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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 -^OOK OF THE FAMILIES ia ^<\ la m CONSECRATED TO J% I h I THE HOLY FAMILY J la Q OF ia ia B B B B B B B B B B B □ Q Q Q ia ia la Q ia la ia la la B Q B la B B B B B B B B B JESUS, MARY, JOSEPH f x''TCE 8 i ! B NIGHT PRAYERS IN COMMON BEFORE THE PICTURE Or THE HOIiY FAMILY. • •• * • ••••*, ••• » • • » I ImprimatvH'* t El^. (JHS,tArch. of Montreal/ \ .* .** \**; \* B B B B B B B B Q • El "When two or three are assembled in q my name, I am in the midst of q them. (Matth, xviii. 20.) § B B B B B B B B B B B h/ MONTBEAL LIBRAIRIE SAINT-JOSEPII g CADIETjI & DEROME B 1603, Notre Dame Street, 1603. QQBDQBBBBBBBBBBBBlSISISIiiClBeiiSBElBBBBBBDBBBBBBr ^- B ^k i? ^>,*?»f^ ,'ti« / ■ ^ / /' / / * ' // J ■*« OF THE RULES OF THE ASSOCIATIOR 1. What are the indispensable conditions of mem- bership in the Association of the Holy Family ? a. To be enrolled in the Association by giving the name of the Ifead of the family to the pastor of the Congregation. b. To have a picture of the Holy Family in one's house. , c. To say daily some grayer before that picture. 2. Must the prayer of consecration be said every day? The prayer " O most loving Jesus ", etc. (page 20), is designed by the Holy Father to be' said every day. Nevertheless its omission does not deprive of mem- bership. 3. May the prayers of the Association be said publicly in the church ? Yee, if jtbe}^«aj*e app^rjoved^ ^ thAOr^ipary and said before ;a«p{pt5ip4 pfj^^f.^o^ f am rPjr. II 4. *I)o 'the 'rules o'f tlie A'l^yociation of the Holy Family bind under pain of mortal sin ? !^^o, but the neglect of their observance deprives of the indulgences to be gained by observing them. 5. May the inmates of seminaries and colleges, and the members of religious communities be enrolled ? Yes, it was so decided by the S. C. of Kites', February 13, 1892. Begistered according to Act of Parliament of Canada by J. H. Fbbbau^, atr the Office of tibe Mirister of Agriculture, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and ninety three. BNRICII When approve, the AoSO" sufficient bestow u I and to re i families. Our pi I was that has been I the Holy I raged in I virtue in ^ its obser edy of p come. . and the men jud There sole wis practice remedy should s lOM. iS of mem- lily? I giving the tor of the ^ in one's » 3ture. aid eveiy V^go 20), very day. of mem- be said and said | ie Holy \ BR[EF EXRIOHING WITH INDULGENCES THE UNIVERSAL ASSOCIATION OP THE HOLY FAMILY. LEO XIIIl*, FOI=^E, FOR A PERPETUAL MEMORIAL drives of »m. ges, and )lled ? f Rites\ PeBBAUIjT, tliQUBimd I When it lately fell to our lot to sanction and approve, by Apostolic letters, the new Constitution of the Aoaociation of the Holy Family, We thought it sufficient, in the exercise of our duty and office, to bestow upon the same Association our highest praise, and to recommend it most earnestly to all Christian families. Our purpose in thus praising and commending it was that the Christian flock, whose eternal salvation has_been entrusted to us, should, by the example of ~~ " " "" " .oncou- •istian 'fefficaby iKatin its observance for the most part lies a? well the rem- edy of present evils as the warding off of dangers to come. For men are great >y influenced by example, and the better and holier thj person is, the more will men judge his example worthy of imitation. Therefore, it is not to be wondered at that We, whoso sole wish and desire is to be able, by encouraging the practice of Christian virtue everywhere, to afford a remedy to present evils and to avoid impending ones, should show an especial good will and interest toward /I — 2 — the Association of the Holy Family, which holds up for the imitation of its members the sanctity of the Holy Family itself. For all who are enrolled in this Association, heholding the exalted virtues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, must needs reproduce in some way these self-same virtues and endeavor to become better by imitating them. Therefore may this Pious Asso- ciation live and thrive ; may it increase in members and ffood works ; may it grow and extend its influence day by day ! Because so long as this Association flourishes, faith and piety and every Christian virtjie will blossom again in the family. But as men are wont to be influenced by the hope of reward, We offer as an inducement what lies in Our power to bestow, a reward not frail or perishable, but the recompense of things spiritual. Moreov cr, the associates may look forward to a still greater > c ard from Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, to whose service tiiey have devoted themselves, who will be propitious to their clients in the course of this life, and will also grant that the sweet and holy names of Jesus good and _ _^ , o ^ the salva- tion of souls, We, by our Apostolic Authority, and by these presents, wish and ordain that each and every member of the Association of the Holy Family, now and for future time, be free to use the remission of temporal punishments known as indulgences, and the the i^rivileges that are recorded below. — 3 — LIST Oi' INDULGENCES -AND PRIVILEGES GRANTED TO THE PIOUS ASSOCIATION OP THE HOLY FAMILY. Plenary Indulgences. To each and every member of the Association of the Holy Family who, after a sincere confession and the reception of the Holy Eucharist, shall visit a church or public chapel and there pray for our Inten- tions, there shall be the right of gaining a Plenary Indulgence on the following days : I. On the day of their cii trance into the Association, after they have recited the Act of Consecration approved by us through the Sacred Congregation of Eites. (To be found at the end of this list, page '7.) II. On that day of the year when a general meeting is held (according to the ci stom of the place where the Association exists) for the purpose of renewing their promises. III. On the feasts of Qur Lo:'<l Jesus Christ :, ^ I. The Nkl^tf^t}^; ^.i oihe^cii^^ji^icisioi^-^ Epiphany ; 4. The Resurrection ; 5. Tlie Ascension. Also on the following feasts of the Blessed Virgin : 6. The Immaculate Conception ; T. The Nativity ; 8. The Annunciation j 8. The Purification ; 10. The Assumption. Also on the following days : II. The Feast of St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary— 19th day of March. 12. The Patronage of St. Joseph— Third Sunday after Easter. ./'/ ix — 4 — 13. The Espousal of tho Blcssod Virgin Mary— 23d "day of January. IV. On tho titular feast of tho wholo Association. V. On any day in oach month, which is left to tho free choice of the Sodalibts, provided they shall recite during tho month in their families, before a picture of tho Holy Family, the prescribed prayers. VI. To those on the point of death, and unablo to inako their confession and receive the Holy Eucharist, but who ;diall have sorrow for their sins and call upon the Holy Name of Jesus, either with their lips, or, if unable to sj^oak, with their hearts. Partial Indulgences. Each and every member of the Association of the Holy Family who, with at least contrite heart, shall visit the church in which the Association has been ostaJbfiiJi*^\ ar l^fno <;J^lier ^hl5rcli*(Jr sKrIno, and there prayJl^j-Qodcfooi'thV-J^veU-beiilg of. Gliiiistendom, can gain the partial indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines : 1. On the Visitation ; 2. On the Presentation ; 3. On €he Patronage of the Blessed Virgin. 4. On whatsoever day these same associates, with their families who have been enrolled, shall gather together before a picture of the Holy Family and recite with contrite hearts the proscribed prayers. 5. On the days on which the associates «*hall attend tlie meetings. J. — 5 — II These same associates may gain an indulgence or three hundred days as often as they shall repeat with contrite heart (in any language) before a picture of the Holy Family the following prayer : O most loving Jesus, etc. (see page 20.) if, however, there are memberd who, on account of infirmity or for some other reason, cannot recite this prayer, they will be able to gain the same indulgences Jby devoutly sajing the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father, five times. Ill The membei*s of this Association can gain once a day an indulgence of two hundred days by rei^eating (in any language whatever) the following ejaculation : " Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, enlighten us, aid us^ and save us. Amen." lY Members who endeavor to get other families ta become members of this pious and all-embracing Association can gain one hundred days' indulgence. V An indulgence of jsixty days can be gained by the members of the Association as often as — 1st, they devoutly assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and other divine services in the parish-church in which the Association is established ; 2d, as often as they recite the Our Father and Hail Mary five times for deceased members ; 3d, as often as they shall endeavor to or succeed in reconciling family differences; 4th, as- / •■ / - 6 — often as they shall strive to lead back to the way of salvation those families who may have strayed from the path of righteousness ; 5th, or exercice their zeal in instructing children in Christian doctrine ; 6th. or perform any other pious work that may redound to the well-being of the Association. All these indulgences are applicable to the Souls in purgatory. TO PRIVILEGES. TO MEMBERS IN GENERAL. The Mass offered up for a deceased member, at any altar whatever, has all the benefits of a privileged altar. TO PARISH-PRIESTS. 1. They enjoy the benefits of a privileged altar on any three days of the week they choose, provided they have not the benefits of a privileged altar for some other reason. 2. They have the faculty to bless outside of Rome beads, rosaries, crosses, crucifixes, small statues, and medals, and to apply to them all the indulgences which the Sovereign Pontiff usually grants. (1) This •faculty, however, is only to be exercised for members already received into the Association : 1st, on the day when they become members ; 2d, on the day when they solemnly renew their act of consecration. (1) These Indulgences are termed Apostolic. Tlie Elenchva can be seen in Beringer (Indnlgence^, vol. f, page 339.) •tap i — < AN ACT OF C0NSP:CRATI0N, TO BE RECITED BY CHRISTIAN FAMILIES WHO CONSE- CRATE THEMSELVES TO THE HOLY FAMILY. " O Jesus, our most loving Saviour, Thou Who wast sent down from heaven to enlighten the world by Thy teaching and example, and Who didst will to pass the greater part of Thy holy life in lowliness at Thy home in Nazareth, subject to Mary and Joseph, and thereby didst hallow the household which was to be the pat- tern for all Christian families, do Thou in Thy good- ness receive our household, which this day consecrates itself to Thee ; protect and guard us, strengthen us in Thy holy fear, establish in our hearts the peace and concord of Christian charity, so that each one of us, becoming like to the Divine Model of Thy Family, may be sharer of eternal joy.' *' O Mary, most loving Mother of Jesus Christ, our Mother, through thy love and mercy intercede that Jesus receive this act of consecration, and pour out upon us His graces and blessings." " O Joseph, most holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by thy prayers in all our necessities both of body and soul, that, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary and thyself, we shall praise and thank Christ Jesus, our divine Eedeemer." We ordain that each of the above decrees set forth above remain firm and approved and confirmed forever, Constitutions, Apostolic Regulations, and all th'ngs whatever to the contrary notwithstanding. fi — 8 — Given in St. Peter's, at Borne, under the ring of the Fisherman, the twentieth day of June, 1892, the fifteenth year of our pontificate. S. Card. Yannutelli. ABSTRACT OF THE STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSAL PIOUS ASSOCIATION OF FAMiLIES CONSECRATED TO THE HOLY FAMILY OF NAZARETH. 1. The scope of the Pious Association is that Christian families be consecrated to the Holy Family of Nazareth, placing it before themselves for venera- tion and imitation, offering up in its honour every day prayers before its image, and practising in their lives the sublime virtues which the Holy Family offered for imitation to every grade of society, especially to the working class. 2. The Pious Association has its central seat in Rome, and is under the protection of the Cardinal Yicar^ro temp, of His Holiness the Pope. 3. The Ordinary of each diocese or apostolic vica- riate, the better to promote the Pious Association imo^ig the faithful, may make use of an ecclesiastic of ]}is choice, with the title of Diocesan Director. a. The Diocesan Directors will correspond with the, parish-prie.'^ts, to whom alone is confided the enrollment of families in their respective panshes. In the month of May each year the parish-priests will communicate to the Diocesan Directors, and these, under the direc- tion of the Ordinary, will forward to the central seat in Eome the number of families enrolled in the Pious Association durinir the vear. :.J r i* i — 9 — i- I* »- Y 5. The consecration of families w.ii be performed according to the formula approved and prescribed by His Holiness Leo XIII. The consecration may be performed by each family separately at home, or by many families united in the parish-church in the presence of the parish-priest or his delegate. 6. The picture of the Holy Family ought to be in the home of every family enrolled. The members of the family shall offer up at least once a day, if possible in the evening, prayers in common, in presence of this picture. The formula of prayers approved by our Holy Father Leo XIII, is recommended especially for that purpose; as well as the frequent use of the three well-known ejaculations : Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I offer you my heart and soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist mo in>my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe out my soul in peace with you. * GENEKAL CONVOCATION. The director may appoint a day as the Patron- feast of the Association. On this day the members of the Association are invited to approach the Holy Table. On the same day they should hold an assembly for the purpose of renewing their pro/iise of fidelity to the evening prayer at the feet of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. * For each recital of the above three ejaculations, 300 days' Indulgence ; and for the recital of any one of tliem, 100 days. —Pius PP. VII., 28 April, 1807, I I •> -^10 — Families not yet enrolled should afford this opportun- ity to join the Association. THE SPECIAL MAEK OR PICTURE OP THE ASSOCIATION OF THE HOLY FAMILY. Every society should have its special mark as well UB its purpose. The picture of the Holy Farailj^, League of eternal union, with its texts and its 42 historical medallions, is the special stamp of the Association. EXPLANATION, The picture contains the principal design of the Holy Family, which forms the back-ground of the picture, and enchased with 42 richly decorated medallions. The texts which are printed under each medallion, can be explained and developed with great advantage for the instruction of the families. A good mother will not fail to explain them to her dear children. The medallions are divided into 3 classes, each of which has its place and its meaning. We can easily recognize the operations of God the Father Creator, of God the Son the Eedeemer, and of the Holy Ghost the divine Promoter of catholic works. The first series contains the 16 medallions placed at the head of the picture and they recall to our mind the religious history of the world, from the creation to the end of time. ■- /> ►por tun- IE i: as well f eternal kllions, is the Holy picture, lions, ledallion, dvantage m to her , each of jan easily ' Creator, )ly Ghost placed at mind the on to the — 11 — The 2d series numbers the 24 ones at bothsides of the picture and recalls the history of the Holy Family, viz : the 12 at the left, the mysteries of the Incarna- tion and the hidden life, from the nativity of the Blessed Yirgin Mary until the death of St. Joseph ; the 12 i\t the right, represent the public life of Jesus and the Redemption, from the death of St. Joseph to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The 3d series is composed of 5 medallions placed under the middle picture and represents the divers categories : fathers, mothers of families, young men, girls, and children. Colored and gilt 18x26 do only 18x26 Plain " 16x24 do " 12 X 16 Each picture is accompanied with a book. Apply to KK. OBLATE FATHERS, No lOT VISITATION STREET, Montreal, Canada. Or to ER. OBLATE FATHERS, St. Sauveur Church, Quebec, Canada. 12 — NIGHT PEAYERS. \ t In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Placing ourselves in the presence of God, let us adore Him. I adore Thee, my God, with the reverence with which the presence of Thy Sovereign Majesty inspires me ; I believe in Thee because Thou art truth itself ; I hope in Thee because Thou art infinitely good ; I love Thee with my vrhole heart because Thou art supremely worthy to be loved ; and for the love of Thee I love my neighbour as myself. Let us give thanks to God for the benefits we have received at His hands. What thanks shall I render Thee, O my God, for all the loving-kindness that Thou hast be- stowed upon me ? Thou hast thought of mefrom all eternity : Thou hast formed me out of no- thing ; Thou hast given Thy life to redeem me, and Thou continuest to heap upon me every day favours without number. Alas ! Lord, what acknowledgment can I make for so many fa- vours ? Unite with me, ye blessed Spirits, in praising the God of mercy, who ceaseth not to do good to the most unworthy of His creatures. 1 I B Son, ?/ us irence ireign ^cause icause with emely Thee we God, }t be- 3from •f no- 1 me, very what ly fa- ts, in lot to :ures. I I — 13 — Let us beg of God to wake known our sins to us O Holy Grhost, eternal source of light, remove my darkness and dispel those shades that hide from me the filth and enormity of my offences. Show me, I beseech Thee, the sins I have this day committed, in thought, word, and action. Grrant me a feeling sense of them, that I may detest them all from the bottom of my heart, and dread nothing so much as ever to commit them hereafter. Let us examine our conscience on the sins committed against God, our neighbour, and ourselves. (A moment of silence to examine the faults of this day.) Behold me, O Lord, overwhelmed with con- fusion, and penetrated with grief at the sight of my iniquities. I am not worthy to be called Thy child, nor even to be reckoned among Thy servants, because I have repaid thy goodness -with malice, and Thy patience with ingratitude. I have offended Thee who art so good, so ami- able, and so worthy of my love. Yet, Lord, I am the work of Thy hands, ransomed with the precious blood of Thy own Son, who died for my salvation. Through his infinite merits I implore forgiveness. Have pity on me, and spare me for His sake. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and blot out my iniquities. I am heartily sorry for them, because they are -w — 14 — offensive to Thee, and I shall continue to repent sincerely of them, to the very hour of my death. Let MS steadfastly purpose to sin no inore. How I wish, O my Grod, that I had never offended Thee ! but since I have been so un- happy as to do what is displeasing in Thy sight, I will testify my sorrow for it by a behaviour altogether different from what I have hitherto maintained. Henceforw^ard, I renounce all sin, and the occasion of sin ; above all, of that into which I have the misfortune so frequently to relapse. And if Thou wilt vouchsafe me Ihy grace, for which I ask and hope, I will endeav- our faithfully to fulfil my duties, and nothing shall ever be able to prevent me from doing Thy will. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name : Thy Kingdom come : Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. G-ive us this day our daily broad : and forgive us our tres- passes as we forgive them who trespass against us : and lead us not into tem^^tation ; but de- liver us from evil. Amen. Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee : blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of Grod, pray for us, sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen. ^ -15 — I believe in Grod, the Father Almighty, Cre- ator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord ; Who w^as conceived by the Holy Grhost, born of the Virgin Mary, suf- fered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried ; He descended into hell, the third day He rose again from the dead ; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of G^od the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I be- lieve in the Holy Grhost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgive- ness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. I confess to Almighty Grod, to blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, to blessed Michael the archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, to all the Saints, (and to you, Father,) that I have sinned exceedingly in thought, w^ord, and deed, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. Therefore I beseech the blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, the blessed Michael the archan- gel, the blessed John the Baptist, the holy apos- tles Peter and Paul, all the Saints (and you. Father,) to pray to the Lord our Grod for me. May the Almighty Glod have mercy on me, and forgive me my sins, and bring me to ever- lasting life. Amen. May the Almighty and merciful Lord give — 16 — me pardon, absolution and laruission of &11 my sins. Amen. Bless, O Lord, the repose I am about to take in order to repair my strength, so that I may be the better able to serve Thee, and, thou, Holy Virgin, Mother of Grod, and, after Him, my only hope ; My Gruardian Angel, and all ye Saints, my Patrons, intercede for me this night and all the remainder of my life, but more es- pecially at the hour of my death. Amen. *ritor Pour down Thy blessing, O Lord, upon Thy Church ; upon our brethren ; our parents, friends, and benefactors ; also upon our ene- mies ; protect those whom Thou hast given us for masters, as well spiritual as temporal ; assist the poor and prisoners, the afflicted and those who are travelling ; extend also Thy aid to the sick, and to all those who are in their agony ; convert all heretics and unbelievers. O Grod of goodness and mercy ! have pity on the suffering Souls in purgatory, put an end to their pains, and grant to those, for whom we are more particularly bound to pray, eternal rest and happiness. Amen. 1 n LITANY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MAKY. L ORD ! have mercy on us. Christ ! have mercy on us. Lord ! have mercy on us. Christ I hear us. Christ ! graciously hear us. God tlie Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Eedeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercv on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Holy Mother of God, pray for us. Holy Yirgin of Virgins, Mother of Christ, Mother of divine grace, g Mother most pure, ^h Mother most chaste, ^ Mother undcfiled, ^ Mother inviolate, p^ Mother most amiable, Mother most admirable. Mother of our Creator, Mother of our Eedeemer, Yirgin most prudent, Virgin most venerable. Virgin most renowned, K YRiE, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Chrib.o, audi nos. Christe, exaudi nos. Pater de Coelis Deus, mise- rere nobis. Fir. Eedemptor mundi Deus, miserere nobis. Spiritus Sancte Deus, mi- serere nobis. Sancta Trinitas unus Deus, miserere nobis. Sancta Maria, ora pro no- bis. Sancta Dei Genitrix, ora pro nobis. Sancta Virgo Virginum, Mater Christi, Mater divinie gratia}. Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo veneranda, Virgo priudicanda. 00 :s o a o O ~18 — T Virgin most powerful, Virgin most merciful, Virgin most faithful, Mirror of justice, Seat of wisdom, Cause of our joy, Spiritual vessel. Vessel of honour, Vessel of singular devo- tion, Mystical rose, Tower of David, Tower of ivory. House of gold, Ark of the covenant. Gate of heaven. Morning star. Health of the weak, Eefuge of sinners, Comforter of the afflicted. H<.4p of christians, Queen of Angels, Queen of Patriarchs, g Queen of Prophets, u Queen of Apostles, =2 Queen of Martyrs, ^ G3 Queen of Confessors, ^ Queen of Virgins, Queen of all Saints, Queen conceived without original sin. Queen of the Most Holy Kosary, Virgo potens, Virgo Clemens, Virgo fidelis. Speculum justitice, Sedes sapientire, Causa nostrffi Iretitiro, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotionis, Eosa mystica, Turris Davidica, Turris eburnea, Domus aurea. Foederis area, Janua cceli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Eefugium peccatorum, Consolatrix afflictorum, Auxilium christianorum Eegina Angelorum, .3 Eegiiia Patriarcharum, -§ Eegina Prophetarum, ^ Eegina Apostolorum, Eegina Martyrum, Eegina Confessorura, Eegina Virginum, Eegina Sanctorum om- nium, Eegina sine labe origiuali concepta, Eegina Sacra tissi mi Eo- sarii. .3 o a o M :8 O o o — 19 — iiiro, lonis » ►rum, :orum .3 o d o A) O norum ti. irum um, um. im J .a o o n om- origiuali imi Eo- ^ vj J Lamb of God, Who takes t away the sins of the world,. Spare us, O Lord Lamb of Grod, Who takest awav the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let US pray. POUR forth, wc beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the mes- sage of an angel, may by his passion and cross be brought to the glory of his resurrection ; through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Agnus Dei qui to! lis pcc- cata mundi, parce nobis, Domine. Agnus, etc., oxaudi nos, Bomine. Agnus, etc., miserere no- bis. Christe, audi nos. Christo oxaudi nos. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei genitrix. Utdigniefficiamurpromis- sionibus Christi. Oremus. GRATiAM tuam, qusesu- mus, Domine, menti- bus nostris infundo ; ut qui, Angclo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui Incarnationem co- gnovimus, per passionem ejus et crucem ad resur- rectionis gloriam perduca- mur. Per eumdem Chris- tum Dominum nostrum. \men. Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this habi- tation, and drive far from it all the snares of — 20-. the enemy ; let Thy holy Aii<^els dwell herein to preserve us in peace, and may Thy Idessing he ahvays upon un, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AuK^n. ye happy Souls, who are now in the enjoyment ot* eternal glory, obtain from Him, who is our (lod and Father as well as vours, that Ave may never inova oU'end llim by mortal sin, and that He may take from us whatever is disi^leasing to Him. A PRAYER TO BK SAID EVERY DAY BEFORE A PICTURE OF THE HOLY FAMILY. " U most loving Jesus. Who didst hallow by Thy surpassing virtues and the example of Thy home-life the household Thou didst choose to live in whilst upon earth, menifully look down upon this family, whose members, humbly prostrate before Thee, implore Thy protection. liem ember that w^e are Thine, bound and consecrated to Thee by a special devotion. Protect us in Thy mercy, deliver us from danger, help us in our necessities, and impart to us strength to persevere always in the imitation of Thy Holy Family, so that, by serving Thee and loving Thee faithfully during this mortal life, we may at length give Thee eternal praise in heaven. O Mary, dearest Mother, we implore thy — 21 X'll herein y })le8siiig riirist our w in the rom Him, as vours, by mortal hatever is [3 K FORE A :iY. st hallow xample of [1st (3hoose fully look members, ►lore Thy re Thine, a special ieliver us ities, and Iways in that, by ly during •ive Thee )lore thy assistaniM*, kiiowinu' thai thy divine Son will hearken to thy petitions. And thou, Most glorious Patriarch, St. Josc'ph, help us with thy powerful patronage^ and place our petitions in Mary's hands, that she may offer them to Jesus Christ." (300 e/rr/y if' ind., each tinip.) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, 1 otter you my heart and soul. (100 dat/s' ind.) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. (100 days' ind) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe out my soul in peace with you. (100 dayii, ind.) Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, enlighten us, aid us, and sav^e us. Amen. (200 days' ind., once a day.) PRAYER OF SAINT BERNARD. Remember, most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, and sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of Virgins, my mother. To thee I come : before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen. (300 days' ind. Plenary in the month.) PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH, To be offered throughout the catholic ivorld during the month of October. We fly to thee, Blessed Joseph, in our tri- bulations, and imploring the a'id of thy most I I i' — 22 holy Spouse, confidently invoke thy patronage also. By that charity which united thee with the Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Grod, and by the fatherly love with which thovi didst embrace the Infant Jesus, we humbly beseech thee to look benignly on the inheritance which Jesus Christ acquired by His Blood, and help us in our necessity by their power and aid. Protect, O most provident Gruardian of the Holy Family the elect children of Jesus Christ ; ward off from us, most loving Father, all pestilence of errors and depravity ; be propiti- ous to us from heaven, most powerful Pro- tector, in this our struggle with the power of darkness ; and as thou didst once rescue the child Jesus from the greatest peril to His life, so now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of the enemy and all adversity ; and shield each one of us with thy perpetual pa- tronage, that imitating thy example, and sup- ported by thy aid, we may be enabled to live a holy life, die piously, and attain everlasting bliss in heaven. Amen. Pope Leo XIII. {Indul- gence of 7 years and 7 Quarantines.) DE PROFUNDIS. Ps. 129. De profundis clamavi ad te Do- mine : ^ Domine, exaudi vocem meam. Fiant aures tuae intendentes ^ in vocem de- precationis meee. — 23 — Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine, ^ Do- mine, quis sustinebit ? Quia apud te propitiatio est, "^ et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus, ^ spe- ravit anima mea in Domino. A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, ^ speret Israel in Domino. Quia apud Dominum misericordia, ^ et copiosa apud eum redemptio. Et ipse redimet Israel =^ ex omnibus iniqui- tatibus ejus. ^. Eequiem seternam dona eis, Domine, 1^. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. y/'. Requiescant in pace. ^. Amen. jf'. Domine, exaudi orationem meam, 1^. Et clamor mens ad te veniat. OREMUS. Fidelium, Deus, omnium conditor et re- demptor, animabus famulorum famularumque tuarum remissionem cunctorum tribue pecca- torum, ut indulgentiam, quam semper opta- verunt, piis supplicationibus consequantur ; qui vivis et regnas in ssecula sseculorum. Amen. J^. Requiescant in pace. ^i. Amen. \ T-A-BIjE. PAGES Brief of Leo XIll .......... . . 1 i List of Indulgences 3 .! Privileges to the associates 6 Act of consecration t Abstract of the statutes 8 General convocation . ... . . . . . . . 9 The i)icture 10 NIGHT PKAYERS . : . . . . . . '. . . 12 Prayer to the Holy Family 20 '' Memorare " of St. Bernard . .21 Prayer to St. Joseph 21 De profundis 22 r T M exi tei un ha mi wl all ro: n€ Xh I n PAGES . 1 i 8< 8 * 9 10 12 20 21 21 22 The Holy Father Leo XIII, by his brief, Neminem fugitj dated June 14, 1892, has decreed as follows : 1. All the Associations of the Holy Family now existing, except religious congregations and confra- ternities properly so called, canonically erected, are united in this the sole general Association. 2. Those congregations and confraternities which J have heretofore been engaged in enrolling families must henceforth wholly abstain from this sort Of work, ^ I which is committed to the parish-priest alone. 3. However it is not necessary that those families already enrolled in an association should be again en- rolled in order to gain the Indulgences and sj^intual gifts, provided they observe what is prescribed in the new statutes. The evening prayer in common before the picture of the Holy Family, and the annual convocation in the parish-church are the only practices of the Association. For pictures, books, hymns, etc., apply to THE EEV. OBLATE FATHEES, No. 107 VISITATION STREET, y.-^ Montreal, Canada. Or to THE EEV. OBLATE FATHEES, ST. SAUVEUR's CHURCH, Quebec, Canada. /i^% QiiaLiiasiiaiaiaiasiiaiataaiaiaQSisiiaQaiaQiaiaiaaBQtaEa&iaiaiaEiQasiia I- l:-t m a fa ia la Ea a la m ia la m a m a CI n ?i la a wt ia la la ia ia ia ia ia la a la la ia n m m m ia la la ia ^ 5^ Q B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B "^ a a. pS ^i B B B B B B B B B a B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B BBQEIBBEiEilSBEiGBBBIIBEiCiEIDBEiQBBBEiEIBEIESIBBBBBEIEIEIEIEI