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 Of THB 
 I. Any person elected as Councillor, who refuses to act as such, shall 
 pay to the Clerk of the Co»ncil a fee of Twenty Dollars. 
 II. Each Councillor, for non-attendance at the Council without a rea- 
 sonable excuse, shall pay a fine of Two Dollars per day. 
 III. The Clerk of the Council shall prosecute and collect all fines and 
 penalties which cotoe under the control of the Council. 
 I. On the first day of meeting, if no time has been named, the Chair 
 shall be taken precisely at 10 o'clock A. M., and succeeding Meetings at an 
 hour stated on adjourning, when the Meeting shall be called to order, the 
 Eoll called, and business proceeded with as soon as a quorum assembles as 
 follows :— 
 Order of BDsmEBs. 
 1. Beading and approving Minutes of last Meeting. 
 2. Beading Correspondence. 
 3. Beception of Petitions, Memorials, Notic«8, Besolutions, &c. 
 4. Unfinished or Special Business for the day. 
 6. Beports of Committees. 
 6. Notices of Motions. 
 7. New Business. 
 The Warden, in conjunction with the Clerk, shall prepare and arrangf 
 the subjects or business to be submitted at each Meetinc. Al< 
 II. The \\ardeii shall have tho privilogo of bvln"!n" nnv ininnrlanf 
 matter he may have in charge before the Council l.rofLShHv nf v r 
 except when aiiy question if actually under debate!^ ^ ^ "'' 
 .ess before the Council sha\l be'spokerofinSte ctlr "^aiatoll!'""- 
 IV. The Wardeaor Chairman shall state evcrv subioct ohmvW (. fi 
 Council, and should no Councillor speak upon it. hoZ on t '^ <., ! 
 Councd prepared for the question ? " He shall th^n put tho qulslo^; to ^oJo' 
 V. Tho Warden's decision on points of onler ^^liill nnt ho .h^..^ 1 1 
 unless, entertaining doubts upon the subject, he w es ^i 'ui^of He 
 S l!;"^ IVT: '^ °^'^^^ '■" l^refereice'to otho Co rciLrVi^in" 
 On such appeal no Councillor shall speak more than once. 
 All resolutions shall be submitted in writing. 
 The Council may give any membor leave to speak oftener. "^ ' ^" 
 fnllMLr.!!'!." jy Councillor ialomls to .poak lio must lisoaiul i-csnoct- 
 ially adlicss the (iia.r, and conliiw l.imsclf to tho „,„.,U„„ „,„r„ LC,, 
 Xni. Ko Councillor shall remain standing while another is spoakiu... 
 XVI. Wheu a raolion is made and seconded, it must be determined 
 by the question being put, unless it is withdrawn by the mover, or the ad- 
 journment is moved. 
 XVII. When any metion is put from the Chair, and an amendment ia 
 moved thereto, no amendment to such amendment shall bo allowed. 
 'XVIII. An amendment to a resolution .shall be put from the Chair 
 and decided first, and the original resolution shall not bo put unless the 
 amendment is decided in the negative. 
 XIX. On an amendment to "strike out and insert," the para^'raph to 
 be amended shall first be read as it stands ; then the words proposed to bo 
 strucic out and those to bo inserted ; and finally the paragraph as it would 
 stand if so amended. 
 XX. Any question decided by the Council shall be open for rc-cou- 
 sideration at a future Meeting, notice being given at the time the vote is 
 first taken. 
 XXI. When a Councillor is called to order ho shall keep his seat until 
 the point is determined. 
 XXII. If any Councillor in speaking impeach the motives of another 
 ( ouncillor, or treat him with personal disrespect, or pass between him and 
 the Chair while ho is speaking, or use unbecoming language, or wilfully 
 violate any of the Uogulations or Rales of Order, he shall bo deemed "uilty 
 of a violation of order, and may be censured by tho Chairman. ° 
 XXIII. If a Councillor shall deem himself personally a'^'^rieved bv a 
 decision of the Chair, he, seconded by any other Couuci"llor°°may appeal 
 from such decision to the Council. 
 XXIV. Any conversation which is calculated to disturb a Councillor 
 while speaking, or hinder the transaction of business, shall bo deemed a 
 violation of order, and if persisted in shall receive censure. 
 XXV. ]':very member shall bo heard, in his place, touching any char're 
 brought against him, as such, or any motion by which his private inte esLs 
 may be affected, but shall withdraw before tho Council proceed therein. 
 XXVI. When any question is decided by vote, the names or numbers 
 of ( voting, both in tho affirmative and negative, shall bo entered iu 
 tho Minutes, if required by any three Councillors. 
 XXVII. When any Councillor presents a petition, ho shall acquaint 
 tho Council with its purport, and ask leave for it to bo read, which request 
 must bo seconded Woforo it is read. 
 XXVIII. When any question is before tho Council, the only motions 
 in arder shall be 
l?t — To adjourn. 
 2nd— To lay on the table. 
 Srd — To postpone indefinitely. 
 4th— To postpone to a definite period. 
 5th — To amend; or 
 6th— To refer ; but no Councillor shall be permitted more than one 
 motion during the discussion of the same subject. 
 XXIX. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order except in the 
 following cases : — 
 1st— When a member is in possession of the floor. 
 2nd — While the j'oas and nays are being called. 
 2rd — While the members .are voting. 
 4th— When adjournment was the last preceding motion. 
 XXX— The following questions shall be decided without debate :— 
 1st — A motion to adjourn, when to adjourn simply. 
 2nd— A motion to lay on the table, when claiming privilece over 
 another motion. " 
 3rd— A motion to re-consider. 
 _4th— All motions as to priority of business, or taking up particular 
 5th— Applications for leave to speak more than the prescribed number 
 of times. 
 ?^^^7^^^^^° *^® Council make any order or express any decision 
 the form of such order or decision shall be "Resolved," or "Ordered " or 
 any other word, so that the meaning be clear," ' 
 XXXII— Councillors not present at Roll Call may have their names 
 entered on notifying the Clerk, if not more than minutes late. 
 XXXIII— The Clerk shall notify the first Councillor named ou any 
 Committee, of his appointment, by Airnishing him with a copy of the 
 resolution appointing the Committee. 
 XXXIV— All, or any persons, not Councillors, or officials, attendin" 
 meetings of the Council merely as spectators, or otherwise, shall observe 
 silence and order. Any such persons interrupting the proceedings of the 
 Council, being called to order by the Warden or Chairman, and lailinT to 
 comply, shall be ordered to leave the room. " 
 XXXV— No Councillor shall leave the Council while in session for 
 more than half a day, without the permission of the Warden or Chairman 
 bpecial Committees may retire to transact business on the Chairman of such 
 obtaining permission ef the Chair. 
 XXXVI— No books, papers, or documents of any kind shall, on any 
pretence, by any poison, be taken from the office of the Cjunty CUrk, 
 except by authority of the Council. 
 . XXXVII— The Clerk of the Coimcil shall >>o empowered to have 
 printed and to issue copies «f the Bye- Laws regulating th^ gathering of Sea 
 Manure, or any other I5ye-Law8 of the Council to any Councillor applying 
 for the same for the purpose of posting up through their respective dis- 
 tricts, and also to have printed a complete copy of the whole Bye-Laws of 
 the Council in pamphlet form, to be supplied to each Councillor. 
 I. The Council shall provide a Common Seal, one and a half inches 
 diameter, made of suitable metal, and have engraved thereon a crown 
 encircled with the words "Municipality of Halifax, N. S." 
 IL The Seal shall be kept by the County Clerk. 
 III. All deeds or documents to which the Corporation ia a party, and 
 for which a Seal is requisite, shall be authenticated by the Common Seal, 
 and the Warden and Clerk shall sign the same, and affix thereto the Seal 
 when authorized by any law, bye-law, or resolution of the Council. 
 IV. The Warden or Clerk may affix the Seal to any certificate, 
 license or other document at the request of any person desiring it for the 
 purpose of authentication. 
 V. Any person requiring the County Seal to bo affixed to any certifi- 
 cate or document for the purpose of authentication, shall pay to the Clerk 
 the following fees, viz. :— For affixing the Seal to any document , be used 
 out of the Province 82.50 ; if to be used within the Province only ^L50 ; 
 if to be used in the Corporation only, .$1.00. 
 I. Xo charge shall be made for the Seal for certificates of appoint- 
 of County or District Officers required in a Court of Law. 
 I. Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Council annually 
 as follows : — 
 1. Committee on Public Accounts and Finance. 
 2. Committee on Tenders and Public Property, 
 3. Committee on Licenses. 
 4. Committee ou Roads and Bridge.'. 
 5. Committee on Assessments. 
 6. Committee on Lunatics. 
 7. Committee on Law Amendments, 
 8. Committee on Jury Lists. 
 9. Committee on Poor. 
 .^^11. Special or Select Committees may bo appointed, 
 on molion, at any 
 -ittee 6f S apSt men n '^ ''" ^T'''''^ '''' "--*^ «° -/ ^om- 
 appointilag sud ^ Cotn i^t^r sl7T^ Inn; with a copy of the JJesolution 
 Chairman thereof ^""'^ Councillor shall be the convener and 
 Con'dttee?:f S'counSh" ^'' " "^^'"''' ' """^"^^ '' «" '^^ Standing 
 by llive^^nt^he wS ti;'° !^, ?r^'^ '^ •" «-•-' -^- 
 will thereaftnr ].« nZL! LV™'"' ^^'^° ^^^'''^'l «''«> ascertain that a cpiorum 
 will thereafter be present be;^;eg.;;,;:^^:,S: 
 FinaJje to'^ltitlc^ouSrl,^ fo^r'"'"^ ,?" n^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ -^^ 
 thereon; to prepnro Estinnte nn V ?" ^'^ t'»e Council, and to report 
 money bVAiesfmonts,K\l'^^^^^^^^^^^^ l'^ ^'-^i-^K of 
 the collection of all [\ehi^dnlflZ^^^^^^^^^ 
 necessary Books «f Acco^I ^ -^LX aXl ^Z^t J^^ ^t' 
 of any Public Work, oAor til Jo.nt '''''"''''? ?^" ^'^" performance 
 trol over, and take cl .iWof all Pn, ° f "^'1^' ' '"'^ ^^''^ '^"'^ ^^"'^ ''^■ 
 and have supervision of ti; sn,i'-^^ belonsmg to the Municipality, 
 and management thereof nnd m ^''^'^P'^'^t^ the purchase, sale, leasing 
 not to exc'-eed F.fty Dolh^s fo ! ;L'ono' "^^^^'^''^^''^ «" ^""-ent Account- 
 meeting of Council thSer ^ '"''' ''^''^''''"S the same at next 
 liconsi; foi tt'" le^o/'intoiSt'^ 'v' ^°"""'"^^ «" ^'^^^^^^^ to grant 
 authorized b/tl o CoLcil o iv" •'^"'". '' ''^''' ^^^«^«-' '^ «"«h bo 
 cieacyofpetftiomfo suchlilenS ''''^ decide upon, the suffi- 
 appended thereto; to re^rt at S ,"1 g'^"'^'^«"ess of the signatures 
 Clerk of License npeXningi'j;^^^ ^'^"""'' '-^"^ '' ^'"^ ^^o 
 Vir. Tho Comniitteo on Roads and liridgos sliall have the -cneral 
 p«rvis,on of tho Roads, Bridges and Ferries, tn the Municip lit/unde 
 Ui. direction ot the Council, and shall, at each semiannual nitu ^ of the 
 Council, report an estimate of the sums required for the repairs nd con! 
 ruction of roads and bridges, having in vieV the amount of money t?he 
 disposal of the Conncil for that service, and shall also report fro"i7tin e to 
 me upon he condition of the roads and bridges of the ilunic,riity tl e 
 cnaractor of the work performed therec a, and the outlay therefo, and also 
 report upon matters connected with Statute Labor. 
 VI ri. 
 The Committee on Assessments shall take charge of such matters 
 relating to Assessments and Rates as may be referred to them by ?he CW 
 cil, and 
 evidence relating to appeals, and report thereon to the 
 . The Committee on Lunatics shall examine, under oath ih^ 
 to'pat' ;:^thS "' °"Y''"^ "' '"'r'''^'^'' ''' ^^""-- .-to theif abilit; 
 to pay toi their maintenance and expenses; shall inspect all accounts 
 chargeable against the Municipality for insane Patients, and shall nvesti- 
 gate and recover all amounts due from paying patients charged a'.ainst the 
 the So'^i'ncil '" '"" '"'^ ''^'' ^'"^^ "^ "°^^ ^' '•^•i"^^^^' and°report to 
 fl .f"^'' '^^'^ f "ties of this C „ .litteo shall bo to suggest any amendments 
 that may bo thought necess,. y in the County Incorporation AcLand to 
 urge the Legislature to amend or repeal such portions of the saS Act o? 
 any Acts recommended to be passed, amended or repealed by tTe Council 
 XL It shall be the duty of tho Committee on Jury Lists to revise such 
 nnV^f T'l:^''''' ''■''' ^^' ,^^^^' ''^^'^ ^' ''P^'^on all matters theroS 
 connected when requisite to the Council. 
 XII. The Committoo on Poor shall have charge of all matters relatin- 
 the support of the Poor under existing Statutes, or such as may bo 
 enacted and shall examine, call for, and report t^ the Council upon 
 accounts statistics and requirements from Overseers of Poor in each Dis- 
 trict, and such other matters as may be referred to them by the Council 
 |i ' 
 T. The election of County Officers shall be by ballot. 
 The Wahden. 
 II. The Warden shall have the power to call upon a Coiuniitteo to be 
 nominated by him, and meet at any time, ta whom can be referred any 
 matters of emergency. 
 III. ■ The Warden shall take charge of the Bonds of the Clerk and 
 Treasurer, the same to be handed over to the keeping of each succeeding 
 Warden of the Municipality. 
 The County Clerk. 
 Shall perform all duuies heretofore devolving on the Clerk of the Peace, 
 in addition to those named in Sections 35 and 36 of the County Incor- 
 poration Act, together with all duties required of him by the Bye-Laws 
 and Regulations of tne Council. He shall give a Bond for One Thousand 
 Dollars, approved by the Council. 
 I. Shall perform all the duties contained in Section 37 and other 
 clauses of the County Incorporation Act, and all other duties required by 
 Statute or the Bye-Laws and Eesolutions of the Council. The Bonds to be 
 given by him shall be Eight Thousand Dollars, and be approved by the 
 II. He shall deposit all monies belonging to this Corporation regularly 
 in such bank as ihe Council shall designate, in the name of the Munici- 
 pality, the same to be drawn and applied to the payment of the accounts 
 thereof, as authorized by law or the Council. 
 IIL Until otherwise ordered, the said place of deposit and withdrawal 
 ehall be the Halifax Banking Company. 
 IV. He shall, at each Annual Meeting of the Council in January, 
 present a full statement of the receipts and disbursements for the County 
 for the fiscal year ending 31st December, and a copy of the same shall be 
 furnished to each Councillor. 
 y. The Treasurer shall be County Clerk of License, and fulfill the 
 duties of that office as required by Law and the Council. 
 County Auditors. 
 Two Auditors shall be appointed yearly, at the Annual Session in Janu- 
 ary, who shall carefully examine, audit, and report upon the Accounts, 
 Books, and Vouchers of tho County Treasurer, as required, and report any 
 errors, objections to, or informalities in the same, or in any accounts 
 rendered against the County or referred to them by the Council specially. 
 They shall initial or sign and mark as " audited'' any Bills, Accounts, or 
 Claims found correct. On or before the 31st December they shall audit 
 the yearly Accounts, and have the same passed, so that a synopsis of said 
 Accounts may be presented to the Council with their Report thereon on 
 the first day ot meeting in January thereafter. 
 The Auditors shall receive for cheir services as above such sum not ex- 
 ceeding Twenty Dollars each per year, as the Council may vote. 
 I. The form of Statute Labor Returns shall be as now existing, with 
 such slight alterations as may be necessary ; such alterations to bo made by 
 the County Clerk as are suggested by the Committee on Roads and Bridges. 
 II. All accounts shall be on printed forms, furnished by the Clerk of 
 the Council, 
 in the following heading : 
 The Municipality of Halifax County, Dr. 
 III. Current or casual accounts shall bo in duplicate, and shall be 
 rendered to the Clerk not later than 80th December, and will be paid by the 
 Treasurer when audited and as the Council may direct. 
 IV. The County Clerk shall have printed and keep on hand for the 
 usu of the Municipality a sufficient number of blank forms required for the 
 several services. 
 V. Such fees or claims as are by any Statute payable on presei.'ation, 
 or at a stated time, must be accompanied by the prescribed legal older, 
 certificate or warrant. 
 Certificates of lunacy and for medical evidence at inquests must be 
 rendered on the date of service, duly vouched, as the Statutes require. 
 Assessors of Poor and County Rates. 
 I. Between the first da}' of February and the first day of March in 
 each year the Assessors appointed by the Municipal Council for each Dis- 
 trict shall proceed to ascertain by diligent inquiry the n&mes of all taxable 
 property within the said District, its extent, amount and nature. They 
 shall then fill in the names of all ratepayers and the value of each kind of 
 property in the proper columns of the Assessment Roll, in accordance 
 with Chapter 24 Acts of 1862, and forward the Roll, after signing, certi- 
 fying, and dating it, to the District Councillor not later than the 10th day 
 of March, who shall forthwith send or deliver it to the County Clerk. 
 shalUIolit!/?n St °! ^"'°° i"" "^ ™^^^°S "P ^^'^ Rolls, the Assessoia 
 her i!? n e^c^V^^tepoyor therein a notice of their valuition of his or 
 hei real and personal estate. Such notices shall be supplied by the Coun?v 
 Ck and .ties aggrieved or objecting shall, .ithin^lS days^ nd to tl I 
 n. t d t .1l P "' ""!?" '"^'^ "^ '^'' ^'■^1'^^ «f "i^i-- P^oP^^'tv to be sub- 
 netted tu the Committee on Assessments for their action. 
 Assessment Eolls. 
 hanJ!d tyTTth^^f"' '' T"" '' r''''^ ^^ ^^'^ Councillor, shall be 
 or^u ' rs,^;;'?^ p",^''P'^'"' therewith, to the Eevisors, Assessors. Colloct- 
 ois, Us LLcci. of Iligluvays, or Presiding Officer, as the case may be. 
 and^f'oli;^ . r^'^'T ^n,^' "''"'"^'^ °' ^""^'"-^ ^^ ^'^'^ bounty shall be levied 
 Ckrl ti« r" '•i^^'^^'^'-^^' ^^ '^ '^'' '''''' «f 1862 as amended, an Se 
 q^ d f U cTjfnni'^ ""^^"'^'^ '^''^^ f^l'i^ ^" the duties ' 
 3 and t in sn- ^ a ^ ' J oaco excepting those contained in Sections 1, 2, 
 tione!in7Ill'^'?'T'''^-^'', ^''°' '"h^" ^'° ^ I>i«t"ct rate equally appor- 
 tioned on the valuations in the i ounty Assessment lloll for the year.^ 
 MeeUn.oftl?rm;n*^M' ^' "V^ ^'' ^^^'^ '^'^^ '^° ^'^^^^ '^ t^e Annual 
 CoLLFcroa of County and Poor Rates. 
 - .^>.v., v.. luv.^ aiiu rorwarci to tlie Uounty Treasurer The Roll 
 Ije ivturned to the County Clerk not later than'the last dly of Octoboi 
 aefa^iteiwull,!;!^?' ^'"? "T"^^ ^^'' ^''^^''^'' '^'^^ '"'^^e up a list of 
 RemiL f?"" ^'^'t"''«'"g t>'« I^«ll the Collector shall etnto in the column of 
 Remarks the reasons why rates then uncollected have not been pa?d 
 the Poor I'all'brn1."?T'^ *? ^'' •^'"'^ °" ^''^ ^^'^^''^t for the support of 
 ou'h t ' 'IVo.^ "'*'^?-^ ■''''' ''''' t" t'"' ^^^rseers of tl o Poor 
 SsS er "'■' ""'^ ^"' •"''^'-''1'' ^'^^''^f"'- «^'"t °r handed to County 
 V. liefore receiving tlie Roll for collection ovorv CoH 
 octor of 
 County and Poor Eates shall give Bonds with two Sureties, to be approved 
 by tho Councilor of the District, in a sum equal to double the amount of 
 monies to be collected by him. 
 Z]'a ^"l""' ^l^^^^\^^ond to be furnished by the Clerk of the County 
 and filed in his office when completed. ^ 
 OvERSEEtia OF Toon. 
 I. It shall be the duty of tho Overseers of the Poor to notify tho 
 Councillor of the District of the amount, if any, required for tlioir re- 
 spectiveDistrict. and to carry out tho Statutes relating to the Poor, as 
 modified by tho County Incorporation Act. 
 II. The Overseers of tho Poor -^HU appoint one of their number to 
 Ilnf In r''"''' V'^ }-'u'''^' ''^' '^''^y '^ «'^"11 ^^« to receive and pay 
 out all monies They shall annually, on the 31st of December, forward a 
 statement of fi^nances to the Councillor of the District, together with a re- 
 port ot proceedings statistics and requirements of their Poor, to be laid 
 before the Council in January. 
 III. Bonds shall bo given by tho Overseers of tho Poor, or their 
 lieasurer wi.h two Sureties in a sum equal to double the amount of money 
 hv ft ri I 'flT n "* I''"'' ^'"°^' ' ^'^""•'^ "f «^*'l ^'^"^1« to b, furnished 
 by the Clerk of he County, and filed with him when executed, approved 
 by tho District Councillor. ' i i " " 
 IV. Thei 
 leir Treasurer shall pay out of the Assessment collected the 
 allowed the Collector, aud give him a receipt for all sums re 
 Health Officers. 
 frJ^ '^""^^ ^'^ ^ •''■'' '^"*^' ^^ ^''''"""^ the landing of any person or persons 
 [^ in?° H '''"^ eontagious dtseases on board ; alHo! to prevent tl>e de- 
 OM ingof thecircassesot dead animals in any of the lakes or rivers of 
 tlie J)istnct,or any other practices injurious to the health. 
 «l,.,ll'h„"'L.''"?' ""''f' ,'""^'7'}^' •?'' ^I'ngorous dog within tho Municipality 
 a Ln t '^ T' n"""^''^ ^'^ ^'"^ "^^"^'•' '^"'^ "«t be permitted to go 
 Uus rSgulatio;;.""^'"' •^''"" ''' " '^""''^^ °' ''''' ^^^"'"'^ ^'^^^ ^-'^"^ ^^ 
 II. If any dog shall unprovoked, bito or attack any person or any cat- 
 tle or sheep the owner shall pay a penalty of four Dollars. 
 III. Should auy p.,rsou keep niOfc th.-ia one dog, a tax of one dollar 
 owner. In case of refusal Vn "! /u / , ""^^ ^°^ ^^0^ Rates by the 
 «an.e before any Justice of ,e p'eYc Tf' '^ ^^'^^i^'^^'^^ '''''' «"° f'^'' ^l' 
 paid to the Counlv TreasVirpr \Tj ^^^? ^'•^' '^^«^ collected, shall be 
 eame is collected. ^ ^reasuier, and cred-.ed to the District in ^hich the 
 Stud Horses, Bulls, &c. 
 to go at la'ge"in 'thrCoJnty'of Hallfox^^^ ^''''* °' ^"'^'''' '^''" ^« ^^^^^^^ 
 - tJLyrf^r'goL^rrj^f Z' ^'"^ '?""' ^'^"«' «--' ^«.-. geese. 
 '«g regulations, shall Ve S for T^ '° ^'' ^" ^^"^^^"^^ ^^ th'e fc^rego" 
 ^'^- : ''"'^'' ^"' ^^'-'^7 oflence, to the following fines- 
 For each and e.ery Stud Horse ,,,, 
 " T"'W ■.■.•.■.-.■.■.•.•.•.•.■.•.•.■.•.•.■.•.•/oS 
 not le.. II.™ t„ dolWa, not oJceLtaTSSrdon™.''" ""J"' '° " ''"'' °' 
 ownl e^'ltrini^^f irl;rli^iTrst1l "-^ ^--^-^-p-. - ca. the 
 m.poundin..assoou as „mSle InH ;f .f-'V^° °''^*^^ ^^^^^^e «f such 
 he owner of said anima £ i.^'rechi n Tn "" ^^''^ '^^^^^ -"er said notice, 
 foituro incurred, ror if the owni,' "'"'^ '"""^^^ ^^''-^^J pay the for- 
 Pounding of the Sli a Z V rdTorX (^ "'''^,'? '? '^^'■^''^ '^^'^ «"«'^ i""" 
 >S8U0 an order for the s;lo at auction of s-.h """'^r ^'\ ^'" ^^•«^"'^' '^^'^^ 
 ba anco, if any, after dediLt u , Ih« l^r f "V"'^' ''"^ ^" «"°^ case the 
 paid to the owier, if a- S i^r Ihh ^?^ ""'' '^^'''''' "^ «»'«' «'^^" l>« 
 •f not so applied for shal/ gi' tt ^^f o? ttTSlnl^r ''' '' ''''' ""' 
 I;or notices when given 
 Keeper unlocking pound ^^'^^ 
 Koeper releasing the nnimai:;;;;;"; ^f^ 
 i'or providing proven.ler for the animafw'hil* "in'ih^ 
 Kul^'ltKe" ''T '' «^^^-''^»^'- Invited 
 ^'a utoH, 4th Series ; also expense of advertising. 
 suei.g therefor be£ro azfy Justice S tie Peace """"'''''^ '^ ^"^ ?-««« 
 ^^^^^''^^^^^^^^^ --in any River 
 Shear-dan/s, Sluice/ booLnr^f:. 1^ *"'°' "°^ ^'^^'^^ of such Rivers 
 vate properly wfu be p even ed u^^ damage ^p.' 
 oftence. Said fines amFdam.fs to h« ' ^''"'''^, "f '^^^ Dollars for eaci 
 Peace in the County, on tfct?o?on: Siirtit'^ST ' '''''''' °^ ''^ 
 amounlorvaluoofeuohmanur'o Tr.^S'^ ! ■ ']"'"'"' ''"We to the full 
 dCa. f„ each .„a =ve,rS:;;ri^Svr/„r„S '""' 
 gJo^eiCprJIJi^L toiS^^^^^ other noxious weeds to 
 of «2 for everjS offence anS the Srs e^o^i^ ^""1f',f *■»" P^^ « «"« 
 \Urden8.and enforce and direct the dol„ J °/^ " '°^ "' ^''"''^^ 
 action to recover the penalty destruction of these weeds, or take 
 County ii;Zrt:i'nt^yrs:;rs -^h th. 
 collected, to be used for the benefit Jf Lil' ? u^°^ the District in which 
 expenses the County .ay harSlTuthtlltl'^^^ ^'^'^"'^""^ -^ 
 All Traders, HaM'kers, and Auctiouoora of Geods, uot being Rate-Pavers 
 v^ithm this Province slml, before prosecuting their business in I s V ini 
 cipa hty, be required to take out a License therefor, and such Trade ^^Sd 
 Auctioneers, or Hawkers olfering Goods For Sale within the Munich 1 tv 
 without having procured the necessary License, shall be liable to a Pen & 
 ^^T,^,^'""^^ P*^^'"''^; ^% ^° i-ocovored and applied according to Law ^ 
 TheFeeior such License not to exceed $r,0.00 per Annuni,"aml tho 
 Clerk of License, on payment of said Foe, shall issue the same. 
 'peddlers AN]) AUCTIONEERS. 
 All Peddlers and Auctioneers being Rate Payers within the Province 
 shal bo required te obtain a License before prosecuting their Business as 
 such Iradcrs and Auctioneers within the ^runieipality. 
 r ,/?Sp° ^r'"" '!''" «' ""'^^''•^.^^"^l to include sales by authority of the 
 Court ot Probate, or by ofhcers acting under authority of law. 
 The fee for peddling shall not exceed $20.00 per annum nn.l for 
 perannum! ""^ """^ ratepayers, $12.00 per annum, otherwis; S40.0(5 
 "^r^ 'cMnnn''i°^f"° ^'''' 'i'^^SuIation shall bo liable to a penaltv not 
 exceeding *20.00, to be recovered and ni)plied according to law. 
 L The License duties and special fines and fees collected in each Dis- 
 rict shall be expended on he Roads and ]5ridges. The person expending 
 the same shall bo appointed by tho District Councillor, and render an account 
 under oath accompanied by the cortiiicato of said Councillor that the amount 
 ha. been satisfactorily laid out for tho benefit of the Roads and Brid-es • 
 and the Ireasurer is thereby authorized to pay said accounts to the extent 
 of the amount at credit of tho District, on tho warrant of the Clerk, ' 
 II. All commutatians receivo.l by Overseers of Roads shall be expended 
 under public c«mpe tition and by direction of said Overseers. The Statute 
 Labor in tho Disirict shall bo performed not later than l.'th Sjntember in 
 each and every year. * 
 IIL The Councillor of each District shall receive from tho County 
 Clerk a copy of the Assessment Roll for tho year and notices for tho Over- 
 seers of istatuto Labor to attend at a stated time and place to be sworn in 
 and copy their lists of ratepayers in their several sections. 
 1. ^I' .THo Statute Labor returns, carefully and correctly made up, shall 
 bo submitted to he Councillors <or approval or correction and forwarded 
 to tlio County Clerk as soon as the labor is norformed in tho sections, and 
 not later tlian 1st Decombor. ' 
 Point Pleasant, Halifax. 
 Sheet Harbor. 
 Ship Harbor. 
 Shan- ,. ,.,,„to., „. pa,,„„ 3uch s™' ',■:''.£ Sl:! stlftia'"''- "'■'"' 
 bo/ofUt:"*„T:n/:s'ro';,f:;'d'''."" "■■"? ''■-" » -«-■=>■' ..™.- 
 P'OKily floored, for ;i,eoon™Srl''r;-''' "'t™" ""'' "> S""'' or^lo , 
 loaded and nnloaJoil, oalUc, fc l>»«™S«ra, horses, cairfas™, io„„„; 
 IV. Each Licouscii Ferrvnijiit clinll , ,. ■ i i . 
 coip^ofthe J3,o.Lav,s, Fares SLa;;:;'^/''"^^^^^ "?^ "^ I-'^^cl 
 and show tlie same to any i asseun^^^v Jhn „ ° '•'"°^' "^f' shall nxhibit 
 •such E3C-I-V., Fares, anLop; of ,; 'nw'TlJr^"';;'' 'V ■^"^' '^'"^'^^ '"^'^ 
 some conspicuous part of his boat. "^^ '"''''^ "'' ''"'^g »P iu 
 u„u, .d „o K.„,..oa. shin h::zroTriL°"'"j:--';,£- 
 Lid';, 'K«o4f„:"sUrScT':n>; '^fi/,^^ """■ ^ '— i "f a.v 
 8.-anlcd by order of he H'a.don ,m1,3 ,1 .i"""'' °l' ""I » ■"-■»■ I.iceu™ 
 the nexl meeting, ' '""•''"=' '" "'« aiiproval of tho ( -oimcil « 
 VII. Eacli Ltceused Ferrvinnn slnli i^.. i- 1 1 
 negligence, nnsconduct, or omiSn o h s as^^S'^l""'/^'^^"'^''^'''^ '-' ^''e 
 in and about such Ferry. as?i!>tauts and servants employed 
 linnt; of thrM,nl;:l Xl^rlL'loJa!:'""^^ ^r™" "•'•«'- 'h» 
 and no greater ;— ' """"'"S ■""•ic™ the (olloiving fares, 
 Sheet Harbor-For every passenger 
 Point Pleasant to"r„rce'lVs Co™' ""°"°° "'^^^'^'■'■■^i^ "■■"- 
 Sh.p IIurlor-For every foot pasMngOT I " 
 And for any other Ferries the ,«L proporUon! ' " 
 a logger J> .^^^^^^'^ ;^^^" ^' ^^ f°^°« ^^^ one year, but my h?s^mM for 
 Any and all Bye-Laws, Regulations, and Modes of ProPfirlnro ^f n, i * 
 Court of Quarter Sessions conflicting 'with thri^ye Slf h/ ^ 
 Council are hereby declared and rendered null and void. ^ 