V] <^ % /a /: *^ ^ ^ signifie "A SUIVRE ". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtra fiimAs d des taux da rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit en un seul cliche, il est film* i partir de I'angle sup^riaur gauche, de gauche d droits, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'imagas nicessatra. Les diagrammes suivants illuatrant ia mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 PARISH OF SIION 9?h€ Directors offer the followin peted for by the members To (he Farmer wh'* shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall have the To the Farmer who shall hav4 the for two acres excluded ; To the Farmer who shall have the hest Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field best Field b«*st Field best Fi^ld of Wheat Hot less than half an A< of White Oats, not less than an ^ of White Oats, not less than an ^ of Black Oats, not less than an A of Black Oats, not less than an Ji ot Grey Buckwheat, not less than i Of Rouieh Buckwheat, on new or c of Turnips, not less than half an of Potatoes, on new land not less of Potatoes, not less than an Acr of Carrots not less than a quarter Stumped and Ploughed, not less i Stumped and Ploughed, not less moit suitable Barn for Stock and for houstn Competitws are requested to give ia their names to ti Aupmt iiext<^ when the Judges will be appointed. PR EM 1 1 Vo he given at the Annual Fair heldl at lioell lii IXONDS' DISTRICT fMoYfiskg Premimns to be eom- nembers of the Societjr:— : less than half an Aor«— first Prize XI, second l5s.; third lOs; ts, not less than an Acre on new land-^first £1, second I5s., third lOs ; ts, not less than an Acre on old land— first £i, second 16b., third 10s ; s, not less than an Acre on new land— first j€1, second 15s., third lOc ; s, not less than an Acre on old land— first £1, second 15s., third lOs ; wheat, not less than an Acre on new or old land — first £\, second lAi., third iQi; ;kwheat, on new or old land^first £i, second 15s.» third lOs ; ot less than half an Acre-^first j^l 5s., second 15s., third 10s ; on new land not less than an Acre— first £1, second I5s., third lOs ; not less than an Acre, on old land— -first £l, second 15s., third IQs ^ t less than a quarter of an Acre— first £}, second 15s., third 10s ; Ploughed, not less than two Acres— first £l, second 15s., third lOl. i Ploughed, not less than an Acr«-^first £1, second 15s., third lOi., oompetitflfi Itock and for housing Manure— first prize jCI, second 15s., third lOs ; sir names to the Becretary im the first Saturday iai lointed. 'MXPMPMMHKMIMMM* wSk iUMS > ♦ lal Fair and Cattle Show to be Ciocli Eiomoiiil on heM Bt iiOcH lii MmU JKi! the ISChofOetali 10 Itt prise. X «. d. B«it Bull, three veers old or e?er, thorough-tred, . . . . i . Two jream oM Bull, thorough''*' <^ bred, .......100 One year old Bull, ... 15 Dairy Cow, thorouph-bred, - Two years old Heifer, tho- rough-bred, - . . . . One year old Heifer, thorougli- bred, -----«- Natire Cow, (dairy) - . - Two yearn old Heifer, native, One year Old Heifer, native, Bull Cair; Heifer Calf, ..... III are and Colt suitable for Agricultural purposes, Three years old Colt, - - Two years old Colt, . - 0«e year old Colt, ... Pnir of Working Oxen, - . Ram, • . • • w * • Ewe, 2nd, £ 3, d. 15 3rd. d. $, 10 15 a 10 15 10 5 10 o 15 10 7 6 10 15 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 7 10 6 6 5 6 3 3 5 7 5 5 6 5 *^ f. t - 15 - 15 . 10 . 15 . 10 10 Pi|irofL«nibs,|tainand£we, 10 15 10 10 7 10 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 10 7 7 5 5 5 6 5 -:'■% Best Boi Firk 5i 1011 41b( fo Che Bus Bis Bus Bus Bud Bus Bui Bui Bui Bui Bui Bus Bui Bes Bes iPhere will lie no Premium giTe or more eompetiturs. i J m: Sinsionds, -24th April, 1 8#0. iiocll tj^maiom4 0ii [|I§DAY of October nexts— 3rd. •• d. 10 10 5 10 O 7 6 5 7 5 5 6 ^ • 10 o' 7 7 5 ^ 6 6 5 6 ? B«it Boar, . . ^ . Sow, Firkin Better, not leM thine 50 lbs., ----.-, 10 lbs. Roll Butter, - - - 4 lbs. Roll BuUer,competiton for ten pounds excluded, - Cheese, not l««s than 10 lbs.. Bushel Wheat, .... Bcshol White Oats, ... Bushel Black Oats, . • . Bushel Grey Buckwheat, * * Budhel Rouffh Buckwheat, Bushel Swedish Turnips, Bushel Yellow Aberdeen do.. Bushel Earlj Horn Carrots, Bushel Long Orange do., Bushel Apples, ..... Bushel Early Blue Potatoes, Bushel any other sort do.. Bushel Onions, . . . . . Best 90 yards Hemespun, - Best 20 yards White Flannel 1st prize. £ 9. d. 10 10 vs 18 6 10 o i9 7 5 6 6 3 4 4 4 4*0 4 4 4 4 0* 4 6 6 4 10 DUO £ 9 ttnA, «. d. 7 6 7 6 10 7 e 5 3 5 9 d 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 aMI. f. ^ $ ^ 7 e 5 i e f 6 S 9 « 6 t « 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 7 9 2 9 9 9 9 6 f e 6 6 6 6 411 2 e 5 6 6 « ium giTen where theie are aol two 1 ■;*f H|r JaRHAN, Jr., I8O0. .« CHUBB & CO., Prir Trav 30 Broaasides 12