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The original copy was borrowed from, and filmed with, the kind consent of the following institution: National Library of Canada L'exemplaire film* fut reproduit grAce d la g6n6rosit6 de l'6tablissement prdteur suivant : BibliothAque natlonale du Canada Maps or plates too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper Inft hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes ou les planches trop grandes pour dtre reproduites en un seul clich6 sont film^es d partir de Tangle sup6rieure gauche, ue gauche d droite et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Le diagramme suivant illustre la m6thode : 1 2 3 4 5 6 ::i^ if-' THE DOMINION r 1 (Short -f)orn ^xttbtts ^5Q0*:m\mx. OFFICERS FOR 1886. JOHN DRYDEN", M.P.P President, Brooklin, Ont. RICHAED GIBSON Vice-President, Delaware, Ont. J.S.WILLIAMS *' Knowlton, Que. Prof. GEO. LAWSON " Halifax, N. S. Hon. D. FERGUSON, M.P.P " Charlottetown, P. E, I. BLISS ANDERSON " Sackville, N. B. WALTER LYN CH " Westboume, Man. JAMES STEELE " Spillanyicheen, B. C. HENRY WADE Secretary and Editor, Toronto Ont. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. From Breeder.^' Association. A List. B List. EDWARD JEFFS, Bondhead. DAVID REA, Speedside. FRANCIS GREEN, Sb., Innerkip. A. R. GORDON, Uooksville. JAMES HUNTER, Alma. J. L. COWAN, Gait. T. C. PATTESON, Eastwood. J. D. PETTIT, Paris. JOHN I. HOBSON, Mosborough. WM. LINTON, Aurora. O List. ARTHUR JOHNSTON, Greenwood. JAMES RUSSELL, Richmond Hiil. JAMES I. DAVIDSON, Balsam. THOMAS SHAW, Woodburn. JOHN FOTHKRGILL, Burlington. From Agriculture and Arts Association. , HENRY PARKER President, Woodstock. J. C. SNELL Vice-President, Edmonton. CHARLES DRURY, M.P.P Crown HilL GEORGE MOORE Waterioo. STEPHEN WHITE Chatham. D. P. McKINNON South Finch. . I/. E. SHIPLEY Greystead. J. B. AYLESWORTH Newburgh. AUDITORS. JAMES LAIDLAW, M.P.P., Guelph. A. HAGAR, M.P.P., Plantagenet. REGISTRAR. R. L. DENISON, Toronto. All com:nunioationi should be addressed and all remittancas mile to the " Secretary Dominion Short-Horn Breeders' Association," Toronto, Ont. -*_>, Firpt- Bhink forinw will be provided free l)y the Association, for fjlliiiy in the full particulars of each animal to be recorded, also certificates of transfer, which must be filled up, signed and sent to the office immediately after the sale of each animal, as it is the intention of the management to keep a book in the office in which to record all the transfers and produce of each animal recorded. These forms may be had upon appli- cation by post card or otherwise to the Secretary. Second- Pedigree forms shall give the name, colour, sex, date of birth, name and address of breeder and each successive owner up to date ; name and Herd Book num- ber of sire, or his pedigree ; name and pedigree number of dam, with volume of her records in one of the herd books of the Association, or of the English Herd Book. Third— Imported bulls recorded in the English Herd Book shall be re-recorded and assigned Dominion numbers, and in such cases the English Herd Book numbers shall also be given. Bulls can not be re-entered exct pt to correct a material error in first entry, then to retain the old numl r. Fourth — Females shall be entered under their owners' names in alphabetical order, after those recorded up to the end of 1884 have been printed. No charge will be made for entering produce under dam's pedigree, furnished by the applicant on back of form, where a schedule will be found for that purpose. Cows will be numbered as well as bulls, and may be abbreviated by reference to the dam, &c., in previous volumes ; also as in case of bulls, the imported cow will be referred to, but not re-printed. Cows' pedigrees may be re-entered in case of change of ownership, to post up more j)roduce, or to correct material error. Fifth — All bulls and cows appearing in lineage of animals sent for record, must be recorded with proper numbers in the Dominion Short- Horn Herd Book down to and including the imported animal. English numbers will be recognized beyond that. Sixth— Should any person or persons intentionally or knowingly hava recorded a fraudulent pedigree in the Dominion Short-Horn Herd Book, space shall be devoted in the succeeding volume to his or their exposure, and he or they shall never be allowef^ to enter another animal in the Dominion Short- Horn Herd Book after he or they are con- victed by the Managing Committee. Seventh -No pedigree shall be recorded in future in the Dominion Short-Horn Herd Book by an owner not being the breeder of the animal, unless the transfer from the breeder of former owner is properly tilled out and signed and received at the office of the Dominion Short- Horn Herd Book. Eighth— To assist in maintaining the accuracy of the record Short-Horn Breeders are required each year to return to the Secretary of the Association a complete list of the produce from each cow. ,& RULES OF ENTRY. 'K. RULES OF OFFICE. First —All fees shall be paid in advance, and no pedigree shall be considered or filed for examination until the entry fees are paid. In case of niemlRTs of the Asbo- ciation, non-payment of the annual Hubscrij)tion debars the member of the privile^'es of entering his animal at reduced rates. Second— All pedigree-! shall be considered in the order in which they are received at the office of the Association, provided that in cases of emergency, where certificates are required for sales, they may be considered in advance of their regular order, and certificates will be furnished, giving the names of the animals, though not necessarily their numbers, but the i>edigrees will not be advanced thereby for entry in the Herd Book. Third — Pedigrees will not be recorded unless written in ink, or indelible pencil, on one side of the paper only, and when possible on the blank forms furnishei free by the Association. Fourth — Original pipers, after being printed or copied, shall be kept on file, subject to the order of the Executive Committee. Fifth— All money to be receipted ai soon as possible after it comes to the office. Parties not hearing shortly should write and state how and when it was sent. Sixth— Naming. — Do not use common names which are liable to become confused. Prefix or aflix the name of your county or town, or of a neighbouring stream or lake. There are over 200 cows named "Baauty," "Rose," etc., on record already. Con.sult the vocabularies in the unabridged dictionaries for uncommon names. Names already on record must not be infringed upon. Name strictly of one sex must not be applied to the other. An animal cannot have the same namo as an immediate ancestor— some word or name-number must be added. An animal cannot have a foiver name-number than any ancestor— for instance, if the dam is " Duchess 22nd," her calf must be at least "Duchess 23rd." Do not use the word "1st" in a name— it causes confusion — "Duchess 1st" is really the same as "Duchess." Do not give twins, sisters, etc., names very much alike— it causes confusion. Same criticism applies to daughter and dam. Tico words^uffice for a name — three make it long. Yoi'NG Calves. — If a calf is dropped before the dam is twenty months old. always make a separate certificate to that eff.ict, so we will not have to ask you whether it is an error. Never use a bull until he is entered for record in D. S. H. H. B. Use D. S, H. H. B. numbers. If you cannot give them, send the animal's pedigree, as we do not have all the local records. In preparing all your sale catalogues, always give every animal's recird in D. S. H. H. B., and also that of its dam. : Errors. —Breeders owe it to themselves, as well as to m, to promptly notify us of all errors they may discover in their pedigrees in the Herd Book, and all deaths in their herds. We record females as well as males, at any age, as most breeders so desire. COlSrSTTT'TJTIO IST. « • >• » PREAMBLE. In consequence of the basis of union agreed upon by the represeLtatives of tlie Custodians of the Canada Short- Horn Herd Book, and of the British American Short Horn Herd Book, at a meeting held in tlie rooms of the Agriculture and Arts Associa- tion, on January 12th, 1886, it became necessary to revise the Constitution, which at the Annual Meeting held on February 9th, was adopted as below : ARTICLE I. Section 1.— Name. — This Association shall be called the Dominion Short-Horn Breeders' Association. ARTICLE II. Section 1. — Membership. — The present members of the Britit^h American Short- Hoi n Association, and the six members elected by the Aj,'riculture and Arts Association, shall constitute the original members of this Association. Section 2.— Any person taking an interest in Short-Horn Cattle, who, having sig- nified to the Secretary his desire to become a member, and paid such fees as may be prescribed by the By-laws, may do so, providing his name be api)roved by the Execu- tive Committee. Section 3. — Defining membership— Every member shall be either a Life Member or an Annual Member. Section 4. — Membership, how terminated — A member may at any time withdraw from the Association, by giving three months' notice in writing to the Executive Com- mittee, through their Secretary, providing he has paid up all his fee?. Any member who shall fail to observe any ride, regulation, or by-law of the Asso- ciation, or whose conduct shall be, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, prejudi- cial to the interests of the Association, may be suspended by the Committee from the privileges of membership, and the Committee shall report all such cases to the General Meeting of the Association, when, after the suspended member shall have been htard, if he so desires it, it shall be competent for a two-thirds majority of those present and voting to remove such person from the membership of the Association. Information that it was intended to propose such a resolution shall have been give i in the notice calling the General Meeting. ARTICLE III. Section 1. — Obj-ct of the Association.— To preserve the purity of Short-Hort Cattle, and to further the interests of the breed in every legitimate way. ARTICLE IV. Section 1.— Income of the Association. — The income and property of the ^Asso- ciation, from whatever source derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion and furtherance of the objects of the Association, and no part thereof shall be paid or 1886.] CONSTITUTION. Vii trannferretl, directly or indirectly, by way of bonus or otherwiBe, howHoever, by way of protit, to pernonH who are at any time or may have been memberH of this Association or to any permm claiming' through them ; provided alway:<, that nothing herein prevents the payment in j,'ood faith of remuneration to any Secretary, Kditor, Officer, t'lerk or Servant of the AsHociation, or other persons in return for services actually rendered the Association. Section 2. — The rights and privileges of every member of the Association shall be personal to himself, and sliall not be transferable. Section 3.^ Every member shall be entitled to receive annually a copy of the Herd Book, and such other publications as the Association may issue during that year, either free or for such reduced price as the Executive Committee may find necessary to charge. ARTICLE V. Section 1. —Enumeration of officers. — The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, and one Vice-President from each Province in the Dominion represented, a Secretary, and a Registrar. Section 2. — The term of office of the President and Vice-Presidents shall be one year, and until their successors are elected. The term of office for the Secretary and Registrar shall be during pleasure. Skction 3. — Members elected. — The Executive Committee shall consist of twenty- one members, five of whom shall form a quorum. Six members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Agriculture and Arts Association, and fifteen by the Dominion S lort-Horn Breeders' Association. The latter shall be divided into three lists, called yi, B and C, resi)ectively. The A list shall retire after the next General Annual Meet- ing, The B and C lists after the succeeding Annual Meetings, in the order named. Vhe President and Vice-Presidents of these Associations shall be cx-officio members of the Executive Committee. Section 4. — At the Annual General Meeting in each year, the Association shall elect five members to serve on the Executive Committee to take the place of those re- tiring. A retiring member of the Executive Committee shall in all cases be eligible for re-election. Section 5.— In the event of a vacancy occurring in the i^xecutive Committee, either by death, or retirement from the Associatio.i, such vacancy shall be filled at the next ensuing meeting, and the member so elected shall retire at the same time as the members on the list to which he shall have been elected. ARTICLE VL Section 1. — Officers' duties. -President. —The President shall preside at all meet- ings of the Association, and of the Executive Committee ; shall appoint all other com- mittees not otherwise provided for ; exercise a general supervision over all the affairs of the Association ; and perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Association. Section 2. —Vice-Presidents. — The Vice-Presidents shall, in the order of their election, in the absence of, or upon the ret. ' of, the President, perform his duties. Section 3.— Secretary. — The Secretary shall keep a full and true account of the proceedings of the Association, and of the Executive Committee ; receive all moneys paid in for the various purposes of the Association ; attend to all correspondence of the ■office, and sign all pedigree certificates. As Editor of the Herd Book, he Mrill examine and revise the proof of each book, and will be the responsible officer of the Association. Vlll BY-LAWS. [Vol. I. Section 4.— RegiHtrar. The Eefjistrar will enter up, examine and prepare all pedi- grees for the i)res8, and anHiHt the Secretary in reviHing and corroctinK pro if for the Herd Book. Skction 5. — The Executive Committee shall have power to do all that may be in- cidental or conducive to the objectH of the AsHociation, and shall be generally charged with the administration of its affairK, and shall have the power of the apiiointment and dismissal of the employees of tliu Association. They sliall cause all moneys received by the Association to be dejjosited in one of the chartered banks, and all payments shall be made by cheques, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. The Executive Committee shall convene sjiecial meetings of the Association, from time to time, as occasion may require. A meeting of the Association shall be called at any time by the President at the rek nymbols and mimbers are used. For names of produce, see under pediyree of imported cow. In 1825 or 1826, the New Brunswick Board of Agriculture, through the then Speaker of the House of Assembly of that Province, imported four bulla, all recorded in the Ist Vol. of the English Herd-Book, Coryphcjeus (i>24), bred by Mr. Hutchison, Stockton-on-Tees ; Alderman (733), George (1070), and Kirkby (1156), all bred by John Wetherell, of Brampton, England. Thus New Brunswick has the honour of being the first province that i itroduced imported stock. No cows were brought out at this time, and douov.ess the bulls were used on common stock. In 1832, Judge Robert Arnold, of St. Catharines, bought a cow. Coun- tess =782=, by Son of Comet (imp.) —238- (155), out of Princess (imp.) = 419- by a Son of Lancaster (360), etc., and her first calf, Leopold -761 -. She also produced soon ,\fter her purchase, Wellington =1154^, and raised eight more calves while his property. She was then, in 1841, sold «ith several of her descendants to Lewis F. Allen, of Buftalo, the editor of the American Herd- Book, thus showing that the late Judge Arnold was the pioneer breeder of Short Horns in the Dominion. Strictly speaking, ho was not the first importer from Britain, but bought his cow and calf from Charles Henry Hall, a wealthy merchant of Harlem, New York, U, S. The descendants of this cow are widely scattered over our Dominion and the United States ; but, strange to say, the original pedigree, as printed in the American Book, was not correct, she not being bred by R. Colling, Barmpton, but by Samuel Scotson, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, England, as was discovered at a later date, still having a good pedigree, but not running to Robert OoUing's stock as was formerly printed. Judge Arnold gave up breeding cattle in 1841. In 1832 also, a Mr. G. W. Smith, of St. Thomas, Ont., imported a cow, Susan, by Dutchman (3669), and a bull, Copson =67= (3482), by Dutchman {3669), from England ; but as they did not remain in Canada but were sold 188G.] mSTOHY OF SHOJiT-IIORN CATTLK. at once — the cow to the Htm. Ezra Prentice, Albany, Now V'ork, and the bnll to Matthew Hullock, New Scotland, New York— Mr. Smith can hardly be classed as a Canadian importer. In 1833, the first real importation that has been of nnich value to the country, was made by Roland VVingtiold, an Englishman, who brou>^ht them to Guelph, and shortly afterwards sold them to John Howitt, of (^luelph. Their descendants are scattered far and wide over America. This importa- tion numbered six heifers and two bulla — Ist, Favorite (imp.) 17i> ,by Hen- wood (2114), bred by Jonas Whittaker, Otley, Yorkshire, raised three bulls, 2nd, Favorite 180= , by Warden (ITjO^), and her tirstcalf. Reformer lM2 - by Worcester (2857), then a yearling, together with a calf in dam Manjuip, by Minstrel (2319). She does not appear to have bred any more in Canada. 3rd, Lily 302- , by Warden (1503), she had five calves — three heifers and two bulls; and was then sold to C. S. Brent, Paris, Kentucky, in 1838. Many of our Canadian Short Horns traco to this tine cow. 4th, Dairymaid = 103=, by Warwick (2815), had four heifer calves before she was sold to J. & A. Clelland, Lebanon, Kentucky, and her progeny have made their mark in this country. 5th, Pedigree -408 , by Mynheer (2345), had two heifer calves at least before she was sold to J. iSc A. Clelland, Lebanon, Kentucky. Her descendants are numerous in Canada. 0th, Cowslip alias Countess - 94 - by Warwick (2815). She appears to have raised only one bull calf, Rodney —1022^-, by Young Farmer =^275 = , in Canada, and was sold to J. & A. Clelland, Lebanon, Kentucky, in 1839. Besides the yearling, Reformer 212 - , Mr. Winglield also brought out Young Farmer -275-, by Warwick (2816), bred by the Rev. Henry Berry, of Wor- cestershire. This is really the tirst genuine importation from England to Canada, and their descendants are scattered wide over the continent of America. Mr. Wingfield deserves more than a passing mention. In the year 1834, the Home District Agricultural Society brought over four good Short-Horn bulls from New York State ; no pedigrees were brought with them; they were used in the neighborhood of Toronto at tirst. The late Robert Wade, of Cobourg, after a few years bought one of them called Forester, at some place on Yonge street, nearly starved. Ho drove him down to Cobuurg, taking him nearly a week to get there ; he took care to reach home at night, for fear of ridicule. After nursing him, he proved to be a grand stock getter, and revolutionized the common stock in that neighbor- hood. Col. R. L. Denison, of Dovercourt, Toronto, also had one of them. About 18ii5, the late Hon. Adam Fergusson, of Woodhill, near Water- down, Out., imported from England three Short-horns — two cows and one bull— as follows : The bull Agricola alias Sir Walter- 5 = (IG14), bred by W. Crofton, Durham, England; he was kept three years, and afterwards sold to Mr. McKnight of New York. The roan cow Beauty =30-, by Snowball (2047), calved in 1833, and bred by James Chrisp, Doddington, Northum- XII HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. I. berland. This cow bred eight calves while owned by Mr. Fergusson (see her pedigree), she was >hen given or sold to John Smith, Rose Hill, West Flam- boro', Ont, with whom she bred, at the age of thirteen, one heifer, Lily, by Fergus -029 -, her own son. The descendants from this cow, through her five heifers, are numerous and of a very tine quality, and are justly named the Beauty tribe. The cow Cherry =76 =, by Dunstan Castle — 93=^, calved in 1833, was also bred by James Chrisp, of Northumber- land, and had two heifer calves and one bull (see her pedigree), before she was sold to J. & A. Clelland, Lebanon, Kentucky, U. S. ; none of her calves have been traced in the States, Cherry's progeny are not so numerous as are Beauty's =30=. Mr. Fergusson also brought over two Short-Horn heifers in 1835, from the herd of Gen. Van Rensellaer, of Albany, New York, namely, Red Star, and Dairy Spot, both by Ajax =294= (2944), three removes from the im- ported cow Pansy ^ 40} = , by Blaize (70) ; these two, with the imported cows, very soon gave Mr. Fergusson a large herd of pure bred cattle, and he continued in the business until his death. • In 1830, Mr. F. Boyd, of Yonge Street, Toronto, imported a cow, Jcspa = 246 = , by Emperor (i 01 4), from the herd of the Marquis of Exeter, Stam- ford, England. All the produce we trace to her is the bull Marquis =825 = , bred by Mr. Boyd, and sired by Heart of Oak =129= (2100), imported also in 1830 by Captain Stewart, near Toronto. He was bred by Mr. Gray, North- umberland, England, and was most likely imported at the same time that Jespa was. Strange to say, no records can be found of any of the early importations to Toronto. In 1837, Messrs. George and John Simpson, of Newmarkoc, Out., im- ported two cows and one bull: Lady Jane =281 = , by Sir WaUer (2039), bred by Mr. Wilson, Yorkshire, England, in calf with Cleasby =50 = , by Roseberry =215 = . She had another bull while the property of G. Simp- son, and was then sold to T. Blanchard, of Appleby, who raised from her two more heifer calves (see her pedigree). Rosebud ^^ 409 ,, by Sir ^Valter (2639), was also bred by Mr, Wilson, and we only find one recorded heifer calf from her, in 1842, Young White, by Roseberry -=215 ~ ; doubtless she had other calves, but they were not recorded. Several cattle in the Canada Short-Horn Herd-Book ran to the imported stock of the Messrs. Simpson, but links in the chain were missing, and they are only now considered grades. The bull Roseberry -215^, by Son of Sovereign (5283), bred by Mr. Parrington, Stockton-on-Tees, was also imported the same year by the Messrs. Simpson. In 1837, the late Receiver- General Dunn, who had a large farm reach- ing from the Queen's wharf up to the Humber, brought out two cows and two bulls from the northern par' of Yorkshire ; no pedigrees of them are extant, although, no doubt, he haa them at the time. No account of their 188G.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIU importation can bo found in the papers of that day, but old inhabitants of the city, such as Chief Justice Wilson, remember them quite well. The names of the cows were Queen 438 , and Lady Jane =^^--280 , the bulls North Star 187 , and Briton 41 . About 1838, Mr. Longley, a large and enterprising farmer and busi- ness man ol Maitland, imported several Short- Horns, and at his death in 1843, had a large stock ; only one, the cow Betsy 35 , has had descend- ants recorded in the Herd-Book, the rest having passed into oblivion. About 1838, the late Col. Burrowes, of Brantford, brought the cow An- nette ^010= , by Devonshire =07 = , the bull Triumph (UtiG) =1125 = , by Bertram 2nd 302- (3144), and the cow Beatrice =G32-- , by Memnon {1223), and started a herd from them at this early date. He bought them from Col. John Hare Powel, of Powelton, Pennsylvania, U. S. In 1841, Mr. Wm. Ashton, of Gait, imported Young Forester 270 - , bred by J. Booth, Killerby, Yorkshire, and afterwards sold him to Wm. Atkinson, of Guelph, and was subsequently owned by John Wetenhall, of Nelson. In 1845, the late Ralph Wade, sr.. Port Hope, who was emigrating to Canada, brought out four heifers from North Shields, Durham, landing in Quebec in August. 1st, Snowdrop ^^497 ^ alias White Rose, by George (12930), bred by William Raine, Dailington Eng., he kept her for himself. She was in calf to Belted Will (G780), and produced the celebrated bull American Belted Will ^7 = (12394). She also had five heifer calves, which have all produced largely. 2nd, Adeline alias Rose — 4- , by George (129c9), also bred by Mr. Raine. This one was allotted to the late John Wade, of Ohesnut Lawn, Port Hope. She had four bulls and three heifer calves. She was a very fine show animal, but did not leave as much produce as the others. 3rd, Olarentine -82 ^, by George (12939), bred by Thos. Hodgson, Durham, England. She was alloted to the late Ralph Wade, Jr., of Cobourg, and raised nine calves — two bulls and seven heifers. She was in calf to Belted Will (G780) when she arrived, producing Queen of the Forest -442 ~. The progeny of this excellent cow was numerous. 4th, Fisher Roan -180—, by May- nard's Duke of Wellington =174 = , bred by W. Fisher, Durham, England ; was lamed on board ship. She was in calf to Hudsworth =^135 ^, and died soon after the birth of Lady Eden alias Lady Durham 272= . After the death of Robert Wade she became the property of the late John Wade, Port Hope, and bred him seven heifer and five bull calves. She was a splen- did milker, and her descendants are scattered all over the continent. About the same time Henry Parsons, then of Ancaster, afterwards of Guelph, brought some Short-horn Animals from C. M. Giddings, of Cleve- land, Ohio, from imported stock. 1st, cow Duchess ^=125 = , by Rocket (2540) ; 2nd, Lady Day = 269rr, by Armitage(1658) ; 3rd, Young Lady Day = 2057 = , by Berry =25 - (3141); 4th, Red Lily =1769 = , by Berry 25 = (3141); 5th, Red Rose =1776 = , by Berry -26= (3141), 6th, You.ig XIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. I. Cinderella, by Berry - 25 (3141). Bulls, Ist,, Cleveland =^421., by Berry =r 26=-- (3141), 2nd, Hamlet, by Cottingham -59 =-. This lot of cattle soon brought Mr. Parsons to the front as a breeder. About 1849, J. H. Reed, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, brought out a cow. Dairymaid, by 2nd Duke of Oxford (9040), bred by J. Bell, Kirklev- ington, Yorkshire. She was sold at once to J. H. Bennett, of Avon, New York. She did not leave any produce. These appear to be all the Short-Horn cattle brought into the country previous to 1850. In 1851, John Dow, of Whitby, imported a bull. Young Marnock .=278- ,by Young Pasha (11883), bred by Mr. Stronach, of Scotland. He must have brought him out with Horses, as his name does not appear again as an importer. In 1851, the late Col. E. H. Thomson, of Aikenshaw, near Toronto, brought out the bull Captain ^=44 - (11240), by Lamartine (llOfiO); also the bull Smyrna -236 . (12107), by Lamartine (116G0), both bred by the Duke of Buccleuch, Kettering, Scotland. He does not appear to have brought out cows. Captain soon passed into the hands of George Miller, of Mark- ham, and Smyrna was sold to John Rapalje, of Rochester, N. Y. In 1851, Ralph Wade, Sr., of Port Hope, imported Newham Lily --389 - , by Belleville (6778), bred by J. M. Hopper, Middlesboro-on-Tees, Durham, England, through C. A. Jordison, now of Belleville, Ont., who was emigrating to this country. Mr. Wade] bred from her, two bulls and one heifer, and in 1857 sold her to John Bell wood, of Newcastle, where she bred three heifers and two bulls. Her descendants are now widely scattered. In 1852, Frederick Welford, of Woodstock, Ont., imported a bull. Magnet ^-159- (10489), bred by R, Stratton, Salthorp, Swindon, England, which he used in his herd of Short Horns with good effect. In 1853, W. B. Crew, of Toronto, imported a cow, Emily Second, by Roan Duke (8486), from the Bates stock. He soon sold her to John P. Wheler, of Scarboro'. She does not appear to have bred, as we have not found any of her produce. In 1854, Thomas Smith, of Etobicoke, County of York, imported a bull from W. Wright, Sigglesthorne Hall, Hull, England, called Honest Tom —134= (13040), a bull with a capital pedigree. He was used by Thomas Mair, Barrie, and by Thos. Blanchard, of Appleby. In 1854, William Ash ton, of Gait, made his second importation, consisting of one bull. Rattler .-209 - , bred by R. Ashton, Limefield Bury, England, got by Gilliver (11529), out of Rosebud, by the Earl of Durham (5965), bred by Mr. Wetherell, of Durham ; and three cows, Melody, by Valiant (10989), bred by R. Ashton; The Ocean, by Rivington (13600), imp. in dam out of Melody, by Valiant (10989), and Lady Evelyn = 275== , by Valiant (10989), also bred by R. Ashton, no doubt the father 188G.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XV of Wni. Ashton, of Gait. Lady Evelyn —275^ produced Wolviston >■ = 1169- , sired by imported Wolviston ^ 26G— (21125), a bull imported by Ambrose Stevens, Batavia, New York, and the property of Wm. Ashton. A very tine stock-getter. The Ocean, imp. in dam out of Melody, by Valiant (10989), was recorded in the American Book erroneously as a bull 1032. Stxe produced several calves, 1st, Ruby, by Wolviston (imp.) =206^^ (21125), in 1857, who was sold to Wm. Dawson, of East Zorra, then to Ccmyer Place, of Beachville. She produced several very fine animals. Her second calf. Ocean Boy 3214, was bred by Conyers Place, of Boachville, in 1858. The next calf we find in 1800 is Comet, by Lord Barrington 2nd (imp.) =153 — (13171). He was bred by John S. Park, Woodstock, showing the The Ocean had changed hands .igain. In 18G4, we find Ocean Qaeen, by Jupiter [377], bred by Richard Adams, East Zorra, and in 1865, Matchless, by Alabama [5]. In 1867, Atlantic [910], by Alabama [5]. In 1868, the bull, Matchem [1787], by Little John [397]; and in 1869, the bull Orphan Boy [1897], by Little John [397], all bred by Mr. Adams, her fourth owner, Melody, the third cow, besides The Ocean, nad in 1857 Melody second, by Wolviston imp. =^266— (21125), a good stock-getter, sold to C. Walker, of Gait. Strange to say, in Vol. second of the Canadian Book Wm. Ashton has only c»ne beast, a four cross one, recorded, and then passes out of Short-Horn history. His importation, however, was a valuable one. In 1854, there was a regular boom in importing. George Miller, of Markham, and Wm. M. Miller, of Claremont, brought out their first cattle this year. George Miller brous^ht out two heifers, Miss Syme (imp.) : -369- , by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), and Red Rose -455— , by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), both prolific breeders, and were never sold. Wm. M. Miller only brought out one, Louisa —304^^ , by Baron of Kidsdale (11 150), this year. She was also a good breeder, and the Miller family never parted with her. These three were all bred by R. Syme, Esq. , Red Kirk, Dum- friesshire, Scotland. In 1854, F. W. Stone, Moreton Lodge, Guelph, also commenced his importations, both from the United States and England, and has kept them up continuously almost to the present day. This year he brought the celebrated bull, John O'Gaunt Second r^l40:- (13039), from the herd of J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, Middlesex, England. He proved to be a magnifi- cent stock -getter, and was afterwards sold to Arthur Hognje, of Guelph. He was of the celebrated Gwynne tribe. Mr. Stone also brought out the cows. Daphne (imp.) ..= 106- , by Harold (10299), and Margaret (imp,) -=--317.--, by Snowball (8602), in calf with Mayflower r^337=, by Tortworth Duke (13892), all bred by E. Bowlby, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England. Daphne raised two heifers and one bull, all got by John O'Gaunt 2nd ^140= (13089), while the property of Mr. Stone. She was then sold to W. H. Harrison, of Morley New York, U. S., and bred several more XVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. I. calves in his pusBession. Margaret —317 — bred four heifers and four bulls while in the possession of Messrs. Stone, John lies, Guelph, and the lato John Snell, of Edmonton. Majtlower 337 = was sold to John lies, Ouelph, and raised five heifers and one bull while in his possession. She was then sold to the late John Snell, and bred one heifer, Ahua, by Baron Sol way. These three cows all bred grand stock. In 1854, the late Ralph Wade, Jr., of Cobourg, through C. A. Jordison, brought out the bull, Sir Charles Napier -231 - (13712), got by Belleville *(077H), from the herd of J. M. Hopper, Newham Grange, Yorkshire, Eng- land. He proved a good stock-getter. In 1854, James Watson, of Appleby, Ont., brought out Lady Hov- dngha.n -278 --, by Tommy Bates =254 , bred by the Earl of Carlisle, Castle Howard, Yorkshire, England. We find she raised two heifer calves while owned by Mr. Watson. Thus we find there were five men importing in 1854. In 1855, we find Wm. M. Miller, of Claremont, brought out Jane -:242 - , by Baron of Kidsdale (11156), Syren 517 - , by Baron of Kidsdale <1115G), Sybil -514 =, by Baron of Kidsdale (11150), Rosa =462 -, by Baron of Kidsdale (11 156), an'l the bull Red Kirk (15138), by Sir John (13735), all bred by Robert Symo, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. We only find one bull calf, Garibaldi 651 , from Jane 242^. From Syren -^517 = we find one bull, Glen Dhu ;-^670^^ , while the property of W. C. Miller, and one heifer. Myrtle, by Baron Sol way, v....le the property of the late John Snell. Rosa —462-, had three heifery and a bull wltile owned by Mr. Miller, and two bulls and a heifer while the property of Mr. Snell. Sybil :514'-, raised in Scotland Fanny alias Mary =IG8=, afterwards imported by George Miller, and Maggie =1432 = , while the property of W. C. Miller. Also in 1855, F. W. Stone imported fifteen heifers and five bulls as follows :—l8t, Wallflower Fifth :..544 --, by Gauntlet (10260), bred by R. F. Kingscote, Gloucestershire, England. She bred two heifers and two bulls while owned by Mr. Stone ; two bulls and one heifer while owned by W. W. Baldwin, of Oak Ridges, and one heifer while owned by Wm. Russell, of Markham. She h of the Wallflower tribe, and raised fine caives. 2ncl, Young Rose =559 = , by Lord Nelson (11740), bred by John Taylor, More- ton Hall, England. She never bred, and was slaughtered in 1860. 3rd, Young Velvet =562 -., by Marquis of Bute (11788), bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham, Cambridgeshire, England. This cow bred four heifers and three bulls while owned by Mr. Stone, and one heifer while owned by F, Lowell, of Gait. 3rd, Maud =335, = by Gauntlet (10260), bred by Col. Kingscote, England. This cow had two calves while owned by Mr. Stone, and three while owned by A. Hogge, of Guelph. 4th, Sanspareil =488 = , by Gauntlet (10260), also bred by Col. Kingscote. Besides Sanspareil Second = 489 = , she had eleven calves while owned by Mr. Stone, and founded the 1886.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKxV CATTLE. XVll Sanspareil family in this country. 5th, Sansnareil Second =489 = , by Chatf Cutter (12572), imported in dam. She had five recorded calves while the property of Mr. Stone. Gth, Miss Lily White =3G1 =, by The Baron (12180), bred by Jonas Webb, Babraham. She had only three bull calves, and was slaughtered in 1862. 7th, Goldfinder =217-, by Wiseton (14015), also bred by Jonas Webb. She had two bulls and two heifers while owned by Mr. Stone, and was killed in 1802. 8th, Bianca =37 = , by Minstrel (11818), bred by Sir John Lubbock, Bart. , Kent, England. She raised two calves while owned by Mr.Snell,andfour while owned by Paoli Lathrop, South Hadley Falls, Mass., and one while owned by Thos. S. Long, North Valesboro', Me., U. S. 9th, Lady Chesterford =207 = , by Earl Ducie (12799), also bred by Jonas Webb. She had one ualf while the property of Mr, Stone, was then sold to Paoli Lath- rop, South Hadley Falls, and by him to A. C. & J. G.Wood, MUbury, Mass., U. S., where she had a great many calves now recorded in the American Book. 10th, Polyanthus =412 = , by Brewster (7847), bred by the Messrs. Morton, Skelsmergh Hall, England. She was in calf with President = 195 = , when imported ; she had one calf. Polyanthus 2nd, by John O'Gaunt 2nd = 140= (13089), while owned by Mr. Stone, four bulls and two heifers while owned by W. E. Jones, of Stamford, and another bull while owned by C. Taylor, Brantford. 11th, Cherry Pie =79 = , by Lord of the North (11743), also bred by Jonas Webb. She had five bulls and four heifers while owned by Mr. Stone. Was one of his best stock-getters ; she is of the Celia tribe. 12th. Isabella Second =240 = , by Buccaneer (11217), bred by S. E. Bolden, Lancaster, England. She was a prolific cow also, and bred three bulls and six heifers while owned by Mr. Stone. She was the origin of the Stone-Isa- bella tribe. 13th, Jenny Lind, by Baron Foggathorpe (9931). This cow died on the passage. 14th, Lady Cramer =268 = , by Baron Foggathorpe (9931), bred by Mr. Sanday, Nottingham, England. She had six calves while the property of Mr. Stone, and one while owned by James Cowan, of Guelph. 15th, Lady Bolton, by Second Duke of Bolton (12739), imported in dam, Lady Cramer =208 = . Have no account of her produce, if any. Bulls, 1st, Prince of the North imported in dam —202 = , by Young Scotland (13681) out of Miss Lily White =361 = . He was sold to Thomas Arkell, of Arkell, Ont. 2nd, Duke of Oxford Twelfth =86= ("17742), by Duke of Oxford Sixth (12765). This biiU was also imported in dam and out of Gold- finder = 217 = , and proved a good stock-getter. 3rd, Duke of Oxford Elev- enth = 85 = , was also imported in dam and out of Bianca =37 = , 4th, Presi- dent = 195 = , by Prelate (11919), was also imported in dam and out of Poly- anthus = 412 = , he was sold to Gideon Hood, of Guelph. 5th, Prince of the West =203 = , by Young Scotland (13681), also imported in dam and out Cherry Pie =79 = , and was sold to the late John Snell, of Edmonton. This was the most important importation made up to this time. 11 XVlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. I. In 1856, Wm. M. Miller brought out an English bred bull, Young England =274 = , bred by Q. Clark, Bilton, Yorkshire, by Voltigeur (15475),. and Geo. Miller brought out Fancy alias Mary =IG8 = , by Sir Charles (13705) ; Jane 3rd =243 = , by Sir John (13735) ; Young Starling =561 = , by Sir John (13735) ; Snowdrop 2nd =499 = , by Sir John (13735) ; and Sonsie 2nd =501 = , by Sir John (13735), five heifers all bred by R. Syme of Red Kirk ; also a bull, Nicol =185 = , by Sam Glen (10780), bred by Nicol Milne, of Melrose, Scotland, For produce of these heifers, see their pedi- grees in this book. In 1856, we find a new importer, Geo. Roddick, of Cobourg. Or t. He brought out two bulls, Brilliant =34 = , by Baron of Ravens worth (7^11); Prince Charlie =200 = , by Lord Raglan (13244), and the cow, Nonparei' 6th =392=-, by Hudibras (10339), in calf with bull, Southwick, by Lo.d Raglan (10339); these were all bred by Mark Stewart, Southwich, Dumfries, Scotland. This cow only produced bull calves, so Mr. Roddick did not per- severe with his Short-Horns. In 1856, Luke Mullock, near Waterdowi , also commenced import- ing, and brought out two cows and a bull, Joe Miller =138= (14746), by the Duke of Beaufort (11377), heifer, Blanche =38 = , by Duke of Beaufort (11377), and Eliza = 145 = , by Duke of Beaufort (11377), all bred by John Christy, Adare, Ireland. Blanche =38--, raised two bulls and three heifers while owned by Mr. Mullock. Eliza =345= raised one bull. Volunteer, and two heifers, Princess and Mary, while owned by Mr. Mul- Inck, and one heifer, Duchess of Djver, while owned by George Roach, of Hamilton. In 1856, F. W. Stone of Guelph b: ight out six heifers and three bulls. Ist, Desdemona =111 = , by Grand Turk =125= (12969), bred by Henry Ambler, Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng. She calved soon after landing a bull calf, Grand Turk ; had another calf that died, and does not appear to have bred any more. 2nd, Eugenie =157 = , by Grand Turk =125= (12969), also bred by H. Ambler. She had a bull calf by Grand Duke =119 = , after landing, then bred one heifer and two bulla while owned by Mr. Stone. 3rd, Marchioness =316 = , by Columbus (12616), bred by E. W. Smythe Owen, Shrewsbury, Eng. She appears to have had one bull and two heifer calves only, and died in 1862, still in the possession of Mr. Stone. 4th, Martha =323 = , by Dick (10120), also bred by E. W. Smythe Owen. She had Marchioness =316 = , by her side when imported, and afterwards had three heifers and one bull while owned by Mr. Stone ; her stock is widely scattered now. 5th, Ruby =483 = , by Buston (11229). She was bred by the Rev. T. Airy, Holme Park, Lambrigg, Eng. She had one heifer, Miss Moreton =1572 = , while the property of Mr. Stone, and a bull and heifer while owned by H. J. Boulton, Humberford. 6th, Henna =229 = , by Janizary (8175), bred by Sir Charles Knightly, Bart., Fawsley Park, Eng, m IstJ (15 bulj entj onel 1st Doi by Geol 1886.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE, XIX bulls, enry bull have 2969), after stone, mythe heifer 4th, Owen. Irwards Itock is e was heifer, 11 and 229 = , ,Eng. ■1 She had four bull calves while owned by Mr. Stone. Bulls— Ist, Third Grand Duke =119= (17983), out of Eugenie =167 = . 2nd, Grand Turk, out of Desdemona = 111 = , but do not know what became of him. 3rd, Friar John =110= (12905), by Duke of Glo'ster, imp. =83= (11382), bred by J. S. Tanqueray, Hendon, Eng. ; he proved to be a great stock getter la 1857 we find that J. Petty, of Kippen, Ont., imported one bull and two cows : bull, Despatch [166], not yet in Dominion Book. He was bred by Henry Smith, Drax Abbey, Yorkshire, Eng. First cow, Lady of the Lake =291 = , by Baltic (12431), bred by Rev. J. Eaton. Shelbrooke Park, Eng. ; we do not find any produce from her for first volume. Second cow, Fanny =173 = , by Brideman (12493), bred by Henry Smith, Drax Ab- bey, Yorkshire, Eng. ; she had one bull, Gen. Havelock, by Despatch, while owned by Mr. Pe'-ty, and six heifers and one bull while owned \y Gaorge Robson, of Ilderton. She has left an immense number of descendants. We also find that in 1857, the Hon. John Iloas, of Toronto, brought out two cows and one bull. Ist. Tulip =524 = , by Lord Ruby (14851), most likely bred by Edward Ladd Betts, Preston Hall, Kent, Eng. She had one calf, Rose = 1829 = , while owned by Mr. Ross ; three bulls and one heifer while owned by G. D. James, Toronto ; two heifers and one bull ■while the property 8f James Beaty, of Toronto ; and two heifers while the property of James Whitson, of Atha. 2nd. Beauty Roan =32 = , by Chil- ton (10054), was also bred by Edw. Ladd Betts, and is a cow with a history as a stock getter. She had York, and Lily =1360=, while owned by Mr. Ross ; Charlotte, while owned by D. G. James, of Toronto ; Paddy Whack, Etobicoke, and Bonny Lass, while the property of James Baaty ; John Gait, while the property of John Davidson, of Gait ; and two bulls and three heifers while the property of George Edgar, of Ayr. She had in all twelve calves, and then went to the block at the age of twenty-one years. General H ive- lock =111= (19841) was also bred by Mr. Betts, and proved a good stock getter. A new importer turns up this year, in the person of John Thomson, of Whitby, Ont He brought out two heifers and two bulls from Scotland. Ist, Lady of Athelstane alias Maid of East Lothian =290 = , by Tambour (15366), bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford, Scotland. She had three bulls and one heifer while the property of Mr. Thomson. 2nd, Nerissa Elev- enth =386 = , by Hamlet (8126), bred by E. Bj,te, Kelerston, Eng. ; we find one heifer, Beauty =642 = , and bull, Tom Bunt, bred by Mr. Thomson. Ist Bull, Bridegroom =33= (14190), by Hymen (13068), bred by James Douglas, Athelstaneford ; was a good stock getter, and was used some time by the Thomsons. 2nd, Curley, by New Year's Gifc (105 U), was bred by Geo. Reid, Ballencrief, Scotland ; do not know what became of him. W. & R. Armstrong, of Markham, during this summer imported I a bull, Fawkes =106= (14539), by Sir John (13735), bred by Robert Syme, XX HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. I. Esq. , Red Kirk, Dumfries ; he appears as a sire of a good many cattle ; he was brought out by Joseph Thomson, in the service of the Messrs. Arm- strong. Samuel Baker, of Jarvij, also appears in 1857 as the importer of the heifer, Lady Kingscote =283 = , by Sixth Duke of York (15J50), bred by Col. Kingscote, of Kingscote Park, Eng. She has only a short pedigree, and is not traced to the English Book ; but she has raised three heifer calves, and her stock is well distributed in Canada. Still another gentleman, K. H. Buwn, of Ox Bow, now Bow Park, Brantford, comes to the front this year with two heifers and one bull, of English breeding. Roan Duchess -4G0 = , by Lord Ducie =164= (13181), bred by Mr. Brown, Delfcote, Swindon, Eng. She has a very good pedi- gree, rich with the Mason and Culling blood, ending with the old Studley Bull ; this cow bred four bulls and four heifers while owned by Mr. Bown, and afterwards passed into the hands of the late Hon. George iirown when he bought Bow Park. Bessie, by Banktield (12434), was bred by VV. Charley, Seymour Hdl, Eng. ; she had one heifer calf at least while owned by Mr. Bown ; Bessie 2nd, by Master Grahame =107= (14928). Master Gra- hame =167= (14928), by Orestes (15027), was bred by F. W. Bramston, The Skreem, Eng. He was used by Mr. Bown for some time and proved a good stock bull. George Miller, of Markham, also brought out this year Lucy Neal = 308 = , by Sir Charles (13705), bred by W. R. Syme. This heifer and the bull Fawkes =106 = , very likely came together. She was sold to .John M. Bell, of Atha, and produced for him three heifers and three bull calves, and her stock is well-known in Canada. 1858. — We do not find niany imported this year ; in fact only one cow, Jenny Lind =244 = , by Lord Grey (10446), calved March 20, 1852, bred by F. Jordan, Esq., Eastburn, Dreftield, Yorkshire, Eng., and imported by John Gill, of Grahamsville, Ont. ; in calf with Cobden =52 — , by Emperor (in Eng.) =102 = , used for some time by Mr. Gill. Jenny Lind =245 = raised a heifer, Catharine Hayes =731--, and a bull calf while owned by Mr. Gill ; he then sold her to Charles Taylor, of Brantford, with whom she raised a bull. Brant, and a heifer. Rose of June. , . 1859. — We commence with the importation into New Brunswick of a eow, Princess Second, by Prince Regent (13523), bred by R. Geikie, and a bull, Duke, by Oronocca (13425), also bred by R. Geikie, Roseneath, Baldowrie, Scotland ; they were imported by Julius L. Inches, Fredericton, the then Secretary of the Board of Agriculture for that Province. Princess Second had Princess Seventh, by Duke, while the property of Mr. Inches, and no doubt other calves ; this is the only one we have come across yet. The second importation into New Brunswick was thirty years after the first- one of four bulls in 1825, rather a long period. I. 188G.] HISTORY OF SHORT HORN CATTLB. XXI In 1859, Neil .J. McCiillivray, of Willirtinstown, Co. of (Jlen^arry, brought out four cows and two bulls, one iinportod in dam ; two of these cows were from the now famed herd of Amos Cruicksliank, of Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, and were the first two of his ever brought to the Dominion, lat, cow, Honesty 232^ , by I'rocuratc»r (1U()57), was calved IMarch 25, 1854, and was bred by A. Cruickshank ; her first calf was Maronet, by Baron (13833), broutjht out in dam, calved March 30, 1800 ; she had another calf on record, Primrose, by Royal George =220= (l(!8r>()), while owned by Mr. McCiillivray. 2nd, Model 371 = , by Matadore (11800), also bred by Mr. Crui ckehank. She had two bull calves while the property of Mr. McGillivray, both by Baronet. 3rd, Nina =3!)0-, by Lord Givrlies (14810), calved January 8, 1858, bred by S. Stewart, Southwick, Dumfries, Scotland. She had a heifer. Bell, by Royal George = 220= , and a bull, The Colonel, by Baronet while the property of Mr. McGillivray. 4th, Souvenir ^502 - , by Roan Knight (151G7), calved January 4, 1878, and bred by J. Grundy, The Dales, England. She had a heifer calf, Lancashire Rose, by Royal George = 220 = , while owned by Mr. McGillivray. The bull, Royal George -220 = , by Master Butterfly 2nd (14918), was calved April 7, 1858, and also bred by Mr. Cruickshank. I am sorry to say Mr, McGillivray did not continue the business lon^r, as we only find one animal bred by him in the Second Vol. of the Canada Short-Horn Herd-Book, and then he passes from Short-Horn history ; still he brought out a tine lot of cattle. In 1869, we also find a Mr. Arthur Wilcocks, Kingsey, Quebec, bringing out a cow, Jessy =248=, by Bates (12452), calved January 5, 1857, bred by John F. P. Philips, of Broomborough, Totnes, England, who soon after landing had a bull calf, Canadian Roseberry, by Roseberry (10850) ; this appears to be the first importation into Quebec. This brings down the importations to the year 1800, the history of subsequent importations will be continued in the Second Volume. H. WADE, Editor. PREFACE. The first Short Horn-Herd Book was commenced in England in 1822, by Mr. George Coatea, of Carlton, Pontefract, Yorkshire, Eng., who was also a breeder of Short Horns. The first few V')liime3 contain the pediytrees of animals existing fifty years previous to publication and up to that time ; and it is also necessary to state that the first volume of Coates' book con- tained but a majority of the Short Horns then owned in England, as several breeders of that date, and in fact up to the present time, have not thought it worth while to pubKcly record their pedigrees. However, as the number of volumes increased, the patronage increased also, and at the present time there are thirty-two published volumes containing the pedigrees of 53,881 Bulls and a much larger number of Cows, but as these are not num- bered it is impossible to give the total with accuracy. Suffice it to say, that it has gone on with continued success from the first, and although its standard seems low — but four crosses for a female — to Canadians, there do not appear to have been any dissentions amongst its patrons as there have been in th;8 country ; there they seem to have every confidence in the Association by which it is managed. England being the home of Short Horns, doubtless any animals now admitted with short pedigrees, spring from old stock owned by gentlemen of a conservative state of mind who would not record their animals when they could have done so. Of course the English book is the parent of all Short Horn Herd-Books, and their numbers are quoted by both the American book and our own. As has been shown in the chronological history of importations. Short Horns were brought into the Dominion in 1825, soon after the commencement of the book ; and they were imported to the United States previous to that time. Our ancestors wisely determining to import animals of the improved races of cattle already existing in Britain in pre- ference to attempting to form improved breeds for themselves. If this rule had been adhered to in Canada, much trouble, expense and annoyance would have been spared our Short Horn breeders. In 1846, the first volume of the American Short Horn Herd-Book was published under the able editorship of Lewis F. Allen, of Black Rock, now Buffalo. Fe was very badly patronized at first, and was so disheartened that he almost gave it up ; and it was not until 1855 that the second volume was published, in 1867 the third, and from that time until the present day it has gone on with great success. In 1883 it passed out of the hands of 1822, ) was (Zrees time ; k con- nd, as ve not as the (resent ees of b num- y, that aiidard appear in th'fl y which as any rned by animals irent of th the history 15, soon United import in pre- ;his rule noyance HISTORY SETOKT-HORN CA.TTLE X IMPORTED INTO THE PRESENT DOMINION OF CANADA FROM BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES, CHR0N0L0(JI- CALLY ARRANGED. N.B. — Dominion Herd Book symhols mid nmnbevs are med. For names of produce, see under pedigree of imported *•«*'•, in Book.. (Continued from Vol. I.) I overlooked an importation of some consequence of Mr. Conyers Place in 1854, in the first volume, consisting of three cows and a bull, all bred by N. G. Barthropp, of Suffolk, England: Artifice (imp.) =21-, by Gamester (12916), calved May 13th, 1853, only appears to have produced two heifer calves, Robena =1800 —, by Lord Barrington Second (imp.) —153^=, while the property of Henry Stuart, EastZorra, and Nora = 4165 = . by Lord Barrington Second (imp.) =1.53=, while owned by the Rev. Ash ton Fletcher, Beachville ; Doubtful (imp.) =r 122 = , by Gamester (12910), calved April 23rd, 1853, had two bulls, Leap Year = 1967 = , by Lord Birringtou Second (imp.) = 153 = , and Master of Barrington = 8 25 = , by same sire, while the property of Mr. Place ; she afterwards had a heifer. Rose =4572 = , bred by same sire, while the pro- perty of Wra. Dawson, of East Zorra : Rosina (imp.) = 481 — , by St. Lawrerce (10775), was the third cow. She was calved Nov. 4th, 1852. She was the most prolific breeder, having four bulls, Linwood, Linwood Second, and a heifer, Christmas Eve —2625 = , all sired by Lord Barrington Second =153 — , also a bull, St. Lawrence = 2498 = , by Snowball =1081=-, while the property of Mr. Place ; and Young Talbot, by General Scott, while owned by John Pearce, of Tyrconnell. The bull Mr. Place imported was named Lord Bar- rington Second =153= (13171), calved Dec. 10th, 1853, and sired by Gulliver (11529), and was the sire of nearly all the calves bred by these valua- ble cows. ., ' In 1860 very few cattle were imported ; the first to notice is a bull, Young Prince John =280=, bred by E. Robinson, Burton-on- Trent, Eng- land, owned by Joseph Crust, Garton Field, Yorkshire, imported in 1859 or 1860 by a Mr. Lovell, who resided a short time in Albion. Mr. Thomas Bol- ton, of Islington, purchased him from Mr. Lovell and used him some time. VI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. II He was Bired by Prince John (1351), dam Fidelity (vol. 13, p. 458 E.H.B.), by Vatican (122G1), &c. , a capital pedigree. The same year Mr. Win Per- cival, of Amherst laland, Co. of Addington, imported two bulls, Fancy (vol. 3) and Maxwell —171 = , both bred by J. W. Miixwell, of Finnebrogue, Ireland, and sired by Musician (133G2), bred by W. Towneley, of Towneley Park, England, the dam of Fancy (vol. 3), was Fancy, by Beau Bill (9940), of the dam of Maxwell =rl71 = , was Myrtle, by Beau Bill (9940), half sisters. These bulls do not seem to have changed hands, and were used principally for grade cows. Dr. G. H. Phillips, of Prescott, was the largest importer in 1800, bringing out five cows and three bulls, from Ireland, all with good pedigrees. Nina (imp.) =^391=., by Valiant (10989), was calved April 23rd, 1855, bred by Mr. Richardson, Glenmore ; we only trace two calves from her. Young Edwin (imp. in dam), by Edwin (14488), and heifer, Frederica, by Master Maradan (imp.) :^108^, bred by Dr. Phillips. Flirt (imp.) :=rl87=, by Sir Samuel (15302), calved Jan. 10th, 1859, bred by Mr. Barnes, Westland, Eng., and the property of R. Chaloner, Kingsfort, Ireland, does not appear to have raised any calves. Fragrance (imp.) :^198=, by Majestic (13279), was calved January 3rd, 1870, bred by J. Lee Norman, Ardee, Ireland. She had a heifer, Myrtle (imp. in dam), by Nonsuch (16020), and in 1803, a bull, Eu- gene Fourth, by Master Maradan (imp.) =168=, their progeny appear often in the Herd Book. Maradan Eighth (imp.) 315=, by Valasco (15443), was calved Jan. 7th, 1859, bred by J. Lee Norman. Dr. Philips raised two heifers, Maradan Twelfth and Thiiteenth, by Master McHale (imp.) - 109 := , and then sold her to C. T. Bradley, of Milwaukee, Wis. ; he raised the bull Melrose, by Eugene Fourth, and the heifer, Maradan Fourteenth, by Eugene Fourth. The fifth cow, Queen (imp.) =437 = , by Druid (10140), was calved Feb. 27th, 1 852, and bred by S. Orr, Coleraine, Ireland ; she has only one recorded calf, Princess Alexandra, by Young Edwin (imp. in dam), bred by Dr. Phillips. The imported bulls were Master McHale =109= (18355), calved Feb. 28, I860, bred by R. Chaloner, Kingsfort; Master Maradan (imp.) -168 (18357), by Valasco (15443), bred by J. Lee Norman, and Young Edwin (imp. in dam), [222], out of Nina =391=:. Dr. Phillips only appears to have bred Short Horns, five or six years, when he sold out, leaving the descendants of these five cows and three bulls to do a good work. In 1861, our old friend Simon Beattie seems to be the only importer ; he brought out four cows and two bulls, Fashion, alias Snell (imp.) =170=, by General Havelock (16130), calved March 30th, 1801, bred by R. Syme, Red Kirk, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, sold by W. Beattie to William Thomson, of Markham, and while his property had heifer calf Lunette, by President. George Miller, of Markham, afterwards owned her and raised heifer Fashion Second = 2993=, by Marion Duke of Airdrie =819=, she was then sold to the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., and raised two bull calves, Alfred, by Mac, and Fancy King, by Eleventh Duke of Thorndale. 1887,1 HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. Vll Favorite (imp.) =178 = , byGenoral H*velock (IGIIJO), bred also by W. Syme, does not appear to have raised any calves. Young Snowdrop (imp) =^500 = , by Tweedside (1224G), was calved Nov. 15th, 1858, also bred by R. Symo; she calved soon after landint;, a heifer Lady Ann =:2(i() = , by General Havelock (KM. 'JO), she was sold to Hjnry Jennings, of Markhani, and raised him four calves, in 18(53, Young Rose =2000==, by Canadian Punch -=398=, in 1804, Fanny Fern 2984 , by Prince George Second = 901 = ; in 1800, bull Sir John, by Prince George Second, and in 1809 Snowdrop -4788=, by Boll Duke of Oxford 357 . Lady Anne 200= (imp. in dam), < x also purchased by Mr. Jennings, and in 18()4 had a heifer, Miss Priscilla - 1f>70 = , by Prince George Second = 901=, af^er this she was sold to Seth Hoacock, of Kettleby, and raised him two heifers , in Nov., 1807, belle of King =009=, by Pioneer — 925=, in .Jan., bull General Havelock = 1831 = , by Pioneer =925-^ ; in 1808, Miss Priscilla Second, by Pioneer = 925:= ; in 1873, Oakland Duke Second = 2155-, by Bartoi: Duke = 347=, and in 1875, Socond Countess of Oakland =788.=, by Fidget's Oxford Eighth = 031 = . The bulls imported at this time were Baron Solway (imp.) = 23 su , by General Havelock, calved Oct. 9th, 1800, bred by R. Syme, and President (imp.)=178 = , by Tweedside (12240), calved Djc. 2nd, 1857, also bred by W. Syme. 1802 seems to have been a blank year, as no cattle were imported from England, either here or in the United States during the financial depression, owing to the American war. 1803, — for this year we can only report on bull Sweetmeat (imp.)=245=, (20924), roan, calved Nov. 12th, 1801, bred by J. Robinson, Clifton Pastures, Bucks, England, he was imported by John Ashworth, of Belmont Farm, Ot- tawa, and proved a good stock getter, this appears to be the commencement of Mr. Ashworth's herd, he subsequently in 1804 purchased some cows from J. C. Harison, of Morley,and R. A. Alexander, Spring Station, Ky.,U. S. In 1804, he also imported Red Duchess (imp.) =452=, by John O'Gaunt (10322), bred by Edward Lawford, Southcott, England. Shortly after landing she produced Imperial Duke, by Imperial Oxford (18084), and in 1805, heifer White Stockings, by Sweetmeat (imp.) =245 =, and in 1807, bull My Luck at Belmont, by Desdichado, and the bull Turk's Ddlight(imp.), by Royal Turk (10875). Mr. Ashworth commenced raising a very fine herd, but soon sold out again. In 1864, the Hon. David Christie, The Plains, Paris, also commenced importing with seven head, all bred by James Douglas, Esq., of Athelstane- ford, Scotland. Queen of Athelstane (imp.) =439 =, by Sir James the Rose (15290), calved April 29th, I860, was brought out with two of her calves at foot and one in dam, as named below ; she does not appear to have bred in Canada. Vlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. II. I^ i Princess of Athelstane (imp.) ^427 = , by Watchman (17216), the first calf from Queen of Athelstane, was brought out with her mother ; she only seems to have raised one calf, in 1807, Prince of the Realm =2277 = , by Crown Prince of Athelstane, her half brother. Crown Prince of Athelstane (imp.) -64=, calved June, 1864, was also brought with her mother, and was a good stock-getter. Crown Princess of Athelstane -9S) , by Mext of Kin (20405), was im- ported in dam, and was the best breeder of the Athelstane lot ; in 1867 she had Oxford's Princess of Athelstane, by Oxford of Athelstane 6021 ; in 1869, Knight's Princess of Athelstane, by Knight of St. George, (imp. ) =145 = , and in 1872, Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =»= 456 = , by Knight of St. George = 148 = . An older cow Placida (imp.) =411 = , by Master of Athelstane (14933), bred by T. B. Sydserfi", Ruchlaw, then owned by W. Douglas, was also brought out by Mr. Christie. She had two calves in Scotland that were not imported. Douglas of Athelstane ==71 — (21555), by Knight of Athelstane (20075) was imported in dam ; in 1865, she raised Plantaganet, by Oxford Lad = 907= ; in 1867, Placida Second, by Crown Prince of Athelstane ; in 1868, Pilot, by Crown Prince of Athelstane =()4 = , and in 1869, Prince Alfred, by Knight of St. George = 1 45 = . Pride of Athelstane = 2223 = , by Sir James the Rose (15290), calved July 6th, 1861, w^as another Bates cow brought out by Mr Christie. She appears to have only bred one bull, calved in 1865, Oxford of Athelstane, by Oxford Lad = 9)7 = . This was a very superior lot of Bates cattle, and attracted great attention at the time. We do not find any impor- tation for three years during the hard times. In 1868, the Hon. David Christie brought out another bull. Knight of St. George (imp.) =145 = (26544), bred by W. Carr, Stackhouse, Yorkshire, England, calved March 12th, 1867. He was kept some time at the head of Mr. Christie's herd. In 1867, George Isaac, of Baltimore, commenced importing cattle from the then new herd of Scotch cattle bred by his brother-in-law, S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His first lot consisted of two heifers and two buPs. Ist. Margaret Thud (imp.) =320 = , by Diphthong Third (21547), calved May 19th, 1866 ; her first bull calf was dropped in 1868, Kinellar,by Prince Charlie (imp.) =201= ; in 1869 another bull, Kinnelar Second, by Prince Charlie (imp.) = 201= ; in 1870 a heifer. Rose Dale, by Prince Charlie (inip.) = 201 =, and in 1872, another bull, Kinellar Fourth, by Wellington (imp.) =261 =. Second Isabella (imp.) —239=, by Diphthong Third (21547), was calved March 26th, 1866, and sold soon after arrival to John Miller, of Broug- ham, she raised eight calves for hiui, her first calf was brought out in her, Canadian Prince = 43= ; in 1869, she had Vo-ing Kinellar, by Kinellar (imp.), in 1870, she raised a heifer, Isabella Second, by Oxford Mazurka --JHO::^:;; in Jan., 1871, a bull, Fawsley Diphthong, by Fawsloy Chief (imp.) =107 - , and in Nov., 1871, another bull, Red Duko=9')4 = , by Clifton Duke Second-423= ; in 1873, a bull, Isabella's Mazurka, by Oxford Mazurka =910= ; in 1878 a 1887.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. IX heifer, Isabella Fourth, by Young Mayflower = 1197=; in 1881, a bull Diadem, by Crown Prince of Strathallan, and in 1882, another heifer. Diadem Second, by same bull. She proved to be a valuable cow. First bull, Canadian Prin ce (imp. ) = 43 = , wasi rom Isabella (imp. ) = 239 = , and was sold to James I. Ddvidson, of Balsam, and John Miller, of Pickering, at an early age; he was calved January 12th, 18G8, and sired by Gladstone (26256), a celebrated bull. Second bull, Prince Charlie (imp.) =201= (27123), was calved Septem- ber 2nd, 1866, bred by S. Campbell, and sired by Prince of Worcester (20597) ; he was kept aeveral years by Mr. George Isaac, at the head of his herd. 1867. — In this year one of our best known importers, Hon. M. H. Coch- rane, of Hillhurst, Que., commenced his aeries of importations, moperty of chess of = , while irk. • y Prince Aylmer ; 3on after 1 Abbey, less Fifth "eb. 12t' , by Lord Dereham, , Dake of 1, red and = 222 = . 137=, ty the pro- :own, who Christian mer ; she, leifer calf, died. On the Ocean r red bull, red at Bow 20th cow, Duchess lOlst (imp., Vol. 3), by Fourth Duke of Thorn lale (17750), red and white, calved .Inly 2(!th, 1808, bred by Captain Ounter, Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, England. Tliis celebrated Duchess cow, calved in Dec. lOtli, soon after landing, a roan heifer, Duchess of Hillhurst Second (imp. in dam), by Eighth Duke of York (28480); and on Dec. 2nd, 1871, a red bull, Third Duke of Hillhurst, by Sixth Duke of Geneva, 7<).3.3. In 1873, this cow was exported for Lord Dunmore, of Stirling Castle, Scot- land. 21st cow. Duchess 103rd (imp,) (vol. 3), by Fourth Duke of Thorndale (17750), another pure Duchess. She was roan, calved August 3rd, 18(i8, also bred by Captain CSunter. Mr. Cochrane kept this cow up to 1873 ; do not know what became of her after this. November 30th, 1870, she had a white heifer calf, Duchess 107th (imported in dam), alias Duchess of Hillhurst, by Eighth Duke of York (20480). She was exported with Duchess lOlst, for Lord Dunmore. In 1872 she had a bull by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), w'lich died ; on March 28th, 1873, a bull by Fifth Duke of Geneva, which Was un- fortunately overlaid by his dam. 22nd & 23rd cows, Duchess 107th and Duchess 108th, both by Eighth D ike of York (28480), and out of Duchess 101st and 103rd respectively, ware, as said before, exported for Lord Dunmore, Stirling, Scotland. 24th cow, Rose Louisa (imp.. Vol. 3), by Royal Booth (22772), was roan, calved May 3rd, 1807, and bred by R. S. Breure, Braithwaite Hall, York- shire, England. She dropped, on September 5th, the heifer Rega, by Royal Booth (27202), soon after landing, and died a month afterwards. She was of the Booth tribe. 25th cow, Joan of Arc (imp,) (vol. 3), by Plymouth Candidate (22.")31) roan, calved October 18th, 1808, bred by G. Game, Chipping Norton, Oxon. England. She was first 6.old to H. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind. then to Edward lies, Springfield, 111., then to Avery & Murphy, Djtroit, Mich., U. S. May 0th, 1872, she dropped a white heifer, Join of Arc Second, by Constantine , November 17th, 1873, roan bull, Joan's Cherub, by Cherub (imp.) ; these were calved while she was owned by Mr. lies ; Nov- ember 24th, 1874, she dropped a roan bull, Joan's Napier, by Forest Napier, while owned by Avery & Murphy. 20th cow, Lady Highthorn (imp,) (vol. 3), by Lord Abbot (20140), roan, c.vlved August 15th, 1808 ; bred by R. Plummer, Carlton, Thirsk, England. She was sold to Edward lies, Springfield, 111., U. S. On November 17th 1872, had a red bull calf. Cherub Second, by Cherub (imp.) ; October Ofch, 1873, a roan bull calf, Cherub Third, by Cherub (imp.). Have no trace of her since. 27th cow, Phillis Ninth (imp,) (vol. 3), by Prince Christian (22581), white, calved January 8th, 1800 ; bred by Hugh Aylmer, Norfolk, England. Was sold to Charles E. Coffin, Muirkirk, Md., U.S. No trace of produce. B XVlll mSTOltV OF bllOUT-llOKiN CATTLK [Vol. II. 28tli cow, Britannia Nineteenth (imp.) 58-, by Prince ChriBtian (2258J), roan, calved March 20th, ]8(iH ; bred by Hugh Aylnier, Norfolli, England. Was sold to William Uuuylas, Caledonia. She was of Bates foun- dation with liooth top crosses. On September Oth, J 870, soon after landing and while owned by Mr. Cochrane she had a roan heifer, IJritish Lady, by Royal liroughton (•27352); on June llth, 1872, roan hoifor, Britannia Twenty-second, by Royal Connnander ('Ji>H57) ; chu> was calved the property of Mr. Djuglas; on July 25th, a red heifer, Britannia Twenty-third =700= , by King of the Ocean (imp.) =143 = . Have no further record of her. 29th cow, Jessie Hopewell, (imp,) (vol. 3), by (ieneral Hopewell, (17953), roan, calved Oct. 12th, 18(i0, bred by Hugh Aylmer. She was sold to H. Sow- dowskey, of Indianolo, 111. She raised him three heifer calves and one bull calf. oO>,U cow. Welcome Lady (imp,) (vol. 3), by Banner Bjarer (11320), roan, calved Dec. 30th, 1870, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby Hall, Yorkshire. She bred one heifer and five bull calves while the property of Mr. Cochrane. She was then exported and sold again to Mr. Booth for 220 guineas, and raised two heifers for him up to 1880. iJlst cow. Candidates Duchess (imp. in dam,) (vol. 3), by Royal Chester (12847), white, calved April Kth, 1871, bred by D. R. Davies, Cheshire, Eng. She was also sold with dam to M. J. Hughes, Lexington, Ky., U.S. ; pro- duce not traced. 32nd cow. Princess Christian (imp,) (vol. 3), roan, calved Oct. 25th, 1807, bred by Hugh Aylmer, Norfolk, Eng. She brought out a bull calf, R )yal Prince, by Royal Broughtou, calved Dec. 25th, 1870 ; since then she has had three heifers and one bull, while owned by Mr. Cochrane. 33rd cow, Fairy Gem (twin) (imp,) (vol. 3), by K. C. B. (20492), roan, calved May, 1809, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby. Mr. Cochrane in 1873 bred bull calf, by Cavalier, but he died. 34th cow, Rega (imp. in dam,) (vol. 3), by Regal Booth (27201), red and white, calved Sep. 5th, 1870, was bred by R. S. Breure, but calved the pro- perty of Mr. Cochrane, She died without produce. 35th cow, British Lady (imp. in dam,) (vol. 3), by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Britannia (imp.) =58 = , was calved Sep. Oth, 1870, bred by H. Aylmer, but calved the property of Mr. Coshrane ; produce not traced. 30th cow, Blueball, (imp,) (vol. 3), by Kaight Errant (18154), roan, calved Feb. 4th, 1803, bred by A. & A. Mitchell, Alloa, Scotland. The cow has the honour of being illustrated in vol. 17 of the H. E. B. She had ten calves in Scotland ; produce in this country not traced. 37th cow, Miss Blithe (imp,) (vol. 3), by Lord Blithe (22120), red and white, calved Feb. 2Sth, 1809, bred by A. & A. Mitchell, Alloa, Scotland. She died with Mr. Cochrane without produce. 38th cow, Baddow Rose (imp,) (vol. 3), by Manhattan (208)2), roan, calved Nov. 8th, 1807, bred by R. H. Craft, Biddow, Chelmsford, England. II. 1887.1 HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIX ulk, »un- iing ,by unia )erty iO=, ), roan, in 1873 She calved Hillhurst Itoao, by Old S.itn, Sep. 2!Hh, soon after landing, and, in 1873, bull Babadil, by Sixth Duke of Uouova, while owned by Mr. Coch- rane. 3yth cow, Farewell (imp.) =174=^, by Brigade Major (2i;}(t2). red and white, calved April U.jch, 18(iS, bred by .1. H. liooth, Killorby. She was afterwarda owned by Simon lieattio, of Markham ; no produce traced. 40th cow, Killerby Queen (imp), (vol, 3), by Brigade Major (21312), roan calvod July, 1807, bred by -J. B. liooth. She had seven calves while with Mr. Cochrane ; was exported to England and bought by J. Torr for 41 guineas. 4]8t cow, Milliner (imp.) ==^342 = , by lirigade Major (21312),roan, calved Aug., 1807; also bred by J, B. Booth. She was sold to Wm. Douglas, of Caledonia ; in April, 1872, she had a white heifer, Lady Booth, by Royal Com- mander (2D857), bred by Mr. Cochrane, but calved the property of W. Doug- las ; in 1875, Jan. 0th, heifer, Lady Pigot, —3532 — , by Lothair =800=, and in 1881, bull, Brigade Major, by Earl of Goodness 5th =-5!33= ; in 1870 she dropped red heifer. Maiden (imp., in dam) by K, C, B. (20492), bred by Mr Bocjth, calved the property of Mr. Cochrane. 42nd cow, Goody Two Shoes (imp. in dam,) (vol. 3), by Lord Lyons (20077) red, calved May 2t)th, 1809, bred by G. S. Foljambe, Notts., Eng. She was sold to W. T. Hughes, of Lexington, Ky., but bred Mr. Cochrane in 1871, a bull calf, Grand Commander, by Royal Commander. 43rd cow. Maiden (imp,) (vol. 3), by K. C. B. (2()4()2), red, calved Nov. 6th, 1870, brought out in dam MiUiner ^342 = , bred by J. B. Booth, and sold to E. CofHn, Muirkirk, Ind., U. S. 44th cow. Lady Grateful (imp,) (vol. 3), by Lord of the Valley (14837), roan, calved Jan. 12th, 1804, bred by J. C. Booth, Warlaby ; she bred two calves for Mr. Booth, but none while at Hillhurst. 45th cow, Lady Booth (imp,) (vol.3), by British Crown (21322), red and white, calved April 28th, 1809, bred by J. C. Booth, Warlaby. She died at Hillhurst without produce. 40th cow. Lady of the Lake (imp,) (vol. 3), by Kniglit Errant (18154), red and white, calved Nov. 19th, 1802, bred by John B. Booth, Killerby, dropp- ed on Dec. 30th, 1870, heifer, Welcome Lady (imp. in dam vol, 3), by Banner Bearer (27907), No. 30 of their lot. She was after that sold to W. S. King Minneapolis. Produce not traced. 47th cow. Queen of Beauty (imp.) =2232-= , by Knight Errant (18154), red and white, calved April 4th, 1808, bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby ; in 1875 she bred red bull, Cumbermede —1578 = , by Sirius =2442==^, and in 1877, waa exported to England and sold to J. B, Booth, for 120 guineas, 48th cow, Wild Eyes Duchess (imp.) -2280 = , by 9th Grand Duke (19879), red, calved Feb. 3rd, 1805, bred by C. R. Saunders, Nunwick Hall, Penrith, Eng. ; on the 13th of April, 1871, she produced heifer, Lyndale Wild Eyes (imp. in dam) = 21 90 = , by E irl of Eglintoii(23S32), bred by C. R. XX HISTOUY OK SIIOUT-IIORN CATTLK. [Vol. II. Ill Saunders ; on Sept. 10th, 1872, heifer, Wild Eyebright, by Oth Duke fif Geneva = 528 = , afterwards exported ; on Nov. 18tli, 1873, heifer. Sparkling Kyes, by 0th Duke of Geneva =528 -. She was exported in 187i{, and sold to the Earl of Dunmore. 49th cow, Tyndalo Wild Eyes (imp. in dam) = 2100-, by Earl of Ending- ton (2y8Ii2),'wart bred by Mr. Saunders, calved, the property of Mr. Cochrane, and sold to W. S. King, Minneapolis, l'. S. ; in 1873, May 15th, she had a bull, Wild Eyes Duke 2588-, by Second Duke of Hillhurst = 5y2 = . 50th cow, Waterloo Thirty-Eighth (imp,) (vol. 3), by Eirl of Jjglingtou (23832), red, calved March 12th, 18»;!>, bred by C. U. Saunders, Penrith, Enj^land ; in 1871, she had a heifer, Water Flower, by Sixth Duke of Geneva = 528=; she died in 1873, breeding no more. Slst cow. Lady Worcester (imp,) (vol. 3), by Charleston (21400), was calved April 8th, 18(55, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, Kidderminster, England ; she had three calves in England, and two in Canada, both of the died ; latter she was exported in 1873, and sold to the Earl of Dunmore. We see three calves recorded from her while his property. 52nd cow, Star Queen (imp.) =22(50 = , by the Sutler (230G1), roan, calved June 23rd, 18G0, bred by R. S. Breure, York, England ; had heifer calf soon after landing. No other produce traced. 53rd cow. Vesper Star (imp.)=^2273 = , by Sir Windsor Broughton (27507), red and white, calved the property of Mr. Cochrane ; in 1873, had bull, Sirius=2242=, by Royal Blithe =2377=; and in 1877 was exported to England, and sold to W. J. Crosbie, for 1,000 guinies. Ist bull, Scotsman (vol. 3), by Royal Errant (22780), roan, calved Feb. 27th, 1868, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, Edinburgh. 2nd bull, Old Sam (imp.) = 190 -^(32449), by Duke of Grafton, red, calved Jan. 4th, 18G8, bred by R. H. Croft, Great Baddow, Essex, England. He was sold to W. S. King, Minneapolis, U. S. 3rd bull, Royal Prince (imp,) (vol. 3), by Royal Broughton (27352), was calved Dec. 23rd, 1870, bred by Hugh Aylmer, Dareham Abbey. He was sold to J. & W. Thomson, Ottawa. 4th bull, Lord Wetherby (imp,) (vol. 3), by Second Duke of Wetherby (21608), roan, calved Nov. 30th, 1870; he was imported in dam. Wild Flower Sixth (vol. 3), and was bred by J. Atherton, Chapel House, Speke. He was sold to L. W. Towne, Hannibal, Mo., U. S. 5th bull, Imperial Ca33ar (imp.) =130=, by Royal Broughton (27352), red and white, calved Jan. 16th, 1871, bred by H. Aylmer, out of _Duches8 Second of Dereham Abbey = 135'=. He was sold to the Canada West Farm Stock Association, Brantford. 6th bull. Royal Commander (imp.) =1293^=, by Commander in Chief (21451), roan, calved July 31st, 1869, bred by J. C. Booth, Warleby, in 1875. He was exported and sold to Hugh Aylmer, Norfolk, England. 1887.J HISTORY OF HHOUT-IIORN CATTLK. XXI 7th bull, Booth's Markaman, (28059) (imp,) (vol. 3), by Booth's KimmRU (25058), roan, calvod Sept. 2nd, 18(50, and bred by R. S. Breuro. Braithwiiite Hall, England. 8th bull. Royal Richard (imp,) (vol. 3), by Kint; Richard, HUV.) (imp.), red and white, cah'ed Jan. 15th, 1870, bred by Mr. Barnes, Ireland, and sold to Abraham Vanmeter, Winchester, Ky. , U.S. 9th bull, (irand Duke of (lordon (imp.) =120 = , by Blinkhoolio (23428) roan, calved April 2l8t, 18«»!>, bred by Mr. Terr, Ayleeby Manor. Ho was sold to the Hon. (Jeorge Bn.wn, Bjw Park, and for some time was used at the head of the Bow Park Herd. 10th bull, Lord Abraham (2905«)), (vol. 3), by Breastplate (19337), roan, calved April 25th, 1809, bred also by \V. Torr. I do not trace hia sale. llth bull. Prince Nicholas (imp.) (29047), by Prince Christian (22581), roan, calved Feb. 5th, 1809, bred by Hugh Aylmor, and calved, the property of Mr. Cochrane. 1870, Messrs. J. & R. Hunter, of Sunnyside, Alma, Ont., imported their first cow this year, a Cruikshank, called Lady Fanny (imp.) =270 = , by Rob Roy (22740), red, calved March 1st, 1870, bred by A. Cruikshank, Sittytoa, Aberdeen, Scotland ; in 1872, on Jan. 10th, she had a bull calf that died : again on Dec, Hist, 1872, she had a bull calf. Lord Aberbeea =773 = , by Knight of Warlaby (imp.) =147= ; in 1874, April 2, heifer. Faith or Fame = 993 = , by Knight of Warlaby (imp.) -147= ; 1875, Feb. 18th, heifer. Royal Hope, by same sire; 1870, Feb. 24th, bull, the Baron = 1107 = , by same sire and in 1878, Jan. Ist, heifer. Lady Sarah, also by same sire. Aug. 2, 1870, Mr. John Miller, of Brougham, made his first importation consisting of nine females and two bulls, brought out in dams. Ist cow, Gaiety (imp.) =2143^ , by Brigade Major (21312), roan, calved Aug. 23rd, 1807, bred by J. B. B.oth, Killerby Hall, Yorkshire, Eng., straight from the fountain head of Booth Cattle ; unfortunately the cow does not appear to have raised a calf. 2nd cow. Madam Booth (imp,) (vol. 3;, by the celebrated Brigade Major (21312), roan, calved July 30th, 1807, also bred by J. B. Booth, Killerby, was more fortunate in having a calf soon after arrival, IMajor Booth, alias K. 0. B., by Knight of the Crescent (29000), and on Dec. 24th, 1871, she again had twin heifer calves, Morning Star and Evening Star, by Fawsley Chief. She was then sold to the butcher. It seems as if some of the pure Booths were uneven breeders. 3rd cow, we now come to the most celebrated cow of John Miller's lot, the famous Rose of Strathallan (imp.) = 480 = , by Allan (21172), roan, calved March 29th, 1865, and bred by Lord Strathallan, of Perth, Scotland, then owned by James Currie, of Halkerstone, Edinburgh, Scotland, who sold her to Mr. Miller. This cow is the foundation of Mr. Miller's famous Strathallan family. She was a cow of great individual merit, as well as a prolific breed- XXll HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. II. ! er ; she had two calves in Scotland, in 1808 and 1869 ; March 25, 1871, soon after arrival, she had Lord Strathallan (imp. in dam) =15G = , by Prowler (22G62) ; 1872, April Ist, Fawsley Duke, by Fawsley Chief (26143) ; in 1873, she did not breed ; 1874, Feb. 12th, heifer, Red Rose of Strathallan, -4483= by the Doct r (imp.) =250=; 1875 nursed ; 1870, Jan. 27, white heifer, White Rose of Strathallan, by Filligree Duke ; 1877, April 20th, ubll, Lord Strathallan 2nd, by 3rd Lord of Racine ; 1878, May 8th, roan heifer, Moss Rose of Strathallan, by Young May Flower =1197=; 1879, July 2nd, roan bull, Crown Prince of Strathallan, by Crown Prince of Athelstane 2nd = 456=; in 1880, May 10th, white bull, 2nd Crown Prince of Strathallan, by same sire ; and in 1881, May 27th, roan bull, 3rd Crown Prince of Strathallan, by Ercildonne, =617= only nursing 3 years, from 1868 to 1871. Her descendants are numerous all over the province, and she was the means of bringing Mr. John Miller, to the front as a short-horn breeder. 4th cow. Coquette (imp.) =88 = , by Refiner (24928), red and little white, calved Feb. 28th, 1870, bred by J. Currie, Edinburgh, Scotland ; she only seems to have raised two calves, in 1874, Coquette Second, by Proud Duke = 91=, and in 1876, Coquette Sixth, by Young Mayflower =1197 = . She may have raised more calves ; these are the only ones on record. 5th cow, Cherry Bloom, (imp.) =78 = , by Joseph (20033), red and white, calved Jan. 22nd, 1866, bred by F. Lawson, Stapleton Grange, Dar- lington, Eng., another English cow owned by Mr. Currie of Edinburgh, and sold to John Miller ; her first calf dropped Jan. 6th, 1870, Cherrybini (imp.) = 77 = , was also bought by Mr. Miller ; Get. 22nd, 1871, she dropped a bull, Cherry Duke =1514=, by Oxford Mazurka -=910=; on Jan. 4th, 1873, heifer, Cherry Bloom Second, by Oxford Mazurka =910=; on March 17tb, 1874, heifer Cherry Bloom Third, by Lord Strathallan (imp.) =156= ; on May 18th, 1875, bull, Cherry Duke Second, by Proud Duke =991 = , and on May 24th, 1876, heifer, Blooming Mayflower, by Young Ma\ flower = 1197 = , six calves, all calved while she was the property of Mr. Miller. She also added to the popularity of Mr. Miller's herd. 6th cow. Starlight (imp,) (vol 3), by Knight (24267), red and white, calved Jan. 22nd, 1868, bred by T. Marshall, Annan, Scotland, another successful Scotch breeder ; this cow was sold before breeding, name of purchaser not given. 7th cow, Mary (imp.) =325 = , by Knight (24267), red and white, calved Jan. 19th, 1868, bred also by T. Marshall, Annan, Scotland. We only find one heifer calf, calved Dec. 28th 1876, Mary Marshall, =3878=, by \oung Mayflower, =1197 = , as bred from her by Mr. Miller. 8th cow, Sarah (imp.) =492 = , by Royal George (25023), roan, calved Dec. 26th, 1868, also bred by T. Marshall, and sold by John Miller to Wm. Heron, of Ashburn. Do not trace any produce to her. i\ 1887.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXlll Ist bull, Majcjr Booth alutu K. C. B. (imp,) in clam, (vol 3), by Knight of the Crescent (29000), white, calved March 4th, 1871, bred by J. C. Booth, Killerby, calved the property of John Miller, and sold to Hon. M. H. Coch- rane, Hillhurst, Q. 2nd bull, Lord Strathallan (imported in dam), =156 = , by Prowler, (22662), red, calved March 23rd, 1871, bred by Lord Strathallan ; calved the property of John Miller, and used in his herd, 1870, after a period of fourteen years, F. W. Stone, of Moreton Lodge Guelph, again imported six heifers, nearly all bred by Sir G. R. Philips, of Weston Park, Warwickshire, England. Ist cow, Gulnare (imp.) =222 = , by Third Duke of Genei^ (21502), a son of the celebrated Duchess, Duke of Ganeva (10614), bred by J. 0. Sheldon, of Geneva, xHqw York, U. S. ; exported and sold to Col. Tennant, of Penrhyn Castle, England. Red, calved February 15th. 1860, bred by Sir G. R. Philips, as above. Mr. Stone had two calves from her, and then sold her to J. H . Spears, Tallula, 111. , who sold her to F. F. Tubbs, Villisca, Iowa, U. S. 2nd cow, Lurline (imp.) =2189=, by Lackey (24201), roan, calved July 7th, 1868, bred by Sir G. R. Philips, Bart. The only produce recorded is Modesty, imported in dam, as below. 3rd cow. Modesty (imported in dam.) (vol. 3), by Dake of Kent (25070), dam Lurline (imp.) =2189 = , bred by Sir G. R. Philips ; calved the property of F. W. Stone. No produce traced. 4th cow, Miss Minnie Seventh (imp.) =363 = , by Grand Duke of York (24071), roan, calved November 29th, 1869, bred by William Butler, Bad- minton, England. Sold to .1. H. Spears & Sons, Tallula, 111., U.S. No trace of produce. 5th cow, Dinorah Second alias Duchess of Lehigh (imp.) =116 = , by Barleycorn the Younger (21209), roan, calved March 31 st, 1866, bred by Sir George Philips, Bart, Weston Park, Warwickshire, England. She had her first heifer calf January 11th, 1870, in England, not imported ; second heifer, February 25th, 1871 (imported in dam), Diadem, as below. She was sold to J. S. Cooper, Coopersburg, and then to Thomas L. W. Kean, Easton, Pa., U. S. Had five calves while owned by the last two gentlemen. 6th cow. Diadem (imp. in dam,) (vol. 3), by Third Duke of Geneva (21502), roan, calved Feb. 25th, 1871, bred by Sir G, R. Philips, calved the property of F. W. Stone, and sold in 1872, to Thos. Lumsden of St. Francois Xavier, Man. She died on the way up from the effects of exposure. Aug. 29th, 1870, Mr. J. S. Thomson, of Mayfield Farm, Whitby, com- mences importing with six heifers and one bull, four from the now celebrated herd of A. Cruikshank, Sittyton, two from S. Campbell, Kinellar, and one from J. Currie, Halkeraton, all Scotch cattle of mixed breeding, Ist cow. Butterfly's R:)se (imp.) =67 = , by Scotch Rose (25099), roan, XXIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HOKN CATTLE. [Vol. II. calved Feb, Oth, 1809, bred by A. Ciuikshank, and sold to S. E. Ward, Weatport, Mo., U.S. She raised him two heifers and three bull calves, from IfcTO to 1882. Mr. Thomson does not appear to have raised any calves from her. 2nd cow, Clementina First (imp.) =83 = , by Master Goldachmidt (20305), red and white, calved Jan. 22nd, 1867, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. She bred two heifers in Scotland, and in 1874, May 25th, heifer, Clementina Thirty-second, by Heir of Scotts (imp.) =130 — . She was sold to John R. Craig, who resold her, at his sale in 1873, to Robert Holloway, Alexir, III, U.S. 3rd c*W, Clementina Second (imp-) =2122 = , by Sir Christopher (22895), red and white, calved June 5th, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar ; She was first sold to James Thomson, St. Marys, then to Hugh Thomson, Whitby, then to J. R. Craig, and by him, at his sale in 1875, to Robert Hol- loway, Alexis, 111., U.S. Clementina 1st —83 — , and Clementina 2nd = 2122 = , were the two best Campbell cattle ever imported. 4th cow, Minnie's Annandale (imp.) =349 = , by Master Annandale (14910), roan, calved Oct. 29th, 18C0, bred by J. Currie, Halkenatone, Edinburgh, Scotland. She was sold at once to D. M. Flinn, Boonesville, Iowa, U.S., who again sold her to W. S. King, Minneapolis, Minn. She dropped in Scotland, heifer, Minnie of Willowdale alias Cowslip =351 = , as below (imp.) in 1871, and bred Minnie Annandale Second, by Baron Hubback Second, while owned by D. M. Flinn. 5th cow, Sylvia (imp.) =515 = , by Champion of England (17526), red, calved Nov. 25th, 1808, bred by A. Cruikshank, Sittyton ; no trace of her sale or of produce. 6th cow, Christobel (imp.) =81 = , by Champion of England (17526), red, calved Jan. 31st, 1869, bred by A. Cruikshank. She was sold to W. S. King, of Minneapolis ; produce not traced. N.B.— History to be continued in Vol. III. H. WADE, Editor, i! !M HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE IMPORTED INTO THE PRESENT DOMINION OF CANADA FROM BRITAIN, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. N.B. — Dominion Herd Book siimhols and numbers are used. For name^ of produce, see under pedifjree of imported cow in Book. {Continued from Vol. II.) Vol. 2nd brought down tlie history to the importations up to the end of 1870. We now reaumo with those of 1871, commencing with two Scotch bred cows brought out by J. S. Armstrong of Speedside, Ist, Lady Florence (imp.) = 277-, by Julius C.-esar (26480), calved Dec. llth, 18G9, and bred by A* Cruickshank, of Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. She had her first calf on Feb. 22nd, 1873, a bull called Cranberry Chief =450 = , by His Royal High- ness (imp.) = 132= (28800) ; in 1874, April 20th, another bull, Heather Jock = 0300 = , by same sire. There is a blank in registered progeny up to Sept. 2nd, 1879, when she had another bull, Prince of Florence =2202 = , by Second Prince of Springwood =978==, who was sold to John Armstrong, of Ridge- town. In 1881, Feb. 5th, her first heifer calf. Lady Pride Third -=1309 = , by Second Prince of Springwood =978= was born ; again, May 15th, 1883, an- other bull calf, Florence, by Buttertly's Duke =390= (a Bow Park bull), was calved. We have no record of any more produce. 2nd.— Cow, Golden Bracelet (imp.) =210 = , by Bulwark (25090), red, calved Feb. 20th, 1870, bred by Wm. Duthie of Collynie, Aberdeen, Scot- land, does not appear to have raised any calves, as none are recorded from her by Mr. Armstrong. In 1871, the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., again came to the front with an importation of 21 females and five bulls, all of English and Irish breeding. They were nearly all sold shortly after to Americana, so do not all appear in our book. 1st. — Acacia (imp.) {Vol. 4), by Knight Errant (18154), red and white, calved May 10th, 1804, bred by G. Bland, Colby Hall, Lincolnshire, the Vlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. III. property of W. Dereham, Stoneleigh House. In 1867, July 2Gth, she had twin calves, Duke and Duchess of Hazlewood, by Sixth Grand Duke (19870), also Oct. 10th, 1868, a heifer, Florence, by Bismarck (26637). While the pro- perty of Mr. Dereham, on the 10th of Nov., 1870, shortly after landing, she produced Central Pacific (imp. in dam),'by Bismarck (25637), also bred by Mr. Dereham, but calved the property of Mr. Cochrane, afterwards sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon, U.S., by private sale along with his dam Acacia. 2nd. — Lady Lucy Thorndale (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Third Duke of Thorn- dale (17749) roan, calved June 20th, 1864, bred by J. Clayden, Littlebury, Sussex, Eng. On Sept 1st, 1866, she had her first calf. Lady Archdale, by Archdale (21183), bred by Mr. Clayden, on Sept. 9th, 1869, she had Rosedale by Bismarck (25637), when the property of Mr. Dereham, Stoneleigh, Eng., also imported as below. ( Mr. Cochrane afterwards sold her to S. B. Streator, East Cleveland, O., U.S., — her portrait appears in Vol. 12, A.H.B., p. 916. She had a b. c. on May 26th, 1872, by Sixth Duke of Geneva, 7633, called General Thomas 14352, which was calved the property of Mr. Streator ; on Sept. 7, 1874, a c. c. Lulu, roan, by Breadalbane (imp.) (30577); on Aug. 10th, 1875, roan b. c, Leopold, 23685, by Breadalbane (30577); on July 29th, 1876, b. c, Clearty Lonango. 28857, by Don Lonango, 7840. 3rd. — Rosedale (imp.)(ro^ 4), by Bismarck (26637), red, calved Sept. 9th, 1869, out of Lady Lucy Thorndale (imp.) as above. She was bred by Mr. Dereham, Palmer Green, Middlesex, Eng., and was brought out with her mother. 4th— Waterloo Rose (imp.) =2281=, by Royal Sovereign (22802), roan, calved Dec. 19th, 1866, bred by R. Chaloner, Kingsfort, Ireland, second owner, D. Mcintosh, Havering Park, Essex, Eng. On May 6th, 1869, she had a heifer, Waterloo Rose Second (imp. ), as below ; on May 29th, 1870, a heifer, Waterloo Third, by Third Duke of Geneva (23753), bred by Mr. Mcintosh ; on Sep. 23rd, 1872, a heifer, Waterloo Rosebud, by Sixth Duke of Geneva = 528= (30969) ; and on Oct. 31 st, 1873, a bull calf, Narcissus -2134-=, by Royal Commander -=1293= (29857), both bred by Mr. Cochrane. 5th— Waterloo Rose Second (imp.) (Vol. 4.), by King Richard (26513), daughter of Waterloo Rose =2281=, as above, was calved May 6th, 1869, and brought out with her dam. 6th— Belinda Oxford (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Brockley Oxford (25688), roan, calved Nov. 10th, 1869, bred by 0. Barnett, Stratton Park, Bedfordshire, Eng., of mixed Booth and Bates' breeding. She was sold to 0. E. Cof&n, Muirkirk, Md., U.S., afterwards owned by Wm. Steel, Greensburg, Pa. ; in 1872 she had a heifer which died ; in 1874, Plumwood Oxford Belle, by Plumwood Oxford, 8789, Ky.R. ; and in 1875, White Cloud, 5991, Ky.R., by Plumwood Oxford, 8789, Ky.R., while the property of W. Steel. 7th— Fanny Twenty-Ninth (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Prince of the Realm (22627), red, calved Jan. 14th, 1870, bred by J. Meadows, Thornville, Wex- 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. IX ford, Ireland, sold by private sale to S. G. Reed, Portland, Oregon, U.S. In 1873, Jan. IGth, b. c, Captain Jack, 1G407, by Governor-General, 10156 ; in 1874 she had two bull calves, Jan. 4th, Fanny Governor, 26552, by Gover- nor-General, 10156; on Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve, 41617, by Lord of the Val- ley, 14728. J875, on Nov. 25th, heifer, Fanny Thirtieth, by Lord of the Valley, 1478 ; in 1878, March 30th, Fanny Thirty-First, by Red Roan Gov- ernor ; in 1879, May 17th, c.c, Flower Cherry, by Waterloo Roy, 64744 ; in 1882, May 24th, b. c, Tillamook, 49425, by Eleventh Duke of Gabilan, 29201 ; in 1883, Jan. 10th, Matilda, by Eleventh Duke of Gabilan, 2920J. Thesa were all bred by Mr. Reed. 8th— Primrose Ninth (imp.) {Vol. 4), by Prince of the Realm (22627), roan, calved April 14th, 1870, bred by J. Meadows, Wexford, Ireland. She was also sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon. I only find one calf on record from her, a bull, calved Oct. 11th, 1872, Mount Wood, 14966, by Gov- ernor-General, 10156. 9th— Royal Duchess Second (imp.) (Fol. 4), by Lord Wallace (24473), roan, calved March 26th, 1870, bred by C. A. Barnes, Chaileywood, Herts, Eng. She was sold to Edward lies, of Springfield, 111.; by him to Solomon Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind. , U.S. She raised for Mr. lies on Nov. 4th, 1872, a heifer calf, Royal Duchess Third, by Cherub (imp.) 11505; on Jan. 7th, 1874, a b. c, Royal Cherub, 20896, by Cherub (imp.) 11505 ; and on Jan. 1st, 1875, after being sold to the Messrs. Meredith, a c. c, Royal Duchess Fourth, by Forest Napier, 11973 ; on Nov. l8t,1876. Royal Duchess Fifth, by Louden Duke Fifteenth, 20274. 10th— Weeping Willow (imp.), by Manfred (26801) (Foi. 20, E.H.B., as produce), roan, calved April 12th, 1871, bred by Wm. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, Eng. She was sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon, U.S., and raised for him, on Oct. 25th, 1873, a b. c. , Red Roan Governor, 18136, by Governor-General, 10156 ; on Dec. 24th, 1874, a roan c. c, Weeping Witch, by Lord of the Valley, 14788; on Nov. 27tb, 1875, a white b. c, Waterloo Prince, 28130, by Lord of the Valley, 14788; on Sept. 28th, 1876, a white c. c. White Rose, by Lord of the Valley, 14788 ; on April 16th, 1879, a roan, b. c. Vanguard, 64681, by Gwynne Forest, 62973; on June 3rd, 1881, a red c. c. Watercress, by Governor Hillhurst, 62920 ; on July 15th, 1882, a red b. c, Humbert, 48393, by Eleventh Duke of Gabilan, 29201 ; on May 15th, 1883, a c. c. Wood Lark, by Eleventh Duke of Gabilan, 29201 ; and on April 14th, 1884, roan b. c, Greenwood, 62961, by Eleventh Duke of Gabilan, 29201. She was owned all this time by Mr. Reed.. 11th— Pet Gwynne (imp.), by British Sailor (23471), (Fo^. 18, p. 659, E.B.B., as prodiice ), To&n, calved Jan. 22nd, 1868, bred by P. Riall, Old Conna Hill, Wicklow, Ireland, also sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon, and I only find one c. c, roan, calved April 26th, 1873, Pet Gwynne Second, by Governor General 10156, on record from her. 12th— Oxford Duchess (imp.), by Oxford Duke (27019), out of Ada, by HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. III. Duke of Montrose (23771), {Vol 17, p. 548, EJJ.B., as produc), roan, calved April 16th, 18C9, bred by the Rev. R. B. Kennard, Marnhill, Doraet- shire, Eng., was sold to Ed. lies, of Springfield, 111., U.S., I find a b. c, Ox^ ford Cherub, 17877, by Cherub (imp.) 11505, as bred from her by Mr. lies. 13th— French Aster (imp.), by Duke of Grafton (2U94), {Vol. IS, p. 511, E.H.B., as produce), red, calved June 20th, 18G8, bred by I, Christy, Boynton Hall, Essex, Er)g. , sold at his sale for 100 gs. , then to Mr. Coch- rane, sold to S. R. Streator, Cleveland, O., U.S., along with her first c. c, American Aster (imp. in dam), by Rosolio (3234(i) ; on July 15th, 1874, she had American Arter Second, by (imp.) Breadalbane (30i")77), and on Sept. 22nd, 1875, b.c, Kin,:,' Harold. 23G18, by (imp.) Breadalbane (20577). 14th — American Aster (imp. in dam), by R-jsolio (32346), red, calved Dec. 17th, 1871, four months after landing, out of French Aster (imp.), as above, bred by I. Christy, B )ynton Hall, calved the property of Mr. Coch- rane, and sold with dam to S. R. Streator ; on Sept. 2-5th, 1874, she had a c c, American Third, by Breadalbane (imp.) (30577). 15th — Anemone (imp.), by Duke of Grafton (21594), out of German Aster, by Royal Arch (18749). {Vol. 18, p. 511, E.H.B), red, calved June 27th, 18G9, bred by I. Christy, Boynton Hall, Essex, Eng. , was sold at his g'lle for 145 gs., to Mr. Sybus, afterwards bought by Mr. Cochrane, who after importing her sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon, U.S.; she was in calf to Rosalio (24998), and on Jan. 5th, 1872, when the property of Mr. Reed, produced Wet-Foot Prince (imp. in dam), 15(>8G; on the 25th of April, 1873, she had c. c. Sweet Asylum, by Governor-General, 10150, and on the 11th of March, 1874, red and white, b.c, Tualitan Chief, 21837, by Governor- General, 10156. 16th — Portulacca (imp.), by Duke of Grafton (21504), out of Primula, by Victor (15458), Vol. 18, p. GG3, E.H.B.), bred hy I. Christy, B )ynton Hall, Essex, Eng., sold at his sale on May 4th, 1871, to Mr. Pybus for 270 gs., from whom Mr. Cochrane purchased her ; sold to C. E. Coffin, of Muirkirk, Md., U.S., by him to Albert Crane, Durham Park, Kan., U.S. On Sept. 2nd, 1872, she had her first c. c, Portulacca, of Muirkirk, by Lord Abraham, 11223; on Aug. 23rd, 1874, roan b. c, Admiral Porter, 21875, by Lord Abraham (imp.) (29056); on July 20th, 1875, she had twin c. cs.. First and Second Port- ulacca of Durham Park, bred by Mr. Coflin, but calved the property of Albert Crane. 17th -Phyllis Gwynno (imp.), by British Sailor (23471), out of Polly Gwynne, by Killerby Lad (20052), {Vol. 18, p. 659, E.H.B. ), red, calved Jan. 12th, 1869, bred by P. Reall, Old Conna Hall, Wicklow, Ireland, sold after ar- rival to S. G. Reed of Portland, Oregon, U.S. On Nov. 18th, 1873, she had her first b. c, Reedville Gwynne, 18147, by Governor-General, 10156. Have not found any more produce, 18th — Glossy 's Woodbine (imp.), by Woodranger (27834), out of Ida Glory, by General Clyde (19839) {Vol. 18, ^j. 532, E. H.B). Red, calved March 17th, 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN (JATTLE. XI Jruvernor- 18G9, bred by W. Rolton, The Island, Co. Wexford, Ireland. Hitfhly recom- mended at the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Ballinaaloe, Ireland ; Aug. 3rd, 1870, sold also to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon ; on April IGth, 1874, she had Baron Woodbine, 21410, by Governor-General lOloG. ]9th— Glossy Fifth (imp.), by Gray Gauntlet (19908) {Vol. 19, p. 549, E. II. B., as produce), also bred by W. Rolton, Co. Wexford, Ireland ; sold to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon. On the 7th of October, 1872, she had the roan c. c, Glossy Sixth, by Governor-General, 10150 ; on Sep. 2l8t, 1873, red, c. c, Glossy Seventh, by Governor-General ; and on December 24th, 1874, roan, c. c. Glossy Eighth, by Lord of the Valley, 14788. 20th — Lady Amelia (imp.), by Charles Second (23539), out of Lady Anne, by Lord Chancellor (201(50) ( To^. 17, p. 395, E.HB., a.s produce), red, calved Sep. 23rd, 1808, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, Herts, Etig. ; also sold to;S. G. Reed, Portland, Oregon, U. S. On the 20th of October, 1872, she had a red b. c. , Oregon Lad, 15043, by Governor-General, 10150 ; and on 20th of November, 1873, red b. c, Amelia's Governor, 1G158, by Governor- General, 1015G. 2] st— Nelly Booth, alias Negus, by Royal Benedict (27348) {Vol 19, />. G49, E. H, B., as produce), roan, calved January 27th, 1870, bred by the Messrs. Game, Broadmoor, Gloucester, Eng. ; from her Mr. Cochrane bred on April 9th, 1873, roan b. c, Nectar, by Royal Commander (29857). Ist— Bull, The Doctor, 13021 (imp.), by Bismarck (25037), out of Colleen Bawn, by Lord Red Rose (2205) {Vol. 17, p. 403, E.H.B., as produce), red, calved March 9th, 1870, bred by Mr. Derliam, Palmers Green, Southyate, Gloucestershire, Eng. ; sold after importation to A. H. & J. B. Day, Utica, Iowa, U. S. 2nd— Bull, Cherub, (imp.), 11505 by Baron Booth (21212), out of Sera- phiiia Thirteenth, by John O'Gaunt (10322) (Vol. 27, /'. 727, E.H.B.), red, calved April Ist, 1870, bred by Lord Sudely, Toddington, Gloucestershire, Eng.; sold to Ed. lies, Springfield, 111., U. S., and by him to J. H. Spears &Son, Tallula, III, U. S. 3rd— Bull, War Banner (imp.) =1314 = , by Manfred (2G801), out of Warlike, by Breastplate (19337) {Vol. 18, /j. 773, E. H. B.), roan, calved in July, 1871, bred by W. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, Eng.; owned a short time by Mr. Cochrane. 4th— Bull, Breadalbane (imp.), 1429, by Lord Napier (2G088), out of Blink Bonney, by Booth Royal (15073) {Vol. 17, p. 384, E. H. B.), roan, cilved March 24th, 1871, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincolnshire, Eng, ; sold by Mr. Cochrane to C. Rush Streator, Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. 5th-Bull, Central Pacific (imp.), 13219, by Bismarck (25G37), out of Acacia (imp.), by Knight Errant (18154) {Vol. 16, p. 334, E.H.B. as produce), roan, calved November 10th, 1871, bred by G. Bland, Coleby Hall, Lincoln, Eng.; calved the property of M. H. Cochrane, and sold by him to S. G. Reed, of Portland, Oregon, U.S. Xll HISTORY OF SIIORT-HOllN CATTLE. [VOL. III. i i i * iJ I ! I <, \ James I. Davidson, of Balaam, Ont., also in 1871, imported six heifers all bred by A. Cruickshank, of Si^tyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. This was his first importation of these valuable Scotch cattle, which has been continued from year to year since, and has built him up a valuable reputation as a short horn importer. Ist— cow. Oak Wreath (imp.)=396 = , by Allan (21172), red, calved Feb. 20th, 18G9, bred by A. Cruickshank. Mr. Davidson kept her until 1873, when he sold her to A. Ludlow^, Monroe, Wis., U.S. On Nov. 22nd, 1871, five months after landing, he had a bull calf, Allan (imp. in dam) =1213 = , by Senator (27441), bred by Mr. Cruickshank ; on Dec. 2nd, 1872, a c. c. Oak Leaf, by Statesman (imp.) =243= (32609); on Jan. 15th, 1873, ab. c, Grand Prince, by Statesman =243 = , and in the fall of 1873, ace, Oak Wreath Second by the same sire, also sold to Arabut Ludlow along with dam. On Feb. 15th, a red bull calf, Baron Cecil Second, 22020, by Baron Cecil, 18932. On April 10th, 1876, red heifer. Oak Wreath Fourth, by Lucretius, 14810, and on Feb. 24th, 1878, another red bull, Stanley, 33930, by Lucretius, 14819. Have not found any produce of a later date. 2nd — Cow, Rose Blossom (imp.)=467 = , by Senator (27441), red, calved April 20th, 1870, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. Mr. Davidson sold her at once to Messrs. Wm. and R. Moffatt, Strongville, O., U.S., afterwards of Paw Paw, 111., U.S., and for them she produced on the 23rd of June, 1872, a pair of twins bred by Mr. Davidson, called Rose Blossom Second, by Kinellar, 14666, and Senator Second. On Jan. 7th, 1875, a roan b. c. , Pride of the West, 24354, by Breadalbane, 16343. 3rd — Cow, Matchless.Fifteenth (imp.) =333 = , by Champion of England (17526), red, calved Feb. 20th, 1870. She was sold to James Moffatt, of Saint- field, Ont., who afterwards moved to Paw Paw, 111., U.S., and took her and others with him. On May 3rd, 1872, she had a c. c, Matchless Seventeenth, by Statesman (imp.) =243= (32607); while owned by Mr. Davidson, on Nov. 18th, 1873, a red heifer. Matchless Twentieth, by Wellington (imp.) =261=. On Jan. 2nd, 1875, a red heifer. Matchless Twenty- Second, by Statesman (imp.) =243 = , and on May 20th, 1877, a roan heifer. Matchless Twenty- Sixth, by Crown Prince (imp.) =62 = , while owned by Mr. Moffatt. 4th — Cow, Matchless Sixteenth (imp.) = 334 = , by Senator (27441), roan, calved April 20th, 1870; she was kept for breeding purposes by Mr. David- son. On Nov. 12th, 1873, she had a roan heifer. Matchless Eighteenth, by Statesman (imp.) =243 = . Oti May 15th, 1874, a roan heifer. Matchless Ninteenth, by Statesman (imp.) =243=; and on Feb. 25th, 1875, a red heifer. Matchless Twenty-Fourth, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second = 456 = . 5th— Cow, Water Witch (imp.) = 2283 =,by Scotland's Pride (25100), red, calved Feb. 16th, 1870, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. On Feb. 20th, 1872, she had a roan heifer. Water Maid, by Dazzler (30862), bred by A. Cruickshank, and imported in dam, on the 15th of July, 1873, a red bull. Statesman 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. Xlll Second, by Statesman (imp.) =243-, while the property of Mr. D^ividson. She was then sold to VVm. Brown, of Monroe, Wis., U.S., and on June 28th, 1874, had a red bull, Prince Coggia Comet, 29G51>, by Crown Prince of Athel stane Seccjnd, =450 = , also sold to Mr. Brown. On Juno Uth, 1875, had a red heifer, Water Witch Second, by Mtvtchem, 20377, bred while owned by Mr. Brown. Cth— Cow, Water Maid (imp. in dam) = 2282 = , by D.izzler (30802), red, calved Feb. 20th, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, but calved the property of Mr. Davidson. She was sold to Jos. Mort'att, of Saintfield, Ont., and bred for him, on Miirch 7th, 1874, red bull, Rock, by Crown Prince of Athelstane = 45G = . On May 25th, 1875, roan b. c. Young Statesman =2054^, by Statesman (imp.) =243 = , and on Nov. 10th, 1877, roan b. c. , Waterman, by Crown Prince (imp.) =02 = . I do not trace any more of her calves. In 1871 Messrs. James and Robert Hunter brought out a cow. Lady ¥ Rimy alias Lady of the Lake =270 = , erroneously written as being im- ported in 1870 in vol. 2nd, and a bull called Knight of Warlaby (imp.) = 147 = (29014) 20103, by Roan Booth (21212). He was a roan and was calved on the 2nd of Jan., 1870, and was bred by J. Whyte, Little Clinterty, Scotland. He was a noted stock-getter, the Messrs Hunter keeping him a long time at the head of their herd. He was a pure Booth. Mr. John Miller, of Brougham, Ont., also, in 1871, brought out nine C0W3, and one bull imp. in dam. Five of these cows were bred by J. Mar- shall, of Hower Annan, Scotland, three more were bred in Scotland, and two in England. They were brought out in the ship European from Liverpool •, they were nearly all sold by Mr. Miller. 1st— Cow, Red Grizzy (imp.) =2230 = , by Royal George (25023), red, calved Jan. 11th, 1809, was bred by J. Marshall, of Hower Annan, Scot- land. She was sold to Simon Beattie, of Markham, but she never raised any calves. * 2nd — Cow, Dairymaid (imp.) =5105 = , by Royal George (25023), was red and white, calved Feb, 4th, 1809, was also bred by J. Marshall. She turned out a celebrated cow. She was sold by Wm. Miller to John R. Craig, Bunihamthorpe, by him to R. H. Austin, Sycamoree, III,, U.S., by him to L. & I. McCormick, Chicago, III., U.S., by them to the Hon. M. H. Coch- rane, of Hillhurst, Que., who kept her a long time to breed from. Her first calf, a roan heifer, calved Nov. 10th, 1872, sired by Oxford Mazurka, = 910 = , was bred by Mr. Miller. I do not find any of her recorded calves for '73, '74 or '75, but on April 10th, 1870, a red and white heifer calf. Maid of Hillhurst, by Second Duke of Hillhurst =532 = , after she was owned by Mr. Cochrane, then May 22nd, 1877, a red and white b. c, Dutferin, by Cumbermede =1575=; on Oct. 15th, 1878, a b. c, which died, by Star of the Realm (imp.) =2743 = ; on Nov. 2nd, 1879, a heifer. Barmaid, by Baron Surmise ; on March 17th, 1881, a b. c, by Duke of Oxford Thirty-Fifth ; on Feb. 25th, 1882, a heifer, M^idof Barrington, by Baron Barrington; and on Ti XIV lilSTOUY OF SUOllT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. JU. Feb. 2Hth, 1883, a b. c, Scottish Baronet, by Sir Lewis, all bred by Mr. Cochrane . lird— Cow, Beauty (imp ) ^29=, by Royal George (25023) alia.t Royal Beauty, out of Snowdrop, by Comet (21449), roan, calved May 2nd, 1809, bred by J. Marshall, Howea Annan, Scotland. She was first sold to Simon Beattie, Markham, by hi in to S. R. Streator, Cleveland, Ohio, and from him to S. R. Steere, of Bulicreek, West Virginia, U. S. She had a heifer cMf on Nov. 1st, 1872, bred by Simon Beattie, but calved the property of S. R. Streator, got by Lord York (imp.) =158= ; no record of her produce since she went to Virginia. 4th — Cow, Juno (imp ) =264 = , by Queonsberry (24885), roan, calved January 8th, 1870 ; also bred by Thomas Howea. Mr. Miller seems to have retained her to breed from, still we only find two calves, on October 20th, 1873, a red bull, Juno's Mazurka =727 = , by Oxford Mazurka = 910 = , and on February 25th, 1875, a heifer, Juno Second, by Cherry Duke. 5th— Cow, Lady Oxford (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Baron Oxford (23375) {Vol. 19, 2>- 574, E. H. B., as produce), red, calved December 2nd, 18G9, bred by Col. Townley, Townley Park, Bromley, Eng. ; Mr. Miller seems to have re- tained her to breed from, as she produced him, on February Kith, 1874, a red heifer, Lady Oxford Second, by Lord Stralhallan, 17591, afterwards sold to C. C. Parks, Wankegon, Ill.,U. S. I do not find any more produce from this fine Oxford Cow. 0th— Cow, Lady Juliet, alim Jubilee Gwynne Second (imp.) {Vol. 4), by Lord Oxford Second (20215), bred by W. Ladds, Ellington, Kinbolton, Holts, Eng. ; Mr. Miller also retained her for breeding purposes. In March, 1873, roan c. c. , Jubilee Gwynne Second, by Oxford Mazurka ; on the 15th of February, 1874, she had a roan b. c, Baron Jubilee Gwynne, 21409, by Lord Strathallan, 17591, afterwards sold to S. Dunlop, Jacksonville, III., U. S. It is strange that nothing more in way of produce can be traced in these two Oxford Cows. 7th— Cow, Missie Thirty-Second (imp.), by Julius C.-osar (20486) {Vol. 19, p. 633, E.R.B., as produce). The old pedigree brought out by Mr. Miller made her sire Gold Digger (24044), which was corrected by Mr. Marr when recording her dam Missie Nineteenth, by Pretender (29579), She was red, calved January 23rd, 1870, bred by W. S. Marr, of Upper Mill, Aber- deen, Scotland. No trace can be found of her since she was imported, and no produce. 8th— Cow, Dido (imp.), by Marquis (26829) {Vol. Id, p. 697, E. H. B., as produce), roan, calved January 16th, 1870, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland. She seems to have proved useless also, as there is nothing to show from her. 9th— Cow, Janet (imp.) = 2151 = , by Colin Second (19469), roan, calved April 11th, 1867, bred by Mr. Todd, West Brackeley Hall, Kinross, Scotland. She dropped a white bull calf, on October 1st, 1871, bred by Mr. Todd, but . 111. 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLK. XV by Mr. » lloyal i, 1809, ) Simon ■oni him r crvlf on of S. R. ice since $75) (KoJ. I, bred by 5 have re- h, 1874, a ivards sold duce from ) {Vol. 4), Kinbolton, In March, the 15th of 19, by Lord 111., U. S. a these two calved the property of John Miller soon after landing. Do not find any more calves from her, nor to whom she was sold. Ist— Bull, Yonng Monarch =1318 = , by Monarch (31931), white, calved October 1st, 1871, bred as abov^, and sold by Mr. Miller, to H. Koazin, of Cambray, Ont. In 1871, Messrs. (Jeo. S. Shaw of Bowmanville, and John Drydon, M. I*. P., of Brooklin, together, imported 5 cows and 3 bulls, all bred by Mr. A. Cruikshank, of Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. This was the first importation for these gentlemen, and the next in importance to the one of Mr. James 1. Davidson of the same year. Ist — Cow, Duchess of Gloster Twelth (imp.) =138 = , by Champion of England (17620), roan, calved April 11th, 1808, bred by A. Cruikshank, this cow was retained by G. C. Shaw to breed from. On the 10th of Dec, 1871, she dropped a red b. c, Duke of Gloster (imp. in dam) =82 = , by Baron Killerby (23304), bred by A. Cruickshank, but calved the property of Mr. Shaw. On March 30th, 1873, she dropped another b. c, t-rand Duke = 075 = , by Grand Duke of Moreton Sixth =077 = . On Feb. 24th, 1874, a red c. c. , Canadian Duchess of Gloster = 720 = , by Red Dnke =994= ; on March 2ad, 1875, ac. c, Duchess of Gloster Nineteenth, by Grand Duke of Moreton Sixth =077 = , and on June 20th, 1870, a roan heifer, Duchess of Gloster Twentieth, by New Years' Boy, all bred by Mr. Shaw. 2ad— Cow, Butterfly Fourteenth (imp) = 02 = , by Baronet (15014), red calved May 0th, 1800, bred by A. Cruikshank ; she was also retained by Geo. S. Shaw, as a breeder. She had a heifer and a bull calf in Scotland be- fore being imported, and on Oct. 13th, 1871, shortly after landing, had bull Master Butterfly =100 = , by Senator (27441), ; on Jan. 5th, 1873, a red heifer, Blossom, by Grand Duke of Moreton =077= ; on Feb. 2nd, 1874, twin bull cmlves, Baron = S20 = , and Baron Killerby, by Duke of Gloster (imp.) = 82= ; on March 10th, 1870, she had twins again. Butterfly, a bull, and Butterfly Eighteenth, a heifer, by same Sire as former twins. 3rd— Cow, Butterfly Fifteenth (imp.)(Ko«.4), by Prince Imperial (22595), red, calved April 27th, 1800, bred by A. Cruikshank. I do not find any produce from her, but hear she was sold by G. S. Shaw to Mr. Redmond, of Millbrook. 4th — Cow, Mimulus (imp.) =343 = , by Champion of England (17520), red, calved Jan. 30th, 1808, bred by A. Cruickshank. This cow was retain- ed by Mr. Dryden and bred him several tine calves, the tirat was calved in Scotland, March 24th, 1870, Royal Duke of Gloster (20288) ; her second on record was calved April 10th, 1873, bull, Stanley Second, ty Stanley (imp.), = 241= (32594) ; on April 28th, 1874, b. c, Royal Champion, by same bull ; on April 15th, 1870, Barmpton Champion = 323=, by Royal Barmpton (imp.) = 217= (45503), he Was sold to R. Collacut & Son, Tyrone. On April 7th, 1877, another bull, Ontario Champion =893 = , by same sire, he was sold to R. Grandy of Bethany ; on May 22nd, 1878, the sixth bull, Barmpton Hero XVI HISTORY OF SHOilT-HOUN CATTLE. [VoL. Til. 1 1 I i * = 324 = ,by aarae sire ; he was sold to J. & VV. U. Watt, Salem, and was a not- ed siro ; on May 'Jist, 187J', she at last had a heifer calf, Maytlowor, also by Royal liarmi)toa =217 = . This cow proved to bo a breeder of grand calves. 6th— Cow, Mysio Thirty-Fourth (imp.) =380 , by Cn39ar Augustus (25704), red, calved Oct. 12th, IHOi), also bred by Mr. Cruickshank. She was taken iiy Mr. Shaw and atjon sold to the Hon. John Simpson, of liowinan- ville. On May 18th, 1875, she had a red heifer, Mysio Second, by (irand Duke of Moreton Sixth 4)77 = , bred by Mr. Shaw, but calved the property of Mr. Simpson. 0th — Cow, Queen of Beauty (imp.) -440 = , by Senator (27441), roan, calved December 0th, 18()9, bred by A. Cruikshank. She was retained by Mr. Dryden, and bred him two heifers and throe hue bulls. On October 20th, 1872, heifer Lovely, by Stanley (imp.) =241 =(:32504) ; on Dec. 14th, 1873, roan heifer, Queen of Beauty Second =-- 4395 = , by same Bull ; on April 0th, 1875, roan bull, Stanley King = 2487 = , by same bull, he was sold to Joseph Ward, Marsh Hill. In 1870, she had B;irmpton King, by Jloyul Barmpton (imp.) ^217= (45503); and on February 7th, 1877, roan bull Bannpton Senator = 325 = , also by Royal Barmpton = 2l7 — . He was sold to J. iSc W. B. Watt, of Salem. Ist.— Bull, Master Butterfly = 1GG = , by Senator (27441), out of liutter- fly, F(jnrteenth (imp), =02 = , above, bred by A. Cruickshank, but calved the property of George S. Shaw; was sold by him to J. Motfatt, Sainttield, Out., and by him to Henry Covert, Maytield, Ohio, U. S. 2nd — Bull, Duke of Glo'ster (imp. in dam) =82 = , by Baron Killerby (23304), out of Duchess of Glo'ster Twelfth (imp.) =138 = , bred by Mr. Cruickshank, but calved the property of G. S. Shaw, and used by him. 3rd — Bull, Stanley (imp.) =241 = , by Ciuur Augustus ('J5704), red, calved November '"^ud, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, he was retained and used by Mr. D' In 187' .lell & Sons, of Edmonton, brought out an English bred two year i, British Baron (imp.) =35 , 13557 (28087), roan, calved December id, 1809, bred by Col. Townley, Bromley, Lancashire, Eng. He was used on their own herd by the Snella. In August, 1871, Mr. R. J. Stanton, of Thornhill, Ont., commenced importing with eight females and three males. They were all English bred, and nearly all from the herd of F. H. Fawkes, Farnley Hall, Otley, York- shire, Eng. Ist — Cow, La Brilliante (imp.) =258 = , by Reformer (18087), red, calved April 12th, 1807, bred by Mr. Fawkes, and sold at his sale, on August Ist, 1871, to Mr. Stanton for 34 guineas. Her first calf, a heifer, was born on the 25th of March, 1872, was bred by Mr. Fawkes, and calved the property of Mr. Stanton, name Maid of Thornhill =314 = , by Lord Darlington (20633). Her second calf, a heifer, came on the 30th of January, 1873, Se- 1888.] HISroUY OF SJiOKT-HOHN CATTLE. XV 11 cond Maid of 'I'hurnhill, \>y Thu Doctor. I have nut found any mure uf hur produce. 2iid — Cow, Maid of Thoriihill (iriip. in dam) ^314 — , by Lord Darling- ton. T'li.H cow ia out of Lii Hrilliaiito = 258 = , aboTe. I have not been abln to trace either h«r or hor produce. 3rd— Cow, Betty li,icon (imp.) (To/. 4), by Friar IJacon ('2l7H()j, was also purchased at Mr. Fuwkea' sale, by Mr. Stanton for 42 ({uiueas. Soon after arriving/ she had a roan heifer, calved October lat, 1871, Lady Haron, by Lord Darliiij^ton (20033), bred by Mr. Fawkes, and calved the property of Mr. Stanton. 4th — Cow, Second Duchesa (imp.) -126 — , by Reformer, (2493U), roan, calved AugU8t24th, 180!), alau sold to Mr. Stanton at Mr. Fawkes' sale for 51 guineas ; she was afterwards owned by Mr. J. Cockery of Thornhill. On February 25ch, 1873, she had ahull calf, Diiko of Thornhill (imp. in dam), by Ninth Lord (2iM)49), bred by Mr. Fawkes, calvid the property of R. T. Slanton ; on October 7th, 187i"», a bull calf. Deputy Sherill", by High Shoritl", (imp.) -=131- (34102) ;, on August 10th, 1870, a red bull calf, K. C. B. Fourth, by K C.B. Second, (imp.) -141-=, (38580) ; the last two were bred by Mr. (vockery. 5th— Cow, Second Lady, (imp.) ==3103 = , by Lord Darlington, (21)033) ; red and white calved Feb. 10th, 1870, bred by Mr. Fawkes and sold at her sale to Mr. Stanton for 41 guineas ; on Oct. 7th, 1873, she had two heifers. Third Lady, by The Doctor (imp.) =250 = , and Fourth Lady, calved Sept. 20th, 1874, by Duke of Thornhill, while the property of Mr. Stanton. This cow was afterwards sold to S. Moiedith tfc Son, of Indiana, where jn Sept. 15th, 1875, she produced a bull calf, Henry, 23421, by Louden Duke Fif- teenth, while owned by him ; she was then sold to Edward lies, of Spring- field, 111., along with this bull calf ; in May, 1870, to C. C. Parks, 111., and by his executors to Berry Aldritch, of Siskilwa, III., 'where on Jan. 23rd, 1877, she produced for him a red heifer. Queen of the Herd, by Nineteenth Duke of Airdrie, 100U4. 0th — Cow, Lady Bacon, (imp. in dam), by Lord Darlington (20033), roan ; calved out of Betty Bacon (imp.), described in No. 3 of this lot bred by Mr. Fawkes, calved the property of Mr. Stanton. Do not find any pro- duce from her. 7th — Cow, Dignity (imp.) (Foi. 4), by Juvenile (2202J), rod, calved April 7th, 1871, bred by J. N. Beasley, Chapel, Brampton, Eng. This cow does not seem to have had any produce. 1st— Bull, Baron Mild Eyes (imp.) =20 = , by Second Duke of Claro (21570), roan, calved Jan. 21st. 1870, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Eng. He was used by Mr. Stanton. 2nd— Bull, Duke of Thornhill (imp.) =1246 = , by Ninth Lord (29049), red and white, calved Feb. 25th, 1872, bred by F. H. Fawkes, and calved the property of Mr. Stanton, ii XVlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. III. ! Jan., 1871, Mr. F. W. Stono, of Moreton Lodge, Guelph, also imported 4 cowa and 2 bulla, all from England, of well known breedera. They landed in Montreal in July of thia year. " lat — Cow, Genevieve (imp.) =u207=^, by Barleycorn the Younger (21209), roan, calved Feb. Uth, 1807, bred by 8ir George R. Philips, Bart,, Weaton Park, Shipton-on-Stour, Warwickahire, Eng. On Nov. 2Gth, 1870, ahe had a bull calf, Amadeua, by Merrimac (2(5897), while owned by Sir Geo. Phillipa ; and on Sep. 10th, 1873, a roan c. c, Gwendoline, by Grand Duke of Oambridkie, bred by Mr. Stone. 2nd— Cow, Tasmania (V<' 4), by Third Duke of Geneva (21592), roan, calved July lat, 1808, bred b^ iSir G. R. I'hilipa. This tine heifer died on the piisaage out. 3rd -Cow, Serenade (imp.) =490 = , by Cherry Duke (25752), roan, calvod May 14th, 1870, bred by A. I. Robarta, Lillingatone, Dayrell, Buck- ingham, Eng. This cow ia of the Seraphina tribe, and waa retained by Mr. Stone to breed from. On March 5th, 1875, we tind her calf tirat recorded, red b.c, Second Seraph, by Airdrie Duke Third =293 = . On March 2nd, 1876, red b. c. Third Seraph 1000 , by Third Duke of Springwood =563 = . On Feb. 8th, 1877, a roan b. c, P'ifth Seraph, by Baron Berkeley (imp.) =15 = , (30158), and on Sept. 29th, 1878, a roan bull, Ninth Seraph, by same as last, four tine bulls. 4th— Cow, Scarlet (imp.) - 493 = , by Cherry Duke (25952), red, calved Aug. 8th, 1870, also bred by A. I. Robarta, and of the same tribe as the last, Mr. Stone bred from her, on May 5th. 1874, red bull, Seraph, by Airdrie Duke Third =293 = , and on March 13th, 1875, a rede, c, Seraphina Duch- ess, by same bull. Mr. Stone has continued naming her bulls Seraph ever since, from thia tribe. lat— Bull, Sheritr (imp.) =228 = , by Cherry Duke, (25752), red, calved June 8th, 1870, bred by A. 1. Robarta, and used by Mr. Stone. 2nd — Bull, Amadeua (inip.) {Vol. 4), by Merrimac (20897), out of (Jenevieve(in)p.) =207 = , roan, calved Nov. 26th, 1870, bred by J.J. Stone, Monmouth, Eng., who had purchased hianiother from Sir G. R. Philips. No record t*f his being sold by Mr. Stone. In 1871, Mr. vV. B. Telfer, of Fergus, Out., also commenced importing. It was his first and last venture in this direction, thoy wore Scotch cattle, all from the neighborhood of Aberdeen. lat— Cow, Duchesa of Kent (imp.) =139 = , by Duke of Kent (23759), roan, calved Oct. 23rd, 1868, bred by Mr. Chalmers, Oldwhat, Aberdeen, she was sold by VV. Telfer, to John S. Armstrong, of ^-peodaide. On the 19th of July, 1871, shortly after landing, she had a heifer,. Maid of Kent = 313=, by Star of Peace, (30063), bred by Mr. Chalmers. On June 26th, 1872, ahe had a b. c, Duke of Kent Second, by His Royal Highness (imp.) = 132- (28800). While owned by Mr. Armstrong, she was beefed in 1880. 2nd— Cow, Royal Alice (imp.) =482 = , by Scarlet Royal (27433), red, ISSS. HISTOIIY OF SHOUT- HORN ('A.TrLE. XIX calv«(l May 4th, 18r>9, bred by Mr. Chalmers. This cov directly after land- ing had a red bull, Younfj Scotland --281 = , by Star of Peace (300()3), bred by Mr. Chalrnera^ and calved the property of Mr. Telfer ; she also had on the 8th of April, 1874, a red bull ca'led Young- Armour Bearer =^2004 = , by Armour- Bearer (imp.) =9 -,al8o bred by Mr. Telfer. 1 do not find any more calves from her. 3rd— Cow, Ma- I of Kent (imp. in dam) ^ 313 - , by Star of Peace (3()«)63), reil, calved July IDcb, 1871, bred by Mr. Chalmers,; Mr. Telfer bred from her several culves ; on Sept. 10th, 1873, a bull, Duke of Kent, by His Royal Highness (imp.) -192- (288(50) ; on Dec. 25th, 1874, a bull, Second Duke of Kent, by Young Scotland (imp.) 281= ; on Dec. 3rd, 187o, red bull, Third Duke of Kent by same sire ; on Jan. 0th, 1870, a .ed bull, Fourth Duke of Kent, by same sire, and on Jan. 1st, 1877, red bul.. Sixth Duke of Kt'ut, by same sire. Five bull calves raised by Mr. Telfer. 4th— Cow, B.ny 7th (imp.) =34-, by Macduff (20773), roan, calved March 1st, 1809, bred by Mr. S. Marr, Upper Mdl, Tarvea, Aberdeen, Scot- land ; on March 3rd, she had a roan bull, Clarendon = 418 , by Armour- Bearer (imp.) =9 = , bred by Mr. Telfer. No more calves found from her. Oth — Cow, Nectar Eleventh (imp.) =385 = , by Alunz > (25510), roan, calved May 12th, 180I>, bred by Mr. S. Marr also. She died soon after landing. Ist— Bull, His Royal Hi-hness (imp.) -132-- (28800), by Scarlet Royal (27433), red, cilved Jan. 3rd, 1870, bred by Mr. Chalmers. Mr. Telfer sold him to John S. Armstrong, of Speedside. 2iid— Bull, Young Scotland (imp. in dam) ^281=, by Star of J'eace (30003), out of Royal Alice (imp.) = 482 -, deep red, calved Aug. I9th, 1871, bred by Mr. Chalmers. Kept by Mr, Telfer for his herd. 3rd — Bull, Armour-Bearer(imp.) = 9 = , by Scotland's Pride (25100), bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. He was also retained by Mr. Telfer for breeding purposes. In 1871, Mr. Joseph S. Thomson, of Mayfield Farui, Whiiby, brought out his second iniportati(m, consisting of ten females and tive males, they we^e, like his lirst importation, Scotch cM tie from the hprds of A. Cruick- shank, \V. S. Marr, J. Currie, nad C Campbell it Co. They came out in the ship (Jcrmnnii from Liverpool. 1st— C .w, Viole's Forth (imp.) {Vol. 17, p. 759, E. H.B„ ks ^iroduce), by Forth(l78t»0) roan, calved April 12th, 18(>0, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton She was sold soon after arrival to J. H. Spears iV Svm, Tallula, 111., L'. S. '., <« produce), by .•\llan (.M172), red, calved Feb 13lh, 1809, bre 1 by A. Crnick- XX HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CAT'JIJ:. [V(.L. III. shank. She was sold directly to Beatie & Miller, of Markham, and by them in 1875, to S. T. Spangler, Wiiithrop, I-wa, U. S. On Juno 14th, )878, she had a red heifer, Katharina Second, by Alphea'a Oxford, 21933, and on Jnly 16th, 1879, a red and white heifer, Katharina Third, by Caaqtiet's Oxford, 387^>7, while owned by Mr. Spangler. 3rd— Cow, Finesse (imp.)- 2i;:9 = , by Rob Roy (22740), red and white, calved April (Jth; 1870, bred by A. Cniicltahank. She brought out in dam Royal Briton, calved May 8th, 1872. She was sold to George Miller, of Markham, ■and on May 25th, 1873, had a red bull calf, Finesse's D.ike -^ 1803 = , by Ge- neral Prim (imp.)= 11 = (31234). Have not found any more of b^r calves. 4th — Cow, Minnie of Willowdale cdias Cowsliji (imp ) =351 = , by Refiner (24928), roan, calved March 15th, 1870, bred by J. Giirrie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, Scotland. She waa kept a year by Mr. Thomson and then sold to Wm. LanL', of St. Marys, with whom she bred a number of calves. She brought her lirst calf out in dam. calved May 7th, 1872, Minnie Halk- erston = 350^, by Royal Buck (32603); on the 2l8t of April, 1873, alu had a red heifer, Minnie Eskdale, by Lord of the Valley =788=, while owned by Mr. Thomson ; on the 26th of April, 1874, a roan heifer, Minnie Annan- dale Second, by Scotsman Second (imp.) =225=- (35484) ; on Jan. Ist, 1875, a red bull. Young Annandale, by Tambour (35718) ; on April 10th, 1876, a red and white bull, Master Annandale, by same sire ; on May 22nd, 1877, a heifer, Minnie A, by Cambridge Duke Second =395= ; on D c. 26th, 1880, a heifer, Minnie B, by Lord Cecil ; on Dec. 24th, 1881, a heifer, Minnie C, by same sire ; and on Jan. 2iid, 1883, a red bull, Annandale, by General Armstrong. 5th — Cow, Minnie Halkerston (imp. in dani) =350=^, by Royal Buck (3972), out of Minnie of Willowdale =351= , roan, calved May 7th, 1872, soon after arriving, bred by Jas. Currie and calved the property of Mr. Thom- son. He sold her soon to his brother, James Thomson, of St. Marys, who sold her to John R. Craig, of Burnhamthorpe, who, after her raising one calf, Crimson Belle, by Crimson Duke, red, calved April 10th, 1877, sold her to Mr. E. Simons, of Paris, Ky., U.S., where we lose sight of her. 6th -Crimson Flower, (imp.) =510? = , by Refiner, (24928) ; red, calved Jan. 28th, 1869, bred by T. Currie ; she also brought out in dam, Crimson Flower Second, by Prowler, (22662), calved Feb. 20th, 1872, soon after arri- val, she was soon sold to Birrell and Johnston, Greenwood, and by them to A. VV. Kay, of Braemar. She waa a most prolific breeder and started a tribe of Crimson Flowers, her first calf waa imported in dam, as mentioned, on May 9th, 1873 ; while owned by J. S. Thomson, she had twin bull calves, Crimson Duke and Roan Duke, by Proud Duke =991= ; on April 29th, 1874, she had a red heifer. Crimson Flower Second, by Scotsman Second, (imp.) =225 = , (35484) ; in April, 1875, red and white heifer. Crimson Flower Third, by same Sire ; on May 16th, 1876, red and white heifer, Crim- Fiower of Greenwood, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second, =456= ; on 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT HORN CATTLE. XXI April 20th, 1877, a heifer, Crimson Flower of Greenwood Second, by K.C.B. Second (imp.). On May 0th, 1878, a heifer, Crimson Flower of Greenbank, by Crown Prince of Athelatane Second, —456 = , and on June 17th, 1880, a roan b. c. , Granville, by Lincaster. 7th — Cow, Crimson Flower Second (imp. in dam) =96 = , by Prowler (22662), out of Crimson Flower, (imp.) =95 = , red and white, calved Feb. 20th, 1872, bred by T. Carrie, calved the property of J. >5. Thomson, and sold to Wm. Lang, of St. Marys. On April 15tli, 1876, she had a red heifer, Crimson Flower Third, by Cambridge Duke Second. Do not fiud any more of her produce. 8th — Cow, Catharine (imp.) =73 = , by Refiner, (24928), roan, calved March 5ih, 1870, bred by T. Currie, Halkeraton, Scotland ; sold after arrival to Mr. Hii^h Thomson, St. Marys. S!io brouj^ht out in dam the red bull, R lyal Prince =1293 = , by Royal Buck (32363); he was dropped on May loth, 187.'>. On May 27th, 1873, she had a red bull, Lord Blythe, by Lord of the Valley =788 = . No more produce found. 9th— Cow, Golden Drop Fourth (imp.), by Sir Christopher (22865), out of Golden Drop First ( Vol. 18, p. 574, E.H.B.), by Prince of Worces- ter (20597), red roan, calved April 18th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, of Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold soon after arrival to George F. Wastell, Port Huron, Mich., U. S. ; sold by him to Avery and Murphy, Detroit, Mich., by them to C. W. McClure, Solon, Iowa, and by him to C. W. Morton, Durant, Iowa. On the 15th of October, 1874, she had a red heifer. Golden Drop Fifth, by Seventh Earl of Oxford, 9985, while owned by Avery and Murphy. In 1878 a bull by Underley Wild Eyes, 31312 ; in November, 1879, a heifer, Underlet 's Golden D. op, by Underley's Wild Eyes 31312, and on September 21 at, 18S0, a heifer, Mortcm's Golden Drop, by same sire. These last three while the property of Mr. McClure. lOih — Cow, Raspberry (imp.) =451 = , by Prince of Worcester (20597), red f .'d white, calved May oth, 1869, bred by 0. Bruce, Huntley, Scotland. She was sold at once to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys, by him to John Collard, Des Moines, Iowa, and by him to Wm. Hastie, Summerset, Iowa. On February 9th, 1874, she had her first recorded heifer calf, Ripple Rose, by Heir of Scots, while owned by Huj^h Thomson ; on March 2nd, 1876, a red bull, Duke of Warrendale, by Golden Duke, 23305 ; 1877 and 1878 calves died ; on Sept. 15th, 1879, a red heifer, Miss Nightingale, by Peris Duke of Warren, 36454 ; these two while owned by Mr. Hastie. Ist — Bull, Champion of the West (imp. in dam). 13632, by Ca'sar Au- gustus (25704), out of V'ioiet Fourth (imp). No. 1 of this lot, red and white, calved March 20th, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of J. S. Thomson and sold to Wm. Stewart Franklin, Grove, 111., U.S. 2nd— Bull, Heir of Scots (imp.) = 130 = , by Heir of Englishman (24122), r(tan, calved April 17th, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr, Aberdeen, Scotland. sold to Geo. Thomson, Whitby. XXll HiaTOUY OF SHOUT- HORN (ATI LE. [VoL. III. 3rd— Bull, Royal Briton (Vol. 4), by Lord Lansdowne (20128), out of Finesae (imp ) = 2139 = , red, calved May 28th, 1878, bred by A. Cruickahank, sold to Jeremiah Dodge, New Lyme, O., U.S. . 4th — Bull, Scotsman Second (imp.) =225= (35484), by Lord Cecil (26621), roan, calved Jan. 7th, 1871, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, Dal- keith Park, Scotland, sold to Messrs. Birrell »fc Johnston, (Greenwood, Ont. 5th— B. ill, Royal Prince (imp.) =12!)8 = , by Royal Buck, (323(53), roan, calved May 10th, 1872, bred by James Currio, Halkcrstont', Scotland, and sold to John Kitchen, Delhi, Ont. In 1871, Mr. Hugh Thomson, of St. Marys, also brtmght out with his brother, two cows and two bulls, of same breeding and on same ship, Germaini. 1st — Cow, Lady Cecil (imp.) =206 = , by Lord Cecil (26621), roan, calvod Jan. 2nd, 1870, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, Dilkeith Park, Scotland. She was tinally sold to Purves Thompson, of Whitby. She had her tirst red b. c. on April Kith, 1873, Baron Cecil, by Breadalbaue (imp.) = 32= (28073), while owned by J. S. Thomson. On Miy 20th, 1876, a heifer. Lady Cecil Second, by Royal Duke (imp.) -219 -- (35356); and on Dec. 20th, 1877, a bull, Lord Cecil, by Scotsman Third, — the last two were the property of Purves Thomson. 2nd— Cow, Stamford Eiyhth (imp.) =507 = , by M.icduff (26773), roan, calved March 9th, 1870, bred by W. S. Marr, Sittyton, sold tirst to George Thomson, then to R. Thomson, St. Marys. Her first calf was a red bull (imp. in dam), calved Jan. 20ch, 1872, Red Rover — 210—, by Gen. Hope- well (31231), bred by W. S. Marr, calved the property of Hugh Thomson. On Feb. 2nd, 1874, a white b. c. Hero, by Heir of Scotts (imp. ) =130 = (34132). On Jan. 10th, 1877, a roan bull, Duke of Moundale, hy Royal Duke (^imp.) =219= (35356). On Dec. 10th, 1877, a roan heifer, Stamford Ninth, by Scotsman Third. On Dec. 1st, 1878, a red bull, Young Aberdeen, by Lord Aberdeen. On IMay 16th, 1880, a roan heifer, Stamford Eleventh, by Baronet (imp.j =17 = . Ist— Bull, Breadalbane (imp.) = 32= (28073), by Champion of England (17526), red, calved Feb. 2l9t, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aber- deen, Scotland, used by Hui,'h Thomson in his herd. 2nd— Bull, Red Rover (imp.) =210= (35244), by General Hopewell (31231), out of Stamford Eighth (imp.) =507=, red, calved Jan. 20th, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, calved the property of Hugh Thomson, Whitby, and sold to Wm. Dow, Whitby. Jan., 1871, Mr. John Wilson, of O.shawa, imported three females from the herd of S. Campbell, of Kinellar, Scotlaiid. Ist— Cow, Bloom First (imp.) = 41 = , by Di[)hthong (17681), red, calved March 10th. 1865, bred by S. Campbell. Her first calf. Bloom Second = 42 = , by Sir Christopher, was calved in Scotland and imported with dam ; her second heifer, Rosebud (imp. in dam, =468 = , by same sire, was bred by 1888J HISlnllY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXIU Mr. Campbell, and calved the property of Mr. Wilson. On Feb. 6th, 1873, she had a heifer, Mina, by Breadalbane (imp.) =32= (25073). Have found no trace of calves since. 2nd — Cow, Blodrn Second (imp.) =42 = , by Sir Christopher (2:^895), red, calved Feb. 2nd, 1871, bred by S. Campbell. She was brought out with her dam on May 3rd, 1874. She had a roan heifer, Addie, by Royal Oak, while owned by Mr. Wilson. Nothing found since. 3rd — Cow, Rosebud (imp. in dam) 408 = , Vy Sir Christopher (2281).^), out of Bloom First =42 = , dark loan, calved February 20th, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Mr. Wilson. On July 30th, 1877, she had a roan heifer, Rosebud Second, by Royal Duke (imp.) -^219 = ; on March 13th, 1879, a red bull. Emperor, by Royal Barmpton (imp.) =217=, and on Feb. 14th, 1881, a red heifer, Rosamond, by same sire, all while owned by Mr. Wilson. In 1871, William Thomson, of Markham, brought out one bull from the stock of Mr. G. Marr, Cairnbrogie, '. ^ordeen. Abergeldie (imp.) =1= (50714), by Young Hero (2G!385), red, calved Nov. 19th, 1870. He w. dually sold to Mr. Thompson Porter, of Huniber. In 1871, the Government S^ock Farm at Charlottetown, P. E.I., brought out a bull, Glensman (imp,) =2698= (28710)) by Bootli's Kinsman (25G5H), roan, calved May 19th, 1870, l>red by li. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Eng. He was used some time hy the Farm. In all 70 females and 27 males, or a total of 103 head of cattle were iuj- ported to Canada this year. 1872. W^e commence with the importation of Simon Beattie, of Mark- ham, now giving all his time to importing cattle. This year he brings out four females and one bull, along with a lot of Ayrshire cattle and sheep. 1st— Cow, Duchess of Wetherby (Ko/. 4), by General Wetherby (24096), roan, calved June 20th, 1870, bred by Col. Duncombe, Waverley Park, St. Neots, Eng. She seems to have disappeared altogether, as I cannot find any of her produce. 2nd — Cow, Azalia (imp.) {Vol. 4), by Bismarck (25037), roan, calved Dec, 1870, bred by W. Desham, Palmer Green, Southgate, Middlesex, Eng. She was sold to W. T. Benson, of Cardinal, Ont., and on May Ist, 1877, had a roan heifer, Azalia Second, by Baron Hillhurst, 22028. I do not find any more of her calves. 3rd — Cow, Justine (imp.) (Foi. 4), by Sir Launcelot (25159), roan, calved Dec. 4th, 1866, bred by J. N. Beasley, Pittsford Hall, Northamptonshire, Eng. Do not find any produce from this fine bred cow. 4th— Cow, Welcome (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Grand Duke Fourth (19874), roan, calved May Slst, 1870, bred by J. N. Beasley, Pittsford Hall. This cow was sold to Avery & Murphy, Detroit, 111., U.S. Jan., 1872, Thos. Blanchard, of Nelson, brought out a bull. Count Orindelwald (imp.) =60= (30808), roan, calved Oct., 1872, bred by J. Stamper, Highfield House, Yorkshire, Eng. XXIV HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. III. On Dec. 26th, 1872, a Mr. Wm. Carr, of Compton, Que., imported a cow, Lady Cristabel (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Windsor Fitz- Windsor (2545«), roan, calved May 15th, 1808, bred by Carr, Stockhouse, Yorkshire, Eng. 1 do not find any trace of her or her produce. Iij 1872 the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., ayain comes to the front, bringing out nine females and two males, all English bred cattle of good pedigrees. They were nearly all sold again, as was Mr. Cochrane's custom. 1st — Cow, Innocence (imp.) (Vol. 4), by James First (24202), white, calved Jan. 10th, 1870, bred by R. Stratton, Burderop, Wilts., Eng. No produce traced. 2nd— Cow, Villa<;e Rf)8e (imp.) =2278=, by James First (24202), red, calved Nov. 21 st, 1870, bred by R. Stratton, as above. On Ist of April, 1873, she had roan bull. Admiral Jack, by Jack Frost (31425), bred by Mr. Stanton and calved the property of Mr. Cochrane. On May 31st, 1875, another bull, Don John, by Royal Commander (20837), also while owned by Mr. Cochrane ; have not traced her further. 3rd — Cow, Lady Bird (imp. ) ( Vol. 4), by Breastplate (19337), roan, calved Nov. 4th, 1870, bred by S. Wiley, Brandsby, York, Eng. ; can not trace her or produce. 4th— Cow, Wave Swell (imp.) (Vol. 4), by Prince of W irlaby (15107), roan, calved June 2Gth, 18G7, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor, Lincoln- sli i<\ Ivi^'. No produce traced from her. 6th — C'jw, Fair Napier (Vol. 4) by Lord Napier (2G()88), roan, calved Sep. 11th, 1870, bred by Mr. Torr, Aylesby Manor. She was kept by Mr. Cochrane to breed from. On Jan. 25th, lvS73, she had a heifer, Foryetme- not, by Lieutenant-General (31(500), bred by Mr. Torr, calved the property of Mr. Cochrane; on April 20th, 1874, a red bull, Florestan, 21553, by Royal Commander (29857) ; and on the 13th of April 1875, a roan bull, Floridan, 23107, by Royal Commander (29857). Ho was exported to England in 1870. f Sum- mer, by same sire ; on May 28th, 1870, red and white heifer, Kose of Prom- ise, by same sire ; on Oct. 5th, 1878, roan heifer, Rose of Killerby, by aame sire ; and on Aug. 15th, 1880, roan bull, British Hope, by same sire. 2nd— Cow, Rose of Sprijig (imp. in dam) ==^479 = , by Prince Regent (29677), dam Rose of Autumn =475 = , red and white, calved April 9th, 187'', bred by Mr. Pawlett, calved the property of J. & R. Hunter. On May Itth, 1875, she had a roan heifer. Rose of Hope, by Knight of Warlaby (imp.) =147 = , (29014) ; on April 5th, 1876, roan heifer, liose if Hope Sec- ond, by same bull ; on Sep. 21st, 1878, roan heifer. Rose of Warlaby, by same bull ; On Aug. 15th, roan heifer. Rose of June, by same sire ; on Feb. 15th, 1880, roan bull, Royal Prince, by same bull ; and on May 23rd, 1883, a red heifer, Rose of May, by Socrates (imp.) ^237 = . In July, 1872, Mr. George Isaac, of Bomanton, brought out ten females and two males from the herd of S. Campbell, of Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scot- land, by Steamship Glenifter to Montreal, 1st- -Cow, Nonpareil Thirty-First (imp.) ^398 = , by Sir Christopher (22895), red, calved March 16th, 1870, bred by S. Campbell. She was sold to Hugh Campbell, of Kincardine, and afterwards to J. S. Thomson, of Whitby. On Feb. 1st, 1873, she had a red b. c. Prince Charlie, by Wel- lington (imp.) = 261= (32828), bred by J. Isaac; on Feb. 10th, 1874, red and white c. c, Nonpareil Thirty-Third, by Inkerman (imp.) =137= (31414); on Feb. 7th, 1875, red bull, Welland, by same sire; on March 10th, 1876, red and white bull, Iron Shot, by same sire ; on March 15th, 1877, red heifer. 1888.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXVll Nonpareil Thirty- Fif.'h, by Gulden Crown (imp.) =114= ; on April 15th, 1878, red bull, Scarlet Velvet =1053 = , by same sire ; on Aug. 29th, 1879, red bull; on July 7th, 1880, roan heifer, both by same sire ; and on Aug. 20th, 1881, red bull, Scarlet Jacket, by Royal Prinoe ; the last three while owned by J. 8. Thimison. 2nd— Cow, Margaret Fourth (imp.) = 321 =, by Duke (28342), red, calved Feb. 20th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell. She was sold to \Vm. Isaac, of Bo- manton, on April 10th, 1873. Soon after ariival she had roan bull, High Sherift' = 131 = , by Under Sherfff, calved the property of Geo. Isaac ; on Sep. 5th, 1875, a red bull. High Sheriff Second =702 -=, by lukermau (imp.) = 137= (31414), while owned by Mr. Isaac. 3rd — Cow, Buchan Lassie Second (imp.) =60 = , by Sir Christopher (22895), roan, calved Feb. 19th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell. She was re- tained by Geo. Isaac. In Feb., 1873, she had her tirst calf, Queen of ^cots (imp. in dam) =441 = , by Under Sheriff (?2745), bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Geo. Isaac ; (m Feb, 21st, 1874, a red bull, Statesman, by Inkerman (imp.) =137= (31414); on May 20th, 1875, a red bull, Enter- prise, by same sire ; on May 29th, 1877, a red bull, Red Comet, l)y Golden Crown (imp.) =114= ; on Sep. 25th, a roan heifer, Buchan Lassie Third, by same sire ; on March 12th, 1881, a red heifer, Buchan Lassie Fi>urtli, by Statesman First (44096) ; on March 10th, red bull, (ieneral VVidesiey, by same sire ; and on Feb. 15th, 1883, roan bull, Sir Charles, by Prince of Northumberland (46911), all bred by Geo. Isaac. 4th — Cow, Queen of Scots (imp. in dam) -^441 = , by Under Sheriff (32745), out of Buchan Lassie Second (imp.) =60 = , roan, calved Feb., 1H73, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Geo. Isaac, and sold by him to James Russell, Richmond Hill, Out. On Dec. 8th, 1875, she had a white heifer, Second Queen of Scotts, by High Sheriff =131= (34162); on April 8th, 1878, roan heifer, Third Queen of Scots, by High Sheriff Second = 702=; on March 27th, 1879, red bull, Heart of Oak =693 = , by same sire as last : on March 25th, 1880, roan heifer. Fourth Queen of Scots, by British Statesman (imp.) =40= (42847); on March 26th, 1881, roan bull, Scotsman, by same sire; on March 1st, 1882, white heifer, Fifth Queen of Scots, by same sire ; all bred by James Rtissell. 5th — Cow, Ruby Hill, dam Ruby Hill Fourth, by Prince of VVurcester (20597) (Fo/. 19, 2>. 720, E. E. B.), bred by S, Campbell. She died soon after landing. 6th— Cow, Prudence (imp.) =434=, by Boanerges (25647), red, calved Jan. 20th, 1871, bred by Mr. Mackie, Pilly of Fyvie, Scotland, owned by S, Campbell, in Scotland, was sold after arrival to John Isaac, Bomanton. On Feb. 25th, 1873, she had a heifer, Rose of Autumn =476 = , by Under Sheriff (32745), bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of George Isaac ; on May 16th, 1875, a red heifer, Second Rose of Autumn, by Inkerman (imp. -=137= (31414) ; on Jan. 17th, 1876, heifer. Prudence First, by xxvni HISTORY OF SnORT-HORN CATTLE [VoL. III. Golden Crown (imp.) =114= ; on March 14th, 1877, red bull, Captain, by samo sire ; the last three bred by J. Inaac. 7th— Cow, Rose of Autumn (imp. in dam) =470 = , by Under Sheriff (32745), red, calved Fob. 28th, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, calved the pro- perty of Geo. Isaac, and sold to James Riiasell, Richmond Hill. Her first calf was a red heifer, Ruae of Autumn Second, by H;gh Sherill' (imp.) -^131 = (34102) ; on Sep. 4th, 1877, a red heifer. Fourth Rose of Autumn, by High Sheriff Second =702--= ; on June 20ih, 1878, bull, Prince of Wales, by same sire ; on April 22nd, 1879, red bull, Duke of York, by same sire ; in March, 1880, red heifer, Fifth Rjse of Autumn, by British Statesman (imp.) =40^ (42847^; on March 10th, 1881, roan bull, Stanley, by same sire ; and on July 12ch, 1882, red bull. Autocrat, by same sire. 8th— Cow, Ury alia.s Ury Seventh (imp.) =520 = , by Uuke (38342), r.jan, calved Jan. 14th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, retained by (;le.>. Isaac for breeding purposes. On Fob. 25th, 1873, she dropped a heifer, Queen of the Ocean (imp. in dam) 444 = , by Under Sheritt' (32745), bred by S. Camp- bell ; on March 0th, 1877, a roan heifer, Ury Eighth, by Golden Crown (imp,) ^114= ; on March 10th, 1870, a red heifer, Ury Ninth, by same sire ; on March 10th, 1880, a white heifer, Ury Fourteenth, by Crown Prince (imp.) =G2=; on Feb. 28ih, 1881, roan heifer, Ury Thirteenth, by Statesman (imp.)(4409G) ; on March 16ih, white heifer, Ury Twelfth, by same hull ; on Sep. 10th, 1883, roan bull, Sir Christopher, by Prince of Northumberland (40011). 9th — Cow, Queen of the Ocean (imp. in dam) =444 = , by Under Sheriff (32745), red and white, calved Feb. 25th, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Geo. Isaac, and sold to James ll'issell, Richmond Hill. On April 15th, 1875, she had red bull. Confidence, by High Sheritl" (imp.) = 131= ; on March 20tl), 1870, roan heifer, L'ry Eighth, by same sire ; on Oct. 7th, 1877, red heifer, Ury Ninth, by same bull ; on May 10th, 1878, red heifer, Victoria, by High Sheriff Second =702= ; on Oct. 25tli, 1870, bull, E^rl of Carrick, by same sire ; on Aug. 30th, 1880, roan bull, Noble- man, by British Statesman (imp.) =40 = . 10th— Cow, Helen Sixth (imp.) =227 = , by Sir Christopher (22805), red and white, calved April 7th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell, sold to John Isaac, P>()manton ; on May 20th, 1874, she had a bull, Gladstone =1840 = , by In- kerman =137= ; On May 3rd, 1877, red bull, Senator, by Golden Crown (imp.) =114= ; on May 12th, 1880, red bull, Red Duke, by Statesman, ('44090) ; on March 15th, 1882, bull, Golden Prince, by same sire. Ist— Bull, High Sheriff (imp. in dam) =131= (34102), by Under Sheriff (32745), dam Margaret Fourth, (imp.) =321 = , roan, calved April 10th, 1873, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Geo. Isaac, and sold to James Russell, Richmond Hill. 2nd-Bull, Inkerman (imp.) =137 = , (31414), by Duke (28342), roan, calved March 31st, 1872, bred by S. Campbell, retained by George Isaac. 1888,] HISTOUY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. XXIX on 1878, 1879, Noble- ')). red In 1872, Mr. Edward J fTij, of Bond Head, brought out a cow and her calf in dam. Isl— (>)W, Diadem Seen id, (imp), by Jupiter, (2422H), red, calved Jan. Ifith, 1H70, bred by 11. Ulac cwell, Tausloy, Eng. She was a prolitic breeder, On May 20th, 1872, she had a heifer calf, before being inii)orted ; on May Kith, 1873, a rod heifer, Dia iem Fourth (imp. in dam,) since then she has had nine bulls and two heifers. They will be found under dam, page 278, D. n. B., Vui. 1. 2nd — Cow, Diadem Fourth (imp. in dam), by Byron, 214;{4, out of Dia- dem Second (imp ) =113=, red, calved May IGth, 1873, bred by K. Black- well, calved the property of Ed. JiH\, and sold to A. Ludlow, Monroe, Wis., U. S. No produce traced. In 1872, Mr. B. Miller, of Markham, brought out a bull, General Prim, (imp.) =12-, (31234), by General Hopewell Second (24021), red and white, calved April 20Lh, 1871, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Derheum Abbey, Nor- folk, Eng. He was sold to George Miller, of Markham, and ustd by him. In 1872, Mr. Wm. Thomson, of Whitby, brought out three females. They were sold at once to Avery & Murphy, of Detroit, Mich., U. S. Ist — Cow, Michigan Casket, Alian Casket (imp.), by Senator, ('.^7441), (Vol. 22, p. 385, E. H. B., an )>ri)'h(cc), red, calved April 0th, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. On the 20th of July, 1873, she had a red bull, Baron Booth of Huron, 18927, bred by Mr Thomson, but calved the property of Avery & Murphy. He was sired by the Doctor (imp ) = 250.= 2nd— Cow, Michigan Daisy (imp.), (Vol. 12, p. 1049, A. H. B.), by Prince Gwynne (27141), roan, calved March 21 st, 1871, bred by Mr. Milne, Kinaklie, Scotland ; sold to Avery Sc Murphy, of Dotroit, soon after arrival. On March 23rd, 1874, she had a roan bull, Daisy's Duke, 1930G, by Twenty- Third Duke of Airdrie, 13393, while owned by Avery & Murphy, 3rd— Cow, Tulip Ninth (imp.) by Manfred (2G801), (Vul. 19 p. 750, K H. B., as produce), red, "ved Oct. 23rd, 1870, bred by Messrs Atkinson, Peepy-on-Tyne, Northumberland, Eng. She was also sold at once to Avery & Murphy, of Detroit, and while their property, on May 25th, 1874, had red heifer. Tulip Tenth, by Twenty-Third Duke of Airdrie, 19393. There was a marked falling f >ff in importing this year, only 34 cows and 8 bulls, in all 42 head. N.B. — History to be continued in "Vol. IV. H. Wade, Ed itor. HISTOKY OP SHORT HORN^ CATTLE IMPORTED INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM GREAT BRITAIN, CHRONOLOUICALLY ARRANGED. N. 13. — Dominiun Herd Book iijmhols and numhcis are used. For names of pro luce, see under pedigree of iiaporled cow in the volume dertiynated. {Continued from Vol. III.) Vol. III. completed the importation of 1872. We now resume with those commencing in 1873, commencing with the importations of Simon Beattie, in August, at that time of Whitevale, Ont. They were at once sold to parties in the United States, and are not as yet recorded in the Dominion Book, this consisted of four cows and one bull. Iflt— Cow, Lady Gunter (imp.) by Lord York (2G7CG), out of Eliza {Vol. IX., p. 494, E. II. B.,) Mac. Turk (14872); red, calved March, 1871, ored by James Beattie, of Newbie House, Annan, Scotland. She was sold to George Murray of G'anvondale, Racine, Wis., U.S. ; her first calf, two months after landing, was a heifer, Lady Knowlmere, by Knight of Knowlraere (31542), (see No. 2 be'ow) ; her second was a heifer, red, called Lady Gunter Second, by Royal Duke (imp.) (32375), bred by George Murray. I have not traced any more produce. 2nd— Cow, Lady Knowlmere (imp. in dam) as above, by Knight of Knowlmere (31542), out of Lady Gunter above, roan, calved October 19th, 1873, bred by Jas. Beattie, Newbie House, Annan, Scotland, calved the property of Simon Beattie, and sold by him to Eli Stilson, Oshkosh, Wis., U.S. No produce traced. 3rd — Cow, Maid of Honour (imp.) {Vol. 20, p. G35, E.H.B., as produce), by Royal Benedict (27348), roan, calved Aug. 7th, 1871, bred by T. Game & Son, Broadmoor, Gloucester, England ; she was sold at once to Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis., U.S., and April 3rd, 1874, she had a heifer calf, Slan- sondale Rose, yb Ranger 21755, and on May 20th, 1875, a bull calf, Royal Mayflower 30951, by Mayflower 104G9, while owned by Mr. Murray. X HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL, IV. 4th— Cow, Malmsey (imp.) by Royal Benedict (27348), out of Moselle, {Vol. 19, p. 640, E. H. B.,) by Gondemar (19867), etc.; roan, calved April Ist, 1870, bred by T. Game & Son, Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, Eng.; this cow was sold to C. C. Parks, Waukegan, III., U.S. No produce traced. 1st— Bull, Lord Eglintoun (imp.) (31652), by Royal Duke (32375), red, calved April 13th, 1870, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charley wood House, Rick- mans worth, England, sold to Wm. Pritchart, Frankfort, Mo., U.S. In September, 1873, the Hon. Geo. Brown, of Bow Park, Brantford, appeared as an importer, and brought out three well bred bulls to use on his herd. Ist-Bull, Lord Barrington (imp.) =152- (SlOl'O), by Duke of Brailes (23724), roan, calved June 1st, 1870, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Warwickshire, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Duke of Barrington Fourth (imp.) =75= (30924), by Ninth Duke of Geneva (28391), red and white, calved May 2nd, 1872, bred by H. J. Sheldon, Brailes House, Warwickshire, Eng. 3rd— Bull, Royal Tudor (imp.) =222.= (354]]), by Royal Broughton (27352), red and white, calved April 21st, 1872, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, Eng. These Bulls were all used at Bow Park. In 1873, The Hon. M. H, Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., only imports one cow and her bull calf. Partridge (imp.) = 2210 = , by Royal Butterfly (25007), red, calved Sept. 1st, 187'^- bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon, Eng. She was retained in Mr. Cochrane's herd up to 1876, when she was sold to J. C. Eckford, Dunkeld, Ont. Her produce was as follows : — On Nov. 21st, 1872, when owned by Mr. Game, a heifer, by Red Prince (29748) ; on Dec. 14th, 1873, soon after landing, a bull, John Peel, by Third Lord of Warwickshire (28524); on Dec. 30th, 1874, a bull, Puck, by Royal Commander (imp.) =1293- (29857) ; on May 28th, 1876, a bull. Baron Compton =1377=, by Second Duke of Hillhurst =532-^, these two were raised by Mr. Cochrane ; on June 9th, 1877, a bull, Baron of Bruce =1394=, by Baron Berkeley (imp.)=:15:= (30158); on Juno 15th, 1878, another bull, Don Quixote, by Sentinel. The last two raised by Mr. Eckford, five bull calves in Canada, and one heifer in England. In August, 1S73, James I. Davidson made his second importation of Cruickshank Cattle (his first was in 1871) ; it consisted of three heifers and one bull, the last brought out in dam. Ist— Mysie Thirty-Seventh (imp.) =383 = , by Senator (27441), roan, calved March 27th, 1872, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was soon sold to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys, and by him to George Thomson, Alton. She raised six calves, Jan. k7th, 1874, b. c. , Crown Prince (imp. in dam) =62 = , by Lord Lansdowne (29128); March 16th, 1875, c. c, Mysie of Kinellar, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =456=3 ; Feb. 14th, 1876, b. c, Mysie's Duke, by Cambridge Duke Second 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. xi roan, irdeen, him to Crown 16th, Second Second = 39o- ; on Feb. 19tb, 1877, b, c, Favorite ; Jan. 27th, 1878, c. c, Mysie Thirty-Eighth ; and en Jan. 29th, 1879, c. c, Myaie Thirty-Ninth, the last three got by Cambridge Duke Second =395 = , and raised by Geo. Thomson. 2nd— Cow, Omelttte, alias Orange Blossom Eighteenth (imp.) =397 = , by Breadalbane (imp.) =32= (28073), red and wiiite, calved April 30th, 1872, bred by A. Cruicksbank. She waa also sold to Hugh Thomson, and by him to Geo. Thomson, Alton. She had only one calf, soon after landing, as below, and was sold for beef. 3rd — Cow, Omelette Second, alias Orange Blossom Twentieth (imp. in dam) =398 = , by Lord Lansdowne (29128), red and white, calved Jan. 14th, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank and calved the property of Hugh Thomson. She was sold to A. E. Kimberley, West Liberty, Iowa, and by him to a Mr. Stone, of Kansas. We have four calves recorded from her, Jan. IGth, 187G, b.c, Orange Duke, by Gwynne Duke, while owned by H. Thomson ; May 20th. 1877, red b. c. Orange Blossom's Breastplate, by Breastplate ; in 1878, red b. c, by Breastplate ; March 28th, 1879, red c. c, Orange Blossom of Cleona, by Orange Blossom's Breastplate. The last three bred by A. E. Kimberley. Bull, Crown Prince (imp.) =62 = , by Lord Lansdowne (29128), roan, calved January 27th, 1874, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of J.J.Davidson and sold by him to Jos. Moliatt, Saintfield, Ont., afterwards of Paw Paw, 111., U.S.; 1873 is also noted as being the year that John Dryden, M.P. P., of Brooklin, made his first importation; also from A. Cruickshank, of Sittyton, whose cattle were fast coming into notoriety ; it was a modest im- portation, consisting of a cow and bull calf, but a most successful one in point of merit ; the cow was prolific and the bull an excellent stock getter. Cow, Columbia (imp.) =84 = , by Lord Lancaster (ti 6666), roan, calved May 21 st, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank. Mr. Dryden never parted with this cow until she went for beef in 1886. From Royal Barmpton (imp.) = 217= she had five calves; Dec. 3rd, 1876, red b. c. Commander ; Dec. 10th, 1877, roan b. c. Royal Prince; Nov. 15th, 1878, white c. c, Con- stance; Nov. lOih, 1879, rjan b. c, Cavalier; and Oct. 17th, 1880, roan b. c, Commodore. On Oct 26th, 1882, a red heifer, Carrie, by Baron Sur- mise, and red heifer. Coral. She lost her calves in 1883 and 1884. Bull, Royal Barmpton (imp.) =217= (45503), by Lord Lansdowne (29128); he was erroneously recorded in Canadian and American Books, as Barmpton Royal, by Scotland'- ^"vide (25100), but was corrected by A. Cruick- shank, the breeder, in the English Book. He was roan, and calved May 15tb, 1873 ; Mr. Dryden owned him to the last. In 1873, John S. Armstrong, of the Cranberry Farm, Speedside, near Guelph, made his largest importation of Scotch cattle, principally from the herds of W. S. Marr and W. Duthie, consisting of eight cows and four bulls. Xll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. J V. Ist— Cow, Salvia 14th (imp.) =487-, by Gold Digger (24044), red, calved March 29th, 3871, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. She appears to have raised only two heifer calves, Nov. Ist, 1876, red heifer, Fancy Second, and Oct. 16th, 1877, roan heifer, Fancy Fifth, both by Young Heir (imp.) =277= (31351). 2nd.— Cow, Beauty 15th (imp.) =31 = , by Heir of Englishman (24122), red, calved March 26th, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr ; she was sold to George Armstrong, Speedside, and again by him to Donald Alexander of Brigden. She had five calves put down to her, the first a bull (imp. in dam), calved April 10th, 1874, Earl of Marr =12*9=, by \oung Heir (imp.) =277=; Feb. 15th, L876, roan heifer, Royal Maid ; Dec, 17th, 1876, roan b. c. , Royal Heir; both by (imp.) Young Heir =277= ; in January, 1881, red b. c, Beauty's Prince, by Second Prince of Spring wood =978--, and on Sept. cth, 1883, red and white b. c, Son of Beauty 15th, by Butterfly Duke =300 = . 3rd— Cow, Kindness Seventh (imp.) =256 = , by Gold Digger (24044), red and white, calved October 22nd, 1872, bred by VV. S. Marr. Mr. Arm- strong only appears to have raised one calf from her, calved January 10th, 1875, red and white heifer, Kindness Eighth, by Prince Royal. 4th — Cow, Bride Second alias Bride Third (imp.) =53 = , by Gold Dig ger (24044), roan, calved May 30th, 1871, bred by W. S. Marr. She had only two calves : one calved December 2l8t, 1873, Bridesman (imp. in dam) = 1225=, by Young Englishman (31113), and ab. c, January 26th, 1875, by Young Heir (imp.) =277= (31351). She died in 1876. 5th — Cow, Princess Royal Thirteenth (imp.) =431=, by Lord Charles (31634), red, calved February, 1872, bred by James White, Clinterty, Aber- deen, Scotland. This cow only appears to have raised one calf, November 2Gth, 1875, b. c. Royal Prince, by Young Heir (imp.) =277= (31351). 6th — Cow, English Lady (imp.) =153 = , by Heir of Englishman (24122), red and white, calved May 25th, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr. This cow has raised five calves, as follows : April 7th, 1874, b. c, Scottish Heir (imp. in dam) =266 = , by Young Heir (imp.) =277=^ ; April Ist, 1875, red heifer, English Lady Second, by Prince Royal ; May 17th, 1876, red b. c, British Heir, by Young Heir (imp.) =277= ; May 5th, 1879, red b. c, British Heir Second, by Second Prince of Springwood - 978 = ; and September 8th, red and white b. o. , Springwood Heir, by the same bull. 7th— Cow, Rachel Tenth (imp.) =449-, by Heir of Englishman (2*122), roan, calved April 23rd, 1871, bred bv W. S. Marr. This cow only had one calf, which was imported in dam, calved January 16th, 1874, — White Rachel — , below. 8ih— Cow, White Rachel (imp. in dam) =549=, by Gladstone (31253), white, calved Jan. 16th, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, calved the property of J. S. Armstrong. We only find one calf from her, calved Dec. 8th, 1876, roan, b. c, Corporal Trim =446 = , by Young Heir (imp.) =277= (31351). 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT- HOEN CATTLE. Xlll ■ 1st— Bull, Earl of Marr (imp. in dam) =1249^, Beauty Fifteenth (imp.) = 3l = , by Young Heir (imp.) = 277 = (31351), bred by W. S. Marr, calved the property of J. S. Armstrong, and sold to George S. Armstrong, Speedside. 2nd— Bull, Young Heir (imp.) =277= (31351), by Heir of Englishman (24122), roan, calved April 17th, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, and used for some time by J. S. Armstrong. 3rd — Bui), Bridesman (imp. in dam) =1225=, by Young Englishman (31113), red and white, calved Dec. 21st, 1873, shortly after landing, out of Pride Second (imp.) =53 = . He was also used by J. S. Armstrong in his lierd. 4th— Bull, Scottish Heir (imp.) =226 = , by Young Heir (imp.) =277 = (31351), red and white, calved April 7th, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, and calved the property of J. A. Armstrong. Sold to Joseph Jackson, Guelph, Ont. There were only 17 cows and 11 bulls imported in 1873. 1874. We commence this year with one cow and her calf, imported by John S. Armstrong, Speedside, Ont. 1st — Cow, Princess Josephine (imp.) =425 = , by Grand Knight (2G303), red, calved Dec. 29th, 1870, bred by Wm. Duthie, Collyne, Aberdeen, Scot- land. She appears to have bred nothing in Canada, but dropped a heifer a few days after her arrival. 2nd —Cow, Princess Josephine Second (imp.) =426 = , by Duke of Cam- bridge (33580), red, calved Dec. 23rd, 1874, bred by W. Duthie, calved the property of J. S. Armstrong, and was afterwards sold to Wm. Whitelaw, of Guelph. We find four calves recorded from her, first on Aug. 26th, 1876, c. c, Princess Josephine Fourth, by Young Heir (imp.) =277= ; Nov. 8th, 1878, Princess Josephine, by British Heir ; Oct. 1st, 1879, red bull, Spring- wood Prince, by Second Duke of Springwood =978= ; and Oct., 1881, red heifer. Princess Josephine Fifth, by British Baron, the last two raised by W. Whitelaw. In this year Simon Beattie and William Miller, of Whitevale, Ont. ; imported eighteen head (fourteen cows and four bulls) from different breeders in Scotland and England. They were taken to Whitevale, but nearly all of them were sold at a large sale called in Toronto, on June 16th, 1875, the majority of them going to the United States. 1st— Cow, Edith Emily (imp.) {Vol. 20, p. 506, E.R.B., as produce), by Caballer (28114), red, calved Feb. 22nd, 1872, bred by J. A. Mumford, Brill House, Oxfordshire, England. This cow must have died or proved barren, as we do not find her recorded in either Canadian or American Herd Books. 2nd— Cow, Lady Barnes (imp.) = 261 = {Vol. 20, p. 585, E.H.B., as pro- duce), by Julius Fourth (31451), roan, calved March 31st, 1872, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charleywood, Herts, England. She was sold at once to C. S^ Smith, Acton, Ont., and has four calves recorded, the first a bull, calved in 1874, and (imp. in dam), by Prince Alfred (35083)j Oct. 3rd, 1875, roan bull, XIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. IV. Royal Beauford =1031-, by Royal Oxford Gwynne (imp.) =221= (35396); Oct. 18th, 1876, red b. c, British Sovereign, by Third Dake of Springwood ; Dec. 15th, 1877, red and white heifer. Miss Barnes, by Zephyr. 3rd— Cow, Princesa of Denmark Second (imp.) (ToZ. 20, p. 704, E.H.B.), by Cambridge Duke Third (23503), red, calved July 24th, 1871, bred by R. H. Crabb, Chelmsford, Raddow, Essex, Eng., and sold to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa, at Beattie and Miller's sale in June, 1875, in Toronto, for $1,000. Produce in Jan. 27th, 1875, red and white bull. Prince of Ddnmark, and red heifer. Princess of Denmark Third, twins, by Oxford Baron (imp.) ; Dec. 3rd, 1875, red bull, Earl of Springwood 23063. 4th— Cow, Mountain Rose Third {Vol. 20, p. 605, E.H.B., as produce), by Buccaneer (25093), roan, calvod Aug. 8th, 1872, bred by T. Game, of Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, Eng. ; sold at Beattie S: Miller's sale in Toronto in June, 1875, to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa, for $525. No produce traced. 5th — Cow, Halstead Surprise (irmp.) {Vol. 20, p. 701, E.H.jj., as pro- dnce), by Old Sam (32449), red and white, calved Sept. 30th, 1870, bred by R. H. Crabb, Raddow, Essex, Eng. ; also sold at Beattie and Miller's sale to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa. No produce traced. 6th — Cow, Nectar (imp.) by Heir of Euglishman (24122), tracing to Nectar Fifth, {yol 17, E. H. B.,) by Lord Lyons (22173), red, calved Aug., 1872 ; brel by W. S. Marr, and sold at Beattie & Miller's sale in 1875 to Geo. Murray, Racine, Wis., U.S. Produce not traced. 7th— Cow, Baroness Conyers (imp.) {Vol 24, p. 782, E.II.B.,) by Baron Killerby (27949), roan, calved Sept. 10th, 1871, bred by J. Outhwaite, Bainesse, Catterick, Yorkshire, Eng. She took several prizes in England be- fore being imported ; she was sold to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa, at Beattie & Miller's sale in Toronto, Jan. 16th, 1875, for $1,650, she was again sold at the Meredith sale of May 31 st, 1876, to John Hope of Markham, Ont., for the Earl of Dunmore, who exported her back to Eng- land, where she was sold in 1877 to C. H. Cock for GO guineas with two of her calves. Produce, April 28th, 1876, roan heifer. Baroness Conyers Second, by Royal Cherub (40625), calved the property of Col. Meredith, and was sold with dam to John Hope, and exported ; Miy 28th, 1877, red heifer. Baroness Conyers Third, by Marquis of Worcester, 3rd (40415), also sold to Mr. Cock. 8th— Cow, Butterfly's Duchess ( ToZ. 19, p. 473, E.H.B., as produce), by Royal Butterfly 20th (25007), roan, calved July 10th, 1879, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon, England ; she was sold at sale in 1875 to George Murray, Racine, Wis., U.S. Have not traced her produce. 9th— Cow, Chaplet (imp.) {Vol. 19, p. 450, E. H.B., as produce), by Grand Dake Fifteenth (21852), red, calved Jan. 10th, 1870, bred by F. Leney, Wateringbury, Kent, England ; sold at Beattie & Miller's sale in Toronto for $850, to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa. 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. \\'o of ;ond, sold mess Mr. F), by pyG. '5 to Jrand sney, to for April 14th, 1875, she bred a red and white b. c. , Chandos (22350), by Royal Butterfly Twentieth (25007), bred in Engkind. No other produce traced. 10th— Cow, Delight (imp.) {Vol. 18, p. 701, E.E.B., as produce), by Pizarro (20497), roan, calved March 8th, 18G8, bred by W. Lambert, Elring- ton Hall, Northumberland, England. Sold June, 1875, at Bjattie & Miller's sale to S. T. Spangler, Winthrop, Iowa, U.S. ; September 27th, 1875, she bred a red heifer, Delight Second, by Royal Dereham (247152.) No other produce traced. nth— Cow, Tea Rose (imp.), by Lord Bacon (2G607), dam Moss Rose {Vol. 17, p. G40. E.H.B.), by Knight Errant (18154), &c., roan, calved February 21st, 1871, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland. Sold at Beattie & Miller's sale in 1875 to A. L. Stebbins, Port Huron, Mich., for $550, and by him to J. P. Sanborn, Port Huron. She calved soon after arrival, as below. 12th — Cow, Tea Rose Second (imp. in dam) by Lord Darby (34524), out of Tea Rose (imp.) above, by Lord Bicon (20007), roan, calved May 27th, 1875, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annan, Scotland, calved the property of Beattie & Miller, and sold with dam to A. L. Stebbins, for J. P. Sanborn, Port Huron, and sold by him to Charles F. Moore, St. Clair, Mich., U.S. May 26th, 1877, she had a red and white heifer. Tea Rose Third, by Tom Scots (31288). 13th— Cow, Verbena Royal (imp.) {Vol. 20, p. 803, E.H.B., as produce), by Royal Duke (25014), roan, calved July 13th, 1872, bred by J. Downing, Ashfield, Co. Cork, Ireland ; also sold at Beattie & Miller's sale, June, 1874, to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Iowa. No produce traced. 14th— Cow, Princess of Wales (imp.) =428= {Vol. 27, p. 5J4, E.H.B., as produce), by Red Cross (32247), roan, calved Feb. 8th, 1873, bred by R. J. M. Grumbleton, Glanatore, Waterford, Ireland, sold by Beattie & Miller to John Miller, Brougham, Ont., and kept by him for breeding purposes. Nov. 18th, 1875, she had a roan heifer, Second Princess of Wales =7581 = , by Young Mayflower =1197=; Oct. 12th, 1876, a red b.c, Ontario, by Young Mayflower =1197=; Feb. 12th, 1878, a roan heifer, Fourth Princess of Wales =1728=, by Young Mayflower ^1197=; April 12th, 1879, a roan b.c, Prince of Athelstane, by Second Crown Prince of Athelstane, and Sept, 30th, 1880, a roan bull. Prince Mayflower, by Blooming Mayflower =308-; July lO.h, 1881, white b.c. Prince of Strathallan, by Crown Prince of Strathallan = 1570= ; Jan. 25th, 1882, white heifer. Princess of Wales Seventh, by Crown Prince of Strathallan =1570 = . Out of these fourteen cows only two re- mained in Canada Lady Barnes =261 = , and Princess of Wales =428=. 1st — Bull, Royal Dereham (imp.) =1294= (35353), by Royal Broughton (27352), out of Mistress May {Vol. 10, p. 637, E.U.B.), by Prince of lloae- dale (24837), red little white, calved May 18th, 1873, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Eug, XVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. IV. 2nd— Bull, Sheriff Gwynne (imp.) (Vol. 5) (35518), by High Sheriff (2G31)2), roan, calved Dec. 22nd, 1873, bred by Hugh Aylmer, Weat Dere- ham Abbey, Eng. 1 can not trace what became of these two Dereham Abbey bulls; they appear to have been kept some time by Beattie & Miller. 3rd— Bull, not named, by Prince Alfred (3.";083), out of Lady Barnes (imp.) =261=. Do not know what became of him. 4th— Bull, Chandos (imp.) ^22350. , Ijy Royal Butterfly Twentieth (25007), red and white, calved April 14th, 1875, bred by F. Leney, Water- ingbury, Kent, calved the property of Beattie & Miller, and sold with dam Chaplet (imp.) to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City., Iowa. 5th— Bull, Royal Oxford Gwynne (imp.) (35300), by Baron Oxford (23375), red and white, calved Aug. 5th, 1873, bred .by Major Webb, Elford House, Eng. ; was sold at the Beattie and Miller sale in 1875, to Geo. Mur- ray, Racine, Wis., U.S. Aug., 1874, Messrs. Birrell & Johnston, of Greenwood, made their first importation of two heifers and a bull calf, also Scotch cattle. 1st — Cow, Alexandra Sixth (imp.) =11 = , by Gladstone (31253), out of Alexandra Fifth (Vol. 24, p. 502, E.H.B.), dark roan, calved Feb. 28th, 1873, bred by W. S. Marr, Aberdeen, Scotland. She had one calf while owned by Birrell & Johnston, calved March 5th, 1876, Baron Kinellar = 2800 = , by Scotchman Second (35484). She was then sold to A. E, Kim- berley, West Liberty, Iowa, U.S., who writes that she has had five heifers and one bull calf while in his possession. 2nd— Cow, Priscilla Seventh (imp.)- 432 = , by Lord St. Leonards (20202), red, calved March 7th, 1873, bred by James Bruce, Fochabers, Scotland. She calved soon after arrival, March IGth, 1875, a roan bull. Baron Bruce, by Bridesman (30587) ; on April 21st, 1876, a red heifer, Priscilla Eighth, by Young Mayflower =1107 = , while owned by Birrell & Johnston. She was then sold to J. A. Kissinger & Co., Clarksville, Mo., and by them to J. H. Potta & Son, Jacksonville, 111., U.S. ; the produce has not been traced since then. 1st — Bull, Baron Bruce (imp.) =16 = , by Bridesman (30587), out of Priscilla Seventh (imp.) =432 = , roan, calved March 10th, 1875, bred by J. Bruce, Fochabers, and finally sold to J. H. Potts & Sons, Jacksonville, 111. , U.S. In 1874, the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., made another im- portation of six cows and three bulls, all English and Irish bred. 1st— Cow, Red Bess (imp.) =5200=, by Royal Broughton (27352), red, calved August 20th, 1871, bred by Hugh Aylmer, Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, England. She bred eight calves for Mr. Cochrane : September 25th, 1875, red bull, Eric the Red, by Ranger Prince ; November 17th, 1876, red heifer, Red Bud =7631=, by Sirius =2442= (39121) ; September 28th, 1877, red heifer, Lady Bess, by Cumbermede =1575= (39663) ; November 12th, 1879, red heifer. Lady Bess Second, by Baron Barringtonia =1372= ; May 1st, 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XVll 1881, red heifer, Baas of Oxford, by Duke of Oxford Thirty-Fifth Cimp.) =88= (36530) ; April 15th, 1882, red heifer, Red Baroness, by Baron Bar- rinf^tonia =1372=; May Ist, 1883, red bull, Red Baronet, by Lord Aber- deen ; May 25th, 1884, red and white bull. Royal Rufus, by Lord Aber- deen. 2nd— Cow, Gaiety (imp.) =5120=, by Royal Benedict (27348), red, calved February 2l8t, 1870, bred by G. Game, Churchill Heath, Oxon, England. She had twins on February 27th, in England, and on September 5th, 1874, soon after landing, a bull, Gustavus =2701=. No trace of pro- duce afterwards. 3rd— Cow, Princess Christian (imp.) (Vol. 20, p. 716, E. S.B., as jirodnce), by Prince Christian (22581), red and white, calved December 26th, 1871, bred by R. Welsted, Ballywalter, Co. Cork, Ireland. Do not find any record of produce from this cow. 4th— Cow, Princess Sally Second (imp.) =8323=, by Prince Christian (22581), red and white, calved February 26th, 1872, bred by R. Welsted, BiUywalter, Ireland. On March 5th, 1875, she dropped a red and white b. c.jPat Milloy, by England's Glory, and on March 22nd, 1877, a red heifer, Bruna, byCumbermede =1575=. 5th — Cow, Princess Adelaide (imp.) =2229=, by Prince Christian (22581), roan, calved March 3rd, 1872, bred also by R. Welsted, Bally- walter, Ireland. She was one of the most prolific of Mr. Cochrane's Cows. Her first calf dropped April 12th, 1875, Ruth, was bred in Ireland, by Eng- land's Glory (23889); on April 22nd, 1876, red and white b.c, Sir Erison, by Sirius ; April 24th, 1877, red, c.c. Brunette, byCumbermede =1575=; Sept. 8th, 1878, roan, c.c, Countess of Duft'erin, by Prince Victor; Oct. 18th, 1879, white, b.c, Prince Leopold, by Baron Surmise ; Sept. 5th, 1880, Lady Adelai'le Oxford, by Duke of Oxford Thirty-Fifth (imp.) =88= (36530); Dec 12th, 1881, roan heifer, Priscilla, by same sire. In 1883 and 1884 she was served by an Aberdeen Angus & Galloway Bull as an experiment. She died in 1885. 6th— Cow, Ruth (imp. in dam), by England's Glory (23889), white, calved April 12th, 1875, bred by R. Welsted, calved the property of the Hon. M. H. Cochrane. Do not know what became of her. 1st— Bull, Ranger Prince (imp.) =21756=, by Ranger 21755, out of Pippen (Vol. 20, p. 690, E.E.B.), by Cyndric (19542) red, calved Aug. 16th, 1873, bred by J. Houlton, Aldsworth, Northleach, i!ing. ; sold Jan. 10th, 1875, to James Peterson, Monmouth, 111., U.S. 2nd— Bull, Gustavus, (imp. in dam) =2701 = , by Buccaneer (25693), out of Gaiety (imp.) =512J = , bred by G. Game, Broadmoor, calved the property of M. H. Cochrane, and used by him. 3rd— Bull, Pat Milloy (imp. in dam), by England's Glory (23889), bred by R. Welsted, calved the property of Mr. Cochrane. B . ' P"H-^ XVlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. IV. In 1874, John R. Craig, at that time of Edmonton, Out., made his first importation of four females of English cattle, with, at that time, fashionable pedigrees. lat_Cow, Lady Le Moor (imp. ) = 285 - , by Young Lord Abbott (:U609), roan, calved Feb. 15th, 18(58, bred by F. Maynard, Martin Le Moor, York- shire, England. She had a heifer calf in England, in 1872, Lady Le Moor Second ; she was sold to W. S. Slater, Webster Mass., U.S.; and on Jan. 27th, 1877, had a red heifer, Rose Le Moor, by Marquis of Bute, while owned by Mr. Slater. 2nd — Cow, Waterloo J. (imp) ==546 = , by Lord Waterloo (24476), roan, calved Feb. Ist, 1872, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., Northumberland, Eng. ; she was sold to R Holloway, Alexis, 111., U.S. Had a red heifer calf on Jan. 13th, 1875, Waterloo First, by Second Geneva Lad. 3rd — Cow, Euphemia (imp.) =158 = , by James First (24202), rod, calved March, 1871, bred by R. Stratton, Burderop, Swindon, Wilts., Eng.; soldtoR. Holloway, Alexis, 111., U.S. Soon after landing she dropped the calf below. 4th — Cow, Euphemia Second (imp.) =159 = , by Protector (32211), roan, calved Nov. 9th, 1874, bred by R. Stratton, and calved the property of John R. Craig ; have no trace of her produce. In 1874, James I. Davidson, of Balsam, Ont. , made his third importa- tion, consisting of 29 cows and 5 bulls, all from the herd of Amos Cruickshank, of Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland ; thus bringing him to the front as an im- porter fur this year. , 1st — Cow, Butterfly Ihirty-Sixtli (imp.) =G3 = , by Ct«3a'' Augustus (25704), roan, calve I April 2ud, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank. She had two calves in Scotland that were imported with her, and follow this pedigree, and on February 2l8t, 1876, a red heifer, Butterfly Forty-Fifth, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second, while owned by Mr. Davidson. 2nd- Cow, Butterfly Forty-Third (imp.) = 04 = , by Royal Duke of Glo'ster (298t>4), red, calved March 2ud, 1873, out of Butterfly Thirty-Sixth =63 = , bred by A. Cruickshank. She dropped a bull calf on March 15th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, and calved the property of Mr Davidson. On Oct 18th, 1870, she had a red and white bull, Athelstane Eighth, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =456= ; on April 2nd, 1877, red and white bull, Athelstane Ninth ; on March 15th, 1878, ved bull, Athelstane Thirteenth = 1358= ; on March 20th, 1879, red heifer, Butterfly Fifty-First ; on March 14th, 1880, red and white cow. Butterfly Fifty-Second, all by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =^456 = . She proved a valuable cow. 3rd — Cow, Butterfly Forty-Fourth (imp. in dam) =65 = , by Viceroy (32764j,out of Huttterfly Thirty-Sixth (imp.) = 03 = , white, calved March 14th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of Mr. Davidson, and was sold by him to Joseph Moftatt, of Saintfield, Out., afterwards of Mon- ticello, Iowa, U.S. She had three heifers, Feb. 9th, 1878, roan heifer. But- terfly Forty-Eighth, by Crown Prince (imp.) =02= ; on Jan. 8th, 1879, 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIX rince white heifer, Butterfly Fiftieth, by same sire ; and on Dec. 25th, 1870, a roan heifer, Butterfly Fifty- Second, by Golden Crown. 4th— Cow, Charming (imp.) = 7o = ,byBreadalbane (imp.) =32 = (28073), roan, calved March 3rd, 1872, bred by Mr. Cruickahank. Her first calf dropped May 6th, 1875, and her second Jan. 10th, 1870, Breadalbanrf, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =450= ; on Dec. 15th, 1877, a red and white bull, Athelstane Ninth =1357= ; on Dec. 30th, 1878, roan heifer, Queen of Athelstane ; and on Djc. 15th, 1879, a roan bull, Athelstane Fif- teenth ; all by the same sire. , 5th— Cow, Coral (imp.) =89 = , by Lord Lancaster (2G6GG), roan, calved April Ist, 1873, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. On March 5th, 1875, soon after landing, she dropped a heifer. Countess =90=, as below. No trace of any other produce. Gth — Cow, Countess (imp. in dam) =90 = , by Ben Wyvis (30528), out of Coral (imp.) =89 = , above, roan, calved March 5th, 1876, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, calved the property of Mr. Davidson, She had no produce. 7th — Cow, Acorn Second, alias Aconite (imp.) =1 = , by Scotland's Pride (25100), red, calved April 10th, 1873, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. Sold in 1882, to J. H. Kissinger, Louisiana, U.S. ; on April 13th, 1875, she dropped red heifer. Acorn Third, alias Acorn of Linwood (imp. in dam), by Framework (imp.) =109= (33964); on Feb. 15th, 1876, red heifer, Acorn Fourth, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =456 = ; on March 1st, 1877, r«d bull, Athelstane Fourth ; on Jan. 15th, 1878, red heifer, Acorn Fifth ; on Dec. 23rd, 1878, red heifer, Acorn Sixth, all by same sire ; on Oct. 31st, 1881, red bull, Commander-in-Chief, by Commander; and on Nov. 2l8t, 1882, heifer (sold with dam), by Baron Victor. 8th— Cow, Acorn Third, alian Acorn of Linwood {Vol. 5) (imp.), by Framework (imp.) =109= (33004), red, calved April 13th, 1875, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, calved the property of Mr. Davidson. 9th — Cow, Autumn Lady (imp.) =23=, Senator (27441), roan, calved Nov. 2nd, 1872, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. She calved, Feb. 17th, 1875, soon after landing, Autumn Queen (imp.) =24=, as below ; on April 20th, 1876, roan heifer, Autumn Lady Second, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =456=. In 1877, she was sold to Kissinger & Co., Louisana, U.S., who again sold her to A. W. Nelson, Vermont, Mo., U.S., when, in 1878, July 1st, she had red heifer, Autumn Lady Third, and on July 15th, 1879, roan heifer. Autumn Lady Fourth, both by Valentine Airdrie. 10th— Cow, Autumn Queen (imp. in dam) =24=, by Ban Wyvis (30528), red, calved Feb. I7th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of W. L Davidson ; he sold her to E. F. Isles, Springfield, 111., U.S., and for him she raised Queen of the May, calved April 19th, 1877, by Richard Royal ; she was then sold to H. F. Gardner, Bradfordtown, 111., and on Jan. 20th, 1881, she had a red heifer, Emma Luckie, and on Jan. 8th, 1882, red and XX HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. IV. white bull, Autumn King, both by Gibson ; on April 4th, 1883, a roan bull, Amos Woodford, by Fifth Duke of Woodford. 11th — Cow, Orange Blossom Nineteenth (imp.) =401=, by Royal Duke of Glo'ster (29864), red, calved March 30th, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank. She calved on April 25th, 1875, red heifer, Orange Blossom of Linwood (imp. in dam), by Royal Barmpton =217 = , and on March IGth, 1870, red and white heifer, Orange Blossom of Tenessee, by Crown Prince of Athel- tane Second =646 = , while owned by Mr. ^avidson. She was then sold to D. & C. T, Noel, Nashville, Tenessee, U.' lere she had eight calves. 12th— Cow, Missio Twenty-Sixth (- ., =358 = , by Prince Louis (27158), red and white, calved April 16th, 1868, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper- mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. Mr. Davidson sold her at once to George Thomson, Whitby, who afterwards sold her to Joseph Moffatt, of Saintfield. The only calves we have traced are, first : April 2oth, 1872, Lord Aberdeen (imp.) =150= (34475), and on April 21st, 1873, b.c. Royal Buck, by Scotchman Second (imp.) =225= (35484), calved while owned by Mr. Thomson. 13th— Cow, Village Girl (imp.) =538 = , by Scotland's Pride (25100), red, calved Jan. 3l8t, 1872, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sitty ton, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was finally sold to Geo. B. Bristow, Rob Roy, Ont. She had Village Lass (imp. in dam) =539 = , calved the property of James 1. Davidson ; on November Ist, 1875, a bull, Grand Monan^ue =1860 = , by Crown Prince of Athelstane =456= ; on November 27th, 1877, a heifer, Village Beauty, by Grand Monan^ue =1860=; then with Mr. Bristow, she had, Oct. 28th, 1878, red bull. Village Buttertly, by Butterfly's Athelstane ; on Nov. 2nd, 1879, heifer, Village Bride ; on Nov. 13th, 1880, red heifer. Village Gem ; on March 15th, 1882, twin bull calves. Village Sergeant and Village Mayor, all by Butterfly's Athelstane. 14th — Cow, Village Lass (imp. in dam), — j39=, by Ben Wyvis (30258), red, calved Sept. I7th, 1874, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, and calved the pro- perty of Mr. Davidson. I do not trace any of her produce. 15th— Cow, Gillage Vine (imp.) (Vol. 6), by Laudable (31587), out of Village Bride (in Scotland)=536=, roan, calved March 6th, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank. No produce traced from this cow. 16th— Cow, Red Lady (imp.) =453=, by Scotland's Pride (25100), red calved Feb. 27th, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank, soon cold to J. H. Kissinger & Co., Clarksville, Mo., U.S., fourth owners, H. J. Potts & Son, Jackson- villej 111. In April, 3875, soon after landing, she had a red heifer, Red Lady of Linwood, by Framework (imp.) .=109=. 17th — Cow, Red Lady of Linwood (imp. in dam), by Framework (imp) =109= (33964), also sold to J. H. Kissinger & Co., Clarksville, Mo., U.S. 18th— Cow, Mysie Thirty-Fifth (imp.) = 381=, by Senator (27441), roan, calved April 16i;h, 1871, bred also by Mr. Cruickshank. She had one bull 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXI red Liiger cson- Red imp.) .S. roan, bull calf recorded, calved Oct. 25th, 187<), Athelstane Second =1355=, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =450=.-. No other produce recorded. 10th— Cow, Mysie Thirty-Sixth (imp.) =382=--, by Scotland's Pride (25100), red, calved Oct. 12th, 1871, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. This proved to be a good cow, and was retained by Mr. Davidson to breed from. She dropped a bull, Viceroy Second (imp.) =03=, soon after landing ; on March 20th, 1876, a heifer Mysie Thirty-Ninth, on Oct. 20th, 1878, a heifer, Mysie Thirty-Eighth, and on Jan. 28th, a red heifer, Mysie Forty-Third. All by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =-- 450 =^ . 20th — Cow, Rosemary (imp.) =471 , by Breadalbane (28073), red and white, calved Feb. 17th, 1872, bred by A. 'ruickshank ; she was also a mag- nificent breeder. She dropped a heifer calf soon after landing, Marygold, which died, after that she had five bulls and six heifers, while owned by Mr. Davidson. (See Vol. 1, p, 400, D.H.B.) 2l8t— Cow, Solemnity - 500-=, by Lord Warden (31706), red, calved April 28th, 1873, bred by A. Cruickshank ; she was sold to E. T. Noel, of Nashville, Ten., U.S., where she had one heifer calf on Jan. 4th, 1877, Third Solemnity, by Fifth Duke of Hillhurst. 22nd— Cow, Flora Sixth (imp.) =194 = , by Golden Eagle (20207), red, calved March 28th, 1870, bred by A. Cruickshank. We only trace one heifer calf from her, calved Feb. 10th, 1877, Flora Seventh, by Crown Prince of Athelstane Second =450 = , bred by Mr. Davidson. 23rd— Cow, Golden Galaxy (imp.) =210=, by Senator (27441), roan, calved July, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank ; she dropped Golden Crown (imp.) =114 = , soon after arrival, and afterwards, two heifer calves, while owned by Mr. Davidson. {See Vol. 1, p. 314, D.H.B.) 24th— Cow, Governess (imp.) =220=, by Master of Arts (20807), roan, calved March 21st, 1872, bred by A. Cruickshank ; this cow was also retain- ed by Mr. Davidson to breed from ; she dropped Gaiety =200=, soon after landing, and afterwards raised four bulls and one heifer, while the property of Mr. Davidson. {See Vol. 1, p. 310, D.H.B.) 25th— Cow, Gaiety (imp. in dam) =200=, by Viceroy (32704), out of Governess (imp.) =220 = , above, red, calved March 20th, 1875, bred by Mr. Cruickshank, calved the property of Mr. Davidson, and sold by him to Andrew Ross, Greenbank, Ont. , for whom she raised four bull calves. {See Vol. 1, p. 209, D.H.B.) 20th — Cow, Orange Blossom of Linwood (imp. in dam) {Vol. 5), by Barmpton Royal (32990), bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of J. 1. Davidson, and sold to Pickerill & Kissinger, Harristown, III., U.S. On April 8th, 1877, she had a red heifer calf, Orange Blossom of Linwood Sec- ond, by Flower Lad. 27th— Cow, Countess (.^^ ' =-90=, by Ben VVyvis (30528), out of Coral (imp ) =89=, roan, calved Mai h 5th, 1876, bred by A. Cruickshank. Do not find any produce from her. XXll HISTORY OF SHOItT-HOHN CATTLE. [VOL. IV. 28th— Cow, Ethel Buckingham (imp.) -150 -, by Lord Warden (31706), red and white, calved March 13th, 1873, bred by A. CniickHhank. She dropped Eva Buckingham —100= soon after arrival ; no other produce found. 29th — Cow, Eva Buckingham (imp. in dam) =100—, by Ben Wyvis (30528), red, calved March 14th, 1876, out of Ethel Buckingham (imp,) = 156 = , and bred by Mr. Cruickshank. Mr. Davidson sold her to J. S. Moffatt, Saintfield. She dropped a second calf and was then sold to the butcher. 30th— Cow, Evening Star (imp.) -=102=, by Octavius (31997), red, calved March 1st, 1873, bred by A. CruickrVank. She waa retained as a breeder by Mr. Davidson, and had three bulla and one heifer. {See Vol. 1, p. 297, D.H.B.). Ist— Bull, Golden Crown (imp.) =114 = , by Red Gauntlet (32256), out of Golden Galaxy (imp.) =210= , red, calved March 15th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank. He was retained as a stock bull by Mr. Davidson. 2nd — Bull, Framework (imp.) =109 = , by Lord Lansdowne (29128), roan, calved March 7th, 1873, bred by Mr. Cruickshank. He was sold to James and George Leask, of Loaskdale. 3rd— Bull, Crown Piince Second (imp.) =03=, by Viceroy (32704), out of Mysie Thirty-Sixth (imp.) =382 = , roan, calved Feb. 13th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, and owned by Mr. Davidson. 4th— Bull, Baronet (imp.) = 17 = , by Roan Gauntlet (35284), out of But- terfly (imp.) =43=, roan, calved March 15th, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold by Mr. Davidson, to R G. Armstrong, Markham, Ont. 5th. — Bull, Orange Boy (imp. in dam), by Royal Duke of Glo'ster (29804), out of Rosemary imp.) =471 = , red and white, calved May 1st, 1875, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of Mr. Davidson, and sold by him to J. H. Kissinger & Co., Mo., by them to Robert Miller, Iowa, and by him to J. B. Huntingdon & Co., Olympia, Washington Territory, U.S. In 1874, Mr. J. L. Gibb, of Compton, Quebec, made his second impor- tation, consisting of seven females and one bull. As no produce is recorded from them it is quite Ukely Mr. Gibb sold them to the States. 1st— Cow, Topsy (imp.) (Vol. 20, p. 463, E.H.B.^ as produce)^ by Roan Chief (27294), bred by J . Angus Bearl, Northumberland, Eng., roan, calved Nov. 24th, 1871. 2nd— Cow, Bloomer Third (imp.) {Vol. 21, p., 001, E.B.B., as produce), by Whiff (30299), red and white, calved May 12th, 1873, bred by Mr. Browell, Apperby, Stockfield, Eng. 3rd— Cow, Rubina (imp.), {Vol. 20, p. 809, E.//.B., as produce), hy K.C.B. (26492), red and white, calved Nov. 10th, 1872, bred by J. Whyte, Clinterty, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1889.] HISTORY OF SnORT-nORN CATTLE. t t t XXUl 4th— Cow, Royal Princess (imp.) (Vol. 20, p. 740, /C./f,/>\, (i.f prodnce), by The Stuart (27r»r)(»), roan, calved May 5th, 1871, bred by MesBra. Dud. ding, I'antoii ifc Wriigly, Lincohishiro, Eng. Produce, Prince Victor, as be- low (imp. in dam). r)th— Cow, Uennio Owynno Second (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. (5I;{, l^.IlJi , as proilurc), by Waterloo *, ..ry (277<>;^), roan, calved April 10th, 1872, bred by H. Cuddy, Roiighholni, Bootle, Cumberland, Eng. One of i he celebrated G Wynne Tribe. 6th— Cow,'.Flower Oirl (in>p.), by Victorius (25378), dam British Girl (Vol. 19, p. 421, E.H.B.\ by British Hope (21:524), roan, calved May Itt, 1809, bred by James How, Huntingdon. Eng. Produce, heifer Watercress Girl, as below. 7th— Cow, VVatorcresB Girl (imp.), by Prince of the llealin (22027), out of Flower Girl (imp.), as above, light roan, calved Aug 5th, 1873, bred by James How. Ist — Bull, Prince Victor (imp. in dam), by Robert Stephenson (32313), out of Royal Princess (imp.), by The Stuart, as above, bred by the Messrs. Inidding, Panton & Wragly, Lincolnshire, Eng., as before stated. This well- bred lot of cattle do not appear to liave raised any produce in Canad;*. In 1874, John Hope, now of Bow Park, Brantford, made his first ven- ture at importing ; brought out three females and two bulls. They were shortly sold to the United States. Do not appear to have bred anything in Canada. 1st— Cow, Fennel Duchess of Lancaster (imp. in dam), by Royal Lan- caster (29870), white, calved Sept. 1874, bred by E. Musgrove, Ormskirk, Lancaster, Eng., sold with her mother to Ware *& McGoodwin, Danville, Ky., U.S. 2nd— Cow, Fennel Duchess Seventh (imp.) (Vvl. 10, p. 512, E.H.B., as produce), by Thirteenth Duke of Oxford (21004), roan, calved May 10th, 1870, bred by Mr. Atherton, Chapel House, Liverpool, second owner, E. Musgrove. Mr. Hope sold her with her calf above to Ware & McGoodwin, Danville, Ky., U.S. 3rd— Cow, Sunlit Flower (imp.) (Foi. 19, p. 742, E.B.B.. as produce), by Booth's Kinsman (26658), roan, calved April 3rd, 1870, bred by R. S. Bruere, Braithwaite Hall, Yorkshire, Eng. Do not know to whom she was sold. Ist— Bull, Trinket Jeweler (imp.) (36814) =41140 = , by Booth's Royal Signet (28061), roan, calved April 10th, 1874, bred by R. S. Bruere, York- shire, Eng., dam Crown Trinket, by Royal Booth =22772 = , sold by Mr. Hope to Jones & Brenneman, Decatur, III. They sold him to R. H. Ben- son, Monticello, 111. 2nd— Bull, Samphire (imp.) (35465), by Booth's Royal Signet (28061), dam Golden Marigold Flower, by Booth's Kinsman (25658). Do not know what became of him. 1 XXIV HISTORY Of SHOllT-TIOUN CATTLE. [VOL. IV. In 1874, Mr. John Isaac, of Bomanton, Ont., imported six females and one bull calf, all from the herd of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scot- land. Ist — Cow, Crocus (imp.) =^98 = , by Sir Christopher (22805), roan, calved Aug., 1872, bred by S. Campbell, sold to Jas. Russell, Richmond Hill, Ont, On Nov. 5th, 1876, fhe had a heifer, Crocus First, by Inkerman (imp.; =137 = , and Oct. IGth, 1877, a Second Crocus, by Golden Crown (imp.) = 114-. 2nd. — Cow, Fair Queen (imp.) «^i«,s• Fair Queen Third =1G4 = , by Sir Christopher (2280.5), red, calved Jan. 6th, 1871, bred by S. Campbell ; sold to W. J. Isaac, Harwood. While his property she had two heifers and four bulls. (Sec produce in Vol. 1, D.ILB.) 3rd— Cow, Mina Sixth (imp.) -344 = , by Under Sheriff (32745), roan, calved May 2nd, 1873, bred by S. Campbell. She had three heifers, Mina Seventh, Mina Eleventh and Twelfth, while owned by Mr. Isaac. 4th— Cow, Claret Seventh (imp.) =2120=, by Under Sheriff (32745), roan, calved March I7th, 1873, bred by S. Campbell. She does not appear to have had any calves. 5th — Cow, Ruby Hill Tenth alias Seventh (imp.) =486 = , by Scarlet "Velvet First (20939), dark roan, calved Jan. 6th, 1874, bred by S. Campbell, On 15th Jan. , 1876, she had a roan heifer. Ruby Hill Eleventh, = 1804 = , by Inkerman (imp.) =137 = , while owned by John Isaac. 6th— Cow, Nonpareil Thirty-second (imp.) =304 = , by Sir Christopher (22805), roan, calved March 6th, 1872, bred by S. Campbell. She had five bulls and two heifers. (See p. 378, Vd. 1, D.H.B.) Ist— Bull, British Ensign (imp.) =36 = , by British Prince (33228), out of Nonpareil Thirty-second (imp.) =304 = , as above ; he was sold to James Russell, Richmond Hill. In 1874, Wm. Major, of Whitevale, Ont., made his first importation of Scotch catlle, all bred by James Currie, Halkerston, Edinburgh, Scotland, six females and two bulls. 1st— Cow, Crucifix (imp.) = 100 = , by Prowler (22662), red, calved March 14th, 1871, bred by W. Currie. She raised four heifers and three bulls for Mr. Major, besides the produce on p. 273, Vol. 1, D.H.B,; in 1877, she had a bull, War Eagle =2565 = , by Romeo =1202 = , and in 1886, a heifer, Autumn Rose Second, by Earl of Springwood. 2nd — Jow, Autumn Rose (Twin) {Vol. 6) (imp.), by Prince Imperial (31408), dam Crucifix (imp.) -100 = , red, calved D:c. 4th, 1873, bred by James Currie, Halkerston. Have no produce from her. 3rd— Cow, Cowslip ("mp.) =2126=, by Royal Buck (32363), roan, calved Arril 15th, 1872, bred by Mr. Currie. She had two heifers and two bulls, as on p. 218, Vol.1, D.H.B. 4th — Cow, Casquet '^imp.) (Vol. 20, />. 460, E. H. B., as prodncv)., by Royal Buck (32363), roan, calved Nov. 10th, 1872, bred by Mr. Currie. Sold 1889.] HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. XXV in 1874, at Beattie & Miller's sale, to S. T. Spangler, Winthrop, Icwa, U. S. 5th— Cow, Casquet Second (imp.) by King Christmas (34311), out of Casquet (imp.) as above ; also sold to S. T. Spangler, Winthrop, Iowa, U.S. Gth— Cow, Lady Ann (imp.) =2105 = , by Imperial Prince (31408), red, calved Dec. 4th, 1873, bred by J. Carrie. Mr. Major sold her to Wm. Rolph, Markham, and he to .1. S. Thomson, Whitby. She had three calves, as found on p. 233, Vol. 2, D. H. B. Ist— Bull, Romeo (imp.) =12J2-, by Waterloo Prince (32822), dam Cowslip (imp.) =212(5 = , as above. He was sold to T. H. Hall, Malvern, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Major (imp.) =1G0 = , by King Christmas (34311), out of Crucifix (imp.) =100 = , as above. He was red and wliite, calved Feb. 12th, 1875, and was sold to J. & R. W. Queen, of Salem. In 1874, John Snell & Sons imported a bull called Knight of the Rose alias Village Champion (imp.) = 140= (38528), sired by Knight of the Shire (20552), dam Village Rose (Vol. 20, E.H.B.), by Blood Royal (14109), roan, calved June 29th, 1873, bred by Robert Jefferson, Preston Howe, Cumber- land, England. He was used by the Snells for some time. In 1874, R. J. Stanton, of Thornhill, Unt., made his second impor- tation, consisting of six females, and a bull calf, all Scotch cattle. 1st — Cow, Alexandra alias Golden Drop (imp.) =10 = , by K.C.B. (20492), roan, calved December 20th, 1872, bred by J. Whyte, Clinterty, Aberdeen, Scotland. Mr. Stanton's stock soon passed into the hands of M. J. Corkery, Thornhill. This cow was sold by him to S. W. Jacob, West Liberty, Iowa, and by him to B. Sumner, Woodstock, Conn., U.S. She raised one calf, Alexandra Second alias Golden Drop Fifth, calved August 25th, 1875, while owned by Mr. Corkery. 2nd— Cow, Amazon Third (hwp.) (Vol. 20, p. 390, E.IT.B., as produce), by Lord Plymouth (24455), red, calved March 10th, 1872, bred by J. Gordon, Cluny, Scotland. Sh^* does not appear to have had any calves. 3rd— Cow, Lady of Tyne (imp.) =293 = , by Watchman Second (27756), roan, calved March 24th, 1871, bred by R. Binnie, Seton Mains, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was sold by Mr. Stanton to Owen & McClintock, Miliers- burg, Ky., by them to F. J. Bartee, Paris, Ky., by them to B. S. Letton, Paris, Ky., and by them to J. W Burgess, Lexington, Ky. For produce (See Vol. l,p. 341, D.H.B.) 4th — Cow, Second Lady of Tyne (imp. in dam) above, sire Baron of Knowlmore (30474), red, julved February 18th, 1875, shortly after landing, bred by R. Binnie, calved the property of R. J. Stanton. Do not know what became of har. 5th— Cow, Medora (imp.) (Vol. 5), by Peer of the Realm (27057), roan, calved April 11th, 1871, bred by J. Meadows, Thornville, Wexford, Ireland. This cow did not breed. XXVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. IV. Gth — Cow, Minnie Warlaby (imp.) =352 = , by Prince of Warlaby (20593), roan, calved March 18ih, 18(il), bred by Jas. Whyte, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was sold to E. C. Langstatf, of LangstafF, Ont. For produce (iiee Vol. 1, p. 3G0, D.ILB.) Bull, K. C. B. Second (imp, in dam), =141= (38480), by K. C. B. (26492), red, calved July 6th, 1874, bred by J. Whyto, calved the property of R. J. Stanton, Ont, In 1874, F. W. Stone, of Moreton Lodge, Guelph, again imported seven females, and two males, all of English breeding. 1st— Cow, Chilton Duchess (imp.) =80 = , by Cambridge Duke Fourth (25706), roan, calved April 12th, 1871, bred by John Burgess, Lincolnshire, England. She was retained by Mr. Stone for his own use. He raised three bulls and one heifer. {See Vol. 1, p. 206, D.H.B.) 2nd— Cow, Lady Jane (imp.) =2176 = , by British Lion (30609), red, calved March 8th, 1874, bred by Sir Frederick C. Smythe, Acton Burnell Park, Shropshire, Eng. She does not appear to have raised any calves. 3rd— Cow, Lily Second =303 = , by Lord Warwick (26753), roan, calved Jan. 2nd, 1872, bred by Sir F. C. Smythe, Shropshire, Eng. She raised two bull calves. {See Vol. 1, p. 345, D.H.B.) 4th— Cow, Ruby Second (Twin) (imp.) =8335 = , by Lord Warwick, red, calved Jan., 1870, bred by SirF.C. Smythe, Shropshire, Eng. She bred four bulls and two heifers. {See Vol. 4, p. 359, D.ILB.) 5th— Cow, Lady Smith =2179 = , by British Lion (30609), red, calved March ]4th, 1874, bred also by Sir F. C. Smythe, Shropshire, Eng. She was sold first to C. S. Smith, Acton, and by him to A. Frank & Sons, The Grange. She bred three bulls. (-See Vol. 2, p. 238, D.H.B.) 6th — Cow, Sultana Seventh (imp.) =511 = , by Icarus (26425), roan, calved April 5th, 1872, bred by John Abbott, Feversham, Kent, Eng. She had three heifers and six bull calves. {See p. 420, Vol. 1, D.H.B.) 7th — Cow, Sultana Eleventh (imp. in dam) =512 = , by Duke of Maid- stone (30989), red and white, calved Oct. 2nd, 1874, bred by John Abbott, as above. She was also a prolific breeder, had five heifers and one bull. {See Vol. I, p. 420, D.H.B.) Ist—Bull, Chilton King (imp.) {Vol. 5), by British Lion (30009), roan, calved April 1 1th, 1875, out of Chilton Duchess (imp.) =80=, as above. 2nd— Bull, Recruit (imp.) =1286 = , by British Lion (30009), red, calved Jan. 30th, 1874, bred by Sir F. C. Smythe, Shropshire, Eng.; us^d by Mr. Stone. In 1874, Mr. Purves Thomson, of Whitby, also imported two cows from Scotland. Ist — Cow, Princess Second (imp.) = 424 = , by Lord St. Leonards (29202), roan, calved March 18th, 1873, bred by James Bruce, Burnside, Scotland. I 1889.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. xxvii I only find one bull calf from her, calved Nov. 25th, 1875, Scotsman Third by Scotsman Second (imp,) =225= . * 2nd-Cow, Lovely Lady (imp.) {Vol. 5). by Young Nelson (29426), red calved ^n. 2Gth 1874, bred by John Cran, Inverness, Scotland. She was sold to Ware & McGoodwin, Danville, Ky. No produce traced. N. B.— History to be continued in Vol. V. H. WADE, Editor. HISTOHY OF secoiit-hor:^ cattle IMPORTED INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM GREAT BRITAIN, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. N. B. — Dominion Herd Book; symbols and numbers are %ised. Fur names of produce, see ^tnder pedigree of imported cow in the volume designated. {Continued from Vol. IV.) Vol. IV. completed the irniiortations of 1874. We resume with the im- portations of Simon Beattie and W. M. Miller, Whitevale, Out. This impor- tation consisted of 12 females and 2 bulls. They were nearly all sold at the sale of Beattie & Miller, in June, 1875, and most of them went to the United States. 1st— Cow, Statira Ninth (imp.) (Vol. 15, p. 914, A.H.B., and Vol. 19, p. 739, E.H.B.), by Twelfth Duke of Oxford (19()33), roan, calved April, 1867> bred by F. Sartoris, Rushden Hall, Northamptonshire, Eng., she was sold at their sale to S. Meredith & Son, Cambridge City, Ind., for a good price ; she was in calf to Royal Lancaster (29870) when imported. 2nd— Cow, Statice(roM5, p. 914. A.H.B.), by Royal Lancaster (20870), white, calved Dec. 3rd, 1875, bred by F. Sartoris as above, calved the property of S. Meredith & Son, Cambridi^e City, Ind. I have not traced their pro- duce any further. 3rd— Cow, Princess Maud (imp.), (Vol. 15, p. 835, A.H.B.,and Vol. 19, p. 682, E.H.B.), by Thirteenth Duke of Oxford (21604), roan, calved July 13th, 1869, bred by E. Musgrove, West Tower, .\ughton, Lancashire, Eng. She was in calf when imported, and was sold at that June sale to Avery & Murphy, of Detroit, Mich., U.S. 4th— Cow, Princess Maud Second (imp. in dam), V<>1. \o,p. 835, A.H.B., by Royal Lancaster (29870), white, calved Nov. 4, 1875, bred by E. Mus- grove as above, calved the property of Avery & Murphy, Detroit, Mich., U.S. Produce not traced. 5th— (^)w, Kirklevington Duchess Eighth (Vol. 17, p. 12951, A.H.B., also Vol. 20, p. 15773, A.H.B.), by Grand Duke of Clarence (28750), red, calved Dec. 15th, 1871, bred by tl. P. Davies, Horton, Gloucestershire, i X HISTORY OF SHOUT- HORN CATTLE. [Vol. v. Enf?. She was aolcl at sale to Jolin R. Craig, of Burnhamthorpe, Out, He sold her on June Gth, 1877, to W. S. Slater, Webster, Mass. After 1879 she was again sold to the Canada West Farm Stock Association, Bow Park, Brantford. On April 3i'd, 1877, she had a heifer, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty- Third, by Knightly Duke, while owned by Mr. Craig. She was sold to Mr. Slater, with dam, on Feb. 2l8t. While owned by W. S. Slater, she had a red bull calf, King of the Roses, by Duke Montrose 29380. *') h — Cow, Surmise Duchess Fifth (imp.) =22(M=, by (irand Duke of Geneva (28750), roan, calved Jan. 15th, 1873, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, England, Sold at sale to Hon. M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurat, Que. For produce see dam in yol. 2. 7th — Cow, Young Bracelet (inip.) =8:573 — , by Grand Duke of Geneva (28750), roan, calved Feb. 15t,h, 1873. Bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, Eng, I cannot trace her sale nor produce. 8th — Cow, Careless Eighth (imp.) =70 — , by Duke of Carolina (33588), red and white, calved May, 1873, bred by J, Winnall, The Hawthornes, Worcestershire, Eng. Sold at Beattie & Miller's sale to John R. Craig, Burnhamthorpe, and by him to the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst. She had four calves, which will be found in Fol. 1, under dam. 9th— Cow, Duchess of Uaby (imp.) {Vol. 10, p. 12043, A.H.B.), by Royal Lancaster (29870), red and white, calved Feb. 20th, 1874, bred by W. Leigh Clare, Raby Hall, Neston, Cheshire, Eng., sold at sale to M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst ; in 1870 she had a bull calf. Lord Tennal, by Second Duke of Hillhurst. 10th— Cow, Princess of Raby (imp.) {VoJ. 17, p. 13112, A.[l.B.),hj Royal Lancaster (29870), red and white, calved June 4th, 1874, bred by W. Leigh Clare, Raby Hall, Cheshire, Eng. ; sold at sale to Hon. M. H.Cochrane, Hillhurst, Que.; on Sep. 1st, 1877, she had red c. c. Lady Place, by Second Duke of Hillhurst. 11th — Cow, Surmise Duchess Tenth (imp.) =^513 = , by Grand Duke of Geneva (28750), roan, calved April 22n(l, 1874, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart Rowfant, Sussex, Eng.; sold at sale to Wm. Major & Son, Whitevale, Ont. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 421, live calves. 12th — Cow, Kirklevington Princess Second (inip.), by Grand Duke of Geneva (28750), roan, calved Sep, 18th, 1874, bred by J. W. Larking, Ash- down House, Sussex, Eng. ; sold at June sale to Avery & Murphy, Detroit Mich., U.S. Ist — Bull, Duke of Edinburgh (imp.), red and white, calved April 3rd, 1874, bred by R. Lodge, Southport, Lancashire, Eng.; got by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31033), dam Princess Victoria {Vol. 18, 2>- C70, E.El.H.), by Fourth. Duke of Oxford (11387). This bull died at Liverpool during shipment 2nd — Bull, Duke John (imp.) =0349 = , by Grand Duke of Geneva 18S0.] HISTORY OF SHORT-IINKN CATTLE. XI (2875(5), red, calved Dec. 18th, 1874. iJred by Sir C. M. Lanipaoii, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, Eng. 1875 — In this yenr the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhiirst, had three umall shipments of cattle sent him, consisting of seven ff^males and one bull. Ist-Cow, Guinevere (imp.) (To/. 17, p. 12915, A.//.B.), by Third Duke of Clarence (2:J727), red, calved Sept. 20th, 1873, bred by J. W. Phillips, Heybridge, StalFordshire, Eng. She had a bull calf in 187(5, Gertant, by Second Duke of HiUhurst. Ho soon died, however, and in July, 1877, she had twins by Second Duke of Hillhurst 12893 ; the bull di«jd, but Charm- ing Lady lived. 2nd— Cow, Princfss (imp.) -222(5 = , by Sixth Duke of Oneida (30997), red, calved April Gth, 1874. Bred by F. Lmey & Son, Wateringbury, Kent, Eng. Mr. Cochrane had two calves from her. See Vol. 2, p. 255. 3rd— Cow, Siddington Fifth (imp ) =11083- (Vol. 6), by Seventh Duke of Y..rk (17754), roan, calved June 12th, 18(57, bred by E. Bowley, Sid- dington House, Cirencester, Eng. She was in calf to Grand Duke of Thorn- dale (31298) when imported. ■ith — Cow, Grand Duchess of Barringtonia (imp.) =214(5 = , by Eight- eenth Duke of Oxford (25995), red and white, calved May 5th, 1872. Bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, To wcester, Northamptonshire, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, }). 225, r)th — Cow, Marchioness Barrington (imp. in dam) ( Vol. 15, ^).586, A. II B.), above by Grand Duke Twenty-Second (24(J(j2), roan, calved Nov. 11th, 1875, bred by R. E. Oliver, as above ; she was exported back to England in liS77, and sold to Sir VV. H. Salt, Bart., for 800 guineas. (ith— Cow, Wild Eyes Lassie (imp.) =83(31 = , by Third Duke of Chiro (237-9), roan, calved Oct. 14th, 1875, bred by I. Downing, Turner's Hill, Dudley, Eng. ; she had a calf before leaving England, no trace of any more, 7th— Cow, Kirklevingtou Twenty-Sixth (imp.)(Ko/. 27, p. 12951, A.H.B.), by Second Grand Duke of Kent (28759), roan, calved Feb. IGth, 1875, bred by VV. Ashburner, Netherhouse, Eng. On Dec. 23rd, 1877, she had a heifer, Kirklevington Marchioness, by Second Duke of Hillhurst, while owned by M. H. Cochrane. 1 SI— Bull, Lord Hillhurst (imp. in dam), Siddington Fifth =11083 = , by Grand Duke of Thorndale (31298), roan, calved Dec. 2Gth, 1875, bred by E. Bowley, Siddington House, calved the property of M. H. Cochrane. lt^75, Wra. Collum, of Haysville, Ont., this year imported four feiiia'ea and a bull. — Scotch cattle. 1st— Cow, Airy Buckingham (imp.) =9 = , by Master of Arts (268t)7), roan, calved March Gth, 1871, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland ; she was sold at John R. Craig's sale in 1877 to H. Snell & Son, Clinton, Ont. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 239. 2nd — Cow, Aggie Buckingham (imp.) =7 = , by Lord Irwin (29123), red and white, calved Feb. 11th, 187G, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Ader- Xll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. v. deen, Scotland, Sold to Sol. White, Windsor, Ont. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 238. 3rd— Cow, Dorothy (imp.) =121=, by Shuttlecock (27942), roan, calved May 29th, 1873, bred by John Law, New Keig, Whitehouse, Aberdeen, Scot- land. She was sold at J. R. Craig's sale in 1877, to H. Y. Attrill, Goderich, then to J. L. Parker, Nashota, Wis., then to J. A. Cole, Hustisford, Wis., U.S. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 281. 4th— Cow, Viscountess Second (imp. in dam) =542 = , by Lord Irwin (29123), red and white, calved April 2nd, 1870, dam Dorothy (imp.) 121 = , bred by John Law as above. We have not discovered any produce from her. 1st— Bull, Liberator (imp.) =148=, by Baron Killerby (27949), roan, calved Feb. 12th, 1874, bred by Robert Bruce, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1875— This year the Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., and Simon Beattie, of Markham, Ont. , brought out quite a lot of cattle, princi- pally from England. There were twelve females and four bulls. 1st— Cow, Wild Eyes Lassie Second (imp.) =8302 = , by Twenty-Second Duke of Oxford (31000), roan, calved May, 1875, bred by J. P. Foster, Kill- how, Carlisle, Eng. She was exported back to England one year later, and sold to her breeder for $4,500. 2nd — Cow, Sonata (imp.) =2253 = , by Cherry Grand Duke Second (25758), red and white, calved Feb. 25th, 1871 , bred by Lord Skelmeradale, Latham House, Ormskirk, Lancashire, Eng. She was sold to S. R. Streator, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., for $900. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 200. 3rd— Cow, Waterloo Thirtieth (imp.) =8340 = , by Grand Duke of Lightbourne Second (20291), red and white, calved April 20th, 1871, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Park Head, Silloth, Cumberland, Eng. Sold in 1870 to S. W. Jacobs, VVest Liberty, Iowa. For produce see Vol. 5, under dam. 4th— Cow, Juno (imp.) =11037 = , by Duke of Harlock (30902), roan, calved March 14th, 1872, bred by W. Ashburner, Conishead Grange, Ulver- ston, England. Sold in 1870 to A. L. Hebbin, Port Huron, Mich., U.S., for $070. 5th— Cow, Azalia (imp.) =101)97 = , by Grand Duke of Lightburne Second (20291), red and white, calved March Ist, 1873, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Park Head, Cumberland, England. Sold to Col. Le G. B. Cannon, Sh^lburne, Vt., U.S. For produce see Vol. 5. Gth— Cow, Grand Duchess of Barrington Third (imp.), by Second Duke of Collingham (23730) {A.H.B. Vol. 10, p. 12095), red and white, calved Jan- 29th, 1874, bred by H.J. Sheldon, Brailles House, Warwickshire, Eng. She was exported back to England in 187G, and sold to Lord Feversham for C''l,700. 7th— Cow, Princess Victoria Eleventh (imp.), (Vol. 17, />. 13112,.^.fl.5.), by First Duke of Oneida (3099G), roan, calved March 27th, 1874, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, Lancashire, Eng. Sold to Col. Le G. B. Caiiiion, Shelburne, Vt., U.S., for $1,375. 18J)0.J HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIU 8th— Cow, Oxford Duchoaa (imp.) (E.E.B., Vol. 21, p. 774), by FJaron Oxford Second (23370), roan, calvod April 2l8t, 1870, bred by W. Horse- well it Sons, Burns Hall, Lewdown, Davonahire, Eng. I do not know what became of her, as we liud no produce. *Jth — Cow, Sonata Second alian Royal Charmer Fifth (imp. in dam)(Fo/. 18, p. 13920, A.H.B.), by Daron Oxford Fourth (25580), dam Sonata = 2253 = , roan, calved Nov. 11th, 1875, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, Lancashire, Eng., calved the property of Hon. M. H.Cochrane. She was sold at iho Cochrane, Hope & Beattie Sale, in 1870, to S. C. Streator, for !*500 ; was afterwards owned by the Canada West Farm Stock Associ- ation, of Bow Park, Brantford. 10:h— Cow, Wild Eyes Thirty-Third (imp.) =8300=, by O rand Duke of Kent Second (28751)), roan, calved duly 18th, 1874, bred by \W. Ashburner, Conishead Grange, Ulverston, England. She was sold to Major Greig, Beachville, Ont. , for .S2,10J, and afterwards to the Canada West Farm Stock Association. For produce see Vol. 10, p. 108. 11th— Cow, Acomb Belle (imp.) =10980-, by Oxford Beau Third (32013), roan, calved Oct. Ist, 1874, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., Wallington, JSorthumberland, Eng. She was sold at the 1870 sale to S. W. Jacobs, West Liberty, Iowa, U.S., and by them to C. W. McCurrie, Solon, Iowa, L'.S. For produce see Vvl. 5. 12th— Cow, Lady Acomb Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 10, p. 12131, A.H.B.), by Oxford Beau Fourth (34904), red, calved March 3rd, 1875, bred by J. Gow, Cambo, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng.; sold at the 187G sale to J. L. McKeen, Easton, Pa., U.S. 1st— Bull, Oxford J. (imp.) =0407 = , by Oxford Baau Fourth (349(i4), d;\m .Juno (imp.) =1103" = , roan, calved Dec. 14th, 1875, bred by W. Ashburner, Ulverston, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Lord Bright Eyes (imp.) =1207 = , by Third Duke of Hill- hurst (30975), red, calved March 12th, 1875, bred by Earl Dunmore, Dunmore, Sterling, Scotland ; sold at sale to Wm, Miller, Brougham. 3rd— Bull, Lord Lightburne (imp.) =0389 = , Lord Radstock (34050), roan, calved Feb. 7th, 1870, bred by R. B. Hetherington, Cumberland, Eng.; sold at sale to Col. Cannon, Shelburne, Vt., U.S., her dam was Azalia (imp.) =1099 = . 1875 — In this year John Hope, of Markham, now of Bow Park, imported 8 females and 5 males, they were all English bred, and were sold mostly at the Cochrane, Hope & Beattie joint sale of 1870. Ist— Cow, Anemone (imp.) =10992 = , by Grand Duke of Lightburne Second (20291), red and white, calved April Ist, 1872, bred by R. B. Hether- ington, Cumberland, Eng. Sold at the 1870 sale to Emory Cobb, Esq., of Kankakee, III, U.S. For produce see Vol. 5. 2nd— Cow, Princess Victoria 10th (imp.) =11073 = , by First Duke of Oneida (30990), red and white, calved March 21st, 1873. XIV IJISTORY OF SIIOKT-IIORN ( ATTLE. [Vol. V. 1875 — In this year James Gardhouso, of llightield, imported a cow, which raised soveral calves. lat— Cow, Verbena (imp.) =.');{0 = , by Royal NViiulsor (208(»(»), roan, calved Feb. 15th, 1874, bred by .John ()\ithwaite, Yorkshire, Eug. Fur pro- duce see Vol. 1, p. 427. Mr. Wartield has one of lior calves, Knight of the Bjrder ^^2958 = , down as imported in dam, which is an error, as hi.s aire, Count Grindelwald =(10= (;}03U8), was imp. in 1S72. March 2l8t, 1873, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Latham House, Lan- cashire, Eng. Also sold at 187(» sale to Emory Cobb, Kankakee, HI., U. S. 3rd— Cow, Lady Acomb Third (imp.) Vul. 10, p. 12131 A. H.B.), by Ox- ford La Grand (2!)4t.H)), roan, calved June 2Gth, 1873, bred by J. Gow, Cambo, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Sold at sale, Juno 14th, 187<», ti> J. L. Mclvean, Easton, l*a., U.S. 4th— Cow, Damsel (imp.) =11015-:, by 22iid Duke of Oxford (olUUO), roan, calved July l»th, 1873, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, Eng. Sold at sale to H. M. More, lied Oak, Iowa, for 82,800. For produce see Vol. 5. 5th — Cow, Acomb J. (imp.) =10981 — , by Baron Acomb Seond (30410), red, calved Aug. 21 at, 1873, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Bart., Northum- berland, Eng. Do not hnd what became of the cow. 0th— Cow, Oxford Waterloo Fifth (imp.) {Vul. l(i, p. 12272, A.H.B.), by Duke of Athelatane (2ir)02), red, dived November 2.Jtli, 1873, bred by R. Lodge, Bishopdale, Bedale, Yorkshire, Eng. Sold at sale to Mijor (Jreig, of Beachville, for ,Sl,000. 7th— Cow, Silver Lady (imp.) (Vul. 18, p. 13[>2(), A.Il.B.), by Twenty- Second Duke of Oxford (310O0), roan, calved Feb. 14th, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Carlisle, Eng. Sold at sale to H. M. More, Red Oak, Iowa, for 82,000. 8th— Cow, Oxford Queen (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. 855, E.H.B.), by Seven- teenth Duke of Oxford (25994), red, calved Nov. 8th, 1874, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Cumberland, Eng. Sold at sale to A. L. Stebbin, Port Huron, Mich., for 8430. 1st— Bull, Acomb's Duke (imp. in dam) =G313 = , by Oxford Beau Fourth (34904), out of Anemone (imp.) =10992 = , red, calved Nov. 24th, 1875, bred by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, Wallington, Northumberland, Eng. Calved the property of John Hope. 2nd— Bull, Count Hillhurst (imp. in d.-m) =0340 = , by Duke of Hill- hurst (28401), out of Damsel (imp.) =11015 = , red, calved July 4th, 1870, bred by John Foster, Carlisle, Eng. Calved the property of John Hope. 3rd— Bull, Royal Lancaster (imp.) =0430= (29870), by Tenth Grand Duke (21848), roan, calved June 20th, 1870, bred by D. R. Daviea, Knuts- ford, Cheshire, Eng. 4th— Bull, Biron Siddington (imp.) (25041) {A.U.B), by Sixth Baron Oxford (33075), roan, calved Nov. 11th, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, 1890.] HISTORY OF snOIlT-IIORN CATTf.E. XV Carlisle, Eng. Sold at 1870 sale to J. H. Pickeroll, of Mechanicsburg, 111., r.s.— Hull. Earl of Derby (imp.) -=G:?«;0 = , by Baron Siddingtoii Fifth (3;{(I07), dam I'dncess Victoria Tenth (imp.) =11(»7:; = , roan, calved Septt l(»th, 1875, bred by Lord Skelmeradale, Calved the property of John Hope, and sold to Ceo. Elliott, Harristown, 111., I'.S. 1875 — Prof. Ceo. Lawson, Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, Hali- fax, N.S. , for the Central Board of Agriculture, brought out females and males, all English bred. Ist— Cow, Rose Gwynne Fourth (imp.) {I'nI. IS,},. TOi, E.II.B.), by Duke of Cumberland (21584), roan, calved June 22nd, 18(')G, bred by .1. ,1. Hetherington, Barmpton, Carlisle, Eng. ; she was nine years old when im- ported ; 1 have not traced any stock from her but the one below. 2nd — Cow, Polly Vaughan (imp.) =^2220 = , by Seventeenth Duke of Oxford (259U4), out of Ruse (J wynne Fourth (imp.) as above, roan, calved Jan. 30th, 1872, bred also by G. Moore, Whitehall, (Carlisle, Eng. For pro- duce see Vol. 2, p. 253. 3rd — Cow, Cawood'a Rose (imp.) =2117 , by Lord Cawood Tliird (243(58), roan, calved Feb, 4th, 18()7, bred by VV. S. Cragg, Arkhoiine, Lan- cashire, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 214. 4th — Cow, White Rose of Lixcylield (imp. in dam) =2284 = , by Captain Tregunter (2813G), out of Cawood'a Rose (imp.) =2117 = ,* bred by W. S. Cragg, calved the property of Prof. Lawson, afterwards sold to W. Paul, of Manitoba. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 277. 5th— Cow, Princess Mary (imp.), by Golden Duke (2<)2(i(l), white, calved Feb. 22nd, 1872, bred by M. T. Lamb, Hay Carr House, Lancaster, Eng. ; have no trace of produce or what became of her. 6th— Cow, Graceful (imp.) {Vol. G, p. 4G8, E.H.B.), by Marquis of Corn- wallis (18337), roan, calved Nov. 12th, 18G3, bred by John Clayden, Little- borough, Eng.; sold to the Government Stock Farm, Falconbridge, P. E. I. Ist — Bull, Baron Lightburne Second (imp.) (30191), by Baron Oxford Fourth (25580), roan, calved Feb. 23rd, 1873, bred by A. Brogden, Ulver- stone, Eng. 2iid-Bull, Gwynne of the Forest (imp.) =1255= (34100). by Seven- teenth Duke of Oxford (25994), roan, calved Aug. 22nd, 1873, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Carlisle, Eng. 3rd— Bull, Captain Cawocd (imp.) =0334= (33280), by Captain Tre. gunter (28130), roan, calved Nov. 3rd, 1872, bred by W\ S. Cragg, Arkholrae, Lancashire, Eng. 4th— Bull, Kent Gwynne (imp.) (34300), by Grand Duke of Kent Second (28759), roan, calved July 10th, 1874, bred by W. Ashburner, Nether- house, Eng, 5th— Bull, Viscount Oxford (imp.) -1312- (35902), by Sixth Baron Oxford (33075), roan, calved Aug. 21st, 1874, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Carlisle, Eng. ,.^'.. .V^.5 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A ^A t/i 1.0 Hi I.I 11.25 us lb 2,2 U 111.6 ^ iV :\ ,v \ <^ -^v, '^o'^ <*^* VJ -o" .-», *<<«V,^ f^.«> y>.r S XVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. v. (3th — Bull, Skiddaw (imp.) =2742 = , by Seventeenth Duke of Oxford = 25994 = , roan, calved Jan. 17th, ]87o, bred by G. Moore, Whitehall, Car- lisle, Eng. 1875 — W. Major &, Son, of Whitevale, made their second importation through John Hope, Markham, also English cattle, consisting of four females. 1st— Cow, Lady Fuchsia (imp.) -=2174 = , by Bolton (25650), red and white, calved Dec. 17th, 1871, bred by J. W. Phillips, Heybridge, Stafford- shire, Eng. She was kept to breed from. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 230. 2nd— Cow, Verbena Fourth (imp.) =531 = , by Wolfran (25469), red and white, calved April 29th, 1868, bred by J. W. Phillips also. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 427. 3rd — Cow, Verbena Sixth (imp.) =532 = , by Bolton (25650), red and white, calved June 4th, 1871, also bred by J. W. Phillips. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 428. 4th— Cow, Thisbe (imp.) =2268 = , red, calved Jan. 3rd, 1873, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 271. 1875 — F. VV. Stone, Moreton Lodge, Guelph, had three different con- signments sent to him this year, all English cattle ; fourteen females and three males. Ist— Cow, Polyanthus (imp.) -2221 = , by Duke John (30913), red, calved .March 10th, 1873, bred by J. A. Mumford, Park Dale Farm, Brill, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, j). 253. 2nd — Cow, Polyanthus Second (imp. in dam) =2222 = , by The Bursar (35742), roan, calved Nov. 13th, 1875, bred by J. A. Mumford, as above. Calved the property of F. W, Stone. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 253. 3rd— Cow, Anchovy (imp.) =2101=, by Caballar (28114), red, calved Feb. 2nd, 1873, bred also by J. A. Mumford. She had several calves for Mr. Stone. See Vol. 2, p. 209. 4ih — Cow, Consolation (imp.) =2125=, by Earl of Lancaster (21647), red, calved Feb. 19th, 1869, breS also by J. A. Mumford. For produce see Vol'2,p.2\7. 5th— Cow, Carnation (imp. in dam) =71 = , by Notley (31991), red roan, calved Sept. 3rd, 1875, bred also by J. A. Mumford. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 262. 6th — CoTf, Seamstress (imp.) =2248 = , by Cherry Grand Duke Fifth (30712), roan, calved Aug. 17th, 1874, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, Shipstone-<»n-Stour, Eng. For produce see Vol. 15, p. 204. 7th— Cow, Didona Third {Vol. 15, p. 506, A.H.B.), by Second Duke of Milcote (33093), red, calved Dec. 19th, 1874, bred also by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart.; she had a bull calf April 21st, 1880, Dauutlesr Second, 38125, by Lord Joselyn 33076. 8th— Cow, Sultana Seventh (imp.) {Vol. 15, p. 918, A.H.B.), by Second Grand Duke of Geneva (31280), red, calved April 5th, 1874, bred by F.Leuey & Sons, Wateringbury, Kent, Eng. 1890.1 HISTOllV OF SIIORT-HOUN CATTLK. XVU (th of Iby Ind key 9th-Cow, Jesdemona (imp.) = 2153 = , by Third Dukecf Geneva (21592), red, calved Nov. 25th, 18G!), bred by Sir (Jeorge II. Phillips, Bart., Weston Park, Warwickshire, Eng. ; she was a large breeder. Her pmduce will be found under her in y'ul. 2, p. 228. loth — Cow, (^ueen of Weston Second (imp.) =2233 = , by Duke of Kent (25979)» red and white, calved Nov. 10th, 1870, bred also by Sir George 11. Phillips ; anc)ther grand breeder, see produce Vol. 2, p. 258. llth— Cow, Queen of Weston Fifth (imp.) =2234 = , by Cherry Fawslt-y (30711), roan, calved Dec. 0th, 1874, bred also by Sir G. 11. Phillips. For produce see F'o/. 2, p. 258. 12th— Cow, May Flora Third (imp.) =330 = , by Sixth Duke of Oneida (30997), red and white, calved May 22nd, J874, bred by F. Leney & Son, Waterinbury, Eng. For proiluce see Vol. 1, ^>. 350. 13th — Cow, Jessica ('unp.)(Vol. 15, p. 015, A.H.B.), by Fifteenth Grand Duke (21852), red, calved May 3l8t, 1872, bred by F. Leney & Sone, as above ; a bull calf came with hor, but he died before landing. On Jan. 4th, 1882, she had a heifer, Jessica Fourth, by Barrington J. Second, 31740. 14th— Cow, Famosa (imp.) (To/. 15, j;. 507, E. 11.11.), by Cherry Grand Duke Second (26758), roan, calved Feb. 23rd, 1874, bred by Lord Skelmers* dale, Lathom House, Lancashire, Eng. I find one calf from her. Lady Bates Knightly Fifth, in Vol. 29, p. 978, A.II.B. Ist— liiU, Fawsley Prince (imp.; =0304 = , by Cherry Fawsley (30711), out of Jesdemona (imp.) =2153 = , roan, calved Deo, 15th, 1875, bred by Sir G. 11. Phillips, Bart. ; calved the property of F. W. Stone, aud sold to C. Gudgell, Pleasant Hill, Mo., U.S. 2nd— Bull, Duke of Weston (imp.) =2088 = , by Cherry Grand Duke Fifth (30712), out of Queen of Weston Second (imp.) =2233 = , roan, calved Dec. 15th, 1875, bred by Sir G. R. Phillips, Bart. 3rd— Bull, Baron Berkeley (imp.) =15= (30158), by Third Duke of Glo'ster (33053), roan, calved Jan. 10th, 1875, bred by Earl of Bective, Underley Hall, Eng. He was kept as a stock bull by Mr. Stone. Recapitulation — 33 Bulls and 07 Cows, in all 100 head— not a bad year, and all well bred English cattle. 1870- This year commenced with the importation of six females, and one bull (imp. in dam), by J. S. Armstrong, of Speedside ; this was his last importation — they are all Scotch cattle. 1st— Cow, Helen Eleventh (imp.) =228 = , by Heir of Englishman (24122), roan, calved April 20th, 1872, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 319. 2nd — Cow, Mary Anne Tenth (imp.) =330 = , by Heir of Englishman (24122), roan, calved March 19th, 1873, also bred by W. S. Marr. She had three calves for Mr. Armstrong. See V^ol. I, p. 354. 3rd— Cow, Missie Forty Sixth (imp.) «300 = , by Young Englishman 11 XVUl HISTORY OF SllOUT-HOHN CAI'YLE. [Vol. v. (31113), roan, calved Feb. 2nd, 1874, bred by W. S. Marr, Do not find any produce. 4th— Cow, Raspberry Seventh, (Twin) (imp.) —2235 = , by Young Eng- lishman (31113), red, calved Feb. 17th, 1875, bred by W. S. Marr. She raised five calves for Mr. Armstrong, and was then sold to J. & W. Cannon, of Annan, For produce s^e Vol. 2, ;>. 259. 5th— Cow, Lovely Nineteenth (imp.) =300 = , by Millionaire (31917), red, calved Dec. 19th, 1874, bred by A. Crnikshank, Sittyton, Scotland. She was a great breeder, seven calves. See produce in To/. 1, p. 346. Gth— Cow, Starlight (imp.) =2258 = , by Star (32001), red and white, calved April 1 1th, 1875, bred by Jas. Whyte, Clinterty, Aberdeen, Scot- land. She raised three calves for Mr. Armstrong, and was then sold to D. Gibson & Son, Gait, Ont, For produce see Vul. 2, jj. 2G8. 1st— Bull, British Prince (imp.) 38 = , by Royal Prince (35398), out of Helen Eleventh (imp.) =228 = , roan, calved Feb. 7th. 187(», bred by W. S. Marr. Was kept by Mr. Armstrong. 1876— In this year Mr. Thos. Boak, of Oakville, mide his first and only venture in importing one cow with bull calf by her side, and one bull. Ist — Cow, Farewell (imp.) =175 = , by Royal Westmoreland (35416), roan, calved Oct. 6th, 1872, bred by J. J. Atkinson, Penrith, Cumberland, Eng, She had a number of cilves for Mr. Boak. See Vol. 1, p. 301. Ist- B^'U, Prince Inglewood (imp.) =1283=, by Master DragoLfly (34807), out of Fardwell (imp.) =175 = , roan, calved March 13th, 1876, bred by Robt. Thomson, Penrith, Cumberland, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Duke of Cumberland (imp.), =80= (33610), by Hubback.Jr. (31395), roan, calved Feb. 20ih, 1874, bred by John Lamb, Russell Green, Penrith, Cumberland, Eng. 1876 — In this year the Canada West Farm Stock Association made a large impor••^tion of Wild Eyes, Kirklevingtons, Oxfords, G Wynnes and other Bates' cattle, in all 53 females and 15 males, the greatest number ever brought out in one year by a single firm or cumpany, and the starting of the splendid herd of cattle now at Bow Park. Mr. Brown at this time had given up the idea of manufacturing Shorthorns from grade cows in Canada. 1st— Cow, Waterloo Thirty Fourth (imp.) (T'oi. 16, p. 12382, A.H.B.), by Wallace (23166), roan, calved May 10th, 1867, bred by C. R. Saunders, Penrith, Cumberland, Eng., second owner iti Eng., Lord Chesham, of Latimer, third owner. Col. Town ley, Townley Park, Eng ; in 1871, Feb. 22nd, before being imported she had a bull calf, by Jjord of Nunwick (26702), bred by Col. Townley ; on July 8th, 1877, she had a heifer, Waterloo Thirty- Ninth, by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second (31298), at Bow Park. 2nd— Cow, Royal Charmer Third (imp.) =11078 = , by Grand Duke of Lancaster (19883), red, calved Feb. 27th, 1868, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaiv mont Grange, Lancaster, Eng., second owner in Eng., G. Savill, Ingthorpe ; in 1870, May 29th, while owned by him, she had twin bull calves, by Preei- 1890.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIK )uke of Bean- |[thorpe ; Preei- dent (27088); in 1875, Aug. 24th, she had Royal Charmer Fourth, as below. 3rd— Cow, Royal Charmer Fourth (imp.) =11079 = , by Duke of Rutland (33726), dam Royal Charmer Third (imp.) =11078 = , red, calved Aug. 24th, 1875, bred by F. Lister, Groby, Leicester, Eng. ; on the 2Gth of Jan., 1881, she had a heifer. Royal Charmer Twelfth, by Fourth Duke of Clarence =^79= (33597). 4th— Cow, Wild Eyes (imp.) =8359 = , by Lord Lilly Third (24408), roan, calved March 3rd, 1868, bred by P. Stephenson, Rainton Thirsk, Yorkshire, second owner in Eng., R. Lodge, Bedale, Yorkshire ; she had 5 calves in Eng. See Vol. 4, p. 368. 5th— Cow, Baroness Bates (imp.)=25 = , by Baron Oxford Fifth (27958), roan, calved April 8th, 1872, bred by the Earl of Bective, Underley Hall, Eng., she had two calves in Eng.; in 1875, Baron Berkeley, by Third Duke of Glo'ster (33653) ; he was imported by F. W. Stone, afterwards had a heifer Dec. 29th, 1875, Lady Alma Bates, by Duke of Underley. Have not traced any produce in this country. 6th— Cow, Kirklevington Duchess Tenth (imp.) =11038 = , by Second Duke of Tregunter (26022), roan, calved Oct. 1st, 1872, bred by R. P. Davies, Uorton, Gloucestershire, Eng. For produce in England, see her pedigree in this volume. In 1877 a red heifer, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Third, by Duke of Oxford Thirtieth (33712). 7th — Cow, Kirklevington Duchess Seventeenth (imp.) {A. H. ii., p. 12128, Vol. 16), by Second Duke of Glo'ster (28392), roan, calved Dec. 10th, 1873, bred by R. P. Davies. On Feb. 7th, 1880, she had a heifer calf, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Ninth, by Fourth Duke of Clarence (37597), at Bi>w Park. 8th— Cow, Kirklevington Duchess Twentieth (Fo?. 16, p. 12\2S,A.//.B.), by Second Duke of Glo'ster (28392), red, calved Oct. 6th, 1874, bred by R. T. Davies. On Oct. 3rd, 1877, she had a heifer calf, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-First, by Fourth Duke of Clarence (imp.) =79= (33.597), at Bow Park. On Sept. 6th, 1878, heifer Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Sixth, by Fourth Duke of Clarence =79= 33697. 9th— Cow, Priestess (imp.) =8318 = , by Wild Duke (27808), roan, calved Nov. 9th, 1870, bred by A. J. Roberts, Lillingstone, Buckingham, Eng. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 357. 10th— Cow, Blanche Twelfth (imp.) =2111 = , by Baron Oxford Fourth (25580), roan, calved Feb. 16th, 1871, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Devon, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 212. 11th — Cow, Blanche Fourteenth (imp.) =2112 = , by Twenty-Fourth Duke of Oxford (31002), roan, calved Dec. 2Gth, 1873, bred by the Duke of Devonshire. For produce »ee Vol. 2, p. 213. 12th— Cow, Haidee Second (imp.) {Vol. 16, p. 12097 A.H.B.), by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (26995), red and white, calved March 7th, 1872, XX HISTORY OF SHOUT-nORN CATTLE. [Vol. v. bred by H. J. Sheldon, BraileB House, Warwickshire, Eng. No produce traced. 13th— Cow, Darlington Princess (imp.) (Fo/. 23, p. 'Si4,E.H.B., see pro- duce), by Duke of Oxford (31004), red and white, calved Sept. 20th, 1875, bred by Geo. Ashburner, Low Hall, Carnforth, Eng. Produce not traced. 14th— Cow, Oxford's Waterloo Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 21, />. 818, E.H.B.), by Thirteenth Duke of Oxford (21604), red, calved Jan. 22nd, 1869, bred by T. Atherton, Chapel House, near Liverpool. In 1873 she had a heifer calf, Oxford Waterloo Fifth, by Duke of Athelstane (21504), while owned by R. Lodge, Bishopdale, Bedale, Eng., and in 1875, March 7th, Oxford Waterloo Sixth, by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (25y96), which calf was imported as below. loth— Cow, Oxford Waterloo Sixth (imp.) {Vul. 23, p. n37,E.H.B.), by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (25995), red and white, calved March 7th, 1875, bred by R. Lodge. Have not traced her produce. 16th— Cow, Lady Florence Fifth (imp.) -11070 = , by Second Duke of Collingham (23730), roan, calved March 3l8t, 1875, bred by H. J. Shel- den, Warwickshire, Eng. For produce see her pedigree in this volume. 17th— Cow, I-ady Urk (imp.) {Vol. 16, p. 12160, A.H.B.), by Oxford's Tony (35O00), roan, calved May 12th, 1875, bred by Lord Fitz Hardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Eng. No produce traced. 18th— Cow, Princess Gwynne (imp.) {Vol. 16, p. 12291, A.H.B.), by Fifth Lord Oxford (31738), roan, calved Aug. 11th, 1875, bred by W. H. Salt, Maplewell, Loui^hborough, Enf^. Produce not traced. 19th— Cow, Blanche Eighth (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. 674, E.U.B.), by Grand Duke Tenth (21843), red and white, calved Jan. 31st, 1869, bred by the Duke of Devonshire ; in 1873, Oct. 9th, she had a cow calf, Blanche Ninth, by Buttertly Baron (30632), while owned by the Duke. No produce traced from her in this country. 2Uth— Cow, Lady Thorndale Bates Second (imp.) =296 = , by Fourth Duke of Thorndale (17750), roan, calved Oct. 27th, 18l9, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange, second owner. Earl of Dunmore, Dunmore, Eng.; on April 16th, 1872, she had a red bull calf. Grand Duke of Edinburgh, by Fifth Baron Oxford (27958), while owned by the Earl of Dunmore. No produce traced since importation, but one bull calf was imp. in dam. See Vol. 1, I). 343. 21st — Cow, America's Duchess (imp.) —14 = , by Grand Duko of Thorn- dale (31297), red, calved July 17th, 1873, bred by W. W. Slye also. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 242. 22ud— Cow, Geneva's Minstrel (imp.) =11028 = , by Ninth Duke of Geneva (28391), red and white, calved May 29th, 1874, bred by E.H.Cherry, Gaddesby Hall, Leicester, Eng., second owner, U. Salt, Loughborough, Eng, For produce see pedigree in this volume. 1890.] HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. XXI 23rd— Cow, DucheBs of Barrington Second (imp.) =134 = , by Grand Dake of Thorndale Second (31298), roan, calved July 2oth, 1874, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange. For produce see ''ol. 1, p. 287. 24th— Cow, Grand Diichesa of Oxford Twenty-Ninth (imp.) -2147 = , by Baron of Oxford Fourth (25580), roan, calved July 28lh, 1874, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall. For produce, see Vol. 2, ;>. 22(>. 25th— Cow, AzaUa(irap.) =11096 = , by Duke of Oxford (31004), roan, calved June 29th, 1875, bred by Geo. Ashburner, BroughtononFurness, Eng. No produce traced in America. 20th— Cow, Seraphina's Duchess (imp.) (Vol. 22, p. 418,, by Twenty-Second Duke of Oxford (3100), roan, calved Jan. 17th, 1875, bred by J. P. Foster, Killhow, Cumberland, Eng. No produce traced. 27th— Cow, Fully Gwynne Ninth (imp.) {Vol. 10, p. 12283, A.II.Ii), by Second Grand Diike of Lightburne (20291), red and white, calved June 16th, 1873, bred by \V. Hetherington, Middle Farm, Eng. Second owner, George Fox, Lichfield, Eng. 28th- Cow, Polly Gwynne Eleventh (imp.) {Vul. 10, />. 12283, A.H.B.), by Grand Duke of Weston Third (34079), roan, calved March, 1870, out of Polly Gwynne Ninth (imp.), as above, bred by Geo. Fox, Litchfield, Eng. No produce traced from either her mother or her in this country. 29th— Cow, Darlington Twenty-Sixth (imp.) =8200=, by Cherry Duke of Lightburne (30349), white, calved Aug. 0th, 187r), bred by Geo. Ash- burner, Camforth, Eng. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 334. 30th~Cow, Janie Stuart (imp.) (To/. 21, p. 909, E.H.B.), by General Bragg (20232), red, calved Nov. 29th, 1809, bred by S. Canning, Stratford- on-Avon, Eng. Second owner, Joseph Robinson, Herts, Eng. In 1874, in Eng., she had a heifer calf, Lady Ashbridge First, by Standard Bearer (25221). No produce traced in this country. 31st— Cow, Pauline Eighth (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. 781, E.H.B.), by Lord Blythe (22120), red and white, calved Dec. 29th, 1870, bred by J. How, Broughton, Eng. 32nd — Cow, Pauline Twentieth (imp. in dam) (A.H.B., Vul. 18, p. 13859), by King Victor (28980), out of Pauline Ninth (imp.) as above, red and white, calved April 23rd, 1877, bred by Jas. How, calved the property of the Canada West Farm Stock Association. On 25th Dec, 1882, she had a heifer, Pauline Twenty-Seventh, by Prince Leopold 27525, bred at Bow Park. 33rd— Cow, Pauline Fifteenth (imp.) (Vol. 22, p. 4Gi,S.H.B.), by Great Hope (24082), calved Sept. 8th, 1875, bred by Jas. How. No produce traced. 34th— Cow, Perilla (imp.) (Vol. 22, p. 404, E.H.B.), by Great Hope (24082), red, calved March 28th, 1875, bred by Jas. How. No produce traced. XXll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN f ATTLE. [Vol. v. I 35th— Cow, Lady Hudson's Duchess Fourth (imp.) {I'oL 21, p. 909, E.U.B.),hjii\xih Duke of Oneida (30997), red, calved April 22nd, 1874, bred by F. Leney & Son, Waterbury, Kent. 3Gth — Cow, Kirklevington Nineteenth alias Marchioness Ninth (imp.) = 2158 = , by Third Duke of Glo'ater (33053), red and white, calved Junelst, • 1876, bred by the Earl of Bective, Carnforth, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 229. 37th— Cow, Aurora (imp.) (Vol. 22, p. 317, E.H.B.), by Oxford Beau Third (32013), red, calved June 2l8t, 1875, bred by the Earl of Bective. No produce traced. 38th— Cow, Oxford Belle Third (imp.) -8317 = , by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), roan, calved July lOth, 1875, bred by Col. Kingscote, Gloucester- shire, Eng. No produce traced. 39th— Cow, Royal Kent Charmer (imp.) {Vol. 17, p. 13162, A.H.B.),hy Grand Duke of Kent Secmd (28729), roan, calved May 20ch, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye, Lancaster, Eng. No produce traced. 40th — Cow, Duchess of Barrington Fourth alias Lady Annie Bates (imp.) {Vol. 16, p. 12038, A.U.H.), by Second Duke of Tregunter (26022), roan, calved Sept. 30th, 1875, bred by the Earl of Bective. 41st — Cow, Knightley Grand Duchess (imp.) =2161 = , by Fourth Grand Duke (19874), roan, calved Nov. 22nd, 1867, bred by F. Leney &Son, Kent, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 231. 42nd — Cow, Lady Fawsley Second (imp. ) =5153 = , by Duke of Brailes (23724), roan, calved Feb. 22nd, 1870, bred by H. & J. Sheldon, Brailes House. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 252. 43id— Cow, Rose O'Lee (imp) = 473 = , by Grand Duke of Geneva (28756), roan, calved Oct. 26th, 1875, bred by J. W. Larking, Ashdown House, Eng. No produce traced. 44th — Cow, Princess Oneida (imp.) ==8322 = , by Duke of Oneida (30996), roan, calved Aug. 22nd, 1874, bred by Sir F. C. Constable, Hull, Eng. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 354. 45th— Cow, Princess Victoria Oneida (imp.) (Fo^ 23,^. 372, E.U.B.), by Oneida Prince (34048), roan, calved June 21st, 1875, bred by Sir F. C. Constable. No produce traced. 46th— Cow, Duchess of Barrington Thi d (imp.) {Vol. 16, p. 12033, A.H. B.), by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second (31298), red and white, calved hept. 4th, 1875, bred by W. W. Slye. No produce traced. 47th— Cow, Lady Emily Fifth (imp.) =274 = , by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (25995), red, calved July 15th, 1872, bred by H. J. Sheldon. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 335. 48th— Cow. Wild Eyes Thirty-First (imp.) -5j4 = , by Third Duke of Claro (23729), roan, calved Oct. 24th, 1873, bred by VV. Augertain, Nor- folk, Eng., second owner, E. H. Cherry, Leicester, Eng. For prodnce see Vol. l,p. 435. 1890.] niSTORY OF SlIOIIT-HORN' CATTLE. XXUl 49th— Cow, Wild Eyes Thirty-Third (imp.), by Second Grand Duke of Kent (28750), out of Wild Eyes Thirty-First (imp.) -5-4 = , roan, cilved July 18th, 1874, bred by W. Asbnmer. No produce traced. 50th— Cow, Lady Fawsloy Sixth (imp.) -2173, by Twenty-Fourth Duke of Airdrie (30460), out of Lidy Fawsley Second - 5153=^ , roan, calved Dec. 9th, 1873, bred by deo. Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 236. 51st — Cow, Lady Fawsley Seventh alias Lady Geneva F'awsloy (imp.) (Vol. 21, p. 720, E.rj.n.), by Ninth Duke of Ganeva (28301), roan, calved Feb. 20th, 1875, bred by Geo. Fox. No produce traced. 52nd— Cow, Lady Fawsley Ei,'hth (imp.) --2173--^, by Twenty-Fourth Duke of Airdrie (3()4G0), white, calved May 5th, 187<), bred by Geo. Fox. For produce see J'ul. 2, p. 230. 53rd — Cow, America's Oxford (imp ) ^15^, by Eighteenth Duke cf Ox- ford (25008), rod, calved April Ist, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye, Beaumont Grange. For produce see To/. 1, /). 242. Ist— Bull, Duke of Oxford Forty-Fifth (imp. in dam) -0355-^, by Seventh Haron of Oxford (30190), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford Twenty- Ninth (imp.) =2147^, roan, calved Jan. 13th, 1877, the property of Canada West Farm Stock Association. 2nd— Bull, Grand Duke of Thorndale Second -123= (31208), by Ninth Duke of Geneva (28301), out of Grand Duchess Twentieth, red, calved May 0th, 1872, bred by W. W. Slye. 3rd— Bull, Duke of Oxford Thirtieth (imp.) -87 = , 20340 (33712), by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31U33), red, calved Feb. Ist, 1874, bred by the Duke of Devonshire. Was used some time at Bow Park. 4th— Biill, Baron Pauline (imp.) =21-, 25030, by Pretender (3^008), out uf Pauline Eleventh (imp.) 407=^ , roan, calvtd Nov. 8th, 1870, bred by .las. How, Broughton, Eng. 5th— Bull, Duke of Barrington Fifth (imp. in dam) =70 = , 20104, by Second Luke of Tre<^unter (20022), out of Lady Thorndale Bates Second (imp.), =200 = , roan, calved July 28th, 1870, bred by the Earl of Bective. 0th— Bull, Duke of Barrington Sixth (imp.) =77=, 26105, by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second (31208), out of Duchess of Barrington Second = 131 = , red and white, calved Jan. 8th, 1877, bred by W. W. Slye. 7th— Bull, Duke of Kirklevington (imp. in dam) =0352- , 20275, by Oxford's King (340^-^, out of Kirklevington Duchess Tenth =11038 = , white, calved Nov. 25^ , 1870, bred by R. P. Davies, Horton, Eng. 8th— Bull, Duke of Kirklevington Second (imp.) -84 = , 26276, by Ox- fora's King (34907), out of Kirklevington Duchess Seventeenth (imp.), roan, calved Dec. 30th, 1876, bred by R. P. Davies as above. 9th— Bull, Minstrel Fourth (imp.) =0401 = , by Fifth Duke of Glo'ster (36404), out of Geneva's Minstrel Second (imp.) =11028 = , red and white, calved Nov, 24th, 1870, bred by W. H. Salt, Maplewell, En?. XXIV HIHTOUY OF SIlOni-llOHN CATTLE. [Vol. V. 10th— Bull, Duke of Clarence Fourth (inip.) 79--, '.<»I8H (:aV.»7), by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (2r)«l(>5), rtmn, calved Oct. 2Sth, 1H74, bred by Col. Gunter, VVothorby (Jrange, Yorkshire, Eiig. Thin b>ill was kept at Bow Park at the head of the herd until he died in Feb., 1H87. He was the most celebrated bull that was ever imp, bred by the Manjuis of Blaiidford. 13th — Bull, Baron Acomb (imp. in dam) =13 = , 25580, by Second Grand Duke of Thorndale 123- (31 2'.)8), out of America's ( )xford (imi.) -15-, red, calved May, 187(>, bred by \V. W. Slye, calved the property of the Canada West Farm Stock Association. 14th — Bull, Baron Acomb Second (imp. in dam) =14 — , 255 -(l, by Second Grand Duke of Thorndale (imp.) =123= (31298), out of America's Duchess (imp.) =14 = , red, calved Sept. 3rd, 1870, bred also b) W. W. Slye. 15th — Bull, Baron Knightley Second (imp. in dam) -^1221 = , 25011, by Grand Duke of Geneva (28750), out of Knightley Grand Duchess (nnp.) = 2101 = , white, calved May 17th, 1870, bred by J. W. Larking, East Grimstead, Eng. , and sold to (ieo. Billachy, Brantford, Out. 1870 — Hon. M. H. Cochrane, of Hillhurst, Que., also this year imjwrted 2 females and 1 bull. — English bred cattle. 1st — Cow, L'ldy Barrington Eleventh (imp.) =2100^, by Grand Duke of Oxford (28704), roan, calved Nov. 30th, 1873, bred by W. Ashburuer, Ulverston, Chipping Sudbury, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 233. 2nd— Cow, Lally Duchess Second (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. 54>5, E.B./i.), by Grand Prince of Claro (28781), roan, calved Jan. 7th, 1874, bred by C. W. Harvey, Walton-on-the-Hill, Liverpool, Eng. No produce traced. 1st- Bull, Duke of Oxford Thirty-Fifth (imp.) =88= 20350. (30530), by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31033), red, calved Aug. 0th, 1875, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall. 1870 — The first importation for the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm, Guelph, was made this year by Prof. Wm. Brown, consisting of a cow and bull ; the cow had bull calf shortly after arriving. 1st — Cow, Rosalie (imp.) =2238 = , by Prince Albert Second (20588), roan, calved, July 25th, 1874, bred by Her Mijesty the Queen, at Prince Consort'd Shaw Farm. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 200. Ist— Bull, Duke of Bedford (imp.) =1230= (30400), by King Tom (31521), out of Louise (Vol. 2, p. 020, E.H.B.), roan, calved June 0th, 1875, bred by Mrs. Scott, Thorpe Chestry, Suney, Eng.; he was kept on the farm. 1890.] mSTOKV OF SHORT-HOIIN CATTLE. XXV 2nd— Bull, Maurico Second (imp. in dam)"127Ii - , by Maurict) (2(5805), red and wliite, calved Dec. Hth, 187(», bred by Her Majeaty th (^ueon, calved the property of the Ont. Agricultural College. 187<» — In this year Mr. John Hope, then of Markhaiu, made his third importation of valuable English bred cattle, and they were nearly all sold to the Canada West Farm Stock Association, of Bjw I'ark, at a sale held in London in June, 1877. The importation consisteU of 8 cows. Ist— Cow, Destiny (imp.) (Vol. 21, p. 715, E.ll.ll.), by Twenty-Second Duke of Oxford (31000), roan, calved May 3rd, 1874, bred by J. I'. Fos- ter, Kilhow, Cumberland, Eng. 1 do not trace to whom she was sold or her pro^tsny. 2nd-Uow, Duchess of Thorndale Third (imp.) {Vol. 17, p. 128(il, A.Il.B), by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second (;U2U8), roan, calved March 26th, 1870, bred by W. W. Slye, Lancashire, Eng. Sold at the London sale to Le O. B. Cannon, Shelburne, Vt., U.S. 3rd— Cow, Docile (imp.) {Vol. 18, p. 13034, A.U.Ii.), by Twenty- Second Duke of Oxford (31000), roan, calved Feb. 22nd, 1874, bred by J. P. Foster, Kilhow, Cumberland, Eng, Sold at Mr. Hope's sale in London to the Canada West Farm Stock Association, Bow Park. She had one calf, March 20th, 1877, after arriving. Duchess of Clarence Fifteenth, by Seventh Baron Oxford, as below, and Aug. 23rd, 1878, Duchess of Clar- ence Seventeenth, by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second (31298). 4th — Cow, Duchess of Clarence Fifteenth (imp. in dam) {Vi>l. 18; p. 13G41, A.n.n.), by Seventh Baron Oxford (30199), out of Docile, above, white, calved March *20th, 1877, bred by J. P. Foster, calved the property of John Hope, and was sold with her dam to the Canada West Farm Stock Co. No produce traced. 5th — Cow, Duchess of Clarence Twelfth (imp.) =2131 = , by Oxford Baronet (29499), roan, calved Jan. 20th, 1875, bred by T. Barber, Hull. Eng. Second owner, J. P. Foster, Killhow, Eng. Sold at London sale to the Canada West Farm Stock Association. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 220. 0th — Cow, Duchess of Clarence Sixteenth (imp. in dam), by Duke of Ormiskirk (30520), out of Duchess of Clarence Twelfth (imp.) =2131 = , roan, calved Jan. 22nd, 1877, bred by J. P. Foster, calved the property of John Hope, and sold with dam to the Canada West Farm Stock Association. No produce traced. 7th— Cow, Waterloo Thirty-Sixth (imp.) --=2279 = , by Royal Cambridge (25009), red and white, calved August 24th, 1872, bred by Sir Wilfred Law- son, Brighton, Eng.; sold at the London sale to the Canada West Farm Stock Association. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 275. 8th— Cow, Waterloo Thirty- Seventh (imp. in dam) =2280 = , by Sixth Baron Oxford (33075), out of Waterloo Thirty-Sixth (imp.) =2279 = , above, bred by Sir Wilfred Lawson, and sold with dam to the Canada Wefit Farm Stock Association. XXVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. V. 1870 — In this year Prof. George Lawson, of Halifax, N.S. , brought out his second importation of Kngliah Cattle, for the Cantral Board of AgricuU ture, Halifax, N.S. , — tivo females and four males. Ist — Cow, Cambridge Witch (imp.) =5084==, by Royal Cambridge (25009), roan, calved June 0th, 1809, bred by CJeo. Moore, Cumberland* Eng., second owner. Sir Wilfred Lawson, Brighton, Eng. For produce see Vol. 3, /). 225. 2nd— Cow, Colchester Queen (imp. in dam) =5098 = , by Baron Oxford Sixth (33075), out of Cambridge Witch (imp.) =5084 = , roan, calved Feb. 27th, 1877, bred by Sir Wilfred LaWEon, Carlisle, Eng., third owner, Geo. Lawson, Halifax, fourth owner, Geo. Keith, Scarboro', Out. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 231. 3rd— Cow, Fortune Teller (imp.) {Vol. 22, p. 479, E.H.B.), by Wei- Ungton (32825), out of Cambridge Witch (imp.) =5084=, red and white, Calved March 8th, 1874, bred by Sir W. Lawson. No produce traced. 4th— Cow, Maid of Oxford Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 10, p. 014, E.M.B.), by Lord Waterloo Second (20755), roan, calved July 2rth, 1870, bred by T. G. Cutler, Worcester, Eng. Have not traced any produce. 5th — Cow, Lady Mary (imp.) =5167 = , by Grand Duke of Clarence (28750), red and white, calved Oct. 11th, 1872, bred by T. G. Cutler, Worcester, Eng. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 253. lat— Bull, Lord of Braemar (imp.) =2713= by Third Duke of Hill- hurst (30975), red, calved Jan. 20th, 1875, bred by the Earl of Dunmore Stirling Castle, Scotland. 2nd— Bull, Wetherby Star (imp.) =0453= (37005), by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31033), roan, calved May 11th, 1875, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Lancashire, Eng. 3rd— Bull, Duke of Lome Fifth (imp.) =0354= (30517), by Duke of Lome (25986), red, calved August 1st, 1875, bred by E. Hall, Stockport, England. 4th— Bull, Kingston (imp.) =0378 = , by Barrington Duke (27985), red, calved Sept. 11th, 1875, bred by C. A. Barnes, Charley wood, Eng. 1870 — Mr. F. W. Stone also imported nine females and three males, all of English breeding. Ist— Cow, Athalie (imp.) {Vol. 18, p. 13508, A.B.B.) by Knightley Wellington (31533), roan, calved Sept. 29th, 1873, bred by C. M. Hamer, Park Farm, Warwickshire, Eng. On May 10th, 1877, she had a c. c. (died), by Baron Berkeley (30158), and on May 18th, 1878, she had a c.c, Lady Bates Knightley Second, by Baron Berkeley (imp.) (30158), while owned by Mr. Stone. 2nd— Cow, Euphony (imp.) {Vol. 18, p. 13002, A.H.B.), by Knightley Wellington (31533), roan, calved Sept. 4th, 1873, bred by C. M. Hamer ; on Sept. 0th, 1878, she had a bull calf (dead), by Seventh Duke of Clarence 22712. 1890.] HISTORY OF SHOUT-IH RN CATTLE. XXVll 3rd— Cow, Oxford's Kose (imp.) (To/. IH, p. 13855, /!.//./<.), by Oxford ■ Baronet (2949!)), roan, calved Nov. 'Jlst, iHT'.i, bred by T. Barber, Sproatly Rise, Hull, Eng. I find a cow calf from her, calved March '-.'5th, 1880, Ox- ford Rose Fourth, by Seventh Duke of Clarenco 22712, bred by W. Stone. 4th— Cow, Lady Furbelow Second (imp.) =^ 11041 =, by Knightley Wel- lington (3153U), roan, calved Jan. 17th, 1875, bred by C. M. Hauier. For produce see this Vul. 5th— Cow, Telluria Fourteenth (imp.) 220*)--, by Baron Wild Eyes (33100), rod, calved May 15th, 1875, bred by T. Barber, Hull, En«. For produce see I 'ol. 2, /*, 270. Oth — Cow, Damsel Second (imp.), by Baron Kuowlmere (33057), roan, calved Feb. 10th, 1874, bred by Wm. Rowly, Eng 7th — Cow, Lady Jocelyn Eighth (imp.) 2177^, by Lord Thorudal© (29210), red, calved Sept., 1872, bred by O. (Jraham, Birmingham, Eng, For produce see Vol. 2, p. 237. 8th — Cow, Lady Adela (imp.) —2104 = , by Duke of CoUingham Second (23730), i'oan, calved Nov. 25th, 18G9, bred by J. W. Larking, Sussex, Eng. For produce see Vol, 2, p. 232. 9th— Cow, Siren (imp.) =11085 ^, by Lord Calthorpe (2<)(J19), red and white, calved Jan. 12th, 1872, bred by G. C. Adkins, Lightwoods, Eng. Second owner, Geo. Graham, Birmingham, Eng. She died on the pas- sage out. Ist— Bull, Lord of Milcote (imp. in dam) -=()392 = , 33090, by Lord Oxford Rony (38047), out of Siren (imp.) =11085=, roan, calved Aug. 2nd, 1870, bred by Geo Graham, Birmingham, Eng. 2nd — Bull, Lord Jocelyn (imp. in dam), -1200=, 33070, by Iron- stone (30792), out of Lady Jocelyn Eighth (imp.) =2177 = , red, calved Feb. 5th, 1877, bred by Mr. Graham. 3rd— Bull. Ashdown Duke (imp.) =0318 = , 31053, by Third Duke of Hillhurst (30975), out of Lady Adela (imp.) =2104 = , red and white, calved Nov. 25th, 1809, bred by J. W. Larking. Sold to Lee ifc Reynolds, Camp Supply, Ind. Territory, U.S. Recapitulation — 28 bulls and 85 females, 113 in all, 13 more than in 1875. 1877 — Seems to have been a blank year as far aa importatiuna are con- cerned, as none came out that year. There must have been a depression in the market, as I do not think cattle were scheduled that year. 1878 — The first importation this year we chronicle is out to Halifax, N.S., for the Board of Agriculture there. It consisted of two females and three males. Ist — Cow, Rose of Delhi (imp.), by Sultan (30088), roan, calved Sept. 5th, 1870, bred by I. & J. Gaitskill, Hall Santon, Cumberland, Eng. No produce traced. XXVlll IIISTOUY OF 8H01lT-n01lN CATTLE. [VOL. V. •Jnd-Cow, Eliza Stewart (imp.), by Titan (.'{5805), red, calved March, 1877. Vjred by James Beattie, Isewby House, Annan, Scotland. No produce traced. Ist— Bull, Favorite (imp.), by Hubback (31395), red, calved May 5th, 1877, bred by W. Ciraham, Yanwath Hall, Cumberland, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Lord Windsor (imp.) = 127l = , by King Victor (2898G), roan, calved June l7th, 1877, bred by W. Bunreyeat, Isle of Man, Eng.; sold to J. B. Eraser, Shubenacadio, N.S. 3rd— Bull, Morisco (imp.) -0402= (403GG), by Sultan's Fame (35G99), roan, calved July 10th, 1877, bred by I. & J. Gaitskill, Cumberland, Eng. 1878 — Mr. F. W. Stone this year imported eight femiiles bred in Eng- land, viz.: 1st— Cow, Jex. B.'ake (imp.) =11030=, by Third Cherry Duke (28171), roan, calved March Hth, 1872, bred by Sir G. Philips, Weston Park, War- wickshire, Eng. For produce see her pedigree in this volume. 2iid— Cow, Cherry J. Third (imp. in dam) (Foi 18, p. 137 J 7, A.N.B.), bj Cherry Grand Duke Fifth (30712), out of Jex Blake (imp.) =11030=, abjve roan, calved Nov. 27th, 1878, bred by Sir Geo. Philips, calved the property of Mr. Stone. 3rd — Cow, Sappho (imp.) = 490==, by Duke of Kent (25979), roan, calved Dec. 29th, 1871, bred by Sir Geo. Philips. For produce see Fol. 1, p. 413. 4th — Cow, Cherry Craggs (imp. in dam) — 82C1 = , by Cherry Grand Duke Fifth (30712), out of Sappho (imp.) =490 = . For produce see Vol. 4, p. 332. 5th— Cow, Celeste Fourth (imp.) (Vol. 21, p. ^jiG, jH.H.B.), by Duke of Clarence Third (23727), red and white, calved Apri) 2od, 1809, bred by Lord Sudeley, Toddington, Gloucestershire, Eug. Gth— Cow, Celeste Ninth (imp.) {Vol. 21, p. 94G, E. KB.), by Mandarin (29209), out of Celeste Fourth above, roan, calved Jan. 22nd, 1874, bred by L jrd Sudeley. 7th — Cow, Seraphina Duchess Third (imp.), by Cherub Sixth (H0355), out of Celeste Fourth above, red and white, calved Jan. 3l8t, 1876, bred by Lord Sudeley. 8th— Cow, Celeste Fifteenth (imp.), by Mandarin Eleventh (33180), out of Celeste Fourth, roan, calved Nov. 29th, 1870, bred by Lord Sudeley. Recapitulation — Only 3 bulls and 10 cows brought out this year, 1878. 1879 — Mr. James Hunter, of Alma, imported one bull. Sir Edmund (imp.) =232 = , 53925, (42391), by Sir Wilfrid (37434), roan, calved June 4th, lh78, bred by Hugh Ayliner, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, Eng. He was kept to breed from. 1879 — Mr. John Isaac, of Bomanton, this year imported two cows and three bulls from the aerd of S. Campbell, of Kinellar. Ist— Cow, Matilda (imp.) =8300=, by Borough Member (3318G), red, calved April 20t;h, 1877, bred by S. Campbell, KintUar, Scotland. For pro- duce see Vol. 4, p. 349. 1890.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXIX 2nd — Cow. Mina Ninth (imp.) =34.'j — , by Boroiis^h Member (331tt)), red, calved Aug. 7th, 1877, bred by S. Campbell. For produce see To/. I, p. 350. Ist— Bull, Statesman First (imp.) =130.V-- (440')()), by Golden Prince ^383«;3), red, calved July, 1878, bred by S. Campbell. 2nd— Dull, British Statesman (imp.) =40- (42847), by Golden Prince (383(i5j), roan, calved April, 1878, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Isaac to Jas. Russell, Richmond Hill, Ont. 3rd-Bull, British Prince (imp.) =39= (a322(;), l)y Wild Boy (25447), roan, calved Feb. 18th, 1871, bred by W. Lambert, Elrington Hall. Second owner, S, Campbell, Kinellar. Mr. Isaac sold him to J. Russell, Richninnd Hill. 1879 — In this year Mr. Wm. Linton, of Aurora, made his tirst importa- tion from the herd of his father, Wm. Linton, Sheritl Hutton, Yorkshire, Eng., consisting of two cows and one bull. 1st — Cow, Rachel (imp.) =445=--, by Lord Rose (34059), rod ami white, calved April 11th, 187(), bred as above. For produce see l'. '.V.^7 . 2nd— Cow, Sheritl' Hutton Rose (imp ) ^ 2249 , liy Sir Arthur Iiii,'ram (32490), roan, calved Jan. 27th, 1879, bred by Wui. Linton. She was sold to Geor-je H. Caldwell, Crown Hill, Ont. For produce see To/. 2, p. 204. 1st— Bull, British Hero (imp.) =37-= (39500), by Sir Arthur Ingram (32490), red and white, calved Jen. 19th, 1877, bred by Wm. Linton. 1879 — INIr. Wm. Murray, of Chestei field, made his first importation o^ Bates cattle this year, only one cow and one bull. 1st— Cow, Verbena Twelfth (imp.) {Vol. 19. p. 14804, AJfJi), ly Lord Tregunter (31758), red, calved Aug. 18th, 1874, bred by J. W. Phillii)s, Hey- bridge, StatiVjrdshire, Eng. No produce traced. Ist- Bull, Duke Wild Eyes (imp.) =0358 = , 35338 (43154), by Fifth Duke of Glo'ster (30494), roan, calved May 9th, 1879, bred by Sir W. H. Salt, Bart., Leicestershire, Eng. Recapitulation — (Jnly six cows and five bulla this year. 1880 — Mr. Simon Beattie imports three females this year from Scotland, for Mr. Joseph Hickson, of Montreal, Q. lat— Cow, Berrie Bell (imp.) {I'ol. 21, /}. 502, E.H.B.), by Titan (.35805), roan, calved April 28th, 1877, bred by Jas. Beattie, Annan, Scotland. 2nd — Cow, Peach (imp.) (Vol. 23, p. 515, E.H.B., see produce), by Magician (34720), roan, calved March 15th, 1878, bred by J. Johnson, Dumfrieshire, Scotland. 3rd — Cow, Bud (imp. in dam), by Wallaby Warrior (44110), out of Peach (imp.) white, calved Oct. 20th, 1880, bred by J. Johnson, calved the pro- perty of Jos. Hickson, 1880 — In this year John Dryden, M.P.P., imported his second lot of cattle, all bred by A. Cruickahank, of Sittyton, Aberc'^en, Scotland, consist- ing of live females and two males. XXX UISTOUY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. V. Ist— Cow, Sunbeam (imp.) ==8341-, by Royal Violet (40G49), roan, calved Nov. 22nd, 1878, bred by A. Cruickshank ; she was retained by Mr. Dryden, and had several calves. See Vol. 4, p. 3G1. 2nd— Cow, Violet Bud (imp.) {Fol. 2G, p. 393, E.H.B.), by Barmpton <37763), roan, calved Feb. 4th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. No produce traced but cow below. 3rd— Cow, Violet Gem (imp. in dam), by Royal Victor (43792), out of Violet Bud above, white, calved March 7th, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of John Dryden. 4th— Cow, Orange Blossom Thirtieth (imp.) (I'o/. 20, /;. 392, E.H.B.), by Pride of the Isles (35072), red and white, calved March 29th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. No produce traced. 5th — Cow, Barmpton Violet (imp.) by Royal Violet (40049), red, calved March 20th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Recorded mB.A. 11. B., Vol 1, p. 430, no produce traced. Ist— Bull, Lancaster Royal (imp.) = 1263 = , by Lord of the l8les(40218), roan, calved Sept, lOlh, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to Jas. Ballan- tyne, Sebringville. 2nd- Bull, Baron Surmise (imp.) -=1223= (45933), by Pride of the Isles <35072), red and white, calved Oct. 25th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Mr. Dryden kept him for breeding purposes. 1880 — This year Prof. G. Lawson, for the Central Board of Agriculture, Halifax, N.S., imported four females and six bulls— all English bred; Ist — Cow, Rose Gwynne (imp.) =5207 = , by Prince Gwynne (20547), red, calved Dec. 25th, 1803, bred by John Clayden, Saflfron Waldron, Essex, Eng. ; afterwards sold to the Government Stock Farm, Falconbridge, P. E. I. For produce see ^'o^. 3, ?). 272. 2nd— Cow, Duchess of Warwick Third (imp. =2133 = , by Grand Duke of Geneva Second (31288), red, calved June 30th, 1870, bred by W. G. Game, Broadmoor, Gloucestershire, Ent». Third owner, E. Smith, Windsor, N.S. Fourth owner, J. E. Newcombe, Hantsport, N.S. Fifth owners, E. P. & E. J. Armstrong, Cornwallis, N.S. For produce see V^ol. 2, p. 221. 3rd— Cow, Merry Face (imp.) (To/. 25, p. 339, E.H.B.), by Rockville Second (37350), roan,, calved Jan. 28th, 1878, bred by H. Betteridge, East Hannsey, Berks, Eng. No produce traced. 4th— Cow, Roseleaf (imp.) =8331 = , by Rockville Second (37350), red, calved Feb. 20th, 1878, bred by H. Betteridge as above. She was kept by Prof. Lawson. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 357. Ist- Bull, Earl of Surrey (imp.) =0301= (44767), by Fugelman (30070), red and white, calved April 10th, 1873, bred by Capt. Moir, Manor House, Reigate, Surrey, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Young Ebor (imp.) =0457= (44704), by Ebor (41499), roan, calved July 3rd, 1879, bred by W. G. Game, Gloucestershire, Eng. 1890.] HISTORY OF SHORT-IIOIIN CATTLE. XXXI 3rd— Bull, Lord Brett (imp.) =0383= (45067), by Sir Robert Frog- more (40719), roan, calved Sept. 13th, 1879, bred by VV. G. Game as above. 4th-Bull, Rowland (imp.) =2734- (43928), by Earl of Horton Eleventh (30588), roan, calved Sept. 18th, 1879, bred by Col. R. L. Lindsay, Berkshire, Eng. 5th— Bull, Lord Randolph (imp) =6393= (45149), by Sir Robert FrogmorH (40719), roan, calved Oct. 14th, 1879, bred by W. G. Garno. 6th -l^uU, Cabul (imp.) =6332= (42862), by Earl of Horton Eleventh (36588), roan, calved Nov. 14th, 1879, bred by Col. L. Lindsay, Berkshire, Eng. 1880— In this year Mr. Morgan, of Oshawa, imported one bull. Duke of Hazelcote Sixty-Eighth (imp.) =1241 = , by Oxford Beau Sixth (40422), roan, calved Jan. 19th, 1879, bred by Col. Kingscote, Kingscote, Eng.; sold to W.'t. Benson, Cardinal, Ont Recapitulation for 1880, 7 bulls and 14 females. History to be continued in Vol. 6. PTISTORY OF IMPORTED INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM GREAT BRITAIN, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. N. B. — Dominion Herd Book symbolH avd numbers are nuetl. For names of produce, see under pedigree of imported cow in the volume desujuated. {Continued from Vol. V.) > The history in Vol. V. was brought down to the end of 1880, so we now commence with 1881, and find a fine importation of admirably bred Duch- esses from the herds of R. E. Oliver, Sholebrook Lodge, Towcester, Eng- land, and Col. Gunter, of Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, England. This importation consisted of three females and two males, 1st— Cow, Grand Duchess Twenty-Eighth {Vol. 26, p. 5/4, E.N.B.), by Third Duke of Clarence (23727), roan, calved Aug. 5th, 1874, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebrook Lodge, she was in calf to Duke of Connaught (33G04), the calf was called Grand Duke of Connaught and Ridgewood, and was calved Sept. 2Gth, 1881, the property of Henry Attrill ; On Dec. Uth, 1882, she had a heifer, Grand Duchess of Ridgewood Third, by Fifth Duke of Tre- gunter 459G1, and on Jan. 19th, 1884, a heifer, Grand Duchess of Ridgewood Fourth, by Game Erie. 2nd— Cow, Grand Duchess Thirty- Fifth, {Vol. 25, p. 607, E.H.B.), by Duke of Underley (33745), roan, calved March 30th, 1878, also bred by R. E. Oliver. She had a calf in England by Cherry Grand Duke Eighth (39515), called Grand Duchess of Ridgewood, imported with her, and again on July 21st, 1882, a red and white heifer, Grand Duchess of Ridgewood Second, by Fifth Duke of Tregunter (33743), while owned by Mr. Attrill. 3rd— Cow, Grand Duchess of Ridgewood {Vol. 23, j>. 17861, E.H.B.\ by Cherry Grand Duke Eighth (39575), roan, calved May 26th, 1881, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebrook Lodge, England, came out with dam Grand Duchess Thirty-Fifth, as above ; On February 27th, 1885, she had bull calf, Grand Duke of Ridgewood Twenty-Seventh (81187), by Duke of Oxford Sixtieth 55734, both bred by Mr. Attrill. 1st— Bull, Fifth Duke of Tregunter (imp.) =1246 = (33743), roan, bred by Col. Gunter, Wetherby Grange, Yorkshire, England, second owner Lord HISTORY OF Sllnur-HORN CATI'LE. [Vol. VI. Feversham, Duncombe, Park, Eng., sire Fourth Baron Oxford (26580), dam Ducheas Ninety-Fourth (Vol. 20, pi 484, E.H.B.), by Second Duke of Wharf dale (14G49), &c. He was used by Mr. Attrill as a sire. 2nd — Bull, Grand Duke of Connaaght, and Ridgewood 40202, roan, calved Sept. 6th, 1881, shortly after landing, bred by R. D. Oliver, but. calved the property of Mr. Attrill, sire Duke of Connaught (3.'3604), dam Grand Duchess Twenty-Eighth (imp.), above. 1881 — In this year Simon Beattie, of Annan, ':^'5otlan("'., the veteran im- porter, brought out from the herd of Hugh Ayluicr, of West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, a pure Booth, Lord Montrath (imp.) = 1270= (40681), bJ Lord President (41908), and out of Phillis Twenty-Second, by the celebrated High Sheriff (26.392), «fcc. He pasned into the hands of Henry Groff, of Elmira, the renowned breeder of cattle, where he made his mark. 1881 — The Hon. M. H. Cochrane this year made a large importation, con- sisting of twenty-one females and three males ; besides Bates cattle from England, he also brought s> -.e Campbell cattle from Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Ist— Cow, Bellflower (imp.) {Vol 25, p. 627, A.H.B.), by Luminary (34715), red, calved May 21st, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, out of Bellflower {Vol. 29, E.H.B.), by British Prince (43226); on March 11th, 1882, she had a bull calf. Sir Brian (53921), by Sir Leonard -234 = (45613), the College Farm Bull, as they must have been in Quarantine together. 2nd — Cow, Nonpareil of Kinellar (imp.) =8314 = , by Luminary (34715), roan, calved June 3rd, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, out of Non- pareil Thirty- First (Fo 30, p. 386, E.H.B.) She bred two heifers while owned by Mr. Cochrane, March 15th, 1885, roan. Nonpareil of Hillhurst, by Lord Aberdeen (imp.) =4110 = , a Campbell bull, and on April Ist, 1887, Nonpareil of Hillhurst Second, by same sire. She was then sold to Arthur Johnston, of Greenwood, and on Sept. 8th, 1888, had another red heifer. Nonpareil Victoria, by Vice Consul (imp.) =4132=, a Cruickshank bull. 3rd — Cow, Cecilia (imp.), by Luminary (34716), out of Cecilia, by Coesar Augustus (25704), in pedigree of Cecillia First, by Borough Member (33186) {Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 2nd, 1880, bred by S. Camp- bell. Do not know what became of her. 4th — Cow, Rosebud (imp.), by Luminary (34715), red, calved March 2nd, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, out of Rosebud, by Sir Christopher (22895), see Roan Rosebud {Vol. 31, p. 316, E.H.B.) Do not know what became of her. 5th — Cow, Rosewreath alias Rosebud (imp.) =8334 = , by Luminary (34715), out of Rosebud of Kinellar Second {Vol. 31, p. 317, E.H.B.), red, calved March 2nd, 1879, bred by S. Campbell. After raising five calves for Mr. Cochrane she was sold to A, Williams, Souris City, Man. For produce see Vol. 4,j9. 358. 6th — Cow, Bessie (imp.), by Luminary (34715), out of Bessie Sixth, by Foljambe (33950), {Vol. 31, p. 309, E.B.B.), roan, calved March 4th, 1879, 1891.] HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATl'LE. XI bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Do not know what became of her ; no pro- duce traced. 7th— Cow, Mina, by Golden Prince (38363), out of Mina Firat, by Dip- thonp: Third (21547), (To^. 25, p. 386, E.H./l), roan, calved March, 1879, bred by 8. Campbell also. Destination not known. 8th — Cow, Maid of Promise Second (imp.) =2190=^, by Luminiary (34715), bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. She raised five calves for Mr. Coch- rane. For particulars see Vol. 2, p. 244. 9th — Cow, Rosebud alian Rosedrop (imp.) =2242^, by Novelist (52952), red, calved June 28th, 1878, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. She had one bull calf, Lord Aberdeen =4110 — , which was imported with dam, and afterwards had four calves while the property of Mr. Cochrane. 10th — Cow, Buahberry Countess KirL'ivington First ( Vol. 27, p. 494, E.H.n.), by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), red and white, calved March 11th, 1880, bred by H. Lovatt, Low Hill, Bushberry, Wolverhampton, Eng. Do not trace produce. nth — Cow, Bushberry Countess Barringtcn First {Vol. 27, p. 493, E.B.B.), by Duke of Oxford Thirty-Ninth (38173), red, calved Sept. 13th, 1880, also bred by H. Lovatt. Do not know what became of her. 12th— Cow, Airdrie's Lady Jocelyn (imp.) -8242= {Vol. 25, />. 453, E. E. B.), by Twenty- Fourth Duke of Airdrie (2<;4r)0), white, calved Jan. 19th, 1888, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Lichfield, Eng. On Aug. 30bh, 1882, she had a roan heifer, Lady Jessie =9541 = , by Sir Lewis (imp.) ^1302=^ (45614), white, owned by Mr. Cochrane ; no further produce traced. 13th— Cow, Bessie (imp.) =2109-, by Duke of Milcote Fourth (30523), roan, calved April 30th, 1878, bred by R. H. Masfen, Pendeford, Wolver- hampton, Eng. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 211. 15th — Cow, Beatrice (imp.) =8252 = , by King Rufus (34351), roan, calved Oct. 4th, 1878, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, at her Shaw Farm. She was in calf when imported. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 329. 16th— Cow, Empress (imp.) =11020 = , by Phosphate (32064), roan, calved April 17th, 1876, bred by W. Bradburn, Wednesfield, StaflFordshire, Eng. , second owner, J. Nash, Wolverhampton, Eng. She had one calf in 1879, Emperor, by Duke of Goldsmith (41380) in Eng., and one soon after importation, Jan. 14th, 1882, Emperor of the French =6362 = , by Lord France. 17th— Cow, Hopeful (imp.) =2149=, by Duke (38113), white, calved July 27th, 1877, bred by T. Nash, Wolverhampton, Eng. She had a bul calf in Eng., and a heifer, Heliotrope (imp.) =5134 = , soon after landing. 18th — Cow, Heliotrope (imp. in dam) =5134 = , by Lord Claro (41845), roan, calved April loth, 1881, bred by T. Nash, Wolverhampton, Eng. calved the property of Mr. Cochrane ; sold by him to Dalton McCarthy, Bar- rie, for whom she raised four calves, bought at his sale by A. Johnston xu HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CAITLE. [Vol. VI. Greenwood, and resold to W. 8. Lister, Laketield, Ont. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 246. 10th— Cow, Fairy Rose (imp.) =8270 = , by Duke of Milcote Fourth (36523), red, calved May 15th, 1877, bred by R. H. Masfen, Pendeford, Wolverhampton, Eng. ; brod two calves for Mr. Cochrane. See Vol. 4, p. 338. 20th — Cow, Queen of Trumps (imp.) =5199 = , by Watchmaker Second (47227), white, calved March 20th, 1881, bred by R. H. Masfen, as above, sold to Dalton McCarthy, Barrie. Two cows and one heifer recorded from her. 21 at — Cow, Queen of Connaught (imp. in dam), by Duke of Connaught (44CG3), out of Beatrice (imp.) =8252 = , red and white, calved Oct. 22nd, 1881, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, Windsor, Eng., calved the property of H. M. Cochrane. Ist— Bull, Lord Aberdeen (imp. in dam) =4110 = , by Gladstone (43280), red and little white, calved May 12th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, but calved the property of Mr. Cochrane, and recorded in American Book as 52417. 2nd — Bull, Emperor of|the French (imp. in dam) = 6362= , by Lord France (40085), red, calved Jan. 14th, 1882, bred by W. Readburn, Staflfordshire, Eng., calved the property of Mr. Cochrane, and recorded by him in Am- erican Book as 48160. 3rd— Bull, Sir Lewis (imp.) =1302= (45615), by Sir Wilfred (37484), red, calved March 2nd, 1890, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Ab- bey, Norfolk, a pure Booth, sold to Dalton McCarthy, Barrie. 1881, James I. Davidson, of Balsam, Ont., after a period of seven years from his last large importation, again brings out eleven cows and three bulls from the celebrated Sittyton Herd, of which he is so fond. Ist— Cow, Artless (imp.) =10992 = , by Lord of the Isles (40218), red, calved Sept. 13th, 1879, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scot- land, sold after importation to L. Palmer, Sturgeon, Mo., fourth owner, C. A. DeGraff, Janesville; on Sept. 15th, 1885, she had a cow calf. Artless Sec- ond, by Earl of Aberdeen (45992) ; on Oct. 21st, a cow calf Artless Third, by Baron Surmise (45933), and on Dec. 31st, 1885, a red bull calf. Baron Surmise Third, by Surmise. 2nd — Cow, Cistus, by Lord of the Isles (40218), out of Cactus, by Champion of England (17526) (Vol. 25. p. 409, E.H.B.), red, calved Sept. 26th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Do not know what became of her. 3rd— Cow, Jessamine (Toi. 20, p. 392, E.H.B.), by Lord of the Isles (40215), red and white, calved Oct. 16th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. After importation in 1882, sold by Mr. Davidson to L. Palmer, Sturgeon, Bio., U.S., he to Robert Miller, West Liberty, Iowa ; on August 28th, 1883, had a red biiU calf. Young Commander (72231 ), by Commander (41637), and on March 20th, 1886, a red bull calf, Brampton Duke (68538), by Orange Lad (46679), both while owned by R. Miller. 1891.] HISTORY OF SIIOUT-HORX OATI'LE, Mil 4th— Cow. Gloxina {Vol. 20, />. .'192, E.H.H.), by Lord of the Isles (40218), red and whito, calved Nov. 13th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold after importation to J. H. Potts & Sons, .'acksonville, 111., U. S., besides Gnrdena below, on Oct, Gth, 188'3, she had a red bull calf, Proud Prince (G4():i.5), by Proud Duke. 5th— Cow, Gardena {Voi. 25, p. 830, E.B.B.\ by Antiquary (44314), out of Gloxina (imp.), by Lord of the Isles ("^0218), red and white, calved Feb. 1st, 1882, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to VV . A. Harris, Lawrence, Kan., U.S. No produce traced, (ith— Cow, Cineraria {Vol. 20. p. 391,, by Viceroy (32704), red, calved November 25th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Destination not traced. 7th— Cow, Victoria Sixty-Sixth ( To/. 22, ;j. 17475, A.H.Jl), by Lord of the Isles (40218), roan, calved Dec. 28th, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold in 1882 to D. Cookson it Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. On Oct. loth, 1882, she had a roan bull calf. Baron Cruickshank, 49882, by Baron Victor = 2073= (45944), while owned by VVm. Davidson. On Dec. 12th, 1883, a roan bull calf, Victoria Scotsman, 78271, by Leyburii (imp.) 00248; on Dec. 20th, 1880, a red bull calf, Lord Victor, 87729, by Spartan Hero (imp.) 77932, and on Feb. Ist, 1888, a roan bull calf. Cupbearer Second, 91224, by Spartan Hero, the last three while owned by D. Cookson & Sons. 8th— Cow, Girdle (To/. 22, p. 1710.'>, A,.H.1J.), by Pride of tae Isles (35072), red, calved Feb. 22nd, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to Robt. Miller, West Liberty, Iowa, 1st calf Sept. 8th, 1885, red, bull calf. Girdle's Hero 75022, by Scotland's Pride (54410 ; second roan bull calf. Orphan Hero 99797, by Canada's Pride Second 73111, while owned by Hy. Klais & Son, Maryville, Mo. 9th— Cow, Saxifrage {Vol. 22, p. 17445, A.H.B.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red, calved March 0th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold in 1882 to D. Cookson A: Son, Downey, Iowa, U.S. On Jan. 14th, 1883, she had a red bull calf. Silver Cruickshank, 58111, by Orange Lad, 40979. On Dec. 7th, 1883, a red bull calf. Secret Emperor 77703, by Violet's Emperor 58381. On Oct. 20th, 1884, a red and white bull calf, Orange Gauntlet 6054, by Orlando 00591. On Feb. 19th, 1880, red bull! calf. Secret's Hero, 89325, by Spartan, Hero 77932, and on Nov. 25th, 1888, a red bull calf, Honor Secret, 103032, by Spartan Hero, 77932, all while owned by Cookson tfc Sou. 10th— Cow, Sempstress {Vol. 22, 2^. 17440, A.J/.B.), by Barmpton (37003), roan, calved April 3rd, 1879, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to J. H. Potts Sc Son, Jacksonville, 111., U.S. ; had a roan bull calf, Dec. 10th, 1883, Sempstress of Oakland, by Proud Duke (lOOCO). On Dec. 4th, 1884, a red cow calf, Sempstress of Oakland Second, and on Nov. 23rd, 1885, a roan cow calf. Sempstress of Oakland Third, both by Iroud Duke (30000). 11th— Cow, Victoria Sixty-Third (Toi. 20, //. .392, E.H.B.), by Pride of the Isles (35072), roan, calved May 8th, 1878, bred by A. Cruickshank : sold XIV HISTORY OK SHORT- HORN CA'ITLE. [Vol. VI. in 18^3 to W. A. Harris, Lawrence, Kanaaa, U.S., she had a bull and a heifer calf in Scotland, and on Nov. lat, 1882, a cow calf, Linwood Victoria, by Baron Victor, while the property of Mr. Davidson. Ist— Bull, Earl of Aberdeen (imp.) -0359= (45002), by Barmpton (37703), out of Silvery (Vol. 29, p. 387, E.H.B.), by Champion of England (17520), red, calved Feb. 25th, 1881, bred by A. Cruickahank. He was>old in 1882 to Lancelet Palmer, Sturgeon, Mo., U. S. 2nd— Duke of Lavender (imp.) = 1243= (51135), by Perfection (37185), out of Lavender (Foi. 25, p. 410, i-M/.Z^.), by Count Bickeratatf Second (25838), red, calved Sept. 0th, 1880, bred by A. Ciuickshank. Was sold to A. Johnston, Greenwood, then to John Miller, Mongolia. 3rd— Bull, Baron Victor (imp.) =2073= 42824(45044), by Barmpton (37703), out of Victoria Fifth-Eighth, by Pride of the Isles (35072), red, calved Nov. 0th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank. He was sold to Chas. Laviolette, Georgia, Ont. 1881 — Mr. John Dryden, of Brooklin, also brought out four females from the Sitlyton herd this year. 1st — Cow, Corn Flower (imp.) —5100=. by Perfection (37185), roan, calved Aug. 20th, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeoushire, Scotland. She bred four calves for Mr. Dryden and was then sold 1 1 Mr. J. W. Hugh, Cresco, Iowa, U. S. For produce see Vol, 3, p, 232. 2n(l— Cow, Victoria Sixty-Ninth {Vol. 27, p. 302, KH.B.), by Barmp- ton (.37703), out of Victoria Fifty-Sixth, by Bridesman (30508), roan, calved Oct. 23rd, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, and died soon after landing. 3rd — Sultana (imp.) =8340 = , by Pride of the Isles (35072), roan, calved Nov. 18th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank. She had five calves up to 1 887 for Mr. Dryden. See Vol. 4, p, 300. 4th— Cow, Flora First (imp.) =8278 = , by Perfection (37185), dark roan, calved Dec. 5th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank. Was sold to F. Bellows, Maryville, Wis , U. S., and her one heifer calf, born Jan. 23rd, 1885, on record Flora Aberdeen, bj Aberdeen Champion. 1881 — In this year Mr. Richard Gibson, now of Delaware, then of Ilder- ton, bought out his first importation of fashionably bred Bates cattle, con- sisting of Kirklevingtona, Waterloos, Barringtons, Wild Eyes and Oxfords, principally from English herds, consisting of twenty-five females and five males. Ist — Cow, Rowfant Kirklevington Third (imp.) =2244 = , by Third Duke of Hillhurst (30075), red, calved Sept. 11th, 1877, bred by Sir C. M. Lamp- son, Bart., Rowfant, Crawley, Sussex, Eng. ; she bred one bull in England, and soon after landing had a bull, Nov. 21st, 1881, Baron Kirklevington = 1220 = , by Duke of Sussex Twenty-Second (43130). * 2nd-Cow, Rowfant Kirklevington Fifth (Vol. 20, p. 514, E.H.B.\hy Second Duke of Underley (30551), red, calved Nov. 23rd, 1870, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., sold to I. M. BigstatF, Mt. Sterling. Ky., had red 1891.] JIISTORY OF SITORT-HOIIN CATFLE. cow calf, March 12th, 1883, Rowfant Kirklevington of Springfield, by Gen- eva Wild Eyes 51770 ; on July 15th, 1885, a red cow calf, Springfield Kirk- levington, by Duke of Springfield Fifth (66780). 3rd — Cow, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Seventh (Vol. 27, p. 388> E.H.B.), by Lally's Grand Duke (43449), red, calved April 22nd, 1880, bred by Mr. M. Fausett, Scaleby ("astle, Carlisle, Eng., sold to Sol. White, Windsor, Ont. ; on Feb. 24th, 1884, had a red and white cow calf, Kirklev- ington Duchess Twenty-Ninth, by Sixth Duke of Vinewood, 32444, also soon after landing. May 30th, 1882, a heifer, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty- Eighth, as below. 4th — Cow, Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Eighth (imp. in dam) ( Vol. 35, p. 998, A .H.B.), by Fourth Grand Duke of Kirklevington, 49599, bred by W. M. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, Eng. She was calved the property of Sol. White, Windsor, who purchased the dam Kirklevington Duchess Twenty- Seventh, as above. On Jan. 10th, 1885, she had a red bull calf, Kirkleving- ton Duke 98941. On March 3rd, 1880, a red bull calf, Kirklevington Duke Second, and in July, 1887, a red cow calf (died), all by Seventeenth Duke of Kirklevington, 80108. 5th— Cow, Surmise Duchess Nineteenth {Vol. ^0, p. 514, E.H.B.), by Second Duke of Underley (30551), roan, calved Sept. 8th, 1879, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., Rowfant, Sussex, Eng., sold to B. C. Rumsey, Niagara Stock Farm, Buffalo, N. Y., U.S. Produce not traced. 0th— Cow, Surmise Duchess Twenty-Fifth {Vol. 27, p. 474,, by Second Marquis of Oxford (37055), roan, calved July 3lBt, 1880, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart., sold by W. Gibson to B. C. Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y. 7th— Cow, Rowfant Fantail {Vol 20, p. 514, E.E.B.), by Second Duke of Underley (30551), red, calved Nov. 18th, 1878, bred by SirC. M. Lampson, Bart., sold to J. S. Moberly, of Richmond, Ky., had a roan cow calf July Oth, 1882, Rowfant Duchess, by Thirty- Seventh Grand Duke (43307). On Sept. 20th, 1883, a roan cow calf. Forest Grove Duchess, by Barrington Duke Sec- ond, 37023. On Jan. 22nd, 1885, red cow calf. Forest Grove Fantail, by Count Bickerstaff, 55217. On Jan. 27th, 1887, Forest Grove Fantail Second, by Second Duke of Hilldale, 51071. 8th— Cow, Rowfant Peach Third {Vol. 20, p. 515, E.H.B.), by Second Duke of Underley (30551), roan, calved June loth, 1879, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart. Neither destination nor produce found. 9th— Cow, Fawsley Duchess {Vol. 20, p. 514, E.B.B.), by Second Duke of Underley (30551), roan, calved Nov. 4th, 1877, bred by Sir C. M. Lan.p- aon, Bart. Neither destination nor produce found. Died without produce. 10th— Cow, Viscountess Barrington Second {Vol. 27, p. 283, E.H.B.), by Baron Oxford Fourth (25580), roan, calved Nov. 15th, 1877, bred by the Earl of Lathom, Lathom, Lancashire, Eng. , the property of W. Ashbumer, Ulverston, Lancashire, Eng., sold to Charles M. Lansing, Niagara, Ont., in calf to Duke of Oxford Forty-Ninth 41080. XVI iriSTollV OF SHOIIT-UOUN CATTLE. [Vol. VI. 11th — Cow, ViscounteM BarrinRton Third alias GrAxid Duchess of lUr- rington Fifth (Vol. 23, p. 178(;(), A.Il.B.), by Duke of Oxford Forty-Ninth (4141G) (imp. in dam, Viacountess Harrington Sec(jnd, above), white, calved Sept, 4th, 1881, bred by Win. Ashburner, Ulverston, LancaJ>hire, Eng. Sold before birth to Charles M. Lansing, Niagara, Ont. No produce traced. 12th— Cow, Grand D\iche8s Harrington Fourth (To^ 27, j). 283, E.H.B.), by Duke of Oxford Forty-Ninth (414K5), white, calved October 12th, 1880, bred by VV. Ashburner, Ulverston, Lancashire, Eng., also out of ViscounteM Harrington Second. While in England, she was retained by Mr. Gibson, and does not appear to have bred. 13th -Cow, Sally Harrington Sixth (Vol 28, j). 4G9, E.E.B.) by Fifty- First Duke of Oxford (43122), roan, calved April lOth, 1881, bred by the Earl of Lathom, Lathom, Lancashire, Eng. Sold to A. J. Alexander, Spring Station, Ky., U.S. On June 25th, 1884, had a roan bull calf, Twelfth Duke of Harrington, G2305, by Seventh Duke of Harrington; .June 20th, 188U, red and white cow calf, Haroness Lally Second, by Second Duke of Whittlebury 02574 ; on July 2nd, 1887, red and white bull calf. Eighteenth Duke of Har- rington, 85G27, by Second Duke of Whittlebury, G2574. 14th— Cow, Havering Waterloo Third {Vol. 22, p. 17178, A.E.B.), by Duko of Havering (33G64), red, calved March 31sr, 1879, bred by D. Mc- intosh, Havering Parkj Eng., and sold to B. C. Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. No recorded produce. 15th— Cow, Duchess Wild Eyes (Vol. 27, p. 564, E.H.B.), by Duke of Oxford Forty-Seventh (41414), roan, calved October 23rd, 1880, bred by Sir W. H. Salt, Bart. , New Park, Leicester, Eng. Sold to J. S. Berry, Mount Sterling, Ky.,U.S. On August 15th, 1883, she had a cow calf, red and white, Airdrie Wild Eyes, and on August 15th, 1884, a red and white cow calf, Airdrie Wild Eyea Second, both by Wild Eyes Duke of Airdrie, G4790 ; on September 20th, 1885, a roan bull calf, by Fifth Duke of Springfield, 5578G, all bred by Mr. Berry. She died Oct. 15th, 188G. IGth— Cow, Wild Eyes Lassie Third =^83G3 = , by Duke of Ormskirk (3G5CG), roan, calved Oct. IGth, 1877, bred by S. P. Foster, Killhow, Car- lisle, Eng. She had two calves in England, and two while owned by Mr. Gibson. See Vol. 4, p. 370, for produce. 17th— Cow, Wild Eyea Winsome Third (imp.) =8304=, by Duke of Oxford Twenty-Sixth (33708), roan, calved Oct. 23rd, 1880, bred by J. Rigg, Wrotham Hill Park, Seven Oaks, Kent, Eng., sold to the Canada West Farm Stock Co., Brantford, and by them to J. W. Harvey, Turlington. Neb., U.S. No recorded produce. 18th— Cow, Wild Eyes Winsome Fourth (imp.) =8305 = , by Duke of Oxford Twenty-Sixth (33708), roan, calved Jan. 2Gth, 1881, bred by J. Rigg, as above, and sold to H F. Brown, Minneapolis, Minn.; on / pril 11th, 1883, she had a red and white bull calf. Wild Eyed Duke of Broundale 58463, by Eighth Duke of Hillhurst, 51077. 1891.] HISTORY OF SHORT-IIOUN CATILE. XVll 19fch— Cow, Lady York and Oxford Bates ( To/. 2(i, p. 1104, A.H.B.\ by Baron Turncroft Oxford Fourth (37822), roan, calved Feb. 2yrd, 1871), bred by Mra. M. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, Eng., sold after raising one calf, to B. C. Kumsey, Bntlalo, N.Y.; on July Uth, 188:{, she had a white cow calf, Barrington of Erie Fourth, by Fifth Duko of Tregunter (33743). 20th— Cow, Lady York and Thorndale Bates Sixth {Vol. 24, />. 18<>18, A.H.B.), by Duke of Kirklevington Fourth (4;i317), roan, calved Jan. 24th, 1881, bred by Mrs. M. Fawcett, as above, she was also sold to B. C. Kumsey, Buffalo N.Y., uo produce traced. 21st— Cow, Lady York and Tho/ndale Bates Seventh (Vid. 22, p. 107 18, A.H.B.), by Grand Duke of Kirklevii.„ton Fourth (43317), roan, calved Feb. 25th, 1881, bred by Mrs. M. Fausett, as above ; no recorded produce. 22nd— Cow, Lady Rothsay Bates {Vol. 24. p. 18G12, A.Il.B.), by Duke of Rothsay (30534), roan, calved April Oth, 1877, bred by Colonel Kings- cote, Kingscote, Eng. ;8he calved soon after landing, as below, was then sold to B. C. Rumsey, Buffalo, N. Y., and on Sept. 30th, 1882, had a white bull calf, Rothsay Castle, 4920!), by Wild Prince Fourteenth (45800). 23rd— Cow, Lady Rosedale Bates (imp. in dam)(F'(*^ 24, />. 18012, A. H.B., as produce), by Duke of Rosedale Ninth (41419), red, calved Sept. 10th, 1884, bred by Colonel Kingscote, and calved the property of Richard Gibson. 24th~Cow, Lady Hillhurst Bates Second (Vol. 27, p. 510, A.H.B.), by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), roan, calved July 29th, 1878, bred by Colonel Kingscote, as above, sold to Emory Cobb, Kankakee, 111., U.S. ; on Feb. 19th, 1882, a roan cow calf, Lady Rosedale Bates (imp. in dam), by Duke of Rose- dale Ninth (41419) ; on May 10th, 1883, a roan cow calf, Oxford Bates, by Oxford Duke, 53045, and on Aug. 14th, 1884, a roan bull calf, Lord Bates of Riverview, 70509, by (Jxford Duke, 53048. 26th— Cow, Grand Duchess Carolina Third {Vol. 25, p. 047, A.H.B.), by Duke of Oxford Twenty-Sixth (33708), roan, calved Aug. 8th, 1879, bred by J. Rigg, Wrotham Hill Park, Kent, Eng., sold to S. Douglas, Cornell, Buf- falo, N.Y.; on May 9th, 1883, had a roan bull calf. Lord Craggs of Hadfield, by Knight of Oxford Second, 39549. Ist— Bull, Baron Kirklevington (imp.) =1220= 42801, by Second Duke of Sussex (43130), out of Rowfant Kirklevington Third (imp.) = 2244 = , red and white, calved Nov. 21st, 1881, bred by Sir C. Lampson, calved the property of C. M. Lansing, Nias;ara, then sold to Wm. Major & Son, Whitevale, Ont. 2nd— Bull. Oxford Duke (imp.) =1289= 53045, (45297), roan, calved Nov. 2nd, 1879, bred by E. Holden, Shepley, Yorkshire, Eng., sire Duke of Tregunter Fifth (33743), dam Lady of Oxford Seventeenth {Vol. 26, p. 486, J?. H.B.). Sold to N. T. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 3rd— Bull, Rowfant Duke of Oxford Third =5428= (47010), by Grand Duke Thirty- Sixth (43306), d«"n Twelfth Maid of Oxford {Vol 29, p. 544, XVlll HISTOllY^ OK SHOUT-HORN CAITLE. [Vol. VI. E.H.B.), red, calved April 29th, 1881, bred by Sir C. Lampson, Bart., Sug- aex, Eng., and spld to U. C. Rumaey, Buffalo, N.Y., U.S. 4th— Bull, Rowfant Duke of Oxford Second =6427= 42489, (43927), by Duke of Underley Second (36551), dam Rowfant Oxford {Vol. 23, p. 526, E. 11. B.), bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, as above, and sold to Charles M. Lansing, Niagara, Ont. 5th— Bull, Wild Prince Fourteenth (imp.) =2755= 49525, (45806), by Baron of Oxford (25580), dam Lady Wild Eyes {Vol. 23, p. 615, E. H. B.), roan, calved March 13th, 1880, bred by the Earl of Lathom, Ormskirk, Eng. He was used by Mr. Gibson ss a stock bull. 1881 — This year the Ontario Agricultural College of Guelph, through James Hunter, of Alma, Ont., brought out, from the herd of Hugh Aylmer, of West Dereham Abbey, Norfork, Eng., a cow and a bull. 1st— Cow, Beta (imp.) =2110=, by Sir Wilfred (37484), red, calved Sept. 9th, 1879, bred by Mr. Aylmer. She raised two calves at the farm, and was then sold back to James Hunter, of Alma, Ont. ; they were both bulls, and will be found in Vol. 2, p. 212. 1st— Bull, Sir Leonard (imp.) =234= (45613), by Sir Wilfred (37484), out of Countess Third {Vol. 27, p. 286, E.H.B.), roan, calved Jan. 4th, 1880, was kept several years at the farm at the head of the herd. 1881 — The Government of New Brunswick also this year brought out «ight females and three males, through Simon Beattie, of Annan East, Scot- land, for their Stock Farm. 1st— Cow, Queen Anne {Vol. 27, p. 506, E. H. B.)^ by Conductor <36389), roan, calved Feb. 14th, 1880, bred by T. Marshall, Howes, Annun, Scotland. On August 3l8t, 1882, she had a roan c. c. Queen Anne Second, by Prince George (imp.) {Vol. 2, New Brunswick Herd Book); on March 23rd, 1884, a roan b, c, Lansdowne, by Prince George {Vol. 2, p. 4, N.B.H.B). 2nd— Cow, Flora Fifth {Vol. 1, p. 43, N.B.H.B.), by Prince Thomas 135183), roan, calved Feb. I5th, 1880, bred also by T. Marshall, out of Flora Third {Vol. 28, p. 502, E.U.B.). On Sept. 29th, 1882, had a red h.. Flora Sixth, by Prince Gdorge (imp.) (Ko^ 2, p. 16, N.B.H.B.); on April 2nd, 1884, a b. c, Duke of Brunswick, by Prince George =2727= ; on March 12th, 1885, a red and white h., Dorset, by Prince George (imp.) {Vol. 7, p. 18, N.B.N B.). 3rd — Cow, Queen Duchess Second, by Prince Thomas (35183), red and white, calved Jan. 7th, 1880, out of Queen Duchess {Vol.23, p. 558, E.H.B.), also bred by T. Marshall. On May 9th, 1883, had a red and white b. c, Sir George, by Prince ( corge (imp.) =2727= {Vol. 2, N.B.H.B.) ; March 30th, 1884, red and white b. c, Albert Edward, by Prince George {Vol. 3, N. B. U.B.). % 4th — Cow, Cherry Duchess Second, by Prince Thomas ("35183), out of Cherry, by Bright Hope (28081), roan, calved March 24th, 1880, also bred by T. Marshall. On October 14th, 1882, had a roan h. c, Cherry Duchess 1891.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CAITLE. XIX Third, by Prince George (imp.) (Vol. 2, p. 15, N.B.H.B.) ; on March 20th, 1884, a red and white h. c, Cherry Ducheas 4th, by Prince George (imp.) (Fol.X N.n.H.Ii.). 5th— Cow, Strawberry Duchess Thirteenth (imp.) =8339 = , by Sir Simon (42412), red and white, calved Jan. 4th, 1880, bred by Hugh Aylmcr, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, Eng. , consequently a pure Booth. She bred two calves for the Stock Farm. See Vol. 4, p. 300. 6th— Cow, Francesca {Vol. 27, p. 25G, E.H.B.), by Sir Simon (42412), red, calved Feb. 13th, 1880, also bred by Hugh Aylmer. On July 2nd, 1882, she had a red and white h. c, Franceaca Second, by Prince George ^2727= ; on May 29th, 1883, she had a red b. c. Prince Victor, by Prince George (imp.) =2727= ; on April 15th, 1884, a red and white h. c, Maude Francesca, by Prince George ^ 2727 = . 7th — Cow, Colleen (imp.), by Coeur de Lion (39006), red and white, calved Oct. 25th, 1877, bred by James Carrie, Walkerton, Dalkeith, second owner, Alex. Dudgeon, Dalmeny, Scotland. On December 2nd, 1882, she had a red h. c. Colleen Third, by Prince George =2727- ; on March 20th, 1884, a red and white h. c, Colleen Fourth, by Prince George =2727=^- 8th — Cow, Colleen Second (imp. in dam), by Michi^'an Boy, roan, calved June, 1881, bred by Alex. Dudgeon, Easter, Dalmany, Scotland, out of Col-» leen, above. Ist— Bull, Prince George (imp.) -2727- (45370), by Prince Albert (40479), red and white, calved Sept. 2nd, 1879, bred by Her Majesty the Queen, at the Shaw Farm, Windsor. 2nd— Bull, Musketeer (imp.) -6403 = , by Consort (42903), out of White Rose (Vol. 28, p. 510, E.H.B.), roan, calved June 17th, 1880, bred by A. & A. Mitchell, Alloa, Clackmannan, Scotland, used by the Stock Farm. 3rd— Bull, Bellman (imp.) -6327= (44406), by Aerolite (40953) out of Bellona (Fo/. 27, i>. 516, E.H.B.), red and white, calved July 9th, 1880, bred also by A. tt A. Mitchell, ae above, also used by Stock Farm. 1881 — James Hunter, of Alma, Ont., also, with the cattle he brought for Guelph Farm, brought out a Booth cow and bull for his own use. lat— Cow, Golden Bell (imp.) -2145=, by SirWilfred (37484), red, calved March Ist, 1879, bred by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, Eng. She had three calves up to 1884 ; dropped first a b. c. soon after arri- val, as below. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 225. Ist— Bull, Sir Hugh (imp. in dam) - 1301 =, by Sir Simeon (42412), out of Golden Belle (imp.) —2145 = , as above, brea by Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Norfolk, Eng., calved the property of Jas. Hunter, Alma, Ont., and used by him. 2nd— Bull, Socrates (imp.) =237= 68151, (45«i40), by Sir Simeon (42412), out of Cassiopeia, by Sir Wilfred (37484), calved May 20th, 1880, bred also by Hugh Aylmer, and used at the head of his herd for some time. XX HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. VI. 1884 — In this year John Isaac, Bomanton, Out., brought out his third importation of Campbell cattle, consisting of two cows in calf and one bull. Ist— Cow, Clementina (imp.) =-2121 = , by Golden Prince (383G3), red, calved Jan. 28th, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. She had a bull soon after landing, and twins in December, 1882, She was then sold to F. R. Shore & Brother, White Oak, and by them to George Thomson, Bright. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 215. 2nd— Cow, Magnet (imp.) =2191 = , by Golden Prince (383G3), roan, calved June 25th, 1879, bred by S. Campbell. She was in calf when im- ported. For that and other produce see Vol. 2, p. 242. 3rd — Cow, Magnet Fourth (imported in dam), by Gladstone (43286), out of Magnot =2191 = , as above, red, calved Jan. 2ad, 1882, bred by S. Camp- bell, calved the property of John Isaac. 1st — Bull, Statesman Second (imp. in dam) =1306 = , by Gladstone (43286), out of Clementina (imp.) =2121 = , roan, calved Jan. 2nd, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of John Isaac, and sold to S. C. Isaac, Baltimore. 2nd— Bull, Prince of Northumberland (imp.) =1284= (46911), by Per- fection (37185), out of Circassia ( Vol. 26, p. 39, E.H.B.), roan, calved Nov. 27th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Kept by J. Isaac, 1881 — Arthur Johnston, of Greenwood, this year makes his first im- portation of one buil. 1st— Bull, Lewis Arundell (imp.) =1264= 46437, by Forty- Fourth Duke of Oxford (39774), out of Lady Louisa Duchess Fourth (To?. 29, j9. 466, C.H.B.), red, calved March 20th, 1880, bred by F. Leney & Sons, Watering- bury, Kent, Eng,, second owner, G. S. Godwin, Tunbridge, Kent, Eng. I expect Mr. J ohnston soon sold him, but destination not traced. 1881 — This year Mr. McDonough, of Carlow, Ont., made his only im- portation of a six-year-old cow, in calf. 1st — Cow, Lady Haddo (imp,) = 2175 = ,byPrirce Frederick of Cambridge (29621), roan, calved Dec, 1875, bred by J. Cochrane, Little Haddo, Aber- deenshire, Scotland, second owner, Alex. Buchanan, Stirling, Scotland. I do not find any trace of her after her first calf, below. 1st — Bull, Highland Chief (imp. in dam) =1257 = , by Mountain Hero (31944) out of Lady Haddo (imp.) =2174=, roan, calved April 2nd, 1882, bred by Alex. Buchanan, Stirling, as above, owned by Mr. McDonough. 1881. — This year Wm. Murray, Chesterfield, brought out his second lot of pure Bates cattle, consisting of four cows and two bull§, Ist— Cow, Miss Wild Eyes, late Wild Eyes Thirty-Third {Vol. 26, p. 565, E.H.B.), by Royal Cambridge Fourth (401)24), roan, calved June 10th, 1879, bred by Sir R. C. Musgrave, Bart., Edenhall, Penrith, Cumberland^ Eng. 1891.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CA'ITLE. XXI 2nd— Cow, Waterloo Duchess (imp.) = 8347 = , by Waterloo Earl (32816), red and white, calved June 9th, 1874^ bred by the Rev. J. D. Jefferson, Thirket Priory, York, Eng. Do not find more produce than the bull below, imported in dam. 3rd— Cow, Lally of Ellington (imp.) =2182 = , by Duke of Hillhurst (28401), roan, calved Feb. 7th, 1877, bred by the Duke of Manchester, Kim- bolton Castle, Huntingdonshire, Eng. For produce see Toi. 2. p. 239. 4th— Cow, Lally of Kimbolton (imp. in dam) =8297 = , by Duke of Un- derley Third (38196), out of Lally of Ellington (imp.) =2185 = , above, red, calved Jan. 1st, 1882, bred by the Duke of Manchester, calved the property of Wm. Murray. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 346. Ist-BuU, Duke of Holker Fifth (imp.) -1242= (44687), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (39735), red and white, calved Oct. 5th, 1880, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker, Lancashire, Eng. , retained by Mr, Murray. 2ad— Bull, Oxford Duke of Waterloo (imp.) =4118= (46825), by Row- fantDuke of Oxford (43926), out of Waterloo Duchess (imp.) =8347 = , above, red and white, calved March 2nd, 1881, bred by the Rev. J. D. Jef- ferson, calved the property of Mr. Murray. 1881 — This year Lord Polwarth, Mertoun House, St. Boswell's, Scot- land, sent out, by John R. Craig, of Brampton, eleven females and seven bulls, a good lot, which were all dispersed by auction at the Black Horse Ho- tel, Toronto, to Canadian purchasers, and have clone more good for Canada than a great many importations. 1st — Cow, Scotch Rose (imp.) ^2247 = , by Rapid Rhone (35205), roan, calved May 20th, 1877, bred by Lord Polwarth. She was sold to Walter Raikes, Barrie, and by him to Lt.-Col. R. Tyrwhitt, Bradford. For pro- duce see Vol. 2, p. 263. She was prolific. 2nd — Cow, Melrose (imp.) =2202 = , by Rapid Rhone (35205), roan, calved June 5th, 1878, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale to E. D. Mor- ton, M.D., Barrie ; she bred before leaving Scotland, and again with Dr. Morton. See Vol. 2, p. 246. 3rd — Cow, Millerstain (imp.; =341 = , by Sir Richard (44047), out of Melrose (imp.) =2202 = , above, red, calved June 23rd, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, and sold at sale to Jos. S. Thomson, Whitby. For produce see Vol. 1, p. 358. 4th — Cow, Eve (imp.) (twin) =5118 = , by Rapid Rhone (3520.5), roan, calved April 28th, 1880, bred Lord Polwarth. Sold to Joa. S. Thomson, Whitby, and by him to Val. Ficht, Oriel ; she bred calves for all three. See Vol. 3, p. 239. 5th— Cow, Evening (imp.) (twin) =8272 = , by Rapid Rhone (36205), red and little white, calved April 28th, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale to Grant i^'^ Campbell, Woodville, and then to John Campbell, Jr. , Woodville ; she bred well. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 336. 6th— Cow, Wedding Gift (imp.) =8354 = , by Regal Crown (43889), red and little white, calved Nov. 16th, 1879, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale C xxu HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. VI. to Wm. Heron & Sons, Ashburn, and then by them to Wra. Smith, M.P., Columbus ; she had a calf every year. See produce on p. 360, Vul. 4. 7th— Cow, Emerald Gwynne (.mp.) =2130 = , by Rapid Rhone (35205), roan, calved June 14th, 1879, bred by Lord Polwarf.h. Sold at sale to Robert CoUacutt & Sons, Tyrone. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 222. 8th— Cow, Rose of Clonmore (imp.) = 5211=, by Victor Regalis (47206) , out of Melrose =2202 = , roan, calved April 16th, 1882, bred by Lord Pol- warth. Sold at sale to E. D. Morton, M.D., Barrie. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 273. ^ 9th — Cow, Evening Gwynne (imp. in dam) =8273 = , by Victor (44047), out of Evening (imp.) -8272 = , red and white, calved April 12th, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold to Grant & Campbell, then to J. Campbell, Jr., Woodville. For produce sec Vol. 4, p. 337. 10th— Cow, Eveline (imp.) =5119 = , by Waterloo Warder =1315 = (47222), out of Eve (imp.) (5118), bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold with dam to J. S. Thomson, Whitby, by him to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys, by him to Purves Thomson, Whitby. For produce nee Vol. 3, jj. 240. 11th— Cow, Lady Polwarth (imp.), by Sir Richard (44047), out of Wed- ding Gift (imp.) =8354 = , bred by Lord Polwaith. Died before producing, lat— Bull, Royal Butteifly (imp.) =6429 = , by Rapid Rhone (35205), out of Broughton Butteifly {Vol. 19, p. 389, E.H.B.), red and white, calved Nov. 8th, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth. Do not trace where he was after- wards owned. 2nd— Bull, Baron (imp.) =2669 = , by Rapid Foggathorpe (43868), out of Bracelet {Vol. 24, ^j. 616, E.H.B.), roan, calved March Ist, 1881, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale to Moiris Williams, Fort Benton, Montana, U. S. 3rd— Bull, Highlander (imp.) =2702 = , by Sir Richard (44047), out of Scotch Rose (imp.) =2247 = , red and white, calved April 24th, 1881, bred by Lord Polwarth, Sold at sale to Brandon & Tunkin, Cannington. 4th— Bull, Roderick (imp.) =1291 = , by Sir Richard (44047), out of Rich Gold {Vol. 24, jh 617, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 29th, 1881, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale to S. J. Pearson, Meadowvale. 5th— Bull, Victor Regalis (imp.) =1310= (47205), by Sir Richard (44047), (ut of Victoria P.eta(ro;. 24, p. 617, E.H.B.), red, calved May 2nd, 1880, bred by Lord Polwarth, and sold at sale to John Miller, Brougham. 6th— Bull, Waterloo Warder alias Warder (imp.) =1315= (47222), by Rapid Rhone (36205), bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold at sale to John Snells' Sons, Edmonton. 7th— Bull, Sir Richard Second (imp. ) = 2741 =, by Sir Richard (44047), out of Scotch Rose (imp.) =2247 = , red, calved Feb. 19th, 1882, bred by Lord Polwarth. Sold to Waiter Raikes, Barrie. 1878 — I find that I have missed an importation for this year by Geo. 1891.] HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. XXlll Geo. Whitfield of Rougemont, Que., consisting of five females and three males, principally from Ireland. They are of mixed breeding. 1st— Cow, Edith Ninth (imp.) = 2134 = , by Lord of the Manor (29181)), roan, calved March 19th, 1876, bred by W. R. Welstead, Bally waiter, Ireland. She had, on July Ist, a roan c. c. , Edith Tenth, by Royal Lind = 1297= (39046), while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 2nd — Cow, Goodluck Fourth (imp.), by Conqueror (30786), out of Goodluck Third (FoL 22, p. b6C), E.H.B.), red and white, calved July Ist, 1876, bred by M. H. Smith, Castlebrack, Mount Mellick, Ireland. For produce see just below. 3rd— Cow, Goodluck Fifth (imp. in dam), by Royal Lind (39046), out of Goodluck Fourth, above, also bred by M. H. Smith. On Sept. Ist, 1883, she had a red and white b. c. Lucky Lad, by Bogy (imp.). 4th — Cow, Lady of the Manor (imp.) =11046 = , by Lord of the Manor (29181), red and white, calved in 1877, bred by M. H. Smith, as above. She dropped a bull calf soon after landing, Duke of Rougemont, as below. 5th — Cow, Louisa Twenty- Fifth alias Louisa First of Rougemont (imp.) = 11050=, by Royal Lind (39046), red and white, calved Nov., 1878, bred b}' the Marquis of Headfort, Kells, Ireland. On May 31st, 1881, she had a roan b. c, Bertram of Rougemont —6564 = . 1st— Bull, Dukeof Cambridge (imp.) =4099 = , by Cambridge (33268), roan, calved Dec. 26th, 1876, bred by P. Bruce, Myreton, Insch, Scot- land, and used by Mr. Whitfield. 2nd— Bull, Duke of Rougemont (imp.) =6357= (10725), by Black- thorn (38865), out of Lady of the Manor (imp.) =11046 = , white, calved Oct. 27th, 1878, bred by M. H. Smith, as above. He was also retained by Mr. Whitfield. 3rd— Bull, Royal Lind (imp.) =1297= (39046), by Aeronaut (25530), out of Jenny Lind Fifteenth {Vol. 23, p. 484, E.H.B.), bred by R. Han- nan, Riverstown, Killman, Ireland. Also retained by Mr. Whitfield. 1881 — Mr. George Whitfield, of Rougemont, made his second importa- tion this year, and a large one, consisting of seventeen females, and eleven males. Unfortunateiy they were soon dispersed, as Mr. Whitfield did not continue to breed short-horna. Ist — Cow, Princess Butteifly (imp.), by Grand Prince (34085), roan, calved Feb. 4th, 1877, bred by Lord Clermont, Clermont Park, Dund- kulk, Eng. On March 10th, 1883, she had a red c. c. Butterfly of Rouge- mont, by Duke of Rougemont (imp.) =63o7= (10725). 2nd— Cow, May Bloom (imp.) (FoL 7, p. 511, C.H.B.), by Royal Patron (35397), roan, calved Jan. 22nd, 1878, bred by Lord Clermont, as above. On Jan. 30th, 1882, she bred twin bull calves. Knight of Haddo [10859], and Knight of Methlick [10860J, by Ben Attow (41026), soon after landing. 3rd— Cow, Lady Ann (imp.) (FoL 7, p. 510, C.H.B.), by Ben Attow (41026), roan, calved Jan. I7th, 1880, bred by Lord Clermont, as above. On XXIV HISTORY TO SHOHT-HOKN CATTLE. [Vol. VI. Oct. 6th, 1883, she had a red and white b. c, Antagonist [11662], by Bogie (imp.) [9709], while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 4th— Cow, Vesper (imp.) (To/. 7, />. 512,, by Royal Patron (55397), red and white, calved Jan. 29th, 187!', bred aUo by Lord Clermont. No produce traced . 5th— Cow, Florette (imp.) (Vol. 7, /'. 509, aiI.B.),hy Bromley (26269), red and white, calved May 27th," 1879, bred by Geo. Marr, Clanbrogie, Scot- land. No produce traced. 6th — Cow, Young Baroness (imp.), by Clapham (37999), out of Baroness Fourth {V(d. 27,/'. 378, E.II.B.), red, calved April 10th, 1879, bred by Wm. Duthie, Collyne, Methlick, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. On Jan. 11th, 1832, she dropped a b. c, Baron of Rougemont (imp. in dam), as below ; on April 20th, 1883, she had a red c. c, Beatrice of Rougemont, by Bogy (imp.), while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 7th — Cow, Princess Royal Third, by Macbeth (37025), out of I'rincess Royal Second {Vol. 24, p. 417, E.H.B.), red, calved March lOth, 1878, bred by A. Donaldson, Auship, Portsoy, Scotland. Had calf soon after landing, as below. 8th— Cow, Princess Royal Fifth, by Rapid Foggathorpe (43868), out of Princess Royal Second (Vol. 24, p. 417, E.H.B.), red and white, calved March 30th, 1880, bred by A. Donaldson, as above. On Jan. 25tli, 1883, she had a red c. c, Princess Royal Sixth, Vjy Bugy (imp. [9709], while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 9th — Cow, Princess of Rougomont, by \''entrilo(|uist (44180), out of Princess Royal Third (imp.), by Macbeth (37025), as above. No produce traced 10th— Cow, Carnation Fifth (imp.) (Vol. 27, p. 577, E.H.B.), by Far- bos (39903), out of Carnation Fourth (f'^o/. 27, p. 577, E.H.B.) roan, calved April 4 th, 1880, bred by Humphrey Smith, Castlebrack, Mount- mellick, Ireland. On Jan. 20th, 1883, she had a roan o. c. Carry of Rouge- mont, by Bogy (imp.) (45984), while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 11th— Cow, Nancy Lee (imp.) (To/. 7, p. 511, (J.H.B.),hy Rapid Fogga- thorpe (43868), roan, calved Jan. 29th, 1880, bred by Charles A. Cantlie, Keithmore, Duff'ern, Scotland. No produce found. 12th— Cow, Nellie Lee (imp.) (Fo/. 7, p. bU,(lH.B.), by Lord Irwin (29123), roan, calved April 4th. 1880, bred also by Charles A. Cantlie, as above. No produce found. 13th— Cow, Elsie (imp.) (Vol, 7, i>. 508, (\ H. />'.), by Cherub Fourth (33359), red, calved Jan. 29th, 18-0, bred by Wm. Duthie, Collyne, Aber- deenshire, Scotland. No produce traced. 14th— Cow, Bloom, (imp.) (Fo?. 7, p. 506, C. H.B.), by Gladiator (36648), red, calved April 13th, 1879, bred by Lord Clermont, as above. On March I8i)l.] HISTOID' OK SHORT-HOKN CA'ITLE. XXV 15th, 188;i, she had a red c. c, Blossom of Rougemont, by Baron Halnaby (imp.) (443r)l), while owned by Mr. Whitfield. 15th— Cow, Lustre Twenty-Fourth (imp.) by Royal Hope (32392), out of Lustre Fourteenth {Vol. 25, />. G30, E.H.B.), red, caived May 24th, 1872, bred by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, Gordon Castle, Fochabers, Scotland. On .Ian. 19th, 1883, she had a red and white b. c, Don, by Bogy (imp.) (45984). 16th — Cow, Lady Violet Lustre (f//(r« Lady Violet (imp.) -2181 = , by Royal Hope (32392), roan, calved July 5th, 1879, bred by the Duke of Rich- mond and Gordon, as above. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 239. 17th— Cow, Flirt Twenty-Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 7, p. 509, C.H.B.), by Chief Officer (3G359), roan, calved June 2nd, 1880, bred also by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon. No produce traced. 1st— Bull, Jermond (imp.) (40531), by Young Geneva (41606), out of Jassamine {Vol. 26, p. 581, E.E.B.), red and white, calved April 14th, 1881, bred by C. Stephenson, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Retained by Mr. Whitfield. 2nd— Bull, Baron of Rougemont (imp. in dam), by Ventriloquist (44180), out of Young Baroness (imp.), by Chapham (37999), as above, roan, calved Jan. 11th, 1882, bred by Wm. Duthie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 3rd— Bull, Roan Prince (imp. in dam) [10402], by Ben Attow (4109G), roan, calved Oct. 9th, 1882, bred by Lord Clermont, Clermont Park, Dun- dalk, since sold to J. Truman, Chicago, III. 4th— Bull, Royal Chief (imp.) [10474], by Border Chief (37874), out of Rosedale ( Vol. 27, p. 380, E.H.Ii.), by Otho (29479), roan, calved Jan. 26th, 1881, l)red by Wm. Duthie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Sold to J. H. Tru- man, Chicago, 111. 5th— Bull, Young Yellow Tiber (imp.) [10669], by Red Rhine (38975), red, calved April lOch, 1880, bred by Major O'Reilly, Knock Abbey, Dun- dalk, Ireland. Sold to James Morrison, Waukegan, 111., U.S. 6th— Bull, Bogy (imp.) (45984), by Fairfax Royal (39854), red, calved March 16th, 1880, bred by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, and used by Mr. Whitfield. 7th— Bull, Prince Attow (imp.) (48478), by Ben Attow (41096), red, calved May 30th, 1880, bred by Lord Clermont, Ireland, also used by Mr. Whitfield. 8th— Bull, Baron Halnaby (44351), by Royal Halnaby (39041), out of Portia's Rose, by Royal Tiby Rose (37390), red and white, calved June 25th, 1880, bred by W. T. Talbot, Crosbie, County Kerry, Ireland. Do not know where he was sold. 9th— Bull, Marquis (imp.) =4112-^, by Duke of Cambridge =4999 = , out of Myne, by Royal Errant (22780), roan, calved Jan. Ist, 1881, bred by Wm. Stewart, Aiichindellan, Aberdeen, Scotland. Retained by Mr. Whit- field. r "T^ xxvi HISTOKY OK SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. VoL. VI. 10th-B«ll, Knight of Uaddo (imp.) [10859J, by Ben Attow (41020), (twin)? roan, caived Jan. 30th, 1882, bred by Lord Clercnont. Used by Mr. Whitfield llthlBull, Knight of Methlic (twin) (imp.) [108.;0], by Ben Attow, as above in all particulars. . ^ , 1881-Recapitulation.-This year 48 bulls and 115 cows were imported, more than for the last fcur years. History to be continued in Vol. 7 HISTORY SH:OE;T-I3:OE.lsr O^TTHiE IMPORTED IVro THK DOMINION OF TaNADA FROM ORKAT BRITAIN AND IRKLAND, CHRONOLOCJIL'ALLV ARRANllFJl). N.B. — Dominion, IIkviI Book sijmhols and nmnbers are '.set/. For lauties of produce see under pedigree of imported cow in the volume designated. {Continued from Vol. VI,) The history in Vol. VI. was only for the year 1881. We commeuce now with the importation for 1882 of Cniikahank cattle by James I. David- son, of Balsam, Ont. , consisting of 12 cows and 15 bulls. Ist— Cow, Orange Blossom Thirty-First (imp.)(Fo^. 28,;;. [)54, E.H.B., under dam), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red and white, calved Sept. 18th, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank, Sitty.ton, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, She was in calf to Cumberland (46144) ; she was sold soon after landing to L. Palmer, Stur- geon, Mo., U.S., and on Dec. Slst, 1882, dropped Orange Boy, a roan bull, she and son are recorded in American Book Vol. Jo, p. 1095. 2nd— Cow, Aconite (imp.) =10982 = , by Pride of the Isles (35072), red, calved Nov. 9th, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank, also sold at sale to L. Palmer, Sturgeon, Mo,, U.S. ; she is recorded in Vol. 25, Am. H. Book, 2^. 1094. 3rd — Cow, Auricula (imp.) =8246 = , by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved Sept. 24th, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank ; she was kept by Mr. David- son to breed from, but up to 1888, only raised two calves, although she had five, a bull, calved Jan. 7th, 1880, roan, called Field Marshal, by Julius Cfesar (49784), and on Sept. 22nd, 1888, a red heifer, Av "-ula 2nd, by Grand Master (52973). 4th— Cow, Marsh Violet (imp.) (Vol. 28, p. 3U, E.H.B.), by Pride of the Isles (35072), roan, calved Nov. 19th, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold at once to Col. W. A. Harris, Lawrence, Kansas, who no doubt has raised calves from her ; she is recorded in Am. Book, Vol. 25, p. 838. 5th— Cow, Lavender Thirty-Second (imp.) (P'o/. 25, p. 837, A.H.B.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red, calved Feb. 9th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold at once to Col. VV. A. Harris, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S., and doubtless has raised calves for him. 6th— Cow, Gladiolus (imp.) {Vol. 25, p. 836, A.H.B), by Pride of the Isles (35072), red, calved Jan. 10th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S. X HISTORY OF SHORT-HOU\ CATTLE. [VOL. VII. 7th— Cow, Sorrel (imp ) {Vol. 25, p. 838, A.If.B), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red, calved AFarch JJlst, 1881, bred by A. Cruikahank, and acid at once to Col. W. A. Harris, Lawrence, Kansas, U.S. 8th— Cow, Lavender Thirty-First (imp.) = 8300 = , by IJarmpton (377G3), dark roan, calved Jan. 7th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank. Mr. Davidson bred one calf, Lavender of Oakland, by Varna (imp.) --274(; = , calved May 2Uth, 1883, but before calviug sold her to J. H. Potts, of .facksonville. 111., U.S., she also raised Lavender of Oakland Second, by Proud Duke, dropped May 29th, 1884, for Mr. Potts, and doubtless more. Dth — Cow, Lovely Thirty-Sixth (imp.), by Perfection (37185), out of Lovely Twelfth, by Scotch Rose (25099) (Vol. 27, p. 3G2, E.H.B.), red Jind white, calved March 7th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. David- son to J. & A. B. Snider, German Mills. No record of any produce from her. 10th— Cow, Victoria Seventy-First (imp.) {Vol. 26, p. 507, A.H.B.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved March 12th, 1831, bred by A. Cruik- shank, kept about a year by Mr. Davidson, then sold to I. Barr & Son, Davenport, Iowa. In 1883, Oct. 2, she had a bull calf, Earl Victor, by Ley- burn (48144). nth— Cow, Spleenwort {imp.) {Vol. 26, p. m7,A.H.B.), by Royal Vic- tor (43972), red and white, calved April 9th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, also sold to I. Barr & Son, Davenport, Iowa, U.S. Oct. 23rd she had a red and white c.c. Perfection, by Violet Emperor (imp.) (48876). 12th— Cow, Jean Blossom (imp.) -5128 = , by Perfection (37188), red, calved April 3rd, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to J. & A. B. Snider, German Mills, For produce see Vol. Ill, p. 243. 1st — Bull, Baron Camperdown (imp.) =1218= (47389), by Roan Gaunt- let (35284), red and white, calved Sept. 23rd, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank. Have not traced his sale. 2nd— Bull, Lord Lochabar (imp.) =6390 = , by Barmpton (3/763), red, calved Nov. 11th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank. Sold by Mr. Davidson to D. Cookson & Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. 3rd— Bull, Van Tromp (imp.) =6444= 54160, (48847), by Barmpton (37763), red, calved Dec. 11th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, and sold by Mr. Davidson to J. H. Potts i^' Son, Jacksonville, 111., U.S. 4th— Bull, Baron Glencoe (imp.) =6323= (47404), by Barmpton (37763), red, calved Dec. 14th, 1881, bred by A, Cruikshank. Sold by Mr. Davidson to D. Cookson & Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. 5th— Bull, Julius (imp.) =1261= 56643, (48073), by Barmpton (37763), red, calved Dec. 19th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank. sold by Mr. Davidson to I. Parr & Son, Davenport, Iowa, U.S. 6th— Bull, Varna (imp.) =2740= 68341, (48848), by Royal Victor (43972), red, calved April 13th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Davidson to Win. Fields & Bro., Cedar Falls, Iowa, U.S. 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HDllN CATTLE. XI 7th— Bull, Amhurat(inip.) -^(5317- 4970S, (47341), by Royal Victor (43l>72), red, calved April Kith, 1881, bred by A. Crnikshank, sold by Mr. Davidson to W. iV II. Mollatt, Paw Paw, 111., U.S. 8th— Bull, Duke of Albany (imp.) -1238= (47700). ^y I^<"^" Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved Au^'. l!>th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikahank, sold to Win. Heron it Sons, Ashburn. 9th— Bull, Violet Emperor (imp.) =0447= 58381, (48876), by Iloan Gauntlet, red, calved March 20th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Davidson to Daniel Cookson it Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. loth— liuU, Premier Earl(imi>.) =1281- (48 454), by Barmpton (37703), rich roan, calved March 10th, 1882, bred by W. Cruikshank, sold to Arthur Johnston, Greenwood. 11th— Bull, Duke 'of Guelders (imp.; =1240- (47740), by Lamlash (45025), roan, calved March 20th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, retained by Mr. Davidson. 12th— Bull, Baron Brawith (imp.) =1217= (47385), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved Jan. 23rd, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Davidson to Adam Mohr, Tavistock. 13th— Bull, Lord Nonpareil (imp.) =0391= (48225), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved March 3rd, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Davidson to Ezra Swain it Son, Nobleton, Ind., U.S. 14th— Bull, Baron Secret (imp.) =0325= (47434), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved March 10th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to his Sons, A. & G. Davidson, Monticello, Iowa, U.S. 15th— Bull, Baron Aberdeen alias Duke Dido (imp.) =1215= (47373), by Barmpton (37703), red, calved March 10th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to A. Earchman it Sons, Epsom, then to A. Frank it Sons, the Grange. 1882— John Dryden, M. P. P., Brooklin, again this year brought out three females and two males from the then celebrated Sittyton herd. Ist — Cow, Lavender Thirtieth (imp.) =8209 = , by Pride of the Isles (35072), roan, calved Oct. 17tb, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank. We have five calves recorded under her in {Vol. 4, p. 346), bred by A. Cruikshank and Mr. Dryden. 2nd — Cow, Lavender Pride (imp. in dam) =8302 = , by Cumberland (40144), red, calved April 10th, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, but calved the property of Mr. Dryden ; she has three calves recorded under her in Vol. 4, p. 348. 3rd — Cow, Victoria Seventy-Second (imp.), by Barmpton (37703), out of Victoria Fifty-Sixth, by Brideman (30580), {Vol. 27, p. 302, E.H.B.), roan, calved. Oct. 26th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank. This cow, like Vic- toria Sixty-Ninth, by Barmpton, never raised any calves. Ist— Bull, Lord Glamia (imp.) =1208= (48192), by Barmpton (37703), red, calved Sept. 20th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank. This bull is down in Warheld as being imported by James I. Davidson, but erroneously so. I think he was sold to Mr. Davidson. Xll IIISTOUV OF SHOIIT-UOKN CATTLK. [Vol,. VII. 2nd — Bull, Aberdeen Champion (inip.) =()!ni ^ H7'.\\'i). by Barnipton (37703), red, calved April Ist, IHH'J, bred by A. CruikBlmnU. Retained by Mr. Dryden. 18H'2 — Thia year, Uichard (Jibaon, of Delaware, bronyht out another lot of Hates, Duchess and Waterloo cattle from the best breeders in England. 11 females and 7 males. lat — Cow, (irand Duchess of Waterloo =^11031=, by (irand Duke Twenty-Seventh (lUlKiT), roan, calved September 2iid, 1877, bred by H. Sharpley, Ackthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, nold at Dexter Park sale, 1883, to EmtTy Cobb, Kankakee, 111., U.S. She had a calf in England re- corded below, also on April 8th, 1883, dropped a bull calf, Grand Duke of Waterloo, imported iu dam ; also, Sept. (ith, 1884, a roan bull calf, by Oxford Duke 51045, while owned by Mr. Cobb, 2nd — Cow, (irand Duchess of Waterloo Second = 11032 = , by Grand Duke Thirty-Third (3!)04G), red, calved May 3rd, 1881, bred by H. Sharpley, sold also at Dexter Park sale in 1883 for .$!)25. No doubt she has bred with Mr. Cobb. 3rd— Cow, Lady York and Underley Bates (imp.) (Foi.28,/j.4lO,ii'. II. I i.) by Second Duke of Underley (3G551), roan, calved Dec. 21st, 1S77, bred by Mrs. Fawcett, Scalesby Castle, Carlisle, England, sold at Dexter Park in 1883 to E. Cobb, Kankakee, 111., U.S. She had two heifer calfsin England. Lady Turncoff Bates Seventh and Eighth, calved in 1880 and 1881, also on Sept. 12th, 1884, while owned by Mr. Cobb, had a red heifer. Lady Barring- ton of Riverview, by Oxford Duke 46703. This cow brought i^800 at the sale. 4th— Cow, Wild Duchess of Geneva Third (imp.) =81^58=, by Ninth Duke of Geneva (23391), red, calved Dec. 2Gth, 1873, bred by E. H. Cheney, Gadderby Hall, Leicester, England, second owner, Sir Wm. Armstrong, Morpeth ; he raised 3 bulls and 1 heifer calf before she was purchased by Mr. Gibson. This cow was also sold in 1883 at Dexter Park to N. P. Clark, St. Cloud, Minn., for $2,100. oth — Cow, Lady Turncroft Wild Eyes Second (imp.) ^-2180=, by Sev- enth Duke of Tregunter (38194), red, calved Nov. 29th, 1879, bred by Rev. P. Graham, Turncroft, Lincolnshire, England. She was in calf to Grand Duke Thirty- Ninth (43308) when purchased. She was sold at Dexter Park to J. C. Anderson, wideview, Ky. , for $500. 6th— Cow, Lady Turncroft Wild Eyes Third (imp.) {Vol. 26, p. 1104, A. U. B), by Seventh Duke of Tregunter (38194), red, calved Nov. 14th, 1880, bred by Rev. P. Graham. Sold at Dexter Park to B. C. Rumsey, BuflFalo, for $1,500. 7th— Cow, Waterloo Forty-Second (imp.) (Vol. 28, p. 511, A. H. B.), by Grand Duke Twentieth (31281), red, calved July 17th, 1875, bred by Lord Penrhyn, Penrhyn Castle, Eng., sold at Dexter Park to Emory Cobb, Kankakee, 111., U.S., for $875. 1892.1 msTOIlY OF SHORT-HOUN CATTI.K. fl • • Xlll Hth— Cow, MarchioneBB of Turnontft (imp. )=' 2198 = , by Haron Turncroft Oxford Second (:«(»H7), red and white, culved July IKth, 1H7(>, bred by Kev. S. Graham, Turncroft, Lincolnshire, was in calf on journey, sold at Dexter Park to 1. W. Harvoy, liiirlington, Neb., U.S. 9th — Cow, Marchioness of 'I'urncroft Seconu (imp.) -2199 = , by Baron Turncroft Oxford Second (liSOHT), red and white, calved May KJth, 187H, bred by Rev. S, (irahani. She wax retained by Mr, (iibeon. For produce see Vol, 2, p 245. loth — Cow, Surmise Duchess Sixteenth (imp.) =11089 = , by Second Duke of Underley (.'iOoBl), roan, calved April 24th, 1878, bred by Sir C. M. Lanipson, liurt., Howfant, Knjf., sold at Dtxtrr I'ark in 1880, to.I. t. Ander- son, Sideview, Ky., for $'2h0. Was in calf win 11 imported. Hth— Cow, Lady liarrington Bates (imp.) (Vol. 25, p. 770, A. 11. 11), by Grand Duke Thirty-lNinlh (41)11(18), otitof Lady York and Underley liates, No. 3, red, calved October 17th, 1882, soon after landing, bred by Rev. S. Gra- ham, Lincolnshire, sold to Wm. Murray, Chestertield, but not kept, was again sold at Dexter Park in 1885, to Luther Adams, Storm Lake, Iowa, for 80:55. Ist— Bull, Wild Duke of Geneva Fourteenth (imp.) =0454= (4894(>), by Duke of Oxford Forty-Eighth (41415), ont of Wild Duchess of (Jeneva Third =8358 = , red, calved April 20th, 1882, bred by Sir William Armstrong, Bart., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. , sold at Dexter Park sale of 188U, to W. H. Winter, Princetown, 111. , U.S. 2iid— Bull, Viscount Oxford Sixth =1313= (47210), by Fourth Baron Oxford (25580), roan, calved Sept. 18th, 1880, bred by T. Halford, Castle Hill, Dorset, Eng., retained by Mr. Gibson. 3rd — Bull, (irand Duke of Waterloo alias Blucher (imp. in dam) = 0371= 51878, by Lord Wildrake (45175), out of Waterloo Forty-Second, (imp.) No. 7 above, red and white, calved Aug. 10th, 1882, soon after landing sold to Fisher ^ Kendrick, Newark, Mo., U.S. 4th — Bull, Maniuis of Kirklevington (imp. in dam) =1274= 52004, by Grand Duke Thirty-Ninth (43308), out of Marchioness of Turncroft = 2108 = , red and white, calved Nov. 28th, 1882, bred by Rev, S. Graham, Turncroft, Eng. No note of his sale. 5th— Bull, Surmise Duke (imp. in dam) =0437 = , by Grand Duke Thirty-Seventh (43307), out of Surmise Duchess Sixteenth (imp.) =11089 = , white, calved Aug. 5th, 1882, bred by Sir C. M. Lampson, Sussex, Eng., and sold to Walter Irish, Strathroy, Ont. 6th— Bull, Wild Eyes Le Grand (imp. in dam) =2754,= by Grand Duke Thirty-Ninth (43308), out of Lady Turncroft Wild Eyes (imp.) = 2180 = , red and little white, calved Sept. 17th, 1882. Sold at Central Park to John Gibson, Dentiold, Ont., for $425. 7th— Bull, Grand Duke of Waterloo (imp,) =0370= (51879), by Grand Duke Twenty-Third (39946), out of Grand Duchess of Waterloo (imp.) XIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. VII, = 11031 — , red, calved April 8th, 1883, bred by Henry Sharpley, Ackthorpe, Enp,, and sold to 11. Hurton iVb Son, Blandenaville, 111., U.S. 188'2 — A Mr. J. H. Hall, of Manitoba, imported three Scotch heifers. They must have gone to the ranches in the North-West, as we have no trace of any produce. 1st— Cow, Rosa Lee (imp.) (Vol 29, p. 70, E.H.B.), by Conservative (4C111), roan, calved May 9th, 1877, bred by A. O. Stevenson, Blairshunock, Banff, Scotland, sold to Mr. Hume, Ranelwell, Scotland, with an 1882 heifer calf, for Mr. Hall, of Manitoba. 2nd— Cow, Cinderella Second (imp.) (Vol. 20, p. 028, E.H.B., under dam), by Roseberry (39010), roan, calved Dec. 14th, 1879, brsd by Alex. Scott, Towie Barclay, Turriff, Scotland, out of a Cruikshank cow, Cinderella, by Royal Duke of (ilo'ster (24804). No trace of calves. 3rd — Cow, Rose of Dalkeith (imp.), by Cypress (41314), out of Rose of the Valley, by Lord Cecil (20021), (Vol. 24, p. 355, E.U.B.), roan, calved January, 1880, bred by the Duke of Bucclough, Dalkeith Park, Scotland. 1882— John Miller, of Brougham, and VVm. Millar, of Claremont, this year brought out 19 females and 2 males, principally from the herd of Sylvester Campbell, of Kinellar. They were nearly all retained in Canada, and some of them have been prolific breeders. Ist-Cow, Astarte Third (imp.) =5070=, by Duke of Cericia (30937), red, calved May 12th, 1873, bred by H. T. Sheldon, Brailes House, second owner, John J. Stone, Stoneleigh Park, Surrey, Eng. She was retained by John Miller, she bred 7 heifers, all Astartes. See produce in Vol. Ill, p. 220. 2nd— Cow, Astarto Fifth (imp.) =5071 = , by Cherry Grand Duke Fifth (30712), red and white, calved January 21 st, 1879, bred by J. J. Stone, and daughter of Astarte Third (imp.) (5070). Mr. John Miller also kept her and she bred three Astartes and one bull. See Vol. 3, p. 220. 3rd — Cow, Astarte Tenth (imp. in dam) =8245=, by Darlington Duke Second (41320), red, calved July 12th, 1882, bred by J. J. Stone, but calved the property of John & VVm. Miller. She was sold to Dalton McCarthy, Barrie, who raised a bull calf from her, Duke of Cleveland, she was then sold to Wm. Coe, of Madoc, and raised for him Astarte Eleventh. See Vol. 4, p. 320. 4th — Cow, Minerva rtiias Minerva Fourth (imp.) =2205 = , by Luminary (34715), dark roan, ralved June 20th, 1879, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland, she was kept by John Miller, until 1884, then sold to Arthur Johnston, Greenwood. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 247. 5th — Cow, Gipsy Queen (imp. in dam) =5730 = , by Gladstone (43280), whiio, calved Jan. 3rd, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of John Miller, and then sold to J. & W. Ruaaell, Richmond Hill. For produce see Vol 3, p. 244. eth— Cow, Rosebud (imp.) =8329 = , by Golden Prince (38363), red, calved March 2nd, 1880, bred by S. Campbell, sold before calving to Daniel D. Dyer, Enfield. For produce see Vol. 4, p, 357. 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XV 7th— Cow, Bashful (imp. in dam.) -=8251 = , by Gladatone (4328(5), out of Rosebud (imp.) =8329= above, red, calved March Dth, 1833, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of D. D. Dyer as above. For produce see Vid. 4, p. 329. 8th— Cow, Mina Princess (imp.) =6177 = , by GoUUn Prince (38363), red, calved April 24th, 1880, bred by S. Campbell, sold by the Messrs. Millers to James Leask, Taunton, she was in caii to Gladstone ; she was a good breeder. For produce see Vol. 3, i>, 201. 9th — Cow, Lady Gladstone (imp. in dam) =^11042 = , by Gladstone (43286), out of Mina Princess =5177 = , roan, calved Jan. 31st, 1883, bred by S, Campbell. Calved the property of James Leask, Taunton, who bred several calves from her and then sold her to C. M. Simmons, of Ivan. 10th— Cow, Nonpareil Forty-Fifth (imp.) =5188 = , by Golden Prince (38363), roan, calved Oct. 12th, 1880, bred by S. Campbell. She was re- tained by John Miller, and raised a number of calves for him. See Vol. 3, p. 265, for produce. 11th— Cow, Cecelia Gladstone (imp.) =2118=, by Glad.stune (43286), red, calved Oct. 12th, 1880, bred by S, Campbell, sold to Wm Heron & Son, Ashburn, but did not raise any produce. 12th — Cow, Lydia (imp.) =;5166 = , by Gladstone (43280), red and white, calved Jan. 26th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, retained by John Miller, Brougham ; only one calf recorded under her, 1884, b.c, Nov. 30, red, Lydia's Grand Duke =5407 = , by Grand Duke of Kirklevington Fourth =2699 = . 13th— Cow, Wimple (imp.) =5233 = , by Golden Prince (38363), roan, calved March 8th, L881, bred by S. Campbell, sold by him and imported to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys, was in calf to Gladstone (43286). She was a famous breeder. There are 8 calves entered up for her. See Vol. 3, p. 281 for most of taem. 14th— Cow, Julia (imp.) (Koi. 'SI, p. 313, E.H.B.), by Golden Prince (38363), roan, calved March 20th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, have no fur- ther trace of her. She is down in Wartield as Jilt, but Vol. 31,, places her properly. 15th — Cow, Nonpareil Princess (imp.) =8315 = , by Golden Prince (38363), roan, calved March 20th, 1880, bred by S. Campbell, had a bull calf soon after landing. White Velvet (imp.) =4135 = , and on Dec. 1st, 1884, c,c. Nonpareil Princess Second, by Duke of Lavender, while owned by John Miller «fe Son, Brougham. 16th— Cow, Palmtree (imp.) =2215 = , by Baron Havering (33043), roan, calved Dec. 14th, 1877, bred by Andrew Longmore, BanffsL^ie, Scot- land ; raised one calf for Wm. Miller ik, Son, was then sold to Wm. Heron & Son, Ashburn. l7th — Cow, Wimple's Gem (imp. in dam) =5236 = . by Gladstone (43286), red, calved Feb. 8th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, sold to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys, She bred two calves for him, was then sold to Geo. B. Bristow, Hob Roy. For produce see Vol, 3. p. 283. ■ XVI HISTORY (3F SHOHT-HOHN CATTLE. [VOL. VII. 18th — Covsr, Clementina, alias Cledora (imp.) =:o095 = , by Good Hope (44884), deep roan, calved Sept. 7th, 1881, bred by S, Campbell, sold to Huyh Thomson, St. Marys, where she had a lot of calves. See Vol. 3, p. 230. 19th— Cow, Rosebud (imp.) =5205 = , by Gladstone (4328G), red, calved May 10th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, retained by John Miller & Son, Brougham, and in 1887, Nov. 14th, had heifer calf, Red Rosebud Second, by Vice Consul =4132 = . 1st — Bull, White Prince (imp. in dam), by Gladstone (43286), white, calved Deo. ilth, 1882, out of Nonpareil Forty-Fifth (imp.) =5188 = . This bull does not appear to be recorded. 2nd— Bull, White Velvet (imp. in dam) =4135 = , by Gladstone (4328G), white, calved Dec. 11th, 1882, calved the property of the Millers, and sold to Wm. Philip it Son, Cadmus, out of Nonpareil Princess (imp.) =8315=. 1882 — Wm. Murray, Chesterfield, a lover of Bate.s' cattle, brought out 1 cow and 1 bull. Ist— Cow, Duchess Lally (imp.) =8207 = , by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31033), roan, calved Jan. 11th, 1870, bred by J. Harward, Winterfold, Kidderminster, Eng. She had two calves in England, one brought out with her. She unfortunately died on the passage. 1st— Bull, Orphan Duke (imp.) -4117= (48380), by Oxford Forty- Ninth (41410), roan, calved July 23rd, 1882. He was sold at Dexter Park in 1885 to J. Danaway, 111., U.S. 1882 — This year there was shipped from England, by the Earl of Latham, for the Oxley Ranch Syndicate, Bow River, Alberta, 3 bulls. 1st— Bull, Lord Walton Second =0395= (40713), by Duke of Oxford Forty-First (38174), roan, calved March 2Gth, 1881, bred by G. Ashburner, Low Hall, Kirkby, Eng. 2nd— Bull, Biron Fantail Second =6322= (45908), by Duke of Glo'ater Seventh (39735), roan, calved June 30fch, 1881, bred by G. Ashburner as above. 3rd— Bull, President Gartield (imp.) =0413= (40870), Baron Eddington Second (37810), roan, calved July 31st, 1881, bred by G. Ashburner. 1882 — George Whitfield, of Roui^emont, Quebec, made another lai'ge importation of animals of all kinds of breeding, fifteen cows and one bull. They were shortly after nearly all sold to go to the United States. 1st — Cow, Baron Killerby Farewell (imp.), by Baron Killerby (27949), out of Flirt Seventh, by Baron Colling (25500), ( rol. 23 /). 616, E. H. 8.), red, calved Jan. 11th, 1880, bred by The Duke of Richmond & Gordon, Gordon Castle, Fochabar, Scotland. 2nd — Cow, Charmer's Bracelet (imp.) by Ben Brace (30524), out of (Jharmer, by Astercian (Vol. 24, p. 437, E.H.B.), roan, calved June 7th, 1877, bred by W. VanHanstergin, Woodlands, Durham, Eng., second owner, C. Stephenson, Newcastle -on-Tyne, Eng., in calf to Plato (46862). 3rd — Oow, Eliza Hope (imp.), by Fairfax Royal (39854), out of Rosa cal Apr calv( Mar( 1892.J HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XVll Hope (Vol. 22, p. 543, E.H.B.) red roan, calved June 28th, 1880, bred by the Duke of Richmond it Gordon. 4th— Cow, Finella (imp.), by Prince (38887), out of Lady Willoughby Second, by Marquis of TuUibardine (38720), red and white, calved March 2Gth, 1880, bred by James Kinross, Laurencekirk, Scotland. — 1883, Feb. 15th, r. and w. b. Fancy Boy [1 1GG5], by Jermond [10858]. 5th — Cow, May Dawn (imp,), by Young Geneva (41006), red and white, calved March 29th, 1881, bred by E. Stephenson, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. 6th — Cow, Paganini's Charmer (imp.) (Vol. 28, p. 595, E.H.B. , as pi-o- duce), by Paganini (43780), roan, calved April 2nd, 1881,bred by W.C.Stephen- son, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. , dam Charmer's Bracelet. No. 2, in this sketch. 7th — Cow, Alice Smeaton (imp.) (Vol. 28, p. o95,E.U.B.), by Hyperion (34196), roan, calved July J9th, 1878, bred by R. Bruce, Great Smeaton, Eng., second owner, C, Stephenson, then brought over by Mr. Whitfield, She died soon after landing. 8th— Cow, Lady Bird (imp.) by Excelsior (28262), out of Love Bird (Vol. 24:, p. 590, E.H.B.), by Master Harbinger (18352), red, calved Jan. 27th, 1879, bred by R, B. Osborne, Newton Armor, Eng. 9th— Cow, Kathleen (imp.), by Don Florio (46170), out of Lady Bird, as above, red and white, calved Feb. 20th, 1882, bred by G. Whitfield, Mon- dreeny, Ireland. 10th— Cow, Britannia Thirteenth (imp.), by Royal Arthur (37372), red and white, calved Jan. 18th, 1880, bred by John Rad cliff, Wilmont, Eng. She had her first calf. Ruby of Rougemont, on Feb, Ist, 1883, by Bogy (imp.) (45984). 11th — Cow, Britannia Fourteenth (imp.), by Royal Arthur (37372), red and white, calved Feb. 7th, 1880, bred by John Radcliff, as above. Her first calf was Briton, by Don Florio (46170), calved Feb, 6th, 1883, 12th— Cow, Edith Fame (imp.), by Don Florio (40170), dark roan, calved April 3rd, 1880, bred by Geo. Whitfield, Mondreeny, Ireland. 13th — Cow, Lady Lustre aUn>i Dewdrop of Rougemont, by Arthur Bene- dict (40986), out of Lady Violet Lustre -2181 = , roan, calved Jan. 4th, 1882, bred by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, and calved the property of Mr. Whitfield. 14th— Cow, Fanny Twenty-Fourth (imp.) (To/, 7, p. 508, C.H.B.), by Don Florio (46170), red, calved Feb. 27th, 1881, bred by G. Whitfield, Mon- dreeny, Ireland. Her first calf was Fusilier [11006], by Bogy (imp.) (45984), light red, calved Dec, Ist, 1883. 15th — Cow, White Rose (imp.) =8357 = , by Blackthorn (37865), white, calved July 9th, 1881, bred by G. Whitfield, Mondreeny, Ireland, calved March 6th, 1883,— Rosario [11668], by Marcjuia (imp.) =1412 = , Ist — Bull, Plato of Rougmont (imp.), by Plato (46862), roan, calved March 22nd, 1882, bred by C, Stephenson, Newcistle-on Tyne, Eng,, out of Charmer's Bracelet, No, 2, in this sketch. Recapitulation for 1882. — 37 bulls and 57 females, a total of 94 animals. XVI n HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. VIL 1883 — This year a great many good cattle were imported. I commence with the second importation of H. Y. Attrill, of Goderich, a lover of Bates' cattle ; this importation consisted of eight females. 1st— Cow, Baroness Oxford Twelfth (imp.) (Fo?. 27, p. 3G9, E.H.B.), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (39735), red, calved September 19th, 1880, bred by the Duke of Newcastle, at Holker Hall, Cumberland, Eng. As Mr. Attrill did not record in our books, no produce is traced. 2nd — Cow, Grand Duchess of Oxford Sixtieth (imp.) (FoL 28, p. 362, E.E.B.), by Baron Oxford Eighth (41057), red and white, calved November 8th, 1881, bred at Holker Hall, by the Duke of Devonshire, 3rd— Cow, Grand Duchess of Oxford Sixty-Third (imp.) {Vol, 29, i;. 413, E.H.B.), by Baron Oxford Eighth (41057), red, calved Jan. 23rd, 1882, bred by the Duke of Devonshire. 4th— Cow, Maid of Mowbray (imp.) {Vol. 27, p. 622, E.H.B.), by Royal Mowbray (42330), roan, calved Nov. 18th, 1880, bred by R. Welstead, Bally- walter, Castletown Roche, Ireland. 5th— Cow, Cherry Queen Second (imp.) {Vol. 27, p. 632, E.H.B.), by Duke of Tregunter Seventh (38194), roan, calved April 16th, 1880, bred by L. H. Wraith, Newfield, Lancaster, Eng. 6th — Cow, Cherry Grand Duchess of Ridgewood (imp.), by Lord Turn- croft of Oxford Fourth (46708), out of Cherry Queen, No. 5 above, red roan, calved Nov. 26th, 1883, bred by L. H. Wraith, but calved the property of Mr. Attrill, at Quebec Quarantine. 7th— Cow, Winsome Twenty-Second (imp.) {Vol. 26, p. 404, E.H.B.), by Duke of Glo'ster (39735), red, calved March 15th, 1879, bred by the Duke of Devonshire. 8th — Cow, Countess of Barrington Tenth (imp.), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (39735), red and white, calved October 17th, 1879, bred by the Duke of Devonshire. 1883 — Hon. M. H. Cochrane, Hillhurst, Que., this year brought out one bull. Grand Duke of Barrington Third (imp.) =6369= (46444), by Grand Duke 'ihirty-Seventh (43307), red, calved Oct. 30th, 1881, bred by H.Lovatt, Low Hill, Wolverhampton, Eng.; sold after a while to H. H. Larkey & Son, Peabody, Kas., U.S. 1883 — James I. Davidson, of Balsam, also this year brought out a large number of Cruikshauk cattle, of both sexes ; one .shipment came in June and the other in October, and most of them, especially the bulls, were soon sold to go to the States. Ist— Cow, Orange Blossom Thirty-Third (imp.) (FoL 27,^. 4.76, A.B.B.X by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved December 17th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Cookson & Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. Produce not traced. 2nd — Cow, Narcissus (imp.) {Vol. 27, p. 467, A.H.B.), by Barmpton (37763), red, calved March 12th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. (4^ lo* trj] ca| tfc 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIX Davidson to D. Cookson & Sons, Downey, Iowa, U. S. Produce not traced. 3rd— Cow, Lavender Thirty- Third (imp.) (To/. 2G, p. 702, A.H.B.), by Barnipton (37763), red, calved December 3l8t, 1881, bred by A. Cruikahank, and sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S I'rodnco not traced. 4th— Cow, Lavender Thirty Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 25, p. 837, A.H.B.),hy Roan Gauntlet (35284), red roan, calved March 3rd, 1882, bred by A. Cruik- ahank, also sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. Produce not traced. 5th— Cow, Lavender Thirty-Sixth (imp.) (Vot. 20, p. 792, A.H.B.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red roan, calved November 10th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, also sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. Produce not traced. Gth— Cow, Sapphire (imp.) {Vol 20, p. 793, A.H.B), by Barmpton (37703), red, calved Oct. 9th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Col. VV. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. Produce not traced. 7th— Cow, Golden Thistle (imp.) {Vol. 26, j^. 792, A. U.S.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved November 4th, 1881, bred by A. Cruik- shank, also sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. Produce not looked for. 8th— Cow, Duchess of Glo'ster (imp.) {Vol. 27, p. 382, A.E.B.), by Barmpton Prince (32995), red, calved Jan. 9th, 1879, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to I. Barr & Son. Davenport, Iowa, U.S. 9th— Cow, Mary Ann of Lancaster, (imp.) {Vol. 27, p. 383, A.H.B.), by Royal Lancaster (45535), red, calved Jan. 22nd, 1882, bred by N. Reid, Danestown, Brig of Doon, Scotland, sold after importation to I. Barr & Son, Davenport, Iowa, U.S. 10th— Cow, Countess (imp.) {Vol. 29, p. 024, A.H.B.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved March 4th, 1877, bred by A. Rennie, Mill of Coulie, Aberdeen, Scotland, second owner, A. Cruikshank ; Mr. Davidson after importing sold her to W. P. & G, A. Hays, Churchville, Md., U.S. She had a heifer calf in 1882 before leaving Scotland, and another in July, 1883, before sailing, Scotch Rose, as below. 11th— Cow, Scotch Rose (imp.) {Vid. 30, ju. 480, A.H.B.), by Balfour (49032), red, calved July Ist, 1883, bred by A. Cruikahank, out of Countess, lot 10, above, sold to S. L. Cherry, New Windsor, Kan., U.S. Produce not traced. 12th— Cow, Alice (imp.) =: 10984=, by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved March 13th, 1879, bred by Wm. Rennie, Coulie, Scotland, sold to A. & G. Davidson, Monticello, Iowa, U.S. 13th— Cow, Sittyton Rose (imp.) =11084-, by Balfour (49032), roan, calved May 29th, 1883, out of Alice (imp.) =10984= , above, bred by A. Cruikshank. No produce traced ; no change of ownership. 14th— Cow, Whin Blossom (imp.) = 5228 = , by Lord of the Islea (40218), XX HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. VII. roan, calved March 25th, 1880, bred by A. Cruikshank, was in calf to Per- fection (37185) when imported. 15th— Cow, Eliza (imp.) (FoL 29, p. 342, A.H.B.), by Sherwood (48G85), red, calved Jan. 15th, 1881, bred by Jamea Murray, Malberry, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland, sold to Israel Barr & Son, Davenport, Iowa, U.S. IGth — Cow, Royal Nonsuch (imp.), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved Feb. 25th, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank. No trace of destination of this cow, nor of produce. 1st— Bull, Lidderdale (imp.) -12(55= (48140), by Barmpton (37763), out of Lavender Twentieth {Vol. 25, ^;. 40, EM.B.), red, calved May 17th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to S. Steinmetry, Steinmetry, Mo., U.S. 2nd— Bull, Orlando (imp.) =G40o- (48370), by Perfection (37185), red, calved May 25th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Daniel Cookson & Sons, Downey, Iowa, U.S. -6446- (48855), by Barmpton (37763), A. Cruikshank, and sold after arrival to Roan Gauntlet & 3rd — Bull, Vicar General (imp,) roan, calved May 1st, 1882, bred by C. C. Norton, Corning, Iowa, U.S. 4th -Bull, Abbotsburn (imp.) =1210- (47312), by (35284), roan, calved May 7th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to J W. Watt, Salem, fourth owner, J. & A. B. Snider, German Mills. 5th— Bull, Vancouver (imp.) =6443- (48846), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved May 11th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to W. F. & G. A. Hayes, Centerville, Md., U.S. 6th— Bull, Baron Lenton (imp.) =2672= (49081), by Cumberland (4()144), roan, calved December 12th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank, kept by Mr. Davidson. 7th— Bull, Julius Caisar (imp.) =2700= (49784), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved February 1st, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank. No trace of him being sold. 8th— Bull, Brawith Chieftain (imp.) =2670 = , by Perfection (37185), out of Whin Blossom (imp.) =5228 = , roan, calved Feb. 26th, 1884, bred by A. Cruikshank, calvod the property of Mr. Davidson, then sold to Frank R. Shore & Bros., White Oak. 9th— Bull, Loyal Subject (imp.) =2717= (49998), by Roan Gauntlet (35284;, roan, calved Feb. 8th, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, third owner, Tilman S. Shanty, Waterloo, 4th owner, John Cook, Amulree. 10th— Bull, Confessor (imp.) =6343= (49308) by Barmpton (37703), red, calved March 24th, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Chandler Jordon, Warbeck, la., U.S. nth— Bull, Spartan Hero (imp.; =0436 = (50502), by Barmpton (37763), red, calved March 23rd, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to D. Cookson j.'i: Son, Downey, la., U.S. ' 12th— Bull, Violet Knight (Twin) (imp.) =0448 = ton (37703), red, calved March 26th, 1883, bred by A, J. W. Harvey, Turlington, Neb., U.S. (50600), by Barmp- Cruikshank, sold to lcS92.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XKl 13th— Bull, Violet Prince (Twin) (imp.) =6449= (50(502), by Barmpton (37703), red, calved March 20th, 1883, bred by A. Cniikshank, sold to Joseph Moffatt, Paw Paw, 111., U.S. 14th— Bull, Double Glo'ster (imp.) =0347- (49383), by Barmpton (37703), red, calved Feb. 11th, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. 15th— Bull, Baron Senator (imp.) -.0320 = , by Cumberland (40144), roan, calved December 12th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank. sold to John Isaac, Markham. 10th— Bull, Circassian Chieftain (imp.) =0341= (49282), by Perfection (37J85), roan, calved Jan. 22ud, 1883, bred by A. Cruikshank, Grant Eller, Monticello, la., U.S. 1883 — John Dryden, M.PP., Brooklin, this year brought out two cows, of Cruikshank breeding. Ist — Cow, Arbutus (imp.) =8244 = , by Roan Gauntlet (35284), roan, calved December 18th, 1881, bred by A, Cruikshank, sold to Bellows it Doyle, Marysville, Mo., U.S. Produce not traced. 2nd— Cow, Lovely 37th (imp.) =8304=, by Perfection (37185), roan, calved Oct. 7th, 1882, bred by A. Cruikshank. She was retained by Mr. Dryden. On March loth, 1885, she had a r. and w. b.c, Loyalist, by Lord Glamis (imp.) =1208 = . On April 12th, 1880, a roan b.c. Lieutenant, by Red Emperor =2731 = , and on Nov. 7th, 1887, a roan b.c, Luminary, by Vensgarth (imp.) =1309 = . 1883 — Richard Gibson, of Delaware, also brought out 3 cows and 2 bulls, nearly all from the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Cumberland, Eng. , and of the Bates' breed. 1st— Cow, Wild Winsome Fourth (imp.) =8308 = , by Fifth Duke of Tregunter (33743), red, calved December 14th, 1878, bred by the Earl of Feversham, Duncombe Park, Yorkshire, Eng. ; she had two b. c. before leaving England. 2nd— Cow, Lily Third (imp.) =8303 = , by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (39735), roan, calved April 9th, 1880, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, re- tained by Mr. Gibson. On November 22nd, 1883, she had a b. c. , Baron Holker, soon after arrival. 3rd— Cow, Lily Fourth (imp.) {Vol. 20, p. 744, A,H.B.), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (397"5), red and little white, calved April 12th, 1881 , bred by the Duke of Devonshire, sold at Dexter Park in 1885, to M x^'lynn, Iowa, U.S., for ^370. 1st— Bull, Duke of Oxford Sixtieth (imp.) =1244= (40205), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventh (39735), red, calved October 5th, 1881, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Carnforth, Eng., sold at Dexter Park in 1885, to W. R. Hurton, Cresco, Iowa, U.S., for 8975. 2nd— Bull, Baron Holker (imp.) =4092 = , by Baron Oxford Eighth (41057), roan, calved November 22nd, 1883, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, XXll HISTORY OF SHORT-IIOIIN CATTLK. fV'oL. VII. calved the property of II Gibson, sold at Dexter Park in 1885, to R. Daniels, Neb., U.S., for .si 05. 1883 — This year Mr. Francis Green, sr. , and his sons, the (Jreen Bros., of Oakville, now of The Glen, Innerkip, bronijht ont their lirst importation of Scotch Cattle, from two or three henls, eleven cows and one bull, the celebrated Earl of Mar 1248= (47815) ; they kept a ^ood liurd for a long time, and were sncceesfiil in the prize rinjf for a time, then gave up showing, and only this last summer sold out their entire herd. Ist— Cow, Clematis (imp.) {Vol. 24, p. 401, E.H.B. undrnlam), by Per- fection (.37185), red, calved Sept. 10th, 1881, bred by A. Cruikshank, Sitty- ton, Aberdeen, Scotland. She does not appear to have had any calves, as I do not trace any produce. 2nd — Cow, Eliza Ninth (imp.) .^5113= by Border Chief (37874), roan, calved Dec. 24, 1880, bred by Wni. Duthie, CoUynic, Methlick, Aberdeen, Scotland. She had two bull calves. See Toi. 3, p. 238. 3rd — Cow, Countess Fifth (imp.) -5101 = , by Star of the Border (44093), roan, calved Feb. 17th, 1881, bred by VVm. Duthie. She was a prolitic breeder and besides bringing over a calf in dam, Cartouch. She had four more while the property of the Green Bros. For produce see Vol. 3, }). 232. 4th— Cow, Cartouch (itup. in dam) {Vol. 3, p. 337, A.H.B.), hy Lord Ythan (48203), out of Countess Fifth =5101==, above roan, calved Jan. 26th, 1884, bred by Wm. Duthie. Calved the property of the Green Bros. No trace of produce. 5th— Cow, Jewel Eighth (imp.) =5139 = , by Mountain Chief (387G7), roan, calved Dec. 10th, ]880, bred by Wm. Duthie. Broiight out a calf with her, and had several while owned by the Green Bros. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 247. 0th — Cow, Jewess (imp. in dam) =11035-, by Cayhurat (47500), red and white, calved August 29th, 1883, bred by Wm. Duthie, calved the property of the Green Bros., and sold by them to George Ballachy, of Brant- ford. Had one calf only, 1886, June 11th, r. and w. b. c, Duthie =0963 = , by Loyalist =^ 3483 = , while owned by Mr. Ballachy. She did not breed again. 7th— Cow, Clara Fortieth (imp.) =5092 = . by Bentinck (42787), red, calved Feb. 5th, 1882, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mull, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was an excellent breeder. For produce see Vol, 3, p. 228, all by Earl of Mar. 8th — Cow, Vain Duchess (imp.) =5218 = , by Edgar (41501), red, calved April 13th, 1882, bred by A. F. Nares, Old Meldrum, Scotland. She had a great many calves by Earl of Mar. ' See Vol. 3, p. 276. 9th — Cow, Princess Royal (imp.) =5194 = , by Bentinck (42787), roan, calved April 19th, 1881, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mull, Aberdeen. She brought over a calf and had several more to Earl of Mar. For particulars of produce see Vol. 3, p. 267, D.H.B. 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXlll 10th— Cow, Patchouli (imp. in dam) (Fo/. 3, ]). 338, A.H.B.), by Atha- basca (47350), out of Princess Royal (imp.) 5104 = , light roan, calved Dec. 1st, 1883, bred by W. S. Marr, calved the property of the Green Bros. ; have not traced any produce. 11th— Cow, Mysio Thirty-Fourth (imp.) =5185^, by Lord Chelmsford (45073), red, calved April 27th, 1881, bred by Alex. Scott, Towie Barclay* Aberdeen, Scotland. Her first calf by Athabasca (47350) died soon after birth. She had several more by Earl of Mar. See Vol. 3, j). 2(54. ' Ist— Bull, Earl of Mar (imp.) -1248= (47815), by Bentinck (42784), out of Emma Second, by Golden Eagle (262G7)roan, calved May 2nd, 1881, bred by W. S. Marr. He was one of the finest bulls ever imported, and lived to a great age ; was at the head of the Green Bros. ' herd for very many years. 1883 — John Isaac, of Bomanton, now of Markham, and a nephew of S. Campbell, of Kinellar, brought out two lots of Scotch cattle this year, princi- pally from Mr. Campbell's herd, still a sprinkling from other breeders. They have proved to be a fine lot, and have told their tale, and handed down to posterity a goodly lot of cattle. The importation consisted of 27 females and 6 males. 1st— Cow, Mina Seventh (imp.) -=617G = , by Gladstone (4328G), red, calved Jan. 2nd, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. She had a bull calf, Breadalbane =2077 -=, soon after landing, and one other, then ceased breeding, and was sent to the block. 2nd— Fair Queen Third, alias Fourth (imp.) =5120 = , by Gladstone (4328(5), roan, calved Feb. 5th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell. I do not trace any produce from her. 3rd — Cow, Rose of Aberdeen Second, alias Rosebud (imp.) =5200 = , by Gladstone (43280), red, calved Jan. 5th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell. She had three calves while owned by J. Isaac. See Vol. 3, p. 273 ; was sold in 1887 to J. C. Mell, Edmonton, and died soon after. 4th — Cow, Fancy Drop, alias Golden Drop Eighth (imp.) =5123 = , by Gladstone (43286), red, calved June 20th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, sold to J. S. Thomson, Whitby, and sold by him to Alex. Brockie, Fergus. She had one calf in 1887, Jan. 22nd, red, b.c, Duke of Hopewell, by Lord Lansdowne (imp.) =2712 = . 5th— Cow, Miss Ramsden Second (imp.) (Vol. 31, p. 315, E.H.B.), by Nobleman (38707), red, calved February 6tb, 1882, bred by J. Reith, Auchenclesh, Aberdeen, second owner, S. Campbell. She does not seem to have raised any calves for Mr. Isaac. Gth— Cow, Flora Eighty-Seventh (imp.) =2141 = , by Sovereign (50490),, red, calved February 13th, 1882, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Scotland, sold by Mr. Isaac to J. C. Snell, Edmonton, by him to John Sparrow, Chatsworth. She had a calf while the property of J. Isaac, Major =3421=, by Lord Yathan =1272 = . 7th— Cow, Lady Second (imp.) =8287-=, by Carberry (44494), red, XXIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. VII. calved June 14th, 1882, bred by Geo. Shepherd, Strottou, Aberdeen, Scot- land, sold to W. J. Isaac, Harwood, had a b. c. April 5th, 1884, roan, Rob Roy =6865 = , by Lidderdale (imp.) =1205= (48146). 8th— Cow, Cecilia Fourth (imp.) =8259-, by Gladstone (4o28(>), red, calved March 10th, 1H82, bred by S. Campbell, sold by J. Isaac to Robert Cockburn, Campbellford, had a calf for both of them. See Vol. 4, p. :5:U. 9th— Cow, Nonpareil Thirty-Fifth (imp.) =8312-, by Gladstone (3535G), roan, calved March 20th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, had several calves for J. Isaac. See Vol. 4, j). 351. 10th — Cow, Rose of Aberdeen a/ ta*' Rosebnd Eighth (imp.) =5208 = , by Gladstone (43280), red, calved February 2nd, 1881, bred by S. Campbell, sold by Mr. Isaac to Geo. Taylor, Rockwood ; she brought out a bull calf with her, by British Flag (4C009). 11th— Cow, Mina of Aberdeen, (imp.) =11068 = , by Gladstone (43286), red and white, calved March 12th, 1881, bred by S, Campbell, sold after 1888 to Francis Davis, Red.Winir, Minn., U.S.; she had five calves first for J. Isaac. See Vol. 5, p. 309. 12th— Cow, Bella Third (imp.) :=:o074 = , by Statesman (45659), red, calved February 28th, 1881, bred by C. Bruce, Heatherwick, Aberdeen, Scotland, retained by John Isaac for a breeding cow. For produce see Vol. 3, i>. 221. 13th — Cow, Spottie Second, olifts Mayflower 10th (imp.) =2256 = , by Statesman (45659), red and white, calved January 26th, 1881, bied by G. Bruce, sold at once to J . S. Thomson, Whitby, and by him to R. R. Sangs- ter, Lancaster. For produce see Vol. 2, p. 267, D.H.B. 14th— Cow, Beauty Sixth (imp.) =5073 = , by Lord Granville Fifth (43517), roan, calved March 1st, 1882, bred by F. Simmers, Cul'erlie, Aber- deen, sold first to S. C. Isaac, Baltimore, fourth owner, J. C. Snell, Edmon- ton, fifth owner, Hon. John McHugh, Cresco, Iowa, U.S. Had one calf imp. in dam, Beauty Seventh, below ; for other produce, see Vol. 3, p. 221. 15th — Cow, Beauty Seventh (imp. in dam) =8253 = , by Vermont (47193), roan, calved March 24th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell ; calved the property of John Isaac, and was sold to J. C. Snell, Edmonton. For pro- duce see Vol. 4, p. 329, D.H.B. 16th— Cow, Queen Bess (imp.) =5197 = , by Lord Granville Fifth (43517), red, calved March 5th, 1^82, bred by J. F. Simmers, Cullerlie, second owner, S. Campbell, sold by Mr. Isaac to Donald Douglas, Wark- worth, fifth owner, John Isaac, sixth owner, J. C. Snell, Edmonton, seventh owner, J. A. Proctor, Beaverton. Had a bull calf soon after landing, In- kerman =2705 = . For rest of produce see Vol. ^, p. 268. 17th — Cow, Claret Seventh, alim Claudia (imp.) =11010 = , by Gladstone (43286), roan, calved June 20th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, kept by Mr, Isaac. For produce see Vol. 5, p. 292. 18th— Cow, Mina of Kinellar, alias Mina Tenth (imp.) (Vol. 31, p. 314, 18!l±] mSToUY OF SMOUT-IIORN CATTLE. XXV E.H.B.), by (jlladstouo (4:{28(J), roan, calved July ()th, IBS'2, bred by S. Campbell. No produce or change of ownership trAced. 19th — Cow, Cleniontina, alias Carmen (imp.) (Vul. 31, />. 'M\, E. II. 1.1.) by Gla. itone (4328(i), red, calved June 5th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell. No trace of produce or change of owinerahip. 20th- Cow, Cleora 313, E.H.Il), by (Jladstone (43280), red, calved March 10th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, llecnrded in British American Herd Book, but no trace of sale or produce. 22nd— Cow, Lady Ythan (imp.) {Vol. 3, p. 302, B.A.H.B), by Glad- stone (43280), roan, calved March 20th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell. No trace of produce or change of ownership. 23rd — Cow, Claret (imp.), by Sir Christopher (22895), roan, calved .Tan. 5th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell. This petligree is evidently wrong, as no trace of it can be found in the English book. 24th — Cow, Elizabeth (imp.), by Nobleman (38797), roan, calved March 22nd, 1881, bred by S. CampbelJ. No trace of her in English book, nor produce in Canada. 25th — Cow, Juliet alia.i Jilt Seventh (in)p.) =5144 = , by (Jladstone (43280), red, calved April 10th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, sold first to S. C. Isaac, Baltimore, then to J. C. Snell, Edmonton, fifth ojvner, John Ackrow & Son, Highfield. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 244. 20th — Cow, Rosebud Eighth ((/t(/.s Rose of Aberdeen- 5210 = , red, calved Mar. 22nd, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, sold to S. C. Isaac, Baltimore, fourth owner, J. C. Snell, Edmonton, sold at his sale to David Rae, Speedside. See produce in Vol. 3, p. 273. 27th— Cow, Claretta alias Claret Seventh =11009 = , by Gladstone (43280), roan, calved March 8th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, retained by John Isaac. For produce see Vol. 5, p. 292. 1st— Bull, Comet (imp.) =1232 = , by Gladstcjne (43280), red, cilved February 3rd, 1882, bred by S. Campbell. He was kept by John Isaac. 2ud— Bull, Bushranger (imp.) =0331= (47532), by Good Hope (44S84), red, calved March 19th, 1882, bred by S. Campbell, and after importation sold to Donald Douglas, Warkworth. 3rd— Bull, British Flag Second (imp. in dam) =2078 = , by British Flag (46009), out of Rose of Aberdeen (imp.) =5208 = , dark red, calved Decem- ber lith, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of John Itaac, and sold to George Taylor, Rockwood. 4th — Bull, Inkerman (imp. in dam) =2705 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Queen Bess Seventh (imp.) = 5197 = , red, calved February 28th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of John Isaac, sold with dam to Donald Douglas, Warkworth, and by him to George English, Hastings, Ont. XXVI H1ST0R\ OF SHOHT-HOllN ( ATTLb:. [VOL. VII. 5th— Hull, The Member . 310, E.HJi.), by Gladstone (•l.'JUHd), out of Red Rosebud, by lJorou!,'h Member (:J3180), . red, calved February 'JUth, 188;{, bred by S. Campbell, Do not know what Mr. Isaac did with this fellow. 0th— Bull, Comet (imp.) G342=-< by Gladstone (4328(5), out of N<.n- pareil Thirtieth, by Royal Duke (35356), red, calved April 2lBt, 1883, sold by Mr. Isaac to John Mouncey, Fraserville. 1883 — Arthur .Johnston, (ireenwood, this year a'ao imported one cow and three bulls from England and Scotland. Ist — Cow, Statira Duchess Second (imp.) =^2202 = , by Fourth Duke of Grafton (28390), red, calved July 10th, 1875, bred by A. Robotham, Drayton Bassett, Tamworth, Ung., second owner, H. Lovatt, Wolverhampton, Eng. ; she hud three calves in England, Statira Duchess Fourth, by Baron Turncroft, Oxford Fourth and Statira Duke Eleventh, by Conishead Duke Third and Statira Duke Twelfth =2744 = , brought out with her, and on October 0th, * 1884, a red b*, c, Statira Duke of Greenwood, by Duke of Lavender (imp.) = 1243-= (51135), while owned by Mr. Johnston. Ist— Bull, Statria Duke Twelfth (imp.) = 2744 = (50518), by Lightbume's Duke of Oxford Second (38564), out of Statira Duchess Second (imp. ) = 2202 = , red, calved March 28th, 1883,^ bred by H. Lovatt, sold by Mr. Johnston to F. J. Ramsey, Dunnville. 2nd— Bull, Captain Errant (imp.) =03.35= (47647), by King Errant (36839), red, calved April 3rd, 1882, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, Dal- keith, Scotland. No transfer of him found. 3rd— Bull, Bold Buccleugh (imp.) =0328= (49107), by King Errant (36839), red, calved January 4th, 1883, bred by the Duke of Buccleugh, sold by Mr. Johnston to S. Givens, Abingden, 111., U.S. 1883 — William Linton, Aurora, also brought out three Booth cows and bull, bred by his father, at Sheriff Button, Yorkshire, Kng. This is his jnd importation, the first lot came out in 1879. Ist -Cow, Snowdrop (imp.) =8337 = , by Paul Potter (38854), roan, calved February 19th, 1879, bred by Wm. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, England, sold to Wm. Heron & Sons, Ashburn. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 3.59. 2nd— Cow, Fame Second,(imp.) = 2137 = ,byArthurVictor (39380), roan, calved January 26th, 1880, bred by John Linton, Sheriff Hutton, sold to Arthur Johnston, Greenwood. She had a b.c. on October 22nd, 1881, im- ported with dam (see below), and a c.c. Fame Third, also imported. 3rd— Cow, Fame Third =5122 = , by Arthur Victor (39380), calved Jan- 26th, 1883, bred by John Linton, and sold to Arthur Johnston. For pro- duce see Vol. 3, p. 241. 1st — Bull, Arthur Victor Second (imp.), by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Fame Second (imp.) =2137 = , red and white, calved October 22nd, 1881. I find no trace of his sale by Wm. Linton. 1892.] HISTORY OF SHOUT-HORN CATTLE. XVll 4, 188;{—\Vm. Murray, Chesterfiold, aj^ain brought out two of his favourite, Bates' cattle, a Duchess and a VVatorioo. 1st— Cow, Grand Duchess of ()xf(jrd Sixty-ninth (imp.) -8280 , by Baron Oxford Twelfth (4r)*>2(»), white, calved April MOth, 1883, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Carnforth, Eng. She was kept by Mr. Murray. For produce see Vol.. 4, p. SM. 2nd — Cow, Ducheas of Vittoria Third (imp.) ^8208 = . by Viscount of Oxford Second (42558), red and little white, calved February 23rd, 1883, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill, Cerne, Eng. She was a prolific breeder. For produce see Vol. 4, j^- 335. 1883 — Thomas Russell, Exeter, brought out his first importation, con- sisting of three females and two males, from Scotland. Ist— Cow, Medora Eighth (imp.) -5174=', by Cabul (428G0), red, calved May lOth, 1883, bred by John Johnston, Newaeat of Dnmbrech, Scotland. She was a good breeder, bringing three calves by December, 1886, See Vol. 3, p. 200. 2nd — Cow, Border Charm (imp.) by Border Chief (37874), red and white, calved March 25th, 1882, bred by Wm. Duthie, Aberdeenshire. Do not know what became of this cow. 3rd— Cow, Border Pride (imp.), by Border Chief (37874), red and white, calved May 14th, 1882, bred by Mr, Duthie. No trace of the whereabouts of this cow either. 1st— Bull, Lord Ythan (imp.) =1272- (482G3), by Shapinshay (45581), red, calved March 21st, 1882, bred by Wm. Duthie, sold by Mr. Russell to Wm. H. Gill, Russeldale. 2nd— Bull, Cremorne (imp.) --=1233= (51045), by Mountain Chief (38707), roan, calved April 27th, 1882, bred by Alex. Davidson, Manse of Cairnbrogie, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold to Hugh Thomson, St. Marys', Ont. 1883 — S, White, Q.C., Windsor, also imported one cow from England, called Wild Winsome Eighth (imp.) =8369 = , by Duke of Tregunter Fifth (33743), roan, calved August 21st, 1881, bred by the Earl of Feversham, Yorkshire, Eng. I do not trace any of her produce. Recapitulation — The large number of 77 cows and 30 bulls were im- ported this year. History to be continued in "Vol. 8. IIISTOUY OF IMPORTED INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, CdRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. N. .B — Dominion Herd Book symbols mtd nvvihers are used. For names of pro- ditce, see under pedigree of imported cow in Ifte vol\ime desigmited. (Continued from Vol. VII.) 1884. — The history in Vol. VII. comprised the importations of both 1882 and 1883. We now commence with the importations of 1884, and first on our list are those of more Cruickshank cattle brought out by James I. Davidson, of Balsam, Ont. , in May, consisting of nine females and one male. 1st — Cow, Amethyst (imp.) =18357 = , by Perfection (37185), roan, calved June 11th, 1883, bred by A. CruickahankjSittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sold to Fred. Eiwell, Yumbiota, Minn., U.S. In Nov., 1886, she had a bull calf. Pride of Forest Hill, 94305 ; on Nov. 2nd, 1887, Second Pride of Forest Hill, 94306, and on Sept. 2l8t, 1890, bull calf. Young Sergeant, 114174, all while owned by F. Eiwell. 2nd— Cow, Cloudberry (imp.) {Vol. 29, p. 830, A.H.B.), by Cumberland (46144), roan, calved Jan. 14th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Charles C. Norton, Corning, Iowa, U.S. Produce not traced. 3rd— Cow, Gentianella (imp.) (twin) {Vol. 31, p. 965, A.H.B.), by Barrapton (37763), red, calved March 12th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold at once to Ezra Swain & Son, Noblesville, Ind. Had a heifer calf, April 8th, 1886, Leonine, by Baron Barmpton, 6320, while owned by Mr. Swain. 4th— Cow, Gladys (twin) {Vol. 29, p. 485, A.H.B.) by Barmpton (37763), red, calved March 12th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. No produce recorded. 5th— Cow, Golden Socks (imp.) {Vol. 29, p. 485, A.B.B.) by Roan Gaunt- let (35284), roan, calved Jan. 18th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. No pro- duce recorded. 6th— Cow, Lovely Fortieth (imp.), {Vol. 31, p. 969, A .H.B.), by Barmp- ton (37763), red, calved April 24th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to Ezra Swain & Son, Noblesville, Ind., U.S., on April 5th, 1885 she had a cow calf, Syrupta, by Baron Barmpton =6320-. On April 27th, 1886, bull calf, lai HISRORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE [VOL. VIII. Lord Nonpareil Second, 87C90, by Lord Nonpareil, 63437, on April 2nd, 1887, a bull calf Nonpareil Fifth, 10456, all while owned by E. Swain & Son. 7th— Cow, Songstress (imp.), (Vol 20, p. 485, A.H.B.), by Staplehurst, (47148), roan, calved Septtmber 29th, 1882, bred by A. Cruickshank, had a red cow calf, September 2nd, 1885, Sensation, by Lord Cardinal, 76010, while owned by Mr. Davidson, was then sold to C. C. Norton, Corning, Iowa U.S., and on November Ist, 1888, had a red cow calf, Sunlight, by Vicar General Second, 89788, while owned by Mr. Norton. 8th— Cow, Sunflower Second (imp.), (Vol. ^^,p. 673, A.H.B.), by Mac- quis (51717), roan, calved April 12th, 1882, bred by James Murray, Mor- ferry, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold to W. F. & (x. A. Hays, Churchville, Ind., U.S. Had no produce recorded. 9th— Cow, Victoria Seventy-Fifth (imp.), (Vol. 29, p. 624, A.H.B.), by Barmpton (37763^, roan, calved November 21st, 1882, bred by A. Cruick- shank, sold at once to W. F. it G, A. Hays, Churchville, Ind., U.S. On April 7th, 1887, had red bull calf Double Breton, 10258, and on April 29th, 1889, red bull calf, Red Victor, 105113. 1st— Bull, Baron Barmpton (imp.) =6320= (50789), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red, calved February 22nd, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold soon to W. & R. Moffat t, Paw-Paw, 111., U.S. 1884. — October 2nd, Mr. James I. Davidson, this year, made a second importation consistinsr of twenty females and twenty- three males of his favor- ite family. 1st — Cow, Barmpton Primrose (imp.), {Vol. 29, p. 484, A.H.B.), by Viking (48873), roan, calved October 30fch, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to A. E. Butler, Corning, Iowa, U.S. On May 7th, 1890, she had a bull calf, Barmpton Boy, 11068. 2nd — Cow, Barmpton Violet alias Barmpton Crown (imp.), (Vol 30, p. 614,^.3" -B.), by Chancellor (47508), red, calved February 9th, 1884, brec by A. Cruickshank and sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. 3rd — Cow, Cranberry (imp.), by Cumberland (46144), out of Crescent (Vol. 27, p. ^U,E.H.B.), by General Windsor (28701), red, calved April 11th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. I do not iiud that cow recorded in either our or American book, and no produce traced. She was sold to Coldren & Lee, Iowa City, U.S. 4th— Cow, Duchess of Glu'ster Twenty-Sixth (imp.), (Vol. 30, p. 614, A.H.B.), by Perfection (37186), yellow red with white marks, calved Feby. 20th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold very soon to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. On March Ist, 1885, had bull calf Earl of Glo'ster (imp. in dam), by Chancellor (47568). 5th— Cow, Duchess of Glo'ster Twenty-Seventh (imp.), (Vol. SO, p. 614, A.H.B.), by Chancellor (47668), dark red roan, calved March 3rd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan. U.S., and by him to W. P. Higinbotham, Manhattan, Kan., U.S. On Nov. 27th, th de Ca by 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XI 1886, she had a red bull calf, Blue Valley Duke Secoud, 81809, and on Nov. 18th, 1887, a roan cow calf, Twenty-Eighth Duchess of Glo'ster {Vol. 32, p. 636, A.H.B.) 6th— Cow, Duchess of Glo'ster Twenty • Eighth (Foi. 30, p. 614, A.E.B)., by Cumberland (46144), red, calved March 23rd, 1884, bred by A. Cruick- shank, sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Lin wood, Kan., U.S. Had no produce. 7th— Cow, Erica (imp.) =8271 = , by Dunblane (47792), roan, calved Feby. 3rd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, kept by Mr. Davidson to breed trom. On September 14th, 1887, she had a bull calf, Julius Csasar Second =8295 = , by Julius Caesar (imp.^ 8th — Cow, Gardenia (imp.), {Vol. 31, p. .564, A.H.B.), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved March 11th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, sold to H. C. Duncan, Osborn, Mo., U.S. On January 10th, 1888, she had a red cow calf, Gardenia of Maple Hill, by Chief Baron, 90991, and on January 29th, 1889, a red cow calf, Second Gardenia of Maple Hill {Vol. 35, p. 542, A.H.B.) 9th— Cow, Glasswort (imp.) {Vol. 3], p. 548, A.H.B.), by Crusader (47656), red, calved April 29th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold by Mr. Davidson, to D. Cookson & Son, Downey, Iowa, U.S. While owned by them had, on Nov. 18th, 1886, a red bull calf. Gilt Edge, 92619, was then sold to Coldren & Lee, Iowa City, Iowa, U. S. , and had, Feb. 6th, 1888, red bull calf, Iowa Knight, 92910, and on March 24th, 1889, a red bull calf, Peer of Iowa, 113146. 10th— Cow, Golden Rod (imp.) by Cumberland (46144), out of Golden Year {Vol. 25, p. 409, E.H.B.), red, calved March 14th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Coldren & Lee, Iowa City, Iowa, U. S. No produce traced. 11th— Cow, Lady of the Meadow (imp.) {Vol. 30, p. 615, A.H.B.), by Chancellor (47508), red, calved Jan. 29th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Col, W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. On Oct. 22nd, 1886, had red cow calf. Lady Barbarona, by Barbarona, 68197. On Dec. 16th, 1887, red bull calf. Lord of Linwood, 93470. On Jan. 30th, 1889, red bull calf, Lord Chancellor, 99160. On Jan, 19th, 1890, red bull calf, Lord Constable, 104088. On Feb. 7th, 1891, red cow calf, Lady of the Mere {Vol. 37). 12th— Cow, Lavender Thirty-Eighth (imp.) {Vol 30. p. 615, A.H.B.), by Dunblane (47792), red, calved Jan. 30th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. On Nov. 23rd, 1886, red bull calf. Baron Lavender Third, 75854. On Nov. 20th, 1887, red cow calf, Second Linwood Lavender {Vol. 34), by Baron Victor, 42824. On Nov. 22nd, 1889, red cow calf. Sixth Linwood Lavender {Vol. 16), by Master of the Rolls, 99463. On Dec. 26th, 1890, red cow calf, Ninth Linwood Laven- der {Vol. 17), by Royal Pirate, 100640. 13th— Cow, Lavender Thirty-Ninth (imp.) {Vol. 29, p. 485, A.H.B.), by Candor 44506), roan, calved Feb. 8th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold by Mr. Davidson to Coldren & Lee, Iowa City, Iowa, U.S. On Feb. 29th, Xll HISTOUY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. VIII. 1888, had a red cow calf, Lavender Second of C. & L. ( Vol. 34), by Trouba- dour, 89734. 14th— Cow, Lovely Forty-First (imp.) {Vol, 30, p. G16, A.H.B.), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved Feb. i{3rd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold by Mr. Davidson to Col. W A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S., and by him to W. T. Higinbotham, Manhattan, Kan., U.S. On July 28th, 1887, had a red bull calf. Blue Valley Duke, 84808, by Duke of Glo'ster, 55406. On Aug. 22nd, 1888, red bull calf. Blue Valley Duke Third, 96402, by same sire. 15th— Cow, Stephenotis (imp.) {Vol. 70, p. 616, A.H.B.), by Dunblane (47792), roan, calved March lOtb, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to (>ol. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. On March 13th, 1891, had a red bull calf. Scarlet Knight, 110111, by Craven Knight, 96923, the only calf on record from her. 16th — Cow, Sybil Twenty-Second (imp.) by Dunblane (47792), rtd and white, calved April Gth, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Not on record in either Canadian or American books ; could not have been a breeder. 17th- Cow, Sybil Twenty-Third (imp.) {Vol. 3C, p. 626, A.H.B.), by Chancellor (47568), roan, calved April 16th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. No produce on record, nor memo, of sale. Died. 18th— Cow, Victoria Seventy-Sixth {im^.) {Vol. 30, p. 616, A.H.B.), by Viking (48873), roan, calved October 31st, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Col. W. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. No produce recorded under her. 19th— Cow, Wood Violet (imp.) =8372= {Vol. SO, p, 616, A.B.B.), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved March 2nd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Was in calf with March Violet, No. 20 below, when imported. Sold by Mr. Davidson to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan., U.S. Her next calf came May 25th, 1887, red bull calf. Baron Violet, 84560. June 23rd, 3888, red bull calf, Violet King, 95564. 20th— Cow, March Violet (imp. in dam) {Vol. 32, p. 618, A.H.B.), by Chancellor, 68693,, red, calved March 24th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of Col. Harris. 1st— Bull, Abdallah (imp.) =4089= (50711), by Dunblane (47792), roan, calved Jan. 31st, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to James Burns, Greenbank, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Barbarossa (imp.) =6319= 68097, (50783), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved March 24th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kan,, U.S. Fourth owner, Charles E. Leonard, BellAir, Mo., U.S. 3rd— Bull, Councillor of State (imp.) =6345= (51028) 102298, by Chancellor (47568), roan, calvad March 27th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, retained by Mr. Davidson for his herd. 4th— Bull, Count of the Empire (imp.) =2683= (51037), by Chancellor (47568), roan, calved March 28th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to J. C. Snell, Edmonton, and by him to R. R. Sangster, Lancaster. 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. Xlll 5ih — Bull, Don Cossack (imp.) by Cumberland (46144), red and white, calved Nov. 20th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. Can find no trace of him in I ither Dominion or American Herd Book. Gfch— Bull, Duke of Athens (imp.) =6350= (51103) by Cawdor (44506), red, calved Feb. 18th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Joseph Moflfatt, Paw Paw, 111., U.S., 3rd owner, W. Batre, Minola, 111., U.S. 7th- Bull, Germanicus (imp.) =6367= (51332) by Cawdor (44506), roan, calved Feb. 10th, 1884, bred by is. Cruickshank. Sold also to Joseph Mof- fatt, Paw Paw, 111., U.S. 8th— Bull, flospodar (imp.) =2703= (51409) by Dunblane (47792), roan, calve^l April 8th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, ands')ld to Joseph Robinson, Romney, Unt., and then J. I. Davidson bought him in 1892. He was exported back to England by Robert Bruce, Darlington, Eng. 9th— Bui:, /inight Templar (imp.) -0380= (5150.3) by Cumberland (46144). red, caived March 29th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to J. 'i. Pott & Son, Jacksonville, 111., U.S. 10th— Bull, Lord Abbott (imp.) =6382= (51536) by Cawdor (44506), red, calved Feb. 13th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to Allan Brothers, Oshawa, Out. 11th— Bull, Lord Cardinal (imp.) =6384= (51552) by Viking (488Y3), red, calved Oct. 20th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to Joseph Duncan, Osburn, Mo., U.S. 12th— Bull, Man-at-Arms (irap.) =6398= (5170i) by Cawdor (44506), red, calved Jan. 8th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Mr. Sanger, Waukasha, Wis., U.S. 13th— Bull, Marshall of Frame (imp.) =2721= (51724), by Dunblane (47792), red and white, calved Nov. 29th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to Joseph McGill, Janelville, Ont. I4th— Bull, Maurice of Orange (imp.) =6400= by Cumberland (46144), red, calved Feb. 29th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to D. Cookson & Son, Downey, Iowa, U.S. 15th— Bull, Mayor of the Palace (imp.) -4113= (51740), by Cumber- land (46144), roan, calved April 3rd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to William Pearson, Manchester. I6th— Bull, Norman Knight (imp.) =4116 = 8821 7 (51792), by Cumber- land (46114), red, calved March 7th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to A. & G. Davidson, Monticello, Iowa, U.S. I7th— Bull, Prince Palatine (imp.) = 6417 = (51923), by Cawdor (44506), red, calved Jan. 7th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Wm. & R. Motfatt, Paw Paw, 111., U.S. 18th— Bull, Prince Bishop (imp.) = 2726 = (57870). by Dunblane (47792), red, calved Feb. 15th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to Irving & McGill, Janetville, Ont., by them to C. C. Norton, Corning, Iowa, U.S. XIV HISTORY OF SHOirr-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. VIII. 19th— Bull, Robber Knight (imp.) = 0426 = (51 98G), by Crusader (476EG), roan, calved April 15th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to Joseph E. Bentley, Osburn, Ohio, U.S. 20th— Bull, Saratoga (imp.) = 6432 = (52099), by Dunblane (47792), roan, calved March 12th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to James R. Ander- son, Sterling, 111., U.S. 21st— Bull, Sultan Selim (inip.) = 4129 = (52224), by Cumberland (46144), roan, calved April 2nd, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sold to John Adams, Port Perry. Third owner, Thomas Russell, Exeter, Ont. 22nd— Bull, Troubadour (imp.) =6442= (52256), by Dunblane (47792), out of Cornucopia {Vol. 29, KH.B.), by Grand Vizier (34086), red, calved May 5th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank. Sold to John Coldren, Iowa City, Iowa., U.S. 23rd— Bull, Earl of Glo'ster (imp. in dam) 74522, by Chancellor (47668), red, white marks, calved March 5th, 1885; out of Twenty-Sixth Duchess of Glo'ster (imp. ), by Perfection (37185), bred by A. Cruickshank, calved the property of Col. W. A. Harris, Linwood, Kans., U.S. Mr. Davidson this year imported 32 males and 20 females, a pretty good undertaking for one man. They were nearly all sold at remunerative prices to the United States. 1884 — In May of this year the firm of Green Bros. , of Innerkip, Ont. , sons of Francis Green, Esq., imported 4 females and 2 males from different breeders in Scotland, for their own use at The Glen, Innerkip. 1 st— Cow, MoKOgrom Twentieth (imp ) (p. 337, B.A.B.B.) by Vienna (46731),>ed and white, calved March 6th, 1882, bred by Alexander Scott, Towie Barclay, Turriff, Aberdeen, Scotland. This cow did not breed, aud was slaughtered in August, 1885. 2nd— Cow, Proud Duchess (imp.) =5196 = , by Norman (45272), red, calved Dec. 1st, 1881, bred by A. E. Hector, CoUyhill, Aberdeen, Scotland. She had on Sept. 1st, 1885, a bull calf, Proud Duke, by Earl of Mar = 1248= (47815). On Oct. 8th, 1887, a bull calf, Pioneer =8359 = , by Duke of Mar, and on Sept. 16tb, 1888, a bull calf. Paragon =8360=, by Earl of Mar (imp.) =1248 = . 3rd— Cow, Miss Macbeth, alias The Belle (imp.) =5181 = , by Forward (46375), red, calved Dec. 5th, 1882, bred by James Williamson, East Pit- doulvie, Aberdeen, Scotland. On April 23rd, 1885, had roan cow calf. Mig- nonette, by Enterprise (imp.) =2692= (49553). On March 26th, 1886, a red bull calf, Mandarin, by Earl of Mar (imp.) =1248= (47815). On Jan. 9th, 1887, a red bull calf, which died on June 3rd, 1888. On June 3rd, 1888, a red bull calf, Magistrate =8321=, by Princ- Albert =3669=, and on Sept. 5th, 1890, a bull calf, Marshall =14732 = , by Neidpath Prince = 12318 = . 4th— Cow, Vain Maid (imp.) =5219 = , by Edgar (41601), dark roan, calved Feb. 15th, 1881, bred by A. F. Nares, Bructor, Aberdeen, Scotland. She had a bull calf, Vaia Boy, by Masterpiece, in Scotland. For rest of pro- duce see under her pedigree Vol. 3, p. 276, D.H.B, 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XV Ist— Bull, Enterpri8e(imp.) =2692= (49553), by Ventriloquist (44180), out of Evangeline Second (Vol.21, p. 378, E.H.B.), dark roan, calved March 18th, 1883, bred by William Duthie, Collynie, Aberdeen, Scotland. Was finally sold to Smith Bros. , Innerkip, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Earl of Roaeberry (imp.) =2690= (49512), by Athabasca (47359), out of Emma Second (Vol 23, p. 555, E.H.B.), roan, calved May 25th, 1883, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. Was sold to J. E. Brethour, Burford, Ont. 1884. — In this year Mr. H. Y. Attrill, of Goderich, Ont., imported another cow, and two bulls, of Oxford and Kirklevington blood. 1st— Cow, Lady Ellen Siddington (imp.) (Fui. 27, p. 268, E.H.B.), {Vol- 30, p. 414, A.H.B.), by Grand Duke of Kent Second (28759), roan, calved December 6th, 1877, bred by H. Denis de Vitre, Charlton House, Wantage, England, on November 11th, 1880. She had four calves in England while owned by Mr. Denis de Vitre. Sold by Mr. Attrill to Emory Cobb, Kanka- kee, 111., U.S., and on April 1st, 1885, had — 1st — Bull, a red and white bull calf, Siddington Duke of Riversview, 77848, calved the property of H. Y. Attrill, and sold with dam to Emory Cobb. 2nd— Bull, Oxford Siddington Third (imp.) =6408 = , by Duke of Ox- ford Thirty-Second (36527), dam Siddington Sixteenth (Vol. 26, p. 326, E.E.B.), by Duke of Clarence Third (23727). This bull appears to have been used by Mr. Attrill. 1884. — Mr. Richard Gibson, of Delaware, made two importations this year, consisting of five females and one bull imported in dam. 1st— Cow, Fair Kirklevington (imp.)(Vol. 29, p. 564, A.H.B.).(Vol. 27, p. 579, E.H.B.),hy Fugleman (36670), red and white, calved May 24th, 1878, bred by the Earl of Feversham; Duncombe Park, Helmsley, England, retained by Mr. Gibson. She had three calves in England before importa- tion, and the one below, No. 2, after landing. 2nd — Cow, Fairy Kirklevington (imp.), by Grand Duke Thirty-Fourth (41642), red and white, calved Aug. 8th, 1884, soon after landing, bred by Lord Moreton, Tortworth Court, Falfield, Gloucester, England, calved the property of Richard Gibson. Was sold to C. L. Henderson, Kearney, Mo., U.S., on January 28th, 1887. A red cow calf, Fairy Kirklevington Second (Vol, 35), by Kirklevington Duke Second, 56709. On April 5th, 1888, a red and white bull calf, Fairy Duke, 97919. 3rd— Cow, Wild Lady Third (imp.) =8366= (Vol. 29, p. 566, A.H.B.), by Airdrie's Kirklevington Duke Third (42652), red and white, calved Nov. 7th, 1883, bred by the Countess of Stamford, Stamford, Eng. Sold to Luther Adams, Storm Lake, Iowa, U.S. On July 14th, 1887, had a red cow calf, Wild Lady Fourth (Vol. 35), by Duke < f Oxford Fifty-Fourth, 55733. On Aug. 8th, 1888, roan bull calf, Wild Willie, 101329. 4th— Cow, Lally Barrington Fifth (imp.) =11049 = , by Duke of Rose- XVI HISTORY OF SIIORT-IIOKX CATTLE. [VoL. VIII. dale Sixth (38176), roan, calved Dec. 2l8t, 1879, bred by Lord Skelmers- dale, Lathom House, Ormskirk, Eng. Had a bull calf on Aug. 3rd, 1884, Lord Lally Barrington =0388=, soon after landing, and she then broke her leg by accident, and soon died. 5th— Cow, Lovely Eyes (imp.) {Vol. 29, p. 5G5, A.E.B.), (Vol. 27, p. 487, E.B.B.), by Grand Duke Twenty-Fifth (34065), roan, calved Dec. 12th, 1880, bred by Mr. Loder, Whittlebury, Northamptonshire, Eng. Had a calf in England on the 30th of April, before leaving. No produce traced in this country. lat — Bull, Lord Lally Barrington (imp. in dam) =6388 = , by Duke of Ormskirk Third (4G267), out of Lally Barrington Fifth (imp.) =11049 = (above), red, calved Aug. 3rd, 1884, bred by Lord Skelmersdale, Lathom House, Ormskirk, Eng., calved the property of Mr. Gibson, and was sold to W. H. Fulkerson, Jerseyville, 111, U.S., for $250. 1884. — In this year Mr. Arthur Johnston, of Greenwood, made another importation, consisting of twelve females and ten males, all Scotch cattle from various breeders, as shown below. 1st— Cow, Allspice (imp.) =5068 = , by Roan Gauntlet (35284), white, calved Feb. 22nd, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scot- land. Was, after importation, sold to John D. Howden, Columbus. 2nd — Cow, Anne of Lancaster Fifth (imp.) =5009= (Vol. 31, p. 714, A.H.B.), by Victory (48871), roan, calved Jan. 18th, 1884, bred by Nathan- iel Reid, Daneatown, Aberdeen, Scotland. No produce traced. 3rd— Cow, Cleta (imp.) =5097= {Vol. 31, p. 311, E.H.B.), by Cham- pion (47566), roan, calved April let, 1884, bred by S. Campbell; Kinellar, Aberdeep, Scotland. She was sold to James Gardhouse & Sons, Highfield. The calves born in 1887 and 1888 both died, but on Feb. 5th, 1889, had roan cow calf, Clarissa =19238 = , by Eclipse (imp.) =1251= (49546). On Feb. 25th 1890, red cow calf, Clarabel, by Albert =2668 = . On Feb. 20th, 1891, roan cow calf. Claret, by Ironclad (13347), and on Feb. 15th, 1892, a rod and white cow calf, Cleta's Gem, by Earl of Aberdeen Third =14292 = . 4th— Cow, Clara (imp.) =5091= {Vol. 3i, p. UQ, B H.B.), by British Flag (46009), light roan, calved March 20th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, Kin- ellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. Oa Dec. 29th, 1887, had a dead cow calf by The Provost. On Dec. 30th, 1888, a roan bull calf, Vice-Admiral =13018 = , by Vice-Consul (imp.) =4132=. On April 26th, 1890, a roan cow calf, Clara Belle =19617 = , by Indian Chief (imp.) =11108 = . On Oct. 1st, 1891, red bull calf, Royal Burger =16399 = , by Warfare (imp.) =6442 = . 5th— Cow, Claret Queen (imp.) =5094=, by Gladstone (43286), dark roan, calved March 12th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. Had one calf on May 18th, 1885, Vaughan (imp. in dam) =4131 = , by Ver- mont (47193), dropped while owned by Mr. Johnston. He then sold her to J. D. Howden, Columbus, and on June 25th, 1886, she had twin calves, bull calf, Clamore =8224=, and cow calf. Claret Maid, by Gladiator (imp.) =2697= (54364). 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XVll 6th — Cow, Mary Anne of Lancaster Twelfth (imp. ) = 5171 = , by Victory (48871), red, calved Jan. 14th, 1884, bred by Nathaniel Reid, Danestown, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sold to James Gardhouse & Son, Highfield, Ont. On Deo. 27th, 1886, she had a red cow calf, Lady Lancaster, by Premier Earl (imp.)=1281r=. In 1887, calf, by Eclipse (imp.) = 1251 = , and on Jan. 20th, 1889, she had a red and white bull calf. Ironclad =13347 = , by Eclipse (imp.) =1252 = . 7th— Cow, Mary Ann of Lancaster Thirteenth (imp.) =6172=, by Vic- tory (48871), red and white, calved January 20th, 1884, bred by Nathaniel Held, Danestown, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Scotland. On January 17th, 1888, she dropped a red ball calf. Landsman, by Royal Victor (53611), and on January 23rd, 1889, a red and white bull calf. Royal Albert =13020=, by Albert Victor =6315=. 8th — Cow, Mary Ann of Lancaster Fourteenth (imp.) =5173=, by Vic- tory (48871), light roan, calved January 24th, 1884, bred by Nathaniel Reid, Danestown, Aberdeen, Scotland. While owned by Mr. Johnston, on Decem- ber 18th, 1887, she dropped a roan bull calf. Baron Lancaster, by Vice Con- sul (imp.) ; on March 31st, 1888, a red bull calf. Royal Guardsman = 1 1847 = , by Royal Victor (imp.) (53611) ; on April 9th, 1889, a red cow calf, Mary Ann of Lancaster Fifteenth =18224=, by Warfare (imp.) =6452=. 9th— Cow, Nonpareil Thirty- Seventh (imp.) = 5187 = , by British Flag (46009), white, calved June 24th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. This cow proved to be barren, and was fed and sent to England for beef. 10th— Cow, Rosabel (imp.) =5202=, by Nonsuch (48364), roan, calved February Ist, 1883, bred by George Bruce, Heatherwick, Inverurie, Aber- deen, Scotland. Was sold to Isaac Fisher, Goderich, Ont. On February 10th, 1885, while owned by Mr. Johnston, shedropped a roan bull calf, Chamber- lain Second (imp. in dam) =4098 = , bred by George Bruce ; on February 26th, 1886, a roan bull calf. Chancellor, by Eclipse (imp. ) = 1251 = , and on January 20th, 1887, a wTiite bull calf, Beecher, by Albert (imp.) =2668=; on February 7th, 1888, roan calf, cow Rosedale =15587 = , by Albert (imp.) = 2668= ; on January 28th, 1889, red bull calf, DugleVuder =11987 = , by Dublin (imp.) =6348= ; on January 20th, 1890, roan bull calf, Dublin Stout =13823=, by Dublin (imp.) =6348= ; on January 17th, 1891, red cow calf, Rosabella =19753=, by Vice Consul (imp.) =4132=. The last one was bred by Mr. J. Johnston, who got her back from Mr. Fisher. 11th— Cow, Rose of Vermont (imp.) =6214= {Vol. 31, p. 316, E.H.B.), by Vermont (47193), roan, calved March 24th, 1884, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar, Scotland. On February 15th, 1887, she dropped a roan bull calf. Baron Bright, by Duke of Lavender (imp.) =1243=. On August 27th, 1888, a red and white bull calf. Prince of Vermont =11883=, by Bar(»i Camperdown =1218 = . No more produce traced. XVlll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. VIII. 12th— Cow, Rose of Kinaldie =3213 = , by Vermont (47193), red, calved June 11th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. While owned by Mr. John- ston, on Oct. Iflt, 188(5, she had a roan cow calf, Rose of Halton, =17589 = , by Prince of Orange (51916) ; was then sold to VVm. McLellan, Hornby, and raised for him, on March 10th, 1888, a red and white cow calf, Minnie May = 17604 = , by Simon Pure --=5976=. On May 6th, 1889. a red and white bull calf, Sir Arthur =^12737 = , by same sire. On May 25th, 1890, a red bull calf, Warrior Bold =14169 = , by Grand Warrior =9322 = . She was then sold to Wm. Wilson, of Brampton, and raised him, on March 5th, 1891, a red cow calf. Rose Hill, by Gold finder's Heir =6368 = . 1st— Bull, Eclipse (imp.) =1251= (49526), by Earl of March (33807), rich roan, calved March 6th, 1882, bred by Wm. Duihie, CoUynie, Scotland, second owner, James Merson, Craigwillie, Scotland. 2nd— Bull, Albert (imp.) = 2668 = (52396), by Vermont (47193), roan, calved March 8th, 1884. Sold to Isaac Fisher, Goderich, Ont. 3rd— Bull, Cicero (imp.) =4097= (52618), by Champion (47566), ont of Claret of Skene (Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), by Nobleman (18797), bred by J. Reith, Skene, Scotland, second owner, S. Campbeil, Kinellar. Sold by Mr, Johnston to G. F. Benson, Cardinal. 4th— Bull, Emperor (imp.) = 2091 =(52642), by Vermont (47193), out of Clemency ( roi. 31, p. 311, E.H. li.), by Novelist (34929), roan, calved March 12th, 1884, bred by A. Campbell, Kinellar, and sold to The Howick Stock Co., Belmore. 5th— Bull, Major (imp.) =2718= (53259), by Vermont (47193), out of Clarionet {Vol. 31, p. 311, J5?.S.B.), by Novelist (34929), red, calved January 10th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold to The Government Stock Farm, New Brunswick. 6th— Bull, Oxford (imp.) =2725= (53357), by Vermont (47193), out of Laiira, by Novelist (34920), red, calved March 18th, 1884, bred by S. Camp- bell, Kinellar. Sold to S. Barclay & Son, Port Hope. 7th— Bull, Red Knight (imp.) =2732= (53512), by Vermont (47193), out of Clementina Eighth {Vol. 31, p. ZW.E.H.B.), by Golden Prince (38363), red, calved Feb. 22nd, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold to Wm Shier, Sunderland. 8th- Bull, The Baron (imp.) =6439 = , by British Flag (46009), out of Jessamine Second {Vol. 31, p. 312, E.E.B.), by Baron Killerby (27949), roan, calved March 19th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, and sold by Mr. Johnston to The Howick Farmers' Club, Belmore. 9th— Bull, Vice-President (imp.) =2749 = ,(55155), by Vermont (47193), out of Lady Ythan Third (FoL 32, p. 275, E.H.B.), by Novelist (34929), dark roan, calved March 24th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Joseph Watson, Greenbank. 10th— Bull, Vaughan (imp. in dam) =4131 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Claret Queen (imp.) =6094=, red, calved May 18th, 1886, bred by S, 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CA'ITLE. XIX Campbell, Toft Hills, Aberdeen, Scotland, calved the property of Arthur .Johnston. Sold to John D. Howden, Columbus, and by him to John Mc- intosh, Stollarton, Nova Scotia. 1884. — VVm. Murray, of Chesterfield, again imported one cow and her bull calf, with a good English pedigree. .... Ist — Cow, Oxford Siddington Second (imp.) =2214 = , by Duke of Ox- ford Thirty- Second, roan, calved May 19th, 1881, bred by John H. Bluudell, Woodside, Bedfordshire, England, had a calf with her (see below), and on Nov. 6th, 1885, had a red bull calf, Duke of Chesterheld -9285 = , by Fifth Duke of Holker =1242- (44G87). 2nd — Cow, Oxford Siddington Third (imp. in dam), by Sixth Duke of Holker (40247), out of Oxford Siddington Second (imp.) =2214=, roan, calved June 29th, 1884, bred by John H. Blundell, Bedfordshire, Eng. She is not traced in this country. 1884 — Mr. Joseph Redmond, of Peterboro', made his first importation, consisting of six cows and two bulls, all bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1st— Cow, Wimple (imp.) =5234 = , by British Flag (4G009), red, calved Jan. 9th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell. She was in calf with Wimple Sixteenth = 5225 = , and on June 23rd, 1886, had a roan bull calf, Stanley alias Oliver Mowat =7949 = , by Challenge =2933-. On Aug. 15th, 1888, a roan cow calf, Wimple Seventeenth =10208 = , by Stanley = 7949 = . 2nd— Cow, Wimple Sixteenth (imp. in dam) =5235 = , by Banner- Bearer (49034), out of Wimple Fifteenth (imp.) =5234= (above) red and white, calved December 24th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, but calved the property of Joseph Redmond. On June 25th, 1889, a red bull calf, Never too Late = 13400 = , by Stanley =7949 = . On July 10th, 1890, red bull calf. Wimple's Heir =14529 = , by Gravesend's Heir =0372 = . On May 20th, 1891, red bull calf. Peer of the Realm, by Gravesend's Heir =6372^. 3rd— Cow, Mildred alias Minnie (imp.) =5176 = , by Gladstone (43286), red, calved February 20th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell. She was in calf with Wait-on-Me =0451 = , by Banner Bearer (as below). On June 16th, 1887, had roan cow calf, Mildred Third =15022 = , by Challenge =2933 = , On September 2oth, roan bull calf, Heir of Scotland =9624 = , by Stanley = 7949 = . On May 2nd, 1880, roan cow calf, Minnie Second =19458 = , by Challenge =2933 = . On June 30th, 1889, a white bull calf. Silver King = 13401 = , by Stanley =7949 = . On September Ist, 1890, roan cow calf, Mildred Fourth, by Gravesend's Heir (imp.) =0372 = . 4th — Cow, Columbia a^iaa Columbine (imp.) ^ = 6099 = , by British Flag (46009), roan, calved June 30th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell. Was in calf with Columbine Second (as below) when imported. On Sept. 26th, 1886, had a roaa cow calf. Columbine Third, by Challenge =2933=. On Dec. 26th, 1887, red and white bull calf, by Challenge =2933-. XX HISTORY OF SIIORT-IIOHN CATTLE. [VoL. VIII. 5th— Cow, Columbia Second (imp. in dam) =8265 = , by Banner Bearer (4U034), out of Columbia (imp.) =50i)l)= (above), red, calved March 10th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of Job. Uedniond. On Dec. Ist, 1887, had red bull calf, Columbia Duke =10162 = , by Wait-on-Me = 6451 -. On April 4th, 1890, a red cow calf, Columbia = 18940 = , by Gravea- endHeir =6372 = . 6th— Cow, Ruby Hill Ninth (imp.) =5216 = , by British Flag (46009), roan, calved April 18th, 1883, bred by S. Campbell. Was in calf with Can- copper Boy, by Banner Bearer, when imported. On April 8th, 1886, bud a red bull calf, Oxford Lad, by Challenge =2933 = . On May 2nd, 1887, a roan cow calf, Ruby Hill of Thornhill =7502 = , by Challenge =2933=. lat— Bull, Wait-on-Me (imp. in dam) =6451 = , by Banner Bearer (49034), out of Mildred (imp.) =5276= (above), roan, calved April 20th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of J. Redmond, third owneri A. Cox, Peterboro', fourth owner, Walter Scott, Norwood, 2nd — Bull, Cancopper Boy (imp. in dam) =2681 = , by Banner Bearer (49034), out of Ruby Hill Ninth (imp.) = 6216 = , roan, calved Feb. 10th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell, calved the property of J. Redmond, and sold to Wm. Redmond, Millbrook. 1884. — Mr. Thomas Russell, of Exeter, also imported this year two cows and one bull. 1st — Cow, Bracelet Second (imp.) =2115 = , by Chevalier (41223), roan, calved April 5th, 1879, bred by John Taylor, Fourdoun, Scotland. Had three calves while owned by Mr. Taylor, in Scotland, and was in calf with a fourth (below). On July 7th, 1886, had a red bull calf, by Mariner =2720 = . On Nov. Ist, 1887, a roan bull calf, Riverside Hero =12013 = , by Canadian Prince =9514-=. On January 2nd, 1889, red cow calf, Bracelet Fifth = 18147 = , by Mariner (imp.) =2720=. On Jan. 1st, 1890, white cow calf, Bracelet Sixth =18145=, by Clear-the-Way =9922=. On Jan. 2nd, 1891, red cow calf. Bracelet 7th, by Grey Mariner =12012 = . On Feb. 14th, 1892, roan bull calf, Riverside Hero Second =1664 = , by Sultan Selim (imp.) = 14129=. 2nd — Cow, Bracelet Fourth (imp. in dam) = 8256 = , by Master Harbinger (40324), out of Bracelet Second (imp.) = 2115^. Above. Roan, calved July 19th, 1885, bred by John Taylor, Fourdoun, Scotland, calved the property of Mr. Russell. On May 2nd, 1888, had a roan bull calf, Canadian Prince Second -12944=, by Mariner (imp.) =2720=. 1st.— Bull, Mariner oiias The Don (imp.) =2720 = , by Vermont (47193), red, calved March 7th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland, used for some time by Mr. Russell in his herd. 1884.— This year the Hon. Thoma« Ballantyne & Son, of Stratford, made their only importation of Short Horns, most of them Scotch blood, consisting of six cows and three bulls. These are not mentioned in War- field. ■ . 1892.] IIISTORV OP SHOUT-HOHN CA'lTl.E. XXI Ist — Cow, MisBie Seventy-Ninth (imp.) =>5179 = , by Prince lioyal (45413), red and white, calved February 4th, 1882, bred by W. 8. Marr, Uppermill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. This cow is still in the herd of the Messrs. Ballantyne, and breeding regularly. She had a calf in Scotland on March 2n(i, 1884, — Missie Ninety-second, by Grosvenor (49085). Before importation, on November 17th, 1886, red cow calf, Missie of Neidpath, by Methlick Hero (imp.) =2723= ; on May 25th, 1888, a roan cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Tliird 15863 ; on June 4th, 1889, a red and white cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Fifth = 17 135^ ; on May 15th, 1890, a red and white bull calf. Royal Master =14349= ; on April 17th, 1891, red cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Eighth 18493 ; on April 13th, 1892, red cow calf, Missie o< Neidpath Thirteenth, by Royal Baron. 2nd— Cow, Missie Eighty-First (imp.) =6180 = , by Bentinck (42787), roan, calved February 14th, 1882, bred by W. S. Marr, Uppermill, Aber- deen. This cow is still in the herd at Stratford. She had a bull calf at her side, Wallace =2762 = , when imported; on September 10th, 1885, she had a white bull calf, Tarn O'Shanter, by Methlick Hero (imp.) =2723= ; on November 10th, ] 880, a roan cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Second, by same Sire; on September 13th, 1889, a roan cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Sixth = 18491= ; on October Ist, 1890, roan bull calf, Neidpath Hero = 14906= ; on September 26th, 1891, red and white cow calf, Missie of Neidpath Ninth, by Prince Royal = 6418 = . 3rd— Cow, Marchioness Fourth (imp.) =5169 = , Cayhurst (47660), red and white, calved February 24th, 1883, bred by Mr. Duthie, Collynie, Methlick, Aberdeen. She is still in the herd of the Messrs. Ballantyne. On April 22nd she had a roan cow calf. Marchioness Sixth, by Furbelow Duke (imp.) = 2695= ; on September 11th, 1887, a roan bull calf. Marquis of Neidpath, by Methlick Hero =2723= ; on December 10th, 1888, a red and white cow calf. Marchioness Seventh, by Prince Royal =6418= ; on Decem- ber 18th, 1889, red and white bull calf, Third Marquis of Neidpath = 13932= ; on December 20th, 1890, red and white lull calf. Fifth Marqnis of Neidpath =15694= ; in January, 1892, red cow calf. Marchioness Ninth, by Royal Baron =4242 = . 4th — Cow, Monagram Twenty- First (imp.) =5184 = , by Vienna (46731), roan, calved March 26th, 1882, bred by Alex. Scott, Turriff, Aberdeen Scot- land. This cow aborted at Quebec and never bred. 6th— Cow, Waterloo Bell Second (imp.) =6223=, by Wild Duke Third (42611), red. calved April 3rd, 1881, bred by J. Evans, Uffington, Shrews- bury, England. She had a calf in March, 1884, while owned by Mr. Evans; another on December 16th, 1885, red bull calf. Furbelow Duke Second, by Furbelow Duke = 2698 = , while owned by the Ballantynes. Was then sold to John Idington, Q.C., Stratford, and on December 11th, 1886, a roan cow calf, Waterloo Belle Third, =13614=, by Fifth Duke of Holker =1242 = XXll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. VIII. (44()87). On June 10th, 1888, a red and white bull calf, Barrington Water- loo = 10855 = , by same sire. 6th— Cow, Lady Waterloo (imp.) =5102 = , by Fifth Duke of Wetherby (31037), red, calved April 10th, 1883, bred by John Evans, Uttiugton, Shrewsbury. She had two calves, one on October 22nd, 1885, roan bull calt, Donald, by Methlick Hero (imp.) =2723= ; one on November 24th, 1886, roan cow calf, Lady Waterloo of Neidpath, by same siro. She never bred again and was slaughtered. Ist— Bull, Methlick Hero (imp.) =2723 = , by Cayhurst (47500), out of Madamoiselle {Vol. 27, p. 379, E.H.B.), roan, calved November 2l8t, 1883, bred by Wm. Dulhie, UoUynie, Aberdeen. He was soid to 11. Ballantyne & Son, Sebringville, and after using him a few years he was sent to the butcher. 2nd — Bull, Furbelow Duke (imp.) =2695 = - by Laughton Duke Second (45036), out of Queen of Geneva {Vol. 29, j9. 432, O.if.B.), roan, calved March 10th, 1883, bred by John Evans, Uffington, Shrewsbury. Ho died a year and a half after importation, antl only sired one calf, Marchioness Sixth = 9933 = . 3rd— Bull, Wallace (imp.) =2752 = , by Elocutionist (47832), out of Mi88ie8l8t (imp.) =5180=, red, calved March 24th, 1884, bred oy W. S. Marr, Uppermill, Aberdeen, Scotland. He was sold to D. Milne, Ethel, Ontario. 1884. — This year, John Dryden, M.P. P., Brooklin, now Minister of Agriculture, made his fifth importation of five Scotch bulls from the herd of E. Cruikshaak, Lethenty, Inverary, Scotland, as a matter of speculation. 1st— Bull, Excelsior (imp.) =2693= (51233), by Perfection (37185), out of Rose of Switzerland {Vol. 25, p. 413, E.H.B.), by Knight of St. Patrick (38520). Red, calved January 8th, 1884, bred by E. Cruikshank (as above). He was sold to John Hooper, Metropolitan. 2nd — Bull, Lord Roseberry (imp.) =2714= (51645), by Perfection (37184), out of The Rose, by King George (28968), nan, calved March Ist, 1884, bred also by E. Cruikshank, and sold to E. E. Cooper, of Oshawa. 3rd— Bull, Prince of the Realm (imp.) =2730= (50248), by Cawdor (44506), out of Polonia, by Lord Forth (26649), roan, calved Feb. 10th, 1883, bred by E. Cruikshank, sold to Daniel D. Dyer, Brooklin. 4th— Bull, Red Emperor (imp.) =2731= (51958), by Perfection (37185), out of Harmony {Vol. 24, p. 399, E.U.B.), by Pride of the Isles (35072), red, calved April 3rd, 1884, bred by E. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Dryden to L. Miller, Maryville, Mo., U.S. 5th — Bull, Victor Royal (imp.) =2750= (52299), by Perfection (37185), out of Victoria Sixty-Seventh (FoL 29, p. 403, E.B.B.), by Lord of the Isles (40218), roan, calved Feb. 27th, 1884, bred by E. Cruikshank, sold by Mr. Dryden, to Chas. Calder, Brooklin. 1884. — This year, or in 1883, I am not quite sure, John Isaac, Bowman- !' 1892.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXlll ton, and his brother, S. C. Isaac, of Baltimore, made their eighth importa- tion of Campbell cattle, consisting A one cow and one bull. 1st— Cow, Fair Queen's Gem (imp.) =8275 = , by British Flag (46009), roan, calved Oct. loth, 1883, out of Fair Queen Fourth alias Third (imp.) = 5120=, bred by S. Campbell ; she was sold, as also was her mother, to Hugh Thomson, St. Mary's, and by him to John Glen, Lumloy. On May Ist, 1887, she had a roan bull calf, Victor Hugo =8789 = , by The Laird = 3952 = , on Oct. 25th, 1888, a roan cow calf , Jane Grey =17401 = , by Lord KirklevingtoL. Eric Second =3438= , on April 10th, 1891, a red cow calf, Rose Kirklevington, by same sire, all while owned by John Glen. Ist— Bull, Vermont Second (imp.) =2748 = , by V^ermont (47193), out of Claret Third {Vol 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), by Sir Christopher (22895). This bull was sold by S. C. Isaac to Wm. Collins, Peterboro'. 1884. — The Ontario Government, for the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, this year brought out four cows and one bull, selected by Prof. Brown. 1st — Cow, Princess Royal Eighth (imp.) = 51 93 = , by Ventriloquist (44180), dark roan, calved January 22ad, 1882, bred by Wm. Duthie, Coly- nie, Aberdeen. She brought a heifer out by her side, calved February 28th, 1884, Princess Royal O.E.F. =5195 = , (as below). On December 3rd, 1885, red bull calf, Rob Roy, O.E.F., by Rob Roy (imp.) =1290= (4.5484). On April 28th, 1888, a red cow calf, Princess Royal Second, O.EF. = 15233=, by Young Springwood Prince Second =4077 = . 2nd— Cow, Princess Royal O. E. F. (imp.) =6195 = , by Field Marshal (47870), out of Princess Royal Eighth (imp.) =5193 = , dark roan, calved Feb. 28th, 1884, bred by Wm. Duthie, and sold to James I. Davidson, Bal- sam. No produce traced from her. 3rd— Cow, Baroness Wild Eyes (imp.) =8249 = , by Wild Duke Third = 42011=, red and white, calved Nov. 20th, 1889, bred by John Evans, Uffiugton, Shrewsbury, Eng. , second owner, Sir Henry Allsop, Worcester, Eng. Was in calf with heifer (below) when imported. 4th— Cow, Baroness Wild Eyes O. E. F. (imp.) =8250 = , by Duke of Hindlip Second (46246), red, calved Jan. 8th, 1885, bred by Sir H. Allsop, Worcester, Eng., calved the property of The Ont. Agr. College. Sold to Amos Cutler, Coldstream, Ont. No produce traced. Ist— Bull, Rob Roy (imp,) =1290= (4.5484), by Rosiario (35315), out of Luxury ( ToL 23, p. 458, E.H.B.), by Heir of Windsor (26304), red, \lved June 23rd, 1880, bred by J. A. Gordon, Udale, Scotland. Was re- tained at the farm fnr some years at the head of the herd. 1884. — The Hon. M. H. Cochrane this year brought out one bull, pur- chased from Mr. Duthie, Colynie, Aberdeen. 1st— Bull, Heir Apparent (imp) =4105= 76300, (51380), by Juvenile (49794), out of Heiress {Vol. 31, p. 370, E.H.B.), by Biitish Champion (36273), red, calved Jan. 8th, 1884, bred by J. W. Courtney, Turiflf, Aber- XXIV HISRORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE [VOL. VIII. den, second owner, Wm. Duthie, Colynie. We do not know whom he was sold to. 1884.— In thia year John Miller & Sons, Brougham, brought out one cow, as below. Ist— Cow, Julia (imp.) =18382=, by Golden Prince (38363), roan, calved March 20th, 1881, bred by S. Campbell. Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scot- land. On November 28th, 1889, had a roan cow calf, Josie =19907 = , by Vice-ConBul (imp.) =4132 = . 1884.— Recapitulation— The goodly number of fifty-four males and aeventy-two females were imported this year. , y Hiitory to be eontinued in Vol. IX. ■titii: 'I' OL. VIII. om he was ht out one 63), roan, leen, Scot- 9907 = , by males and 1893.] [VOL. IX. HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE IMPORTED INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. 2f^.B. — Dominion Herd Book xymholx and number a are ufed. For names of produce see under pediyree of imported cows in the volume designated. (Continued from Vol. VIII.) 1885. — The history in Vol. VIII. comprises the importations of 1884. We now commence with the importations of 1885, and first on the list alpha- betically is W. H. Y. Attrill, of Goderich, Ont., an importer of English cattle with high-class pedigrees. I find that I have missed some of his cattle im- ported in 1883 and 1884, so include all here as far as I can make them out from American and Canadian herd books — in all, ten cows an.l three bulls. 1st — Cow, Baroness Vere de Vere (imp. in dam) in 1883, by Duke of Oxford Sixty-Second (47778), out of Baroness Oxford Twelfth (imp.) (Vol. 7, p. 18, History of S. II. Cattle), by Duke of Glo'ster Seventy-Seventh (39735), bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Lancashire, England. 2nd — Cow, Barringtonia Fourth (Vol. '.iO,p. 413, A.H.B.), imported in August, 1884, by Grand Duke of Waterloo Fourth (43322), red and little white, calved July 21. st, 1881, bred by Capt. Robert E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, Towcester, England. Soon after arriving she had roan bull calf, on October 3rd, 1884, Barringtonia, Duke of Ridgewood, by Oxford de Vere Fifth (48397). 3rd— Cow, Cherry Duchess of Elmhurst Third (Vol. 10, p. 478, E.H.B.), by Duke of Wetherby Fifth, (26416), red, calved December 7th, 1879, bred by George Fox, Elmhurst Hall, Litchfield, StaflFordshire, Eng. She was imported in November, 1883. She had a red and white bull calf on May 12th, 1882, called Cherry Duke of Elmhurst, by Duke of Elmhurst Second (43091), before importation, and dropped a bull calf on April 22nd, 1884, just after landing, called Cherry Duke of Elmhurst Second, by Lord Barrington Bates (4501). HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX. 4th— Cow, Duchess Velvet Eyes Fourth (imp.), by CJrand Duke Twenty- Fifth (4721K)), red roan, calved February 18th, 1887, bred by R. Rodger, M.P., Whittlebury, Towcester, England. Imported in August, 1884, by W. Attrill. 5th — Cow, Grand Duchess of Barrington Sixth (imp.), by Cherry (jrand Duke Eighth (472{>5), red and little white, calved May 11th, 1881, bred l)y Capt. Robert E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, Towcester, England. Imported in August, 1884. 6th — Cow, Oxford Siddnigton Third (imp.), by Duke of Oxford Thirty- Second (30527), red, calved May 27th, 1883, bred by J. H. Blundell, Wood- side, Lutim, Bedfordshire, England. Imported in August, 1884. 7th— Cow, Waterloo Contessa (imp.), by Rowfant, Duke of Oxford (58675), red and white, calved December 20th, 1881, bred by J. J. D. Jefierson, Thesket Priory, Yorkshire, England. Im])orted August, 1884 ; dropped a red and white cow calf on September 23rd, 1884, as below. 8th — Cow, Waterloo (.' iitessa of Ridgewood (imp. in dam), by Prince Airdrie (48472), red and little white, calved September 23rd, 1884, bred by J. J. D. Jefierson, as in 7th cow above. *.)th — Cow, Wild Duchess of Priory (imp.), by Duke of Elmhurst Twenty- Seventh (50988), red and little white, calved March 22nd, 1883, bred by J. J. D. Jefierson, Thesket Priory, Yorkshire, England. Imported in August, 1884. 10th— Cow, Thorndalo Rose Twenty-Fourth (imp.) =18406-, by Duke of Connaught (33604), red, calved June 20th, 1881, bred by Lord Braybrook, Essex, England. In 1887, while owned by W. Attrill, she dropped a red bull calf on October 5th, called Cambridge Duke Eighth =15118 = , by Grand Duke of Oxford and Ridgewood Second =15114 = . Sold to W. S. King, of Minneapolis, Minn., U.S. 1st — Bull, Barringtonia Duke of Ridgewood (68284), by Oxford de Vere Fifth (48397), roan, calved October ."{rd, 1884, soon after landing. 2nd— Bull, Barrington Duke of Ridgewood (68283), by Duke of Oxford Sixty-Second (47778), red and little white, calved April 27th, 1884, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker, Lancashire, England, out of imported Countess of Barrington Tenth (F(*<. 7, p. 18, Histoni). 3rd— Bull, Grand Duke of Oxford and Ridgewood, (59964, by Duke of Oxford Sixtieth, 55734, red. calved August 15th, 1884, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, out of the Countess of Barrington Tenth ( Vol. 7, p. 18, History). I 4 1885. — James I. Davidson, of Balsam, also brought out two cows and seven bulls, all bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. Ist — Cow, Mary Anne of Lancaster Ninth (imp.) (Vol. 31, p. 565, A.II.B.), by Royal Lancaster Second (77610), red, calved December 27th, 1882, bred by N. Reid, Danestown, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 2nd — Cow, Golden Plover (imp.), by Dunblane (65995), roan, calved April 20th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HOR'' CATfLE. XI Duke Twenty- Rodger, M. P., , by VV. Attrill. Y Cherry (J rand 1881, bred l)y md. Imported Oxford Thirty- luudell, Wood- 84. nke of Oxford J. D. Jefi'erson, 84 ; dropped a im), by Prince , 1884, bred by nhurst Twenty- 1883, bred by Imported in 06 = , by Duke ;)rd Bray brook, dropped a red 18 = , by Grand W. S. King, of Dxford de Vere ng. •like of Oxford , 1884, bred by t of imported M, by Duke of )y the Duke of 0. 18, History). two cows and 1, Scotland. I. 31, p. 565, ecember 27th, , roan, calved sen, Scotland. She dropped a roan bull calf on February t5th, 1887, Golden Beau (86716), by Sergeant-at-Arni8 (81>346). Ist — Bull, Sergeant-at-Arms (imp.) =6433= (53648), by Cumberland (46144), red, calved October l>th, 1884, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. Retained by W. Davidson as .stock bull. 2nd -Bull, Burgomaster (imp.) -40J)4-- (5255()), by Dunblane (477H2), red, calved .4pril 5th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold to Samuel Steinmetz, Steinmet/, Mo., U.S. 3rd— Bull, Chief Baron (imp.) =4096 (52610), by Crusader (47656), red, calved March 6th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold by VV. David- son to Duncan Banker, Orburn, Mo., U.S. 4th— Bull, Endymion (imp.) =4101= (52847), by Dunblane (477!>2), roan, calved March 25th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold by VV. Davidson to William Wilson, Brampton, Out. 5th — Bull, Prince of Carignauo (imp.) =4122= (53456), by Dunblane (47792), roan, calved March 17th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold by W. Davidson to J. V,. Brethour, Burford, Ont. 6th— Bull, (irand Master (imp.) 11107 - (52973), by Dunblane (47792), red, calved .January 4th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank, and sold by VV. Davidson to A. Crawford, Lone Tree, Iowa, U.S. 7th— Bull, Knight of the Garter (imp.) 11109 -- (53094), by Dunblane (47792), red, calved April 24th, 1885, bred by A. Cruickshank. 1885. — John Dryu'iu, M.P., Brooklin, also imported a few Scotch cattle this year, two cows and three bulls, from E. Cruickshank, Lethenty, Aber- deen, Scotland. 1st — Cow, Lady Victoria (imp.) -8295 = , by Vensgarth (imp.) =1309 = I (47192), red, calved January 28th, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank. On De- cember 17th, 1887, she dropped a red bull calf. Royal Victor, by Solicitor. This cow was afterwards sold to John VV. Hugh, Creno, Iowa, U.S. 2nd — Cow, Red Rose (inip.) =8325 = , by Perfection (37182), red, calved February 6th, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank, and sold by Mr. Dryden to W. J. Biggens, Clinton. For produce see Vol. 4, p. 355. Ist — Bull, Lord Lansdowne (imp.) =2712= (51601), by Perfection (37185), red, calved February 21st, 1884, bred by E. Cruickshank, and sold by Mr. Dryden to J. iV: W. Watt, Salem, and by them to .1. E. Smith, Bran- don, Man. 2nd— Bull, Prince Henry (imp.) :2728= (53447), by Vensgarth (47192), red, calved November 30th, 1H85, bred by E. Cruickshank. 3rd— Bull, General Grant (imp.) =^4102- (52922), by Perfection (37185), red and white, calved September Ist, 1884, bred by E. Cruickshank. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Wolcott, Rhoads &: (Jray, Conover, Ohio, U.S. I Xll HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX. 1885. — The Hon. M. H. Cochrane brought out one cow this year. 1st— Cow, Grand Duchess of Barringtonia (imp.) =2146 = , by Eighteenth Duke of Oxford (25995), red and white, calved May 5th, 1872, bred by R. E. Oliver, Sholebroke Lodge, Towcester, Eng. For produce, see Vol. 2, p. 224. 1885. — This year W. James Fisher, of Hyde Park, made an importation, consisting of one female and two males. 1st — Cow, Mary Ann of Lancaster Eleventh (imp.) =5170=, by Royal Lancaster Second (47037), red, calved January 28th, 1883, bred by Nathaniel Reid, Danestown, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1st— Bull, Scottish Victor (imp.) =2739= (50422), by Roan Gauntlet (35284), red, calved February 14th, 1883, bred by A. Cruickshank. Second owner, W. Duthie, CoUynie, Aberdeen. Retained by W. Fisher, for his herd. 2nd — Bull, Scottish Perfection (imp.) =4128 = , by Scottish Victor =2739= (50422), red, calved October 21st, 1885, bred by W. Duthie, CoUy- nie, Aberdeen. Sold to Alex. W. Neil, Wendigo, Ont. 1885. — In this year John Isaac, then of Bomanton, now of Markham, imported a few more Campbell cattle — five cows and one bull. 1st — Cow, Bessie Seventh (imp.) =8254 = , by Vermont (47193), roa.., calved April 4th, 1885, bred by Sylvester Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. She was at once sold to Hugh Thomson, St. Mary's. For pro- duce, see Vol. 4, p. 330. 2nd— Cow, Mermaid (imp.) =8308 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Mina Third Vol. 31, p. 314, E.H.B.), red and white, calved April 15th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. For produce, see Vol. 4, p. 350. 3rd— Cow, Roan Betty (imp.) =8327 = , by Champion (47566), out of Betty (Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), roan, calved November 4th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell, retained by W. Isaac to breed from. For produce, see Vol. 4, p. 356. 4th— Cow, Gipsy Maid (imp.) (5129), by Vermont (47193), out of Gipsy Girl (Vol.SX,p. 312, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 17th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell. 5th— Cow, Rosalind (imp.) =5203 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Red Rose {Vol. 31, p. 316, E.H.B.), red, calved March 24th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell. 1st— Bull, Venturer, alios Canadian Prince (imp.) =6445 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Cecilia Second (Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), red, calved March 26th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Donald Alexander, Brigden, by W, Isaac ; afterwards became the property of D. McAllister, Comber. [Vol. IX. this year. = , by Eighteenth 2, bred by R. E. 56 Vol. 2, p. 224. an importation, »170=, by Royal 'ed by Nathaniel Roan Gauntlet cshank. Second Fisher, for his Scottish Victor ^ Duthie, Colly- w of Mark ham, 1. t (47193), roa.., ellar, Aberdeen, 'ary's. For pro- )3), out of Mina 15th, 1886, bred (47566), out of I, 1884, bred by luce, see Vol. 4, ?), out of Gipsy 1884, bred by 93), out of Red 1884, bred by I = , by Vermont d, calved March er, Brigden, by , Comber. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. xni 1885. — This year Arthur Johnston, of Greenwood, brought out a con- siderable number — nine cows and eleven bulls. 1st— Cow, Cecilia Vermont (imp.) =8200 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Cecilia First {Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), red and little white, calved Febru- ary 12th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sold to R. Miller, West Liberty, Iowa, U.S. 2nd— Cow, Cherry Lady (imp.) =8262 = , by Peacock (45319), out of Red Cherry {Vol. 30, p. 375, E.H.B.), red, calved February 9th, 1885, bred by His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, Dalkeith Park, Dalkeith, Scotland. She never bred, and was slaughtered. 3rd— Cow, Claret of Kindale (imp.) =8263 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Clarionet ( Foi. 31, p. 311, E.H.B.), red and little white, calved January 23rd, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. No trace of produce or destination. 4th— Cow, Clementina's Gem (imp.) =8264 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Clementina Seventh {Vol. 31, p. 311, E.H.B.), red, calved January 9th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to W. S. Lister, Middle Church, Man. 5th— Cow, Nonpareil Thiriy-Ninth (imp.) =8313 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Nonpareil Thirty-Second {Vol. 31, p. 315, E.H.B.), red and little w^hite, calved March 3rd, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Robert Miller, West Liberty, Iowa, U.S. 6th— Cow, Wimple of Vermont (imp.) =8371 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Wimple Thirteenth {Vol. 31, p. 318, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 17th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Alex. Coyne, Trafalgar. For produce, see Vol. 4, p. 373. 7th— Cow, Nonpareil Thirty-Sixth (imp.) = 5186 = , by Gladstone (43286), out of Nonpareil Thirty-First (Foi. 31, p. 315, E.H.B.), roan, calved May 2nd, 1882, bred by S. Campbell. Dropped a calf on October 6th, 1884, in Scotland, was kept by Mr. Johnston to breed from. For produce see Vol. 3, p. 264. 8th— Cow, Victoria Sixtieth (imp.) =5220 = , by Achilles (40951), out of Powburn Flower {Vol. 31, p. 626, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 18th, 1883, bred by John Scott, Powburn, Lawrencekirk, Scotland. For produce, see Vol. 3, p. 276. 9th— Cow, Beauty Sixth (imp.), by Duke of Albany (46184), out of Beauty Third {Vol. 30, p. 548, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 6th, 1884, bred by George Inglis, Newmore, luvergordon, Scotland. 1st— Bull, Albert (imp) =2668= (52396), by Vermont (47193), out of Nonpareil Thirty-Second {Vol. 31, p. 315, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 8th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Johnston to Isaac Fisher, Goderich, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Baron (imp.) =2670= (52434), by British Flag (46009), out of Jessamine Second {Vol. 31, p. 312, E.H.B.), roaii, calved March 19th, 1884, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Johnston to James Currie & Son, Everton. 3rd— Bull, Roan Prince (imp.) =2733= (54923), by Vermont (47193), XIV HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. IX. out of Nonpareil Thirty-Sixth {Vol. 31, p. 315, E.ll.B.), dark roan, calved October 0th, 1884, bred l)y S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Johnston to James R. Davis & Sons, Woodstock. 4th-Bull, Golden Robe (imp.) -4103= (54372), by Vermont (47193), out of Golden Drop Eighth {Vol. 31, p. 312, E.H.B.), red and white, calved March 20th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold l)y Mr. Johnston to Daniel K. High, Jordan, Ont. 5th— Bull, Knight of Vermont (imp.) -=4109- (54521), by Vermont (47193), out of Rosebud {Vol. 31, p. 316, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 1st, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to S. Shanley, Haysville. 0th— Bull, Oxonian (imp.) =4120= (54778), by Vermont (47193), out of Laura (ToL 31, p. 313, E.1LB.\ red, calved April 25th, 1885. Sold to J. H. Potts & Son, Jacksonville, 111., T.S. 7th -Bull, Rose Knight (imp.) =4124= (54940), by Vermont (47193), out of Rosebud Fourth {Vol. 31, p. 310, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 4th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to John D. Howden, Columbus. 8th— Bull, Royal Victor (imp.) =4126= (53011), by Scottish Victor (50422), out of Coquetdale(FoL 29, p. 618, E.H.B.\ red, calved February 21st, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Hugh Tliomson, St. Mary's, and by him to John Gillson, Masonville,Ont. 9th— Bull, Ruby Prince (imp.) =4127- (54999), by Vermont (47193), out of Ruby Hill Eighth {Vol. 31, p. 317, E.Il.B.), red, calved February 20th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Johnston to W. J. Wilson, Newcastle, Pa., U.S. 10th— Bull, Warrior (imp.) =4133= (55173), by Vermont (47193), out of Maid of Promise {Vol. 31, p. 313, E.H.B.), rod, calved January 10th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. No trace of him being sold. 11th— Bull, Prince of Orange (imp.) =11112= (51910), by Cumberland (46144), out of Orange Blossom Twenty -First {Vol. 24, p. 399, E.Il.B.), red, calved February 29th, 1884, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. Second owner in Scotland, William Duthie, Collynie. Sold by A. Johnston to John D. Howden, Whitby ; by him to Robert Miller, West Liberty, Iowa, and by him to C. C. Platter, Red Oak, Iowa, U.S. 1 1 1885. — Mr. William Linton, of Aurora, also imported this year some Booth cattle from the herd of his father, John Linton, of Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire, England. Eight cows and two bulls. Ist— Cow, Lady Ann (imp.) =11039 = , by Paul Potter (38854), out of Miss Irwin (ToL 25,^. 542, E.H.B.), white, calved May 11th, 1879, bred by John Linton, as above. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 303. 2nd— Cow, Miss Sowerby (imp.) = 11001 =, by Paul (53393), out of Sowerby's Queen, also Lady Irwin (imp.) — 11087 =, red roan, calved January 30th, 1885, bred by John Linton. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 310. [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XV lark roan, calved iston to James R. Vermont (47193), and white, calved ihnston to Daniel 21), by Vermont lalved March Ist, mt (47193), out of io. Sold to J. H. Vermont (47193), ftlved March 4th, umbus. y Scottish Victor , calved February , St. Mary's, and Vermont (47193), calved February to W. J. Wilson, mt (47193), out of tnuary 10th, 1885, i), by Cumberland 99, E.H.B.), red, ttyton, Aberdeen, ]!ollynie. Sold by bert Miller, West a, U.S. id this year some f Sheriff Hutton, ;er (38854), out of 1th, 1879, bred by 1 (53393), out of m, calved January S p. 310. { 3rd— Cow, Sowerby's Gem (imp.) 1108() , by Reuben (4«!977), out of Princess Irwin (FoL 23, p. WM, E.H.B.), roan, calved July I7th, 1884, bred by John Linton. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 319. 4th — Cow, Sowerby's Queen, aliaH Lady Irwin (imp.) =11087 = , by Lord Irwin Second (49924), out of Princess Irwin {Tol. 23, p. 534, E.Il.B.), roan, calved February 7th, 18H.'i, bred by John Linton. For produce, see ^dl. 5, p. 320. 5th— Cow, Sowerby's Rose (imp.) 11088 = , by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Lady Ann Eighth, roan, calved May 0th, 188:i, bred by John Linton. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 320. ()th — Cow, Sheritt" Hutton Fragrance (imp. in dam) ^21214 = , by Paul (5339.S), out of Sheriff Hutton Lady =18404 = , roan, calved February 4th, 1880, bred by John Linton. For produce, see Vol. 9, p. 397. 7th— Cow, Sheriff Hutton Lady (imp.) =18404 , by Arthur Victor (39380), out of Snowdrop (imp.) (8337), roan, calved May 7th, 1884, bred by John Linton. For produce, see Vol. 8, /). 271. 8th— Cow, Sowerby's Carnation (imp. in dam) =21210 = , by Paul (53303), out of Lady Ann (imp.) =11039 = , roan, calved February 2nd, 1880. For produce, see Vol. 9, p. 398. Ist- Bull, Paul (imp.) =4121= (53393), by .Star Sceptre (47150), out of Lentel Flower Eighth, red and white, calved January 0th, 1883, bred by R. S. Bruce, Braithwaite Hall, Middleham, England. Second owner, J. Linton, Sheriff Hutton, Yorkshire. Sold by William Linton to Simeon Lemon, Kettleby, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Baron Ingram (imp.) =2()71= (52471), by Reuben (40977), out of Lady Ann Eighth, roan, calved April 16th, 1884, bred by J. Linton. Retained by William Linton in his herd at Aurora. 1885. — In this year, John Miller & Son, of Brougham, imported a batch of Scotch bulls, seven in number, six from S. Campbell, all got by Vermont f and one from William Duthie, Collynie. 1st— Bull, General (imp.) :^2096= (54339), by Vermont (47193), out of Mina Gladstone {Vol. 31, p. 314, E. H.B.), roan, calved September 21st, 1894, bred by Sylvester Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. Sold by the Messrs. Miller to Charles Bennett, of Iris, Ont. 2nd— Bull, Invincible (imp.) 4106= (54470), l)y Vermont (47193), out of Jessamine Third (Vol. 71, 2>. 313, E.H.B.), red, calved March 16th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell, sold to Peter Toles, Mount Brydges. 3rd— Bull, Mexico (imp.) =4114= (54721), by Vermont (47193;, out of Clemency {Vol. 31, p. 311, E.H.B.\ red, calved March 6th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to John M. Bell, Atha. 4th— Bull, Michigan (imp.) =4115= (54726), by Vermont (47193), out of Red Rosebud Eighth, roan, calved February 20th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to Lieut.-Col. R. Tyrwhitt, Bradford. XVI HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX. 5th— Bull, Red Knight (imp.) :• 4123- (54904), by Vermont (4711>3), outofMina Fourth (To/. 31, p. 314, E.H.B.), red, calved February 21st, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Sold to David Milne, Ethel, Ont. 6th— Bull, The Provost (imp.) -4130= (55130), by Trooper (50669), out of Lady Fourth {Vol. 32, p. 275, E.H.B.), red, calved March 10th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. Retained in their herd by the Messrs. Miller. 7th— Bull, Vice-Consul (imp.) =4132 = , by Dunblane (47792), out of V 'toria Sixty-Eighth (Vol. 30, p. 429, E.H.B.), red, culved February 2nd, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland. This bull . . ..jd out a magnificent animal, and was kept at the head of the Miller herd for many years. 1885. — This year William Murray, of Chesterfield, imported one Bates bull, as below. Ist- Bull, Duke of Salisbuiy (imp.) =4100=. (52780), by Grand Duk? Thirty-Seventh (43307), out of Thorndale Rose Twenty-Third (Vol. 28, p. 313, E.H.B.), red, calved April 5th, 1885, bred by the executors of Sir C, M. Lampney, Rowfant, Sussex, Eng. 1885. — This year a largo importation was made of English bred cattle by Thomas Nelson & Sons, of Bow Park, Brantford, by their manager, John Hope, consisting of twenty-five cows and five bulls. Ist — Cow, Bushberry Countess Barrington Second (imp.) =5081:^, by Grand Duke of Geneva Second (31288), out of Countess of Barrington Seventh {Vol. 31, p. 508, E.H.B.), red roan, calved August 15th, 1881, bred by Henry Lovatt, Low Hill, Bushberry, Wolverhampton, Eng. 2nd — Cow, Bushberry Countess Kirklevington Fourth =5082=, by Grand Duke Thirty-Seventh (43307), out of Siddington Grand Duchess "Eighth, roan, calved April 1st, 1882, bred by Henry Lovatt, as above. Sold to Sumner & Son, Woodstock, Conn., U.S. 3rd — Cow, Cambridge Rose Tenth (imp.) :^5083 = , by Knight of Oxford (40082), out of Thorndale Rose Seventh, etc., red, calved March 7th, 1883, bred by Sir H. Allsopp, Hindley Hall, Worcestershire, Eng. 4th — Cow, Cantab Second (imp.) 1=5087 = , by Baron Barrington Fourth (33O06), out of Cantab (Vol. 27, ih 457, E.H.B.), white, calved November 15th, 1883, bred by the executors of Marcellus Thompson, ' ' The Lound," Kendal, Eng. 5th — Cow, Duchess One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth (imp.) =5711 = , by Duke of Connaught (33604), out of Duchess One Hundred and Seventeenth = 2130 = , roan, calved May 2nd, 1884, bred by Sir Henry Allsopp, as abovf 6th— Cow, Duchess One Hundred and Seventeenth =2130 = , by Marquis of Oxford Second (37055), out of Duchess One Hundred and Fourteenth, etc., red and white, calved April 4th, 1878, bred by Sir Henry Allsopp, as dbove. [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XVll Vermont (4711>3), ,red February 2lBt, Dnt. ■ooper (r)05(>9), out ih 10th, 1885, bred iller. le (47702), out of ed February 2nd, r)tland. This bull of the Miller herd nported one Bates , by Grand Duk? ;y-Third {Vol. 28, le executors of Sir jlish bred cattle by ir manager, John imp.) =5081-, by ess of Harrington 3t 15th, 1881, bred Eng. irth =5082=, by n Grand Duchess ;t, as above. Sold Knight of Oxford March 7th, 1883, Barrington Fourth calved November pn, "The Lound," (imp.) =5711 = , by I and Seventeenth Allsopp, as abovf J130 = , by Marquis d Fourteenth, etc., Allsopp, as dbove. 7th -Cow, Kirklovington Duchess Second (imp.) =2159-, by Second Duko of R(.\vley(2H441), out of Kirklevington Lady Second (Vol. 24, p. 293, E.H.Ik), roan, calved March 2w, Empress of Oxford Fourth (imp.) ^-5715 = , by Duko of Ox- ford Forty-L.ghth (41415), out of Empress of Oxford, etc. , red, calved February Ist, 1884, bred by Sir John Swinburne, Capheaton, Northumberland, Eng. Sold by W. Hope to R. Sumner & Sons, Woodstock, Conn., U.S. 10th — Cow, Empress of Waterh)o Second (imp.) =571(5 = , by Winsome Duke (4729()), out of Lady Waterloo Thirty-Fifth, etc., red and white, calved January 17th, 1883, bred by Sir John Swinburne, as above. 11th— Cow, Gusta Fourth (imp.) =5132 = , by Duke of Holker (38153), out of Guata Third, etc., red and white, calved January 2nd, 1882, bred by W. H. WakeQold, Sedgwick House, Kendal, Eng. 12th — Cow, Havering Nonpareil Second (imp.) =5133=, by Baron G Wynne Second (44350), out of Telamacona Second, etc., roan, calved June 30th, 1887, bred by William Mcintosh, Havering Park, Romford, Essex, Eng. 13th — Cow, Julia Twenty-First (imp.) =5742==, by Baron Shendish Fifth (44374), out of Julia Fourteenth, roan, calved January 31st, 1881, bred by J. J. Sharp, Broughton, Kepi)ering, Eng. 14th — Cow, Julia's Baroness (imp.) =5143 = , by Baron Shendish Fifth (44374), out of Julia's Bud, red, calved October 11th, 1881, bred by J. J. Sharp, as above. 15th — Cow, Kirklevington Princess Third =5149 = , by Duke of Leicester Third (4(5250), out of Kirklevington Princess Second (To/. .31, p. 395, E.H.B.), red and white, calved May 1st, 1884, bred by Lord Fitzhardinge, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Eng. IGth— Cow, Lady Isabel (imp.) =5156 = , by Crown Prince (38061), out of Lady Conyers (Vol. 29, ^j. 622, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 4th, 1881, bred by J. Outhwaite, Bainesse, Catterick, Yorkshire, Eng. 17tli — Cow, Lady Rosedale Barrington (imp.) =5159=, by Duke of Rosedale Sixth (38170), out of Princess of Barrington (Vol. 30, p. 508, E.H.B.), red, calved October 2l8t* 1880, bred by Edward Hales, North Frith, Tun- bridge, Eng. 18th— Cow, Lady Rosedale Barrington Second (imp.) =5160 = , by Duke of Rosedale Sixth (38176), out of Princess of Barrington (Vol. 30, p. 508, E.H.B.), roan, calved September 10th, 1881, bred by Edward Hales, ai above. 19th— Cow, Lady Waterloo Forty-First (imp.) =5163 = , by Duke of B • •• XVlll HISTOnV OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. IX Oxford Forty Eighth (41415), out of Liidy Wntorloo Thirty-Fiftli (Vol. IW p, 032, E.H.B.), roan, calvod Novombor 25tli, 1881, bred by Sir John Swin burno, Capheaton, Northumberhmd, Eng. 20th— Cow, Wolcoine Eighth (imp.) -5225=, by Duke of Holke (38153), out of Wolcome Second {Vol. 20, p. 083, E.H.B.), roan, calve. November 2!)th, 1882, bred by \V. H. WakeHeW, Sedgwick, Ken.lal. Em 2l8t— Cow, White Stockings (imp ) ■=522!>-=, by Canute (40030), out o Rosa (Toi. 30. p. 5!)!), E.H.B.), red and white, calved April 2l8t, 1881, bret by T. S. Ludlow, liosoland Farm, Mansfield, Lng. 22nd— Cow, Wild Duchess of Geneva Fifteenth =5230-=, by Duke Or^rd Forty-Eighth (41415), out of Wild l)uche.S8 of Geneva Third {Vol. 31 p. 242, E.H.B.\ roan, calved February 2l8t, 1881, bred by Sir W. G. Arm strong, Cragside, Northumberland, Eng. 23rd — Cow, VVild Duchess of Geneva Nineteenth =5231 = , by Duke Oxford Forty-Eighth (41415), out of Wild Duchess of Geneva Eighth ( Vol 30, p. 315, E.H.B.), roan, calved November 29th, 1881, bred by Sir W. G Armstrong, as above. 24th— Cow, Worcester Rose (imp.) =5239 = , by Duke of Glo'ste Seventh (39735), out of Thorndale Rose Seventh (Vol. 31, p. 235, E.H.B.) red, calved April 2nd, 1884, bred by Sir Henry Allsopp, Hindley Hal Worcestershire, Eng. 25lh — Cow, Isabella Second (imp. in dam) =8283 = , liy Lord Zetlani (43590), out of Lady Isabel (imp.) =5150 = , white, calved July 9th, 1885 bred by John Outhwaite, Bainesse, Catterick, Yorkshire, Eng. 1st — Bull, Lord Underly Barrington Sixth (imp. in dam) =11110 = , b^ Duke of Underly Seventh (40273), out of Lady Rosedale Barrington Seccmc (imp.) =5100 = , red, calved July 2nd, 1885, bred by Edward Hales, Tun bridge, Kent, Eng. Calved the property of Thomas Nelson »fc Sons, Bov Park, Brantford. 2nd — Bull, Viscount Oxford Ninth (imp.) = 11110 — , by Duke of Leiceste: Third (34003), out of Viscountess Oxford (Vol. 20, p. 487, E.H.B.), red calved December 10th, 1884, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill, Dorset, Eng Sold to R. Sumner & Son, Woodstock, Co. in., U.S. 3rd — Bull, Seventh Duke of Leicester (imp.) -2080=, by Duke of Con naught (33004), out of Duchess of Leicester Second (Toi!. 31, p. 400, E.H.B.) red roan, calved November 19th, 1884, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill Dorset, Eng. 4th— Bull, Third Duke of Whittlebury (imp.) =2087= (49489), b; Grand Duke Twenty-Fifth (34005), out of Grand Duchess of Geneva Fiftl (Vol. 23, p. 530, E.H.B.), roan, calved, July 13th, 1883, bred by R. Lodei Whittlebury, Northampton, Eng. 5th— Bull, Ingram's Chief (imp.) =2704 := (51423), by Sir Arthur Ingrati (32490), out of Hawthorn Blossom (Vol. 29, p. 489, E.H.B.), red and littl E. [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTOKY OF 8HORT-H011N CATTLE. XIX lirty- Fifth (Vol. 31, I by Sir .John Swin- . >y Duko of Ilolkor H.B.), roHii, ca'vod i wick, Kondal, K^t i iniite (4«)0;{G), out o: ■ pril 2i8t, 1881, bred 5230 = , by Duke of jneva Third (Toi. 31, by Sir W. G. Arni- 5231 = , by Duke of ; Teneva Eighth ( Fol. bred by Sir W. G. y Duke of Glo'ster 31, j9. 235, E.H.B.), 3oi)p, Hindley Hall, = , by Lord Zetland ved July 9th, 1885, , Eng. dam) =11110 = , by B Harrington Second iidward Hales, Tun- ^elson it Sons, Bow by Duke of Leicester . im,E.H.B.\ red, Hill, Dorset, Eng. = , by Duke of Con- 31, p. 400, E.H.B.), lolford. Castle Hill, r2687= (49489), by ess of Geneva Fifth bred by R. Loder. y Sir Arthur Ingram . T.B.), red and little i white, (halved January 3rd, 1884, l)rud by W. Handley, Green Head, West- moreland, Eng. Recapitulation for importations in 1885 — Sixty-three cows, forty-two bulls ; total, one hundred and live. 1886. — There were not many Short-Horns brought out this year ; John Dryden, M.P. P., Rrooklin, brought out one cow. 1st -Cow, Countess (imp.) -18300 = , by The Earl (53745), out of Col- leonard ( To/. 32,/). 314, E.H.B.), red, calved February 19th, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sold by Mr. Dryden to D. D. Dyer, Columbus, Oat. 1880. — This year Mr. Richard Gibson, of Delaware, and Mr. D. B. Burch, of Lambeth, brought out a few English cattle of high breeding. Ist-Cow, Waterloo Forty-Ninth (imp.) =11101 = , by Geneva's Oxford (34025), out of Duke of Oxford's Waterloo (Vol. 33, p. 405, E.II.B.), roan, calved July 30th, 1882, bred by R. H. Crabb, Baddow Place, Chelmsford, Eng. 2nd— Cow, Waterloo Forty-Eighth (imp.) 11100 = , by Duko of Oxford (39770), out of Waterloo Forty-Third {Vol. 29, p. 390, E.H.B.),r(mn, calved February 7th, 1882, bred by K. H. Crabb, as above. Ist — Bull, Duke of Wellington (imp. in dam) =11106 = , by Nineteenth Duke of Rosedale (49479), out of Waterloo Forty-Ninth (imp.) =11101 = , roan, calved March 24th, 1887, bred by R. H. Crabb, as above. 1886. — This year a new importer came on the field, John Me>er, Escj., Kossuth, Ont., bringing out two cows in calf and two bulls, of English breeding. 1st — Cow, Lady York and Thorndale Bates Niiitli (imp.) =5165 = , by Grand Duke of Kirklevington Fourth (43317), out of Lady York and Thorn- dale Bates Fifth {Vul. 29, p. 356, E.H.B.), roan, calved July 2nd, 1882, bred by Capt. M. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle. Second owner in England, R. Briggs, Selby, Yorkshire, Eng. 2nd — Cow, Kirklevington Twenty-Ninth (imp.) =5146 = , by Baron Ox- ford Tenth (42739), out of Kirklevington Twentieth (Foi. 28, p. 270, E.H.B.), red, calved October 9th, 1881, bred by George Ashburne, Carnforth, Eng. Ist— Bull, Baron Oxford Le Grand (imp.) = 6324 -^ . (5U820), by Grand Duke Forty-First (40439), out of Baroness Oxford Fourth (Vol. 31, p. 402, E.H.B.), red, calved April 16th, 1884, bred by George Fox, Stafford, Eng. 2nd — Bull, Duke of Ban*ington (imp. in dam) =6351 = , by Lord Oxford Fourteenth (40959), out of Lady York and Thorndale Bates Ninth (imp.) = 5105 = , red, calved October 27th, 1880, bred by R. Briggs, Selby, York- shire, Eng. Calved the property of John Meyer. XX HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. IX. 188(). — Thomas Nelson & Sons, by their Canadian manager, John Hope, Bow Park, Brantford, brought out a few more English cattle as f(jllows . Ist — Cow, Siddington Grand Duchess (imp.) -2251 = , by Grand Duke of Thorndale Second ^123= (31298), out of Siddington Seventn {Vol. 25, p. 555, E.H.B.), red and white, calved September 11th, 1870, bred by M. Fawcett, Scaleby Castle, Carlisle. Second owner in England, Henry Lovatt, Bushberry, Wolverhampton, Eng. 2nd— Cow, Lady Oxford Waterloo Fifth (imp.) =11048-, by Viscount Oxford of Elmhurst (48892), out of Waterloo Belle (Vol. 27, p. 384, EJIB.), roan, calved April 17th, 1886, bred by John Evans, Uflington, Shrewsbury, Eng. 3rd— Cow, Waterloo Fifty-First (imp.) =11102-, by Duke of Leicester Fourth (47774), out of Waterloo Forty-EighUi (imp.) -11100 = , red, calved January 10th, 1886, bred by R. H. Crabb, Baddow Place, Chelmsford, Eng. 4th — Cow, Bushberry Countess of Kirklevington Second (imp.), by Ox- ford King (27397), out of Siddington Grand Duchess (imp.) =2251 = , roan, calved March 27th, 1881, bred by H. Lovatt, Wolverhampton, Eng. 5th — Cow, Flossy Gwynne Eighth (imp.) =5124 = , by Knight of Oxford Third, out of Flossy Gwynne Second (Vol. 30, p. 501, E.H.B.), red and little white, calved August 25th, 1883, bred by D. A. Green, East Donyland, Essex, Eng. 6th-Cow, Jubilant (imp.) =5141 = , by Oxford Rose Third (88347), out of Julia Fourteenth {Vol. 29, p. 087, E.H.B.), red, calved October 14th, 1884, bred by J. J. Sharp, Brougham, Kettering, Eng. 7th — Cow, Kirklevington Lady Fourth (imp.) =5148 = , by Duke of Ox- ford (85970), out of Kirklevington Duchess Nineteenth (Vol. 31, jy. 430, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 3rd, 1882, bred by D. A. Green, East Donyland, Essex, Eng. 8th-- Cow, Kirl'^evington Princess Fifth (imp.), by Third ' uke of Hill- hurst (13991), out of Kirklevington Duchess Ninth (Vol. 23, p. 529, E.H.b.;, red and white, calved Sefitember 8th, 1876, bred by J. W. Larking, Hart- field, Sussex, Eng. 9th— Cow, Welcome Ninth (imp.), by Duke of Holker (85824), out of Welcome Second (VoL 26, p. 683, E.H.B.), roan, calved November 29th, 1882, bred by W. H. ^\ akefield, Sedgwick, Kendal, Eng. 10th — Cow, Bushberry Countess of Kirklevington Seventh (imp.), by Knight of Oxford Sixth (98992), out of Kirklevington Duchess Twenty-Sixth (Vol2'd,]).mb,E.H.B.), red, calved May 25th, 1884, bred by H. Lovatt, Wolverhampton, Eng. 11th— Cow, Duchess of Lincoln (imp.) =5112 = , by Oxford Rose Third (88347), out of Prairie Bud (Vol. 26, p. 686, E.H.B.), roan, calved October 4th, 1884, bred by J. J. Sharp, Brougham, Kettering, Eng. 12th— Cow, Evenlode Tenth (imp.) =5117 = , by Hope (98E95\ out of [Vol. IX. 1893] HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. XXI anager, John Hope, ttle as follows . = , by Grand Duke 1 Seventh {Vol. 25, , 1876, bred by M. and, Henry Lovatt, 1048 -, by Viscount i7,p. 384, E.H.B.), iigton, Shrewsbury, Duke of Leicester 11100 = , red, calved Place, Chelmsford, ond (imp.), by Ox- ip.) =2251=:, roan, )ton, Eng. y Knight of Oxford E.H.B.), red and !n. East Donyland, Third (88347), out ved October 14th, = , by Duke of Ox- {Vol. 31, 2x 430, in. East Donyland, lird uke of Hill- \ p. b2i),E.H.b.,, ^'. Lurking, Hart- ter (85824), out of d November 2yth, seventh (imp.), by less Twenty-Sixih red by H, Lovatt, )xford Rose Third vn, calved October •pe (98E95\ out of Evenlode Seventh (FoL 31, p. 410, E.H.B.), red roan, calved August 6th, 1884, bred by John Game, Great Rissington, Gloucestershire, Eng. 13th— Cow, Marnhull Duchess Fifth (imp.), by Montrose (99607), out of Lady Artiton Fourth {Vol. 20,^^.648, E.H.B.), red, calved January 28th, 1885, bred by R. B. Kennaird, Blantford, Eng. 1st— Bull, Duke of Oxford Seventy-Sixth (iinp.^ =(5356= (62773), by Grand Duke Forty-Sixth (49671), out of Grand Duchess of Oxford Fifty-First {Vol 31, p. 364, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 23rd, 1885, bred by the Duke of Devonshire, Holker Hall, Lancashire, Eng. 2nd— Bull, The Baronet (imp. in dam) -11114 = , by Baronet (52459), out of Evenlode lOtli (imp.) =5117 = , roan, calved December 30th, 1886, bred by John (iarne. Great Rissington, Gloucestershire, Eng. 3rii— Bull, Viscount Oxford Ninth (imp.) =15282 = , by Duke of Leicester Third (4()25G), out of Viscountess Oxford {Vol. 28, p. 438, E.H.B.), red, calved December lOtli, 1884, bred by T, Hcdford, Castle Hill, Dorsetshire, Eng. Sold by Mr. Hope to R. Sumner & Son, Woodstock, Conn., U.S. 1886. — Mr. Peter Arkell, of Teeswater, imported one bull, Red Prince (imp.) -6423= (54908), by Hatis (47997), out of Frosty (FoL 31, p. 238, E.H.B.), red, calved January 6th, 1886, bred by Daniel Arkell, Butler's Court, Lechlade, Gloucestershire, Eng. Recapitulation for 1886 — Twenty-eight cows and seven bulls imported. 1887. — This year the principal importer was the Hon. John Dryden, who purchased the entire herd belonging to W. E. Cruickshank of Lethenty, Aberdeen, Scotland. They are, of course, of the Cruickshank family of Scotch cattle, and this importation consists of thirty-four cows and tifteen bulls. 1st -Cow, Golden Hair (imp.) =11029 = , by Cawdor (44506), out of Victoria Sixty-SeveTibh {Vol. 29, p. 403, E.H.B.), red, calved January 30th, 1882, bred by E. Cruickshank. 2nd— Cow, Grace (imp.) =11030 = , by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Griselda (imp.) - 11033 ^ {Vol. 34, p. 310, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 13th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank. 3rd— Cow, Griselda (imp.) =11033 = , by Royal Violet (40649), out of Grizzle {Vol. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), roan, calved February 16th, 1880, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton. 4th -Cow, Harmony (imp.) =11034=, by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Hawthorn {Vol. 24, p. 399, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 26th, 1877, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton. 5th— Cow, Lady Marjorie (imp.) =11^44 = , by Peno-'^on (37185), out of Feodora {Vol. 32, p. 314, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 26th, 1885, brei- by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. XXll HISTORY OF SHOIlt-HORN CATTLE. [VoL. IX. 6th— Cow, Lady Myra (imp.) =11045=:, by Perfection (37185), out of Griselda (imp.) =11033 ^^^ {Vol. 34, p. 310, E.H.B.), red, calved, November 11th, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshaiik, Lethonty. 7th— Cow, Meadow Sweet (imp.) —11054 = , by Lawberter (4(5594), out of Pelouia (FoL 33, p. 293, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 13th, 1880, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Thomas Ballantyne & Son, Stratford. 8th— Cow, Mountain Heather (imp.) =11063 = , by Cawdor (44506), out of Bramble Berry (imp.) =11003^ {Vol. 33, p. 292, E.H.B.\ roan, calved April 7th, 1883, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to McEachern Bros., Argyle. 9th — Cow, Almond Blossom (imp.) -10986 = , by Cawdor (44506), out of Beauty {Vol. 30, p. 429, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 14th, 1883, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 10th— Cow, Amethyst (imp.) =10989 = , by Duke of Chamburgh (36052), out of Alma {Vol. 30, ^j. 630, E.E.B.), red, calved February 9th, 1879, bred by W. A. Mitchell, Auchnagathle, Aberdeen, Scotland. 11th— Cow, Bramble Berry (imp.) =11003 = , by Perfection (37185), out of Roseberry {Vol. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), red and white, calved January 30th, 1884, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Orlando Kimmell, Kimmell, Ind., U.S. 12th— Cow, Butterwort (imp.) -11004=, by Vensgarth (47192), out of Buttercup {Vol. 34, p. 309, E.B.B.), red, calved December 1st, 1884, bred by W. Philip, Aberdeen. Second owner in Scotland, E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 13th— Cow, Daisy (imp.) =11013=, by Prince Rufus (57926), out of Daisy Chain {Vol. 33, p. 292, E.H.B.), red, calved February 9th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 14th— Cow, Daisy Flower (imp.) =11014^, by Perfection (37185), out of Daisy Blossom {Vol. 32, p. 314, E.h.B.), roan, calved March 3rd, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 15th— Cow, Fernleaf (imp.) =11024^-, by Barrington (37763), out of Sunshade {Vol. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), red roan, calved March 16th, 1881, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton. 16th— Cow, Foxglove (imp.) =11026 = , by Perfection (37185), out of Griselda (imp.) =11043^ {Vol. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), red, calved August 28th, 1884, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 17th— Cow, Mulberry (imp.) =11064 = , by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Bramble Berry (imp.) =11003-, red, calved January 9th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 18th — Cow, Northern Belle (imp.) =11065 = , by Baron Havering (33043), out of Isabel (Foi. 27, p. 491, E.H.B.), roan, calved March Ist, 1880, bred by A. Longmore, Rettie, Scotland. Second owner, E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLK XXlll ion (37185), out of calved, November srter (4(5594), out of 13th, 188(5, bred by mias Ballantyne & !a\vdor (44oO(i), out JI.B.), roan, calved l)y Mr. Dryden to rdor (44506), out of I, 1883, bred by E. ihamburgh (3(5052), ary 9th, 1879, bred fection (37185), out dved January 30th, Dryden to Orlando irth (47192), out of aer Ist, 1884, bred , E. Cruickshank, M» (57926), out of ary 9th, 1886, bred fection (37185), out I March 3rd, 1885, 9n (37763), out of 3h 16th, 1881, bred on (37185), out of alved August 28th, ifus (51926), out of 1, 1886, bred by E. Baron Havering 3d March Ist, 1880, r, E. Cruickshank, 19th— Cow, Oakfern (imp.) =11066-, by Lanchester (46594), out of Fernleaf (imp.) :=11024-:- (Vol. 33, p. 292, E.H.B.), roan, calved February 7th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 20th— Cow, Orange Flower (imp.) =11068 = , by Perfection (37185), out of Winter Berry (imp.) -^11103= {Vol. 32, p. Slo, E.H.B.), roan, calved December 1st, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 21st— Cow, Red Empress (imp.) =11074=, by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Harmony (To/. 34, _p. 310, U.H.B.), red, calved February 8th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 22nd— Cow, Roseberry (imp.) :^ 11076 = , by Pride of the Isles (35072), out of Roseleaf {Vol. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 13th, 1877, bred by A. Cruickshank, Sittyton. 23rd— Cow, Rowan Berry (imp.) =11077^, by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Roseberry (imp.) =11076= (Vul. 31, p. 355, E.H.B.), red and little white, calved Fel)ruary 13th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 24th— Cow, Sweet Rose (imp.) =11090 = , by Good Hope (44883), out of The Rose (Vol. 29, p. 321, E.H.B.), red, calved April 23rd, 1882, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to W. 0, Edwards & Co., Rock- land, Out. 25th— Cow, Twilight (imp.) ^11091 = , by Perfection (37185), out of Primrose (FoL 32, p. 314, E.H.B.), roan, calved December 16th, 1885, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden, to W. C. Edwards & Co., Rockland, Out. 2Gth— Cow, Velvet (imp.) ^11096 = , by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Vic- toria Sixty-Seventh (FoZ. 33, p. 293, E.H.B.), red, calved February 13th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to F. Belloise, Mary- ville, Miss., U.S. 27th— Cow, Vertal (imp.) =: 11097 = , by Prince Rufus (51926), out of (Tolden Hair (imp.) 11029-- {Vol. 29, p. 407, E.H.B.), red and white, calved December 12th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 28th — Cow, Victoria Sixty-Seventh (imp.) =11098 = , by Lord of the Isles (40215), out of Victoria Fifty-Fifth {Vol. 32, p. 315, E.H.B.), red roan, calved Deceml)er 28th, 1879, bred l)y Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton. 29th— Cow, Winter Berry (imp.) =11103 = , by Cawdor (44506), out of Griselda (imp.) = 11037 = , red, calved December 15th, 1882, bred by E. Cruick- shank, Lethenty. 30th— Cow, Winter Flower (imp.) =11104 = , by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Winter Berry (imp.) =11103 , red, calved January 15th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 3l8t— Cow, l'rimrose(imp.) -5191 = , by Third Duko of Carolina (41364), out of Little Lady (FoL 32, p. 314, E.H.B.), red and wliite, calved March I8th, 1882, bred by E. Cruick.shank, Lethenty. 32nd— Cow, Gazelle (imp. in dam) -^8374 = , by Patriot (imp.) -6409 = (53390), out of Griselda (imp.) =11033=, et^., roan, calved February 23rd, ■V XXIV HISTOllY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX. 1888, bred by Amoa Cruickshank, Sittyton. Sold by Mr. Drydeu to Th( Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Company, ]3inscarth Farm, Man. 33rd— Cow, Mountain Princess (imp. in dam) =1835>2 = , by Patriot (imp.) -6409= (63390), out of Mountain Heather (imp.) =11003 = , etc., roan, calved January 8th, 1888, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to McEachern Bros., Argyle. 34th— Cow, Red Berry (imp. in dam) =18399:-, by Patriot (imp.) =6409= (53390), dam Roseberry (imp.), etc., red, calved January 25th, 1888, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton. Sold by Mr. Dryden to The Scottish Ontario and Manitoba Land Company, Binscarth Farm, Man. 1st— Bull, Aboyne (imp.) ^-6312 = , by Prince Rufus (5192G), out of Amethyst {Vol. 30, p. 030, E.H.B.), red with white marks, calved February 12th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 2nd— Bull, Boulderwood (imp.) =0329 = , by Prince Rufus (57920), out of Northern Belle (imp.) ==11005= {Vol. 27, p. 491, E.H.B.), red, calved December 10th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to D. D. Dyer, Columbus. 3rd— Bull, Brockenhurst (imp.) =6330= (55421), by Prince Rufus (57926), out of Daisy Flower {Vol. 32, p. 314, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 5th, 1887, bred byE. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to A. F. Dix & Son, Little Britain. 4th— Bull, Erick (imp. in dam) =6303 = , by Sussex (imp.) =0438 = (56525), out of Oakfern (imp.) =11006 = , roan, calved January 6th, 1888, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Calved the projjerty of John Dryden ; sold by him to A. Hagar, Plantagenet. 5th— Bull, Hopeful (imp.) =6375= (55902), by Prince Rufus (57920), out of Almond Blossom (imp.) =10980 = , roan, calved March 5th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Donald Robert- son, Blantyre. 6th— Bull, Lyndhurat (imp.) =6397= (50126), by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Victoria Sixty-Seventh (imp.) =11098 = , dark roan, calved March lOthj 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to J. Harris, Aahburn. 7th— Bull, Patriot (imp.) =6409= (53390), by Perfection (37185), out of Pelonia {Vol. 24, p. 544, E.H.B.), red, calved December 12ih, 1884, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 8th— Bull, Pioneer (imp.) -6411= (56288), by Patriot =6409= (53390), out of Lady Marjorie {Vol. 32, p. 314, E.II.B.), roan, calved December 24th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to W. C. Edwards & Co., Rockland, Ont. J^9th — Bull, Prince of the North Cimp. in dam) =6tl6 = , by Lsincheater (46594), out of Sweet Rose (imp.) =11090= {Vol. 29, p. 403, E.H.B.), red and white, calved January 26th, 1886, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Thomas Graham, Fenelon Falls. fli [Vol. IX. 1893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXV Mr. Dry den to The I Farm, Man. 835)2 = , by Patriot 11003 -, etc., roan, euty. 8old by Mr. , by Patriot (imp.) ved Jajiuary 25th, Mr. Dryden to The I Farm, Man. fus (51926), out of vs, calved February Rufus (5792G), out H.B.), red, calved :nty. Sold by Mr. by Prince Rufus Jan, calved January Ir. Dryden to A. F. lex (imp.) =0438 = January 5th, 1888, r of Jolm Dryden ; nco Rufus (57926), i March 5th, 1887,. I to Donald Robert- ince Rufus (51926), oan, calved March by Mr. Dryden to Hon (37185), out of 2th, 1884, bred by )t =6409= (53390), ed December 24th, Dryden to W. C. 5 = , by Lanch ester 40;i, E.H.B.), red kshank, Lethenty. i 10th— Bull, Prince Royal (imp) =6418= (56349), by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Primrose (inip.) ==5191 = , red and white, calved January 5th, 1887, bred by E. Cruicksluink, Lethenty. Sohl by Mr. Dryden to Thomas Bullantyne & Son, Stratford. nth— Bull, Sitlyton Chief (imp.) =6435 = , by Cumberland (4G144), out of Surname {Vol. 27, p. 3(52, E.Il.B.), red, calved April 9th, 1887, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton. 12th— Bull, Sussex (imp.) -6438= (56625^, by Baron Violet (47444), out of Serenity, bred by Amos Cruickshank, Sittyton. Retained by Mr. Dryden at the head of his herd. 13th- Bull, William Rufus (imp.) =6455= (56769), by Prince Rufus (51926), out of Bramble Berry (imp.) =1100 = , red, calved February 10th, 1887, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. 14th — Bull, Aberdeen Hero (imp. in dam) =11101 = , by Patriot (imp.) = 6409= (53390), out of Bramble Berry (imp.) =11003 = , etc., red and little white, calved April 29th, 1888, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to Frank R. Shore A Bros., White Oak. 15th — Bull, Traveller (imp. in dam) =11115 = , by Sussex (imp.) = 6438 = (56625), out of Daisy (inip.) =11013 = , etc., red, calved January 19th, 1888, bred by E. Cruickshank, Lethenty. Sold by Mr. Dryden to McEachern Bros., Argyle, 1887. — This year John Isaac, of Markham, and his brother, S. C. Isaac, of Bomanton, made a good importation of Campbell cattle— seven cows and three bulls. 1st — Cow, Maiden's Blush (imp. in dam) =11052 = , by Gravesend (46461), out of INIerry Maiden (imp.) =11056 = , etc., red, calved April 2nd, 1888, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. Sold by John Isaac to J. & W. B Watt, Salem, Ont. 2nd— Cow, Merry Maiden (imp.) =11056 = , by Chamberlain (50974), out of SunJiower Second (Vol. 30, p. 372, E.H B.), roan, calved January 18th, 1886, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Retained by John Isaac, of Markham. .3rd— Cow, Miss Rambler (imp.) =11059 = , by British Flag (46009), out of Miss Ramsden Seventh (I'o/. 31, p. 315, E.IT.B.), roan, cnlved May 6th, 1884, bred by J. Rvcth, Auchenleah. Second cjwner in Scotland, S. Camp- bell, Kinellar. 4th— Cow, Ury Girl (imp.) =11093 = , by Vermont (47193), out of Ury Princess (ToL 31, p. 317, E.H.B.), red, calved March 20th, 1884. bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold by John Isaac to Francis Davis, iiedwing, Minn., U.S. 5th— Cow, Crocus (imp.) 18361 = , by Banner Bearer (49034), out of Cecilia Gladstone Second {Vol. 33, p. 258, E.H.B.), red, calved March 12th, 1886, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. This cow was for G. & A. Isaac, Bomanton, and thej' sold her to John Miller & Sons, Brougham. i r 'r ; XXVI HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX. fith— Cow, Lady Fanny (inii).) =18388 = , by Karl of Moray (43171), out of Fanny B. fitivanth (I'lil. 2\), p. 3CA, E.H.B.), red, calved Feliruary 2Gth, 188(5, bred by James Bruce, Burnaide, Forhabers. Second owner in .Scotland, S. Canipbe'l, Kinellar. Sold by John Isaac to William, Burgoyne, Ont. 7th— Cow, Miss Isaac (imp.) =18391-, by Gravcsend (40461), ont of Mary Ann {Vul. 31, p. 314, E.H.B.), roan, calved January 14th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, KinuUar. Retained by Ct. «fc A. Isaac, Bomanton. 1st — Bull, General Booth (imp.) -6365= (54353), by Banner Bearer (49034), out of Nonpareil Tliirtieth, etc., red, calved March 19th, 1886, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Retained by G. & A. Isaac, Bomanton. '2nd — Bull, Prince Uiy, of Kinellar (imp. in dam) - (5419-, by Gravesend (46401), out of Ury Girl (imp.) ^1093 = , red, calved March 5th, 1888, l)red by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold by John Isaac to Francis Davis, Redwing, Minn., U.S., along with dam. 3rd — Bull, Reporter (imp.) =6424=^ ^V Gravesend (4(5461), out of Wim- ple Thirteenth, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by John Isaac to John Ai^krow & Son, Hightield. 1887. — Arthur Johnston, Greenwood, also brought out a few Aberdeen cattle this year, two cows and eight bidls, for selling purposes — all sired by Gravesend. lat — Cow, Ury Queen (imp.) =11094 = , by Gravesend (4(5461), out of Undine (FoL 31, p. 317, E.H.B.), red, calved February 7th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Al)erdeen, Scotland. Sold by Mr. Johnston to Henry Cargill & Son, of Cargill, Ont. 2nd — Cow, Ury of Greenwood (imp.) =11095 = , by Gravesend (4(5461), out of Ury Sixth {Vol. 31, p. 317, E.H.B.), red, calved November 15th, 1886, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold by Mr. John.ston to H. Cargill & Son, Cargill, Ont. 1st— Bull, Albert Victor (imp.) =6315= (55250), by Gravesend (46461), out of Golden Drop Seventh (FoL 26, p. 370, E.H.B.), red, calved March 19th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Do not know to whom he was sold. 2nd -Bull, Dublin (imp.) =6348= (55588), by Gravesend (46461), red, calved February 28th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold by Mr. Johnston to Isaac Fisher, Goderich, Ont. 3rd— Bull, Lancer (imp.) =6381= (55992), by Gravesend (46461), out of Bessie Sixth (Vol. 31, p. 309, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 13th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sol,', to W, S. Lister, Middle Church, Man. 4th--Bull, Oxford (imp.) - 6406= (56255), by Gravesend (46461), out of Lady Fourth {Vol. 32, p. 275, E.B.B.\ red, calved March 17th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold to John Fried, Roseville. 5th— Bull, President (imp.) =6412= (56301), by Gravesend (46461), out [Vol. IX. : i893.] HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XXVll of Moray (43171), , calvud February J^econcl owner in William Mcintosh, nd (40461), out of y J4tli, 1887, bred )nianton. by Banner IJearer h 19th, 188. 311, E.II.B.), red, calved April 3rd, 1887, bred "by S. Campbell, Kinellar. Sold to E. D. Morton, M.D., Barrie. 7th— Bull, Viscount (imp ) =6450= (56004), by Gravesend (40401), out of Ury of Deystone {Vol. 32, j). 275, E.H.B.), red, calved April 3rd, 1887, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by Mr. Johnston to Henry Shaw, Colinville. 8tii— Bull, Warfare (imp.) =6452= (50712), Ijy Gravesend (46401), out of Red Rosebud, etc., red, calved February 4th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar. 1887. — William Murray, Chesterfield, brought out one Duchess Bull this year. Ist — Bull, Duke of Leicester Eighth (imp.) =6353-, by Viscount Oxford Second (42558), out of Airdrie Duchess Seventh (FoL 26, p. 48(5, E.H.B.), red, calved March 22nd, 1885, bred by T. Holford, Castle Hill, Cerne, Eng. 1887. — Joseph Redmond, Peterborough, this year imported some Aber- deen cattle, five cows and three bulls. This lot was detained in Scotland by the schedule. 1st— Cow, Fanny B. Twelfth (imp.) =11021 = , by Earl of March (33807), out of Fanny Third {Vol. 33, p. 343, E.H.B.), roan, calved April 3rd, 1880, bred l^y J. Bruce, Burnside, Fochabars, Scotland. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 290. 2rd— Cow, Fanny B. Twenty-Sixth (imp.)" = 11022 =, by Goldfinder (47907), out of Fanny B. Twelfth (imp.) =11021 = , white, calved January 31st, 1884, bred by James Bruce, as above. 3rd— Cow, Fanny B. Twenty-Seventh (imp.) =11023=, by Jumbo (54484), out of Fanny B. Twenty-Sixth (imp.) =11022 = , light roan, calved January 27th, 1887, bred by James Bruce, as above. 4th — Cow, Princess of Wales Seventh (imp.) =11071 = , by Goldfinder (47907), out of Princess of Wales {Vol. 30, p. 372, E.H.B.), red, calved February 27th, 1884, bred by James Bruce, as above. For produce, see Vol. 5, p. 314. 5th — Cow, Princess of Wales Eighth (imp.) =11072 = , by Goldfinder (47907), out of Princess of Wales {Vol. 30, p. 372, E.E.B.\ roan, calved March 28th, 1885, bred l)y James Bruce, as above. 1st — Bull, Gravesend's Heir (imp. in dam) =0372 = , by Gravesend (46461), out of Princess of Wales Eighth (imp.) =11072 = , red and little white, calved December 10th, 1887, bred by .Joseph Redmond, at Kinellar, as above. 2nd— Bull, Gravesend's Heir Second (imp. in dam) =(i373 , by Cfraves- end (40401), out of Fanny B. Twenty-Sixth (ivnp.) -11022 = , light roan, calved January 8th, 1888, bred by Joseph Redmond, at Kinellar, Scotland. XXVIU HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [Vol. IX 3rd— Bull, Gravesend's Heir Third (imp. in dam) =6374 = , byGravesenc: (4()4(5J), dark roan, calved February 28Lh, 1888, bred by .Joseph Redmond, at Kinellar. 1887. — J. & W. Russell, Richmond Hill, this year also imported some Aberdeen cattle, three cows and three bulls. 1st — Cow, Mina Lass (im]».) =11057 = , by (Jravesend (4()4(>1), out of Mina of Deystone {I'ol. 31, /.. 314, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 19th, 1887, bred by S. Cami)bell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scotland. ' 2nd— Cow, Miss Rambler First (imp.) =11000 = , by Gravesend (40401), out of Miss Rambler ( To/. 31, p. 315, E.H.B.), roan, calved November 15th, 1880, bred by S. Campbell. Sold by the Messrs. Russell to Francis Davis, Redwing, Minn., U.S. 3rd— Cow, Roan Princess (imp.) =11075 = , by Star of West (48789), out of Vail Princess ( r^oL 31, p. 472, E.H.B.), roan, calved February 20th, 1885, bred by S. Campbell. 1st— Bull. Killerby (imp.) =6377= (55971), by Gravesend (46461), out of Jessamine Third "6377= (55951), red, calved March 8th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell. 2nd— Bull, Rajah (imp.) =6421= (56373), by Gravesend (46461), out of Mary Third (Vol. 31, p. 313, E.H.B.), red and white, calved January 16th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell. Sold bj' the Messrs. Russell to John & George Taylor, Rock wood. 3rd— Bull, Windsor (imp.) =6456= (56771), by Gravesend (46461), out of Red Bess, red, calved January 30th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell. Recapitulation for 1887 — Fifty-one cows and thirty-three bulls. (Hidory to be continued in Vol. X.) [Vol. IX. 374 = , byGraveaend f Joseph Redmond, also imported some md (4<)4r)l), out of I March l!)th, 1887, Gravosend (404(51), ed November 15th, II to Francis Davis, f West (48789), out 3bruary 2(Jth, 1885, send (46461), out of 1, 1887, bred by S. end (464G1), out of Ived January 16th, to John & George -esend (46461), out ampbell. ree bulls. 1894.] [Vol. X. HISTORY OF SlIORT-llORN CATTLH IMI'OHTKI) INTO THE DOMINION OF CANADA KHOM (iRKAT BRITAIN AND IRKLANl), CHKONOLOCJK'ALLV ARRANCJKD. X.B.'-hoinliuon Hvrd Book s)j)iil>o/-< aiul mniilxr-t art nxcd. For iiami's of proiliut- .scf iintfrr pc'liiiric 0/ Imfntrhil Con'x iti /lit' rohniH' thsit/nftfid. (Cniit'niiifd frt>in Vol. IX.) 1887. The twt) bulls below were ini])()rte(l in 1HH7 by the Hon. .John Dryden, and do not a])pear in their proper place. Lst Bull Grandeur (iuij).) =15277-, l)y Patriot =<;405) = , wa.s really imported in dam in 1887, bred by E. Cruikshank, Lethenty, Aberdeen, Scotland, red, calved April 14th, 1H88, and afterwards sold to W. 0. Edwards iV Co., Rockland. 2nd Bull— Mountain King(inii).) =1527t>= (5:5332), by Vensgarth (imp.) = 1309= (i7ll>2). out of Mountain Heather, I >y Cawdor (44506). 1888. -The history in Vol. IX. comi)rises the importations of 1885, 1886 and 1887. We now conunence with the importations of 1888, and first on the Ust are those of Campbell cattle, imported by John Isaac, of Markham. Lst Cow— Charlotte (imp.) =11008=, by Grave.send (404(51), roan. ■ calved February 17th, 1887, bred by S. Campbell, Kinellar, Aberdeen, Scot- land. She bred for three years for John Isaac : (3n May 5th, 1889, a roan bull calf. Royal Baron =9242= ; .lulm Ackrow iV Sons, Hii^htit'ld, fit Isaac's sale, ami on April *»tli. 1H'.>2, Iwul a ii-d and white lieifur calf, (y'lfnpatia Secund L'"»7r».'{ . I»y Ki'iioitff (1424= . She vvhh Hgiiiii Nold at Acki-ows' Half to John I. Iloiison A' Son, MohIkho'. .'5i(l Cow - Trgont (ini|i.) Il(>!>2 . hy Vermont (47I'.>.'{), n^d, c-alvud Octoljor lOtli, IKHf), hiiid l»y S Campl.tdl. On Kel.ruaiy ir)tli, lHHi», she di(»|»|i»!(l a rod hidl lalf, I'ride of Kincllar 127<»H , hy I^aron Lcoiton (ini|t.) 1222- ; on March IStli, 18!>0, a i.'d i)Mll calf, Koyal Scot - li^fjolJ- ; and on August 2Hth, IH'.M, a r.)an hull calf. Emperor of Boresford — all hy the same sire. She was sohl at the Isaac sale to John E. Smith, IJrandon, Man. 4th Cow— I'ry Maid (imj..) -IH4()8 = , i.y Vermont (471!>H), red and white, culved April 12th, IHS(!, bred hy S. Camphell. She was for (i. & A. Isaac, liomanton. She dropped her lirst calf on .Inly lOth, soon after her arrival; on October 2«ith, 18H!>, a red hull calf, Ury Lad -14257-=, l>y (Jeneral H;)oth — (J.M(}5= ; and on May 1st, 1H!H. a red cow calf, Aggie Ury, hy (Jeneral liooth =tVMi't=. She was then sold to John 'P. M nlholland, Haltimore, and on April oth, IH!)2, had a red and white l)ull calf. Pilot :-1772H = , hy liaron Baltimore ^I4!>4r):=; and on A])ril 10th, IHiUJ, a redand white hull calf. Village Hero -11(274-, hy Village Boy Fifth -BWifVj-. 5th Cow- Ury (lirl (imp in dam) ^ 18407^, hy (Jrave.send (4()4G1), out of Ury Maid (imp.) =18408 = , nul and white, calved July lOtli, 1888, hred hy S. Camjjhell, calved the j)ro))erty of H. S: \. Isaac, Roinanton, and sold to John T. Mulholland, along with her dam. On January (!th, 1891, she dropped a red cow calf, Maude Ury, hy (jeneral Booth =().'i(>5=; and on May .'{rd, 18!»2, a red hull calf, Bhi(UI Ury =1814.3 = , hy Bartm Baltimore = 14945=. 1888. — In this year a cow and hull were imported by Luther Adams, Storm Lake, Towa, and wore afterwards sold to John Miller iV Sons, Brougham, so 1 treat theui here the same as if they were imported direct to Canada. Cow— Thirty-Fifth Duchess of (ilo'ster (imp.) =183()4 = , by Dund)lane (47792), roan, calved March (ith, 1887, bred by A. Cruik.shank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Sootlanl. On November 23rd, 1889, she droppc-'d a roau bul' calf, (iladiator =11417 = , by Craven Knight (im]). ) (57121), while the property of Luther Adams. No produce has been recordec^ from her since Bull— Northern Light (imp.) =11111= (57801), by Standard Bearer (5509(j), red, calved March 17th, 1888, bred by A. Cruikshank, Sittyton, Aberdeen, Scotland, impoi'ted by Luther Adams, Storm Lake, Iowa, sold to John Miller iVr Sons, Brougham, and hy them to Uobert Davies, Tonmto. His dam was Non|)areii Twentieth, by Cumberland (40144), etc. 1888. — Thomas Nelson i<: Sr»ns, Bow Park, Brantford, Ont., by John Hope, their farm manager, imported the following animals: Cow— Zoe Fifth (imp.) (To/,. XI.\ by Sir Charles (44020), roan, calved this and of Ri Telli by pUBSJ broi 1894.] HISTORY OK SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XV Juno IHth, IHH"), I. red hy David T'lij^di, MiuiDnivfii, \V;ih*H, Englfind, dam Whito Z(.t' (i^nl. .It, i>. .f'».7, E.H.H.). On .Funi! r.tli, IHH1>, hIiu dropped a white cow calf, I^ady Zoo -24144-=. hy Inyrain I4'J72 - . Hull Duke (if Lancaster Third (imp.) - 170117-=, hy Duke of Leiconter (43112), red. calved May 24th, 18H7, hred hy Fliley Bri«i,'H, Y.)rk8hire, Eng- land, out of Duchess (.f OnuKkirk Sixth {Vol. ,,'U, p. .).;^' K. II. H.). 1888. — In this year J. Si VV. Kussell, of Richmond Hill, imported, along with .John Isaac, Iff ^^\ ^<' '^"^ tS^ M % y^^ XVI HISTORY OF SHORT- HORN CATTLE. [Vol. X. = 55096 = , out of Dijiinoiul Third (Vol. .iO, p. JfiJf, E.H.B.), reel, ciilved March 16th, 1891, bred by Alexander Crombie, Woodland. Sununerhill, Aber- 6). r<»an, calved November I4th, 1891, V)red by William Duthie. 2nd Bull -Prime Minister (imp.) =15280 = , by Chesterheld (37049), out of Princess Lovely, by Field Marshal (47870). red, calved February 10th, 1891, l)red by William Duthie. 1891. -.John Miller it Sons, of Brougham, Ont., imported one bull, Sirius (imp.) =15281 =. by Leonidas (59260), out of Sarcasm {Vol. ;iS, p. L^U'J, E.H.B.), roan, calved Aju-il 30th, 1891, bred by William Duthie, Collynie, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold to Arthur Johnston. (Jreenwood, Ont.. and by him to A. F. Mc(iill, Hillsburgh, Ont. Recapitulation for 1891 — Three cows and three bulls. 1892. — In this year the embarg(» was raised, so several gentlemen availed themselves of the opportunity of bringing out some cattle. W. C. Edwards l, bred by William Duthie 1st Bull Knight of Lancaster (imp.) =17101 = , by Scottish Archer (5{>81>:{), out <.f Lady Laiu-aster Sixth (Vol. .i7, j). ..?^5, E.H.B.), red, calved AiM'il 18th, 18JL>, bred by William Duthie. 2nd Bull— Knight <.f St. John (imp.) -17102 = , by Cap-a-Pie =58591 = , out of Clarissa {Vol. .!S, p. .tr,!, E.H.H.), red, calved February 21st, 18i>l, bred by William Duthie. .'?rd Bidl— Sittyton Clijjper Second (imp.) =17109 = , by William of Orange (50(594), out of Cluster Rose {Vol SS, p. 351, E.H.B.), red, calved April 7th. 1891, bred by William Duthie. 1892. — Athur .It)hnston, of (Jreenwood, brought out three cows and seven bulls. 1st Cow— Rosa Lee (imp. in dam) =21207 = , by Sittyton Yet (61833), out of Rosalind (imp.) =21208 = , red, calved March 19th, 1893, bred by (Jeorge Bruce, Heatherwick, Inverury, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold to H. Cargill tt Son, Cai'gill, Out. 2nd Cow— Rosalind (imj).) =21208 = , by Stockwell (50615), red, calved May 22nd, 1889, bred by (ieorge Bruce, as above, sold with her calf, Lee, to H. ('argill vV: Sons, Cargill, Ont. 3rd Cow— Rosella (imp.) =21210=, by Seneca (6334(5), out of Rosalind (imp.) =21208 = , red and little wrhite, bred by George Bruce, as above, sold to H. .1. Elliott, Danvllie, Que. Bull — Blue Ribbon (imp.) =17095 = , by Royal James (54972), out of Roselinty {Vol. JS, p. J'JS, E.H.B.), red, calved March 25th, 1892, bred by the estate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland, sold to Samuel Johnson, Ford- wich, Ont. 2nd Bull- Clan Campbell (imp.) =17096 = , by Sittyton Sort (61831), out of Clementina Eighth (FoL .il, p. .ill, E.H.B.}, red, calved March 17th, 1892, bred by the estate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. 3rd Bull— Grand Sweej. (imp.) =17099 = , by Royal James (54972), out of Lady Ythan Fourth {Vol. J2, p. ^'75, E.H.B.), red roan, calved March 18th, 1892, bred by Alexander Campbell, Kinaldie, Aberdeen, Scotland, sold to Alexander McLaren, Dunmore, (Jnt. 4th Bull — King ,)ames (imj).) =17100 = , by Royal James (54972), out of Maid of Promise Fifth, by (jiravesend (46461), red and little white, calved March 4th, 1892, sold to H. J. Elliott, Danville, Que. 5th Bull -Royal Don (imp.) =17105 = , by Royal James (54972), out of Lady Kintore. l)y Gravesend (464(51), red, calved March 10th, 1892, bred by Alexander Campbell, Kinaldie, Scotland, sold to Thomas Speers, Brad- wardine, Man. 6th Bull— Royal George (imp.) =17106 = , by Royal James (54972), out mm xviii HISTORY OF SHORT-HORN CATTLE. [VOL. X. of Maid of ProniiHu Sixth (iinj).) =21205-, red. Cidve.l March 4th, I8!»2, bred by the e.stiite of S. Ounpbell, Kinellar, Scothind. 7th Bill — lloyal Memhor (imp.) -17107- (<>4741), by Royal .laiuos (545)72), out of Nonpareil Thirty-Second, roan, calved April Kith, 18t>2, bred by the estate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. 1892. — The Ontirio Agricultural ("ollege, Guelph, imported one bull. Bull— Manfred (imp.) =17103 = , by Master of Ceremonies (561(»'^), out of Madenioi.selle Fifth {Vol. .!(!}>. ..Vr, E.fl.B.), red and white, calved May 2nd, 1800, bred by James Black. liarthol Chapel, Old Meldrum, Scotlan, p. -494, E.H.B.\ red, calved February 25th. 1891, bred by the late S. ('ampbell, Kinellar, Scotbmd. 2nd Cow— Golden BeKe (imp.) =23014 = , by Mo1831 =, out of Selina (imp.) =21213 = , red, calved November 20th, 1892, sold to John Millei', Markham. 2nd Bull— (Jolden Crown (imp.) =17098= (64988), by Sittyt(.n Sort ((51831), out of (lolden Drop Ninth, by Gravesend (4(54(51), red, calved January 29th, 1892, bred by the cHtate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. 3rd Bull-British Stateman (imp.) (03729), by Royal James (54972), out of Red Bess, by (iladstone (4328(5), I'oan, calved March 25th, 1892, bred by the estate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland, sold to S. J. Pearson tV: Son, Meadowvale, Out. 4th Bull— Kinellar Sort (imp.) =18057= ((54209), by Royal James (54972), out of Mary Ann Second (Vol. 37, p. SH.',, E.H.B.\ red, calved April 14th, 1892. bred by the estate of S. Campbell, Kinellar, Scotland. 1894.] HISTOKY OK SHORT-HORN CATTLE. XIX |2, 18i)2. — .lulin Miller iV Sons, of liroughaiu. this year brought out alinoHt fill of the |tro(luct; of the Sittytoii cows selected by VVillijiin Dnthie, CoUynie, Abenleeii, Scotland, after the herd was sold to yo to South America, this iniportation consisted of three cows ami ten bulls. 1st Cow — Cleof)atra (ini]).), by Collingwood (57074), (»ut of Costume by Bridesman (.'{OoiSO). roan, calved January <>th, 18!>1, bred by William Duthie, CoUynio, Al)erdeen, Scotland. 2nd Cow — Lavinia (inip.), by First Choice (58050), out of Lavender Fiftieth, by Barc.u Violet (47444), roan, calved March loth, 1891, bred by William Duthie. .■{rd Cow — Corea (im|».), l)y William of Orange (50094), out of Caroline, by Cumberland (4(5144), roan, calved April 5th, 1891, bred by William Duthie. 1st Bull — Baron Lavender (imp.) =:= 18952 = , by Lecmidas (692<50), out of Lavender Forty-Sixth (Vol.. AS', p. ,J54, E.H.B.), red and white, calved March 2()th, 1891, bred by William Duthie, sold to H. K. Kellogg, East Claridon, Ohio, I'nited States. 2nd Bull— Guardsman (imp.) ^18950=^, by Chestertield (57049), out of (iardenia CJauntlet (Vol. .IS, p. 352, E.H.B.), roan, calved March 20th, 1891, bred by William Duthie, sold to James Gardhouse iVr Sons, Highfiehl, Ont. Mrd Bull— Salamis (imp.) -189«U = , by Chestertield (57049), cmt of Siren (Vi>l. .IS, p. .!.',i;, E.ll.H.), red, calved March 28th, 1891. bred by William Duthie, sold to C. W. Norton, Corning, Iowa, United States. 4th Bull- Sittyton Stamp fimp.) =189(53 = , by Leonidas (592(50), out of Spirea (Vol. -JS, p. .W6', E.H.B.], red and little white, calved June 3rd, 1891, bred by William Duthie. 5th Bull Duke Lavender (imp.), by Roan Robin (57992), out of Sweet Lavendei', by Earl of Marsh (33807), red. calved March 31st, 1891, bred by William Duthie. 6th Bull -Saladiu (imj).) :=189H0 = , by Vice-Chancellor (5»)(581), out of Sea Foam {Vol. :HS, p. .i.lC, E.H.B.), roan, calved Ai)ril Uth, 1891, bred by William Duthie, s(.Id to H. Cargill & Son, Cargill, Ont. 7th Bull— Lorenzo (imp.), by Warrior Chief (G0143), out of Lavender F4, E.H.B.), red, with little white, calved April 20tli, 1891, bred by William Duthie. 8th Bui' Sirius (imp.), by Lecmidas (59260), out of Sarcasm (Vol. £8, p. :l'><:, E.ll.H.), roan, calved April 30th, 1891, bred by William Duthie. 9th Bull Libertine (imp.), by First Choice (589.")0), out of Lovely Twentietli (Vol. .)S, p. .tft.'f, E.H.H.), red roan, calved May 12th, 1891, bred by William Duthie. loth Bidl Royal Glo'ster (imp.), by Collingw2, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. 2nd Cow— Blythesome Twelfth (imp.) =23010 = , by Gravesend (4(5461), out of Blythesome Sixth (Vol. JH, p. 489, E.H.B.), red, calved Apiil 12th, 1892, bred by W. S. Marr. 3rd Cow—Missie One Hundred and Thirty-Ninth (imp.) =23021 = , by William of Orange (50094), out of Missie Eighty-Seventh (Vol. ■!(!, p. 528, E.H.B.), red, calved 31st, 1892, bred by W. S. Marr. 4th Ci>w— Missie One Hundred and Forty-Sec(md (imp.) =23025i = , by Sea King ((il709), out of Missie Eighty-Eighth (Vol. 36, p. 529, E.H.B.), dark roan, calved Ajjril 23rd, 1892, bred by W. S. Marr. 5th Cow — Rose of Autumn Fourth (imp.) =23023 = , by Gravesend (46461), out of Autumn Rose (Vol. 38, p. 350 E.H.B.), red, calved January 24th, 1893, bred by William Duthie, CoUynie, Aberdeen, Scotland. 6th Cow— Spicy Fou teen (imp.) =23024 = , by Gravesend (40461), out of Spicy Tenth (Vol. 38, p. 385, E.H.B.), red, calved Jajuiary 2nd, 1893, bred by William Duthie. Ist Bull- Rantin Robin (imp.) =18958 = , by Roan Robin (57902), out i>f Lady Lancaster (Vol. 38, p. 333, E.H.B.), red, calved Septembei- 9th, 1893, bred by William Duthie. 2nd Bull -Royal Sailor (imp.) =18969 = , by Sea Krng (61769), out of Red Lady Eighteenth, roan, calved September 22nd, 1892, bred by W. S. Marr, Upper Mill, Tarves, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1893. — W. C. Edwards & Co., Rockland, also imported one bull from Scotland this year. Bull— Scottish Sportsman (imp.) =17108 = , by Scottish Archer (59893), out of Lady Lancaster Sixth (Vol. 37, p. 385, E.H.B.), red, calved April 5th, 1893, bred by William Duthie, CoUynie, Aberdeen, Scotland. Recapitulation for 1893— Six cows and three bull. 1894. — As far as I can ascertain no cattle have been imported this year. H. WADE, Editor. vs Bd n, I). by 28, by B.), 3n(l iJiry out 893, out 9fch, It of I. S. from 893), 15th, > fear. >R. w