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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont fifmis en commenpant par la premidre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporto une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: lo symbols — ^ signSfie "A SUiVRE", le symbole V stgnifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 6tre reproduit en un seul clichA, 11 est film^ A partir de Tangle 2up6rleur gauche, de gauchi^ d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nomb'-s d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 n 2 3 2 1 3 m. 1 4 5 6 b n f« /f 7 (/,. ^^:^ f ^ "i ^ THE IMPERIAL FEDERATION LEAGUE IN CANADA. o « •■•'8%^ '%. . ■i...: -.,. ■ .ill ';t^' Ui'-t To. Dear Sia, , ;Ji.,; ; The following considerations are presented to the members of the League in Canada In support of a resolution which will be moved at the annual meeting, 1894, to this effect: ; ; "That the Imperial Federation League in Can?ia believes that the time has arrived when ths " United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the great self-governing colonies of the Empire " should federate, by combining on an equitable basis their respective resources for the maintenance of " common interests, and by adequately jiroviding for an organized defence of common rights. " That the re- •>onsibilities of such a federation can be most conveniently borne by providing a " revenue for Imperial Defence from a small uniform ad valorem duty on all importations from foreign " countries, with few exceptions. " That in view of the dissolution of the Council of the League in England, the Imperial Federation "League in Canada is ready to co-operate with any organization in Greai Britain v/hich will make a "federation upon such a basis an essential part of its policy." Up to the present time the question has been discussed from various points of view, both in its political and in its commercial aspect. Whilst much light hai been thrown upon the subject by this discussion, the result, according to the December number of the J 1 irnal, has been to bring out such acute differences of opinion (presumably on the trade question) that the members of the Council of the League in England find it impossible or inexpedient to work together any longer. It is submitted that one essential and fundamental condition of any agreement for federation which may be ultimately arrived at between Great Britain and her great self-governing colonies is, that it must be permanent ; or at all events that no one of the parties to it shall be at liberty to terminate or vary it without the consent of the others. ,;,,,;; t ■• v • • .. - Two alternatives would appear to present themselves. • :.;/,; .^ n of the Inter-Colonial Conference to be held at Ottawa in June. The reports of these Committees having been received and adopted, a strong deputation of the League should wait upon the Inter-Colonial Conference, and press upon it to use its influence to have these proposals submitted to a conference of the duly appointed agents of the respective Governments. That some re-adjustment of the British Constitution is necessary, within the limits cf the United Kingdom, has been demonstrated by the fact that the time of the British Legislature has been largely occupied for years by the Irish question, to the neglect of the English legislation. Whilst recognizing that the Irish question is one to be dealt with exclusively by the people of the United Kingdom, it is urged that as change is necessary and is now under consideration, a great opportunity is presented for such a remodelling of the constitution as will ultimately adapt itself to the requirements of Greater Britain. The placing of the exclusive control of Britain's foreign policy, together with the control of the Army and Navy and other Imperial interests in the hands of an Imperial Council, in which the people of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and the other Colonies are to be represented, would, it is submitted, in ilself form just such a guarantee against disintegration as would satisfy the English people, in giving to Ireland a sufficient measure of Home Rule. YQurs truly, 688 Spadina Avenue, H. J. WICKHAM. Toronto. April 25///, 1894. ^——p — wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKm