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 ' ^jy-jtj lH;<y leave to inform yon wc have commcncwl an EsJahlMiinoiit ill this Cify for llic Ciiring 
 and Packing of Provisions, in same ina(inkr as practised in Ireland, for exi)ortali<Hi to the WoNt Indies ami 
 otiier Markets, and also for lionie coiiSHU)|ition, and will have reatly for delivery* at the Sibres on Point a Cal- 
 1 lire, hitely occupied by Messrs. Rerrard, (Jillespje, ^?ofl■, & Co. Il)y the liiller end of Octolier \w\, a 
 '•» small supply, and regnlarly afterwards an abuuditnt one of the lolkiwing Articles of Provision!;, for any of 
 Svhich ^V6 shall be glad to receive your Orders :-:? ' >• 
 BEEF, in Barrels and Half B»trrels which shall 1)e cured froni Prime Fat Cattle, and contain neither Necks 
 or Shanks, (he Barrels nmde of the best white Oak>cas«)ned Staves^ with an Iron lloop'on eacfrend. 
 . FORK, in Barrels and Half Bitrrels, which shall be cured from Prime Fat I logs, and contain no [lorlion of th« 
 Head except the Check, packed as above. -' . 
 ' ' "■ ■ ■•■- 
 ' Agreeably to tlift LawS^of this l*rmince the aliove Provisions on exportalion caao»/y Iiavclhe Inspeclof^s 
 iv/ Brajid Piiwe on them, all/iough sif})eriir\n what woi^ld Im; entitletl by liaw'tothat Bi'and, l)ecause they will 
 o^course contain some pieces which the Law prohibits from being packed and Branded yl/cM / we shall 
 however Brand every Package. . 
 PRIME, MESS "beef, i ".jisa:^/;;^ 
 CrilED AND PACKrin By ,^ 
 - ■ . ]^ MONTREAL. 
 And by which Brand its character in the Foreign Market shall be mainfained without reference to tliat of -the 
 - Inspection. 
 HAmS, cured inayery superior manner, which will give them a fine rich flavor and never be disagreeably 
 Salt. These whciLdried and smoked, will be covered with Imgging having thq separate weight marked 
 on each, and packed in Puncheons or otherwise, for exportation, as ordered. 
 totii'S CHEEKS, cured and dried in same manlier and each /Jrt/r covered &c. &c. as above. .^■■.\' ^■ 
 'PRIME PIECES tf BEEF, t^red and dried «:c. in same maiii^. ' '^ \ * 
 QUARTER JBARUELS of BEEF, fifty pounds in each, to contain One Roubd, remainder Brisket and 
 other choice pieces. . 
 QUARTER BARRELS^ of PORK, fifty pounds in each, io contain Two Legs, remainder Rib and other 
 ciioice pieces. 
 From the mode of curingthe Beef and Pork to be packed in the^Quarter Barrels it will keep for many months 
 without acquiring any greatgr degree of saltness than what is usually termed Oyfged, they arc therefore par- 
 ticularly well adapted for the Foreign Market. ■ *", '■ . ' '^ 
 LARDt tendered ftnd packed in Fitkinsfor expo||||ion or home consumption. 
 PRIVATE FAMILIES, i^ill be supplied! with Jj^^sJlog's Cheeks and dried Beef, equal, if not superior 
 <-toany cured at home, and RETAILERS with the different descriptions of BEEf and PORK, without 
 the expenccof Barrels.— The NECKS and SH ANK&of fiEEF, and the HEADS & FEET of PORK, ei- 
 ther Fresh or Salted, will be sold in any quantity, not less than Fourteen Pounds, &c. 
 ' - '. r ■ 
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 - - ' i^ • , Your Obt. Hupibic Servants. 
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