, GIHIVI "Microfiche Series % iCMri Goilectibfi de microfiches (mdnographies) ,? -is- ■#■■ ''•t-t'i,'. .-1 CanMliaii Imtitut* for Historical Mierisrsproductiofis / liwtltut csnadlsn ds microraproductiont hlatoriquw "-■■■/ . .•.— ■--■;■ ^ ■■■'■■■'■■. "■■ ■■-" .'^ -^^'-y-- ■■■:"•: : • ■■.■'■ \..- '"'-■■':.■:■■ ■ \ ■• lii • ''" . -ft »,v Technical and BMMofrairiite No«n / NoIm »din>qi wi at b iM>oi mi >i i |iia i . ■ ■ • < TIM ImtiMte hat atwniptad to ebMin epyya«ailab la foffiliwiw. FaMma of «M« copy mtf h(t IMfcllopipWcallv Mii^ui 0f tha MMiaa in tha lapraAiation, of ti pii f laa n tiy chanfitlia ywiai mMlwd of fiMint, ara ' cbacliao balow. . ■ L'Inttitnt a wiaiof Unm !• inaHlaii' ananiplaifa liii a »ll MwibH da m pnmim. La> dHaUt Couaimira □ Colpurad patn/ PlifBadacoulaMr m SCovart raitorad and/or laminaiad/ Codvartura raitMif«*^0M paHicMMi □ Covar titia mii|rint/ U tHM da oiBM««rtiira maiiqiia / rattpvad and/or laminalad/ Pwfffia latt au rtai art/on paHic uH a i NfM diseoloiMid. itiinad or fomd/ . Pmm dAfiaiotAn tadMfltM oii iiiauAat C<||IOMf«d Carlaf CokMiad ink (Laf. pthar than ^ or Mack)/ Encra da eouiaur (i.a. autra qMa Maua ou noira) CohMirad ptafM and/br illuitratieni/ Planchas at/oM iilustratibm an eoulaur . "^yl Showthroufh/ __j Tramparanaa s Quality of print variat/ QiialitA intiala da I'impratiion IquM □ Bound with othar matarial/ Rali«a«aed'autrMi' □ Tight taindinf may ohim shadoovt or distortion aldnt intarior marfin/ U raliura larrAa pautcauNr da I'ombra ou da la diatonion la ionf da la marfB infftrioura D <- I 1 Blank laavaf addad durinf rattoration may appaar within tha tout. Whanavar pottiMa, thaia hava baan omittad from f ibninf/ II M paut qua eartainat pafls Mandiat aioutte* ton d'una raitauratioAapparaiMant dam la taxta, mais. lonqua cala itait poMiMa. eas pa«n n'ont pat M f ihntet. ' ' ' *:*- ■■' □ Continuous pagina t ion/ Pagination eontinua □ Indudas indax(at)/ ' Comprand un 9u) indax Titia on haadar takan from:/ La titra dv I'an-tlta proviant: TitIa paga of iuua/ Pa^t da titra da la livraison Caption of issua/ "tist* da depart da la liwratoon Masthaad/ Giniriqua (pAriodiquas) da la livraison • * "I Additional commants:/ CommantaiiM suppltmantairast There are crdases in the middle of P^ es. 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FmtImv r«ci, in 2 Vila, Htowo Friao* of Walbivradan by (}lbao« CotiaR* on lh« Cliff, by Ward MyitaritM of lldolnho, ny Itadnlif Tbinka I lo myaalr, wid i' ;fnf ; ' Ri|rior7 ofobmtiMily tlietoltlrrt 0««wi#^ '"^ ''^*i'''- ^^^ '^■' ^.Hii;' Amerioan Froit grower't snide A^l^"^^^^^^ ^^> *»/ CI. Stum ' LifttrBobMpiam - •'-.'• ci wa?tt;!>t. r^ou ../-m'i -,w r. n Adam's Bdbnoe of AneriM ^- •/ Natural TJwlqj^ bj Bevd. Q«o. Crablie ->mWv./' , , ri Andrew a Report oo the OoloDial aad Ldto Tiide^JUia i :/ r .,r Hildreth'a Tbeonr of PoUtiei • m ; Jy in ^ ... J* „ , ,.^,^r Hand Book for Hjtbe, by Hau Bna^ i"- ^ j-m^d/; , <.., — Geographieal Qnunnur ^ w- -f j la ^'r^^in^c ■; . . ,::y ^. " , Cosmogany of jDjateriei of ereation " * ■<^«y t . , /Jji. \i /\ , , „ Johnaon'a Beanlta ^ Hjdnmtht^^ ' ^" i :>. i. »tEr 1r. y :. ,^ j . \ . Roger'..HUtoryofCanada^H"^.'ij o --'ikh^i^ ,[wt Aatdcpraphsforfteedoim^ .;''':' '<^/'' J' i '■"*'•- vy; '«,; , Atitdcpraphs for fteemm ,....<. t--, Weale's aeries, Mitol^'f#i|JoaMil<>''£^''>-'^' •<■(•* w •;fnr." . History of 0. Cromwell, by Y. Bm6 '^^ •' ' ' (- > "- , - ., Conn de Lan^ Latine ^ ' . J ^ >- , [ > j Noctes Ambroisiane, by proftssor Wik», in 5 vob ' ' -i . .. WashwKton Irving'.jworlcs. i»«T0b ijv! Oaraean's History o|^ Canada ' ' <^'' .j 5>?*ory of the Manyata or Latter dan jSdbilB. t. ' ' ?"^IS"P'*** *»*■ "» 12 Toto. - ^f J^ -^^iSofrraT} n ^h ', , Soooessfbl Menshant, Appletona fid. " 'J » ' ^ ' irP is ,• ,. , The Methodist by %JErk^2to!.. . ^ ^ni^l.^^^^ Meet for Heayen, ft Heaven owHon^ '' ' >■' ?■ - « Life and l^b^riy ip Ameriei. in 2 wis, lK>ndon by HadcEv Grasses & iroraee Dlanta &c by EKnt ^ ' " . r ' ^T'^' COTntnrJafeb3rdo5elMd,lfiwtoted. ^/> -^ ...^ «, ..:.v LifeofWaahingtonin2T^ '} ' Lacoa by Oolton. '• ^ ; , ;„ , , , ' ! Fraita, Flowers and GaidSDiitt by Beeober. g^aiilbblemsaiidABMttieB - 'J-- i ' * .,, , ,1 , <: Hayw«d'sBookofdlB;^Sr , ., ..i^^:;. Tbe8aday80ffl»atwil,iB2tok c'"^' /.; , ,.uok'. CnmrniMTw thePoiSt^^ , ,,,^.. , i,^.,, »;, g";; , Bossel^lBi«toiytfc JutiiiifrodAioelJy Maokay, Moial DeAi of Freemasonry, Rational & ethics of Freemaaoniy, TwMpfcr ^ chatty Mannal of the Lodge liy' Maokirp"*"". DJ«Wii«e of Freemawnry, Book of the Chapter Ao, di*. " ' -_".«, „ , The Complete Work* ofFBAMCta BAO„,,..! Pascal's provindaiterT^itt^'^^O^^^^^ ; '; PasOal'slhomthtitttlvoP^' ' '^ ^ ' " \ •f'( ',t T "j' t'lr (..(il'-'lr. PasOal's thoQght Voltaire's Charles XII in Imiime. . ^ Fenelon'* Teleittljwhn*, ill 1 yplniwb, Walton*^ LiV^ l^he Lives of Ponne, Wf^o* Hooker, snd Dr Robert SandenKn^ , By Isa^k Walton. Sbakspeare's Ootuiplm^ works. The test r^jolated bytlie &lio of 1632 ; Histonr of tiie Stage, » Life of ti^^ Poat, and an introdaoi; tion to each Puy. " InelgBt vdlum^ The Works of Chatl« Didkena. Elegant Household Edition, printed at the "Riverride Prea^" cf superior laid and tinted paper* lUustrated firom BraWiiwi^ ibade expressly for tiiis Edition by F. 0. C. Darley and Jomi Gilbert Exeonted '-'', f ' -Hirr ^ I, 'K»'» i{,\'' -;, 'J^t V ■•*! 5C l^en Mid 9M0iao. Mpenoan tlio 4 ^#*i. ■ k '^^Itlr - w ■ ■''.--.'' ' . , • f ,' /^ . * ^ 1 ', .„ ■ ' "■'■',' « f • f 1 ■ ■■-■..'■, ■ ■ ' ••• * • • tidn. • '■ - / • > "■ * 4 Poetry, \ » ■■■ 'I ' [ a. « \ with k . ' , f 1 ' #' > w • 1 etches; 1 < f 1 ' Blue "^ ■ • ... ' 1 Blue ■ ■■ • ; m ■ ^ and k ~ 1 .' »- ' ' 'r ' ^i Hi / ^-^ .^r *- ■^-^^,^,_^. t' ^Hffi^lK c.-y-. ;i*?r K