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CONTAINING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND AND SUBORDINATE LODGES, OF GRAND AND SUB( RDINATE ENCAMPMENTS, OF DEGREE LODGES, AND OF REBEKAH LODGES ; THE RULES OF ORDER OF GRAND AND SUBORDINATE LODCIES, AND OF THE CJRAND ENCAMl'MENT, < ' T.IQBTIIKR WTTM TIIK DECISIONS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE GRAND LODGE AND GRAND ENCAMl'MENT FROM THEIR 0R(;ANIZATI0N to and INCLUDING THE YEAR 1881. PI'DLrSllHI) IIY OltDEn OF TIIK (IRAS I) LODOE OF OSTARIO. PRINTED KOH THK ORANl) LODGE BY THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANV. 1882. ^U.^'/l 0^\-z MAR 21 W* %•"- PREFATORY NOTE. In accordance with a resolution of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, Journal 1881, p. 2139) the Grand Master appointed CI. T. Canip- l>ell, P. G. M., J. B. King, G. Secretary, and E. W. Harding, P. G., a committee to prepare and publish the Constitution and Laws of the Order in Ontario. On the suggestion of the Grand Master, and with the approval of the other members of the committee, the labor of compiling the decisions of the Grand Lodge was entrusted to the chairman, who is therefore responsible for that part of the work. Only those decisions have been given which are not in conflict with general law, or which have not been reversed by subsequent legislation, or which are not simply copies of resolutions of the Sovereign Grand Lodge. The repetition of decisions has been avoided ; but for convenience in use, a copious index gives the clauses of the Constitutions as well as the decisions under several different titles. Wherever general law or usage would seem to modify any decision or any part of the Constitution, an explanatory note has been given in parenthesis. These notes in some cases only express the opinion of the compiler, and are of force as law only when the authority of an enactment of the Sovereign Grand Lodge is given. The references to White's Digest are, of course, to the edition of 1874 : in the exp€>cted edition of 1882 the sections will be all re-numbered. In order to render the work more complete, the committee have included the laws of the Encampment branch. Theiv is thus presented to the Fraternity as complete a Digest of the Laws of all branches of Odd-Fellowship in Ontario as it has been possible for the Committee to prepare. And it is now sulmiitted in the hope that it will facili- tate the study of general as well as local law, and aid in the right government of Lodges and Encampments. Cl. T. Campbell, P.G.M., Chairman, J. B. King, Grand Secretary, E. W. Harding, P.G., I Committee. London, March 1, 1882. CONSTITUTION OF THK GRAND LODGE OF ONTARIO Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, WITH FVIA. NOTKS OK THK LKCIISI-ATION HAD THKKKON FROM TIMK TO TIMK. PREA.MBLE. Whereas, it has been t'oiiiul exjteilient and of the utmost import- ance to the well-being of all orj^aiiized InAtitntioiis, to govern the same by sound and uniform laws and regulations : Therefore, the Grand Lodge of Ontario, of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, with the view of ensuring co-operation and uni- formity of action, of providing for the best interests of the Order, and of securing more etfeotually the permanence of the blessings to be derived from the right exercise of those ennobling and Heaven- born principles of Fric.idship, Love and Truth, on which it is founded, doth ordain, declare^, and establish the following articles as the (jonstitution for the Government thereof : TITLE. 1. — This Grand Lodge shall be known and hailed by the name, style and title of • The Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Ontario, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows." POWERS. 2. — This Grand Lodge shall have jurisdiction in Odd Fellowship, within that section of the Dominion of Canada called and known as Ontario, being the Superior Tribunal of all Subordinate Lodges within its jurisdiction. 3. — ^0 Lodge can be formed, or continue to exist, within its jurisdiction, without the express sanction of this Grand Lodge. 2 2 CONSTITUTION OF THE 4. — It possesses within its jurisfliction the right and power of granting, suspending or annulling Charters for proper cause ; of receiving, hearing and determining appeals from the decisions of Subordinate Lodges, and of redressing all grievances arising there- in ; of regulating the means of its own support ; and of performing all such other acts and things as shall have for their object the promotion of the true and best interests of the Order, or shall ajt- pertain to it by ancient usage or custom, and are not in violation of the laws of the land or the regulations of the Order. MEMBERSHIP. 6. — This Grand Lodge shall be composed of all duly qualified Past Grands within its jurisdiction, who shall be entitled to all the j)rivilege8 pertaining to their rank, as perscribed by the Usages and Laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F.; but its legislative functions shall be vested in and exercised solely by such Representatives as shall be elected and appointed in the mannei- prescribed by this Constitution. 6. — Any Past Grand, on [(resenting a Certifi..ate of his official services, and after satisfactory examination of the Degrees pertaining thereto, shall be entitled to receive the Grand Lodge Degree. • 7. — No Past Grand shall be admitted as a Representative in this Grand Lodge unless duly certified as having been elected thereto ; nor until he has been instructed in the Grand Lodge Degree, and has signed a promise faithfully to support, maintain and abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge. -•'• 8. — Every Past Grand Master, in good standing in a Subordinate Lodge under this jurisdiction, and all officers in this Grand Lodge, shall have the right of debating and making motions. ELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES. 9. — Every Lodge within the Jurisdiction shall, at its last meeting in the month of June, annually, elect by ballot from amongst its 1. — A Papt Grand has no right to move or second a motion, or debate on any subject, unless he is a Past Otand Master. — Jora. 18(1;') : p. 2'2fl. M, — A Representative cannot represent more than one Subordinate Lodge in the Grand Lodge at the same session. — .Joitk. 1870 : p. 410. 3. — A Representative to Grand Lodge is not an officer of his own Lodge by virtue of being Repres'^ntative. - Jorit. 1872 ; p. .551. 4. — ^he Secretaries of Suliordinate Lodges are required to forward the Credentials of Representatives elect to the R. W. Grand Secretary, at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting of the (irand Lodge. — Jora. 1871: p. 475. GRAND LODGE. :? / X. X Past Grands in good standing, a Representative or Representatives as follows, that is to say : One Representative where the miniber of members to be returned in the semi-annual report of the current term sliall be 100 or less ; over 100 and under 200, two Represen- tatives; over 200, three Representatives. 10. — Any Lodge not having a properly qualified P. G., may choose one so qualified from any other Lodge within the jurisdiction, to represent it in this Grand Lodgj for the like period. 11. — Tn all ballotings, only one name shall be written upon any ballot, 12. — The resignation by any member of his ofiice as Representa- tive, must be addre.s.sed in writing to the N. G. of his Lodge, which shall proceed at its first opportunity to consider the same, and either accept or refuse the resignation, as may seem expedient; and if such ' resignation bo accepted, the Lodge may at once proceed to elect another (qualified member to fill the vacancy.-'''* TRIAL OP MEMBERS. 13. — Whenever charges affecting the character or standing of any member shall be submitted to the fJrand Lodge in writing, by one or more members thereof, the same shall 1)r immediately referred to a committee of five members, to be elected by ballot, who shall, with as little delay as possible, examine carefully into the charges, and report the result of such examination to the Grand Lodge. 5. — A Lodge may elect as Representative a Past Grand who is absent at the time of election, even though he has sent uo excuse for absence, nor expressed his willingness to accept the position. — .loiK. 1871 : p. 4fi2. 0- — A .Junior Past Grand is eligible for election as Representative, though the returns to (Jrand Lodge may not have been made up. — .ForR. 1872 : p. 527. T[. — Nominations for Representative must l)e made before proceeding to elec- tion — Jour. 1870 : pp. 404, 408 ; but it must be on the niglit of election, not on the regular night of nomination for elective officers. — Jotr. 1874 : p. 728. 8. — In electing Representatives, the roll of members must be called, if de- manded by a member in good standing, before the ballot is taken. — Jotm. 1874: p. 724. 9. — In balloting for Representatives oidy one name should be written upon any ballot paper, and a majority of the ballots cast shall be necessary to a choice. Should there be no choice upon any ballot, the name of tlie candidate having the lowest number of votes shall be dropped on proceeding to a new ballot. — Jour. 1869 : p. 371. If more than one Representative is to be chosen in com- mencing to ballot for a second, all others previously nominated will be con- sidered in nomination. — JorR. 1873 : p. (521. In case of a tie between two or more of the lowest (three or more being in nomination), a ballot should be immediately taken to determine which of those tieing should be dropped ; in no case should the Noble Grand give a casting vote. — JorR. 1871 : p. 468. 4 CONSTITUTION OF THE 14. — The Grand Lodge, after having heard the member thus charged in his defence, shall proceed to determine the case, by the acquittal, reprimand, suspension from his scat in the Grand Lod.«,'e, or expulsion therefrom of the implicated member, as the Grand Lodge may deem fit and proper. 15. — Whenever any member shall be suspended or expelled, in- timation of the same shall be forthwith given to the N. G. of his Lodge, and the Grand Lodge may require that he be tried by the Subordinate Lodge to which he belongs. OFFICERS. ELECTIVK OFFICERS. » 1 6- -The Elective Officers of this Grand Lodge shall be : The Most Worthy Grand Master ; " Kight Worthy Deputy Grand Master ; " " " Grand Warden ; " " '• Grand Secretary ; " " " Grand Treasurer ; To be elected by ballot. 17. — These Elective Officers shall be elected by ballot, after previous nomination ; such nomination and election to take place at the Annual Session of the Grand Lodge, and on the third day of the Session, at 3 o'clock p. m. 18.— At each election ti.e Presiding Officer shall appoint two of the members present as Tellers, who shall preside at the ballot box and allow each member as his Lodge is called by the Grand Secre- tary to deposit his ballot, and when the balloting is completed shall examine the same and report the result, 19. — Each Elective Officer shall be chosen separately, by a majority of all the ballots cast. Should there be no choice of such Officer at any ballot, a new ballot shall forthwith take j)lace among the members present ; and after each ballot, the name of the candi- date who shall have received the least number of votes shall be withdrawn. ' ° 20. — The Grand Representative or Representatives to represent this Grand Lodge in the Sovereign Grand Lodge, shall bo elected in 10 — The Past Official Degrees are not a necessary qualification for any office in the Grand Lodge.- Jouu. 1871 : p. 476. GRAND LODGE. 5 M accordance with the Constitution and Laws of the said Sovereign Grand Lodge, and in the form and manner heroin prescribed for the nomination and election of (hand Officers. APPOINTED OPPICERS. 'ii. — The Appointed Officera of the Grand Lodge shall ho: The Worthy Grand Marshal; " Conductor ; " Guardian ; " Chaplain ; " " Herald; To be appointed by the Grand Mastor immediately after his instil- lation, subject to the approval of the Grand Lodj^e. ' ' *22. — The Grand Master shall, as soon after jiis installation as may be, appoint, subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge, a District Deputy Grand Master for each District under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, ami within which one or more Subordinate Ijodges may be in operation. ' - ' INSTALLATION. 83. — The Gr.md Officers shall be installed according to the Grand Lodge order of business, unless otherwise ordained by the Grand Lodge, and shall serve until the next annual session, and until the installation of their successors. 34. — The sitting Grand Master, or any P.G. Master present, shall instal the Grand Master elect, who shall thereafter itistal the other Officers. . — Should any Officer elect fail to present himself for instal- lation at the time duly appointed for the ceremony, his office shall be declared vacant, unless sufficient cause be shown for such non- nttendance, and the Grand Lodge shall forthwith proceed to fill the same by a new election, the successful Candidate at which shall be immediately installed. Should siilficient cause be shown, as afore- said, the installation of the Officer elect, so absent, may take place at such time, and in such manner as the Grand Lodge may then specially direct. 1 1 . — The G, M. is autliorized, by precedent, to appoint a messenger, and the G. See. to appoint an assistant.— -Jour. 1881 : p. 'iOoG. 1^. — The Grand Master may appoint one j)eraon to act as Deputy for several lodges, or for several districts. — Jour. 1881 : pp. 1927, 1988. .* ■ -^"jnstitution of the VACANCIES. 26. —Should a vacancy occur in the office of Grand Representative^ K. W. Grand Warden, R W. Grand Secretary, or R. W. Grand Treasurer, by death, resignation, or otherwis'j, during the recess of tiiis Grand Lodge, such vacancy shall be filled by a person to be chosen by a majority of the remaining Elective Officers and Grand Representatives, provided always that the person so chosen shall serve only until the next annual session of the Grand Lodge, when in the event of the term in the vacant office being still unexpired, the members present shall elect by ballot a person to serve for the remainder of such unexpired term. DUTIES AND POWERS. 27. — Tlie M. W. Grand Master shall preside at all meetings of the Grand Lodge when present ; he shall preserve order and decorum therein, and decide all questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Grand Lodge ; he shall have the casting vote upon all occasions when the Grand Lodge is equally divided, except in cases decided by ballot ; he shall appoint pro tern., in the absence of the regular incumbents, all officers whose appointment is not otherwise provided for by the Grand Lodge ; sign all requisite orders on the Grand Treasurer, and all regular documents requiring his signature, and transmit, or cause to be transmitted regularly, previous to the commencement of each term, to each subordinate Lodge within this jurisdiction, the Passwords necessary ; he shall be, ex-ojicio, a mem- ber of all committees of the Giand Lodge, whose meetings he may choose to attend ; he may grant dispensations to open new Lodges, and petitions of a Subordinate Lodge to reinstate an expelled member; and he shall, in person or by deputy, visit and inspect the books, proceedings and work of each Subordinate Lodge within this juris- diction, whenever he may deem it necessary in the furtherance of their interests — the necessary expense incurred in making such visits to be defrayed by the Grand Lodge. ' ^•"' 13 — The Grand Master's decisions during the recess, should be in writing, and in answer only to written 81. In visiting otlicially ho should announce himself as 1). T). G. M.; if he does not so announce himself he can- not give a decision without being appealed to in his official capacity. — JouR. 1869 : pp. -MS, liM). ^H. — All questions relative to the working of a lodge should be sent to the D. I). G. M., and in the event of his being unable to answer the same he shall submit thorn to the Grand Mastei-. -Joini. 1874 : p. 741 ; he should not give 10 CONSTITUTION OF THE such Lodge or Lodges, or cause the same to be done by a competent officer ;'*'^'*^ he shall be entrusted with the charge of, and shall countersign and issue all Dispensations granted to any Lodge in this District ;3 jj^ shall i-eport to the Grand Master, at least two weeks previous to each regular Session, such Dispensations as may have passed through his hands, together with all other matters coming within his sphere of duty ; and he shall remit forthwith to the Grand Secretary all dues, cliarges, and other funds, which may have been received by him on account of this Grand Lodge. 39. — The Grand Master, or Deputy Grand Master, shall not hold office in a subordinate Lodge while holding either of those offi.ces. ' * an it SU' Gi an at 8U< Gi COMMITTEES. STANDING COMMITTEES. 40. — The Elective Grand Officers and Grand Representatives shall constitute an advisory board, who shall meet on the summons of the Grand Master, and whose duty it shall be to render assistance a decision before the N. G. has had au opportunity to pronounce thereon. — JoiTR. 1872: p. 528 ; but, having given his decision, the N. G. cannot appeal to the Lodge to sustain him, the N. G., in opposition to the D.D.G.M. — Jour. 1872 : p. 527 ; the D. D. G. M's decision is binding on the lodge until reversed by higher authority — Jour, 1860 : p. 84 ; all appeals to him stiould l>e sent through the lodge, and the answer sent to the lodge, and not to the Brother making the appwl. -Jocr. 1879 : pp. 1785, 1864. JJI. — A D. D. G. M. should not communicate the P. W. to any person except the N. G., or acting N. G.— Jour. 1879 : pp. 1785, 1864. In doing so he does not give the N. G. the cypher, but interprets it himself and then com- municates the P. W. to the N. G.— Jour. 1881 : p. 211.3. 38. — AD. D. G. M. would not be justified in refusing to instala duly quali- fied and elected Brother.— Jour. 1869 : pp. .337, .366 ; nor could he declare an installation void because it was performed by a visiting P. G. — Jour. 1869 : pp. 338, 367 ; because in his absence a lodge may instal its officers without waiting for his permission. — Jour. 1876 : p. 1679 ; (but thin cannot be done if he has previously refm, suggest such measures of finance as they may deem to be expedient and necessary. 45. — The Committee on Appeals shall be composed of five mem- bers, of whom three shall form a quorum, to Avhom sh; 11 be referred all appeals and grievances from Subordinate Lodges, or from members thereof (unless in the case of charges against members of the Grand Lodge), on which they shall report withou.^ delay, recommending such action in the case as they may .consider necessary ; provided always, that no member of this committee shall act as such, on any appeal to which he himself may be a party. 46. — The (Committee on Laws of Subordinate Lodges ^^ shall con- sist of five members, to whom shall be referred all By-laws of Subordinate Lodges sent in for aj)pi'0val. It shall be the duty of the Committee, at the earliest possible opportunity, to notify such Lodges through the Grand Secretary of their approval or disapproval of the By-laws submitted, pointing out all regulations therein (if any) which may violate or conflict with the laws and Usages of the Order. All By-laws so approved will be operative upon the Lodge until next sespion of Grand Lodge, and no By-laws shall be operative until so approved. The Committee shall make a full report to the Grand Lodge at its next session. 47- — The Committee on Printing shall conci.st of three members, of whom the 'T^rand Secretary shall be one, to whom shall be referred all matters relative to the printing required by thi.s Grand Lodge, and the necessary correction and condensing of material for the Journal of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge previous to publication. 48. — The Committee on Legislation shall consist of fiv(j members, to whom shall be referred all questions pertaining to the making or amending of Laws. 35. — The Grand Master may appoint the Committee on Laws of Subordi- nates during recess ; and it shall meet two days before the regular session of Grand Lodge.— Jon K. 1872; p. 48S. (.\rticle 4. 1S44. 38. — Mileage and per diem is not to be paid any one leaving before the close of the session without the consent of the Grand Lodge. — Jour. 1858: p. 50. 14 CONSTITUTION OF THE the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, prior to each annual ses- sion, and report upon the same. ^ " SESSIONS. 57. — The Grand Lodge shall meet annually on the second Wednes- day in August in each year, at such a place as may be appointed at the preceding session thereof. ^ " 58. — The Grand Master shall have the power to convene special meetings of the Grand Lodge, whenever and wherever, in his judg- ment, it would be for the true interests and benefit of the Grand Lodge and Odd Fellowship generally within its jurisdiction, and when the importance of the subject matter for consideration is such as to justify the expense necessarily involved in such meetings ; provided always, that two weeks' notice shall be given to each tSubordinat'i Lodge of the time and object of stich meeting. 59. — At any special meeting of the Grand Lodge, no business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting war, called. • ' 60. — At all regular and special meetings, the Grand Lodge may adjourn from time to time, as may be found expedient. 61. — To constitute a regular or special meeting of th/s Grand Lodge, there must be in attendance a majority of the E.^pre.«;enta- tives of all the Lodges within the jurisiliction present. APPEALS. 63. — Upon the investigation of any appeal pre.=.— The Auditors shall be paid for tlmir se vices. — ro.iR. 1873 : p. 628. 40- — Lodges in wliose locality the Grand Lodge may meet must not assume that the Grand Lodge will adjourn itssitti.'gs to participate in any festivity given in its honor. — .Totut. 1877 : p. 1908. And they are especially reipiested to have no public dinner in honor of the Grand Ijodge. — lor'it. 1869 : p. ;J78. 21. — The work of Grand Lodge must be tiansaeted only in the Grand Lodge Degree. — JocR. 1867 : p. 289. GRAND LODGE. 15 63. — Tn the event of an appeal cominj? before the Grand Lodge in any case that has so boen're r rred back for a new trial, if it shall appear after such second trial that the charges are not such as the Ix)dge by its constitution and by-laws, or by the law.'? and usages of the Order, Can take cognizance of; or that the evidence produced was not sufficient to prove the charges, then the decision of the Lodge may be reversed, and the member under sentence restored to all the rights and privileges which he may have lost by the action of the Lodge ; and no further proceedings in regard to the subject matter of such charges shall be taken against him, except by appeal to the Sovereign Grand Lodge. 64. — Or if it shall appear that the penalty inflicted upon the accused after such second trial has been contrary to the Constitution and Laws of the Lodge, or the laws and usages of the Order, or dis- proportioned to the offence committed, the case may be referred back, and the Lodge instructed to impose such penalty as may be legal or appropriate.'- SUBORDINATE LODGES. INSTITUTION. 65. — Brothers desirous of establishing a new Lodge under this jurisdiction shall transmit to this Grand Lodge a written application to that effect, accom])anied with their withdrawal cards, dismissal certificates, and the charter fee (.$30) thirty dollars. 66. — Such application must be signed in every instance by at least five Brothers of the Scarlet Degree {Degree of Truth). Should one Lodge, or more, be already established in the proposed location, the signatures of at least ten brothers, qualified as above, shall be requisite. 67.— On receipt of a formal application for a charter, as above required, the Grand Master may issue a warrant for the immediate institution of the Lodge petitioned for. "* ^ 41?. -Tlic Grand f^odgo does not deem it advisalile to enter into the settle- ment of iHfJ'eroncM.'s in business between members of tlie Order, or l)etween subordinate lodges and other parties ; but in sucli cases the p.arties inter- esteitration of (lualified mem'Ders of the Order.— JoUK. 1880 : p. 408. 43 — A Grand Master is justified in using his own discretion, as to grant- ing or refusing . — Suspension of a Lodge does not relieve it from paying to Grand Lodge per capita tax. — Jour. 1877 : pp. 1848, 1965. 50. — In addition to per capita tax the revenue of the Grand Lodge is drawn from charter fees (Clause (j5 Const. G. L.), and from supplies which are to be sold to Subordinates at a uniform advance of 25 per cent, on cost. — Jour. 1878 : p. 75. Cash must accompany all orders for supplies. — Jour. 1880 : p. 1983. 51. — The Grand Lodge will not make appropriations for incidental or other expenses, when it is inconsistent to have the object of the same made known to the Grand Lodge,— Jon r. 1870 : p .24, I m CONSTITUTION OF THE §g. — When such claims have been reported correcl and approved by the Grand Lodge, the Grand Mastei shall issue an ordei- on the Grand Treasurer, attested by the Grand Secretary, for the payment of the same, which payment shall be duly entered in the books of the Grand Lodge by the Grand Treasurer. ^ '^ 87- — In cases of urgency, during the recess of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master may, at his discretion, issue such order, making report thereof to the Grand Lodge at its next regular session. BY-LAWS, ETC. BY-LAWS. 88. — This Grand Lodge shall stand fully invested with the power to adopt from time to time such by-laws and resolutions as it may deem expedient ; provided they do not, in any wise, contravene any part of this Constitution, or of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, or the general laws, principles, or customs of the Order. 89. — Copies of such By-laws shall be immediately forwarded in duplicate to the Sovereign Grand Lodge for approval, authenticated by the Seal of this Grand Lodge, and the signatures of its (rrand Master and Grand Secretary. 90. — All By-laws and Resolutions of this Grand Lodge shall be provisionally in force from the time of their enactment ; but any portion thereof not conforming to Clause 88, may be annulled by the Sovei'eign Grand Lodge, and such annulment may also have retro- active effect. AMENDMENTS. 91. — This Constitution, or any part thereof, shall not be altered, amended, suspended or annulled, unless by action of this Grand Lodge at its Annual Communication, and upon notice of such pro- posed alteration being given by the Grand Secretary, three months previous thereto, to each of the Subordinate Lodges. V 59. — All accounts must be paid by order on the (Jrand Treasurer — JouR. 1873 : p. 628. •H i GRAND LODGE. 21 rer— Jour. ORDER OF BUSINESS.5 3 FOR A REGULAIt SESSION OF THE GRAND LODGE. 1st. — The members will clothe themselves in their appropriate regalia. 2nd. — The Guardian will clost; the door. 3rd. — The Officers will lake their respective chairs. 4th. — The Grand Master will make pro tern, appointments if needed. 5th. — The Grand Marshal and Grand Conductor will examine all present in the G. L. Degree and semi-annual Pass Word. 6th. — The Grand Chaplain will offer prayer. 7th. — The Grand Lodge will rise according to usage, and the Deputy Grand Master will declare the Grand Lodge open for business. 8th. — The ( rrand Secretary will submit the Credentials of Repre- sentatives and new members. Oth. — The Grand Master shall appoint the Committee on Creden- tials, which shall report with as little delay as possible. 10th. — The reception and adoption of the report of the Committee on Credentials. 1 1 th. — The reception of new members and Representatives, and the calling of the Roll of Officers and Representatives. 12th. — The reading and adoption of the Minutes of the last Annual Session, and all Special Meetings of the year past. 13th.— The appointment of regular committees, 14th. — The reading and reference to appropriate committees of the rcpoits of the Grand Officers. 15th. — The reception of petitions, communications and appeals, and the reference of the same to committees. 16th. — The Roll of Lodges shall be called for the presentation of questions and business, and proper reference of the same. 17th.— The Election of Officers. 18th. — Unfinished business in order of its priority. 19th. — The reports of committees shall be read and considered. 20th. — The presentation and disposal of miscellaneous business. 2l8t. — The adjournment of the Grand Lodge. 5!l. — (Tins is the order to l)e observed on opening a session of the Grand Lodge ; and would be the order for tlie entire session, provided the session was eonchided at one sitting. When the (irand F/odge adjourns before those orders have been all passed, it will at the following sitting work aocordiug to the order appended to Rule 1 1. -C. ) ^ 1^ 22 CONSTITUTION OF THE RULES OF O. OER OF THE GRAND LODGE. L— After each adjoun. ent the Grand Lodge shall be opened in the manner prescribed in the Order of Business * ^ and the Minutes- of the preceding sitting shall be read and approved. IL — During the continuance of the Session tlfe most decorous order shall be observed, no one leaving the room without the per- mission of the Grand Master, nor entering without the consent of the Grand Warden. The order of procedure, after opening adjourned sittings, shall be as follows : 1. — The calling of the Roll of Officers and Representatives. 2. — The consideration of any excuses which may be oflfered by Absentees from previous sittings. 3. — The receiving and consideration of any Reports from the Committee on Credentials, on claims for admission as Representa- tives or Members, 4, — The admission and instruction (when requisite) of new mem- bers. 5. — The reading by the Grand Secretary of the Minutes of last sitting, the consideration of any objections which may be made to any part thereof, and their approval, with or without amendment, as. the case may require. 6. — Reading of Accounts, Petitions, and other communications. 7. — Reports of Standing Committees in the following order : On Distribution. " Returns. " Finance. ' " Appeals. " Laws of Subordinates. " Printing. " Legislation. " State of the Order. .,;,, " Judiciary. • " Mileage and Per Diem. '* Petitions and Correspondence. " Districts. 8. — The receiving of any reports from Special Committees, in the order of their seniority. 54.— (The Order of Business in Rule II.— C.) GRAND LODGE, 23 3W mem- 9. — New business. 10. — Unfinished business, in order of priority at previous sit- tings, 11. — Closing or adjournment (as the case may be) of the Grand Lodge. III. — Notwithstanding the Order of Business in Rule II., the Grand Lodge may, by resolution, make the consideration of any matter coming before it a special order for any particular hour or day. IV, — No question, unless regularly moved and seconded, and submitted in writing, shall be put to the Grand Lodge by the Presiding Officer. v. — No question shall be open for consideration until regularly put from the chair ; and when so put, no other motion shall be receivable, unless it be a motion — 1. — To adjourn ; 2. — To lay on the table ; 3. — To put the previous question ; 4. — To postpone ; 5. — To refer ; or •i. — To amend. These several motions, if made, shall have ))recedence in the order above stated, and the first, second and third thereof, shall be decided without debate. VI. The previous question shall be put from the chair, only after it shall have been ascertained that the call therefor is sustained by a majority of the representatives of the Grand Lodge present, and then shall always be put in the words following : *' Shall the question he now put ?" which words shall be understood to have reference to whatever question may be pending immediately before such call for the previous question may have been made. VII. — If the vote of the Grand Lodge, taken pursuant to such call for the previous question, bo in the affirmative, the Presiding Officer shall thereupon put forthwith to vote the (juestion so pending, immediately before such call, and shall not allow any amendment or further debate thereon. VIII. — Before taking the vote on any motion, the Presiding Officer shall ask : "/« the, Grand Lod(je ready for the question?" and, should no member stand up to speak, the Presiding Officer shall rise to take n • \ CONSTITUTION OF THE the vote, after which no member shall have a right to speak on the question. IX. — Aftei' any question, except that of indefinite postponement or the previous quest -on, may have been decided, any two members, having voted in the majority, may, at the same or next sitting, move for a re-consideration, but no discussion en the main question shall be allowed upon such motion. . X. — Any representative may require the division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. XI. — When a l^lank is to be filled, the question shall first be taken on the highest sum or number, or on the longest or latest time pro- posed. XII. — The Yeas and Nays sliall be taken iind recorded oit the call of any three representatives. XIII. — Every representative present may be required to vote on any question, unless excused by the (xrand Lodge, personally inter- ested in the result, or otherwise incapacitated. XIV. — Any member intending to si)cak on a question shall rise in his place and respectfully address the Presiding Otficer, confining himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personality and indecorous language, as well as reflection on the Grand Lodge or its members. XV. — No representative shall speak more than once on the same question, until every member entitled to speak shall have had an opportunity of do:::g so ; nor more than twice, unless by permission of the Presiding Officer. - . XVI. — Should more than one member rise to speak at the same time, the Presiding Officer shall determine which is entitled to the floor ; and no member shall interrupt the business of the Grand Lodge, or in any manner disturb another in his speech, unless to call him to order for words spoken, or rules infringed. XVII. — Any member, called to order while speaking, shall re- sume his seat, and the debate shall forthwith be suspended until the point of order thus raised be determined ; nor shall any member speak upon such point of order unless it bo to make necessary explanations, or appeal from the decision of the chair. XVIII. — The decision of the Presiding Officer on questions of order shall be without debate, unless entertaining doubts on the point, he should invite it ; and on such questions alone shall he have the privilege of speaking from the chair. GRAND LODGE. 25 ik on the lonement nembers, ng, move ion shall question, be taken time pro- ed oil the 3 vote on lly inter- shall rise confining ality and (Ige or its the same 3 had an ernussion the same id to the le Grand ;ss to call XIX. — In all cases where a member may appeal from the decision of the chair, he shall use the words following and none other, unless it be for necessary explanation : " Mast Worthy Grand Master, I respeeffuUy appeal from the decision of the Chair to the Grand Lodge" — and the Grand Lodge shall, after such explanation as the Presiding Officer may deem necessaiy, proceed forthwith to consider and vote upon the question : " Sliall the decision of the Chair stand «J0. — When a member takes a withdrawal card, if his account with the Lodge is overpaid (dues paid in advance), he should be refunded the balance so overpaid.— Jour. 1878 : pp. 19, 76. 8 1 . — If the applicant for a withdrawal card is in good standing, the Lodge should grant the card. — JouH. 1874 : p. 723. (In a case of this kind, where a Lodge refused a card, the Grand Lodge, on appeal, ordered that it should be at once granted under penalty of suspension of the Lodge. — C. ) 8/J.— The office of Per. Sec. cannot be dispensed with ; but one Brother may fill both Secretary's chairs.— Jour. 1870: p. 407; 1880: pp. 1925, 1979. (The course suggested in the latter clause would be inexpedient, as the Brother ^ could only be installed into one office, and would, therefore, only occupy the other pro. tem. — C.) 83. — The Physician or Surgeon of a Lodge, though holding an office, is not, strictly speaking, an officer of a Lodge, any more tlian an Attorney or Solici- tor chosen to conduct its legal business would be, and need not be a member of the Lodge or of the Order.— Jouii. 1881 : pp. 2061, 2118. (The General Law of the S. G. L. does not recognize any such officer. — Digest, 1326; Jour. S. G. L. : pp. 1887, 1949.) Nor does it recognize a Degree Master of a Subordinate Lodge ; and where a Lodge, under the immediate jurisdic- tion of the S G. L. provided for such officers, the By-law thereon was disap- proved as unconstitutional. — .JouE. S. G. L. : pp. .'5848, 5935. It is also held that it is the prerogative of the N. G. to confer degrees. — Jour. S. G. L, : pp. 6978, 7051.— C.) SUBORDINATE LODGE. 31 'efor may & entitled a certifi- shall be i the time card, the al to the from this niitted a favor the fit. le (Irand, nd Treas- B election l)er8hip at . 1880 : p. trying the pp. '2145, ; with the he balance the Ijodge nd, wliere b it should ) •other may )-'5, 1979. lie Brother^ (ccupy the Hue, is not, or Solici- a member le General est, 1326; Master of e jurisdic- waa disap- i also held G^. L. : pp. 20. — Any Brother to be nominated for the office of D. M., must be a P. G., having the three P. O. Degrees; for the office of N. G., a V. G. or P. V. G. jS'' and for any other of the Elective Offices, «xcept Physician, ^^'^^ he must have served at least twenty-six nights in some inferior office and have attained to the Scarlet Degree (Degree ofTruth).^^ 21, — All officers shall be eligible for re-election. 22. — Nomination for the Elective Officers shall be made only at the two meetings next preceding that fixed for the Elections thereto, and no Brother shall be nominated who has not signified his willing- ness to accept the office for which he may be named, and no nominee shall be allowed to retire after the nominations have been declared closed. ^'^ 23. — The election of officers shall take place at the last regular meeting in each terra, except in the case of D. M., P. S., and Physi- cian, who shall be elected to serve for a term of six or twelve months as the Lodge by its By-laws determine. ^ ' 24. — If, for any Elective Office, or for the office of Representative to the Grand Lodge, only one Brother shall be in nomination, such Brother shall be declared elected by acclamation ; should there be 84. — By dispensation from the D. D. G. M., a member of the Degree of Truth may be elected N. H. in the absence of qualified Brother. — Jour. 1872 : p. 527. S5. — If a V. (t. is aljseut a majority of nights in a term he would not be eligible for N. G.— JouK. 187(5 : p. 1681. Nor would a V. G. be eligible until his term had expired. — Jour. 1880 : pp. 1924, 1979. But if the Lodge had not met twenty-six nights in the term, that would not deprive any otfacer of the honors of the term — tlie failure to meet not l)eing his fault. — Jour. 1875 : p. 1398. §0. — A Permanent Secretary elected for a year would be entitled to the honors of the office after twenty-six niglits' service. — Jour. 1876 : p. 1680. 81.— A I). I). G. M. should not be elected N. G.— JouK. 1878 : pp. 19, 75. Nor should a Junior P. G. be elected or appointed to office during the term he occupies the P. G. chair.— Jour. 1879: pp. 1785, 1864. 88. — It is recommended that a P. G., or some Brother not likely to use the office as a stepping-stone to further advancement, should be elected Per. Sec, with a view to making the office really permanent. — Jour. 1878 : p. 9.3. 89. — The Degree of Rebekah is also a necessaiy qualificatiou for an elective office in this jurisdiction. It should be conferred on the officers elect by the N. G.— Jour. 1872 : p. 553. 90. — A Brother who has signified his willingness to accept office may be nominated, even though absent. — Jour. 1869 : pp. 338, 367. 91._(It is questionable if a Lodge having semi-annual terms could elect certain of its officers annually. The general law recognizes annual terms only where the Lodge meets semi-monthly. The term of office is twenty-six meet- ing nights.— Digest 999, 1003 ; Jouu. S.^G. L. : pp. 900, 912 ; 1492, 1512.— C.) I i II 8t CONSTITUTION OF two or more candidates duly nominated, the members present shall proceed to elect one of such candidntes by ballot, and only members in good standing shall be entitled to a voto.^'^ 2q, — A majority of all the legal votes cast shall be necessary to election ;^ ^ should there be no choice of an officer at any ballot, a new ballot shall forthwith take ])lace, and after each ballot, the name of the candidate who may have received the smallest number of votes, as well as those who shall receive no votes, shall be withdrawn. APPOINTED 0FFICP:RS. 26, — The api)ointed Officers of this Lodge shall bo W., C, 0. G., I. G., R. S. N. a, L. S. N. G., R. S. V. G., L. S. V. G., R. S. S., and L. S. S. ; and the Lodge may, at its option, add a Chaplain. 37, — These Officers shall be appointed by the N. G. immediately after his installation; except the li. S. V. G. and L. S. V. G., who shall be appointed at the same time by the V. G. " ■• 28, — AH Brothers appointed as Officers muai be in good standing, and the W., O. G., and I. G., must have attained the Scarlet Degree. (Degree of Truth J '^^ 29. — The N. G., with the consent of the Lodge, may appoint as 0. G. a Brother of the Scarlet Degree (Decree of Truth) belonging to any other Lodge. " " VACANCIES. 30. — Any office, the occupant of which may have been absent without satisfactory excuse from three successive regular meetings, may be declared vacant by vote of the Lodge, on a motion to that effect ; provided notice of such motion has been given at the regular meeting previous to that at which the vote is taken. 9<5. —Members should be admitted to the Lodge room at any time during the progress of a ballot.— Jour. 1874 : p. 733. 93. — Blank votes are to be counted in making up the total of the ballot. — JoCR. 1874 : p. 760; Digest, 1914; JoiR. S. G. L. : pp. 2839, 2963.. 94. — Appointments are understood to be made with the approval of a majority of the Lodge.— Jodr. 1870 : pp. 385, 408. 95. — (The legislation of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, requiring the work of the Lodge to be transacted in the Degree of Truth, makes it necessary that all officers should have this degree.— C.) 96. — This is the only office that can be held by a member of another Lodge. — Jour. 1880: pp. 1925, 1979. But though a member of another Lodge can be appointed 0. G., he cannot be appointed on a Committee.— Jour. 1876 : p. 1683. SITHOHDINATE LODGES. 3:i 31.— Any vacancy in office shall he tillml hy election or appoint- ment, as the oaso may he;"', uh i,^ ^lio case of elective officoi-H, the election may take place on tlu; second ni<,'ht of nomination; and IJrothers so elected or apitointed, shall bo entitled to the privileges and honors of- the ofHee, provided they complete the term. 1)UTIP:s and I'OWERH. 32.— The Officers of this Lodge shall perform such duties, and he invested with such powers as are prescribed by the Charge Books and Usages of the Order, the Laws of the Orand Lodge, and the Lodge to which tlipy belong. ■•*'■'■♦•♦ JIT.— If till! otKcoof N.(l. bocoines vacant it is not legal for the V. G. to occupy it tor the reiuaimltT of the term— .Joru. 1877 : p. 1098. J>H.— A rcsigiijitioii (.1 Ollict! tendered and accepted cannot l)e reconsidered ; a new election nuiHt take place. — Jonu. I87n : p. 1410. INSTAM.ATION. !M>.— Whenever an otticer is re-elected lie must be installed.— JoiR. 1881 : p. 21 'JO. lOiK No Brother can be in.stalled into two oHices.— Jottr. 1872 : p. r)27. 101. -Brothers in arrears cannot he installed into office. — Joru. 187!> : pp. 178"), 18(i4. And, it installed, the installation is illegal and void. — JoUR. 1880: pp. 1024, 1070. IO!i{.— The installation of an officer elected to fill a vacancy may take place on the night of election. — .loiii. 1872 : p. r)28. 10;i. -An instalbntroliiccr can instal without being himself in possession of the term P. W.— JoUK. 187(i: p. 1670. 104- — A Past (irand's seniority dates from the time he first became a P. (i., whether in the Lodge to which he now belongs or some other. — Jour. 187t) : p. I. — The Recording Secretary has nothing to do with a candidate for initiation in the ante-room. Tlie O. S. C. attends to tiie candidate ; except that the Per. Sec. may be sent out to collect tlie fees. — Jour. 1878 : pp. 19, 76. 1/80. — The Per. Sec. can receive dues and give his receipt at any time, unless the by-laws forbid.— Jour. 18S0 : pp. 1925, 197i>. 1/81. — It is the Per. Secy's duty to transmit direct to the (J rand Secretary all returns and moneys due the Graiul Lodge.- Jour. 1874 : p. 745. fi'ti. — Lodges are advised to require security from their Financial Officers iu the bonds of a Guarantee l,'ompany. — Jour. 1878 : pp. 24, 82. 1S3< — S. Supporters stand in giving their charges. — Jour. 1878: pp. 19,76. 1^4. — It is imperative on all olKuers to commit to memory the charges of their several offices as soon as practicable after installation. — Jour. 1868: p. 320. 1^5. — A Lodge at one meeting cannot change the night for the fcdlowing meeting on the ground of itn coming on a hohday. — JouK. 1881 : p. 2110 (nor for any other reason. — C. ) SUIiOKDINATE LODGES. 35 rear their Official on, or take part in 35. — Special Sessions may be called by the N. (I., such notice thereof being given as may be required by the By-laws of the Lodge, The notice shall contain the particular reason for calling the same, and no business but that expressed in such notice shall be entered upon at such special meeting. 30. — No business shall be transacted at any regular or special meeting unless at least five members of this Lodge be then present, nor otherwise than according to the Eules of Order annexed to this Constitution. '-«• '-'' 37. — Members of other Lodges may be admitted as Visitors, pro- vided they give the Pass word for the Term, present a proper Card, or are introduced by an Elective Officer of ^he Grand Lodge, or by any Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, from the Grand Lodge or Grand Encampment of Ontario, '-s-i so 38.— This Lodge shall have no power to resolve itself, at any time, into Committee of the Whole. TEUMS. 35). — The Terms of this Lodge shall be Semi-Annual or Annual, as provided by its Hy-lavvs, and shall commence on the first regular meetings in July and January respectively, if semi-annual ; and on the first regular meeting in January, if annual. Should the D. M., 1*. S., or Physician, be elected semi-annually, their Terms shall com- mence at the first regular meetings in July and January respectively ; and, if ainiually, then at the first regular meeting in January. I^U — lu the absence of tlie Noble (iraiul, Vice Grand and all Past (Jrands, a Lodge cannot l)e opened. — JorR. 187'< : I'. 7.SJ) ; nor can it be opened if the Charter i.'i not in tlic room ; and any bnsinesa transacted under such circainstances would be illegal. — Jdiii. 187!' : pp. 1785, 1864. I'lJ'}'.— The minutes of a meeting being cofi-ectly recorded cannot be declared incorrect because it is supposed the proceedings reconled were illegal. — Jot It. ]87((: pp. 404, 408; nor, having been confirmed, could the minutes l)e amendeil. .loi'U. 1880: p. Iil80. lliJH. — The decisions and laws of a Lodge are binding on visitou as well as niendjcrs (so far as practicable. — (.'); and visitors are subject to charges if they lefuse obedience to the N. H, and the Lodge. — Joi'K. 1871 : pp. 468, 4()it" 476. l^U.— A visitor presenting an order for the Term or travelling P. W. should receiv) the sann; from tlie N. G. — .loiu. \XS{) : pp. HCJ.'j, H'7!> ; and sliould not be suhniitted to any examination further tUan is necessary to establish his identity, — Joiu. 187''^: pp. I!*, 76. 130. — Visiting Brothers, when ill, are entitled to the same care and attention as members of the Lodge in whoso jurisdiction they may be taken ill.— Jouu. 187U: p. 1864. 36 CONSTITUTION OF ' 40. — Every Term shall be held to close on the day on which the succeeding one may commence, i a a RETURNS. 41. — It shall be the duty of the last Past Officers to prepare and forward to the Grand Secretary of Ontario, immediately on the ^ixpiiy of their term of Office, a regular return of the work of such term, with the result of the Election of Officers, &c., in accordance with such blank form of semi-annual or annual return as the Grand Lodge may from time to time direct to bo used. ' ^'^ 43, — Such semi-annual return sliall be accompanied by the amount due the Grand Lodije ; the same being 2o cents for each unsuspendeil member on said return. 43, — A line of two dollars shall be payable by this Lodge for every month that may elapse after the close of any semi-annual term pre- vious to the Keturns required by Clause 41 being placed in the possession of the Grand Lodge. 44. — Should this Lodge, or the Officers thereof, fail to make the Keturns required by the preceding Clauses, for twelve months, it shall thereby become liable to the forfeiture of its Charter ; and it sliall bo the duty of the last installed Officers to transmit or surrender to the Grand Master, on requisition from him to that effect (or to such other Brother as may be appointt;d by the Grand Lodge or Grand Master to receive the same), the charter, books, pa[)ers, furniture and funds of the Lodge. FUNDS. CONTRIBUTIONS. 45. — There shall be two regular Funds of this Lodge, to be known respectively as the Widows' and Orphans' Fund and the General Benetit Fund ; ano. the I-odge may provitle, by its By-laws, lor the institution of a Special Fund or Funds for any of the beuevo- THK LODGE IIOOM. 131- — The ante-room cannot be used for card-playing after the Lodge has adjourned. —Joiiii. 187<) : pp. 15(50, KUJO. 13^. — A Lodge can sub-let its rooms to another society. — >)oUR. 1879 : pp. 1785, 1864. 133 —The Term closes the moment tlio liodge opens in the Hrst meeting of the Term following.— Jouk. 1878 : pp. IH, 7fi. 134. — The returns are to bo prepared and forwarded by the Per. Sec. — JoUK. 1878 : pp. 19, 7(5 , and a Lodge should not tine its Past Grand because the returns were not sent. — JouK. 1875 : p. 1454, SUBORDINATE LODGES. 37 lent purposes contemplated by the Order ; provided always, that in the case of every such Special Fund the receipLs and disbursements on account thereof shall be kept altogether distinct from the Regular Funds hereby established.' 3 5. i si; 46. — The Initiation Fee of this Lodge must be paid in every ease previous to the admission of the candidate, and shall not be less than five dollars. ' 371 3 9 47. — The charges for Degrees shall not be at a less rate than two dollars for each of the three Degrees ;' "^ and all moneys received on account of Degree charges shall be applio'l to the General Benefit Fund. ' 4 ' 48. — The contribution of each member to the regular Benefit Fmiils of this Lodge, shall be determined by the By-laws ; such por- tion thereof shall be placed to tlie creilit of the W. & O. Fund as the Lodge may see fit, provided it be not less than one -fifth nor more than one-third, tlie remainder to be placed to the credit of the General Benefit Fund. < 4 -J- 1 <> s 133. — ^Lo. -t'harter Member-, of new Lodges sliould i):iy the regular fees for ile])i)sit of card, as provided hy the By-laws of the new Lodge.— loUR. 1871 : p. 4()!». I4t>. -An .\ncicnt Odd-Fellow is not re(piired to pay Fees for Degreea, provided he can prove himself in those Degrees. — .loini. 1871 : pp. 433, 468. 1 4 1. -Money ])aid for Degrees to which the member has been elected should not be refunded him, nor applied to any other purpose but that for which it was jiaid. — 1>VH. 187!* ; p. ist>2. (There miglit be e.Kceptions, as in the case of a member being prevented taking the Degrees from circumstances luicontroll.able hy him, such as incurable illness or ileatii. — (.'.) 1 4*'8. —Lodges may re(|uire dues to be paid cpiarterly it\ advance. — Jouii. 1878: pp. 10, 7(). 141; but not semi-aiuuially. lorit. 1873: p. (540; and when payable cpiarterly ii\ advai\ee, a mendier who fails to pay on the first night of the quarter, is thirteen weeks in arrears, and is not entitled to the Term I'. \V.— Jouii. 1872. pp. 527, 328; Jouk. 1873: p. «1«>. 88 CONSTITUTION OF 49. — The Lodge shall have the power of exacting such feeo foi* visiting and withdrawal cards, and dismissal certificates, except when otherwise provided by the Sovereign Grand Lodge (to be applied to the General Fund) ; and such fines for neglect of duty, &c. (tc be applied to tiie Widows' and Orphans' Fund), as may be determined by the By-laws. DISBURSEMENTS. 50. — Every member, qualified as recpiiied by the By-laws, if ren- dered incapable of following his usual or other attsiinable occupation, by sickness or disability, not occasioned by drunkenness or other immoral conduct on his part, shall be entitled to receive from the General Fund such weekly sick benefit as may bo fixed by the By- ( II , 143- — It would not be legal, in addition to regular dues, to charge mem- bers a certain sum to pay a Lodge physician. — louK. 1880: pp \{)'24, 1979; nor to assess members to pay for a band at funerals. — Jouii. 1880 : pp. 1924> 1979. I 44- — A member joining by card pays dues according to his age when ad- mitted to tlie bodge, and not according to his age when he first joined the Order. — .loiu. 187fi : p. 168.3. (This applies, of course, to Lodges where dues are graded according to age. — ('. ) 1 45. — Fines are to be charged and collected the same as dues ; arrears for fines legally imposed would be the same as arrears for dues, and would have the same effect in discpuvlifying a member in the matter of l^enefits. — J<)i;u. 1877: p. 1992. (So would assessments legally imposed. — C.) 1 4G. —I Hies can be paid the Per. Sec. at any time, unless the By-lawa forbid.— Joui:. 1880: pp. 1925. 1979. 14T- — Failure of a Per. Sec. to notify a member of arrears would not excuse him for non-payment of dues. — .louii. 1877: p. 1945. 148.— Sliould a Lodge be under suspension its members would still bo liable for dues, and on the removal of tlie suspension all dues so accruing must be paid.— Joint. 1877 : pp. 1848, 19(55. 14tl. — A member under suspension, for any cause, is liable for dues, and is entitled to pay them at any time ; the Lodge cannot refuse to receive them, nor can it suspend him for N. P. I).— .lora. 1877 : l p. 1870, 1957. 150. — Witliout altering its By-laws a Lodge cannot ofi'er a discount on dues paid in advance.- Jul K. 1880: p 1978. (It would be questionable if it could l)e done even by altering its By-laws. — C.) 151 . — Benefits due a member, but refused, should be considered a contri- bution to the W. iV (). Fund, ami passed to its credit. —.loii;. 187<> : p. Hw.'l. (Provided tiie By-laws made no other provision for cases of this kind; and in any event, this must be considered more in the light of a recommenda- tion than a compulsory law. — C. ) 1 5*^. — No claim can be allowed as an offset to dues, except benefits for a previous sickness whioh had not been received by the member. — Jouh. 1880: pp. 1924, 1979. 153.— Money paid for degrees to which tl;e member was elected, but which he did not take, could not be applied on his account for dues, with or without his consent.— Jouu. 1880: pp. 1924, 1979. (See note 141.) SUBORDINATE LODGES. 39 laws ; provided always, that the Lodge shall not be held to pay such benefit for any term of sickness shorter than one week, unless specially so provided by its By-laws. ' *^'*"''^ 154. — A Lodge cannot refuse a member benefits because his illness arose from some cause outside of his ordinary business avocations, provided it was not the result of immoral conduct. — .louR. 187"): p. 1454. 155. — A Lodge accepting a certificate from its medical adviser as to the health of a candidate, and initiating him, accepts the responsibility of paying him benefits, even though it can be proved that he was in ill health prior to the time he joined tlie Lodge. — JorK. 1877= p. 1995. (He might, however, be tried for fraudulent misrepresentation, and expelled if found guilty.— C.) 156. — A member who is taken sick on the first meeting night of the (juarter, prior to opening of tlie Lodge, and has not an opportunity to send in liis (lues, is entitled to benefits, he not being thirteen weeks in arrears. — JoiTK. 1877 : p. H)«4. 1 51. — The Grand Lodge refused approval to a By-law which provided that " a sick Brother leaving town, or being out of his house after 9 p. m. in sum- mer, or () p. m. in winter, without permission of the Surgeon and a majority of the Sick Committee, forfeits ins claim to sick benefits. " — Ioitr. 1878 : p. 92. (The S. (}. L. al;-' disapproved of a similar By-law in subordinates under its jurisdiction.— .1(1 u. S. G. L. : p. 7401.— C.) 15H. — Tlie By-laws of a L■, 40 CONSTITUTION OF. !• 51. — In case of tlie death of a Brother, qualified as rec^uired by the By-laws, there shall be paid to his nearest of kin, or other legal representative, from the General Fund, towards defraying the funeial expenses, if any are incurred by the family or legal representatives, such sura as may be hxed by the By-laws of this Lodge ; and the Lodge may also provide by "ts By-laws for the payment of a Funeral Benefit to a duly qualified Brother, on th^ demise of his wife, to assist in defraying the expenses of her funerj^i '6 8-176 lOT- — A member of the Lodge not entitled to pcrtin'mry benefits is yet entitled to atti'ntivc benefits ; that is, the sympatiiy, visitation and watch-uare of the Lodge, in so far as these do not involve the expen(Hture of Lodge funds.— Joui!. 187!) : p. 180t. 108- — It would l»e unconstitutional to pass a By-law to assess every Brother of a Lodge one dollar upon the death of each member in good standing (the amount to be paid to the legal representatives of the deceased), and to dis((ualify every member refusing or neglecting to pay the assessment for three months from Lodge benefits. — .b)rK. 187- : p. ")-5K lOJ). — In the absence of any provision i» the Fiy-laws, or where there is no Contingent Fund available, a Lodge should not exceed the amount speci- fied in its By-laws for funeral expenses ; as, for example, in hiring a band, — Jour. 1874: pp. ()71, 7:it). lYO. — It would be legal to pay out of the Lodge funds the cost of teams used in attending the funeral of a member of anotiier Lodge ; though there should be a contingent fund for such purposes. — .loiB. 1881 : pp. "JOdl, "21 18. 1 Tl. — In case of the deatii of a member, who is also a mend)or of another society which buries liim and pays his funeral expenses, the full amount pro- A'ided Ijy tiie Lodge for funeral expenses should be paid. — .loi'U. LS77 : J). 191>7. (The general law of the <.)rder makes a ilistinctu>n here; if it is a "funeral benelit," then the full amount would have to be paid; if the sum is for " Funeral Expenses," and this is all for wliicii our ('onstitution provides, then, if none were incurred by the family, nothing would need to be paid by the Lodge. —Digest 197 ; Jour. S. (i. L. : pp. 2812, 3588.-0 I Tli. — A Lodge should act according to tiie wishes of tiie widow or family ni disposing of the sum allowed foi' " funeral benefits ;" that is, they siiould pay the amount to the widow or family direct, or use same towai'ds ilefraying the funei'al expenses, if so desii'cd. In case tile amount is not all used, the balance siujuld be paiil to the widow or family. If the (iodge, by re<|Viest of the widow, pays tiie funeral expenses, she is entitled (if she so desires) to see that the amoiuit allowed by the by-laws has been expended. -Jouit. 1870: pp. 1784, 18(!4. ITJJ. — Lodges liave the privilege of making any amicable arrangements they choose with kindred .societies in condiicting the funeral of a deceased Brother, ])eing careful, while avoiding all arrogant assumptions and luicharit- able exclusiveness. to maintain those rights which tiie dignity of our Institu- tion demands, ami to perform those duties which our laws impose. — Jour. 1878 : p. 24. 114. -Lodges are recommended to adopt some form of ceremony for decorating with flowers on appropriate anniversary seasons the graves of deceased Brothers. — Jour. 1887 ; p. 21I<}. 115. — If the deceased member was a I'ast Orand, his Lodge should send official notice of his death to the Grand Secretary.— JouR. 1879 : pp. 1805, 1867. SUBORDINATE LODGES. 41 62.— The Lodge may, by its By-laws, make such provisions as shall seem meet for the relief of Brothers in a state of pecuniary distress. ' ''' " 53. — The Lodge shall make such dispositions of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, for the relief and benefit of the widows and orphans of deceased Brothers of this Lodge, by annuity or otherwise, as it shall see fit."f-'8'» 116. -A Lodge cannot donate a member a sufficient siun to pay his dues witiiout observing all the formalities required by the By-law provid- ing for relief (jf Urothers in distress.— Jour. 1877 : p. 1946. Ill —A Lodge cannot refuse a widow benefits on the ground that she is an inmate of an almshouse or other charitable institution.— Jour. 1875 : p. 1407. 1 18- — In the event of the death of a Brother who was flisqualified from bene- fits during his illness hy reason of N. 1'. D., his widow wouhl not be entitled to ■ 3 -even though at his death he was clear on the hooks of his Lodge.— I8J7 : p. MMKj. (This would he governed to a considerable extent by benefits JllUK, 1 the wording of the Lo.— C.) ITU.— A Lodge may limit the period for which benefits shall be paid to widows or orphans to a certain number of years.— Jouh. 1875 : p. 1407. IHO.— In the event of the widow of a deceased hoimfde member becoming immoral, any henelits accruing to her shouhl be discontinued— and paid to the children.— Jouii. 1877 : p. liM)4. (Considera))le caution would have to be exercised in acting on this decision, especially if the Lodge was incorporated ; unless the immorality of the widow was established to the satisfaction of a Civil Court, her benefits could not be transferred to other parties.— C.) 181. -The child of a deceased member is an orphan, in the terms of the By-laws, wlien they specify benefits to childen up to fourteen years — even though the motlier has re-married. — .louK. 1877: p. li)!)'2. IH^. — A willow having assigned her benefits to her children, the latter would be entitled to rece' e the amimnt just so long as the widow herself would have been entitled to them had she not so assigned. — .JoUK. 1878 : p. 79 1?4J{. — In voting money to the widows and orphans of Brothers not in good standing at the time of death, the law providing forrelief in special cases must bo strictly followed. — Joi'K. 1870 : pp. 417, 418. 184. — A liOilge cannot by vote make a disijualified member good on the books, so as to entitle his widow to lienefits. — .loi'K. 1880 : p. 1978. OTHER niSlUTRSEMENTS, 185- — It is lawful to use Lodge funds for hiring a band for street parade, in celebrating the Anniversary, or on other occasions, if the Lodge has a Con- tingent Fund. — .louK. 187(i : p. 1()7"2. (So far as the Anniversary of the Order is concerned, an expenditure therefor would be permissible out of the Ceneral Funds, that being one of "the legitimate purposes of the Lodge." — Digest 10(5 ; .Jouu. S. (I. L.: pp. .")107, 524().-C.) 18<». — (Jiand Lodge approved the expenditure by a subordinate of a small sum to procure a testimonial for parties outside the Order who had given gratuitous attention to a sick Brother. — Jouu. 1881 : pp. 2061, 2118. 18T. — A Lodge may appoint a Committee to arrange for a pic-nic, concert or excursion, but should not risk its funds for such purposes, or allow its Seal to be used on the tickets. — Joui;. 1880 : pp. 1923, 1979. (Expenditure from Lodge funds for this purpose is expressly forbidden by the General Law, except from a Contingent Funcf.--C.) CONSTITUTION OF r i! PENALTIES, 54. — Any Brother who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or infringe the Constitution or By-laws of the Lodge, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as the By- laws may direct, ancient usage require, or the Lodge determine. ' " ' •1 94 TRIALS. 55. — Every Brother charged with any offence involving reprimand suspension or expulsion (unless for non-payment of dues), shall be entitled to a fair trial, in accordance with the provisions of the clauses following. 53. — No member of this Lodge shall be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his alleged oft'ence shall first be submitted to the Lodge, in writing, by one or more Brothers of the Order in good standing. '95-200 . , 188. — It is not a legitimate appropriation of Lodge funds to pay for the education of a Brother in order that he may act as Organist.— Jour. 1880 : pp. 1924, 1979. 1 89. —It is the duty of a Lodge to have its property insured. — .Joith. 1880 : p. 1971. 190. — Money may be appropriated from the (ieneral Benefit Fund of a Lodge to pay salaries and other expenses incidental to the maintenance of a library.— .Jour. 1878 : p. 106. 191. — It is recommended by Grand Lodge that before a Subordinate Lodge exercis 8 its rights and powers in suspending members for N. P. !)., eacli individual case should be referred to a Select Committee, with instructions to use every possible justifiable means to save suspension ; and that tlie report of said Committee should be made to the Lodge before final action on the general question.— Jour. 1878: p. 9.3. 19/8. — A Brother does not violate his obligation l)y informing a Brother in good standing of anything that may have transpired in the Lodge previous to the initiation of said member. — Jour. 1879 : pp. 178(5, 18()4. 193. — In case of a Brother obtaining admission to a Lodge upon a Paos Word illegally obtained, he should, if a suspended or expelled member, be refused admission, and if not a suspended or expelled member, charges should be preferred against him and he be placed upon trial. — Jouu. 1872 : p. r)49. 194. — A member or officer guilty of insubordination should be charged and tried therefor.— Jour. 1871 : p. 469. 195. — A Lodge must receive a charge against one of its members, if pro- perly preferred.— Jour. 1879 : pp. 1786, 1864. 190. — Unless charges have been preferred, it would be illegal to appoint a Committee to investigate reports about a member's character.— Jour. 1875: p. 1411 ; but this would not prohibit the appointment of a Committee to in- vestigate a member's sickness.— Jour. 1880 : pp. 1923, 1979. 19T. — Charges may be preferred against a Brother holding an unexpired withdrawal card.— Jour. 187.'> : p. 1411. 198.— A decision by civil law should not be held aa a reason for not enter- taining a charge properly preferred.— Jour. 1879 : pp. 1784, 1864. SUKORDINATE LODOES. 43 94 1880 67. — Any charge ov charges so preferred shall be referred to a Committee of five members, three of whom shall be a quorum, to be chosen by ballot ; which Committee shall, with as little delay as the case will admit, summon the parties, and examine and determine the matter in question, in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of Procedure on Trials. In selecting this Committee, or.ly one name shall be written upon any ballot.-" "•^o" 68. — Should the decision of the Committee not involve the suspen- sion or ex[)ulsion of a Member, and should no appeal be made there- from, it shall be final, without further action by the Lodge.-"'''' ^^^ 69. — Should the Committee be convinced of the necessity of sus- pending or expelling a ^Member, a motion to that effect shall be sub- mittal to the Lodge by three or more of their number, in their name. 60. — Any motion for the suspension or expulsion of a Member shall be announced at the two regular meetings previous to that on which it is to be decided, which last meeting the Brother under charge shall bo summoned to attend ; and at the time so appointed, whether the implicated Brother be present or not, the Lodge may proceed to consider and determine the question. 1 JM>. — The judicial acts and opinions of a Brother acting in a public capacity (as coroner, foi- example), are not proper subjects upon which action could be taken by his Lodge. -Jot'R. 1880 : p. 1!»80. SOO. — A Lodge caiuiot try and punish a member of another Lodge. — Jour. 1870: p. lO.S."). (Cliarges against a member nuist be presented in the Lodge to wliicli Jie belongs.— JorK. S. (I. L. : pp. 4993, oUK"), ."V24() ; Digest 3-25 ft. —C.) *rJ01. — Members of the Degree of Truth are eligible to serve -^n Committees to try Past (irands.— .lorK. 1808 : pp. 298, .S27. ^0/i. — Members of a Trial Committee should be in good standing. — JouR. 1880 : pp. 192:5, 1979. /iOiS.^ — A member of a Trial Committee has no right to appear as a witness to give evidence in the matter. — .lot'R. 1879 : pp. 1786, 1864. /804. — A Trial Conunittee has no right to demand the Lodge Minute Book for evidence, as properly certified copies of the Minutes should be in their possession. — Joitr. 187!* : pp. 1786, 1864. ^05. — A Lodge has no right to take evidence, either to prove or disprove statements made against a Brother, otherwise than through a Trial Com- mittee. —Jour. 1879: pp. 1780, 1864. 900. — Evidence can be taken from persons not members of the Order. — JouK. 1877 : pp. 1870, 1937. 901. — (It would be necessary to adopt the report of the committee. — C); which should be done on the same night it is presented. — Jour. 1876: p. 1635. ?808. — If the punishment is fixed as "reprimand," the adoption of the report is the reprunand. — Jouu 1877: pp. 1870, 1957. ■ i CONSTITUTION OF 61.— The Lodge shall have the power, at the meeting appointed for the decision, to vary the penalty ti one more or less severe than that contained in the motion submitted by the Committee.-"^-* ' " g|>j)._It is not obligatory on the Trial Committee to recommend a penalty.— Jouit. 1881 : pp. 2061, 2118. »5|(>. — The evidence taken before the Committee can be discussed in open Loilge wlien the Committee's report is under consideration. — Jour. 1877 : p. 1995. *$l 1. — The Lodge may refer the report back to tlie Committee for further evidence. — Jour. 1876 : pp. 1682, 1697. »5J»5._In case of alleged frauds by a Member in business transactions out- side the Lodge, the Lodge should not convict unless tlie frauds are such as a court of justice will take cognizance of.— Jouu. 1880: pp. 1924, 1979. g|3. — On a trial for fraud, a member who was absent at his trial could not be suspended for fraud; he could only be punislicd for contfiiipt.— JoiMt. 1870: p. 411; (that is. if he wilfully absented liimself, after notice sent him. If .service of notice was impracticable, trial for fraud miglit proceed. See Digest 1824, 1826a. JouK. S. (J. L. : pp. 2.-)07, 2522, 2531, 5494, 5541.— C.) i!5l4- — A member cannot be tried a second time for tlie .same ofl'ence, •where no appeal has been made. — .lorn. 1S79: pp. 1786, 1864: but the member couUl demand a second trial, on the ground that notice of cliarges and trial iiad not been received. — lou it. 1880 : pp. 1924, 1979. HULKS OF I'KOOEUURE ON TRIALS. li 1 5. -Tlie Grand Lodge provides the following rules of procedure, forms, etc., for the trial of .Members.— .IctrK. 1874: p. 1226, 1875: pp 1,S:17, i;i97 ; 1879: p. 1867. (By the Constitution of the K. W. (Jraiid Encampment of Ontario tliese rules, forms, etc., are in use in the I'atriarciial Order. — (.'.) 1st. — All cliarges against members of this Order shall be drawn substan- tially in the manner prescribed in " Form .\," and be submitted direct to the Lodge of which the accused is a member, in duplicate, signed by a member of the Order in good standing. The general oliarge sliall be an averment of " Conduct unbecoming an Odd-Fellow," followed by specilication or speciHca- t'ons, stating tiie time, place and circumstances of the ofl'ence or offences. 2nd. — The Lodge shall, immediately after the reading of the charge, choose by ballot a Committee of five, as near as possible, from among the peers of the accused, three of whom shall lie a quorum, to whom tiie cJiaige sliall be referred. In selecting this Committee only one name shall be written upon any ballot, and the lirst elected sliall be the convener thereof. 3rd. — The accused or accuser, or any member of the Lodge act'iig for either of them, may challenge, for cause, any iiaine appearing on the ballot. The grounds of challenge shall be stated and considered ny the Lodge, and a majoritj' vote shall be necessary to s»istain the objection made. 4th. — The Secretary shall atli.v the seal of tlie Lodge to one copy of the charge and specifications, and certify it substantially according to " Form H," and serve or cause the same to be served upon the accused, either personally or by leaving it at his usual place of residence. The .Secretary shall also certify under Seal the duplicate cluuge, and deliver it to the Convener of the Committee, with the notice, according to " Form C," of these rules. 5th. — The accused, shall, within one week from the receipt by him of the charge and specifications, serve his plea or answer to the same upon the Con- vener of the Committee, by either or several of the answers shown in " Form E." SUHORDINATE LODGES. ■'I APPEALS. 62. — Any Member sliall have the right to appeal to the Lodge i'rom the decision of a committee, given under Clause 58 ; and notice of (itii. — The Convener of the Coinniitteo shall, on receipt of the pleas in de- fence, or at th'e expiration of tlie time limited therefor, with reasonable dili- gence call a meeting of the L'oniniittee, to attend wliich tlie accuser and ac- cused shall he served with personal notice if tiiey can be found, or by leaving the same at their usual place of resi«lence, according to "Form D," at leasi; one week prior to the time affixed for trial. 7th. — At tlie meeting a t'hainnan and Secretary shall be appointed, and the trial proceed by examination of the parties and ■witnesses on their behalf. Either party may aniecid their proceedings by leave of the Committee. 8th. — I'he report of tlie Coniinittee shall state their finding on each specifi- cation of the chai'ge, according to "Form F," and shall be accompanied liy an accurate record of their proceedings, rulings, and decisions, together with the original eviilenee taken during the trial, which shall be submitted to the Lotlge witliin a reasonable time after the case has been submitted to them. IShould there be a minority report, it may be presented in a similar manner at the same time. The Minutes of the Committee should show — I. — The date and place of each meeting, and the jiarties present. II. -'llie exceptions taken by either party, and the decisions thereon. III. — I arol evidence in full, subscribed by the witnesses. IV. — All documentary evidence, njarked as exhibits. {)th. — The finding of the Coniinittee shall be entered in the Lodge Minutes by the Secretary, who shall forthwith notify both parties that the report has been submitted, and all parties shall be entitled to '■ ake a copy thereof. 10th. — The Lodge shall take up the report for consideration at the regular meeting to be held two weeks after it has been submitted, and may amend, affirm or reverse the finding of tlie < onimittee upon any one or all of the alle- gations in the charge of their ruling thereon. (If the decision of the Com- mittee does not involve suspeusion or expulsion it should be acted on the night it is presented. — C ) 1 1th. — The linal decision of the Lodge shall be notified to both parties by the Secretary, immediately. ll'th. — Either party may appeal from the decision of the Lodge to the Grand Lodge, within three months from the action of the Lodge thereon. The Lodge shall transmit to the Grand Secretary a copy of all the proceed- ings, regularly certified, upon receiving the costs and chai'ges of copying and mailing the same. SI 5a. — EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES. 1.— The evidence competent to be admitted before the Committee of trial shall be — a. — Parol evidence (i. e., testimony of living witnesses before the Com- mittee. ) h. — Depositions, procured in the manner prescribed by the Grand Lodge of the United States. c. — Regularly certified minutes of Lodge. (I. — Regularly proved documentary evidence. Hearsny evidence cannot be received. Tlie Committee will determine the admissibility of evidence of- fered, subject to exception by either party. The exceptions so taken shall be noted by the Committee upon its minutes. 2.- Members of the Ord'/"'''(/!'/ 7. ^IH. — No member should take legal proceedings against his Lodge until his cane has l)een carried before tiie Tribunals of the Order, and there adjudi- cated upon. — .Joi'R. 1878 : pp. 19, 7(). ^IJ). — A Hrother suspended is still a member, though debarred of benerits and privileges ; a IJrotiier who has " ceased mend)ership" is no longer a mem- ber in any Bense.-.lont. 187(» : p. KJ77. ft/SO. - Suspended members should be counted as sucli in the Lodge returns. — JoUK. 187«» : p. l'»78. f8l81. — Suapendod members are liable to aseessments. — Jouk. 1878: pp. 19, 76. 6 H i m CONSTITUTION OF 1 Committee of five Brothers, who, after due investigation, shall report at the next regular meeting ; and if a majority of the members then present shall vote in his favor, he shall thereupon be declared eligi- ble for re-instatement, and, with the consent of the Grand Lodge, may be re-instated. 66, — No Brother shall be re-instated until he shall have paid any arrearages against him at the time of his suspension, and all dues that may have accrued since then, except in cases of suspension for non-i)ayment of dues.*- 2' * * ^ 67. — No Brother who has been legally expelled, or who has ceased to be a member for non-payment of dues, except members of defunct Lodges, and those possessing dismissal certificates, shall be again admitted to membership in any Lodge of this Order without the consent of the Lodge from which he was expelled or dropped,*** and in no case shall he be re-admitted without compliance with all the forms for new applicants, excepting the ceremony of initia- tion. 68- — Any Brother suspended for non-payment of dues, may at any time prior to six months thereafter, become re-instated in his Lodge upon payment '^f the amount due by him at the date of his suspension, together with such sum as may have accrued since that time.**^ Any Brother so suspended for six months, shall cease to be a member.**"'**'' ^^*i. — (A member Huspended for non-payment of dues woidd have to pay all arrearages of dues, uidess tlie amount is in excess of one year's dues. A Lodge may compromise Mith suspended membei'j for any sum not less than one year's dues. — Digest 17(58« ; Jorii. Sov. H. L ; pp. .'ilfil, .")183. — C.) ^•{3. — A Brother having ceased membership for non-payment of dues, can- not re-instate himself by merely paying his arrears to the Secretary. His arrears having been so paid and received Ity the SecreUiry, would not give him or his widow any claim to benefits in case of his sickness or deatli. — .loUK. 1871 : p. 471. »5^4. — A suspended member can apply for re-instatement in his own Lodge, although resident within the jurisdiction of anotlier l^odge ; the application to l)e in writing.— JouH. 1871» : pp. HS't, 18(i4. ^^5.— On payment of all dues by a mendier suspended for N. P. I), (and not otherwise di8(jualified) he is entitled to immediate re-instiitement. — JoiTii. 1877 : pp. 1870, 1057 ; and the N. (i. should declare him re-instated. — .Jouii. 1876 : p. 1<)77. /880- — A Brother who had ceased membership, on being re-instated, would not require to be re-obligated, but would have to sign the Constitution. — Jour. IS?;") : p. 1410. 3/8T- — A member expelled, on being i ''-instated, would be liable for dues accruing during time of expulsion, — Jouiu 1876 : p. 1674 ; (but the Lodge has power to compromise. — C.) SUBORDINATE LODGES. 51 REGALIA AND JEWELS. REGALIA. 69. — The regalia of the Order shall be as follows, to wit : Collars of Subordinate Lodges shall be white, trimmed with the emblemati- cal color of the degree intended to be representated, namely ; First degree {Degree of Friendship), pink ; second degree {Degree of Brotlierly Love), blue ; third degree {Degree of Truth), scarlet ; rosettes of the appropriate colors can be worn on the collars. Among those who may have attained the Royal Purple Defrree, rosettes com- posed of black, yellow and purple, may be worn on •, collar either in connection with the other colors or as a separate rosette. The Noble Grand shall wear a scarlet collar ; Vice Grand, blue collar Secretary, green collar ; Treasurer, green collar ; each of them trimmed with white or silver. Supporters of Noble Grand, scarlet sashes ; of the Vice Grand, blue sashes ; Warden and Conductor, black sashes ; Scene Supporters, white sashes ; Chaplain, white sash ; Out- side Guardian, red sash ; Inside Guardian, blue sash.*^^"*^* JEWELS. 70. — The jewel of a Past Grand is a five-pointed star ; of Noble Grand, crossed gavels ; of Vice Grand, hour glass; of Secretary, crossed pens ; of Treasurer, crossed keys ; of Warden, crossed axes ; of Conductor, crossed wands ; of Guardian, crossed swords ; Sup- porters of the Noble Grand, a wanil having bi'anching arms connected with three links, and encompassing a gavel ; Supporters of the Vice 998. — (The Sovereign Ciran — On receipt of a formal application for a Charter as above required, the Grand Master may issue a Warrant for the immediate establishment of a Degree Lodge. 4. — As soon as the necessary authority shall have been obtained from the Grand Master, the D. D. G. M. shall summon all Scarlet Degreo members (^members q/t/ie Degree of Truth) in good standing in their Lodge or Lodges, and proceed with the institution of the Lodge and the election and installation of the officers, after the man- ner and form prescribed for the same. 6. — A Degree Lodge shall be composed of members in good stand- ing in the Order of the Scarlet Degree {Degree of Truth), resident within the jurisdiction of the Degree Lodge, and all business (except m \\ ■I - I DEGREE LODGES, m that of conferring the First and Second Degrees of this Order {Degree of Friendship and Degree of Brotherly Love), shall be transacted when open in the Scarlet Degree {Degree of Truth), and five members shall constitute a quonim.2 3 8 6. — The Elective Officers of a Degree Lodge shall be a Degree Master, Deputy Degree Master, First Assistant Deputy Degree Master, Second AsR'-tant Deputy Degree Master, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by a majority of the votes polled for that purpose. 7. — Nominations for Elective Officers shall be made upon the last two meetings in December, and the election shall be held upon the last regular meeting in December, and the installation of Officers shall take place on the first regular meeting of the succeeding January. 8. The Appointed Officers shall be a Warden, Conductor, and Outside and Inside Guardians, to be appointed by the Degree Master, upon the night of his installation. '•'^ 7 9. — No Brother shall be eligible for the office of Degree Master or Deputy Degree Master, who is not a P. G. in good standing in some Subordinate Lodge of this Order in Ontario. 10. — Loss of good standing, suspension or expulsion from mem- bership in a Subordinate Lodge, shall at once similarly affect the member's standing in the Degree Lodge, and re-instatement in the Subordinate shall work re-instatement in the Degree Lodge. 11. — The Degree Master shall preside, and shall have power to convene special meetings, and perform such other duties as are pre- scribed by the official obligations and the usages of the Order. 12. — The Deputy Degree Master shciU occupy the usual position of the V. G., assist the Degree Master in the discharge of his duties, and in his absence shall preside. 18. — ^The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the transac- tions of the Degree Lodge; he shall conduct all correspondence, and report promptly to their respective Lodges the names of Brothers upon whom Degrees are conferred, and also the date and the name or names, or numbers of the Degrees conferred. He shall make out for the Grand Lodge, at the first regular meeting in each term, a {S36- — A member of a Degree Lodge cannot wear Encampment Regalia therein. -^oiiR. 1879 : p. 1862. ft3T- — (It will be necessary also, in accordance with the new ritual, for the D. M. to appoint a Third Assistant Deputy Degree Master, a Fourth Assistant Deputy Degree Master, and a Right Scene Supporter. — C.) 66 CONSTITUTION OF i report of the officers for the current term, and the number of each Degree conferred, and also of the funds of the Degree Lodge, par- ticularizing the sources whence such funds have been derived. He shall enter in a separate book or record, the name of every IJrother receiving Degrees, together with the name of his Lodge, and date of receiving the said Degrees, and perform such other duties as are prescribed by his charge of office, and the laws and usages of the Order. 14. — The other officers of the Degree Lodge shall perform the duties assigned to them at their installation, and by the usages of the Order. 16. — The application of a Brother for any Degree, with the fee for the same, must be received by his Subordinate Lodge, in which Lodge he shall be balloted for by the members of the Degree for which he applies, when opened in that Degree. If three, or more, blackballs appear, he shall be declared rejected; otherwise he shall be deemed eligible, and a certificate to that effect shall be granted him, which certificate, on being presented to the Degree Lodge, shall be its authority for conferring the Degree or Degrees applied for. 16. — A Degree Lodge maj', with the consent of two-thirds of the members of iLe Subordinate Lodge or Lodges connected with it, present and voting at a regular meeting of such Subordinate Lodge or Lodges, charge its members an entrance fee and stated dues. Should no fees or dues be charged, the expenses of the De- gree Lodge shall be borne by the Subordinate Lodge or Lodges to which the Degree members belong. 17. — A Subordinate Lodge may provide by its By-laws for the payment to the Degree Lodge of a part or the whole of the regular charge for the Degrees. 18. — Any Degree Lodge shall have power to adopt necessary By- laws, rules and regulations for its government, conformable to this Constitution, and to the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, and the laws and usages of this Order. 19. — Degree Lodges shall be subject to all the laws applying to Subordinate Lodges in the matter of sessions, terms, *^'''' returns, trials, and penalties, and forfeiture of Charter ; except that they shall not be required to pay per capita tax to the Grand Lodge. S3Ta. — (With this exception, that the terms of a Degree Lodge are an- nual. See clauses 6, 7.— C.) REREKAH DEGREE LODGES. 57 CONSTITUTION —OF- REBEKAH DEGREE LODGES, SCBORDINATE TO THE GRAND LODGE OF ONTAEIO. 1. — Rebekah Degree Lodges may be instituted on the application of ten or more persons in possession of that Degree, five of whom shall be members in good standing of some Subordinate Lodge or Lodges in this jurisdiction, and five wives of Scarlet Degree mem- bers (members of the Degree of Truth) in good standing in the Order. Such application shall be signed by the applicants, and shall be accompanied by the Charter Fee of $5, by certificate of qualifica- tion from the Lodges to which the applicants or their husbands may belong, and by a recommendation from the Lodge or Lodges in the city or town from which, thu application comes. 2. — Rebekah Degree Lodges shall have po'v7er to confer the Degree of Rebekah on such Scarlet Degree members (jniembers of the Degree of Truth) and their wives as present certificates from Subordinate Lodges within this jurisdiction ; and also upon widows of Odd- Fellows presenting certificates from Lodges of which their husbands were members at the time of their decease.^ ^^ No fee shall be charged for conferring such Degree, but the Lodge may ordafn fees of admission and dues, to be paid by all who may be admit ^d to membership.**^ ^;{8.— (By subseijuent legislation of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Rebekah Degree Lodges are authorized to receive the unmarried daughters and sisters of Odd- Fellows, as well as wives and widows ; and to ballot on all applica- tions for membership. No one is permitted to enter a Rebekah Degree Lodge unless in possession of the Rebekah Term P. W. of the jurisdiction in which the Lodge is situated. This prohibits any but members of a Rebekah Degree Lodge gaining admittance, except the Grand Master of the jurisdiction and the Deputy of that district.— Joe r. S. G. L. : pp. 7857, 7882. — C.) ^39.— A member of a R. D. Lodge cannot wear his Encampment regalia therein.— Jn'R. 1879: p. 18(52. 58 CONSTITUTION. S. — Rebekdh Degree Lodges shall have power to adopt such by- laws and Rules of Order as they may see fit ; provided always, that no such By-laws or Rules of Order shall become operative until after they have been approved by the Grand Lodge of Ontario, or in its i-ecess, by its Committee on Laws of Subordinates. 4. — Rebekah Degree Lodges shall be subject to all the laws apply- ing to Subordinate Lodges in the matter of sessions, terms, returns, trials and penalties, and forfeiture of Charter ; excepting that they shall not be required to pay a per capita tax to this Grand Lodge. RULES OF ORDER. 59 RULES OF ORDER FOR LODGES SUBORDINATE TO THE GRAND LODGE OF ONTARIO.^'" I. — As soon as the Presiding Officer shall have taken the chair the Officers and Brothers present shall take their respective stations, and the Lodge shall then be opened in ancient form. II. — The order of procedure after opening, shall be as follows : 1. — The calling of the roll of officers. 2. — The reading by the Secretary of the Minutes of the last Lodge night; the consideration of any objections which may be made to any part thereof, and their approval, with or without amendment, as the case may require. 3. — The consideration of any excuses which may be offered by absentees from previous meetings. 4. — The receiving and consideration of any reports from the Visit- ing Committee, or from other Brothers who may have to report the fact of any Brother being sick or in distress. 5. — The nomination or election of Officers, on the evening desig- nated for such nomination or election. 6. — The recaiving and consideration of reports of Committees on Character, and balloting thereon. 7. — The initiation of candidates for membership. 8. — The receiving of prop )sitiona for membership, and their refer- ence to Committees on Character. 9. — ^The receiving and consideration of any reports of Officers or Standing Committees, which may require to be made in pursuance of the Bv-laws. 1S40. — The Noble Grand decides all points of order, subject to an appeal to the Lodge. Where there is nothing ni our own laws, rules of order, and usages, upon which to base a decision, the practice of the Canadian Parlia- ment should be taken as a guide. —Jouk. 1876 : p. 1676. 4 60 RULES OF ORDKR. 10. — The receiving and consideration of any reports of Special Committees, in the order of their seniority. 11. — The reading and consideration of accounts and other com- municiitions in the hands of thj Secretary. 12. — Good and welfare : being first, unfinished business, in order of priority at former meetings ; and secondly, new business. 13. — The closing of the Lodge. III. — Any member offering a motion must do so in writing, if a request to that effect be made by the Secretary, the Presiding Officer, or the Lodge. IV. — No question shall be put by the Presiding Officer, unless regularly moved and seconded ; nor be open for consideration until so put ; and, when put, no other motion shall be receivable, unless it be a motion — 1. — To adjourn; '' **' ' 4. — To postpone ; 2. — To lay on the table ; 5. — To refer ; or 3. — To put the previous question ; 6. — To amend. These several motions, if made, shall have precedence in the order above stated, and the first, second and third thereof, shall be decided without debate. 2 4 1-249 V. — The previous question shall be put from the chair, only after it shall have been ascertained that the call therefor is sustained by a majority of the members of the Lodge present, and shall then always ^41. — It is not in order for a member rising to make a motion to precr.de the motion with any remarks on the merits of the case. — Jouit. 1876 : p. 1683. {843. — Usage requires the presiding officer to rise when putting a motion, but it is not imperative.— .Ioitk. 1875 : p. 1.398. 343. — A motion to receive a report, prior to a motion to adopter amend, is not necessary. — JouK. 1875 : p. 1407. 344. — An amendment to a resolution already carried cannot be received. — JouE. 1877 : pp. 1786, 1864. 345. — Amendments may be submitted at any time previous to putting the original motion, unless the previous question is moved. -JouR. 1876 : p. 1676. 346. — An amendment carried against a motion is not in force until it has been can-ied as a separate motion. — Jour. 1880: pp. 1925, 1979. (That is to say, an amendment having been carried, it must again be voted on as the original motion so amended. — C. ) 341. — Amotion is not required to enable a lodge to consider a subject post- poned from a previous meeting. — Jour. 1879: pp. 1786, 1864. 348 — When any motion comes up for consideration which, according to law, has required previous notice, no amendment that would cover more than the original motion can be received (as for example, if notice is given to appropriate $3o, when the motion comes up for decision an amendment to appropriate $40 would be illegal). — Jour. 1876 : p. 1677. RULES OF ORDER. 61 be put in the words following: '' SJiall the question he noiv put?" which words shall be understood to have reference to whatever ques- tion may be pending immediately before auch call for the previous question may have been made. VI. — If the vote of the Lodge, taken pursuant to such call for the previous question, be in the affirmative, the Presidin^^ Officer shall thereupon forthwith put to vote the question so pending, immedi- ately before such call, and shall allow no amendment or further debate thereon ; and if, on the other hand, the vote of the Lodge be in the negative, the Presiding Officer shall be thereby precluded from putting to vote, during the remainder of the current term, the question so pending as aforesaid. VII. — Any member may recjuire the division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. VIII. — When a blank is to be filled, the question shall first be taken on the highest' sum or number, and longest or latest time pro- posed. IX. — The yeas and nays shall be taken and recorded on the call of any member, duly seconded.^ ^"^ X. — After any question, except that of indefinite postponement or the previous question, may have been decided, any two members, having voted in the majority, may, at the same or next regiilar meet- ing, move for a reconsideration thereof; but no discussion on the main question shall be allowed upon such motion. ^'^^ XI. — Any question decided by the Lodge shall not again be brought before it, otherwise than by reconsideration, as provided in the foregoing rule, 'laless notice thereof shall have been given at the meeting immediately preceding ; and such notice shall not be received during the term in which the question has been decided. XII. — Every member shall have the privilege of speaking twice on any question, but not oftener, unless by permission of the Pre- siding Officer. * ^40. — When any motion comes up for consideration, notice of which had to be previously sent to eacli member, it may be postponed till another night, and it is not tlien necessary that the members should be again notified. — Jour. 1879 : pp. 1785, 1864. ^50. — Itfis not optional with the N. G. to assent or refuse, even if the call for the yeas and nfvys was not made prior to the declaration of the vote. —Jour. 1878: p 75). J551. — A moti( n carried at one meeting cannot be declared out of order at the next ; the qu istion can only come up on a motion to reconsider. — Jour. 1880 : pp. 1924, bJ79. 62 RULES OF ORDER. XIII. — Any Brother intending to speak on a question shall rise in his place and respectfully address the Presiding Officer, confining himself to the question, and avoiding personalities ; and should more than one Brother rise to s{)eak at the same time, the Presiding Officer shall determine which is entitled to the floor. XIV. — The presiding officer, oi any member, may call a Brother to order while speaking ; and, in such case, the debate shall be forthwith suspended, and the Brother so called to order shall not pro- ceed, until the point of order thus raised be determined, nor speak upon such point of order, unless it be to make necessary explana- tion, or appeal from the decision of the Chair. XV. — In all cases where a member may appeal from the decision of the Chair, he shall use the words following, and none other, unless it be for necessary explanation : ^^ N.G., I respectfully appeal from the decision of the Chair to the Lodge ;" and the Lodge shall, after such explanation from the presiding officer tvs he may deem neces- sary, proceed forthwith to consider and vote upon the question : " Will the Lodge sustain the decision of the Chair /" XVI. — Any Brother who may have been called to order for manifestation of temper, or improper feeling, must apologize to the Lodge or to any aggrieved party, if required so to do by the pvosiding officer, and sliall not speak again on the pending question, except to exj)lain or apologize, unless specially permitted so to do by the pre- siding officer. XVII. — The presiding officer of the Lodge may, at any time, require all members present to vote upon any pending ([uestion, or may excuse any member or mem oers from so doing. XVIII. — Brothers, not raer.oers of this Lodge, may address the Lodge, on receiving permission to that effect from the presiding officer. XIX. — No Brother shall retire while the Lodgo is open, without the permission of ihe presiding officer. XX. — A motion to suupend or alter the Order of Procedure, as contained in Rule II., for the remainder of a meeting, may, at any time, be carried by a vote of not less thi*u two-thirds of the mombors present and voting thereon ; but no motion to suspend or alter such Order of Procedure for a longer term, shall at any time be put to vote. XXI. — These Rules, or any part thereof, shall only bo altered, amended, suspended, or annulled (except in the case provided for by Rule XX.), by action of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. m CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAN D ENCAMPMENT of ONTARIO TITLE AND POWERS. 1. — The Right Worthy Grand Encampment of Patriarchs of the Independent Order of Odd-Fellows, of the Province of Ontario, is the supreme tribunal of all Encampments of Patriarchs in said Province. By virtue of its charter from the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F., it possesses full power to grant charters to Encampments, and to suspend or revoke the same for proper causes ; to pass laws for the working and regulation of Subordinate Encampments ; to receive, investigate and decide finally, all appeals from them or their members, and redress grievances and complaints, as its wisdom may dictate ; and do and perform all such other acts as in its judgment may tend to promote the best interests of the Patriarchal branch of the Order : Provided always. That such action be not in derogation of the constitution or laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. 0. F., nor inconsistent with the laws of the Province of Ontario, or Dominion of Canada. MEMBERSHIP. 2. — The Grand Encampment shall consist of Past M. W. Grand Patriarchs, of the officers duly elected and installed, and of Past Chief Patriarchs, who have been duly and regularly elected as Re- presentativ3s of Encampments, in conformity with this Constitution. 3, — Every Encampment whoso last preceding semi-annual return shows one hundred unsuspended members, or less, shall be entitled to one Representative ; if more than one hundred, two Representa- tives ; and if more than two hundred, three Representatives. 4. — Each Subordinate Encampment shall, at the last regular se^^- sion, in June, of each year, elect, separately, by ballot, from among the 1*. C. Patriarchs, such number of Representatives as the En- 64 CONSTITUTION OF THE '■ I , ) campment is entitled to, who shall serve for one year froiri the Tuesday preceding the second Wednesday in August followikig. 6. — Any Subordinate Encampment not having a P. C. Patri- arch qualified to serve as Representative, may choose in the same manner, any qualified P. C. Patriarch of another Encampment as Representative ; but no member shall act as Representitive for more than one Encampment at the same time. 6. — No Representative shall be entitled to a seat in this body as a member, who has not received the G. E, Degree, or whose En- campment is in arrears to the Grand Encampment. 7. — Every P. C. Patriarch, in good standing, on presenting a proper certificate from his Encampment, shall be entitled to receive the Grand Encampment Degree, to attend the session of the Grand Encampment, and to vote on the election of Grand Officers. 8. — Any member of the Grand Encampment, or P. C. Patriarch entitled to attend its sessions, may by a vote of the same, be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled for improper conduct ; provided, that the accused shall, in all cases, have a Tair opportunity to make his defence. ' OFFICERS. 9. — The elective Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment chall be a M. W. Grand Patriarch, M. E. Grand High Priest, R. W. Grand Senior Warden, R. W. Grand Scribe, R. W. Grand Treas- urer and R. W. Grand Junior Warden, who shall be elected accord- ing to the provisions of this Constitution ; and one or more R. W. Grand Representatives to the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. 0. O. F., Avho shall be elected according to the Constitution and Laws of said Grand Lodge. 10. — The appointed officers shall consist of a Worthy Grand Sentinel, Worthy Grand Outside Sentinel, Worthy Grand Marshal and a Worthy District Deputy Grand Patriarch, for each Subordi- nate Encampment (except in places where more than one Encamp- ment exists, when only one Deputy shall be appointed for all the Encampments therein located), all of whom shall be appointed an- nually, by the Most Worthy Grand Patriarch, with the approbation of the Grand Encampment. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 11. — The election and appointment of Grand Officers shall take place at the Annual Session, at such time as the Grand Encampment may determine. in all at hi cxp visi cam the •PP GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 65 Tom the Lilg. C. Patri- )he same )ment as- vtive for , body as hose En- senting a o receive lie Grand Patriarch be fined, provided, T to make aent shall t, R. W. nd Treas- ed accord- )re K. W. the I. O. ind Laws ly Grand I Marshal L Subordi- B Encamp- br all the ointed an- jprobation shall take icampment 12. — The ehictive ofBcers shall be elected by ballot, or by accla- mation when there is but one candidate in nomination. A majority of all the votes cast shall be necessarjr to election ; and where no candidate has such a majority, the lowest candidate shall be dropped, and balloting continued until a choice is made. 13. — At the election of Grand Officers the presiding Grand Patri- arch shall appoint two Scrutineers, who shall receive and count the ballots, and report the result to the Grand Patriarch, who shall announce the same to the Grand Encami)ment. INSTALLATION OP OFFICEHS. 14. — The Grand Officers shall be installed at such time during the Annual Session as the Grand Encampment may determine; and shall serve until the next Annual Session, or until the installation of their successors. DUTIES OF OFFICERS. ; 15. — The (Jrand Patriarch shall preside at all sessions of the Grand Encampment ; he shall ])reserve order, and decide all ques- tions of order, sal)ject to an appeal to the Grand Encampment ; he shall appoint (jrand Officers pro tern., and all committees, imless otherwise provided for ; he may order special sessions of the Grand Encampment whenever he may deem proper, with the concurrence of two thirds of the elective Grand Officers, or when requested to do so in accordance with this Constitution ; he shall have a casting vote on all questions, except on appeals from his own decisions, or in cases decided by ballot ; he sliall sign all orders on the Grand Treasurer for such sums as may be voted V)y the Grand Encampment; he shall, at the opening of the regular Animal Session, present a report, ex- hibiting tliB condition of the Order in this jurisdiction, and making such suggestions as he may deem advisable. In cases of emergency he may grant dispensations to Subordinate Encampments in all such matters as he may deem promotive of the interests of the Order, and not inconsistent with the laws and usages thereof. 2 5 2-264 *itit. — The (irjviKl Encampnient will })e liable for the (Jrand Patriarch's expenses in visiting an Encampment only when it can be shown that such visit was almolutely necessary. — Jorit. 1879: p. 76. 8551. — Tlje (iranil I'atriarch may permit live or more Subordinate En- campments, located contii;iiou8 to each other, to hold a Camp of Instruction, the expenses of tlie Grand OtHcers to he home by the Encampments makuig application. — Jurn. 1874 ; p. 154. G 66 CONSTITUTION OF THE VI 1 ; ! II I '1 \Q. — The M. E. Grand High Priest shall preside and act in the absence of the Grand Patriarch, and in the event of the office of the Grand Patriarch becoraiag vacant by any cnuse, he shall have the full powers of such office until the next regular session, and until such vacancy be filled. And he shall perform such other duties as are embraced in the charge of his office. 17. — The Grand Senior Warden shall assist the Grand Patriarch in presiding and preserving order, and in the absence of the Grand Patriarch and M. E. Grand High Priest, he shall preside. In the event of a vacancy occurring in both the offices of Grand Patriarch and Grand High Priest, he shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of Grand Patriarch until the next regular session, and until such vacancy shall be filled. 18. — The Grand Scribe shall make a just and true record of the proceedings of the Grand Encampment at every meeting, and trans- mit printed copies thereof to the Subordinates, immediately after the closing of each regular session ; he shall keep the accounts between the Grand Encampment and its Subordinates and receive all moneys due the Grand Encami)ment, and pay the same over to the Grand Treasurer immediately ; he shall notify each Subordinate of the annual and special sessions of the Grand F^ncampnent, at least one month previous thereto ; he shall l>dve his accounts made up and his books closed not later than the first of August in each year, ready for examination hy thu Auditois ; i.nd shall submit a report of the transactions of his office at the An.iual Session of the Grand Encampment. Prior to installation, he snail give a satisfac- tory bond to the Grand Patriarch and the Grand High Priest for the faithful discharge of his duties. 19. — The Grand Treasurer shall receive from the Grand Scribe, and sul'ely keep the moncvs of the (Jrand EucampnuMil ; ho shall pay all orders drawn on him by the Grand Patriarch, authorized by the Grand Encampment and countersigned by the (irand Scribe ; ho shall make such investment of the funds as the Grand Encampment shall direct ; he shall keep the accounts in a fair and legible manner, exhibiting the sources and amount of receipts, the pur[)o&e8 t.nd ^54. — The (Trmid I'atriarcli is justifiod in refusiiio; to annwer iiujiiiries from individual nu'inlMTs, in regard to (|uestions under discusHion in their Kn- campnients, wliere niatteiH of fuot are involved. He Hhoidd only give oflluial decisjons when a formal appeal is presented him, and the evidence ou both sides of the (jueBtion Htated. — Joint. 188! : pp. li>7, -10. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. ^ amount of disbursements, and to whom paid ; he shall have his ac- counts made up and his books closed not later than the first of August in each year, ready for examination by the Auditors ; and shall submit a report of the transactions of his office at the Annual Session of tlie Grand Encampment. Prior to installation he shall give a satisfactory bond to tlie Grand .Mtriarch and Grand Higli Priest for tlio faithful discharge of his duties. 20.— The Grand Junior Warden shall open and close the Grand Encampment according to his office ; and ho shall introduce into the Grand Encampment all new members after their credentials have been found correct. 21.— The Grand Ptepresentatives sliall attend the meetings of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F., and shall faithfully repre- sent the wishes of the Grand Encampment therein. Immediately after a session of the Grand Lodge, they shall make a report to the Grand Patriarch of such of its proceedings as they may deem ad- visable. 22. — The ( Irand Sentinels shall perform the duties of their respect- ive offices as prescribed by t\w rules and regulations of the Grand Encampment and of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F, 23. — The 'virand Marshal shall assist the Gr.T d Junior Warden when called upon, and siiall take charge of all processions of the Grand Encampment. 24.— The District Deputy Grand Patriarchs shall be the organs of the Grand Patriarch with their respective Subordinates ; and it shall be their duty to see that the work is jierformed correctly ; to install the (idiccis of the Encampment under their charge: and to decide all (piestions submitted to them in writing by their respective Subordi- nate Encampments, subjecit to an appeal to the Grand Patriarch ; they shall report S'Mni-annually to the Grand Patriarch, the state of the Order in their rt^spective Subonlinutes ; and, previous to installing the officers, they shall receive the reports and dues of their respective Encampments, and immediately transmit the same to tlie Grand Scribe.'^ •^■' /JS5. Tho l>. I), (i. I', is cspocially tlw. reprejeiitative of the (iraiul Patri- arcli, ami dii hulialf of tliat olfiour lu; in to oversee tho work of tlie Encainp- ment under liis control He is tiie proper clianuel of eoinmiinication between the (Jnviul I'atriareli and Sul)or(linate Kncanipinents in all matters in regard to wliicli the (irand {'atriaruli niiglit bj called upon to act in Irs otKeial oapa- city. But wiiile the D. D. (!. 1'. is tlie "agent" of the (iraiid Scribe and is 68 CONSTITUTION OF THE 25. — All Grand Officers shall, in addition to the duties specified in this Constitution, perform such others as the Grand Encampment may enjoin, or as may be required by the Constitution and Laws of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. 0. O. F. VACANCIES. 26. — If any officer is not present to be installed at the regular session of the Grand Encampment his office shall be declared vacant, and shall be filled in the same manner as the original election or appointment; provided, t'^at should such absence be caused by sick- ness or disability, the same may be excused uy a majority of the members present ; and the absentee shall be installed by the Grand Patriarch as soon thereafter as convenient. 27. — All vacancies occurring during the recess shall be filled ad interim by the Grand Patriarch (except when otherwise provided), and at the next annual session an election shall take place in the regular manner. PENALTIES AND TRIALS. 28- — Any elective Grand Officer may be removed from office for conduct unAvorthy of his standing in Uie Order, or for inattention to the duties of his office ; but he shall be entitled to a fa., trial, and two-thirds of the votes of the members present shall be necessary for removal. 29. — The Grand Patriarch may, during the recess of the Grand Encampment, suspend or remove from office any appointed officer for misconduct or neglect of duty. 30. — No officer shall officiate in the Grand Encampment during the time oocupir d in his trial. Should the Grand Patriarch be under charges, a Past Grand Patriarch, provided one be present, shall pre- side while any question arising therefrom shall be under consideration. COMMITTEES. 31. — The Grand Patriarch shall at the commencement of each annual session appoint the following Standing Committees, to consist of not lens than three members each, viz : — to obey his "special instructions," it is not intended that his presence shall in any way complicate ordinary correspondence between the Grand Scribe and Subordinate Encampments ; and communications from the (irand Scribe can be sent directly to the Encampment, instead of being sent through the D. D, G. P.— Jour. 1881 : pp. 196, 216. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. @f On Credentials. On Dish'ibution of Subjects in Grand Officers' Reports. On Finance. On Petitions and CoiTespondence. On By-laws of Subordinates. On Returns from Subordinates. On Mileage and Per Diem. On Appeals and Grievances. On the State of the Order. On the Judicial Interpretation of Laws and Usages. 32. — The duties of these several committees shall be to examine and report upon such subjects (indicated by their titles) as may be referred to them from time to time. AUDITORS. 33. — The Grand Patriarch should, at least one month prior to the meeting of the Grand Encampment, appoint two auditors, who shall audit the books and accounts of the Grand Scribe and Treasurer, and report thereon nt the annual session. 34. — There shall bo one regular session of the Grand Encampment in each year, which shall be held on the Tuesday preceding the second Wednesday in August, at suih place as shall be appointed for the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. 35. — Special sessions shall be called by the Grand Patriarch at any time, upon the application of three Subordinate Encampments, or of nine members of the Grand Encampment, who shall he members of not less than three several Subordinate Encampments. 36. — ^0 business shall be transacted at the special sessions except that specified in the call ; and of all special sessions at least thirty day's notice shall be given to each Subordinate Encampment and each Gra lid Officer. 37. — Nine members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS. 38. — Seven Patriarchs of the R. P. Degree, in good standing in the Order, who are residents of the Province of Ontario, may petition the Grand Encampment for a Charter to constitute an Encamp- ment of Patriarchs. The petition must bo sent to the Grand Scribe, accompanied by the sum of thirty dollars as the charter fee, and 70 CONSTITUTION OF THE certificates of meir "l. ;. in a iSubordinate Lodge or Lodges, and their withdrawal caivL h.;. ibordinate Encampments. 39. — Should the ch:.t;'';i- be 7 inted, the Grand Patriarch, or such other qualified Patriarch as he u..<.y designate, shall open the Encamp- ment and present the charter. The travelling expenses, if any are incurred, shall be borne by the Encampment so opened. 40. — The Grand Patriarch, the Grand High Priest, and the Grand Scribe, shall constitute an executive committee, with power to receive and act on ])otitions for establishing Subordinate Encampments pre- sented in the interim of the sessions of the Grand Encampment; and the Grand Patriarch may, at the request of a majority of said Com- mittee, issue dispensations for the same, which shall be valid if con- firmed at the next session of the Grand Encampment. 41. — The Grand Patriarch, or the Special Deputy authorized by h'm, may confer the Patriarchal Degree on members of the Scarlet Degree in good standing, to niako them eligible as petitioners for a new Encampment, provided there is no Encampment within thirty miles. 42. — The terms of Subordinate Encampments shall consist of twelve regular sessions; when Encampments meet semi-monthly, their terms shall conimence at the first r(!gular sessions in July and January, and if monthly, then at the first regular session in January. All terms shall be completed on the day the succeeding one com- mences. 43. — The Subordinates shall, at the end of each term, report to the Grand Encampment, according to a form to be lurnished them by the Grand Scribe. ^ ^ " 44. — Each Subordinate Encampment shall pay semi-annually to the Grand Encampment a capitation tax of tw^mty-five cents for each member on its roll, as shown by its semi-annual reports ; pro- vided, that if the said tax produces more revenue than is necessary, the Gland Encampment, at a regular spssion, may, by resolution, establish a lower rate for the ensuing year ; and provided further, that in case of emergency, the Grand Encampment, or the Grand Patriarch, with the advice and (;onsent of the elective officers, may order a special assessment on the Subordinates. /S50. — In making their retiTiia to the (Jrand Encampment, Subordinates should enter their furniture at its proper vahiation as part of tlieir assets. — Jour. 1879 : p. 91. A GRAND ENCAMPMENT. n 45. — The Grand Patriarch shall have the power to demand the Charter of any Subordinate Encampment whenever he shall have sufficient cause so to do ; and the work of such Subordinate shall be suspended until the case shall be considered by the Grand Encamp- ment. AMENDMENTS. 46. — Any proposal to alter or amend this Constitution, oi any portion thereof, must be proposed at a regular session, in writing j or a written or i)rinted notice of such amendment sent bv the pro- poser thereof, through the Grand Scribe, to every Subo "nate En- campment, at least three months before the Annual Session ; and if, at the next regular session following such proposed amendment, it shall receive the votes of two-thirds of the members present, it shall be adopted as jjart of this Constitution, subject to the approval of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the 1. O. 0. F. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER. 47- — This Grand Encampment is authorized to adopt or amend, at any regular session, such By-laws and Rules of Order as two-thirds of the members present may approve. I i! 72 BY-LAWS OF THE BY-LAWS OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT, 1. — The Grand Encampment of the Province of Ontario shall convene at all sessions at 9 o'clock a. m. 2. — Within thirty minutes after the time of meetiny, the presiding Grand Patriarch shall proceed to open the Grand Encampment, should there be a quorum present ; and at the expiration of that time, should there not be a quorum, the members assembled shall organize informally, and adjourn the meeting to such time as they may determine. 3. — In the absence of the Grand Patriarch, Grand High Priest, and Grand Senior Warden, the chair may be taken, pro tern., by the Senior Past Grand Patriarch, and if none are present, by any Past Chief Patriarch who may be called to it by a majority of the mem- bers present. 4. — The funds, properties, etc., of Subordinate Encampments, having been raised for the purpose of relieving sick and distressed Brethren, and other charitable uses in the Order, are not liable to be divided in any manner among the members individually, or between one Encampment and another that may branch from it ; but shall remain for its legitimate purpose, the property of the Encampment. 80 long as the Charter is unreclaimed and seven Patriarchs remain in good standing in the Encampment. 6. — Id all cases where an Encampment shall have been suspended or expelled, or its Charter shall have been forfeited, the Charter, funds, tDooks, properties and effects of all kinds, shall revert to the Grand Encampment. And it shall be the duty of the last installed officers of such Encampment to deliver immediately to the Grand GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 73 Patriarch, or the Patriarch by him deputed to receive them, such funds and other effects belonging to said Encampment. 6. — Members of a suspended or expelled Encampment, or of one which may have surrendered its Charter, who were in good standing at the time of suspension, expulsion or surrender, as may appear by the records of such Encampment, or who may have paid to the Grand Encampment all arrears at that time due by them, shall upon appli- cation to the Grand Scribe, receive a certificate under the seal of the Grand Encampment, to enable them to make application for admis- sion to membership in another encampment ; provided, that no such certificate shall be given to a member of a suspended or expelled En- campment, unless ordered by a special vote of the Grand Encamp- ment. 1. — Any Patriarch who sliall be concerned in organizing, or who shall give countenance and support to, or shall knowingly visit any organization claiming to be an Encampment of Odd- Fellows, and not possessing a legal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted and presented, or confirmed by a legally constituted Grand Encamp- ment, shall be deemed unworthy of fellowship ; and such Patriarch, upon satisfactory proof, shall be expelled at the option of the En- campment of which he is a member. Any Patriarch so expelled, shall not be re-instated, unless the Grand Encampment assents thereto. 8. — Every Subordinate Encampment shall have a suitable seal (a proof impression of which shall be deposited with the Grand Scribe), and all its official communications shall be sealed therewith. 9. — No Encampment shall have a public procession, without the permission of the Grand Patriarch, unless to attend the funeral of a deceased Patriarch.^"''' 10. — The By-laws of each Encampment chartered by this Grand Encampment, immediately on their adoption, shall be forwarded to this Grand Encampment for its approval, and neither By-laws nor amendments thereto shall be binding till approved by the Grand En- campment, or in the recess, by a committee appointed for that pur- pose. In the last mentioned case, the committee shall report its actions to the Grand Encampment at its next session for approval. 9 ST. — This law appliea to processions of uniformed Patriarchs, when such processions are in connection with, or under the name of, the Order or of the Encampment to which said Patriarchs belong. — JouK. 1881 : pp. 197, 216. ■I ' 74 ' BY-LAWS OF THE 11. — Any Subordinate Encampment failing to make its returns as required by tlje Constitution, for two terms, shall forfeit its Charter, and the Grand Patriarch shall reclaim the same, and cause its''efFects to be returned to the Grand Encam))mont without delay. 12. — The following shall be the form of a certitioate of a Repre- sentative to the Grand Encampment of Ontario. representative's certificate. To the R. W. Grand Fncampment of Ontario, I. 0. O. F. This certifies that P. C P has been duly elected Representative from Encampment, No. . . .to the Grand En- campment of Ontario. Witness our hands and seal this day of 18 C. P. Scribe. (Sml.) 13. — Any P. C. P. jn-esenting a certificate in the following form, duly tilled up and attested, shall be entitled to receive the G. E. Degree, to attend the sittings of the Grand Encampment, and to vote for the Grand Officers ; and the Grand Encampment shall not confer the G. E. Degree on any Patriarch who fails to have such a certificate on file with the Grand Scribe. p. c. p's. certificate. To the R. W. Grand Encaifipment of Ontario, I. 0. 0. F. This certifies that Patriarch is a P. C. P. in good standing in Encampment, No and we recommend him to a seat in your R. W, Grand Encampment. Witness our hands and seal this day of 18 . . C "' Scribe. (Seal.) GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 75 RULES OF ORDER OF THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT. I. — After a quorum shall have assembled, the Grand Encampment shall be opened in the prescribed form ; and the business of the ses- sion proceeded with in the following ovdcr : 1st. — Appointment of the Committee on Credentials. 2nd. — Reception of certificates of members and P. C. Patriarchs, and their reference to the Committee on Credentials. 3rd. — Report of Committee on Credentials. 4th. — Admitting and instructing new members. 5th. — Reading proceedings of previous meetings. 6th. — Presentation of Reports of Grand Officers and their reference to the proper committees. 7th. — Readiu}: and referring of petitions. 8th. — Reports of standing committees. 9th. — Reports of .special committees. loth. — Unfinished business in order of priorit}'. 11th. — New business. II. — The order of business may at any time be changed or sus- pended by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Encampment ; but reports of the Committee on Credentials shall at all times take precedence of all other business, without any vote. III. — During the meeting of the Grand Encampment the most decorous silence must be observed : the ofiicers and members retain- ing their respective seats, and no one leaving the room without the permission of the Grand Patriarch, nor entering without the consent of the Grand Senior Warden. IV. — No member shall speak to another so as to interrupt the business of the Grand Encampment, or refuse to obey the Chair. 76 RULES OF ORDER OF THE ■ i; • ' i'M :( ' i ' V. — Every officer and member bhall be designated, in debate or otherwise, by his proper office or title, according to his standing in the Order. VI. — No member shall bo permitted to vote or speak unless clothed in regalia and in his proper place. VII. — The Grand Patriarch, while presiding, shall state every question coming before the Grand Encampment, and immediately before putting it to vote shall ask : " Zs the Grand Eiicampment ready for the question ?" Should no member rise to speak, he shall rise to take the question ; and after he has risen no member shall be per- mitted to speak upon it. VIII. — The Grand Patriarch shall decide all questions of order. And on such questions only he shall have the privilege of speaking from the Chair. When his decision has been appealed from, the question should be put thus : " Will the Grand Eucampnient sustain the decision of tlie Chair ?" IX. — Every member, when ho is speaking or offering a motion, shall rise, and shall respectfully addrofs the Chair, and when he has finished shall sit down. While speaking, he shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personality and indecorous language, as well as any reflection upon tlic Grand Encamjiment, or any member thereof. X. — Should two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chair shall decide which is entitled to the floor. XI. — No member shall interrupt another while speaking, unless to call him to order for words spoken, which objectionable words shall be reduced to writing. XII. — If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking, and take his seat until the (question of order is deter- mined by tlie Chair, and if not declared out of order, he may again proceed ; but i'" declared out of order, he shall not again proceed without permission from the (Jhair. XITI. — No member shall speak more than once on the same (question, until all the members wishing to speak shall have an op- portunity to do so, nor more than twice, without permission of the Chair. XIV. — Vll questions before the Grand Encampment, except when other^vise provided for in the (!!onstitution, shall be decided by a majority of the votes given. GRAND ENCAMPMENT. 77 lebate or nding in k unless ,te every nediately int ready all rise to ,11 be per- of order. speaking from, the nt sustain a motion, len he has himself to indecorou* ijiment, or jame time, , unless to jrords shall he shall er is deter- may again in proceed the same ive an op- ion of tho ccept when ided by a XV. — When a communication, petition or memorial is presented, before it is read, or any vote taken on it, a brief statement of its contents ..ay be made by the introducer or the Chair. And after it has been read, a brief notice of the purport shall be entered on the journal. XVI. — No motion shall be subject to action, until seconded and stated by the Chair. And at the desire of the Chair, or any mem- ber, such motion shall be reduced to writing. XVII. — When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be taken first upon the highest suni or number, and the longest time proposed. XVIII. — Any member may call for the division of a question, when the sense will admit of it. XIX. — When a (question is before the Grand Encampment, no motion shall be received unless to adjourn, the previous question, to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a cdtain time, to refer, or to amend ; and they shall have precedence in the order here arranged, the first three of which shall be decided without debate. XX. — After any question, except one of indefinite postponement, has been decided, any two members Avho voted in the majority may at the same, or next succeeding meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof. XXI. — The previous question can be called for by two members, if seconded by a majority, and shall be put in this form : " Shall the main question he now 2nU ?" If carried, all amendments, not already adopted, shall be precluded, and the main (i[uestion taken without further debate. XXII. — When one-fifth of the members are in favor of taking a qxiestion by yeas and nays, thoy shall be ordered to be so recorded. XXIII. — No member personally interested in the result of a vote shall be allowed to vote ; and any member may decline to vote on any question before the Grand Encampment, and the fact that he so declined shall be entered on the proceedings. XXIV. Every member is bound to serve on committee, and accept nominations, unless excued by vote. XXV. — Any member Jias a right to protest, and have his protest spread on the journal. XXVI. — No more than two amendments to a proposition shall be entertained at the same time, and the question shall be first taken on the latter. :f.r 78 CONSTITUTION OF COITSTITTJTIOlSr FOR Tllh OOVRKN.MENT Of SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS, UNDRKTIIB JORISDICTION OF GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF ONTARIO. I' m PREAMBLE. For the purpose of insuring uniformity in the Patriarchal Order within this jurisdiction, The Grand Encampment of the Province of Ontario, the supieme tribunal of all Encampments of Patriarchs within its limits, without whose sanction and control no Encamp- ment can exist, ordains the following articles as the Constitution of the Subordinate Encampments of Patriarchs: TITLE AND POWERS, 1. —This Encampment shall bo constituted by at least seven mem bers of the R. P. Degree, and shall be hailed and entitJod Encampment of Patriarchs, No. , I. O. O. F., of the Province of Ontario; and shall possess the full powers and privileges of a Sub- ordinate Encampment, holding a legal, unreclaimed and valid charter, duly granted and formally presented by the Grand Encamp- ment of the Province of Ontario. ♦''^ MEMBERSHIP. Hj. — No person shall be admitted into this Encampment who i» not a Scarlet Degree membsr in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge, and a resident of the Province of Ontario; nor for a less sum than six dollars, which sliall include all the degrees. 3. — The proposition of a c indiilate for membership by iu'L ation must be made in writing through a member of this Encampment ; 358. — The (rr^ml Kac:imp:ii Jilt will charter Encainpmenta of Uniformed I'atriarciiH whenever ileemetl advijiible. .loirtt. 1881 : p, 227. i: i SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS. 79 TS, lO. nl Order Province atriarchs Encamp- tiition of /en mem jviiice of of a Sub- ncl valid Encamp- it who is )ordinato less sum ii.il ation mpment ; Uniformed accompanied by a certificate from the Secretary of the Lodge to which the candidate belongs, showing his grade, standing and resi- dence. 4. — A proposition for membership must be referred to three Patriarchs for investigation, who— unless the application has been withilrawn— shall report at the 'succeeding regular meeting ; when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots ; and if three or more black balls appear against him Yin> shall be rejected, and shall be ineligible to membership in any Encampment for the space of six months, unless the ballot shall be reconsidered in the manner provided for by the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the I. O. 0. F.'*^ *>• ^fio 6. — Application for membership shall be made to tlie Subordinate Encampment nearest the phice of residence of the applicant, unless there should be two or more in the town or city where he resides, in which case he may apply to either. 6. — The Constitution shall be signed by the candidate immedi- ately after he has received the Patiiarchal degree, and his dues shall be charged from that time ; and no one can be considered a member until he has paid the required fee and signed the Constitution. 7. — Only one degree shall be conferred on a Patriiirch at the same meeting, unless a dispensation be obtained from the Grand Patriarch. 8. — A Patrinicli holding a withdrawal card or a dismissal certifi- cate from an Encampment, desirous of again uniting himself with this branch of the Order, shall present his card or certificate through a member of this Encampment, and the application shall be dis- posed of !LS provided by the previous sections relating to other appli- cants ; and, if elected, he shall pay a sum of not less than one dollar for each degree he has received.-*' ' 0. — When a candidate has been rejected, or when a member has been suspended or exjjelled, notie thereof shall be sent without delay to all tlie Encampments in thv same town. /S5il — An Knoampinent cainiot receive and biillot on tlic report of a uoni- niittue on clifinvcter, wlien it is only signeil by on^, the others refusing to sign. .Icrn. l.S7(i : 1>1». -'0!>, -M."). ^U1I. In Itulloting for initiiit ■, one 1 .Uot elects to the three degreesi. — .loi'H. 1874 : p. 157. /JWI. -A I'atiiarch liiiving lost nuinbership in his Kncampniunt, on ac- count of expulsion from his Lodge, does not liccomc rc-instated in his En- campment wlicn he is rc-inatiited in iiis Lodge, l)\it must he balloted for ; provided the sentence of expidaiou has not been reversed on appeal to his tirand Lodge. -^Jont. 1875 : p. 191. ;1 pif ' 80 CONSTITUTIOX OF 11! H' 10. — The Scribe shall, semi-annually (January and July), fur- nish the Lodges witli a list of their members belonging to this En- campment. 11. — Any Patriarch, against whom there may be no charge of misconduct, and who has paid all dues and fines charged to him, may receive a visiting card, by a majority vote of the Encampment, on paying his dues for the tinio for which it is granted, and the fee for the same. 12. — A Patriarch in good standing, shall receive a withdrawal card, if authorized by the affirmative vote (by ballot) of a majority of the members present, on payment of all dues, and the fee for the same ; but a member may at any time sever his connection with the Order by a written resignation sent to the Scribe ; jirovided there are no charges against him, and that all dues are paid to the dato of said resignation.-''- OFFICERS. 13. — The Elective Officers of this Encampment shall consist of the Chiet Patriarch, High Priest, Senior Ward^" Scribe, Financial Scribe (if desired), Treasurer and junior Wari r;, who shall serve a regular term each. 14. — The appointed officers shall be an Inside Sentinel, Outside Sentinel, Guide, First, Second, Third and Fourth Watches, who shall be appointed by the Chief Patriarch ; and First and Second Guards of Tent, who shall be appointed by the High Priest ; all ol' 'vhom shall serve a regular term each, and un^il their successors are installed. 15. — The election of Officers and Pepreseutatives to the Grand Encampment shall take place at the last regular session in each term. Nominations for elective officers shall be made at the regular se.«ion preceding that of election, and on the evening of the election. 16. — Ai! elections shall be 8ei)ai'ately by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect ; provided, that where there is onl'v '^no candidate for v.omination, he shall be declared elected by accli liar ion. '^'' ' -2 6 6 fjll'?. — A Patriarcli liiil)ligateil as a olii»rt<'r im-mlier of .i;) .-•;.: : ineit v/itliout liaving first received his witiidraw.-il card. It WIS hfcil i-.iat an application being mament. -"**'''•' '•I •r iiH'inl)er .iird. It hiiUotcd itriarch. — hallotings o anotht:r ■;e. — iToUK. (JONTRIUUTIONS AND HKNEFITS. -'" ISO.- The regular contributions of the Encampment s'lall be deter- mined by the By-laws, but shall not be less than vi for each term of six months. 21.— The amount of sick and funeral l)enehts to be [laid to mem- bers in good standing shall be dtitermined by the Hy-laws of this Encampment. '^04. — At an election for liepreseniatives two Patriarchs votf wlio were in arrears. The C. 1*. declared the ballot void, and ordered a new ballot. The Patriarchs ha\ ing paid tlicir arrears in the meantime, it was legal tor them to vote on the second ballot. Joru. 1879 : pp. ">."», 71. /iOS. Objection can l)e taken to a ballot after the result is announced by the Scrutineers, and before being declared by the C P. — .Torn. 1870 : pp. 56, 71 . ^00- There is no provision in the general law for a public instjiUation.— .louit. 187!>: pp. ")(», 71. *4<8T. A C. P. can vote at the election of otticers. -.lorn. 1877 ; "p, '26J, •281. /{: pp. .■)(}. 71. He cannot, liowever, be compelled to bring a charge against a Patriarch, if tic iloes not wish !:<> do Lu). Joik. 1881 : p. -24. •^0J>- -A P. C. P. (.an confei- Degrees if asked to do so by the C. P, -Jouu. 1877 : pp. 'i(>2, 281. '410. -The funds of an Kncampment siiould not lit! loaned to individual meniliers. — .lorK. 1881; p. 221. 7 11 i i J ti * ■I I CONSTITUTION OF PENALTIES. 22. — No Patriarch who is six months in arrears shall be entitled to the C W. or to benefits, until all arrears shall have been paid in full. 23. — When any member shall neglect to pay his dues for the space of one year, the Scribe shall rei)oit the same to the Encamp- ment, and the defaulting member shall be declared to have ceased membership ; provided, that two weeks' notice has been sent him of the action that would be taken : and provided further, that the Encampment may, by vote, extend the time of payment for a period not exceeding three months. . -, 24. — Any Patriarch who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or offend against this Constitution or By-laws, shall be subject to be fined, leprimanded, suspended or expc ind, as the ( 'onstitntion, P»y-laws or laws of the Order may direct. 25. — Kvery member .shall be entitled to a fair trinl for any offence involving rejirimand, suspension or expulsion, in accordance with the form provided and the mode prescribed for trials, penalties and appeals by the R W. Grand lodge of Ontiirio.-* ' SESSIONS. 2(V — Seven Patriarchs shall constitute a quorum for business ; and all business shall l»e transacted in the R. P. Degree.'-"'-*'''" 55 Yl. — I^ '' member under oharges refuses to accept service of a proper notice, or ^f n tver noti> <• L.a been legally served, he neglects or refuses to attend the meeti\! ;8 if the Vvia' committee, either in person or by counsel, he should l)e reportei* to Uwi Enca. ii>ment ati "guilty of contempt," and the Encamp- ment shouici thereupon (? al with him accordingly. In the absence of tht' accused or counsel to repri .-sont him, it would not be proper to hear evidence on behalf ot the proapcut' in.- JouE. 1881 : pp. 197, 21H. ^y^. — (By le^i-^lauon oi the Sov. G. L., five members now constitute a quorum.- idra. S. G. L.: pp. 8703, 8785.— C. ^Tl'^i-r -A Patrii*. ch appealing to the Grand Kncampnient from the action of a Si' ordinate, shiJlmy all expenses of copying papers, etc. ; but should his af v*'al be sustaineil. the amount so paid shall be refunded him l)y the Encai.ipment. -JoiTR. 187.'i : p. 187. ^^3. -In the absence of the ('. P. and S. W., if there is a P. C. P. present and a member uf the Encampment, lie should preside. Business done with a H. P. in the chair would not be legal.— Jot'E. 187H : pp. 209, 245. ^"XA. — I'l the >>u8ines.s of a session every member must vote, unless excused by the 0. P., or by vote of the JIncampment. — JouB. 1881 : p. 224. {575. — A call for the yeas and nays made immeiliately after the declaration of a vote, must be assented to by the C. P. — JorE. 1878 : p. 31. ''STO. — Collars of elective otticers may be worn by any Patriarch of the R. P. Degree, provided there is no jewel attached. — Joi'R. 1872: p. 61. (The collar of an elective officer does not differ from that of a R. P. D, member, except possibly in its quality. — C.) •• VI a tl i SUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS. ntitled to id in full. 8 for the Encamp- ve ceased sent him that the r a period lies of the be subject nstitution, U for any ictcordance ;, penalties iness ; and of a propel- ses to attend jI, he should ;he Encamp- u'Dce of the jar evidence constitute a in the action but should him by the '. P. present s done with 45. iiless excused 24. te declaration rch of the R. p. 61. iTho D. member, 27. — The terms of tliis Encampment shall be semi-annual, com- mencing at the first regular se.sions of January and July only, and .shall consist of two regular sessions in each m')nth ; provided, that if the Encampment meets only once in each month, the term shall be annual, and shall commenfje at the tii-st regular session in January. Each term shall end on the day on which the succeeding one coni- nienoes. 28. — It shall be the duty of the last I'ast oHiceis to prepare and forward to the (irand Eu(.'a\u|»ment immediately on the installation of the new otficei's, a report of the work of the term just closed, ac- cording to a form provided by the Grand Encampment. 2\). — Should this Kncampment fail to make its returns, as required by the Constitution of the (irand Encampment, for two terms, it shall become the duty of the last installed othcers to transmit or surrender to the Grand Patriarch (or such other Patriarch as may be appointed by that othcer or the (jlrand Encampment to receive them), the charter, books, |)apei-s, furniture and funds (if the Encampment. AMENDMKNTS, KTC. Hi). — When doubts arise as to th" true lueai.ing of any part of this < 'tmstitutiou, it shall be determined l)y the (Jrand Encam[iinent. 31. — This Constitution, or any ]iart thereof. sliJiU not be altered, amended, suspended, or auuullt'd, cxrept on umtion made in the 1 i land Encam pment, l!V LAWS. 32. — This Encampment shall stand fully invested with power to ado|)t such IJy-laws and Uesolutions from time to time as may be 'leenied expedient, and to make suitable rules and legulations for the government of such of tlieir membei« in their practice and drill as chooae to uniform ; provided, they do not in iiny wise contravene any part of this Constitution, the Laws and Constitution of the <}rand Encam|)nnmt, or the Laws or principles of the Order ; i»ro- vided further, that such By-laws shall not become oi)erative until approved by this Gi-and Encanipment or a connnittee appointed for that purposi! tluring the recess. aiT.— An Encampment cannot demand the term P. W. of the Subordinate l^dge from a Patriarch seeking admission.— Jouu. 1873: pp. 112, 114. lil ! T ii •:VV !•■ ■ .' • ' ' Ix Su R. tic Ri at Ai '•• Ai - Ai Ai ,1 ^ Ai • Ai IN DEX. (AhhrcriotioiiK used : G.L.C —Grand Lodge Constitution; G.L.R. — Grand Lodge Rules of Order ; S.L.C. — Subordinate Lodge Constitution ; S.L.R. — SubordintUe Lodge Rules of Order; D. L.C. — Degree Lodge Constitution: R.L.C- Rebekah Lodge Constitution ; G.E.C. — Grand Encampment Constitu- tion; G.E.B.L. — Grand Encampment By-I^aws ; G.E.R. — Grand Encampment Rules of Order ; S. E.C. — Subordinate Encampment Constitution; N,— l^otcs at bottom of page. ) PAOK. AuJOrRNMENT. ' ...... Grand Ijodge may at pleasure : (iOG.L.C 14 Subordinate cannot over regular meeting night : N. 125 34 Admission. .,.:.■••'• To Grand Lodge: 7G.L.C....^ '. :., : 2 To Sub. Lodges by I nitiation : 2-5 S. L. C. : N. 55-70 26 To Sub. Lodge by card : 6 S.L.C: N. 71-73 28 Sought after 13 weeks, must l)e re- proposed : 8 S.L.C 28 To Degrees: 13-16 S.L.C 29 To Degree Lodges : 5-15 D.L.C 54 To Rebekah Lodges : 2 R.L.C: N. 238 57 To Grand Encampment : 6-7 G.E.C 64 To Sub. Encampment: 2-8 S. E.C 78 Not to be refused except during opening and initiation : N. 106 33 (See ballot, UKsmbership, etc.) Advisory Board. How constituted : 40 G. L.C 10 Can appoint a Special Committee: N. 32 11 Appeals. Committee on, in Grand Lodge: 45 G. L. C 12 Must be made to G. L. within three months: 64 S.L.C 49 How taken : 62 S.L.C 45 Howdisposedof; 62-64 G. L.C 14 When G.L. will not entertain: N. 49 15 To Tribunals of the Order Hrst ; civil courts after : N. 218 49 To Subordinate Lodge against a committee : 62 S. L. C. . .^ 45 Against decision of chair: 15 S.L.R , 62 In encampments, governed by Lodge rules : 25 S. E.C 82 Al'PROl'RIATIONS. In (Jrand Lodge, not made unless for known purpose : N. 51 19 Not allowed for parades, concerts, &c.. except from a contingent fund: N. 185, 187 , 41 Allowed for expenses incurred in funerals : N. 170 40 Allowed for insuring Lodge property : N. 189 42 Allowed for library expenses : N. 190 42 (See funds, benefits, etc.) Arrears. Disqualification from, depends on By-laws : N. 142 37 One we>^k'8 arrears may disqualify ; fi. 164 39 86 INDEX. 5 S ! i \ in ■ * ' t ill Ar.REARs — Continued. caok. Members in, not made good by vote: N. 1<)0 SI) Aflfectiug widows' claims : N. 178 41 For fines same as for dues: N. 145 38 Must be paid before reinstatement, 6(5 S.L.C. : N. 222, 223 i)0 Six months disqualify i » Encampment : 22S. E.C 82 Encampment in, not to be represented : (JG. E.C rt4 (See penalties, etc.) ASSESSMK.NTS. May be made by (irand Lodge: 84 Tt.L.C . .. \9 Not proper as a life insurance measure : N. 1(58 40 Memoer suspended lial)lo for : N. 221 49 May be made by (iraud Encampment: 44 G. E.C 70 AUWTORS. Of Grand Lodge: of) G.L.C 13 To be paid : N. 39 14 Of Grand Encampment: 33 (i. E.C («> Ballot. For representatives to Grand Lodge : 11 HAj.C. : N. 8, !» 3 For officers of Grand Lodge : 16-19 G.L.C. 4 For membership in Subordinates, ;"), <>, 8 S.L.C. : N. 60-68 27 Must be taken on presentation of committees' report: 5 S.L.C. : N. 60 27 Members admitted during : N. 61 27 When can be declared voiil : N. 63-66 27 When cannot be declared void: N. 64,65 27 Cannot ballot on night of application, except : N. 67 27 For officers of Subordinates: 24, 25 S.L.C 31 Blank votes counted in : N. 93 32 For Degrees: 13, 14S.L.C 29 For membership in Grand Encampment : 4G.E.C... 63 For officers of Grand Encampment : 12-13 G. E.C 65 For membership in Subordinate Encampments : 4 S.E.C.: N. 259,260 79 One ballot elects to all degrees : N. 260 79 For officers of Subordinate Encampments : 16 S.E.C.: X. 263-265.... SO (See admission, membership.) Ben EXITS. Sick benefits to be paid : 50 S.L.C. ; N. 154-167 38 Cannot be refused for various reasons : N. 154-157 >■ 39 Payable after disqualification ceases : N. 158 39 Need not be paid for fractions of a week : 50 S. L. C. ; N . 1 59. . . . 'Mi Improperly paid, no precedent for continuing : N. 161 39 Need not be paid if notice not given : N. 162 39 One over-seeing business not entitled : N. 163 39 One week's arrears may disqualify from : N. 164 39 Declined, applied to W. and 0. Fund : N. 151 38 Funeral benefits : 51 S.L.C. ; N. 168-175 40 Amount in By-law not to be exceeded : N. 169 40 Distinction between benefits and expenses : 51 S.L.C. : N. 171 . 40 Widow to be consulted in disposal of : N. 172 40 Widows' and Orphans' Benefits : 53S.L.C. ; N. 177-184 41 Widow in alms house entitled : N. 177 41 Not entitled if deceased husband disqualified : N. 178 41 Period of payment may be limited : N. 179 41 Widow immoral, benefits go to children : N. 180 41 Widow may assign to children : N. 182 41 Orphans entitled though mother re-marries : N. 183 41 Attentive benefite always due: N. 167.. 40 In encampments : 20,21 S.E.C 81 ! 1 INDEX. 87 t'AOK. 41 88 .-.0 S2 (U 40 49 70 l» 14 m 4 •->7 •27 27 •27 •27 27 81 32 •29 ()3 (ir> 79 7!) SO 88 8» 89 :!9 89 39 89 39 38 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 40 81 By-Laws. i Orand Lodge inuy make : 88-90 G.L.C To be appiovi \ by Sovereign Urand Lodge : 89 G.L.C In force from lime of enactment: 90^ la 112.2 1118 I.I 1.25 J..4 1.6 V <^ /^ % Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 # ,\ iV :\ \ '% .V *> *> <> V '^O^ 4rj i/.x 88 INDEX. PAOB. 0"7 Committees — Contimied. On character in Lodges : 4 S.L.C a/ Should see candidate : N. 58 27 Must report at next meeting, except : 4 S.L.C' 27 Of Grand Encampment : 31, 32 G.E.C 68 Executive Committee of : 40 G.E.C.. 70 On character in Encampments : 4S.E.C 79 CONSTITDTION. Of Grand liod^c. How amended : 91 G.L.C Must be approved by Sov. G. L, : 89 G.L.C.. Of Subordinate Lodges 1 20 20 26 Row amended: 76 S.L.C 53 Of Degree Lodges 54 Of Rebekah Lodges 57 Of Grand Encampment 63 Of Subordinate Encampments 78 Credentials. Of Representatives to G.L. to be sent G. Sec. : N. 4 2 Form of, for Grand Encampment : 12, 13G,E.B.L 74 HcVappliedfor : 13, 16S.L.C... 29 Must be paid for in advance : 15 S. L.C 29 Feesfor: 47S.L.C 37 An A. O.F. need not pay for: N. 140 37 Money paid for, to be applied to no other purpose : N. 141 37 Degree Lodges— how organized : 1-4 D.L.C 54 Members of: 5-10 D.L.C 54 Officersof : 6-9 D.L.C 55 Dutiesof officers: 11-14 D.L.C 55 Power and work of Lodges : 15-19 D.L.C 5() Members of not to wear Encampment regalias : N. 236... ... 55 Degree of Rebekah. (See Rebekah Degree). In Encampment, can be confen-ed by a P.C.P. : N. 269 81 Only one patriarchial degree conferred at one meeting : 7 S.K.C 79 Dkpitty Grand Mastku. Duties and powers : 28 G L.C 7 Not to hold office in Subordinates : 39 G.L.C 10 Disbursements. (See appropriations, benefits, funds, &c. ) Dispensation. May be granted by a G. M. or G. Lodge : 75 G. L.G 17 Blank dispensation cannot: N. 46 17 To elect Scarlet Degree member N.G. : N. 30 10 Cannot be granted to ballot on night of application: N. 67 27 Districts. G. Lodge to district jurisdiction : 52 G.L.C 13 In Encampment branch : 10 O.E.C 64 DisTRurr Deputy Git and Master. How appointed : 22G.L.C; N. 12 6 Duties and powers : 38 G. L. (' 9 Should not be N.G. : N. 22 9 In arrears, disqualified : N. 23 9 P.O. degrees not necessary qualification : N. 24 9 Should visit Lodges yearly : N. 25 i^ 9 His decisions : N . 26 9 How to communicate P.W. : N. 27 10 INDEX. 89 PAOB. 27 . 27 . 27 . 68 . 70 . 79 1 20 . 20 26 53 . 54 . 57 . 63 . 78 2 . 74 . 29 . 29 . 37 . 37 37 . 54 . 54 55 55 5(i 55 81 79 7 10 17 17 10 27 13 64 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 DiHTBicT Di!.i*UTY Gkaxd Mahtkr— Continued. paob. Duties and powei'8 when installing : N. 28 10 Liable to charges ; N. 29 10 Can issue dispensation to elect N. G : N. 30 10 District Deputy Grand Patriarchs. Appointment and duties : 24 G.E.C ; N. 255 67 Dues. Regulated by by-laws : 48 S.L.C 37 May be payable (quarterly, but not semi-annually : N. 142 .... 37 No assessments for special purposes in addition to dues : N. 143 38 According to age when admitted : N. 144 38 Fines an« assessments operate like dues : N. 145 38 Can be paid Per. Secretary at any time : N. 146 38 No excuse for non-payment of : N. 147 38 Accrue during suspension : N. 148, 149 38 No discount when paid in advance: N. 150 38 No claim allowed as on off-set, except benefits : N. 152 38 Degree fees cannot apply on : N. 153 38 In encampments : 20 S.E.C 81 (See arrears, benefits, etc. ) Election. - (See ballot, officers, membership, etc.) ENtAMl'MENTS. How constituted : 38-41 (^.K.C 6» Terms of : 42 G.E.C 70 Returns from: 43 G.E.C.: N. 256 70 Per capita tax 'rom : 44 G.E.C 70 Loss of Charter : 45 G. PIC 71 Member of defunct to receive card : 6 G.E.B.L 73 Must have seal : 8 G.E.B.L 73 No procession without permission : 9 G.E.B.L. : N. 257 73 Uniform, maybe chartered: N. 258 78 Evidence. Only taken tln'ough Trial Committee : N. 205 43 Persons not Odd -Fellows can give : N. 206 43 Can be discussed in Lodge : N. 210 44 What ia evidence, and liow taken : N. 215a 45 E.\PUI.SION. For what offences : .")4 S.L.C 42 Previous trial necessary : 55 S. L. C 42 Howefre(;ted : 59, 60S.L.C 43 Of Encampment members : 7 G.E.B.L 73 Fees. Initiation : 4(5 S. L. C 37 Must be prepaid: N. 138 37 May be refumled in certain cases : N. 138 37 Card fees regulated by by-laws : 49 S. L.C. : N. 139 39 Degree fees : 47 S.L.C 37 Paid for one purpose not applied to another • N. 141 37 In Degree l^nlges : 16, 17D.L.C 56 In Rebekah Lodge : 2 K.L.C 57 For patriarchal degrees : 2-8S.E.C 78 Charter Fee of Subordinate Lodge : 65G.L.C 15 Degree Lodge 2 D.L.C 54 Rebekah Lodge: 1 R. L.C 57 Encampment: 38 G.E.C 69 90 INDEX. I' Fines. Charged and collected as flues : N. 145 m $2 per month for not making Lodge returns : 43 S. L. C Forms. In charges, trials and appeals : N. 216 Of credentials of representation to (irand Encampment : 12 G.E.B.L. Of certificate for P. C. P. : 13 (J.E B.L Of returns provided by (xrand Lodge : 41 S. L.C Of returns for encampment : 28 S.E.O.... Funds. Of Grand Lodge, whence received : 83-8/ (t.L.C. : N. 49, 50 How invested : N. 48 Of Subordinate Lodges: 45-53 S.L.C.: N. 135-190 Held in trust only : 78G.L.C When Lodge fails, revert to Grand Lodge: 78, 79 G. L.C Not to be loaned to individuals: N. 135 How invested : N. 1,35 Interest of, how applied : N. 136 Widows and Orphans : 45-49, S.L.C General Benefit : 45-49 S.L.C Special to be kept distinct ; 45 S. L.C Of defunct Subordinates : 80G.L.C Of Degree Lodges: 16 D.L.C Of Encampments are trust funds : 4-5 G.E. EI. L Not to be loaned to individu ils : N. 270 Of defunct Encampments : 5 G. E. B. L Of Grand Encampment : 44 G.E.C FrNERAU Expenses and benefits : 51 S.L.C. : N. 171 "Mixed Funerals": N. 172 Funeral Regalia : 71, 72S.L.C Grand Encampment. (See officers, membersi.ip, etc.) (iRAND LoD(}K. (See officers, membership, etc. ) Grand Mastkb. Duties and powers ; 27 G. L.C To appoint deputies : 22 G. L.C To appoint committees : 41 G.L.C ; N. 33 Decisions should be in writing : N. 13 Has discretionary powers ; N. 14 Can grant duplicate charters : N. 15 Cannot appoint a committee without a-ithority : N. 10 Not to hold office in Subordinate : 39 G.L.C (iRAND OFFICER.S (GRAND LoDOE). Titles of : 16-21 G.L.C 4 How elected: 17-19 G.L.C 4 Duties and powers : 27-39G.L.C. ; N. 13-31 6 Appointment of officers : 21, 22 G.L.C. ; N. 11, 12 6 Duties of appointed officers : 33-38 G.L.C 9 P. 0. ilegrees not a (qualification for office : N. 10. . . 4 Officer is visiting officially when received with honors : N. 31 10 Vacancies: 26 G.L.C « Rigi.t of debate in Grand Lodge : 8G.L.C 2 Installation of : 23-25 G.L.C ^ Deputy Grand Master : 28 G.L.C 7 <4rand Warden: 29G.L.C 7 AOB 38 36 46 74 74 36 83 19 19 36 17 17 37 37 37 36 36 36 18 56 72 81 72 70 40 40 6 5 11 6 6 7 7 10 I'AOB . 38 . 3fi 46 74 74 :m 83 19 19 36 17 17 37 37 37 36 36 ;J6 18 56 72 81 72 70 40 40 r)2 6 5 11 6 (> 7 7 10 4 6 6 9 4 10 2 INDEX. 91 (Jontinufid. '■■ . |.^oit. N. 17-19 7 N. 20 8 Membership — Continmd. .,\ pao«. Rights and disabilities when suspended: N. ^19 .. 49 How lost by card : 17S.L.C. ; N, 78-80 29 How lost by penalty : 54-61 S.L.C; N. 191-221 42 How regained : 65-67 S.L.C. ; N. 222-227 49 In Grand Encampment : 2-8 G.E.C 63 In Encampments, how gained : 2-8 S. E. 0. ; N. 259, 260 78 How lost: 12S.E.0. ; N. 261,262 80 In Encampment, to be notified to Lodges : 10 S. E. C 8l> MiiiKAOE AND Per Diem. To be paid ofiicers, representatives and members of committees : 50 G.L.C l.S To .be paid committees meeting during recess : 53 G, L. C 13 Not to be paid those absent without leave ; N. 39 13 Minutes. If correct must be confirmed : N. 127 3") When confirmed, not to be amended: N. 127 35 During reading of, members to be {vdmitted : N. 106 33 Noble Grand. . r Rights in voting : N. 105 .....'.....'■..... .33 Allowing members to enter or retire : N. 106 33 To rise in putting motions : N. 107 33 Can rule motions out of order: N. 108 33 Appoints the O.S.C: N. 109 33 Can give Term P. VV. on presentation of order : N. 110 34 Must sign drafts ordered : N. 112 34 Cannot debate nor make motions: N. 113.. 34 Cannot interfere with minutes : N. 114 34 Not to take charge books out of room : N. 115 34 Can only fill vauanciea occurring in his own appointments : N. 116... 34 NOMINATION.S. Of representatives to Grand Lodge : N. 7 3 Consent of nominee not necessary : N. 5 3 Of officers of Subordinate : 22 S.L.C; N. 90 31 Presence of nominee not necessary : N. (K) 31 Officers. Of Grand Lodge (See (irand Officers). Of Subordinates : 19-33 S.L.C: N. 82-124 :W Qualification of candidates : 20-21 S. L.C. : 84-89 31 D.M. and physician not officers : N. 83 30 Nomination of : 22S.L.C 31 Electionof: 23-25 S.L.C: N. 90 31 Appointment of : 26-29 S.L.C. : N. 94-96 32 Must all have detnees : 28 S.L.C: N. 95 32 Vacancies, how filled, 30, 31 S.L.C.: N. 97, 98 ,32 Installation of : N. 99-103 33 Duties and powers : .32, 33 S.L.C: N. 104-124 33 Must memorize charges: N. 124 34 Financial should give bonds'of a Guarantee Co. : N. 122 ,. . 34 Of Degree Lodges : 6-14 D. L.C: N. 2.37 55 Of Grand Encampment: 9-30 G.E.C 65 Of Subordinate Encampments : i:M9 S.E.C 80 Order of Business. Of regular sessions of Grand Lodge Of adjourned sittings of Grand Ijodgc : 2 G.L.R.. Special Orders : 3 G.L.K. 21 22 23 Suspending or annulling order : 22G.L.R 2.'> I INDEX. 93 PAoa. . 49 29 . 42 . 49 . 63 . 78 . 80 . 80 13 13 13 3-> 3r> 33 W 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 3 3 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 55 65 80 21 22 23 25 Order OK Business— Coj 3 Seniority dates from time of service : N. 104 33 May be appointed on committees : 41 G.L.C... n Death of , to be notified G. Sec: N. 175 40 I'ast Grand Masters. Rightof debate in (i.L : 8 G.L.C •> May instal G.L. officers: 24 G.L. C ^ P, O. Dkgrkes. Not a qualification for office in G.L. : N. 10 4 Who can receive : 69 G. L.C : N. 45 jfj Pass Word. How communicated by D.D.G.M. : N, 27 10 N. G. may give Tenn P. W. to visitor : N. 110 34 Members in arrears not entitled to : N. 142 ... 37 Term P. W. of Lodge not to be demanded in Encampment : N. 277. . 82 Penalties. On what they depend : 54S.L.C 42 For illegal use of P. W. : N. 193 '.■.'."..■ 42 For insubordination : N. 194 42 How inflicted : 58-61 S.L.C. : N. 207-214 '.'.'.'', 43 Reprimand, how given : N. 208 43 Trial Committee need not recommend ; N. 209 44 None for certain cases of fraud: N. 212 44 Arrest of judgment ; 64a S.L.C 49 Must not be disproportionate : 64 G.L.C 15 When reversed DV Grand Lodge : 63(».L.C 15 For failure to make Lodge returns : 43 S.L.C 36 For Grand Encampment officers : 28-30 (i. E. C 68 In Subordinate Encampments : 22-24 S.E.C... 82 For failure to make Kncampment returns : 29 S.E.C 83 Proposition. , , .... For initiation, how submitted : 3 S.L.C. „ ... 27 Reference of to committee : 4 S.L.C: N 57-59 27 Motion to refer not necessary : N. 57 27 Report on proposition : 4 S. L. C. 27 Fee returned when candidate I'ejected : N. 68 28 Not received outside of jurisdiction : 12 S.L.C: N. 76, 77 29 In Kncampments: 4, 5S.K.C 79 yiKSTIONS. To (irand Lodge to be submitted first day : N. 36 . 13 In recess, should bo sent first to D.D.G.M.: N. 26 9 (J. P. need not answer certain (juestioMS : N. 254 66 QfoRUM. ' Of Grand Lodge: 61 (i.L.C 14 Of Subordinate Lodge : 36 S.L.C ,35 Of Grand Encampment : 37 G.E.C 69 Of Subordinate P ucanipments : 26 S.E.C: N. 272 82 Ukiiekah Dkoree. How obtaint'd by Lodge officers : N. 89 ,., 31 r^> . 94 INDEX. i : ! 1:1 f t a Rkbekau Dkoukr— Continued. I'Aot^ Lodges of , how constituted : 1 R.L.C HI On whom they can confe degrees : 2 F..L,C.:N. 238 57 Who are members of : N. 238 37 Powers of Lodges 2-4, R.L.C o7 Member of not to wear Encampment regalia : N. 239 *)7 Kkgaua. Of officers and members . 69S.L.C. : N. 228 ")1 To be worn, if obtainable : N. 229 "»! Must be provided by Lodges : N. 229 51 N.G. can compel officers to wear : N. 230 51 G.L. disapproves of wearing in public : N. 231.. 51 Jewels of officers: 70 S.L.C 51 Funeral regalia: 71, 72 S.L.C 52 When Encampment regalia may be worn in Lodge: 73 S. li.C 52 R.P. members may wear elective officer's collar: X. 27^ 82 HK-IN.STATKMENT. How obtained: 65-68 S.L.C; X. 222,227 49 Payment of arrears necessai'y : 66S. L.C. : N. 222, 227.. 50 Application for, to go to a ballot : 65 S. L. t' 49 Consent of Lodge suspending necessary : 67 S, L.C 50 In cases of suspension for N. P. D.: 68 S.L.C; X. 225 50 Re-obligatiun not necessary : N. 226 50 Payment of arrears alone not sufficient : X. 223 50 Re-iectiox. Must be notified to other Loilges in same town : 9 S.L.C ... 28 Cannot be re-proposed for six months after : 10 S. L.C 28 In cases of, proposition fee to be returned : X. 68 . ... 28 Applying in another Lodge, the one rejecting should be notified : N. 75 28 In Encampments, to be notified : 9 S. E.C "9 Relief. In special cases of distress : 52 S.L.C 4) Should not give, without following regular course of law : X. 176, 183 41 Representative. From Grand Lodge to Sovereign Lodge : 2C G. Ij. C 4 Duties of: 32G.L.C 8 How to report: X. 21 ..^ 9 From Grand liucampment, how elected : 9 G. E. C 64 To report to Grand Patriarch: 21 G.E.C 67 In Grand Lodge, how elected: 9-12G.L.C; X. 5,9 2 Must present certificate and sign constitution : 7 G. L.C 2 Can only represent one Loilge : X. 2 2 Is not an officer of his Lodge : X. 3 2 Credentials of, to be sent Grand Sec: X. 4 2 Candidate for, need not be present at election : X. 5 . 3 Junior P. G. eligible for: X. 6 3 Xominations for : X. 7 3 In Grand Encampment, election of : 3-5 G.E.C 63 Must obtain G.E. Degree: 6 G.E.C 64 May be disciplined : 8(4.E.C 64 Resolutions. Of Grand Lodge, in force from time of enactment: 90 G.L. C 20 How submitted in Grand Lodge: 4-lOG.L.R 23 In Subordinates: 3-11 S.L.R.; X. 241-249 «0 In Grand Encampment ; 7-9-19 G.E.R 76 I'AGK. . .57 57 . 57 57 57 .. 51 .. 51 .. 51 ... 51 .. 51 ... 51 . 52 ... 52 82 4» ... 50 .. 4y ... 50 50 ... 50 .. 50 ... 28 ... 28 ... 28 75 28 ... 7!» 4 8 9 ()4 «7 2 2 2 o 2 ii 3 6» fi4 «4 20 23 60 7fi INDEX. Rkturns. Lodges must semi to Grand Lodge : 41 8.L.C Penalty for failing to send : 43, 44 S.L.C Are prepared and sent by the Per. Sec. : N. 1.34 Encampments must send to G. E. : 28 S. E. C RiM>KH OF Obdek. For the Grand Lodge For Subordinate Lodges For the Grand Encampment Sec'Retaky, Perm.^next. Office cannot be dispensed with : N. 82 Advisable to elect a P.G. to this office : N. 88 Can receive dues at anytime: N. 120 Must prepare and send returns to G. Sec. : N. 121 SE('RET.\BY, RECORDINii. Signs orders on Treasurer : N. 117 Sends to G. M. duplicate of orders on G. S. : N. 118 Has nothing to do with candidates ; N. 119 8k.->sions. Of Jrand Lodge: 57-(51 G.L.C When held: 57 G.L.C Special sessions : 58, 59 G.L.C Adjournnient of : (50 G. L. C Quorum at : 61 G.LC Work in G. L. degree only : N. 41 No festivities' desired at : N. 40 Of Subordinate Lodges : 34-36 S.L.C Of Grand Encampment : 34-37 G.E.C Hour of opening : 1 G.E.B.L Of Subordinate Encampment : 26 S.E.C. ; N. 273, 274. P.C.P. may preside at : N. 273 SrSPEN.SION. ForN.P.D. : N. 191 Status under: N. 217-221 In Lodge suspends in Degree Lortge : 10 D. L. C For N.P.D. in Encampments : 23 S.E.C (See Penaltie'j, Trials, Benefits, etc. ) T.AX, Per Capita. Amount of in Subordinate Lodge : 83 G.L.C Suspension of Lodge does not relieve from : N. 49 Of Subordinate Encampments : 44 G.E.C Terms. Of Lodges, annual or semi-annual : 39 S.L.C If semi-annual, elections must be semi-annual : N. 91.. When term closes : :0 S.L.C; N. 133 Of Degree Lodges, arnual : N. 2,37a Of Encampments : 27 S.E.C 95 I'AOK. 36 36 36 83 22 5P "5 30 31 34 34 34 34 34 . 14 14 . 14 . 14 . 14 14 . 14 . 34 . 69 . 72 . 82 . 82 42 . 49 . 55 82 19 19 70 35 31 36 56 83 Trial. Of members of Grand Lodge: 13, 14G.L.C 3 May be ordered to take place in Subordinate : 15 G.L,C 4 Must be had before punishment : 55, 56 S.L.C 42 Cannot try members of another Lodge : N. 200 43 Committee on Trial: 67 S.L.C 43 Who may serve on : N. 201,202 43 Member of not to be a witness: N. 203 43 Cannot demand minute book : N. 204 43 Report of Committee may be referred back : N. 211 44 96 INDEX. ii • Trial — Contimied. i-aob. Accused absent, how treated ; N. 213 ... 44 Rules of Procedure : N. 215 44 Evidence and witnesses : N. 215a 45 Forms: N. 216 46 Arrest of judgment : 64a S.L.C.... 49 New trial, when ordered by Grand Lodge : 62-64 G. L. C 16 No second trial unless desired by accused : N. 214 44 In Grand Encampment : 28-30G.K.C 6S In Encampments according to Lodge rules : 23 S. K. ( ' 82 Uniformed Encampments. May be chartered : N. 258 78 Regulations may be made for : 32S.E.t' 83 Vacancies In Grand Lodge offices : 25-26G.L.C 5 In Subordinate Lodge offices : 30, 31 S.L.C': N. 97, »8 32 In Grand Encampment offices : 26, 27 G.E.C 68 In Subordinate Encampment offices : 18 S.E.C 31 Visiting. Visitors, how admitted : 37S.L.C 35 Decisions of Lodge binding on : N. 128 36 Can receive Term P.W. on order : N. 12{) na When ill, entitled to care and attention : N. 1 30 35 Not to be examined : N. 129 .'W VoTiNo (See Ballot). Work. Of Grand Lodge in G. L. Degree only : N. 41 14 Of Subordinates, supervised by D.D.G.M. : 38 G.L.C.: N. 26-:iO « Widows (See Benefits). } j I i f i 1 i '< i fAOX. 44 44 45 4« 49 15 44 68 82 78 83 5 32 . 68 31 35 35 35 35 :«> , 14