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 I 'I I 
 jlisTOHiGflii & SciEiiTiFic Society 
 fll^l^Oflll t^EPOHT 
 THE YEAR 1891. 
 » ■» ♦ 
 liiSTOHiGflL & Scientific Society 
 OF MflNlTOBfl. 
 Anri^Ab f^EPonT 
 — von- 
 THE YEAR 1891 
»< , f 
 The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. 
 OFFICKHS F<U{ 1M1»2. 
 President, John Macneth. 
 First'Vice-I'res., Rev. Prof. Haird. Second Vice-President, Sheriff Iiikslcr. 
 Correspondiiix vSecrctary, Dr. I^aird. Recording Secretary. J. T. Ilnggard. 
 Treasurer, Stephen Nairn. 
 ,. Consisting of the above officers and following gentlemen : 
 Hon. Judge Ardagh. Rev. J. J. Roy. 
 Rev. Prof. Bryce, IJ, D. Rev. A. E. Cowley. 
 Rev. Prof. Hart. SheriiT Inkster. 
 Rev. R. G. MacReth. C. N. Bell, F.R.Ci.S. 
 D. E. Adanifi. Archer Martin. 
 Dr. Laird (Chairman). 
 Rev. A. E. Cowley. 
 Rev. R. G. MacBeth. 
 C. N. Bell. 
 Rev. J. J. Roy. 
 John MacBeth. 
 Rev. Prof. Baird (Chairman). 
 Rev. Prof. Hart. 
 Rev. Dr. Bryce. 
 S. Nairn. 
 Archer Martin. 
 Dr. Laird. 
 Stephen Nairn (Chairman) 
 Judge Ardagh. 
 Sheriff Inkster. 
 D. E. Adams. 
 J. T. Huggard. 
 Rev. Dr. Bryce (Chairman) 
 Rev. Prof. Hart. 
 S. Nairn. 
 Alderman West. 
 Alderman Cockburn. 
 Alderman Wyatt. 
The Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. 
 Cousists of the followiiifj classes of Members : 
 lliiiiii>'Hry >l«iiili«rH. I^itV MeiiilierH, $'^5,00, 
 roriTHpoiKlliiK Muiiibui'M. Actlvo AIoiiilinrH, $5.00 per iiiitiniii. 
 AHHocliitit iVIuiubt>ri, $1i.00 per aniiuiii. 
 Mciiihers of the Council of Manitoba University and Underf^raduates have 
 iiccess to the Isbister Library in custody of the Society. 
 I,onl Dii fibrin. 
 I'". I'arkman. 
 Col. I'alliser. 
 General Lord Wolseley. 
 Sir (ieorge Stephen. 
 Archdeacon McDonald. 
 U. S. Consul Taylor. 
 Principal Dawson. 
 Dr. John Rae. 
 General Lefroy. 
 Marquis of Lome. 
 Rev. John McDougall. 
 Lord Stanley of Preston. 
 Sir Daniel Wilson, Toronto. 
 Principal Grant. 
 Sir Donald A. Smith. 
 Lord Lansdowne. 
 Rev. Pere Laconibe. 
 .Sandford Pleming. 
 Prof. H. Y. Hind. 
 Dr. Tache, Ottawa. 
 Joseph Fortescue, Isle a la Cross, via 
 Prince Albert. 
 Archibald McDonald, Fort Qu'Appelle. 
 S. K. Parsons, Montreal. 
 James McDougall, 
 H. Belanger, Cumberland House. 
 Robert Campbell, Merchiston, Man. 
 Professor Bell, Ottawa. 
 Dr. George M. Dawson, Ottawa. 
 C. Mair, Prince Albert. 
 Roderick Ross, Ft. Chippewyan, Atha. 
 Alexander Matheson, Rat Portage. 
 R. R. McFarlane, Fort Chippewyan. 
 Dr. W. McKay, Peace River. 
 II. Hell, Michipicoton, Lake Superior. 
 Praf Macoun, Ottawa. 
 1'. n. Turnock, Calgary. 
 Krnest E. Thompson, New York. 
 Walter Dixon, I,ake Francis. 
 Henry J. Morgan, Ottawa. 
 R. J. W. Pither, Rat Portage. 
 Prof. J. H. Panton, Guelph, Ont. 
 Rev. Mr. Burman, vSt. Paul's, Man. 
 Rev. Dr. John McLean, Moose Jaw. 
 J. W. vSpencer, Churchill, Hudson's Bay. 
 Hon. Sam A. Green, Boston, U.S.A. 
 James W. R. vSwan,U.S.A. Acting Consul- 
 General, St. Petersburg. 
 Mr. J. B. Tyrrell, Ottawa. 
 Ven. Archdeacon McKay, Prince Albert, 
 Rev. Malcolm Scott, Ft. Vermillion, NWT 
 Ven. Archdeacon Vincent, Moose Factory 
 Rt. Rev. Richard Young, Bishop of .\tha- 
 basca, N.W.T. 
 D. M. Stewart, St. Paul. 
 Hon. J. C. .\ikins. 
 I J. H. Ashdown. 
 Rev. Dr. Bryce. 
 IJ. Camsell. 
 (Dr. Cowan. 
 Rev. A. E. Cowley. 
 R. E. W. Goodridge. 
 W. H. Hughan. 
 Capt. L. M. Lewis. 
 Wm. Martin. 
 Mr. Joseph Wrigley. 
 A. McCharles. 
 F. W. Stobart. 
 Archbishop Tache. 
 H. S. Wesbrook. 
 Ol' THK 
 Historical and Scientific Society of Mariitob 
 The annual meeting ot the Society took 
 place oti the eveninjj of l-'ehruary {)th, 
 m the rooms of the Society in tlie City 
 Hall, Winnipeg. Mr. John MacIJeth, 
 President, occupied the chair. The re- 
 ports of the Council, of the Treasurer, of 
 the Library Conunittee, and of the Joint 
 Library Committee were presented and 
 The Kxecutive Council beg leave to 
 present their twelfth annual report. It 
 is noted with pleasure that the total 
 membership is now probably larger than 
 at any previous time in the history of the 
 Society ; that the treasurer's report shows 
 a most satisfactory credit balance ; and 
 that there has been steady progress and 
 development in the various departments 
 of the Society's v/ork. 
 Meetings of the Society. 
 During the past year the Society has 
 held five meetings. On May 4 Dr. 
 Bryce gave a biography of Adam Thorn, 
 the First Recorder of Rupert's Land ; on 
 June 10 a special meeting was held to 
 unveil Seven Oaks Monument ; on Octo- 
 ber 2i) a lecture was given by K. N. L. 
 Macdonald, Kscj., upon "Alaska and 
 British Columbia ; " and on November 
 2(5 a paper was read by Reverend Dr. 
 Bryce upon the "Older Geology of the 
 Red River and Assiniboine Valleys. " 
 On June lit, 189], just seventy-six 
 years after, the Society unveiled at Seven 
 Oaks, in Kildonan, the first commemora- 
 tion stone formally erected by a society 
 in Western Canada. The site, distant 
 about three miles and a-half from the 
 centre of the City of Winnipeg, has 
 become historical, in that it was the 
 scene of the affray in which Governor 
 Robert Sample, of the Hudson's Bay 
 Company, and about twenty of his men 
 lost their lives in an encounter with the 
 representatives of the North-West Com- 
 pany. This early conflict is notable not 
 merely from the affray itself but from its 
 far-reaching results to the colony of Red 
 River, for it brought to an issue and a 
 settlement many of the disturbing ques- 
 tions that were then causing disconl aiil 
 preventing peaceable cAlonizalion ni 
 these western lands. It was the site of 
 this affair that the Society determitKil to 
 mark and commemorate. There wck 
 present many of the older members of 
 the Society ; a large number of the early 
 settlers of Red River ; and also sonic of 
 the descendants of the parties en^janni 
 on both sides. 
 After a brief address by the presidL-iii 
 Mr. John MacBeth, the Lieutenant-Covtr- 
 nor of Manitoba unveiled the moiuinicnt. 
 Mr. C. N. Bell, an ex-president, liaviiii; 
 read a short historical account. The Chief | 
 Justice and Mr. Justice Dubuc, Canon 
 Matheson, the American Consul, aii<l 
 Lieut.-Col. Villiers, D.A.G., and Cant 
 Howard, representatives of various de 
 partments of civil and military life, iiiailt 
 appropriate addresses commemorative of 
 the event and its consequences upon the 
 early and present history of this country 
 As it is the intention of the Society io 
 publish among its transactions a full 
 report of these proceedings, it is un 
 necessary to enter into further detail] 
 The papers of Dr. Bryce caused a j,'ooi 
 deal of comment, and, aside from their | 
 special value as scientific contributiou> 
 have been a great factor in the inslruc 
 tiou of the people generally of thel 
 Canadian North-West on the 'jeologyoi 
 their adopted country. 
 The collections of the Society are co;; 
 stantly increasing. Many kind anJl 
 generous friends have given donatiouil 
 during the past year, among whom luayl 
 be mentioned Horace Belanger, Ksq, 
 Chief Factor, Hudson's Bay Companyl 
 Norway House, who sent the Society al 
 complete list of the members present a;[ 
 the council meetings of the Coinpam 
 held at Norway House. C. N. Belli 
 Esq., F.R.G.S., has presented the vSocietjl 
 with three copies of The Nor'-Westerj 
 The vSociety is also indebted to R. " 
 McFarlane, Ksq., Chief Factor, Hudsc 
 Bay Company, for an interesting donaj 
 tion of amber found at Cedar Lake. Its 
 to be hoped that some effort will be niadtj 
 to dispose of the duplicate specimens iioij 
Dr. I.Rlrd ,( 
 K. II. 'luriiock 1 
 I''. W. Thonipsoii ... o 
 J. II. Aslulowii n 
 II. S. Wcsbiook . o 
 K. K. W. Goi>iIriil;;t' . I) 
 J. T. lluKKiiril S 
 [ill the iimseum and add new ones eitlicr 
 \l\ imrcliase or exchanj.{e. 
 IM-oviiicial liXliibitioii. 
 .\l tin- first Industrial Exhibition held 
 liii the Cily of Winnipeg in vSeptemher 
 \i>\, tliu Society was fortunate enough to 
 mil si'veral first prizes for articles ex- 
 hihiud there, and in view of the fact 
 jlliat all prizes were paid in cash, a very 
 mat sum was placed to the Society's 
 IcRilit, as appears by the Treasurer's 
 Kvcciitivu Council Mt'otiii^M. 
 The Council has held five meetings 
 iuriiiK the year, when the attendance of 
 be inuinbers has been as follows : 
 Miill.lh ( 
 br. Ilry. ( S 
 frofessor Hart S 
 .\. It. Ilaiiil ... I 
 |f..j.J.|{(.v ^ 
 . \. Iloll I 
 , S.iirii ( 
 u'l' Ardagli i 
 A<l<Uti<»ii.s t«> the Library. 
 I'erhaps the tnost valuable addition to 
 (if Reference Library uia<le for some 
 ears took place during the past year. 
 liiioiij,' these it will be observed is the 
 Lsty little brochure of the late Bishop 
 |ii(iersoii, "The Net in the Ray," also a 
 iiiiiiir reprint of Pere Martjuette's 
 lurneys on his way through the States 
 I tlie south. The well known volume of 
 Irs. Jameson after her return to Kng- 
 liiil from her short sojourn in Canada 
 |ith her husband, then Vice-Chancellor 
 uieson, has also been procured. Many 
 the others are very valuable, notably 
 le Report of the Commons in 1749, 
 Bich is one of the best sources of his- 
 ^ical information extant upon the early 
 ptory of Northwestern Canada. The 
 pole collection, in fact, is a boon to the 
 ptorical student, comprising works 
 bicli were hitherto difficult of access 
 Ve ill private libraries or by purchase. 
 iier additions have just passed through 
 ! Customs House, so that the ordinary 
 Ident may now find on the Society's 
 |lves the most important works on 
 rthwestern historical events. 
 file number of exchanges upon the 
 fiety's list is at present a total of 
 On its exchange list may be noted 
 oiiR many others the Boston Public 
 frary, Harvard Library, the Royal 
 jiiety of New South Wales, the Colo- 
 lui^litute, and many others. Many 
 uests have been received for the 
 pety's earlier publications, but it is to 
 be regret 1 that so many are now 
 entirely out of i)rint and cannot be jiro- 
 The annual iniblications of the Ameri- 
 can Oovernnient and of the Smithsonian 
 Institute are being regularly received, 
 and tl.e .Society's collections of these 
 publications are fairly complete. 
 l{4>a<liiiK Kooiii & Piiblif liibrary. 
 The increase of membership, without 
 any very special effort on the part of the 
 vSociety, is an evidence of the contitiued 
 favor which the public feel towards the 
 Public Library and Reading Room under 
 the Society's control. 
 More nt.ticeable indeed than ever is 
 the fact that at an early ilate increa.sed 
 accommodation for the Society, its col- 
 lections, its reading room ann library 
 must be obtained. Sometimes the reacl- 
 iug room is so crowded that it is difficult 
 to obtain access to the journals filed 
 there. It is to be regretted, too, that 
 there is not some easier means of access 
 to the files of newspapers, now attaining, 
 through twelve years' accumulations, 
 somewhat large proportions. The files 
 of North-West newspapers now number 
 approximately 2S4 volumes. 
 Increased growth means increased 
 activity and usefulness, and although no 
 positive complaints have been made, the 
 Library Committee must at an early date 
 apparently, consider the question of in- 
 creased accommodation. 
 The number of Knglish magazines 
 subscribed for by the Society is 10, and 
 of American liU ; a total of ;W. The 
 number of North-West newspapers upon 
 the vSociety 's files is 58, of Knglish 6, of 
 Canadian 8, and of American 4. The 
 only new magazine added this year has 
 been " The Review of Reviews," one of 
 the most remarkable successes in jour- 
 nalism of the present day. Its popu- 
 larity among our subscribers is quite 
 apparent, so much so indeed that for the 
 ensuing year the Library Committee 
 have decided to add the Knglish edition 
 as well as the American hitherto sub- 
 scribed for. 
 The number of books issued as com- 
 pared with the two previous years is as 
 follows : 
 l*\Si^. iSyo. IS^I. 
 '•iitioii 4,^79 ),Sot (,i)5i 
 Scieiitiric 15(1 i\it 15) 
 History 245 J9,} 271 
 (JL'onraphy iinil Voyages 314 .^73 1,^7 
 Hii)i;ra|)liy ". 115 .yi i-t" 
 .MajTii/iiiLs S4J i.oSS i,t)74 
 Poetry and Lilcriiluie 5,^7 365 ,vS4 
 Kilucalioiiiil 19s 112 (kj 
 7..V,? T.""'! 7.'8" 
C'liiiiit(ON ill Stair. 
 Miss Iiikster, who lilloil the pusitioii of 
 cliiff lihniriHii so aicepliihly siiuf tlie 
 rL'si>{iiati()ii of Mr. llii>;haii some llirt'i- 
 ycftrs ago, resigmil early in the past 
 HUtiitiier, and Miss I',. Jaiksoii, the present 
 incunibent, was appointed to siuxeeil 
 her. It is |)leasanl to observe that so far 
 the .Society has luul very few clianjjes in 
 its staff diirin)^ its existence. Miss M. C 
 Rlyth was apnoinied to succeed Miss 
 Jackson upon her promotion. 
 There has been a very larj^e achlition 
 to tlie memf)ership, as appears from the 
 following comparative table : 
 Iloliiiriiry ^o m 
 C'orreHpiirtiliiiK u .V( 
 I. iff i> i.i 
 Active ,}() ;<) 
 Assoiiatc i\\ iiii 
 The Bank of British North America, 
 Imperial Bank of Canada, Merchants' 
 Bank of Canada, Union Bank of I<ower 
 Canada, Commercial Bank of Manitoba, 
 The Molsons Bank, have already made or 
 are now making general arrangements 
 by which their envire staffs may have 
 access to the privileges of the .Society's 
 reading room and public library. It is 
 expected that the desirability of con- 
 ferring the privileges of the Society upon 
 their staffs will occur to the managers of 
 financial and other institutions. In no 
 other place probably in the whole of 
 the Canadian North-West is it possible 
 for library subscribers to have access to 
 such a wide field of current literature. 
 It is to be noted also that the lyibrary 
 Committee has in almost every instance 
 adopted all the suggestions as to ordering 
 books contained in the suggestion book. 
 Many favorable comments have been 
 passed upon the considerate action of the 
 committee in this matter. 
 Respectfully submitted. 
 JNO. MacBkth, 
 Treasurer's Keport. 
 For the third successive year the 
 Society's finances show a surplus. The 
 receipts of the Society from all sources 
 were $1,218,92, and the expenditure was 
 A summary of the receipts and expen- 
 diture is given in the Treasurer's report. 
 In view of the fact that by virtue of 
 the increased membership and no antici- 
 pated increase of expenditure of an ex- 
 traordinary nature, there seems to be no 
 doubt but that the coming year will 
 witness a no less satisfactory result. 
 Mil HfW I'lii, IjJ 
 MH. Urancli llun.» f 
 .Un. I. lltlaiKtj ctHh (III hund. t Th HT 
 Uva. 11 MiiiiilirrM f(>Rt for |h|)| Iihi im 
 Oovcriiiiinnt Hrmit tor 'ttl 26U uu 
 LikI.v Selkirk f<ir|iik)iiietit 
 of i!OMt of Heveii Oakii 
 liinniiiiiiiiit 'ilH) IN) 
 WiriHiprK ludimtrit! Kx- 
 hitiltinn |iriKi'« ... '2il nil 
 I'liliiloliliruiy fKvn, INIM 7 r; 
 I'ulillc lilinr.v, lliieit and 
 oatalairiii'it, IHDl... n, 
 ToUl H«cei|i(8 714 «7 i'tti 
 KecelptH, lliktdiical branch :ii{ 
 KcueiptK, Pul>li3 lllirary iiranoh. . i.i«i| 
 Total 11,2131 
 IsU'i. I 
 Juii 1. To lialance, oa«h in hand i IU| 
 CAMll I'AID. 
 Dec. ai, p.ti(l for liooks In 1801. . .|li:t (Mi 
 Paid tor lioukcase (lU 15 
 c'oHt nf Seven 0.tkainoiiU- 
 iiicnt -.lUMK) 
 Inulilciital «\puii)ttii for 
 uiiveili' K Heven 0«ka 
 tiioMiiineMt Ill 'ifi 
 ' IiiHiirances paid in ItsUl . 'J6 imi 
 Kree I'rens, pr ntniK re- 
 portH and paper* 28 6C1 
 Sundry e.xpenses, print- 
 ing; and P. O. box 17 :)ii 
 iiicnK at exhibition .... 6 iiii 
 Salaries for public llhiury 
 mn .«*( 
 Sundry e\pen8e8,po8tit;e 
 Ac *| 
 Total KfoeiptH 470 811 ^'«| 
 l'a.\ inen'B, hist'irical liranch C" 
 Pavinei.tsi, public library branch . >t 
 31 Dec. Ualaiice caah on hand a<- credit 
 of the IIiH*ori»al branch 1'^ 
 Total «liU| 
 l^ilirary and Publication C'ui| 
 The Committee reports that its 
 work has been carried on during tlievs 
 with satisfaction. There was an iiistniciij 
 at last annual meeting that $1")0 shoi 
 be devoted to the purchase of ' 
 maps or manuscripts relating to j 
 history of the Canadian Nortb-Wij 
 Up to date $118.60 has been spent J 
 directed, and the Committee has inv 
 a number of valuable books which| 
 fully tax the resources of the .Socffl 
 The Committee would recommend 1 
 its successors in office should expendj 
 balance, as well as $150 for the com 
 year for this purpose. The Coinmil 
 also recommend that the files of al!J 
 city papers in the possession off 
 vSociety be bound as soon as possij 
 During the year the annual reportj 
ti Hfx- 
 I'm. u 
 1 7« «7 
 ItMl Ml 
 •2Wt IKI 
 •H») IN) 
 '2tl IHI 
 - i::- 
 7U «7 
 iinoh. . 
 |k«' .111*1 tl'"'*" "f <''<" pnniTs rend lu'fore 
 III- Soriity wcrr piihlislUMl. Tlu- Coiii- 
 littee Iriwl tlint paptrs ilhislrnlivr t)t'lln' 
 listorv iiml resoiirics of tin- rouiitry, 
 irtli .'iiiil NNt'st of I.Hkf Siinerior, will In- 
 1 liiforc the Sooii'ty ami l)ul>li^.lll•(l in 
 tratisaitioiis. Tilt* CoiimiitU-c will 
 ...rtlv ptiblisli H full nccoiint of tlu- 
 itcrcstiiiji i)rooet'(liiij{s coiiiU'cltd vvitli 
 li' iiiivfiliiiK of the ".Seven Oaks Monn- 
 |ti!l" ill June Inst. Dnrinf; the y»at 
 ;teiisivi' a<l(litiotis were made to the 
 |lin^;> i)f the refereiire rooms by the 
 irchasf of a cotninodioiis hook ease 
 ■ till' exleiiHion of the shelving. The 
 Ir^f .Siiiillisonian, I'. S Crovenniienl 
 I Doiiiiiiioii (ioveriiinent eontrihiitions 
 II now ill' arraiijjed in jjood or<ler. A 
 (iai ca>e was also obtained for the 
 ualile collection of maps belonKinj( to 
 Society, and these are now kept in 
 ilk'iit coinlition. The Committee 
 . 1(1 lliaiik the librarians for the care 
 til of the reference library of the 
 11 of which is respectfull'- submitted. 
 Orokch Hryck, 
 Keport of the tloiiit Libniry 
 ( oiiiinitt4M>, 1H1M-1>2. 
 four Committee has to report that 
 fiiij; the year tlu: interest in the city 
 fclir library has been fully maintainetf 
 tiiiK the greater part of 1H!»1 the 
 pt Library Committee consisted, on 
 all of the Society, of Rev. Dr. Hryce 
 birmaiii, Rev. Prof. Ilart, and Mr. 
 Jilieii Xairn ; and on behalf of the 
 I, Alderman Gilroy, Alderman Cock- 
 %. and Alderman McDougall, the 
 le of the last being for a time occupied 
 T^klerinaii IJawson. In May the chief 
 jariaii, Miss Inkster, resigned, and 
 I Jackson was promoted to her place. 
 ■ lilytli was appointed assistant- 
 Irian. During the year the librarians 
 ! been most attentive, ard the rooms 
 I i)een kept in good orrler. A large 
 Iber of hooks has been added during 
 Ivear to the city library (30<) in all, 
 iiK$;{47.S9), and suited to the tastes 
 |e various readers. Tenders for the 
 lly of books were called for and the 
 lact was given to Mr. W D. Russell, 
 lowest tenderer. For the year 1892 
 femler for magazines and newspapers 
 Jergusoii & Co., amounting to $197. 
 Iccepted. The large in the 
 |er availing themselves of the library 
 ^'^ is especially gratifying. 
 er the various reports were read and 
 led, the election of officers for the 
 ensuing term took place. The resultt* 
 are as follows : 
 John Milleth, President. 
 Rev. Prof. Ilnird, 1st \ire-l'resiilenl. 
 Sherilf Inkster, l.'nd \ice-l'resideiit. 
 Dr. I.aird, Corresponding Sicretary. 
 J. T. Hugganl, Recording .Secretary. 
 Slei)hen Nairn, Treasurer. 
 Ctii'NCli,. — Rev. Dr. Ilryce, Professor 
 Mart, Judge Ardngh, Rev. A. K. Cowley, 
 Rev. R. C. MacHeth, Sheriff Inkster, C. 
 N. Hell, D. l-;. Adams, and Archer 
 .\ resolution was then i)assed, on 
 motion of Mr. Nairn, seconded by Pro- 
 fessor Hart, that it is desirable that Uie 
 sum of !til'.")(t besjjent <luring Lsililin books 
 relating to the North West. 
 The .Society then adjonrne<l. 
 A meeting of the Council-elect wns 
 then hehl, when the following Com- 
 mittees were apjjointed : 
 Dr. Laird iChairiMan), Rev. A. V,. 
 Cowley, Rev. R. C. Maclkth, Rev, J. J. 
 Roy, C. N. Hell, John MacHeth. 
 Rev. Prof. Haird (Chairman), Rev. 
 Prof Hart, Rev. Dr. Hryee, Dr. Laird, 
 S. .Nairn, and Archer Martin. 
 .Stephen Nairn (Chairman), Ju<lge 
 Ardagh, .Sheriff Inkster, D. K. .Adams, 
 and J. T. Iluggard. 
 Representatives tm Joint Library Com- 
 mittee, Rev. Dr. Hryce, Rev. Prof. Hart, 
 and Stephen Nairn. 
 The p;xecutive Council then adjourned. 
 aim*i:ni)IX a 
 DONATIONS. 1891. 
 1. Haird, Rev. Prof. — Acts and Procee<l- 
 ings of 17th Cieneral A.ssembly 
 of the Presbyterian Church in 
 Canada, 1891. 
 2. Reaujeu, M. De. — Documents inedits 
 sur Le Colonel de Longueuil, 
 by Donor. 
 H. Helanger, H. — Lists of Officers and 
 Orades of Hudson's Hay Com- 
 pany that composed the Coun- 
 cil from 1880 to 1887. 
 4. Hell, Dr. — On (ilacial Phenomena in 
 Canada, by Robert Hell, B.A., 
 M.D., LLD. 
 Nickel and Copper Deposits of 
 Sudbury District, by Dr. Bell. 
 ■ ,9^mfrmmmmmim 
 With ati Appendix on Silici- 
 fied Cilass Breccia of Ver- 
 million River, Sudbury, by 
 Geo. H. Williams. 
 T). Hell, C. N.— "Greater Britain," New 
 Year's Number, 1891. 
 Third Annual Report Winnipeg 
 Grain and Produce Exchange. 
 Twelfth Annual Report Winni- 
 peg Board of Trade. 
 Three Copies of Nor'-Westers, 
 Sep. 8th, Oct. 20th, Nov. 17th, 
 Calendar of Queen's College and 
 University, 1891-92. 
 6. Boulton, C. A. — Senate Debates, Nos. 
 ;i5, 89, 42, 48. 
 7. BuirowS; Acton. — Novell's Historic 
 Report of Census of Montreal, 
 8. Dairy Commissioner. — Central Expe- 
 riment Farm, Bulletin No. 11, 
 9. Dawson, G. M. — Notes on Geological 
 Stinicture of the Selkirk Range, 
 by Donor. 
 10. Glover, John. — Storm Duck Egg. 
 11. Greenwood, John. — Handy Guide to 
 Australasia, by Geo. C. Lev^y. 
 12. Journal of Commerce. — An Address 
 before the Convention of the 
 American Bankers' Associa- 
 tion at Saratoga Sept. 3rd, 
 1890, by E. J. James, Ph. D. 
 Address of John Jay Knox, 
 "Three Pecks to a Bushel." 
 13. Kirk, Miss N.— Three Crows' Eggs. 
 14. Lewis, T. H.— Twelve Pamphlets. 
 15. — Me:Farlane, R. R. — \niber from 
 Shores of Cedar Lake, Sask., 
 10. Martin Archer. — Geuealogyof Family 
 of Martin, of Ballinahinch 
 Castle, in County of Galway, 
 Ireland, by the Donor. 
 17. Nicholson, H. H. — Bulletin of Agri- 
 cultural Experiment Station of 
 18. Norquay, Thos. — Victoria Souvenir 
 Number of Dominion Illus- 
 trated, June 21st, 1890. 
 19. Queen's Printer (Halifax). — Annual 
 Report of the Library Com- 
 missioner and Librarian for 
 20. Stavenger (Norway). — Museum Cata- 
 logue, 1890. 
 21. Thompson, E. E.— "The Birds of 
 Manitoba," by the Donor. 
 22. Tyrrell, J. B. — Foraminifera and 
 Radiolaria from the Cretaceous 
 of Manitoba, by Donor. 
 Pleistoan of Winnipeg Basin, by 
 Donor. , 
 23. Whiteaves, J. F.— Description of Foutl 
 New Species of Fossils fronl 
 the Silurian Rocks of tbtl 
 Southeastern portion of IiiJ 
 trict of Saskatchewan, k\ 
 American Institute Mining Engineers. 
 American Mail and Export Journal. 
 American Museum Natural History. 
 American Philosophical Society. 
 American Statistical Association. 
 Annales del Museo Nacional, Costa Ricij 
 Boston Public Library. 
 British Association for Advancement) 
 Buenos Ayres Annuaire Statisque de | 
 Province de Hiutieme Annee. 
 Buffalo Historical Society. 
 Canadian Institute. 
 Cincinnati Society Natural History. 
 Colorado Scientific Society. 
 Cordoba, Academia Nacional dc liieiiciij 
 Cornell University Library. 
 Department Agriculture and Iminiis 
 tion, Winnipeg. 
 Distribution Office, Ottawa. 
 Dominion Archivist. 
 Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 
 Engineering Club of Philadelphia. 
 Entomological Society of Ontario. 
 Essex Institute. 
 Field Naturalists' Club, Ottawa. 
 Geological and Natural History Siirfi] 
 Geologists' Association, England. 
 Gun's Unclaimed Money Index. 
 Hamilton Association. 
 Harvard University. 
 Howard Association. 
 Imperial Federation League 
 Kansas Academy Sciences, 
 Leeds Philosophical Society. 
 Library, House of Commons, Ottawil 
 Literary and Historical Society, Qu«r 
 Liverpool Microscopical Society. 
 Manitoba Government. 
 Manitoba University. 
 Meteorological Service. 
 Minnesota Historical Society. 
 Meriden Scientific Association. 
 Mexico, Boletin del Observatorio h\ 
 nomico Nacional. 
 Minnesota Academy Natural .Scieufi 
 Mittheilungen des Vereins fuer 
 Natural History Society, Glasgow 
acional, Costa Rici] 
 or Advanceinem ! 
 ;ociety, Glasgo^v 
 Lxatiiral Science Association, Staten 
 iNew England Historical and Genealogi- 
 cal Society. 
 lyew Westminster Board of Trade. 
 ■New Vork Academy of Sciences. 
 |};ew York Microscopical Society. 
 ^■ew York State Library. 
 kova Scotia Historical Society. 
 [sova Scotia Institute of Natural Sciences. 
 Dneida Historical Society. 
 Ottawa ]Mining Review. 
 Philadelphia Numismatic and Antiqua- 
 rian Society, 
 philosophical Society, Glasgow. 
 puiilic Library, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 
 Duekett Microscopical Society. 
 ^oyal Colonial Institute. 
 koyal Geographical Society. 
 Royal rhysical Society. 
 koval Society of Canada. 
 doval Society of New South Wales. 
 aiiitary Institute of Great Britain. 
 JaiitiaKo, Verhandlungen des Deutschen 
 Wissenchaftlichen Veriens zu. 
 askatchewan Institute. 
 Imithsonian Institution. 
 ociety of Arts. 
 ociety of Chemical Industry. 
 ociete de Geographic Commerciale du 
 Louis Academy of Sciences. 
 lorouto Public Library, 
 lyneside Geographical Society. 
 S. Department of Agriculture. 
 " Interior. 
 " Navy. 
 " Geological Survey. 
 " Treasury. 
 . S. Bureau of Ethnology. 
 " Education. 
 National Museum. 
 lictoria Institute. 
 fien Annalen K. K. Natur Historischen 
 [iscoiisin State Historical Society. 
 [orcesler Society of Antiquity, 
 lashiugton State Historical Society. 
 Itsley College. 
 |innipeg Board of Trade. 
 HXCHANGES, 18!)1. 
 lltleford, N.W.T.— Saskatch. Herald. 
 [issevain, :\Iau. — Globe. 
 rtlt, Man.— Eye Witness, 
 hdon, Man. — Sun. 
 Pgarv, N.W.T.— Herald. 
 Carberry, Man. — News. 
 Carman. — Standard. 
 Chehalis, Wash., U.S.A. — NuggeL 
 Chicago, 111. — Union Signal. 
 Edmonton, N.W.T.— Bulletin. 
 Emerson, Man. — Southern Man. Times. 
 Gladstone, Man. — Times. 
 Lethbridge, N.W.T.— News. 
 London, Ont. — Free Press. 
 MacLeod, N.W.T.— Gazette. 
 Manitou, Man, — Mercury. 
 Medicine Hat, N W.T.— Times. 
 Miles City, N. Dakota— Stock Growers' 
 Minnedosa, Man. — Tribune. 
 Moosejaw, N.W.T. — Times. 
 Moosomin, N.W.T. — Courier. 
 Morden, Man. — Monitor, 
 New Westminster, BC— British Colum- 
 Neepawa, Man. — Register. 
 Ottawa, Ont. — Evening Journal. 
 Prince Albert, N W.T. — Saskatchewan. 
 Pilot Mound, Man. — Sentinel. 
 Portage la Prairie, Man. — Liberal. 
 " " Review. 
 Port Arthur, Ont. — Sentinel. 
 Qu'Appelle, N.W.T.— Progress. 
 Fort, N.W.T.— Vidette. 
 Rapid City, Man. — Reporter. 
 Rat Portage, Ont. — Record. 
 Regina, N.W.T.— Standard. 
 Selkirk, Man. — Record. 
 St, Boniface, Man. — Le Manitoba. 
 St. Paul's, Man.— Rupert's Land Gleaner. 
 St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A.— North- West 
 Vancouver, B.C. — News- Advertiser. 
 Victoria, B.C.— Weekly Colonist. 
 B. C. Commercial Jour- 
 Virden, Man. — Advance. 
 Winnipeg, Man. — Colonist. 
 " " Commercial, 
 Free Press (Daily and 
 " " Heimskringla. 
 " " Logberg. 
 Manitoba College 
 " " Manitoba Gazette. 
 " " North- West Review. 
 " " Nor' -West Farmer, 
 P. O. Guide. 
 " " .Scandinavian Cana- 
 St. John's Col. Journal 
 Tribune (Daily). 
 " Waghorn's Guide. 
 " " Western Law Times. 
 " " Western Missionary. 
 " " Western World. 
 London, Eiig. — Field. 
 " " Illustrated News. 
 Times (Weeklv). 
 Montreal, Can. — Dominion Illustrated. 
 Gazette (Daily) 
 Witness (Weekly). 
 New York, U.S.A. — Harper's Weekly. 
 Herald (Daily and 
 "■ " Scientific American 
 and Supplement. 
 Toronto, Ont. — Empire (Daily). 
 Art Amateur. 
 Art Journal. 
 Atlantic Monthly. 
 Catholic World. 
 Chambers' Journal. 
 Edinburgh Reiview. 
 English Illustrated. 
 Good Words. 
 Harper's Monthly. 
 Littell's Living Age. 
 Magazine of American History. 
 Nineteenth Century. 
 North American Review. 
 Popular Science Monthly. 
 Quarterly Review. 
 Review of Reviews. 
 vScottish Review. 
 Sunday Magazine. 
 Westminster Review. 
 Great Britain and F*urope 
 Canada a I 
 United States. \\\ 
 Mexico 1 1 
 vSouth America 
 Central America 
 City Newspapers :i)j 
 Manitoba M 
 North- West Territory |jl 
 British Columbia )| 
 Ontario {| 
 United States 
 FvUgland $| 
 United States j| 
 F^ngland Kil 
 United States ll 
 nf:w exchanges rf:ceivivd. 
 Copy of Penological and Prcveutivtl 
 Principles, from Howard Associsf 
 Constitution and By-Laws, etc., of WaskJ 
 ington .State Historical Society. 
 Eighth Annual Report of New Uesll 
 minster Board of Trade. 