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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film«s k des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA. il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas. an prenent le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 "v «MiiPPVi|PP^P*KPIW«M««P VlO»« OFFICIAL RACE CARD. ^be IDictoria Ibunt Club >ijrii^>fe^'^li^^i^1i^1i' mJiih^^fhM'uJ'\iPnftlU'V^UtMfr»P^f»W {& 1 , f Saturbai?, November I7tb, 1900, -AT- COHmOOD PAHK- ® PRESIDENT : Major Dupont. VICE-PRESIDENT: Lt.-Col. Grant, R. E. Committee : Capt. L. Thompson. Mr. F. B. Pemberton. Mr. A. G. Wrigley Mr. Q. A. Kirk. Mr. W. F. Burton. Mr. P. T. Patton Sec.«Urea0. Mr.G. C. E. Elliott, R. E. The above Committee will act as Stewards of the meeting. Starter : ^ubge : Mr. W. F. Burton. Lt.-Col. Grant, R.E. Clerft of tbe Course anb Scales : Mr. G. A. Kirk. This Meeting will be regulated by the National Hunt Rules of Racing as far as possible. TNI CPtONitT PRESSlti. lpp««i 1st RACE-2.15. (I THE HUNT CUP." A STEEPLECHASE for horses the bona fide property at the time of entry of memhsrs of the Victoria Hunt Club. Any member of the Club entitled to ride. Weight, 180 pounds. Distance about 2j^j miles. This cup must be won twice by the same horse to become the absolute property of any member. Rider, 1— Mr. C. R. Pooley's b. g. <• APOLLO," 6 yrs. Pink, broum belt. . . .... • #•••• 2— Mr. J. D. Pemberton s ch. g. ** STAR- LIGHT, " ag-ed. Nile g-reen, cream sleeves^ Nile green cafi 3~Mr. A. G. Wrigleys lik. g. " LIGHT- FOOT," aged. Browk, yellow sleeves and cap, i ?s" i' i 2nd RACE-2.45. "THE LADIES CUP. M A STKKP'yECi'ASE for horses the honx jVdff property at the time of entry >f members of the Victoria Hunt Club. Any member of the Club, or rider licensed by the Committee en- titled to ride. Licensed riders to carry a 7 pound penalty. Weight, 145 pounds. Distance, about 2%, miles. Rider, 1— Mr. T. P. Patton's ch. g. ** THUNDER," 6 yrs. Pale green and old rose \ 2— Mr. J. D. Prentices b. g. " LORDSHIP," 5 yrs. White, scarlet cap and sash \ 3- Major Dupont's b. m. '* JESSICA," 7 yrs. Orange and black sleeves and cap, . • • • • 4— Mr. J. D. Pemberton'i b. m. *' DISAP- POINTMENT," 4 yrs. Nile green, ct'eatn sleeves, Nile green cap 5— Mr. A. G. Wrigley's blk. g, " LIGHT- FOOT," aged. Brotvn, yellow sleeves and cap 6— Mr. W. F. Burtons ch. m. " MINOVID,'* 7 yrs, VelloWy black hoops, yellow cap, . . 7— Mr. H. Hardy Simpson's b. f. ** ES- TELLA," 4 yrs. Crimson, white cab , . . i w ,'(:t' 2nd RACE-2.45. 8— Mr. F. B. Ward's b. m. " LADY DOUG- LASS," 3 yrs. Cerise body and coji^ white sleeves 9— Mr. R. H. Sperling's gr. g. 'THAROAH," agfed. Sky blue, prhnrose sleeves and cap "THE LADIES CUP." Rider, m\- >' V 3rd RACE-3.15. a THE FARMERS' CUP. >> A FLAT RACE, of about one mile, for horses bred in British Cohimbia, the bona fide property of farmers in the Victoria District, who are not members of the Victoria Hunt Chib. The riders must be bona fide farmers, or any member of the Victoria Hunt Chib. Weig-ht 154 pounds. Post entries to be made to the Clerk of the Course and Scales. First Prize, $20 ; Second Prize, §10. % . n^r r Ic 4th RACE-4.00. "VICTORIA SWEEPSTAKES. >> AN OPEN FLAT RACE for horses. Weight 140 pounds or over. Distance about one mile. Four starters or no race. Entrance fees, ($5.00), to go to the winner, together with a Cup presented by the Club. Rider, 1— Mr. J. Bothwell'sch. g. "THE BARD, ' 5 yrs., by Broadmead, out of Maude. Maroon body^ blue sleeves , zvhite cap, ... 2— Mr. F. J. Patton's b. f. *' KARABEL," 4 yrs. Pale green and old ^'ose 8— Capt. Palmer's b. m. " LADY ISOBEL," 4 yrs 4— Mr. J. D. Prentice's ch.g. "WALLAWA " 3 yrs. White ^ scarlet sash and cap 5— Mr. W. F. Burtons ch. m. "MINOVID," 5 yrs. Yellow, black hoops, yelloiv cap. . . PROVINCIAL ARCirVFS OF B. C.