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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sor.t fiimfo en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaTtra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — ► signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifce "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tabfeaux, etc., peuvent 6tre filmis d des taux de reduction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est fllmi d partir de I'angl? sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droit©, et d: ..3ut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 STATUTES, RULES AND ORDINANCES OF THE UNIVERSITY, KING\S COLLEGE, WlINDSOll, NOVA SCOTIA. REVISED BY THE GOVERNORS IN 1876. HALIFAX, N. S. I»RINTED BY JAMES BOWES & SONS, BEDFORD ROTY, 1875. iii»^ INDEX. C«p. 1. Of the Patron, Vigitor and Governors - - . . ^*f' 2. Of the Univeraity ^ - 3. Of the Professors 4. Convocation and Degrees •---.. a 6. The College ! 12 6. The Library ] 7. Discipline "----.-. Appendix jg Table of Fees and Dues - » - - " • - IJ 6 « 8 9 19 14 15 18 19 EXTRACT Trom the Act of Incorporation of King's College, Windsor, passed the 4th day of April, A. D. 1853. 2. The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, the HoDorable Brenton Hnlli- barton, Reverend Geors;e McCawley, D. D., the Honorable James B. Uniaoke, and Lewis Morris Wilkios, Esquire, together wiil» eifiht persona, being members of the Church of England, to be elected at a general or special meeting of the " Alumni of King's College, Windsor," «hall be Governors of the College hereby incorporated. 3. The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, for the time being, shall be always ex officio a Governor, President of the Board and Visitor ; the said Breuton Halliburton, George McCawley, James B. Uuiacke, and Lewis Morris VVilkins, shall be Governors, for the term of their respec- tive lives; and of the eight persons bo to be elected by the Alumni of King's College, Windsor, two shall in each and every year, succett.>ively, in the order of their electioo, go out of office, but such two Governors may be re-elected. At a meeting of the Governors of King's College, Windsor, held at^ Halifax, on Wednesday, the 12ih day of May, 1875, were revised and passed ihe following as the Statutes, Rules and Ordinances of the Uaiverr- «ity, Kiu^^'s Collego, Windsor, in the Province of Nova Scotia. V at th 01 re in b. VI C( t\ oi ai y A t\ STATUTES, RULES AND ORDINANCES OF THE TJ^Sri^EI^/SITir, WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA. OA.3P. I. OF THE PATRON, THE VISITOR, AND THE GOVERNORS. 1. — The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, for the time being, is I*atron of the College and University. 2. — The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, for the time being, is Visitor of the same. It is his office to take care that the Statutes are observed. He may summon before him, within the college, the President, Professors, and all other members of the University or College, and examine them touching all matters whatsoever, relating to the University and College, or any of its officers or members, and more particularly as to their religious principles and behaviour. He may admonish offenders, either publicly or pri- vately, but he shall not inflict any further punishment without the consent and concurrence of the Governors, or the major part of *^hem. 3. — There are twelve Governors, exclusive of the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, who is ex-officio President of the Board. They are elected by the incorporated Alumni, two going out of office annually in rotation. They meet once a month in Halifax or Windsor, and five are a quorum for the transaction of business. A special meeting may at any time be called by the President of the Board or by any three members thereof. 4. — The government of the College and TJniversity I's vcefctl in this Board. They have power to frame such rules and ordirmnccp touching any matter or thing respecting the College and Univer- sity as to them shall seem njeet, provided that such rules and ordi- nances shall not be repugnant to the laws and statutes of the realm or of the Province or to the Charter as amended by the Act of 1853. And whereas it is declared by the Charter, that all statutes, rules and ordinances may be disallowed by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury for the time being ; therefore these statutes and every revocation, augmentation, or alteration thereof shall be forthwith transmitted to the said Lord Archbishop. 5.— The appointment of all officers of the University an<l College belongs to the Governors. The President and the Profes- sors shall hold their offices during good behaviour, but they shall be liable to be removed for neglect of duty, inefficiency or other just cause, if nine members of the Board vote for such removal. 6. — At their annual and any other meetings, which they may think proper to hold at Windsor, the Governors are entitled to the free use of all public rooms, buildings and gardens, belonging to the College ; they shall be supplied with meals according to their own choice, and at their own expense, by the steward, and shall be waited upon and attended by the College servants. '^' — The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Governors during pleasure, and shall find competent securities for the faithful per- formance of his duties. He shall have a seat at the Board, and may speak but not vote on all questions of finance. He shall submit his accounts for the Inspection of the Governors, whenever required so to do, OAJP, II. OP THE UNIVERSITY. 1.— -A Matricula, or Kegister, shall be kept, in which the names ^}l «^x ^^„.a^Jua rri^u Diiiw* uv' nqiqniea merabei's oi tue university flhall be cr.iollcd, with their Ago and other particulars, by or in the presence of the President or his deputy. 2. The person to be matriculnted must have completed his fifteentii year,— have passed a satisfactory examination in the Greek and Latin languages,— and have signed a declaration that ho will comply with the rules and regulations of the University, of which he shall receive a copy. 3.— The Academical year shall begin in October, and shall contain three terms, in which all scholastic exercises shall be per- formed and all degrees conferred. Michaelmas term shall extend from the first Saturday in October to December 22nd ;— Lent term, from the second Saturday in January to the Saturday before Palm Sunday ;— Easter term, from the Monday after Easter Monday to the last Thursday in June. 4._Undergraduates shall not ordinarily be considered to have kept a term, otherwise than by a residence from the first to the last day. But with the written permission of the President, any term may be kept by a residence of not less than fifty-six days. 5.— Residence shall be kept by attendance in chapel, and at the appointed Lectures. Undergraduates shall not (juit college without leave from the President, and shall wait upon him immediately after their return to it. 6.— University and College examination shall be arranged ac- cording to regulations put forth by the College Board subject to the approval of the Governors. 7.— The following days shall be observed as Holidays in the University :— All Saint's Day, Ash Wednesday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, and the Accession of the reigning sovereign. 8.— A Public Festival, to be called the Enc^nia, shall be held annually on the last Thursday in June, in commemoration of the Foundation of the University by His Majesty King George HI. 8 On that day the Governorfl with the members of the Uni- versity, in their proper habits, shall proceed to the College Chapel or the Parish Church of Windsor, where Divine Service shall be celebrated, and a Sermon preached by the Professor of Divinitv or such other person as may be appointed by the Visitor. " ' u ,f u"'. ?r'r' *^'^ '^^" '^^^^ *'' ^^^ C«"«g« Ka". where shall be held the public Academical Act. An Oration shall be delivered by the President of the College, or some other member of the University appointed by him. Degrees shall be conferred, prize compositions shall b^ read, and other Academical exercises pertormed as the College Board may direct. 9.--A Proctor shall be appointed annually by the Governors, whose duty it shall be to take care that the Statuses are not trans- gressed m the town or neighborhood outside the College if CA.i>. HI. THE PROFESSORS, I 1" -J^"'! '^^" ^' "' ^'^'* ^^"' Professors, of whom one shall be he Preslden^ and two others Fellows of the College. Thev «hall subscribe the Declaration No. 2 in appendix. 2 — They shall lecture upon the following subjects :— Hebrew. Divinity— including pastoral theology. Classics, and Moral Philosophy. Logic and Rhetoric. English Language and Literature. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. Chemistry, with Natural History including Botany. The modern Languages. The amngement of the Lectures for each term, with the times and places of theh- delivery, being subject to the approbation of iu'j uovernors. 9 3. — Persons who are not members of the University may, with the permission of the President, attend the Lectures of any Pro- fessor or Professors, upon payment of a fee for each course, and may obtain certificates of proficiency at the examinations held by such Professor or Professors. 4. — All persons, whilst in attendance at the Lectures of any Professor, are subject to his control and direction. 5. — The Professor of Divinity shall be a Clergyman in full orders of the Church of England. Vacancies in the Professorship of Divinity shall hereafter be filled, up by the Governors, from one or more namcR. to be submitted by the Bishop of the Diocese at the request of the Board, and if none of the names so submitted be found acceptable, then from other name or names to be in like manner sabmitted, until the vacancy shall be supplied. And the Bishop shall be requested to allot to him some share in the Cure of the Parish of Windsor, in order that he may be able to give the Divinity students practical instruction in Pastoral Theology. CONVOCATION AND DEGREES. 1. — All Masters of Arts, Bachelors of Civil Law, and members of the University of higher degrees, shall be members of the House of Convocation, but no one shall be entitled to a vote who does not appear in his full Academical habit. The President of King's College as chief magistrate of the University shall preside, and in case of equality upon any division, shall have a second or casting vole. before the day of meeting. Hall, and summons sent to every resident member at least two days Academical vear, bv the President, bv nublic notice affixed in the 2. — The Convocation may be convoked at any time during the 10 3 -The province of the House of Convocation is more parti- cularly to confer degrees and to transact all business connected s^uTJt R "'Zr"'"'""'' """"''''' "f '"y Universilies con- stituted by Royal Charter, or specially recognized by the Board of Governors, undergraduates being admitted to the same standing. t.voly ttamed m the.r own Universities. Honorary degrees Ly be conferred upon distinguished persons, whether British subjects or loreigners. *' th House of Convocation, by a petition to be presented by a me,„ber of the House, setting forth that he has complied with all the re,,,,,sae conditions, according to the form in the Appendix, and cc.hcates of the several facts mentioned therein, duly si.nei by the proper authorities, shall be read to the House by the pe'rson presontuig the petition. ^ ' ^ran^ted if "T f "" f™ "" ^'"''"'"^ "> ""^ """«'=• '""^ '^all be granted ,f not less than two-thirds of the members present vote The candidate shall then be introduced by a Master of Arts, or by the Professor of his Faculty if the degrees to be conferral be one of he superior degrees ; and after being presented in due form, he shal kneel before the President, who shall confer the degree « t r w neh the graduate shall retire, and shall return in the haW; ot the degree to which he has been admitted, attended by his pre- «em--' -d «l'all make his obeisance to the chair, which shall be duly acknowledged. fnr fl"~^^' ^^"r*"^ qualifications are required of every candidate tor the several degrees and diplomas :— FOR THE DEGBEE OF B. A. nf Hi!- ^\f 'r^^' '?""" standing,-the term of matriculation and of takmg the degree both inclusive. To have resided nine terms, attending the required lectures, lo have passed the required examinations. 11 FOS THE SIFLOMA OF C. £. To be of nine terms standing,— the terms of Matriculation ami of taking Diploma both inclusive. To have resided nine terms attending the required lectures. To have passed the requisite examinations. FOB THE DEGREE OF U. A. To have taken the degree of B. A. ; to be of twenty terma standing, and to produce a testimonial signed by two of the Pro- fessors that he has sent them a satisfactory Essay upon some subject approved bv them, and to be read in Convocation, if so directed by the President. FOB THE DEOBEE OF B. C. L. The same as for the degree of M. A., but the subject of the Essay is to be dictated and approved by some competent Examiner appointed by the Governors, who need not be a Professor. FOB THE DEGBEE OF D. C. L. To be of thirty-three terms standing ; to have taken the degree of B. C. L. ; and to have satisfied the examiners as for that degree. FOB THE DEGBEE OF B. D. To be of ten years standing, from the time of taking his first degree ; to have taken the degree of M. A., and to have composed two dit^sertations, to the satisfaction of the Professor of Divinity, and either the President or one of the Professors appointed by him to act in his stead,— the subjects of the Essays having been selected or approved of by the Professor of Divinity. FOB THE DEGBEE OF D. D. To have taken the degree of B. D. • to be of fourteen years standing from the time of taking his first degree, and to deliver two lectures in the presence of the President or the Professor of Divinity. The candidate for either of these two last named degrees must be in holy orders in the Church of England. 7.— Every Degree shall be entered in the Register of the Uni- yersitv ; and any Graduate requiring it may receive a testimonial there(>f under the Seal of the University, upon paying the ap- pointed fee. 12 THE COLLEGE, twdve-sl];!';:"^'^^''"''''"''^'"""^''^-'''-'. - Fellow., and Civil Law in some UnivZ"/ "'^'^"=' »■• B'-chelo,- of »>.all, before adlsLrroffiJ'rr'^^^''' ^'"'"-> »'^ Articles in tl,e thirtv-sivth r.„„TL f ^"''S""" ""d the three (2) in Appendix. Hel^Z, t'l'''" ^'^"' ""= declaration of every Z„,, and ^Slno br^h" "I "'' "^""'''"^ ''"™'' '''^ -^ole «' an, one titne, with tL l" LToHr P " '-"'^"f"" >«"- of great or nne.peete!l ^Z^t^ " '''""'""'^' "^P' » 3. —It shalJ be the dutv of th^ p -j superintendence over every L."' «° exercise a general officers and stndentshaTbesurtrr "' ""^ '^•'"^»"^' -" "" duty to watch over the vontb, 7 , , '"""■"'• ^' ''i" ^e his adn>„„ish the™, n^^TltTT" '", " ""-'° "<'"- -<^ character and habits of each IdlL' ^ ' ."'""'"'^'^ '''"' *» fooo parenlis. ^'"'' '" •■>' '» ^^ «« for as possible, fe-Xips' tixit^tf ?r?r ^'"'" '^ «--^ '» ^- the discretion of the Governor! t T"''"'" '''"" '"= ^"<^ »« 13 'ellows, and •ch of Enff- Bachelor of liarter, and Allegiance, I the three declaration the whole four hours except in a general » and all ill be his 3 vise and with the possible, to Pro- filled at ary dis- II cases, of the 30 long n when ^olles-fi I. In this capacity they will adopt the cathechetical method of instruction* They shall be, if possible, resident in the College. 6. — The Vice-President shall be nominated by the Governors annually. He shall reside in the College during the whole of every term, and perform the duties of Dean, and shall be charged to watch over the morals and general behaviour of the students within the College ; he shall see that the exercises are duly performed, and that the Chapel and Hall are regularly attended. 7.— The Bursar shall be one of the Fellows nominated to this office by the Governors. He shall keep the accounts, which shall be audited at the end of every term by the President and Fellows, and his account books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Governors. He shall receive all payments due from the members of the University and College, and shall pay the servants, all of whom shall be immediately subject to his control. He shall superintend all domestic arrangements, and have the charge of the buildings and moveable property of the College. 8. — The Professors and resident Fellows, or so many of them as shall be in holy orders, shall perform the office of Chaplain in rotation according to the arrangement of the President. 9« — The Scholarships may be filled up as honorary distinctions, until the Governors are enabled, by special contributions or other- wise, to add some emolument to them. The Scholars shall be elected after examination by the Governors or persons appointed by them. They shall cease to be Scholars when of four years standing. The Scholars shall be entrusted with the care of the Chapel lists. 10. — No Servant shall be employed in the College in any capa- city who is not regularly appointed or sanctioned by the authorities. 11' — All mea!:i i-e to be taken by undergraduate members of the College in the Hall, unless a dispensation, on account of sick- ness, is obtained from the President, wlio may in such case permit IMC steward to supply what is required in a private room* 14 12.— Members of the College may, with the permission of the President or one of the Professors, intraduce strangers into the Hall at any meal, paying for them at a certain fixed rate. 13. No undergraduate shall be allowed to keep a term unless he has paid all his College dues for the preceding term. 14._A limited number of rooms will be furnished by the Gov- ernors' and let at $6 per term. They are to be regularly inspected at certain times, and any damage beyond reasonable wear and tear must be made good by the occupier. OAJP- VI- THE LIBRARY. 1.— A Librarian, and also if requisite a Sub-Librarian, shall be appointed by the Governors, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the Library and of all things contained in it, whether books, manuscripts or apparatus, and they with the President and IVofessors shall be the only persons entrusted with keys of cases and closets in which valuable manuscripts, medals, coins, or other things liable to injury, may be locked up. 2.— The Governors and all officers who have signed the declara- tion in appendix No. 3, may have a key of the Library, and take out books at any time, entering them in the Librarian's book (vide Section 4.) 3.— The Librarian or his Deputy shall attend in the Library when necessary. Undergraduates may use the Library when he is present, and may obtain books from him to be taken to their rooms and to be retained for such time as he, with the sanction of the President, may permit. 4.— A Register shall be kept by the Librarian, in which the date of taking out and returning each volume, with the name of the borrower, shall be carefully entered- 15 of the le Hall unless e Gov- apected ad tear 5.— Damage done to any book, plate, or other thing belonging to the Library, shall be made good by the person in whose name it i« entered in the Register. 6. — The College Board may prepare a list of books which are not to be taken out of the Library. Donors have the same right of restriction to their benefactions. 7. — No person other than a member of the University shall be admitted into the Library unless introduced by a Professor or Gra- duate. n, shall to take whether ent and 3f cases or other declara- md take )k (vide Library en he is iir rooms 1 of the hi(^h the name of OAF. VII. DISCIPLINE. 1. — The immediate government of the College shall be vested in the President, Fellows, and other resident officers thereof. The President may convene a meeting whenever he may think proper, or when requested by two members of the Board ; and in case of equality of votes he shall have a second or casting vote. This Board shall always meet on the second day of each term, not being Sunday, and shall prepare a table of the subjects, days and hours of Lectures, which shall be affixed to the notice board in the hall, as soon as adjusted, but always within the first week of the term. It shall decide upon all cases of irregularity and violation of rules which the respective officers are not authorized to punish at their own discretion, provided that in case of any sentence of baniHhment for more than one term, or of expulsion, an appeal may be made to the Governors, but the infliction of the punishment shall not be suspended pending such appeal. All applications for testimonials are to be referred to this Board. In case of appeals, a day shall be appointed for hearing the case, of which due notice shall be given to the President and to the party appealing, and the Governors will in each case give order touching the mode of proceeding therein. 16 2.— Exercises in writing may be enjoined as a punishment by any Professor or Tutor. The punishments to be inflicted by the College Board are— confinement to rooms or college ; detention after the end of the term; banishment from the University for a time or entirely ; and suspension or removal from office, with for- feiture of privileges and emoluments. 3.— Any member of the University refusing to submit to lawful punishment shall be expelled; and every member expelled for whatever <'.ause, shall be deprived, de jure and de facto, of every office, place, salary, emolument or privilege that he may have enjoyed or been entitled to in the University or College. 4.— No member of the University shall be guilty of immoral or ungentlemanly conduct, or shall hold, maintain or teach any prin- ciples contrary to the Christian faith, or to good morals, or subver- sive of the British Constitution. 5.— Juniors shall pay proper respect to seniors, and especially to those in authority in the University, as heretofore. 6.— Members of the University may reside in any house sanc- tioned by the authorities, subject to such regulations as may from time to time be framed for them. Students residing in the College are not to be out of it after 9.30 P. M., without the permission of the President or in his absence the Vice-President, and such regula- tions shall be made as may be found necessary to secure the strict observance of this rule. The College authorities may enter the apartments of any undergraduates at all hours of the day or night. 7.— The Academical habits shall be the same as those which are worn in the University of Oxford ; and no undergraduate shall resort to any inn, tavern or public house, except for some special cause to be approved by the President, or shall spend his time in the streets of the town. Any member of the University who shall disobey the Proctor in the performance of his office, who shall ref dis exj me of I me un( 17 refuse to go home when required by him, or who shall be guilty of disrespectful language or behaviour to him, shall be liable to expulsion. 8. — All Bills of Undergraduates are to be sent by the trades- men with whom the debts are incurred, to the Bursar, at the end of every term ; and parents are particularly requested to refuse pay- ment of any bills not thus sent in. 9. — The introduction of spirituous Liquors into the Colleo-e, under any circumstances, is absolutely prohibited. of 18 APPENDIX. I. I, A. B. do solemnly declare that I will observe the Statutes of this University and College of Windsor, to the best of my ability. II I, A. B. do solemnly declare that I will perform all the duties of the office of ^. to which I am appointed, according to the Statutes of the University or college of Windsor, to the best of my judgment and abilities. III I, A. B. do solemnly declare that I will observe all the Statutes and re'^rulations respecting the Library of King's College, Windsor, and I will not lend any of the Library books, and I will be careful so to use them that they may not be injured whilst in my possession : and I will endeavor, to the utmost of ray power, to prevent any other person injur- ing either the books or anything belonging to the Library. IV I, A. B. do solemnly declare that I ivill faithfully and impar- tially perform the' office of Examiner, according to the directions and the true intentions of the Statutes, and that I will not refuse to sign the testimonials of any candidate whom I believe to be qualified, nor sign the testimonials of one whom I believe not to be qualified to pass the Examination. V. A. B. (die mensis et anni,) Examinatns prout Statuta requirunt satisfecit nobis Examinatoribus. C. D. ) Examinatores in lit : human : \ (in Disciplinis Mathematicis vel E. F. ) in Theologia. 4> VI. A. B., Student of the University of Windsor, being of four years' standing, having resided nine terms, having constantly and regu- larly attended the appointed Lectures, and performed the prescribed exercises,— having passed his examination and fulfilled all the require- ments of the Statutes, humbly supplicates this venerable Convocation that he may be admitted to the degree of Bachelor in Arts. 19 TABLE OF FEES AND DUES. FOB STUDENTS NOT NOMINATED. Matriculation Tuition, each Professor per term ... Library, per annum.. Degree of B. A. None of the above are required from Nominated Students. Currency $2.00 4.00 5.00 12.00 ii THE FOLLOWING ABE PAYABLE BY ALL. Rent of Furnished Rooms (when occupied) per term ac- cordiuf? to room . .. . Degree of M. A. Any higher Degree... Any Certificate from the Register ... Every Instrumeut under the seal of the University. $1.00 to $2.00 12.00 20.00 1.00 4.00 OBACE BEFOBE MEALS. Oculi omnium ad Te spectant, Domine. Tu das illis cscam tempore opportuno. Aperis manum tuam et imples quicquid vivit benedictione tua. Miserere uostri quaesumus Domine ; tuisque donis quae tua benignitate percepturi sumus benedicito per Christum Domiuum nostrum Amen. OBACE AFTEB MEALS. Tibi laus, Tibi honor, Tibi gloria, sancta et beata Trinitas. Sit nomen Domini benedictum, et nunc et in perpetuum. Laudamns te. Pater Cojlestis, pro Serenissimo, Rege Georgio Tertio hujus Collegii fundatore munificentissimo, pro Reverendissimo Patrouo, csetcrisque benefactoribus nostris ; humillime Te precautes ut numerum eorum benignissime adaugeas, atque ut tuis donis ad tuam gloriam in hoc saeculo usi, Te una cum fidelibus in future feliciter perfruamur, per Christum Domiuum nostrumt Amen.