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Un des symboles suivents epparaltra sur la darnlAre imege de cheque microfiche, colon le cas: le symbols -^ signifie "A 8UIVRE '. Is symbole ▼ signifie "FIN". pletos. cherts, etc.. mey be filmed et different reduction retios. Those too lerge to be entirely incl^rdod in one exposun« are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as meny fremes as required. The following diegrems illustrete the method: Les certes. plenches. tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimAs A des taux de rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un soul clichA, ii est filmA A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de geuche A droite, et de heut en bes. en prenant le nombre d'Imeges nAcessoire. Les diegrsmmes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 ' JOHN MACDONALD & CO.V , , W'HOLESALE IMPORTERS OF [^ DRY GOODS, CARPETS, WOOLLENS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS. HABERDASHERY AND FANCY GOODS. 21 to 27 Wellington St: East, 30 to 36 Front St East, TORONTO, AND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. ■ i- 1" ■ ' - ■ '. Beg to call the attention of the trade that to the combined efforts of expert departmental buyers going to Britain twice a year, and a resident staff there, they are enabled, by watching the home markets thoroughly, to contract and purchase lines of goods not obtainable elsewhere, - , They can confidently assert that no house in the Dominion has elaborated and systematized their business to such an extent. The effects and consequence are that year by year their trade constantly and uniformly increases. The stock is always large and varfed, and continually supplemented by new purchases of the latest novelties and value. DEPARTMENTS. Staples, Linens, Cottons, Prints, Flannels, Blanket^^ Imported Woollens, Canadian Tweeds, Tailors' Trimming^s, < Dress Goods, Ladies* Hosiery,Ladies' Gloves, Shjawls, Mantles* Muslins, Laces, Embroideries, Silks, Satins, Dress and Mantle Trimmings, Haberdashery, Fancy Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Gents' Hosiery and Gloves, Rubber Goods,Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, House Furnishings. /^- They Invite Iiispeotion. They Solicit Orders. They Guarantee Prompt Dospatah. Canada Shipping Co. , J BEAVER LINE OF STEAMSHIPS SAILING WEEKLY BETWEEN During Summer Season, and between During Winter Season. Have Superior Accommodation for Saloon, Intermediate and Steerage Passengers. SALOON TICKETS, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL, 840.00, 860.00 and 860.00. RETURN TICKETS, $80.00, $90.00 and $110.00, According to Steamer and Acccommodation. INTERMEDIATE AND STEERAGE AT LOW RATES. For further particulars and to secure Berths, apply to ZI. S3. ]VCX7FLX=1../1l."S^, Gen'l. Manager, / CUSTOM HOUSE 6'QUARE, MONTREAL, iH \o the Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities. k The [lectric is. anil M Co., Ltd. MANUFACTURERS OF WATER-PROOF ELECTRIC LIGHT LINE WIRE. annunciator;office, Silk and Cotton Covered MAGNET WIRESc ALSO Telephones, Annunciators, ELECTRIC BELLS, GAS LIGHTING APPARATUS. Electric Motors, Appliances and Supplies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OFFICE AND FACTORY, n 36 and 38 St. Dizier Street, 3^01srTE/BlA.L. V, $end for a Copy of our iJlustratQd CataSogue. ■-.- •n>- .i ;^>ii'i w ii w i' ■■iw.a J i^ iw q ^ j i 1. ■ . i I 6 TEES, WILSON & CO, I J^ISTID WHOLESALE CROCEPS. SUGARS, TOBACGOa CAN JN ED GOODS, &c., &c. "Challenge" Brand Java Coffee. 70 ST. PETER STREET, MONTREAL Represented in Manitoba, Northwest Territories and Btitish Columbia, by • D. c. McGregor, Mclntyre Block, Winnipeg. •) ?S. •DS, fee. r.-iJe^HVi:-*^ • »«««t;jar#u|? ■■I A f.-"-J. i«wa4H ■4 < % >*<i -Mt. Btitish inipeg. .1 LEGS # ARMS WITH RUBBER FEET AND HANDS. ln.l„rsed by the U. S. Government, the Industrial Exhibition Commissioners of |New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, New Orleans, etc., the most Eminent Surgeons In the Country, the Press, and over 0,000 Men, Women, and Children who wear them, residing In all parts of the World. l:^ The Rubber Foot and Hand possess the most natural 'appearance, the greatest durability and comfort of all arti- ficial limbs. Vast numbers ol mutilated men and women are, by the use of rubber feet and hands, enabled to mingle with the rest of the world without betraying their loss. Farmers, mechanics, professionals, and even athletes who have lost one or more of their limbs are enabled to resume their vocations by the use of these remarkable inventions. This cut is from a photograph of John J. Winn, Signal Quartermaster on U.S.S. Oneida, who lost his leg above knee and arm above elbow by explosion of a ^hell, while the steamer was engrged in the attack on Forts Jackson and St- Phillip, under the command of Admiral Farragut,April 2?ndj 1862, in the capture of New Orleans by the Union Army and Navy. The following letter tells what the old warrior knows about Artificial Legs and Arms. Mr. a. a. Marks, "^ 701 Broadway, N. Y. City. Dear Sir -.—I write you this simply to say ^thai my experience with your Artificial Limbs, toget'tier with con- siderabie experience with other kinds, induces me to prefer yours by all odds, knowing the reliability .and superior qualities of your make above all others of whicii I have known about for ovtr twenty years. The special point I d?8ire to mention is the simplicity of ccnstruttion in your leg, whereby I can take it apart, lubricate and adjust with my one (natural) hand, and put together again without any help. My good solid weight of 240 pounds gives the log a good trial, and yet I feel a confidence in it that I have never had in any other kind. — Yours sincerely, JOHN J. 'WINN. A Treatise of 400 pages, with 190 illustrations, soit fie . Also a Copyright Formula from which artificial limbs can be made and sent to all parts of the world without the pre- sence of the patient, with guaranteed success. ti ■ \ ? 701 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. m^mm t "•"••■p^ ill 6 NORTH BRITISH and MERCANTILE Fire and Life Insurance Co. OF EDINBURGHjPLN LONDON. ESTABLISHED 18O0. Subscribed Capital ... - £2,000,000 Stg. S91!AS&19M]IB1IV 19 9S!SAWA% AIANAGINO DIRECTOR: THOS. DAVIDSON, Esq. DIRECTORS; Gilbert Scott, Esq., of Messrs. VVm. Doyv & Co. Arch. Macnider, Asst. General Manager Bank of Montreal. The Hon. Thonias Ryan, Senator. W. W. Ogilvie of A. W. Ogilvie & Co. "WM. E WING, Inspector. GEORGE U. AHERN, Sub-Inspector- Messrs. Lewis & Eirby, Agents for Manitoba. Head Office for the Dominion in Montreai THOMAS JDAVIDSOy, Genernl AQent. Ti.E STANDARD SSif iiCt ^ HEAD OFFICES: EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND, and MONTREAL, CANADA.* Subsistinoc Assurances invested Funds Annual Revenue _. . or.over 912,000 a day Claims paid in Canada Investments in Canada over flOO.000.000 33,000,000 4,400,000« 3,250 Total amount paid in claims during the last eight years over FIFTEEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, or about $5,000 a day. Claims settled in Montreal, giving to this Company all the advantages of a local office, with the benefits of an extended business and connections otherwise Loans advanced on Mortgage of Policies to the extent of the office value. LEWIS & KIRB7, W. M. RAMSAT, Aj^ents, Winnipeg. Manager, Canada. ! 1' fe • ■ ;• Bstfiblithed^ 1686 I. 712 CraiflSt, ftiONTREAL, I toMxitti^l^eO, IS, iai6P, |3.^DiMt ^.^ T» CMldrca-n, |1.6a I&. or %Mt 12.50. Take oiroumfer«iM>e round wtfrt, umI length fr«ni under tlie i^rniplt to top of i,ip bone. By reinHtlng «inouiit, m also Wp j^et^ atartipii, I will fbrward uiem bjr parcel « oet. Ilannf actni*ers of all kinds of TrwtM, In^trgnietita tar Ph^al^al 0«f»nnltMs. Etc, THi OfAF mlApK TO HKAR ArtMeial Far X>i^ilfia, whtoli iM ^0t, p«r^«ii«J1tto, ^udiphont'a. Car TnuAppta, •»« ro«>* |r«iitf«H» Tabeat Klwa'^O: atackln8f> ^I'fliMlgW Aud AnklfBta, Electric MaeUiwa. Itelti», Chain'* |d Ikiatilea finr HMmnatl^mi. 9oliftdf^«a»^iic4». Uto. ; ^ . .^j The Hfdlcatad llaAr vrwiw.'ensllt |}>nii«d and uleaMBt <o wear, J for Kidney tv«>«iVle^ Fk-ic«e^1a,«a. Iitvaild ChaUa Md Grntoheei I PUa TmwtCs^ Ktc^ andi8yi||iil|Ma of evAijr description. ■ • : ■ '— — r-^ ■■» ' ! ^ ^ Latent Im^voteil* a)i4 Arp imide light aad dnrable. If .B.r4l|ieotai Boo^for I^dies^witlii tady 8ttei>daii6. «' ! IvD, ANADI/\NCqBK CUTTING G^. ^fice (65rr: PATBiNf MACHINERY.) ■ : ^ f^ Lggauehetiere street, i.\ mT^rniAr. I .'-■' ,( ' ■ !■ tf i ] n ip " n il II I 1^ |i i m i i i i i p i > , > V. -''■■■■ » * ; * ''" * - , ^ -1^- -4 ,'. - , • 1 - ; / / j; j 1 f. I ■ ' .'■ : ■ : ■- ' .. rdryv/de^OPiptic^i^ or^C^apHn. oki Hand fiiid cut to order; a)$ro vjf ; Qqpk^wpod and <30i»lc Lifts Preservers. ■im o< btfd «iUI MA troo« TWf. Bnagl, MMi. 0»9«, 9oM|i|if Wtrt sii« Wax. Omi« Battle Wmm, tt|tfB^» Oick fmviaf ai|4t OatiiiOaf lM«iajMt> OapmOM, fte.. *». ■ , ( 1: r ■ f I •; 1^ I. "■■■ :.-■ 1 -if .' * I << JO \ \ ' •■ :- ■' ■; I. ■ 4-U T~»- (KSTA^blS^b 11190.) -U ■ i III I , . T" ^ -- — ' — - -- _ ^Bj'iJSfifct 14 loiil'King and Quteen Siteey, '^'' Of© Crashers, Mill Gca^iiig, Shateiigi J&tifters and PuUiels. Hand and Power Hoists foi- lAfar^riouMS^l^pMEto. i „H.4 Mills. « Waters' >^ Perfect Steam iBndrmb dloyernor' and '« Heald^ i r £ , Cisco's" Oentrllla^al l^utnps. * BLAKE'S CHAl^EiilaiE: BTiOlt^ BB^AKEBl si. BQrfigwiirmt^ rl!.^t0ni Hfk^r, l rmmmm- k - ■r i ■ »' ?* 1 15 Voltigeure St, Cor. Notre Dame St., Mpntreal. Sample* «enttQ the Trade en a|i|>ltcatl0n. - fF^ m \ A '"- f' ■'■■ ■ '. 1 1 J.> ■■■ •'■■W»i fTPT I X o,^ "" '^ass CO, ' MANVFACT^ifiiS OF PROPRIm^0RS FOJl; THE DOMINION V f > 4 '-">.'■ :'._:, -l pRti#^ ^i ^ Called the " globe" is tNC L/itC8T AND MO$T IINPROVED ON THE MAllKEt. Ol^FICE At^D FACTOftY : ^OFfPAI^lAHMpiMlAFOMTAINE STREET, i -^ .-^ U ^ « J » '' -f ni. IVES 42; OO., MAHUFAGanJBERS OF I ' V mffiee iand Warfehpuseft; Queen St., Montreal; < -.'■■ ( ■'.■ 1* Cf ¥ -^1, .C:h, E G H R H^ A « eii. oa^ : r,' H* ll« -H '! Manufacturers of Barb Stee/ IVire FeMing. •ilfMvr^l^^-^lv; TWO AND rmiR-^omT. and Works : Queen St, Montreal. > i 1. 1! ! I a., ' I I 12 • V imi m jMj».»MM ■ ' ■* ■ . - ■ ^. - -■ -| ■*« ■iTAM.ISMBB III IMC ■»; j i ST . l#-'/-i ^^i^* : ^ ^^'^isp0^c^>^ Iv. CHAPUT, FILS & CIE!, ki^>^^^^MAH^^W*</^W**>/^tf^^^^tf*%^^rf'*^/«|rfV^%#**^^«*«fH^^%»«l>%«M%/^«,-«/^^'*«^S#> DIRECT IMPORTERS OP |i I' Hi s i I i (i^ekjrf, Qfocef ie^ ki^d I^i(|tiof^, Nos. 309. 311 & 313 Commissioners St., . mrmrat. P»Ur. ^ MONTR EAIh^. ft i gM— ttm M>— — Dii M t a iewM — — — 8 W — »www>»i>ty^ rp ]SrOTIOEI » JH B» W MM W i» l > W» 0—<— Wa » M > « MM M f>— awMttjw' •<^.5^* ."^^y?, c^-^^ Sou ikSIRTS FOR THE COEISATED fiREENBAinPS LVE. The long and high standing reputation of our firm throughout the Dominion has been achieved by bur, special attenttcm to th^.. Avdnts of our customers, and giving them Ifull value. Dealers who have not yet patronized us dAly need to give us a trial tp be convinced. ■^ > y I \"'> r II i« ■ I "■ ' * r 13 ■*i»ifai^»^ a nail • TJilfHEE^ ^ r^ -A.2iT3D » BtANUFACXUUBB OF OAK TAIf LBATHBB BELTIXO, - i'i i WdieirproOf JBettinig, tdr Outdoor Use or Moist plttces, . *U- 4.ilflt #itTlilG« FOR ELECTRib OR OTHER HICH*MEE0 MACHlim ^ Raw Hide^ and Page's Patffit Lac6 Leitber. iUrrigans and M^^ WIGWAM $tiIPFBB8, RUBBER SOLE TBJfJftSkSUOES, RVSSiiT ]:.B4.THi!BS and CUT SOIi^ 432 to 442 VISfTATION St Rfiet^ Montreal, jf-- 36 FRONT STRBB't BAST, TorontOv '. ^,S.-iWrUe for 8am]^t^ Price List atid lH»eouni. 0idea bot€ght at atl timea in earlofid tolf ■ i; ■' f- ' T"^ JOHN WIL(;ON & son; Gl^s^ow. . JAMES ft. VwbL90Ni I^d)fnAi*vL. THOMAS ROBERTSON & GO ^ MOMTRHAL AND CtASGOW. factory anid St^«8{ Cor. Commcfn & Colborne St$. One» and Warorooma : 642 tRAIG STREET.,. AOBNTS FOR. WIIjUAJC BAIRD & CO., Glasgow, " Gavtsherrie/*. <• Eglinton." * COItTNBSS IRON CO, Limited^ GlaMCOW, " Coltness,"-'«DalmeUington." LONSDALE HEMATITE IRON CoTiWhitehaven, " Lonsdale." CHA8. HUSTON & SONS, " Luken^" Rolling MiUs, Coatesriile, P»A, ■' SHANKS Ac CO.,_Barrhead. ' ^ THOMAS CiX>VER & CO., London. LBBD8 FORQE CO., Leeds. DAVID COLVILLE & SONS, « Dalzell Iron and Steel Works," Motherwell. IMPORlteRS OF Pfg mui Manufactured Iron and Steel of all Descriptions. Metai and Tin Plate Merchants, , Maiinafaoturers of Wrought Iron Tubing for Gas, Steam i^nd Wa^r^^ i]|io Wilson's Celebrated Lap-welded Boiler Tubes. ' ''•^^'* Made from IRON or STJ^EL. Pro|>ri«tpraof Montreal L«ad Pipe Works. Patent Solid Block Tin Lifted L«ad Pipe. Engineers*, Steamfltters', Plumbers' and Oasfltfalrs' Suppllos* RAILWAY EOUIPMBNT.' I]M[POfetT]^R Oir Jewellers' A ilii$ravers'^ ^^^1%: -' --- V < I ■ 4 - " ' ' i - t i, . i . • St. JAMES STREET, MQNTREAU rTC7f:;TTrr Canadian Rubber Gp.i i . MANUFACTURBttS OP ' Rubber Shoes, Fell Boots, * Belting, Steam Packing, Engine, Hydrant, and Suction Hose, Sc, &c., OFFICE ktiD lA/ARfeMoM3: 335 St. Paul Street, Hdiiti^al» Cor. Front & Yoimg Sts., Toronto- C'' « r V V , , . ; . 1 ' »1 S T V" < ,'•} > ~ "^ '1 V ; ) * ^ 15 : i'i'^ 'I I . ' " -'-f '>■ " <■!■<■ ^'M >*i>a_«lxaH J, W. PATEiSON & CO., ^ MA^CFACTBDWEKS AND DEALERS IN , , ? t COAL TAR, ■<i J ■:, •■ } ^i ■f ♦■ 47' :■<:■'■ , ) < t ■■■- ^i' ,■; i Jl ; '^i< ■i\? ,x;,-'i s '■}-: '■ s ;■. i •'■ = t,::'"^^ J^|fT Jlrotit Street East, \ ';'■■; TOfKHiTO. ' j;., '. * ^iiv' ? ^^^'f f I I < ■ < t ' t ' ^: J^^ * > FJITE E8TA6uiJBHf P 1838. : EDWARDS & SONi i lliwifitiRi > i JVIANl^FViCTUEEKS .QF- SAF&S^ VAtLTlNWilS, IkOH and SniEL VAVJiT USIim fte. «i ^ ^1 j;^ iol ST. JAMES STREET, \ .« 621 LAGAUCBETIgkfi 91^, \ ■ ■ I i *■ IM ^ a. ■ jiM j » ni » ■' ti. i. jn.a. ^ > ' t; i ' ,: j"') ' . i ' '' t t; i| * ■" , I ■ / r) I . 1^ ^ l ii » t, , i|l ^ I I I ' I ' I' ^ • v' THE PIFTT-SliVSNTBr pESSip^ ■»v Tdie ICedioal Coiirse of this tJmvei^itt comprises Fbur Wi^iter a^d One f Smnmer Session. The Matricidd^tlon of the different :(rovincial Medical Boards is accepted,^ mm Ws the Arts l4aot^diilc#>n of all reoogniaed Uih- < ▼eitoities. Ib^ Calendar and detail iaforo^ation, a|>piy to' II - I li t; III I f , ', HI CAT^DA fO&AOCO WoNte^ ;. /. •> uv- .Qlferg to the Trade, the following Firte^ Tobaccos ; * Bright Snioktaicr 110X41- fMlARIUKi «8. m.% aOLACB, 189, . 1 , y ROyjIi; OikK, 38. II6YAL DOUBLi, th^k, Af ;; ^;: ^- sHr ■ ■ Chewing./ '-^/-^^^ i l»il|liOC CE^RCMi riAVYr 36., 4c., 69. Iftfid J99. m^ACK aAOk IIAVY, I&8. TM& Ni^OHa HliA9 Ttii^nsti t9s. < v , fi ■ i MAYrAIII^ 88. ■>• 7 ST. JilM€8, Q8. B.B. MIXTURB, $8. <IIILIO, 1/8. A. D. PCRCHEROK, Proprietor, MONTREAL \ V ^ if 8T. LAWRENCE HALL, MaNTREAL, CANADA, HtBNRY-HOUAN, Proprietor. FOR the past 37 years this^ HOTHiL, familiarly known as the «8T. LAWRENCE," has been a household word to all Travellers on ibe Continent of North Amerr ica, and has been patronized by all the ROYAL and NOBLE person- ages who have visited the City ofdjl Montreal. This Hotel, including the entire block, which is admirably situated, being in the very heart of the City and contiguous to the General Post Office, Public Buildings and- other E laces of Interest and of Business, as recently been acquired by Mr. Henry Hogan, tlie former proorie- tor, who 1 ^3 handsomely and appropriately dec -rated and reno- vated the interior, and completely refitted tbn whole of the apartments with new furniture, comprising 100 new rooms, making the present j number of apartments 250. A new land elegant Passenger Elevator has also been added, and the Halls and Public Rooms are lighted by the Electric and Incandes- cent lights, making it the most attractively lighted Hotel in the Dominion. The Hotel is managed toy Mr. Samuel Montgomery, under the immediate personal supervision of Mr. Hogan, than whom ^0 one is better qualified to conduct an hostelry of such magnitude, a^ the Si'. LAWRENCE 'ALL, and than whom no one has a better reputation as an obliging, "geaerous and considerate^ lOst. Hotel Coaches are in attendance on arrival of all Trains and SteaiAe/is. All baggage Checks hould be given to the Porter in attendance. i .' GRIP! Canada's Comic Journal, Enlarged to 16 pages, on heavy caljaudeced paper, with 6 Cartoon pages and increased huuioious vliatter, Only ttiS.OO per yean COUNTER CHECK BOOKS. « The ** Grip" Printing and Publi.shing Co'y manufacture the t\vo Counter Check iooks in the world. Their facilities are unaurpa-ssed. They have the only presWa in ^nada which print, perforate, number in duplicate, and fold the sheets, all in one operation. Consequently, those using these necessary articles in business will finst their prices low and ^heir vork unsurpassed . -• ARXISXJC DKF'ARTMENT. The "Grip" Printing and Publishing" Co'y have unexcelled facilities for DESIGNING knd ENGRAVING of all descriptions. Maps, Portraits, Kn^raviui^'of Machinery, Designs fcf Special Articles for sale, or of anything else required for lUustrationtjiF Embellishment, pro- luced at short notice, on lil)eral terms, and in the highest style of the artt* Satisfaction always laranteed. Designs made from description. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES^ GRIP" PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., TORONTO- ■ 8 mmmn^ A^' 1i ; I : .;?. 09TNAIU5 AIBOTT t C0„ OLINCBirAaS PROPRIETORS METROPOLITAN ROLUNO MILLS. Light and Heavy, Pressed Nailfl^ Flat and Sharp Nailsi Out 'pikes. Pressed Spikes, BaUwaj Spikes, Mining Spikes. Americitn & Canadian Pattern. nBidklBff, Flour Barrel Tobacco Bs, Bobfiag and Slate, Slafik and Qalvasized, GaslBg HoorlBg, Box and Shook Nails. Bbode Tsland ■ pattern Wrought Iron Special Sizes Boiled to Order. DeLorimier Av., Hontreal. Medino. OFFICE, 55 ST. SU LPICE ST REET. pest Bright THOMAS SONNE, ^ \mk BAGS and TARPAULINS. For Sale or Hirec FOR SALE, ALL KINDS OF DEM AND COnOH CANVAS. Sailmaker aod Tarpaulio MaDufactorer. Yacht Sails, Horse and WAGON COVERS AND Spring Shade Rollers- FOR SALE OR HIRE. PISHING AND SHOOTING TENTS A SPECIALTY. 1S7 and 189 CommlMloners Street, Near dominion Steamship Company's Wharf, Montreal. TELEPHONENoTiiei. 19 Wrougbt Iron Washers C. S. HYMAN & CO. Tanners, and Boot and Shoe MANUFACTURERS, XjCDISTJDOIST, OnSTT. Special Lines for Manitoba, Nortlitoest and British Columbia. Knox's Salmon Tv/ines AND FISHING NETS. KNOX'S TAILORS' THREADS, CLAPPERTON'S SPOOL COTTON. Sole Agents for Canada: ' GEO. D. ROSS & CO, MONTREA-L. 20 i - f I \\ ' \ i \ PAINTS, OILS, COLORS, VARNISHES. PLATE, DECORATIVE, AND WINDOW GLASS. . Artists Materials J. K. SUTERTEdit or and Manager. tHE GUARDIAN is the oldest paper on the Mainland of .British Columbia, and circulates all over the Dominion, the British Isles andj the United States ; it is, therefore, a good medium for advertising. It is published at New Westminster every Wednesday and Saturday. The Subscription i*rice ia $5,00 per Annum, • /« Hzi BRUNETTE Saw Mill Company, Limited, • NEW WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. KEEP ALWAYS ON HAND, m Ml mmw DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, SHAKES AND LATHS. All orders for Turning, Scroll Sawing, or anything in the wood line that may be required for building purposes will be supplied at the lowest rates. <<HASTINC'S>« Sai:omill Company, Ltd., w^'M<Q(Bww:m i,<^ ^,^9 "^Q Mann&ctnrers and Sealers in all kinds of ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER. LATHS AND PICKETS. RICHARD H. ALEXANDER, Local Manager. AGENTS: Messrs. DICKSON, DE WOLF CO., San Francisco. Messrs. HEATLET, WOTTON & CO., London. '■^rr^fMifMmrWHWM- iMIia*.^. I I: i: m ) : h '5 i; 22 ]!^00 I>7E^'\ri JLjiXjiSX SAW MILL COMPANY, (LIMITED), Manufacturers and Shippers of all kirtds of y BOUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, I SPARS, Etc., Etc. HOME ORDERS CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. VANCOUVER YARD, WATER STREET. Vessels Chartered and Cargoes supplied for all Foreign Lumber Ports. Our Mills being of large capacity, despatch always guaranteed. (*}- i WELCH A CO.. San Franoiso9> WELCH, RITHET A CO., Victoria -©A5)^\/\ffents ] ■*:_Pi-!^^.?*1-* 99:»- *-'y?'P**' ; ] Agents (2>>*- A. G0DPRE7 & CO., PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, &c. TAR and BROWN PAPER, NAILS- HARDWARE IBON ANJ> STEEL SPOBTUfG GOODS, *o. I04~C0RD0VA STREET-I04 -VJ^1<T(3 TJ -XT E K. . 23 (IX» $1 <> i The VANWDVER, R. C^ CANADA^ |> Largest, JJewsiest^ and most Popular ' Jlewspaper in the (Province. Printed from first-class ne>v material by practical, trained men. %hz TDailj CTopld enjoys the largest circulation in the city, and ^bc CTcekl^ Morld is a regular visitor to ivery home in the Interior of British Columbia, thus making it one of the best advertising mediums in the Dominion. ^he ^ailg CTorld has facilities for securing tele- jl^raphic news enjoyed by no other paper in the Province. DAILY WORLD. $10.00 PER YEAR. WEEKLY WORLD, $.200 PER YEAR. ^o any address in Canada, Great Britain, or the United States. AdverHsing Ra,tea meuie known on application to the Offlce, I 24 -I*XZ£1»^ COLONIST ESTABLISHED 1858. ELLIS & CO., VICTORIA, B. C. The o!dest and most fluential journal in British Columbia. Having the largest circula- tion of any paper published in the province. The Colonist affords advertisers the best possible medium through which to reach all classes on the Canadian Pacific Coast. To intending settlers the Weekly Colonist gives all the information needed. Daily Colonist, 1 year ..-.--. |10.00. Weekly " 1 " $ 2.00. Sample copies free. «• . iif5| i?! < , .' >r^ f . > 'tV' mm^Mti^txojs- hurm T ♦■ I / .STR^'CTLV']^ ADVAKCE . • . ' ,' ' ' i • ' [ ; DAILY, 5 tents per copyt; j[by ifiaP postagfe pkid). ♦i.(ilo pttr ^ ^fcJ mon^h 01? tlOiOa per ycur, publlsh^4 *djl(iJy, Siiiiday except^. ' ' ii" 'WEBl^LYT (8 pages) 30 cents per copyj S0.OO pw;y^,isr| deliye^dd flree tb any part of the Domijtibn^ , Great Britain <|r I 1 i ""a. •' « HOW' to REMIT.-^Remit; suhscriptidnfe by v Post Otipi,:] Money 0|<l^, Registered Letters or>^dtage Stamps.: : ; ' ; | ^ .Th^STANOARO receives dispatches daily from' 4llipaife}| - of the i«forid,and is^evoted to Ifews^ Politics, LitferatUre, Do^wstKr || and Ajg^culiural Interests and the general wt^famof the rtxivinc^, ? *' and has the largest circulation of any paper pdbh'shed 'm British? I Columbia. 1 • ' ' , i ♦ -^dvertfeers wishing to^ reach the; tra4e pf British. ColuinWi^ * ' 1 can Iin4 na better or more reliabje medium. UM ' f \ ^>' 'Vf > '<'i J, :*wif tsmttm M "«■■■».- •»^' • V 26 > : J : > f ' ^ ■-v?:-^v H-^- 1 1^ . ^ AN BNTBBPRISINGh, PBOGRBSSIVB, LIBEftAI- NEWSPAPER. It enjoys both Daily and Weekly the largest circulation m British Colunibia. Its success v' •■■,■■■ ,^ - ' during the last four years has been; phenomenal, ^iid it now outstrips in poir^t of circulatipn anid influence all competitors.; ; , BAILY TIMES, - - - $10 per Year, by Mail. WEEKLY TIMES, $2.00 per Year, to any Address. ^^> ,^ \"*v- The Times Printing and Publishing Company. Manage, / ^ I 1* i* •>■ 1 »^" ■»*?''-■'■ ^'■iM-'' 't i f K t r i - % B. $. JEiJ^irS, . WIKNIPEG. "''' ^ i '} ■ i ..V- f ■ ■ 111 ^ w If^^^"?^^ C^nip^iiy liavijig: direct communication mmm^^ --ith all points in Eas^n Ganada. tH0 Irovince of -Kanitoba, tlie> Northwest Territories and Britinh Ctolunibia, i i < c* yiie nlendid new wires of this OotapttiQ^ of the haiviert .guaf« yet itoiuij.-«di»ilt Ofthe working of <Hreoteit<mitsSi^a;li anJVAI^KR. tOTOBIA «d 8AK P&ANCISeo in tU^, tktt» avoidi«K the repetitioni and consequent delajse wMch ; oe(|ur en other Ob^tjpanies* lines. ; j «w;<fonipiHi3r^ TOlTEp STATES ibnnections a&rd «^ mL^rndt^ ^ ■"* '* ^''"***"^*''' *" ^^. PPints in4e Direct, wire ooitaieotlon is had with the Cable landing offloe of the Conmeroial Cable Company, which is undoubtedly the best meidwu for Cablb communication with «EEAT B»1TAIK mirCB. SSaWfOT. and all parts of the WOEM. - - ' Cor. St. Francoifl^ririer & Hospital Sts., Montreal/ it^e. HBjIB office, Western Division: lft>. 47i Itein sti^eet, Winnipeg, fl^i^i. M '* J r '- , 1 ■ V' ■ i .■ ) Hi ■ ? H « [ jmmmwm^iUMttirmrm-m.-in-if'i' » -: — u ■ll I * , CANADA'S : NATIOfJAL HIGHWAY. 'i. n ' t-> ■5 .< ' ) I tH HaHy conhecttdiil^itii the Mlantle airiilrPaelflc ieading steamship ftiies f^r Europe;; i ! ,, • ' iHrpct conneetimis at tfie Pacific tern^nua»'V If^i JH0BTl4Ni>, Ote.; SAK FRANCtSCO^ Cdi,; AlI. PiOJ^r^RSr o*» «|»^ PS€HFIC COAST and PUGET SOtTNi), NEW ZEJLt.Airt>, AUSL ^ ' ; !jPMAJ^tA,SANDWICUI8ijANm, ^QKQHk^A AHO^USWS^^ ^ ' J l''^ ' burtns seiiiion of na>^giitton oni Lake Sui^erlof , «l<»4e oohnepti^rfa ar^ ^' 4 iliiidlB lit P<7f Arthilr witn the Palace Cl^tfe BuittStiAmera of tDe Canadlaci . j X»«tetti0 Kaitway, ** Hljcrta^' ami "Athabasca " to iill eattor n pditits. r ,41 'I- MAGNIFICENT 1)RAWIN&E0OM: ^LEEBING GABSii 5_j. .;,:-:; ; with BATH B09l»»«n4>rly»to .Ih»^ilo«^«<ir^" ■ ii-:- « FREE » ^GOND * CUASS * SUeEj»lff&| ; i V Rim nn atlThrouorh Trains. »^ ■ I V Run on aH Thrpugh T^'alpisi ? ' f I > i- i. Fafstngore going east or W9at shotiicl make «uri^ their tiel(«ta read by tha ^- CANADIAN * PACIFIC « RAILWAY, r^ Thus 4»nsuring Safety and Oeei^atoh. ,. > / | . flo Customs annoyances anct no oli^|^ of cansf. FiMrfiiil ihformatton regarding routes of travet, t(nn% tlibieii* loweat fartoa and tl»ro*igh tioketa-to all pokits^ appfy to any •fi'li- ■ TICKET J^QEJaSTT •■■T-U, QCO«OL09. I.U02II9 TUYTUk. ftOSilff Kiltll. ' ^ (iieit'l Tra>&o MAnager, Pan. Trteffio jf aiMgdr, : Qeh'l J^assttiMr Agent, ' MONTREAL. *; MO(frRBAL. WIUKWElai MAK* i i -i ■S I '^■Z 'i ^ ^ '• ■1-7 ♦ 2ff 4- ^ U.U. X II « t » ' : ' ■ < ^Kkoit^AMpifSI ilOB l^fi^SAliE ■OP 1 ITieOaiJaBiaa; Pacific ^iWLwfyGompany^ fo^sale some of? the. finest k'grlcalturbt Eaii4s ; ■ 'eftetid twentyrfour mues 6n edcJi,|aie^Qf tl^ 1 .1 V t, ^ y in Ma<Ml(obaspd^tf I^Oft^^sj-- These lapdis, which bain Biite,*\^ifl WdisRoled dif<it prices r»ngipg ^ -, - Detailed pricetfciiii.bte obtained^ f|oif0^1w Lan^Cotnmission^rai Wfaiflipeg. : If iiaidiibr inifull aC timje df^p^rehase, a t)(ied of Cqny.eydnce-^ll bp give|i } but the purchaser may p*y onciteot^ in fcaslf, sind the tialance in injtalmeijts spread over 'nine jeart, •*ith interj^st %t six jn'r cent, per anriurO:ipayaJile at the i:niJ6fthie year; with each ins^aJineiU i ; . ' /< | •/ •■ <^ !/'l'' .V ■ '■■■;. i ■' '■ 0^HE^ikV''GQHfiTlpHS. . » / ., All sales'a^eMbject |o the |roilowing,tohdittons>^ - : , , i^_-^inmjprdvement!i pUced upc|n .land jiiiirc^i^sed to be m^ii^t^inf^d thefeoh until the final payment has be^n made. , i i " ' - ; 2.-^All taxes and assessnieiits lawfiillf imposed upon the land or improvements to be paid by} the parchaser. ; , ' ■ '^ ' ' ' J ■ '' ' . ' • 1 ; ' ; " •' :''■ '■'' ^. ■■' ' » - '■■'■'■ 3i— Tlie Company reserve fropi sale, under these regtilatiohs, all mineral and 6oal, lands^ jMid' lap4sC9nf;ainini;rimberUn quantities,' stpne, slate and marble quarr;es; jaad^ withwatCE-power | thereon^ and tracts for town sites and railway purposes. • • ' ! . 4.-r-Min|.r^l/Coai 4nd timber lands^and quarries, and lands controlling water-ponr^r^WiUf bel disposed of on tery.rnoderate'term^ to persors giving satisfaetqry evideiu:eofl}>eir intention ahdj ability. ^0 utilize the same. , ; , .; . j . ■ lliberal rates;f6r'Settlers and their effect^ will be granted by the Compiiny o^er th^it railway ^ . ■ ; ) ' iSSllTHBRN MANFTOBA LANDS. / : ! the LAND ORAKT op THE MA^ITUBA SOtfTH-WESTER^ CGKONlZJ^tlp^ RAILWAY (jpiilf Al^i now placed on the miirfcet, offers special attrictions t^ pprchas^s, ; It congistsiof pv^r fjobo>ooo acrtjs of the chpicest land in America, well adjq^ted .jTof graip gn>t|ri|kg' and.miJfe^ ki|mtn|{, in a b^lt i r;niil<(S wide, ^itninediately nprth of the |Jvtern|^tioi^l Bonn^ary, andi from range jrj (J^^st; ist'mferidian) -westward-' tha| portion of this Grant lyi'ag in Manitoba is will t settled (the homettt^a^ai'Jliavmt been long ^ken up). .Purchases wiM at 9noe hftfe all th^ advahta- [ ges of thii early settlement, such as schools, churches, and municlpaforganiziitiort. ' Thb fertility of. tHesdii'h|i»'bWaaniip\y;dfeAonstratfcd' by ^he splendid crop^ vyhich ba« 1-een raised fronv year to year ih that distri<t J l^e country i$ well Watere4 br Jakei And streinis, the'pjfiijcfpalDf w^kiieh ire^ Rbck' Lajce, 'Pelican Ijike, , Whitewatei* | Lake . aiicl the Soui;is Riyer and its t(ibutar^e^, While never^faliling spfing:cte0k« tjfce their liss i*i ithe Turile Mdunt^in- W<>o.l ii plentiful, and luml^c suitable for butlding pnrpqises is manufactured at Desfoid and Wakdpa, and may be par^ha«6d reasonable pijices* ^ At th^ latter placfc a grist niill is also in operation. " ' ' f * ^, th^iternls of purchase pfthe Manitoba Souih-Wtstern Colonixatiop Railway Company nr« the game'asthdse of die Canadian Pacific Railway. ; * "* r' i / '• ,. * r-r The for -sale on liberal t^rms lots ihi the following tpwns along the Uni! : Mar- uetto, McGregor, AustifijSitlney, Car berry, Sewell, Chater, nranclon, livaerno, lljUand, Cypress River, GJeBboro,,Gi:€tna,,Mordenvitle, Manitou, LaRivi^re., CyslaVCily, Pilot Mound, Cartwi^t, HoltnfitldtKillarneyi Whitewater, Deloraine. Fqr fBftl^r particulars apply to. • J ^ ^ ! Ii 4* HiMIILTOK, I^ind Commissioner, WtnjoipQg. NOTE-j-Ali pa|rroeftt8 ar»f to be remitted by the purchaser direct to ths; l..AndComniission^,; Winnipeg. - lioajl land agents are not autho^/zed to acpept or receiot for any monies in payment for lan4. • - " '. — > ■ coLiiMiiJilOWNcaaiEs. r'f*> For Ml inforoiation regarding the Town lois hi Vancbuytfr'and'Kamlodpi, wri^ to ■ ' '' 1 ■■ > * 4 t:.;-" "j&«r K Mt'sSM'UVwrmjnw « -w !'■ i RAHWilY mm^ 0F ^11. kANP i-j!.;- i ' in ■ ! ' i; I t I ri »-. li I il ^ ; t ■ LAND i f- * — IN THE-*- 3,000,000. ■■ ! iy.'^^ Park Lands Good Soil ! Go6d Tinker!! Goi0 W^Wtl! liMs Sold under U^ Following Regulations. TERlNS OF PAYMCHt. If pAid for in fiiH at time of purchase a deed will be giv«n, but the purcbafer nafty pay one-lixth* incash and the balance in flv^ ann' -il InstAhnents, ^iih ihtereat 4t aix per ee„t,p«ann„,„.^ . f . 4 -pMCIlAt CMDITIOM.. All saloa are subject to the following donditions : 1. All improvements placed upon tUe land purqhasfjd to be mainta-iUed thereon lintii fl*al payment has been made. ^ ...''.• I. ik , . . . . - i All taxes and assessments rawfully imposed upon the land oMrnprqvementa to be paid bv the purchaser, . . 3. The Company reserves the riglit to take, without remuneration, a strip or strips of land 100 feet wide, to be ueed for right Qf way fcJr the railway or^ny of its branches, wh6r ever the same shall be located. • ; ; ' -; ;; t'or further particulars apply to ' ' '' '■ 622 MAIN ST., WllilflKt. .-■ t : * ■■■'■ , * I ■ I t i !■ The lands of this Company have been tborouglily examined by <iottip4tent men, who made accurate diagrams of each section, ehowing (brm and location of evety, lake, pond, river, creek (and probable depth thereof), marsh, mei^ow, swamp, bluff, hiH <^r yalliiy, tifuber, brush and clear prairie, £^nd also a written description a* to the surface, 8Qi4, etc, 'i^liese diagrams aud Written descriptions of all the railway lands caii be sfnt aA the l>flB«eaof the Company ., , , ? s t >^'i'iJ \ j^-'fj 31 -iLl. \ J . ) ■y - \ •: . L ..i ^.. , HtJDSOlT'S BAY CO FARMING^ GRAZING, COAL AND MINERAL LANDS FOR SALE In the' Province of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories of Canada. The Company are entitled to r.pOO.OOO ^ORES t IN THE GREAT FERTIlL|J|tT. .Extending from the latemational Boundary northward to the north branch of the Great Saskatchewan River, and from the Eastern Boundary of Manitoba to the : Summit of the Boeky Mountains. All these lands are being carefully examined by I competent inspectorsr-wch quarter seotioQ being separately i»eported upon. The whole of these lands are now offered for sale on Easy TeriTIS of pay- ment, and without any conditions of settlement or cultivation. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE •In the following flourishing and rising centres of trade : WINNIPEG, COLVILLE, ELPHINSTONE, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, PRINCE ALBERT, RAT PORTAGE. WEST LYNNE, EDMONTON, FORT QU'APPELLE, ROSEMOUNT. WST Maps and plans, with full information in regard to these Ltmdii^ can be [obtained^ either personally or by letter, tit the Company's Office, SiOS MAIN STREET, WlifNIPEC. 0. J. BBYDQES, Land Oommisaioner. • »*'^ ! i ■ ''I , ; > , ' , , ' , * < ■ M iir ii II I I . ( 11 1 — I — -i"^ - ^^ \f ■ « ' t t l I I II I ■ L ■ II ■ " I ■ 1 t I > \ » ^ ^ ? ' V "■'' , t ( 1^' ir ^ • i •i ' THE liETAU; TRAP^ "PATENTROLL" t I HJ, ,1 Home-made Comforts, Mattress; Cpoers,; i&c. The foltotpina toell hnoton brands of, 'l^ATB^ J|pLL " ^COTTON Sim ^' NORTH STAR," : ^RESC^^^ " PE ARlr " p^^5 up ill a, 6, 8, 12 and 16 oz. rolls, and n^:li| b^ted oc ca^ed may be obtained pi all Wholesale Hptt^es ^nd .at renjarkablij ic>i^ P^i^^^' ^^^^^,^^ ^^ i i ^ ; JAl^r SIAMORY & CO., Mil lllu«R«l(&,GO..M«R|Al THI ROYJit Sole Ownersand Maftufacturers for the^DOMINIf^^ W GAWAm.^of|the oe^ . rated THOMSON-HOUSYON SYSTEMS of Afc and inc?iiwifeScent filearic Lii/i tine and ifiectrical Transtnission of Power; ^ J ; > , - . mONLY PERFECTLY AUTOMAGIC System of Regulaftiott m the wor^. Isolated Plants, Arc Or Incandescent, for Mills, Factdrfes, Steimere, etc. , Central Station Plants* Arc o^ Iricahdescem ifbr S«eet, pare, ;«ous^ alid ^ "^' pj*ii^ Sons, fully equipped fM ^ Ir^nsmittii^ PQvfe^ ^t^ecpi^allj^ an y rjasonable distance. ? ' ' , ^, ■ -n'- ' i-"s^ Street Railways or Tramways equipped and Motivp Powi^r applied to^any "^' Arc and incandescent Lamps tun successfully from the feaihe citciiit and same dynamo. , . ^ , , j * ti We make a specialty of fumishmg only first class plants m every detail, wh '-M gii^fi Qur customed thorough satisfaction, make raoneyior local Companies, unci .able Corporations to do their own lighting profitably. ' ^, We aite pleased at all times to furnish estiirtateS arid tiifornaifclion to fnteftfi«>g ^jutohasora of electric lightNor power plants. * (lea, iactoij, aid ligltiiig Slatioib 5i 56 aiii 58 ^lli|W tefit»:P ( ' .i^t HENDERSON'S 88 an4Vftt •? •i >., •, . \ ■ ■* ■ in tie world, leis* etc. citciiit apd levfefy det^\U \V Companies, ta fnteft^ing BRITISH COLUMBIA GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY. * INCLUDING A COMPLETE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA For the Year 1889, PUBLISHED BY L. G. HENDERSON, Oovermnent Street, Victoria, P. O. Box 278. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Nine, by the Henderson Directory Co., in the office of the Minister of Agriculture. t ■■■■ Vllo 34 (Limited) (kcessore to ToroDto Bridge Co.) Manufaeturers of IRON AND STEEL BRIDGES FOB eAILWAYS AND HIGHWAYS, IBONBOOFS, Turntables, Iron Piers AND TREStUES, Briclge Beds, Bight and Left Hand SleevQ ITnts^ and all EindsofStrnctural Iron Work. -WORKS AT lachine, P.d., and Toronto, flnt. GENERAL OFFICE : BoomNo. 2i Windsor Hotel, MONTREAL, P.Q. Address inquiries in response to tbis advertisement to i (Limited.) MONTREAL, QUE. t. INTRODUCTION. The pnbKshere have the honm f^ „ annual edition of the BwxiSH ColJmI'^p?:' '° "''■'^ P"''""' their ii„t asJc a comparison to be made betwee?^- .^^''^ *™ Dikectory aS tions, being satisfied that the 1 """■ '^'^ "^-l «"»' of former nl .erit^ continnation ofS: s^Jp^r^Tven"^' ^^ -^-""rart^ We would call attention to sompT.f ?' "ames are all a^nged in strict alpCLuif' f'"^' "^ '•■" wort. Th» The towns and p„,t ofB„es a^^^ l^:"":''. «''™«- "'d snrnamT Attont,onis specially called to „u crf:^ ■°,»'P'«'beticaI order Cohmb«, h« home and have chame of tt n .ft'"'""*"' *"' ""^e Briti^ l.ubhcation of Directories is oJZlvel ""^ ^'''•""'''» «*««». 1^ are prepared to give a better m^Tl^r''"^- ™* "^i^g the case w! be done by those who would pntZl n "1*" *" ^^"' '!«» ««n Zm* and who make it meanly incidentalt th.^^"^^ "" » °"='^ "«»e'^"J Special attention is called .„ ,ul '^^" ''"^'"oss. ""' cities the Directory is i sueTbw^ ^' *""' """ '" overy one of t). , and not a seconda^ LXl^^ """^ "'"' ""-Ae it an eSvfb "^ -distinct a ^o.ti:nrt:i^.~ ^ -. Di^X^^S well and properly done by those w^a^^^^ I^^^Lt "t '"^'"'^^ w 1 ^^ iu Its intricate that thrvtm"et:Xl:r„f- --t is i.p.3ible.. but we belie chan^ng popula^on of a neCrt^ '' "^'"^'o ->=« it, wrUth^'rC' the wta^X a^r:iSd':t£"-'«'^e^ '-3 done by men tra." d ^-. taken at a .^ZTjl ^^'^ -P'^-tXS"^' C' cf- a 106 36 POPULATION. We now come to our estimate of the population of the cities, based on the number of names in the Directory in each place. As the Directory- information has not been taken at regular stated periods, the annual increase cannot be accurately estimated. For the purpose of estimating the popula- tion, the following cities ; St. Paul and Minneapolis, multiply by 2 J J; Kansas, St. Louis, Portland, Ore., Milwaukee, Chicago multiply by 3 Toronto ; by 3 J ; Winnipeg by 3. As the conditions of each city in British Columbia differ, I have used the multiple which I consider is best adapted to each. Victoria has 3559 names multiplied by 3| 12,457 Estimated Chinese population 2,000 " floating " 600 14,957 Vancouver has 3559 names multiplied by 3 7,893 Estimated floating population and Chinese...... 1,000 8,893 New Westminster has 1,037 names multiplied by 3J. 3,629 Estimated floating population and Chinese 500 4,129 Nanaimo has 1,2 1 1 names multiplied by 3 3,633 To our many kind friends who have revised proofs, and without whose Qfisistance it would have been impossible to secure other reliable Informa- tiion, we take this opportunity of returning our sincere thanks. It is our intention to publish this work annually, corrected and revised to date of publication, keeping up with the rapid development of the g9^nt^y. JAS. HENDERSON, Compiler. ViC];oRU, January, 1889. id on ctory urease »pula- Ekiisas, o; by 3 used 14,957 8,893 4,129 3,633 it whose linforma- revised of the INDEX TO ADVERTISERS- Paob Abbott k Co., Montreal l*) Archer W. C, k Co., Vancouyer 366 Auld John, Montreal 9 Barr M.D., & Co., Montreal Comer eardt Bennett ft Co., Winnipeg On cover Blackwood Bros., Winnipeg... On outside cover Boiler Inspection, Toronto S36 British Calambia Fruit Co., Victoria 544 British Columbian, New Westminster 352 Brown J. R., Harrison Hot Springs. ....... 272 Brnnett Saw Mills, New Westminster..... 21 Brush Geo., Montreal 10 Burland Lithographic Co., Montreal Insert Campbell, iSpera & Co., Winnipeg. 547 Canada Jute Co., Montreal 565 Canada Shipping Co., Montreal 4 Canada Tobacco Works, Montreal 16 Canada Truss Factory, Montreal 9 Canadian Pacific Railway Land Dept 29 Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph 27 Canadian Pacific Railway Traffic 28 Canadian Rubber Co., Montreal 14 Chanteloup E., k Co., Montreal 40 Chester W.E., Montreal 532 Chaput Fils k Co., Montreal 12 Clarendon Hotel, Winnipeg On cover ColeN. N. k Co., Winnipeg. See cover and 548 Colin McArthur k Co., Montreal 10 Colonist, Victoria •. 24 Currie W. k F. P., Montreal 361 Davis S., k Sons, Montreal Lines on cover Dodds P. D., k Co., Montreal 20 Dominion Bridge Co. , Montreal 34 Dominion Paper Co., Montreal sej Paob Dominion Glass Co., Montreal u Dominion Wadding Co., Montreal 32 Douglas W. D., k Co., Winnipeg On cover Drewry E. L., Winnipeg On cover Edwards 0. D., k Son, Montreal. 15 Fenwick k Sclater, Montreal... On /ace of Book Fooks F., New Westminster 658 Godfrey k Co., Vancouver 22 Grip Prhiting Co., Toronto 17 Gross F., Montreal 9 Gurney E. k C, k Co., Winnipeg ....Gn cover Hastings Saw Mills, Vancouver 21 Hibbard Electric and Supply Co., Mont- real Corner cards and 5 Hobbs Hardware Co., London 549 Hodgson, Sumner k Co., Winnipeg... On cooer H '>gan H., St Lawrence Hall, Montreal . 17 Hudson Bay Co., Winnipeg • 31 Hyman C. 3., k Co., London 19 Ingersol A. M., Virden 540 Irving k Stracban, Vancouver 362 Ives H. R., & Co., Montreal ii Jones J. L., Toronto ' 543 Kennedy Bros., New Westminster 352 Leask & Johnson, Vancouver ,..., 362 Leland House, Vancouver 392 Leland House, Winnipeg On cover Leonard W. L., Vancouver 553 Leslie James, Montreal Corner cards Macdonald John, k Co., Toronto 3 McClary Mnfg. Co., Winnipeg On cover McDonald N. D., k Co., Winnipeg 562 McGill University, Montreal „.. 16 MacGowan A. H. B., Vancouver 640 38 ! • Paoi Itfainland Guardian, New Westminater... 20 Manitoba A Northwestern Rj., Winnipeg 30 Marks A. A., New Yorlt 7 Millard H. R , Montreal 14 Moodyrille Mills, MoodjTille 22 Mutchison & Derraugb, Vancourer 362 Nanalmo Free Press, Nanaimo 296 North American LJe, Toronto 2 Iforth British and Mercantile Ins. Oo„ Montreal 3 Northwest Coal & Navigation Go., Letb- bridge On cover Patterson J. W., & Co., Montreal 15 Pettigrew W. D., k Co., Winnipeg On cover Porcberon A. D., Montreal 16 Port D. W , & Co., New Westminster 643 Porter Henry, Montreal 13 Prout k Inslejr, Vancouver 392 fiobertson Thomas, b Co., Montreal 18 itobin tc Sadler, Montreal 535 Rogers Samuel, & Co., Toronto 555 Hoss & Ceperlj, Vancouver. Corner cards in Vancouver lloss 6eo. D., & Co., Montreal 19 Paoi Royal Electric Light Co. (The), Montreal 32 Royal City Planing Mills Co., Vancouver and New Westminster On front cover Scott k Leslie, Winnipeg 562 Simpson, Hall, Miller k Co., Montreal 664 Sonne Thomas, Montreal 18 St. Alice Hotel, Harrison Hot Springs... 272 Standard Life 8 Standard The, Victoria 25 Stephens G. F., k Co., Winnipeg On cover Stewart James, M.D , Montreal 16 Strachan W., k Co., jtfontreal 659 St Lawrence Hall, Montreal 17 Teea, Wilson U. Co., Montreal 6 The E. k C. GurneyCo., Winnipeg On cover Timewell k Son, Winnipeg 634 Times The, Victoria 26 Vancouver Soda Water Works, Vancou- ver 362 Vulcan Iron Co., Winnipeg 660 Walker J. H., Montreal 565 Wilson John, Winnipeg 544 World The, Vancouver 23 NOW IN PRESS: HENDERSON'S Manitoba. Northwest Territories BRITISH COLUMBIA Including a complete Classified Business Directory of the above Provinces IN ONE BOOK Price, $5.00. Mailed Free on receipt of price. CONTENTS ries PAQB Alphabetical Directory of British Columbia 73 C. P. R. Pacific Division Directory 254 Classified Business Directory ,. . 533 Gazetteer and Directory 73 Index to Advertisers 37 Introduction , 35 Nanaimo Directory 227 New Westminster Directory 315 Victoria Directory 427 Yanconver Directory 353 >rovinces 40 E. CHANTELOUP, IRON and BRASS FOU>iDER, Light and Orna- mental Castings, Vault Doors, Iron Columns and Candelabras in new designs. Loccmotive and Car Fittings, Telegraphic and Electrical Instruments and Supplied Fire Alarm Apparatus, Artistic Bronzes, Church Ornamerts, Lamps and Gazalievs, Copper Works, Cooking Ranges for Hotels, Hospitals and Private Houses, MANUFACTURER OF 9 Tower, Mi and Locomotive Bells. Including Chimes and Peals^ GAS AND COAL OIL BURNERS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Steam Fittings, Coil Screens, Hot Water and Steam Apparatus, French Window- Fasteners aiiJ Espagnollettes, Railway Supplies of all descriptions, Electric Apparatus and Supplies, Builders' Hardware. Office and Works, 587 to 593 Craig Street MONTREAL. / ings. imns 18 signs, I Supplied ups BRS Window )treet PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.* Population (1881), 49,459. ' Seat of Oovernment — Viotohia. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: The Honourable Hdoh Nelson (appointed 2Sth Starch, 1887). Private Secretary, Herbert Stanton. PRKVIOUS LIEUTRMANT O0TBRNOR3 : Hon. J. W. Trutch, 20th July, 1871. Hon. A. N. Richards, 20tb Julj, 1876. Hon. 0. F. Cornwall, 20th July, 1881. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. The Honourable Robert Dunshdir, President (without portfolio). " Alex. B. B. Datie, 00., Premier and Attorney GeneraL '< John Robsom, ProTincial Secretary and Minister of Mines. « Forbes Georqe Vernon, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. « John Herbert Turner, Minister of Finance and Agriculture. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker : The Honourable Charles E. Poolbt. Clerk qf the Legislative Assembly— Thoraton Pell. Name. •••• ••••• Allen, Edward Anderson, G. W Baker, Col. Jas Beaven, Robt Blake, Itbiel Nason... Bole, W. Norman Cowan, George Croft, Henry Davie, Hon /.. B. B., Davie, Theodo.-e.. Duck, Simeon DuDsmuir, Hon. Robert Fry, Henry Grant, John Higgins, D. W Humphreys. T. B Ladner, W. H Martin, G. B Mason, Joseph Orr, James Pooley, Hon. 0. B. (Speaker) Robson, Hon. John Selmin, C. A Tolmie, James ThomppoQ, Geo Turne?, Hon. J. H m Vernon, Hon. Forbes Geo , Constituency. Lillooet Victoria Kootenay Victoria City Cariboo New Westminster City. Cariboo Cowichan Lillooet Victoria City Vicl^ria City Nanaimo Cowichan , , Cassie: Esquimau Comox New Westmin stCi Yale Cariboo New Westminster Esquimau New Westminster Yale Victoria Nanaimo Victoria City. Yale Post Office Address. Clinton. Saanich. Kootenay. Victoria. Barkerville. New Westminstor. Barkerville. Chen .inus. Victo. ia. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Quamichan. Victoria. Victoria. Victoria. Ladner's Landing. S. Thompson River. Barkerville. New Westminster. V ictoria. Victoria. Cache Creek. Victoria. Nanaimo. Victoria. Victoria. ■^Entered Coo'ederation, 20th July, 1871. BRITISH COLUMBIA. The province has made rapid progress c'uring ^he past fevr years, but this advaDcement is but trifling when comnared with that which it will make m the next aecade. Bstending from the summit of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, includiLsr tlie '<nuUitude of large and small islands that .ringe the coast, and stretching north from the inter- national line to the sixtieth parallel, the pro- Tince has the general shape of a parallelogram, 4)eing 760 miles long and 500 broad, and having «n arsa of 350,000 square miles. For a distance of 300 miles on the extreme north, a narrow • fltrip of the United States Territory of Alaska interposes between I*', and the ocean. The T^eneral surface of the country is mountainous and broken, consisting of short ranges, detached groups of mountains, elevated plateaus and many valleys of various extent. Running -parallel with the Rocky Mountains, and in many places scarcely distinguishable from them, ure masses of mountains, and along the coast lie^ a high range usually indicated as a continua- tion of the Cascades, but, in fact, a northern £xtension of the great Coast Range. Lying between these two, and extending as fai- north «s latitude 55.30 degrees, is an irregular belt of elevated plateau. Beyond this the interior tnountain.a decrease in height, and the land has « gentle slope toward the Arctic Ocean. Peace River and other streams of the Arctic watershed find their sources there. Such are the general features of the interior — high moun- tain ridges on the east and west, enclo.sing r. .tiigh platean, down the centre of whicli flows the Fraser River, its general course being bouth until almost to the international line, where it "turns sharply to the west and enters the ocean. The other great streams of tlie interior are Thompson River, entering the Eraser from the •east, and the Okanagan, Columbia and Koote- oay, the last two having very eccentric coi ••ses. The Columbia rises almost in the extreme souih- ■easte'-- corner, sweeps northerly around the uppe. end of the Selkirk Range, and then flows <lirectly south between the Selkirk and Gold Mountains into the United States. The Koote- oay has ita source in the same region, makes a long sweep to he south, crossing tne boun- dary line, and, returning again, diiichargesi ts 'Waters irto the former stream. Lakes and water .cours''.i abound from one end of the pro- ^iooeto the other, many of them navigable by ,.« .earners of a light draught for great distances, j The coast line is the most wonderful in th^' world. The mountains border closelv upon the sea, the shore being indented by a multitude of bays and inlets and fringed by countless small islands, between which run tortuous but safe and navigable channels. Outside of these, and protecting these inland channels for nearly the entire length of the coast, is a series of large islands, the greatest and most southerly of which is that of Vancou- ver, on which Victoria in situated. For 500 miles a large ocean steamer in passing up the coast follows a watery lalbjrintb, its surface as placid aD tb<; bosom of a lake. The inlets which indent the CDast abound in magniflce'^t harbors, and furnish communication 'u nlr ■ •'.9 with the interior a hundred miles 'u .m. \.-.> coast. The climatic conditions are quite varied, owing chiefly to the broken nature of the sur- face. The province is naturally divided into two districts, insular and continental, and these, owing to the vast area and mountainous sur- face, are again subdivided into districts with more or less distinctly defined boundaries. Taken as a whole, the climate is much m3re moderate and equable than that of any other portion of the Dominion, each district enjoying cooler summers and milder winters than any region of a corresponding altitude lying east of the Rocky Mountains. Primarily the one great cause of this prevailing characteristic is the great ocean stream of warm water known as the"Jiipan current." This great volume of compara:ivplv warm water flows south along the coast of UritisS Columbia. Perpetual sum- mer reigns wherever the full influence of this great ocean river is felt. Even in the midst of winter the warm breezes from the sea steal over the islands and mainland, and penetrate far into the interior among the many valleys of the mountains, their modifying influence gradually lessoning as they advance. In the regions fully subject to them, flowers bloom, vegetation ' remaitjs green and bright, and there is little save the °lmanac and increased rainfall to tell that wmter is at hand. The warm, moisture* laden currents of air coming from the southwest meet the colder atmosphere from the north, and the result is frequent and copious rains during the winter season, the rainfall being much mora abundant on the mainland coast than oa the islands or .r< the interior. The climate of the aouthaastera portion of MISCELLANS0U8 DIRECTORY. 43 Vancourer .sland^ the region in which Victoria is situated, is uoirersally conceded to be the most delightful on the Pacific Coast. Here much less rain falls than on the adjacent main- land or upon the island further north, or the numerous small ones and the large ones of the <jueen Charlotte group still further to the north- ward. Much of the moisture is taken from the atmosphere by the mountains lying between Victoria and the ocean, and the ■??cond preci- pitation does not occur until the winds strike the high lands of the opposite coast. Snow seldom falls, and then lies but a short time. The climate of that point is truly delightful, and is at all times invigorating. For a period of three years the lowest temperature was 8 deg. and the highest 83.9, the annual mean iieing 55.6. During the same period the ■average fall of rain was 24.78 inches per year. The climate of the mainland coast opposite Vancouver Island diflPers somewhat from that just described. In the summer the temperature averages slightly higher and in winter some- -what lower, while the rainfall is greater imme- diately along the coast, decreasing toward the interior. The Lower Fraser Valley (New Westminster district) does not receive in sum- mer the cold breezes from the Olympian Moun- tains which blow across Victoria, nor does it receive in winter so much of the genial warmth of the warm ocean air. As a general thing ice forms on the river for a short time, and snow begins to fall in January and continues to dp so iutermittently till March, the ground not being continuously covered with it. The rainfall at New Westminster is somewhat greater than on the flats at the mouth of Fraser River. It is also less as the river i^ ascended until Hope is reached, where it is about the same as at New Westminster. These variations are due solely to local causes. Above Yale it decreases rapidly as the interior is penetrated. Observa- tions for seven consecutive years at New West- minster showed the lowest temperature to be 7 deg. aiid the highest 92, with an annual mean of 47.9, The average yearly rainfall was 59.66 inches, including a precipitation of snoiv cf 51.2 inches, equal to 4.27 inches of rain. The climate of the interior, that portion of the province lying above and to the east of Yale, is radically different from that of the ooastjbeing drier and subject to greater extremes of ti irature, though not entirely beyond the softintiuencesof the Japan current. The moun- tains along the coast relieve the ocean winds of their moisture, and the elevated plains of the in- terior are in consequence much drier than the «ORSt and islands. The mean annual tempera- ture does not differ much from that of the coast region, but the summer and winter extremes are much greater, and there is also much varia- tion in different districts, owing to sitaation and local causes. The total precipitation of rain and snow is very small. Wherever there occurs a mountain barrier, there the fall of rain and snow is heavier at its western base and correspondingljr light on the lee side. In the Gold and Selkirk ranges, in the southeastern portion of the province, the winters are more severe, and snowfall heavier than in the lower and more open portions. In that part which may be classed as the "Southern Interior," the climate, as a whole, is milder than in the more northern districts. In summer the heat is sometimes very great, though sun-strokes are unknown, and the evenings and nights are rendered comfortable by cool mountain breezes. Winter weather continues about four months, the remainder of the year being quite agreeable and enioyable. Snow seldom exceeds two and one-half feet in the open, and occasionally, in some localities, stock remain out the entire season, thou);rh the prudent farmer keeps a good supply of foou for tl^eir use when necessarv. The climate changes materially to the north- ward of the region just considered. The gene- ral surface of the country has a higher elevation, and the Cariboo and other mountain masses render it quite broken and rugged. The sum - mers are quite warm but of shorter duration ; winter continues longer, and the fall of snow is heavier. The forests are denser and the trees of a larger growth. In the valley of the Fraser, within this district, the climate is milder than that of the surrounding higher altitudes, and the atmosphere is drier, the valley and the bench 2S and rolling hills and valleys of the western tributaries dp' ng covered with bunch grass. Although in proportion to the entire area the land suitable for agriculture is small, there are f- !iy 10,000 square miles of good arable soil, . 3 diverse in character, location and climatic con- ditions as to be suited to the production of every kind of fruit, cereal, vegetable, plant and flower known co the temperate zone. Fruits of the temperate zone grow to per- fection on Vancouver Island, along. the Lower Fraser and in the mountain valleys of the interior. The province is capable of supplying the Dominion with the choicest of apples, pears, plums, peaches, grapes, cherries, etc. The yield of grain, hav and vegetables is prolific. The growing and npenning seasons being slow, the farmer is given ample time to prepare the soil and to harvest the result of his toil. One of the great resources of the province ir the multitude of food-fishes which swarm in the adjacent waters and inland streams and lakes, and catching and preparing these for market affords emplop^ment to many people. The most important is the salmon industry. Salmon of several varieties crowd into the inlets and streams to deposit their spawn in the I shallow fresh waters of the interior. Those , entering Fraser River ascend the main stream I 44 Henderson's British Columbia if f and branches to their very sources, some of them reaching a point nearly 800 miles from the sea. It is while thus making their ananal pilgrimage from the sea that they are caught, generally near the entrance to the streams, though often many miles inland, and prepared for market. Many canning factories have been established at favorable points, where thou- sands of cases are prepared for market annually. The scene of the greatest activity is on Eraser River, where twelve canneries are located. For fifteen miles above its mouth the Fraser is dotted with boats of the salmon fleet during the season, and the river and canneries present a busy scene. North of this point establish- ments are located at Burrard Inlet, Alert Bay, Rivers Inlet, Skeena River, Metlakalitia ana Nass River. Large quantities of salmon are also salted and packed in barrels. The majority of fishermen^ especially in the northern canne- ries, are Indians, who a ; txnert and reliable, and are preferred to anj ( ind of labor. The Government located u hery on the south bank of Fraser River, i .• miles above New Westminster. The undoubted success of this effort to foster one of the most important industries will enable the canning establish- ments to make improvements, and invest addi- tional capital with the assurance of a perma- nent and liberal supply offish. Other important fishes are the oolachan, or " candle fish," from which an oil is manufactured that is considered superior to any other fish oil known ; the sturgeon, of whioh great numbers are caught at the mouth of Fraser River, one recently cap- tured weighing 1,200 pounds; the dog fish, from whose livers two factories make 50,000 gallons of lubricrtting oil annually ; herrings, from which oil and fertilizers are made ; halibut and cod, which abound but are not caught in quantity ; whales and porpoise, which are caught iu limited numhers for their oil. About 12,0U0 seals and a hundred sea ottersare caugiit annually Oyster beds .'ire numeruus. Many kinds of t«ble fish are suj "liml from the salt waters, and in the inland sireanis salmon trout, mountain trout and white rish abound. The lumber resources of British Coinnibia are very greaf, and as yet coniimratively imde- yeloped. Only a few companies are engatred in lumbering on an extensive scale. The islaiids along the coast, as well as the adJHcent mainland, are covered with a dense growth of several kinds of most valuable timber, which grows to immense size by rcMson of the moist and genial climate. Here i-s a source of wealth upon which the people may draw for penera- tifins to come. Of the various varieties of limber found in the province, the most abun- dant ia the Douglas pine or fir (A. iJom/latii) known also as the " Oregon pine," possessing the greatest commercial value. It covers the coast and islands in dense forests, eztendlug as far north as Skeena River and inland as far as the Rocky .Mountains. It grows to gigantic proportions on the coast under the influence of the continuously warm and humid atmosphere. The trees are straight, and the wood, though coarse grained, is exceedingly tough and tena- cious, withstanding great transverse strain. It is cut into lumber of all sizes and shapes, and has few equals for frames, ties, bridge timbers, etc. For shipbuilding it is especially adapted, and its great length and toughness make it peculiarly desirable for masts and spars. It is also very useful for butter boxes and similar purposes. Great quantities of this lumber are shipped to iSouth America, Honolulu, China and Australia, while spars and masts are also sent to Europe in large numbers. North of t") ' Skeena, the spruce and white Alaska cedar predominate. Huge red cedar abounds on the lower coasi and inland. Cypress, or yellow cedar, is found along the entire coast, and juniper on Vancouver Island and along the in- terior lakes. White pine, balsam pine, yellow pine, Scotch fir, hemlock and larch exist ia quantity in various localities Of the hard woods, oak, alder, maple, vine maple, yew, crab apple and dogwood are found on the lowlands. Mountain ash and aspen and several other varieties of poplar, all known as " cotton- wood," are found along the streams and in the interior valleys. Development of this industry has not reached the proportions attained in the adjacent territory of the Urlted States, and it may b© said that the magnificent forests of this region are comparatively untouched, and constitute a source of wealth upon which the people may draw for many years to come. In its mineral-bearing rocks 'and deposits of placer gold, the firovince po^^sesses a natural wealth of great magnitude. Mining first led to its settlement by white people, and has always c nstituted a leading industry. The list of minerals found embraces gold, silver, copper, iron, coal. leMd. cinnabar, platinum, antimony, bismuth, plumbago, limestone, marble and salt. Gold mining was for many years the only im- portant industry, and is to-day the letding one in the interior. .Mining has been confined almost exidiisivcly to the working of placer deposits. The goldiii the bars and benches along Fraser Iliver, extcmiing from Hope to above Alexander, is very tine and requires working with quick- silver. Work in this region is done by Chinamen and settlers. The Quesnel and Cariboo mines further north have been the greatest prcdiicers, the gold being coarser and easier to obtain. This is still the ^reat placer mining region of the province. Still further north are the Omln- eca and Cassiar districts, where placer mines are being quite extensively worked. Recently large placer diggings have been discovered oa MI8CELLANE0TIS DIRECTORY, 45 Oraaite Greek and other streams in the Simil- kameen and Okanagan country, in the extreme southern portion of the province, where more or le33 quartz mining has been done for a num- ber of years. In general it may be said that ihpre is scarcely a stream on which "color" c ..not be found. From 1858 to the present time the yield has been about $50,000,000. In 1864 $3,735,850 were obtained, but now the yearly product only approximates a million dollars. Mining is in the transition period between placer and quartz. The richer placer mines, so far as discovered, have been more or less worked out, and miners are turning their attention to quartz. As yet quartz mining has made no regular beginning, as no fully devel- oped quartz mine exists m the province. Auri- ferous quartz ledges abound, and hundreds of them have been discovered and located in the Okanagan and Kootenay regions. Attempts were made some years ago to work them, but the great expense, owing to cost of triusporta- tion, led to abandonment of the effort. The railway is placing an important part in the development of this industry. It may safely be said that the era of quartz mining, which is the only form of that industry possessing the element of permanence, has begun to dawn. Goal mining is an industry which of late years bas undergone a wonderful development. Goal has been found in places over a very wide area of both the mainland and islands. At Nanaimo, on Vancouver Island, is found the best quality, and there the industry has reached great propor- tions. The quality varies in different localities, from the common lignite to anthracite, the lat- ter being on Queen Gharlotte Islands, and the only vein of anthracite yet discovered on the Pacific Goast: The coal at Nanaimo is the best quality of bituminous coal to be found on the Coast, and is shipped in quantities to all points, Sin Francisco being the best market. GOVERNOR GENERAL OF GANADA. The Right Honourable Sir Fridrrice Arthur Stamlit, Baron Stanley of Preston, in the Oounty of Lancaster, in the Peerage of Great Britain : Knight Grand Gross of the Most Hon- orable Order of the Bath. Born 1841. Married in 1864, Constance, eldest daughter of the Earl of Clarendon. THE CANADIAN CABINET. The Cabinet, on the 1st Deceoiber was com- posed as follows :— Right Hon. Sir John Alexander Macdonald. G.O.B., President of the Privy Council, and Premier. Hon. George Foster, Minister of Finance. Hon. Sir J. 8. D. Thompson, Minister of Justice. Hon. Sir H. L. Langevin, C. B., K. C. M. G. Minister of Public Works. Hon. John Garling... '* Agriculture. Hon. John Henry Pope " Railways and Canals. Hon. Bowell " Customs Hon. Edgar Dewd " ntj " the Interior Hon. Sir A. P. Carou K.G.M.G « Militia Hon. Charles H. Marine & Fish- Tupper " eries. Ron. John Costigan " Inland Revenue Hon. J. G. Haggart, Postmaster General. Hon. J. A . C hapleau , Secretary of State. Hon. J.J. G. Abbott, Without Portfolio. Hon. Frank Smith., « u THE PARLIAMENT OP GANADA. Consists of the Queen, represented by the Governor-General, the Senate and House of CommoQS. The Senate consists of 78 members and the House of Commons of 215 members. They are divided among the provinces as fol- lows: Senators. Commoners. Ontario 24 92 Quebec 24 66 Nova Scotia 10 21 New Brunswick 10 16 Manitoba 3 .5 British Columbia 3 6 Prince Edward Island.. 4 6 Northwest Territories.. 4 aiNATORS REPRBSENTINO BRITISH OOLITHBIA. Thos. R. Mclunes. New Westminster W. J. MacDonala, Victoria James Reid, Quesnelle HOUSE OF COMMONS. Caribou, F. S. Barnard New Westminster, Donald Ohisholm Vancouver, D. W. Gordon Victoria, E. G. Baker " E. G. Prior Yale, Andrew Mara LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF THE PRO- VINCES. Ontario Sir Alexander Campbell Suebec Hon. Auguste Real Angers, ora Scotia Hon. A. W. McLelan. New Brunawick...Sir Leonard Tilley. m m 46 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA Si - ii P E Island Hon. Andrew A. Macdonnld. Manitoba Hon. John Christian SchuUz. British Columbia..Hon. Hugh Nelson. The Northwest Ter- i. „ , ritories Hon. Joseph Royal PREMIERS OF THE PROVINCIAL MINIS- TRIES. Ontario Hon. Oliver Mowat, since 1872 Quebec Hon. Honore Mercier, since... 1887 Nova Scotia Hon. W. S. Fielding, sincc.l 884 New Brunswick.Hon. And. G. Blair, since..l883 P E Island... Hon. W. W. Sullivan, since..l879 Jl'anitoba Hon. Thos. Greenway, siuce..is88 Britiah Columbia....Hon. B. 3. Davie, Bince..l887 POPULATION OF CANADA. According to the census returns the popula- tion of Canada was as follows ; 1861 3,174,442 1871 3,635,024 1881 4,324,810 The estimated population at present is between 4,800,000 and 5,000,000. Tlje popula- tion of the ditferent provinces, by the latest census, WM : — Ontario 1,923,228 Quebec 1,395,027 NoTa Scotia 440,572 New Brunswick 321,233 P. E Island 109,891 Manitoba 108,640 N. W. Territories 48,362 British Columbia 49,459 POPULATION OF THE CITIES. The population of the leading Cities and Towns of the Dominion, based on the latest authentic estimatesjis as follows ;— Montreal 210,000 Toronto Suebec 64,092 amilton 44,309 Halifax 40,000 Ottawa 37,020 St. John,N.B 28,110 London 26,315 Winnipeg 23,500 Kingston 17,300 Oharlottetown 13,600 Brantford 12,570 Victoria, B.C 9,000 Hull 12,000 St. Thomas 10,271 Guelph 10,195 Belleville 10,139 Cornwall and suburbs 10,000 Three Rivers 9,090 Sherbrooke 8,824 Peterboro 8,663 Brockville 8,593 Vancouver 9,000 Woodstock, Oat. 7,533 Fredericton 7,000 Sorel 6,770 Gait 6,69T St. Hyaciuthe 6,67T New Westminster 4,200 THE AKEA OP THK PROVINCES is calculated by the government officials. Sq. miles. Ontario 181,800 Quebec 188,688 Nova Scotia 20,907 New Brunswick 27,174 Mrtiiitoba _ 60,520 British Columbia 341,305- P. E. Island 2,133 District of Keewatin 400,000- " Alberta 100,000 " Assiniboia 95,000 " Atliabasca 122,000 " Saskaicliewan 114,000 Remainder of the Territories 1,816,730 Making a total of 3,470,257 square miles for the- whole of the Dominion. In this is not included about 140,000 square miles of estimated area of the great lakes aud rivers within the conntry's boundaries. MEW FISHERY REGULATIONS. For the province, authorized by Order-in- Council, dated at Ottawa, Monday, the 26th of November last. On the recommendation of the minister of marine and fisheries and under tfae provisions of the 16th section of chapter 95 of the Revised Statutes of Canada.entitled "An Act Respecting^ Fisheries and Fishing," His Excellency the Governor-General Las been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Fishery Re- gulations for the Province of British Columbia,, adopted on the 30th May, 1878, be, and the same are hereby rescinded and the following substi- tuted therefor : SALMON flSHBRT. 1 . Fishing by means of nets or other apparatus without leases or licenses from the minister of marine and fisheries^ is prohibited in all waters ofthe province of British Columbia. Provided always that Indians shall at all times have libertv to fish for the purpose of pro- viding food for tuemselve3,but not for sale, bar- ter or traffic, by any means other than with drift nets or spearing. 2. Meshes of nets used for capturing salmon shall be at least six inches extension measure, and nothing shall be done to practically dim- inish their size. MISCELLANEOUS DIREOTORT. 4T' 9,000 7,533 7,000 6,770 6,69T 6,677 4,200 sials. Sq. miles. .. 181.800 .. 188,688 ... 20,907 .. 27,174 .. 60,520 *... 341,305- 2,133 ;;;. 400,000 100,000 95,000 "'.".". 122,000 114,000 ".'.". 1,816,730 miles for lb* not included naied area of the conntry s T10H8. by Order-in- ly, the 26lh of [he minister of B provisions of i- the Revised ct Respectinjf ncellency the jed to order, B Fishery Re- tish Columbia^ ', and the same lowing substi- Ither apparatuff^ Ithe minister of ^ in all waters shall at all )urpose of pro- »t for sale, bar- ker than with [turing salmon lision measure,, lactically dim- 3. (a). Drifting with salmon nets shall be confined to tidal waters, and no salmon net of any kind shall be used for salmon in fresh waters. (b). Drift nets shall not be so used as to ob- struct more than one-third of any river. (e) Fishing for salmon shall be discontinned from six o'clock a. m. on Saturdays, to six o'clock a.m. of the following Monday, and during such closed time no nets or other tisbing apparatus shall be set, or used so as to impede the free course of the nsh, and all nets or other fishing apparatus set or used otherwise shall be deemed to be illegally set and shall be liable to be seized and forfeited, and the owner or owners or persons us ing the same shall be liable to the penalties and costs imposed by the Fisheries Act. 4. (a). Before any salmon net, fishing boat, or other fishing apparatus shall be used, the owner or persons interested in such net, fishing boat or fishing apparatus shall cause a memoraadum in writing, setting forth the name of the owner or person mterested, the length of ihe net boat, or other fishing apparatus and its intended location, to be filed with the inspector of fisheries, who, if no valid objections exist, may, in accordance with instructions from the minister of marine and fisheries, issue a fishery license for the same, and any net, fishing boat, or fishing ap- paratus used before such license has been obtained, and any net, fishing boat or fiahing apparatus used in excess or evasion of the de- scription contained in such license,shall be deem- ed to be illegal and liable to forfeiture, together with the fish caught therein, and the owner or person using the same shall be also subject to fine and cost under the Fisheries Act. (5) All salmon nets and fishing boats shall have the name of the owner or owners legibly marked on two pieces of wood or metal attach- ed to the same, and such mark shall be pre- served on such nets or fishing boats during the fishing season, in such manner as to be visible without taking up the net or nets ; and any net or fishing boat used without such mark shall be liable to forfeiture. 5. The minister of marine and fisheries shall, from time to time, determine the number of boats, seines or nets, or other fishing apparatus to be used in any of the waters of British Col- umbia. TROUT FISHERY. No one shall fish for, catch, or kill trout from the 15th October to tne 15th March, both days inclusive in each year. Provided always that Indians may, at any time, catch or kill trout for their own use only, J bat not for the purposes of sale or traffic. JOHN J. McGEE. Clerk Privy Council. PBOVINCIAL OOVESNMEKT LANDS. Crown lands in British Columbia are classi- fied as either surveyed or unsurveyed lands, and may be acquired either by record and pre-emp- tion, or by purchase. PRE-EMPTIONS. The following persons may record or pre- empt Crown lands, viz. : Any person, being the head of a family, a widow, or a single man over 18 years of age, being a British subject,, may record surveyed or unsurveyed Crown lands which are unoccupied, or unreserved, and unrecorded. Aliens may also record such surveyed or un- surveyed lands, on making a declaration of in- tention to become a Britir^h subject. The quantity of land which may be recorded or pre-empted is not to exceed 320 acres north ward and eastward of the Cascade or Coas- Mountains,or 160 acres in the rest of the Prot vince. •-- No person can hold more than one pre-emp- tion claim at a tim«. Prior record or pre-emp- tion of one claim, and all rights under it, are forfeited by subsequent record or pre-emptioa of another claim. Land recorded or {jre-emp ted cannot be trans- ferred or conveyed till after a Crown grant has- been issued. Such land, iintil the Crown grant is issued, i^ held by occupation. Such occupation must be a bona fide personal residence of the settler or homestead settler, or his family or agent. In> dians or Chinese cannot be agents. The settler must enter into occupation of the- land within thirty; days after recording, and must continue to occupy it. Continuous absence tor a longer period thaa two months consecutively, of the settler or homestead settler, and his agent or family, is deemed cessation of occupation ; but leave of absence may be granted not exceeding four months in any one year, inclusive of the two months' absence. Land is considered abandoned if unoccupied for more than four months in the aggregate in one year, or fur more than two months consecu- tively. If so abandoned, the land becomes waste land of the Crown, without any cancellation of the record. The fee on recording is two dollars. The settler may either have the land survey- ed at his own instance (subject to rectification of boundaries), or wait till the Chief Commis- sioner causes it to be surveyed After sr-vey has been made, upon proof, by declarat' . In writing of himself and two other peesons,.. occupation from date of pre-emption, and of having made permanent improvements on the land . > the value of two dollars and fifty ' i i ! 48 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA cents per acre, the settler, on producing the pre- emption certificate, obtains a certificate of im- provement. After obtaining the certificate of improvement and paying tor the land, the settler is entitled to a Crown grant in fee simple. He pays five dollars therefor. PAYMENT FOR LAND AND CROWN GRANT. ' The price of Crown lands pre-empted, is one ^dollar per acre, which may be paid in /our ■^qualinstalmenta,&a follows— First instalment, two years from date of record or pre-emption, «ndeacli other instalment yearly thereafter, un- til the full amount is paid. But the last instal- ment is not payable till after the survey. The Crown grant excludes gold and silver ore, and reserves to the Crown a royalty of five cents per ton on every ton of merchantable coal raised or gotten from the land, not including <lross or fine slack. No Crown grant can be issued to an alien who may have recorded or pre-empted by virtue of iiis declaring his intention to become a British sub'ect, unless he has become naturalized. The heirs or devisees of the homestead settler ■are, if resident in the province, entitled to the Crown grant, on his decease. If they are absent from the province at the •time of his death, the Chief Commissioner may -dispose of the pre-emption, and maite such pro vision for the person entitled thereto, as be may deem just. PRE-EMPTIONS FOR PARTNERSHIP PUR- POSES. Partners, not exceeding four, may pre-empt as a firm, 160 acres, west of the Cascades to each partner, and 320 acres east of the Cascades, to «ach partner. Each partner must represent his interest in the firm by actual residence on the land,of him- self or agent. But each partner, or his agent, need not reside on his particular pre-emption. The partners, or their agents, may reside to- gether on one homestead, if the homestead be situated on any part of the partnership pre-emp- tion. For obtaining a certificate of improvement, it is sufficient to show chat improvements have t)een*made on some portion of the claim)amount> ing, in the aggregate, to two dollars and fifty cents per acre on the whole land. MILITARY AND NAVAL SETTLERS. Military and Naval officers, of 7 years' service, may acquire free grants of land, under the " Mi- litary and Naval Settlers' Act, 1863." This applies only to the mainland of British Colum- bia. FREE GRANTS FOR IMMIGRATION. The Lieutenaat-Governer in Council may sub- ject to such provisions and restrictions as he may deem advisable, make special free, or par- tially free, grants of unoccupied or unappropri- ated lands, Tor the encouragement of immigra- tion, or other purposes of public advantage. FOR DRAINAGE AND DYKING. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may sel any vacant lands, or make free grants thereol to any person or companjr, for tne purpose of dyking, draining, or irrigating the same, subject to such regulations as he may think fit. SALE OP SURVEYED LANDS. Vacant surveyed lands, which are not the sites of towns or the suburbs thereof, and not Indian settlements, may be purchased at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Surveyed lands purchased under the provisions of this section must be paid for in full at the time of the purchase thereof. SALE OF UNSURVBYED LANDS. The applicant to purchase unsurveyed Crown - lands.after stakingj posting, Ac, must give two montns notice of his intended application in the Government Gazette, and any newspaper cir- culating in the district where the land is situate. He must also have the land surveyed at his own expense, by a surveyor approved of and acting under the instructions of the Chief Com- missioner. The price is two dollars aridity eent» per a^cn, to be paid as follows : — 10 per cent, at the time of application, and 90 per cent, on com- pletion ana acceptance of survey. "The quantity ot land must be not less than 160 acres, nor more than 640 acres. The purchase must be completed within six months from date of application. WATER RIGHTS. Landholders may divert, for agricultural or other purposes, the required quant. ty .^f unre- corded and unappropriated water from the na- tural channel or any stream, lake, etc., adjacent to or passing through their land, upon obtain- ing the written authority of the Oommisaioner. HOMESTEAD ACT. The farm and buildings, when registered, cannot be taken for debt incurred after the re- gistration ; it is free from seizure up to a value not greater than 2,600 dollars (£500 English) ; {;ooab and chattels are also free np to 500 dol- ars fjClOO Bnglisb); cattle " farmed on shares " are also protected bj an Exemption Act. MIgCELLANOUS DIRECTORY, 49 agricultural or uantty if unre- er from the aa- ke, etc., adjacent d, upoa obtain- Oommissioaer. TIMBER LICENSES. Unlicensed persons, except for farm and m in- ingr purposes, elc, are not pe. ..lilled to cut trees on Crown lands. A timber license mivv be plant- ed tor 1,000 ncres (or tunr vciirs on pajn"")! ii( !S10 anniiali.v.and 15 cents Vor each tree (exce|»t bemlocki felled, payable half yearly. Mo jier- Bon can hold more ihun one license at the samv lime, and it is not trani^tcrable. Millowners can- not saw lojfs liikrn Irom Crown lauds ( in which are included lands lea>ed at less than ten ceuis an acre) until the timber dues ot twenty cents per thousand feet boftrd measure are paid. MINING LAWS. FRKRMI.NKIIS. "Free Miners " only can have right or inter- est in mining claims or ditches, A " tree miner" must be over 1(5 yeius of age. lli.s cerlihcaie may be for one year ( f.') >, or three years ( $ifj). and is not trans'eiable. lie may enter and mine Crown lands, or, on making conipcn.-ation, lands occupied for other than mining purposes. To recover wages,niusl have free miner's certili- cate- RECORD, Ac, OF CLAIMS. Claims must be recorded ($2.50), and re- recorded ClSaso), Time allowed for record is three days after location, if within ten miles, of office-— one additional day for every additional ten miles, or fraction theieof. In very remote places, miners assembled in meeting may make valid rules temporarily. Transfers ot claims or mining interests must be in writing an«l regis- tered. Free miners may hold any number of claims by purchase, but only two by pre-emp- tion except in certain cases. Claims may be officially laid over, and leave of absence grant- ed in certain cases, but the rule is that every full claim or full claim interest must he worked either by owner or agent. A tree miner can, by record, get a fair share of water necessary to work claim. A claim is deemed ojieu if un- worked for 72 hours on working days, unless for sick ness or other reasonable cause. NATURE AND SIZE OF ORDINARY MIN- ING CLAIMS. Claims as far as possible, arc rectancular, and must be staked by |->o3l or tree. Sizes are, " bar diggings," 100 feet wide at high-w ater mark, and thence extend into the river at its lowest water level. •' Day diggings "• 100 feel square. '' Creek claims ' 100 teei long, mea- sured in the direction of the general course of the stream, and shall extend in width from base to base of the bill or bench on each side, but when the hills or benches are less than 100 feet apart the claim shall tic lOU feet square. " Bench claims'' '00 feet square. "Hill claims " base line fronting a stream 100 feet— parellel side lines at right angles thereto at summit ot bill. Poste 100 feet apart. Claim not to come within 100 feel of any gulch or tri- butary ot creek. Measurements h«)nzontal, ir- respective of surface inequalities. DISCOVERERS' CLAIMS. To one discoverer 300 feet in length. Toapartyof twodiscoverers t">00 " '* Toapan'yofthiee " t-00 " " To a party of four " 1000 " " And to each member of a party bevond four in number, a claim of the ordinary ^ize only. 'I'he above increase of size applies to dry, bar, bench; creek, or hill digging.-*, noi to qimrtz clainiB or minerals in lodes or vf ins. A new stratum of auriferous earth or gravel, situated in a locality where the claims are aban- doned, shall, for the above purposes, be deem- ed a new mine, although the same locality shall have been previously worked atftdiflferent lever, and dry diggings discoveredin the vicinity of bar diggings shall be deem<'d a new mine, and vice versa. A discoverer's claim shall be reckoned as one ordinary claim. Creek discovery claims shall extend 1,000 feet on each side of the centre of the creek, or as far as the summit. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. On discovery of new lode or vein containing minerals, 6 months. On proving expenditure, in Cft8h,labor, or ma- chinery, of $1,000 on each full interest (without reasonable return), 1 year Under other conditions. Gold Commissioner has opt ion. MINERAL CLAIMS. •' Mineral claims'' — ihat ia, claims contain- ■ ing, or supposed to contain, minerals, precious or base, other than coal, in lodes or veins, or rock in place — shall be 1,.')00 feet wide, and, as nearly as possible, in rectangular form. Must have 3 posts (or tree post,) at equal distances along centre line, with a notice on each. Only one claim on the same lode or vein can be held except by ])urchase. Quartz claims are deem- ed to be mineral claims. In order to get a Crown grant for a mineral claim lawfully held, it must be surveyed by a purveyor approved by the Land Office ; notice of application for the grant must be posted con- 8|>icuously on the land and on the Go'/ernment oflTice of the district, also inserted for sixtj' days in the Government Gazette and a newspaper, it any, circulating in the district, and proof must tw given to the satisfaction of the Gov- ernment officers that $1,000 have been bona fide e.\pended in money or labor upon the claim. Or a Crown grant may be got by paying $50 72 Henderson's British Columbia per acre to the Government in lieu of represen- tation and expenditure on the claim. General provisions for ordinary mining cluinis apply to mineral claims as far as may be. The proper representation of a "mineral" re- claim requires that thtisum of two hundred dol- lars in money, lalior, or improvements, shall be expended annually upon the claim, to the sat- istaction of a Gold Commissioner, and that the owner shall have obtained a certificate from the Gold Commisaioner to that effect, within a j'ear from the location of the claim, and there- after annually, and shall have recorded the certificate immediately after its issue. An annual tax of 5Sl per acre, or fractional part of an acre, of every mineral claim, is pay- able on the 3l8t December. Leases of mining ground, ditch privileges,etc., may be issued, but will not in general be grant- ed Yor a longer term than ten years, or for a quantity of ground greater than — In di-y diggings, ten acres ; Jnbardiggiugs,unworked,half amileinlength along the high -water mark; Id bar diggings worked and abandoned, one nile and a half in length along the high wate mark. The regulations tis to tlnmes,ditcho3'and drain- age need not bo detailed, but it may be stated that the water taken iato the ditch or sluice has to he measured at the ditch or sluice head. No water should be taken imo the ditch or sluic^ except in a trough placed horizontally at the place at which the water enters it. One inch of water means half the quantity that will pass through an orifice two inches high by one inch wide, with a constant head of seven inches above tlie upper side of the orifice. COAL PROSPRCThVG LICENSES. A twelvemonths' prospecting license for 48(t acres of vacant coal land, in one block, may bo granted by the Government on payment of $25 The license may be exietided for another year if thelicense has actually exjdored for coal,oii jta}'- ment of $50. The license is not transferable without notice being given to the Chief Com- missioner of Lands and Works. If a license wishes to purchase coal lands, he may do so under the said Land Act at f2.50 per acre. WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER READS HENDERSON'S British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory BRITISH COLUMBIA GENERAL ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Is^OTE. — This section of the Directory is Condensed as much as possible It is given simply that a name may be quickly and easily found in its Alphabetical order, such as Harry Abbott, general supt. C.P.R. Vancouver. In the Vancouvert Directory his name, occupation and address in full will by given. AAC ACK Aackerman A. B., contractor, New Westminster Aaronson A., merchant, Victoria " A., pawnbroker, Victoria " B., merchant, Nanaimo " B. & Co., merchants, Nanaimo Aateago Pedro, farmer, Nicola Abel Edward, policeman, Victoria " William, farmer, Lac LaHache Abbott Ed., driver, Vancouver '♦ Graham, Vancouver '* Harry, genl-supt. C.P.R., Van- couver J., laborer, Vancouver James, laborer, Cowicban John, farmer. Oyster Harbour Abra William, mill hand, New West- minster Abraham Robert, miner, Nanaimo (( (( Abrams — , teamster, Victoria " & Co., furniture and crockery, Vancouver '* David, miner, Nanaimo " James, tanner, Nanaimo " James, of Abrams & McLean, Vancouver John, Vancouver & McLean, clothing, Vancouver Abramson M., carpenter, Wellington *' Nelson, hotelkeeper, Revelstoke Abray Jackson, constable, Vancouver Ackerman Andrew C. A., carpenter, Kam loops Asa, stocK raiser, Upper Sumas Bros., contractors, Now West- minster Erastus B., stock-raiser. Upper Sumas (( d\ 8 w HENDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA. ACK ALC ll 1 i Ackerman Oliver B., stock-raiser, Upper Sum as Ackstein Louis 1\, solicitor, New Westminster Aconely W., brakeman, Vancouver Acright — , carpenter, Vancouver Adair Wm., shoemaker, Vancouver Adaljee M., farmer. Elk Lake L. D. Adam Capt. James, Victoria Adams Albert, cabinetmaker, Victoria " Alfred, cabinetmaker, Victoria " & Beaumont, hotelkeepers, Quamechan Benj.,cook, New Westminster Daniel H., merchant, Nanaimo Frank W., bookkeeper, Victoria George, stonemason, Vancouver Geo., baggageman, Vancouver Herbert, carpenter, Vancouver John, Victoria Joseph, farmer. New Westmins- ter District Lafayette blacksmith, Spences Bridge & Lawrence, merchants, Nan- aimo M., mechanic, Victoria Mrs., widow, Victoria Mrs. Christina, wid John, Vic- toria Mrs. Francis C, wid D. D., Van- couver N., carpenter, Vancouver Samaef, teamster, Ca^ihe Creek Thomas, farmer. New West minster District T. W. carpanter, Clover Valley W. H., agent, Victoria AJamson D. Mclntyre, farmer, Oka- nagan Adappe Peter, hotelkeeper, Spences Bridge Adderlin & Irving, bakers, Nanaimo •* John, baker, Nanaimo Addison Chas., shoemaker, Vancouver Aden John, cabinetmaker, Victoria " John, sen., milkman, Victoria John, jun., milkmaT), Victoria <( « « u u n i( (( (< « Aden Weart, carpenter, Victoria Agassis B. James, farmer, Agassis Agassiz Lewis Art., farmer, Vancouver Ages Antoine, prof'., Victoria Agler William, laborer. Port Moody Agnew Wm., photographer, Victoria- Aiken P., fitter, Vancouver Aikins J., sec. foreman C.P.R., Spences- Bridge Aikman G., mill hand. New West- minster *' H. B. W., Dominion Land* agent. New Westminster ** J. A., law student, New West- minster Ainsworth John, printer. Now West- minster ** William, car inspector C.P.R.,, Donald Airth David, mill owner, Popkum Aird James, farmer, Nicola Aitken Earle, operator, Port ody " Fred., miner, Nanirimc " James, jun., miner, N^. .,..110 '' James, miner, Nanaimo " Eobert, miner, Newcastle Island " Eobert, secretary N. E. P^ Society, Nanaimo " Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Aitkin J., mill hand, Vancouver Aitkins James, farmer, Langley Akerman Jos., merchant and hotel^ Beaver Point " Joseph, merchant. Salt Sprir^g Island Akin Robert, fitter, Vancouver Albany Frak., sailor, Victoria Albinson J., engiijeer, Vancouver Albion lorn. Works Co., W. F. BuU len, manager, Victoria Albo W., carder, New Westminster Albutt Frederick, slaughterman, Van- couver Alcock Albert J., checker, Vancouver " Jonathan R., timekeeper, Van- couver " M., laborer, Vancouver " Miss LouisiEi, Vancouver ALPHABETICAL DIRECTOBT. Vi ALO AND « Alcock Mrs. M. G., dressmaker, Van- couver <' Thos. Cli., customs officer, Van- couver *' Wm. Goo., checker, Vancouver Aldous George W., cook, Vancouver Alexander Ohf^., farmer. South Saanich " David, sen., farmer, Quamichan <' David, jun., farmer, Quamichan *• Fred. W., Vancouver James, farmer, Quamichan James Atkinson, laborer, South Saanich J. C, manager, Now Westmins- ter J. J , farmer, Pender Island Kich. H., mi'tiager, Vancouver R. H. H., foi man, Vancouver *' Thos., farmei, South Saanich " Thomas, expressman, Vict«3ria «* W. L., trader, Chipman's Bay " William, laborer. South Saanich Alice & Emma Mining Co., Victoria Allan A. F., Victoria David, farmer, Shawnigan G. L., boot^i and shoes, Vancou- ver Eenry, laborer, Victoria Henry, " C " Battery, Victoria James, painter, Vancouver James A., carpenter, Vancouver John, carpenter, Victoria John, engineer C.P.R., Donald John, machinist, Victoria John B., butcher Nanaimo Mrs. Marion , widow, Victoria Nicol, hotel keeper, Vancouver P. J., 0. M. I., New WestiQinster Patrick Andrew, blacksmith, Moody ville Thomas, New Westminster Thomas fl., secretary E. Co., Yale W., surveyor, Ooutlee Wm., laboiHjr, Victoria W. A., clerk, Vancouver AUard Chas. Benjamin Lawrence, fapmei', Laogley Tte Hlam Electric Vi a (Ltd,). <t t( (( AND SUPPLY CO. MONTREAL. Mnfr. of ELEOTKIC WIRES, CABLES. Iiistrv- monts and Supplies of every dHScription. (8*» adrt., page 6.) AUard Edward, farmer, Somenos " Jason J., clerk, Lun^ley Allardj'ce Louis J., elocLriuuin, Yafl»- couvor Allen Chas., mill band, Kew W^aai- minuter " Edward, farmer. Grave Ci-ovfc *' Francis", clerk, Victoria Fred., clerk, Vancouver T. 0., real estate, Vancouver Thomas, apprentice, Vancoovet- W., foreman C.P.R., Kamlw)g» Wm , raac^iinist, Victoria Wm. F., farmer. Grave Greets Allingham Frank, farmer, Pri«»t'* Valley Allison Chas., shoemaker, VancocuteK' " James, dyer, Victoria JamcH, miner, Nanaimo^ John Fall, farmer, Princetoob Eobert, laborer, Vancouver- W. A., Bk. of B.C., Victoria/ Wm., contractor, VaQC04i««cr Allice Thos, H., Victoria Alt Fred., Hall's Prairie, Sirrr»)r Altemat Stephen, laborer, Equfnut& Altvislen Chas., miner, Nanaimo Alway John, farmer, Yale Amber Claude, real estate, New W«»&- minster Ambridge F. C, trav. auditor, C.F.^j^ Vancouver Ames, (the) Holden Co., Victoria Amey Wm., fari^er, Cach^ Greek Ammon Aug., carpen.ter, Vanoourmr Aricbinachie Alex., fifiam^, Sahtli <' James T., fftrmer, l^oiQQoos AixieAa W<EO., m«rc^»t, Y'ioi^>rii^ (I , i "Li 70 IIFNDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA. AND AND ■e.t 4( ^ndap Peter, hotelkeepor, Spences Anderson — , farmer, Mt. Lehman — , ^raia dealer, Victoria A. B., clerk, Wellington A. C, miner, Nanaimo Abraham, teamster, Chemainus Alexander, Yale Alex., Victoria Alb. Gray, farmer. Maple Eidge Alex. A. , foreman, Vancouver Alex. N., farmer. Mud Bay Alexander N,, farmer. Clover Valley Alfred C, clerk, Victoria Antijony, miner. Nanaimo B. F., farmer, Nicola Benj., clerk. New Westminster Bros., produce, Victoria C A., mill hand, Victoria ©avid, blacksmith. Now West- minster David, carpenter, Victoria Daniel, farmer, Sook road Esqui- Erick, farmer, Langley Erick C, farmer, Clover Valley Goo. Wm., farmer, Lake District G., engineer, Vancouver Geo. W., of Shore & Anderson, Victoria & Gradj'^, Vancouver Mill Co,, Burrard Inlet Henry, miner, Wellington Henry, farmer, New W«3stminster District Henry, miner, East Wellington Hy,, constable, To&i Mountain Henry, ship carpenter, Victoria Hugh, fireman, Victoria J., miner, Nanaimo J., mi!l blind, Vancouver J. E., of Anderson Bros., Victoria Jacob, I'armer, Langley Prairie James, laborer, Vancouver James R., of Anderson Bros., Victoria Jasper, Victoria John, farmer, /enables Valley 'U <i u it it it it it ■4t Mt Anderson John, miner, East Welling- ton " John, messenger. New Westmins- ter ** John A., Victoria " John L., laborer, Victoria ** Joseph, cook, Shawnigan " Jos., laborer C.P.R., Donald " L., brakeman, Kamloo; s " Leud, saloon, Donald " Louis, stonemason, Victoria " Miss Annie, Victoria *' Miss H. C, dressmaker, Victoria " P., conductor, Donald " P., conductor, Kamloops " Peter, farmer, Nicola " Peter Lonzi>, farmer, 8umas " R., watchman C.P.R., Donald *' Robert A., real estate, Vancou- ver " Robert D., farmer, Langley " Robt. Duncan, farmer, Langley " Simon, shipwright, Victoria " S., hotel kesper, Illecillewaet " Thos., Ef^quiraalt " Thos., farmer, Port Moody " V. F., agent C.P.R., New West- minster " W., fireman, Vancouver " W. B., constable, Comox " W. C, steward, Victoria *' Walter Bernie, carpenter, North Saanich " W. F.,Snow Shoe creek Careboo " Walter J., of McKillican & An- derson, Victoria Wra., mintr, Nanaimo W m., farmer, Ganges Harbohr Wm., farmer. Salt Sping Island Wm., miner, Victoria " Wm., miner, Wellington " Wm. T., miner, Nanaimo Andorton John, carpenter, Comox " Wm., carpenter, Comox Andrews — , night watchman, Van- couver " Geo. C, bartender, Victoria H., turner C.P.R., North Bend (( (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. TW A^D ARM (I i( Andrews J. A., clerk, Victoria " James, sboemaker, Victoria James, steward B.. N. Hospital, Esquimau John, miner, Wellington Joijn, farmer, Sumas Joseph, farmer, Spallumcheen Richard B., draj^man, Victoria Samuel, miner, Nanaimo Thos., carpenter, Vancouver W., millhand, Victoria Wm., car inspector. New West- minster Andrino A,, baket* and grocer, Kam- loops Andrzejewski J.^ ., brewer, New West- minster Angel hotel, Victoria Angella college, Victoria Angus Daniel, laborer. Dog Creek " Forest, Victoria " & Gordon, grocers, Victoria " John, of Angus & Gordon, Vic- toria " John, chopper. False Creek Miss B., teacher, Victoria Richard, clerk, Vancouver " Wm., of Croft & Angus, Victoria Annand Alex. Joseph, laborer, Port Moody " Geo., hotel keeper, Port Moody Annunata G., Victoria Ansel I Edm. Geo., laborer, Vancouver Anstey Francis, miner. South Thofxip- son River Appell Arnton, farmer, Clover Valley " John, farmer. Clover Valley Appleby Leonard, shafts farmer. Plumper Pass, Mayne Island " S., agent C.P.H., Sicaraouse Appletin F., clerk, Victoria j\pnant George, farmer. Maple Ridge " Geo. P., farmer. Maple Ridge Arata Antoino, cook, Vancouver Arbuckle Joseph, farmer, Port Moody Archer S., carpenter, Nanaimo " Walter Charles, real estate, Van- couver Archibald A., mill hand, New West- minster " James, miner. Chase River, Na*- naimo " W. F., C.P.R. tel., Victoria Ardiel Thomas, laborer, Boston Bar Argyle Albert, farmer, Maple Ridge Arkell Chris., carpenter, Vancouver " Henry, produce, Vaiu-ouver Armour Samuel, farmer, Norths Thompson Armand Adol. M., farmer, Nanaimo- Armstrong — , contractor, Vancouver- " A., brakeman C.P.R., K^^mloop3^. A., watchman C.P.R., Ashcroft A. J., grocer. New W estminste-i- Capt. Golden C, brakeman, Kan.looj>s C. A., brakeman, Kamloop* Francis Pat . farmer, Columb^'ae Geo., jailor, New Westminstwt Hugh, laborer, Penticton Isaac, blacksmith, Vancouver- Isaac J., blacksmith, Vancou-VOK- J., machinist, Vancouver J., mill hand,New WestmsR&teB- Jas., C.P.R. , Griffin Lake^ James, foreman C.P.R., Doftaltfi John, machinist, Vancouver John, farmer. Township Surrey John, councellor, Clovor Valley Jos , helper C.P.R., Donald J. C, president Telephrm© C6» New Westminster J.W., patternmaker, Vaneouver- Miss Ellen, teacher, Victoria Miss F., teacher, Victoria Mrs. D. J., widow, New West- minster Richard K., Belmont R. J., grocer. Now Westrafn^teir R. W., depy registrar,, News Westminster T., carpenter, Vancouver T., miner, Nanaimo T. J., depy sheriff, N>vr Weste- rn inster Tbos., hotel keeper, Porv a (( (( |i (pi li I I* I ,Ml HENDERSONS Bi^ITISH OCLTTMBIA. AEM AUS 4< 4t tl U .41 ■ U jli*ni8trong Thos. H., constable, Kam- loops W. F., turner C.P.E., Donald W. J., sheriff, New Westminster W. J., fireman C.P.E., Donald Wm. E., farmer, North Saanich Wilson J., carpenter, Victoria Armytage Hy. D. G., rancher, Nicola Arnaud A., rancher. Mud Bay Arnold Chas. M., contractor, Victoria *^ EJ. John, farmer, New West- minster District Frank, farmer, Sumas John W., engineer, Victoria Mrs., midwife, Victoria " Samuel, pointer, Victoria jLrnorsen Geo. H., waiter, Victoria Airowline Petor, miner, Nanaimo Arrcwsmith Miss, governess, Victoria Arthur James, farmer, Centerville " Jas. Ey., farmer, Centerville •' John, farmer, Centerville " Wm. T., farmer, Centerville Arthurs J., carpenter, Esquimalt road A.-undoU C. H., clerk, Victoria A-^cough, C. engineer, Spallumcheen Ashcroft John, principal, Victoria A-ih John, cabinetmaker, Vancouver Ashlan 1 Sydney, farmer Macphersons Ashley G., wiper C.P.R., Eevelstoke '^ ThoH., milkman, Esquimalt road Ashton Chas., farmer, Spallumcheen " Thos., stevedore, Moodyville A.«hw»ll Geo. E., farmer, Chilliwhack " J H. Merchant, Chill iwack Anhworih Mrs. M., maid, Vancouver " Wm., pantr^'man, Vancouver Askew ('has., clerk, Vancouver Askton R, L., farmer. Ferry Court Aspdin Edwin, merchant, Victoria A>tell J. L., wiper, Vancouver ** S., cjirpenlor, Vancouver Atelson Clias., engineer, Wellington Aters J.'irnes, miner, Nanaimo Atbei'ton Benj. F., Victoria C H., clerk, Vancouver ^i., C.P.R.,Kam loops (( (( <( (( « (( Ath erton W.T., proprietor, II leci 1 lewa^t Atkins — , Victoria Ed. A., miilman, Moodyville Joseph, farmer, Col wood farm Esquimau Miss Ellen, nurse, Victoria Eobert, farmer, Lake District Thomas, farmer, Colwood farm Esquimau Atkinson Charles, cigar maker, New Westminster Geo., miner, Victoria Johp L , law student, Victoria John Luther, farmer, Sumas P., laborer, Vancouver Peter, miller, Vancouver T. C, barrister, New Westmins- ter Atwood Frank, clerk, Victoria " E. J. W., druggist, Nanai mo Auchterlonie Jus., farmer, Pender Island " Lawrence, farmer, Pender Island Audbury Chas., fitter, Vancouver August Chas., carpenter, S«xia Creek, Aukland William Donald, farmer South Saanich Auld Jas., contractor, Victoria '* Wm., carpenter, Victoria Austin C. C., engineer, Vancouver Chas., fir&man Vancouver Chas., carpenter. New West- minster Chas. L., fireman, New West- minster C. L., turner, Vancouver Clem,, saloon, Donald Frank, miner, l^anaimo Henry, Departure Bay Harry, E.M.Ry., Victoria John, hotel keeper, Vancouver Joan J., N.P., Victoria John Henry, clerk, Victoria W. E., grocer. New Westminster Wm., Victoria William, car repairer C. P.B. Doiiuld (( K l( (t « « ALl>ErABKTICAL DIRECTORY. n AUS BAK Australian Hotel, Victoria AustuflF Francis S. E, contractor, Kam loops Averill J., carpenter, Victoria " J. B., carpenter, Victoria Avison Henry, foreman, Vancouver Avons Wm., laborer, South Saanlch Axford Charles, bricklayer, Vancouver Aykroyd S., carpenter, Vancouver Aylmer F. VV., C.E., Fort Steel Co- lumbia Lake Aylwood Thos., clerk, Victoria B Babbago Geo. H,, of Moses & Bab- bage, Victoria Babbott John, conductor, Donald Biibin^ton C, carpenter, Victoria " Gordon, tanner, Victoria ■** James B., master mariner, Van- couver " P. A., mill hand, Victoria Buck John, moulder, Victoria Bacon Charles, painter, Yale B.iddard Joseph, farmer, Ashcroft Biidcock James, mill hand, New W minster Baer Rev W. W.Comox Bagley Iladson, teamster, Port Moody Baggot Antoine, miner, Wellington Bagnall Mrs., Vancouver Bago'.iia D., miner, Wellington B:\hrTheodoro, machine hand,Victoria B '^iley Ben., Victoria " Bros., minors, Wellinston " C. S., photographer, Vancouver Clias., tel. operator, Victoria Ed., miner, Wellington Geo. M., telegraph oper, Victoria James, farmer. Chilli whack John, surveyor, Spences Bridge Joseph, miner, Wellington Mrs. M. A., wid.Wm., Vancouver R., miner. Wellington , T., mill hand, Vancouver Thos.; minor, Welling on ■ti n n u JuDG. Craig and St. Antoine StSi* MONTREAL. Bailey W. V. B , merchant, Ashcroft " William Henry, farmer, SpaU lumcheen " William Stevens, laborer, Chilli- whack Baillie G. Y.. hotelkeeper, 'jytton " Yates G., Hotel, Lytton Bainbridge George, miner, East Wel- lington Baemstein Frank I., musician,Victoria Bain & Boyd, miners, Illecillowaet " David, carpenter, St. Mary's Mission " Neil, clerk, Esqnimalt " Ninian Hugh, bookkeeper. New Westminster ' William, Vancouver Baines Thomas Henry, painter, Van- couver " Will., sen., bookpr. Vi' toria i Bains Cluirles T., draym.n, Donald " I rank, clerk, Victoria " Mis- drossmau<.'r, Victoria *' Wm., printer, Victoi-ia " Wm., jr., Victoi'ia Baird — , brakem m, Vancouver •* J. L., car ii 4)ector C.P.R., Nortii Bend " Jos., bookkeeper Victoria '* Richard, mould, i, Victoria Baisbock Thos., m . r, Nanaimo Baker B., butcher, Nanaimo *' E.G., MP., Victoria " Frank, mill hand, Vancouver " Fred., C. P. R. supply stor*, Donald " George, farmer. Cross Road, South Saanich " Geo., carriage maker, Victoria i m ■i t 80 HENDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA. BAK BAR ti Baker G., butcher, Nanaimo *' George Robert Thomas, farmer, North Saanich Hy., pumpman C.P.R., Harrison Henry Moss, laborer, Shawnigan J. W', tel operator, New West- minster James, contractor, Victoria John, teamster, Victoria John, miner, Nanaimo Joseph Hy., merchant, Victoria Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Michael, of E. Baker & Son, Vic- toria Michael, contractor, Cadboro Bay road Mrs. T. W, dressmaker, Victoria I'eter, farmer, Langley R. H., Capt., New Westminster R., & Son, merchants, Victoria Richard, fermer, Mount Tolmic Cross Road Richard, mill man. Moody vilie Richard, teamster, Victoria Robert, real estate, Vancouver & Son, butchers, Nanaimo T, miner, Nanaimo T. W. printer, Victoria Thos., teamster, Victoria Thomas, farmer, Saoke Thos., clerk, Victoria Thos. H., of R. Baker & Son, Victoria William, miner, Horsefly Wm . , Victoria Bakewell James, horseshoer, Victoria Balcoira Thos., cook, Victoria Baldwin George F., treasurer, Van- couver " H. Clinton, Victoria " Rev. Thomas, New Westminster Bales Henry Pennington, Matsqui *' J. C, accountant, Victoria Balfour Jno., carpenter C.P.R., Donald " R., bridge inspector C. P. R., Donald " Robert, of Martin & Balfour, Vancouver « « (( (( « << i( (( <( (( Balkwell Arthur, laborer, Vancouver Balmoral Salmon Cannery, Victoria Ball — , councellor, Mapl e Bay Ball William, glazier, Vancouver Ballantyne David, printer, Victoria Ballentyne C. G., age?.t, Victoria Ballinger William, laborer, Vancouver Ballson Herbert George, carpenter, New Westminster Balmain John C, laborer. New West- minster Banford Geo., farmer, Chilliwhack Bangs E. J., butcher, Vancouver Banham Alfred, butcher, Vancouver Bank of British Columbia, Kamloops^ Nanaimo, New Westminster, Van- couver & Victoria Bank of British N. A., Vancouver & Victoria Bank of Montreal, Vancouver & New Westminster Banks George, painter C.P.R., Don:il(i Banks John, gardener, Foul Bay ceder hill Banmann L. F., confectioner, Victoria Banner Samuel, gardener, Victoria Bannerman David miner, Nanaimo ** "'^., Twul ttgont, C.P.R., Kamloops " William S., school teacher, Bar- kerville Bantey M., cigar mfv, Victoria Baptist J. Felix, tinner. New West- minster Barber Charles, farmer, Chilliwhack " Guy, watchmaker, Kamloops ' & Hewlings, carriage builders, Victoria *' J. E., of Barber & Hewlings, Victoria *• James, carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops " John, farmer, Chilliwhack " John Edward, fa? raer. Alder Grov. Barcelo Samuel, stock raiser, Simil- kamen Barclay Geoi'ge, miner, Nanaimo Bard J., minor, Nanaimo ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 81 BAE BAT Bark Henry, miner, Wellington Barker C, clerk, Vancouver (( <( « Edward, driver, Vancouver Ern. E., real estate, Vancouver Henry, farmer, Sumas John, farmer, Cliilliwhack J. H., tinsmith, Vancouver NichoJPis, farmei', Spallumcheen K., operator C. P. R., Uevolstoke R., office boy, Vancouver Robert, plasterer, Vancouver " William Henry, farmer, Sumas " Wil Ham Joseph, Vancouver Barkley Cant. E. Duncans Barlat Freak., laborei", Vancouver Barlow Abraham, Quesnell '* Thos., livery, Victoria " Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver •' William, Victoria Barnard Frs. J., contractor, Victoria " Frank, Transfer Co., Vancouver F. J., raucher, Okanagan Frank S., Victoria Frank, sen., V.T. Co., Victoria George H., law student, Victoria Mr. M. P. Cariboo-Lillooet dis Barnes A. C, bartender, Victoria " J. C, hotel keeper, Ashcroft " James, laborer, Victoria " John, carpenter. Clover Valley *' Martin P., farmer, Boundary Bay " R. Lea, agent Bk of B. C, Kara- loops Sam. Wm., farmer, Boundary Bay Thomas W., laborer, Shawnigan Baraett — , painter, Victoria *• Arthur W., bookkeeper, Victoria " Charles, farmer. Mud Bay ♦* James, miner, Nanaimo " John, blacksmith, Victoria " T. C, foreman, Vancouver " W , foreman C.P.R., Yale Barnej' Donald, farmer, Sooke Barnfather W. R., C.P.R., Donald Birnford Thos., machinist, Victoria BarnhartP. A., conductor, Vancouver Barnman Robt., miner, Nanaimo Barneell James, carpenter, Victoria « << (( « Barnsley Alfred, clerk, Victoria " John, gunsmith, Victoria Barracks Tohn, merchant, Spences^ Bridge Barran T alius, pork packer, Victoria Barratt Wm., miner, Nanaimo Barrett — , carpenter, Victoria " Cyril, laborer, Vancouver ** Henry, miner. Cherry Cheek Barricks By rus J., laborer, L3'tton Barron C. F., timekeeper, Victoria " Geo. H., stonecutter, Nanaimo- ** Miss E., teacher, Victoria B:irrons F., foreman C.P.R., Donald " S., fireman C.P.R. Barrow John, miner. East Wellington- " Thomas, steward, Victoria Barry Albert, butcher, Victoria " Anthony F., shoemaker, Van- couver ** Chas., naval yard, E><quimalt H., plumber, New Westminster John, Victoria John, farmer, Shawnigan John T., capt., Victoria Miss Marv, Victoria Peter, farmer. Com ox " T. W., farmer, Narcomen Islands " Thos., teamst-^r, Victoria Bartholomew James, Victoria Barthel Herman, of Doehing & Bar- thel, Vancouver Bartleman Peter, blacksmith forge,. North Saanich Bartlott Charles, farmer, Clilliwhack •' George, fanner, Cowichan ** John, hackraan, Victoria " Samuel, Victoria " Thomas, farmer, Chilliwhack Biirton Thos., laborer, Clinton " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Barzoin B., miner, Nanaimo Basse N., Victoria Bassett H., millhand, New Vfestrain- ster Batchelor — , stone mason, Victoria " J. D., bookkeeper, New West- minster it (( (( « -.1 ,'U if Hi "V. }■ *!, HENDERSONS BaiTISH COLUMBIA. BAT BEC > u ii Bntchelor 0. S., postma&ter, Duck & Pringle " Wm., drayman, Victoria Bate M., J. P., mayor town of Na- naimo " Mark, jr., cashier, Nanaimo Balcman John, carpenter C.P.R, Don- ald " Sam., miner, "Wellington Bales Andrew, driver, Victoria " J., Victoria " John, waiter, Vancouver " Mrs. And., dressmaker, Victoria Richard, miner, Nanaimo Tho8., engineer, Wellington Bath Joseph, merchant, Ladner's Lan- ding Bsittersby George, laborer, Sooke BiUtison W., mill hand, Vancouver Batty George, fiarmer, Quamichan " Geo., farmer McPhenson's Bsity Stephen, waiter, Victoria Burk J., hotel keeper, Roger's Pass B ivarian brewer}', Victoria Baxter A. A., mill hand, New West- minster " C. S., C.P.N. Co., Victoria " Wiili.'nn, farmer, Boundary Ba\' Bayley Joiseph, hotelkeeper,"Equimalt road " Thomjis, millhand, Vancouver •* Wm. Henry, farmer,Chilliwhack Bnyliss J., mason, Vancouver Bawder Georue, fruit, Vancouver Bawdre rev. J. M., O.M.I., New West- minster Bejich Benjamin, logger, Mnodj'ville Beadle Arthur, bricklayer, Vancouver " Wm., Iiricklavor, Vancouver B<ml Walt. W., farmer, Galiano Island Bealcs Chas. A., carpenter, Vancouver Beard A., plumber, Victoria •* W., woodman C.P.R., Mission Beardy I. G., miner, Nanaimo BoaisJohn 11., laborer, Hope Beatiley — , Vancouver " H. E., secretary, Donald . Beaton Alex,, carpenter, Vancouver Beaton Duncan, farmer. New Wesmios- ter District " John, Vancouver " Neil, farmer, Kamloops Beattie A. M., auctioneer, Vancouver Beattie Wm., miner, Cache Creek Beatty Jas., tinner. New Westminster " J. 0., clerk, New Westminster " J., millhand, Vancouver *' John, tinner, New Westminster " Robt., miner, Nanaimo Beauchamp R., fruits, Victoria Beaudry E., clerk, Vancouver Beaulands rev. Arthur, Victoria Beaumont Fred., rancher, Victoria " Wm., storekeeper, Comiaken " Wm., postmaster, gen store and hotel, Maple Bay Beauneau Jos. B., logger, Chemainus Beavan W.J., ledger-keeper, Vancouver " H. R., clerk, Victoria " Robt., M.P.P., Victoria *' T., car repairer, Vancouver Beavis Ruben, clerk, Vancouver " Wm., blacksmith, Vancouver Beaudowin C, carpenter, Vancouver BeaumotJt Wm., merchant, Comiaken Bobbington Capt. Thomas, Victoria Bebington Goo., boatman, E-«quimalt " Thomas, Victoria Becar N. J., of Lundorberg & Bocar, Vancouver Boohtel And'-ew., sa'oon kpr, Victoria " A. J., saloon keeper, Victoria " A. J. & A., saloon, Victoria *' Daniel, hotelkeeper, Victoria " Harry, clerk, Victoria " I-aac, hotelkeeper, Victoria • Beck A., steward, Victoria << A. E,, law student, Vancouver Frederick, painter, Victoria J. F., Victoria John, moulder, Victoria Thomas, laborer. Lake District Bockcdsell Thomas, constable, Comoz Becker — , barber, Victoria *• John, of Geiger & Becker, Vic- toria (( (I ALPHABETICAI, DinECTORY. 83 r5EC BEL Bt'okett & Co., brick mfrs, Port Hanoy " Wm., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Bt'Ckingbara Chaf>., clerk, Victoria •' George, traveller, Victoria Buckingham Joseph, Victoria Bockingsall D.L., M.D , Vancouver B'ckle Mrs., widow, Victoria Bv'ukman Miss Mary, Victoria Booknell D.ivid, farmer, Mutsqni B okwith Chris., laborer, Vancouver '' C, car repairer, Vancouver " Herbert E., Victoria " John h. agent, Victoria *• W. S., expressman, Victoria Beddis Samuel J., farmer, Salt Spring Island Be Inall "^amuel, farmer, Comiaken Ik'och Thomas, farmer,0y8;er District, Nanaimo Boocher CM., merchant. New West- minster Bcegan Miss Kate, clerk, Victoria Beehive Salo«)n, Victoria Buck Frod., painter, Victoria Boeker Miss Bertha, big hse, Vctoria Bookman Wm., farmer, Boundar}- Bay Beer Goo. W., hotel keeper. Vancouver ** James, grocer, New Westminster Bveson John, miner, Nanaimo Beoton H. C, of Turner, Boolon & Co., Victoria Begg Alexander, Victoria " John, hotel keeper, Victoria Beggam Archie C, farmer, Warnock Behnsin Henry, fireman, Victoria Boiler G. Fred., engineer, Kamloops Bolair David, engineer, E.««quimalt Bolanger Louis, carpenter, Vancouver " Louis, hotelkeeper, Vancouver Belcher Wm., woodcutter, Emory City Belgan Miss Annie, cashier, Victoria Boll A., clerkMunicipal Council, Maple Bay " A., Quamichan Alexander, clerk, New West- minster Angus, farmer, Somenos D., C.P.R, Stonoy Creek t( (( il i; Edison Electric Light System. -M. D. BARE & CO., General Selling Agents^ 726 CRAIC ST., . MONTREAL. Bell E.. genera' store, Clinton " Ewen, a'^"- -.ntant, Clinton F. G., driver, Vancouver Geo., miner, Nanaimo Geo. A., mill hand, Victoria Hugh, farmer, Somenos Irving D., M.D., Vancouver Irving Hy., C.E., Vancouver J.A.W., storekeeper, New West- minster J. H., waiter. Now Westminster James, stonemason. New West- minster District John, farmer, S'>mcnos John, farmer, Chilliwhaek John, minor, Wellington John, Quamichan John, tarmer, Cnilliwhack John, miner, Nanaimo John, farmer, Somenos John Ed., farmer. Maple Ridge John W., captain. New West- minster Ealph, miner, Nanaimo Robert, contractor, Vancouver Thos., miner, Nanaimo Thos., tobacconist, Nanaimo Upton, woodman, Moody ville Rev. Wm., Clover Valley Wm., blacksmith, Victoria Wm., farmer, Chilliwhaek Wm., stone cutter, Victoria Wm., clergyman, Trenant Bellamv Miss Alice, Victoria '* Miss Gertrude, Victoria Bellander Chas., miner, Nanaimo Bellhouse D., farmer, Columbia Lakes Bollmore F., brakeman, Vancouver " T,, brakeman, Vancouver (( <( u ill i i 'U ill I'll hi if Jltttesi... r ■ li 84 HENDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA. ■•■ii BKL Bi:v Belloni D., minor, Nanaimo Bellrose Goo., carpenter, New West- minster Belmont saloon, Victoria " tannery, Victoria Belton Thos., miner, Wellington Belyea A. L., Victoria •• E. A., barri.stei', Victoria " John, minei', AVcHington Bendrodt Capt. James, Victoria Benedict K, H., stenographer, Victoria Bennett Andrew Jackson, farmer, Norih Saanich Edward, machinist, Vancou- ver Fred., farmer, Spalliimcheen Henrj'^, machinist, Vancouver J. H., mi 1 1 hand, Victoria James, miner, Nanaimo John, drayman, Victoria | Richard, ship builder, Victoria \ Tho^J., minor, Nanaimo i Thos., farmer, Mayne Island j Wm., miner, Nanaimo i Wm., shoomakor, Vancouver \ Beniddto B., miner, Wellington ! Bennie John, farmer. Cedar District " T., brakeman, Vancouver Benson Ed., hiborer, Metlakahtla H., millhand, New Westminster Henrj', Victoria Henry D., farmer, South Arm J. J., miner, Nanaimo John B., farmer. Boundary Buy Thos., machinist, Vancouver Capt. Thos. R, Victoria Bent W., teamster, Vancouver Benter J., saloon. New Westminster Bentiey Richard J., M.D., New West- minster " & Swan, merchants, Comox Bently Thos., capt. St Hope, Victoria Bentum Thos., lumberman. Oyster Harbour Benwell J.O., accountant, Vancouver Berb Alfred, boilermaker, Vancouver Berch Wm., farmer, Comox Bercie AugustuSjfarmer, Douglas Lake « (.' I( <( (( (c (( <( (( (( «( (( tt l( (( tt tt Bergeron L., millhand, V.'-ncouver ' Bergio J., railway fireman, Cowichan ' Bcrgland Oliver S., clerk, Vancouver j Berkely John R., farmer, Comox Berlocker C. W., baggageman, Van- couver Bernet Theodore, driver, Nanaimo j Bernic J., mason, Vancouver Bcrnier Chas., laborer, Vancouver j Berridge Frank C, clerk, Victoria " Geo., accountant, Victoria Berry F., machinist, Victoria I " H. A., express, Vancouver Berry John, farmer, Townsliip 13 '* John, capt. St Maud, Victoria " R., miner, Wellimrton " Richard, farmer. Township 13 Berryman Chas., gardener, Victoi'ia ** Fred., stonecutter, Victoria " Richard H., bartender, Victoria Berton Rube, finisher, Varicouver Bertram John, millhand, Nanaimo ** Wm., miner, East Wellington Beruh^ J. E., operator C.P.R., Albert Canyon Berwin S., tailor, Victoria BesniL Chas., cook, \ ctoria Best Arthur, farmer, Maple Ridge Arthur, miner, Okanagon Jas., farmer, New Westminster District " James, stonemason. Maple Ridge " Robert, mill hand. Now West- minster " T., miner, Nanaimo *' T., jun., miner, Nanaimo Bestock Hewitt, prop. Duck Hotel, Duck and Pringle Betts G. L., rodmaii C.P.R., Donald- Be van C. F., carriage macer, VictOi'ia Bevoridge Chas., watchman C.P.R. " F., reporter, Vancouver " R., farmer, Kensington Prairie " Thos., miner, East Wellington Beutner Thomas, clerk, Vancouver Beveridge Wm., merchant, Nanaimo " Wm., convict guard, Nanaimo Bevelockway G., merchant, Nanaimo ALPHABETIOAL DIRECTORY. 85 n CO liver Cowichan Vancouver J in ox man, Van- unuimo or ici 'liver ''ictoria itoria 'itt )uvep ihip 13 Victoria nship 13 Victoria c tori a , Victoria fouver aiiaimo llington R., Albert RiiJge jon i^itminster pie Ridge i\v West- 10 Hotel, Donald • Victo;'ia IC.P.R. Prairie iingtoii couver Nanainio Nanaimo ^anaimo BEW BLA Bawicke P. H., broker, Vancouver Btyns James, miner, Wellington Bickford Mrs. W., fey goods, Victoria B ckle John, clerk, Nanaimo " J., miner, Nanaimo " T., niin^r, Nanaimo Bicknell Chas., farmer, Chilliwhack Biorre Geo., deck hand, Vancouver BiggartMrs. T., wid Robt., Vancouver Bigger Ansel, mason, Victoria " Geo. W., agent, Victoria Biggins Sam., miner, Nanaimo Biggs Henry, miner, Nanaimo Biggs W. F., tailor. New Westminster " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Biglow G. A., clerk C.P.R., Donald Bignay JamC'^, miner, Nanaimo Billings George William, gardener, Richmond road, Cedar Hill Bilod^nu Pierre O., hotel keeper, New Westminster '^ Pierre, hotel, Emory Bilsland A. VV., miner, Shuswap River " Ja<., <>arpenter C.P.R., Donald Binda A., cjijjleman, Vancouver Bingham Joseph, cabinetmaker, Van- couver ** W , turner, Vancouver Bings John, E. & N. Ry., Victoria Binner Charles, miner, Wellington Binnie F., brakeman, Vancouver " Tiios., farmer. New Westminster Bird Hopry, clerk, 150 Mile House " John, miner, Nanaimo " Louis, planer marker, Vancouver Birks Fred. Chs., steward, Vancouver Birney James, Victoria " Jas., sen., expressman, Victoria " Thomas, blacksmith, Victoria Birrell Peter, mgr.. New Westniinster Birmingham James D., laborer, Cache Creek Bishop Caleb, naval yard, E^^quiraalt Frank Jas., coachman, Victoria Geo., of Bishop & Sherbourne, Victoria H. F., i)urser Str. R. P. Rithet, Victoria « It tt Bishop Palace, R. C, Victoria •' & Sherbourne, carpenters, Vic- toria " T. G., restaurant, Vancouver " Thomas, laborer, Clinton Bissett Alfred, E. & N. Ry., Victoria *' Peter, farmer, Okanagon Bittancourt Abraham R., contractor, Victoria " E-ttalon J., merchant. Salt Spring I-land John Art., contractor, Victoria Mrs. E , widow E. A., Victoria Richard E., Victoria Walter S., Victoria " William R., Victoria Black Alex., conductor E. & N. Ry., Victoria A. P., asst. storekpr., Vancouver David, laborer. Port Moody Goorge, waiter, Victoria Geo. Hastings James, farmer, Port Moody « << << a John, miner, Wellington i( John, farmer. Like District John, teamster, Victoria Mirioa J., farmer, Spencea Bridge • Mr.s. E. K., widow, New West- minster Mrs. J. E. N., boarding house, New Westminster Robert, farmer, Maple Ridge Thomas, piano maker, Victoria Thos. T., solicitor, Vancouver Walter, bricklayer, Vancouver Blackaby Thos,, farmer, Port Moody Blackbouriie Jos., farmer, Nicola Lake Blackburn — , Victoria A. E., hotel keeper, Vancouver Wm., barber, Victoria Blackford Henry, blacksmith, Lytton Blackie Jas., saloon, New Westminster " J. M., saloon. New Westminster Blackmore F., carpenter C.P.R. , Donald " John, laborer, Victoria Wm., architect, Vancouver (t « (( i 86 HENDER»$ONS BRITISH COLUMBIA. BLA IIOA (< (c (( Blackstock Bobert, farmer, Maple Ridge Blackstone Thomas, bartender, Van- couver Biackwall John, laborer, Yale Blackwood E. E., agent N. P. liy., Victoria Blaojmer Matthew Edward, gardener, Victoria West Blaiklock Mrs., widow, Victoria Blair •, councellor, Muple Bay <' Archibald, farmer, South Arm, Fraser Eiver fi Co., traders, ranchers and minerH, Coutlee G., postmaster, Coutlee Gilbert, farmer, Kumloops | Henry, miner, Wellington J.,yardmasier C.P.K., Kumloops James, carpenter, Vancouver James, farmer, S-juth Arm, Fraser River John, South Arm, Kraser River Joseph, miner, Wellington Lewis, clerk, New Westminster Miss A., dressmaker, Vancouver R. D., bookkeeper, Kam loops Samuel, laborer, Vancouver VVm., saloon, Vancouver W. T., saloon, Vancouver " jeo., Victoria BlaitonJohn, driver, Victoria Bluke — , stevedore, Vancouver " Alfred, Victoria " C. H. F., prov. jail, Victoria " C. R., sanitary otficer, Victoria " Chas., prov. jail, Victoria H., laborer, Vancouver Henry, machinist, Vancouver J., miner, Wellington J. G., mgr. C.P.R. telegraph, New Westminster J. P., baker, Vancouver John, porter, Vancouver John Jos, solicitor, Vancouver " Miss, dressmaker, Victoria Blakely T., & Co., miners, Wellington Blakeway Geo. H., druggist, Nanaimo Blakley Geo., mill hand. New Wi'".t- minster Bianchard Louis, laborer. Pavilion '* M. G , vet surgeon, Victoria " Miss A., dressmaker, Victoria Bland A., mill band, Victoria carpenter, Esquimilt « <( it (( « Altred, Road Henry Jos., compositor, Esqui- mau Road Frederick, tinner, Victoria Henry, printer, Victoria James, sextori, Victoria John, shoemaker. Victoria " Jos., laborer, Esqiiimalt Rr.nJk Blant John, shoemaker, Victoria Blayney Chads, farmer, Chemainus Bleckney Mrs. Geo., weaver, How Westminster BlewhartL., paper hanger, Nanaimo Bligh &Lvne, hotel keepers, Ashcroit Bleukensop VVm., farmer, Surry Cei.tro Bliss John, hardware, Vancouver Block A. J., craneman, Vancouver Blondeau Jules, farmer, Okanagon .Mis sion Blond in A,, carpenter, Vancouver Bloomfield Charles, cook, New West;- minster " C. P., Victoria " McNab, Commission, Victoria Blomquist F. M., painter, Vancouver Bloomingdale E., of Sirouss & C ).y Victoria " H., clerk, Victoria Bloor — , moulder, Victoria Bluetto JTames Duncan, physician, Metlakahtla Blunt Alfred, miner, Wellington Blythe Alexander,furmer, Qaamichan " Allan, laborer, Vancouver •* Henry, foreman, Vancouver L. A., clerk C.P.R, Donald William, mason, Vancouver Boag Joseph, teacher, Yale Boak Albert A., insurance, Vancouver- Boake Benjamin, farmer, Lan^ley " Wellington E., farmer, Langley ALPHABZTIOAL DIBEOTORT. 8T BOA BOR Boal James, farmer, Cowichan Bochen Joseph, teamster, Vancouver Bocie Joseph, farmer, Surry Boddy W., store, Victoria Bode T., barber, Victoria Bodington G. F., M. D., Vuncouver Bodwell E. v., barrister, Victoria " E. v., real estate, Vancouver " F. C, clerk, Vancouver Boehlofsk F. A., restaurant, Vancouver Boggs Beaumont, teller Dom. Savings bank, Victoria Bogle John, laborer, E.^quimalt Bohr William, laborer, Bonaparte Bohrer H. H., professor, Victoria Boile Charles, miner, Lome Creek Boitane Aug., packer, Alkali Lake Bole San»., carpenter, Kamloops " W. Norman, Q. C, M.P.P., New Westminster Boles Jumes C, accountant, Esquiraalt BollartC, miner, Nanaimo BoUiner Put., miner, Nanaimo Bolt C, miner, Nanaimo Bolton — , Victoria Chas. M., U. S. consular agent, Vancouver H„ hotelkoeper, Nanaimo James, millwright, Vancouver James, miner, Nanaimo Rev. W. W., rector St. Pauls, Esquimiilt Thos., miner, Nanaimo Bond E., line repairer C.P.B., Kamloops " Willes, contractor, Victoria Bone A. S., dispatcher, Donald '' B., miner, Macpherson's ** E., miner, Nanaimo " Geo. T., lumberman, Moodyville Meshack, miner, Nanaimo Nick, miner, Nanamio Shad, miner, Nanuimo Thos., batcher, Nan^mo Wm., miner, Nafl&imo Wm. H., of T. N. Hibben & Co., Victoria Btmino Nicola, laborer, FouptaiQ Bonita C, miner, Nanaimo - JLisriD- WOOLIM ME SOPPLE OF ALL KIMDS. iAONTRZAL. (( (( <( <( (( Bonnell Henry Wm., farmer, Naiioorte Bonor John, miner, Nanaimo Bonsall Henry, farmer, Chema'nus Bonson Louis F., New Westminster Bonville Edwin, Vir-toHa Bonwick J., laborer C.P.R., Vancouver Boomerang Saloon, Victoria Bookoovalla Enoanuel, fruits, Victoria Booth And. 8., expressman, Victoria " Edward, miner, Lome Creek Frk., laborer. Now Westminster Goo., Victoria Geo., jr., Jl.B. Co., Victoria Goo. A., clerk, Vancouver Geo. A., agent, Vi<doria James William, farmer, South Arm John Paton, farmer, North End John Patton, farmer. Salt Spring Island ^ ^ Rd., miner, Nanaimo Samuel, driver, Victoria Wm., farmer. Lad iier'H Landing William, farmer. Old Road, Es- quimalt Wm., messenger, Victoria Boothe Cornelius, govt officer, Victorift. " Thos., porter, Vancouver Bootheroyd Arthur, farmer, Clover Valley Forest, farmer. Clover Valley Forest, farmer, Surry Centre George, farme.*. Mud Bay George, farmer, Surry Centre " George, iarraor, Clover Vailley Boothwick Geo., cigar i)aaJI(ei', Victoria Borde Augutit, bl^ck^mith, Victoria " ly^'a., wid., Yictpi-ia^ u (( <( c (( (( (r u (( ■I'l ; I. i l;|l 1 ■ 1 ■;;i '. i .it ■ ; ' , i h t): •88 HENDERSONS BRITISH fOLUMBIA. BOE BOW Borden Fred., carpenter, Victoria Boiey Robert, laborer, New West- minster Borgan A., miner, Wellington ^ " Peter, miner, Wellington Borlano Eobert, teamster, Vancouver Bornslein H., hides, Victoria Borron Mins M., governess, Victoria " A., teacher, Victoria Borthvvick Ralph, saloonkeeper, Vic- toria Boschine Louis, miner, Wellington Boscowilz D. A., bookkeeper, Victoria *' Joseph, Victoria Bobkowitz A., of J. & A. Boskovvitz, Victoria " A., of J. & A. Boskowitz, Victoria " J. & A., raw furs, Victoria BoHomworth Thomas, farmer. Port Haney Bossi A, v., grocer, Victoria " C, Victoria " F. v., merchant, Yale " Giacono, Victoria Bostwick II., hotelkeepor. Ducks '' H., barber, Victoria Bosworth William, farmer, Oaklej' Farm C. H. Bothwell Wm,, laborer, New West- minster Bott Joseph Fennell, farmer, French Creek BottsCh'irles, hotelkeeper. Swan Lake " J' IS. Fenoll, hotelkeeper, Swan Lake Bouche Nicholas, laborer, Vancover Boucherut & Co., wholesale liquors & cigars, Victoria " J., of Boucherat & Co., Viatoria Bouche t Joseph, farmer, Kam loops " Thomas, laborer, North Thomp- son River Bouillon Joseph, carpenter, Vancouver Boulim A., cableman, Vancouver Boultbee Mrs. E., wid. Washington, Vancouver »' Frank, clerk, Vancouver John, barrister, Vancouver « Boultbee Walter, apprentice, Vancouver Boulton Frederick, laborer, Vancouver Bouray Eugene, lumberman. South . Arm, BI. Bourchier Francis, agent, Victoria Bourdais A. Le., telegraph agent, Clinton Bourdeau Arthur, logger, Vancouver •' Capt. Alex., Victoria Bourdman Charles, fitter C. P. R., Donald Bourk John, carpenter, Kamloops Bourne Frank, piano turner, Victoria Boutelleau & Co., barbers, Victoria Bovill John, New Westminster " W., New Westminster " Wheatley, photographer, Now Westminster Bowater Neil, miner. East Wellington " William, miner, East Wellington Bowden Jos., miner, Nanaimo Bowdcr Nelson, farmer, North Saanich Bowe Henry O., farmer, Alkali Lake Bowel I Chas. J., Vancouver ** John M., collector of Custom'='. Vancouver Bowen A.S.. dispatcher C.P.R., Donald " W. D., miner, Nanaimo '* W. H., Victoria ' Bower Frs., farmer, St Mary's Mission " J. W., bartender, New Westmins- ter " M., grocer, Vancouver ' Bowes Geo., gunsmith, Victoria " Joseph, miller, Hope " Miss Sarah, teacher, Vancouver Bowie Mrs. J., wid., Victoria Bowker C. P., waiter, Vancouver ** John S., clerk, Vancouver Bowles E., upholsterer, Victoria Bowlot Jos., miner, Nanaimo Bowman A., surveyor. Upper Sumas " Henry, cook C.P.N. Co., Victoria J. \, carpenter C.P.R., Donald Wm. G., hvery, Victoria Bowron J.E., tel. agent, Quesnelle John, government agent. Bar* kerville « ALPHABBTIOAL DIREOTORT. 89 ftncouver incouver I, South [jtoria 1 agent, ancouver oops Victoria ctoria ir ler, New Bllington ellington 10 ) Snanich ili Lake Custom'". , Donald Mission estmins- ia ncouver iver er ria Sumas Victoria Donald lelle nt, Bar- BOW BRA Bowser F. ., ft. clerk St Yosemito, Vic- toria Frank, confectioner, Victoria M. F.. Victoria Boyce F. M., bartender, New West- minster " Geo., bookkeeper, Vancouver '' James, laborer, Esquimalt Sojd Goo., carpenter, Vancoinor " Hugh, blacksmith, Yale Hugh, farmer, North Arm John, wh>l. liquors, Victoria John Jas., farmer, Langley Miss A., milliner, Vanconror Mrs. A., wid. David, Vu-toria Neil, miner, Nanaimo Thos., miner, Wellington Thos. H., contractor, Vancouver " Wm., Clinton Boyor Chas., laborer, Vancouver Boyes Francis Dickson, farmer, Lang- ley Prairie " John, farmer, Langloy Boyle Calvin, farmer, Hyde Ranch " Frank, laborer, Spences Bridge " John, lal)orer, Esquimalt Brabner Geo., farmer, Cedar District Brackman Hy., miller, North Saanich " Henry, of Brackman & Ker, Victoria " & Ker, produce, Victoria Bradbury Henry C, laborer, Lake District " Murk, miner, Nanaimo ** Samuel F., drayman, Vancouver " Thomas, mason, Victoria Braden Edward, plumber, Victoria " John, of Braden & Stamford, Victoria " & Stamford, plumbers, Victoria " William, plumber, Victoria Bradford F.F., tel. agent, Kamloops JBradley Ben., miner, Nanaimo " E., miner, Nanaimo Ernest, clerk, Victoria James, miner, Nanaimo James, hotel keeper, Vancouver John A., Victoria (( u <( « (i Bradley Richard, miner, Nanaimo " Porcy. clerk, Victoria " Thos., customs office, Nanaimo Bradshaw John, minor, Nanaimo Brady F.J., & Co., general merchants, Windermere '* F. J., postmaster and gen. store, Windermere Henry, chemist, Victoria James, C. B., Victoria Robert, clerk. New Westminster homas, upholsterer, Vancouver « W., watch. C.P.E., North Bend Brafield Charles, farmer, Esquimalt Br.ijig Edward, bricklayer, Victoria " W.T., sealer, Victoria Braid Fred., Victoria Brainard H. W., watchman C.P.R., Notch Hill Braise Evan, miner, East Wellington Brakoll Hugh, laborer, Victoria Brakin Daniel, laborer, Esquimalt Bramell L., miner, Nanaimo Bramley E., minor, Nanaimo *' E. W., miner, Carberry District " Joht), miner, Nanaimo " Jona., farmer, Carberry District " II., miner, Nanaimo Bi'ampton Hy., mason, Vancouver Brand James, tinner, Lytton *' L., mason, Vancouver Brandson Einar, Victoria Branick Jos.,8on., farmer, Chilliwhack " Jos., jun., liarmer, Chilliwhack " Mathovv, farmer, Chilliwhack Brant Mission Brash William, of Campbell & Brash, Vancouver Bratt — , clerk, Vancouver Braund Chas,, clerk, Victoria Braverman L, broker, Victoria Bray E., miner, Nanaimo " Edward, minei*, Kootenay Marshall, govt, agent, Nanaimo Miss F. J., bdg house, Victoria W., machinist, Victoria Wm., miner, Nanaimo Frederick, farmer, Okanagon (( ' ^1 !: i. 1 I m 3 ' t 9 r !:r 90 Henderson's British Columbia f BRE BRO Bruars R., messer a;er C.P.R, Donald Breault Arthur, bartender, Vancouver Breays A., messenger, Donald Bredemeyer W., mining engineer, Vancouver Breece Wii., waiter, Victoria Breeklej' Joseph Benjamin, farmer, Oywter District Breen James, miner, Wellington Brehm Rupert C, hotel keeper, Yale Breidfbrd Johan, Victoria Brenchley Edwin, clerk. New Wefst- mlnbter B/ennan Harry, E. & N. ;i?v., Victoria " James R., saloon, New West- minster Brenon Jules, fireman, Vancouver Brenton — , caipenter, Oyster Harbour " C, tejicher, Victoria Brentyen Fritz, salmon canner, Fort Simpson " Huns, bricklayer. Fort Simpson ■' Paul, clerk, Fort Simpson Urereton Lieut Annie, S.A., Victoria *• John, engineer, Vancouver Brethour Christ., laborer, Vancouver " Henry, farmer, North Saanich " Jas. W., farmer, North Saanich John, farmer, North Saanich Julius, farmer. North Tjaanich Samuel, farmer. North Saanich Brett D. H., brakeman, Vancouver " R. E., clerk, Vancouver " Robt. H., brakeman, Vancouver " Robt. Henry, farmer, Matsqui Brewer Charles, farmc: , Okanag*. • '• William John, farmer. Mud Lsiy Brews*^au Liifler. farmer, Langley Brews ,er Charles, fiarmer MuU Bay " H., farmer. Bv/undary Bay " J , I: .ender. New Wesf^iiinste' ' James, logger. North A.m Brickford Mrs., fancy gocda, Victoria Brickley Joseph Benjamin, farmer. Oyster District, Nanaimo hi d^es Charles, farmer, Comox " Geo., farmer, Victoria ** J., Btriker, Vancouver Bridges Mrs. G., music teacher, Victo- ria Bridgman Arth. J. W., clerk, Victoria " Joseph, clerk, Victoria Briggs A. J., agent, Victoria " ThoH. L., agent C.P.R., New Westminster Brighouse Mrs., New Westminster " Samuel, farmer. North Arm Brightman S., butcher, Nanaimo Brimner George D., clerk. New West- minster Brisbois Alexander, carpenter, Van- couver BrJtisI American Packing Co., salmoa '■i.r.ners, Ladner's Landing Brittle Robt, miner, East Wellingtort Brisk L. W., New Westminster British Columbia Benevolent Society, Victoria " Columbia Fire Ins. Co., Victoria " Columbia Fruit Co., Victoria ** Columbia Land and Ins. Co.,. Victoria " Columd-a Pionev.'r Soc, Victoria ' * Columdia School for deaf and dumb, Victoria " Columbia Soap works, Victoria " & Foreign ^Idrine Ins. Cc, Victoria Britton Erriest C, baker, Victoria . " Rowland, engineer, Victoria Brood F., butcher, Vancouvek' Broadw&il Joel, farmer, Central Settle- ment " Joel, farmer, Salt Spring Island Brobner Geo., far^Dor, Cedar District Brock John, farmer, North Arm Brockeibank — , painter, Victoria 1 Brockie A., Vancoiwer Brocklesby H. A., acct, Vancouver BrockwellDavid;brickmkr.,VaKCOuver Brodie John, miner, Lac LaHache •* Jonn H., of Findley, Durban^ & Brodie, Victorit Brodrick R., merchant, Victoria " Wm., clo; '., Victoria Brond Charles, A'ictoria L J';' New Cc, ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. dl BRO BRO << (( (f (( Island District m ria aver >couver ache )urhfttn ia Bronson Ephraim. farmer, Stave Rivor Brooker Thomas, Victoria Bi-ooks AUVed VVm., cook, New Wost- minster Edward, machinist, New West- minster James, of Vain & Brook, Victoria " Jas. Henry, farmer, Sth Saanich " Wm., bookkeeper, Victoria Brophy John Bryne, civil engineer, Port Moody ** J. P., clerk, Vancouver Brough Geo., miner, Nanaimo JBroughner Walter,saloon,Bush Tavern Brow Eakg., miner, Wellington '^ Wm., carpenter, English Bay Brown — , butcher, Victoria ■' — ,of Murphv & Brown, Victoria — , miner, Wellington A., mill hand. New Westminster Alex., Victoria *' And., farmer, Okunagon Mission " Andrew, miner. East Wellington " Arch. M,, farmer. Hall's Ridge ' Arthur, compositor, Vancouver Brown Arthur Geo., farmer. Doe Ridge, South Suanich " Bros., grocers, Victoria »' C, painter, Victoria " C., clerk, Vancou/er " C.E.E.,dentist,New Westminster " Chas., tanner Nanaimo * Charles L., Vancouver " Charles M,, farmer,Happy Valley Chris., farmer. Clover Valley & Co., hatters, Vi<?toria D. E., C.P.R., Vancouver Daniel, n'i»*8e, Victoria Davm, miner. East Wellington David M., farmer. Hall's Ridge E.; carter, New Westminster E., & Co., liquors, New West- minster Ed., miner, Nanaimo Ed. Sloane, farmer, North Arm Ed. A,, carpenter, Vancouver Frank A., . aiiit Alice Hotel, Har- rioon Springs . (Ltd.), MONrRBAL. Mnfr. of Telephones, E ectric Bills, Annuncia- torB. Burglar Vlarm lustrumsiits. Aopar^nu'^ and Suppli-8 of every Description. (See adv't front pages.) Brown Fred., agent E. M.Ry., Victoria " Fred. A., Saint Alice Hotel, Har- rison Springs G., laborer, Vancouver G.,wip«fC.P.R., New Westmins- ter G. M., carpenter C.P.R., Donald G. M -L., ticket agent, Vancouver Geo. M., mariner, Victoria Geo,, miner, Wellintrton Goorge, fireman C.P.R., Donald Geo., laborer, Victoria Geo. H.,of Brown Bros,, Victoria Geo. J. W., farmer, Happy Valley Geo. S., Victoria Henry, miner, Ca'*««iar Hy., of Brown & White, ' ''ictoria J., clerk, Victoria J., watchman C.P.R., Keefers J. H.,of Brown & Miller,Victoria James, mill hand, Vancouver James, bricklayer, Vancouver James, bartender, Victoria James, logger, Moodyvillo James, Victoria James, lab«: ver, Donald James, mine. , Lome Creek James, butcher. East Wellington James, shoemaker,Clover Valley- James J., miner, East Wellington James M., tailor, Nanaimo James N. J., cai'penter, Empire Ranch John, Barkerville John, farmer, Burgoyne Bay John, of Brown & Co., Victoria John, bricklayer, Victoria John, foreman C.P.R., Ducks John, clerk, Vancouver ■I I ■^M; !^ ^:| ■;;'! m I :- ;. f r1 Henderson's British Columbia hRO BRY — «< — *< ^u —u :^rownJohn, farmer,SaIt Sprin/2f Island '* >John, gold coram'r., Richfield, Cariboo Jehn, watchman, Vancouver John, machinist, Vancouver John, mason, Vancouver John C, postmaster, New West- -tmit ster John L., merchant, Kamloops John R., Saint Alice Hotel, Har- rison Springs Jos^, builder. New Westminster -Joseph H., bartender, Esquimalt Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Joseph, merchant, Vancouver Joseph M.. watch maker,Nanain)0 M. C., saloon, Victoria , Miss Annie, dressmaker, Victoria i Miss Cas8ie,a8st bookper, Victoria Miss TsaboU, teacher, Nanaimo M iss Mary,dres8mkr. , Vancouver ^rs., widow, Victoria } Michael, of Brown & Murphy, j Victoria | & Miller, saloon, Victoria | Percival R., bookpr, Victoria ; Percy Hull, farmer, Vesuvius Bay Peter, fruit, Victoria -Picton C, produce, Vancouver Robert, laborer, Shawnigan Eobert,farmer,Salt Spring Island Robert, farmer, Langley Prairie Robt, farmer, South Saanich Robert, real estate, Vancouver Robert, fixrmer, Biirgoyne Bay -Robt. A., secy Standard, Victoria Robt. H., Victoria Samuel L. C, farmer. Empire Ranch T. H., saloon, Victoria T. L., clerk, Nanaimo T. R., shoemaker, Donald Iheo., minei', Nanaimo Walter, C.P.R., Kamluops Wm., miner, Nanaimo William, miner, East Wellington William, journalist, Vancouver Wm., miner, Wellington (( it (( u -<< *« it -<( -4< 4t Brown W., blksth., Johnson's Landing " Wm., miner, Nanaimo " W. E., clerk, Vancouver W. R., Victoria William, farmer, Hall's Ridge William, lathard C.P.R., Donald William, Victoria William, teamster, Victoria Wm., C.P.R. bdg hse, Revelstoke W. C, farmer, Somenos Wm. C., horseshoer, Victoria Wm. E., tallyman, Chemainus Wm. Hy., farmer, Lasqueti Island William M., hotel, Clinton &: White, merchants, Victoria Brownell AlonzoA.,farmer,Quamichan Browning J.M., C.P.R., Vancouver Bruce D., laborer, Vancouver " H., miner, Nanaimo John, butcher, Victoria M., miner, Nanaimo " Robert, farmer, Spallumcheen " Wm. Jas., expressman, Nanaimo Brue Arthur, butcher, Kamloops Bruley John B., farmer, Sooke Brummet M. M., millhand, Nanaimo Bmndrett A., fireman C.P.R., Donuld " Arthur, wiper C.P.R., Donald " George, C.P.R., Salmon Arm Brunette F., laborer, Vancouver Brunekill Wharton, New Westminster Brunswick Hotel, Victoria Brush Wm., stage driver, Yale Bruskey Geo., laborer. Lake District " George, farmer. Township 13 Brusseau Louis, groom, Cache Creek Bryan A. J., clerk. New Westminster '* Geo., clerk, New Westmlnstev " Jat'ies B., packer. Rocky Point " WiM., clerk, Now Westtninster Bryant A., cook C.P.R. , North Bend " John, miner, Lome Creek " John Dart, farmer, Rosodalo farm, South Saanich Miss M., teacher, Nanaimo Rev. C, Methodist Missionary, Bella Bella T., laborer, New Westminster <( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. Miti landin^^ Lidge Donald ria ^elstoke on a lainiis ti Island m tori a imichan iver icheon !^:inaimo ops inaimo Donuld ►onald Arm ei* ttminster e District ip 13 t\e Creek tminsler linstev y Point iinster h Bend lek Rosedalo mo jsionary, iinster BRY BUR Bj-yant Theodore, New Westminster " Thomas, miner, Wellington " W. R., clerk, Nanaimo " Wm. C, V.S.. Victoria Bryce A., minor, Wellington " James, Dray Co., Victoria " Robt., driver, Victoria " Win., messenger, Victoria *' William, Victoria Brydges John, blacksmith, Vancouver Brydon Andrew, minor, Wellington " J. W., clerk W.C, Wellington " James, miner, Nanaimo " John, manager colliery, Wel- lington " Thomas, carpenter, Victoria 'Biyne Patrick, farmer. North Arm Bryner Geo. D., banker, New West- minster Bryson Bates, blacksmith, New West- minster " C, clerk, Vancouver " John B., blacksmith Nev West- minster " M., millhand, New Westminster Buchan John, miner, Kichfield Buchanan A.H.,accountant,Vancouver *' Duncan, ledger, Knglish Bay " Geo. O., saw mill, Illecillewaot Bucherio Isidore, farmer, Okanagon Mission Backer J., Victoria Buckelt W., draj'man, Victoria Bucklar Ed. Thos., tailor, Victoria Buckle Thomas, tailor, Nanaimo Buckler John, clerk, Victoria " Thos., carpenter, Victoria " W., mill hand, Victoria " W. S., carpenter, Victoria Buckley Edward, tailor, Victoria " H., operator. North Bend *' Harr}', operator, Vancouver " Jas., mill hand,NewWestmlnster " Thos., carpenter, Victoria Bnckman Capt. S. W., Victoria Buckner Armistead, farmer, Central Settlement " Armistead, Salt Spring Island Budge John, foreman, New Wesfc-- minster Budgman Edward C, master m«riB»i^:, Vancouver Budgwig Elias, trader, Lillooet Buie Arthur B., manager, Lytton- " John,guardian, NewWestminater^ " John, merchant, Ladner's Lanc^- ing Bull H. A., bookkeeper, Vancotrver- " Josiah, farmer, Beaver LiikeL-Di*. " Miss Hesi'ir, Victoria " W., chainman C.P;R, D?)naI(E " Wm. K., agtint, Victoria " Wm., brickmaker, Victoria- Bullard Benjamin D., Lillooet BuUen W. F., mgr Albion L W.. Coi,^ Victoria Buller C, miner, Nanafma Bulley Nelson, bre^^ei*, Victoi'ia* Bulling J., mason, Vietwia Bullock Arthur, merchant, Nanaixaot*- " Wm., miner, East Wellington-? Bulman Tlios., farmer. Alder Grov»" Bumbyardnor John, laborei', BigJES&JEr Bumley C, driver Vancouver- Bunker Alfred, grocer, Tanoouv^er - Bnnson H, W., cleik New Westmin»t«Br '* I,. F., New WeHtminster Bunster Miss A. J., Victoria Bunt Robt., fireman C.P:R., D()naia* Buntinijr Chas. E., cuHtoms officcK^j. E»quimalt " E. C, H.M. custom«y Victoria' " Miss Aggie, tailoress, Victorias Burbidge A. E., clerk, NanairaO'. Burdo A., fireman (\P.R. Burgess B H., of B.H. Burgess (SiCd^^ Victoria " B. H., & Co , fruits,. Victoria* *' Jnmes T., cook, Esq^uimiilt " John, Victoria *' John, di'iver, Victoria '* John Pope, contractor, VHotomai " Joseph, carpenter, Vancouvec- '* Wm. li., carpenter, Yictowas. Burk C. W., C.E., Victoria Burke Henry, New Wes'ioiustaaa- ill' i '■;> li 1; ;•■, f ' il % il 5 1 n ji Mi 94 HENDERSON 8 BRiriSH COLUMBIA BUR BYR (( *( Burke John E., farmer, Chemainus [i " Wm., clerk, Nanaino Burkett A., fireman C.P.R., Donald •' John, farmer, Agassiz Burkholder William H., contractor, Victoria Biirman Gua., miner, Nanaimo Biiriies Mountain Mining Co., Victoria Burnet Robert, laborer, New West- l^i minster Burnett Alex., farmer, Crowes Bar Chas. Michael Nicola, farmer, Langley James, carpenter, Adler Grove " W., shoemaker, Vancouver Burney John, mason, Vancouver " Thos., blacksmith, Victoria Burn ham Eugene, farmer, Cowichan Burniestel H. J., butcher, Nanaimo Burns B., moulder, Victoria '* & Co., hardware, Victoria ** Charles, foreman, Vancouver " David, Vancouver E., contractor, New VVestminster Frank, driver, Vancouver G. H., mgr Bk B.N.A., Victoria J., Victoria James, agent, Victoria John, miner. East Wellington John, miner, Nanaimo L. G., tinner, Victoria Michael, miner, Wellington Michael, farmer, Spallumcheen Michael, miner, Gabriola Island S. C, architect, Victoria T. J., hotel prop., Victoria Thos., jr., moulder, Victoria W. C, farmer, Quamichan " Wm., Arm hotel, Victoria Burnjeat Archibald 0., clerk, Kam- lof»ps " J. P., C. E. C.P.R., Donald Burr Benjamin, messenger, New West- minster " Capt. H., " Gladys," New West- mi nbter " Hugh, New Westminster J. J., farmer, Ladner's Landing <( n 4< 4< (< « Burr Joseph, jailer. New Westminster *' Joseph, saddler, Yale " Joseph Benjamin, farmer. Cres- cent Creek " Wm. Hy., jr., farmer, South Arm Burritt Henry E., farmer, Chilli whack Burrows Edward, clerk, Vancouver Burry David, laborer. Lake District Burs — , farmer, Victoria Burse Wilson, carpenter, Vancouver Burt Geo. A., miner, Nanaimo " John, miner, Nanaimo " S. S., baker, Victoria " W., clerk, Victoria Burtholme Geo., gardener, Vancouver Burton James, carpenter, Vancoaver i( (( John, miner, Clinton Ralph, farmer, Matsqui Thos., Ashcroft W. C, fireman, Vancouver William, stoker, Vancouver Burwell H. M., Vancouver Busbridge George, butcher, Vancouver Buse William Henry, farmer. Chilli- whack Bush Chas., engineer, Victoria Bushell Miss E., teacher, Victoria Buf*hong Ivan, mill hand, New West- minster Butchart George, farmer. New West- minster district " Jas. Bruce, farmer. Port Moody " Norval, farmer. Port Arthur Butcher Jos., miner, Nanaimo Butler Frederick, Victoria " H., scavenger, Vancouver '* Harry, bartender, Vancouver " Miss F., Victoria " R. J., clerk P. O., Victoria Robt., pririter, Victoria Peter, woodmun C. P. R., Kam* loops Button Thos., miner, Nanaimo *' Wm., miner, Nanaimo Buysse Chas., cook, Victoria Bwodo Arthur, wiper C.P.K., Donald Byram 0. Hamilton, farmer, North Arm, F.R. Butt inster Cres- \ Arm vhack iver rict aver jouver >dver p jr jouver Chilli- West- Westr Hoody ur ver Ram- >nald North ALPHABETIOAL DIRECTORT. 9S BYR CAM Byrn Robert, Victoria Byrne Peter, farmer, Chilcoten Byrnes Burns, Victoria " C, auctioneer, Victoria " Geo., auctioneer. Victoria " Miss L. M., Victoria Byron George, farmer, South Arm Bysshe Fred. W., barber, Harrison Springs c (( Cjvdden S., watchman, Vancouver Cadigan Corn., laborer, Esquimalt Cadwalder Miss M., seamstress, Vic- toria 'Cadwaltadar Evan, carpenter, Moody- ville Caffery Thos., fi^rmer, Island Caicear Jo.-epb, ioirger, Vancouver Cain Jas., miner, Wellincfton ** J. B., cook, New Westmin.ster ■CairncroHS Chas., farmer, Surry Centre Cairns John, farmer. Burgoyno Bay '* John, fanner, Salt Sprinif Ishmd T. A., Jisst. postmaster, Victoria Thomas, fanner, Cuino.x; Oalbeck G. A., constable and tax col- lector, Moodyville " John, carpenter, New "West- minster Calder Alex., C. E., Victoria *' Miss Annie, Victoria " Peter, farmer, HtiU's Prairie Oalderhead T., miner, Nanaimo Caldwell Arthur, student, Victoria Ai'tbur, clerk, Victoria D., uphoUtifrer, Victoria I., mason, Vancouver James, cutter, Nanaimo Mrs. L., teacher, Victoria Thos., carpenter, Victoria '• Robt., miner, Nanaimo ** \V., conductor, Donald " Wm., stonecutter, Vancouver Caledonia Dye Works, Victoria - AUZD- WOOLLi MILL SDPMS J* A OF ALL KINDS MONTREAL. <( Cales T., laborer, Vancouver Calhoun John Cal bourn, farmer, Boun- dary Bay " William, compositor, Vancouver Callaghan Daniel, farmer,Maple Ridge " J. A., teleifraph asrent, Nanaimo " John, farmer, Maple Ridsre ' Callana M.,sgt. " C" battery, Victoria jCallaHhaw John, miner. East Welling- i ton jCallopy James, foreman C.P.R. iCallowoy Goo. A. L., engineer, Ille- j cillewaet j Galium Capt. E. C. E-quimalt I Callyer Thos. R., Victoria 'Calorae And., hotelkeeper, Vancouver ! " Joseph, hotelkeeper, Vancouver : Calson Noil, miner. East Wellington Calvary Baptist Church, Victoria Calverly H. D., miner, Nanaimo " John, miner, Nanaimo ! Calvert John, tailor, Victoria ! " Mrs. K., Victoria i Calwell Jas., horseshoer, Victoria ' Cam George, councillor. Clover Valley I Cameron A., agent, Golden I " — , contractor, Vancouver A. B., ship carpenter, Esquimalt A. H., miner, Vancouver A. W., engineer, Vancouver All)ert, clerk, Victoria Allan, clerk, Vancouver Allan R., bookkeeper, Victoria Alex., miner. East Wellington Alex,, farmer, Victoria Alexander, farmer. Port Moody Arch., ('hip carpenter, Esquimalt Charles C, farmer, Coquitlam Chas. N., salesman, Victoria n (( (i <( << (t u 1 r 'ii^ : 'M <j ■ ll m^sgrnm-' 96 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA CAM CAM Cameron Colin, laborer, Victoria " Colin, driver, Victoria Daniel, plasterer, Victoria Duncan, Vernon Edward, printer, Victoria J., millhand, New Westminster I ♦' J., laborer, Vancouver J. W., engineer, Vancouver Howard, carpenter, Victoria John, carpenter, Donald John, horse dealer, Victoria John, farmer, Spallumcheen John D., carpenter, Vancouver John D., farmer, Shawnigan John Gordon, bartender, Victoria Miss A., Victoria Miss Agnes D., tea:her, Victoria Miss B, L., dressmaker, Van- couver Miss G., clerk, Victoria Miss Grace, clerk, Victoria Miss Jessie, Victoria Mrs. Jessie, widow D. Mrs. Mary, widow Thos Miss S., Victoria Neil, farmer, Langley Neil, stage driver, Springs Nicol, fiarmer, Coquitlam Eiver P., miner, Nanaimo P. C, New Westminster Ralph, waiter, Victoria AV. F., gen store, Vernon W. G., merchant, Victoria Wm., bartender, Nanaimo William, blacksmith, Lytton Camp James, gardener. Moody ville " John, hotelkceper, Lake District Campaigne G., logger, Moodyville Campbell — , machinist, Victoria " A., clerk, Victoria A., carpenter C.P.R., Donald A., compositor, Victoria A., watchman C.P.R., Hope A. 0., New Westminster Allan, farmer, Langley Alex., Victoria Alexander, miner, Lome Creek « (( « << (I a <( <( « « « « « Victoria Victoria Hari'ison « (( « (( « (< (( (( <( « « i( Campbell Alex., blacksmith.Vancouver '* Alexander, farmer, Millsteam " Alexander Dugald, dentist, Porfe Moody Angus, farmer, Surry Angus, laborer, Vancouver Archibald L., printer, Victoria C, checker, Vancouver Cathern, New Westminster Charles, laborer, Vancouver D. E., druggist, Victoria Miss Clara, clerk, Victoria Mrs., milliner, Victoria Eli J., school teacher, Cowi- chan E/an, groom, 89 Mile Stables F. H., clerk, Victoria Frank, tobacconist, Victoria Frank, miner. East WellingtoD G. W., clerk, Vancouver Geo., miner, Nanaimo H., line repairer C.P.R., Kam- loops H. B., striker, Vancouver H. J., asst. master St. Paul's school, Esquimau Hugh, miner, Nanaimo J., timekeeper C.P.R., Donald J. miner, Nanaimo J., laborer, Vancouver J. C, farmer, Mayne Island J. D., constable, Victoria J. E., Vancouver J. M., helper, Vancouver J. M., carpet.ter C.P.R., Kam- loops James, Vancouver James, farmer, Bonaparte James, mason, Vancouver James, miner, Wellington James, laborer, Victoria James Charles, farmer. New IVostminster District Jas. T. Grant, bookkeeper, Kam- loops Joseph, Vancouver John, of Wood & Campbell, Spen- ces P ridge (( (< « (( (( (( •( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 9T i * rA CAM CAR il (I Campbell John, cigar maker, Victoria " John, carpenter, Kumloops " John, fruits, K. 'I mloops John, miner, Wellington John, stableman, Sponces Bridge John, farmer, Langley John, gardener, Victoria John A., carpenter, Vancouver John A., farmer, Chilliwhack John C, farmei*, Langley Jr\ ?, Don., constable, Eisquimalt "^ . cigar maker. Victoria "^ -mer. South Thompson M., m. ^r, Wellington Male. L., tobacconist, Vancouver Marvin, clerk, Vancouver Nelson W., farmer, Chemainus Neil, miner, Nanaimo Neil, miner, Victoria Norman, blacksmith, Vancouver Peter, miner, Nanaimo Bandal, farmer, Okanagon Robert, hotelkeeper, Vancouver Robert, farmer, New Westmin- ster District Ronald, mi ler, Sumas S., mill hand, New Westminster W., clerk, Vancouver W. G., Victoria Walter, Albion I.W. Co., Victoria Walter, shoemaker, Nanaimo William, clerk, Vancouver " William Moore, farmer, Sumas Campion H., miner, Nanaimo " J. AV., Vancouver " Joseph, Vancouver Camsnsa Mrs. M., Victoria Can D., mill hand, New Westminster Canadian Pacific Nav. Co. (Ld), Vic- toria " Pacific Ry. Telegraph, Pac. Div., New Westminster " Pacific Ry. Gen. office Pac. Div., Vancouver Canell Edm., hotelkeeper, Kamloops Cann Geo. A., farmer, Surry Centre " George Whitfield, farmer, Surry Municipality « <( a (( II (( <( (( « (( <( (( <( Cannell Edward, butcher, Yale Canning J., fruits, Vancouver Canonica Louis, Vancouver Canston Richard Lowe, stock raiser, Osoyoos Lake Cantill Edward, secretary, New West- minster Cantin John, Victoria Canty Richard, porter. Yule CanyorR. J., toolman C.P.R., D.,nald Capel Geo. J., compositur, Victoria Capes — , engineer, Vancouver Card Geo., blacksmith, E-^qui malt Card S., mason, Vancouver Card well J. L., bookkeeper, New Westminster Carey Castle, Govt. House, Victoria C. E., agent C.P.K , Ashcroft Daniel, farmer. Pavilion F, E., woodman C.P.R., Ash- croft George, carpenter, Vancouver John, clerk, Vancouver Joseph W., Victoria K. A., miner, Yale Michael, miner, Boston Bar Pat., hotelkeeper, Vancouver Thomas, engineer C.P.R., Donald Cargill J. J., livery man, Vaiictuvei* William, liver^'man, V ^ncouver Hotel Chas. McNicoU proprietor Ashcroft " William, trader, Hat Creek Carhmat. Dan., C.P.R., Revolsloke Carier Joseph, carpenter, Vajicouver Carleton Geo. A., C. P. N. Co., Victoria . Carlin & Lake, merchants, Roger's Pass Carlisle Jas. H., drayman, Vancouver Carlo J. C, miner, Nanaimo Carlow Edward, shoemakei-, Victoria " H. J., laborer, Victoria " H. N., carpenter, Victoria Carlson Ncet, miner, Nanaimo Carlston Frank, miner, East Wel- lington Carlyon Wm., farmer, Victoria Garment John, clerk, Kamloops $8 Henderson's British Columbia CAR CAK (( (( K (< l( <( <( (( (( (( Carmicbael A., bookkeeper, Victoria Alex., teamster, Victoria Duncan, laborer, North Arm E. B., agent, Victoria F. A., clerk P. 0., Victoria John, Victoria Miss Annie, Victoria Misislda, Victoria Miss N., teacher, Victoria Wm., clerk, Victoria William, miner. East Wellington Carmin Gut Colin, C. E., Nicomen Carnahan James, teamster, Vancouver Carne Fred., of Carne& Munsie, Vic- toria Fred., Angel Hotel, Victoria & Munsie, grocers, Victoria Miss Amelia, Victoria Miss Elizabeth, Victoria Miss Jeunie, Victoria Ciirnes John, mclter, Victoria Carney Pat., miner, Nnnaimo '* William, contractor, Vancouver •Carock J., miner, Nanaimo Oaron Frank M., laborer, Vancouver Carpenter A. M., grocer, Victoria Carr Andrew, farmer, Coldstream Valley Edward, laborer, Vancouver F., bartender, Esqnimalt John, carpenter, Victoria Richard, victoria Carrey Pat., miner, Nanaimo •Carrick Robt., miner, Nanaimo Carrie J., carpenter, Vancouver " Thomas, New Westminster Carrigan H., C.P.R., Kamloops " Hugh, miner, Nanaimo " Janie.x, laborer, Vancouver 'CaiToll Bartholomew, farn'.er, Langley Edward, plumber. New West- minster J. M., merchant, Roger's Pass James, farmer. Salt Spring Island James, farmer, Central Settle- ment William. James, guard, New West minster (( « Carruthers J. D., miner, Wellington " Thomas, painter, Vancouver Carscallen George, farmer, North Arm " Wellington, farmer. North Arm Carson F. H., turner C.P.R., Donald E. 0., foreman, Victoria John, bartender, Victoria Joseph, laborer, Chemainus N., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Robert, farmer, Pavilion Thos., electrician, Victoria W., watchman C.P.R., Ashcroft Carstairs Robert, farmer, Beaver Point Carswell Edwin, gawyer, Nicola Lake " Edwin, baker, Kamloops Carter A. T., brewer, Victoria " C. H., talh'man, Vancouver Ernest, wiper C.P.R., Revel- stoke F. G., miner, Wellington & Ferris, brewers, Victoria Geo. Chipman, farmer, Langley Goo. Chipman, saddler, Yale George brickmaker Esquimalt H., mill hand, Victoria Jolin, Vancouver John C, packer, Kamloops John W., carpenter, Victoria Joseph, miner, Wellington L., hotelkeeper, Vancouver Lewis, carpenter, Esquimalt Miss Georgio, tailoress, Victoria Nelson, Vancouver P., expressman, Victoria " Robt., miner, Nanaimo " R<»bt., Victoria " Thos. W., brewer, Victoria " William, brakeraan C.P.R., Kamloops Carther Ed., constable, Victoria Carthew J. A. Mount Newton Cartier Uomisdas J., watchmaker, Vancouver Cartwright Fred, carpenter, Vancouver " George, carpenter, Vancouver " Henry, tinner, Vancouver " Jolu), hotelkeoper, Vancouver " Joseph, carpenter, Vancouver <( (< (( « « <( « (( (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIRE' TORY. 99 CAR CHA ington er b Arm I Arm Donald IS lald El ihcroft Point . Lake er Revel- la angley lie malt )3 >ria r Alt ictoria .P.R.) laker, !ouver iver iver iver •Cm-twright W.J., manager, Vancouver '* William, Victoria *' William, boilermaker, Vancouver " William, farmer, Sooke '* William, bartender, Vancouver Curty Jobn, constable, New West- minster Carvel Philip, farmer, Cowichan Cjirwithen R. T., farmer, Comox ■Ca^iQ E. W., upholsterer, Victoria «* Frank, pressman. Now West- minster " W. S , real estate, Vancouver Ciwelton Fred., carpenter, Victoria " Kenry, painter, Victoria " Richard, etoreman, Victoria Cash — , Vancouver " James, New Westminster Oashcr Charles, turner, Vancouver " Chas. H., tinsmith. Vancouver Oasley John, miner, Wellington Cassad}' Geo., planing mill, Vancouver Casserley Thos., stableman, New Westminster Cassidy Tliomas, farmer, Cranberry District " Joseph, farmer. New Westmins- ter District Castle Charles, laborer, Kamloops Castro Lewis, minor, Lome Creek Cates Albert, blacksmith, New West- minster " J., driver, Vancouver Cath S. A., foreman, Vancouver Cathcart David, bookbin<ier, Victoria *' Henry, messenger, Victoria " James, prospector, Victoria " James, bartender, Chomainus " John, clerk, Victoria CathroN., carpenter C.P.R., Do.nald Ciiton J, A. T., & Co., merchantSjVic- toria " J. A. T., merchant, Victoria Catterald Thos., contractor, Victoria Cattle James, farmer. Port Mood}' Caultield Ed., foreman, Vancouver '* P., machinist, Vancouver " Wm., minor, Namaino Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARE & 00., Qeneral Selling Agents, *^ 726 CRAIC ST., - MONTREAL. Cavalsky Geo. E., fruits. Nan ai mo Cavan Arthur, driver, Victoria Cavanasjh George, carpenter, Lytton " Thoma>», laborer, Crowes Bar Cavellier Louis, miner, W<'llington Caven Thomas, carpenter, Victoria Cavin George, clerk, Victoria " Robert S., farmer, Quamichan '' Capt. Geo., Victoria " John, Capt.Str.Rainbow,Victoria Cawbie H. J., C. E., Vancouver Cuwell Phil. farmer Macphersons Cnwley James, farmer, Chilliwhack " Samuel, farmer, Chilliwhack " Sam. Arthur,farmor,Chilliwhack " Wm. Henry ,farmer, Chilliwhack Cawson & Ellis, ranchers, Similkamon Cawthorn Geo., miner, Nanaimo Cawthy George, farmer. South rfaanich Celligan Miss Maria, maid, Vancouver Coperley Hy. S., real estate, Vancouver Cessfor James, Victoria " Robert, farmer, Belmont " Robt., laborer, Victoria Chadsey Chester, dairyman, Sumas " Geo. W., farmer, Sumatii " G. N., public notary, Sumas ** Jas. Lonson, farmer, Sumas " Wm., farmer. Sum is Chadwick Alfred, clerk, Victoria " Fouls, lumberman. Maple Ridge " Fred, H., bartender, Victoria " Geo., druggist, Victoria " R., moulder, Victoria " T., clerk P.O., Victoria " Wm., engineer, Wellington Chaffee Henry, farmer, Cedar Hill Chaffery Thos., farmer, Prevost Island Chaffey Wm., foreman, Vancouver ':< i I' y leo Henderson's British Columbia CHA CHI ChalleniiCr Wm. John, lumberman, Howe Sound " William John, farmer, Harrison River Challomor Wm., miner, Nanaimo Chalmers — , gai denci*, Victoria " David L., ftinner, Nanaimo '' James, carpenter, Maple Ridge Chamberlin Cluis., builder, Vancouver " H. C, painter. New West- minster Robt., teamster, Victoria Seth L., bartender, Victoria T., miner, Nanaimo W., Victoi'ia W. S., bookkeeper, Victoria Champagne Gilbert, Spallumcheen Champion Sam., foreman, Vancouver Chance Wm. J., carpenter, Victoria Chancy Edwani, miner, Kootenay Chandler John F., H. B. Co., Victoria " Wm. S., supt. Coal Co., East Wellington Chantrell Hy. Denis, firmer, Mud Bay " John Barstow, farmer, Mud Bay " John B., Victoria Chaperone Francis, baker, Kamloops Chapirell John, watchman, New West- minister Chapman Benj., farmer, Chilliwhack " Em., blacksmith, Chilliwhack " James, farmer, Nicola Valley James, miller, Lytton James H., farmer, Chilliwhack John, Chilliwhack Jos. Ripley, teamster, Burrard Inlet Stephen George, farmer, North Arm Chappell J., mill hand. New West- minster " Sarah, weaver. New Westminster Chardon Clias. M., builder, Vancouver Charles Christian, farmer, Okanagon " Wm., Victoria " W. B., P. O. clerk, Victoria Charlcton Edward F., farmer, Ladner's Land inir g <( Charlton OrmonJ L., stationer, Van- couver C barman F., manager, Vancouver '* Herbert, carpenter, Vancouver Charmichael Frs., P.O. clerk, Victoria " Mrs. M., wid John H.. Victoria Charnock G. A., sec. Y.M.C.A., Van- couver Charters E., foreman C.P.K., Nicomen John, farmer, Nicola Valley John Fngen, farmer, Sooke Robert, farmer, Nicola Valley Wm. BpII, farmer, Sooke " Wm., farmer, Nicola Valley Chase James, upholsterer, Vancouver " N. W^., barber, Victoria " W. H., foreman, Vancouver " Whitfield, farmer, South Thomp- son " & Whitfield, hotelkeepers, Shuswap Checuly W. N., accountant, Victoria Cheehy Patrick, baker, Nanaimo Chenees Gerls, mission home, Victoria Cheney Wm., auctioneer, Nanaimo ChenhiU James C. S., farmer, Clinton '" John, miner, Clinton Cherry & Creech, furniture, Victoria " J. B., solicitor, NevvWostminster " John W. N., merchant, Victoria Chesley E., brakeman C.P.R., Kam- loops Chester Thomas, farmer, Matsqui '* Sam., Victoria Chetham W. D., clerk, Vancouver Chiari Frank, farmer. Alkali Chidlej- Edmund, farmer, Metchosin Chilberg J. P., grocer, Vancouver » Chilbv VVilliatn. butcher, Metchosin Child Francis T., farmer, Sooke Cliilde F. Cecil, collector, Vancouver Chilett Chas., carpenter, Vict^.ria Chintrell J. B., accountant. Victoria Chipcha,-e R., carpenter, Victoria Chipman George, clerk, Vancouver Chipp John, M.D., Nicola Chirouse Rev. E. H., O.M.I., New Westminster ^ ! ;t'i ALPHABETICAL DiaEOTORY. 101 r-i CHI CLA Ohisholm — .councillor, Maple Bay " Duncan, miner, East TTallington ISfc** William, farmer, Cowichan Ohiva^j William, laborer, Esquimalt Chivers Jeremiah, boatman, Esqui- mau '* Jeremiah, farmer, Galiano Island Choato Edward, inspector, Vancouver " J. L., foreman, Vancouver Chouinard J., operator C.P.R., Hope Ohristensen Andrew, Victoria " Capt. James, Victoria *' Jume!',jtjn., mate, Victoria ** Miss Lizzie, Victoria Christian Joseph, farmer, Olcanagon Mission " Joseph, hotelkeeper, Vernon *' Ls., farmer, Okanagon Mission Christie F. Y., mgr. J. A. Moore *' James, blacksmith. Cache Creek " John, laborer, Vancouver *' Miss Annie, Victoria *' Miss Isabel, Victoria *' Miss Caroline, Victoria " Kev. Jas., Presbyterian, Victoria " Rov., Presbyterian, Wellington '' Wm., tel. oper. C.P.Ji., Victoria Chudley William, Victoria Church Ben., joiner, Vancouver *' Ell., farmer, Swan Lake C.H. " J.E., Victoria " John, Victoria " W.J., farmer, Kamloops Churchill Geo., miner, Nanaimo " Mark, minor, Nanaimo " Samuel, mill hand. New West- minster Churton A., Victoria " Mrs. A., seamstress, Victoria Ciceroni Joseph, driver, Vancouver City Brewery, Victoria City Iron Works, Victoria Clair George, clerk, Vancouver Clancey John, Vancouver Claossen John, watchmaker, Victoria ClantOD R. T., baker, Victoria Olapbam Hy., farmer, Galiano Island " John, farmer, Nicola Lake Clapper Elmer C, painter, Victoria Clapperton George A., farmer, Nicola *' John, Nicola Clark A. G., lineman, Victoria " Alb., laborer, New Westminster Cjipt. W.R., auctioneer, Victoria Charles, merchant, Vancouver Charles H., traveller, Victoria Edmond, rancher, Windermere Frank, cook, Shavvnigan Frederick, clerk, Vancouver George, laboier, Vancouver George, farmer, Chilliwhack James, watchman, Vancouver , James, farmer, Comox James, farmer, New Westmins- ter District James B., Victoiia Jo*., watchmaker, Boston Bar Joseph, ship carpenter C.P.N. Co., Victoria John, caretaker, Victoria John, miner, Wellington John H., painter, Vancouver Milton, carpenter, Victoria Miss, milliner, New Westminster Miss Annie. Victoria Miss Jane, Victoria Miss Sadie, New Westminster Mrs., Victoria Mrs. T.W,, millinery, Vancouver & Nicholson, merchants, Victoria Robert, merchant, Vancouver Robert, boiler maker, Victoria Robert W., printer, Victoria Samuel J., farmer, Chilliwhack T. W., produce, Vancouver & Turpel ship Yard, Victoria Thurtnan C, farmer, Pavilion W. A. S., foreman C.P R., Kam- loops W. H., laborer, Victoria W. H., pressman, Victoria W. J., dairyman, Victoria W. J., cook, Vancouver Walter, miller, Kamloops William, foreman. New West- minster « (I u (( (< (< a i( « ■ ) ; m 11 102 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA CLA CLU « « <( <l (( (( Clark William, carpenter, Victoria Wm., 80T)., carpenter, Victoria Wm., jun., waiter, Victoria William, boilermaker, Victoria William, miner, Wellington William, fsirmer, Lant'ley William F., painter, Vancouver Wm. H., farmer, Spallnmcheen Clarke Alfred, machinist, New Weat- minster '< Alfred, miner, East Wellington " & Co., druggists, Kamloops " F , laborer, Vancouver «* James A., clerk, Port Moody <* James Anthony, engineer. Port Moody " John A., clerk, Kamloops " Michael, carpenter. Lulu Island " S.. M.D., Kamloops " William, tiarmer, Seabird Bar Clarkson Alex., fireman, Wellington »' Joseph, painter, Vancouver Clash J., miner, Wellington Claughton Archibald M., farmer. Oys- ter Harbour Clay Samuel, grocer, Victoria Clayton Alfred A., Victr)ria ** Geo. L., machinist, Vancouver " John teacher Bella Bella " Louis S., head waiter, Vancouver Clearihuo Alex., merchant, Victoria " J. & A., produce, Victoria " Joseph, merchant, Victoria Clear William, restaurant, Victoria Cleary Michael, farmer. Port Moody '* S., fireman C.P.R, Kamloops Clegg Arthur, laborer, Vancouver " Benjamin, laborer, Vancouver Cleland R., foreman C.P.R., Six Mile Creek Clelland Thomas, hotelkeeper, New Westminster Clement Austin Henry, clerk, Yale " Thos. M., Victoria Clements A. L., time keeper C.P.R., Kamloops Capt. William, agent, Vancouver D., brewer, Victoria u Clements J.,snperin tendon t,VancouN or *' O., mill hand. New WestmiuhLor " T.,yard man, Vancouver " T. E., clerk, Vancouver ' Clomes Arch., hotel keeper, Sponcos Bridge Clemis Art., hostler, Nicomen Clemitson Rbt. M., teacher, Kamloops Clems C, apprentice. New Westmins- ter Clondenning John, contractor, Van- couver Clevelan J Arthur M., farmer, Allor Grove " Milton E., Victoria " Miss Kliza, dressmaker, Victoiia Clitf C, tinner. New Westminster " Sam. E., hotel keeper, Comox Clifton Chares, farmer. Port Moody Clitfe Robert Thomas, logger, Oy.'<Lor Harbour " Samuel Jackson, hotelkeejior, Comox Clifford Charles, miner, Lome Crcuk " Mrs. C. J., Victoria Clifton David, farmer. Port Moody Clino W. H., agent C.P.R., Yale Clinton Rev. H. Fionnes, Vancouver " H. P., law student, Victoria " Thomas, farmer, Spallumchoon Clophan Hy., farmer, Galiano Island Cloud R., moulder, Victoria Clough John, janitor, Varjcouver Clouston T., fireman, Vancouver " Thos., fireman C.P.R., Donald Clow & Maclure, architects. Victoria " C. H., architect. New Wostmin.s- ter Clowes Mrs. D., dressmaker, Vancou- ver " John, carpenter, Vacouvei* Clubb Andrew, butcher, Vancouver Clumis William, laborer, Victoria Clunes Colin master mariner E<(qai> Dialt Cluet Joseph, laborer, Burnside Farm Clushman Mrs. C, fruits, Victoria " Christopher, painter, Victoria ALPHABKTIOAL DIRICTORT. 103. CLU COL i( (I « Clute J. M., merchnnt, Vancouver " J. S., dry goods, Vancouver " John S.,jun., law student, New Westminster John S., collector, customs New Westminster W. C, clerk, Now Westminster Clutie Felix, mill hand, Vancouvfr Clutterback F., engineer, Vancouver Clyde ship yard, Victoria A. J., tinner, Kum loops Alex., Victoria F., printer, Victoria " Geo., foreman Albion I. W. Co., Victoria " John, merchant, Nicola Bridge " ThoH., teacher, Spences Bridge Coade Thomas, teamster, Lytton Coates Lawson, stage agent, Clinton " Richard, farmer, lioso Hill " Spencer, waiter, Victoria Coatham W. C., principal, New West- minster Cobana Charles, farmer, Mt. Lehman Cobb Capt. S. A., New Westminster Coburn H., groc<'r, Nanaimo <' John W., conductor E.& N. Ry., Victoria " Stephen, logger, Nanaimo Cochram — , carpenter, Vancouver Cochrane John, ftirmer. North Arm " John J., druggist, Victoria " W. M., notary public, Kamloops Cocklin Edward, boatman, Esquimalt Codling Joseph, Vancouver Cod vi lie James, Vancouver Cody P., mason, Vancouver Coffey Patrick, farmer. Port Moody Cogan Henry, farmer, Sooke Eoad Cogley Thomas, cook, Victoria Cohen E., miner, Nanaimo & Graham, barbers, Nanaimo J., hotel keeper, Vancouver James, barber, Victoria James, barber, Nanaimo James A., printer, Victoria Joseph, asBt. R. N. hospital, Esquimalt Eoad Tte Hlam Electric jQlji. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Maiifr. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CADLES, Inatiu. meiits and Supplies of eyery description. (See- adv't page 6.) (( u Cohen W., miner, Nanaimo Cohn A., miner, Nanaimo Coigdarripo J., merchant, Victoria Coiley Miss Mary, dressmaker, Vic- toria Coker Edwin C, baker, Victoria " Sidney E., Victoria Colbert James, plumber, Victoria " John, Victoria " & Warner, plumbers, Victori*. Coldwell C. A., Vancouver " Mi's., widow, teacher, Victoria Cole A., mill hand, New Westminster " George, farmer, Metchosin •' Harry, hotelkeeper, Vancouver " 'ihomas, farmer, yiinilkameea Valley " Thos. J., farmer, 19 Mile House ** W. H. B. Nanaimo Coleman Miss Agnes, dressmaker, Victoria " J., foreman C? E., SpuEzum " Miss Eliza, Victoria " iMrs., widow, Victoiia Coles John, clerk, Vancouver " J. F. H., bookkeeper, Victoria Coley Ed., laborer, Viciora " Joseph, machinist, Victoria " John, laborer, Vancouver CoUens John, clerk, Vancouver CoUester W. H., patern maker, Vic- toria Collian William, mariner, Esquimalt Collie Eobert, fireman C.P.E., Donald Collier George, miner, Nanaimo " Wm., cigar maker, New West- minster j " William, mason, YanoouTer 'II ■i ^ : Kiti ./ ao4 Henderson's British Columbia COL CON ii Oollin Thos. Augustus, farmer, North S.ianich *' Walter Francis, farmer, North Saanich C/ollins F., mill hand, Vaneouver " George, Victoria J , foreman (\P.E., Thompson Jfcob, Victoria John, farmer. South Saanich John Gei'ome, stock raiser, Hat Creek " P., brakenian, Vancouver " Rev. Patrick, O.M.I., New West- minster ** Thos., edito'' /S'<a>ic?«ra, Victoria 'Collinson Wm. Henry, Missionary C. M. S., Nass River " Tom, Plemper, Pars " W. T., postmaster and gen. store, Piumpoi' Pass CoUis Albert, Victoria " E., carpenter, Victoria " Edward, mate, Victoria " J.. A!Uon I.W. C'., Victoria Collishaw R., logger, Siicry Ceutro " William, laimcr, Kent.ington Prairie Collister J. R., clerk, Victoria " Richard, inspector, Victoiia " Wm., draughtsman, Victoria Collj'cr Tlioinas Rugele}', Victoria West Colon Peter, farmer. Dog Creek Colonist, Ellis k Co., props., Victoria Colquhoun — , compositor, Vancouver CoUon Charles E., boat builder, Van- couver Colstone W., laborer C.P.R., North Bend Colter H., miner, Wellington Columbia Roller Mills, Enderby Colvin Henry, farmer, Shavvnigan ** James, farmer, Macphersons James, boat binlder, Victoria R. W.,8hip builder, Victoria Robert, farmer, Macphersons Rowland Wm., 8hipwright,E8qui- mait District « « Colvin Thomas, farmer, Macphersons Colwell Hugh, horseshoer, Victoria Comar Edwai*d, farmer, Cowichan Combe H. W. H., dark of the peace, Victoria « R., clerk H. B. Co., Victoria Corabs Fred, apprentice, Vancouver " Frank J., iireman C. P. R., Revolstoke Comeford Patrick, fireman, Victoria Commerfoi-d Lawrence, lumberman, Moody ville " Thos., tailor, Nana! mo Compton Mrs. T'leodore, V ictoria " T., striker, Vsiocouver Conderoy H., waiter C.P.R., Revol- stoke Condon James, laborer, Vancouver *• Mrs. M., Victoria Condrcn Hugh, ^ ancouver Condron James, E. & N . Ky ., Victoria Con ley F., freight checker C.P.R., Kam loops " Fred., carpenter, Vancouver Conliii M. J., blacksmith, Victoria Conloy William, Vancouver Connacher Henry, saloon, Donnid " Jame.'^, engineer C . P . R. , Donald " r.obert, contractor, Vancouver Connelly — , gardener, Victoria " John, waiter, Nanaimo " Michael, C.P R, Kamloops " John, mine'-, Nanaimo Conner Edward, farmer, Maple Ridge ** George, mill hand, New West- minster " Samuel, farmer, Mud Bay '* Samuel R., hackman, Vancouver Connon H. E., frt. agent, Vancouver Connor Charles, stock raiser, Chilcot'on " Geo., lumberman. North Arm, Eraser River '•' Grange, tinsmith. New West- minster District James, miner, Well.'n<^ton John, car repairer, ' incouver Miss J., P. 0. clerk, New West- mioster 1^. ALPHABETTCAL DIRECTORY. 105 4 f. CON COE Ridgo West- West- Connor & Switzer, saioon, Victoria Connors — , jjuard, Nuvv Westminster Constable (}., timekoeper C.P.R., Donald Constantino Peter, clerk, Victoria Conto M., miner, Niuuiimo Conway A., miner, Nana! mo " F. J., checiiv.r C.P.K., Kamloops James, miner, Wellington S., waiter, Victoria Thomas D., telegraph clerk C.P.R., Chemainus Cook — , teamster, Vancouver Alfred, painter, Vancouver Alfred, engineer, Yale Arthur B., druggist, V ictoria D. Salmon, Packer, Naas River Edward, contractor, Vancouver Edward A., farmer, Maple Ridge E., Victoria F., miner, Nanaimo George, teamster, Vancouver George J. S., farmer, Metchosin Henry, miner, Nanaimo J. F., helper, Vancouver James Gilbert, farmer, Maple Ridgo Rich. P., president, Varjcouver R. P., Bankerville (( « SI (i (( (< <( <( Thomas, miner, Nanaimo " Thos., waiter, Mew VVostminster " W., millhand, Now Westminster *' William., laborer, Lachino Cot- tage C. H. " Wm. S., lime & sand, Va'^^ouver Cooke Fred., bartender, Victor! " Fred., bricklayer, Vancouver Cooley H., Victoria " John, niiner. Nanaimo Coonas S., jobber, Vicinria Coorey Charles T., farmer, Tranquille Cooper A. C, New Westminster " E. D., laborer, Vancouver H. M., M. D., New Westminster Harry, wharfinger, Nanaimo Hy., r.iiner, Nanaimo M., enjifine tui'ner, New West- minster it Cooper Mrs., dressmaker, Nanaimo " Rev. Canon, Kamloops Robert, engineer, Vancouver Wm., confectioner, Victoria Wm., miner, .^^anaimo " William A., printer, Vancouver Cope Fred., merchant, Van30uver " J. A., laborer, Vancouver " & Young, merchants, Vancouver Copeland Abraham, farmer, Vesuvius Bay Abraham, farmer, Salt Spring Island Mrs. D. A., widow, Victoria Frederick, farmer, Chilcoten John, merchant, Keefers John, laborer, Lytton Joseph, labore.', Lillooet Richard, laborer, Victoria Wm., blacksmith, Victoria Waller, farmer, North Saanich Copley Williaai, farmer, Shawnigan Copp Percy, roofer, Vancouver Coppin H., asst. postmaster, Hope Coray James, farmer, Spallumcheen Corbett John, rancher, Xicola Valley " W. J., foreman. New Westmia Bter Corbin D. W., miner, Illecillewsiet u (( (( 10 & Kennedy, miners, Illeciliewiiet Corbould G. E., barrister, Vancouver '' G. E., barrister, New West- minster, Corder Thos. N., expressman, Victoria Cordiner P., blacksmith, Vancouver Corey Geo E., carpenter, Vancouver CortieldGoo. T., postmaster and mer- chant, Cortield Cork August, miner, Wellington Cormack Richard, accountant, Kara- loops Cormalleo Z., miner, Nanaimo Cormia Sam., ferryman. Port Moody Cormick Richard, mill hand, Nanaimo Cormier Samuel, laborer, Vancouver Cornast Edward, farmer, Cowichan Cornellier Rev. P.M.O., O.M. I., New Weetminster !: .! i I fi 106 Henderson's British coLr^^^TA COR COW III Cornish Benjamin J., architect, Van- couver " .Tamen, carpenter, Victoria *« John Chas., "C" Battery, Vic- toria Cornwall Clement F., Ashcroft Henry P., Ashcroft Henry J. P., Ashcroft Corrigan H., brakeman, Donald " H., brakeman C.P.R., Kam- loops " James, laborer, Vancouver " James, hotelkeeper, Hope Corris Mrs. ^iliza, wid Thos., Victoria Corrol James, miner, Lome Creek Corson F. H., engineer C.P.R., Donald- Coryell John A., surveyor & C. E,, Priests Valley, Okanagan Cosgrove Robert, laborer, Vancouver Conllim J. H., carpenter C.P.R., North Bend Coulombe Chas., carpenter, Vancouver Coulson John A., miner, Nanaimo ** W., miner, J^anaimo Coulter Albert Henry, carjtenter Ladner's Landing » David, farmer, North Saanich J. n., carpenter C.P.R., Kara- loops John, miner, Wellington John Hamilton, Nicomen Coulture L., watchman C.P.F., North Bond Conndley M., miner, Nanaimo " N., miner, Nanaimo " W., miner, Nanaimo Conpland Joseph, gijneral store, Van- couver « Cosens Geo. T. S., farmer, Township 13 Coursier Henry N., clerk, Kamlocps Cosmos A., Standard, Victoria Costa Lewis, shiner, Vancouver Costello John, laborer, Vancouver " Michael, tanner, Esquimalt Costertor. Clement, clerk, Yale Costley Thos., planer, Ktsmloops Cote F. , boom tender, Vancouver " Joseph, paiiiier, Pt. Moody Cotsford John, boilermjiker, Victoria Cottin F. C, publisher, A'ancoaver " John, miner, Nanaimo " John, laborer, Victoria Cotlnigham George, Vancouver Cottreil John Austi/i, lumberman, Moodyville Coueson Shopperd, miner, Nanaimo Cough Ian D., painter, Varicouver " Henry, tarrner, Lanuley „ N., carpetiter, Vancouver " Nathaniel, farmer, Langley " W. P., pl)Otf>grapher, Nanaimo Coughlin J.", oar inspector CP.R., South Bim^ ** J. swit< ^ >»»<»»' O.P.r. , Famloops r k i:*U Vicloiitt « 'J ;]■ -A\Hi , Vuficouver Cdl^l^itrey AlfVo(i, butcher, Vancouver CouIU>*# Thomas, rarmer, Chilliwhack Courtney & Dalby, livery, Victoria " Hi, Victoria " Mrs. M. J., wid H. C, Victoria Courto John, miner, Nanaimo Cousins Leonai'd, carpenter, Victoria " Thos., gaMfitter, New Westminster Coutlee A., hotelkeepe'*, Coutleo Coutlie Alexander, farmer, .f'l oola River Couits Alexander, blacksmith, Now- minster Cowan — , Vancouver Chas. B., merchant, Cowichan John, miner, Naniiimo M., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops M. H., merchant, Victoria P., miner, Nanaimo & Shaw,' cannors, 0-wee-kay-noo JShaw&Co., merchants, Victoria Wm., hotelkeeper, Revelstoke Cowderoy John J., dry goods, Van- couver " William, Vancouver Cowes Mrs. A. C, Victoria Cowie — , florist, Victoria " Arch, miner, Nanaimo " J., miner, Nanaimo " James, saloon, Victoria. « u IR ALPHABBTIOAI* DIREOTORT. 1Q% , North icouvei' mo I'penter inich ,, Kam- ,, North e, Van- im loops tori a ctoria ictoria Iminster r.iola 1, Now- vichan imloopa a kajr-noo Victotia stoke Is, Vau- COW ORB Cowie James, printer, Nanaimo Gowlin Wm., b?irtender, Victoria Cowper Capt., Now Wostminstor " Henry M., Yictoria " Jesse, Victoria " W., whHrtinsjfor, Victoria " Wm. H., wharfinjjfer, Victoria Cox Capt. Gastiendi, Vancouver Capt. John G-., Victoria Capi. William, Victoria John, baker, Victoria John, machinist, Victoria « « John S., steward, New West- minster Marcus, farmer, Langley Mrs. Annie, wid. John, Victoria Thos., Victoria W. T., mail clpvk, Vancouver Wm., bricklayer, Nanaimo Coyley Miss Mary L., dressmaker, Vic- toria Cracan Henr}', farmer, South Saanich Craft Wm., merchant, Victoria Cragie Frank, Victoria Craig Alexander, lumberman, Burrard Inlet J., foreman, Vancouver John, farmer, Bonaparte Neil, farmer, Mt. Lehman Ralph, blacksmith, Nanaimo Jioberl, conductor, (Jovvichan W., road master, Vancouver Wm., blacksmith, Nanaimo Craigie Miss E., Victoria Craigao M., foreman C.P.R.,.Kamkop8 Craile Wm., manager, Rockford Crake F., waichmaker. New West- minster " F. J., watchmaker, Rockford Cramer Wm. J., barber, Vancouver Crandell JaniOsGoMon, farmer, Suraas Crane John E., agent, Victoria « John T., Belmont Craswell Joti?;, farmer, Chilliwhack Crate Adolphuw, farmer, Comiaken Craven Webster, miner, East Wel- lington Crawfoird — , agent, Victoria ^jLisriD- WOOLLEN ILL OF ALL KINDS MONTREAU Crawford — , farmer. Cedar District << « a <( « <( (( Alexander, carpenter, Spallum- / cheen Alexander, farmer, South Arm Arthur, Victoria i Byron, farmer, Comox James, lumberman. Vancouver ^ M. F., engineer C. P. R, Donald/ Matthew William, axeman, Kam- , loops / Robert, fanner, North Saanich " Samuel F., teucher, Cimox '' William, carpenter, Vancouver '< Wm. P., Victoria Craze W. F., chainman C.P.R., Donald Croan John, hotelkeeper, Vancouver Crease Arthur, Victoria E. A., barrister, Vancouver Hon., judge, Victoria ** Lindley, clerk, Victoria Creech Edward, farmer, Comox Henry, Victoria Richard, farmer, Comox " W., lithographer, Victoria ; Creed D., foreman, Vancouver ^ Geo., carpenter. Victoria John, painter, Victoria John, garderier, Victoria ■» Creeden John Stewart, Victoria Creitman Duncan R., Vancouver > Cregan Francis, pensioner, Comiaken, Cregg Wm., clerk, Victoria Creig John, Victoria ) Creigher M., foreman C.P.R., Keefers ,. Creighton A., Vancouver David, expresisman, Yale ; F., painter, Vancouver James Wm., sheep farroor, L«8< qa^tilslaud it - 1 1. ■M ii I I?' I 4- i< fv II " i r" jii'i I 'tS. f|;: ^ m :Ml Hi il ; ' -,fg' 4^ I '■ 1^ 1 fli ^1 11 1 r'^'JH II lot' Henderson's British Columbia ORE CUL Creigbton John, Yernon " V/m. D., men^hant, Vancouver Creswel? H. J., architect, Victoria Crete T., shoemaker, Vi'. U)ria Crew H., miner, Nunaimo Crickiiary C. J., carpenter, Vancouver " (yharles Thomas, Vancouver " William, C. E., Vancouver Cridge lit. Kev. Edward, B. A., Bishop ileformod E. Church, Victoria Cridge Miss Klizubeth, Victoria " Miss Ellen, Victoria " Miss Maud, Victoria Cridland Charles, farmer, North Arm Crishohn Roderick, tinner, Lytton Crist Derbett, painter, Victoria Criswell Thomais, tailor, Vancouver Croasdailo H. E., agent, Victoria Crocker Samuel, logger, Chtmainus " W. G., upholsterer, Vancouver Crockfbrd Miss Eihel, Vancouver ** Miss Mary H., Victoria Croft & Angus, merchants, Victoria & Angus, tiavv mill. Maple Bay H., merchant, Chemainus & Henly, hotelkeepers, Victoria Henry, saw mill, Chemainus Henry , engineer, Chemainus N., MP.P., Mi.pleBay llobt., cleik, Vict<u-ia Wm., merchant, Victoria William, laborer. Cache Cieek Croghan Wm., baker, Victoria Cromarty David, farmer, Now West- minster District " James, farmer, Langley " Wm., farmer, Now Westminster District Cromby Aiex., engineer, Wellington Oi'ook J., fireman C.P.K., Kam loops •' Wm., titter C.PR., Donald Crooksley VV.T., watchman C.P.R., Tale Crosbie Francis, railway foreman, Shawnigan Crosby Geo,, restaurant, Victoria " Miss, v., Victoria " Thomas, Lome Creek Crosier 0. M., hackraan, Victoria « « « i< Croson Henry, miner, Wellington Cross D., millhand. New Westminster " John, farmer, Chilliwhack Crossan James, miner, Nanaimo Crossman Geo., restaurafit, Victoria Crotty & Co., livery, Kamloops " F. C, Kamloops " Frank F., carpenter, Yale Crothers D , painter, Victoria Crothers Geo., painter, Victoria ** Geo., tailor, Victoria Crotteau Eugene, clerk, Vancouver Croiicher Rev. C., New Westminster Crow S., millhand, New Westminster ** Wm., clerk, Victoria Crowder John Stanley, produce, Van- couver Crowe Wm., watchman, Nanaimo Crowley Daniel, miner. East Wel- ington Crowther Geo., engraver, Victoria " John, painter, Victoria Crozier Chas. Fabor, iarmer, Spallum. chcen •' James J. H., blacksmith, Clinton *• James, miller, Spallumcheon Cruden Ale.x., carpetjtcr, Vancouver Cruickshank All rod, Victoria '* Geo., agent Bank B.C., Nunaimo Goo., tanner, Victoria Geo., cai-penter, Victoria Cruckshanks Richard, agent, Victoria Crull William J., farmer, Alder Grove Crulman H., engineer C.P.R., Donald Crummer Herbert, Vancouver Crumpton Thomas, Vancouver Crusoe Edward, brewer, Victoria Crulhers Thomas, painter, Vancouver Cubart John, Iarmer, Langley Cuddy Robert, i.iner, Nanaimo Cudiip Wm. lionrx', farmer, Langley Cudney W. chainman C.P.R., Donald Culbest Jas., foreman C.P.R., Dona'' CuUen Charles, clerk, Victoria Philip, laborer, Lillooet « W., printer, Victoria W.H., printer, Victoria CuUigan John, miner, Nanaimo w i ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 109 on minster c lO otoria e a >uver minster linrster ce, Van- itno 8t Wel- ria ^pallum. Clinton ?en ouver unaimo Victoria Grove Donald la ucouver ngley Donald Dona' ' ■ CUL CUT it « « (( <( CuUum Miss M., manager, Victoria Thomas, farmer, Shavvnigan Thomas, grocor, Victoria Thomas F., farmer, Shawnigan Wm., engineer, C.P.N. Co., Victoria Culverwell Chas. Robt., farmer, Boun- dary Bsiy Cumbelier Elias, miner, Wellington Cammings A., clerk, New West- minster Duncan Groo., master of inland steamboat, Osoyoos Francis, farmer, Springfield Henry, waiter, jPort Moody J. H,, ofCummings& Preston, Windermere Mrs. J. L., widow, Victoria & Preston, hotelkeepers. Winder- more B<xl., lumbermar, Port Moody Kobort, cook, Vancouver Cummisky J. S., agent C.P.E., Shus- wap Cumyon W. A., interpreter, Vancouver Cttnnin'rham Geo., blacksmith, New Westminster Geo., clerk. New Westminister H. M., stoves, etc.. New West- minster J., hardware, New Westminster J, A., stoves, New Westminster Jas., foreman C.P.R., Clanwillia n John, waiter, Vancouver Jos., lumberman, Howe Sound N., carpenter, Vancouver P., laborer, Vancouver Peter, miner, Lome Creek R. A. clerk, Victoria Robert, trader, Port Essington Robert, canner, Skenna R. S., C.P.R., Mountain Creek T., stoves. New Westminster Thos., clerk, New Westminster Ountter W., minor, Nanaimo Cura Frank, Esquimalt Road Curnow Michael, farmer, Sconces Bridge « (< K (( (( (( « « (( (( i( •< (( l( (( Curnow Richai'd, merchant and hotel keeper, Spences Bridge Richard, teamster. Cache Creek Rich., rancher, Spences Bridge Currall Wm. D,, merchant, Victoria Curran Edward J., Vancouver " J. P., Vancouver " James, laborer, Vancouver " John, Victoria Curran P. B., guard, New Westminster '' R. S., farmer, Macphersons «' William, farmer, Thetis Island Curren James, car repairer, Vancouver Currie — , bookpr. New Westminster " — , carriage maker. New West- minster Alex., carpenter. New West- minster D., carpenter, Quamichan David, blacksmith. New West- minster Daniel, carpenter, Somenv/d Fletcher, miner, Wellington Henry, farmer. Grand I'rairie Jfis., fireman. New Westminster John, farmer, 17 Mile House R »bt., cigar maker, Nanaimo Samuel, carpenter, Vancouver Thos., ciyar maker, Nanaimo William, laborer, Vancouver William C, New Westminster Currin Simon, lumberman, English Bay Currj' Frank H., clerk, Victoria " H., titter, Vancouver Jas., car oiler C.P.R,, Rovelstoko Jos., miner, Nanaimo Matthew, Vancouver, Thomas, farmer, Osoyoos Thomas, farmer, SimiMcameen Curtis D.S., druggist, New Westminster *• Jan es, wiper C.P.R., Donald Cusack T., Victoria ** Wm. L., clerk, Victoria Gushing Peter L., farmer. Port Moody Cuthbert Geo., miner, Nanaimo " John, trader, Balmoral " OUie, Dormld « it a it a a a li it a a a it ti m I pli! 9) It 11 f^ ';A jfl M pf jWl U r'r iins . 'i". ]m '■m iii 'k3l '!■ |. s f.'^r M '5. ' « •1 > iB if],} 110 HENDERSON'S BRITIBB CUmiBT CUT DAY Cutler Chas. Hicks, farmer, Osoyoos " S., flairymnn, Esqnimult road ■ " S. W., Esq ui malt road Cuvroau Louiw, postmaster and general store, Lytton Cuyscnt Levi, barber, ViVtoria Cydon Char I en, painter, Vancouver Cyr Alfred, loi;fgor, Vancouver Cyrs T.D., hotel keeper, Vancouver D Dade Ed., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops Dafoe Gordon Palmer, farmer, Surry Centre Dailey D. Gr., barber, Nanaimo " John, farmer, Okanajj^on Dakers A., boilermaker, Victoria Dalby John, merchant, Victoria " Wm., manager, Victoria '* William, New Westminster Dale David, Victoria Daley Cornelius, laborer, E.-quimalt " J. J., clerk, Victoria " J. J. & Co., Toys, Victoria James, hoteikeeper, Victoria John,carpenterC.P.R, Kamloops T., fireman C.P.R., North Bend T., watchman C.P.R., Gladwin W., brakeman C.P.R., Kamloops Dales John Henry, farmer, 8ooke Bay " Joseph, farmer, Sooke Dalgarno Eobt., blacksmith, Victoria ' ** Robt., blacksmith, Nanaimo Dallain — , purser, Victoria Dallas J., glazier. Now Westminster Dalloy Edwin, farmer, Nicola Lake Dalton E. C, C.P.R., Salmon Arm Dnly P., foreman C.P.R., Donald Dalziel I)., foreman C.P.U., Donald '* Henry, carpenter, Victoria " J., foreman C. P.R., Albert Canyon Dana Albert John, purchasing agent, Vancouver Dand John, miner, East Wellington (( « « « Danks Geo., miner, Nanaimo Daniels Alf. Hy., farmer, North Arm " Daniel, farmer, North Arm on Mainland Dan., farmer, North Arm John, farmer. North Arm William, farmer, North Arm Dansoreau Louis, clerk, V;incouver Daoust F., waiter, Vancouver Darcy Edward F., carpenter, Maple Ridge Dare Joseph, farmer, Esquimau DarliniT Andrew, Nanaimo N. D., bartender, New West- minster O. E., clerk P.O., New West- minster " W., gardener, Victoria Dart Henry B, hoteikeeper, Boston Bar Dashwood J.W. A., grocer, No\\ minster D; te P., laborer, Vancouver Dauphin Max., Victoria Dauphiney William, Vancouver Davey Emanuel, plasterer, Vancouver " Miss, dressmaker, Victoria ** William, clerk, Vancouver David C. D., wiper C.P.R., Kamloops Jones, woodman C.P.R., Albert Canyon Davidson Alex., messenger, Victoria C. N., jeweller, Vancouver J)an., miner, Nanaimo David, logger, Poit Moody David, laborer, Lake District Miss E. A., teacher, New West- minster E. C, harness maker, Kamloops H., miner, Nanaimo John, farmer. Port Moody John, farmer. Maple Ridge John, miner, Nanaimo Robt., miner, Nanaimo Robt., turner, Victoria Thomas, spar maker, Kamloops Wm., harness maker, New West- minster (I « <( « « ALPHABETICAL DltlEOTORY. n DAY DEA th Arm (( ^rm on (( ■ J (( 1 (( n <( A.rm Dav] )uver « Maple {( « ilt Dav (( WeBt- (( w We&t- it <( (( Boston « « |^^ <( (( (( <s or (( incouver <( )ria <( 7Qr (( imloops « , Albert (1 « ictoria « 'er (( ■ (( )(ly ■ (( strict (( w West- (< (( amloops ' u i\y < igo (( (( (( (( .amloops u Bw West- t( Davie Hon. Alexander E. B., Q. C, Premier, Victoria John C, M.D., Victoria Theodore, U.C, M.P.P., Victoria & Pooley, barristers, Victoria Sant\uel Horace, farmer, Somenos William, farmer, Somenos Davies John, bell boy, Vancouver John Thomas, farmer, South Suanich Mrs., tailoress, Victoria — , Port Mood}' Davis — , carpenter, Victoria A. E., bartender, Victoria & Beveridge, merchants, Na- naimo Chas., laborer, Victoria D., min(r, Nanaimo Daniel B., clerk, Esqulmalt D. M., carpenter, Vancouver D.T , miner, Nanaimo David, shoemaker, Victoria Elisha, miner. Cedar District Chas., janitor, Victoria E. A., waiter, Vancouver E. L., miner, Nmaiino E. L., miner, Wellington Geo., brewer, Nanaimo H., & Son, painters, Kamloops Henry, farmer. South Saanich Henry, farmer. South Arm Ivor, miner, Nanaimo Jas. W., boatman, Esquimalt J. P., & Co., auctioneers, Victoria John, Victoria John, bartender, Nanaimo John, miner, Nanaimo John, miner, East Wellington Jonathan, bartender, Vancouver Jose|th, printer, Victoria Joseph K., painter, Vancouver L., dry goods, Donald L. T., M. D., Nanaimo Levi, farmer. Salt Spring Island Levi, farmer, Central Settlement M. J., agent, Victoria Miss, dressmaUer, Victoria Miss Mattie, Vancouver n Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARE & CO., General Selling Agents^ 726 CRAI O ST., - MONTREAI. , Davis Miles Calhoun, herder, Kamloops " P. J., clerk, Victoria ** R., hotelkeeper, Victoria '• E., operator C.P.R . ,Roger'8 Pass Rich. Chris., farmer, Cedar Hi'i T. J., miner. Nanaimo « Thos., miner, Wellington W. C, miner, Nanaimo W. L., Vancouver Wm., moulder, Victoria William, machinist, Vancouver Davy Frank, Naval Yard, Esquimalt " *F. W., clerk P.O., Victoria " Jos., miner, Nanaimo Dawsnap Albert, boilermkr., Victoria " Joseph, fireman, Victoria Dawson, Bole & Co., druggists, Donald " C, bartender, Vancouver Henry, farmer, Maple Ridge John W., draughtsman, Van- couver Mrs. Mary, widow, Victoria Dawzay Norman,carpenter,Vancouver Day Adolphus Gr., Victoria "■ Adolphus H., Victoria " Fred. B., laborer, Vancouver '* William, butcher, Vancouver Daykin Israel, miner. East Wellington Deacon MisH Emma, Victoria " Miss Fanny, Victoria •* G., car repairer, Vancouver " John, farmer, Mayno Island " William, farmer, Mayne Island Deagon Dennis, carpenter, Victoria Dean — , Victoria '* Mclntyre D., farmer, South Saanich " Oliver, miner, Victoria " Solomon, farmer, South Saanich « <( % m t: -H i 1 112 HENDERSON'S. BRITISH COLUMBIA $ '■im. DBA DBS Deans George, farmer, Cedar Hill " John F., farmer, Oak Vale, C.H. Donmitk Edwin, moulder, Yictoria " Henry, moulder, Victoria Dearbey A. E., collector, Victoria " Thomas, printer, Victoria Dearden Geo. A., M. 1)., Victoria Deardon F., fiirmer, Chilcoton Deasy Daniel, Victoria Miss liizzic, Victoria MissMury, Victoria ThoH., chief fire dept., Victoria Thoman, reporter, Victoria Wm., fireman, Victoria Wm., Victoria DoBeck Clarence H., director B.S.M. Co., New WeHtminnter " Howard L., myr. B.S.M. Co., IVew Westminster " Mrs. Warren, widow, New West- minster DcCandia M. A. E.. grocer, Victoria Decliesne Chas., carpenter, Vancouver Decker J., foieman C'.P.I?., Knmloops " .rohn, (saloonkeeper, V^ict()riu DeeA\ illiam, operator C. P. 11., Victoria DeebJe W. D., l»utclier, Nanaimo Deep Joseph, millhand, New West- minster Defo Gordon, farmer, Clover Valley Defena Tony, laborer, Vancouver Degan Dennis, millhand, Victoria Degnen James, liirnier, Gabriola Island John, fanner, Gabi-iola Island Thos., farmer, (Jaltriola Island Dei by M., foreman, North Bend Doighton Eichard, saddler, Yalo Dekider Peter, millhand, Victoria Delahy Wm., miner, East Wellington Delaney James, mgr. J, B. Wright, Toad Mt. Delong E. O., bliicksmifh, Vancouver " Wm., Victoria DeLorrier Amos, farmer, Okanagan Delta Canning Co., salmon canners, Lad net's Landing , Hotel, Thos.McNeely,proprietor Ladner's Laoding (( Dement Gilbert, miner, Wellington Demers L. 0., porter, Victoria Demmick Henry, Victoria " Ed., moulder, Victoria Dempsay John, millhand, Moody ville Dempscy Bernard, lumberman, English Bay " D., foreman C.P.R., Griffin Lake " Hugh, restaurant, Nanaimo Dempster A. R, brakeman, Kamloops *' & Beek,carriage makerSjVictoria " Chas., clerk, Victoria Peter W., Victoria Walter, Victoria " Wm. A., Vancouver Dempter Wm. Hatrick,salmon packer, Deneschand Ed.B.,operator,New West- minster Deney William, Donald ** &Devine. gen store. Toad Moun- tain Denman A., engineer C.P.R., Donald Denning Jas,, miner, Nanaimo Dennis 0. G., constable. Fort Steele " Pierre, farmer, Ukanagon Mis- sion Denneson W. D., miner, Nanaimo Dennj' Geo., collector, Victoria " J., machinist, Victoria Densdal W., watch man C.P.R.,Spuzzum Deportin Chas. A., fireman, Victoria Derby Ellis Luther, civil engineer, Riverside Derocho Joseph, teamster, Sumas •' Jos., mason, Vancouver Derraugh Alex. F., mant., Vancouver DesBrisay — ,millhand. New Westmin- ster Alex., New Westminster J., fitter, Vancouver M., grocer, New Westminster Miss, milliner,New Westminster Mrs., widow. New Westminster " S., agent, Victoria Deshiclds Joseph, laborer, Lillooet Desjardines Benjamin, Vancouver Deslily Jerry, cook C.P.R., Donald Desormiers Charles, Vancouver « i< ALPHABETICAL CIRieOTOaT. 113 DES DIL Despar Joseph, mill hand, New West- minster Desroches Joseph, mason, Vancouver Desrosiers John, carpenter, Vancouver " Michael, foreman, Vanconvor Dessoult Joseph, farmer, Do^ Ci'eek DeVeer J., journalist, Victoria Deven Frank, laborer, Victoria Devoudle Wm. Ernest, farmer. South 8aanich DeVeulle Fred. E., bookpr, Victoria '• Wm. E., Victoria Dovereux Capt. John, dockmaster, Esquimau Drv Dock " W. E., C. E. & Land Surveyor, Victoria Do Vers Chas., miner, Nanaimo Devine Harry T., photographer, Van- couver " John, auditor, Vancouver " John, farmer, Quamichan Devlin Edward, miner, Nanaimo F., C.P.R.detective, North Bend H., miner, Nanaimo J. C, grocer, Victoria James, miner, Nnnaimo Robt. B., clerk, Victor*'* " Thos., bartender, Donald Devoy Fred., mill hand,New Westmin- ster Dewar Don., lumberman, English Bay " Donald, miner, Lorno Creek Dewdney N., govt agent, Vernon Dewear Aneas, farmer, Okaiiagon Dewett J. D., builder, Vancouver Dewitt Ja job W., brewer, Vancouver " Joseph N., brewer, Vancouver M iss Josephine, dressmaker, Vancouver Miss Louisa, dressmaker, Van- couver Miss Rosa, dressmaker, Vancou- ver Dewsnap A., boilormaker, Victoria " Frank, clerk, Victoria > DeWolf Geo. M., managing director, Vancouver " Joha W., clerk, Vancouver (I « « « « « « DeWolf Smith W. A., surgeon, New Westminster D'Herbonez Rt. rev. vicar A., O.M.L, New Westminster Dick Archibald, Inspector of Mines, Nanaimo " John, miner, Nanaimo " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Dickons James, teamster, Spences Bridge Dickey Chas. H., E. & N. Ry.,Victoria " Herbert, E. & N. Ry., Victoria " James, farmer, Blackhill " Nathaniel, salesman, Chemainus Dickie George, laborer, Vancouver Dickinson C. E., clerk, Victoria " Hugh, asst manager Wellington Colliery, Wellington John, miner, Nanaimo L., merchant, Victoria Mrs., teacher, Victoria Percy, clerk, Victoria R., butcher. New Westminster W. E., drayman,New Westmins- ter William, miner, Nanaimo Wm. Emer8on,lumberman,Howe Sound Wm. W., butcher, New West- minster Dickson James, farmer, Esquimalt " Lindsa}'', M.D., Victoria " Wm., merchant, Victoria " Wm. S., Victoria Dicky Kobert, mason, V^incouver Diebel Albert, baker,New Westminst^^r Dier William Alfred, Victoria iJigby Charles, steward, New West- minster " J., compositor. New Westminster Dii;nall H., machinist, Victoria Dillon B. F., hotelkeeper, Esquimalt Road Charles, cutter, Victoria Chas., clerk, Esquimault Road Edward, clerk, Victoria Ed. F., clerk, Esquimalt Road George, Victoria « « (( (( (( « « (( ;|t;' Ml i I -it| •; '\ ill II Dingle William, baker, Crni<rflower Dingwall & Hoffard, Shingle Mill, Port Moody Dingwall W. M., trader, Comox Dlnny William, Victoria Dinsdale B. C, bricklayer, Victoria Dinsmore A., cooper, Vancouver " Abraham, Vancouver *' T. W., messenger, Vancouver Dinwoodie Mary, cadet S. A., Victoria Diplock Arthur B., crockery, Van- couver Dirber Harry, clerk, Victoria Disbrey William, mill man, EJarrison River Discon George, laborer, Vancouver Disney Ed., carpenter, Mt Lehman " Harold, carpenter, Vancouver Ditchara rev. G., Now Westminster Ditchem George, Chilli whack Divis J., laborer, Vancouver Dixon Charles, clerk, Vancouver Daniel. miner. East Wellington Edward John, Victoria J. D., hotel keeper, Wellington James, engineer C.P.R. John, laborer, Vancouver John, Victoria Joseph Maron, Wostham Island Roscoe, janitor, Vancouver Thos., miner, Nanaimo W. Charles, stage driver, Yale " William, machinist, Victoria Doan Mrs. Charlotte E., wid Jos., Vic- toria " Miss Margaret, Victoria Dobinson Joseph, taxidermist, Victoria ** T. Sydney, chief clerk naval yard, E-iquimalt Dobbin Thos. Sydney, clerk.Esquimalt Dobson Benjamin, farmer, Shawnigan Dockeel & Bailey, Port Moody Dockerill J. C.,accountant, New West- minster Dockrill Jo8., carpenter, Port Moody " Miss, teacher, New Westminster Dockrith G. M., teacher, New West- minster « u (( « (( (( « (( « « Dockstadder 0. M., laborer, Vancouver DocksteMdor Archibald, merchant,Port Hammond " D.,po8tma8ter, and general store, Port Haney " Daniel, farmer, Maple Ridge Dodd Capt. John, Victoria " Martin D., hotelkeeper, Gorge Retreat C. H. Martin E., clerk« Victoria Mrs. W. W., postmaster & gen store, Vanwinkle William, miner, Nanaimo William, govt agent, Lytton Dodgson Herbert, engineer, Victoria " Lewis, farmer, Barnstone Island Doddridsre C, carpenter, Vancouver Dodds H. T.,printer,New Westminster " Tho«»., cooper, naval yard, Esqui- mau " William, miner, Wellington Doohring Charles, brewery .Vancouver Doherty George, saloon, Victoria *' J. W., filer, Vancouver " John, scavenger, Victoria Doisj D., bank clerk, Victoria " James, conductor, Vancouver ** William, jun.,laborer, Vancouver Dolan J.J., blacksmith, Vancouver ** Joseph, cook. Kanaka Bar Pat., miner, Nanaimo Peter, blacksmith, Vancouver Doll L. H., jeweller, Donald Dominy Mrs. M., nurse. New West- minster ** Thos., laborer, New Westminster Domata Nicola, laborer, Vancouver Don J., watchman C.P.R. Snowshods Donahoe C, upholsterer, New West- minster Donahue Michael, farmer, Comox Donald J. M., grocer. New Westmiin- ster " R. C, grocer. New Westminster Donaldson Alexander A., Victoria " Mrs. Isabella, Victoria " Wm., farmer, Okanagon Mission Donanto Z,, miner, Nanaimo « / ALPHABETICAL IRUOTORT. 115 DON DOW (( Donatillo Geo., laborer C.P.R., Donald DonherEd., laborer, Oyster Harbour Donnally Jolin, engineer, New Weiit- minsler District Donnelly Edwin, Victoria " C, operator C.P.E., Keefers / " Geor^re, farmer, Okana^on " Mrs. Ellen, wid John, Victoria " Sam., painter. New Westminster Donovan Pat. H., architect, Victoria " Stephen S., carpenter, Victoria D('ole John, laborer, Chemainus Doran Edward P., teacher, Victoria " J„ machinist, Victoria John, hotel keeper, Esquimalt Road John, ship corker, Victoria L., brakeman, Kamloopa Dorman Jacob, Vancouver " W. H., P.O. inspector, Victoria Doubt John, woodman C.P.E., Eovel- stoke Doucette Thomas, foreman C.P.R., Shuswap Dougall Alex., farmer. Mud Bay " Frank, mail clerk, Vancouver " John, son., hotelkeeper, Van- couver " John, jr., clerk, Vancouver Dougan James jr., farmer, Cowichan " JamoH, farmer, Shawn igan " Joseph, farmer, Shawnigan Dougherty Ed., farmer, Grave Creek " John, laborer, Port Moody " Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, Victoria " & Savage, Haloon, Victoria " Thos., Victoria Jail, Victoria Doughty Goo , merchant, Victoria " James, merchant, Victoria " Geo. & J., merchants, Victoria " W. & J., brush factory, Victoria DoagiuM — , driver, Victoria " Alol, fisherman, Salt Spring Lsland A bel, fisherman, Beaver Point Adam, farmer, Matsqui Benjamin, saddler, New West- minster THe HiH Electric nu. (Ltd.), AND SUPPLY CO. MONTREAL. Manfr. of ELECTRIC WIBKS, CABLES, Instra. raents and Supplies of every desoriptiou, (See adv't page 6.) Douglas Henry, laborer, Vancouver J., laborer. Now Westminster J. E., liquors, Vancouver John, sen., farmer, Douglas Lake tt .(I « (( « « John, iun., farmer, Douglas Lake John, laborer, Vancouver Packing Co., Naas River J. D., Warren agent, Victoria R., Cowichan Richard, carpenter, Victoria '• Thomas, laborer. Lake District Douglass Mrs. J. M., hotel, Vancouver " Lady Amelia, widow, Victoria Doull William, shoemaker, Kootenay Doupe Charles, farmer, Kamloops " Samuel, farmer, Quamichan Dourke Chas., farmer, Surry Centre Dove Douglas D., farmer, Vancouver " Spencer, farmer, Vancouver Dover F., baggageman, Vancouver Dow Alex., turner C. P. R., Albert Canj'on " Thomas, farmer. Lulu Island Dowdall John, miner, Yale Dowell Richard, E.&K Ry., Victoria Dowlen E. J., manager, Vancouver Dowler W. J., city clerk, Victoria Dowling F. W., operator, Vancouver « John, farmer, Oregon Jacks Downe Miss M., Victoria Downer Henry, plumber, Victoria " Richard, storeman N. Yard, Bft- quinialt Downey John James, farmer, North Saanich " H., printer, Kamloops Downie J., mill hand, Nanaimo '* John, boat builder, Vancouver " Major, Victoria i :i ! * ! i; 1 h v U "iK! m i:f : I ■■■■ ■1? i 1 1 y iffi ^. O f<'^.. rtS IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t n ^ // ^/ .V A ,v '4^ 1.0 [ifKsi I.I 11.25 2.5 1^^ mil 2.0 1.4 11.6 Photpgraphic Sciences Corporation n WiST MAIN STRUT (716)Sn-4503 '<!V m 4^ i \ ,/ ;V 116 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA DOW DUK « « Downie Richard L., Cole Island «* T., chief dispatcher, Donald W., a88t.supt C.P.R., Vancouver Wm., sail maker, Victoria DojMe Andrew, minor, Wellington " Andrew, stoker, Vancouver " James, ifuard, New Westminster " John, laborer, Lytton " Wm., miner, Nunaimo Drable G.F., surveyor, Comox Driver C, salmon packer, 0-wee-key- noo " W., salmon packer, 0-wee-kay- noo Drake B. H. T., law stii'lent, Victoria «' M.W.T.,Q.C., Victoria Richard, plasterer, Victoria Samuel, sheriff Nanai mo District Nanaimo W. T., merchant, Victoria Johnston & Helmcken, barristers, Victoria Draney — , moulder, Victoria " Robt., cannery, Victoria Draper Jus. Nelson, secretary, New Westminster " Thos., ugent, Victoria Drawt John, baker, Victoria Dreard Hotel, Victorir. Drew Richard, sr., miner. East Wel- lington " Richard, jr., miner, East Welling- ton " William, miner. East Wellington Drickson James, farmer, Metchosin Bring William, farmer, Chemainus Drinkwater Joseph, farmer, Somenos " Joseph, carpenter, Vancouver *' Joseph, carpenter. Clover Valley " William, farmer, Somenos Driscoll Daniel, driver, Victoria " Dennis, driver, Victoria J. J., fuel agent, Donald John, Victoria " Michael, laborer, Kootenay Drosdwick Mrs. Maiy, Victoria Drummond — , oounciller, Maple Bay & Benoit, Ghilcoten ti {( (( « (( << Drummond E. B., farmer, Chilcotea " Hugh, farmer, Comiaken James Martin, Thompson River Mortimer G., rancher, Victoria R. F., mail clerk. New West- minster William, carpenter, Vancouver Dryden T. K., laborer, Vancouver Drysdale D., dry goods, New West- minster George, clerk. Now Westminster Robt., Nanaimo Wm., carpenter, Victoria Dubball John., laborer, Lo"f?er Nicola Dubberl}^ Joseph, mariner, Vancouver J)ub^ H., fitter C.P.R., Donald Dubois Peter, mason, Vancouver Ducar Joseph, miner, Wellington Ducca John, miner, Nanaimo Duck Albert Wm., farmer, Eamloops Jacob, farmer. South Thompson Simeon, M.P.P., city assessor and collector, Victoria Dudgeon James, butcher, Victoria " Robert, bookkeeper, Vancouver Dudeley Elijah, miner, Wellington Dndwjire Alf., fisherman. Fort Simpson Duff Alex., laborer, Salmon River Miss Bell, milliner, Victoria Jas, millhund, New Westminster " Thomas, farmer. Port Moody Duffey Mat., Nanaimo " Patrick, farmer. Cherry Creek " Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver Duffy And., bartender. New West- minster Dufour W., auctioneer, Vancouver Dufresne Fred., barber, Kamloops " Lee, barber, Vancouver " & Leblanc, barbers, Kamloops Dugan A., miner, Wellington DuggerW., watch man C.P.R., Spuzzum Duguid John S., laborer, Vancouver Duhamel Charlos, grocer, Vancouver " Frank, Vancouver " Henry, hotelkoeper, Vancouver " Joseph, bartender, Vancouver Duke H. A., oigar maker, Victoria Du ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 117 er 3t- It. 3r la I DUK DYE (( (( (( (( Dakes George J., farmer, Salt Spring Island " Walter J., farmer, Salt Spring Island Dun, Wiman & Co., mercantile agency, Victoria Dumbleton Henry, mariner, Victoria Dunaven Thomas,farmer,Ljiko District Dunbar Fred., farmer, Spaliumcheen " James, laborer, Vancouver Duncan Erie, farmer, Comox Oliver, farmer, Comox Jobn A., M.D., Victoria Robert, farmer, Comox W., harnesgmaker, Victoria W. A.., New Westminster W. C., farmer, Quamicban William, Missionarv,Metlakatlah William, farmer, Comox William, farmer, Spallumcheen William C, farmer, Quamicban Dunda8 Jobn, laborer, Spences Bridge Duneau W. A., bookkeeper, New Westminster Dunlop H., miner. East Wellington Dunlevy — , Victoria ** James, plasterer, Vancouver " P. C, Soda Creek Dunmore Robert, laborer, Vancouver Dunn Alexander, minister, Langley Edwin, tisberman, Victoria Hugb, laborer, Esquimalt James, engineer, Vancouver Jobn, farmer, Sumas Niicbael, farmer, Mayne Island Micbael, carpenter. New West- minster Morice, plumber, Victoria " Robt., overman, East Wel- <( (( « ti tt ington (( Thomas, hardware, Vancouver Wm. R., clerk, Vancouver Dunne Joseph, farmer, Spallumcheen Dunnen John, carpenter, Vancouver Dunniugton Wm., driver, Victoria Dunsmore Robt., miner, Wellington Dunsmuir Abram, cooper, Vancouver Alex., Victoria <( DunsmuirJames, Victoria James, Departure Bay R., & Sons, prop«». Wellington Colliery, Wellington & Victoria Robt., M. P.P., Victoria Dnnstan — , carpenter, Vancouver " W., miner, Welliugton Dunston W. T., detective, Victoria Dunville Miss Minnie, New West- minster ** Theopbiius, farmer, Cbilliwhack Dupey Tlieophilus, fiarmer, Nanoose Dupont Miss Clara, Victoria " Major, Victoria Duprat Justin, farmer, Thompson River Duprd Abram, driller, Vancouver Dupus John, woodman C.P.R., Revel- stoke Durance John, farmer. Lake District Durand rev. father P. P., St. Peter's church, Nanaimo Durham — , waiter, Victoria •' Alex., Nanaimo " Jobn Henry, merchant, Victoria " Thos., restaurant, Victoria Durick J., Golden Durien Rt. Rev. P. P., O.M.I., New Westminster Durward Miss E., millinery, Nanaimo Dutcau Vincent, farmer, Okanagon Dutnali George, farmer, Esquimalt Duval John, turner, Vancouver •* Louis, farmer. Rose Hill Farm Duvie W., oilman, Vancouver Duvier A., engineer C.l*.R., Kamloopa Dwyer F. C, waiter, Victoria ♦' James, carpenter, Victoria James, IbremanC.P.R., Lytton John, tarmer. Lake District John C, farmer, Quamiohan^ Jodeph, Victoria Philip, clerk, Quamicban William, mason, Vancouver W. J., joiner, Victoria Dyat R. H., foreman, Vancouver Dyer Fred., fireman C.P.R., Kamloope [ " George, laborer, Vancouver (( « « if i '•I i II. I Hi •i4-' X 118 Henderson's bbitish ooluubia DYE BDW Djer William Henry, laborer, North Suaniol) Dyker A. C, tiler. New Westminster " Wm., laborer, New Westminster Dykes I., miner, Nanuimo <' James, miner, Nanuimo E « Bade John, farmer, Cedar District Eades H., barber. New Westminster *' John, laborer, Lake District Eagan Peter, contractor, Clintou Eaman Edwai-d, laborer, Vancouver Eamon H., Vancouver Earl Ed., carpenter, New Westminster " John, miner, Nanaimo Thomas G-., farmer, Lytton Thos. G., rancher, Lytton Wm., postmaster, Nanaimo Earle Thos., merchant, Victoria Earls William, wharfinger, Vancouver Eai'non Edgar, Vancouver Earnshaw Byron, farmer, Nicola Earsman John, clerk H.B.Co., Victoria Earteifail Louis, miner, Nanaimo Earthorn Henry, miner, Nanaimo Easson Alex., miner/Iexada Island East Wellington Coal Co., Wm. S. Chandler, supt.. East Wellington Eastman C, upholsterer, New West- minster Eostrup C, baggageman C.P.R., Kam loops Eastwood F., miner, Nanaimo " James, cook, Chemainas " T., miner, Nanaimo " W. U., hotel keeper, Vernon Eaton Albert, Vancouver A. S., carpenter, Vancouver Chas., miner. East Wellington Charles, New Westminster Edward, clerk, Vancouver George, carpenter, Vancouver George, lumberman, Jervis Inlet Geo., teamster, Victoria John, driveri Vanoouver « « (( Eaton J. L., carpenter, Vancouver " Wm., lumberman, Howe Sound Ebbstrup C, conductor C.P.B., Kam<- loops Eberts D. M., barrister, Victoria " Duncan W., M. D., Wellington " & Taylor, barristers, Victoria Eburne Wm. Henry, farmer, North Arm Eccles James, miner, Nanaimo " Jas. S. P., miner, Nanaimo " Jno., miner, Nanaimo Eckersley names, expressman,Victoria " Thos., engineer C.P.R.,Kamloops Eckert Chtts., clerk, Victoria ** Wm., grocer, Victoria Eckholm John, fisherman, Mayne Is- land ' Eckstein — , barrister, New Westmins- ter ^ ^^' "^''^'v. " v., fireman, Vancouver Eden Frank, farmer, Spallumcheen Edgar George, teacher. Port Essington Eddy F. M., mill hand. New West- minster Edgar Gordon, lumberman, Moody- ville " Magnus, farmer, Gabriola Island Ed^8 Samuel, farmer, Langley " Samuel, farmer, Maple Ridge Edgerton William, tbreman C.P.B., Albert Canyon Edgson Milton, farmer, Cowichan Edman Wm. H., accountant, Victoria Edmandson Geo., clerk, Victoria Edmond E., miner, Nanaimo '* Wm., miner, Nanaimo Edmunds H. V., real estate, New Westminster " W., engineer U.P.R., Kamloopa " W. il., luw student, New West- minster " William, pressman, Victoria Edwards B., laborer, Vancouver David, shoemaker. Van Winkle Fred., wiper C.P.R., Revelstoke G. S., miner, Nanaimo « G. P., waiter, Viotoiria it ti AliPHABETIOAL DIREOTORT. 119 EDW ELL (( (( (( (( <( it <( II <( ({ (( Edward H. J., operator C.P.R., Griffin Lake Henry, farmer, MatAqui John E., farmer, North Saanich John T., farmer, Thompson River Miss Lizzie, T'ictoria Patrick, farmer, Matsqui Richard, blacksmith, Vancouver Thos. W., watchmaker, Victoria W., carpenter, Vancouver W., brakeman C.P.R., Kamloops William, expresHmaii, Vancouver Wm., guard. New Westminster Wm., & Co., miners, Wellington Egan Mrs., laundrj', Vancouver Eggert Jules, watchmaker, Vancouver Ehalt Joseph, farmer. Pavilion Ehemke Honry, farmer, Spallumcheen Eickhott' Fred., merchant, New West- minster " Miss, milliner. New Westminster Ekholm John, farmer, Galiano Island Eldon George, gardener, Vancouver Elford John, contractor, Victoria " Pat., farmer, Victoria " & Smith, brickmakers, Victoria " Iheophilias, farmer, Foul Bay, CeUar Hill Eligh — , dairyman, Vancouver «' Hamilton, Vancouver Elkines James, farmer, Langley Elkington William H., farmer. Maple Bay Elkins S., carpenter C.P, Donald Ella F. W., merchant, Victoria " Henry P., bookkeeper, Victoria " Mrs. M. B., widow Hy., Victoria Ellard James, & Co., dry goods, New Westminster " Sidney, clerk, New Westminster Ellery Geo., gardener, Victoria El ley Reuben, butcher, New West- minster Ellice Mrs. Alice, seamstress, Victoria Elliott Andrew Chas., barrister, Yale " Anthony, paper hanger, Victoria « D. H., minei', Nanaimo LEATHER ETIN6. jfnnoi Onig and St Antoioe StB« MONTRIAk. Elliott F., Rock Creek ** Francis, laborer, Esquimalt Frederick, clerk, Vancouver Henry, teamster, New West- minster Henry John, hotel keeper, Yale- John, laborer, Vancouver John, car repairer, Vancouver John, laborer, Victoria Mrs. Capt. Ed., New Westmins ter Miss Francis, Vancouver R., clerk, Victoria S. E., conductor C.P.R., Kam- loops Thomas, carpenter, V^ictoria Thomas, laborer, Cowichan W., conductor, Vancouver W., conductor, Kamloops W., miner, Nanaimo W, J., harnessmaker, Victoria Wm., laborer, Victoria Wm., stone mason, Victoria Ellis — , laborer. New Westminster A., printer, Victoria Charles, barber, Vancouver & Co., props. I%e Colonist, Vic- toria George, farmer, Surry Centre Geo., driver. New Westminster Henry, miner. East Wellington John, shoemaker. New West- minster John, Vancouver John, laborer, Vancouvwi Louis, miner, Wellington R. y., mail clerk, Vancouver Robei't, miner, Wellington Thomas, stock raiser, Penticton « « « (( it « « « « « « (C (( « «( (C It tt It tt tt ■!i n If. ji-fM i.f ( ' ^fv m ■'i L-> ■■ .t A i m ^ ■•1 1 i 1 m 120 HBNDEBSON'S BRITISH COLUHBTA ELL EUS Ellis Wm., waiter, South Thompson " Wm., hotelkeeper, Van Winkle ^' William, blacksmith, Victoria , " William H., publii*her, Victoria Ellison Price, blacksmith, Okanagon ^" Eobert, mill hand, Vancouvei* Ellreck George, upholsterer, Victoria Ellsworth D., laborer, Victoria " James, bricklayer, Victoria « W. H., moulder, Victoria Ellwood H. J., clerk, Vancouver Ell worth R, J., operator, Vancouver Elly JJueben, steward. New Westmins- ter Elmore J., laborer, Vancouver Eiphonstone Ernest, clerk, Victoria " L., milliner, Victoria Elsdale — , moulder, Victoria Blsham H., waiter C.P.R., North Bend Elson W., conductor C.P.R., Kam loops Elvin George, drayman, Victoria West Elwood -T., turner C.P.R., North Bend Klwyn Mrs. Rebecca, wid.T., Victoria Emai'd Joseph, electrician, Vancouver Emblem I. 0., miner, Nanaimo " Isaac, miner, Chase River, Nanaimo Emerick Con., miner, Nanaimo " E., miner, Nanaimo Emerson Ai'thur, waiter, ISew West- minster Edward, lumberman, Vnncouver Louis, waiter. New Westminster Emery — , mill hand, Victoria " John, farmer, Oakland, 0. H. " Thomas, mason, Vancouver " Wm., merchant, Victoria Emmett N. S., cai'penter C.P.R., Donald Emptage William, servant, Langley Emptz A. J. , blacksmith. Eagle Pass Endean Henry, butcher, Vancouver " John Wm., foreman, Vancouver Enderby Mill, Welch, Rithet & Co., proprietors Engelhard Arthur F., clerk P. C., Victoria " J. F.E.,customs broker, Victoria « Engelhard Paul, cooper, Victoria England J., clurk, Vancouver " W., foreman, Vancouver Engloman V., barber, Vancouver English Miss Annie, Victoria " & Co., fish packers. Lulu Island " Doc, Vancouver " John, farmer, Sumas " M. M., Lulu Island Ennis G., driller, Vancouver Enos John Richmond, Nanoose Bay Enright J. F., tailor, Vancouver Ensly Mrs. Capt., New Westminpter Eporon Geo., farmer, Vesuvius Bay Erb Levi, brewer, Victoria Ercole W., Canoe Pass Eriksson Ivan, teamster, Port Moody Ermatinger E. J., manager Eraser Canyon House, North Bend Ernico E., foreman C.P.R., Kamloops Erns J., foreman C.P.R., Port Moody Errington Thos., farmer. North Arm Erskine A. B., merchant. Victoria •* R., Victoria Ertue Alfred, blacksmith, Victoria " John, teamster, Victoria Erwin David, farmer, Nicola Valley " Jas., farmer, Ladner's Landing " Walter, lumberman. Moody ville Escalet E., hotelkeeper, Victoria Esoott £., i:niner, Nanaimo Esdale T., seaman, Victoria Eslick Joseph, miner, Wellington Esnouf Richard B., clerk, Victoria Esquimau & Nanaimo Ry., Victoria •* Water Works Co., Victoria Essonmin Frs., boilermaker, Victoria Estes Andrew J., Victoria « Misses M. F. & A. E., dress- makers, Victoria " Wm. S., porter, Victoria Estricks Mrs. P. A., widow Andrew, Victoria Etherdge Archie, clerk, Victoria Etheridge E., mill hand, Victoria Etlushanks Charles, miner, Kamloops Eustes J. B., agent O.P.R., Glacier House JBval 4( (( (( <( (( ■ii\ it ■tl\ ALPHABETICAL DiaSCTORT. 12t EYA FAL JBvans — , councillor, Mapio Bay Aaron, miner, Nanaimo Alfred, steward Officers' Club, Esquimau Benjiimin, usher S. C, Victorw Daniel, Quamichan David, farmer, Somenos David, tailor, "Vancouver Edmond, miner, Wellington E. W., compositor, Vancouver F., brakoman, Vancouver F. R., minor, Nanaimo Filitcroft, farmer, Esquimalt, Disctrict Fredcroft, stenographer, Vic- toria Geo. C, merchant, Victoria H., dork, Vancouver Henry, farmer, Som^os Honry Hughes, farmer, Cad- boro Bay, Ce3ar Hill J., Victoria " J., brukeman, Vancouver ** J. C, merchant, Victoria James, farmer, Quamichan John N., farmer, Somenoa John, Quamichan Jo.?., miner. Wild Horse Creek Mrs. C, hotolkeoper, Victoria Oliver H., teamster, Clinton Bobt., of Gough & Evans, Nanaimo T., watchman C.P.R., Warnock T. L., miner, Kanaimo Thos., miner, Nanaimo Thomas, clerk C.P.R., Donald Thos. J. P., clerk, Donald ■•* W. H., engineer, Vancouver -*' W. H,, brakeman, Vancouver •*' W. W., merchant, Victoria " W. W., & Co., pork packers, Vic- toria " Wm,, merchant, Victoria " Wra., miner, Nanaimo " Wm., gardener, Victoria " William, Yalo Gveleigh Sydney, architect, Van- confer (( (( it <( (( (I 4i ii it ■ {( ■ H ■it 4( 4t Everall Geo. Thomas, laborer, Yale Everett Patrick, innkeeper, Esqui- malt Hoad " Wm., farmer, 22 Mile House Everton George, Baptist minister, South Suanich " Rev. George, Salt Spring Ii^land Ewen Alexander, cannery, New West- minster " & Co., fish packerH, New West minster Ewer James, Victoria Extence Hy., gardener, Vancouver Eyles Benjamin, watchman. New Westminster F Fader Albert, merchant, Vancouver " Elijah, clerk, Vancouver " Mtiynard P., clerk, Vancouver " Silas, clork, Vancousror Faerbrother George, brewer, Victoria Fagan Ciias., M.D., New Westminster " James vS,, clerk, Vancouver " Joseph E., clerk, Vancouver " W. L., tax collector. New West- minster " W. L., clerk, Vancouver Fairburn D T., journalist, Kamloops " J. G., shoemaker, Nanaimo Fairfield Andrew, carpenter, Victoria " A., carpenter, Victoria Fairon Alphon^}t^, of Fairon & Miller, Vancouver " & Miller, Stag & Phosant hotel, Vancouver Falding W. H., registrar, New West- minster Palerdo — , laborer, Langley Fales W. E., undertaker, New West- minster Falk P. M., jeweller, Victoria Fellowfield Robert, fireman, Surry Centre " Tom, farmer, Surry Centre Falsher J., mii\w, Nanaimp n r-l 1, , (., m 4M' Vi K'H i I 122 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA FAN FEK Fanall Miss M., Victoria Fannin John, curator P.M., Victoria " John, Khocmukcr, Hastings Farkins J. T., foreman C.P.R., Cisco Farlej' B., watchman C.P.R., Keefors " Benjamin, chemist, Kamloops " Geo. W., clerk " The World," Vancouver Farmer — , car cleaner, Vancouver " S. D., dining hall, Vancouver Farnsworth James,furmer, Shuwnigan " Thomas, farmer, Shuwnigan Faro Charles, miner, Nanaimo Farquliar JohrJ, bartender, Victoria Farr Edward, bricklayer, Vancouver " Joseph, farmer, Farr's Landing " W., bricklayer, Vancouver " W., foreman ma.soD, Vancouver FarrallP., miner, Nanaimo " Pat., convict guard, Victoria Farrell Pat., jun., Victoria ♦' Wm., boatman, Esquimalt Farrer Thos., farmer, Morth Ann Fairington Stanley, coppersmith C.P.R., Donald Fairis Charles, lumberman, Jervis Inlet Fanon James L., of Clemeots & Far- ron, Vancouver " Thos., stableman, Victoria Farwell — , Hurvej-or, Victoria " &Co.,Illecilleweat Fasanaro Dominieo, Victoria Faulkner E. W., mate, Victoria Fau-set ^ . J., lumberman, New West- minster Favell William, teamster, Bonapart Fawcett Kdgar, clerk, Victoria Frank, clerk, Victoria John,pumpman C.P.R,,Sicamous Oswald, clerk, Victoria " li. W., upholsterer, Victoria " Richard, Vancouver " Rowland G., clerk, Victoria Thomas Lea, Victoria " Wm L., clerk, Victoria " W m . L. E., clerk, Victoria Fay rev. Patrick, Vancouver « « (( tt u « <( i« (( (( Feak Matthew, laborer, Fort Sinipsoiv Fearon S. S., watchman C.P.R. Snavv- sheds Fee David, carpenter, Victoria David F., grocer, Victoria David F., sen., Victoria John T., traveller, Victoria & Jones, carpenters, Victoria Wesley G., farmer, Nicomen* Feek Ap.j, cl^rk, Vancouver Feeley W. C, hotelkeeper, Victoria, Feeney P., sawer. Now Weslminsier Fell & Co., whol grocers, Victoria Frederick, clerk, Victoria James, merchant, Victoria James F., merchant, Victoria Thornton, barrister, Victoria Fenson George, farmer, Micola Valley Fenton James, cook, Vancouver " Wm., loco, driver, Wellington Fenwick Miss, restaurant, Victoria Ferguson — , Bowling Alley, Vancou- ver A. G., Vancouver A. H., foreman, New Westmin- ster Adam, hotelkeeper, Savona Angus, farmer. Maple HiJge D. , miner, Nanaimo D., baggageman, Donald Hector, f&rraer, Maple Ridge J. B., Victoria J. P., miner, Nanaimo John, baker. New Westminster John, faimer. Now Westminster- District Joseph, Cedar Di^^trict Joseph, butcher, Kamloons M., watchman, Vancouvor Mrs. L. E.,wid.,bdgh8e, Victoria Morley, Victoria Monroe, carpenter, Richmond R. C, manager R.C.P.M. Co., Vancouver R. J., saloon, Victoria T homas, farmer, North Saan i c Iv Thos. A., farmer, Nicola Valley; W. B., minor, Nanaimo (( (( (( (( « (( it ii (( (( (( a u u (( (( (( (( (( (( . '1 il ALPHABETICAL DIBEOTORT. t23S iOIV ►vv- len. ler ley ou- [in- ter tor o.,. dv FEB FIR <( « Ferland Mrf>. S., gen store, Donald Fern Samuel, porter, Victoria " Walter, packer, Thompson River Fernand^ia Mies, dressmaker, Victoria Fernham Wynn, painter, Maple Ridge Fernie Poter C , i'armer, Kootenay " Peter C, lime burnor, Lake District '* Wm,, farmer, Kootenay Fernihoogh John Charles, farmer, Niw Westminster Perrell Harry, Victoria * Wm., Victoria Ferrington Christopher, bailder, Lans- downe road Ferris Wm. Douglas, sen., farmer, North Arm Wm. Douglas,jun., farmer. North Arm W. D.,cornr., New Westminster W. D., jun., Victoria Ferry John, mason, Vancouver Fetterley Colin, laborer, Vancouver Few Alfred, grocer, Victoria Fewings Benjamin William, farmer. South Saanich Fewstcr Philip, feed store, Vancouver Fibarodeau Peler, farmer, Spallum- cheen Fibson A., miner, Nanaimo " W., miner, Nanaimo Fickes Edward, laborer, Vancouver Fiddick Chas., hotelkeeper, Nanaimo " Sam., hotelkeeper, Nanaimo Fiddler — , mechanic, Victoria " J,, miner, Nanaimo Field Edward Spellman, farmer, Esquimau Edwin, Victoria Harry, clerk, Victoria Herman, barber, Victoria James, painter, Nananimo Jerome E., laborer, Cowichan Mrs. S., fancy goods, Victoria Hobt., teamster, Victoria Sam., cabinetmaker, Victoria Thos. J., driver, Victoria Wm., Victoria u (( « Tie IM Electili; (jitaL% MONTRETAI* i( Mnf r. of Telephones, Electric Bell^. Aaxmaietbr- tora. Burglar Alarm InBtrameiitA. Apparatus anA Supplies of every Desorlptkm. <SSe»- advt. flw^ page 6.) Fielding Geo., porter, Victoria- " Wm., rainer^ Natiaimo Fields Samuel, carpenter, Victoriik Fifle E.uzeb, carpenter^ Okanagoo Figg Jos., farmer, EIoDsingtoii- PraiirSto " Thos. R., Mayne IsKmc^ Findlay & Codling, macluaes^^V;^!!*- couver Durham & Brodie, com«at tnci*- chants, Victoria F. S., merchant, Victoi'iat & HodnAt, hotelkprs,. Yiefiouiai Jumes, machinist^ YsLaeovmrvir. Hugh, merchant, Tiot(^Eiab Peter P., agent, Vancmiv-eir R., factory band, Now. Wct&t uilss»- ter Wm., mechanic, Victo«fn» Finlaison Chas. S., clerk, Vie'oiriaL Chas. W., clerk, VictwiaL Ed. 0., clerk, VietCMra* t * Jame^, dealer, Now WoistbaiTiiBtar Finlayson Duncan M., elork, Vlietocnih John, grocer, Victoria ^^G^ Robt., miner, Nananmt>> ^ . Robt., jun., clerk, Vit^iwiai _;^ W. H., clerk, VancouvOTtr W. H., manager, New Weetmiifc* ster Finley Robcrt,fii7mer, GTabrioFa' ^landi " Thomas, faa-mer, Comox "iTTi! | Finnerty Michael,farmdr, Jttouat Tom^ lie Cross Road, C. H i Finnes rev. CKnton Hy., Vancouvtr- • Finney Arthur, contractor,. Vixrtociat | " James, carpenter, Victoirm ^ Finnson Joseph, clerk, Victoriak ^, Firburu I. C, miner, Nanaimo* « (I u u (( (( (( (( (( <( (( <( (( I I ■ m .1 r!« ■III ' ill Ma 124 HENDBRSON'S BRITISH OOLDMBfA FIR FLE Firth Wm., blacksmith, Victoria , FiBh Edward, bookbinder Victoria " Geo., shoemaker, V ictoria " John, miner, Nanaimo , ** Eobi., laborer, Victoria " Robt. W., tobacconist, Victoria li^itiher Albert, bartender, Donald " Chan., hotelkoeper, E^quimalt "** E, fl,, merchant, Victoria George, butcher, Vancouver George, pai n tei", Van cou ver George 6., carpenter, Vancouver H. W., cl«rk, Victoria I. J. J., waggons, Victoria J., waiehouseman, Victoria J, B., mgr. bank, B.C., New Westminster Jap., miner, Nanaimo JameB, farmer, Chilliwback James, marblecutter, Victoria Jolin ^., engineer E. & N. Ey., Viotoria Joseph, groom, Esquimalt L. C. E., farmer, Surry Centre " TS^Tfjo'i. laborer, Vancouver " W; , farmer, Metchosin Wi . ., merchant, The Fort, Esquimalt & Wilson, architectH, Victoria . Fisk James M., agent, Vancouver • Fits John Alf,, stone cutter, Victoria &■ Bitszallan John, laborer, Victoria - Fitzgerald J., freight sheds C.P.R., New Westminster " Jamei^, farmer, Clover Valley ■" " James, keeper B.C. P., New West- ^minster '^^ "John, laborer, New Westminster •*' -Joseph A., farmer, Comox " M., staff surgeon R. N., Esqui- mau <' Michael, farmer, Englishman's Eiver FitzsimmonsFranV, miner, East Wel- lington " James, min ar, Wellington ■<' James,dep> warden B.C.P., New Westminster « << • (I t( <i Fitzsimmons James, East Wellington " ■ W., carpenter, Vancouver FitzmorrisM., conductor, Kamloops Pitzpatrick fl., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops " John, farmer. Maple Ridge " Thomas, laborer, Vancouver Fitterre Henry, printer, Victoria " Mrs. M., widow Peter, Victoria Flack T., miner, Nanaimo Flemin Thop.,fialoonkpr., Victoria FlemmingAndrow,piunter, Vancouver Bros., photographers, Victoria C. G., night watchman, Vancou- ver Edgar, photographer, Victoria George, Yale Harold, photographer, Vlctquia Louis, miner, Wellington Richard, Vancouver Robert J., carpenter, Vancouver Fletcher A., bartender, Kamloops i B., clerk, Victoria E. H., P.O. inspector, Victoria George, tailor, Vancouver Geo., machinist^ Victoria James, iaborer, Vancouver John, chief operator. New West- minster Joshua, bookkeeper, Vancouver M.^ miner^ Nanaimo Ormond, draughtsman, Victoria S., clerk, New Westminster Thomas, farmer, Alberni Thos. W., pianos, Victoria Flett Arthur, machinist, Vancouver Alfred, farmer, Comiaken AIfred,dep. prov. treas. , Victoi'ia Harry, Victoria James, farmer, Comiaken James, jr., farmer, Comiaken James, gen. store, Maple Bay James C., carpenter, Victoria John, machinist, Vancouver John, Quamichan John W., farmer, Comiaken Peter, farmer, Comiaken W., apprentice, Vancouver . (( « (( It tt it tt ft ft tt tt tt tt It tt It tt tt tt ft tt 4>Q f Drift iver ia cou- ia oma. iver ria ver )ria r >ria ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 125 FLB Foil Fleugge — , mechanic, Victoria Flewett William Mitor,farmer,DeCour- cey Inland Flewin Albert C, cleric, Victoria " Wm. H., clerk, Victoria Flinn M., minor, Nunaimo Flint A. St Geo., accountant, Victoria Flock John Ttiomas, horse dealer, Drynock Floctor H. W., mill hand. New West- minster Flood R. N., clerk, Moody vi lie " William Lewis, carpenter, Hope Flook N., carpenter C.P.K., Donald Florent A., carpenter, Vancouver " Victor, engineer, Vancouver Fiorentes Adolphe, Kam loops Florress Joseph, laborer, Lytton Floyd William, miner, Nanaimo Fluhr Charles, cook, Victoria Flumerfelt A 0., merchant, Victoria Flux George John, laborer, Now West- minster " James, New Westminster Flynn Bro. James, O.M.I., Westmins- ter " Con., harnessmaker, New West- minster " R, miner, Nana! mo Foley — , carpenter, Vancouver Christ., bdg house, Vancouver James, foreman CiP.B., Revel- stoke " James, clerk, Vancouver •* William, mill hand, Vancouver Follor Charles, laborer, E^quimalt Follett F., foreman C.P.R., Savonas Folley William, laborer, Colquitz Farm, L.D. Follis George, builder, Vancouver ** G. E., Vancouver Folwell Kdgar D., farmer, Alberni Fooks F., miner. New Westminster Foord Frederick, farmer, Burgoyne Bay Foot William, farmer, Northwood Farm, Lake District Forbes A. F., brukeraan, Kamloop? u <( (( u (( Forbes Andrew, clerk, Vancouver " Isaac, blacksmith, Vancouver " Thomas Dowar, ship carpenter, Moodyvillo " Richard, foreman, Vancouver Force C, watchman C.P.R., Yale Ford A. J., car repairer, Vancouvw ** G., asst. snpt. Dom. Express Ct).,. Vancouver George, farmer, Hornbj'^ Island John, carpenter, Victoria T., repairer C.P.R. , Notch biUl Walter, carpenter, QuamichaH' Walter, farmer, Macphersos William, farmer, Sumas " WilliHm, clerk, Ashcroft Foreman W,, miner, Nanaimo Ferrer E Iward, mgr. Delta Hotef^ Ladners Landing Forrest Alexander B., yardmaster^ Vancouver *' E., Macphersons John, woodman C.P.R., Salmoa Arm Miss, teacher, Veictoria Thomas, bartender, Victoriik Thomas, hotelkeeper, Donald W., miner, Nanaimo W. H., cashier, Vancouver William, farmer, Cowichan Wm., farmer, Macpherson's Forrester EJ., hotelkeeper, Sicamous " J., mill hand. New Westminster- " James, carpenter, New West- min-ter " W., factory hand. New West- minster Fort Forand, miner, Nanaimo Fortes Joseph, porter, Vancouver Forlier Charles E., farmer,. Nortb.. Thompson " Olivier, mechanic, Victoria ' Fortin G., painter C.P.R., Vancouver " Wilfred, painter C.P.R., Van- couver Fortune Alex., farmer, Spallumcheer> •' James R., turner, New West- minuter (( (( i;, I Ir i m li' V UEND£Rt>ON S BRITIHH COLUMBIA FOR FRA W'Ottnn^ WilHam, farmer, Tranqnille ^ William, Jan., saw mills, Tran- quille Woeberry Geo. H., Leech River ^0!9ter Bros., paiutei's. Nannimo Charles, agent, Fort Moody Paniel, laborer, Kamloops P. W., clerk, Ashcroft F. W., postmaster and general store, Clinton FiecL W,, merchant, Victoria Fred., mechanic, Victoria G., miner, Nanaimo Gladstone, painter, Nanaimo H., mHti'o.'<s maker, Vancouver J,, engine turner, Kamloops J. R., clerk, Vancouver J. W,, mechanic, Victoria James, lumberman, Vancouver John, teamster, Sapperton Joseph, minor, Wellington Liviii;;8ton, mechanic, Victoria Mrs, CI, fruitf*, Vancouver Nttlsun, painter, Nanaimo Robert, engineer, Victoria S. M., carpenter C.P.R., North Bend S'ephen, painter, Victoria 'i honias, miner, Niinaimo W. A., despfitcher, Vancouver Wm,, carpenter, Departure Bay Wm. P.,t'«rrnor, Aimacis Island SFoulK't Frank, coninictor, Vancouver >Fou<.j-eault Thomas, farmer. North S.^anich iFoulds P, J., A Co., giocers. New Westminster 1F<> iman Cltarles, farmer and miner, Matches in Fowauot Rev, L., O.M.I., New West- minster ^owlar CliarJes E.,dentiHt, Vancouver . ** Mrs., wid., Vic^toria ^owlie Genge, fitter C.P.R., Donald Wox — , boiler maker, Victoria George Rf)dney, farmer. Oyster Harbour George T., clerk, Victoria ■ ■« at .4* •«^ '*t ■*i «<« ~ti ■4< •44 4< 44 .-tt 4< «< (( (( (( l( (( « « Fox Henry Geo., engineer, Victoria , James, merchant, New Wes* minster Jas., farmer, Pitt River Meadows James M., manon, Vancouver M. k H. A., merchants, Victoria Miss H. A., Victoria Mrs. M., Victoria Patrick, messenger, Vancouver £, Ross, boots and shoes, New Westminster S. Cambridge, lumberman, Van- couver Foy Joseph, carpenter, Yale Frame John, miner, Nanaimo Frames James, miner, Nanaimo Frances Wm.,, miner, Last Wellington Francis A. H., Victoria " Allan G., Victoria James, butcher, Victoria Matthew, farmer. Dean's G r ove Mrs. C. B., wid. Duncan , Vic toria T., mill hand, Victoria ,. Frank A., Victoria Eli, merchant, Victoria J. B., miner. East Wellington John, clerk, Victoria Paul, farmer. North Saanich Richard, P. 0. Stand, Vancouver Franklin — , speculator, Vancouver " Albert Geo., clerk, Victoria " George William, farmer, Lake District " Jesse, (iriver, Victoria ** John, clerk H.B.Co., Kamloops Franklin Mrs., wid W. H., Victoria " Wm. A., clerk, Victoria " W. T., Iiookkeeper, Victoria Franks Z., fruits, Vancouver Frase.lno., miner, Nanaimo ** Rev. A., pastor Presbyterian Church, Aldergrovo FraserA., foreman C.P.R. Cherry Creek '* Allen, lumberman. North Arm., F.R. " Andrew, farmer, Lungley " Angus, Victoria (( (( Fr i 4 ■i X ■< •4 4 ■< t ALPHABETICAL DirCOTORT. 12T FRA FRR W i I I Frasor An^U8 Carmichael, lumberman, liowe Siund AtigUB M., lojTifer, Vjxncouver Ciia*«., Now W itmin^tei' H., miner, Nunnimo Rev. D., B£.A., Victoria Donald, farmer, Motchosin Donald, laborer, Kamloops D. A., carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops F., watchman, 2iid Crossing, RevelHtoke George, carpenter, New West- minster George A., Vancouver Jari>e-i, watchmaker, Yale James, miner, L)rne Creek James, watchmaker. New West- minster Jamea, contractor, Victoria Ja'no-4. lumberman, North Arm, F. R. Jolin, switchman, Vancouver J«>Iiri, carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops Jolin, stock-raiser, Nicola Lake John, stonemason, Alberni John, laborer, E>iquimalt J"hn Stowart.fiirmer, PortMoodjr J., miner, Nanaimo J. I)., agent C.P.R., Hammond J. D., tinner. New Westminster J. S. C, accountant. New West- minster Mrs., widow, Victoria Norman, drayman, Vancouver Norman, farmer. Port Moody Poior, farmer. Stump Like Richard, driver, New Westmins- ter Richard, clerk P. O., Vancouver River Fishery Co., salmon can- nery, Ladner's, Landing Robert A., butcher, Port Moody Roderick L., teacher, North Saa nich S., fitter, Vancouver W., miner, Nanaimo (1 ■«( ■<( •*( ■tt 41 ■it 41 <l -it Ai ■tt -tt 4i ■*i 41 ft 41 ■U 4( •<( 41 4( 4< 4t 41 tl 4t ■*i 4t Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., General Selling Agenti^ ^ 786 CRAIC ST., - MOMTR IAL. Praser Wm., operator C.P. R., Donald *' Win., laborer. Now Westminster " Wm., farmer, Cedar Hill Road " Wm., teamster. New Westmins- ter " W. A, carpenter C.P.R., North Bond W. C, agent C. P.R.,. Westmins- ter Juct. Wm. S., farmer. Port Moody W. G,, hack driver, Victoria W. M., laborer, Vancouver W. T , carpenter, Vancouver *• W., Wright, circuit man, Donald Praser Barron Chas. A., Victoria " Barron Miss, teacher, Victoria " Barron Mrs., wid Donald,Victoria Frayne Richard, harness maker, Spal lumcheen Freak Ernest, miner, Nanaimo Freathy Rl,, miner, Nanaimo Frechette 0. T., bartender, Vancouver Fredericksen John, coachman Victoria " M., painter, Victoria Fredette E^i; milhand, Vica Fredison Daniel, farmer, Central Set- tlement Freediman C. A., clerk, Victoria Freeman Alfred, farmer, Langley Cecil Childe,collector, Vancouver Chas., clerk, Victoria Chas. H., merchant, Victoria D., carpenter, Vancouver Geo., engineer, Victoria S., carpenter, Vancouver Ralph, clerk, Now Westminster Thomas, farmer, Pitt Ridge Preemonth E., watchman C.P.R.J Snow- sheds mI (( (( I'. (C (( u n\ ■i I ''•'■i' I'll r; ift ri •( I i- 128 HENDEUSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA FRB GAL (( (( French — , New Westminster " David, miner, Lorno Creek F, A., foreman. New Westmins- ter Hospital, Victoria Wellington, teamster, Lytton Wm., rancher, Winiierujcro William J., farmer, Comiaken " W. J., butcher. New Wo>tminster Freithy lioht., miner, East Wellington Frew James, farmer. North Arm " Jno,, minei-, Nanaimo Frick Harrj', baker, Vancouver Figg Thomas R., Mayno Island Frickleton David, carpenter,Chomainu8 •• Dav id D., bridge, carpenter, Yale " Dier J., M. D., Yale Frik Peter, trader, Boston Bar Friend Frederick, farmer, Kamloops Frier Emer, fisherman, Galiano Island Fripp Ohas., architect, Vancouver " Robert McKay ,C. E., Vancouver Fritch Henry A., liarmer, Burton's Prairie Frith A. J. E., naval yard, Esquimalt Frolander N., carpenter, Vancouver Frorae J. F., carpenter, Vancouver Frost Francis Wm., carpenter, Burrard Inlet Frols Henry, miner, Fort Simpson " H. T., millhand, Vancouver " Win., painter, Victoria Fry George, survej'or of customs, Vic- toria Henry, jr., C.R., Boston Bar Hy., M. P.P., Qurtmichan John D., Vancouver N., M.F. P., Maple Bay Frythall Wm., cleric, Victoria Fuge I. C, minor, Nanaimo Folford Geo., stablemant, Victoria Fuller Joseph, teamster, Vancouver " J. W"., laborer, Vancouver " William, farmer, 105 Mile House Fullertin J., carpenter, Victoria " J., wiper, Vancouver James, merchant, Rockford Jas,, laborer, Spence's Bridge j Fullerton James, engineer, Vancouver " James A., superintendent, Van- couver " John, merchant, Victoria " & Johnson, Chilcoton W. F., builder, Victoria Fullmoro Fenwick, mill hand, Nan- u aimo F., miner, Nanaimo' Fulton D., mill hand, Victoria " Luther, laborer, Vancouver " Miss, dressmaKor, Narmimo " S., mill hand. New Westminster Fung John, plasterer, Vancouver FurbettF., wiper C.P.K., Kamloops FurnessGeorge,farm8r, Burgoyne Bay " W., night watchman, Now West- minster Furrer — , M.D., Kamloops Furry Ira, lumberman, Howe Sound Fu.'stenean E. M., farmer, Spallum- cheen Furze John, laborer. South Saanich Fussil A. H., farmer, Chilliwhaok Fyfe Havelock, constable, Vancouver Gabbon Joseph, farmer, Shawnigan " Louifr, farmer, Shawnigan Gable Phillip, cigar mfr., Nanaimo Gabriel Alexander, teamster, Victoria Chas., & Co., merchants, Vic- toria Ed., painter, Victoria Wm., clerk, Victoria Gafney Patk., laborer, Vancouver Gagnon Alexander, cabinet mfiker, Vancouver " Frank, sawyer, Vancouver " W., mill hand, Viincouvor Gaier Adolphe, carpenter, Vancouver Galbraith Alex., mill hand, New West- minster & Champion, Japanese goods; Vancouver (( (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. -^ — GAL GAR << << SI (( (( (( <( Galbraith Dan., stage driver, Harrison Springs Daniel, laborer, Chemainua David, factory hand, New West- minster Findiay, driver, Victoria H., factory hand. New West- minster James, factory hand. New West- minster John, factory hand, New West- minster John Thompson, merchant, Jo- seph's Prairie Julius F., of Galbraith & Cham- pion, Vancouver Eobert L. T., merchant, Joseph's Prairie " William, factory hand, New Westminster Galer Geo., millwright, Victoria Gall Mungo, wiper, North Bend Gallagher Ed., farmer. Port Moody Hugh, farmer. Hat Creek James, laborer, Chemainus John, postmaster and J. P., Big Bear Creek P., foreman C.P.R., Donald W. H., carpenter, Vancouver " W. J., foreman, Vancouver Galley Miss A., governess, Victoria " Fred., halesman, Victoria " Wm. H., manager, Vancouver Galloway Chas., hotel keeper, Hope Galvin John, miner, Lome Creek Gamble A. G., notary public, New Westminster *• F. C, Dom. Pub. Works, Victoria " John E., carpenter, Vancouver ^ambrinus Saloon, Vancouver Gamett E. T., livery-, Victoria Gammon Kowlund, plasterer, Victoria Gander James, engineer, Vancouver Gandet Lieut. Fred., Victoria Gandin — , mill hand, Vsmcouver Gandy Isaac, butcher, Victoria Gannell J. T., Ladners Landing Ganner Joseph, livery, Nanaimo « it Gannon John H., salesman, Victoria M., miner, Nanaimo P., butcher, Ladner's Jianding Patrick, butcher, Yale Ganone Vincent, miner, Nanaimo Gant Mrs. Cathoiitie, wi low, Vic'.orLa " Henry, barrister, Victoria Ganzler John, miner, Wellington Garcia Je^-us, farmer, Nicohv Eiver Gard Eric, bartender, Vancouver Garden Jas. F., surveyor, Vancouver '* Samuel, laborer, Vancouver Gardener — , mgr., Lambly Bros. Hotel, En derby " Frank, carpenter, Vancouver " John, butcher, Vancouver John'E., customs, Victoiia W. E., carpenter, Victoria " W. H., baggageman. New West- minster " C. F., cashier, Victoria Gardiner W. E., foreman C.P.R., Nevr Westminster " William H., printer, Yale ** R. H., photographer, Victoria Gardner Alexander, gunner, Victoria *' C, fire dept, Victoria Chas., gardener, Victoria Charles, farmer, Johnston's Landing Chas., bookkeeper, Victoria Capt. John, Victoria John S., Victoria John, merchant, Victoria John, driver, Victoria Joseph, farmer, Alert Bay Mrs. Chas., grocer, Victoria Miss Abbie, principal girls'" school, Nanaimo Garesche, Green & Co., bankers, Vic- toria " Geo. H., clerk, Victoria Garfell Dosette, farmer, Okanago n Garland — . Steward Royal Hospitfil Victoria " F. W., Victoria ** Geo., engineer E. & N. Ry., Vic- toria « (( (i! .. ■:■« i ?^ i\ '.) 'I vMi'l in I te I .« >' i 330 HENDERSON'S BBITISH OOLUMBIA GAR GIB Oarner Rdwin, tailor, Niinaimo ^arnoU Ed. Thos., livery, Vi'-toria " J:imo8 R., farmer, Nicoraen i-'loucrh " K. C, postmaster, Johnston's Landing <Jarrard F. C, mariner, Nanaimo " W. B., electrical engineer, Na- naimo Garrett J. H. B., farmer. Lake District <}»rrioch C. R. T., Vancouver Oarrison Amasa G., contractor, Port 'M.oody Garrow John, M.D., Enderhy Gariiey Thos., farmer, Burrard Inlet Garton B., bartender, Victoria Oarvin Alexander^ farmer, Baynes Sound " John, carpenter, Vancouver *' Michael, carpenter, Vancouver " Robt., bartender, Victoria " Stimuol, laborer, Vancouver " Thos., ^saloonkeeper, Victoria <J .tes J. R., porter C.P.R., Donald Galewood Chas. H., D.D.S., Vancouver <janthier H., car repairer, Vancouver " Hercule, Vancouver Gauvreau A., glazier, Vancouver " Charles, hotel man., Vancouver •Oavin Jamo8, conductor, Vancouver " P. J., engineer C.P.R., Donald Oawloy George, driver, Victoria Guy Jsimes, carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops " John Henry, farmer, K:\mloop8 <xayden H., policeman, Victorin Goary Georyc, miner, Joseph'M Prairie " David, bartender, Vancouver Gcddes J., watchman C.P.R., Varicou- ver J., laborer, Vancouver J. G.. C. P. N. Co., Victoria J. Percy, secretary, Vancouver James H., turner, R-igcr's Pass Jos., fireman, Donald Oeigor Thomas, barber, Victoria Gei^ort L., barber, Victoria Geiisler W. T., hotel keeper, Emory (( (( ft <( (( « Gemmell Hugh, farmer, Sum:is Hugh, laborer, Esquimalt T., miner, Wellington Gendron F., blacksmith, Vancouver " Joseph, laborer, Vancouver »' Mrs. G., dressmaker, Vancouver Genicr N^ap , line repairer, DonaM Genn Miss B., governess, Victoria Genvins William, miner, Wellington Geomans R., bookbinder, Surry Centre Geopel Phillip Doiset, Victoria George Elles, farmer, Suiry Centre " Capt. W. E., Victoria Ermis, farmer, Surry Centre John, farmer, Surry Centre John Henry, mason, Vancouver Mrs., fruits. Nana! mo William, laborer, Vancouver William, shoemaker, Vancouver William, farner, Clover Valley George^on Henry, lighthouse-keeper, Mayne Island " John, farmer, Galiano Island " Willinm, farmer, Galiano Island Gerger & Becker, barbei-s, Victoria '• Thomas, plumber, Victoria Germain James Norman, lumberman, English Bay Gerrard Allan, carpenter, Vancouver " Elzear, farmer. Lulu Island Gorraine Louis, teamster, Moody ville Gorrior G , line repairer C.P A, Kam- loops " N., repairer C.P.R., Kimloops Gcrrish N., saw filer, Victoria Gorvis Geo., bricklayer, Victoria Gosko Joseph, laborer, Clinton Gotonger Wm., miner, ^Vellington Gibb David, carpenter, Vn-toria " Fred., stonecutter, Macphersons Gibbards J,, machine hand, Victoria Gibbons Chas. H., reporter, Victoria Giltbs G., miner, Nanaimo " William W., clerk, Yale Giblos — , councillor, Maple 3ay Gibson A., miner, Nanaimo " Alexander, carpenter, Vancou- ver ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 13^ ^IB GIL iM^ Uibson Bo:»ttie, farmer, Cliilliwhack " F.J. P., ledger keeper, Vancou- ver George, farmer, Chilliwhack Georgo H., Vancouver G. A., teacher, Naaa River Hand, Victoria Hugh, Vancouver Jarae-', faimn*, Chilliwhack James, laborer, Victoria James, brewer, Victoria John, farmer, Chilliwhack John, miner, Nanaimo John, Golden John, teamster, Vancouver Joseph, engineer, Donald Joseph, engineer, Vancouver Miss S. M., dressmaker, Victoria Moses, Queen's hotel, Vancouver R., miner, Nanaimo Richard, overseer No. 3 shaft, Nana! mo William, carpenter, New West- minster Win., miner, Nanaimo Gideon Dan., cook, Victoria Giesselman Chas., Victoria Giffin T. H., constable, Donald Olfford Tiios., watchman. Now West- minster Giiardy M., carver, Victoria Gilbert Geor;,'e, machinist, Vancouver " Mts. J. K., boarding house, Nanaimo " John King, trader, Naas River " Willitim, miner, Nanaimo Gilbrnith Finla}'-, Victoria " Findly, driver, Victoria Gilbranson M. S., conductor, Kam- loops ^ Oilchrist — , miner, Victoria •' F., plasterer, Victoria " Jas. H., carpenter, Victoria Oiles Deforis, plastoier, Vancouver " Fred., waiter, Vancouver " Geo. F., trimmer, Victoria " iMrs. G. F., Victoria •Gilhansen M. S., conductor, Donald {( 4i ■ii il II <( it (I (( *l li 4( H <( (( 4( {( LE™ BELlfl. Juno. Craig and St Antoine St8.> MONTREAL. (( u t( (( C( <( a (( (( Gilher Jumes, car inspector. Revel- stoke Gill Andrew, mechanic, Vancouver Austin, engineer, Victoria Edmond, farmM*, Al^'erni G. H., car repairer, Vancouver J., miner, Nanaimo J. R., & Co., publishers, Victoria John, plastere--, Vancouver John, miner, Nanaimo Wm., inspector Inland Rev., Victoria Gillanders Donald, farmer, rChilli- whack Milton Fletjher, farmer, Chilli- whack Clark Wesly, farmer, Chilli- whack Gillard Augustus, farmer, Okana- gon Minsion " Robt., miner, Nanaimo Glllcom Victor, manager, Kamloops Gilles David, miner. East Wellington Gillespie — , contractor, Vict< ria " Geo., asst. mgr. Bank iJ. C, Victoria Isaac, waiter, Kamloops James, lumberman, Vancouver John, miner, Wellington Mrs. E. M., widow James, Vic- toria Wm., Victoria Gil ley Walter Andrew, carpenter, New Westminster Gillie Joseph, miner, Wellington " Paul J., farmer, Nicola Gillies James, lumberman. New West- minster District " Andrew, harnessmaker, Victoria tc (( (( (( 1*; ;S:} ■ » ii y 132 HENrERSON 8 BRITrSH COLUMBTA GIL GOD (( <( Gillies D. W., b'^okoeper, Knmloops " John, luTnl>erm:in, New Wout- minster District Gilligan E I., varnishe?*, Victoria " James, warehomseinan, Victoria John, clerk, Victoria Patrick, laborer, Victoria " Tho8., machinifst, Victoria Gillis Alexander, farmer, Matsqui " Andrew, farmer. Otter District D., miner, Wellington Dan., lumberman, Howe Soimd John D., farmer, Porr Moody " John A., bnilder, Vancouver Gillivray Daniel J., carpenter, Lvtton Gillon Gabriel, farmer, Burton's Prai- rie " Michael, farmer. Pavilion Gilly Bro:<., livory stable, New West- minster " George, ship carpenter, Burrard Inlet Hubert, of Gilly Bros., New Westminster James, of Gilly Bros., New Westminster Walter R., of Gilly BroH, New Westminster Gilmore A., morchant, Victoria Gilmour Alex., merchant, Vancouver H. B., Donald James, farmer. North Arm James Eugene, bookkeeper, Van- couver Jolin, farmer, Nicola Lake Joseph, painter, Vancouver Joseph, miner, Wellington & McCandlers, mrchts, Victoria William, carpenter, Cowichan Wm., manager, Victoria William, ))ainter, Vancouver Gilpin G. F., tireman, Donald " William, farmer. Mud Bay Gilstead H., watchman C.P.Il., North Bend Gintzburger Samuel, Victoria Girdwoo<l C. Itollo, loco foreman, Nord Bend - v\ t( (I l( « (( (( (( u << Girol Philip, farmer, Okanagon Girouard Sue, farmer, Okanagon Gister W., carpenter, Vancouver Given George, bookkeeper, Vancouver Gladwin Frnnk, sawyer, Vancouver Glaholm T. W., merchant, Nanaimo Glansr I Kdvvard, carpenter, Ladner's Landing Glascow David, lumberman, Burrard Inlet Glass Cha'j. S., clerk, Victoria *' F. N., checker, Vancouver Glassey John, Victoria " John, farmer, Kamloops ** S. James, scowman, Vancouvei- Glassford George, laborer, Vancouver Glasson A. C, miner, Nanaimo Gleason M. D., carpenter, Victoria '* W. A., carpenter, Victoria Gledhill W. W., laborer, Vancouver Glen Richard, miner, Lorno Creek Glendonning — , contractor, Vancou- ver Adam, farmer, South Saanich Andrew, Vancouver John, tobacconist, Victoria John, farmer, Cedar Hill John, blacksmith, Macpherson» Glenn Anthony, Victoria " Thomas, laborer, Victoria Glennen Wm., pantryman, Vancouver Glennin Wm,, teamster, Vancouver Glide Andrew H., Victoria " Henry, laborer, Victoria " Miss M. E., compositor, Victoria Glover F. R., ropo"*ler. New West- minster " Geo., bricklayer, Victoria " v., painter, Vancouver Gloyn John, millhand, Vancouver Goad T., miner, Nanaimo / Goddard And., engineer, Vancouver " B., fireman, Kamloops Godden Heniy, stevedore, Burrard Inlet Goddin H. C, bookkeeper, Victoria Godding Robt., Victoria Godfrey A., merchant, Vancouver (C <( (( (( <( J ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 133 GOD GOS « « Godfrey A., & Co., hardware, Vancou- ver Amos, miner, Wellington John, laborer. New Westminste • District Seth, miner, Wellington T., miner, Nanaimo T. B., merchant, Vancouver W., miner, Nanaimo Wm., boilerraaker, Victoria Godin A. P., clenk, Donald " Bruno C, Vancouver Godsworth Thorn??, bartender, Wel- lington Goepel Philip D., naval yard, Esqui- malt " Wm. John, merchant, Victoria Gotfin Chas. A., Victoria Gold Mr8. E., New Westminster " Thos., cigarmaker, Victoria *' \Vm.. painter, Victoria " William, clerk, Victoria Golder Kobt., miner. East Wellington " Robt., lumberman, English Bay Goldie Geo., of Brady & Co., Winder- mere Golding B., tobacconist, Victoria Goldsmith Arthur Fuller, farmer, Burnside, Alder Grove Goldsmith Arthur Fuller, J. P., Alder Grove Ooldstein A., clothing, Vancouver " M., gents' furnishings, Vancouver OoUedge Kichard, Indian Reserve Gollfriedsen Frank T., faimer. Big Bar Gonnason Aaron, carpenter, \ ictoria " Ben., machine hand, Victoria Oood Chas., cabinet maker, Victoria George, farmer, Chilliwhack Henry C, clerk, Victoria H. L., telegraph agent, Kok- silah J. H., ry. mail clerk, Victoria Michael John, keeper of Insane Asylum P., miner, Nanaimo Rev. J. B., miner, Nanaimo V. W., clerk V. C. Co., Nanaimo (( (I *( Goodacre Lawrence, butcher, Victoria " Mrs. Flora, asst. matron B.C.A., New Westminster Goodfellow J., chief despatcher, Kam- loops Goodhill Patrick, mason, Vancouver Goodmurphy C, contractor, Van- couver " Sidney, tinner, Vancouver Goodridge William, miner, Kootenay Goodson John G., Barkorville Goodwin & Gordon, piano mfrs., Vic- toria " John J., carpenter, Esquimalt " 0. H., Victoria " Sam. H , clerk, Victoria Wm.,H.B. Co., Victoria William H., Vancouver Goody Wm., miner, Nanaimo Gordon Alexander, NicolaValley '* Alexander, farmer and stock raif^er. Cache Creek Bros*, furniture, Kamloops Ben., merchant, Victoria George, gardener, Y .le Geo. R., clothing, Vancouver Harold, clerk. New Westminster James, farmer. Cedar District Jas., miner, Nanaimo Jamos D., Kamloopa John, farmer. Hill Point, Sooko Marshall, cabinet-maker, Kam- loops Robort,8prtng maker, Vancouver R. W., manager, Vancouver Thos., miner, Nanaimo T. W., postmaster, Revelstoke Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm., agent, Victoria Wm. B. Victoria GoreR., laborer, Vancouver " Wm. St.C, surveyor general, Vic- toria Gorman Phil., saloon, Vancouver Gorum G., factory hand, New West- minster Goset William Ira, stock-raiser, New Westminster District (( (( mil Jif" ■^ 'f'B >j'' :l" / 134 Henderson's British Columbia GOS GRA « « « GosnoU E. E., journaliHt, "News," Vancouver J., grocer, Victoria Gjo. F., Victoria John n., Victoria Mrs. Elizu, Victoria N. E., city editor, Vancouver Gosse M., carpenter, Vancouver Got Bertrand, farmer, Lillooet Gott Wm., miner, Wellington Gottfried Isidor, laborer, Vancouver Goudy Alfred George, logger, English Bay " Edward, logger, Burrard Inlet Gouge H., finisher, Victoria Gough Charles, laborer, Vancouver " Enoch, laborer, Vancou'. er " & Evans, hotelkeepers, Nunaimo " S., city clerk, Nanaimo •* Wm. E., miner, Nanaimo Gould Ed., agent C.P.E., Ducks " Frederick (J., plasterer, Van- couver Goulet E., agent C.P.E., Rovelstoke " H. v., agent C.P.R and Domin- ion Express, Ducks " H., brakeman, Vancouver " Joseph, waiter, Victoria Goulx W. J., operator, Beaver Gourley Jas., miner, Nanaimo Government House, Carey Castle, Victoria Goverow A., painter, Vancouver Govett G. B., fireman, Donald Gow D. L., manager B.S.M. yard, Vancouver " John A., salesman, Vancouver Gowan Chas., bi-ewer, Victoria Chas. N., assistant chief fire de- partment, Victoria John, laborer, Spence's Bridge Gowdey Frank, blacksmith, Victoria " Wm., Victoria Gowdie Miss, dressmaker, Victoria Oowen C, & Sons, brewers, Victoria Frederick A., clerk, Victoria Geo. N., Victoria Miss A. C, teacher, Victoria (( « « « « « (( Gowen Tho8., machinist, Victoria Gowland R., miner, Nanaimo Grady John, saw mill, Vancouver " John Henry, waloon, Vancouver " John H., & Co., hotel, Van- couver Graff Johannes Wiel, civil engineer^ Shawnigan Grafton Charles William, builder. New Westminster District Graham A. E., store car, Donald David, miner. East Wellington Donald, farmer, Okanagon George, conductor, Donald George, operator, Bear Creelc Geo., miner, Nanaimo H., carpenter, Vancouver Henry, tailor, Var»couver Hugh, carpenter, Vancouver James, carpenter, Victoria James, fai Jier, Esquimalt Dis> trict John, barber, Victoria John, Dominion Government Savings Bank, Victoria John, laborer, Vancouver John, farmer, Denman Island John, miner, Nanaimo Robert, farmer, Comox Thos., laborer, Nicola Thos., painter, Victoria Thomas, sailor. Port Essington Thomas, farmer, South Saanicb Thos. M.^ fruits, Victoria Thomas Wm., gardener, Van- couver T. W., rancher, Shuswap Lake Wm., engineer, Victoria William, farmer, South Saanich William J., farmer. Port Moody Wm. R., Victoria Grahame James A., H. B. Co., Victoria " James O., H. B. Co., Kamloop» " Robert, laborer, Vancouver Grahan Thomas, farmer, Tranquille Graniudny Edward, farmer, Aloerni Grandidier Jos. C, clergyman, Kai»> loops « (( (( « « <( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 13» GEA GRA ilk rm •is- nt n- h y a Qrandsena Mrs., widow, Victoria Gi'unt Captain A., New Westminister A., brakeman, Vancouver Alexander, teamster, Yale Alex., carpenter, Nnnaimo Arthur, salesman, Victoria & Co., saw rail If, Wellinjifton Capl. Cowan. Now Westminster Capt.,C.D., Now Westminster Captain Wm., Victoria Donald, ship carpenter, Victoria Duncan, chopper, Port Moody Edward, farmer,Thompson River Edward, clerk, Vancouver Edwin, clerk, Vancouver F. W., clerk, Victoria & Fawcett, butchers, Vancouver Q.W M'chitect,New Westminster Geo. H., of Grant & Machine, New Wentminster George V. H., clerk, Now West- minister J. S., machinist, New West- minster J. W., C.P.R., Illecillowaet Jame8, tailor, Victoria John, butcher, Victoria John, miner, Nunaimo John, Victoria John, mayor citj' of Victoria John, masoT), Vancouver John, carpenter, Vancouver & Johnson, Gold house, Van- couver Joseph P., miner. Dog Creek Lorenzo,Jfarmer, Coraox & Machine, boots and shoes, New Westminster P., engineer, Donald Petor, landing waiter. Now West- minster Peter, accountant, New West- minster Petor, engineer, Donald Peter A., grocer, Vancouver R., car repairer, Vancouver Robert, miner, Shawnigan Robert, blackiimith, Nanaimo .« (I (( {( (( (( (< <( (( It u K (( (( <( (( (( (( <( (( (( (( <( « (( <( << tt ti Tiie imini Electric pili. « mo SUPPLY OO. (Ltti> MONTREAL. Mnfr. of ELE TRIG WIRES, CABLES, Iiistra- mentM and Supplies of every description. (Se» adrt., page 5.) Grant Robt., of Grant & Co., Welling- ton T., car repairer, Vaneonver T. C , ot Grant & Johnson, Van- couver W., miilh.;n(l, Victoria W. C, carpenter, Victoria Granville F., real estate, Vancouver Gravollo Frank, farmer, Cowichan Gravely Waller E., real estate, Van:* couver Graves A, M,, engineer, V.mrou er '• Edward, pucker, Victoria '' H., braUuinat), iTancouver " H. W,, customs, Victfuia " Joseph B., Jarmer and stock raiser, Thompson River Graw Anst., farmer, Lnniriey Grawor Jacob, butcher, Vanoouver Gray Andrew, Victoria Arthur, porter, Harrison Springa A. B,, Victoria A. B,, & Co,, merchants, Victoria Charles, cook, Vancouver I),, carpenter, Van«-<»uver D. S,, l)Utcber, Nuw Westminster E. J., Victoria Geo., truits. New Westminster & Godin, saloon, Vancouver H, C, watchman, Hammond Hon, J. Hamilton, judge Superior Court B, C, Victoria J., brakeman, Kamloops J. H,, machinist, New West- minster James, farmer. Serpentine Flats James, fruits, New Westminster James, laborer. South Saanich James, miner, Opbir (( u <( (( u (( (( « « u l< t( (( (( If! iS'i w . . .J .; ' .i .! 1^ ■ Bi' i I3f * t HENDERSON'8 BRITISa COLUMBIA -*—* GRA ■ , ■ GEB 'Gray Jame8, farmer, Gabriola- Island " James E., of Gray & Godin, Van- couver John, bartender, Vancouver John, foreman, Lytton John, Chemanius JohnH.,C. E., Victoria John Kempson, mason, Colquitz Farm, Lake District Joseph, carpenter, Esquimalt M., miner, Nanaimo Matthew, New WeBtmin>ter P. Hamilton, mechanical en- gineer, Victoria «( Richard, hackman, Victoria Robert, clerk, Now Westminstor Robt,lighthou!jekeeper,Enlr:iiic-e Inland Robt., farmer, Scotts Road, Delta Samuel, hotelkeepor, Maple Bay Sum., carpoater, V^ictoria Sam. W., builder, Victoria Thomas, farmer, Savona Thos., miner, Nanaimo Thomas, cleaner, Vancouver Thomas Cook, grocer, Vancouver Thomas C, of Tait & Gray, Van- couver " Thos. Wm., Now Westminster " William, farmer, Hope Greasley Mrs., widow, Victoria -Greaves Bros., bilkers, Vancouver " Duncan, carpenter, Esquimalt " J. P. L., Vancouver " John H., Vancouver " N., Victoria *' William, blacksmith, Victoria -Green A. H., asst. Indian Com., Vic- toria " Alex. A., merchant, Victoria Alfred, missionary, Naas River Andrew, miner, Big Bar Arthur R., engineer C. P. R., New Westminster Arthur R., fai-mer. South Arm Bros., gen. store, lUecillewaot 0. A., /ictoria C. F., lisbery warden, [Ladnei'^s « « 4t (( « (( (< Green Capt. R. E., real estate, Van- couver Cnarles, farmer, Cowichan Lake Charles de B jis, surveyor, Vic- toria David, Comox David, clothier, Victoria Herbert, miner, Nanaimo Horace, millwright, Vancouver HormK3, millwright, Vancouver J. G., Golden Jacob, painter, Vancouver James M., watchman C.P.R. Snowsheds Jus., & Son, miners, Wellington Jno., farmer,Kngli.shman's River John, farmer, South Arm Mark, farmer, Somenos Morris, New Westminster Mrs., wid., New Westminster Mrs. Julia, wid. F.W., Victoria Nickj miner, Nanaimo Rev. A. E., methodist mis- sionary, Naas River R., watchman C.P.R., Surprise Creek Robt. F., merchant, lUecillewaet Sam. H., merchant, lUecillewaet William, laborer, Big Bar Wm. E., accountant, Vancouver Grfeenback Alex., miner, N'anaimo Greenberg Harry, second-hand store, Vancouver , " Lieut., Esquimalt Greenham Thomas, laborer. New West- minster District Greenhow Thos., farmer, Oakanagon Greenwall John B., miner, Wellington Green way A., miner, Nanaimo Dick, fireman, Victoria Henry, jun., Victoria Henry, laborer, Victoria Green well John, miner, Nanaimo Greenwood Mre., wid. J. K., Victoria Greer — , milkman, Vancouver " Samuel, farmer, Ohilltwhack ** William, carpenter, Vancouver Gregg A., & Son, pierchaat^, Victoria « (( ALPHABKTICAL DIRECTORY. nt; ■■\^ QRE GRO (I (( (( ({ (< (t Gregg Abram, merchant, Victoria " Arthur, tailor, Victoria " Charles, cutter, Victoria F. C, draughtsman, Victoria Franic, merchant, Victoria " Walter, apprentice, Sow West- minster Gregor — , carpenter, Victoria Gregory George, New Westminster George, saw maker, Husting's Mill George H., clerk, Vancouver John, miner, Nanaimo Richard, machinist, Vancouver " Sidney, salesman, Vancouver Greig Alexander, farmer, Matsqui •' Joseph, clerk. New Westminster " James, farmer. South Saanich " John, farmer. South Saanich John, jun., farmer, Sbawnigan Robert, farmer, South Saanich William, painter. New West- minster William, farmer. South Saanich Grey James, Victoria •' Eulph G., agent, Vancouver ** Samuel, builder, Victoria Greyell Abel, farmer, Chi Hi whack ** Edward, farmer, Chiliiwhack " Edward E., farmer, Ullesmere " Emanuel, farmer, Chiliiwhack Gribble Charles, clerk, Vancouver " H., merchant, Victoria *' John, miner, Nanaimo " T., painter, Victoria Grier J. W., compositor, Vancouver ** Louis, teamster, Vancouver Grierson A., carpenter, Vancouver Grieve George, farmer, Comox " Henry, farmer, Comox " John, farmer, Comox " Joseph, farmer, Comox " Thomas, laborer, Chemainus Griffin Dr., Victoria " J. W., bookkeeper, Victoria '« James, saloon, Vancouver " & McDonald, Saloon, Vancouver " William, stevedore, Moodyville « « (( (I « (( (( << Griffin Wm, Ja8.,Rtevedore.MoodjVTil«' Griffith David, trader j. Wil* Wevaes Creek J.E., G.E., chief MrgiDeer,DoiMiId/ Jeremiah, farmer^ Vict^oria Diai^ trict, Cf.H, John, hotel keeper^ Tale-^ Joseph, Vancouver W., laborer, Vancouver Griffiths Albert Francis, mi il foremrors^ Vancouver E., carpenter, VancomyeP' Ed., minor, NanainaO' Ellis Wm., carpenter, Vancovnror George, laborer, Vancouver J., C.P.N. Co., Victoria John, miner, Wellir.gtoo Lf^iuis, miner, Wellingteo* Thomas, miner, Nanarmo» " William, moulder, Victorijr '* William, miner, Kast Welliagt^Ksi. Gribble W., watchman C. P. E., Sj>«»- zum Grieve Wm. Henry, farmor,.Com(OM Griffin Joseph, engineer, Burrard Iivtet Griggs A. A., watchman, Mooiktaiib Creek Gri mason George, laborer, Viotwaa^ " John, Victoria Grimes W., yardmaster, Domildi " W. H., wiper, Donakl^ Grimm Wm., carriage builder, Vietort^ Grimmer James, New Westminster " L , painter. New Westmineter Grinrod E. H., inspector tdoggapfe repairs, Kam loops Grissmer A., Victoria Grobes A. S., operator. New Weafr- minster Groh Henry, tailor, Vancouver Grose Wm., farmer, Langley Groth Charles, farmer, Galiano Is&a«& Groul W.J., agent C.P.R., Beaves- Mouth Graver Holmes, jun., actor, Victoruu Groves William, baker, Vancouvtr Growen H., millhand, Nanaimo Grown HermaD, Lasqueti Islands : Ilii iilli ;ri Henderson's bsitish Columbia GEU HAL I '(Qmbb Mink, engineer, Wellington <i(ri|bb6 W., ctet'K, NasH River ^Gruff MosoH, farmer, Mud Bay "^vundy Wm., miner, East Wellington <6«ay Joseph, brakeman, Kamloops ^uerin J., rancher, Kamloops *€ruerin Tljo«., blacksmith, Kamloops *Cruerro Antoine, farmer, Lj-tton truest Mrs,, vvid. Francis, New West- minster '" Robert, farmer, Sohtlam ■ •" Thomas D., clerk, New West- "Biiiiister ■ SJuruichon Joseph, farmer, Nicola -*' L., gou. Htore, Ladner'a Landing ^ Laurent, farmer. Marmot Lake Crttlllaume Yic, stock raiser, Kamloops •" Louis, rancher, Kamloops ^Grftillitbrd B., pumpman, Ashcroft .'Guillod Harry, Indian agent, Barclay -SoHnd '•Gui41ote H., brakeman, Vancouver '^alleksoii John, tobacconist, Victoria <Ou!iam Wm., blacksmith, Victoria <Crummer Oliver, former, Ponder Island ■" Washington, farmer, Pender Is- Jand ^Gnnder Philip, farmer, Big Bar ^unn David, night watchman, New Westminster ^ugh, stock raiser, Kamloops ;H., millband, New Westminster V.John H. , accountant, Vancouver * .Guinia«on Wm., butler, Victoria NfGunnen James, miner, Wellington ^*jGrunter A., foreman C.P.E., Ashcroft ■tfiuntzberger Morris, clerk, Vancouver t©aipker J. ,8tr, "Bell,"New Westminster tDttfiilean Chas., traveller, Victoria Gustafsen Neilson, farmer, Dog Creek Outman M. , Victoria Guyotte Joseph, farmer, Lake District -Gwenney James, teamster, Victoria «Gwin Robert, laborer, Vancouver cGwyn Alexander, farmer, Central Set- tlement ^wynn Or. J., Bolicitor, Victoria 4[j>yves Michael H., farmer, Burgoyne l«f H Elabart James, farmer, Chomainus Haoh Charles, manager, Vancouver Hacker Mrs. R,,wid., New Westminster Hackett A., nightwatchman, Yale " Hugh, carpenter, Vancouver Hadden Rev., New Westminster Haddock — , manager F. W. Fo ster, Ashcroft Haddon D., foreman C.P.R., SaimoA Arm HaganJame^, farmer. South Saanich *' M., Okanagan ** Michael, printer, Ya\d Hageman Christian, m'mer,Barkcrvillo Haggart David, machinist, Victoria *' James, foreman No 3 Shaft, Wel- lington " James, machinist, V ictoria " Thos., machinist,, Wellington Haggert}' John, contractor, Vic toria Hague Mr^., Victoria Hahn Chas., sign writer, Victoria Haigh Benjamin, engineer, Victoria John, miner, Wcll:nj,to.. William, driver, Victoria Haines — , laborer, Victoria A., driver. New Westminster A., checker, Vnr.couvcr Halwell Joseph, laborer, Vancouver Haldane William, fitter, Don;)' 1 Haldon John P., carpoiiLVi, ♦ ancouver Hale George, carpenter, Vancouver Haley W., brakeman, Vancouver Hal penny Horace, painter, V^ictoria Halfpenny John, lumberman, Howo Sound Halpin Wm. N., miner, Victoria Hall Alfred, tinner, Victoria Bros., miners, Toad Mountain A. J., traders & «jaw miHj Alert Bay Chas., hackman, Victoria Chas., salesman, Victoria Edward, farmer, Sumas n it tt (t (( ■'n ALPHABETICAL OIREOTORT. 13d ], HAL HAM ' Hall I I $ s I I '5r k 'Iff i A I << ■<( <( (( 4( ■<( 4( -(( « « ■tt <(( 4( Ed. Pajlor, farmer, New West- minster District Duncan B., manager, New West- minster F. J., *' Co^oniV," Victoria F. W., M. D, Victoria G, W., farmer, Kootenay Flats Goo., miner, Nanaimo Geo., Victoria Goepel & Co., merchants, Vic- toria Guy, fitter, Vancouver & Hull, physicians, Victoria Henry, carpenter, Victoria H. E., farmer, Che main us H. G., law student, Victoria James D., photographer, Vancou- ver James L., M.D., of Hall & Hall, Victoria James L., real estate, Vancouver Jno., miner, Nanaimo John P., manager, Vancouver Jos., Methodist minister, Sumas Louis, farmer, Chemainus Miss A., dressmaker, Victoria Mrs. E., boai-ding house, Victoria Lewis, dentist, Victoria & Lowe, photographers, Victoria Mrs. M. A., widow Philip John, Victoria Mrs. Mary, widow Thomas, Victoria Matthew, stonemason, Sumas Matthew John Thomas, farmer, Sumas Phillip John, Victoria Ealph, miner, Wellington Richard, merchant, Victoria Robert Hanley, trader, Fort Simpson Ross & Co., rice mills, Victoria T. B., of Hall, Ross & Co., Vic- toria T. B., gents' furnishings, New Westminster ThoriiJtt S., M.D., New West- LEATHER BELIG. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSi MONTREAL. >*$ « (( l( Hall W., mill hand, New Westminster " W., laborer, Vancouver W, B., porter, Victoria William, farmer. Cherry Creek Wm., clerk, Victoria Wm , gardener, Victoria William, farmer, Sumas William, farmer, Chilliwhack Wm., bartender, Victoria Wm., machinist, Victoria Zed. S., stationer. New West- minster Hallam Thomas, laborer, Vancouver Haller Joseph, stock raiser. Big Bar Halliday James A., principal boy's school, Victoria " Jjimes, laborer, Clinton Hallnest — , Victoria Hallow John, miner, Wellington Ham Wm., miner. Nanaimo Hamber Claude, New Westminster Hambley Hon. Wymond, coll. of cus- toms, Victoria Hambrough Thos., stonemason. New Westminster Hambton Wm., laborer, Victoria Hamea William (Kanaka), farmer, . Fulford Harbour Hamer Geo., carpenter, Esquimalt Hamersley Alfred S. & G., barristers, Vancouver Hamill /o'ln, oirpenter, Spallumcheen Hamilton — , teamster, Donald " Alex., New Westminster Andrew, farmer, North Saanicli Archibald, constable, Nanaimo Charles John, C.E., Nicola D., mason, Vancouver Edward P., contractor, Van- oodver (( (( ",' I 'i.' II 140 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA HAM HiR « (( (I « <( (( (< « « « (( (( << Hamilton Hugh, herder, Kainloops " J., despatcher, Donald John, stage driver, Yale John, miner, Nanaimo John, carpenter, Cache Creek John, carpenter, Yale John J., despatcher> Donald Mrs., widow, Victoria MrH., Victoria Peter Ogden, farmer, 150 Mile Hoase Robert, farmer, Nicola Lake S. B., Windsor House, Donald Thos., weaver. New Westminster Thomas M., trader, Bridge Creek Thomas Macauley, laborer, 150 Mile House ** William S., engineer, Vancouver Hamley Miss Lucy, maid, Vancouver Hamlin — , Victoria Hummar J. C, shooting gallery. New Westminster Hammard Wm., C.E., E. & N. Ry., Victoria Hammond Andrew E., laborer, Esqui- malt H., clerk, Victoria John, laborer, Eisquimalt John, farmer, Maple Ridge T. M., Victoria " William, farmer. South Saanich " William, farmer, Maple Ridge Hampson Francis, miner, Nanaimo " J., miner, Nanaimo " W., miner, Nanaimo ** Wm. S., bookkeeper, Victoria Hampton William, farmer. Maple Ridge Haria6n Jus., blacksmith, Vancouver " Mrs. Kate, millinery, Vancouver Hance Frs., gen. store and flour mill, Chilcotea Hancock E., carpenter, Vancouver *' James, carpenter, Vancouver " R. H., clerk, Victoria Band J., fireman, Donald Peter, stevedore. Moody ville Wm., miner, Wellington Hand bury C, fitter, Vancouver ** H„ fitter, Vancouver Handcock John, farmer, North Arm.. B.C. Handy Samuel D., farmer, Shawnigan Hanep<ien Geo., waiter, Victoria Hanee John, farmer, Chilcoten Hanes John N., farmer. Grinder Creek Ranch Haney Thomas, farmer. Maple Ridge» •• Thos., brick mfr., Port Haney Hanington Charles F,, C.E., Lytton " Ernest, surgeon, Yale Hanista Sam., miner, Wellington Hanlan Ed., miner, Nanaimo '• Nicholas, miner, Dog Creek Hanna H. W., rancher. Port Moody " John, miner, Nanaimo " R. S , teacher and N.P., Vernon. " Wm., miner, Nanaimo ' Wm. Jas., carpenter, Vancouver H jah James, railway foreman,. Shawnigan " John, laborer, Esquimalt Hannan George, bartender, Victoria " James, stonemason, Victoria " John, salesman, Victoria Hannock John, car inspector. Revel- stoke Hannon John, Victoria " Wm., tinner, Victoria Hansine Leonard, laborer, Yale Hanski Aug., cabinetmaker, Victoria^ Hanson — , hack driver, Vancouver " Charles Frederick, laborer, Es- quimalt " C, foreman C.P.R., Hope " Hy., miner, Nanaimo '* James, porter, Vancouver " Leonard Perrj', farmer. New Westminster Di.><triet Harackson John, miner, Nanaimo Harbell Oliver Goldsmith, master mariner, Moodyville Harcourt James, V.S., Boston Bar Harcus Sinclair, fruits, Vancouver Harder Mrs. A., dressmaker, Nanaimo Hardiraan T. R., artist, Vancouver ▲LPHABETIOAL DIREOTORT. 141 HAR HAR Harding Frederick Jaines, gardener, Victoria " ThoH., baker, Victoria Haidison John, farmer, Cliiliiwhack flardman Alfred, brickmaker, New Westminster ;H:vrdy Alexander, farmer, Cache Creek David, miner, Nanaimo James, miner, Nanaimo John, farmer, Comox John, driver, Vancouver " Joseph, restaurant, Victoria " Thos., miner, Nunaimo " W., hand driller, Vancouver '* Wm., woodman, Beaver Mouth *• William, farmer. Cache Creek Hare Michael, engineer, Victoria Hargraves Goo., surveyor, Victoria ** Herbert A., compositor, Van- couver " Walter C, agent, Vancouver Harley E., miner, Nanaimo " H., store, Victoria " James, jun., miner, Nanaimo " James, sen., miner, Nanaimo Harling J., cigarmaker, New West- minster Harlock & Co., salmon canners, Lad- ner's Lundinu Harlow E., driver,Victoria' Harman — , patternmaker, Victoria " John, boatman, Esquimalt Harmer X., miner, Nanaimo Harmon — , patternmaker, Victoria " James Kdgar, tinsmith, Van- couver Harmston William E., farmer, Comox Harndon Wm., merchant, Victoria Harold Thomas, patternmaker, Van- couver Harper F., Ashcroft " James, laborer. Departure Bay Joseph, hotel keeper. Departure Bay Wesley, butcher, Victoria Harrington E. B. C, M.D., Victoria James, Vancouver (( << <( Harrington Jerry T., lab., Esquimalt Harris Capt. Annie, S.A., Victoria •' Chas., packer, Victoria " Charles, teamster, Vancouver " Clayton, carpenter, Victoria " C, carpenter, Yale Dennis R., Victoria Ernest A., clerk, Victoria Edward H., farmer, Cowichan F., brakeman, Vancouver Henry, brickmaker, Langley Henry, saloonkeeper, Esquimalt <i << « « « Ic, miner, Nanaimo J., carpenter, Vancouver J., miner, Wellington J. J., carpenter c!P.R., Donald James, firetnan, Victoria James, laborer, Vancouver James, farmer, Langley Jumes S., farmer, Mud Bay John, rancher, Windermere John, farmer, Victoria District L., foreman C.P.R., Savonas Miss Agnes, dressmaker, Victoria Mrs. Margaret, Victoria Mr.". Mary Ann, widow Jonn, Victoria Morgan, miner, Nanaimo Pendry, miner, Nanaimo Richard, minor, Wellington S., carpenter, Vancouver T., brakeman, Kamloops Thomas C, trader, Lillooot Wellington, farmer, Pitt River Wm., stableman, Victoria William, New Westminster Wm., painter, Victoria W. J., postmaster and general store, Fort Hammond Harrison — , driver, Vancouver " C, miner, Nanaimo " E., miner, Wellington Eli, painter, Victoria Eli, jun., judge county court, Victoria Frederick, carpenter, Sapperton F. E., post office department, Vancouver (( (< It (( (( (< <( « it tt It tt it « tt ',1 I ■ ,t Jill! i'l i 111! m J -t r i ■•■ 1:2, 142 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA HAR HAT Harrison George, South Sannich " Geo. B., waiter, Victoria " H. B., Somenos H. E., Somenos James, timekeeper, Yale James Bolton, contiactor, Vic- toria John Thomas, farmer, South Saanich Joseph Eobson, farmer, Langley Mark, laborer, Nicola Bridge & McAlister, merchants, Vic- toria Robert, laundryman, Vancouver Robt. S. F., minerj Nanaimo Samuel Gustave, farmer, South Saanich Wm., merchant, Victoria Wm., saloon, Victoria Wm., night watchman, Welling- ton William, farmer, South Saanich Wm., stationer, Vancouver William, stationer, Yale W., wood turner, New West- minster Harrop John, painter, Victoria Harrowery Sam., miner, Wellington Hart David, tobacconist, Victoria '' E. A., agent, Victoria F. W., furniture, Vancouver J., millhand, Vancouver J., miner, Nanaimo, mechanic, Lytton James, stevedore, Moodyvillo M., salmon packer, 0-Wee- Kay- No " Peter, stevedore, Moodyvillo Harte J. J., merchant, Victoria ' '»" Mike, Victoria Hartley Samuel, carpenter, Victoria Hartman Ernest F. L., cook, New Westminster " Nelson, miner, Wellington " Prince A., farmir, Big Bar " S. M., demist, Victoria Hartnagel G. A., Victoria Hartnall H. J., manager, Victoria « « <( (( « it « « (t (( « « « « « <( « Hartney — , teaming, Vancouver '* James, contractor, Vancouver Hartridge W.G., ropemaker,Sapperton Harts Thomas S., clerk, Kamloops Harvey — , C. P. N. Co., Victoria " — , teamster. New Westminsler " Archie, apprentice, New West- minster Frank, packer, Kamloops Geo., Victoria George, carpenter, Vancouver H., gen merchant, New West- minster Henrj' W., laborer, Clinton J. W.,manager, New Westminster James, striker, Vancouver James, gen store, Wellington James, gen store, Nanaimo James S., clerk, Vancouver Mrs., baker, New Westminster Robert, Victoria R. G., clerk, Vancouver " Oliver, merchant, SpencesBridgo- " Thos., foreman C.P.R., Ross Peak " Wm,, accountant, Yale Harwood Poter, miner, Nanaimo Haselton — , carpenter, Vancouver Hasen James, teamster, New West- minster Hasenfrntz Jacob, brewer, Victoria ** & Lawson, brewers, Victoria Haskin Geo., miner, Wellington Haskins Geo., miner, Nanaimo " J. W., Revelsloke Haskners Wm., laborer, Vancouver Haslam Andrew, laborer, Beaver Lako^ Lake District " Andrew, merchant, Nanaimo " James H., bartender, Victoria " & Lees, saw mills, Nanaimo Hassall Harry, laborer, Sliawnigan Hassard Fiancis, Yale Hastie James, merchant, Victoria " & Lock hart, furniture, Victoria Hastings 0. C, photographer,Victoria •' Saw Mill Co. (ltd), Vancouver Hat A. H., C.P.R. agent, Spence» Bridge ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. msr* HAT HEA New Hutcl A., tinner, Vancouver " James, tinner, Vancouver Hatherly Tiios. H., engineer. Westminster Hatt G. C, agent C.P.R., Spences Bridare Hatton Thos., driver, Victoria Ilauch F., conductor, Eevelstoke Haughton — , Victoria & Co., merchants, Victoria J., dentist, Victoria James, druggist, Victoria Thos,, merchant, Victoria Thos., laborer, Elsquimalt Haurhan Sum. H., laborer, E-^quimalt Han^^ki Frank, painter, Victoria " James, shoema'cer, Victoria ** Mrs. Constance, wid, Victoria Hautier Alphonse, hotelkeeper, Lytton Haaz Henrich J., saw mill, Lytton Hawerth Harry, tinner, Victoria Hawith T., miner, Wellington Hawk Gusta, clerk, Yalo " Louis, miner, Wellington Hpwkes James, foreman C.P.R., Clan- William " Jos., farmor, i loasant Valley Hawkins — , stowf.rd, Victoria " C, coal bu'-ner. Alert Bay " Albin, farmer, Matsqni " Arthur, farmer, Oakland Farm, C.H. Chas., engineer, Victoria George Frederick, farmer. High- land District " Jolin, grocer, Victoria Hawley C M., harneHsmaker, Vancou- vor Hawman John, millhand. New West- minster Hawthornlhwaite J. H., U. S. con- sular agent, Nanaimo " Wm,, faiiner, MapherHoni=< Hay Andrew G., stonecutter, Victoria " Geo., tailor, Vancouver *' J. M., bookkeeper, Vancouver •' JV I's. Jessie, wid John, Victoria " Richard, farmer, Lanj^ley u li Tte WM EMC Vl AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltav MONTREAL. Manfr. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, liiatra*- ments and Supplies of every description,! (gaew adv't page 5 ) Hayden W. F., clerk, Vancouver " Hayden & Co., grocersj Viui*- couver Hayes Alex., boilermaker, Victoriajk George, butcher, Vancouvee- H., engineer, Victoria John, bartender, Victoria M., general store, Now WeetV- minster *' Thomas N., farmor, TaFe Haymen W., minei', Nanaimo Hayne William, laboi*er, Vancottveir ~ Haynes Albert E., driver, Vic^tol•uv " Arthur E., clerk, Victoria- " G. W., merchant, Victoria Robert, laborer, Vancouver Thos. N., farmer, Spall umcbeeai'. Wm., musician, Victoria Hayward Chas., undertaker, Viotoria. " James, farmer. Port Moody Haywood Chas., jun,, Doni. Govt. Sa\r.. Bank, Victoria " John, bridge tender, Kamloc^a^ " Joseph, Victoria " W. D., carpenter C.P.R., Karas-^ loops " Wallace v., constablo^VarMJOsaver.'- " William C, Vancouver Haze Peter, miner, Nicola IjjvJvS Ilazyard C, blacksmith, Vju>ct>nvd» - Head F. G., engr., New Westminstec- Headking Jno, miner, Naoaiisno Headley — , machinist, Vtctcria Heafy Patrick James, farmer, Liingl'vy Heal George Frederick, tarruev,. Lake District " John, tailor, Victoria John farmer, Mount PlesaMiaifeg,. Lake District « (( :i n 1 i: mu i'' M' V li' ''•» I -.^ SMi HENDERSON'S BBITI8H COLUMBIA HEA HEN 'Heale D. C, tinware, Victoria ' Healy J., A., clerk, Vancouver i Hoard C. E., of Biggs & Heard, New Westminster .IHearl — , laborer, Vancouver Hearn Eobert, dispatcher, Kamloops •" W., washout C.P.R, Vancouver . IHeart Frederick, miner, Lome Creek Heath John, farmer, Lasqueti Island "" Stewart, miner, East Wellington HcHthcott G.V., freight clerk. Victoria Heatherfield Mrs. S. L., wid., Victoria Heatherbill Wm., bricklayer, Victoria Heatherington John, larmer, Comox Heatherly James. Thos., fireman. New Westminsiler Heathorn Arthur, Victoria Wm., juii., Victoria 4i Wm., sen., Victoria i.'Heatly Sam., laborer, Victoria jiH^avy Alex., boiler maker, Victoria " Horace, boiler maker, Victoria ** Mrs. E., Victorit? " Waltor, Victoria Heck Francis, mason, Vancouver " Jacob, farmer, Mayne Island Heckley Joseph W., photographer, New Westminster Heckman Joseph W., C.E , Spence's Bridge Hedges F. F., clerk, Victoria J^Ieeny James, laborer, Clinton .Hetfemari Eulph, waiter, Victoria Uetten Albert, draynitvn, New West- minster . Hei^tman H. F., agent, Victoria " H. F., & Co., ngonts, Victoria vllelford Robert, farmer, Victoria " Win., farmer, Victoria 'JII«/lgesiii Hans, farmer, Metchosin Mel in Samuel, laborer, Ksfjiiimalt Helliesen Capt. Ilann, New Westmins- t-er llellior W., Victoria Helman John, jeweller, Victoria Helmckon H. Dallas, barrister, V c- toria -^ James D., physician, Victoria Ilclmcken Dr. John Sebastian, M.R. C.S., Victoria Helpk Henry, driver, Vancouver Hemberough T., mason, Vancouver , Hemburg Jo>ieph, laborer, Chi Hi whack Hemens Jowiah, farmer. Cache Creek Valley Hemer Fred., miner, Nanaimo Hemersley Alfred St. G., barrister, Vancouver Hemphill Benjamin, farmer. Bridge Creek " Eobert, bricklaj'er, Vancouver Hemple Robert, contractor, Vancouver Hemsley George, painter, Vancouver Hench John, farmer, Maple Ridg<» Henchey John, farmer, Sumas Henck Henry, farmer. Big Bar Henderson A., marble works,Nanaimo " Antoine, Trauhfer Co., Victoria Arthur Cotter, carpenter, Cheam Bros., produce merchants, Van- couver C. W., agent C.P.R., North Bend David, miner, Nanaimo Edward Philip, teamster, North Saanich Geo., mgr Star Mines, Rockford H. M., wiper, ReveLstoke H. S., surveyor, Victoria Isaac, Vancouver J., foreman C.P.R., Warnock James, directory publisher, Vic- toria James, carpenter, Vancouver John, hotelkpr, South Saanich John, teamster, Cowichan John B., Vancouver John Calvin, merchant, Chilli- v\ hack Joseph N.. ^f Langley & Co., Vic- toria Kenneth, firmer, Comox Leonard G., publisher B. C. Dir- ectory, Victoria Maxwell, carpenter, New West- minster & Parker, agents, Victoria it (< <( (I ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 145 HEN HEW it u ti Henderson & Piitterson, props. Star mine, Nicoli'. Valley Robert Kinir, miner, Vancouver S., clerk C.P.R. payrolls, Van- couver T., station agent C.P.R., Rogers Pass Thomas, farmer, Maple Ridge Thomas E J ward, brickmaker, New Westminster T. M., of Langley & Co., Victoria Wm., blacksmith, Burrard Inlet Hondmarsh John, minor, Nanaimo " Kobert, miner, Naiaimo " Thomas, miner, Nunaimo Hondrickson Frank, lurmcr, South Saanii^h " H., nj ill hand, Vancouver Hendry Alexander, V^ictoria " John, mgr R.C.P.M. Co., New Westminster " Wm., lumberman, Burrard Inlet Hengley — , machinist, Victoria Henksman Wm., miner, East Welling- ton Henley -— , gardener, Victoria " H.. gardenoi", Clover Point, C.H. Henlire Charles, farmer, Popkum Hensly Neil, saloonkeeper, Victoria Hennesey Davin, New Westminster " Peter, farmer, Quamichan Henning William James, carpenter, Vancouver Henry C, niillhaiid.New Westminster C E., news agent. Vancouver G. W., nursoiy, Port Hammond Hugh, l;iborer, Vancouver . Levi, liiborer. Vancouver " Wm., uphol>ierer, Victoria Honski A., mattress maker, Victoria Hentz David, miner, East Wellington Hepburn John, Nicola " John, mine owner, Rockford Hepworth F. H., tailor, Victoria " James, tailor, Victoria Herberger — , machinist, Victoria Herbert Harry, bartender, Donald " Octave, laborer, Ivam loops Herbert S., cook, Victoria Herbing Dr. Paul, Vancouver Herd Alexander A.B.,faru>er, S )meno3 George, carpenter, Victoria I'-aac, farmer. South Saanicli William, farmer, Somouos Heritage Henry, builder. Victoria Hei'lino Frank, miner, Wellington Herman E. B,, Vancouver " .lolin A., farmer, Spallumcheea Heimj'.nson Jacob, miner, Nanaimo Hcrmer .John, miner, Nanaimo Herns Henry, Victoria Herod A. G., blacksmith, Vancouver " J., mason, Vancouver " P., mason, Vancouver Heron Thos., bridge carpenter C.P.R. " Robert, Victoria Herregodts Ado'phus, cigarmaker, New Westminster ^ Hcrregfits Alfons, cigarmaker, New Westminster Herren John, lineman, Victoria Herring Arthur F.C., New Westmins- ter " A. M., druggist. New Westmins- ter Herrington Eli, farmer, Chilliwhack Herwood S., night watchman, Van- couver Hescott W., carpenter, Vancouver Heslep M. K., physician. Port Moody Hessen Alexamler, laborer, Vancouver Hetherington John, laborer C.P.R., Revclsloke " Joseph, farmer, 117 Mile House Hott H. M., eleck, Victoria " Harry, b.iriisier, Victoria " J. Roland, banister, Victoria Hewen & Niglitingale, merchants, Chiico en Hewitt George, farmer. Port Haney Hewlett Clia.«., "C" battery, Victoria Hewlings E. J., Victoria " F. H., supt. Victoria Gas Co., Victoria " J. Q., Victoria Hewson C. J., mill hand, Vancouver ,-, , '( !■} m m ?r7'« r,' IL" I I; ■ > K .4 146 Henderson's British Columbia HEW HIL Htwton J., mill hand, ^ew West- minster " Robert, baker, Vancouver Hey James ArchibaKI, school teacher, Shawnigan Hcyland & Planta, enijineers, Nanaimo " R., survej'or, Nanaimo lleyvvard le., miner, Nanaimo " W., boom tender, Vancouver Hibben James Parker, clerk, Victoria " T. N., & Co., stationer)"*, Victoria " Thomas N., sen., stationer, Victoria '■' Thomas N., jun., clerk, Victoria Hick George, gardener, Victoria " William, of Mitchell & Hick, Victoria '* William, clerk, Victoria " William, jun., miner, Yale Hickey Patrick, engineer, Victoria Hickles James, miner, Nanaimo Hickman C, mill hand, New West- minster Hicks Albert, teamster, New West- minster " Christopher George, miller, New West mi nster District David Henry, carpenter, Vancou- ver E., laborer. New Wes^tminster H., mill hand, New Westmins- ter Harvey, team6.ter. New West- minster Henry A., carpenter, Ladner's Landing John, blacksmith, Victoria John F., blacksmith, Victoria Mrs. D., wid John, Victoria Eobert, pilot, Victoria Thomas, blacksmith, Victoria Thomas Bain, Victoriii Timr)t., farmer, Warnoik Station v., painter, Vancouver W., mill hand, New Westminster Wm., farmer, Victoria William, watchman, Victoria Wm., jun., farmer, Swan Lake, << (( « « a <( Hidden Treasure Mining Co. (Ld.), John Morrisson, mgr, Cherry Creek Hiemerle H. F., boots and shoes, Van- couver Higginbotham Hy., laborer, Clinton Higgins David, miner, Nanaimo «' David W., Victoria Eli, contractor, V^ancouver Hugh Henry, farmer, Lasqueti I'«land James Thos., gardener, Victoria John Thos., florist, Victoria " W. H., lumber, N. Westminster " Wm. Ralph, Victoria Higginson T. S., crown timber agent. Now Westminster Higgman Herman, millman, Moody- ville High Peter, miner, Nanaimo " Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Highland W.H ., brashfinisher, Victoria Hignenbrand Augusta, minor, Wel- lington Hilbert Fred., clerk, Nanaimo J., furniture, Nanaimo J. H., tobacconist, Nanaimo & Moore, agents, Victoria Richard, merchant, Victoria Richard, merchant, Nanaimo William, miner, Nanaimo Hile A. J., C.E., New Westminster Hiles Ben., watchmar, New West- minster " Rt. Rev. Goon,e, D.D., bishop of Columbia, Victoria Hill Albert J., M.A., C.E., New West- minster " Alfred, carpenter, Kamloops " Arthur E., secretary W. W., New Westminster Edward, laborer, Clinton George, New Westminster James, mill hand, Nanaimo James, manager James Harvey, and postmaster, Wellington John, logger, Moody ville John B., builder, Vancouver ^lathew, miner, Wellington « <( (I (I y ALPHABETICAL DIREC:ORT, 147 HIL HOE Hill B., mill hand, New Westminster Koland, farmer, Spall umcheen " Samuel, striker, Revelstoke " Stilman C, builder and contrac- tor, Kamloops " "Wilson, carpenter, Kamloops Hilley F., miner, Nanaimo Hilliiird H., fireman, Kamloops " Joseph, grocer, Victoria Hillis H., foreman C.P.R,, Yale Hilton Ben., cabinetmaker, Victoria " Ernest, miner, Boston Bur '' Geo., miner, East Wellington '* H., miner, Nanaimo " Joseph, clerk, Victoria " Squire, cab driver, Victoria Hi nek David, farmer, Maple Eidge Hine Walter, farmer, Gordon Head, B. S. Hinkhim W. J., fitter, Vancouver Hinsky Agnes, Victoria Hinton J., foreman, Ashcroft Hintz Charles, farmer. Hall's Prairie ■*♦ Jacob, farmer, Hall's Prairie Hirshberg M. H., bus mgr, Vancouver Hirst Albert Victor, farmer, English- man's River " Bros., merchants, Nanaimo " Hird E., tailor, Nanaimo *' George, teamster, Nanaimo *' James, clerk, Nanaimo " John, general store and hotel, Parksville '' John, farmer, Englishman's River " Thomas, merchant, Nanaimo " William, merchant, Nanaimo " William, machinist, Victoria Hiseocks E. H., druggist, Victoria Hitchcock Georjre Hyde, New West- minster " Mrs. W., widow, New Westmins- ter Hitcher Paul, car repairer, Donald Hoar Archibald Belmont, farmer, Qua- michan (< Francis, miner, Richfield - JLIsriD- POM MILL SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS. «r£i MONTREAL. (( (( (( Hobbs F. C, loco foreman, Revelstoke Hobson Christopher George, clerk, Vancouver George Wm., Vancouver John, carpenter, Vancouver Rev. H, P., Episcopal, Vancouver W., apprentice, Vancouver Hoif John, miner, Nanaimo Hoffar N. S., architect, Vancouver " W., machinist, Victoria Hoffman Geo., foreman C.P.R., Uuck8 Hoffmeister H., mill hand, New West- minster Hoden Alex., granite cutter, Victoria Hodge H., blksmith, Lardner's Land- <( ing Hoatson John, Victoria William, laborer, Vancouver " William, horeshoer, Victoria Hodgins G. S., loco, foreman, Van- couver Hodgkinson W., Barkerville " James Leagh, clerk, Vancouver- Hodg.^011 Arthur, painter, Vancouver '* E., butcher, Nanaimo John, millwright, Cowichan Miss milliner, Vancouver R. C, car repairer, Vancouver Richard Whiltam, engineer, Moodyville 'W, marble works, Nanaimo T., miner, Nanaimo Wm., minor, Nanaimo Hodnett A., Victoria " Alexander C , miner, Hope " All red, stonema.son, Hope " Patrick, farmer, Port Moody " Patrick, carpenter. Port Moody Hoey Richard, farmer, Lillooet " Thomas, farmer, Lillooet (I i:^ H\i Hi i ' '-1 'All! ■i L") ^|l Ih.' I 148 Henderson's British Columbia HOG HOO u u (( u n (I Hogan Mr!?., hotel, New WestminHter " Eobert, bartender, New West- minster ^' William, bartender, New West- minster Hogbur Thomas J., pensioner, Van- couver Hogg Alexander, painter, Vancouver " Alexander, Vancouver Mrs. E., widow Andrew, Victoria James, laborer, Vancouver James, photographer, Vancouver Miss Mary, domestic, Vancouver W., miner, Nanaimo William, lampman, Vancouver Hohalta Andrew, miner, East Wel- lington fiolden John, farmer, South Saanich Richard Hv., farmer, Langley S., miner, Nanaimo " W. H., Farmers' Home, New Westminster " W. J., miner, Nanaimo Holin John, mill hand, Nanaimo " C, miner, Nanaimo Holland Charles Edward, farmer, Vancouver Fred., carpenter, Victoria Henry, mmor, Nanaimo J., contractor, Victoria J. M.,& >.'o.,real ewtate, Vancouver | " Tinioiliy, te;imsier, Vancouver " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Holley Wm., carpenter, Victoria Hollingo Alfred, woodman, Donald Hoilings Homy 8umiiel, i'armor, Sliawnifran Hollinw Geo , farmer, Moresby I«iland John, upholMterer, Victoria John W., farmer, Moresbv Island " John T., farmer, Moresby Island " William A., farmer, Ganges Har- bour Holloak J., laborer, Vancouver B^"oway Robert, compositor, Van- couver Hoi man Andrew, agent, Vancouver " Frederick, brewer, Victoria a u u li u li i( a u u a ti (I Holman Tames, shoemaker, Esquimalt " J. R., lineman, Victoria " Lewis, cigar maker, Nanaimo Holmes — , speculator, Vancouver Alfred J., Vancouver Capt. Peter, Victoria Charles, farmer, Somonos Christopher, painter, Vancouver David, clerk, Quamichan J. B., merchant, Comox John, f firmer, Denman Island Josiah Greenwood Lt. Col., com- mander '* C " Battery, Victoria Lionel West, night watchman, Yale William, New Westminster Wm., waterman, Victoria Wm., farmer, New Westminster District " William L., teacher, Vancouver Holness James, cigars, Victoria Holt Claude K., first clerk Land Office, New Wes' minster " R.,cook C.P.R. Holtby Mailer Hallery, farmer, Agas- siz Homer C. W., clerk, Now Westminster *' Mrs., widow, New Westminster " Miss M., teacher. New West- minster Honest John, laborer, Vancouver Hong W. 0., merchant, Lytton Honnyman Robert, laborer, North Bond Hontass Peter, farmer, Thompson River Hon ton iM., laborer, Vancouver Hood James, drayman, Victoria Hoolvway A. F., orijaiiist, Victoria " Thomas, carpenter, Axoodyville Hooper Charles J., farmer, Comox " .1). G., shoomalior, Victoria " Francis, farmer, Quamichan " Matthew, mitior, Victoria Thomas, architect, Vancouver W., carpenter, Victoria William, laborer, Victoria William, carpenter, Vancouver i( u (( ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 149> HOO HOW Hooson Edward, walchman, Victoria " E., stono cutter, Macpherson John E., farmer, Macpherson Wm., farmer, Macpherson Hope Rutherford, farmer, Pender Island " Thos., miner, Nanaimo Hopgood J., brakeman, Kamloops HoJDinB Michael, foreman, Shuswap Lake Hopking G., deck hand, Vancouver Hopkins David, miner, Nanaimo " J, D., carpenter, Vancouver " Jacob, & Co., miners, Wellington " Mrts., Nanaimo " Thos., miner, Nanaimo " Wm. H., printer, Nanaimo Hopper John T., bartender, Victoria Horan Robert D., laborer, Cowichan Horland Henry, farmer, Spallum- cheen Hornby Thos., teamster, Kamloops Home A. G., merchant, Nanaimo " A.G. & Son, merchants, Nanaimo " A. H., agent Dom Govt. Savings Bank, Nanaimo " J. W., agent, Vancouver " H.L., clerk, Nanaimo " H. R., E. M. Ry., Victoria " Thos., cab driver, Victoria " Thos. Chas., tel. oper., Nanaimo " Tom, miner, Porcupine Creek Horner John, merchant, Nanaimo Horring Henry, fish and fruit. New Westminster Horris Rev. Edward M., O.M. I., New Westminster Horrobin Theodore, carpenter, Vancou- ver Horsley Geo., miner, Nanaimo *' Samuel, plasterer, Victoria Horth Charles, miner, East Wellington " Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, Victoria " Miss L. M., teacher, Victoria N., carpenter, Vancouver Robt. John, H. B. Co., Victoria Rufus, farmer, North Saanich W., mill hand, Vancouver (I Hosker D, M., loco fireman, Kam1oops> ** Edward, sen., timekeeper. Van- couver E. J., engineer, Kamloop.s Elwurd, jun., engineer, Vancoa- ver Hoskin Joseph, sen., teamster, Van- couver " Joseph, jun., teamster, Van- couver Hosking Mrs. Ha.inah,wid.Chif.topher^ Victoria Hosseau Joseph, farmer, Burnside- Road Hosti Derrick, wharfman, Vancouver Houl Charles, farmer, BurgryneBay Houlihon James, farmer, Richmond Road C. H. " Patrick Jos., fa^-iner, Mount Tol- mie Cross Road, C. H. House A. E., j^eiieral store, Nicola Liike " Alfred Richard, survej'or, Esqui- mau Road Elijah, clerk, Nanaimo Elgin A., farmer, Nicola Geo., miner, Nanaimo *' George, clerk, Nanaimo Housley Charles, sen., engineer, Van- couver " Ch.irles, jun., fireman, Viincottver " Walter, laborer, Vancouver Houstan Fred., turner, Vancouver *' Leonard, laborer, C lipman Bar Houston James, farmer. Langley " John, publislier Truth, Donald Howa R., miner, Wellington Howard Mrs. Ellen, widow F. A., Vic- toria " Henry, printer, Victoria ** John T., postmaster, E>quimalt. " Thomas, laborer, Vancouver Howatt E. A., carpenter C.P.R., Kara loops Hbway Wm., mill hand. New West. minster Howe A. C., farmer, Lake District " C. 0., laborer, Port Moody « 3,. ;■■ it. ( j 'i ':'4 r if :; . li: i: ': ii <ii ^i' ■« V K i:o Henderson's bri * Columbia HOW HUM *!. ■ Howe George, batcher, Comox *' John, farmer, Torn >y Island " Matthew, millwi i^iit, Chomainus '* Mining Co. (Id.), Victoria Howell Alex., machine hand, Vancou- ver " Benjamin, Victoria " Lonnox, bookkeeper. Victoria " Miss Nellie, nurse, Victoria Howen — , piano maker, Victoria Howensteln Wm. S., carpenter, Port moody Howes J. G., laborer, Vancouver Howie Archibald, farmer, Macpher- sons •' A. S., woodman, Vancouver Howison Geo. Henry, clerk, New West- minster District " Wm. Justus, farmer. Maple Rid^e Howland Thos., steward, Vancouver Howie Octave, Vancouver Hovvloy Georire, fireman, Donald Hoy Henry T., of H. T. Read & Co., New Westminster Hoy land R., cook C.P.R., Donald Huband Martin, scavenger. New West- minster Hubbaid Thos., E. &N. Ry., Victoria Huck A. L., contractor, Surry Centre " Abram, merchant, Surry Centre Huddleston Joseph, mariner, Victoria Hudson Edward, engineer, Vancouver John, clerk, Vancouver John, carpenter, Bridge Creek i»i(hard, miner, East VVellington (( " Thos., miner, Wellington " W. C, Lundy I^*land, Bristol Channel Hudson's Bay Co., Thos. R. Smith, Victoria Huff Colin M., farmer, Okanagon Hufman A., butcher, Victoria Hughes — , Victoria Edward, merchant, Nanaimo Edward, Vancouver Henry Wm., farmer, Langley J. H., carpenter, Victoria « it u « Hughes J. M., clerk, Victoria James H., carpenter, Victoria John, fireman E. & N. Ry., Vic- toria JohnLeonard, rancher, Kami oops Mrs., widow, New Westminster Richard, laborer C.P.R., Donald Richard, farmer, Sumas William, miner, Nanaimo *' William, Departure Bay Hugo, Galloway & Son, mineri«, Wel- lington " Josei)h, Wellington Hull George, apprentice, Vancouver " John, butcher, Kamloops Roper John, farmer, Kamloops Trounce & Co., butchers, Donald Trounce & Co., butchers, Revel- stoke " Trounce & Co., butchers, Kam- loops Humber Arthur, Victoria F., bricklayer, Victoria M., sen., brick mfr., Victoria " M.jjun., Victoria " Ruisell, Victoria Hume & Cowan, steamboat owners, Revelstoke James, of Murray & Hume, Van couver Jame^, sawyer, Port Moody *** J. F..& Co., general 8tore, Revel- stoke John, millhand. New Westmin- ster & Lemon, Nelson Peter, civil engineer, Esquimalt, B.C. Robt. Alex., printer, Sapperton Robert, miner. Now Westmin- ster District Robert, New Westminster llumes George, bartender. New West- minster " Robert, New Westminster Humphrey Isaac, rancher, Winder- mere Humphreys John, miner, Nanaimo (( « (C (( <( ALPHABETICAL DIREOTOBr. 161 ^ HUM HZE Humphrey John, farmer, Cowichan " Tho3. B., M.P.P., Victoria Humphries, Alderman, Vancouver " Charles, farmer, Alexandria Hunden Wm., miner, Wellington Hunnon Thomas, farmer, Langley Hunt Chas., carpenter. Boundary Bay " Edward, mason, Victoria Eli, trader, Alert B:iy Edward, carpenter, Vancouver Fred,, minor, Nunaimo Goorge, trader. Alert Bay Joseph, wiper, Revelstoke Mrs. Emily, dressmaker, Van- couver Robert, trader. Alert Bay Samuel, laborer, 150 Mile House William, farmer. Woodlands AVilliam, trader. Alert B;iy Hunter A., minor, Nanairao " E. E., carpenter, Vancouver " F., machinist, Nanaimo Frederick, bricklayer, Victoria Henry, trader and farmer, Hun- lerville John, miner, Nanaimo John Halbert, farmer. South Arm Jos., gen. supt. E. & N. Ry., Vic- toria R., customs, Victoria Robert, millwright, Vancouver Thomas., plasterer, Vancouver Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver Tom, Nanaimo Walter, B.A., B.C.L., Nanaimo Wm., miner, Wellington " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Huntley Joseph, city inspector, Van- couver Hurd — , councillor, Maple Bay Hurliman J., machinist, Vancouver Huson & Tuson, cannery, Victoria Hussey Fred., govt, agent, Kamloopa Huston Wm., machinst, Victoria Hustwick Wm., rancher, Windermere Uutcherson E., nurseryman, Ladner's Landing Ernest, Ladner's Landing n (I <l (( a (I a <( ti <( i( <( it <( « (( Tie Hiard Mc Mfg. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. of WATER-PROOF Electric Llg 1 Wire Office Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Ooverea Magnet Wire. (See adv't. froat page.) Hutcherson Hariy, farmer, Ladner's Landing Hatcheson — , Victoria '' J., & Co., dry goods, Victoria " James, merchant, Victoria " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Hutchings George V/,, Vancouver " & McFarlmi^ furniture, Vancou- ver " William, laborer, North Saanich Hutchins William, fitter, Rovelstoke Hutchinson H. J., farmer, Grand Prairie *' James, farmer. Grand Prairie " Matthew, farmer, Spallumcheen " Thomas, pi.c'cer, Alkali Lake Hutchison Geo., guard B.C.P., Now Westminster " Matthew, electrician, Victoria " T., fireman C.P.R., Mountain Creek Hutson James, plasterer, Victoria " William A., farmer, North End Hiitton Frank, carpenter, Clinton '' George, stevedore, Burrard Inlet Huxam Henry E., farmer, Comox Huxtable Robt. T., painter, Victoria " W. H., jr., machinist, Victoria " Wm. H., janitor, Victoria Hyack Fire Co., New Westminster Hyams Samuel S., optician, Victoria Hyatt M., foreman U.P.R., Kam loops Hyde Arthur, laborer, Vancouver " John, farmer, Alert Bay " William, Vancouver Hydraulic Mining Co., Leech River Hyland J., cook, Vancouver Hysell Henry, miner, Wellington Hzeli John, farmer, Alert Bay II vf if 11 :1 m MA ■pppw^ 152 Henderson's British Columbia IBB IRW i( Ibbitson Chnrles, laborer, Vancouver Ilitf A. C, tireiuun, Donald Imbert C. A., carpenter, Victoria " George, cornice maker, Victoria Imell H,, dish washer, Vancouver Imrie Peter, farmer, North Smmich Irason Joseph, mill hand, Vancouver Inches James, lumberman, Metchosin Indian Bazaar and Curiosities, Victoria Inga William, painter, Vancouver Inge Mrs. Esther, midwife, Vancouver John, gardener, Vancouver Miss Lilly, waitress, Vancouver Peter, painter, Vancouver Eoger, waiter, Vancouver " R., carpenter, Vancouver Ingram J., mason, Vancouver Ingran Wm., diver, Victoria Inkman Chas., station agent C.P.R., Agassiz Innes Adam, farmer, Langley *' Adam, teamster, Victoria " C, bank clerk, Victoria F. C real estate, Vancouver George, farmer, Surry Centre Harry M., bank clerk, Victoria James H., naval and victualing storekeeper Naval yard, Ef«qui- malt James, Barkervillo John W., laborer, New West- minster " William, farmer, Langley " W., Victoria Insell Edwin, fireman, Vancouver Insley Captain A., New Westminster " John E., of Grout & Insley, Vancouver Inverness Salmon Cannery, Victoria Invertavish Nursery, G. A. McTavish, prop.. North Saanich Inwood Frederick, farmer, Somenos " George, Vancouver Ireland Mrs M. C, dressmaker, Vic- toria (I (( u (( (t (( (( <( (( (( (( (( (( (( Irkman A., operator, Vancouver " C, agent C P.R., Agassiz Irvine Cliri>topher, farmer. New West- minster District David, but'jher, Victoria Isaac, operator, Spatsum- James, farm laborer, Metchosin John, farmer, Rooebank C. H., Mrs. Charlotte, widow Arthur, Victoria Joseph, miner, Lome Creek Robt., farmer,Oakland farm C.H. Robert, laborer, Victoria Thompson, yeoman, Yale William, farmer. Cedar Hill Wm,, contractor, Victoria Irving — , laborer, Vancouver " Adam, farmer, Maple Ridge Bros., n^erchants, Victoria Capt. John, C. P. N. Co., Victoria D. Bell, M.D., Vancouver E. B., bookkeeper, Vancouver Edward B., merchant, Nanaimo Geo. Melbourne, merchant, Vic- toria Henry Bell, Vancouver Mrs. Sarah, widow Jas., Victoria T.JE., dept. atty. gen., Victoria Robt., C.P.N. Co., Victoria Robert, teamster, Yale Robert, clerk, New Westminster District Robt., stage-driver, Cache Creek Robert, butcher, Victoria & Strahan, manfrs., Vancouver Tlios. Lewis, merchant, Victoria William, Vancouver William, cabinet-maker, New Westminster District Irwin Archibald, farmer,Nicola Valley ** Dixon, accountant, Victoria John J., Vancouver Joseph, rodman, Spence's Bridge Rev. Hy., Episcopal, Kam loops Rev. H., Episcopal, Donald Thos., painter. New Westminster- Thomas, fireman, Kamloops Thomas,, wiper, Donald (( (( (( << (< u (( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. t5S ISA J A VI %: ,idge ria Victoria er oouver ^^Ullailno Jiiit, Vic- /"ictoria Victoria iria tmiDster le Creek u couver Victoria New I Valley 3ria Bridge I ra loops lid minster* ops Isaac Wilnam, farmer, Muplo Bidge Isaacs J., merchant, Victoria " J., & Co., Indian B izaai*, Victoria Isaacson Isaac, laborer, Langley Isbister Jamof^, boatman, Foster's Wharf " John, miner, Nanaiino " Wm., miner, Nnnairiio Isen L., fruits, Vancouver Isherwood T., miner, Nunnimo Isidor Oaspar, saw mill and farmer, Dog Creek Ivenej James, carpenter, Vancouver J « (( « Jack A. C. B., barrister. New Wetst- minster " Alex., miner, Victoria " Mrs., widow, Victoria Jackling Chas., moulder, Victoria " Thos., stove mounter, Victoria " Thos., Victoria Jackman Mi^s B , dressmaker, Victoria J., compositor, New Westminster James, teamster, Victoria Philip, jun., postmaster. Alder- grove Philip, sen., general store, Alder- grove Sam., harnessmaker, Victoria " Thomas, bartender, Vancouver Jackson Adam, guard. New Westmin- ster " Alex., salesman, Victoria Andrew, baker, Victoria D., pumpman, Hammond F. A., druggist, Victoria Geo., machinist, Victoria Geo. R., tailor, Victoria Hiram, railway foreman, Lytton J,, mill hand, Vancouver J., boilermaker, Kamloops Jacob, farmer, Surry Centre James Andrew, baker, Victoria James A., stock deaier, Victoria James T., farmer, Cowichan (< it (( (( (C (( l< (( la Jackson J. S., butcher, Vietorfaf John, logger, Surry Centra John, shoemaker, Victoria. John B., mangr^ Victoria John N., watchmaker, VaneoonrtK- John N., farmer, Port Moody John Wm., jeweller. VaD«oaxfB- Kirk, laborer, Victoria Mrs., Victoria Mrs. J. B., electric worfcs^ VE*. tori a Olivier, fireman, Victoria R. £., barrister, Victoria Bobt., rancher^ Windermere Stewart, marble cvtter, Vl<itosii Thos. £., miner, Nanaimo> William, druggist. New Woftl- minster Wm., physician, Victoria " Wm., druggist, Victoria " Wm., jr., druggist, Vietoria " Wm., miner, Weliingtoa ** Wm. R., Vicloriu Jacobs Daniel, cook, Victoria Jacobson — , Bella C.>ola " Capt. Victor, Victoria Jacoby Henry, Victoria Jacques J. C, clerk, New We&tnoujfe- ster Jaeck J. F., druggist, Victoria Jagers Capt. John F., Victoria Jaggers John, farmer, Nicon>en STooglW " Joseph, machinist, New WeaU minster James — , engineer, Victoria " Daniel, cabinetmakor,. Viete«iau " Edward, laborer, Katntoops. " Ed., rancher, Kamloops Francis T., coachman, VLctoi'iat Hy., miner, Nanaimo Hugh, miner, Nanaimo James, farmer, Langley Jas., engineer. New Westraiostor John, miner, Nanaima John S., laborer, Vancouver John T., miliwrigbty Nort^ Thompson Joseph, hotelkeepor,- Hopa it « ■J 1 "* m III' I jiiiui 'S! : I I 'Wk lU HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA JAM JEN 'SameB Lewin, minor, Nanaimo ^ Stanley, clerk, Moody vi lie • *' Tliomiis, farmer, Maple Ridge ** Thomas, farmer, Spallumcheen - " Thorn an John, contractor, Van- couver ' " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Jamieson -, carpenter, Vancouver ** C. M., Now West minster Duncan, str, " Bell," New West- •minstor D., conductor, Kam loops J., brtikoman, Kamloops J., stocUraiser, Keofors Jas.. millwright, North Thomp- son Miss Agnes, music teacher, Vic- toria Miss, clerk, Vancouver Joseph, teamster, Kamloops Liiuy hlin, machinist, Victoria Michael, carponter, Victoria Peter, baker, Victoria Pctei- J,, restaurant, Nanaimo 'R. H , clerk, Victoria Ral])h, New Westminster 4'ev. Robert, B.C. P., New West- miiisier Eobt., stationer, Victoria \William, laborer, 34 Mile House '-■'*' ^M. ,foreman C.P.E.,Bear Creek ^Janes John, trader and surveyor, Sa- von as Ferry * " .Mrs.. Jano, widow, Victoria '-« -Mrs, W, r., Victoria JJanyes M. W., Quamichan iSTf^ques Geo,, watchmaker, Victoria JSTavdine John, painter, Victoria Jarmain Wm. Thos., clerk, Vancom or Jarvis C, brakeman, Vancouver " Frank, clerk, Yale " John Hy., time-keeper, Lytton ■*' R., miner, Wellington ^ Wm., stevedore, Victoria JTay &> Co., seedsmen, Victoria " Geo., merchant, Victoria ** Geo., barrister, Victoria ■^ Geo. J. , Victoria -«< -<u *l Jayers Capt. F. J., Victoria Jayne W. P., gen store. Maple Bay Jaynes W. P., postmaster and gen. store, Quamichan " John, farmer, Comox " Percy Franklin, carpenter, Qua- f michan ** W. P.. Quamichan Jayoe rev. F. M.J., O.M.I., New West- minster Jeeves Allen, laborer, Victoria Jefcott John E., New Westminster Jeffree John, Victoria " Mrs. C, Victoria " Mrs. W., Victoria " W. G., merchant, Victoria " W.J. T., clerk, Victoria Jeffrey Chas., carpenter, Victoria " Mrs. R, widow, Victoria " E. M., bookkeeper, Victoria Jeffries J., laborer, Vancouver Jemison William, farmer, Galiano Island Jemmett Capt. W. S., Victoria " William Sudger, New Westmin- ster District Jenkins Chas., mill Wright, Victoria " David John, carpenter, Victoria J. E., hotolkeeper, Nanaimo J. W., fireman, Kamloops J., miner, Nanaimo James, bricklayer, Victoria James, miner, Wellington John Thomas, farmer, Somenos Miss Marian, milliner, Victoria William, farmer. Eraser River Wm., boilermaker, Victoria Jenkinson C. W.,tax collector, Victoria " Mrs. Eliza, widow Geo., boarding house, Victoria " Miss Annie, saleswoman, Victoria " William Henry, watchmaker, Fort Simpson Jenks Geo., expressman, Nanaimo Jennings Arthurs., Victoria " Dennis, minister. Port Essington " John Robert, farmer, Topaze Av Victoria (( <( a ALPHABETICAL DIRKCTORT. 15|fc JEN JOH Jonninc;8 Kerter, Victoria " Mis8 A. E., dressmaker, New Westminster Miss C, clerk, Victoria (( (k Thomas, Victoria ** Walter, teamster, New Westmin- ster Jenne F., sailmaker, Victoria Jeims E. A., barrister, Now Westmin- ster '' " rov. Percival, Victoria Louis H., clerk, Victoria P. A., clerk, Victoria Jensen J, N., Lillooet " v., saloon, Victoria *' Wm., hotelkceper, Victoria Jc'j)son Huns, stableman, Victoria Jerow A., blacksmith, Victoria Jervis Miss C, dressmaker, Vancouver " John, laborer, Vancouver Jesse Frank W., law clerk, Victoria '• Mrs. Matilda, widow Robert, Victoria " Robert, acct., Hautier's Station *' Walter H., clerk, Victoria Jesson Ferdinand W"enzell, farmer, Sea Island Jessop J. C, Victoria " John, Dom. Immigration agent, Victoria Jewell Henry, merchant, Victoria Jeziner Joseph, farmer, Hall's Prairie Jisy Kowicz C. J., jeweller, Vancouver Jobanek A,, carpenter C.P.R., Donald Jobson James, Vancouver ** Jno Hy. farraer,Cadboro BayC.H " Wm., mechanic, Victoria John Edwin, farmer. North Saanich '* Bedlington HaroId,draught8man, Victoria D., engineer, Wellington David, miner, Nanaimo David, farmer, North Saanich Edwin, jun., farmer, S. Saanich Edwin, farmer, South Saanich Henry, i|iiner, Nanaimo JohQ8toD,clerk, New Westminster Joseph, former, Spallumcheen (( it il Edison Electric Light System, M. D. BARR & CO., General Selllnj Agents, 726 Cr.A!0 ST., - MONTREAL. John Rich., jun., farmer. North Saanich " Richard, tiirmer, North Saanich *' Robert Franklin, farmer, South Saanich " Thomas, farmer, South Saanich Johns Isaac,(iepy collector of Customs, I Vancouver I Johnson — , patternmaker, Vancouver A., millhand. Now Westminster Adam, farmer. Lake Disrtict Andrew, driver, Vancouver Arthur, cl^rk, Victoria Chas., miner, Nanaimo Charles G., Vancouver Daniel, dairyman, Mud Bay E., carpenter, Vancouver Edward, clerk, Victoria Edward, farmer,Thompson River Edwin Clay, carpenter, Yale E. M., notary, Victoria H. E., mill hand, New West- minster Henry, farmer, Sumas Ira Edmund, farmer, Quamicban J., mill hand, New Westminster J., fiarmer. Port Moody J. A., Victoria J. B , saloon, Vancouver J. B., grocer, Victoria J. B., of Grant & Johnson, Van- couver J. B., agent C.P.R., Donald James, car repairer, North Bend Jas., patternmaker, Vancouver John, driver, Victoria John, farmer, Lulu Island John, farmer, Mud Bay Joseph, laborer, Lytton « <( « (( (( <( « « (( ill . i i 1 1 •H:i ! !, ' . i r 1 , 1 ' .1 ^ 1 ! ■ 1 ' I- .< . :^ L. ^ m i" t ". ' Hi w^^gsmammm 156 Henderson's British Columbia I ' JOH JOH u Johnson Lacy Ecbert,nia8ter mechanic C.P.R., Vancouver Lewis, foreman, Shnswap Lake Miss, dressmaker, Victoria Mrs., restaurant, Victoria Ninian Clark, farmer, Kanaka Prairie Oliver, Victoria 0. H., laborer, Vancouver P., watchman C.P.R., Mountain Creek " Philip, farmer. Mud Bay " Ealph, miner, Nanairao " Renholt J., Victoria " Robert, laborer, Nicola " Thomas, fitter, Revelsioke " Thos., miner, Nanaimo " William, farmer, Pori Essinerton " William, farmer, Lake District " Wm., captain Steamer "Bell," New Westminster " Wm., driver, Victoria " William, fanner. Mud Bay " W. L., fireman, New Westmins- ter Johnston , carpenter, New West- minster , exprefisman. Victoria , clothing, Vancouver Aaron, blacksmith and waggon- maker, Vernon A.'iron, carriagemakcr, Spence's Bridge A. G., merchant, Vancouver A. R., merchant, Nanaimo A. R., & CV., merchants, Nanaimo Alexander, farmer, Langley Alexander, sawyer, Port Moody Alexander, saloon, Vancouver Andy, miner, New Westminster Arthur, clerk, Victoria C, mill hand, Vancouver Charles G., Vancouver Ed., fireman. New Westminster Edmund Thomas, miner, Colum- bia River Edward, clothing, Vancouver Ed Ward, tanner, Victoria a « (( <( (( 11 (( (( (( (( (( Johnston E D., carpenter, Vancouver E. R, rancher, Windermere Frank, painter, Victoria Frank, far.ner, Chilcotin F. W., barrister, Vancouver G., carpenter, Vancouver Gaskin, farmer, Spalluracheen George Hope, trader, Kicking; Horse George, foreman, Vancouver Halaro Peter, typewriter, Vic- toria Homey, New Westminster Hugh, Victoria Isaac S., farmer, Mud Bay J., M.P., Gore Bay J., hotelkeeper, Kamloops James, expressman, Victoria James, laborer, Victoria James, farmer, Mud Bay James M., farmer, ijangley John, merchant, Victoria John, baker, Victoria John, bookkeeper, Vancouver John, engineer, Kamloops John, miner. East Wellington John, clerk, Victoria John, mill hand, New West- minster John, packer, Kamloops John, clerk. New Westminster John C., Vancouver Mathew T., manager, Victoria. Miss Nellie, clerk, Victoria Mrs., New Westminster Nels, watchman, Clanwilliam O., carpenter, Vancouver P. T., & Co., Beedsraen, Victoria? Samuel, miner. East Wellington T., cleik. New Westminster Thos., miner, Wellington Thomas, farmer, Harrison River Thos., corporation, Victoria Walker & Flatt, planing mills, Victoria William, farmer. Clover Vallev Wm., blacksmith C.P.R., Donald William, laborer, Vancouver (( (< « (( -JJi ALPHABETICAL DIREOTOttT. 157 couver re er been Lickir>g; iver T, Yic- Br y on a JOH JON << mver << igton r West- a inster ii ctoria. ria <( lliam r Victoria lingtoii jter i 1 n River s na 5 millH, 1 \ " Valley DoDuld 1 aver 1 ^< Johnston William, captain steamer " Bell," New Westminster ^ " William, boots and shoes, New Westminster '< Wm. E., carpenter, Vancouver Jold Albert, miner, Nanaimo Jolly John StuU, farmer. North Saa- nich <' J., miner, Nanaimo " John, farmer, L:\ngley Jonas ■ , carpenter, Vancouver Jonnasson Andrew, Victoria " John, carpenter, Victoria Joncban Rev. John James, Esquimalt Eoud Jones , hor.elkeeper, Cowichan <' , livery, Victoria *' A. W., insurance agent, Victoria " Albert, stenographer, Victoria " Arthur, clerk, Victoria *' Ben,, plumber,New Westminster Bros., photographers, Victoria Capt., Victoria Chas., miner, Nanaimo Chas., sen., Victoria Chas. F., stenographer, Victoria David, teacher, Esquimalt Mrs. Cecilia, Victoria David, woodman C.P.R., Albert Canyon David, miner, Nanaimo David H., builder. Oalranagon Deacon, bartender, Victoria E.H-, postmaster, Kar loops El, miner, Nanaimo El., engineer, Wellington E'J., miner. East Wellington Edwin, tinner, Victoria Elias, barte'ider, Nanaimo Evan, miner, Nanaimo F., painter. New Westminster Frank Charles, farmer, Kani- loops Fred., miner, East Wellington Frederick, farmer, Cowichan Fred. Crossloy, Victoria F J., restaurant, Vancouver F. N., stoker, Esquimau (( (( Jones George, farmer,Cowichan " Geo., bartender, Victoria " George, miner, Nanaimo " George, hotel and general store, Macphersons Geo., agf»nt. New Westminster George H., quarryman, Mao- pherson George J., boots and shoes, Van- couver Geo. Jas., carpenter, Esquimalt George W., bookkeeper. New Westminster G. W., hotel keeper, Kamloops Henry, miner, Nanaimo Humphry, New Westminster H. A, &Co, real estate, Van- couver I. I., miner, Wellington J,, brakeman, Kf.mloops J. B., miner, Nanaimo J. G., mi>-er, Nanaimo J. G., miner, Wellington J. P., millhand, Vancouver James, miner, Nanaimo James, teamster, Cowichan James, farmer, North Saanich ' James, biassfinisher, Victoria James, miner, Wellington Mis. James, widow, general store, Wellington John, clerk Nannimo John, mine. , Nanaimo John, livery, Victoria John, photographer, Victoria John, C.P.fT shopi, Vancouver John, barber, Vancouver John Boyd, Victo'"ia John B. L., overman No. 5 shaft, Wellington John F., miner, Nanaimo John Q.J miner, Nanaimo John R., miner, Nanaimo Joh'i T., laborer, Victoria Joseph, farmer, Cowichan Joseph, farmer, North Saanich Joseph T., fai iier, Cache Creek Leslie, miner, Nanaimo I i i fiU % HJ u I . 158 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA JO]^ KAW ■I I m I N Jones Mncnaughton, M D., Victoria & McNeil, livery, Victoria Owen, farmei", Ohtmil Eanch Eees miner, Xanaimo Mrs*., wid Eiehard, Vi^-toria Eicbard, miner, Nanaimo Rich., quarry man, Mncpherson Eiehard, collector Inland Rev., Victoria Robert, Victoria Samuel, butcher, Wellington Samuel, farmer^ Lake DiHtrict T., boat builder, Victoria T., printer, Victoria T. I) , miner, Nanaimo T. J., & Son, dentiets,Victoria T. M., photographer, Victoria Thomas, mill hand, New West- mi nt^ter Thomas, farmer, Okanagon Mission Thos., waiter, Victoria Thomas, laborer, Fort Simpson Thos., miner, Nanaimo Thos. Henry, dentiht, Victoria Thos. Joseph, dentist, Victoria W., miner, Wellington W. J., manager, Namiimo W. R., cigarniak"r, Victoria W. S., miner, Nanaimo Walter, driver tor Jas. Harvey, Wellington Wm., coal merchant, Victoria Wm., postmaster, Macphersons Wm., mirier, Xanaimo William, fai'mei-, Chem.'iinus William, farmei-, Chilcoten William, larrner, Mud Bay Willian., stock-rniser, Kamloops V/m., miner, Nanaiino William A. B.. clerk. Drynock Wm. C, farnur. Clover Valle}- William Heniy, farmer. Grand Prairie William Henry, farmer. New Westmirtster I)i>trict William H.. builder, Okanagon, Jopson Jumes, fireman, Vancouver « « ti « « <.' << <( ti <( II (( u It tt tt ft tt it It it tt (I (( t( tt tt tt tt tt It '.( t< ft t( ti Jorand Henri, boarding house,Victoria '' Miss, teacher, Victoria Jordan Charles, farmer, Somenos '' Fred. W., clerk, K:im loops " G. W,, merchant, Victoria *' John, farmer, Boundary Bay " Joseph, farmer. South Arm " Wm., baker, Victoria Jordons Dr. J. E., Victoria Josephs — , tiiilor, Vancouver Josling C, watchman C.P.R., Snow- sheds Joslyn Chas.S., Victoria Joss J., stonecutter, Vancouver Jowatt Arthur, laborer, Vancouver Joyce Abraham, laborer, Vancouver " P., engineer, Vancouver " T., brakeman, Don^ !!. Judge Wm., saloon, Vancr t" Juinn Anthony, farmer, Spul!umcheer> K Kadey Thomas, foreman C.P.R., Revelstoke Kahano John Hallum ( Kanaka), farmer. Salt Spring Island Kahow John Peorine (Kanaka), far- mer. Salt Spring Island Kain ijharles, carpenter, Vancouver Kains T m, D.L.S., Victoria Kama Louis, clerk, Vctoria Kammerer C. W., stationer, Victoria Kanaka Tho-i-jgang marker, Vancouver Kane George, Toad Mountain " Wm.,l4 Mile Creek. FraserRiver Kanouf James, rancher, North Thomp- '■on Karg , machinist, Victoria Karlson Charles, farmer, Alberni " I. J., miner, Wellington " J., miner, Wellington Kirst Chas., restaurant, Ni.naimo Ktvey Mrs. James, wid., New Wo/.- minster Kawagin H., restuur.nnt, Vancouver rii ];/'-: r ALPHABETIOAL DIRECTORY. 153» KAY KEL Kay Mrs., New Westminster " L. L., Comox " Wm., cleik, New Westminster Kaye James, teacher, Victoria Keamo Jas., screw turner, Vancouver Kearley Alfred, Vancouver Kearney Pat., laborer, Boston Bar Kearns Miss, ragr. C.P.H., dining hall, Kamloops Keart Arthur, dept registrar Sup. Court, Victoria " Hubert, clerk C.P.R., Victoria '* Miss, teacher, Victoria Kearst Thos., miner, Nanaimo " W. J., miner, Nanaimo Koary H. T., Lillooet " Mrs., wid., New Westminster " Wm., clerk, New Westminster " William H., accountant B. C. P., New Westminster Keating Thos., conductor, Vancouver Keatley Wm. H., larmer, Clinton Keaty W., laborer, Vancouver Keddy Wm,, drayman, Nanaimo Kodon P., Watchman, Hope Keefe Cant. Michael L., Victoria Keefer Charles, gardener, Vancouver " Geo. A., C.E., Vancouver ** Hugh Forbes, contractor, Van- couver Keeler Fred., tinner, Vancouver " Richard, trader, E-quimalt " Richard, grocer, Esquimalt Keen Wm. H., tarmer, Mission Ranch Koenan , mechanic, Victoria " W., laborei', Vancouver Keery John, logger, K'jn>inglon Prairie Keestrop C . , bartender, Vancouver Keil Jamo-t, teamstei', Vancouver Koill James, cooper, SooUo Keith Alox., farmer. Clover Valley " Chus. S., law bludent, New West- miiiMter " E. li., dair}'. New We-tminster " George, farmer. Clover Valley " James, miner, Nanaimo " J. C. bank mgr., Vancouver " W. J., miner, Nanaimo LEATHEIi BELK Juno. Craig and St. Antoine. Sts*. MONTREAL.. Kelby Philip, machinist, Wellington- Kellaway Henry Curtis, laborer, Btor-- rard Inlet Keller John Watson, sewer pipes^ "Vac?*- toria Kelley Frank, apprentice. New Weslr- minster " Fred A., blacksmith, KamTbopt-' Kellogg Edward C, druggist, Viotariaa Kellough John, carpenter, Vanconvear Kells Hen rj^ laborer, Clinton *' Henry, 8hoemaker,Clbver\ i^Hfeyr " Henry, farmer, Serpentine Riwa«" Kelly , laborer, Vancouver " A,, Barkerville Andrew J., tinner, Victoriar Christopher, farmer, Comox D., foreman C.P^R., North BbwE' E., pumpman, Kamloops Ed., trader, St. Eugene 3Ii9&ibn» G. A., agent, New Westininates- Geo. A., clerk, New Weslminstta- Hondry, Victoria J. Albert, Victoria J., forem in C.P.R , Kanf>roopat James, carpenter, Vict(Hia James, shepherd, Ni<*(Ja James, blacksmith, ViinooirvOT"' Jus., foreman C.PiK.,, .S'uiswaj>» James, butcher, Yaucouver James, farmer Snitl) Snanich- James D., baia'ry, Nov^c West- minster J >hn, engineer. New We^ljnwns- ter John, logger, Moodyvllte John, laborer, Clinton John, la oMr, Victoria Jerry, engineer C.P.R^Mmanbiufr Cieck u <( <( it ' :; i'. $' M IHl- i : I ■1' 3 !■ 36JI HENDERSON S BRITiSH COLUMBIA KfiL KKR "Kelly M., roadniaster, Kara loops Martin, mason, Vancouver Patrick, miner, Lome Creek Philip, lumberman, Moody ville Robert, miner, East Wellington Robert, farmer, Shawnigan Ross, laborer, Victoria S. L^ & Co., stoves, Victoria ■Samuel, merchant, Victoria Samuel B., bookkeeper, Victoria Samuel Leon, merchant, Victoria Thomas, apprentice. New West- minster Thos., miner, Joseph's Prairie " Wiiliam, ^:iker,New Westminster KelynackEd. A. vrnonter.E^quimalt Kemp George, cm ^y Vancouver Henry, stoker, icouver James, agent, Vancouver James, farmer, Quamichan James A., carpenter, Vancouver John, farmer, Gabriola Island Thomas, farmer, Burton'sPrairie u 4* 4( •* «( .<( .41 U At 41 ■41 ■4i 41 4i Wm., minor, Nanaimo Kennedy A., brakeman, Kamloops A., brakeman, Donald Alex., farmer, Cedar District B. S., printer. New Westminster Bros., publishers. New West- minster Oharlep, carpenter, Lytton David, engineer, Victoria Geo., of Kennedy Bros., New Wentminster Geo. W., mercnant, Nanaimo J., millhand, Vancouver J, B., pastor Baptist Church, Vancouver J. P., miner, Illecillcwaet JnmcH, engineer, Wellington James, blacksmith. New West- minster District Jas., architect. New Westminster James B., pres. B.S.M. Co., New Westminster James M., of Kennedy Bros., New Westminster John, engineer, Vancouver u ,4i .4i Mi 4( ,tl .4* ■il 4t 4* mt Kennedy John, engineer C.P.E., New Westminster John, engineer, Donald John, engineer, Victoria Mathew, laborer, Port Moody P., deckhand, Vancouver Patrick, groom, Nicomen R., mill hand, Vancouver Rev, James B., Vancouver Robert, of Kennedy Bros., New Westminster Robert, hotelkeeper, Popcum Robert, farmer, Spailumcheen T., tinner. New Westminster Thomas, engineer, Victoria Thomas, miner. East Wellington W., machinist, Vancouver W., caipenter, Vancouver Wm., foreman C.P.R., Kamloops Willian, printer. New Westmins- ter William, stock raiser, South Thompson Kennell Godfrey, kalsominer, Victoria Kenning Alex., clerk, Victoria Kennon John, laborer, Vancouver Kennsthy Thos., engineer, Vancouver Kent C. Herbert, clerk, Victoria «« (( (( <( (< (( Charles, bookkeeper. Victoria H., manager, Victoria (( <( Henry, farmer, Port Moody William, carpenter, Victoria William, physician and farmer, South Ai'm William F., saloon, Vancouver Kenyon Rich., woodworker, Victoria Koogar Michael, farmer, Osoyoos Keown Frank, painter, Victoria " Geo., cigar maker, Victoria " James, carpenter, Victoria Kdr Daniel R., merchant, Victoria " David R., miller. North Saanich " R. J., cashier, Victoria " Robert, bookkeeper, Victoria " Thos. A., miller, North Saanich " W^altor, bookkeeper, Victoria Korg Misses, dressmakers, Victoria " Mrs,, wid. N., Victoria ALPHABETICAL DIUECTORT. 161 KPUl KIN K it il ■<i <( Kertnode Ed., ship carpenter, Victoria Kerr David E., teacher, Victoria J. Robert, agent, Victoria Peter, laborer, Victoria Eobt., finisher, New Westminster Samuel, teamster, Vancouver Thomas, manager, New West- minster William, merchant, Victoria ** William, miner, Wellington " William, miner, Nanaimo Korron John, minor, Nanaimo Kerry John, logger, Surry Centre " Eobort, of King & Kerry, New Westminster Kershberg S., broker, Victoria Kerslar Henry, mechanic, Victoria Korsley George, laborer, Chemainus '' Henrj', carpenter, Vancouver Kortula John, lumberman, New West- minster Korwen , Esquimalt Road Koryges Miss, dressmaker, Victoria Kettle William A., Victoria " William, machinist, Victoria Keyes Richard J., laundry, Victoria " Hugh, carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops Kibble J., foreman CP.R., Harrison Kiild A., laborer, Vancouver " & Co., barbers, Roger's Pass " Fred., foreman CP.R. , Rogers Pass " 0>CHr, fireman, Revelstoke ^' Reginald B., farmer, SpuUum- cheen " Thomas, farmer, South Arm " W. J., clerk, Vancouver Kior George, farmer, Scmenos " James, farmer, Somenos " Joseph, farmer, Somenos Kiffin George, farmer, Okanagon Kilby E., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Kiigour Alex., farmer. North Arm Killeers Sam., foreman, Sicamous Killneai' J. .M., acting postmaster and hotel, Duck and Pringle Killroy Patrick, stock raiser, Lytton Kilpatrick A., miner, Nanaimo " Dan., miner, Wellington F., foreman C.P.R., Donald Robert, livery, Wellington Thomas, carpenter, Wellington William, livery, Wellington Kilroy. Patrick, butcher, Lytton Kimble D., conductor, Vancouver Kimpton R. A., of J. C. Steen & Co., Donald Kinard Walter, cutter, Victoria Kine Tliomas, miner, Nanaimo King A. N. C. K,, accountant, Moody- villo Atwell, cigars, Vancouver Charles, farmer, Somenos Chas. E., accountant, Chemainus Charles R., aL'ent, Victoria Christopher John, stage driver, Victoria D. H., clerk, Vancouver D. J., printer. News advertiser, Vancouver Elliott H., manager, Vancouver Frederick, druggist, New West- minster Henry Alfred, farmer. Church Farm, C. H. J., painter, Victoria James, expre.ssman, Victoria John, of King & Kerry, New Westminster John, driver, Victoria John, miner, Wellington John Henry, barber, Vancouver John R., fa/mer, Majjle Ridge Joseph, fa mer, Beaver Point Joseph, moulder, Vancouver Joseph, saloon, Victoria Louis, engineer, Donald Michael, lumber mer., Comox Miss Eliza, clerk, Victoria Miss Louise, folder, Victoria R., machinist, Vancouver Sam. B., baker, Victoria Samuel Ebenezer Bromley, far- mer, Tolmie's Farm, C. H. Thos., upholsterer, V.ctoria C; a a (( « u (< (( u ti (C ti (( a (( (( (( (( (( <c (( (( .' la ,1::) y 162 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA KIN KNO King Tliomas, contractor, Little Shus- 1 wnp j « W. J., factory hand, New West- mi nstei' " William R., architect. New West- minster Kingham rev, Henry, Victoria Kings , bricklaj'cr, Vancouver Kingston Wm., farmer, Quamichan Kinlcade Tliomas, fanner, Little Qua- michan " Thomas, fisherman, Vancou- ver Kinnairk W. 1)., cutter, Victoria Kinnear George A., signal man, Van- couver J., dork, Vancouver James, hotelkeeper. Maple Bay Joseph, hotelkeeper. New West- minster " Walter John, corporation, Vic- toria Kinney David, mill hand, Nanaimo Kinsmrn John, contractor, Victoria Kipp Alfred, farmer, Chilliwhack Henry, farmer, (yhilliwhack Isaac, farmer, Chilliwhack Kirby , logger, Surry Centre " George, farmer, ^pallumcheen " J., brakeman, Vancouver Kirk A., mechanic, Victoria C. W., tanner, Victoria Hugh, miner, Wellington Kirkland A. L , assessor. New West- minster Frank, farmer. South Aim Hubert John, contractor, New Westminster " John, Ladfier's Landing Kirkpatrick Andrew, farmei", Grand Piairie " & Hochell, shingle mill. Port Moody Lewis, farmer, Spallumcheen P., merchant, x\>heroft Thomas, blacksmith, Albcrni Thomas G., farmer, Venable Valley Kirkup Jeremiah, shoemaker, Victoria " Win., pro. constabb", Eevelstoke Kirkwood R., miner, Nanaimo Kirschberg V. C, clothing, Vancouver " k Landsberg, brokers, Victoria Kirsop Geo., marble cutler, Victoria Kitchen Thomas E., farmer, Chilli- whack " William, tracklayer, Chemainus Kitson Chas., mason, New Westmins- ter " E. B., baker, Vancouver Kitlej' George, engineer, Victoria Kittson Robt. Edward, farmer, Delia Klingburg J., watchman C.P.R^ Nicomin Knartson James S., clerk, Nanaimo Knerdson Hans, mill hand, New West- minster Knight C. B., Popcum Capt. Matthew John, Victoria Ebenezer, farmer, 3Iaple Ridgo Ebonezer, engineer, Popcum E. B., Popcum Geo., moulder, Victoria Goo. A., .Mount Tolmie Nursery, Victoria Goo. H., Mount Tolmie Nursery, Victoria J., filers, helper. New Westmins- ter J. E., mill hand, New West- minster John, Itlacksmith, Victoria John W., blacksmith, Victoria lioliei'i, mill hand, Vancouver SItelton, farmer, Chilliwhack •' William, miner, Popcum Knott Kdwarii, packer, Kamloops Knoutf Jas., farmer, North Thompson ('. L., machinist, Vancouver C. v., carpenter, Vancouver E. J., tinner, Vancouver " Miss Addio, Vancouver " Mifjs Maggie, Vancouvor Knowles , millkman, Victoria " H. carpenter, Victoria •» Jas., New Westminster District (( ALPHABETICAL DiaECTORT. 165 r.'::! KNO LAM Knox A. B., rancher, Okanagon " A. D., farmer, Spallumchoen " James, farmer, South Arm " W., mechanic, Victoria *' William, accountant, Vancouver Knunsen Carl, engineer, New West- minster Koening Goo., brewer, Victoria Komareo (Kanaka), farmer, Portland Island Koshe Carl, barker, Victoria " Mrs. C., hair worker, Victoria Koster Lars Peterson, farmer, Bona- parte Kostering Canard F., farmer, Big Bar Kroyer Fred., upholsterer, Victoria Kruyer Theodore, trader, Osoyoos Lfike Kummet John Andrew Frederick, farmer, Langley Kurtz & Co., cigar rafrs., Victoria " John, cigar mfr., Victoria " Mrs. Mu'tha, widow Daniel, Vic- toria Kyle Andrew, clerk, Vancouver " George F., Vancouver " John, farmer. Maple Eidge William B., accountant. Yule (( Labelle Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Laberge A., engincei", Vancouver " A. O., mill hand, Vancouver Labitskey E., brakeman, Knmloops Labourdais J. II., laborer, Vancouver Labrecqne J. L., Valley hotel, Donald Labron Jacob, blacksmith, Esquimalt Lacerte William, farmer, (jUanagon Mission Lacroix Gabriel, gen. store, Johnston's Landing " Joseph, farmer, near Johnston's Landing " Michael, farmer, St. Mary'f Mission THe Hiiam Electric pifii. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Mnfr. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES. Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (See ailvt., page 5.) Lacy John Edgar, bricklayer, Esqui- malt !' N., bridge watchman. Mountain Creek Ladier Rev., Kamloops Ladner T. C, salmon packer, Ladner's Landing " Thomas Ellis, farmer. South Arm " W. H., M.P.P., Ladner's Land- ing Laflferty Jas., miner, Nanaimo Lafond Albert, barber, Vancouver Lafortune Frank, farmer, Shawnigan " Joseph, farmer, Shawnigan Lahy Daniel, bartender. New West- minster Laidlaw & Co., canners. Now West- minster James Anderson, cannery, New- Westminster Fergus, professor. New Webt- minster Lning Charles, tallyman, Vancouver " John A., carpenter, Victoria " Lionel Charles, surveyor of lumber, Burrard Inlet Laity John Henry, farmer, Maplo Bidge Lake Elias, boatswain R.N., E>quimalt " Herbert Duncan, farmer. Port Moody " Tboinas, farmer, Vancouver Lakin Albert AVm., laborer, Victoria Lalonde J., lunch counter C.P.R., North Bend Lamarche M. B., Vancouver ',amb Thomas S., police officer. North Dairy Farm, V. D. i( (( ;5' 'v-i •■:! if it' .r' 4 i , .if M > 111!' ''>" IF' ,;-!v:t: >• .1: ft 'm I m 164 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA H ■I i I ■ LAM LAR i( Xnmbert A. F., bathman, Hunson Spring John, painter, Donald Joseph, barber, Vancouver E., saloon, New Westminster Boiand, miner, Clinton " Stephen, farmer, Okanagon Mis- sion Xumberth Wm., expressman, Victoria Lambkins Clark H., tobacconist, Vic- toria Lambly Bros., hotelkeepers, Enderby " Charles A. R., C.E., Kamloops " Robert, farmer, Spaliumcheeu •* Tliomas McKee, farmer, Spal- lumcheen 'L;iraey Daniel A., gen store, Illccille- wjiet Jjarnie , stock raiser, Keefers " A., hostler, Nicomin Liimotitagne B., line repairer, Kam- loops lisimton Steven, steamer " Bell," New Westminster Xsunoureux L. D., operator, New Westminster Lancaster , plumber, Vancouver " Henry, keeper B. C. A., New Westminster " John, laborer, Victoria " Thos., laborer, Victoria iiaiidsberg F., merchant, Victoria Lane Clarence, clerk, Victoria " George, miner, Chapman Bar *' William, farmer, Sumas ** Wm., carpenter, Victoria JLang , mechanic, Victoria " Andrew D., sealer, Victoria " Charles, tobacconist, Vancouver " David, mariner, Victoria Ed., bricklayer, Victoria F. H., J)om. Express, Victoria Lt. J., Royai Engineers, Victoria Joseph, miner, "Wellington " Richard, carpenter, Victoria " Wm., carpenter, Victoria .Lange & Co., watchmakers, Victoria •* G. W. A., merchant, Victoria <( Langevin Ed., foreman, Craigellachie Langford P., miner, Nanaimo Langhara Geo., miner, Nanaimo " Jos., miner, Nanaimo '* Thomas, laborer, Vancouver Langhom Edward, laborer, Vancouver Langis H. E., M.D., Vancouver Langley , bookkeeper, Victoria « K (( a (< (( Alfred John, of Langley & Co., Victoria Arthur A., hotel, Vancouver Arthur R., bookkeeper, Victoria & Co., druggists, Victoria E., bookkeeper, Victoria Geo. b\, bookkeeper, Victoria James, Victoria J. H., Victoria John M., deputy sheriif, Victoria Leonard, farmer, Barque Ranch Spence's Bridge Mrs. E., boarding house, Victoria W. H., law student, Victoria Walter, J.P., Ashcroft Langtrey Wm., carpenter, Vancouver Langwith H. E., miner, Nanaimo Lank Thos., miner, Wellington Lansberg F., Vancouver Lansburg W. H., foreman, Spuzzum Lansing Garret J., section hand, Port Moody Laparino Wm., miner, Nanaimo Lapierro Horace, Victoria Laplant John, laborer, Vancouver Lapointo Charles, turner, Vancouver '• William, teamster, Vancouver '* William J., trucking, Vancouver Lapum Jesse Shibley, farmer, Chilli- whaok Laraviere Geo., carpenter, Vancouver Liirbonne Joseph, clothing, Victoria Larcher George, watchman, Donald Lareau Jean, farmer, Uknnagon Larian N. L., hand driller, Vancouver Lurkin Francis, laborer, Victoria •* Miss Minnie, dressmaker, Vic- toria Larman James, shoemaker, Victoria Larmer W. A., merchant, Victoria ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 165. LAR LAY 1,1 Larmor Nathaniel, farmer, Langley Larmour David, rp»-cher, Windermere Larochelle Fabien, farmer, Lillooet Larson Andrew, farmer, Covrichan ** G., mill hand, Victoria Larue Olivier, farmer, Kamloops Lasalle , Victoria Lachapelle L^on, shin^leroaker, Moodyville Latham Sam., merchant, Victoria Lathom James, teamster, New West- minster Latimer J. D. C, waiter, Revelstoke *• John, farmer, New Westminster District Latimskey F., cook, Vancouver Latora Lorenzo, farmer. La Fountain Lattimer Edward, farmer, Spence*.«j Bridge Lauder Eli, storsman, New West- minster " Joseph D., farmer, Nicola Lake Laughlin Jas., miner, Nanaimo " John, foreman, Tappans *' W. K., bookkeeper, Nanaimo L aura Hydraulic Co. and saw mill Okanagon Lavagnai James, laborer, Vancouver Lavender Joseph, farmer, Craigflower Road Lavire Louis, lumberman, English Bay Lavoie A., cook C.P.R., Donald Lavon John, Kamloops Lavway A., mill hand, Vancouver Law — — , prof., principal, Vancouver Andrew, lumberman, Burrard Inlet David, carpenter, Vancouver James, blacksmith, Vancouver Morrice, machinist, Victoria Morrice W., jeweller, Vancouver Robert, foundry. New West- minster Robert, moulder, Victoria " William, moulder. New West- minster Lawless Gum., miner, Nanaimo (I it (( (( (( (I (I (( « (( (( (( (( i< Lawless Michael, carpenter, Victoria Lawlor William, builder, Vancouver Lawi'ence A., confectioner, Victoria B., foreman, Notch Hill C, foreman C.P.K., Kamloopa Gooige, Victoria George, laborer, Vancouver Gilbert, farmer, Langle}' ] J., asst. dispatcher, Kamloop» J., machine hand, Vancouver John, farmer. Glen Lake J. S., dispatcher, Kamloop<) Louis, merclwmt, Nanaimo Mrs., nuriso, Victoria Mrs., wid George, Victoria Theodore, farmer, Okanagon Wheeler, logger, Moodyville Wm., clerk, Victoria William, farmer, Spallumchee» " William, farmer, Langley Lawrie L. C, laborer, Vancouver Lawson , repairer, Victoria Abraham W., hackman,Victoria Clunrles, farmer, OkiiDagan Chaw. R., mechanic, Victoria Garvin, boileimaker, Donald Geo., barber, Victoria Gustave, mechau'c. Victoria H., journalist, Victoria Henry Chas., eni-ineer, Victoria J., factory hand, Vancouver James mechani<*, Victoria Jas. Hill, H. B. *o., Victoria James M., Victoria John, miner, Nanaimo John, Victoria John P., C. E., Vancouver John, pumpman, Donald P., hotelkeeper, Vancouver Robt, cu8tf)ms, Victoria R. W,, expressman, Victoria Thos., boilermaker, Victoria Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm. Geo., umbrella repairer^ Victoria Layfield George, laborer, Vancouver Henry, carpenter, Vancouver Miss Ann, Vancouver (( •f ■^•■ 4-; •e1^ rK-f ¥ t m S'l'fll I'll 1C6 Henderson's British Columbia LAY LBF (( (< Layloy A., miner, Nanalmo Layman Dan., carpentei-, Victoria " Sam., carpenter, Victoria Lazana P., miner, Wellington Lea & Bu}'liff, Chilcoten Longlin^ Peter, farmer, Comox Loach FoIixHy.,farmer,South Saanich " Felix H., farmer, Somenos Leah}' Francis M., farmer, Longby " John, brewer, Victoria " L, watchman, Spuzzum Leake Miss Annie, matron Chinese home, Victoria Leakey rev., EpiscopaI,Quamichan Leal v., wiper. North Bend Learning AV. H., millhand, New West- minster Xiue A. W., agent, Vancouver " Amos, miner, Nanaimo Arthur, laborer, Victoria C. E., carpenter, Nanaimo Capt. str*'Aby8inia," Vancouver Geo., minor, Nanaimo George, bookkeeper, Vancouver Geo., A., farmer, Mount Leahman Mrs. H. v., wid, Victoria James, farmer, Okanagan James Homan, farmer, Mount Lehman Joe., car 33, Donald John, gai*dener, Vancouver John, lather, Vancouver R. H., architect, Kamloops Robt. H., merchant, Kamloops 8., watchman, Keefers S'cphen, rancher, Port Moody •' Walter, farmer. South Arm " Wm., moulder, Victoria ** William, mill owner, Pavilion " William, yard masier,Revel8toke Leamy Andrew, barrister, New West- minster Jamep, railway contractor, New Westminster Ja8.,of Leamy & Kyle, V ancouver &.Kyle, sawmill, Vancouver Leask A. O., Yancouver Jus., miner) Ninnaimo it « « « <( Leask Jas. , jun., miner, Nunaimo James C, tailor, Vancouver *' John, accountant, Vancouver " & Jonson, insurance, Vancouver Leatherdale Robt., livery stable, Van- couver Leather F. C, Quamichan " S., Quamichan Leathern El., pastry cook, Vancouver Ijcavens Martin, turner, Vancouver Leaycraft H. G., C. E., C.P.R., Donald Leballister & Thompson, livery, Ntinaimo " W. L., livery, Nanaimo Lebell Thomas, farmer, Langley Leblanc Edward, barber, Kamloops " T., watchman, Vancouver Lebourdais Mrs., fruits, Vancouver " A'ialbert, postmaster, Clinton " J. H., machanist, Vancouver Lebeouf Theodore, farmer, Gabriola Lsland Lecappellain John 0., salesman, Van- couver Leclair , farmer, Mount Lehman Leech Alfred, Victoria " John, Victoria " Peter J., City surveyor, Victoria Ledingham Bros., carriage makers, Victoria " George, Victoria '* William John, Victoria Ledlay Wm., mechanic, Victoria Leduc Thomas, farmer, Spallumchoen Leemer Jeremiah, carpenter, Mot- lakatlah " Robert, miner, Nanaimo " ThoH., miner, Nanaimo Lees Andrew, merchant, Nanaimo " Andrew E., mill hand. New Westminster Leeson J. L., & Son, transient feed mill, New Westminster " Benj W., of J. L. Leeson & Son, New Westminster jLeet , reporter, Victoria jLefbvre A., rancher, Oki^nagan " AIpboQse, fiirmer, I)ouglas lako ( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. ler LEP Lefovre Dr., C.P.R. Physician, Van- couver Jjofran9oi8 Peter, carpenter, Vancou- ver Lei^g E., grocer, Victoria Loggatt Chas. Jas., registrar, Victoria Lehman David, carpenter, Victoria " Isaac, farmer, Matbqui " Thomas H., farmer, Mount Leh- man " Samuel, carpenter, Victoria " Samuel, farmer, Mtitsqui Leicht Herman, miner, Niinaimo Loigh Wm., moulder, Victoria Leighton James B., clerk, Spence's Bridge Leiser Gus., merchant, Victoria " Simon, grocer, Victoria Leishman Andrew, mill hand, New Westminster Lcitch Geo. T., engineer, Victoria Lehind Benjamin, cleric, Vancouver *' House, Vancouver Lelevire Mrs., widow, Victoria Lelievre Chas., bartender, Victoria Lemm Goo., decorator, Victoria " Irving, merchant, Victoria Lemmens right rev. John N., D.D. Bishop of Vancouver, Victoria Lemon & Hume, Toad Mountain '• James, fireman, Victoria " John, gardener. Departure Bay " R. E., general store, Rovelstoke Leneker Edward, painter, Victoria Lennihan John, lumberman, Jervis Inlet Lennon J., foreman, Agassiz " R. E., Revolstoke Lenz Jacob, salesman, Victoria " & fjeiser, wholesale dry goods, Victoria " Moses, merchant, Victoria Leonard David P., millwright, Kam- loops " Juo., miner, Nanaimo John, waiter, Victoria J. W., asst supt C. P. R., Kam- loops (I LEV - JL1TI3- WOOLLEN MILL SUPPLIES J'eLua. OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Leonard Russell A., bricklayer, Van- couver " R. E., clerk, Vancouver " W. L. & D., muchineiy, Vancou- ver L< iirdjohn, farmer, Exquimult Loopoldi P., cableman, Vtincouver Le Page Chas., miner, Nuiiuinio " & Socord, butchers, V:in<;ouver Leppard James, farmer. Now West- minster Loprince V, A., barber, Victoria '* Mrs. V. A., dressmaker, Victoria Lequime Bernard, farmer, Okanagon Mission " Eli, farmer, Okanagon Mission Leroy Alphonse, carpenter, Victoria Lish Charles Corna, farmer, Like Dis- trict Lismeurs Joseph, farmer, Okanagon Mission Leslie Mrs. J,, bdg house, Vancouver Lessett James, painter, Victoria Lester A., millhand, Vancouver '• B., clerk. New Westminster " Geo., farmer, Port Moody " Lester Richard, guard. New Westminster Leterme rev. Joseph, Victoria Letherdale Robert, lumberman, Eng- lish Bay Letray Alexander, teamster, Spence's Bridge Lettice Robert, painter, Victoria Leuncin Ohequelle, farmer, Spal- lumcheea Levar Moses, lumberman, New West- minster District ; ./ '.' i Si ' «1 \ 168 IIEVPEnSON'S BRITISH COLUMB'A LEV Levassenr L. P., saloon, Vnncouvoi* Levefique Louin, iuel w«teh*nnn, Donald Levcque J., brakemsin, Kainloopii .laUor, Now WetstminM- Levi J., ter (< It (( (( K., 2nd hand floods, Vanconver Thomas, American hotel, New Westminster Thomas, farmer, Maple Bidge Levigne Burt., sawyer, Vancouver " W., schoolmaster, Beaver Point Levill M., miner, Wellington Levin H. A., policeman, Victoria Levis John, farmer, Surry Levy B., cigar factory, Victoria " Daniel, tailor, Victoria " D. J., mer tailor, Victoria Jos, restaurant, Victoria Joseph, saloon, Victoria Joseph, cigar maker, Victoria J. L., cigar uifr., Victoria Lewelyn W. miner, Wellington Lewis , Vancouver " A., Victoria " Aarlon, stoven, Victoria Allan, bookkeeper, New West- minster Chas. L., farmer, Kootenay Colby, millman, Hastings D. B., miner, Nanaimo D.O.,U.E.,C. PR., Donald Edward, expre.ssman, Victoria Edward, painter, Victoria George, farmer, Quamichan George, contractor, Macphersons H. B., C.E.. C.P.R, Donald Capt. H. Geo., Victoria J., miner, Wellington John, barber, Nanaimo Joseph William, farmer, Cedar Hill Lewis, clothing, Victoria Lewis, farmer, Somenos L. A., bookkeeper. New West- minster Richard, carpenter, Victoria Robert, fireman, Victoria «< « <( <( (< t( (I <( « « <( I. IX (( (( (( Lewis R. H., mill hand, Victoria •' Samuel, mill hand, Victoria Samuel G., schoal teacher, Clio- maine.H Sherman, mill hand, Victoria Thos., miner, Nanaimo William, farmer, Coniox Wm., clerk, N:inrimo W. D., miner, Wellington W. H., foreman. New Westmins- ter Libbj' G. A., merchant, Keefcrs " G. A., foreman, Keuliers Libock Wm. Thos.,H. B. Co., Victoria Lickman Francis, farmer, Sumas Liddell Mrs. Ellen, wid J., Victoria ** Robert, t<hoemaker, Victoria Lidlop Richard, farmer, Clover Valley Light Richard, carpenter, Vancouver Lilley Herbert Allred, confectioner, Victoria " Alfred G., farmer, Comiakon ** John, mason's laborer, Esquimalt " Thomas, hotel, V ouvtr Limoges Joseph A., pa Vancouver Lin (Japt. Thomas, Vancouver LinceEdmond, carpenter, Victoria Lindlay J., pressman, Vancouver Lindley Henry, farmer, Nicola River " Wm., blacksmith, Victoria Lindridge Miss E., Vancouver Lindsay Albert, checker, Vancouver " Alexander, bookkeeper, Victoria " A. E., bookkeeper, Departuie Bay •T-'T'-i David, merchant, Victoria George, farmer, MillstrearaL.D; Geo., jr., farmer. Lake District James, carpenter, Vancouver James, registrar County Court, Richfield Miss Anna, Vancouver Miss Ella, Vancouver Miss Lilly, Vancouver Miss Lizzie, Vancouver Miss Mary, dressmaker, Victoria Mrs., pantrywoman, Vancouver Mrs. Ellen, wid. Daniels, Victoria (( <( (( (( (( u (I ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 169 LIN LOR Lindsay & Pettit, morchants, Victoria " Thos., farmer, Victoria " T. Dalzell, fanner, Lulu Island " W. A., paymaster, Wellington Colliery, Wellington <' Wm. A., hotel man., Vancouver " Wm. P., engineer, Victoria Liniker Ed. Hy., farmer, Collingwood '< Frederick Vincent, farmer, Vic- tt^ria District, C. H. ]jinton And., boat builder, Vancouver '« J. E., Vancouver Lisk David, teacher, Metlakatlah " Geo. S., route agent, Vancouver Lister Geo., miner, Nanaimo " Henry, miner, Nanaimo " Herbert, keeper B, 0. A., Now Westminster <* Hubert, farmer, Surry " James, v iner, Nanaimo " J., care ker, New Westminster " John, farmer, Surry " Richard B., farmer, Surry Litster Robt., millwright, Vancouver Litt H., wiper. New Westminster " Henry, fireman, Eevelmtoke Little David, fiarmer, Alberni *• Frank E., carpenter, Kamloops " Fred., contractor, Vancouver George, fireman, Vancouver James, fireman, Vancouver John, miner, Nanaimo J., stonemason, Metchosin Road John, laborer, Victoria " John, miner, Wellington " Mark, tinner, Vancouver " Miss Helen, clerk, Vancouver ** Noble, miner, Nanaimo " T. W., clerk, Vancouver " W. B., foreman, Twin Butte Litllefield J., stoker, Esquimalt Livingstone — , New Westminster <' James, bdg house, Vancouver *' John G., tiarmer, Mission Robert, miner, Nanaimo Hobort,jun., miner, Nanaimo Wm., license inspector, Clinton Livock W. T., H. B. Co., Victoria « « If L'zotte F., painter, Vancouver Llewellyn E., engineer, Vancouver " Richard, diver, Vancouver Lloyd Chas., laborer, E-quimault '• Edward, miner, Nanaimo " Frank, farmer, Chemainus " Irving L., Vancouver '* S. S., nhoemaker, Donald Llyall George, overseer, Victoria Loar Abraliani, farmer, Rocky Point Loat Christopher, accountant, Depar- ture Bay Lobb James, lumberman, Moodyville Lock John, watchmarj, Vancouver " Thos., car repairer, North Bend Locke Thomas, teamster, English Bay Lockerby Gordon, clerk, Fort Simpson " George H., Vancouver Lockhart Chas. B., Victoria *' J., miner, Nanaimo Lockway B., miner, Nanaimo Lodge Wm., moulder, Victoria Loeger Hy., miner, Nanaimo Log Frank, tailor, Vancouver Logan C. J., laborer, Cache Creek " Frlsby B., farmer, Port .Uood " Hugh, armourer, Ksquimalt y " Matthew, florist, Vancouver ** Miss Elizabeth, Vancouver " Miss M., millinery, Vancouver Logg Frank, tailor, Vancouver Lomas J as., miner, Nanaimo " W. H., Indian agent, Quamichan London Bros., general store and hotel, Lulu Island " Chas. E., farmer, laborer, Lulu Island " Richard, farmer, Chilliwhack " Wm.H., postmaster, Lulu Island Loney George, ferryman, Kamloops Long Zacariah, New Westminster Longstaff A., miner, Wellington Loomis Louis, laborer, Maiden Creek Lopatechi Maurice de, Belgian consul, Victoria Lord J., carpenter, New Westminster « John E., furn minster miture, New West- I ii fs »* 14 •miii'&'mn I wmm no HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA LOR MoA Lord T., miner, Nanaimo *' Victor, bartender, Vancouver Lorenzetti Andrew, farmer, Ohamil Lorenzo S., miner, Nanaimo Lorimer G. E., operator. Twin Butle Lorin^ L. D., rancher, Lytton Lott E., brakeman, Vancouver Louis John, miner, Joseph's Prairie *' Peter, miner, Nana! mo " Thos. B., miner, Wellington " W. E., New Westminster Lounsen SiebrandtElers, farmer, Surry Lousier A., miner, AVellington LoutitJ. I., chief clerk, Vancouver " Eobert, blacksmith, Yale Loutitt Wm. Sut., grocer, Esquimalt Love Rodway, cigarmaker, Nanaimo Lovejoy T., miner, Nanaimo Lovell R., woo(Jman, Emery City Lovellet R., foreman, Shuswap Lovett James, carpenter, Vancouver " John, laborer, Vancouver " Eobert, boilermaker, Vancouver " Thomas, foreman. Glacier Low — , carpenter, Vancouver " Jacob, farmer, Sooke " John H., machinist, Vancouver Lowe Joseph, farmer, Buchy Bay Lowen & Erb, brewers, Victoria Lowenberg Carl, Victoria " Harris & Co., agents, Victoria Lowery — , merchant, Vancouver Lowry James, blacksmith, Parksville Loyd & Co., restaurant, Victoria '* Thomas, Victoria Loj'e W. C, shoemaker, New West- minster Lubbe T., sec water works, Victoria Lucas Henry Chas., baker, Victoria " W^m. F., contractor, Vancouver Lucier J., foreman, New Westminster Ludlow Rich., farmer, Surry Centre Luff Sanuel, carpenter, Vancouver Luke James, overseer, Victoria Luke)? Richard, printer, Nanaimo Lumby Moses, J. P., Victoria Lund A. 0., cooper. New Westminster Mark, miner, East Wellington Lundbow Augustus W., farmer, Nicola Lake Lund burn G. A., New Westminster Lundy Samuel, farmer. Hall's Prairie Lundei oerg C . A., Vancouver Luney Mrs. W., grocer, Victoria « t( W., contractor, Victoria Lunn E., tallyman, Moodyville Lunney James, farmer, Burgoyne Bay LuHCombe Thomas, gardener, Victoria Lusk Thomas, Peavermouth Lurtiy Francis B., farmer, Somenos Lulze Franz V. T., farmer. South Thompson Luxton Arthur P., solicitor, Victoria Lyal D., stationer, New Westminster " George, New Westminster Lyche Auj^ust H., teamster, Cedar Hill Lydon Joseph, rancher. Port Moody Lyman W.,engineer, NewWestminster Lynch J., laborer. Esplanade, Nanaimo •* John, miner, Nanaimo Lynes Capt. Hanna, S.A., Vancouver Lynott F., operator, Revelstoke Lynn Fiancis, laborer, Vancouver " George, farmer, Spallumcheen Lyons J ., foreman, Gladwin " J. H., wiper. North Bond " James, mechanic, Victoria. " James, t'!>rmor, Okanagon <' Philip, wip<>r, North Bond Lyster B, K., clerk, Now Westminster Lytteli Matthew, farmer, Comox M McAdam Edward, farmer, Lan.!]jloy '* James, jun., farmer, Langley " William, farmer, Maple Ridge Mc Adams Mrs. L., milliner, Victoria McAde Daniel, miner, Wellington McAdie Henry, undertaker, Nanaimo McAfee John, striker, Vancouver McAllister A., machinist, Vancouver '• Donald, contractor, Vancouver " J. R.. blacksmith, Vancouver " John, blacksmith, Vancouver ALPHABETICAL BIREOTORT. 171 McA MoC er, Victoria « McAllister John, Vancouver '« John, Victoria " Jos. B., blacksmith, Vancouver " Miss Jane, Vancouver " Miss L., dresMmaker, Vancouer McAllum Donald, farmer, Langley McAlpine D. L., M.D., and drugs, Van- couver <' John, druggist, Vancouver McAndrew Ben., mechanic, Victoria McArdle M., miner, Nanairao McArkill Alex., carpenter, Victoria McArthur A.C., agent C.P E., Illecille- waet " A., ship carpenter, North Arm Danie" miner, Lome Creek Duncavi, carpenter, Wellington Jtimes, machinist, Burrard Inlet James, clerk, Kamloops " James, engineer, Victoria " Mrs. Ada, compositor, Victoria " ^eil, farmer, La Ilache " P., foreman C.P.R., Donald " Peter Alexander, lumberman, Burrard Inlet " "William, laborer, Port Moody " William, laborer, Esquirrialt McAuley — , farmer, North Thompson '* John, farmer, North Thompson McBain George, clerk, Nanaimo ** John, carpenter, Vancouver McBath Rod. Ross, miner, Georgetown McBeate Duncan Gillman, carpenter, Victoria West McBeth D. G., mill hand, Victoria •' Murdoch, logger. Port Moody McBride Alex., farmer, Chilliwhack «« Arthur H. J. P., warden B.C T>., New Westminster James Frederick, lumber'ian, New Westminster District Jos., farmer, Ladner's Landing B., yardman, Donald Richai'd, student, New West- minster S., blacksmith, Vancouver Thomas, lumberman, Now West- mioster District i( Kie HiM Mil! mig. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. * | Mnfr . of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, luatru- I menta and Supplies of every description. (See advt., page 6.) McBride W. J., yardman, Donald \ %, " William, farmer. North Arm | | McBrown — , teamster. New West- | 4 minster < sf '* William, miner. East Wellington , McBryan Alexander, postmaster and I hotel, Sliusvvap ; ! McCabe Ai>derso'.i, laborer, Vancouver •' Pet.,bartender, New Westminster McCahill M., wharfinger, Victoria Mc(!)all James A., clerk, Vancouver ** John, miner. East Wellington McCallum A contractor. Mount Lhe- man " Angus W., logger, Moody villa " Dan , packer, Thompson fliver Daniel, laborer, Big Bar Duncan, laborer, Vancouver Duncan, logger. Moody vi He Dugald, farmer, Spallumcheen John, lumberman, Burrard I a let. " Robert, hackman, Victoria McCalman Colin, bookkeeper, Vancou- ver McCam bridge John, farmer, Maple Ridge i'j McCandish H., carpenter CtP.R., Donald " James, saloon, Victoria McCandlers A. L., merchant, Victoria " Henry, clerk, Victoria McCann James, miner, Nanaimo " Thos., miner, Wellington McCannen J., carpenter, Vancouver McCaren Donald, farmer, English- man's River District McCargar G., brakeman, Vancouver McCarren A., watchman, Keefera McCurter Wm., millhanu, Victoria « n : at m IJ i 172 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA McC McO i< « McCartoy Samuel, accountant, Yale McCarthey D., carpenter, Victoria F., engineer, Vancouver James, waiter, Yale John, saloonkeeper, Yale M., craneman. Mountain Creek M. J., farmer, 137 Mile House W. J., watchman, Yale McCartney Allan E., architect, Van- couver F. C, druggist, Vancouver Hugh, laborer, Vancouver S. E., of Philips & Co., Donald W. E., druggist, Kamloops HcCarty Alex., Barkerville " — , constable. New Westminster ., ** M., waiter, Vancouver McCasicell Alex., carpenter, Victoria " James, minor, Nanaimo " M., shipwright, New Westmins- ter McCauley A., millhand, Vancouver " Joseph, stock raitter, Kettle Eiver, Grand Prairie McCausland Jas., boatman, Esquimalt McCee Hugh, farmer. North Arm McClean Alexander, packer, North Thompson McCleary , clerk, Vancouver McCleery Fitz, farmer, North Arm McClenathen Frank Arthur, contractor, Vancouver McClenncp Angus, driver, Victoria McCloy James, prospector, Victoria McClugJan Samuel, farmer, Langley McCluie Robert, carpenter, Victoria " Sam., Victoria McClusky Chas. B., saloon, Victoria " H., miner, Wellington McCoU A, J., barrister, New West- minster James, farmer, Harrison River N., clerk, New Westminster Neil Lucknow, farmer, Mat^qui . " W., merchant, New Westminster McComb George, laborer, Nicomen JMcComber J., carpenter C.P.E., Kam- loops McConnan Douglas B,, clerk P. O., Victoria " Henry G., clerk, Victoria " Thos., Victoria " Walter, clerk, Victoria McConnell Archie, blacksmith, Kam- loops Frank, binder, Victoria J., waiter, Vancouver James, farmer, Chilliwhack James, stock raiser, Kettle River, Grand Prairie James, laborer, Vancouver John, lumberman, New West- minster District John, wood turner, Victoria Joseph W., milkman, Victoria McConvey H., iaboi-er, Vancouver McCord Benjamin Cameron, luniber- man, Burrard Inlet McCorkill James, tailor, Victoria McCormack James, mechanic, Victoria " Pat., mechanic, Victoria "'■ W., farmer and carpenter,Nicola Lake McCormick A., brakeman, Kamloops " C, letter carrier, Victoria " Michael, laborer, Hat Creek " Peter, millhand, Vancouver " Samuel, laborer, Victoria McCormie J., lumberman, Burrard In let McCorrister Geo., bartender, Nanaimo McCorvick J., engineer, Vancouver Mc(-orvin Archibald, of P. J. Foulds & Co., New Westminster McCoskery George, hotel keeper, Yale McCowan Duncan, keeper B. C. A., New Westminster McCoy B., plumber, Vancouver " Henry, miner. East Wellington McCrady F. W., contractor, Now West- minster McCrae George, farmer. North Arm McCraig W., tbreman, Chomainua McCraney Hiram P., foreman, Cbe- mainuB •' Mac, Vancouver ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 173 MoO MoD <l it (( McCreery George, watchman C.P.R., Snowsheds " Joseph, clerk, "Vancouver McCright hon. John Foster, puisn^ judge, New Weatmijistor McCrimmon A.F., carpntr., Vancouver " Arch., lumberman, Vancouver " Kenneth, lumberman, Burrard Inlet McCuaig Duncan, teamster, Vancouver " Duncan A., teamster, Vancouver McCubbers P., quarry foreman, Mac- pherson McCue B., watchman C.P.R., Lytton McCuIlam Daniel, driver, Victorin McCulIoch A., millhand, New West- minster Capt., Victoria G. A., clerk P.O., Victoria George, laborer, Yale J. B.. teacher, Nass River McCullum Alex., farmer, West Matsqui " Daniel, miner, Williams Lake McCully George D., carpenter, Yale McCurdy Alexander, woodman, Van- couver " James, merchant, Victoria " John, Vancouver " Robt., laborer, Victoria MoCurry Daniel, farmer. Sum. McCurt T., miner, Nanaimo McCuskcr A., foreman, Lytton McCulcheon Hugh, publisher Sentinel, Kam loops " J., telegraph agent, Chilliwhack McDairmaid F., fireman, Kam loops " Fred., turner's helper, North Bend McDame Henry, miner, Lome Creek McDermid J. H., clerk. New West- minster McDermotD., mason, Vancouver " James, miner, Wellington McDermott Henry, miner, Conklin Gulch " Thos., miner, Nanaimo McDonald — , moulder, Victoria " A., laborer, Victoria " A., Lome Greek McDonald A., blacksmith, Yale " A., laborer, Vancouver A., conductor, Kamloops A. B., carpenter, Victoria A. J., carpenter, Vancouver Adam, farmer. North Arm, Fraser River Allan, painter, Vancouver Allen, carpenter, Chemainus Al., hotel keeper, Victoria Alexander, laborer, Vancouver Alex., teacher, Victoria Alex., blacksmith, Kamloops Alexander, farmer, Ashcroft Alexander D., carpenter, Van- couver Anais, carpenter, Victoria Andrew, farmer, Den man Island Angus, blacksmith, Donald Angus, carpenter, Cowichan Archibald, carpenter, Yale Archibald, carpenter, Vancouver Archibald, miner, Lillooet C., accountant, Victoria C, carpenter C. P. R., Kamloops C., miner, Nanaimo C. D., C.P.R., North Bend C. J., clerk, Vancouver Capt. Wm., pilot, Nanaimo Chas., ship carpenter, Victoria Chas., clerk, Vtmrouver Charles, Donald Colin, caiT)enter, Langley Colin, brit klayer, Vancouver D., roadmaster Kamloops D., Sannich D., miilhand, Vancouver D., cv>iiductor, Vancouver D. C., miner, Nanaimo D. D., car] titer, North Bend D. G., )i man, Victoria Dan., n.uior, Nanaimo Dan. F., carpenter, Napier Lake Daniel, expressman, Victoria Daniel, carpenter, Victoria Daniel, laborer, Clinton Dan. P., railway foreman, Shaw- nigan (( (( <( (( « u (( (( « It It (t (( (( « (( (t (( (( (( (( (( it tt tt tl (t tl tt tt tt tt tl tt tt h 174 Henderson's British Columbia McD MoD McDonald Donald, teamster, Yale " Donald H., builder, Vancouver Donald, farmer. North Saanich Donald, carpenter, Soda Creek Duncan, contractor, Yale Duncan, lumberman,EngIish Bay Duncan, carpenter, Vancouver Dugald, teamster, Yale Edward, mechanic, Victoria Edward, porter, Victoria Edward J., builder, Vancouver F. J., bookkeeper, Victoria Frank, mgr. Dray Co., Victoria Frank, clerk. Victoria G. E., head clerk, Donald G. G., hotelkeeper, Comox H., foreman, Vancouver Hector F,, contractor, Vancouver Hector, farmer, South Arm Hugh, carpenter, Victoria Hugh, farmer, North Arm Hugh, miner, Spallumcheen Hugh, contractor, Victoria Hugh, Golden J., chainman, Donald J., carpenter C.P.R., North Bend J. A., clerk asst, Kamloops J. F., teamster, Yale J. G., contractor, Vancouver J. S., land oflSce, New West- minster James, builder, Vancouver James, merchant, Vancouver James, laborer, Vancouver James Albert, farmer, Agassiz John, farmer, Langley John, carpenter, Victoria John, clerk, Nanaimo John, carpenter, New West- minster John, " C" Battery, Victoria John, miner, Toad Mountain John, farmer, Agassiz John, laborer, Vancouver John, laborer, Yale John, farmer, Aldergrove John D., lumberman, Kamloops John D., farmer, Nicola « « u (( « « <( (( « « (( it « (I (( (( <( (( <( <( « « It U (( « (I McDonald John Scott, mechanic, New Westminster District John W., miner, Nanaimo John W., Dom. Exp. Co., Vic- toria Joseph, carpenter, Vancouver Joseph, Nev Westminster K. C., wheelwright, Nanaimo Miss Kate, tailoress, Victoria Mrs. Jane, wid Alex., Victoria M., carpenter, Vancouver Michael, miner, Nanaimo N., carpenter, Vancouver Norman, teamster. Cache Creek Patrick, miner, Lome Creek Patrick, coachman, Victoria Peter, tobacconist, Victoria R., miner, Nanaimo R. C, grocer, New Westminster Robert, customs officer, Van- couver Robert, driver, Vancouver Roderick, laborer, Vancouver Ronlad A., farmer. La Hache S., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops Thomas, checker, Vancouver W., jr., miner, Nanaimo W. S., mason, Vancouver .. ui., mechanic, Victoria William, fireman, Vancouver William, farmer, Chillivvhack William, lumberman, Burrard Inlet " William B., stock raiser, Napier Lake McDonnell Alexander, stage driver, Kamloops C. J., office boy, Vancouver J. K., hotelkeeper. Port Ham* mond Mrs. R. J., bdg house, Victoria McDonough Chas., merchant, New Westminster McDougall A., contractor, New West- tninstor " Aiox., New Westminster Alex., bookkeeper, Vancouver Archibald, tailor, Victoria « (( It (C tc il <( t< <( « (( <( (( (( (( « (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 175 McD MoDoui^allD., fireman, Donald " Dan., waiter, Victoria " Dan., engineer, Vancouver " E. E., cleric, Vancouver John, farmer, Okanairon Mission John, contractor, New West- minster John A., blaclcsmith, Elgin jiJixs Barbara, dressmaker, New Westminster " Ned, clerk, Vancouver " R., miner, Nanaimo *• W,, bartender, Nanaimo " W. A., tailor, Victoria " Wm. Campbell, farmer. Mud Bay McDowell — , salmon packer, 0-Wee- Kay-Noo " Charles, moulder, Victoria ■•' Harry, printer, Victoria " Harry, druggist, Vancouver ♦• John, carpenter, Victoria " Thomas, boilertnaker, Victoria " W. J., reporter, Victoria " William, Victoria McDuff William, tailor, Victoria McEachern John Donald, lumberman, South Arm " N., brake man, Kamloops McEdward Angus, laborer, Vancou- ver McEJward & Co., hotel, Vernon McEdvvards Donald, carpenter, Spal- lumcheen McEntee John, engineer, Vancouver McEvoy & Miller, ranchers, North Thompson McEwan Alex., laborer, Clinton " H,, carpenter. North Arm, F.R. " James, stableman, Victoria " James, laborer, Vancouver " William, fireman, Burrard Inlet McFadden C. E., conductor, Kamloops ** James, farmer. North End McFarlan Charles, farmer, Don man Island " George, farmer, Den man Island *' James, farmer, Denman Island " Walter, farmer, Denman Island Mca Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., Qeneral Selling Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., - MONTREAL. (( It McFarland Alex., lawyer, Kamloops " D. A., Vancouver *' Duncan, brick ranfr., Vancouver " Jos. W., secy W. W., Vancouver McFarlane — , surgeon, Donald ** Frank, Vancouver Joseph F., Vancouver L. Edward, baker, Vancouver Aiiss Mary M., Vancouver Mrs. Catherine, wid, Vancouver McFaydon W., foreman, Roger's Pass McFoely Ed., merchant, Vancouver McFerran Benjamin, Victoria McGrarger G., brakeman, Vancouver McGargle Charles, miner, Wellington " G., miner, Nanaimo " George, miner, Nanaimo " Robert, miner, Nanaiiro " W., minor, Nanain^o McGarrey J., yardman, Donald McGarrigh Neil, miner, Nanaimo McGarrigle Ed., ijuintor, Vancouver McGary James, tireraan, Chemainus McGavoy J., brakeman, Kamloops McGee J., brakeman, Kumloops " Pat., miner, Nanaimo MoGeer James, dairyman, Vancouver Mc'Genty John, carpenter, Donald McGhie Jas. B., carpenter, Vancouver McGhran Pat., farmer, Nanoose Bay " Wm., farmer. South Thompson McGibbon John, fitter, Vancouver McGill David, striker, Esquimalt •* John, clerk, Nanaimo " William, farmer, Quamichan McGillale Michael, lumberman, Howe Sound McGiUis D., carpenter C.P.R., Donald 4: '^ i »: "! i m ■ 'm 176 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUHBIA McG Mol <( <( (( McGillivray D. C, lumberman, Kam- loop8 Daniel Charles, guai*d B.C.P., New Wewtminster Donald, contractor, Yoncouver Donald, farmer, Sumas John B., lumberman, Matsqui & Little, builders, Kamloops N., watchman C.P.E. snowsheds R., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops McGillvray 1)., gen store, Sumns McGilvesay C, foreman, Spatsura McGilvray Archie, tradesman, Yale McGinnis Jas., foreman C.P.R., Donald " John, driver, Victoria " Eobert H., bartender, Victoria McGirr Wm., hotelkeeper, Vancouver McGirvir — , mill hand, Vancouver McGopfhn Mrs. Mary, wid J., Victoria " Miss M., dressmaker, Victoria McGollcm Andrew Mercer, vet sur- geon, North Arm McGorley Henry, fireman, Donald McGiatli Edward, laborer, Nicola " W. F., Moodyville " William, clerk, Moodyville McGreevy James, timekeeper, Esqui- mau McGregor A , Kamloops Alex., blacksmith, Victoria Arch., miner, Nanaimo Donald, lumberman, Jervis Islet Donald, farmer, VVarnock Donald, librarian, New West- minster George, fsirmer. Cedar District Henry, carpenter, Victoria Hugh, miner, Clinton J., carpenter, Vancouver James, miner. East Wellington James, overseer Southfield mine, Nanaimo James, L.L.D., Victoria James, miner, East Wellington James H., undertaker, Victoria James M., business mgr Morning Courier, Nanaimo Jas. B., farmer, Mount Lehman McGregor John, Vancouver (( (< black- ^i a (( « John, miner, Nanaimo Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Knight & McKi trick, smiths, Victoria Moses, bricklaj'^er, Victoria Mrs., mid-wife, Victoria Mrs. J. C, dressmaker, Nanaimo Peter W., farmer, Spallumcheea W., fireman, Vancouver Wm., mgr works V. C. C. Co., Nanaimo McGuckin Rev. J. M., O.M.I., New Westminster McGuigan Thomas F., city clerk, Van- couver " W. J., M.D., Vancouver McGuire Charles A., clerk, Kamloops " James H., farmer, Chilliwhack '' R., clerk, Macphersons McHale J., miner, Nanaimo McHardy James, Vancouver ** John, watchman, Vancouver McHusrh S., confectioner, Vancouver " William, Elk Park Farm, Lake District McTlmoyl James Thos., farmer. North Saanich Mcllwain Michael, driver, Victoria " William, driver, Victoria Mclnnis A., grocer, New Westminster " Angus, farmer, Nicola Valley ** Angus, farmer. New Westmins- ter District Mclnnis Charles, farmer. New West minster District J. R., shoemaker, Donald Jas., miner, Nanaimo James, farmer, Langloy James, lumberman, English Bay James J., teamster, Vancouver John, farmer, Okanagon Mission John Z., farmer, Surry Kenneth, miner, Nanaimo Loftus R., M.D., New West- minster M. M., laborer, Nicola Senator, New Westminster (( (( « « (( « it ALPHABETICAL MREOTORT. ItT Mol MoK « « « Mclnnis Thomas Arch.,8teward B.C.P., New Westminster Mclntee John, laborer, Vancouver Mclntire John Matheson, clerk, Bur- rard Inlet Mcintosh Campboll, wood turner, New Westminster Capt., pilot, Victoria Ira, carpenter, Vancouver Isaac, clerk, Kam loops James, farmer, Kamloops James, clerk, Victoria James, carpenter, Victoria James, miner, Rsquimalt Jas., J.P., mgr Shuswap Milling Co., Kamloops James, farmer, Sahtlam John, carpenter, Vancouver John Donald, miner, Richfield R., carpenter, Victoria R. W., hotelkeeper. New West- minster Roderick, carpenter. New West- minster District Rory, laborer, Priest's Valley S. T., C.P.R. telegraph, Victoria Stephen P., foreman, Victoria Wm. A., Vancouver W. D., clerk, Vancouver Mclntyre Angus, teamster, Vancouver " Archie, lumberman. New West- minster District Charles, wheelwright, Clinton Hugh, boots and shoes, lUecille- waet John, trader, Lytton John, woodsman, Boston Bar John, merchant, Lytton Malcolm, laborer, Vancouver P., miner, Nanaimo Wm., upholsterer, Victoria " William, clerk, Spence's Bridge Mclsaacs Dan., miner, Nanaimo Mclver Dan., brickmaker, Victoria " George, carpenter, Kamloops John, farmer. Maple Ridge John, farmer, North Thompson John Donald, farmer, Langley « « << « « « u « (( (( (i (( (( Mclver Kenneth, farmer. Lulu Island, Richmond Municipality Kenneth, carpenter, Langley Malcolm, bartender, Nanaimo Murdoch, clerk, Kamloops Mm-doch, farmer, Langley McKail Geo., carpenter, Victoria McKamay Robert Granville, farmer, Kanaka's Prairie McKanacher J. F., engineer, Kam- loops McKay — , si -veyor, Victoria « _, V.^.v^ria — , bookkeeper C.P.N. Co., Vic- toria Adam, miner, Lome Creek Alex., builder, Vancouver Arch., teamster, Cache Creek Chas., painter, Victoria Chas., machinist, Victoria D., watchman C.P.R. snowsheds D , conductor, Kamloops David, farmer, Sumas Donald, letter carrier, Victoria Eric B., engineer, Quamichau George, farmer, Matsqui George, foreman, Vancouver Gilbert, farmer, Langley Godfrey, farmer, Harrison River Hugh, teamster, Vancouver J., watchman C.P.R. snowsheds J., agent B.C. Exp. Co., Ashcroft J. A., baggageman, Kamloops Jas. W., miner, Nanaimo John, driver, Vancouver John, bartender, New West- minster John, rancher, Lytton John, engraver, Victoria Kenneth, farmer, Kensington Prairie Mrs. Jane, widow John Gordon, Victoria Robt, miner, Nanaimo Wm., Victoria William, mason, Vancouver Wra. John, compositor, Victo- ria It It (( (( (C (( <( (( tt it tt tt tt .! ?:& ^ ill Wm ■■ ii' 1 f". I iWi 178 Henderson's British Columbia McK MoK McKeating F., miner, Nanai mo " T., miner, Kanaimo McKechnie F. W., agent C.P.E., Kamloops McKee Alfred, farmer. Hall's Prairie " David Alexander, farmor,Bound- ary Bay Hamilton, guard B.C.P., New Westminster Hugh, mechanic, Vancouver James, farmer, Matsqui James, New VVestminstor John, farmer. Boundary Bay John, jun., farmer, Boundary Bay Mrs. H., school teacher, Alder- grove Robert, farmer, Langley Eobert, farmer, Boundar}^ Bay & Sons, butchers, Ludner's Land- ing \V., N.P., Ladner's Landing Wm., cabinetmaker, Vancouver William C, cabinetmaker, Van- couver William, farmer. Boundary Bay McKeen Geo. C., merchant, New West- minster " N. C, merchant, New West- minster McKeever Geo., farmer, Chilliwhack McKellop John, logger, Moodyville McKelvie Alex., manager, Vancouver " John, foreman, Vancouver McKeIvy Adam, farmer, Comox " Stalford, farmer, Comox McKendry Edward, shoemaker, New Westminster McKenney John, farmer,Pitt Meadows McKennon E., miner, Nanaimo McKeown Angus, foreman, Victoria " James, expressman, Vancouver " John, night watchman, Van- couver Eobt., engineer, Donald Wm., hotelkeeper, Victoria W., & Son, hotelkeepers, Victoria Wm. J., hotelkeeper, Victoria « It it (I tt « « (( u tt It tt tt (( <( (( II il « « <( li li McKerchie A., teamster, New West- minster McKevitt Michael, boilermaker, Vic- toria McKenzie — , Victoria — , woodworker, Victoria — , E. & N. Ry., Esquimalt A., conductor, Vancouver Alex., laborer, Lake District Alex., lumberman, Shuswap Alex., farmer, Lake District Alexander, farmer, Surry Alex., bartender, Vancouver Andrew Colville, farmer. Lake Hill C.H. Ans^ns furniture, Vancouver C, spinner, New Westminster C. C, agent, Nanaimo Charles, farmer, Spallumcheen Chas. VV., farmer, Spallumcheen D., engineer, Kamloops D., farmer, Surry Municipality D. C, miner, Nanaimo Donald, farmer, Craigley, Cedar Hill Duncan, mason, Vancouver F., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops George, Ibi'mer, South Arm H., factory hand. New West- minster Hugh, farmer. Lake District Hugh Hy., farmer, Elgin James F., builder, Vancouver John, D.L.S., New Westminster John, farmer, Langley John, miner, Nanaimo John C. S., farmer, Surry John W., blacksmith, Comox Joseph J., farmer, Spallumcheen Kenneth, clerk, Esquimalt M. J., fruits, Victoria Mrs., saloon, Donald & Novin, blacksmiths, Victoria R., farmer, Victoria Rod., miner, Nanaimo T., carpenter C.P.R., North Bend W., watchman, Yale (I <( (( (( (( (( (< <( ti tt tt ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 179 HcK McL « « « McKenzieW. C, farmer, Spallumcheen <•' William, farmer, Spallumcheen " William Alex., farmer, Surry McKie John, grocer, Vancouver " John, valuator, Vancouver McKierman A. J., prof, of music, V c- toria McKillican & Anderson, contractors, Victoria " Wm D., contractor, Victoria McKindon Chas., miner, Lome Creek McKinley Andrew, miner, East Wel- lington Andrew, farmer, Cedar District Archibald, farmer, LacLaHache Gilbert, miner, Nanaimo James, farmer, Lac La Hache James, miner, Wellington James, miner, East Wellington James J., miner, Nanaimo " John, painter, Victoria " Ogden A., farmer, LacLa Hacbe " Hobert, miner, Nanaimo McKinneli P., fitfer, Vancouver McKinnelly Thomas F.C., carpenter, Quamichan McKinnon A., miner, Nanaimo " A., carpenter, Vancouver A. A., foreman, Shuswap Lake Alex., minor, Nanaimo Angus, farmer, Kamloops Archibald, fireman, Wellington Archibald, Kamloops Arch., blacksmith, Kamloops D., foreman, Kamloops D., minor, Nanaimo Daniel, mason, Vancouver Dennis, miner, Nanaimo Donald, real estate, Vancouver J., farmer, Englishman's River James, driver, Nanaimo John, jun., miner, Nanaimo John, sen., miner, Nanaimo M., laborer, Vancouver Malcolm, driver, Victoria Michael, logger, Oyster Harbor Mike, miner, Nanaimo Peter, butcher, Illecillewaet « (t ti « « « (< (( (( (( « « (( LEWII BEL16. Juno. Grcdg and St. Antoine Sts.» MONTREAL. « « McKinnon Sam., miner, Nai aimo " W., miner, Nanaimo " Wilson, Vancouver McKiska John, laborer, Hall's Prairie McKitrick Arthur, teamster, Lytton Patrick, laborer, Cache Creek Patrick, farmer, Nicola Valley William, blacksmith, Victoria McKtine Eol;>ert, engineer, Donald McLachlan Bros., merchant, Victoria " Charles, cordwood dealer, Craig- loe Farm Charles, miner, Wellington Charles, Vancouver Daniel, merchant, Victoria William, fireman, Victoria McLagan John, clerk, Victoria " John C, managing editor " World," Vancouver McLardy Thomas, baker, Savona's Ferry McLaren A., moulder, Victoria " Donald, farmer. Englishmen's River Jas. C, guard P. jail, Kamloops John, carpenter, Vancouver John, seargent, Vancouver " R., millhand. New Westminster McLaughlin A., clerk, New West- minster " Dan., Vancouver " J., miner, Nanaimo " J. H., accountant, Victoria " Robert, waiter, Vancouver McLay Jas., farmer, Gabriola Island " John, farmer, Quamichan " Robert, farmer, Quamichan " Robert, jun., farmer, Gabriola Island « <( I 'ij ^ SI I } ^ 1 i [IW { 180 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA AIoL MoL i McLay Robert, miner, East Wellington " Thomas, miner, Nanaimo McLean — , miner, Nanaimo — , teacher, Clover Valley — , painter, Victoria A., carpenter, Now Westminster A., carpenter, Ludnor's Landing Alex., shoemaker, Kamloops Alex. E., farmer, Port Moody Alex., jun., farmer, Pitt River Allan, guard B.C.P., New West- minster Allan, plasterer, Vancouver Capt. Alex., Victoria Capt. Daniel, Victoria D., miner, Nanaimo D. A., mail clerk, Vancouver D. H., bridge watchman, Donald D. J., Vancouver Dan., carpenter, Harrison River Donald, M.D., Now Westminster Donald, physician and surgeon, Chilliwhack Donald, farmer, Pitt River Donald H., farmer, Langloy Donald K., farmer, Pitt Luke Don. M., asst. appraiser, Victoria Frederick, painter, Victoria Hugh, roofer, Vancouver Hugh, miner, Nanaimo J. A., teacher, Surry Centre J. G., factory hand, New West- minster J. M., M.D., New Westminster James A., miner, Big Bar John, Vancouver John, herder, Cache Creek John, miner, Nanaimo John, blackismiili, Victoria John A., teacher, Clover Valley K., miner, Nanaimo M., laborer, Vancouver Malcolm A., Vancouver Malcolm G., liquors, Vancouver Milton, tinner, victoria Mrs., Victoria Murdock, farmer, Chilliwhack Peter, tanner, Victoria « It « « (( (( i( (( « « « « u (( tl « tl « l( (< <( it (t (( « (( (( (( « (( tl tl tt tl tl (( (( « <( << (( <( « (( ({ II tl (t McLean Robt., New Westminster " Robert, clerk, Port Moody & Stewart, merchants,Victoria Thos. H., merchant, Victoria Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm., commission agent, Port Moody Wm. A., merchant, Victoria McLearn John, carpenter, Vancouver " John, brickmaker, Maple Ridge " Mat., brickmaker, Maple Ridgo McLease Eri, carpenter, Vancouver McLellan A., contractor, Vancouver " Alex., clerk, Now Westminster Alex., postmaster, Beaver Point & Co., blacksmiths, Clinton Capt. E. Eugene, Vancouver Chas. N., blacksmith, Clinton F., cai-penter, Nanaimo Fred. B., carpenter, Victoria J., millhand, Vancouver J., miner, Wellington J., watchman, Hope John, miner, Nanaimo McLolland A. J., Victoria McLennan A., carpenter, Vancouver *' Alex., farmer, Fulford ** Angus D., clerk, Vancouver Dan., grocer, New Westminster Dan . , carpenter, New Westmins- ter Duncan, foreman, Salmon Arm F., Cabinet hotel, Vancouver Finlay, hotelkeeper, Yale John, hotel, Vancouver John, laborer, Kamloops John, mason, Vancouver John, laborer, Kamloops & McFaly, hardware and tin- ware, Victoria and Vancouver Neil, carpenter, Yale Peter, farmer, Shawnigan Robt. P . , merchant, Victoria W., carpenter, Vancouver McLeod A., miner, Wellington A. F.,foremanC.P.R.,NorthBend Alexander, H. B. Co., Victo- ria it « (( II tt It ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 181 McL McM (( (< McLeod Angus, clerk, Kamloops Angus, saloon, New Westminster Angus, ship carpenter, Victoria Archibald, laborer, Vancouver Archie, baker, Vancouver Colin, blaclcHmith, Vancouver Duncan, miner. East Wellington Duncan, foreman, Vancouver Ewing, carpenter, Vancouver G., laborer, Vancouver George E., clerk, Savona's Ferry J., agent C.P.R., Revelstoke J, B., wiper. North Bend J, M., dairy,Now Westminster J. P., principal High School, Vic- toria James S., clerk, Vancouver John, painter C.P.R., Donald John, agent C.P.R,, Revelstoke John, slock raiser, Kamloops John, mate, Victoria John A., bookkeeper, Vancouver John A., farmer, Cache Creek John B., farmer, Langley John 0., mail clerk, Vancouver (( « Kenneth, miner, Illecillewaet « (( « M., millhand, Vancouver Mai., farmer, Thompson River Malcolm, packer. Dog Creek Norman, roofer, Victoria Norman, jun., Victoria Norman, sen,, Victoria N. J., watchman, Stoney Creek rev. Patrick McFarlane, Victoria Roderick, mechanic, Victoria Roderick, laborer, Kamloops " Wm., carpenter, Vancouver McLettmun Alex., New Westminster McLury — , mechanic, Victoria McMahon F., foreman C.P.R., Donald " J., laborer, Vancouver " P., saloon, New Westminster McManus Frank, engineer, Vancouver " Bobert, journalist, Victoria " Thos. S., blacksmith, Victoria McMartin David, farmer, Langley Isaac, millhand, New Westmins ter « McMartin J. A., New Westminster McMiistor A., axeman, Vancouver McMichen John, laborer, Chemainus McMicking Eobt. B., mgr. Electric Light works, Victoria McMillan — , mechanic, Victoria Alex., farmer, Denman Island Alex., merchant, Donald Alex., clerk, Vancouver Archibald, baker, Victoria Bros., bakers, Victoria Charles Laraont, farmer, OysfiBr Harbor D. H., carpenter, Yale Daniel, logger. Cedar District Daniel, miner. East Wellington Daniel, blacksmith, Yale Donald M., farmer, Chilliwhack Donald, farmer, Richmond Donald, baker, Victoria E., lumberman. Oyster Hai'bor Edward, foreman. Yale Henry, fireman, Wellington Hugh, carpenter, Yale Hugh, farmer, Delta J., miner, Wellington James E., sherifl, VTictoria John, bartender, Vancouver John H., Vancouver Jos., miner, Nanaimo Michael, farmer, Langley Robert, bricklayer, Vancouver Roderick, farmer, Yale Thomas, farmer. New Westmins- ter District W., miner, Nanaimo W. J., fruits, Vancouver Wm., farmer, Shawnigan Neil, farmer. Cedar District Richard, laborer, Popcum Wm. D., mechanic. Port Moody MoMorrin A., brakeman, Kamloops MoMuUen Dougall, laborer, Vancouver «* John, laoher, Vancouver McMunn A., Mechanic, Victoria • ** Cbas., photographer, Victoria McMurphy Michael McMahon, M.D., Nicola (I (( « (( (( « « (< ti « tl \l^ !■■; !i I i ' I- ' I' 182 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA MoM MoP McMurray B,, brakeman, Knmloops McMurtrie Andrew, miner, Wellington McMutt W., laborer, Vancouver McMyn James, farmer. Lulu Island ** John, farmer, Lulu Island " William R., farmer, Lulu Inland McNabb Allen, engineer, Vancouver ** A. T., carriage mnfr., Vancouver " H., commisHioner, Victoria " John, New Westminster " William J., fireman, Vancouver McNair David, of B. C. P. M. Co., New Westminster " E., factory hand, New Westmins- ter McNally P., miner, Nanaimo McNamara James, Now Westminster McNamee Jas., •' 0" Battery, Victoria McNana T., miner, Nanaimo McNaney — , miner, Nanaimo McWaughton A., Vancouver Charles M., jeweller. Now West- minster (( " Donald, cigars, Vancouver Duncan, carpenter, Yale McNaw T., miner, Nanaimo McNeal — , painter, Victoria McNear M.. foreman, Su)'ry Centre McNeely Thos., general store aud hotel. Ladder's Landing McNeill — , Victoria — , salmon pucker, 0-Wee-Kay- Noo Alfred, packer, Kamloops Altred, furmer, Okanagon Archibald, carpenter, Lyttcn Edward, merchant, Sauaimo Fred., Victoria J. A., cigar maker, Victoria J. E., hotelkeeper, Victoria Jas., miner, Nanaimo James, carpenter, Cowichan John, mason, Spallumcheen John, miner, Nanaimo John A., restaurant, Victoria John R., rooting, Vancouver M., miner, Nanaimo Mai., miner, Nanaimo « (( <( (< « (( n « <( « u u « McNeill Rowland,carpenter, Vancouver " W. C, miner, Wellington " William^ laborer, North Saanich McNeish Thos. F. R., hatchery. New Westminster " Wm., bookkeeper, Victoria McNicholChas., hotelkeeper, Ashcroft " Charles, hotelkeeper, Kamloops " D., miner, Nanaimo McNiff C, excise oflScer, Victoria *• W., mechanic, Victoria ** Wm., saloon, Victoria McNight And., machinist, Wellington " James, carpenter C.P.R., Donald McNulty James, laborer, Vancouver McOllagh Benj., missionary C.M.S. McOrmick John, miner, Loi ne Creek McPhadden Dan., carpenter, V Gloria " James, laborer, Victoria McPhaden P., grocer, New Westmins- ter McPhaiden Donald, stevedore, Moody- ville McPhail Alexander, miner. New West- minster District " Daniel, hotelkeeper, Yale " John L., Vancouver McPhalen Daniel J., carpenter, Van- couver McPhee A., miner, Nanaimo '* Alex., shipwright. New West- minster *' Alexander, ship carpenter, Eng- lish Bay " D. is., builder, Victoria James, electrician, Vancouver James, farmer, Kensington Prairie John, carpenter C.P.R., Kam- loops Jos., general store, Comox Joseph, trader, Comox M., miner, Nanaimo Neil, trader, Yale Norman, lumberman, English Bay P., agent C.P.E., Port Moody T., miner, Nanaimo It (( (( « ALPHABETICAL DIAEOTORT. 183 Qcouvor MoP MoW « (( (( (( McPhell Mai., miner, Nuntiimo McPberson Alox., cooper, Vancouver " D., clerk, New Westminster " Daniel, laborer, Maple Ridge Don. G., farmer, SoulhThompson Donald, farmer, Quamichun Duncan, painter, JMoodyville John, carpenter, Vancouver John, loggerj Macpherson John, miner, Nanaimo John, farmer, Quamichan Mrs., wid.. New Westminster P., carpenter, Vancouver R. R., sect, foreman, Macpherson Robert, carpenter, Vancouver Thos., clerk, New Westminster Wm., farmer, Quamichan McPinnan Alex., foreman, Eagle Pass 3IcQuade E. A., merchant, Victoria " Lewis G., merchant, Victoria " P.,&Son,8hipchandler8,Victorla McQuarrie Daniel,boot and shoemaker, Yale " D. J., helper, Revelstoke " Donald, merchant, Kam loops McQueen Isaac B., farmer, North Thompson McQuillon — , postmaster and mer- chant, Alberni McRea A., tailor, New Westminster *♦ A. D., contractor, Vancouver Angus, Port Moody Arthur, Agassiz D., farmer, Agassiz D., guai*d, Vancouver D., inspector, Vancouver Daniel, laborer, Vancouver Donald, hotel keeper, Agassiz Duncan, farmer, Chiliiwhack F,, farmer, Mud Bay George, sawyer, Douglas Lake John, millhand, Vancouver M. A., tailor, New Westminster M., carpenter d.P.U., Donald M. M., tailor, New Westminster Peter R., teamster, Vancouver Rev. Donald, Victoria Ronald, farmer, Douglas Lake , (( (< icMl. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. (( « (( Mnfr. of Telephones, Electric Bells, Annunoift- tors, Burglar Alarm Iiistruinents. Apparatus and Supplies of every Description. (See adv't fron page 6.) McRoa Wm., tailor, New Westminster '* Wm.,jr., tailor, New Westminster " Wm., tailor. New Westminster Mo^.jberts J. E, messenger P.O., Vic- toria " John, tailor instructor B.C.P., New Westminster McShane Joseph, watchman C.P.R? snowsheds McSorlay Harry, Vancouver •' H., fireman, Kamloops McSwain James P., compositor, New Westminster McSweyn John, teamster, Vancouver McTaggart John L., farmer, Vancouver " Wm., miner. East Wellington McTavish Mrs. D. A., Victoria '* George Archibald, farmer, North Saanich " George A., floriat, Victoria " J., millhand, Vancouver McTeigh Chas., moudler, Victoria " Henry, upholsterer, Victoria Joseph, printer, Victoria Peter, moulder, Victoria • Mrs. Sarah, wid., Victoria McTiernen Peter, Indian agent, New Westminster McTiorney Michael, drayman, Vic- toria McVean Hugh, carpenter, Vancouver McVety James, carpenter, Vancouver McVicar C, foreman, Pennys McVoy T., farmer, North Thompson McWha Jules, laborer, Tranquille " Robert, miller, Tranquille " Wm., farmer, Lyttou McWhinney Jas., lumberman, Moody- ville it 17 ill lil ; !'i >i:li) ;], 1 m '•mi j.:M 184 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA MoW MAD (< (( (( McWhinnie Thos., carpenter, New Westminster McWillianif-; Thob., cook, Lake District Mabb Samiiel Ai-tbur, farmer, Shaw- nigan Mables Wm., carriagemaker, Victoria Macabo T. B., printer, Victoria MacOallum Joseph, farmer. Clover Valley Macaulay C. H., store foreman, Donald " Norman D., Victoria " W. J., lumberman, Victoria Macdonald Charles, farmer, Burgoyne Buy " C. N., accountant, Victoria '• D. S., raerchart, Nanaimo J. A., clerk C.P.R., Kamioopa Jos., bookkeeper, Chemai HUG Jno, B., carpenter,Clover Valley hon. Wni. John, 8eiiator,Victoria Macdonell J. S.,timber inspector. New Wtfetmintster Mace Alfred, painter, Nanaimo " W., millhand, Vancouvci- " William A., machine hand, Van- couver Macoy Samuel T., plasterer, Vancouver " Wm. C, bricklayer, Vancouver Macgowan A. H.Boswoll, oomm. agent, Vancouver Macgregor James M., business rogr Morning Courier, Nanaimo Mach Jas,, engineer, Donald Machin C, miner, Nanaimo Fred., miner, Nanaimo Frank, miner, Nanaimo Maeijlosh S. T., accountant, Victoria " W. D., cleiii, Vancouv^«ir Mackay A. E., civil engineer, Shaw- nigan Lake Ohas. D. ccuch builder, Victoria Donald, clerk C.P.N Co., Victoria Frank, farmer, High Bar Isauo B., Shawnigan J. J., telegraph agent, Ashcroft John J., postmaster and agent B.C. Exp., Ashcroft It i< (( (I i( « « (( Mackay John W., mechanic, Shawni- gan '^ Kenneth, logger, Surry Centre " R., farmer, Surry Centre " William, watchman, Revelstoke Mackenzie Duncan, postmaster, Clover Valley Duncan C, carpenter, Clover Valley Duncan B., telegraph operator, Clover Valley Frank J., farmer, Clover Valley George, instructor B.C.P., New Westminster Hugh Henry, farmer, Clover Valley John C. S., farmer. Clover Valley " Robert D., farmer, Clover Valley " W.G., clerk, Victoria Mackie — , printer, Victoria '* Jame.<, farmer, Langley " Williari Hamilton, lumberman, Moodyville Mackinlay Wm Scott, farmer, Matsqui " Wm. S., carpenter, Victoria MacLaughlin Joseph H., accountant, Victoria Maclean M. A., notary, Vancouver •' Peter W., carpenter, Victoria Macloney Jno., miner, NanaLmo Maf.lure P. S , "V ictoria ** J., telegraph agent, Matsqui " J. C.,ofGrant & Macluie, V ictoria " John Chas., Victoria " S., artist, Victoria Macnamara John B., bdg liouse, Van- couver Macnab J. E., agent C.P.R., Savonas Macnoci B.. miner, Nanaimo Macpherson Alex. Joseph, Bodega, Vancouver •' Ewan, Vancouver Madden C. E., cook, Vancouver " Ed., minor, Wellif gtoa Ed., miner, Nanaimo Jeremiah, foreman, Victoria Joseph, nachinist, Victoria William, miner, Fort Simpson '▲LP&ABKtrCAL DIRECTORY. I8Si MAD MAN MaJdigan B^nj., machinist, Victoria *• Geo., machinist, Victoria " J., brakeman, Vancouver Madill E. B., butcher, Vancouver Madson Eobert, farmer, Hii;h Bar Magee Patrick, laborer, Chemainas " Geo. p]dwin, farmer, North Arm ** H. C raw ford, far nr'er, North Arm '* Jas. Douglas, lumberman, North Arm *< Seymour, laborer, Point Garry " Wm. James, farmer. North Arm Maggie — , tiiiner, Nanaimo Magladry John, sawyer, Vancouver Magneson Alfred, bookkeeper, Victoria Magnone J. B.,me6senger, New West- minster Magor Henry, laborer, Clinton Maguire Chas., machinist, Victoria " Mrs., laundress, Vancouver Mahan T., foreman, Mission Maher Christopher, axeman, Port Moody Mahl A., millhand, Nanaimo iMahon Hy.L^., farmer, Vesuvius Bay Miihony James, farmer, Cowichan •' Jerewiiah, laborer, Vancouver " John, R^. canteen, Esquimauli " John, mechanic, Vancouver " John, farmer, Cowichan " Jop.. weaver. New Westminster " Mrs., weaver, New Westminster " Miss, weaver. New Westminster Mahood Alexander Longmore, farmer, Mud Bay Mahrer John, brewer, Nanaimo Main Geo. Brown, farmer. South Arm Mainguay Dan. W., farmer, Chemainus Major Alex., merchant, Nanamo " C. G., real estate, N Westminster "■ (',. G.. real estate, Vancouver " Elijah, boilermaker^ Vancouver " William, laborer, Vancouver Malay Thomas, millhand, Vancouver MalcarH., miner, Wellington Malcolm — , jun., miner, Nanaimo <' Jas., miner, Nanaimo Malcolm Wm., miner, Nanaimo Malerson Jas., miner, Nanaimo Malinge John., tank repairer CPJSL, Mallandaine E.,jr. ,architect,Vaneottv»3ar " E., architect, Victoria •' Frederick, carpenter, Viotoriai " & Samson, architefts, Vancouvwr Mallette — , moulder, Victoria " C. E., coal merchant, Victorias Maloney Henry, ship carpenien^. Moodyville Malpas Joseph, miner, Wellingtem^ '' Thop., miner, Wellington Malton Hiram, farmer. New Wesmin*^ ster District Manahan Bros., brick mnfrs., Ne^r '* & Reichenback, butchers, Nevic Westminster Mandart rev. Joseph M., Victoria. Manenteaw Capt. Aug., Kam loops' Manento Aug., boatman, Kamloops- ^ Mangle E. E., carpenter, Victoria " CO., carpenter, Victoria Manley Michael, farmer, Gabriofite Island Mann — , Vancouver Alfred, driver,New W )stminst«r Goo., grocer, Victoria Geo., bricklayer, Victoria H. Thos., saddler, Victoria* & Heron, harness, Victoria J. G., lumber dealer, Victoria. Mrs.M., widowAndrew, VictoriiBi " Wm., bricklayer, Victoria Manney & Potter, miners, Wellingtoajj Manning J, .'Mfred, Vancouver " Martin, nrtender, Victoria '* Miss Emiiy, clerk, Vancouver " William, stableman, Vancouveo- " William, driver, Vancouver Mansell — , Victoria " Henry, shoemaker, Victoria " James, clerk, Victoria James, mechanic, Victoria ThoroaB Downes, farmer, Vesm viuB Bay (( <( Job., blacksmith, VesuTius Bay { ManskeV Wm. , blacksmith, Victorii^ 15 I ill! I'll M i;: W ']■} Un ' In i ,; f i I ; Xi^ m': ^m p SX86 iSENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MAN MAE 3l[Anson — ^ Victoria ^* JBonald, bartender, Kamloops Donald, farmer, Lac La Hache J. S., tailor, New Westminster James, tailor, New Westminster X., miner, Nanaimo Nelson, miner, Wellington 4< -ti «-*< Phineas, cooper, New West- 'minster Phineas, washer, Vancouver '"Phinne, Vancouver William, farmer, 1 1 1 Mile House Manuel & Ruttan, general merchants, Donald ■•"" Greo. E., merchant, Donald '** W. J., hotel, Vancouver ^^ Wm., miner, Wellington 'Mara John A,, M. P., merchant, Kam- ^ loops 'JMarbceuf Louis, restaurant, Victoria -IMnrcell John, laborer, Boston Bar I'll irch James, miller, Victoria Marcbal Chas., priest, Williams' Lake - Jld^archantOeo., sitamboating, Moody- ville '^' Isaac, farmer, Cheara IMarchbank David C., gardener, Vic- A.tQi'ia l!31arc0ite Xavier. farmer,. Rose Farm, South :Saanich JMardis K. J., miner, Nanaimo - Marfar John, miner, Nanaimo - Marks A . J., wall paper, Vancouver ■" Martha, hotelkeeper, Nicola Lake -Jttariner Henry, farmer, Cowichan " I.., laborer, Vancouver _.3Iarlin Hezekiah, laborer, Clinton ** Henry, clerk, Victoria ^^ Joseph C, laborer, Clinton .3Iarmette P., clerk, Vancouver "' Paul C. E., Yale .3Iaronoy Andrew, foreman C.P.E., Twin Butte " J., stonemason, Vancouver Marpole Richard, supt C.P.R., Donald Jdarrion Frank, carpenter, V^ictoria "<* William J., blacksmith, Yale ** Mrs. Moses, die. smaker, Victoria (( Marriott — , traveller, Victoria " Ed., butcher, Vancouver Marsden Henry, tinner, Victoria Marsh — , mechanic, Victoria " George, glass mnfr, Victoria " William John, farmer. Mount Lehman Marshall Alex., miner, Wellington " Anthony W . , carpenter, Victoria August, miner, Wellington Chas., watchmaker, Victoria D., farmer, Kensington Prairie Edgar, waiter, Vancouver George, carpenter, Surry Geo., carpenter, Victoria J., foreman C.P.R., Spatsum James, miner, Nanaimo James, millhand, Nanaimo John, miller, Lillooet Matthew, farmer, Cowichan Miss Florence, maid, Vancouver & Smith, ranchers, Clinton Thos., J. P., Maple Bay Thos., miner. East Wellington Thomas, farmer, Cowichan Thos., carpenter, Victoria Thomas^ plumber, Vancouver Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm., millhand, Nanaimo " Wm., laborer, Victoria " Wm,, bartendor, Victoria Marston Chas., hackman, Victoria " Edwin, hackman, Victoria Martell B., miner, Nanaimo " Jos., miner, Nanaimo Martin Rev. A., O.M.I., New West- minster Aaron, farmer, Gabriola Island Albert L., clerk, Vancouver Arthur, clerk, Kamloops C, second cook D. C, Revelstoko Dennis, miner, Nanaimo Edmond R., bartender, Van couver F., line repairer C.P.R., New Westminster Frank, laborer, Lillooet F. X., grocer, Vancouver (( « (( (( 4( C (. C l( c (( I a I n I n J (I J a J (< J ■it J Xi J J( ] (( L (I M a M (I M a N 11 N r <( t( P <i St (( s. <( T. *i T (( W .(( W « W (( W Marti ns< Martloy 4t ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 187 MAR MAT Martin G., merchant, Kitmloops] "^^ u ^i 41 CI (I ii tl a ■ii G. B., M. P. P., Ducks G-eorge, farmer, Craigielee farm, Gorge Road Geo., clerk, Victoria Geo., miner, Nanairao George, caretaker, Vancouver H., laborer, Vancouver H. J., salesman, Victoria H. M . , Vancouver J., first cook C. P. R., North Bend J., baggageman, Revelstoke J. W., laundry, Esquimalt James, mechanic, Victoria James E . , clerk, Victoria Jon., farmer, Gabriola Island Joseph, mill owner, Harrison Eiver L , millhand, Vancouver Milton, clerk, Vancouver Miss Ellen, dressmaker, Victoria Miss Era., dressmaker, Victoria Nelson, Vancouver Norman, laborer, Ne'-7 West- minster District Oi'igen, farmer. Maple Eidge P., Vancouver Scrril J., farmer. Boundary Bay S., E. & N. Ry., Victoria T., miner, Nanaimo Thomas, engineer, Victoria Walter, bartender, Victoria William, laborer, Vancouver " Wni., miner, Nanaimo " Wm. C, clerk, Victoria Miartinson Bengt., farmer. Lulu Island Martloy Arthur H. J., farmer, The Grange " John, former, The Grange Marvin E., jun., prof, of music, Vic- toria " E. B., merchant, Victoria '• E. B., & Co., ship chandlers, Victoria *' Edgar, merchant, Victoria >& Tilton, importers, Victoria Wm. T., traveller, Victoria - AOsriD- wooM m wm OF ALL KINDS. J'ci.ixa.est XaGsXlOf MONTREAL. Mashiter Wm., fisherman, Vancouver Mason — , drayman, Victoria " Albert, bookkeeper, Nanaimo Anthony, former, North Arm C. DaBiis, clerk, Victoria C. D., Victoria Goo., brickraaker, Victoria H. S., Victoria Hamilton, Vancouver • Henry G., clerk, Victoria Ithlol B., Barkerville J., M.P.P., Barkerville Mrs. G., bdg house, Victoria Robt., miner, Nanaimo Simon, driver, Vancouver Thos. G., agent, Victoria Wm. H., agent, Victoria Wm. L., farmer,Little Dog Creek Massie Antoine, bootblack, Victoria Mastaro P., millhand, Vancouver Masten Miss Annie, dressmaker, Vic- toria Masters F., carpenter, Vancouver *' Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver " Thos., ship carpenter, Victoria Masterson Edward, Victoria Maston Henry C, farmer, North Arm Mather Alex., Victoria •* Rob., merchant, Wild Hoi-se Creek Mathers — , commission. New West- minster " Thomas, wheelwright, Nicola " William John, agent. New West- minster Matheson — , farmer, Alert Bay (I u (( <( <ti i( A., miner, Nanairao A., sr., miner, Nanaimo " Alex. M., farmer and New Westminster logger, Itt ( ■'«^; m HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MAT MEC <( « i( (( << (( (( « Matheson C, carpenter, Victoria " Chas., upholsterer, Victoria Donald J., tailor, Kamloops Dan., miner, Nanaimo Edward, farmer, Delta F., miner, Nanaimo J., cooper, NasB Eiver J., millhand, Vancouver John H., barber, Donald John, farmer, Naes River John, teamBter, Vancouver Malcolm, mer. tailor, Kamloops Malcolm, agent, Vancouver Neil, miner, Lome Creek P., bartender, Vancouver Bob.,carpenter, Ladner'sLanding William, boat builder. Vancouver William A., farmer, Comes Mathie James, blacksmith, Revelstoke Mathieson Donald, farmer, Spallum- cheen Mathison'E., jr., job printer, Vancouver Matiy John, cleaner, Donald Mateon J., miner, Wellington " Tho8., miner, Nanaimo Matequi Land Co., Victoria Mathews — , of Matthews. Richards & Tye, res in England A. G., gunsmith. New Westmins- ter E. M., manager, Vancouver E.,staffengineer R.N., E-squiLaalt E. W., mgr Dun, Wiman & Co. Victoria , F., millhand, New Westminster Geo. F., merchant, Kamloops Geo. F., of Prior & Co., Victoria J. P., clerk, Victoria John And., logger, Moody ville John, laborer, Victoria John, miner, Wellington Dr. Joseph B., Victoria Lieut Col., J. P., Maple Bay R. J., tailor, Victoria Richards & Tye, merchants, Vic- toria Samuel, millman, Moodyville ThoB., clothing, Vancouver II (( (( t< (< Mathews Thomas, Victoria " Z., farmer. Clover Valley " Zach., farmer, Surry Centre Matthewson Alex.,manager, Kamloops ** M., carpenter, Wellington " Matthew, miner, Wellington Mattock Henry, gardener, Vancouver Maude Hy. H., farmer, Hornby Island Maurmann Paul, merchant, Victoria Maver S., watchman, Harrison Maxey John, driver, Vancouver Maxwell John, farmer, Langley ** John, jr., farmer, Burgoyne Bay " John, farmer, Burgoyne Bay " Samuel, farmer, Burgoyne Bay May Anthony, logger, Moodyville ** Arthur, bdg house, Macpherson " John, upholsterer, Nan aim o " W. D., former, Alert Bay ** W. H., butcher, Vancouver Mayer Adolphe, trader, Nanaimo " A., <te Co., merchants, Nanaimo Maynard Albert H., fireman, Victoria " Chas., carpenter, Victoria " G., plumber, Victoria " Geo. H., merchant, Victoria " Harry, E. & N.Ry., Victoria " James, merchant, Victoria " Miss L. L., clerk, Victoria '* Mrs. R., photographer, Victoria " Richard, merchant, Victoria " Wm., mate, Victoria Mayno C; millhand, Vancouver " Thomas., carpenter, Vancouver '' J., farmer, Chilcoton Mayo — , farmer, Derby Maywood Geo., farmer, Victoria Mead G., barber. New Westminster " Joel S., carpenter, Tranquille Meakin Fred., miner, Nanaimo Meakins W. J., bartender, Vancouver Mcarns George, bootmaker, Vancouver " James, farmer, Quamichan " John, miner, Nanaimo Mebins Chas. F. C, cooper, Victoria " Miss Lucy, teacher, Nanaimo Meckelopop — , laborer, Vancouver Meckie Chas., printer, Victoria ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 189 MEC MEY Meckie John B,, engraver, Victoria Medana Paul, bartender, Victoria " R., painter, Victoria " R., & Co., painters, Victoria Medd William, farmer, Langlej Medwedrech John, fisherman, Victoria JMee Charles A., bartender, Vancouver " G-., laborer, Vancouver " George, carpenter, Lytton '' George, farmer, Maple Ridge " Robert, engineer, Vancouver Meeks John Smith, Port Moody Megaw W. R., merchant, Kamloops " W, R., merchant, Okanagon Meires William, hotel, Vancouver Meirs Jacob, cigar maker, Victoria Meis Miss Flora, clerk, Victoria " M., cigar maker, Victoria Moldram George, butcher, Victoria " Jas. W., grocer, Victoria " Joseph, J. P., Chilcoten Meldroy W., fitter, Vancouver Moldrun J., mechanic, Victoria " J., fireman, Revelstoke Melhuisb Geo., teas, Vancouver Mellon Capt. H. A., agent, Vancouver Mellor Joseph, blacksmith, Victoria Mellors Jas., farmer. South Thompson Melmoth Robert, logger, Moodyvilie Melrose Robert, farmer, Victoria Arm Melvin J. G., watchmaker, Vancouver Menagh Alexander, farmer. North Saanich Menary John A., compositor, Victoria Mennie Alexander, contractor. Port Moody Mentzill Ernest, bartender, Victoria Menzies Edmond, laborer, Vancouver " James, mill band, Vancouver ** John, farmer, Somenos " Miss M , tailoross, Victoria " W. C, painter, Vancouver Mercer Joseph B , millhand, Nanaimo Merchant Goo., mine: , Nanaimo " T., watchman, Agat^siz Mercier George, cabinetmaker, New Westminster " R., miner, Wellington (( (( Meredith Geo., miner, Nanaimo " Geo., miner, Wellington " Thos., miner, "Wellington " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Merifield Jonathan, hotelkeeper, Vic- toria Merrifield A., sawyer, Vancouver Merrill James, clerk, Victoria " John, miner, Yale *' Joseph, Victoria Merriman Peter, farmer, Cedar Hill " William, farmer. Cedar Hill Merrion Frank, carpenter, Victoria Merritt Geo., bartender, Nanaimo '• John, miner, Nanaimo " M., miner, Nanaimo Matthew, miner, Nanaimo Richard, chicken raiser, Craigie- lee farm. Gorge Road Richard, laborer, Victoria " Robt., minfir, Nanaimo " Tbos., miner, Nanaimo Merron Hugh, painter, Vancouver Merry fie Id Alexander, sawyer, Bur- rai-d Inlet *' Thos., miner, Nanaimo " W. J., farmer, Quamichan " Wm. J., miner, Victoria Merryman Wm., teamster, Victoria Mesbar Geo., builder, Victoria •' Geo. Chas., builder, Victoria Mesher A., miner, Nanaimo " Geo., contractor, Nanaimo j Meston John, carriagemaker, Victoria ' Metator — , miner, Wellington Metcalfe James G., carpenter, New Westminster District " Jos., miner, Nanaimo " Mrs. C, Victoria Methtrin Colin, miner, East Welling- ton Metlakatlah Canning Co., Metlakatlali Mets John, clerk, Vancouver Meyers Charles William, Kamloops " Capt. Wm., Victoria *' Chas., miner. East WeHington " Fred., harnessmaker, New Wesw- , minster V ■■'^. ^ !i 'i ifl I II ■ '■" , I' ill \ Ii ' ' I A \ 'if!' Mp-4 Ill 190 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MEY MIL Meyers Jos. E., clerk, Nanaimo <* Wm. Peter, farmer, Okanagon Michael Edwin Duncan, farmer, Cedar District " John, builder, Somenos " Julep, miner, Nanaimo Mi chared M,, farmer, 18 miles below Hope Michell John R.,farmer, South Saanich " Thos. farmer, South Saanich Mickle Florien, farmer, Nicola Lake " Oliver F., rancher and stock- raiser, Nicola " W. A., farmer, Nicola Lake Mickle^OD J., Departure Bay Middell Mike, clerk, Vancouver Middlebrook Joseph L., contractor, Vancouver Middlemiss W., baggageman, Van- couver Middlestate G., mill hand, Victoria Middleton George, fitter, Donald " J., watchman, Savonas «• K. J., H. B. Co., Victoria " W., mill hand, Vancouver " Walter, grocer, Vancouver M/gnon Guido, waggonmaker, New Westminster Miles Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, Victoria " Eobert, boatbuilder, Vancouver ** Eobert J., commr Vancouver " Thos., miner, Nanaimo Millan Joseph, "C Battery, Victoria Millar David, clerk, New Westminster " Mrs. E. J., artist, Victoria F., carpenter, Vancouver Fred., tailor, Victoria James, carpenter, Clover Valley B., mason, Vancouver S., M. D., Vancouver Thos., hotelkeeper, Nanaimo Millard Chiirles T., comm merchant, New Westminster " W. T., laborer, Vancouver Miller — , mechanic, Victoria " — , cabinetmaker, Victoria " Bertie, clerk, Vancouver ** Chas., carpenter, Surry Centre (( tc tt Miller Chas., miner, Nanaimo " Chas., waiter, Vancouver " Chas. J., prov. police, Victoria " & Co., miners, "Wellington & Co., bdg house, Illecillewaet C. T., constable, Victoria D. W., postmaster and general store, Sumas David, clerk. New Westminster Ed., miner, Nanaimo Em., driver, New Westminster Eugene, printer, Victoria F., carpenter, Vancouver Fred., tailor, Victoria Fred., waiter, Victoria Fred. J., clerk, Moodyvilla 6. A., waiter, Victoria George, farmer, Vancouver J., saloon, Victoria J. C, prov. police, Victoria J. R., Vancouver James, carpenter, New West- minster James, canner, Victoria James, farmer, New Westmins- ter District James, Vancouver James, farmer, North A.rm James, baker. New Westminster James Aaron, butcher, New Westminster James A. S., jeweller, Victoria Jas. J., miner, Nanaimo John, farmer. Alder Grove John, miner. Nanaimo John, ferryman, Lillooot John, messenger, Vancouver Jonathan, pcstma.=^ter, Vancouver Col. Josepn, New Westminster Joseph, Victoria Joseph Euston, farmer, Comox Joseph William, farmer. Sea Island M., cook C.P.E. Mat., miner, Nanaimo Miss A., fancy goods, Vancouver Mrs. E., widow John, Vancouver Munro, printer, Victoria It (I (I It (I (( ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. lati MIL MIT IC a <( (< Miller N., carpenter C.P.R, Donald Philip, woodsman, Boston Bar Philip, laborer, Victoria District Eobert M., farmer, Somenoa Thos., printer, Victoria W. H., Victoria Walt. 0., dispatcher, Vancouver Wm., miner, Nanaimo William, Vancouver Wm., confectioner, Victoria William, farmer. South Saanich '*/illiam, milkman, Crofter's " n;, Cedar Hill m A., farmer, Chemainus W 1. im C, Vancouver Millet Wm., farmer, Macpherson's Milley John, laborer, Vancouver Milliard Joel, mill hand, New West- minster " Joseph, mill hand, New West- minster Milligan Archibald, farmer, Comox D. S., commission merchant, New WestmiLHter David, agent. New Westminster Gid., saloon, Donald " Robert Shibley, clerk, Moody- ville « Thos. S., assist acct Bank B. C, Victoria Millington Charles E., horseshoer, Vancouver '' Ernest W., expressman, Victoria " Gideon, holelkeeper, Donald " Henry, driver, Victoria " J., foreman, Vancouver '* John, Vancouver expressman, Et^quimalt '* Wni., butcher, Victoria " William, farmer, Parker Island Millman R., carpenter. New West- minster Millmore Jas., miner, Nanaimo Mills Daniel, farmer, Burgoyne Bay " Fred. W., carpenter, Vancouver " H., watchman C.P.R. snowshcds " J. L., watchman, Spuzzum " James, fitter, Vancouver 1 HiM Electric lifg:. |i ! "5 (Ltd.y^ MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electric Lfgh t^ Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covertd I Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 6.) (< (( (( <( (( (( (( Mills Joseph, mill hand, Kew West-- minster Bichard, boots and shoes,. Vam»- couver S., baggageman, Vancowrer- S. P., barrister, Victoria " T., miner, Nanaimo Milne Alex. H., conti*actor, Victoriae " A. R, appraiser customs,^ Yii»- toria Alexander W., Vancouvwr- Edward, farmer, Sookfr Edward, sen., farmer, Sooka^ Geo. L., M.D., Victoria. Hugh, farmer, Sooke- John, boilermaker, Victoria;' *' Peter, farmer, Gordonhead " Thomas, farmer, Gowlonhoacfc Milner Thop. J., Victoria Milross W. T., painter, Vatncotwer Milton Albert, farmer, Ck>ver Vhllejir '• Arthur, farmer, Ciav%)i' Vallejr Minaberritt Antonio, farmer, BaiisqjaS Eanch Minaty R., of Wrede & MiBiUjty.V'an?^- couver Mineler Charles, farmer, NTicolbii Mink H., barber. New Wo8tnttin»ter M inkier — , hackman, Victoriai Mino Morris, electrician, Vanc^uvan- Mirdall Segurdor, Victoria Mitchell Alexander, farmietf^ ISTesKr Westminster " Clarence A., C.E., N"icam»R» " David P., sawj-or, Kamlooge* " F., operator, Clanwiilianot '* Geo., miner, Wellington George, clerk, Richmond BocyfiSl George H., farmer, Glenha!;it. ;lil 1. '•': .:<: i ■ ! \ ■ \ m9i2 HENDEBSON 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA S 1 MIT MOO 41 •it •it 4( u 4< 4« 4< 4( .Mitchell & Hick, butchers, Victoria Harry, clerk, Vancouver J. A., Telephone Co., Victoria J. R., Victoria John, blacksmith, Vancouver John, butcher, Victoria John B., salesman, Victoria M., miner, Nanaimo Nathaniel, farmer. South Arm E., clerk, Victoria R. Samuel, carpenter, Vancouver Robert, bookkeeper, Victoria Thomas, engineer, Yale Thomas, Saanich Thos. R., painter, Victoria Samuel, millwright, Vancouver William, miner. Cherry Creek William, farmer. New West- minster District Wm. Caldwell, C.E., 62 Mile Post Mittell Gus., Victoria Jlitten Thos., policeman, Victoria Mitton Sam., laborer, Victoria Miser W. H., Victoria Jtfizony & Co., liquors and cigars, Van- couver « R. T., of Mizony & Co., Van- couver Modland Isaac, engineer, Victoria -MoflFatt Alexander, farmer, Spallum- chcen Andrew, miner. East Wellington And., miner, Nanaimo Hamilton, clerk India office, Victoria John, miner, Lome Creek John, laborer, 137 Mile House John W., carpenter, Cowichan Thos., contractor, Victoria William, farmer, Surry JMole Heniy, tarmer. North Arm -Molina Jos., cigar maker, Victoria JM^olloy Hugh, miner, Nanaimo JHonahan Robert, farmer, Langley Prairie Monday Noah J., logger, Port Moody Jkionesset John, machinist, Vancouver 'U <( <( <* il n (( (I ii it u Mongan Larry, miner. Wild Horse Creek Monk — , machinist, Victoria " Alfred, machinist, Victoria " Mrs., widow, Victoria Monro Mrs., widow, Victoria " Hugh, farmer, James Island, S.8. " RoHS, clerk, Victoria Monteith Thos. F., clerk, Vancouver " Wm., agent, Victoria Montgomery A., carpenter, Vancouver A., farmer, Surry Centre A. H., wiper, New Westminster Elmer E., pliotographer, Kam- loops H., mill hand, Vancouver Hector, laborer, Vancouver J., foreman, Hope Ja8.,farmer,Spallumcheen River " James, millman, Burrard Inlet " James B., foreman. New West- minpter " Jas. H., farmer, Spallumcheen " John, farmer. Clover Valley " Nathaniel, farmer. Clover Valley Monton Michael, farmer, Chilcoten Montrose Jas., farmer. Lower Nicola Moody Frank G., clerk, Victoria " J., blacksmith, Kara loops " Joshua, Victoria " Mrs. J., widow Sewell, Victoria " T. G., grocer, Victoria iMoodyville Saw Mill Co., Moodyville Moon William J., clerk, Vancouver Moore Benj., farmer, Nicola Lake •• Benj. F., farmer. Alder Grove •' C. J., Victoria " & Co., druggists, Victoria '' Cha.s. Fred., carpenter, Victoria " Edward, farmer. High Bar F, G., musician, Vancouver Francis R., Victoria " G., Victoria ** H. G., fruits, Vancouver '* Henry, sail maker, Victoria " J., watchman, Hope " J. B., farmer, Okanagon " J. W., St. Yosemite, Victoria a u ALPHABETICAL DIRBGTOBT. ii»3 MOO MOR « « (( Moore James, bartender, New We8^ minster John, farmer, Nicola Lake John £., farmer, Alkali Lake John J., Victoria John Thomas, farmer, Johns- ton's Landing Joseph C, farmer, Nicola Lake L., miner, Nanaimo Mi«8 Marv, clerk, Victoria Eoger, miner, Kootenay Samuel, farmer, Nicola Lake T. S., engineer, Vancouver Wm., agent, Victoria Mora Louis, cook, Vancouver Moran E. Line, carpenter, Priest's Valley " Jas., farmer, Ladner's Landing " Peter, rancher, Spence's Bridge More A. W., Bk. B. C, Victoria Morell C. C, agent S.O.C., Vancouver " Edward M., Victoria *' Louis, clerk, Victoria " Mrs., widow Leon, Victoria Morelli D., restaurant, Nanaimo Moren Pierre, farmer, Spence's Bridge Moresby Willam, jailor, New West- minster Morey Henry, stationer, New West- minster " Peter, farmer, Spence's Bridge " S., brakeman, Kamloops Morgan C, mill hand, Vancouver " Gr., jun., miner, Nanaimo G. E., Vancouver Harry, carpenter, Vancouver Quick & Co., cigar mnfrs, Van- couver Jacob, miner, Ni^naimo James, teamster, Vancouver John, loco, driver, Wellington M., miner, Nanaimo Sam., miner, Nanaimo Thomas, farmer, Bonaparte Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Thos. Frs., farmer, Maple Ridge Wm., miner, Wellington (( ii (( ii <( (I a ti t( *' William, Barkerville Mories Joseph, Victoria Morigo Bapt., trader, Columbia Lake Morigraw Bapt., rancher, Windermere Morkie Wm., farmer, Burrai-d Inlet Morland Robt., miner, Wellington Morley C, soda water mnfr, Victoria " C, soda water mnfr, New West- minster " Henry A. S., clerk, Victoria " Mrs., widow John, Victoria Moroney Bro. John, O.M.I.,New West- minster Morrice Geo., farmer, Harrison River Morris D., mgr Gas Works, New West- minster " D., hotelkeeper, Roger's Pass '* Ed., assistant P. works, Yale " Henry, mattres maker, Victoria Hy., fisherman, Galiano Island Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Robert, farmer, Langley T., miner, Wellington W., machinist, Vancouver W., hostler, Victoria W. B., blacksmith, Chemainus Wm., miner, Ea.«st Wellington Mon'ison A. 0., tbreman, New West- mi n.-ter " Angus, farmer, Port Haney •' Angus, lumberman, New West- minster District *' Charles, clerk. Port Essington " Daniel, pilot, Victoria David, laborer, North Saanich E. E., teacher, Surry Centre Frank, principal Public school, Hope Fred. John, customs, Victoria George, druggist, Victoria Hector, fanner, Langlej' J., mgr H. T. Mining Co., Cherry Creek, Osoyoos *' James, Victoria iMrs. A., Victoria Mrs. A., dressmaker, Victoria J. H., miner, Nanaimo J. H., miner, Beaver Valley J. R., farmer, Coraox (C {( « (( (( (( (( • ( w\ i ; 'Ws' r;>m\ ■\'\ !"■; ' 1 ■ '"'f . '.- ' .'■' , - ) ■ ^i • • J ■ '*' ' ' -i' /■' i^imi ■;' ' \m lisiril ' ,a 'I ill 1 I' I / l^ 194 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ! ) I I MOR MOW « « « « « « Morrison Jas., real estate, Vancouver " John, miner, East Wellington " Jno.,fireman, Nicola Mining Co., Stump Lake, Nicola John, miner, Nanaimo John, tailor, Vancouver John W., tailor, Nanaimo Joseph J., farmer, Langley Kenneth, farmer, Langley Murdock J., lumberman, Port Moody P. D., carpenter C.P.E., Donald Peter, miner, Wellington Kichard, physician, Victoria Robert, gasfitter, Vancouver William, Burrard Inlet Wm,, farmer, 134 Mile House William, farmer, Langley Morrissette G., machinist, Vancouver Morrissey Michael, larraor. Cedar Hill " Michael, farmer, Victoria Dis- trict Morrow D. W., agent, Victoria F., switciiman, Kam loops G. L., car acoountant,Vancouver John, miner, Lome Creek T. E,, druggist, Vancouver Walter, Victoria William, brakeman, Kamloops Morse A., engineer, Kamloops " Henry, porter, Victoria " Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Mortimer Jnoi, marble works, Victoria ** Sidney, millhand, Nanaimo " Sidney', tailor, Vancouver " William, tailor, Vancouver " Wm., hotel, New Westminster Morton Alfred, farmer, Douglas Lake " Alfred J., bdg house, Roekford Angus, tinner, Vancouver C, hotel keeper, Shawnigan Lake Capt. John D'Aroy, Vancouver David, engineer, Vancouver Dennis, miner, Nanaimo Hugh, farmer. Copper Creek John, farmer, North Arm John £., blacksmith, Victoria Jno. T., carpenter. Clover Valley «< « « It « <( Morton Matt., foreman, Kamloops " 3Irs. A., milliner, Kamloo p " Thomas, clerk, Vancouver ** W. H., gunsmith, Nanaimo Mosbar C. J., cook, Victoria Moserop R. A., wiper, New West- minster " Wm., wiper. New Westminster Moses & BabbRge, saloon, Victoria " Daniel D., Victoria '< Geo. E , clerk, Victoria " Henry, clerk, Victoria Mosley R., bridge blacksmith C.P.R, Moss H. J., operator, Ashcroft *' James, gardener, Victoria M., furs, Vi<toria William, miner, Wellington William, Victoria Mott Alvin W., operator. New West- minster " Peter, miner, Wellington '^'ottashed Alfr. E., laborer, Cowichau iUottishaw — , jun., miner, Nanaimo E., miner, Nanaimo George, miner, Nanaimo Sam., miner, Nanaimo Sam., jun., miner, Nanaimo Walter, miner, Nanaimo " William, miner, Nanaimo Mounce Harry, miner, Wellington •' L.L., grocer. New Westminister Louis, of Grant & Co.,Wcllingtoa Richard, carpenter, Richmond " Rich., grocer, New Westminwter " Rich. G., farmer, Pitt Meadows Mountain Robert, farmer, Comox Mouralot Louis, laborer, Lillooet Mourn N., lumberman, Moodyville Mowat A. J. G., bookkeeper, Victoria " A. C, clerk, Victoria A. J., accountant, Vancouver Alex., engineer, Kamloops C. H., clerk, Donald G. B., clerk, Donald M. M., caretaker. New West- minster Mrs. Mary Ann, wid William A., Victoria (< (( (I (( t( (( (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 19S> MOW MUR « (( Movat Thoraaa, inspector of fisheries, New WeBtminster " Tho8., pisciculturibv, New West- minster " W., deckhand, Vancouver Mowatt JamesA., clerk, Burrard Inlet Mowry A., patternmaker, Victoria Mozely — , barber, Vancouver Mu Iden A. J., miner, Nanaimo | Muir A. C, chief engineer Dry Dock, ' Esquimalt | And. C, barrister, Vancouver C, mechanic, Victoria D., conductor, Vancouver John N., barrister, Vancouver " M., Sooke " Walter, contractor, Vancouver Muirhead Allan, brewer, Victoria " James, saw mill, Victoria " John, mill hand, Victoria ** & Mann, sash factory, Victoria Muisent Andrew, miner, Wellington Mulan J. C, moulder, Victoria Mulcahy P., foreman C.P.R., Donald Muldoon William, jailor, Victoria Mulhall J. J., chief clerk, Vancouver Mull Joseph P., farmer, Kamloopa " W., carpenter, Victoria Mullaney Mike, miner, Nanaimo Muller H.G., cabinetmaker, Vancouver Mullholland £d., miner, Nanaimo Mulligan — , teamster, Vancouver " John, blacksmith, Victoria Mullin JameB, millhand, Vancouver Mulvaney Bro. John, O.M.I., New Westminster Mulvey J , striker, Kamloopa " James, mailman, Donald «* Jas., night agent C.P.R-, Donald Muncy A., miner, Nanaimo Mundy George, brickmaker, New Westminster Mundorf John J., bartender, Victoria Munger James, moulder, Victoria Munn Harry A., editor, Victoria Munderf Jac, hotelkeeper, Bonaparte Munnion J. , car repairer, Kevelstoke Munro A., Victoria Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., ''^ General Selling Agents, * 726 C RAIC ST., - MONTREAU Munro A., asst roadma8t('r,North Bend " Alex., acct. H. B. Co., Victoria Charles, pumpman, Shuswap Chas., salesman, Victoria Capt. D., Victoria Daniel, foreman, Vancouver- Donald, printer, Vancouver G. , carpenter, North Bend G., roadmaster, Kamloops G., carpenter C.P.R., Kamloops G., asst. roadmaster, Kamloops George, miner, Palmer's Bar. J., miner, Wellington James, farmer, Chilliwhack John, contractor, Vancouver- Miss A., teacher, Victoria " T. W. G., farmer, Central Settle-^ ment " William, stock raiser, Douglas Lake " Wm., miner, Wellington " William, secretary, Vancouver " Wm., Victoria « (( « i< William H., farmer, Chilliwhack Wilfred D., messenger Dom. Ex., Vancouver Munsell Herbert, driver, Victoria Munsie Wm., merchant, Victoria Murchie David, carpenter, Port Moody " David, carpenter, New West- minster '< Wilsford, bell boy, New West- minster Murchison Alex., farmer, Langley " Angus C, Vancouver '• D., conductor, Vancouver Dan., brakeman, New West- minster & Derraugh, mnfrs, Vancouver (( t ; \ J 196 HSNDKRSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA \ MUR MYE << « « I : Murchison Fin lay, Galiano Island " Finlay, farmer, L&ngley James W., contractor,'Vancouver John E., farmer, Langley Miss £. , dressmaker, V ancouver Murdoch George, miner and farmer, Eagle Pass Landing " J, M., bookkeeper, Victoria " Joseph, mason, Vancouver " William, baker, Vancouver Iklurphy Alex., farmer, Clover Valley *' Archie, farmer. Clover Valley & Brown, saloon, Victoria Charles, miner, Hope E., clerk, Vancouver J., foreman, Ruby Creek James, farmer, Clover Valley James, miner, Hope James E., lumberman, New West minster Jeremiah, farmer, Spallumcheen Joseph, printer, Victoria L., watchman. Cherry Creek Mrs., Victoria Michael, miner. East Wellington Michael, miner. Union Bar Michael J., miner, Hope Patrick, Victoria Patrick, farmer, Comox Patrick, Woodbine hotel, Donald Peter, millwright, Lytton *' Thos., mechanic, Victoria " W., merchant tailor, Vancouver Jifurray Alex., mason, Vancouver " Alexander, farmer, Langley " Alex., carpenter, Victoria Andrew, carpenter, Victoria Chas., printer, New Westminster Chas. Wm., bookkeeper, Van- couver David, farmer, Hornby Inland G. B., New Westminster H., butcher. New Westminster Hugh, speculator, Clinton Hugh, stock raiser, Douglas Lake & Hume, Regina hotel, Van- couver J., machinist C.P.R., Kamloops « « (( (( <( (( « (< <( (C (< U *t » Murray J., fitter, Kamloops James, farmer. Port Moody James, carpenter, Chi Hi whack James, lumberman, Port Moody James, Victoria John, butcher, Vancouver John, engineer, Victoria John, jun., butcher, Port Moody John, farmer, Langley John, postmaster and merchant, Spence's Bridge John, J.P., and merchant Spence's Bridge John, shoemaker. Port Moody John, farmer, Spence's Bridge Jno. A., Regina hotel, Vancouver Michael, carpenter, Yale P., school teacher, Maple Ridge Patrick, mill hand, Vancouver Paul, farmer, Langley Rev., Nicola Thomas, farmer, Spallumcheen W., butcher, New Westminster Wm., carpenter, Victoria Wm., butcher. New Westminster William, laborer, Clinton William, farmer, Langley William, carpenter, Vancouver William, farmer, Spallumcheen " Wm. Charles, clerk, English Bay Murrie James, miner, Clinton Murtany Peter, miner, Wellington Musgrave Edward, farmer, South End " Sir Richard, Victoria Musgrove A. E. A., carpenter, Van- couver Musselwhite John, farmer Sumas Mussenden Chas. David, laundry, Van- couver Mutlow Mrs. J., widow William, Van- couver Mutrie Henry, real estate, Vancouver Muzeo J., miner, Nunaimo Mycock Henry, Victoria Myers Christian, engineer, Burrard Inlet " Fred., harnessmaker. Now West- minster (I « (( « (( (I Myers <( P W Mygbtc Myles J Myrdal Mytchri u Nailer "V Nanaim< N « Fr( K Nankanc Harboi Na^e W. Nash—, E., F., Wr Nason I. Nathan T " Wa Naylor "W Neal T., Neale Jai Nealon J Neao — , Nearing ( " W., Neary Mi Ntatherb; Neave Jn " Wn Neaves CI Needham " Sam Neelands « Tho " Tho Neen Joe. ALPHABITIOAL OIRIOTORT. 19T MYE NEE Myers M. M., ikrmer, Victoria " Mrs. G., hotel, Vancouver " Mrs. Jane, grocer, Vancouver " Patrick, lalK>rer, Vancouver " William, blacksmith, Vancouver Hyghton Joseph, farmer. Maple Bidge Myles J. C, fitter, Vancouver " Walter, miner, Nnnaimo Myxdal A., upholsterer, Victoria Mytchrist David, mason, Esquimau N Nailer W. B. G., Victoria Nanaimo Equitable Pioneer Society, Nanaimo " Free Press, Geo. Norris, prop,, Nanaimo Nankano (Kanaka), farmer, Fulford Harbour Nase W. G., watchman, Hope Nash — , mechanic, Victoria " E., fruits, Victoria " F., moulder, Victoria " Wm., miner, Nanaimo Nason I. B., Barkerville Nathan W., tobacconist, Victoria ** Walter, cigarmaker, Victoria Naylor W. B. G., clerk^ Victoria Neal T., millhand, Victoria Neale James, engineer, Chemainus Nealon J., fireman, Kamloops Neao — , mechanic, Victoria NearingChas., warehouseman ,Victoria '* W., machinist; Victoria Neary Mike, miner, Nanaimo Neatherby Miss, clerk, Victoria Neave Jno., miner, Nanaimo " Wm. , miner, Nanaimo Neaves Chas., porter, Victoria Needham H., axeman, Donald " Sam., cook hospital, Donald Neelands G., millhand, Vancouver *' Thomas, farmer, Spallumcheen " Thos. F., checker, Vancouver Neen Jos., miner, NaDaimo « (( <( « (( Neil—, Victoria Archibald, fireman, Victoria Archibald, tuner, Victoria David, driver, Vancouver Wm., marine diver, Victoria Wm., miner. East Wellington Wm., bartender, N.Westminster NeilandBen.,lumberman,BurrardInlei Nellist R. C, Vancouver Nelmes David T., farmer, Chilliwhack '♦ Wm. B., farmer, Chilliwhack Nelson A., millhand, Vancouver " A., trader, New Westminster Amos, tailor, Vancouver Charles, drugijist, Vancouver Chas., hack driver, Victoria D. Horatio, carpenter, Langley Prairie Euriah, Victoria Frank, driver, Victoria Fred., Kamloops Fred. F., storekpr.. Port Moody Goo.,fHrmer,Salmon River Valley Gustave, miner, Wellington hon. Hugh, Lt.-Governor B. C.,^ Victoria James, carpenter, Vancouver John, farmer, 14 Mile Creek John, mason, Wellington John, miner, Nanaimo John, tailor, Victoria John, farmer, Cowichan John T., butchei, Vancouver Johnson K., millwright, Langley Jonathan, farmer, Bonaparte Martin,farmer,NewW estminster District Mrs. S. M., wid, hotelkeeper, Kamloops Nels., brewer. New Westminster Parks & Sons,farmers,Park8ville Rich. P., farmer, N.Westminster S.S., Vancouver Steven, miner, Wellington Thos., machinist, Victoria William, former. Maple Ridge Nero Nic, laborer, Vancouver " W., laborer, Vancouver « ti ti SI (( (( il'W it. y\ < \ !' '' :§ '<]■ V 'I i) 198 Henderson's bbitish ooltjmbia NES NIL INesbitt Andrew, clerk, Vancouver " Dickson & Co., cracker bakers, Victoria " George, etriker, Vancouver " J., brakeman, Vancouver ^' John, cai* repairer, Vancouver " Mibs, seamstress, N Westminster " Robert, mechanic, Vancouver '• Robert J., Cache Creek " Sam. D., Victoria " Wm., Victoria Netherby Mi3sM. A.,teacher, Victoria " S. B., Business College, Victoria Nevard W., Vsincouver Neville James, machinist, Llsquiraalt Nevin David^ blacksmith, Chilliwhack " David, blacksmith, Victoria " Miss Bell, tailoress, Victoria " James, farmer, Buckskin Creek Nevvbort Louis, cigarmaker, Nanaimo Newbigging J., miller, North Saanich "Newbury Cow per W., Victoria •* John^ custorafi, Victoria " J. C, customs, Victoria ** Wm., haruessmaker, Victoria Newhart C. C.^ foreman, Drynock Newlands C. C, fireman' C.P.R., Spence's Bridge John, farmer, Salt Spring Island William, laborer, Vancouver Hewlove Goorge, farmer,Sumas " George, laborer, Kamloops Newman B. ,jr.,8tockraiser, NicolaLake " Bartlett, farmer, Kamloops " Bartlett, farmer. Cherry Creek '• Fred., laborer, Esquimalt " George, apprentice, Donald *' Hy., miner, Nanai mo " John, packer, New Westminster *' Paul, jun., cigarmaker, Victoria '< Paul, sen., cigarmaker, Victoria " Thomas, farmer, Nicola " W., roadmp?ter, Kamloops News Advertiser, Vancouver J^ewton Elias John, saddler, Yale " E.J. , hai nessmkr, N Westminster " Henry J., clerk, Vancouver *f Jno., miner, Nanaimo (( (( i( Nichol D., carpenter C.P.R., Donald James, farmer, Victoria William, farmer, North Arm NicholasEdwardjMethodistmissionary, Bella Coola " Elias, painter, Victoria Nicholb F. V. mgr. V. E. I. Co., V ancouver " George, engineer, Vancouver Nichols John, merchant, Victoria " John, carpenter, Victoria ' ' John, Departure Bay " & Renouf. hardware, Victoria " Wm., caipenter, Victoria " Wm., miner, Nanaimo " Wilfred, hackman, Victoria Nicholson Chas. A., Victoria " Charles Malcolm, farmer. Mount Lehman D., blacksmithjOkanttgonMIssion I)., shoemaker, Mount Lehman Edward, teacher, Nass River Fred., Ry. foreman, Shawaigan Geo., farmer, Victoria Henry, miner, Yale Henry, stock raiser, Spallum- cheen Valley J. H., Victoria John, laborer, Vancouver John, farmer, Victoria John, farmer, Victoria District, Cedar HUl Joseph, farmer, Saanich Road, Cedar Hill Malcolm, farmer, Matsqui N., miner, Wellington Neil, minor, Nanaimo W., fireman, Kamloops Nickson John J.,carpe?iter, Cowichan Nicoll Wm., foreman, Vancouver Nicola Mining Co. (Ld.), Stump Lake Nicols J., iftason, Vancouver Night G., millhand, Victoria ** Walter, painter, Victoria Nightingale Jos., farmer. South End " Alderman, Nanaimo " Jas., gardener, Victoria District Nilo Jos., millhand, Vancouver C( Koble ti (( Rw35^ Hyjiistif^w* r. *ci^'t-/^-n::t ALPKABFTIOAL DIRECT ORT. 19d l.IL O'BE I^ilson Chris., farmer, Port Moody Ifimino Robert, merchant, Kamloops Ninipkish Cannery, Alert Bay IS^ire J., mill hand, Nanaimo I^'ish James A. , farmer, Kootenay Nix H., carpenter, Nanaimo Nixon Adam, wiper, lioger's Pass " W., brakeman, Kamloops Noble AndreY% builder, Kamloops '' H., coal merchant, Victoria " H., hotelkeeper, Victoria " J., bricklaj'er, Vancouver " J. W., butcher, Blind Ba;, " Wm. H., clerk, Vancou^ar Nobles — , merchant, Vancouver Nolan Edward, woodman, Roger's Ptiss '' John, fireman, Victoria Noland E. F., hotel, Vancouver Norbury John, mechanic, Victoria ^ord John, miner, Nanaimo Noi'dman Burd, farmer, Ladner's LiiQding Nornip.n Wm., gardener, Victoria Norn Samuel, fiirmer, Cedar Hill NorrisFred,, harness, Victoria " Geo. E., printer, Nanaimo " Goo., publisher Nanaimo Free P-iSs, Nanaimo John Gustave, customs collector, Joseph 8 Prairie John, bartender, lUecillewaet Levi, carpenter, Langley Leonard, farmer, Langley Robert, son., farmer, Langley Robert, farmer, Clover Valley S., millhand. Now W\ ♦minster W. F., printer, Nanaiiuo " Wm., minor, Nanaimo North Geo., barber, Victoria Northcote J., cabinetmaker, Victoria J. A., carpenter, Ross Bay, C.H. Jos. R., carpenter, Victoria Miss A., teacher, Victoria R. C. G., farmer, Cowichan '' Walter, contractor, Victoria Northrup Willard E., engineer, New Westminster Norton }^rederick, hotelkeeper, Yale *i Junoi Craig and St. Antoine StSij MONTREAL. Norton John, farmer, Central Settle ment " John, miner, Nanaimo " Richard Ily., engineer, Victoria Norval Wm., driver, Vancouver ' Notburg Dan., merchant, Chilcoten Nowell Reuben, farmer, Chilliwhack Noye Wm., miner, Wellington Noyes Wm.^ miner. East Wellington Nuana (Kanaka), farmGr,IsabellaPoint Null Wra., painter, Victoria Nunn Chas., clerk, Esquimalt Road Nunnamaker B., teamster, Vancouver Nuss Geo., cigarmaker. Victoria Nuttall Thos. C, ins. agent, Victoria NylandJohn, warehouseman, Kamloops Oakes John, 3arpenter, Vancouver " Peter, baker, Victoria Oakland, Nursery, Victoria Gates John, butcher, Rovelstoke Oben John, bakor, Vancouver " Phillip, builder, Vancouver Oberg Charles, laborer, Somenos O'Brien Clarence, butcher, Victoria Capt. John, Vancouver Daniel, Victoria David, woodman, Boston Bar Edward, farmer, Boundary Bay Geoj'ge, tinner, Victoria Henry, clerk, Victoria Cas., minor, Nanaimo James, salesman, Victoria John, saloonkeeper, Kamloops John, butcher, V iotoria i 'k ' ! «!■! « (( (( i; n Fi v: * :ij ! :;!:.( ■ Ur* • •• -*- '^»' 200 HENDBRSON'S BRITISH OOLITMBIA O'BR ONE f::. O'Brien John M., editor The World, Vancouver Lawrence, laborer, Vancouver Miss Flora, dreHsmaker, Victoria Miss Lizzie, dressmaker,Victoria Mrs. E., wid, Victoria Mrs. Mary A., wid Wm., Victoria Michael, farmer. Mud Bay Michael, moulder, Vancouver Peter, hostler, Victoria Steve, saloon, Victoria Wm,, clerk, Victoria O'Connor Arthur, canner, Westminster " Arrhur, guard. New Westminster *' J. tl., baggageman, Kamloops " J. J. v., baggageman, Donald " John, Victoria " Miss Ellen, Victoria " Mrs., nurse, New Westminster " Wm., clerk, Victoria OdamG.B, hotel and gon 8tore,Corfield Odgsifj Wm. P., miner, Victoria Odin Capt. Frank, New Westminster " Capt. George, New Westminster O'Donnell J., watchman, Keefers O'Dwyer D. M., blacksmith.Vancouver O'Dyer T., cattle herder, Nicola Valley Offerhans R., teacher, Victoria Og'ien tjharles. farmer, Lac La Hache O^g A. !>., foreman, Tranquille Ogilvey David, watciiaian, Vicioria Ogilvie Arthur Wellesley, carpenter, Va.icouver " Lieut G.H., '^ C "battery, Victoria *' Wm., bj-akem.'in, Kamloops " Wm,, farmer. North Saanich Ogle, Campbell & Co,, dry goods, Now WcHtminHter '• E. W., of Ogle, Campbell & Co., Now Westminster " Thos., fitter, Vancouver O'Hagan Kn^ maid, Vancouver O'Hagen H ailor, Victoria O'Halloran C- krmer, 19 Mile House O'Hara OifMy telegrap'i operator, '* J./ farmer; /hompton River OblsOf. A ^ prop,, Oakland Nursery O'Keefe Cornelius, farmer, Okanagon " Daniel, agent, Victoria " Francis, farmer, Okanagon " G., rancher, Okanagon '* Michael, farmer, Okanagon Oldenburg Alexander, bartender, New Westminster Oldershaw — , plasterer, Gayflower Road Oldfield James, carpenter, Cowichan " John, carpenter, Vancouver O'Leary Daniel, farmer, Mt. Lehman " David, stableman, Victoria " Michael J.," C " battory, Victoria Okano Robt, teamster, Macpberson Oleson O., miner, Wellington Olestead Wm., painter. Victoria Olivent John, Uborer, Vancouver Oliver — , New Westminster " A., foroman. Mission " J.E , engineer. New Westminster ** John, farmer, New Westminster District " John E., /inisher, New West minster " Miss Katie, teacher, Victoria *' Wm., carpenter, Fort Simpson " Wm. J., teacher, Victor'a Olney Lyon, farmer, Aleri Ba^ " Sam. Allen, laborer, Shawnigan " Thomas, laborer, Victoria Olson And., farmer, Australian Ranch " Andrew, nurseryman, Oakland Nursery " Anthony, watchman, Kamloops " B., Victoria " Charles, laborer, Burrard Inlet " Wm., miner, Wellington Olswin Chas., deckhand, Vancouver Omard J. J., farmer, Spallumcheen Onderkirk H. G., carpntr., Vancouver O'Noil Edward, Victori " F., brakeman, Donald " Fred., Victoria Hugh, clerk, Victoria James, news agent, Victoria James, engineer, Kam'oops M., operator, New Weatminsttfr ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 201 O'NP] PAL O'Neil W. E., contractor, Little Shus- wap OpponheimerBros., wholesale grocers, Vanconvei* " David, Vancoiivop " Isaac, Vancouver " Sidney, student, Victoria " Solomon, clerk, Vancouver O'Kasta Frank, bootblack, Victoria Old Win., farmer. Cedar Hill Ordand A.A., ^en. rttoio, Macphernon'e Oidano G. B., t*torekeepor, Oowichan Oidini Ji)Hepl), trader, Lillooet Oregon Milling Co., Victoria O'liielly Hon. Peter, Victoria u (( Judge, Victoria (I Wm., merchant, Victoria Orford Fetor, farmer. Port Moody Oriental Hotel, Vancouver Onnkwater Rov. Wm., Maple Bay O'KourkeEdward, taimer, Nicola Ijake '* Rich., blacksmith, Nicola Lake Orr Alex,, miner, East Wellington Hugh, moulder, Vancouver Robert, laborer, South Saanich James, M. P.P., Vancouver Ortolan Fran§oiH, farmer, Okunagon Mission Orton Harry P. L., miner, Yale Orwin Wm., farmer. Englishman's River Osborne W., Vancouver Osburn Joseph, miner, Nanaimo *' Wm., Vancouver Osterhout & Kennedy, hotclkeepers, Nanaimo " W. E., hotelkpr., Nanaimo Ostrom A. D., fireman, Donald O'Toolo JaracH M., stoves, Vancouver Otto Gilbert, car repairer, Donald " John, carpenter. North Saanich " Matt. F., helper C.P.R., Donald Oueilet George, agent, Vancouver Ovens Tlior., blacksmith, New West- minster Overton David, farmer, Cranberry District Oweekaynoo Cannery Owen Arthur F., piano tuner, Victoria " Charles Mostyn, clerk, Ferny Coombe " James, farmer, Mount Lehman *' William, mate, Victoria Owens — , moulder, Victoria " Alfred, laborer, Vancouver " John, mate, Victoria J.)hn, farmer, Serpentine Flats R., miner, Nanaimo Sam., butcher, New Westminster Pace Wm. J., bookkeeper, Vancouver Packlington W., miner, Nanaimo Pagden Charles, saloon, Victoria Page Francis, Victoria '' James, yardman, Vancouver " John, laborer, Cadboro Bay " Joseph, car repairer, Vancouver " Mrs., widow Wm., Victoria " Win., farmer. North Sainich " Zoams Daniel, farmer, Langley Pagno John, miner, East Wellington Pain Fred., barber, Victoria " J. H., clerk, Victoria Paine Charles, farmer, Comox Painter Hy. J., accountant, Vancouver Painton F. J., music, Vancouver Paisley Wm.,&Son, miners, Wellington Paker Aptkar, Vancouver " S., & Co., gents' fngs., Vancouver Palkonghorne Geo., sawj^er, Victoria Pallard Miss Annie, teacher, Victoria " W. J., miner, Nanaimo Palmer Bros., trucking, Vancouver Charles, clerk, Victoria Capt. Edward, Victoria Geo., baggageman, Vancouver Geo. B., clerk, Yale John, watchman C.P.R., Kam- loops Jos. W., of Palmer Bros., Vancou- ver Mrs., widow, Victoria Eobt., of Palmer Bros .Vancouver K (( (( lili It! 1:1 • Ml, I: ^ il M I 1 i! mil M M' .'M- 202 Henderson's British Columbia PAL PAT ,1 Palmer Robert, asft. city E., Vancouver " T., Victoria " Wm., farmer, Nicola Lake " Zach., miner, Nanaimo Pallia (Kanaka), farmer, Portland Island Papin Jos. S., contractor, Vancouver Papst John T., grocer, Victoria Paquette Narcisse, manaiijcr, Donald Parder Lubay, miner, Clover Valley Pardie Reuben, farmei", Ilall's Prairie PardoeC, finhinii^ tackle, Victoria Pargeter Dan,, miner, Nanaimo " Jas., sen., miner, Nanaimo " Jas..jun., miner, Nanaimo " John,, Htorekpr V.C. Co., Nanaimo Paris Wm., miller, Spallumcheen Parish John, farmer, Clover Valley Park (lieoi'ge, plumber, Victoria •* John R., traveller, Kain loops " & Morton, agents, Katn loops Parke Phillip, farmei", Bonaparte Parker Adamson, C.E., Vancouver -' Albert, butcher, Victoria Arthur, pninter, Vancouver Rev. A. L., Victoria E., mason, Vancouver Ebenezer Thos., farmer. Stave River Edwaid, painter, Nanaimo Fredlc, jeweller, Vancouver Fredk. VVm., cUrk, Vancouver Geo. E., tellei', New Westminster Isaac, carpenter, Vancouver J., Victoria John, butcher, Victoria John, waiter, Victoria John, Jan., butcher, Victoria William, cigar maker. New West- minster Paikhurst Alex., painter, Victoria Parkin John, clerk, Nanaimo " Wm., grocer, Nanaimo Parkinson A., laborer, Vancouver " George, farmer, Spallumcheen " James, Victoria " Wm., farmer, Maplo Ridge Parks Adam, cook, Shawnigat» (I ti <c a (( (I (( II <( ii (< <( <( u (( a (( (< Parks Frank, farmer, Englishman'.? River George, plumber, Victoria George, farmer, Surry Centre Joseph, farmer. Clover Valley Nelson, & Son, farmers, Parks- villo Nelson, postmaster, Parksville Thomas, miner, Victoria Parmiier Thomas, farmer. South Arm Parnell H. L., carpenter, Port Moody " C, mitier, Nanaimo Parr Edward, farmer, Surry Centre Edward, farmer, I'lovor Valle}' pjdward W., Clover Valley John, blacksr.iith, Victoria John, woodman, Victoria Parrott & Dempsey, restaurant, Na- naimo " Fi'ank, of Parrott & Dempsey, Nanaimo Parry G. B., jeweller, Victoria J., miner, Wellington Thomas, Victoria Thos., of Phillips & Parry, Na- naimo Parson — , Victoria " James, merchant, Lytton " James, convict guard, Victoria Partridge Francis, printer, Victoria George, Victoria John, merchant, Victoria Robl., cabinetmaker, Vancouver Robt. William, apprentice, Van- couver " Thos. John, clerk City Hall, Vic- toria " William, moulder, Victoria Partscli Joseph, Vancouver Pasco James, minor. East Wellington '* Thos., miner, J'^ast Wellington Passingham Fis., fanner. Si. Mary's Passmore Sam., farmer. Eraser Ri'*^v Palon William, hostler, Kamloop.., Paterson A. Judson, grocer, Va.cou- vor " A'ex., factory hand, New West- minster u u u t( u BUCtkJttv^ " V t-*"* ^^^/^ iTii':'.. Hi- lton >n ALPHABETIOAL DIRECTORY. 203 PAT PEA Paterwon Andrew, mill hand, New Westminster David, yardman, Vancouver Donald, mate, New Westminster F., laborer, Vancouver Greorge, butcher, Vancouver J., millhand, Vancouver James, hotolkoeper, Chilliwhack John, engineer, Victoria John, bluckismlth, New West- minster John, Ktimloops Jo-*., farmer, Lanf!;ley Eev. J. W., pastor Methodist Church, Aitier Gruvo Eobt., fireman, Victoria Thomas, (arpenter, Vancouver Thomas, miner, Nanairno TIjomas W., Victoria Thomas Wilson, contractor, Che- mainus William D., mining engineer. Upper Nicola William Henry, guard B.C. P., New Wesitninster William, miner, Nanairno Patten Levi VV., miller, Spallumoheen Patton Andrew, miner, Wellington Edgar, miner, Nanairno James, laborer, Vancouver P., bookkeeper, Victoria Robert, lal)orer, Nicola William F., carpenter, Victoria Patts Robert, miner, Nanairno Paul A., D. C cook, Rovelsioke Charles, plumber, Vancouver Ernil, cigar maker, New West- minster E. B., M.A., Nanairno John, quarryman, Macpherson Pauline E. A., bookkeeper, Victoria F. A., traveller, Victoria Fred., Victoria Geo., prof., of music, Victoria Herbert, II. B. Co., Victoria Faulson Andrew, mason's laborer, Esquimalt " John, minor, NanaimO « it « « « « (( (< (( « (( (( (< it a i( . (Ltd.), c( MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones, Electric Bells, Annuncia- tors, Barglar Alarms, lustruineuts, Appuratns and Suppli'S of ev ery description. (Soe advt. pa ge 5.) Panpore James E., foreman, Kmory Paxon Samuel, farmer, Kamloops Paynton J., laborer, Vancouver Payne Charles R. S., sheep farmer, Saturna [si and George, painter, Victoria James R., mason, Vancouver John, laborer, Vancouver Peabody Charles E., Victoria Peace John, miner, Nanairno Peacock James, tailor, Nanairno " John, miner, Nanairno " Julian, private school, New Westminster " Wm. Austin, Savona's Ferry Peak James, cigars, Vancouver '* Sidney J., compositor, Vancouver Pearce Ed., miner, Nanairno " Jas., miner, Nanaimo " John, farmer. North Saanich J. T., grocer, Esquinialt Samuel, clerk, Victoria Sidney J., constable. New West- minster (( William, miner, Nanaimo Pearse Charles Edwin, farmer, Las- queti Island E. T. W., constable, Kamloops Frank Hugh, farmer, L.i.squeti Island Stardey J , farmer, Spallum- cheon Pearson Charles, prin v r, Vancouver C., miner, Nanaimo Edward, teamster, Yale James, teamster, Yale John, miner, Wellington Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Solomon Maun, farmer. Lulu Island it u (( (( (( (( (( i I I r ".' VI 1 1- m. It I II, 1 I'M ^ v» i'i '.f v"- ti 204 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBTA PEA PER (( (( t( « (( t( (( Pearson T., mill hand, Vancouver " T. B., & Co., merchants, Vic- toria Thos., Esquimau Road Thomap, mechanic, Victoria T. R., New Westminster T. R., Vancouver William, miner, Wellinf^ton Pease A. E., merchant, Vancouver Peatt F. J., tanner, Victoria Peck C. J., fitter, Vanconver " Edwin, carpenter, Yale Elias J., machinist, Vancouver Fred., wa'ter, Nanaimo Thomas E., hotelkeoper, East Wellington Silas, baker, New Westminster W^esloy, carpenter, Mow West- minsier Peddle Wm., mechanic, ^''ictoria Pedloy liev. James W., Vancouver Peebles John, merchant and black- smith, Vanwinklo M., btaiioner, New Wcstmin.-tor P., furniture. New Westminster Peele Capt. Adolphus, chemist. New Westminster Peers Alexander, New Westminster " Alexander, farmer, Chi Hi whack " Joseph, farmer, Chilliwluick Pelleticr John P., Victoria PollowThos., moulder, Victoria " Thus., mechanic, Victoria Pelly Justinian, laborer, BarUerville " Justinian, law student, New Westminster " R. S., si,i>enl, Spallumcheon Penibciton Arthur G., liirmer, South Thompson C. C, student, Victoria Hon. Auiiusta F., Victoria Joseph 1)., agent, Victoria Pendelton G. E., farmer. Cheery Creek Ptnder Jas., miner, Nanaimo *' Wm. Geo., C.E., Victoria Pendola A., apprentice^ Kamloops " A., brewer, Savona Pendiay & Co., HOop ainfrs., Victoria (( (( Pondray W. J., soap mnfr, Victoria Penidore John, miner, Wellington Penketh Geo. boilermaker, Vancouver Pennie Charles, farmer. Cache Creek Pennock& Clayton, jewellers, Victoria " Wm. U., jeweller, Victoria Penny Daniel, farmer, Victoria Daniel, hotelkeeper, Burnside Road Geo., driver, New Westminster Penwill C. T., hardware. Victoria Penyer A., brakeman, Kamloops Penzer A., brakeman, Kamloops " Edward E., Vancouver Pepin Tiieo., cabinetmaker, Vancouver Peppy R. L., bookkeeper E. W. C. Co., East Wellington Percival J. A., switchman, Vancouver Perdue A.,millhand, New Westminster " E., millhand. New Westminster Perkins Chas. Ed., laborer, Vancouver " C, messenger, Victoria H. A., laborer, Chemai/jus J., job j)i inter, Vancouver Jas. H., painter, Sponce's Bridge Jas. II., painter, New Westmins- ter John, fruits, Vancouver W., machinist, Vancouver W. H. S., merchant, Nanaimo (( William, farmer, Mission " William, produce, Vancouver Perrault Frank, farmer. Buttle Creek Perrie F., watchman C.P.R. snow- sheds Perrigo J. B., foreman C.P.R., Kam- loops Perrin Geo. A., agent, Victoria Perry Charles, carpenter, Vancouver •' Ciias. E,, C. E., Victoria Chas. Z., bookkeeper, Vancouver C. Z., traveller, Victoria Creek Mining Co., Fort Steel Fred., carpenter, Vancouver George, carpenter, Vancouver J. C, mill hand,New Westminster Jas., millhand. New Westminster Jas., miner, Nanaimo (( (I « it? Lftiri- ALPHABETIOAL DIRECTORY. 205 PEE PHI « (( (( <( u « (( <( (( (( u « u (( <( (( a Porry John, miner, Nanaimo " Miko, carpenter, Vancouver Petch Chas., millwright, Tranqnille Peters Eusebius S., miner, Bonaparte Herman, organs, Victoria Iwaac, miner, Wellington J. B., mill hand, New Westmins- ter James, carpenter, Shuswap Lake James, Victoria Josepii, mattress maker, Van- couver H. Watson, millhand, Now West- minster Major James, Victoria Miss, musician, Vancouver Mrs., widow Wm. II., Victoria S., ca-pentcr, Vancouver Thos., minor, Nanaimo Peterson — , tailor, Vancouver " Charles, carpenter, Vancouver Hans Peter, farmer, Shawnigan Harr}-, farmer, Gahriolu Island Herm;in, miner, Nanaimo Jolui, faimer, Sumas John, rancher, Kamloops John, hotelkeepor, Kamloops John, steward, Victoria N., driver. New Westminster Petherick Wm., plasterer, Victoria " Geo., })la>tcrer, Victoria Petre — , miner, Wellington Petrid Mrs., Victoria Petrone Jos., miner, East Wellington Petten(irii>h A. B., New Westminster " G. T., lineman, New Westminster Pettijrrow James, mason, Victoria Robt., tailor, Nanaimo W. K., quanyman, Macpherson's " Wni. C, niMchinist, Victoria Poitinirell Benjamin, Victoria " E. C, Victoria Pettit Capt. W., Victoria " Geo., Victoria Pferdner — , prof of music, Victoria Phair James, liotelkeeper, Goldstream Phalen J. P., Dora. Exp. messenger, Vancouver (I Pharo Richard, teamster. Cache Creek Phelps Mrs. Adelina, wid Ed., Victoria Phibbs C, timekeeper C.P.R., Donald " John, baUer, Savona's Ferry " John, driver, Lytton " Jolui, miner. Cherry Creek " John, lumberman, Burrard Inlet Philph Wm. H., agent, Victoria Phillip Jas., hotelkeeper, Nanaimo Phillips A., «& Son, soda water works, Victoria Alex., Victoria Barney, painter, Victoria C. J., hotelkeeper, Victoria Capt. Geo., M. marine, Victoria Chns., watchman, Vancouver David, moulder, Victoria Geo., miner, Wellir)gtun Geo., merchant, Victoria Geo. yV ., bookkeeper, Vancouver Henry, Victoria J. E., clothing, NewWestminster Jas. & Phillips & Parry, Nanaimo J.irnes, steward B. C. A., Now Westminster John, farmer, Okanagon Jos., Kva marble works, Victoria Leonard, bartender, Now West- minster M., & Co., liquors, Donald Matt., clerk. New Westminster Miss Lill}', governess, Victoria Mi(!hael, farmer. Tobacco Plains & Parry, props Oriental Hotel, Nanaimo P., soda water works, Victoria Richard, naval j-ard, Esquimalt Robert, hostler, Kan:d<a Bar Siimuel, Victoria " W., mill hand, Nev^ Westminstet ** Wm. H., engraver, Victoria Pidcock R. H., farmer, Comox " R. II., Indian Agent, Albert Bay Phillips Wm.H., marble cutter, Victoria " W. J., hotelkeeper, Victoria Phimister A., woodman C.P.R., North Bend Pbipps — ,J.P.,Indagt, Tobacco Creek u (I (I i f i iH .■ f^. i y. ' r ■■M' i, 0' \ |ii :! mi . ;: f .J.: '■■i' ■ i I; m I 206 Henderson's British Columbia PHI PLE ' '2 ,( Phlpps Geo. Jabez, farmer, Qiiamicban Goo. I., farmer, Macpherson George J., Victoria II., faimer, Macpliorson Marc. Geo., faimor., Quamichan Statiloy,clerkof Records, Victoria Phoenix Joseph, grocer, Victoria Piccheninni Joseph, miner, Wellington Pickai 1 A., miner, Nanaimo Elisha, farmer, Langley lOlisha, farmer, Clover Valley John W., farmer, Clover Valley John, faimer, iSuiry Centre John Wesley, farmer. Serpentine Valley Tom., farmer, ^'urry Centre Thomas, farmer, Denman I-Iand Thomas, farmer, Clover Valley Picken R. A., hotel, Vancouver Pickering Alex., miner, Nanaimo " John, miner, Nanaimo " Wm., clerk, Vancouver Pickett Edward, lailor, Vancouver Pickles Ab., faimer, Denman Island David, farmer, Denman Island H., millhand, New Westminster Wm.. farmer, Ilariis Slough Pierce E., t;irpet)ter, Vancouver " J<»hn, Victoria " W., millhand, Vancouver Piorcy TIenry, farmei", Comox " John, of Pearson k Co., Victoria John, fannei', Comox Mathevv, Jai-mer, Comox ec (I (C it (C << <( a a Miitf. II., tanner, Comox it Mm Samuel Johnston, farmer, Comox Thomas II., farmer, Comox Waller II., farmer, Comox Piein^ John Thos., merchant, Victoria Joseph, lailor, Victoria Samuel D., tailor, Victoria T. W, & Son, tailors, Victoria " Thos. W., tailor, Victoria Pigeon Joseph, laborer, Clinton " Moses, farmer, Dog Creek Pikard Wm., farmer, Denman Island Pike Allan, teamster, Burrard Inlet Caleb, farmer, Mud Bay <( Pike W., farmer, Saturna Island " W. E., operator. New Westmins- ter " Wm,, farmer. Mud Bay Piles John, miner, Niinaimo Pillock Robt., mgr Standard, Victona Pimberthy John White,farmer,Gabriola Island Pimbury Augustus, farmer, Cowichan " E.,& Co.,druggist8 and stationers, Nanaimo " Edward, merchant, Nanaimo '* John Gardifter, farmer, Cowichan PinderArthur G. J., engineer, Spence's Bridge " Wm. George, civil engineer, Langfbrd Lake Pinkerton Joseph H., carpenter, Yale *' Robert, faimer, Alberni Piper John, miner, Nanaimo " Paul A., printer, Victoria " Thos., miner, Nanaimo Pippin T., brakeman, Kiimloops Piriie Wm., secretary, Vancouver Pit field John, laborer, Vancouver Pither Luke,Colonial hotel, New West- minster Pitt Mrs. R. D., tailoress, Vancouver Pittendridge Albert E., guardian. New Westminster " Chs., merchant, Spence's Bridge " Capt. Geo., Now Westminster Pitts J. C, clerk, Donald " S. J., grocer, Victoria Pizzie F., miner, Nanaimo Place Joseph S., postmaster, gen store and hotel. Dog Creek *' James II., merchant, Nanaimo '' Joseph, carpenter, Nicomon Plannt Edward, woodman, Kamloops Plant Peter, Vancouver Planta A. E., agent, Nanaimo " Jos. Prhys, stipendiary magis- trate, Nanaimo Plarkett Mrs., milliner, Victoria Plattin Peter, miner, Wellington Playert J., brakeman, Kamloops Pleace A., tallyman, Vancouver (( gis- ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 207. PLE POW Pleace Mrs. Jane, wid, Victoria Pledger R., meniseniior, Vancouver PlumI) L. S., stableman, New West- minst^^r PococU Thomas, raillor, 6 Mile Creek, Lytton Poddin Goo., teacher, Victoria Poddingor W. B., butcher, Victoria Pogne Mrs., wid, New Westminster " Thomas John, contractor. Port Moody Po^net Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver Pointer Nathati, clothier, Victoria Pollard Rev., Victoria " Hetiry, farmer, Burgoyne Bti}'^ " John, farmer, Clinton Joseph, farmer, Bni'go3'ne Bay W. L., farmer, Burgoyne Bay Polla}' Goorge, carpenter, Vancouver Pollock George W., logger, Moody vi lie J., laborer C.P.R., Karaloopij Robert, moulder, Vancouver W , carpenter, Victoria Pomeroy VV"., cabinetmaker, Vancouver Ponsford VVm. Page, gents' furnishings, Vancouver Ponting George, farmer. North Arm Pool Russel 11., mechanic, Vancouver Poole Miss Ella, tailoress, Vancouver " '»V'., clerk, Nanaimo " W., millhaiid, Victoria Pooley hon. Chs. E,, Q.C., speaker Leg. Assembly, res Esquimalt Road Pope Albert, Albert Fulls " George, laborer, Yale " Jonn, farmer, Township 13 Miss E., clerk, Victoria Mrs., nurse, Victoria S., lance corporal, Esquimalt Stephen D., supt of education, Victoria W. F., telegraph agent, Welling- ton W. F. C.,8tation agent,E.& N.Ry., Wellington Popcwell A., miner. East Wellington " John, patternmaker, New West- minster (( Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., General Selling Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., - MONTREAL. Port D. W., & Co., exporters. New Westminster " Ed. II., manager. New West- minster Porter — , laborer, Victoria u (( (( « (( i( (( A., Vicioi'ia Chas., driver, Victoria Frank, stableman, Victoria Fred messenger. Vict oria II. P., telegraph agt, Cobb'e Hill James, Victoria John, expressm in, Victoria R. J., butcher, Victoria Richard Thomas, farmer, Ilay- den Farm, Lake District Robeit, butcher, Victoria Robert, machinist, Esquimalt Robert, farmer, Ilayden Farm Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Postill Alf , farmer, Okanagon Mission Edward, farmer, Okanagon Wm., farmer, Okanagon Mission Postman Nicholas, grocer, Victoria Potter Mrs., wid, matron R. I. hospital, Kani loops •' Thomas, farmer. South Saanich Pottinger Charles, farmer. North End •Tames, pi-inter, Victoria William, butcher, Victoria Pottmeyer II., principal, Vancouver Potts — , miner, Nanaimo •' Edward E., Comox " James, laborer, Esquimalt Poudricr A. L., C.E., C.P.R., Donald ** O. L., rodman, Donald Powe E., apprentice, Vanco'iver " Jos., blacksmith, Vancouver '* Wm., blacksmith, Vancouver " Wm. G., carpenter, Vancouver 208 HENDEBSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA POW PEO it,J i (C (( Powel Wm., hotelkeeper, Moodyville Powell I.W., Lt.-Col., Victoria " Geo., & Co., crockery, Victoria *' J. L., printer, Vancouver Thomas, miner, Nnnaimo Wm., wagtfon maker, Victoria William, farmer, Spallumcheen power B., engineer, Donald " J , carpenter, Kamloops " Mrs. Mary K., wid W., Victoria " Michael C., carpenter, Victoria Powers C, watchman. Ash croft " Dan., miner, Nanaimo " H. A., merchant, Yale " Harris Man ley, teamster, Bur- rard Ijdet " & Johnson, saloon, Victoria " Leo. G., fiarmer, Oakland C.H. " Mark, Victoria " Thomas, farmer, Bridge Creek Powie Georga, factory hand, New Westminster Powis John, real estate, Vancouver Praeger A.E., M.D., surgeon V.C. Co., Nanaimo " D., miner, Nanaimo Praston Sam., logger, Surry Centre Pratley G., laborer, Vancouver Pratt Charles, student, Victoria " Chas. Ed., C.P.R., Vancouver " John, barber, Vancouver ** Mrs., wid., Victoria " W. H., laborer, Yale Prentice Wm., millhand, Nanaimo Prentis William, miner, Nanaime Prentiss J.W., clerk, New Westminster Presho W., waiter, Vancouver Presswell G. H., P. M. and general store, Donald Prest Thomas, real estate, Vancouver " William, teamster, Chilliwhack Prestidge James, farmer, Comox Preston Allan, of Cummings & Pres- ton, Windermere George, Vancouver Robert, lumberman, New West- minster Wiliium, laborer, Vancouver (I II it Price Bar., stock raiser, Similkamen Valley " G. A., missionary, Nass Eivor Henry, minor, Cassiar James, miner, Nanaimo & Jaynes, hotelkeepers, Duncans John, miner, Nanaimo Joseph, laborer, Vancouver Richard, miner, Cassiar Pride J. A., clerk, Vancouver *' W. A., teamster. New West- minster Pridham B., cabinetmaker, Victoria ** Henry, cabinetmnkcr, Victoria Pridmore W., farmer, Victoria Priehitland Chas., mouhler, Vancouver Prime Frank, miner, Nanaimo Primiose A,, clerk. Wild Horse Creek Pringle A., farmer. South Thompson " & Hiimill, builders, Lansdown, Spallumcheen John, farmer. Grand Prairie John S., carpenter, Kamloops " William, carpenter, Wellington Printers. L., limckeeper, Vancouver Prior E., merchant, Victoria " E. G., & Co., merchants, Victoria " E. G., & Co., merchants, Kam- loops " F. L., Vancouver " Henry K., E. & N. Ry., Victoria " Mrs. F. L., fancy goods, Vancou- ver Prisk Joseph, miner, Yale Frichard Ed., farmer, Lake District Pritchard J., line repairer, Kamloops " James A., logger, Comox Privis A., postmaster, Chilcoten Probert Evan, clerk, Victoria Proctor H., mill hand. New West- minster " Richard, " C " battery, Victoria " S., lumberman, Jervis Inlet Prophet David B., farmer, Matsqui Prosper N., farmer, Spallumcheen Protestant Orphans Home, Victoria Prout & Insley, Leland house, Vancou- ver ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 209 PRO RAM Prout John, painter, Victoria •* William, Vancouver " William, dairyman, Yale Provis Albion, farmer, Spence's Bridge Provost Jns. Chas., registrar of Sup. Court, Victoria Pryor J., mill hand. New Westminster Puckett Rice W., hostler, 83 Mile House Puetz John, farmer, Mayne Island Puph Edward, Victoria Pulliger J. G., stenographer, Victoria PuUwith Fred , miner, Nanaimo Punch Jas., saloon. New Westminster Punchion R., miner, Nanaimo Purdie J., ear oiler, Vancouver Purdy J., wiper, Kamloops " Lenton W., farmer, New West- minster District " Raffles A. R., school teacher, Vesuvius Bay Pusey James, farmer. Lake District " Leonard, farmer. Lake District Pybas William, farmer, South Arm Pyher R., miner, Nanaimo Pym Geo. Fred., laborer, Victoria « Quinn Thos. F., dentist, Vancouver W.. mill hand, Vancouver W. J., tailor, Vancouver Wm., miner, East Wellington Quinty Thomas Wm., guard B.C.P., New Westminster Qiiittonder Henry, farmer laborer, South Saanich Q Quamichan hotel, Price & Jaynes, Duncan's Quann T., Central hotel, Vancouver " William, messenger, Vancouver Queen C. L., livery, Vancouver " E. P., livery, Vancouver Quennell Ed., farmer. Cedar District Quesnell Quartz Mining Co. (Ld.), Hixon Creek Quick William J,, of Morgan, Quick & Co., Vancouver Quin Faulk., carpenter. Priest Valley Quina Jantes B., laborer, Clinton " Michael, miner, East Wellington Lawrence, boots and shoes, Kamloops Bro. Peter, O.M.I., New West- minster (( II R Rabb Wm., butcher, Victoria Rabbitt Daniel, stock raiser, Spallum- cheen Rabjohn L., toolman, Vancouver Raby Henry William, farmer, South Saanich Radford Wm., farmer, South Saanich Radloy Thomas, saddler, Kamloops Rae A., mill hand. New Westminster " J. D., clerk. New Westminster *' Mrs. Wm., dry goods. New West- minster " Thos. M., carpenter, Vancouver Ragazzoni Mrs. W., widow C, Victoria Ragstrow E., foreman C.P.R., Beaver- mouth Raine C, miner, Nanaimo " . Jno., miner, Nanaimo Rainey D., mill hand, New West- minster Rainhard C, miner. East Wellington Rains Thos., hack drive'% Nanaimo Raith F., baggageman, Vancouver " F., baggageman. New West- minster " F., City hotel. New Westminster Ralph W., C.E., Victoria " William, Vancouver Ralston — , landing waiter, Vancouver " Colin Chisholm, laborer. Eraser River Ramage Stephen, filer, Vancouver Ramsay Geo., miner, Nanaimo Capt. James, Victoria John, miner, East Wellington Joseph, miner, Nanaimo !^ I H ■• h ■ ■•(, ; -r f. ! .$;tM' .1 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // 4. 1.0 I.I Ui^ |2.5 US -n Hill 2.0 140 6" - 1.8 L25 IIIIII.4 111111.6 P>) <^ /2 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST MAIN STRUT WHST«,wy !*SSP (716) •72-4»Ui 4' 4 ¥ <s • i^z^^J^^'-r^': 210 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLTJMBIA RAM EEC Eamsay E. Hisber, baker, Vancouver Eam^diill H. J., foreman, Moodyville Band Arthur E., clerk, New "West- minster Bros., general agents, Vancouver Charles D., Vancouver Drill Co. (Ld.), Vancouver « Edward E., Vancouver (( New West- Edwin, manager, minster Bandall A., engineer, Donald " Arthur, turner, Donald Henry B., painter, Victoria John, artist, Victoria Mrs. M. W., dressmaker, Victoria Robert, farmer, Victoria S. J., engineer, Moodyville S. J., Moodyville Eandels Henry, trader, Ashcroft " Owen, miner. Cache Creek Eandle A. E., tinner, Nanaimo Arthur, tinner, Nunaimo Joseph, overseer No. 1 Shaft, Nana! mo Jos., jun., miner, Nanaimo Oliver miner, Nanaimo Wm., miner, Nanaimo Eandolf John Joseph, printer, Victoria Bandolph Fred., tinner, Vancouver " Miss E., dressmaker, Victoria Eandon David, tailor, Victoria Bankin — , New Westminster " Geo., blacksmith, Kamloops H. E., messenger Dom. Exp., Vancouver J. v., New Westminster James, clerk, New Westminster James, foreman. Notch Hill John, broker, Vancouver John, Holbrooke House, New Westminster John, teamster. Cache Creek , Eansom D. W., saw filer, Vancouver Ira, fireman, Vancouver Jay, mill hand, Vancouver Miss Mary, domestic, Vancouver W. B., Bank B.C., Victoria Wm., laborer, Vancouver it u « (( « « <( « « « Eaper Alfred, mannger, Nanaimo " B., merchant, Nanaimo " R:»per& Co., stationers, Nanaimo " S. M., merchant, Nanaimo Eaphael L., minor, Nanaimo Euppertie Arthur S., photographer, Victoria Baptad 0. A., watchmaker, Victoria Rare A., miner, Wellington Earedon — , carpenter, Vancouver Earsbeck Thos., miner, Nanaimo Eatchford Joseph, lumberman. North Thompson Eathberg Fritz, fitter, Vancouver Eathwell C, carpenter, Donald " Wm., Esquimalt Battray Chas., Dom. Exp., Victoria Baven Geo. P., waggonmaker, Kam- loops Eavey James, blacksmith, Vancouver Eaw David, tinner, Vancouver Eawlins F., grocer, Victoria Eawlison George, farmer, Langley " Wm. Henry, farmer, Langley Bay George, bricklayer, Vancouver " John, laborer, Vancouver " William, plasterer, New West- minster " William, bell boy, Vancouver Eaymer J as. Lauson, city auditor, Victoria '* Mrs. Mary G.. widow James A. , Victoria Bavmond Geo. E., mail stage. New Westminster Eaynes Alf., farmer, Fulford Harbour Bead A., mill hand. New Westminster ** H. T., & Co., hardware, New Westminster " John N., shoemakfei*, Victoria " Eobt. J., bookkeeper, Vancouver Reading Edroond, laborer, Cowichan Eeardon W. P., caretaker, Vancouver Eoay Charles FTenry, farmer, North Saanich " William, farmer. North Saanich Eebagliatti B., merchant, Lytton Bechermacher Fred., brewer, Nanaimo Reece J., ( Reddie Ai Victoria Rcdfern CI " J., bl ** Mrs. Redgrave torij " H. " Step! « Steov Redman W Redmond . " W. I Rednell E. « Henr Redon & H torii " Louis Reed Arch " Franl " Jonat " Thori Reeding M minster ReedingtOE Rees Jamei Reese Thos Roesman J Reeves Am Regina hot Reichalt Reid Alexa «« Allen B., ri B. D. C, w C. A, D{ivi( Bid Davii Jam€ J as., Jas. , Jas. cou^ John, " John! (( (( (( ▲LPHABETI3AL DIRISOTOBT. 211 REE Reese Thos. E., miner, Natiaimo Roesman J., yardman, North Bend Reeves Amram, farmer, Cliilliwhack Retina hotel, Vancouver Relchalt 0., miner, Wellington Reid Alexander, farmer, Cowichan Alien, farmer, Macphortjon B., miner, Nanaimo B. D., shoemaker. North Saanich C, woodman, Vancouver C. A. J., fireman, Vancouver David, farmer, Lulu Island, Ricl)mond Municipality David Hanly, farmer, North Arm James, senator, Quesnell Jas., miner, Nanaimo Jas., machinist, Wellington Jas. A., night watchman, Van- couver John, New Westminster John, farmer, Fulford Ilarbour (I <( <i (( « BEO Reece J., Chilli whack Reddie Arthur C, dept prov secy, Victoria Rcdfern Chs. E., watchmaker, Victona " J., blacksmith, Victoria ** Mrs., Victoria Redgrave & Ella, confectioners, Vic- toria " H., prov police, Alert Bay " Stephen, sheriff, Donald " Steovel, confectioner, Victoria Redman Wm., M.D., Victoria Redmond Joseph, farmer, Port Moody " W. H., traveller, Victoria Rednell E., clerk, Victoria " Henry B., painter, Victoria Redon & Hartnagel, Driard hotel, Vic- toria " Louis, hotelkeeper, Victoria Reed Archibald F,, steward, Victoria " Frank, car cleaner, Revelstoke " Jonathan, farmer, Ghilliwhack " Thomas Pearson, clerk, Clinton Reeding M., cigar maker, New West- minster Reedington John, miner, Nanaimo Rees James, farmer, Comox - j^asriD- lOLLEN HE SDPPLl OF ALL KINDS. J* a. MONTREAL. (( « « << <{ Reid John, miner, East Wellington Joseph, agent, Victoria Mrs. Mary, widow. New West- minster Rev. John, D.D., Victoria Samuel, clerk, Victoria Stanners, miner, Wellington Thos., farmer, Victoria Wm., miner, Nanaimo William, laborer, Cedar Hill William G., millhand, New West- minster Wm. R., Victoria Reidt Wm., Loans, New Westminster Reilly — , painter, Vancouver " Patrick, miner, Wellington Reinhard Wm., M.D., Vancouver Rench George, laborer C.P.R., North Bend Renfree John, laborer, Victoria Renfrew Thos., miner, Nanaimo Rentrey & Co., miners, Wellington Renier Peter, tailor, Kamloops " P. S., mer. tailor, Kamloops Rennie A. H., merchant, Vancouver " Robt., mason, Victoria Rennison Arthur W., clerk, Vancouver " William, blacksmith, Comox Reno Miss Laura, Vancouver Renouf Clement E., Victoria Renty Wells, stationer, Kamloops Renwick David, blacksmith, Nanaimo " John, blacksmiht, Nanaimo & Storne, blacksmiths, Nanaimo Thos., loco, driver, Wellington " Dr. William, M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P., Victoria Reoshbech A. H., saloon, Vancouver ,-> '< h\ (\ it mil •,>V\\ m f'jrii: < i I *" WM 212 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA HER EIO Berendfl Charles, laborer, Yancouver Eesergh W. J., miner, Nannimo Renter Frank, shoeblack, Victoria Revelly Capt., Victoria Reyard Bros., miners, Wellington Reynard C, miner, Nanaimo Eoynell Wm., general comm. agent, Vancouver Reynolds John, liimi>erman, NewWest- minister District Joseph, millhand, Vancouver Joseph, musician, Vancouver Martin, laborer, Sapperton Wm. K., clerk E. & N. Ey., Victoria Rheault liouis, hotel mangr, Kamloops Rhodes Charles, laborer, Chemainus Charles W., clerk, Yale H., acct. Bk. of B.C., Vancouver Mrs., Victoria Eiatti Paul, laborer, Vancouver Rice J., fitter, Kamloops ** TIjos., minor, Wellington Eich H., auctioneer, Ludners Landing Richard Annen, secy Nanaimo Water Works, Nanaimo Foi'tune, V ictoria & Hughes, miners, Wellington & Vague, miners, Wellington Richards A. B., laborer, Victoria Albert, barrister, Victoria hon. A. N., police magistrate, Victoria C, carpenter C.P.R., Donald Charles Knox, farmer,NorthArm Charles Morgan, farmer, Sumas David, miner, Wellington F. G., jr., general agent, Victoria F. G., sr., Victoria Jas., miner, Nanaimo John, H.B.Co., Victoria Joseph, farmer, Comiaken , Mrs. Emma, widow Samuel, Vic- toria E. J., minor, Nanaimo S. O., barrister, Vancouver Steven, barrister, Victoria W. A., manager, Donald « it « « (( <( (< (( <( (( (( « « (( « Eichards W. J., miner, Nanaimo ** Z., cigarmaker, Victoria Richardson — , mechanic, Victoria " A., miner, Nanaimo Abram.Jno., farmer, Cranberry District Arthur, merchant. Clover Valley B., miner, Nanaimo C, car repairer, Vancouver & Church, importers, Victoria E., laborer, Vancouver G., boilermaker, Vancouver Geo., miner, Wellington Geo., Victoria Geo. A., jr., clerk, Victoria H., merchant, Surry Centre & Horner, merchants, Nanaimo Hubert, stonecutter, Vi'^-toria J., foreman, Kcefers J., blacksmith, Donid H. 0., driver. New Wesminster John, lUecillewaet P. F., merchant Victoria Peter, farmer,Cranberry Distri :t E. B., Victoria Seymour, c'erk, Vancouver Thos., hotolkeeper, lUecillewaet Thos., armourer, Esquimall Thomas, farmer, Nicola Wm., miner, Nanaimo Willian, farmer. Maple Eidge William, farmer, Lang'ey William, farmer, Spailumcheen William, farmer. South Saanich Wm., plasterer,New Westminster William A., farmer, Nanoose Bay W., M.D., Kamloops W. A., M.D., Donald Richer Harry, wheelwright, Quam- ichan Eichie John, farmer, Victoria Eichly George, farmer, Lytton Eichman Albert, H.B.Co., Victoria " Mrs., wid. John, Victoria Richmond Canning Co., Richmond Island " John, carpenter, Victoria Rickard — , lawrer, Victoria « (( (( It « « •I « « « « « r Rickard Elii <« Thos Ricketts Sai Kickman R RicKbon Jot " Mark " W., m Rickstead Ridd Ed., Kiddle Bei Vict " D., m " Thon Ridehough Eidgeman Ridlej' A. " H. C. «' John, " Leon « Kobt Willi; Met! Willi Ried — , V " Sam. Rielly Jas. Petei W.,( Riester Eo Riesterer ( " Kobe Eighter P. Eiiey C. V «' Geor (( u « Geor R.J Thoi W. ] » Will " Wm " Wm Rine Tom District Ring A.nd Ringrose . Rinkie C. Risteen G Ritchie Jt ALPHABRTICAL DIRECTORY. 213 RIC KOB (( (( <( Rickard Elislia, faimer, Surry Centre " Tho8., miner, Wellin|;^ton RickettsSam., farmer, Lake District Kickman R.J. ,bokpr.,N. Westminster RicK&on JoH., miner, Nanaimo " Mark, miner, Nanairio " W., miner, ^ianuimo Rickstead Olo A., jeweller, Victoria Ridd Ed., milUiand, Vancouver Kiddle Benjamin, telephone operator, Victoria " D., millhand, Victoria " Thomas, blaukismith, Donald Ridehough James, mason, Esquimalt Eidgeman A., H. B. Co., Victoria Ridley A. H., millhand, Vancouver " H. C. M., agent, Kamloops ** John, teamster, Donald Leon, machine hand, Vancouver llobt., laborer, Victoria William, Bishop of Caledonia, Metlakatlah William, miner, Nanaimo — , Victoria Sam., bookkeeper, Victoria Rielly Jas., miner, Kanaimo " Peter, woodman, Kamloops " W., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Riester Robert, brewer, Vancouver Eiesterer Chas., farmer. Hall's Prairie " Robert, larmcr, Hall's Prairie Eighter P., engineer, Vancouver Riley C. W., yardmaster, North Bend ** George, Victoria George, clerk, Chemainus R., finisher, Vnncouvor Thomas, clerk, Cowichan W. R., painter, Vancouver " William, laborer, Lillooet " Wm., boarding hse, Nicola Lake " Wm., blacksmith, Nicola Lake Rine Tom., farmer, New Westminster District Ring indres, farmer. Maple Ridge Ringrose Joseph, laborer, Vancouver Rinkie C, millhand, Vancouver Risteen George, conductor, Vancouver Ritchie James, baker, Nanaimo Ried (( (i ^itchie James, farmer, Up|ter Sumas " John, farmer. Maple Kidge ** J<»hn, blacksmith, Yale Rither Frat»k, stock-raiser, Similka* meen Vallej'^ Rithet R. P., of Welch, Rithet & Co., Victoria Ritler R., saloonkeeper, Victoria Ritron John, mechanic C.P.R., Donald Rivers Charles, farmer, Quamichan " Frank Ed., painter, Cowichan " Henrj', painter, Victoria Henry, farmer, Cowichan Inlet Canning Co., Rivers Inlet John, miner, Nunaimo J'eter, clerk, Moodyville Robt., miner, Nanaimo Wm., painter, Victoria William, farmer, Cowichan Rivet J. B., blacksmith, Kiimloops Roach Patrick, teamster, Vancouver Roark J., messenger, Victoria Koarke Michael, laborer, Victoria Robb Andrew, carpenter, Victoria " Ghs., steamboat hand, Victoria James, farmer, Comox John, sawj'er, Vancouver Mrs. Chas., housekpr, Vancouver Red ford, painter, Victoria William R., farmer, Comox Robbilard John, Victoria Robbins Cyrus S., farmer, North Thompson " John, expressman, Victoria " W., moulder, Victoria Robell C. B., carpenter, Victoria Roberts — , night watcliman, Victoria " — , painter, Victoria A. B., farmer, Lytton C. M., fitter, Vancouve r Capt. Geo., Victoria Cecil, engineer, Vancouver Dave, miner, Nanaimo E., tailor, Victoria Edward, stock raiser, Savona Edward, laborer, Boston Bar Edward, farmer, Port Moody F. C, Victoria (( it « « (( > <i ^ !• I II- 2U HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA EOB ROB Roberts (ieorge, apprentice, Vancouver " Henry, miner, Cnssiar J., Electric Light Co., Victoria John, painter, Vancouver John Hugh, Vancouver Mrs. A., matron, Vancouver Miss E., dressmaker, Nanaimo P., Ghemainus R., tailor, Victoria R. J., missionary, Kuper Island R. T., clerk, Vancouver Robt., mitjer, Wellington Richard P., farmer. Salt Spring Island Richard & Llewellyn, stevedores, Vancouver S., Saanich S. B., miner, East Wellington S., miner, Nanaimo Samuel, farmer. North Saanich, Bciiuport Farm Sidney A., C.E., Victoria Thomas Hugh, artist, Vancouver W. R., grocer, Victoria Wm., engineer, Wellington William, watch mkr, Vancouver Robertson — , Victoria " A. M., physician, Vancouver Alexander, farmer, Maple Ridge Alex., carpenter, Vancouver Alex. S., ctirpenter, Victoria Ben., engineer, ViciOria C , miner, Nanaimo Capt. Geo, W., Victoria & Co., real estate, Vancouver Charles, farmer. Maple River DM., farmer,Delta Municipality Dan., Harrison Springs Donald, farmer, Maple Ridge Dun., grocer. New Westminster Duncan, stage driver, Harrison Springs Duncan M., carpenter, Victoria F. M., clerk, Vancouver Frank, cierk, Victoria Fred., saw mill, Beavermoutl. Geo., purser, New Westminster Gideon, Vancouver (( (( u (i (( (( tt u t( « (( (( tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt It It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt It tt tt tt tt It tt tt tt (t tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt « (( tt tt Robertson Gilbert, stoves, Vancouver *• Harvey, awning maker, Van- couver Horatio J., New Westminster Hugh, cook, Nanaimo J., mason^ Vancouver James, painter, Victoria James A., laborer, Clinton John, blacksmith, Victoria John, miner. East Wellington John Geo., Wostham Island Joseph, millhand, Victoria Miss M., tailoress, Victoria Robert, clerk, Vancouver Robert, farmer, Maple Ridge Robert Joseph, guard. New Westminster Samuel, farmer, Maple Ridge T. E., miner, Nanaimo Thomas, farmer, Langley W. R., farmer, Matpherson's William, farmer, Somenos Wm., blacksmith, Soda Creek William Henry, carpenter,South Saanich Roberton And., farmer, Maple Ridge Robin T., Vancouver Robins S. M., supt. V. C. M. & L. Co., Manaimo " Stephen, packer. Cache Creek Robinson Albert, clerk, Vancouver " Arthur, farmer, Burgoyne Bay " Capt. G. W., Barkerville Charles, waiter, Vancouver Chas, H., butcher, Victoria Chas. J., farmer, Langley Prairie Edwin, clerk, Victoria F. R., mngr. New Westminster Fred., saw mill, Beaver Mouth George, hackman, Victoria Gilbert, J. P., Quamicbau Gilbert, Victoria Hy. W., farmer, Ganges Harbour J., watchman. Raspberry Creek J. J., ship carpenter, Victoria J. L., tinware, Vancouver James, steamboat owner. New WestminsLor District tt tt tt tt tt ft It tt tt tt tt tt tt Robinson J (1 Jamet mint (( James (( John, (( John, tt John, tt John, tt John, tt John tt John tt L., ca tt Miss '. tt Miss J tt R., cl tt Rich. tt Robt. It Robei tt Thom it W. C. (( W.J. (( W.J. (( Wm., « Wm., tt Wm., tt Wm., tt Wm. Robjohns — Bobotham . « John Robson Cha (< Chas. <( Chas. (( Chas. it D, cl tt Danie tt Ernet^ tt F. W. tt Frede tt Fred. tt Hon. It & Lee It Rev. tt Sydn< It Wm., Rocelar No Roche S. £ Rock Bay ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 215 BOB ROM <( (( « « « (( (( <( (( (( (( (( (( « Robinson Jamos D., cleric, Victoria «' James J., city clerk, New West- minster James W., agent, Vancouver John, carpenter, Victoria John, minor, Wellington John, filer, Vancouver John, miner, Lome Creek John, farmer, Serpentine River John Jas., farmer, Quamichan John R., farmer, Westham Island L., carpenter, New Westminster Miss Kate, clerk, Victoria Miss Suilie, teacher, Victoria R., clerk, Vancouver Rich.,baggagemaster, Vancouver Robt., miner, Wellington Robert, carpenter, Vancouver Thomas, farmer, Surry Centre W. C, striker, Vancouver W. J., merchant, Vancouver W. J., farmer, Surry Centre Wm., mechanic, Victoria Wm., teamster, Bonaparte Wm., laborer, Clinton Vv m., clerk, Esquimalt " Wm. J., farmer, Clover Valley Robjohns — , Vancouver Bobotham Dr., Quamichan " John H., surgeon, Quamichan Robson Charles, farmer, Comox •' Chas. J., fruits,New Westminster Chas. W., bookkeeper, Victoria Chas. W., Kamloops D., clerk. New Westminster Daniel Jas., farmer, North Arm Ernest, apprentice, Vancouver F. W., law student, Victoria Frederick, farmer, Mayno Island Fred. H., merchant, Kamloops Hon. J., prov. 8ecretary,Vicloria & Lee, grocers, Kamloops Rev. Eb., Van iouver Sydney Thos., laborer, Victoria Wm., farmer, Mayne Island Rocelar Noel, laborer, Victoria Roche S. H., carpenter, Vancouver Rock Bay Saw Mill, Victoria « « « u u (( (( AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfre. of ELEOTKIC WIRES, CABLES. Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (Sea advt. page 6.) Rock Bay Tannery, Victoria " Sunday, laborer, Vancouver Rockett Matt., carpenter, Vancouver *' Wm., carpenter, Victoria Rockford Jas. T., printer, Victoria Rodello Joseph, tarmer, Comox Rodgers David, miner, Wellington ** F., carpentei', Vancouver •* F. O., miner, Wellington " Mrs., wid.. New Weijtminster ** N. H., merchant, Boavor Point " Thos., farmer, G-abriola District Rodick T., farmer, Pitt River Road Roedde Cr. A., bookbinder, Victoria Rogers A., quarryman, Macpherson's Alf.Wellw3'n,farmer, Shawnigan Charles W., fruits, Victoria G., quarryman, Macpherson's Henry, fUrmei', Cushion Lake Isaac P., miner, Nanaimo J., rancher, Windermere Jonathan, painter, Vancouver Miss E., teacher, Mew West- minster Mrs. Char lotte,NewWestmin8ter Richard, farmer. Port Moody " Wm., carpenter, Lytton " Wm., telegraph agent, Donald Roland Jas. W. R., farmer. North Arm Rollers Edward, »hoei|naker, Comox Rolley James, tank repairer C.P.R. Rollings Wm., farmer, Spallumcheen Rollo (xoorge, miner, Nanaimo " James, farmer, Q-abriola District " T., miner, Nanaimo Rolls Dr. J. F., Vancouver Romain W. C, Drakeman, Kamloops Uomang Joseph, Vancouver Romana Stanley H., Victoria u } >''\^. im I'm / 216 Henderson's British ooltjmria BOM KOU Bome Andrew, traveller, Victoria *' Jomiah, miner, Kiciifield " P., laborer, Vancouver Bommally F., boat builder,Nass River Bondcau Hy., miner, Nafiainio Boney Patrick, miner, Wellington Bood John, carpenter, Balmoral Booke Charles, florist, Victoria " T. S., druggist, Vancouver Booney John, miner, Wellington Boper Douglas, carpenter, Victoria " F. S., miner, Victoria " Hudson, carpenter, Victoria " Thomaa, farmer, Kamloops " Wm. J., farmer, Kamloops Boraske Thomas, printer, Victoria Boi'ison Basil D., fiarmer. Mud Bay Bose David, brassfinisher, Vancouver " Finlay, driver, Victoria " Murk S., tinner, Vancouver " W. C, driver, Victoria " Wm., hackman, Victoria Bosenburg Alfred, copula man., Van- couver " John, Victoria Bosenblat Frank, Vancouver Bosenwall Henry, miner, E Wellington " James, miner, East Wellington Bosette Joseph, farmer. Alkali Lake Bosin Frank, laborer, Vancouver Bosigal P., farmer, Cadboro Bay C.H. Boskamp John, carpenter, Victoria Boss A. W., M.P., Vancouver " Adam, farmer, Cedar Farm Albert, lumberman, MapleBidge Alexander, Victoria C. H., boiler maker, Vancouver & Ceperly, real estate and insur- ance, Vancouver D., waiter, Kamloops D., messenger V.U. Co.,Nanaimo D. H., merchant, Victoria D. W., merchant, Victoria - Frank, miner, Wellington Frank, painter, Victoria Harry, miner, Wellington Henry, logger, Fraser Biver Hy. Wm., farmer, Comox (( (( u (( « « « «( « « « Boss Hugh, farmer. West Matsqui James, farmer. South Thompson Mrs. Flora, matron B.C. A., New Westminster J. H., clerk, Donald Jack, miner, Nanaimo James, helper, Donald John, laborer C.P.B., Donald Lawley, laborer, Langley Jjlev allyn Q-., farmer, Langloy M. T., fruits, &c., New West- minster Malcolm E., logger. Port Moody & McLaren, saw mill, sapporton, New Westminster Morris, bookkeeper, Victoria B. W., hotelkeeper. Port Moody Bobert, laborer, Vancouver Bod., sen., H.B. Co., Vancouver Bod., jun., merchant, Vancouver v., foreman C.P.B., Craigellacbie W. B., clerk, Victoria W. B., carpenter, Vancouver W. E., baggageman, Kamloops William, carpenter, Victoria William, farmer, Langley William, of Fox & Boss, New Westminster Bossiter Hy., teacher. North Saanich Bosskelly Joseph, tanner, Victoria Bosson G. P., chimney sweep, Victoria Bostein Fred., Victoria " Louis A., clerk, Victoria Boudley Thos., saddler, Kamloops Bougier James, dyer, Vancouver Bouott Bichard, miner, Hope Bouley George, miner, Nanaimo Boulston George, farmer, New West- minster Boundey Samuel L., clerk, Oowichan Bounds Charles, driller, Vancouver Bounsfell C. A., clerk, Vancouver " F. W., bookkeeper, Vancouver " George F., Vancouver " John, agent, Vancouver Bourke Michael, mechanic, Victoria. Bourter Charles, farmer, High Bar Bous W., miner, Nanaimo (( « « Bouse Pe Boussean Westmi Bonthdge " Mrs Boutier 1 Boutledg* Bow Will Bowan D m " Johi Bowbotto] " A. J " F., I " Dr., " W., Bowe Cha Geoi Hen Jose] Mrs, Phili K,t Bd., W., Rowland i " Josei Fa " M., " Matl " W., i Rowley Dj " J. R. Rowlings ^ " Willi Rox berry J ter Roxboro F: Roxburg M minster Roy Amad J., wi John t^ P., C Peter mim a (I (( <( (( (I a li C( (t (( 41 ALPHABETICAL OIRECTORT. 2'IT ROU RUS Bouse Peter, cigars, Victoria Bousseaa James, boots and shoes, New Westminster Bonthdge Joa., carpenter, Vancouver " Mrs., Macpherson Routier Henry, engineer, Vancouver EoutledgeW. H., agent, Victoria Row William, farmer, Sumas Rowan Duncan, farmer, New West- minster District " John, logger, Elgin Bowbottom A., miner, Nanaimo A. J., & Co., grocers, Victoria F., miner, Nanaimo Dr. J. P., Maple Bay " W., miner, Nanaimo Rowe Charles, miner, Nanaimo " George, miner, Nanaimo " Henry, miner, Nanaimo " Joseph, blacksmith, Victoria " Mrn., wid. George, Victoria " Philip, carpenter, Victoria " R, miner, Nanaimo " Rd., miner, Nanaimo " W., fitter, Kamloops Rowland Henry S., farmer, North Arm " Joseph Wm., farmer, Burnside Farm C.H. " M., hotelkeeper, Victoria *' Mtithias, farmer, Burnside Farm " W., farmer, Victoria Rowley Dav., miner, Nanaimo " J. R. C, painter, Vancouver Rowlings Wm., mill hand, Vancouver " William H., farmer, North Arm Roxberry Mrs., fruits. New Westmins- ter Roxboro Frederick, packer, Kamloops Roxburg William, laborer. Now West- minster Roy Amada, mechanic, Vancouver " J., watchman, Hammond John J., farmer. South Saanich L., plumber, Vancouver L. W., baggageman, Kamloops P., C.P.R., Vancouver Peter, factory hand, New West- minster It u ii Royal tt it « City P. M. Co., New WeSt- minster Inland Hospital, Kamloops Iska, miner, Nanaimo Marine Hospital, Victoria Naval yard, Esquimalt Naval Hospital, Esquimalt " William, miner, Hope Roycroft Henry B., supt. prov. police, Victoria Royds Clement, cellarman, Vancouver Ruch Roderick, farmer, Kamloops Buckle Henry, farmer, Beaver Point Rudd H. v., clerk Bk. B. C, Nanaimo " John M., clerk, Nanaimo Ruddock Charles, miner, Nanaimo Rudge F. W. , granite cutter, Victoria " George, marble works, Victoria " Harry, printer, Victoria Henry, granite works, Victoria Walter, stone cutter, Victoria " Walter P., stone cutter, Victoria Riidlin Capt. G., C.P.N. Co., Victoria Rudy Paul, miner, Wellington Rugg Rev. M.L., Victoria Ruh John, miner, Boston Bar Rule Joseph, teamster, Victoria Rumble Alfred, clerk, Vancouver Kurainger A., laborer C.P.R., Donald Runey Darby, miner, Wellington Rush G. W., farmer, iSurry Centre George, farmer, Clover Valley James, farmer, Nicola Valley Rusher G., conductor, Kamloops Rushford Georae, miner, Nanaimo Russell — , Victoria A., brakeman, Kamloops Alex., lumberman, Burrard Inlet Bonnj', logger. North Arm Charles, merchant, Victoria D., laborer, Vancouver David, blacksmith, Victoria E., laborer, Vancouver Fred., clerk, Vancouver G. C, farmer, Kensington PrairieL George S., barber, Victoria J, A., L.L.B., Vancouver J. J., mill hand, Victoria « a li (( It (( « ii. f .:■: 1 m m I'SI vT;.fR 218 HINDIBSOM's BRITISH COLUMBIA BUS SAN « « l( l( <( l( BuBsell James, Eeqnimalt Boad " James, baker, Victoria JohD, bricklayer, Victoria John, stonecutter, Victoria John, saloon. New Westminster Joseph, printer, Victoria McDonald & Co., merchants, Victoria, Vancouver and Na- naimo Mrs. Jas., fancy goods, Victoria Miss Sarah, dressmaker, Victoria Thomas, Victoria T. F., mechanic, Vancouver W. A., inspector of steamboats, Victoria & Ward, bakers, Victoria Kuste Andrew, machinist, Victoria ** Andrew, Victoria Butherford Henry, clerk, Victoria '* Jos., miner, Wellington Butland Wm., carpenter, Metlakatlah '* William, clerk, Metlakatlah iRirfledge James, farmer, Cowichan Ruttan W. S., merchant, Donald Butter Sa! ;, carpenter, Victoria Buxton Ge- farmer, Bonaparte Byan Chribio^.aer, blacksmith, Cowi- chan " Henry, miner, Nanaimo " Michael, shoemaker, New West- minster " Michael, fisherman, Victoria " Mrs, Margaret, widow William, Vancouver " Patrick, farmer, Nicola Lake " Thomas, miner, Boston Bar Byder Coy Spencer, farmer. Chilli- whack " John Ferris, farmer, Chilliwhack " Boland, blacksmith, Chilliwhack Bylance Wm., inspector, Vancouver S Saanich Lime Co., Victoria Sabel Jos., miner, Nanaimo Sabison John, pilot, Victoria « Sabiston John, farmer. North Saaoieb " John, farmer, Chilliwhack " Peter, hotelkeeper, Nanaimo & Wilcox, hotelkeepers, Nanaimo W., miner, Nanaimo Sabo John, miner, Nanaimo Sadler Edmond, farmer,North Saanicb Sadlier John W., axeman, Lytton Saforcade Frank, clothing, Victoria Sage C, Bk. B.C., Victoria " £., miner, Nanaimo " Geo., jun., miner, E. Wellington Jesse, messenger, Nanaimo Jos., miner, l^naimo Sagers Frank, hotelkeeper, Kamloops Saink Jacob, Vancouver Saint J., mill hand, New Westminster Salisbury A. C, mill hand, New West- minster " W. F., treasurer, Vancouver Salmon E.J.,&Co., hardware, Victoria " H. L., tobacconist, Victoria " Samuel, mechanic, Victoria Salt John A., farmer, Macpherson's Salter Henry, mill hand, Wanaimo " Lewis Edward, hotelkeeper, Yale " Wm., rancher, Windermere Sam J., m^ner, Wellington Sampson F., confectioner, Victoria " Henry, farmer, North End " John, miner, Nanaimo Samuel Peter, miner, Nanaimo Sanders Charles, miner, Wellington Edwin, carpenter, Vancouver W. F., wiper, Kamloops W. H., job printer, Vancouver Sanderson Robert, fiactory hand. New Westminster Sandibrd Wilson H., farmer. Cache Creek Valley Sandon J., miner, Joseph's Prairie Sanders Alfred Woodhouso, farmer. South Arm Sandover Stephen, farmer, N. Saanicb San Juan Lime Co., Vancouver Sangster Alex., mechanic, Victoria " George, bookkeeper, Victoria Sansom C.W. H., architect, Vancouver It a i( ALP :AElTrCAL DIRECTOIIT. 219 SAN SCH rairie ianicb Sanson George. M D., Victoria Sansum Miss Gertie, maiJ, Viincouver Santell Predk. W., carpenter, Victoria Santerlan Lor., minor, Nanaimo Santion C, miner, Nanaimo Santy Charles, minor, Nanaimo Sargent Mra., nurse, Vancouver «' W., foreman, Illecillewaet Sargeson — , mechanic, Victoria '« A. G., of Ellis & Co., Victoria " F. R., clerk P. 0., Victoria •' G. A., accountant, Victoria " James, bookkeeper, Victoria Saucier Jenn E., jeweller, and agent C.P.R. tel., Kamloops Sauer G. C, saloon, Victoria Saul Isaac, hotelkeeper, 70 Mill House " J. & W., ranchers, Clinton " John, farmer, Ashcroft " John, contractor, Vancouver " William, farmer. Mound Saulay Charles, collecter, Victoria Saunders Charles, gardener, Vancouver " Daniel, miner, Wellington " F. G., merchant, Alberni " H., grocer, Victoria " H., saw mill and packer, O-Wee- Kay-Noo " Henry John, Vancouver " Mrs. J., widow H. D., boarding house, Victoria Mrs. Mary, widow Frank, nurse, Victoria Samuel, farmer, Cedar District W. T., restaurant, Victoria " Wm., marble cutter, Nanaimo Savage John, miner. East Wellington " Miss Bessie, teacher, Nass River " Robert W., Victoria " William, clerk, Victoria Savannah John, artist, Victoria Saverr Walter, painter, Sapperton Savoiy Wm., cider mfr., Victoria Savoy Geo., shingle maker, Hastings Sawyer James, carpenter, Vancouver Sayce Ed., miner, Nanaimo James, miner, Nanaimo James, miner, Wellington (( LEATIIEII BELM Juno. Craig and St. Antoine Sti«t MONTRKAL. buyoi No.v Weot- (( minster R., mill hand. New Westminster Say ward Joseph A., bookkeeper, Vic- toria ** W. P., saw mill, Victoria Sayyea William, miner, Lome Creek Scaife H. A., agent, Victoria Scales Dav., miner, Nanaimo " George, miner, Nanaimo " J. H., miner, Nanaimo Scanlan Timothy, laborer, E-^quimalt Scarff Miss Rebecca, maid, Vancouver Sccwyz Alexander, watchman. North Bend Schafer Arnold, farmer. Hall's Prairie Schenck Frank M., barber, Kamloops Schetky G. I., New Westminstor Schier Frank, upholsterer, Victoria " Frank, uphoisterer, Nanaimo Schilling R., miner, Nanaimo Schlenk John, Louvre hotel, Vancou- ver Schmitd J., brakeman, Kamloops Schneider F. Cheefe, Vancouver Schoan Sigmund, grocer, Victoria Shoenhardt Frederick, farmer, HalFa Prairie Schofield Frederick, clerk, Vancouver " Fredk. J., a^ent, Vancouver " James H., clerk, Vancouver Scholefield Rev. S. C, New West- minster Schools Thomas, stonecutter, Victoria Schubert August, sen., farmer, Spal- lumcheen " August, jun . , farmer, Spallum- chean " J. Armstrong, carpenter, Spal lamcheen ij Ui 1;l 11 1 i''^! n ' t ■■'.!■ Si ' 'r 220 hkndbbson's bbitish oolumbu 8CH SEH it tt <t 41 <i « <( It i( (( ■^It - (( *ti **: « 'Scbaartz ThomnR, farmer, Nicola Lake ^Schulsoh B., miner, Nanaimo ^ Schwengors Conrad, clerk, Victoria •• x\, Victoria -Schwichtenberg H. H., photographer, Victoria , , ;-Scobie Col. James, Victoria 4Scorey W., foreman. Mission "Scotiiey — , well driver, Vancouver €cott — , laborer, Victoria A. W., clerk, Moodyville & Clancy, Tremont hotel, Van- couver Capt. W., Victoria David, sawyer, Victoria David, car repairer, Vancouver Dave, miner, Nanaimo George D., agent, Vancouver Henry John, clerk, Victoria J., carpenter, Vancouver J. H., baggageman, Vancouver J. R.jprinoipal Indian Industrial bchool, Metlakahtla -lacob, carpenter, N Westminster Jame^, farmer. Maple Eidgo Jam-ep, laborer, Morth Saanich James L.,blackt<mith, Moodyville John, farmer, Westham Island J tiOjfactoryhand, N Westminster John, bricklaj-er, Vancouver John A., steward, Victoria John Allan, clerk, Vancouver John Eli, laborer, Moodyville John R.,farmer,Coquitlam Eiver John R, teacher, Oyster District Leonard, butcher, Vancouver Miss, dressmaker, Victoria Mrs., widow, Victoria N. J., engineer, Kamloops R., overman No 4 shaft, Welling- ton Eobt,, machinist, Victoria Robert, farmer, Nicola Robt., merchant and postmaster, Rockford Robert, farmer. Cedar Hill Robert,laborer, New Westminster Robt. J., school teacher, Lytton -4i .*( ii u ■<t n tt « u « « « t( <( (( tt Scott S.,of Scott &Clancoy, Vancouver '* Thomas, millhand, Vancouver Thos. A., farmer^ Maple Bid ge W., carpenter, Victoria Walter C, clerk, Vancouver William, salooi., Victoria William, carpenter, Victoria Scouler rev. Thos., New Westminster Sco^V.Iar A. W., bookkeeper, New West- minster Andrew Wm., mgr., Vancouver E. S., & Co., stoves, New West- minster Geo. F., clerk,New Westminster B., solicitor, Nanr.imo ScDuseWm., mi jer, Nanaimo Scratchley Wm. J., farmer, North Arm Scribner James, clerk, Vancouver Scriven Ven. Austin, Archdeacon of Vancouver, Victoria Scrivener Harry, porter, Vancouver Scroggs A., draughtsman, Victoria Scuitto & Co., general store, Kamloops ** John, baker, Vancouver Sculley M., carpenlUr, V^'couver Scurry Elijah, barber, Vancouver " H. T., barber, Vancouver Sea Samuel, clerk, Victoria Seabrook B. R., bookkeeper, Victoria " R,, superintendent, Victoria Seals James, miner, Wellington Sealy William, blacksmith, Yale Seaman Osc r, Victoria Searle Ernest K., laborer, Sapperton " Jas., lumberman, Burrard Inlet Sears Dean S., sailmaker, Victoria " F. J., Victoria •' Joseph, painter, Victoria Seccorabe Wm. B., clergyman. Maple Ridge Second John, miner, Wellington Secord Angus, carpenter, Vancouver Sedgemoor J. F., timekeeper C.P. R., Kamloops Seeley Sinus E., carpenter, Cowichan Sehl Frank, saloon, Victo/ia " Jacob, furniture mfr., Victoria and Vancouver « <( ALPHABETICAL DIEIEOTORT. 2^1 SBH SHA Sehl J. J., furniture, Nanaimo « William, clerk, Victoria Sehnbert J. A., forwarder, T jamouse Seitz Bros., restaurant, Victoria " George, Victoria " William, merchant, Vancouver Selerin Thomson, farmer, N. Saanich Seliger William, painter, Victoria Sellick Henrj R., carpenter, Victoria " James, painter, Victoria " Mrs., widow, Victoria " Bobt., plasterer, Victoria Sells Wm., farmer, Victoria Selmayr Carl, fprmer. Hall's Prairie Somlen Chas. A., M.P.P.,Cache Creek Semple A., carriagemaker, Victoria " Robt., machinist, Victoria Semran B., miner, Nanaimo Senoy Peter, Victoria Sentill Alfred J., carpenter, Vancouver " E B., carpenter, Vancouver " Edward, Vancouver " George J., laborer, Vancouver " Miss Mary,dressmkr, Vancouver Sephens Harry, tinshop, Victoria Soran Robert, Quadra SereFai'ra,farmer,RichmondRoadC.H. Serson J., bridge inspector C.P.E., Kamloops Serventi A., miner, Nanaimo " B., miner, Nanaimo Sever ne Henry, Chemainus Seward Thos., J. P., Lytton '* James, clerk, V ictoria Sexsroith Chas. G.,farmer, North Arm " John W., farmer, North Arm Sextimus John, smith, Victoria Seydell Henry, farmer, Spallumcheen Sjymour Eiward Chas., stage driver, Tranquille George W.^ farmer, Tranquille James, bartender, Victoria Shade E., waiter, Victoria " Frederick W., Victoria " George, shoemaker, Victoria Geo. Adam, shoomakor, Victoria M, Mary, tailoress, Victoria Mrs.EUen, wid. David, Victoria —*^ Shadwell H. B., New W^«»t minster Shagnot Ed., miner, V ellinsft:)n Shake Jno., miner, f anaimo Shakespeare Fred., printer, Viotorift ** Hurry, Vi( oria " Noah, pos master, Victoria Shanlet Josep!. miner, Weilingt > i Shan ley W. P., i. rmer, Sea Islati I Shann J. P., draugn sman, Viotjria Shannon D., laborer, \ ancouvor John, farmer. New Westminster District Joseph, farmer, Clover Valley Joseph, farmer, Surrv Centre Joseph, farmer, Chilliwhack ou'nuel, farmer, Chilliwhack Saiiiuol, laborer, Vancouver Thos., councillor. Clover Valley. Thomas, farmer, Sumas Tiios., farmer, Surry Centre William, agent, Vancouver William, farmer, Chilliwhack: Sharp Chas. H., ship cai'penter, Vic- toria David, tailor, Victoria Edward Albert, farmer, South Arm H., prof of music, Victoria J., str " Boll," New Westminster James, fireman, Wellington John, miner, Lome Creek " Miss Alice, tailoross, Victoria Sharpnell W. S., car repairer, Hevr Westminster Shaver J., boilermaker, Vancouver Jordan, laborer, 83 Mile House Jordan, lumberman, New West- minster District N., builder, Vancouver Shaves William S., laborer, Langley Shaw — , waiter, Victoria — , poundkeeper, Victoria Aaron, tinner, Nuoaimo Alex., teacher, Gabriola Island Alex., miner, Nanaimo Alex., agent E. & N. Ey., Na-r naimo Alex., miner, Yale « (( it (( i( I i I . " t ; I; If*'" '-I'-i' .'.■a. 222 HENDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA SHA SHO 8haw B., watchmnn, Keofors (( <( (( Edward, farraor. Nicola River G., carpenter, I imcouvcr Geo., waiter, Nanaimo Geo. C, merchant, Victoria George Samuel, laborer, Moody- ville Jumes, draughtsman, Victoria John, farmer, Galiano Island John, principal Public School, Nanaimo Mrs., res Old E-tquimalt Road R. G., boat builder, Vancouver Richard, boilermaker, Victoria Samuel, farmer, Cedar District Thos., 'foreman A.I.W., Victoria Thos. B., carpenter, Cowichan Wm. M., miner, Nanaimo Shay S., watchman, Vancouver Shea F. E., operator, North Bend " Thos., miner, East Wellington Shear James, miner, "Wellington " Rd., miner, Nanaimo Shearing; William, farmer, Shawnigan Shears & Page, merchants, Victoria *• Walter, merchant, Victoria Sheath P., helper, Kamloops Sheather Austin, Union Club, Victoria Shed John, miner, Nanaimo Sheehjin D., blacksmith, Vsincouver Sheeir Wm., cutter, Victoria Sheen Daniel, blacksmith, Vancouver Sbeennn Daniel N., blacksmith, Yale Sheffiiigton G., fitter, Vancouver Sheilds Albert, wnif^onmaker, Victoria " Jnmes, sen., Victoria Shelby Lieut. Kezia S. A., Vancouver Sheldon Alfred Harold, clerk in holy orders, Port Esisington " Clement, bartender, Victoria Sheldi F., watchman, Spuzzum Shelton & Co., furniture, Vancouver " Giler.*, car inspector, Vancouver " H. T., merchant, Vancouver Shephard Horace J., farmer, Fulford Harbor Shepherd Arthur, clerk, New West- minster H tt ti Shepherd Edgar, farmer, Maple Ridge " H. S., laborer, Vancouver " Hy., miner, Nanaimo " Wm., miner. Nanaimo Sheppard Chas., machinist, Victoria " H. W., supt of police, Victoria Isaac J., baker, Victoria James, laborer, Victoria John, fisherman, Victoria " Joseph, shipwright, Victoria " S., mill hand, Vancouver Sherborne Fred., Victoria Sherk Jacob, mill hand, Victoria " James, turner, Victoria Sherley J. H., bookkeeper. New West- minster " Thos., laborer, Vancouver Sherlock Joseph, farmer, Vancouver Sherwood Charles Henry, telegraph clerk, Cowichan " George, driver, Victoria " W., miner, Nanaimo Sheves Chas., miner, Nanaimo " T., miner, Nanaimo Shewan Wm., drayman, Victoria Shewell Walter, teamster. South Arm Shields A., carriagemaker, Victoria " Jas., jun., Victoria " Wm., butcher, Nanaimo " Wm., Victoria Shiles B. W., carpenter, New West- minster " Del., New Westminster Shillito Geo., engineer, Wellington Shinabarger J. J., printer, Victoria Shingold Edwin, expressman, Van- couver Shires Joseph, machinist, Victoria " S., machinist, Victoria Shirley John, engineer, Vancouver Shobrooke John, laborer, Vancouver iShook M. F., agent C.P.R., Mission Shols Hans Sorenson Peterson, farmer, Township 4 Shopland James, farmer, Foul Bay, CH. " John, farmer. Foul Bay, C.H. Shore — , mechanic, Victoria (< (( mm ▲LPHABKTIOAL OIRSOTORT. 223 SHO SIM (( (( Shore & Anderson, fnrniture, Victoria " Albert E., merchant, Victoria " Henry, farmer, Giinges Harbor " Sam., miner, Wellington « Sidney, farmer, Galiano Island Short Benj. J., bookkeeper, Vancouver " Henry, ^unmaker, Victoria Henry N., manager, Victoria N., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Bichard, miner, Wellington Wm., farmer. Swan Lake, C.H. Wm., bricklayer, Victoria Shortreed Robert, farmer, Langley Shortridge Jos., miner, N«tnaimo Shortrund Robt., jun,, general store. Alder Grove Shorts Thomas D., farmer, Yale Shotbolt, Hart & Co., canners, 0-Wee- Kay-Noo " Thos., druggist, Victoria Shotten A., carpenter, Vancouver Shotter George Ray, farmer, Oyster Harbor Shouldice John A., lumberman, Maple Ridge " R.,)um berman, Maple Ridge Shottlts & Norton, farmern, Cbilcoten ShovoThos., blacksmith, Victoria Shuir Wm., tailor, Victoria Shusraay A. W., freighter, Kamloops Shumink V. P., miner, Kanaimo Shuson F., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Shuswap Milling Co., Jus. Mcintosh, mgr, Kamloops ** & Okanagon Ry, Victoria Shuttleworth Henry, stock-raloer, Si- mi Ikaraeen Valley Sibbets Chas., car repairer, Rovelstoke Siddal Hinkson, agent, Victoria Siffart Mrp. Amelia, wid Geo., dress- maker, Victoria Siguidson G., carpenter, Donald Sillitoe Et. rev. A. W., D.D., New West- minster Sills William, labo/er. Lake District 8ilva James, mert^hant, Hope " John, farmer, Mayne Island " John, grocer, Victoria m IM Mc 1. (Ltd.). MONTBBAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones, TSIectric Belld, Annuncia- tors, Burglar Alarms, Instruments, Apparatus and Supplies of every description. (Sea adrt. page 5. ) Silver James, miner, Wellington " John, Victoria Silverman K., pawnbroker, Vancouver Silverstone N., restaurant, Kamloops Sim Ghas. H., Victoria Simmonds George A., carpenter, Yale Simmons William, car inspector, Rogers' Pass Simms Chas. H., Victoria '* W. W., butcher, Victoria Simpkins Wm., tailorj Victoria Simpson A., mechanic, Victoria " Alex,, tailor, Victoria Alex,, fireman, Victoria Chas., blacksmith, Donald D., acct Bk B.N.A., Victoria David, gardener, Victoria Donald, tailor, Victoria Edward, farmer, South Saanich G., miner, Nanaimo G., machinist, Victoria George, farmer. South Saanich Geo. L., merchant, Victoria George W., farmer, Okanagon Mission J. F. D., clerk P.O., Victoria H., carpenter, Vancouver Henry, butcher, Victoria Henry, farmer, South Saanich Hy., jr., farmer. North Saanich J. B., compositor, Vancouver John, farmer, Crescent Greek Nelson, miner, Wellington Thomai*, driver, Vancouver W., & Co., miners, Wellington Wm., miner, Wellington William, farmer, South Saanich Simon Bernanl, tailor, Vancouver Simoada Bichard H., clerk, Yale « « « <( (( il I 'lii k ^^i ;i t^ 2^ HENDERSON S BRITlBB COLUMBIA SIM SMI Simons John, engineer, Bevelstoke Sims M. A., miner, l^^anaimo Simson Calvert, storekeeper H.S.M., Vancouver " Miss Jean, dressmaker, Victoria Sin Jean, farmer. Sea Island " Thomas, farmer. Sea Island Sincerbin Wm., machinist, Port Moody Sinclair & Co., contractor.^;, Kootenay " Daniel, contractor, Shawnigan Donald, New Westminster F. Gr., baggage agent, Vancouver Geo., fruits, Kamloops J. W., hotelkpr, Port Hammond James, jailor, Kamloops Jas. Wm., teacher. Maple Ridge John, farmer, Cadboro Bay John, woodman, Point Grey Joseph W., clerk, Victoria John W., blacksmith, Victoria Mar., grocer, New Westminster Miss C., dressmaker, Victoria Miss Eva, Vancouver Miss J., clerk, Victoria Miss M. E., nurse, Victoria Robt., cab driver, Victoria T. F., general store. Port Haney Wm., H. B. Co., Victoria William, farmer, Oakland, Vic- toria District Sinnister Sam., miner, Nanaimo Sinto W. L., clerk, Donald Sinton W. L., E. & N. Ry, Victoria Sisson Thomas H., New Westminster Sivewright Wm., Victoria Skeffington G., machinist, Vancouver Skelland W., boilermakcr, Victoria Skellon William, canner, Inverness Skelley Wm., miner. East WellingMjn Skene W., agent, Vancouver Skinner Ernest L., surveyor, Victoria ♦• E. M., J. P., Maple Bay " MissB., waiter, Vancouver " Robt. J., timber inspec, Victoria " T. J., J. P., Maple Bay B^ade John, painter, Vancouver " ^' John E., watchmaker,New West- minster « « « « « If Slater C. R, teller, Vancouver " G. F., mMr., Vancouver " George, laborer, Clinton " & Rodgers, miners, Wellington Slatterv James, miner, Lome Creek Slavin'W. T., telegraph agent. Soda Creek Sleathlim Wm., ship carpntr, Victoria Slipper L. H., barber, Vancouver Sloan Elmer M., clerk, Kamloops Joseph, laborer, Vancouver Robt., brakeman, Victoria William, clerk, Vancouver Slott S. R., farm laborer, Nicola Lake SluggettGeonre Henry Taylor,teacher, South Saanich John, farmer, South Saanich J. Watts, farmer, South Saanich R. Wm., farmer, South Saanich Small G. R., barber, New Westminster Mrs. Kate, dressmaker, New Westminster Miss Sarah, dressmkr, Vancouver Robert, laborer, Vancouver W. T., carpenter, Vancouver Smalley H., millhand, Vancouver Smallfield Capt. W. B., Victoria Smo&dly William, farmer, Maple Ridgo Smilow Henry, butcher, Victoria Smith A., miner, Nanaimo " A. B., cashier, Vancouver " A. J., contractor, Victoria A. G., keeper, New Westminster Albert, miner, Nanaimo Albert, farm laborer, Nicola Lake Alex., mason, Vancouver Alexander, blksmith, Kamloops Alex., miner, Nanaimo Alex B., naval architect, Van- couver Alexander Gordon, farmer. New Westminster District Alfred A., patternmaker, Van- couver Alfred W., trader, Lillooet And., wagon maker, Vancouver Andrew, farmer, Chilliwhack Andrew J., baker, Victoria (( (( <i It << « It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt ALPHABBTIOAIi DIBEOTORT. 225- >n k ria er. ch icb ter ew rer g» er a- SMI SMI Smith Ashton, letter carrier, Victoria " Arthur, machinist, Victoria B. B., farmer, Clover Valley B.H, col lector cu8tom8,Nanaimo Bion B., farmer, Surry Centre Bros., upiiolsterers, Vancouver C, watchman, Lytton C, blacksmith, North Bend C.L., painter, Nanaimo C. W., foreman, Vancouver Charles, laborer, Lac La Hache Charles, watchman, Eevelstoke Charlee, baker, Victoria Charles, carpenter, Victoria & Clark, builders, Victoria D. A., of Smith Bros., Vancouver D. Gregory, Duncans Daniel, farmer, Clinton Dewolf, M. D., NewWestminster Donald, N. P., Nanaimo Donald, baker, Victoria Duncan A., farmer, Sea Island E. A., dentast, New Westminster E. P., bartender, Donald E.F., clerk, Vancouver Edwin Charles, clerk, Victoria Frank, butcher, N. Westminster Fred., Victoria Fred., painter, Victoria G! a., clerk, Donald G. H., harnessmaker, Victoria Garrat, baker, Victoria George, baker, Victoria George, checker, Ashcroft George, cabinetmaker, Victoria George, faimer, Victoria George, Victoria George, driver, Vancouver George Kdward, trader, New George Road Geo. fienry, farmer, Northwood Farm Geo. W., carpenter, Vancouver Gidion, farmer, Maple Bidge Gidion EUward,farmer,Warnock Station Gilbert, lun^berman, North ThompsoA ({ (( t< « u (( « « (( l( « (( << « i< (( « (( (( (C <( <( (I tl (( (( (( u (( (( It <• (( (( l< (< u (( (( (I (( (( Smith H., cook, Victoria H., watchman, Wellington Hamilton, baker, Victoria Harry, Victoria Harry, bottler, Victoria Henry, machinist, Moody vi lie Henry, dairyman, Victoria City,. Cedar Hill Henry, dairy, Victoria Henry, laborer C.P.B., Donald Henry, miner, Nanaimo Henry B., C.E., Vancouver Herman, mariner, Victoria Ira, carpenter, Vancouver J., carpenter, Vancouver J. B., purser str " Yosemite,'^ Victoria J, C, waiter, Vancouver J.F., J.P , school teach, Ashcroft J. F., merchant, Kamloops J.L.,woodworker,N. Westminster J. M., clerk, Victoria J. P., baker, Vancouver J.S., baker, Kamlrops James, mason. New Westminster James, blacksmith, Coutlee James, bartender, Victoria JameS; shoemaker, Victoria James, teamster, Vancouver James, carpenter, Victoria James, miner, Nanaimo James, butcher, Kamloops James A., of Smith Bros., Van- couver James Augustus, farmer. Port Moody James G., New Westminster James McB., prov auditor, Vic- toria James S., clerk P.O., Victoria Jesse, miner, East Wellington John, messenger, Victoria John, bottler, Victoria John, farmer, Mayne Island John, clerk, Victoria John, watchmaker, Nanaimo John, farmer, Langley Prairie John, laborer, Spence's Bridge « (( n tl tt tt tt ti tt tt tt It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt It It tt tt tt tt tt \ I |! ^X i; \ n W' ■r ■ h 11 •^'.1 1 "t ■ ^6 HENDERSON'S BBITI8B COLTJMBIA SMI SNO ^Smith John C.,chimney sweep, Victoria John F., Bchool teacher, Glintx)ii John, foreman boot and shoe maimer, Kamloops John R.,miner, Snow Shoe Greek, Cariboo John L., cigar maker, Victoria Joseph, carpenter, Victoria Joseph, farmer, Vancouver Jos. E. N.. hotelkeeper, Clinton Kenneth, logger, Point Grey Kenneth, farmer, Sea Island L. M., caahier, Vancouver Marshall, hotelkeeper, Clinton Michael J., farmer, Comiaken Moses E., baker, Victoria Murdoch, Nanaimo M. R., baker, Victoria Mrs. Elizabeth,wid John, Victoria Mrs. F., dressmaker, Victoria Nivin, commission, Vancouver Norman, saloonkeeper, Nanaimo P. E., bookbinder, Victoria Philip Henry, New Westminster E. E., gen. store, Kamloops Eichaid/armer,Nicomen Slough liobert, carpenter, Vancouver Robert, butcher, Nanaimo Eobert, Victoria Eobert, driver, Victoria Eobert, farmer, Nicola Lake Kol>t.VVor*ley,carpntr, Vancouver S. McC, ship carpenter, Victoria Samuel, carpanter, Johnston's Landing Samuel (a-oo., painter, V. D. Thomas, miner, Wellington Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver Thomas, farmer, Cowichan Thos. E, H. B. Co., Victoria W., mechanic, Victoria W., clei k, Coutlee W.A. DeWolf, M.D., New West- minster W. B., machinist, Victoria Walter Hickens, farmer, Nicola Lake Wm., farmer, Sea Island It <( « <( 4t 4( ~t( (i << it n u 4i it tt 4i 41 M tt tt tt tt It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt I t tt Smith Wm., carpenter, Vancouver Wm., carpenter, Victoria Wm., clerk, Victoria ^ Wm., cooper, Victoric Wm., carpenter, Esquimalt Wm., farmer, Surry Centre Wm., farmer, Macpherson'a Wm., laborer, Esquimalt Wm.; farmer, Comox Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm., foreman, Victoria Wm. H., Skitigate Oil Co., Vic- toria Wm. J., expressman, Vancouver Wm. John, bricklayer, Victoria Wm. Mur., lumberman, English Bay Wm. Scott, farmer, Quamichan & Woods, miners, Wellington Wm. T., butcher, Vancouver Smithe Henry Fairfax, farmer, North Saanich " Wm., farmer, Somenos Smithers Alfred, accountant, Yale " Henry, Victoria " J., clerk, Victoria Smithie E., factory hand. New West- minster Smithson Bonj., laborer, Vancouver " Wm,, farmer, Okanagon Mission Smuggs Chas. S., carpenter, Browns- ville Smyth James, laborer, Shawnigan ** Miss A., milliner, Vancouver Smythe Henry Nathaniel, machinist, Esquimalt " Patrick, teamster. New West- minster Sneddon John, miner,East Wellington Snell Joseph, miner, Nanaimo " Thomas, farmer. Township 13 Snider — , Victoria " John, laborer, Eosehill Farm " Ludwig, farmer, Chilliwhack '♦ W., hotelkeeper, lllecillewaet " W.,jun., clerk, Kamloops " Wm. H., farmer, Lake Distriot Snoden Isaac, roiuer, Harewood ALPHABETICAL DIRBOTORT. 227 SNO SPO Snow F., Westminster Junction Snowden Capt. N. P., J.P., Victoria " Ic, miner, Nanaimo Snowdon H. L., lumber, Vancouver Snuggs Charles, carpenter, Nass River Soames Robert, fireman, Revelstoke Sobry Rev. Emile, Victoria Socali T., miner, Nanaimo Socks Jchn, watchman, Esquimalt SoUoway A. E., fireman, Karaloops " L. T., turner, Vancouver Solly L. H., E. & N. Ry, Victoria Solomey H., miner, Wellington Solomon -, miner, Nar iimo Somes George, laborer, Vancouver " Sam., hotel keeper, Vancouver Somers John, carpenter, Vancouver " Joseph, picture framer, Victoria Sommerfield Peter, C.E., Victoria Sommeryille — , clerk, Victoria " William, scowman, Vancouver Sones F., government agent, Clinton Soos Oberlin T., farmer, Port Moody Sopenst J., barber, New Westminster Sorby Thomas C, architect, Victoria Sorensen Gustave J., Vancouver " Horbing & Co., chemists, Van- couver Sorrell James, butcher, Vancouver Souden Thos. J)., carpenter, Victoria " William, carpenter, Victoria Soues F., gold comranr., Clinton Soule Wm. George, clerk, Vancouver '* Wm. Hy., stevedore, Vancouver Southam James, chopi>er, Cadboro Bay, C.H. Southard Henry, farmer, Sumas Souiherby Jno. R., farmer, South Arm Sowden H., miner, Nanaimo Spalding Capt. S, C, Victoria Spauhaltz Charles, cooper, Victoria SparlingR., carpenter, Spence's Bridge Sparrow I, M., bookkeeper, Victoria " J. J., engineer, Vancouver '* John C, farmer, Burgoyne Bay Spear John, bdg house, Vancouver Wm. Knox, lumberman, Bur- rard Inlet - AISTD- WOOLLEN MILL SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS MONTREAL. (( Spears William, miner, Lome Creek Speed Jas. W., farmer, Saanich Road *' John W., driver, Victoria " T. W., letter carrier, Victoria Speer I. C, engineer, Victoria Speirs A. W., New Westminster " James, blacksmith. New West- minster Spence John, farmer. Cedar Hill " Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver " William., tailor, Victoria Spencer A., miner, Wellington Christopher, buyer, Victoria David, merchant, Victoria David S., clerk, Victbria E. W., saloon, Victoria J. M., operator. New Westmins- t)r Mrs. Caroline, wid, Vancouver S. A., postmaster and coroner, Alert Bay " Thos. E., laborer, Qhemainus Sphor H. W., mil I hand, Victoria Spicer H, H., bookkeeper, Vancouver Spiers A. W., millhatid. New West- minster Spikerman Henry, farmer, Fulford Harbor Spilman W. J., carpenter, Esqulmalt Spinks J. M., real estate, Vancouver " T.A., foreman, New Westminster " Thomas, laborer, Chemainus " William M., solicitor, Kamloops Splan William Chas , logger, Elgin Spohr F., musician, Victoria Spooner Chas., carpenter, Vancouver Spotts Albert, farmer, South Saanich C. N., carpenter, Victoria (< t i-fij Vi i Ml ii ' ■■' (( I 13 < 228 Henderson's British oolumbia SPO STB Spoils Fielding, farmer.South Saunich " James, laborer, Esquirralt " Theodore, farmer, South Saanich Spragge A. G. M., barrister, Donald Spratt & Gray, machinery, Victoria Spring Charles, ship owner, Victoria *< Mrs. Susan, wid Wm., Victoria ." Thos. B., contractor, New West- minster " T B., contractor, Vancouver Springer Benj., manager M. S. M. Co., Moodyville " Louis, bartendor, Victoria " Louis, clerk, Vancouver Sprinkling V., tailor, Victoria Spragge W. T., conductor, Kamloops Sproat Malcolm G., gold commissioner Revelstoke *' Eobert, saloonkeeper, Lytton Sprott John, emigration agent, New Westminster " John H., farmer, North Arm Squires Charles, teamster, Victoria Stabiston Jas., clerk. Savona's Ferry Stableford George H. W. , brakeman, Chemainus Staff AKred, farmer, Victoria Stake William, miner, Wellington Stalker Hugh, engineer, Moodyville " G., carpenter, Vancouver Stallard Charles, plumber, Victoria Stamburg H. M., teacher, New West- minster Stamp Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Standard Newspaper, Victoria " Oil Co., Vancouver Stanford James, .builder, Vancouver " James Leonard, Vancouver Stanhope Berte, shoemaker, Victoria " William, mason, Vancouver Stannard F. J., clerk, Victoria " Frank, clerk, Victoria " John, Victoria " John 8., clerk, Victoria Stanners Dav., miner, Nanaimo Stanton Herbert, private secy to Lieut .Governor, Victoria Staples Mutthew, blacksmith, Yale Staploton Bartholomew, salmon can- ner, Inverness " C, painter, Vancouver Stark A., farmer, Carberry District " John, carpenter C.P.R., Donald Starke J. R., clerk, Victoria " L., farmer. Cranberry District " T. G., bricklayer, Vancouver " William, builder, Victoria Starr John, blacksmith, Surry Centre •' J H., blacksmith, Clover Valley " Eev. J. E., Victoria Starratt D., brakeman, Vancouver " J. C, livery stable, Vancouver " & Leatherdale, livery stable, Vancouver " B. B., railroader, Vancouver Starrett C. J., faimer, Lac La Hache " Robert, farmer, Lac La Hache Start Allan, miner, Nanaimo Steadman W., blacksmith, Chemainus Stearns — , printer, Victoria Steel W., miner, Nanai'^.o Steele Charles, clerk, "Victoria " D. W., mill hand, Vancouver F., laborer, Vancouver Jas. T., farmer, Salmon River Capt. John, mariner, Victoria Pete, saloon, Victoria Peter, jun., Victoria Thos. W., farmer, Salmon River Wm. B., farmer, Salmon River Wm., driver, Vancouver Wm., butler, Vancouver " Wm., engineer, Victoria Wm., jeweler, Victoria Steer J. C, & Co., gen merchants, and props Selkirk Huuse, Donald Steers C, carpenter, Victoria Steeves Albert Judson, farmer, Lad-^ ner's Landing Sieger Geo. W., farmer. Dog Creek Stein John Wm., fanner. Mud Bay Stelly Geo., jun., farmer,8outh Saanich " George, jun., Victoria " George, sen., Victoria Slemler & Earl, spice mills, Victoria' " L., merchant, Victoria (( « AXPHABBTIOAL DIBXOTOBT. 2^ n- re ^7 18 11* STE STE (( (( it « <( (( <( Stender C. H., farmer, Hall's Prairie Stenson Robert, porter, Vancouver Stephen Gus., miner, Nanaimo Stephens A., steward David, engineer, Victoria F., mill hand, Vancouver Fred. B., clerk, Vancouver Frederick J., Victoria H., watchman, Cisco Joseph, farmer. Maple Bidge Stephenson Arthur, trader, Lytton Edward Courtenay, carpenter, Edmondton Boad, O.H. F. L.,a8st master St. P.'s school, Esquimau John, miner, Nanaimo ThoB., contractor, Vancouver W. J., operator, Eoss Peak Stepney A., laborer, Wellington Sterberger Aug., fitter, Donald Sterling James, mechanic, Victoria Sterrett Greer, mill hand, New West- minster " W., millhand, New Westminster Sterrick W., boilermaker, Victoria StertonG., carpenter, Vancouver Steves Manoah, farmer. Lulu Island " W. Herbert, farmer. Lulu Island " W. C, bookkeeper. New West- minster Stevens — , carpenter, Vancouver " A., steward, Vancouver " A. E., desputcher, Vancouver Albert, cigarmaker, Vancouver Allan, butcher, Vancouver Alex., stonecutter, Victoria Berty, cook, Nanaimo Chris., cook, Nanaimo Col. E. J., U. S. Consul,Victoria D. T., timekeeper, Donald Edward, dishwasher, Vancouver F. T., carpenter, Victoria Fred. B., clerk, Vancouver G., laborer, Vancouver George, Victoria Hy., farmer, Ganges Harbor J. C, miner, Nanaimo James, mechanic, Victoria « « u <( « (( (( t( t( il it tl tl Stevens James Hy., Savona's Fer ry ■ " John, saloon, Victoria John, contractor, Vancouver Joseph, packer, Kam loops O., miner, Wellington Thos., laborer, Vancouver W. A., cigarmaker, Victoria Wm., mill hand, Nanaimo Wm., miner, Nanaimo Stevenson A., J. P., road supt, Lytton *' Chas,, clerk, Kai.- loops Dav., constable. Departure Bay Eady, M.D., Vancouver George, blacksmith, Yale Hubert, fisherman, Vancouver Isaiah, farmer, Township 17 J. B., agent, Victoria John, farmer, Mud Bay Jos. J., cook, Vancouver Jones, hotelkeepers, Victoria Miles, driver, Nanaimo Bobert, shoemaker, Vancouver Bobt.,government officer, Vernon Boberl, farmer, Cliilliwhack W., line repairer, Kamloops Wm. G., holelkeeper, Victoria Wm., miner, Nanaimo Steves W. H., Lulu Island Stewart — , Victoria " A., stonecutter, Victoria Alex., farmer, Vancouver Chas,, clerk, Now Westminster Chas., farmer, Cedar District D. B., messenger, Victoria Dan., ship carpenter, Com ox David, tisherman, Balmoral Donald McCrae, farmer, Sumas . Donald, farmer, Mud Bay Donald, farmer, Shawnigan Donald, farmer, Macphersons Donald M. , teamster, Van couver E., boarding house, Donald F. B._ clerk, Vancouver Finlay, farmer. Mud Bay Fin lay, guard, New Westminster G., carpenter, Vancouver G., blacksmith, Vancouver George, tailor, Vancouver (( (< (( (t li It f -tit lira .i ! / ii'4 a; i k ■ ■ li m 230 BINDIRSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA STE STR Stewart Hector A., driver, Vancouver House, Vancouver Hugh, logger, Comox J., miner, Nanaimo J., brakeman, Vancouver J.D., miner, Nanaimo James, sawyer, Vancouver James, clerk, Vancouver James, woodman, Donald James, Victoria James, tailor, Victoria John, farmer, Mount Lehman John, farmer. Mud Buy John, cabinetmaker, Nanaimo John, carpenter C.P.R., Donald John, engineer, Victoria Johrt, saloo.j, New "Westminster John, plumber, Victoria John, mill hand, Vancouver John M., chief police, Vancouver Joseph, tinner,New Westminster L., machinist, Burrard Inlet Mrs. M., bdg house, Vancouver Mat. P., rock mea8urer,^icomen Norman, laborer, Vancouver R., cableman, Vancouver Richard, laborer, Vancouver T., foreman, Vancouver v., miner, Nanaimo Wm. F., captain. North Arm "Wm., chief constable and jailor, Nanaimo Stickney Sheppard, drayman, New Westminster " W., at Gas Work^ New West- minster Stinson Thos., farmer, Boundary Bay Stinton J. "W,, mgr Water Works Co., Manaimo Stirskey Frank, watchmaker. New Westminster " Joseph, watchmaker. New West- minster St Laurent J., car in8pector,Kamloop8 Stockhand Sam., miner, Nanaimo Stockholm — , baker, Vancouver Stoddart D.A., tinsir ith, Clinton Geo. T., Pom, Exp., Vancouver « K (( (( « (( <( <( (( |( (( « <( (( (< (( II <( l( II l( (I (I (I If II i( 11 II 11 (I II Stoddart James, rancher, Windermere " Thoma.4, farmer, Langley " Wm., watchmaker, Vancouver Stone Ed., fai'mer, New Westminster " Jumes, postmaster and telegrapb agent, Barkerville James, miner, Nanaimo John, hotelkeeper, Eevelstoke John, miner, Nnnaiimo R., waiter C.P.R., North Bend W. H., farmer, Surry William, farmer. Clover Valley Stonehouse Albert Edward, cabinet- maker, Vancouver Jas., miner, Nanaimo Robt., miner, Nanaimo W. J., miner, Nanaimo Wm., miner, Nanaimo Stonely C, miner, Nanaimo Stoney Jno. W., carpenter, Vancouver Stople N., mill hand, New West- minster Storey Miss M. V., teacher, Victoria " Thos., undertaker, Victoria Stott James, waggon builder, Yale Stout Edward, miner, Yale " Hewison, machinist. New West- minster " Hugh, machinist. New West- minster Strachan — , guard, New Westminster *• Frank, Vancouver " Mrs. Elizabeth, wid A., Victoria Straith C, mill hand, Victoria Strand & Co., Hot Spring hotel, Al- bert Canj'on Strang John F., chief keeper B.C.A.^ New Westminster Stralfard Barnard, New Westminster '* Frank C, woodworker, Victoria " James, carpenter, Victoria Strathern John, surveyor, Vancouver Strathie Alex., carpenter, Vancouver Straube V. J., gunsmith, Vancouver Street Arthur John, farmer and car- penter, Sumas " Cf. L., carpenter, New West- minster II II <i II i( II (I ALPHABSTIOAL DIRSOTORT. 2at STB SUT Street John, blacksmith, Qaamicban Stretcher Chas., cigarmaker, Victoria Strickland F. Q„ & Oo., millwrights, New Westminster Stride E., butcher. New Westminster " Jethro, factory hand, New West- minster " Sidney, bricklayer. New West- minster Stroker W. T., M.D. C.P.R., Donald Strong E., clerk, Nass River " J. A., Editor Morning Courier, Nanaimo Strople N., millhand, New West- minster Strother W. T., M.D., Donald Strout Wilson J., teamster, Nicola Strous C, & Co., dry goods, Victoria " Maurice, manager, Victoria Struthers Alex., carpenter, Vancouver " A. D., M.D., Eeveistoke Stuart Alexander F., carpenter. Cache Creek Valley George, teamster. Cache Creek Valley George, laborer, Shawn igan James, elerk, Vancouver Jns., farmer. Cache Creek Valley Wm., farmer, Spenco's Bridge Stubbings Robert, laborer. South Saanich Sturrett William, lumberman, Yale Sturton Geo., carpenter, Victoria " Geo. S., carpenter, Victoria Styles S. T., contractor, Victoria Subin Napoleon, farmer, Douglas Lake Suchell Edward, farmer, Nicola Valley Suckling A. E., clerk, Vancouver Sulcomb Jame8, laborer, Colquitz Farm, Lake District Sulley J. E., carriagemaker. New Westminster Sullivan Arthur W., Vancouver ** Chas. E. S., Vancouver Edward J., farmer, Nicola Lake Dan., miner, Nanaimo Daniel, Victoria Daniel, farmer, fiayne's Sound 1 Hiaril Qectric Mfg. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Mannfaotorers of WATER-PROOF Electric Lifkt Wire, OfSoe, Annunelator, Cotton and Silk Govere A Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) « « (( (( <( (( <( (( « « Sullivan Geo., car rer>airer, Vancouvw " Humphrey, H.B. Co., Victoria. J., car repairer, Vancouver J. H., finisher, Victoria J. L., operator, North Bend John, miner, Victoria Joshua, hackman, Victoria M., rancher, North Thomsc a Mike, cook C.P.R., Donald Miss Nora, milliner Victoria Timothy, drover, Yale Tim, miner, Nanaimo Thos., miner, Nanaimo Tho(4. Peter, farmer, Boundary- Bay Sully George Arch., farmer, Mount Lehman Summerby T. G., engineer, Kiimloops Summerfield Peter, city waier com- missioner, Victoria Summerhayes A., miner, Nanaimo Summers James, Vancouver " Mrs. H., restaurant, Vancouver Summerville F., bell boy, Vancouver " William, machinist, Moody ville Sumner James, farmer, Quamichan " William, bricklaj'er, Vancouver Sumners Francis, painter, Victoria " Miss F., dressmaker, Vancouver Sunderland Thos., carpenter, Victoria Sunnyside Hotel, Vancouver Supplier John, farmer. North Arm Surilon Henry, fruit dealer, Victoria Suter G., miner, Nanaimo " J. K., publisher. Mainland Guar« dian. New Westminster Sutherland C. E., sawyer, Vancouver " D., carpenter C.P.R., North Bend i Hi' : mm 23k HKNDSRSOM'S' BBITISR OOLVMBIA SUT TAT (( « 41 tt (( Sutherland D., miner, Nanaimo « D.f carpenter G.P.B., KamldOps D. W., school teacher, Mount Lehman Geo., saloon, Donald Gordon, foreman carpenter, Donald J., boilerraaker, Victoria John, carpenter, New West- minster John W., woolen mills, New Westminster Owen E., clerk, Vancouver W. G., conductor, Kamloops ;8utton — , carpenter, Vancouver " Alfred, carpenter, Cowichan James E., Cookkeeper, Cowichan Jos. M., bookkeeper, Blenabury S. W., Cowichan W., Cowichan " Wm. J., assiiyer, Victoria Swain A. E., miner, Nanaimo Swallwell Wm., farmer, Spailumchan ^wan August, bartender, Vancouver " Charles, Vancouver Edward, saloon, Vancouver Fred., laborer, Vancouver George, farmer, Maple Eidge Mies, boarding house, Victoria Philip, carpenter, Victoria Eobert, farmer, Denman Island Swanson Alfred, saloon, Vancouver " Charles L., clerk, Yale llenr}', farmer, Spallumcheen W., machinist, Victoria William, farmer, Nicola Valley " William, miner, Empire Ranch Swart John A., fanner, Pacelqua Sweenj' C, manager, Vancouver " Thomas, fire man, Kamloops Sweet Orison Davis, farmer, Rich- mond Sweetman Matthew, farmer. Chilli- whack Swenarton William, farmer, Cowichan Lake Swift Capt. Ed., Vancouver Switzer Arthur, laborer, Clinton (< (( (( SwitEor John, saloon, Victoria " & McMullan, hotelkeepors, Clin- ton Swinnarton Mrs., widow, Victoria " R. H., clerk, Victoria " Wm., brakeman, Victoria Sword Colin B., farmer, Matsqui *' Thomas, farmer. Park Farm Sydney Jno. H., farmer, Spallumcheen Sylvester Frank, bookkeeper, Victoria " Miss E. C, teacher, Macphersons Symons Charles, merchant tailor, Vancouver " Richard D., farmer, Comiaken Syson James, farmer. Maple Ridge T Tagart J.E.R., clerk V.C.Co., Nanaimo Taggart Wm. J., farmer, Shawuigan Taillion Julien, farmer. Bridge Creek Tailor Robt. H., farmer. Port Moodj' Tait C. M., missionary, Chilliwhack " & Guy, grocers, Vancouver " John,of Tait & Guy, Vancouver " John K., trader, Clinton Talcott E. W. , Vancouver Tarn Mark, carpenter, Vancouver Tamaree Thomas, logger, Moodyvillo Tanase Apotole,farmer,Par!son's Chan- nel, Surry Tanner J., checker, Vancouver " Stephen, laborer, Clinton Tapolla Louis, miner, Wellington Tappage Baptiste, laborer, Soda Creek Tappings W. J., confectioner, Victoria Tarlton Joseph, farmer, Quamichan TaschnerC. H., engineer, New West- minster Tasker William, farmer, South Arm Tassay Henry, butcher, Victoria Tate Edward A., stagedrivor, Clinton Tatlow R. G., real estate, Vancouver Tattersall's stables, Vancouver Tatton Isaac, boatman, Timbo Island ALPHABKTIOAL DIRBOTOBT. 233 TAY THO Taylor — , miner, Nanaimo «« Burton, carponter,N.Webtmin8ter " C, miner, jS'anaimo Chas., tailor, Victoria Christopher, Victoria 0. E., manager, Vancouver C. M., tailor, Victoria I), miner, Nanaimo Frank, cabinetmaker, Victoria Fredk,, merchant, Hope G., miner, Nanaimo G. H., cabinetmaker, NewWest- minster G. Y., carpenter, Vancouver George, pressman, Victoria Geo., miner, Wellington George, machinist, Vancouver George, oil dealer, Victoria George, farmer, Alberni George, farmer, Cec ar District H., cabinetmaker, New West- minster J., fireman, Donald J. R., carpenter, N. Wkstminster Jas., miner, Nanaimo James, blacksmith, Langley James E., watchman C.P.R snowsheds John, painter, New Westminster John, carpenter, Vancouver John, machinist, Vancouver John, farmer, 62 Mile Post John A.J shoemaker, Vancouver JohnW.,carriagecikr.,New West- minster Miss Ada, Vancouver R. N., druggist, Vancouver Thomas, logger, Moodyville W. J.jOf Eberts & Taylor,Victoria W. T., machinist, Vancouver William, logger, Moody ville William, carpenter, Vancouver Wm., miner, East Wellington Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wm. A., compositor, Victoria Wm. A., builder, Vancouver Wm. C., postmaster McCoy, Alberoi « (( (( (( (( (( « « « (( (( l( (( (< Taylor Wm. J., undertaker, Vancouver " William P., ensrineer, Yale Tays Alex., driver, Vancouver Tazawa M., lithographer, Victoria Teague F. W., secy Y.M.C.A.,Victori» " J. M., miner, Nanaimo " John, architect, Victoria John, jun., druggist, Victoria William, contractor, Yule Tearnev Jas.,saloon, New Westminster Teasdale Miss Annie, Victoria Tebbs Sam. A., gardener, Vancouver Tedwell — , Victoria Temperley Geo., miner, Nanaimo Temple Chas. Henry, fitter, Vancouver " John, bartender, Victoria " Sam., clerk, Victoria " William, laborer. Lake District Templeman Wm. M.,managing editor Tlie Times, Victoria Templeton W., grocer, Vancouver Tennant Robert, SUidgate Oil Co., Victoria Tepoorten Chas., machinist, Victoria •* Joseph, machinist, Victoria ♦* Julius, druggist, Victoria Terhune Arthur N., clerk, Vancouver Terry Charles L . , Victoria Tesch B. H., drygood8,N. Westminster Teywell Chas., hospital nurse, Donald Tatcher H., painter, Vancouver ** Oliver, painter, Vancouver ThainCap.M., harbormaster, Vancouver " Edwai'd, farmer, Shawnigan " Edward, agent, Victoria " Joseph T., mail clerk, Vancouver Thames Hy., miner, Nanaimo Thew John,engineer,NewWcstm i nste Thibodeau W. A., chief engineer, New Westminster Thirkill Thos., farmer. Lulu Island ThomasA.,hotelkeeper,Savona's Feny A. S., miner, Nanaimo Alfred, supt. Nanaimo Gas Co., Nanaimo Charles, teamster, Vancouver D., miner, Nanaimo Dav., miner, Nanaimo < « « ! i tl HI 1 . ? .*:)[| '( Ki:ti; ■ ,, .,|:- iM -r ^2311 !H«NDER80N'S BRITISH COLUMBIA THO THO ThoBMs Fredk., carpenter, Vancoaver «♦ <}., Jan., cigarniaker, Vancouver iSt^ een., carpenter, Vancouver George, farmer, Tandrige Hall, ^ South Saanich ^Oor.lV., shipwright, Vancouver Henry, Victoria .James, caretaker, Victoria •Jas., shinglemkr, Cedar District James, miner, Nanaimo Jamea A., bricklayer, Victoria John, laborer, Somonos Joho,<lriver, Victoria John, laborer, North Saanich John, farmer. Cedar District John, fireman, Welling^ton •Joseph, lamplighter. New West- tninster Xiouis, miner, Wellington J*ierce, laborer, Lake District Robert, farmer, Comox Rol>er'., farmer, Cushion Lake Sam., carpenter, Vancouver W. D-., minor, Nanaimo "Walter, mgr Gas Co., Vancouver Wm. M., farmer. Cedar Disl rict Wm. M., farmer, South Cedar District ^IThToropson — , jun., miner, Nanaimo " ..Adam, miner, Nanaimo Alex., farmer, Chilliwhack & Allison, conti-actoi-8, Vancou- ver Andrew, farmer, Chilliwhack Chas., ship carpenter, Victoria D. J., carpenter C.P.R., Donald 0., mill hand, Vancouver George, mill hand, Vancouver George, farmer, Port Moody J., baggageman, Vancouver J., blacksmith, Vancouver J., brakeman, Kamloops J. F., miner, Wellington James, miner, Wellington James, miner, Nanaimo James W., miner, Nanaimo John, miner, Wellington John, farmer, Okanagon tu •it u *.*t .-tl ■J*t It U ■ 41 ■ il -tl ■tl .-u Thompson John, watchman C.P.K., Bevelstoke John, miner, Nanaimo John, photographer, Vancouver John A., miner, Nanaimo Jonathan, miner, Nanaimo Joseph, farmer. Alder Grove Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Mrs. A., Victoria Malcolm, packer, Cache Creek Richard, teamster, Vancouver Robert, miner, Wellington Robert, farmer, Chilliwhack S., cai"penter, Vancouver S. J., photographer, New West- minster Samuel, miner, Wellington T., gunmaker, Victoria Thomas, carpenter, Vancouver Thomas, miner, Wellington "^homas, farmer, Sumas /., carpenter C.P.E., Donald W. H., livery, Nanaimo William, moulder, Victoria William, str Hope, Victoria William, miner, Nnoaimo William, laborer, Esqui malt William, farmer, Boundary Bay Thomson — , pilot, Victoria Alexander Cook, cai'riagemaker, Cedar Hill Alex., farmer. South Saanich Bros., stationers, Vancouver C. W. R., sec Vic. Gas Co., Vic- toria David, farmer, South Saanich E. J., po8tmaste,r and gen store, Mount Lehman Edwin, farmer, Boundary Bay G., M.P.P., Nanaimo George, saloon, Victoria Henry, carpenter, Victoria Henry J., Victoria Jas. W., teacher, North Saanich John A., engineer, Victoria . M., Victoria Melville P., stationer, Vancouver Rev. Robert Y., Vancouver (( (( It tl tl t( It II It (( (( (( It tt It It It tl tt It tt It tl tl It tt tl tt It tl II It tt tl It tt tt It n \ :; 'I ALPHABBTICAL DIBEOTORT. 235 THO « Thomson Rev. Thoma«G., VancouTer " Bichard, farmer, South Saanich « S. W., farmer, North Saanich Stuart C, mechanic, Vancouver T., factory hand, New West- minster Walter, farmer, South Saanich Wm., carpenter, Mount Lehman William, farmer, South Saanich William, clerk, Victoria Thoog William, miner, Nanaimo Thorourn G-., stableman, Vancouver " Robert, farmer, Langley Thorn A., blacksmith, Topazo Avenue " Edward, farmer, Okanagon Thorn ber Lawrence, farmer, New Westminster District Thorne Squire S., yeoman, Sumas Thornhill Richard, laborer, Victoria " William, farmer. Penny's Farm Thornton J., blacksmith, Vancouver " J. B., grocer, Vancouver Thrift H. T., stage prop, Clover Valley <' J,, mill hand, New Westminster Thurman Fred., miner, Nanaimo Tianks J. G., draughtsman, Victoria Tibb John, carpenter, Revelstoke Tiedman H. 0., architect, Victoria Tiernan H. W., V. S., Chillewhack TierneyJohn, drayman, Vancouver " Miss K., clerk P.O., Vancouver " W. T., bartender, Vancouver " William, contractor, Vancouver Tietjen William, cigarmaker, New Westminster Tiffin H. M , farmer. Lulu Island " John B., mill owner, Port Moody Tilden — , auctioneer, Vancouver " Fred. J., waiter, Vancouver Tilton C, wiper, Kamloops " E. G., miner, ULcillewaet " Edmund G., C.E., Victoria " Josiah C, farmer, Spallumcheen " Mrs. J. H., wid., Victoria " William, Illecillewaet Times Printing and Pub. Co., Victoria Timmons Robert, barber, Vancouver Tingley Alex., stage driver, Yale TOD Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARE & CO., , 0«n«Ntl 8«Ulog AgnU, 726 CRAIQ ST., ■ MONTRIAL . Tingley Stoven,8upt B.C. Ex, Ashcrolt Tinker George, hotelkoeper, Lillooet Tinkip J. D., carpet te»*, Cowichan Tinkiss J. D., carpenter, Vancouver *' R. Y., carpenter, Vancouver Tinkley J. W., miner, Nanaimo Tialine William, laborer, 42 Mile Post Tischner Herman C, engineer, New Westminster Tisdall Charles E., guns, Vancouver Tite Charles, painter, Victoria ** George, painter, Victoria " George, clerk, "V ictoria " Miss, clerk, Victoria Titley Charles, Vancouver Titmas Henry, mill hand, New West- minster " Samuel, farmer, Langley T. & L. cigar factory, Victoria Tobin Geo. R., mill hand, Port Moody Tod Isaac, stock raiser, Galiano Island " James, farmer. Spring Bank " James, farmer, Cedar Hill Todd Arthur, farmer, Quamichan C. F., merchant, Victoria Charles, Victoria J.H., & Son, merchants, Victoria J. H., & Son, canners, Lulu Island Jacob H., merchant, Victoria James, farmer. South Thomson James, farmer. Mud Bay Joseph, rancher, Kamloops Joseph, packer, South Thomson Joseph 0., farmer, Langley Miss E., clerk, Victoria Miss K., teacher, Victoria Robert, Morning Courier,Nanai- mo William, miner, Nanaimo (C (C (( (( (( (( (( , ,.,! :!■ i 'mi- - ( I! i \A : t M'j ^'^1^ " \ ■' I ,1 236 DENDERSON'b BRITISH COLUMBIA TOD TRO Todd Wm., tinner. New Westminster Toller Albert, notary, Victoria Tolley James, carpenter, Vancouver Tolliegh John, fish dealer, Victoria Tolmie A, J., saloon, New Westminster " Henry, Victoria " J. W., M.P. P., Victoria John, Victoria Eoderick F., clerk, Victoria Simon, Victoria William, Victoria Tomaso P., laborer, Vancouver Tomkius Thos., contractor, Vancouver Tomlinson G., carpenter C.P.R., Don- ald " Robert, minister, Metlakahtla " W., wiper, Eevelstoke Toney S., fireman, Victoria Toole John B., painter, Vancouver Toop Hector, butcher, Sumas " Samppon, stonemason, Sumas Topham Law. S., restaurant, "Victoria Topp yred. George, manager, Donald " F. J., monaerer, Donald Torkin Charles, miner, Savona's Ferry ToruroB C. A., foreman, Ross Peak Touet Philip, farmer. Lake District Towers Francis, farmer, Maple Ridge Towle David Upton, farmer, Langley *' George A., farmer, Langley " Wilson, farmer, Langley Towling R., miner, Nanaimo Towner Wm., farmer. North Saanich Townley J. !>., C.P.R., Vancouver " T. 0., barrister, New West- minster Towns Charles, Soda Creek Townsend H., fitter, Vancouver " Mrs., Victoria " Mrs. Mary, widow John J., Van- couver " Miss Susan, clerk, Victoria " W. B., butcher, New Westmins- ter Townsley Andrew, engineer, Victoria ** C, miner, Nanaimo " James, miner, Victoria Trabucatto Simon, Kamloops Trace John, teamster, Victoria Tracey John, miner, Nanaimo Trage Theodore, farmer, Fulford Har- bor Train — , shoemaker,New Westminster Trainor A., driver, Victoria *' A . C, grocer, Victoria Trapp T. J., & Co., hardware and auctioneers, New VVestrainstor Travis Augustus, blacksmith, Victoria " Mrs. Julia, widow Aug.,Victoria Treat — , painter, Victoria Tree Island Canning Co., Coquit- tam River Trefton Julius, farmer, Spallumcheert Tregarning William, Departure Bay Tregensa C. L. D., tallyman, Vancou- ver Trelaise Jasper, cabinetmaker, Yale Tremboth John, farmer. Maple Ridge Tremblay J , foreman, Harrison Tremble C, painter, Vancouver Treoler John, miner, Wellington Trepoorton Jos., machinist, Victoria Trethway Samuel, farmer, Nicomen Slough " James, miller and millwright, Matsqui " Joseph, farmer, Nicomen " Joseph, axeman, 12 Mile Post " Mrs., gen store, Johnson's Land- ing " Thomas, Field Trew Mrs. Charles, widow, New West- minster Triche George, waiter, Victoria Trickey J. N., agent C.P.R., Lyttoa " William, drayman, Victoria Trim Harry, lumberman, Jervis Inlet Trimen L. B., architect, Victoria Trimens — , architect, Esquimalt Road Trodden James, conductor, Vancouver Tromson Ed. J., farmer, Okanagon Mission Trotter John, trader, Eamloops Trounce Walter P., stock raiser, Kam- loops ., " Thomas, Victoria ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 23t TRO TYT carpenter, Priest's Troup Alfred, farmer, N. W. Bay TrudeW Hj., millhand, Nanaimo Trumper Joseph, miner, Nunaimo Troren Richard, tinner, Victoria " Mrs. H., widow, boarding house, Victoria Trutch John, land commissioner E. & N. By, Victoria " Hon. J. W., agent Dominion Government, Victoria Trythnll William, printer, Victoria Tuck Francis Herbert, barrister, Van- couver " Lee, car cleaner, Vancouver " Samuel P., C.E., Victoria Tucker A., miner, Nuruiimo Tiiulee Hiram, Valley TugwellThoH., Colonial hotel, Victoria Tumali E., miner, Nanaimo Tunan Wesley, carpenter, Vancouver Tunntih Bros., minern, Wellington Tunstall Geo. C, Nicola " James, bookkeeper, Kamloops " Simon T., M.D., C.P.fl. phy- I'ieian, Ksimloops Tupper Mrs. Bertha, v 'dow Samuel dressmaker, Victoria Turbett William, miner, Nanaimo Turpel Wm., ship c.rpenter, Victoria Turprenrnt Francois, stook raiser, Similkameen Valley Turnbull A., millhand. New West- minster " George, contractor. New West- minster " James, carpenter, New West- minster " Oliver, carpenter, Victoria " Eobt., sir Yosemite, Victoria '* W. H., stableman, Victoria " William, builder, Vancouver Turner — , painter, Victoria " Andrew, laborer, Vancouver " A. P., clerk, Victoria Archibald, Victoria , It li u Turner Beeton k Co., merchant", Vic- toria Charles, farmer, Chilliwhack D. G., glazier. New Westminster E., laborer, Vancouver * Frederick, farmer, Sooke F. G., clerk. Now Westminster Geo., surveyor. Mew Westmins- ter George, Vancouver J. A., ofT. B. & C(»., Victoria James, miner, Wellington John, Carpenter, Victoria John A., clerk H.B Co.,Kamloop8 Hon. J. H., Minister of Finance, Victoria John J., farmer, Mud Bay Mrs. A. F., music teacher,- Vic- tori a Mis. M. E., New Westminster Rev. James, D.D., Sicamouse Richard, farmer, Nicola River Turnstall James, miner, Nanaimo Turp M , miner, Nanuim* Tuttle GiitF, hotelkeeper, Yale Twan John Sandfurd, shoemaker, Soda Creek Twaj' John, farmer, Lake District Tweed Ed., miner, Nanaimo " Joseph, miner, Nanaimo Twenty man A., flour mill, Dog Creek Twiford Thomas L., architect, Van- couver Twigg George, Nanaimo ^ Twiss Edward D , Victoria Tye Thomas, of Matthew, Richards & Tye, Victoria Tyler Wm., Victoria Tylor Theodore, New Westminster Tyrell C, nurse, Donald Tyson A. M., merchant, Vancouver " James, tailor, Vancouver " James, tailor, Victoria ThoraaH, mechanic, Victoria Wm., Victoria Tytlor M. F., clerk, Kamloopi ■ll; ■ 1 1: ' 1 ■ i 238 HENDERSON'S BBITIBH COLUMBIA UDY VAW IJ TJdy Wm. S., carpenter Vancouver Ullman Joseph, inrc, Victoria XJnderbrink Henry, carriage builder, Victoria Underbill Mrs. Alice, widow Nelson, dressmaker, Victoria Underwood — , night watchman, Vic- toria Union Club, Victoria " Hotel, Vancouver " Mines, Comox Unterbink H.H., woodworker, Victoria Unwin George, upholsterer, Victoria " W. J., conductor, Karoloops " Walter, waiter, Victoria Upham Fred, checker, Vancouver Upper J. W., mesbenger Dom. Exp., Vancouver " Rufus K., bookkeeper. New West- minster Upton Miss Elizabeth, teacher, Van- couver Ure Charles, shoemoker, Victoria " James, clerk, Victoria " James, fireman, Victoria Uren James, hotelkeeper, Savona " James B., stock raiser, Savona Urquhart Alexander, farmer, Comox '* Bros., saw mill, Comox " Capt. Donald, Victoria " Capt., C.P.R. pilot, Vancouver " Harold, mill owner, Comox " Hugh, clerk, Vancouver " John, mill owner, Comox ♦• R., foreman, Donald " W., liquors, Vancouver " William, mason, Vancouver Urwin — , custom house, Victoria V Vader Wm. H., fanner, Clinton Vager Frank, minec, Nanaimo Vagne Thomas, miner, Wellington VagnoD Angelo, laborer, Donald (( (( Vagts John, cigarmaker, Victoria Vahle Fred., miner, Nanaimo Vaio John, merchant, Victoria " & Brooks, merchants, Victoria Vale James, tinsmith, Spence's Bridge Valpey Charles H., farmer, Chemainus Van Allman Albert, farmer, Saanicb Road ** Wm., farmer, Saanich Road Van Antwerp W., engineer, Donald " W. F., engineer, Donald Van Bramer James, steam boatings Moodyville Vance Bane, laborer, Vancouver Vancouver Brewery, Victoria Coal Mining & Land Co. (Lim),^ S. M. Robins, supt, Kanaimo Iron Works, Victoria Island Building Socy, Victoria Vandito Gabriel, laborer, Donald " Jhili, laborer, Donald Van Horst & Co., grocers, Victoria '* Frank, grocer, Victoria Van Houton Chas., druggist, Nanaimo- " Ernest McGregor, druggist,. Nanaimo " W., tinner, Nanaimo Van Novell Rov. John A., Victoria Van Valkenburg B., Victoria •* & Bro., butchers, Victoria, New Westminster & Vancouver Vannatta Wm.H., collector ofcuetome, Alder Grove Vanover Georgia, Victoria Vansickle Wm. L., Vancouver Vantreight John, land owner, Gordon Head V'are James, merchant, Kamloops Vasey Henry ,farmer, Nicomen Sioagb Vass David, New Westminster Vater A., miner, Wellington *' i., miner, Well ir 'ton H. A., miner, "W; .<ington Jones, miner, Wellington " W. H., miner, Wellington Vaughan J. L., helper, Donald Vaughn Wm., tailor, Victoria Vawdon Jas., miner, Nanaimo f V€ V€ ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 23» VEA WAD Veale Francis, farmer, Cedar District Veasey John, farmer, Bonaparte " John, jr., teamster, Yale '< Michael, farmer, Bonaparte " Patrick, teamster, Bonaparte Veddar Adam, steward, farmer, Sumas " Voikiert, farmer, Sumas Vegellius J., moulder, Victoria Veitch Wm., blacksmith, Victoria " Wm., farmer, Victoria Aim, C.H. Velatte John, merchant, Yale Vels George, cabinetmaker, Vancouver Wm., laborer, Spallumcheen Veneto Peter, miner, Wellington Venetta Wm. Henry, farmer, Langley Verdier Esteance, farmer, South Saa- nich *' Francis, logger. South Saanich " Stephen, teamster. South Saanicb Vergie Charles, farmer, Cliilliwhack " Chas. Wm., farmer, Cbilliwhack Vorenella Alex., miner. East Welling- ton Vermilyea John C, farmer, Lulu Is- land Vernon Chas,, Victoria " Charles A., farmer, Okanagon '* hon. Forbes George, Victoria Verrinder Robt. F., dentist, Victoria Verselle Louis, farmer, Okanagon Mis- sion Vertue Alfred, blacksmith, Victoria Vesperci Isidore, fiarmer, Dog Creek Yeyt*ey Chs. C, carriages, Vancouver Viawen W. H., fish and game. New Westminster Viehency Louis, laborer, Vancouver Vick S. C., jeweller, Eamloops Vickers Arthur, laborer, Vancouver " John W., miner, Nanaimo Vidler Albert, Victoria " Finch, painter, Victoria " Miss Marie, Victoria Viecanie Robert, laborer, Langley Vienna Antoine, barber, Victoria ** George, market, Victoria " Nicholiis, driver, Victoria Vigelius Louis, barber, Victoria lEATHEl! BELK ■f'!.n Juno. Craig and St. Antoine Stsi»^. MONTREAL. Vigor Mrs. M. A , fancy good-»,Vlcti>ria:;r, Vincent Francis, steamboat agt, Y,"al©.v " F. W., cashier, Victoria. ** Robert, carpenter, Vancouver Vine H., Victoria Vipond Arthur, machinist, Victoria*. " Geo., miner, Nanaima " George, jr, miner, Nunaimo Vishoot Itiaae, tailor, Vancouver Vivian Wm., painter, Vancouver Voght Wm., farmer, Nicola Valleys Vollans A., laborer, Vancouveir Vontrait Baptiste, farmer,. Shawniganj " Francis Xavier, fai'iner, Sbaw^ nigan Votre Peter, laborer, Marcott's fSwus*^ South Saanich Vowell Arthur W., gold coram ajul stipendary magistrate, Donald Voyce Mrs. M. G., cook, Victoria Vye A., car repairer, Revelstokib W Wackcr John, carpenter, Victoriar Wade A. E., fureman, Viclori»» " E'imond J., constable^ SuBrjp- Centre Francis E., gen store, JohR«»ii'ii^ Landing Fred., enifineor's staff, Ya)»- M. 8., M.D., Clinton Mathew Alfred, farmer, Albesaii P., brakeman, Vancouver Saml., painter, Ladner's Landing:;; " Samuel John, Surry Wnddels John, miner. East Wellingtea* Wadhams & Co., salmon cannsn^ Ladner's Landing r : 240 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA WAD WAL i Wadhams E. A., canner, Ladner's Wadman Rev. John W., Victoria Wadsworth Miss Jeanett, Victoria "Wagg Edwin, park keeper, Victoria " George, miner, Wellington " John Wm., painter, Victoria '* Miss Martha, domestic, Victoria Wagstaff Arthur, teamster, Kamloops Wain Henry, farmer, North Saanicti Waiscott Miss, milliner, Vancouver Waite David, bricklayer, Vancouver Waitt M. W., & Co., stationers and music store, Victoria " Wm., carpenter, Victoria Wako B. H., telegraph agent, Valdia Inland Wakestron John, carponter,Vancouver Walbey Arthur, bell boy, Victoria " Robert, bell boy, Victoria *' Wm. Ilenry, farmer, Victoria Wal(!man J,, turner, Vancouver Wale Miss A. M., teacher, Vancouver " Charles, farmer, North Saanich " George, plasterer, New West- minster District " Wm., farmer, Maple Ridge Walford Henry, farmer, Scott's Road Wallcem Hon. George Anthony, puisne judge, Kamloops " H. B., C.E., Vancouver " Hugh, B.A., Nicola Valley " W. W., surgeon E. W. C. Co., East Wellington Walker — , barrister, res Esquimalt Road " A., Victoria " AloDzo, turner, Donald '* A nzo E., wiper, Donald " C, laborer, Vancouver Charles, farmer, Chilli whack Chas., blacksmith, Vancouver Colville, blacksmith, Elgin Daniel, miner, Lome (!reek Donald,farmer, South Thompson Donald Grant, shipwright, Vic- toria Frs., farmer, kSouIL Thompson Frederick G., baiTister, Victoria G«oi^e, carpenter, Vancouver | ti i( It a It It t( t( (I (I K iC t( t( Walker Geo., Victoria *' George, porter, Vancouver " George, miner, Nanaimo " H. G., New Westminster '* Henry George, agent, Victoria " J., bartender, Vancouver J. C, carpenter. North Bend J. W., sergeant of p()lice,Victoria James, blacksmith, Victoria James, farmer, Bonaparte John, ftirmer, Cheam John, boatbuilder, Vancouver John Archibald, Victoria John Matthew, logger, Cedar District Miss Eliza, bdg house, Vancouver Miss Bessie, milliner, Victoria Mrs. Mar}', matron, Victoria R., miner, Nanaimo Richard, millhand, New West- minster Robt. H., blacksmith, Victoria Robert L., farmer, Bonaparte Sam., farmer, Kensington Prairie Samuel R., mariner, Victoria Thomas, farmer, Bonaparte Thomas, millhand, New West- minster W'-lter, coal dealer, Victoria W,.lter, manager, Victoria William, farmer, Bonaparte William, telegraph fgent, 108 Mile House W. J., & Co., NewWestminster Walkin John, boilermaker, Vancouver Walkins G., helper C.P.R., Kamloops Wall A , miner, Nanaimo BcMij., miner, East Wellington Edwin, clerk, Victoria Gilbert, carpenter, Victoria John, shoemaker, Victoria John, tailor, Victoria Mrs. H. L., Victoria N., foreman C.P.R , Donald Thos., hotelUeeper, Wellington W., carpenter C.P.R., Donald W. H., overseer machine shops V. C. Co., Nanaimo (C a t( ti (( It (t (t tt ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 241 WAL WAR Wallace — , mechanic, Victoria «' C. W., Victoria " Charles, clerk, Victoria " Charles W., clerk, Yale " George, blacksmith, Spallum- cheen " J., factory hand, New Wost- minnter « James, laborer, Clinton " Jas., miner, Nanaimo •' John, farmer, Cushion Lake " John, carpenter, Yale " R., foreman, Sicamouse " Robt., miner, Wellington '' S., miner, Nanaimo Wallenstein L.F., uphol.sttM-er, Victoria Waller Henry, clothing, Victoria " Henry Bartholomew, surveyor of lumber. Moody ville Walls Frank, cook, Vicioi-ia " II., millband, Victoria " J. P., barrister, Victoria Walsh — , engine turner, Kamloops " C, mason, Vancouver " D., baggageman, Kamloops " F., dentist. New Westminster " Isatic, dravman, Victoria " J., clerk il.B.Co., Nass Kiver " J. C, fireman, Donald *' J. E., hotclkeeper, Donald " J. 0., engineer, Donald " James, farmer. Cedar Hill '* John James, drayman, Victoria " Mrs., seamstress, Vancouver " Thos., tailor. New Westminster " Wm., merchant, Lytton Walsie W. S., laborer, Nicola Walson W., foreman C.P.R., Kamloops Walter Arthur, farmer, Vesuvius Bay " Edward, farmer, Vesuvius Bay " Mari'us, laborer, Lake District Walters F,, millhand, Vancouver " Fred., cook, Victoria " John Thomas, farmer, Spallum- cheen Walther Henry, student, Victoria " Mrs. Mary Ann, wid Henry, Victoria it il u (( a u (( Waltcm hon. justice Geo. Anthony, judge Clinton judicial district and count}' of Yale, Kamloops Wam«(ley William, New Westminster Wannacott John, machinist, NowWest- minster Wantsberg F., miner, Nanaimo Warburton H. H., clerk P.O., Victoria Ward Arthur, clerk, Victoria Charles, upholsterer, Victoria Charles, baker, Victoria J., brakeman, Vancouver J. B., fruits, Nanaimo James H3',, farmer, Chilliwhack .lohn, farmer, Alder Grove John, gi'otev, Vietoiia Jolm William, baggageinaster, Victoria Capt. L. II., Nanaimo Osten, blacksmith, Foi-t Simpson R, II., Albion hotel, Victoria Robert, mei'chat)t, Victoria William C, managei-, Victoria VV^ardell James, merchiint, Hope Wardill C, miner, Nanaimo Wanlle James, postmaster and mer- chant, Hope Wares Campbell, laborer, Yale Waring W., miner, Nanaimo Wark /Vllan, operator, New West- minster " Charles, painter, Victoria " Henry, manager, Langlcy " J, M.^ Victoria " John H., clerk, Victoria AVarner Ed., waiter, Vancouver " J. IL, Victoria Warren A., eny;inoer, Victoria Chas., mason, Vancouver Charles T., Victoria Capt. James Douglass, Victoria K. H., clerk, Victoria Thomas, laborer, Vancouver Warrick George, clerk. New West- minster Warrington Frank H., seaman.Victoria Warton George, blacksmith, NewWest- minster « ill II ' I 1 . ' ■• ;■■ t ■1 ir' » .-:;;!: : I ■ <m it p. i. ft! Wl 242 HENDERSON S BaiTTSH COLUMBIA WAR WED Warwick C, New Westminster ** George, New Westminster Wasley Sttmuel, stock rHi>er, Minnie Lake Watch Geo., fiirmer, North-West Bay Waterman Charles, engineer, Victoria " F. •!.. fruits, Vancouver Waters A. W., clerk, Vancouver " Wm., miner, Nanaimo " "William, farmer, Quamichan " Willisim. compositor, Vancouver Waterson H. G., job pririter, Victoiia Watkins D., carpenter, Donald " Henry, bnlcber, Victoria John, cigar maker, Nanaimo Mrs. M., widjobn, Victoria K., liotelkeeper, Nanaimo William, bricklayer, Vancouver Watkinson Jos., liumer, Fosters Bar Watmore E., asst roadmaster, Kam- loops Watson Alex., ship carpenter, Victoria (( {( « « (( (( It u « « « (( <( « « t( « And., minei', Nanaimo Ai'thur John, farmer, Mew West- minster District Ed. Jesse, farmer, Okanagon Geo., millhand. New Westminster George, plumber, Victoria Geoige, teamster, Bo:;aparte George, minor, Wellington J., phuto^rapher, Vancouver J., opoiator, Salmon Arm J., miner, Niinaimo J. J., farmer, Tranquillo James, carpenter, Obcmainus John, mason, Vancouver Jno., miner, Nanaimo John, farmer, Somenos Joseph, hospital steward,Nanaimo Joseph, boilermaker, Vancouver MissJiizzic, artist, Victoria Mrs. Mary, wid Adam, Victoria !H., miner, Nanaimo liobert, stonecutter, Vancouver Robert, farmer, Langley S., .eman, Vancouver Thomas Frank, clerk, Vancouver Thomas, farmer, Langloy Watson Thomas, machinist, Victoria •* W., jun., miner, Nanaimo " Wm., patternmaker, Victoria " Wm., moulder, Victoria " Wm. H., book keeper, Vancouver Watt John, miner, Nanaimo • '« M., jun., farmer, Den man Island *» M., sen., farmer, Denman Island Watton G. B., Victoria ** John, farmer, Nicola Lake Watts A., foreman C.P.R., Donald " Thomas Owen, Victoria " W., deckhand, Vancouver Waugh J., bartender, Vancouver Weaver F,, carpenter, Vancouver (( Jacob, mason, Vancouver Mrs. Lu«'3'. wid Sam., Vancouver Webb Horatio, dairyman, Chilliwback " John II., mariner, Victoria •* Moses, bartender, Wellington " N. A., barber, Vancouver " S. H., gunsmith, N. Westminster " W. Fj., baker, Nanaimo Webber — , clerk, Victoria " August, stableman, Victoria ** D. C, gardener, P()rt Hammond " John, laborer, Colquitz Farm, Lake District Weber David C., farmer. Maple Ridge " Geo., barkeeper, Victoria Webster Chas., miner, Wellington " Fred., machinist, Vancouver " George, lumberman, Harrison River Geo., landing waiter, Vancouver J., miner, Nanaimo J. A., Now Westminster J. G., checker, Vancouver James, minor. East Wellington James M., farmer. Port Hanev John Alfred, New Westminster T. G., clerk, Victoria W. J., conductor, Kamloops Wm., mirier, Nanaimo Wm., agent, Vancouver " Wm., compositor, Vancouver Wedd 1« Roliert, farmer, Somenos " Wm. 8., farmer, SomenoB i« a ' 'la X iver ind and iver ack ster ond rm, dge son ver ar ALPHABKTIOAL DIRECTOBT. 24a> WEB WHA Weed Guy C, agent, Vancouver Weeks — , Victoria '• Geo., clerk, Vancouver " John, miner. Nana! mo Woiler Chas., upholsterer, Victoria " George, foreman, Victoria " John, merchant, Victoria " Joseph, clerk, Victoi'ia <' Otto, clerk, Victoria Weir John, farmer, Nanoose Weiser John, laborer, Victoria Welch George, millhand, Vancouver *' James, trader, Nass River " Kithet & Co.,merchant9, Victoria Weldon F. W., conductor, Victoria Welland Gustas, cigarmaker, Victoria Wellburn Harry Otswald, farmer, Quamichan Lake " H. G., J. P., government agent, Maple Buy " H. O., prov govt agent, Qua- michan Wellington Colliery, R. Dunsmuir & Sons, Wellington " Packing Co., salmon canners, Ladner's Landing Wells AllanCasey,yoeman,Chilliwhack " David, dairyman, Chilliwhack ♦* F. B., timekeeper, Rovelstoke Fargo & Co., express, Victoria Fred., Golden John, jSreman, Chilliwhack Joshua Willard, farmer, Mission Welsh A. F. Ernest, bookkeeper, Van- couver Geo., karnessmaker, Ktimloops James, moulder, Victoria John, saloon, Victoria Miss K., dressmaker, Vancouver Patrick, farmer, Saaiiich Road " Thomas, blacksmith, New West- minster " Thos., yardman, Vancouver " Thos. Herbert, clerk, Vancouver Wenborn Fred., laborer, Nana! roo R. J., machinist, Nanaimo Wm., butcher, Nanaimo Wenger Chris., watchmaker, Victoria i( (t « (C AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, lustra- mentB and Supplies of every ditscriptiun. (See advt. page 6.) Wenger John, watchmaker, Victoria Wenlah Benj. Jacob, logger, Burrard In lot Wenn M., barber, Victoria Wentworth Charles, plasterer, Victoria Worrell — , miner, Nanaimo Wescott Alfred E., Victoria " S. J., plasterer, Mount Lehman " VVilfred Scott, contractor, Van- couver Wesley — , tinner. New Westminster Wessell John, farmer, Pender Island West A. C, dentist, Victoria B. H., shoemaker, Victoria G. B., brakeman, Vancouver G. n., carpenter, Victoria Horace, clerk, New Wostminster J. Horace, contractor, Vancouver Jules, Victoria T., yardman, Revelstoke Westermark Oscar, farmer, South Arm Westmorland Robt , miner, We! lingtoa Weston Wni., farmer, Galiano Island " W., carpenter C.P.R., Donald Westwood Benjamin Ira, farmer, Mountain District Benj., miner, East Wellington C N., farmer. Mountain District Cyril Cicero, Mountain District D. H., farmer. Mountain District George Wilfred John, farmer^ Mountaia District Joseph, miner, East Wellington Milton, miner. East Wellington M .C.T.,farmer,MountainDi8trict Novella, miner. East Wellington W. J., gen store, Bast Wellington Whalem Bro. Wm., O.M.I., New West- minster (I u << (( iC t< (( (( (( (( (( (< i i ■■;! ! 1 J 1 ; i ! 1 :■ i:! ^ mm f-.: I): iiv b tu HENDERSON'S BRITISH l ^MBTA WHA WHI Wharton C, tinsmith, Vancouver Wheeler John, miner, Boston Bar " Mark, farmer, Chilliwhack « W. H., Victoria "Wheeling T., car repairer, Vancouver Wheetley A. J., carpenter, Vancouver Whelan George, farmer and miner, Okanagon Mission " Eobert, mason, Victoria Whcthara Dr. James, Vancouver Whetstone Abraham, fruit**, Victoria Whims Wm., farmer, Fuifortl Hiirbor Whipple Thomas, Vancouver " Thomas, farmer, Brownsville Whitchurch Albert James,lumberman, Harrison River Whitcom — , hoilermjiker, Victoria W^iii'.e B. G., barlcnclei-, Victoria Edward, tailor, Karn loops Francis, farmer, Clover Valley Francis, farmer, Siirry Centre Fred., mill hand, Vancouver Edward, merchant, Vancouver G. T., miner, Nanaimo G. W., miner, Cherry Creek George, farmer, Clover Valley George, messenger, Victoria H., mill hand, Vancouver Head Geo., min<ir. Nana! mo Herbert, assistant P. M., Donald James, farmer, Barnston Island James, quarrjman.Miicphersons James, boilerniaker, Vancouver James, shoemaker, Vancouver James Ed., clothing, Victoria John, miner, East Wellington John, quarryman, Macpher.sons Joseph, boilermaker, Vancouver Oscar, miner, Narunmo Parker, farmer, Cedar District Bev. James H., New VVesst- minster Robert, blacksmith, Yale . Robert, Victoria Samuel, hurnessmaker, Victoria Steve, engineer, Kam loops Swan hotel, Vancouver T., miner, Wellington a « (i (i ^i (( <( i( <( i( u a if It u u <( u White Thomas H., C.E., Yale " William, farmer. North Saanich " William, saloon, Victoria " William, cook, Vancouver Whiteford David, laborer, Nicola Whitehead And., laborer, Vancouver " John M., secretary, Vancouver Whitelaw John, hotelkeeper, Victoria Whitelock James, farmer, Fernest Farm, V. D. Whitely W. H., fisherman, Victoria Whltemouth Isaac, mill hand, New Westminster Whiteside Daniel, messenger, New Westminster " W. J., student. Now Westminster " W. S , farmer, Surry Centre AVhitesidcs J., watchman, Kamloops Whiteway Robert Chesehbye, Yale Whitfield Bros., meichants, Nanainio " Chas., holelkeeper, Shuswap Cosman, tinware, Vancouver Goo., merchant, Nanaimo " John, shoemaker, Victoria '* John, miner, Nanaimo " Raiidolf, merchant, Nanaimo W^hitham J. W., stoker, Ksquimalt Whitlaw Mrs. K. (estate), Victoria Whitley Miss Martha, housemaid, Victoria " Stephen, Victoria Whitmarsh Wm., bartender, Victoria Whitney J., laborer, Vancouver Whittaker George, painter, Vancouver " H., mill hand. New Westminster " H. A., teamster, Yale " Hy. A., blacksmith. Port Moody James, woodman, Revelstoke Mrs. Mary, widow, Victoria Sam., Victoria " William, barber, Victoria " William H., student, Victoria Whittot C, carpenter, Victoria Whittior Anson !>., Victoria " C. K., barber, Vancouver ** E., Victoria Whittington Ernest, carpenter, Vic- toria i 1 fit < ' ALPHABETICAL DIBECTORT. 245 WHI WIL Whitwell Thomas, porter, Victoria Whitworth Edwin, engineer, Van- couver " Miss, tailorosH, Vancouver Whyraan Edward, gardener. New Westminster "VVhyte Alex., carpenter, Victoria " Stephen, turner, Eevolstoko " Thos. Wm., farmer. North Arm " William, acoountnnt, Victoria Whytock Louis, foreman, Vancouver Wiby D. B., C.E., building inspector C.P.R., Donald Wickenden C. 0., architect, Vancouver Wickens Arthur, foreman, Victoria Wickzer J., miner, Nanaimo Widdowson Fred., mill hand, Victoria Wiegand Chas. W., clerk, Vancouver Wienard Louis, cook, Victoria WiesB Jacob, turner, Vancouver Wiffins Charles Sidney, farmer, Lake Dibirict " Charles Sidney, Victoria " Herbert, farmer. Lake District " Sidney W., clerk, Vancouver ** William Sidney, farmer, Lake District Wiggins Arthur, farmer, Pavilion Creek " Johj), guard B.C.?., New West- mi nnter " Thomas, gardener, New West- minster Wilband John T., contractor, Van- couver Wilberg Borgus, cigarmaker, New Westminster Wilby George, painter, Victoria " James, painter, Victoria *• Mrs. B. A., widow Henry Ed., Victoria " William, clerk, Victoria Wilcocks C, clerk, Vancouver Wilcox Fred., laborer C.P.R., Donald " Harry, bottler, Vancouver " James, merchant, Nanaimo " Joseph, waiter, Victoria Robert Ralph, farmer, Gomox u Wilcox Solan, New Westminster Wilder Daniel Sanford, farmer, Chilli< whack Wildman A. V., fruits, Vancouver Wilds Afred, carpenter, Vancouver Wiley D. B., tiro inspector C.P.R., Donald Wilford Frank, waiter, Victoria Wilgress H. T., paymaster, Vancouver Wilkerson John, miner, Nanaimo ** Wm., miner, Nanaimo Wilkes Chas., well driver, Victoria " Chas., machinist, Victoria Wilkie August, farmer, Spailumcheeit " H., factory hand. New West- minster " Walter, clerk, New Westminster Wilkins George, farmer, Lulu Island^ Richmond Mntiicipality ** J. B., painter, Victoria Wilkinson Ed., farmer, Lake District " Hugh, chopper, Port Moody " Michtiel B., clerk, Vancouver " Richiird, farmer, Mount Lohmao " Richard, farmer, Lake District Will William, farmer, Sumas Willemar Jules F. Xavier, clergyman^ Com ox WilliamH Alex., farmer, Derby Alfred, laborer, Lower Fruser Alfred, farmer, Cowichan Alfred, carpenter and builder^ Port Moody Alf , teamster, Victoria Alf. Aug., foreman, Moodyville A. C, fireman, Kamloops Alfred W., fireman, Vancouver Alfred W., farmer, English Bluff B., & Co., clothing, Victoria Bros., land agents, Vancouver C, mill hand, Vancouver C. E., rancher, Shuswap Lake Chas., clerk, Nanaimo Chas., hotelkeeper, Esquimalt Dav., miner, Nanaimo David Bethune, Victoria David, clergyman, Comoz Dav. I.^ miner, Nana! ma (< <( It ii (( (( <( (( tt h r,>'i .' it, ! :!' i) -r >!■ 246 HENDERSON'S BBITISH COLUMBIA WIL WIL Williams E. A., Victoria •' Ed., engineer, Wellington " Edward, laborer, Bontiparte " Edward, moulder, Victoria ** Emanuel, fruits, New West- minster *' Edwin C, packer, Eamloops " Frank, miner, Xanaimo ** Frederick, farmer, English Bluff *' Frederick, clerk, Victoria ** G., dep coll I. R. dept, Victoria ** George, miner, Wellington " George, blacksmith, Georgetown "" H. H., keeper B.C. A., New West- minster *' Harket H., farmer, New West- minster District ^* J. B., tobaccos, Vancouver *' J. H., artificer, EHquimalt " J. L., cabinetmaker, Vancouver ■** J. W., oven builder, Victoria " J. W., boatman, Esquimalt *' J. Z., miner, Nanaimo " James, laundry, Esquimalt " James, Vancouver " James H,, miner, Nanaimo ^' John, farmer, Somenos ** John, laborer, Moodyville " John, laborer, Big Bar *' John, brewery, Vancouver " John, miner, Nanaimo *' John, farmer, English Bluff " John R., miller, Clinton ^' John T., of Williams Bros., Van- couver *' John W., farmer, Okanagon Mission " . John W., farmer, South Arm " Joseph, fanner, Somenos " Justus, carjieuter, Victoria *' Lorenzo 1)., carpenter, Sumas " Miss Catherine, Victoria " Miss Francis, domestic, Victoria *' Miss Julia, dressmaker, Victoria " Miss Maud, New Westmingter " Mrs., wid J.W., Victoria *' Nelson, miner, Nanaimo *^ a., miner, Nanaimo « <( « « « (( (( « « Williams R. T., bookbinder, Victoria Robert, M.A., Victoria Robert, farmer, Chilliwhack S., watchman, MisMion S., of Williams Bros., Vancouver Thomas, miner, Lome Creek Thomas, carpenter, Victoria Thomas, miner, Nanaimo Thomas, farmer, Canoe Pass Thomas J., farmer, Quamichan W., brakeman, Eamloops W. M., farmer, Burgoyne Bay W. T., clerk, Victoria William, mason, Victoria " William, miner, Nanaimo " Wm. H., farmer. North Saanich Williamson Powell, cabinetmaker, Vancouver W., bridge watchman, Surprise Creek W. A., tinsmith, Vancouver W. K., expressman, Vancouver Willing George, cook, Victoria Willir Louis, merchant, Victoria Willis — , farmer, Craigellachie " Chris., helper C.P.R., Donald Frank, carpenter, Victoria Mrs. M. A., dressmaker, Van- couver T., miner, Nanaimo W., mill hand. New Westminster Williscroft G., mill owner, Georgetown " Walter, survej-or, Georgetown Willits Henry, millhand, Nanaimo Willner Otto, carpenter, Victoria Wi I lough by Jas., carpenter, Victoria Wilmot J. A., bartender, Vancouver Wilson A., merchant, Vancouver " A. & W., plumbers, Victoria Alexander, merchant, Victoria Alex., farmer, Burgoyne Bay Alf., gardener, New Wettminster Ami I, laborer, Vancouver Arthur, miner, Nanaimo Bros., foundry, Victoria C, tinsmith, Vancouver C.H., of Wilson Bros., Victoria Charles, farmer, Sumas « u u (t (I (( (( « Vfi 1 * 1'/ ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 247 WIL WIN <( (( 4i u (( (( 41 U « <( 41 (I 4( II H ^Wilson Gharlen, clerk Colonial hotel, New Westminster •' Charles, barrister, Victoria Charles, farmer, Port Moody Charles, miner, Nanaimo Charles, tinsmith, Vancouver Dan., miner, Nanaimo David, B. A. inspector, Victoria E., foreman, Hammond George, teamster, Bonn parte George, miner, East Wellington George I. , dry goods, Vancouver Geo. W. F., taxidermist, Hope H. G., clerk, Victoria Howard, plumber, Victoria Hugh A., chief operator, New Westminster Ira, ploughman, Cadboro Bay, J. Camp., pressman, Vancouver J. F., Victoria J. K., accountant, Victoria J. T., bookkeeper, Donald J. T., patternmaker, Victoria James, laborer, Shawnigan James, farmer, Lake District Jas., railway foreman, Cowichan James, miner, Wellington James, blacksmith, Vancouver James, farmer, ToyCottage, Brownvilie James, miner, Nanaimo James, supt C.P.E. telegraph. New Westminster James J., farmer, Maple Ridge John, laborer, Jackass Mountain John, laborer, Nicola Valley John, miner, Nanaimo John, farmer, Thompson River John, farmer, Gabriola Island John T., baker, Victoria John W., carpenter, Victoria Joseph, miner, Lome Creek Joseph, merchant, Victoria Joseph E., clerk, Victoria Joseph Henry, Victoria Joshua, farmer. Port Moody Keath, Victoria (( - j^isriD- WOOIM HILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Wilson Lyman, sawyer, Victoria Major John, merchant, Victoria Miss Ellen, seamstress, Victoria Miss Minnie, clerk, Victoria Mrs. B. H., wid Ben., Vancouver Mrs. Mary, widow, Victoria P., builder, Victoria P., carpenter, Edmonton Road Pearce, bookkeeper, Victoria R., foreman, Hammond R., carpenter, New Westminster Robert, carpenter, Spallumcheea Ruther, clerk, Victoria Sidney, clerk, Victoria T. F., of Wilson Bros., Victo.'.a Thomas, plumber, Victoria Thomas, miner, Nannimo Thomas, musician, Victoria & Townley, nursery, Vancouver Walter, hardware, Nanaimo Wm., supt Nicola M. & M. Co., Rockford William, merchant, Victoria William, clerk, Victoria W. A., merchant, Vancouver W. C, apprentice, Victoria W. R., architect, Victoria W. Ridgway, Victoria Wm., clerk P. G., Vancouver " Wm. Boll, New Westminster Wiltshard E., farmer, Clover Valley Wiltshire E., farmer, Surry Centre Winan George, lather, Vancouver « (( (( (t <( (( « (( (( <( (( <( (C (( (C (( (( ;( (( Winch Frank K. carriage manufac- (( turer, Vancouver Richard V., fruits, Vancouver Windebank Hy., carpenter, Vancouver Wiudeburg G., laborer, Vancouver m ' ti •!-i:: 248 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA •;' WIN WOO « « t( WindHor Caleb, packer of canned goodn, New Went minster Canning Co.,H. SaunderN, agent, Victoria Chae. Sam., grocer, Vancouver Ernest H., painter, New West- minster Geo., clerk, New Westminster Hotel, Victoria Thos., jun., laborer, Chemainus Thof. P., farmer, Chemainus '* Wm., clerk P.O., Vancouver Winger C, watchmaker, Victoria " John, fur dresser, Victoria " John, watchman, Victoria " JohnW.,teamster,N Westminster Wingfield Wm. Hy . , grocer, Victoria Wink Hichard, miner. East Wellington; W^inkleFiuderick, laborer, Victoria Winlaw G., yardman, Vancouver " T., brakeman, Vancouver Winn F. W., millhand, N Westminster Winsby Wm., cabinet maker, Victoria Winstine Walter, cook, Victoria Winter George, hackman, Victoria Winterhalter C. W., painter, Victoria Wintermute A. B., boots and shoes. New Westminster " Bros., cabinet makers, New Westminster John, New Westminster Joseph, New Westminster " Joseph Smith, carpenter and builder, New Wes^tminster *' Robert, New Westminster Winters F., watchman, Sponce's Bridge John, waiter, New Westminster B. K., barber, Vancouver W. H., operator, N Westminster Wise Arthur, driver, New Westminster " Capt. Frank W., warfinger. New "Westminster " Charles, factory hand, NewWest- minster J., merchant, New Westminster J. M., livery stable, New West- minster « (( t( Wise James, teamster, Vancouver " John, compositor, Vancouver " W., farmer. New Wei>*t minster " William, biackHmith, Vancouver Wiseman R., carpenter, Victoria Wiss Frank, wood and coal,Vjmcouvor Wi8tanceMis8Mary,dome8tic,Victoriu Witchers Herman, farmer, Spallum- cheen Withers W. B., rock measurer, Lytton Withey Peter, laborer, Saanich Road Witkinson Harry, butcher, Wellington Witchurch Wm., miner, Wellington Withrow David, builder, Victoria Witmeyer W., brewer, Vancouver Wittie Lewis, cigarmaker, New West- min.ster WokannyGeo., mill hand, Vancouver Woke B. Hugh, farmer, Valdes Island Wolf John, scavenger, Vancouver Wolfe Marcus, merchant, Nanaimo " Peter, Victoria Wolfenden Ar. Rich., clerk, Victoria •' F. C, law student, Victoria G., grocer. New Westminster Miss Nellie, teacher, Victoria '* Richard, govt printer, Victoria " W., grocer. Now Westminster Wolfer Jos., laborer, Vancouver Wolseley L., carpenter C.P R., Donald Wonacott James, finisher, Victoria Wonnacott George B., clerk, Kamloops Wood A. N., blacksmith, Victoria " Albert Ed., turner, Vancouver " B.L., hotelkeeper, Vancouver C. A., clerk. New Westminster C. D., miner, Illecillewaet & Campbell, gen store and ranch- ers, Spence's Bridge & Charlton, books and stationery, Vancouver E.Stuart, school teacher,Someno* Edwin Henry, miner, Okanagon James, farmer. Big Bar James H., farmer. Big Bar Jerome, bartender, Victoria John, of Wood & Campbell, Spence's Bridge u i( IC ft (( (C if|| ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 2m woo WOR (( <( Wood John, farmer, Cache Creek " B. 0., laborer, Vancouver Bobert, trader, Spallumcheon Tho8., farmer, Okunagon M-ission Tho8. E., clerk, Victoria W. A., telegraph agent, Duncans W. F., manager, Kamloops W. H., foreman, Victoria Wm. E., of Wood & Charlton, Vancouver " Wm. Hy., carpenter, Vancouver Woodaman Thos. F., blacksmith, Van- couver Woodard H. W., woodsman, Point Grev Woodbank Benjamin, miner, Nanaimo " George, miner, Nanaimo " J., miner, Nanaimo Woodburn Moses, miner, Nanaimo " Peter, miner, Nanaimo Woodhouse Alfred, fitter, Donald Woodland James, butcher, Kamloops " John, butcher, Kamloops Woodman W., miner, Nanaimo Woodrington Miss, bookkeeper,Benver Woodrow John C, butcher, Vancouver Woodruff E., mason, Victoria " George, farmer, Shawnigan Woods — , blacksraith, Victoria " & Campbell, merchants, Spenoe's Bridge «' Chas T., ven archdeacon. New Westminster Christopher, farmer, North Arm E. E., surveyor, N Westminster E. M. N., law student, New Westminster H., carpenter, Vancouver Hy., mason's laborer, Esquimalt Jeremiah W., farmer, Lillooet John G., manager, Vancouver P., printer, Kamloops (( a Miss E. H., teacher, Victoria R. J., mgr L. Guichon, Ladner's Landing Bich.E., Missionary,Kitswingah Eobt , axeman, Lytton Sam., conductor, Kamloops U WoodsSilas P., laborer, Lytton *• Turner & Gamble, Now Westr. minwter Woodside Robert, clerk, Soda Creek Woodward Ar., carpenter, Victoria . '* Cnbob, fanner, Chilliwliaek " Dan., butcher. Lulu Ireland •* Henry, farmer, Nicola River Henry, Victoria Her.ry H., farmer, Nicola Rivcar- John, gardener, Yale John, farmer. Mud Bay M. H., farmer, Nicola River Nathan, carpenter, SouthArn*. , Thomas, farmer, Nicola River W., boat builder, Ladner's LandB- ing AV^ilHam, farmer. Mud Bay W. H., watchman C.P.R. snow- sheds Woodworth Geo. E., chief operatw^ New Westminster " James, Vancouver " Jas. H., & Co., coal and woo^ Vancouver Woolard John, farmer, North Arm Fraser River Woolcock James, clerk, Victoria Wooldridge T. E., rodman, l^onyl^ WooUacott Philip, j.ilor, Victoria Wootton Edward Ernest^barrister^Vibk- toria " Henry H., clerk, Victoria " MrH. Eliza, wid Henry, Victorm *' Thomas, clerk, Vancouver Work James, carpenter, WolUngtoa " Mrs., widow, Victoria Working John, carpenter, New Wesi> minster Workman A., guard, Victoria " A., compositor, Victoria " Miss, clerk, Victoria World Publishing Co., Vancouver Worlock Frederick H. Aramett, Vio- toria Worrenn Thomas, baker, Victoria Worsfold Outhbert C.^ draughtsm^i^ Victoria I I i i.t H ■1 1 11 .^v ; ■ 1 .;:• • 1 '/ '!' V. h' ■' "I"- i '■ y v'M ■f \:P ;■■■ :-| • , il' Henderson's British Columbia WOR YOU ' lWroi«ftJld Jas. K., auditor, Victoria IS^orwnoipsCapt. Chas. A.,clork, Van- Hcouver ^Worth ^Franlc, Victoria *• "F.,"millliand, New Westminster "W<wndy R., laborer, Vancouver 'WcwitlerK Frank, seaman, Victoria Wrerte Sernbart, saloon, Vancouver W^ren KUiristopher, farmer, Burton's Prairie ■ *' -John, photographer. New West- •miTi..4er ■■*' John B., fanner, Matsquia "Wriggle^worth Joseph, merchant, Vic- toria ••< *XThar!e8, clerk, Victoria "Wright -Alfi'ed "W., fruits, provisions, Vancouver Senjamin, messenger, Yale '©an., miner, Nanaimo JFroderiok, bricklayer, Victoria FW., "Victoria «G., waiter C.P.R., North Bend ■G., watchman, Spuzzum -G. BL, general store, Revelstoke ►G. B.. mine owner, Rockfoi-d '31.. H., clerk, Vancouver Henry W., farmer, Spall umcheen J., conductor, Kjimloops . ..L W., printer, Vancouver .VJjrmes, conductor, Kam loops James, eonductor, Donald & Jamieson, brewery, New West- minster John, woodman, North Bend John, farmer, 127 Mile House John, miner, Piast Wellington Leonard 0., cleric, Victoria Ijyman, brewer, Kew Westmins- ter Hiss Kate, bdg house, Victoria Mrs. O. B., Victoria Mrs.F. W., dressmaker, Victoria N. W., carpenter C.P.R, Donald E. W.,merchant, Vancouver Robert, farmer, Boundary Bay Robert, fisherman, Galiano Island William, steward, Victoria - u ■ •u ■'Hi • Ut irxt >.<M (( U •■iC u Wright Wm., bdg house, Esquiniialt Wulffsohn Johann, Vancouver Wyatt W., factory hanf*.. New West- minster Wycott Wro. W., farmer, Chilcoten Wyld Ernest A., toller, Victoria V/ylde Charles, broker, Victoria" Wj'^lie — , bookkeeper, Victoria ♦* John, miner, Nanaimo " W., machinist, Victoria' Wylly C. G., average adjuster, Vic- toria Wyn C. W., barber, Victoria Wynn T. G., policeman, Vancouver Wynne George W., salesman, Victoria Yacama Jos., cowboy, Kamloops Yarker — , Vancouver Yates Ben., miner, Nanaimo ** H., farmer, Victoria " Harry, checker, Vancouver " Henry M., bookkeeper, Van- couver Henry Myers, farmer, Craigielee Farm, Gorge Eoad & Jay, barristers, Viv^toria James, miner, Nanaimo Jas. Stuart, barrister, Victoria Eobert, farmer. Den man Island " William, accountant, Yale Yearxa Abram, blacksmith, Cache Cre^k Ye^'iler Alphonso, laborer C.P.R Donald ' Yeomans Charles, farmer, Langley " John, farmer, Langley " Richard Stephen, farmer. New Westminster District Youll S., cook C.P.R., Young Alexander S., contractor, Hope " B, miner, Nanaimo Ben., Canoe Pass C. N., clerk, Departure Bay C. A., farmer, Harrison River Charles T., farmer, Chilliwhack (t (( (( (( —4^^ T ^' ALPHABETICAL DIRE(5T0RT. 251 YOU ZOB Young David Freeman, farmer,Quam- ichan Ellis, millhand, Vancouver Prank, mei-chant, Vancouver ! Franklin B., farmer, Spallum- cheen Fred P., machinist, Victoria i Henry, keeper B.C.A., New "Westminater Henry, farmer, South Saanich Henry, merchant, Victoria | Henry B., merchant, Victoria Henry & Co., dry goods, Victoria; J. H., messenger Dom. Exp.,, Vancouver J. 0., blacksmith,Victoria James, salesman, Nanaimo John, miner, Nanaimo , John L., farmer, Lake District L., baker, Victoria Llewyn, clerk, Victoria M., baker, Victoria Men's Christian Assocation, Vic- toria, Vancouver and New Westminister M. & L., bakers, Victoria Peter, laborer, Victoria R., miner, Wellington Ruben, miner, Nanaimo Randal, laborer, Dherry Creek Wm., miner, Nanaimo 1 HilM Electric Mfg. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Eleotric L^hit Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Coverad' IMaguetVVire (Seeadv't. paged.) lYoung William, farmer. Port Moody ' " Wm., boatman, Esquimau W. B., manager Vancouver W. C, miner, Nanaimo ;Yoe Miss M. J., bdg house. New West- 1 minster York Archibald, butcher, Vancouver ' '* & Bangs, butchers, Vancouvcif " Charles, iarmer, Cedar District J " Jas. M., painter .NewWestminster I " Thomas, farmer. Sum as jYorkson Ebenezer, farmer, Langley Yuay — , carpenter Vancouver (( Z Zallmsky Paul, miner, Nandmo Zambette C, miner, Nanaimo Zormani F., miner, Nanaimo Ziiik Jacob, laborer, Vancouver Zoelle Chas., brewer, Victoria WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER READS HEHiTIDEZ-iSOIsr'S British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory, FOii 1890. i ■ i ^f ,! I 1 111 ii ■,il! h\ ?; IJS le ii ■.■(; PI f ! m!; ■; ■ ^^ : '■■'} l^jjii I v\ CHIIVESE DIRECTORY. AH LUN (( (( Ah John, Victoria " Loy, merchant, Kamloopb > Been Sun Law, Victoria Bow, ifuen & Co., merchants, Victoria CLan Dean Tong, doctor, Kamloopi Cbing Long, laundry, Vicloria Chon Sun, jeweller, Victoria Chong Kee, shoemaker, Victoria Lee, laundry, Victoria Lee &Co., merchants, Kamloops S., laundry, Vancouver " Song & Co., merchants. New Weetminfeter Chu, Chung & Co., merchants, Victoria Dan Yock Tong, drugt?ist, Victoria Doon Yune, laundry, Vicloria Fook Chung Lung, grocer, Vancouver *' Kee & Co., merchants, Victoria ** Wo & Co., employment agents, New Westminster " Yen & Co., merchants, Victoria Fow Long, laundry, Vancouver " Yuen, boots and shoes, Victoria Gain Tai, tailor, Victoria Gee, Wo, Kee, merchants, Victoria Gim, Gook, Yuen, mercharits, Victoria *• Lung, merchant, New West- minster Ham Yick, merchant, Victoria Hip Chong, merchant, Victoria " June, general store, Vancouver " Lung & Co., merchants, Victoria Hong, Chong & Co., merchants, Vic- toria. " Chung, tailor and general st'^re, Vancouver xjee & Co., merchants, Victoria Wo Hing Kee, merchants, Vic- toria Yuan "^ Co., merchants, Van- couver Hoo I dC, shoemaker, Vancouver Hop Chong, laundry, New West- minBter (( « <( Hop Woh, gardener, Victoria " Yek, merchant, Vancouver " Lee, merchant, Kamloops Hung Sing, laundry, Nanaimo Iwong On Long & Co., merchants, Nov» Westminster Jim Chung, contractor, Vancouver Kam Chan, employment office, New Westminster Kam Wo Co., Chinese store, Vancouver Kfty Chong & Co., grocers, Vi(^toria King Tye & Co., merchants, Victoria Kwang Yuen Lung & Co., merchants ^ New Westminster ' Kwong Chung & Co.. merchants, \'i"- toria Fook, merchants, Victoria Hing Lung, Victoria Joe &Co., merchants, Kamloops Joy Lung Kee, merchants. New Westminster Joy Shing & Co., merchants, Van- couver Lung, merchant, Kamloops On, merchant, Lytton On, Lung & Co., merchants, Vic- toria On, Tai, merchant, Victoria On, Wo, general merchant8,New WefLminster On, Wo on Co., Kamloops Sing, Chong & Co., tailors and grocers, Vancouver Tai Lung & Co., merchants, Vic- toria Tai, merchant, Kamloops Wang Sing, grocer, Victoria Yv.en Tung, merchant. Van Winkle Lai Hop & Co. , merchants, Victoria Lam Kee & Co., tailors, Victoria Le Po, Chinese store. Dog Creek Ling Li 9 & Co., store. Dog Creek Lun Chung & Co., merchants, Victoria <( (( << (( i Nev» N"ew >uver I'ia oria ants, I oops New Van- Vic- New and Vic- la VaD ria itoria ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 253 LUN CHINESE DIRECTORY. THE LungTai, tailor, New Westminster May Ving Lung, merchants, Victoria Meo Was, laundry, Victoria Ncn Sing, merchant, Victoria Num Kee & Co., merchant**, Victoria Oh Why, trader. Dog Creek On Chong, laundry, Vancouver OnHing & Bro., tea mers., Victoria On Kee &Co., maniifacta"er8, Victoria On Sing, laundry, Victoria Oung Sing, laundry, Victoria Povv Kee, tailor,-*, Victoria Quong Sing, laundry, Victoria Sam — . laundry, Victoria " Kee, laundry, Kamloops " Chung, laundry, Victoria " Kee, merchant, Vancouver " Kee, tailor, Victoria " Lee, laundry, Victoria ' Lee, laundry, Vancouver " Lung, laundrv, Victoria Lung, laundry, Vancouver Sing, laundry, Victoria Sing & Co., merchants, Vancou- ver Sang Sing, tailor, Victoria See Lee Lung & Co., merchants, Vic tori a Shn Sun, physician, Victoria Sing Chong, merchant, Victoria " Kee, vegetables, Victoria / Kee & Co., merohaats, Victoria " "Wah, jeweller, Victoria " Wah Kee, merchants, Vancouver " We Chan, merchants, Victoria " Wo Tong Cf)., raorchant8,Victoria Song Lee, laundrj', Nanaimo '* Lee, laundry, Victoria Tai Chong, butcher, Victoria " Fung & Co., merchants, Victoria Kee, merchants, Victoria Song & Co., merchants, Victoria Yick& Co., merchants, Victoria Yune & Co., merchantd, Victoria Tei Hing, barber, Victoria Tim Kee, tailor, Victoria Tin See, tailor, Victoria Tooh Sinjf, laundry, Vancouver Ton Chue & Co., laundry, New West- minster Tong Chong, grocer, Victoria " Kee, laundry, Nanaimo " Yuen, laundry, Vancouver Toy Sam Low, grocers, Vancouver Tuck Chung, merchants, Victoria Wah Chung & Co., merchants, Victovla " Hing & Co., merchants, Victoria " Kee, merchant, Keefor.s " Kee, laundry, Victoria '' Kee, laundry, Vancouver " Lung & C'>., mei'chants, Port Hammond " Sing, wood, dealer, Victoria " Yui; Co., merchants, Victoria War Lung, launury, E'^quimiilt Wliong Con & Co., provisions, New Westminster Wing Chong, laundry, Victoria '' Chong, laundry. New Westmins- ter '• Chong Co., merchants, Victoria '• L. G., & Bro., boots and shoes, Vic- toria ' Lee, laundry, Vancouver " Lung & Co., provisions, New Wostmi..ster " On, ffrocer, Victoria " On Tai & Co., merchants, Van- couver " Yuen & Co., merchants, Vancou- ^3r Wo Ling, laundry, Vancouver Wong Pie Lung, surgeon, Victoria Ye On, pawnbroker, Victoria Yee Chong, merchant, Kamloops ** Lee, laundry, Victoria '* Wo, laundry, Victoria " Yune & Co., merchants, Victoria Yen Chong, cigar mfr, Victoria ** Sing, laundry, Donald Yik Lee, provisions, Victoria Ying Tai & Co., labor contractors New Westminster Yuen Leo, merchant, Victoria Lung, merchant, Victoria Wah, laundry, Vancouver ! ! I I \ '■ fj.v li-'i- ^ilii'::-i: \i \\ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PACIFIC DIVISION 3DII2;EOTOK; ABB C.P.B. PACIFIC DIV. AUS Abbott Barry, general Bupv tendentj Pacific Division, Vancouver ' Aconely W., passenger brukcman,. Vancouver j 4^<]ani8 George, train baggagemanj ' Vancouver Aiken P., fitter, Vancouver Aikins J., section foreman, Spence'a Bridge Ainsworth Wm., car inspector, Donald Alcock A. J., checker freight shedj Vancouver j " J. R, timekeeper freight shed] Vancouver j " W. 6., checker freight shed, Vani couver Aljan John, loco engineer. Donald ' Allen W., gang foreman, Kam loops ' Am bridge F. C, travelling auclitor; Vancouver Anderson Ja»., laborer, Vancouver Jos., laborer store dept, Donald L., br^keman, Kamloops || P., work conductor, Kamloops B., watQhman store dept, Donald R. F., agent, Kew Westminster Andrews H., turner. North Bend " ^-i,^*^! ^°®P> ^®^ Westminster Aneus nichard, clerk voacber dept, Vancouver i '■f It it « Appleby S., ageiit, Sieamouse Archibald W. F., local telegraph man- ager, Victoria Armstrong A., brakeman, Kamloops '* A., watchman, A-th croft ." C, brakeman, Kamloops " C. A., passenger brakeman, Kamloops J., machinist, Vancouver J. W., patternmaker, Vancouver James, gang foreman, Donald James, watchman, Griffin Lake Jos., boilermker's helper, Donald N., fireman, Kamloops T., bridge carpenter, Vancouver W. F., turner, Donald W. J., fireman, Donald Ashley George, wiper, Revelstoke Astell J. L., wiper, Vancouver " S., carpenter, Vancouver Atherton G. H., clerk master nie- chanic's office, Vancouver .' " H., switchman, Kamloops Atkinson P., laboj;er freight shed, Van- couver Austin Cbafi.,, fireman, Vancouver " C. C, engineer, Vancouver C. L., turner round bouse, Va^^ couvor y^m.i car repairer, Donald 41 (( « II « (( ' ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 2S& BA.B C.P.B. PACIFIC DIV. BOU B Babbit J., work conductor, Kamloops Baird — , pass brakeman, Vancouver " J. L., car inspector, North Bend Baiwer Fred., provisional storekeeper, Donald " Harry, pumpman, Euby Creek and Harrison Balfour Jno., bridge carpenter, Donald " R., bridge inspector, Donald Banks Geo., painter, Donald Bannerman J., fuol agent, Kamloops Barber Jas., bridge carpntr, Kamloops Barker J. H., tinsmith, Vatjcouver " R., operator, Rovelstoke " R., office boy for car accountant, Vancouver Barnett T. C, foreman erecting shops, Vancouver " W., section foreman, Yale Barnfather W. R., engineer, Donald Barahart L. A., passenger conductor, Vancouver Barrows P., gang foreman, Donald " S., fireman («team hoist, Vancouver Basker C, clerk purchasing dept, Vancouver Batemiin John, carpenter, Donald Bates W. H., accountant stores dept, Donald Beard W., woodman. Mission Beasloy H. E., secy to superintendent, Donald Beatty J. 0.. clerk, Now Westminster Beaudouin C, bridge carpenter, Van- couver Beaudry E,, clerk store dept, Van- couver Beaven T., car repairer, Vancouver Beckett Wm., carpenter, Donald Beckwith C , car repairer, Vancouver Belanger Nap., brakeman, Kamloops "Bell D., watchman, Stoney Creek Bellmore F., passenger brakeman, Vancouver " 1?., freight brakeman, Vancouver Edison Electric Light SysteiDL M. D. BARR & CO., GfeneraISeUinsAg«nt8» "^ 726 CRAIC ST., - MONTREAIK^ Bennie T., fraight brakema% Vaft-- couver Berlockor C. W., porter baggage,„Vai>^ couver Berube J. B., operator, Albert Cangrott:> Belts G. L., rodnjiiii, Donald Beveridge Charles, watchnmns. teaiatv. hoist, Vancouver Bigelow G.A., keeper stoi*© car,DtmftT<® Bilsland Jos., bri'lge carpenter, Dor>ut^ Binda A.,, Vancottvei' Bingham Wm., tiretnan, Vancoiwor Binnie F., passenger brakeman,. Vans- couver Black A. P.. asst. 'Storekeeper, Vancoiwer- " A. W., storekeeper, Donald Blackmore F., bridge carpenter,.IX>nafidl,! Blair J., yard muster, Kamloops " S., laborer store dopt,^Vao*50ttv©r- Blais Jos., bridge curpcnter, Kjinailo'ipei Blake D. M., car inspector, Kamloope!, ** H., sliop laborer, Vancouver Blancy C., work brakeman, K;iiT3Jocpe% Block A. J., craneraan sieain sikOTvl'jj,. Vancouver Bloomer T. L., wiper ,.Kaml(x»p» BIythe T. A., draughtsman, DiMMtliL; '* Wm., bricklayer, Vancojvei* Bodwell F. C, asst ticket age»t^ Van»- couver Bond E., line repairer, Kamloope- Bonwick J.,8ection lab )rer, Vamowr&r- BoulimA., cableman, Vancouver Boultbee W., machinist''t} a]^preQiuB«s^ Vancouver BourdaisA..L.,telegraph ageDt,CIj![^h|i^ i 1 :■ •,}« .>^t W ^Hu Ml .n; I' (.VI I 256 Henderson's British Columbia 'll If « BOU C.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. CHO ^Bourdman Chas., fitter, Donald tBovvon A, S., desputcher, Donald Bowman J.A., bridge carpenter,Don;ild JBowon J.E.,lelograph agent, Que.snelle Bradford F. F., timekeeper, Karaloops Brad>" W., watchman. North Bend Brair.jird H. W.,watchman,Notch Hill Brears R., messenger, Donald Brett D. H., freight biaUeman, Van- couver ■** E., clerk asst Bupi's office, Van- couver Bridi^es J., striker, Vancouver Brown C, clerk erecting .shops, Van- comer C. (I, engineer, Kamloops D. !''.,( list freight and pa.>3S agent, Vancouver G. wilder. New Westminster G.. section laborer, Vancouver 0. M., bridge caT])entev, Donald G. McL., ticket agent, Vancouver G>o., firemar), Donald .1.. watchman, Keefers Jilin, machine hand, Vancouver J ! o., chief clerk li eight de])t, \'ancouver Jno., section foreman, Ducks ' ^' yV., bridge carpenter, Kamloops " Wm., latiic hand, Dv,nald Browning J. M., comm land dept, Vancouver 'Brnce D., lab freight shcfl, Vancouver Brundivtt A., fiieman, Donald " G., section foreman,Salmon Arm 'Bj'undrilt Arthur, wiper, Donald 'Biyant A., 2nd cook Fraser Canyon Hou>ej North Bend Buckoly H., opcrater. North Bend Bull W., chainman, Donaid Biint Robt., fireman, Donald Burdo A , fireman steauj hoist, Vancou ver Burkett A., fireman, Donald Burnyeat J. P., asst engineer, Donald 'Barton W.C.,fireman shops, Vancouver Butt Peter, woodman, Kamloops ^JBwoUo Arthur, wiper, Donald ■*( ■ <( *( 4( 4< c U u Calder F.A.,clerk supt's office, Donald Gales T., laborer car shops, V^ancouver Callaghan J. A., tel agent, Nanaimo " W.. work brakeman, Kamloops Callopy James, section foreman, 2nd Tunnel Carabie H. J., engineer in chai-ge Pacific Division, Vancouver Cameron A.,clerk gen freight and pass dept, Vancouver " J., laborer, Vancouver " Jno., bridge carpenter, Donald Campbell A., watchman, Hope A., bridge carpcntci", Donaid H., line repairer, Kamloops H. R., striker, Vancouver J., timekeeper, Donald J. M., bridge carpenter, Kamloops J. M., fittei-'s helpei", Vancouver Canj'or R. J., toolman, Donald Carey C. E., agent, Ashcroft " F. E., woodman, Ashcroft '* Th'imas, engineer, Donald (^arhman Dan., wiper, Revelstoke Carriere J., carpenter, Vancouver Carrigan H., frt brakeman, Kamloops '' Jas., laborer, Vancou\ jr Carson F. H., turner, Donald " M., bridge carpenter, Donald " W., waichman, Ashcioit Carter Ernest, wiper, Revelstoke " Wm., brakeman, Kamloops Cath R. A.,foremancar shops, Vancouver Cathro N., bridge carpenter, Donald Champioti Sam., foreman laborer store dept, Vancouver Charters E., section foreman, Nicomen Chesley E.. pass biakeman, Kamloops Chetham W. D., clerk freight dept, Vancouver Chote E., insp. of bridges, Vancouver " J. T?., foreman bridge gang, Van- couver Christie William, operator, Victoria Chouinard J., operator, Hope ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. 257 CLA C.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. DAL j ' :l^! €lnrk James, watchman, Vanoojvcr *' W. A. S., gang foreman, Kam- loops Cleary S., fireman, Kamloops Cleland R,, section toreman, Six Mile Cieek Clements A. L., timekeeper, Kamloops Cline W. H., a-ent, Yale Clouston Thomas, fireman, Donakl Clutterbuclc F., engineer, Vancouver Cole Moses, fireman, Kamloops Coleman J., section foreman, Spuz- zum Collie Robert, fireman, DoniilJ Collin J., fireman, Kamlooj)^ Coughlin J., switchman, Kamloops " T., fireman, Vancouver '* W., call boy. New Westminster Conllim J. H., bridge carpenter. North Bend Coulter J. H., bridge carpenter, Kara- loops Coiillure L., watchman, North Bend CowMii M., bridge carpenter, Kam- lo(l])S Craig J., foreman, V;incouvor •' W.. road master, Vancouver Crai^ao >!., gang foreman, Kamloops Crawford M. F., engineer. Donald I Craze W. F., rhaiiiman, Donald Collins J., section foreman, Thompi=on| Creed D., toreman, Vancouver " P.. passenger brakeman, Van- 1 Croigor M., section tor<nian, Keefers couver jCreightoji F., painter, Vancouver Colstone W., lal»orer, Fraser Canyon Cricknary C. J.,carj)enter's apprentice, House, North Bond Conderoy H., wa'ter dining car Wind- sor, Revelstoke Condon Jas., laborer, Vancouver Conley Fred., bridge carpenter. Van- j couver i Connacher Jai!., engineer, Donald j Connelly Michael, woodman, Kam- loops Connon 11. D., local freight agent, Vancouver Connor John, car repairer, Vancouver Constable G., timekeeper, Donald Conway F. J., checker, Kamloops " T. D., telegraph repairer, Che- main us " Mrs. T. D., telegraph agent, Che- main us Cook J., fitter's helper, Vancouver Coombs Frank J., fireman, Revelstoke Cooper E. D., laborer, Vancouver " »., turner, New Westminster Cornwall Geo., conductor, Kamloops Corrigan H., brakeman, Kamloops Corson F. H., engine driver, Donald Cottingham Geo., laborer, Vancouver Coughlan D., painter, Vancouver " N., carpenter, Vancouver Coughlit^ J., car inHpector, North Bend Vancouver Crompton T., striker, Vancouver Crook J., wiper, Vancouver " J., fireman, Kamloops '« William, titter, Donald Crooksley W. T., watchman, Yale iCrulman H., engineer, Donald Cudney W., chainman, Donald Culbert James, gang foreman, Donald Cummisky S. J., agent, Shuswup Cunningham James, Bcction foreman, C atiwilliam *' P.; hilxuer, Vancouver ** R. S., pumpman, Mountain Creek Curren James, car repairer, Vancouver Curry H., fitter, Vancouver " James, car oiler, Revelstoke Curtis James, wiper, Donald D Dade Ed., bridge carpenter, Kamloops Daley Jno., bridge carpenter, Kam- loops T., watchman, Gladwin T., foreman bridge work, North Bend W., brakeman, Kamluops « ji^ly i 1 |i ■sit 1 ■! '!; llfii s^ HENDERSON S BRITIS0 CT^LUMBIA DAL C.P.R. PACIFIC Diy. EDM fi Dalton E. C, woodmim, Salmon Arm Daly R, gang foreman, DonjiUl Palziel D., g»ng foreman, Donald " J., section fireman, Albert Canyon Dana A. J., asst purchasing agent, Vancouver Date P., Khop laborer. Vancouver David C. D., wiper, Kum loops " JoneH, coal and woodman, Al- bert Canyon Davi» R., operator, Roger's Pass '* William, machinist, Vancouver Deacon G., car repairer, Vancouver Decker J., »ecti<»n foreman, Kamloops Dee William, operator, Victoria Dei by M., section foreman, North Bend Dempsoy D., section foreman, GrifSn Lake Dempster A. R., passenger brakeman, Kam loops Denchard E. B., operator and billei', New Westminister Denman A., engineer, Donald Donsdal W., watchman, Spuzzum Desbrisay J., litter, Vancouver Deslily Jerry, cook for bridge gang, Donald Devlin F., detective. North Bend Dickie George, laborer store dept, Vancouver Dinsmore A., cooper freight dept, Vancouver " T. W., messenger general supt'i* dept, Vancouver Discon Geoi'ge, lab«>rer, Vancouver Dixon Jame-, engineer steam hoist,' Vancouver " John, laborer store dept, Van- couver Duig James, passenger conductor, ' Vancouver " W., seciion foreman, Vancouver Dolan J. J., blacksmith, Vancouver Donatillo George, lai;*orer store dept, Donald " Jas., coal and woodman, Donaiu Donelly C, operator, Keefers Doran L., pass brakeman, Kamloops D )rman J., machinist, Vancouver Doubt Johrj, woodman, Revelstolce Doucette Thomas, section foreman, Shnswap Douglas John, laborer, Vancouver Dover F., train baggageman, Vancou- ver Dow Alex., turner, Albert Canyon " J., watchman snowsheds Dowling F. W., night operator, Van- couver Downie T., chief despatcher, Donald " W., asstsupt, Vancouver Driscoll J. J., asst fuel agent, Donald Dryden T.K., shop laborer, Vancouver Dub^ H., filter, Donald Duffoy Thos., bridge carpenter, Van- couver Dagger W., watchman, Spuzzum Duhamol F., .striker, Vancouver Dunn Jumes, stationary engineer car shops, Vancouver Dupus John, woodman, Revelstoke Duvie W., Oil House man store dept, Vancouver Duvier A., engineer, Kamloops Dwyer Jan., section foreman, Lytton Dy at R. H., foreman wood train gang, Vancouver Dyer Fred., fireman, Kamloops E Eustrnp C, train baggageman, Kam- loops Eaton J. L., bridge carpenter, Van- couver Ebbstrup C, freight conductor, Kam- loops Eckersley Thos., engineer, Kamloops Eickstein V., fireman, Viincouyer Edgerton William, seciion foreman,. Albert Canyon Edmunds W., ft^ngine^r, Kainloojp? « « « i< ■ ALPHABXTICAL DIBECTORT. 2$.^ EDW O.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. FOW Edwards B., laborer, Vancouver ** Frod., wiper, RevelKtoke " H. J., operator, C :ffln Lake *' W., brakeman, Kamloops Elkins S., bridge carpenter, DoncM Elliott John, car repairer, Vancouver " S. E., conductor, Kamloops " W., passenger conductor, Kam- loops Ellis John, laborer, Vancouver Elmore R., laborer, Vancouver Elsham H., vaiter Fraser Canyon Houne, North Bond Ebon W., work conductor, Kamloops El wood H. J., clerk voucher dept, Vancouver " J., turner. North Bend Elworthy R. J., operator, Vancouver EmmettN.S., bridge carpenter, Donald England J., clerk master mechanic's officer, Vancouver " W., tank foreman, Vancouver Ermatinger E. J., mgr. Fraser Canyon House, North Bend Erns J., section foreman, Port Moody Eurico E., gang foreman, Kumloops Eustes J. B., atrent. Glacier Evans F., passenger brakeman, Van- couver " H., delivery clerk store dept, Vancouver J., freight brakeman, Vancouver T., watchman, Warnock Thos., clerk store dept, Donald W. H., passenger orakeman, Vancouver W. H., engineer, Vancouver LEATHER BELTING. Juno. Graig and St. Antoine St8.» MONTREAL. <( F Fi^an J. E., clerk freight dept, Vun- ' couver " James, clerk general supt. dept, Vancouver " W. L., clerk local treasurer's dept, Vancouver Farkins J. T., section foreman, Cisco Farley B., watchman, Keefers Farmer J., car cleaner, Vancouver Farrington S., coppersmith, Donald Fawcett John, pumpman, Sicamouse, Griffin Lake Ferguson D., baggageman, Donald Ferron S. S., watchman snowsheds Fitzgerald J., frei\^ht sheds, New West- minster Fitzmorris M., conductor, Kamloops Fitzpatrick H., bridge carpenter, Kam-^ loops •Fleming C. G., night watchman car shops, Vancouver Flook N., bridge carpenter, Donald Florent A., carpenter Round House, Vancouver Flitt John, machinist, Vancouver " W., machinist's apprentice. Van* couver Foley J., section foreman, Revelstoke Follett F., section foreman, Savonas Forbes A. F., brakeman, Kamloops Force C, watchman, Yale Ford A. J., car repairer, Vancouver " T., car repairer. Notch Hill Forrest A. B., yardmaster, Vancouver " John, woodman, Salmon Arm *' W.H., cashier freight dept, Vaa- couver Fortin G., painter, Vancouver '• W., painter, Vancouver Foster S. M., bridge carpenter, North Bend ' " W. A., roleiving despatcher,. Vancouver Fowlie George, titter, Donald ( ' t > ' 1 : m m' •si. ii I'll iiilr :;:■ ; i ^0 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIJL FRA O.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. GRA FrasM' A., section foreman, Cherry Creek D.A,, bridge carpenter, Kamloops v., watchman 2nd Crossing, Revelstoke J., yardman, Vancouver J'., bridge carpenter, Kamloops J. D., agent, Hammond ?., fitter, Vancouver William, telgr operator, Donald W. A., bridge carpenter, North Bend W. C, agent, Westminster Jnc. W. M., shop laborer, Vancouver W. T., bridge carpenter, Van- couver Frcemoiith E., watchman snowsheds Fuilertdi) J., wiper, Vancouver " James, fireman, Vancouver Fnrbott F., wiper, Kamloops Furne^s W., watchman. Now West- miu.ster (( <( <c (( (( <( (( (< u G Gall Miingo, wiper. North Bond Galiaglier P., gang foreman, Donald Gander J., turner, Vancouver '* James, engineer, Vancouver Gardiner W. R., shed toreman. New Wc>tminster Gass F. N., checker freight dept., Vancouver Gates J. U., porter store car, Donald Gauthier H., car repairer, Vancouver Gavin James, passenger conductor, Vancouver " P. J., engineer, Donald Gay James, bridge carpenter, Kam- loops Geddes J., watchman steam shovel, Vancouver " Jas. H., turner, Roger's Pass " J. Percy, »»ecretary to general supf, Vancouver Gendroii F., blacksmith's appr&atice, .Vancouver • I Genier G., foreman line repairer, Kamloops " N., line repairer, Kamloops Gibson Jos., engineer, Vancouvei* " Jos., turner, Donald Gilbert G., machinist inpr, Vancouver Gilbranson M. S., passenger conductor, Kamloops Gilher Jas., car inspector, Revelstoke Gilmour II. B., locomotive foreman, Donald Gill Andrew, car repairer, Vancouver " G. IL, car repairer, Vancouver '' John, car repairer, Vancouver Gilpin G. F., fireman, Donald Gilstoad H., watchman. North Bond Gird wood C. Rollo, locomotive fore- man. North Bend Gi.sler W., bridge carpenter, Vancouver Gledhill W. W., laborer, Vancouver Giendenning A., shop laborer, Van- couver Goddard And., engineer, Vancouver " B., fireman, Knmloops Godin A. P., clerk stores dept., Donald Good H. L., telegraph agent, Koksilah Goodfellow J., chief despatcher, Kam- loops Gordon R., spring maker, Vancouver Gottfield Isidor, laborer stores dept., Vancouver C , section laborer, Vancouver Gould Ed., agent. Ducks Goulet K., agent, Revelstoke " H., freight brakeman, Vancouver Govett (i. B., fireman, Donald Graham A. R., storekeeper store car, Donald " Geo., passenger conductor, Kam- loops " George, operator, Bear Creek Grant A., freight brakeman, Vancouver J. "VV., section foreman, lUecille- waet Peter, engineer, Donald R., car repairer, Vancouver T., car repairer, Vancouver Graves A. M., ehgineer, Vancouver ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORT. 261 GRA C.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. HIN Graves H., frgt brakeman, Vancouver Gray D., bridge carpenter, Vancouver " H. C, watchman, Hammond *' J., brakeman, Kamloops Gregory E., machiniHt inpr, Van- couver Green A. E., asst engineer, Vancouvtr " Horme, millwright, Vancouver " Jas. M., watchman Hnowsheds *' E., watclimaii, Surprise Creek Greer Wm., caipenter, Vancouver Grierson A., bridge carpt, Vancouver Griffith J. E., engineer in charge, Donald Griffiths E., carpenter car shops, Van- couver Griggs A. A., bridge watchman, Moun- tain Creek Grimes W., yai-dmaster, Donald *• W. H., wiper, Donald Grinrod E. H., inspector telegraph repairs, Kam loops Groulx W. J., operator, Beaver Guay Jos., passenger brakeman, Kam- loops Gubble W., watchman, Spuzzum Guillote H., passenger brakeman, Van- couver GuUiford B., pumpman, Ashcrofi and Spatfcium Gunter A., section foreman, Ashcroft Gwin Eobt., laborer store dept, Van- couver H Haddon D., section foreman, Salmon Arm Haldane Wm ., fitter, Donald Haley W., freight brakeman, Van- couver Hamilton J., despatcher, Donald Hanafin Jas., blacksmith, Vancouver Hanch F., conductor D.C. Windsor, RevelBtoke Hancock E., carpenter, Vancouver '* J., carpenter, Vancouver (t « Hundbury C, fitter, Vancouver •' H., fitter, Vancouvei Hannock John, car inspector, Revels stoke Hanson C, section foreman, Hope Hardy Wm., coal and woodman, Beaver Mouth Harold T., patternmaker, Vancouver Harris F., passenger brakeman, Van- couver J., bridge carpenter, Vancouver J. J., bridge curpe titer, Donald L., section foienuiii, Savonas S., bridge carpenter, Vancouver T.. brakeman, Kam loops Harvey J. S., clerk pay roll dept,. Vancouver *• Thomas, section foreman, Ross Peak Hatt G. C, agent, .'pence's Bridge Havey James, sti iker, Vancouver Hawkes Jas., sec foreman, Clanwillian^ Haden VV. F., clerk freight dej)artment, Vancouver Haywood John, bridge tender, Kam- loops " W^. D., bridge carpenter, Kam- loops Hazyard C., blacksmith, V:in(ouver Hearm Robl., despatcher, Kimloops " W., washout, Vancouver Hemsley (i., painter, Vancouver Henderson C. W., agent, Norih Bend " H. M., wiper, Eevel>Joke " J., section foreman, Wainock " S., chief clerk pay roll dept,. V ancouver " T., operator, Roger's Pass Hennetty Thomas, fireman, Vancouver Heron Thos., bridge carpenter Hethcrington John, shop laborer, Revelstoke Hicklim W. J., fitter, Vancouver Hicks v., painter, Vancouver Hill Samuel, striker, Eevelfstoke Hilles H., section foreman, Yale Hilliard H., fireman, Kamloops Hinton J., section foreman, Ashcrofi I ■ ! i f'!^*^ ■■{■ I r I ? I 3 * i !,) I ! :'. j '■ fl m B' < tf i -IK m <ll('i l^i Henderson's British Columbia HI' O.P.B. PAOIPIO DIV. JOH Hitcher Paul, car repairer, Donald Hobbs F. C, locomotive foreman, EcvelBtoke Hobson John, carpenter, Vancouver " W., carpenter's apprentice, Van- couver Holgins 0. S., locomotive foreman, Vancouver Hodgson R. C, car repairer, Vancou- , ver Hoffman Geo., section foreman, Ducks l^ogg Wm.. lampman, Vancouver Holiingo Alfred, coal and woodman, Donald Holloah J., laborer, Vancouver Holt R., Cooke Honest John, laborer, Vancouver Hon ny man Robert, shop laborer, Korth Bend Hopgood J., work brakeman, Kam- loops Hopkins J. D., bridge carpenter, Van- couver Hosker D. M., locomotive foreman, Kam loops " E., timelceeper at new shops, Vancouver " E, J., engineer, Kamloops Howard Thos., laborer, Vancouver Howatt E. A., bridge carpenter, Kam- loops Howell Alex., wood machine man car shopp, Vancouver Howie A. S., woodman, Vancouver Howlcy Greorge, fireman, Donald Hoy land R., cook, DonaH Highes Richard, hiboror store dept, Donald Hull George, fitter's apprentice, Van- couver Hunt Joseph, wipor, Revelstoke , Huiliman J., machinist, Vancouver Hutchiiis Wm., fitter, Revelstoke HutchiKon T., fireman steam shovel, Mountain Creek Hyatt .yf ., bridge gang foreman, Kam- loo|)g Ibbitson Charles, laborer, Vancouver Ilifi A. C, fireman, Donald Inglis R., carpenter, Vancouver Irkman A.,operator despatcher's ofiSce, Vancouver " C, agent, Agassis Irvine Isaac, operator, Spatsum Irving Robert, freight and passenger agent, Victoria Irv n Thos., wiper, Donald " Thomas, fireman, Kamloops J Jackson D., pumpman. Port Moody, Hammond " J., boilermaker, Kamloops James John S., laborer store dept, Vancouver Jamieson D., work conductor, Kam- loops " J., brakeman, Kamloops *' W. K., section foreman, A»ear Creek Jarvis C, freight brakeman, Vancouver Jenkins J. W., fireman, Kamloops Jervis J., laborer, Vancouver Jobanok A., bridge carpenter, Donald Jones David, woodman C.P.R., Albert Cavnon " J., work brakeman, Kamloops *' J., shop laborer, Vancouver Johnson J. B., agent, Donald " Jas., car repairer. North Bond L. R., master mechanic, Pacific Division, Vancouver P., watchman steam shovel, Mountain Creek Thos., fitter, Revelstoke Wm., blacksmith's helper, Donald kJohnston E. D , bridge carpenter, Vancouver " Nels, watchman, Clanwillian^. " Wm., laborer freight shed, Van- couver u (( (( ALPHABETICAL DIUECTORT'. li^ JON C.P.R. PACrPIO DIV. LAW JoDSon B., bridge carpenter, Vancouver Josling C, watchman snowsheds , Joyce P., engineer steam 8hoveI,Van- coQver , K Kadoy Thomas, section foreman, Revel 8toke Keast H., clerk freight and pass dept, Victoria Keating T., conductor, Kamloops Koatj W., laborer, Vancouver KeJonP., watchman, Hope Keenan W., laborer car shops, Van- couver Kelly D., section foreman, North Bend £., pumpman, Kamloops J., gang forei an, Kamloops James, nect 1 eman, Shuswap " Jerry, steam shovel engineer. Mountain Creek " M., road master, Kamloops Kenneddy John, engineer, Vancouver Kennedy A., passenger brakeman, Kamloops '•' W., machinist, Vancouver " Wm., gang foreman, Kamloops Keys Hugh, bridge carpenter, Kam- loops Kibble J., section foreman, Harrison Kidd A., laborer carshops, Vancouver " Fied., section toreman, Roger's Pass " Oscar, fireman, Revelstoke " W.J. , clerk pay rolls office, Van- couver Kilby A., bridge carpenter, Donald Killcers Sam., section foreman, Sica- raouse Kilpatrick F., foreman Selkirk bridge gang, Donald Kimble D.,freight conductor, Vancou- ver King Louis, engineer, Donald " R., machinist's apprentice, Van- couver Tbe Hiaril Mc Wi . (Ltd.)» MONTREAL. Hufrt). of Tolophuiidit.Eleotrlc UdlUt, Aiuiuticia-* tors, Burglar Alartii<«, IiintrumMiitit, Apparatus md Supplies of every dusorlptiou. (See ad vt. page 5.) Kinnear G. A., signalman, Vancouver " J., clerk car shops, Vancouver Kirby J., passenger orakeman, Van- couver Klin^bur J., watchman, Nicomeh Knight J.,fitter's helper. New Wostr minster Knowdell C, machinist, Vancouver " C. v., carpenter, Vancouver Labitskey B., brakeman, Kamloops Laboirdais J. H , laborer car shops, Vancouver Lacy N., bridge watchman. Mountain Creek Lalonde J., lunch counter Frazer Ca- nyon House, North Bend Lamontagne B., line repairer, Kam* loops Landsburg W. H., section foreman, Spuzzum Langevin Ed., sec foreman, Craigel- lacbie Larcher Geo , watchman stores dept, Donald Latimer J., waiter dining car Windsor, Revelstoke Laugh lin J no., sec foreman, Tappans Lavoie A.,cook, Donald Law D., carpenter, Vancouver " J., striker, Vancouver Lawrence C, gang foreman, Kam- loops " B., sec foreman. Notch Hill " J. S., despatcher, Kamloops 1 T 1 ; ( 1 i 1 ' ' ! 1 i 1 i ■ 1 ■ 'i i 1 ! 1 1 ,! ;4 ' fr ■UiH i'li'! I- .5? s y--: Ul i!:'l t ' ' ■'!: ; h; I !^^ 264 HBNDERSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA LAW C.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. McD Lawrie L. C, laborer, Vancouver Lawson Gavin, bojlermaker, Donald *' John, pampman, Donald Leahy L.^ watchman, Spnzzum Leal v., wiper, North Bend Leaycraft H. G., C. E,, asst engineer. Donald Leblanc T., watchman Round House, Vancouver Lee Jo8., car 33, Donald " S., watchman, Reefers " Wm., yard master, Revelstoke Lennon J., sec foreman, Agassiz Leonard J. W., asst supt, Kamloops Leopoldi P., cableman, Vancouver Leveque J., pass brakeman, Kamloops Lcvepqne Louis, watch .nan fueldept, Donald Lewis i>. O., asst engineer, Donald " H. B , drau<;htsman, Donald Libby G. A., section foreman, Kcefers Lindsay J. A., checker freight shed, Vancouver Litt H., wiper. New Westminster '' Henry, tireman, Revelstoke Little James, tireman, Vancouver " M., coppersmith, Vancouver " W. B., sec foreman. Twin Butte Lock Thos., car repairer, North Tlend Lorimer G. E., operator. Twin Butte Lott E., freight brakeman, Vancouver L'outitt J. J., chief clerk gon freight and p issongers dept, Vancouver Lovellet K., section foreman, Shuswap Lovett R., boiler maker's helper, Van- couver " Thos., sec foreman, Glacier Lusk Thomas, sec foreman, Beaver- mouth Lynott F., operator, Revelstoke Lyons J., sec foreman, Gladwin " J. H., wiper, North Bend " Philip, 'vipt ', North Bend M McAllister A., wheel borer, Vancouver " J. R., blacksmith, Vancouver McArthur A. C, agent, Illecillewaet " P., foreman bridge gang, Donald McBride R., yardntan, Donald " W. J,, yardman, Donald McCandish H, b.idge carpntr, Donald McCarger G., freight brakeman, Van- couver McCarren A., watchman, Keefers McCarthy R, engineer bridge gang, Vancouver " M., craneman steam shovel, Mountain Creek " W. J., watchman, Yale McCarty F., engineer bridge gang,. Kamloops McComber J., bridge carpenter, Kam- loops McCormick E., passenger brakeman,. Kamloops •* J,, Hreman, Vancouver McCreery Geo., watchman snowsheda " Jos., clerk frjft dept, Vancouver McCue B., watchman, Lyiton MeCusker A., sec foreman, Lytton McCutcheon J.,telegraph agent. Chillis wack McDairmaid F., fireman, Kamloops " Fred., turner's helper,North Bend McDonald A., conductor, Kamloops " A., blacksmith, Yale A., shop laborer, Vancouver AngUfi, blksmith's helper, Donald. C. D., bridge carpenter, North Bend 0., bridge carpenter, Kamloops D., passenger conductor, Van- couver D. D., carpenter. North Bend D., roadmabter, Kamloops G. E., head clerk store depart^ ment. Donald H., foreman bridge gang, Van- coaver J., bridge carpenter, North Bend J., chain man, Donald M., bridge carpenter, Vancouver N., bridge carpenter, Vancouver S., bridge carpenter, Kamloops (I (( (( <{ (( (I (I ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 265 Mod O.P.R. PAOIFO DIV. MAC freig'at McDonnld Thomas, checker shed, Vancouver « 'Wm.jfireman steam 8hovel,Yan- couver McDonnell C. J., oflSco boy general supt's department, Vancouver McDouf^all D., stationery engineer, Vancouver " D., fireman, Donald " E. E., clerk gen freight and pass dept, Vancouver McEachren N., brakeman, Kamloops McEwan Jus., shop lab, Vancouver McFadden C. E., conductor. Kamloops McFayden W., sec frmn, Roi^or's Pass McGarger G., ssenger brakem.nn, Vancouver McGarrey J., yardman, Donald McGavey J., work brakeman, Kam- loops McGee J., brakeman, Kamloops McGibbon J., steam titter, Vancouver McGinn is James, foreman ft yard, Donald McGilveray C, sec foreman, Spatsum McGillis D., bridge carpenter, Donald McGillivray N., watchman show^heds " R., bridge carpenter, Kamloops McGregor J., bridge carpenter, Van- couver Mclntee John, laborer, Vancouver McKarracherJ. P., engineer, Kamloops McKay D.,pass conductor, Kamloops " D., watchman snowsheds " J., watchman showsheds " J. A., pass brakeman, Kamloops " J. A., train baggageman, Kam- loops McKechnie F. W., agent, Kamloops McKee Hugh, wheel pressman, Van- couver McKinnell P., fitter^ Vancouver McKinnon D., gang foreman, Kamloops McKune Eobt., engineer, Donald McLaughlin D., laborer freight shed, Vancouver McLean D. H., bridge watchman, Donald McLellan J., watchman, Hope McLennan A., bridge carpenter, Van- couver ** W., bridge carpenter, Vancouver McLeod A. F., bridge gang foreman, North Bend " J., agent, Revelstoke J. B., wiper. North Bend John, paiiler, Donald " N. J., watt'^, Stony Creek McMahon F., gang foreman, Donald McManus F., engineer, Vancouver McMasters A., axeman engineer's dopt, Vancouver McMorrin A., brai-ernan, Kamloops McMnrray R., passenger brakeman, Kamloops McNab Allan, engineer, Vancouver " W., wiper round house, Van- couver " W. J., fireman, Vancouver McNight James, bridge carpenter, Donald McPhee John, bridge carpenter, Kam- loops " P., agent, Port Moody McPherson John, bridge carpenter, Vancouver " P., bridge carpenter, Vancouver McQuarrie D. J., titter's helper, Bevel- stoke IvicRae D., pay car guard, Vancouver " M., bridge carpenter, Donald McShane Jos., watchman snowsheds McKonzie A., yardmaster, Vancouver I McSorley H , fireman, Kamloops (( «( A., freight conductor, Vancouver A., freight brakeman, Vancouver D., engineer, Kamloops F., bridge carpenter, Kamloops T., bridge carpntr. North Bend W., watchman, Yale McVety J., carjxjnter, Vancouver McVicar C, section foreman, Pennys Macaulay C. H., store foreman, Donald Macdonald J. A., clerk asst supt, Kamloops Mach Jas., engineev,. Donald 20 I !i ;| i i I I: H I I i if 266 HENDBSddN'6 Bl&tl'IiSH OOL'OkbUi i \ 1 1' t 'fl ; u ' ■■ 1 i i t 1 ■ i ^ i ij MAC c.p:r. PAOiPio Div. MUN Mackay J. J., telegraph agent, Ashcroft ** William, watchman, RevelHtoke Mackintosh S. T., aabt telegraph mgr, Victoria " W. D., clerk freight dept, Van- couver Maclure J., telegraph agent, Matsqni Mucnab J. H., agent, Savonas Madden C. E., cook car 78, Vancouver Madigan J., passenger brakeman, Van- couver JIfuban T., section foreman, MisBion Malii'ge John, tank repairer, Jktarmette P., draughtsman engineer's office, Vancouver Maroney And,, section foreman. Twin Butte Marpole B., superintendent Pacific Division, Porald Marshall J., section foreman, Spatsum Martin C, 2nd <50ok dining car Wind- sor, Bevelstoke " Geor/je, cai'etiiker, Vancouver *' J., baggageman, Kevelstoke *' J., Ist cook Fraser Canyon House, North Bend Mathie James, blacksmith, Revelstoke Matrj' John, shop cleaner, Donald Maver S., watchman, Harrison Meckelopop — , laborer, Vancouver Mee Eobert, engineer, Vancouver Meldron W., titter, Vancouver Meldrum J,, fii^eraan, Revelstoke Menzsies Edwavd, laborer store dept, Vancouver Merchant X., watchman, Agassir Middiemiss W., tJfuin baggageman, Vancouver Miduleton J., watchman, Savonas Miller Johq, messenger freight ddpt, Vancouver '^ M., cook, " N., bridge carpenter, Donald '^ W. O., chief deapatoher, Van- couver JAWl^ H., watehman snowsheds *' J. L., watehman, Spuszam " i., train baggageman, Vancouver << Mitchell F., operator, Clanwillisiim Mittleton George, fitter, Donald Moody J., fitter's helper, Kumlbops iVtonasset John, machinist, Vancouver Moiitgonfiery A., bridge carp'ontftr, Vancouver A. H., wiper. New Wes< minster J., section foreman, Hope Moody J.f blacksmith, Kamloops Moore J., watchman, Hope Morey S., work brakeman, Kamloops Morris W., machinist's apprentice, Vancouver Morrison A. O., section foreman, Kew Westminster " P. D., bridge carpenter, Donald Morrow F., switchman, Kamloops " G. L. , car accountan t, V ancoUver " Wra., brakieman, Kamloops Morse A., engineer, Kamloops Mortofi Aligns, fireman, Varjcouver " D., engineer, Vancouver " Matt., sec foreman, Kamloops Moserop R. A., wiper, New West- minster " Wm., wiper, New Westminster Mosley R., bridge blacksmith. Moss H. J., operator, Ashcroft Mowat Aliex., engineer, Kamloops C. H., clerk store dept, Dohald G. B., delivery clerk store dept, Donald Muir D., freight cohductor, Vancouver Mu'cfthy P., gang foreman, D6hald Mulhall J. J., chief clerk voucher dept, Vancouver Mulvey J., striker, Kamloops << Jas., mail man, Donald ManneOn John, car repairer, Bdvel- stoke Munro A., asst roadmaster, NdHh Bend " G., rdGdlMiaster, Kamloops , " G., bridge carpenter, Kamloops Munroe Charfes, pumpman, Shuswap and Ducks « D., foretnan freight shed, Van- couver ^ t « « AlPffA^einOAL DIREOTORT. 26t MUN d.P.R. PACIFIC LIV. PEE Monroe Gr., asst road master, Kamloops " Gr., bridge carpenter, North Bend Murchison — , passenger brakenaan, Vancouver " D., passenger brakeman, Van- couver Murphy J., section foreman, Ruby Creek " L., watchman, Cherry Creek Murray J., fitter, Kamloops Myles J. C, fitter, Vancouver - AlfTID- WOOLLEN ILL SULl N Nase W. G., watchman, Hope Nealon J., fireman, Kamloops Needham H., axeman, Donald " S., cook, Donald Neelands Thos., checker freight shed, Vancouver Nero W., laborer, Vancouver Nesbit Geo., striker, Vancouver " John, car repairer, Vancouver Nesbitt J., passenger brakeman, Van- couver Newhart C. C, section foreman, Dry- nock Newman Geo., fitter's approntici, Donald '* W., roadmaster, Karoloopa Nichol D., bridge carpenter, Donald Nicholson W., fireman, Kamloops Nixon Adam, wiper, Roger's Pass ** W., work brakeman, Kamloops Nob)o William, clerk gen freight and pass dept, Vancouver Nolan Edward, coal and woodman, Roger's Pass OF ALL KINDS MIONTREAI.. Ogilvie Wm., passenger brakeman, Kamloops Ogle Thos., fitter, Vancouver Oliver A., section foreman, Mission O'Neil Juf»., engineer, Kamloops Oslrom A. D., fireman, Donald Otto Gilbert, car repairer, Donald » " Matt., fitter's helper, Donald O O'Connor J. J., train baggageman, Kamloops O'Donnell J., watchman, Keefers Ogg A., section foreman, Tranq^uille Page J., laborer, Vancouver " Joseph, car repairer, Vancouver Painter H. J., accountant land dept, Vancouver Palmer Geortje, train baggageman, Vancouver " John, watchman, Kamloops P::rker A., painter, Vancoi v< i " A. road inspector engineer's ucpt, Vancouver Parkinson E., laborer freight shed,, Vancouver Patterson F., laborer, Vancouver Paul A., first t!Ook dining cat Windsor, Revel toko Paynton J., laborer, Vancouver Peck C. J., fitter, Vancouver Peiidola A., fitter's jut^H'entice, Kam- loops Penyor A., freight brakeman, Kam- loops " A., brakeman, Kamloops Percival J. A., yardman, Vancouver Perrie F., watchman snowsheds Perrigo J. B., gang foreman, Kam- loops i i \ : !!KI^' I >h i Ml 268 HENDEBSON'S BRrilSH COLUMBIA PET CP.R. PACIFIC DIV. ROS Peterson Charles, bridge carpenter, Vsinoouver Phibbs C, timekeeper, Donald Phinister A., woodman, North Bend Pickering Wm., clerk freight dept, Vancouver Pippin T., work brakeman, Kamloops Pitfield John, laborer, Vancouver Plaunt Edward, woodman, Kamloops Playert J., brakeman, Kamloops Pollock J., shop laborer, Kamloops Pool E., wood machine man, Van- couver Pope W. F., telegraph agent, Wel- lington Porter H. P., telegraph agent. Cobble Hill Poudrier A. L., asst engineer Shus- wap and Selkirk, Donald " O. L., r<idman, Donald Powe E,, carpenter's apprentice, Van- couver Power E., engineer, Donald •' J., carpenter, Kamloops Powers C, watchman, Ashcroft Prat ley G., shop laborer, Vancouver ]*ratt Chas. Edward, stationery agent, Vancouver Prentiss J, W., cashier, New West- minster Printer S, L., timekeeper, Vancouver Pritchard J., line repairer, Kamloops Purdie J., car oiler, Vancouver Purdy J., wiper, Kamloops Pusher G., work conductor, Kamloops Quinlan P., operator, Mountain Creek It (( R Rabjohn L., tool dress'^r, Vancouver Eagstrow E., section foreman. Beaver- mouth Eaith F., train baggageman, Vancou- ver Randall A., engineer, Donald " Arthur, turner, Roger's Pass Rankin Jas., section foreman, Notch Hill Ranson William, laborer, Vancouver Rathgober F., fitter, Vancouver Rathwell C, bridge carpenter, Donald Rench Geo., shop laborer. North Bend Rued Frank, cleaner dining car Wind- sor, Revelstoke Reeman J., yardman, North Bend Reid C, woodman, Vancouver Kice J., fitter, Kamloops Richards C, bridge carpenter, Donald Richardson C, car repairer, Vancouver " E., laborer store dept, Vancou- ver G., boilerraaker's helper, Van- couver J., section foreman, Keefers " J., blacksmith's helper, Donald " W., M.D., Kamloops Riddle '1 homas, blacknmith, Donald Ridley John, teamster stores dept, Donald Rielly W., bridge carpenter, Donald Rielly Peter, woodman, Kamloops Righter P., engineer, Vancouver Riley C.JW., yardmaster. North Bend Risteen Geoige, passenger conductor, Vancouver Ritron John, wheel borer, Donald Rivet J ^ '^'-^oksmith, Kamloops j Koberts C. M., titter, Vancouver i Robertson F. M., clerk land dept, Vancouver Robinson J., watchman. Raspberry Creek R., baggngemaster, Vancouver W. C, striker, Vancouver ivock So.uiay, laborer, Vancouvei Rogers Wm., telegraph agent, Donald Rolley James, tank repairer Romain VV. C, work brakeman, Kam- loops Rome P., laborer, Vancouver Rosin Frank, laborer store dept, Van- couver Rcss C.H.. boilerraaker's helper, Van- cot. kOr " Janu'H, fitter's helper, Donald " John, laborer store dept, Donald i( ALPHABETICAL DIREOTORT. 269 ROS O.P.R. PACIPIO DIV. STE Boss v., section foreman,Craigellachie " W, E., baggageman, Karnloops Eoutier H., engineer Bridge gang, Vancouver Eowe W., fitter, Karnloops Boy A., carpenter, Vancouver " J., watchman, Hammond " L. W., train baggageman, Karn- loops " P., tank repairer Kuminger Albert, laborer store dopt, Donald Eussell A., freight brakeraan, Karn- loops Rylance W., pile inspector engineer's dept, Vancouver 8 Salsbury W. F., local treasurer. Van- couver Sanders W. F., wiper, Karnloops Sargent W., section foreman, Illecille- waet Saucier J. E., telegraph agent, Kam- loops Sccwyz Alex., watchman, North Bend Schmitd J., pass brakeman, Karnloops Schofieid F. J., clerk freight dept, Vancouver '* J. H., clerk frt dept, Vancouver Scorey W., section foreman, Mission Scott B., car repairer, Vancouver «' J., bridge carpenter, Vancouver " J. H., train baggageman, Van- couver " N. J., engineer, Karnloops Sculley M., bridge carptr, Vancouver Sedgomoor J. I'., timekeeper store dept, Kamloopti Scguidson G., bridge carpt, Donald SerHon J., bridge inspector, Kamloops Shannon Samuel, laborer store dept, Vancouver Sharpnel W. S., car repairer. New Westminster Shaver J., boilormkr's imp, Vancouver haw E., watchman, Keefers Shay S., watchman, Vancouver Shea F. E,, operator. North Bend Sheath F., fitter's helper, Kamloops Shechan D., blacksmith, Vancouver Sheffington 1., fitter, Vancouver Sheldt F., watchman, Spuzzum Shellon G., car inspector, Vancouver Sheppard H. S., laborer car shops, Vancouver Shirley John, fireman, Vancouver Shook M. F., agent, Mission Short N., bridge carpenter, Donald Sibbetts C, car repairer, Revelstoke Simmons Wm., car ins, Roger's Pass Simons John, engineer, Revelstoke Simpson Charles, blacksmith, Donald Sinclair F.G., baggage agt, Vancouver Sing Ah, cook, Donald Sinto W. L., clerk store dept, Donald Slade John, painter, Vancouver Slavin W. T., tel agent, Soda Creek Smith C, watchman, Lytton " C, blacksmith, North Bend Chas., watchman, Revelstoke E.F., clerk pay rolls, Vancouver G. A., clerk stores dept, Donald George, checker, Ashcroft Hy., laborer store dept, Donald J., bridge carpenter, Vancouver L. N., cashier local treasurer's dept, Vancou"er W., car repairer, Vancouver Snow F., section foreman. New West- minster Junc**on Soames Robert, fireman, Revelstoke Solloway A. E., fireman, Kamloops *' L. T., turner, Vancouvej Sparrow J. J., engineer, Vancouver Spraggo W. T., conductor, Kamloops Sprague W. T., freight conductor, Vancouver StalKer G., bridge carpt, Vancouver Stapleton C, painter s helper, Van- couver Stark John, bridge carpt, Donald Starrett D., frt brakeman, Vancouver Steele W.B., hand car fitter, Vancouver Stephens H., watchman, Cisco « « <( (( i f t *•( :!;:: : J :i ' if n •V"''^ W:i ^11- ;! 'If ^ffi'mfmw ^^n^^^^^ 1 M 270 Henderson's British Columbia STE O.P.R. PACIFIC DIV. WAIi (( Stephens W. J., operator, Ross Peak Sterberger Aug., fitter, Donald Stevens A. E., despatcher, Vancouver " D. T., timekeeper Donald Stevenson W., line repairer, Kam- loops Steward E., cableman, Vancouver Stewart G., bridge carptr, Vancouver J., braieman, Vancouver James, woodman, Donald John, bridge carpenter, Donald T., foreman bridge gang, Van- couver Stinson F., bridge carpenter, Donald Stone Jas., tele agt, Burkerville " R., waiter. North Bend Sruthers A. D., M.D., Revelstoke St. Laurent J., car inspector, Kam- loops Suckling A. E., clerk general supt's dept, Vancouver Sullivan J., car repairer, Vancouver " J. L., operator, North Bend " M., cook bdg hse, Donald Sumraerby T. Gr., engineer, Kamloops Sutherland D., carpenter, North Bend " D., bridge carpenter, Kamloops " W. G., conductor, Kamloops Sweeney Thos., fireman, Kamloops T Tanner J., car checker, Vancouver Taylor Geo., machinist, Vancouver " J., fireman, Donald " James E, watchman snowsheds Temple C. H., fitter, Vancouver Terhune A. N., clerk gen freight and pass dept, Vancouver Thatcher H., painter, Vancouver Thompson D. J., carpenter, Donald " J., brakeman, Kamloops , J., train baggageman, Vancouver John, watchman 2nd crossing, Revelstoke S., bridge carpenter, Vancouver W., bridge carpenter, Donald Thornton J., blacksmith car shops, Vancouver Tibb John, carpenter, Revelstoke Tilton C, wiper, Kamloops - Tolley J., laborer, Vancouver TomasoP., laborer, Vancouver Tomlinson G., bridge carpenter,I)on*ld " W., wiper, Revelstoke Tomsos C. A., sec foreman., Ross Peak» Townley J. D., a^st to general supt Vancouver Townsend H., apprentice, Vancouver Trenkblay J., sec foreman,, Harrison Tremble C, painter Vancouver Trickey J. N., agent, Lytton Trodden James, passenger conductor, New Westminster Tuck Lee, car cleaner, Vancouver Tunstall S. T., M.D., Kamloops Turner Andrew, laborer, Vancouver " E., lab frt shed, Vancouver Tyrell C, nurse, Donald U Unwin W. J., conductor, Kamloops UrquhartR., section foreman, Donald V Vagnon Angelo, laborer, Donald Van Antwrop W". F., engineer, Donald Vaodito Gabriel, laborer, Donald " Pheti, laborer, Donald Vaughan J. L., fitter's helper, Donald VoUans A., laborer, Vancouver Vye Alfred, cai* repaiDer, Revelstoke W Wade P., brakeman, Vancouver Wake B. H., tele agt, Valdos Island Walkem H. B., asst engineer, Vancou- ver ALPHABETICAL DJ^mTORt; 271 WAI^ C.P.B. PAOIEIO PIY. YOU Walker Alonzo, turner, Donald ** J. A., carpenter, North Bend " Wm., tele agt, 108 Mile-House Wall N., foreman bridge gang, Donald « W., bridge carpenter, Donald Wallace R., section foreman, SicamouHe Walsh D., train baggageman, Kam- loops " J. C, fireman, Donald " J. 0., engineer, Donald Ward J., freight brakeman, Vancouver " J.W., baggageman Victoria Watkins D., bridge carpenter, Donald '« G., boiler maker, Kamloops Watmore 11., asst roadmaster, Kam- Joops Watson H. J., operator, Salmon Arm " J., bollermaker, Vancouver " W., gang foreman, Kaiploops Watts A., gang foreman, Dpnuld Waandy R., section lab, Vancouver Webster J. G., checker freight shed, Vancouver " W. J., conductor,^ Kamloops Wells F. B., cimekeepQr, Revelstoko West G. B., pus brakeman, Vancouver " T., yardman, Reyelstoke Weston W., bridge carpenter, Donald Wharton C, tinsmith's, VaDCOuver Wheeling T. , car repai^rer, Vancouver White Jas., boilormaker, Vancouver " Steve, engineer, Kamloops Whitesides J., watchman, Kamioops Whittaker James, Revelstoko Whyte Stephen, turner, Revelstoke Wilcocks C, clerk store department, Vancouver Wjjcox Fred., laborer store depart- n\ent, Dpnald Wiley D.a., tire inspector, Donald,P C, Wilgress H. T^ paym^aster, Vancouver Williams A. 0., firernan, Kamloops " S,, watchman, Mission «v W., passenger birakema,n, Kam- loops Williamson W., bridge watchman, Surprise Creek " W. A., tinsmith, Vancouver AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.)* MONTREAL. Mnfra. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. |(See. advt. page 6.) Willis Chris,, fitter's helper, Donald Wilson C, tinsmith, Vancouver B., section "oreman, Hammond (( (( keeper store car, « J. T., b Donald R.J section foreman, Hammond Wind burg G., section laborer, Vancou: ver Winlaw G., yardman, Vancouver " T., freight brakeman, Vancouver Winters F., watchman, Sponce'a Bridge Wise Wm., blacksmith, Vancouver Wolsley L., bridge carpenter, Donald Wood W. A., telegraph agent, Dun- can's Woodhouse Alf., fitter, Donald Woods Sam., passenger conductor, !l^amloops Woodward W. H., watchman snow- sheds Wooldridge T. E., rodman, Donald Wright G., waiter Fraser Canyon House, North Bend G., watchman, Spuzzum J., freight conductor, Kamloops James, conductor, Kamloops John, woodman. North Bend N. W., bridge carpenter, Donald W}'nn T. G., policeman, Vancouver <( Yeigler Alphonso, laborer store dopt, Donald Youll S., cook ? Young W. B., local telegraph mana- 1 ger, Vancouver m \: \ 'I ' i ''SI I I I • i, >• IP' I- H ■' \ 1 , ': I ,1 • -0 /n' m i ■ It i,i! w 1 I : ! i THE5 ST. ALICE HOTEL. HARRISON HOT SPRINGS, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Analysis made for Prof, Salwin* Director Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada •' Sulphur Potash Spring Sprinq Temperature of Spring. . ISCP iK"^ Specitlc gravity 1001.13 1001.00 (60oP) m<>v) Orains per Imp. gal. at (W¥) Chloride of PotasHium .. . 1.722 1.414 do Sodium 81.296 28.318 do Lithium nndl undl Sulphate of Soda 83.061 28.749 do Magnesia 147 .168 do Lime 14.840 16.729 do Strontia undl undl Carbonate of Lime 4.347 2.562 do Iron very small Alumina trace trace Silica 4.634 4.102 90.048 81 200 I have the honor to be. sir, your obedient servant. G. Chas. Hoffman, Chemist & Mineralogist to the Survey. AU. YEAR ROUND RESORT Pleasure and Health. Finest Fishing and Hunting, Wonderful Echoes, Mys- terious Caves and ever changing Scenery, Steam, Sail, and Row Boats on hand. Springs similar by analysis to those of Eb^DEN-BADEN Swimming, Vapor, Private and Gymnasium BATHS Experienced Attendants, Ladies' -parate department, 2 HOTELS Terms: $1-50 to $3.00 Per Day. Fifty miles from Vancouver, B. C, and only five miles from Agassiz Station C. P. Railway, where stages meet all trains. Stop-Over Privileges are granted by the C. P. R'y- o" *11 Excursion or Tourist Tickets to Coast. WHAT A WELL KNOWN PHYSICIAN SAYS. I have seen several, who I know have derived srreat benefit from your Springs. One case suifering from Salt Rheum had been under Hospital treatment for some months without effect, and was entirely cured by the Harrison Hot Springs in one week. Many cases of constitutional sickness, I have seen after returning from the Springs, greatly improved in health. R. J. BENTLEYf Surgeon New Weatminater Hospital. I spent some time at Harrison Hot Springs for my health, and found myself very much improved. The Hotel is also exceedingly comfortable. HUGH NELSON* I'ieut. Gov. of British Columbia. Governor SCH U LTZ'S Sayings. What he has to say to a Vaucouver Reporter : The Vancouver News of 28th August says of Governor Sohultz's visit there : "This distinguished gentloman, accompanied by the Hon. Dr. Walter R. Bown, arrived from Harrison Hot Springs via New Westminster, yesterday. A reporter of the M'los-^rfwer^iser sought the party at the Leland House, where thev had been staying, but found that thfy had ijone on board the Yosemite en route for Victoria. The Governor, although somewhat fatigued, kindly accorded the Scribe an interview in his com- modious stateroom." " Our object in making this trip to the Pacific Coast was to visit the celebrated Harrison Hot Springs, the same of which has spread even to Manitoba. We were exceedingly pleased, not only with the scenery, which was grand, !:'■•, also with the appointments of the hotel and bath houses. All the varieties of water are supplied direct to the hotel in grand abundance, and baths may be obtained both on the first andrecond flats, which is a vory great advant^e. The spring proper is only about 200 yards from the Hotel, and is enclosed in a larse building, containing 25 ordinary baths, 10 rooms for vapor bath, and a swimming bath of quite respectable dimensions, five feet in depth, access to which is bad by means of steps all along one side. We are so pleased with the place that we have secured the lease for li years of a plot of ground, and intend to build a 40 z 45 house, and to lead the water by pipes into the building." ^HENDEESON'S««- ^ BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. In the following section of the work the cities, villas^s and post offices are arranged in alphabetical order, and a description is given of each place, with an alphabetical list of all persons doing business therein. In all the larger places the names have been procured by personal canvass, but in the smaller they have been furnished by postmasters. Great care has been taken to insure correctness, aa well aa completeness. ABE ALB ABERDEEN, A country post office. Nearest rail way, tele- - graph and express offices, Victoria, dis- tance 600 miles. Windsor Canning Co. AGASSIZ, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., 73 miles from Vancouver ; has telegraph, express and post office ; mails daily. Stages connect with all trains for Harrison Hut Springs. The Dominion Government is establishing an Experimental Farm here of 300 acres. Agassiz L. Archer, in charge Dom Experimental Farm Agassiz Mrs., general store , Canadian Pacific Railway Tel- egraph, C. Irk man, agent Irkman C, agent C.P.R., Dominion Express, and postmaster McEae Donald, notelkeeper Merchant T., watchman C.P.R. 8t. Alice Hotel (See adv opposite) ALBERNI, A country post office at the head of Alberni Oanal. Mails weekly. Nearest telegraph, express and railway station, Nanaimo, dist. 54 miles. Nearest landing, Say- wards, entrance of Somaii River. The farm- ing land in this district is considered to be the best on the island. A saw mill is loca- ted here, capacity 1000 m per day. Has a Presbyterian and Catholic churches and two public schools. Barclay Sound FishingCo.and gen store McQuillan Frank, postmaster and general store Saunders F. G., gen store Taylor Chas., postmaster at McCoy PO ALBERT CANYON, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., 403 miles east of Vancouver; has a telegraph office. Several rich mining claims have been taken up in the vicinity. All trains stop here to give the passengers a view of this Canyon. Berube J. E., operator C.P.R. 274 HKNDKRSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA I ALD BAB Carstalns James A., cabine^ maker Don Alex., turner C.P.R. Jones David, coal and WQodman C,P.E McLeod Kenneth M.D Scholstrum & Strand, hotelkeepers ALDER GROVE, A country post ofSce on the New Westmins- ter and Yale waggon road. Mails weekly, on Tuesday. Nearest railway station, tele- gr"nb and express offices, Warnock, dis 8 a J8; steamboat landing, McMullins, dis 7 miles. It has l^piscopal, Presbyterian and Methodist churches and public schools. Du^cbon rev. Gepi;ge, BpiHcopal Fraser rev A., t^^resbyteriai^ Goldsmith Arthur P.^ J.p. Jackman Phillip, Jun., post master Jackman Philip, sen., general store McRee Mrs. H.> school teacher Patterson rev W., Methodist Shortrand Robert, jun., general store Vaunatta Wm. Henrv, collector of Customs ALERT BAY, On Cormorant Island. Has a post office. Mail once a month. Nearest railway sta- tion, telegraph and express offices Nanaimo, dis 475 miles. Its principal industryis salmon canning, has a church of England mission. Alert Bay Canning Co. and gen store Hall A. J., missionary, trader and saw mill Hunt Bros., tracers Nimpkish Cannery, T. Earl, agt, Vic- toria Eedgreaves H., prov police Spencer 9h A^ypoAtmastarand 8«|rnpn,cajni;ier Tidoock R. H;, Indian agent ALEXANDRIA, A country post office in the Cariboo Lil- looet District, nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 175 miles; telegraph and ex- press offices. Soda Creek. Banking Towni Kamloops, dis 220 miles. McGinnis John, gen store lyielnnis A. D„ postmaster ALKALI LAKE, ' ' A country post office in the Lillooet Dis- trict, nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 210 miles. Mails via Clinton, dis HO miles. Bos well Mrs., postmistress ASHCROFT, An important town on th<e ra^in line of the C.P.K., 210 miles east of Vancouver; has post office, telegraph and Dum. and B.C. express offices. Stage leaves 3 times a week for Clinton, connecting with stage for Cariboo; also, stages for Barkerville, Quesnelle, Soda Creek, and points north. Armstrong A., watchman C.P.R. Bailey W. V. B., merchant Barnes J. C, hotelkeeper Bligh &Tyne, props Ashcroft hotel Carey C. B,, agent C.PR. iCargill hotel, Uhas. McNicholl, prop Cargill Wm., hotelkeeper Comusky B., blacksmith Cornwall Bros., flour mill, gen store and hotel Coi;nwall hon C. F., ex-Lieut. Governor Ford Wm., clierk Fostctr F. W., merchant Haddock — , mgr R W. Foster Kirkp^ti'ick P,, merghant Lehman Isaa^c^ bl.acksmith Mackay John J.,po8tmaster apd agent C.P.R, telegraph McBride & Strong, hardware and stoves McNicholl pha^., prop Cargill hotel Moss H. J., operator Newland James A., hotelkeeper Sinith J. F,, J.P., teacher Tin^ley Stephen, supt B.C ExpressCo. BABINE, An laduipsettlOf^Qt lathe Omjineca Dig- trict OIBXOXORT AND OAZKTTK|^ m ^^ BA9 BRI BARKERVILLE, A mining town at the tenninus ot th» Oar- boo wflggon road, dis 280 miles from Ash- eroft, the nearest railway station ; has post and telegraph offices, and B.C. express. Episcopal and Methodist churcbea and public school. MaiU weekly. Pop of dis- trict 600. Cowan George, M.P.P. Bebby John, hardware Bendixon Mrs., saloon Mason Joseph, M.P.P., general store Moses "W., barber Na*<on I. B., M.?.?., saw mill Robinson Oapt. G. W. Eogers S. A., general 8iK>re Stone ^^mes, postmaster and ae;ent, C.P.R.telegraph BEAR CREEK, A station on the main line of the O.P.R., 434 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegraph office ; nearest steamboat landing Revel- stoke, dis 60 miles ; expre as office Glacier, dis 18 miles. Graham George, CP.R. agent BEAVER MOUTH, A station on the main line of the O.P.R., 449 miles east of Vancouver; has telegraph office, and a saw mill employing 4Q hands. Mails daily. Groul W. J., a^ent C.P.R. * Hardy Wm., coal and woodman C.P.R. Robinson Fred., prop saw mill Woodrington Miss, bookkeeper BEAVER POINT, A country post office on Salt Spring Island. Nearest telegraph office Oowichan, dis 13 miles. Railway station McPbersons, dis 15 miles; steamboat landing 2 miles, and Burgoyne Bay, dii 8 miles. Its principal industries are tarming, fishing, and mining ; has a pubtic school. Mails weekly. Akermai) Joseph, hotel and general store Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BABB & CO., Qf«n«ral SiQlsg Agentfl^ 726 CRA IO ST., - MQNTRieAt , Lavigne W., teacher McLennan Alex^, postmaster Rodgers N. H., general store BELLA BELLA, A fishing village on the northern coast. Mail monthly from Victoria. Bryant rev. C, Methodist missionary Clayton John, gen store, and, teacher BELLA COLLIE, A fishing village on the northern coaa^t. Mail monthly from Victoria. Jacobson Prof Nichols Ed., Methodist missionary BOSTON BAR, A settlement on the Tale Lytton road. Nearest railway station and telegraph North Bend, dis 10 miles. Dart H, B.^ general store and, hotel BIG BEAR CREEK, A country po3t office in the Lillooet Cariboo District. Mails weekly in summei ad every second week in winter. Nearest telegraph and express offices Clinton, dis 45 miles . Railway station Ashcroft, dis 106 miles; has a saw mill and 2 flour mills. Gallagher John,^ postmastert and J. p. BRIDGE CREEK, A stopping place on the Cariboo stage route. Kelly Daniel, hotelkeeper • i ' fill ! i i r|. |:r i V: .V, ; m I: 276 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA I BRO CLA BROWNSVILLE, A farming settlement on the Fraaer River opposite New Westminster ; post office New Westminster. BURGOyNE BAY, A country post office on Salt Spring Island. Mails fr. m Victoria twice a week, Monday and Thursday. Maxwell S. , postmaster BURRARD INLET, A post office on the inlet at Hastings station Black George, postmaster CACHE CREEK, A country post office on the Cariboo road. Nearest railway, telegraph and express offices Ashcroft, dis 7 miles. Harper T., floor mill Lehman Mrs. M. A., postmistress Semlin J. F., M.P.P., rancher Stevenson & McLeod, hotel CEDAR, A country post office in Comox District ; mail weekly. CHEMAINUS, A station on the E. & N. Railway, 51 miles from Victoria; has post office; telegraph C.P.R. Conway T.D., lineman C.P.R. tele- graph Cowan Mrs. T. D., agent C.P.R. telegraph Croft Henry, M.P.P , postmaster Galbraith, Grant & Cook, general store Grey Sara., hotelkeeper Hudson's Bay Co., general store Porter James, general store CHERRY CREEK, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 239 miles east of VanoouTer. Daflfey Patrick, rancher Mur )hy L., watchman C.P.R. The Hidden Treasure Mining Co. (Ld), John Morrison, mgr CHILCOTEN, A country post office in the Cariboo Lillooet District. Mails received once in two weeks. Nearest telegraph office Soda Creek, dis 40 miles; nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 235 miles ; steamboat landing Yale. There is a flour mill and a saw mill here. Pop. 25 Drummond & Rennet Hance Joiseph, general store Hanco Frs., gris:; mill Meldrum Joseph, J.P. Nothey Dan., general store Hewen & Nightingale, general store Fowls A., postmaster CHILLIWHACK, A country post office ; nearest railway station and telegraph office Mission, dis 1 mile ; Nicomen 5 miles. Ash well G. R., general store Ashwell J. H., merchant Burriit A. T., blacksmith Cft'.vley Samuel, postmaster Evertin George, general store Henderson Bros., general store Henderson Mr.s. C., hotel McCutchoen J. , agent C.P.R. telegraph Mercer John, blacksmith Tiernan H. W., general store CISCO, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 150 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegraph office. Stephens H., watchman C.P.R. CLAN WILLIAM, A station on the main line of the C.P.R. 370 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegraph office ; nearest steamboat landing Revels toke, dis 9 miles. Johnson Nels., watchman C.P.R. Mitchell F., operator C.P.R. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 277 OLI COR CLINTON, An important town on the Oariboo road, dia 33 miles from Asbcroft, its n<>arest railway ^station; bag a post office. Mails 3 times a week. B.C. Express Co., C.P.R. telegraph; has a Methodist ciuroh and public school. Pop. 100. AUcM Edward, M.P.P. Bell E., tjeneral store Foster F. W,, J. P., general store LeBourdals A., postmaster, and agent C.P.R. telegraph McLellai) & Go., blacksmith Marnhall & Smith, hotel Sones F., government agent Stoddard D. A., tinsmith Switzer & McMillan, hotelkeepers Wado M. S., M.P. CLOVER BAR, A country post office ; has a telegraph office. Nearest railway New Westminster, dis 12 miles. Nearest steamboat landing, Fort Langley ; dis 9 miles ; has Episcopal and Methodist churches and public school. Boll rov. Wm., Episcopal Drinkwater Joseph Kiles Henry, shoemaker McKenzie Duncan E., tele- graph operator, and post- master Patterson rev., Methodist Kichardson Arthur, merchant Starr John II., blacksmith Thrift 11. T., stage prop CLOVER VALLEY, A country post office. Nearest railway station New Westminster, dis 23 miles. McKonzie D., postmaster McLean — , teacher COBLE HILL, A station on the E. & N. Railway. Fisher J., blacksmith Porter T. J., hotelkeeper Porter H. P., agent C.P.R. telegraph - A^ISTT) - VOOLLEH MILL SUFFLM OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. COLWOOD, A country post office. Mails weekly from Victoria, on Friday, 8 a. m. Pratt Arthur, postmaster COMOX, A country post office in a well settled district ; has Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic churciies. Pop. 1200. Nearest railway station and telegraph office Nanai- mo ; dis 70 miles. The Union Goal Go. have just completed a large wharf 1,600 feet long 40 feet wide and 60 feet above high water mark ; there is accommodation for four ships along each side, a track 13 miles long connects with tbe mines. TheGompany are now shipping large quantities of coal. Anderson W. B., constable Bear Rev W. W. Clitf S. E., hotel Bentley & Swan, general store Bentley VV. J., of Bentley & Swan Dingwall Wra. M., postmaster Holmes J. B., general store King & Carey, lumbermen McDonald Gr. Q., hotel McKenzie John W., blacksmith McPhee Joseph, general store Urquhart Bros., Saw Mills CORFIELD, A country post office. Mails daily, except iSunday. Nearest railway station and telegraph office, Koksilah, dis 1^ miles. Steamboat landing, Gowichan, dis 2 miles ; has a church and public school. Pop. 150. ni mm ■h ^r. n yf:,i f i: 278 BUVmBBBON'S !BRltl8a COtilirMBIA COU DON I 5 Corfield Ceo. T., postmaster and geneiiil storf^ Bobotham John H, M.D. COUTLEE, A country post office in the Ificola Valley Nearest rail way station and teiegr&ph office' ' ^pence's Bridge ; dis 42 miles- Thid is a gdod agricultural section and is chiefly occupied by cattle ranches,good coal mines and silv er ledges are located here and are being worked. Mail weekly. Pop. 12. Allan W., surveyor BlaT.r Gt., postmfister Blair & Co., traders, ranchers arvd miners Ooutlee A., hotelkeepor Sinith James, blacksmith Smith Wm., clerk COWICHAN, A country post office. N?are8t railway Rtution Coble Hill, dis 4 miles ; dii from Victoria 35 miles. Orotc Henry, M.P.?. Jones — ,hotelkeeper Macthews Lieat Col Ordano G. B., gen store hotel and post-nasier Kichardson B. B., gen store CBAIGELLACHIE, A station on the main line of the O.F.R., 353 miles east of V^ncourer. Telegraph office, Sic&mc ise, dis 16^ miles ; has a saw mill. CRANBROOK, A post See in the 'f ale, Kootenav !.airict Nearest raili^a:* station; Cwluen; dis 20G. miles. French Wra., postmaster PENMAN ISLAND, Ib situated in the Oomox District. lil tif arest railway station and telegraph ofilce, Nanai- mo, dis 40 miles. DEPARTURE BAY, The shipping port of the Wellington Colliery connected by telephone with Wellington coal mines, distant three miles, coaling station for China steamers. Austin Henry Departure Bay hotel, Joseph Harper, prop Dunsmuir James, of R. Dunsmuir &Sons Harper Joseph, prop Departure Bay Hotel Hughes "Wm. Lindsay A. E., cashier and bookkeeper Mickleson J. Nichols John SteTxjfison David, constable Tregarning Wm. Young C. !N., clerk DONALD. A station on the mainline of the C.P.R., 461 miles east of Vancouver. At the first crossing of Columbia River, has Episcopal and Presbytflrian churches, and Masonic Lodge. Post office, c:.|.i'ess and telegraph offices. Mail? doily. The principal work- shops of the Pacific division of the G.P.R. are situated hervt, and about SOO men are employed by the Ooapany. Adelphia hotel, Gideon Milligan, prop Allan John, engineer Anderson Lena, Pullman hotel Anderson P., conductor Austin Clem., Hub hotel Babbott John, conducV)r Bains Chas. T., drayman Baker Fred., C.P.E. supply store Balf6ur P., Bridges Inspector C.P.R.. Bwrnfiather W. R., engiouer Piites "W. H., accountant C.P.R.,&iore Dept Beasley H. E., secy to supt R. Marpole< C.P.R. Bij?lo;v G. A., flerk stores dept C.P.R. Black A. W., «torekeeptr C.r.R. Blythe T. A., olerk ■ X/ I V-. prop .P.R.. .Siore "ifRllOTOfeT A*D OAZETTltteR. ii9 BOD DONALD KIL Bodwell F. C.,clerk, to Selkirk Bridges Inspector C.P.R. Borne A. &., despatcher C.P.R. Brears R., messenger C.P.R. Brown James, laborer Brown T. R., shoemaker Calder Fred A., clerk supt'soflSceC.P.R. Caldwell W., conductor Canadian Pacific Railway supply store, Fred. Baker, storekeeper Canadian PacfricR<wayyJ.B. Johnson, agent Cob- Web Saloon, Sutherland Connucher Henry, prop Donald Billiird hall and isaloon Corrigan H., brakeman Couift house, Arthur W. Towell, sti- pendiary magistrate Cuthbert Ollie l>avis L,, dry goods, clothing and jew- ellery Dawson, Bole & Co., druggists, W. A. RicliardK, mgr Denraan Arthur engineer Dericy W:n. Deviiii Tbs., bartender Ccbweb saloon Doll L. H jeweller Dominion Express Co., J. B. Johnsoi:, agent Donald Hospital, W. A. RichiToson, M.D., ana W. T. Strother, M.D., physicians Do* 'tillo James, coal and woodman C.P.R. Devlin Ths., bartender Cobweb saloon Downie T., chief train despatcher Drscoli J. J,, fuel aj.ent C.P.B, Engineer's Oifice O.P.R., J. E. Griffith, chief engl — . . office near station Evans Thos., clerk C.P.R., and J. P. ioi' Kootenay Evans Thos., store clerk Ferguson D., baggageman C.P.R. Ferland Mrs. S., gen store, Nareilsse Paquetj mgr Fisher Albert, bartemder Vdle^^ hotel IHiard Qdctric ig. (Ltd.). Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electric Light W|ire, Offtce, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet \7ire. (See adv't. page 6.) Forrest house, Thos. Forrest, prop. Forrest Thos., prop Forrest house Fraser W., night circuit man C.P.R. teigr. Gates J. R., porter C.P.R., store car Gavin P. J., engineer Geddes Jos., fireman GenierNap., !'"" Teoairer Gibson Joseph, engineer Giffin T. H., constable Gilhansen JVl. S., conductor Gilmour'H. B., loco fireman God in A. P., clerk, stores dept .CP.R. Graham A. R., storekeeper C.P.R., store car Graham Geo., conductor Grant P., engineer Griffith J. E., C. E., resident eng. Grimes Wm., yardmaster C.P.R. Hamilton — , teamster, bds Selkirk hse Hamilton John J., despa.chei- C.P.R. Hamilton S. B., prop Windsor hotel Herbert Harry, oartender Selkirk house Hollingo Alfred, coal and woodman CP.R. Houston John, pwb Dbnald Truth Hub saloon, Clen>v^nt Austin, prop HultyTrouncddk <rO.,butcher8y F. Jr Tbpp, mgr Illecillewaet hotel, J. E. "Walsh, prop. Irwin rev. H., Episcopal Johnson J. B., agent C.P.R. and Do minion Express Jbyce J., passenger bi'akeman Kennedy A., brakeman Kennedy John, erigineer Kilpatrick F., foreman C.P.R., Bridge Gang I'iSi'l' 1 f p » 1 5 0- \ ! ;■ fM ■ ■ i J &"■ '! fa i ® I ^ > 1 \ # > 1 ; !•* ; ' if ¥i\ ;;f?.^ 1 '%[ ^Im il '^m lli'i iiH vfi ' IHI 11''' ;l ^ ii !« 2G0 Henderson's British coltjhbia KIM DONALD STE Kimpton R. A., of J. C. Steen & Co. King Louis, engineer Labrecque J. L., prop Valley hotel Lambert John, painter, bds Selkirk house Larcher George, watchman stores dept C.P.R. Leay craft. H. Gr., asst engineer C.P.E. Lee Joe, cook car 33 C.P.R Levesque Louis, watchman fuel dept Lewis H.B.,C. B., draughtsman Lloyd S. S., shoemaker McBiide R., yardman C.P.R. McBride W. J., yardman C.P.R. McCartney S. E., of Philip & Co. McDonald Charles, steward Selkirk house McDonald G. E., head clerk stores dept C.P.R. McFarlane Dr., surgeon McGarvey J., yardman C.P.R. McGenty John, carpenter, bds Selkirk house McGlnnis Jas., yard "■ang foreman Mclnnis J. R., shoemaker McKenzie Mrs., saloon McKeown Robt., engineer McLean D. H., bridge watchman C.P.R. McMillan Alex., merchant MeSorloy Henry, fireman Macaulay C. H., store foreman Macdonald Geo. E., head store clerk Manuel Ceo. E.y of Manuel & Ruttan, J. P., and coroner for Kootenay District Manuel & Ruttan, gen mer- chants ; gold dust and furs bought Marpole Richard, supt Pacific division C.P.R. Matheson John H., barber Milligan Gideon, prop Adelphia hotel Mowat Charles H., store clerk Mov/at G. B., delivery clerk etoro dept .P.R. Mowut Bobt. B., delivery clerk Murphy Patrick, proprietor Woodbine hotel Mulvey James, night agent C.P.R. Needlmm Sam., cook hospital O'Connor J. J. V"., baggagemaster O'Neill F., brakeman Paquette N., manager for S. Ferland Phibbs C, timekeeper for engineers C.P.R. Phillips M., & Co., liquors Pitts J. C, clerk Stein & Co. Post Office, Ceo. H. Press well, postmaster Presswell G. H., postmaster and gene. ral store Randall Arthur, turner Redgrave Stephen, sheriff, assessor, collector, and re- gistrar county court, Koote- nay District Richards W. A., mgr Dawson, Bole & Co. Richardson W. A., M.D., C.P.R. sur- geon Ridley John.teamster store deptC.P.R. Rogers Wm., circuit mgr C.P.R. tele- graph Ross J. H., C.P.R. Ruttan W, S., of Manuel & Ruttan School Trustees, Geo. E. Manuel, sec treas Selkirk house, J. C. Steen & Co., props Sheriff Kootenay District, Ste phen Redgrave Sinto W. L.; clerk store dept C.P.R. Smith E. B., bartender Pullman Smith G. A., clerk C.P.R. store Spraggf A. G. M., barrister 6tafi' Boarding house, on hill in rear of staiion Steen J. C, & Co., general merchants, and props Selkirk ho ise Steen J. C, of J. 0. Steen & Co. Stevens D. T. O., timekeeper Stewart Emma, bdg house DIRKCTORT AND GAZETTEER. Doa to lALD DUG Stewart James, C.P.R. coal and woodman Strother W. T., M.D., C.P.R. surgeon Sullivan Mike, cook StaflE bdg house Sutherland Ceo., prop the Cob-Web Saloon Sutherland Gordon, foreman carpenter Teywell Chas., hospital nurse The Adelphia saloon, Geo. Milligan, prop The Cob-Web8aloon,C. Suth- erland, proprietor The Truth, published weekly, John Houston, publisher Tinto Wm. L., store clerk Topp Fred. George, mgr Hull, Trounce & Co. Tj'rell C, nurse C.P.R. hospital Valley Hotel, J. L. Labrack, prop Van Antwerp VV., engineer Vowell Arthur W., gold com- missioner, stipendiary ma- gistrate, etc., Kootenay Walker Alonzo E., wiper "Walsh J. E., prop lUecillewaet hotel White Herbert, assistant postmaster Wilson J. T., bookkeeper C.P. R. store car Wily D. B., C.E., building inspector Windsor house, S. B. Hamilton, prop Woodbine hotel, P. Murphy, prop Woods Sam., conductor C.P.R. Wright James, conductor C.P. R. Oiling Kee, laundry Chong Kee, store Lee Sing, laundry Yon Sing, laundry DOG CREEK, A country post oflBce in the Cariboo Lil- looet District. Mail weekly. Nearest Tele- graph office, Gliaton, dis 62 miles. Railway iJtation Asbcroft, 90 milca. Its principal industries are stock raising and mining; has a flour mill and saw mill. Pop. 25. 2 -jvisrx)- lOLM MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. J'&, MONTREAL. Place Joseph 8., merchant, postmaster and hotel keeper Twentyraan A., flour mill Gaspar Isidore, saw mill and stock T'liser ALWhy, trader Hing Lee & Co., store Le Poo, store DOUGLAS LAKE, A country post office. Nearest railway station and telegraph office, Spence's Bridget dis. 80 miles. Mails weekly. Douglas Like Cattle Co., ranchers and butchers English Mrs. John, gen store i Keneer J. W., gen store DRYNOCK, A station or the main line of the C.P.R., 175 miles east of Vancourer; has a tele- graph office . DUCK & PRINGLE, A country post office south of Thompson River ; 18 miles east of Kamloops. Ranch- ing is the principal industry in this sectiM. Batchelor O. S., postmaster Martin G. B.,M.P.P. * DUCKS, A station on the main line of the O.P.R.^ 270 miles east of Vancourer on the Thdraii- son River ; hag a telegraph office. Mailft daily. -^ Batchlor 0. S., postmaster Bostock Hernett, hotel ■s il^i Mi :till;^'l m I 282 HENDXBSON'S BRITIBH COLUMBIA I 1 m. I DUN EAST WELLINOTON Mo6 Goulet E. v., agent C.P.E., and Dom. Express Killnear J. M., acting postmaster and hotelkeeper DUNCAN'S, A station on the E. & N. Railway ; has tel- egraph oflBce. Sti»-ge leaves .here for Cow- icban Lake Barkely Capt. Edward QuamichanHotel, Price & JayneSjprops Smith D. Gregory t^-. Wood W. A., C.P.R. telegraph agent EAGLE PASS, A station on the main line'of the C.P.R.) 373 miles east of Yancouver. EAST WELLINGTON. (Se^ also Wellington). A mining town, 4 miles from Nanaimo, has post office, churches and public school. Anderson Henry, miner Anderson John, miner Baim bridge Geo., miner Barrow John, miner Beveridge Thos., miner Bertram Wm., miner Bowater Neil, miner Bowater Wm., miner Braize Ewan, miner Brittle Eobt., miner Brown Andrew, miner Brown David, miner Brown James, batcher Brown James J,, miner Brown Wm., miner Bulloch Wm., miner Burn John, miner Callushaw John, miner Galson Neil, miner Cameron Alex., miner Campbell Frank, miner , Carlston Frank, miner Carmichael Wm., miner Chandler Wm. 8., superinten- dent East Wellington Coal Co» ,.,[,■■■ Chisholm Duncan, miner Clark Alfred, miner Craven Webster, miner Crowley Daniel, miner David John, miner Davies John, miner Daykin Israel, miner Delahay Wm., miner Dixon Dan., miner Drew Richard, jun., miner Drew Ei chard, sen., miner Drew Wm., miner Dunlap R., miner Dunnllobl., overman East Wellington rCoal JCo., Wm. 8. Chandler, superin- tendent Eaton Chas., miner E'lis Henry, miner Fitzsimons Frank, miner Fitzsimons James, miner Frances Wm., miner Frank J. B., miner Freethy Eobt., miner Gilles Daniel, miner Golder Eobt., miner Graham David, miner Griffiths Wm., miner Grundy Wm., miner Heath Stewart, miner Hilton Geo., miner Hinksman Wm., miner Hinz David, miner Hohatte Andrew, miner Horth Chas., miner Hudson Eichard, miner Jones Ed., miner Jones Fred., miner Johnston John, miner Johnston Samuel, miner Kelly Eobt., miner Kennedy Thos., miner Lamb Mark, miner McBioom Wm., miner McCall John, miner McCoy Henry, miner McGregor James, miner I If M' DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. McK EAST WELLINGTON END McKinley Andrew, miner McKinley James, miner McLnyRobt., miner McLeod Duncan, miner McMlUen Daniel, miner McTaggart Wm., miner Marshall Thos., miner Methbin Colin, miner Meyers Cbas., miner Motfat Andrew, miner Morris Wm., miner Morrison John, miner Murphy Michael, miner Neil Wm., miner Noyes Wm., miner Orr Alex., miner Pascoe James, miner Pascoo Thos., miner Payne John, miner Peck Thos. E., Old Swan Inn Petrome Joseph, miner Pippey R. L., bookkeeper East Wellington Coal Co. Popewell Amos, miner Qainn Michael, miner Quinn Wm., miner Kainhart Chas., miner Ramsay John, miner Reil John, miner Roberts S. B., miner Bobertson John, miner Rosewall Henry, miner Rosewall James, miner Sage Geo, jun., miner Savage John, miner Shea Thos., miner Skelley Wm., miner Smith Jesse, miner Sneddon John, miner Taylor Wm., miner Verenella Alex., miner Waddels John, miner Walkem W. W., surgeon East Wellington Coal Co. Wall Benjamin, miner Webster James, miner icll. . (Lti.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telcphones.Eiectric Bells, Aiviittner.'iie- tors, Burglar Alarms, lustruineiitit, Apparatus- aim;^ Supplies of every description. (S-^e advt. |jiJ*-«i» Westwood Benjamin, minor West wood Joseph, miner Westwood Milton, miner Westwood Novella, miner Westwood W. J., gen store-; White John, miner Wilson George, minor Wink Eichof-d, miner Wright John, miner ELGIN, A country post office. Mail {nam Westminster, dis 12 miles. McDougall W. C, postmaster EMORY, A country Post Office. Nearest' station Yale, dis 3 miles. Geisler Fred. W., postmaster ENDERBY, A country post office in the SpalI)uBaitei& District, on the banks of the SpalloaiaAaeni R'ver. Steamers run betweea EadftKBjt aadi. ciicamouse. A large roller pcoaasoi fioacv mill is located here, Columbia Roller Mills, Welch,, Bfccfiftcr & Co., props Gardner — , mgi* Lumby Bros., hotdl Garrow John, M.D. Harvey Oliver, gen store and pest- master Lumby Bros., botelkeeper» Lumby M., J. P., secretanF Shuswap and Okanagai» Railway -! ll ' ' . I n i\' :M i 1! 1 4' f (^ ■- ^^ ' J ' 1 v.] i 1 . :■ J!8ft Henderson's British Columbia ESQ ESQUIMALT KEE ^ISQUIMALT. Abeut 3 miles from Victoria, connected by a good road. Tlie chief naval station on the o.pacific coASt^ has a dry dock, length 450 ft., -width at entrance 65 ft., depth 26 feet: An ■ arseaal and naval hospital, has post office; Mails daily. Episcopal and Catholic ■churches, and schools. Anderson Ths., res Old Esquimalt Eoad JLndpews James, steward Eoyal Naval Jiospihil Jlrtii«r.s J., carpenter. Old Esquimait R^ad .iSLstiley Tlios.,milkmaii,Esquimalt Road Barry Cuarlej*, storohouseman. Naval Yard ^ayley Joseph, Trenton hotel halfway house, Esquimalt Road jflB<ilsiugt(»n Geo., boatman iBif=!iiop Caleb, storehouseman, Naval Yard Bland Joseph, laborer,E8quimalt Road 3()gl€John, laborer, Drj' Dock JJolton rev W. W., rector St. Paul's «cluir<}i), and teacher St. Paul's boys •ec'liool hunting Chas. E., customs officer .JBui'gess James T., cook Royal Naval h<»spital Oallum Capt E. C. •CJameron A. B., ship carpenter <;jameron Archibald, ship carpenter CCaraphellJohn Donald, constable prov police Clumpbell H. J., assist master St. Paul's school Cijirr F., bartender Ship Inn saloon Coach & Horse saloon, B. F. Dillon, prop Esquimalt Road Cohen Joseph, assist Royal Naval Hos- pital Cura Frank, Esquimalt Road Customs Officer, outpost of "Victoria, Charles E. Bunting Culler S., dairyman, Esquimalt Road Cutler S. W., Esquimalt Eoad JDavey Frederick, clerk Naval Yard Devereux Capt. John, dockmaster, Dry Dock Dillon B. F., prop Coach & Horses Saloon, Esquimalt Dillon Chas. I., clerk Pearson & Co , res Esquimalt Road Dillon Edward F., clerk Young & Co., res Esquimalt Road Dobbin T. Sydney, chief clerk Naval Yard, res Esquimalt Eoad Dodds Thos., cooper. Naval Yard Doran John, prop New Inn, Esquimalt Road Downer Richard, storehouseman. Na- val Yard Dry Dock, Capt. John Devereux, dock- master Esquimalt hotel, Wm. Eathwell, pro- prietor Evans Alfred, steward Officers Club Fisher Chas., proprietor Globe hotel Fisher Joseph, groom Howard's hotel Fitzgerald M., staff surgeon R.N., in charge Royal Naval hospital Freith A. J. E., asst storehouseman. Naval Yard Gilliespie Geo., asst mgr Bk. of B. C, res Esquimalt Road Globe Hotel, Chas. Fisher, proprietor Goepel Phillip D., clerk, Naval Yard Gr'^aves Duncan, carpenter, Dry Dock Gronfell Lieut. Haraei Geo., carpenter Hammond John, laborer Harris Henry, proprietor Ship Inn saloon Holman James, shoemaker Howard John Thomas, postmaster, livery stable and hotelkeeper Innes James H., Naval & Vic- tualing sto reiceeper, and accountant in charge Naval Yard Jones David, school teacher Jones F. N., stoker Jones Peter, Dry Dock Saloon j Keeler Richard, grocer im DIRECTORY AND OAZETTEBR. S8S> KEL E8QUIMALT YOU Kelynack Edward A., carpenter R. N. Kirvvin — , res Esquimalt Eoad Lake Elias, boatswain R. N. Littlefield J. Cading, striker, Naval Yard Lloyd Chap., laborer, Dry Dock Logan Hugh,a88t arraourer,NavaIYard McCausland James, boatman McDonald P. J., saloon McGill David, stoker, Dry Dock McKenzie — section man E. & N. Ey., Esq' » lalt Eoad McKenz!. ^h, clerk, Naval Yard Mahoney '' "^oyal Naval canteen Martin J. W., la. dry, Esquimalt Road Mathews Edwaru, stuff engineer R.N. Muir A. C, chief engineer, Dry Dock New Inn, John Doran, prop, Esquimalt Nunn Chas., clerk Half Way house, res Esquimalt Road Officers Club, Alfred Evans, steward Oldershaw — , plasterer, Craigflower Road Pearce J. T., grocer Pearson Thomas, Albion Iron Works, res Esquimalt Phillips Richard, storehouseman. Na- val Yard ■y speaker Esquimalt Pooley hon. C. Leg Ass, res Road Pope S., lance corporal and postmas- ter, Naval Yai-d Postmaster, Howard John Thomas Robinson Wm., clerk Royal Naval canteen, John Mahoney Royal Naval Hrspital, staff surgeon R.N., in charge, M. Fitzgerald Royal Naval Yard. James H. Innes, Naval & Victualing storeiceeper,and accountant in charge Richardson Thomas, armourer, Naval Yard Edison Electria Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., General Selling Agents, 726 CRAIC ST., - MONTREAG^ Russell James, Esquimalt Road Ruthwell Wm. St. Geor<^e'.s Inn, Chas. Williams , ppop** Esquimalt Road St. Joseph R. C. mission, Esqiiirnalfe St. Paul's church, Episcopal, Rev. \V.^. W. Bulton, rector St. Paul's school, Rev. W. W. Button-,.. head master Shaw Mrs., res Old Esquimalt Kburf Ship Inn saloon, Henry Harris, m-op.» Socks Jno., night watchman, Dry I^ock:;: Smiih Wm., laborer, Constant Cftvo- Spilman W. J., carpeater's taate^. Naval Yard Spotts Jamep, laborer Stephenson F. L., asst master St>^ Paul's school Trenton hotel, Joseph Bayley,. propi, Esquimalt Road Triraens E.G., architect, res Esq)ii<mnl]b;:. Road Were F. J., stoker, Naval Yard' Wake Gervas F., clerk Naval Yard^ res Esquimalt Road Walk.^r F. G., barrister, res Esqjxiraftljte, Road War Lung, laundry Wilby H., grocer ' William Chas., prop St. George^s Iriiv Esquimalt Road William James, laundry, OstimtaRlt. Cove, Esquimalt Hurber William J. H., artificer, Nava»E Tartls. William J. W., storekeeper's boat raftr*^,^ Naval Yard Withum J. W., leading stoker, lSma£L Yard Young Wm., boatman (. illll! m !';|- ;* ' 111. |:Si:R( I miw \lw I i'i'j 1^ ■:, m ^; !(■ t^-'^f-til aB86 Henderson's British oolcmbia FAI GOL FAIRMONT SPRINGS, JL post office in the Kootenay district, 2 Jiniles from Upper Golumbia Lakes; nearest : railway station and telegrapli Golden, "dis. 100 miles. Mails once a month in win- dttt and twice a month in summer. Steam- >boat landing Sam's Landing, Lake Winder* imeie, dis 3 miles. Srewer Samuel, hotelkeeper Cameron Jamos,ranch man and freighter v*fi«rdie Alfred, ranchman . fiavdie Wm., ranchman jJjoATj^eo., postmaster and ranchman KM Alfred, hunter and prospector 1 JicViitieA. W., P. L. surveyor and mining engineer : Mey.ittie Thos. T., P. L., surveyor and ->«nning engineer "Toang Joseph, ranchman PERNIE COMBE (now Agas- J'lELD, ^ station on the main line of the C.P.R., mi miles east of Vancourer 'Keedbam Sampson, hotelkeeper Trelheway Thomas Wheatland Jacob, merchant :F0RT RUPERT, JL trading post at the north end of the ns'tand of Yancourer, 20 miles north of i-A<«rt Bay. 'Himt Eli, trader fl«ni George, trader JHttnt Robert, trader ^MBt William, trader WOKT SIMPSON, A trading po"t and post office, 650 miles aorlli of Victoria. > • * '3]aU E. H., postmaster 3F0RT STEELE, A post office at the Golumbia Lakes, Koote- juy District. Mail ria Golden monthly. AlymerFred., J.P. Galbraith R.L.T., merchant Perry Creek Mining Co. Dennis O.G., government officer FRENCH CREEK. (See Parks- ville) GABRIOLA ISLAND, A country post office and telegraph office. Nearest railway station Nanaimo. Hails weekly. Shaw Alex., jun„ postmaster GLACIER HOUSE, station on the mainline of the G.P.R., 424 miles east of YancouTcr. The G.P.R. have a handsome hotel here where passengers going East and West take dinner ; has tele- graph and express offices. Mails daily. Eustace J. B., agent C.P.R. Perley H. A., manager C.P.R. hotel GOLDEN, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., 377 miles east of Vancouver ; has Telegraph and Express office. Mails daily. During the season of navigation. Steamers run up the Golumbia river, a distance of 100 miles. Archer W., hotel Armstrong Capt F. H. Bott W. G., hotel Budd & Mclntyre, hotel Cameron A., agent Durick J. Green J. G., hotel Lang Robt., gen store and postmaster McDonald Hugh Morgean B., general store Wells Fred. GOLDSTREAM, A station on the E. ft N. Ry., 10 miles from Victoria. Mails daily. Phair James, prop Goldstream House DIRBOTORT AND OAZXTTBER. 28t GRA. HAR ORAND PRAIRIE, ^ A country post office in the Tale Ko tenay District. Mail weekly ria Nicola] Kirkpatrick A. J., postmaster ORANITE CREEK, A ooantry post office in the Yale Kootenay District, Nearest railway station and tel- egraph Hope, dis 80 miles. Mail weekly. Oook & Co., general store Janseu William, postmaster McDoagall W. C. Thompson W. T., general store ORAN VILLE (now Vancouver; ORIFFIN LAKE, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 365 miles east of Vancouver ; has tele- graph office. Mails daily. Express and Steamboat laiding, Rerelatoke; dis 18 miles. Armstrong James, watchman C.P.R. Edwards H. J., agent C.P.R. Mails monthly ria <}ROHMAN, A couD 'Xj post office. Kootenay. HALL'S PRAIRIE, A country past office in Surry Municipa- lity. Mail weekly from New Westminster. Brown D. W., postmaster HAMMOND. (See Port Hammond). HANEY. (See Port Haney). HARRISON RIVER, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 62 miles from Vancouver. Maver S., watchman C.P.R. Young C.A. LEATHER BELTWG. June. Craig and St. Antoine St8>» MOMTREAL. HARRISON SPRINGS, This favorite resort is located on Harrison Lake, in the mountains of the coast range, C miles north of Agassiz station G.P.R. Among the many summer resorts and Sanitariums of the Pacific coast, none possesses greater attractions or offers better opportunities for the recuperation of Health than Harrison Hot Springs. The virtue of these waters has long been known, but accommodation was primitive nntil some three years ago. The Brown Brothers erected a first class hotel on the margin of the Lake, a beautiful body of water about forty-five miles long, and averaging ten in width. The land at the south end of the Lake, and just east of the hotel, facing the snow-capped Mount Douglas, has been laid out in Lots, most of them have been sold to residents of the cities on the coast, who are building summer residences on them. Good fishing can be had in the Lake, which is the favorite spawning ground for salmon ; trout abound in the numerous clear mono- tain streams. The hunter will find exeel- leut sport, as the mountains abound with deer,mountain sheep, goats, rabbits, grouse, etc. The scenery is beautiful, the mountain air fresh and invigorating, and everything necessary to render a visit one of threat enjoyment. Brown Frank A., Saint Alica Hotel ■ Sei adv page 272 Brown Fred. A., Saint Alice hotel Brown John R., Saint Alice hotel Byshe Fred. W., barber Cameron Neil, stage driver Qalbraith Dan., stage.driver m?^^ \ I \i 'l!.- ,. h pl! 286 Henderson's British Columbia HAR ILL Gray Arthur, porter St Alice hotel Lambert A. F., bath man Kobertson Dan., stage driver Hobertson Duncan, stage driver Scripture T. N. HARVEY. (See Barkerville) BASTINGS, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., 5 miles east of Vancouver on Burrard Inlet. There is a good waggon road connecting •with New Westminster, dis 9 mile?, and fVom Vancouver 4 miles. It is a favorite drive with Vancouver citizens. Black George, butcher, hotelkceper and postmaster Anderson & Grady, props Vancouver Mill Co. HAT CREEK, A mining town, 15 miles North West from Asfacroft, a good quality of coal is mined here HECTOR, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 619 miles east of Vancouver. HOPE, A town on the south side of the Fraser River, about 90 miles from its mouth, in the Yale district, it is reached by steamers from Jieyr Westminster. Nearest railway station and telegraph Hope station, on the west bank of the river, dis 1 luile. It has one saw mill ; an Episcopal and Roman Catholic church, and public school. Idails daily. Goppin H., asst postmaster CJorrigan James, hotelkeeper Galloway Charles, hotelkeeper Hudson's Bay Co., gen store and forwarders Morrison F., principal Public School Silva James, general store Taylor Fred., general store Wardle James, postmaster and general store Wilson Geo. W. F., taxidermist HOPE STATION, A station on the main line of the C.P.R. , 91 miles east of Vancouver; has telegraph ofiBce. Mails daily. Campbell A., watchman C.P.R. Chouinard J., operator C.P.R. Kedon P., watchman C.P.R. McLellan J., watchman C.P.R. Moore J., watchman C.P.R. Nase W. G., watchman C.P.R. HORNBY ISLAND, Gomoz district; P.O. Quadra. HOT SPRINGS, (See Harrison Springs). ILLECILLEWAET, A mining town on the main line of tb& C.P.R., 407 miles from Vancouver; has post, telegraph and express ofiBces. Mails* daily. Several rich claims are being devc- lopei 're. Anderson Ewan, hotel Atherton W. T., postmaster Bain & Boyd, miners Buchanan George 0., saw mill Callowey George A. L., engineer Corbin D. W., of Corbin & Kennedy Corbin & Kennedy, miners Green Bros. , general store Green Robert F. Green Samuel H. Illecillewaet Mining Co., Fred. Fooics, manager Kennedy J. P., of Corbin & Kennedy Lamey Daniel, general store Maple Leaf Hotel, Thos. Richardson, prop McArthur A. C, agent C.P.R. and Dominion Express Mclntyre Hugh, boots and shoes McLeod Kenneth, miner McKinnon Peter, butcher Miller "W., & Co., boarding house Norris John, bartender Queen's hotel Richardson John DIRIOTOBT AND GAZETTEER. 289- INV KAMLOOPS coc Eichardson Thomas, hotelkeeper Selkirk Mining Co., E. G. Tilton, mgr Snider W., prop Queen's Hotel Tilton Wm, miner Wood C. D., miner INVERNESS, A fishing atation on the northern coast. Mails monthly from Victoria. lEawkins Thomas, general store Inverness Cannery, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Victoria JOHNSON'S LANDING, A country post office in an agriculture district, on the Fraser River, 5j miles above St. Mary's Mission. It is reached by steamer daily from New Westminster. Nearest railway station and telegraph mission, dis 5^ miles. It has 2 churches, Methodist and Roman Catholic. Brown William, blacksmith Garner R. C, postmaster Lacroix Gabriel, general store Trethoway Mrs., general store Wade Francis E. , general store KAMLOOPS, A division town on the main line of the C.P.R., 250 miles east of Vancouver, at the junction of the North and South Thompson rivers, has post, express, tele- graph and telephone offices, Bank of B.C. Epi scopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, and R.C. churches, public schools ; court house and jail; steam, saw and grist mills. A good system of water works supplies the town for fire and domestic purposes. Pop. 900 white and 400 Chinese, 200 Indians. Steamers run to Enderley and Savona. Andrino A., baker and grocer Arlington Hotel, Aston & ^Atherton, props Armstrong Thos. H., night constable Atherton H., asst yai-d master Bacon Chas., painter and paper hanger Tie maril Electric pilg. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- ineiit8 and Supplies of every deecription. .(Se» advt. page 6.) Bank of British Columbia, R. Lea Barnes, agent Barber Guy, watchmaker, Victoria »t Barnes E. Lea, agent Bank of British Columbia Blake D. M., car inspector Blair J., C.P.R. dining hall and yard- master Blair E. D., bookkeeper Hull, Trounce &Co Bole Samuel, carpenter Brown Joh n L,, dry goods and groceries Brue Arthur, butcher James Woodland Burnyeat Arch. G., clerk govt officer Campbell Jas. T. Grant, bookkeeper W. E. Megaw Campbell John, carpenter Campbell John, fruits and men's fur- nishings Canadian Pacific Eailway. F. W. Mo- Kechnie, agent Cannell Edward, prop Cos- mopolitan Hotel Garment John, clerk Dom hotel Cars\»ell Edwin, baker at J. S. Smith Church of England, rev Canon Cooper, rector City of London Fire Ins Co., E. H» Jones, agent Clarke & Co., druggists Clarke John A., clerk Clarke S., M.D. Clemehts A. L., timekeeper C.P.E. Clyde A. J., tinner James Vare Cochrane W. M., notary public and* conveyancer .^0 HKNDEasON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA. COL KAMLOOPS MoO j }: Colonial house, Alex. McLean, prop Conway F., freight checker "Cooper rev Canon Episcopal •Cosmopolitan Hotel, Id- ward, Cannell, prop ^CoBtlej Thos., planer Shuswap Mill- ing Co. 'Coursier Henry N., clerk J. L. Brown Crotty & Co., livery .Crotty F. C, of Crotty & Co. Davidson E. C, harnessmuker W. E. Megaw .Dnvig H., & Son, painters Dodd Wn), govt agent Dominion Hotel, Mrs. Nelson, prop Downey H., printer Sentinel 'Dufresne Fred. & Edmond Leblanc, barbers Fnirbain D. T., ioarnalist Sentinel \Fergu8on Joseph, butcher Fletcher A., bartender Kamloops House ' ' • Foster J., engine turner <Franklin John, clerk H. B. Co. Funer E., M.D. Oilleom Victor, saloon, J. 0'Brien,ragr •Gillespie Isaac^ waiter Dom hotel 'Oillies D. W., bookkeeper Shuswap Milling Co Go<xlfellow J., chief train despatcher Xjordon Bros., furniture 'Gordon James, of Gordon Bros. Ooition Marshal, ot Goi*don Bros. 'Grahame James 0., mgr. Hudson Bay Co. Crand Paclflo Hotel, C. W. Jones, prop <Trinrod E. H., insp telegraph repairs Hearn B., asst despatcher ..Hill Alfred, carpenter Hill Stilman C, builder and contractor. {See Card.) Hill Wilson, carpenter Hornby Thos, drayman Hosker D. M., locomotive foreman STILMAN C. HILL, (tonttattox U ISuilDiet, KAMLOOPS. Estimates and Specifications fur- nished for all classes of work. Hudson's Bay Co., James O. Crahame, mgr Hull John, of Hull, Trounce & Co. Hull, Trounce & Co., butchers Hussey Frederlcli, Govern- ment agent Hyatt M . , foreman bridge gang Irwin rev H., Episcopal Jackson J., boilermaker C.P.R. Jamieson Joseph, teamster Shuswap Milling Co. Johnston J., prop Kamloops House Johnston John, engineer Shuswap Milling Co. Jones E. H., postmaster Jones C. W., prop Crand Paci- fic Hotel Joixlan Fred. W., clerk J. A. Mara Kamloops house, J. Johnston, prop Kamloops Pharmacy, Wra. E. McCart- ney, mgr Kamloops Water Co., Jas. Mcintosh, J. P., mgr Kearns Miss, mngr C.P.R. dining hall Kelly F. A., blacksmith G. P. Raven Kelly M., road master C.P.R. King D. J., printer Sentinel Ludner rev Mr, Methodist Lawrence J., asst despatcher Lee R. H., architect and engineer Leonard J. W., asst supt Shuswap and Thompson section Loney Geo., ferryman McArthur James, clerk W. R. Megaw McCartney Wm. E., druggist McCutcheon Hugh, publisher of the Sentinel '*^n«t»_- ' DIRECTORT AND OAZETTEVR. 291 McD KAMLOOPS ROA THoa roadue:y, MANUFACTURER OF HARNESS A SADDLES DEALER IN \VAGONS & BUGGIES GRAIN AND FEED, STOVES, ETC., YIGTOBIA ST., KAMLOOPS. McDonald Alex., gen bleclcRmith McDonald D., roadmaster C.P.R. McDonald J. A., clerk asst Bupt McGillivery & Li tile, contractors and builders McGruire Chas. A., clerk J. A. Mara Mcintosh James, J. P., mgr Shuswap Milling Co. Mclvor Murdoch, clerk W. K. Mogaw McKechnie F. W., agent C.P.R. McKinnon Archibald, blacksmith McLaren J. C, convict guard prov jail McLean Alex., shoemaker M(^Leod Angus, clerk Dom. hotel McQuarrie Donald, boots and shoes Manonteau August, capt. str Knm loops Man son Donald, bartender Colonial Hotel Mara J> A., M. P., general mer- chant Murtino G , of Scuitto & Co. Matheson i^onald J., tailor Matheson Malcolm, mer- chant tailor Matthews G. F., of E. G. Prior & Co. Matthewson A., mgr Dominion Hotel Megaw W. R., gen merchant Methodist Church, rev Mr Ladner Mitchell David P., sawyer Shuswap Milling Go. Montgomery Elmer E., photographer Morton Arthur, agent E.G. Prior & Co. Morton Mrs. A., millinery Munro G., asst roadmaster C.P.R. Murray J., machinist C.P.R. Nelson Fred., Dominion Hotel mm mm Juno. Craig and St. Antoine St8i» MONTREAL. Nelson Mrs. 8.M., wid, prop Dominion Hotel Newman W., roadmaster C.P.R. Noble Andrew, contractor and builder Nyland John, warehouseman J. A. Mara O'Brien John, mgr Gilleom saloon Olnon Anthony, watchman Shuswap Milling Co. Park John K., traveller E. G. Prior & Co. Pearse E. T. W., collector and eons- table Post Office, E. H. Jones, post- master Potter Mrs., wid, matron Royal Inland hospital Presbyterian Church, Rev. John Chishoim Prior E.G., & Co., hardware and implo> ments Provincial Coverr^ment offi- ces, Frederick Hussey, agent Quinn Lnwrence, boots and shoes Rankin George, blacksmith for Alex. McDonald Raven George P. , waggon and carriage builder Renier P. S., merchant tailor Renier Peter, tailor Rently Walls, stationer Rheault Ls., mnnager Colonial Hotel Richardson W. M. D. Ridley H. ( . ins agent Roadiey Thdmas, saddler. See card i; Mr |!r Mfil' W 1 1 mm ■i ii ifN '■• W. ft;:;;' >'«f^' 'mi ■dm " 1 ^' ; ■' r '■J ^1 !■■ MP fM i 8; mM • ■' «' ( 'ji; ' A^\ \i ■ ■ ; 1 ■ i; ■J : 1 ;■" in ■n it:,;;'- >-f ) mfn 1 '(■ Mm 292 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ROB KAML00P8 KEB ^^-- vl Robpon Fred. H,, of Robson & Lee Robson & Leoy grocers and provisions Robson Robert H., of Robson & Lee Roman Catholic Church, Rev, Father Lejecque, P.P. Ross T)., waiter Dominion Hotel Ross W. E., baggagoman Royai Inland Hospital, Dr. E. FuE-rer, house sur{3;eon Saucfer Jean E., agent C.P.R. telegraph, and Jevceller Schenck Frank M., barber Scuitto & Co., general (>tore Sedgemore J. H., timekeeper store dopt C.P.R. Sentinel, published weekly, H. McCutcheon, prop Sergon J., bridge insp C.P.R. Shuswap Mining Co., James Mcintosh, J. P., martager Si'verstone Norbert, restaurant Sinclair George, fruits Sinclair James, jailor Sloan Elmer M., clerk Robson & Lee Smith James, batcher Hull, Trounce & Co Smith J. F., boots and shoes Smith J. S., baker Smith R. E., gen store and merchant tailor Snider W., jiin., cleik St Ann's Convent St Lauretit J., car insp C.P.R. Stevenson Chas., clerk R. K. Smith Telephone office, Jean E. Saucier, mgr Tunstuil Jas., bookkeeper J. A. Mara Tunstall 8. T., M, D., C.P.R. physician Turner John A., clerk H.D. Co. TytlerM. P., clerk Bank of B.C. Vare James, hardware Vick 8. C, Jeweller Wagstaff Arthur, teamster J. A. Mara Walsh — , engine turner Watmore R., asst road master Walton Hon. Justice George Anthony, Judge CHnton judi- cial dist, county of Yale Welsh Greorge, harnessmaker W. R. Megaw White Ed., tailor at R. E. Smith Wood W. F., manager J. A. Mara Woodland James, butcher Woodlarid John, butc' er Woods P., printer Sentinel Yacama Jos , cowboy Hull, Trounce &Co. CHINESE Ah Loy, gen merchant Chan Dan Tong, doctor Chong Lee & Co., dry goods and gro- cers Hop Lee, merchant Kwong Jov & Co., merchants Kwong Lung, merchant Kwong On Wa & Co., raercnants Kwong Tai, merchant Sam Kce, laundry Yee Chong, merchant REEFERS, ' A station on the main line of the C.P.R.^ 11 miles east of North Bend and 143 miles east of V-vncouver ; has telegraph ofiBce. Brown J., watchman C.P.R. Copeland John, merchant Donnelly C, operator C.P.R. Farley J3., watchman C.P.R. Jatnieson J., stock raiser Laniie — , stock raiser Lee 8., watchman O.P.R. Libby Ct. a., merchant McCarren A., watchman C.P.R. O'Donnell J., watchman C.P.R. Shaw E., watchman C.P.R. Wah Kee, merchant DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 293 KEI LADNErvS LANDING KVVO KEITHLEY CREEK, A country post ofiSce in the Cariboo diatrict. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 270 miles. Telegraph Queynell, 45 miles. Mails weekly. Veith & Borland, gen store Yeith G. A., postmaster KEREMEOS, A country post oflBce In the Yale Kootenay district. Nearest railway station Kamloops, dis 170 miles, Mails weekl). Daly Thos., postmaster Price B., gen store KOOTENAY, A country post oflBce. Mails monthly via Golden, dis 200 miles. Baker Col. James, M. P. P -Galbraith K. T. L., ex M.P.P. Griffiths David, postmaster ^/nciair & Co., contractorr KOKSILAH, A station on the £. & N. Railway ; has post and tel jraph offices. Mails daily. Crosier J. C postmaster and gen store Good H. L., agent C.P.R. telegraph LACK LA RACHE, A country pos'. office in the Cariboo Road. Cattle ranching is the principal industry in this section. Nearest railway station Ash- croft, dis 100 miles. Hamilton & Ogden, hotelkeep'^ rs McKinlay 0., postmaster LADNER'S LANDING, Art importa^nt town on the Fraser Rivr .', 6 miles from its mouth, vn Delta municipal- ity which contains the .inest agricultural lands In the province, 60,000 acres. It has telegraph and money order post office Mails daily, via C. P. N. Co. Steamers from Victoria, New Westminster, Nanaimo and VancouviT. Nearest railway station New Westminster, distance 12 milet It has - -A.3SrX)- WOOm MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. J'a.xzi.est lliesXlOy MONTREAL. 6 salmon canneries, I saw mill, an Episco- pal church and 4 public schools. The export of grain last year (Fall, 1888) 19 estimated at 2500 tons, potatoes 1000 tons, hay 2000 tons, and large quantities of cur- rants, cherries, blackberries, apples, and pears. Pop f municipality 1,000. Bath Joseph, gen store Blackett & White, gene*^l merchents. British America Packing Co., salmon packers Delta Canning Co., salmon canners Delia hotel, Thos. MeNeely, proprietor Dominion Express Co., and Cana- dian Pacitic Navigation Co., Thos. McNeely, agent Forrer Edward, mngr Delta Hotel Frazer Kiver Fishery Co., sahnon canner>s Green C. F., fishery warden Giiichon L., gen store Harlock & Co., salmon canners HauckG., gen store HutchesonE., nursery man Mainland nursery Ladner W. H., M.P.P. , farmer I iad ner T. E., salmon packer McKee W , notary public & Sons, butchers McNeely T., gen store and postmaster Rich Hy., auctioneer Wadhams & Co., salmon canners WellingtonPackingCo.jSalmoncannewr Woods R. J., manager L. Guichon Woodward A., boat builder Kwong Yuon Tai & Co., merohAnto 1' 1 'J i H ! i mm ^^■^^ I. Tf t1 f Mi* I ip !:. U- M 1* imis^ ■a' Pr! P 294 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA LAN McP LANGLEY, A post oflice on the south bank of the Fraser River, 17 miles from New West- minster, and 4 miles from Warnock station on the C. PR. Drummond J. M., postmaster Goddart Geo., blacksmith Hudson's Bay Co., W. SiDclair in charge Murray Wm., hotelkeeper Odin Frank, hotelkeeper Shrotreed R., gen store Sinclair W., H. B. Co. LANGLEY PRAIRIE, A country post ottice in Langley munici- pality. Nearest railway station Warnock ; steamboat landing, Fort Langley. Boys John, postmaster LANCHOIL, A station on tlie main line of the C.P R. 398 miles east of Yancourer. Has a tele- graph office. LILLOOET, On the south side of the Fraser River. It has a yost office. Nearest railway station Afjhcroft, dis 77 miles i telegraph at GlintCD, d.s 45 miles Allan A., hotel Jensen ./. N. Kerry fl. J. Phair C. ,gea store LOWER NICOLA, A country post office on the Cariboo road. Nearest railway station and telegraph office 8penc«''s Bridge, dis 35 miles. Mail weekly. Woodward H. M., gen store and post- master Woodward Tbos., grist and saw mills ' LULU ISLAND, A country post c^ce # ^ laoutL v.f (be Fraser Ki^er uujah si4*, ll««'rtj daily, via Yictori* auU .H'V Vl^er.ffiiotter steamers. Nearest telegraph office Ladner's Landing,, dis 4^ miles. New Westminster, dis 15 miles. Has one church and a public school. Its principal industries are farming and fishing. English & Co., fish packers English M. M. London Bros., gen store and temper- ance hotel London Wm. H., postmaster Stevens W. H. Todd J. H., & Son, salmon canners LYTTON, An important town on the main line ot the C. P. R., 159 miles east of Vancouver, at the junction of the Fraser and Thompson Rivers, 57 miles above Yale. Has post office and telegraph. Mails daily. Ezpresa Dominion B. 0. Has Episcopal and Romaa Catholic churches, ead «\ public school. Baillie G. F., prop Baillie house ,Siachtbrd Henry, blacksmith Buie Arthur B., mgr J. Mjlntyro Cuvreau Louis, postmaster and general store Dodd Wm., government agent. Hautier Alphonse, prop Globe hoterift Hong Wo, merchant Kong On, merchant McCue B., watchman C.P.R. Mclntyre John, gen store Pearson James, gen store Rebagliatti B., gen store Scott Eobert J., teacher Seward Thomas, J.P. Smith C, watchman C.P.E. Stevenson Arthur, J. P., rood supt Trickey John N., agent C.P. R. Walsh Wm., gen store MCPHERSON'S STATION, On the E. & N. Railway, located on the Koksilah River in the heart of a fine farm- ing and lumbering district. Its sandstone' quarrie'^ ar? considered the best oa the Pacifi.; Coast. Mails daily, Telegrapb ' iL ■ • iM DIRECTORY AND QAZETTEER- 29& MAP MOO ofBce at Koksilah, die 2 miles. Steamboat landing Gowichan, dis 2 miles. Its prin- cipal industries are lumbering, farming, fishing, and stone quarrying. It has an Epis- copal cbarcb, and public schools. Glendenning Johii, blacksmith Jone80eo.A.,geu store and hotelkeeper Jones Wm.y postmaster Lewis George, contractor May Arthur, boarding house McCubben P., quarry fireman McGuire R., clerk McPherson D., sec foreman Orano Bapt., teamster Ordnand A. A., gen store Sylvester Miss E., teacher MAPLE BAY, A country post ofBce in the district of Cow icban, on the east of coast VancotiTcr Island- Mails three times a week. Nearest railway station and telegraph Duncan's Station, dis 6 miles. Its industries are farming and lumbering. It has Episcopal and Metho- - dist churches, Roman Catholic mission, and public schools. Adam? & Beaumond, gen store and hotel MAPLE RIDGE, A municipality on the banks of the Fraser River, The C.P.R. runs through it and has the following stations, Haiiey, Warnock and Hammond. MATSQUI, A county post office on the Fraser Rirer, dis 26 miles from New Westminster ; has telegraph office. Maclure J., agent C.P.E. telegraph Tretheway Ji-mo , postmaster Tretheway Mrs, M. A., gen store MAYNEI SLAND. (See Pum- per Pass) Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BARR & CO., General Selliag Agents, * 786 CRAIC ST., - MONTREAU METCHOSIN, A county post office, 20 miles south-wpst of Victoria. Mftil weekly on Friday from Vic- toria, which is alRi» the nearest railway sta- tion. Gleed Mrs. Rachel, postmistress METLAKAHTLA, On the north coast, 600 miles north of Vic- toria; its principal indu-'try is fishing. Motlakahtla Canning Co., Turner,Bee- ton & Co., agents Scott J. R., principal Indian Industrial school Eidley Eight Eev., Bishop of Caledonia, MISSION, A station on the main line of the C.P.R. 45 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegrapl>i office. Mails daily. Beard W., woodme- C.P.E. Shook M. F., agent O.P.E. Williams S., watchman C.P.R. MOBERLY HOUSE, A station in the main line of the C.P.R. 471 miles east of Vancouver in Kootenay- district. MOODYVILLE, On the north shore of Burrard Inlet, nearly- opposite Vancouver. The population con- sists principailj of the employees of the Moody ville Saw Mill Co. Has a post office. Mails twice a day from Vancouver, dis 3-' miles, has telephone connection with Van- couver ; 1 Episcopal church and I Indian mission, and public school. It. Si', 296 Henderson's British oolttmbia. MOU NANAIMO MUD OalbickG. A., constable and tax col- lector PloodR N., clerk King A.N. O.K., accountant Lunri £., tallyman Miller Fred. «!., clerk IM.8.M. Co'8 store IMoodyville Sawmill Company (Ltd), BenJ. Springer, mana- ger* See Adv. McGrath W. F., tallyman Eamsdale H. J., foreman Eandall S. J., engineer and machinist ^cott A. "W., clerk Springer Benjamin, manager M.S. M. Co., and postmaster MOUNT LEHMAN, A country post oflSce on the Fraser RiFcr, 30 miles above New Westminster. Mails 3 times a week. Nearest railway station and telegraph Mission, distance 6 miles. Its industries are farming; stock and fruits. Has Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian and Catholic churches, and public school, Disney Edmond, carpenter McCallura A., contractor Nicholson D,, shoemaker Sutherland D. W., teacher Thomson E. Jr., gen store and postmaster Thomson Wm., carpenter Wescott S. J., plasterer MUD BAY, A country post office in Surry municipality Nearest railway station New Westminster, dis 10 miles. Clay Samuel, gen store Woodward Wm., postmaster AMAIMO FREE FEESS, ESTABLISHED 1874. DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKLY. GEORGE NORRIS, Editor and Proprietor. Advertisements at Reasonable Rates. Semi -Weekly Edition, published on Tuesday ar Friday Evenings. Job JPrintlng in all its Bremches, DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 297 AAE NANAIMO BEA l^ANAIMO. Aa incorporated city on the E. & N. Ry., 70 miles from Victoria ; its pritcipal indus- try is coal mining. The Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Co. (Ld.) employ over 1000 men, it has Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian and Roman Catholic churches Public Schools, Fire Department, Court House and Jail, bank of B. C, money order. Post O&ice, Telegraph and Telephone offices, it has a good harbor. Goal ship- raeata for November 1888, 46, 887 Tons there is two daily papers published here the Morning Courrier and the Nanaimo Free Press (Evening). Total value assessed real property in ,Nanaimo for the year 1888, $557,091 ; total value of personal property, $1,015,650 ; total assessed income, $31,200. The word Telephone after a name indicates that they have a Telephone Aaronson B., of B. Aaronson & Co. Aaronson B., & Co., clothing and fur- nishings Abrahum Robert, miner Abrams David, miner V. C. Co. j^brams James, tannery Adams David H., of Adams & Lau- rence ' . Adfims A Laurence, soda wa- ter factory and imported aleSy Commercial wharf Adderton & Irving, bakers, Corame''- ciaL Adderton John, of Adderton & Irving Aitkcn Fred., miner Aitken James, miner Aitken James, jun., miner Aitken John, miner Aitken Peter, miner Aitken Robert, sec. N. E. P. Society Aitken Tom, miner Allan John B., butcher E. Hodgson Allison James, miner Altoiseen Charles, miner Anderson Anthony, miner Anderson A. C, miner Anderson Wm., miner Anderson Wm. T., miner lEATHEii mm Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSu MONTREAL. f :\ \ I ^ I Andrews J., miner Andrcw.s Sam., miner Archer S., carpenter, bds Occidental Hotel Armstrong T., miner Arrowline Peter, miner Aters James, miner Atwood R. J. W., druggist. Commer- cial Austin Frank, miner Baisbeck Thos., miner Baker B., of G. Baker & Son Baker G., of (i. Baker & Son Baker G., & Son, butchers, Victoria Crescent Baker John, miner Baker Joseph, miner Baker T., miner Bal lister L., M.D. Banic of Britisli Coiumbia^ Ceo. Cruicicshanic, agent Bannerman Dav., miner Barclay Geo., miner i'M .i.ul..lllll 1 ' ikW 1 ;.1 ,. . -1 If \ i i Burd J., miner Barnett James, miner Barnman Robt., miner Barratt Wm., miner Barron Geo. H., stonecutter at A. Henderson Barton Wm., miner Barzoin B., miner Bate M.y J. P., mayor Town of Nanaimo, Assessor and Collector Nanaimo District Bate Mark, jun., cashier V.C.M. Co, Bates Richard, miner Beardy I G., miner Beatty Robt., miner m i-i,t wu I ■■ ■ 'I . \n ■ 1 i ■ ■ \\*'- '#. r'l iM ^. ' 298 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA BEE NANAIMO BRU Beeson John, miner Bell Geo., miner Bell John, miner Bei! Ealph, miner Bell Thos., miner Bell Tom, tobacconist and fruits, Com- mercial Bellander Chas., miner Belloni D., miner Bennett James, miner Bennett Thos., miner Bennett Wm., miner Benson J. J., miner Bernet Theodore, driver at Chs. Karst Bertram John, mill hand at Haslam & Lees Best T., jun., mirer Best T., miner Beveridge Wm., of Davis & Beveridge Beveridge Wm., convict guard Bevilockway 6., gen store, Victoria Crescent Bickle J., miner Bickle John, clerk N. E. P. Society Bickle T., miner Biggins Sam., miner Biggs Henry, miner Biggs Wm., miner Bignay Jas., miner Bird Jno., miner Black Diamond Lodge No. 6, I.O.O.O.F. Blakeway Geo. Henry, druggist, Vic- toria Crescent Blank C, miner Blewhart L., paper hanger at Foster Bros. Bollart C, miner Boliiiier Pat., miner Bolt C, miner Bolton H., prop Brittania Hotel, Com- merciul Bolton James, miner Bolton Tlios., miner Bone B., miner Bone Ben., miner Bone E., miner Bone Meshack, miner Bone Nick, miner Bone Shad, miner Bone Thos., butcher at E. Quennell Bone Wm., miner Bonita C, miner Bonor John, miner Bouth Ed., miner Bowden Jos., miner Bowen W. D., miner Bowtot Jos., miner Boyd Neil, miner Bradbury Mark, minor Bradley Ben., miner Bradley .James, miner Bradley Ilichard, miner Bradley Thos., preventure officer H.M. Customs Bradshaw John, miner Bramoil L., miner Bramley E., miner Bramley John, miner Bramley R., miner Bray E., miner Bray Marshal, Government agent, die registrar Sup Court and reg County Court Bray Wm., miner Brightman S., butcher. Long Bridge Brittania Hotel, H. Bolton, prop^ Commercial Brough Geo., miner Brown Chas., tanner at James Abrams Brown Ed., miner Brown James M., tailor. Front Brown Jos., miner Brown Joseph M., watch- malcer, Front Brown Miss Isabelle, teacher girls' school Brown Thos., miner Brown T. L., clerk at Arthur Bullock Brown Wm., miner Bruce H., miner Bruce M., miner DIRECTORY AND OAZETTEER. BKU NANAIAlO COM Brace Wm. James, express driver fiiammet M. M., miilnand at Harlam & Lees Bryant Miss M., teacher girls' school Bryant W. E., clerk V. C. Co. Biydon Jas., miner Buckle Thos., tailor at E. Hird Bullock Arthur, dry goods, Victoria Crescent Bullor C, miner Bulton Thos., miner Burbridge A. E,, clerk at J. J. Sehl Burke Wm. M., clerk Old Flag Inn Burman Gus., miner Burraistel H. J., butcher at Gi Baker & Son Burns John, miner Burt Geo. A., miner Burt Jno., miner Butcher Jos., miner Button Wm., miner Ciilderhead T., miner Caldwell James, cutter at Davis & Beveridge Caldwell Robt., miner Callaghan J. A., tel operator and agent (Telephone Exchange) Calvu'ly H. D., miner Calverly John, miner Calverly Wm., miner Cameron P., miner Cameron Wm., bartender Provincial Hotel Campbell Geo., miner Campbell Hugh, miner Campbell J., miner Campbell Neil, miner Campbell Peter, miner Campbell Walter, shoemaker, Victoria Crescent Campion Fy., miner C. P, N. Co-, A. R. Johnston A Co., agents Canadian Paciflio Railway's telegraph J. A. Caliaghan agent (telephone) ifleni ic Mfg. (Ltd.'». MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER- PROOF Electric Ligh t Wire, OtHce, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk CoTere A Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) Carlo John, miner Carlson Nelt, miner Carney P., miner Carock J., miner Carrey Pat., miner Carrick Robt., miner Carrigan Hugh, miner Carter Robert, miner Cautiold Wm., miner Cavalsky Geo. E., fruits, V^ctorraa Ci jscent Cuwthorno Geo., miner Centrai Hotel, Osterhout &, Kennedy, props. Commer- cial Challomer Wm., miner Chalmer David L,, farmer Chamberlin T., miner Cheehy Patrick, baker Chas. Karsft Cheney Wm., auctioneer Russelfj, McDonald & Co. Churchill Geo., miner Churchill Mark, miner Citizens Insurance Co. of Ca- nada, A. H. Home, agent Cobley T., miner Coburn H., grocer, Victoria Crescent. Cohen E., miner Cohen & Graham, barbers, Commer- cial St., Naniiimo Cohen James, barber shop, Comme cial Cohn A., miner Cohn W., miner Cole W. H. Bi Collier George, miner Commercial Union Insurance Co^, Donald Smith, agent 'fi-l m M hi sj . E i HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA COM NANAIMO DOL ^Corasmei'cial Hotel, Sabiston & W ilcox -(telg>bon€) <yomm©j'foni Thos., tailor Davis & Bevenidge ^•CornnalleoZ., miner Mjonnolly John, waiter Boyal Hotel <C«nnolly Jno., miner ■CJonto vf,, miner '€oirwa3' A., miner ^Jook F,, miner '5iCo<A iiy., miner tCook Tbo«>., miner JSCooley Jno., miner Oooper Harry, wharfinger V. C. Co. "hooper Harry, miner vCJooper Mrs., dressmaker Bichardson & Horner ''Cooppr Wm., miner «C:>xiiick Richard, mil) band Haslam • At J^vjos ^oron«r, Joseph Prhys Planta ^'Cotton Jno., miner 'Goughlun W. B., photographer CovdBon Jno. A., minor 'GovAacn Sheppard, miner •iCoulttdn W., minor <.G<*ttn<iley M., miner ^CJoundley N., miner •fCoundley Wm., miner <»Courto Jno , miner •Cowan Jno., miner tiCowan P., miner •JCowie Arch, miner tJowie James, comp Free Press Cowie Jno., miner nCox Wm., bricklayer ^Ctaig Ralph, gen blacksmith <Ciaig Wm., blacksmith ^>Ci^w H., miner fdrossan James, miner 'iCix)we Wm., night watchman Gas Co. <Cruick8hank Geo.yagont Bank of B. C. 'Cuddit Robt., minor dulligan Jno., miner punter W., miner <Currie Eobert, cigai' maker P. Goble Currie Thos., cigar maker P. Goble Curry Jos., miner Custom House. B.H.Smith, collector Cuthbert Geo., miner Dailey D. G., barber, Commercial Dalgarno Robert, blacksmith Danielson Dan., miner Danks Geo., miner Darline Andrew, miner Davis & Beverldge, merchant tailors & furnishings, Com- ^merclal Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav Dav s D., miner s D. T., miner s E. L., miner 8 Geo., brewer Nanaimo brewery sivor, miner 8 John, bartender Nanaimo hotel sJohn, miner 8 L. T., M. D., Commercial 8 T. J., miner 8 Thos L., of Davis & Beveridge s W. C, miner son H., miner son Jno., miner son Robt., miner Davj'^ Jos., miner Deeble W. D., butcher E. Hodgson Delmonico Restaurant, Parrot & Dempsey, props Dompsey Hugh, of Parrot & Dempsey Denning Jas., miner Dennison W . E., minor DeVers Chas., miner Devlin Ed., miner Devlin H., miner Devlin Jas., miner Dick Archebald, inspector of mines Dick Jno., miner Dick Wm., miner Dickenson John, miner Dickenson Wm., miner Dixon Thos., miner Dodd Wm., miner Dolan Pat., miner 11' ■^■' DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. zm DOM NANAIMO FEA Dom Govt Savings Bank, P.O. building:, A- H- Horne> agent Bonanto Z., miner Downie J., millhand Haslam & Lees Poyle Wm., minor Drake Samuel, sheriff Nanaimo Dis- trict Ducca John, miner Duffoy Mat., miner Dugdale Eobt., miner Dunsmuir R. & Sons^ departure Bay (tele-phne) Durard Rev Father P. P., St. Peter's R. C. church Durham Alex., miner Diirward Miss E., milliner Arthur Bullock Dykes I. C, miner Dykes Jas., miner Earl John, miner EarlWm., postmaster Earterfell Louis, miner Earthorny Hy., miner Eastwood F., miner Eastwood T., miner Eccles James, miner Eccles James S. F., miner Eccles Jno., miner Edmonds E., miner Edmonds Wm., miner Edwards G. G., miner Elliott D. H., miner Elliott W., miner Emblem L C, miner Emerick Con., miner Eraerick E., miner Escott E., miner Esquimait & Nanaimo Ry. , Ai ex 8 haw, agent Eureica Soda Water Worlcs, Adams & Lawrence Com- merciai cor Wharf Evans Aaron, miner Evans F. R., miner Evans Jno. R., miner Evans Robt. of Gough & Evans Evans T. L., miner WOOLLEN MILL SDPPLK OF ALL KINDS. MONTRiAL. '^'' ~ " ' ' ' 111— ■■ ■ I ■■ — I — ■■ ■ -^ .M. ^ II 111 ^ Evans Thos., miner Evans William, minev Fairburn J. G., shoemaker, VietQtiijf Crescent ; Falsher J., miner . Faro Charles, miner Farrall James, miner , Farrall P., miner Ferguson D., miner Ferguson W. B., miner Ferguson J. P., miner Fibson A., miner ■ Fibson William, miner Fiddick Chas., Occidental Hotel" Fiddick Sam., prop Occidefttal Kciftail Fiddler J., miner Field James, painter Foster Bi*€««. Fielding Wm., miner Finlayson Robt., miner j Fish John, miner Fish burn George, miner Fisher Jas., miner Flack T., miner Fletcher M., miner Flinn M., miner Floyd Wm., miner ' Flyn Rd., miner Foreman William, miner Forrest William, miner Forrest William, jun., minor Fost Ferand, miner Foster Bros., painters Foster Gladstone, of Foster Brot<L Foster G., miner » Foster Nelson, of Foster Bros^ Foster Thomas, miner Frame James, miner Frame John, miner Erase Joseph, miner '■\ l} t .', i ill • I > i ' ii i; i':* p m I ■ ; 11 302 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ■^SmSWi.^ FRA NANAIMO HAR Fraser D., miner Fraser J., miner Trasor William, miner _Freak Ernest, miner 'Freathy Ed., miner JFree Press Ceo. Morris pu- blisher (telephone) Frew John, miner Fage Ic. Pull more Fenwick, millhand Haslam, & Lees Fulmore F. Fulton Miss, dressmaker Arthur Bul- lock vOable Philip, prop Nanaimo Cigar manufactory ♦'Oanner Joseph, livery stables "Gannon M., miner Ganone V in., jeweller, Long Bridge 'Gardner Miss Abbie, principal Girls School "*Garner Edwin, tailor, cleaner and re- pairer, Commercial Garrard F. C, mariner Garrard W. B., electrical engineer Gartlcy George, miner George Mrs., fruits G-ibbsG., miner Gibson A., miner Gibson John, miner Gibson R, miner Gibson Richard, overseer No 3 Shaft, res Commercial Gibson William, miner Gilbert Mrs. J. E., boarding house Gill J., miner Gill John, miner Oillurd Robert, miner 4>laholm T. W., of A. R. Johnston & Co. Ciasgow A London Ins.' Co*, C. C« McKenzle, agent CrlasRon A.. C, miner Crodfrey William, miner Good T., miner dood P., miner Cood Rev. J. B.y reotor 8t. Paurs Church Good V. W., clerk V. C. Co. Goody Wm., miner Gordon James, miner Gordon Thos., miner Gordon Wm., miner Cough & Evans, props Nanai- mo Hotel, Commercial Gough Mrs.E., of Gough & Evans Gough S., city clerk Gourley James, miner Gourley Robert, miner Gowland R., miner Graham John, miner Grahame George, miner Grant John, miner Gray M., miner Gray Thos., miner Gregory John, miner Green Herbert, miner Green Nick, miner Greenback Alex., miner Greenway A., miner Greenwill John, miner Gribble John, miner Griffiths Edward, miner Griffiths Thos., miner Growen H., millhand Haslam k LQQi Hale John, miner Hall George, miner Ham Wm., miner Hamilton Archibald, consttible and asst guard Hamilton John, miner Hanipson Francis, miner Hanipson J., miner Hanipson W., miner Hanlan Edward, miner Hanna John, miner Hanna William, miner Hanson C, miner Hanson Henry, miner Harackson John, miner Harbour Master, M. Quennell Harder Mrs. A , dressmaker Richard- son & Horner DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER, 303 HAR NANAIMO HOR Hardy David, miner Hardy James, minor Hardy Thos., miner Harley E., miner Harley James, jiin., miner Harley James, sen., miner Harmer X., miner Harris Isaac, miner Harris Morgan, minor Harris Penary, miner Harrison Eobt. S. F., miner Haskins Qeorge, miner Harte J., miner Harvey James, general store (tele phone) Harwood Peter, miner Haslam Andrew, of Haslam & Lees Haslam A Lee, props Nanai- moSaw Mills Mawthornthwaite J* H., U.S., consular ai;ont Haymen W., miner Headking John, minor Homer Fred., miner Homer John, miner Menderson A., marble works, Front Henderson's British Colum- bia Directory, P.O. Box 278, Victoria Henderson David, miner JHendinarsh John, miner Hermanson Jacob, miner Meyland & Planta, engineers, surveyors and real estate agents. Commercial Heyland E., of Hey land & Planta, surveyor V. C. C. Co Hey ward Isaac, miner Hickles Ja.;ies, miner Higgins Oavid miner High Peter, ramer High Thob., miner Hilbert Fred., clerk J. H. Hilbert Tie Hiam Electric M. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.% MONTREAL. MnfrB. Of ELZCTRIC WIRES, CABLES, lutra. ments and Supplies ot erory description. ((See sdrt. page 6.) Hilbert J., furniture / Hilbart J. H., tobacconist Hilbert Richard, boots and shoes Hilbert Wra., miner Hill James, millhand Haslam & Lees Hilley F., miner Hilton H., miner Hi ndmarf*h Robert, miner Hindmarsh Thomas, miner Hird E., merchant tailor. Commercial Hirst Bros., gen store. Commercial (telephone) Hirst George, teamster Hirst Bros. Hirst James, clerk Hirst Bros Hirst Thos., of Hii-st Bros. Hirst Wm., of Hirst Bros. Hodgson E., butcher, Commercial Hodgson T., marble works, Victoria Crescent Hodgson T., miner HodgHon Wm., miner Hoff John, miner H<»gg Wm., miner Holden S., miner Holden Wm. J., miner Holin John, millhand Haslam & Lees Holin C, miner Holland Henry, miner Holland Wm., miner Holman Lewis, cigar maker P. Gable Hope Tho!*., miner Hopkins David, miner Hopkins Mrs., housekeeper Provincial Hotel Hopkins Thos., miner Hopkins Wm. H., comp. Free Press Home A. C. & Son gen store Victoria Crescent • .; i^ : m 'K 'i n |v|! ^. ^. % ^.'InS'' iff S^2 V^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. i 4?, 4 « 1.0 s I.I 2.0 so ^ 140 18. L25 |i_U i^ Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WEST MAIN STR^^IT WIB£(i:-S,r' ^ V43S0 (716) •73*303 1^0^^^* w [s 6^ * « / 304 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA HOR NANAIMO KEM Home A. G., of A. G. Home & Sod, res Wallace Home A. H. agent Dom. Gov. Savings Bank, asst. inspec- tor weights and measures Home H. L., clerk A. G. Home & Son Home Thos. Chas., tel. operator Home Wm. A., of Eenwick & Homo Homer John, of Eichardspn & Horner Horsley Geo., miner House Elijah, clerk Walter Wilson House Geo., miner House Geo. , clerk Walter Wilson Hughes Edward, boots, shoes and fur- nishinprs, Long Bridge Hughes Jas., miner Hughes Wm., miner Humphreys John, miner ' Hunter A., miner ' •' Hunter John, miner Hunter Tom, miner Hunter F., Nanaimo Machine Works Hunter Walter, B.A., B.C. L., teacher public school Hunter Wm,, miner Hurst Pred,. miner Hutcherson Wm., miner Identical saloon, Norman Smith, Vic* toria Orescent Inkster Gilbert, miner Irving EdwardB., of Adderton & Irving Isboster John, miner Isbester Wm., miner Isherwood T., miner Isherwood W., miner Jackson Thos. E., miner James Hy., miner James Hugh, miner James John, miner James Lewis, miner James Wm., miner Jamieson Peter J., Poodle Dog restau- rant. Commercial Jenkins J., miner Jenks Geo., expressman LeBallister & Thompson JenlcinsJ.E. prop red Flaglnit (telephone) Jold Albert, miner Jolly J., miner John David, minor John Henry, miner Johnson Chas., miner Johnson Eolf, miner Johnson Thos., miner Johnston A. E., of A. B. Johnston & Co. ^ • Johnston A. R. A Co. whole- sale and retail 'grocers, hay and grain (telephone) Jones Chas., miner Jones David, miner Jones Ed., miner Jones Elias, bartender Soyal Hotel Jones iQvan, miner Jones George, miner Jones Henry, miner ^/ Jones J. B., miner v Jones J. C, miner Jones J. G., miner Jones John, miner Jones John F., miner Jones John E., miner Jones James, miner Jones John Q., miner ' Jones John, clerk James Harvey Jones Leslie, miner Jones Eees, miner Jones Richard, miner Jones Thos., miner Jones T. D., miner Jones Wm., miner Jones W. A., miner Jones W. J., mgr. McDonald, Russell & Co. , Jones W. S., miner Karst Chas., restaurant Eeart Wm. J., miner Keith Tho«., miner Keith Wm. J., miner Kelly James, miner Kemp Wm., minor r DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 30!^ KEN NANAIMO McD Kennedy Geo. W., of Osterhout & Kennedy Kennedy Wm., drayman Kerr Wm., miner Kerri Wm., miner Kenon John, miner Kilpatrick A., miner Kinney Daniel, millband Haslam & Lees King Thos., miner - ; Kerkwood R., miner Ktiarston James S., clerk G. Bevel- ockway Labell Joseph, miner LaflPerty James, miner Laighton W. K., bookkeeper A. R. Johnston & Co. Lamb Robert, miner Langford P., miner Langham Geo., miner Langbam Joo., miner ' Langiey A., miner Lang with H. E., miner Laparino W., miner Laugblin James, miner Ijawlers Qus.^ miner Lawrence Louis, of Adams & Law- rence Lawson John, miner »* ■ Lawson Wm., miner Leask James, jr., miner Leask James, miner Lee Amos, miner LeeC. E., carpenter, bds Occidental Hotel Lee Fred. / Lee Geo., miner LeBallister A Thompson, livery (telephone) LeBallister W. L., of LeBallister & Thompson Leicht Herman, miner Leeman Robert, miner Leeman Thos., miner Leonard John, miner Lepage Chas., miner Lees Andrew E., of Haslam & Lees Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BARR & CO., , Qenenl Selling AgentSr 726 CRAIQ ST., ^ MONTREAL ^ Lewis D. B., miner Lewis John, tobacconist and barber shop, Commercial Lewis Thos., miner Lewis Wm., clerk, Davis & Beveridge^ Lister Geo., miner Lister Henry, miner Lister James, miner Little John, miner Little Noble, miner Livingston Robt., miner Livingston Robt.,jr, miner Lloyd Ed., miner Lockhart J., miner Lockway E., miner Loeger Hy., miner Lomar Jas., miner -Lord S., miner • ;' . Lorenzo S., miner Love Rodney, cigar maker P. Gabl& Lovejoy T., miner Louis Peter, miner Lukey Richard, coitnp Fi^e Press Lynch John, miner McAdie Henry, undertaker, Victoria Crescent ^ McArdlo M., miner McBain Geo., clerk Alex. Mayer & Co» McCann Jap., miner McCaskill Jas., miner McCorrister Goo., bartender Royal Hotel, Commercial ' McCurt T., miner McDermott Thos., miner McDonald C, miner McDonald D. C, miner ^ McDonald Dan., miner McDonald James, of Russell, McDo- nald & Co., res Vancouver iri: •;•: ; I ;:ll rMiilBliJiP r i 'n I V :| Mi / M 11" I i ^6 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MoD NANAIHO MAC JlcDonald John, clerk A. B. John Bton & Go. HcDonald Jno. "W., miner McDonald K. C, wheelwright McDonald Mike, miner McDonald B., miner McDonald W., jun., miner McDonald Wm., pelot ifcDougall B., miner McDougall Wm., bartender Oriental Hotel McGargle Geo., miner McGargle 8., jun., miner 3fcGarglo Bobt., miner McGargle W. , miner McGarrigh Neil, miner McGee Pat., miner McGill John, clerk W. H. S. Perkins McGregor Arch., miner McGregor James, overseer Southfield mine V. C. Co. IMoCregor James M., busi- ness manager Morning Courrier McGregor Jas., miner McGregor Jno., miner McGregor Mm. J. C, dressmaker and millinery, Victoria Crescent McGregor Wm., mgr of works V. 0. Co. .McHale J., miner Mclnnis James, miner Mclnnis Kennolh, miner Mclntyre P., miner Mclsaacs Dan., miner Mclvor Malcolm, bartender Identical Suluon McKay Jas. W., miner lUcKay Bobt., miner McKeating F., miner ..McKeating T., miner 4MoKenzie C. C.y conveyancer real estate and Ins agent JicKonzie D. C, miner McKenzie Jno., miner McKenzie Bod., miner McEinlay Gilbert, miner McKinlay Jas. J., miner McKinlay Bobt., miner McKinlay Wm., miner McKinnon A., miner McKinnon Alex., miner McKinnon D., miner McKinnon Dennis, miner McKinnon E., miner McKinnon James, driver G. Bevilock- way McKinnon Jno., sen., miner McKinnon Jno., Jan., miner McKinnon Mike, miner McKinnon 3am., miner McKinnon W., miner McLaughlin J., miner McLay Thos., miner McLean — , miner McLean D., miner McLean Hugh, miner McLean Jno., miner McLean K., miner McLean Wm., miner McLellanF., carpenter,bds Occidentai Hotel M^cLellan Jno., miner McMillan Jos., miner McMi lien W., miner McNally P., miner McNana T., miner McNarry — , miner ., McNaw T., miner McNeil Jas., miner McNeil Jno., miner McNeil M., miner McNeil Mai., miner McNeill Edward, harness, Victoria Crescent McNicol D., miner McPhee A., miner McPhee M., miner McPhee Mai., miner McPhee T., miner McPherson Jno., miner MacDonald D. 8., gen store Mace Alfred, painter Foster Bros. DIRECTORT AND QAZRTTEER. MAO NANAIMO MOR ICacbiii C, miner Machin Frank, miner Hachin Fred., miner Macloney Jno., miner Macnoci B., miner ., Madden Ed., miner Maggie — , miner Mabl A., mi 11 hand Haslam & Lees Mahrer John, prop Nanaimo Brewery Malcolm — , Jan., miner Malcolm Jas., miner Malcolm Walter, miner Malcolm Wm., miner Malerson Ja»., miner Manson L., miner Mardis K. J., miner Marfar Jno., miner Marehall James, millhand Haslam & Lees Marshall Jas., miner Marshall Wm., miner Mashall W., mill hand Haslam & Lees Martin B., miner Martin Dennis, miner Martin Geo., miner Martin Jos., miner Martin T., miner Martin Wm., miner Mason Albert, bookkeeper Haslam & Lees Marson Bobt., miner Matheson A., miner Matheson A., sen., miner Matheson Dan., miner '■ Matheson F., miner Matson Thos., miner May John, upholslerer J. J. Sehl Mayer Alex., of Alex. Mayer & Co. Mayer Alex-, A C6.,whole8ale and retail dealers In gen- ora^ merchandise Meakin Fred., miner Meakin Jno., miner Mebins Miss Lucy, school teacher public -AIsriD- WOOLLEN MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Mercer Joseph B., millhand Haslam & Lees Merchant G-eo., miner . Meredith Geo., miner i Meredith Wm., miner Merritt Geo., bartender Central Hotel Merrill Jtio., miner Merritt M., miner Merritt Matthew, miner Merritt Robt., miner Merritt Thos., miner , Merryfield Thos., miner Member A., miner Mesher Geo., contractor Metcalf Jos., miner Meyer Jos. R., clerk Alex. Mayer &Co. Michael Jules, miner Miles Thos., miner Millar Thos., prop Provincial Hotel, Victoria Crescent, Miler Ghas., miner Miller Ed., miner Miller Jas. J., miner Miller Jno., miner Miller Mat, miner Miller rev Jumes, Paster St Andrew church Miller Wm., miner Mill more Jas., miner Millows Robt., miner Mills T., miner Mitchell M., miner Moffalt And., miner Moffat David, miner Molloy Hugh, miner t Moore L., miner Morelli D., restaurant, LongbriJge U' •M'!' m III n" 308 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMriA. MOR NANAIMO OST Morgan G., jr., miner Morgan Jacob, miner Morgan M., miner Morgan Sam., miner Morgan Thos., miner Morning Courier Todd & Co.f pubiishers Morris Jos., miner Morrison J. H., miner Morrison Jno., miner Morse Jos., miner Mortimer Sidney, millhand Haslam & Lees Morton Dennis, miner . * Morton W. H., gunsmith Mottishaw — , jr., miner Mottishaw E , miner Mottishaw George, miner Mottishavir Sam., minor Mottishaw Sam., jr., miner Mottishaw Walter, miner Mottishaw Wm., miner Madden A. J., miner Mulianey Mike, miner Mallholland Ed., miner Muncj A., miner » Muzeo J., miner Mylee Walter, miner Nanaimo Brewery, John Mah- rer> prop Nanaimo Cigar factory, Phillip Gable, prop Nanaimo Equitabie Pioneer Society, James Young, salesman general store Nanaimo Free Press, Semi- Weekly, and daily (afternoon) George N orris, prop (Se&adoj (telephone) Nanaimo Ga/i Co., Alfred Thomas, 8upt. J Wm. R, Leighton, secy Nanaimo Hospital, Joseph Watson,steward (telephone) Nanaimo Hotel, Cough & Evans, props, Nanaimo Machine worlcs, R. J. Wenborne, prop Nanaimo Public School, John Shaw, principal Nanaimo Saw mills, Haslam and Lee, props Nanaimo Waiter Works Co., A. A. Richardson, secy; Joseph Stirton, mgr Nash Wm., miner Neary Mike, miner Neave John, miner Neave Wm., miner Neen Jos., miner Nelson John, miner Newbert Lewis, cigarmaker P. Gable Newcastle house, John Dick, prop Newman Hy., miner Newton John, miner Nichols Wm., miner Nicholson Neil, miner Nightingall Alderman Nire J., millhand Haslam & Lees Nix H., carpenter, bds Occidental hotel Norris George E., compositor Free Press ^ Norris Wm., miner Norris W. F., compositor Free Press Norris George, publisher Na- naimo Free Press North John, miner Norton John, miner O'Brien Jas., minor Occidental hotel, Samuel Fiddick, prop Old Flag Inn, J. E. Jenkins, prop ^telephone) Oriental hotel, James Philip, prop, Victoria Crescent O.sburn Jos., miner Osterhout & Kennedy, props Central hotel DIRE0TOE7 AND GAZETTEER. 309 OST NANAIMO POW OsterhoutW, E., of Kennedy & Oster hout Owens E., miner iM Eliictric li. Pacific Mail Steamship Co., A. R. Johnston & Co., agents Palmer Zac, miner Parjeter Dan., miner Parjeter Jas., sr., miner Paijeter James, jun., miner Parster John, storekeeper V. C. Co. Parker Ed., painter Foster Bros. Parkin John, clerk Wm. Parkin Parkin Wm., grocer, Commercial Parrott Sl Dempsey, props Del- monico Restaurant Parrott Frank of Parrott & Dempsey Parnell C, miner Parry Thos., Oriental hotel Patterson Thos., miner Patterson Wm., miner Patton Edgar, miner Paul E. B., M.A., prin High School Paulson Jno., miner Peace Jno., miner Peacock James, tailor E. Hi'-d Peacock Jno., miner Poarce Ed., miner Pearce Jas., miner PearceWm., miner Pearson C, miner V Pearson Joseph, miner Peck Fred., waiter Royal hotel Pender Jas., miner People's Steam Navigation Co., A. R. Johnston & Co., agents Perkins W. H. S., dry goods, Commer- cial Perry James, miner Perry John, miner Peters Thos., miner Peterson Herman, miner Pettigi-ew Eobt., tfcilor Davis & Beve- ridge Phillips A., miner . (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones.Electrlc BeH\ Annancia- tora, Burglar Alarms, Instruments, Apparatus atid Supplies of every description. (S >e aavt. p. 5.) Phillip Janie», prop Oriental hotel, Vic- toria Crescent Phoenix of London, Fire Ins Co., Don- ald Smith, agent ^ Pickard A., miner Pickering Alex., miner Pickering John, miner Piles John, miner Pilot ofl&ce and Harbor master, E.Oon- nell Pimbury B., of E. Pimbury & Co. Pimbury E., & Co., druggists and stationers* Commercial (telephone) Piper John, miner Piper Thomas, miner Pizzie F., miner PlantaA. E., of Heyland & Planta, agent C.P.R. Planta Joseph Prhys, stipen- diary, magistrate coroner & Judge of court of revision Pleace James H., hardware, Victoria Crescent (telephone) Pocklington W., miner Pollard W. J., miner Poodle Dog restaurant, P.J. Jamieson, prop Poole W., clerk Arthur Bullock Porter Thomas, miner Post Office, Wm. Carl, post- master Potts — , miner Potts Robt., miner Powell Thos., miner Powers Dan., miner ' fi '• 'I ? , M ■■ ■','l 1 I i,Kr, :-1- : il t ■ ■ mn I: [M m I j^m 310 BEND1R80N 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA PRA NANAIMO ROW ^ Praeecr E. A., M.D., surgeon V.C. CJo. (telephone) PraegerD., miner Prentice Wm., millhand Hablam & Lees Prentis Wm., miner Price Jaf»., miner Price John, miner Prime Frank, miner Provincial hotel, Thos. Millar, prop, Victoria Crescent Pullwitt Fred., miner Punshion R., miner Pyher K., miner Qaennell£dward,batcher,Gommercial (telephone) Quennell E., Jan., butcher Qainlun F., miner Quinlan John, miner Quinn John, miner Raine C, miner Raine John, miner Rains Thos , hack driver LeBnllister & Thompson Ramsay George, miner Ramsay Joseph, miner Randle Arthur, tinner J.H. Pleaco Randle A. E., tinner J.H. Pleace Randle Joseph, overseer No 1 shaft V.C.C. Randle Jos., jun., miner Randle Oliver, miner Randle Wm., miner Raphael L., miner Rarsheck Thos., miner Raper Alfred, mgr Raper, Raper & Co. Raper B., of Raper, Raper & Co. Raper, Raper & Co., statio- ners, Victoria Crescent Raper S. M., ot Raper, Raper & Co. Rechermacher Fred., brewer Nanaimo brewery Reedington John, miner P*»id B., miner Reid James, miner Beid Wm., miner RenfVew Tho?i., miner Ren wick David, blacksmith Ren wick & Home Ren wick & Home, blacksmiths Ren wick John, of Renwick & Home Resergh W. J., miner Reynard C, miner Richai-ds Jas., miner Richards R. J., miner Richarus W. J., miner Richards Wm., miner Richardson A., miner Richardson Anson A., of Richardson & Horner,sec Nanaimo Water Works- Richardson B., miner Richardson A Horner^ dry goods, Commercial Richardson Wm., miner Rickson Jos., miner Rickson Mark, minor Rickson W., minor Rietly James, miner Ritchie James, baker and confectioner,, Victoria Crescent Rivers John, miner Roberts Dav., miner Roberts Miss £., dressmaker Arthur- Bullock Roberts S., miner Robertson Hugh, cook R. Jamieson Robertson T. E., miner Robins S. M., superintendent Vancou- ver Coal Mining and Land Co. (It'd) Robinson C, miner Rogers Ic. P., miner RoiloGeo., miner Rollo John, miner Rollo T., miner Rondeau Hy., miner Ross Dan., messenger V. C. Co. Ross Jack, miner Rouloy Geo., miner Rous W., miner Rowbottom A., miner Rowbottom F., miner Rowbottom W., miner Howe Chas., miner DIKBOTORT AND OAZXTTKEB. 311 ROW NANAIMO SMI Rowe Geo., miner Kowe Henry, miner Rowe Rd., miner RoweW., miner Rowley Dav., miner Royal Hotel, R. WatklnSiprop, Commercial Royal Iska, miner Rudd H. v., clerk Bank of B. C. Rudd John M., clerk J. Hilbert Raddock Chatn., miner Ruse Thos. E., miner Rushford Geo., miner Russell Ghas., of Russell, McDonald & Co., res Victoria Russell, McDonald & Co., gen store, Commercial Rwers Robt., minor Ryan Henry, miner Sabaston W., miner Sabel Joseph, miner Sabiston Peter, of Sabiston & Wilcox Sabiston & Wilcox, props Commercial hotel Sabo John, miner Sage E., miner Sage Jesse, messenger govt offices Sage Joseph, miner Salter Henry,millhand Haslam & lees Sampson John, miner Samuel Peter, miner Santerlan Lor., miner * Santion C, miner Santy Chas., miner Saunders Wm., marble cutter at A. Henderson Sayce Ed., miner Sayce Jas., miner Scales Dav., jniner Scales Geo., miner Scales J. H., drayman Schier Frank, upholsterer J. J. Sehl Schilling R., miner Schulson R, miner Scott Dav., miner Scoular R., solicitor Scoose Wm., miner lUTHEII Eia Jnnoi Craig and St Antoise St8« MONTRKAL. Sehl J. J., fumlture and crock* ery Serventi A., miner s, ServentiB., miner ^ \ , Share John, minicr Shaw Aaron, tinner Walter Wilson Shaw Alex., agent E.& N.Ry Shaw Alex., miner Shaw Geo., waiter P. Jamieson Shaw J., principals boys' public school Shaw Wm. M., miner , Shea John, miner Shear Rd., miner Shepherd Hy., miner Shepherd Wm., miner Sheves Cha8., miner Sheaves T., miner Shields Wm., butcher E. Quennell Shortridge Jos., miner Shumink V. P., miner Simister Sam., miner Simpson G., miner Simran R., miner Sims M. A., miner Smith A., miner Smith Albert, miner Smith Alex., miner Smith B. H.y collector of Cus- toms Smith C. L., painter Smith Donald, N. P., insurance and real estate agent Smith Henry, miner , Smith James, miner Smith John, watchmaker, Commercial Smith Murdoch, Indentical Saloon Smith Robert, butcher E. Quennell '' H :,L. . f. 'i 1 ■ ■li/ \ i.ii' ;.!;*:,(■ J<1 n< (fc :312 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA SMI NANAIMO TRA Smith Norman, prop Identical Saloon, "Victoria Cresent Smith Wm., minor Snell Joseph, miner iSnowden Ic, miner Socali T., minor Solomon — , miner Sowden H., minor Stamp Thos., miner i^tannera David, miner •Start Allan, miner ;8teel W., miner Stephen Grus., miner Stephenson John, miner Stevens Berty, cook R. Jamieson Stevens Chas., cook Provincial Hotel Stevens J. C, miner Stevens Wm., millhand Haslam & Lees Stevens "Wm., miner Stevenson Miles, brewer A. R. John- ston & Co. Stevenson Wm., miner Stewart J., miner Stewart " , cabinetmaker J. Hil- bert Stewart j. j ., miner Stewart V., miner Stewart Wm., chief constable and jailor Stirton J. W., mgr Nanaimo Water Works Co. Stockand Sam., miner Stone James, miner Stone John, miner Stonehouse James, miner Stonehouse Robert, miner SioiiehouseWm., miner Sionehouse W. J., miner Slonely C, miner Strong J. A., Editor Morning Courier St. Paul's Church, Episoopaly Rev J. B. Goody rector St. Peters' fl.C.ohurchi Father Durard, P.P, Sullivan Daniel, miner Sullivan Thos., miner Sullivan Timothy, miner Summerhayes A., miner Suter G., miner Sutherland D., miner Swain A. C, miner Tagart John E. R., clerk V. C. C. Taylor — , miner Taylor C, miner Taj'lor D., miner Taylor G., miner Taylor James, miner Taylor William, miner Teague John, miner Temperley George, miner Thames Hy., miner Thomas Alfred, supt Nanaimo Gas Co. Thomas A. S., miner Thomas D., miner Thomas David, miner Thomas James, miner Thomas W. D., miner Thompson — , jun., miner Thompson Adam, miner Thompson James, miner Thompson James W., miner Thompson John W., miner Thompson John, miner Thompson Jonathan, miner Thompson Joseph, miner Thompson W., miner Thompson W. H., of LeBallister & Thompson Thompson William, miner Thomson J., M.P.P. Thoog Wm., miner Thornhill Thos., horseshoer Renwick & Home Thurman Frederick, min«r Tinkley J. W., miner Todd & Co., publishers Mor- ning Courier Todd Kobt., of Todd & Co. Todd William, miner Towling R., miner Townsley C, miner Tracy John, miner DIRECTORY AND OAZ..TTBER. 31^ TRU NANAIMO VVIL Trudell Henry, millband HaBlam & Lees Trumper Joseph, miner Turbett Wm., miner Tucker A., miner Tumali E., miner Turnstall James, miner Turp M., miner Tweed Edward, miner Tweed Joseph, miner • Twigg George, miner Tte man! Eiectrli! lOfg. AND SUPPLY CO.(LtdJi MONTREAL. MnfrB. of ELEUTKIO WIRES. CABLES. lustra.- tnents and Supplies ot every dniKiriptiou. (Sm^ advt. page 6.) *^^ United States Consulate, J. H. Hawthornthwaitey U. 8, Consular agent Vager Frank, miner Vable Fred., miner Vancouver Coal Mining & Land Co. (Limited), 8. M. Robins, superintendent Van Hueton Chas., druggist asst. E. Pimbary & Co. Van Hueton Ernest McGregor, of B. Pi m bury & Co. Van Hueton W., tinner J. H. Pla Vtin Nevel, rev father Vawdon James, miner Vickers John W., miner Vipond George, miner Vipond George, jun., miner Walker George, miner Walker R., miner Wall A., miner Wall W. H., overseer machine shops V. C. Co., Wallace Jame8, miner Wallaces., miner Wantsberg F., miner Ward Capt. L. H. Ward J. D., fruits, etc, Commercial Wadrill C^ miner Waring W., minor Walers William, miner Watkins John, cigar maker, P Gable WatklnsR., prop Royal Hotel, Commercial 28 Watson Andrew, miner Waltjon J., miner Watson John, miner ^ Watson J DSbph, steward Na-^ naimo Hospital Watson K., miner Watson W., jun., miner Watt John, miner Webb W. E., baker, Victoria Cresceot,. Webster J., miner Webster William, miner Weeks John, miner Wen born Frederick, laborer Gas Co^'. Wenborn R. J,, machines works, Wenborn Wm., butcher Werrell — , miner White G. T., miner White Oscar, miner White Thos., miner Whitehead Geo., mfner Whitfield Bros., boots and shoes, Vic- toria Crescent Whitfield Goo., of Whitfield Bros. Whitfield John, miner Whitfield Randolf, of Whitfield Bros; Wickzer J., miner Wilcox James, of Sabaston & Wil6ox Williams Chas., clerk Alex. Mayer & Co. Williams Dav., miner Williams Dav. I., miner Williams Frank, miner Williams J. Z., miner Williams Jas. H., miner Williams John, miner Williams Nelson^ miner I ]tM 'Wm :31ft tDKNDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA DIRBOTORT AND OAZBTTIIR. WIL NANAIMO NEW "Williams R, miner liVilliams Thos., miner "WiUiams Wm., miner 'WiUis T., miner nWillits Henry, millhand Haslam & Lees Wilkerfon John, miner Wilkinson Wm., miner Wilson Arthur, miner "Wilaon Chas., miner "Wiison Dan., miner 'WHeon Jas., miner "Wilson John, miner ^yjtson Thos., miner '^^ilson Walter, hardware, Commercial "Wolfe Marcus, of Alex, Mayer & Co. ^^>obank Ben., miner "Woobank Geo., miner Woobank J., miner "Wood burn Mosos, miner "Wood burn Peter, miner "Woodman W., miner /"Wright Dan., miner "Wylie John, miner * Yates Ben., miner Yates Jas., miner Young B., miner Young Jas., salesman N.E.P. Society Young John, miner Young Bubcn, miner . Y(»ong Wm., miner "Young W. C, miner .'tZallmsky Paul, miner .'IZambetti C, miner :!2ei'man F., miner 'Hang Sing, laundry ''Tong Kee, laundry .^"Song Lee, laundry J^ANOOSE BAY, A coantrj post office. Nearest railway B atioD Nanaimo, dis 20 miles. Boberts Wm., postmaster Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & 00., QtBtral SiUlBg Agenti^ -nte CRAIO ST., - IWONTREAL. NASS RIVER, A settlement at the mouth of the river, 600 miles north of Victoria, there are Methodist and Church of England Missions here. Pop 900, principal]; Indians. It has 1 Can- nery, aud : Salter^es. Mail monthly from Victoria. Cook D., salmon packer Douglas Packing Co., J. D. Warren, agent, Victoria Gibson G. A., teacher Green Rev. A. E., Methodist Missionary Grubbs W., clerk Hudson's Bay Co., gen store Matheson J., cooper McCul lough J. B., teacher Nass River Packing Co., Findlay, Durham & Brodie, agents, Victoria Prince rev A. E., Episcopal Missionary Rormey P., boat builder Savage Miss Bessie, teacher Snuggs C, carpenter aud packer Strong C, clerk Walsh J., clerk H.B.Co. NELSON, A mining town on an arm of the Kootenaj lake, 160 miles south of Revelstoke. It is the headquarters for the Toad Mountain District. Hume & Lemon NEW WESTMINSTER JUNC- TION (See Westminster Junction). ■«■'" im WESTMINSTER DIRECTORY. JTOTI.— TM rOLLOWING ABIllVUTIONS ARI DSKD IN THE ^ZVT WSSTMIKSTBR DiRKOTOBT > the word street is omitted after the name of the street ; av avenue ; or near ; cor comer ; R.C.P.M. Co., Royal City Planing Milla Co.; B.S.M. Co., Brunett Saw Mills Co.; I. C, Canadian Pacific Railioay ; Q. P. 'S. Qo., Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. ! B.C. P., British Columbia Penitentiary. \\ it m I S'.} Until three years ago, Nevr Westminster waj the only city on the mainland of British Columbia, and by fi&r the most Important trade centre. The city of New Westminster is on the Eraser River, about sixteen miles from its mouth. The bank of the river at this point rises gradually to a 'height of between two and three hundred feet, and the situation of the city is both teautiful and healthy. Mount Baker, in Washington Territory, is easily seen. To the east are the coast ranges, form- ing a fine background to some magnificent ;fltretche3 of landscape. The climate here is much the same as that of Victoria and Vancouver, with the diflference that the <coId moist winds from the ocean are con- siderably tempered by passiug over sixteen miles of land before reaching the " royal city." In it are located the Provincial Penitentiary, the Provincial Asylum, a large central prison and two hospitals. Nearly all religious denominations have churches and regular services. The Roman Catholic Church is the largest and hand- somest in the city. The Church of England is a massive stone building, and it possesses the only chime of 'bells in the Province — the generous gift of Lady Burdette Coutts. There are also commodious churches be- longing to the Presbyterians, Methodieta, Baptists and Reformed Bpiscopals. Then is ■A college under the direction of the BpUco- f»al Obaroh, and the Roman Catholics have a large convent and a college for boys, as well as a fine hospital, completed at a cost of nearly $20,000. The public schools are graded and well conducted, and there is a*80 a high school for advanced pupila. The Post Office and Custom House is a substantial brick block, which cost $20,000. There are also a large drill shed. Court House, Land Office, Land Registry Office, Public Library, and other buildings devoted to public purposes. For fifteen years, up to 1881, there was very little advancement made in New Westminster, but for the past seven years i^ has been going ahead steadily. More moaeyby far has been spent in building during the last two years than in any former period of its history. Most of the new business places are of brick, and many of them present a very substantial and creditable appearance. The people of New Westminster claim for their city many important advantages which other cities in the Province do not possess. It is situated on the Fraser River, which always has been, and is still, one of the great avenues of commerce. It is also connected by a short branch railway with the C.P.R. Having both the river and railway, it is the most accessible market for the people, especiallj' of the Fraser valley, which is largely set- tled, and is acknowledged to be the finest agricultural district in British Columbia. The Weatminater Southern Railway, now hi ' i'li & t 316 HENDKRsOK'S BRITISH COLUMBIA NEW WESTMINSTER AND under construction, will connect with the American system of railways. A steam ferry Across the Eraser F.i/er will enable tra£Bc to reach the Westminster [Southern Railway without breaking bulk. The river is navig- able for ships of modern draught, the low- est water at the entrance being 14 feet at extreme low tide and about 24 feet high tide, it is navigable for stern-wheel steamers for 100 miles above the city. The Dominion Government is now engaged in improving the river moulb, and within a year it is expected Ihe en:rance will be deep enough to admit any vessel afloat. The ad- vantages of a fresh water harbor are too well known to require explanation. Wharves built on piles at New Westminster will stand for thirty years, whereas in salt water they are destroyed by the teredo in about fiveytara. AtNewWestminatertherise and fall of the tide is only about six or seven feet, which means a very great saving in the cost and trouble of transhipping freight. This city is also the centre uf the fresh fish and fieh canning industry. There are twelve canning establishments on the river within fourteen miles of the city, and two establish- ments for shipping and freezing fresh fish. The city is surrounded by extensive tracts of valuable timber, and it has three large saw mills, and a large and very com- plete sash, door and furniture factory ; there is also a woolen mill (the only one in the Province). The city is lighted with gas and electric lights. The central office of tie Canadian Pacific Railroad telegraph ByUem is situated here, and connects with the Postal Union. Steamers make daily trips from New Westminster up the river, and there are two steamers plying regularly to Victoria, one to Nanaimo, and several to Vancouver. The Canadian Pacific Railroad gives a daily train service from the main linei-, aiid four trains a day bttween New West- minster and Vancouver. The people of the royal city claim that there is no city in Bri- tish Columbia more favorably situated for trade ; and that the future to them is very full of promise. Tn o newspapers are pub- lished in the city, the Brittth Columbia,^ daily, and the Mainland Cfttardian, semi- weekly. Abra William, millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Aekerman Bros., contractors, res St» John west of Queen's ave Aekerman O. £., contractor, res Queen's ave nr St John Ackstein Louis P., solicitor, Columbia, res Mary Adams Benjamin, cook, Dallas Mtntk Ins. Co. of Hartford, Woods, Turner & Camble, agents Aikman G., R.C.P.M. Co. Alkman H. B.W., agent Dom. Lands, and member Dom. Lands Board, res Mary, nr Prevost Aikman J. A., law student Corboulc! & McColl, res Marj' Ainsworth John, printer, DouglaiB bet Agnes and Royal ave Albro W., carder Westminster woolen mills Alexander J. C, mgr Telephone Co., res Merivale cor Agnes Allan brother P. J., O.M.I., teacher St. Louis College Allen Chas., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Allan Thomas, res Pitt River Road, Sapperton Amber Claude, agent, bds Columbia opp IJ.C. church American Hotel, Thos. Levi, prop, Columbin Anderson Benj., clerk, res Columbia cur Albert Crescent Anderson David, blacksmith Thos. Ovens, bds Farmers house Anderson John, messenger Bank of Montreal, res Montreal nr Mary Anderson R. F., agent C.P.R., res cor Douglas and Queen's ave Andrews Wm., car inspector C.P.R. DIREOTOBT AND OAZETTEER. 3n AND NBW WESTMINSTER BEL Andrzejewskl J. W., A Co., brewers, Cunningham nr. Douglas Archibald A., millhand R.C.P.M.C0. Armstrong A. J., grocer, Columbia Armstrong Geo., 2nd jailor prov jail, Royal ave Armstrong J. L., pros. Tele- phone Co., res Merlvale cor Agnes E. Armstrong James, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Armstrong Mrs. D. J., widow, res cor Pelhum and Clinton Armstrong R. J., grocer, Columbia Aimstrong R. W., dept registrar of Tit les office, Clarkson, res Queen's av cor Mary Armstrong T. J., dept sheriflF, res Mary cor Royal ave Armstrong W. J., J.P., sheriff county of Westminster, res Mary cor Royal ave Atkinson Chas., cigar maker J. Har- ling, 59 Columbia Atlcinson T. C, barrister, po- lice magistrate, office Ma- sonic block, res Alfred Ter- race, Columbia East Austin — , carpenter, Asfnes nr Ferris Austin Chas. L., firemau C.P.R., bds City Hotel Austin W. R., grocer, Front, res Douglas near Agnes Badcock Jas., millhand R C.P.M. Co. Baker J. W., tel oper C.P.R., bds Mrs. Black's, Provost near Dou>(las Baker E. H., CapL St. Gipsy R.C.P.M. Qo., res Patrick cor Pelham Baldwin Rev. Thos., pastor Olivet Baptist Church, res Agnos near Mary - Aisr3D- WOOLLEN MILL SOEIES «rA OF ALL KINDS OS Xae0 MONTREAL. ©f Ba'main John C, faetorrhnnd R.C.P. M. Co.; bds Douglas oflf Trew Bank of British Columbia, I, B. Fisher, manager Bank of Montreal, Ceo. D. Brymner, agent Baptist J. F^lix, tinner E. S. Scoullar &Co. Barry H., plumber at T. Cunningham & Sons Bassett H., millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Batchelor J. D., bookkeeper St. Gladus, res Ferris- nr Ai^nes Baudre Rev., pastor J. M., O.M.I.ji'es St. Louis College Baxtor A. A., millhand R.C.P.M. Co, Beatty J. , clerk C.P.R. office, res Douglas bet Queen's and Royal avo Beatt}' James, tinner at J. Cunnings ham Beatty John, tinner, res Royal ave cor Douglas Boecher C. M., of R.C.P.M. Co., res Douglas near Agnes Boer Jiimen, cooper and grocer, Co- lumbia Beggs & Heard, merchant tailors, Co- lumbia Buggs W. F., of Beggs & Heard, Co- lumbia Bell Alexander, clerk Bank of Mon- treal Bell J. A. Ward, storekeeper B.S.M. Oo.j res Sapperton Bell J. H , waiter Colonial hotel ■'■I I : Si 1- :t ■ u r :*•:!: 318 HENDBBSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA BEL NEW WESTMINSTER BRI Bell John W., Capt. str "Ins./' B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Benson H., millhand E.C.P.M. Co. Benter Jacob, Pioneer saloon, 111 Front Bentley Dr. Richard Irving, Medical Supt B.C. Asylum, /Medical Officer Provincial Jail, M.D., Surgeon Royal Columbian Hospital, res Asylum Grounds Best Robert, millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Bilodeau Peter 0., prop Depot hotel, 45 Columbia, res Ferris cor Dallas Binell Peter, mgr Standard Cannery, res Sapperton Black Mrs. E. K., widow, Merivale cor Carnarvon Black Mrp. J. E. N., private boarding house, Provost near Douglas Blair Lewis, clerk at Bon March^, bds Agnes Blake J. C, local mgrC.P.R. Telegraph, res Mary west of Queen's ave Blakie J. M., prop Steamboat Ex- change, Front cor Mary, res Beglie cor Provost Blakeley Geo., R.C.P.M. Co., res Agnes near Eilice Bleckney Mrs. Geo., weaver West- minster Woolen Mills Board of Trade (Incorporated 1885), Hendry John, pres ; D. Robson, t^ec Bole W. Norman, Q.C., M.P.P., Barrister, Solicitor and N. P., Columbia, res Agnes cor Mary Bon Accord, fishing Co., R. Ward & Co., agents Bon Marcli^, Walker & Shadwell, dry goods, Columbia Bonson Louis F., saloon, res Carnar- von bet Elliott and Merivale Booth Frank, gas works, Edenboro Borey Robt., laborer, resHolbrook Both well Wm., laborer, res Mary west of Montreal Bovill A. J., res Douglas Bovill John, bds Douglas near Royal ave Bovill Wheatley, photographer, res^ Douglas near Royal ave Bovill W., of Thompson & Bovill, res Douglas Bower J. W., bartender Holbroolc house. Front Boyce F, M., bartender Hub saloon, Columbia Brady Robt., clerk at W. B. Fales, 73: Columbia Brenchley El win, clerk at T.J. Tropp & Co., res Clarkson Brennan James R., prop New Grotia saloon, Columbia cor McKonzie Brewster J., bartender Merchants Ex- change, 38 Columbia Briggs Thos. L.,capt agent C.P.N. Co., res Royal ave cor Merivale, office on dock Brighouse Mrs., res Agnes near Duf- ferin Brimner Goo. D., Bank of Montreal, res Carnarvon bet Merivale and Blackwood British Columbian, daily and weekly, Kennedy Bros., pu> bllshers, Columbia. See adv British Columbia Insane Asy- lum, Dr. R. I. Bentley, M.B., Medical Supt, Columbia st E B.C. Monumental Marble Works, Alex. Hamilton, prop, Church British Columbia Peniten- tiary, Arthur H. McBrlde, warden, Columbia st B British Empire Life Ins Co., W. J. Walker & Co., agents, Columbia DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 3t9»« BRO NEW WESTMINSTER CAN Brooke Edward, machinist New West- minster foundry Brown A., millhand R.C.P.AI. Co. Bi'own C. E. C, dentist, bank build- ings ColumMa, res Clement near Pelham Bi'own E., carder Westminster Woolen Mills Brown E., & Co., wholesale and retail liquors, Columbia Brown J., wiper C.P.R. Brown John C, postmaster, res Merryville&r:d Carnarvon Brown Joseph, builder, res Douglas west of Montreal Brunette Saw Mill Co., J. B. Kennedy, pros, H. L. De Book, mgr, Sapperton. Seeadv Brunskin Wharton, res Carnarvon bet Elliott and Merivale Bryan A. J., clerk Globe House, 103 Columbia Bryan Geo., clerk Globe House, 103 Columbia Bryan Wm., clerk Globe House, 103 Columbia Bryant T^ laborer Wintermute Bros. Bryant Theodore, bds Agnes near t)ouguis Brymner Ceo. D., agent Banic of Montreal, res Carnarvon Bryson Bates, blacksmith, Agnes near Ferris Bryson John B., blacksmith Mainland Carriage Works Bryson M., millhand R.C P.M. Co. Buckley Jumee, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Budge John, foreman fisherman, Stan- dard Cannery Buie John, fishery guardian, bds Hol- brooke House Bunson H. W., clerk E. Brown & Co., res Carnarvon The Hiard Electric Mfg. . (Ltd.),. MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electrto Light . Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered^ Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) Bunson L. F., of E. Brown & Co. ,.1-03- Carnarvon Burke Henry, bds Farmers Home- Burnet Robt., laborer, bds Clarksoftis. cor Church Burns E., builder andcontra ctor,.»69* Lome nr Provost Burr Benjamin, messenger B.C. PIT. Burr Capt. H., Str Gladys, Dock opp»^ Lytton sq Burr Hugh, Queen's av nr Dougla* Burr Joseph, 3rd jailor Provincial j/«.1_^ Royal ave Bushonglvan.milihani R.P.C.^C. Cb_ Cain J. B., cook JSev Grotta resfcw^- rant, Columbia Calbeck John, cai'penter, res Clintork* Caldwell J. L., bookkeeper Colum- bian, bds Dickinson cor Elliott Caledonia Hotel, R. W. Mcintosh,, prop, Front Cameron J., millhand B. S. M. Co.^. Sapperton Cameron P. C, bds Cleveland Hotel,, Columbia Campbell A. 0., of C. Ogle & Co.,. ro^ Agnes bet Mary and Clement Campbell Catherine, sewer J. S... Man»on, res Agnes Campbell S., millhand R.C.P.M. C(>_ Gin D., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Canada Life Assurance Co., H. V_ Edmunds, agent, Columbia Canadian Pacific NavigatiOTV Co., New WestminsteK^ wharf, T. L. Briggs, agertt Canadian Pacific Railway^ R. F. Anderson, agent ?! ;:(t' 1 1; ^^ HENDnaOM'S BRITISH OOLUHBIA CAN NBW WB3TMIN8TBR COL •Canadian Paolfio Railway Teiegraph, James Wilson, supt, Columbia "CtiYitill Edwaixl, secretary Bishop of New Westminster Carrie Thos., clerk J. Canningham Carroll Edward, plumber, res St. John opp Public school •Carroll William James, guard B. C. penitentiary Carty John, constable, res Douglas Case Frank, pressman Columbian ^ Cash James, of Stewart &, Cash, res Dallas cor Douglas Casserley Thos., stableman R.C.P.M. Co. Cates Albert, blacksmith Mainland Carriage works Chamberijjin H. C, painter, Mainland Cairisiut! Works res Patrick bet Pelham and Queen's ave Chapel Sarah, weaver Westminster Woolen Mills €happell J., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Chapwell John, night watchman R. C.P.M. Co., res Queen's ave nr Edenboro Cherry J. B., solicitor, MacKcnzie bet Clarkson and Columbia Chlronse Rev. Father E. H., O.IViJ, St Cliarles Indian ChuB-chyres 8t Louis College Churchill — , millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Churchill Sam., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. City Balieryy James D. Kelly, prop, Columbia City Hall and Council Cham- ber, Columbia, D. Rol)^on, acting cleric, assessor and collector City Hotel, F. Raith, p^'op, Co- lumbia City of London Insurance Co., Woods, Turner and Gamble, agents City Solicitor, W. N. Bole, Q. C, M.P.P., office Columbia Clark .'. , factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. Clark Albert, R.C.P.M. Co., res Agnes nr Mary Clarke Alfred, machinist New West- minster foundry Clark Miss, milliner J. EUard & Co. Clark Miss i^adio, res 3 Blackie Clark Wm., foreman Jas. Rousseau, res Agnes nr Mary Clelland Thos., Cleveland hotel, Co- lumbia Clement 0., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Clems S. C., apprentice Reid & Currie Cleveland hotel, Mrs. T. Clelland, prop, Columbia Cliff C, tinner J. Cunningham Clow C. H., of Clow & Jdadure, res Clinton nr Queen's ave Clow & Maclure, architects Bank build- ings, Columbia Club Sample Room, A. J. Tolmie, prop, Columbia Clute John S., collector of customs, office P.O. build- ing, res Pelham cor St John Clute John S., jun., law student W. N. Bole, ros Pelham corSl. John Clute N. C, clerk D. Drysdale & Co., res Pol ham cor St. John' Coathara W. C , principal Westmins- ter boy's public school, res John Cobb G., factory hand R.C P.M. Co. CoflSn Capt. S. A., Agnes nr Ferris Cole A., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Collier Wm., cigar maker Mainland Cigar Factory Collins Bro. Patrick, O.M.t., teacher St. Louis College Colonial Hotel, L. Pither, prop, Columbia "^^W.tJR,,,,. DIRECTORT AND OAZETTSER. 321* COM NEW WESTMINSTER CUR Commercial Union Insurance Co.y Rand Bros., agents Confederation Life Assurance Asso- ciation, Major & Pea»*eon, agents, Columbia Conner George, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Connor Miss J., delivery clerk P.O., res Douglas Connors — , 2nd convict guard Prov. jail Cook Thos,, waiter Holbrook house, res Ag >e8 opp Elliot Cook W., millhand a.C .P.M. Co. Cooper A. C, barber, Blackie Cooper H. M., M.D., office and res Church Cooper M., engine turner C.P.R. Coqultlam Water Works Co., office Masonic blocic Lome, Arthur E. Hill, secretary. Corbett W. J., foreman J. Cunning- ham, res Mary nr Qiieeii'i* ave Corbouid & McCoii, iiarris- ters,soiicltors, etc.,IMasonic Biocic, Lome Corbouid G. E.,of Corbouid & McColl, res Royal av ur Merivale Cornellier rev. Father P. M.O., O.M.I., asst St. Peter's church, res Si.Louis College Cottage Bakery, Mrs. Harvey, Colum bia Coughlln W., call boy C.P.R. Court House, Ciaricson st "'ousins Thos., gastiiter, bds Agnes nr Elliee CouttR Alexander, blacksmith B.C.P. Couper Capt. Str, res Royal ave opp Albert Crescent Cox John S., stewaixl Ro yal City Mills, res R >yal nr Douglas Crake F., watcli maker and Jeweller, Columbia, res Agnes cor Douglas. - jv.i>r3D- WOOLLEN ILL SDEM OF ALL KINDS. "»9 J'ek. MONTREAL. Cross D., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Croiicher rev. C, Binhop's chaplain Crow S., millhand B.3.M.Co., Sapper- ton V Crown Timber agent, T. 8, Higginson, offloe P.O. build- ing, res Agnes Cumminga A., clerk C.P.N. Co., Agnes bet Merivale and Elliott Cunningham George, gen blacksmith, Douglas nr Columbia Cunningham Geo., clerk T. Cunning- ham & Sons Cunningham H.M., of T. Cunningham & Sons, res Pelham Cunningham J., general hard- ware, Columbia, res Agnes Cunningham J. A., of T. Cunningham, & Sons, res Pelham Cunningham T., & Sons., stoves, tinware and agricul- tural implements, Columbia cor Digby Cunningham James, merchant, res Agnes bet Douglas and Lome Cunningham T., of T. Cunningham & Sojis, res Pelham cor Clement Cunningham T. M., clerk, res Pelham Curran Patrick IJ., guard B.C.P. ^urrie — , bookkeeper at Fisher's, re St John opp Public school Currie — , carriagotnaker, res Roya avenue near Douglas Currie Alex., carpenter, res Ferris co Moody Currie Dav., blacksmith Reid & Currie 1^* III i^ 11 m \i \ 1 f M ; \i it mm T \ 1 ["]'■:'■■ i iji;:r (1 ! : i m I 322 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA CUR NEW WESTMINSTER DOM Ourrie James, fireman Woolen Mill, res Mary west of Qneen's av Currie Wm. C, of Reid & Currie, res Royal av Curtis D.8., prop Medical Haii, Coiumbia, res Agnes cor St John Custom House, P.O. building cor Columbia and Mary Dalby W. S., clerk Rand Bros., res Agnes Dallas J., glazier R.C.P.M. Co. Darling N. D., bartender London Arms, res Clarkson Darling O.E., money order clerk P.O. Dash wood Jones W. A., groce: les and fruits, 61 Columbia Davidson Miss E. A., 1st asst Girls' Public school Davidson W., harncssmaker Douglas & Deigbton, res St John west of ' Queen's av De Beck Clarence H., director B.S.M. Co., res Sapperton De Becic Howard L., mgr. Brunette Saw Mill Co., res Royal av, opp Albert Cres- cent De Beck Mrs. "Warren, wid, res cor I Polham and Clinton Deep Joseph, mi II hand R.C.P.M. Co. Delta Canning Co., Laidlaw & Co., props, at Ladner's Landing Denchard Ed. B., C.P.R. tel oper, bds Dickinson cor Elliott Depot Hotel, P.O. Bilodeau, prop, 45 Columbia Des Brlsay — , millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Des Brisay Alex., 43 Columbia, res Mftry Des Brisay M., groceries and provisions, 43 Columbia, res Mary Des Brisay Mrs., wid, res Mary near Queen's av Des Brisay Miss, milliner James Ellard & Co. Despar Joseph, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Devoy Fred., millhand B.S.M. Co,, Sapperton De Wolf Smith W. A., acting surgeon B.C.P. D'Herbomez Right Rev.,Vicar apostolic of British Colum- bia, O.M.I., res St Louis College DIclcinson R., butcher, Co- lumba, res Armstrong cor Elliott Dickinson W. E., drayman, res Edin- boro Dickinson William W., bu'cher, res Armstrong cor Elliott Diebel Albert, baker and restaurant, Front Digby Charles, steward Royal Colum- bia Hospital, Agnes cor Clement Digby J., compositor Mainland Guar- dian Ditcham Rev. G., Sapperton Dockritt G.M., first asst teacher Boys' Public school, res cor Columbia and Lome Dockerill J. C, acct Bank of B.C. Dockrill Miss, 2nd asst teacher Boys' Public school Dodds H. T., printer "Columbian " Dominion Express Co., R.F. Anderson, agent, offije depot Dominion Lands office, H. B. W. Aikman, agent and mem- ber Dominion Land Board, P.O. building Dominion Observatory and U. S. Signal Station, A. Peele, observer Dominy Mrs., monthly nurse, Agnes near Ferris Dominy Thos., laborer, Agnes near Ferris DIRSOTOBT AND GAZETTEER. 323- DON NEW WESTMINSTER ELL Ponahoe C, upholsterer P. Peebles^ bds Union Hotel Donald Bros, grocers and crockery, Columbia Ponald J. M., of Donald Bros, res Clement Donald R. C, of Donald Bros, res Clement Donelly Sara., painter J. H. Perkins, Eoyal av Douglas Ben., of Douglas & Deighton, Carnarvon bet Elliott and Merivale Douglas & Deighton, harness and saddley, Columbia Douglas J., laborer, Eilice near Bojal Doyle James, guard B.C.P. Draper James Nelson, sec. Woolen Mill, res Royal av near Clement Drummond R. P., railway mail clerk Drysdale D., of D. Drysdale & Co., res Mary cor Provost ^ Drysdale D. Sl Co., dry goods, Masonio Block, Columbia Drysdale Geo., clerk D. Drysdale & Co., res Mary cor Provost Duflf James, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Duffy And., bartender Union Hotel Duncau W. A., bookkeeper and cashier R.C.P.M. Co., res Queen's av near Douglas Dnnn M., carpenter, res McNeally Dunville Minnie, Caledonia Hotel Durlen Right Rev. P.P., coad- Jutorto Right Rev. Vicar A., of B.C., CM. I., res St Louis College Dyker A. C , filer R.C.P.M. Co. Dyker Wm., laborer, res Hoi brook Eades H., barber Bhop, Front Earl Ed., carpenter, res Royal ave and C. P . R. track Eastman C, upholsterer Wintermute Bros. Eaton Charles, night watchman B. S. M. Co., SappertoQ (Ltd.> MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones.Electr c Bells, Annuncia- tors, Burglar Alarms, Instrumuntt), Apparatus and. Supplies of every description (See advt. p. 6.) Ecksteen — ,barri8ter, res Queen's ave- cor Mary^ Eddy F. M., millhand R. C. P. M. Co. Edmonds W. H., law student Corbou Id. & McCoU Edmunds H. V., Real Estate and Insurance Office, Bank biocic, res Columbia, bet Blaclcwood and Merivale Edmunds W. H., law student, res Cu- lumbia E Edwards Wm., first convict guard ProvJail, res Douglas cor Agnes Eickhofl:' Fred., gen merchant, Front,. res Provost bet Lorn 3 and DoiJjrlas Eickhoff House, King & Kerry, props,. Front Eickhofi^Miss, milliner James EUard &. Co., Ellard James, & Co., dry goods and gents' furnishings, Columbia cor Mnry Ellard Sidney, clerk James Ellard & Co., rcH Columbia Ellis — jiaboier, res Royal ave nrEllicot Ellis Geo., driver Gilley Bros., Coliim- bia Ellis John, shoemaker, 37 Columbia,. res Royal live nr Eilice Elliott Henry, teamster, res Douglas cor Agnes Elliott John, & Sons, T. Cun*< nirgham & Sons, agents^ Columbia cor Digby Elliott Mrs. Capt £d., res Dickinson nr Elliott \ '.I- .324 HSNDBBSON'S BBITI8H OOLVMBIA ELL NEW WBBTMINSTEB FRA 1 ! Elly Reuben,StewardStr " Irving, "res Doqglas nr Dallas Emigrant sheds, Mackenzie Emerson Arthur, waiter Colonial Hotel Emerson Louis, waiter Colonial Hotel Ensley Mrs Capt., Trew opp Methodist Church Ewan & Co., fish packers, Eobt. Ward & Co., agents JJwen Alex., prop cannery, res Beglie cor Provost Eyies Benjamin, night watchman, res Olarkson cor Church Fagan Chas., M.D., bds Columbia opp R. C. Caurch , ^ag&n W. L., Provincial Tax collector, office Govt offices Faliding W. H., registrar Su- preme Court of B. C.y office Court House, res Agnes nr Elliott Fales W. E., undertaicingand house furnishings, 73 Co, lumbia, cor Agnes & Mc- Kenzie, res Trew bet Mary and McKenzle TansetW.J., lumberman bdsEickhoff House -Farmers Home, W. H. Holden, prop, Church Feeney Patrick, sawyer R.O.P.M. Co., res Ellice nr Queen's ave Ferguson A. H,, fireman R. C. P. M. Co., res Agnos nr Kliico Ferguson John, baker City Bakery, b ds Farmer's Home Ferris W. D., coroner, res Ferrisnr Dallas FerryboatK.D.E.K.,Wm.Grant,captain Find lay R., factory hand R. C. P. M. Co. Finlison 'W.ri.,mgr Lowenberg, Harris & Co., Colonial Hotel Fisher I. B., mgr Bk. of B. C, res Blackwood cor Carnar- von Fitzgerald James, keeper B. C. P. Fitzgerald John,freight handler C.P.R. depot, res Dallas Fitzsimmons Jame8,dep warden B.C.P. Fletcher John, chief operator C. P.R., res Carnarvon, bet Merivale and Blackwood Fletcher S., clerk Corbould & McCoU res cor Douglas aud Pelham Floctor H. W.,millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Flux Goo. John, laborer, Royal ave rn Douglas Flux James, R. C.P. M. Co., res Royal ave nr Douglas Flynn Brother James, O.M.I. , teacher St. Louis College Flynn Con, harnessmaker Douglas & Deighton, Fooks F„ miner, and timber limits, res Mary west of Queen's ave. HeeCard Foresters' Hall, Columbia Forrester J., millhand R.C.P. M. Co. Forrester Jamen, carpenter, res Mary west of Queen's Ave Forrester W., factory hand R. C. P.M. Co. Fortune James R., turner, res Beglie cor Prevost Foulds P. J., of P. J. Foulds & Co., bds Colonial Hotel Foulds P. J., & Co., grocersi Columbia FouquetRev Father L., O. M. I., Chaplain 8t. Mary's hos- pital and B. C. P., res 8t Louis College Fox Jame.4, of Fox & Ross, Columbia Fox & Lioss, boots and shoes, 95 Colum- bia Fraser Chas., res Royal ave nr Ellice Fraser J. D., tinner T. CaaDingham & Sons DIBIOTOBT AND dAZITTBIR. 325- KEA. NBW WESTMINSTRR QBE Fraser J. S. C, aeoountant Bank of Montreal, res Mary cor Queen's ave Fraser James, watchmaker, res Elliott cor Armstrong Fraser Kichnrd, driver Donald Bros. Fraser Wm., laborer W. R. Austin Fraser Wm., res Royal ave nr EUice Fraser Wm., teamster, bds Ferris cor Moody Freemnn Ralph, clerk D. Trysdale & Co., res Mary French — , res Pelham nr Clinton French F. A., foreman R. C.P. M. Co., bds Mrs.Black's, Provost nr Douglas French W. J., butcher, res Clarkson bet McKenzle and Mnry Fulton S., millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Furness W., night watchman C. P. R. Galbraith Alex., millhand R. C. P, M. Co. Galbraith David, factory hand R. C. P. M. Co. Galbraith H., factory hand R.C.P. M. Co. Galbraith Hugh,carpenter,res Queen's ave cor Douglas Galbraith James, factory hand R. C. P. M. Co. Galbraith John, factory hand R.C.P. M. Co. Galbraith Wm., factory hand R. C.P. M. Co. Gamble A.G.,-^otray Public,of Woods, Turner & Garable, Columbia Gardener W. R., lahed foreman and baggageman C. P. R. Gem Saloon, Stewart & Cash, Front Gibson Wm., carpenter, bds Agnes nr Ferris Gifford Thos., watchmaker, Front res EUice nr Royal av Gilley Bros., livery and feed stable, Columbia Gilley Herbert, of Gilley Bros., res Queen's ave Gilley James, of Gilley Bros., res Queen's ave Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BABR & CO., Ctaneral SeUlag Agenti^ ^ yae craiq st., ■ montreau . Gilley Walter R., of Gilley Bros., res Royal Gillies — , res Queen's ave nr St. John. Globe House, Mrs. Wm. Rae,, prop, I03 Columbia Glover F. R., Lieut, reporter Colum- bian, res St John m- Queen's av Gold Mrs. E., Royal sive opp Merivale Goodacre Mrs. Flora, asst matron B. C. Asylum Gordon Harold, clerk JamoR Ellard &Co. GorumG., factdty hand R.C.P.M. Co. Government Land Office, (Provincial), E. Warwick, govt agent, Clarkson Grant Capt. A., Str Sampson, ros Pro- vost bet Marj^ and McKonzie Grant Capt. Cowan, re« Clinton nr Royal av Gran w Geo. H. of Grant & Maelure, res Provost Grant G. W., architect, Mary cor Clarkson, bds Columbia opp R. C. Church Grant J. S., machinint R.C.P.M. Co., res St John, opp Public school Grant A McClure, boots and shoes, Columbia Grant Peter, landing waiter Customs, res cor Columbia cor Beglie GreyDavid S,, butcher VanVolkenburg Bros., res cor Pelham and Clinton Grey George, fruits and tobacco, Front Grey James, fruits, Front I i, .,.: ^ill'Vt' <•;..!, ^? plflfi 1 1 ''1' 326 HINDKRSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA GRE NEW WKSTMINSTER HEA i iGrey J. H., machinist R.C.P.M. Co., res Royal avo bet Douglas and EUice "Grey Eobt., clerk P. MePhaden, bds Clinton cor Peel tSray Matthew, res Clinton bet Royal ave and Queen's <jroy Thosi. Wm., res Clinton sq 'Greig Joseph, clerk J. E. Phillips, bds Clinton •Oroig Wm., painter, res Clinton nr Ptilham <jrcgg Walter, apprentice E. S. Scoul- lar & Co. Gregory George, R.C.P.M. Co., res EUice cor Royal av Oreen Arthur R., engineer C.P.R., res Murynr Clarkston Green Norris, B.S.M. Co., Sapper|on Green Mrs., wid, res North Road,Sap- perton Grimmer James, resEllice nr Jail ^Grimmer L., painter, Agnes bet Fer- ris and EUice -Grobes A. S., oper C.P.R. Tel. Guardian Fire Assurance Co., Ogle, Campbell & Co., agents Guest Mrs. Francis,wid,res cor Pelham and Clinton duest Thos. D., clerk BonMarch^, res Pelham •Gunn David, night watchman B. C. Asylum ■<5unn H., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Gurker J., Str BellRC.P.M. Co. JHacker Mrs.R.,wid, private bdg house Mary bet Prevost and Clarkson Hadden Rev, re8 Montreal cor 8t. John -ILtmes Arthur, driver Gilley Bros., Columbia JIull Duncan B., mgr foundry Reid & Currie HullT. B., gents' furnishings, Front Hall Zed 8.* wholesale and retail, bookseller and sta- tioner, Hamley's block, Co- lumbia, res Douglas Hall Thomas S., B. S., M. D., office and res Columbia cor Church Hall W., millhand RC.P.M. Co. Hamber Claud,of W. J. Walker & Co. res Columbia East ' Hamilton Alex., B. C. Marble Works Church Hamilton Thos., weaver New West- minster woolen mills, bds Clarkson cor Church Hammar J. C, shooting gallery, Col- umbia Hardman Alfred, at brickyard, res Blackie Harling J., cigar mfr, 59 Columbia, res Agnes nr Convent Harris Wm., turner, bds Columbia opp R. C. church Harrison W.,wood turner Wintermiito Bros. Hartman Ernest F. L., cook B. C. Asylum Hartford Ins Co., of Hartford, Woods, Turner A Gamble, agents HatherlyThos.H.,engineerStr.Glady8, res Agnes bet Ferris and EUice Harvey — , teamster, Royal ave nr Douglas Harvey Archie, apprentice I. 8. Seoul lar & Co. Harvey H., gen merchant, Front Harvey J. W., mgr James Ellard & Co., res Mary Harvey Mrs., bakery, Columbia HawmauJohn, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Hayes M., gen store, Front Hazen James, teamster, Agnes nr Ferris Head F. G., engineer, res Columbia nr Dufferin Heard C B., of Biggs & Heard, Col- nmbia Heather iy James Thos., fireman sti* Gladys, res Agnes bet Ferris and EDice DIRIOTOBT AND OAZETTBER. 32T HEG NEW WESTMINSTER HOW •1. I : Heckley Joseph W., photographer for John Wren, Columbia Heckman C, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Hoffren Albert, drayman, res Agnes nr Ferris Hellieson Hans, Oapt. str Horseshoe, res Lane bet Begtie and Douglas Hembrough Thos., stonemason, Agnes cor Ferris Hendry John, mgr R.C.P.M. Co., res Queen's ave cor Douglas Honnesey Davin, works Ewan's Can- nery, res Clinton Honry C, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Herrgodts Adolphus, cigarmaker Mainland Cigar Factory, res Begiie nr Columbia Herring A. M., druggists, Co- lumbia, res Mary Herring Arthur F. C, res Mary cor Provost Hewton J., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Hicks Albert, teamster, Agnes near Ferris Hicks E., laborer, res Eoyal ave near Douglas Hicks Harvey, teamster at W. R. Austin Hicks H., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Hicks W., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Higgins W. H., lumber, res Mary near Provost HigginsonT. 8., Crown Tim- ber agent, office P.O. build- ing, res Agnes bet Mary and Clement Hile Ben., watchman "Westminster Woolen Mills, Forrest Hill A. J., O.E., res Agnes bet Mac- kenzie and Mary Hill Arthur B., sec Water Works Co., office Masonic Hall block LEATHER BELTINa Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StB* MONTREAL. Hill Albert J., M.A., land surveyor and C.E., Masonic Block, Lome Hill Geo., bds Columbia opp il. C. Church Hill R., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Hitchcock Geo. Hyde, R.C.P.M. Co., res Armstrong bet Merivale and Elliot Hitchcock Mrs. Wm., widow, res Armstrong bet Merivale and Elliot Hoffmeister H., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Hogan Mrs., prop Telegraph Hotel, 137 Front Hogan Robt., bartender, 137 Front Hogan Wm., bartender, 137 Front Holbroolc House, John Ran- kin, prop. Front Holden W. H., prop Farmer's Home, Church Holmes Wm., res Mary near Clarkaon Holt Claude E., first clerk land office, res Mary near Provost Holy Trinity, Church of Eng- land, Yen. Archdeacon Wood, rector. Church st Homer C. W., junior clerk Dom Land's office, res Columbia Homer Miss M., 2nd asst Girls' Public school Homer Mrs., widow, res Columbia near Dufferin Horring Henry, fish and fruits, Front opp C.P.N, wharf Horris Rev. Edward M., O.M.I., R. C. chaplain B.C. P. Howay Wm., millhand R.C.P.M. (Jo. I ::* 1 si' ■• 'V fl i'i:--¥: fl'' BXNDSRSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA HOY NEW WKgTHINSTIR JON Hoy Henry, of H. T. Read & Co., res Carnarvon near Elliott Hob Saloon, Jameu Tearnej, prop, Columbia Huband Martin, scavenger, res Edin- boro opi) Queen'H ave Hnghes Mrs., widow, res Queen's ave cor St Jobn Hume Jobn, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Hume Kobert, res North Road, Sap- perton Humes Geo., bartender Eickhoff House, Front Hutchison George, guard B.C. P. Hyack Fire Co. Station No. I, Columbia at Indian Dept, Peter McTier- nan, agent, Coiumbia Inilty Thomas William, guard B.C. P. Ijasley Capt. A., res Columbia cor Albert Cre(«cont Inspector of Fisheries, Thos. Mowat, Inspector's office P.O. building, Mary cor Co- lumbia Irwin 'J^hos., painter at J. H. Perkins, Ro^'al ave Jack A. C. Brydone, barrister, Masonic block Jackman J., compositor Mainland Guardian Jackson Adam, guard B.C.P., res Albert Crescent Jackson Wm., druggist asst at A. M. Herring, res Albert Crescent Jacques J. G., clerk, res Clinton near Royal ave Jaggers Joseph, machinist R.C.P.M. Co., res Royal ave near Douglas James James, engineer ferry K.D.E K. Jameson C. M., res Sapperton Jameson Duncan, Str. Bell, R.C.P.M. Co. Jamison Ralph, of Wright & Jameson, roe Sapperton Jamieson Bev. Robert, Protestatit chaplain B.C.P., res Clinton near Royal ave Jayal Rev. F. M. J., O.M.i., asst 8t Peter's Church, res 8t Louis College E. engineer str Wm. A. E., dressmaker. Jefcott John Irving Jennings Church Jennings Walter, teamster, bds Ferri» cor Moody JeniiB E. A., barrister at law at Cor- bould & McColl, res Agnes op]> Elliott John Johnston, clerk, bds Agnes opi> Mackenzie '^hnson A., millhand R.C.P.M. Co.. jnson H. E., millhand R.C.I'.M. Co. wOhnson J., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Johnson J., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Johnson John, clerk at D. Lyal & Co. Johnston — , carpenter, res Douglas west of Queen's ave Johnston Andy, miner, reii McNeally Johnston Capt. Wm., str *' Bell," rc» Royal ave nr Douglas Johnston Ed., fireman Western Slope, res opp Dallas Johnston Harvey, R.C.P.M. Co., res Agnes nr Ellice Johnston John, millhand R.C.P.M. Co.. Johnston Mrs., res Agnes nr Ellice Johnston T., clerk at W. R. Austin, Front Johnston Wm., boots and shoes, Col- umbia, res Agnes opp Mackenzie Johnston Wm. capt. str Bell, R.C.P.M. Co., res Royal ave nr Dougla s Johnson W. L., ioreman R.C.P.M. Co. Jones Ben., plumber T. Cunningham. & Sons Jones Frank, painter, Blackie Jones Geo., agent, bds Columbia opp< R. C. Church DIREOTollY AND 0\ZKTrEEI. 329 JON NEW WESTMINSTER LAI Jones Geo. W., bookkeeper P. 0. Strickland & Co. Jones Humphrey, E.G. P.M. Co., res Royal av nr Ellice Jones Thoa., millhand R.C.P.M. Oo. Karey Mrs. James, widow, res Colum- bia bet Blackwood and Merivalo Kay Mrs., Mary cor Trew Kay Wm., clerk, Marshall Sinclair, res Elliott Keary Mrs., wid, res Dickenson cor Elliot Keary Willinm Holland, accountant B.C.P.,storekeober and scboolmastor Keary Wm., clerk, res Dickenson cor Elliott Keith Chas. S., law-student W. N. Bole, res Montreal Keith E, B., dairy, res Montreal near Mary Kelley Frank, apprentice Reid & Currie Kelly Geo. A., clerk Chas. McDonongh, Front Kelly G. A., agent, Mackenzie nr Clarkson Kelly James D. prop City Ba- kery, res Agnes nr Berrls Kelly John, engineer Fife Hall, res Agnes nr Ferris Kelly Thomas, apprentice Reid & Currie Kelly Wm., mgr. City Bakery, Col- umbia Kennedy B. 8., printer Columbian Kennedy Bros., publishers British Columbian dally and weekly, Columbia Kennedy Geo., of Kennedy Bros., editor Columbian, res Columbia east of Albert Crescent Kennedy James, architect, res Colum- bia east of Albert Crescent Kennedy James B., president Brunett Saw mill Co., res Sapperton Kennedy James M., of Kennedy Bros., res Columbia east of Albert Crescent 24 The HibM Electric Mfg. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PKOOP Kleetrlo Li\iUt Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and SUk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 6.) Kennedy John, engineorC.P.R. Kennedy Robt., of Konnody Bros., j*es» Columbia east of Albert Orescont Kennedy T., tinner T. Cunninuhnni & Sons, re.s Columbia Kennedy Wm., printer Columbiaiv Kerr Eobt., linisher Wostmiuihtor woolen mills Ken* Thos., mgr. Westminster woolen mills, bds City Hotel Kerry Eobt., of King & Kerry, Front King Frederick, druggist's asslMoUical Hall, res Pel bam King John, of King & Kcny, F/rpiit King W. J., factory hand B.C. P. M. C o King Wm. R., architect and sanitary engineer, office Masonic Hall block res Pat- rick cor Pelham Kinnear Joseph, prop Union Hotel, Columbia Kirkland E. L., assessor and collector Prov Govt, res Mary Kitson Chas., stonemason, bds Colum- bia opp R. C. Church Knight J. E., millhand B.S.M.Co., Sa[K perton Knerdson Hans, millhand R.C.P.M.Co.. Knudscn Carl, engineer, bds lune bet Beglie and Douglas Lahey Daniel, bartender New Grotta saloon, Columbia cor McKenzie Laldlaw A Co., props Standard Cannery A Delta Canning Co., Sapperton Laid law Fergus, processor Standard Cannery, res Sapperton .' !, '|.H'. m |M ' s i ~^330 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA -i-*. ^'.. It LAI NEW WESTMINSTER McB tl^aidlaw James Anderson, of Laidlaw &Co., Sapperton ^iiLambert R., prop London Arms saloon, Columbia cor McKenzie /Ljiraey James, contractor, res Agnes opp Elliott r I,:imourenx L. D., tel oper C.P.R., bds Mrs. Black, Provost nr Douglas ivJjiuicaster Henry, keeper B.C. Asylum, re8 Sapperton 'J3jan«ashire Insurance Co., Major & -Peartson, agents, Columbia :!l.ancl Registry office , Carkson R., W. Arm strong;, dept. Registrar of titles I'Xathom James, teamtjter, bds Agnes n» Ferris ' "iXauder Eli, storeman J. Cunningham ^LawRobt.propNew Westmin- ster foundry Front, res Same i'Xaw Wm., moulder New Westminster f<>u..drv, Fort ^Lawton Stephen, StiBell, R.C.P.M. Co. Leawiy And., Mackenzie nr Columbia ' JJeamy Andrew, barrister, res cor St John and' Queen's av \ licamiug VV. H., millhand P..C.PM. Co. 1 Leoson Jos. L., of J. L. Leeson & Son LJLoeson J. L., & Son, props Fraser . River Transient Feed mills 'iLseeson ?^enj. W., of J L. Leeson «& Son i^ehman Andi-evv, millhand B.S.M. -Co., Sapperton - Ijcppard James, tanner for Rosseau, -Sapperton •^ LoHterB., clerk, bd Agnes nr Ellice fjjoster Richard, 3rd convict guard Pi*ovjail Levi J., cigarmaker Mainland cigar factoiy 23Levi Thos., prop American Hotel, Col- umbia .i ^ems L. Allan, bookkeeper B.S.M. Co.. rooms at Stirskey's 'Lqwis W. H., fireman " Columbian" 'Jljister Herbert, keeper B. C. Asylum Lister John, caretaker City Cemetery, res Mary nr Provost Lith H., wiper C.P.R. Livingston — , bds Columbia, opp R. C. Church London Arms Saloon, R. Lambert, prop, 97 Columbia cor McKenzie London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., W. J. Walker & Co., agents.Columbia Long Zachariah, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Lord J., carpenter, Clinton nr Pelham Lord John E., furniture dealer, Colum- bia,rescor Douglas andCunninghani Louis W. R., res Agnes bet Merivulo and Elliott Lowenberg — , of Lowenberg, Harris &Co. Lowenberg, Harris &Co., real estate, insurance and finan- cial agents. Colonial Hotel L.O.L. meets first Saturday in Orange Hall St. John St. Loye W. C.,custom bootmaker Ciarkson bet McKenzie and Mary Lucier John, foreman of Standard Can- nery Lund A. O., cooper, res Beglie bet Provost and Columbia Lund burn C A., bds Columbia opp R. C. Church Lyal D., of D. Lyal & Co., res Columbia bet Blackwood and Merivale Lyal D., & Co., books and stationery, Columbia Lyal Geo., Columbia Lyman W., engineer B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Lyster Ben E., clerk Ogle, Campbell & Co., bds City Hotel McBride Arthur H., J.P., warden B.C. Penitentiary McBride Richard, law-student T. C. Atkinson Mo Brown — , toamster, Royal av nr St, George DIRECTORT AND GAZETTEER, 33(1 owenberg, Harris I of Standard Can- MoC NEW WESTMINSTER McL JUcCabe Peter, bartender Union Hotel McCarth/ — , constable Douglas cor Agnes McCaskell M., ship carpenter E.C.P.M. Co. McColl A. J., of Corbould & MeColl, res Columbia bet Blackwood and Meri- vale McColl K, clerk W. McColl, Columbia McColl W., gen merchant, Columbia MiCorbie Archibald, of P.J. P'oulds & Co.. bds Colonial Hotel McCowan Duncan, keeper B.C. Asy- lum McCrady F. W., contractor, res Agnes cor Lome LEm BELIG. McCright John Fo&ter, Pusine Judge McCulloch A., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. MeDorinid J. H., clerk P. MePhaden bds City Hotel McDonald J. S., Land offices, res cor Clinton and Pelhani McDonald John, carpenter, Pelham nr Clinion McDonald Joseph, lo. Clement let Agnes and Royal ave JMcDonald R. C, rrocer, res Clement bet /gnoH and Royal ave McDonough Chas., dry goods and giocor, Front McDoiii^all Alex., resPelham nr Clinton McDougall Miss Barbara, drest> maker, Columbia McGiliivray Daniel Charles, guard B. C.P. McGregor Donald, librarian Public Library, bds City Hotel McCuckin Rev Father J. M., O.M.I., superior St. Louis College Mclnnis A., grocer, Front jMclnnes Loftus R.,M.D.,offloe and t j9 OolMmbla bet Meri- yaleand llllott June. Craig and St. Antoine St8.> MONTREAL. Mclnnes Senator, res Mary cor Pelham Mclnnes Thomas Archibald, steward B.C.P. Mcintosh Campbell, wood turner, bds Ferris cor Moody Mclntoph R. W., prop Caledonian Hotel, Front McKay John, barlender Maple Leaf baloon, Columbia McKee Hamilton, guard B.C. Peni^ tontiary McKee James, Sapperton McKeen Geo. C, of N. C. McKeen & Son, Front McKeen N. C, of N. C. McKeen & Son, Front Me Keen N. C, & Son, gen merchant*, Front McKenzie Calvin, spinner Westmin- Hter Woolen mills McKenzie H., factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. McKenzie John, D.L.S., first asst clerk Dom Lands oflSco, res Coliim- bia cor Elliott McKerchie A., teamsterR.C.P.M. Co. McLaren It., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. McLaughlin A., clerk R.C.P.M. (Jo., res Ferris cor Agnes McLean Allan, guard B.C.P. McLean Alex., carpenter McLean Donald, M. D., MacKcnzie Qpr Clarkson McLeanJ.G., factoryhand R.C.P.M, Co. McLean I. M., M.D., res Agnes o6El)i6 McLean Robt.,, R.C.P.M. <3o.,.m ft^ John opp Public School ,i ■ \ |j: ■i «''l(' ■ 1 : )'• 1 ; !i • 1 1 Ik.. 1 •( / L It BjNMfc^ Sl32 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MoL NEW WESTMINSTER MAP McLennan Alex., clerk D. McLennan McLennan Alex., merchant,res Carnar- von nr Blackwood McLennan Dan., carpenter, res Car- ' narvon nr Blackwood McLennan Dan., grocer, Col- umbia McLeod Angus, prop Palace Saloon, Front McLeod J. M., dairy and fruit, Ellice nr Eoyal av McMahon P., prop Maple Leaf Saloon, Columbia McMarlin l8aac,niillhand R.C.P.M.Co. McMartin J. A., clerk Custom House McNab John, res Agnes opp Macken- zie McNair David, ofR. C. P.M. Co., res Douglaslbet Queen's and Royai ave McNaii E., factory hand R C. P. M. Co. Mi'Nainara James, res Columbia bet Blaolvwood and Merivale McNaughton C. M., jeweller, res Mon- treal cor Mary McNaughton Cha8.,jeweller,Columbia, res cor Mary and Montreal McNeihh Tho.s., FrazerRiver Hatchery McPhaden P., grocer, Colum- bia, res Royai ave nr Ellice McPhce Alex., ship carpenter, res Brown nr Douglas McPherson D., clerk R. C. P. M. C(.. McPher.son Mrs., wid, res Mary west of QiieenV. ave McPherson Thus., clerk James Rous- seau McRae A., tailor, Columbia McRae iM. A. Columbia McRae M. M., Provost McRae Wm., Provost iiiercliant tailor, res tailor, res Lorne cor tailor, res Lorne nr McRae Wm., jun., tailor, Columbia MoRobert John,tailor instructor B.C.P.. McSwain James P., printer Columbiaa McTlernanPeter,lndlan agent, office Columbla,res Clement: cor Royal av^^ Macdoiiald J. 8., homestead and tim- ber inspector, res Clinton MacKenzie George, shoemaker instruc- tor at B. C. P. Maclure J. C, of Grant & Maclure, rea Victoria City Maclure S., of Clow & Maclure, Colum- bia Magnone J.B., messenger Bank of B.C. Mahonj- Joseph, weaver Westminster Woolen mills Mahony Mi-^s, weaver Westminstfer Woolen mills Mahony Mrs., weaver Westminster woolen mills Mainland Carriage works, J.E. Sulley^ prop, Blackie Mainland Cigar Factory, Wm» Tietjen., prop., Columbia Mainland Guardian, J.K. 8u» ter, prop. Church St Major C. G., of Major & Pear.>-on, re* Agnes nr Mary Major A Pearson, real estate^ and insurance agents, Banic Building, Columbia M:ui Alfred, driver Gilley Bros., re» Colli in l»ia 3Ianaliaii Bros, brick manuf'acluror Maiinhan & Reicheiiback, butchers, biont Maiihon J.S.,merch. . t tailor,Columbii. I'es Agnes Maiison James, tailor, res Agnes Douglas MaMsou Phineas, cooper, Dallas MhpIo Leal saloon,P. McMahon, prop, ttlumbia ,......•, inisssataAii DIREOTORT AND GAZETTE BB. 333 MAE NEW WESTMINSTER MOU F., line repairer C. P. R Tel Miirtin rev Father A., 0. M. I., res St. Louis College Mathers Henry, magistrate, res Queen nr Douglas Mathers Win. John, of Mathers & , Mil ligan, bds Mary bet Clarkson and Provost Jliithers & Miliigan, agents Turner, Beelon & Co., line of steamers, dock foot Lytton sq Mathews A. G., gunsmith and lock- smith, Columbia cor Church, res Melbourne MaiiiewsF., millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapper ton Moad (jr., barber, 91 Columbia Medical Hall, D. 8. Curtis, prop, Columbia 3Iorchaiit8 Exchange, James Punch, prop, 37 and 38 Columbia Muieier Goo., cabinetmaker Winter- mule Bros. IMethodi8tChurch,Rev James H. White, P&stor, Mary bet Provost and Agnes Methodist Church Parsonage, Mary cor Provost 3Ieyor Fi'ed., harnessmaker Douglas & Dvighton, res Church .Mignon Guido, wa:i;onmaker, Royal av nr C. P. R. track Millar David, clerk P. J. Foulds &Co., Cttlumbia Millard C. T., com merchant, Front, re.-} Agnes Millard Chas., raerchant.res Agnes cor EUiott Miller ColJoseph, ros cor Pelham and Patrick Miller David, clerk, bds Clarkson cor Church Miller Ern., driver Van Volkenburg BroK., bds Church Miller Jamoa, baker B. C. P. ^ .. . (Ltd.) MONTBEIAL. Mtifrs, of Telepbones.Electric Bells, Annuncia- tors. :jurglar Alarms, InstrumeiitH, Apparatus aud Supplies of every description. (See advt. p. 5.) Miller James, carpenter, cor Pelham and Patrick Miller Jamen Aaron, butcher, bds Clarkson cor Church Milliard Joel, millhand R.C.P.M. Co., Milliard Jos., millhand R. C. P. M.Co. Miliigan D. S., com mor, Agnes opp Lome Miliigan David,of Mathers & Miliigan, Front Millraan R., carpenter Wintermute Bi'os. Mills Joseph, millhand R. C.P. M. Co. Montgomery A. H., wiper C. P. R. Montgomery James B., foreman B. S. M. Co., res Noith Road, Sttpperton I Moore James, bartender Caledonia Hotel Moresby Wm., Jailor Provin- cial Jail, Royal ave Morey 11., & Co., stationers and job printers, 77 Columbia M(u'ey Henry, of H. Morey & Co., res Douglas bet Agnes and Royal avo MorlcN' C, soda water mfr., Front Moroney Brother Jahn,O.M.I.,teacher St. Louis College Morris D., mgr Gas Works Mortimer Wra., Merchants hotel, 37 Columbia Moserop R. A., wiper C. P. R. Moserop Wm., wiper C. P. R. Mott Alvin W., tol oper C. P. R., rea Agnes nr Dufferin Mounce Bros., grocers. Front Mounce L. L., ot Mounce Bros., Front Mounce Rich., of Mounce Bros., Front * I': '' if W^U < ' I; 334 BENDEBSON^S BRITISH COLUMBIA MOW [^NEW WESTMINSTER PAR Mowat M. M., caretaker Fraser River Hatchery, bds Colonial hotel Mowat Thos., inspector of fisheries, and supt Fraser River Hatchery, office P. O. Building, bds Colonial hotel Mulvanej'Brother John,O.M.I.,teacher St. Louis College Mundy George, brickmaker, res North Road, Sapperton Murchie David, carpenter, Agnes nr Mary Murchie Wilsoford, bell boy Colonial hotel iiurchison Dan., brakeman C.P.R. Murk H., barber G. Mead, Columbia Murphy James E., lumberman, res iiiliott opp Carnarvon Murray Chaf., painter shop, Clarkson, res Lome nr Prevost Murray G. B., res Clinton nr Royal av Murray H., butcher W. B. Townsend Murray W., butcher W. B. Townsend, res Montreal St Murray Wm., butcher, res Lorno nr Af^nes Music Hall, Lome cor Columbia >f yers Fred. , harness maker, bds Church National of Ireland Ins Co., H.V . Edmunds, agent, Columbia Neil Wm., bartender, bds Agnes nr Ferris Neill Wm., bartender Merchants Ex- change,38 Columbia Nelson A., trader, Agnes nr Douglas Nelson Neis, brewer, Cunningham nr Douglas Nesbett Miss, seamstresH J. S.Manson, res Sapperton New Groita saloon, James R.Brennan, prop, Columbia cor M<Kenisie Newman John, packer AV. D. Port & Co., bds Cleveland House Newton E. J., harnessmaker Douglas & Doughton, res Scotch Road, Surry New Westminster Foundry, Robt. Law, prop. Front New West minster Public School, Royal' av cor Mary New Westminster Southern Railway offices, Masonic block, Lome New Westminster Woolen Mill, Front Norris Silas, millhand B.S.M. Co.> Sapperton North British and Mercantile Ins Co., H. V. Edmunds, agent, Columbia O'Connor Arthur, guard Prov jail, res Royal av O'Connor Mrs. T., nurse, Cunningham. nr Douglas Odin Capt Frank, Str. William Irving, res lane bet Beglie and Douglas Odin Capt Geo., res Columbia opp' B.C. Church Ogle, Campbell & Co.,dry goods, clo- thing Agents' furnishings, Columbia Ogle E. W., of Ogle, Campbell & Co., res Oldenurg Alex.,bartender Depot hotel'- Columbia Oliver J.E.,engineer,re8 Patrick north. of Pol ham Oliver John R., foreman Westminster Woolen Mills, bds Clarkson cor Church Olivet Baptiste Church, rev Thos.Baldwin,p^stor, Agne» nr Mary O'Neill Al.,oper C.P.R. Tel Orange Hall, St. John cor Royal av Owens Sam. (butcher W. B. Townsend Ovens Thos., gen blacksmith, Colunir bin, res Douglas Pacific Carriage Worlcs, Reid ACurrie, Columbia cor Digby Palace Saloon, Angus McLeod, prop,. Front Parker Wm., cigarmaker Mainland Cigar factory Parkes George E., teller Bank of B.C. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 33S» PAT NEW WESTMINSTER POP Patterson — , laborer, res Clinton n^ Koyal av Patterson Alex., factory hand E.CP.M. Co. Patterson Andrew, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Patterson Donald, mate Str. Wm.Irving Patterson John, blacksmith John Ovens, res Clinton Patterson Wm. Henry, guard B.C. Penitentiary Paul Emil,cigar makerMainland Cigar factor}' Peacock Julian, private school, Trew opp Methodist church Pearce Sidney J., police constable, Agnes nr Douglas Pearson T. R., of Major & Pearson, res Royal av nr St. John Peck Silas, baker City Bakery, res Peck Wesley, carpenter, res Bush by Peebles M., stationery and ianc} goods. Queen's Hotel block Peebles Peter, furniture, Columbia,re8 St. John, opp Public school Peele Capt Adolphu8,cheml8t and druggist, Columbia, res Clarlcson bet Mary and Church Peers Alex., res Montreal cor Mary Pelly Justinian, law-student Corbould & McCall, res Sapperton Penny Geo., driver J, Cunningham Perdue A., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Perdue E., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Perkins James H., painter. Royal av nr Clement Perry James, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Perry J.C, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Peters J. B., millhand, res Agnes nr Bush by Peters J. B., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sap- perton Peters H. Wutf-on, millwright, res Agnes nr Bu«hbv Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BARE & OO^ General Selling Agents, 726 CRAIG ST., . MQHTREAI:^ Pettendrigh A.B., clerk Tebphiue oflSce, res Pettendrigh Geo. T., line man Tvle- phone Co., Clarkson Peterson N., driver J. M. Wise, Dalr las Phill Matthew, clerk James EUard &: . Co., res Agnes cor Clement Phiiiips J* E., ciothing and:; gents'furnishing8,79Co(Unt*9" bia, res Agnes cor Ciement. Phillips James, steward B.C. Asylum,;, res Agnes cor Clement Phillips Leonard, bartender G6k.Mial:v' Hotel Phillips W., millhand R.C.P.M. ©K. Pickles H., millhand R.C.P.^J. Co.. PikeW. E., tel opr C.P.i;., bds Mra^-. Black's, Provost nr Douglas Pioneer Saloon, J aco b Ltiilii .} i < j^,.^ Ill Front Pither Lulce, prop Colonial hotei, Columbia PitlendridgeAlbertE.,fishoryGn!, and Fra!!<er River Hatchery, los^, Columbia nr Elliott Piltendrigh Capi. George, res Colunt- - bia nr Elliotl Plumb L. S., Htablenian at Wise-, res., Blaokie Pogue Mrs., wid, Agnes nr Elliee Police Magi8trate,T. C. Aticin*^' son, res Alfred Terrace Police, Sidney J. Pearce, John Garty,.„ and A. G. Smith, keeper Puplewell Jobii, poUeror, res HolbrjooSL- ^ i i . ! I < ■' if ^ ♦ M'H I I i I V 8;j^6 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLXTMBIA I* POR NEW WESTMINSTER EEI Port Ed. H., TOgrD. W. Port & Co., IxU Agnes nr Mary Port D. W., & Co., fish export- ers, Richards. Set Adv. Port D. W.,of D. W. Port & Co., res Toronto, Ont. Po8tOff1ce,Columbia corMary, John C. Brown, postmaster Powio Geo., factory hand R.C.P.M' Co Filial Kiss J. W., clerk C.P.R. office rfepot Picwfoii Robt., lumberman, Roval av Cor St Jolin Pri(^e W, A., teamster, res Roj-al av nr Kllico Pioctor H.. millliand R.C.P.M. Co Provincial Asylum for the insane, Dr. R. I. Bentley, medical supt Pro\ incial Tax Collector, W.L. Fagan, office govt, offices Prcvincial Jail, Wm. Moresby, Jailor, Royal av Prjor John, millliand R.C.P.M. Co. Public Library,Donald McGre- gor, librarian, Coiurnbia Puitch James, ])rop Merchants Ex- chan^'e, 'M and 38 Columbia Qin'on's hotel, Columbia Qiiinn Brother Peter, O.M.I., teacher S\ L')uisColIe<re R;u' A., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Eu" J. I)., clerk W. k G.Wolfenden, r^-s Pol ham nr Clement Rae l^rs. Wm., prop Globe House, dry goods, millinery, etc., 103 Columbia Riiiiibow 8tr., Ciipt Caven, dock opp Lyttv. . sq R:»iiiey !>., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Raiih F., train baggageman C.P.R. Raith P., prop City hotel, Columbia Rand Arthur E., clerk Rand Bros., res Agnes opp McKenzie Rand Bros., real estate, insur- ance and financial agents, Ciarkson cor Maclcenzie Rand C. D., of Rand Bros., res Van- couver Rand Edwin, mgr Rand Bros., res Agnes opp Mackenzie Rand E. E., of Rand Bros., res Van- couver Rankin — , res Brown Rankin J. V,, R.C.P.M. Co., res Hali- fax nr Queen's av Rankin James, clerk R.C.P.M. Co. Rankin John, prop Holbrook House, Front Ray Wm., plasterer, res Mackenzie bet Ciarkson and Provost Raj-mond Geo. R , prop mall stage Vancouver & New Westminster, Clarkston bet MacKenzie and Mary Road A., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapper- ton Read H. T., & Co., hardware, Masonic Block, Columbia Read H. T., of H. T. Read & Co., res Albert Crescent Reeding M., cigarmaker J. Harling, bds Depot Hotel Reformed Episcopal Church, rev Had- den, rector Registrar Supreme Court, H.W. Fald- ing, oflSco Court House, res Reid A Currle, gen black- smiths, machinists and foundry, Columbia cor Dig- by Reid John, of R(!id & Currie, res Agnes bet Mary & (/lement Reid Mrs.'Mary, wid, res Royal av nr Elliee Reid Wm. G., millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 337 REI NEW WESTMINSTER SCO - j^isriD- POLLEN MILL SDPPLl OF ALL KINDS. OTA MONTREAL. Beidt Wm., loan office, Front Eichards Wm., plasterer, bds Douglas opp Trew Bichardson H. 0., driver J. M. Wise, Dallas Bickman R. J., bookpr B.C. P.M. Co., res Clement cor Pel ham Bi>ke L. W., res Queen's av cor St. John Robertson Dunbar, grocer, Columbia, Royal City Planlrg Mills Co., res Murj bet Clurkson and Pruvo>t | John Hendry, mana<>'er Robertson Georffe.purser Str.Wm. Irv- i ^_ ■ ^ • ... ■■ .^ , ^^^^^, ^ ^ Royal Columbia Hospital, RobJrtson Horatio J., res Morse by | Chas. Digby, Steward, Or.R.I. Island, Victoria ' Bentiey, house surgeon, R.bertsoiiRobert Joseph, guard B.C.P. Agnes COr Clement R »l)inson J. A., ex city clerk res Albert ; Roval Ins Co.,M:ijor<Si Pearson, agents, Crosent j Columbia Robinson Leonard, carpenter, Queen's Russell John, Now OroUa restaurant, av opp Jail | Columbia cor McK'^nzie Rohinsoii F. R., mgr Van Volkea burg : Ryjin Michael, shoomalcer for A. B. Bros., bds Colonial hotel | Wintormiito R.I) on Ciias. J., fruits and crock ery, Saint J., millhand B. S. xM.Co., Sap- Columbia,ros Irving nr Morivale perton .^ ^ ^. .^ . . Salisbury A. C, millhand R, C. P. iM. Robson D., acting city clerk, Co. secy. Board of Trade, res Salvation Army Head juarters, Agnes nr Ferris Sa derson Kobt., R. C. P. M. Co., bds Royal ave nr Eilico Sayer Josjph, tiromiri Westminster Woolen Mills Royal av nr St John R nlgers Mrs., wid, Albert Cr«^scont Rogers Mrs. Charlotte, res Royal av opp Clinton R.s^ors Mrs., wid, R)yal ave opp ' Saver R.'," millhand B. S. M. Co., Sap- Park Lane ^ . , I perton R^;ors Miss E., principal g'Hs' s,,},otky G. I., of Ogle, Campbell & Co., School YQ^ o ' 1 R.jss M tabacco, cigars, fruits, etc., Scliolefield rev S. C, curate Church, Colunril),a | of England, res Pelham cor Clement Ross &\I(.Liren, saw mills, Sapporton I So.)tt Jacob, carpenter, res Agnes nr Ross Mrs. Flora, matron B.C. Asylum [ lj.„.„o Ross Wm., of Fo.K & Ross, res Queen's . gcott John, factory hand R. C. P. M. ave cor Ellico [ (J^y Rousseau James, boots and shoes, 81 Scott' Robert, laborer, res North Road Sapperton C >lurabia, res Ferris Ro.xberry Mi-s., fruits and confection- ery, Columbia | Scoullar E. 8., & Co., stoves, R 'v Peter, factory hand R. C. P. M. j tinware Ahouse furnishingSy ^0. I Columbia ! .• I I 1 338 HENDERSON'S BRITISH uOLUMBIA 4 ■'3 ! !?; t i^'l SCO NEW WESTMINSTER STI Seoul lar A. W., bookpr E. S. ScouUar & Co., res Scoullar E. S., of E. S. Scoullar & Co,, res Provost cor Lorno Scoullar Geo. F., clerk E.S. Scoullar & Co., res Agnos nr Ferris ScoullerRevThos.y Pastor St. Andrew's Presbyterian ch, res Carnarvon nr Blackwood Shadwell H.B., of Walker & Shadwell, res Mackenzie cor Trew Sharp J., Str. Bell R. C. P. M. Co. Sharpnel W. T., car repairer C. P. R. Sheppard Arthur, clerk Prov govt agent's oflSce, res Columbia Sherley J. H., bookpr H. T. Read & Co., Crescent SherifTs Office, W. J. Arm- strong, J.P.,sheriff,Clarkson, res Mary cor Royal ave Shiles B. W., carpenter, res Provost cor McKcnzie Shiles Del, tinner J. Cunningham aillltoe Rt. RevA. W., D. D., Bishop of Mew Westm inster, res Sapperton Sinclair Donald, bds Dickinson cor Elliott Sinclair Mar«hall,.i;roccrand crockery, Stanley's block, Columbia,res Agnes opp MucKenzie Sisson Thomas II., shipper B.S.M.Co., Sappei'ton Slade John E., watchmsikcr F. Crake, bds Agnes cor Dougins ^raall Geo. R., bjuber shop, Ailbrook Passage, res Church Small Mrs. Kaie, dressmaker, Church Smith A. J., keeper City Lockup, Provost Smith E. A., dentist, Bunk buildings, Columbia Smith Frank, butcher R. Dickinson, Columbia / Smith J.L., woodworker Reid & Car- rie Smith James, mason, res Church Smith Jas. G.,res Clinton nr Royal ave Smith Philip Henry,res Columbia oim R.C. Church Smith W. A.DeWolf, M.D., Clarkson, bet McKenzie and Mary res Agnes bet Mary and Clement Smither R., factory hand R, C. P. M.. Co. Smythe Patrick, teamster, B. C. P. Soperest John, barber G*, Mead Speirs A. W., R. C. P. EUice nr Royal ave M. Co., res Speirs James, blacksmith R. C. P. ^L C. P. R.. Co., Elice nr Royal ave Spencei- J. M., tel operator bds Mary bet Clarkson and Provost Spiers A. \V., millhand R.C. P. M. Co. Spinks T.A., foreman Mainland Guar> dian, les Albert Crescent Sprott John, emigration agent Prov Govt, res Pel ham nr Douglas Standard Cannery,Laidlaw & Co.,props Sapperton Steamboat Exchange, J. M. Blakio, prop, Front cor Mary Sterrett W., B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Sterrett Greer, millhand B. S. M. Co., Sapperton Stewart Chas., clerk Chas. McDonougb Stewart & Cash, props Gem saloon, Front Stewart Findlay, guard atB. C. P. Stewart John, of Stewai-t & Cash, res Dallas cor Douglas Slewait Joseph,tinner T. Cunningham- & Sons Stickney Sheppard,drayman,res EUite nr Royal ave Stickney W., Gas Works, bds Edinboro Stirsky Frank, watchmaker^ 76 Columbiayres opp Catho- lic Church Stirksy Joseph, watch maker,res Colum- bia opp Catholic Church DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 33»' STO NEW WESTMINSTER TEM Stone Edward, farmer, res Queen's ave nr Douglas Stople N., millhand B. S. M. Co., Sap- perton Stout Hervison, machinist, res Brown nr Douglas Stout Hugh, machinist Reid & Currie Stramberg II.M., teacher High School Strang John Fielding, chief keeper B. C. Awylum, res Pelham Stratford Bernard, clerk Soda "Water factory, bds American Hotel Street C. L , carpenter, res Clement cor Pelham Strickland P. C, & Co., mill- wrights, mechanical engi- neers, Front nr Lytton sq Strickland F. G., of F. G. Strickland & Co. Stride E., builder, resRoyal av nr Ellice Stride Jethro, factory hand R.C.P.M. Co., res Royal av nr Ellice Stride Sidney,bricklayer,bd8 Agnes nr Ferris Slrople N., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, cor Blackwood and Carnarvon, rev Thos. Scoui- ler, Pastqr St. Anne's Convent, Albert Crescent, Sister Mary Bea- trice, superioress St Charles lndlanChurch,llev FatherE.C. Chirouse,O.M.I. St. LouisCollege,Father J. M. IMcGuckin, O.M. I., superior, Blackwood cor Agnes St Mary's Hospital, Sisters of charity, 8 later Conrad, supe- rioress, cor Merlvale and Agnes St. Mary's church. Episcopal, Sapperton Tie Hiam Electric pilg. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Mnfra. of ELECTRIC WIRKS, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (See- advt. page 6.) 8t.Peter'sChurch,cor Colum- bia and Blackwood, rev Fa- ther J. M. McGuckin,O.M.I.,. pastor, res St. Louis College Str Gladys, Capt H. Barr, dock opp Lytton sq Str. Horseshoe, Capt. Hans Hellieson Str. William Irving, Cap. Frank Odui Sulley J.E., Mainland Carriage Workn, Black ie, res Mary Suter J. K., prop Mainland Guardian, office Church, res Armstrong bet Merlvale and Elliott Sutherland John, carpenter, Mary nr Queen's av Sutherland J. W., Westminster Woolon, Mills, bds Clarkson cor Church Tashner C. H., engineer Str. Bell R.C.- P.M. Co. Taylor Burton, ship carjienter, Agnos nr Douglas Taj'lor G. H., cabinetmaker, res Agrees nr Douglas Taylor H., cabinetmaker Winterniute- Bros. Taylor John, painter Reid & Curric Taylor John W., carriagemaker, les Agnes nr Douglas Tearney James, prop Hub saloon,. Col- umbia Telegraph Hotel, Mrs. Hogan, prop, liiTT Front Telephone oflBce Central, Claikson,, J. C. Armstrong, mgr Temperance Hall, I.O.G.T., and Royat Templars, Columbia 1^! 340 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA i TES NEW WESTMINSTER WAM Tasch B. H., dry goods, Front opp C.P.N, wharf Teischiier Herman C.,engineerStr.Bell, ros Agnes nr Ferris Thow John, engineer Str. " Iris " B.S.- M. Co., Sapperton ThibaudeauW. A., chief engineer, bds Columbia opp R.C. Church Thomas Joseph, lamp lighter,re8 Van- couver Boad Tliompson & Bovill, photographers, Columbia Thotiip.son S. J.jOf Thompson & Bovill, Columbia Tlionison T.,factory hand RC.P.M.Co. Thrift J., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Tietjen Wm., prop Mainland Cigar factory, Columbia, bds Colonial Hotel Tit mas Honry,R.C.P.M., Co. res Koyal av and C.P.K. track Todd Wm,, tinner E. S. ScouUar & Co. Tolinio A. J., prop Club Sample room, Columbia, res Beglie nr Piovost Townley T. O., barrister and solicitor, room i, Armstrong Block Towiiisend W. B., butcher, res I'uti'ick bet Polham and Queen's av Tram — , shoemaker James Kousseau, bds American Hotel TrappT. J., & Co., gen hard- ware and auctloners,cor Col- ombia and Lome Trapp T.J., of T. J. Trapp & Co., res Columbia cor Lome Trow Mis. Chas., wid, res Mary cor Ay:nes Tioden James, conductor C.P.R., res A«,nes nr Ellice Turnbull A.,R.C.P.M.Co.,bis Royal av nr Ellice Turnbull Geo., contractor, res Douglas nr Pel ham Turnbull James, carpenter, res Agnoa nr Ferris Turner — , saloonkeeper, bds Columbia opp R. 0. Church Turner, Beeton & Co., Steamboat Line, Mathers & Milligan, agent8,office on Dock opp Lytton sq Turner D. J., glazier R.C.P.M. Co., Queen's av nr Halifax Turner F. G., clerk Woods, Turner & Gamble, res Royal av Turner Geo., land surveryor, res Royal av nr Douglas Turner Mrs. M. E., Clinton sq TylorTheodore,res Douglas bet Queen'a and Royal av Union Hotel, Joseph Kinnear, prop, Columbia Union Lodge No 0, A. F. & Aa Ma Upper Rufus R, bookkeeper J. Cun- ningham Uron John, photographer, Columbia Van Volkenburgh Bonja nin, of Van Volken burgh Bros., res Victoria Van Volkenburgh Bros., butchers Columbia Van Volkenburg l8aac,ofVan Volken- burgh Bros., res Vancouver Vass David, res Douglas nrQieen's av Viaiion W. H.,tish and game, Front Walker H. G., of Walker & Shad well, res Victoria Walker Richard, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Walker & Shadwell, Bon March^, Col- umbia Walker Thomas, millhand B.S.M. Co., Siipporton Walker AV. J.,& Co., real state and ins.. Bank Buildings, Columbia Walker W J., of W.J. Walker & Co., res Bushby Wallace J., factory hand R.C.P. M. Co. Walsh Tlios.,tailor,res Albert Crescent Wamsley Wm., bds Columbia opp R. C. Church DIBEOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 341 WAN NEW WESTMINSTER WIN WannacottJohn,rnachini«t,bd8 Colum- bia opp R. C. Church Warrick C, govornment a^ont, office Clarkson, res Royal av nr St John Warrick George, clerk, bds Dickinson nr Elliott Wark Allan C, tel oper, res Elliott opp Cnnarvon Warton George, blacksmith, res Doug- las opp Trew WarwickGeo.R.,wharfingor C.P.N. Co. Watson Geo., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Webb S. H., gunsmith, Columbia Webster J. A., res Columbia East Webster John Alfred, res Columbia bet Elliot and Merivalo Welsh F., dentist, room 16, Colonial Hotel Welsh Thos., blacksmith, bds Agnes, bet Mary and Clement Wesley — , tinner J. Cunningham Western Assurance Co., of Toronto, Woods, Turner & Gamble, agents Westminster Brewery, Wright& Jame- son, props, Sapper ton Westminster Woolen Mills Co. (Ld), Thos. Kerr, mgr. Front Whalon Brother Wm., O.M.I., teacher St Louis College White rev. James H., pastor Metho- dist church, Mary cor Provost Whiteside Dmiiel, govt messenger Court House, les Montreal nr Mai-y Whiteside W. J., law student T. C. Atkinson, res Montreal Whiteworth Isaac, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Whittaker H., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Whyman Edward, landscape gardener, res Royal ave cor El lice Wiggins John, guardB.C. penitentiary Wiggins Thos., gardener B.C. Peni- tentiary - AITID- ffOOLLEN MILL SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Wilberg Borgup, cigarmaker Mainland Cigar factory W^ilcox Solan, res Blackie Wilkie H., factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. Wilkie Walter, clerk W. A. Dashwood Jones, tJl Coluniltia Williams Kmanii«'l, fruits, Columbia Williams H. H., Krcper B.C. Asylum, Pelham nr Douglas Williams Miss Maud, res Pelhnm Willis W,, millhand R.C.P.M Co. Wilson Alfred, gardener I. B. Fisher, Blackwood cor Carnarvon Wilson Chas., clerk Colonial Hotel Wilson Hugh A., all nigli^ < liief oper- ator C. P. R., bds Colunib'a opp B.C. church Wilson James, supt C.P.R. telegraph, Mary cor Provost Wilson Ralph, carpenter, bds Mary bet Clarksott and Provost Windsor Ernest H., painter J. H. Perkins, Koyal ave Windsor George, clerk Chas. J. Rob- son, bds Farmers' Home Winger John W., teamster, bds Agne?^ nr Ferris Winn F. W., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Winter W. H., tel opr C.P.R., bd» Mar}' bet Clarkson and Provost Wintermute A. B., boots and shoes, Columbia Wintermute Bros., cabinetmakers, Col- umbia WintermuteJohn,of Wintermute Bros.^ res Clarkson cor Church ■I :1iil ri* MSfffl '1\ mii' Tt', ■ 1 If i 342 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBTA WIN NEW WESTMINSTER YIN "Winfcermuto Joseph, res Pelham n*" Clement Wintcrmute Eobt., of Wintermute Bros., res Royiil av nr Mary Winters John, waiter Colonial Hotel Wise Arthur, driver J. M. Wise, Dallas Wise Chas., factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. Wise J. M., livery and feed stable, Dallas eor Blackie Wiwe James, gen merchant. Front opp C.P.N, wharf Wm., farmer, Royal ave nr Ellice Wittie Louis, cigurmaker Mainland Cigar Factory W.C.T.U.y Mrs. James Cun- ningham, pros, rooms Doug- las cor Provost W^oifcnden G., of W. &G. Wolfenden, ro.s Pelham nr Clinton W^olfenden W. &G., grocers, Columbia W^olfendenW., of W. & G. Wollenden, ros Pelham nr Clinton Wood C. A., clerk, bds Agnes cor St. John Wood Chas. A.,druggi8t'8 asst.,Medical HaU, res Mary Woods C. E., land survej'or, of Woods, Turner & Gamble, res Alfred Terrace Woods Chas. T., Yen Arch- deacon of Columbia, res Blaclcwood cor Carnarvon W^oods E.M.N. , student at law Cor- bould & McCoU Woods,Turner A Camble,lard surveyors, insurance and real estate agents, Columbia Woodwai-d Geo. C, night chief oper. C^P.R. Tel, res Dutferin nr Royal ave Working John, carpenter, bds Dougla cor Agnes Worth — , carpenter,res Pyfe nr Royal AV Worth Fulton, millhand B.S.M. Co., Sapperton Wright A Jamleson, props Westminster Brewery, Sap- perton Wright Lyman, of Wright & Jamieson, res Sapperton Wyatt W., factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. Yeo Miss M. J., private boarding hou.^e,Columbia opp Catholic church York James M , painter J. H. Perkins, Royal av Yong Henry, keeper B.C. Asylum, res North Road, Sapperton Y.M.C.A.,Columbia,opp Mas- onic Temple Chong Song & Co., mer. and laborer, contractors, Columbia. F'ook Wo & Co., employment agents, Ravages Gini Luiii^, mor. an..l laborer, contrac- tors 117 Front. Hop Chong, laundry, Columbia opp R.C. Church * Hop Lee, laundry, 54 Columbia Hop Wan, laundry, Ellice Kam Chan, employment office, 1.31 Front Kwong Joy, Lung Kee, gen merchants and labor contractors, 143 Front Kwong On Long & Co., gen merchants and labor contractors. Front Kwong On Wo, gen merchants, Front Kwong Yuen, Lung & Co., merchants and labor contractors, 113 Front LungTai, mer tailor and employment office. Front Ton Chue & Co., laundry, and labor contractors, 33 Columbia Whong, Coon & Co., provisions, 100 Front Wing Chong, laundry, 93 Columbia Wing Lung, & Co., provisions, 119 Front Ying Tai & Co., labor contractors, Ellice DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 34S NIC NOR NICOLA LAKE, | A country post office in the Nicola Valley. Mail twice a week. Nearest railway and telegraph office Spence's Bridge, dis 50 miles. Has Presbyterian church. Occa- sioaal services by other denominations. Has a public school, good water power, and extensive grazing lands. Henderson & Patterson, props Star mines ILorne A. E., gen store and postmaster Marks Mnrtha,hotelkeeper Murray rev Riley Wm,, boarding house NICOMEN, A station on the main line of the O.P.R., 55 miles east of Vancouver. Klingburgh J., watchman C.P.E. NOTCH HILL, A station on the main line of the G.P.R. 209 miles east of Vancouver. BrainaixiH. W., watchman C.P.E., Ford T., car repairer C. P. R. NORTH ARM, A country post office, dis 15 miles .from New Westminster. Eburne William H., postmaster NORTH BEND, A division town on the main line of the C.P.R., 131 miles east of Vancouver. Has post, telegraph and express office C.P.R. Hotel and dining station. Andrews H., engine turner Baird J. L., car inspector Brady W., watchman Bryant A., cook Buckley H., telegraph operator CoughliD J., car inspector Coulture L., watchman Devlin F., detective Elwham H., waiter miwood J., turner Ermatinger E. J., managier FrasiBf Canyon House Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BARE & CO., . Oaneral Selling Agents, 726 CRAIG ST., - MONTREAI^ Fink Peter, general store Gall Mungo, wiper Gilstead H., watchman Girdwood C. Rolls, locomotive fireman Henderson C. W., ogent C.P.K. Honnyman Robert, laborer Johnston E., general store Johnson James, cur repairer Lalonde Canon lunch counter Eraser House helper Leal v., wiper C.P.R. Lock Thomas, car repairer C.P.R. Lyons J. H., wiper C.P.R. Lyons Philip, wiper C.P.R. Phinister A., woodman C.P.R. McDairmaid Fred., turners C.P,R McDonald D. D., carpenter C.P.R. McLeod J. B., wiper C.P.R. Martin J. 1st., cook Fraser Canon House Munro A., asst road master Reerman J., yardman C.P.R Riley C. W., yard master C.P.R. Reneh George, shop laborer C.P.R. SccwyzAlex., watchman C.P.R Shea F. E., operator C.P.R. Smith C, blacksmith C.P.R. Sullivan J. L., operator C.P.R. Stone R., waiter Fraser Canon House Walker J. A., carpenter C.P.R. Wright G., waiter Fraser Canon House Wright John, woodman C.P.R. NORTH SAANICH, A country post office. Victoria. Mails daily from Brackman H., postmaster ... i I I' '-im; il ;! - tl." ■ IT ; 1 ■ t { v "h; ,# •It ¥ '¥ f^ 1 1 i i 344 Henderson's British Columbia OKA PAE Mcllmoyle Society J. T., sec Agricultural OK ANAGON, A country poet office. Nearest railway station and telegraph office KamloopS; dis 50 miles. Mails twice a week. Laura Hydraulic Co., and Saw Mill Megaw W. R., general store O'Keefe C, postmaster and jifc.. store Postill Bros (E. & W.), ranchers OKANAGON MISSION, A country post office. Nearest railway station and telegraph Kamloops, dis 80 miles. Mail twice a week, Has a flouri mil' Brent Fred., miller Christian Joseph, saloon CoiM'm' John, general store LequfBio Eli, postmaster, gen store and hotel ^ ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT MILE HOUSE, A Post and Telegraph Office on the Cariboo road. Kelly Daniel, holelkeeper, 100 Mile House Walker Wm., agent C.P.R Telegraph ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILE HOUSE, A post office an '.be Cariboo road in Lac La Hache Valley. Nearest railway station Ashcroft, dis 140 milos ; .telegraph iSodn Creek, 30 miles. Borland R., postmaster Eagle Charles B., general store ami flour mill Pinchbeck William, general store and saw mill Teith & Borland, general store OSOYOOS, A country po t office. Nearest railway station and J telegraph Kamloops, dis 20d miles. Mail monthly Kruger Thos., postmaster and general store OTTER POINT, A country post office. Mails weekly from Victoria on Friday 7 a.m., dis 20 miles. Tugwell Thos., postmaster and seeds- man ' OTTER TAIL, A station on the main line of the C.P.R.^ 504 miles east of Vancouver. 0-WEE-KAY-NO, Ofi the north shore at the head of Rivers Inlet. Fishing is the principal industry- Mail.monthly from Victoria. Cowan & Shiiw, salmon canners Drainery C, salmon canner Dra-nery W., salmon canner Hart M., salmon canner MfDowell — , salmon canner McNeil Alex., salmon canner Saunders H., sawniill and salmon can- ner Shotbolt, Hart& Co., salmon canner PALLISER, A station on the main line of the C.P.R. 490 inile3 east of Vancouver. Wells W.C, sawmill PARKSVILLE, On Englisliman River, a country post office. Mails weekly. Nearest railway, telegraiib and express offices WeUingtcn,dis 15 miles j this is a new settlement, and offers every inducement to settlers. Hirst John, gen store and hotel Dowry James, blacksmith Parks Nelson, postmaster Parks Nelson, & Sons, farmers -^^^^ :er DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 345 PAY QUA PAVILION, A country post office oa the Cariboo road. Nearest railway station Aahcroft, dis 50 miles. Ijee Wm., postmaster, gen store and flour mill PENNYS, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., 222 miles east of Vancojaver. PLUMPER PASS, A post office on the Victoria <\nd Vancoarer steamboat route,half way between the above ports. Mails weekly. Its industries are fatming, sheep raising and fishing. Excel- lent fruit is grown here. It has good sea- bathing. Occasional aerrices by the various denominations. C!i)llinson W.n. T., postmaster and gen store PORT HAMMOND, On the main line of the G.P.R., 27 miles eSkSt of Vancouver, railway station called Hammond; has post office. Mails daily. Express and telegraph offices. Eraser J. D., agent C.P.R. Oroy H. C, watchman C.P.R. Harris W. J., gen store and postmaster Henry G. W , prop Port Hammond nursery Jackson D., pumpman C.P.R. Sinclair J. W., hotelkeeper Webber D. C., market gardener PORT HANEY, A flag station on the main line of the C.P.R., 14 miles east of New Westminster and 26 miles east of Vancouver railway station, called Haney. Telegraph and express offices at Hammond, dia 2^ miles. It has Presbyterian and Catholic churches and public acbool. A fish f^reezing establish- meat and a brick yard is located here. There is some ezctllent agricultural land in the Midnity opea for homMtead eatry. 25 1116 IM Elsctric i; Ltd.) MONTBBAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones.^'.ectric Bells, Annunola- tors, Burglar AlariuH, lustrumeuts, Apparatus and Supplies of every description. (See advt. p. ft.) Armstrong Thos., hotelkeeper BeckeU & Co., brick manufacturers Docksteader D., postmaster and gen store Fraser River Freezing Co. Haney Thos., brick mfr McLean John, brick mfr O'Brien Elroy, brick mfr Sinclair T. F., gen store PORT MOODY, A station on the main line of the G.P.R., on Burrard Inlet, 1 1 miles east of Vancou- ver ; has post and telegraph offices. Mail daily. Biitchard&Ra8ure,brick rafrs and lum- bermen Dingwall & Hoffnrd, shingle mill Dockell & Bailey, lumber Fales W. E., & Co., general store Kirkpatrick & Hochell, shingle mills McPliee P., agent C.P.H. Nelson F. F., general itoro Pioneer Lumber Co, Rasure G. W., of Butchard & Rasure PRIESTS VALLEY ^Se.Vomoa) QUADRA, A country post office on Denman island, Comox District. Mail weekly. Nearest railway and telegraph offices Nanaimo, dis 40 miles. Its industries are farming.; coal has been found on the Island; has m public achuol. Occasional aervicea aro holA by Preabyteriana and Uothodists. Swan Robt. T., postmasi r mv\ ■ I ! t li i) *• 346 Henderson's British Columbia I QUA KEV QUAMICHAN, On the line of the E. & N. Ty ., Oowichan District. Railway station aid telegraph office, Duncans ; steamboat la iding Maple Bay, dis 5 miles. Has Episcopal church, R. G. church, and convent, and public school. Adains & Beaunet, hotelkeepers Carrie D., carpenter Fry Hy., M.P.P. Jaynes W. P., postmaster and general store Leakey rev., Episcopal Lomas H. O., Indian agent Price & Jaynes, hotel Robinson Gilbert, J. P. Eobotham John II , M.D. Strc** .T^^r., blacksmith Wellburn H. 0., government agent QUESNELLE, A town on the banks of the Fraser Riv,">r, at the mouth of the Quesnelle Ri^er. Has post and telegraph offices. Nearest railway station Ashcrolt, dis 225 miles. Barlow Abraham Barlow MihS Isabella, postmistress Bowron J. E., agent C.P.R. telegraph Carson A., black.smith I)uhig A., hotel Frechette 0. T., general store Hudson's Bay Co., R. J. Skinner McNaughton A., clerk H.B.Co. McLean John, hotel Reid James, benator general merchant QUESNELLE FORKS, A mining camp post office at the fir^t forks of the Quesnelle River, 75 miles from the Fraser. It is also reached by pack trail from 160 Mile House. Mail from Barkervillc. Nearest telegrapli and express offices Soda Creek, (''•" 50 miles. Railway station Ash- croft, dis 195 miles. Pop. 100. The camp zS centrally located for the mining section. Has government office for recording mining claims. Population chiefly Chinese. gtcpheDbOuWm., postmaster QUILCHENA, A country post office. Nearest telegraph, office Spence's Bridge, dis 60 miles. Charters R, gen store and postmaster O'Rourke E., general store and hotel O'Rourke R., blacksmith , REVELSTOKE, late. Farewell,. A town on the main line of theC.P.R., 382 miles east of Vancouver; has post, telegraph and express offices. Mail daily. Abramanson Nelson, hotelkoeper Barker R,, operator C.P.R. Brown Wra., C.P.R. boarding house Columbia house, Wm. Brown Conderoy H., waiter dining car, Wind- sor Cowan Wm., hotel Doulet John, woodman C.P.It, Dupus John, woodman C.P.R. Egan John, saloon Fraser F., watchman C.P.R. Gordcn T. W., postmaster and general; store GouletE., agent C.P.R. Green Bros., bakers Hanch F., conductor D. C. Windsor Hobbs F. C, loco fireman Hull, Trounce & Co., butchers Hume & Cowan, steamboat owners Humes J. F., & Co., general store Kirkup John, sheriff Kirkup Wm., prov police Latimer J., waiter I). C. Windsor Lee Wm., yardmaster C.P.R. Lynott F., operator C.P.R. Lemon R. K., liquors and general store McAlpin D. L., drugj^ist McLeod John, agent C.P.R. and Dom Exp Mackny Wm., watchman C.P.R. Martin C, 2nd cook D. C. Windsor Martin J., baggageman C.P.R. Gates John, butcher Paul A., Ist cook D. C. Windsor Reed Frank, cleaner C.P.R. Smith Chas., watchman Sproat Malcolm G.,gold commissioner * f. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. H41 i I telegraph. ). t master d hotel re welly P.R., 38:i telegraph per house ,r, Wind* RIC ROS geneial indsor Is kvners tore Idsor jral store land Dom .R. Indsor Isor UBsiouer Stone John Stockholm, hotelkeoper Striitherw A. D., M.D. Thompson John, watchman C.P.R. Wells F. B., timekeeper C.P.E. West T., yardman C.P.R. Whittaker James, woodman C.P R. Wright G. B., general store RICHMOND ISLAND, On the north arm of the Fraser River. Nearest railway station, telegraph and post offices New Westminster, dis 5 miles. Eburn Henry, gen store Richmond Cunning Co. RIVERSIDE, A country post office. Mails weekly from New Westminster Sword C. B., postmaster RIVERS INLET, A fishing station on the north coast, dis 400 miles from Victoria. Mail monthly from Victoria. River Inlet Canning Co. ROCK CREEK, A country post office. Address via Osoyoos. Cameron A., gen store Elliot P., gen store ROCKFORD, A country post office in the Nicola Valley. Mail twice a week. Nearest railway, tele- graph and express offices Kamloops, dis 35 miles. Its principal industries are stock raising and mining. A quartz mill operated here. Has Presbyterian and Methodist chur- clies, and public school. Brown John, gold commissioner Crake F. J., watchmaker Crail Wm., mgr Nicola Milling and Mining Co. FuUerton James, general store Henderson Geo.,manager and prop Star mines -JL^TJD" POLLEN MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. J" a. MONTREAU Hepburn John, miner Jones & Heardon, owners Jennie Longf mine Nicola Milling and Mining Co. (con- " solidated), Wm. Crail, manager Morton Alfred, boarding holl^o Scott Robert, general storcE^ and postmaster Wilson Wm., supt Nicola Milling siid/: Mining Co. Wright Vj. B., prop Idaho Mountain. mines ROGERS' PASS, A station on the main line of the (J .P. R., 4?ft' miles east of Van< ouver ; has telegraph offic*. Mails daily. Nearest steamboat laudinig Revelstoke, dis 20 miles. Burk J., hotel Carlin & Lake, gen store Carroll J M., gen store Davis R., operator C.P.R. Geddes Jas. El., turner C.P.R.. Henderson T., station agent Kidd & Co., barbers Morris D., hotel Nixon Adam, wiper C.P.R. Nolan Ed., coal and woodman C.P.BL Randall Arthur, turner C.P.R, Simmons Wm., car inspector ROSS PEAK SIDING, On the main line of the C.P.R., 9 miles ea • of Illecillewaet, 422 miles eaatof.Vaacoavnr has telegraph office. Mails daily. Stephens W. J., operator C.P.R,. I ■•V ; . irh: ii ■ :H I'ii.: HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA '^ EUB SIC If-'- ft' 5 mUBY CREEK, A station en the main line of the G.P.R., 83 ' atfles^ast af Vancouver i"Baker Harry, pumpman C.P.R. tBhJMO^ ARM, . A. station on the main line jf the C.P.R., 319 r miles east Of VAncouver, aud 33 miles east of ' Shuswap ; has telegraph and express offices. llafls dailj. .'DaJtori E. C, 'woodman C.P.E. JPcM-a^est John, woodinan C.P.R. IWateon J., operator C.P.II. ..^ALT SPRING ISLAND (or Admiral islrrd, ) A. country Post Office, : / north of Victoria. Mail twice a wee; cl5itancourt E. J., gen store and hotel ' JBroodwell Joel, postmaster ^AKDIS, A country post office in Chilliwack muni- cipality. Nearest telegraph office and steam- * t)oat lauding, Chilliwack, dis 4 miles. • Bailway station, Harrison River, dis 8 t :niles. A good farming section. Episcopal, ^kAletbodist and Presbyterian churches are '^Aritbin .3 miles of the post office. "Wedder A. S,, postmaster ^SAVONAS FERRY, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 228 miles east of Vanc->uver; has post, ■telegraph and express offices. Mails daily. «Crotty F., hotel JFergu-son A., hotel ...Jane John, general store Jiacnab J. H., agent C.P.R. and post- master . BikUileton J., watchman C.P.R. £«odola A^ prop Savona brewery .SAY WARD ALBERNI, A country post office in the Electoral District of Vancourer. UIcQuil^OD Frank, postmaster SHAWNTGAN LAKE, A pleasure resort. On the E. & N. Rail- way. The Lake is 7 miles long by one mile wide, and abounds with speckled trout. In the surrounding woods deer, bear, blue and willow grouse are plenti- ful. Has post office. Mails daily. Tele- graph office Coble Hill, dis 3 miles. Morton C.,prop Morton House SHUSWAP, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 286 miles east of Vancouver ; and 33 miles east of Kamloops ; has telegraph office and Steamboat landing. Mail daily, its prin- cipal iL 1 jstries are farming and stock rais- ing. Chase & Whitfield, hotel Cummisky S. L., agent C.P.R. McBryan Alexander, postmaster and hotelkeeper Munro Chas., pumpman C.P.R. SEA ISLAND, A country post office in New Westminster District. Vermilyea John C, postmaster SICAMOUSE, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 335 miles east of Vancouver,' in Yale Dis- trict. Has telegraph and express offices, and steamboat landing. Mails daily. The river is navigable for 30 miles from this point for steamers of 100 touR capacity. Appelby S., C.P.R. agent and operator Fawcett John, pumpman C.P.R. Forester Edward, prop Lake View hotel and postmaster Moore J. A., general store Lake View Hotel, Edward Forrester, prop Mc'Carty Mrs., boarding house Schenbart J. A., express and forward- ing agent Turner rev, James, D.D. ' ■ rard rard- DIRECTORT AND GAZETTEER. Z4S^' SIX SPE SIX MILE CREEK, A station on the main line of the G.P.H., 15 miles west of Donald and 444 miles east of VancouTcr, has telegraph office. SKEENA, A Post office on the Northern coast, 700 miles north of Victoria and 15 miles south of Metlakahtla. Mail monthly ^from Vic- toria. BritiBh America Packing Co. Canningham Robt., canner, gen store, saw mill and postmaster Hudson's Bay Co. Youmans Mrs., general store SMITH'S INLET, A fishing Tillage at the mouth of the river. SODA CREEK, A town on the Fraser River ; has post office and telegraph offices ; nearest railway sta- tion Aahcroft, dis 160 miles. Dunlevy Peter C, hotel and gen store McLeore Hobt., hotel, gen store and postmaster Slavin W. T., agent C.P.R. telegraph Towns Chas. SOMENOS, A station on the E. &N. Ry. ; has post office and telegraph. Malls daily. Hett James, gen store Kier Archibald R., postmaster SOOKE, A country post office, 20 miles south-west from Victoria. Mail weeif.Iy from Victoria on Friday 7 a.m. Muer M., saw mill, gen store and post master SOUTH SAANICH, A country post office. Mail twice a week from Victoria on Tuesdays and Fridays at noon. It has Episcopal, Methodist and Roman Catholic churcbes, and public schools. TteHiUEHclilfg.. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, In«tn»*~ tnents and Supplies of every descriptiofti (S**"- advt. page 5.) Brackman H., sec Saanich Agr Sriciety- Brackman & Kerr, oatmeal mill. Bryant J D., postmaster, and prc&ivieftt:-... Saanich Agr Society. R^ SPATSUM, A station on the main line of the 0; Pi. 190 miles east of Vancouver on the TUob son River. Nearest post office, SpeiMie'i»^-\ Bridge. Has telegraph office. Neanest*. steamboat landing Savona, dis 35 mUcsu. Pop 40 ; Indians 25. Adappe Peter, hotel keeper, 2" mne»-. west Campbell John, of Wood & C.mpbeltiSi Irvine Isaac, operator 0. P. R. Wood & Campbell, gen store {uutraa*- chers Wood John, of Wood & CjirapbcllS; SPALLUxMCHEEX, A country post office. Nearest railwajw-- station and telegraph office Kauiloo^s^ diK^ 74 miles. Armstrong W. J. LamblyBros., hot;l Pelly R. S., ngont i Wallace G. J., postmaster SPENCE'S BRIDGE,. On the main line of the C. P: Rt, J ta' BtateSL-ii east of Vancouver. The town is locwtetfA on both sides of Thompson river. ltia.>. the distributing point for theltiaola Yttlkj All kinds of fruits are grown>hfice, oMtlaa*^ grapes, pears, plums, etc., andiaie<f east and west. Has a publis sohaali:. ¥\ ,1.! ■>'■ -h ; '\ I ■.- ! ! 1 'S:i ! i i ■ 1 1 1 V 1 :,■,.,•.: 1 e :350 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA SPU TEA l(> , Indian church. Has a money order post office and telegraph office. Mails daily. Nearest steamboat landing, Yale, dis 80 miles. Pop 40 whites, and 100 Indians and Chinese. -Aiken J.Mmes A., fireman C. P. R. -Andiip Peter, hotel J6ar<-ark8 John, gen store ^Cloines Archie, hotel Ciiritow ili chard, gen store and hotel 'Clyde Thomas, teacher Hurvo}' Oliver, gon store Bat A. H., agent C. P. R. .Johnson Aaron, carriage maker and bhickHmith ^Murray John, J. P., gen store and postmaster, seed and fruit grower Uewland C. C, fireman C. P. R. JPiltetidrigh ('has., merchant Winters F., watchman C. P. R. TV'<Kxl8 «& Ciiiiipbell, gen store .^PUZZUM, A stotion on the main'line of the C.P.R., 177 miles east of Vancouver; has telegraph office. J)onMial W., watchman C.P.R. Dni^gerW., watchman C.P.K. Ciur>bk^ W., watchman C.P.R. Xcnhy L,, watchman C.P.R. Jflills J. L., watchman C.P.R. SheWtF., watchman C.P.R. li^i ight G., watchman C.P.R. STANLEY, • A raining town in the Toad Mountain Dis- trict, 26 miles from Sproat's Landing ; near- est Railway station Ashcroft, dis 275 miles D<Kld W. W., drugs iyiotcher Andrew, gen store iPcebles John, blacksmith and gen store jSTEPIIEN, A station on the main line of tbe*C.P.R. .S22 nilea east of Vancourer. SUMAS, A country post office on the south side of the Fraser River. Mail daily. Nearest telegraph office Ghilliwhack, dis 6 miles; nearest rail- way station Nicomen.dis 4 miles. Steamboat landing Millers. Has Methodist church and public school. Industries, farming and dairying. Chadsey G. N., notary McGillivray D., gen store and dairy Miller D. W., postmaster, general store and dairy SURRY CENTRE, A country post office in New Westminster District. Mail weekly. Nearest telegraph office Clover Valley, dis 2 miles ; railway station New Westminster,dis 10 miles. This is a good farming section ; has Methodist and Episcopal churches and public school. Bell rev. Wm. Goemans R., bookbinder and farmer Huck Abraham, postmaster and gen store Iluek A. L., contractor MacLean John A., teacher McNearN., foreman Miller Chas., carpenter Morrison E. E., teacher Patterson rev. J. N. Prenton Sam., logger Richardson A., gen store Starr John, blacksmith Wade Edmund J., constable TAPPIN SIDING, A flag station on the main line of the C.P.R., 308 miles east of Vancouver. TRANQUILLE, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., 242 miles east of Vancouver. Cooney C. T., rancher Fortune Wm., saw and grist mills DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 35t TWI VAN TWIN BUTTE, A station on the main line of the C.P.R., between Uerelstoke and Albert 6anyon,393 miles east of Vancouver ; has telegraph office. Population 18. BuchananG. 0., saw mill ILorimer G. E., operator C. P. E. UPPER SUMAS, A country post office in New Westminster district; nearest railway station Nicomen, dis 14 miles. iFranklin Bonj., postmaster VALDES ISLAND A C.PR. telegraph office Wake B. H., agent VAN WINKLE A post office in Cariboo Lilloet District. Nearest telegraph office, Barlcerrille, dis 14 miles. Railway station, Aschcroft, dis 294 miles. Industries quartz mining. Dodd Mrs. W.W., postmaster and general store Edwards Daniel, boot and shoe maker Ellin William, hotel l\^oble.s John, ijcn store and blacksmith Kwany Yuen Tong, merchant J i n JR'g iv WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER READS HENDERSON'S British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory, A r •; I \ u 3-i; •■ 'X- j r^ I :, _ i; . i Jif) i^i lie I 'A 352 BRITISH COLUMBIAN Columbia Street, New Westminster, B.C. The British Columbian, (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) OLD ESTABLISHED AND RELIABLE. Unrivalled on the Mainland of British Columbia as an Advertising Medium, PER ANNUM BT MAIL, DAILY BRITISH COLUMBIAN, - - - $8.00. WEEKLY " " ... 2.00. Book, Job # Commercial Printing, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Executed in FIRST-CLASS STYLE at Moderate Rates. €>ur Facilities in this Department are Unaurpasaed in the Frovtnce- SPEGIAL FORMS RULED ANB PRINTED. Having a Ruling Machine on the premises, we are enabled to furnish Special Forms to order. Additions and Improvem^ents have recently been made in the Various Departments, And with careful and efficient workmen, fast steam presses and first-class materials' we can guarentee satisfaction to all who favor us with their orders. KENNEDY IbROsT Proprietors. I %»*rtii»- N, lium. «G, nee* nisb ials^ YANGOUYER DIRECTORY. IfoTK. — ThB rOLLOWINQ ABREVIATIONS ARI USED IN THE VANCOUVER DIRECTORY ; the WOl'd street is omitted alter the name of the street; ar avenue; nr near; cor corner; R.C.P.M. Co., Royal City Planing Mills Co.; C P.R., Canadian Pacific Railway - C.P.N. Co., Canadian Pacific Navigation Co.; H.SM.. Halting s Saw Mills; B.CS. Co. British Columbia Smelting Co- ; V.C.F. & M.W., Vancouver City Foundry and Machine Works, The City of Vancouver is situated at the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway on Burrard Inlet, just inside of the first narrows where the inlet widens out to a broad bay, three miles across. The history of Vancouver is brief. In 1885 it was selected as the terminus of the great Trans- couiinental Railway, incorporated April 6, 1886. On the 13th June, 1886, while it was gradually being transformed from a wilder- ness to a city, a fire broke out which in a a few hours destroyed every bouse in the city. The city has now a substnntial appearance. To one accustomed to Western cities, which have grown rapidly, Vancou- ver is a surprise ; its handsome blocks of buildings of three and four stories high, built of granite, brick and iron, with plate glass fronts, would be an ornament to any city in the Dominion. Its streets are well lighted with gas and the electric light; the street names are placed on the bouses at the crossings, while every bouse in the city is numbered, so that a stranger looking up an address has no more difiBculty in finding it than he would in Montreal or Toronto. Kb streets fur 20 miles are graded, 5^ miles are planked, and one mile graveled. It has 6 miles of good sidewalks. The city id well supplied with water by ttie V. W W. Co., ftom a reservoir at Capilona river, distant 6j| miles; the pipes cross the inlet at the narrows. The city has an eflBclent fire brigade, with two steam engines. Churchei of all denominatloag, free public schools, daily attendance in October of 508 • and a well patronized telephone exchange Its daily papers, the Aews Advertiser (morning) and The World (evening) give their readers the latest telegraph news from all parts of the world, and are indicative of the energy and enterprise of its citizens. Its docks present a lively appearance ; from them regularly arrive and depart steamers- for China and Japan. A steamer makes close connection with all C. P. R. trains, for Victoria ; regular lines of boats run to sound ports. The hotel accommodation of the city is far ahead of what would be expected in- so young a city. The C.P.R. Co. hotel, the- Hotel Vancouver, a magnificent building^ 1.30 by 104 feet, which cost $2.50,000, and in it are found all the comforts and luxuries of a first-class house ; among the many other hotels in the city the Leland House takes the first place. As to the industries of the city it is only necessary to examine the following pages, and also the classified directory, to realize that Vancouver has a great future beforeit ; other places have sprung up rapidly, but there is no record-^ on this continent of the building of a simi- lar city with all the improvements of modern civilization in so short a period. POPULATION. February 1st 1885 January 1st 1836 January 1st 1^87 January lat 188S 000 tiOO 2000 6C86 •:Vf ..rns! ail 1 ri''' ^ k *'■ :* ■ ^ li^ i . 1 i :■ .1 ' ■ '' m '21; i" m : I: !> fa tm\ its ! im. ■ 1 i . . ■ ; i l,'l ■ 1H;| 1 i 1 ^54 Henderson's British Columbia VANCOUVER ADA I "] November, 1888. See our article on the cities of B. C. The following statistics are from the voter's list of the city : No. of voters. 1887. 1888. Ward I ••••#••• •• 207 409 Ward II 297 4?fi Ward III 180 346 Ward IV ....151 ?58 / Ward V 54 97 Totals 989 1536 The proportions of owners to teuantE >may be represented thus : 1887 . 1888 , T. 0. T. 0. Ward 1 51 I5r> 72 331 Wiird II 180 117 237 189 Ward ill ....42 128 108 238 Ward IV 24 127 40 218 Ward V 1 54 2 95 Ttie climate is temperate, the thermome- ter seldom registering above 90 ® in the siinrntT, and lower than 10 => in winter. The winters are for the most part open, with rain and snow falls at short intervals. The rainy season may be considered frim No- veiuher till Marcti. The driest months in the year are June, July, August and Sep- tember. During the summer the evenings are cool and pleasant, even after the hot- test days. But the rainy season is not all rain nor the dry season all dry. There is fiome beautiful shining days in winter,wbich ex|>o?p the snow-capped mountains, rear- iriK their grotesque heads till they seem to l>ierce the blue vault of heaven, so that win- ter ha.s its own peculiar charms. There is a few drizzly, dMll days io summer, but they -only serve to breait the monotonous rou- tine of sunshine. Altogether the climate is liealthy and invigorating. People (rom the East are surprised to see the people going around in their ordinary summ>-r costume •during the winter months. Our tields and forests clothed in a mantle of green, and flowers blooming in the open air, thinking 4)eoau8eof the high latitude of the Pr'^vincei Aliat the winters would be even more severe than in the lower latitudes of Ontario and other eastern Provinces. OiTT OODNCIL, 1889 Mayor, Isaac Oppenheimer Ward No. 1— S. Brighouse, W. F. Salsbury Ward No. 2— J. W. Home, James Whetham Ward No. 3— R. Clarl W.J. Brewer Ward No- 4— G. S. McGonnell, M. Uostello Ward No. 6 — I. Oppenheimer, Dr. Lefevre Albinson J., engineer at Hotel Vancou- ver, Georgia cor Granville Abbott — , hackdriver Queen Bros., 12 Cumbie Abbott Ed., driver Vancouver Trans- fer Co., btis Northern hotel Abhott Graham, res Hustings cor Howe Abbott Harry,general superin- tendent Pacific division C. P- R.y res Hastings cor Howe Abbott J., laborer Abbott Street shaving parior and baths, H.T. Scurry, mgr Abrams & Co., furniture, crockery and glassware, 71 Cordova A brums James, of Abriims & Mc- Lean, res WestminstHr av \.bi*!ims John, res 10 Westminster av A-brams & McLean, Vancouver cloth- ing house, 14 Carrall Abray Jackson, constable city police Aconely W., pass brakeman C.P.R. Acrighl — , carpenter, bds 200 Dunsmuir Adams George, trairj baggageman C.P.R., res 308 Seymour Adams George, stonemason, res 310 Richards Adams Herb., carpenter, bds 3 15 West- minster av Adams Miss, tailoress W. Murphy, 324 Powell Adams Mrs Frances C, wid D. W.,re8 324 Powell Adams N.,carpont6r Thomas Tomkina Ad Ad Ai Ai Al DIRROTORY AND aAZETTEER. 355 ADA VANCOUVER AND Adair Wm,, shoemaker R. Mills, bds Central Alflison Chas., Rhoemaker G. L. Allan, 13 Cordova J£tna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartfori ; RossA Caper ley, agents, Post Office block, 313 Hastings AiUon P., titter C.P.R. Aitken J., millhand Loamy & Kyle Akin Robert, titter C.P.R. rooms, Richards bet Davie and Diuke Albott Fred., slaughterman Hiiyes & McDonald Alcock A. J., checker freij^ht sheds C.P.R., res 11th av Alcock Jonathan R., timekeeper C.P.R tVoii^ht sheds, res II:i>itin;^.s E Alcock Miss Louisa, resHastiiii^s B Alcock Mrs.M. J, wid Tliomas, dross- maker, res 18 Hastings E. AU'Ock M., laborer Thos. Tonikins Alcock TitomasChas., customs otiicor, res 15 I fastings E AU'Ock Win. George, checkor C.P.K. freight sheds, res 12th av cor Quebec AMons Geoi'ireW.. cook R.C.P. M. Co. Alexander Fred. W., clerk Thomas Dunn & Co., bds Alexander Jklexander Richard H., mana- ger Hastings Saw Mill Co., (Ld)., res Alexander cor Gore av Alexander R. H. IL, 2nd foreman H. S.M. Allan G. L., boots and shoes, 13 Cordova, res Hastings Allan James A., carpenter for G. F Slater, res foot of Cambie Allan Nicol, prop Edinburgh hotel, 124 Water Allan W. A., clerk G. L. Allan, bds Hastings Allardj'co Lewis J., electrician, res 319 Hustings E. AHen Fred., clerk Henry Arkell, 107 Water --A.IT3D- lOLLEH MILL SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Allen James, piiliilei, res 138 Oppen- heinter Allen T. 0.,of T. 0. Allen & Co., res 4(J Cordova Alle*" T. C, & Co., real estate a» onts, 46 Cordova Allen Tiiomas, apprentice V.C.F. & iM. W., res Water Allison (^liiirles, sljoemaker at Allan's, 205 W(^-tiniiisfer av Alison R' (bort, laborer for G. F. Slater, bils Northern hotel Allison\Villiam,ofThompson & Allison, res Westminster av, Falsp Creek Ambridge F. C, travelliuLif auditor C.P.R , 526 Cordova, rooms liiuis block American restaurant, Mrs. II. Sum- mers, 103 Seymour Amtnon Aus^ust, carpenter, resDupont I east of Carl av Ancient Order of Hibernians, hall 210 Cordova Anderson Alex. A., foreman World Anderson & Grady, mill east of Snieetor Anderson G., engineer str Mamie Anderson J., millhand Leamy & Kyle Andei'son James, laborer C.P.R. Anderson R. A., & Co., real estate and insurance, 107 Cambie Anderson Robert A., of R. A. Ander- son & Co., 107 Cambie Ander.son W., fireman str Mamie Andrews, night watchman, res 14ft Alexander Andrews Thomas, carpenter, West- miuster av, False Creek !» .1, :, I I! '' ( ' I I ! iri'\. I > 'ii fc'f- ■ ' 1.!' |! i .11: 1 1 I 356 Henderson's British Columbia ANO VANCOUVER BAL W. O. ARCHER & CO., ESTATE AGENTS. Real Entate buuglitand huM on cominia.sioii' Properties managed unJ rents collected. If you liave farm lands or any property to sell, f-end us parliculars. If you wish to purchase, write to us for list cheapest property. 222 CORDOVA ST., VANCOUVER Ant^iiH Richard, clerk voucher dept C.P.R., bdis Leiand houHe Anne! I Edmond George, laborer, res 108 Powell Arata Cortowe, cook Hotel Europe, 11 Powell Archer Walter Charles, of W. C. Archer & Co., res 856 Bichards Archer W. C, &Co., real es- tate and insurance brokers, 222 Cordova. See ado ArkellHy., pnxluce and commission, 107 Wuter,bds Iioland house. Tel. 92 Arkle Chiistophe', carpenter, res 44 Park av Arlington hotel, Chas. Gauvreau,prop, 506 Pender Armstrong — , contractor, pile driver, of Wescott & Armstrong, res 331 Oppenheiiner Armstrong Isaac, blacksmith John Mitchell, 15« Water Armstrong Isaac J., blacksmith f)r T. F. Woodman, bds Greyhound Armstrong J., machinist C.P. R. Armstrong J. W.jpaitemrj^akerCP.R., res Richards bet Davie and Drake Armstrong John, machinist C.P.R., res Hornby, bet Drake and Pad He Ash John, cabinetmaker lor Shelton & Co., 209 Harris Ash worth Mrs., maid at Hotel Van- couver, Geori;ia cor Granville Ashworlh Wm., pantry help at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Askew Chas., clerk Hudson's Bay Co., 160 Cordova Astell J. L., wiper C. P. R. round house Astell S., carpenter C.P.R. car shops Athorton C. H., clerk muster mechan- ic's office C.P.R. Atkinson P., laborer C.P.R. freight sheds Aikinson Peter, miller, res 346 Cambio Audbury Charles, titter C.P.R., bds 1127 Richards Austin Charles, loco fireman C.P.R. Austin C. C, loco engineer C.P.R. Austin C. L., turner C.P.R. round house Austin John, prop Stewart house,2i6 Water,and Bridge hotei, 706 Westminster av Avison Henry, foreman, res 123 Hast- ings E Axfoi-d Charles, bricklayer, res 35 Hastings E Aykroyd S., carpenter Thos. T mkins Babington Capt. James B., ister mariner, street inspector ty, res 10th avenue nr Ontario Bagnall Mrs., bds Douglass House Baiiey C. 8.> landscape photo- grapher, 227 Hastings, res Seymour betDavieand Dralce Bailey Mrs. Mary Ann, wid Wm., res Seymour bet Davie and Drake Bailev T., millhiindat Loamy & Kyle Bain Wm., R.C.P.M. Co., ro.-> Hamilton bet Georgia and Robson Btiines Ths. H., painter, bds Stag and Phesant Baird — , passenger brakeman C.P.R. Maker Frank, millhand H.S.M. Balcer Robert, real estate, 230 Cordova, bds Hotel Vancou- ver Baldwin Geo. F., city treasurer, res 52 Westminster av Balfour Robt., of Martin & Balfour, 2 Cordova Ba Ba Ba T r - 'f round DIBEOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 357 BAL VANCOUVER BEA Balkwell A., laborer, res 10 Hastings E Ball Wm., plazier R.C.P.M. Co. Ballinger Wm., laborer, res 37 Hast- ings £ Bangs E. J., of York & Bangs, res Homer cor Cordova Biinbam Alfred, butcher Van Volken- burgh Bros., 9 Water B«nk Exchange saloon, Alfred Swan- son, prop, 52 Cordova Bank of British Coiumbia, J. C. Keith, mgr, 338 Hastings W. Tel 13 Banic of British North Amer- ica, C. E. Taylor, mgr, 32 Carrail. Tel 80 Bank of Montreal, C. Sweeny, mgr, 440 Hf )tings W. Tel 47 Baptist Church, cor Hamilton and Dunsmuir, Rev J. B. Keruiedy, pastor B.irker C, clerk, purchasing dept C.P.R. Barker Ernest E., real estate, cor Cor- dova and Cambie, res cor Georgia and Burrard av Barker Edward, driver Dominion Ex- press, 212 Eichards Barker J. H., tinsmith C.P.R. Barker R., office boy for car account- ant C.P.R. Barker Robt., plasterer, res Hamilton bet Georgia and Robson. Tel 93 Barker Wm. Jos., res 137 Hastings E Barlat Frederick, laborer, res 134 Alexander Barlow Thomas, carpenter, bds 309 Richards Barnard Frank, M.P., president Van- couver Transfer Co., res Victoria City Barnett T. C, foreman erecting shops C.P.R. Barnett T. E., mechanical foreman C. P.R., res 423 Richards The Hiard Electric Mfg. . (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PKOOF Klectrlc Llgbt Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (Seeadv't. page 5.) Barnhart P. A., passenger conductor C.P.R. Barrett Cyril, laborer at Leamy & Kyle's mill, res 320 Beatty Barry Anthony F., shoemaker at R« Mills, bds Oriental Barthel Herman, of Doehring & Bar- thel, 146 Water, res 7th av Bates John, waiter at Hotel Vancou- ver, Georgia cor Granville Battison W., millhand Leamy & Kyle Bauder George,fruit and confectionery^ 39 Oppenheimer Bayley Thomas, Leamy & Kyle's mill res 13th ave cor Quebec Bayliss J., raaaon atThos. Tomkins Bay View hotel, Kent & Talcott, 514 Cordova Beadle Arthur, bricklayoi*, bds 61 Wostminster av Beadle Wra., bricklayer, bds 61 West- minster av Beales Charles A., carpenter, res 29 Hastings E Beasley — , res 429 Howe Beaton Alex., carpenter, res 178 Water Beattie A. Murray, auctioneer, ap- praiser and real estate agent, 32 and 34 Cordova, bds Brunswick hotel Beaton John, of Beaton & Preston, 625 Hastings W Beaton & Preston, props West End hotel, 625 Hastings W Beatty J., millhand at Leamy & Kyle Boaudouin C, bridge carpenter C.P.R.. Beaudry E., clerk store dept C.P.R. fieavan W. J., ledger keeper B of M., res P. 0. block Beaver Line of Steamships, W. L. Leonard * Co., agents ll \U' ' :i it <);> I'.-i ll- if 368 HENDERi ON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA BEA VANCOUVER BIN :i * i A. W. Ross H. T. CEPKRLKT, Notar-y Pahlic. In uiance. T{ozz ^ Sepspleg, Real Eatafe <f) Ifitinrance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER. B.C. Beaver T., car repairer C.P.R. Beavis Reuben, iderk at Thompson Bros., bds 109 Oppenbeimer Beavis Wrn., blackiiinith, res 109 Oppenbeimer Beear N. J., of Lunderberg & Becar, 29 and 81 Water Beck A. E., law stude'^t Jobn Bouliby, res Leland house . Beckingsale D. L., M.D., 109 Cambie. Tel. 33 Beckwith C, car repairer C.P.R. Beckwick Chrisstopber, laborer, res Alexander, Bcaoh Beer Geo. W., ol Beer & McPhail, rcH 89 Coidova Beer & McPhail, props Hub hotel, 89 Cordova Balanger & Canonica, props City hotel, 36 Powell Belanger Louis, of Belanger & Canon- ica, 35 Powell Belanger Ls., carpenter, res Trounce alley Bell F. G., driver H. A. Berry ifc Co. Bell-Irving Duncan, M.D., office Cor- dova st, res 308 Alexandria. Tel 66 Bell-Irving Henry, C.E.,office Cordova St, res 310 Alexandria. Tel 102 Boll Robert, of Bell & Taylor, contrac- tors, res 608 Powell Bellmore F., p ssenger brakeman C.P.R. Bellmcre T., fmightbrakeman C.P.R. Bennett Edward, machinist Vancouver Iron Works, bds 114 Jackson av Bennett Henry, machinist V. C. P &M. W. Bennett Wm., shoemaker, 11 Abbott Beunie T., freight brakeman C.P.R. Benson Tbos., machinist H.S.M. Bent W., teamster R.C.P.M Co. Ben well J. U., accountant. Tel 85 Berb Alfred, boilermaker V. C. F.& M. W., res 23 Dur.levy av Bergeron L., millhand Leamy & Kyle Bergland Oliver Stewart, clerk, res. 464 Granville Berlocker O.W.,baggage povter C.P.R. Depot Bernier Charles, laborer, bds Arlir.gtoni hotel Bernier J., mason Thos. Tom kins Berry H. A., & Co., express truck and drayman, 128 Cordova. Tel 51 Berry H. A.,of H. A. Berry & Co., res 212 Harris Bertholme George, gardener, res 320> Beatty Berton Rube, finisher, 27 Cordova Bertram John>&8ons>Dunda8> W. L. Leonard & Co., agents j Bertram & Co., grocers, cor Hastings. and Granville Best Philip Brewing Co., Milwaukco lager beer, W. L. Loonavd & Co.,. agents Beumer Thomas, clerk at Vancouver Brewery, 7lh av Beverifige Avard Mcintosh News Ad> veitiHcr Beveridge F., reporter News Advertiser Bfewicke P.H.,of Bowicke & Wultfsohn^ res Hotel Vancouver Bewlcke & Wuiffsohn, banlc- ers, financial and real estate agents, 424 & 426 Cordova Bierre George, deckhand Str Mamie Biggart Mrs. Z., wid Robert, tailoress for Simon, bds cor Oppenheimer and Carl av Binda H., cableman C. P. R. TOW«IV..., ' DIRECTORY AND OAZBTTEER. 35» BIN VANCOUVER BOL Bingham Josej^h, cabinetmaker Smith Bros., Hastings W Bingham Wellington M., turner C.P. 1^. Binnie r.,pafc»senger brakeman C.P.R. , res 308 Seymour Bird Louis, planer marker H. S. M. Birks Frederick Charl'3s,8teward Van couver City hospital Bishop T. Ct., restaurant, 21 Water Black A. P., assistant storekeeper C.P.R Black Thomas Thomson, so- licitor, notary public, com- missioner to administer oaths in the Superior Court of B. C, c ..'ice I Oppenhei- mer, res 331 Seymour Black Walter, bricklayer, 308 Cambie Blackburn A, E., bdg dept Regina i hotel, 200 Water Blackmore Wm., architect, 42'.2 Cordova, res Howe cor Dunsmuir Blackstone Thos., bartender Club sa- loon, 24 Carrall Blair Samuel, laborer store dept CPE. Blair James, carpenter, res Kichards bet Robson and George Blair Miss Ada, dressmaker, 7th av cor WestmitiHter Blair W. T., prop Terminus saloon, 38 Water Blair Wm., Terminus saloon, res cor Westminster av and 7th av Blake — , stevedore for C.P.R.,res 309 Hamilton Blake Geo. F., Manufacturing To., Boston, steam pumps, W. L. Leonard k Co., agents Blake H., shop laborer C.P.R. Blake Henry, machinist C.P.E., res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific Blake John, porter Hotel Vancouver, res Howe Bet Nelson andHeltucken Edison Electric Light SysteiiL M. D. BARR & CO., Gtansral Selling Agents, 726 CRAIQ ST., ■ MQNTREAI^ Blake John Joseph, barrister, city solicitor, res Pender bet Homer and Kichardw Blake J. P., baker, 35 Carrall Bliss John H., of Tye & Co., res yanai- mo Block A. J., cranoinan Steam Shovel Biomquist F. M., sign writer, 310 Hastings W, res 3ltt^ Hastings b Blondin A., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Blythe Allan, laborer, bd.«s 50U Oppon- heimer Blythe Henry, foreman iov City, re» 508 Oppenheimer Blj'the Win., masson Thos. Tomkins Blythe Win., bricklayer C.P.R. Boalc Albert A., insurance agent, 326 Cordova, res 323 Homer Bochen Joseph, teamster, bds 13 Co- lumbia av Bodega, A. J. Macpherson, prop, 21 Carrall Bodega, W. Judge, prop, 86 Cordova Bodington George Fowler, M.D.. 309 Howe. Tel 65 Bodwell E. v., real estate and insurance, 30I Cordova, res Georgia next cor Burrard av. Tel 6 Bodwell F. C, asst ticket agent C.P.R. depot; res 301 Homer Bolton Chas.M.,Unlted States Consul, office 616 Cordova, res 436 Seymour. Tel 29. 1%" M ^; |: i.' ' I m\Wi: ■If 1 i ^60 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA BOE VANCOTTVER BBI hA. W. Ross Notary Public. H. T. Cbpbblbt, Inmranoe. Menu Estate Jb Insuramce, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST.* VANCOUVEB, B.O. Boehlofsk F. A., restaurant, 66 Cordova Bolton James, millwright for Fader Bros, res Drake cor Seymour Bon wick J., section laborer C.P.R. Booth Geo., mgr dining dept Dougall House Booth Geo. A., clerk Bewicke & Wulff- sohn, resLeland BootheThos., city constable Borlnne Robert, teamster for T. J. Janes, 766 Westminster av Boston Woven Hose Co., fire and mill ho8e,W. L. Leonard & COr^ agents Bouche Nicholas, laborer,26 Westmins- ter av Bouillon Joseph, carpenter,re8 Carl av south of Hastings Boulin A., cableman C.P.R. Boultbee Frank,clerkLeask & Johnson, res Pender Boultbee Mrs. E., wid Washington, res Pender bet Homer and Richards Boultbee John, barrister, Wil- son bloc'<, Abbott, res 330 Oppenheimer. Tel 30 Boultbee Walter, apprentice C.P.R. shops, bds Mrs. Boultbee's Bon I ton Frederick, laborer, res Alexan- der street Beach Bon I' ii'au Arthur, logger, bds Arling- hw Hotel Bowell Chas. J., res cor Hastings and Granville Bowell .Tohn M., collector of Customs, re,^ 204 Granville Bowei M., grocer, 15 Abbott Bowes Miss, Chinese School, 116 Hast- ings W Bowes Miss Sarah, teacher, bds 309 Homer Bowker C. P., waiter at Hotel Vancou- ver, Georgia cor Granville Bowker John S., clerk H. A. Jones & Co., bds Stewart House Boyce George, bookkeeperVancouver Brewery, 7th av. False Creek Boyd George, carpenter, res Westmins- ter av nr 10th Boyd Miss Annie, milliner for Cope & Young, bds Leland house Boj'd Thomas Henry, contractor gra- ding, res cor Carl av and Oppen- heimer Boyer Charles, laborer for Eligh & Mason, 8lh near Quebec Bradbunr Samuel Frank, drayman, res 760 Westminster av Bradley James, dining dept Union hotel, 19 Abbott Brady Thomas, upholsterer at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Brampton Henry, stonecutter Thos. Tomkins Brand L., stonecutter Thos. Tomkins Brash Wm., of Campbell & Brash, cor Cordova and Carrall Breault Arthur, bandmaster, res Rich- ards bet RobsoD and Georgia Bredemeyer W., Dr. P. H., ii^ining engineer, surveyor and assayer, 100 Cordova Brenon Jules, fireman at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Brereton John, engineer, res West- minster av, False Creek Brethorn Christopher, scowman for W. S. Cook, bds Central hotel Brett D. H., freight brakeman C.P.R. Brett R. E., clerk asst supt's office C.P.R., bds Leland house Bridge Hotel, John Austin, prop, 700 Westminster av LI 5 Hast- bds 309 '. Vancou- A. Jones ancouver ek ITestmins- rCope & 5tor gra- Oppen- Eligh & man, res t Union kt Hotel inville Br Thos. lomkins ash, cor •es Rich- i P. H., irveyor ova el Van- le 8 West. fian for el C.P.R. b's office ustln, irav 36l W. & F. P. CURmE & CO., If^holesale CreneralJf Merchants, too GREY NUN STREET^ MONTREAL. . IMPORTERS OF SCOTCH GLAZED DRAIN PIPES. Chimney Tops, Roman Cement, Borax, Vent Limngs, Canada Cement, China Clay, HHK , Flue Covers, Water Lime, &c., &c. - , FJre Bricks, Whiting, Portland Cement, Fire Clay, Plaster of Paris, MANUFACTURERS OF SOFA, CHAIR AND BED SPRINGS. A t.AROE STOCK ALWAYS OR HAND. <iii WM. cvuniB. ' »!'. p. CURRIB. DOMINION * PAPER * CO. r MANUFACTURa. of FlUST-CLASS Pine News, Book, Printing, Blank Wall Hanging, Tints, Colors, _ Blf Ached Manilla, Unb^ached Manilla, White Manilla, Leather Colore . Manilla. Impression Manilla Special Sizes and Weights made to order. m at KMgsiif Fti. P.Q. iice. 100 Brey M M. intreal.. If fi'f ii I - ^ 362 & Vancouver # Soda * Water * Works. MtANUPACTUIlERS OF " Sarsaparilla, Olub Soda, Lemon Soda, Singer Afe, Champagne Singe r and Syraps, :-F.O.lBOX 1»7 WE STiWINSTEW AVEWME, VAMOOUVE It, B.C. 1^^ SoleAo0ntM f^r B,C. fm- the CatebratodlMhteral Waier of the M arrtson Bat Springm. .J^ 316 Seymour Street, VANCOUVER, B.C. Maniiflocturers of House Finish. BAND AWD VBMT SAWIMa STORE Aim OFFICE FIXTOSES, COVA^'TiiKS, MA'HWIM, ike. A. 0. LEASE. BegUtervd Gable Addres*, "Lewk, YtncovLwr." 0. 0. lOBHOR Agents & Ooiiiiiils.«ion Merchants* CUSTOIMS, SPSURANCE AND auib !:n^i;«ll8, FOUWARDERS, ETC. Special Facilities for. and Attention Given to. Ghina and Japan Business AireMC9r of all the Atlantic §teaili»lii|> t.lneis. Customs Agents, Canadian Pacific Rati way Co. VANCOUVCR, B.C. mr OFFICE OF CANADIAN ANTHRACITE COAL COMPANY. WHEN ORDERINC A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER READS 23::E3isriDE3K.soiNr's British Columbia Gazelteer and Directory, FOli 18 9 O DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 363 BRB VANCOUVER BRO P, m B?. m !>» Brott Robei t H., brakemati C.P.E., res 208 Oppenlieimer Bridges J., striker C.P.R. Briugman capt El ward C, master mariner, res 125 Westminster av Brisbois Alexander, carpenter, bds 311 Seymour Britannia hotel, John H.Crady & Co., props, 176 Water cor Cambie BritishAmerica Fire Insurance Co. of 7'oronto, Ross & Ce- perly, agents. Post Office blocic, 313 Hastings B. C, Booic Store, Wm, Harri- son, 36 Cordova, res 23 Abbott B. C. Carriage Worlcs, Veysey & Creeiman, 64 Hastings W British Coiumbia Gazetteer A Directory, James & L. C, Henderson, publishers, P.O. Box, 278 Victoria British Columbia market, Van Volken- burgh Bros., 19 Water British Columbia Mining Bureau, John M. Whitehead, secy British Columbia Smelting Co. (Ld), ofVlce 309 Cor- dova, Geo. de Wolf, manag- ing director Britton Ernest C, baker Broad E., A Sons, St Stephen, N. B., Axes & Edge Tools, W L, Leonard & Co., agents Broiid F., ot Broad & McNovard, res Pender Broad & Nevard, butchers, 186 Cor- dova and Pender Brock J. A., 4!Xo., photogra- phers, 140 Cordova Brockie A., 625 Hustings W LEAinER eaia Juno. Giaig and St Antoine St8« * MONTREAL. Brocklesby H. A., accountant at Hotel Vancouver, Goor^'ia cor (jrranville Broc ; well David, brickniaker, res rear 123 Hastings E Brophy J. P., clerk Bowicke & Wultfsohn, bds Gold House Brown Arthur, compositor World, res 20(iCumbie Brown C, clerk at erecting shops C.P.R. Brown Charles L., 10th av cor Quebec Brown D. E., district freight and passenger agent C. P. R., office 422 Cordova, res 724 Hastings cor Hornby Brown Edward A., carpenter, ros 119 Hastings £ Brown Ot , section laborer C.P.R. Brown G. McL., ticket a<<ont C.P.R., res The Shack, 419 Richard.s Brown Henry, of Brown & White, res Victoria Brown James, bricklayer, res Hornby bet Drake and Pucitic Brown James, mi 11 hand H.8.M. Brown John, caief clerk froii'liL Dent C.P.R. Brown John, machinist C.".R., 307 Drake Brown John, day wUchman II.S.M. Brown John, stonemason, ros 552 Sey- mour Brown Joseph, second harui yoods, Oairall bet Water and Conlova Brown Miss Mary,dressmakui',7 0|>pen- heimer, re.s Seymour Brown Picton Caldwell, prodiae, 51 Cordova i.|': '■ f| n :l 26 ' Hi': K; ■ ^r V' W];' Bb'' ' ;■ ' « :, . ^HH'.'- I ^BBu^' mmn ^' ' '■ ? ^^K'.< ■' ^BV-^, mm- lM;W i 364 IlENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA BRO VANCOUVER CAM A. W. ROSS Noiary Pubtio. H. T. Cbprrlbt, Insurnnee, .Beol Estate <£ Insurance, tOBT OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST.. VANCOUVER, B.O. Brown Robt., of F. Granville & Co., bds Stewart house Brown & White, dry goods, 30 Carrall Brown William, journalihit, res 206 Cambie Brown W. E., clerk C.P.R, bds 8 Oppenheimer Browning I. M., commissioner land dept C.P.R.y r@8 Geor- gia cor Burrard av. Tel 1 16 Brunette F., lumberman, bds Arling- ton hotel Brunette Saw Mill Co., (Ld), D. L. Cow, mgr of yard, 70I Westminster av. Tel 49 Brunswick Hotel, Pat. Caroy, prop, 29 to 35 Hastings W Bruce D., laborer C.P.R. freight shed Bruce Wilson, carpenter, res 428 Cor- dova Brush Miss B., res 54 Dupont Brydgos John, black^^lith'8 helper C.P.R, bds 1127 Richards Bryson Campbell,|clerk,bds 209 Harris Buchanan A.H., acct. Bk of Montreal, res The Shack, 419 Richards Buckley Harry, operator C.P.R., bds 311 Richards Bull Hosea A., bookkeeper, res West- minster roud Bunker Alfred, bds Howe cor Buns- muir Burgess Joseph, carpenter, res 215 Hariis Burnett W., shoemaker, 108 Carrall, res 215 Prior Burney John, stonemason, bds 311 Seymour Burnley C, hansom cab and express, res 3H8 Howell Burns Charles, foreman R.C.P.M. Co., rooms 112 Bernaid Burns David, R.C.P.M. Co., res next cor Pender and Seymour Burnt* Frank, driver Queen Bros., 12 Cambie BuiTMvd Houne, Martin & Balfour, props, 2 Cordova Burriit Br. H. D., dentist, 130 Cor- dova Burrows Edward, clerk Chilberg & Davis, bds ^orlhern hotel Burton Jumes, caipenter, 1121 Howe Burton W. C, Hitnian C.P.U. shojm Burton Wm., stoker C.P.R., bds 307 Drake Burwtll H. M., of Garden, Herman & Burwell, res 423 liiehards Busbridge George, butcher Van Vol- ken burgh Bros., 19 Water Butler H., scavenger, Westminster Road Butler Harry, bartender Union Hotel, 19 Abbott Cabinet Hotel, F. McLennan, prop, I80 Water Cadden Sylvester, watchman V.C.F. & M.W., res .same Caicear Joseph, logger, bds Arlington hotel Caldwell I., mason Thos. Tomkins Caldwell Wra., stonecutter Thomas Tomkins Cales T., laborer car shops C.P.R. Calhoun Wm., compositor News Adver- tiser Calorae Andrew, prop Hotel Europe, 11 Powell Cambie H. J., C.E., engineer In charge Pacific Division C.P.R.,resCeorgia cor Thur- low. Tel 81 DIRECTORY ANP GAZETTEER, 365 CAL VANCOUVER CAN Calorae Joseph, prop Hotel Europe^ 11 Powell Cameron — , contractor grading, res Hastings E bet Currall and Colum- bia av Cameron A. W., chief engineer fire department, 14 Water Cameron Alexander Havelock, miner, res 320 Cumbie Cameron Allan, clerk gen freight and passenger dept C.P.R., res The Shack, 419 Richards Cameron J., laborer C.P.R. Cameron J. W., engineer Planing mill, res 211 Harris Cameron John D., carpenter, res 50 Gore ave Cameron Miss B. L., dressmaker, res 52 Gore av Campbell Alexander, blacksmith, V.C.F&M.W.,bds Whatchoor house Campbell Angus, hiborer, res20f> Prior Campbell <!c Brush, saloon, oor Cordova and Currall Campbell C, checker R.C.P. M. Co. CampboU Charles, laborer, res 206 Prior Campbell G. W., clerk R.C.P.M. Co. Campbell H. E., strikerC.P.R. Campbell J. E., of Campbell & Martin, 27 Abbott Campbell J., factory hand R.C.P.M. Co. Campbell J. M., fitter's helper C.P.R. CainpbellJohn A.,ship carpenter, 222 Prior Campbell John W., of Galbraith & Campion, res Georgia Campbell James, stonecutter, bds Arlington hotel Campbell James, of Campbell &Brnsh, cor Coi-dova and Carrall Campbell Joseph,of G. Cassidy & Co. Campbell Mule. L., tobacconist, 124 and 126 Cordova, res 44 Westminster av Campbell & Martin, bakers, 27 Abbott Campbell Marvin, clerk W.Templeton, cor Currall and Hastings £ Tte mam Electric pig. AND SUPPLY GO. (Ltd. MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (SM adn. page 6.) Campbell Norman, blacksmith Vaysey & Creel man Campbell Rob^H, prop Whatcheer house, Ilea*' • ave bet Alexander and Powell Campbell Robt.,builder,Ha8t- ings Campbell W., clerk News Advertiser, res Richards Campbell Wm., clerk Wright, Wil- liams & Co., 182 Cordova Campion Joseph, of Galbruith & Cam- pion, res Hornby bet Georgia and Dunsmuir Canada Meat Preserving Co., Clark's canned goods, Mon- treal ; A. H. B. MacCowan, agent C. P. R. Boarding house, 1114 Gran- ville Canadian Pacific Railway Land Dept., I. M. Browning, commissioner. Tel 28 Canadian Pacific Steamship Co., James A. Fuilerton, supt, office 422 Cordova Canadian Pacific Railway, Harry Abbott, gen supt Pacific J)iv. tel 20 ; J. D. Townley, asstgen supt ; D. E.Brown, dist freight and passen- ger agent ; A. J. Dana, asst purchas- ing agent, tel 28 ; G.L. Morrow, car accountant; W. Downie, asst suptj W.O. Miller, chief despatcher, tel 9 ; H. J. Carabie, engineer in charge ; local freight agent ^ G.McL. Brown, I, t >i m ' 1 ' 'I 866 HENDBBSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA CAN VANOOUVEB CAS 1 r i ▲. W. Ross Notary Public, H. T. Cbpeblst, Inturanet, Meal Estate <S Insurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VAMCOUVBR, B.a local ticket agent ; W. F. Salsbury, local treasurer, tel 28;H. T. Wil- gress, paymaster; L. R. Johnsoi), master mechanic, tel 20 ; G. S. Hod- gins, locomotive foreman ; A. P. Black, asst storekeeper; F. Cam- bridge, travelling auditor; I. M. Browning, commissioner land dept, tel 28 C. P.!R. Telegraph Office, W. B. Young, local mgr, 624 Cordova Canning John,dearer In fruits, 618 Cordova Ganonica Louis, of Belanger & Cano- nica, 35 Powell Capes — , engineer Smelting Works, res Powell eastof Hawices ave Card S., stonecutter Thos. Tomkins Carey John, clerk Brunswick hotel, 35 Hustings W Carey Pat., prop Brunswick hotel, 29 to 35 Hastings W Cargill J.J., of William & J.J. Cargill, Trounce Alley Cargill William, of William & J. J. Cargill,res Dunlevy ave cor Hastings Cargill Wm. & J. J., props Tatersairs stables, Trounce alley, tel 30 Carier Joseph, carpenter C. P. E., res 113 Richards Carling Brewlns and Malting Co., London, W, L. Leonard A Co., agents Carlisle James H., drayhnan, chief of fire Jepartment, res 113 Hastings E Carnahan James, teamster, res [32 Park ave Carney Wm., contractor Vancouver Shingle mill, Carr Edward, laborer Thos. Tomkins Carriore J., carpenter C. P. R. car shops Carrigan James, laborer C. P. R. round house Carruthers A. G., Dom Express Carruthers Thos., painter for A. J. Marks, res Alexander st Beach Carter House, L. Carter, prop, 166 Water Carter John, res 321 Hamilton Carter L., prop Carter House, 166 Water Carter & McFarland, Vancouver Brick Co., 46 Cordova Carter Nelson, of Carter & McFarland, 46 Cordova Cartes C. H., mill tallyman H. S. M. Cartier Hormisdas J., watch maker,res Richards bet 1 bson and Georgia Cartwright Fred., carpenter, res 9th ave Car twright George, carpenter, 9th avo Cartwright Henry, tinner, res 9ih ave nr Ontario Cartwright John, prop Richmond house, 110 Carrull Cartwright Joseph, carpenter, res False Creek, 9ih ave Cartwright W. J., mgr Club saloon, 24 Carrall Cartwright William, boilermaker, res 9th ave nr Ontario Cartwright William, bartender Club saloon, res cor Westminster av and Eeefer Carver Frank M., laborer, res 409 Drake Gary Geo., carpenter,re8 330 Homer Cash — , C.P.R., res 439 Homer DIMOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 367 CAS VANCOUVER CIT Casher Charles, turner C. P. R., res 313 Drake Casher Charles H., tiosmith, res 208 Prior Cassady Ceo., & Co., planing millSfSash and door factory, foot of Gamble Cassady (*eor^e, of George Cassady & Co.> res 442 Homer Gates J., driver Vancouver Transfer Co., Carrall Cath S. A., foreman car shops C.P.R. Caul field Ed., foreman H.«.M. Caulfield P., 2nd machinist H.S.M. Celligan Miss Maria, maid at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Central Hotel, Thos. Quann, prop, 66 Cordova Central School, Prof Law, principal, 602 Oppenheiner Ceperley Henry T.,of Ross & Ceperley, res Georgia bet Thurlow and Bute. tel. 19 Chaffey Wm., foreman carpenter, bds 'Whfltcheer house Chamberlln Cha8.,Vancouver Real Estate Exchange, 236 Cordov&>, res iLeland house Champion Saml.,foreman laborer store dept C.P.R. Chardon Charles M., builder, res 445 Homer Charlton Ormand L., of Wood & Charl- ton, 167 Cordova Charman P., messenger Brown & White, 30 Carrall Charman Herbert, carpenter, res Powell W of Hiiwkes ave Charnock G. A., Secretary Y. M.C. A, Chase James, upholsterer Abrams & Co., bds Chase W. H., foreman Leamy & Kyle's mill, res nr mill Cheapside — , 99 Cordova Chetham W. D., clerk freight dept C.P.R. LEATHER BELM Juno. Graig and St. Antoine St8« MONTREAL. Chllberg & Davis, grocers, 100 Carrall Chilberg James Peter, of Chilberg & Davis, res 17 Hastings E Chi Ids Freeman Cecil, collector, reS 304 Oppenheimer Chinese school, 115 Hastings Chipman Geo., clerk Hudson Bay Co. Choate E. D., bridge inspector C.P.ll., res 409 Powell Choate Edward, inspector of bridges C.P.E., res 409 Powell Choate J. Z., foreman bridge gang C.P.R. Christie John, lab, res foot of Carrall Church Ben., joiner Vancouver Shingle mill Church of England mission, Seymour nr cor Drake Church of England, St Luke's, rev F. Clinton, 301 Oppenheimer cor 56 Gore av Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Rev Patrick Fay, rec- tor, Richards cor Dunsmuir Ciceroni Joseph, driver for J. Scuitto, bds 1 Powell City Brewery, John Williams, prop, Seaton nr Thurlow City Clothing store, G. Landorman, cor Cordova and Homer City Hall. Tel 6 City Hotel, Belanger & Can* onica, props, 36 Powell City Liquor store, M.G. McLean, 464 Graoville \ i, ii I 1' '' t I' ' if ', '& 368 HKNDBRBON's BRITISH COLUMBIA CIT VANCOUVER COL ▲. W. Ross Notary Pubtie, H. T. Cbprklst, Insurtmee, Me«U Estate <S Insurance, t POST OVFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. City wharf, V.W.P. & S. Co., William Eurl«, wharfinger, foot of Carrall. T' 94 Clair Geo., clerk Kirnhberg & Lands- berg, bdw 88 Cordova CInncey John, of Scutt & Clancey, 16 Carrall Clark Charles, 326 Cordova, crockery, glassware and liancy goods, Wowt- ninster av bet Oppenheiiner and Powell Clark F., laborer Thos. Tomkins Gliirk Frederick, res Eobson nr Nicola ClJirk Geo., laborer, res 35 Hastings E Clark James, watchman C.P.R Clark John H., painter, bds What- cheer house Clark Mrs. T. W., millinery, 36 Cor- dova, res 5th av Clark Kobt., ofGilmour & Clark, res 28 Carrall Clark T. W., com mer, produce, 56 C\>rdova, reis 5th av. Tel 74 Cla.kW.J., cookH.S.M. Clark William F., painter, of Clark & Boyle, res 6th av nr Quebec Chu-kson Jo8eph,of Clarkson & Mayne, Pender bet Seymour and Granville Clarkson & Mayne, house and sign painters. Ponder bet Seymour and Granville Clayton George Leonard, machinist, res 105 Burrard Clayton Louis S., head waiter Hotel Vancouver, res Durham block Clegg Arthur, laborer, res 10 Hast- ings E Clegg Benj., laborer, res 10 Hastings E Clements & Farron, real estate and shipping agents, 4 Cordova. Tel 105 Clements J., supt buildings C.P.E., res Howe cor Dunsmuir Clements T., yardman G. Cassady &Co. Clements Thiophilas E., clerk, res Alexander street Beach Clements capt William, of Clements & Farron, res 319 Homer Clondenning John, contractor and grading, res 509 Powell Clinton rev H. Finnos, rector of St. James church Episcopal, res 309 Oppenheimer. Tel 79 Clough John, janitor of City hall Clouston T., fireman C.P.R., bds J. Coupland Clowes John, carpenter for Bell & Mc- Kenzie, res Seymour cor Dr'ike Clowes Mrs. Dolona, dressmaker, Seymour cor Drake Club 8aloon,CrlfY1n & English, props, 24 Carrall. Tel 69 Club And.,butcher Hayes & Mncdonald Clute J. M., of J. S. Clute & Co., res 427 Howe Clute J. S., dry goods, res 429 Howe Cluite J. S., & Co., dry goods, 135 Hastings W Clutie Felix, millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Clutterbuck F., loco engineer C.P.R. Cochrane — , carpenter, res 331 Ham- ilton Calling Joseph, res 101 Powell Codville James, inspector Vancouver Improvement Co., res 322 Powell Cody P., stonecutter Thos. Tomkins Cohen J., prop Cosmopolitan Hotel, lOI Cordova Coldwell Charles A., res 529 Powell Cole Harry, prop Greyhound Hotel, 228 and 232 Water Coles John, clerk C.P.R. , res 62 West- minster av DIRKOTORT AND OAZKTTEER. 869 COL VANCOUVER COP Collier William, mason Tho8. Tom- kins Collins John, clerk Leask & Johnson, res Pender Collins P., pafs brakeman C.P.E. Collins R, millhand Leamy & Kyle Colquhoun — , compositor News Ad- vertiner, res 217 Prior ColsoD Charles K., boatbuilder, res 423 Hamilton Columbia Carriage works, A. T. McNabb, prop, cor Hast- ings and Carrall Col ley John, laborer, bds 215 Harris Commercial Saw Mills, Lea- my & Kyle, props, Southside False Creek, J. C. Woods, manager, office foot of Camble Commercial Union Fire Insur- ance Co. of London, Ross & Ceperley, Post Office block, 313 Hastings Compton T., striker C.P.R., Condon James, laborer C.P.R. Condren Hugh, grocer, 700 Westminster av, res same Congregational Church, Rev. James Pedley, B.A., pastor, Wilson block, Abbott cor Cordova Connacher Robert, contractor grading roads Conner Samuel R., hack man, res 213 Powell Connor H. E., local freight agent C.P.R., res The Shack, 419 Richards Connor John, car repairer C.P.R. ConleyFred., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Conloy Wm., res Powell cor Heatley av Conture Joseph, bds Hotel Vancouver TIB IM Uc il. . (Ltd.)^ MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones, RIeotrlo Bella, Anniinota- tors, Burglar Vlariiis*, Ins riimeiits, Apparatus and Supplies ot every description. (See advt. p. 5.) Converse J. A. Mfg Co., cord- age and bags, Montreal; A. H. B. MacCowan, agent Cook — , teamster tor Fader Bros., bds S. Coupliind Cook Alfred, painter, res Carl av Cook Kdward, corttractor briok and stone, res 9 Hiistings E. Tel 78 Co( k Fred., bricklayer, bds Arlington hotel Cook Greorge, teamster for W.S. Cook, bds Northern Hotel Cook J., helper C.P.R. round house Cooke Richard P., president Vancou- ver City Foundry & Machine Works Co., res Hastings bet Granville and Howe. Tel 113 Cooke Wm. S., dealer in coal and wood, and building ma- terial, 62 Dupont, bds Tre- mont Coombs Fred., apprentice V.C.F. & M.W., res S of False Creek Cooper & Co., house and sign painters, 110 Seymour Cooper K. D., laborer C.P.R. Cooper Robt., engineer, b>ls 26 Water Cooper Win. A., house, sign and cur- riajio p.iiiiter, 110 Seymour, res 16 Etist Hastings Cope Fred.,ofCope & Young, bds Leland house Cope Job A., laborer back of Gran- ville's hou>e Cope & Young, dry good8,car* pets, millinery and clothing, 404 Hastings W, nr cor of Richards i.i ' * 370 HINDIRSON'B BRITISH COLUMBIA COP VANCOUVER CRI f-\\ A.W.BOM B. T. OBTiMIMTt In Seal Estate A Inauranoe, < rOBT OmOB BLOCK, 813 HASTINGS ST.. VANCOUVER, B.O. Copp Percy, roofer and C'ontrnctor,re8 bl3 Hahtin^8 E Corbould G. E., ol Corbould & McQoll, 512 Cordova Corbould & McCall, barris- ters, solicitors, etc., 612 Cordova. Tel 34 Cordiner P., biackMmith H.S.M. Corey George K., carpenior, res Alex- ander E of Heutley av Cormier Samuel, luborer,ros 772 West- mi nnler av Cornish Benj. J., architect, 516 Cor- dova Cornigan James, laborer, res Howe bet Drake and Pacific Cosgrove Robert, lab Thos. Tomkins CosmopolltanHotel,J. Cohen, prop, 101 Cordova Costa Lewis, boots, shoes, 63 Cordova Costello John, laborer, res 36 Park av Cote F., boomtender H.S.M. Cottingham George, section laborer, res Alexundei' st Beach Cotton F. C, prop News Advertiser, 119 Cambie Coughlan D., painter C.P.R. Coughhm N., carpr C.P.R. car shops Coughlin T., loco fireman C.P.R. Conghtrey Alfred, butcher, res 42 Park av Coulombe Charles, carpenter, res 517 Powell Coupland Joseph, general store and boarding house, Seymour cor Davie Couture Joseph, bds Hotel Vancouver Cow in — , Leask & Johnston, rooms 421 Pender Cowderoy John J., dry goods, 164 Cordova,res 148 Cordova Cowderoy Wm., Alexander nr cor Dun- levy av Cnx capt. Gassendi, steam boat capt, res 520 Oppenheimer Cox W. T., railway mail clerk, res Howe Block Craig J , foreman C.P.R. Craig Wm., roadmaster C.P.R., res 320 Howe Cramer Wm. J., barber C.K. Whittier, bds Sunnyside Ho(ol Crawford James, lumberman, bds Whalcheer house Crawford Thos., city constable Crawfoixl Wm., carpenter, res 205 Georgia Crean & Fleming, props Oriental Hotel, 208 Water Crean John, of Crean & Fleming, 208 Water Crease E. A., mgrfor Corbould A McCall, barrister, 612 Cor- dova, res 307 Powell Creed D., foreman C.P.R. Creelman Duncan R., of Veysay & Creelman, res 64 Hastings W Creighton A., bds 1139 Richai-ds CVeighton F.,painter C.P.R. car shopn Creighton Wm. D., ship chandlery ,e()r Cordova and Abbott, res Melville bet Burrard and Thurlow Crewes Block, Granville bet Dunsmuir and Georgia Criknary C. J., carpenter's appren- tice C.P.R. car shops Crickmay Wm., C. E., assoc. M. Inst, C. E. Of England, architect and surveyor, agent for Clobe Mill Quartz Pulverizer, 420 Howe DIRIOTORT AND OAZITTIKB. 371 ORI VANOOUVKR DAV Crickmay Charles Thomas, bds 325 Hjimilton Criswell ThomaH, merchant tailor, 4 Opponheimer, res the same Ci*ocker Ulysses G., upholsterer for J. Suel, res 216 Powell Crottoau Eugene, clerk "\ ancouver Wine Co., Ms 344 Seymour Ci»»wder John Stanley, of Crowder & Penzer, res 412 Westminstei* av Crowder & Penzer, coal, produce, commission, Harris street wharf, 100 Harris. Tel. 36. Cruden Alexander, carpenter, bds Dupont, nr Gore av j^rummer Herbert,of Some8,Crummer & Co., res Seymour Crumpton Thos., C.P.R. shops, res Seymour bet Pacific and Drake Cruthers Thos., painter A. J. Marks, bds City hotel Cummings Bobert, cook Mainland brewery, 10th av Cumyow W. A., Chinese Inter- preter, Homer cor Cordova Cunningham John, waiter H.S.M. Cunningham N., carpenter, bds 13 Columbia ave Cunningham P., laborer C.P.R. Curran Edward J., res Westminster ave, south of False Creek Curran James, laborer, res back of 5 Gore ave Curran J. P., res Westminster ave Curron James, car repairer C.P.R. Currie Samuel, carpenter, res Dupont bet Gore and Dunlevy Currie William, laborer Leamy & Kyle's mill Curry H., fitter C.P.R. Curry Matthew, res Dunsmuir bet Richards and Seymour Custom House, J. M. Bowell, collector, 202 Granville Cydon Charles, painter, res 119 Hast- ings E LEm BELIG. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSi* MONTREAL. Cyr Alfred, logger, bds St. Charles hotel Cyr T. D., prop Granville hotel, 26 Water Dana Albert John, purchasing agent C.P.R., res The Shack, 419 Kich'arda Dansereau Louis, clerk, 25 Cordova Daoust F., waiter at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Date P., shop laborer C.P.R. Dauphinoy William, Fader Bros., bds I. Coupland Davey Emanuel, plasterer, res Rich- ards bet Davie and Drake Davey William, clerk C.P.R. stores, res 10 Hastings E Davidson Bros., Jewellers, I08 Cordova Davidson C. N., of Davidson Bros., res cor Seymour and Georgia Davidson Pump Co., W. L. Leonard & Co., agents Davies John, bell boy at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Davis D. M., carpenter H.S.M. Davis E. A., waiter at Hotel Vancou- ver, Georgia cor Granville Davis Jonathan, bartender, 100 Water Davis Joseph K., paint shop, Carabie, res 415 Cambie Davis, McGarrigle & Co., house and sign painters, 108 Cambie Davis Miss Mattie, res 125 Dupont Davis W., C.P.R. shops, bds S. Coup- land Davis William, machinist, Richards bet Davie and rake ' i I mi Mi if'* I '' I'i 1 ' i ;r M I \ ■ ''i I.:. .:■':[ I tm V ■ I 3V2 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA DAY VANCOUVER DIX A. W. Ross Notary Public, H. T. Cbpeblet, Infurance, Heal Estate tt Insurance, PuST OFFICE KLOtK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVEIt, B.C. Davis W. L., of Chilbei-g& Davis, 106 Carrall Dawson C, bartender Retreat saloon, 65 Conlova Duwsori John W., draughtsman for T. Tomkins, bds Douglass house Dawzy Norman, carpe-^ter, res 1112 Ho wo Day Fred. B., laborer, res 230 Prior Day Thos.y A Co., San Fran- cisco, gas fi:itures, etc.; W. L. Leonard & Co., agents Day Wm., butcher Van Volkenburgh i^rcs., res 11th ave and Quobec Deacon G., car repairer C.P.R. X>echesne Charles, carpenter V.C.F. & M.W., res Powell Defena Tony, laborer, res 132 Alex- ander Belong E. O., blacksmith Veysey & Creel man, bds 13 Columbia av Dempster Wm. A., of Jan^es Wood- worth & Co., res Carrali Deroche Jos., stonecutter Thos. Tom- kins Derraugh AlexanOer P., of Murchison & Derraugh, res 704 Westminster av Desbrisay J,, fitter C.P.B. Desjardins Benj., bds Arlington hv>tel Desormiors Charles, res 3 14 Dupon* nr Go»«^ av Desrocnes Joseph, rConecutter, " bds Arlingv^ . hotel Desrosiers John, carpenter, bds Ar- lington hotel Desrosiers Mich., foreman McLen.ion & McFeely Devine Harry T., of J. A. Brock & Co., res 188 Cordova Devine John, collector, city auditor, and agent, 142 Cordova, res 138 Cor- dova. Tel 21 DeWitt J. D., builder, 110 Sey- mour DeWitt Jacob William, brewer, res Westminstar av, False Creek DeWitt Joseph N., brewer, bds St. Charles hotel DeWitt Miss Josephine, dressmaker, res Westminster ave. False Crt»ek DeWitt Miss Louisa, waitreas Carter house DeWitt Miss Rosa, dressmaker for Mr <. Gondron, res Westminster ave, 5«' (se Creek DeWolf George, managing director B. C. S. Co., office Springer block, 109 Cor- dova; res 427 Howe DeWolf John W., clerk A. Godfrey & Co., res 212 Hastings E Dickie George, laborer store dept C.P.R. Dick^i R?>bert, bricklayer, res Hastings E bet Westminster and Columbia av Dinsmore A., cooper freight depf, C.P.R, Dinsmore Abraham, U.C.P.M. Co., res 6th av nv W. Dinsntore T. W. , messenger gen trupi's dept C.P.R,, res Cambie Diplock Arlhur P., of Diplock * Os- borne, 520 Cordova Diplock & Osborne, crockery and fancy goods, 520 Cordova Discoa George, laborer 0. P.R. Disney Uaro'd, carpenter, res 217 Hai ris Divis J., laborer Thos. Tomkin'^ Dixon Ohaa., clerk F. W. Hart, 27 Cord«)va Dixon John, laborer store dept C.P.R. Dixon Ro8coo,j!mitor N. of F.Hall, res 218 Richui-ds Brock & ' auditor, 138 Cor- lO Soy- wer, res jk bds St. ssmuker Ci-eek 8 Carter iker for 8ter uve, fiaging office I Cor- xlfrey & iro dept lastings irnl)ia av j^ C.P.I?. Co., res m t;upt'8 k (fe Os- iry and [•68 217 iart, 27 tC.P.R. HLall, ro8 DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 373 DOC VANCOUVER DUB Pockstadder A. M., laborer Thos. Tomkins Doddridge C, carpr Thos. Tomkins Dodge Wood Split PulleyCo., Toronto ; W. L. Leonard & Co.y agents Doehring& B.irthel, props Gambinns saloon, 146 Water DoenngChas., prop Vancouver brew- ery, res 6th av cor Westminster av Poherty J. W,, gang saw filer H.S.M. Doig James, pass conductor C.P.ll., res 311 Richards Doig Wm., section foreman C.P.R., res 121 Powell Doig Wm., jun., laborer, res next to 121 Oppenheimer Dolao J. J., blacksmith C.P.R Dolan Peter, blacksmith C.P.E., res Howe bet Drake and Pacific D »mata Nicola, laborer, Mainland, res 10th ave Dominion Exp. Co,, G. Ford* asst supt ; A. W. Lee, agent, office in C. P. R. depot Dominion Show Case Worlcs^ Toronto ; W. L. Leonard & Co., agents Dorman Jacob, C.P.R. shops, res 29 PeiKior Doty John, Engine Co.,Toron- to, marine and stationary eneiines anii^ boilers; W.L. Leonard & Co., agents Dougall Franir, railway mail clerk, res Home bU>ek Dougall House, John Dougall, pi^p, Cordova CO ' Abbott Dougall o\/u 11, prop Dougall house, cor Cordova and Abbott Dougall John, jun., clerk Dougall house, cor Cordova and Abbott Douglas Henry, laborer, res Alexander Btreet Beach The IM Electric Mi . (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Manufacturers of "WATER-PROOF Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) Douglas House, Mrs. J. M. Douglas' Homer cor Pender Douglas John, laborer C.P.R. Douglass J, C.,wineand spirit merchant, 3 14 -Cordova Dove Douglas Dixon, farmer, res 26 Dun levy ave Dove Spencer, farmer, res 26 Dunlevy ave Dover F., train baggageman C.P.R. Dowlen E.J., manager B.C.S. Co., office Springer Biocic, res Leiand House Dowling F. W., operator C.P.R tel., bds White Swan hotel Downie John, boat builder for W. Matheson, res foot of Abbott Z^ownie W., asst supt C.P.R.* rooms 322 Howe Doyle Andrew, stoker Vancouver Gas Co., res 218 Harris Drake, Jackson & Helmcken Barristers at law and N. P., Richards corCordova,Aifred St. CeOk'ge Hamersiey, man- aging sok*citor Drake M. W.T.. Q.C., of Drake, Jack- son & Helmckeii, res Victoria DrinkwaterJoHeph, carpenter, res 112 Columbia ave Drummond Wm.,cai*penter,bds Arling- ton hotel Dryden T. K., shop laborer C.P.R. Dubberloy Joseph, mariner, Granville corDavio t f .' m i-aif' MiitiaM \l 374 Henderson's British ooluhbia DUB VANCOUVER EAT A.W.BOM Jrotary FuhUc. 'SUT.OmnmtMT, ^022 Zs ©eperieg, MecU Estate Jt Inauranee, POST OFFIOS BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., YAlfCOUVEa, B.O. Dubois Peter, stone cutter, res Eobson nr Nicola Dudgeon Hobt., bookkeeper McLennan & Feely, res Oppenheimer DuffeyThos., bridge carpenter C.P.R Dufour W.y& Co.,auctioneer8 and appraisers, 16 Cordova Dufour W., of W. Dufour & Co., 16 Cordova Dufresne Lee, barber Joseph Lambert, 422 Oppenheimer Du^ruid John S., hAborer V. C. F. & M. W., bds Powell bet Hawkes ave and Campbell Duhamel Charles, grocer, 772 West- minst,er ave Duhamel Frank, C. P. R. shops, res 25 Pender Duhamel H^nry, prop St Charles hotel, 500 Pender Duhamel Joseph, bartender St Chnrles hotel Dunbar James, laborer, Seaton nr Bnrrard Dun berry James, plasterer, res 311 Seymour Dun more Robert, lab, res DuiForin ave Dunn James, stationary engineer C.P. R. car shops Dunn Thomas, of T. Dann & Co., res cor Thorlow and Georgia Dunn Thos., A Co., general hardware merchants, lOand 140 Cordova. Tel 7 and 17 Dunn Wm. R.,clerk Thos. Dunn & Co., bds Stewart house Dunnen John, carpenter, res West- minster ave. False Creek Dunsmuir Abraham, cooper, res 340 Boatty Dupr^ Abram, hand driller Thos. Tom- kins Dustan — , carpenter, bds Hornby bet Drake and Pacific Duval John, wood turner for Irving & Strabay, res Regina hotel Duvie W., oil houseman store dept C. P. R. Dwj'er Wm., mason Thos.Tompkins Dy at R. H., foreman wood train gung C. P. R. Dj'er George, laborer, ros False Creek Eagan Mi's., C.P.R. laundry, 10 Hust- ings W Eaman Edward, laborer Leamy & Kyle's mill Eamon Edgar, res 138 Hastings W. Earls William, whartingor Vancouver W. F. & S. Co., rooms on wharf foot of Carrall Easnon H., res 138 Hastings W Eaton Albert, res 415 Drake Eaton A. S., carpenter, res Drakenr Granville Eaton Edwai*d, clerk for J. C. Wood- row, res 416 Drake cor Seymour Eaton George, carptr, res 415 Drake Eaton John, driver Vancouver Trans- fer Co., Currall Eaton J. L., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Eckstein V., loco fireman C.P.R. Edenburg hotel, Nicol Allan, prop, 124 Water Edwards B., laborer C.P.R. Edwards Richard, blacksmith C. F. & M. W. res 164 Jackson ave Edwards W., carpenter Thos. Torokins Edwards Wm.,exprossman, 12 Cambie Eggert Jules, & Co., watch- makers and Jewellers, 228 Cordova ^mum^m^im DIREOTORT AND QAZETTEER. 375 EAT VANCOUVER KAG Esgert Jules, of Jules Eggert & Co., ■ 228 Cordova Eldon George, gardener, res Howe bet Drake and Davie Elgin Hotel, R. A. Picken, prop, 95 Cordova Ellgh & Mason, dairymen, 8th ave cor puebec Eligh Hamilton, of Eligh & Mason, 8th av nr Quebec Elliott Frederick, clerk C.P.R. freight dept, 422 Cordova, res 307 I'owell Elliott John, laborer, res 45 Pender Elliott John, cur repairer C. P. R. Elliott Miss Frances, res 442 Seymour Elliott W., pass conductor C.P.R. Ellis Chas., barber Joseph Lambert, res 315 Oppenhoimor Ellis John, bds 46 Water Ellis John, laborer, res cor Alberni and Jervis Ellis R. G., railway mail clerk, res Howe block Ellison Robt., millhand Leamy & Kyle Elmore J., laborer C.P.R. Elphinstone t)lock, Granville bet Geor- gia and Robson Ellwood H. J., clerk voucher dept C.P.R., res Alexander Ellworth R. J.,oper C.P.R. tel, bds White Swan hotel Emard Joseph, electrician for Tele- phone Co., ros 325 Homer Emerson Edward, lumberman, bds Whatcheer house Emery Thomas, stonemason, bds 61 Westminster av Empire Tobacco Co.,Montreal Tobaccos, A. H. MacCowan, agent Endean Henry, butcher at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cxir Granville Endean John Wiliiain, foreman Fader Bros, mill, res Richards cor Drake England J., clerk master mechanic's office C.P.R. ffOOm MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. England W.. tank foreman Enirloman Valentine, barber, 174 Water English Doc, of Griffin & English, res 24 Car rail Ennis G., handdrillor Tho^i. Tomkins Enrif»ht J. P., tailor W. Murphy, bds Grey Hound hotel Evans David, merchant tailor, 75 Car- dova, res 312 Hastings W Evans E. W., compositor World Evans F., passenger brakoman C.P.R. Evans H., delivery clerk store dept C. P.R. Evans J., freight brakeman C.P. R. Evans W. H., loco engineer C.P.R. Evans W. H., pass brakeman C.P.R. Eveleigh Sydnev, architect N. S. Hof- far, res 330 Homer Extence Henry, gardener, res 6lh av Fader Albert, of Fader Bros., res 435 Homer Fader Bros, Milling Co., saw mill, sash and door factory. False Creole, Granville Fader Bros.', wholesale gro- cers, 334 Cordova Fader Elijah, clerk Fader Bros., res 315 Homer Fader Maynard P., clerk Fader Bros., res 315 Homer Fader Silas, clerk Fader Bros., res 315 Homer Fagan James S., clerk general supt's dept C.P.R., res 311 Howe Fagan Joseph E., clerk freight dept, res 311 Howe I- IM > I 'hi !:;. r i i H fir! t I, I. i; f I '55, :.l 1 mm i^ 'll! B16 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLtJMBiA FAG VANCOUVER FIS A. W. RosH No/ni-y Puh'ic. H. T. Cepi:ri,ky, In urance. Meal Estate <£ Inaurance, POST OKFIOE BLOCK, 813 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. FaganJ. E., clerk freight dept C.PR. Fagan W. L., clerk local treasurer's dept C.P.R. Fagan W. L., provincial tax collector, res 311 Howe Falrchild W, P., & Co., Imple- ments and bungles ; Rand Bros., agents, lOO Cordova F.-iiron Alplionse,of Fairon & Alilloi-, 170 Water Fairon & Miller, prqps Stag & Phesant Hotel, I70 Water Farley Geo. W., route agent and mail clerk Vancouver World, res 464 Granville Farmer I. D., dining hall, 14 Abbott Farmer J., car cleaner C.P.R. Farr Edward, bricklayer, res 326 Seymour Farr W., bricklayer, 115 Hastings W. Farr William, foremau mason, bds Arlington hotel Farron James L., of Clements & Far- ron, res 319 Homer Fashion Stables', Starret A Leatherdale, props, Abbott cor Trounoe alley Fawcott Richard, of Grant & Fawcett, bds cor Hastings E. and Westmins- ter av Fawcett Wm. L., law clerk Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Cordova Fay Rev Patrick, rector Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Richards cor Duns- mulr. Tel. 99 Feek Asa, clerk E. S. Scoullar, res 455 Richards Fen ton James, cook Vancouver brew- ery, 7th av Ferguson — ,bowling alley, 124 Water Ferguson A. G., res Hastin gs W nr Howe. Tel 2 Ferguson M., watchman R.C.P.M. Co. Ferguson R. C, manager Royal City Planing Mills Co., res 423 KIchards Ferry John, mason Thos. Tomkins Fetterly Colin, laborer, res 318 Powell Fewster & Co., feed 8tore,7 HastingnW. Fewster Phillip, of Fewster & Co., 7 Water Fickes Ed., laborer.res 138 Hastings W Findlay James, machinery and t*np. plies, Kll Powell cor Oolurnbiu av, res south of False Creek Findlay Peter Preston, agent sewing machines at McKenzie's store, res 210 Alexander Finlayson W. H., clerk ^ankofB. C. Finnes rev Clinton Henry, rector of St. James church, res 309 Oppen- heimer Fireman's Fund (Marine) Ins. Co.of San Francisco, Ross & Ceperley, agents, Postofflce Block, 313 Hastings Fire Station Tel 45 No I, Water. Fire Station No 2, Wm. Ham- ilton, engineer, Seymour bet Georgia and Robson, Tel 89 Fisher — , 12th av cor Quebec Fisher Geo., butcher for Van Volken- burg Bros., bds 792 Westminster av Fisher George, painter shop opp Post Office, res 416 Hastings E Fisher George B., carpenter, bds 13 Columbia av Fisher Thomas, laborer, res 776 West- minster ay DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 377 FIS VANCOUVER FRA. Fisk James M., agent, 227 Hastings Fitzpairick Thomas, laborer, res 326 Powell FitZHinimons W., carpenter Thomas Tomkins Fleming Andrew, painter for George Fif^lior, res Alexander street Beach Fleming C. G., night watchman C.P.R. car shops Fleming Richard, of Crean & Fleming, 208 Water Flcmming Robert J., carpenter, res south end Cam hie Fletcher Jumes, laborer, res 5th av Fletcher George, tailor for Murphy, bds 324 Powell Fletcher Joshua, bookkeeper, res nr cor Hastings and Richards Flett Arthur, machinist C.P.R., res Richards bet Davie and Drake Fiett John,machini8t C.P.R., res Rich- urds cor Davie Flett W., machinist's apprenticeC.P.R. Florent A., carpenter C.P.R. round house Florent Victor, engineer Foley — , carpenter, res Alexander street Beach Foley (Jhristopher, boarding house, 1139 Richards Foley James, clerk R. W. Winch, res 234 Harris Foley James, city constable Foley William, at Royal City mills, res Harris nr Gore av Follis George, contractor and builder, res next S.K. cor Homer and Duns- muir Follis G. E., G. Cassady & Co. Be mam eim piig. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. MnfiB. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- mentH and Supplies of, every descrlptiou. (See advt. page 6.) Ford A. J., car repairer C.P.R. ' Forrest Alex. B., yardmaster C.P.R., res near cor Seymour and Duns- muir Forrest W. H., cashier freight dept C.P.R. Fortes Joseph, porter Bodega, Carrall Fortin G., painter C.P.R. Fortin Wilfred, painter C.P.R., res Homer bet Davie and Helmcken Foster H., mattress makei',27 Cordova Foster James, lumberman, bds W hat- cheer house Foster J. R., clerk Fader Bros., bds Pacific hotel Foster Mrs. C, fruits, 64 Water Fobier W. A., train despatcher, bds Leland house Foubert Frank, contractor clearing, res Richards bet Georgia and Robson Fowler Charles Edward, dentist, res Dupont bet Gore av and Dunlevy av Fox James M., contractor mason, res 1 1 Hastings E Fox Patric'k.messenger Bank of B.C., res 134 Hustings E Fox S. Cambridge, lumberman, 215 Harris Frank Richard, P. 0. stand, res 464 ^.^...„^. , ^. ^ -^ . Granville Forbs Andrew,clerk Kussell, McDonald Franklin — , speculator, res Powell & Co., 229 Hastings Forbes Isaac, blacksmith shop, Cor- dova, res 8 Oppenheimer Forbes Richard, ioreman at Charles- ton's, res 229 Haati gs W Ford C, asst supt Dominion Express Co., res Pender cor Broughton bet Carl and Heatley av Franks Z., fruits, 2l6 Carrall Fraser Angus M., logger, res 131 Hast- ings E Fraaei John, switchman C.P.R., 11 Hastings W Fraser KormaD, drayman, res 103 Powell till! i'l'.i-i ;■• I 378 Henderson's British Columbia FEA VANCOUVER GAR A. W. Ross Notary Publie. H. T. Cbperlbt, Insurnnee. Meal Estate A Insuraneef POST OFFIOB BIjOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST.p VANCOUVER, B.O. Fraser S., fitter C.P.R. Fraser W. M., shop laborer C.P.R. Fraser W. T., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Frechett 0. T., bartender Germania hotel, bds same Freeman — , carpenter, bds 200 Duns- muir Freeman Cecil Child,collector for News Adv9rti8er,re8 304 Oppenheimer bet Core av and Dunlevy Freeman D., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Freeman S., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Frick Harry, C.P.R. baker and confectionery lunch rooms, 414 Cordova, res4IO Cordova Fripp Charles, architect, res Durham block Fripp & Fripp, architects, Ferguson block Fripp Eobt. McKay, C.E., res Durham block, Granville Frolander S., carpenter H.S.M. Frorae J. F., carpr, bds J. Coupland Frost H. T., millhand H.S.M. Fry John D., res Hastings bet Robson and Smytho Fuller J. \V., laborer, 10th av Fuller JoBej)h, teamster for Skulberg & Davis, rtis 10th av Fullerton J., C.P.R. round house FuUerton James, loco fireman C.P.R. Fullerton James A., supt C.P Steamship Co., 422 Cordo- va, res Leiand house. Tel 118 Fulton Luther, lab, bds 1139 Richards Fung John, plasterer and contractor res cor Hastings E and Jackson av Fyfe Havelock, constable City Police Gafney Pat., laborer Thos. Tomkins Gagnon Alex., cabinet maker for Hart res foot ofCambie Gagnon Frank, edger sawyer H.S.M. Gagnon W., millhand H.S.M. Gaier Adolph,carp6nter,bd8 St. Charles hotel Galbraith & Campion, Japa- nese goods, 420 Cordova Galbraith Julius F., of Galbraith & Campion, res Hero cor Thurlow Gallagher W. H., carpenter, bds 431 Seymour Gallagher W. J., foreman News Adver- tiser, res Pender Gallery William H., manager for Tye & Co., bds Tremont house Gamble John K, carpenter, res Howe bet Draker and Pacific Gambrinus 8aloon,l)oehring& Barthel, props, 146 Water Gander James, loco engineer C.P.R. Gander J., turner C.P.R. round house Gard Eric, bartender Bank Ex','hi*nge, res Carrali Curden, Herman A Burweli, surveyors and engineers, 116 Cambie Garden James F., of Garden, Herman & Burweli, lib' Cambie Garden Samuel, laborer for McGroor, res 9th ave nr Westminster av Gardner Frank, ship carpenter, res Georgia nr Nicola Gardner John, butcher, res Georgia nr Nicolu Qarrioch C. R. T., at Leamy & Kyle's, bds Dougall house Garvin John, carpenter, res Homer bet Georgia and Dunsmuir Garvin Michael, carpenter, res Homer bel Georgia and Dunsmuir DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. S^9 GAR VANCOUVER GLA Garvin Samael, laborer for McGreer, Westminster av Gatewood Charles H., D.D.8., dental surgeon, I30 Cor-| dova, room same Gaudin — , JR.C.P.M.Om., rooms 1091 Oppenheimer Gauthier H., car repairer C.P.R. Gauvreau A., glazier G. Cassidy & Co. Gauvreau Charles, prop Arlington hotel iOQ Pender Qan*' ^^>cule, C.P.R. shops, Sey- Gavin «i.. us, passenger conductor C.P.R. Geddes David, Bodega, Carrall Geddes J., watchman Steam Shovel Geddes J. Percy, secrdltary to general supt C.P.R, 418 Cordova Geddes J., laborer CP.R. Gendron F., blacksmith's apprentice C.P.R. Gendron Joseph, laborer, 143 Water Gendron Mrs. G., dressmaker, 143 Water George John Henry, mason, res 204 Dunsmuir George William, laborer, res Seymour bet Davie and Drake George William, shoemaker, res Sey- mour bet Davie and Drake Germania hotel, L. P. Levasseur, prop, 21 and 23 Powell and 20 Alexander Gerrard Allan, carpenter, res 110 Harris Gibson Alexander, carpenter, bds 207 Georgia Gibson F. J. P., ledger keeper Bank ofB.C. Gibson Geo. H., photographer, res 308 Seymour Gibson Hugh, bds2G Water Gibson John, teamster for T. J. James, bds Westminster av Gibson Joseph, loco engineer C.P.R. Gibson Moses, prop Queen's hotel, 106 Water Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & OO^ General SeUlag Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., . MONTREAfc.. Giffiths Albert Francis, foreman Leamy & Kyle's mill, res 417 Carabie Gilbert George, machinist C.P.R.shojft^ res nr foot of Cambie Giles Deforis, plasterer, res 308 Sey- mour GileiH Fred., waiter Oriental hotel, 20S Water Gill Andrew, mechanic C.P.R^ res. Richards bet Robson and Georgia Gill G. H., car repairer C.P.R. Gill John, machinist, res Richards bet Robson and Georgia Gillespie James, lumberman, res 2163 Powell Gillis John A., contractor builder, rea 112 Bernard Gilmour Alex., of Gilmour & Claikv res Victoria Gilmour & Clark, clothing and gentev'' furnishings, 28 Carrall Gilmour J:is. Eugene, book'reeper for W. S. Cook, rooms Burrard house Gilmour Joseph, painter at A.J. Marks,, res 110 Columbia ave dilmour Wm., painter at A. J. Marks,^ res 110 Columbia ave Gister W., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Given Geo., bookkeeper Palmer Bros.. Gladstone Inn, — Morris, prop, West- minster Road Gladwin Frank, sawyer R.C.P.M. Co.. Clasco & London Insurance Cc«, Rand Bros., agents, lOO Cordova Glass F. N., checker freight dent C.P.R. Glassey S. Js., scowman for W.S, Oook^ bds Central hotel 27 Ih n mI ?! ^' I I T;k A- 11 - Ml ;i. ■ e'l ,a ' ^0 Henderson's British Columbia GLA VANCOUVER GRA .ta. w. ROSS Notary \Publie. H. T. Gbpkblst, [ Insuranet, Meal Estate <£ Insurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVBB, B.O. 'GlasHford George, laborer, 5th ave Oledhill W. W., laborer C.P.R. round hou^e <jlend«nning — , contractor sidewalks, P^ree Westminster ave nr Hastings E s^Jlendenning Andrew, laborer C.P.R. ^op.«, res Richards nr Drake "iCHennen Wm., pantryman at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville ■Glennen Wm., teamster, Ids 344 Cam- bie 'Olover — , painter at Geo. Fisher, res Westminster ave, False Creek •<51oyn John, millhand H.S.M. ■Croddard And., loco engineer C.P.R. Crodfrcj^ A., of A. Godfrey & Co., bds Stewart house Codfrey A., & Co., general hardware, I04 Cordova, tel 59 s^6 <'(lf''t C^odfrey T. B., of A. Godfrey & Co., res 441 Homer Crodin Bruno C, of Gray & Godin, 50 VVeistminster ave <ColdbergZ. C, clothing and gents' furnishings, cor Ab- bott and Cordova Cold House,Grant& Johnson, props, 66 and 68 Water Coldie & McCulloch's safes, Robertson & Co., agents, 316 Cordova Goldstein A., clothing, 79 Cordova Goldstein M., gents' furnish- ings, 116 Water Croodill Patiick, stone mason, res Seymour above Smyth© Goodmurph Sidney, tinner McLennan & McFeely Goodmurphy C, contractor,Carrall and Railway track Goodwin Wm. H., at Rand Bros., bds Leland house Gordon Geo. R., clothing, 112 Can*all, res 9 Hastings E Gordon Robt., spring maker C.P.R., res 1133 Seymour Gordon R. W., pi'es and mgr Van- couver (San Juan) Lime Co., Powell cor Boundary ave, res 8th ave Gore R., laborer, res Cambie nr Hast- ings W Gorman Phil., prop Pullman saloon, 100 Water Gosnell E. E., city editor News Adver- tiser Gosse M., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Gottfried Isidoi laborer store dept C. P.R. Gough Chas., laborer, res Alexander st Beach Gough Enoch, laborer, res Alexander st Beach Gould Fred. C, plasterer, bds 210 Pender Goulot H., freight brakeman C.P.R. Goverow A., painter, res 325 Homer Cow D. L., mgr Brunette Saw Mill Co's. yard, roms 701 Westminster ave Gow John A., yard salesman Brunette Saw Mill Co., res lOlh ave bet Que- bec and Westminster ave Grady John, sawmill below lime kiln, res Powell bet Carl and Heutloy avo Grady John Hy., Britannia hotel, res 421 Pender Crady John H.,&Co., Britannia hotel. Water cor Cambie Graham H., carpenter R.C.P.M. Co. Graham Henry, tailor B. L. Wood, 137 Water DIEEOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 381 GRA VANCOUVER GRE 'Graham Hugh, carpenter, res 108 HaiTis Graham John, laborer, bda 792 West- minster ave Graham Robt., laborer, res rear of 464 Granville Graham Thos. Wm., gardener, res 320 Beatty Grant A., freight brakeman C.P.R. •Grant Edward, clerk for J. Boultbee, res Robson nr Nicola Grant Elwia, law clerk JohnBaultbee Grant & Fawcett, butchers, 8. E. cor Westminster ave and Hastings E. Grant John, carpenter, res Robson nr Nicola Grant John, stonemason, bd:* St Charles hotel Grant & Johnson, props Cold house, 66 and 68 Water Grant Peter A., Nova Scotia grocery, Hastings cor W. ave, ros next cor Gore ave and Powell Grant Peter A., grocer, and of Grant & Fawcett, res Gore ave 8. E. cor Westminster ave and Hastings E Grant R., car repairer C.P.R. Grant T., car repairer C.P.R. Grant T.C., of Grant & Johnson, 66 Water - JLlsriD- Hmm ILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KIND8. «ret MONTREAL. Graves A. M., loco engineer C.P.R. Graves H., freight brakemanC.P.R. Grawer Jacob, butcher, 8 Oppen- hoimer, res same Gray Chas., cook, res 134 Alexander GrayD., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Gray & Godin, props Opera Resort saloon, 2 Dapont Gray James E , of Gray & Godin, bda Cjsmopolitan Gray John, bartender Campbell's Cor- ner, bds 792 Westminster ave Gray Thos., clothes cleaner, 6 Hast- ings E, res same Gray & Mcintosh, general store Gray Thos. Cook, grocer. Water, 155 Richards res Granville F., of F. Granville & Co Dupont nr cor Gore ave Gi-anvillo F.,cS: Co., real estute, dova Granville hotel, T. D. Cyr^, prop. Water GrassieWalter H., Jeweller, 22 Cordova, res 329 Hastirigs E Gravely k Barker, real estate, 103 Cambric Gravely Walter E., of Gravely & Bar- ker, res Burrard bet Alberni and Robson Greaves Bros., bakers and gro- cers, 3 Garral I Greaves John H., of Greaves Bros., 3 Currall Greaves J. P. Lawson, of Greaves Bros., 3 Carrall i Green A. R., asst engineer C.P.R. i-oa i Green Horace, millwright for C.P.R., I res Davie bet Granville and Sey- 81 Cor- i mf>«i>" Green Ilormo, millwright C.P.R. 20 i Green Jacob, house and sign painter, 112 Hastings W., bds Pacitic hotel Green Capt. Rowland Edward, real estate agent, 6 Oppeiihoimer, res ia rear of 118 Hastings E Gregory Geo. H., clerk, 27 Cordova Gregory Richard, machinist, bds Howa bet Drake and Pacitic Gregory Sidney, salesman Tye & Oo.^ bda Greyhound hotel i! ,. 1 I' <i i!:"{' I i< 382 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA QRE VANCOUVER HAN A. W. Ross Notary Public. H. T. Ceprrlbt, Insumnee. Meal Estate <£ Inaitrancef POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Green "Wm. E., accountant Hudson Bay Co., res cor Dunemuir and Ho- mer Green berg Harry, second hand goods, 81 Cordova Grenfell Cheese Co.,Grenfell N. W. T.j A. H. B. MncGowan, agent Greer — , milkman, Westminster Eoad Greer William, carpenter C. P. R. car shops Grey Thos. E., of Tait & Grey, res Richards Qrey Ralph Geoffrey, agent, res Stew- art house Crey Hound Hotel, Harry Cole, prop> 228 and 232 Water Gribble Chas., clerk Abrams & Co., res Harris Grior J. W., compositor "World" Grier Louis, teamster Vancouver brewery, 7th av Grierson A., bridge, carpenter C. P. R. Crifffln A English, props Club Saloon, 24 Carrall Griffin James, of Griffin & English, 24 Carrall Griffith Joseph, res 11th av between Westminster av and Quebec Griffith W., laborer Thos. Tomkins Griffiths Albert F., yard salesmanfo r Leamy & Kyle, res Carabie Griffiths E., carpenter C. P. E." car shops Griffiths Ellis Wm., carpenter, res 508 Oppenheimer Griffiths George, laborer, bds 792 Westminster av Groh Henry, tailor B. L. Wood, 135» Water Groves Wm., baker, bds 113 Oppen- heimer Guillotte H., pass brakeman C. P. H> Guntzberger Morris, clerk, Oppenhei- mer av Gwin Eobt, laborer store dept C. P. R. Hach Chas., mgr Jacob Senl, res 64 Cordova Hacket Hugh, carpenter R.C.P.M. Co. Haines Art., C. P. R. checker, 11th av Halawell Joseph, laborer, res rear of 123 Hastings E Haldon John P., carpenter, res West- minster av, False Creek Hale George, apprentice V. C. F. &. M. W., res Hastings E Hale John P., mgr. for C. S. Wilson, res 203 Hastings E. Haley W., freight brakeman C. P. R. Hall Guy, fitter C. P. R., rooms- Rir' rds bet Davie and Drake Hall James D., of Hall & Lowe, res Wulfshon BIk, Cordova Hall James Z., real estate,. 312 Hastings W Hall A Lowe Vancouver Photo Co., 416 Cordova Hall W., laborer Thos. Tomkins Hallam Ths., laborer, res 301 Powell Hamerwley Alfred S. & G., burristere, res Georgia bet Burrard and Thurlow Hamilton D., mason Thos. Tomkins Hamilton Edwai*d P., contractor, res 321 Richards Hamilton William, engineer fire dept., Seymour, bds 312 Richmond Hamley Miss Lucy, maid at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville- Hanafin James, blacksmith C. P. R. Handburn C, fitter C. P. R. Hanna William James, carpenter, res^ Westminster av Hanrafin Mrs. Kate, millinery, 136> Cordova, res 134 Cordova ■ DIRBOTOBT AND GAZETTEER. 383 HAN VANCOUVER HAY flancockE., carpenter C. P. E. car Hhops Hancock James, carpenter, res 307 Beatty Handbury H., fitter C. P. R. round house Hanson — , hack driver, res 338 Powell Hanson James, porter at hospital, res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific Harbormaster's office, M. W. Thain, harbormaster, 6 Abbott Harcus Sinclair, fruits, 119 Carrall .tiardiman T. R., Pioneer art picture framing, carving and gilding gaiiery, 522 Cordova Hardy John, driver H. A. Berry & (Jo. Hardy W., hand driller Tbos. Tomkins Hargraves Herbert A., compositor, res 8 Oppenheimer Hargraves Walter C, real estate agent, res 8 Oppenheimer Harkness William, laborer, res 113 Oppenheimer Harmon James Edgar, tinsmith for Ralph, res 208 Pender Harold Thomas, patternmaker C. P. il., res Richards between JDavie and Drake Harrington James, R. C. P. M. Co., res next corner Pender and Seymour Harris Charles, teamster for Palmer Bros., bds 100 Dupont Harris F., passenger brakeman C. P.R. Harris J., bridge carpenter C. P. R. Harris James, laborer, res 325 Homer HaiTis S., bridge carpenter C. P. R. Harrison— r, driver Queen Bros., 12 Cambie Harrison Frank E., Post Office dept Harrison Rob., nurseryman and boaixling house, res 315 Westminster av Marrieon Wm. B. C, boolc store, 39 Cordova, res 23 J^bbott Tie Hiard Electric Mfg. . (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATERrPROOP Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) Hurt F. W., Pioneer furniture store, 27 and 29 Cordova, res Cambie. Tel 52 Hart J., millhand Leamy and Kyl« Hartford Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Ross and Ceper- loVf agents. Post office Blocic, 313 Hastings Hurtney — , teaming contractor, 22 Alexander Hartney James, contractor grading, res Barclay, between Thurlow and Bute Harvey G-oorge, carpenter, res 145 Alexander Harvey James, stri ker C. P. R. Harvey James L., clerk pay roll dept C. P. R., bds Mrs. Boultbee's Harvey R. G., clork Bank of B. C. Hastings Sawmili Co. (Ld), Richard H. Alexander, iocal manager ; managers and agents i n San Francisco Messrs. Dicicson de Wolf &Co. Tei 27. Seeadv Hatch A., tinner E. Scoullar, 16 Hatch James, tinner for Scoullar, res 11th av Hawlej'- C. M., harness maker, 118 Carrall Hay Geo., tailor David Evans, res 312 Hastings W Hay J. M., bookkeeper Rand Bros., Hayden & Co., grocers, 138 Water Hayden W. F., clerk freight dept 0, P. R. Hayes Geo., of Hayes and Mcintosh, Burns Block, Carrall f I i ■'■i ¥. \M ' ■If' 'III!' y.i 'mi if ! 884 BXNDKRBON's BRITISH COLUMBIA HAY VANCOUVER HES A. W. Rosi Notary PubUe. H. T. CxPRBLsr, /nntrawM. ^022 2s ©epcples, Heal Estate A InBurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Hayes & Mcintosh, butchers, 66 Cardova. Tel 66 Hayne William, laborer for McGuire, WestminHter road Hajnes Robt., laborer, 410 Cordova Hazelton — , carpenter, res 305 Drake Haywood Wallace V., constable City police Haywood William C, at Hand Bros., rooms over C. G. S. Wilson, Cordova Hazyard C, blacksmith C.P.E. Healy J. A., clerk R. G. Tatlow & Co., res 620 Cordova Hearl — , laborer, res 134 Alexander Hearn W., C.P.R. round house Heck Fre., mason, res 550 Seymour Heimerle H. F., of Heimerle & Co., res 8 Cambie Heimerle H. F., & Co., boots and shoes, 137 Hastings W Helmcken H. D., of Drake. Jackson k Helmcken, res Victoria City Helps Hy., driver Hayes & Mcintosh Hemboroiigh T., stone cutter Thos. Tomkins Hemersley Alfred St.George, barrister, manager Drake, Jackson & Hel- mcken, res Georgia Hemple Robert, contractor, bricklayer and plasterer, res 41 5 Hastings Hemsley George, painter car shops C.P.R., res 133 Keefer Henderson Bros., commission merchants, produce, 40 1 Cordova. Tel. 112. Coal merchants on wharf, Barnard ; 8t. Tel. 63^ Henderson Isaac, of Henderson Bros., res 40 Cordova Henderson James, carpenter, res 215 Harris Henderson James, publisher of Henderson's Directories. British Columbia Manitoba and North> west Territories Henderson John B., of Henderson Bros., ree 502 Alexander Henderson Leonard C, pub- lisher of Henderson's Direc- tories P. O. Box 278, Victoria Henderspn's Manitoba, North west and British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory, James A Leonard C, Hender- son, publishers Henderson Robert King, miner, res 12th ave cor Westminter ave Henderson 8., chief clerk pay rolls dept C.P.R., res 342 8eymour Hendrickson H., millhand Leamy & Kyle Heney Hugh, laborer, res 115 Hast- ings E Henning William James, carpenter for Kemp, res 319 Oppenheimer Henry C. E., C.P.R. News Agency, Cordova Henry Levi, laborer, 314 Powell Herbing Dr.Pwul, of Sorensen, Herbing & Co., res Douglas house Herman E. B., of Gordon, Herman & Burwell, 116 Cambie Herod A. G., blacksmith Thos. Tom* kins Herod J., mason Thos. Tomkins Herod P., mason Thos. Tomkins Herwood S., night watchman H.S.M. Hescott W., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Hessen Alexander, laborer, res rear of Hospital DIREOTORT AND QAZITTIER. 385^ HEW VANCOUVER HOR Hewson C. J., millhand H. S.M. Hewton Kobert, baker for J. P. Blake, rooms 224 Princess Hoyward W., boomtonder H.S.M. Hicks David Henry, carpenter, res Beatty bet Abbott and Garrail Hicks v., painter C.P.R Higgins Eli, contractor, brick and stoneworic, reaS Oppon- iieimer Hill John B., contractor and builder, res 309 Dunsmuir Hinkhim W. J., fitter C.P.R. Hirshberg M. H., business manager News Advertiser, res 311 Howe Hobson Christopher George, res 46 Westminster av Hobson George, clerk Robert Baker, res Westminster av Hobson Goo. Wm., 46 Westminster av Hobson rov H. P., Episcopal, res 46 Westminster av Hobson John, carpenter C.P.R., res Seymour bet Pacific and Drake Hobson W., carpenter's apprentice C.P. R. car shops Hodge William, laborer Leamy & Kyle's mill Hodgkinson James Leagh, clerk, res rear of 425 Powell Hodgins G. S., locomotive foreman C.P.R., bds Douglas House Hodgson Arthur, painter, res 207 Op- penheimer Hodgson Miss, milliner Brown & White, 30 Carrall Hodgson R. C, car repairer C.P.R. Hoffur N. S., architect, 517 Hastings W Hogben Thomas J., pensioner, res Alex- ander Street Beach Hogg Alexander, painter, res 422 Pender Hogg Alexander, res Westminster av cor Keefer Hogg James, photographer, 77 Cor- dova, res 335 Richards LEffiR BaM Junoi Craig and St. Antoine St8.< MONTREAL. Hogg James, laborer, bds 113 Oppen- heimer Hogg Miss Mary, domestic, bds 1139^ Richards Hogg William, lampman C.P.R. Holland Charles Edward, farmer rcs^ 30 Powell Holland J. M., of J. M. Holland & Co., res Homer cor Dunsmuir HoliandJ. M., & Co., reai ea-^ tate, loana and collectiona,, 44 Cordova Holland Timothy, teamster Vancouver W. F.& S. C, rooms 22 Alexander Holman A. Andrew, agent, 513 Hnstf ings, res Homer nr Georgia Holmes — , speculator, rooms 421 Pender Holmes Alfred J., 356 Richards Holmes Christopher, painter, res 222^" Barnard Holmes William L., teacher, room»- 323 Oppenhcimer Holloak J., laborer C. P. R. round house HoUoway Robert, compositor Newd^ Advertiser, res 6 Water Honest John, laborer C.P.R. Honton M., laborer Thos. Tomkins Hooper Thomas, architect, opp P.O.;^,. res 323 Homer Hooper William, carpenter for J. I.. Nixon, bds Oriental Hotel Hopking G., deck hand str Mamie Hopkins J. D.,bridge carpenter C.P.R_ Home J. W., agent,410 Coi"dova Horrobin Theodore, carpenter, re s cr- Dupont and Gore av m\h i, ;: i\mf. (?:« :::il i.'V: iri ■386 HENDERSON'S T>BITKH OOLUMBIA . I HOR VANCOUVER ING W. Rosa Notary Public, H. T. CBPEBLKt; Insurance, 1^022 ^ ©epepleg, Real Estate <6 Insurance, POST OFFiOE BLOCK, 313 HA8TINC8 ST., VANCOUVEB, B.C. Horton 7.^., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Hortcn W., millhand H.S.M. Hosker Edward, sen., timekeeper C.P.R. round hou8(», res 336 Homer Jlosker Edward, jun., engineer C.P.R. round house, res 336 Homer Hoekin Joseph, jun., teamster, bds 534 Westminster av Hoskin Joseph, sen., teamster, res 532 WcHtminster av Hoste Derrick, wharfman H.S.M. Co., rooms 319 Oppenheimer Hotel Eur pc, Joseph Calorao, prop, 11 Poweil and 14 Alexander Hotel Vanccuver, E. M. Mat- thews, mana^^er, Georgia cor Granville Tel. 61 Housley Charles, fireman for Irving & Strahan, rooms 316 Seymour Housley Charles, engineer for Slater's shingle mill, res 506 Oppenheimer Mousley Walter, laborer at shingle mill, Ms 506 Oppenhoimer Houstan Fred., crew turner H.S.M. Howard Thos., laborer C.P.R. Howell Alex., wood machine man C.P.R. car shops Howie A. S., woodman C.P.R. Howie Octave, C.P.R. shop, res Rich- ards bet Davie and Drake Howes J. G., laborer, 410 Cordova Hum Hotel, BeerA McPhail, proppy 89 Gordova 3IudFe>n'8 Bay Co., Geo. Weeks, clerk 150 Cordova Te!. 0-L fiiidson Edward, engineer Fader Bros., I)d8ll39 Richards Hudson John, clerk M. Boissr, 15 Abbott Hughes Edward, at G. Caesady & Co's mill, res 209 Dunsmuir Hull George, fitter's apprentice C.P.R. Hume James, of Murray & Hume, 200 Water Hunt Edward, carpenter, res West- minster Road Hunt Edward carpenter,res Howe bet Drake and Pacific Hunt Mrs. Emily, dressmaker, res Westminster Road Hunter E. E., carpenter H.S.M. Hunter Robert, millwright, res Pen- drell bet Thurlov^r and Bute Hunter Thos., carpenter for Irving & Strahan at Hamilton's Hunter Thomap, rooms 321 Richards Hunter Thomas, plasterer, bds Arling- ton hot(?l Huntley Joseph, city sanitary and license inspector, res Powell bet Carl and Heatley av Hurliman J., machinist C.P.R. Hutchings George W., of Hutchingb«& McFarlane, 122 Powell HutCk^lngs & McFarlane,furnf ' ture dealers, 122 I'owell Hyde Arthur, laborer, res Alexander 6t Beach Hyde Wm., res Alexander St. Beach Elyland J. , second cook at Hotel Van- couver Hyland Thos., steward H.S.M. Ibbittson Charles , laborer C.P.R. Imell A., dishwasher H.S.M. Irason Joseph, millhand H.S.M. Independent Order of Forres- ters, meets In Oddfellows Hall, 2nd and 4th Wednes- days Inga William, painter, res 1109 Gran ville Inge John, gardener, res 1109 How« Inge Mrs. Ester, midwife, 1109 Howo 1 « ' J, DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 387 ING VAXOOUVER JOH Inge MJsa Lilly, a aitress at Leland house Inge Peter, painter, rea 1109 Howe Inge Roger, waiter, rea 1109 Howe Inglis R., carpenter C.P.R. Ingram I., mason Thomas Tomkins Innes F. C., of Richards & Innes, res Hastings cor Burrard. Tel 1 00 Innes & Richards, real estate, financial ^and insurance agents,6i3 Hastings. Tel 24 IiisellEdwin, fireman H.S.M. Inslev John E., of Prout & Inslej-, Lcland house, Hastings W Institute Canadien Frarcais de Vancouver, 216 Cordova, Dr. H. E. Larigis, pres ; L. Dansereau,secy Inwood Ceo., real estate, 184 Cordova, res 41 1 Pender likman A., operator despatcher's oflSce G.P.R..bd8 White Swan living — , laborer,Leamy & Kyles mill Irving D. Bell, M.D., room 4, 334 Cordova, res 308 Alexander Irving E. B.,Ljokkeeper Migony & Co., 303 Cord-ra Irving Hy. Boll, room 2,334 Cordova lrving&8trahan,mfrs of house finl'jh, wood turners and cabinetmakers, 316 Sey- mour. See ado page.— Irving "Wm., of Irving & Strahan, res 316 Seymour Irwin John J., carpenter, re> 4 Hast> ingB E Ivenoy James, carpenter, res Hastings B cor Gore av Izfn L., fruits, 107 <;nd 113 Carrall Jackson J., millhund Leamy & Kyle Jackson John N., watchmaker and jeweller, 128 Cordova Jackson John Wm., jeweller for H.B. Co., res 7th av cor Quebec Tie Hlam Electric |flf9. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. MnfrB. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (See advt. page 6.) Jackson E. E., of Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Victoria City Jackmun Tho8., bartender Dougal house, cor Cordova and Abbott James John S., laborer store dept C.P.R. Jamieson — , carpenter, bds 61 "West- minster av Jamieson Miss, clerk Thompson Bros. 527 Sojmour Jaties Tliomas John, contractor team- ing, commission merchant, feed, *yi3 minster av, res same Japanese Store, Calbraith & Champion, 420 Cordova Jarmain Wm.Thos., clerk,320 Boatty Jarvis C, freight brakemtui C.P.R. Jay Goo. J., of Yates & Jay, res Vic- toria Jeffries J., laborer Thos. Tomkins Jervis John, laborer, res 29 Hastings E Jervis Mrs. C, di'essmaker and Knit- ter, res 29 Hastings E Jisz Kowicz C. J., jeweler, 23 Carrall I Jobson James,at Electric LightWor ks, res 9 Hastings E Johns Isaac, depy collector of customs, res 761 Westminster av Johnson — , pati;ernmaker at V. C. F. & I.W., bds Whatcheer house Johnson Andrew, driver H. A. Borry &Co. Johnson Chas. G., of Leask & Johnson, res Hamilton Johnson J. B., prop Retreat Saloon, res Gold house Johnson 0. H., laborer, bds Arlingtoa hotel r v^ Jif I 1 1 I ii- ' k:i'^ ^« , I ' 1 A U •! ) 388 Henderson's British ooi^umbia JOH VANCOUVEE KEE Notary Publtc. E. T. CaPBBunr, Insmramn, ^055 Zs ©epcpleg, j Xe€U Estate A InBurance, { P08T OFFICE BLOCK, < 313 HASTINGS ST.. i VANCOUVER, B.O. ' Johnston A. G., of Johnston & Tyson, res Alexander Johnston Alexander, of Johnston & Hnyden, Jubilee saloon, res 768 Westminster av Johnston C. millhand Leamy & Kyle Johnston Ch.^rles G., of Leank & John- ston, res 325 Hamilton Johnston E.D., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Johnston Edward, cloti»in^, boots and shoes, Richards cor Davie, res same Johnston F. W., barrister Corbould & McCall, res4iSRich:\rd8 Johnston G , carpenter Thos. Ton^.kins Johnston George, foreman for Geo. Cassaciy & Co. Johiistoa James, patternmaker V.C.F & M. vV., bds Whatcheer Johnst)n John, bookkeeper for Geo. Cas.'»ady & Co., res coi- Cordova and Homer Johnston John C, bds Alexander Johnston Lacey V(,j master mechanic Pacific division C.P.R., res 455 Seymour Johnston 0., carpenter Tl)os. Tomkins Johnston & Tyson, clothing and gents* furnisi^ings, cor Carrall and Powell Johnston William, laborer C.P.R. freight sIxjI Johnston Wm. K., r-arponter, SCambie Jonas — , carper, or. ros Homer bet Drake and !><* -■ ; Jones 0. J. '■ ^,' - sho • I00<^ar- r«W, vobS^'/j Hi^Uit^ I Jones H. A., & Co., steam- I ship and real estate agents, 312 Cordova. Tel. 23 ' Jones H. A., of H. A. Jones & Co., res Leland house I Jones J. P., millhand Leamy & Kyle Jones John, C.P.R. shops, res 111 Pender Jones John, barber R. K. Winter, 6S Cordova Jones Lunch counter, F.J.Jones, prop, 238 and 242 Water Jonson E., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Jopson JameSjfiromanVancouver Elec- tric Light Co., res Hastings Josephs — , with Morrison, tailor, rooms 308 Richards Joss J., stonecutter Thos. Tomkins Jowatt Arthur, laborer, bds 1139' Richards Joyce Abraham, laborer, resDufferin a/ Joyce P. engineer Steam Shovel Jubilee Dining hall, I. D. Farmer, 14 Abbott Jubilee saloon. Ales:. Johnson, prop, 78 Water Judge Wm.. prop Bodega, 86 and 88 Cordova Junction House, William MeirePj, '""nc- tion of North Arm and Westn dus- ter Road Km in Charles, carpenter, bds 309 Richard /5 Kanaka Thomas, gang marker H.S.M. Kawagiri H., Japanese restaurant, 220 Cordova Keamo James, screw turner H.S.M. Kearley Alfred, res 205 Hastings E Keating'^s conductor C.P.R. Kenty W., laborer C.P.R. Keefer George A., 11. Inst C.E., chief engineer Vancouver Water Works Co., Mh Douglas house Keefer Hugh Forbes, of Keefer & McGillivray, res Westminster av Keefer & McGillivray, contractors^ Vancouver Works Co., 11 8 Alexander ff. DIRSCTORT AND GAZETTEER. 38^ KEE VANCOUVER KNO '■ ta Bteam- igents, i & Co., & Kyle res 111 inter, 63 es, prop, J.P.R. ver Elec- ts tailor, nkins ds 1131> jflferin a/ ovel Farmer, m, prop, ; and 88 refi, ''■•ne- estn ^iiH- ixls 30a r H.S.M. rant, 22a :.s.M. ng8 E >rC.P.R. E., chief ■ Works [^eefer & er av tractors,, lexaader Keeler Charles, market gardener, res 10th av Keeler Fred., tinner E. S. Scoullar, 162 Water Keenan W., laborer car shops C.P.R. Keil James, teamster.res 550 Seymour Keith J. C, mgr Bank of B. C., res Melville bet Thiirlow and Bute Kelstrap C, bartender, 78 Water Kellogh John, carpenter,re8 520 Alex- ander Kelly — , Is borer, res rear 311 West- minster av Kelly Jas., manager Van Volkenburgh Bros. Kelly James, blacksmith for J. McAl- lister, bds Tremont house Kelly Martin, stonecutter Thos. Tom- kins Kemp George, carpenter, res Seymour bet Davie and Drake Kerap Henry, stoker Vancouver Gas Co., res Alexander street Beach Kemp James A., carpenter, shop 8 Oppenheimer,res 317 Hastings E Kemp James, genl, res 317 HastingsE Kennedy J., millhand Leamy & Kyle Kennedy John, loco engineer C.P.R. Kennedy P., deck hand Str "Mamie" Kennedy R., millhand Leamy & Kyle Kennedy rev James B., pastor Baptist church, res 427 Cumltie Kennedy W., carpr Thos. Tomkins. Kennedy W., machinist's insp C.P.R Kennon John, laborer, bds 134 Alex- ander Kennstty Thomas, loco fireman C.P.R. Kent & Talcott, ^jrops Bay View hotel, 514 Cordova Kent Wm. F., of Kent & Talcott, 514 Co.Tdova Kerr John, journalist News Advertiser Kerr Sam., leamsior Vancouver Shin- gle mill, bd'4 1139 Richards Kersey Henr« , carpenter Kidd A., i^'borer car shops C.P.R. Kidd W. J., clerk pay rolls office C.P.R. lEATHEIi BELIG. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine Sts., MONTREAL. Kimble D., freight conductor C.P.R- King Atwell, cigar stand in P. O., lobby, res 340 Seymour King D. H., clerk Alfred Bunker, bds Leland King D. J., printer News Advertiser King Elliott H., mgr Vancouver Wine Co. res 344 Seymour King John Henry, barber, 28 King, res same King Joseph, moulder V.C.F. & M.W., bds Richmond hotel King R., nachinist'iL ipprentice C.P.R. Kings — , bricklayer, bds 418 Sey- mour Kinnear George A., signal man C.P.R. English Bay junction Kinnear J., clerk car shops C.P.R. Kirby J., passenger brakeman C.P.R. Kirschberg E., of Kirschberg & Lands- berg, res Victoria Kirschberg &Landsberg, clothing, 21 Cordova Kitson E.B., bak Campbell & Martin, 27 Abbott ;i;.,_. Knight Robert, millhand H.S.M. Knowdell C. It., machine shop C.P.R., res 1139 Seymour Knowdell E. J., tinner McLennan & McFeely, res 1139 Seymour fT Knowdell C. V., caipenter, res 1139* Seymour Knowdell Miss Addie, tailoress, res 1139 Seymour Knowdell Miss Maggie, tailoress, ree- 1139 Seymour Knox William, accountant, 1 Oppen- heimer, res Seymour ' i ' It :- l;i Iti ill : 1 ;:; ;L* :390 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLITMBIA t KYL VANCOUVER LEA W. Boss Notary Public. H. T., Insuranet, Meal Estate cP Insurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Kyle Aodrew, clerk Thos. Dunn &Co., bds Gold house Kyle George F., of Leamy & Kyle, res foot of Cambie Lfiberge A., laundry engineer at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Laberge A. 0,, millhand H.S.M. LsiBourdais J. H., machinist, 176 Water Lafond Alfred, barber, 127 Carrall Lake Thomas, farmer, bds Howe bet Drake and Davie Laing Charlep*ship tallyman H.S.M. Lamanche M. B,, G. Cussady & Co. Lambert Joseph, barber, 422 Cordova, res 311 Pender Lancaster — ,plumber'8 asst McLennan & McFeely Landeiliiro G., city clothing store, cor Horner & Cordova Lang Biscuit and Confectionery Co., Montreal, A. H. B.MacGowan, agent Lang Chas., tobacconist, Cordova cor Cambie, res 233 Harris Langham Thomas, laborer, bds 310 Richards Langhorn Edward, laborer, Granville bet Davie and Drake Langley Arthur A., prop Windsor hotel, 792 Westminster av Langis H. E., M. D., of McCui- gan A Langis, office Wilson blocic, res 121 Oppenheimer Langtrey William, carpenter Thos. Tomkins JLnnsbej'g F., of Kerschberg & Lans berg, 21 Cordova Laplant John, laborer, res 461 Hamil- ton Lapoint Chas., turner G. Cassady & Co. Lapoint Wm., teamster, 6 Water Lapoint William J., trucking, coal and wood oflElce Henderson, business rooms Oppenheimer cor Columbia av Larian N. L., hand driller Thos. Tom- kins Latimsky F., asst cook at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Lauvier George, carpenter, bds Arling- ton hotel Lavajnai James, laborer, res Alex- ander street Beach Lav way A , log turner H.S.M. Law David, carpenter, res 433 Cam bie Law Jas., blacksmith, res 433 Cambie Law Morrice W., jeweler Davidson Bros., bds cor Seymour and Georgia Law Prof., principal of public school, res 302 Oppenheimer Lawor William, builder, res Durham block Lawrence Georgo, laborer, res 533 Powell Lawrence J., machine hand R.C.P.M. Co. Lawrie L. C, laborer C.P.B. Lawson J., factorj' hand E.C.P.M. Co. Lawson .John P., city engineer, rea 526 Alexander Lawson P., prop UnionHouse, res 10 Abbott Layfield George, laborer, res West- minster uv nr 10th Layfield Henry, carpenter, res Powell bet Curl and Heatloy av Laj'field Miss Ann, res Westminster av near 10th Leamy &ICyie,props Commer- cial Saw Mills, Southsid'i False Cri&ek, Tel mil! 76 office foot of Cambie. J C. Woods, manager. Tel 62 ^%mk.. DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 391' 161 Hamil. sady & Co. Vater ^, coal and business Columbia :ho8. Tom- Jotel Van- ville ids Arling- ros Alex- .M. 33Cambie 33 Cambio Davidson nd Georgia )lic school, 8 Durham , res 533 R.C.P.M. ^P.M.Co. ineer, res iHouse, ©8 West- res Powell istmiuster >mm6r- uthsid'^ nil! 76 e. J C. el 62 LEA VANCOUVER LIN Leamy James, of Leamy & Kyle, res New Westminster Leask A. O., of Leask & Johnston, res The Shack, 419 Richards Leask J&hn, real estate agent, and ac- countant, 510 Cordova, res cor Geor- gia and Bute Leask &John8on,cu8tom8, In- surance and ship brokers, too Cordova. Tel IIO. iSeeadv) Leathern Ed., pastry cook at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Leatherdale Robert, of Starrett & Leatherdale, 4'^'^^^*' ' or Trounce alley Leavens Martin, wood turner for Irv- ing & Strahan LeBlanc T., watchman C.P.R. round house LeBourdais Mrs., fruits and tobacco, 176 Water Lee A.W.,local agent Dom Express Co. Lee George, bookkeeper, bds 422 Pen- der Lee John, gardener, 11th ave Lee John, lather, res 34 Park ave LeCappellain John O., salesman T. Durn & Co., res 308 Georgia Lefeve J. M., MiD., C.P.R. surgeon, Granville cor Cor- dova. Tel. 15 LeFran9oi8 Peter, carpenter, bds St. Charles hotel Leland Benjamin, clerk, 38 Water Leiand House,Prout & Insley, props, 621 to 524 Hastings W. See Adv next page, Tel 14 I /ionard R. E., clerk W. L. Leonard & Co., res Howe Leonard Ru88ellA.,bricklfiyer,rc:4 Rich- ards bet Georgia and Robson Leonard W.L.,of W.L. Leonard & Co., res Howe THe mm mm pug. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd. MONTREAL. MnfrB. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABIJIIS, Instru- ments and Supplies of every description. (Se& advt. page 6.) Leoniard W.L., & Co., brokers,, commission merchants,and manufacturers' agents, 330 and 332 Cordova. Tel 80.^ See adv Leopoldi P., cableman C.P.R. Lepage & Secord, butchers, 14 Hast- ings Leslie Mrs. J., boarding house, 422 Pender Lester A., millhand H. S. M. Levasseur L.P., prop Gei'mania hotel, 21 and 23 Powell Levi K.,second hand goods, 17 Abbott Levigno Burt, lath sawyer and filer H. S. M. Lewis — jCustom offices, bds St Charles hotel Light Richard, carpenter, bds Howe Lillie T. W., clerk Northern bote!, 3a Hastings W. Lilly Thos., hotel, Granville cor Davie Limoges Joseph A., painter, bds Ar- lington hotel Lindlay J., pressman World Lindridge Miss E., res 313 Howe Lind(<ay Albert, checker freight sheds C.P.R., res 6th ave Lindsay James, carpenter, i-es 6th ave Lindsay Miss Anna, res 61 a ave Lindsay Miss Ella, res 6th vo Lindsay Miss Lily, ros 6th uve Lindsay Miss Lizzie, tailoress for Leas & Morrison, rooms 321 Richards Lindsay Miss Mary, res 6th ave Lindsay Mrs., pantry woman at Hotel Vancouver^res Durham block ( -ii I 392 n 1 1 '( > m THE LEL AND. HOUSE. JOHX JS. INSLEY, laanager. PROUT & lysZEY, Proprietom, ROOMS FOR 123 GUESTS. Corner of HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS., •V-^OSrOOTJ-VEK,, B.C. lift I s 1 ^1 ===== r1 1!"" i I^S B ^ «= 1 / / 1 r . -^^M ^ ■^--"^ ....-£1] STS, DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 393 LIN VANCOUVER LYN - JLISTID^ POLLEN MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. eaXle. J* a. MONTREAL. neer pile driver Llewellyn Richai'd,diver and stevedore. bdsil39 Richards Lloyd Ii'vin^^ L., 6 Water Loutitt J.J. , chief clerk ^?neral freight and pass dept C. P. R., res Kobson bet Bute and Jervis Lindsay Wm.A.,hotelman, bds Leland Linu Capt. Thomes,8tr Mamie Leamv & Kyle Linton Andrew, boatbuilder on wharf foot of Carrall Linton J.R., boat house,foot of Carrall List Geori^e S., route agent Doin Ex- prossCo., res Pender cor Broughton Lister Robt., millwright for Fader Bros bds Hornby bet Drake and I Llewellyn R., engi Pacific II SM Little Frederick, contractor Railway, bds Club hotel Little George, fireman at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Little James, loco fireman C.P.R. Little Mark, tinner C.P.R., res 1120 Hornby Little Miss Helen, clerk for C. Clark, , Louvre Hotel, Schleuk ^ Co,, res Westminster avo bet Oppeahoi- j Pender bet Seymoui* and mer and Powell I t^liranville Livingston James, bdg house, 8 Cam- Lovett James, carpenter, res Homer bio j bet Drake and Davie LizotteF., painter, res Richards bet ; Lovett John, laborer, res Homer bet Robson and Georgia Drake and Davie Luck John, night v/atchman, res Sey- ; Lovett Robert, C. P. R. boilermakor mour res Homer bet Drake and Davie Loikerby George IL, res 705 West- Low —, carpeiiter,res 214 Richards minster ave ; Low John II., machinist, res 311 Log Frank, tailor for Morrison, rooms Dunsnuiir 321 Richards Lowe S., of Hall & Lowe, res Victoria Logan Matthew, florist, res Georgia nr ]j (V\\\r * coi" Broughton Log'.m Miss Elizabeth, res 315 Home L )n'an Miss Minnie, millinery and taiiry goods, -lis Cordo\a, res 315 llowo ]j )^ir Frank, tailor Morrison's City Lowery—, gents' furnishings, bds 30!} Riciiards Lucas William F., contractor stone and brick \vorlc,reft Georgia bet Thurlow and Bute Lurt" Samuel, carpenter, IIS Seymour London Guarantee & Accident Co- of London, Eng., A. A. Lunderberry & Becar, Pacific Boak, agent, 316 Cordova London & Lancshire LifeAssu- rance Co., A. H. B. Mac- Cowan, agent Lord Victor, bai'tender Arlington hotel Lull E., freight brakoiuan C.lMl Fish Market,29and 31 Water Lundci'herg ( '. A., of Lunderberir Bocar, 2'J and 31 Water Lyno ('ai)t llanna, Salvation Army res2'i0 JIa;iliiigs K, '^ ' Lynn Fraiu-is, laborer V.Q. F. I'icM.W. res Hastings Road tf r I f tf i 1 r \ ] H^i j wt K ■\m m :|1 m. •1 w l| i l| 1 ■;| He 1 K i 394 Henderson's British Columbia I'- »' McA VANCOUVER McD Notary AtUfo. B. T. Cbpvblkt, /nmnraofc 1^022 2s (Sepcples, Meal Estate Jt Insurance, POBT OFFICB BLOCK, 813 HASTINGS ST.. VANCOUVER, B.O. McAfee John, striker H. S. M. McAlI'ster AngiiK,mac'hine shops C.P. R., res 1116 Hornby McAllister Donald, contractor side- wallis, res 1116 Hornby McAllister John, res Harris nr Goreav McAllister Joseph B., blacksmith C.P. R., res 1125 Howe McAllister J. R, blacksmith C.P.R. McAllister John, blacksmith, Powell nr Alexander McAllister Miss Jane, res 1116 Hornby McAllister Miss Lizzne, dressmaker for Miss Smith, res 1116 Hornby McAlpine D. L,, M.D.,and druggist 412 Cordova, res Westminster av nr' Oppenheimer M«Alpine John, druggist asst, 412 Cordova, res Westminster av McAvityT. & Sons, St. John, N.B., patent boiler feeders and brassgoods, W. L. Leonard k Co., agents McBain Jobn, carpenter, bds Hast- ings mill McBride .S., blacksmith's helper Thos. TomkiriH McCabe And., laborer, res 110*7 Howe McOall James A., (.lerk H.S.M. store McCalliim Duncan, laborer, res cor Westminster av and Keefer McCalman Colin, bookkeeper Van- couver Real Estate Exchange, 235 Cordova McCannen John, carpr, res 299 Drake McCannen John, carpenter, Richards bet Davie and Drake McCarger G., freight brakeman C.P.R. McCarthy F.j engineer bridge gang C.P.R. McCartney A I Ian E. (establish-^ ed 1884), C.E., architect, and land surveyor (late of New York and Montreal), 144 Cor- dova, res 613 Powell McCartney F. C, druggist McCartnej'^ Hugh, laborer,res Hornby let Drake and Pacific McCarty M., second waiter at Hotel Vancouver, George cor Granville McCauley A., millhand Leamy & Kylo McCleasy— ,clerk C.P.R. oflSce, rooms^ 308 Seymour McClenathen Frank Arthur, contrac- tor and carpenter, res 516 Oppen- heimer McColl A. J., of Corbould & McCall, 512 Cordova McConnell J., waiter at Hotel Vancou- ver, Georgia cor Granville McConnell James, laborer R.C.P.M. Co., res Lansdowne av McConvey H., laborer Thos. Tomkins McCorvick J., loc fireman C.P.R. McCormick Peter, millhand H.S.M. McCoy E., plumber E.S. ScouUar, 162 Water McCraney Mac, of Stephenson & Mc- Craney, bds Burrard house McCrcery Joseph, clerk freight dept C.P.R. McCrimmon A. F., carpenter,75 Hast- ings W McCrimmon Arch., lumberman, res Carrall MeCuaig Duncan, teamster Vancouver W F. ct S. Co., rooms 22 Alexander McCuaig Duncan A., teamster for JIartne}', bds Sunny Side hotel McCurdy Alexander, woodman, res 1110 Hornby McCurdy John, carpenter, res 1110 Hornby McDcrmot D., stonecutter Thomas Tomkins McDonald A., shop laborer C.P.R. McDonald A. J., carpenter H.S.M. Id&McCall, DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 3ft» McD VANCOUVER McF McDonald Alexander D., carpenter, reis 4 rear of Hontpital 3IcD(>nald Alexander, laborer, res 790 Westminster av McDonald Allan, painter, res Kichards bet Davie and Drake McDonald Archibald, carpenter, res 328 Hornby McDonald C. J., clerk C.P.R, bds Georgia bet Bate and JerviH McDonald Charles, Vane Soda Water Works, bds Windsor hotel McDonald Colin, bricklayer, bds St. Charles hotel McDonald D., millhand Leamy & Kyle McDonald D., passenger conductor C.P.R. McDonald Donald H., builder, res 447 Richards McDonald Duncan, carpenter, bds Hornby bet Drake and Pacific McDonald Edward J., builder, res 447 Richards McDonald H., foreman bridge gang C.P.R. McDonald Hector F., of Shaver & McDonald, res Alberni betThurlow and Bute McDonald J. G., contractor grading and building, res Hastings E bei Carral! and Columbia av McDonald James, contractor builder, ros 316 Richards McDonald James, laborer, bds 1139 Richards McDonald James, of Russell & McDon aid, rooms 321 Richards McDonald John, laborer, res 107 Westminster av McDonald Joseph, carpenter, res 786 Westminster av McDonald & Kirk, restaurant, 178 Water McDonald M., bridge carpenter C.P.R. McDonald N., bridge carpenter C.P.R. McDonald Robert, customs officer, rooms 15 Hastings E AND SUPPLY CO. <Ltd^, MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, rnstrrr— meiits and Supplies of every description.. (Se«a advt. page 5.) McDonald Robert, driver for Hayes &, Mcintosh, McDonald Rodrick, laborer, res Westr^ minster av, False Creek McDonald Thomas, checker C.P.R. freight shed, res 309 Richards McDonald W. S., stoncutter Thoas. Tomkins McDonald William, fireman Stenwte Shovel McDonnell C. J., oflfice boy gen supfsr dept C.P.R., res Georgia McDougall Alexander, l^kkeeper ibr- Leamy & Kyle, Hornby cor dewgia McDougall Dan., stationary engineer C.P.R., 1135 Seymour McDougall E.E., clerk gen freight anci pass dept C.P.R., res Burrard McDougall Ned., clerk freight .Tndi passenger dept C. P. R., res Homer bet Dunsmuir and Georgia McDowell & Co., druggi8t8,28 Cordova. Tel 4 McDowell H., of H. McDowell & Co.^ rei< 28 Cordova McDowell Harry, of Morrow &. Mc- Dowell, res 28 Cordova McEdwurd Angus, laborer, 1131 Hornby McEnteeJohn, engineer, bds Arling- ton hotel McEwan James, shop laborer C. P. R^ McFarland D. A., of Carter 6u McFar- land, res 24 Gore av McFarland Duncan, brick mnfr, res 24 Gore ave McFarland Joseph W., secy Water Works, res 25 Dunlevy av 29 t-& ., : . i ,1 i l-i if 1 1 ; |i! •\ * 396 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MoF VANCOUVER McK 'lA.'W.ROflS Notary ^blio. H. T. CXFEKLBT, Inimrancik Jteai Estate <£ Inauranee, POST OFriOK BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVEB, B.O. ■l*-^ar1ar« Frank, of Hatchings & McFiulane, 122 Powell ^iMcFarlane Joseph F., baker and i^rocer, Pender bet Granville and Howe ^oFarlano L. Edward, baker for Brit- ton & McFarlane, res over store 21lcFarlane Mrs. Catherine, wid Donald, boarding house, Hornby bet Drake and Pacific IMcFarlane Miss Mary M., res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific TMcFeely Edward J., of McLennan ^ 4^4 McFcely, res Wilson Block ^*Garger Gr. , passenger brakeman C. P. R. "Mc'Garrigle Edward, painter, res 207 Hastings E. McGoer James, dairyman, res West- onirtBter Ed IMctjrhie James B., carpenter, bds Grcj' .Hound hotel 'M^Gibbon John, steamfitter C. P.R McGillivary Donald, of Keefer & McGiltivary, bds Leland house McCirr & McKinnon, props Sunnyside hotel, i Water \McGirr VVm., of McGirr & McKinnon, res cor Westminster av and Keefer McGirvie — ,millhand Leamy & Kyle McGregor J., bridge carpenter C.P.R. McGregor John, res Hastings E McGregor W., tiroman etr '' Mamie" ^IMcCuigan & Langis, physi- ^sians, Wilson bicck, Abbott McQuigan Thomas F., city clork McCulgan W.J., M.D., of McCulgan A Langis, res Wilson blook, Abbott MoHugh Samuel, fruits and confectionery, 6 Cordova, res Oppenhelmer McHardy James, steamboater, bds 200 Dunsmuir McHardy John, night watchman G. Cassady & Co. McHardy John, C. P. R. wharf, res 200 Dunsmuir Mclnnis James J., teamster for W. S. Cook, bds Richmond house Mclntee John, laborer C. P. R. Mcintosh Ira, carpenter, res Alexan- der street Beach Mcintosh John, carpenter, bds 321 Hamilton Mcintosh Wm. A., of Hayes & Mcin- tosh, res Burns block, Carrall Mcintosh W. D., freight office C. P. R., res Melville bet Burrard^ *id Thurlow Mclntyre Angus, teamster Vancouver W. F. & S. Co., rooms 22 Alexander Mclntyre Malcolm, laboi*er, res 13th av nr Quebec McKay Alex, builder, res 340 Howe McKay George, foreman of bridge work C. P. R., res 107 Goro av McKay Hugh, teamster for W. S. Cook, bds Brunswick hotel McKay John,driverH. A. Berry & Co. McKay John, driver Vancouver Tran sfer Co., bds Northern hotel McKay William, stonecutter, rooms 11 Hastings E McKeo Hugh, wheel pressman C. P. R. car shops McKee William C, cabinetmaker, 445 Homer, res 14 Hastings E McKelvie Alexander, manager Van- couver City Foundry and Machine Works Co., res 411 Powell DIBEOTORT AND QAZETTBER. 39T jBsman C. P. MoK VANOOUVKR McL MoKelvie John, foreman Vane. Foun- dry, res near cor Alexander and Carl av McKeneie A., freight conductor C.P.R. JVIcKenzie A., yardmaater C. P. R. McKenzie Alf., bartender Cosmopoli- tan hotel, 101 Cordova iioKenzie Angus, furniture dealer, Cordova, res 6:^4 Westminster av McKenzie Duncan, stonecutter, res Hornby bet Drake and Pacific HcKenzie James F., contractor builder, res Richards bet Davie and Drake IMcKeown James, express- man, 71 Water 3£cKeown John, night watchman, res 108 Columbia av McKie John, grocer, cor Westminster av and Prior McKinnell P., fitter C. P. R. jyicKinnon A., carpenter, bds 1139 Richards MttKinnon Daniel, stonecutter, bds 107 Westminster av ilcKinnon Donald, of T. 0. Allen & Co., 46 Cordova McKinnon M., laborer Thos. Tomkins McKinaon Wilson, of McGirr & Mc- Kinnon, 1 Water jyicLachlan Chasi., of Shannon & Mc- Lachlan, rcsAbbott's block,HastingH McLagan & Co., publishers of the Vancouver World, daily and weekly, 234 and 236 Cordova JMcLagan John C, of McLagan & Co., managing editor, res Leiand house McLaren John, police seargeunt McLaren John, carpenter, res 209 Abbott McLaren John, seargant City police, res 3?o Jiif'hards McLaughlin J 'an, baggage deptC.P. R., ref. ll-i*' Hornby McLaughiivi liobert, waiter at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Edison Electric Light Systent M. D. BARR & CO., Cfentral StUlng Agsati^ * 72S CRAIO ST., ■ MONTREAU McLean Allan, plasterer, res 337 Powell McLean D. A., railway mail clerk, bds Leiand house McLean D. J., of Abrams & McLean McLean Hugh, roofer, bds 114 Jack- son av McLean John, bds 6 Water McLean John, carpenter, 209 Abbott McLean M., laborer,bd» 1139 ilichards McLean Malcolm Gordon, liquor«, 464 Granville, res 311 Homer McLeare Eri,carpenter,re8 20i Abbott McLellan Angus^, contractor bridge and road work, res 224 Harris McLellan Capt E. Eugene, master mariner, bds Tremont hotel McLellan J., millhand Leamy & Kyle McLennan — ,of Cabinet hotel, re8319 Powell McLeiinanA., bridge carpenter C.P.R. McLennan Angus D., clerU,180 Water McLennan F., prop Cabinet Hotel, ISO Water, res 319 Powell McLennan & McFeely, house furnishings, hardware, plumbers, steam, gas fitters, and cornice mnfrs, 132 Cor- dova. Tel 44 McLennan John, stone cutter, 229 Hastings McLennan Robt P., of McLennan & McFeely, res Victoria City McLennan W., bridge carpenter C.P.R, McLeod A., millhand Leamy & KylQ I I ■I lliflf Ni:; . fl u " ll , Mi i^ •t :lf 'i -i] i' IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■sue |2.5 •^ IM |2.2 Ik 140 2.0 1.4 Photographic Sciences Corporation 33 WIST i-^i'M r-'n.tS WEBSTIR.N.Y. U^iO (716) S77-4S03 1^ <^ 3S^ HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUHBTA I MoL VANCOUVER MoB A. W. Ross Notary t^lie.. H. T. Cbpeblet, Inturanbe. T{ozz ^ ©eperles, XetU Estate ■& tnsurahee, POST OFFIOB BLOCK, 313 HA8TIIIG8 ST.. VANCOUVER, B.O. I • ' ■ ' McLeod Arch.jlaborer, bds 1139 Rich- ards McLeod Archie, baker for J. Scuitto, bds 1 Powell McLeod Colin, blacksmith, bds 1139 Eichards McLood D., millhand Loamy & Kyle McLeod Duncan, foreman, bds 1139 Kicliards McLeod Ewing, carpenter, res Howe bet Brake and Davie M«Iieod G., laborer,bd8 1139 Richards McLeod John A., bookkeeper Fader Bi'oe., res 316 Homer McLeod John O., railway mail clerk, res 327 Hamilton McLeod Jam^s S, clerk G. L Wilson, res 330 Homer McLeoii M. , millhand Leamy & Kyle McLeod Norman, roofer, bds 114 Jack- eon av McLeod William, carpenter, bds 1139 Richards McLeod Wm., laborer, 410 Cordova McMahon J., laborer Thos. Tomkins McManus Frank,loco engineer C.P.R., res 453 Richards McMaster A., axeman eng deptC.P.R. McMillan Alexander, clerk for J.B. Thornton, res 3U9 Bentty McMillan John, bar tender Gold House, 66 Water McMillan John H.,re8 309 Beatty McMillan Robert, bricklayer, bds Bridge hotel McMillan W. J., fruits, etc.,83 Cordova McMullon Dougall, laborer, 36 Hast- ings E McMullin John, lather, res HamiHoi> bet Georgia and Eobson McMutt W., laborer Thos. TomkihSi McNabb Allan, engineer C.P.R., res- Homer bet Georgia and Robson McNabb A. T.,cdrriage ninfr.,. horse shoer, and gen black* smithycor Hastings and Car- rail McNabb William J., fireman C.P.R.,, res Homer bet Georgia and Robson. McNaughton A., 6 Water McNaughton Donald, tobacconist, 8< Cordova, res same McNeil John R.,contractor roofings refr 114 Jackson av McNeil Rowland,cai*penter, bds Rich- mond hotel McNulty James, laborer,bds Arlington* hotel McPhall John L., of Beer & McPhail,. 89 Cordova McPhalen Daniel J., carpenter,re8 209' Harris McPheeJames,electricanEIectricLight Co., res Greyhound hotel McPherson Alexander,cooper,bds 310' Richards McPherson John, bridge carpenter C.P.R. McPherson John, boat builder, bds 310 Richards McPherson P., bridge carpenter C.P.R. McPherson Robert, carpenter, bds 434 Seymour McPhillips L. G., of McPhillips & Wilkes McPhilllpo & Wilkes, barris- ters McRea A. D., railway contractor and Vancouver W. F. & S. Co., foot of Can-all McRae D., pay car guard C.P.R. McRae Donald, laborer,res 225 Harris McRea John, millhand H.S.M. McRea John, carpenter, rooms &0& Hastings E DIRECTOaT AND GAZETTEER. 399 M«R VANCOUVER MAN HcRae Peter, teamster Vancouver W.P. & S. Co., rooms 22 Alexander JiCcEae Pete** R., teamster, bds 3 rear of Hospital McSorlay Harry, res Carl av JMcSweynJohn,teamater,bds338Powell McTaggart John L.,farmer, res 10th av McTavish J., millhand Leamy & Kyle Jd^oVean Hugh, carpenter, Beatty bet Oarrall and Abbott 3icVety James, carpenter C.P.R. car shops, res Seymour bet Davie and Drake Mace W., rail I hand Leamy & Kyle JUace William A,, machine hand for Irving & Strahan, res Howe Jilacey Samuel T., plasterer, res cor Dunsmuir and Homer av Macey William C, bricklayer, res next Corner Dunsmuir and Howe lyiaoCowan A. H. Boswell, commission agent and secretary Board of Trade, Oppenlieimer, res 327 Hast- ings E Mackintosh W. D., clerk freight dept C.P.R IMaclean Maicolm A., poiice magistrate, notary, convey- ancer, real estate agent, 233 Cordova, res 334 Oppenhei- mer Macnamara John B., boarding house, Seymour bet Georgia and Robson sMaophersonAiex. «!., Bodega, 21 Carrall, res OOI Hastings E Macpherson Ewan, res 501 Hastings E Madden C. E., cook car 78 C.P.R., res Cordova next H. A. Jones Madigan J^, passenger brakeman C.P.R. Madiil Ebenezer B., butcher, res 211 O.eorgia JH agladry Jobn^ s^wjer R.C.P.M.Co. - Jk.3SriD- WOOLLEN MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. KCKTR-AL. Maguire Mrs., laundress at Hotel Van- couver Mahonoj'' Jeremiah, laborer Mahoney John, mechanic Fader's mill, bds 1139 Richards Mainland Brewery, Robert Riester, prop, 10 th a V Mainiand maricet, Hayes & Mcintosh, props,66 Cordova Major — , plasterer Plaster Paris Works, Westminster Road Major C. 6., of Major & Pearson, res New Westminster city Major Elijah, boilermaker, res 500 Oppenheimer Major & Pearson, real estate, fire and iife insurance, 312 Hastings W Major William, laborer, res Homer bet Drake and Davie Malay Thomas, millhand H.S.M. Mallandaine E., jr., of Mullandaine& Sansom, res 325 Oppenheimer Maliandaine & Sansom, arohi" tects, 017 Hastings W Mamie str, Capt Thomas Linn, Leamy & Kyle, owners Mann — , res 124 Alexander Manning J. Alfred, laborer, res 434 Seymour Manning Miss E'nily, news counter clerk at Hotel Vancouver Manning Wra., hack driver Starratt & Leatherdale ManningWilliam, stableman atFashi(>ii stables, Abbott cor Trounce AII07 S ! '!, ■ '. il: '1 I 400 HKNDKISOn'S BBITI8H COLUMBIA MAN VANCOUVER MAY A. W. Boss Notary Publie. n. T. CSFKRLET, Tni>umne§, T^02S 2s ©eperleg, Jteal Estdfe <£ IntturancCf POST OKFJrE HUK'K, 313 HASTBNCS ST.. VANCOUVEK. U.C. Manison Phinnas, washer Vane Soda Water Works, res 704 Westninster ave Manuel W. J., mgr Tremont hotel, 14 Carrall Mariner I., laborer Thos. Tomkins Marks A. J.,wall paper, 115HastingsW Marmette P., draughtsman engineer's office C.P.R. Marony J., stonemason, res rear 308 Seymour Marrion Eobert, gasfitter Vancouver Gas Co., res foot of Keefer street Marrott Ed., butcher Van Volken- burgh Bros., 19 Water Marshall — , expressman, res 204 Alex- ander Marshall Edgar, waiter, bds 321 Ham- ilton Marshall Miss Florence, maid at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Marshall Thos., plumber McLennan & McFeely Martin Albert L., clerk C.P. Steamship Co., 444 Seymour Martin & Baliour,props Burrard house, 2 Cordova Martin Edmund R, bartender Burrard houijc, 2 Cordova Martin F. X., grocer, 26 Cor- dovsy res 442 Seymour. Tel 63 Martin George, caretaker C.P.K.offices res rear of same Martin H., laborer, bds 1139 Bichards Martin H. M., 442 Seymour Martin L., millhand Leamy & Kyle Martin Milton, clerk F. X. Martin, res- 142 Seymour M ii rti n Nelson, at Leamy & Kyle's, bd& -^34 Seymour Mm tin P., of Campbell & Martin, 27 Abbott Mai tin Wm., of Martin & Balfour, 2 C )rdova Marlin William, laborer, res rear of Burrard house Mason — , res 626 Seymour Mason Hamilton, of Eligh & Mason,. 8th av near Quebec Mason Simon, driver for Eligh & Mason, 8th near Quebec Masonic Hali, Van Braemer 9l Springer, blocl( 309 Cordova. Mastero P., millhand H.S.M. Masters F., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Masters Thomas, carpenter, res 112& Howe Matheson John, teamster, bds 13 Col- umbia avenue Matheson Malcolm, cxiy agent Moody - ville Saw Mill Co.,ros 210 Harris Matheson P., bartender Germania hot 1, bds same Matheson William, boat builder, foot of Abbott, res same Mathews E. M., manager Hotel Vancouver and Van-> couver Transfer Co., Georgia cor Cranviiie Mathieson J., millhand Leamy & Kyle Mathison R., Jr., Job printer,, 23 Hastings W Matlock Henry, gardener. Hotel Van- couver, res Hornby bet Hulmcken* and Davie Matthews Thos., mgr City Clothing Store, cor Cordova and Homer .VJaxey John, express driver H.S.M. store May W. H., butcher Hayes & Mcintosh Mayne C, machine band R.C.P.M. Co. DIRIOTOBY AND GAZETTEER. in MAY VANCOUVER MIL Mayne Thomas, carpenter, res Gore av bet Keefer and Hastings Meakins W. J., bartender Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Hearns George, bootmaker, res 137 Hastings E Mearns Mrs. Jane, wid Alex., res 311 Pender Mtickelopop — , laborer C.P.R. Medical Hall, Sorensen, Her- bing A Co., 317 Hastings W M ee Chau. A. , bartender White Swan hotel, res 209 Seymour Mee G., laborer Thos. Tomkins Mee Robert, engineer C. P. R., rooms 336 Homer Meires William, Junction house, junc- tion of North Armand Westminster Road Meldron W., fitter C. P. R. Mellon Capt. H. A., marine and fire insurance and real estate agent (correspondent N. Y. Board;, 604 Cordova, res Robson cor Nicola Melvin J. G., watchmaker and jewel- ler, 120 Water Melhuish Geo., City Tea store, 174 Cordova, res 429 Powell Menzies Edmund, laborer, res 1110 Hornby Menzies James, millhandG. Cassady & Co. Menzies W. C, painter, bds 13 Colum- bia avenue Morron Hugh, painter, bds Richards Merry field A., sawyer H. S. M. Methodist Tabernacle, rev. E. Rob son, pastor, cor Hamilton and Duns- muir Metz John, clerk, 99 Cordova Midr'.ell Mike, plasterer, bds Arlington hotel Middlebrook Joseph L., of Middle- brook & Taylor, res 309 Homer Tti mam Qentric Wi (Lm AND SUPPLY CO. MONTREAL. MnfrB. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES ^8tr»- ments and Supplies of every descriLtiui. (&*»/>■ advt. page 6.) Middlebrook & Taylor, contraotws^ 115 Hastings W Middlemiss W., baggageman C.P.JC.. Middleton W., millhand Leamy £t Kyle Middleton Walter, grocer, 411 Pender^ res same Mikado Van Ban, Japanese fancy- goods, Rennio & Co., 530 Cordov* Miles James, fitter C. P. R.,, rooma 1135 Seymour Miles Robt. J., comm merchant, 142 Hastings W Miles Robert, boatbuilder, bds 3121 Richards Millar F., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Millar R., stonecutter Thos. TomkiD» Millar S., M. D., west end oi' Hast<- ings Millard W. T., laborer Leamy & Kyle's* mill Miller Bertie, clerk P. 0., res over P.O.t Miller Charles, waiter S. H. M. Miller & Co., tobacconists, II Cambie Miller Dr. S.,i*es Seaton near Burr ani Miller F., carpenter H.S.M. Miller George, farmer, Quebec bet lltEb and 12th Miller J. R., of Miller & Co., 11 Cara- bie Miller James, res Howe, near cor- Dunsmuir Miller John, messenger freight dept: C. P. R. Miller Jonathan, postmasteri^ res 31 1 Hastings Miller Miss Georgiana, res Quetteelttli 11th and 12th 'h '■ u I # ^ i-Min U l.:.| 'l:ili rfil. B£NDERbON's BRITISH COLUMBIA MIL VANCOUVER MOR ) ' notary Publie. H. T. Ckprblst, Insurance, 022 ^ (Sepcpleg, Meal Estates In»ura»»ce, SOSI OFFICB BLOCK, ^13 HASTINGS ST.* VANCOUVER, B.C. Jtf iller Misses A. & A., fancy goods, 60 Cordova, res 434 Homer Miller Mrs. E., wid John, res 434 Homer Miller William, carpenter, res rear 21^ Dansmuir Miller Wm. C.,ofFairoii & Miller, 170 Water Miller Walter O., chief train dispatch- er C. P. R., res 322 Howe iMilley John, laborer, res real* 311 Westrains'er av Millington Chtirles E., horseshoer for |f • J. McAllihttT, bds Tremont Millington J„ foreman Tattersall's ;: stHblc, Trounce Alley Jiillross W. T., painter, Alexander or Carrall Mills Fredrick Wra., carpenter for Kemp, res 207 Powell iMillh K., boots and shoes, 50 Cordova, res 438 Homer Millw S., train baggugeman C.P.R. MillH S., yardman C. P. R. Milne Alexander W., tailor of Sry- nions, bils Greyhound hotel' Jlinaty R.,ofWiede & Minaty, 43 Cordova Mine Morris, electrician, bds What- chcer house JMLitchell Harry, clerk W. Templeton, cor Carrall and Hastings E MitchellJohn, blacksmith, 156 Water, res Trounce Alley Jiitchell R. Samuel, carpenter V.C. F. & M. W., res Powell Jditchell Robert, & Co., Montreal, Hchandeliere, gas fixtures, &c., W. L. Xeonard & Co., agents . , Mitchell Samuel, millwright Yanc Iron Works, res 413 Powell MizGney & Co.,whole8ale and retail liquors and cigars, 303 Cordova. Tel i03 Mizony R. T., of Mizony& Co., res 97 Cordova Moncton Sugar Refining Co., Moncton, N.B., sugars', A. H. B. MacGowan, agent Monesset John, machinist C. P. R. MongenaiSy Boivin & Co., Montreal, Plate Class, W. L. Leonard &Co., agents Monteith Thomas F., clerk Vancouver Water Works Co., res 25 Dunlevy av Montiromery A., bridge carpenter C. T'. R. Iiiontgomery Hector, laborer R.C.P. M. Co., res Lansdowne Moodyvlile lumber yard, M. Matheson, city agent, Cam- ble. Tel 70 Mion Wm. J., clerk, 208 Water Mtione F. G., musician, res 115 Hast- ings W Mc ore H. G., fruits and groceries, 406 t /ordova M( ore Mrs. Luke, res 440 Homer Moore T. S., engineer Electric Light Co., res Cosmopolitan hotel Mora Louis, cook City hotel,35 Powell Moran James, asst teamster Yanc Fire dept, 14 Water Morgan C, millhandH.S.M. Morgan G. E., of Morgan, Quick & Co., res Leland house Morgan Harry, carpenter, res 514 Oppenheimer Morgan Miss Millie, 45 Dupont Morgan, Quick & Co., olg?r mnfrs, 309 Cordova DIREOTORT AND OAZETTEEB. 40Z M.OR VANCOUVER MUH IMorrel{ C. C, agent Standard Oil Co., res Seymour Morris W., machinist's apprentice C. P. E. Morrifiotte Georpfe, machinist V. C F. &M.W., res 515 Powell Morrison James, real estate and gen agent, 100 Water, res 143 Hastings E Morrison John, merchant tailor, 212 Cordova, res 423 Homer Morrow G. L., car accountant C.P.E., res 342 Seymour Morrow & McDowell, drug- gists, 326 and 328 Cordova. Tel 73. Morrow T. E., of Morrow & McDow- ell, res 32fi and 328 Cordova Mortimor Sidney, tailor David Evans, res cor Homer and Dunsmuir Mortimer Wm., tailor David Evans, res cor Homer and Dunsmuir Morton Angus, turner C.P.R. round house Morton Dav.d, engineer C.P.R., rooms 336 Homer Morton Capt. John D'Arcy, master mariner, res 5th av Morton Thomas, clerk, 124 Water, res 705 Westminster av Mowat Ainslie J., accountant H.S.M. Mowat W., deckhand str "Mamie " Mozely Prof., barber, 615 Hastings W Muir Andrew C, B.A., bar- rister, 44 Cordova, res 612 Alexander Muir D., freight conductor C.P.R. Muir John N., B.A., barrister, 44 Cor- dova, res 612 Alexander Muir Walter, contractor grading, res 323 Seymour Mulhall J.J., chief clerk voucher dept C.P.E., res Georgia, bet Bute and Jervis Edison Electric ' Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., Qenenl Salliag Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., ■ MQNT REAi^ Muller Henry G., cabinetmaker Jacob Sehl, res cor Carrall and Cordova Mulligan — , teamster, res Alexander 8t Boaoh Mulliii Jan., boiler Vancouver Shin gle mill Munroe Daniel, foreman C.P.R. wharf, res* Gore av cor Powell Munroe Donald, job printer News Advertiser Munroe John, contractor builder, rea Hero bet Thurlow and Bute Munroe Wilfred, messenger Dom Ex- press, rooms 308 Richards Munroe Wm., seey-treas. Vancouver W.P. & S. Co., bds Douglas House Murchison Miss K., dress and corset maker, Wilson block Murchison Angus C, of Murchison & Derraugh, res 704 Westminster av Murchison D., passenger conductor C. P.R Murchison & Derraugh, Van- couver Soda Water Worics, 704 Westminster av. ^ee adv Murchison James W., contractor, bds Regina hotel Murdock Joseph, bricklayer, bds 311 Sej'mour Murdock Wm., baker Harry Frick Murphy E., night clerk at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granville Murphy W., mer tailor, 91 Cordova, res 218 Dunsmuir Murray — , bds S. Coupland Murraj' Alex., stonecutter Thos. Toi*- kins ! '! ,1 li ^ I i 'I'M: 404 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBIA MUR VANCOUVER NOL A. W. Ross Notary Pithlie. II. T. CEPKRLKT, Inuranee, Iteal Estate S Intmrance, POST OKPICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST.. VANCOUVER. B.C. Murray Charles Wm., bookkeeper E. C.P.M. Co., res 112 Harris Murray & Hume,prop8 Reglna Hotel, 200 Water MurrayJohn.butcher for Van Volken- burgh Bro8.,bd8 792 Westminster av Murray John A., of Murray & Hume, 200 Water Murray PatricK, mill hand G. Cassady &Co. Murray Wm., carpenter, bds cor Hastings E and Wewtminster av Murray Wm., deckhand str Mamie Mu!«grove A.C.A., carpenter, bds 434 Seymour Mussenden Charles David, laundry, 310 and 312 Powell, res same Mutlow Mrs. J., wid Wm., res 327 Hamilton Mutrie Henry, real estate, res 128 Oppenheimer Myers Mrs. C, prop Northern hotel, 30 Hastings W Myers Mrs. Jane, grocer, Westmins- ter Eoad Myers Patrick, laborer, res 226 Harris Myers Wm., blacksmith, res West- minster Eoad MylesJ. C, fitter C.P.E. National Insurance Co. of Ireland H., A. Jones & Co., agents, 312 Cordova NeelandsC, millhand Leamy & Kyle Noelands Thomas F., clerk C.P.E.,res 425 Homer Neil David, driver Van Valkenburgh B-08., 19 Water Nellist K. C, waiter Harry Frick, bds West End hotel Nelson Amun, tailor for Symons, bds- Carter house Nelson A., planer H.S.M. Nelson Chas., druggist, 112 Cordova,, res same. Tel 72 Nelson James, carpenter, res 114 Hast- ings E Nelson John T., butcher, 719 West- minster, res 213 Harris Nelson S. f ,, bds S. Coupland , , Nero Nic, laborer, bds Carrall Nero W., laborer C.P.E. Nesbitt Andrew, customs broker Nesbitt George, striker C.P.E. Nesbitt J., passenger brakeman C.P.K. Nesbitt John, car repairer C P.E. Nesbitt Eobert, mecnanic, res Homer bet Drake and Davie Nevard W., of Broad & Nevard, res Pender Newlands William, laborer, bds Howe bet Drake and Davie News Adverti8er,daily and weekly, F. C. Cotton, prop, 119Cambie.Tel. 40 Newton Henry J., clerk office H.S.M. Nichols G., handdriller Thos. Tomkins Nicholls F. v., mgr Vancou- ver Electric Illuminating Cc^ office Hastings cor Abbott Nicholls Geo., engineer Vano. Electric Light Co., res Cosmopolitan hotel Nicoll Wm., farmer, Howe near Davie Nicholson John, laborer, bds Howe bet Drake and Davie Nilo Jos., millhand H.S.M. Noble J., bricklayer, bds St Charles hotel Noble John, bricklayer, res lOlh av nr Quebec Noble W.H., clerk C.P.E. freight dept, 422 Cordova Noble Wm., clerk general freight and pass dept C.P.R., res 13 Columbia av Nobles — , gents' furnishings, bds 309 Richards Nolan E. F., prop Pacific hotel iDIMOIoRT AND GAZETTEER. 405' NOR VANCOUVER PAG Northern hotel, Mrs. G.Myers, prop, 30 Hastings W Norval Wm., driver Vancouver Trans- fer Co., bds Northern hotel Nunnamaker £yron, teamster for Crowder & Penzer, res 30 Park ave Oakes John, carpenter, res 8 Oppen- heimer Oben John, baker, res Bobson near Nicola Oben Phillip, contractor builder, res Georgia cor Jervis O'Brien — , contract cleaning, res Jack- son av O'Brien Capt John, 509 Hastings W OBrien John M., editor Vancouver World, res Douglas house O'Brien Lawrence, laborer, res cor Powell and 42 Jackson av O'Brien Micbael,moulder atVancouvor C. F. &I. W., bdsWhatcheer house Occidental and Oriental Iron Works, John Taylor, prop, 124 Alexander Oddfellows Hall, 3n9 Cordova O'Dwyer Daniel M., blacksmith, res 208 Powell O'Gilvie Arthur Wellesley, carpenter, res 12 th av Ogle Thomas, fitter C. P.R. O'Hagan Mrs., asst pantry woman at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Gran- ville Oldfield John, carpenter, res 140 Alex- ander OJivent John, laborer V.C.F. & M. W., bds Hornby bet Drake and Pacific Olstwin Charles, deckhand str Mamie Ontario grocery, W. Temple- ton, cor Carrall and Hastings Opera Resort Saloon, Guy & Godin, 2 Dupont Oppenhelmer David, mayor of Vancouver, of Oppenhelmer Bros. - A3Sr3D- WOOUl m SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Oppenhelmer Bros., whole- sale groceries and provi- slons,l02 Powell cor Coium- bia av. Tel 16 Oppenheimer Isaac, of Oppenhelmer Bros. Oppenheimer Solomon, bookkeeper at Oppenheimer Bros., rooms 219 Op- penheimer Oriental hotel, Crean & Flem» Ing, props, 208 Water OrrHugh, moulder V.C.F. & M.W.,. bds cor Hastings E, Westminster av Orr James, M. P.P. Orr James, M. P. P. Osborne W., bds Howe nr cor Duns- muir O'Toole James M.,of O'Toole & Ralph^ res 9 Wilson Block OToole & Ealph, stoves and tinware,. 114 Carrall, shop 12 Hastings W Ouderkiik H. G., carpenter, 60 Hast- ings W., res 12 OuoUet George, agent Singer Machine, res 530 Seymour Owens Alfred, laborer, res Alexander St Beach Pace Wm. J., bookkeeper for Keefer & McGillivray, bds Leland house Pacific Fish market, Lunder- bergA Decar,29and 31 Water Tel 88 Pacific Hotel, E. F. Noland,, prop, 224 Cordova Page James, yardman C.P.R , res 114 Hastings£ n 'd 406 SINDEBSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA PAG VANCOUVER PEC w f L. W. Rosa Notary Publie, H. T. Cbperiet, Insuranoe, T^ozz Zs ©eperleg, Beal Ettate Jt Insurance, rOBT OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVKB, B.C. Page Joseph, car repairer C.P.R. Page Joseph, carpenter and commis- eion agent, res rear 116 Hastings E Painter Henry John, accountant land dept. C.P.R., res Westminster av, Fjilse Creek Painton F. J., musical instru- mentSy Cordova Paker Aptkar, 3 Abbott Paker S., & Co., gents' furnishings, 3 Abbott Palmer Bros., wood and coal and teaming, iOO Dupont cor Columbia av. Tel 18 r lira or Gooi train baggageman C.P.R. Palmer Josepii ».., of Palmer Bros., rooms 100 Dupont Palmer Robert, asst city engineer Palmer Robert, of Palmer Bros., rooms 100 Dupont Papin Jo.seph S., contractor, wood, clay and lime, res 28 Westminster av Parker A(lamson,C.E., C.P.R:,on North Arm Road, res 22 Park av Parker Arthur, foreman painter C.P.R., res 413 Drake .Parker E., mason Thos. Tomkins Parker F. W., clerk, res Westminster Rd from Carl av Parker Frederick, jeweller, res West- minster av Parker Fred. Wm., clerk, res Carl av Hustings E Parker Isaac, carpenter, res 303 Drake Parker Miss Matilda, res Westminster Rd Parkinson E., laborer C.P.R. freight ghed Parnell Miss Nellie, res Dupont bet Columbia and Westminster av Partridge Robert, cabinetmaker, bds 321 Hamilton Partridge Robert Wm., apprentice for Irving Ik, Strahan, res Hamilton cor Pender Partsch Joseph, res 140 Hastings W Paterson A. Judson, grocer, fruits and stationery, 425 Powell, res same. Tel 08 Patterson David, yardman at Hotel Vancouver Patterson F., laborer C.P.R. Patterson George, butcher, res Alex- ander St Beach Patterson J., millhand Leamy & Kyle Patterson Thomas, carpenter, res Mel- ville bet Thurlow and Bute Patton Jas., lab Leamy & Kyle's mill Paul Chas., plumber McLennan & Feely Payne James R., bricklayer, res 61 Westminster ave Paj'ne Jolni, laborer, res Westminster ave nr 5th Paynton J., laborer C.P.R. Peake James, fruit, confectionery and cigars, 462 Granville, bds 434 Sey- mour Peake Sidney J., compositor "World" Pearl Str, Capt Ed. Swift PearHon Charles, painter, bds Bruns- wick hotel Pearson T., millhand H.S.M. Pearson T. R., of Major & Pearson, res Westminster A. R, merchant Peck C. J., fitter C. P.B. Peck Elias J., machinist C.P.R. shopfl, res 721 Westminster ave Peck* Winch A Qo., Fruncis, teas, London and Qhina ; .A. H. 6. MacCowan, agqiijit DIBEOTORT AND OAZITTBBH, 407 PBD VANCOUVER POO Pedley Eev Jaa. W., Congregational pastor, res Richards hot Georgia and Bobson Penzor Bd.E., of Crowder & Penzer, res 412 Wostminster ave Pepin Theophilus, cabinetmaker, 21 Cordova, bds Westminster ave cor Dupont Percival John A., switchman C.P.R., res 26 Park ave Perkins Chas. Ed., laborer, res 112 Jackson ave Perkins J., job printer R.Matheson, jr., res Seymour Perkins John, fruits, 440 Cordova, res Seymour Perkins W., machinist H.S.M. Perkins Wm., fruits and pro- duce, wholesale and retail, i078syhriour Perry Chas., carpenter, res Richards bet Georgia and Robson Perry Chas. Z., bookkeeper A. Murray, Beattio, bds Stewart house Perry Fred., carpenter, res Richards bet Georgia and Robson Perry Geo., carpenter, bet Georgia and Robson, res Richards bet Georgia and Robson Perry Mike, carpenter, res 47 Pender Peter Severe, carpenter, 27 Cordova, res foot of 0am Die Peters J oseph, mattress maker, 27 Cordova PetersMiss, music teacher, 230 Hast- ings W Peterson — ,tailor B. Simon, 106 Carrall Peterson Charles, bridge carprC.P.R. Phelan J. P., messenger Dominion Express Co., bds Leland house Phillips Chod., night watchman H.S.M. Phipps Geo. W., bookkeeper for T. Dunn x Co., res 323 Homer Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, Ross & Ceperley, ageh^. Post Office block, 313 Hastings 1 Hiam Electric Mfg. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers Of WATER-PllOOP Electric Light Wire, Oflica, Annunciator. Out'oii and Silk Coverecl Magnet Wire. (Seead^'t. page 6.) Picken R. A , prop Elgin hotel, 95 Cor- dova Pickering Wm., clerk C.P.R., room* 308 Seymour Pickett Ed., tailor for Oriswell, 4 Op- penhoimer Pierce E., carpenter Thos. Tomkinsi Pierce W., mi 1 1 hand Leamy & Kyle Pioneer Art Gallery, Ti R. Hard I man, 522 Cordova Pirrie Wm., sect Y.C.F. nnd M.W. Co., res Powell bet Hawks and Campbell ave Pitfield Jno., laborer C.P.R. Pitt Mrs. R. B., tailorcss, res 786 Westminster ave Plant Peter, lumberer, 327 Carrall Pleace A.jship tallymsin II.S.M. Pledger R., messenger Bank of Mon- treal, res 440 Hastings W Pollay Geo., carpenter R.C.P.M. Co., res 134 Alexander Pollock Robt., moulder Vane. Iron Works, res rear of 425 Powell Pomeroy Wm., cabinetmaker for Hart, bds TremoQt hotel Ponsford Page, ladles, gents, and children's furnishings, 611 Hastings, res 328 Rich- ards ~ Poole Miss Ella.tailoress for Morrison, rooms 321 Richards Poquet Thos., carpenter, res 550 Sey mour Pool Russell H., car repairer C.P.R,^ I 6th ave cor Quebec iV I 'I II 'i ■mm\ I m 406 BXNDIRSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA POS VANCOUVER EAE 'A. W. Ross Notary PublU, H. T. Cbpbblbt, Insuranct, Real Estate A In»uranct>, rOBT OmoB BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. Fostl Office, 300 Hastings, Jonathan Miller, postmas- ter Pottmeyer Heinrich, professor, res 206 Pender Powe E., carpenter's apprentice C.P.R. car shops Powe Joseph, csi'riage blacksmith, bds 1 127 Richards Powe Wm., blacksmith C.P.R., res 1127 Richards Powe Wm. G., carpenter, res Alex- ander St Beach Powell J. L., job printer News Adver- ^ tiflcr Fowls John, real estate and insurance, 13 Oppenhelmer, res 418 Oppenhelmer Pratley Geo., car shops C.P.R., res 1122 Hornby Pratt Edward, stationery agt C.P.R., bds White Swan Pratt John, barber R. K. Winters, 63 Cordova Presbyterian Church, Rev. Thomson, 136 Oppenhelmer near Westminster ave Prcsho W., waiter at Hotel Vancouver, Geoi«iia cor Granville Prest Thos., real estate and agent Bell organ Co., fire grates and plumbers' sup- pi Ie8,408 Cardova, res Howe bet Dunsmuir and Pender Preston Geo., of Beaton & Preston, 625 HastingH W Preston Wm., laborer for Eligh & Mason, 8th nr Quebec Price Joseph, laborer, bds Whatcheer house Pride J. A., clerk R.C.P.M. Co. Priestland Chas., moulder V.C.F. & M.W., bds City hotel Printer g. L., timekeeper C.P.R. Prior F. i^., 114 Hastings W Prior Mrs. F. L., fancy goods, 114 Hastings W ProutA Insley, props LeIand house, Hastings W. See Adv Prout Wm., of Pro'it k Insley, LeIand house Provident Life and Live Stock Associa- tion, H. M. Yates, agt, 301 Cordova Pullman saloon, Phil. Gorman, prop, 100 Water Purdie J., car oiler C.P.R. Quann Thos., prop Central hotel, 06 Cordova Quann Wm., messenger Rand Bros. Queen Bros., livery stables, 12 Cambie Tel. 37 Queen C. L., of Queen Bros., res 12 Cambie Queen E. P., of Queen Bros., 12 Cambie Queen's hotel, Moses Gibson, prop, 106 Water Quick Wm. J., of Morgan, Quick & Co., 309 Cordova Quinn Thos. F.,dentist,l Oppenhelmer, rooms same Quinn W., mill hand Leamy & Kyle Quinn W. J., merchant tailor, 106 Cambie, res 60. West- minster RabjohnL., tool dresser C.P.R. car shops Rae Thos. M., carpenter, res 207 Geor* gia DIRKOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 409 RAI VANCOUVER RIO Baith F., train ba^iarageman C.P.R. Ralph Wm., of O'Toole & Ralph, res 114 Carrall Balston — , landinp; waiter customs dept Ramage Stephen, filer B.C. P.M. Co. Ramsay — , baker, 6 Water Ramsay R. Heber, baker Greaves Bros., 3 Carrall Hand Bro8.y real estate and financial agents* lOO Cor- dova. Tel 35 Rand Chas. D., of Rand Bros., res Geor- gia bet Burrard and Thurlow Band Ed. E., of Rand Bros., res Hotel Vancouver Band Drill Co. (Id), Band Bros., agts Randolph Fred., tinaer McLennan & McFeely Rankin H. E., messenger Dominion Express Co., bds Lelandhou^e Rankin Jn^., broker, bds Mrs. Boult- bee's Raa:;.om D. W., saw filer H.S.M. Ransom Iia, fireman B.C.P.M. Ct>. Ransom Jay, millhand H.S.M. Ransom Miss Mary, domestic Georgia cor Thurlow Ranson Wm., laborer C.P.R. Raredon — , carpenter, res Alexander Rathgebug Fritz, fitter C.P.R., rooms Richards bet Davie and Drake Ravey Jas., C.P.R. helper blacksmith, res Westminster Road Raw David, tinner McLennan & Mc- Feely Ray Geo., contractor brick, res 235 Harris Ray Jno., laborer, res 237 Harris Eay Wm., bellboy at Hotel Vancouver, Oeorgia cor Granville Road Robt. J., bookkeeper for J. Scuitto, bds 1 Powell Reardon W. P., caretaker, res 504 Alexander Edison Electric Light Systent' M. D. BARR & CO., , Oentnl StIUog Agtnti, 726 CRAIQ ST., - MONTRCAV* Regina hotel,Murray & Hume, props, 200 Water Reid C, woodman C.P.R. Reid C. G. L., fireman C.P.R. hotel, rooms 205 Georgia Reid Jas. A., night watchman Hotel Vancouver, res Hornby bet Smith and Nelson Reilly — , painter, res Seymour above Robson Reinhard Wiu., M.D., res Dupont cor Carl ave Rennie & C^>., Japanese bazaar, Cordova nr GranvilU' Rennie A. H., of Rennie & Co., bds Hotel Vancouver Rennison A. W., clerk H.S M. store Reno Miss Laura, res Dupont bet Westminster av and Columbia ave Rerends Chs., laborer Thos. Tomkins Retreat saloon, J. B. Johnson, prop, 65 Cordova Revshbech A. H., prop Senate saloon, 39 Cordova Reynell Walter, general com- mission agt, 422 Pender, res same Reynolds Joseph, musician, rear Dou- gall house Rhodes H., accountant Bank of British Columbia, bds Douglass house Riatti Paul, laborer, res Alexander St Beach Richardnon C, car repairer C.P.R. Richardson E., laborer store dept C.P.R. Richardson G.,boilermkr helperC.P.B. Richards S. C, barrister, of Innes & Richards, res The Shack, 419 Rich- ards 1 » W 1,1 <''i i:; 410 HINDERSON'tS BRIf ISH! COLtMBIA RIC VANCOUVER EOB ] Julf.BOM JBeal Estate <£ Intunince, roST OFFIOB BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST.. VANCOUVBB, B.O. Ricluirdcson Seymour, clerk citj cloth- ing store, cor Cordova and Homer Bichmomd house, John Cartwright, prop, 110 Carrall Ekld Ed., jai-d tallyman H.S.M. Ridley A. II., water tender H.S.M. Ridley Leon, mnchiniRt R.C.P.M. Co. RieeterRobt., prop Mainland brewery, 10th avo Righter P., loco engineer C.P.R. Riley R., finisher Stielton & Co., Hast- ings W Riley W. R., painter, Hastings Eingrose Joseph, laborer, bds 113 Oppenheimer Rinkie C, millhond Leamy & K5'!3 Eisleen George, pass conductor C.P.R. Roach Patrick, teamster, res 25 Op- penheimer Eobb Jno., gang sawyer H.S.M. Roberts Cecil, engineer, rooms 116 Hastings E Eobb Mrs. Cha'^., housekeeper at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Roberts C. M., fitter C.P.R. . Roberts Geo., apprentice G. Cassadyfc Co. Roberts John, painter, res Homer nr Drake Roberts John Hugh, res Quebec cor 9th ave Roberts Mrs. A., matron Vancouver City hospital Roberts R. T., clerk H.B. Co., bds 321 Hamilton Roberts, Richard A Llewellyn^ submarine divers and steve- dores Roberts Thos. Hugh, artist, res Quebec cor 9th ave R(»bert8 Wm., watchmaker, res 216 Dnnf-muir ItoLtrtson Alex., carpenter and plas- terer, res nr cor Goro ave and Dupont Robertson A. M., physician, 105 Cam- bie Robertson & Co., real estate brokers, Insurance and gen agents, 316 Cordova, agents Coldle AMcCulloch's safes Robertson F. M., clerk land dept C.P.R., res Cambie Robertson Gideon, of Robertson & Co., res 327 Oppenheimer Robertson Gilbert, stoves and tinware, 26 Cordova, res 142 Alexander Robertson Harvey, awning maker, re» 528 Powell Robertson J., stone cutter Thos. Tom- kins Robertson Robert., clerk Gilmore & Clarke, res 416 Oppenheimer Robin A Sadler, Montreal, lea> ther belting, W. L. Leonard & COm agents, i^ee adv Robin T., of Silverman & Robin, res 31 Cordova Robinson Albert, clerk for city engi- neer, res Alexander St Beach Robinson Chas., waiter Gold house, 66 Water Robinuon James W., real estate, rooms Hastings E Robinson Jno., saw filer, 62 Water Robinson R., clerk Hudson Bay Co., res Homer Robinson Richard, baggagemaster C. P.R., res Alberni nr Nicola Robinson Robert, carpr, bds Dupont Robinson W. C, striker C.P.R. Robinson W. J., tinshop, 113 Cambie nr Cordova, res Howe bet Drake and Pacific s Quebec res 216. nd plas- ive and 05 Cam- estate nd gen agents I safes ^nd dept )n & Co., tinware, der aker, re» 08. Tom- ilmore &; )r al, lea- eonard in, res 31 ity engi- ch bouse, 66 te, rooms tVater Bay Co., naster 0. Dupont I. 3 Cambie 3t Drake DIRECTOBT AND OAZBTTEER-^ 411 ROB VANCOUVER EOY Bobjohns — , C.P.R., roa Nelson nr Thurlow Bobson Ernest, apprentice for Irving & Struhan Rob.son rev Eb., Methodist, res 309 Homer Roche S. H., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Rock Souday, laborer C.P.R. Rockett Matthew, carpenter, res 8 Oppenheimer Rooilde G. A., bookbinder News A'ivertisor Rogers Fred., carpenter, res 310 Cam- bie Rogers Jonathan, painter A. J. Marks, res 309 Richards Rolls Dv. J. F., mgr Vancouver Drug Co., 70 Cordova - Ji.3SriD- MILL SUPPLl R.C. Church of our Lady of the Rosary, Rev Patrick Fay, rec- tor, Richards cor Dunsmuir Romang Joseph, at Lawson's office, res 316 Homer Rome P., laborer C.P.R. RookeTbos. S.,druggist for Vancouver Drug Co.,res Se^'mour above Robson Rose David, brass tinisher, bds 13 Col umbia ave Rose Mark S., tinner G. Robertson, res Harris Rosenberg Alfred, carpenter, res 5th ave Rosenberg Alfred, Vane. Iron Works, res 747 Westminster ave Rosenbiat Frank, C.P.R., res rear 116 Hastings £ Rosin Frank, laborer store dept C.P.R. Ross A. W., M.P., of Ross & Ceperley, res Hotel Vancouver Ross C.H., bctilermaker's helper C.P.R. Ross & Ceperley, real estate and insurance agents, 313 Hastings W. Tel 12 Ross Robt., laborer, res cor Oppenhei- mer and Hoatley ave OF ALL KINDS. MCNTRZAL. Ro-^s Roderick, sr., H.B.Co. officer, res Melville bet Burrard and Thurlow Ross Roderick, jr., of Rennie&Co.,re3 Melville bet Thurlow and Burrard Ross W. B., carpenter H.S.M. Itougier Jas., cleaner and dyer, 12 Ab- bott Rounds Charles, hand driller Thos. Tomkins Rounsfell & Co., real estate, insurance & gen agt9,N.P. & conveyancers, 190 Cordova. Tel 22 Rounsefell Canbrey, ins clerk Ross & Ceperley, res 329 Hamikon Rounsefell F. W., bookkeeper for Ross & Ceporly, res 329 Hamilton Rounsefell Geo. F., of Jas. H. Wood- worth & Co., res 829 Hamilton Rounsefell John, of Rounsefell & Co., vex, 329 Hamilton Routier Hy., C.P.R. Rowley .I.C., painter, 217 Hasting-.^ W. Rowley J. R. C, artist, 144 Cordova Rowlings Wm., millhand R.C.P.M Co. Roy Amada, C.P.R. shops, res Sey- mour Roy L., plumber E. S. Scoullar, 162 Water engineer bridge gang Royal Canadian Fire Insu- ra nee Co. of Montreal, Ross & Ceperley, asts, Post Office block, 313 Hastings W; ! <n^ [I' I lili 29 412 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ROY VANCOUVER SCH i A. W. Ross NoUuTf Publie. H. T, Cbpbklbt, Tnxuranee, Xeai Estate tS Insurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER* &J0. Royal City Planing Mills Co., office 368 Carrall, R. C. Fer- ' guson, mgr. Tel 43. i^^^ adv on front cover Royal Electric Co.,W.L. Leon- ardl& Co., agents Eoyal hotel, B. L. Wood, prop, 135 Water Eoyds Clement, cellarman at Citj- bieweiy, ren Eveleitrh Rumble Alfred, clerk Lunderberg & Decar, 29 Water Russell Cha»., of Russell, McDonald & Co., ren Victoria City Rutssell IX, laborer Tlios. Tomkins Russell E., laborer V.C.F. & M.W. Russell Fred., law clerk Yates & Jay, res 230 Hastings W Russell J.A.,LL.B., represent- ing Yates Sl Jay, barristers, room I, 334 Cordova, res cor Howe and Dunsmuir Russell, McDonald & Co., auctioneers, 72 Cordova Russell T. P., C.P.R. shops, bds 1139 Richards Rut ledge Joseph, carpenter, ^«s 47 Fender Byan Mrs. Margarot,wid Wm., res 140 Alexander Rylance Wm., pile inspector engineor's dept C.P.R., res 213(ieorgia Sacred Heart Academy, Sis- ters of 8t. Anne, sister Mary # iexander, supr, Dunsmuir cor Homer Saink Jacob, at Vane. Iron Works, res Powell cor Heatley ave Salsbury W. P., local treasurer C.P.R., res 718 Hastings W. Tel. 108 Salvation Army barraclcs, 316 Carrall Salvation Army quarters, Capt. Hanna J.ynes, 209 Hastings E Sanders Edwin, carpertter, res Dupont bet Dun levy and Jackson ave Sanders W.H., jr.,pnnter R. Mathison, jr.. 323Hasiings W San Jusin Lime Co. Works, nr Van- couver Foundry Sansom C.W.H., of Malandaino & San- som, res Hastings W Sansuni Miss Gertie, linen room giil at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Sargtrit Mrs., midwife and nurse, res 222 Harris Saul John, contractor bricic wori(, bds 309 Richards Saunders Chas., gardener, res West- minster Road Saunders Henry John, with Webster's Agency, res 426 Ponder Sawder James, carpenter, bds 422 Pender Scarff Miss Rebecca, maid at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Schleuk & Co., props Louvre hotel, Pender bet Seymour and Granville Schleuk John, of Schleuk & Co,, Pender bet Seymour and Granville Schneider F., chef at Hotel Vancouver Sohofleld Frederick, agent for Thomas Tomklns, bos Douglas House Schotield Frederick J., clerk freight dept C.P.R., ros 1133 Seymour %)K«!tev. IMEI0TOBI7 AfNO ' QAZEITTBEK; m t '-if SCH VANCOUVBH SHA 'orks, rcB sasurer pgsW. k8, 316 pt. Haniia R Dupont ave Matbit^on, p, nr Tan- lino & San- room gill jorgia cor nurse, res or brick lards res West- Webster's , btlH 422 i at Hotel Granville 8 Louvre Soymour uk & Co., d Granville Vancouver , agent cins, bos erk freight jymour Sohofield JameR, freigbt dept C.P.R., res 1133 Seymour Scotney — , res 8 Oppenheimer Scott & Clancy, props Tre- mont hotel, 16 Carrall Scott David, car repairer C.P.R., Alex- ander Street Beach ' Scott George D., insurance canvasser, . bdfe Westminster av Soott J., carpenter Thomas Tomkins Scott J., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Scott J. H., train baggageman C.P.R. Scott John, bricklayer, res Robson nr Nicola Scott John Allan, clerk, 516 Cordova Scott Leonard, butcher Hayes & Mc- intosh Scott Sam., of Scott & Clancoy, 16 Carrall Scott Thomas, millhand G. Cassady & Co., bds 315 Westminster ave Scott Walter C, clerk G. I. Wilson, res 33 Westminster ave Scoullur Andrew William, mgr E. S. Scoullar & Co.,re8 56 We.stminster av Scoullar E. S., stoves, etc., plumber and steamfltter, 162 Water, res 06 Westminster av. Tel. 38. 1116 Hiard Dectfic IHfg. Co. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Mannfactarers of WATER-PROOF Electric Light Wire.Oifloe, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 6.) Sehl Jacob, furniture and crockery, 64 Cordova, res Victoria City Seitz & Co., gen merchants, 9 Abbott Seitz Wilhelm, of Seitz & Co., res Bur- rard house Sentito Saloon, A. H. Revshbech, prop, 39 Cordova Sentoll Alfred J*, carpenter, res 417 Hastings E Sentell Edward, res 417 Hastings E SentellEphraim B., carpenter, res 417 Hastings B Setitell Frederick W., carpenter con- tractor, res 417 Hustings E Sentell George J., laborer, res 417 Hastings E Sentell Miss Mary, dressmaker, res Scribner James, clerk Wright, Wil- liams & Co., 182 Cordova Scrivener Harry, 2nd porter at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Scuitto John, baker, grocer, import- er of fruit and confectionery, whole- sale fruit, 1, 3 and 5 Powell, and 2, 4, 6 and 8 Alexander Sculley M., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Sourry Elijah, barber, 25 Abbott Scurry H. T., mgr Abbott St. Shaving Parlors and Baths, 26 Abbott Secord Angus, of Le Page & Secord, Hastings below Owrail, bds 4^ Heymour 313 Hastings B Shack The, 419 Richards Shannon D., laborer Thos. Tomkins Shannon & iNIoLachlan, real estate and financial agents, 60 Water Shannon Samuel, laborer store dept C.P.R. Shannon Wm., of Shannon & McLach- lan, 60 Water Shaver J., botlermaker's improper C.F.R. Shaver & McDonald, contractors, builders, Alberni bet Thurlow and Bute Shaver N., of Shaver & McDonald, ros Alberni bet Thurlow and Bute Shay S., watchman C.P.R. * Shaw G., carpenter, bds J. Couidand i 4 I ' 1 i V A^ 414 HENDERSON 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHA VANCOUVER SMI A. W. BOSM Notary Publie, H. T. Cbprblet, Inimrnnce, Meal Estate «£ Insurance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HA8T8NCS ST., VANCOUVER, B.O. Shaw R. G., boatbuilder for A. Linton, res foot of Car rail Sheen Daniel, blacksmith C.P.R., res 1137 Seymour Sheffin£fton G., fitter C.P.R Shelby Lieut Kezia, Salvation Army, res 209 Hastings £ Shelton A Co., furniture and upholsterers, 408 Hastings W nr Richards Shollon Giles, car inspector C.P.R., res 325 Richards Shelton H. T., mgr Shelton v Co., bds Pacific Hotel Shepherd H. S., laborer car shops C.P.R. Shepptird S., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Sherlock Joseph, farmer, res 425 HaHtinijs E Sherly Thomas, laborer, bds 1139 Richards Shirly John, loco fireman C.P.R. ShobrooUe John, laborer, bds 323 Sey- mour Short Benjamin J., bookkeeper, res 636 Seymour Shoitcn A., carpenter R.C.P.M. Co. ShuriTold Edwin, expressman, res 6th av Silverman K., of Silverman & Robin, ret* 31 Cordova Silverman & Robin, pawnbrokers 31 Cordova Simon Bernard, merchant tailor, ICC Cairall, res Oppenheimer, bet Carl and Hnitleyav Simf)8on — , res 208 Hairis Simpson H., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Simpson J. B., compositor News Ad- vertiser, res 9 HastinjGjs E Simpson Thos., driver Vancouver Fire dept, 14 Water Simson Calvert, storekeeper H.S.M. Sinclair F. G., baggage agent C.P.R,, res 342 Sc/mour Sinclair Miss Eva, res 11 Dupont Sisters of St. Anne Sacred Heart Academy, sister Mary Alexander, supr, Dunsmuir cor Homer SkeflBngton George, machinist C.P.R. shops, bds 344 Gamble Skene W., wholesale dry goods and millinery, 523 Hastings VV, res Sey- mour. Tel. 77 Skinner Miss E., waiter American restaurant, lot Seymour Slade John, painter C.P.R., res 134 Hastings E Slater C. R., teller Bank ef B.C. Slater G. F., mnfr and dealer in cedar lumber, and clear cedar shingles, Vancouver shingle mill, office and yard on False Creek, foot of Gam- ble, res Hamilton Slaughter house, False Creek, S of Westminster av Slipper L. H., barher, 515 Hastings W Sloan Joseph, laborer, bds 311 Soy mour Sloan Wm., clerk J. S. Clute & Co., 135 Hastings W Small Mins Sarah, dressmaker, res 2 rear ot Hospital Small Robert, laborer, res 2 rear Hos- pital Small W. T., carpenter H.S.M. Smalley H., millhand Leamy & Kyle Smith Alexander B., naval arrhitoci, Hornby cor Smith Smith Alex., stone mason,bds 22r Hast- ings DIBIOTORT AND QAZETTEBR. 415 SMI VANCOUVER SOU Smith Alfred A., pattern maker Vane Iron Works, res 518 Alexander Smith Andrew, wagon maker, res 308 Seymour Smith A. A., pattern maker V.C.F. & M.W., res Alexander Smith A. B., aast cashier at Hctel Van- couver Smith Bros., upholsterers and carpet layers, 226 Hastings W. Smith Ch^s., & Co.r duplex pumps,W.L. Leonard & Co., agents Smith C. W., foreman F. "W. Hart, 27 Cordova Smith D. A., of Smith Bros., res Htist- in.^s W Smith K. F.,clork pay rolls deptC.P.R., bds Stewart house Smith George, driver for Britton & McFurlane Smith Goorj^e W., carpenter, res rear of 311 WcHtminster ave Smith Homy B., M. Can. Soc. C. E., resident engineer Vancouver Water Works Co., bds Club Chambers Smith Ira,carpentor,res207 Hastings E Smith J., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Smith James, teamster, res 311 Drake Smith James A., of Smith Bros., res 29 Hastings E Smiih Joseph, larmor, res Howe bet Drake and Pacific Smith J. C, waiter at Hotel Vancou- ver Smith J. P., baker Harry Frick Smith L. N., cashier local treasurer's dept C.P.R. Smith Nevin, com merchant, 114 Cara- bie Smith Robert, carpenter, res 35 Hast- ings E Smith Robt., carpenter, res 210 Pender Smith Robert Wesley, carpenter, res 35 Hastings £ Edison Electric rldght System. M. D. BARR & CO., Q«Bm»l Sallfaig Agents^ 726 CRAIQ »T., . MOMTREAI, Smith Thomas, carpenter, res Barclay bet Thiirlow and Bute Smith W., car repairer C.P.R. Smith William, carpenter, res 310 Du- pont Smith William John, exprossmtm, res 11 Oppenheimer Smith W^illiam T., butcher for Van Volkonburgh Bros., bds Bridge hotel Smithson Benjamin, laborer, res 10 Hastings E Smjnh Miss Annie, mil linery,5 19 Hast- ings W Schneider — , head cook Hotel Vancou- ver, res Durham block Siiowdon H. L., British Columbia Lumber Agency, 418 Cordova Soap Factor}', 240 Prior Sollovvav L. T., turner C.P.R. round house Somers John, carpenter, res Homer bet Georgia and Robson Somes, Crummer & Co., props White Swan hotel, 500 Cordova Somes George, laborer, res 30 Powell Somes 8am.,of Somes, Crummer & Co., 500 Cordova Sommerville William, scowraan for W. S. Cook, bds Stag and Pheasant Sorenson Gustavo J.,orSorensen, Herb, res 205 Ponder ing & Co. Sorensen, Herbins; & Co., props Medical Hall,3l7 Hast- ings W. TeS90 Sorrel I James, slaughterman Hayes & McDonald Soule William Goorge, clerk, bds 340 Powell ri 1^ ■ Vi K^ m '. Wm 'i III ' 1 1 'h 1 f^ ' I \ % * r I 1 ■ i 416 HEir0KB8Olf'8 BRITISH COtVHBIA SOU TANOOUTBR STB A. W. Boat Notary fiMk. ! E. tJSMBWMiaft Beal Estate dt Inaurane^, voflT ovncn biiOck, 313 HASTIflOS ST.f VAK0OUViBB,:fiX). 8oule William Henry, steve- dore contractor, res 340 Powell cor Dunlevy av Sparrow J. J., loco engineer C.P.R. Spear John, private boarding house, res 429 Granville Spence Mips Mngg'©, res Richards bet f Davie and Drake Spence Thomas, carpenter, bds 13 Co- lumbia av Spencer Mrs.Caroline, wid, 143 Water Spicer H. H., bookkeeper G. F. Slater Spinks John M., of h. G. Tat low & Co. res Seaton bet Thurlow and Bute Spooner Charles, carpenter, res 10 Hastings E Sprague W. T.,freight conductor C.P.R. Spring Thomas Beverley, con- tractor, general builder, res 800 Oppenhelmer Sprinjzer Louis, Bk of B. N. A., bds 307 Powell ' 8t Andrew's Church Presbyte- rian, Georgia bet Homer and Richards St Charles hotel, Henry Duharoel,prop, 500 Pender fit Ocorges Society rooms Bell Irving block St Luke's Homo (ch of England),Si8ter Francis in charge, 311 Oppenheimer Stag A Pheasant Hotel, Falron A Mlller,props, i70 Water Stalker G., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Stanford James, contractor and builder carpenter, res Oppenheimer bet Gore av und Durham Standard Life Assurance Co,, A. A. CooK, agent, 310 Cor- dova Standard OiiCo.,C. C. Morrell, agent, 190 Cordova. Tel 22 Stanhope Wm., stonecutter Thomas TomKins Stapleton C, painter's helper C.P.R. Staike T. G., bricklayer, 142 Hast- ings W Starratt J. Chas.,of Starratt & Leather- dale, Abbott Slarratt D., freight brakeman C.P.R. Starratt & Leatherdale, props Fashion stables, Abbott cor Trounce Alley. Tel 67 Starratt J.C.,of Starrs t & Leatherdale, Abbott cor Trounce Alley Starratt R. B., railroader, bds 13 Co- lumbia ave Steele D. W., millhand R.C.P.M. Co. Steele F., lalx)rer Thos. Tomkins Steele Wm., driver Tait & Grey, 110 Water Steele William, butcher C.P.R. shops, i-es Quebec cor 9th av Stenson Robt., porter Pacific hotel Stephens A., steward Hotel Vancou- ver, I'es Howe bet Smith and Rob- son Stephens F., millhand Leamy & Kyle Stephenson & McCraney, contractors teaming, 25 Oppenheimer Stephenson Thomas, of Stephenson & McCraney, bds Burrard house Sterton G., carponter Thos. Tomkins Stevens A. E., despatchor C.P.R., bds Leland house Stevens Edward, dishwasher H.S.M. Stevens Fred. B., clerk R. V. Winch, I'es 203 Opp«uheimer Stevens G., laborer Thos. Tomkins ■ i. ..I.. -PIEKGTOBT AMD OAZETTEEB. 417 STE VANCODVEa SUT d builder ' bet Gore ce Co,, 16 Cor- Morrell, Tel 22 Thomas C.P.R L42 Hast- i Leatber- 1 C.P.R. » props »ott cor 57 athordale, )d8 13 Co- P.M. Co. kins Groy, 110 .R. shops, hotel Vnncou- and Rob- y& Kyle jiitractors hen son & 1U80 Tomklns P.R., bds H.S.M. ^ Winch, mkins Stevens John, contractor Water Works, res 107 Benard Stevens Thos., laborer, res 106 Pender StevenHon Eudy, M.D., office and res 114) Hastings E Stevenson Herbert, fisherman, res Alexander street Beach Stevenson Joseph J., cook Oriental hotel, 208 Water Stevenson Robert,shoemaker,9 Oppen- heimer, res same Stewart Alexander, foreman moulder V.C.F. & M.W., res 114 Jackson av Stewart Donald M., teamster, res 211 Harris Stewart F. R., clerk for Chas. Clark, res Westminster av betOppenheimer and Powell Stewart Q., bridge carpenter C.P.R. Stewart G., blacksmith's helper Thos. Torakins Stewart George, tailor Leask & Morris Stewart Hector A., driver Starratt & Leatherdale, Abbott Stewart House, J. Austin, manager, 216 Water Stcvart J.,pussenger brakemanC.P.R. Stewart James, clerk Oppenheimer Bros. Stewart James, sawyer R.C.P.M.Co. Stewart John Malcolm, chief of police, res 512 Alexander Stewart John, millhand H.S.M. Stewart John, chief of City Police Stewart Mrs. M., prop Stewart house, 216 Water Stewart Norman, laborer, res 118 Columbia av Stewiirt R., cableman C.P.R. Stewart Richard, laborer, res Alexan- der St Beach Stewart T,,foreman bridge gang C.P.R. Stockholm — , baker Greaves Bros., 3 Carrall Stoddart George T., messenger Dom. Express, rooms 308 Richards LEATHEII Bam Juno. Graig and St. Antoine Sts.. MONTREAL. Stoddart Wm., watchmaker, res 429 Gr.tnville StonehouHC Albert Edward, cabinet- maker for Hart, bds Pender Stoney J«)hn W., carpenter, 5th av Strahan Frank, of Irving & Strahan, res 316 Seymour Strathern John, Dom and Prov Land surveyor, res Hastings E. bet Car- raU and Columbia av Strathie Alex., carpenter, 120 Water Straube V.J., gunsmith, 83 Cordava Struthers Alexander, carpenter, res 131 Keefer Stuart James, clerk Oppenheimer Bros., res 505 Hastings B Suckling A.E., clerk gen supt's dopt C.P.R., rooms 422 Cordova Sullivan Arthur W., 80 C(»rao. Sullivan Chas. E.S., 80 Cordova Sullivan George, car repairer C.P.R., bds 508 Oppenheimer Sullivan Mrs., wid Philip, 80 Cord »va Summers James,of Waterman & Sura- mern, res Seymour Summers Mrs. H., American Rostau- ant, 103 Seymour SummervilleF., bellboy at Hotel Van- couver, Georgia cor Granvi'.le Sumner William, bricklayor, res Hornby bet Helmcken an I Davie Sumriers Miss F., dressm ilcer, 144 Hastings W Sunnyslde Hotel, McCIrr A McKlnnon, props, I Water. Tel 97 Sutherland C. E., sawj^er Vancouver Shingle Mill m ¥■ i'-i ^ 418 BENDEBSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA SUT VANCOUVER THE I A.W.B08I Notary PubUe, H. T. OsPEKLvr, Insuranot, Jteal K-itafetO luMnrance, POST OFFICE UI.OOK, 3!3 MA3T!S\3G3 ST., Sntlierlnnd Owen A., clerk H.S.M. Sutton — , carpenter, Park av Swan Aufifust, bartender, 146 Water Swan Chas., res 140 Hastings W Swan Edward, Haloon kpr, 146 Water, res 140 Hastin^8 W Swan Fred., res ^40Haflling8 W Swan Fjederlck, laborer, res Alexan- der street Bench Swan son Alfred, prop Bank Exchange saloon, 1)2 Cordova Sweeny C, mgr Bank of Montreal, 440 Hastings W Swift Ed., Capt. Sir Pearl Symons Charles, merchant tailor, 30 Oppenheimer, res 323 Hamilton Talt & Crey, grocers, liO Water Tait John, of Tait & Grev, 110 Water Taleott E. W., of Kent & Talcott, 514 Cordova Tarn Mai k, carpenter. 208 Alexander Tanner J., car checker C.P.ll. Tatlow R.C.,& Co., real estate and fire insurance agents, 338 Cordova. Tel 60 Tatlow R. G., of R. G. Tatlow & Co., rcH Pender bet Tliurlow and Bute Tattersali's Stables, livery, Wm. & J. J.Cargill, Trounce Alley Taylor C. E., manager Bank of B.N.A.,32Carrall Taylor G.N.,of Middlebrook & Taylor, il5 Hastings Taylor George, machinist C.P.B., 1133 Seymour Taylor John, prop Occ. and Oriental Iron Workn, 124 Alexander, res same Taylor John, carpenter H.S.M. Taylor John A., shoemaker G.L. Allan 13 Cordova Taj- lor Miss Ada, 44 Dupont Taylor E.N., druggist's asst McDowell & Co., res 28 Cordova Taylor "W. l'., machinist, 116 Hast- ings W Taylor Wm., carpenter, res 1105 Howe Taylor William A., contractor carpen- ter, res 319 Hastings E Taylor William J., cabinetmaker and undertaker,20 and 22 Oppenheimer, res same Taj-s — , driver for T. Dunn & Co., res 62 Gore av Tebbs Samuel A , gardener, res 320 Beatty Telephone Office, Chas. Tfl« ley, agent, II Cordova Temple Charles Henry, fitter C.P.R., res Richards bet Davie and Drake Templeton W., Ontario gro- cery, cor Carrall and llast- lngs,res 3 Hastings E.Tel 101 Terhune Arthur N., clerk gen freight and pa8.>*dept C.P.R.,re8 342 Seymour Terminus saloon, W. T. Blair, prop, 38 Water Ternan Wesley, carpenter, bds Sun- nysido Tetley Charles, res 511 Powell Thsiin Joseph T., ry mail clerk, bds 307 Powell Thain Capt. Murray, harbor master, 6 Abbott, res 307 Powell Thatcher H., painter C.P.R. Thatcher Oliver, painter C.P.R. shops, bds 210 Pender The Shack, 419 Richards ■/^ DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 419 THO VANCOUVER TOR Thomas Charles, teamster for Palmer Bros., bds 100 Dupont Thomas Frederick, carpenter, res 320 Beatty Thomas Gabriel, jun., cigarmaker, 209 Seymour Thomas Gabriel, sen., carpenter, reg 209 Seymour Thomas Gordon "W., shipwright, res 784 Westminster av Thomas Samuel, carpenter for Irving & Strahan, bds Central hotel Thomas Walter, manager Vancouver Gas Co., res foot ofKeefer Thompson & Allison, contractors side- walks, wharfs, etc., Westminster av. False Creek Thompson G., millhand Leamy & Kyle Thompson George,R.C,P.M.Co.,Hamil- ton, bet Georgia and Kobson Thompson J., blacksmith T. Tomkins Thompson J., train baggagemanC.P.R. Thompson John,photographer,76 Cor- dova, res 116 Water Thompson Richard, teamster, bds Windsor hotel Thompson S., bridge, carpenter C.P.R. Thompson Thomas, of Thompson & Allison, res Westminster av, False Creek Thomson Bros., books and stationery, 108 Cordova hom8onMeIvilleP.,of Thomson Bros., res 433 Howe Thomson Richard, teamster, bds 315 Westminster av Thomson rev Robert Y.,Presbyterian, St. Andrew's church, res 400 Oppcn- heimer Thomson Stuart C, machinist, bds Rogina hotel Thomson Rev Thomas C, PresbyterianyOppenheimer, res 400 Oppenhelmer Tie Hiam emg piig. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. MnfFB. of fiLECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every desorlptiou. (See advt. page 5.) Thorburn Grant, stableman Tatter- sail's stables, Trounce Alloy Thornton J., blacksmith C.P.R. car shops T burton J. B., grocer, 59 Cordova Tierney John, drayman, (£5(6 with Holland & Co., res 30G Richards. Tel 95 Tierney Miss Kate, registered dppt P.O., res 306 Richards Tierney W. T., bartender, res 211 Abbott Tierney William, contractor grading, res 306 Richards Tilden — , auctioneer, 6 Water Tilden Fred. J., waiter, 242 Water Tilley 8.T., books and station- ery, lO Cordova. Tel central Timnous Robt., barber RK. Winters, 63 Cordova Tinkiss J. D., carpenter, res 138 Has- ings W Tinkiss R. N., carpenter,res 138 Hast- ings W Tisdall Chas. E., gen dealer, etc., 508 Cordova Tolley James, car shops C.P.R., res Hornby bet Drake and Pacitic Tomaso P., laborer C.P.R. Tomkins Thomas, general contractor, bds Hotel Van- couver Toole John B., painter, res Alexander street Beach Toronto Rubber Co., T. Mc- llroy, Jun., & Co., Chas. Chamberlln, agent, Cordova 'J *, ; IV ^X i; ••I ■ !i t l|-: % ,i,.: iH if, ■ -¥ ■^• .1 % i' - fi M 420 BlNDntSON'S BAITIfiB COLUMBIA r TOR VANOOUVEB VAN A. W. ROM R. T. XJummiMTt ^022 Zs ©epcpleg, Meal Estate S Irmuranee, ton OmoB BLOCK, 813 HA8TJNC8 ST., YA3XC0VVER, B.O. Toronto Variety store, Chae. CUrk, 326 Cordova Townley J. D., asst to gen- eral 8uptC.P.R.,re8 oor Hast- ings and Burrard Townt*en(lH.,fitter'8 apprentice C.P.R. Townseod Mrs. Mary, wid John J., tailoress, 15 Hastings £ Travellers Life and Accident of Hartford, Ross & Ceper- ley, agents, Post Offloeblook, 313 Hastings Tregenza C.L.P.,8hip tallyman H.S.M- Tremble C, painter's helper C.P.R- car shops Tremont Hotel, 8oottACIan- cey, props, 16 Carrall Tremont hotel, Mrs. S. E. Maoue'. prop, 14 CaiTall Tremont saloon, Capt Clements, pi-op, 152 Alexander Trodden James, passenger conductor C.P.R Tuck Francis Herbert, barrister, 115 Cambie, res Powell bet Carl and Hoalley av Tuck Lee, car cleaner C.P.R. Turner Andrew, laborer C.P.R, Turner K., laborer C.P.R. freight shed Turner Geo., 312 Cordova TurnbuU William,contractor and buil- der, res cor Dunsmuir and Homer Twiford Thomas L., architect, res 456 Beyraour Tye & Co., hardware, paints, oils and glass, 8, IQ, 12 and 14 Powell Tye Thomas H.,of Tye & Co., res Vic- toria, City Tyson A. M., of Johnston & Tyson, res 2 Powell Tyson James,tailor,6 Abbott, res 2 16-1 Powell Udy Wm. S., carpenter, res 766 West- minster av Union Hotel, P. Lawson, prop, 10 Abbott Unlted8tatesConsulate,Cha8. M. Bolton, consul, 016 Cor- dova, res 436 Seymour Uphan Fred., checker R.C. P.M. Co. Upper J. W., messenger Dominion Ex- press Co., IkIh Leland house Upton MisH Elizabeth, private Bchool, res 219 Oppenheimer Urquhart Capt C.P.R. pilot Urquhart Hugh, clerk J. C. Douglas, 314 Cordova Urquhart W., liquors, 1 Carrall Urquhart Wm., stonecutter Thomas Tom kins, bds o29 Hastings Vance Bane, laborer, bds 1139 Richard Vancouver Board of Trade, D. Oppenhelmer, president; A. H. B. MacCowan, secretary, i Opperihelmer Vancouver Brewery,Chas. Doering, 7th avenue Vancouver Brick Co., Carter & Mc- Farland Vanoou«rerCity Foundry and Machine WoriCM Co. (Ld.), R. P. Cook, pros ; Wrj. Pirrie, see}', Burrard Inlet bet H jatley and Hawkes av. Tel. 54 Vpncouver City Hospital, Mrs, A. Roberts, matron ; F. C. Birks, steward ; Dr Robinson and Dr Lefevre, Pender Vancouver clothing house, Abrams & McLean, 14 C irrall Vancouver Drujf Co,, Dr. J. F. Rolls, mgr, 70 Cordova DIRXOTORT AlVD OAZBTTSIR. 421 res Vic- yaon, res res 2 16-1 66 West- h prop, fChas. 6 Cor- ir VI. Co. iniori £x- ;e school, Douglas, all • Thomas s 9 Richard adOy D. ent; A. cretary, ering, 7th p & Mc- Machine •ok, pros ; Inlet het :el. 54 Bly Mrs. F. C. iblnson er ibrams & F. EoUs, VAN VANCOUVIR VOL Vancouver Electric Light Co., J. M. Hay, treas, office 100 Cordova Vancouver Eleotrlo Illuminat- ing Co., Thos. Dunn, pros; F. V. Nicholls, msr,Ha8tlng8 cor Abbott. Tel 31 Vancouver Fire dept, J. H. Carlyle, chief, fire station, 14 Water Vancouver Gas Co. (Ld.) ,Dr. J.L. Milne, president ; CD. Eand,secy and treas, 100 Cordova Vancouver Photo Co., Hall & Lowe, props, 416 Cordova Vancouver Real Estate Ex- change, C. Chamberlln, 235 Cordova. Tel 3 Vancouver Reading Room, 144 Cordova Vancouver 8an Juan LImeCo., It. W. .Gordon, pros and mgr Powell cor Boundary av ' Vancouver Shingle Mill, C. F. Slater, office and yard on False Creek foot Camble Vancouver Soda Water Works, Murchlson & Derraugh, props, 704 Westminster av Vancouver Transfer Co..FranUBarnard, pros ; B. M. Mathews, sec and mgr, Carrall rear Hurt's Opera house. Tel. 68 Vancouver Wharfage, FuelA Supply Co., A. D. MoRae, pros; Wm. Munro, seoy- treas;Wm.Earls, wharfinger, City wharf foot Carrall, atable QSt Alexander Vancouver Wharfage & Storage Co. (Ld),Ja8.Leamy,prea;J. W. McFar- land, secy, office 18 Alexander Vancouver Wine Co., Elliot H. King, mgr, 122 Cordova. Tel 1 miHER BELTING. Juno. Graig and St. Antoine St8« MOWTRBAL, Vancouver Water Works Co., Capt John Irving, president ; J. W. McFarland, secretary ; C. A. Keefer, M. Inst, C.E., chief engineer; H. P. Smith, M. Can Soc C. E., resident engineer; Yard 130 Hastings E Vancouver World, daily and weekly, pub by McLagan A Co., 234 and 236 Cordova. Tel ill. See ado. Vansickle Wm. L., rosopp. Lime Kiln Vati Volkenburgh Benjamin, ros Vic- toria, City Van Volkenburgh Bros., B.C. market, 19 Water. Tel 32 Van Volkenburgh Isaac, of Van Vol- kenburgh Bro8.,reH422 Oppenheimer Velz George, cabinetmaker for Irving & Strahan, bds iSummerside hotel Veysey Chas. C.,ofVey8ey &Creelmun, res 64 Hastings W Veysey & Creel man, B. C. carriage works, 64 HaslingH W Vichoncy Lewis, laborer, res Alexan- der street Beach Vickers Arthur, laborer H. S. Mill, res Alexander street Beach Vincent Robert, carp, res 411 Drake Vishoot Isaac, tailor John Morrison, res 13 Abbott Vivian Wm., painter, res rear 321 Kichards Vollans A., laborer C.P.E. tii. .^f 422 Henderson's British Columbia WAI VANCOUVER WEB A.W.R(»l Notary fiubUe, H. T. CitPRBurr, Insuranot, MeeU Estate ft Inaiirance, rU8T OFFICE BLOCK, 813 HASTINGS ST., VAllCOUVEB. U.O. Wade P., pnssen^Ljor braUomaii CP.E Waile David, brklayor, res 324 Homer WaiscottMi8M,rnilliner Brown &Wliite, 30 Canuil WakHtron John, carpenter, res A.lex- ander Htreet Beach Waldman J., turner R. C. P. M. Co. WalcH Miss A. M., private scliool, 329 Seymour, bds7l8 Hasiings W Walkem II. B., asst engineer C. P. R, bdH The Shack, 419 Richards Walker C, laborer V. C. F. & M. W. Walker C!>as., blacksmith, bds 13 Co- lumbia av Walker George, porter Gold house, 66 Water Walker George, carpenter, bds S.E. cor Hastings and Westminster av Walker J., bartender Greyhound hotel, 232 Water Walker John, carpenter, bds 1139 Ri- chards Walker John, boatbuilder, bds 13 Col- umbia av Walkin John, boilermaker, bds 1139 Richards Walker Mi8sEliza,boarding house.S. E cor Hastings E atin Westminster av Walls Frank, cook H.S.M. Walsh C, mason Thos. Tomkins Walsh Mrs., sewer Smith Bros., Has- tings W Walter Thomas, manager's office, Cor- dova, works foot Keefer Walters F., millhand H.S.M. Ward J., freight brakeman C.P.R. Warner Ed., waiter Jones restaurant, res 314 Cordova Warren Chas., stonecutter Thos. Tom- kins Warren ThomaR, lab Thos. Tomkins Waterman F. J., of Waterman & Sum- mers, res 316 Howe Waterman & Summers,fruits,29 Carrall Watkins Wm., bricklayer, res Eveleigh Watson — , res 431 Howe Watson J.,photographer J. Thompson, bds Granville hotel Watson John, stonemason, bds St. Charles hotel Watson Joseph, boilermaker, res Hornby bet Drake and PaciHc Watson Robert, stonecutter, bds Arling- ton hotel, Watson Robert, stonecutter, /es Horn- by bet Drake and Pacific Watson S.. foreman for Thos. Tomkins Waters A. ' room clerk at Hotel Vanconvei j.eorgia cor Granville Waters Wiluam, compositor News Advertiser,' IkIs 317 Westminster av Watson Thomas Frank, clerk office H.S.M. Watson William H., bookkeeper, res Seaton near cor Barrard Watts W., deckhand str. " Maniio " Waugh J., asst bartender at Hotel Vancouver, Georgia cor Granville Weaver F., carpenter Thos. Tomkins Weaver Jacob, mason Thos. Tomkins Weaver Mrs. Lucy, widow Samuel, res 210 Pender Webb N. A., barber C. K. Whittier, bds Northern hotel Webster Fred., machinist at Vancou- ver Iron Works, bds Watcheer house Webster George, chief landing waiter Customs dept, bds Leiand house Webster J. G., checker C.P.R. fgtshed Webster Wm., auctioneer and estate agent, 217 and 219 Hastings W, res206 Pender Webster William, compositor News Advertiser VIREOTOBT AND OAZBTTEER. 423 WEB VANCODVER WIL , Weed Guj C, of J. M. Holland & Co., 1*68 313 PrineesH Week^i Geo., clerk in charge H.B. Co., res 423 KichaitlH Welch George, inillhand H.S.M. Welsh A. F. E. Ernest, bookkeeper for Van Vol ken burgh Bios., res 751 Westminster uv Welsh Miss Kale, dressmaker, res 114 Hastings E Welsh Thomas, yardman G. Cassady &Co. Welsh Thomas Herbert, clerk, res 761 Westminster av West End hotel, Beaton & Preston, props, 625 Hastings W West G. B., brakeman C.P.R. West J. Horace, contractor clearing, res 40 Park av Westcott Wintield Scott, of Westcott & Armstrong, contractor at Clem- ents & Furrow, Bird block, Cordova, owner of tug Vancouver, res 406 Oppenheimer Western Fire Assurance Co. of Toronto, Ross A Ceperley, agents. Post Office block, 313 Hastings Wharton C, tinsmith's helper C.P.R. Whatcheer house, Liobt. Campbell, prop, Heatley av bet Alexander and Powell Wheeling T., car repairer C.P.R. Wheetley A. J., carpenter, bds Bridge hotel Whetham Dr. James, bds Hotel Van- couver Whipple Thomas, res Oppenheimer and Carl av White Edward, of Brown & White, res Alexander White Fred., millhand H.S.M. White H., millhand Leamy 6l Kyle White James, nhoemaker at G. L. Allan, 13 Cordova White Joseph, boilermaker C.P.R. shops, res 208 Dunsmuir THe IM Uc 1. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfre, of Telephones.Eleotrio Bella, Annunola* torH, Burglar AlarniH, IiiBtrumeiitH, Apparatus and Supplies of every description. (See advt. p. 5.) WhItA Swan Hotel, Somes, Crummer A Co., props, OOl Cordova White William, cook, res 29 Powell Whitehead Andiew, laboier Thos. Tomkins Whitehead John M., secy British Col- umbia Mining Bureau, res 418 Op- poiiheimer Whittield Cosman, tinware, 5 Oppen- heimer, res same Whitney J., laborer Thos. Tomkins Whittaker George, painter, bds Howe Whittier C. K., barber shop, 37 Car- rail, bds Tremont hotel Whitworth Edwin, engineer, res 325 Homer Whitworth Miss, tailoress, 325 Homer Whytock Louis, foreman ll.C.P.M. Co. Wiegand Chas. W., clerk Jacob Sebl, res 212 Prior Wickenden C. 0., architect Wiess Jacob, wood turner, bds Hornby bet Drake and Pacitic Wiffin Sidney W., clerk at Brown & White's, dry goods, res Powell Wilband John T., contractor builder, res Nelson bet Burrard and Thurlow Wilcocks C, clerk store dept C.P.R. Wilcox Harry, bottler Vancouver Soda water works, res 704 West- minster av Wildman A. V., fruits and tobacco, 33 Carrall Wilds Alf., carpenter, 13 Columbia av Wilgi-ess H.,T., paymaster C.P.R., res Georgia nr Bute Wilkes A. E., of McPhillips & Wilkes 424 hei«debson's bsitish ooluubia WIL VANOOUVEB woo A. W. KoSH Notai'y l*aMic. H. T. CEPKBLKT, Itiiiuranoe, JReal Estate <£ Inatirance, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 313 HASTINGS ST., VAKCOUVISB. B.O. Wilkinson Michael B., clerk Eand Bros., res Brighton hotel, Hastings Williams A. R., Toronto, engineH, boilers and machinery, W. L. Leo- nard & Co., agents Williams Alfred W,, fireman Hastings Mill, res 310 Powell Williams Bros., land agents and sur- veyors, 530 Cordova Williams C, millhand Leamy & Kyle Williams J. E., tobacconist, bds Inter- national Williams James, 182 Cordova Williams Jas. Z., cabinetmaker for Abram & Co., res Powell Williams John, prop. City Brewery, Seatcn nr Thurlow, res same. Tel. 67 Williams John T., 530 Cordova Williams Mrs., seamstress, 214 Carrall Williams Sidney, of Williams Bros, 530 Cordova Williamson Powell, cabinetmaker for McKenzie, res 531 Powell Williamson W. A., tinsmith C.P.R. Williamson W. K., expressman, Trounce Alley Willis Mrs. M. A., dressmaker. 6 Water Wilmot J. A., bartender Leland house, Hastings W Wilson — , bds J. Coupland Wilson A.,ofShelton & Co.,Ha»ting8 W Wilson Charles, tinsmith C.P.R. shops, res 344 Cambie Wilson Emil, laborer, res Dupont nr Carl av Wilson George 1., dry goods, cor Cam- bie and Cordova, res 444 Seymour Wilson J. Campbell, pressman News Advertiser, 6 Water Wilson; Jamea, blacksmith, res 6th av cor Quebec Wilson Mrs. B. H., wid Benjamin, res 143 Hastings E Wilson & Town ley, nursery, West- minster. TeLlOd Wilson W. A., of Shelton & Co., bds Leland house Winan Geo., lather, bds 434 Seymour Winch Frank K., carriage maker, 28 Oppenheimer, res same Winch Richard V., wholesale fruits and commission, 20 Cordova,res412 Oppenheimer. Tel. 58 Wind berg G., section laborer C.P.R. Windebank Hy., carpenter, res Dupont E. ofCai-lave Windsor Chas. Samuel, grocer, 125 Hastings E., res 216-2 Powell Windsor hotel, G. A. Lungloy, prop, . 792 Westminster ave Windsor Wm., clerk P.O., res in P 0. Winlaw G., yardman C.P.R. Winlaw T., freight brakeman C.P.R. Winters B. K., barber, 63 Cordova Wise Jas., teamster H ,S.M. Wise John, compositor News Adver- tiser, res 317 Westminster Wise Wm., blacksmith C.P.R., res 317 Westminster ave Wiss Frank, wood aud coal mcht, bdu Douglass house Wi 1 mcyer W., brewer at City Brewery, res Seaton nr Thurlow Wokunny Geo., millhand H.S.M. Wolf John, scavenger, Westminster Rd Wolfer Joseph, laborer, res Seymour above Smylhe Wood B. L., prop. Royal hotel, 135 Water Wood A Charlton, books, sta- tionery and fancy goods, 167 Cordova Wood R. C, laborer Thos. Tomkins Wood Wm. E., of Wood .& Charlton, 167 Cordova, bds Leland house •m^' *-*-^i> ith, res 6tb av Benjamin, res ursery, West- on & Co., bds 434 Sej'mour ge maker, 28 le lolesale fruits ordova,res412 8 3orer C.P.R. ter, res Dupont , grocer, 125 2 Powell jungley, prop, )., res in P.O. P.R. cemun C.P.R. 63 Cordova 3.M. News Adver- nuter IP.R., resSlT 3oaI mcht, bd>j City Brewery, d H.S.M. '^estminster Rd res Seymour 'al hotel, 135 lK>ok8, 8ta- goods, 167 08. Tomkins I .& Charlton, ind house T DIRKOTORY AND GAZETTEER. 425 M t woo VANCOUVER ZIN Wood Wm. Hy., carpenter, res 326 Homer Wooduman Thos. F., blacksmith and borsesboer. Trounce Alley, res same Woodrow John C, butclier, Seymour bet Davie and Drake, bds J. Coupland Woods Albert Ed., wood turner R.C.P. Mills, res 312 Dupont Woods H., carpenter Thos. Tomkins AVoods J. G., miicr Leamy & Kyle, res 423 Richards! Tol res 116 Woodworth Jas,, of Woodworth & Co., res Seymour Woodworth Jas. H., & Co., coal and wood dealers. Car- rail. Tel 48 Wool ton Thos. H., clerk, Pender cor Seymour World Publishing Co. (Ld.), J. C. McLagan, manager. Tel III Vf orsnop Capt. Chas. A., clerk Cus- toms dept, rcK 316 Homer TVoundy R., section laborer C.P.R. Wrede Bern ban, of Wrede & Minaty, 43 Cordova Wrede & Minaty,props Fountain hotel, 43 Coixiova Wright Alfret: W., fruits and provisions, 182 Cordova. Tel 66 H., cl«rk, 89 Cordova Wright H Wright J. W., night foreman News Advertiser Wright Mrs., widow, Iaundro>3S, res 23 Gore ave Wulffsohn Johann, of Bewicke& Wulff- sohn, res Seaton bet Burrard and ThuHow. Tel. 86 Wynn T. G., policeman C.P.R. Yiirker — , res 416 Cordova Yates H. M., bookpr E. V. Bod well, res Howe Yates Hy. M., clerk E. V. Bod well Yates Hurry, checker C.P.R., ros Alexander st Beach Yates Jas. S., of Yates & Jay, res Victoria City ■ Yates & Jay, barristers, repre- sented by J. A. Russell, LL.B., 33-3 Cordova York Arch., of York & Bangs York & Btings, butchers, 186 Cordova Young Ellis, millhand H.S.M. Young Frjink, of Cope & Young, bds Leiand house Young J. H., messenger Dom Express Co., bds Leiand bouse Y. M. C. A., rooms 139 Hast- ings W.» J. A. Charnocic, sec Young W. B., local mgr C.P.R. tele- graph, 524 Cordova Yuay — , carpenter, res Westminster av Zink Jacob, laborer V.C.F. & M.W., res Powell cor Heatley ave WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER BEADS HENDERSON'S British Columbia Gazetteer and Directort), I : I f :4i ; CHINESE DIRECTORY. •/ ■•^ CHI VANCOUVER YUE Chinese school, 115 Hastings Chong S., hmndry, 326 Carrull Took Chung Lung, grocery, cor Du- pont und Carrall Fow Long, laundry, cor Eichards and Drake Hip June, gen store, 230 Columbia ave Hong Chung, tailor and gen store, 112 Dupont Hong Sing, laundry, 16 Powell Hong Yuan & Co., mrchts, 3 Dupont Hoo Lee, boot and shmkr, 216 Carrall Hop Yek, merchant, 9 Dupont Jee Sing, laundry, 218 Prior Jim Chung, contractor, 167 Water Kam Wo Co., Chinese store, 33 Du pont Xwong, Joy, Shing & Co., merchants, 13 Dupont Kwong, Sing, Chong & Co., tailors and grocers, 22 D On Chong, laundry, 169 Water Sam Kee, merchant, 110 Dupont Sam Lee, laundry, 3.i2 Carrull Sam Lung, laundry, 107 Dupont Sam Sing & Co., merchants, 113 Keefer Sing Wah Kee, gen store, labour sup- plied, 114 Dupont Toch Sing, laundry, 41 Dupont Tong Yuen, laundry, 38 Dupont * Toy, San, Low, grocers and laborers contract, 50 Dupont Wah Kee, laundry, rear of 113 Keefer Wing Lee, laundry, 36 Alexander Wing On Tai &Co., merchants, 36 Du- pont Wing Yuen & Co., merchants, 12 Du- pont Wo Ling, laundry, 112 Hastings W Yee Sing, laundry, 224 Water Yuen Wah, laundry. Ponder bet liich- ards and Seymour '%m<^. wmm YICTORIA DIRECTORY. NoTi.— Tn roLLownici AvaxnxrioM abb ttbbd in the Victoria Dirbctorxv;-, UtV woiA street is omitted after the name of the street; av avenue; nr nean;;oovr evrmrr :j; il.O.P.M. Co., Royal City Planing MilU Co.; G.P.R., Canadian PUcific- Raibny f; C.P.N. Oo.y Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. A ; I. W. Co., Albion £roruW6rkj. Cok.. . £. k N. Ry., Esquimau and Nanaimo Railway. Victoria city, the capital and commercial metropolis of British Columbia, is situated at the southeast end of the Island of Van- couver, facing the straits of Fuca and the. Qulf of Georgia. The city was incorporated in 1862, and contains an area of about four square miles. Its streets are wide and well kept, many of them being lined with beantiful shade trees. It is supplied with Gas and Electric Light. The streets are lighted by clusters of Electric Lights, on masts 12r feet high, placed at various points, which throw a soft light over the city. An eflScient paid fire department, with the latest improved equipment, gives the citizens ample fire protection. The city owns its own water works system which cost about $250,000, and is ample for domestic and fire purposes. Victoria is a beautiful city. In a drive over any of the excellent roads leading out from the city, the eye rests upon an en- chanting landscape, handsome residences with well kept grounds and gardens; and on every side evidences of wealth and culture. It is a favorite winter resort not only for the people of British Columbia, but for many south of the line, while in summer it is crowded by tourists. No place on the Pacific Coast offers more comfort, better climate or more beautiful scenery ; there is 30 no city of its size in the DomiiH(>»<witli» as many wealthy resideata- ietired'i£EoiEi>K active business. Until the completion of the C&aadina^ Pacific Railway, Victoria was the only places of importance in British ColamlN%noip.otheK- places are springing up,. aad> th&r eVitA established firms are increaMiig. tbeir- business proportionately. It coulili not be- expected, with a Province- so. Bleb> in coal, minerals, lumber and fish, that one city, would long remain the only distribatingi; point for BO vast and rich a Territoty. Itz is the Ocean gateway to tkeFroTiiioevaodj must ever command and leoei-c^ t&.farge:; portion of the interior and coast tmile. Vic^ toria is the base of suppliesy and the finaoi- cial and political centre of the Province.. W itb the Esquimau and Nanaimo Rail- way, to Nanaimo and Wellington and its- regular lines of steamers to San FraceisaO' and Sound Ports, as well as tO' alL Qoast points in the Province, its looatioa.oonld:> not be surpassed. The business portion of the «i ftp fa well built, principally of brick and] atone, and! has a substantial appearance-.. U baa many imposing structures. To a stranger coming from t&e East, anA spending a day in the city, it seems ^niet after passing through the rapidly growing; new towns along the line of the C.PJB.. II it;: "1'. I; mn :v III 4:'^ HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA VICTORIA but '1)}' spending a few days amongst the ^business bouses be will realize tbat Victoria ia a live business city. Its old established --commepcial houses, carrying large stocks ; dts founuries and factories, its docks, show : at ODce its importance as a seaport. The ibulk of the trade is done direct from Eng- Jand ; the first vessel arrived in 1845. At the present moment, December, 1888, Ihere are no fewer than nine vessels in berth ^nd on the way in the trade between Vic- ^toria and England. They are the : J^rgj-lshire, from London, •\ iola, London. -Antritn, Marvsport. -.I'Ethelberib, iiiverpool. -!Mciiuock, London. , "Thomas S. Stowe, Liverpool, >S*aul, London. 'W'aniock, London. Dois Bi'odersen, Liverpool. These ships have an estimated capacity «f over ten thousand tons. Victoria ranks as the fifth port in the D(>minion. TiiP customs receipts of the first five : inonths of the two years are as follows :— 1888 1887 July $7].092'94 $54,693.97 Aupust 82,137.89 66,840.56 September ... 61,318.43 52,274.79 •October 79,662.58 63,986.17 ,JVovember... 71,030.12 62,210.93 ITotal... $365,214.96 $300,005.66 ri,rseBS of 1888 over 1887, $65,236.30, or ■■about $21.74 per cent, Tliere is a large number of hotels, which are ample to meet the demands' of the Iravelling public. The pifblic schools are free, and are under eflRc'e;it instructors. The following table, giving the enrolment for the month of December in each year, from 1887 up to the present time, will show llie rate at which the school population has vibeen increasing : 18^ 322 1878 433 1879 447 18,s0 482 1881 806 1882 1,484 1883 2,125 1884 2,165 1885 IS-^e 2,773 1887 2,918 1888 3,180 The churches represent all denominations, and have some very fine edifices. The industries of the city are varied and numerous. A glance through the Classi- fied Business section of this work will give a correct idea of its importance and call- ings. The intelligence of Victoria is revealed by its three enterprising daily papers: " The Colonist," "The Times," and "The Stan- dard," which give the latest telegraphic news from all parts of the world. , ; . . . POPULATION. The city is growing steadily, there be- ing no attempt to boom it. The population has been estimated as follows; » ^ ' <■■ • ]874 4,647 '• 1876 5,293 1882 7,000 1884 12,000 1888 14,000 See our estimate of the population of B. C. cities. Aaronson A. A., pawnbroker, 75 and 79 John- )n, res cor Blanchard and Fisguard Abel Edward, policeman, res 124 Fort Abrams W. B., teamster bds Zl Kane Accident Insurance Co. of North America, B.C.L. and I. Agency, agents, 49 Gov- ernment Adams Albert, cabinetmaker, 35 First Adams Alfred, cabinetmaker for J. Weiler Adams Capt James, master mariner, 246 Simcoo Adams F., mechanic Victoria Gas Co,, res Gorge Adams Frank W., bookkeeper E.B.Mar- vin & Co., res 18 Cudboro Bay Road I DIRECTOaT AND QAZETTEER. 429 2,125 2,165 2,773 2,918 3,180 lominations, ! varied and 1 the Glassi- rk will give 36 aad call- is revealed ipers: "The " The Stan- telegraphic Hd- y, there be- latitnated as :7 \3 10 10 »0 }pulatioQ of r, 75 and ihai-d and 18 124Foi-t 8 S7 Kuno Co. of '.L. and 19 Cov- I-, 35 First kcr for J. mariner, a Gas Co., •E.B.Mar- Bay Boad > „ ADA VICTORIA AND Adams John, at Water Works, 88 Store Adams Mrs.Christina, wid John, house- keeper Bishop's Palace, Yates Adams Mrs. M., widow, 34 Cadboro Buy road. Tel. 573 Adams W, H., a<?ent Singer Sewing machines, 50 Government, res 36 King's Eoad Adelphia saloon, Murphy & Brown, props, Government cor Yates Aden John, cabinetmaker, 241 Simcoe Aden John,sen., milkman, 241 Simcoe Aden Weart, carpenter, 241 Simcoe Ages Prof Antoine, musician " C" Bat- tery, bds 64 Kane AgnewWm.,photographer,Government nr Courtney Agriculture Department, Hon J. H. Turner, minister of Finance and Agriculture Albany Frank, sailor, 248 Simcoe Albion hoteljli.H. Ward,prop,7 Herald Albion Hou8e,Brown & White, dry goods, 61 Government Albion Iron Worlcs Co. (Limi- ted), W. F. Bullen, manager Discovery St. Tel 31 Albion 8aloon,Power8& Johnson, props, 12 Yates Alexander Thomas, expressman, 10 St Louis Alice & Emma Mining Co.y Edward Crow Baker, presi- dent, 2 Broughton Allan A. F., with W. Cooley,bds Wind- sor hotel Allan Henry, laborer,res 5 Labouchero Allan H<nu'y, gunner " C" Battery, res Fairfield Iload All;in John, machinist Albion I.W.,bds 148 Fort Allan John, carpenter, bds Dominion house Allan Mrs. Marion, wid Alexander, res 187 Rupert LEATHEB BELlGl Juno. Craig and St. Antoine St8« MONTREAL. Allan Wm., laborer, 16 Henry Allen Wm., machinist A. I. W. Co. Alliance Marine Insurance Co.,Robert Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf Allice Thos. H., manager, John Boyd, 47 Yates Allison Jame.s, dyer and scourer, 53 Douglas, res same Allison W. A., Bunk of B. C, bds Roo- cabella American Hotel, T. J. Burns, prop, 15 Yates Ames Holden Co.(Ld), whole- sale boots and shoes, A. C. Fiummerfelt, mgr, 72 Wharf Andean Wm., variety store, 122 Gov- ernment, res Feniwood road Anderson — , feed store, foot of Fort, rooms 139 Yates Anderson — , 36 Princess ave Anderson Alex., of Anderson Bros.,res Yates Anderson Alfred C, clerk Yates & Jay, res Fort Anderson Bros., agents Bri- tish Columbia Fruit Co., pro- duce and commission, cor Wharf and Fort, ^ce Adv Anderson C. A., millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill Anderson David, carpenter for McKil- lican & Anderson Anderson George C, bartender Unioa Club, Douglas cor Courtney ! I ■ t : Wl \ 430 Henderson's British Columbia 'k; AND VICT!»RIA AUL Anderson George Wm., of Shore & An- derson, bds Pandora ave Anderson Henry, ship carpenter, res 93 Niagara Anderson Hugh, fireman Vic Gas Co., res 37 Queen's ave Anderson James E.,of Anderson Bros., res 32 Kingston Anderson Jasper, bds 79 Fort Anderson John A., education office, res 209 Fort Anderson John L., laborer for A. & W. Wilson Anderson Louis, stone mason, bds Dominion house Anderson Miss Annie, clerk R. T. Wil- liams, bds 79 Fort Anderson Miss H. C, dressmaker, 27 Government, res same Anderson Simon, shipwright, res 52 Bae Anderson W. C, prop Cla- rence Hotel, Yates oor Dou- glas Anderson Walter J., of McEillican & Anderson, res View Anderson W., mason, 52 Pandora ave Andrew J. A., clerk H.B.Cr?. Andrews — , helper, A.I.W. Co. Andrews James, shoemaker, 7 Green Andrews Richard Bennett, drayman, res 229 Yates Andrews W.,millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill Angel hotel, Fred. Carno, 43 Langley Angola College, Ladies, Miss Clara Du- pont, BirJetteave Angus Furrest, res The Oakos, Pem- berton Angus & Cordon, groceries and provisions. Government cor Fort. Tel 88 Angus James, of Angus & Gordon, res 102 Mp ^s cor Simcoe Angus Miss B., arithmetic teacher Angela College, James Bay Angus Wm., Chemainus Saw Mill, of Croft & Angus, 120 Belleville Appleton Frederick, clerk H. B. Co.^ res cor Young Arcade restaurant, Jos. Levy, prop, 124 Government Archibald W. F., local manager C.P.R.. telegraph, res 26 Cadboro Bay road Arnold Mrs., midwife, 32 Second Arnold Samuel, painter, 32 Second Armstrong Miss Frances Ellen, prin- cipal Girls' Public School, bds 10» Pandora av Armstrong Wilson Joseph, carpenter, res 81 Discovery Arnold Chas. M., contractor, 64 Nortb Park Arnold John W., engineer Spratt & Gray, 32 Second Arnold Sam.,painter for RobertLettice, res Second Arnorsen Geo. H., waiter, 49 Yates Arrowsmith Miss, governess, bds 121 Superior Arundell C. H., clerk Occidental hotel Ashcrott John, principal B.C. School for deaf mutes and the blind, 113 Chatham Aspdin Edwin, dry goods, 101 Dou- glas, res Bay Assembly Hall, 178 Fort Atherton Benjamin F., searcher of records, res 178 Cook Atkins Wm,, 112 Dallas road Atkins Miss Ellen, nurse at 94 Superior Atkinson George, miner, res 231 View Attorney general's office, Hon Alexander E. B, Davie, Q.C ,. Attorney General. Tel 9 Atkinson John Luther, law student Eberts & Taylor, res 155 Quadra Atwood Fi'ank,clerk Angus & Gordon, res 55 Kane Auld Jamos,contractor, 35 Princess av Auld Wm,, carpenter, 35 Princess av |c<2!E«:i 18 Saw Mill, of ) Belleville slerk H. B. Co., Levy, prop, 124 manager C.P.R. (iboi'O Bay road 32 Second ir, 32 Second ;es Ellen, prin- School, bd:^ 10» sepb, carpenter, •actor, 64 Nortb fineer Sprutt & T RobertLetlice, iter, 49 Yates verness, bdn 121 Occidental bote! pal B.C. School tbe blind, lia X)d8, 101 Dou- 78 Fort P., searcbor of k m road ie at 94 Sii]>m'ior 5r, rew 231 View 8 office, Hon Davie, Q<C ,. il. Tel 9 er, law student i 155 Quailra ngus & Gordon, ', 35 Princess av 35 Princess av DIREOTORY AND OAZETTEEB, 431 AITS VICTORIA BAK Austin Harry, bridgeman E. &N, Ry, Ktoi'O foot Cormorant Austin John Henry, clerk, 24 Bastion, res Victoria Arm Austin John J., notary public and real estate agent, 24 Bastion, res Victoria Arm Austin Wm., 198 Cook Australian hotel, W.C.S. Feeley,prop, Government cor Hum bo It Averill J., carpenter Smith & Clark Averill J. B., carpenter for Binhop & Siiorborne, res Yates Aviwood Thomas, clerk, Driard B-ibbsige George H., 19 View Biiliington Clarendon, carpenter, 93 Henry Bi)l>ington Gordon, tanner Rock Bay Tannory, res 93 Henry 3:ibington P. A., millhan 1 Muirhead & iLirin's mill, res 93 Henry B ick John, moulder A.I.W. Co Baptist Church, Spring llidge,rev Mr. R»Kfi Buomstein Frank L., musician, bds 52 Quadra Balu- Theodoro,machinehand for John Weiler Bailey Benjamin, res 96 Quebec Bailey Charles, operator for Victoria E-quimalt Telephone Co., res 96 Quebec Bailey George M., operator Victoria E>quimalt Telephone Co., res 96 Quebec Baines Frank, clerk for H. A. Lilley, res HO Johnson Bailies Miws,dre88maker for D.Spencer Baities William, sen., bookkeeper, res 140 Johnson Bailies William, asst printer B.C. Govt., 140 Johnson Baines William, jun., Govt offices, res 140 Johnson Baird Joseph, bookkeeper, 19 Third Baird Richard, moulder Wilson Bros. / AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Mufrs. of ELECTKIC WlilES, CABLES, Instrn- p\eut8 and Si'jplles of every descrlptiou. fSea advt. page 5.) Baird William, tinner for M Lennaa & McFeoly, bds Vancouver house Baiter E.Crowe, M. P., J. P., real estate and financial agent, conveyancer and notary pub-^ lie, secretary treasurer to Board of Pilot Commission- ers, Victoria and Esquimau Teiphone CO.,andHoweMlin- ing Co. (ltd), 2 Broughton. Tel 693, res 16 Montreal Laurai Point. Tel 661 Bakor George, carriagemaker for John Meston Bakor James, con tractor, 65 Pembroke. Tel 166 Baker John, teamster, 71 Pembroke Baker Joseph Henry, boots and shoes, 89 Covernment, res same Baker Michael, of R. Baker &Son, res 30 Frederick Baker Miss Bertha, boarding bouse, 56 Broad Baker Mrs. T. W., dressmaker 57 Dou- glas, res name Baker R., & Son, jobbers in flour, feed and fruit, 6 Yates Baker Richard, teamster, 71 Pembroke Baker T. W., printer Standard, 57 Douglas Baker Thes.,driver Jacob Sehl,19Ellico Baker Ths., clerk, 30 Frederick Baker Thomas H., of R. Baker & Soft, res 30 Frederick ' i \ )) H iii» !■• ,1 ij'li 432 Henderson's British Columbia BAK VICTORIA BAT I Baker Wm., 71 Pembroke Bakewell J:imep, horf^esilioer for W. C. Bryant, res 13 Cormorant Balt'olmTlios.,aH!«t cook Colonial hotel Baldwin H. Clinton, bartender Com- mercial hotel Bales J. E., accountant, 21 Bastion, res Indian Ket;erve Ballantyne Dtivid, compositor Times Ballentyne C. G., npjent Kquitable Life Assuiaiice Co., !N,Y., 21 Bastion Balmoral Salmon Cannery, Skeena Eiver, Turner, Bceton & Co., agents, Wharf Bamford Thomas, machinist Albion Iron Works, res Carr next cor Simcoe Bank Exchange, G. C. Sauer, prep, 20 Yates Bank of British Columbia, Wm. C. Ward, manager, Government Bank of British North Amer- ica, Yates, C. H. Burns, mgr Banmann L.F., confectioner. 25 Yates Banner Sam., gardener, res 75 McOIure Bantry M., cigar mfr.,9i John- son Baptist Church, Calvary, Rev ; W. L. Ru^g, pastor. Herald [ bet Dcuglas and Blanchard ; av I Barber & Hewlings, carriage builders, pattern and model making, 13 Pandora Barber J. E., of Barber & Hewlings, res 110 Johnson Barnsell James, carpenter, res 292 Johnson Barlow Mrs., 116 North Park Barnett Arthur Welsley, bookkeeper for Eli Harrison Barlow Thomas, livery stable, 13 Trounce Alley, bds American hotel. Tel 166 Barnard Frank 8., M.P., secy and manager of Victoria Transfer Co. res Belcher, nr Pemberton Road. Tel 502 Barnard Goo. Henry, law student Eberts & Taylor, res Duval Barnes A. (■., bartender "Adelphia," rooms 86 Fort Barnes James, laborer, res 141 Simcoe Barnett — .painter for E. Harrison, bda 136 Yates Barnett John, blacksmith J. Robertson, res 16 Herald Barnsley Alfred, clerk Russell, McDon- ald & Co., res 105 Quadra Barnsley John, gunsmith and sporting^ goods, 119 Government, res 13 Bay Barran Julius, poik packer and sau- sage maker, 106 Yates, res same Barrett Geo., carpenter Smith & Clark Bsirron C. F , timekeeper Albion Irorv Works, res 34 Franklin Barron >Iiss Elizabeth, 3rd asst teach- er girls' Public school Cook Barrow Thos., steward Colonial hotel Barry Albert, butcher tor J. Parker, res Yates Barr}' John, res 38 Rae Barry John T., capt Steamship Maud Harry Miss Mary, res 53 Quadra Barry Thomas, teamster, res 53 Quadi a Bartholomew Jas., rooms 34 Michigan Bartlett John, hackman, 98 Bay Bartlett Samuel, plasterer for Patrick-, res 222 Johnson Batchelor — , stonemason, rooms 21 Broad Batchelor William, drayman, res 23^ Yates Basso N., apprentice Albion T. W. Bates Andrew, driver for Bowman, Esquimau stage, res 36 Kane Bates J., Albion I. W., res 24 Caledo- nia ave i stable, y, bds 1166 P., secy Victoria Cher, nr el 602 V student ill Adelphia," 41 Simcoo .rrison, bd» Robertson, sU, McDon- rti id spoiting^ res 13 Bay and Kuu- 38 same 1th & Clark Llbion Iron asst teach- lok lonial hotel J. Parker, jship Maud Quadra « 53 Quad] a { Mic B Bay \)r Patrick, iigaii rooms 21 an, res 23[^ )nT. W. r Bowman, Cane 24 Galedo- DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 4S3 BAT VICTORIA BEL I Bates Mrs. A., dressmaker, res 36 Kane Baty Stephen, waiter Clarence hotel, cor Douglas and Y&tes Bavarian Brewery, Charles Zoelle, prop 138 Fort. Tel 177 Baxter C. S., passenger agent C.P.N. Co., res 208 Douglas Board A., plumber Colbert & Warner, 73 Yates Beauchamp R, 'fruits and game, 55 Yates and 55 Meyers Beaulands rev. Arthur, B. A., asst rector Christ Church Cathedral, res 24 Burdette av Beaumont Frederick, L.M. B., rancher, bds 60 Rue Beaven H. R., clerk Bank of B. C. Beavon Robert, M. P. P., res 22 Van- couver Bebbington capt Thomas, master mari- ner, 242 Simcoe Bebbington Thomas, master mariner, res ll4 View Bechtel A., of A. J. & A. Bechtel, res 13 Princess ave Bechtel A. J. & A., props Cali- fornia saloon, Johnson cor Waddington Alley Bechtel A. J., of A. J. & A. Bechtel, res 26 John Bechtel Daniel, Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Bechtel Harry, cleik Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Bechtel Isaac, prop Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Beck A., steward Driard Beck Frederick, carriage painter for Victoria Transfer Co. ' , Beck J. F., res Work estate Beck John, moulder, 9 Princess ave Becker John, of Geiger & Becker, res 217 Fort bet Vancouver and Qua- dra Beckingham Charles, clerk, res 38 North Park Edison Electric Light SystenL M. D. BARR & CO., Senerftl Selling Agents^ ^ 726 CRAIC ST., - MaiiTREAt, , Beckingham George, travalbr, 38t North Park Beckle Mrs., widow, 61 Herald Beckman Miss Mary, domestic- ttt Bl Montreal Beckwith John L, agent forlL Snf>i*ejir & Co., wholesale clothing, of M(>ut-r- real, over 47 Govern meat Beckwith W. S., expres»ii>ain,. 34t Fourth Baegan Miss Annie, cashier J. C^ Devlin, res 170 Johnson Beegan Miss Kate, clerk for R*chvii St. White, 170 Johnson Beehive saloon, James Cowio, \a'(^ ISs Fort cor Broad Boek Fred, carriage painter, 2S Kin<^*ss- Road Boelon H. C, of Turner, Bootoa & C!>.^ res London, Eiiglanl Begbie Sir Matthaw Bami?'^ Chief Justice of British Col-^ umbia, re3 23 C3llin3^r« Bogg Alexander, res 145 Fort Bes;§; John, prop Railroad hsf^ tel, 60 Johnson Benson Henry, foreinan for Ki'rttz, ct Co., res 2 Centre Boll George A., Say wood's n>illy ro* 168 Yates Bell J. & T., Montreal, Turner, Boc-to«* & Co., agents. Wharf Bell William, blacknmith for Lodiirit^- ham Bros., bds Colonial hotel Bell William, stonecutter, 84 Dikilas. ' road Bellamy Miss Alice, 38 CadbcHGOt*BQttdQ ;■ t H^ .1 4B4 HENDERSONS BRITISH COLUMBIA BEL VICTORIA BLA ■iBell«f«y Miss Gertru<lo, domestic for J<4« OHmeron, 23 Doaglas SBtfitNont saloon, Jarvis Longhurst, |,n>»]», 11 Government cor Hum bolt Helmont Tanning A Boot and Shoe Mfg Co., W. Dalby, ■nsr? 103 Government '!iBel>'ca II. A., barrister, res 85 Pem- -A- 'vea A. L., 10 Bastion square -Bempstj' — , painter for Robert Lettice ^Jk'naxod <^pt James, capt of steamer Alexander, res 239 Simcoe I'Bcnedrct R. H., stenographer Welch Ili«bet;&Co., IBennet J. H., millhand Muirhead ■& Mann iSennett John, drayman, 4 Princess av Senny, McPherson & Co., wtiol hardware, Cowan, Shaw & Co., agents, 62 Wharf iBennett Richard,8hip builder,216 Pan- <l<Taav ?3Ber.Hon €apt. Thomas R., adj. C. B.ittciy, res 39 Cook .^ettsoD H<?nry, mgr cipar factory, 2 <^1ltl»e load. Spring Ridge iBetaly Tho8.,capt.Str Hope, Rock Bay Saw Mill ffierridge Frank, clerk for W. Walker, 64 Second ISerridge Ceorge,accountant, ^fVlce Bk of B, C. block, res 'S 4 Second Beny Capt. John, capt. Str. " Maud," <«4.s 79 Fort Berrj' F, machinist A.I. W., 23 Ellice .Henynian Charles, gardener for Sir M. Begby, res 20 Labouchere IBeityman Fred., stonecutter, 61 Second lB<*!iynan Richard Henry, bartender wOeeidonlal, res 136 Cook Bcrwin S.,tail(>r, 73 Johnson Result Charlen, cook Driard Bovan Charles P., carriagemaker, res 107 Pandora av Bickfoixl Mrs. W., fancy goods, 63 Fort, res same Bickingham Joseph, Albion I.W. Bickwith Herbert E.,re8 41 Belleville Bigger Ansel, mason, res 43 Blan- chard Bigger George W., agent, res 43 Blan- ch ard Bings John, car inspector E. & N. Ry., res Victoria W, Uussell Station Birney James, sr., expressman, 1 Que- bec Birney Jame8,with Stoney undertaker, res 1 Quebec Birney Thomas, blacksmith, res 1 Que- bec Binhop Frank James, coachman, 73 liichardson Bishop George, of Bishop & Sherborne, res 12 Amelia cor Cormorant Bishop H. F.,purser Str. E. P. Rithet, res 84 John Bishop's Palace, R.C., Right Rev. Bishop Lemmens, D. D., Yates Bishop & Sherborne, carpenters and ship joiners, 21 Government Bissett Alfred, asst freight agent E. & N. Ry. Store, foot Cormorant Bittancourt Abraham Ray, contractor builder, 20 Belcher Bittancourt John Arthur, contractor, builder, 20 Belcher Bittancourt Mrs. Mary E., wid E. A., boarding house, 20 Belcher Bittancourt Richard Ernest, 20 Bel- cher Bittancourt Walter S., 20 Belcher Bittancourt Wm. Reece, 20 Belcher Black Alex., conductor E. & N. Ry., , rooms 75 Bianchard , Black George, waiter Driard .. ■> ( DiaCOTORT AND QAZBTTEBB. 435 BLA viCToaiA BOO laker, res oods, 63 I.W. ellevillo i3 Blun- i 43 Bltin- & N. Ry., ition in, 1 Quo- idertaker, •es 1 Quo- man, 73 berborne, nt *. Rithet, Right •ns, D. iters and t ^ent E. & It an tractor n tractor, id E.A., 20 Bel- cher Icher N. Ry., I Black John, toamttter for Van Volken- burgh & Bro. Black Thomas, pianomaker, ros 96 Kingston Blackburn — , Fernwood road Blackburn Wm., barber, res 173 Sim- coo BlacUmore John,laborer,res 35 Meyers Blackwood E. E., freight and passenger agent Northern Pacific Ry., agent N. P. Ex. Co., 100 Governmant, rd3 King's Road Blaiklock Mrs. A., wid, res 110 Supo- iii)r Bl.iis George, pipemaker Albion Iron Works Blailon Jolin, driver fl»r M. R, vSinith Blako Alfred, Albion Iron Works, 12 Third Blake C. H.F,, 3rd convict guard Vic- toria Jail Blake C. R., sanitary officer, 1G9 Dou- glas Blake Charles, guard Prov. jail, ros 12 C idbors Bay road Blake Charles, apprentice to McKilli- c m & Anderson, res Spring Uidgo Biak'o Miss, dressmaker for D. Spen- cer Blanchard Miss Amy, dressmaker, bds 70 Douglas Bl.itichard M. G., veterinary surgeon, chemist and <lruggist, 115 Govern- ment, res 25 Pandora. Tol. 158 B'and A., nillhand Muirhead & .Mann Bland Frederick, tinner D.C. Heal, res Mary, Victoria W Bland Henry, printer Colonist,72 John Bland James, sexton of St Andi-ew's church,46 Victoria Crescent Bland John,8hoomaker tor H. Mansell, Victoria Crescent Blant John, shoomakcr, 24 Princess av --A.ITID- lOLLEN m SUPPLIES J" a. OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Bioomfie[i:4 & f^ciilab, gene- rai commission merchants, Ominica biocic Hlo(.ni;iol<l Cas P., ros 18 Pioneer. Tol. 78 Bloomiiii^dale E., of Strouss & Co., re> S^m Francisco Blooiniiig'iale H.. cloik C. Slrouss & Co., I'<l■^ Oiential Bloor — , m<tul(k*r A. I.W. Blue Posl Saloon, Sanuiel Clay, prop, 114 Johnson Board of Trade Rooms, r^om 7 over Bic of B. C, W. Mon- teith, secy Bo(hl3' W., stone mason, 29 Gorge road Bode F.,prop Victoria Shaving Parlor, 108G >vc'rnmont, res 39 Douglas B »d\vell V., barri>ior T. Davie, res Kane Botrjjfs Boaumont, receiving teller D >m Govt Savings Bank, res Dou- glas hou>e B »hrer Prof. Heir Ileinrich, musician, bds 8 Franklin Bolton — , res 62 Belleville B»nd Willi*;, con tractor, house mover, res 94 View Bono Wm. H., T. X. Hbben & Co., res Top.iz av B onville Edward, secy to hon J. W. Truich Bookoovalla Emanuel, Iruit dealer, res Alley opj) 75 Johnson Boomerang SaloonyV.Jenseny prop, 4 Langiey Aliey ; I -J 436 IIENDEKSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA BOO VICTfiRIA BRA Booth Andrew Samuel, oxprossman, 71 Qiuidia Boothe Cornoliiis, assesnor and collec- tor,Victo«iaCity andDist. andEsqui- malt Govt Buildings, James Bixy, res 52 Mejerw Booth Geo.Jun., II.B. Co.,re8 46 Work Boo'h Geor^'o, son., 4G Work Booth Geo. A.,travellir)ij agent Citizens Ins. Co., 56 Langley Booth Saraiiol, driver res 177 Yates Booth Wm., messenger Drake,Jaekson & Ilelmckon, res Spring Ridge Borde August, blacksmith, 42 Chat- ham Borde Madam, widow, 42 Chatham Borden Frederick, carpenter lor Mc- Killican & Andei'son, res 45 Second Bornstein H., dealer in hides, wool and tarh>w, 3 Yates, res 183 Fori. Tel. res 583, office 535 Borron Miss A., drawing teacher Anuelu College Borron Miss M., resident governess Angela College Borthwick Ralph, prop Pal- ace saloon, 66 Yates Boscowitz D. A., bookkeeper J. I). Warren, i-es Pandora Boscowitz Joseph, res 93 Pandora av BoKcowitz St '.•;.|tt. 8. Williams Boskowilz A., of J. & A. Boskowitz, res New York City Boskowith J. A., ofJ. & A. Bor-kowitz, res New York City Boskowltz J. & A., dealers in raw furs and skins, H. J. Hartwell, mgr, 96 Wharf Bossi A. 0., grocer, 49 Quadra cor View, res Johnson Bossi C, 119 Cormorant Bossi Giacono, :i6 Johnson, res 227 Johnson 3o8twick H., barber Geo. North, 76 Govern meut f Boihwick George, cigarmaker T. &. L» cigar factory, res Johnson Bothwick Ralph, saloon, 162 Johnson Boucherat A Co., wholesale liquors and cigars, 13 Yates. Tel. 148 Boucherat J., of Boucherat & Co., res Pemberton Boulton Rev. William W,, rector of St. Paul's, Anglk can, Esqulmalt Bourchier Francis, real estate agent, 2 Broughton, res 10 Blanchard Bourdeau Capt. Alexander, master mariner, bds 105 Pandora av Bourne Frank, piano tuner for Waitt & Co., res 24 Kane Boutelleau & Co., Bordeaux, Franco Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Whiyr, Bowen W. H., stationer, res Topaz av Bowes George, gunsmith lor Henry Short, res Humboldt Bowie Mis. J., widow, 52 Pandora av Bowles K., upholsterer Jacob Sehl Bovvtnan Henry, cook C.P.N. Co., res 154 Yates Bowman WilliMm Gile, livery and hack stable, 25 Broad res 126 Yates. Tel. 87 Bowser F., freight clerk Sir Yosemito Bowser F'runk, fruit and confection- ery, 67 Fort Bov\scr >n-s. Frank, bds 36 Humboldt Boyd John, wholesale wine and t^pirit merchant, 46 and 47 Yates Bo3'd Mrs. Agnes, wid David, res 9 George Brack man & Ker, manufac- turers and dealers in flour and feed, mills at North Saa- nich, office 160 Government Tel. 167, mills I27A ' . DIRVOTORY AND QAZETTEER. 43r BRA VICTORIA Bill rea D Brackman Honry, of Brackman & Ker, res North Saanieh • Bradbury Thomas, stone mason, res 109 View Braden Edward, plumber for Braden & Stanford, res 88 View Braden John, of Braden & Stanford, res 88 View Braden & Stanford, plumbers, steam and gasfltters, and sanitary engineers, 47 Fort cor Broad. Tei. 107 Braden William, plumber for Braden & Stanford, res 88 View Bradley Ernest, clerk M. W. Waitt & Co., res cor Yates and Cook Bradley John A., res 165 Cook Bradley Percy, clerk for E. J. Thain, res Cook bet Johnson and Yates Brady Henry J., manufacturing che- mist, 41 Pandora av, Maynard's buildings, res same Brady James, C.E., 80 Henry. Tei. 689 Bragg Edwai-d, bricklayer, 26 Eliza- beth Bragg W. T., seal hunter, bds Wind- sor hotel Braid Fred., messenger Brakell Hugh, laborer, Mh 256 Johnson Brandson Einnr, 177 Pcrnwood Road, Spring Ridge Braund Chas., clerk R. Jamieson, res cor Herald and Blanchard Braverman I., money brolcer, 18 Bastion sq., res 6 Bas- tion sq Jane, boarding Bray Mrs. Frances house, 136 Yates Bray W,, machinist Albion I. W. Breece Wm., waiter M. & L. Young Breidfiord Johan, rear 171 Fern wood road Brennan Harry, engineer E. & N. Ry. I. . (Ltd.) MONTREAL. MnfrB. of Telephones.Electrlo Bolls, AnmiiK.-la- tors, Burglar Alariua, InstruraeiitM, ApparMtim aiitft Supplies of every description. (S"e lulvl.. p. 5.) Brenton C. J., school teacher, re.s 34 Coutts Brereton Lieut. Annie, S. A., ros 14i5 Fort Brickford Mrs., fancy goods, Fort, re»- 37 Douglass Bridges George, farmer, res 45 Blan- chard Bridges Mrs. George, music teacher^ 45 Blanchard Bridgman Arthur J. Weaver, clerk B.C. Land and Inv. Agency, Bridgman Joseph, clerk H, E. Croas- daile, res 8 Quebec Briggs A. J., night agent ticket office^ bds 109 Pandora av British Coiumbia Benevolent Society, W. H. Mason, sec* rotary and treasurer, & Trounce Aliey British Columbia Fire Ins. Co., M.H. Cowan, mgr., B. W. Morrow, see treas, 62 Wharf British Coiumbia Fruit Com- pany, Anderson Bros., agents. Wharf cor Fort. isee. Adv. British Cclumbia Land and Investment Agency, 'Ld.,> Henry S. Mason, managing^ director, 49 Government British Columbia Milling and Mining Co. (Ld). British Columbia Pioneer Soci'vty.Johtt J. Austin, secy, 24 Bastion :< •' :i\ .;... (,, -438 HENDERSON S BRITISH OOLUMBIA BRI VICTORIA BRY British Columbia Schooi for Deaf Mutes and the Biind, John Ashcroft, principal, 113 Chatham British Columbia SoapWorks, Pendray & Co., proprietors, 26 Humboldt British and Foreign Marine Ins. Co. (Fj(i),of Liverpool, Pindlay, Durham & Brodie, gen agts tor B. C, 75 Wharf iiritton Rowland, engineer, 16 Rupert Broclcelbank — , painter tor Robert Lattice, Kane Bro<iie John Henry, of Findiay, Dur- ham & Brodie, res Landon, Englaid Broflrick R., merchant, 100 Pandora Bi-o'h'ick Wm., clerk Custom house, res 100 Pandova Broiid Chas., bds 120 Blanehard are Broi»u..T Thoi*., Victoria Transfer Co., los 22 { Johnson Br->ok-i Jas., of Vaio& Brooks, res 48 H.-rald .-Brooks Wm., bookkeeper, res 128 Van- couver Brown — ,at Van Vol ken burg Bros,, res Beacon Hill Park nr Dallas road BrovvQ Alex., bds 22 Eiio Brown Bros., grocers, 63 Yates Brown C, painter for Robt. Lottice Brown D;»nicl, nurse Roj-al hospital, head of Pandora ave Brown Fi-ed., station agt Eiquimall and Nanairno Ry Store foot Cor- ntorant, res Victoria VV Brown Geo., master mariner, 196 Cook Brovrn Geo., laborer, res 14 St Law- rence Brown Geo. Staris, res 25 Richardson Brown G'v>. H., of Brown Bros., res 65 Collison Brown Henry, of Brown «& White, res 239 Fort Brown J., clerk W. R. Roberts, 27 Johnson Brown J. H., of Brown & Mill jr, 166 Government Brown J. H., prop Princo of Wales saloon, res 25 Herald Brown Jas., bartender for Powers & Johnson, 12 Vates Bro'rn Jas., 24 Green Brown John, bricklayer, 8 Pioneer Brown Jug Saloon, Wm. Cil- mOre, mgr, 51 Government cor Fort Brown Miss Annie, dressmaker for D. Sjioncor, res 51 Blanehard Brown Miss Cassie, asst bookpr D. Spencer, res 51 Blanehard Brown M. C., Adelpha saloon, res 38 Pioneer Brown Michael, of Murphj' & Brown, res Pioneer Brown & Miller, saloon, 1<J6 Govern- ment Brown Mrs., wid, res 165 Fort Brown Percival Rideout, bookkeeper Alltiop& Mason, res 25 Richardson Brown Peter, fruit and fish dealer, 71 Johnson, res 228 Simcoe Brown Robt. Austin, secy Standard, ros 65 Colli nson Brown R )bt. H., res Beacon Hill Brown VV. R , of Brown Bros., res 63 Pandora Brown & White, Albion house, dry goods, 61 Government Brown Wm., teamster, 24 Green Brown Wm., bds 105 Pandora ave Bruce John, butcher, King's Road bet 3rd and 4th Brunswick hotel, Findley & Hodnott, props, Yates cor Douglass Bryant Wm. Chiis., horse doctor and horseshoer, 93 Douglass, res 131 Cormorant Bryant W:n. CuHon, horseshoer for *W. C. Bryact, ros 134 Cormorant DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 43» BRY VICTORIA BUR Bryce Jas., foreman Truck & Draj' Co., res 32 Blanchard Bryce Eobt., driver for Victoria Track & Dray Co., res 34 Blanchard Bryce Wm., messenger Indian office, res 36 Blanchard cor Kane Bryce Wm., 4 Alfred 7 rydon Thos., carpenter, 14 North road, Spring Ridge Bucket J., Albion I. W. BuckettWm., Truck and Dray office, 18 Yates, res 32 Franklin Bucklar Ed. Thos., tailor, 48 Second BucklarThos., carpenter, 48 Second Buckler John, clerk for H. LapieiTe, res 48 Second Buckler W., millhand Muirhead & Mann Buckler Wm. S., carpenter, 48 Second Buckley Ed., tailor for A. Gregg & Son, res Second Buckley Thomas, carpenter for Mc- Killican & Anderson, 48 Second Bucknam Capt. S. W^, 13 Amelia Bull Miss Hester, domestic at 52 Belle- ville Bull Wm., brickmaker, 64 Pembroke Bull Wm. King, gen agent, 32 Broad opp View, res View Bullen W. F., mgr Albion Iron Works, res Esqulmalt Road. Tel 506 A Bulling J., masoij, 50 Herald Bunley Nelson, Victoria Brewery Bunster Mrs. A. J., 126 Johtison Bunting R. C, landing waiter H.M. customs Bunting Miss Aggie, tailoress for A. Gregg & Son, resBsquimalt Burgess B. H., of B. H. Burgess & Co., res 106 Fisguard Burgess B. H., & Co., confectionery and fruit, 86 Government Burgess John, driver for Victoria Truck and Dray Co., res nr Albion Iron Works LEffiR Bam. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSit MONTRBi^!.. Burgess John, 34 Blanchard Burgess John Pope, contrac* tor and builder, lO Brough> ton, res Pandora Hill Burgess Wm. Lewis, carpenter, res- 210 Pandora Hill Burkholder Wm. H., carpen- ter, «2 Caledonia ave Burney Thos , blacksmith John Mc- Lean, res 1 Quebec Burns B., moulder A.I.W. Barns & Co,, hardware, 61 Yales Burns G. H., mgr Bk cl B.N.A., re» Labouchere Burns J., rooms 21 Broad Burns Jas., fire insurance atit G'asgow and London Fire Ins Co., 51 Langley res Victoria Club Burns L. G., tinner Goo. Phillips, 152 Government Bums Mountain Mining Co., H. B, Croasdaile, secretnry, Government Burns T. J., prop / mericiut^ hotel, 15 Yates and Burns house, Bastion sq Burns Thos., jr., brass moulder, Amer- ican hotel, 15 Yates Burns William, mgr American hotel, 15 Y^tes Burr>9 8. C, arohlteoty 14 Bastion sq Burt S. S., baker and grocer, 25 Gov- ernment Burt W., clerk Angus & Gordon, re»- 25 Government •i » ■ : (' '■ 1 ;•■ i 'i. ' ^. \ ^' } ■I 1 \"\ I i : ' ■{ if : 440 IxiiiNDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ,K I; ' • ^ iii^ ? S 1 ..^ ',"••1 1 -i 1 ^ '^illvBlfci. BUS VICTORIA CAM Bush Charles, engineer Victoria Fire dent. 82 Yates Bus'iell Miss Emma, music teacher, 60 Blancliard Busk C. AY., civil onginr, liBastim sq Buss — , farmer, Hillside ave Butler Frederick, at Munroe Milbr's, les 18 Kinajston Butler Miss Florence, res 18 Kingston Butler R. J., clerk P. O., res 18 Kingston Butler Eobert, printer Govt, res 18 Kingston Biiys80 Charles, cook Driard, res 144 Fort Byrnes Robert, with Turner, Beeton & Co., res 110 Vancouver Byrnes George, auctioneer, estate and coinin agent, 18 Fort, res 10 Rae Byrnes Miss Lilly M., res 10 Rue <!advvaldfcr Miss Mary, seamstress, res 45 (juadra •Ciirns T. A., asst postm'r,res 25 Kane Caledonia Dye Works, James Allison, 53 Douglas Caledonia Saloon, James Da- ley, prop, 17 Store Calder Alexander, C. E., res 108 Cook Oilder Miss Annie, res 108 Cook Caldwell Arthur, clerk, res 5 George CiildweH Arthur, dental student with Dr. Vervinder, res 5 Chambers Caldwell D., upholsterer for J. Weiler, Yates Caldwell Mrs. Lotitia M., Ist' asst teacher Girls' P. S., George Caldwell Thomas, carpenter for Bishop & S , res Douglass California Marina Insurance Co., .^all, Coepel & Co., agents, lOOCo/ernmant C<)lifornia Ho'^ol, A. J. A A. , Bechteir props, Johnson cor Wadcl!ngton Alley t California R3staurant & Club House L. Cousins, prop Johnson cor Wad- dington Alley Callana Michael, Hospital sergt C Bat- tery, res 53 Kane Calvary Baptist Church, revM. L. Rugg, pastor. Herald bet Douglass and Blanchard ave Calvert John, merchant tailor, 309 Douglas Calvert Mrs. Kittle, 9 Trounce Alley Culvvell James, horseshoer, res 103 Yates Cameron — , 93 Fort Cameron Albert, clerk for Finlayson, res Beacon Hill Park Cameron Allan R., bookkeeper for Van Volkenbiii'gh & Bro., res 215 Johnson Cameron Alexander, farmer, WaUiV Cameron Charles N., sales.ntian C Strouss & Co., res 80 Superior Cameron Calan, driver Victoria Truck & Dray Co., bds 34 Blanchard Cameron Colin, laborer, 92 Fort Cameron Daniel, plasterer, res 64 Dal- las road Cameron Edward, printer B. 0. Govt, res 64 Dallas road Cameron Howard, carpenter, res 64 Dallas road Cameron John, horse dealer, res 23 Douglass Cameron Joh" Gordon, bartender Colonist hotel, Deacon Hill Park cor Simcoe Cameron Miss Agnes Deans, 2nd asst teacher Girls' P. 8., res 34 Michigan Cameron Miss Cecilia, res 74 Kane Cameron Miss Grace, clerk Charles Gabriel & Co., res 74 Kane Cameron Mina Jessie, 34 Michigan Cameron Miss Sophie, res 74 Kane Cameron Mrs. Jessie, wid Duncan, res 34 Michigan Cameron Mrs. Mary, wid Thomas, 74 Kane mmm DIRECTORr AND GAZETTEER. -141 CAM VICTORIA CAR C/jimeron Ralph, waiter at Union Club, Dougla, cor Courtney Cameron W. J., .'lothing and js^ents' furnishings, 55 Johnson, res 12 Bird- cage Walk Ca-npbell — , machinist Albion I, W. Campbell A., salesman J. Hutcheson & Co., res 139 Michigan Campbell A., compositor Colonist Oampbell Alex., 10 Bay Campbell Archibald L., printer, 66 Chatham Campbell D. E., druggist, 66 Fort cor Douglas, res 89 Fort Tel 135 Campbell Dan, merchant tailor Campbell F. H., clerk F. Campbell, res John. son Campbell Frank, tobacconist, cor Yates and Government, res 146 Johnson Campbell J. D., provincial constable, Esquimalt Campbell James, laborer, 205 Douglas Campbell John, gardener, 317 Douglas Campbell John W., cigar maker B. Levy, res 10 Bay Campbell Miss Clara, clerk Shears & Page, res Johnson Campbell Mrs., milliner at Hutcheson, bds 139 Michigan €arnpbell Noll, minor, 10 Buy C . apbell W. G., 89 Herald ;ipbell vValter, Albion Iron Works, 181 Cook - A1T3D- WOOLLEN ILL SUPPLIES J'&, OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. f^ Canadian Pacific Railway, Robert Irving, freight and pass agent, 75 Government Canadian Pacific Railway Tel- egraph office. Government cor Broughton Canton John, carriage washer for Vic- toria Transfer Co. Capcl George James, compositor, rooms 51 MtClure Capital saloon, Thos. Flewin, prop, 7 Yates, res Park Carey Castle, Government house. Belcher Carey Jos., Westropp, res 16 Kane Carleton Geo. A., freight agent C.P.N. Co., res 326 Douglas. Tel 106 Carlow Edward, shoemaker, 23. North Road, Spring Ridgo Carlow H. J., K.borer, 64 Caledonia av Carlow Horatio Nelson, carpenter, 106 North Park •/•u.^a Mrs""Margarct, wid Michael, ' p/^^-'^?" Wm farmer, res 20 Douglas ro. Yates cor Cadbori Bay Eoad I ^"I'm.chaol Alex., teamster, 71 Pern- ay Canada Life Assurance Co., A. W Jones, agent, 36 Gov- ernment Canadiar:^ Pacific Navigation Co. (Ld), Capt John Irving, m |r. Wharf. Tel office 90 ; Wharf 699 broke Carmiehael Archibald, bookkeeper Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 11 lliehardson Carmiehael E. B., manufactu- rers* agent, cor Johnson and Government, res 138 Blan- chard av 1 1 It t ,1 ' 1 h m' III vm >'i mB 442 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA CAR VICTOREA CHA , i Carmichael F. A., clerk P. O. inspec- tor's office, 1-08 59 McCluro Carmichael John, res 59 McClure Carmichael Miss Annie, res 59 McClure Carmichael Miss Ida, res 59 iVlcClure Carmichael Miss N€tllie,4th asst teacher Girls' P. S , res St Joseph Ho>pital Carmichael Miss Nellie, res 59 Mc- Clure Carmichael \Vm., clerk Argyle house, bds Carr next cor Simcoe Carne Frederick, of Carne & Munsie, res 132 Blanchard av Carne Frederick, prop Angel hotel, 43 Langley Came A Munsie,! grocerSi 80 Douglas. Tel 686 Carne Miss Amelia, res 43 Lahf Carne Misp Elizabeth, res 43 hn.. ey Carne Miss Jennie, 43 Langley Cames John, melter Albion I. W. Carpenter A. M., grocer, 13 Herald Can J*^hn, carpenter for Bishop & Sherborne, bds Angel hotel Carr Richard, res cor Carr and Simcoe Carson John, bartender trarrick's Head saloon Carson Thos., electrician and mgr Victoria E. I. Co., res 19 Rae Carter A. T., brewer Vancouver Bre- wery, bds 63 Herald Carter A Ferri8,props Vancou- ver Brewery, Herald co. Gov- ernment Carter Miss Georgie, tailoress for A. Gregg k Son, res Chatham Carter H., millhand Muirhead& Mann Carter John Wm., carpenler, res 69 View Carter P., expressman, 152 Pandora av •Carter Robert, 58 Rock Bay av Carter Thos. W., brewer, res 63 Herald Carther Edward, police City, res 5 Beacon Hill Park Cartwright Wm., works Water Works b8 Store ^ Case Ernest Wm., upholsterer Cherry & Creech, res 96 Kingston Caselton Frederick, carpenter for Charles Hay ward, res 161 Fort Caselton Henry, painter for Robert Lettice, res 105 North Carleton Richard,storeman Thos. Earle, res 189 Chatham Cassidy John L., & Co., of Montreal, crockery and glassware, C. R. King^ agent, over 47 Government Catbcait David, bookbinder, res 270 Yates Cathcart Henry, messenger Govt office. res 270 Yate , Cathcart James, prospector, res 270 Yates Cathcart John, clerk W. & J. Wilson, res 270 Yates Caton J. A.T., A Co., Importers of pipes, cutlery, Jeweliory, gents' furnishings and no- tions, 17 Yates Caton Junius Adrian T., of J. A. T. Caton & Co., res Kingston near Mont- real Catterall Thos., contractor, 47 First Cavan Arthur, driver for Fell & Co., res Chatham Caven Thos., carpenter, 148 Fisguard Cavln George, clerk forH. Manscll,res Fisguai'd Cavin Capt John, str Rainbow, ros 32 J'lhn Cavin Capt. Geo., str Rainbow, 35 Queen's av Cemetery, Ross Bay. Tel 613 Central Bakery, John J. Wilson, 84 Yates Central School, head of View Cessford James, 59 Henry Cessford Robert, laborer, 59 Henry Chad wick Alfred, clerk W. Nathan, bds 25 Blanchard f DIRECTORY AND OAZKTTEER. 443 ater Works^ rer Cherry n center for 61 Port for Hubert rh08. Earle, ' Montreal, C. R. Kinj^, nt Br, res 270 Govt oflSce, )r, res 270 J. Wilson. T1 porters »wolloryy and no- >f J. A. T. near Mont- 47 First II & Co., res I Fisguard ManKsull,rea bow, ros 32 jinbow, 35 Tel 613 Vilson, 8i w ' Henry 7. Nathan, CIIA VICTORIA CIT Chadwic'k Fred. H., bartender, 17 Store Cliudwick Goo., drugi^'s asst Tlios. Shotbolt, 59 Johnson, ros 25 BUm chiird av Cbadwick R., moulder A.l.W. Chadvvick T., clerk P.O , res 25 Blan- ch ard Clialmer-t — ,ifardenor, 73 Menzies Cliainborlin Seth L., bartender Orien- tal hot«l, 32 Yates Clwimbors Robert, teamster Transfer Co., res 8 Kane Cliuinbers \V., res Gori^e road. Tel 575 Chambers W. S., book keeper Rock Bay Saw Mill Chance VVm. J., carpenter, 20Fredoriek Chandler Jolm F., H.B. Co., Toronto near Meiizies Chanliell J<d)n Bar8tow,with G iresche. Green & Co., res2t) Kin.ufston Cltarlos H. B., clerk P.O. res 216 Fort Charles Wm., res 216 Fort Chariuicliael Francis, clerk P.O , res 59 McClure Charmichael Mrs. M.,wld John H., res 59MeClure Cliase N. VV., barber shop, 45 Johnson, res 172 Johnson Cheedly VVm. M., accountant Welch, Rithet ^. Co., Cherry & Creech, furniture dealers, 41 Fort Cherry John W. W., of Cherry & Creech, res Victoria West Cliuster Samuel, 12 Herald Chicago candy factory, A. Lawrence, piop, 46 Government Chief of Police, H. W. 8hep- pard Chinese Girls' Mission Home (iiunnyslde), lOO Cormorant, Miss Leake, matron Chinese Joss House, Cormorant Chinese Methodist School Mission, 4 Cormorunt Chinese Theatre, ia alley bet Cormor- ant and Fisguard Tde Hlarii EMo Wi AND SUPPLY CO. Ltd MONTREAL. MnffB. of El.EUTKlC WIRES, OABLEt. .astru- ments and Supplies of every description. (See advt. paj;e 5.) Chinti'oll J. B., accountant Garesche, Greon & Co. Chipehasi! R., carpenter for Smith & Ciark, res 105 Pandora av Chirlett Chas., carpenter, 181 Chatham Christ Church Cathedral, Anglican, Rt. Rev. George HillSyD.O, Rector, Blanchard bet Churchway and Rae Chi-istenseii windrow, deckhand str. "Pih)t, " 9 Montreal I'hlsiensen Capt. James, capt. of str. " Pilot,' 9 Montreal. Tel. 556 Chrisiensen James, jr., mate of str, "Pilot," 9 Montreal Christensen Miss Lizzie, 9 Montreal Christie Miss Annie, res 2 Blanchard Christie Miss Caroline, res 2 Blanchard Chiistie Miss Isabel, res 2 Blanchard Christie rev James, Presbyterian, res 2 Blanchard Christie William, toletjraph night operator C.P.R., res 2 Blanchard Chudley William, Welch, Hithot& Co., res 20 Oswego cor Belleville Church J. E., of Richardson & Church, res 16 Humboldt Church John, res 114 Hum joldt Churlon A., fur dresser, re si Church- way cor Humboldt Churton Mrs. A., seamstress for J. Wei lor, res Humboldt ' Citizens Insurance Co. of Canada, E. A. Hart, mgr for B. C, 66 Langley City Auditor, Jas L Raymer City Assessor, Simeon Duck J i -! ii ill 'S:- if: i ! 1 ' 1i- 'ii; rlr .( .ij I ■! 31 444 HENDIiRSON S BRITIS^ COLUMBIA CIT VICTORIA CLE City Bakery, Wm. Jordan, II Store City Brewery, Hasenfratz & Lawson, 126 Fort City Candy Factory, H. A. Lil- ley, I05 Douglas City Clerk, W. J. Dowler City Coal yard, H. Noble, 40 Store Qity Hall, cor Douglas and Pandora ave. Tel. 75 City house, William Wilson & Co., dry goods, 73 Government City Iron Works, Wm. God- frey, prop., steam boiler maker,Covernmentst, Rock Bay City of London Fire Insurance Co.. IT. E. Croasdaile, agent,r!overnment City Water Works, Beaver Lake. Tel 509 Clanssen John, watchmaker, 68 Yates, res cor Broad cor Johnson Clanton R. T., baker, res Topaz av Clapper Elmer C, painter Eli Harrison Clarence Hotel, Douglas cor Yates, W. C. Anderson, prop. Tel, 138 Clark A, J., lineman for Victoria-Es- quimalt Telephone Co., res of Dou- glas Clark Charles H., traveller, res 160 Johnson C ark J. B., of Clark & Nicholson, res 10 Farquhar Clark John, caretaker Immigrants' Home, 25 Dallas road Clark Joseph, ship carpenter C.P.N. Co., res 172 View Clark Miss Annie, res 25 Dallas rd Clark Miss Jane, domestic at 4 Belle- ville Clark Milton, carpenter, res 25 Dallas road Clark Mrs., of Smith & Clark, 8G Belleville Clarke & Nicholson, stoves and tin- ware, 19 Yates Clarke Bobt.,boilermaker Albion I.W., 67 Pembroke Clark KobertWilson, printer Standard, res 25 Dallas road Chirk & Turpel, ship repairers Clark William, sen., carpenter, res 185 Yates Claik William, jun., waiter at Diianl, res 185 Yates Clark William, carpenter, res 76 Myers Clark Wm., boilermaker, 67 Pem- broke Clark W. H., laborer, South road, Sprinj; Ridge Chiik W. H., pressman "Colonist," Uis 11 Humboldt Clark W. J., dairyman, 51 Henry Clarlc Capt. W. R., harbor master, port warden and auctioneer, office 13 Store, res 189 Government Clay Samuel, grocer, feed, wines and liquors, prop Blue Post saloon, 114 and 116 Johnson, res same Clayton Alfred A.,of Pennock & Cl.iy- ton, res 69 View Clear Wm., restaurant, 10 Store Clearihue Alexander, of Clearihue Bros., res 87 Chatham Clearihue J. A A., produce, fruit and commission mer- chants, 26 Yates Clearihue Joseph, of Clearihue Bros., res 87 Chatham Clement Thos. M., 136 Fisguard Clements — , Albion I. W. Clements D., brewer Vancouver Brewery, 37 Blanchard Cleveland Milton E., carpenter, res 270 Johnson 'lTO**i^hh.. DIBEOTORT AND OAZETTBBB. 445 CLE VICTORIA COL Clark, 86 es and tin- Ubion T.W., jr Standard, irers Iter, res 185 r at Driard, or, res 76 r, 67 Pom- South road, " Colonist," Ilonry ., harbor den and 3 Store, t , wines and saloon, 1 14 Tie ock & Cl.ty- Store f Clearihue produce, ion mer- ihue Bros., guard Vancouver penter, res C'.voland Miss Eliza, dressmaker for Mrs. T. W. Baker, res 270 Johnson Clifford Mrs. C. J., 39 Broad Clinton H. F., law student F. G. Walker, res Maplehurst, Blanchard Cloud B., moulder Albion I. W. Clow & Machire, architects, room 6 over Bk of B.C. Clunis William, laborer, res 128 Yates Clushman Christopher, painter for Eobert Lettice, res Blanchard Clushman Mrs. C., fruit and confec- tionery, 107 Fort, res Blanchaixl Clyde Alexander, 28 Rock Bay av Clyde F., job printer Colonist Clyde Geo., asst fireman Albion Iron Works, res 128 Blanchard av Clyde Ship Yard, H. W. Colvin, prop, 63 Work Coatcs Ilonry, nickel plater Albion I. W., 26 Pioneer Coates Spencer, waiter Driard, res 38 Yates Coburn John W., conductor E. &N. Ey., 38 John Cochrane John J., drupfgist'a asat Moore & Co., res 8 Pioneer Cockburn, Smithes A Co., London and Oporto, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Wharf Cogley Thomas, cook, bds 37 Erie Cohen James, barber,re«49 Blanchard Cohen James A., book and job printer, 38 Fort, res 175 Chatham Coigdarripe J., of Boucherat & Co., res Grayflower road Ooiley Miss Mary, dressmaker for D. Spencer, res 51 Blanchard Coker Edwin C, bake* for Thomas Harding, res 6 Kane CokerSidney Edwin,baker forHarding, res 6 Kane Colbert James,piumber,21 Frinoeas av Colbert JohQ,ot Colbert & Warner, res Princess av Edison Electric Light SysteiDL M. D. BARR & CO., CtoBtral MHiai AgnliM, 736 CRAIQ ST., • MONTREAL Colbert & Warn or, pi umbers, steam and gas fitters, 73 Yates. Tel 552 Cold well Mrs., widow, school teacher, res 5 George Coleman Mrs^, widow, 116 Pisgnard Coleman Miss Agnes, dressmaker for Mrs. F. W. Wright,res cor Fisguard and Blanchard Coleman Miss Eliza, domestic at 62 Kane Coles John F. H., accountant A. B, Gray & Co., 83 Caledonia av Coley Ed.,laborer at Albionlron Works, 203 Douglass Coley Joseph, machinist Albion I. W. Collins Geo., 47 Henry Collins Jacob,uphol8terer for Cherry & Creech, res King's av Collins Thos., editor Stan* dard, res 47 King's Road Collis Albert, apprentice Krutz & Co., ' res Quadra Collis Edward, mate Str Eainbow, 20 Princess av Collis E., carpenter,149 Quadra Collis J., Albion I. W. Collis J. B., clerk J. H. Todd & Son, res Eock Bay Collister Eichard, inspector, res 4 Eock ' Bay av Collister W. H., pattern maker, 78 ' Rock Bay av Collister W., Gor^e road Collister Wm., draughtsman Albion Iron Works Collyer Thoa. R., 17 Spring Ridge Colonial Brewery, John Leahy, prop* 124 Johnson ^ ^'' jii i«i 446 Henderson's British Columbia COL VICTORIA cou 1- I 1! Colonial Hotel,Tho8.Tugwell, prop, 33 Johnson. Tel 170 Colonist, Ellis & Co., proprie- tors, Government. Tel II. tSee adv Colonist hotel, Mrs. C. Evans, prop, BeaconHiilPark corSimcoe. Tel 647 Columbia Lodge,!. O.O.F., No. 2, meets Wednesday night at hall, 87 Douglas Columbia Steam Match fac- tory, Thos. Hendry, prop, 23 Work Colvin James, boatbuilder, bds 13 Church way Colvin R. W., ship builder, 63 Work Col we II Hugh, horseshoer, 103 Yates, res same Combe Harvey W. H., clerk of peace, depy registrar Su- preme Court, and registrar of County Court, of Victoria, res Ross Bay, Fairfield Road Combe R., clerk H.B.Co. Comeford Patrick, tireman Commercial hotel, H. Noble, prop. Cormorant cor Douglass Compton Mrs. T. rea 97Niagara Condon Mrs. Maria,re8 62 Quadra Condron James, wiper E. & N. Ry. Confederation Life Association, W. Monteith, agent, room 8 over Bank of B.C. Conlin Michael J., gen blacksmith, 27 Pandora, res 161 Fort Connelly — , gardener. Queen's av Connor A Switzer, props Regent Saloon, cor Johnson and Douglas Constantino Peter, clerk for Geo. Vienna, res Pacific Conway S., waiter French hotel, 32 Johnson Cook Arthur Braddock, druggist, res 11 Blanchard Cook E., 60 Government Cook Fred., barterider Gordon hotel, 9 Johnson Cooley H., ironworker, bds Windsor hotel Coones S., second hand goods, 83 John- 8on,res 201 Johnson Cooper — , Albion I.W. Cooper Wm., confectioner L. F. Ban- mann, res 30 View Copeland Mrs. D. A., widow, res 59 Quadra C »pelarid Richard, laborer, bds Dom- inion house Copeland W., blacksmith Albion I.W., 159 Montreal Cordor Thos. N., expressman, 9 Green Cornish James, carpenter for John Woiler, bds Windsor hotel Cornish John Charles, master gunner "C. Baitery," res Superior Corris Mrs. Kliza,wid Thomas, res 97 Niagara Coison E. O., foreman at Hoathorn's boot and shoe factory, 20 Beechy Cosmos Amos, Standard, res 291 Yates Cotton John, laborer, 90 Store Cotsford John, boilermaker, res 25 Quebec Coughlin John, brick mfr., res Saanich road. Tel 611 County Court of Victoria, Harvey W. H. Come,registrar Law Courts, Bastion sq.> Tel 91 Courtney & Dal by,li very 8table,20 and 22 Pandora Courtney Harrison, of Courtney & Dal by, res 132 Fort Courtney Mrs. M. J., wid Henry C, res 108 Coolc Cousins L. California Bestaurant and chop house Johnson cor Wadding- . ton Alley iggist, res don hotel, 3 Windsor 8, 83 John- L. F. Ban- ovv, res 59 bds Dom- bion I.W., n, 9 Green • for John I er gunner r las, res 97 loathorn's Beoehy 291 Yates ore er, res 25 es Saanich /Ictoria, registrar :ion sq. ible,20 and >urtney & Henry C, lurant and Wadding- DIREOTORT AND OAZETTEER. 447 cou VICTORIA CRO Cousins Leonard, carpenter Muirheud &M;inn, 31 First Cowan M. H., of Cowan, Shaw & Co., res 25 Kane Cowan, Shaw & Co., whole- sale com merchants, 62 Wharf. Tel 6 Cowoes Mrs, A. C, res 115 Yates Cowio — , florist, res near cor View and Vancouver Cowie Jamos, Beehive saloon, 48 Fort cor Broad Cowlin William, bartender Blue Post saloon, res Pandora av Cowper Henry Meadows, res 47 Boyd Cowper JewHe, res 97 Menzies Cowpor W., wharfinger Turner,Beeton & Co., 4; Boyd Cox Mrs.Annio,widJohn,resl81 Mon- treal Cox Capt. John Graham, E.E.Marvin, bds 8 Church way Cox Capt. Wm., capt Str. Clara Young, bds 8 Churchway Cox John, baker and grocer, 35 Hum- boldt, res same Cox John, mechanic Albion I.W. Cox Thos., at Water Works, 76 John Coyley Miss Marj' L., dressmaker D. Spencer Crabb Miss, dressmaker, 43 Blanchard Craft Wm.,drygoods,78 Yates res 124 Blanchard ave Cragie Frank, at Courtney & Dal by, bds Colonial Craigie Miss K., domestic at 121 Fort Crane John Edward, airent Sun Life, res 251 Yates over 65 Government Crawford — ,commi8sion agents,Yate8, res 40 Belleville Crawford Arthur, turner Jacob Sehl Crawford Wm. Pat., res 220 Johnson Crease Arthur, res Belcher Crease Lindley, clerk Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Pontrelew, 23 Cadboro Bay road Ibii Hiard Electric Mfg. Co. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Slllc Covered Magnet Wire. (Seeadv't. page 6.) Crease Hon. Henry Pering Pel- lew, Judge Supreme Court of B. C, res Pentrelew, 23 Cadboro Bay Road Creech Henry, of Cherry & Ci*eech,ro8 96 Kini^Mton Creech W., lithographer Colonist, res 151 Quatlra Creed George, carpenter for J. P. Bur* ^oss, res Fern wood r<»ad Creed J()hn,j,obbing gardener,re8 Fern- wood Boad Creed John,painter for Robert Lottice, res 8 Churchway Croeden John, steward Victoria Club, res 264 Johnson Cregg Wm., clerk Wm. Wilson & Co., res Pandora CreigJohn, 118 Bay Creswell H. J., architect, bds Occiden- tal hotel Crete I., shoemaker, 11 Oriental Alley Cridge Miss Elizabeth, res 23 Carr nr Toronto Cridge Miss Ellen, res 23 Carr nr To« ronlo Cridge Miss Maud, res 23 Carr nr To- ronto Cridge Right Rev. Edward, Bishop Reformed Episcopal Church, res 23 Carr, James Bay Crist Dewitt, painter, 18 Herald Croasdaile H. E., insurance and real estate agent, 52 Government, res Pomberton road Crockford Miss Ethel, res 118 Fort Croc kfoi-d Miss Mary H., res 118 Fort I! •i if, !i H :»-■ I .ii ^'i m r i i I^'l i % 448 Henderson's British oolumbta ' CRO VICTORIA DAV Croft & Angus, props Victoria coal, wood and lumber yard, Laura! Point foot Montreal, office next Bank of B.C. Croft H., of Croft & Angus, res Che mjiinuH, B. C. Croft & Henly, props Royal Hotel, 68 Fort oor Douglas Croft Eobt., paying teller bank of B.C., res 126 Blanchard ave Croft Wm., of Croft & Henly, res 116 Fort Croghan Arthur, 83 Chatham Croghan Wm,,bakerfor John J. Wilson, 84 Yates Crosby George, restaurant,rea 7 Alfred Crosby Miss V., 33 Gorge road Crosier O.M.,hnckman, 42 Pandora av Crossman Geo.,prop Lome restaurant, 66 Johnson Crothers D., painter, 38 Mason Crot hers Geo., at Gregg'8,tailor, 38 Ma- son Crothers Richard, |.ainter for Eli Har- rison, res 38 Mason Crow Wm., clerk H. Saunders, res 23 Burdette ave Crowther George.engraver and stencil cutter, 117 Fort, res Cedar Hill road Crowther John,sign painter for Robert Lettice,re8 111 Pandora cor Quadra Cruiekshank Alfred, res 16 Rupert Cruiekshank Geo., tanner, 5 David Cruiekshank Goo., carpenter Smith & Claik CruielcHhanks Richard, agt,16 Rupert Crusoe Edward, Victoria Brewery Cullen W., adv compositor Colonist, res 13 Humboldt Cullen W.H., night; foreman Colonist, res 11 Humboldt Cullen Chas.,clerk Cowan,Shaw & Co., res 11 Humboldt Cullum Miss M., mgr estate of Mrs.K. Whitlaw, 35 Fort Cullum Thos., grocer, 40 Vancouver, res same Cullum Wm., engineer C.P.N. Co. Cummings Mrs. J. L., wid, 45 Second Cunningham R. A., clerk for W. J. Jeffree, res 277 Yates Currall Wm. Dixon, of Geo. Powell & Co., res 34 Frederick Curran John, at foundry, 15 Spring Ridge Curry Frank H., clerk S. L. Kelly & Co., res 118 Chatham Cusack William L ,cleik for S.J.Pitts, res 94 Pandora Cusack T., 34 Pioneer Custom House, Wharf Customs appraiser, A. R. Milnewharf Cuysert Levi, barber for Whittaker,bd8 79 Fort Dakers A., boiler maker Albion I.W. Dal by John,of Courtney & Dalby, res 108 Cormorant Dalby J. J., & Co., toys. 111 Govern- ment Dalby Wm., manager Belmont Tanning and Boot and Shoe mfg Co., res 88 Pandora,oor Amelia Dale Dnvid, 18 North Park Daley J. J., clerk, 30 Hillside ave Daley James, prop Caledonia Saloon, 17 Store, res 130 FIs- guard Dal gamo Robert, blacksmith for John Meston, bds Colonial hotel Dallain — , purser Str. Rainbow Dalziel Henry, machine hand for John Weiler, bda 168 View Darling W., gardener, Burnside road Dnuphin Max., Albion 1. W. Davidson Alex., messenger Bk of B.C., res room 21 over Bank Davidson liobt.,turner Queen City Mills Davie Hon. Alexander E. B., Q.C., premier, attorney gen- eral, of Davie & Pooley, res ISO Michigan. Tel 617 t>IREOTOET AND OAZBTTKlSR. 449 N. Co. , 45 Second for W.J. ). Powell & 16 Spring L. Kelly & r SJ.Pitts. rf lilnowharf ittakor,bds t)ion I.W. Dal by, res 11 Govern- Belmont nd Shoe dora,oor deave Bledonia tiSOFis- h for John .1 I bow d for John side road 3k of B.C., I City Mills r E. B., ley gen- »ley, res M7 BAV VICTORIA BEL Drtvie John Chaplin, M.D., office 28 Langley,re8 cor Pemborton road and Belcher. Tel 586 Davie & Pooley, barristers and notaries Hpublic, 47 Langiey. Tel 10 Davie TheodorOyQ.C.yM.P.P., barrister and solicitor, 33 Langiey, res 38 Cadboro Bay Road. Tel office 40, res 687 Pavies MIhp, dies^maker, 22 Mason Bavies Mrs., at Gilmour & McCand- l088 Bavis — , carpenter fOf McKillican & Anderson Bavis A. B., bartender Brown & Miller, 166 Government, rew70 Bouglas Bavis Chas., laborer, 90 Store Davis Chap., janitor Victoria theatre, res 61 Boughis Davis David, shoemaker, 52 Fort, res same Davis John, works on dredges, res 31 Humboldt Davis J. P., of J. P. Davis & Co., res 195 Cook. Tel 546 Davis J. P.,& Co.,auctioneer8, 80 Wharf. Tel 6 Bavis Joseph, compositor Times, bds 60 Fort Diivis M. J., agt Joseph Ullman, 55 Wharf, bds Driard Bavis P. J., clerk J. P. Bavis & Co., res Cook Davis R., Swan Lake hotel, Saanich Rd Davis Wm,, moulder Albion I.W. Bivy F. W., clerk P.O. Davy Miss, dressmaker, 73 Govern- ment Biiwsnap Albert, boilermaker, res 90 Chatham Bawsnap Joseph, corporation fireman, res 90 Chatham BawBon Mrs. Mury, wid, 23 North Park Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BAER & CO.» tknintl SilUog Agenii^ 786 CRAIQ ST., . MOMTREAI^ Bay Adolphus Giierrin, foreman J. Woiler's furniture factory, 168 View Beaton Misn Emma, res 172 Johnson Beacon Miss Fanny,tailoress for Craig, Yates, res 172 Johnson Beaton Bennis, carpenter, bds Bom- inion hoiiNO Beamick ' win, moulder Beamick 113-., moulder, 117 Chatham Bean — , 57 St. Lawrence Bean Oliver, miner, bds Bominion house Bearber^ A. E., collector Times Bearberij: Thos., compositor Standard, res 6 Princess ave Beasy Baniul, res 116 Toronto Beasy Miss Lizzie, res 116 Toronto Deasy Miss Mary, res 116 Toronto Deasy Thos., reporter Times Deasy Thos., chief fire dept, res 7 Amelia. T el 567 Beasy Wm., fireman Victoria firedept, 82 YaJes Boas}^ Wm., res 116 Toronto DsCandia Michael N. M., grocer, I04 Yates, res same Decker John, prop Jubilee Sa- loon, 49 Johnson, res 106 Yates Bee Wm., tel operator C.P.R., res Pandora ave bet Blanchard and Quadra Be^an Bennis, millhand Muirhead & Mann's mill Belong Wm., 12 Rock Bay ave ' il f 450 Henderson's British Columbia DEL VICTORIA DOA 1 ' 1 Deluge Engine House No. 2, Victoria Fire dept,82 Yates, Tel 638 " Pom ei'M L. O., porter Bonob era t & Co. Pmnmeck EH., moulder A1!>Ivmi I.W. Dommick Hj'., foromnn moulding shop Albion Iron Works Dempster & Becic, carriage malcers, cor Cordon and Broughton Lempntor Chas., clerk Bank of B.C., res 28 Quebec Dempster Peter "Wm., of Dempster & Beck, 120 Onwefro DompHter Walter, blacksmith's helper Victoria Transfer Co. Dennj'(ieo., collector Coloni^^t Denny .7.. macbiiii''t Albion I.W. Denny Wm., 128 Pandora ave Deptof Indian affairs, Lt Col I. W. Powell, Indian supt, 20 Douglas cor Cou rtney Depoorten Chas. A., fireman night gang Albion I.W. DeRidor Peter, millhand Muirhoad & Mann, res 49 Third DeM Brisay S., gen agt Dr. J. Eugene Jordan's Hislogenetic me<iicino,room 5 over Bank of B.C., res Fort Develin — , grocer, 22 Princess ave Devlin J. C.,grocer,wlne8 and liquorSyWholesaieand retail, SO Yates, res 42 Nortli Park. Tel iOS, res 143 Dovlin Robt. Beatty, clerk for J. C. Devlin, res 22 Princess ave Deven Frank, laborer, res 253 Johnson DoVeulIo Fred. Eugene, bookpr for Matthews, Richards &Tye, res 86 Menzies DeveulleWm. C, res 118 Fort DeVeer J., journalist, rooms 144 Fort /■ Devereux Capt. John, 76 Bay. Tel 029 Devereux W. E., C.E., land surveyor 76 Bay Dewsnap A., Boilermaker A. I.W. Dew'snap Fred., clerk Harrison & Mc- Allister Dexheimer chas watchmaker 48yates Dickey «.'has. H., baggageman E. &N. Ry, 137 Cormorant Dickie Herbert, brakeman E. & N. J?y Dickinson — , res Moss nr Fairfield lid Dickir on C. E., customs clerk Welch, Rilhet&Co. Dickinson Mrs., dancing teacher An- gola College, res Moss DicklnHon L.,oi A.J.Rowbotham& Co., res Douglas Dickinson Percy, clerk, res Moss Dickson Lirulsa}', M.D., res 1 Richard- son cor Vancouver Dickson Wm„ of Nesbitt.Dickson & Co. Dickson Wm., machinist, 29 Ellice Dickson Wm. S., bds Pi itcliard house Dier Wm. Alfred, com trav M. Fisl & Son, of Montreal, woolens, I Johnson, res 174 Cadboi'o Bay roaU Dignall H., machinist Albion I.W. Dillon Chas., cutter, res Esquimalt Rd Dillon Ed., clerk Henry Young & Co. Dillon Geo., 135 Fisguard Dinsdale R.C., bricklayer, 22 Farquhar Din wood io Cadet May, S.A., res 142 Fort Disher Harry, clerk for Nicholas, post- man, res 129 Fisguard District Paymaster military Dist No.ll Capt A.W. Jones, office, 36 Government Dixon Edward John, bricklayer, res 41 Quadra Dixon John, 60 Herald Dixon Wm., machinist Albion I.W. Doane Mrs. Charlotte E., wid. Joseph, Hrmer, res 64 Rao Doane Miss Margaret, res 64 Rae DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 451 DOB VIOTOIIIA DOU , 76 Bay. i surveyor LI.W. son & Mc- vatchnijikor lan E. &N. K & N. Ky ^airfield JM erk Welch, mchor An- tham & Co., Moss 1 Rielmrd. ('kson & Co. i9 EI I ice iai*(J house M. oolens, ,' o Bay roaU Dn I.W. [jnimalt Ed ung & Co. 2 Farqiiliar A., res 142 holas, posi- military ^ Jones, >nt :layer, res on I.W. id. Joseph, 4 Rae Dobinson Joseph, taxidermif^t, res 3 Dobinson Dodd Capt. John, captain " Maggie Mac," res 146 Fort Dodd Martin Edward, clerk forM. M. DeCandia, res Esquimalt road Dodds P. D., & Co., Montreal, \ y \ and oils, Thomas C Mason, agent, 18 Broad Dodgson Herbert, engineer, 36 John Doherty George,North Pacific Saloon, res 206 Johnson Doherty John, scavenger, 50 Vancou- ver Doig D., teller Bank cf B. N. A. Dominion Express Co., Chas. Rattray, agent, 70 Govern- ment. Tel 89 Dom Govt AsstRrc. General, John Graham, < Ylce P. O. building Dominion Govt Immigrant's Home, John Clark, caretaker, 25 Dallas I'oad Dom Govt Savings Bank, John Gra- ham, mgr and asst receiver general, over Post Office Dominion House, Stephen Jones, prop, 119 Yates Dominion Immigration office, John Jessop,agont, Government Building, James Bay Dominion Lodge I.O.O.F.,No. 4, meets Thursday nights at Hall, 87 Douglas Donaldson Alexander D., carpenter, 57 Superior Donaldson Mrs. Isabella, domestic at 27 Montreal Donnelly Edwin, 113 Michigan Donnelly Mrs. Edwin, wid John, res 23 View Donovan Patrick H., architect, res 134 Fort LEATHER BELIG. Juno. Oraig and St. Antoine St8« MONTRIAL. Donovan Stephen S., carpenter, res 134 Port Doran Edward P., 3rd asst teacher Boys' P.S., Esquiinult road Doran J., machinist Albion I.W. Dorman John, ship caulUer, 129 Michi- gan Dorman W. H., asst P. 0. inspector, re-* 61 Superior DoughevtyGoo.,ofDi)Ugherty & S;ivago, resJohnson bet Vancouver& Quadra Dougherty Miss Lizzie, dressmaUer for D. Spencer Dougherty & Savage, props North Pacific Saloon, 2 and 4 Yates cor Wharf Dougherty Thomas, 3rd jailor Vic- toria Jail Doughty G. & J., grocers and brush- makers, 106 Fort cor Blaiichard Doughty George, of G. & J. Doughty, res 104 Fort Doughty James, of G. & P. Doui^Mity, res 104 Fort Doughty W. & J., brush factory, 120 Fort Douglas — , driver for W. Walker, bds Brunswick hotel Douglas House, private board- ing house, George Richard- son, 6 Gordon corHumboidt. Tel 128 Douglas Lady Amelia, widow, res 4 Belleville. Tel 544 Douglas Packing Co., J. D Warren agent a I Ml 'i 'Ml M ■)^ 4 I.- f:' X \^ % 452 E2;NI)Eft80M*S bSmsBt OOLtJUBtA DOU VICTORIA DUR ! I Douglas Hichard, carpenter McKilli- can & Anderson, res 26 Pioneer Dowdall Eichard, sec foreman E. & g N.Ry., 103 John DowlerW. J.y city clerk, res tSd Chatham .Downe Miss Margaret, res 169 Fort Downer Henry, plumber for Braden & Stanford, res 74 Rock Bay av DownieMaijor, bds 79 Fort" Downie Wm , sailmaker F. Jenne, 6 Johnson Drake B. H. T., law student Drake, Jnc-kson & Helmcken,res 2 Pleasant Drake, Johnson & Helmcken, barristers at law and r otaries public, cor Langley and Bas- tion. Tel 36 Drake M. W. T., Q. C, of Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 2 Plea- sant. Tel 510 Drake Richard, plasterer, res 65 Kaiie Drake W. T., coal merchant, office Turner, Beeton Dock, res 3 Cook. Tel 633 Dianey — , moulder Albion I. W. Draney Itobt., cannery, 23 Frederick Draper Thos., agent, 23 North Park Drnwt John, baker and groeer, 76 Blanchard cor Johnson, res same Driard Hotel, Redon A Hart- nagel. View cor Douglas. Tel 29 Driscoll Dennis, driver for Victoria Transfer Co., res 173 Simcoe Driscoll J., Albion I VV. Drincoll John, 135 Pisguard Drozdwich Mrs. M., res 99 Pandora av Dumlovy — , res 39 Viev; Drummond Mortimer G., rancher, bds 60 Rae Dry Dock, supt's oflBct). Tel 555 Drysdalo Wm., carpenter, Pembrooke av nr Quadra Duck 6lmeon,M.P.P., city as- sessor and collector, res 47 Herald Dudgeon James, butcher for R. Good- acre, res Burnside xoad Duff Miss Bell, milliner for D. Spen- cer, room 153 Fort Duke H. A., cigarmaker Kirtz & Co., bds Brunswick hotel Dumbleton Henry Morrice, C.E., and surveyor, res 17 Michigan Duncan John A., physPcfan and surgeon "C " Battery R. C.A., 66 Douglas, res same. Tel 163 DuncanW.,harne88maker Fred. Morris, res 129 Fisguard Dunn Edward, fisherman, 38 Hum- boldt Dunn Morrice, plumber Colbert & Warner, 73 Yates Dunnington William, driver for Vic- toria Truck & Dray Co., res Yates Dunomuir Alexander, of R. Dunsmuir & Sons, res San Francisco, Cal. Dunsmuir Jatnes, of R. Dunsmuir & Sons, res Departure Bay Dunsmuir Robert, M. P.P., pre- sldentEsqulmalt A Nariaimo Ry. Co., res Manzies cor Quebec. Tel. 649 Dunsmuir R., & Sons, props Wellington Collieries, office Covet^nment street. Tel 631 Dun,Wiman ACo., mercantile agency, 72 Wharf, E. W. Mathews, mgr Dupont Miss Clara, Angela college, Burdette av Dupont Major, opp 151 Cadboro Bay road Durham John Henry, of Findlay, Dur- ham & Brodie, res London, Eng Durham Thos., waiter res 100 Quadra I >citya8- f res 47 : K Good. D. Spen- u'tz & Co., C.B., and lysJcfan itte.-y R. )8 same. 3d. Morris, 38 Hum- 'olbert & r for Vic- 38 Yates Dunsmuir , Cal. iiBmair & .P.fPre- anaimo ies cor , props \, office Tel 631 rcantile E. W. college, boro Bay Hay, Dur- 1, Eng Qaadra I DIBEOTORT AlTD OAZETTSEB. 458 DWY VICTORIA ELS Dwyer ¥. C, "waiter at Union Club, Douglas cor Courtney Dwyer Joseph, 40 Pandora ave Dwyor Wm. J., joiner, 27 Elizabeth Earl Thos.y wholesale grocer, 92 and 94 Wharf, res 131 Cad boro Bay road. Tel 5, res 605 Etirsman John, clerk H. B. Co., res 9 Lubouchere Eaton Geo., teamster, 71 Pembroke Eberts D. M, of Eberts & Taylor, res 37 Cad boro Bay road Eberts & Taylor, barristers and solicitors,30 Lan<*!ey. Tel 70 Eckersley James, expressman, res 32 Qu;idra Eckert (>has. clerk, res 12 Bay Eckert Wm,, grocer, 173 Government, res 12 Bay Edman Wm.Houston,accoun- tant, Langl'dy Alley Edmandson Gee, night clerk Occiden* tal hotel Edmunds William, pressman Colonist, res rear of 112 View Education Department, Hon John Robson, minister of education; 8. D« Pope, B.A., supt of education Edwards G. P., waiter Clarence hotel, cor DougbiH and Yutes Edwards Miss Lizzie, clerk for D. Spencer Edwards Thomas W., watchmaker for C. E. Eodfern, bds Windsor hotel Elford John, contracting building, SO C.idboro Bay road Elford Pop., farmer, Foul Bay Ell'ord & Smith, brickmakers and con- tractOFH, Carbelly road Ella P. W., of Eedgrave & Ella, res 2(i8Foit . . lelMHcl. ilyCo. (Ltd.)' MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones.Electric Bella, Annanoi»> tors, Burglar Alarms, Instruments, Apparatus and Supplies of every description. (See advt. p. 5.) Ella Henry P., bookkeeper for Jacob Sehl Ella Mrs. M:.B.,wid Henry.res 268 Fort Ella Thomas R., salesman Matthews, Richards & Tye, res 2rt8 Fort Ellery Georij;e, gardener, res Fern- wood load Ellice Mrs. Alice, seamstress, res 43 Douglas Elliott — , opp 312 Dongias Elliott Anthony, paperhanger, res 159 Chatham Elliott John, laborer, res 11 Beacon Hill Park Elliott R., law clerk J. P. Walls, res Mason Elliott Thos., carpenter, 10 Mason Elliott W. J., harnessmaker Fred. Morris, res 129 Fisguard Elliott William, stonemason Walnut, Spring Ridge Elliott William, laborer, res 11 Beacon Ellis A., job printer Colonist Ellis & Co., proprietors The Colonist, Government. Tel il Ellis William, blacksmith Albion I.W., bds 107 Cormorant Ellis William H., of Ellis & Co., pub- lish**" Coloni-^t, res 15 George head offPundoraav. Tel 588 ElliK(.h George, upholsterer for J. Weiler, Pioneer Elphinstone Ernest, clerk for J, Barnsley, res 3 Princess Elphinstone L., milj'iner for Mrs. K. Whitlaw Blsdale — , mould w Albion I. W. Elsworth D., laboror Vic Gas Co <! ■•' ! Ml , ^ s> "mma^ ii 454 HENDEP son's BRITISH COLUMBIA ELS VIOTOBU FAR Elsworth W. H., brassmoulder Albion, I. Works Elsworth Jnmes, bricklayer, 61 Kin^''< road Elwyn Mrs. Rebecca, wid Thoraa8,57 Montreal Emery — ,millhand Rock Bay Saw mill Emery Wm., machinist Albion I. W. Empire Bakery and Grocery, H.Lapierre,! 19 FOrt cor Bl^^n- chard Engelhardt Arthur F., clerk P. O., reB 19 Burdette av Engelhardt J. F. E., Customs broker and com merchant, I Fort, res 19 Burdette av Engolhardt Paul, cooper, 4t Wharf Kni»lish MisH Annie, bds 137 Fort Er() Levi, of Loewn & Erb, 283 Douirlas Tel 151 Eriandson JViiss J., dressmaker, 39 Douglas Ernkine A.B., boots and shoes,G()vern- men t and Johnson, res 34 King's road Erskirie R., 34 King's road Ertire Alfred, blacksmith for Green's res 97 Pandora av Ertire John, teamster, 97 Pandora av Escalet E., prop French hotel, 32 Johnson Esdale T., salesman, 88 Store Esnouf Richard Benjamin, clerk', res near school opposite Courtney Esquimalt and Nanaimo Rail- way Co., R. Dunsmulr,presi- dent ; Joseph Hunter, chief engineer aiJ eneral sup' erintendent; Wm.Whyte,ac- countant ; H. Prior, C. F. & P. A.; John Trutch, land comm gen offices over 43 and 40 Government. Railway station Store foot Cormorant, Fred. Brown, station agent Esquimau Water Works Co., R. Lubbe, secy, 77 Wharf Essenwine Francis, boilerinaker, 28 Mason Estes Andrew Jackson, res 152 Yates Estes Misses M. F.& A.E., dressmakers, res 152 Yates Estes William S., porter at Shotbolt Drug store, res 152 Yates Estrico Mrs. P. A., wid Andrew, res 252 Yates Etherdge Archie, clerk for Bvrnes, auctioneer, res 37 Birdc.ii^e Walk Etheridi^e E,, millhand Muirhead &, Mann's mill Evans Benjamin, usher Supreme Court of B.C., res Cadboro Bay roail EvansFredcroft,stenographer Supreme Court, res 20 Kane Evans Geo. C, of W. W. Evans & Co., res 41 King's Road Evans J, Albion Iron Works Evans Joseph C.,of W. W. Evans & Co., 41 King's road Evans Mrs, C, prop Colonist hotel, Bea- con Hill Park cor Simcoe Evans Sons & Mason, wholesale drn<j- gists, of Montreal,C. R. King, agent, over 47 Government Evans Thos., clerk C.P.R. Evans Wm., gardener, 7 Wilcox Evans Wm., of W. W. Evans & Co., res 41 King's road Evans Wm. W., of W. W. Evans & Co., res 41 King's road Evans W. W., & Co., beef and pork packers, 72 Yates Ewer James, 8 Alfred Fairbrother Goo., prop Lion Brewery saloon, cor Chambers and Queen's av Fairfield Andrew, carpenter for Smith & Clark, res 135 Fisguard Falk P. M., jeweller for Lange & Co. Fannin John, curator Provincial Mu- seum, res 199 Yates Farquhar John, burtendor Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates . .*^^IW*V- o.,R. Lubbe, srmakor, 28 ai* 152 Yates Iress makers, at Sliotbolt les Lndrovv, res for Bvrnes, iiije Walk yiuirhoad & [ire me Court y roail lier Supreme Evans & Co., •ks Evans & Co., 3t hotel, Bea- )e lesalo (iruij- iing, agent, ''ilcox ns & Co., res Cyans & Co., beef and tes on Brewery 1 Queen's av r for Smith 1 ngo & Co. i^incial Mu- VancQuver DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER 455 FAR VICTORIA FIE Farrall Miss Magijio, tailoresa for A. Gregg & Son, res 5 Church way Ferrall Patrick, Ist convict guard Victoria Jail Farrall Patrick, jr., Albion Iron Works, res 12 Boechy Farron Thomas, stableman for E. T. Garnett, 4 Broad Fasonaro Doninico, res 61 Humboldt Fashion stable, W. S. Dickson, prop, 10 i Fort. Tel 93 F lulkner E. W., mate, bds 45 View Farwell Sa, surveyorji-ooms 46 Douglas Fawcett Ed!»:ar,clerk Custom house, res 10 Franklin Fawcett Frank, clerk P. G. Walker, bds 24 Carr Fawcett Miss Annie, res Carr near To- ronto F.iwcott Miss B lith, res Carr near To- ronto Fawcett Miss Gracf), res Carr near Torcmto Fawcett Oswald.clerk P. G. Walker, res Carr near Toronto Fawcett Rowland Clayton, clerk for R. V^. llowland, res Carr near Toronto Fawcett K. N., upholsterer and paper hanger, 50 Government, res Carr nr Toronto Fawcett Thomas Lea, res 10 Franklin Fawcett Wm. L'Estrange, clerk Drake, Jackson & Hclmckon, res Birdcage Walk Fee David, carpenter, 9 North Park Foe David F.. grocei-, 1 North Park,res 9 North Park Fee David F., of Fee & Jones, res 9 North Park Fee & Jones, carpenters and general Jobbers, 67 Douglas cor View Foe John T., traveller C. Strou8S& Co., res 9 North Park Feeley W.C. S., prop Australian hotel. Government cor Humboldt Feirell Harry, apprentice Kurtz & Co. - J^IfTID- muM m mm OF ALL KINDS. MONTREAL. Feirell Wm., apprentice Kurtz & Co. Fell &Co.,g;rocerie8,wine8and liquorsywholesale and retail. Fort cor Broad. Tel 94 Fell Frederick, clerk for Fell & Co., res Paridora Fell James, of Fell & Co.,ros212 View- Fell James F., merchant, res 190 Pan- dora Fell Thornton, barrister and N. P., 50 Langley, res 29 Cadboro Biy road. Tel 95 ■ Fenwick Mrs Isabella, proprietress Thistle restaurant, over 114 Yates Ferguson J., tinsmith for A. Lewis, bds Vancouver house Fersfuson J. B., res 151 Pandora av. Tel 6;^ Ferr'iison Morley, clerk Robert Jamie- ^ !. res 151 Pandora av Feri^i 'I Mrs. L. E., widow, bdg house 42 Pandora :iv ForiTUson K, J., prop Rock Bay saloon, 14 Work Tern Samuel, porter for E. G. Prior & Co., res 43 Vancouver Ferris W. D., jr.,of Carti(& Ferris, res 53 Chatham Fernandzia Miss, dressmaker, res 169 Fort Few Alfred, grocer, rear 5^ ^obn Fidlor—, Albion I. W. Field El win, res Cook cor B >lcher Field Harry, clerk H.B.Co. Field Mrs. S., fancy goods, 21 Broad, res same Field Robert, teamster, 12 Alfred . iif » M" I! 46& HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ii t 1 1 " 'n FIB VICTORIA FLE Field Samuel, cabinetmaker, 21 Broad Field Ths. J., driver R. Porter, 104 Johnson ^ield Wm., res 91 Blanchard av Field Wm., 120 Blanchard av Field Wm., driver for Fairfield Dairy, res Fairfield road Field Samuel, carpenter for McKillican & Anderson, res cor Broad and View Fielding Geoi'ge, porter Driard, rooms 21 Broad Find lay, Durham & Brodle,g;en comm merchants, 76 Wharf Findlay Geo. James, of Findlay, Dur- ham & Brodie, res L )ndon, Enj? Findley F. S., of Pindley & Hodnett, res Yates cor Douqflas Findley Hugh, machinist, 1-t Yates.res 52 David Findley& Hodnett props the Brunswick hotel, Yates cor Douglas Findley Wm., Albion I. W. Finlaison Charles Studdert, chief clerk Custom house, 8 St John Finlaison Charles W., clerk P.O., 8 St John Pinlaifon Edward 0., clerk Bk of B. N. A., res 8 St John Finleyson Duncan N., clerk, res 242 Douglas FInlayson John, grocer, 27 Government, res 70 Keme. Tel i04 Finlayson Roderick, jr., clerk, res 242 Douglas Fiuney Arthur, contractor Finney James, carpenter, 14 Mej'ers Finnson Joseph, clerk, 30 Humboldt Fire Department of VIoloria, Deluge Engine house, No.2, 82 YateSyThos. Deasy, chief engineer Firth Wm., blacksmith Albion I.W. Fish Edward, bookbinder, res EockBay Fish George, shoemaker for Richard Maynard,res 76 Henry cor Rock Bay av Fish Robert, laborer, *J6 Henry Fish Robert Wm., cigars and tobacco, 84 Yates, res Henry cor Rock Bay av Fisher Henry W., with J. Sehl, res 44 Vancouver Fisher E. H., of Fisher & Wilson, 220 Pandora ave Fisher I. J.J., waggons and buggies, 39 Store Fisher J.,warehouseman Welch, Rithet &Co. Fisher James, marble workSjl 17 Fort, bds 136 Yates Fisher John A., engineer B. & N. By., 91 Herald Fisher M., & Son, woolen8,of Montreal W. A. Dior, agent Fisher & Wilson, architects, Spencer's Arcade,over 65 Government. Te!.521 Fitterre Henry, pressman M. Miller, res 82 Pandora Fittorre Mrs.M., wid Peter,82 Pandora Fit2;allan John, laborer, res 51 Quadra Fitzjohn Alfred,stonecutter,98 Quadra Fleming Bros., photographers, 61 ^Government Fleming F-'j"', ^r iuioming Bros., res 61 Government Fleming Harold, of Fleming Bros., res 61 Government Fletcher E., clerk H. M. Customs Fletcher E.H.,P. O. Inspector, res 6 Blanchard Fletcher Uoorge, machinist for T. W. Fletchei, res 134 Cook Fletcher Ormond, asst draughtsman B. C. Govt., res 238 Fort Fletcher Thos. W., pianos, or- gans and sewing machines, 37 Fort, res 134 Cook Flett Alfredjdep^ provincial treasurer, res 104 Superior DIBSOTOET ANP GAZETTEBB. 457 r RicharJ Buck Bay iry d tobacco, ck Bay av hi, ro8 44 ilsan, 220 i buggies, ch, Eithet ,1 17 Fort, &N. Ry., Montreal Spencer's It. Te!.531 1. Miller, 2 Pandora M Quadra >8 Quadra aphere, Bros., res Bros., res toms pector, for T. W. ighlgman 108, or- BhineSf xeaaurer. 5 FLB VICTORIA FRA Flett Harry, c f JohnsonjWalker &Flett, res 14 Jfc*rince88 ave Flett Ji'.mes C, carpenter, 8 Pioneer Fleugge — , Albion I. W. Fiewin Albert Charles, clerk Belmont saloon, res 85 Chatham Fiewin Thos., prop Capital sa- loon, 7 Yates, res 36 South Parle Fiewin Wm. Henry ,cterk, re8 94Men- zies Flint A.St. George, accountant, collec- tor, commission and gen agent, 38 Fort, res 199 Douglas Fluhr Charles, cook Clarence hotel, cor Douglas and Yates FiummerfeltA. C, of Ames, Hclden & Co., res 33 Gorge Road Ford John, carpenter shop, 102 Fort, res 133 Fisguard Forrest Miss Christina, teacher Bock Bay, res 48 Michigan Forrest Thomas, bartender Beehive saloon, 48 Fort Forrester Hall, old Masonic Building, 73 Government Fortier Oliver, cornice worker for Mc- Lennan & McFeely, res Cook Foster Fred., helper Albion I.W. Foster Frederick Wm., of Chaa. Gabriel & Co., res Clinton, B. C. Foster John W., at foundry, 86 John Foster Livingston, cornice worker for McLennan & McFeely.res cor Oswe- go and Kingston Foster M. B.,&Son8, Turner,Boeton & Co., agents, Wharf Foster Robt., engineer and machinist, 61 Work Foster Stanley, office boy for Victoria Transfer Co. Foster Stephen, painter, 60 Kingston Fowler Mrs^wid doctior, 6 King's road Fox— .boilermakerAlbion Iron Works, res 139 Pandora avo TiieliiaiilQeistriGPifg. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Mnf FB. of fiLECTRIO Wll.ES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every descriptiou. (See advt. page 6.) Fox Geo. T., clerk M. & H.A. Fox, res 36 Mason Fox Henry George, engineer, res 133 Fort Fox Miss Helen A., of M. & H.A. Fox, res 36 Mason Fox Mrs. M., of M. & H. A. Fox, res 36 Mason Fox M. &, H. A., cutlery and finhing tackle, etc., 78 Government Francis A. H., 114 Quadra Francis Allan G., with Jones, r<s 135 Pandora Francis James, butcher E. Porter, 104 Johnson Francis Mrs. Cecilia B., wid Duncan, res 135 Pandora Francoeur T., raillhand Muirhead & Mann Frank A., 7 Johnson Frank Ell, gents' furnishings, and hatter, 39 Government, res 140 Fort Frank John, clerk Hall,Ro8s & Co.,rea 11 Bay Franklin Albert Geo., clerk J.D. War- ren, res 175 St John Franklin Jesse, driver for George Cro- zier, res Pandora Franklin W. T., bookkeeper Angus «% Gordon, res 175 Superior Franklin William Anthony, customs landing waiter, res 175 Superior Franklyn Mrs., wid W. H., res 208 Douglas Fraser Angus, clerk, hds 105 Pandora ave Fraser-BarroD Chas. A., res 34 Frank- lin I . IJU' I ■ 1 iBiji mm ;!•■ .1 ' 14. il- ia. . i||f ) 458 HENDERSON !S BRITISH COLUMBIA FUA VICTORIA GAR Fraser-Barron Mies I. M., teacher at Maple Bay, res 34 Franklin Fraser-Barron Mrs. Martha, wid Don- ald, res 347 Franklin Fraser James, Railway contractor, bds Windsor hotel Fraser Mrs., wid, res 92 Chatham Fraser Rev D., M. A., pastor FirstPresbyterlanchurch,res 204 Pandora ave Fraser W. G., hack driver, 116 Chat- ham Fredette Edw., saw mill, 141 Quadra Fredrickson John, coachman for R. Diinsniuir, res 9 Kingston Fredrickson M., painter for Eobt. Let- tiee, res 18 Frederick Freed man C. A., clerk Strouss & Co., bds 82 Pandora ave Freeman Clias., clerk Western hotel, 84 Store Freeman George, engineer French Hospital, John Peterson, stew- ard ; Dr.Milne, surgeon, 39 McClure French Hotel, E. Escalet,mgr, 32 Johnson. Tel 608 Fried Herman, barber, 36 Broad, res 62 Kane Frost Wm., painter for Joseph Sears, res Johnson Fry George, surveyor of cus- toms, res 17 Queen's ave Fry Geo.W.,appraiser*8 clerk H.M. Cus- toms, res 17 Queen's ave Fry J.S., & Sons, Bristol,Turner, Bee- ton & Co., agents. Wharf Frythall Wm., clerk Albion Iron Works, res Amelia Fullord George, stableman for Thomas Barlow, bds Dominion house Fullorton J., carpenter for Smith & Clark Fullorton John, boots and shoes, 47 Johnson, res 52 South road, Spring Ridge Fullorton W. F., builder, 30 North road. Spring Ridge Fulton D., millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill, 45 Second Gabriel Alexander, teamster, res 15 Rae Gabriel Charles, of C. Gabriel & Co., res 33 South Park Gabriel Chas., A Co., Japan- ese Bazaar, 46 Government Gabriel Ed ward, painter, res 20 Beechy Gabriel William, clerk for J. Hawkins, res 20 Belcher Galbraith Find lay, driver Victoria Truck and Dray Co. Galer Geo., millwright, res 61 Quadra Gallagher — , seargeant " C " Battery, res 56 Humboldt Galley Frederick, salesman Matthews, Richards & Tye Galley Miss A., resident governess Angela College Gamble F. C., resident engin- eer Dom deptof Pub Works, office P. O. building, res Dallas Road. Tel. 149 Gammoa Rowland, plasterer, res 5 Humboldt Gandy Isaac, foreman slaughter house tor L. Goodaore, res Cedar Hill road Gannon John Henry, salesman C. J. Devlin, res 55 Quadra Gant Hy., teamster, 125 Blanchard av Gunt Mrs. Catherine, widow, 125 Blan- ch ard ave Gardener John E., custom house, 214 Pandora av. Tel. 168 Gardener R. H., photographer, bds Windsor hotel Gardener W. E., carpenter Smith & Clark Gardiner C. F., cashiu' Simon Leiser, res 9 Labouchore Gardner Alexander, gunner " C " Bat- tery, res Beaver Hill Park bet Tor- onto and Simcoe ', 30 North sk Bay Saw ster, res 15 abriel & Co., 9,f Japan- vernment es 20 Beechy J. Hawkins, ?er Victoria « 61 Quadra C " Buttery, in Matthews, t governess )nt engin- Jb Works, dingy res 149 jterer, res 5 ughter bouse iur Hill road leuman C. J. ilanchard ay •w, 125 Biau- tn house, 2U :rapher, bds ter Smith & imon Leiser, er " C " Bat- ark bet Tor- DIBXOTORT AND OAZETTXES. 459 GAR VICTORIA GIL Gardner C, driver fire dept Gardner Charles, gardener, 18 Erie Gardner Capt. Joiin, master mariner, res 9 Laboucbere Gardner John, driver Victoria Fire Dept, 82 Yates Gardner John, machine hand Jacob Sehl Gardner John S., J. Sehl, res 9 La- boucbere Gardner Mrs. Chas., grocery, 18 Erie, res same Garescho Estate, of Garesche, Green & Co., 81 Government Guresche George U,, clerk Garesche, Green & Co. Garesche, Green & Co., pri- vate banicers and agents for Weiis, Fargo & Co., 81 Gov- ernment Garland — , locomotive engineer, 139 Chatham Garland F.W.; steward Royal Hospital, head of Pandora av Garland George, engineer E. & N. By., 135 Quudru Qarnett Edward Thomas, livery stable, 4 Broad, res 34 Humboldt. Tel. 79 Carrioles Head Saloon, E. W. Spencer, prop, 23 Bastion Garvin Robt., bartender Nickle Plate saJoon, res 18 Blanchard Garvin Thomas, orop Nickle Plate saloon, res 18 Blan- chard Gaston B., bartender French hotel, 32 Johnson Gaudet Lieut. Frederick, res Barracks Gault Bros. A Co., Montreal, wholesale dry goods, Thos. G. Mason, agent, 18 Broad Gawley Geo., trackman, 31 Kingston Gayden Henry, policeman^ res 16 Douglas 32 Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., Qeneral S«]U&g Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., - MONTREA L. Geddes J. G., port steward C.P.N. Oo.^ Gelger & Becker, props San Francisco Baths and Barber shop, 87 Coverni^ent Goiger Thomas, of Geiger & Becker, res 118 Blanchard av Geiger Thomas, plumber's helper for Bradeti & Stanford, res corBlanchard and Harold Goisert L., barber W. Whittuker, res 79 Foit George Capt. Wm. E., 19 North Park Germania saloon, E. Kitter, prop, 134 Government Gerrish N., saw filer, 5 Oriental Alley Gevares Geo., bricklayer, 21 Second Gibb David, carpenter Smith & Clark, res 18 Third Gibbards J., machine hand Queen City Mills Gibbons Charles H., reporter Colonist, bds Clarence hotel Gibbs—, Albion I. W. GibbsMiss Kata, tailoress Gilmour & McCandless Gibson — , boilermaker Albion LW. Gibson Hans, Transfer Co., rooms Ift Broughton Gibson Miss Agnes, domestic at 73 Menzies Gibson Miss E. M., dressmaker, bds 11 Humboldt Gibson James, laborer for John Leahy, Gibson James, brewer, 101 Cormorant Gideon Dan., cook, 45 Store Giesselmann Chas., res Yancoujirer Giiardy M., marble carver, 135 Doa- glas, res 135 Vancouver .,( .1: \m 460 HENI)K980Ii'S BRIXIBR OOI^VMBIA. GIL \V3TOBlA GOO Gilbraith Findlay, driver for Victoria Truck and Draj' Co., bds Blanchard Gilphribt F., plusterer, 65 Icing's road Gilchrist G., miner, 11 Funers Cabin, 36 StorQ Gilchrist James H., carpenter, res 224 Johnson Giles George F., carriage trimmer, res 142 Johnson Giles Mrs. G. F., straw worker, hats reblocked, ros 142 Johnson Gill Austin, engineer str. Daisy, 12 Eock ^ay av cm J. K., & Co., publishers of Portland, Oregon, S. R. Kerr, manager, over 68 Covern- ment Gill Wm., inspector Inland Revenue, 112 Pandora av Gillespie S.B.,contractor,res 2.{(> Yates Gillies Andrew, hui'nessmuker tor Mann & H Gillvaith Finlay, bds 34 Blanchnrd Gilmore Alex., of Giimore k McCand- less, res Store nr Kock Buy Cllmore & McCandless, mer- chant tailors, clothing, and gents' furnishings, aik> John- son. Tel 663 Gilmore "William, mgr Brown Jug saloon, res Yaies, cor Blanchard Gillespie Geo., asst manager 3auk of B. (3., res Esquimalt road Gillespie Wm., StrEmelia, 47 David Gillespy Mrs. £. M., wid James, 150 Fort Giliigan Edward, varnisher for J. 8ebl, res 69 Kane Giliigan James, warehouseman H. B. Co., res 16 Rae Giliigan John, clerk G. H. Maynard's, res 69 Kane Giliigan Miss Mary, res 69 Kane Giliigan Miss Winnie, res 69 Kane Giliigan Patrick, laborer, res 69 Kane Giliigan Thomas, machinist J. Sohl, res 69 Kane Gintzburger Samuel, 106 Government Glasgow & London Fire Insurance Co., James Burns, agent, 51 Langley Glasgow Market, Smilow Henry, 105 Fort GlasK Charles S., clerk Henry Young & Co., res 8 Pioneei; Glassey John, res 79 Kane Gleason MLD., carpenter, 94 B:iy Gleasson Wra. A., carpenter, 94 Bay Glundenning John, tobacconist, 50 Fort, res same Glenn Anthony, bellboy Di 'ard Glenn Thomas, laborer, 90 Siore Glide Andrew Henry, res 34 Erie Glide Henry, laborer, res 34 Erie Glide Miss Mary EllBn,composiior, res 34 Erie Glover Geoi^e, bricklayer, 11 Third Goddin H. C.,bookprC. 8trouss & Co., res JBoccal>ella Godding Rob»irt,verger Christ Church Cathedral, resl4iiupert Godfrey Wm., prop City Iron Works, steam bol^ ^r maker, Covernment,. Rock Bay, res Princess av. Goepel William John, of Hall & Goe- pel, res 38 Simcoe. Tel 534 Goffin Charles A., Bank of B.C., res 13 Simcoe Gold Thomas, cigarmaker M. Bantley, res 173 Johnson Gold Wm., painter for Chs. Harrison, res 173 Johnson Gold Wm., clerk for J. Weiler, 173 Johnson Golding B., tobacconist, 50 Broad Gonn Miss £iertha, governess R. P. Bithet, 148 Humboldt Gonnason Aaron, carpenter, 42 Second Gonnason Ben., tnaobino hand Queen City Mills, res 42 Second Gk>od Chas., cabinetmaker Jacob Sehl ma^OTOBT AND OAZETTEVB, 461 GOO VIOIORIA ORA ist Cliurch Good ECenry C, clerk for S. J. Pitts, res bO Fort Good J, H., ry mail clerk Good M. MH Ellon, res 4 Belleville Coodacrs Lawrence, prop Queen's Market, wholesale and retail bAJtchor, 121 Gov- ernment and €»6 Johnson, res 74 Pandora. Tel 32, res 34 Goodwin & Jordan, piano manufacturers. Broad cor Fort. Tel 98 Gottdwin O. H., of Goodwin & Jordan, res 112 Cormorant Goodwin O. G., piano maker, bds 112 Ceraorai't Goodwin Sam. H., clerk, res Constance Goodwin Wm., H. B. Co., 87 Henry Gi>i- on Bon., ot Angu8&Gordon,Bird- cn^e VVtilk bot lSu|K'rior aid Mictii- Gordon hotel, J. R. McNeil, prop, 9 Johnson Gordon Wm., agent Hamilton Powder Co., r«'K 134 Kichanison Gordon Wm. B., r6s 134 Richardson Goro Wm. St Claire, Hurveyor general B.C., res 27 Burden e av Gonnell Geo. Fred., 6 Farquhar Gosnell J., gr<»cer, 127 and 12u Dou- gla». Tel 40 Gosnell John Henry, 6 Farquhar GoNnell MrH. Eliza, 6 Farquhar Gouge H., finisher for J. Weiler, Yates Goulet — , rooms 85 Fort Goulet Joseph, waiter, res 21 Broad Government House, Garey Castle, Belcher street. Tel 603 Gowdey Frank, blacksmith, Victoria Carringo Works Gowdy Wm., 31 Kock Bay ave Go wen Chas., brewer, of Gowen & Sons, res 185 View -^ITD- lOm MILL SULE J'a. OF ALL KINDS. ^.ONTRImL. Gowen Chas. Napier, brewer, asst chief fire dept, res I'i Blanchai'd Gowen C, & Sons, props Phoenix Brewery, Yates cor Bianchard. Tel 530 Gowen Frederick Angus, clerk for Carne & Mun.>*ie, res View Gowen Geoige Nelson, res 48 Cormo- rant Gowen Miss Annie C, teacher King's road School, res 86 View Gowdie Miss, dressmaker for D. Spen- cer Gowen Thos., machinist, 17 Second Grafton Miss Minnie, dressmaker for D. Spencer, res 28 View Graham — , ** C " battery, cor Cham- bers and South road Graham James, carpenter, res 57 View Graham John, mgr Dom Govt SavingsBanic and asst recei- ver general, over Post Office, res Barossa Lodge 88 Sim- coe Graham John, barber, bds 105 Pan- dora ave Graham Thomas, painter for Lettice, bds Dominion house Graham Thos. M., fruits and tobacco, 162 Government Graham Wm.,engineer,reaSaanich road Graham Wm Richard, res Dallas road cor Montreal Grahame — , Albion I. W. Grahame James A., (H.B.G.) res Hillside ave. Tel a ii If} ; I I fill S !' 113 i V't' .. 1 tii I 462 Henderson's British Columbia y GRA VICTORIA ORI Grand Pacific Bar, G. Bossie, prop, 26 Johnson Grandsena Mrs., widow, 151 Fistfuard Grant Art., salesman, bds Occidental Grant Donald, ship carpenter, 36 Store Grant F. W., clerk for D. Spencer Grant James, tailor B. Roberts, 51 Third Grant John, res 26 Cadboro Bay Road. Tel 001 Grant John * Bastion Grant John, butcher for Van Volken- burgh & Bro. Grant Capt. Wm., 2 Work Grant W.,miiihand Muirhead& Mann's mill Grant Wm. C, carpenter, 51 Third Graves Edward, packer lor J. Weiler, Cormorant Graves H. W., clerk H. M. Customs, res 51 King's road Gray A. B., of A. B. Gi-ay & Co., res 82 Belleville Cray A. B., & Co., importers and commission agents, dry go '^ds and gen merchants, 71 Wharf. Tel 76 Gray Andrew, of Spratt & Gray, res 17 Work. Tel 670 Gray E. J., res Government Gray John Hamilton, jun., C. E., res Home wood, 39 Cadboro Bay Road Cray Hon J. Hamilton, sen.. Judge Supreme Court B.C., res Homewood,39 Cadboro Bay Road Gray Pierpont Hamilton, mechanical engineer, res 39 Cadboro Bay road Gray Richard, hackman, 5 Kane, bds cor Douglas and Kane Gray Samuel W., carpenter, 55 Hill- side av Cray Samuel, stair builder, Chatham nr Coverment, res lOCorgeRoad Grensley Mrs., widow, 9 Frederick Greaves N., res Pandora av bet Blan- chard and Quadra Greaves Wra., blacksmith A.I.W. Cregg A., A Son, merchant tailors, 42 Yates Gregg Abraham, of A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road Gregg Arthur, tailor for A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road Gregg Charles,aw8t cutler for A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road Gregg F. C, draughtsman, res 143 Pandora av Gregg Frank, of A. Gregg & Son, res 40 King's road Gregor — , carpenter, bds 7) Fort Green Alexander A., of Garesche, Green & Co., res Birdcage Waik. Tel 571 Green Ashdown Henry, comm's asst Indian Reserve Green C. A., 15 Birdcage Walk Green Charles do Biois, surveyor, res 171 Superior Green David, clothier and outfitter, 107 Government, bds French hotel Green Mr.-). Julia, wid F. W., res 287 Johnson Green way Henry, laborer, 67 North Park Greenway Henry,jun., 67 North Park Greonway Richard, fireman, 67 North Park Greenwood Mrs., widow J. K., res 89 Pandora av Grey James, res 316 Douglas GribbleH., toys and fancy goods, 84 Government, res 12 Pioneer Gribble T., printer Chas. McKay, res 12 Pioneer Griffith J.W., bookkeeper J. P. Davis & Co., res 139 Pandora Griffith J., wharfinger C.P.N. Co. Griffiths Wm., moulder Spratt & Gray Gri mason George, bottle washer for A. Philips & Son,res 115 North Park DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 463 GRI VICTORIA HAL >mm's asist Grimason John, 115 North Park Grimm Wm., prop Victoria Carriage Worlcs, 90 and 02 Johnson Grissmer A., res 74 Quadra Grotto Saloon, Wm. McNIff, prop., I Trounce Alley Grover Holmes, jun, actor, 160 Johnson Guarantre Co. of North Amer- ica, B. C. L. A I. Agency, agents, 40 Government Guardian Fire Assurance Co. of Lon- don, Turner, Beoton & Co., agents. Wharf Gnllekson Jno.,tobncconist,15 Johnson Giimuson William, bottler for A. Phillips & Son, res 115 North Park Gumm William, blacksmith Johnson, 124 Vancouver Guslean Charles, traveller for J. K. Gill &Co., over 67 Government Gntmann M., 7 Johnson Gwonnep James, corporation teamster, 33 North Park Gwynn G. G., solicitor T. Davie, Haggart David, machinist Albion I.W. Haggart James, Albion I. W. Hagerty John, contractor teaming and road work, res 42 Kane Hague Mrs., res 158 Fort Hahan Charles, sign writer for Henry B. Randall, res Johnson Haigh Benjamin, engineer Victoria Fire dept, 82 Yates Haigh William, driver for L. Good- acre Haines — , laborer, res 85 Quadra Hale Henry, carpenter, res 5 McClure Hall—, M. D., 97 Johnson Hall Alfred, tinner for McLennan & McFeely, res 130 Johnson Hall Chas., salesman J. A. T. Caton &Co. Hall Chas., backman, res 130 Johnson The Hiard Electric Mfg. Co. (Ltd.). MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) Hall F. J., Colonist, 43 North Park Hail Goo., at Diinrd, 113 North Park Hall, Goepel & Co., general ins agents and coal mer- chants, fOO Government, wholesale liquors, 28 Store. Tel 83 Hall & Hall, surgery, 60 Douglas Hall H. G., law student T. Fell, res Saanieh road Hall J. D., of Hall & Lowe, res Van- couver City Hall John, & Son, London, Turner, Beoton & Co., agents. Wharf Hall Lewis, dental surgeon, 76 Yates, res 8 Pioneer Hall & Lowe, photographers, over 63 Government Hall Miss A., milliner for Mrs. K. Whiilaw, res 130 Johnson Hall Mrs. A., wid Philip John, res 130 Johnson Hall Mrs. E., bdg house, 55 Broad Hall Mrs. Margaret, wid Thomas, res 7 Franklin Hall Philip John, res 130 Johnson Hall Richsird, of Hall, Goepel & Co., res 94 Pembroke Hall, Ross & Co., props Vic- toria Rice Mills, 66 Store. Tel 136 Hall T. B., of Hall, Eoss & Co., res 45 Queen's ave. Tel. '.19 Hall W. B., porter foj Dixie H. Ross & Co., res Johnson m i'i n I J ^ 1 n ■ 'n ■i i !I':m "'■j m ! i f i ! i I • .^« 464 HENDERSON'S BRITISB COLUMBIA HAL VIOTOKIA HAR Hall William, barkeeper Driard Hall Wm.. machinist, A. T, W. Hnll William, clerk for Rows, res 130 Johnson Halliflay James A., principal Boys' Public school, res 109 Pandora av Hnllnost — , Pandora hill Halls WilHiim, pardoner for Senator McDonald Halpenney Horace, painter for Joseph Sonrs 7*es 189 Johnson Halpin Wm. N., miner, 94 Pandora Hambten William, laborer, res 22 Kingston Hamilton Mrs., widow, res 122 Fort Hamilton Mrs,, 70 North Park Hamilton Powder Co., Wil- liam Cordon, airent, over47 Covernment. Tel 61 Hamley Hon. Wymand, col- lector of customs, res Bur- dette ave cor Quadra Hfimlin — , police court, Foul Bay Hamlin — , land agent, res Ross Bay, Fairfield Road Hammond H., clerk C.P,R. Tel., res 60 Kane Hammond T. M., res 60 Kane Hammond William, C. E., E. & N". Ry. Co., Beacon Hill Park, bet Toronto and Simcoe Hampson William S., bookkeeper for D. Spencer, res 131 Fort Hampton George, waiter Driard, res 140 Cook Hancock R. H., clerk Garesche, Green & Co., 107 Vancouver Hanington E. B. C, M.D., office 81 Fort, res 83 Fort. Tol. 139 Grotto 8 Hannan George, bartender saloon, res Johnson Hannan James, 8tonemai«on, res Mej'ers Hannan John, salesman for R. Baker & Son, res Kane Hannan John, at Baker's feed store, res 8 Meyers Hnnnan William, tinsmith, res 8 Meyers Hanski August, cabinetmaker J. Sehl, 9 Churchway Uanski Frank, painter, Fort, res 9 Churchway Hanski James, shoemaker for Ful- lorfon, res 9 Churchway Hanski Miss Josephine, res 9 Ohnroh- way Hanski Mrs, Constance, widow, res 9 Churchway ^ Harbor master and Port Warden, W R. Clar ke, office 13 Store H rdirtg Frederick James, gardener, 73 Richardson Harding Thomas, baker Van- couver Bakery, 76 Tort, res 84 Superior Hardy Joseph, restaurant, 10 Store Hare Michael, entrineer, 2(>3 Douglas Hargraves George, land surveyor and civil engineer, over 47 Government Harley H., general store, 6 Store Harlow E., driver for Victoria Trans- fer Co. Harmosi — , pattern maker, bds 7 Pan- dora Harnden Wm., machinist A. I. W, Harper Wesley, butcher for Van Vol- ken burgh & Bro. Harris Charles, packer for J. Woiler Harris Clahen, carpenter, 9 Alfred Harris Capt. Annie, S. A., res 142 Fort Harris Dennis Reginald, J. P., of Lowenberg, Harris & Co., res 4 Belleville Harris Ernest Arthur, cleric Tiowen- berg, Harris & Co., bds Oriental hotel Harris James, fireman Str Hope, res 7 Franklin Harris Miss Agnes, dressmaker for Mrs. F. W. Wright, res Lime Bay Harris Mrs. Mafgaret, res 59 View DimBOTMlT AND QAXETTtneK. 405 HAH VICTORIA HAW Harris Mrs. Maiy Ann, widow John, 149 Fort Harris William, pressman Times, res 149 Fort Harris William, stableman for Thomas Burlow, bds Dominion hiilase Harrison Eli, painter and deal- er In wall ip^per, paints, oils liiid glass, lOd Douglas, cor Pandora av, res 43 Cad boro ^y Koad Harrison Eli, jun., jndgfe County Court of Cariboo, res 90 CudbOro Bay Roa^ Harrison Georj^o B., waiter Claronco hotel, cor Dotiiflas and Yates Harrison Jas,, Bolton, railway con- tractor, 42 Montreal Harrison & Mc f) Ulster, gro- cei^, and wholesale and retail liquors, 69 Johnson. Tel 166 Harrison Wm., of Harrison & Mc- Allister, res 107 Blanchard avo Harrison William, prop Victoria House saloon, 113 Douglas, res Blanchard Harrop John, painter for Bobert Lettice Hart David, tobacconist, 110 Govern- ment, res 94 Chatham Hart E. A., mgr for Citizens Insurance Co. of Canada, office 66 Langiey, res Driard Harte J. J., of J, Isaacs & Co,-, res 43 Johnson garte Mike, cannery, 126 Douglas artly Samuel, carpenter lor John Weiler Hartnagol G. A., Of Redeft & Hatt- nagel H^rtman Sigfried M., dentist, 61 Government, res 247 Yates mm Ban. Jjito, Oiftig and St. Antoine Sts* MONTflBAL. Hartwell H. J , mer J. A A. Boslcowltz, 96 Wharf, res 264 Yates. Tel 27 Harvey — , C.P.N. Co., bds 70 Dou- glas Harvey (4eorge, Turner, Boeton & Co. Harvoy Rout, mgr for Turner, Beetoii & Co., res Belcher Hassenfralz Jacob, of Hassenfratz & Lawsoti, res rear of 126 Fort Hasenfratz & Lawson, props City Brewery, 126 Fort HaNlum James Henry, bartender Co- lonial hotel, 83 Johnson Hastie James, of Hastie & Lockhart, res 8 Pioneer HaiBtleA Lockhart, furniture, 62 Government Hastings Saw Mill Co. (Ltd), James L. Raymer, secretary^ over 41 Government. Tel 50 Hastings 6. Cr,photographery 66 Fort, res 152 Douglas Hatton Thomas, driver for Victoria Transfei" Co. Hanghton Thos., 67 St. Lawrence Haughton Sl Co., dry goods. aVicTmen's f uk^nlsh I ngs, Y ates Haughton J., dentist, 6 Second llaughton James, drugiiist for M. G. Blanchard, res 6 Second Haughton Thomas,of Haughton & G6.', tea South Road, Spring Ridge Hayvkins — , steward hotel, rooms 85 Fort I h I •fi:3 : ,(■ f 466 Henderson's British Columbia HAW V!OTORIA HEN Hnwkins Chas., engineer, bds 181 Chat- ham Hawkins John,grccer,59 Fort, res same Hay Andrew Gordon, stonecutter, res 170 View Hay MrR.Je88ip,wid John,res ITO Yiew Hayes Alex., boilermaker Albion I.W. Hayes H., engineer Albion I. W. H.'iyes John, bartender Colonial hotel Hay nes Albert E., driver, res 77 Fort Haynes Arthur E., clerk for E. C. Jiaker, res 6 Parkington Haynes G. W., of H. F. Heisterman & Co., res 96 John Paynefe Miss Edith, 27 Broughtc n Huynes Wm., musician, 6 Parkington Ha>ward Chas., Pioneer sash and door factor), underta- ker, contractor and builder, Broughton corLangley, res 109 V&ncouver. Tel 49, res Hayviood Charles, jun., paying teller Dom Govt Savings Bank, 109 Van- couver Haywood Joseph, res 2 Cadboro Bay Road Heal D. C, tinware, 99 Johnson,re8 14 Farquhar Heal John,taiIor,rPsrear of43 Pandora av Hoaley — , machinist Albion I.W. Hoateiley Saml., laborer Water Works, ros7 Humboldt Heathcote G. V.,freight clerk Str R.P. Rithet Heatherbell Wm., bricklayer, res 179 Cook Heathfield ft^rs. S. L., •Vrl ow, res 6 Scoresby Heathorn Wm., sen., prop Rook Bay Tannery, cor .John and Bridge, res 3 Bridge. Te^ office 71, res 009 Heathorn Arthur, res 3 Bridge Heathorn Wm., jun., res 3 Bridge Heay Alex., at boiler 8hop,46 Chatham Heay Horace, boilermaker,46 Chatham Heay Mrs. E., 46 Chatham Heay Walter.ct Rice mil ls,46 Chatham Hedges F. F., clerk H. B. Co. Hofferman Ralph, vvaiter Driard Heisterman H. F., of H. F. Heister- man & Co., res 295 Douglas. Tel. 560 Heisterman H. F., & Co., real estate & In8urance,8 Bastion sq. Tel 05 Helford Robt.,farmer, res 131 Cadboro Bay Road Helford Wri., farmer,res 130 Cadboro Bay f:-A Hellior W., helper Albion T. W. Helman John, jeweller for Pennock Clayton Helmt'ken Henry Dallas, of Drake, Jackson & Ktolmcken,re8 Dal'.ii" road Helmcken James Douglass, physician, 20 Fort, cor Langlej^, res same Helmcken John Sebastian, 8 Fort, res Belleville, nr McClure Henderson Antoine, \ictoria Transfer Co., res 19 B rough ton Henderson H. S., surveyor, bds Occi- dental hotel Henderson Joseph N., of Langley & Co., re 4 253 Fort Henderson Leonard C, pub- lisher of Henderson's Direc" tory; Office LCovernment St. P.O. Box S178 Henderson's Manitoba, t Korthwest and British Co- lumbia Directory and Gazet- tei>r,James&L.C.Hender9or publishers, Government %. P. O. Box 278 Fenderson Miss, bdo 137 Fort Hender^.on & Parker, real estate, 69 Government idffo J Bridge i& Chatham 46 Chatham 46 Chatham Co. Driard P. Heister- laa. Tel, 560 Co., real 3 Bastion 31 Cadboro JO Cadboro T. W. Pen nock of Drake, Dal! 11^' mad physician, same 8 Fort, res ia Transfer •, bds Ooci- Langley & C.f pub- 's Direc" ment st. iba, t tish Co- d Gazet- ndersor nent «. art estate, 69 DIREOTOBT AND OAZETTESB, 467 HEN VICTORIA HIL Henderson Tbos. M.,of Jiangley & Co., res 253 Fort Hendry Alexander, res 35 View Hendry Thos., prop Columbia Match factory, 03 Work Henly — , gardener, cook South End Henly Neil, of Croft & Henly, res head of ('ook Honrv Wm.. upholsterer Hastie & Lockhart Henski A., mattrctis maker Jacob Sehl Hepworth F. H., tailor Gilmore & McCandless Hepworth James, tailor Gilmour, res 195 Pandora ave Herberger — , machinist Albion I.W. Herberts., cook Driard Herd George, carpenter, 51 McClure Herd Miss Lily, tailoress for J. C. Leask Herenn Henry, 66 Rock Bay ave Heritage Henry J., builder, 68 King's Eoad Heron Robert, of Mann & Heron, res 27 Broad Horren John, linemam for Victoria & Enquimiilt Telephone Co. Hett H. M., clerk J. R. Hett, res 1 South Park Hett Harry, barrister, 1 South Park Hett J. Roland, barrister i^t law, N.P., 16 Bastion sq, res I South Parle Hewlett ohas., seargent "C" Battery, 16 Boechy Hewlinps E. J.,of Barber& Hewlings, res 1 Third Hewlings F. H., snpt of Tlctoria Gas Co., res 2 Pem '"•""'' Hewlings J. Q., cor Bay and Third Hibben James Parker, clerk for Thos. N. Hibben & Co., res Pandora av Hibben T.N., & Co., wholesale and retail booksellers and stationers, 6 Government. Tel 22 . (Ltd.) MONTBEAL. Mnfrs. of Telephones.Electrlo Bells, Annuncia- tors, Burglar Alarms, Instruments, Apparatus and Supplies of every description. (See advt. p. 5.) Hibben Thos. Napier, jun., clerk for T. N. Hibben & Co., res 116 Pandora av Hibben Thomas Napier, sen., of T. N. Hibben & Co., res 116 Pandora av Hick George, gardener, 3 Pleasant Hick Wm., clerk Pendray & Co., res 15 Humboldt Hick Wm., of Mitchell & Hick, res 9 Pioneer Hickie Patrick, marine engineer str " Alexander," 47 Kane Hicks John F., blacksmith, res 156 Douglas Hicks Mrs. M.D., wid John, res 158 Michigan Hicks R()bt., pilot, 80 Pembroke Hicks Thomas, blacksmith, res 156 Douglas Hicks Thomas Bain, 32 Oswesro Hicks Wm., watchman Eock Bay Saw Mill Hicks Wm., farmer, Saanich Bond Higgins David Wm., res Regent Park, 157 Cadboro Buy Road. Tel 592 Higgins James T., gardener for Lt. Governor, res Govt House grounds Higgins John Thomas, florist, 25 Van- couver, res same Hig^Ii.G MiHs Maud, res Kegent Park, 157 Cadboro Bay Road Higgins Wm. Ralph, res Regent Park, 157 Cadboro Bay Road Highland W. H., brass finisher Albion Iron Works HilbertA Moore, real estatOi 16 Trounce Alley 1 1 il ' 1 ^; 1 'ij.' 1 \i} If i ^'fi 'f '• t il H I i in '-' 11. t| 468 H%^i)£ksoN'B MnxllitE a^ilxiitBiA Hlli Vfctdfeik HOW ) I 1 Hilbert Riehnrd, bootw and shoen, 74 Yatett, res 16 Lubouchere Ililliurd Joiseph, grocer, 30 Store HlHs Rt key. George, D.D., l^ishop ofColumbia,ancl rec- tor of cWrlsit ChUrbh Cathe- dral, Anglican, 40 Burdette av Hilton Benjamin, citbinetmaker for Share & Andernon, res 66 NOrth Park- Hilton Joseph, clerk John Boyd, res 6Q Noith Park Hilton Squire, hnnsom cab driver, 66 Norih Park. Tel 120 Hingley — , m ichiriif*! Albion T.W. Hin!>ky Angus, at J. Suhl, 2 i4 OoOk Hirst Wnf)., miichinist Albion I.W. Hiscocks E. H.,«lriiggist'8 asst Laiigley & Co., res I'Z Kiederick Hoatson John, Wiirehouseman, Van- couver 'house Hoden Alex., granite cutter, 135 Dougl5i»,reT9 107 View Hodge Wm., horseshoer, 1 15 Johnson, res Vancouver bet Pandora arid Johnson Hodnett A.,of Findlay & Hodnott, res Yates cor Doidgliis Hotfar W., iriachinist Albion I.W. Hogg Mrs. Euphemie, wid Attdi'ew, res 120 Toronto Holland Fred., carpenter, 60 John Holland J., contractofr and' buildel^, 60 John HollinsJohn, upholsterer for J.WeHer, 19 Gorge Road Holly Wm., carpenter, 113 Blanchard ave Holman J. R., lineman Victoria- Esquimalt Telephone Ck>., bds Occi- dental Hotmos Ool. J. G., Gommandatit " " Battery,Royal School ofArtillery,re8 in Barracks Holmes Peter, Odpt dt T^^W Holmes Wm., waterman, 48 Pembroke Holhess James, cigars and confection- ery, 92 Yates, res Spring Ridge Homan Frederick, Bavarian Brewery, res 79 View Hood James, 26 Green Hook^ay A.F.,organi8t Christ Church Cathedral, 32 Fourth Hooper D. G., shoemaker, 68 Broad Hooper !B^atihew,miner, res Ross Bay, Fairfield Road Hooper Wm., laborer, res 127 Johnson Hooper W., carpenter for Smith & Clark Hooson Edward, night watchman, 18 Princess ave Hopper Jolin T.. bai*tender at French hotel, res 86 Fort fioi^man — , pattern maker Albion I. W. Home H. R., asBt car inspector E. & N. Ry Home Thomas, cab driver, 34 Blan- chard Horsloy Samuel, plasterer, res 260 Johnson Horton Miss Lizzie, dressmaker for 1). . Spencer Horton Miss L. M., teacher Spring Ridge School, Chambers cor Chat- ham Horton Robt. John, H.B.Co.,149 Chat- ham Hosking Mrs. Hannah, wid Christo- pher, 18 Rae Houston Miss Tomima, 130 Simcoe Howard Henry, compositor Times, bds 130 Douglas Howard M iss Florence Eleatior, res 60 Rae Howard Mrs. Ellen A., widow F. A., res 60 Ra^. Tel 577 HowelV^fnlngbo. (Ld),EdWtird ^row Baker, secrelarjf-treas- urer, fit Broughton HbweTI Benjamin, 193 Boaglas Ubwell lientiox, bookkeeper for S. J. Pitts, res 144 Fort :\i iV\ DIREOVORT Atfb OA'iSEfTBlSR. HOW Victoria ING Howell Wiss Nellie, ntfi^e at 49 Bird- caije Walk Howen — , pJatiomakei*, 52 John Howerth Harry, tinner D. 0. Heal, bds Railroad hotel Hubbard Thos., foreman E. & IS". Ry. Hiiddleston Joseph, mariner, res 5 Humboldt . Hudson's Bay Co., Thomas R. Smith, asst comm; W. T. Li vock, local mgr, Wharf. Tel. 47 Hufmari A., batcher for Van Volken- burg & Bro. Hughes — , rngfr Grtty's, 14 Oadboro Bay Road Hujrhes J. H., -carpenter S. Gray, res 49 Second Hughes J. M., clerk for J. Gosnell, res 14 Rook Bay av Hughes John, fireman E. & N. Ry. Hughes James Ezekiali, carpenter, 49 Second Humber Arthur, res Topftz av Humber F., bricklayer, Gorj*e Road Humber M., jr., res Topaz ave Humber Russell, res Topaz ave Number M., sr., brick mfr, res Topaz ftve. Tel 627 Humphreys Thomas Basil, M.P.P., 69 Belcher Hunt Edward, mason, 150 View Hnnier Fr^erick, bricklayer, 45 Ororge Road Hunter Joseph, chleif en- gineer and geni supt K. & N. Ry. Co., res 49 iBfrdcage Walic. Tel 001 Hunter !R., H. M. Oustoms acting chief landing "waiter, rfis 239 Cook. Tel. 64 Husen & Ettsom, oanhety, 3 I*rince'?B ave Huston Wm., machinist Spratt & Gray Hutcheson — , 4 Alfred LigM System. M. D. BARft & CO^ Geaeml Seiliag Agents^ "^ yaS CRA10 S T., > iWONTREAL. Hutcheson James, of J. Hutcheson & Co., res 38 Victoria Crescent Hutcheson J., & Co., gen dry goods, 70 Government Hutchison Matthew, electrician Edi- son E. L. Co., 26 Laogley, re* Angel hotel Huthon Jas., plasterer, 24 Frederick Huxtable Miss Agnes, clerk M. W. Waitt & Co., music store, res 90 Panclora Huxtable Eobt. T., painter, res 90 Pandora Huxtable Wm. H , jun., machinist, res 90 P.andora Huxtable Wra. H., janitor Public School, 90 Pandora Hyahs Samuel 8., optician, 27 Fort, res 38 Kane Imbert C. A., carpenter Thomas Storey, res 254 Simcoe Imbert George, cornice worker for McLennan & McFooly, tes Simco6 Imperial f'ire Insurance Co., of Lon- don, Welch, Rithet & Co. agents Indian Baxaar Curios, furs and robes, J. Isaacs & Co., props, 43 Johnson Indian Church, 20 H^erald Itvdran Department^ Ltk Col. J. W. Powell, Indian Super- intendent ; Hon. Peter O'fieilly, Indian Reserve Cohfim., 120 Douglas cor Courtney Ingram Wm., driver, 75 Bay I; I ;'i ■ i ■ ! ■ J '. ' ' T J i if' :i'^' 470 HENDERSON'S BBITISH OOLUMBTA INL VIOTOEIA JAC 'i] Inland Revenue department, Richard Jones, collector, office Custom House build- in Innes Adam, teamster, 14 Galedoniaav Innes C, clerk Bank of B. C. Innes Wm., 14 Caledonia ave Innis Harry M., Bank of B.C., rooms 14 Young I. O, O. F, Hall, 87 D ouglas Inverness Salmon Cannery, Skeena River, Turner, Bee- ton & Co., agents. Wharf Ireland Mrs. M. C, dressmaker, 130 Douglas Irvine David, butcher for J. Parker, res North Park Irvine Mrs. Charlotte, widow Arthur, dairy, res Pairtieid Eoad Irvine Robt., laborer, 118 North Park Irvine Wm., contractor, South Eoad Spring Eidge Irving P. JE., depy attorney general, res 47 Cook. Tel. 110 Irving Bros., boots and shoos, 90 Yates Irving George Melbourne, of Irving Bros., 90 Yates Irving Capt. John, mgr C.P.N. Co. (Ltd.), res 73 Menzles. Tel 643 Irving Mrs. Sarah, widow James, res 133 Superior Irving Robert, freight and pass agent C. P.R., 70 Gov- ernment, res 32 Churohway Irving Robert, butcher for J. Parker, res North Park Irving Thomas Lewis, of Irving Bros., res 133 Superior Irwin Dixon, accountant, res Saanioh Road Isaacs J., of J. Isaacs & Co., res 119 Chatham Isaacs J., & Co., props Indl n Bazaar, 43 Johnson Islander Steamship C. P Co., Capt. Ceo. W. Robert- son Jack Alex., miner, res 48 Michigan Jack Mi's., widow, res 121 Superior Jacklin Chas., moulder A. I. W. Jacklin Tho8.,»tove mounter A. I. "W"., 44 Heruld Jack man James, teamster, 163 Fern- wood Road Jackman Miss B., dressmaker, 163 Fern wood Road Jackman Sam., harnessmaker Fred. Morris, res 163 Fernwood Eoad Jackson Alexander, salesman for E. G. Prior & Co. Jackson Andrew, baker for Nesbitt, Dixon & Co. Jackson F. A., druggist, Douglas next to Oddfellows Hall Jackson Geo., machinist A. I. W. Jackson George R., tailor for J. C. Leask Jackson J., sen., butcher for Van Volkenburg & Bros., res 26 Fre- derick Jackson James A., stock dealer, 50 Quadra Jackson James Andrew biscuit baker Nesbitt's factory, res 24 Quadra Jac^kson John, shoemaker ior G. II. Maynard, res 9 Bay Jackson John Bradbury, general mgr Gold Bar Mining Co., res 95 Yates Jackson Kirk, laborer, res 31 View Jackson Mrs. J. B., Pioneer Electric Works, 95 Yates, res same Jackson Mrs., res Fourth Jackson Oliver, foreman for S. Kelly & Co., 9 Bay Jackson E. £., of Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res 18 Richai-dson. Tel 545 DIRECTORT AND GAZETTEER. 471 JAC VICTORIA JEb' 111 -'M Jackson Stewart, marble cutter, 135 Douglas Jackson W. & Co., druggists, Douglas next to Odd Fellows Hull Jackson Wm., jun, of W. Jackson & Co., rea Y McClure Jackson Wm., M. R. C. S. E., phyNi- cian, Douglas next to Odd Fellows Hall, res 30 Michigan. Tel. 132, res 35 Jackson William R., res 112 Port Jacobs Dan,, cook, rooms 260 Johnson Jacobson capt Victor, 41 Henry Jaeck J. F., druggist for D. E. Camp- bell, res Chatham Jagers capt John F., str " J?. P. Rithet," res 196 View James James, engineer, res rear 99 Johnson James Bay, coal and woodyard James Biy Ward school, Miss M. V. Storey, principal, Kingston bet Os- wego and Montreal James David, cabinetmaker for Good- win & Jordan, res Johnson bet Broad and Douglas James Francis T., coachman for Lt. Governor, res Government House grounds Jameson William, & Co., Dublin; Tur- ner, Beeton & Co., agents. Wharf Jamieson Laughlin, machinist Albion Iron Works, 137 Pandora av Jamieson Michael, carpenter, 137 Pan- dora av Jamieson Miss Agnes, music teacher, res 137 Pandora av Jamieson Miss Bertha, 23 Erie Jamieson Miss Leiia, res 23 Erie Jamieson Peter, baker, res 254 John- son Jamieson Robert H., clerk Angus & Gordon, res 23 Erie Jamieson Robt., bookseller and sta- tioner, 92 Government, res 29 Rae. Tel 134 Janes Mrs. A. M., 39 North Park Janes Mrs. Jane, widow, 13 Green ^JLIfTID- POLLEN HILL SDEIES jTct OF ALL KINDS. OS Xaoc MONTREAU Janion &Co., com. merchants. Tol 46 Japanese Bazaar, Chas. Ga- briel & Co., 49 Government Jaques George, watchmaker, 127 Fort, res same Jardine John, painter, res 98 Blan- chard av Jarvis Wm West stevedore, res Victoria Jay &. Go., seedsmen and nur- serymen, Broad ncsr Fort, nurseries, 205 Goolc Jay Geo., of Jay & Co., res 255 Cook Jay George, barrister, of Yates & Jay, res 23 Birdcage Walk Jecoby Henry, secy Perry Creek Gold Mining Co., Ld., over 41 Govern- ment, bds Union Club Jeeves Allen, laborer. First nr Hill- side av Jeffree John, res 438 Humboldt JettVee Mrs. C, of W. J. Jeffree, res 242 Fort Jettree Mvs. W., clothing, 212 Fort Jeffree W. J., clothing, gents furnishings, trunlcs, etc., 40 Yates Jeffree W. J. T., clerk for W.J. Jeffree, res 242 Fort Jeffrey Chas,, carpenter, res 64 Quadra Jeffrey^ R. M., bookkeeper, bds Occi- dental hotel Jeffrey Mrs. R., widow, 107 Corraor- ttnt ':.. 1 imi m ;i ^j;-l 472 HSNDEaSON S BmT^iaH COLUMBIA JKN vioxoaiA JOH Jenkins CliHS., inillwrigl>t Bfii], Boss & Co., 168 Victoria West Jenkins Daviii John, carpenter for Ciias. Hayward, res PanUoru Jenkins Jaipes, brickiayt^r^ 11 Prin- cess av Jenkins Wm., boilermkr Albion I. W. Jenkinson C.W., asst collector Victoria cily and Ui.»t., and Bsquimalt, Gov- ernment Buildings, rei? 45Vuncouver Jcnkin^on Miss Annie, saleswoman Wm. Wilsoi. & Co., res 46 Douglas Jenkins Miss iMarian, millinery and dressmaking, 109 Douglas, res 47 Second Jenkinson Mrs. Eliza, wid George, boarding house, 46 Douglas Jenne F., prQp VictorijB Sail; Loft, 6 Johnson, bas Occi- dental Jennett Capt., res 66 Rae Jennett Capt. VV. S., surveyor Indian Depart men I, 20 Douglas cor Court- ney Jenning Arthur, 120 Cormorant Jennings Kester, 120 Cormorant Jennings Miss C, clerk D. Spencer Jennings Thos., 120 Cormorant Jenns Louis H., clork, res 147 Douglas Jenns P. A., clerk Bank of B. C. Jenns Rev Percival, rector of St. John's Ghuroh, Angli- can, res Douglas bet Herald and Fis^uard Jensen V., prop Boomerang saloon, 4 Langley Alley Jjensen Wm., prop Occidental hotel, Wharf cor Johnaon Jepsen Hans, stableman for Yiotoria Transfer Co. Jerow A., blacksmith Albion I. W. Jpsse Frank W., law clerk J^avie & Pooley, res 67 Montreal Jesse Mrs. Matilda, widow ^bert, 67 Monti'eai Jesse Walter H., clerk, 67 Montreal Jessop John, Dominion Immigration agent, res 186 Yates Jessop J . C, 34 Pioneer Jewell Henry, dealer in second hand furniture, and dealer in crockery, 77 Yates corDouglas,,res91 Blanchard Jewell 8aloon, Charles Pag- den, prop, layA Covernment Jobfron Wm., helper Albion I. W, John Budlington Harold, draughtsman B. C. Govt., res 9 Bellott Johnson Arthur» clerk, 71 John Johnson E. M., bds 141 Qua<lra Johnson E. M., notai*y public and con- veyancer, 80 Government, res 92 Belleville. Tel 74 Johnson Edward, clerk, 71 John Johnson J. A., bds 141 Quadra Johnson John, driver for M. R. Smith Johnston John, of Johnston, Walkur & Flett Johnson Miss, dreasmaker D. Spenror Johnson Mrs., prop Now York restau- rant, 66 Yates, res 26 Belcher Johnson Oliver, expressman. South Road, Spring Bidge Johnson Willinm, driver for J. Parker, res 28 Farquhar cor Quadra Johnston Coliner, expressman, Spring Hidge Johnston Arthur, clerk Gilmore & McCandloss Johnston Edward, tanner Rock Bay Tannery Johnston Frank, painter, 14 Frederick Johnston Halcro Peter, typewriter, rooms 31 Broad Johnston Hugh, 16 North Park Johnston James, expressmant res 28 Simcoe Johnston James, laborer, Chambers nr Queen's av Johnston John, clerk M, W. Waitt & Co., rea26U Yates Jobiiston John, baker, 16 Morth Park Johnston Miss ]tf.,,tf»ilQresB Gilmour k McCandless 1 Immigration k Gilmoro & ner Rock Bay maBCT.onn A^D oazetteer. 473, JOB VlfiTOH^A JOR Johnston Misa Martha, res 88 Simcoe JohnHton Miss Mary Grace, 16 Mon- treal Johnston Miss Nellie, clerk Hall & Lowe, roH 28 Simcoe Johnston Mat. T., manager Findloy, Durham & Brodie, res Union Club Johnston P. T., Victoria seed store, 28 Fort Johnston Remholt J., of Powers & Johnston, 12 Yates Johnston St, Ward School, Miss A, C. Gowen, teacher, King's Road Johnston Thor.' • , works Corporation, 28 FarquS.... Johnston, ifii. .er & Flett, props Queen City Planing Mills, Govemmen^^ at, Rock Bay. Tel 564 Jonasson John, carpenter for John Woiler Jones — , livery, res 50 David Jones Alhort, stenographer, Douglas nr Pandora Jones Arthur, clerk, 42 Herald Jones A. W., agent Canada Life Assurance Co., and real estate agent, 36 Qt>vern- ment, res Labpuchere Jones Bros., photographers, Douglas near Pandora Jones Charles, son,, res 11 Kane Jones Charles P., stenographer, Dou- glas nr Pandora Jones Deacon, bartenderSenate Saloon, rooms Government near Fort Jones Edwin, 42 Herald Jones Edwin, tinsmith for S. L. Kelly &Co, Jones Frederick Crosby, of Fee & Jones, res Belleville Jones George, bartender Vancouver^ hotel, 71 Yates Tones James, br^ss finisher A,LW. Jones John, of Jones & McKeil, fm^ David AND SUPPLY CO MONTREAL. Ltd Mnfrs. of KLE( ;TIUC WIRES, CABt-v, instru- ments and Supplies of every dt'serip ..on. (See advt. page 5.) Jones John, photographer, of Jonos Brob. .J^ones John Boyd, of Stephenson & Jones, 189 Fort Jones John T., laborer, 9 Frederick Jones Mrs., wid Richard, 85 Henry Jones Macnjumhtftn, M,D,, res 9 and 11 Bastion. Tel 165 Jonos Mrs. Cecilia, res 110 Snpcrior Jones & McNeil, livery stable, 109 Johnson Jones Richard, collector In- land Revenue and inspector W. Mh and Oas, office 64 Langley, res 11 Superior Jones Robert, of Jones Bros. Jones T., compositor M. Miller Jones T., boat builder and boats to hire, 20 Wharf Jpnes T. J., & Sony dentists, room 4 over bank of B. p. Jones T. M., photographer, of Jones Bros. Jones Thomas, waiter, 60 Johnson Jones Thomas H., of T. J. Jones & Son, res 246 Fort Jones Thomas Joseph, L.D.S., of T. J. Jones & Son, res 246 Fort Jones W. R., cigar maker, rooms 52' Government Jones Wilfred Roger, clorJc Bank ofi B.C., 8; Quebec Jones William, prop Regent Coal Yards, 22 Store, res 42 Herald Jorand Hejnri, p»'op Boccahella Boardr. ing house, 22 Yiotoria Crescent JoiAnd Mi^s, Fre,nch toiK>ber Angela^ |j CoUege, Boco«bella .'::l I :r I 474 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA JOR VICTORIA KEB M Jordan G. W., of Goodwin & Jordan, res 108 Cormorant Jordan William, city bakery, 1 1 Store Jordons Dr. J. Eugene, Histogenetic medcines, S. DesBrisuy, agent, room 6 over Bank of B.C. Joalyn Charles 8., 141 Chatham Jubilee Saloon, John Decker, prop, 49 Johnson, res 66 Yates Jonnasson Andrew, 217 Cook Kains Tom, D.L.S., Lands & Works dopt, res Dallas Koud cor Lewis Kama Louis, clerk, 25 Johnson Kammerer C. W., of T. N. Hibben & Co., res 17 Putnam Kaye — , machinist A.LW. Kaye James, 2nd a.HMt teacher Boys' P. School, res 111 Fisguard Keast Arthur,depy regiMtrar Supreme Court, and depy registrar County Court of Victoria, res 62 Second Keast Hubert, ticket cleric C.P.B., res 62 Second Keast Miss, 5th asst teacher Girls' P. School, Saanich Road Keefe capt Michael L., mate of str " Maud," res 77 View Keefer G. A., C.E., res 74 Kingston. Tel 565 Keller John Watson, Plaster Paris work, sewer pipe and building material, 161 Yates cor Quadra, res same Kellogg Edward C, druggist for J. Teague, jun., res 66 Yates Kelly Andrew J., tinsmith for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates Kelly Hendry, res 86 Chatham Kelly J. Albert, tinsmith for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates Kelly James, carpenter, 33 Elizabeth Kelly John, laborer, res 17 Herald Kelly Ross, laborer, 143 Quadra Kelly Samuel Benj., bookkeeper for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 228 Yates Kelly Samuel Leon, of S. L. Kolly & Co., res 228 Yates Kelly S. L., & Co., stoves and tinware, 20 Yates. Tel 81 Keenan — , machinist A.I.W. Kennedy David, engineer of Cariboo Bay, les 15 Montreal Kennedy John, engineer str " Maud," res 1 Beacon Hill Park, nr Barracks Kennedy Thos., engineer, res Beacon Hill Park nr Barracks Kennell Godfrey, kalsomining and cleaning, res 46 Blanchard Kenning Alex., clerk Ames, Holden & Co., bds 107 Pandora Kent C. Herbert, clerk M. W. Wuitts, music store, res 243 Yates Kent Chas., bookkeeper for Marain & Tilton, res IbO Yaies Kent H., manager M. W. Waitt & Co., music store, res 243 Yates Kent William, carpenter for city, res 71 Blanchard Kenyon Richard, wood worker, res 110 Johnson Keown Frank, painter for Henry B. Randall, res 8 Amelia Keown George, cigar maker B. Levy, res cor 1^ Amelia Keown James, carpenter, 8 Amelia Ker David R., of Brackman & Ker, res cor Blanchard and Discovery Ker R. J., cashier Welch, Rithet &Co. Ker Robert, bookkeeper Brackman & Ker, res cor Blanchard and Diucc '- ery Ker Walter, bookkeeper Brackman & Ker, res cor Bianchard and Discovery Kerg Misses, dressmakers, 20 Pioneur Kerg Mrs., widow N., 20 Pioneer Kermode Ed., shipcarpenter,87 Henry Kerr David E., 1st asst teacher Boys' Public school, res 287 Yates DIllEOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 475 KEll VICTORIA KUR Kerr John Robert, agent for J. K. Gill &Co., subscription boolcs, over 67 Government, bds I09 Pandora Korr Peter, luborer, 13 Colli nson Kerr William, furniture and stove dealer, 110 Yates, res same Keryges Mi.s8, dressmaker for D. Spencer Kosslar Henry, master mechanic Al- bionl. W., res 151 Chin lijim Kettle Wm., macliinint, 52 John Kettle William A., apprentice toGood- win & Jordan, ro-t ;)2 John Kotle}' George, engineer, res 63 Humboldt Keyes Eicliards J., laundry, 103 Fis- guard Kinard Walter, cutter, 8 Pioneer King Charles R., manufac- turer and comm agent, o%€>r 47 Government, res 185 Yates King Christopher John, Esquimalt stage, res 139 Yates KingJ., painter, res 84 Kane King James,expre8sman,165 Chatham King John,driver for Victoria Translor Co. King Joseph, saloon, res 130 Blan- chard av King M., res cor Caledonia ave and Chambers King Miss Eliza, clerk for S. E.King, res Chambers and Alfred King MitfS Louise, folder M. Miller King Sam. Ebenezer, baker, 16 Broad, res 36 A! trod. Tel 137 KingThomas, upholsterer, res Kane Kingham rev llenrj', cuiato of Christ Church Cathedral, Angel av, res 40 Burdette av King's Head sjxloon, White & Manur man, 48 Johnson Kinnaird W. D., cutter Gilmore & MuCandless -^2srx)- WOOLLEN ILL SULIES OF ALL KINDS. J'a; MONTREAL. Kinnear Walter John, corporation, 9 Putnam Kinsman John, contractor, res 94 Pembroke Kirk A., machinist A. I. W. Kirk C. Watson, tanner Eock Bay Tannery, rt's 17 Ellice Kirkup Jeremiah, shoemaker, 13 Government, res same Kir^ehberg & Landsberg, props Yie- toria Loan office, 57 Jolinson Kirschberg S., of Kirschborg & Lands- berg, res 13 North Paik Kirsop Geo., stone and marble cutter, 161 Chatham Knight Geo., moulder Albion I. W. Knight Geo. H., Mount Tolmie Nur- sery Knight John, blacksmith, 84 Henry Knight John W., of Mcgregor, Knight & McKitrick. res John Knight capt Mathew John, res 127 Michigan Knox W., Albion LW. Knowles H., carpenter for Smith & Ciark, bds Thistle restaurant Koening Geo., brewer Victoria Brewery Kosche Carl, barber, 31 Government, res same Ko^cho Mrs. C.,hair store, 31 Govern- ment Kroeger Fritz, upholsterer for J. Weiler, res Moss Kurtz & Co., cigar manufac- turers, 79 Government cor Trounce Alley 83 IP h.\ 5 3)i I PI ii 'I ii ;1 , i 'il U : Til i ■ J i 1 I il. I;; 1-. \f f '• ^ 476 Henderson's British Columbia KUR VICTORIA LAW Kurtz John, of Kurtz & Co., res Burns houHe, Bastion ^q Kurtz Mrs. Martha.widow David,clerk C. E. Eedfern, 141 Fort Laing John A., carpenter, res t Bhinchard Lakin Albert William, laborer, 153 Montreal Lakin Francis, laborer, res 153 Mon- treal Lakin Miss Minnie S., dressmaker, res 153 Montreal Lambeth Willinm, expressman, 240 Simcoe Lambkin Clark H., tobacconist and fruits, 112 Yates,res same Lambly Miss S., 112 Cormorant Lanciister John, laborer, res 250 John- son Lancaster Thomas, laborer, res 256 Johnson Land Registry Office of B.C., Charles James Leggatt, re- gistrar general Land8ber<5 F., of Kirschberg & Lands- berg, res Vancouver city Lane Clarence, night clerk, Clarence hotel Lane William, carpenter, 294 Johnson Lang — , helper Albion LW. Lang Andrew D., sealer, 22 Erie Lang David, mariner,CooK cor Putnam Lang Ed., bricklaj'er, 30 Mason Lang F. H., Dom Express, 11 Pioneer Lang Eichard, carpenter, 57 King's Eoad Lang Lt.J. I., royal engineer, res 60 Cook Lang Wm,, carpenter, 67 King's Road Lange&Co., watchmakers and jewel- ers, 93 Government Lange G. W. A., of Lange & Co., res 93 Government Langley — , bookkeeper at Burns, bds 82 Pandora Langley Alfred John,of Langley & Co., jes Fairfield Boad. Tel 506 Langley Arthur R., bookkeeper Robt. Ward & Co., bds 16 Humboldt Langley Sl Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 23 Yates. Tel 38. iSee adv on Cover Langlej' E., bookkeeper for NichoUos & Renouf, rooms 31 Broad L;ingley George F., druggist with G. Morrison, res 16 Humboldt Langley J. H., Ixis 105 Pjindora av Langley James, res 16 Humboldt Langley John M,, deputy sheriff coun- ty of Victoria, res 225 Fort Langley Mrs. E., boarding house, 105 Pandora av Langley W.H., law studontDrake, Jack- son & Helmcken, res Fairfield R )a(] La'plerre Horace, Empire ba- kery, and grocer, 1 19 Fort Larbonne Jos., clothing, 29 Johnson Liirman James, slioeniakcr,ll Johnson Lan r W. A., machinist Spratt & Gray Larson G., millhand Queen City mills LaSalle — , res 51 Ktino Latham Sam., machinist at Albion Iron Works, 52 Pandora av Law Morrice, at Albion Iron Works, 115 Fisguard Law Robert, moulder Albion I.W. Lawliss Michacl,farpenter S.Gray, res opp 312 Douglas Lawrence Alfred, prop Chicago Candy factory, 46 Government, res 60 Belleville Lawrence George, bds 156 View Lawrence Mrs., nurse, bds 70 Douglas Lawrence Mrs., widow George, res 156 View Lawrence Wm., clerk Oriental hotel, 38 Yates Lawson — , repairer for Arthur Smith, res Frederick Lawson Abraham W., hackman, 5| Kane, bds cor Douglas and Kane Lawson Chos. R, at foundry ,6 Amelia per Robt. toldt iaie and Yates. NichoUos t with G. t 3ra av boldt oi'iflf coun- n-t hoase, 105 rake, Jack- •Held Etad I pi re ba- 9 Fort Jolinson ,11 Johnson Spralt & \ City mills Oriental rthur Smith, lackman, 5 1 ind Kane Iry, 6 Amelia DIRECTORT AND GAZETTEER. 47T LAW vioroiUA LEN LawHon Geo., barber Geo. North, res Johnson Lawwon H., political editor Colonist, rooms Sri Foit Lawson Henry Chas., engineer str •' Olympian," res 237 Jolinson Lawson Jas., pipemiikor Albion I.W. Lawson James Hill, cashier H.B. Co., res 101} Simcoe Lawsftn Giistave, muehinist, 72 Pem- broke Liiwson James M., 6 Amelia Lawson John, res 130 Fort Lawson K. VV., expro.ssman, res 80 Chatham Lawson Koberl, Custom House, 67 11 umbo kit Lawson Tliomas, boilermaker Albion I.W., 6 Amelia Law.son Wra. George, umbrella re pairer, 6 Amelia Layman Dan., carpenter S. Gray Layman Sam., S. Gray Leahy John, brewer and malt- ster, prop Colonial Brewery, 124 Johnson, res same Leal(e Miss Annie, matron ChineseCirls'MisslonHome, Cormorant Leasic James C, merchant tailor, Government, res 186 Fort Ledlngham Bros., blaclc- smiths and carrlagemaicers, 133 Government Ledingham George, of Lodingham Bros., res 128 Fisguard Ledingham Wm. John, of Ledingham Bros., res 128 Fisguai-d Lee Arthur, bottle washer for A. Phillips & Son, res 154 Douglas Lee Mrs. H. V., widow, res 27 Bird- cage Walk Leo Wm., moulder Albion LW. Leech Alfred, at Water W^orks, 51 King's road Tte HlH Electric Wl (Ltd.), AND SUPPLY CO. MONTREAL. Mnfrs. ot fiLKCTUIC WIKES, CABLES, Instru- ments and Supplies of every desoriptiou. (Sea advt. I'U^e 5.) [jeeeh Joliii,ros 93 V ates Looch Poier J., oily surveyor, Besiver Hill i'ark bet Toronto and Simcoe Loet — , 86 Fort reporter Colonist, rooms llq- Legg E., groceries and uors, 324 Government Logi^iitt Charles James, registrar gen- eral ol t ties of B. C, res 56 Quebec Lehman David, carpenter, II King's Hoad Lehman Samuel, carpenter, 11 King's li')a<l Loiiman Sam., carpenter, bds Domin- ion house Leigh Wm., moulder Albion I.W. Leiser Gus., of Lenz & Leiser, 257 Fort LoiserSimon, wholesale grocer,5 Yates, res 125 Quadra. Tel !)9, res 124 Leitch George T., engineer C. P. N, Co.. bds Windsor hotel Lolevire Mrs., widow, 29 Pioneer Lelievre Chas., bartender, 49 Johnson Lomm George, decorator,res 162 Port Lemm Irving, fancy goods, 113 Fort, res same Lemmens Right Rev. John Nicholas, D.D., R.C. Bishop of Vancouver Isiand, res Bishop's Paiace, Yates Lemon James, foreman Johnson, Walker & Flett, res 116 Cormorant Leneker Edward, painter for Henry B. Randall Lenz Jacob, salesman Lenz & Leiser 'I I I I .1 i 1^1 m I if! m 1 I ' >'a 478 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA LEN VICTORIA LIT Lenz & Leiser, wholesale dry goods, 60 Government L«iiz M 086(1, of Lenz & Leiner, res 257 Fort LeoTiai'd — , 17 Pioneer Leonard John, waiter, 65 Ynles LePiince V. A., barber, res 52 Gov- er LePrince Mrs. V. A., drepsmaker, 52 Government Lci?oy Alphonpo, carpenter, roonns 52 Govei'iinient Leterme rev. Joseph, a'^st priest at E. C. Cathedral, row Bibhop's Palace, Yates Lettlce Robt., painter, glazier and paper hanger, 40 Fort, res 68 Kane Levin H. A., policeman, 70 North Park Levine Miss Agnes, domestic at 60 Belleville Levy B., cigar factory, 103 Johnson, res 32 Pioneer Levy D. J., merchant tailor, 61 Johnson, res 70 Broad Levy Joe, Arcade restaurant, 124 Government, res Pioneer Levj' Joshua, cigarmaker for J.L.Levy, res 39 Quadra Leavy J. L., prop T. & L. c gar factory, l02Covernm'ent,re8 I20 Vancouver Levy Joseph, saloon, res 19 Pioneer Lewis A., 57 St Lawrence Lewis Aaron, stoves and tin- ware, 46 Yates, res same Lewis Edward, painter for Joseph Sears, res Pandora av Lewis Edward, painter, 31 Pioneer Lewis Edward,expre88man,31 Pioneer Xiewis capt Herbert George, marine agent Dom Govt, res 114 Belleville Lewis Lewis, clothing, 44 Yates Lewis E. H., millhnnd Mnirhead & Mann's mill Lewis Richard, carpenter, 31 Pioneer Lewis Eobert, fireman steamboat, res 31 Humboldt Lewis Samuel, millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill Lewis Sherman, millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill LibocU William Thomas, H.B. Co., res 45 Menzies I^iddell Mrs. Ellen, wid James, res 59 Kane Liddell Robert, shoemaker for H. Mansell, res 128 Quadra Liiley Herbert Alfred, city candy factory, fruit and confectionery, 106 Douglas, res over store Lince Edmund, carpenter, 49 St Law- rence Lindlay Wm., foundry, 117 North Park Lindley W. P., journalist Standard Lindsay Alexander, bookkeeper for J. Parker, butfher, res 47 McClnre Lindsay David, of Lindsay & Pettit, res 33 Store Lindsa}' Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds 11 Humboldt Lindsay Mrs. Ellen, wid Daniel, res 154 Michigan Lindsay & Pettit, dry goo<ls and cloth- ing, 33 Store Lindley Wm., blacksmith A.I.W. Lindley William P., engineer, res 8 Churchway Lion Brewery saloon, Geo. Fair- brother, cor (Chambers and Queen's ave Lissett James, painter for Henry B. Randal], res 52 Michigan Little John, laborer, 293 Johnson DIRSOTORT AND GAZBTTEER 479 5> 44 head & Pioneer )oat, res ck Bay fck Bay Co., res !», ro8 59 for H. , City t and uglas f St Law- r North idard er for J. Dlure fc Pettit, ker, bda ,niel, res nd clcth- .W. er, res 8 lenry B. nson LIV VICTORIA LUK Liverpool, London A Ciobe Fire Ins. Co., Haii, Goepei A Co., agents, lOO Govern- ment Livock W. T., mgr H. B. Co.'s store Lloyd Thomas, of Lloyd & Co., 94 Yates Llyull George, road overseer, 10 Ame- lia Lockhart Chas. B., of Haslie & Lock- hart, res 153 Fort Lodge Wm., moulder, 91 North Park Loewen & Erb, piops Victoria Brew- ery, Government cor Discover}' Loewen Herman F., bookkeeper for Findley, Durham & Brodie, res 58 Pandora Loewen Jos., of Loewen & Erb, res 58 Pandora Logan George, trader, res 46 Quebec Los^an Hugh, operator for Victoria- Esouimalt Telephone Co., res Esqui- malt Logan Miss Esther, tailoross for A. Gregg & Son, res North Park Lohbrumer — , cabinetiuaker Jacob Sohi Lomus Goo., night watchman, 86 Store Lombard C. A., & Co., pianos, organs an«l music store, 71 G'?vernment Lombard Charles A., of C. A. Lom- bard & Co., res 56 Colli nson Lombard Mrs., n.usic teacher Angela College London Guarantee & Ac<Mdent Co., H. E. Croiisdaile, agent. Government Lontion Hotel, C. J. Philiipd, prop., 87 Johnson London and Lfincashiro Fire Ins. Co , Robt. Ward & Co.. agents, 76 Wharf London Market, J. Parker, 100 Yates. Tol. 579 London & Provincial Marine Ins. Co. (I/l.), Robt. Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf Longhurst Jarvis, prop Belmont BuiooD. Tel 173 LEATHER EM. Juno. Oraig and St. Antoine StSv MONTREAL. Lootens right rev. Louis, D.D., 4 Van- couver Lopotcki Maurice do, Belgian Consul and journalist" Standard," res 38 Cadboro Bay Road Lorimer Miss Christina, 101 Toronto Lorimor William, patternmaker Al- bion Iron Works, 101 Toronto Fjorimer William Alexander, appren- tice Albion Iron Works, 101 To- ronto Lome Restaurant, Goo. Crossman, prop, 66 Johnson Love — , at foundry, bds 9 Pandora Lovojoy John, varnisher at factory, bds Australian hotel Lovoll John B., res 180 View Lowe — , All)ion I. W. Lowe Mrs. W. H., 1^>1 Quadra Lowe Skoino, of ll:dl & Lowe, I'es cor Carr and Simcoe Lowell Henry, upholcterer, res 35 Blanchard Lowon Herman, res 58 Pandora ave Lowonberg Carl of J. A. Caton & Co. Lowenb'drg, Harris & Co., real estate. Fire, Life and Marine , Insurance, 41 Government. Tel 86 Loyd & Co., props Oak Hall Restau- rant, 1»4 Yates Lubbe T., dealer in raw furs, and secy Esquimalt Water Works Co., 77 Wharf, res 103 Quadra. Tel res 54 Lucas Henry Charles, baker, res 68 North Park Luke James, o verseer, 94 Pandora II I .' ' ■A i4 f: Mill I 480 HENDERSON'S BxilTISH COLUMBIA LUM VICTORIA McD Lumby Moses, J. P., secre- tary Shuswap and Okana- gan Ry., Enderby, B.C., bds Union Club Luney Mrs. W., grocer, 261 Bon^las Lunej' W., contrjictor, 231 Dou^Jas Luscombe Thomas, gardener and florist, res ?M Fort Liixton Arth'jr f ., solicitor Davie & Pooley, 47 Langlej' Lyor s James, Cedar Hill Road McAdnms Mrs. Lanra, milliner for Haijghton & Co., res II Col lister McAlister John, of Harris^on & Mc- Alister, res D.)uglas McAndrew Boll, mac'Mno hand for John Weiler, Colonial hotel McArihur James, engineer Sir Rithet, 56 John McArthur Mrs. Ada, compositor, res 63 View McAskill Alex., carpenter, rooms 86 Fort Me Beth D. G., mjllliu»>d Muirhead & Mann's mill McCahill M., wharfinger Spratt's Wharf McCallum Robert, hackman, 20 Rao. bds Royal hotel McCandish James, The Hall saloon, 129 Fort, res same McCandish Miss Emma, 16 Young McCandless A. Gr., of Gilmour & McCartdless, M'^Candless Henry, clerk Gilmour & McCandless McCannan Ilenrv G., clerk A. B. Gray & Co., res cor Simcoe and Otwogo McCarter Wm., millhand Muirhead & Mann's mill, res 27 First McCarthy D., car[)enter for John Weiler MoCaskell Alexander, carpenter for Charles Hayward WcClonnan Angus, exp'-c.-.,s driver for Victoria Transfer Co, McGloy James, prusjioctor, bds 40 View McClure Robert, carpenter for McKil- lican & Anderson, res Johnson McClure Sam., bds 139 Michigan M(CluskyCha8.B..prop Old Ship Inn, 81 Wharf, res 97 View McConnan Douglas B., clerk P. 0., res 82 Oswego McConnan Henry Gordon, clerk A B. Gnij' & Co., res 82 Oswego McConnan Thoma-^, 82 Oswego McjConnan Walter,cierk,res820swego McConnell Frank, bookbinder, 88 Johnson McCoimel! J()hn,wood turner S. Gray, 46 Third McConnell Joseph Wilion, milkman, res 38 Michigan McConnell Miss Elizabeth, res 38 Mi- chigan McCorke'.l James, tailor for R. Roberts, res South Road, Spring Rid <_'e McCormack Pat., Albion I. W. McCorniick C, letter carrier P. O. McCormick James, macinsiist .\lbion Iron Works, res 192 Yates McCormick Samuel, lal)orer Albion Iron Works, res 192 Yates McCreight Hon John P^ostor, judge, res New Westminster, B. C. McCullum Daniel, driver for E. T. Gurnett, Ixis 60 Fort McCuUoch Capt., res 125 Michigan McCulluch G. A.,clerk P. O. Mc('urdy Janies, lime ;nerchant, res 109 Pandora ave McCurdy Mrs. Jamos, 109 Pandora McCurdv liobt., laborer Water Works, res 77 Quadra McDonald — , moulder Albion I. W. McDonald A., laborcr,63 King's Road McDonald A. E., carpenter Smith & Clark McDonald Alex., teacher St.Louis Col- lege McDonald Alexander, prop Windsor Hotel, 23 Govern- ment DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 481 ^oD VICTORIA McG St. Louis Col- McEonald Anpis, carpr, bds 70 Port McDonald C.,accountant, Public Works de)t, res Birdcage Walk McDonald Chas., ship carpenter, bds 185 Johnson McDonald D. G., hack driver, bds Windsor hotel McDonald Daniel, carpenter for Smith & Clark, bds Thistle restaurant McDonald Daniel, express driver for Victoria Transfer Co., bds Windsor hotel McDonald Edward, cornice worker for McLennan & McFeeiy, rooms Dallas Road The tliard Oectric Ifg. UtIU . (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PliOOt Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton ana Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (See adv't. page 5.) McDoujjjall Dan., waller, 66 Johnson McDoiigall VV.A., tailor D. J. Levy, res 70 Fort M Dowel I Chas., moulder, 13"^ Quadra McDonald Edward,porterfor SJ-Pitts^ 1 'fcDowell Hany, printer, 133 (Quadra McDowell John,cai'ponter, 133 Quadra McDowell Thos., boilermakor Albion re^' Fisguard McDonald P. J., bookkpr Victoria Truck & Dray (/o., res Kin^ McDonald Frank, nii^r VictoriMa Truck & Dray Co., hdn Occidental McDonald Fran k,clerk, Wharf, 82 Kane McDonald Hugh, contractor, res 55 Chatbum McDonald Hugh, carpenter for Smith & Clark, bds Thistle restaurant Mcdonald James, of RuHsell,McDonald & Co., res in Vancouver McDonald John,"C" Battery, 2 Wharf McDonald John, carpenter, bds 186 Johnson McDonald John W., driver Dominion ExpiesH Co., res 1S6 Johnson McDonald Miss Kat<i,tailoross fo.- J.C. licask, 82 Kane McDonald Mrs.Jane,wid Alexander,rcs Beacon Hiil Park, bet Toronto and Sinicoe McDonald Patrick, coachman for L . Powell, res 229 View McDonald Peter, tobacconist,50 Yates, res samf 1. W., 133 Quadra McDowell W. J., reporter Colonist, res 133 Quadra McDowell William, res 54 Menzies MvDutf Wm.,tailor Gilmore & McCand- loss McEwan James, stableman for W. G. Bowman, 25 Broad McKeely Edward Jf)hn, of McLennan & McFeely, res Vanc<uver City McFerran Benjamin, at Courtney & Dalby, res 7 Pandora McGinnisJohn,express driver for Vic- toria Transfer Co. McGrinniw .liobert H., bartender Cla- rence hotel, cor Douj^las and Yates McGogohn Miss Minnie, dressmaker, res 7 Co burg McCTOtrohn Mrs. Maiy, wid John, res? Co burg McGregor Alex.,of McGregor, Knight & McKitrick, i-es 28 Bay McGregor Henry, carpenter Smith & Clark McDonald Capt.V\'illiam,pilot, 26 Erie McGregor James,LTi.D.,res255 Yates McDonald Win., helper Albion I. W. McGregor James H., undertaker Thos. McDonoll Mrs. R. J., boarding house, 33 Birdcage Walk. Tel 100 McDougall Archibald, tailor for D. J. Lavy, ros 70 Fort Storey, res Coi-niorant McGregor, Knight & McKitrick, black- smiths and carriage works 50 John- sou I i I*; ? - i I I ^ , I i! 483 Henderson's British oolumbia McG VICTORIA McL McGregor Mrs., midwife, cor Douglas and Cormorant McGregor Moses, bricklayer, 184 View Mcllwain Michael, driver Victoria Truck and Dray Co. Mcllwain Wm,, driver for Victoria Truck and Dray Co., bds 34 Blan- chard Mcintosh capt, pilot, res 6 Rae Mcintosh James, carpenter lor Smith & Clark Mcintosh James, clerk Wm. Wilson & Co., res 14 Meyers Mcintosh R.,ciirponter Smith & Clark Mcintosh S. T., J ct C. P. R. Tel office, 30 Second Mcintosh Stephen F., foreman Rock Bay Tanner}', res 8 Bay Mclntyre Wm.,upholslerur Jaciob Schl Mclvor Dan., hiick maker, 3G Store McKail George carpenter for Bishop & S., res DuUiilas McKay — , suvvG_yor,l)ds 12i Stijiorior McKaj' — , bookkeeper C. P. N. Co. McKay Chas., cairiago ])ainter, 94 Johnson, its Victoria West McKay Char., machinist, bds 35 Dou- ghis McKay Donald Geo., letter carrier, 43 Work Mckay J. W., resBidcher above IMo8« McKay Mrs. Jane, wid John Gordon, res '^.4 liae McK.'/y Wm., 138^ Cormorant McKi y Wm. John, compositor Times, 35 J. ates McKnzio — , woodworker fjr Wm. Mablcs McKenzie J. R.ygenerai black- smith and carriage works. Johnson nr Covernment McKenzie M. J., fruits, 34 Government McKenzie li., farmer Saanich Road McKonzie W. G., G< **^ Hhixw & Co. McKoori William, 4 Wm. McK'Jcd & Son, 38 Yuioa McKeon William J., of Wm. Keon & Son, 3S Yates McKeon Wm., & Son, proprietors Oriental hotel, 38 Yates McKeown Angus, foreman Belmont Tanning Boot and Shoe factory, res 113 Fisgnard McKevitt Aiichael, boilermaker, res rear 114 C<»rmorant McKiernan A. J., prof of music, bds Roccabella McKillican & Anderson, contractors and builders, 4 Langlej' cor Court- ney McKillican William D., of McKilli- can & Anderson, res 287 Yates McKinley John, painter, 41 Bri<ige McKinnon Malcolm, <lriver for Vic- Ic.ria Truck & Dray Co., bds 34 Blanchard McKitrick Wm., of McGregor, Knight & McKitiick, res 93 View Mi'Lichlan Brow., commission and leed morcha.nts, 1(? Yates Mcijuciiian Daniel, of McLachlan Bros., res 338 Government McLachlan William, yardman for Croft & Ang'is, res 14 Young McLagan John, clerk Hall, Goepel & Co., res Superior McLaren A., mouhler Albion I. W. Mcliaughliti J. II., accountant Dom Govt Savings Bk, res Fernwood Road MrLean — , son., painter for Robert Letlice McLean — , jr., painter for Robert Lottice M(;fjean capt Alex., res 103 Chatham McLe;in ca|>t Daniel, res H3 Ciialhatn McLean Donald M., asst appriasor Customs dept, res 175 Fort McLean Frederick, painter for Eli Harrison, res 7 First McLean John, ^en black- smith, 89 Wharf, ros 40 Work McLean Mrs., 139 Cadboro Ba}- Road DIREOTORT AND OAZETTEER. 483 lall, Goepol & 11* for Robert McL VICTORIA McP oro Buy Eoad McLean Milton, tinsmith for A. & W. Wilson McLean Peter, tanner Eock Bay Tan- nery McLean & Stewart, The Scotch house, clothiers and outfitters, 31 Fort McLean Thomas H., of Lloyd & Co., 9» Yates McLean William Andrew, of McLean & Stewart, res ]39 Cadboro Bay Road McLellan Frederick B., cnrpenler, res 23 View McLellund A. J., Gor^e Road McLennan & McFeely, galvan- ized iron cornice mnfrs, and dealers in stoves and tin- ware, 16 Fort McLotuKUi Robert Purvis, of M cLen- nuii <fe McFooiy, re.s 59 Superior MoLeod AlexarKler, packer H.B. Co., res 128 Yates McLcod Ani^u>i, ship carpenter, res 249 Simcoo McLood J. P., principal High School, bds 287 Yates McLeo<l John, mate str " R.P. Rithot," 34 Kane McLcod Norman, jr., 42 John AIcLeod >Jornuiii, .sr,, 42 John McLeod Rev. Patrick McFar- iane, St. Andrew's Church, res 110 Miichigan McLcod Kodei-ick, at Iron Works, 42 John McLury — , Albion i. W. McMamiH Roliorl, jonvnalist, res Fort Mc.Vlaiius Tlios. S., blacksmith Ablion L W. McMickinj^ Robert 3., City Electrician and manage:* Yictoria-E^'quimalt Telephone Co., res Gor^e Roud McMillan — , Albjon I. W. Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., General Sellin^T Agents^ 726 CRAIQ ST., - MONTREAL. McMillan Archibald Findlay, of Mc- Millan Bros., res 173 Yates McMillan Bros., bakers, 175 Yatos McMillan Donald, of McMillan Bros., res 173 Yates McMillan James E., sheriff County of Victoria Law Courts, Langley, res 138 Cor- morant McMunn A., helper Albion I.W. McMnnn Chas., photographer, 101 John McNamee James, gunner " C " Bat- tery, lUO Humboldt Mc'N^al — , paintor for Robert Lettice McNeil — , res Shoal Bay, Fairfield Road McNeil Fred., 34 Blanchard McNeil John A., of Jones & McNeil, bds New York Restaurant McNeil Miss Harriet, 67 Montreal McNeil J. A., cigar maker M. Bantly, res View McNeill J. R., prop Gordon hotel, 9 Johnson McNitfC, excise officer McNiff Wm., Grotto Saloon, I Trounce Alley, res 22 View McNitt'e W,, machine hand Queen City Mills McNish William, bookkeeper for L. Goodacro, res 228 Fort McPhadden Daiiol, carpenter, 29 Eli- z"beth McPhudden Jame.s, laborer, bda Dom- inion house \ McPhee 1). N., 95 Wharf 111 mi ' ■ i J i ill I ■'>l 484 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA McP VICTORIA MAL II Douglas. A., res 134 Hum- McPherson J., & Co., whole- sale, Cowarii Shaw & Co., agents, 69 Wharf McQuade E. A., of P. McQuade & Son, res cor Humboldt and Tel. 42 McQuade Lewis G., of P. McQuade & Son, res Vancouver facing Burrard. Tel. 53 McQuade P., & Son, ship chandlers, 78 Wharf. Tel 41 McRao rev. Donald, res 8 Pioneer McRoberts J. R, messenger P.O. McTaviish GeoriioA., florist Park Road, res Beacon Park nr Park Road. Tel 127 McTavish Mrs. D boldr. Tel. 598 McT«'i<.'h Ciiarks, moulder at Albion I. W., 190 Chatham McTeigh Henry, upholsterer, 190 Chatham McTeigh Jos., printer, 190 Chatham McTeigh Mrs. S., wid, 190 Chatham McTeigh Peter, moulder at Albion I.W'., 190 Chatham McTiernen Michael, drayman, 50 Pandora av Mables William, carriage factory, 115 Johnson Macabe T. 3., job foreman Colonist Macaulay Norman D., 42 Superior Macaulnj' W. J., lumberman, res 42 Superior Macdonald John, & Co., wholesale dry goods, H. C. Walker, agent, Spence's Ar- cade, over 66 Government. See adv. Macdonild C. N., accountant Pub- lic Works dept, res Birdcage Walk Macdonald Hon Wm. John, senator, res Armadale, 70 Niagara bet Oswe- go and Montreal Mackay Charles D., coach builder, res 35 Douglas Mackay Donald, clerk C.P.N. Co., 25 Quebec M.ickay John, engraver for Pennock & Clayton, res 36 Frederick Mackay W. J., compositor Colonist Mackenzie W. G., clerk Cowan, Shaw & Co., res 25 Kane Maekinlay William S., carpenter for Bishop & Sherborne, ro-i 30 Dou- glas Macintosh S. T , asst manager C.P.R. telegraph, res 30Second MacLauijhIin Joseph H., acct Domi. nion Government Savings Bank, res Fernwood Road Macluro F. S., of J. Hutcheson & Co., res Superior M.Mclure John Charles, accountant Robert, Ward & Co., res 14 Hum- boldt Maclure S., artist and architect, res Michigan Madden Jeremiah, foreman machine shops Albion I.W. Madden Joseph, machinist A. I.W. Maddigan Benjamin, engineer str Biscowitz, res 42 Work Maddigan Geo., machinist at Foundry, 40 Chatham Mjigirl Charles, machinist Albion Iron W., res 56 Quadra Magnesen Altrod, bookkeeper Thomas Earle, res Fort Mahrer Fred., apprentice Krutz & Co, Mallandaine Frederick, carpenter, 19 Simcoe Mallandaine Miss Harriett, res 19 Simcoe ' Mallandlne E., architect, room 4 over Bank of B. C, res 19 Simcoe Mallet ~, moulder A. LAV. Mallette C. E.» manager Vic- toria Coal, Wood and Lum- ber Yard, Office 62 Govern- ment, res 14 Young DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 485 .N. Co., 26 bv Pennock rick Colonist )wan, Shaw irpenter for o-j 30 Don- ager C.P.E. acct Domi. sBank, res eson & Co., accountant >8 14 Hum- chitoct, res n machine A.I.W. gineer str at Foundry, Albion Iron per Thomas Krulz & Co, •penier, 19 tt, res 19 tect, of B. C, ger Vic- nd Lum- Govern- i MAL VICTORIA MAR Mallette Miss Alexcine, housemaid at cor Menzies and Quehec Mangle George, carpenter, bds 35 Douglas Mann Ceoree, dealer inero- ceries and liquors, 86 Store Mann George, bricklayer, 19 David Mann & Heron, harness and saddlery, 29 Broad Mann Henry Thotnas, of Mann & Heron, res 27 Broad Mflnn J. G., of Muirhead & Mann, res 33 Bridge Mann Mrs. M., wid Andrew, 11 Rae Mann William, brickhiyer, 11 Bae Manning Martin, bartender, 60 John- eon Maiieell — , 30 Pioneer Mansell Henry, boots and shoes, and ivhoemaker, 95 Government, res 96 Pandora Mansell Herbert, driver for Carne & Munsie, bds Vancouver house Man^ell James, Albion I. W,, 26 Bay Mansell James, clerk for H. Mansell, res 96 Pandora Mansell Miss Alice, clerk Shears & Page, res 96 Pandora Mannkey Vim., blacksmith A.I.W. Manson — > 107 Chatham MarboBuf Louis, prop Poodle Dog hotel and restaurant, 49 Yates March James, miller Hall, Ross & Co., res 62 North Park Marchbank David C„ gardener for Mr. Justice Creaf-e, Belcher Marine Department, captll. G. Lewis, agent Market Exchange saloon, George , lompson, prop, 99 Fort Marks Moses, drewsmaking, 134 Yates, j'fis same Marrion Fk., carpenter, 18 Hillside av Marriott — , commercial traveller, bds 109 Pandora av M'trsdeu Henry, tinner for McLennan k Feely, res 125 Michigan mm BELiG. June. Craig and St. Antoine Sts.f MONTREAL. Marsh — , machine hand Jacob Sehl Marsh George, glass mnfr, res 10 Meyers Marshall Arthur William, carpenter, res 1 Churchway Marshall Charles, watchmaker, res 171 Cook Miirshall George, carpenter, bds 7 Pandora Marshall Miss Mary Ann, domestic foi* Mrs. S. Field, 21 Broad Mav^hall Thomas, caipenter, 56 Rock Bay av Marshall William, bartender Pritchard house, bds 93 Fort Marshall William, laborer, res 7 Hum- boldt Marston Charles, hack driver, 9 Cale- donia av Marston Edwin, hackman, 58 North Park Martin George, clerk for W. Croft, res 141 Simcoe Martin Henry J., clerk Welch, Eithet & Co.,, bds 60 Fort Martin James, machinist A.I.W. Martin James Edward, clei-k Lo wen- berg, Harris & Co., bds 60 Fort Martin Miss Ellon, dressmaker, 165 Johnson Martin Miss Emma, dressmaker, res 141 Simcoe Martin Simon, bridge foreman K. & N. Ry., Store foot Cormorant Martin Thomas, engineer " Sambo," res 165 Johnson Martin Walker, bartender Palace saloon, bds Colonial hotel if ;i' ti '■ :(,! )i -3.1 1! "■'■'■ I 'm b !; ■A 486 HENDERSON S BRITISH OOLUHBIA MAR VICTORIA M\Y Martin William Chantrell, clerk at United Stnte»Consnla1e, ret 60 Fort Marvin E. B., of E. B. Marvin & Co., res 34 Cadboro Bay Road Marvin E. B., & Co., ship chandiers, 74 Wharf. Tel 15 Marvin Bilgar, of Marvin & Tilton, res Driard Marvin Edii;ar, jun., professor of music, bds Driard IVTarvin & Tilton, ir/sportersof iron, steel,gen hardware and agri implements. Wharf cor Bastion. Tel 3 Marvin W. T., traveller Marvin & Tilton, res Driard Maslin W. J., 185 Pornwood R wA Mason — , drayman, res Pembroke nr Quadra Mason C. D., ro>» 132 Pandora ave Mason C. Dubois, dork, Eborts & Ta_,lor, 30 Lanyle}- Mason George, briekmaker, res GO Fort Mason H. S., of Allsop & Mason, 5 Birdcaij^e Walk Mason Henry G., clerk B. U. Lands & Inv. Ai^ency Mason Mrs. Gr., boarding house, 60 Fort Mason Thomas C, manufac- turers' agent, 18 Broad, res 33Carr Mason William H., real es- tate ai^ent, Notary Public, Trounce Alley, res 18 Young Masonic Temple, 132 Douglas cor FisgUta/d Massil Aiitoine, boot black, 58 Yates, res Caniat-a Iload Masten Miss Annie, millirtcr for Miss M. JenkitiM, res 185 Spring liidge Masters Ttios., ship carpenter, 3G Store Mastei'son I'jdward, officer's servant, bO Douglas Mather Alex., 203 Cook Matheson Chas., upholsterer Hastie & Lock hart Matheson 0. C, carpenter, res 26 Erie Mathews George F., of E. G. Prior & Co., bds Roccabolla Matsqui Land Co., H. E. Croasdailo, secretar}^ Government Matthews — ., of Matthews, Richards &Tye, res Birmingham, Eng Matthews E. W., mgr Dun, WimanA Co., res 16 Hum- boldt Matthews Dr. Joseph B., 17 Fort Matthews J. P.^ clerk for Dixie H. RosM & Co., res 177 Montreal Matthews John, laborer, res 82 Niagara Matthews R J., tailor Russell, Mc- Donald & Co., res 30 View Matthews, Richards & Tye, wholesale and retail hard- ware, wagon material, and agri implements, 34 Yates. Tel 69 Matthews Thos., City Hall, 43 First Maudait Rev. Joseph Mary, R. C. Mis- sionary, res Bishop's P.ilaco, Yates Maude Steamship C.P.N. Co., Capt John T. Barry Muurmatin Paul, of White & Maur- mann, 48 Johnson Maynard Albert Hatherly, forem.'in for Richard Maynard, res 100 John Maynard Charles, carpenter, 34 Forii- W(»od Road end of Johnson Maynard (reorge, plumber, res 31 Fernwood Road end of Johnson Maynard Ceo. H., boots and shoes, 60 Government, res Burnside Road Maynard Geo., farmer, Burnside R...".!]. Maynard Harry, brakeman E. N. Ry. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. lite & Muur- MAY Maynard James, boots and shoeH, 119 Douglas Mayiiind Miss Laura Lillian, clerk G. R. Maynard, reb Bui nside Road Maynard Mrs. R., photogra- pher and photo stock dealer, 99 Douglas, res same Maynard Richard, dealer in boots and shoes, leather and findings, and boot and shoe maker, 97 Douglas, res 99 Douglas Maynard Wm., mate Str Boscowitz Mebius Charles F. E., cooper, 46 Rtie, res same Meckie Chas., compositor " Colonist," 36 Frederick Meckie John E., engraver, 36 Fred- erick Medana Paul, bartender Brown Jug sfiloon, res 42 Simcoe Medana Hum, painter, res 48 Simcoe Medana R.,& Co., painters, 110 Fort Medwedrich John, fisherman, res 44 Pembroke Meiss Jacob, cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., res 15 Pandora Meiss Manuel, cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., res 25 Pandora Meiss Miss Flora, clerk Stemler, res 25 Pandora Meldram George, butcher for Van Vol ken burgh & Bro . Meldmni J,, Albion I. \V. Meidrum Jainos W., groceries and liquors, Saanich Road Meldrnm J. VV., cand^maker for Red- grave & Ella, res Saanich Road Mellor Joseph, blacksmith Barber & Howlings. bds 3 Humboldt Menary J( hn A,, "ompositor Stan- dard Mentzell Ernest, bartender Bank Ex- change Menzies Miss M., tailoress, 62 North Park VICTORIA AND SUPPLY CO. Ltd MONTREAL. Miifrs. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLFS, .nstru- ments and Supplies of every d<'Bcri|,hon. (See advt. page 5.) Menzies Miss Maggie, tailoress for A, Gregg & Son, res Fort Morritield Jonathan, prop Pacific Tel- egraph hotel, 45 Store Merrill Jatnes, clerk Lenz & Loiser Merrill Joseph, Lenz & Leiser, res 3 Oadboro Bay Road Merrion Frank, carpenter Queen City mills Merritt Richard, laborer, ras 149 View Merryficld William John, miner, res 295 Johnson Merry man William, teamster for L. Goodacre Mef«har Geo. Chas., builder, 50 Second Meshar George, builder, 60 Second Meston John, blacksmith and carriage malcer, 127 and 129 Covernmenty res 45 North Parle Metcalfe Mrs. C, househeeper Oriental hotel Methodist Church, Gorge Road, Rev. John W. Wad- man, pastor Meyer capt William, master mariner, 9 Erie Middlestate Geo., millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill Middleton K. J., clerk H.B.Co., 36 Mason Miles Mrs. Elizabeth, widow,bds Rocca bella Millan Joseph, staff sergf'C" Battery, res 26 Rupert yiHl! ■ii'li • !i Henderson's British ooIiVMbia MIL victoria MON Millar Mrs. E. J., artist, room 19 over Bank of B.C. Millar Frederick, tailor, res Chatham Miller C.J, Albion I. VV. Miller — , cabinul maker for J. Weiler, res 7 Rupert Miller Chas*. J., Prov police, 46 Herald Miller Eiigeiio, printer M. Miller, res Selkirk Road Miller Fred., waiter for Seitz Bros. res 114 Fort Miller Frederick, tailor, rooms 130 Johnson Miller G. A., waiter Yosemite, 7 Bay Miller J., saloonkpr Prince of Wales, res 11-i Corm )rjint Miller J. C, provincial constable, res Cliathiim IMiller Jas.,canner, res 23 Burdette av Miller Jtinies A. ii., jeweller for C.E. Redfeni, res 9 Humboldt Miller Joseph, of Brown & Miller, 166 (jovernn)ent Miller Munro, book and Job printer, bookbinder,ancl mfr o^ flour sacks, 77 Johnson, res Selkirk Road. Tel 20 Miller Thos,, printer M. Miller, res •Selkirk lioad Miller W. H., 7 Bay Miller William, candymaker for H.A. Li I ley, res 37 Blanchard Milligan T/iomas 8., asst accountant Bank of B.C., 3 8t Lawrence Millington Ernest VValia, expressman, res 41 Belleville Millington Henry, driver for L. Good- acre, les b2 Quadra Millington Wra., butcher, res 9 Wil- cox y _ > . Mills & Hutchison, wholesale woolens, Cowan, Shaw A Co., agents, 02 Wharf Mills S. Perry, barrister, solicitor and N. P., 46 Langley Milne A. R., appraiser H. M. Customs, res 17 Queen's ave Milne Alexander Hunter, contractor builder, res 11 Church way Milne George Lawson, M.D,, physician and surgeon, 36 Douglas, res same. Tel 16 Milne John, boilermaker, 84 Pom* broke Milner Thomas J,, 33 Quebec M inkier C, hack driver, 49 Kane Mirdall Sigurdar, 171 Fernwood Road Mitchell & Hick, butchers, 133Douglns Mitchell J. A., Telephone Co., bds Occidental hotel Mitchell J. R., 73 Discovery Mitchell John, of Mitchell & Hick, res Pembroke av nr Quadra Mitchell R , clerk, 17 Putnam Mitchell Robert, asst bookkeeper T. N. Hibben «&Co. Mitchell Thos. R., painter, 21 Rupert, res 55 McClure Mittell G., Say ward's Millres 168Yate8 Mitten 'f hos., police, res 117 Yates Mitton Samuel,laborer for John Leahy, res Johnson Mixer W. H., res 1 George. Tel 109 Mod land Issaac, engineer Bock Buy Tannery Motfat Hamilton, superintendcney clerk Indian office, res 158 Miclii- Motfat Thomas, contractor builder, res 3 Beacon Hill Park Mott'ey Miss Mary, res 3 McClure Molina Joe, cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., bds Brunswick Monk — , machinist Albion I. W. Monk Alfred, machinist for Charles Hay ward, res 42 Dallas Road Monk Mrs., widow, res 163 Johnson Monro Mrs., widow, 118 Fisguard Monro Eoss, clerk Welch, Rithet & Co., 208 Douglas ■alser H. M. Queen's ave ter, contractor ihway rson, M.D., urgeon, 36 ne. Tel 16 cer, 84 Pom- Juobec % 49 Kane ^^ertjwood Road Brs, 133Dou^Hiis hone Co., bds )very loll & Hick, i'C3 idra 'utnam •okkeeperT. N. ter, 21 Ruport, ill,resl68Yate8 )s 117 Yates or John Leahy, r>r:?e. Tel 109 eer Bock Bay iperintendcncy •ea 158 Miclii- !tor builder, res 3 McClure r Kuriz & Co., )ion I. W. Ht for Charles las Road 163 Johnson J Pisguard elcb, Rithet & DIREOTORT AND GAZRTTEBB. 489 MON VICTORIA MOS Monteith Wm., insurance and general comm agent, room 8 over Bank of B. C, res Belcher nr Pemberton Road Moody Frank G., clerk, res 86 Pan- dora Moody Joshua, res 86 Pandora Moody Mrs. Jean net, widow Sewell, res 133 Johnson Moody T. G., grocer, 6 Amelia, res 86 Pandora Moore & Co., druggists, 31 Yates Moore Chas., carpenter, 56 Discovery Moore Charles Frederick, of Hilbert& Moore, 15 Trounce Alle^' Moore C. J., res 2ol Douglas Moore Francis Robert, of Moore & Sons, res 30 South Park Moore G., 34 Pioneer Moore Ilonry, sailmaker, 93 Henry Moore J.W.,baggemaslcr strYosemite, res 35 Alfred Moore John J., of Moore & Co., res Langley Moore Miss May, clerk for John Par- tridge, res Pandora Moore & Sons, agents, 5 Government, Moore William, real estate,13 Trounce Alley More A. W., ledger keeper Bank of B.C., bds Roccabella Morell Louis, clerk for J. A. Cohen, res 47 View Mories Jo^*eph, res 21 View Morley C, soda water mnfr, 7 Waddlngton Alley Morley Henry A. S., clerk H.B. Co., res 1J>8 View Morley Mrs. John, widow, stamp ven- dor in P.O., res Pandora Hill Morroll Edward M., at saw mill, res 47 View Morrell Mrs. Maria, wid Leon, res 47 View Morris Henry, mattress maker Hastie & Lockhart --A.1T3D- WOOLLEli MILL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. <r a* ssa. e «=s X^ e e MONTREAL. Morris W., hostler for Victoria Trans- fer Co. Morrison Daniel, Nanaimo pilot, 37 Erie Morrison Fred. John, customs office, 27 Discovery Morrison George, druggist, 63 Covernmeot cor Fort, res Langley cor Broughton. Tel office 86, res 669 Morrison James, Hamilton Powder Co., 31 Work Morrison Mrs. A., res 42 Kingston Morrison Mrs. A., dressmaker, 31 Work Morrison Richard, physician and surgeon, 76 Yates Morrow D. W., secy-treas B. C. Fire Ins. Co., res 137 Blanchard av Morrow Walter, Cowan, Shaw & Co., res 137 Blanchard ave Morse Henry, porter forS. G. Pitts, res 37 Kane Mortell John Edward, blacksmith, bds Prilchari house MortimerJohn,marble works and stone yard, shop and res 22 Government cor Courtney Mosbear C. J., cook Colonial hotel, 33 Johnson Moses & Babbage, props Pio- neer Saloon, 19 View cor 66 Douglas Moses Christopher, boilermaker Albion Iron Works, res 19 Yiew i ■'■m :. : t., ut I J f ! It'! :iiK Ch r •Hi f [ ! -1; :i '.1 a- f l5 '\ 490 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA MOS VIOTOREA NAY Moses Daniel Duvid, of Moses & Bab- bngo, res 65 Douglas Moss Geo. E., clerk E. J. Salmon & Co., res 175 Johnson Moss Henry, clerk for Fell & Co., res 263 Yates Moss James, gardener, cor Fort and View, res 175 Johnson Moss Morris, dealer in raw furs, 7 Johnson, res 56 N<»rth Park Moss William, res 2l)3 Yates Mowat Alexander J. G., bookkeeper for Victoria Transfer Co., res 52 Belleville Mowat Anthony C, clerk Thos. Earle, res 52 Belleville Mowat Miss Helen, res 52 Belleville Mowat Mrs. Mary Ann, wid William A., ros 52 Bi'lleville Mowry A., paltern maker Albion Iron Woiks, bds Occidental holel Muir C, Albion I. W. Muirhead Allan, brewer Vancouver Brewerj', res 99 Heiald Muirhead James, of Muirhead & Mann, res Esquimau road Muirhead John, millhand Muirhead & Mann Muirhead & Mann, mnfrs of doors, sashes, mouldings, etc., Rocic Bay Bridge. Tei 664 Mulan J. C, moulder A.I.W. Muldoon Win., 2nd jailor Victoria Jail Mull W., carpenter Albion I. W. Mulligan John, blacksmith, 36 Store Mundorf John J., bartender Pacidc Telegraph hotel, 45 Store Munger James, brass moulder, res 89 Discovery Munn Harry A., editor " Times," ros 8 Pioneer Munroe A., rooms 135 Yates Munroe Alexander, accountant H. B. Co., res 6 Michigaa cor Beacon Hill Park Munroe Chas., salesman for J. Sehl, bds 16 Humboldt Munroe D., capt of sealing schooner, res 237 Johnson Munroe Miss Annie, 7th asst teacher Boys' P. S., res Cormorant Munroe William, res 6 Michigan Munsie Wiiliam, of Carne & Munsio, ros 143 Chatham Murdoch J. M., bookkeeper Muirhead & Mann, bds Brunswick hotel Murphy & Brown, piops Adelphia saloon, Yates cor Government Murphy Joseph, printer " Colonist," 72 Rock Bay avo Murphy Mrs., 72 Rock Bayave Murphy Patrick, of Murphy & Brown, res Yatos Murphy Thomas, Albion I. W. Murray xVlexander, carpenter for Muirhead & Mann, 88 Superior Murray Andrew, carpenter lor Smith & Clark Murray James, 172 Pandora avo Murray John, engineer sir Hope, 44 North Park Murray Miss Roberta, res 88 Simcoe Murray Wm., carpenter, res 219 Yates Musgrave Sir Richard, bds 60 Rae M^'cock Henry, res 284 Johnson Myers M. M., farmer for Van Volken- burgh & Bro., res Cadboro Bay Uoad Myrdal A., upholsterer for J. Weiler, Spring Ridge Nangle Charles, foreman for H. Man- sell, res Clarence Nash — , machinist A.I.W. Nish E., fruits, 12 Store Nash F., moulder A.I.W. Nathan W., tobacconist, 120 Govern- ment, res Spring Ridge Nathen Walter, cigarmaker T. & L. Cigar Factory, res Fern wood Road National Assurance Co. of Ireland, Wm. Monteith, gen agent, room 8, over Bank of B.C. Naylor W. B. G., clerk W. G. Cameron res 38 Michigan for J. Sehl, ng schooner, I nsst teacher rant Michigan ne & MunBJc, jer Muirhead k hotel :)pH Adelphia srnment r "Colonist," Jay ave pliy & Brown, I. W. arpenter for Superior ter lor Smith jora ave Htr Hope, 44 iH 88 Simcoe ro8 2l9 Yates b t;0 Eae oh n sun Van Volken- (oro Bay Uoad tor J. Weiler, for H. Man- VV. 120 Govern- !iker T. & L. •nwood Road of Ireland, gent, room 8, . G. Cameron DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 491 NEA VICTORIA x\!G Neal T., millhand Bock B;iy Saw Mill Ncao— , Albion I.W. Nearing James, machinist Wilson Bios. Noaves Chap., warehouseman FimUny, Durham & Brodie, res 75 Michigan Neaves Charles, porter at Findlay, 'Durham & Brodie, res 72 Menzies Neill — , 135 Fisguard Noill Archibald, turner for John Woilcr Neill Archibald, tiroman, 60 Pembroke Neil! Wrn,, niaiiiie diver Nelson Charles, hack driver for VV. G. Bowman Nelson Euriah, 8 North Park Nelson Frank, driver for Victoria Tianslcr Co. Nelson Hon. Hugh, Lt.-Covr. of B. Cm res Carey Castle, Belcher st Nelson John, tailor, 42 Cadboro Bay Nelson Thos., machinist, 13 Pioneer Nering W., Albion I.W. Nesbitt, Dickson & Co., cracker bakery, 80 Fort. Tel 30 Nesbitt Samuel D., of Nesbitt, Dickson & Co., 156 Cormorant Nesbitt Win., 156 Cormorant Nether by Miss M. A., teacher, Yates, res 195 Chatham Notlierby Miss, clerk for D. Spencer Nellierby S. B., Business College, YatoH near Broad, res 195 Chatham Nevin David, blacksmith, 40 Mason Nevin Miss Boll, tailoressfor Levi, bds 137 Fort Newbury Cowper W., clerk P.O., res 8 Simcoe Newbury John C. Cu:T.tom House, res 8 Simcoe Newbury Miss IVlith, ces 8 Simcoe Newbury Miss Ja.iic, res 8 Simcoe Newbury Mias Jessie, res 8 Simcoe Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., Gfenertl SeUing Agentip ' 726 CRAIQ ST., ^ jflgNTREAl, Newbury Wm., harnessmaker, 50i Government, res 8 Simcoe New England Baker}', M. & L. Youngs props, 116 and 118 Government Newman Paul, sen., cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., bds Brunswick Newman Paul, jnn., cigarmaker for Kurtz & Co., res Brunswick lu)use New York Life Insurance Co., Edward Crow Baker, agent for Vancouver Island, 2 Broughton New York Restaurant, Mrs. Johnson,^ prop, 65 Yates Nicholas Elias, painter for Joseph Sears, res 161 Johnson Nicholl James, farmer. Foul Bay Nicholles John, hardware, Yates, res 121 M(mtreal Nicholles & Renouf, hard- ware, agri imps and machi- nery, 61 Yates. Tel 82 Nichols John,carpenter, res 206 Yatea Nichols William, carpenter for Bishop & Sherborne, res 61 Kane Nichols Wilfred, hack driver, 42 Pan- dora ave Nicholson Chas. A., Welch, Rithet & Co., bds 105 Pandora ave Nicholson Geo., farmer, Saanich Road Nicholson J. H., of Clarke & Nichol- son, res Y ates Nicholson John, bds 118 Fort NIckie Plate Saloon, Thos. Carvin,prop,86 Government Night G., millhand Rock Bay Saw Mill 34 I •I ■;l i \ I, i ( [ r i 1 y i 1( i i ill! lij pi M' ■li IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) t ^ &j ^ 1.0 I.I 1.25 ■-1^ 12.5 ■^ 1^ 12.2 " li£ IIIIIM 1.4 1.6 6 « Photographic Sciences Corporation ■^ 3."; WIST MAIh STREET WEBSi 'i' '^.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 \ ^ -^ 492 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUUBIA ^G VICTORIA O'BR IS'ight Walter, painter for Henry B. Bandall, res Johnson JJoble H.,prop city coal yard, 40 Store Jfoble H., prop Commercial hotel, Cormorant cor Douglas IJtjble Miss M., 101 John !Nolan John, yard foreman Rock Bay Saw Mill Norbnry John, Albion I. W. H'orman William, gardener, 92 King- ston Norris Fred., harness and paddlery, 126 Government, res Victoria Arm north British & Mercantile Ins. Co., B. C. L. & I. Agency, ^agents, 49 Government iNorth British & Mercantile Fire Insui'ance Co. of London, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Wharf Uorth Geo., barber shop, 76 Govern- ment, res 178 Johnson Kcrth Pacific 8alccn, Doug- herty & Savage, 87 Wharf ^orthcote John, cabinetmaker for J. Weiler, Ross Bay, res Fairfield Poad 2!f(athc()te Joseph Rodger, carpenter, ■■van V8 Menzies INortlicoto Miss Alice M. M., school ;teacber, res 78 Menzies "Northcotc William Walter, contractor builder, res 78 Menzies Northern Assurance Co. of London, F-indlcy, Durham & Brodie, general ngentsforB. C, 75 Wharf I?orthern Pacific Express Co., E. E. Blackwood, agent, 100 Government iHorthern Pacific Railway, freight and pass office, 100 Government, E. E. Blaclc- wood, agent Wi. F. Ry. & O. R. & N. Co., Turner, Beetor. & Co., freight agents, Wharf. Tel 77 Northern Pacific Railway, Turner, Beeton & Co. , freight agents Norton Richard Henry, mining engi- neer, res 56 VHncouver Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co., John J. Austin, agent, 24 Bastion Null William, painter for Robert Let- tice, Johnson Nuss George, cigamaker for Kurtz & Co., bds Brunswick hotel Nuttail Thos. C, general Insu- rance agent Phosnix of London, and Real Estate, 82 Government, cor Bastion, res 95 Quebec Oak Hall Eestaurant, Lloyd & Co., props, 94 Yates Oakes Peter, baker for Nesbitt, Dick- son & Co., res Fort Oakland Nursery*, A. Ohlson, prop O'Brien Clarence, butcher for Van Volken burgh & Bro. O'Brien Daniel, res 85 Fort O'Brien George, tinsmith for S. L. Kelly & Co., res 40 View O'Brien Henry, clerk for J. AVeiier, res 12 Nutt P:irk O'Brien James, salesman, res 40 View O'Brien John, butcher tor Van Vol- kenburgh & Bro. O'Brien Miss Flora, dressmaker for D. Spencer, res 40 View O'Brien Miss Kale, roH 40 View O'Brien Miss Lizzie, dressmaker for D. Spencer O'Brien Mrs. E., widow. Pandora avo bet Quadra and Blancliard O'Brien Mrs. Mary Ann, widow Wil- liam, res 40 ^^iew O'Brien Peter, 1st hostler for Victoria Transfer Co. O'Brien Steve, Senate saloon, rooms 59 Kane O'Brien William, clerk for H. Man- sell, res 40 Vievf / RaHway, 9l Co. , ining engi- irance Co., 24 Bastion iobert Let- >r Kurtz & 1 )ral insu- jisnix of state, 82 Bastion, yd & Co., sbitt, Dick- )n, prop r for Van t for S. L. r J. AVeiler, •es 40 View • Van Vol- uiker for D. View (S maker for andora avo rd widow Wil- br Victoria oon, rooms r H. Man- DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 493 occ VICTORIA OWE Occidental Hotel, Wm. Jen- sen, prop, Wharf cor John- son. Tel 14 O'Connor Mias Ellen, dressmaker, res 7 Coburg O'Connor Miss Honora, '^^es 7 Coburg O'Connor John, res 7 Coburg O'Connor Wm., clerk American hotel, 15 Yates Odgrss William P., miner, res 65 Oiivvego Offerhans Rhinefish, 2nd teacher High School, ves 102 John Ogiivy David, night watchman, 3 David Ogilvie lieut. Goorge II., " C " Bat- tery, res in Barracks O'llagan H., merchant tailor, 101 Johnson Olilson A., prop, O.ikland Nursery O'Koefe Daniel, agent, bds Windsor hotel Old Ship Inn^ Chas. B. Mc- Clusky, prop, 81 Wharf O'Loary Daniel, stableman for W. G- B )wnian, res 25 Broad O'ljoary Michael John, gunner " C " Battery, 102 Hainboldl Oiostead William, painter, bds Domi- nion Ikjusc Olivor Miss Katie, music teacher, res 30 View Oliver William, teacher of Dancing and Music, next Spencer's Arcade, res 30 View Oiney Thomas, laborer, res 45 View Olson B., Queen's ave nr Chambers Oniineca saloon, John Stevens, prop, 130 Government O'Neil Edward, 207 Douglas O'Neil Fred., 207 Douglas O'Neil Fred., hack driver for W. G. Bowman vO'Neil Hu»h, clerk Houry Jewell, res cor 207 Douglas 1( . (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telephonea.Electric Bells, Amiunola- tora, Burglar Alarm,s. lustrumeutu, Apparatus and SuppUtis of every description. (See advt. p. 5.) O'Neil James, news agent Standard, res 138 Tates Ontario Waggon and Car- riage shop, Wm. Powell, prop, Johnson cor Govern- ment, res 23 Pandora Oppenhoimer Sidney, student, res 4 Gjrdon O'Kasta Frank, bootblack, 56 Yates Oregon Milling Co., John Wilson, agent, 26 Yates Oregon Railway & Navigation Co., Turner, Beeton & Co., freight agents O'Reilly Hon. Peter, Indian Reserve Commissioner, 20 Douglas cor Courtney, res 3 Pleasant, Point Ellis O'Reilly William, dry goods, 83 Dou- iilas, res 132 Pandora Oriental Hotel, Wm. M^Keon & Son, props, 38 Yates. Tel 102 Outer Harbour Wharf. Tel. 512 Owen Arthur Frederick, piano tuner for Goodwin cSi Jordan, res 52 John Owen Wm., mate Str. Douglas, 59 North Park Owens — , moulder Albion I. W. Owens John, mate Str Hope, Roofc- Bay Saw MLU !'!. lii * f^ i -i 494 BENDERfeON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA PAC VICTORIA PEA Pacific Steam Navigation Co., Weich, Rithet& Co., agents. Wharf Pacific Telegraph hotel, Jonathan Merrificld, prop, 45 Store Pagden Charies, Jeweil Saloon, 107^ Government Page Francip, of Shears & Page, res 263 Fort Page Mis., widow 'Wm., Topaz av Paine Fred., barber shop, 9 Wadding- ton Alley Paine J. H., clerk Marvin & Tilton, Wharf Palace saloon, Ralph Borthwick, prop, 66 Yates, res 162 Johnson Palmer Charles, clerk, res 139 Fort Palmer C«pt. Edward, quartermaster "C " Battery, res in Barracks Palmer Mrs., widow, res 139 Fort Palmer T., 30 North Road, Spring Eidge Pankhurst Alexander, painter, res 138 Yates Papst John T., grocer, 169 Fort cor Quadra, res same Pardoe C, fishing tackle, 27 Yates, res 137 Fort Pardoe Chas., machinist Wilson Bros. Park Geo., plumber, bds 167 Douglas Parker Albert, butcher for J. Paricer, res Craigflower Parker rev. A. L., Church ofEngland. bd.s 109 Pandora uv Parker J., bds 109 Pandora av Parker John, waiter, 45 Store Parker John, London Market, 100 Yates and 34 Fort, i-os CiaiL'-flovver. Tel. 131 Parker John, jun., butcher for J. Parker, res Craigflower Paikinson James Pandora hill Paiks George, plumber for Braden & Suinford larks Miss Lillian, res 18 Rupert Parks Thos., minor, 13 St Louis Parr John, blacksmith, bds 23 Pandora Parr John, woodworker W. Pbwell Parry G. B., jeweller, 114 Government^ res Douglas Parrj' Thomas, bds Dominion house Pardon — , fisherman, 38 Humboldt ParMons James, 4th convict guard jail, res Topaz ave Partiidge Francis, Govt printer, 113> Uuadra Partridge George, 113 Quadra Partridge John, dry goods, 8S Yates, rooms 76 Blanchard Partridge Thos. John, clerk and mes- senger City Hall, 113 Quadra Partridge Wm., moulder Wilson Bros., res 113 Quadra Patterson John, engineer, 56 John Patterson Bobt., fireman liock Bay Saw Mills, res 31 Constance Patterson Thomas W., 44 Cadboro Bay Road Patton P., bookkeeper, 25 Henry Patton Wm. F., carpenter, 25 Honry Pauline E. A., bookkeeper ?iraoii Leiser, res 27 Third Paulino F. A., tiavoUer Simon Leiser, res 73 King's Road Pauline Frederick, 73 King's Road Pauline Geo., prof of music, 73 King's R( >ad Paidino Herbert, H. B. Co., 73 King's Road Payne George, painter, res 2-7 View Peabody Charles E., 42 Superior Poarcc Sarnuel, clerk U. Saunders Pearse B. W., C. E. Tel. 682 Pearson T. B., & Co., mfrs of clothing, shirts, etc., 30 Yates Pearson Thos., machinist Albion L W. Pearson Thomas B., of T. B. Pearson & Co., res Fern wood av Peatt F. J., tanner R<K;k Bay Tan- nery, res Victoria West DIRECTORT AND GAZETTEER. 493 PBD VICTORIA PHI Peddle Wm., at "Wilson's Foundry, 74 Store Pelletier John P., of Steitz Bros., res 114 Fisgtiard Pol low Thos,, moulder, 56 Herald Pemberton Hon. Augustus Fred., res Ross Buy, Fairfield Road Pemberton C. 0., law student Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, res Fairfield Road Pemberton Joseph Despard, real estate and loans, Vic- toria Blocic, Fort near cor Broadf res Gonzales Farm, end of Belcher Pendray & Co., proprietors British Columbia Soap Works, 26 Humboldt. Tel 142 Pendray W. J., of Pendray & Co., res 8 Gordon Peiiketh Goo., boilermaker, 86 John Pennock & Clayton, manu- facturing jewellers, 47 Gov- ernment Peanoek William H., of Pennock & Clayton, res 173 Superior Penny Daniel, farmer, res 31 South Park Penwill C. T., hardware and cutlery, 95 Johnson, res 25 Frederick. Tel res 156 Peoples SteamNavigation Co., Turner, Beeton & Co., aijents, Wharf Pcrrin Georsre Arthur, real estate, 10 Bank of B.C. block, i-es 81 Humboldt Perry C. Z., traveller E. Jamioson, 92 Government P(iTy Charles Edward, C.R., ros 18 Michi^ran. Tel. 141 Perry Creek Gold Mining Co. (Ld.), Henry Jacoby, secy, Government . Purry Miss Catherine S., res 18 Mic- higan LEATHEB BELHi. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSv MOWTREAL. Perry Miss Gertrude A., res 18 Michi- gan Perseverance Lodge, I.O.GiT, meets Thursday evening at Temperance Hall, 47 Pan- dora av Perkins Charlex, messenger Custom House, 20 Collinison Peters Herman, dealer in pianos and organs, 72 Government, re3 18.0 Douglas cor Discovery Peters James, 74 Pembroke Peters Major James, commanding oflS- cer " C " Battery, res Fairfield Eoad Peters Mrs., widow Wm. H., 74 i em- broke Pe'erson John, steward French hos- pital, 39 McClure Petherick Geo., plasterer, 30 Bay Petherick Wm., plasterer, 30 Bay, res 10 Princess av Petrie Mrs., charwoman, res View Petiit Geo., of Lindsay & Pettit, res 33 Store Pettit Capt. Wm., 114 Chatham Petticrew James, mason, bds 148 Fort Petticrew William C, machinist Al- bion I. W., res 148 Fort Pettingill Benjamin, 12 Blanchard Pettingell E. C, res 12 Blancliard Pfarclner Emil, prof of music, 82 Pan- dora Phelphs William H., boo k agent, res 70 View Phelps Mrs. Adelina, wid Edward, 70 View Philharmonic Hall, 88 Fort .1 r ,1 E il V 'H Ir ,1 h m \ rJ r i. i\\ I } 3 '■ »^!; 1: ; i ■ 1 ■ r ; 1' 1 ^»w^ 498 Henderson's British Columbia PHI VICTORIA POL Phillips A., & Son, props Pioneer Soda Water Works, 8 Yates Phillips Alexander, of A. Phillips & Son, res 40 Kane Phillips Barney, painter for Robert Lettioe, res 40 Kane Phillips C. J., prop London H otel, 87 Johnson Phillips David, moulder Albion Iron Works, 40 Kane Phillips Capt George, master mariner, 31 Niagara Phillips Geo., stoves and tinware, 152 Government, res Spring Kidge Phillips Henry, res 31 Niagara Phillips Joseph Eva, granite and marble works, 76 View, res 74 View Phillips Miss Eleanor, res 31 Nia.'.fara Phillips Miss Lily, governess at Chas. Burns, South Park street Phillips P., Soda Water Works, res 154 Pandora av Phillips Samuel, Soda Water Works, 40 Kane Phillip.>^W.J.,London ho1el,87 Johnson Phillips William Hamlin, en- graver, die-sinlcer and co- lor stamper, 122 Yates, res same Phillips William Henry, granite cutter for J. E. Phillips, res 274 Johnson PhippsGeorge J., 26 Quebec Phipps Stanley, clerk of reviords B. C. govt, res 26 Quebec Phoenix Brewery, C. Gowen & Sons, Yates cor Blanchard Phoenix Joseph, grocer and junk dealer, 19 Chatham Phoenix of London Fire Insu- rance Co., Thos. C. Nuttall, agent, Government cor Bas- tion Pierce John, 124 Chatham Piercy John, of Pearson & Co., res 57 Hears .^v -. I Pierre John Thomas, of T. \i. Pierre & Son, res 22 Pioneer , Pierre Joseph, tailor, 22 Pioneer i Pierre Samuel D., tailor for T. W. Pierre & Son, res 22 Pimeer ' Pierre T. W., & Son, merchant tailors j and dyers, 96 Yates Pierre Thomas Whitning, of T. W. j Pierre & Son, res 22 Pioneer , Pillow Thos., Albion I. W. Pilot Com <iiiS8i oners, Board I of, Edward Crow flaker,sec- ! treas., 2 Broughlon Pender William George, C. E., E. & X. I Ry., 94 Superior I Pioneer saloon, Moses & Bab- : bage, 19 View cor Douglas Pioneer Soda Water Works, A. Phil- I lips & Son, props, 8 Yates 1 I Pioneer Steam Coffee and j Spice Mills,- Stemler & Earl, I props, 148 Government, Tel 697 Piper Paul A. „ compositor Times Pillock Miss Maud, res 149 Menzies Pittock Robert, mgr and treas Stan- djird newspaper, 39 Langley, res 149 Menzies , Pitts S. J., wholesale grocer, 10 Yates, res 181 Fort. TeF 147, res 18 Plaskett Mrs. Wm., res 52 Collinson j Please Mrs. Jane, wid., 11 North Park Poddinger George, school master, 233 ; Cook I Poddinger Wm. B., butcher, 233 Cook I Pointer N., second hand goods, 81 j Johnson, res 193 Johnson j Police City superintendent, Henry W. Sheppard Polkinghorne Geo., Bhingle sawyer. 26 Bay Pollard Miss Amie, 5th aast teacher Boys' P. 8., Saanieh Boad '• " T. W. Pierre Pioneer r for T. W. imeer (•hant tailors ^•, of T. W. Pioneer W. rs, Board laker,sec- [>n 1 E., E. & X. (OS & Bab- I>ougla8 rks, A. Phil- es >ffee and [er & EarU ment, Tel r Times [9 Menzies treas Stan- iiley, res 149 le grocer, Fort. Tef >2 Collinson North Park master, 233 >r, 233 Cook i goods, 81 on t, Henry W. gle sawyer, ust teacher ad DIRIOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 491 POL VICTORIA PEE PoUiird Kbv., Methodist, ro3 Saanich Road Pollock W., carpenter Smith & Clarke Poodle Dog Hotel and Res- taurant, Louis Marboeuf, prop, 49 Yates. Tel 684 Poole W., millhand Eock Bay Saw Mill, res 76 John Pooley Hon. Chas. E., Q.C., of Davie & Pooley, Speaker House of Assembly, res Fernhill, Esquimalt Road, Tel 616 Pope Miss E., clerk Chas. Gabriel & Co., res 43 Quadra Pope Mrs., nurse, res 43 Quadra Pope Stephen D., snpt of education, ros 39" Birdcage Walk Porter — , laborer for 3IeLennan & Mc- Feely, bds Euilroad hotel Porter A., Gorge roati Porter Clias., driver R. Porter, 104 Johnson Porter Frank, stableman, 4 Broad Porter Fred., mesfsenger E. Porter, res Buriisido Porter James, Gorge road Porter John, expressman, res 167 Douglas Porter Robt., family butcher, purveyor to officers and men of "C" Battery, R.C.A., 104 Johnson, res Burnside. Tel 104 Porter R. J., butcher R. Porter, res 104 J()hns<m Portman Nicholas, grocer and fruit, 81 Douglas res same, Tel 526 Portwr.rden and Harbor master, W.R. Clarke, office 13 Store Post Office Inspector's office, P.O. Building, E. H, Flet- cher, Inspector ; ; TteHiarHEiectncWg. (Ltd.>, »^» AND SUPPLY CO. MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of fiLlCTRIC WIRES, CABLES, InstnT— meiit8 and Supplies of every desoriptiou. (Sea advt. page 5.) Post Office, Government St.» Noah Shakespear, postma8-> ter. Tel 7 Pottinger James, printer Govt, office,, res 114 Menzies Pottinger William, butcher for I*.. Goodacre, res C»Jok Powell Geo., & Co., crockery andi stoves, 146 Government Powell Geo., of G<;0. Powell & Co„ re* 161 Menzies. Tel 153 Powell Lt. Col. Israel Woodg, Indian superintendent, 2QP' Douglas cor Cour ney, re& Burdette av cor Vancouver. Tel 169 Powell Miss Florence, res 161 Menzies Powell Wm.. prop Ontario waggon and carriage shop» Johnson cor Government^ res 23 Pandora Power Michael C, carpenter, 68t Superior Power Mrs. May E., wid William, res^ 144 Fort . Powers & Johnson, Albion; Saloon, 12 Yates Powers Mark, of Powers & Johnson^ 12 Yates Pratt Chas., student, res 89 Discovery Pratt Mrs., widow, 89 Discovery Presbyterian Church (First)*, Pandora ave cor Blanchard ave. Rev. D. Fraser, M»il.» pastor ■*1 I Ik i rt I." l\ : 11 mn M. 198 HENDERSON'S BRITISH OOLUMBfA PRE VICTORIA RAM Preller C, & Co., Bordeaux, Turner '| Provincial Supt of Police and Warden Rectop & Co., agents, Wharf Prevost James Cnarlos, registrar of Supreme Court, res 39 Montreal i Pridhfim E., cabinetmaker Jacob Sehl, res 20 Second Pridhara Henry, cabinetmaker Jacob Sehl Pridmore W., farmer, Burnside Road Printing Department, B.C. Govt,Rich- ard Wolfenden.supt Prior B., of Prior & Co., res Pem- berton Road cor Bolcher Prior E. C, & Co., wholesale and retail general hardware and agricultural impts, cor Government and Johnson. Tel 57 PriorEdvvnrd Gawler,ofE. G. Prior & Co., res Frmberton Prior Heni'v K., general freight and passenger agent E. & N. Ry Co.,re8 Union Club Fritchard House, Stevenson & Jones, props, lOI Govern- ment and 68 Yates. Te 13 3 Probert Evan, clerk for J. H. Baker, res Second Proctor Richard, band sergeant " C " Battery, res 96 View Protestant Orphans' Homei Mrs. Mary Wallcer, matron, 32 Rae Protestant Sisters Home, 33 Quebec Prout John, painter, 24 Frederick Provincial LsmdH and Works dept, Hon Forbc"* Cleo. Vernon minister Provincial Museum, John Fannin, curator Provincial Police, Henry Barry Roy- croft, supt Provincial Secretary's Dept, Hon. John Robson, prov-secy. Tel 562 of Gaols, 2 Langley Alley Public School, James A. Hal- liday, principal Boys; Miss F. E. Armstrong, principal Girls, head of View Public Works dept (Dominion), F. C. Gamble,re8ident engineer,over Post Office Pug'i Edward, bds 79 Fort Pullinger G. B., stenographer C.P.N. Co., res Roccabella Pure Gold Mnfg Co., baking powder,splces and extracts, C.R. King, agent of Toronto, over 47 Government Pyra George Frederick, laborer Water Works, res 7 Humboldt Quarantine Officer, Dr. Wm. Jaclcson, res Michigan, James Bay Queen City PlanlngMills,sash and door factory. Govern- ment st Rocic Bay Queen's Market, Lawrence Goodacre* prop, 121 Government and 65 John- son Quincy Ed., fireman Vic Gas Co. Quinlan Walter Jocelyn, dentist, over 53 Government, res 14 Young Quick James, photographer, Govern- ment nr Courtney Rabb William, butcher for Van Vol- kenburg& Bro., bds 136 Yates Ragassoni Mrs. Wilhelminn, widow Cassiar, res 222 Yates Ragstag 0. A., watchmaker for Lange &Co. Railroad Hotel, John Begg, prop, 60 Johnson Rainbow .str, Turner, Bee ton & Co., agents, Wharf Ralph W., C.E., 47 Yates Ramsay Capt. James, 86 Store DIREOTOar AND OAZETTBER. 499 RAN VICTORIA REN } and Warden lley es A. Hal- oys; Miss principal linion), F. C. eer,over Post rt ipher C.P.N. o., baiting I extracts, f Toronto, It iborer Water Dr. Wm. Michigan, biiiSySash Govern- e Goodacre* nd 65 Jolin- aa Co. , dentist, 14 Young iv, Govern- Vcn Vol- Yutes in», widow for Lange n Begg, Jton & Co., )re liandall Henry B., house and si<rn painter, rear of 67 Douglas, lea 155 Johnson nandallJohn, artist, 76 Yates, res 189 Johnson Jiandall Mrs. M. W., dressmaicer at Mrs. Wright's, res 45 Qaadra 3. 'andall Robert, farmer, 130 Simcoe llandolf John Joseph, printer Times, 1 Princess Randolph Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker for Mrs. Thomson, res 2 Mo:irs ]'andolph Mrs. Mary, wid John, res 2 Mears Ilandon David, tailor for J. C. Leask luinson W. B., ledger keeper Bunk of B.C., bds Eoceabella Jlappertio Arthur S., photographer for Mrs. R. Maj-nard, res 163 Cook Rattray Charies,agent Domin- lonExpres8Co.,res34 Belle- vilie Rawlins F., grocer, 21 North Road, Spring Ridge Euymer James Lawson City Auditor and secy Hastings Saw Mill Co., res 19 Birdcage Walk .Itaymer Mrs. Mary G., wid James A., res 146 Kingston. Tel 532 Head John N., shoems ker, 4 Store, res cor Quadra and Chatham J'oddie Arthur Campbell, deputy pro- vincial secretary, bds 178 Yutes redfern Charies E., watch- malcer and Jeweiier, 43 Cov- ernment,res cor St John and Believille. Tel 118 3.'«'dfern J., blacksmith Albion I. W. Ivodfern Mrs., res 141 Fort Redgrave & Ella, confection, ers, manufacturers and deal- ers, 39 Fort. Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & 00., General Selling AgenU 726 CI7AIQ ST., - MONTREA W. Redgrave Stroud Lincoln,of Redgrave & Ella, ros 170 Johnson Rim! man Win., M. D., 47 Yates ilodinond W. H., traveller Ame8,Hol- den &. Co., res 14 Douglas Redon & Hartnagel, props Driard Hotel, View cor Douglas. Tel 29 Rodon liouis, of Redon & Hartnagel Reed Archibald F., steward Clarenco hotel, cor Douglas and Yates Reformed Episcopal Church, Rt. Rev. Ed. Cridge, rector, cor Humboldt and McClure Regent Coal Yard, Wm. Jones, 2 2 Store RegentSaloon,Connor& Swit- zer, props, cor Johnson and Douglas Rcid rev John, D.D., Reformed Episcopal Church, res 154 Fort Roid Joseph, insurance ailjuster, 47 Yates Reid Satnuel, clerk for W. J. Jeffroe, re."> N«u'th Park above Cook Reid Thomas, fanner, 5() Dallas Road lie id Wm. R., bellboy Driard Keide Frnnk, blacksmith AUuon I. W. Rcndell N. K., clerk A. B. Erskine, res 17 Frederick Rendell Heiny Britton, pointer, cor View and Doughts, res 155 Johnson Renfrce John, laborer, res Cook Kennie Robert, mariner, 9 Amelia Kenouf Clement Edwin, of Nicholas Renouf, res 171 Monzien i:' ll Mr I u r 'y ,r. 9ll 'hi. u \ !;=! 500 Henderson's British Columbia REN VICTORIA BOB Renwick Wm., M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P. L.S.A.L.M., rea and office, 131 Yates Resto." Frank, shoebliick, 58 llorald Reveley Capt., Saaiiieh Road i RevereHouse boarding house, F.C.RichardsJun.ypropy I09 Pandora ave Eej-nolds Wm. K.. clerk E. &N Ry., Store foot Cormorant Rhodes Mrs. (Maplehurst), 153 Blat} chard av Richan' Fortune, Topaz av ' Richaids — , of >ratthew.s, Richards & Tye I Richards A. B., laborer Queen City Mills I Richards Albert, barrister, Pembertou I Road Richards hon. A. N., police magis- ' Irate ; Richards F. G., sen., 70 Kane i Richarcis Frank CJun., gene- ral il Estate and Finan- cial ^nt, 61 Yates, res 109 Pandora ave Richards John, clerk H. B. Co., res 4 j Queliec I Richards Mrs. Emma, wid c5aniuel, res I 4 Quebec { Richards Steven, lai-rister, rosBolcber j Richar.ih Z., citfarmaker B. Levy, rcis cor John.son and Bioad Richardson — , Albion I.W. Richardson & Church, impor- ters and mnfrs. agents, 63ii Johnson Richardson George, Douglas House, 6 Cordon cor Hum- boldt Richardson George Alfred, jun., clerk Brown & While, bdiu Douglas hou^e Richardson Herbert, stoneeutter, btls Dominion hou'-e Richardson P. F., of Richardson <fc Church, res Cadboro Buy Road Richardson R. B., Cook cor Alfred Richie John, faimer for ]j. Goodacre Ricbman Albert, clerk H.B. Co., 17 Frederick Richmaj) Mrs., widow John, 17Fredo. rick Richmond John, carpenter, bds 148 Fort Rickanl — , laborer, 38 Humboldt Ricksiead, Anderson & Co., jewellers 18 Frederick Riddel Berijainin, night operator for Victoria-Ksquimalt Telephone Co., bds Commercial hotel Rid<lle I)., millhand Muiihead & Mann Mill, res 1 Second Ridi^man A., mossenj^cr H. B. Co. Ri'lley RoLert, laborer, 47 Chatham Ried — , Walnut, Spring Ridire Ried Samuel, bookkeenei-, 103 North Park Rilc'v George, res 44 Cadboro Biiy Road Riibet R. P., of Welch, Rithet & Co., res 148 Humboldt. Tel 506 Rii bet R. P., str C.P.X. Co., capt J. F. Jagers Ritter R., Germania Sidoon, 134 Gov- ern-nonl, res 112 Ch itiiam Rivers Henry, painter for llenrj' B. Randall, i^s 1!>5 Douglas FfiverH Wm., p inter, 72 Pembroke Roarke J., messenger tjarewche, Green & Co. Roarke Michael, laborer, res 273 Johnson Robb Andrew, carpenter, bds Thistle Restaurant Robb Gi o., steamboat hand, 15 Herald Robb Rodford, painter lor Joseph Sears, res Work Estate Robbillard John, 14 John Robbins John, expressman, 48 Boyd Robbins W., moulder Wilson Bros. )nec;utter, bds Richardson it Biy HojkJ e >r Alfred ' L. Goodiicro H.B. Co., 17 3hn, 17Frcdo. nter, bds 148 Humboldt Do., jovvollers, b operator fur 'elephone Co., head & Miinn H. B. Co. 47 Cl)athain ', Kidire er, 1(13 North Uadboro B:iy Uithet & Co., '«! 5G6 Co., capt J. F. )on, 13-4 Gov- ha;n or Henry B. as Pembroke •ur>che, Green er, res 273 bds Thistle id, 15 Herald tor Joseph n, 48 Bojd Ison Bros. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER. 501 EOB VICTORIA EGG Robelce C. B., carpenter, 16 Caledonia av Roberts — , nightvvatchman, 145 Michigan Roberts — , painter for Robert Letticc Roberts E., tailor, 9 Oriental Alley Roberts F. C, 36 Mason Roberts Capt George, ren 82 Chatham Roberts John, foreman Electric Light, 150 Fisguard Roberts R,, merchant tailor, 29 Fort, res 8 Blanchard Roberts Sydney A., C.E., 25 Vancou- ver Roberts W.R., grocer, 27 Johnson, res Johnscn Robertson — , Spring Ridge Robertson Alexander S., carpenter for McKillican & Anderson, res 31 Se- cond Robertson Ben., engineer Robertson Duncan M., carpenter for McKillican & Anderson, res Quadra Robertt'on Fred., blacksmith J. Robert- son, res Herald Robertson Frank, clerk for Pendray &Co. Robertson Geo. W., capt steamship Islander C.P.N. Co. Robertson James, painter for Let tice, bds Dominion house Robertson Jno., blacksmith and boiler- maker, 42 Store, res Herald nr Blanchard av Robertson Joseph, millhand Muirhead & Mann, res 72 View Robertson Miss M., tailorese Robinson — , 20 Quebec Robinson Charles H., butcher, 15 Churchway Robinson Edwin, cleik for J. Weiler, Churchway Robinson George, hack driver for Victoria Trans. Co., rooms 9 Wilcox Robinson Gilbert, 197 Douglas Robinson J. J., ship carpenter, 13 Montreal Robinson James D., res 95 Mears LEATHER BELIG. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine StSu MONTREAL. Robinson John, Grey's factory, res 10 Frederick Robinson Mis8 Kate, clerk, res Michi- gan Robinson Miss Sallie, 6th asst tencher Girls' Public School, James Buy j Robinson Wm., Albion I.VV. Robson Charles W.. bookkeeper for H.. G. Walker, res 112 Cormorant Robson F.W., law student Kborts & Taylor, res cor Birdcage Walk and. Michigan Robson hon John, provincial secretary, Minister of Mines and Minister of Education, res 66 Birdcage Wallc. Tel 41 I RoccabcUa, boarding house, Henri Jorand. 22 Victoria Crescent j Rocehir Noel, laborer, 56 Pombioke I Rock Bav saloon, R.J. Ferguson, )>rop, I 14 Wo» k Rocic Bay Saw Mill, William P. Sayward, prop, 32 Cons* ; tance. Rock Bay Rock Bavsch ool, Miss Forrest, teacher,, cor Turner and John Rock Bay Tannery, Willianf» Heathorn, prop, John cor Bridge Rockett William, carpenter, res 243- Johnson Rockford James T., compositor Stan- dard, res 169 Johnson Rogers Charles William, finit and confectionery, 29 Governmen i, r 42 Kingston [■; i '4 'i I 1 { ■ , ii I.-} i^' w j, !"■ M2 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA ROG VICTORIA RUG l i Rocjers H. B., ry. mail clerk on E. & N. Ry. Romans Stanley H., agent Rome Andrew, traveller Hall, (Joepel & Co., 143 Michigan Rooke Chan., florist, 273 Touglas Hoper Douglas, carpenter for Charles Ilayward, res James Bay Roper F. S., miner, 5 Amelia Roper Hudson, enrpentor for Charle.., Hayward, res James Bay Rorarke Thomas, printer, res Johnson Hose Findlay, driver Victoria Truck & Dray Co., res 34 Blanchari* Rose W. C, driver for Victoria Trans- fer Co. Rose William, hack driver, bds Windsor hotel Rosenborg John, res 31 Humboldt RosUamp John, carpenter tor Chas. Hayward, res 52 Kingston Ross Alexander, Turner, Booton & Co. iRoss Alexander, steward str " Yose- mite, '^ reo 98 Menzies lioss Dixie H., of Dixie H. Ross & Co., res 40 Frederick. Tel 175 f8o88 Dixie H., A Co.ygroceries and liquors, retail, I07 Gov- ernment. Tel 52 Hoss D. W., of Hall, Ross & Co., res Montreal, Que . Ross Frank, painter for Robert Lettice, res Kane • Ross Morris, bookkeeper Welch, Kithet & Co. Ross Wm., carpenter, 313 Douglas Ross Wint. B., clerk for Dixie II. Ross & Co., res Frederick Jlosskeilj' Joseph, tanner Rock Bay Tannery . Rosso n George P., chimney sweep, res 105 View llostein Frederick, res 4 Gordon liostein Louis Albert, clerk, res 4 Goixlon £.ourko Michael, mechanic, res John- son Rouse Peter, cigar dealer, res Fairfield Road near Moss Routledgo W. H., local agent Citizens Ins Co., res 57 Quadra Rowbotham A. J., of A. J. Rowboth- am & Co., res 136 Cormorant Rowbothani A. J., & Co., gro- cers, Douglas cor Pandora Rowe Joseph, blacksmith Albion I. W. 5 IMoneer Rowe Mrs., wid George, 135 Fisguard Rowe Phillip, carpenter, bds 61 K;ine Rowland M., Burnside hotel, Burnside Road Rowland W., farner, Burnside Road Royal Hospital, head of Pan- dora ave, F. W. Garland, steward. Tel 642 Royal Hotel, Croft & Henly, props, 68 Fort cor Douglas Royal Ids. C\, Robt. Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf Roycraft Henry Barry, suptof Provincialpolice,LawCourts, Langiey st, res 19 Courtney Riidge Fred. W., granite cutter, 135 Douglas, res 24 King's Road Rudge Goo., prop Victoria Marblo Works, 135 Douglas, res 108 Cormo- rant Rudge Henry, granite works, 135 Douglns, res 24 King's Road Rudge Harry, finisher at J. Sohl, 24 King's Road Radge Walter, stonecutter, 24 King's Road Rudge W.iltor P., granite cutter, 135 Do'iglas, res 24 King's Road Rndlin capt Geo., str Yosemite, res 13 George Rugg Rev.M.L.,pastorBaptist Church, Disccivery nr Bian- chard ave ^ ;^, DIRECTORY AND OAZETTEER, 505. J Fairfield t Citizens Rowboth- nt >., gro> 'andora )ion I. W. Pisgiiard eiKune BurnMiiie lo Road >f Pan- arland, Henly, iglas I & Co, BUptof Courts, rtney ter, 135 1 Marblo Corrao- Ics, 135 Sohl, 24 King's bor, 135 1 }, re.s 13 aptist ilan- RUL VICTORIA SAU Rule Joseph, leamtster, res Store and Rock Buy Russell — ; 3 First Russell Cluis., of Ruspell. McDonald & Co., res 102 Fie^juuru Russell David, blacksmith Albion I.W., 58 Chatham Russell Geo. S., barber W. Whittalcer, res 21 Chambers Russell J. J., millhand Muirhcad & Mann Russell Jamos,Scotch Bakery,Douglas, res 121 Fort Russell John, stctioeuttor, bds Occi- dental hotel Russell Joh.j, bricklayer, res Johnson cor Cook RussellJoseph, compositor Times Russell, McOoniiM & Co., gen mer- chants, 134 Douglui? Russell Miss Sarah N., dressmaker millinery and fancy goods, Fort cor TJ'.anchnrd, res Fisguard Russell Mrs. James, fancy goods, 121 Fort cor Blanchard, ros same Russell Thomas, late assessor, res 258 Johnson Russell & Ward, Scotch Bakery 103, Douglas Russell VV. A., steamboat inspector, res 126 Belleville Ruste Andrew, machinist Spratt & Gray Raster Andrew, at Pratt's Wharf, 51 David Rutherford Archibald, 134 Superior Rutland Henry, clerk Henry Young &Co., res 171 Fort Rutter Solomon, carpenter Thos. Cot tiel, 61 Kane Ryan M., fisherman, 1-38 Humboldt Saanich Lime Co., J. Wrigglesworth, agent Sabiston John, pilot, 98 Quebec Saforcade Frank, clothier, 13 Johnson Sage C, page Bank of B. C. Salmon E.J., A Co.,Hardwarey 44 Johnson. Tel 179 He MM Uc ig. anil Sopply Co (Ud.). MONTREAL. » Manufacturers of WATKK-PlU)OF Kleotric I.fptit Wire, Ottire, Annunciator, (,'of on tiiicl Silk CovereA Magnet Wire. (Seesulv't. jiH^t; u.) Salmon E. J., ofE. J. Salmon & Co.,. res 14 Second Salmon H. L., tobacconist, 106 Government cor Yates, res i4Seco9'ii Salmotid Sam'uol, machine hand for T Woiler, rorf Koss Buy, Fairfield lie A SuK"\iion Army Barracks, 90 Fort Sampson F., confectioner A. Lawrence^ 46 Government Sanford W. E., & Co., whole- sale clothing, Cow'»n, Shaw & Co., agents, 62 WSiarf Sun Frunci-co Baths & H;iii>er Shop,. Gei^er&Becker,props.87(jr )vernmeii t Sangster Alex., Albion Iron Works^ res 208 Yatos Sani>;ster Goo., bookkeeper R. Porter, 25 Pioneer Sanitary officer, Chas. R. Blake, 160 Douglas Sanson George, M. D., 36 Douglas Sargison — , Albion I. W. Saigison A. G., of Ellis &Co.,Calonist^ res 121 Pandora avs Sargison F. R.,clerk P.O., 136 Quadra Sargison G. A.,accountant,48LaDgley, res 136 Quadra Sargison James, bookkpr Lenz& Leiser- Saulay Charles, collector, 36 Store Saunders H., groceries, pro- visions and liquors, 37, £$9^ and 41 Johnson. Tel 28 i;Mf| . f. ( ■ n >>i : 'I! Ml J i «»(»'>.* ,'-"i ^04 Henderson's British Columbia SAU VICTORIA SEH Saunders Mrs. Mary, wid Frank, nurse, res 59 Kane vSaunders Mrs. J., wid H. D., boarding house, 37 Kane Saunders W. T., restaurant, 171 Gov- ernment ■Saure Gr. C, prop Bank Exchange, 29 Yates Savage Robert W., of Dougherty & Savage, res cor Cook and View Savage William, clerk for John Par- trage, res Fort Savannah John, artist, 105 Quadra Savory William, Champagne Cider mtV, 159 Yates Sayvvard Joseph A., bookkeeper for W. P. Say ward, res 312 Douglas Sayv/ard W. P., prop Rock Bay Saw Mill, 32 Cons- tance, res 52 Collinson. Tel 25 Soaife H. A., real estate, bds 111 Pan- dora ave glchier Frank, upholsterer at J. Sehl's Schoen Sigmund, grocer, 177 Douglas, res 17 Third Schools Thomas, stonecutter, res rear 170 View Schweiit!;ers Conrad, clerk for E. G. Prior \S: Co. Siiliwoiigers P., 145 Chatham Schwiell ton berg H., photographer, Goverrnnont near Courtney Srobie Col James Scotch Bakery, Russell & Ward, 103 Don 1^ las Scotch" house, McLean & Stewart, clothiers and oultitters, 31 Fort Scotch Presbyterian Church, St. Andrews, Dr. McLeod, pastor, Courtney cor Cordon g^-ett — , laborer corporation, Cham- bers near Queen's ave Scott David, sawyer Rock Bay Saw Mill, res 90 Store Scott Henry John, clerk Hamilton Powder Co., res 27 Gorge Road Scott John A., steward, 16 Pioneer Scott Miss, dressmaker for D. Spencer Scott Mrs., wid, 27 Gorge Road Scott Robt., machinist A.I.W. Scott Capt. W., 30 Princess ave Scott W., carpenter for Smith & Clark, bds Thistle restaurant Scott William, carpenter for Smith «& Clark, res Spring Ridge Scott William, prop Three Stars Saloon, 4 Fort, res 30 Princess ave Scriven Ven Austin, archdeacon of Vancouver, rector of St James Church, res Kingston cor St John Scroggs A., diaughtsman Albion Iron Works, res 94 Pandora Sea Samuel, clerk fur H. Waller, res Burnside Road Seahrooke B. R., bookkeeper and cashier Albion Iron Works Seabrooke B. R., H. B. Co., Douglas cor Hillside ave Soabrooke R., superintendent Welch, Rithet ct Co. Seaman Oscar, 123 Chatham Sears Dean 8., sail maker, 75 Wharf, res 8 Franklin Sciir.s Jcsepii, painter and dealer in liaini>. olL-i, ghiss and wall ])aj)er, 114 fates, res llHi Fort cor VancouYcr Sehl Frank, prop Teutonic saloon, 112 Covernment, res 104 Pandora cor Quadra Sehl Jacob, manufacturer of furniture, and dealer In gene- eral house furnishings, 68 Covernment, res Laurel Point. Tel 146, res I60 Sehl Miss Essie, res 1 Montreal Sehl William, clerk for J. Sehl, res 1 Montreal I erk Hamilton irge Road 16 Pioneer Por D. Sponcei" re Road L.I.W. :es8 ave Irnitli & Clark, I- for Smith & rop Three brt, res 30 irchdeacon of f St James eor St John n Albion Iron !l I. Waller, res kkeeper and ^ork.s Co., Douglas ndent Welch, lam maker, 75 klin nd dealer in ill )):ij)er, 114 VaiicouYer Teutonic ment, res Quadra icturer of )ringene- hings, 68 Laurel I60 itroal . Sehl, res 1 DIREOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 505 SEL VICTORIA SHE Seliger William, painter for Eli Harri- son Selkirk Mining and Smelting Co. (Ld.) Sellick Henry R., carpenter, 307 Douglas Sellick James, painter, res 1.38 Yates Sellick Mrs., wid, 89 North Park Sellick Robt., plasterer, 40 Hillside ave Sells VVra., farmer, Saanich Road Semple Robt., machinist A.I.W. Senate Saloon, Steve O'Brien, prop, 91 Government. Tel ISO Seney Peter, res South Park Sephens Harry, tin shop, Wharf, res 121 Michigan ScwellJames, clerk for H. Smilow, res rear 90 Fort Sextimus John Smith, with C. Malley, 17 Gordon Soymour James, bartender Omineca saloon, 130 Government, res 59 North Park Soymour Miss Alice, 78 Doui^Has Shade Edward David, waiter at Driard, res 126 Vancouver Sliado Frederick William, res 126 Vancouver Shade Goor^-e, shoemaker for H. Man- sell, res View cor Quadra j Shade Georii;c Adam, shoemaker for Mansell, res 126 Vancou\er ^ Sliade Miss Margaret Mary, tailorcss i for Gregg, res 126 Vancouver j Shade MrsVEIlen. wid David, res 126 j Vancouver ' Shakespeare Frederick, i)rinter B. C. • (iovt., res of) Fort ' Sht'kespearo Harry, res 35 Ilillsidoavei Shakespeare Noah, post- master, res 30 Hillside ave fihaim J. P., draughtsman Albion Iron Works Sharp Charles n., ship caulker, res 119 Pandora avo - A-ITDD- lOm MILL SUPPLE tTci OF ALL KINDS MONTREAL. Sharp David, merchant tailor, 74 Douglas, res 72 Douglas Sharp H., prof of music, 105 Quadra Sharp Miss Alice, tailoress for T. W. Pierre & Son, res Pandora Shaw — , waiter, bds 136 Yates Shaw — , poundkeeper, 14 Mason Shaw Geo. C, of Cowan, Shaw & Co., res 25 Kane Shaw James, draughtsman Albion Iron Works, res Chatham Shaw Miss Annie, res 75 Blanchard Shaw Richard, boilermaker A.I.W. Shaw Thos., foreman boiler shop Albion Iron Works, res 109 Chatham Shears & Page, dry goods, 63 Government Shears Walter, of Shears & Page, 175 Menzies cor Dallas Road Shoathor Austin, billiard marker Union Club, Douglas cor Coui'lney Sheeir Wm., cutter of Gregg & Son Sheilds Albert, waggonmakor, 15 Put- nam Sheilds James, sen., 15 Putnam .Shoilds James, jun., 15 Puinatn Sheilds Wm., 15 Putnam Sheldon Clement, bartender California saloon Sheppard Chas., machinist, 20 Henry Sheppard H. W,, superintendent of ])oli('o, 68 Herald Sheppard Isaac J., baker, 30 North Road, Spring Ridge Sheppard James, laborer, 291 Johnson Sheppard John, tisherman, 38 Hum- boldt r ip— i 506 HENDERSON'S BRITIStI COLUMBIA ! SHE viCTcarA SIN Sheppard Joseph, shipwright, res 5 Humboldt Sherborne Frederick, of Bishop & Sherborne, bds Angel hotel Sherift's ofl&ce, James E. McMillan, Law Courts, Lnngley Sherk Jacob, millhand Muirhead & Mann's mill Sherk Jjimes, turner, 77 Henry Sherwood George, driver for Victoria Truck & Dray Co., res 29 Coutts Shewan William, dray man Albion Iron Works, res 244 Yates Shields A., carriagemaker for John Weston Shinabarger J. J., foreman Standard, res 70 Douglas Shires Joseph, machinist, 21 EUice Shires S., machinist A. I. W. - Shore— , Albion I. W. Shore Albert Edward, of Shore & Anderson, bds Poodle Dog j Shore & Anderson, furniture deaterSi 107 Douglas Shorcy H., & Co., wholesale clothing, J. L. Beckwitl), agent, over 47 Government Short Henry Nugent, manager for Henry Short, res Eoss Buy Short Henry, gunmaker and sporting goods, 32 Fort, res Ross Bay Short Win., bricklayer, Saanich Ruad Shotbot Thos., druggist, 59 Johnson. Tel. 56 Shovo Thomas, blacksmith Shuir William, tailor for A. Gregg & Son, bds Brunswick hotel Shuswap & Okanagan Ry.,M. Lumby, J. P., seoy., office over 47 Government, bds Union Club Siddall Hinkson,generaf agent and accountant, 76 Yates, res 16 Humboldt Siffart Mrf*. Amelia, -widow George, dressmaker, res 61 Pandora ave Silva John, grocer, 1 Store Silver John, corporation, 9 St Louis Sim Charles H,, bds 60 Rae Simms David, gardener lor Jay & Co., res Cook Simms W. W,, butcher for Van Vol- ken burgh & Bi-o. Simpkins William, tailor for Leask, res 144 Cook Simple A., carriagemaker for John Weslon, les Edward nr Russell Simpson A., Albion I: W. Simpson Alex., fireman, res Queen's ave Simpson Alexander, tailor for Donald Simpson, res Cadboro Bay Road Simpson D,, nccountant Bank of B. N. A., res Belcher Simpson Donald, merchant tailor, 46 Fort cor Broad, res same Simpson G., machinist A. I. W. Siinpon G. E. I)., clerk P. O., res 27 Birdcai-e Walk Simpson George Lawrence, , furniture, crockei^y and glass ware, 86 Douglas, res 168 I Johnson Simpson Honry, butcher for Parker, res 278 Johnson Sims William, butcher for Van Vol- kenburgh & Bro., res Eernwood Road Simson M ss Jean, head dressmaker for D, Speneer S:n liiir Jo!u» W., bds 105 Pandora av Sinchiir Joseph Waller, <'lerk allorney general's office, res 137 Menzio.s Sinclair Miss Christina, dressmaker lor Mrs, King, res 3G Humboldt leral agent 7Q Yates, low George, 1 flora ave i-e 9 St Louis liie or Jay & Co., for Van Vol- r for Loask, ker for John I' KuHsell V. , res Queen's ar for Donald > Bay Eoad Bank of B.N. merchant Dor Broad, . I. W. P.O., res 27 .awrence, and glass I, res 158 for Parker, Ifor Van Voi- les Fern wood drosKPiakcr |5 Pandora av llerk altorney Menzios dresHmakor Ilumboldt DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER 507 SIN VICTORIA SMI Sinclair Miss J., clork for F. Bowser, res 36 Humboldt Sinclair Miss M. E., nurse at 83 Fort Siticlair Robert, cubdriver, res 105 Niagara Sinclair William, H. B. Co.'s office, res 36 Humboldt Singer Sewing machines, W. H. Adams, agent, 50 Government Sinton W. L., freight agent E. & N. Ry,, Store foot Cormorant, res 54 Johnson Sivewright "Wm., professor, bds Occi- dental hotel Skelland W., I'jilermaker Albion I. W. Skinner E. L., surveyor Indian depart- ment, 20 D(»uglas cor (lourtnc)' Skinner Robert J., timber inspector for B. C. Government, res 175 Montreal Sleaihlim Wm., ship carpenter, 161 Chatham Sloan & Crowther, wholesale grocers, of Toronto ; C. R. King, agent, over 47 Gov- ernment Sloan Robt., brakoman E. & N. Ry. Smallfield W. B., Capt., Turner, Beeton & Co. Smilow Henry, Glasgow market, 105 Fort, res 42 Vancouver Smith — , baker, res 92 Dallas Road yniith — , Standard, res 291 Yates Smith — ' bboe maker for Heathorn, bds Dominion 'hotel Smith — , milkman, res nr Brick Yard bmith A. J., of Smith & Clark, res 36 Michigan. Tel. 536 8mithArthur,machlnl8t,look- smlthand general repairing, 16 Broad, res same Smith Ashton, letter carrier P. O. Smith Andrew J., baker for John J. Wilson, 84 Yates TIlii Hard [lectric Mfg. Co. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Manufacturers of WATER-PROOF Electric Light Wire, Office, Annunciator, Cotton and Silk Covered Magnet Wire. (Seeadv't. pages.) Smith & Clark, building contractors, planing mill, sash and door fictory, 15 Fort. Tol. 125 Smith Charles, baker for S. E. King Smith Chas., carpenter, bds Thistle restaurant Smith Donald, baker, bds Dominion house Smith Edwin Charles, asst. clerk City, les 187 Fort Smith Frederick, painter, 14 Frederick Smith Fred., painter for Robert Let- tice, 13 Picmeer Smith Garrot, baker for M. R. Smith Smith Geo., 10 Second Smith George, baker for Set-c Bros., res 32 Humboldt Smith George, cabinetmaker Jos. Somer.H Smith Geo., farmer, Saanich Road Smith Mrs. F., dressmaker, 14 Fre- derick Smith Miss Clara E., domestic, 29 Rae Smith Mrs. Elizabeth, widow John, res 187 Fort Smith G. H., harnessmaker Fred. Morris, res Quadra Smith H., cook Driard Hamilton, baker for M. R, Smith Smith Harry, 90 St(»re Smith Smith Harry, bottler C. Morloy, 7 Waddington Alley Smith Henry, dairy. Moss Smith Henry, apprentice for Smith & Clark Smith Herman, mariner, 66 Pembroke Smith J .B., purser Str. Yosemiie 36 M I! ' ■ II! -I u !•! 508 HEIfDEBGION'S B4ITISH COLUMBIA 111 i I %m». SMI yiOTOBU. SPA Smith J. M., clerk for D. Spencer Smith James, carpenter, 33 Green Smith James, shoemaker for Irving Bros., res Colonial hotel Smith James, bartender London hotel, 87 JohnsQn Smith Jan^es McB.,provincial auditor, res 41 Birdcage Walk Smith James S., P. 0. clerk, res 187 Fort Smith John, messenger Dora Gov Sav- ings Bank, res 17 Putnam Smith John, bottler C. Morley, res Gordon Smith John, clerk at Spencer's, res 143 Simcoe Smith John, private " C " Battery, res 64 Kane Smith John Charles, chimney sweep, 34 Collinson Smith John L.,cigarmaker Kurtz & Co., res Douglas Smith Jot>eph, carpenter, 38 Mason Smith JM. R.y Victoria Bakery, bsilcer and, 8t«»am biscuit mnf r,67Fort,re8 Dallas Road Smith Miss Louisa C. A., res 187 Fort Smith Miss Eleanor, res 36 Michigan Smith Mies Madelina G.F., res 187 Fort Smith Moses E., Victoria Bakery, 57 Fort. Tel 121 Smith P. R., bookbinder M. Miller Smith Eobert, res 54 Cook cor Eich- ardson Smith Eobt., driver C. Morley, res Quadra and Chatham Smith Miss Silena, res with M. R. Smith Smith S. MoC., ship ca-penter, 10 Second Smith Thomas Jloboi*t, H. B. Co^ res 54 Cook ,;-, Smith W., Albion L W. ^mith W., cooper, 44 Wharf Smith W. B.J mttchinist^ ^3 Pioneer Smith ■William,clerk for C.E. Redfern, res Chambers Smith William, carpenter for John Weiler^ res 53 Humboldt Smith William Hammett, of Skitigato Oil Co., res 116 Cook Smith VVm. John,bricklayer, 59 King's j.^oad Smith Wra., apprentice Jacob Sehl Smith Wilson, foreman, 4 Farquhar Smithers Henry, bdHl4l Blanohard Smithers J., clerk Stemler& Earl, res 144 Bianchard Snider W. H., Chatham Eoad, Spring Ridge Snowden capt Northing Pinckney,J.P., ot Lowenberg.Harris & Co., res Vic- toria arm. Tol 572 Sobry rev Emilo, asst priest at R. C. Cathedral, res Bishop's Palace Solly Leonard HoUis, .E. &N. Ey., res 118 Belleville Somers Joseph, mnfr of pic- ture frafnes,48 Government, res 13d Yates Sommerville — , clerk Henry Young &Co. Sommerville Peter, C.E.^ and water commissioner, 103 Bianchard av Sorby Miss Lucy, res 119 Menzies Sorby Thos. C, . architect, 6 Bastion sq,res 169 Menzies. Tel 17 1, res 172 Souden Thos. D., carpenter* 127 Cor- morant Souden Wm., carpenter, 127 Cormo- rant Spalding Sylvanus C, master mariner, reb 2i2 View • Spanhofltz CltM.^ cooper, 93 Wharf, bds Ocoldental lio«tei Sparrow Isaiah Merry mun, bookkeeper for Pendrayi& Co., res 36 Cadboro Bay Eoad PIREOTORT AND QAZETTEER. 509 E. Redfern, r for John of Skitigato r, 59 King's 3ob Sehl Farquhar > Msinohard & Earl, res jad, Spring nckney,J.P., Co., res Vic- 58t at R C. Palace & N. Ry., res ifr of plc- ^lernment, [enry Young C.E.I and ' ler, I03 JMenaies phltect, 6 [Menzles. ler, 127 Cor- Il27 Cotmo* Iter mariner, »oper, 93 hotel ^,bookkeeper 1^6 Cadboro SPE VICTORIA STA Speed John W.,driver M. & L. Young, res Saanich Road Speed T. W., letter carrier P. 0., res Saanich Road Speer I. C, engineer Electric Light Co., 26 Langley '*-^' *■ ' ^' -- SpenCe William, tailor for Gilmour & McCandless, res 140 Cook Sperieer Christopher, buyer for David Spencer, res Birdcage Walk Spencer Davicl,clry goods and general merchant, 66 Gov- ernment, re8 12 Belleville Spencer David f}., clerk tor D. Spen- cer, res Birdcage Walk Spencer E. W., prop Carricks Head saloon, res 24 Bastion Spohr F., musician, 61 John ' - Sphor Frederick, machinist Spratt & Gray Spofford H. W., millhand Muirhead & Manns mill Spotts C. M., carpenter for Chas. Hayward, res 15 Pioneer SpraU & Gray, Victoria Machinery dept, consulting engineers, etc., 19 Work. Tel 570 Spring Charles, owners of "Favorite " ttod "Kate" HealerB,res 72 Belleville Spring Miss Emma, res 72 Belleville Spring Miss Lottie, res 72 Belleville Spring Mrs. Susan, widow William, res 72 Belleville Spring Eidge school. Chambers nr Chatham, Miss L. M. Hurton, teacher Springer Louis, bartender Bank Ex- change, 29 Yates Sprinkling V., tailor for Leask, bds 1:67 Johnson Squires Chas., toamstcM: Victoria Coal, Wood & Lumber Yard, res 75 Chambers St. Andrew's GhurohpPrasby terlan,Courtney cor Gordon, Dr. MoLeod, pastor Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BABR & CO., Gtoneral SilUog Agenti^ ' 726 CRAIQ ST., . WONTREAU St. Andrew's Pro. Cathedral, Et Rev- J, N. Lemmons, Bishop of Vancou- ver Island and Alaska, V iew St. Ann's Convent,8l8ter Mary Ann of Jesus, lady superior- ess, Humboldt St. Ann's Kindergarten school, sistera of St. Anne, View St. Ge(»rge's Society, John J. Austin, secretary, 24 Buftion St. JameiB Church, Anglican, Yen. Austin Scriven, rector, James Bay St.John's Church, E^iscopial, cor Fisguard and Douglas, Rev. Perclval Jenns, rector St. Joseph Hospital, Sisters of St. Ann, Colleston nr ^ St. Louis College, Father Van' Novel, Vancouver ave opp Vanqouver St. Nicholas Baths, VIgeliua Bros, props, 106 Government staff Alfred, farmer, bds 20 Belcher Stallai-d Chas., plumber for Braden & Stanford, res 26 Pioneer Standrrd Life Assurance Co., Robert , Wu»l & Co., ageptg, 76 WhapC. t» Standard Newspaper Co. ^Ld., Robert Pittook, Treasurer; R. A. Brownj Secretary, 39 Langley, and 86 Govern- \ ment. Heeadv '.{ A': -.1' ]; ■iHI 510 Henderson's British Columbia STA VICTORIA STE Stanford James Leonard, of Braden & Stanford, res 135 Michigan Stanhope Borte, shoemaker for Irving Bros., res Vancouver hotel Stannard F. J,, clerk N. P. Ry.Co.,re« 120 Michigan Stannard Frank, clerk Blackwood's,res 120 Michigan Stannard John, res 120 Michigan Stannard John S.,cierkWm. Wilson & Co., res Michigan Stannard MissLilj^ 120 Michigan Stannard Miss Lizzie,re8 120 Michigan Stanton Herbert, private secy, to Lt. Govr., res Carey Castlo, Belcher Starke J. E., clerk I. J. J. Fisher, res Amelia Starke Wm., builder, 2 Amelia Starr rev J, E., pastor, Pandora st Methodist Church, res 197 Quadra Stearns — , compositor Colonist, res 94 Pa idora Steele Chas., clerk J. A. T. Caton & Co., res Blanchard ave Steele capt John, master mariner, bds Dominion house Steele Peter, sen., saloon, 4 Bastion sq Steele Peter, jun., 4 Bastion t*q. Steele Wm., engineer of dredges, 140 Blanchard ave Steele Wm., jeweller for Pennock & Clayton, res 140 Blanchard ave Steers C, carpenter for J. P. Burgess, res 105 Quadra Steers Miss, clerk for D. Spencer Steitz Bros., restaurant and bakery, 64 Yates Steitz George, of Steitz Bros., 114 Fis- guard Stelly George, jun., res 74 Blanchard Stelly George, sen., contracting team- ing, 74 Blanchard Stemler &Earl, Pioneer Steam Coffee and Spice mills, 148 Government Stemler L., of Stemler & Earl, res 144 Blanchard Stephens David, engineer O.P.N. Co., res 152 Michigan Stephens Frederick J., C. P. N. Co., office 152 Michigan Stephens Miss Jennie, 152 Michigan Stephens Miss Jessie M.,152 Michigan Stei^'hens Miss May E., 152 Michigan Stephens Miss Eobina, 152 Michigan Sterrick W., boiler maker Albion I.W. Sterling Jnmes, boilermaker, 52 Pan- dora ave Stevens — , carpenter, 34 John Stevens Albert, cigarmaker, 106 Fis- guard Stevens Alex., stone mason, bds Dom- inion house Stevens Alex, stonecutter, bds Vancou- ver hotel Stevens Ailan,butcher for L.Goodacre, res 106 Fisguard Stevens F. T., carpenter S. Gray, 47 Second Stevens George, res 132 Yates Stevens Junries,Albion Iron Work8,106 Fisguard Stevens John, prop Omineca saloon, 130 Government, res 55 Herald Stevens Col. Robert J., Uni- ted States Consul, Brough- ton, res I09 Blanchard av Stevens W.A., of B. H. Burgess & Co , res 106 Fisguard Stevens W. A., cigar maker T. & L. cigar factory, res 106 Fisguard Stewart — , Telegraph hotel, res 47 Discovery Stevenson J. B., manufactu- rers' agent, Victoria West Stevenson & Jones, props Pritchard House, iOi Gov- ernment and 68 Yates Stevenson Wm. Gordon, of Pritchard house, res 68 Douglas Stewart A., stonecutter, bds Occiden- tal hotel DIREOTOaT AND aAZETTEBB. 611 STB Victoria SWI Stewart D. B,, messenger Bank of B. N. A., res Yates Stewart Jamef«, of McLean & Stewart, res Kingston Stewart James, of McLean & Stewart, res 62 Kingston Stewart James H. , res Topaz ave Stewart John, plumber and gasfitter, 64 Johnsoni res Commercial hotel Stewart John, engineer Electric Light Co., reH Rae Stewart Miss Rosie, res 85 Yates Stirton Geo. 8., carpenter, 8 Bay Storey Miss M. V., principal James, Bay Ward School, res 104 Fisguurd Storey Thos.y undertaker and builder, 32 and 44 Govern- ment, res 104 Fisguard Strachan Mrs. Elizabeth, wid Alex., boarding house, res 79 Fort Straith CmillUand Mairhead & Mann Stratford Frank C.,wood worker Barber & Hewlings, bds 30 John Stratford James, carpenter, 30 John Streicher Chas., cigar maker B. Levy, res Commercial hotel Strong J. A., reporter Standard, bds Occidental Strouss C, of C. Strouss & Co., res London, England Strouss C, & Co., wholesale dry goods and fancy goods, 65 Wharf. Tel 17 Strouss M., mgr C. Strouss & Co., res 4 Courtney „ Sturton Geo., carpenter Queen City mills Styles S. T., contractor, 1 Amelia. Tel 581 Sullivan Daniel, res 38 Quebec Sullivan Humphrey, storekeeper H.B. Co., res 38 Quebec Sullivan J. H., finisher for J. Weiler, res Fort - AliTX)- lOm ILL SUPPLE «rct OF ALL KINDS. MONTRZAL. Sullivan Joshua, hackman, res 130 Vancouver. Tel 576 Sullivan John, miner, res 19'Collinsdn Sullivan Miss Nora, milliner for Miss M. Jenkins, res 130 Vancouver Sumerfield Peter, City Water com- missioner. Tel 113 Summers Francis, painter, 185 Fort, res same Sun Life & Accident Ins. Co., J. E. Crane, general agent, over 65 Government Sunderland Thomas, carpenter for Bishop & Sherborne, res 30 Douglas Supreme Courtof B. C, Jas. Chas. Prevost, registrar law courts. Bastion sq. Tel 43 Suptof Provincial Police. Tel 600 Surilow Henry, fruit dealer, res 42 Vancouver Sutherland J., boilermaker A.I.W. Sutton William J., assayer Govern- ment bidgs, bds Dominion house Swan Miss, boarding house, res 87 Pandora av Swan Miss S., 112 Cormorant Swan Phillip, carpenter, 15 Central Eoad, Spring Ridge Swansen W., machinist A.LW. Swedish & Norwegian Con- sulate, Robt. Ward,76 Wharf Swennarton R. H., clerk Robert Ward & Co., res 40 John Swinnerton Mrs., widow, 40 John i' [I- r A-- f 612 HXNDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA a: lit. ' ! ■ • -■•■ t r. ■! • T.-nu SWI ; (>• •• — VICTORIA I I I' i ' THO Swinnerton ■William, brakeman E. & N. By., 40- John -. x .. Switzer John, of Connor & Switzer, ^. . cor Douglas and Johnson, res 75 .View Sylvester Frank, bookkeeper, 57 Pan- dora av Tapping W. J., confectioner, 125 Douglas ,,. , „ ' Tussay Henry, sauHnsre maker for ■ Van Volkenburj^h & Bro. Taylor C. M., tailor, 53 Yates Taylor Charles, merchant tailor, res '. 199 Chatham Tavlor Christopher, warehouseman for .. Fell & Co., res 111 View Taylor Frank, cabinetmaker Jacob Seh', res 114 Oswego Taylor George, oil dealer, 105 Yates, res same Taylor George, pressman Standard .Taylor W. J., of Eberts & Taylor, res 7 Park Road. Tel 523 Taylor Wm. A., compositor; 140 Pan- dora av Tazawa M., lithographic artist Colo- - nist, res 4 Vancouver ,-, .. tt. i,,, Teague F.W.,8ecy Y.M.C.A., res Pandora av, bet Blan- chardand Quadra. . Teague John, architect, over ] 69 Government, res 248 Cook. Tel 122 Teague John, Jun., druggist, 66 Yates, res 248 Coolc Teasdale Miss Annie, 47 Yates Ted well — , 15 North Park Temperance Hall, 49 Pandora 'ave Temple John, bartender for J, McCan dish, res View, bet Blanchard and Vancouver r . v ^ ' < «••» ' Temf»lo Samuel, clerk for Joseph Sears Templeman William, managing editor Times Printing and Publishing Co., res 60 Kane ..-.'^r.. r 9 9 Tennant Robert, Skidegate OifCo., ■ res 128 Douglas Tepoorten Charles, machinist, res 77 Discovery ^ Tepoorten Joseph, machinist, res 77 Discovery . Teeportin Julius, druffgist's asst Lang- ley & Co., res 77 DiHoovery Terry Chester L., res 31 Rae Teutonia Saloon, Franic Sehii prop, ll2 0overnment •'-* Tha'in Edward J., real estate and general agent Spencer's Arcade, over 65 Govern- ment, res 119 Fisguard The Hall srtloon, James McCandish, prop, 129 Fort Thistle restaurant, Mrs. Isabella Fen- wick, prop, over 114 Yates Thomas Henry, 9 Amelia Thomas James, caretaker of C, res Ross Bay, res Fairfield Road Thomas James A., bricklayer, 67 Second Thomas John, driver for McLacblan Bros., i«s end of Cook 8 !, Thompson — , res 93 Blanchard av Thompson Charles, ship carpenter, res 197 Johnson ..,,■. Thompson Mrs. A., 9 Amelia Thompson T., gun maker, 46 Johnson, res 5 Alfred Thompson Wm., Str Hope Rock Bay Saw Mill Thompson Wm., moulder A.I. W. Thomson C. W. R., sec treas Victoria Gas Co. (Lt.), office 49 Langley, res George Road Thomson George, Marlcet Exchange Saloon, 99 Fort st^ res same Thomson Henry, carpenter, res 7 Beacon Hill Park Thomson Henry J., res 68 Quadra Thomson John, pilot, 25 Montreal DiaiOTORT AND OAZETTEBB. 513 le oirco., list, res 77 ist, res 77 1 asst Lang- ,ry ■ •••••■ Eie ink Sehli al estate pencer*8 Covem- ard McCandibh, sjibella Fen- tes ■ of C, res Koad jklayer, 67 McLachlan Ichard av rpenter, res )1ia 16 Johnson, Eock Bay .I.W. jas Victoria |9 Langley, Market f9Fort8t| Ler, res 7 [Quadra )DtreaI THO VICTORIA TRE Thomson John Alex., engineer str Rainbow, res 134 Blanchard av Thomson Mrs., 125 Cormorant Thomson "Wm., clerk Simon Leiser, res 28 Pioneer Thornhill Richard, laborer, 9 Pandora Three Stars saloon, William Scott, 4 Fort Tianks John Gerhard, draughtsman for L. B. Trimer, res 154 Michigan Tiedeman Herman Otto, architect and C. E., 45 Menzies Tilton Edward Gibson, C.E., ofMarvin &Tilton, res 7 Richardson Tilton Mrs. I. H , wiU, ros 30 Church- way Times Printing and Pubiish- ing Co. (Ltd.), Wm. Temple- man, managing editor, 37 Yates. Tel 45. See adv T, & L. Cigar Factory, J. L. Levy, prop, I02 Government Tite Charles, painter for Robert Lettice, res 141 Pandora ave Tite George, clerk R. Jamieson Tite Miss, clerk for D. Spencer, res 19 ]^t*6(i 61*1 C K Todd C. F., of T. H. Todd & Son, res 196 Johnson Todd Charles, res 218 Johnson Todd J. H., & Son, general wholesale merchants, 1 Yates. Tel 519 Todd Jacob Hunter, of J. H. Todd & Son, res 196 Johnson Todd Miss E., clerk Russell, McDonald & Co., res 44 Princess av Todd Miss Katie, 4th asst teacher Boy's P. S., Fairfield Road Todd Robert, compositor Standard, 169 Johnson Toller Albeit, real estate, no- tary public and conveyancer, 18 Broad, res Regent's Park, 8t Charles st, Cadboro Bay Road. Tel 184 le iiari Mcl. Wo. (Ltd.) MONTREAL. Mnfrs. of Telepliones.Eleotrio Bolls, Annunoia- tora, Burglar Alarms, InstrumeiitH, Apparatus and Supplies of every dosoription. (See advt. p. 6.) ToUigh John, fish dealer, 51 Johnson Tolmie Henry, res Saanich Road Tolmie J. W., M. P. P., res Saanich Road Tolmie John, res Saanich Road Tolmie Roderick F., 1st clerk B. C. JiUnd Registrar's ofiSce, res Clover- dale, Saanich Road Tolmie Simon, res Saanich Road Tolmie William, res Saanich Road Toney — , machinist Albion I. W. Tony Solvino, fireman Tophum Law, steward Arcade restau- rant, 124 Government Towing Co., Spratt's wharf. Tel. 144 Townsend Miss Susan, clerk res Mears Townnend Mrs., 31 Mears Tovvnsley Andrew, engineer Victoria Rice Mills, 62 Store Townsley Jsimes, miller Hall, Ross & Co., res 114 Blanchard Trace John, teamster ibr J. VVoiler, 93 Fort Trainor A., driver H. Saunders Trainor A.. C, grocer, Johnson, res 56 Chatham Travellers' Life and Accident Ins Co., Hail, Coepel A Co., agents, lOO Govetnment Travis Augustus, blacksmith for W. Powell, res 130 Yates Travis Mrs. Julia, widow Augustus, res 130 Yates Treasury Department, Hoii; Ji H. Turner, Minister of Finance ahd Agriculture .11 •■ '... i'l n. 514 Henderson's British oolumbia TRB VICTORIA URE I I I Trent — . painter for Lettice, res 7 Church way Tribe Goor^o, waiter Driard, 26 Beechy Trickey VVilliam, draj'man, 27 Forn- wood Road. Tel 26 Trimen L. Buttress, architect, 2 Broughton, res Esquimalt Road Trounce Thomas, res 63 Menzies Tiuren Riclinrd, apprentice for Mc- Lennan & McFecly, resl35 Michigan Trnicit Mrs H., wid, boarding houwe, 185 Michigan Trulch John, Land Commissioner E. & N. Hy. Co., res Humboldt Trutch Hon. J. W., aisrent Dominion Government, Fair- field house, Fairfieid Roadi nrCoolc, 73 Richardson. Tei 614 Trythall Wm., printer, 9 Amelia Tuck Samuel P., C.E., res 30 Church- wav Tuckville — , res 21 Eae Tapper Mrs. Bertha, widow Samuel, dressmaker, res 73 Fort Turnbull Oliver, carpenter, res Fair- field Road Turnbull Robt., port oflScer str Yose- mite Turnbull W. H., stableman for W. H. Dickson, 93 Fort Turner — , painter for Robert Lettice Turner A. F., clerk. 22 Frederick Turner Archibald, Fern wood Road Turner, Beeton & Co., gen- eral commission merchants, 90 Wharf. Tel 116 Turner John, carpenter, res Cook cor Belcher Turner Hon. John Herbert, Minister of Finance and Ag- riculture, res I Pleasant, Point Ellice. Tel 64 Turner Mrs. A. F., music teacher, 22 Frederick Turpel William, ship carpenter, 21 King's Road Twiss Edward Day, res 65 Pandora av Tyo Thomas, ofM. R. & T., res 277 Doutrlas Tyler Wm., 51 Hillside av Tyson James, tailor, 42 Henry Tyson Thos., at foundiy, 42 Henry Tyison Wm., 42 Henry Ullman Joseph, importer and exporter of raw furs, M. •}, Davis, agent, 66 Wharf Underbrink Henry, carriage builder for Victoria Transfer Co. Underbill Mrs. Alice, widow Nelson, dressmaker, res 73 Fort Underwood — , night watchman for W. G. Bowman Union Club, J. C. Bales, secretary, Douglas cor Courtney Union Colliery Co. of B. 0. (Ltd.), office Government st, mines Union Bay, near Comox Union Insurance Co., Robert Ward & Co., agents, 76 Wharf United States Consulate, Col. Robert J. Stevens, United States Consul, 2 Broughton Consular agencies, Chas.M. Bolton, Vancouver; James Hurst Hawthornthwalt, Na- naimo Unterbrink H. H., woodworker for Dempster & Beck Unwin George, upholsterer, res 247 Johnson Unwin Walter, waiter Victoria Club, res Johnson Ure Chas., shoemaker 6. H. Maynard Ure James, clerk for S. J. Pitts, res North Park Ure Jaines, foreman C. Morley, res 8 Alfred "^SW-H^ DIBEOTORT AND OAZETTKER. 615 UBQ VICTORIA VIC les, secretary, obert Ward & Urquhart capt Donald, C. P. N. Co., 119 Menzies Urwin — , custom house, Saanich Eoad VaioA Brooks, fish, fruit and produce, 60 Yates Vaio John, of Valo & Brooks, res 48 Ilorald Viincouver bakery, Thomas Harding, 76 Fort Vancouver Brewery, Carter & Ferris, props, cor Herald and Government Vancouver Encampment, I. O.O.F. No I, meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday In each month at Hall, 87 Douglas Vancouver hotel, Isaac Bech- tel, prop, 71 Yates, Tel 160 Vancouver Iron Works, Wll* son Bros., props, Pem- rrl'e bet Government and Douglas Vancouver Island Building Society, meets Monday evening, at 81 View Vancouver and Quadra Lodge No. 2 A, F, A A, M, meets 3rd Wednesday Van Hor8t& Co., grocers, 20 Elizabeth Van Ilorst Frank, of Van Horst & Co., res 20 Elizabeth Van Nevel rev. John Adolph, asst priest R. C. Cathedral, res Bishop's Palace, Yates Vanover Miss Georgia, 43 Broad Van Volkenburgh A Bros, whol and retail butchers, stock ranchers, 97 Govern- ment cor Yates. Tel 2 Van Volkenburgh Benjamin, of Van Volkenburgh & Bro., res 215 John- son cor Vancouver. Tel 595 . LEATHER BELTING. Juno. Ondg and St. Antome St8« MONTREAL. VanVolkenL)urgli Isanc.ofVan Volken- burgh & Bro., res Vancouver City Vaughen William, tailor ibr J. 0. Leask, bds 85 Douglas Vegelliers J., moulder A. I. W. Veitch William, blacksmith for John Mestoii, res cor Edward and RusesU Vernon Charles, res 9 South Park. Tel 507 Vernon Hon. Forbes George, chief commissioner of Lands and Works, 'res Oso- yoos), city res 60 Rae Verrlnder Robert F., dentist, 73 Government Vertue Alfred, blacksmith Victoria Carriage Works Veterans' Home, F. W. Garland, stew- ard, head of Pandora Victoria Columbia Lodge No. I A, F, & A, M, Meets 1st Thursday Victoria Baths and Hair Dress* in§;Saloon,l23 Government, Wm. Whittaker, prop Victoria Business and Classical Insti- tute and night school, S. B. Noth- erby, prop, 76 Yates Victoria Brewery, cor Govern- ment and Discovery Victoria coal, wood and lumber yard, Croft & Angus, Laural Point, office near Bank B. C. Victoria Club, John Creeden, steward* Henry Ella, secretary, 45^ Fort ( ill 111 i; 1. •I. ' i^ !' ■ il . I [■ .516 BBHPSBSOM'S . BWTI9H €PI«0|f 9IA VK) VIOTPillA VW Victoria CarrJa^e^lMor^s, W"" ll«m Glr)m,i^, ptm^, $0 find Victoria Cpal, ^ood 31^ ' Lumber Vardt offlbe B2 Cov- orrunent, C» Mm JMaltottey mgr. TeljEfOOf Varfd BOOa Victoria detective aj?ency W. T. Duns- ton, mngr, office over Victoria house, Government st Victoria Electric Soap Works, Aqjson, D. Whittier, 116 YatCH yiQtorIa Electric Illuminating Co>» Thos. Caraon, eleotri- clian and mgr, 96 Langley Victoria Esqulmalt Tele- phone Co., Ltd., Edward Crow Baker, aecretary-trea- surer, Trounpe Alley Victoria Fire Department, Deluge Engine House Mo. 8, d2 Yates Victoria Lodge I.O.O.F., Mo. I, meets Monday night at. Hall, 87 Douglas Victoria Gas Co., Ltd., office ' 40 Langley, C. W. R. Thom- son, secretaxy-treasurjer Victoria House saloon, William Har- rison, prop, 113 Douglas cor Pandora av Victoria Jail, R. F. John, warden Victo;'ia Loan office, Kirschberg and Landsberg, props, 57 Johni^on Victoria Marble Works, Ceo. Rudge, prop, 189 Douglas Victoria market, fish, game, vegetables fruit and confectionery, Geo. Vien- na, prop, 113 Government Victoria l^ursery, P. T. Johnson & Co., cor Fort dnd Government, res and nursery, 151 Cadboro B»y Road yiptorli^Rlce MIHs, Mall, Ross A Co., 66 Store Victoria Sail Loft, P. Jenne, prop, 6 4ohnson Victoria shaving parlor, F. Bode, prop, 108 Government Victoria Society for the pre- vention of cruelty to animals, W. H. Mason, sec and treas, Trounce Alley Victoria Theatre Go., Ltd., John J. Austin, secy and treas, lessee and mgr, 24 Bftstion street, Theatre ppr.JPouglas and View Victoria Transfer Co., Ltd., F. S. Barnard, M.P., sec and mgr ; Antplne Henderson, supt,,93 and .96 Broughton >poslte Broad. Tel 129 Vi foria Truck and Dray Co., Frank McDonald, mgr, Kane. Tel 23 Victoria Trucic A Dray Co., Ltd . , W . H . M beer, mgr, cor Wharf and Johnson Victoria Y. M. €. A., Frank W- Tongue, genl sec, rooms over 20 Broad,Spenoer's Ar- cade Viddler Finch, painter for Eli Hari- son Vidler Miss Marie, res 50 Dallas Road Vidler Albert, res 50 Dallas Road Vienna George^ prop Victoria market, fish, game, vegetabFes, fruit and confectionery, U3 Government, res IJerald near Store Vienna Nicholas, ^riy^j* fpr George Vienqa Vienna I^eter, clerk for Geo. Vienna, res Pacific Vigeiius Antoino, of Vigelius Bros., res 151 Johnson all, Ross • Jenne, Bode, prop, the pre- animals, nd treas, 1, John J. leasee and ), Theatre f Ltday Fi leo and iderson, OMghton 1129 >>., Frank Tel 23 ay Co., gr, cor , Frank rooms er's A.r- 51 i Hari- llas Road load market, [■uit and lent, ree Oeorge ^ienna. DIREOTORT AND OAZITTISR. 6X7 Bros., VIG yiOTORIA WAL VIgellus Bros., barbers, and St. Nicholas Baths, I05 Cov- ^mment. Tel 137 VigeliuH Louis, of Vigelius Bros., res 166 Pandora Vigor Mrs. M. A., fancy goods and dry goods, cor Douglas and Chatham Vincent F. W., cashier C. P. N. Co., oflBce 10 Erie Vine H., 47 North Park Vipond Arthur, machinist, 100 Fis- guard Vogts John, ci^armaker T. & L. cigar factory, bds Commercial hotel Voyce Mrs. M. G., cook, 32 Rne Wacker John, carpenter for Bishops & Sherborne, res Yates Wnde A. E., foreman Fred. Mon-is, res 129 Fisguard Wad man rev. John, pastor Gorge Road Methodist Church, res 68 David Wndsworth Miss Jeanett, res 14 Broughion Wa^g Edwin, assistant park keeper, res 56 Humboldt Wagg John William, painter, res 56 • Humboldt • "Wagg Miss Martha, domestic at 38 Victoria Crescent WaittM.W.,& Co., booksel- lers and stationers, 77 Gov- ernment, Tel 02, dealers In pianos and organs, H. Kent, mj^r, 64 Government Waitt Marshall W., of M. W. Waitt &Co., res 109 Quadra cor Frederick "Waitt William, carpenter, red 38 Dal- las Road Walbey Arthur, bellboy Driard Waibey Robert, bellboy Dritird Walbey William Henry, farmer, res ' 10 Blanchard ' Walkem Hon Gteorge Anthony, judge, res Kamloops, B. 0. ' Walker A., Queen City Mills me Hillijanl Qectdc pifg. AND SUPPLY CO. (Ltd.), MONTREAL. Mnfrg. of ELECTRIC WIRES, CABLES, Instrn. ments and Supplies of every desorlptlon. (8«e advt. page 6.) Walker Miss Bessie, millinrr for Houghton & Co., res 189 Yates Walker Donald Grant, ship builder, 189 Yates Walker F. G., M. P., barrister, solicitor, 02 Langl^y, res Allsby Cottage, Esqulma I Rdad. Tel I60 Walker Frederick G., barrister, 103 Vancouver Walker George, of Johnson, Walker & Flett, res 71 Discovery Walker Henry George, com* mission agent for John Mc- Donald A Co., whi dry goods^ over 63 Government, Spencer's Arcade, res 8aa- nlch Road Walker Hiram, & Sons, Walkerville, Ont. ; Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Wharf Walker J. W., sergt of police, 4 Bay Walker Jnmes, blacksmith for John Weston, res 122 Superior Walker John Archibald, of Walker, Johnston & Flett, res 122 Superior Walker Mrs. Mary, matron Protestant Orphans' Home, 32 Eae Walker Eobt. K., blacksmith M. Con- lin, res 58 John Walker Samuel R., mariner, res 7 Humboldt ' Walker V^alter, coal and wood "cfeiiler,' 6d Yates, res' Chatham 1 I'. w^m 618 Henderson's bbitish Columbia WAL VICTORIA "WAT "Walker "Walter, m^r "Wellington Coa and "Wood Yard, 28 Store "Wall Edwin, clerk Angus & Gordon, North Koad, Spring Eidge "Wall Gilbert, carpenter, res 80 Kane "Wall H., millhand Muirhead & Mann's mill "Wall John, tailor, 52 Chatham Wall John, shoemaker, 11 Johnson "Wallace — , Albion Iron Works, 290 Johnson "Wallace C. "W., Lancrley Alley Wallace Charles, clerk, res 25 "View Wallenstein L. F., upholsterer Jacob Sehl Waller Henry, clothing and gents' furnishings, res 318 Douglas rvext Oddfellows Hall Walls J. P., barrister at law, res 67 North Park, office 14 Bastion. Tel I, res 181 Walls Mrs. H. L., 198 Cook Walsh Isjiac, drayman, 79 Pembroke Walsh John James, drayman, 77 John Walters Fred., cook Vancouver hotel, 71 Yates Walther Henry, student, res 136 Fort Walther Mrs. Mary Ann, wid Henry, res 136 Fort V/antstein — , 21 Green Warburton H. H., clerk P.Q. Ward Arthur, shipping clerk for S. G. Pitts, res 124 Quadra Ward Chas., baker, res 13 Church way Ward Charles, upholsterer for Cherry & Creech, res Church way Ward John, grocery and fancy goods, 124 Quadra Ward John William, baggagemaster C.P.Ry. and C.P.N. Co., res 159 Johnson Ward R. H., prop Albion hotel, 7 Herald Ward Hobt., of Robert Ward & Co., Swedish and Norwegian Consul, res Belcher bet Cook and Moss. Tel 73 Ward Robt., & Co., commis- sion merchants, shipping and insurance agents, 76 Wharf, Tel 145 Ward W. A., clerk Robt. Ward & Co., res Hi;<;hwood Ward William, 8 Pioneer Ward William, Bank of B.C.. res Moss near Belcher Wark Charles, painter for Henry B. Randall, res 138 Michigan Walk J. M., late H. B. Co., res 138 Michigan Wark John H., clerk A. B. Gray & Co., res 138 Michigan, James Bay Warner J. H., of Colbert & Warner, 73 Yates Warren A., engineer Str. Pilot, 50 Work Warren Capt. James Douglas, master mariner, res 27 Montreal Warren Charles T., Lenz «& Leiser, Government, res Yates Warren F. H., clerk Gareshe, Green & Co. Warren J. D., gen agent, 38 Government, res 27 Mont- real. Tel 66, res 620 Warren Miss Mary, res 27 Montreal Warren's Wharf, James Bay Warrington Frank H., seaman, res 63 View Waterman Chas., engineer Albion I.W. Waterson H. G., job printer, 92 Gov- ernment, res 246 Johnson Watkins Henry, butcher for L. Good- acre, res Cedar Hill Road Watkins Miss Elizabeth, res 95 Mears Watkins Mrs. M., wid John, res 95 Mears Watson Alexander, ship carpenter, 5 Montreal Watson George, plumber's helper for Braden & Stanford, James Bay Watson Miss Annabella, res 5 Mont- real Watson Miss L., artist, 133 Johnson ''^Sftfr .^^^»n. •y comnfiiS" , shipping agents, 76 it. Ward & Co., ar 'B.C.. res Moss for Henry B. hi gun B. Co., res 138 .B.Gray&Co., imes Bay )ert & Warner, Str. Pilot, 50 Oouglas, master treal Lenz & Leiser, tos ireshe, Green & n agent, 38 s 27 Mont- B20 27 Montreal Bay seaman, res 63 eer Albion I.W. )rinter, 92 Gov- nson er for L. Otooi- Joad res 95 Mears d John, res 95 DIBEOTORT AND GAZETTEER. 519 \ ip carpenter, 5 )er'8 helper for James Bay la, res 5 Mont- t, 133 Johnson WAT VICTORIA WES Edison Electric Light System M. D. BARR & CO., Oensral Salliag Agenti^ 72e CRAIQ ST ., .^ MONTRSAI, Welch, Rithet & Co., im- porters, commission mer- chants. Insurance agents, and agents Pacific bteam Navigation Co., 6i and 63 Wharf. Tel 4 W ■ Jon F. W., conductor E. & N. Ry. res 75 Blanc hard Welland Guntus, ci^armaker T. & L. cigar factory, 37 Birdcage Walk Wellington Coal and Wood Yard, 28 Store, Walter Walker, mgr Wellington Collieries, R. Dun- muir & Sons, props, office Government st Wells, Fargo & Co., Caresch, Creen A Co., agents, 81 Government. Tel 114 Welsh James, moulder at Albion I. W., 5 Green Welsh John, White Horse saloon, 63 Humboldt wall naner cutlerv I Wenger Chris, watchmaker for John wail paper, cu^'ory, yVenger, bds Poodle Dog restaurant carpets and house furnlsh- 55|Wenger John, watchmaker and Jeweller, 90 Covern- Watson Mrs. Mary, wid Adam, res 133 Johnson Watson Thos., machinist Wilson Bros. Watson Wm., patternmaker, 23 Henry Watson William, mo'ilder Albion I, V\r., res 133 Johnson Watson Wm., porter Thos. Earle, res Store Watton G. B., at C. Morley, res Pan- dora Watts Thomas Owen, res 112 Toronto Webb — , jobbing and repairing, 89 Quadra Webb Geo., park keeper Webb John H., mariner, res 1-38 Humboldt Webber — , clerk Spratt & Gray, 19 Work Webber August, stableman for Jones & McNeil, bds Dominion hotel Webster T. G., clerk for Albert Toller, res 18 Frederick Weeks — , Saanich Eoad nenr Topaz ave Weights, Measures and Gas Inspection OflSce, Richard Jo' s, inspector, 54 Langley ' Weiler Charles, upholsterer for J. Weiler, 17 Kaiio Weilvjr George, foreman for J. Weiler, 17 Kane WeHier Jlohn, furniture manu- facturer, crockery and glass ware, Ing goods, 51, 63 and Fort, res 17 Kane. Tel I03 Weiler Joseph, clerk for J. Weiler, 17 Kane Weiler Otta, clerk for J. Weiler, 17 Kane Weiser John, laborer, bds Dominion house Welch si. D., of Welch, Rithet & Co., res San Francisco ment, res Driard Wenn M., barber for Geiger & Becker Wentworth Charles, plasterer, res 254 Johnson Wescott Alfred E, of Haughton & Co., 69 Mears Wesley Church, Pandora cor Broad 6^0 HE!h)ERSON^'s BlifTlSH COLUMBIA WES VICTORIA WIL fjSffHl^. "West A. C.^deptist, 8^ Government. , West B. H., fihoeraaker, 173 Dotigika West C H.. carpenter, bds Thistle itestauraat > ,. West Julius, 27 Alfred" . , y. Western hotefj Robt. Barr, prop, ' 84 Store. Tpl 5l74 Wheeler W,H., 13St Loui§ ^^^,. ^,.,^^ Whlelan Eobt., stonecutter, bds Domi- nion house Whetstone Abraham, fruits and to- bacco, 53 Johnson Whitcom — , boilermaker Albion I.W. White B. G., bartender Grand Pacific Bar, 26 Johnson White Edward, of Brown & White, res Vancouver, City White George, messenger E. & N. Ry. Co., res 181 Pandora ave White Horse saloon, John Welsh, prop, 68 Humboldt White Jas., drayman, 96 North Park White Jas. Edward, second-hsind store, 94 Douglas, res 181 Pandora av White & Mnurmann, King's Head saloon, 48 Johnson White Robert, 128 Richardson White Samuel, harnessmaker Fred. Morris, bds Vancouver house White Wm., of White & Maurmann, 5 Putnam Whitelaw J., hotelman,re8 25 Douglas Whituold John, shoemaker, 21.8 Cook, res 216 Cook Wlfiitlaw Mrs. K. (estate of), millinery, Miss M. Cullum, manager, 35 Port v ■ Whitley Miss Martha, housemaid Bishop's Palace, Yates Whitley 8fenhen, res 40 Quadra Whitly W. *H., fisherman, 38 Hum- boldt Whitmarsh William, bartender Club Theatre, bds 37 Kane WHIttaker ft " Llhdleyrtoxl- dermistSy (28 Government Whittaker Mrs. Mary, widow, board- ing t^ouse, 70 PoDglas Whittaker Samuel, of^Whittaker & Lindiey, res 28 Alfred Whittaker William B,,, student with Charles Wilson, res head of Alfred Whittaker Wm.,, prop Vic- toria Bath and Hair Dressing saloon^ 128 Government, res 19 Chambers, top of Alfred Whittet C, carpenter S. Grey Whittier Anson D., Victoria Electric 8oap Works, res 111 Bianchard Whittier E., mgr of ranch for Vic- toria Transfer Co., res Constance Cove Farm Whittington Ernest, carpenter Smith & Clark Whitwell Thomas, porter Langley & Co., res 25 Parkington Whyte Alex., carpenter shop, 3 Men- zies, res 114 Simcoe Whyte Wm., accountant E. & N. By, Co., res 124 Richardson. Tel 152 Wickens Arthur, foreman Jacob Sehl Widdowson Frederick, machine hand for John Weiler Wienard Louis, chief cook Oriental hotel, 38 Yates Wiffin Charles Sidney, res 240 View Wilby George, printer at Miller's, res 174 Yates Wilby James, printer at Miller's, res 174 Yates Wilby Williai. , clerk M. W. Vaitt & Co., 174 Yates ., Wilby Mrs. E. A., widow Henry Edward, res 174 Yates Wilcox Joseph, head waiter Driard Wilford ,FranK, wai Var Driard . vY Wilkes Chas., well sinker, 54 Disco- very Di:*««woaT ANU QAmttten. 521 idow, board- Vhittaker & itudont with ad of Alfred prop Vic- r Dressing #ernment, I, top of Grey , Victoria ForlcSy res neh for Vic- es OonstaDce )enter Smith ir Langley & hop, 3 Meo- E. &N. Ry. Dn. Tel 152 Jacob Sehl uchine hand )k Oriental 240 View Miller's, res I Mi Dor's, res W. Vaitt low Henry iter Briard Urd . li f, 54 Disco- wm vidroMA WLL Wilkes Ghas., machi list A. I. W., bds 9 Pandora Wilkins J. B., paifater and dealer in paints, oils and glass, 11 1 Fort, res 11 Caledonia Williams — , carpenter, 9 Frederick Williams—, Pandora hill Williams AlfV, teamster, 71 Pembroke Williams Alfred, 8 Thjrd Williams B., mngr B. Williams & Co., 97 Johnson , reft 10 Boltdt Wliliams B*^ & Co.| clothing and men's furnishings^ 97 Johnson Williams Miss Catherlhe, domestic at 252 Yates Williams Bivid Bethune, engineer Electric Light, res 169 Cook Williams D. W.,' mason, 9 Francis Williams E. A. (Corporation), 117 Blanchard ave Williams, Engelbach & Co., London, Turner, Beeton & Co., agents, Wharf Williams Edward, moulder, 15 Prin cess ave Williams Frederick, clerk G. Morrison, res 2 Superior Williams George; dep collector of Inland Revefitte,Tes 146 Michigan Williams Justus, carpenter, 15 Ellice Williams J. W., oven builder. Spring Bidgo Williams Miss E., 35 Alfred Williams Miss Francis, domestic at 95 Quebec Williams Miss Julia, dressmaker for Miss Andereon, res Constance Cove Williams Mrs., widoW J. W., res 137 Blanchard ave Williams Mrs. E., of B. WirtiamA & Co.^ 10 Bellot' Williams Miss May, 9 Trounce Alley Williams R. T., bookbinder and' rub- ber stamp mfr., publisher B. 'C. Directory, 28 Broad,- res 122 View lEATIIEIi i Jiino. Ondg and St. Antdine StB« MONTR! AL. Williams Robert, M.A., 1 Birdcage Walk Williams Thos., carpenter, 25 North Park Williams W. T., clerk B. Williams & Co., res 10 Belliot WilliamsWilliam, mason, res 122 View Willie Louis, general store, 25 Johnson Willing George, cook, res 95 View Willis Frank, carpenter, Queen City Mills ' ^ ^^ ^ Willner Otto, carpenter, 18 Frederick Wil lough by James, carpenter, rooms 18Rae Wilson A. & W., plumbers, gasfltters, stoves and fur- naces, Broad near Fort.'^ Tel 126 Wilson Alexander, of A. & W. Wilson, res 41 Cadboro Bay Road WHson Bros., props Vancou- ver Iron Worics, Pembroke betCovernmentand Douglai^ Wilson C. H., of Wilson Bros., res 76 Pembroke wrison Charled,'barrl9rter and solicitor, 6 Broughton, res Beacon Hill Parle bor Michi- gan; Tel 67 Wilson David, B. A., provincial inspec- tor of Schools, res 37 Birdcage Walk ^1 ':, i i I t 'a I \\^ ' 1 H 522 HENDERSON S BRITISH COLUMBIA WIL VICTORIA WIN Wilson H. G., clerk Welch, Rithet& Co. Wilson Howard, plumber for A. & W. Wilson, res 191 Pandora Wilson J., res 220 Johnson Wilson J. v., res Pembroke Wilson J. K., accountant Bank of B.C Wilson J,T., patternmkr Albion I. W. Wilson John, painter J. B. Walkis, bds Vancouver house Wilson John, commission merchant, agent for Oregon Milling Co., 24 Yates, res 179 Yates Wilson John J., prop Central Bakery, 84 Yates, res Burn- side Road Wilson John W., carpenter, 44 Prin- cess av Wilson Joseph, of W. & J. Wilson, bds Union Club Wilson Jchsoph E., clerk W. & J. Wil- son, res 88 I'emberton Wilson Jos. Henry, res 76 Pembroke Wilson Kealh, Bank of B.C., res 26 Church way Wilson Lyman, sawyer Rock Bay Saw Mill Wilson Miss, clerk Russell, McDornld &Co. Wilson Miss Edith, res 38 Birdcage Walk Wilson Miss Ellen, seamstress for Mrs. W. Bickfbrd, res View- Wilson Miss Minnie, dressmaker for MissS. N. Russell, res 44 Princess av Wilson Mrs. Mary, widow, res 73 Blanchard Wilson P., carpenter and builder, 162 Yates Wilson Pearce, bookkeeper for Dixie H. Ross & Co., res 23 Henry Wilson Ruther, clerk A. & W. Wilson, res 41 Cadboro Bay Road Wilson Sidney, clerk Brown & White, res 1 Collinson Wilson Thos., music teacher, 29 Fred- erics Wilson Thomas, plumber for A. & W. Wilson Wilson Thos. F., of Wilson Bros., res 76 Pembroke Wilson W. C, apprentice to A. & W. Wilson, res Fort Wilson W. & J., clothiers, hats, and gents' furnishings, 83 Government Wilson W. R., architect, bds Rocca- bella Wilson William, of W. & J. Wilson, res Pemberton Wilson William, of A. & W. Wilson, res 21 Quebec Wilson William, tinsmith A. & W. Wilson, res 41 Cadboro Bay Road Wilson William, of William Wilson & Co., res 38 Birdcage Walk Wilson Wm., clerk H. Saunders Wilson William, & Co., City House, general dry goods, 73 Government. Tel 123 Wilson W. Ridgway, of Fisher & Wil- son Winch F.K.., carriagemakor, 20 Ridgo Road, Spring Kidge Windsor Hotel, Alexander McDonald, prop, 23 Gov- ernment Winger C, watchmaker, rooms 149 Fort Winger John, watchmaker, rooms 149 Fort Winger John, skin and fur dresser, res 47 Quadra Wingfleid William Henry, grocer, 230 Fort cor Cook, res same Winkle Frederick, laborer, 58 St Lawrence Winsby William, cabinetmaker Joseph Somers, Winstino Walter, cook on str Rithet, res 167 Johnson WWBk.. biRfiOTORY AND GAZETTEER. 523 WIN VICTORIA WRI W. & J. Wilson, A. & W. Wilson, 9makor, 20 Ridgo laborer, 58 St netmaker Joseph k on sir Eithot, Winter Groor'^e., res Fair- field Road nr Cook. Tel. 522 Winterhallei- Conrad, painter for Ran- dall, roH 45 Qnadi-a Wise Cajjt Frjwik William, vvhartingcv outer wharf, res 7 Dallas Road Wiseman R., carpenter Smith & Clark Wistance Miss Mary, domestic at 95 Meara Withrow David, contractor and buil- der, rea 101 Pandora av Wolfe Peter, Victoria Brewer}', res 4G Quadra Wolfendon A.rthur Richard, clerk with Charles Wilson, res Mcnzies Wolfenden KG., law student T. David, res 123 Men/Jea Wolfenden Miss Nellie, 0th assistant teacher Boys' P. S, Wolfenden Richard, superintendent of Printing B. C Crovernment, res 125 Menzios Women's Christian Tempe- rance Union, meets Thurs- day afternoon at Tempe- rance Hall, 47 Pandora av Wonacott James, finisher for J. Weilcr, Chatham Wood A. N., blacksmith Victoria Car- r'ni^G Works AVood Jerome, bartender Driaid, res 111 Blanchard av Wood Mrs., widow, rea 199 Fort Wood Thomas E., clerk Albion Iron Works, res Victoria West Wood W.H., toronan store shop Albion Iron Works, rea 84 Chatham Woodruff E., mason, 2') Thiid Woods — , blacksmith, bds 70 Fort Woods Miss E.U., teacher of drawini^, 28 North Park Woodward A., carpenter for Smitli & Clark Woodward Arthur, res 120 Richardson Woodward Henry, res 120 Richardson Woolcock James, clerk Pendray & Co., res 15 Humboldt --A.lsrD- lOLLEN MILL SUPPLE OF ALL KINDS. 3'st MONTREAU WooUacott Philip, Ist jailor Victoria Jail Wooton Edward Ernest, barrister with Charles Wilson, res 70 Rae Wootton Henry II., 2nd clerk B C. Land Rei>islry office, res 22 Quebec W^ootton Mrs. l]\\'/.tx, wid Henj-y, re.. 70 Rae Woi-k Mrs., wid, Kini^'a Road Workman A., 2ttd convict ^uard Vic- toria Jail, res 177 Fort Workman Miss, clerk for I). 8|tencor W^orkman W., comp M. Miller Worlock Frederick llammot with Garesche, (ireen & Co., res Superior Worrenn Thomas, baker ibr Nesbitt, Dickson & Co., Fort Worsfold Cuthbert C, draui^^htsman, res IIG Men/.ies Worsfold James K., asst ])rovinciaI auditor, res 110 Menzies Worth Frank, at Courtney i\: Dal by, bds (V)n)mercial Wostenbolm CTeori>;o, & Hon (Ltd.), ►Shetlield. Turner, Beeton it Co., aiifonts, Wharf Woiitters Frank, seaman. 8l! Store Wri;;lesworth Charles, clerk SLr()uS8 k Co. Wriglesworth Joseph, grocer and liquors, 127 Yates cor Blanchard, res 129 Yates. Tel 518 Wri,i;l< sworth J., & Ci>., San Juan Lime Co., and buildini;- material .* Wright F, W., res 18 View 3t) ! 524 B£ND£RSON*S BRITISH COLUMBIA DlRECTORt AND OA^GTtEEIl. WRI VICTORIA ZOE VVrig-ht Frederick, bricklayer, bds 239 Yates Wright Miss Kate, boarding house, 35 DougluM Wright Mrs. C. B., res 18 Michigan Wright Mrs. F.W. H., dressmaker, 18 View, res same. Tel 72 Wright Leonard O., clei'k R. Lettice, res 68 Kane Wright William, steward sir "Olym- pian," res 43 View Wyld Ernest A., receiving teller Bank of B. C, res 170 Cad'boro Bay Boad Wylde Charles, customs broker at Wharf, 19 Kane Wylie W., machinist A.I.W. Wylie C. G., average adjuster, 26 Broughton, res KJ Biidcage Walk Wyn C, W., barber on Government st, rooms 30 View Wynne George W., salesman for E. G. Prior & Co., rooms Custom Il«*uwe Block Yates H., farmei*. Gorge Rosid Yates A Jay, barristers, 51 Langley. Tel 66 Yates J. Stuart, of Yates & Jay, res Gorge Road Yosemite 8tr. C. P. N. Co., Capt. George Rudlin Young — ,16 Quebec Young b'rod. P., machine band Jacob Sehl Young Henry, of Henry Yoinig & Co., res 124 Mi(;higan Young Henry B., of Henry Young & Co., ros 124 Michigan Young Henry, & Co., dry goods, 67 Covernment Young John C, blacksmith Albion 1, W." 12 Green Young L., of M. & L. Y^oung, 118 Govci-nniont Young Llowlyn, clerk, res Michigan Young M., of M. & L. Young, res 16 Quebec Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation, F.W.Teague, gene- ral secretary, over 20 Broad, Spencer's Arcade Young M. &' L., ' props New England Bakery, 116 and 118 Covernment. Tel 161 Young Peter, laborer, bds Dominion house Z()ellcCharlcs,]irop Bavarian Bre\'/ery, 138 Fort WHEN ORDERING A DIRECTORY, SEE THAT THE ORDER READS HENDERSON'S British Columbia Gazetteer and Directory, (ETtEGlt. CHINESE DIRECTORY AH inc hand Jacob ry Younf]^ & Co., Henry Young & n k Co., dry rnment smith Albion 1. L. Younor, 118 ros Michigan Young, re8 IG Istian Asso- sague, gene- >r 20 Broad, e props New 116 and 118 M 161 bdn Dominion ui'ian Brewery, VICTORIA LAM rORY, 3 rectory. Ah John, 29 Store Been Sun Law, 42 FiHguard Bon Yuen, & Co., importers of opi.iin. Government cor Cormorant Cheng Long, hiundry, 88 Cormoran* ChinoHC Ciirls' MlHsion Homo, Sunny- side, Cormorant,MiKH Leako, matron Chinene Homo. 100 Cormorant ChincHO .loHH House, Cormorant Chinese Methodist School Mission, 4 Coi-morant Chinese Theatre, in Alley,bet Grovern- mentand Fisguard Chong Kce, shoemaker, 75 Cormorant Chong Loe. lainuhy, 183 Government Choy Sun, jeweller, 30 Cormorant Chu Chung,& Co., opium mer- chants and importers, 18 Cormorant Chun Kee, laundry, 8 Herald Dan YoclcTong, druggist, 12 Cormorant i Doon Yune, laundry, 91 Fisguard i Foolc, Kee & Co., merchants, , 58 Cormorant | Foolc, Yen& Co., opium im-j porters, 46 Fisguard | Fow Yuen, boots and shoes, 142 Gov- ernment Gam Tai, merchant tailor, 64 Fisgiiaiil GimGook Yuen, mei'chaut, 178 Gov- ern 'nent Gim Sing, lauiuhy, 14 Fisguard (lin Wan, laundry, 1138 Govennnoiit Ham Yick, merchant, 70 Cormorant Hang Wo Hing Kee,China and Japan fancy goods, Chinese drugs, 31 Cormorant Hong Chong Co., importers of Chinese merchandise, lO Cormorant Hong Leo & Co., merchants and Euro* poan agents, 52 Cormorant Hong Long, laundry, 27 View Hop Well, market gardener,Cuok,80Uth end Hi)) Chong, merchant, 186 Govern- ment HipLung&Co.jdealers in opi- um, and Chinese merchan- dise, 22 Cormorant Kay Chong & Co., grocers, Alley bet Cormorant and Fisguard KingTye Co., importers and manufacturers whisale dry goods,groceries,oplum,etc. 8 Cormorant Kwong Chung & Co., dealers in opium and Chinese goods, 29 Cormorant Kwong Fook, dealer in tea, rice, and gen merchant, 7 Cormorant Kwong Hing Lung, laundry, 157 Fort Kwong On laing & Co., opium and general merchants, 32 Cormorant Kwong On Tai, importers of opium and Chinese mer- chandise, 24 Cormorant Kwong Tai Lung & Co., mer- chants and importers, 27 Cormorant. Tel 97 Kwong Wang !?ing, grocer, G5 Fis- guard Lai Hop & Co., provisions, 41 Cormorant Lam , Kee & Co., merchant tailors 153 Government ?i t i . i ; ■ J i '1' i ■■ : i > 'i ' ■i : 526 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA LUN VICTORIA YUE Lun Chung & Co., commis- sion merchants, dealers in opium and gen Chinese mer- chandise, 26 Cormorant May Yiii^ I^mig", g^'" .inoirliaiiis, 17i! Govern men t Mee Was, Inundiy, 108 Ynte.s Meo Wuu^li, laundry, 121 Douiflas Neti Sin^, nierclianl, 48 FLs^iiard Num Kco & Co,, inereliantM, (J8 Fits- guard On Iling & Bro ,(ea stoie,40 Fisguard On Kee &Co., mfrs of under- clothing, 80 Cormorant On Sing, laundry, 11»;S Government Oung Sing, laundiy, 1(» Pandora Pow Kfe.mereliant lallor,140 Govern- ment. QuongSing, laundry, 31 Store Sam — , laundry, 55 Dincovery Sam Chung, laundry, 73 Douglas Sam Cluing, laundry. 42 lilaneliard Sam Kee, mereliant tailor, 4(5 Cni-nio- rant Sam Lee, laundry, 23 Uae Sam Lung, laundry, 1(> Johnison Sam Sing, laundry, 17 Government Wang Sing, tailor, 10 JuliriHon See Lee Lung & Co., merchants, 54 Fisguard Shu Sun, physician, 12 Cor- morant Sing Chung, provisions, 51 Cormorant Sing Kee, vegetable dealer, G7 Cormo- rant Sing Kee & Co., importers of opium, 29 Cormorant Sing Lee, laundry, 121 Johnson Sing Wah, working jeweller, 53 Cor- morant Siine; Wo Chan, importers of opium, 5 Cormorant Sing Wo Tong Co., importes ofChi- nese merchandise, 182 Government Song Lee, laundry, 22 Johnson Tai Chung, butcher, 25 Cormorant Tai Fung A Co., importers and gen merchants, 66 Cormo- rant Tai Kee.gen merchants,G2 Cormorant Tai Song & Co., general morchants, 40 Cormorant Tai Yick & Co., importers of opium, 14 Cormorant Tai Yune & Co., gen merchants, 135 Government Tei Iliiig, barber, 33 Cormorant Tim Kee, tailor, 23 Store. Tel 570 Tim See. merchant tailor, 150 Govern- nuMit Tong Chung, grocer, 59 Fisguard Tuck Chung, gen merchants, 184 Gov- ertunent Wah Chung & Co., merchants, 42 Fis- guard Wall Hing& Co., general merchants, 3G Cormorant Wah Kee, laundry, 47 Pandora av Wah Yun Co., general merchants, 78 Cormoiant Wing ChongCo., merchants, 19 Store Wing L. C, & Bro., boot and shoe mfrs, 158 Covernment opp Pandora ave WingL.G.,& Bros., boot and shoo mfrs, Gl Fisguard Wing On,groccr, 20 Coi-morant Wong Pie Lung, sui-gery and bone setting, 144 Government Yee Yune, & Co., merchants, 28 Cor- morant Yen Chung, licensed cigar mnfr, 52 ('orniorant Ye On, ])a\vn broker, 37 Cormorant Yik Lee, [)rovisious, 72 Cormorant Yuen Lee, merchant, Alley bet Cor- morant and Fisguard Yuen Lung, importer grocer, 39 Cormorant and tH,G2 Cormorant rnorchantH, 135 i9 FiKiriinrd and mIioo mfrw. DIRECTORY AND GAZETTEER, 527 I VER VERNON, A country post office in Okanagan dis- trict. Mail twice a week ; nearest telcgrtipli and railway station Sicniii(>uso,dis SO miles, Steamboat landing Enderby, dis 24 miles. Pop 100. Cameron W. F., fjen store Christian Joseph, hotel Coryell John A., C.E. and Hiirveyor Dewdney N., /government agent Eastwood W. H,, hotel Hanna R. S., teacher and notary Hudson's Bay Co., gen store WELLINGTON ( see also East Wellington), A mining Town at the terminus of the E. & N. Ry., has jiosl and telegraph ottioes. Mails daily- This is a purely mining town, there being no other industries. The output of the mines is carried to Departure Bay, dis 3 miles, by the Company's own narrow gauge road; it has public school and churches. AbraniHon M.. carpenter Anderson A. B., clerk James Harvo}' Andenson Henry, miner Anderson John, miner Anderson Wm., miner Andrews John, miner Axelson Chas., engineer Bajrgot Antoine, miner Bagonia D., miner Bailey Brc-^., miners Baile}' Ed., miner Builey Joseph, miner Bailey R., miner Bailey Thos., miner Biisk Henry, miner Bateman Sam., miner Bates Thos., engineer Boll John, miner Jiolton Tnos., miner Bolyea John, miner Beniddto B., minor Berry 11., miner Bejens Jas., miner CHA Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARR & CO., General Selling Agenta^ 726 CRAIG ST., - MONTREAL. lUnner Chas., minor Black John, miner Blair Henry, miner Blair Joseph, miner Blake J., miner Blakely T., & Co., minors Blunt Alfred, minor Borgan A., miner Borgan Peter, miner Boschi no Louis, miner Boj'ceTiios., miner Breen James, miner Brown — , miner Brown Eakg., miner Brown Geo., miner Brown Wm., minor Bryant Thos., miner Bryce A., miner Brydon Andrew, miner Brydon J.W.,clerkWellington Colliery Brydon John, manager Wellington Colliery Burns Michael, miner Cain James, miner Campbell James, minor Campbell John, miner Campbell M., miner Campo Wm., miner Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraph, W. F. C. Pope, agent Carruthers D., miner Carter F. G., miner Carter Joseph, miner Casley John, miner Cavellier Louis, miner Chadwick Wm., engineer ^■i' !ill 'if' ■ '^^1 u\ I ' 1 528 Henderson's British oolumbia CHK WELLINGTON HIL Cheney W. F., minor Christie rev, ptiHlor Prosbytoiiun eh Clark John, minor Clark Wm., minor Clarkison Alox,, tirunian ClaMl) J., minor Colter H., minor Connor Jamow, minor Conway JamoH, miner Corn Aui^ust, minor Coulter John, minor Cromby Alox., onijinoor Croson Henrj^* minor Cumblier Elias, minor Currie & Flotchor, miners Davis K. L., minor DaviHThos., minor Dement Gilbert, miner Dickenson Hugh, asst manager Wel- lington Colliery Dixon J. D., prop Somerset house Doiids Wm., miner Doyle Andrew, miner Duear Joseph, minor Dudley Elijah, miner Dugan A., miner Dunsmoro Kobt., miner Dunsmuir Alex., of R. Duns- muir & Sons, res San Fran- cisco Dunsmuir James, of R. Duns- muir & Sons, res Departure Bay Dunsmuir Robt., M.P.P., of Dunsmuir & Sons,res Victo- ria City Dunsmuir R., & Sons, props Wellington Colliery Dunstan Wm., miner Bberts D. W., physician Edwards Wm., & Co., miners Ellis Louis, miner Ellis Robt., miner Eslick Joseph, miner Kvans Edward, miner Eenton Wm., loco driver Kilzsimons Ja nes, minor Flemming Louis, miner Foster Joseph, miner Ganzler John, miner (ronvins Wm., minor Gotenger Wm., minor Gemmel T., miner iJ Gillespie John, minor ' Gillie Joseph, miner Giilis D,, miner ■ '■ Gi I mour Joseph, minor '■ Godfrey Amos, minor *- Godfrey Soth, miner Godsworth Thos., bartender Somerset house ..* (Jott Wm., miner GrjuJt Rol)t., of Grant & Co. Grant & Co., saw mill ' Green Jas., & Son, miners Green wall John IJ., miner Griffiths John, miner ■" Griffiths Louis, miner ' * <> Grubb Monk, engineer - Gun nan James, miner Haggart James, foreman No. 3 Shaft Ilaggart Thos., machinist Haigii John, miner Hull Kalph, miner *^ ' Hallow John, miner '■ ' Hand Wm., minor Harris J., miner Harris Richard, miner Harrison K., miner Harrison AVui., nighman JIarroway Sam, miner Hartman NelKon, miner Harvey James, gen store Haskin Goo., miner Havisla Sam., miner Haueth T., miner Hawk Louis, miner Heilino Frank, miner iCiguobrand Augusta, miner Hill James, manager Jas. Harvej', and postmaster E.A N.Ry.y W.F. C.Pope,agent | Hill Matthew, miner DIRECTORY AND OAZETTEER< 529 HOP WBTiLINOTON MOE (ondor Somorsot Hopkins Jacob, & Co., minors Ilovvtt R, minor Hudson Thos., miner Hugo, Gallowjiy & Son, miners Hugo Joseph, miner Hunden Wm., miner Hunter Wm., minor Hysell Henry, minor Jackson Wm., minor Jarvis R., minor Jenkins James, miner John D., engineer Johnston Thos., minor Jones Ed., engineer Jones I. I., miner Jones J., miner Jones J. Q., miner Jones James, miner Jones John B.L., overman No 5, Shaft Jones Mrs. James, wid, gen store Jones Samuel, butcher Jones W., minor Jones Walter, driver Jumes Harvey Karlson I. J., miner Karlson J., miner Kennedy James, engineer Kelly Phillip, machinist KerrWm., miner Kilpatrick Dan., miner Kilpatrick Eobert, livery Kilpatrick Thos., carpenter Kilpatrick Wm., livery King John, miner Kirk Hugh, miner Lang Joseph, miner Lank Thos., miner Lazana P., miner Levill M., miner Lowelyn W., minor Lewis J., miner Lewis W. D., miner Lmdsay W, A., paymaster Welling- ton Colliery Little John, miner Longstaft'A., miner Lonster A., miner Louis Thos. B., miner McAde David, miner LEATHEB BELIB. Juno. Craig and St. Antoine Sta.* MONTREAL. McArthur Duncan, carpenter McCiiiin Thos., minor McCluHky H., minor McDermot Jamos, mi tier Mcdiirgle Chas., minor Mf'Kinlcy Jamos, minor Mclvinnon Archibald, tiroman McLiichlin Chas., miner McLellan J., .miner McLood A., minor McMillan Henry, fireman McMillan J., miner McMurLrio Andrew, minor McNeil W. C, minor McNight Andrew, machinist Madden E., miner Malcur H., minor Malhass Thos., minor Mal|)UH JoHoph, minor Manney k rotter, minors iMan.son Nelson, minor Manuel Wm., miner Marshall All, miner Marshall August, miner Matthews John, miner Mathovvson M., carpenter Mathcwson Mathow, ?niner Matson J., minor Mereier R,, minor Morodith Geo., miner Meredith Thos., miner Metalor — , miner Miller E., & Co., miners Mitchell Goo., miner Morgan John, loco driver Morgan Wm., miner Morland Robt., minor Morris T., miner Morrison Peter, miner ! il! -i \ i 580 HKNDtttSON'S BRITISH OOLtM^tA MOS WELLINGTON THO MossWm., minor Mott Petor, miner Mounce Harrj^ minor Mounce Louiu, of Grant & Co. Murtang Poter, miner MuiHont Andrew, miner Munro J., minor Munro Wm,, minor Nelson Gustavo, miner Nelson John, mason Nelson Steven, minor Nicholson N., miner NoooWm., miner Oleson 0., minor Oleson VVm., miner PaiMley Wm., & Son, minors Parry J,, miner Patton Andrew, minor Pearson John, miner ^ Pearson Wm., minor Penidore John, miner Peters Isaac, miner Petre — , miner Phililps Geo., miner Piccheninni Joseph, miner Plattin Pierre, minor Pope W. F. C, station agent E. A N. Ry. Postmaster, James Hill Presbyterian Ciiurch, rev Christie, pastor Pr ingle Wm., carpenter Rare A., miner ' • Reichalt 0., minor Reid Jus., machinst Reid Stanners, miner Reilly Patrick, miner Renlrey & Co., miners Eenwick Thos., loco, driver Regard Bros., miners Rice Thos., minor Richard & Hughes, miners Richard & Vague, miners Rlchai-ds David, miner Richardson Geo., miner Ricard Thos., miner Roberts Robert, miner Roberts Wm., engineer Robinson John, miner Robinson Robert, miner Rodgers David, miner Rodgers F. O., miner Ronoy Patrick, miner Rooney John, miner RoHs Frank, miner RosH Harry, miner Rudy Paul, miner Rnnoy Dorbj-, miner Kutlit'ord Joseph, miner Sum J., minor Sunders Chas., miner Saunders Dan., miner Suyco Jumcs, minor Scott Robt., overman No. 4 Sha;^ Seals James, minor Second John, miner Shagnot Ed., minor Sharlet Joseph, minor Sharpe James, fireman Shear James, miner ,.i Sliillito Goo., engineer Shore Sam., minor Short Richard, miner Silver James, miner = Simper Nelson, miner • Simpson Wm., miner Siippson W., & Co., minor Slater & Rodgers, minors Smith H., watchman . Smith Thos., miner Smith & Woods, miners Solomoy H., miner Somerset house, J. D. Dixon Spencer A., miner Slake Wm., miner Stepney A., laborer , ' * Stevens O., miner Tupleu Louis, miner . > Taylor Geo., miner Thomus John, tiremun Thomas Jjouis, miner i\ Thompson J. P., miner Thompson James, miner Thompson John, miner Thompson Robt., miner ft DIRSOTOaY AND QAZITTEBB. 5*1 WS YAL lo. 4 Sha?l Thompson Samuel, miner Thompson Thos., miner Trealer John, miner Tunnah Bros., minori* Turner James, miner Vague Thos., miner Vater A., miner Vator F., minor Vater H. A., miner Vater & Jones, minors Vater VV. 11., minor Venolo Peter, miner Wag^ Geo., miner Wall Thos., prop. Wellington hotel Wallace Robt,, miner Watson Geo., miner Webb Moses, barlendor Wellington hotel Webster Chas., miner Wellington Colliery, R. Duns- mulr * Sons, props Wellington hotel, Thos. Wall, prop. )y©stmorland Robt., minor White T., miner Wilkinson Harry, butcher Williams Ed., engineer Williams Geo., miner Wilson James, miner Witchnrch Wm., miner Work James, carpenter Young R., miner WESTMINSTER JUNCTION, On the main line of the C.P.R.; dia 16 miles from Vancouver and 9 miles from New WeBtminster. Fraser W. C, agent C.P.R. Kelly R. B., hotel WARNOCK, A BtatioQ on the mainline oftheC.P.R., 33 miles from Vancouver Evans T., watchman C.P.R. Edison Electric Light System. M. D. BARE & CO., Oenerfti Selling Agents, "^ 72 6 CR AIC ST., ■ MONTREAL, WINDERMERE, A country post office at Windermere Lake, Kootenay district. It is reached by steamer in Slimmer and stage in winter. Nearest railway station and telogrnpli, Gulden, dis 110 miles. Steamboat Landing, Arm- strong. Pop 50. There is a large deposit of copper and silver in the vicinity ; the laud is generally of the richest quality, and the facilities for irrigation cannot be ex- celled. Brady F. J., postmaster and gen store Brady F. J., & Co., gen store Cunimin^s & Preslar, hotel Cummin^s J. H., of Curaminj^s & Proslar Goldie Goo., of F. J. Brady & Co. YALE, A Town on the main line of the C.P.R. 102 miles from Vancouver, on the banks of the Frasor River. Steamers ply r.?gularly betwecr. Yale and New Westminster, has telegraph and express offices. Mails daily. Bossi F. v., & Co., grocers and saloon Creighton 1). J., gen »tore Hudson's Buy Co. Revesbech A. H., saloon Taylor W. J., hotel i\ •i: I !t ' J': ■;i; iM tJ i; **>! ¥t 'P I'l? Iff:- )• i ? I I sta CHESTER'S « CURE. V GQ ^ -=^ 'o O ^ w^ pCJ ra ^^ too ci !3 O a r:> o * BQ CQ a> is, g -♦-3 CQ a IS o o o w l^H m SUNDERLAND HOUSE, St. Lambert Hill. Mr. W. E. Chester. ' Montreal, October 16th, 1684. After suffering from thosa terrible ditieages Axtiiina and Bronchitis, and trying till remedies and several of our best Medical men, I gave up all hope of uettiug well again. When 1 was Induced to try your cure I did so, and got insti: nt relief. I have continued it and am now able to go around and attend to my business ■B well as ever. Wishing you success in your wonderful cure, I remain yours truly, W. Laine.q W. £. Cbebter, Shigawakee, March 27, 1883. Dear Sir : Having tried your Cure for what our doctor pronounces bronchitis, I find that I can get reliei in a few minuter. I am, dear sir, yours respectfully, Anurkw Yoonu, Postmaster, Shigawakee, Co. Bonaventure, P.Q. W, E. Chester, Toronto, Nov. 30, 1832. Dear Sir : I liKve no hesitation in stating that your Asthma Cure is the best I ever came across, and would strongly recommend it toall sutfering from the disease. Yours truly, J.O'Kerfk, Brewer and Maltster. Mr. Chester, Morrisburg, Ont., May IG, 1881. Dear Sir : Your Cure has effected a oompleto cure for me, as I hav« not had a symptom of asthma for one year, and I was afflicted with it for about twenty years I will always fee) grateful to Mr. CieorgQ Hickey, who recommended it to me. Yours respectfully, John Barry. For «ale by all Druggists. Price $1.00 for large, and 60 cts., for small box. If your own druggist has not got it in stock, remit 9 1. 00 by mail and you will receive one box, prepaid, by return. Address 461 LAOAUCHETIERE STREET, MONTREAL. 1 ' — o R p ui . S UI S SK lis Q 5 » < S S sc H PQ ^ to o 3 P !$ t 8 1^ Ul h a: H M o ! >^ Ul b 08 X H ^ III. ])ctober t6th, 188«. [reinedieBandBeveral Lced to try your cure faTtend to my business W. LAINK.O L March i«, 1883- Jidtbtttlcangetrelleli i) Bonaventui'e, P Q- Into, Nov. 30, 1892. Iver came acroBS, and 1 Brewer and MaJtster. |at., May 10. 1881. It had a lymSto'nJ'/ \» tee) grateful to Mr. f JOHN BARBV. own druggist hai not ' Addross ^ J Slonteeal. ■;*,-(3" BRITISH COLUMBIA CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, COMPRISING A CLASSIFIED LIST OF ALL TRADES, PROFESSIONS AND PURSUITS ARRANGED ALPHABETIC ALiiY BY POST OFFICES. Academies. Sisters of St Anne Sacred Heart, Angela College, St. Ann's Convent, Vancouver Victoria Accountants. Kno Wm., Bales J. C, Barridge Geo., Ediuaa Wm. H., Flir.t A. St. G., Sorgison G. A., Siddall Uinkson, Vancouver Victoria « «• Agents— Forwarding. See Forwarding Agents. Agents— General. Adjuster. Wylly C. G., Victoria Agents— Agricultural Implements. Nicholles A; Renouf, Victoria Prior E. G., & Co., Cunningham T., & Sons, New Westminster Vancouver t( victoria II II <( M t* <l New Westminster See Insurance Vancouver II II Victoria Agentb— Assurance. Agents. Agents— Book. Kerr John R., Victoria PhelphW. H., " Agents — Coal. See Coal dealers. Agents — Commission. See Commission Agenit. Agents— Custom House. See Custom House Agents, Agent— Ele«)trio Light See Electric Light. Agents— Financial. See Financial As/enta. Mathers & Mulligan, Home J. W., Scowden H. L., Carmicbael E. B., Bull Wm. K., Garescbe, Green & (/o., Monteith W., Siddall Hinkson, Tbain Edward J., Warren J. D., Agents— Machinery. See Machinery. Agents— Manufacturers. ,, Leonard W, L., & Co., King Chas. R., Mason Ths. G., Richardson & Church, Stevenson J. B., ' Agents —Oils. McArthur, Corneille & Co., Montreal Agents— Pianos and Organs. See Pianos and Orgai.^. Agents— Sewing Machines j Sec Sewing Machinen, %,, . Alabastine Agents. STEPHENS GEO. F. & CO,, Winnipeg See adv oh cover Annunciators f HIBBARD W. C, Montreal. See adv.p.hand corner cards. Appraisers. Dufour W., & Oort Vancouver y 634 Henderson's British Columbia TIMEWELL & SON ArohiteotB> Building Surveyors And Civil £ng>neer8. Designs, Plans and Speci.tcations prepared for all classes of buildings. Tendtrs obtained, and build, ings superintended in any part of the province- Having bad a large experience in the construction of Oraln Elevators and Mills, we ,\re in a position to supply working plans, etc., for tbtse buildings, and the necessary machinery for any capacity, on the shortest notice. Correspondence sr licit ed. No charge for preliminary designs. AKTHUR T. TIMEWET-T, M.C.8., C.E. ARTHUR W. TIMEWUIX. Caldwell Block, Main Street, Winnipeg, Man. Architects. Lee R. H., Clow & MBclure, Grant G.W., King Wm. R., Blackmore W., Crickmav Wnj., HoBar N". S., Hooper Tho8., McCartney AUau E., C. E., Mallandine & Sansom, Twiford Tbs. L., Wickenden CO., BurrisS. C, Clow & Maclure, ., DonoTaa P. H., ''" Fisber & Wilson, Maclure S., Mallandine E., Sorbry Thos. C, Trimen L. B., Karalnops New Westminater Vancouver (< u u u Victoria « M II II ■|». 11 Architects— Naval. ' Smith Alexanders., Vaacouver Artiflcal Limbs. QROSB F., MARKS A. A., Montreal. See adv p. 9 New York. See Adv p. t Artist. Roberts Thos. H., Vancouver Art Oallery. HaHiman T. R., Vancouver Artists Materials. DODS P, D. & CO,, Montreal. See advp 2^ Asbestos and Phosphates- FENWICK & SCLATBR, Montreal. See adv on/ace q/ book. Assayers. Brodemeyer W., Sutton Wm. J., Vancouver Victoria Auctioneers. Rich H., Trapp T. J., & Co., Dufour W., A Co., Webster Wa., Byrnes C, Clarke Capt W. R., Davis J. P., & Co., Ladner's Landing \ New Westminster Vancouver (( Victoria II Auditors. See Accountants, Bakers. Andrino A., Schenck Frank M., Smith J. 8., Adderton & Irving, Ritchie James, Webb W. E., fiarvey Mrs., Kelly James D., Diebel Albert, (ireen Bros., Blake J. P., Campbell & Martin, Frick Harry, Greaves Bros., McFarlane J. F., Sciiitto John, Cox John, HarJinfl: Tho., King Samuel E., I itpierre Horace, McMillan Bros., Sheppard Isaac, Russell & Ward, Smith W. R., Wilson John J., Young M. & L., f..« ■ps Nanaimo II li « New Westminster <l <4 Revelstoke Vancouver 11 <i II K II Victoria II II II «i « II If II Bags— Linen and Ciotton. CANADA JUTB CO., Montreal. See advp Bankers. Bewicke & Wulffsohn Gares<!he, Green dc Co., Vancc'-A;^^ Victor] i ' )hates- a, Montreal. See ''ancouver rictoria 9. jadner'8 Landing [^ew Westminster Vancouver (( Victoria ii it nouniants. t'>.il ■ps Nanaicao ti New Westminster <( " Revelstoke Vancouver (I i( i< -r- Victoria 11 « <( ic i( (( II <( Ck)tton. lontreal. Seeadvp Vance- A-^ Victoria ^ CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIBEOTOBT. ^H Banks. 0. Bau. ofB. K^., Bank of B. 0., Bank of Montreal, Bank of British Columbia, Bank of Montreal, Bank of British North America, " Bank of British Columbia, v ictoria Bank of BritUh North America, '- Nanaimo New Wegtmiiuiter « (( Vancouver BA RBIMPBBS-amtifiwed. Barbe?r8. Byshe Fred W., Oohen & Graham, Cooper A. 0., Bades H., Mead G., Small Geo. R., Engleman V., King John Henry, Lafond Alfred, Lambert Joseph, Mozely Prof., Scurry H. T., Winters R. K., Bode P., Chase N. W., Fried Herman, Geiger & Becker, Kosche Carl, North Geo., Paine Fred., Vigelius Bros. I Whittaker Wm., Harrison Springs Nanaimo New Westminster « it <( « cc « Vancouver « (I (( u u ti Victoria (( ' Ii At/ it Barristers. Atkinson T. 0., Bole W. N., QC, Gberiy J, B., Corbould * McGall, Townlej T. O., Black Tbos. T., Blake John Joseph, Boultbee John, Corbould & McCall, Drake, Jackson & Helmcken, Hamersley Alfred St G., .McPhilips & Wilkes, Muir Andrew C, Richards S. 0., Russell J. A., Yates it Jay, Tuck Francis H., Belyea E. A., Davie & Pooley, Drake, Johnston & HelmcKen, Eberta & Tavlor, Fell riicrnto'u, Hett J. R., Johnson E. M., Mills S. P.. Walker F. G., Walls J. P., Wilson Chas., Yates & Jay, Baths. Mozely, Prof. Scurry H. T., Vigelins Bros., ; Whittaker Wm., New ^estmlostw u u u Vanooaver Ii ii u Victoria ii ii ii Vancouver Ii Victoria it ti Scoullar R., Nanaimo Belting. ROBIN & SADLER, Montreal. Seeadv Robin & Sadler, LEATHER BELTING. f 29 Bay St, 2518, 2520 & 2522 NOTRE DAME ST., TORONTO. MONTREAL. •^"^ DEALERS » IN III -3fc--^ ^gCOTTOK & BUBBEE BELTING. » 636 Henderson's British Columbia Biscuit and Cracker Bakers. m 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 '2 I Kesbitt, Dickson & Co., Smith M. R., Victoria Blacksmiths. OomurkjB., Lehman Isaac, Burritt A. T., Mercer John, MeLean & Co., Starr John- H., Fisher J., McKenzie John W., Smith James, Brown Wm , B'.achfurd Henry, Jlendenning John, Goddart Geo., Craig Ralph, Rennick & Home, Cunningham Geo., Ovens Thos., Reid & Currie, Dowry James, Street John, Carson A , O'Rouike R., Johnston Aaron, Peebles John, Starr John, Peebles John, Forbes Isaac, McNabb A. T., MitchvU John, Moodman Thoa, F., Conlin M. J., Ledingham Bros., McGregor, Knight McKenzie J. R., McLean John, Meeston John, Robertson John, Boarding Houses. Black Mrs. J. E. N., Backer Miss. R., Yeo Mrs. M. J., Foley C, Harrisson Robt, Leslie Mrs. J., Livingston James, Spear John, Walker Miss Eliza, Bittancourt Mrs. B., Ferguson Mrs. L. E., Hall Mrs. E., Jenkinson Mrs. E., Jorand U., Langley Miss E^, McDonell Mrs. R. J., Mason Mrs. G., Ashcroft t( Chilli whack u Clinton Clover Bar Coble Hill Comox Coutlee Johnston's Lndg. Lytton Macpherson's Langley Nanairao « New Westminster Parksville Quamichan \^uesnelie Quelchena Spence's Bridge kStAuley Surry Centre Van Winkle Vancouver K Victoria &McKittrick, " « New Westminster (I ^ u t,t' « ' « Vancouver « II << 11 Victoria II II « Ik It u To Prevent Boiler Explosions , AND OTHER ACCIDENTS TO STEAM ^' BOILERS, INSURE WITH ' The Boiler Inspection k Insurance Company OF CANADA. SIR ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, K.C.M.Q., Lieut.-Oovemor of Ontario, Presideiit. JOHN L. BLAIKIE, ESQ., Vice-P«e8idbnt. QEti. C. ROBB, ALEX. ERASER, Chief Enoikrer. Sbc'y-Tbbas. HEAD OFFICX: Toronto St., TORONTO. ARTHUR STUART, Agen.t Winnipeg. BOARDING HOC»ES. Revere F. G. Richards, Saunders J., .■>trachan Mrs. E., Swv r Miss, Truwen Mrs. H., Whittakcr Mrs, M., Wright Miss K., -Cvntinued. Victoria ii « ; U II II Boat Builders. Woodward A., Linton Andrew, Matbeson Wm., Jones T., Ladner's Landiug Vancouver " * u (I r- Victoria Boiler Covering. See II M FENWICK&Sr!LATER, Montreal. adv, Boiler Inspectors. THE BOILER INSPECTION & IN- SURANCE CO. See adVjpbW Boner Makers. B^USH OEO., Montreal. See adv,p 10 Albion Iron Works Co., Victoria Godfrey Wm., Robertson John, Bookbinders. Roedde Q. A., Miller Munro. Williams R. T., Booksellers and Stationers, Rently Wales, Karoloops Pimbury E., & Co., Nanaimo Raper. Raper it Co., " Hall Zed. 8., New Westminster LyalD^&Co., Morey H., 4 Do., Peebles M., Vancouvey Victoria i< II II II II l( II [plosions O STEAM ' [TH nee CompaDj I.C.M.G., , Pbgsioent. CE-PBE8IDBirr. FRASEB, Sbc'y-Tbeas. ., TORONTO. ,t Winnipeg. . i (inued. ''ictoria (( (( i( i( (( u idner's Landtug mcouver ctoria OtASSIFl^D BUSINESS DIREOTOBT. 537 L. Montreal. See •8. ION & IN- e adVfP 539 I adv, p 10 :toria II « ncnuvep itoria u lonera. ]loop3 laimo 1 1( Westminster II II II BOOKSBIiLERS ANDSTATIONBR§- Continued. Harrison W., Tliomson Bros., Tilley S. T., Wood & Charlton, Hibben T. N., & Co. Jamieson Rubt., Waitt M. W., & Co., RolUnd J. B., & Fils, Vancouver M II 11 Victoria' II II Montreal Illicellewaet Kamluops II ifanaimo 11 New Westminster Boots and Shoes— Wholesale. Ames, Holden Co. (Ld ), Victoria HTMAN C. S., & CO., London, Ont. See adv,p 19 Boots and Shoes— Retail. Mclntyre Hngli, McQuarrie Donald, Quinn Lawrence, SaiiihJ. P., Hughs Edward, Whitfield Bros., Fox & Ross, Grant & Maclure, Johnston Wm., Loys W. C, Rousseau James, . Wintermute A. B., Allan 6. L., Heimerle H. F„ & Co., Jones George J., Miles R., Baker Joseph H., Dalby W., mgr., Erskine A. B., Fullerton John. Hilbert Richarcl, Irving Bros , Mansell Henry, Maynard Geo H., Maynard James, Maynard Richard, I-- fr •t ■ II 4 II Vancouver ii 1': II Victoria II Ii II i J Brewers and Maltsters. Mahrer John, Nanaimo Aodrzejewski J. W., & Co.,' New Westminster Wright & Jameson, Rendola A., 11 ii Sftvontt's Ferry Doering Cbas., Vancouver Reister Roht , II Williams John, II Carter & Ferris, Victoria Fairbrother Geo., II <*owen C & Suns, << Hasenfratz & Lawaon, ii.. Leahy Johti, Loewen & Erb, II II Zoelle Chas., <i Briok Manuflaoturers. Manahan Bros., New WestminsteY Port Haney II « Becke-,t & Co, Haney Thos., McLean Johuj « « O'Brien Elroy, " « Biitchard & Kasure, Port Moody Vancouver Brick Co , Carter & McFarland, Vancouver ETumber M-, Victoria Elt'ord & Smith, " Bridges— Iron and Composite. DOMINION BRIOOB CO., Montrtiat See adv p 31 Brokers. Custom Home. Victoria II Engelhardt J. F. B., W^ldeChas., Brush Manufacturers. Dougherty G. ^ J., Victoria STEPHENS a. F., & CO., Winnlpe|^. See adv on cover. Builders. See also Contractors, Kamloops Vancouver II Victoria HILL STILMAN C, Lawor Wm.j McKay Alex., Fullerton W. P.j Burlaps. THE CANADA JUTE CO., Montreal.' See adVfP 665 Butchers, Douglas Lake Cattle Co.| Hull, Trounce & Co., Black George, McKinnon P., Hull, Trounce if Co., McKee & Sons, . Baker G., & Son, Urightman S., Hodgson E., guennell G., ickenson R., Van Volkenburgh Bros., Hull, Trounce $ Co., Broad & Nevard, Gramer Jacob, Grant & FaWcett. " Hayes & Mcintosh, Lepage k Secord, Nelson John T., York & Bangs, I Van Volkenourg Bros., Douglas Laktf Donald Hastings lUecillewaet Kamloops , ,. Ladner's Landla|f Nanaimo Ii II II New WestminstflV II II Revelstoke Vancouver If II K II • • Ii II » ,1! U II *>>'■ 538 BENDSRSON's BRITISH COLUMBIA BUTCHERS -Continued. Goodacre Lawrence, Mitchell & Hick, Parker John, Porter Robt., Smilow Henry, Van Volkenbiirgh & Bro., Jones Samuel Victoria u Wellington Cabinetmakers. Wintermute Bros., New Westminster IRVING & STRAHAN, Vancouver McKee Wm. C., «< Shelton & Co., '< Taylor W. J., « Canners and Fish Packers. Aberdeen Alberni Alert Bay <( « Inverness <i (( (i « M U u « (( Lulu Island (t (I Matlakahtla New Westminster it u tt Wee-Kay-No Windsor Canning Co., Barclay Sound Fishing Co., Alert Bay Canning Co., Nimpkisb Cannery, Spencer S. A., Inverness Cannery, British American Packing Co., Ladner'sLanding Delta Canniner Co , Fraser River Fishery Co., Harlock & < o., canners, Ladner T. B., canners, Wad hams & Co., Wellington Packing Co., English & Co., Toad J. H., & Son, Matlakahtla Cannery Co., Delta Cau'iing Co., £wan & Co., Standard Cannery, Laidlaw & So., PORT D. W., & CO., Gowan & Shaw, Drainery C, Drainery M., HartM., McDowell—, ' McNeil Alex., Saunders H., ' Shotbolt, Hnrt & Co., Richmond Cannery Co., River Inlet Cannery Co., British American Packing Co.,Skeena Cunningham Robt., " fluson & Eiison, Victoria Inverness Salmon Cannery, " North Pacific Cannery Co., " Carpenters and Joiners. Bishop & Sherbune Vicioria Fee k Jones, Ford John, Wilson P., Carpet Layers and Makers. Smith Bros., Vancouver u II M II M U' u « II II II II II I( Richmond Island River's Iniet i( « New Westminster t( It Vancouver Victoria u II It II Carpets— Wholesale and Betail. MACDONALD JOHN, & CO. See adv, p 3 Toronto. Carriage Makers. Reid & Currie, Sulley J. E., B. G. Carriage Works, B. Cree'man, •McNabb A. T., Winch Frank R., Barker & Hewlings, Dempster & Beek, Giles Geo. P., Grimm Wm., Ledingham Bros., McKenzie S. R., • " Mables Wm., ■ « Powell Wm., 11 Weston John, • m , Carriage Faints. STEHEPNS G, F., & CO., Winnipeg. See adVf on cover Chemists and Druggists. Dawson, Bole & Co., Clarke k Co., McCartney W. E., Attwood R. J.W., Blakeway Geo. H., Pembury E., & Co., Curtis D.S., Herring A. M., Peele Adolphus, McAlpin D. L., Dodd Wm.. McAlpine I). L., McCartney F. 0., McDowell H.. & Co., Morrow & McDowell, Nelson Chas., Sorensen, Herbing A Co., Tierney John, Campbell D. C. Jackson W., & Co., LANGLBY & CO. See adv on hack of book, Moore & Co., Morrison Geo. Shotbolt Tbos., Teague John, jr.. Donald Kamloops (I Nanaimo <{ New Westminster » « II II Revel stoke Stanley Vn,ncouver i< II •» -.1 II II Victoria II II II II II i China Cups & Sauncers. HODGSON SUMNER, & CO., Winnipeg. See adv. on cover. Cider ManufEUJturer. Savory Wm , Vicioria Id Retail. CO. *s. w Westminster ncouver « (C Btoria II •< (( « K (( <l (( s. 0., Winnipeg. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREOTORT. 639 gists. nald ^mloopa naimo V Westminster 'elstoke ley :ouTer It « « 'Oria « (< <c (( <( !ers. JO., )r. oria Cigar Manufacturers. DAVIS S., & SONS. See adv on cover, Montreal Oable Philip, • Nanaimo Harling J., Mainland Cigar Factory, Wm. Tietjen, Morgan, Quick & Co., Bantley M., Levy J. L., prop T. & L., Kurtz & Go., Levy B., u New Westminster Vancouver Victoria u' Cigars and Tobaccos. See also Tobacconists Clothiers and Outfitters— Ratail. also Merchant Tailors. See Bell Tom, Hilbert Richard, Lewis John, Grey George, Ross M., Campbell Malcolm L., King Atwell, Lang Cbas., McNaughton Donald, Miller & Co., Campbell Frank, Fish Robt. W., Glendenning John, Golding B., Graham Tbos. M., GuUekson John, Hart David, Holness James, Lambkin C. H., McDonald Peter, Nathan W., Salmon H. L., Whetstone Abraham, i' Nanaimo (I (( New Westminster Vancouver u « Victoria " r (< (( . « ' tt U Davis & Beveridge, Phillips J. fc., Abrams & McLean, Cope & Young, ,,;?• Gilmour & Clnrk, Gordon Geo. R., Johnston Rdj ' ' Johnston & Tyson, Kirschberg h Landsberg, Cameron W, G., Green David, Jeffree W. G., Larbonne Joseph, Lewis Lewis, McLean & Stewart, Saforcade Frank, Waller Henry, Williams B., & Co., Wilson W. k J., Civil Engineers. McVittie A. W., P.L. S., McViitie Thos. T., P.L.S , Heyland & Planta, Hill Albert J., Woods, Turner & Gamble, Bell Irving Henry, Cambie H. J., Crickmay Wm.. Fripp Roht. McK.. Garden, Herman k Borwell, BurkO.VV., Dereveux W. E., Hargraves Geo., Ralph W., Sooimerfield Peter, Coryell Joan A., Fairmount Springs Nanaimo New Westminster t< u Vancouver i( <i Ii Victoria Vernon Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver « « Victoria « {( u tt tt a Clothiers— Wholesale . Pearson T. B., & Co., Shorey H., & Co., Victoria « Coal Oil. Standard Oil Co., Vancouver Coal Oil Stoves. McCLARY MNFG. CO. See adv on back cover. Cofibe and Spice Mills. Stemler & Earl, Victoria Colleges and Universities. St. Louis, J. M. McGuckin, O.M.I., superior. New Westminster Angela College, Ladies, Victoria FACULTY McQILL UNIVERSITY, Montreal. See adv, p. 16 Commission Merchants. Millard C, T , Arkell Hy., Clark T. W., Crowder & Penger, Henderson Bros., Leonard W. L, & Co., New Westminster Vancouver (C 640 Henderson's British oolvhbia A.H.B.MACGOWAN, VANCOUVER, BC- Bepreeen'inflr— Converse Cordage and Bag Works, Montreal. Moncton Sugar Hefining Co., Monctoii, N.B. Empire Tobacco Co., Montreal. Acme Coffee and Spice Co., Montreal. Grenfell Chj'ese Co., Grenfell, N. W. Ter. Clark's Canned Goods. Montreal. Metropolitan Rolling Mills, Montreal. Lang Biscuit an<l Confectionery Co., Montreal. Francis Peck, Winch & Co. Teas, London & China. Canada Meat Preserving Co. London and Lancashire Life Imnrance Co., Lon- don, England. romnilSSlON atKRCMAKTS.— continued. MacGowan A. H. B., Mills Robt. J , Reynell Waller, Robertson & Co., Skene W., Smith Nevin, Clearihue J. & A., Cowan, Shaw & Co., Findlay, Durham k Brodie, Gray A. B., 4 Co., King Chas. R., McLachlan Bros., Turner, Beeton & Co., Walker Henry Geo., Ward Robt., & Co., , .*. Welch, Rithet & Co., Wilson John, Ck>nfiectionerf(. Vancouver Victoria u tt McRugh Sam., Redgrave & Ella, Tappin W. J., Lawrence A.. Lilly Herbert A., Vancouver Victoria « u Contractors. HILL 8TILMAN C. McGillivery & Little, Noble Andrew, Sinclair & Co., Mesher Geo., Ackerman Bros , Burns E., McCrady P. W., Stride E , Turnbull Geo., Hack A. L., Miller Chas., Kamloops u Kootdnay Nanaimo New Westminstdr « N U «( i( l< u u Surry Centre ESTABLISHED 1808. ^^^ WATER PROOF, '^^.*S.-S In M (he tin* ud M th« labor of uir ethw «aj. rastaorMtUe. It li an BeAaaailMd ud DUBABLB SVB8TITITTB IbrPLABTBKonwaUi. Onaantal CABPBT8 and BV«8 of lama material, akeaiMr ■»! wtter (baa OU Ctotiif. (IT"'"''! ' ^mmv\mWtu». A. M. INGEBSOLI., ViBDBN. Agent for Man. and N. W. T. CON TR A COrORS— Con^inuecf. Armstrong — , Bell k Taylor Boyd Tho9. H. , Cameron — , Connacher Robt., Cook Edward, Foil is George, Foubert Frank, Fox James M., Fung John, Gellie John A., Goodmurphy C., Hartney James, Hemphill Robt., Higgins Eli, Janes Thos. J., Keefer k McGiiliTrar, Kerrep James A., Little Frederick, Lucas Wm. P., McAllister Donald, McClenathen P. A., McDonald Edward J., McDonald James, McDonald J. G., McLellan Angus, McNeil John R., Middlebrook k Taylor, Muir Water, Munro John, Oben Philip, Ouderkirk H. G., Papin' Joseph S., Ray George, Sane John, Senlell Fred. W., Shaver k McDonald, Spring Thos. &, Stanford James, Vancouver (( t( <( u II It II u II u II II <l II l( u u II II II II II II It It li U II It <i i( II M II II II II 11 n OLAStlFIED BUDINESS DIRBOTORT. 54t rsee. iMMferMTM* PAtOlt HSikM rwaj. 9aMa«| uulDUBABLB **i> akeapar ■»! ISmvlMrrMk SEBSOLL, VlBDBN. n. and N. W. T. iDcouver (I u a (( (i u a i< i( it (( C( (i II a 11 « (C IC a <i <{ (C <i (I <i u u It <( it 11 II 11 11 II 11 u CONTRACTORS— C^tinued. Stephenson St McCraney, Stevens John, Thompson k Allisi , TomkiDs Tboa., Turnbnll Wm. West J. H.j, Westcott W, S., Wilband John T., Auld James, Baker James. Bittancourt A. R.* Bond Willis, Burgess J. r„ Bnrkholder Wm. H., Elford John^ Fraser James Gillespie — . Hagerty John, Harrison James B., Holland J., Irvine Wm., Kinsman John, Luney W., McDonald Hugh, McPhee D. N., McKillican & Anderson, Milne Alex. H., MofiFtit Thos.j Northcote W. W., Smith & C\Mk, Stelly Geo.,Br., Styles S. T., Wlthrow David, Vancouver ii II II II II . <i ii Victoria <t ii .. - :»*.! It ir (I i( a .,-... -,in, ...... I« . > M :.i ■.,«r (t ■„ «r a • "«> ti U Coal Merchants. East Wellington Goal Co., East Wellington Vancouver Coal Mining ti Land Oo. (Lim.), Nanaimo Henderson Bros., Vancouver Wood worth James H., k Co., " Wellington OoUiery, R. Duns- muir k Sons, Victoria Drake W. T., , « Hall, Goepel k Oo., Jones Wm., Vic. Coal, Wood k Lumbet 06., Hallette C. E., Noble H., Walker Walter, <i K il ii « II Coopers. Victbris a Cotton Belting. ROBIN & SADLER. See adv, p. Montreal Cotton and Woolen Mill Supplies. LESLIE JAMES. See adVf comer cardt Montreal Custom House Agents. Crockery. Sehl J. J., Donald Bros., Robson Chaa., Sinclair M., Abrams k Co., ' Clark Gbas., Diplock Arthur B., Sehl Jacob, Jewell H., Powell Geo., k Co., Simpson Geo. L., Weiler John, Curios- Indian Bazaar, J. Isaacs & Co., Victoria Dairymen. See Brokers Nanaimo New Westminster a il u (I Vancouver (I il II Victoria K ii il Engclhardt Paul, Sptfilfabaltz ChArles, Cork Manufacturers— Corks, Bungs, etc. AULD JOBN. See adv, p. 9, Montreal. Oomlce ManufiEtotureYs. McLenoaa ft 1*661^, Victoria Esquimau New Westminster Vancouver Victoria ii Ashley Thos., Cutters., Keith B., Eligb k Mason, Clark W. J., McConnell Joseph W., Dancing and Deportment. Oliver Wm. J., Victoria Deaf and Dumb Institution. B. C. School for Deaf Mutes and the Blind, Victoria Dentists. New Westminster ii <i Brown 0. B.C., Welsh F., SmiihE. A., " « Fowler Chas B., Vancouver Gatewood Chas. H., D.D.S., « Quinn Thos. F., Hall Lewis, Hartman S. M., Haughton J., Jones T. G., & Sons, v Quinlan W. J., Verrender R. F., West A. 0., it Victoria u II • « II il II Detectives. Dunatoa V. T., Victoria I !i I l! 1 I 1 .1 t 1 -■'( 'i r. p. , : ■ ^ S42 Henderson's British Columbia Die ICakers, Cutters and Sinkers. Phillips Wm. H., Victoria Diving. Roberts, Richard & Llewellyn, Vancouver Drain Pipes. CURRIB W. & F. P. Montreal See adv, p 361 Dressmakers McGregor Mrs. J. 0., Jennings Miss A. E., McDonqfall Miss B., Small Mrs. Kate, Alcock Mrs. W. O., Brown Miss Mary, Cameron Miss B. L., Oendron Mrs. G., Jervis Mr*. C, Mnrcheson Miss K., Sentell Miss Mary, Small Miss H., Sumners Miss F., Anderson Miss H. C, Baker Mrs. T. W., Bates Mrs. Andrew, Grabb Mi^is, Davey Miss, Eriandron Miss J., Estes Misses M. F. & A. E., Ireland Mrs M. C., Jackman Miss B., Jenkins Miss M., Kerg Miss, Le Prince Mrs. V. A., Marks Moses, Morrison Miss A., " Russell Miss S., «-'-.,. Siffort Mrs. A., Smith Mrs. F., Tupper Mrs. B., Wright Mrs. F. W., Nanaimo New Westminster «( « It (I Vancouver (( (i (t .■' .■»' - u Victoria <i u It « II II u •. I' •»•■ « 11 It II Druggists. See Chemista and Druggists. Dry Goods— Wholesale. MACDONALD JOHN, & CO. See adv p 3 Toronto ROSS GEO. D., Sk CO. Montreal See adv, p 19 Gray A. B., & Co., Victoria Lenz ti Leiser, <' Strouss 0.,& Co., « Dry Goods— Retail. Kamloops Nanaimo II New Westminster Rae, (I 11 u l< II It 11 « <l <l II II II Vancouver « "j: Brown John L., Aaronson B., & Co.; Bullock Arthur, Perkins W. H. S., Richardson & Horner, Drysdale & Co., Eliard James, it Cq^ Globe House. Mrs. W. McDonough Ghas., Ogle, Campbell & Co., Rae Mrs. W., Tesch B. H., Walker & Shadwell, Brown & White, Clute J.S ,& Co., Cope & Young, Cowderoy John J., Wilson Geo. I., Aspdin Ed., Brown & White, Buckett Wm., Craft W., Haugbton & Co., Hutcheson & Co., Lindsay & Pettit, Millington E. W., O'Reilly Wm., Partridge John, Shears A Page, Spencer David, Wilson Wm., & Co., Young Henry, & Co., Dyers and Scourers. Allison James, Victoria Earthenware Manufacturers. See China, Glass and Earthenware. Electric Light Machines. BARR M. D., & CO., Montreal S^e adv, corner cards THE HIBBARD ELECTRIC MFO. & SUPPLY' CO., Montreal. See corner cards and p. 6 THE R07AL ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., Montreal. See adv, p 32 Express Companies. British Columbia Express Co., Victoria Dominion Express Co., " Northern Pacific Exp. Co., E. E. Blackwood, agt., Victoria Wells, Fargo & Co., Garesohe, Green & Co., agents, Victoria Eng^e Builders. BRUSH GEO., Montreal. See adv, p 10 The Albion Iron Works, Victoria II II II II Victoria i< II II II II It II ii <i II II II II Retail. Kamloopa Nanaimo « II New Westminster i< « i( i< 11 It u (( It tt tt (t Vancouver « Victoria K II II II II I* M l< (I II U II II iirers. Victoria cturers. See 'thenware. tchines. treal S^e adv, ?RIC MFO. & i. /See corner PRIC LIGHT e adi;, j» 32 tnies. I Victoria ). E. Blackwood, le, Green & Co., era. See adv, p 10 ctoria CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREOTOBT, 543 "^\ij-i-LL' I 1 1 1 ^ I 1 1 1 :_:, 1 I rry ■* J—* Mechanica &Generab WOOD ENGRAVING ': 10 King ST East, Toronto. Engravera. Victoria It Crowther George, Philippa Wm. H., JONES J. L., Toronto^ See adv, p 643 WALKER J. H., Montreal. See adv, p 565 Engraver Tools. MILLARD H. R., Montreal. See adv, p 14 Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. See Dry Goods. Peebles M., Prior Mra. P. L., Miller Mrs. A. & A., Andean Wm., Bickford Mrs. W., Fields Mrs. L., Gribble H., Lemm Irving, Russell Mrs. J., Vigor Mrs. M. A., New Westminster V Hncouver << Victoria a II II II •I (I Dry Goods— Wolsale. MACDONALD »^HN, & CO., Toronto See adv, p 3 CAMPBELL SPBRA A CO,, Winnipeg. See adv, p 547 HODGSON, SUMNER & CO., Winnipeg See adv on back cover Feed Stores. Fewster & Co., Vancouver Vancouver Wharfage and Storage Co.,Vancouver Baker R., A Son, Victoria Brackman & Ker, " File and Rasp Manufacturers. FEN WICK & SCLATBR, Montreal. See adv on/ace qfbook Fire Alarms— Electric. HIBBARD W. C, Montreal. See adv,pli Fire Hose. FENWICK & SCLATBR, Montreal. See adv on/ace oj book Fish Exporters. PORT D. W., & CO. See adv, NeV Westminster Fish— Fresh, Smoked, &c. Vianen W. H., New Westminster Lunderhurg & Becar, Vancouver Tolligb John, Victoria Vaio & Brooks, " Vienna Geo., «' Fishing Tackle. Fox M. & H. A., Pardo E., Short Henry, Victoria Dealers in NEW WESTMINSTEB. B.C., and TORONTO, ONT. !1 ' 1 M Henderson's bbitish Columbia JOHN WILSON. CHAIN MERCHANT, riNTYRE BLOCK, MAIN ST-, WINNIPEG. P. O. Box 778. Wheat, Oats & Barley Bought at Current Varke^ Piice or Sold on Commission. Liberal advances made on consignments. Correspondence invited, Financial Agents. TECEl Vancouver Victoria Bewicke & Wulflfsohn. Baker E. C, Richard F. G., jr., Flags and Ensigns of all Nations. dONNll THOS , Montreal. .See adv, p 18 Florists. Oowie - , Hi^gins John T., Luscombe Tho?.,' McTavish Oea A., Flour Mills. Cornwall Brog., Harper T., Hance Fra , Twentyman A., Columbia Roller Mills, Woodward Thos., ShuBwap Millinff Oo.> Eagle Chas. B., Lee Wm. Victoria Ashcroft CAche Greek Cbilcoten Dog Creek Enderbj Lower Nicola Kam loops 150 M'ile Houae Pavilion F WBOLKSALB Dealers in Early ) Choice Calif orulaV Fruits. > Head Offlce. Corner WharF L Fort Streets. VictoHii B, C. iHome Grown B. Columbia Fruits a Specialty. We Pa<!lc our Fruit in the most Improved style, having all the facilities of the Ka^t, and having made arrangeuients at Headquarters for lowest posHible Express Kates can sell at bottt>m figures. Terms to the trade, C. O. D.,l5 day«i on large •hlpmentii. ... Fruit Dealers. Kamloops Nanaimo New Westminster « *( tt u Vancouver i< u Fortune Wm., TranquriM FlourSwiS; Miller Munro, yiHiiiM THE CANADA J'SittCO;; tftfritreal. Seg adv,p 5(35 Founders. Law Robt., New Westminster V^Bcouver Citj Foundry, Va ncouver Albion Iron Works. ♦^rj- WilsonBfcs., -=*?"* See adv, p 10 Campbell John, Sinclair Gkorge, Cavalsky Geo. E.', Uorring Henry, Robson Chad. J., Roxberry Mrs., Williams E. M:., Bander Geo., Canning John, Foster Mrs. C, Pranks Z., Harris Sinclair, Izen L., LeBourdais Mrs., McHugh Sam.', McMillan W. J., Moore H. G., Paterson A. J., Peake James, Perkins Wm,, Waterman & SummersL Wildman A. V., Winch Richard V., Wright Alfred W., Beauchamp R., BookOdvalla B., Bo'#^e> PrStt^' , , ^ .Bsarm^ doiityMpiA fruit co., jAiraBItadlff SltOd.. Agts. see adi>,p Brown Petei" , ,,, Victoria Biiij^^w?.H.,A;pi^v ;; Clearihue J. k A"*., " ClusbmaaMrs. C, " Lilly Herbert A., '* McKenzie M. J.y " Nash B., ". Roger C. W., " 86ril6n Henfy, if Vaio & Brooks, " li i< ti It a tt II II II i< Victoria (I (I ^ FRUIT GO. streets, Victoria* B.C. SHome Grown B. Columbia Fruits a 8p«olalty. lOBt Improved style, ) Ea^t, and having luartora for lowest fit bottcm tlgurea. ).,I5 day<i on large rs. Kamloops Nanaimo New \i7estmiDster (I « K Vancouver M u II i< ti II II II 11 II 11 II Victoria II II PRUIT CO., gts. See adi, p 'ictoria II II IC IC 11 (I u If i( OLASSIFIKD BUSINESS DIRECTORT. 646 Purs- -Raw. Boskowitz J. & A', Moss Uorris, Ullman Joseph, Victoria II ii Fur Dressers and Dyers. Clouston A., Winger Jolm, Victoria 11 Furnace Builders. THB B. & C. aURNB7 CO. (Ld.) Winnipeg. See auv. on back cover Furniture. Kamloopa Nanaimo Nevr Westminster II a Vancoityer 11 .'« . ., ■.;|^. ■ II Victoria II II ill" n Gordon Bros., Helbert J.. Hodgson T., tSelil J. J., Lord John E , Peebles Peter, Hart.P. W., Hutcuings & McFarlane, McKenzie Angus, Sebl Jacob, Shelton &„Go., Cherry & "Creech Hastie Sc Loclihan, Kerr Wm., S hi Jacob, Shore & Anderson, Simpson Geo. L., Weiler John, Gasfltters. See Plumbers and Gasfitters Oasfitters* Supplies. See Plumbert^ and Gasfitter^ Supplies. General Stores. Agassiz Mrs., Bfurclay Sound Fishing Co., Saunders F. G., Jackman Philip, Shortrand Robt , jr., Aleri Bay Canning Co., Hall A. J., Hunt Bros., McGinnis John, Bailey W. V. B., Cornwall Bros., Foster F. W., Kirkpatrick P., Mason Joseph, Rogers S. A., Akerman Joseph, Rogers N. U., Clayton John, Dart H. B., Agassiz Alberni 11 Aldergrove Alert Bay 11 II Alexandria Asbcrott ' II II II BarkerrillQ II Beaver Point II 11 Bella Bella Boston Bar OBNRIIAL aTOKKM- GalhrHith, Grant St Cook, Hudson's Hay Co.,' Porter James, Hance Joseph, Hewen & Nightingale, Notliev Dan., Ashwell G. R , Everton George, i Henderson Bros., Tierimn H. W., Bell E., Foster F. W., Uiclinrdson Arthur, Bentiey & Swan, Holmes J. 11., McPhee Joseph, Corfield Geo T., OrdanoG.B., Richardson R. B-, Davis L., ^ Ferland Mrs. S., McMilUn Arcl)., Manuel & Ruttan, Preswell G. H., Sieen J. C, k Co., Place Joseph I., English Mrs. John, Keneer J. W., Westwood \V. J., Harvey Oliver, AV heat I and Jacob, Hunt Bros., Galbraith R. L. T., Lang Robt., Morgean B., Cook k Co., Thompson w. T., Hudsons Bay Co., Silva James, Taylor Fred., Wardle James, Green Bros., Laraey Daniel, >.' Hawkins Thos,, Lacroix Gabriel, T re the way Mrs., Wade F. E.. Hudsons Bay Co., Mara J. A.., Megaw W. R., Scuitto jc Co., Smith R. E., Copeland John, Libby G. A. Veith & Borland, Price B., Crosier J. C, Bath Joseph, Blackett & White, Guichon L., I Hanck G., I McNeely T., Continued. Cbemainus Ii II Cbilcoten II II Chilliwhack II II • <• Clinton II Clover Bar Comox II u Goi field Cowichan II Donald ti II II Dog Creek Douglas Lake l> •! East Wellington Enderlv Field * Port Rupert Fort Steele Golden II Granite Greek II II • Hope II lUecillewaet II Inverness Johnson's Landins i« II ^^ •< II Eamloopa II II II II Keefera II Keithly Creek Kermenoa Koksilab Ladner's Landing « II " i'. 646 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA GENERA It a't'Ommn— Continued. i ,r' I Hudson's Bay Co., Shortreed fi., Fhair C, Wood word R. M., London Bros., Ouvreau Louis, Mclntyre John, Pearson Jamea, Rebagliatti B., Walsh Wm., Jones Greo. A., Ordanand A. A., Adams & Beaumond, Tretheway Mrs. M. A., Clay iSam., Eickhotf Fred., Harvey H., Hayes M., McCall W., McKeen N. C, & Son, Wise James, Bevilockway G., Harvey James, Hirst Bros., Home A. G., & Son, Slacdonald D. S., Mayer Alex., & ^o., Nanaimo Equitable Pioneer Soc, Russell, McDonald & Co., Cameron W. F , Hudson's Bay Co., Harvey Jamea, Brady F. G, & Co., Oreighton D. J., H dson's Bay Co., Home A. E., Fink Peter, Johnston E , Megan W. R., O'Keefe C, Oonroy John, Lequim Eli, Eagie Chas. B.. Pinchbeck Williatn, Yeith & Borland, Kruger Tbos., Langley Lillooet Lower Nicola Lulu Island Lytton Macphersons (( Maple Bay Mutsqui Mud Bay New Westminster Nanaimo u it Vernon (« Wellington Wendtrmer Yale Nicola Lake North Bend « II Okanagan 4( Okanagan Mission li « 150 Mile House <i (< Hirst John, Lee Wm., Gollinson Wm. T., Harris W. J., Docksteader D., Sinclair T. P., Falls W. E., & Co., Nelson F. Fj Jaynes W, P., Frechette O. K Hudson's Bay Co., Reid Jpmes, barters R., O'Rourke E., Gordon T. W., Osoyoos Parks ville Pavilion Plumper Pass Port Hamcaoad Port Uaney a It " Moody « it Quamichan <juesaeUe Quilcbeoa Revels toke OBNBRAL »TOmES- CoHttmted. Rerelstuke <( (i Richmond Island Rock Creek « u Rockford Roger's Pass Salt Spring Island Savonas Ferry Sicamouse Skenna i< « Soda Creek Somenoa Sooke Spatsum Spences Bridge 11 «i « (I « ti « u M <t Humes J. F., ft Co., Lemon R. E., Wright G. B,, Eburn Henry Cameron A., Elliot F., Fullertor James, Scott Robt., Carlin k Lake, Carroll J. M., Bitancourt E. J., Jane John. Moore J. A., Cunningham Robt, Hudson s Bay Co., Youmanes Mrs., Duniovy Peter C, McLeese Robt., Hett James, Muer M., Wood & Campbell, Barracks John, Curnow Richard, Harvey Oliver, Murray John, Pettendrldgh Chas., Woods A Campbell, Fletcher Andrew, Peebles John, xMcGillivray D., Huck Abraham, Richardson A., Dodd Mrs. W. W., Peebles John, Coupland Joseph, Hudson's Bay Co., Hudson's Bay Co , Russell, McDonald & Co., Todd J. H., & iSon, Gentlemen's Furnishings— Betail. See also Merchant railors, Clothiera and OutfitifTs. Hall T. B., Phillips J. B., Oul stein Mj, Johnston it Tyaan, Parker S., & Co., Ponsford Page, Frank Eli, Haughton & Co., Jeffree W. G . Waller Henry, Williams B., k Co., Wilson W. & J., Gent's Furnishings— Wholesale. MikCDONALD JOHN, & CO , Toronto See adv, p. 3 CAMPBELL SPBRA A CO., Winnipeg. Hee adVf on cover Stanley II Sumas Surry Centre (I « Van Winkle i< ti Vancouver II Victoria t< K New Westminster II I.' Vancouver II « <i Victoria u u M 11 l( CoHtimted, Revelstuke Richmond Island Rock Greek (t « Rockford V ti Roeer'a Pass Salt Spring Island Savonas Ferry '; Sicamouse tikenna Soda Greek 11 « Somenos Sooke Spatsum Spences Bridge <i u It u CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREOTORT. 647 ^ u u ({ Stanley « Sumas Surry Centre (( u Van Winkle << ti Vancouver «< Victoria u il ag8— Retail. See >rs, Clothiers firs. New Westminster « ti' Vancouver (I K l( Victoria ti u u u —Wholesale. A CO., Toronto CO., Winnipepf. iHee adVf on cover WHOLESALE Cents' Furnishings, Fancy Dry Goods and Small Wares. 27 PORTAGE AVE- EAST, WINNiPEC, Man . Glass Manufbcturers. DOMINION GLASS CO. Montreal See adv. p. 11 Marsh Goo., Victoria Glass Dealers. HOBBS HARDTVARBCO. See adv., London, Ont. STEPHENS G. F. & CO., Winnipeg See adv on cover Grocers— Retail. Keeler Richard, Peitrce J. T., Wilby H., Andrim A., Brown John L., .> Robson & Lee, Goburn H., Johnston A. R., it Go., Parkin Wm., Armstrong R, J., Austin W. R., Beer James, Dathwood Jones, DesBrisay M., Donald Bros., Foulds P. J., & Co., McDonough Ghas., Mclnnis A., McLennan Dan., McPbaden P., Mounce Bros., Robertson Dunbar, Sinclair M., Wolfenden W. it G., Bertraux & Co., Britton & McFarlano, Bower M , Ghilberg & Dar% ; Cundreu Hugh, Duhamel GtMS., Grant Peter A., Gray Thos. G., < Esquimau (f EamloopE 1 i( Nanaimo u u New Westminster (1 H II l( II l< II II 11 l< i< II II II <i II II l< II II II l< II 1. K •1 11 II Vancouver li (1 It <« H « u GROCERS— BBTAIIi—CoM«inue<;. Hayden & Co., McFarlane J. F., McKie John, Martin F.X^ Middleton Walter, Myer:) Mrs. Jane, Paterson A. J., Sc'-iitto John, Tail & Grey, Templeton W"., Thornton J. B., ' Windsor Chas. S., Angus & Gordon, Bnssi A. v., Brown Bros., Game & Munsie, Carpenter A. M., Clay Samuel, Cox John, Gullum Thos., DeCandia M. N. iE., Devlin J. C, Doughertj G. & J., Eckert W., Fee David F., Fell & Co., Finlayson John, Gosnell J.. Harrison k McAIister, Hawkins JoL i. Hilliard Josepa, Lapicrre Horace, Legg E.J Leiser Simon, Luney Mrs. W., Mann Geo., Meldram James W., Moody T. G., Papst John T , Phoenix Joseph, Portman R. N., Rawlins F., Roberts W. R., Ross Dixie E., & Co., Rowbotham A. J., it Co., Saunders H., Schoan Sigmund, Siloa John, Van Horst & Co., Ward Johuj^ Wingfield Wm. H., Wriglesworth Joseph, Bossi F. v., it Co., Grocers— Wholesale. Oppenheimer Bros., Vancouver ' Fader Bros., « Earl Thos., Victoria Pitts S. Jj « CHAP17T PILS & CO., Montreal. See. adv, p. 12 TEES, WILSON & CO..MontreaL Set adv p. 6 Vancouver i< II II II II II II II II II ii Victoria II II >i II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II {< II ll II II II II II l< 11 II 11 II II It Tale I i; 548 H^ND^BSON'S BBITI8H COLUMBIA i: ,■: I Gunpowder. Hamilton Powder Co., Yictocia Gunsmiths. Morton W. H., Nanaimo Matitiews A. G„ iivvr Westminster Webb S. H., ti 1. Btraube V. J., Vancouver TisUall t'has. JiJ., >( Barnsley Jobu, Short Henry, Victoria X Thompson T., « Hardware- -Betail. McBride & Strong, Ashcroft Bebby John, barkerviUe Prior E. G., & Co., Kamloups Vara James, • t Pleace Jauiea U., Nanaimo Wilson Waller, >( Ouuniugtiam J., New Westminster Cunuiugbaui 'i'., & Sona, t» ii Read H. T., <» Co., « <t iJcouUar £. iS.. & Co., u « Trapp T. J., & Co., « « Dunn Thoa., dc Co., Vancouver OODFRiiiir A., & CO. See aav p Ti McLennan & Feely. ti Tye & Co., u Burns & Co., Victoria iticbols & Kenouf. ♦» Pen will C. T., It Pri'^fJi. G., & Co., (( Salmon E. J., & Co., « Hardware— Wholesale. HOBBS HARDWARE CO., London, Ont. A'«« adv IVES H. R., &, CO., Montreal. See adv p 11 Marvin & Tilton, Victoria Matthews, iiichard k Tye, >< Harness Makers.— .See Saddlers and Harnesi$ Makers Heating Apparatus. THE 2. & C. GURNiiT CO. (I«d.) See adv on b'tck cover Hides and Skins. Bomstein H., Victoria Hessiam.. CANADA JUTE CO., MontreaL See adv p Horse Shoers and Farriers. See also Blacksmiths HcNabb A. T., Vancouver Oolwell Hugh, Victoria Hodge W., t* CLARENDON HOTEL, WINNIPEG. BENNETT & CO., Props.. The Largest and Beet Hotel West of St. Paul GRADUATED FUICES. Hides. PORTER HENRY',Montreal. See adv,p 13 Bvtrnstein H., Victorin Horse Shoe Manufacturers ABBOTT & CO., Montreal. See advp 18 Hose. CANADIAN RUBBER CO., Montreal. See advp 14 FBNWICK & SCLATER, fire, cotton, linen and rubber, Montreal. See adv PORTER HLNRT, Montreal. See adv p 13 ROBIN & SADLER, Monti-eal .See advp 535 Hotels. McRae Donald, Agassis Barnes J. C, Asbcrott Blight & Tyne, ft qargiil Hotel, M Newland James A., « Akerman Joseph, Beaver Point Kelly Daniel, Bridge Creek Stevenson & McLeod, Gacbe Greek Grey ISamuel. Henderson Mrs. 0.) Ohemaiuus Chilli whack Marshall & Smith, Clinton Switzer & McMillan. <i Porter J. T., Coble Hill 549 West of St. Paul CR, fire, cotton, ial. See ado •eal. Seeadvp 13 real .Se6 advp 536 W. R. HoBBS, President. T. S. Hobbs, Vice President. THE HOBBS HARDWARE CO. ^ Importers of and Wholesale Dealers in Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc., IiOIVDOnr> . - - ONTARIO. Plate Glass, Cutlery, << PLATED WARE. >> Cathedral Glass, Sheet Glass, Double Thick Glass. Largest Stock in the Fromce of Ontario. 88 T 550 HENDERSON 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA P HOTELS.-Oontlnued. CHffS. B., McDonald G. G., Coutlee A., Jones Geo. A., Ordano J. B., Hurper Joseph, Hub Snloon Mulligan Gideon, Pulman, Gonnacher H., Forresl House, Hamilton 8. B., Labrecque J. L., Milligan Gideon, Murphy Pat, Steen J. C., & Co., Sutherland Geo., Walsh J. K., Place Joseph S., Bostock Hernett, Kelnear J. M., Price & Jayne?, Peck Thos. E., Lumby Bros., Bayley Joseph, Dillon B. F , Doran John, Fisher Josepl', Harris Henry, Howard John Tlionia?, Brewer Samuel, Needhara Sampson, Perley H. A., Archer W., Bott W. G., Budd & Mclntyre, Green J. G., Phair James, Brown Frank A., Black George, Corrigan James, Galloway Cbas., Anderson Ewen, Richardson Thos., Snider W., Arlington, Cosmopolitan, Colonial House, Dominion House, Grand Pacific, Johnston J., Hamilton & Ogdcn, Delta Hotel, Murray Wm., Odin Frank, Allan A., London Bros, (temperance) Baillie House, Hautier Alphonse, Jones Geo. A., Adams & fieamond, Comox (I Coutlee Cowichan u Departure Bay Donald t( (( « u « (I « (< Dog ( J reck Ducks Duncan East Wellington Entlerby Esqtiimtilt (I (( ii (I (I Fairmount Springs Field Glacier Golden Goldstream Harrison Sprin'*-' IIft..:..t,o Hope lUecillewaet Kamloops i( « Lac la Hache Ladner's Landing Lan^ley II Lillooet Lulu Island Lytton II Macphersons /Maple Bay HOTELS.— Continued. Central, Osterhout A Kennedy, Nand Commercial Hotel, Sabiston Wilcox, "' Occidental, S. Feddick, Nanaimo Hotel, Gough & Evans, Old Flag Inn, J. E. .^nkins, Oriental, James Phillip, Provincial, Thos. Miller, Royal, R. Watkins, American Hotel, Thos. Levi, New WestmiuJ Caledonit, R. W. Mcintosh, '' Colonial Hotel, L. Pilher, " City Hotel, F. Raith " Cleveland, Mrs. T. Clelland, " Depot Hotel, P. 0. Bilodeau, « Eickhoff House, King & Kerry, " Farmers Home, W. H. Holden, " Halbrook House, John Rankin, " Merchants Exchange, J. Punch, " Merchants Hotel, W. Mortimer, " Queen's Hotel, " Telegraph, Mrs. Hogan, " Union Hotel, Joseph Kinncar, *' Marks Martha, Nicola Lake Fraser Canyon House, North Beud Lequim Eh, Okanaean Missi Kelly Daniel, ICO Mile House Hirst John, Parksville Sinclair J. W., Port Hamtnond Armstrong Thos., Port Haney Adams & Beaunet, Qaamichan Price & Jaynes, i< Duhig H., Quesnelle McLean John, ii O'Rourke E., Quilchena Atramanson Nelson, Revelstoke Columbia House, (( Cowan Wm., t( Stove John., u "^..IK J , Roger's Pass Morri.s P., :, 1. ti Bitfincourt E. J., Salt Spring Islan Crotty F., Savonas Ferry Ferguson A,, 11 « Morton House, Shawnigan Lake Chase & Whitfield, Shuswf'.p McBryan Alex.. i( ' Lake View Hotel, Sicamouse Dunlevy Peter C, Soda Creek McLeese Robt,, X l< Adappe Peter, Lambly Bros., Spatsum Spallumcheen (Jlemes Archie, Spences Bridge Curnow Richard, U 41 Kills Wm.. Van Winkle Allan Nicol, Vancouvi Hay View, Kent A Talcot, ■1 Bridge Hotel, John Austin, « Hodegu, A. J. MacPerson, K Bodega, W. Judge, II Britannia Hotel, John H. Grady k Co., " 'iruuswick Hotel, P. Carey, (1 cLassiJ'ied business directory. 551 It 4 Kennedy, Nanaimo I, Sabiston Wilcox, '< Idick, roii^h & Evans, S. Jenkins, Phos. Levi, New Westminster I Mcintosh, '' HOTEliS.— Conttn*ied. Okanagan Migsioa ICO Mile House Parkaville Port Hammond Port Haney Quamichan Salt .Spririff Island Savonas Ferry Vancouver Bnrrard House, Martin k Balfour, Cabinet Hotel, F. McLennan, Carter House, L. Garter, Central Hotel, Thos. Quann, ' City Hotel, Belanger & Ganonica, ' Cosmopolitan Hotel, J. Gohn, ' Dougall House, John Dougall, < Elgin Hotel, R. A. Picken, < Fountain Hotel, Wred & Minaty, ' 4)ennania Hotel, L. P. Lava'sseur, < Gold House, Grant & Johnson, < Granville Hotel, T. D. Cyrs, ' Greyhound Hotel, Harry Cole, ' Hotel Europe, Joseph Oalorae, ' HOTEL VANCOUVER E. M. Mathews, mgr. < ; Hub Hotel, Beer & McPhail, < Junction House, Wm. Metres, ' [LELAND HOUSE Prout & Insley. S;e adv, p 392 |Liiiy Thos. , < 'jouvre Hotel, Schlenk & Co., < fcrthern Hotel, Mrs. G. Myers, " lOriental Hotel, Crean & Fleming, " [Pacific Hotel, E. F. Naland, <' ■Queen's Hotel, Moses Gibson, " iBegina Hotel, Murry & Hume, " iBichmond House, John Cartwright, " [Royal Hotel, B. L. Wood, " 3t Chartes Hotel, Henry Dubamel, " Stag & Pheasant Hotel, Fairon & Miller, ' ' Stewart House, J. Austin, mgr., " Sunnyside Hotel, McGirr & McKinnon, " Premont Hotel, ^cott & Clancy, " Tnion Hotel, P. Lawson, " 7est End Hotel, Beaton & Preston, " Thatcheer House, Robt. Campbell, " rhile Swan, Somes, Crummer & Co., " /indsor Hotel, A. A. Langley, " Llbion Hotel, K. H. Ward, Lmerlcan Hotel, J. T. Burns, Lngel Hotel, F. Carre, iustralian Hotel. W. C. S. Feely, Jranswick, Findley & Uodnett, Surdside, M. Rowland, 'Ularence, Colonial, Thos. Try well, Colonist, Mrs. C. Evans, Commercial, H. Moble, )omiaion House, Stephen Jones, >RIARD HOTEL Redon & Hartnagel, French Hotel, E. liiscalet, 7ordon Hotel, J. R. McNeill, }rand Pacific, G. Bos6ie, jondon Hotels C . J. Phillips, 'acific Telegraph, J. Merineld, )riental Hotel, Wm. McKeon & Son, i*ritchard House, Stevenson & Jones, ilroad Hotei, John Begg, ' itoyal. Croft A Henly, ' Tancouver Hotel, Rechtel Isaac, Veatem, Robt. Barr, Victoria It HOTEiLS.-Coutinued, Vernon Victoria Wellington New Westminster Victoria Windsor, Alex. McDonald, Christian Josej)!!. Eastwood VV. H., Somerset House, J. D, Dixon, Wellington House, Thos. Wall, Kell y K. B., Westminster Junction Cununings & Presler, Windermere Taylor W. J., Yale House Furnishings. Scoullar E. S., & Co., Sehl Jacob, Hot Water Boilers. THE E. & C. GURNET CO. See adv on back cover Insurance KAMLOOPS. City of London Fire Ins., E. H. Jones Ridley H. C, NANAIMO. Citizens Ins. Co., A; H. Home Commercial Union, D. Smith Glasgow and London, C. C. McKenzie Phoenix and London, D. Smith NEW WESTMINSTER i*!tna Ins. Co., of Hartford, Wood, Turner k Gamble Canada Life Ins. Co., H. V. Edmonds City of London Ins. Co., Woods, Turner St Gamble Commercial Union Ins. Co., Rand Bros. Guardian Ins. Co., Ogle, Campbell & Co. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., W. J. Walker & Co. North British and Mercantile, H. V. Edmonds Western of Toronto, Woods, Turner & Gamble VANCOUVER. iETNA INS CO,, Ross & Ceperly Boak Albert A. British America Fire Ass. Co., Ross & Ceperly Commercial Union Fire Ins. Co. of London, Ross & Ceperly Fireman's Fund (Marine) of San Francisco, Ross & Ceperly Glasco and London Ir.s. Co., Rand Bros. Hartford Fine Ins. Co., Ross & Ceperly Leask & Johnson London Guarantee & Accident Co., A. A. Boak London & Lancashire Life Ass. Co., A. H. Mac- Gowan MellinCapt. II. A. National Ins. Co., of Ireland, H. A. Jones & Co Phuinix Fire Ins Co., Ross & Ceperly ^' ■i;, fl I I I f 5{i^ Henderson's bhitish Columbia Provident Life & Live Stock Ass. H. M. Yates Robertson & Co. Ross & Ceperly Rounsfell & Co. Royal Canadian Fire Ins. Co., Ross & Ceperly Standard Life Ass. Co., A. A. Boak Tallow R. G., & Co. Travellers Life & Accident, Ross & Ceperly Western Fire Ass. Co., of Toronto, Ross & Ceperly NORTH AMERICAN LIFE INS CO, See ado inside front cover , STANDARD LIFE INS CO. See adv. THE BOILER INSPECTION & INS CO. See adv, Insurance Agents. VICTORIA. Alliance Marine Ins. Co., R. Ward & Co. Equitable Life Ass. Co. of N.Y., C. G. Ballentyne British Columbia Fire Ins. Co., M. H. Cowan British ft Foreign Marine Ins. Co. (Ld.), Findly, Durham ft Brodie. California Marine Ins. Co., Hall, Goepel ft Co. Canada Life Ass. Co., A. W. Jones Citizens Ins. Co. of Canada, E. A. Hart Glasgow ft London Fire Ins. Co., James Burns City of London Fire Ins. Co., H. E. Croasdaile Confederation Life Ass., W. Munteith GlasKgow ft London Fire Ins. Co., James Burns Guarantee Co. of N. A., B. C. L. & S. Co. Guardian Fire Ass. Co. of London, Turner, Beeton ft Co. Imperial Ins. Co. of London, Welch, Rithet ft Co London Guarantee ft Ace. Co., H. E. Croasdaile Lundun k Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., R. Ward ft Co. London ft Provincial Murine Ins. Co. (Ld.),R. Ward ft Co. Liverpool, London ft Globe Fire Ins. Co., Hall, Goepel ft Co. National Ins. Co. of Ireland, Wm. Montieth New York Life Ins. Co., E. C. Baker Sun Life, John Cmne North Lntish ft Mercantile. Ins. Co., B. C. L. ftS. North British ft Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. of Lon- don, Turner, Beeton ft Co. Northern Ins. Co. of London, Findlay, Durham ft Brudie Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co., J. J. Austin Phcenix of London, Tlios. C. Nuttall Royal Ins. Co., R. Ward ft Co. StandaM Life Asa. Co , R. W. Ward ft Co. Sun Lite ft Accident Ins. Co., J. E. Crane Travellers Lite ft Accident Ins. Co., Hall, Goe- pel ft Co. Insurance Adjuster. Reid Joseph, Victoria Importers. Catin J. A. T., ft Co., Victoria Gray A. B., ft Co., " Richardson ft Church, " Vancouver (I Inks. RoUand J. B., ft Fils, Montreal Agents, Toiraj Maurin Inks. Interpreters. CumyonW.A., Vancouver Iron Founders. Taylor John, Vancouver Vancouver City Foundry, " Albion Iron Works Co., Victoria Wilson Bros., " Japanned Ware. McCLART MNFG. CO. Winnipeg See adv on back cover, THE E. & CGURNEY CO. (Ld.) " See adv o» cover, Winnipeg Japanese Goods. Galbraith ft Campion, Rennie ft Co., Gabriel Chas., ft Co., Victoria Jewellers' Tools. MILLARD H. R., See adv., Montreal Jewellery, Watches, &c. Doll L. H., Saucier J. E., Vick S. C, Brown Joseph M., Ganone Vincent, Smith John, Crake P., Grifford Thos., McNaughton Chas., Stirsk3' Frank, Crake F. T., Davidson Bros., Eggert Jules, ft Co., Grassic Walter H., Jackson John N., Jeszkowicz C. J., Claussen John, De.vneimer Chas., Jaques Geo , Lange & Co., Parry Thos., Pennock ft Clayton Winger John, Laundries. See also Chinese Directory Egan Mrs., Vancouver Mussende^ Chas. D., " Keyes R. J., Victoria Leather Belting and Hose. Montreal Donald Kamloops Nanaimo (I << New Westminster i< it u « Rockford Vancouver It « Victoria II «l <( II <l LESLIE JAMES. See corner cards. ROBIN & SADLER. See adv., Montreal CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 553 Inks. 8, Montreal Agents, Toiray ined Ware. ese Goods. }iew Weatminster B fso Chinese Directory. Vancouver Victoria ing and Hose. Mo^treal W. L. LEONARD & CO., IMPORTBRS AND DBALKRB IN IMC a. o 13. 1 n e XT 3r . Sole Agents in B. C. for John Doty Eng. Coy., John Bertram & Sena, and other leading manufacturers in Wood and Iron Working Machinery. Consign- ments handled. Correspondence solicited. Leather Findings. Maynard Richard, Victoria Life Preservers. AULD JOHN. See adv. Montreal Lime Burners. Va-icouvor San Juan Lime Co., Vancouver Wrigglesworth J., & Co., Victoria Liquors Wholesale— -See Wines and Spirits Merchants. Lithographers. THE BORLAND LIHTOQRAPH CO. See adv., Montreal THE COLONIST. See adv. Victoria Livery Stables Crotty & Co., LeBallister & Thompson, Gilley Bros., Wise" J. M., Cargill Wm. & J. J., Quef n Bros., Slarrett & Leatherdale, Barlow Thos., Bowman W. G., Courtney & Dalby, Dickson W. S., Garrett E. T., Jones & McNeil, Kilpatrick Robt., Kamloopg Nanaimo New Westminster U II Vancouver Victoria (I « i< Wellington Machinery Depots. Strickland F G., & Co., New Westminster Pindlay James, Vancouver LEONARD, W. L., & CO. See adv., Vancouver Spratt & Gray, Victoria Machinists. Wenborne R. J., Nanaimo Vancouver Foundry, Vancouver Albion Iron Works' Co., Victoria Findlay Hugh, " Smith Arthur, " Match Factory. Hendry Thos., Victoria Mnfg. Chemists. Brady A. J., Victoria MILLS RICHARD Mar SON & CO. Montreal sturers' Agents. See also Com' missions Merchants. ROSS GEORGE D & CO. See adv. Montreal Marble Works. Nanaimo New Westminster Victoria a 11 Henderson A., Hamilton Alex., Fisher James, Kirsorp Geo., Mortimer John, Philips Joseph E., Rudge Geo., Marine Stores. See Ship Chandlers. Mercantile Agencies. Dun, Wiman & Co., Victoria Merchant Tailors. Matheson Malcolm, Rennier P. S., Brown James M., Davis & Beveridge, Hird E., Beggs & Heard, McRae M, A., Manson J. S., Criswell Thos., Evans David, Morrison John, Murphy W., Quinn W. J., Simon B., Symons Chas., Tyson James, Calvert John, Gilmore & McCandleas, Gregg A., & Son, Leask James C, Levy D. J., O'Hagen H., Pierre T. W., & Son, Sharp David, Simpson Donald, Kamloops Nanaimo <« <i New Westminster i< tt Vancouver « M It « (( (I Victoria «< ■I (< « <( it u It t' 55i HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA JV. N. COLE & CO., Merchant * Tailors, WOOLLEN MERCHANTS, Gents' Furnishings, &c, M/INNIPEG, Man Midwives. New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Dowring Mrs., Inge Mrs, Eater, Arnold Mrs., Lawrenson Mta., McGregor Mrs., Milliners. Morton Mrs. A., Globe House, Mrs. W. Rae, Clark Mrs. T. W., ('ope & Young, Hanafin Mrs. Kate, Lo^n Miss Minnie, Smith Miss Annie. V^hitlaw Mrs. K. (Estate of), Victoria Mill Supplies. LESLIE JAMES, Montreal. .SVu adv ROBIN & SADLER, Montreal. Heeadv Mining Companies. Kamloops New Westminster Vancouver <( u The Hidden Treasurer, Perry Creek Mining Co., lUecillewaet Mining Co., Selkirk Mining Co., Jones & HearcTon, Nicola Mining Co., B. C. Mining Bureau Alice & Emma Mining Co., Howe Mining Co. (Ld), £. G Baker, Secy., Perry Creek Gold Mining Co. (L'd.), Mining Engineer. Bred emeyer W. W., Vancouver Cherry Creek Fort Steele lUecillewaet li Rockford (( Vancouver Victoria « u Mixed Faints. STEPHENS G. F. & CO., Winnipeg (S'ce add. ort cover Model Maker. See Pattern and Model Makers. Music Teachers & Professors. Peters Mis' Vancouver Bridges Mrb. G., Victoria Bushell Miss Emma, Jamieson Miss A., Sharp H., Turner Mrs. A. P., Wilson Thos., Musical Instruments. Paiuton F. J., Vancouver Nail Mnfs. ABBOTT & CO. Montreal. See ado Newspapers & Periodicals Donald Triitb, Donald Sentinel, Kamloops Nanaimo Free Press, Geo. Norris, Pub., Morning Courier, British Columbian, Inland Guardian, News Advertiser, F.C. Cotton, Prop., Vancouver World Printing Co., daily and weekly, " Colonist, Ellis & Co,, Victoria Standard Newspaper Co. (Ld.), " The Times, " Nanaimo <i New Westminster CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 555 ee Pattern and Model kers. 'B & Professors. New Westminster SAMUEL ROGERS&CO HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. :o : — Peerless Machine, Cylinder Oils. r- A SPECIALTY. — :o Also high class burning Oils. WM. JOHNSTON & CO., Brandon Agents Notaries. Cochrane W. M., Kamloops Ghadsey G. N., Sumas Robs A. W., Vancouver Austin John J., Victoria Toller Albert, " Notions. HODGSON SUMNER & CO., Winnipeg See (tdv. on cover. Nurserymen. Henry G. W., Port Hammond Murray John, Spences Bridge Wilson k Townley, Vancouver Johnston P. T., & Co., Victoria Ohlson A., " Oil Merchants. HOBBS HARDWARE CO., See adv., London, Ont. ROGERS SAMUEL & CO., See adv., Toronto Ont. Standard Oil Co., C. C. Morrell, Vancouver Taylor Geo., Victoria Oatmeal Bags THE CANADA JUTE CO. See adv., Montreal Oatmeal Mill. Brackman k Ker, South Saanich Organs. Prest & Co., Vancouver Hookway A. F., Victoria Optician. Hyam s Samuel 8„ Victoria Kamloops (I Nanaimo New Westminste l( u u u Vancouver II t( u II K Victoria « (( K (< << Painters— House, Sign and Ornamental. Bacon Chas., Davis H., & Son, Foster Bros., Grimmer L., Jones Frank, Murray Chas., Perkins James H., Clark^^on & Mayne, Cooper & Co., Davis, McGairgle & Co , Fisher George, Milross W. T., Itiley W. R., Crist Dewitt, Harrison Eli, Lettico Kobt., .VIedana R., & Co., Randall H. B., Summers Francis, Wilkins J. B , Paints, Oils, &c. DODS p. D., & CO. See adr., Montreal Sep adv. STEPHENS G. F. & CO., Winnipeg S<:c. adv. on cover OODFRET A. & CO., Vancouver See adv. Paper Hanger. Lettice Robt., Victoria Paper Makers. CURRIE & CO., Agents Dominion Paper Co. See adv., RoUand J. B., & Fil?, Montreal Pattern and Model Ma!^.ers. Barber & Hewlings, Victoria Pawnbrokers. Reidt Wm., New Westminster Silverman & Robin, Vancouver Aaronson A. A., Braverman I., Kirschbeg & Landsberg, Victoria u (( Photographers. Coughlan W. P., Nanaimo Thompson & Bovill, Uren John, Bailey C. S. (Landscape), Brock J. A., & Co., Hall & Lowe, Hogg James, Thompson John, Fleming Bros., Hall & Lowe. Hastings 0. C, Jones Bros., Mayaard Mrs. R., New Westminster (( <( Vancouver u <( u l( Victoria u (( II II -!■ 656 HENDERSON'S BRITISH COLUMBIA Fhysioians and Surgeons. Foster F. W., Kowbotliara John H., Richardson W. A., Strother W. T., McFarlan'^ — , Walkem W. W., Q arrow John, Clark S., Turner E., Tunatoll S. T., Davis L. T., / , Praeger B. A. / Bentley. Richard & Irving, Fagan Ohas., Hall Th03., Mclnnea Loftus R., McLean Donald, McLean I. M., Smith DeWoif, Robotham John H., Beckingsale D. L., Bell Irving Duncan, Bodingto'i Geo. F., Burrett Dr., Irving FMl D., Langis H. E., Lefevre C B. R., McGuigaa & Langis, Millar 8., Reinhard Wm., Robertson A. M., Stevenson Eady, Duncan John A., Hall & Hall, Hanineton E. B. C, Helmcken Janes D., Helmcken John S., Jackson Wm., Jones MacNaugbton, Matthews Joseph B., Milne Geo. L., Morrison Richard, Redman Wm., Ren wick William, Sanson George, Bbertfl D. W., Clinton 0')rliold Donald East Wellington Enderby Kam loops Nanaimo New Westminster 11 i( II i< (* II It II II II II II Quamiclian Vancouver 11 II II K ti- ll II II 11 It U Piano Tuners. Bourne Frank, Victoria Picture Frames. Hardiman T. R., Vancouver Somers Joseph, Victoria Planing Mills. See Saw and Planing Mills. Plates Glass. STEPHENS G. F., & CO.. Winnipeg Si'r adv DODS P. O., & CO. Moutreal. See adv Playing Cards. BURLAND LITHO CO.. See adv opp Lithograpliers Rolland J. B., & Co, Montreal. Plumbers Supplies. ROBERTSON, & CO., Montreal-, See odv Prest Thos., Vancouver Plumbers and Oasfltters. McLennan & Feely, Scoullar E. S., Braden & Stanford, Colbert & Warner, Stewart John, Wilson A. & W., Victoria II it It It It ii It If 11 ti< Wellington Paints and Painters Supplies. STEPHENS a. See adv on cover F., & CO., Winnipeg* Piano ManuflEicturers. Goodwin & Jordan, Victoria Pianofortes and Cabinet Organs. Fletcher Thos., Victoria Lombard Cbas A., " Peters H., " Waitt M. W ., & Co., « Vancouver II Victoria ii i( II Pork Packers. Barran Jules, Evans W.W.& Co. Victoria it Powder. Hamilton Powder Co., Victoria Printers— Book and Job. See also News- papers. More H. & C, Mathison R., jr., Cohen James A., Miller Munro, Waterson H. G., New Westminster Vancouver Victoria It II Produce & Provisions. Vancouver ii Brown P. C, Henderson Bros., Perkins Wm., WriRht Alfred W., Anderson Bros., Vaio k Brooks, Railway Supplies. ROBERTSON & CO., Montreal. See adi MCCLART MANFQ CO. See adv on back cover Victoria II CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY. P57 Vancouver Victoria See Saw and Planing Mills. es QlasB. F., & CO., Winnipeg 'O. Montreal. See adv ng Cards. HO CO., See adv opp Montreal. Ts Supplies. CO., Montreal-, See adv J Vancouver and Gasfltters. bXid Job. See also Newn- tapers. & Provisions. •y Supplies. CO., Montreal. See ado^ LNFO CO. See advon-: Rioe Mills. Hall, Ross & Co., Victoria Boofing and Building Material. PATERSON J. W„ & CO., Montreal. See adv Boiling Mills. ABEOTT & CO., Montreal. See adv Rubber Goods. ROBIN & SADLER (Belting,) Mont- real. See adv CANADIAN RUBBER CO., Montreal. See adv Toronto Rubber Co., T. Mclllroy, agt. Beal Estate. Nanaimo (1 Heyland & Planta, McKcDzie 0. C, Smith Donald, Edmunds H. V., LowenberpT, Harris & Co., Major & Pearson, Walker W. J., & Co., Woods, Turner & Gamble, Allen T. 0., & Co., Anderson 11. A., & Co., ■ Archer W. C, & Co., Baker Robt , Barker E. E., Bodwell E. v., Browning I. M. (Ld.), farm C.P.R., " Case k Inwood, Chamberlin Chas., Clements & Farron, Granville F., & Co., Graveley & Baker, Green Capt. R. E., Hall James Z., Hargreavcs Walter C, Holland J. M., & Co., Innes & Richards, Jones H. A., & Co, Leask John, Maclean M. A., Major & Pearson, Mellin Capt. H. A., Morrison James, Murray B, A., Mutrie Henry, Powis John, PrestThos., Rand Bros-, Robertson & Co., ROSS & CEPERLY, See corner cards Rounsfell & Co., « Shannon & McLachlan, « Tatlow R. G., & Co., • " Webster Wm., «« Williams Bros., " u New Westminster II II « II i< II II Vancouver II II II II II II II II II II II II II It i( u II II fi II w l< <l II ;i <i II REAL ESTATE.-Contlnued. Austin John J., Baker E. C, B. C. Land & Investment Co., Matsqua Land Co., Hourchier Frs., Croasdaile H. E., Heisterman H. F., & Co., Henderson & Parker Hilbert & Moore, Lowenberg, Harris & Co., Mason Wm. H., Moore W.. Nut tail Thos. C, Pemberton Joseph D., Perrin Geo. A., Richards F. G., jr., Scaife H. A., Thain Edward J., Tollor Albert, Restaurants. Victoria II 11 II II II II Nanaimo II Delmonico, Parrott.& Dempsey, Poodle Dog, Jameson P. J., Karst Chas, " Bishop T. G. Vancouver Bochlofsh P. A., « Farmer ID., " Kawagiri H., •« Jones F. J., « McDonald & Kirk, " Summers Mrs. H., Clear W., Crossman Geo., Fenneck Mrs. Isabella, Johnson Mrs., Levy Joe., Lloyd k Co., Poodle Dog, Saunders W. T. Victoria II II II Saddlers and Hamessmakers. Roadley Thos., McNeill Edward, Douglas k Deighton, Hawley 0. M., Mann & Sheron, Newbury Wm., Norris Fred., Knmloops Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Safes— Fire and Burgler Proof. EDWARDS See adv C. D., & SON, Montreal. Sail Makers. Jenne F., Sears Dean S., Victoria II 39 S58 HENOERSJN'S BRITISH COLUMBIA i Kamloopu Nanaimo New Westminster u (I Victoria (t Saloons. — See also Hotels and Res. aurants Bendlxon Mra.. Barkerville McDonald P. J., Esquimau Harris Henry, " Williams Ghas., Oilleom Victor, Indentical, Norman Smith, Benter Jacob, Oem, Stewart k Oasb, Hub, James Tearney, London Arms, R. Lambert, " Maple Leaf, P. McMabon, " New Grotto, James R. Brennan, " Palace, Angus McLeod, " Steamboat Exchange, J. M. Blakie, " Egan John, Revclstoke Bank Exchange, Alf. Swanson, Vancouver Campbell & hrash, " Club Saloon, W. J. Oartwright, " Glub Saloon, Gritfin k English, " Doebring & Barthel, " Jubilee Saloon, Alex. Johnson, " Retreat Saloon, J. B. Johnson, " Senate Saloon, A. EL Rooshbech, " Terminus Saloon, W. T. Blair, " Tremont Saloon, Capt. Clement, Adelphia, Murpiiy & Brown, Albion, Powers k Johnson, Bank Exchange, G. C Sauer, Beehive, James Cowie, I 3lmont, J. Longhurst, Blue Post, S. Cliiy, Boomerang, V. Jensen, Brown Jujt, W. Gilmour, Brown k Miller, Caledonia, S%mes Dalay, California, A. J. k A. Becbtell, CapitHl, Thos., Flewin, Garricks Head, E. W. Spencer, Germania, ll. Rittor, Grotta, Wm. McNiH', Jewell, Chas. Payden, Jubilee, John Decker, Lion Brewery Saloon, Geo. Fairbrotber, Market Exchange, Geo. Thompsoa, Nickle Plate, Thos. Gafrin, North Paci6c, Dougherty k Savage, Palace, R. Bortbwick, Old Ship Inn, Chas. B. McClusky, Pioneer, Moss k Babbige, Occidental, Mrs. Jensen, Omineca, John Slerens, Pacific Telegraph, J. Merryfield, Regent, Connor k Switzer, Rock Bay, R. J. Fergasoa, Teutonic, Frank Sehl, The Hall, Jas. McCandisb, Three Stars, Wm. Scott, Steele Peter, Yictoria House, Wm. Harrison, White k Maurmann, Bossi F. V. k Co., Renesbech A. H , C( Yale mm Li|T8je 8AL[ Several first class timber limits fc sale at first cost, on the Fraser an on the coast, on Dominion an Provincial lands. Those limits hav been prospected and entered by mj self. Correspondence solicited. New Westmlnstei Sanitary Engineers. Braden k Stanford, Victoria Saw and Planing Mills. Nason L B., Bprkerville Robinson Fred., l!<ja vermouth Anderson k Grady, hustings Shdswap Milling Co,, Kamloops Urqubait Brua., Comox Gasper Isidore, Dog C.eek Buchanan Geo. O., Illecillewaet Woodward Thos , Lower Nicola Muodyville Saw Mills Co., Moodyville Haslam k Lee, Namumo BRUNETTE SAW MILL CO., New Westminst ROTAL CITY PLAN- ING MILLS CO- Ser ado OH cover, Penchbeck William, Saunders H., Wells W. C, Dockell k Bailey Pioneer Lumber Co., Cunningham Robt, Buchanan G. 0., Muer M., Fortune Wm., BRUNETTE SAW M(LL CO. (Ld.), See ado, Oassady Geo. k Co., Fader Bros., Grady John, HASTINGS SAW MILL CO. See adOf Leamy k Kyle, ROYAL CITY PLAN- NIG MILLS CO. ^e0 adv on back cover, Slater G. F., Johnston, W^alker k Flett, Victoria Muirhead k Mann, " Queen City Mills, '« Sayward W. P. ' « Grant k Co., Wellington '^: We&tminsi 150 M ile House 0-Wee-Kay-No Palliser Port Moody Skenna Twin Butte Sooke Tranquille Vancouver (( IIISJB SALE. class timber limits for it, on the Eraser and on Dominion and is. Those limits have 1 and entered by my> ndence solicited. New Westminster . ry Engineers. , Victoria I Planing Mills. Bprkerville Ilt'itv^ermoutb , hustioKB o„ Kamloops Comox Dog C.eek Illecillewaet Lower Nicola Us Co., Moodyville NaDtumo ^W MILL New Westminster FLAN- CO. .S*'' V?' Westmiastcr 150 M lie House 0-Wee-Kay-Noo Pall iser Port Moody <i Skenna Twin Butte Sooke Tranquille CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIREOTORT. 559 tAW CLd.), 0., VancouTer AW MILL r PLAN- CO. See er, u & Flett, Victoria u <l " u Wellington Seeda— Oarden and Field. Jay & Co. Jay & Co., Johnston P. T., Victoria Sewer Pipes. CURRIB W. A F, F., Montreal. See adv Keller J. W., Victoria Sewing Machines. Ouellet Geo., Adams W. II., Fletcher Thos., Vancouver Victoria Ship Builders. Colvln R. W., Walker Donald G., Victoria u Ship Brokers. Leask & Johnson, Vancouver Ship Chandlers. Creighton, Eraser & Co., Vancouver McQuade P., & Son, Victoria Marvin E. B., & Co., " Shoemakers. Kilea Ileury, Br>wn T. R., Lloyd S. S., McLer .•« \lex., Ilolman James, Campbell Walter, Ellis John, Brnnet Wm., Burnett W., George Wm., Stevenson John, Davis David, Andrews James, Critel., Kirkup Jereemah, Larman James, Read John N., West B. H., Whitfield John, Shooting Goods. OODFRE7 A., & CO.,VancoHver. See «dv Sign and Ornamental Painters.— <Sfee Fainters, — Housct SigUt <fcc., Soap Manufacturers. Clown Bar Donald << Kamloops Esquimau Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver f( (C u Victoria t( M II l( II II <l Pendray & Co., Whittier Anson D., STRACHAN W., & CO., Montreal. Victoria (I See adv OILS LARD, CYLINDER, COAL OIL, STEAM REFINED SEAL, Etc. Lubricating Oil a Specialty. W. STRACHAN & CO., Soap and Oil Manufacturers, 36, 38 and 40 JACQUES OARTIER STREET, ]!IION?MEAI.« :p- ^l! ^] \ I'- 660 HENDERSON'S BRITISb COLUMBIA Sign Writers. BlomquestP. M., Vancouver Small Wares. — See also Fancy Goods, HODGSON, SUMNER & CO.,Winmpeg. See adv on back cover .dIACDONALD JOHN & CO., Toronto See ado Soda Water Manufacturers. Adan.3 & Lawrence, Morley 0.,' Mnrchison & Derraugh, Morley C, Philips A., & Son, Stair Builder. Gray Samuel, Victoria Stationers Retail. &e Booksellers. SteamAtters. McLennan & Feely, Vancouver ScouUar E S., Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver Victoria Braden & bt&ntbrd, Victoria Steam Fitting. QURNB7 E. & C. CO. See adv on back cover Stencil Cutters. Philips W. H., Victoria Steriotypers- Ellis & Co., Victoria Storage. VancouTer Wharfage & Storage Co., Vancouver Stoves— C!oal Oil and Gas. OXTRNEY' E. & C. CO. See adv on back cover Stoves End Tinware. Cunningham T., & Sons, ScouUar E. S., & Co., O'Toole & Ralpb, Robertson Gilbert, Scoulkr E. S., Clark t Nicholson, Kelly S. L, &Co., Lew IS Aaron, McLennan & Feely, Philips Geo, Wilson A. W., McCLART MFa. CO.. Winnipeg. See adv on r^ver ITTESH. £?. ^CO., Montreal. See adv Surveyors. Woods, Turne" & Gamble, New Westmmters Garden, Herman & Burwell, Vancouver McCartney Alan Ej, C. E., '« 8l<rgeons — See Physidana and Surgeons. New Westminster a It Vancouvet (t (( Victoria ' u u THE mm m co. (LIMITED), Iron and Brass Founders, Engine and Boiler JWaicers, IVIillwrights, Blacl<omiths, Etc. — : o : POINT DOUGLAS AVENUE, WINNrPEC, MAN. i Dingwall & Hoftard, Kirk Patrick & Hockell, Slater G. T., Shingle Mills. Pore Moody Vancouver Smelting Co. British Columbia Smelting Go. (Ld.), Geo. DeWolf, mgr. Vancouver Steamship Co. CANADA SHIPPINQ CO., Montreal See \ adv C. P. Steamship Co., Jas. A. Fullerton, Supt Vaiacouver Stevedores. Blake Archil, Vancouver Roberts, Richard tit Llewellyn. " SoullWm. H., "' ' Tailors— 5e^ Merchant Tailors. Tanners and Curries. Abrams James, Nanaimo Belmont Tannery, Victoria Taxidermists. Wilson Geo, Hope Whittaker & Lindley, Victoria Tea Merchants. MelLaiBh Geo,, Vancouver Tents and Tci^aulins. SONNE THOE'., -Montreal. See adv Tin and Granite Goods. THE McCLARY MPO. CO. See adv on back cover N PED), "ounders, Boiler Makers, Jksmiths, Etc. AS AVENUE, B, MA N. Mills. Pori Moody Vancouver g Co. gCo. jr. Vancouver ip Co. a CO., Montr,8al. See A. Fullerton, Supt. Vaucouver >res. Vancouver >llyn, " a chant Tailors. Ourries. Nanaimo Victoria lists. Hope Victoria lants. Vancouver paulins. eal. See adv JGtoods. '. CO. See adv on