 1767 [Long]. History of Jamaica, 3 vols Thornbury. The Buccaneers 18.36. 1555- 4 1855. 1555- 5 1855-61. 15.")5- t) 1817-22. 5121- 5 1803. 1522-11 1768. 1554- 3 1774. 5121-14 1858. 1554- 2 I«4 UEFERENCE UllKARY. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. f! O'Hara. History of New South Wales .... 1818. 14S3- 5 Taylor. Past and present of New Zealand . . . 1868. 1488- (> Vincent, ((^omp. ) Tlie Australian irrigation colonies . n.d. 5153- 7 White. Ancient iiistory of the Maori, 4 vols. . . 1889. 15G4-l;i Treaties. (Jarden. Traitcs de paix, 1()48-1S15, 15 vols. n.d. 1451- S Military Records. 'r I i/i \m W I i !' jiH Cannon. History of tlie 1st or King's Own Dragoon Guards .,.,... History of the 1st or Uoyal Dragoon.s . Hi.story of the Ist or Royal regiment of foot History of tlie 3rd Itegiiuent of foot, or, the Bufls History of the 4th or King's Own regiment of foot History of the 6th or Inni.skilling Dragoons History of the 88th regiment of foot or Con- naught Rangers Connolly. History of the corps of Royal Sappers and jNliners, 2 vols ...... Cope. History of the Rifle Brigade .... Detaille. L'Armt'e Franvaise, texte par Jules Hichard, 2 vols., folio ...... Egan. History of the Halifax Volunteer Battalion and Volunteer companies, 1859-1887 Cireat Britain and her allies, martial achievements of, 1799-1815 Grattan. Adventures of tlie Connaught Kcviigers, l.^t series 2 vols. ...... Tlie same, 2nd series, 2 vols. Groves. On service at home and abroad Life Guards, historical record of .... . Porter. History of the Royal Engineers - . . . Scott. The British army, .S vols 1837. 1584-18 1 840. 1584-17 1847. 1584-16 1839. 1839. 1843. 1838. 1584-20 1584-15 irKS4-13 1584- 14 1855. 1581-21 1877. 158 J -12 1885-9. B. B. 1 888. 1584- 8 n.d. 5033- 8 1847. 1581-10 18r).3. 1581-11 n.d. 5121-12 1835. 1584-19 1889. 1584- 9 1868-80. 1585-15 HERALDUY AND OENEALOHY. 385 Chivalry. 'i Digby. The broad stone of honour, 5 vols. . . . 1877. 1485-10 Contents.— \o\ i. Goilefridus— Vol. 2. TancroJiis— Vol. 3. Morus— Vols. 4-5. OrUmdiis I. and II. Taafe. History of the order of St. John of .Jerusaltin, 3 vols 1^^2. 1485- 7 •S .'! fi Heraldry and Genealogy. Bridger. Index to English pedigree.s .... Burke. Orders of knighthood and decorations of all nations Visitation of tlie seats and arms of the noblemen and gentlemen of Great Dritain, first series, 18.V2-3; seeond series, 1854-5 . , . ICatton]. Englisli peerage Collins. Peerage of England, augmented by .SV;- Egerton IJrydges, 9 vols Debrett. Baronetage and knightage .... Dixon. Border or riding clans Douglas, History of the race of, by David Hume Dugdale. Visitation of the county of Vorke, 1()65, (Surtees Soc, vol, 30) Ellis. Antiijuities of heraldry Fordyce. Family record of the name of Dingwall Fordyce, •2 vols Fraser. Chiefs of Grant, 3 vols Earls of Cromartie, 2 vols .... Hounsell. Flags and signals of all nations Kennedy, History of the family of .... Lodge. Peerage of Ireland, 4 vols .... Miller. Historical and genealogical record of the first set- tlers of Colchester county Nicolas. History of the Orders of Knightiiood, 4 vols. . Papworth and Morant. Dictionary of coats of arms of families in Great Britain and Ireland, 2 vols. Rietstap. Armorial general, 2 vols. .... Royal hook of crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Canada, India, and Australasia, 2 vols. .... Scotland, great histm-ic families of, 2 vols. Tonge. Heral lie visitation of northern counties, 15,30. (.Surtees Soc, vol, 41) .... [Wotton,] English baronetage, 5 vols 1867. 2287- 5 1858. 2284- 3 2284- 5 1790. 5152- 9 1812. 2284- 4 18tJ9, 2'28'.- 3 1889. 2288- 2 1743, 2285- 4 18,59. 2742- 1 18(59. 1585- 5 885-7. 2288- 1 188,3. 5044- ;- 187*5. 5044- (i n.d. ,5234-10 1849. 5152- 8 1754. 2288- 7 1873, 22S8- (i 1842, 5152- 1 1874. 2286-12 1884. 2288- 3 n.d. 2284- 2 n.d. 2287- 6 1862. 2742- 1 1741. 2288- 8 ':' '4 38() KEFEREXC'K UllRARY. Kzimismatics. Akerman. Catalogue of Koman uoins, 2 voIh. . Traclesinen'a tokens current ia Loiulon and ita vicinity, 1648-1()7'2 .... Atkins. Coins ami tokens of P> colonics ■ Eckfeldt and DuBois. (iold and silver coins of all nations Hawkins. Silver coins of England .... Henfrey. Xumismata Croiuwelliana .... Humphreys. Ancient coin.s and medals Coins of England ..... Madden. History of Jewish coinage .... Pinkerton. Essay on medals ...... Stevenson and others. Dictionary of Ro.nan coins Virtuoso's companion and coin collector's guide, 4 vols. . 1834 l.j>»;i'_'2 1849. .-)1()'212 188!). 15s,S.17 1851. .->lo'2- !) 1841. l.")S.S-23 1877. .">lli-»ll 18.)0. l.-)s:-!--21 n.d. l.■)^.•^•.'() 18G4. .")] ()•.'• 10 1S08. 1.1s;M8 18S9. l.jSS-H) 1797. l.'),S2 20 Navies. Anderson, (ienealogy and surnames .... Charnock. Ludus patronymicus, or the etymology of curious surnames .... Dixon. Surnames Finlayson. Surnames and sirenames .... Guppy. Homes of family names in (4reat Kritain Kelton, Indian names of places near the great lakes, vol. 1 18(i.">. lo8-J- S 1S68. 1.5S210 18.J7. 1,1S2 12 n.d. 1.JS2. !) 1S90. . 1.5S2 18 1888. 1.-S2 II Colonies and Colonization, m Adderley. Lord J. Russell's colonial policy, etc. Buchanan. Emigration pv -ctically considered Colonial policy of Great liritain ..... Pownai. Administration of the colonies Rameau de Saint Pere. Une colonic fc'odale en Ami'rique : I'Acadie (1604-1881), 2 vols. . Roberts. History of the Colonial Empire of Great Britain Rowe. Bonds of disunion ; or, English misrule in tlie colonies ....... Selkirk. State of tlie liiglilands of .Scotland and the con- 6e((uences of emigration .... 18<)9. l.-)4+ 12 1828. 1,544 ;o 18J(i. 1544 13 17(58. l.)41-30 1889. 1544-33 1861. 1544-32 1883. 1.544-31 1806. 1.544-11 BIOCIRAPHY — INDIVIDUAL. 387 BIOGRAPHY. COLLECTIVE. Bryan. Dictionary of painters and engravers, 2 vols. Cunningham and Abney. Pioneers of the Alps . Espinasse. Lancashire worthies Foster. Alumni Oxonienses, 1715-1H86, 4 vols. Naunton. Fragmenta regalia : a history of Queen Eliza- beth's favourites Smith. Classical dictionary of biography, mythology, and geography Thornton. SStuiut dynasty : its rise, course, and early exile ....... 1886. 2214- A 1888. 5221 14 1877. 221 7- K) 1888. 2214- 4 1808. 222t;- 7 1881. R. 1890. 221.5- .-> Individtial. Adams (John). Life, by C. F. Adams (works of J. Adams, vol. 1) 1850. 175S- 2 Alexander the Great. Life, by Williams . 18.31. 22.S4- s AriostO. Life, by Panizzi ...... 18,34. 1836-21 Bacon (Friji'r), Famous historic of, 2 vols. {Bihliotfieca Cnrlom) 1886. 18.32-13 Baines (Edward). Life, by his son, E. Baines . . 1851. 2234- 6 Bayard, History of 1825. 17r.j-17 History, by Larchey 1883. 2241-10 Benton. Life, by Fremont 1887. 2276- s Beranger. McmoirM, by himself .... 1858. 2241- 1.; Bewick. Life and times, by Robinson .... 1887. .5'221-15 Black (A'ec. W.). Memoir, by Kichey - . . . 18.39. H.C. 4146 Blackader. Memoirs, by Cricliton 1823. 2.'36- 1 Bolingbroke (Zyo/v/)- Life (woiks, vol. 1) . . . 1844. 1753- I Bojardo. Life, by Panizzi 18.30. 18.36-21 Brathwaiie. Memoir 1877. 1732-ls Bright. Life and speeches, by (\. B. Smith, 2 vols. . 1881. 2231- 9 Britton. Autobiograpliy 1850. 2228- 7 Broke. Memoir, by Brighton 1866. 2234-10 Bruce. By John Jiarbour. (Spalding Club) . . . 1856. 2745-10 Bruno. Life, by Frith . ... 1887. 2247- 7 Burgoyne. Life and correspondence, by Wrottesley, 2 vols. 1873. 2234-7 Burney {Dr). Memoirs, by J/me. D'Arblay, 3 vols. . 1832. 1815- 4 Byron. Life, by Gait 1831. 2234- s Campbell. Biographical sketch, by Washington Irving . 1841. 1521-10 Canning. Political life, from 1822-1827, by Stapleton, 3 vols 1831. 2231- 2 %% ■:{ :'>»H HEFERENOE UIIKARY. '1 d( •f :i,. 1' I 1 1 1 1'*'' BiorsRAPUV, Is inv I itVAU— Continued. Cary (Robert, Karl of Monmouth). Memoirs, by liiinself Catherine II, Empress of Russia. Life by Tooite, 3 vols, Cellini. Life, by Symomls Champernowne. Hy Tuttle Channing (William K.). Life, by W. H. Cimiming . Chesterfield (Lord). Memoir, by Earl of Carnarvon Cloncurry. Personal recolleetions of his life ami times Cloney. Personal narrative of, with report o( his trial by court martial Collingwood ( Lord). Correspondence, with memoirs, by H. L. N. Collin J,' wood, 2 vols. Columbus. Life, by Lamartine Craig. Life and writings, by Tytler .... Cresap. Life, l)y Jacob ...... Crespel. liiography, l)y S. J. M Curran Memoir of his legal, literary and political life, by O'lJegan Curwen. Journal and letters, l>y Ward, 4th edition DeSautnarez (Admind Lord). Memoirs and correspon- dence, by .SV;' J. Ross, 2 vols. DeWint. Memoir, by Armstrong, illustrated by twenty- four piiotogravures ..... DowiL. ). Life of, by V. Dow Dwight (T). Life Edward the Black Prince, record of, by Humphreys A metrical clironicle : l>y Ciiandos, Hi rtdil Fremont. Memoirs of my litV, vol. 1 . . . . Franklin (Benj.). Life, Jiy Sparks (Works, vol. 1) Gannett (Ezra Stiles). Memoir, by W. C. (iannett Garrison. Story of his life,told by his children, 4 vols. Gent. Life, by him.self Gozzl (Count). Memoirs, translated by Symonds, 2 vols. Gronow (Captain). Reminiscences and recollections, 2 vols. Haliburton. Life, by Crofton. (Halibjrton .Society, No 1) Hawkwood (Sir John). Life, by Temple-Leader and Marcotti, translated by Le.ider-Scott Heckewelder"(John). Life, by E. Rondthaler Henry IV (Kinu). Life, by G. P. R. James, .3 vols Hill. Recollections of an artillery officer, 2 vols. Hoche. Life, by A, Rousselin Hogarth, His genius and productions, by John Nichols. (Hogarth's works, vol 1) . Jackson (Thomas J.). Life, by Prof. R. L. Dabney, 2 vols. Johnstone (ChavcdUr dc). Memoirs, by C.Winche8ter,3 vols. 1808. 222r.. 7 1800. 1484- .') 1880. 2247- 8 1880. ir)13- 7 1887. 3011- 1 1890. r)21. -)-!.-) 18.1(». 2237- s 18.32. 18.38. Kelly ( Fanny) Ker (John). 2237- (i 18.37. 2231- s 1887. 18.32-11 1823. 22.36- 2 18()6. 2270- 12 1884. 1688-17 1S17. 2237- 7 1864. 2276- !t 2231. 1888. 51 42- IS 1S81. 22.-)!- 1 18.30. 3034- (i 1840. I5.R. 1883. 521,')- 1887. 2276- 8 1882. 1746- 3 1S84. a.on- 188.-). 2277- 1 1832. 2231 13 1890. 2247- 188!». 2228- .-) [1880]. 1821-11 1889. 2228- 6 1847. 2275-16 1847. 2241- 7 1836. 2231-1(1 1799. 2241- 6 n.d. IJ. R. 1864. 2275-15 1870. 2236- 3 Contents. — Vol. i. Rebellion in Scotland in 1745. Vol. 2. Adventures after the battle of Culloden. Vol. 3. History of the war in Canada. . Narrative of captivity among the Sioux Indians n.d. 2273- 8 Memoirs 1726. 2231-12 niOORAl'HY — INI»IVII»UAb. 389 BiodKAi'iiY, Is i>iviDnA(,—Co;//'/'( »*''/. Lamb (^''//. John). Memoir by Leaku .... Lamb (K. I Memoir of his own life .... Landmann. Adventures ami rnuollootioiiM, 2 vols. llecolleutions of my inilitury life, '2 voIb. Liverpool (Lord). Life und lulmiiiiHtrutiou. Cluirlea 1). Yonge, li vols. .... Lytton (Rosiaa Ladij). Life, l)y L. Devey, 2 vols. Mahommed. Life, by G. HuhIi Mary (DiK-fiHUH of Hurgiuidy) luid lier contemporariea, by L. S. Costello Mary. Qn-f.a of Scotts. History, by Claude Nau Histoire de, by J. M. Dargaud May ( S^iimutl .1.). Memoir Mirabeau. Memoirs, 4 vols. Moore ( sVy John). Life, by J. ('. Moore, 2 vols. Mountain (A. S. H).. Memoirs and letters. (E) Putnam. Life, by D. Humplueys Raffles [Sir T. S. ). Memoir of his life and public services, by .Saraii RatHes, 2 vols. Randolph. Life, by H. A (Garland .... Rogers. Biography, l)y C. Stark Sabine. The American loyalists ..... Saint Eata. (.Surtees Soc, vol. 8) . . , • . Saint Cuthbert. (Surtees Soc, vol. 8) Saint Godric. Life, hy litffinnld. (Surtees Soc, vol. 20) Saint Oswin. (Surtees Soc, vol. 8) .... Saint Vincent (John, Earl of ). Life and correspondence, by E. W Hrenton, 2 vols. Schuyler (IMiilip). Life and times, by B. ,T. Lossing, 2 vols. Sharp (.4/'/).). Life and times, by Thos. Stephen Sidmouth ( //o«/). Life and correspondence, by Hoii.G. Pellew, .'{ vols Smith (Sir W. S.). Life ami correspondence, by J. Bar- row, 2 vols. .... Stark {(i'cii. J.). Memoir and correspondence, by C. Stark Stockton (Co»i. Robert F.). Life Stuart [Prince Charles). Memoirs, by C. L. Kloae, 2 vols. Surtees (Robert). Memoir by Taylor. (Edited by Bai)ie). (Surtees Soc , vol 24) . 1857. 2276-10 1811. 22.3412 1852. 2231-11 1854. 2231- 1 1808. 2222-15 1887. B. R. 18.SI. 2234- 8 Ls.'i.r 2241- !) 1883. 22.36- 7 1851. 2236- 5 1882. 3011-27 1835. 2241- 8 1834. 223 1- 6 lS,-)7. 2225-13 1841. 2241-11 1804 1474- }) 1809. 5222- !» 1831. 22.34- 8 I860. 2237- 18.^.1. 2237-10 1874. 2234- 5 1841. 2266-14 1871. 2247-10 188!). 1758- 1 178S. 2275- 18 1835. 2236-20 1874. 2275-10 18()0. 2276-11 1847. 2276- 7 1838. 2742- 1 1838. 2742- 1 1845. 2742- 1 1838. 2742- 1 1838. 2231- 7 n.d. 2275-14 n.d. 2236- 1847 2234- 9 1848. 2231- 4 1860. 227t5-ll 1856. 2275-17 1845. 22.36- * I: 1852. 2742- 1 i 390 REFERKNf.'E LIBKAKY. Hio»iKA:';'V, Iii\n\ wv Ah— Continntd, Thorpe {Major Samuel). Karly military life Titian. Life, by JamcM Nuithcote, '2 voU. Tuttle((J. W.). Memoir, by J. \V. Ikiin Velazquez and liis times, by J. ('arl .... Ware (Henry). Memoir, by John Ware .... Ware (Mary L.). Memoir, l)y Kdwanl U. Hall Washtng^ton ((ieorge). Life, by M. L. Weems Wellington (Duh; of). Life, e.liteil by Sir J, E. Alex- ander, 2 vols. Wilkinson {(fciil. Jau. ). MemoirH of my own time, 3 vols. Wirdsworth (Wm.) Life, by Wm. Knight, (Works, vols. !), 10, 11) . . Wright (Joseph). (" Wright of Derby.") Life and works by W. Uemrose .... 1S54. •Ji.HI. :\ 1S3(>. •j-.'ti.-). y 1HS». i.-)i:}. 7 1SS9. •J2()4- .i 1880. .•{011-24 1H8(). .•{(til 2.S 1814. 2270-20 1840. 2^.':{4- 1 1 1816. 2277- 2 1889. 27S9. 1 1885. .-)142-20 PATENTS AND PATENT LAW. !'■'.' Carpmael. Patent Laws of tiie World, with suiiplement, 2 vols 1885-1889. Canada. Canadian Patent OHice rec )rd, 1873-90, 18 vols, (ireat Britain. Specifications of Patents, lt)17-1888 .... Alphabetical index of patentees, 1()17-1S89, 152 vols. Subject-matter index, 1617-1890, 42 vols. Abridgments of specifications arranged chronologi- cally under the following classes. loi. Preparing and cutting; cork, bottling liquids, and opening bottles- Part III., 1H77-S3. 102. Metals and alloys (excepting iron and steel)— Part II., 1867-1870. 103. Fire-arms, ammunition, etc. — Division I., Part III. Fire-arms and similar weapons, 1H77-S3- Division II., Part III. Cartridges, projectiles, an P. K. P.R. P.K. P.R. P. II. Exhibitions. Centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, masterpieces of, 3 vols. n.d. 5314-19 Edinburgh, catalogue of the exhibition at, on the centenary of the birth of Sir W. Scott 1872. 5221-16 ' PART II. CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. 'I I' t< I CANADA AND NEWFOUNDLAND. ■■ Gi'o/oi^y ami A/iiicra/ogy, ■\ ^ Bayfield. >,'y of Laku Sniu-ri'ir .... n.d. 'J.'U'J is Chapman. M im nils mul geology <>f ('aiiiulii . . lN«t4. 'J.'Ul- !> Dawson. Hiimlhook of (.'aiuuliun polo^ry . . \xs\). A. Tiiti Gesner. (luology ami miiiemlogy of Novtv .Sdtiii . \K\i\, II C. 1 Hi Hind. llfoloRy of Now nrniiswii'k 1S0'». 'JIUllH Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, A. K. C. Selwyn, tlirector. Anmml ii'|tort«, m-w sorii's, Vol. .% riirtH 1 iiiurj . 1SS7H. 'I'MW- 1 Maps to sanio '2.S4.'M.'> I'epoi'lx III •111(11 if ni'i'orilhiii to I'foi'hiri.-i. Oeneral. Stiitistiral ii'|Kiit of ilii' iiniiliirllon, v.i'ui', cvpoits, .iml iiii|Hiris nf iniiiL'iaK in Ciiiiaiia, Costc, i.sMpS. Clieiiiiciil coiiliibiillniis to tlic mokiKy |>I C.iii.ul.i, lli'inii.iiiii, i^s-.>. BrltlBb Columbia. Miiuial w< altli nf Hritisli C'oliiiiiliia, /),i;.m)ii, iSS;-S. Cariboo, iiiiniiiK ilislriit of, neology of, liohiii.tii, iNS;-}*. A/ii/'s /(I .i,i(W)i/',i)n iil'oits. Cariboo iiiiiiiiin district. Island Mountain and Mosiiuito Cnck. North- West Territories. Yukon district and adjaccni nurilitiii I'ortion of Hrili>li Ccluudiia, I'xploiation in, /)iii,sii'i, iSS--H. A/ii/'s /|) ilillD/l/'.IIM' x/'dl/.s'. Yukon district— 3 slicets. Yukon district anil Uritisli Columbia. Hudson's Bay. James Hay and cn\nitry oast of Hudson Hay, drained by ilio Bi*;. Grout Wlialo, and Cloarwator rivers, oxi'lorati'on in, Low, 'i.'ii(0' iiports. Silver Mountain mlnliiK district. District of Rainy River. Quebec. GeoloKy of a portion of the Province, second report on. Ells, iSSj-S. New Brunswick. North-eastern New Brunswick, surface neology of, Chalmers, Aral's to iiiiiii)i/)iiii> reports. Province of New Brunswick, N. K. Province of New Brunswick, S. W. Portions of Northern New Brunswick and adjacent areas in Quebec md in Maine, U.S., explorations and surveys in, liailey and SUIniies, 1887-8. Hi \\\ 304 REFERENCE LIBRARY. Natural Pr oducts and Resour ces. Dawson. Mineral wealth of British Columbia (Canadian Geological Survey reports, vol. 3. part 1, 1887-8) 1889. Mineral resources of Ontario, report of the Royal Commis- sion, 1890 1890. 2343 1 2r)'24. 3 Botany. Pearson. List of Canadian Hepatic.x' Provancher. Flore Canadienne, 2 vols. 1890. 1862. 2372-16 2372-14 Natural History. Chamberlain. Catalogue of Canadian birds . . . 1887. 2326 9 Scudder. Butterflies of the eastern United States and Canada, 3 vols 1889. 5222- 3 Railways. t anadian Pacific Railway. Report of progress on the exploration and surveys, up to 1874 \^'^- Maps and charts of explora- tions and surveys, up to 1874. 1874. 2445-1!) 2445- IS 'M Commerce. Meagher. Commercial agency system of the United States and CJanada exposed 1876. Premio-F.eal {Comte de). Divers memoires sur le com- merce entre 1 Espagne et le Canada .... 1879. 24r)3-12 2463-11 Atlases. Arrowsmith. Map of the Interior of North America Canada Company. Diagrams of Upper Canada, 2 vols. Chewitt. Map of tlie located districts in Upper Canada. Goad. Atlas of Toronto Lakes Cham plain, Geoige, Crown Point, and St. John, survey of ....■••• • 1776 1795. . .5314- 5 n.d. .52.34- 8 1813. 5314- 7 1890. R. 5314- 3 rp CANADA — TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. Atlases — Continued. Mitchell. Map of the Ikitish and French Dominions in North America Page. Atlas of the counties of Lincoln and Welland, Ont. Quebec, nouvelle carte de la Province de . St. John, plan of the Island of Virginia and the River St. Lawrence, n.aps York County, Ontario, historical atlas of . . • TRAVEL AND TOPOGRAPHY. 395 1755. B. U. 1876. R. 1777. 5314- 3 n.d. 5314- 4 n.d. 5314- 2 1878. R. 1'^ [Abbott.] Kniigrant to North America .... Adventures in Canada : two months on the Tobique, New Krunswick Albert Edward (Pr!na' of Wale ) Visit to America, KS()(), compiled by R. Cellem v/Barham. Descriptions of Niagara .... Blaikie. Summer suns in the far west . . • • Buies. LOutaouais supi'-rieur -^Saguenay et la valie du Lac St. -Jean .... Button's Bay (Hudson's Bay), coast, tides, and currents in Canada : a memorial volume Carbutt. Five montlis' Hue weather in Canada and Wes- tern United States ..... Cartier (Jac(iues), Documents sur, et sur le Canada. (Ell lied htj A. Rami) Navigation de, aux iles de Canada, 15.S5-6 Voyage de, av Canada, 1534. (Edited by Mirhelnnt) .... Charriplain's expeditious. (Collectanea Adanuvnta>a) . Voyages de ....■• • Chappell. Voyage of H. M. S. " Rosamund " to New- fnuudland and Labrador . . . • Colonist at home again Crespel. Voiages du Emmanuel C^respel dans le Canada [en 1724- 1742] D'Artigue. Six years in the Canadian North- West [De Cazes.] Notes sur le Canada . * . • • Contents :— Apen;ii RciiOral ■ rosuniu liistoiique— produits manufactures— comir '.e et iiayiKation— populatioii- — t'lnigratioii— rensrit^iienieiUs divers. ■ Denys. Description de I'Amorifiue Septentrionalo . Diere'ville. Voyage de I'Acadie 1844. 1681- 9 n.d. 2386- 2 1801. 1688-23 n.d. 1684 31 1890. F. 1629 1889. 1681- 2 1880. 1681- 7 174(). 1683- 8 1889. IG88-13 1889. F. 1593 1865. B.R. 18G3. B.R. 1865. B.K. 1887. 18.35- 1 1830. 1681-10 1818. 1666 18 1889. 2386- ■* 1884 1688-17 1882 1684-19 1878. 1681- 6 naturels et — (Sdiication 1672. B.R. 1710. B.R. . 1889. F. 1586 Donkin. Trooj. :,r and redskin .... . 1889. DufTerin (Earl of). Journey from Ottawa Columbia and back to British 1877. Faucher de 5 i. Maurice. Promenades dans le Golfe St. Laurent, 2 vols. . 1879-80. Fergusson. Practical notes made during a tour in Canada 1833. (8) 1683-27 1681- 1 1688- 12 t 39U kEFGKENCE LIBKAKY. ',i,{ I >:; Travel and Topocjbai'hy— (7oH^H«e(/. Feyrol. Francjais en AnuTii|ue Finan. Journal of a voyage to Quebec in 1825, with recollections of Canada In 181213 Gerbie. Canada et I't-niigration Franvaise Grant. Canada : its advantages to settlers . Grece. Facts respecting Canada and the United States . Green. Among the Selkirit glaciers .... Hale. Instructions to emigrants Hennepin. Discovery of a vast counti-y in America Heriot. Travels through the Caiiadas .... ■ Holiey. Niagara; its history and geology, incidents and poetry ........ Indian Reserves in .Manitoba and the North-West Terri- tories, descriptions and plans of, 1889 James. Voyage in search of a N.-\V. passage Journal of an e.xcursion to tlie United States and Canada, 1834, by a citizen of Edinburgh King. Sportsman and naturalist in Canada L[andon] (T. D ). Visit to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada, and the United States The same ..... Lang. Canada the highway of nations to the East : its present condition and future prospects . LeMoine. E.xpiorations of Jonathan Oldbuck in eastern latitudes . ...... ^ McAdam. Muskoka lakes and Georgian Bay McVicar. Letters on emigration Margry. Relations et mcmoires pour servir a I'histoire de la France dans les pays d'outre-mer Mississipi, decouverte du Money. Truth about An)erica Moodie. Life in the clearings vs. the bush Mountain. Journal during a visit to the Church Mission- ary Society's North- West mission . Niagara Falls guide Oxenden. My tirst year in Canada .... Perrault. Exploration de (Quebec au Lac St. Jean . Pickering. Emigrant's guide ..... Poole. Queen Cliarlotte islands, narrative of discovery in the north I'acilic. ..... Provost. La bourse et la vie ..... Rapport sur I'exploration de la contrce situee entre le Lac Superieur et les ctablissements de la Rivit-re Houge Report on the great Mackenzie basin .... Robertson. (£!d,) Sketclies in city [Toronto] churches '' Robson. Six years' residence in Hudson's Bay Roy. Voyage au pays de Tadoussac .... -Russell. Quebec as it was, and as it is . Saxby. West Nor -West '' Shenston. Oxford [Ontario] Gazetteer : a history of the county 1888. 1872. 1860. 1687-22 1828. 1681-14 1884. 1688-18 1856. 1688-21 1819. 1688-22 1890. F. 1806 18.33. 1684 30 1699. 1681-16 1807. 5123 4 1686-39 1889. 1740. 5234- 9 1683- 9 1835. 1866. 1681-13 2.385- 1 1863. 1681- 8 2386- 1 2386- 3 1889. 1688-19 1884. 1686 40 n.d. 1681-15 1867. 1688-15 1873. 1681- 4 1886. 1672-28 1853. 1681-18 184.5. 1683-23 185U. 1685-41 1871. F. 1631 n.d. 1687-23 1831. 16S1-17 1872. 1683-19 1883. 1681- 5 1858. 168816 1888. 1684-18 1886. 1688-11 1752. 1683-26 1889. 1688-20 I860. 1686-40 1890. F. 18.33 1852. 1688-24 CANADA— P iRLIAMENT. 397 •/ Travel and TovoGUAFHY—Conthmed. Short. Twelve views in Quebec in 1759, Folio A Smith. Geographical view of the Province of Upper Canada .....••• Statner. Gentlenian emigrant, 2 vols Strickland. Twenty-seven years in Canada west 2 vols. Sussex emigrants to Upper Canada, letters from Sweetser. Here and there in New England and Canada Taylor (C.C). Toronto "called back" from 1888 to 1847, 2nd ed Taylor (.James). Travels in Upper Canada Traill. Backwoods of Canada Voyages et avantures du Chevalier de * * *, 2 vols. Warner. Studies in the South and West and Canada Webb. California and Alaska, and over the Canadian Pacific Railway Withrow. Our own country Young. By canoe and dog train among the Cree and Sal- teaux Indians ...-■■ B.R. 1813. 1681-12 1874. 2.S86-1C 1853. 1688-10 18.33. 1684-30 1889. F. 1823 1888. 1 685-1 & 1846. 1681-11 1846. 1081 -19' 1769. 1682-25 1890. F. 1578 1890. 5123- 6 1889. F. 1526 I! 1890. F.1818 Almanacs and Anmial Regi sters. Canadian Almanac 18901. R. Frechette. Annuaire de Quebec, 1881-2 .... 248 Milice (la) du Has Canada, n^gles pour .... 1804. 2642- 4 V^ille Marie, annuaire de, 2 vols 1863-77. 1545-32 York ( U. C. ) Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada 1 825. 248 Constitution. Ashley. Early constitutional history of Canada Bourinot. Manual of the constitutional history of Canada Canada, view of constitution of Canadas, constitution of the, adopted by the Imperial Par- liament, 1791 Munro. Constitution of Canada Elections. Scott. Who may vote? a compilation of the statute law. Parliament. Gemmtll. Practice of the parliament in Canada upon bills of divorce ....... Legislative Assembly of Canada, rules, forms, etc . Mignault. Manuel de droit parlementaire Morgan. Canadian parliamentary companion Thomson. Manual of parliamentary practice . 1889. 1535-19 1888. 1535-21 n.d. lf.35-23 1833. 1535-22 1889. G. 1488 1885. 1889, 1860. 1889. 1862-1876. 1828. 2423-21 2413-22 2424-19 2424-20 R. 242313 ' ' I V^ 1 308 REFBRENCa LIBRARY. Parliamentary Documents and Debates. Canada. Brymner. Reports on Canadian Arcliivea Debates of tlie House of Commons . . 1S89-90. 1870 90. 1562-20 2433- Statutes and Ordinances. New France. Arrests du conseil supi'-rieur de Quiibec (Perrault) . 1824. 2423-23 Kdits, ordonnances royaux, declarations, et arrets du conseil dV-tat du Roi concernant le Canada, 2 vols. 1803-0. 2422- 7 Extraits tiros de ri'gistres de la Prevoste de Quebec (Perrfuilt) 1824. 2423--2-_' Upper Canada. Statutes, 1791-1831 1831. 3171- 3 Canada and Upper Canada. Consolidated Statutes of Canada and Upper Canada. Hancock 1865. 31 75- 10 Quebec. Statutes, 1868-89 3177-3 New Zealand. Appendix to journals of tlie House of Representatives, 1888 1888. 3185- 1 irl Parliamentary Commissions and Reports. Agricultural Connni.ssion, Ontario. Report, 1881 Agriculture, school of and experimental farm, Ontario. 1st annual report, 1879-1880 Asylums for the insane, Ontario, report upon Asylums, prisons, and public charities of Ontario, annual report, 1889 Blind, institution for the, Ontario. Report upon Capital and labour, report of the Royal Commission on the relations of, in Canada, 188!), (i vols. (Combinations in manufactures, trade, and insurance in Can- ada, report of the select comr.Ittee . . . . Grown Lands. Ontario : acts, orders, and regulations respecting Deaf and dumb institution, Ontario. Report upon Gaols, prisons, and reformatories, Ontario. Report upon Hospitals of Ontario. Report upon Houses of refuge and orphan and Magdalen asylums, On- tario. Report upon . . .... Municipal institutions, Ontario. 1st and 2nd reports of the commission on Penitentiary, provincial (Canada). Reports of commis- sioners on . . . . ... . . 2434- 2 2443-10 1888. 2443- 7 1890. B. 881 1888. 2443- 8 1889. 2442- 9 1888. 2442-14 1890. 2413-26 1888. 2443- 6 1888. 2443- 5 1888. 2443- 4 1888. 2443- 9 888-9. 2443-11 1849. .1065-12 'i CANADA— TRIALS. 399 EDUCATION. Reports, Calendars, Etc. Mechanics' Institutes of Ontario, special report of the Min- ister of Education on, 1881 1881. Report of Minister of Education, Ontario, 1887-8 . . 1888. Trinity College, Toronto Calendar, 1889-91 . . 1889-90. 2443-12 3122- I 2523-17 n i! ' ' ' Education. Bourinot. Political science in Canadian Universities Chauveau. L'Instruction publi(|ue au Canada Chouinard. (^ode de I'instruction publique en Quebec Cours abri'gf de rht'toricjue du college de Montnal Hodg;'ins. Kycrson memorial volume .... Hind. University of King's College, Windsor, N.S., 1790-1890 Huber and Newman. Tiie English Universities, 8 vols. Richard. Histoire du college des Trois Rivii-res Seminaire de Nicolet ....... 1889. .-)215-14 1876. 2524-18 1882. •-'421- 2 1835. 2r)2r} 1 1S89. 2r)24-19 1890. •jr)24 b^ 1843. 2,>24-ll 1885. 2524-14 1867. •_>-)24-13 Jurisprudence. Lareau. Histoire du droit Canadien, 2 vols. Marriott. Report on a plan of a code of laws for Quebec. 1888 9. 1774. 2412-19 2423-24 Statute Law. Beaubien. Lois civiles du Has Canada .... 1832-3. 2412-20 Di'cisions des tribunaux du Bas Canada. Questions seig- neuriales, second series, 2 vols. ..... 1856. 2411- 8 Lewis. Class bi.ok for the use of common .schools . 1844. 2424-9 Parsons. Laws of business for all the states and terri- tories of the Union and the Dominion of Canada 1887. 2414-25 Perrault. Extraits on precedents tires des registres de la Prevoste de Qut'bec 1824. 2411-9 Powell. Doctor in Canada 1890. 2413-23 I f Trials De Blois and Boucher. Proces Provencber-Boi.scl»ir 18(17. 2417-15 Oliver, Papers relating to the dismission of, from the office of sheriff of St. John's, N.IJ 1791. 2417-19 400 REKEREN'CE LIBRARY. ^1- I'l I ' .1 1 ii. Municipal Documents. 1865. York {^^.Q..). Assessment Roll for tlie town of, 1 H.'U Toronto. Assessment Roll, city of Toronto, 1890 . Public scliool bourd, by-laws ..... Public scliools, handbook of , . . . . Report on the water supply and on the disposal of sewage, of Toronto ...... Street railway company, iharter, by-laws, etc, 1861- 1889 Montreal. Glackmeyer. CMuirter of the city of Montreal and acts of the Legislature relating to tlie oity The same ..... Appendix to : amendments and by-laws 1865-70, HISTORY. General. Account of the society for the encouragement of the Brit- ish troops in Germany and N. America Ferland. Observations sur " I'Hisioire du Canada " par I'ahlte Brasseur de Bourbourg Garneau. Histoire du Canada, 1st edition, 4 vols. The same, .Srd edition .... Gauthier. Histoire du C'anada Gosselin. Tables of tlie principal facts of the history of Canada, 1492-1887 Greswell. History of Canada Kingsford. History of Canada, vols. 3-4. La Rue. Histoire populaire du Canada McCord. Handbook of Canadian dates .... McMuIlen. Histoiy of Canada, 1st edition Smith. History of Canada to 1791, ".J vols. 1760. History in Periods. New Frmire, m)S-r7'>'.K Baugfy. Journal d'une expidition contre les Iroquois en 1687 Boucher. Canada in the 17th century 1883. 1883. S. 247 1890. 2476- 4 1890. 2476- 5 1889. 2468- 2 n.d. 2476- 3 2414 22 247 H.C.4666 1537-25 1854. 15.17-21 1845-52. 1538- 3 18.j9. 1537-20 1876. 1537-16 1887. 15.38- 4 1890. 0.1787 1889-90. G.1087- 8 1875. 1537-18 1888. 1414- 8 1855. I53S- 1 181;-.. 1537-24 1537-22 1517-18 CANADA — ESTABLISHMENT OF UPPER CANADA TO UNION. 401 New France, 1608-1759— Con48-9 1650. 1649-50 1650-1 Pelleprat ... .... Le Mercier, 1655 ....... Lalleniant, 11)59 ....... Lalemant, 1662.3 Le Mercier, 16r)7-8 ....... Dablon, 1672-3 ....... Extracts from various letters, 1676-7 Montigny, St. Cosme, and De la Source, Mission du Missisipi du Seminaire de Quebec, 1700 . . . 1861. [St. Valliere], (Sve(iue de Quebec). Estat present de I'eglise et de la colonie Fran^oise dans la Nouvelle France 1688. Teissier. Les Fran^ais au Canada, historique de cette ancienne colonie (156'2- 1763) . . n.d. 1865. 3035.19 1761. 15.36-18 1664. B.R. 1763. 15:^6-17 1889. 1536-15 1889. 1536-14 n.d. G.1615 1864. 30.3" -15 1777. 1538- 2 1646. B.R. 1045. B.R. 1650. B.R. 1651. B.R. 1653. B.R. 16.->5. B.R. n.d. .3035-20 n.d. 3035-20 1664. B.R. 1669. B.R. 1861. .3035-17 n.d. 3035-20 .3035-16 B.R. 1537-17 f •' From the GonqueKt to E.ttalilishmi'nt of Upper Canada, 17H0-9.1 Canada Bill, Thoughts on the 1791. Du Calvet, Case of, with an iiccount of his imprisonment in Quebeck ...... Melvin. Expedition to Quebec, 1775 .... State of the tiovernment of the Province of Quebec Treaty with America (1783), observations on the . , 1535-13 1784. 15.35-11 1864. 1535-14 1790. 1535-15 178.3. 1533- 7 .1 From the EstahUshment oj Upper Canada to the Union, 1702-1S41- Bedard. Histoire de cinquante ans, 1791-1841 . Christie. Political history of Lower Canada, 1807-15 . Memoirs of the government of Lower Canada, 1815-'20 Edgar. Ten years of Upper Canada in peace and war, 1805-15, being the Hidout papefs 1869. 1532- 9 1818. l,-)34-ll 1820. 1534- 9 1890. 1,333 10 402 KEFKRENCE LIURAHY. From the Estahlishment ov Upi'Kh Canada to the [Flemins^.] Political annals of Lower Canada Girod. NoteH sur le Has Canada [Lafontaine.] Deux girouettes [Laterriere.] Political and historical account of Lower Canada Uesponsible executive council, report of the select commit- tee relative to a . Roebuck and others. Canadian portfolio, 1838 [ rhom.] Petition of the convention and of the constitu- tionalists Jnion- -Contiminl, 1828. l.')32- 7 183.1. l.')3414 1834. 1532- 8 1830. 18.3(j. n.d. 183'). ir).14- 6 15.37-23 1533- 8 1532 10 From the Union to Date, IS-il-Ol. Bellefeuille. Canada ct les Zouaves PontiKcaux . . ]8()8. 15,34-8 Bourinot. Federal government in Canada . . . 1889. G. 1482 Chouinard. Fote nationale des Canadiens-Fran^ais ci'lt-brOe a Qnobec, 1881-9 1890. 1534-1.') Faucher-de-Saint-Maurice. La question du jour : rcsterons nous Fran<;ai8? Ging^ras. Lc Bas Canada entre le moyen aj;e et I'age moderne Gourlay. Banished Briton and Neptunian Kierzkowski. Tenure seigneurialc du lias Canada . [Mercier.] Situation politi(jue de la (,>U('bec ; elections de 1886 Nos croises ; I'expedition a Rome Tache. Provinces de rAniL-ricjue du Nord et d'une union fcdrrale 1858. 1546-10 1890. l.')34-14 1880. 15.34- 7 1843. 1533- 9 1852. 1534-10 1886. 1532- 6 1871. 1.534-12 il I y: War of IS1210. Atherton. Suffering and defeat of the Nortli- western army Brackenridge. History of the late war between the Unit- ed States and Great Britain Burges. Battle of Lake Krie, witii notices of Commodore Elliot's conduct ..... Claims on the United States for services during tlie war Cooper. Battle of Lake Erie ; or, answers to Messrs. Bur- ges, Duer, and Mackenzie .... Coxe. Examination of tlie conduct of Great Britain respect- ing neutrals ...... Dallas. Causes and cliaracter of tlie late war . Dwight. History of tiie Hartford convention Hatch. Chapter of the history of the war of 1812 Hull. Defence of Brvjwlli'V-Generiil W. Hull Hunt. The late war between the United States and Great Britain from 1812-15 Mann. Medical sketches of the campaigns of 1812-14 . ^lessage from the Preside'^t respecting the failure of the arms of the United Spates on the northern frontier Perkins. Political and military events of the late war be- tween the United States and Great Britain 1842. 1527 -.30 1839. 1527-26 1839. 1.527-28 1824. 1527-22 184.3. l.-)27-.35 1807. 1,527-24 1815. 1527-34 183.3. 1.527-31 1872. 1527-29 1814. 1527-20 1816. 1527-27 1816. 1527-23 1814. 1527 21 1825. 1527-25 *!■ CANADA— I'UIMCE KOWAKU ISLAND. Wak of lSl2-\5- -Continued. Keport of the committee of the U. S. House of Reprcsenta- tiveH on the barbarities of the war [1812] Wars of the GuUh IS14. 1812. 403 1527-:J2 1527-38 Rehdlion of 1837-8. Lyon. Narrative of Van Dieman's 1.%; '' during a three years' captivity of .St^',-/iiei! ^. 'Vright . n.d. 1547-30 St. EuHtache, eveneinens ii, pendant la rebellion du comte du Lac dea deux Montagnes 1838. ir)47-15 Viger, Memoires de renipri8v.>.nement de . . . 1840. 1547-14 Newfonudlaiid. Bonnycastle. Newfoundland in 1842, a sequel to "The Canivdas in 1S41,"' 2 vols. Harvey. Textbook of Newfoundland liistory \||^ Morris. Constitutional government for Newfoundland 1842. 16U6-19 1885. 1542- 4 1828. 1.142- 5 Neiu Brunsiuick. '\ Baird. Seventy years of New IJrunswick life . Lawrence. Foot prints ; early hi.'tory of New Brunswick Now Brunswick ; notitia for 1836 .... Nova Scotia. Cape Breton, (^Itnioires pour servir a I'histoire de Differends de la (. G. 1634 1889. 1542-14 1819. 5225-12 1888. 1542-29 1885. F. 1707 British Columbia. British Colund)ia and Alaska, views of British Columbia and Vancouver's Island Cornwallis. New Eldorado ; or, British Columbia Nicolay. Oregon territory . , . . . n.d. 1683-10 1858. 1685- 9 1858. 1683-25 1816. 1681 19 Local Histories. Bouulierville, .Seigneurie de, par H. Lalande Cap-8ante (Quebec). Histoire, par F. X. Gatien Gaspi'. Canadian scenery, district of, by T. Pye Isle-Verte (St. J. Baptiste, Quebec). Histoire, par C. A. Ganvreau Lachine, vieux, et le massacre du 5 Aout, 1689, par D. (iirouard Levis, premier colon de, par Roy Longueuil. Histoire, par A. Jodoin et J. L. Vincent Lunenburgh ; or, the old Eastern district, by J. F. Pringle 1890. 1545-31 1884. 1545-30 1866. 5124-11 1889. 154523 1889. 1, 145-28 1884. 1545-29 1889. 1545-27 1890. 1.545-34 (,'ANADA— KCfLExlAMTlrAI. KKI'OI'.TM. 405 Local H\nTOHiKH—Coutiniuit, Montreal. Histoire de la catht'-drale 4.-)-2.'» IS89. r>ii4-j.s 1890. 1 34 -).'}.'; 18S4 ir)4.)'2l 188(i. iri4'. 18 18S8. 1545 22 1879. 1545- 10 1881. B.R. n.d. 154.V26 187(5. l.-|4.-. 17 ■. (, Ecclesiastical History. Cox and Hoby. Religion in America : a narrative of the deputation from tlio Baptist Union in England to tiie United States and Canada Holmes. Conferences de Notre Dame de Quebec Jesuites, biens des, dt'bat sur,dans la cliambro des communes Jesuits' estates bill, debate on, in the House of Commons Meacham. and progress of the Methontiniied as . . . . Pro(>vedinga of the general aHHonddy of the Canada Presby- terian uhuruli, Hoiiions 1-({, IK7or>. Continued aM ActH and pro(!eeun(l;i y hetwei'u lii'tiwh North America and the United States under the treaty '>f 1 7H.'i,correHpoiidfnce on, 3 vols. 18.SH-45. o'J'i.'i- 10 Lee. Disputed frontier, with an examination of the treaty of 17H.S IS.m ir)44-'.>2 Urquhart. Boundary (lifVerenccB between (treat Britain and tlie L'nittd States ... 1840. 1544-21 Fisheries, Newfoundland fisiieries, correspondence respectinj; . . 1N84-1M). 3123. 2 Perley. Sea and river fisheries of New lirunswick . lSo2. 24({.")-10 Numismatics. Atkins. Coins and tokens of tlie British Empire Leroux. Canadian coin cabinet, supplement 1SS9. n.d. ir)S;M7 I.IS.'M;-) Directories, etc. ■""i Canada, Dominion of, l)usiness directory, vol. 1 Oxford, county of (Ontario) gazetteer .... Peterborough (Ontario), directory ..... Toronto directory Biography . Aubry. Life, by Chandonnet Beaujeu. Life, by J. G. Shea Bourgeoys (Marguerite) ("The Pearl of Troyes"), Life of ; or, reminiscences of the early days of Ville-Marie ... , . . Bourget. Life, by A. L. de Bruniath .... Cartier. Life and voyages, by J. Pope .... Sa vie et sea voyages, J. Pope Chaumonot. Autobiographic, par F. Martin . • IS!»0-1. R. 18.^)2. l()S8.l>4 18S8-!) B. i 890-1. 248 187--). •2'J81-18 n.d. 2283-26 1878. 2 -'83-24 188r.. 2281-12 1890. H. 1948 1890. 0. 445 1885. 2J81-16 CANAUA— niUHK HTKKATIKK ANK I Ul.LKi'TKD WUHKH. 407 BiooRAi'iiY Couliuutil. Chaumonot. Vic, pur luinit''nie, IUS.S Suite liu lu vie du Chotnedey (Sieur de MuiMonnuuve). lOtutlu hiHt(iri(|iie et liiogi'uphitiiie, par H. J. J. li. Cliouiiuml . Darveau. Nob hoininuN de lettrvti, v(d. I , . . Aiibiii— I'.iiiiiliiiiKl Cam ii— Priililaii — ('niriiOHil— Huol — Crcmii/if iMCcliL'tle-diTiii-I.ajuii!— I'abif !)»• (iaspo- Holini's. Deaaulniers. Life, liy I.. 0. Diivid .... Deziel. Life, by , I.- K. Roy Eastburn. .Meinuiifi, Ity A. » ISSil. l.-)4-. 27 l.SUO. 22s;{-27 IH}»0. 22.s;i'js iHsr). 22.SI-I7 1S47. 22S1- 7 1S6'2. 22S.S-1S ISS«>. 22S1.1S LSS9 2281-19 1S.S7. 22S1- S KSfMt. '22S1.28 1S!»(» H. 2041 IS7I. ISS2-1() IS08. 22S1--J3 IM()S. 2282-20 1887. 228H-2;{ 18S0. 228.S 2.-) I8S1. 228.'11!» 1870. 2281-24 h J Prose Literature and Collected Works. Adopted daughter, or the trials of Sabra . Baillairge. Coups de crayon [Barry]. Doctor's da ighter Honor Edgcworth . Beaugrand. Melanges : trois conferences 1803. 1889. 1885. 1882. 1888. CoH/c«fs.— Oe Montreal A Victoria- I.e Journal, sou oriniiie et son liis- toire— Anita, souvenirs il'un contre-gut'rillas. 1882-17 1743 21 1883-20 L. 1955 174311 408 KEFERENCE LIBRARY. m h\ .1,1 ' If,;; -Continued. By a Prose Literature and Collkcteu Works- Bourassa. Nos grand' nic-rcs .... Boxer; (} rave doings ; Parisian road to r'lin, etc, late physician ........ Brunei. La famille et ses traditions .... Buies. Anglicismes etCanadianisnies . . . . lii'cit.s de voyages — sur le.s (irandb Lacs, a travers les Laurentides — promenades dans le vieux Quebec Canadian girl ; or, the pirate of the lakes .... Casgrsiin (L'AfM). (Kuvres, .3 vols Cciitciits, — Vol, I. Lugc'iidcs Canadiennes et varidtds ; Vol. 2. Hiograpliies Canadiennes ; Vol. 3. Histoire de la ven(5iable M6re Marie de Chauveau. Charles Guerin : roman de nia'urs Canadiennes Frt'doric Ozanam, sa vie et ses teuvres Ducharme. Ris et crociuis Dunn. Lecture pour tous ...... [Evanturel.] Deux cochers du Quebec .... Faucher de Saint Maurice. En route sept jours dans les Provinces Maricimes .Joies et tristesses de la mer Loin du pays : souvenirs d'Kurope, d'Afrique, et d'Anifri(]ue, '2 vols. Gerin-Lajoie. .lean Rivard le defricheur Jean Rivard t'cononiiste, suite i'l .lean Rivard le difricheur .... Grove. Little Ciraee, or scenes in Nova .Scotia Haliburton (£''/.). Americans at home, 3 vols. Heavysege. Advocate Huston. Lt'gendes (Janadiennes Melanges historicjiies et litteraires Melanges historiques, litteraires, et d't'conomie politique ....... Voyage sentimental sur la rue Saint-Jean Laurier (Wilfrid). Principaux discours, 1H71-90 Ledieu (Li-on). i^lntre nous : causeries du Saniedi Legendre (N.). Echos de Quebec Le May. Pelerin de Ste. Anne .... Picounoc le maudit ..... Leprohon. Manoir de Villerai Lindsay. Pelerinages d'outre-mer MacGeorge. Tales, slietehes, and lyrics [Machar], For king and country ; a story of 1812 . Marmette. Frans^, <■ de liienville ; scenes de la vie Cana- dienne au 17nie siccle .... Moore. Norman Stanly's crusade .... Proulx. L'enfant perdu et retrouve .... Quebec and New York ; or, the three beauties, 3 vols. . Richardson {Major). Canadian brothers Routhier. Causeries du dimanche .... Conferences et discours Grands drames . . . . 1S87. 1743-l(i Lareau. La Rue. 1849. 188-2-28 1881. 174.M5 1888. 1714 2 1890. 1743 31 1838. 1885-17 1884-6. 1741- 1 rincarnation. 1853. 1886-12 1887. 1741- 4 1889. 174.3-19 1878. 1743-12 188G. 1 743-22 1888. I74J. 6 1S88. 1741- 2 1889. 1741- 8 1874. 1 SS2.22 1876. 1882-22 1846. 1882-20 18.-)4. 1881- 1 1865. L. 7904 1853. 1743-24 1877, 1 743-20 1870. 1742-22 1879. 1743-10 1890. 1741- 3 1889. 1741-10 1877. 1743 13 1878. 1882-24 1878. 1882-23 1S84. 1883-18 1890. 1741- 7 1858. 1882-25 1874. 1882-18 188.3. 1 88.3-1 9 1877. 1882-15 1887. 1743-2!> 1839. 1881- 2 1840. 1882-29 1871. 1743-14 1889. 1741- 5 1889. 1743-30 CANADA — POETRY AND DKAMA. 409 PkOSE LlTERATUHE AND COLLECTED WORKS — Coilthmtd, Savigny. Romance of Toronto .... Scraps and sketches ...... Smith. Young lion of the woods ; a story of early colonial days ...... Tardivel. Notes de voyage en France, etc They two ; life in eastern Canada fifty yeara ago Tocque. Wandering thoughts .... Traill. Canadian Crusoes .... 'Varsity book of prose and poetry .... Walker (Alexander). Hours off and on sentry Williams. The neutral French ; or, the exiles of Nova Scotia ...... Withrow. Neville Trueman ; a tale of the war of 1812 mtd, 1888. L. 7977 1831. q1 1743-25 1889. 188221 1890. 1741- 9 1888. 1743-26 184G. 1743-27 1852. 1881- 3 1885. 1743-23 1859. 1743-28 ^•a n.d. 188.3-16 1880. 1882-19 n u Poetry and Drama. Ascher. Voices from the hearth . . - . Belanger. Mesvers [Blennerhasset]. Widow of the rock, and other poems . Brooke, i'oems, dedicated to Canada Chapman (W). Les Quohewiuoises .... The same DxAon [Ed.) Hymns, selected Eaton. Acadian legends and lyrics .... Edgar. White stone canoe ..... Evanturel. Premieres poesies, lS7'i-8 Frechette. Jean Baptiste de la Salle .... Pele-mele ; fantaisies et souvenirs poetitjues Gingras. Au foyer de mon presbytere, poemes et chansons Greenwood. Life among the flowers Hawley. The unknown ; or, lays of the forest Grant. Prairie pictures, and other poems Hamilton. Feast of St. Anne, and other poems Heavysege. Count Filippo ; or, the unequal marriage Saul ; a drama, 2nd edition Hogg. Poems Hoskyns-Abrahall. Western woods and waters Labelle. Mes rimes . Le May. Essais poetiques Tonkourou : nonvelle edition de " Les Ven- geances " ...... Les Vei.geances : pot'me Canadien Les VenLOances ; drame en six actes Une gerbe : poesies .... McBride. Poems McCarroil. Madeline, etc. McColl (Evan). Mountain minstrel .... Mclver. Poems MacKay. Quebec Hill Mackeracher. Verses of feeling and fancy 18«3. 2775-30 1882. 2774-30 1824. 2775.33 1S82. 2774-41 1876. 2774-23 1876. 2774-.30 1863. 2774-35 1 889. I. 311 1885. 2775-28 1878. 277."-21 1S89. 277C-14 1877. 2775-18 1881. 2775-19 1880. I. 630 1831. H.C. 298 1884. 2775 40 1890. I. 624 18(10. 27V4- 2 18.")9 2774. S7 1825. H.C. 299 1864. 2773-17 18:g. 2774-,30 186,5. 2774-31 1888. 2774 25 1875. 2774-21 1876. 2774 22 1879. 2774-26 1869. 2775-20 n.d. I. 603 1838. 2775-27 1869. 2774-38 1797. 2777- 4 n.d. 2775-32 410 REFERENCE LIBRARY. the shadow on a Canadian li' Poetry and \)R\M\—Continn(il. Martineau. Voix d'outretombe Mayne. Poems and fragments Mountain (Bishop). Songs of the wilderness Muchall. Step by step ; or, home O'Brien. Aminta Patterson. " Songs in travel" Procter. Voices of tlie night, etc R. (J. A.). A series of poems Rose Light for tlie temperance platform Rumsey. ('uriie Canadenses ..... Sangster. Hesperus and otlier poems .... Sawtell. Mourner's tribute Stewart. I'octieal works Tremblay. C apriues et chansons .... Coups d'aile et coups de bee .... Wiitson. Legend of the roses Ravlan ; adranui ...... Weir. Romance of Sir Richard, sonnets, and other poems Wicksteed. Waifs in verse Young. Canada ami other poems 1888. 1838. 1846. 1876. 1890. 1872. 1861. i8r)7. 1874. 1843. 1860. 1840. 1890. 188.3. 1888. 1876. 1876. 1890. 1878. 1887. 2775-25 2775-11 2775-22 2775-29 I. 647 2774-24 2774-28 2775- 5 I. 629 2774-39 2774 27 2775-31 I. 657 1743-18 2775-24 I. 633 L 633 I. 698 2774-34 L ()39 !;:,'• Bibaud (Maximilien). Manuscripts. Berkeley [Admiral). Correspondence, eon.'iisting of private intelligence, confi, 345 Adams, John 320, 387 Adams, John t^uincy 378 Addeiley, C. B 38() Addis, William E 2ii.' ?!ir. jy. 331 Annandale, ( ' , 32() Anne (wife of .iames I,) 347 Apperley, C. J .304 Apthorp, W. F 310 Arj^yll family .... 348 Ariosto, Lodovico 32tl, 387 Arlington, Earl of 321 Armitag; , .John 383 Armstn nff, J 407 Armstrong, W 388 Arnold, 312 Arnold, Augustus C. L 281 Arnold, Cecil 313 Arnold, Richard 3rtT Arnold, Thomas 29(> Arnot, Hugo 298 Arrowsmith, A 358, 394 (9) .320, Arroyo, Felipe, de la Cuesta Arthur, King Aacher, Isidore (J Ashley, W. J Assezat, J Atcheson, W Athert(m, William 381, Atholl family Atkinson J. C Atkins, James 38(>, Atterbury, Francis AtthiU, W Atw.ater, Caleb. Aubin, Napoleon Aubry, J Auckland, William, 1st Baron Auckland, Robert .lolin, 2nd Baron . . Audall, Johannes Audsley, (Jeorge Asiit'iwn Audubon, John James Aungier, George James Austin, Sarah Awdeley, .Tohn Axon, William E. A Bachman. .Fohn Bacon, Friar 313, 31G, Bage, Robert Bagster, C. Birch, Bailey, L. W Bailey, Nathaniel Baillairge, Chas Baillairge, F. A Baillie, .Joanna Bain, Joseph 343, Bainbrid^e, Christopher,/li/) of York Baines, K Baines, Edward : Baines, T 304, Baird, William T Baker, Sir Samuel W Baldwin, Christopher C Bale, J Biilfom-, I) Balfour, Isaac Bayley Ball, V Ballantyne, James Balnares, Henry Balzac. Honore de Baltemore, Lord Baraga, Bishop Barante, A. G. Prosj), Brugi^rede.. Barante, Baron de Barbazan, Etienne Barbour, John 32(>, 341, 355, Barclay, A Barclay, John Barclay, John , . 291 , 311 314 409 397 320 404 402 332 342 40(; .335 335 333 407 406 321 321 368 .303 285 335 320 353 343 285 387 324 403 393 343 311 407 328 346 357 387 .387 362 403 285 .3.33 334 333 329 361 324 344 324 380 311 373 316 325 387 356 289 321 it i! 412 REFERKNCE LIBKAKY. I r. Barclay, W 354 Bargrave, J 338 Baiham, William 395 Barinf?-(iould, Sabine 35i( Harlow, Samuel Latham Mitehill . . . 324 Barnard, (Jeorge 30(» Barnes, A. S 3fi5 Barnes, Ambrose 357 Barnes, Barnabe 31!) Barnes, Richard 35(5 Barre, W 373, 38i» Barrfere, Albert 311 Barrett, Charlotte 321 Barrow (ieorge 298 Barrow Sir John 301 Barrow, John, Junior 389 Barrows, Samuel 289 Barry, E 324, 407 Bartholomew, J. G. 35S Bartolozzi, Francesco 305 Has, \V 312 Batten, E. C 343 Baugy, ('hnalicr de 400 Bayard, ('hcvalier 387 BayHeld, H. W 286, 393 Baxter, Charles 332 Baxter, J. P 351 Beal, S 319 Beaubien, Henry dea Rivieres. . .297, 399 Beauchard, Rufiis 382 Beangrand, H 407 Beaugue. Jean de 34tl Beaujt u, D. H. M. L. de 40(i Beaumont, Sir Harry 315 Beavan, James 289 Bechaid, A 405, 407 Becke, Kdmond 312 Heikford. Peter 304 H'C'kington, /HkIki/) 338 B.'.lard, T. P 401 Bedell, W., Bi,^h(>f) of Kilmore 339 Betiford, Fraunois, 2nd Kai-I of 319 Bedford, John, fourtli Duke of 321 Hedson, P. Phillips 28(J Begin, L. X 291 Belanger, J. A 32t!, 409 Belcher, Sir Edward 3(15 Belcourt, G. A 311 Belknaj), Jerejny 382 Bell, Thomas 285 Bollefeuille, E. C. F. de 402 Bellers, William 305 Bemrose, W 390 Benet, Saint 341 Bengough, J. W C22 Benjamin, S. G. W 3t!l Bennet, F 370 Benton, Thomas Hait 378, 387 Beowulf 313 Beranger. P. ,T. de 387 Berkeley, A'liniral 410 Berkeley, Grantley F 302 Bernard, W. I) 361 Berners, .Juliana 315 Bert, Paul 292 Besant, Walter 324 Best, Henry 357 Bethune, A. N 289 Betham, Sir William 368 Beves, Sir, of Hamtoun 348 Bewick, Thomas 387 Bibaud, Maxiinilien 4iO Bibaud, Michel 410 Billings, J 36» Bingham, D. A 321 Binns, R. W 310 Bion 315, 318 Birch, Colonel John 339 Bisset, J 354 Bizonfy, Franz de Paul.a 311 Black, Rev. W 387 Blackader, John 387 Blackie, John Stuart 326 Blackmar, Frank W 345 Blackwell, Prof 354 Blackwood, Adam 347 Blades, William 322 Blaikie, W. G 395 Blakesley, J. W 315 Blakhal, Gilbert 355 Blanchet, Pierre. See Pathelin. Blane, W. H 362 Blavatskv, H. P 293 Blaydes.F. H. M 315 Bleeck, Arthur Henry 293 Bleek, W. H. 1 311 Hlennerhasset, Mrs 326, 409 Blondin. J. A 325 Blunder, Martin Frederick 318 Blundell. W 350 Blunt, John H 2!K) Bobin, Isaac 362 Bodenham, J 1^55 Bogart, John 301 Boisclair, Sophie 298, 399 Bojardo, Matteo Maria 32«j, 387 Boleyn, Anne 316, 318 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John Vis- count 320, 387 Bolton, Robert :W2 Bombaugh, C. C 283 Bonaparte, Charles Lucian 285 Bonnvcastle. Sir R. H 403 Boniuand, Ainu'' 364 Booth 314 Booth, .Tohn 373 Borough, Sir J 339 Borthwick, J. 1) 362 Boswell, .Tames 343 Bosworth, J 311 Boucher, C 298, 399 Boucher, Pierre 40O Mouchot, Her, 322 Boudinot, F'.ias 292 Bourassa, ? 408 Bourpei"- , Marguerite ("The Pearl ofTroyes.") 406 Bourget, Ignace 406 Bourgh, Luril 312 Bourgovne, f>iics de 373 Hourinot, J. G 21*7, 345, .397, 402 Bowdler, Mrx. H. M 324 Bowes, .Tames, Lord 310 Bowes, 356 Bowman, Am(»s 393 Bowman, Henry 308 Boydell, J ■ 305 Brabant, John of 3.35 Brabazon, W""op 296 Brackenbr..y, George 371 Brackenridge, H. M 381, 402 Brackett, Jeffrey R 345 Bradley, John \V 305 Bramston, Sir J 335 INDEX OF NAMES. 413 Brandon, J, Arthur 308 Brandon, Raphael 308 Brannt., William T 302, 303 Brash, R. H 3«« Brasseur de Bourbourg, E. Charles 383. 400 Brathwaite, R 317, 387 Braun, Antoiiie 407 Braun, Emil 307 Breckenridge, James 326 Brehm, A. E 362 Breton, Nicholas 317, 319 Breton, W. H 359 Bretschneider, E 319 Brett, W. H .S64 Brewen, .John 312 Briant, J. () 2 P. B. V .387 Bromley, Henry 307 Brooke, Arthur. 352 Brooke, John 32»), 409 Brookshaw, (4eorge 305 Brown, Alexander 377 Brown, Horatio F 322 Brown, J 290 lirown, .John Mason .382 Brown, Richard 301 Brown, T 350 Brownlow, W. R .369 Browne, C. E 359 Bruce, .334, 3.35, ,336, 337, 3.38, 339 Bruce, Robert 326. 341, 355, 387 Brugmann, Karl 312 Bnimath, A. L. de 405, 406 Brunet, Alexandre 408 Bruno, Giordan( 387 Bryan, Michiiel 387 Bryant, Jacob 367 Bryce, .Tames 378 Bryce, T. A 287 Brydges, Sir Egerton 317, 385 Brymner, Douglas 398 Buchanan, A. C 386 Buckingham family 331 Buckingham and Chandos, I)ukc of. . 371 Budge, E. A. W 319 Buel, Clarence Chnigh .381 Buel, J. W 376 Buies, A 395, 408 Bullen, A. H 326, 328 Bulloch, James 1) .381 Bulstrode, Sir R .321 Bunn, Alfred 328, 362 Burges, Tristam .381, 402 Burgoyne, Sir John 380, 387 Burke, Sir J. Pernard 359, 385 Burnet, IliKhop Gilbert 371 Burney, Charles 387 Burney, James 366 Burnham, S. M 286 Burnley, James .303 Burns, Robert 326, .343 Burns, (Scottish house of) 343 Burnside, Samuel M .333 Burrows. Montagu 340 Burton, J. H 332, 353 Burton, Richard T .362, 364, 367 Burton, Thomas 371 Burtt, .Foseph 335 Bury, Richard de 322 Bush, G 389 Butler, R 344, 345 Butterfield, Consul W 407 Byam, George 364 Byrne, .J. C 365 Byrne, W 370 Byron, Lord 387 C, A 316 Caldwell family 349 Callaway. Henry 367 Calverley, 312 Cambon, Joseph 321 Camden, William .350 Cameron, Sir Ilwen .3.32, 349 Cameron, John 362 Cameron, William 362 Campbell, Lad// Archibald 310 Cam|)bell, Lord Archibald 367 Campbell, Dvmcan 403 Campbell, .John . . 361 Campbell, Professor John 368 Campbell, J. F 326, 367 Campbell, J. R 405 Campbell, Thomas 326, 387, .389 Campbell, W. W 382 Campion, Thomas 328 Canel, A .318 Canning, George 320, 387 Cannon, R 384 Caiiova, Antonio 309 Capeligue, Bapt. Hon. Raymond.... 315 Carbutt, Mrs. E. H 395 Carew, Sir G 337, 338 Carl, .t 390 Carnarvon, 4th Earl of .321, 388 Caroline, Queen 298 Carpmael, Edward 390 Cartier, Jacques 395, 406 Cartwright, llishop 334 Ca.sgrain, H. R 407, 408 Caswall, Henry 3t)2 Catesby, Mark 284 Catharme of Aragon 340 Catherine II. of Russia 388 Cattermole, (J 308 Catton, Charles 385 Cauchon, Joseph-Edouard 407 Caulfield, James .307 Caulfield, R 3.37 Caverley, Maister. Sec Calverley. Caxton, William 317,' 322, 341 Cecil, Sir R 318, 338 Cellem, R 395 Cellini, Beiivenuto .388 Cervantes, Miguel de 317, 324 Hi 11 ; I 414 KKFEUKNCK IJIiUAUY. Ccsnola, Louis I'alnia di 358, 3G(i Chaffers, William 310 Chalmers, (J 297 Chalmers, R 393 Chaloiier, J 350 Chamberlain, .1 337 Chamberlain. Montague 2S5, 3!>4 Chambers, G, F 2!»7 Chambers, Kobert 283 Chambers, William 2vS3 Chambre, William de . . . 3r)() Chainicli. :Michael 3()8 Champion, Ricliard 310 Champlain de IJrouage, Samuel. .318, 'A'Xi Chami.lin, J. D 310 Champnowne, Francis 3S8 Chancellor, 31fj Chancellor, ?^(iwin Beresford ... ... 35!) Chandler, Amos Henry Mil Chandos, the Herald 317. 388 Chandonnet, Joseph 40(» Channing, William K 320, 388 ChauTiing, W. H 388 Chapman, K. J 28(), 32(!, 3!»3 Chapman, (Jeorge 353 Chapman. W 32ti, 40!» Chapiiell, Edward 395 Chapiiell, W 310 Charette, Ph 405 Charles I (of England). .335, 337, 339, 347, 348, 371 Charles 11 (of England) . . . .315, 335, 33(), 348, 371 Cliarles Edward Stuart.SlO, 319, 348, 389 Charles VTl 315 Charles. N 33(i Charlevoix, F. X. de 375 Charnock, Richard Steven 3S(') Charretier, Alain .. ... 341 Chateaubriand, Franvois Rene, Vis- cumti d." 320 Chaucer, (i 341 Chauchetiere, C 407 Chaunionot, Tierre-Joseph-Marie.40ti, 407 Chauveau, P. J. 299,324, 407, 408 Chavanne, C. Dareste de la 295 Chester, /'.{.■'hop of 298 Chester, (ireville John 3()2 Chester, Robert 353 Chesterfield, Philiii Dormer, fourth Earl oi 321, .388 Chevalier de St. (ieorge 318 Chewitt, William 358, 394 Chipiez. Charles 305 Cholmeley,W _. . . . 3.35 Chomedey, Paul de, S/cin-deMaisan- neu ve 407 Chouinard, H. J. J. B 402, 407 Chouinard, Mathias 299 Christian, Thomas ... 327, William 350 Christie. Robert 401 Christy, Robert 283 Church, Benjamin 37() Churchyard,'T 355 Churchyard, Thomas 319 Cibb.-r,'Colley 328 Cicero 316 Clark. J. V. H 382 Clark, R 32(5 Clark, W. P 37« Clarke, Adam 333 Clarke, (»eorge ;^(;<> Clarke, J. B ',]] .joi; Clarke, James Freeman 289, 291, 382 Clarke, James Stainer ,'{89 Clarke, Thomas Curtis 301 Clarke. William ;■<(;;.{ Clay, C .■; 350 Clinton, 312 Clinton, De Witt '.',[ 333 Clinton, Sir Henry 380 Cloncurry, Valentine Lard 388 Cloney, Thomas 3hh Clouston, W. A 341, .3fi7 Clyn, John 345 Coate, Samuel 299 Cobb, Albert Winalow :iO,H Cobbett, William 380 Cobden, Richard 295 Coclirane, Andrew 34s Coke, 5(> E 335 Colchester, Charles Abbot. 1st lianm 321 Coldingham, Galfrid de 35(5 Cole, R. E. G 343 Coleman, Edward 318 Colenso, John William 291 Collier, J. Payne. .312, 313, 314, 334, 335, 337, 338 Collier, Jeremy 317 Colling, J. K ■ 307 Collingwood, Lo)y/ 388 Collingwood, (J. L. N 388 Collins, Arthur 385 Colman, Cic'orge, Junior 32S Colonna, E 307 Col ton, Archbistlw)! 345 Colton, C .370 Columba, Saint 345 Columbkille, Saint 345 Columbus, Christopher .31f), 321, ;!77, 379, 388 Colvin, Veri>lanck 302 Con)be, William 29!t Coningsby, ,SV>' T 335 Connington, John 315 Connolly. T. W. J .384 Constable, Henry 319 Ccmstable. John 305 Cook, Eben 320 Cooi)er, James Fenimore 381, 402 Cooper, J. (i 2S4 Cooi>er, T. S 300 Cooper, W. D 335, 337, 338 Cooper, Rev 377 Cope, E. D 284 Cope, Sir W. H 384 Cope, Kcv. Sir William H 343 Coi)ley, A 3.")0 Corca Laidhe 341 Cormac, Kinti of Cashel 345 Cornwallis, Charles, Maniucss ..321, 3S0 Cornwallis, K 404 Corte-Real, Gasjiar ... 364 Corte-Real, Miguel 364 Cortes, Hernando 383 Cosby, Arnold 312 Cosin, John .357 Coste, E 393 Costello, L. S 326, 389 Cottin, S. R 324 Cotton, Sir R 319 Couch, Jonathan 284 Conch, Thomas Z 343 INDEX OP NAMES. 415 Courson, Aurelien de ;$73, VV. J 320, 38!) Courtney, Minn M. A 343 Cowley, Abraham 320 Cowper, Mary, Countesn 321 Cox, F. A 291, 405 Cox, Thomas 350 Coxe, Tench 378, 381, 402 Craisr, Sir Thomas 388 Craig, VV.J 352 Cramer, J. A 334 Cranmer, Thomas, ArcMiixkop 337 Crellin, J. Frissell 350 Cremazie, Octave 407 Cresap, Michael 388 Crespel, Emmanuel 388. 395 Crespel, L 395 Cretmeau .)(Jy, J 292 Crichton, A 387 Crofton, F. Blake 344, 388 Croke, Sir George 336 Croker, John Wilson 373 Croker, T. C 334 Croly, George 300 Cromartie, Earls of 385 Cromie, H 341 Cr( mwell, Oliver 339, 345, 371 Crosby, A. J 338 Crostluvaite, .Fohn Clarke 344 Crowther, J. S 308 Cullum, Sir.) 342 Cumberland, Richard 324 Cuinming, (leorge 290 Cumming, .1 . G 350 Cunningham, CD 387 Curr, Kdward M . 300 Curran, John Phil|)ot 388 Curry, Kugeiie 341 Curr'v, J 373 Curran, .1. V 320 Curwen, Samiiel 388 Cust. Robert Xeedham..291, 292, 319, 320 Cuthbert, Snint 354, 350, 3S9 Cutter. C. A 322 IX, F. A 290 I)., J 315 Dablon. Claude 401 I )abney, R. L 388 Dalgarno, George 347 Dallas, Alexai) ' ^iimes 3S1, 402 Dallas, R. C 383 Dalton, Henrv (J 383 Daly, Cesar. .' 308 Dancourt, 315 Daniel, P. A 351, 352 Daniel, Samuel 317 Dansey, William 290 Dargaud, J. M 389 D'Arblay, Mme 321, 387 Darby, William 302 Darlington, Thomas 34"? Darnell. H. F 32tl Dart, John 370 D' Artigue, Jean 395 Darveau, L. M 407 Dasent, (J. W 312.314, 374 Daubeny, Charles 3(52 D'Aubigny 329 Daudet, Alphonse 324 Dauney. William 348 Davers, Mary Magdaline 335 D'Avesnes, Prisse 307 David, L. 407 Davids, T. W. Rhys 293 Davidson, John 344 Davies, Edward 307 Davies, J. S 337 Davies, R 337, 3.38 Davis, Admiral 305 Davis, John 333 Dawson, H. B 378 Dawson. (J. M 393, 394 Dawson, *> J. W 393 Dean, J. W 390 De Berryer 401 De Blois, Ls. Alph 298, 399 Debrett, John 385 DeCazes, Paul 395 De Costa, B. F 379 Dee, J 334 De Forest, John W 370 De Gaspe, Philippe Aubert 407 De la Pryme, Abraham 3.57 Delaney, Theresa 404 De Maistre, Xavier 310 Dp Morgan, Augustus 287, 294 Demosthenes 315 Denham, Sir J 317 Denis, Ferdinand 2S3 Denison, (Jeorge Anthony 291 I )ennis, George 308 Dennistoun, James . . . .340, 347, 348, 340 Denny.s, X. B 304 Denroche, Edward 326 Denys, Xicolas 2S4, 395 1 )esaulniers, I. S 407 DeSaiunarez, Admiral Lord 388 Detaille, Kdouard :W4 Devey, L 389 Dewai t, Edward Hartlej' 320 1 )ewey, Orville 289 DeWmt, Peter 388 Dt'/iel, Josejjh David 407 Dhone, illiam 350 Dibdin, Thomas F 322 Dickins, Frederick V 324 Dickinson, John 378 Dickinson, R 288 Dickinson, William 342 Diderot, Denis 320 Diereville, 395 Digby, .S,VK 338 Digbv. Kenelm Henry 385 Dingiey, T 338 Dixon," B. Homer 320, 38.'->, 380, 409 Dixon, .Fames 3(')2 Dixon, James Main 311 Dobell, Peter 360 Docwra 341 Dodge, Richard Irving 370 Dodwell, Edward 300 Dolby, Tiicmias 311 Dolli'nan. F. T 308 Donkin. JohnG 3!l5 Donne, VV. B .321 Donnelly, Ignatius 313 Doran. John 322 Dow, L 388 Dow, P 388 bowling, Thady 345 Drage, T. S 305 Drake, Sir Francis 3.35 Drake, Xathan 357 I ■ ' ■ ■■I 4m KEKKRENCK ii Drake, Samuel G 37(), 377, 3S0 Dretiillettes, Gabriel 292 Drewe, Majot 2!)8 l)riiiuiiii.iid,Williani,()f Hawthornden ;5 Fellowes, W. D 371 Feltham, John .3.)0 Fergusson, Adam .395 Fergusson, James 363 Fergusson, James 3()7 Ferland, .J. B. A 400 Fernow, Berthold 380 Ferrier, J. P .375 Ferris, R .'12 Feyrol, J 396 Fielding. H<'nry .324 Finan, P 396 Finch. I 363 Finden, E 306 Finden, W 306 Finlavson, .Tames 386 Fisher, A 365 Fisher, 1 305 Fitch, Charles H 301 Fitler, E. H .379 Fitzgerald, Edward 283 Fitzgerald, Percv 359 Fitzherbert, "' Mayster " 343 Flandre, Ch. de 307 Fleetwood. George 335 Fleming, (ieorge 361 Fleming, .John 402 Fleming, Ecv. Dr 348 Fletcher, George 313 Fletcher, John .351. a52 Fletcher, William I 323, 329 Foote, Samuel 328 Forbes, Duncan 355 i>DfiX OF KAMES. 417 Ford, Paul Leiceater 822, 378 Fonlyce, Alexander DinfrwaU 3S5 *' Forester, Frank," (Iff Herbert H. '>V, Forester, Thomas 350 Forhter, Edward 3(KJ Fortesctie family 33!( Fosbrooke, T. D 3«9 Foster, Joseph 387 Foxe. J 337 Foxe, Luke 365 Francliere, Gabriel 410 Francis, Mrs 342 Francisco de Jesns !^39 Franklin, Benjamin 320, 388 Franklin, Sir John 365, 366 Franks, Augustus Wollaston 310 Fraser, James 354 Fraser, Thomas 289 Fraser, William 385 Frazer, J. G 288 Frechette, Louis Honore.327, 397, 407, 409 Frechette, O 295 Frederic, King (of Corsica) 373 Frederick Henry, Prince (son of Frederick V) 347 Frederick the Great 374 Frederick II (of Prussia) 320 Frederick V, Elector Palatine 347 Fredericq, Paul 345 Fremont, Jessie Benton 387 Fremont, John Charles 388 Fremont, Marie Lucie Hermine, Sutir Therl'se 407 French, B. F 345 Frere, George 383 Freytas, Nicolas de 383 Friend. Hilderic 342 Frith. Francis 360 Frith, 1 3S7, Jean 307 Froissart, Sir John 3H7 Frost, Percival 315 FuU.arton, John 340, 347, 3»9 Furnivall. F. J. . . .314, 326, 341, 352, 354 Fyfe, K. A 407 Gaff arel, Paul 37'.t Gagiion, Ernest 358 Gaiu' 297 Galfridus Grammaticus ....335,336, 338 Galindo, .Tuan 333 Gallatin, Albert 333 Gait, John 387 (iannett, Ezra Stiies 388 (}annett, W. C 388 (Jarcilasso de la Vega 327 Garden, Comte de 384 Gardiner, J 3 10 Gardiner, S. R 337. 338, 339, 340 Gardner, James 290 Gardyne, Alexander 332 Garland, H. A 389 Garneau, Franvois Xavier 400, 407 Garnet, Lucy M. J 367 (rarrison, W. L 388 Gatty, Mrs. A 322 Gautier, L. 400 Gauvreau, C. A 404 Gavatd, C 306 Gay, James 327 Gayarr*^, Charles 382 Geier, J 316 Geikie. Walter 307 Gemmill, J. A 297, 397 Gent, Thomas 388 (ieorgeir 371 George III 321, 371 George IV 371 George, Saint, of Cappadocia 319 Gerbie, Fredt'ric . . 396 Gi'rin-Lajoie, A 407, 408 Gerning, Baron J. J. von . . . 3.59 (ierry, Elbridge 378 Gesner, Abraham 286, 393 Giblv. John 307 Gibson, J. Y 317 Gierke, Otto 295 Gilbert, John T 345 (iiles, J. A 370 (Jillray, James 305 tiilpin, William 304 Gingras, I'Ahbf'Joa. Apollinaire. .327, 402, 409 Girod, Arniiiry 402 Girouard, D 404 Girty, Georgia 407 (Jirty, James 407 Girty, Simon 407 Girty, Thomas 407 Glackmeyer, C 400 Gladstone, W. E 313 Glencairn, Alexander Cunningham, 5th Earl of 344 (;oad, Charles E 358, 394 (iodolphin, Ist Earl of 371 Godric, Saint 356, 389 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von . .320, 327 (ioldsborough, Charles W 383 (Joldsmid, E 315, 316, 317, 322 (Joldsmith, Oliver 324, 327 (iollop, G. T 288 (tolownin, W 361 Gonnelieu, Pere de 290 Gonse, Louis 305 Goode, G. Brown 284, 296 (Joodsir, Robert Anstruther 365 Gookin, Daniel 333 Gordon, James 354, 355 Gordon, Lord Lewis 354 (Jordon, Patrick 355 Gore, J. Howard ... 322 (iore-Ouseley, Sir F. A 310 (iorges. Sir Fernando 351 Gorham, G. C 291 Crosse, Philip Henry 284 Gosselin, Auguste 407 Gosselin, D 400 Gottfried, Johann Ludwig 383 Gourlay, R. F 402 Gowan, O. R 299 Gowanlock, Theresa. ... 404 Gower, Lord F. Leveson 327, 328 Gower, G. Leveson 342 Gozzi, Count 388 Grice, James 344, 345 Graesse, J. G. T 310 Grafton, Richard 367, 368 (Jrange. James Erskine, Lord 354 Grant, A. A 358 Grant, Colesworth 361 Grant, J. C 296 Grant. John Cameron 327, 409 Grant, John Miller 396 Granville, Dennis 357 418 KRFKKKNCB LIBKAKY. ( Jrivttan, William 'Mi (iravfs, R. H 2<.tl. 2!>'J (iraveHend, Richard (If, liinlnip of London 'X\S) (iravier, JaineH H03 < Jray, Sir ThouiaH 34t< (tray, Walttr .'<57 (irayntant's, Robert de 'AM (irece, Charlfn F 'M\ (ireeley, A. W 3l>} ( JrHt'ley, Horace 2!t."» ( Jreeii, A 407 (ireen, tJeorge A 31,'{ Green, M. A. K :W(i, ;W7 (Ireen, T. H 21(8 Green, William SputHWood MM Greene, Robert Ml (Jreene, W. T 28.-1 (Jreenliill, J 354 (•reenwell, W '.\M (Jreenwood, Laura 40i) Gregory, John 3(>;{ Gregory, O 2S!t Grejfory, William 340 (Jreig, 35!) (Jrenville, (Jeorge 321 Greswell, William Parr 400 Greville, Robert Kaye 2hr) Grey, Arthur, Biiron of Wilton 33t> ( Jrey, Latiii Jane 31S (irey, William, Baron of Wilton 33hn 3()8 Hare, A. J. C 360 Hare, H 317 Harley, Lailii B 336 Hiirman, Thomas ;i,53 Harpstield, Nicholas 340 Harris, Alexander .340 Harris, .Tames 312 Harrisse. Henri 322, 3(i4 Harrison, Thomas 2Jt8 Harrison, W 322, 3.50 Harrison, W. A 35.3, 35 { Hart, A. B 378 H'jrt, G. E .324 Hartley. David 294 Hartshorne, C. H 313. 322 Harvey, (Jabriel 317 Harvey, M 403 Hustings, Warren 375 Hatch, Edwin 288 Hatch, William Stanley 3M, 402 Hatfield. Thos. df, Jiixho/) oi Uiiitiam 3,5(i Havelock, H 361 Hawkins, Edward 386 Hawkwood, Sir John 388 Hawley, Charles 382 Hawley, W. F 327, 40!) Hay, Sir (Jilbert .332 Haynes, ,1 327 Hayes, J. L 298 Hayward, Mrx. Alfred 327 Hay war'' Sir .lohn 334 Hazelwood, Hettv 327 Hazlitt, W. C...'. 335 Heaphv, Thomas 288 Heard, Isaac V. D 376 Hearne, S.amuel .365 Hearne, Thcmias 342, 370 Heath, Charles 3.59 Heath, .Tames HWt Heath, Sir Robert 33t» Heavysege, Charles 328, 408, 409 Heber, Richard 324 Heckewelder, John 388 Hedges, Sir William .344 Heilprin, Angelo 363 Helbrouner, J 295 Helps, Arthur 383 Henderson, (ie HtMinepiii, liOuiH 933. :;.., 380 Houghton J., junior 280 Houghton, T 342 Hounsell, (}. C 303, 385 Howard, Lord William (son of Thomas, 4th JJuke of Norfolk) . . 357 Howe, Henry 382 Howe, William W 345 Howell, .Tames 319 Huart, V. A 407 Hubbard, W 319 Hubbard, William 370 Huber, V. A 2'.»9 Hudson, Henry .SOf) Hues, Robert 344. 358 Huidekoiier, Frederic 289 Hull, John .M.33 Hull, Hrigiidkr O'eneral W 381, 402 Hidme, F. Edward 300 Humbert, Ainie 375 Humboldt, Alexander von .^04 Hume, Allan O 301 Hume, Uavid ;W2, .S85 Hvimphreys, Henry Noel.. .303, 307, 380, 388 Ihunphries, I) 3H9 Hunnewell, James F 373 Hunt, Albert J 402 Hunt, (iilbert J 381 Hunter, A rchdeacon 312 Hunter, Joseph 372 Huntly, (ieorge, Karl of ;i54 Huot, Pierre ( iabriel 407 HuHson, Franvois 308 Huston, .)..... 408 Hutchinson, Kllen Mackay 312 Hutchinson, Thomah ....'. 380 Hutchinson, Thimias J 304 Hutton, F. R 301 Hutton, Matthew 35«i Hyatt, A 284 Ingall, Elfric Drew 300. 393 Inglebv, C. M :«i2 Ingletield, E. A 305 Ince, ( 'aptain 30 II (of England) 330 Jaiji' s I (of Scotland) 348 VI (of Scotland) . . . .318. ;{31, 332, 3.30. .337. 347, 348 .lames, (i. P. R .'{88 Jan-es. T 390 James, W 372 .Fameaon, R .372 Jameson, Mrs 320 .Tamieson, .lohn 311 .lane. Queen 33(> •Tanin, Jules 3.59 •Tansen, .Johannes 374 Jav, John 320, 378 Jeffers, T. C 310 Jefferson, Thomas 299. 320 Jenkins, George 288 .Jennison, Samuel 333 420 KK^KKENCK tlBKAKY. .Fephncin, Robert H2H .lerdiin, William 334, Itsr, JfMHiipp, Atiguiitim 340 ift^witt, lilttwellynn 310 .T.ibbinH, J. R 30.S •Toct^lin d« Brukelond 334 .I.i(|(,in, AUtxiinder 404, 407 •TohnMon, R 312 .lohniton, Robert Underwood 381 ,f ohiiiton, Hiiinuel 324 •lohnatun, CliurlxH 37i> JohiiHton, (ieorfftt 2H4 JohnHton, Henry V 320 .TohnHton, ilohn 3'X\ •TohnHtun, Oovirnur Huniiiel , 3l(S, 320 Johnston, Samuel U 3(14 Johnstone, Charleit 324 Johnstone, (^hcralier de 388 iTohnMtone, Junieti 314, 31t! Jolly, JuliUH 21)3 Jone», ( ieorge 28H Jonew, Owen 307 Jones, Peter 287, 2l»0, 293 Jonex, Richard 32t) Jonew, T. W 33» Jones. W, Henry 367 Jonson, Ben 353 Josselyn, John 333 Joyce, JanieH Uerald 310 Jubinal, Achille 32« Julien, SttiniiilaH 310 Juvenal 315 Kane, Robert 2JMI Kiirdec, Allan 2»3 Katharine, Princess 3115 Katherine of Arragon 318 Katherine, Saint, of Alexandria i»32 Kavana>?h, Morgan 367 Kaye. John William 37r) Keith. JanieH 355 Kellv, Fannv 388 Kellv, John" 311, .350 Kellv, Matthew 340 Kelton, l)wi(?ht H 382, 'Mi Kenible, J. M 336 Kemp, William 317. .S34 Kem|)is, Thomas a 290 Kendall. (Jeor^'e W 363 Kendall. T 3.55 Kennedy, Sir .fames 372 Kennedy, John V 373 Kennett, White 342 Ker, John 388 Ker, William 374 Kerr, John 304 Kidd, Captain William 298 Kidder, Frederic 376 Kierzkowski, A 402 Kilbourne. S. A 284 Kildare, Earls of 373 Kildare, Marquess of (4th Duke of Leinster) .373 King, Clarence 379 King, R -.m King, W. Ross 396 Kingsley, J. S 284 Kingoborough, Edward King, Viscount 383 Kingsford, William 400 Kinloch, George R 316, 331, 346 Kippis, Andrew 379 Kirkby, John de 357 Klaproth, Julius von :mSO Klone, C. Ij ;w9 Knell, T :U2 Knight, Charles ;{14 Knight, William 328, ;«M) Knowles, Sir Krauncis ;UD Knowles, J. Hinton 319 Knox, Johii 34;i Kropf, Lewis L S(i7 Kunz, ( Jeorge Frederick 286 Kydde, Thomas ;U2 Kyteler, Alice ;tt5 li., R 317 Labat, Gaston P 362 Labelle, Klzear 327, 409 La Condamine, de 364 La Croix, Paul 309 La Fontaine, Jean de 320 Lafontaine, L. H 402 La Forest, Gabriel de 404 Laing, David ;«2, 3.33 Laing, Henry 349 Laing, S 314 Lake, Edward 335 Lake, SirT im Lalande, Pi're 404 Lalemant, Hier 401 Lamartine, A. M. L. du P. de ..316, 3.S8 Lamb, John 3S9 Lamb, R ;W0, 38i» Lamont, .Tolin 346 Lancaster, Henry of 335 Lancaster, Thomas of 335 Landt, (} 359 Lane, John ;i'>2 Iiane, Sir Ralph 333 Lang, George . . 396 Langlois, E. Hyacinthe 310 Langmead, T. P im Langtry, J 291 Landnittiin, Colonel 389 Landon, Thomas I) 396 Lanman, Charles 382 La Perouse, J. F. (Jalaup de 3.')8 Lai>hain, 1. A 363 Laichey, L 387 Larcom, Thomas Aiskew 345 Lareau. Edmond 297, 408 Larking, L. B 337 LaRue, Hubert I(K), 408 La Salle, Robert, Cavalier de 333 La Source, Thaumur de 292. 401 Laterrii're, De Salles 402 Lathern, J 407 Lauberivil'ie, Francois-Louis Pour- roy de 407 Lauder, SirT. I) 304 Laurence, of Durham 357 Laurent, F 292 Laurier, Wilfrid 408 Laval, Bishop 407 Lavasseur, E 295 Lawrence. J. W 403 Lawson, A. C 393 Leake, L Q 389 Le Baker, GeoflFrey, of Swinbrook . . . 3(58 Le Bouvier, Jacques 318 Leckie, Gould Francis 369 Leclerc, Ch 322 Le Clerc, Guillaume 332 Le Cointe, VAhbe 316 INDK.X OF NAMKM. 421 lifdifii, Leon 40H Let', .Fohn 4(>l Ii«'»>, Richard Henry ^TH hfk'o, ThomaH M'l L.X.-ndr.', N 40H lit'tfniH, Al|)hoiiM«' ;f.:»l8, XV) Leict'xter, Simon de Montfurd. A'ai7iif :<;<4 [i»itn, Alexander XU\ Leland, ClmrleHlJ ;li MM» Ije Sage, Alain Rune ;12I Le Hueur, Peter 2U4, MVA, iOit Levi, Leone tJtMJ Levins. Peter X\S, .l.M Ijevis, < 'At ralicr de . 401 Lewi.., Israel 2St7, MW ,1 •.U'2 Lewis, J. o ;io«» Lewis. John, t'lmnt Fiesehi :U7 Lewis, Meriwether '2 Lodge. .lohn ;W) Logan. . fames ;121 Lir), .'«)!( Lord. W. H ;!04 Loren/.ana. K. A IW.'l Lossing, H. J ;W2, ;{SS» Loudon, Archibald ;!*•) Loudon, Mm 285 Lovat. rfimon, Litrd .H.')4 Lovewell, ^'aptain J ;<"(! Low, A. p aita Low, David 28.'» Lowe, F ;»i>4 Lowe, R. W ;VJ8 Lowsley, B ;M2 Lundie, John Xil Luard. .lohn 'M\l Lydekker, Richard I'Stl Lydgate, John . .tlC). MO Lynch, Domnick 'M'> Lynch, John :U0. MT) Lyon, Caleb im LyttoD, Sir Edward Bulwer .S2J» fiy tton, Riminu, Lailii ^t'^U M., F. .\. K ;«18 M., .S. J ;W8 McAdani, J. T HWI M'Arthnr, John :W(» McBride, Robert ;<27, 401) McCarroll, , lames 401) McClintock, John N :1H2 McColl, Kvan 327, 40» MucCoU, Mary J ;<27 .MacConmhidlle, (iilla-Brighdu Ml MacConnechy, .Fames 340 McCook, Henry C 284 McCord, Fred. A 400 M'Cosh, .1 2'.M Maedonald, Alexander 31(), 347. 318 McDoneli, Alexander 404 Macdonell, Bithnit 407 Macdonell, J. A 407 McDougull, (;eorge F .SH5 McDowall, William 372 Mc( Jee, Thonuts D'Arcy 327 MttctSeorge. K. J .' 326. 408 Mcdibbon, R. D 21)8 Mc(;ilvray. W 28!) MelJregor, J. D 298 Mc(;regor, R 298 McCJregor, W. L 37f) Machar, A. M 325, 401, 408 Machvn, H 331} McLiii, K. R 321 Machines, D 3t>7 Mclnnes, William 3 Mclver. Mary A 327, 40!» MacKay, Charles 311, 312 MacKny, Hugh 347 MiujKay, J 327, 40!» MacKenna, Vicuna 292 McKennev, Thomas L 37laeKiiight, .lames ;W2, 335, 349 McLean, 322 Maclean, J 29«) Maclean, J :«7, .'WS Macleane, A. .1 . . 315 McClure, Kdmuiid 294 Maclure, William 295 M'MiiUen, .lohn 400 MacNeil, Muircheartach 344 Macneill. Hector 327 Macpherson, Cluny 354 Mttciiherson, .Fames 327 Macro, C 334 McVicar, Robert 39(> Madden, W/- F 335 Madden, F. W 38() Mageohegan , 345 Maliommed 389 Maidment, .Fames . . .3l«, ;i31, 332 Mair, Charles 327 Maitland, Ni> John .34fi Maitland, .s/r Richard 34<> Maitland, Thomati 34<), 347 Malory, i'tr Thomas 314 422 RRFRRBNCE LIBRARY. Manchester, Kdward, 2nd £^«r/ of .. XM Mann, James S81, 402 ManninKiiam, J XiH Millies, \v a;u, :Wfi "Maple Leaf" im Maroliand, F. (J :«!( Marcel, Gabriel -i'l'i Marcotti (luiseppe :WH Margaret of Anjou :W8 Marffry, Pierre ;iOt> Maria Theresa :{74 Marie, Mire, de I'lncarnatiou . . 4(>S Marniette, Joseph '^'2'>, 408 Maniuis, Thomas G 401 Marriott, James 2'.»7 Marryat, Joseph ;U0 Marsh, John B ;U4 Mirshall, John 'M7 Marshall, VV. H .Ul, ;U2 Marston, John J^.Vi Martin, F 40ii Martin, John M7 Martin, Thomas Commerford S02 Martineaii, Flavien ;<27, 410 Martineaii, Harrit t Htsi Martineau, James 28!( Martineni?!) - Cesaresoo, CoHntc) May, Walter W 30<; Mayer, Alexander IJezen 327 Mayer, Josvph 310 Mayer, Luigi 300 Mayhew, A. L 311 Mayne, Daniel Haydn 327, 410 Meacham, A. G 201, 405 Meagher, Thomas F 2im, 301 Meikle, James 303 Mellick, Andrew 1)., junior 382 Melros, Thomas, Earl oi 332 Melville, Sj> James ... 317 Melvin, James 401 Mercier, Honort- 402, 407 Merimt^e. Prosjier 325 Metcalf. Richard 28!» Meyer, H. L 285 Meyer, Lothar 28() Michaux, F. Andre 303 Michel, Dan 351 Michel, Francis(pu' 317, 3.")'( Michelant, H 395 Mignault, P. B 297, 397 Mildmay, Sir W 318 Milet, Pierre 292, 401 Miller, Thomas 385 Milton, John 318, 327, 337, 340, :150 Mirabeau, H. G. R., Comte de ;«^9 Mitchell, John ... 358, 395 Mitchell, J., Lieut. -Col 373 Mitchell, Lucy M ;W9 Mitchell, S. VVeir 300 Mitchell, W 354 Mole, de la 401 Moleville, Bertrand de :i09 Monck. (General 312 Money. E 39a Monk, Henry Wentworth 292 Monnio\ith, Robert Gary, 1st Earl of. 388 Montagu, Lord Robert 377 Montague, F. C 345 Montcalm, Louis .Joseph, Marquis de. 401 Montfiiucon, Bernard de. . . .368, 309, 373 Montfort, Simcm de. Earl of Leicester Sec Leicester. M(mtgomery, Alexander 31(> Montigny '. 292, 401 Montigny. B. .\. T. de 404 Mcmtminy, TluMiphile 3()4 Montrose. Marquess of 349. .372 Moodie. Mrs 3!K> Moore, Arthur W 325. 408 Moore, J, C .'^89 Moore, Sir John 372, 389 Moore, .Joseph 3t>l Moore, S. A 339 Moore. T 285 Morant, Alfred W 385 Moreati, Procureur-Gine'ral 401 Morgan, Henry J 297, 397 Morgan, tJanies Appleton 327 Morgan, W. E. T 342 Morin, A. N 407 ISIorison, John H 288 Morlev, H. Foster 28t> Morpliy, J 3.-.9 Morris, Beverley R 285 Morris, Charles 327 Morris, F. O 284 Morris, P 403 Morris, Richard 313, 351 Mortimer, ( } 407 Morton, J 332, Mi'> Moses, Bernard 345 Motherwell, William 348 Mouat, F. J 299 Mountain, A. S. H :W!) Mountain, Mrs. A. S. H 389 Mountain, Bi.shnp Jacob. . . .327, 39t), 410 Moylan, D. C 318, 32.5 Moysie, David 34(> Muchall, M. E 328, 410 Muir, M. M. Pattison 286 Mull, Matthias 314 Mullan, John 363 MiiUer, F. Max 293, 312 Mulvany, Charles PeUiam 326, 404 Munch, P. A 3.50 Munro, C 3.38 Munro, J. K. C 3!J7 Munro, Rjbert 366 Mure, William 349 Murphv, Arthur 329 INDEX OK NAMKN. Murphy, J. C .".74 Murray, Stuart, Ear( of ;{54 Murray, Lindley ;V20 Mu8gro\e, T. C 287 Myer8, R. Holtby :V2i» Naden, C. C. W 2!);{ Napier, Mark ;?48, ;{4'.), :<72 Napoleon I Ml, :i7:i, :<75. M) Nash, Th(>rf..i8 M7 Nau, Claude :{S<) Naumann, Emil 'MO Naunton, iii)' Robert ;{.*<7 Neftel, Knifjht Mi Nelson, Lord :m Nennius •'< 15 Nettleship, R. L I'fCi Newlands, Benjamin K. R -W^ Newlands, Jolin A. R Mi Newn-an, F. W 29!) Newton, James .HOO Nicander Nucius, ()f Corcyra ;W4 Nicholas, John Liddiart ;>'»') Nichols, John 288, :W8 Nichols, J. (} . .-.Vl-.i, 33"), 33B, 337, 338, 33!) NichoK M. ]• 314 Nicholson, B 3:)i, ;«2 Nicholson, «Jeor(?e 304 Nicholson, H. Alleyne 28<) Nicolay, CI ules (Jrenfell 404 Nicolas, Sir Harris 370 Nicolas, Sii Nicholas Harris 385 Niel, P. (J. J 30(i Nimnio, Jost>|iii, j\mior 37!) Noah, M. M 32!) Norden, John 334 Norman, I'hilip 35!) North, Lonl 321 North, Roper 2!Mi Northcote, J. L 3()!) Northcote, James 3!t0 Norton, A. Titfany 377 Norton, Andrews 288 Norton. John 380 Nottinjf liam. Lord 371 Noyes, « Jeor^'e R 288. 28!) Nutt, Alfr.'d 3(17 Oates, Titus 31*; O'Brien, Cornelius 410 (VCallaglian. K. B 3tJ2, 3()4. 380 O'Callaglian, John Cornelius 345 O'Connell. John 373 O'Connor, Charles 373 Odell, Jonatiian 381 O'Donophue, John 38!l O'Donovan, J 340, ,S41, 344, 345 O'Dubhagain. John 345 O'Flahertv, Roderic 344 O'Hara. J' 384 O'Huidhrin, (Jiolla na Naonib 345 O'Kelly, Charles 345 Olave the Black, h'in;i of Man 314 Oliphant, Lawniice .3(13 Oliphant, T. L. K 343 Oliphant, Mrs .372 Oliver, J. R 350 Oliver, W. S 298, 399 0'Rej;an, W 388 Orinond, James, Ihtkc of 389 Ormsby, John 324 O'Roddy, TJiady 345 Orrery, John Boyle, Earl of 320 Osborn, Sherard 3fiG "Ossian." See Macpherson, James. O'Sullivan, 1). A 291, 405 Oswald, H. R 3.50 Oswin, Saint 3.56, 38!) Ottley. Henry 2a7 Ouimet, Adolphe 404 Owen, Hugh 310 Oxenden, Ashton 39(J Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of 320 Oxford, Robert, Earl of 2!)8 Paquiii, L. P 290 Page. H. R 358, 3!)5 Page, Joiin 340 Pain, William 2!)8 Painchaud. Antoine 407 Painter, William .352 Palaci'i, Diego (iarcia de 383 Paley, F. A .315 Palfrey, John Gorham 380 Palgrave, Francis Turner 378 Palliser. 308 Palmer, Peter .S 382 Palmer, T. H 37!) Panixzi, Antonio 313, 320. 387 Papworth. John W ,385 Paquet, Louis .\dolphe 2!)l Parish, W. D 343 Park. T .32(- Parker, Theodore 28!) Parker, Mm 342 Pan, I) 3.50 Parry, E. .St. John 315 Parry, William 312 Parry, Wiiliai 'l ,3(i(> Parsons, Thet. his 2!l8, 3!)!) Partridge, Jol ,iU Patrick, G. T. » 294 Pathelin .328 Paton, Chabiiers 1 2!)9 J'aton, .Tames 372 Patten, Thomas 30(! Patteison, Henry 328, 410 Patterson, Howard 303 Patterson, William Hugh 342 Paulier, CI 300 Paulmyer, J. P 2!)2 Pauquf't, Fri-rcH .... 30!) Payne, Robert 344 Pazig. Christianus 317 Peacock, Kdward ,342, 343, 344 Pearson, W. H 285, 3!)4 Pepge, S 342 Pence, Kbenezer W 377 Pelham, Camden 298 Pelland, J. O 407 Pellew, (} 38!» Pelle])art, P 401 Penalosa, Diego Dionisio de 383 Penhallow, Saniuel 377 Penrose, Francis Cranmer ,308 Pepper»'ll, Sir William 403 Perceval, Spencer 389 Percy, Binhop Thomas 32() Perkins, Samuel 381, 402 Perley, M. H . 296, 400 Perrault, J 396 Perrault, J. F 298, 398, 3!)9 Perring, Sir Philip 314 Perrot. Georges 305 424 UKFEIIENCE LIBKAKY. Perrot, Nicolas 377 Perry, M. C 379 Peraius 315 Perth, James Dniminond, 4th Earl of 335 Perth, John Drumniond, 2nd Earl of 354 Petit, J. L 308 Petit, Victor 308 Petitclair, Pierre 107 Petitot, Emile 3G7 Petrarch, Francesco 328, 389 Petrie, \V. M. Flinders 308 Petty, William 345 Petzendorfer, Ludwig 307 I'feiflfer, Carl 308 Phelan, Bishop 407 Philip, Kino (Saclutn of Pokani>ket),. 37*!, 377 Phillii»i)e de Reimes 337 Picart, Bernard 291 Piccol|)a88i, Cyprian 310 Pickering, Josej)!) 3!t(> Pierce, 317 Pierotti Ermete 375 Pike, Z. M 363 Pilling, James Constantine 323 Pinkerton, J 32G Pinkerton, J 38() "Piscator" 315 Pistolesi, Erasmo 305 Pitcairn, Areliibald 34(i Pitcairn, Robert 331, 347 Plato 315 Playtfr, (ieorge F 291, 405 Plowden, Francis .■i73 Phuupton, .S(> Edward 334 Plumtre, J 32f; Polo, Marco 389 Poujol, 329 Pont, Timt.thv 349 Pontiac 380 Poole, F 39(i Poole, William Frederick 323, 329 Pope, Alexander 320, 3;i5, .{89 Pope, J 40(1 Pope, John 3t)3 Porter, Noah 311 Porter, W 384 Poste, l<:dward 297 Potter, John 290 Powell, .1. W mi Powell, Robert Wynyard 298, :«»9 Powell, Thomas 352 Powis, William 29t! Pownal, Thomas .38(1 Premio-Real, C4 Premium, Barton 3()4 Prentice, Arcliibald 3(13 Prtivost. I'Abb,' 318, 325 Price, .SVr IT Mb Prideaux, irumnhrey 340 Priestley, Joseph ...'... 287, 294 Prince, Thomas 315, 380 Pringle, J. F 404 Prinsep, Henry T .375 Prior, R. C. A 32(1 Pritchett, R. T ;W5 Procter, J. J 328, 410 Proctor, Thomas 319 Prou, Maurice 323 Proulx, J. B 408 Provencher, Joseph-Norbert 407 ProvencJier, L 285, 394 Provencher, Modeote 29«, 39!) Provost, Th. S 39(;, 405 Prynne, William 340 PufendorfF, Ksaias 316 Pngin, A 308 Pugin, A. Welby 307. 308 Pulsifer, D 379 Pnlsifer, Wi.liam H .300 Putnam, I 389 Pye, T 404 Pyne, W. H 309, 372 Pyrard, Francois, de Laval 344 R., J. A .. 328, 410 Racine, Dominique 407 Racinet, A .309 Radcliffe, Ann 324 Raffles, Sarah 389 Raffles. Sir Thomas Stamford 389 Ragueneau, Paul 401 Ranie, James .{uG, 389 R&nw, Alfred 395 Raleigli, Sir Walter 3.33, 3:« Ramsay, Allan 32(5 Ramsay, David 378 Rameau de Saint Pere .m, 403 Rand, Silas Tertius 293, 311 Randolph, Kdm\ind 378 Randolph, John 389 Raphael :m Rask, Erasmus 312 Rastell, John 3(18 Rat/.inger. llcorg 295 Raumer, Frederick von 371 Ravaillac, Francis 31(1 Ravelin, Humphrey .320 Raveiiscidft, Edward 285 Rawdon, M 338 Rawlinson, IJeorge 315 Ray, John .342 Raynouard, Fr. Juste Marie . . . .311, .314 Read, 1). li 407 Reading, Thomas A. 313 Rebold, Kiiianual 299 Reddall, Henry Frederick 283 Redhouse, J. V 311 Reed, Henrv .301 Keed. Talbot Haines .m Rees. W. J 319 Reeve, Clara .324 Reeves, A. M .379 Reeves, William 345 Reginald, Monk of Durham 35(1, 389 Reichert, Edward T 300 Rein, J. J :m Reiset, Comtt de .30i) Rendle, William .353, .3.59 Renouard, .Vnt. .Vug 31(1, 323 Reynolds, John 289 Reynold^, .SV>- Joshua :{06 Rhodes. ( iodfrey 'Mi4 Ribton Turner, C. J 2}t5 Ricart, R .339 Rice, James 324 Richard II . .3.34 Richard de Maidstone 3;H4 Richard, Jules ;«4 Richard, L 299 Richarderie, ( J. Boucher de la 323 Richardson, Sir John .3(1(5 Richardson, Major 325, 408 Richardson, Samuel 324 Ri< Ri( Ri< Ri( Ri( Ri( f INDEX OF NAMES. 423 I Richey, M 387 Kichmond, Henry Fitzroy, Duke of . . ;i;i5 Kidout, Thomas Ml Riedesel, Mvie. de 381 Rietstap, J. B 385 Righetti, Pietro 3«0 Riuibault, E. F 339 Ripper, William ;W1 RiH-Fa(iu()t, 310 Riwhanger, W. de ;W4 RitNon, Joseph 372 RitHon, Jose)' 313 Roberts »- tvne H. E 38« RrSertM, .... 3«50 Roberts 336 Roberts, 370 Roberts, T. i' ;W3 Robertson, J. C 338 Kobertson, J. P 364 Robertson, John 332 Robertson, John Ross 396 Robfirtson, Joseph 347, 349 Rolvrtson, VV. P 364 Robins, George 307 Robinson, C 319, Mbv, Robinson, C. Chnigh 342 Robinson. F. K 342 Robinscm, R .387 Robin8n, Joseph 396 Roby, Luther 380 Rochester, Envl of 317 Roe, SirT 336, 337 Roebuck, J. A 402 Rogers, C 343. 314 Rogers, H. T 301 Rogers, .John 352 Rogers, John 380 Rogers, Robert 329, 380, 389 Rokeby, Thomas 357 Rokewode, John (lage 334 Rondthaler, E 388 Rcmsard, Pierre de 328 Rooke, W 318 Roo.sevelt, Theodore 304 Roscoe, W 285 Rose, ( ieorge 363 Rose, (Jeorge Maclean 410 Rose, Joshua 301 Ross, C 321 Ross, F 370 Ross, Frederick 342 Ross, tiir J 388 Ross, John . . 354 Rossi, Domenico de 309 Roth, II. L 3(;t; Rous, F 356 Rous, J 337 Rousselin, A .38S Routhier, A. B 358, 408 Row, John 348 Row, William 348 Rowbotham, .Fohn Frederick 310 Rowe, C. J 386 Roy, J. E 396, 404, 407 Rumsey, John 328, 410 Rush, Friar 313 Russell. J., Bishop of London 337 Russell, John 291 Russell, Lord John 321, IMi Russell, Willis 39(i Rutherford, John 328 Ruttan, Henry 299 Ruttan, William 407 Ruttenber, E. M 363 Ryan, Carroll .328 Rydberg, Viktor 367 S., R 319 Sabine, Lorenzo 389 Sache, Louis 407 Hacheverell, W 350 Sacheverell, William 298 Hachs, Julius vim 2H5 SAgean, Mathieu 292 St. Cosme, J. T Buisson . . . .292, 363, 401 St. Vallier, J. de la Croix de. . . .291, 401 St, Vincent, John, Earl of 389 Saintsbury, George 324 Salvin, F. H 304 Samson, Abbot 334 Samuels, Edward A 284 Sandys, Charles 29" Sanford, Ezekiel .377 Sanger, William S 295 Sangster, Charles 328, 410 Sansome, Antonio 302 Santangel, Luis de 321 Sap]>ho 315, 318 Sargent, Charles Sprague '2H5 Sargent, Winthrop .Wl Satchell, ;{23 Sauer, M ;;60 Saumarez. Sec De Saumarez 388 Sauvageot, Claude ;{08 Savage, William 303 Savigny, Annie G 409 Saville. H :{37 Sawtell, M. Ethelind 328. 410 Saxby, Jessie M. E .390 Scadding, Henry 407 Schiller, Frederick 828 Schimmelpenninck, Mary Ann 373 (lioning, Gerhard ;{14 . lolcraft, H, R 363, 374, -.''T St, iber, Ladi/ Charlotte :V)J Sell, yler, Philip ;j,S9 Scott, Alexander Forsyth 2'.t7, 397 Scott, Leader 305, ;iS8 Scott. Sir Sil bald David ;i84 Scott, Sir Walter 328, 3.33, 343, ;{!tO Scratchley, Arthur '29() Scribe, Eugene .(29 Scudder, S. H 284, 394 Selwyn, A. R. C ;{!i3 Selkirk, Earl of .{72, .386 Sennacherib ;i68 St'vigne, Fran(,'oise Marguerite, Mnu. de ;i21 Shakespeare, William. .313, 32.5, 351, :{52, 353, 354, 372 Sharp, A rrhhinhop David ;>89 Sharpe, C. K .{16 Sharpe, Edmund ;{08 SharjH?, Thomas Xil Shaw, Henry ;>07 Shaw, Vero 285 Shiiw, W. F .-{43 Shaw, William ,{63 Shea, John Gilmary , . .292, MS, 377, 378, :m, .383, 406 Shecut, J. L. E. W 326 Sheldon, E. M ;{82 42U KEKBRKNCE LIBKAKY. Sheldon, William 'JiiH Shenstone, Thomas S «!)»>, 405 Sheppard, J. B .UO Sherley, Hir Anthony ;U2 Sherwood, Richard JiSO Shields, Henry ^M^ Shillingford, J .«!) Shirley, Evelyn Philip ;{7;i Shortland, Edward S67 Short, Richard .m, :V.)7 Shiutleff, N. B 87!> Sidmouth, Lord ;IW) Simcoe, J.G liSl, 407 Simpson, T ;i(J6 Simpson, W. Sparrow 340 Singer, F. B 407 Singer, Samuel Weller ;{I4 Simonin, L .'iOO Skeat, W. W 287, 311, 341, 343, 351 Skene, James 347 Skene, William F 372 Skinner, Andrew 35ft Skinner, J. E. Hilary ;>i!3 Skioldebrand, A. F ". 359 Slade, William, junior 37!> Sloan, Thomas 'JSlt, 405 Small, Albion NV 345 Small, .Tohn ;>12 Sinet, J. de 377 Smith, A 344, 345 Smith, C. J 3ti8 Smith, C. R 342 Smith, (}. B 387 Smith, tJeorge 3(!8 Smith, (ioldwin 288 Smith, H 342 Sn'ith, J. (J W7 Smith, J. .(ay 323 Smith, .J..lin 30(! Smith, .fohn 34 W. S 38ft Smith, Walter 307 Smith, William 328 Sn.ith, William 400 Smith, William 3()7, 387 .Smith, .SVr William C 373 .Smith, William .Tames 321 .Smollett, Tobias ( ieorge 324 Smyth, Henry {0<) .Smvth, .F. F. I ) -MyA Siiivth, R 33<) .Smvth. W 3tU Snell, H. S 2J)» Sneyd, Charlotte Augusta .'W5 Snowc, .Foseph 374 Snow, W. Parker 3()(> .Sol.m, I.. M 310 .S,.lvyns, F. Balth.azar MM .Sommer, H. () 314, 3lft .Sorel, Agnes 315 Sotheby, S. Leigh 323 Sotheraii, Henry 324 Southey, Robert 383, 38ft Southwell, Robert 317 Sophocles 315 .Soweiby, James 285 Soyer, Alexis 304 Spalding, John 347, 355 Spalding, William 353 Sparks, Jared 320, 379, 388 Spaidding, John H 3()3 Speed, John 350 Spence, H. D. M 35ft Spence, Thomas 363 silencer, 1) ivid E 345 Spencer, (.). M 377 Spenser, Edmund 31ft, 355 Simrdeus, W. T 342 Squier, Ephraim George 3(54, 383 Stables, W. G 285 Stafford, William 353 Stamer. W 3ft7 Stamtield, Clarkson 35ft .Stansbury, Joseph 381 Sta|)leton, A. G 387 .Stapleton, T 334, 335, 33(i Stark, C 38ft Stark, J 380. 38ft St.aunton, Howard 314 Stead, Richard 342 Stedman, Edmund Clarence 312 Stejihcn, «ir G 304 Stephen, Thomas 38ft Stephers, George 374 Stephens, W. A 328 Sterling, John 320 Sterne, Lawrence 324 Stevens, Henry 323 Stevens, .lohn Calvin 308 Stevenson, .Tames . . 348 Stevenson, Joseph 347, 348, 34!» .Stevenson, Seth William 38(> Stevenson, T 301 Stevenson, William < J 381 Stewart, A. C 410 Stewart, C 28ft, 2ft0 Stewart, l>avid 372 .Stirling, William Alexander. 9th Earl of 298, 321 Stirling, William McGregor 372 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William 305 Stockton, Robert F 38ft Stokes, Whitley 319, 345 .Stone, Walter George 352 Stone. William L 382 Storer, Thomas 319 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 325 Str.achan, Bishop .Tohn 287, 407 .Stranahan. C. H 30, 337 Synionds, John Addington 388 Symonds, R 337 Taafe, John 38r» Tache, Alexander 404 Tache, L. H 407 Tache, J. C 402 Tacitus 315 Tallack, William 295 Tanguay, Cyprien 407 Tapning, T 342 Tardivel, J. P 409 Taswell, William 335 Tatien, F. X 404 Tattfrsall, (Jeorge. 304 Ta\ernier, Jean Baiitiste 3(51 Taylor, C. C 397 Taylor, (Jeorgc 35tJ, ;«9 Taylor, Cieorgc 359 Taylor, (Jeorge Ledwell 308 Taylor, J 304 Taylor, James 397 Taylor, John 355 Taylor, M. J 302 Taylor, Richard 3t)7, 384 Taylor, Thomas 292 Taylor, Tom 32() Taylor, W 313 Tegakoiiita, Catherine. ("LaSaincte Sanvagessc") 407 Teissier, F 401 Teniple, Richard (J renville, Earl 321 Tern I )le- Leader, John 388 Tench, Watkin 3(5.") Terence 315 Tetu, Henri 407 Teulet 332 Thame, P. de .337 Thayer, 291, 405 Thayers. M. J 328 Therry, R 320 Thibault, tJeorge 293 Thirlestone, Lord 31(> Thomas, K. C 322 Thomas, Tsaiah 333 Thompson, E. M 340, 3 Thorpe, B 313 Tliorpe, Samuel 390 Thorpe, T. E 28(> Thruston, Gates P SW Thuan, J. A 317 Thynne, Francis 341 Timbs, Jo!, 11 330 Timniins, Thomas 30! Timperley, C. H .303 Tite, W ; 335 Titian .390 Tocque, P 409 Todd, James Henthorn . . . .334, 344, 345 Tomkins, Peltro VVillian« .S0<> Tonge, Thomas 357. 385 Tooke, W 374, 388 Touchstone, S. F .304 Tournenx, Maurice .320 Townsend, John K 3ti.3, .3t)4 Toynbee, Arnold 345 Traill, Catharine Parr 325, 397, 409 Treenoodle, .Ian 312 Trelawny, Jonathan 335 Tremblav, Remi 328, 410 Trent, \Villiain P 345 Trevelyan. Sir C. E 339 Trevelyan, SirW.C 339 Troil, IT. von 3.59 Trotter, Thomas 28f) Trumbull, Henry 377 Tudor, Henry 3tU Turnbull. W. B. D. 1). .331, 332, 333, 348 Turner, (Jeorge .3H5 Turner, .1. M. W 30tJ Turner, John 407 Turner, T. Hudson 308 Turner, William 343 Tusser, Thomas 343 Tuttle, C. W 377, 388, 390 Tuttle, Charles R 404 Twysden, Sir R 33(> Tyiiims, S .336 Tyrrell, J. B 393 Tytler, P. F 388 l^iiwin, William Cawthorne 301 I'rban IV, Pope 354 Urquhart, David 40(i l''r()uhart. Sir Thomas 347 Valentini, Agostino 305 Van 1 )usen, C 407 Van I'leet, J. A 3ii4 Vaughan, J, I) 321 Velazquez .390 Vergilio, P 335 Verney, Sir R 335 Vernon-Harcourt, L. F 301 Viger, D, B 403 Villagra, (Jaspar de 383 Villon. Franvois 32^ Vimont, Bartheiemy 401 Vincent. J. L ' 404. 407 Vincent, J. E. Matthew 38 1 Vines, R 317 428 KEFERENCE LIURAKV. Vines, Sydney Howard 32!) Violletle-Duc, E 308,309 Viigil 313, 315 Vizetelly, Henry 302 Wadd, William 29!) Wagner, Wilhelm 351 Wake, C. Htaniland 3«« Wake, Richard 301 Wakefield, W 301 Waldron, (J 350 Walker, A 305 Walker, Alexander 409 Walker, James 28!) Walker, T. L 308 Wallace, Sir William 348 Walmisley, A. T 308 Walniysley, Thomas 335 Walpole, Horace. iScc Orford, ^(tW of Walpole, S 371, 389 Walsh, Robert . . . .^ 381 Walsingham, Sir ¥ 330 Walter, J 314 Walton, alias Purser 312 Wanless, Andrew 328 Ward, G. A 388 Ward, H. Marshall 285 Warden, I). B 304 Ware, Henry 289, 390 Ware, John 3!)0 Ware, Mary L . . .^ 390 Waring, (ieorge E., junior 302 Warkworth, J 334 Warner, Charles Dudley 397 Warren, F. E 291 Warren, J . lieicester 305 Warrington, William 310 Warwick, Guy, Earl of 332 Warwick, Rembrun, Earl of 332 Washington, George 320, 390 Washington, H. A 320 Watkinson. John 35!) Watson, Jonn F 323 Watson, Samuel James 410 Watson, W. C 382 Watts, Henry 280 Way, Albert 335, 330, 338 Wayne, Antony 381 Webb, J 330 Webb, John a39 Webb, T. W 339 Webb, W. S 397 Webbe, Edward 317 Weber, Henry 313 Webster, Noah 311, 378 VVebster, IVlatiah 378 Wedmore, Frederick 307 Weems, M. L 390 Weir, Arthur 410 Wells, J. E 407 Wells, Roger 311 Wellington, iJukc of . 372, 390 Wendt, truest Emil 297 Werburge, Saint, of Cheater 341 Werner. Charles 302 Westlake, N. H. J 310 Westwood, J, O 284, 307, 323 Westwood, T 323 Weymouth, K'cliard Francis 351 Wetzler, Joseph 302 Wliall, W. B 28(5 Wharton, Francis 297 Wheater, W Wheatley, H. B . .338, 340, 351, 352, Whetstone, (ieorge 312, Whistler, J. A. M Winston, Robert White, J White, John Whitelock, Lieul-Otncral Whitelocke, Sir J Whitgift, John, Archbishop Whittingham, W Wicksteed, G. W 328, Witfen, J. H Wild, Joseph Wilkins, Harriet Annie Wilkinson, James Willan, JJr Willard, Mrs. F. J William I (of England) William 111 (of England) Williams, C. W Williams, Eleazer Williams, Jttv. J Williams, Sir John Williams, Monier Williams, Mrs 325, Williams, R. F Williams, 8 Williams, Stephen W Williams, W. Carleton Williamson, Sir Josepli Willis, Browne Willson, David Wilniot, Lenuiel A Wilson, Alexander Wilson, Colonel Wilson, E. F Wilson, H Wilson, James Wilson, John Wilson, Richard Wilson, Thonuis, JJishop Winans, G. E. A Wincheisea, Earl of 315, Wincliester, C WingHeld, Alexander H Wingtield, Edward Maria Winston, Charles Winthrop, T. L Wintoun, George, Earl of Wintrop, John Win/.et, Niniane Wither, George 328, 355, Withrow, W. H 325, 397, Wodehouse, E. R Wodrow, Robert 347, Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal Woodburn, S Woodhouse, J Woods, ( Jeorge Wordsworth, William 320,328, Worsley, P. S Worsley, Sir Richard 305, Wotton, Thomas Wright, Carroll D Wright, E Wright, H. C Wright, Joseph ("Wright of Derby") Wright, Steven S Wright, T 317, 334, 335, 330, Wright, Thomas 370, Wriothesley, C 33!), 309 353 319 307 315 384 304 2!)8 337 319 330 410 327 405 328 390 342 328 318 371 373 2!)0 387 331 293 40!» 825 337 30!) 280 339 350 28!) 407 285 300 312 381 378 289 304 > 350 407 318 3S8 328 333 310 333 298 2!)2 347 350 409 310 34!) 319 307 290 35!) 3!)0 327 3t)8 385 379 350 287 390 403 33!) 371 340 INDEX OF NAMES. 429 315 384 . ... 3(i4 298 337 319 336 .328, 410 .... 3-J7 .... 405 328 390 .... 342 .... 328 .... 318 .... 371 .... 373 .... 2il0 .... 387 .... 331 .... 293 32,'), 409 . ... 32.5 . ... 337 . ... 309 . ... 28(J . ... 339 . ... 3r)0 . ... 289 . ... 407 . ... 285 . ... 300 . .. 312 .... 381 . .. 378 ... 289 ... me, . 350 .. 407 <15, 318 . . 388 . . 328 ...333 . .. 310 . .. 333 . .. 298 . .. 292 ... 347 •)5, 350 97, 409 . .. 310 47, 349 ... 319 ...307 ... 290 .. 359 28, 390 .. 327 )5, 308 .. 386 .. 379 .. 350 .. 287 '") 390 .. 403 10, 339 0, 371 19, 340 Wrottesley, G 387 Wyat, SirT 330 Wyatt, Matthew Digby 302 WycliflFe, John 287, 334 Yarrell, William 284, 285 Yonge, Charles D 389 Yonge, W 336 Young, Alexander 380 Young, Edward 295 Young, Kgerton K 397 Young, 8. F 410 Yriarte, Charles 360 Yule, Henry 389 Yves d'Evreux 364 Zeiflberger, David 311