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*' Upper Canada," it is amongst other things enacted that it shall be 
 lawful for any District Council to make bye-laws for providing that on 
 each side of any Highway, which sliall pass through a wood, the timber 
 shall be cut down for a space not exceedin twenty-five feet on each 
 side of such highways, by the proprietor of the land on which such 
 timber shall be, or in his default, by the overseer of highways, in whose 
 division such land shall be, such timber to bo removed by the proprietor 
 within a time to be appointed by the bye-law, or, on his default, by such 
 overseer of I^oads, in which last mentioned case, it may be used by the 
 overseer for any purpose connected with the improvement of the High- 
 ways and Bridges in his division, or sold by him to defray the expenses 
 incurred in carrying the bye-law into effect, — Provided always, that no 
 such bye-law shall Authorize or compel the cutting downof any orchard, 
 or shrubbery, or of any trees planted expressly for ornament or shelter ; 
 it is, therefore, hereby enacted by the Council of the London District, 
 that where any highway, in this District, shall pass through a wood, it 
 shall be the duty of the proprietor or proprietors of the land, on each 
 side of such highways, within six weeks after the passing of this bye- 
 law, to cut down and remove the timber on each side of such Highways, 
 for a space of twenty-five feet. 
 And it is further enacted, that in the event of the proprietor or pro- 
 prietors of the land through which svch highways shall lie, failing to 
 cut down and remove the timber on each side of such Highways, as 
 hereinbefore required, it shall then be lawful for the overseer of High- 
 ways within whose division such lands shall be, by and under the direc- 
 tion of the Committtee or Councillors of the Township, to cut down and 
 remove, or dispose of the said timber, in such way as he shall be by 
 him or them ordered, and in accordance with the provisions of the act 
 hereinbefore recited. 
 .r- i 
Bye-Law to establish a Road in the Township of Dorchester^ 
 Southern Division, 
 ' [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whebeas the owners of the land through which the Road hereinafter 
 described may pass, have made application, and have rehnquished all 
 claim for compensation for the land occupied by said road ; it is, there- 
 fore, hereby enacted by the Council of the London District, that the 
 road applied for be, and the same is hereby established and ordered to 
 run as follows, commencing at the centre line of lot number twenty-two, 
 in Concession B, in the township of Dorchester, Southern Division, 
 thence in a straight line through Concessions B and A to the first Con- 
 cession of said Township, the road to be three rods wide, and to be on 
 the west side of said centre line. 
 And it is further enacted, that the parties applying for said new rood, 
 shall defray all expenses attending the establishment of the same. 
 JSye-Law to establish a J^ew Road in the Township of 
 , Southwold. 
 [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whereas it has been represented by Twelve Freeholders of tk 
 Township of Southwold, that it is necessary for the better accommoda- 
 tion of the Inhabitants of the said Township, to establish a new Road 
 as hereinailer described ; and whereas Daniel Hanvey, a Road Sur- 
 veyor in and for this District, has reported in favour of said new Rood, 
 and has given notice of his report in terms of the bye-law in that behalf ; 
 it is, therefore, hereby enacted, by the Council of the London District, 
 that a new Road be, and the same is hereby established, and ordered to 
 run as follows : — commencing in the limit between lots numbers three 
 and four, on the northerly side of Mill road, where a post has been 
 planted in the northerly side of said road, and in the limit between said 
 lots, then North forty-five degrees east, along the limit between said 
 lots, as the limit is now run o** laid out, thirty-three chains, thirty-three 
 and a half links, more or less, to where a post now stands in the rear 
 1847. ' 
 ished all 
 is, there- 
 that the 
 rdered to 
 first Con- 
 to be on 
 lew rood, 
 iship of 
 rs of th: 
 lew Rood 
 load Sur- 
 lew Road, 
 at behalf ; 
 a District, 
 ordered to 
 )drs three 
 has been 
 ween said 
 tween said 
 n the rear 
 of said lots, then north forty-five degrees west, along the rear limit of 
 said lot number 4, as the paid limit is now laid out, nine chains seventy 
 nine links, more or less, to the westerly side of the allowance for road, 
 between the second and third concessions, west of River Road in the 
 said township— the line in the centre of the said road — and the road to 
 be sixty-six feet wide, according to the report and survey of the said 
 Daniel Hanvey. 
 (Signed,) W^f. NILES, 
 J. B. STRATHY, Warden. 
 Bye-Law to establish a •Yew Road in the Township of 
 [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whereas it is necessary for the better accommodation of the Inhabi- 
 tants of the Township of Delaware, to establish a new Road in the said 
 Township, as hereinafter described, it is, therefore, hereby enacted by the 
 Council of the London District, that a new Road between lots numbers 
 fifteen and sixteen in the fourth concession of said Township be, and it 
 is hereby established and ordered to run as follows ; — ^that is to say, 
 commencing in the limit between the said lots on the line in front of the 
 said concesssion, then north seventy degrees east, seventy chainS| 
 more or less, to the allowance for road in rear of the said concesjsion, 
 according to the report and survey of Benjamin Springer, road 
 (Signed,) WM. NILES. 
 ■^ J. B. STRATHY, Warden. 
 Byc'Law to regulate the Commutation of Statute Labour 
 in the District of London. . : .,.,,.•, 
 [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whbrsai, by an act passed by the Parliament of this Province, in 
 the Ninth year of her Majesty ^s Reign, and intituled ** An Act to ammd 
 " the Laws relative to District Councils in Upper Canada," the privilege 
 of compounding for Statute Labour is repealed, and the District Counoili 
 are authorised to empower the landholders in the District to compound 
 for the Statute Labour by them respectively, performable for any time 
 not exceeding five years, at any rate not exceeding two shillings and 
 sixpence for each day's labour, and to regulate, by bye-law, the manner 
 and the divisions in which the Statute Labour shall be performed, or to 
 empower the respective Township Councillors to direct the laying out 
 and performance thereof: it is, therefore, hereby enacted, by the Council 
 of the London District, that from and after the passing of this bye-law, 
 any person liable to perform Statute Labour, may compound the same, 
 if he or she shall think fit, on or before the tenth day of May, in each 
 and every year, by paying the Overseer of Highways, acting for the 
 division in which he or she resides, the sum of two shillings and six- 
 pence, for every day which he or sec may be required to work, and 
 such overseer is hereby authorised and required to accept the said sum, 
 in lieu of such Statute Labour, and to expend the same in the improve- 
 ment of Roads and Bridges, within his division, under the direction and 
 controul of the Councillor or Councillors of the Township, within the 
 period prescribed by Law. * 
 (Signed,) WM. NILES, 
 : J. B. STRATHY, Warden. 
 Bye-Law to appropriate the sum of £2,600 for the im- 
 provement of Road9 and Bridges in the District of 
 [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whereas it is expedient to appropriate the sum of iS2.500 out of 
 the funds of this District, at the disposal of the Council, amongst the 
 several Townships of the said District, for the purpose of being 
 expended in the improvement of Roads and Bridges therein ; it is, 
 therefore, hereby enacted by the Council of the London District, that 
 the sum of jS2,500 of the funds of this District be, and the same is 
 hereby appropriated for the improvement of Roads and Bridges, to be 
 apportioned as follows ; that is to say, — to the town of London, the sum 
 of one hundred and eight pounds ; to the township of London, the 
 L> privilege 
 t Councils 
 r any time 
 illings and 
 le manner 
 nod, or to 
 laying out 
 18 Council 
 s bye-law, 
 the same, 
 ', in each 
 ng for the 
 s and six- 
 work, and 
 said sum, 
 ) improve- 
 ection and 
 within the 
 • the im- 
 strict of 
 y, 1847. 
 500 out of 
 nongst the 
 of being 
 'ein ; it is, 
 strict, that 
 he same is 
 Iges, to be 
 n, the sum 
 andon, the 
 sum of two hundred and ninety-four pounds ; to the township of West- 
 minster, the sum of two hundred and thirty>one pounds ; to the township 
 of Yarmouth, the sum of three hundred and three pounds ; to the town- 
 ship of Southwold, the sum of two hundred and twenty4wo pounds ; 
 to the township of Williams, the sum of seventy -one pounds ; to the 
 township of Dunwich, the sum of one hundred and ten pounds ; to the 
 township of Dorchester, the sum of one hundred ^and forty-seven 
 pounds ; to the township of Lobo, the su^n of one hundred and twenty- 
 three pounds ; to the township of Mosa, the sum of ninety-three pounds ; 
 to the township of Malahide, the sum of one hundred and eighty-seven 
 pounds; to the township of Exfrid, the sum of seventy-four pounds; 
 to the township of Bayham, the sum of one hundred and eighty-one 
 pounds ; to the township of Adelaide, the sum of seventy-nine pounds ; 
 to the township of Delaware, the sum of fifty-six pounds ; to the town- 
 ship of Carradoc, the sum of one hundred and eleven pounds ; to the 
 township of Metcalfe, the sum of fifty-five pounds, anctto the township 
 of Aldborough the sum of fifty-five pounds. 
 It is further enacted, that the Councillors of the different townships 
 shall, and they are hereby authorized to apportion the sums appropriated 
 to thf^ir respective townships, and to appoint Commissioners to superin- 
 tend the expenditure thereof. 
 And it is further enacted, that the above sums shall be paid by the 
 Treasurer on the warrant of the Warden, signed in open Council, on 
 the certificate of the respective Councillors, and on affidavit being made 
 by the Commissioners appointed to superintend the work, that the same 
 has been duly performed. 
 (Signed) WM. NILES. 
 J. B. STRATHY, Wardtn, 
 \ ^ 
 Bye-Law to raise certain Sums of Money for the purpose of 
 building School Houses in the London District, 
 [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whcrkab it is expedient to raise the several sums of Money herein- 
 after mentioned, for the purpose of building School Houses in the 
 following School Sections, in this District, it is, therefore, hereby 
 enacted, by the Council of the London District, that the following sums 
 •hall be raised in the following School Sections respectively, for the 
 purpose of building School Houses therein, viz. : — ^The sum of fifteen 
 pounds in School Section number two, in the township of Aldborough ; 
 the sum of thirty>nine pounds in School Section number fourteen, in 
 the township of Westminster ; the sum of fifty pounds in Union School 
 Section number six, in the township of Westminster, and number four, 
 in the township of Dorchester ; the sum of twenty-eight pounds two 
 shillings and five-pence, in the Union School Section number ten, of 
 ^A ftJm/i^^^^^^^^'^^'* *"*^ number twenty-one in Westminster ; t he sum of fifty 
 ' ^ 'pounds, in Union School Sect ion number n ine, in the township of 
 Wy glmin ster^ and number fivq ^n the t ownshipof Dorcheste r ; the sum 
 of thirty-two pounds ten shillings, in Section number ten, in North 
 Dorchester ; the sum of thirty-eight pounds in School Section number 
 six, in South Dorchester ; the sum of twenty pounds in School Section 
 number six, in the township of Carradoc ; the sum of forty pounds in 
 /^^3.<.p;A^^School Section number three, and the sum of one hundred and ten 
 pounds in School Section number four , in the township of Bayham ; 
 the sum of fifty pounds in School Section number two, and the sum of 
 fifty-five pounds in School Section number eight, in the township of 
 Malahide ; the sum of twenty pounds in School Section number twenty- 
 six ; the sum of forty-five pounds, in School Section number sixteen, 
 and the sum of thirty pounds in School Section number twenty-five, in 
 the township of Yarmouth \ the sum of sixty-two pounds ten shillings 
 in School Section number five, in the township of Mosa ; the sum of 
 twenty-five pounds in School Section number nineteen, and the sum of 
 twenty-four pounds in School Section number sixteen, in the township 
 of London. 
 . It is further enacted, that the above sums shall be raised by levying 
 the same upon all rateable property, within the respective School 
 Sections above-mentioned; and the Clerk of the Peace is hereby 
 authorised and required to impose the said assessments over and above 
 the expenses of levying and collecting the same, by placing the same 
 in a separate column on the proper collector's roll of this year, or such 
 parts of said assessments as can be collected, having regard to the limit 
 of the powers of this Council of imposing taxes, under, the 4th and 
 6th Victoria, cap. 10, and such parts of the obove mentioned sums as 
 may remain uncollected, by reason of the above limitatiom, shall be 
 imposed by the Clerk of the Peace in subsequent years, in the manner 
 above directed, until the whole shall be collected. 
 ely, for (he 
 m of fifteen 
 Id borough ; 
 burteen, in 
 lion School 
 limber four, 
 pounds two 
 ber ten, of 
 im of fif^ y 
 ownship of 
 ; the sum 
 in North 
 ion number 
 ooi Section 
 r pounds in 
 'cd and ten 
 * Bayham ; 
 the sum of 
 ownship of 
 )er twenty- 
 or sixteen, 
 ity-five, in 
 n shillings 
 he sum of 
 the sum of 
 3 township 
 )y levying 
 re School 
 is hereby 
 and' above 
 the same 
 •, or such 
 • the limit 
 4th and 
 d sums as 
 , shall be 
 e manner 
 It is further enacted, that the above sumf shall de raised, levied, col- 
 lected, and paid over to the District Treasurer in the same manner m 
 rates have heretofore been raised, levied, collected, and paid over. 
 It is further enacted, that the abnve-montioned sums shall be paid by 
 the Treasurer to the parties entitled to receive the same, on the warrant 
 of the Warden, signed in open Council, provided always, that a deed 
 for the land on which such School Houses may be built, in accordance 
 with the form given by the Chief Superintendent of Common Schools, 
 be lodged in the District Clerk's Otfice, and recorded in the Register 
 Office of the District, at the expense of the Trustees of the respective 
 School Sections, before the issuing of said warrant. ' 
 And it is further enacted, that in all cases where School Houses have 
 already been built, and are accepted by the School Trustees of the 
 Section, the certificate of such Trustees shall be a sufficient voucher to 
 the collector for the sum mentioned therein, asha'Mng been paid by any 
 party liable to said assessment, and shall be receive x by the Treasurer 
 in lieu of the sum or sums mentioned in such certificates. 
 Bye-Law to raise a sum of Money ^ for the purpose of afford- 
 ing Relief to the Indigent^ Sick., and Infirm Persons 
 in the Township of Yarmouth. 
 • » [Passed 6th February, 1847. 
 Whereas, by an act passed by the Parliament of this Province, 
 intituled " An Act to amend the Laws relative to District Councils, in 
 '' Upper Canada," it is, amongst other things, enacted, that it shall be 
 lawful for any District Council, on the application of a majority of the 
 persons qualified to vote at the election of Township Officers, in any 
 township in the District, to authorise and direct by Bye-law, the raising 
 by assessment on the taxable property in such township, of such sum 
 as may be required for the purpose of afibrding relief to indigent, sick, 
 or infirm persons in the township, in such manner and under such 
 jregulations at may be provided in any bye-law to be made in that be- 
 lialf ; and whereas, a majority of the persons qualified to vote at the 
 election of township officers in the township of Yarmouth, have made 
 application, that an Assessment, for the above mentioned purpose, 
 should be made on said township ; it is, therefore, hereby enacted by 
 the Council of the London District, that the sum of seventy-five pounds 
 be raised and levied on all the taxable property in the said township, for 
 the purpose of affording re^ef to indigent, sick, and infirm persons in 
 said township, for this year^ 
 It is further enacted, thai the said sum shall be raised, levied and 
 collected, in the same mani^ as other rates have been heretofore raised, 
 levied and collected, and shall be paid over by the Collector, after 
 deducting two per cent, for his par centage, to the Clerk of the said 
 It is further macted, that it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the 
 Peace, and he is hereby authwized and required to impose the said 
 assessment, over and above the expenses of levying and collecting the 
 same, by placing the s«une in a separate column on the proper Col- 
 lector's rolL 
 And it is further enacted, that it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the 
 said township, and he is hereby authorized and required to pay such 
 part or parts of the above assessment as may be in his hands, to any 
 person or persons producing an order from the Councillors of said 
 township for the same; and shall render an account to the District 
 Council of the disbursement of said assessment, accompanied with the 
 vouchers therotbr, at the meeting of this Council in February next. 
 . . J.B.STRATHY, 
I>e made in that be- 
 ified to vote at the 
 mouth, have made 
 lentioned purpose, 
 hereby enacted by 
 eventy-five pounds 
 said township, for 
 I infirm persons in 
 aised, levied and 
 heretofore raised, 
 > Collector, after 
 ^leik of the said 
 he Clerk of tho 
 impose the said 
 id collecting the 
 the proper Col- 
 he Clerk of the 
 •ed to pay such 
 I hands, to any 
 icillors of said 
 to the District 
 panied with the 
 fuary next. 