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Un dea aymbolea auivanta apparattra aur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le caa: la aymbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed et different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartea, pianchea, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte A dee taux da reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reprodult en un aaul clichA, il eat filmA A partir de I'angia aupAriaur gauche, de gauche A drolte, et de haut an baa, en prenent le nombre d'imagea nAcessaira. Las diagrammea suivants iliuatrant la mAthode. errata to I pelure, )n A D 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ',y. t.;; ' >^ fi-* Vifif.' ,t * ^''^. > • r- ^ v *'; ■fi ^ \ ' H-t TBI WgttSv ♦v-^** *^ ^ . -* S^^x^^- '\. < 1 '3«i ■ « V- « *. ^?^', :|g >«; '% V»f.5te* f^ 4.1.; •' 'j. f'u WOO^FdEAi^^B THE NINTH ANAflJAL REPORT OF THE INCORPORATED CHURCH SOCIETY OF THE iE)n(2)cgiBsaa ^ w ^^stieibis©, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 35D JULY, 1861. -~>*~~ ~~'~~ i ^'~ i ~~i'~i~i~Lr i nr'LrLnri. ESTABUSHED 7th JULY, 1843. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF FARUAMENT. 7 VICTORIA, GAP. 68. (fiuebec PRINTED BY T. GARY, fiuade-Street, 1851. THE NEXT ANNIVERSARY of the Society will be celebrated, D. V., on WedneMlay,July7,1852. The BieetinM of the Central Board for the enauing year, will be held, D.V., on Oetober 8n, 1851, and May 12th, and July 9th, 1852. The Clergy, and others interested, are desired particularly to observe that no applications for grants of money will be entertained by the Board, uiUtu mteh applicotiotu ihm have rtachtd tk« hatuU of tkt Sterttary a fortnight, at Jtatt, itfort thi next eniuing meeting </ /As Board. The Sermon, in aid of the Fund for the Widows and Orphans of deceased Clergymen, is appointed to be preached on the 28th September, and that in be- ihalf of the general purposes of the Society, on Quinquagesima Sunday next. It is reque«ted that the Annual Reports of District Associations, the ac- counts of District Treasurers, and the lists of subscribers in the several Mis- «ions, for the current year, be transmitted to the Secretary on or belbre the 7th xlay of June next. Attention is particularly desired to the measures adopted by the Church Society, see pp. 10«ndll,for taking its ^art in the celebration of the 3d Jubilee of the Society for the P.x>pagation of the Gospel. Quebec , July 7th , 1 861 . ■MMW^tfMMW«MA#MWM* ADVERTISEMENT. THE LAY COMMITTEE of this Society are prepared to pay half the cost of a few sets of ground-plans, elevations, working drawings and specifications, (together with estimates according to the prices of labour and anaterials,) of Churches in brick and stone, to contain not more than three hundred persons, provided that the plans, &c., be approved by the Committee, «nd that they become the property of the Society ; and the Committee hereby invite communications from Congregations wishing to build Churches of the description above mentioned. W. WICKES, A. M., Secretory. Quebec, July 7, 1851. . OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH SOCIETY, Patron. Hit EzcSLLBirCY THB RiOHT HONOKABLB THB RaKL or ElOIR AN» KlKCAKDINB, GOVBBKOB GbNBBAL OF BBITTtH NoBTH AMBBICA. ]pre0tbent. Thb Right Rbvbrbnd thb Lobd Bishop or Qvbbbc. b'lce^yrestbetits. Hon. W.Walker, Lieut. Colonel Slreatreil(l,R.E. Rev. Official Mackie, D. D. « S.S.Wood, M. A Hon. Mr. Chief Justice Bowen, '• Mr. Justice Meredith, H. Black, Q.C.,D.C.L., J. M. Fraser, Ed. Hale, Senr., Ed. Hale, Junr., Geo. Pemberton, J. Stewart, '< J. H. Nicolls, M. A. And such Chairmen of District Asso- eiations as are Members of the Corporation. (Et)e Central Boarb* For the year 1861-2. The President, Vice Presidents, and the other Officers of the Society: the Incum!>»^nt8 and Church Wardens of every Church or Chapel of the DiocC'' eing members of the Corpontion ; and the Henry LeMesurier, Esq., James Maelaren, Esq., C. N. Montizambert, Esq., William Petry, Esq., Henry S. Scott, Esq., Rev. A. "'-J. Mountain, William Andrew, Esq., David Burnet, Esq., Arch. Campbell, £sq.. Thos. Cary, Esq. J. Bell Fon^tb, Esq., Noah Freer, Esq., R. Hamilton, Esq., J. W. Leaycraft,£sq., James Sealy, Esq., James A. Sewell, M. D., Esq. J. Von Extert Esq. £as Commtttee. Andrew, Wm., Esq., Black, Hon. H., Q. C, D. C. L., Davies, W. H. A., Esq. Forsyth, J. B., Esq., Irvine, Geo., Esq., Maelaren, J., Esq., Montizambert, C. N., Esq., ^VtaSttXti. UoaA, H. J., Esq., Scott, H. 8., Esq., Seal^J., Esq., Von£xter,J.,Esq. Walker, Hon. W., Young, J., Esq. Robert Symes, Esquire. $onorar|| ConnaeL Hon. H. Black, Q. C, D. C. L., %nbitov8. N. Freer, and H. S. Scott, Esqs. ^rcretarg. Rev. W. Wickes, A. M. GENERAL BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Thb objects of the Society ibBU be comprehended in the following distinct depertments of Christian exertion, viz. : ]f|rt/— Missionary labour, including the creation of a fund towards the augmentation of the stipends of poor Clergymen, and towards making a pro- vision for those who may be incapacitated by age or infirmity, and for the widows and orphans of the Clergy. Sfeond— Education, and Day and Sunday Schools. TAird— Assistance where it may be necessary, to those who may be under preparation for the ministry of the Gospel. Jburf A— Circulation of the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer, and such other Books and Tracts as shall be approved by the Central Board, hereinafter to be provided for. Fiftkb-'Aii towards the erection of Churches, and Parsonage Houses, and the management of all matters relating to the endowment and maintenance of the same. ARTICLE n. His Excellency the Governor General, if a member of the Church of Eng> land, shall be requested to become the Patron of the Society. ARTICLE III. The President of the Society shall be the Lord Bishop of Quebec, or Bishop administering the Diocese ; and the Vice-Presidents shall consist of such Chairmen of the diflTerent District Associations, hereinafter provided for, as are members of the Corporation, and such other persons as shall be nominated at the General Annual Meeting of the Society, from among the members of the Corporation. The President shall have the custody of the seal of th<s Society. ARTICLE IV. The Treasurer or Joint Treasurers, the Secretary or Secretaries, the Auditors and other necessary Officers of the Society, shall be appointed by the Central Board. The Secretary or Secretaries shall be allowed a salary or salaries and travelling expenses, under the direction of the Central Board, and may ap- point an Assistant Secretary or Secretaries, subject to the approval of the Central Board, provided that such appointment shall entail no additional bur* den upon the Siociety. The appointments of Treasurer and Secretary shall not be for any specified iMriod, but they may be removed at the pleasure of the Central Board. ARTICLE V. The Treasurer or Joint Treasurers shall receive all subscriptions, donations, rents, issues and f rofits, payable to the Society, far which purpose a paid Collector or CjpUectors may be employed. Such monies shall be deposited in such Bank or Banks as shall from time to time be indicated or approved of by the Central Board. No money shall be paid by the Treasurer without the authority of a resolu- » • • tion of tb« Central Board, certiAed by the Secretary, ezpreMing the name of the penon to whom, and the purpoie for which, the money ia to be paid. The Treaturer or Treaaurere ahall alio have the ciutodv of all deede. bonds, ■eeuritiee and other documenta relating to the property ofthe Society, (which, after regiatration, shall be depoeited in one of the approved Banks,) and shall submit bis or their accounts at the stated periodical Meetings of the Central Board. ARTICLE VI. The Secretary shall keep the Minutes of all the proceedings of the Society, as well as of the Central Board, atid shall have the custody of and be account- able for the safe keeping of the same, and he shall be subject to the direction and control of the Central Board in all his duties and proceedings. ARTICLE VII. The Society shall meet annually on the first Wednesday in July, at Quebec, whereof not less than fifteen days notice shall be given by the Secretary, in at least one of the leading Newspapers in Quebec, and elsewhere as may seem to him expedient. A Social Meeting of the Society may be called at any time by the President, or in his absence from the Diocese, or in the event cf a vacancy in the See, by two of the Vice Presidents and ten other members of the Society, by a written order to the Secretary, who shall notify the same in the manner hereinbefore provided iA respect of the Annual Meetings. - ARTICLE VIII. Persons subscribing 25s. per annum, or givins a contribution once for all of £12 10s. shall be capable of being elected Members of the Corporation, (in the latter case for life.) at any meeting of the Society. Contributors may limit and direct any portion, not exceeding one half, of their contributions, to be applied to special objects within the designs and purposes of the Society. Lists ofthe Persons so subscribing or contributing, shall be furnished by the Treasurers of the District Associations, or by the Treasurer or Treasurers of the Society whwe there sha!! be no District Aisociation, to the Secretary of the Society, to be laid befor.^ tie next meeting of the Society at which an election may take place. No Annual Subscribers, not being Life Members, shall be eligible to any office at the Meetings ofthe Society, or capable of voting, or using any other prlvilese as Members of the Corporation, until all arrears of suucriptloDi accrued subsequently to July 1st, 1850, shallhave been paid in full. ARTICLE IX. Of the Central Board. There shall be a Central Board for the Management of the general business of the Society, consisting of the President, the Vice-Presidents, and the other Officers of the Society, the Incumbent and Church Wardens of every Church or Chapel ofthe United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese, being members of the Corporation, and of such others as shall be chosen annually at the General Meeting ofthe Society, from among the Members of the Corpora- tion. The Board shall meet three times a-year, at Quebec, on the Wednesday nearest to the 15th May, and 10th October, and on the Friday next after the Annual Meeting. Special Meetings may be called by the President, or, in his absence from the Diocese, or in the event of a vacancy in the See, by two of the Vice-Presidents, and four members of the Board : and not less than seven Mtmbfn prMtnt at my tnttting ■hall fbrm a quoram. Whan a rafflcient nnmbarormmnlMra tefonn aquomm ahall not aaatmbia on th« ranlar day of maatlnf , tha mambara preaant ahall hava powar to adjourn to anothar dar, and aoonfoliMfNolin, untllaqnornmahallbaibund; andTbuainaM ahall and may than ba procaadad with. Tha Cantral Board ahall hava anthority to maka raeh mlaa aa may ba naeaa- aary for tha Govammant of ita own aflkira, providad that nona of tham ba contrary to, or inconsiatant with, tha apirit of tha Conatitution or By-Lawa of tha Sociaty.* ARTICLE X. 0/ DUtriet AiBOciaHont. In eonnaxion and eorraapondanca with iha Central Board, thara ahall ba Ibnnad Diatrict Aaaoeiationa. (axeapt in tha City of Quabae, and tha Bmliauaa tharaof,) toba compoaad of tha Clarsr, and all othar Mambara of tha Sociaty raaidant within tha bounda of auch Diatricta; a contribution of 6a. par annum eonatitntinf mambarahip of auch Diatrict Ataociationa. Tha Diatrict Aaaoeia- tiona, (axeapt aa barainbafore axeaptad,) ahall eontinua aa haratofora aattlad by the Cantral Board of tha Sociaty, bafora ita Incorporation, until otharwiM baroaflar datarminad by tha Cantral Board. Tha lanior Clergyman holding a Paatoral Charge within auch bounda, and ^ing a member of auch Aiaociation. ahall ba, «c afieio. Chairman thereof:— they may have a Secretary and Traaaurer, uidahall meet at auch plaeea aa they may themaelvea determine ; at one of which meetinga tha oflicera ahall be appointed and a report of the proceedinga of the year read. The Diatrict Aaaoeiationa ahall have authority to maka rnlea for the government of their own a Aire, provided auch rulea be not contranr to, or inconaiatent with, the Conatitution or ByLawa of tha SocieW. They ahall report annually to the Central Board, at leaat one month before tne Annual General Meeting of the Society, (and at auch other timet aa the Secretary, on behalf of tha Board, ahall require,) aatatement of their proceedinga, and a detailed account of the' moniea received and expended by them during the year. ARTICLE XI. Of the Sub- Committeea of the Society. For the more effectually carrying on the deaigne of thia Society the Clergy- man and Church Wardena in every Pariah and Miaaionary Station, and the Miniatera and Wardena of every Chapelry within the Dloceae, ahall be a Sub- Committee of the Society, in correspondence with the District Association, within whoae bounda auch Pariah or Missionary Station is situated, or in the City of Quebec, with the Central Board, throush the Secretary of the Society. Thia Committee shall meet aa often, and at such periods, as they themselves ahall decide to be most convenient, inviting the co-operation of all the Parish- ionen, in their deliberationa and designs. They shall collect subscriptions and donationa from the membera of the Church, in such manner as they shall deem most effective, and endeavour, by every means in their power, to augment the reaourcea of the Society. One sermon at least shall be preached during the year within the limits of each Parish, Station, or Chapelry, on such Sunday as the Bishop shall appoint, in favor of some one or more of the objects of the Society ; and a collection shall be then made in aid thereof, the proceeds * It is one of tha rales of the Central Board that no appfication for a graot of moDay shall be entertained by the Board, unleii inch application shall have reached tha hands of the Seerataiy, a fortoight at least before the next eniuing meeting of the Board. 4 of wbieh thaU forthwith b« ninitttd to tbt Trouuror or Trctiurtn of the Socioty ; uiy ParUh, Station, or Chaptlry, in which aueh Mrmoo shall not havo boon prtach«d, shall not bo eontidorad ontitltd to any grant or bonofit f^om tho Society, until a Mmon ahall hav* been so proachtd. All othor DioniM raiaod by such Sub-CnmmitttMi ahall bt rtmittad to tho Troaauror of tho District Auociation ; or to tho Troasurer or Troasurors of tho Society whore such monies r! .all have been raised within the city and Banlieuef of Quebec. ARTICLE XII. One half of all the monies paid into the hands of the Treasurers of'tho District Associations, respectively, and not specially appropriated by the con- tributors, shall be transmitted to the Treasurer of the Society, to be at the die- posal of the Central Board, and tho remaining half of all such collections shall, when required, be expended within the Parish or District in which they have been made, for such objects only as are specified in the Constitution of thio Society :— the allotment to be made by the Committee of the District Associa- tion. All monies, remaining unappropriated at the General Annual Meeting of the District Associat'on, shall be forthwith transmitted to the Treasurer or Treasurers of the Society to be at tho disposal of the Central Board. ARTICLE XIII. Of the Xay CmrnMltt oftht Chwrdi Society, A Lay Committee, consisting of not leu than thirteen members shall bo chosen, atthe first Meeting of the Central Board after the annual Meeting of the Society, from among the members of the Corporation. Three membon shall form a quorum^ and they shall have power to fill up any vacancies which may arise within their own bodv, and shall be governeo by the Constitution, Rules, and Regulations adoptea and in force Ixfore the Incorporation of the Society, until the same shall do altered by the Committoo or by tno Society at tho General Meeting. The proceedings of tho Lay Committee shall be subject to tho sanction of tho Bishop of the Dioceee. The clerical and other members of the Central Board may attend at any of the General Meetings of tho Committee, and may propose and discuss matters therein, but shall have no vote ; and the Comoiitteo II report their proceedings to the Central Board at their stated meetings. The objects of this' Committee shall bo : f^«(— The placing tho clergymen, now resident and doing duty In tho Pro- vince upon a just footing as regards the sufficiency and permanency of their incomes. Steondty—The providing for the permanent and adequate support of an in- creased number or clergymen, eo that, with the least possible delay, the mem- bers of the Church, in every portion of the Diocese, may have the means of access to a church within a practicable distance. Thirdlu—The building, in every place where it may be required,a Church of stone or brick, upon a well consiaeredplan, as to dimensions, external form, and internal arrangement, keeping in view the probability of its requiring en- largement. FlawrMy— The building, in a good situation, convenient to the Church, a comfortable Parsonage of brick or stone, the plan of which should be earofully considered, with reference to size and internal arrangement; and should admit of additions being made, with the sanction of the Bishop. F^kly—The insuring such Churches or Parsonages against losses by fire. sCftMy—the procuring an adequate and permane«t support for all the In- stitutions, authorities, and functionaries, suitable and appertaining to the Esta- blishment of the Church of England in this Diocese. 8 S(0«nlA/y--The investiog kU life •ubscriptions, (unleu ao far as the applica- tion of these may he otherwise limited by the contributors,) in a permanent and accumulating Fund, in which the interest only shall be applied to the gene- ral purposes of the Society. Eighthly— Tbv encouraging the formation of a Local Endowment Fund, at every station or place having a Church or Clergyman, by special contributions, or bv setting apart a portion of the Pew-rents, to form an accumulatinjg fund until the net income shall in each case amount to £50 per annum; lorthe more effectual promotion of which object the Society will engage, whenever such fund shall be formed and shall amount to £100, invested in Bank-stock, or other public securitiei, to add thereto an amount not exceeding £100 ; provided always that such investment shall stand in the name of the President of the Society. Ninthly— "The management and the superintendence of all lands belonging to the Society. ARTICLE XIV. All meetings of the Society and of the Committees shall be epened and closed with the Prayers used by the two Societies in England, adapted to our situation under the direction of the Bishop. No alteration or amendment in the constitution or By-laws of the Society shall be made unless such alteration or amendment shall be proposed at one and adopted at another General Meeting of the Society, provided that not less than one month intervene between the two Meetings and that the object of the Meetings be stated in the advertisement by which they are called. At all Meetings of the Society, of the Central Board, or of Committees, the Chairman, in case of an equality of votes, shall have a double or casting vote. ARTICLE XV. Whereas some members of the Church, who are not unmindful of the great Spiritual wants of their own neighbourhood, still feel constrained, in pious gratitude for the blessings they enjoy, to allot something, however small, from the means with which a Gracious Providence has blessed them, towards the spread of the Glorious Gospel among the nations which still sit in darkness ; the Society will gladly receive and forward to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the Church Missionary Society, or the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, whatever sums may be given for the conversion and instruction of the Heathen or the Jews. Prayers to be used at all Meetings of the Society, AND OF ITS SEVERAL ASSOCIATIONS. Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with Thy most gra- cious favour, and further us with Thy continual help ; that in all our works, begun, continued, and ended in Thee, we may glorify Thy Holy Name, and finally, by Thy mercy, obtain everlasting life ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that Thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live ; Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks, and take from them all ignorance, haidness of heart, and contempt of Thy Word ; and so fetch them hpme, blessed Lord, to Thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be one fold under one Shepherd. Prosper, O Lord, the labors of those Societies of the Church in the land of our Fathers, which Thou hast deigned to use in the promotion of this object, and which have nourished the Church in the Colonies ; and bless in like manner with Thy Holy Spirit and Providential succour the Society in whose cause we are now met, and the under- takings which we have now in hand. " Prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us ; O prosper Thou our handy work,*' for the sake, and through the merits of the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth. As it is in Heaven. Give us this day or : daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses. As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation : But deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. For ever and ever. Amen. ■# THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WAH HELD, AT THB JVUlional School-House, Quebec, ON WEDNESDAY, 2nd JULY, 1851, At Seven o'clock, p.m., (Divine Service having been performed at the Cathedral, in the forenoon, on the occasion of the Triennial Visitation of the Clergy of the Diocese, held by the Lord Bishop.) * Th« Lord Bishop took the Chair, the Clergy, in their gowns, being seated on his right, and the Lay Delegates, who had been chosen to represent the diflbrent parishes and nnissions, on his left. After the asual prayers, His Lordship called upon the Secretary to read the Annual Report. The Report having been read, it was moved by the Rev. S. S. Wood, M. A., Rector «f Three Riven, seconded by T. Tuooc, Esq. , Delegate from Nicolet, (in the absence of the Hon. W. Walkeb,) and Resolved, 1. That the Report now read be received and adopted, and printed under the direction of the Central Board. Moved by Rev. D. Falloon, D. D., seconded by Rev. Official Macrib, D. D., and Resolved, 2. That this meeting desires to express its devout thankfulness to the Giver of all good, for the continuance of His blessing upon the labours of the Society, and would see in the renewed encouragement thus afibrded, an incentive to re- newed exertion. Moved by the Rev. I. Hellmvth, of Sherbrooke, seconded by the Rev. C. F. Rbi>, of Compton, and Resolred, 3« That this Meetiag desires to express its thanlcful sense of the benefits which promise to accrue to the Church from the recent division of the Diocese of Quebec, and the manner in which tbat arrangement has been effected ; and at the same time to signify its cordial interest in the success of the sister Asso- ciatita formed within that Diocese, as well as of the corresponding Institutions in the other Dioceses adjoining. Moved by the Rev. Principal Nicollb, seconded by H. S. Scott, Esq., and Resolved, 4. That we r^iee in the joy of the benevolent Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts upon occasion of its third Jubilee celebration, anitim|)«ctf\]Ily request the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, to carry out the de- signs recommended by our Metropolitan, the President of the Society, and in particular, to cause that serfkions be preached throughout the Diocese on 4,<|vent Sunday next, in aid of the various objects contemplated by the Society, •^the proceeds of such sermons to be forwarded to England, in dutiful acknow- l^ljgment of wht^ w«owe to the society, and of the interest with which we regard its labors of love. * * The Central Board also passed the following ResolatioD, in cooneetioo with this sniiieot, alHs Mestiag o»4th My : «That,ander tlie authority of Article XV., of the By-Laws of the Church Society f • Ji 11 ■y' f V Moved by J. B. Forsyth, Esq., (in the absence of Hon. £. Haie, of Portneuf,) seconded by Hon. E. Hale, of Sherbrooke, and Resolved, 5. That this meeting, while it desires to express its deep and noisnant sense of the injustice attennpted against the Church in the Colony, in the proposed measure for the alienation of the Clergy Reserves, and of the disastrous conse- quences to Religion, which the execution of that measure would involve, would appeal to all the Members of the Chinch, lo recognize the call which lies upon them for using their utmost exertions to resist the said measure. Moved by Rev. A. Balfour, of Kingsey, seconded by Rort. Hamilton, Esq., (delegate from New Liverpool,) and Resolved, 6. That the thanks uf this Society be given to its Officers, and thosa of the different District Associations, for their zealous and efficient discharge of their respective duties during the past year. Moved by Rev. £. C. Parkin, of Valcartier, seconded by W. Jknkins, Esq., (delegate from Pointe Levi,) and Resolved, 7. That the following gentlemen be elected members of the Corpdration : The Revds. W. King, and S. H. Simpson ; Lieut. Ashe, R. N. ; Professor Chapman of Bishop's College; and £. Burstall, J. Young, W.G. Rosa, W. Andrew, A. T. Gait, R. Roberts, H. N. Jones, and E. Jones, Esquires. Moved by Rev. J. Carry, seconded by J. Maclaren, E^ , and Resolved, 8. That the foHowirig gentlemen be requested to accept office as Vice-Presi. dents of the Society for the ensuing year : (see List of Officers, p. 3| ; and thai the Central Board consist of the following gentlemen (see— do.) Mr. Scott then gave notice that, at the next m'.'eting of the Society, he will move that the word " Thursday," be substituted for the word" Friday," in Article ix., and the words " lUth January,-' inserted before " 15th May," and also that Article VIII., which ^xes the qualihcation for Membership at 2S(S. Annual Subscription, be amended, by substituting lOs. for 26s.^ It was then moved by Rev. W. Wickbb, seconded by Rev. C. P. Rbid, and Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to revise the By-Laws of the Society, aud particularly to consider the expediency of reducing the qualification for Membership, and that this Committee consist of J. B. Forsyth, Esq., (Chairman,) the Rev. £. W.Sewell, the Rev. W. King. H. S. Scott, Esq., and the Treasurer and Secretary of the Society, and be directed to report to tn« next meeting of the Society. la the course of the proceedings, the Secretary read a letter from the Rev. W. Bond, Secretary of the Church Society of the liocese of Montreal, expross. ing the interest felt by that body in the prosperity of the Church Society of the sister Diocese, and communicatmg a Resolution of the Society to that emct. The Doxology having been sung, the Meeting was dismissed with the benediction by the Lord Bishop. a Special Fund be opened for receifing the ContrSbations of any pArsoMwlio hmv be disposetl to luake ofteriii|s in eommtiflioralioD of the Jubilee of the iiooiely Cor tbe Pto» pagatioa of the Gospel, irre^ctively of the collections to be made in Churches and Chapels, and that the Incumbents and Wardens of the different Parishes andAnsslOiis the Dioceac be reque»(ed to take meaMires for soliciting and cotleetini auell in UonalioBS, which shall be remitted, before the lOth .Tauuary neitt to the Tieasurer of the Society at Quebec " ANN UAL REPORT. V ♦ ^■»^I»<»I»W<»WI<<»1*»»>%»»^* • e The Central Board, in presenting its Annual Report to the fnembers of the Church Society, feels itself called upon to ** offer jinto God thanksgiving" for the brighter prospects which seem ito have opened up to the Church at large, (in this portion of the Lord's vineyard,) and to the Society in particular, during the paatyeax.- The division of the old Diocese of Quebec into the two existing Dioceses of Quebec and Montreal, is an event which must have been hailed by us all, as destined, under the Divine Blessing, to increase the stability and efficiency of the Church among us; nor can we have fiEuled to observe, with peculiar ^ttisfaction and heartfelt gratitude, the grace of God bestowed iipon the mother Church, — ^whereby, in the short space of four months, the sum necessary for the endowment of the new Bishopric was raised, — and the gratifying welcome which all parts of the Diocese hastened to tender to their newly-arrived Diocesan. Nor have subsequent circumstances at all tended to •disappoint the pleasing anticipations at that time formed. But your Board has mainly referred to this important event, from its ■bearing upon the Society, whose Anniversary we are this day assembled to commemorate. The Society, which meets now, is not the Society, which met for a similar purpose, a year ago. Early in October last, and soon alter the division of the Diocese, a Special Meeting of the old Society was held in Montreal, at which it was determined to petition the Legislature for a new Act of Incorporation, consti- tuting a separate Society in each of the new Dioceses, and a Committee was appointed to consider what steps were necessary to be taken, in order to effect the division thus contemplated. The Committee, at its first meeting, appointed two Sub-Com- mittees,, one in Quebec, and the other in Montreal, to draw up a statement of the Receipts and Expenditure, as if there had been two separate Societies from the first ; — these Sub-Committees being directed to divide equally between the two Dioceses all incidental expences, and all amounts collected from persons not resident in the old Diocese of Quebec. 4 >■ • ■ * C t -• :. ♦ * 4 •a> • 13 V ♦ • o ^ « Proceeding upon these principles, the Sub-Committee in Quebec carefully analyzed the published Reports and Treasurers' Accounts of past years, carrymg on their examination to the commencement of October last, and after a minute and diligent investigation, (subsequently verified by the Sub-Committee at Montreal,) it was found that the result obtained (and a gratifying result it appeared to the Committee) amounted very nearly to an equal division of the property of the Society. The Committee reported to a Special Meeting, held in Quebec, on 13th May last, and recommended, (with certain slight modifications,) a Bill which had been prepared by the Honorary Counsel of the Society.* Their report was adopted, and the Bill has been since placed in the hands of the Hon. W. Badg- ley, who has kindly engaged to take charge of it in the House of Assembly. It has alr^y been read a second time, and been Erinted by order of the House, nor is there any reason to appre- end opposition to it, in its progress through the several branches of the Legislature. It may be added, that the Bill contemplates no further changes than such as are absolutely necessary in the former Act of Incorporation. (Bieneral iStatetmnt of Il(att)t0, Cxpenbitttrr/^t. The Income of the Society (including the Dis- trict Associations) during the past year has been JB813 1 1 Of the above, there has been received by the Treasurer of the Parent Society £71119 Balance of last year's accounts 431 110 Total £1,143 10 The Expenditure for the year has been 4l9 17 10 Leaving abalauceof. £723 3 Of which £427 78. 7d. has been invested in the name of of the Society. * The Report of the Committee may be seen at length in the May number of the Canadian Ztidesiastical Gazette. 14 The particulars of the investments are : — On account of the General Fund M « " Widows' and Oprhans' Fund, u << « Nicolet Endowment Fund, (which stands in the name of the President of the Society) The amounts in \\ie Treasurer's hands, are as follows : — On account of the General Fund £247 4 2 « « " Widows' and Orphans'Fund 18 3 11 «« « «* Nicolet En- dowment Fund 30 7 4 JC74 1 10 242 13 2 110 12 7 295 15 5 Total, as above.... JB723 3 The Funded Property of the Society, (should the recom- mendation of the Committee, referred to above, be carried into effect,) invested on account of the General Fund, will amountto. :e923 11 8 On account of the Widows' and Orphans' Fundjto 665 « " « Nicolet Endowment Fund, to 420 (Grants. The amount of Grants made by the Board during the past year has been but small : Towards fencing the Parsonage Lot at Valcartier, JGIO " the new stone Church at Fief Cumberland, 25 ** the purchase of Glebe Lot in New Ireland, 12 10 0* To the widow of the late Eev. J. Simpson, annually, 25 It will however be remembered that the amount expended in grants last year considerably exceeded that of any former year ; and the ^lard would add that several calls will be made upon the funds of the Society at the next meeting, which will have every claim for aid at their hands. It is pleasing to be able to report, that the amount collected within the Parish of Quebec again exhibits an increase over * This lot is to be purchased by Annual Instalments, the people upon the spot being expected to pay one half of each instalment as it becomes due. A more than iiiiHeiont sum for this purpoie has been received this year- 15 • that of last year. The plan, adopted by the Societies at home, of taking up weekly, monthly and quarterly Subscriptions, by the aid of voluntary collectors, has been continued, and may, it appears to the Board, be still farther extended with marked benefit to the Society. At the same time, the Board avails itself of this public opportunity of returning thanks to those, who, at much sacrifice of time and patience, have labored in collecting (here a little and there a little) those trifling amounts, which, when added together, constitute no small portion of the Society's Income. The Collections, after Sermons for the Widows' and Orphans' Fund, amounted to jS94 12 6 Do., for the general purposes of the Society.. . . 75 15 1 Annual Subscriptions and Donations 179 7 4 Life Subscriptions 25 £374 14 II* Being an increase of upwards of JS50 over the amount raised last year. Encouraging as this result is, the Board feels itself called upon to urge the friends of the Society, in Quebec, to renewed efiurts in its behalf, since, without the utmost exertions in this, the head-quarters of the Diocese, the Society must be soon ma- terially crippled in its means. It must be remembered that most other parts of the Diocese are but poor, and must for years have local wants pressing on them to an extent which ^1 prevent their contributing Ic^gely to the funds of the Society. 0t. irancts )Dt0trict !2ls0ocTatlon. This Association has not during the past year been idle. Besides meetings in most of the Missions, a general revision of the By-Laws was determined on at the Annual Meeting of the Association, in January last. The plan adopted in this revisioa appears to have been an excellent one,, and may be mentioned as a model from which other Associations may copy. A Com- mittee was first appointed to draft a new set of By-Laws. This Committee met several times, and, having performed the task assigned to it, sent round copies of the draft it had pre- prepared, to the several Clergy of the Association, with the request that they would make any suggestion upon it which might to them seem advisable. The Committee then again,. Il with these suggestions before them, re-examined the draft they had originally drawn up, and finally submitted the result of their labours to a Sitecial Meeting of the Assembly. The By- Laws thus passed will probably he printed as an Appendix to the forthcoming Report. It may appear to some members of the Society that much labour was thus unnecessarily thrown away. But yet the practical man well knows and will appreciate the difficulty of drawing up a Code of By-Laws, which shall organize an As- sociation in just such a manner as shall make it most efficient for the purposes contemplated, which shall meet the several emergencies that may arise, and which shall be clearly ex- pressed without being diffiise. Indeed, the By-Laws of the Parent Society, though drawn up and subsequently revised with the greatest care, do not work practically as well as might be wished, and are an instance of the necessity of gathering in advice from every possible quarter, when the subject to be legis- lated on is of a new and peculiar character. It is hoped that, with these new By-Laws, this Association will work with fresh vigour. It is, indeed, gratifying to be able to state, that in some of the Missions of the District, in which, of late years, but little had been done for the Society, the old spirit has already revived, and the friends of the Society have the satisfaction of seeing larger returns from the Sermons delivered on account of the Society, and a list of Annual Sub- scriptions, from places which before had shewn but a blank in the Society's reports. The Reports, from the several Missions, exhibit a total amount of JB137 3s. 5d., contributed to the funds of the Society, being an increase of £32, over that of last year : JB6 12s. 8d. of this amount is from the newly formed Mission of Dudswell and Ham ; and £9 10s. from the very poor Mission of Bury. A sum of JS474 is also mentioned, as raised, within the District for local Church purposes. Total ^66 11 3s. 5d. The Board has pleasure in drawing attention to the statement of the Secretary, that in most of the Missions of this District, Twhich he visited, officially, during the past winter,) he found the members of the Church, though in some cases but a small band, actively engaged in establishing perma- nently the Church among them, or in giving efficiency to her ministrations. In Eaton, for instance, a Parsonage has been lately secured, three-fourths of the cost of which has been defrayed by the inhabitants of the misaon, and the Church has been neatly restored at a still further expence. 17 * ill Melbuurne, iitepu have alsu been taken tur purchasing a Parsonage and Glebe fur the resident Missionary. At Compton, and Dudswell, subscription lists have been opened for the erection of new Churches, (in the former place of stone,) eligible sites for which have been already given. At Leunox- ville, a bell and organ have been purchased. At Sherbrooke, J6150 have been raised from the people for various Church purposes : and at Kingsey and Durham sums have been collected towards the repairs of one and compleiion of the other Church. illegantic district !^99anatton. The Secretary reports having been present at the Annual Meeting of this Association, held at Ppinte Levi, on the 8th January last, and having been much gratified by the lively interest manifested on the occasion. At this period, the ivlegantic District Association was without a code of By-Laws, and much inconvenience, as might have been expected, had been the result. Since then, hovirever, stepft have been taken to procure the passing of a code. The Board would earnestly call upon the Association to organize itself as speedily as possible, and adopt measures for regular meetings in the several missions on behalf of the Church Society. £83 13s. lOd. have been raised within this District, on account of the Society, (shewing an increase over last year,) — and JS155 8s. Id. for various local purposes. Total £239 Is. lid. The Mission of East Frampton is at present busily engaged in rebuilding in stone, and in a substantial style, the Church which was destroyed by fire in the spring of last year. It is expected that the building will be roofed in by the 1st Septem- ber next. — In the Rev. W. King's extensive mission, several works are in contemplation, towards which money and labour have been promised, and among them a new stone Church r» progressing towards completion, at Cumberland Mills, the site of which, together with 200 acres, and £100 in money, were a gift from the late E. Harbottle, Esq. — In the Mission of New Ireland, £30 per annum has been engaged to be raised by the congregation of the second Inverness Church, should a resident Clerj»vtpan be established among them. — It is gratifying to be able to add that a remittance has been received this,year,for the first time, from the residents at Grosse Isle, amount £7, in addition to the sum above reported. (El)iee Umrs HDiBtritt ^saociation. Hut a small amount is reported as raised within this District, which has lost Sorel, one of its most important missions, and Berthier, in consequence of the recent division of the Dioces*. Raised for the Church Society, £19 3s. 9d. The Nicolet Endowment Fund, still continues to receive c \H additiotif, £30 having been collected fur that nurpcjse during the post year. At Driimmondville, a new stone Church is in pro- cess of erection. Portnenf diBtrict ^^Isaociation. A new Mission has been opened 'within the limits of this Association, during the past year, and, as the people were required to guarantee dC25 a year to the Missionary, it has not been found practicable to make the usual demand upon them as subscribers to the Society. Yet from the three Missions that constitute this Association, jB31 2s. lid. have been collected, being an increase over the amount of last year. Parochial Meetings-were held, during the past winter, at Valcartier and Stoneliam, at which several of the neighbouring clergy and the Secretary attended. These meetings have been attended with this satisfactory result, that the snl^ription list fVom this Mission has been nearly doubled : £6 16s. having been raised at Valcartier, and £2 7s. 6d. at Stoneham. The tohole of which amounts have been forwarded to the Parent Society. One hundred acres have bt 3n deeded to the Church, at Port- neuf, during the past year, by the Hon. E. Hale. (l^aspe lDt0trut ^90octatton. The returns from this District are only on account of sermons, and amount to jB 14 19s. 6d. An additional Mission has been added to this Association also during the past year, by the subdivision of the Missions, previously existing. In two of the Missions, thus newly con- stituted, steps have been taken for the erection of Parsonage Houses, and in one of the older Missions (that of Cape Cove,) the people have exerted themselves to rebuild the residence of their Clergyman, which was destroyed by fire last Autumn. It is hoped, that before the Society meets again to receive the Report of the Central Board, Parochial Associations will be in active operation in the several Missions of this District. 0^ttv8 of ti)e Soatt^. It is again the melancholy duty of the Board to record the decease of a tried and valued servant of the Society, W. Ben- nett, Esq., the late Treasurer. After this gentleman had held the office about nine months, it seemed good to the All-wise One, who ordereth all things aright, to remove him from his sphere of duty here below. The death of such a man cannot be otherwise regarded than as a public loss. R. Symes, Esq., has been appointed Treasurer in his stead 19 s a • m • • • B • i# «» ■ • • • ■ • m i « %■ $ and during the iiast year the Hev. W. VV ickes huii discharged the duties of .Secretary and Travelling Agent of the li^ociety. (Hiamlltiig IHtsstouanis. The Rev. J. Carry, having passed the summer at the Quaran- tine Station, Grosse Isle, laboured during the winter and till the middle of May last in the destitute settlements of the Eastern Townships. The spiritual destitution and ignorance of the in- habitants of these parts, is referred to in the journals sent in from time to time to the Central Board of the Society by this gentleman in strong and moving terms. At the same time, the a^iathy exhibited by the people in general, tends much to damp the exertions of a laborer in a field that might seem to promise an abundant harvest. Assuredly, if faith and love are needed in any duty it is in such a task as this: and for such men the prayers of their Brethren in the Lord are specially required. The Secretary has been appointed to the duties generally discharged during the summer by the Travelling Missionary, viz.: those of- Chaplain to the Quarantine Station, at Grosse Isle. In conclusion, the Board would express a hope, that with the New Act of Incorporation, new life may be infused into the working of the Society. The experience of eight years should surely not have been thrown away upon us. And now a" favor- able opportunity occurs for an examination into the deficiencies and imperfections which may have marked the system hitherto pursuea. Certainly, the Society is not as generally known, is not as cordially supported as it deserves to be. It becomes us then to enquire why this is the case, and to see if measures can- not be taken to excite a more general interest in its proceedings, and thereby vastly to increase its im]K)rtance and efficiency. It does appear to the Board that ever^ member of our Church should have it distinctly laid before him, that it is his duty to support a Society, which embraces, within its com- Erehensive range, almost every department of exertion that can e contemplated by a religious association. And be it remem- 'bered, that this is the only Society, of the kind, working within this Diocese. Indeed, as Christ loved His Church and gave himself for it, so should every Member of the Church, within this Diocese, love and lend a helping hand to a Society, which, as far as its objects are concerned, is identified with the true interests and permanent establishment of the Church among us ; and, which, whilst it enables others to fulfil the Apostolic precept, ** To do good, and to communicate forget not," would wish ever, in nil its operations, to keep before its eyes its own motto, pro GCCLEsiA DEI, " For thp Church of God." zo IDr. <tl)e (fi^rneral Smib of i\)t (lll)urcl) SacirtQ 1950-1. KXPBNDITURB. Grants paid during the year : — Sept. 6, To Rev. R. Lewis, towards enlargement of Church at Portneiif. , ti u To Do., towards placing a stone foun dation under the Church at St. Ca therine's Oct. 5, To Secretary, for office Furniture,.. . . . Nov. 25. To Rev. J. Dalziel, towards repairing 1851. Uie Church at Eaton Feb. 5, First Annual Instalment towards the {mrchase of the Glebe Lot, New Ire- and June 17, To Rev. W. King, towards the com pletion of the new stone Church, at Fief Cumberland Investments : — July 31, Two Government Debentures, each £25 Feb. 11. Instalments on Four Shares in Union Building Society Salary of Travelling Missionary Do. of Secretary Incidental Expenses of Postage, Sta tionery, Travelling, &c., incurred by Secretary Expense of Printing Annual Report. Printing, Advertising, &;c Registration of Deed, at New Carlisle, Supplies for Grosse Isle, in 1S49.. . . July 2, Balance on hand 8. 12 10 5 20 12 12 50 24 125 133 21 47 5 247 728 10 d. 10 10 1 15 19 17 10 14 4 13 U 10 • 5 6 8 {> 3 2 11 * «• li 4 » » IN ACCOUNT WITH <Et)e <t(ra0ttrei. 1850-1. 1850. July 1, RBCRIPT8. Balance on hand Anniiul Subscriptions and Donations' from Quebec, during the year Life Sulracriptions Remittances irom District Associa-j tions I Collections on Quinquagesima Sunday, Dividends on Bank Stock and Deben- tures From Bishop's College, Lennoxville, its share of cost of Surveying lands in Halifax 243 172 25 91 131 44 20 13 9 3 17 tt .d 9 728 8 10 3 6 < 8 13 Quebec, 2d July, 1851. (Signed) R. SYMES, 11 Treasurer. V Wt. (2ll)( lUitioiDfl' anb (fi)r))l)aa0' Smib 1850-1. 1851. July 21, 1850-1. August 1, Nov. 15, « 20, April 25, 1851. July 2, EXPENDITURE. Grant : — To the widow of the Rev. J. E. F. Simpson Investments : — Grovernment Debenture for JSIOO. . . . Do. do. ... Two do. Fire Debentures, each £ 10, Two do. do., do.. Balance on hand. 12 100 101 20 s. 10 3 9 2 20 18 18 273 7 11 3 11 Wv. (ill)e NicoUt (ffnbonjinent Jttnlr 1850-1. EXPENDITURE. 1 £ s. d. July 31, April 25, 1851. .Tuly 2, Investments : — Grovernment Debenture for 6100 «' Fire Debenture for £ 1 . . Balance on hand. ..*.. .......1 1 1 100 10 i 30 3 9 7 7 4 £ ! 140 ! 19 11 i 1 ^}> 4 1 IN ACCOUNT WITH €l)e dTreasnrcr. 1850-1. 1850. July 1, RECEIPTS. Balance on hand Amount of Collections after Sermons. . Special Donations Interest on Debentures Interest from Deposits in Provident and Savings* Bank Interest on Debentures for Orphan of late Rev. R. Anderson 96 143 8 10 12 s. 8 6 2 16 14 273 7 IN ACCOUNT WITH <ttl)e (trcasttrcr. 1850. July 1, RECEIPTS. Balance on hand Amount of Four Annual Subscriptions, 25s. each From Nicolet Vestry Dividend on Bank Stock and Deben- tures Interest on Deposits in Savings' Bank, £ 90 5 25 19 140 s. 19 8 12 19 (Er. d. 6 6 (ffr. d. 8 3 11 Quebec, 2d July, 1851. (Signed) R. SYMES, Treasurer. iM <» m a 5 *3 -a eg (n vt « g - III J ■5 1 -a a eg 1 a a. ^ ^ w 1 Si a ..3 rzs CO •* "O tt> ^ -r S •? CO TS .^ :« ft « 2 a. o 1 § la 11 Si g «2 OB >^ ». »- S 2 •§ .2 2 t if .SSI'S i il a 2<N g 1 ll « |.i Sf 0. . f |l| 25a 00 m «\ v 5 CO 2 u o-S^-i > cS^i J3 !S§ S?sa § H '^^ <t< s «^ ^ Annual Sermon for Widows' & Orphans* Fund. •«OMOO i-«' « 10 lA CO < • "" 1-1 .* .1^ 1-i « :qooo-4 000 CI • i lual on for leral loses. -O to 00 3 o CJO 1-1 •voo «o — 0. . f-4 00 • WW 3iO 10 OS (6 com o> -HIO OiO SBSr oo ^^ "^ »M >i^ ^^^«s ^^oo«- »-<0 00.-I •N «-( I-l w^ •*4 • • • Hn • lilt ■Oo ; o : «o -00 ; 00 ojm • o • N m® • 10 • CJ« aia.§ <ftf 2<« •-* rl ' :f»^ : c» J "^ ow '■ t~ ©»-. Annual Subscrip- tions and Donations to Church Society. TJO o ©«> 00 o 00 10 1.H 04 ©10 mo ^ .^^V^ Hl» -:sss •a CO o o e »-hMO 1.H — 00 00 Tota Coliecl or Chi purpos ets©»o 1-1 1— om 2S <M /«A^t . •>rf'^» • • * • g • ea < • • • 1 T_ i : s • e. • B CQ 'i 3 h lis ■«> 0:^ : «5:a 1 Sc«,3 1 • 1^^ <^ : 00 • • • (J OH-; ^ ^c.:&: , ... • k • • f^A^\ ■ • • • • e ■ . . • • • • • o . • • • « • , , 1 .■ Parish or Missi ; « ; c It 1 • 1 • ■11 i ) ) t f E 1 • < > — ! 1 1 1 1 1 1^ ' 1 1 1 1 _ i n 3 i- H 1 • • :1 1^ l_- 1^^ a cs s 5 o oo oo OitO M ei-. k oo 1 »no f-4 OO o »n .-1 ^< 3S- 9 cq 6; •I Sri I. > a I 3 27 LIFE MEMBERS. [It ia proposed, in the new Act of Incorporation, to allow the Life Members to make choice of the Diocese with which they mav wish to be connected. As this Act is not yet in force, it has been tnought better this year to insert the whole of the names of Life Members of the old Socie^.] £ ■. d. His Excellency the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Governor General 12 10 The Lord Bishop of Quebec, (annual) 25 U Aylwin, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Badgley, Hon. W 12 10 Baldwin, Hon. R 12 10 Black,Hon.H 12 10 Bonner.J , 12 10 Bowen,Hon. Chief Justice. « 12 10 Bradbury, W ».... 12 10 Braithwaite, Rev. J 12 10 Brooke, Mrs 12 10 Caldw?i!,SirH.J., Bart .. 12 10 Campbell, Major 12 10 Chapman, W 12 10 Chnstie.Mrs t 26 Estcourt, Lt. Col.,M. P 12 10 Finlayson, Duncan 12 10 Forsyth, J. B 12 10 Gale, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Gerrard,Hon. S 50 Gillespie, A 12 10 Oriffin,F 12 10 Hall, George 12 10 Heath, James .:.. 12 10 Holmes, A. F.,M.D t2 10 6 Jessopp, H 12 to LeMesurier.H 12 10 Lovell,John 12 10 Mackie, Capt. W. S. C.,(88thRegt.) 12 10 Mackie, Rev. Official, D. D , 12 10 Maclaren, James 12 10 Macrae, Wm 25 0' 6 MoffattjHon. Geo 12 10 Molson, Hon. John ..-. 12^ 1^ Mountain, Rev. A. W 12 10 Mountain, Col., C. B CStg.) 15 Nicolls, Rev. J. H 12 10 Pangman, Hon. J 12 10 Pemberton, Hon. G 12 10 Petry, W 12 10 Pipon, Mrs. C, Jersey (Stg.) 12 10 Price, William 12 10 2S LIFE MBMBBRl— (CONTINCKD.) Pyke, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Racey, J 12 10 RamMViRev.J 12 10 RbodM. William 12 10 Robinmn, Rev. Frederick 12 10 Sealy, J • 12 10 Sewell, Rev. E. W 12 10 Sewelt. Rev. H. D.....*; 12 10 Stayner,T.A 12 10 Stewart, Hon. J : 12 10 Stuart, Hon. Sir James, fiart.. Chief Justice 12 10 Stuart, Henry. 12 10 Trigge,H.W 12 10 Trigge, T., (towards endowment of Nicolet Church) 12 10 Wait, Rev. W. W., (in four annual subscriptions) luo Walker,Hon. W 12 10 Wilbraham, Rev. C. P., Audiey Vicarage, near Newcastle, Stafford, 12 10 w t- 1 1< M>»M<Wi» » ^P..^<%'M»*MM.'^^^»^^*M.^i Contribators of £\2 10s, and upwards, Deceased. Metcalfe, the Right Hon. Lord £25 Campbell, Sazton 12 10 Chandler, Col. (to Nicolet Endowment Fund) 26 Christie, Major W. P. (annual)A 26 Cochran, Hon. A. W 12 10 Fletcher, Hon. Mr. Justice 12 10 Gray,F. R 12 10 Hunt, James 12 10 Kerr, James Hastings , 12 10 Leeds, Rev. J 100 Mountain. Lieut. J. O. (26th Regt.) 12 10 Patterson,? 12 10 Willoiighby, Rev. M 12 10 Wood^Robert 12 10 3 ^0*t^»0t0tftm0*0t0 LEGACIES. 1846.— William Tule, Esq., of Chambly £26 1848.— The Hon. Chief JoHticeReid, of Montreal 100 I860.— Colmel Chandler, of Nicolet,(ror Nicolet Endowment Fund) 26 T m 29 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS FOR 1850-51. Annual Subacribera in England. Brooke, Mrs (StgJ £10 <3ronow, Misi " 10 Mountain, MiM. .. ; " I Mountain, Min C " 1 Simeoe, Miss « I QUEBEC. Life Subacription. Gillespie, A £12 10 Anntud Subacribera, Quebec , Lord Bishop of. . . £25 Andrew, William 1 6 Andrews, Mrs. T 5 *Annstrong, Mrs 4 Ashe, Lieut, R. N 1 6 Ashworth, Miss 2 Bell, A. D 1 6 Bell,Mrs. A. W 5 Beqnett, W 1 5 Beswick, G 1 5 'Boomer, J 8 •Boomer, W 6 Booth, Mrs 10 Boxer, Capt., R. N., C. B. 1 5 Brocklesby, Mrs 5 Brown, W 10 Burnet. D 1 6 Burstall, E 1 6 Burstall, H I 6 Caldwell, Sir H. J., Bart. . 1 6 Campbell,A 2 10 Campbell, Miss. « 10 Campbell, Miss H 10 •Campbell, F ' •Campbell, Mrs. A. , Jr . . . Cary.T 1 4 15 5 Cary,G. T 15 'Chratmas, Mrs 6 CoombOiT 2 4 6 4 6 •Craig,Mr *Craig, Miss *Cro8s, Miss *Cro88, Miss E Davies, W. H. A *Doherty, Miss Douglas, G. M», M. D. . . . Douglas, Mrs. G. M •Doyle, F Dupont, Mrs. W. D Fitzgerald, Mrs Fletcher, J Forsyth, Jas. B Forsyth, Jos. B Fox J Fraser, Hon. J. M Freer, N Fry, Mrs •Gear,H. J George, Miss Giles, Mr. and Mrs Gillespie, A Glover, T Gowen, H Hanoilton, Mrs Harbeson, Mrs Harrison, Mis Haslett,J Hatherly,J.J £0 2 6 2 6 6 6 1 5 5 1 5 10 10 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 1 5 1 5 10 5 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 1 5 10 5 5 6 * Monthly, Quarterly, or Weekly Subscribers. 'The amount opposite each name is that for the wnole year. 30 Hatherly.Mra...., £0 6 Hawkins, E 5 Henderson, W.S 6 •HeHe. Mrs 6 © •Hethrington, Mm 10 o HoRknan.C & o Houghton, J 10 Houghton, T 5 o •HuIl.Mn 6 Hunt, B 6 Hunt, Mrs 10 Hunt, Miss 10 O •HusUnd. Mrs 4 o Irvine, George I 6 •Jackson, Miss 4 O Jameson, J 1 6 Jeffery, Mrs. W. H I 6 Jessopp.H I 6 •Jones,Edwin , 1 6 Jones,H.N 1 6 o Jones, Mrs. H. N 2 6 Julyan, Mrs 6 •Kennedy, Mrs 7 6 Knight, Mrs. H 2 6 Leaycraft, J. W 1 6 •Lecionier, Mrs 6 L«ggatt,H. P 10 LeMesurier, H.......... 16 LeMesurier, Mrs. H., Jr. . 16 Lenfestey,H 2 6 •Lesueur, F 6 Lloyd, Mrs. T. W 6 •Macintosh, Mrs 6 Mackie,Rev.Officia],D.D. 6 Madden, Mrs 6 •Magill,MTS 6 Marsden, Mrs 16 Mason, Miss 10 Mime, F... ........... 10 Meredith, Hon. Judge. ... 160 •Miller, Mrs 6 Montizambert, Mrs 16 Montizambert, C. N 15 Morrin, Jos., M. D 10 •Mountain, Mrs 16 •Mountain, Rev. A. W.. 6 16 •Mountain, Miss K 7 6> MouDtaiB,M.6 10 •Nash, Mrs 5 61 N«ad,H.J I 6 •O'Connor, Miss I flt •0*N«in, B.. » 2 6t Owen, R 5 | Parks, Mr. «0 2 6 Patterson, P £l 6 •Peveriy, Mrs 2 6 •Perrie,fI.R 6 Preiflbr,M 6 Piton.Mrs , 6 Plees, Rev. R. 6 1 6 Poole, James 10 •Potts, R 4 4 Price, W I 6 •Prior, Mrs. 15 •Pye.J 6 •Quigg, H 6 •Rickaby, Miss 6 o •Royston,J 7 6 Samson, R 6 Scott,H.S 1 6 Scott,Miss 1. 6 Scott,Miss.. 2 6 Sewell, J. A., M. D 16 Sewell,John., 6 Sheppard,P 6 Smith, H 4 6 •Stanley, G 7 6 Stewart,Hon. Jj.^....;.. I 6 •StoH, Mrs 6 Strealfeild,Lt. Col.,R. E. 2 •Sutelifle. Mrs 6 •SwalWell, Mrs 6a •Tarr.Mrs 16 •Tafr.H 2 6 Taylor, Miss 1 5 Taylor, E 10 •Taylor, Mrs 7 6 •Taylor, Mrs. S 4 Thielcke, H. D 10 •Thompson, S 7 6 •Thornton, Miss 6 Tims, Mrs. W 6 •Tremain, Mies 7 6 Turner, E. (2 years) 10 Urquhart, R 4 4 Usborne,G. W 1 6 Usborne, Mrs 15 •Usborne, Miss 7 6 •Usborne, Miss M. P 4 4 •Usborne, Miss E. C. .. 4 Valleau, W. B 10 Wadman,W 5 VonExier, J 1 5 Wainwright.R I 6 •Walker, Miss H 13 Walker, Hon. W 1 6 •Waterson.J I df Welch, Mfs. a 2 6 31 Wberrj. H iCO 5 •Whiteford, Mn 5 WickM,R«v.W 1 6 WilM, Mn 5 Willianw.F. (2yean)... 10 Wilwn, J.T 12 6 Wood, W.F 1 5 Woodbury, Mra 1^0 •Wright, Mn jCO 7 6 Wyie,P 6 Foung, D. D 15 Young, John 15 •Young, W 4 ToUl. £153 15 8 <ww»^»^»<ww»^^»^»^^^^^o*^ Donations : Anonymous, per Revd. Official Mackie,DD... £5 fB. of H., U. Canada, per Rev. C. L. F. Haemel, 10 BurgeM, J 10 Campbell, Mrs 1 5 Cole, Mrs. B 2 6 Friends, per Miss Mason, 14 5 tFriend,per Miss Tremain, 2 6 Gardiner, Mrs 7 6 tHummel,J 10 Montizambert,E.L 5 M.S 3 9 0gden,6. P 6 Poston, Mrs. E 2 6 Poston, Mrs. W 6 fStewart, Hon. J 15 Stott, Mrs 2 6 Taylor, Miss 6 3 Temple, Mrs 6 Todd, Mrs jEO 6 Walker, Miss H 5 White, Mrs. W 2 6 Woodbury, Mrs 7 6 fZouch, Mrs 4 10 SmallSums 16 4i Miss Ashworth's Mis- sionary-Box 13 Rev. R. O.Plees, do ... 16 7 H. Tarr, do.... 2 3 Total.. £26 3 H Mackie, Revd. Official, D. D., towards East India designs of So- ciety for Propagation of the Gospel Ditto, to Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews £2 10 I 5 t To the Widows' and Orphans* Fund. ST. FRANCIS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Annual SiAacriptiona. SHERBROOKE. Three-fourths appropriated. Barber, Horace JCO 10 Bowen, 6. F I 6 Clark, E 6 ClaTk,Mr8 5 Cockboum, Mrs 6 Doak,W.R 5 Elkins, C.P 5 Elkins, Mrs 5 Elkins,H £0 5 Elkins, Mrs. H 5 Felton, W.L I 6 Galt,A. T 2 10 Hale, Hon. Edward 2 10 Hellmuth,RevI. 1 5 Listen, E 1 3 Listen, If 19 32 Lomu, Adam £0 5 LomM, Mn 6 Morkill.R. D 5 Morkill, Mr* 6 Moe, H <> 10 (Hgood, L U 6 Ritchie, W o 16 Q Short, Mn.E 6 Smith, Hoilis 10 Smith, Mr 6 Smith, S 6 Stafford,! 10 Thompson, O £0 6 Walktr, MiH L I Walker, J 6 Whitcher, A. H 6 Whitcher, Mn. C 6 Whitcher, Agnea 1 Winter, A 6 Woodward, A. 10 Woolley, E 6 Total. .£18 13 LENNOXVILLE. Three fourths appropriated. Adam8,P £0 7 6 A Friend, through Mr Allen 6 Allen, A A, Bp College. ..060 Bakery H do BarricJ 6 Birtch,RS,Bp College.... 6 Boyle, F, Bp College 6 ButIer,Rev J 1 6 Butts,Mi88 C 6 Carr, Mr 6 Chapman, J ... 5 Chapman, Prof, Bp College I 6 Charles, Miss 6 Cunen,Mr 5 Cullen, Mrs 6 CuUen, Elizabeth 6 Cullen, Luke, .Tr , 5 Cullen, W 2 6 Cunnynghame, Mr, 6r Schl. 2 6 Cu8hing,JP 5 Cushing, Miss 6 Doolittfe, Rev L 3 15 Edgehill,Mrs 10 £IIegood,CP,Bp College.. 5 Elliott, Ezekiel 10 Forster, Mr 6 Fuller, L 10 Fuller, Mrs 6 Gamsby, Mr, Bp College. .060 Hall, J N, Gr School 2 6 Jackson, Mrs 5 Jenkins, J, Bp College 5 Jones, S, do 5 McAdam, MissM 2 6 McGinnis, R, Gr School ...£() 2 6 Mears, Mr 10 Mears, Mrs 10 Miles, Prof, Bp College... 1 6 Morris, Mrs 15 Morris, Benjamin 7 6 Morris, Miss.. 7 6 Morris, Miss M A 7 6 Mussen, Mr, Bp College-.. 10 Mussen, A F, Gr School... 5 Nicolls, Rev Principal 1 5 Nicoll8,Mrs I 6 Osgood, T 1, Bp College. ..060 Paddon, Mr and Mrs 1 Plane,Mr8 1 3 Prior, B, Gr School 2 6 Roe, H,Gr School 6 Ross, WM, Bp College... 5 Sewell,JA 2 6 Towlo, Mrs 5 Towie, Mias 5 Vincent, Mrs 5 Vincent, Mr C 5 Warren, Miss 6 3 Watson, Mrs I 3 Widger, Miss MA 2 6 Whitwell,W, Gr School.. . 2 6 Willis, Mr 5 Wilson, W 5 Wood, Mrs 5 Total.. £26 16 3 33 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 6 3 3 6 6 V) % C O * P T O N .. On«-half appropriated. Kendrick, A. W £0 5 Lon|(ee,J 6 Pomroy, B 10 Reid, Rev C. P I 5 Stimson, A 5 Smith, G. S. XO 5 Total.. iC2 16 HATLEY AND STANSTEAD. (No liatB received.) BURY. Three-fourths appropriated. Asker, J Bennett, John Bennett, J. , Junr Bennett, J Bown, Thomaa Crawford, J Ebbs,N Groome, M Hawley, C. .' Hawley. C. B.. Hunt, G Hunt, J Hurring, J Kemp, Rev. J Marks, R Martin, F £0 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 6 5 5 10 5 10 Martin, Mrs. F £0 10 a Martin, J 6 Mayhew, J 6 VIclver.L 10 Ord, A 6 Pope.L • 6 O' Pope. J 6 Parsons, G 2 Sharman.J 10 Stokes Thomas 6 Wyatt, Edward 6 A Friend 2 • Total. .JC8 KINGSEY AND UPPER DURHAM. One-half appropriated. KiNOSET. Balfour, Rev. A £0 5 Cox, Lieut. Col 5 Lodge, Mrs 5 Longmore, Lieut. Col 10 Longmore, Mrs 10 Total.. £1 15 Durham. Burrell, W 5 Cutter,H 6 Dowd,B £0 2 Dowd, J 5 Hall, J 6 Lyster.C 5 Lyster.R 5 Lyster, 8 6 Lyster, W. 6 Stevens, 8 5 Trenholm.J 5 Total.. £2 12 6 MELBOURNE AND SHIPTON. Adams.J £0 I 3 lAylmer^M £0 5 Alexander, MiM 2 6 | Aylmer, Mrs 8 Armstrong, W 7} | Baker, G. W., Junr 5 E 34 Barnanl.MiM i'O 'i 6 Brook*, Mm... 2 6 Brooke, W 5 Carpenter, Mri 1 3 Chillui. Mrs 5 Cleveland, 0. B 5 Clereland, Mr* L 2 6 Cleveland,MiH 2 6 Cleveland, Min 2 6 Cleveland MiHet I 3 Crocker, W 2 6 Crombie, W I 3 Cutter, W.R 2 6 Cutter. Mrs I 3 Cutter, E.A t 3 Cutter,M.L 2 6 Daviee, Mr 2 I>ewey, E 6 Evana, Mrs 5 Evana.Miaa ... 2 6 Evans, Miss E 2 6 Evans, Miss M. A 2 6 Evans, J. H. Ic D 2 6 Falloon, Jannes, Esq I 5 0. Falloon, Mrs James 7 6 Falloon, Rev. Dr I 5 Fraser, Mr 5 French, Mrs 5 Friend, A I 3 Do 7J Foster, 0. K.t 16 Foster, Mrs 5 Hamel, George 1 3 Harris, Oeorge 10 Harris,Mrs 5 Joumeauz, E 5 Jo^rneaux.R., Jr X'O 5 Jonrneaux, Mrs R 5 Lloyd, W 5 MacDonald, Miss 5 Martin, M.H ... 1 3 McLaughlin, H 5 McLeay, D 2 6 McLeay, R 5 Norton, G.M 5 Pierce, Mrs 2 6 Pierce Miss 2 6 Rankin, Miis 1 3 Steel, Mrs 1 3 Swansborough, Mr 2 6 Tait, T 1 5 » Tait,Mrs 10 Tait,W.C (12 6 Tait,8arah 2 6 Tait,Enima 2 6 Tait, Melbourne 2 6 Thonnas, D 2 6 Thomas, Mrs D 1 3 Thomas.L 2 6 Thomas, D, Junr, S. S., H. M.,L. A.,andC. M... 1 3 Try, E 5 Wade.Mrs 1 3 Wadleigh, Miss 2 6 Webb, Mrs,, Cant 5 Webb, Mrs William, (for Widows' and Orphans' Fund) 7 6 Webster, S.T 2 6 Total.. 15 18 9 DUDSWELL. Annual Subscriptions. One-half appropriated. Bishop, H. G XO 10 Bishop,A.P 6 Bishop, J. B 4 5 Chapmau, Rev. T. S 1 Chester, W.,Senr 8 Chester. W., Junr 5 Ch«ster,R 2 CoU, J 1 Cunningham, H 2 Davis, Thomas £0 5 Earley, Miss E 5 Evans, Z 2 6 6avin,S 5 Gilbert,A 2 6 Jenkinson, R. H 13 Jenkinson, W 13 Kiiigsley,E 2 6 Lothrop, C 6 « " ^^ n 3 u 6 6 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 9 ■ 35 * • LothruD. W iX) 8 tf Willard, L. U *"'» » 3 Munnkittrick, J., nolif J • • . • • • • •! 6 2 6 Willar'!, 8 5 Willard, W . , « 8 « WettniKn, E .... Wefton. J . ... 6 2 6 lo a!.,Ar> 13 » « Weylend, Mist E 2 6 *" « THREE RIVERS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. • • • Annual Subacriptiona : THREE RIVKRS. Three-fourths appropriated. » • m Brock. Mrs JBO 10 Wood,S.,C.,E..M , M.,S., Dickson, James. . 1?MiAn<l A 1 6 J , W.. A.,and J £0 12 6 • 4 Ritter. J. U Total. .X8 17 6 Wood, Rev. S. S Wood, Mrs 1 6 1 " "i DRUMMONDVILLE. • m \ 9 Watts. R N. .. . »....X0 6 FORI » ^NEUF DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Annual Subacriptiona : » • PORTNEUF. Three-fourths appropriated. AlIsopp.Dr £0 10 Allsopp, Robert 10 Aylwin, Charles 6 Aylwin, Mrs. Charles 6 Bell, Peter 6 Betts, Benjamin 2 6 Betts, George 6 Betts, Sarah 2 6 Bishop,John 6 Bishop, Robert 2 6 Bishop, Park 5 Bishop, Mrs. John 2 6 Blair, John 3 Brown, John 6 BaisV, George 6 Cadoo, William 6 Dodd, James 3 Gilpin, George... Gilpin, Sarah.... Hale, Hon. Ed..., Hale, George C Hale.Mrs. W. A. Kearney, Michael. .. Kingsborough, John . Lewis, Rev. R.. .. Marshall, William.. Marshall, Jane Mathews, Thomas . . Mathews, John Mathews, William.. McKeowD, William. Mondor, Flavien. . . Moore, William.... Newberry, Elizabeth • ••••••< £0 6 (t 3 1 6 1 6 12 6 5 5 1 5 & 2 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 86 Newberry, Mary Ann £0 5 Pinkerton, Mm 5 Reinhart, Charles 6 Ricb,George 7 Scott,John 5 aeett, Williani 2 Webb,John £0 6 Webb, John, Junr 6 White, Richard 12 Total. .£14 6 B0UR6 LOUIS. Annual Subacription. B^v. T. Pennefatber VALCARTIER. £1 5 Valoartibr. Billings, Mr £0 10 Billings, Mr. T 5 Blown, Mr. 10 Brown, Mr. H 5 Brown, Mr.J 5 Crawford,Mr 6 Crawford, Miss M. A 4 DaTis,Mr 10 Hornby, Mr 10 lreland,Mr 10 Ireland, Mrs 6 Ireland, Mr F . . 5 Levallee, Mr 5 jLoughton, Mrs 2 6 Parkin, Rev. E. C 10 Thompson, Mr 10 Thompson, Mr. W 10 Ward, Mr. J 6 Annual Subscriptions. ! Ward, Mr. H £0 6 ; Wolff, Col 6 Total.. ^6 16 6 Stonbham. OjCraig, Mr. W £0 6 Craig, Mr. D 6 Cown, Mr 6 Dunn, Mr 6 Dundass, Mr... ....... .. 6 Forbes, Mr 6 Lambert, Mr 6 McDonald, Mr 6 Patterson, Mr 6 Sums under 2s. 6d 2 6 Total.. £2 7 6 MEGANTIC DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Annual Subscriptions. POINTE LEVL fieiwick,6... £1 6 Charlton, P. C 1 6 Chapman, Mrs. (St. Henry) 5 Chapman, George 6 Dawe, Edwin. .......... 050 Edmonds, Alice 5 naughton,E 6 Haitthton, Mrs. 6 Jenluns, Wm 10 Sample, R.... 10 Sample, Mrs. R 10 Sample, Mrs. Joseph 6 Simmons, Mri 6 |Smyth, Mrs. T 6 Tilley, John £0 10 Taylor, Miss 6 Do. (proceeds of a Mis* sionaryBox) Taylor, Wm Torrance, Rev J I Torrance, Mrs 1 Torrance, Marion G Torrance, Wm Walker, Wm 10 Total.. £10 16 » > f 37 6 6 12 6 5 5 16 6 5 1 6 \ 5 ) 5 ) 6 } B 1 5 U 1 5 1 5 1 2 6 > 10 5 6 5 S 5 6 10 NEW LIVERPOOL. ^ « > * » ' Amiraux, Tinibthy £0 10 Hamilton, Robert 15 fligginson, Wq) 10 Jonnston, J 6 Lambie,John 10 Ritchie, Mrs 5 Roberto,Robert 2 10 LEEDS Ross, W JEI 5 Sissons, R 5 Vachon, Mrs 5 Walker, H 5 Total. .£7 15 Church, Abraham-.., ... £0 5 Church, John 5 Hall, Alexander 1 Jiggens, Matthew 10 IRELAND AND IliVERNESS. Woodington, Richard £() 5 Total.. £2 5 Irbland. Barwis, T. . Bennet, R., for 1850 Do. for 1851 Campbell, C Cross, H., for 1850 Cross, J., do. do Donaghy, James, do Donaghy, John, do....... Ellis, F., do Hall, Ira, for 1849 Do, do. 1850 Do, do. 1851 Hall, Amos, for 1850 Do, do. 1851 Johnston, S., Junr... McCallum, J., for 1850. . . . Meserv^, A., do....... Mitehel, J., do Mitchel, R., do.. Nichol,R OKle, W., for 1850 £0 5 5 7 6 1 5 5 2 6 6 2 6 10 0.10 15 1 15 5 2 6 10 5 5 5 . 5 Porter, R., for 1850 £0 5 Simpson, Rev. S. H 1 5 u Wilson, J., for 1850 10 Total.. £10 6 INVERNESS. Bridge,J £0 5 o Fulton. A., 2 years., 10 Gunalton, W 5 Hogg,H 6 Johnston, James, Senr., for 1850 10 Johnston, James, Jiinr., do, 5 Leadbeater, J., do 5 q Leith, J, Senr 5 Rockingham, J., (One-half appropriated) 15 Wilton, T. 10 Tot*l..£4 5 ST. SYLVESPTER. Or.e-half appropriated. Bain, R £0 5 Cinnamon, W 6 Cinnamon, Mrs 5 Dixon, D 5 Edwards,H 10 Fr8il,N 10 King,Rev. W 15 King, Mrs 7 6 King, Miss 5 King, Master 5 Machell.J 10 Og[Ie, W 5 Ros8,W 5 Taylor, W 5 Total., £5 7 6 ST. mart's. Foster, Mr £0 5 Lilliott,Mrs 5 Moore, Mr 5 Pozer, Mrs. G 6 Pozer, Miss 2 6 Sloane, Mr 5 Total.. £1 7 6 BROUOHTON. Rcinhart, Mr jEO 5 38 GROSS£ ISLE. Annual Subacriplions. Douglas, G M, M D £1 5 | Wickes, Rev. W . . Donations to General Fund. £1 d Aburn, G., R. A ....£0 1 3 firown,A 2 6 Brown, W., 79th HighlM.. 1 3 Cherleson, M., do 1 3 Coglan,J.,R. A U 1 3 Finley, JmR- A 13 Fisher, Mrs ;. 10 Fitzsimmons, P 5 Gair, J 2 6 Hamilton,H.,79thHighlrs. 1 3 Harris, P. P., Com. Staff.. 15 Hays, Margaret 2 6 Hurst.B 2 6 Jaques,E.,M. D 15 Kelly, Eliza 1 3 Donations to Widows'* and Orphans^ Fund, McKay, M £0 10 | Scott, Capt. F. G.,7l8tRegt. £0 15 Lidwell, Lt.G.,19th R«<gt. £0 15 Maiden, J., R. A 1 McBrien, Catherine 2 McDonald, W., R. A d 1 Miller, J 2 Nelson, J., 7l8t Regt 2 Partridge, H 1 Patrick, W., 79th Highlrs. 1 Piton,N 6 Scott, Capt. F.6, 71st Reg. 10 Skinner, H 3 Widow's Mite 3 6 3 6 6 3 3 \\ Total. .£5 10 The following sums, due for 1849-50, have been received during the past year : — 1851. <^ As. d. Jan. II, From Frampton West, per Rev. J. Van Linge 15 << << From Ireland and Inverness, per Rev. S. H. Simpson... 6 16 N. B.— Amounts are still due for the same year from Pointe Levi, New Liverpool, and Rividre du Loup en haut. :iL 39 1 d 15 1 3 2 6 1 3 2 6 2 6 1 3 1 3 5 10 3 H n 10 ;o 15 f the past » B. d. 15 16 ^ vi, New ibrtns of Beqneata anb IDmsea bg iDiU. I. A Bequest of a sum of Moneys or of Shares of Stock, or Public De- bentures for the general purposes of the Society. 1 give and bequeath to the " Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec," in- corporated by a. Statute of the Province of Canada, passed in the seventh year of the Reign of Her Majesty Quben Victoria, the sum of pounds, Currency, (or Shares of Stock in the Bank of standing in my name in the Books of the said Bank,) or, (if Debentures, de> scribe them briefly,) upon trust, to be by the said Church Society applied to and for the uses and pnrpoies of the said Society, as specified in the said Act of Incorporation and none other. II. ^ Bequest of a sum of Money, or of Shares of Stock or Debentures for one or more of the specific purposes of the Society. (Same as the foregoing, only instead of the words in Italics, say) for and towards the encouragement ancMupport of Missionaries and Clergymen of the United Church of England and Ireland, within the said Diocese of Quebec, — the creating a fund towards the augmentation of the Stipends of Poor Clergjr* men of the said United Church within the »aid Diocese, — and making provi- sion for those who may be incapacitated by ag;e and infirmity, and for the widows and orphans of the Clergy of the said Church in the said Diocese. Or, For and towards the encouragement of Education, and the support of Day Sclv>o1s and Sunday Schools in the said Diocese of Quebec, in conformity with the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland. Or, For and towards a Fund for assisting persons preparing for the Ministry of the Grospel in the United Church of England and Ireland within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or, For and towards a Fund for circulating, in the said Diocese of Quebec, the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer of the United Church of Eng- land and Ireland, and the Books and Tracts approved by the said Churcn Society for circulation within the said Diocese of Quebec. Or. As an aid towards the erection, endowment and maintenance of Churches according to the Establishment of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Diocese of Quebec, — the erection and maintenance of Parsonage Houses, — ^the setting apart of Burial Grounds and Church-yards,.— and the En- dowment and support of Parsonages and Rectories, according to the said Establishment within the said Diocese. III. A Devise of Real Estate for the general purposes of the Society. I give and devise unto the " Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec," in- corporated by a Statute of the Province of Canada, passed in the seventh year of the Reign of Her Majesty Qdhn Victoria, all and singular, he. (Dn- 40 scribe the Real Estate clearljf.) To have and to hold the said, &c., unto the said Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, and their successors, for ever ; upon trust to hold and apply the same, and the rents, issues and profits thereof to and for the use* and purpout of the said Church Socitty, as specified in the said Act of Incorporation, and none other, and under the provisions of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society. . I V. if Devise of Red Estate for any one or more of the specific purpous of the Society. Same as in No. 3— only instead of the words in italics insert the specific purposes, as in No. 2. V. A Devise to the Society of a Site for Church, fyc. Same as in No. 3, down to the words " for ever'* — tken go on as follows :— to the uses and upon the trusts following, that is to say ; Upon trust to hold the same for ever hereafter, as and for the place and Site of a Church and Church- yard, and Burial Ground, for the sole use and benefit of Members of the United Church of £ngland and Ireland, residing in places adj¢ to the said site and premises within the said Diocese of Quebec, being in tuU communion with the same, according to the doctrines and discipline of the said United Church of England and Ireland, and for no other purpose, and under the provi- siona of the aforesaid Act of Incorporation of the said Church Society. ■•WNMI»«(NMMfl ■"-o. &c., unto the ors, for ever ; >rofits thereof 8 specified in riaions of the ijic purpous the specific re. I follows :— to ist to ho!d the and Church- mbers of the It to the said 1 communion said United ier the provi- eiety. BY-LAWS dDf tl)e 6t fcatuM Wittvut ^ssonatton. \Adopted at a Ckneral Meeting of the Association hdd at Sker- "brooke, on the 20ih douy of May, 1851 : and printed by ordtr of the Central Boards at the request of the Aaaoaation.'] 1. Of the Association. 1. The Association consists of all persons resident within the District who contribute fiv> shillings annually to the Dinds of the Church Society. 2. The Association shall meet annually at Sherbrooke on the last Wbdnesdat in Mat ; at which meetioz the Officers of the Association shall be elected, the Treasurer's accounts submitted, aud the report of the pest year's proceedings read. 3. Special Meetings of the Association may be called at any time (to meet at Sherbrooke) by the Chairman or on requisition of any six membeis of the Association, made to the Secretary jn vriting. 4. QuARTBELY Mb*. .{ gs of the Association shall be held in the perishes or missions of the Distri .^, on ^ach days as shall be arranged by the Committee at the Annual Meeting of the Association. 5. Notice or all Meetings shall be given in writing to the Clergy of the District (who shall be requested to give notice of the same in their several missions) at least three weeks previous to such meeting :— Notices of special meetings shall state their objeot. 6. COLLECTroNS shall be made at all meetings of the Assoeiatien for thege- neral purposes of the Society, and new subscriptions solicited by the Chairman. 7. No AHBNOMBNT OB ALTERATION of the By-laws of the Associatun shall be made, unless such amendment or alteration shall be proposed at one, and adopted (after an interval of not less than one month) at another, general meeting of the Association. II. Of the Officers of the Association. 1. No person shall be chosen to any office under the Association who is not a member thereof. 2. The Chairman is the Senior Clergynsan holding a Pastoral charge within the District. In case of his absence from any meeting ef the Association or Committee, the Senior Clergyman present at the opening of the meeting shall preside. 3. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Association or Committee, and shall draft the Annual Report and keep minutes of all pro> ceedings ef the Association and Committee. 4. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association and remit such as are net appropriated by the Committee to the Treasurer of the Dio- «esan Society ; and shall submit a statement of bis accounts at the Annual Meeting of the Association. 42 ». TIm Oommittbb slwll eoMiat of tli« Ciarfy of tiid Dktriet, r-^l tht Warden* of the several Churches, the Secretary and Treasurer of the Associa* tion, and such others as jihaU Jw ahosenat the ^nnial Meeting of the Associa- tion ; MX of w&om, Mrs* eUneal aid Ihrit lay mImbM, shall form a quorum. 6- It shall be the busincss or thc Committbb to receive the report drawn up by the Seerstiry, and to «lter, afmend, or approve the same ; to receive and decide on applications for grants of money, to sanction a ny out- lay made by officers of the Association, and to make the necessary prepara- tf/;np tot .(;9adu.ctit>g the Meetings of the. Association. But the OfiouiKs 5 ranted by tiie Committee shal^ not t:(ce»fk on* kalffij lh$ n^0»iation$ Xf^fMi uHfiif the yeai-tt the District. \ , . . , ,, 7. The Committee shaft meet on the day previous to any Meeting of the Aasociation at such time and place as shall bfl notified by the Secretary. IJI. Of Stcb-Oommittees and Pmroekial Associations. 1 . The Clergyman and Churchwardens of each Parish or Mission form a StTB-GoMMiTTEB therein, of which the Clerygyman shall be ex officio iCbairman. 2. They shall report annually to the Committtee of the Association the sums raised in the respective Missions ; stating, if there be any special donations, for which of the general purposes of the Society they are are nJlade, and making application for the half allowed to be appropriated by the Committee, if needed, specifying for what purpose it is required. They shall, also men- tion what sums have been raised for local purposes and give any further in- formation, which they shall wish to appear in the Report of the Associa- tion. Such reports must be signed by the Clergyman and at least one of the Wardens, and be ceiU in to the Secretary on or before May IS, .or they will receive no attention. ' . "^^Z ' . 3. The Sub-Committee in each Parish or Mission shall in conjunction with those of parishioners who are willing to assist them, constitute a Pahochial Association. Each Parochial Association shall appoint its own Secrete^-y and Treasurer, who shall be ex officio members of the Sub-Committee ; and shall have power at any of its meetings to add to the number of such Sbb- ijomQittee. The Chairman (or in his absence the Churchwardens) shall summon Meetings of the Parochial Association. 1 * • 1 Note. — It is desirable that the Clergjr yrho inteqd to be present at the Meetings of the District or Pafochial Associatibns, communicate their names to the Incumbent of the place where nny such Meeting is to be held, in order that Provision may be made for their entertainment. It is also recommended, that besides the notice during Divine Service, a wiiten notice be put up, on the Church door, of the time and place of meetings. The Committee has also adopted as Rules :— 1. That the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper shall be administered at all Morning Services preceding the Meeting* of the Association. 2. That the Clergy shall all be present at the Morning Services and at the Meetings of the Committee as well as at the Meetings of the Association. 3. That the Clergy shall attend both the services and the Meetings of the Association in gown and bands. ■ • 1 * m f f