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 KKPOiiT oy Tui: \'K;r> iinvKiiKNi* .). ?, ■vuuwu^.t, «i.v. 
 St. BoMKAi k, 
 'J'o i/ie Ilonvrtiil' Mr. //ou:». 
 tSiR. — In cnnipliiiucc with iufitruclions iunii.-;iii.M! to us ;.y t;i') tJarnniiiiii t iu-, r-iiiineut , 
 I.Ieut.-Cul. (ki Saliibcny iiiui in yseif left Ottawa o:i tl;i> .'"itli Deconib-r i;i,st fur Jloii Jlivt-r, 
 Altout midwjiy bv'twoeii (.{;^.irj;i:to\vii and PeiuMiia, wn mi'i: iv.-t ]lnn<n\in]-^ William 
 McDouifal!, v>'l;o iirvl left tiie laltor plaoo isDiUt^ ilav.-i prcviinuly, ami v.-Jn) w.is a:! lii.s wav 
 to Cana<!;>, AV(' imiuc(iiatf'ly iiamU'd him llie papoi-s which we wcv! direcU'd togivo him, 
 Hiul ^Te iiiforir.rd him, iu a fi;w v.-ords. of LJi" o!)io:;c of )ur irds.-lKi, v:,i/Ii dii'i m !. [•'.•(■•.■.mi*. 
 him from coiitimiiiig his joai'noy. 
 Th'" oirciimstnne.' of iiis dcparnu'- clMU'^'evi .ih.i'.sr fuiircly il." imcM'-j of our Jiu.ssi>ii, 
 wiiicli v;;;rs to ciid-'.n'';;!" to ))ro;^n;'t; Jus adiai-.-.ioii i',>t ) ih ' I'M'nit..--,' oy oa'.'ifyiiv.!; thi^ 
 Wo v:Vf rtlioh's,-; rimtiMor-'l our jorjT'iy, iir..! .i;;!-! vi'd .' p.'moir.ii (.;i ti;' 2l:Ii 
 ])!-'i'L'ini)<"r. Wo thoro finiid tiio p.'i.plo full of disti.;-.'. a^'aius'o aii j)>;rs'>i;s cijmiii^^ 
 troiii (^atM 
 kM't, oven {it^MiiisL ,■,.•;, no^wttil^t;\udl!lC: tiiat 
 ;i u( 
 _!riv i;ir a 
 1011,1,' time :-. '.varv' of our fTiiiro d-'Vcjii'iii lo thf? iiiti-nvsls of i!;'; (.'.aiuiry. i: : > j»:'oiiah[:> 
 thai ordoi;i Iiad bca aireailv givou *■..> ;uTc.st ;is on Iho fi-or,t.;'.r ;"•.)• v>\' iuui troublr 
 iu liudiii-.r a "uidi! to C(jiiduct us to St. !5;)tiifa'",\ iu vi.nv of i]w ,■■ iiiMuilVni.iliourf of 
 feeliutr, and iu rccordau^o v.iih tlu 
 iU'i aovji' 
 idpd that it wuuid lio ii'.'>rc' pvudout \vi r 
 d r 
 roMUfuor, Wi 
 .1 r-'inaoi t!u)re wi 
 ■r.-! with wiii'h t!ic (jovorumt^nl had o:it: 
 all TlK 
 of tlio l'ruvi;sioua! (.lovoru 
 'l^^w^o r. 
 ! ! 
 te-i o'clocl: at uiy;lit 1 st; 
 u'tt'u i.>u :a\ 
 1 aa t'iii))ioyf 
 to . 'liter aiou'; into 
 iin( lit, who aooomijaiuod lue a.; i.ir a.s So. I'l or'o'.'rt , wiieio .1 me.'. 
 Proiddout Ivied, and m^uie of liis cmployet'H. As I wars iniidi fati'j^ui-d, havir.;.; travelled 
 idght and day i:i ti very uucoaifortahlti voldele, I ul>t,\ini'd poimi.saiou, o-at uot^ wiihout 
 dit!icult;y, lo .su'o;) : 
 tlio ue.\L (lav. L at 
 ilOUf^O l>i 
 •c o 
 f St. IN' 
 ii'.cn iuf'niied th'j Prosidont, iha.t I Wius koul fv ihf ( '..nadia 
 o eul'.'i' 
 P.'d Piv 
 (.)overumi'ut with (.'ulouel do Salahoiry, a;)d that I wl.shed lo kni.f.v- 
 tJiac. liouoraliie s;eutleinan would 1)0 pcrautttMl t 
 it or.i'f! wl;-'liioi 
 r i>.;iuo uiomeut.s 
 re I 
 lou ariil HI view ( 
 if t; 
 10 ar,.siUMU','0 tli.U i. !!;avo lam clnt his intoirntv lUM' 
 difc I) 
 Oil, i waj: 
 possibh', aud acoordinylv on 
 )ld th.it ho \s'ou;d bi; ;;eut for, and 'Jiab ho nii:;iit outer um .soon ivs 
 the (I 
 auuarr iollowdu 
 I ha.; 
 1 -v--' 
 h'; }).o:i.s;.ir(i O; woicouiiug 
 iiiv iinii.il'l'j coinpaiiinii. Wo iiiuin'dialcly (;oiniiiuiii('at"(l our instn'ctiojis to tin I'nsidciiT 
 ii:iil his (.'(itiiicil. anil tlirv wore taki'H iiito coniiidiratiiM:. 
 SiiiiM' (lays at'ri'i'Nsanls \vi' were invitrd tn a|i)>i!ar l.il'oii' Llic (iniiicil, and tiic 
 President tlidi ^.aid lliat lie was sorry to see tliat our . imjioru ^ave us no authority 
 to treat wiiii thcin, lail thai they v. (udd.at the saiin.' tiiiic, 1 c very ;;lad to luar us, 
 tru^lill;^ that v.c Jiad only ;_'i,od lu'ws to h'll lliciii. 
 Since \i;i li;i\e done us tla- honor of heaiiu.'.; u~. Nai<l v\»' (o them, avc 
 eonniK.'iii'e l,y telliii;^' you ti^a.t wc are in iiiilh (he licHrois of j.'.yml howb. 
 we r.re enahleil to assiii'e \oii thai t'le inteiiiioiis tpf llie < huci'unient who have scin 
 arc allo^othcr thosi; of iieaet; and j,food-\viii. Lt (h"<irps to resjiocL youi- 
 lier.ioiis and your ri,i;hts, to hilioi- for iho ii)i|iroveiiuMit. of _\oiir <'ounti'y, hy iiialcin^ a 
 roatl in onh'r to ( ouiiiiunlcatti more easily with ('panada. iVc, ivc. il-c. 
 It admits thai, it may have lieen mistiik(;ii in its choico (.f emiiloyecs wliose 
 e\tr.iVii,iXaut cotiduei may possilily iia.ve eom])roniisod it in the 'IVrritoiT, Imt it strongly 
 eondemus the ariiitrarv acts of .'-ui'li em|doyees as liave w uitonly almsed its ronlidencf*. 
 At the clofcc of tliii coiiferenet', wiiieli lasted some hours, during' Nvliieli wo wri'e 
 listened to with miieh attention and rospeet. we ventured to take upon i:ursel\-es to 
 propose a dele^'iition a:i heinsj; th« sure&t moans of arii\!n;.; most speedily ;it a conclusion 
 satiafnclory to Initli jiarties. Then the President, after thanking' us very ( durteoiisly. 
 Y.itho\it iiidecil <,'ivinir us any olheial assurance, !.;a\'e us lo understand tliat we were 
 likely toariive at a satisfactory settlement. t(dling us thai lie would lo<ik info the matter 
 with his Courcil. v.hi'h also had seemed will disposed tliroughout our interview, ami that 
 ho would e;ivo us an answer latei-. What oontrihnted not a little to iiis])iro us v.ith 
 JiojH", was tlio few words which the Treaidont whisperoil to ( 'olonol do Saiahorry as ho 
 Avas leavini,' the Hall. " (.'olonel," said ho. " don't ho in a hurrj to leavo, I think of 
 charging you with a commission, wliioh cannot hnt bo agreeahlo to yon." 
 Such was the position of affairs wlion an uulookod for ocouironco not 0!ily tlirew 
 hack matters, hut oven cansod us for sonio iimo to lose all hope. T .shall not nndertako 
 to gi^ yen in this letter the details of this incident which ko noarly kindled a 
 tlame throughout the sotthincnt., and jierilhcl for ovor the hope of i'riendly relations 
 lietwoon Canada and tho Jtetl Kiver. Colonel di- Salaherry. wlio, as well as myself, 
 ]ias seen and heard everything which has loon said or done in tho Territory sinco 
 (his unhappy occuiTonco, (whicli so noai'ly rondorod oui' mission fruitless), can and will 
 t'Xjdain to you the causes of our delays, and how wo have had to reason v.'ith the, 
 leaders and with tho poo|ile ; ulways, howtsver, hy conversations with single individuals, 
 as that soeniod to me th(> host, and ]irohaMy the only, way of offocting any good rosidt. 
 l''ortunat«;ly, also, almost all persons of uiuch inlluenco sided with us, and if we have been 
 able to arrive at a satisfaetory irsult, it is to the genoro\is eflbrts and kind assistance of 
 those })ersons that we owe it. 
 J tliiiik J may say that, nov. tJie gr(>atest obstacle in tho wa.y of a satisfactory sottle- 
 ineut has Ih-ou removed, and that the jieople are content to join ■with Canada, because 
 they beliovi^ Canada sincere- when she says that she desires their welfare. 
 C*olonel d(( >5alabeiry".s ]>rosenc(! here, and the conduct of this honoi'ablo gentleman, 
 have not a little contributed to revive our ancient sympaUiies for the land of our fathers. 
 I constantly hear it said, " Oh. if (.'anada had sent us from the lir.st men like this gentle- 
 man, we should be satistied. and should feel that they really loved us and desired our 
 jrootl." '* Yes," 1 said, " yor are right, my good friomls, but tlie (lovernnient knows all 
 that, and I am satisfied that it is disjiosed to do everything in its ])ower lo content you 
 and make you happy." 
 It was on the 8lh of F'!>ruary that wo had the satisfaction of learning that it then 
 decided to treat with Cana^.a, and that the letter herewith enclosed had been addressed 
 \[s, stating that they ha ' accepted our invitation to send delegates authorized to 
 comt! to a settlement. 
 point of lea\ iiig with tho delegates when wo received tho 
 1" iiishoi.) of St. IJonifacc would shortlv arrive. As we were 
 The Colonel was on t 
 gratifying inteDigenoe tha 
I' I'i'csidt'lit 
 •il, ail. I tlu' 
 ') imiliority 
 In Jl(;tr lUf. 
 tllflii, V(. 
 ^«i()(l liOWB, 
 (J lifivo Kent 
 s])cct youi- 
 ■ ninlciii:^' ;i 
 it s{r()ii<:Iy 
 li \vc wrrc 
 iirsches to 
 t AVtJ AV('l'(^ 
 tJic iiKittcv 
 w.aiid tliiit, 
 t' us v.itli 
 lony iis lie 
 think of 
 only llirew 
 t niuleitakt' 
 kindk'd ;i, 
 y relations 
 lis nn'self, 
 tory since 
 .n and will 
 I v/ith tlip, 
 ood result. 
 ' liiue been 
 ^stance of 
 tory settle- 
 11, hocause 
 111" fathers, 
 his gentle- 
 lesired our 
 knows all 
 intent you 
 lat it then 
 horized to 
 cei\ed the 
 s \vp were 
 awaro that hlis lordshi|) had been eoinniissioned l>y the (Jovernnient of (ianaila, it was 
 dcci(l(.'d to await liis arrival, iunl tliat the delef,Mtion. if necessary n^ all, should imt leave 
 until ftftei- lus return. The liishop's r.'turn lias already don(> nuiCh f,'ood in the Territory, 
 :iml peace ami tranciuility are being j^ouerally re-establi.shed. As, however, the Bishop 
 had not sunicient authority to arrange niattci-s, the delcgati's ai't; to leave this on the 
 twenty-first, and the worthy Colonel will place this letter in your hands, with the assur 
 ance of tlie profound respect of 
 N'oiir very huiubh; Ser\ant. 
 .1. 15. TnHJAII.T, Ptre. 
 Coi iir Hur.sK, Pknhina, 
 Sth February. 1870. 
 Moved by James ru),ss. seconded by ilr. Heil, and Jlesolved unanimously, that as 
 iJie (Janmhau Commissioners have invited a delegation from this countiy to confer with 
 dio Canadian Government, as to the atfairs of tli'is countrv, and as a cordial reception has 
 )jeen promised to Siiid delegate."?, be it theiefon; resolved,' that the invitation be accepted 
 xxnd that the same h- signified to the Commissioners. 
 By order. 
 \V. COLUWKLL, I ^, . , ^ 
 L. Schmidt ( •-^'•■''etin it's to the Convention. 